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This research work is based on the nutritional aspect of foods in catering

and fast food outlets. It is important to acquaint consumers with

nutrition issues, problems of malnutrition, nutrient content of meal etc.

What to take at right time. The absence of Nutrition Education or

adequate information about fast food Nutrition in the past was what

prevented people from knowing how much fat or calories they were

consuming. As a result of good education on nutrition on how certain

foods can cause obesity and other ill-effects, nobody wants to die, so

they want to know how much saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate,

sugar etc they are consuming in the fast foods they eat. Hence, there is

the need to educate consumers of products from catering and fast food



1.1 Background of study

Nutritional knowledge is important, particularly in the light of the rapidly

expanding work population and threat of food population imbalance. The

world we live in is changing constantly. People prefer to eat out day-by-

day as they have taken it to be a part of life. Everyone is getting busier

in order to find ends meet for survival and so hardly have time to

prepare nutrition meals with appropriate calories.

For many people, eateries have become their kitchen where all they

need is to order something from the menu, which is very 'fast' and

convenient. Nutritionally, fast food is the main source of obesity

epidemic around the globe today. Puff-puff, buns, burgers, sandwiches

etc are fall products fast foods business and these have the adverse

effects of obesity.

For some, all they need is not the nutrient in food but just to fill the

empty and hungry stomach, which can lead to malnutrition. It is

important to acquaint consumers with nutrition issues, problems of

malnutrition, nutrient content of meal etc. What to take at right time.

The absence of Nutrition Education or adequate information about fast

food Nutrition in the past was what prevented people from knowing how

much fat or calories they were consuming with each bite that was taken

from a burger as an example. As a result of good education on nutrition

on how certain foods can cause obesity and other ill-effects, nobody

wants to die, so they want to know how much saturated fat, cholesterol,

carbohydrate, sugar etc they are consuming in the fast foods they eat.

Hence, there is the need to educate consumers of products from

catering and fast food business. This study explores the significance of

nutrition education in enhancing the quality and safety of food services

provided by these two establishments.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The catering and fast food industry often face challenges related to food

safety, nutrition, and overall quality. Without proper nutrition education,

these businesses may inadvertently serve food that lacks nutritional

value, poses health risks, or fails to meet customer expectations. This

study aims to address these issues and highlight the importance of

nutrition education.
1.3 Aim of the Study

The primary aim of this study is to assess the importance of nutrition

education in the catering and fast food business, using Sweet Savour

Eatery and Royal Birds Motel in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria, as case


1.3 Research Objectives

The specific research objectives are as follows:

1. To evaluate the current level of nutrition education and awareness

among staff members in Sweet Savour Eatery and Royal Birds


2. To assess the impact of nutrition education on food preparation,

menu planning, and ingredient selection in both establishments.

3. To identify the challenges and barriers faced in implementing

nutrition education in these businesses.

4. To determine the extent to which improved nutrition education can

enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. To recommend strategies for enhancing nutrition education in

catering and fast food businesses.

1.4 Research Questions

To achieve the research objectives, the following questions will guide

the study:

1. What is the current level of nutrition education and awareness

among staff members in Sweet Savour Eatery and Royal Birds


2. How does nutrition education impact food preparation, menu

planning, and ingredient selection in these establishments?

3. What are the challenges and barriers faced in implementing

nutrition education in Sweet Savour Eatery and Royal Birds Motel?

4. To what extent does improved nutrition education enhance

customer satisfaction and loyalty in the catering and fast food


5. What strategies can be recommended for enhancing nutrition

education in catering and fast food businesses?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is significant for several reasons:

It will provide insights into the role of nutrition education in improving

the quality and safety of food services in the catering and fast food

It can help Sweet Savour Eatery, Royal Birds Motel, and other similar

businesses in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria, understand the benefits of

investing in nutrition education.

The findings can guide policy makers and health authorities in

developing guidelines and regulations related to nutrition education in

the food service industry.

Ultimately, this study contributes to the overall improvement of public

health by promoting healthier food options in the fast food and catering


1.6 Scope

This study focuses on Sweet Savour Eatery and Royal Birds Motel in

Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. It assesses the importance of nutrition

education in these two specific establishments, but the findings may

have broader implications for the catering and fast food industry in

Nigeria and beyond.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Nutrition Education: The process of providing information and

knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating practices to individuals

and food service staff.

Catering and Fast Food Business: An industry involved in the preparation

and sale of food and beverages, often characterized by fast service and

a wide variety of menu items.

Food Safety: Practices and measures taken to ensure that food is safe

for consumption and free from contaminants.

Customer Satisfaction: The level of contentment and happiness

experienced by customers when using a particular product or service.

Menu Planning: The process of selecting and organizing food items to

create a menu that meets customer preferences and nutritional


Ingredient Selection: The choice of raw materials and ingredients used

in food preparation.

Public Health: The science and practice of protecting and improving the

health of communities through education, promotion of healthy

behaviors, and control of diseases.



The Role of Nutrition Education to the Development of Catering

and Fast Food Industry

Since there is rapid advancement and development of catering and fast

food industry in the society today, it is important to provide general

awareness of the role of Nutrition Education in catering and fast food

business; Olatunji (2013) ascribes the role of Nutrition -Education as to

acquainting the consumers of fast food and catering products to the

benefit of eating healthy and balanced diet. He further stated that it is

the enlightenment of consumer and people food therapy and the

explanation of danger in mal-nutrition. Nutrition Education Stresses the

need for people to take nutrition into consideration when planning menu

and making menu choices (Iyiola, 2014).

Importantly, people are educated on the fact that fast food eating,

impacts so much on individual`s health (Olaoluwa, 2010).Eziogwu

(2012) explained that the role nutrition plays in the eradication of

chronic diseases cannot be underemphasized, hence the need to

sensitize the public, the benefit in making healthy selections when


Balance Diet

A diet is said to be balanced when it contains all the necessary nutrients

required for the body metabolism (Adebayo, 2013). It must be able to

provide heat and energy, contain the necessary nutrients to build and

repair the worn out tissues and supply nutrients to regulate the body


The nutrients are: carbohydrates, fats and oil, proteins, minerals, water

and vitamins.

Chemical Composition of Nutrients

Nutrients Components

Proteins Nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, sulphur,

iron and phosphorus.

Carbohydrates Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Fat and oil Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Vitamins Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

Minerals Iron, calcium, phosphorus etc.

Source: Olatunji, (2013). Nutritional needs for Adults

Deficiency of Improper Assimilation of Food

Malnutrition has three sub-classes which are the roots of malnutrition in

the diet as stated earlier. These are:

 Under nutrition: This occurs when there is not enough nutrients

in the food consumed which results to body weakness especially in

children and so they have low or no immunity to infections.

 Over Nutrition: This is the result of over eating. It happens when

an individual is overnourished when one eats much of wrong food,ill

also causes this problem. Over-weight people become ill easily, get

older than the age and obesced if care is not taken.

Major Causes of Malnutrition

Inadequate food or deficiency in the diet may be caused by the following


 Bad eating habits

 Economic inability to buy a variety of foods

 Increased activity of the body metabolism due to sudden

individuals increased activity or responsibilities at places of work.

Nutrition Induced Deficiencies

An under or over nourished diet has a tremendous bearing on a person's

vitality, health, emotional stability and enthusiasm for life. Both under

and well-nourished individuals reflects from personal appearances.

Some of these deficiencies are as follow:

 Marasmus which is caused by insufficient food

 Kwashiorkor is caused by insufficient protein intake

 Anemia is an impoverished condition of the blood. Good nutrition

helps to alleviate the condition.

 Goiter: Is a shortage of iodine causing the thyroid gland to swell

 Beriberi which is caused by thiamine deficiency

Uses of Nutrition In Alleviating Nutrition Induced Deficiencies


This is broken down by the body to release heat and energy. It helps in

complete oxidation of fats and oils in the body. Sugar and starch give

tastes and flavor to foods. Dietary fibre helps to absorb and hold water

aiding intestinal elimination of stool.


Completed protein contains all the essential amino acids and in turn is

useful for promoting growth and repair of muscles and tissues in the

body, in helping the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies, in

maintaining water balance and responsible for the transmission of the

dietary characteristics from parents to the offsprings. Food Sources:

Milk, fish, legumes, meat, egg, poultry, beans, Excess protein leads to


Fat and Oil

This is an inevitable nutrient in the body which maintains constant body

temperature, acts as lubricant and more satisfying than others,

facilitates the absorption of vitamin A, D, E & K.

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Nutritional Status of People

In controlling nutritional deficiencies, there are some factors that

determine individuals eating habit. These Factors are:

Cultural Factors

This is the way of life of a group of people usually of one nationality or

from a particular locality that form a bait deeply noted in many aspects

because culture determines the basic ecological needs that are similar

for all people.

Economic Factors: Rising in food costs and food shortage have been the

major problems in the developing areas. Increase in price makes the

selection of food for the family, a real challenge. Social Factor

If one recognizes that individual belong to various social groups like

church, clubs, union or fraternal organization, the effect of group

behavior cannot be overlooked when considering factors that influence

food habits.

Psychological Factor

Food habit is an important part of human behavior. Individuals are more

motivated to act in terms of what they previewed as been relevant to

meet their needs.

Nutritional Education in Catering and Fast Food Industry

In converting nutrition theory into a meaningful practice in terms of food

on the plate, which is sociological, it is important that certain things are

considered during meal planning and this should be strictly followed.

When planning meal, it is a good rule to decide first on the main dish

which is to provide the protein and then to select the accompaniment.

 Provide a balance to provide all the essential nutrients

 Consider the needs of the consumer ranging from industrial

worker, nursing mother, expectant mother, diabetic, old age etc.

 Make full use of food which are in season as they are usually of

good value and reasonably cheap.

 Serve fresh fruits for their richness in vitamins.

 Choose suitable method of cooking to avoid loss of food Problem

of Nutritional Education

The Problems of Nutritional Education

The problems of Nutritional Education are highlighted below:

 The purchasing power of the people is very low due to low income

 Physical problems remitting from climatological and ecological


 Problems also arriving from the length of time it will take people to

understand the knowledge of nutrition.

 Nutritional survey is not widely spread

 Political obstacle:; i.e. government policies that do not favour

nutritional grounds.

 Financial limitation as a result of the low need and little

attachment assigned to evaluation by the government.

 Inadequacy of nutritional textbooks for the students to seek

information on the need for invitation.

 Inadequacy of grailfical professional nutritionists.

Solution to Nutritional Problems

 Sensitizing people especially in remote areas of the fact that they

can still eat good and nourish food with little income they earn.

Fresh vegetables, beans, millet, fresh fruits are still available in

such areas.

 The government should include Nutritional Education in her

policies as a matter of compulsion

 Advertisement of the importance of good nutrition should not be

left out in all ways.

 The course-Nutrition should be made available in all higher

learning institutions.

 The government school ensure the expansion of all agricultural

sectors, producing more nutritive valued products, so that the

common man can afford to buy.

 Community campaigns on nutrition is very important.

 Nutrition councellors must focus on the education on food habit on

nutritional requirement which promotes good health at all ages.

The Need for Nutrition Education

As it has been stated above that diet and nutrition are considered to be

vital aspects for the well being of an individual, the feelings of anger,

frustration and depression can be minimized or curbed by consuming a

healthy and a nourishing diet; when an individual is in a depressed

condition or undergoes disturbance or frustration or anger, then the

food that he consumes is termed as ‘comfort food’ that gives him a

soothing experience, therefore, the need for nutrition education even in

educational institutions is a vital aspect, students should be provided

with information and knowledge about nutrition education so that they

acquire the knowledge about how to maintain their health and well


The problems of over-nutrition, under-nutrition, vitamin, protein and

mineral deficiencies, obesity and diet related chronic diseases

progressively more are present side by side throughout the world. There

are more than 900 million people who are undernourished and

approximately 170 million children are underweight; these children who

do not get enough energy or key nutrients, and cannot maintain healthy

and dynamic lives. The outcome is, they achieve underprivileged

physical and mental development, devastating illness and the ultimate

outcome is death, as well as immeasurable loss of human potential and

social and economic development. At the same time, hundreds of

millions suffer from chronic diseases caused by unnecessary or

unhealthy diets and many developing nations are now dealing with

rigorous health problems at both ends of the nutritional spectrum.

Countries still struggling to feed their people; face the costs of

preventing obesity and treating diet-related non-communicable illnesses.

In India and in other countries of the world, the problem of malnutrition

is severe and people are undergoing rigorous health problems (McNulty,

Effectiveness of nutrition education is considered to be important in the

viewpoints of all individuals, it has been reported that nutrition

education does develop balancing feeding behaviors and child growth. It

has been researched that distributed effects of fifteen involvements and

noted that the winning involvements were ethnically responsive,

available, and amalgamated with local resources. There is sufficient

published evidence of the effectiveness of nutrition education on child

growth and anemia, particularly through improving breastfeeding and

complementary feeding practices such that the Lancet series on under-

nutrition of mothers and children cited behavior change communication

(BCC) on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) as one of the 15 facts

based efficient involvements to diminish global under-nutrition. Nutrition

education has also been found to be effective in bringing about

transformation of the dietary observations that influence chronic

diseases as was accounted in a review of published interventions

implemented in North America (McNulty, 2013).

Development of Nutrition Education

The experience of ones life, educational program and training of the

individuals is considered to be vital for the development of nutrition

education. When a young child in a kindergarten school is taught about

the benefits of drinking milk, then he develops this within his mindset

that drinking milk is essential for ones growth and development, the

development of ones physical body, mindset and bones takes place

through consumption of milk. The development of nutrition education

within educational institutions became vital when scholarly research

indicated that children should consume a healthy breakfast before

coming to school. Research has indicated in an educational institution in

New Delhi, India, there were couple of students who used to come to

school just after having a glass or milk and nothing to eat, and they

fainted and required medical treatment; then their parents were called,

as well as it was put in writing by the school authorities that they should

consume a healthy breakfast before coming to school; therefore, it can

be stated that if a child faints in school due to lack of proper and a well

balanced diet then it causes hindrances during the course of his learning

and education. The concept of nutrition education has become a vital

area in play schools and it is normally put in writing by the school

teachers that what they are required to consume before coming to

school as well as after school.

There have been development of curriculum and instructional materials

that impart information about a healthy and a well balanced diet; these
materials have been health and science textbooks (Celebuski & Farris,

1996), books about ones dietary habits, differences between healthy

and unhealthy food items and the effects of their consumption; mainly

the textbooks regarding diet and nutrition provide the essential

information about the required nutrients such as calcium, vitamins,

proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, potassium, zinc, iron and sugar.

The deficiencies of the required minerals within a human body can

cause disadvantageous effects, for example, deficiency of iron in ones

body can cause anemia, sugar has to be consumed in extreme

moderation, especially those individuals should avoid sugar who are

diabetic, high blood sugar levels can cause harmful effects upon the

human body. In most of the educational institutions, individuals are

provided with mid day meals, these meals should be healthy and provide

the essential nutrients to the students. In nutrition education, one of the

most vital areas that should be emphasized upon is that they should be

prepared in a clean, hygienic and uncontaminated environment,

vegetables and fruits should be washed before consumption and one

should always wash his hands before preparation of meals or

consumption of anything, if a food item is fallen upon the floor, it should

not be consumed as it has acquired the dirt which has been upon the
floor; these are vital aspects that need to be taken under consideration

when acquiring knowledge about nutrition education.

Nutrition Education in Community Areas

Schools and educational institutions have been regarded to be primary

aspects to impart nutrition education to the individuals. This viewpoint is

regarded as extremely crucial that nutrition education is essential for the

physical and mental development of the children. When the children will

consume a healthy and a well balanced diet then they will be able to

concentrate upon their studies and learn effectively. The significance of

nutrition education in community areas have been classified as follows:

(Hawkes, 2013).

1. Making provision of information, knowledge and skills about the

relationship between a good diet, physical activity and health.

2. Preparation of food, involving ones self in learning how to prepare

food, for example, taking cooking classes and the consumption of

food is regarded to be one of the most pleasurable and enjoyable

moments of life.

3. One should learn to make the differences between healthy and

unhealthy food choices; when a person is young, then he enjoys

sweets and unhealthy foods, he does not bother about his weight,
but when he grows up, if he has time he gets engaged in physical

exercises and eats mostly healthy food and recognizes the

differences between healthy and unhealthy food items.

4. Education regarding nutrition should also involve the advantages

as well as the disadvantages of the alcoholic as well as the non-

alcoholic beverages; healthy and junk food items, consumption of

fruits, green vegetables and other well nourished food items and

unhealthy food items such as sweets etc.

5. The communication of health messages to the public is important,

whether it is through educational institutions, training centers,

medical centers, healthcare facilities, media, communication

channels and so forth. When an individual attends a counseling

center in order to obtain counseling on some aspect such as anger

management, then also diet and nutrition is considered to be one

of the most crucial areas that a counselor advises about.

6. Nutrition education is considered to be an important way of

healthy eating, build good life long habits and struggle against the

problems of obesity, under-nutrition, over-nutrition, and

malnutrition; generation of knowledge and information in this area

will help people in identifying the problems that are associated

with diet and nutrition and the good effects of a healthy well

balanced diet (Providing Nutrition Education, n.d.).

7. In some cases, young children and other minority groups are not

aware of different kinds of food items available, than it should be

the part of the curriculum in nutrition education that these people

be introduced to new food items that they are not aware of and

particularly those that are good for their health conditions

(Providing Nutrition Education, n.d.).

Recommendation of Nutrition Education Programs

The following factors have been identified that influence the

recommendation of the nutrition education programs: (Hard, Uno &

Koch, 2015).

1. Assess the efficiency of, organization and management between

nutrition education within the Child Nutrition Programs as well as

courses executed through other organizations throughout the

federal government that include nutrition education. Besides

imparting knowledge and information regarding the food items;

the individuals should be communicated about the benefits of

consuming a healthy and a nutritious diet; when young children

long for unhealthy food items, it should be taught to them that

unhealthy food items can prove to have disadvantageous effects

upon their health, such as weight gain.

2. Not only amongst the children but also amongst the adults, in

higher education or short term courses, the significance of

nutrition education should be emphasized, for example, adult

individuals may keep fast in most cases, once or twice a week due

to religious beliefs, they may not eat due to weight gain and prefer

to stay slim, then in these cases, medical practitioners advise them

to consume tablets of calcium and vitamins so that they get the

appropriate minerals that are required for their good health.

3. Individuals of all age groups may abstain themselves from

consuming certain food items, when they withdraw themselves

from consuming certain foods, then the food items available to

them becomes limited, then they are required to make choices

between healthy and unhealthy food items. The unhealthy food

items are not supposed to get avoided completely, they can be

consumed once in a while, but nutrition education states that

whether there are children, teenagers, or adults, they should

consume a healthy and a nutritious diet in order to maintain their

healthy living. Eating healthy keeps an individually mentally as well

as physically alert and active and on the other hand, unhealthy

diet causes not only weight gain but also makes an individual

lethargic and physically inactive.

Elderly individuals, who are above 60 years of age, mostly suffer from

health problems, such as their word usage and vocabulary begins to

decline, they suffer from various kinds of health problems such as pain

in the joints, visual impairments, hearing impairments, tooth problems

and so forth. They sometimes feel like craving and consuming unhealthy

food items, on the other hand, some elderly people consume extremely

less amount of food; therefore, it is important that elderly individuals

seek advise and guidance from their doctors and medical practitioners

regarding the diet that they should consume; research has indicated

that consumption of fruits and vegetables would largely assist in the

maintenance of good health of the elderly individuals



Information generated in this study were obtained from related

literature, published and unpublished materials including documentary

papers. Interviews were also conducted among respondents drawn from

nutritional educationists e.g. Zmdane Nutrition Education Institute in

Akure, Fast Food Staffers and owners, hotel staffers and owners.

Responses from the interviews, personal observations and

questionnaires were used to confirm and corroborate the facts obtained

from the literature.

For the purpose of research work, structured and structured and

unstructured questionnaires were designed and employed. The

population of the study comprised both staff and guests of Sweet Savour

Eatery. Alagbaka, Akure and Royal Birds Motel all 350 copies. The

questionnaires were distributed, and only 300 were retrieved.



Findings from the various interviews conducted revealed that the role of

Nutrition Education in catering and fast food business, cannot be

overruled as confirmed by Eziwogwu (2012).

It also revealed that Nutrition education should be made clear to people

on the fact that eating of fast food, impacts so much on individual's

nutritional healt ( Olaoluwa 2010).

According to the findings, nutrition education stresses the need for

people to take nutrition into consideration when planning menu and

making menu choices as also confirmed by lyiola (2011).

Table 1: Summary of Questionnaire items

Item Responses Frequency Percentage

1 Is good planning of Yes 250 83

menu important in No 30 10

catering business No Idea 20 7

and fast food?

2 Does eating of fast Yes 262 87

No 262 7
food have any

impact on the No Idea 20 6

individuals nutritional


3 Can Nutritional Yes 250 83

Education be No 30 10

acceptable by No Idea 20 7


4 Is nutritional Yes 255 85

education important No 30 10

in fast food and No Idea 15 5

catering business

Source: Field Survey (2015)

From the Table above, the information shows that 250 respondents

representing 83% said that good planning of menu is important in

catering business, while 30 respondents representing 10% is said it not

true, but 20 respondents representing 7%? have no idea.

Also 262 respondents representing 87% said that eating fast food has

impact on individual's intufmial health, 20 respondents representing 7%

said it is not true and 18 respondents representing 6% said nothing.

In the same vein, 250 respondents representing 83% said that nutrition

education can be acceptable by people, 30 respondents representing

10% said it is not true end 20 respondents representing 7% had nothing

to say.

Finally, 255 respondents representing 85% said that nutritional

education is important in fast food and catering business, 30

respondents representing 10% said it is not true and 15 respondents

representing 5% said nothing.

To answer this question items 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire were

used as shown in the above table. The summation of the overall "YES"

option prints is 250 + 262+ + 250 + 255.

= 1017 X 100 1200

1200 = 84.7%

The question has scored above the total points obtained for acceptance.

As such, the question is considered answered in the affirmative.




It is pertinent to note that nutrition education is important in fast food

and catering business.

The basic need of human race is food because it contains the essential

nutrients for life.


Nutritional Education Programme should be intensely directed and be

encouraged to students of Hotel and Catering, hotel workers fast food

workers and the public at large. The catering, fast food outlet managers

or any food handlers should Endeavour to put into consideration

different people under different condition of health when planning

menu. The government at all levels must promote nutritional education.


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