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SYNERGI LIFE Enhancing organizational resilience through integrated risk management

Risk management leaders are confronting unprecedented A comprehensive survey of risk management professionals
challenges, navigating a landscape that demands not only conducted by Verdantix has unveiled various challenges
risk prevention and reduction but also compliance with a organizations face, with Climate risk to physical assets,
widening array of regulations spanning employment to Cybersecurity, and Worker health and safety emerging
environmental concerns. Beyond managing traditional as the top three concerns. The driving market dynamics
operational risks, they must now navigate new and complex behind these risks include a complex geopolitical multi-
areas such as climate change, cybersecurity, and reputational crisis scenario, shifting geopolitical standings, economic
risks, which pose significant threats to organizational health. uncertainty, globalization, and supply chain fragility. In
In this dynamic environment, the ability to adopt a holistic response to these formidable forces, organizations are
perspective on the diverse risk landscape is paramount. This compelled to reevaluate their approach to risk management,
holistic view empowers leaders to effectively prioritise and necessitating a more dynamic and adaptive strategy1.
align efforts across the entire organisation.

Top risks in 2023

In the last 12 months, how material have the following risks been for your firm?

In light of these evolving challenges, embracing a comprehensive perspective becomes essential to navigate the complex risk
landscape and ensure organizational resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Verdantix, Strategic Focus: Top 5 Risk Megatrends for 2024, December 2023

SYNERGI LIFE Enhancing organizational resilience through integrated risk management

In line with successful business operations or change management initiatives, an effective risk management solution is woven
with the people, process, and technology framework. This methodology establishes a balance that propels decisive actions,
empowering organisations to set and attain their risk objectives. Each component has a critical role in the identification,
assessment and mitigation of risks in an organisation, and must function collaboratively for optimal performance.

The people factor

The People factor extends beyond the risk management team at an organisation, it also encompasses the culture and
communication vital for a successful risk management system. Fostering a risk-aware culture encourages employees to
comprehend and embrace the significance of risk management, leading to increased reporting and fear of repercussions.

Proficient domain experts are instrumental in identifying risks, providing valuable insights for a precise understanding of potential
threats. Effective communication ensures that risk-related information is easily accessible to all stakeholders, fostering a culture of
risk awareness among employees. However, communication from domain experts or risk leaders alone is not enough. It’s crucial
that the established risk management strategy, along with its tools and processes, is fully embraced by all members of the work-
force. Providing consistent training and ensuring accessibility to all employees facing risks on the job site helps them feel confident
in reporting risks accurately and promptly. Only then can leadership access enough data to make informed decisions.

Streamlined processes

Processes inject structure, consistency, and efficiency into risk identification, assessment, and mitigation. Well-defined
processes are essential to evaluate the likelihood and impact of risks on organizational objectives.

Processes are a key method to help carry out the policies, procedures, and protocols that are developed to support a risk
management framework. Monitoring and reporting process outcomes, help maintain alignment with system strategy and KPIs.
These processes help to define the workflows that provide structure to an organisation’s risk operations.
SYNERGI LIFE Enhancing organizational resilience through integrated risk management

Leveraging technology Structured assessment – ISRS provides a structured frame-

work for assessing safety management systems. The focus on
Integrated IT systems are indispensable for executing a safety management practices provides detailed criteria and
robust risk management system, facilitating the collection and guidelines for evaluation.
analysis of large datasets. Technology enables organizations
to adopt a proactive risk management approach, leveraging Standardisation – ISRS and ISRS 9 are internationally
predictive modeling to safeguard against future threats. By recognized standards for safety management and enable
analyzing risk trends, teams can better predict a possible organisations to benchmark their safety performance against
hazard and react before it occurs. industry best practices while demonstrating compliance to
Risk management tools automate processes, reduce the risk
of human error, enhance efficiency, and introduce boundaries Comprehensive approach – These frameworks include
to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. aspects such as leadership commitment, risk assessment,
incident investigation, emergency preparedness and
DNV’s ISRS (International Safety Rating System)2 and ISRS 93 employee engagement.
are frameworks that are used to assess and improve safety
management within organisations. These frameworks work as Drive continuous improvement – The ISRS frameworks
an extension of the people, process, technology (PPT) frame- include a focus on driving continuous improvement in
work by providing a structured approach to evaluating and safety performance and provide criteria to assess safety
enhancing safety performance across the three dimensions. management systems at different maturity levels.
There are several benefits of applying ISRS to a risk
management system: Proven and refined – Over its 46-year history, the ISRS frame-
work has garnered recognition across multiple industries.
Continuously adapting, it addresses the evolving needs of
safety management across diverse sectors.


SYNERGI LIFE Enhancing organizational resilience through integrated risk management

The power of alignment

Alignment across people, processes, and technology is adopted by the workforce, incidents will not be documented.
imperative for a successful risk management system. A well- If the designed processes aren’t supported with data
designed process, when coupled with effective communication collection and automation from risk management technology,
and supported by technology, ensures that risks are they’re much less likely to impact business objectives.
documented and impactful.
The alignment of these areas forms a cohesive and
For example, a company can design well-thought-out integrated framework for constructing an efficient risk
processes and workflows to support risk reporting, but management system. This alignment has several
unless those processes have been successfully taught to and advantages:

Enhances the effectiveness of
Fosters organizational resilience
risk management efforts

Delivers the ability to prioritize risk management
Contributes to higher system success rates
resources across the organisation

But this alignment may not be enough for a successful system alone, there are other pitfalls that teams need to remain
conscious of.

SYNERGI LIFE Enhancing organizational resilience through integrated risk management

Common pitfalls to avoid Driving long-term success

Misalignment of limitations and expectations
Successful risk management programs are designed for
endurance and continuous improvement. Embrace three key
Clearly establishing and communicating program expecta-
tions and limitations is critical to avoid costly mistakes, such as
resource misallocation and increased legal and financial risks. 1.
Be active

Dwindling program engagement
Small daily habits can lead to significant impacts. Active
engagement helps identify risks earlier and enables a timely
response to emerging challenges.
Sustaining long-term engagement and fostering a proactive
risk culture requires continuous efforts, making risk manage-
ment a daily part of operations. A centralized risk register
is a great tool to align risk status and priorities, but it’s not
Be transparent
valuable once outdated. Ensure stakeholders have access to the latest risk status and
progress against KPIs. Dashboards and automated reports

Risk silos
and notifications build stakeholder trust and engagement and
build a risk-aware culture.

Communication or technology barriers within an organisa-

tion can lead to risk silos. For example, if different tools are
used to capture and manage risks in different departments or
Drive progress
locations, an organisation loses the benefits of a holistic risk Progress is vital for organizational resilience and adaptability.
overview. Integrated risk management technology to identify The ability to assess and respond to new risks supports com-
trends and prioritize actions and a cross-department ap- pliance with regulations and fosters a proactive risk manage-
proach is essential to prevent risk silos and fuel organisational ment approach.

Synergi Life: Empowering proactive risk management

The creation of a central data pool enables risk alignment that extends beyond operational silos and enables an organisation to
react on priorities across the business, not limited to within a single risk category. Synergi Life is a flexible and scalable risk man-
agement tool that consolidates all risk data into a centralized location. Beyond data consolidation, it supports the rollout of new
processes and workflows, equipping organizations with the data needed to identify trends and evolve their risk management
approach from reactive to proactive.

Carsten Weid serves as the Head of Risk Management Advisory at DNV, where his team
collaborates closely with clients to help navigate the complexities of risk management
within an ever-evolving and high-risk industry. Carsten and his team both use and recommend
Synergi Life, particularly for clients seeking a robust tool to fortify and streamline the technical
aspects of their risk management program.

DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating
in more than 100 countries. Through its broad experience and deep
expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable performance, sets industry
standards, and inspires and invents solutions.

DNV is a world-leading provider of digital solutions and software

applications with focus on the energy, maritime and healthcare markets.
Our solutions are used worldwide to manage risk and performance for wind
turbines, electric grids, pipelines, processing plants, offshore structures,
ships, and more. Supported by our domain knowledge and Veracity
assurance platform, we enable companies to digitize and manage business
critical activities in a sustainable, cost-efficient, safe and secure way.

Disclaimer DNV AS
All information is correct to the best of our NO-1322 Hovik,
knowledge. Contributions by external authors Norway
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Tel 47 67 57 00
editors and DNV.

The trademarks DNV and the Horison Graphic

are the property of DNV AS.
All rights reserved. DNV 2024.

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