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Max. Time: 2Hours Max. Marks: 50
General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections–Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions where as Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5+16=) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5+10=)15 questions in the allotted
(maximum) time of 2hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. There is no negative marking.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
i. This section contains 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.


Q.1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x4=4 marks)

Ans:‐ c) Operating System 1

Ans:‐ c) Self‐Motivation 1
Ans:‐ Creativity 1
Ans:‐ All of the above 1
Ans:‐c) Both of the above 1
Ans:‐c) Both of the above 1

Q.2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1x 5= 5 marks)
Ans:‐ a) Gateway 1
Ans:‐b) Sorting data 1
Ans:‐a) Composite primary key 1
Ans:‐ a)Template 1
Ans:‐ a) Variable Cell 1
Ans:‐b) Macro 1
Q.3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions(1x 5= 5 marks)
Ans:‐d) i), ii), iii) 1
Ans: a) Relational 1
Ans:‐d) Server 1
Ans:‐a) Absolute 1
v. Ans:‐ Drag the AutoFill handle
Ans:‐b)Edit 1
Q.4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions. (1x 5= 5 marks)
Ans:‐c) Mouse keys 1
Ans:‐b) .ott 1
Ans:d) Program 1
Ans:‐a) Stress Management 1
Ans:‐ spamming 1
Ans: d) .csv 1
Q.5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1x 5= 5 marks)
i. Ans:‐ a)Datasheet view
Ans:‐ b)Primary key 1
Ans:‐ c) what if 1
Ans:‐c) Graphics Mode 1
Ans:c) real 1
Ans:b) Blog 1

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x3=6 marks)
Answer each question in 20– 30 words.

Q.6 Ans:‐ The three main causes of stress today are: 2
(i) Wealth
(iI) Health
(iii) Work

Q.7 Ans: A computer virus is a type of malicious software, or malware, that spreads between 2
computers and causes damage to data and software. Computer viruses aim to disrupt
systems, cause major operational issues, and result in data loss and leakage.
Viruses used to be spread when people shared floppy disks and other portable media, now
viruses are primarily spread through email messages. Unlike worms, viruses often require
some sort of user action (e.g., opening an email attachment or visiting a malicious web
page) to spread.
Q.8 Ans:‐ It provides an entry‐level job, required for gaining experience and training for unskilled 2
workers. Innovation‐ It is the hub of innovation that provides new product ventures,
market, technology and quality of goods, etc., and increase the standard of living of
Q.9 2
Ans:‐ 1. The myths about Entrepreneurship are: They always prefer situations which lead to
generating profits.
2. Entrepreneurs become rich as they start a new business. Starting a business does not
mean that person will become rich overnight.
Q.10 Ans:‐ There are two types of self‐awareness: private and public. Private self‐awareness is when 2
people are aware of something about themselves that others might not be — like being
anxious about reading out loud. Public self‐awareness is when people are aware of how
others see them. By cultivating emotional self‐awareness, we can better understand our
emotional triggers and responses, gaining the ability to manage them effectively.
Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in20 –30 words each (2 x4=8marks)
Q.11 Ans:‐ You can use encryption in both programs to prevent unauthorized users from seeing the 2
data. You can also require that a password be entered to open a database file or
workbook. In addition, you can help secure a database file or workbook by employing a
digital signature.
Q.12 Ans:‐ Hyperlinks are clickable texts, images or phrases that can help users navigate to other web 2
content to gain more context or information. In general, hyperlinks can be in blue and
underlined text. The linked text is known as the anchor text. You can connect web pages
with each other through hyperlinks.

Q.13 Ans:‐ We use the DDL commands for creating the database or schema, while DML commands 2
are used to populate and manipulate the database. DDL commands can affect the whole
database or table, whereas DML statements only affect single or multiple rows based on
the condition specified in a query.

Q.14 Ans:‐ Accessibility features are designed to help people with disabilities use technology more 2
easily. For example, a text‐to‐speech feature may read text out loud for people with limited
vision, while a speech‐recognition feature allows users with limited mobility to control the
computer with their voice.

Q.15 2
Ans :‐ a)

Prod Id Prod Name Prod Price Date Of Purchase

Int String Decimal Date
b) Prod Id‐ Primary key
Q.16 Ans:‐ A hub is a networking device that connects multiple PCs to a single network, whereas a 2
Switch connects multiple devices on a single computer network. A hub operates on the OSI
physical layer, whereas a switch operates on the OSI data link layer.
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in50–80 words each (4x 3=12 marks)
Q.17 Ans(i) :‐ She can insert images in a text document by following ways (2+2)
a) Dragging and dropping the image in the document.
b) Choosing an image which is stored locally in our computer from the "Add image"
option in the Insert tab.
c) Choosing an image from the internet from the "Insert image from web" option in the
Insert tab.
Ans:‐ (ii) Document Formatting: In word processing software, text wrapping enables the
alignment of text around images, tables, or other objects, making the document
visually appealing and organized.
Steps Wrap text around a picture or drawing object
(i) Select the picture or object.
(ii) Select Format and then under Arrange, select Wrap Text.
(iii)Choose the wrapping option that you want to apply.
Q.18 1. Ans:‐ (i) The Subtotal command allows you to automatically create groups and use common (2+2)
functions like SUM, COUNT, and AVERAGE to help summarize your data.
2. Ans:‐ Goal seek is an advanced spreadsheet feature that allows to provides the values for the
target based input. Just decide the target value and you can select which cell should be
changed in goal seek dialog box.
Q.19 Read the following Table named “Teacher” and Write the SQL commands. 4
Ans:‐ (a) Select * from Teachers where Subject = “COMPUTER”;
(b) Select * from Teachers where salary >= 20000 and salary <= 35000;
(c) Select Subject from Teachers where age > 40;
(d) Select * from Teachers order by name;
Q.20 4
Ans:(i) Forms contain data from only one record, or are at least based on one record such as
data about one student, one customer, etc. A report, on the other hand is only for
reading and viewing. So, it often contains data about multiple unrelated records in a
computer file or database.
Ans(ii):‐ Primary Key:‐ A primary key is the column or columns that contain values that uniquely
identify each row in a table. A database table must have a primary key for Optim to
insert, update, restore, or delete data from a database table.
Foreign Key:‐ A foreign key is a column or columns of data in one table that refers to the
unique data values ‐‐ often the primary key data ‐‐ in another table. Foreign keys link
together two or more tables in a relational database.

Q.21 Ans(i):‐ FTP and HTTP are common methods of the file transfer. For example, FTP can be used to (2+2)
transfer files or access online software archives. HTTP is a protocol used to indicate how
to not only define and send messages.
Ans(ii):‐ Broadband is more useful to connect to Internet. It has a higher speed which is used for
downloading large‐size files, videos, games, and music. It is faster than dialup
connection. It is more reliable than dialup connection. It has no interruptions while using
the internet.
A broadband connection is available through wired modes such as coaxial cables, optic
fiber cables, and wireless modes such as Wi‐Fi, and satellite communications so they are
not limited to PSTN services alone. The dialup connection uses Public Switched
Telephone Network to access the internet sources. A dialup service connects to the
Internet through a phone line with a maximum speed of 56kbps. Broadband refers to a
connection that has capacity to transmit large amount of data at high speed. Presently a
connection having download speeds of 256kbps or more is classified as broadband.


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