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217 Fray ae oO ] Get It Korean Reading Ol 21 |e Get (t Korean Reading opts) RH RS Davee O.Pyun| 162) ate ze KOREA FOUNDATION as. = @ reweo Pudtshing ne. mele AMAA TO YA VA Ae, Sh VS BAS NY A Ral THO] SIE. 24 a Ges] Bah Mane tho} BRAY whoo} wiahg AA eal U9) 2G AH PLES BABY BAIS AMT ool Bt Obata, Aakdetats de Oe Bol ALE AS Mol AS LEY EA AAT TANS -aaikoud. Oe] Be wate Ml 7p del 759] Boe AMoe eye WoL ME lps AS SE eal QU VAY Qo} 741 P59] HTAOS AASTA| ADB Ol a 748175 Wet ASSAY eT LA APRS BN AA al RA Hel LGU AL Bz] HIS) BR WHE AR BANS] So] A 2 Al 214 girl BHR ARE Lol Bolt eae 7s] HEAT g Mahe Hog eos ete, 10) 75 ele) AE U7) ell 7PeSe ataLe & AAI Obs Ob Ro Pol Aa ‘sot sol shisis 2 et elated ehh eS BMH oleae aaah a Ss SIE EOE AIO} RSE eh 341 RH NA AD} he AUER SISAL HOLM BH] SOV EAS) FSR 75a AUG, SAIS] SOT TA BH BAA ABA oP ite) WA Te AD RAE BE BE AROMAT 2M Mo Ae Sol 2 AED Ate ZA Sul Fo} 289) Ase AM alee AMIE, Ast GalbAaiol Sho} ip Be] LAR ANG ADs wh ALSROPALE a hE Be] op IE PAGS ie ASIA Wo} 7s RENE AISOISROLY 2 71s 2b Gael eta shteh IH Set Sight Wols, WE Se atehoho} UH OME MAASUML Sal BOWL PEE SAL BUF BY LE WH AMAIA] Co) DAD So}. 7is-g Masia} espo} BRO} see yl 8-8 BovMiary ARGUE, EA He anctionsi% SAF eho YASH el ole} ee 255 ated $48 DA Aceh}. ela heeds] etre et Hrleh Bola) Hat + ah 5 AVAL 41952 ob lok M0] A ANU AMADIS YO ee HAA] ChO}RL AFI Se HTM I EO} HH] ALA HA, sh AAS Se A Set AIG, THO} He Let LH QTLO] Y-Orioh| Leak TRE op 22 AHA DSL Oto} 2 AAMT WA elm o| BaP] SHI D4} VELA aan) S841 Spiga, 20178 341 Aaah BAR wees Preface Ge It Koran is the second series of Kyung Hee's Korean language textbooks since the publication of Kyung Hees first series 17 years ago. This beginning level series provides five comprehensive and interconnected volumes consist of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Inthe recent past, wit the popularity of the ‘communicative language teaching approach, Korean educators placed heavy emphasis ‘on oral communication and somewhat neglected reading and writing skills In theco velumes, we aim to holp learners devolop four language skills ina balanced manner. While we take an integrated approach tothe four language skills the materials are presented in separate language areas inorder fo shape our materals to our stents specific anguage needs, Learners lacking in any one ofthe language skill areas willbe able to focus their language study on the areas oftheir ned. Within each volume, we male efforts to integrate four language skills. Grammar and vocabulary are prosonted progressively based on frequency of use and the level of difficulty. The langage 1 Standard ‘of Teaching Korean asa Foreign Language published by the National Insitute of the ‘lements, Functions, and tasks are created in reference to the Internatio Korean Language, ‘Asa frontier of KFL (Korean asa Foroign Language) education, Kyung Hiee University will continuo to improve and sdapt our materials in erder to maintain our high standard of teaching the Korean language Finally, would like to give thanks tall the contributors whe made this book possible Hyun-Yorg Cho Dean ofthe Insitute of International Education Kyung Hee University as7| 01 4S oslo) 82ND B “OPT TEE HOLT, AONE AE PE LaNOM wAOIM 9 O18) 4: 2 SPIOL SIE 712.891 o1vocabularye EAerprossionS ABYOEM MF Wake Exist ‘egal 2 2 02 ola AB BER SIAC, ‘spot aren ess wea arn eee ecg ceveteg is. soune ro ese ‘ouatusry and renee! aire hey etesundean’ ape fe xanChsr ese ac otc {rowunenerts ands mee 27) HUAI BS “ape we IePartr, Partd\~ Cf OL BANC BRE Val PIC BAIS OFF OIT aio, 49881 RHE Bat Be ag scons redcinCreCnen at a aed Nees ee Oras He ie Zee. ‘Newraginte tte (ss eta ste eR gata Ses Om on BEER NIGER OIE Ste31 9 91S AB, +) ries aye bv capeenson litt lepine LL gmanem a 92 reo as ome el ae BA Gap ts ed red specs freon ‘itteseciny omen s}u9 mo tH TH ADV SA BUSH HEINER BER. Scofpotalyepec cco une: 5304 St Of 14 AB 2122 2B O82} AR ‘oes a rl th chat [rocned so opps wt por an thes 1m 82 2P1 BER Be Oa 11) SQA I AER OFELIA erie BA Yuin ie ode Deoomriy 71 MBS WW AL Hae OIE HIRO as) Bue! MSO GE BSS Sw sim omg 9 2158 Al Ky soca eres tet ene fang ‘Gorchnse toasty of tation med ‘econ one aie rey te sayeme sats Ra The HOR, eee SN Hee RE Yc elo «neve atergahnent and pe by ‘Sehnert ate TSE signe m2 87 88 cH PLN pHa uadeg snag posed elenrene 8 ome im east: Bo IFO] BE OH YBN BI BAI — uSs Cate weary tr. ane the manera ons 10 ‘evovelernng retin 2 Sa GON 42 HOA OM UCR SUE 4 ER Shred pate goa the ere il alee pend cmpetend ech i) ol AIQOUIE eR ERE CBE BB LPL BAM BI goo 19 29 11888 BRAG BIIAE2 BL, ets Red Agi reno ending roar te dng i . - MYON AER EECe 22 4 ANE eI ERS AA, ‘edd ding sa poe |_ Py ezaee -pHOl Re ee A RAAB {3 ng PA SI HA feveon cute uit ew iy congeene ‘apo egh pets gape cies rhs Slerto79 exact ame sone ~ Sil aL aI. Youvitbeaietoeryabeatendesrcive ueang puoacien aye, 1s 28 BAB, 18a end teas eng ciaeraacwoiaies aL 6 9 998 MIRGLIN? YI 2S ht yout tl Wiel yu MBNA, wuuuuuuud vaaeti2y Names of Things 2 joo ~ es BA OS Th ames of plas G AAs} 1S sks olast + geet ct Youvwilbe abi toeadand understand the nomes of paces. ee od Ea} ‘Signpictures G32 Bre wo OIE + wALIC ‘Youvrillbe able to read and understand sans @ Ba ofsi9} 3B exo] $8 U4 BALE ‘You willeam the names of plas andl the maaeing of ign @ PRS] HE Fel ched ost + slsLict ‘You illbe able to understand Korean tedionl house ales Hank: = al Treas pes G& ais ower own 4 nace Q ria BeHA no testo @ opps oes ae ae © ageue. @ zeNuC © aye Buc. © we eisuel © eyes Buch. » 2) a 4) SS 217 Be 4S oS LALO. AlBEeIRILIC OF7IO1A RBIS SILICL see, O(7IOA 8 LICE oPRRILI OA 288 SUC AMIQIUC, O70 ms OFLC. et try stom ne Ure a amein2125 @ 38 ene ea eam + seu @ cee 7a exc oe 2a ex v's aA. “Thess are gn: neste tothe ins that you krow. : +i) | G ; FH | fH] GZ / 3 : | ; 8 1 fi WUE 2S SO} HRS AAAI. ‘Choose the cortect one are write the numiser below the matching ease. @ wesc © arwue. © aeuaguc © vee G ‘B ‘fl ‘DB ‘O aie © gee an ave ae 20) vee ware. fed th ellovng Then cheese cect one and wite he mbar in ives bale @ OIA BORSUIC, @ 071A 88 YU O7 I HAE UCL @017)014 HS SUC, © 071014 MIO S EEC, DH gio} AIM. tod agin 4 ofits SAPILICL. Beton OHI MHEI7) ALICE OHH MEIDLY OIBLICE Ate SASLICL ABOU BS FGLICE BACHE SAEIMOIEH YaLICL ARE SILC BA Wo uLA 2471 EUG. OL HAR BUC, 230182 27 oe © ori 228 eu sive 28 wae. 2) Baise NUCL ance BUC, 3) Ah) maton Skee esO| ZH eat Be ISS OLEH EHIALS, sever head the Rone gs. he sie aed make 9 note of wha you rea, +1 BROW HOLA? Whorowaitonceihesigni + 72/0144 98S BILDIF? what do you do there? Wl - aol en © este ma anonns vee, 022195 284,82 cetera in 4 SS ORO E FORIUCL. ARE OBER NIE 712 L-B 4 VOM ABE AEE UG, MBO BBCSO olLt SwSIROFgol 7121 OCIS 8128 4tet 4 LBLICL te Korean wana howe called NanelM IS) Bacause Honok fu and sure tend, es or ype of he Tee ee eee oars SOL Eaa Mee. 6 ZEN Gla OLE REIN Bt BHELMIE nou figure outa ple kisby wad Yen? hs PONS wNSHe LI Wet AS AAPA AIAN, ii dieu era tod? Vite fey wat you rember puuuuuuud sa08 2129 Making Introductions cE TE 7H Introduction ofa frity GES soit Be U7 Olea + SUC Your beable to edand undstandthe etic one omy Ee Sole] 47H Invodictonct aco @ Bole 4 BACHE 917 OleiRt + SIALICL ‘oun beable toreadend understand a poster thats seversingabertad, @ 719] S80 25 Bei oR] BE a + NLC. You willeam words and exprasions fr family an sports & so] Bg Sea cts Of 4 VELICL ‘You willbe able to understand the vadkional spots. aaa 7S AM AE op aucune @ ose way yezoy rrsaUC. we Hole AALS. Thee peopleae te ory sembers filly and Matapn, White to caret wordin the bores bom ae Cy om © e we oe O roi esque weo1 we core swale Falah bla ith anepproprne fy erm, Wopsi}9| 1H RIL, 2) ow} OfHAIRILICL 9) Seu, ebaRIUICL, 4) SIU, OFFIC, QD a8 a2 BEA BOHM, cossrndancnor ne questens a As eeus, ong erect tere 278 SOIC ° at nery cue 8F suc Fale lhe 1) SPStOH CHEF O10} ILIA? whaxisthetextatour oaz oar our ose 2) ROW O, BANE ICH SHIAIO, indleate othe sentences cones, or xifincomect. © AIS cHEtmOH CHILE, co) OAS SB BOvRILIC coy 9 sosor2m 2maen aaues saa suue. aac uouns wx 2H mem ¢ uae. sana : eee sotal 47H simroduction BUD, O) vareo1 Bote SEA YH SHIA, weary ioycurioveneson Lobe (=) oe ry 4 ory ape 28 WHET mocrendroinonsponinenee ya o an 2 ae eo me 3 REAR ete pss axa ase ote AA. iene arenes Me SSS Hogue oretoll eau. 20 NAA ese aa xiaiiauct SG seein sem sam one. aa] 22 Ee) cs) heat Tes se uer=u 1) $2900 CHB! O1OF7 RIL? Whar istnetent about oar ose oan © Bore) 2) LORI O, Selel LB SHALS, wnacate ox he sentences cert or xitncorect © S01 BS Ba] SFA co @ Solel A752 S29! NUCH SHLICE C4 OD 2) 20 BAS. retacin a “Go| 47° 4 BoleleIUC, Sorel Awe Faw SOILCL OF Ey OF SSRN S78 MLC] SFE SOOM? asl as Qe. smart 35 E240 BAIct Losread more te @ ze soem ase x8 WasNe. “thind ofa chiki? Match each deri el the comet plc » 2 3) abgoita! ce Goret angen | * , ‘2+ Sora! space soaier Let's Danceytict! aa 74 | oa onto! Be Fray Yo weak Yor s YALA Yau wil beable toread and understand tn toxt about school, +8 Sal Class announcements @ 42 Brie vin ower 4 QBLICL, Youle ale toad and understand clascannouncemonts @ Aa Pe ole] 2 REIS + VELL ‘Youwilleam wordsnd express regarding school ws © 20] 2B IES Olsts 4 s1aLIch Youve abie to understand the exkiational system in Kore. eS ve eo MO.) 2) —$ Oo) —) ef eae sot 39 egal GF owe ames an om ene @ oe angie. 9 va age cols AES, a Hoclsazchook Look the pew ac in the box wih cxtet werd zeta eae ese ae og att ‘CHOWSAILIC Teta etsts Gtols Aor efeIeHALS, ado school Match each werd withthe comrect pct © awa These o om oe oe AB @ HEAR 10 . D a 912 E01 BEHIAG, readand annex inocu a AE Aagetzoy 3018 wBUCt. AA2 13 SHE SUC gO 4B O1F ADIQAUG HUMES ABU TAWA i= al OE -SOrLUCL ° ati ature 1) 29404 CHE! O1O}7TRILIDF? Whore thecextabeut? oar oom Nae 9 eto 2) ROBO, BAI CB SHLIS, mnaicate ow me ertoncecconeer.orxincorect. © R01 Hatsol AHBBLICL (4 © 0] Age Bh SHE Teach, cy g10Q a: OU LK: BAK aL ROH AID, UDA Sa se eI) it a ONL Fun Sole ms Few + ELL +2 Sal some GO toma ay ese @ oeeornen se 20 vs stele. 4 peicte tothe things that you oul he ok. page 1) TTL LT oR J NBwOl @ cree un we ots AID, red onside NEBR 7148 BOUL. aR 74 O aaéuc. az2@ 2 a 4B. AGO gugen yeu. omo4 G12 Bat +201 VUE. Ta HE BIS eal 40S eeuct eae = aes 7 al sas {00D we anOL ssn: tom a3 sea isooeirion 2108 | exam | ed8%oy | aaa 1) S740 CHEE OL0}7ILIZE? What is the text abou OR @zs ore 2) ROBE O, SeIOH CH SHIALS. nccate ow he sentonceis cere orxiincorec © alte AweOL MBC), © 2a $US SAlOH APAIBILICH, Ons IAA BILICH, QA 901 BAAS. readaie ‘GO| SA 42 SAVLICL Ck SIE GRE, AAPBO), BS Lal, OH BAI UO USLUCL BH HS S01 GLC} BIAS Fee eee Seal SUC. ABEO FHS F201 QSL. SH kal FBS Sogo! AUC sh Qe) 4Be_ a) C9 on) SOL AUCH. 621 S2QI7IT] AENOLAI AAIHIAIS 4 sana a3 8 1 avunt ai | 0] SAIC Lor read mone DeAHLy SISO BE 4 R= ARIEL, LSS AI71H SELLA. “hve ave netics he yok see nye dvinltay o1 boating house. Gress what eacheans cue ‘tt 070-0090 aan sas02000 i WAR ARBEL eae 712A, } fy! So YoRIol cA Sk Lich e130] S51 SR ABOA HE BAO] MALAI, | ‘Wie Kream noes th you have een around Wher=you Te wd Sto] 23} au ease © 8321 29 A cauctentsytem tows a 0] 2S ASE 6-3-3-4HERHC, ABATE OY, SAult Be, SSE a, CSL 448 agi. dxcaonal system in Korea called a 6334 syst, Koreans tel fr 6 yrs elewentary schoo 2 yeusin ine sebocl 2 yeas in high choot ane years in coe an PIAA) ASOAS~BM) -BAC~I6AD TESEAZ~19H)) MHBHAOM ) I) fee Ute a8 ae OFBBLIMP onan yeroey 9 Bab COU BBE M MHA, Vite words resis hat come tomind 0 OILY #EIS Arik: Se aim Olas = akELINE CCanyourendnd vista etertinvadtng hod ors? 0 Oe Foe HIRALINA H7IUE Ae TIGA ML Wot cd you a toy Wie ec hot you emerber wuuuuuuua yee as School cafeteria SG Bas arise 3S 917 oNM + WALK, Youve abl tread and ucestand the text ecing pas. EMP SAL Leary ennouncerene @ ene Bis on Ome + SLI, Youve abletoread nd undtand amnouncemertsinthelaay G ws Bet og 9 weIE a4 BSL ‘You wil earn words andl expressions relate! o places See Aol IIe ALIS ABlele BS eta Ol + aut ‘oui beable touncerstan te textexpairing Dongdaeman market and Namstaemun make oe 2s, oe ete tea Pe ele YX) —E)—_@) smueia7 ae desist G ven 20 2a aa ons nous @ rva9 27 ave cols Agus. ic: NE 2a Ant rata SH Pini moat salt @ ovre ocr” B28 HAND, minions teen ee 1) Oflotat 84 ALI Dovel ee SUC 2 OP OIA wate SIC ee ‘Mele on Shy ASLO, a SFGLIC SH) MELE LT MEREILICE, Ale {a 4/0] ED BIseSLICh AVAL 2ray AICO APO] SLICE. ® Wel toto tbe spacious m0 heclan Mat obechesp . 1) 2908 CHEF O1O}AIRILIMY? whats the teat about? J oud © 32] a esas 2) LOMO, Bell XH SAA, indiareor the sentences cree or incenec © Hele ne erat ACOH ZC oo @ Sg Actor RANCH, «o © Oy At S40 wHSLIC, on) sueias EMP SAl cutee =orantouneerets 5 @ sya ain anon > eur OI7I= SEMPIRILICE, ARI Stal gists GtOLe AAeIALe. a This fa trary Loska the picture andilin the box with the corect werd ova A ae | emi gona Rea UR eoding com @ errs core. A Ho, wnat nonrnctoi 2) OILY Stat SHEE OBA, | 1 O}7IOA BF, ARE ALICE 9) Oi7ioiy B19! Oot7ie Skt ALC gen Be cpt ite 2 aleet, S48 enous enya, apis, H4sL Mtoe aaa, 1) CIE OCIRILID¥7 Whathind paces hie? @sKn zie esta orm 210 O, Be BLY, nderreou he sentence core orx incorrect. @ B42 2A01M HALICh, ey © oy So SAHAIO! eeSLIC, cy QD WL gL BANE, seadagun a OS EARIQLICL SANRIO 285] SHAS. WIE 01 S01 VELICE SANS MAIL, SUA, BRE HOLY SUAS, TAD BANE SHO oe SBROe O14 OE] THA. samaist 4 ef ato} EAC © ovte oiersime este 2s eretaresals. 4 lint thi ples? Match each deception wththe comet pwr » = 2 —_ 9 2 | 7 | | woes st mee ey” | | SSoteen | 13% AH" wae | scone | | UMM | | ae aaee | ce eae | aa. ee saan 5 | | # (sata oun O° outa wis wees ify) #2 OM 2s a2 ge Use aie BIS. vd + OLCIRILIIN? Wat etic placer + 2810) SakeILIM? marist pacefomows for? go sien ‘BenB Alaa UCAS aaah 2s em cpiy > U0, 9 082 41821 ICA APE oonnran toe. Namene mn Hartt 4 SHE Aa OHS AIS AGOLA! 7H2t ROI! APMRILICL, Bae AS es mo! BAAOLL OLY 2RY = 9) B08 the Be Ase. Bongdaernan market and Nox ASU, IHS AWE IR, a, motets crepe sex marke ae the mos famous markets Seoul. Dong isthe bub of fashion and the biggest clothing morket. Momelaemun market fax general mark people sal vaous thing uch ¢ bows gases and camer smn make inhi fais! LIZIOIAL ABE! APE OFC AIIM? Bets BL? INhich market famous in your county? What Kilo ings people elinthe makat? OARILE OH EES HAIG, o-BAS Ante BOIL ONES 21 OE + BOLI Cenyeurendandundtand to or announcement tedkcing pace 9 Sis BAIR MIMS LI? WEIL 8 AREA M SINS, Wat dy fs today? eet you remeber wubuuuuud sae ss Daily Life eget G walaieol cle # BS etm oft + LIC Youvrlbe ablotoread ned uncertandthe tex about da he ay Weekend @ Falol Gol He BS ain ost + gHeLIc You be abe read and understand the text about weekend acti, @ Aizh ave ofp a eet ws + ett ch ‘Yu willleam words and expresions related to tine, @ wag] we Ofale's et Oe > BaLICE ‘uit be ableto ead and understand AirangOEED, 2 Rvean folksong. eg » le oayanen 55 GS veswiaae ae ua oem ¢ 044 @ 9s aOHAe neastieitewing f 1 a spree el TET ae cmt aa | ae ue rey be] (el bel [2] |] | es samy | @ 222 woVw HEALS, sno he ble singrw worse ug ee gay au 2s gaa use nue = 2a | eae aes | QD res 912 ON HS} ALD. reodend answer tnecvestons & Bw fF ey © o O & 8 a 4 ry 5 a a9 a oUSE wg, ° Sse £201 lancjuage partner erase ole, _tt tenet 295 SNe Ugets, ARC wake (SBN aaa, s can Bee SAREE 84 mounias dein Bag ia, 1) $PEA0} CHEE O10} TEILIDF? Whatietecext about? oma © offt aah ean Fu 7a 2) WOR O, Selet KSHMAIS. tndicae OW te sentence iseonect.orxifincorec O dels Sewol gals ALCL, c © Hels Sal Tele eILICt, ‘ © wel ) ) SAFO aw eHRIES MASUCL, co Q Hig war19. rests 4 BelS WWF Ut, PLUSH] FQ ASS ASUCL SBOE POH erIUC -SoQlolt= TY BAB ISLC. APSO Vol DH SAS GLE! ALVES HE RAUC, TelT SQCHS WA Bes BIC. WLBOe Ast WO} Bes Vc, ‘MI tHeL UHRILICh. Sbxe! #152 880] METSIALICL nun s7 Ce ea QO 29942 ge sols Awe. a ‘ookat the pcr ane we hecorect worn the bores bake. a ApS ofa E oR au ® 12M e O rae va ave pois sete. ‘oor the comect wor ace thelow the matching pcre oa Ae | sere iis cialis (vrs wun BOL BAHIA, nec onsonwe auton fh soda pa Ne Qe sivshal BSA ASUCL Fete BAS orn Aimgol MSc. I AMEN M7} BB Bolte ING MAU, ME T7148 BA A jg shale. OlOI7IS a HELE BB 7IMSUA, ° yet HE to belo lunes 7 sear eat tooetier 2a b eUCt ‘ou il orn words and expresions related to objects and «alos GS eo] BE BTol chal ole 4 ALICE You will beable to understand the traitional toms of Korea. et : eetetetet 2 rs, % ° O—O—E rant 63 @ oeze ear GF cea suse au aaeme en, Be ANE Borel pik Sordi AAO VB VAL. 4 Whetis yur overt cole! bate tthe colo. LOL _ J kee 1 yee o ¢ & & : J gay ast a a ot 4 2 user ya sot ae a ae AON, @ oerzo1 mia ye eee se aL MAA. Wht eoiors are yourbelongings! Wee the coir ned tothe belong. nan 2) 9x1 234 ae 5) xe 6) as 7) 2402 8) FC SBh 88 21a BEL TE, Word ons.noner ine nitions 4 9 WAS HSBsUc. az SEBUC e SESE BE 4 MOU FU7) BEUC, HA SS Balt 4 LeLCh, e etovice 2B tester BBL ioe stere,Yobesad Bronte FM pocet ‘SAM io pu serething inert, ome 1) $2940 CHR! DIOP RILPAZ Wharistece one ona OLes 2) OE O, Bel! XBBALAG, hnatoo dine sentensis cont or xincaect. 0022 a7 HEU (oy 0 O71 KERB SE > SteIC, co) © O1NE 0147) stesLct, an) ramet 65 SO HS} ecrms GF aa ea ate wee ee ope > ates, w oie Heo F201 ASLUM? vB LIAL, ‘What ind of things are nyour ag? ndiatey to the obec. 3) a esd 1 Mee ojo SNA 1 OH BBE ASE LOE AGIA, nead and complet the sentences sing the fllosing word ae ae aa nie ojo expr BRS gud. 2) 2 dae SUC. of oS HILIch 4) jee seule. eedoiesaucd. 6 SUC, p hi ig of ats rep AW eaeor tem er}conesct norton Basan 1) O[CIOLA & 4 RIGLIMI? Where ean yousce the above content? Ouest ern owns oan ae 2) SINS 21S OASHIAI®,, atch earn etre wat the conet cescaion, ow! © duo} 288 & 4 gaLIC. a © 0a 2H] Be we > saLIK _ o 15 © FEY Meese AA-8 BS MOLL, seats 49 Ba ofedenesnor QD A 201 BAL, rose acan 4 OFA MS HRIPILICL, A eck 2 OF2| 7A SILC OFRIAIA APSO] BISA FAS BUC CMO Of 7B] VEE SUC TAL Pe wie} Qele BOE NEE AION 2S ALICE A ROH ON PEIEIL rasei67 © Qo} SAIC Lets aadmore | my | angen aa. | | ee | | Hike | roeran | | oem “erent | } i ® e e 1S TL OZOH SELIALS. vi | | + BA BAB WALI? Whe tnd of xvertsemert you see? + OFF UEBO] YRSLMAZ what content does the py ees © 8591 88 82 Koon tostions tens ine er OBS AE IR OAR SPER his a Rerean cantage canny peson a8 one ABS 20M ARE eck SASL snclgran AQ ofetez0} ex Tokabouttorean vation items G sem eam sae a = a Oi ARO} 28 Gol ala. She FRE Thsaorean aframeto cary ae opie rial 8 24 al Ba Eel: REEL Ii fowin po seo l= GR] AE -V2IO| (HAH O}o}7I AH KALA, SB iti © Mau HOU Bae UM weIS ‘te mer cr samences that cameo min, o 8t2 QNaIE Be eM OMes BALI Gan ou read and understand 3 wt Sverbing object? © 2s ROB MIR LIMP Ate 28 AREA SHAS. ‘hac dca today? ie eey what you remeber wuubuuuuu rast 69 cp aga Korean Food © ero} galelal chs! BS eta oer + gleUich Youwill beable to read and undewstand the text about Korean table settings Ga Oil Bt Menu S or He ei ote + stu You willbe able to read and understand amen GS sai) of 2a O18] 8 BIE Be > ALICE ‘Youvwillean words and expressions mlted to food and Bo] AAI owe ott + sieLiet You witbe able to understand Koran table mene ot angus @& eas gna we en non 3 2000 @ 42 504 oto) 90) = 4] VB IAD. D cess 2171 AeB01 SHALE. romans avertnequesine A aaa 83 NESS U3, ae, of 72) at em eat MBL, WH WE eo] a Be Lew eAuUC, Jet 2784) SFI 321 9201 SBUC, Halo} viste Wa = ROL SBLIC ° 91 AI axis ind res ettoms Suan ton 1) 29{0H Rt O}OIZILALPNZ Whats oto abou i o 93a 4 #39122 © wisto) a o wa0) sate 2) $OEI O, Bele! KB SHAS, ncetooiteesenencescomect orAincoret 0 iat 2 viet go AU a) O28 20S #2801 BOUN, on) an atte sting snani7s ‘maent. SF evens om s tee @ ceteor gorse: S401 VS BAAS, tateasoyartevesistod Bho ‘0008 Eo” ¢ ssp008 eo 5% sone GB =~ © awe 2g ees. seroma mecrecrormes 4) Beh nere3,000 ago 2,000 ors sts 000 ; eae ARIA anptel- ah» Ona aAES 9008 (D cae ain E01 Bae. recta anwerdnequesion j api 9M | aR eeu SE PAPE 6,000 whe 70000 | B7I(221%)-~12,000 Btur(22188)~~15,000 AR ooh, el ote UM booten we aH desen rcen ee . 1) OL AfSZo) eA BERILLI? wet rostaurantis th men tom? j onw owe ose oone 2) 209 O, Bele XBAHIAIS, insesteoritiesontencer comet ax inemect O ureetch eM A BAIL to BMI Me Ol FLY 4 BSUCt i) ux] BE aL. to) (2 cage} 2H, tans f OS SHAE GI RRLICL ALARRON= OF 710 Oh 7F SERLICE MEEPS te 71240) ‘Ae a, 271, UUIAIE 7} CHS LICE. 2712} TIPS 2OUEHE| BOL RIC SAIS CATES] olye7E SIELICE BeIst AJOICie| 71290] 2a A177 WARLIC, om a4 175 1 04 SAIC Letters @ oe sau awe ae ase. a ey Macha ie concen: Yo) BUC, @azol SUC eagol auc ogo) wud, o na7F7t wale. Af O1B2 SN SLAIN the name nd ace of thefood. Aly) ote oe eats aInet7 What indo dl ou eat toda? | ¢ vr _ + 2244 O10} BORRILIIA? What sth name of he fod + S10] O1SILII? How docs tase? ———— ‘crn CO raneseneen = Cee gO} ALA O11 Chet TAIVILICE AVF OFMOL BEA] Be Tals BEALE, ‘he petues about rear ble rane Choose he pews bow ha showapropte able mane. no r e d 5 ao o 20 © e Ga ch a0 Af ora etal a 0104 CHa 0101181 AI. 1a sbou the viemaesin your comm. J © APIUE HOU BIEN SIA. ‘iste vord or serteneeshatcone wii eb) Sled oO] aE Of LIM CanyouvneerstandKoveantablsettngs and ner 6 fs 98 HOUR BALE 2B AREA M BAAD, ‘What you loan oy? Write sey hat you remem wuuuuuuud am ea 77 Transportation Ujsals Pubic vansportation G cisagol ust Be et ole + BELG, You ville able co ea ancundrstandthe tox about pubic \tansporition al HU "rasportaton guido @ ago weve gre wn OMe > BSUICh Youve able osrderstaeielatecl 0 wanspotaton guide cE G 28 BA off] Y ne axl HAR a+ waLIC. Youwillear word and expresions lated to wanspotation and proton go 22} & SR) BBE! CHsH Ola + SUI, ‘You wil beable to undestandte public wargportstion in Kore, 38179 a WSLS | gdtcioumaten Gf tsnaneiiawe saat ic @ B20 og 2 asec Va we Seat tothemteans of raportaton mich you have tan in Kore, @ nae a2 92 28 BHAI. mnndnsnunmtecmayine Bes7ieul ) seaoe xetae Bos 4 91aUCt OWA Bis 7ICHRILI UIA ERAS B+ UU. TREE Eft Sato UE 3) ee aAOIM KTX UCL, 144) 2580) 2137 BUC were QD s8 at eA OHI, roodondores ihequetens 4 Ne SS0IN GSBES Bol OBRUCL. Sol MAB XIE GUCL 1zel BILE OF BRIBILIC B+ PLIEIE UA 4] NZI 2+ 20M BELICE TAD BS IES ABS VBS Aor SUCh | Bore mg es cH UP] eeuee ME SEOE HR H+ LOM MA EIB BORIIC, AZO] OD HA EEL She PABLICE OF MOIVSLC, ° Bic odecomniere ARE Dusit BB ele BDAC Loran x outed inden Fab oeokaroune 1) 22401 CHS! OOF IRALIa17 watis he vest spout? omy ous ort ox1st8t 2)YOOI.O, Bel MBSA, inciatooi the sentences cones 1 ineaxeet. © 0) AE LIAB AIF O1@EILICh oo 0.25 AEB BAe dole > BeLC, a) @ BRA BA S41 AIS DIE & + SLICE o> F apne que nse gun Os aaoea sevens liga c a omsaarRe 8 aesteu ou azsier ; ‘ransportaion guide (GF weer ace ct ome + sue, CHSS MS PehS OBE! MH Bw + SU AEXIQILICL Of2I4HO| HEAP W'S SHAS, ‘These are signs or transportation, eae tothe sgrs you have seen belo, (aise zie eratateAALs marca son antec exposin O@xls Best FNL. 4) OME UIEA zene, ©) ees SARE necro a 1 ANS 01 25 UelT La 2LICh 2,AlSteL, MAGI SOY, MOTE AIM APES SFSILICh 3. AIBEAL WA SIOUAS Bf Ab} NS ele O07], 4 AISEE, W SIOHAHS SO 38} SHS PH LIC Q , 3 sae wun ye ‘aa eaty JOOOOO 1) vizio IS AIS TeYLALS, choose trate forthe blarkabove, OnEDs 2 OnaRE oS HED E> oF Ong2E9| Be 2) LEO = ISIS BE WENAID, Cnooseal the plerosthat he thateet above ona 148 fa C4 2)0] SAIC 2 LAME OILICE RIGHIS Eat 7h Sa ANE you noni ike to goto by abwoy | |. oj ototag set BtL171? From which station anyon depart? | «of Of ALBA}? Which onde you avert | | PHORM 91S ELLUM? What doyourdo here —_————— Of FEAIS SERIALS, OkALPIP. ONAL HERI Se AVHOIA VOLES. v + ‘ssl eat Korean Cure | © wasiasmsa vay ontysxctet, | ED 239101828 rvicrmopoionnvoce a SRE SME) WHRAUCL, IA AlhAOILY WAR Plolsia| OIE + sAUICh BIAS MOlC} CiUt AI Ve0l CHEUC) ACHE ep wy sox amn 7 0-1] coos The pice fo shopping GS se sora we es oe seu @ weve 018 BAAD. rte he name the pacein the covrect bos. stat oy oS aeav HEAR 2 @ ote 01 aes oreo LP AMAL. Wc can you bay these ings belon? Whe te ter ude the comect ace. @ ay wy ss sy Me aad roe ae FAT | qe ages | z | \ mea" ue @ 228 263 FEM BAAD, torsand never tne qusaions, a AB SAE US AIS, 48 OS, ME U7) S CABLICL Me Ale wzio DL AMBLCE TAIN 9, WM SS HE ALLA ALE 20] SSL, clad OE B29] SA7] OD HUC Tein Bee Bie BA AS + euch SE SAMO! AM FA] MHS BAIRILICL iM}, CH IR AHI SS AIS APIO Ate 210] EGUC. AE AOL ofe| 7K] Bele AAD PAS umels geue. HEH tote varias ‘atten A pki RAEI tocompace wih 1) POH CEH O10F7 ILA? Won ue text about O2y eat ean wy @ 4B A Oamas 2) AY HAO SHOR WIE AE OASIS, Mah eachofthefofowira shopping places with Ks unique characteris, @ 8201 gue, © ago © 8201 Mau, @ B20] ABLE, @ SAi7} Brel eILIct, © 748 URE 4 VALI © Ofe! 748] BS BPI FBR! + USUI O HEAR e seer oa am | 89 oy &0 oe Theva eho : & vets aus super ae ae a oe 4 sect @ ozo ne sie ae BeOS se. S Incite tothe lace tt you usually goo or hopin, aa Be lv eae get AY Q M2 21 GOI AALS. vinewwrnnesinineplesowinse cones: H oMg am ae ge wl Ad Abd ae GR) ay Al) Had GAC] Mae UHH FIA dtu alee mlUCUCOP Pt 9019011 Rc inet iai@t | 5,000 Henig ne HO ee | 1,300,000, 450,000 585,000 ae FE cowon Bet ascoun 1) OICIOLA 3 4 RUSLIZE? Where mightyeuse the sbore advertisement Om OnE = eXSAy OREM anes 2) 1221 O, Sele! XM BSHYALS, neteateotnesentence cone arsine 0 42 2% ON BIgUCY, a) Ook Fol Set eb Oui! BeIUIc, OaRt 8 IS 1G & ISB BLUE, (9 QB 001 HAE. rato 2 SIE REI AOIOHAOIANE OF AIRES APY ELLIC. O18 EOL ZL AES rH BUCK SS, MAI, CHAIR FMLA BO RIC, IPH 81 7IAOE SS aE FP SSUEL TOI AIS OM BMP A + Olle AEE we + beLCL ronatisn EY 40] SAICt Leys tead more Q ame ay Bas aH. vat atensennuitbecrersnoea 9 &. ——- as - = = wea CPEs) Afi ome O19 wee ABR’ 42) UB A ge USE NSA BUA vw | «of! 3 GIURILNI vind to hoping aie | + O14 SILI? How sould you shop ke O) 19214, eaten tna 4 stele ae] geet. AMS 25 SxILICh TM Pelt OF IBSUCh “lee Ue UE ILD ASL, “UB OILIAT 271 Sim ARLICL, IAL LESH" Noell lk 3 *AroH 7h AleLIct [Al people ate alone. Therefore, we a al ondy-Lonesemne me’ hope te mest ‘yu meet ou! and hope | te become’us. Than hope to go to the snd batwoan you! and ne Mi) ORES Fe ALS BOHLIN A7HeH BIAS. ‘Whats you favre poem intoduce the poem. eo aPIUE HO Bae MAIS, ‘Wie words cr semences at cee 0m, o ai tele Be 21 O16I > SLIM ‘on you understand the test regedingshopphg? 9 Ss ONS MALI HALE 2B AREAL BINS. ‘What di youleerntoday? Vie es what you remeber wuuuuuudd vost au 99 1-1 AOI @ sacuMn ae AB HOMES AUN. no 20 30 10 se uae sn ase ae taleIe, (7) 1-201 OAgs V2 WHE Ae MAA. (19%) 1-0 ae 3-0 4-0 lawome Ores va WE ae MAHI, 20%) 0-8 a8 a0 nas OR @oreus Rag wume wee 2m BIE ein, (8) ne 20 20 vo eros 8@ Ouse sauna as ease) a-@ 2-8 o 9-8 peanes @uge ae HOMER ANS A ne 20 30 ao 50 Ouse anaes Holes Hae.) me Be Go ge 8 laeoenc GQ opvL Fae win7 wie aS SIDR. CH) S17 2a @ case ese else ARI, ke COME gs. (28) own cr ouse omer ery oat asa s4etie, ween ave Gol Mee.) ago ay worst ous sos cae sin sem BAN, Go) vo geo) eo) sesoalsn we a8 satan) v-0 2-0 a0 ves a ase 68, SUE AAS, CH) O82 a NEM BANS. Q5i8) vo ae(o) 00) eto eae OPe SoM We 218 BAIAHAIND, (068) D-@ 2-0 a-@ 49 a (ore aagc Awe wage BOB AeA (et) ous orME oma ougag esse (© sae ae eomeALie, Sem ORE SOME Dr HENS, 0) (8s a ae BoE. (9) ve aero) 000) 42491 Bx) (cae aa we Bog HEN, 40m) QOttes aa wen ase, (05) ve 200%) 01x) ero) sree ae O08 ea gme To HeMS. om) oon ore onus, onuiohe coupe one onxa onus ort ocgim aa EAs. (08) nwa 228 aaa ngs ar arSo eH. (0) 09 2a) Io) ox) soeuuan ove: sxpeluch 39s oT BME HOI ALA, 2.605) owe oxi sade ior ounces ommuts ont om @ ote oven asm Ne. 5) 1 aoe Ray ceva a7 ase BOHN, 14) ne nao) 009 cian eaer otrre ociaeine age ae eat. C2) 1-0 ae 2-8 erasen @ eye Hols AA, (4) 19,51 ams 18 = Sa 42a, 3a, AW, AL uae aa sen ZeHNS 8) de 2010) a1) eo) wae es e2 ae COME MANS =) ome, ane, om ou x8 ost rag 22 ae dots MNS, OA ve axa soi tise an BM BSNS, 6) v0 0,0.0 HAN ues aa UEA YSHAI 6) ry 200) aw) 000 7290 M8 @ 22 wots Aaa. i) gal ans. geal 3K sama Howe yee ea ato BAIN. (A) no 70-0 e-0 0-0 0-8 seu aga wn wee 8 CASHING. HA) 1-8 2-0 s-@ i wed oss win we BEN. 3) ne 2a aw) owe eaLaeO gars. (m) 10 2000) 10) e19) hams ots eau se 8 eeraAss re) 0-0 Messen nie ee NANO CHW RIL AN OR ‘Pai 5 BSAA. 78) no 20 30 40 Hae Ose wat ee 8 Sasi Ors) 0-0 2-0 = Quasar amass. O18) ne ae) ax) eo) some @ axe 2 wens. (24) © 98 wwe ae fm) te 20,0 Eo as fo aaa Ae wa Bye HOH AAI, (eR) eB Aa aiastre Sct neat Ogee ze wae, wom) no 20-2,0,0 0-00 < wean we (Owe Ross MAAS Hm) — = = ume ae LE aan eet Se OU88 22 EM BsHHO, or) 110 700%) eK) 910) EV geese Au eis SieeNe, 608) a u2ti99 Crees Panos Ao i na ich 78) aie 20 ea 7 et zea aa ‘otset aot 201 Hel 8 a aaNet gate ne reo. na Ha ase a8 z ay BER aN ae WA ae a 2a aa aa 28 eet a aa 2 aaa aaa Det woo feoeete pboignt sige theme vents sey same (abipitechb sien) cle to rorter(a venice) etre com togther. ‘soe a sich ‘an bord spesporenae sts ‘ced 299 ore calaab « on i . Carsanged penne: pad: horeican . He, set, aon sly bie pone rete ipo ast ft i ook, vs cracker, ack fats sigho2sing ou averse cassrom: ‘enero, ai: toleck rund so. oa, ds, ite ad rca ‘bhem. He SANRe SATU RSSRANS SSS SER sBRBERRS waxes aie nae igat oR ae BAB ne a mesic Be wa usa ea oc ue us, ua wc Pe seat sal salar: se eat ec ea on car eat 2a ec a fesings mand tobe ep to dates omion Gmbepieed soanced ewe st . ik cr levees pee cay realy tobecox Aner shop ao youre ther rman malo aye opm toga Uomo seen ‘bbe wi, tobe spacoue pun yaw cr rose aso rege map lapep cpt yeeros geonta topator ae oso bote wos vocab roclos tote sweet cab ReSeeRnserss Pa SESRERERSREERRVE gabeae aa aez8 cre ass oat as wa 4 ager exe 0 eeeaeaxne branseeee® ort oy ot sch ome ofsons ot os onions om ou omy 2 oF yore seo oat os ores ont oe 2 ect eae a galnet a om ont Se st oe ew on BE oo aa aa 2a, ou 25 Fa a ae se besa smosene pharmacy ye na uae hers Days othe shed Pare Day esosay eller sister aera) alxay, anor lace renee ine, wor te ak conan brat ‘iahteatve Koen ante) young s80° omen, ere al cantata ‘oapen ead oom hey cinea, ovo thet ‘ote prety nutes, manners esy ‘ight do rretoryoe atenoon bes. chset serge elise ta, fo, rg coahiog day olho week un, ory _ post tie Res SvISSAG SRL SASHSSTIRSHIKKRKBHSSSESRRESAURBABSae =e 2s eeu 8 yo a eu as 2 2h ong opr opis opr om orga org: ete ste oe wi ea ee sist oe sic xe x71 ae ac oa aa pyar eaten mug 28 sat aa sR ane als sma post ots Baygoure ‘Sudo, oncom aparnect. 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