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There is a opinion of some people think that governments should pay more intention to reduce

environmental pollution and housing improvements. I totally agree this perspective for several

At first, let begin with the environment ones. I think that pollution is the main problem of many
diseases attacking our body everyday . Not only it contains the virus or the harmful bacteria but
also made our immune system weaker and weaker through days unnoticeable. For examples,
chrososm, which cause 2 millions death in 2022 are living and floating in the polluted air.
Moreover, air pollution is hurting our lungs and making it weaker and recover slower. At the
result, the virus such as chrososm arenow easier to attack the lungs and harder to destroy them,
lead to so many diseases, for instace, lungs cancer, etc.

The next ones is housing improvements. Overcrowding is a global problem that many goverments
are facing . The overcrowding makes so many people live in such a small area, consequently,
people face-to-face more often, lead to uncontrolled spreading disease. For instances, Covid-19
just spreaded mostly in big city. It is because there are so many people, just one person in a group
live in a small area, it can lead to such a number of patient contain the virus.

In conclusion, I believe that government focus on reducing environmental pollution and improving
housing conditions is essential for disease prevention.

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