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SAP Query Step by Step

SAP Query - Creation & Execution - Table Join & Logical

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05-09-2014 11:47 AM
38 Kudos

 SAP Query - Overview:

SAP Query is used to create reports for users who have little knowledge about
SAP Table data storage structure. SAP Query allows evaluating data in the SAP

SAP Query offers users a broad range of ways to define reporting programs
and create different types of reports such as basic lists, statistics, and ranked

SAP Query - Features:

Following are the major components which are associated with SAP Query:

 Info Sets - Are base for the Query and it contains one or more database
table details
 Queries – For the User to create and generate the Query
 User Group – To restrict set of Users for a specific Query plus for
 Quick Viewer - A simple tool for quick report generation

 SAP Query - Creation:

Step 1: Creation of User Group - SQ03

Step 2: Creation of Infoset - SQ02

Step 3: Creation of Query - SQ01

The Terminologies:

SAP Query - Area:

SAP Query Area is a set of objects having queries, InfoSets and User Groups
which are consistent.

Following Query Areas:

 Standard Area – They are Client Specific Queries and do not create an
Work Bench Request
 Global Area - Queries in the Global Area are Client Independent

SAP Query - User Group Creation:

Transaction Code: SQ03

Create a logical set of User Group to which the InfoSet Queries would be

SAP Query - Info Set Creation - TABLE JOIN:

SAP database have several numbers of tables in which the transactions,

master data gets stored and it’s practically not feasible to have all such fields
for selection when creating a query. Hence before the start of creating a
query, InfoSet creation is required.

It allows selecting Fields from either the tables selected or the logical
database used to get display/select in the output.

Transaction Code: SQ02 –

The InfoSet creation can be made with the Combination of Tables (Table
Join), Direct read from a Single Table or with the help of Logical Database.
The Red Box marked Icon allows adding more tables under the join.

Field Group contains the Fields which are required either to get in the report
output or in the selection screen.

Drag the Fields for the “Data Fields” to the relevant Field Groups to appear in
the report.

You can even change the text of the Fields that is getting displayed over the
Once the InfoSet is created, it needs to be generated by click on "Generation"

Any changes made to the InfoSet, it needs to be re-generated everytime.

SAP Query - Assigning to User Group:

Transaction Code: SQ03

All the InfoSet queries which are created to be assigned to one or more user
Click on Save button for the assignment.

SAP Query - Query Creation:

Transaction Code: SQ01

Once the InfoSets are created and assigned to User Group, Query needs to be
designed. It is basically known as Query Painter in which we design basic lists
in WYSIWYG mode (what-you-see-is-what-you-get).

We need to select the User Group first in which query needs to be designed.
Click on icon to select the user group.

Specify the Query Name and click on the Create Option.

Select the InfoSet which had been created.

Following screen would appear:

We can select the Output Format, Variant assignment over the Basic List.

Click on to select the required Output/Selection Field.

Click on Save Option to make a final design.

To Run the Query Click on Execute Button:


The LDB is special type of ABAP program that combines the contents of
certain related database tables and retrieves some related data and make it
available to application programs. The LDB usually consists of the components
like Structure, Selections and Database programs.

In simple words Logical Database can be referred as Cluster of Tables

Transaction Code: SE36

Following are some useful Logical Database from accounting perspectives:

 ADA Assets Database

 AUK Settlement documents
 BRF Document Database
 BRM Accounting Documents
 CEK Cost Centers - Line Items
 CIK Cost Centers - Actual Data
 CKA Costing
 CKC Order BOM
 CKW Costing run: Material Selection
 CPK Cost Centers - Plan Data
 KDF Vendor Database
 PAK CO-PA Segment Level and Line Items
 SDF G/L Account Database

Once the Table are copied follow the same steps as mentioned above for
creation of Field Groups, Query Creation & Execution.


Quick Viewer is tool to generate report with basic lists. Quick View Reports are user
dependent. While defining a Quick View Tool report data can be accessed from Tables,
Logical Database, Table joins & from Infosets also.

Transaction Code: SQVI

We get an option of extracting the data from a Table / Table Join / Logical Database / SAP

Once all the required tables are been assigned and joined, click no the Back
Icon to Create the Selection / Output Screen.
Select all the required fields, which are needed as a part of Selection Screen
and Report Output Layout and save the Quick Viewer Query.

To execute teh Query, Click on Execute Button to the run the Quick Viewer.

Above are the simple options of creating report with the help of Queries.

BR, Jaymin R. Bhatt

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