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Q.1 Select the correct indirect form of the She said to me, “The charlatan will be breaking
given sentence. into the safe.”
She said, “I am in no mood to work now.” a) She told me that the charlatan would be
a) She said that she has been in no mood to work breaking into the safe.
then. b) She said to me that the charlatan will be
b) She said that she was in no mood to work breaking in the safe.
now. c) She said to me that the charlatan can be
c) She said that she was in no mood to work breaking into the safe.
then. d) She said to me that the charlatan is breaking
d) She said that she has been in no mood to work into the safe.
now. Ans. A
Ans. C
Q5. Select the correct direct form of the given
Q2. Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.
sentence. Shyam asked me how I had persuaded his sister.
He said that something might be missing in a) "How are you persuading my sister?” Shyam
there. asked me.
a) He said, “Something may be missing in here.” b) "How did you persuaded my sister?” Shyam
b) He said, “Something had to be missing in asked me.
there.” c) "How did you persuade my sister?” Shyam
c) He said, “Something is been missing in here.” asked me.
d) He said, “Something could be missing in d) "How have you persuade my sister?” Shyam
here.” asks me.
Ans. A Ans. C

Q3. Select the correct direct form of the given Q6. Select the correct direct form of the given
sentence. sentence.
She asked me why I had been smoking that day. Mr. Sharma asked him if Maya had invited him for
a) She said to me, “Why were you smoking lunch.
today?” a) Mr. Sharma said to him, “Has Maya invited you
b) She said to me, “Why are you smoking for lunch?”
today?” b) Mr. Sharma said to me, “Has Maya invited you
c) She said to me, “Why you smoke today?” for lunch?”
d) She says to me, “Why were you smoking this c) Mr. Sharma said to him, “Had Maya invited us
day?” for lunch?”
Ans. A d) Mr. Sharma said to him, “Did Maya invited us
for lunch?”
Q4. Select the correct indirect form of the Ans. A
given sentence.

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Q7. Select the correct indirect form of the b) The surgeon says, “I should get anaesthesia
given sentence. for the surgery.”
She said, “She must leave all the bad habits.” c) The surgeon said, “You should get
a) She said she has to leave all the bad habits anaesthesia for the surgery.”
b) She said that she must have leave all the bad d) The surgeon says, “You could get anaesthesia
habits for the surgery”
c) She said that she had to leave all the bad Ans. A
d) She said that she could leave all the bad habits Q11. Select the option that expresses the
Ans. C given sentence in indirect speech.
He said, ‘Let us wait for the award.’
Q8. Select the correct indirect form of the a) He proposed that they should wait for the
given sentence. award.
Priya said, “Yes, I am confounded.” b) He said that he should wait for the award.
a) Priya admitted that she was confound. c) He proposed that he should wait for the award.
b) Priya admit that she was confounded. d) He said that they should waited for the award.
c) Priya admitted that she was confounded. Ans. A
d) Priya admitted that she is confounded
Ans. C Q12. Select the correct direct form of the
given sentence.
Q9. Select the correct indirect form of the Leena said that his relatives were landing the
given sentence. next day.
Latika said to him, “I got a hefty discount on this a) Leena said, “My relatives land tomorrow.”
television.” b) Leena said, “His relatives are landing today.”
a) Latika told him that she has got a hefty c) Leena said, “His relatives were landing
discount on that television. tomorrow.”
b) Latika told him that she is getting a hefty d) Leena said, “His relatives are landing
discount on that television. tomorrow.”
c) Latika told him that she had got a hefty Ans. D
discount on that television.
d) Latika told him that she has got a hefty Q13. Select the correct indirect form of the
discount on this television. given sentence.
Ans. C Kavya said to her husband, “I don’t mind being a
busy woman.”
Q10. Select the correct direct form of the a) Kavya told her husband that she had not mind
given sentence. being a busy woman.
The surgeon says that I should get anaesthesia b) Kavya told her husband that she do not mind
for the surgery. being a busy woman.
a) The surgeon says, “You should get c) Kavya said to her husband she did not mind
anaesthesia for the surgery.” being a busy woman.
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d) Kavya told her husband that she did not mind Q17. Select the correct indirect form of the
being a busy woman. given sentence.
Ans. D Madhurima explained, “I am planning to quit my
Q14. Select the correct indirect form of the a) Madhurima explained that she were planning
given sentence. to quit her graduation.
Priya assured me, “I can stay in tonight.” b) Madhurima explained that she planned to quit
a) Priya told me that she could stay in this night. her graduation.
b) Priya told me that she could stay in that night. c) Madhurima explained that she was planning to
c) Priya told me that she could stay in tonight. quit her graduation.
d) Priya told me that she can stay in that night. d) Madhurima explained that she had been
Ans. B planning to quit her graduation.
Ans. C
Q15. Select the correct direct form of the
given sentence. Q18. Select the correct direct form of the
Aryan told me that I knew where to find him. given sentence.
a) Aryan said to me, “You know where to find Raveena asked me if I had her maid’s number.
me.” a) Raveena asked me, "Do you have my maid's
b) Aryan said to me, “You knowing where to find number?"
me.” b) Raveena asked me, “Are you having my maid’s
c) Aryan said to me, “You are known where to find number.”
me.” c) Raveena said to me, “Does you have my
d) Aryan says to me, “You know where to find me” maid’s number.”
Ans. A d) Raveena asked to me, “Have you have my
maid’s number.”
Q16. Select the correct direct form of the Ans. A
given sentence.
John said that he was there to resolve that fight Q19. Select the option that expresses the
for them. given sentence in indirect speech.
a) John says, "I am here to resolve this fight for He said to him, "Is your name not Ahmed?"
you.” a) He enquired is your name not Ahmed.
b) John said to me, "You are here to resolve this b) He enquired whether his name was not
fight for you.” Ahmed.
c) John said, "I am here to resolve this fight for c) He said whether his name was not Ahmed.
you.” d) He said is your name not Ahmed.
d) John said, "I was here to resolve this fight for Ans. B
Ans. C Q20. Select the correct indirect form of the
given sentence.

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Radha said, “Why didn’t he forward his petition to b) She said, “I may not believe him.”
me?” c) She said, “I cannot believe him.”
a) Radha enquired why he had not forwarded his d) She says, “I could not believed him.”
petition to her. Ans. C
b) Radha enquired why he has not forwarded his
petition to her. Q24. Select the correct direct form of the
c) Radha enquired why had he not forwarded his given sentence.
petition to her. The secretary assures the audience that he/she
d) Radha enquired why he had not forward his is going to help them.
petition to her. a) The secretary said to the audience, “I am going
Ans. A to help you.”
b) The secretary says to the audience, “I am
Q21. Select the correct indirect form of the going to help you.”
given sentence. c) The secretary says to the audience, “I was
“We had opened the lock.” they told me. going to help you.”
a) They said that we had opened the lock. d) The secretary says to the audience, “I will be
b) They said to me that they have opened the going to help you.”
lock. Ans. B
c) They told me that they had opened the lock.
d) They says that we had opened the lock. Q25. Select the correct indirect form of the
Ans. C given sentence.
She said to me, “You will speak at the conference
Q22. Select the correct direct form of the tomorrow.”
given sentence. a) She told me that I would speak at the
Professor told me that I could not rescue myself conference that day.
from that bait. b) She told me that I might speak at the
a) Professor says to me, “You cannot rescue conference the next day.
yourself from this bait.” c) She told me that I will speak at the conference
b) Professor said to me, “You have not rescued the today.
yourself from this bait.” d) She told me that I would speak at the
c) Professor said to us, “You cannot rescue conference the next day.
yourself from this bait.” Ans. D
d) Professor said to me, “You cannot rescue
yourself from this bait.” Q26. Select the correct direct form of the
Ans. D given sentence.
We asked them who had called them.
Q23. Select the correct direct form of the a) We said to them, “Who are calling you?”
given sentence. b) We said to them, “Who calls you?”
She said that she could not believe him. c) We said to them, “Who has called him?”
a) She said, “You cannot believe him.” d) We said to them, “Who has called you?”
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Ans. D d) Anita told the mother that your child had been
crying since morning.
Q27. Select the correct indirect form of the Ans. B
given sentence.
The blind man said to me, “Can you help me Q30. Select the correct direct form of the
cross the road?” given sentence.
a) The blind man asked me if I could help him Rohan asked me if Rohit still cried
cross the road. a) Rohan said to me, “Did Rohit still cry?”
b) The blind man asked me if I will help him cross b) Rohan says to me, “Does Rohit still cry?”
the road. c) Rohan said to me, “Does Rohit still cry?”
c) The blind man asked me if I could help him d) Rohan said to me, “Has Rohit still cried?”
crossed the road. Ans. C
d) The blind man asked me if I can help him cross
the road Q31. Select the correct direct form of the
Ans. A given sentence.
He said that he was sorry for all that.
Q28. Select the correct indirect form of the a) “I am sorry for all then.” He says.
given sentence. b) “I was sorry for all this.” He said.
The professor said, “I want you to pursue your c) “I am sorry for all that.” He says.
dreams” . d) “I am sorry for all this.” He said.
a) The professor said that I want you to pursue Ans. D
your dreams.
b) The professor said that he wanted me to Q32. Select the correct direct form of the
pursue my dreams. given sentence.
c) The professor says that he wants me to pursue The doctor said that they had performed their bit.
my dreams. a) The doctor said, “We performed our bit."
d) The professor told me that I wanted you to b) The doctor said, “We are performing our bit."
pursue your dreams. c) The doctor said, “We have performed our bit."
Ans. B d) The doctor says, “We had performed our bit."
Ans. C
Q29. Select the correct indirect form of the
given sentence. Q33. Select the correct direct form of the
Anita said to the mother, “Your child has been given sentence.
crying since morning.” The old man asked the boy where the postman
a) Anita told the mother that her child was crying was.
since morning. a) The old man says to the boy, “Where is the
b) Anita told the mother that her child had been postman?”
crying since morning. b) The old man said to the boy, “Where has been
c) Anita told the mother that her child had been the postman?”
cry since morning.
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c) The old man said to the boy, “Where is the b) Ramita said she wished she didn’t meet her
postman?” step-mother.
d) The old man said to the boy, “Where was the c) Ramita said she wished she didn’t have to
postman?” meet her step-mother.
Ans. C d) Ramita said she wished hadn’t met her step-
Q34. Select the correct indirect form of the Ans. C
given sentence.
“Meena, will you assist me to pack our Q37. Select the correct indirect form of the
belongings?” Asked her mother. given sentence.
a) Meena's mother asked her whether she will He says to Gayatri, “You are writing an apology
assist her to pack their belongings. to the warden.”
b) Meena's mother asked her whether if she a) He told Gayatri that she is writing an apology
would assist her to pack their belongings. to the warden.
c) Meena's mother asked her whether she would b) He tells Gayatri that she is writing an apology
assist her to pack their belongings. to the warden.
d) Meena's mother asked her whether she can c) He says to Gayatri that she was writing an
assist her to pack their belongings. apology to the warden.
Ans. C d) He tells Gayatri that she was writing an
apology to the warden.
Q35. Select the correct indirect form of the Ans. B
given sentence.
Renu said to her brother, “You were watching the Q38. Select the correct direct form of the
show without me.” given sentence.
a) Renu told her brother that he had been Meena said that her parents were getting
watching the show without her. divorced.
b) Renu told her brother that he has been a) Meena said, "My parents get divorced."
watching the show without her. b) Meena said, "My parents are getting
c) Renu told her brother that he had watched the divorced."
show without her. c) Meena said, "My parents will be getting
d) Renu told her brother that he were watching divorced."
the show without her. d) Meena said, "My parents were getting
Ans. A divorced."
Ans. B
Q36. Select the correct indirect form of the
given sentence. Q39. Select the correct direct form of the
Ramita said, “I wish I didn’t have to meet my step- given sentence.
mother.” Shravan said that the prisoner had slept
a) Ramita said she wished she hadn’t have to throughout the journey.
meet her step-mother.
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a) Shravan said, "The prisoner sleeps throughout d) She says to me, “You are my lucky charm.”
the journey." Ans. D
b) Shravan said, "The prisoner had been sleeping
throughout the journey."
c) Shravan says, "The prisoner has slept
throughout the journey."
d) Shravan said, "The prisoner had slept
throughout the journey."
Ans. D

Q40. Select the correct direct form of the

given sentence.
My teacher forbids to trust one’s relatives.
a) My teacher says, “Never trust your relatives.”
b) My teacher says, “Never trust my relatives.”
c) My teacher says, “Never trusted your
d) My teacher said “Never trust your relatives.”
Ans. A

Q41. Select the correct indirect form of the

given sentence.
Farah said to her aunt, “I am studying
contemporary art.”
a) Farah told her aunt that she was study
contemporary art.
b) Farah told her aunt that she is studying
contemporary art.
c) Farah told her aunt that she had been studying
contemporary art.
d) Farah told her aunt that she was studying
contemporary art
Ans. D

Q42. Select the correct direct form of the

given sentence.
She tells me that I am her lucky charm.
a) She says to me, “You was my lucky charm.”
b) She said to me, “You are my lucky charm.”
c) She says to me, “I am your lucky charm.”
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