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St Mary's School Mirzapur

Term I Examination – 2024 -2025

Class - 1
Worksheet EVS

Q. 1 Underline the name of the body parts.

1. Tanya is wearing a beautiful necklace.

2. Rohan grows tomatoes in his garden.

3. Dad uses earplugs to listen to music on his mobile.

4. Snails move very slowly on the ground.

5. A knight wears an armour when he fight.

6. Geeta wears beautiful frocks everyday.

Q. 2 Write ‘ T’ true and ‘F’ for false statements.

1. The first day of your school is known as your birthday. (F)

2. We should not treat everyone as special. (F)

3. We have different likes and dislikes. (T)

4. A family with a father, mother and children is a joint family. (F)

5. We have ten toes. (T)

6 .Our mouth has nose, teeth and tongue. (F)

7. We all different from one another. (T)

8. I like to play in my free time. (T)

9. We have different hobbies and talents. {T)

10. Do not do your homework on time. (F)

11. Good sleep is important for healthy body. (T)

12. Our knees help us to bend our arms. (F)

Q. 3 Guess and answer.

1. If they hurt, you need to see the dentist. Teeth

2. Girls wear pretty clips on these. Hair

3. If you eat too much, it hurts. Stomach

4. You carry a schoolbag on them. Shoulder

5. Our head is covered with. Hair

6. Forehead is a part of our. Face

7. Lips, teeth and tongue are part of our .Mouth

8. It helps us to move head up, down and side to side. Neck

Q. 4 Tick the correct answer.

1. It is my favourite dish.

a. Paneer √ b. Idli Sambhar

2. I like during my free time.

a. Play √ b. Fight

3 . I can see in it.

a. Ears b. Eyes √

4. Colour of your hair is.

a. Blue b. Black √

5. I am your mother’s mother.

a. Grandmother √ b. Mother

6. We should wear clothes.

a. Clean √ b. Dirty

7. Do not play on it.

a. Road √ b. Ground

8. I go to bed.

a. Late b. Early √

9. It teaches us new things.

a. School √ b. Restaurant

10. We put garbage in it.

A. Bucket b. Dustbin √

11. I like to be.

A. Happy √ b. Moody

12. Never talk to strangers.

A. Bad b. Good

Q. 5 Match the following

1. Birthday a. Singing , dancing, acting

2. Talent b. The day we are born

3. Single family c. Shows all members of a family

4. Family tree d. Father ,mother and children

5. Unique e. Loves to read

6. Aanya f Different from others

7. Wear g. Lots of water

8. Drink h. Clean clothes

9. Throw garbage i. Exercise and play

10. Stay fit j. Dustbin

Q. 6 Fill in the blanks.

1. A single family is a small family.( joint/single )

2. A family is a group of people.(group/crowd)

3. Families may be single or joint.(joint/multiple)

4. Our teeth help us to bite and chew food.(fingers/teeth)

5. Washing hands before meals is a good habit. (good/bad)

6. We should sleep early at night.(late/early)

7. We should brush our teeth twice a day.(twice/once)

8. We go to a salon for a haircut.(salon/park)

9. Our neighbour live near our house.(neighbour/teachers)

10. We should eat healthy food everyday.(junk/healthy)

Q. 7 Circle the odd word out.

1. Kne Eyebrow Eyelashes Eye

2. Toes Thumb Nails
3. Shoulder Hand Foot Palm

4. Elbow Leg Knee Foot

5. Nose Eyes Ears Teeth

6. Write Eat Wal Hold

7. Frien Father Mother Grandparents
8. See Sit Smell Feel

Q. 8 Write Yes or No.

1. The places and people around our house form our neighbourhood. Yes

2. Amandeep should go to a restaurant to jog. No

3. Shreya oes to a park with his grandparents to walk. No

4. Mummy goes to the market to buy things for the house. Yes

5 .Doctors and Nurses treat us in banks. No

6 .Write on the walls. No

7. Wash hands after playing with pets. Yes

8. Spit on the road. No

9. Eat chips and chocolates everyday. No

10. Chew food properly. Yes

11. We should keep our place dirty. No

12. Follow the rules in the school. Yes

Q. 9 Answer the following questions

1. What is a birthday?

Ans. Birthday is the day when we are born.

2. What is an identity card?

Ans. An identity card has our name, age, address and other details.

3. What is a family?

Ans. A family is a group of people who are related to each other.

4. Name different kinds of family?

Ans. 1. Single family 2. Joint family

5. Name the parts of the trunk.

Ans. 1. Shoulder 2. Chest 3. Stomach

6. Define neighbours.

Ans. People who live in our neighbourhood are our neighbours.

7. Name any three places in your neighbourhood.

Ans. 1. Park 2. Market 3. Bank

8. Write three things you do to keep your surrounding clean.

Ans. 1. Throw garbage in the dustbin.

2. Do not pluck flowers.

3. Grow plants around you.

Q. 10 Draw the pictures of sense organs ,colour and name them.

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