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Historical Use Of Veto

United Arab Emirates stands before this distinguished assembly to

speak on the motion regarding the historical use of veto within the
united nations
Since the inception of the United Nations the veto power has been
excercised over 300 times after the soviet union used it for the first
time in 1946. Regrettably the records revealed that this privilege has
at times been employed in ways that have halted the UN from taking
actions in crisis such as genocides.
For instance between the years 1970 and 2021 the veto was was cast
several times concerning resolutions related to Israel and palestine
leading to prolonged suffering and instability in the region.
UAE as a proponent of fairness and equity in international affairs
believes that examining the historical use of the veto is imperative. We
must assess how this power has been employed both to prevent
conflicts and to hinder decisive actions when necessary.
Veto Override
Honourable chair distinguished delegates

United Arab Emirates stands firmly behind the mechanism we believe

it is essential to uphold the principles of fairness justice and
multilateralism within the UN. the veto while intended to preserve
international peace should not become a barrier to timely and vital
An override mechanism based on consequences or a super majority
can rectify instances where the General ASembly’s paralysis
jeopardizes global stability It ensures that no single nation’s interests
supersede the collective welfare
UAE calls n member states to reccognizee the urgency of this
proposal let us embrace a more accountable and responsive UN
system where the will of the majority prevails justice is served and the
permanent 5 countries don’t use the veto power only for their welfare
Thank you
1. Motion to investigate veto misuse
2. motion for veto override mechanism
3. motion on extensive use of veto
4. motion on historical use of veto
5. motion for veto transparency
From the perspective of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the
misuse of veto powers in the UN Security Council is a matter
of significant concern, particularly when it directly impacts
our region and global peace.

1. **Syrian Conflict and Chemical Weapons:** The UAE is

troubled by Russia's repetitive use of veto to block
resolutions addressing the Syrian conflict and the use of
chemical weapons. Such actions prolong the suffering in
Syria and impede accountability for grave crimes.

2. **Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:** We recognize the need for a

fair solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At times, the
United States has used its veto to protect Israeli interests,
which can hinder peace efforts and undermine the rights of

3. **UAE's Experience:** We've also faced diplomatic

challenges where UNSC veto power has been misused,
affecting regional stability. This underscores the urgency for
UNSC reform to prevent veto misuse and ensure a just
international system.

In conclusion, the UAE calls for UNSC reform to prevent veto

misuse and align actions with the UN's principles, promoting
global peace and stability.
Extensive Use of veto power
Honorable chair Distinguished Delegates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands before this esteemed

UNGA committee with deep concern regarding the extensive use
of veto power within the UN Security Council (UNSC). The veto, a
tool designed to maintain international peace and security, is too
often employed in ways that hinder progress and perpetuate
global challenges.

We witness, with growing apprehension, instances where veto

powers are wielded to protect national interests, even when it
comes at the expense of the broader global good. In particular,
we have seen prolonged conflicts and humanitarian crises due to
the misuse of veto, as well as missed opportunities for vital
resolutions to address pressing issues.

The UAE firmly believes that the time has come for us to
collectively address this issue and reform the UNSC to better
reflect the realities of our world today. We advocate for increased
transparency, accountability, and measures to prevent the misuse
of veto power, ensuring that it aligns with the fundamental
principles of the United Nations.

In conclusion, the UAE calls upon all member states to join us in

addressing this critical matter. Let us work together to restore the
credibility and effectiveness of the UNSC and ensure that it truly
serves the interests of global peace and security.

Thank you.
Investigation of misuse of veto
Ladies and gentlemen,

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is deeply committed to the

principles of the United Nations and the crucial role played by the
UN Security Council (UNSC) in maintaining international peace
and security. Today, we address a matter of utmost concern — the
misuse of veto powers within the UNSC.

We observe with great concern that the veto, a tool designed to

prevent hasty decisions, has, at times, been used for political
interests rather than the common good. This misuse has hindered
the Council's ability to respond effectively to crises and conflicts,
leading to prolonged suffering and instability.

In light of these challenges, the UAE proposes the establishment

of an impartial and transparent investigative mechanism to
address instances of veto misuse. Such a mechanism should
ensure accountability and promote responsible use of this
privilege. This is not just about reform; it's about upholding the
core principles upon which the UN was founded.

We call upon all member states to support this motion,

irrespective of their position in the UNSC, as it is in the collective
interest of the international community to strengthen the UNSC's
credibility and ensure it serves the noble cause of global peace
and security.

Thank you.
Motion For Veto Transparency
Ladies and gentlemen,

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands before this esteemed

UNGA committee to address a critical issue — the call for
enhanced veto transparency within the UN Security Council

The UAE firmly believes that transparency is fundamental to the

credibility of the UNSC, an organ tasked with maintaining global
peace and security. We propose measures that shed light on the
use of the veto power, ensuring it aligns with the principles and
objectives of the United Nations.

Transparency in veto usage will enable greater understanding of

the motivations behind each veto cast. It will help distinguish
between responsible use and misuse of this power, and promote
accountability for the decisions made. This, in turn, will foster
greater trust among member states and enhance the
effectiveness of the UNSC.

In conclusion, the UAE urges all member states to support this

motion for veto transparency. Let us work together to strengthen
the credibility of the UNSC, ensuring it serves as a beacon of
international cooperation and peace, reflecting the values
enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

Thank you.
Russia has used its veto power in the UN Security Council the
most frequently since 1992, followed by the United States and
China². Russia has used its veto power to support India over the
Kashmir issue¹. In 2017, Russia cast five vetoes, all against
resolutions aimed at resolving the war in Syria and the use of
chemical weapons³

The United States has used its veto power in the UN Security
Council more than any other permanent member since 1970,
most frequently to block decisions that it regards as detrimental to
the interests of Israel⁴
### Introduction:

- **Country:** United Arab Emirates (UAE)

- **Committee:** United Nations General Assembly
- **Topic:** Removal of Veto Powers from the P5

### Key Points of UAE's Position:

1. **Support for Reform:**

- The UAE is a strong advocate for the reform of the
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to better reflect
contemporary global realities.
- We believe that the UNSC should evolve to be more
inclusive, democratic, and representative of the diverse
voices in the international community.

2. **Misuse of Veto Powers:**

- The UAE acknowledges that the veto power was
originally established to ensure responsible
- However, we are deeply concerned about the repeated
misuse of this power, particularly by some of the P5
countries, which has hindered the UNSC's ability to
address pressing global issues.

3. **Transparency and Accountability:**

- The UAE strongly supports measures to enhance
transparency and accountability in the UNSC.
- We believe that the use of the veto power should be
subject to scrutiny and should align with the principles and
objectives of the United Nations.

4. **Gradual Transition:**
- The UAE recognizes that any potential reform
regarding the removal of veto powers from the P5
countries would require a careful and gradual transition.
- We emphasize the importance of negotiations and
consensus-building among member states to achieve a
fair and equitable reform process.

5. **Alternative Proposals:**
- The UAE encourages the exploration of alternative
proposals, such as limiting the use of the veto power in
specific situations, rather than its complete removal.
- We believe that creative solutions can be found to
balance the interests of all member states.

### Suggested Speaking Points:

- The UAE supports the expansion of the UNSC
membership to reflect the contemporary geopolitical
- We propose measures to ensure that the UNSC operates
more transparently, with a focus on accountability.
- We emphasize the importance of diplomacy and
consensus-building in achieving meaningful reform.
- The UAE seeks a UNSC that effectively addresses global
challenges while respecting the interests and sovereignty
of all member states.

### Potential Challenges and Counterarguments:

- Some member states may argue that the veto power is

essential to safeguard their national interests and security.
- Others may contend that complete removal of veto
powers is unrealistic and that limited reforms are more
- Be prepared to address concerns about the potential
impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the UNSC
without the veto power.

### Conclusion:

- The UAE is committed to contributing constructively to

the discussion on the removal of veto powers from the P5
- We believe that a more inclusive and accountable UNSC
will better serve the interests of peace, security, and
justice in the world.
1. **Gradual Transition Period:**
- Suggest a gradual transition period during which the
P5 countries would progressively relinquish their veto
- This transition could occur over a set number of years,
allowing for a smooth adjustment to the new UNSC

2. **Limited Veto Use:**

- Propose restrictions on the use of the veto power in
specific situations.
- For example, limit its use in cases involving mass
atrocities, genocide, or humanitarian crises, ensuring that
the veto cannot be used to obstruct the UNSC's response
to such critical issues.

3. **Binding Code of Conduct:**

- Advocate for the establishment of a binding code of
conduct for UNSC members, including the P5, regarding
the use of the veto.
- This code of conduct could define the circumstances
under which the veto can and cannot be employed,
promoting responsible usage.

4. **Enhanced Transparency:**
- Call for increased transparency in the UNSC
decision-making process.
- Suggest that veto decisions be made public, allowing
member states and the international community to
understand the reasons behind each veto.

5. **Expansion of UNSC Membership:**

- Support the expansion of the UNSC's permanent and
non-permanent membership to include more countries that
reflect the current global geopolitical landscape.
- This could make the UNSC more representative and
mitigate the concentration of power.

6. **Strengthen Regional Organizations:**

- Encourage the strengthening of regional organizations'
roles in conflict resolution and peacekeeping.
- Regional organizations can play a complementary role
to the UNSC, reducing its workload and dependence on
the veto power.

7. **Multilateral Diplomacy:**
- Promote increased multilateral diplomacy and
cooperation among member states.
- Emphasize the importance of consensus-building and
peaceful negotiation to address global challenges,
reducing the reliance on veto power.

8. **Review Mechanism:**
- Propose the creation of an impartial review mechanism
to assess and address instances of veto misuse.
- This mechanism could recommend appropriate actions
against those found to have misused the veto.

9. **Public Accountability:**
- Advocate for greater public accountability of UNSC
decisions, including the use of the veto.
- Engaging the global public in understanding and
scrutinizing UNSC actions can foster responsible

10. **Ongoing Evaluation:**

- Suggest periodic reviews of the veto power's
effectiveness and its impact on global peace and security.
- These reviews could assess whether the reforms in
place are achieving the desired outcomes.

Honorable Chair, Distinguished Delegates,

The United Arab Emirates stands before this esteemed assembly

today to address the pressing issue of veto powers wielded by
the P5 nations within the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC). We firmly believe that the time has come to reevaluate
the use of veto power, which has at times hindered the UN's
ability to act in the interest of global peace and justice.

The UAE contends that the veto power, initially intended to

maintain stability, has been misused by the P5 countries. Its
frequent exercise has led to deadlock and inaction, thereby
undermining the core principles of the United Nations. We
propose a thoughtful discussion on the removal of veto powers
from the P5, with the aim of creating a more equitable and
effective international body.

By addressing the misuse of veto powers, we can ensure that

decisions within the UNSC are guided by a genuine commitment
to global security, free from the influence of a select few. This will
strengthen the United Nations and reaffirm its relevance in an
ever-changing world.

In conclusion, the UAE calls upon this assembly to consider this

motion seriously, as it pertains to the very essence of the United
Nations' mission. Let us work collectively to reform and revitalize
this institution, ensuring a brighter and more just future for all

Thank you, Honorable Chair.

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