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Experimental investigation on sun-dried bricks with addition of lignin

S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha a, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan a, B. Karthikeyan a,⇑, K. Sivakumar b, R. Sasikala c
Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600044, India
SRM Valliammai Engineering College, Chennai, Tamilnadu 603203, India
New Prince Shri Bhavani College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu 603203, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Brick is one of the oldest building material used for masonry works in construction. A major problem that
Available online xxxx exist in construction field is extinction of traditional as well as conventional building materials like brick-
s, cement, etc. And also achieving inadequate strength in building due to reduced usage of natural raw
Keywords: materials. The abundant availability of bio-wastes and their impacts on the environment is the major
Bricks problem faced in recent times. Coconut husk is an agricultural & coir industrial waste present in abun-
Lignin dant quantity, which is being dumped on the roadside and disposed by incineration process. This leads
Clay brick
to environmental pollution due to emission of CO2 during incineration of coconut husk. This project
Coconut husk
attempts to provide an alternative for the above issues. It carry out an experimental study to extract suit-
able product from organic waste and effective addition of this product to existing building materials. This
will help in improving the strength, durability and quality of the material. And also the experiments are
carried out to study the properties of the material. The expected inference from this project is improve-
ment of compressive strength of the unburnt bricks with the addition of the tissue (lignin) that has been
extracted from the coir pith. The project deals with extraction process of lignin from coconut husk in an
inexpensive way and addition of the lignin to bricks and comparison of properties to that of conventional
bricks and obtained unburnt clay bricks.
Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainable Developments – 2022.

1. Introduction part of raw material i.e., manufacturing of sundried fly ash bricks
with addition of Lignin (a tissue extracted from coconut husk)
Current scenario in construction field is usage of by-products [2]. In this report we workout on a product which is going to be
from various industries as a substituent for the ingredients of con- more sustainable. More than a conventional brick we avoid burn-
ventional building materials. This has an impact over the proper- ing process in the manufacturing of fly ash brick due to addition
ties of the materials. The building materials which are going to of tissue (Lignin). Fly ash is the another by product obtained from
be used should satisfy the performance and needs of the user as industries, which can be replaced instead of cement and it is being
well as it should contribute to the development of the society used in manufacturing of brick, so called ‘‘Fly ash Bricks”. Manufac-
[1]. The building materials should consume less energy and its turing of Fly ash bricks cost 20 % less than the traditional clay
emission should not have adverse impact on environment. Thus bricks. Coconut husk is abundant natural biomass that has been
minimizing the embodied energy can result considerable energy dumped in the roadside [3]. It makes the land unproductive, there-
saving as well as reduction in CO2. Hence we propose an idea in fore leads to land pollution, air pollution, etc. Coconut husk has
the construction field for the manufacturing of brick using avail- high amount of lignin and cellulose. Lignin is the biopolymer that
able bio-waste (coir pith) and the tissue extracted from the wastes. has the capacity to improve the strength of the cell wall of plants to
The project deals with one such innovative idea using a tissue as a stand upright. Therefore, the lignin will play major role in increas-
ing the strength of the brick by improving the bonding capacity [4].
⇑ Corresponding author. Thus, in this project we work to develop a sustainable building
E-mail address: (B. Karthikeyan).
material that is energy saving, eco-friendly and cost effective.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainable Developments –

Please cite this article as: S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al., Experimental investigation on sun-dried bricks with ad-
dition of lignin, Materials Today: Proceedings,
S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

2. Literature review this industry’s growth. Poor industry-research institute relations

impede manufacturers from learning about lignin’s many uses.
The biological and chemical function of the Lignin present in the The identical reinforcing processes of CS and CF should be stud-
vascular bundle of any woody plant has a wide range of application ied along with the ideal fibre and shell composition shown in Fig. 1.
[5,6]. The implementation of idea of using the tissue in building Immediately conduct this research [16]. Asphalt pavement re-
materials like bricks lays down an innovative solution to obtain a search should focus on CS and CF’s many benefits. These include
sustainable development in the research field of building material- the number of fibres and shells, their length, size, morphology,
s. The extraction of lignin from the vascular bundle of plant is slow and orientation. For the most accurate results, boundary effects
process and there are numerous ways to extract the lignin from on test results should be analyzed based on shell and fibre modi-
other extractive present in the vascular tissue [7]. It has been ob- fied asphalt pavement field performance. Composite science prin-
served from the literature that very few investigations have been ciples may open new research avenues. CS and CF modified
carried out in the area of tissue in concrete. The goal of this review asphalt pavement mechanical qualities can be modeled [17].
is to provide an in-depth knowledge about the different key factors
and to understand the overall process [8].
Some chemists, botanists, plant pathologists, microbiologists, 3. Experimental procedure
and soil scientists have described lignin’s purpose, qualities, real
form, structure, and applications [9]. Other scientists have studied 3.1. Collection of raw materials
lignin’s structure and uses. Lignin is a glycopolymer with equal
aliphatic and aromatic components. Lignin has 65 % carbon, 29 % Construction materials are shown here. Cement, fine aggregate,
oxygen, and 6 % hydrogen. Carbon dominates lignin [10]. Woody fly ash, coconut husk, and lignin will be studied. Cement Ordinary
plant structures contain most lignin. Plants have two types of lig- Portland cement is most frequent [18]. Late 19th-century develop-
nified tissue: conducting and supporting. Lignin regulates deep ment (OPC). Ordinary Portland Cement in 53 grades must comply
oil well drilling mud viscosity and is used in paper making. Paper- with IS: 8112-1989. Cement is tested for specific gravity, consis-
making uses lignin too. When manufacturing bricks, tiles, gypsum tency, setting time, and fineness modulus. The Physical properties
boards, grinding and polishing (terrazzo flooring), spraying insecti- of M-Sand is listed in Table 1.
cides, dispersing carbon black during rubber master batching, and
dying fabrics [11]. It also manages particle suspension viscosities.
The kiln burns organic lignin. Lignin protects dried, unfired ceram- 3.2. Fine aggregate
ics and porcelain against shattering and chipping. Lignin makes
smooth clay slips for pottery. Those who persevere to solve lignin’s River sand makes fine aggregate. Because river sand is scarce,
final secrets will be rewarded with a big challenge and the chance this building project uses artificial sand instead. M-sand with
to improve our environment and utilise our forest resources more 4.75-millimeter particles was chosen [19]. The analysis used IS:
efficiently [12]. Perseverance will yield a major task and an 383-1970, the Indian Standard. Proceeding requires determining
opportunity. the target fine aggregate specific gravity. This process uses a py-
lignin-based polymer composites (thermoplastic, thermoset, rometer, measuring jar, weighing balance, and ten-millimeter
biopolymer, rubber, nano, and carbon), aerogels, and foaming ma- sieve.
terials [13]. They also study the origins, variations, inter-unit link-
ages, model compounds, extraction, characterization,
characteristics, and applications of lignin. Researchers, engineers, 3.3. Sieve analysis
chemists, technicians, and others interested in the development
and potential of lignin and lignin composites would benefit from Sieve analysis improves coarse and fine aggregate particle size
this book. Lignin is used to synthesise vanillin, animal feed, colour distribution determination [20]. Sieve analysis determines: Ac-
dispersants, micronutrients, resins, and cleaning chemicals. Lignin cording to IS: 2386 (Part I) – 1963, aggregates are sieved. We start
is only used in low-volume, specialist applications [14]. Due to its by sending aggregates through IS code-standard sieves. After each
many low-volume, specialised uses, the lignin market is currently filter has processed the aggregates, we collect the various-sized
underdeveloped. Manufacturers’ lignin ignorance is also hindering particles.

Fig. 1. Coconut shell & fibre [15].

S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 4. Preparation of tissue

Physical properties of M-Sand.

Material M-Sand Various methods for analysis & extraction of lignin;

Specific gravity 2.71
Water absorption 1.21 %  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Bulk density 1661 kg/mm3  Thermogravimetric analysis.
 Organosolv treatment.
 Kraft process.
 The apparatus used for delignification from cellulose and hemi-
Table 2 cellulose is Soxhlet Apparatus.
Physical properties of lignin.  Extraction of lignin using non polar solvents.
Material Lignin  Extraction of lignin using different solvent systems.
Bulk density (g/cc) 0.35
Solubility in water Nil 4.1. Isolation of lignin – Delignification
pH <0.4
150 ml of acetone mixed with Soxhlet extract in 0.5 g to 1.5 g
particle sizes extracts lignin from coir dust. Repeat until enough
lignin is produced [27]. This is done three times. The extraction
3.4. Lignin from coir pith of lignin from 1 g of coir dust with a particle size of 150 lm utiliz-
ing water-based solvent mixtures yielded a higher yield than pre-
Coconut trash produces lignin [21]. After making coir, these vious methods. The optimal acetone-to-water ratio was needed to
waste products are collected and processed. These wastes provide extract 20 % from 1 g of coir dust [28].
ligin. Each tube containing 20 ml of Coir pith Black Liquor (CBL) Acetone and water extracted 4.2 % less. Due to their interaction-
was tested for pH after adding 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 ml of H2SO4. s, water and acetone can remove lignin from coir dust. Water and
The mixture pH changed by 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. Centrifuging acetone are polar solvents, which explains this. The pH of 20 ml
the solution for 15 min at 4000 RPM may yield the solution. The tubes of Coir pith Black Liquor (CBL) was tested after adding 0.1,
residue’s lignin was retained for investigation after drying at 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 ml of H2SO4. The solution was obtained after
60 °C. The supernatant was centrifuged again at four thousand rev- 15 min of 4000 RPM centrifugation. After drying at 60 °C, the left-
olutions per minute for fifteen minutes. The supernatant was cen- over lignin was preserved for further study [29].
trifuged again after 24 h at 4 °C. After supernatant extraction, the
liquid was examined using spectroscopy at 400–800 nm [22]. The 4.2. Preparation of bricks
supernatant pH was also measured for future reference. After then,
the lignin can be examined to determine its many properties. The 4.2.1. Mixing and moulding
Physical properties of lignin is listed in Table 2. Mud is mixed with required amount of water and it is done
through hand moulding process. Three types of brick were pre-
pared as follows:

3.5. Water
 Flyash brick with 3 % of lignin
 Flyash brick with 5 % of lignin
Most drinking water is acceptable for concrete manufacturing
 Flyash brick with 7 % of lignin
[23]. Water is essential to concrete’s chemical process. Water
quantity and quality must be researched because it helps form
4.2.2. Curing of brick
the cement gel that gives strength.
Polyethylene glycol, a self-curing component, helps the curing
process in this case. After properly combining the two materials,
1 % polyethylene glycol is diluted into water. After stirring, the so-
3.6. Fly ash lution is added to the clay while stirring. The bricks are dried by
sun exposure for up to 28 days. Curing process is shown in Fig. 2.
Fly ash is made from coal-fired boiler particulates and flue gas-
es. Coal combustion produces fly ash. Coal combustion produces fly 5. Laboratory tests
ash. Bottom ash is boiler ash that falls to the bottom. Today’s coal-
fired power stations use electrostatic precipitators and other parti- A series of laboratory experiments are conducted for varieties of
cle filtration technology to catch fly ash [24]. Before flue gases en- samples. These experiments are to measure the engineering prop-
ter chimneys. Fly ash is used to make construction bricks, which erties of the soil as follow:
can be used to make many different products. Fly ash and clay a. Preliminary Tests
are mixed in equal proportions and heated in a kiln to roughly
1,000 °C to make one form of brick. This method reduces clay  Specific Gravities – IS 2720-1980 (pt 3)
usage, the main benefit. Before hardening, mix fly ash, soil, plaster  Consistency Limits – IS 2720-1985 (pt 5 & 6)
of Paris, and water in a container to make another fly ash brick  Free Swell Index – IS 2720 – 1977 (pt 40)
[25]. This method reduces pollution by not using heat. Current  Grain Size Distribution- IS2720-1985 (pt 4)
manufacturing procedures use more fly ash and high pressure to  Compaction test - IS 2720-1980 (pt 7) and IS 4332 – 1967(pt 3)
make strong, environmentally friendly bricks. Fly ash has been
used in UK concrete block manufacture for almost 50 years. India b. Secondary Tests.
builds with fly ash bricks. Leading companies compress ‘‘Pulver-
ized fuel ash for lime–Pozzolana combination” as well [26]. This  Compression Test - IS 3495 (Part 2): 1992
standard requires recycling over 75 % post-industrial trash. The  Water absorption - IS 3495 (Part 2): 1992
product’s high insulation makes it durable and eco-friendly.  Efflorescence - IS 3495 (Part 2): 1992
S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Curing and drying of bricks.

5.1. Laboratory test procedures

5.1.1. Compressive strength test on brick

Grinding the bed faces will smooth and parallel them. Grinding
bed faces makes the surface more consistent. You should spend
most of the next day submerged in room-temperature water. After
the sample cools, drain any excess moisture. Cement mortar
should be used to fill the frog and bed faces (1 cement, 1 clean
coarse sand of grade 3 mm and down). After 24 h under damp jute
bags, submerge it in clean water for three days. This follows bury-
ing it. After that, you can move it from the damp jute bags. Remove
and ensure all wetness has dried. Place the specimen between the
testing machine plates after making sure the mortar side is facing
up and the flat surface side is facing horizontally. Apply axial force
Fig. 4. Test for efflorescence of brick.
at 14 N per minute until failure, noting the highest load before it
occurred. The specimen fails at the maximum load at which the
indicator reading on the testing equipment does not increase.
5.1.2. Water absorption of brick (Is: 3495-Part 2-1992)
The specimen fails here. Performance-wise, the specimen is unac-
The specimen is next dried in an oven at 105–1150 °C until it
ceptable at this point. At this step, the specimen is assessed and
has a uniform bulk. After the specimen cools, its weight is recorded
judged poor due to its performance. Test for compression of brick
(M1) After air drying, the specimen is submerged in sterile water
is illustrated in Fig. 3.
for 24 h at 27.2 °C. After the specimen is recovered, it is cleaned us-
ing a cloth dipped in water and weighed. After M2, the specimen is
weighed. After 24 h in cold water, compute the amount of water
that can be absorbed as a percentage of the total mass.

5.1.3. Efflorescence test on brick

A decent dish will hold distilled water. Use glass, porcelain, or
glazed stoneware to make the dish. When the bricks are placed
in the dish, the water level should rise to 25 mm on each brick.
After putting everything together, put it in a place with good ven-
tilation and a warm temperature (20–30 °C) until the specimen has
absorbed all the water in the dish and the water on the surface has
evaporated. Cover the dish and put it somewhere quiet to prevent
too much liquid from evaporating. After the bricks appear dry, put
a similar amount of water in the dish and let it evaporate under the
same conditions. Test for efflorescence of brick is explained in
Fig. 4.

6. Results and discussion

Through the years, many different ways have been found to im-
Fig. 3. Test for compression of brick. prove the physical properties of soil bricks by adding a wide range

S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Compressive strength of sample at 7th day.

% of lignin in sample Length(mm) Breadth(mm) Depth(mm) Area (mm2) Load(kN) Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
3% 200 100 100 20,000 165 8.25
200 100 100 20,000 140 7.0
5% 200 100 100 20,000 190 9.50
200 100 100 20,000 200 10.0
7% 200 100 100 20,000 170 8.50
200 100 100 20,000 175 8.75

Table 4
Compressive Strength of Sample at 14th Day.

% of lignin in sample Length(mm) Breadth(mm) Depth (mm) Area (mm2) Load(kN) Compressivestrength (N/mm2)
3% 200 100 100 20,000 192 9.90
200 100 100 20,000 189 9.30
5% 200 100 100 20,000 240 11.8
200 100 100 20,000 235 12.2
7% 200 100 100 20,000 225 10.95
200 100 100 20,000 230 11.67

Fig. 5. Comparison of average compressive strength of brick.

of additives and conditioners to the making process. Many differ- 6.1. Compressive strength
ent ways have been found to use these methods. The use of artifi-
cial cementing agents as part of the building process is one of the The compressive strength of the taken samples with 7th day
methods that has been used the most. For the agents in question to and 28th day of bricks were undergone for compressive strength
work, it is important that cementing ties form between the differ- testing. These test results were listed in Table 3 and Table 4 with
ent pieces that make up the brick. Brick is a highly suggested ma- various % of lignin added. Fig. 5 shows the Comparison of Average
terial for building many parts of pavements in developing Compressive Strength of Brick.
countries. This is mostly because it makes the pavements stronger. The brick sample shows nil observation of white patch over its
This is because brick can be used for many different things. Bricks surface and hence there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence.
are often made with materials that are easy to find in the area. This
helps keep production costs low and keeps prices low for cus-
tomers. The surroundings can change how bricks work and how
Table 5
they are built. When bacteria are added to brick, they can improve Water absorption capacity of sample.
many of the brick’s technical qualities. These changes could make
% of lignin Original weight of Weight after absorption Water
the brick stronger or make it better for the earth. When making
the sample (kg) of water (kg) Absorption in %
bricks, leftovers like fly ash, slag from blast furnaces, quarry dust,
and other similar materials can be used to make them better. This 3% 3.562 3.788 5.95
5% 3.582 3.803 5.82
can help the company make more money. On the other hand, using 7% 3.546 3.869 8.34
bacterial bricks hasn’t been as successful as using other methods.
S. Daisylin Anbu Sujitha, J. Jeswin Arputhabalan, B. Karthikeyan et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx


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