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vers,fy οfハ ルQadisSケa C/ass.' Fourth

Subject: Conlrul & Measurcment
Cο ′
lege οFfrlgheerfrlg Examiner: Dt Mohammed Abdulruuaq
Time: 1.5 Hour
″ec力 allica′ E″ gineeri″ g Deparrmerl〔 Date: / 0l/ 2016
First Course Examination 2015 - 2016

Ql: Answer @branches of the following questions.

A: In the following fu or $!qg and Multiple Choice oroblems, circle the correct answer.
a- A closedJoop control system uses a measurement ofthe output and feedback ofthe signal to compare it with
the desired input.
b- Engineering synthesis and engineering analysis are the same.
c- A multivariate system is a system with more than one input and/or more than one output.

B: Increased track densities for computer disk drives necessitate careful design of the head positioning conhol. The
loop transfer function is:
L(r) - 6.(rlG(r).
Plot the frequency response for this system when (= 4. Calculate the phase and magnitude at w = 0.5,1,2,4, and o.
C: Give five types tractable nonJinear models.
(4 marks for each branch)

Q2: Answer one branch of the following questions.

A: Determine the transfer function V2 (s)/V1$) for the Integrating filter shown in figure below.

B: Consider the two-mass system in figure below. Find the set of di{Ierential equations describing the system.

(8 marks)
Q3: A: Find the block diagram for the mechanical system below.


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B: Find the transfer function tor Y@/R(s) for the idle speed control system for a fuel-injected engine as
shown in Figure below.

C: A feedback control system is proposed. The corresponding block diagram is:

1+ G" (s)c(s)a(r)= o

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Sketch the root locus of the closed-loop poles as the controller gain K varies from 0 to co .

(8 marks for each branch)

Wishing you success

Dr. Mohammed Abdulrazzaq

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