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The desert is a strange and wonderful place. It is a

dry waste land, Very little rain falls on the desert but plants and
animals have learned to live in it. The desert is the home of the
cactus, the homed toad, the kangaroo and other desert plants
and animals.

Some deserts, like the Sahara and the Gabi, are hot
and sandy. They fit the usual picture of a desert – a hot dry
place. But not all desert are hot. In Siberia, desert lands are
very cold.

Occasional rain falls on the driest desert. The rain

sometimes floods the bottom of slopes. However, because of
the heat, rainwater evaporates quickly. A day after it rains, the
same spot is as dry as it was before the rain.

Sometimes rain falls on November or December.

Most deserts have a spot that has some water. It

may be a river, a spring, or even a well. This spot is called an
oasis. Here plants like date palms, grow and animals come for

To the traveler, the oasis is always a welcome spot

in the desert.
1. What falls on the dessert?

2. Is there no plant and animal can live in the dessert?

3. Do All desserts are hot and sandy?

4. The Sahara and Gobi are______?

5. In what Desert lands are cold?

6. Rain sometimes fall in the month of

7. A spot where their water is called______.

8. What plants grow in desert lands?

9. Is the desert a strange place?

10. Is it nice to live in the desert? Why?

11. What is the story all about?

12. Why is it called Wonders of the Desert?

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