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Management is how businesses organize and direct workflow, operations,
and employees to meet company goals. The primary goal of management is
to create an environment that lets employees work efficiently and
productively. A solid organizational structure serves as a guide for workers
and establishes the tone and focus of their work.

Managers are involved in implementing and evaluating these structures. As

a manager, you may be responsible for doing any of the following tasks:

 Create goals and objectives

 Create schedules
 Develop strategies to increase performance, productivity, and efficiency
 Ensure compliance with company policies and industry regulations
 Mentor employees
 Monitor budgets, productivity levels, and performance
 Resolve customer problems
 Train staff

 Key functions of a manager

Managers have several functions within an organization. You'll usually

see these functions divided into four interconnected groups.
Understanding them can help you identify your strengths and areas of
need to choose the proper training to improve your skills.

 Planning
The first function of a manager is to set goals. These goals may be for
individual employees, departments, or the entire organization,
depending on the manager's level of responsibility. In addition to setting
goals, managers often develop action items along with strategies and
resources to complete tasks and meet goals.

 Organizing
Meeting organizational goals requires putting the right people in the
right places. Managers can play an important role in choosing workers
for positions and projects. Knowing how to group people and help them
build relationships often significantly affects how well the group works
together. Sometimes managers need to train employees for specific
tasks to ensure they have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed

 Motivating

Managers help motivate employees to show up and stay productive. This

includes sharing a common vision, encouraging them to develop their
strengths, and inspiring them to do their best work at all times.
Having effective communication skills is essential for filling this role

 . Evaluating

Managers typically spend time measuring the success of their teams and
how well they meet goals. The more they understand what works and
doesn't work, the better prepared they are to make decisions in the
future. Managers must understand and adjust strategies to meet
company goals.
 Levels of management

In many organizations, management falls into one of three levels: top,

middle, and low. Managers in smaller companies may fill roles at more
than one level, while larger organizations may have several managers
within each level.

 Top: Top-level management typically has an administrative role, and

their decisions affect the entire organization even though they
sometimes aren’t involved in the day-to-day operations. They may have
the title of chief executive officer (CEO) or serve on the board of

 Middle: You find people with executive roles at the middle management
level. They work with both top-level management and supervisors to
help workers meet objectives and boost the company's productivity. At
this level, they may be called regional managers or general managers.

 Low: The final level of management often has a supervisory role. These
managers have titles like shift supervisor, branch manager, or team
leader. They work with individuals and teams to meet goals determined
by upper management. They typically have less influence over company
policy compared to the other management levels, but the most
interaction with workers.


Ativendra pratap singh

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