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20 Pancham 2
Mold Breaker: This Pokémon's moves
ignore any abilities that would lessen
Fighting their effect or ability to hit an opponent.
16 6
+3 -2

2 10 10
+0 ✔

d8 14 8
+2 -1

You stare down a target, reducing its will. The

creature must make a WIS save against your
Leer W/C Move DC. On a fail, allies may add +1 to any 15
attack they target it with for the duration. This
modifier can be stacked if it fails multiple leer
Normal 18m - saves, up to a maximum of +5.

You rush forward and slam into a creature.

Make a melee attack roll against a target,
Tackle S/D doing normal damage on a hit. 20
Normal Melee 1d6+3

You strike the ground so hard that it ripples

out from you in a 30 foot circle. Any creature
Bulldoze S caught in the area must make a DEX save 10
against your Move DC, taking ground damage 10
on a failure, or half as much on a success.
Ground 4,5m 1d10+3 Raised creatures are immune to the effects
and damage of this move.

You unleash a flurry of fists on a creature.

Make a melee attack roll, doing fighting
Arm Thrust S/D damage on a hit. After successfully hitting a 10
target, roll a d4. On a result of 3 or 4, you may 10
immediately hit again for an additional fighting
Lutador Melee 1d4+3 damage. Continue this process until you fail to
roll a 3 or 4 on the d4 roll, up to a maximum of
four additional hits.

Intimidation Deslocamento de
escalada 4m.

Rock, Dark, Bug Flying, Psychic, Fairy

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