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ee | EPITOME tas, EPITOME IAS aneminosunu iis, ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-1) 2023 CSMANT2IPIO1 NAME = : Hpatafite Ayan ae PH.NO TIME: 3 Hr Max. Marks ~ 250 Date: Q.NO Obtained 1 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ‘There are 8 questions divided in 2 sections Candidate has to attempt 5 questions in all * Questions no.1 and S are compulsory and ‘out of the remaining, any THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE, ‘question from each section. Answers must be written in the medium authorized Word limit in questions wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off attempt of @ question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the QCA booklet must be clearly struck off. ele lols |e lele lee la lel |e ele |e jel e fale ele le lols |n o|e | = cae i cen TD he Pn 2% ANTHROGURU «tlt Write n ‘ote on the following in about 150 words each: ae Paleo seremis ib a brane df fimetics amd tz Abnky of fovedly cma! Me Mas beet we 8 pein ey hmm Bee a ty a do wecbetn Wame AP MM eb hens Recaro Pee eg wet he ay 4, fase Bee deeyatyss «dant Wear 10h Pec ee ee ANTHROGURU «it! SB Recoml fares, dties 4 Demuevans , | eoienmase Nowra Heels ond dt DNA presen —wxS a [Sane ANTHROGURU «th 5) Cultural relativism and uniform civil code Contideee ee coker CEU Calabigen ino ane then jidms proprsed bay Foamy. awe fg eosl Fie, pledirant Elemento, Yeivs A Mae Wistert sreely ere se, Farce we gerd or bad wong A ae trey are Begiticias bern itera Bese hint cain BA audeak wig ok, | ge Ee Cee | Code 00 errslarre! ula 4y 4 oe drdaan Consnivhim (DPSP Pat TP), rowerce, loath stem to hee a conte dicrm eae het elialon ot fect, ar ey boa Le kao 3 ANTHROGURU «ttt Sgr] dimer bns Manne ahviteme, es Heh fin pores (sntratidhim fo cultural vlan « we Myth unaes Renee pent mualilation vw Adah stati, free fy PRs demas or Apion nation dure fo wliral toloology . held hes ec apd up quer becmune Hay de rok toteafine, vs persone mallow of Ay nation Here, We Aebale belwern wives — gliinw ond pelobavirim i meh new | Gh bo getig mm aur UN gee (us Bacon ve beet lute Malle Gethin |) Harter Teh prreple Ce aE hue ur ge posn Some perqle ra mana Reunt examples ~ Ong High we baum Candidates must not ‘write on this margin ANTHROGURU «11 ©) Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping. Shetdisn's mero 4, Ea war based om pices ay ae Bit dove Wivide, human. womato type me! . plese S oc Win bore * Varlahims im ale endo . o eS tee teatler WLAO oe . ee AC ALLA Ae oltay Bee leaden () bxdome Nae ge ane vourdness ar B bad fer 4p : : fea) — Pook fob gh» eter powrd —* = Orne keane cnt ear earseialy _Mealaine ANTHROGURU «ttt = mals yrod_tpeds players © vresmeorpls - eb nalts BCH ie peas oo laa {i mmr ety 9 PAE fmt medial body hype pouble = oo dove by Meat flee Ce ea cee magi comarone somali Map) Ante sek Coty ome schert) tye boys talien) tes must ANTHROGURU «1th, ——— aun 9) Ethnolinguisties ANTHROGURU «tk He apie, verge Oud Mellen ply te Ge they > Neuaiy ype’, Prtremee I Werntils | Crow phuord [evanalingaihes] ~ Man brought Dire faive ard Asie DASE ‘from each type. on arkejod pee anc whew aes ae tare eaters OT a ae helps Late A fo ta wisbely Ce Bor tet on Pe ad ie to _ down) mites ae coe haheg pence Ar — ee eae ‘ae bkeohigenf @ = & tute Dating methods. Explain one dating method 15M MWe bere A Candidates mst not ‘write om this margin anrunoounatit wth by dying —— e ~ Jen, Boal sae - | ate “ gee 0D ANE OS yo 4 95 sag oye SSI joe wee pacomg OY ener ones owewer, ose _acuntr ruled meee a Aly ees title, arteye’ wiln cence Bese erivdlinee i ie aetna Candidates mast not ite on this margin ANTHROGURUsii4 ©) Discusd the theory of “Structuralism’™ propounded by Claude Levi Strauss? 15 M Chanede | lent Strauk atnded ulbus amd found thar Mere is _vvavertatity Ue windeel — ALnots dats This pepvi Beolhy (gs Ea ssl? lor pbx pchueeg en unre vanta fn saa ind Ls Syiuuouralaee Acracl tales role pow Hermenttre’ , wore i Ferdanent a bane , jee aalkuacs very wide = Methodology J- $n Ws Sehemten— tole | |, culture to hae umcbastors: oe dada ay mid. Candidates must not write on this marin epee ANTHROGURU-iWt4 pre pee varh the | fs whew ue: eq oon load but draty ek. (on - Peels iy omnes F | Wie worsbapped Mews dually PUG iene ie i ADyduretd om Ba os Un van vert hehe - Min drnred arvored plonsmeu , syrdan, luton, Ao wb wlan vo varus | | Seca ANTHROGURU.«lt [Godan] sata chy 4 stan tere vey we centre vis, bo peal U as aw thm a oer ieee) > bile am ernie prspechine. dh HL Come) Jowtre ew} wowenes, War Atheeed by 3 Manin Kans - vaguating _(uoelietin eon Hef oe alt + Be modemuly — Tea Vain fp sate ann tonne , Whe hry by Shrars Arcens wing Mand cline fy abs pelah vuke approacd. yet harmcainy Kee universal] ‘Candidates musi not ‘write on tis margin ANTHROGURU Ali — a eS SECTION-B QS. Write note on the following in about 150 words each: ) Genealogical Method 10*5 = 50 era ANTHROGURU.««!h ax [epplications | — (D cam Wetp peaple plamnuy train manciege ond fei panne @ Wow they om pascal ec a decane - D teprespecree and fy i wenaty i ip aud euliryernDonw expen noe Prwurte - 52s Lal muted) woe tate Lenn eae ee icsinse, fh DANS Dh as manpritamk re fel re phen amc eveluhin dp man b) Age at Menopause ed Rifriiny to coum 4 entile in Boe ee eae Pee tea, Hild bearny §— Og phic “rally slainis Meta Fain no aketed ales ‘Tia = bin hy Hern © Nedipie sey ta, (Qenebce) - wuts amd Raragltln , Hated Rome ee Se em of walnowrbel Ferd fb ME menopause (B) few

§ Lnteaget refer 4p ductive 4 oes be oe —— ANTHROGURU WK Vanpevtance | © Sw timer war. Jy woe belreen, aro Dt ©, oe OO gop > apr © 2 te DAO, pg L id Z hae © ah Pee ar ae AIG OY ieOI tas ll A) &@ wr cdo edlechre , bu dwiley rile plenty, wil de Bole ee CD Neel sake ie bare os leapiep Tea eaiea pon tort neutial Mmerge whe berkecs ab bomen dp emerge | eget abe OK - Ahecelne, ak Bo ype gp Maealap Eire W oeperimanl< bam tng ANTHROGURU «ith €) Totemism and conservation of nature. Tolan b a bere 4 wovslip perk Alagrons reluefs tm reeple Aouchies L A pec Ernie Dedtaetne » Fundentovy he bebrenes “pote dy qos le, Ue an foot epee front > dw Toten, yup en vesrnate premetioes to 6 Tetenng synced’ A pales nn, ber plank, amameal , mine! ele od bdune Weime to be in whisk Tolpnom avd nals Leva him O eed tree (tefertnn) hetes — Arey do ob religions achintiog Un pete ESI ay ANTHROGURUA!A pret ching Uk ae a _ sacked (oe @ Bila tre and Attahe Lom - 5 top Sedan oh el vii O po pelreut Weer _ ames los| Vue Fonact pede Et de Weuety Netw — st Hands (D ceebimg ery — Ste (Bae, [wew) tom we venadlexe| 4% Aron fait Mato, Guin se ey sElaeons pape bur b tnkeyral fp Aone em wan Monk * SF cow bre ep wh kgen ted nt, \Etsto app raed’ and Ore heatth om en Avetamntle fh 50 ANTHROGURU:i! Q7. —~ a) Differentiate fecundity’ and fertility’ And Gescribe iocultural factors affecting fertility. a Feoundily and prrluty wre bio- dou eee affects pprrocuucturr 1 dumeapraphis decks K: [Fecundity | - i fo ane fertile dfeprmys Fema) = te dios ed § Liinal repredachoe perforate i, so lees eqs wrendcem, lea a ie alaria again omel again y abe wth tm a» el eee ANTHROGURU «ts i fen ee wepertanah fev pert ha folly deck el oly cape aie vianelnedl Un aehech_seproduchee ee: tee 7 Femithty amd fermrdity date keaP ip Weming dre demographic, patterns CHS rece a a ae = Bete, are parowmelions ee Apne angels (ge eaters Gin - uilturel fac Ae © py, — Ole) is biwcluyluons - (Ef) = mothecs a Sap oe wench, pep ee Pemgass oes" @ soviet parametin — ©) Reguiney jy woth between parrnets GD ge oF tea ae aoe Ep) To dey TRA fpuucy becmre danas ear Cpe SS TY bodily, autonomy - emaporret ed porn nd ie tae forty pen voip eve ©) toe ty Neches eeapon ehuesty , poneahnnis eS adn cannes pry (Wap fehl, emery Been’ whe do manusl labous- i, and tim , oe oo ee z yerdec bawaiy Rens 9% geste SESE Taree Sade A eh ee fy eae eae Se el tuars torblety to dP: Ae ne facies Yk wpedeant lao Mets oe ener ess Geer, atl aad UG amarenuis lect - OC) Men 64 ANTHROGURU 11, duljprent trails fy ance thar - PHO “piles eh: oe J, ener muda fiat ae Kid th chclep Gusher dvaxaetied Halse uhm Ancik inna,» 2d BRUIT Role hows "fend pas © ay PO pole to play i ANTHROGURU «ult icanMnrie Mere ed, Cs Ono +o outa _ tan overt” et ee eee © Scena pots git ted os fs pe Doren ee irate fe ertinte | ae An trols gers see > production 4 waidin vn Ce aadapkatven im res. (0) Emivernminh Care bee cole porved vo prvcal onal yet o> Phage rinroint PS pecially pie BE ee iy gt ce phan amd aliaphalion Pevprtss 66 : ea. oes a mee Cees ea “oe Ee ae SRE E® (Slime ay Mgr | ~ dan to protien fm Lae mebanam @ Sovak erveronment ebro puts cba Pierre or Aacy Gu, alt Mm all ome cam day Hart both - hesedy amd envurmmnl \mpntank - ‘Whak Bevin writ reales , hesedy tinhinues’ Dl No , there ore es races” Goma Woe wnuplh b qual ator Plemchypse adepritine fo dap Seb lunatics | cee geragrap nis . there ow ool oe Far = ‘Home’ (UNESto Aches alien? 0 a. | ANTHROGURU Aik ee ©) Examin Vatiols theories of incest taboo 15M 9nceat bb M™M a Cee Mlarmes (tomamaaimtrns making ) Ce cael aa ra SIGE Atitry — brother - flees asp ee Suc 7 ik pe ten Daa Eh hekeg a sourhes Ww and abe ANTHROGURU sith -——_ ANTI ©) 2s Ga E AF a ag Nae Pacific amd Lnuph a ‘Mara’ PISS ee righ lilies ANTHROGURU«tIA, Qs. a) What are the principal explanations fof{beeoming bipedal)nd thelskeletal changes) 20M that accommodated it”? unit dow dae oy Prairrade ‘ spede ie al beat ote pivinales cleo pratiia os aera tiomehon bab wh Bile Wwemans - age La ©) Wanye or malt — Me age 5 vagiey ped re a Wines fo nace Suilerral frame + lus ee a Jee querduap cdeturen dp Athol bwoonmenk ©) Sorel ete ot ANTHROGURU «th er aa m pute body Ae rade Jc | Weems’ to adeph Hiferry te amd prarens tha withered Pein betvivers Valiy omee pak ornate (terra Daven , het un ) L Comes Vea Frama dow Wubi of (See pe atte 9 reales ae -— When me ow pia pectide| brok Rees ‘Hewes exec Peped Feng aac (3) ideas yates See an ANTHROGURUA«itlh im dead, ramen capacty , OE cee em op ANTHROGURU «itt b) Explain the basic features of(’Postmodernism) in Anthropology, 15 M fost modurrim va a concep evolued, i tke | ee Qs w sort } iy bosom Se ahtenelts eps dy Shae pry Stakes conch SO Pax) Oi wae Ady line amel dnerchy "hatebl’ became Currie UE pastel, oo gk a Copan) Waa ey apeo lai boweh, ol adtas awa Re ia ‘ = arly metreel ee Sy meee Ya Pouce (D) a gS eee mbrad SR means katt 75 ANTHROGURU «th bering mura Wath usc purser belted 5 76 ANTHROGURU «iI mpl ep, Oe owe eq ued om te : Oa a gotecannenl madris yo Nil ond atta ANTHROGURUAuth ©) What are the key clements of Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.15 M Dorwiw que Ws m Namaral Agu tiie 8 ee lege Hy Ae by Nebwrak Seed’ oh acdc eeet Mirdais om Essay rev Maltese eon at) ey at ti [hey amin | © were bared ow pethilates ard Ayaan 3 ; Oe eee A, Welcomes — ANTHROGURUZiAI. ANTHROGURU «ith (Reitina) - © Me gore fk tinier

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