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Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

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Hydraulic jump and energy dissipation downstream stepped weir T

Azza N. AlTalib, Ahmed Y. Mohammed , Hana A. Hayawi
University of Mosul, College of Engineering, Dams and Water Resources Engineering, Iraq


Keywords: Hydraulic jump can be defined as a sudden change or rise of water level because of changing the channel slope
Hydraulic jump from steep to mild combined turbulent flow. This can be used for energy dissipation to reduce flow energy
Stepped weir downstream hydraulic structure. Recent studies dealt with energy dissipation downstream hydraulic structures
Energy dissipation such as stepped weir by changing water level upstream and downstream to reduce flow energy. In this study, the
Hydraulic jump length
focus was placed on the hydraulic jump formation downstream stepped weir and its characteristics, as well as
used it as energy dissipation to reduce the residual energy that will be dissipated on stepped weir. 27 stepped
weir models were tested with three different heights, slopes as well as changed number of steps for all models. It
was found that the energy dissipation increased by increasing weir slope, the number of steps, and decreasing the
height weir, by 20%, 20.6%, 21.8% respectively. It was also found that the energy dissipation increased when
the hydraulic jump length increased, but this was not economy. The best model for energy dissipation in this
study was that have lower height and greater slope and steps number. This model gives lower value of hydraulic
jump length; this is more economy as it reduces the length of stilling basin which is reduces the cost of its
construction downstream stepped weir or stepped spillway.

1. Introduction studied gabion stepped weirs hydraulics such as air-water flow prop-
erties and energy dissipation [11]. studied experimentally total pres-
Hydraulic jump is used as an energy dissipation in hydraulic sure fluctuations in stepped chute. They found that a little pressure may
structure as well as a rising water level for irrigation purposes [1,2]. provide notification in both clear-water and air-water flow regime. The
found from experimental study and mathematically and numerically results showed that the seepage was effected by slope (number of steps)
analysis the effect of wall friction on water level downstream hydraulic and step roughness on the characteristics of overflow [12]. studied
jump and then compared the calculated value with experimental data modelling of steps spillways using Gene Expression Programming (GEP)
[3]. studies experimental study on submerged hydraulic jump by cal- and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The discharge coefficient was
culated water surface profile and velocity and compared the experi- calculated and compared with experimental values. The GEP model was
mental and calculated data [4]. studied energy dissipation on water recommended due to higher performance than others [13]. studied the
stepped conduit. They found the average energy dissipation on stepped air–water flow system and the energy dissipated by studying the effects
channel between (85–90) % [5]. studied numerically characteristics of of step shape in a 45° steep chute. The results showed flow patterns,
submerged hydraulic jump and water surface profile as well as velocity aeration, and energy dissipation changes due to changing in step shapes
and pressure [6,7]. studied stepped spillway in two groups of experi- [14]. studied Stepped weir using neural network application to estimate
ments. The first group to study the water surface profile and energy the aeration efficiency for the three flow regimes, they found that the
dissipation, while the second group to study the effects of changing equations obtained from artificial intelligence procedure better than
slope and its effect on energy dissipation [8]. studied stepped spillway that equations obtained from regressive There are many studies have
and energy dissipation by analysis experimental data of other authors been investigated characteristics of the hydraulic jump due to different
and found an equation to determine flow types over stepped spillway as hydraulic structures. This study focused on the hydraulic jump char-
well as an equation to compute the residual energy downstream acteristics and energy dissipation downstream stepped weir to study the
stepped spillway. The energy dissipation over different shape of the effected of changing dimensions of stepped weir height, downstream
steps of the stepped spillway was studied by Ref. [9]. They found an slope and numbers of weir steps. On energy dissipation downstream
equation to calculate energy dissipation on stepped spillway [10]. weir compared with Froude number, hydraulic jump length and levels.

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (A.Y. Mohammed).
Received 15 January 2019; Received in revised form 15 July 2019; Accepted 12 August 2019
Available online 14 August 2019
0955-5986/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.N. AlTalib, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

Fig. 1. a: sketch of hydraulic channel and stepped weir model. Fig. 1b: sketch of stepped weir model and hydraulic jump forming down stream.

1.1. Experimental work jump dimensions such as water depth upstream and downstream (y1,
y2), length of hydraulic jump (L) are also affected by other flow char-
The experiments were carried out in the hydraulic laboratory of acteristics such as dynamic viscosity (μ), mass density (ρ) and critical
dams and water resources engineering, Mosul university in a rectan- water depth (yc) thus, dissipation of flow energy is a function of these
gular channel (24.64 m) long, (0.81 m) width and (0.76 m) depth. variables as follows:
Fig. 1a, there are a weir with (18 cm) height, (50 cm) length and (6 mm)
ΔE = f (P , l, h, n, b, V1, V2, g , y1 , y2 , L, μ, ρ, yc ) (1)
thickness installed at the end of the main channel, for discharge cal-
culated and it made as a British Standard institution [15]. Using Buckingham theory, the above variables can be reduced, and
The stepped weir was made of wood with dimensions, P was the by multiplying the non-dimensional parameters, eq. (1) can be written
height of the weir, h was the height of the step, l was the length of the as:
step and b was the width of the stepped weir Fig. 1b. There were (27)
y P L h
samples tested with (P = 36,45 and 54 cm) the slope of the downstream ΔE = y1 φ ⎛⎜ 1 , . , ; ;n; Fr1, Fr 2, R e ⎞⎟
stepped weir was changed for each elevation three times depending on ⎝ 2 yc b l
y ⎠ (2)
the gradient (h/l = 1/2,1/3 and 1/4), the number of steps (n = 9,12 Fr1 and Fr2 =Froude number upstream and downstream hydraulic jump
and 15), the models were installed at (16.64 m) from the channel up- and Re = Reynolds number.
stream and the water gradient of the channel was measured at the end
of the stepped weir (upstream and downstream the hydraulic jump) by
2. Results and discussions
a point gage with accurate (0.1 mm).
From dimension analysis the dimensionless parameters which was
1.2. Dimensional analysis found in equation (2) can be used to deriving an equation used to
calculated energy dissipation at hydraulic jump. Since the flow at open
The energy dissipation of hydraulic jump downstream stepped weir channel, so Reynolds number can be neglected, and using equation (2)
was affected by a number of factors including geometric characteristics in statistical application leads to found an equation (3), with correlation
of stepped weir such as the height of the weir (P) the length, height and coefficient R2 = 0.998 and standards error between (0.1101–0.3211).
number of the step (l, h, n) respectively and width of the stepped weir ΔE y −0.488 P 0.242 h 0.562 L 0.39 −2.24 2.87 −2.46
(b). The flow kinematic characteristics such as velocity upstream and = 1 n Fr1 Fr 2
y1 y2 yc l b (3)
downstream hydraulic jump (V1, V2), gravity acceleration (g), hydraulic

A.N. AlTalib, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

Table 1 dissipation occurred at slope (1/2) and the lowest amount occurred at
Results sample of all stepped weir cases for discharge (Q = 55.85 l/s). slope (1/4) for the same value of Froude number. When (Fr = 5) in-
Sample No. L (cm) y1/y2 Fr1 E (cm) Δ N h/l P (cm) creasing in energy dissipation for gradient (1/2) was 20% compared
with its value for gradient (1/4), so the best slopes for energy dissipa-
1 50.98 0.46 2.19 2.14 9 2/1 36 tion was (1/2) [18]. Fig. 4 shows the effect of steps number on amount
2 68.44 0.19 3.16 7.08 9 3/1 36
of the energy dissipation. The highest value of energy dissipation ob-
3 68.31 0.21 3.56 8.98 9 4/1 36
4 71.67 0.21 2.631 5.29 9 2/1 45
tained at steps number (15) while the lowest value occurred at steps
5 53.76 0.31 2.60 3.87 9 3/1 45 number (9) for (Fr = 5) the increased in energy dissipation for steps
6 61.01 0.31 2.60 4.40 9 4/1 45 number (15) was (20.6%) compared with its value for steps number (9)
7 65.02 0.23 3.36 7.73 9 2/1 54 the best steps number for energy dissipation in this study was (15).
8 54.24 0.29 2.73 4.33 9 3/1 54
Figs. 5–7 show the relation between energy dissipation to water
9 42.31 0.33 2.44 2.64 9 4/1 54
10 63.88 0.32 4.27 12.70 12 2/1 36 depth upstream (ΔE/y1) and water depth upstream hydraulic jump (y1)
11 64.18 0.27 2.86 5.63 12 3/1 36 to downstream depth (y2), y1/y2. From figures, it can be seen that the
12 55.15 0.30 2.63 4.08 12 4/1 36 ΔE/y1 reduced when y1/y2 increased. This occurs due to converging in
13 55.72 0.35 4.15 10.8 12 2/1 45
y1 and y2 values and that lead to weakness the hydraulic jump. In
14 68.24 0.29 3.91 11.23 12 3/1 45
15 68.10 0.31 2.58 4.84 12 4/1 45
addition, increasing y1 means decreasing Fr1 and thus decreasing the
16 62.26 0.28 2.78 5.17 12 2/1 54 energy loss Fig. 5 shows the relation between y1/y2 & ΔE/y1 for dif-
17 57.20 0.34 2.37 3.33 12 3/1 54 ferent weir height (P = 36,45 and 54 cm). From figure it was observed
18 37.39 0.35 2.29 2.02 12 4/1 54 increasing ΔE/y1 when weir height decreased and the best ΔE/y1 oc-
19 66.19 0.21 3.55 8.67 15 2/1 36
curred at (P = 36 cm), the percentage increasing value reached to
20 65.02 0.23 3.36 7.73 15 3/1 36
21 67.29 0.27 2.90 6.09 15 4/1 36 (25%) greater than its value for (P = 54 cm) at y1/y2 = 0.2. Fig. 6
22 62.14 0.32 4.20 12.08 15 2/1 45 shown the relation between ΔE/y1 & y1/y2 for different slopes (h/l = 1/
23 68.81 0.27 2.94 6.38 15 3/1 45 2,1/3 and 1/4) and the best ΔE/y1 occurred at slope (1/2). The in-
24 62.31 0.36 2.26 3.25 15 4/1 45 creasing percentage value reached to (32%) compared with its value for
25 68.42 0.24 3.91 10.91 15 2/1 54
26 49.42 0.44 1.91 1.61 15 3/1 54
slope (1/4) at y1/y2 = 0.2. Fig. 7 shown the relation between y1/y2 &
27 44.99 0.39 2.12 1.98 15 4/1 54 ΔE/y1 for different steps number (n = 9,12 and 15). It can be seen in-
creasing in ΔE/y1 as increasing steps number this increasing percentage
value reached to (37%) for steps number (15) greater than its value at
Table 1 illustrate results sample for all stepped weir cases (three steps number (9) at y1/y2 = 0.2.
slopes, three stepped numbers and three weir heights) for discharge Figs. 8–10 show the relation between the hydraulic jump length to
(Q = 55.85 l/s). water depth upstream (L/y1) and its effect on the energy dissipation
The relation between Froude number upstream hydraulic jump Fr1 (ΔE/y1) with different values of weir height, slopes and step numbers. It
and jump energy dissipation to water depth at upstream ΔE/y1 is shown can be seen that increasing in ΔE/y1 when hydraulic jump length (L/y1)
in Figs. 2–4, it was observed when Froude number increased ΔE/y1 increased. Fig. 8 shown the effect of weir height (P) on relation between
increased [16]. Fig. 2 represents the relation between (Fr1&ΔE/y1) with L/y1 & ΔE/y1. It can be seen that increasing in energy dissipation value
changing stepped weir height (P = 36,45 and 54 cm). It was found that with decreasing weir height. The increasing percentage value reached
the highest percentage energy dissipation occurred at the weir height to (36%) for (L/y1 = 40 cm) and P = 36 cm compared with P = 54 cm,
(36 cm) and the lowest values happened at (54 cm) weir height at the so the height P = 36 cm given the lowest value of hydraulic length
same values of Froude numbers. The percentage of increasing value of compared with other heights for the same value of ΔE/y1, for ΔE/y1 = 6
energy dissipation reached to 21.8% at Fr1 = 5 for (P = 36 cm) com- the values of hydraulic jump length for weir height (P = 36,45 and
pared with that values for (P = 54 cm), therefore the best weir height 54 cm) were (L/y1 = 15,28 and 35) respectively. The decrease in hy-
for energy dissipation was at height (36 cm) because of increasing weir draulic jump length was economically better because it decreases the
height leads to reduce the flow energy upstream jump (the residual cost of construction of stilling basin. Fig. 9 shows the effect of weir
energy) downstream stepped weir [17]. Fig. 3 shows the relation be- slope on relation between L/y1 & ΔE/y1. It can be seen increasing ΔE/y1
tween Fr1 & ΔE/y1 with respect to changed weir gradient (h/l = 1/2,1/3 with increasing of slope. The increasing ratio value reached to 40.3%
and 1/4). From Fig. 3 it can be seen that the highest value of energy for slope (1/2) compared with slope (1/4) for (L/y1 = 40). On the other

Fig. 2. Relation between Fr1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir height (P = 36,45 and 54) cm.

A.N. AlTalib, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

Fig. 3. Relation between Fr1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir slope (h/l = 1/2,1/3 and 1/4).

Fig. 4. Relation between Fr1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir steps (n = 9,12 and 15).

Fig. 5. Relation between y1/y2 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir height (P = 36,45 and 54) cm.

hand, the slope (1/2) given the lowest value of hydraulic jump length increased. The increases percentage value of ΔE/y1 reached to 27.6% in
compared with the other slopes at (ΔE/y1 = 6) the values of L/y1 steps number (15) compared with its value for steps number (9). It also
reached to (26,28 and 31) for slopes (h/l = 1/2,1/3 and 1/4) respec- can be seen the weir has 15 steps gives the lowest hydraulic jump length
tively. Fig. 10 shows the effects of steps number on the relation between compared with the other steps number. At ΔE/y1 = 6 the values of L/y1
L/y1 & ΔE/y1. It can be seen increasing in ΔE/y1 when steps number were (26,29 and 35) for step number (15,12 and 9) respectively.

A.N. AlTalib, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

Fig. 6. Relation between y1/y2 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir slope (h/l = 1/2,1/3 and 1/4).

Fig. 7. Relation between y1/y2 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir steps (n = 9,12 and 15).

Fig. 8. Relation between L/y1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir height (P = 36,45 and 54) cm.

Finally, from Figs. 2–10 it can be observed that the weir of 36 cm Fig. 11 represented the comparison between ΔE/y1 measured and
height and slope (h/l = 1/2) and steps number (15) was the best models that values calculated from eq. (3) it can be seen that all values pre-
in energy dissipation and the best economical model by reducing length dicted from eq. (3) agreed with the same values measured with max-
of the hydraulic jump then reduced the length of stilling basin. imum error not exceed 15%.

A.N. AlTalib, et al. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 69 (2019) 101616

Fig. 9. Relation between L/y1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir slope (h/l = 1/2,1/3 and 1/4).

Fig. 10. Relation between L/y1 and ΔΕ/y1for different weir steps (n = 9,12 and 15).

(n = 15) was the best model for energy dissipation.

4. Stepped weir of (36 cm) height gives the lowest value of hydraulic
jump length, this was most economical by decreasing length of
stilling basin and then decreased cost of its construction.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://


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