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Story # 3

Grade IV-Narra
258 Words

Have you ever notice an elephant at the zoo? Its long trunk is really
it’s nose and upper lip. It also uses its trunk as hands. Its long trunk helps the
elephant carry food and water to its mouth. Sometimes it gives itself a shower by
spraying of water over its body with its trunk.
Elephants eat grass and roots of plants. An elephant has two tusks
made of ivory that stick far out of its mouth. These tusks are used for digging
roots. They are used as weapons, too.
An elephant has broad teeth that are good for chewing plants. It has
only four teeth at a time. When the old teeth worn out, new ones grow out.
It takes about twenty years for a baby elephant to grow up. A mother
elephant takes good care of her baby. On a journey, she lets the baby walk ahead
and guides it with her trunk.
Sometimes, she gives it a push. If the baby gets tired, it wraps its trunk
around its mother’s tail and the mother pulls the baby along after her.
Elephants can grow about thirteen feet tall and can weigh about seven
tons. It will take about one fifty or more boys to balance one elephant.
Some elephants leave to be very old but not many leave for more than
sixty years.
Elephants come from India and Africa. African elephants are larger
then Indian elephants.
Elephants have been trained to help men and their work. They are
helpful in moving logs and in carrying heavy loads.

1. What was the story all about?
2. What does elephant eat?
3. How many years for a baby elephant to grow up?
4. Is an elephant helpful to human? Why?
5. Describe an elephant?

Fill the blanks with the correct answer.

6. The elephant has a ______ trunk.
7. Its trunk is really its ________________________.
8. Elephants’ tusks are made of _________.
9. An elephant has _______ teeth at a time.
10. A mother elephant usually lets the baby walk __________.

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