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An iceberg is a huge block of ice that breaks off from a glacier and
floats on the ocean.
Ocean currents take the icebergs many miles from the shore. The
wandering icebergs are dangerous to ships, especially in the North
Atlantic which usually come from Greenland. Greenland is almost entirely
covered by a continental glacier. This ice sheet covers a very wide land
area. The edge of the ice extends to the sea and often breaks off as
As the currents carry the icebergs into warmer seas they begin
to melt and break apart into small packs called “ice floes”.
Explorers use icebreakers to open paths through the ice blocked
waters. An icebreaker is a ship especially made for breaking through ice.
The icebreaker usually rams through the mountain of ice and carves out a
channel for other ships.
Very little can be done to remove an iceberg once it is in the ocean.
An ordinary ship must sail around the iceberg. Or else, the iceberg may
ram the ship and sink it.

1. What is the story all about?
2. What is an iceberg?
3. Where do iceberg float?
4. Is wondering iceberg’s dangerous to ships? Why?
5. To what ocean icebergs float?
6. Where does North Atlantic icebergs came from?
7. What will happened to icebergs if ocean currents carry them to
warmer seas?
8. It is made for breaking through ice.
9. Is it easy to remove an icebergs in the ocean?
10. Do ordinary ships can easily ram an icebergs
11. Do explorers use icebreakers? Why?
Jose and Carlos are inseparable friends. Wherever Jose goes,
Carlos goes, too.
One day they went for a walk in the park. Jose noticed that the side
walks were beautifully lined with pam trees. Shade trees grew on corners
and flowers bloomed everywhere. Jose was admiring the scenery when
he noticed that Carlos was not beside him. When he looked for him, he
saw Carlos busy talking with a little boy.
“Come on, Carlos,” Jose called.
“Just a moment. This little boy is lost. I’ll take him to his mother first,”
Carlos answered.
Jose walked towards the fountain. The dancing lights fascinated
him. Then he remembered Carlos.
“Carlos, where are you?” he called.
“Here! I’m helping this old lady cross the street. When they finally got
together, Jose asked, “Why do you do all those things? We came here for
a walk. Let’s enjoy ourselves first. Then we can do things for other
“No, Jose. Whatever good we can do, we must do it at once. We
may never pass this way again,” Carlos said.

1. Who are the two friends?
2. What is the setting of the story?
3. Are they inseparable friends? Why?
4. What did Carlos and Jose do one day?
5. What is beautifully line with a sidewalk?
6. Shade trees grow on the park?
7. Shade trees grew _______ of the Coat?
8. To where do shades grow at the park?
9. What kind of a boy is Carlos?
10. What kind of a boy is Jose?
11. If you were Carlos, would you do the same? Why?
The weather was very cold. A robin sat inside its warm and comfortable nest. Then a
blackbird came. It was trembling from cold. It poked its head inside the nest and said, “Friend
Robin, may I put my head inside your nest? It’s cold outside.”
“Certainly, you may,” said Robin. Then the blackbird said, “Friend Robin, may I put my two
legs inside your nest? It’s cold outside.”
“Of course, you may,” said Robin.
After a few minutes, the blackbird had another request. “Friend Robin, will you allow me to
put my wings inside your nest? It’s cold outside.” “Yes, do come in,” said Robin and he moved
aside so that the blackbird could have more space for himself.
The nest was not a big one. After a while, the blackbird said, “The nest is not big enough for
the two of us. I’d like to rest and stretch my wings but you are on my way. You better get out of this
nest.” Then he shoved Robin and pushed him out of his own nest.


Fire is a friend as well as a foe. Fire has many uses. It cooks food and heats water for
household needs. It gives heat as well as light to homes. It is used to destroy rubbish, dirt and
germs. Trains and steamships depend on fire to be able to run. Automobiles, airplanes and even
rocketships are run by fuel burned in their engines. Fire furnishes the energy for the operation of
most factory machines. It is also used in the manufacture of certain things like iron, steel, rubber,
paper, glass, brick, sugar, and many other materials.
We owe many of our comforts to fire but fire is also a foe. It can wipe out all our
possessions in just a few hours or even minutes. Many houses, buildings, schools and markets
have been partly or totally destroyed by fires. Even our forests are not safe from fires caused by
lightning, by cigarettes tossed carelessly and even by kaingineros. Many lives, too, have been lost
because of fire.
Fire is a friend if used properly, but it’s a foe if used carelessly.


The desert is a strange and wonderful place. It is a dry wasteland. Very little rain falls on the
desert but plants and animals have learned to live in it. The desert is the home of the cactus, the
horned toad, the kangaroo rat, and other desert plants and animals.
Some deserts, like the Sahara and the Gobi, are hot and sandy. They fit the usual picture of
a desert- a hot, dry place. But not all deserts are hot. In Siberia, desert lands are very cold.
Occasional rain falls on the driest desert. The rain sometimes flood the bottom of slopes.
However, because of the heat, rainwater evaporates quickly. A day after it rains, the same spot is
as dry as it was before the rain.
Sometimes, rain falls in November or December. Most deserts have a spot that has some
water. It may be a river, a spring or even a well. This spot is called an oasis. Here, plants like date
palms grow and animals come for water.
To the traveler, the oasis is always a welcome spot in the desert.

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