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"Embracing Dawn: A Journey from Shadows to Forgiveness"

In my thoughts, there's a place that's untouched by darkness—a spot where

the sun always shines, and the pressures of real life are far away. Here, I'm
Elisha Marquez, and life is like a woven picture of dreams and endless
choices. In this special space, every wish comes true, and heavy
expectations disappear like morning fog.

I woke up the next morning with dark circles under my eyes. I hadn’t gotten
into trouble yesterday; I just didn’t get enough sleep again.

I heard that woman scream or cry again, a sad melody echoing as I slept.
Each tear, each sob, left a mark on my dreams, and I woke up each morning
with dark circles under my eyes—a sign of nights filled with hidden sorrow.

“You look like Pine again," Isla said, laughing.

Pine is her panda pet. Tsk! I just ignored what she said. I don’t want to
argue since I lack some sleep.

My friends Mikaela, Isla, Jasper, and Sebastian are there, surrounding me

with warmth, accepting me completely. I find comfort and friendship around
them. They are always there in my ups and downs. Just one call away, and
they arrived immediately.

We attend school together. She consistently picks me up from my house.

Among my friends, Isla holds a special place as my closest companion, akin
to a sister.

"We have a quiz later. Have you prepared?" she inquired.

Mockingly, I replied, "Do I really need to?" She responded with a rolled eye,
acknowledging my consistently high scores on quizzes and exams. Curious,
she asked, "What's your secret?"
I merely chuckled in response, keeping the secret intact.

As anticipated, the professor commended me for achieving the highest score.

It's eerie how things I contemplate often manifest in reality. Perhaps, I
possess psychic tendencies.

Night falls again. Nights are like my safe haven, where the moon shares
secrets, and the stars tell stories in the sky. But beneath the calmness of
the night, there's a voice that cries.

I cover my ears, pleading, “Please stop..”

Countless times I've sought the source of that voice, but no neighbors
surround me. Alone in our mansion while my parents are abroad, I can't
reach them either.

Another restless night, the sobs persist despite my efforts. I awaken with
dark circles, evidence of sleepless struggles.

“See a doctor Shei, that’s not normal anymore,” Isla advises on our way
to school, unaware of my silent turmoil.

“Maybe I should drop by later.”

I contemplate throughout the day, eventually deciding to visit the hospital

after school.

“Your checkup results are great, ma'am. You're healthy and normal,” the
nurse reassures.


“Yes, everything looks good. Just keep taking care of yourself.” She
replied with a smile.
“Thank you so much!” Perhaps the sounds were mere imagination after all.

One day, as the sun set, casting colors across the sky, a shadow appeared
in my perfect world. A surprising change, like a storm coming. My dream
world shook, affected by an unseen power.

Upon our school arrival, the principal informed us of a visiting psychiatrist

for a routine mental stability check.

Goosebumps tingled as I heard the announcement. Though familiar with

doctor anxiety, this time, a peculiar unease lingered, uncertain whether it
was fear, anxiety, or a blend of both.


With trembling hands, I entered the clinic and sat before her.

“How have you been feeling lately? Can you share a bit about your
current state?” she inquired, scanning my information.

“I'm fine, I guess.” I responded, despite nightly struggles hearing unsettling


Our eyes met, and she remarked, “You're not sure. Is something
bothering you?”

Her scrutinizing gaze heightened my anxiety; it felt as if she could peer into
my soul.

I sit before speaking. “Is it possible to possess powers of hearing?”

I may sound ridiculous if someone hears me saying this, but I want to try to
ask her about it. I expected her to laugh; instead, she looked at me with a
reassuring smile.

“Supernatural phenomena have explanations on how and why did it

happen. Why do you mention it?”

“I’ve been hearing lately a voice of a woman crying. We don’t have

neighbors around. No one outside our house crying too. And I can’t
sleep hearing those sad sobs.”

I felt relieved telling her about it. I've been thinking lately if I will ask her
about it. Well, it’s a good thing though because it lifts the heavy stone in my

“I appreciate your honesty. Can you tell me more about when you
started hearing the voices and if there are specific triggers?”

“It began a month ago. Initially, I ignored it, but there was an odd
sensation hearing her cries, almost as if I might also burst into tears.”

“Your eyes… they're deep.”

We became silent for a minute. The ambiance of the room became heavy.

“You want to try hypnotherapy? It can help you explore your thoughts,
feelings, and memories in a heightened state of suggestibility. It also
addresses specific issues or promotes psychological well-being.” She
broke the silence first.

I opted to attempt it. We shifted to the sofa because I needed to recline.

“We'll now explore hypnotherapy to delve into your thoughts and

emotions. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take slow,
deep breaths.”
I just nod in response.

“Now, as you relax, picture the details surrounding that time. Tell me if
you see anything.”

“I can see myself on the veranda of a room.”

“Good. Dive deeper into the details. What do you notice? Any sounds or

“No, don’t jump… NO!” I gasped for air as I opened my eyes, feeling
perspiration covering my body. She rushes to me, concern evident on her
face, and asks, "What happened?" I stare at her blankly, puzzled. Suddenly,
I cover my ears as I hear her sobbing once more.

“Come back to us, baby; mommy misses you.”

“I'm so sorry, baby, for being so strict with you. That won’t ever happen
again; just come back to us. Please…”

Realization hit me, like lightning in a storm. I remember everything now.

That voice I heard, once a background sound, grew into a loud expression of
sadness. My perfect dreams fell apart, showing a truth I hadn't realized. I
was stuck in a world of illusion, protected from the painful reality trying to
break through.

The cries were not just dreams—they were the sad sobs of my mom, Elara,
reaching out from her own regrets. When I understood this like a strong
wave, my dream world fell apart; I just wished to wake up.

I felt empty. I can feel the cold breeze embracing my whole. The weather
seems like mourning with me, for the boasted clouds are visible and the
little scream of the sky can be heard. I close my eyes as tears run down my
“I don’t want to live anymore..." I whisper in the wind.

I want to scream, I want to cry at extent, but no sounds came out of my

mouth. I'm tired. I just want to rest – a long rest forever.

“Study hard, Elisha; don't embarrass us."

“You should take Business Ad, so you can help me in our company.”

All those words echoed in my ear just like a broken cassette. Every day is
hell. Seems like I'm a material human-like to them. You need to obey what
they want and what they think. What about me then? They didn’t consider
the things I wanted.

I sigh.

Is this the only purpose of my life? Do all the things they like? Obey their
selfish orders?

I scan the view for the last time. I spread my arms in the air as my hair
waves to the rhythm of the wind, and take the last step. Goodbye life!

I cry hard as I remember what I did. I regret everything. I hated myself for
being weak at that time.

I fall as I stand. Maybe because of exhaustion.

“Don’t close your eyes, Ms. Marquez. Someone help.”

Her voice faded into emptiness. And everything went blank.

I don’t believe in miracles, but miracles happened to me. I became conscious
again, like a fragile flower opening. I woke up with tears, caught between
dreams and reality. My parents, Desmond and Elara, were there, looking
sorry. My mom told me that I was unconscious for almost 1 year.

When discussing it with the doctor, he explained that it's an instance of

Escapism and Fantasy World. Forming an idealized world in the
unconscious mind serves as a means of escape, allowing the character to
cope with the challenges and pain of their real-world situation. The fantasy
world might represent their desires, unfulfilled dreams, or a symbolic
representation of their psychological state.

I said sorry for escaping to my dream world, a place I made to hide from
their expectations. They asked for forgiveness, admitting their part in the
darkness that pushed me to the edge. Tears mixed, making a river of

We start a new beginning after a tough time. In my thoughts, a new world

appeared, where the sun could shine even after the darkest night. And in
that world, I, Elisha Marquez, started a journey of healing, surrounded by
love and understanding from those who once felt distant.

Written By: Jean Dee Belle Alarde

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