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ANXETY efenae Mechannwrms

t s delenas mechanium in uohich Legical cnser
gtien to juatily behawiousI that motilacod by
ucencisu instincthual impulaus. t is an attoptE
to find casens fo behanios

Semeenme uhe did not gat premotisw ot usiR

might say thy didn't oant proTnotue ayun.

2 Denial-
Rokuaal to accopt facts tutu R sealit
bleckextenal eNenks om mind so thhoy den't
haeto dool uith emetuenal impact -aNEid
painful feelungs o eent

Rauo to face the doat a lened ona.

When ue dupnos paiotu mLn0u thougit,

wdsaisala idaas and umpulsts ase blocked
Eg: A young child fogdd bung biten by hutt
dovelopa a Phebia e doga as ha gets eldas.
TCLOua ehoKing to bleck tdoas o
hat a s Lndesinablo a

Laae h o t
4 uke a masAied man but o0o

So you supre this

pacthioly it i not pessible
5 Doploacemerd teocudb
emotioN8 and Arustatio NS
DiRcng erong
a Cubstittte objct.

Semeene hs i fruatatad b4 kis /hen bes at

hemL and ghott

at spoua
woRk nuaH q9
hecauuoe it is lu problematic
SAOAckinq to o 4 bas.

6Paojection - haue akbeut

ome hsughu &eelungs eu undemiD-Wl
wu mo ake qel

dxaiRe hatt
A wik atacted o a male co weabar aut
n't admit has fealing,so whan haa. hiusband
talka absut a female co - wotkaa ,che becSmas

Jealous and aceuAR hiso o lminq attsated. to

otheu w0maD

follewes of Nes Feudan
Bokn in
Kossui lusitzerland in 186.
Re potayed wemen ag dasbnoyeuL and
cleminatLs as wel as protttsag and as
nsaliala and o t t o he trusted.
uual Reoy RLenaliy
a t i cemplex, setiuic and weud and uin
Man AOspets GbAocuwme

Aranment IL
CReist 2 ExpRain 8 Doenae MachounsmdWa}e
examplas fo each ros beok3 2 mov chasiatex
21nd Octeloo. PPT 20dM
(Cive suekiencas)

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