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Certificate – Cертификат – 證明書 – Certificat – 증명서 – ‫شهادة‬ Form QAT_10-M05, version 00, effective since March 25th, 2020

Certificate of Compliance
No. 0G200514.SBMQT79

Certificate’s Shanghai Boxun Medical Biological

Holder: Instrument Corp.
No.599, Zhongqiang Road, Maogang Town,
Songjiang District, Shanghai, China

Certification ECM
Mark: European Type
Conformity Approved

Product: Incubator
Model(s): (see the following annex)

Verification to: Standard:

BS EN 61326-1:2013

related to CE Directive(s):
2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
Remark: This document has been issued on a voluntary basis and upon request of the manufacturer. It is
our opinion that the technical documentation received from the manufacturer is satisfactory for the
requirements of the ECM Certification Mark. The conformity mark above can be affixed on the products
accordingly to the ECM regulation about its release and its use.

Additional information and clarification about the Marking:

The manufacturer is responsible for the CE Marking process, and if necessary, must
refer to a Notified Body. This document has been issued on the basis of the regulation
on ECM Voluntary Mark for the certification of products. RG01_ECM rev.3 available
at: www.entecerma.it

Issuance date: 14 May 2020

Expiry date: 13 May 2025
Reviewer Approver
Technical expert ECM Service Director
Amanda Payne Luca Bedonni

Ente Certificazione Macchine Srl

Via Ca’ Bella, 243 – Loc. Castello di Serravalle – 40053 Valsamoggia (BO) - ITALY
 +39 051 6705141  +39 051 6705156  info@entecerma.it  www.entecerma.it
Certificate – Cертификат – 證明書 – Certificat – 증명서 – ‫شهادة‬ Form QAT_10-M05, version 00, effective since March 25th, 2020

Annex I
No. 0G200514.SBMQT79

SPX-100B-Z, SPX-150B-Z, SPX-250B-Z, BSP-100, BSP-150, BSP-250, BSP-400,
BSP-800, MJX-100B-Z, MJX-160B-Z, MJX-250B-Z, BMJ-100, BMJ-160, BMJ-250,
BMJ-400, BMJ-800, BMJ-160C, BMJ-250C, BMJ-400C, BMJ-800C, BSD-100,
BSD-150, BSD-250, BSD-400, BSC-150, BSC-250, BSC-400, BSC-800, BSG-250,
BSG-300, BSG-400, BSG-800, BIC-250, BIC-300, BIC-400, BIC-800, BC-J80,
BC-J160, BC-J250, GSP-9050MBE, GSP-9080MBE, GSP-9160MBE,
GSP-9270MBE, BG-50, BG-80, BG-160, BG-270, HPX-9052MBE,
HPX-9082MBE, HPX-9162MBE, HPX-9272MBE, BPX-52, BPX-82, BPX-162,
BPX-272, BXP-65, BXP-130, BXP-280, BXP-450, BXP-530, BXP-65S, BXP-130S,
BXP-280S, BXP-450S, BXP-530S, BXP-65N, BXP-130N, BXP-280N, BXP-450N,
BXP-530N, BXP-65NS, BXP-130NS, BXP-280NS, BXP-450NS, BXP-530NS,
BXG-150, BXG-250, BXG-400, BXG-800, BXG-1000, BXG-1600, BXG-2000

Ente Certificazione Macchine Srl

Via Ca’ Bella, 243 – Loc. Castello di Serravalle – 40053 Valsamoggia (BO) - ITALY
 +39 051 6705141  +39 051 6705156  info@entecerma.it  www.entecerma.it

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