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Data structure is different way of organizing the data in an computer
More effective


PRIMITIVE : These are Basic Data types and that cannot be broken into small data
* Int
* Float
* String
* Boolean

NON PRIMITIVE : These are Complex Data types and that can be broken into smaller
data type.
--> LINEAR :
* list {Built in Data type}
* Tuple {Build in Data type}
* Array
* Linked List
* Stack
* Queue


* Set {Built in Data type}
* Dictionary {Built in Data type}
* Tree
* Graph

Set of instruction perform a task.

EXAMPLE : Day-To-Day Activities

1. Go to the Bus Stop
2. Take a Bus
3. Go to Office.


--> SORTING : To sort the data in Ascending or Decending order.

EXAMPLE : Bubble sort, Selection sort , Insertion sort etc..

--> SEARCHING : To find a specific value from the data set.

EXAMPLE : Linear search , Binary search etc..

--> GRAPH : To work with data can be represented as Graph.

EXAMPLE : Depth first search, breath first search, Dijkstra etc..

--> DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : To solve the problem by breaking down into smaller sub-
EXAMPLE : Knapsack Problems etc..

--> DIVIDE AND CONQUER : To solve the problem by breaking down into smaller sub-
problems, solving them independently each and combining the results.
EXAMPLE : Merge sort or Quick sort etc..
--> RECURSIVE : To solve the problem by breaking down into smaller sub-problems,
same as in Nature.

Big O is a language and metric system , that use to describe the efficiency of
an Algorithm.

EXAMPLE : Code 1 : 30 sec ; Code 2 : 60 sec

Here code 1 is faster than code 2 . Time taken by code 1 is less
compare to code 2 , then its called as Time Complexity.

Big O would not consider the Time complexity, its based on NUMBER OF

EXAMPLE : code 1: 40 sec ; code 2 : 60 sec

code 1 may took high memory due to less time to response than code
2 , code 2 took less memory compare to code 1, then its called Space Complexity.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
omega Theta O

BIG OMEGA : Best case Complexity

BIG THETA : Average case complexity
BIG O : Worst case Complexity

In Big O notation we will use to Worst case scenario only.

| O(1) | Constant | Simple add numbers Functions |
| O(n) | Linear | Loop through numbers from 1 to n numbers |
| O(LogN) | Lograthmic | Find element in a sorted Array |
| O(N^2) | Quadratic | Nested loops |
| O(2N) | Exponential | Double recursion in Fibonacci |

1. O(1) --> Order of 1 Complexity

This means that for any input ,execution will not change.It remain
EXAMPLE : def multiply(m):
return m*m

In above example input may increasing but number of

operations remain same.

2. o(n) -- > Order of N Complexity

This means that for any input increases , excution of number of
operation increases.
EXAMPLE : def print_items(m):
for i in range(m):

In above example input increases, number of operation

also increases.

3. O(N^2) --> Order of N^2 Complexity

EXAMPLE : def mul(n):
for i in range(n): ----------> O(n)
for j in range(n): ------> O(n)

In above Example i will run through n times and after
i j will runs for evry n times.totally its N^2

4. O(Log N) --> order of Log N Complexity

EXAMPLE : Consider the below list
[1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8]

In above list we have to find Number 1 , so we have

to split into two list as below

[1 | 2 | 3 | 4] [5 | 6 | 7 |8]

Remove the 2 nd splitted list because there is no

Number 1 presented ,again split the list 1 as below

[1 | 2] [3 | 4]

Remove the list 2 after spliting because there is

no Number 1 value present and we are splitting list 1 again

[1] [2]

Finally we have found the Number 1.

To find the value of the 1 we made 3 steps to split

it to get the value.

Log 2^3 = 8

Here, 2--> Splitting into 2 divided parts

3--> three tymes we split to get value as
8--> 2^3 - 2*2*2 = 8(value)

Array is collection of same Data types.Its same as list in python but in python
we can store diffrent data types towards an list.

--> Array can store same data type.

--> Elements in array are contiguous.
--> Each element in array has unique index value.

An Array with bunch of values having been declared with single
It consists of 1 Row and N columns.

EXAMPLE : [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... N]


An Array with bunch of values having been declared with Double
It consists of N Row and N columns.

EXAMPLE : [1 2 3 4 5 ]
[6 7 8 9 10]
[11 12 13 14 15]

ARRAY INSERT : Insert value in the particular index.

ARRAY TRAVERSE : Traverese is moving to next index like iteration over array.

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