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Computer Applications – Gr 10

Revision sheet Term-1

Revision Programs

Revision Q1.A cloth showroom has announced the following festival discounts
on the purchase of items, based on the total cost of the item purchased:

Total Cost (in Rs) Discount(in percentage)

Less than 2000 5%

2001 to 5000 25%

5001 to 10000 35%

Above 10000 50%

Write a program to input the total cost and to compute and display the amount
to be paid by the customer after availing the discount.

Revision Q2.The tax department has announced the new tax rated and
deductions as per the following rules:

Gross Annual Tax rates for Tax rates for

Income (in Rs.) female Male

Upto-175000 NIL NIL

175001-350000 10% 12%

350001-550000 20% 22%

550001 and 30% 33%


Write a program to input name, pan number, gross monthly income and gender
(F for Female and M for Male). Compute the annual gross income, taxable
income and the tax to be paid using the above criteria. Print name, pan number,
gross annual income, taxable income and tax to be paid.


60) An electricity board charges the bill depending on the number of units
consumed as follows:
Units Charge
First 100 units 40 p per unit
Next 200 units 60 p per unit
Above 300 units Re. 1 per unit
Write a java program to print the net bill to be paid by a consumer. The net
bill includes a rent of Rs. 250.00 charged from a consumer.

61)Write a program that accepts an alphabet and checks whether it is a vowel or


62)Write a program to compute the amount that a customer pays for the taxi that
he/she hires based on the following conditions:
Kms travelled Amount per km
Up to or equal to 1km 25
More than 1 to 6 Km 10
More than 6 to 12 15
More than 12 to 18 20
More than 18 25

Input the customer name, the taxi number and the number of kilo meters
travelled by him/her. Compute the amount to be paid by the customer and
display the details in the following format:
Taxi no Name km travelled bill amount

63) Write a program to calculate and print the sum of the series:

Sum =2 – 4 + 6 – 8 +……………….. – 20

64)Write a program to calculate and print the sum of the series:

x x x x x
2 5
+ +
8 11
+ …………………+ 20
65)Design a java class series that contains member method sumseries () to
compute and return the result of the following sequence of numbers:

10, 15, 20, 25, ………………………… , n

66) Create a function int maxDigit(long num) to find and return the greatest
digit from the number stored in num. Write main( ) function to call the given
function and display the greatest digit.

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