Gratitude Letter

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Dear Mom,

I feel grateful that I am born to you ! When I think about you I have so many
fond memories of you. You taught me how to love unconditionally and have an
open heart. You have shown me that in life what matters is love, compassion and
acceptance. It’s been three months since I have started this new journey of my
life. All these months that I lived far away from you but I never felt far from
you because I knew you were there loving me from a distance. If I needed you,
you always made time for me. I have seen your patience and commitment
towards nurturing and caring about me and I am very grateful that I have you!
Now that I this opportunity to I love you and owe you a I thank you 4 take know
how much big thank you for all the hugs kisses vitamins and band aids (in all
forms) & receive from you every single day. I want to thank you fava all those
times when you laughed with me and knowing you wile laughing at me sometimes.

I also want to thank endless lectures, concerns, worries which I under stay you
for all the today were only to pop equip me to force the outside world all by
myself. bravely /e

I want to thank me to be hardworking, neat and tidy, to try your coz you taught
and see only the best in people and fight fair when you I had no choice but to

The list is endless, I express my gratitude for everything you've vet done, said
or unsaid.

Thank you for being there in my life and thank you for everything you’ve done
for me. Since your daughter is a poet, I would like to say a few phrases to you
written by me to tell how much I miss you!

I was named with a unique spell of words.

My name was not bound to spells but to means .
She is a cook as well as a driver ,

Not to forget but also an advice provider.

She is a problem solver ,

Who is an also tagged as #lostthingsfinder ,

She means a lot to me & to my poetry ,

As her verses comes easily and in a symmetry .

My mentor, motivator and best counsellor ,

My charming , alluring best friend ,

Love is always by your side .

A mother can do all jobs ; But not everybody can do a mothering job .

I love you !


Adwita your one and only beloved child 😊

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