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1 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.

Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus
2 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

I. Introduction

Water-based emergencies are a constant threat in the Philippines, a nation comprised

of over 7,000 islands. From sudden floods to tragic boating accidents, these incidents claim

far too many lives each year. An illustration of this danger comes from 2021 data from the

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), which showed that out of 879,429 total deaths that

year, 3,604 were classified as accidental drowning and submersion. This translates to over

3,000 Filipinos per year losing their lives to drowning, or an average of 10 deaths every

single day.

These data highlight the critical need for improved water rescue capabilities across the

Philippines. While existing projects, like those undertaken by the Philippine Coast Guard

(PCG) and local disaster risk reduction offices (DRRMOs), play a vital role in water rescue

efforts, gaps remain. The PCG, for instance, faces challenges in resource allocation, needing

to cover a vast maritime territory with a limited number of vessels. Similarly, DRRMOs often

lack the budget for specialized rescue boats suited for various water emergencies.

In response to this challenge, the proponents created a prototype mini rescue boat or

Boat for Oceanic rescue, Assistance, and Transport. This project aims to save lives on

Philippine water while utilizing cost-effective materials.


Peña, K. D. (2023, April 11). Drowning, a “serious public health issue,” makes Holy

Week break tragic for some.

3 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus


This section of the project discusses the methodological planning of a budget based

on the needs of the materials and resources. The proponents operated within the limits of the

drawn budget to keep the project cheap and environmentally sustainable.

Materials Quantity Total Cost (₱)

DC Motor 2 80

Battery (9V) 2 200

Switch 2 20

Super Glue 6 150

Electrical Tape 1 22

Glue Stick
3 10

Total - 482
Table 1.1 Planning of Expenses

Number of Total Amount of

Total Cost (₱) Operation
Members Contribution (₱)

482 10 500/10 50

Table 1.2 Breakdown of portions

Table 1.1 shows the list of the planned expenses—the materials, quantity, and cost.

The plan was made after canvassing and planning for optimal materials. Furthermore, the

proponents exclude the materials and equipment already in their possession from the list.

Table 1.2 displays the computation of the contribution amount for each member. The
4 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

expected amount to be spent was estimated to be under ₱500.00, and the members pooled

their cash to a total amount of ₱500.00, with ten members contributing ₱50.00 each.

Each material was acquired by the members, spending little while keeping the quality

of the resources acceptable for the project. The expenses were tallied and divided into equal

portions, which amounted to ₱50.00.

5 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

The mini rescue boat, measuring 41.5 cm by 16 cm, highlights its compact and

efficient structure. The design prioritizes buoyancy and stability, likely utilizing a flat hull for

maximum water displacement. The lightweight construction materials ensure maneuverability

while keeping the overall weight low for easy deployment.


4 5




1. Boat Frame 4. 9V Batteries

2. Boat Roofing/Internals Casing 5. Battery Cap

3. Propeller Segment 6. Jumper Wires

6 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

7. Switch 8. DC Motors


This part of the project documents the materials used by the researchers throughout

the project. Additionally, it shows the four phases of making the mini rescue boat, along with

photo documentation of the procedure. Through the meticulous documentation of the project,

the proponents were able to determine flaws regarding various aspects of the build and

improve upon such findings.

In making this project, the proponents prepared the following materials specifically:

two (2) pieces 9V batteries, dc motor, scrap Sintra board, jumper wires, electrical tape,

switch, 9V connector, two (2) pieces old radio antennas, two (2) pieces sardine cans,

sandpaper, shoe glue, wood glue, glue stick, glue gun, scissors, and cutter.

A. Materials

Fig. 1.1.1 Sintra Board

7 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.2 Switch

Fig. 1.1.3 9V Battery

8 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.1.4 Super Glue

Fig. 1.1.5 Wood Glue

9 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.1.6 DC Motor

Fig. 1.1.7 Propeller (Tin Can)

10 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.1.8 Glue Stick and Glue Gun

Fig. 1.1.9 Jumper Wires

11 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.1.10 Scissors

Fig. 1.1.11 Electrical Tape

12 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.1.12 Cutter

Fig. 1.1.13 Sandpaper (600 grit)

13 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

B. Construction of Boat Frame

Fig. 1.2.1 Drawing of the boat’s template

Fig. 1.2.2 Cutting the boat’s gunwale

14 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.2.3 Building of the boat’s back and middle support

Fig. 1.2.4 Construction of the boat’s hull, port Side, starboard Side, and bow

Fig. 1.2.5 Installation the battery’s housing

15 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.2.6 Construction and installation of the cockpit

16 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

C. Assembly of Electrical Components

Fig. 1.3.1 Schematic diagram of the circuit

Fig. 1.3.2 Assembled Electrical Components

17 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

D. Boat Construction

Fig. 1.4.1 Assembly of the frame

18 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.4.2 Installation of the electrical components

Fig. 1.4.3 Final Product

19 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

E. Testing

Fig. 1.5.1 Testing for Stability

Fig. 1.5.2 Testing for Durability

20 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Fig. 1.5.3 Testing for Speed

21 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus


This section of the project details the specific methods employed during the study.

The methodology section provides a clear and comprehensive description of how each phase

of the project were conducted along with justification.

A. Project Framework


B. Gathering of Materials

Following the project’s budget plan, the proponents acquired the necessary materials

for the boat construction. The materials listed on the project’s expenses were bought in

hardware and electronics stores in Balanga City, while the unlisted materials and equipment

were already in possession of some members. Most of such materials are recycled or reused,

which ultimately reduces the project expenses and carbon footprint.

C. Assembly of the Boat Frame

After gathering materials, the proponents constructed the boat’s template on Sintra

boards. The dimensions of the front main body template are as follows: 15 cm long on the
22 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

top, 14 cm long on the bottom (angled), 3.5 cm (height on each side), and 5 cm (height in the


Afterward, the researchers developed the back body template, and its dimensions are

as follows: 15 cm long on the top, 14 cm long on the bottom (angled), 3.5 cm in height (each

side), and 5 cm (height in the middle). These measurements were sketched on Sintra boards

and cut exactly with as little discrepancy as possible. The components of the frame of the

main body were then joined together using an assortment of wood glue, super glue, and glue

sticks and had sufficient time to set. Sandpaper was used on the external surfaces of the Sintra

board to smoothen edges and remove surface imperfections.

Sintra board was utilized because it is easier to form into the desired dimensions.

Furthermore, the Sintra board is buoyant, durable, and lightweight as Styrofoam.

Furthermore, Sintra boards are biodegradable, which adds to the benefits it has over

Styrofoam. The template was constructed with careful consideration of the size and weight of

the boat, as well as the placement of the electrical components.

D. Designing the Circuit

Fig. 2.1 Schematic Diagram of Electrical Parts

23 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

A switch was utilized to the DC 380-size brushed motor for motor preparation in the

boat, which decreased the difficulty in attaching and regulating the propeller. The 9V battery

was connected to the DC motor. The researchers secured all connections to avoid shortening

the circuit. The batteries were then attached to the connectors so the battery would be firm.

Fig. 2.1 comprehensively illustrates the manipulation of a motor with a switch using a

simple circuit. Such a simple configuration reduced complications during the assembly and

allowed straightforward adjustments and repairs when needed.

Before the installation of the motor mechanism to the boat frame, a 3mm steel shaft

from a radio antenna and a screw nut were used as the shaft of the boat's propeller. These

parts were connected to a propeller made of tin can. When attaching the propeller to the shaft,

superglue and glue sticks were used as adhesives. The propeller segment was then attached to

the DC motors.

E. Installation of Electrical Components into Boat Frame

A sliding cover made of Sintra board was situated close to the boat's stern as the cover

of the interior components. A track made of two pieces of Sintra board was built in order to

facilitate the sliding mechanism. These pieces are 2.5 cm wide by 24 cm long, and they were

placed on top of a second Sintra board plate that is 2 cm wide by 24 cm long. A protective

cover was also created in order to prepare the boat's stern cover with measurements of 17 cm

in length and 14 cm in width. This cover is designed to adequately protect the boat's stern.

The motor mechanisms and the propeller segments were secured into place using a

combination of Sintra board fittings, electrical tape, and glue sticks.

F. Testing

This section discusses the employed procedures to test the boat’s durability, speed,

and buoyancy. Prior to testing the boat’s structural integrity, the boat’s frame was inspected
24 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

for damage and structural weak points. Furthermore, all components were firmly mounted.

The researchers also ensured proper connections between the battery, switch, and motor.

To test the boat’s buoyancy the boat, with all the electrical components attached, was

placed in a swimming pool. The researchers let the boat float around the pool for 5 minutes

and observed whether the boat stayed over the water surface within the timeframe. This test

was done 3 times. The boat’s buoyancy was determined as either “buoyant” or “not buoyant”,

and to validate such a grading system, the following criteria was employed:

Buoyant Not Buoyant

The boat was not able to The boat was not able to
1. Time stay afloat for more than 5 stay afloat for more than 5
minutes. minutes.
At least ½ of the boat’s
Most, if not all, of the boat’s
2. Height height was above the water
height was submerged.
Table 2.1 Buoyancy Criteria

To test for its water durability, the boat’s external and internal spaces were examined

for leaks, weak points, and damage. Such an examination was done after the boat was placed

in the pool for another 5 minutes. The researchers inspected the structural integrity of the boat

through physical observation—whether or not the Sintra board and adhesives crumbled due

to the moisture. The boat’s overall durability was determined as either “durable” or “not

durable”, and to validate such a grading system, the following criteria was employed:

Durable Not Durable

Both the interior and
The interior/exterior got
1. Structural Integrity exterior upheld their rigidity,
softer, deformed, and fragile.
texture, and form.
The adhesive bonds held the The adhesive denatured,
boat together, along with its causing the bonds to detach
2. Attachment electrical components. No from the main body frame.
part became loose and the Furthermore, water leaked
interior was free of water. inside the boat’s interior.
Table 2.2 Durability Criteria
25 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

Finally, to test the boat’s speed, the researchers conducted multiple tests with batteries

with varying voltages to ascertain which specification yielded the highest rotations per

minute (rpm) while considering the battery’s weight and the DC motors’ capacities. This test

was repeated 3 times for 3 battery voltages: 1.5V, 5V, and 9V. The results were compared to

one another and were ranked as, fast, moderate, and slow, for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectfully.

Rotations per
Ranking Remark
2400-16000 3rd Slow
6400-18000 2nd Moderate
11000-20000 1st Fast
Table 2.3 Speed Grading System

During the testing, observations were recorded and necessary data were tabulated.

Results were inferred from the gathered data, and necessary adjustments were employed to

achieve the boat’s optimal working conditions and specifications.

26 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus


This chapter presents the results, discussions, and interpretations of the conducted

experiments that the researchers have gathered all throughout this project. The parameters of

the following experimentation were explained in the procedure, and the following data were

acquired from the aforementioned experiments.

A. Buoyancy

Test Number Remark

1 Buoyant
2 Buoyant
3 Buoyant
Table 3.1 Buoyancy test results

In every trial, at least half of the boat’s height was able to float above the water for

over 5 minutes. With materials such as Sintra board and lightweight adhesives such as glue

stick, electrical tape, and super glue, the boat is relatively lightweight and rigid making the

boat float on the water.

B. Durability

Criteria Remark
1. Structural Integrity Durable
2. Attachment Durable
Table 3.2 Durability test results

Throughout the trials, the researchers deemed the boat to be durable. The researchers

recorded the initial structural integrity and bonding attachments of the boat as control data,

and minimal changes were recorded after the test. The durability of the boat fits the criteria of

the researchers’ discernment—there were minimal to no damages dealt by the water.

27 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus

C. Speed

Voltage Rotations Per

1.5V 5051 Slow
5V 16789 Moderate
9V 18635 Fast
Table 3.3 Speed test results

Table 3.3 shows the results of the rpm measurements of the DC motors under varying

battery voltages. The motors were connected to individual batteries and the rpms are recorded

and analyzed. The 9V battery yielded the highest rpm, and was deemed the most optimal

choice by the researchers due to its power output with consideration of its weight.
28 Boat for Oceanic Rescues, Assistance and Transport (B.O.R.A.T)
Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus


After undergoing several testings, the mini rescue boat yielded promising results.

Testing confirmed the boat's durability, stability, and speed, making it well-suited for various

rescue scenarios. The ability to withstand wear and tear ensures the boat's longevity in

demanding environments. Proven stability allows for safe maneuvering and casualty retrieval,

while the demonstrated speed is crucial for reaching those in need quickly. Further research

is recommended to solidify the project’s potential. Comparing it to existing models, testing in

diverse conditions, and gathering user feedback from potential rescue personnel would

provide valuable insights for further refinement.

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