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Colbert: Long-Awaited "We Got Bin Laden" Party vs CNN: Osama bin Laden's death, from all angles

Point 3: Point 1: Point 2: Thesis: Tone (look of person, voice, excitement, emotions) Information (Facts, true details vs obscure details, extent of coverage, along with what else they talked about) Presentation (types of mediums, what they used to convey what they were saying, images, props, etc) Why shows like the Colbert Report are important to the understanding of current issues when compared to traditional media = they provide an medium to express informal and possibly politically incorrect views and interpretations of current events

Tone: a. CNN: i. Anderson cooper starts it off (serious, professional, composed) ii. Relaxed, and informative when speaking about the stages of the planning of the raid i. Seems to become more excited when explaining the raid, and concludes with the powerful statement of the final moments With a shot to the chest, and one to the head, the seals killed Osama bin laden iii. Dramatic tone when explaining the moments in the conference room, finally concluding with, we got him iv. At the end of the clip, pier morgan leads it into a dramatic scene of the announcement of the death, ending with a subtle musical chorus with the announcement of the president saying how justice has been done i. ii. iii. iv. Screaming in beginning Visibly excited Has to stop to breath I am just so happy! (shouldnt be this happy over someones death) v. lets the long awaited bin laden party (face is slightly disturbed), blows away dust (its okay!), later lays down towel for dust (to again reference how long it took)

b. Colbert:

vi. references Obamas accomplishment (only bin laden killing president) seriously vii. becomes emotionally attached to the issue that bin laden is dead (wants to hear it more) and then finally explodes with content once more, again acts tired viii. finally sweeps finger through dust (again reminding us its been so long) Information: b. CNN: i. They got bin laden through courier, got couriers name from Guantanamo ii. 9 years after the attacks, US gained information on couriers locationseemed built to hold Bin Laden iii. President chaired 5 nat. security counsel meetings iv. President Obama gave the go-ahead v. With a shot to the chest, and one to the head, the seals killed osama bin laden vi. there was a great debate as to if it was him, and finally president Obama made the decision to say we got him vii. he was buried at sea so there will be no shrine for followers viii. c. Colbert: Bin laden was killed this morning Shot through the eye Barack obama was in fact the one who got bin laden Says that this is huge for Obama, and he knows it Also alludes to the fact that Obama was self indulgent about the fact vi. Shows the actual video of obamas announcement along with many other clips of people announcing it vii. Presentation: a. CNN: i. ii. iii. iv. v.

i. Professionally address the issue ii. Bring up many different maps, slides of bulleted information, pictures, and videos iii. Show pics of : compound, Google abbottabad, president, animated vid of how the fight went down (very easy to understand version, yet still thorough),

shows a vid of the Deputy. Nat. Sec. Advisor talking about the presidents concern, at the end show pics of news papers and a clip of piers morgan describing how the man behind al Qaeda was finally dead iv. Also have a breaking news bar at the bottom of the screen to maximize output of information b. Colbert: i. Title = The Long-Awaited We Got Bin Laden Party ii. a chant to convey national pride iii. I am as giddy as a schoolgirl who just shot bin laden in the eye! In the eye! Kaboom! iv. pulls out a mirror, likes his face v. lets the long awaited bin laden party --been up since 2002.. vi. Pulls out cake (Bjorks Swan dress and weakest link references with bin laden) vii. Uses an in screen caption of obamas face (Obama is serious) and Lincoln to illustrate how he is the one who got him viii. Says he will lay off and give him credit.. for as long as he deserves ix. Shows Obama walking in in slow motion with swag (confident) like movements and music x. Wants to hear obamas message of death again and again (gets more ridiculous with time) xi.

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