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Mangal Secondary School At every opportunity the parent in me wanted to

Weekly- Test scream at the top of my lungs “Can everyone stop

2081 complaining about each other and look after my sick
Class: 10 F.M.: 50 baby?” From my vantage point, it seemed that
everyone was so focused on their own needs and
Subject: Com. English P.M.: 17.5
skills that they appeared completely insensible that
Q.No.1. Read the given passage and do the activities: 5
there was a sick baby that needed their help. In fact, it
During the carnival, official public notices are was downright disappointing. This did nothing other
plastered on the walls around Ivrea, ordering people, than state to me that egos were taking priority over
especially tourists, to wear a red hat. Or else they can my daughter’s care.
be considered a ‘fair target for gentle and moderate I cannot tell you how many times nurses told me, “I
orange- throwing.’ am so busy today.” I am not sure if they were telling
The red hat people are ordered to wear is not just any me to excuse the fact that my daughter’s medications
hat. The berretto frigio, a sock- shaped hat sold on were not on time or maybe they were simply looking
every street corner, is the symbol of the carnival itself. for support. Every time I heard this statement my head
It is a symbol of freedom; worn in Roman times by played my own version that sounded more like “your
freed slaves. During the Middle Ages it was on the daughter is not a priority.”
heads of peasants rioting against feudal lords. Do not use patients or their families as your personal
Back on my feet, I make sure my hat is on, and confidante. I was in that hospital room to care for my
visible. I want to get another look, but soon I am hit infant and see her condition improve, not to hear that
again on my forehead. My head jerks back, I wipe my staff were not equipped to see this goal through.
face, oh my goodness, it’s blood! I am going to need Patients and their families need to know they are your
stitches, maybe it’s a concussion! priority and your job is to care for them in an effort to
A. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement: 5 restore health. Patients and their families need to
a. The public notices are distributed to the know they are your priority and your job is to care for
tourists. them in an effort to restore health. Please take time to
b. The notice was ordering people to wear a red tell them this, share positive news with them as if you
hat. are happy too, because I know you are.
c. The red hat is the symbol of freedom. A. Match the word in column A with their meaning in
d. The red hat was worn by prisoned slaves. column B: 5
e. The blood made the speaker concussion. A B
Q.No.2. Read the given passage and do the activities:10 a) vantage point i) close associate
b) insensible ii) skilled
c) downright iii) point of view d. Where did he go after he opened his
d) priority iv) preference presents?
e) confidante v) meaningless e. What is the advice of grandma?
vi) absolute B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement:
B. Answer the following questions: 5 (5x1=5)
a. Why is the speaker disappointed? a. This diary is about marriage ceremony.
b. According to the speaker, what was taking b. They played football at friend’s house.
priority over her daughter? c. His mom took him to his grandma’s house
c. What did the nurses tell when her daughter’s for a birthday meals.
medication was not on time? d. His sister made him a delicious chocolate
d. Why was the speaker in that hospital room? cake.
e. What is the job of the health worker, according e. They do not enjoy at the birthday.
to the speaker? Q. No. 4. Write a set of rules and regulations for an exam
Q.No.3. Read the given diary entry and do the activities that hall.
follow: 10 You can use the clues given below: 5
A. Answer the following questions: (5x1=5) Admit cards…….going out……changing seats………
March- 5,a. When
2018 is the diary entry written? leaving the hall…….. side talking ……mobiles and/
b. Who has this diary written by?
Dear Diary, calculators and books, etc.
Today hasc. What
been was hisItfavorite?
great! was my birthday today and Q. No. 5. Write a news story using the following clues: 5
I got a lot of presents from my friends and relatives. Vitamin A Capsules Given to Children…health
My favorite was a big, green dinosaur. After I Assistants give Vitamin A Capsules, October 19- 20
………children from six months to five years…….
opened all my presents, I went to my friends
deworming tablets to children between 1- 5 years
Amber’s house and we played tennis. ………. announced by the Department of Health
Then my mom comes to pick me of and take me to Services…. Vitamin A programme continues since
my grandma’s home for a birthday meal. Next, we 2050 BS and deworming capsules since 2056 BS
went to visit my sister; we have to try for a very long Q. No. 6. Write an essay on “Impact of Climate Change”
time. My sister made me a Yummy chocolate cake (In about 200 words) 8
Q. No. 7 Reproduce the following sentences as instructed in
and I had two slices! We all got together and
the brackets. (7x1=7)
enjoyed a lot. Nobody expressed their views about
a. Don’t open the door,….? (Add a suitable question
my future except my grandma. She told me that I tag.)
would study hard to achieve her goal to make me a b. They enjoy bathing. (Into negative)
doctor. Everyone agreed her suggestion, I also made
ger feel happy sharing my assurance to fulfill her
desire. Finally, we all separated enjoyed the party.
c. Fish lives in water. (Into ‘Where’ question)
d. They were carrying research. (Into present
e. She said to him, “Did he finish the game?” (Into
indirect speech)
f. “Why are you late?”, He said. (Into indirect
g. She contacted several persons. (Into passive voice)

Good Luck

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