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March 6, 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Greetings in St. La Salle!

The junior high school di ision ill celebrate its 15th Sci-MATh local challenge from March 18-21, 2024.
The e ent offers our students enriching e periences through collaborati e acti ities in Science,
Mathematics, Technolog , and Arts.

The theme of the e ent is adapted from the DOST's National Science and Technolog Week Celebration:
"Si ens a, Teknolohi a, at Inobas on: Kabalikat sa matatag, maginha a, at panatag na kinabukasan".

Belo are the details of the e ent:

Ma c 18, M da - Grades 7 and 8 Qui Bee and Spelling Bee

Ma c 20, Wed e da - Grades 9 and 10 Qui Bee and Spelling Bee
Ma c 21, T da - Culminating da

G ade 7-8 c ed e
TIME Ma c 21 (T da )
7:30-7:45 Homeroom
7:45-8:00 Mobili ation to Pergola
8:00-9:30 Fun and Games
9:30-10:00 Recess
10:00-11:15 Practice - classroom
11:15-11:30 Mobili ation to Pergola
11:30-1:00 Eco dance - Pergola
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:30 Watch Grades 9-10 Performance
2:30-4:00 A arding Ceremon

G ade 9-10 c ed e
TIME Ma c 21 (T da )
7:30-8:15 Homeroom and practice
8:15-8:45 Recess
8:45-9:45 Practice - classroom
9:45-10:00 Mobili ation to Pergola
10:00-11:30 Fun and Games
11:30-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:50 Preparation time - classroom
12:50-1:00 Mobili ation to Pergola
1:00-2:30 Eco dance - Pergola
2:30-4:00 A arding Ceremon

Laguna Boule ard, LTI Spine Road, Baranga s Bi an and Malamig, Cit of Bi an, Laguna, Philippines Tel: (049) 554.8900
For each da of the e ent, students are required to ear their PE uniform and rubber shoes. Additionall ,
e request that the students bring small bags onl . As part of our polic , e strictl prohibit bringing
learning de ices during the e ent.

We look for ard to our support in this e citing e ent as e pro ide the students ith aluable learning
e periences and opportunities for gro th.

Thank ou, and God bless!

In St. La Salle,

M .J eA R. Sa M . R a d C. Ma a J . M . S e a Ma e G. Mab a a

JHS Academic Super isor JHS Academic Super isor JHS Academic Super isor
for Science for Mathematics for Practical Arts

M .E aJ R. Ja e M.C e Ae A. Be

JHS Academic Super isor STREAM Super isor

for Performing Arts

Endorsed b :

M . C a e ce R. A ca

Vice Principal for JHS

Appro ed b :

M .T caA e M. Ca


15 Sc -MAT L ca C a e e C c a
(Plea e re rn he repl lip o he cla ad i er on or before Ma 14, 2024.)

I ha e read and understood the contents of this circular.

____________________________________ _________________________________________
Name of Student / Grade Le el and Section Parent s Signature o er Printed Name/ Date Signed

Laguna Boule ard, LTI Spine Road, Baranga s Bi an and Malamig, Cit of Bi an, Laguna, Philippines Tel: (049) 554.8900

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