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HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE ARMY Fort Andres Bonifacio, Metro Manila 1/AAGP 23 app anre STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE NUMBER 04 AMENDED CHANGE OF ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY (AFPOS) 4 REFERENCES: @. GONr 26, HPA did 19 January 2004, re: Activation of the Army Personnel Management Center effective 16 January 2004. b. Circular Nr 1, HPA dtd 07 May 1996, Subject! AFP Occupational Specialty for PA Officers PURPOSE: This SOP provides the policies, guidelines and procedures pertaining to the change of AFPOS of officers. 3. SCOPE: This SOP applies to alll officers who will request for change of AFPOS. and to the unit commander/chiefs of offices who will endorse their requests to concerned authorities who are given the mandate to act on such requests. é DEFINITIONS: 4, Armed Forces of the Philippines Occupational Specialty POS} - Term used to identify duty positions, career areas, and field of centration that requires closely related skills. It identifies the type of skills but not lavel of skills. 1) Awarded AFPOS - The AFPOS accorded te an officer upon his/her entry to the service base on educational attainment, AFPOS allocation and personal preferences. 2). Substantial Performance of Duty - considered upon satisfying cumulative three (3) years performance of duty and corresponding accomplishment in relation to the AFPOS an officer wishes to apply. b. Army Personnel Management Center (APMC) ~ The unit organized as a major operating arm of OG, PA whose mission is to provide a responsive and efficient personnel management system in support of the PA mission Philippine Army Change of AFPOS Board (PACAB) ~ an ad hoc body that will evaluate all request for the change of AFPOS of PA personnel. $. POLICIES: a. Evaluation 1) The Philippine Army Change of AFPOS Board, through APMC shall evaluate all requests for change of AFPOS. 2) Request for change of AFPOS may be allowed for Officers who have not yet taken their Advance career courses provided they satisfy the following conditions: a) When there is an organizational need as determined by G3, PA, b) When there is lack of substantial performance of duty of the requesting officer in his/her current AFPOS resulting in the joss of. proficiency as determined by APMC, PA. c) When the performance of duty in his current AFPOS requires bonds with the officers possessing that AFPOS, which the requesting officer cannot obtain. d) When there is an improperly awarded AFPOS as determined by APMC, PA, e) When there is substantial performance of duty of the requesting officer in the AFPOS to which he/she wishes to change to. 3) Request for change of AFPOS may be allowed for Officers who have completed their Advance career courses provided they satisfy the following conditions a) When there is an organizational need to balance the required AFPOS as determined by G3, PA. b) When there is medical recommendation from a competent authority declaring the officer concerned as physically unfit to perform the duty required of his/her present AFPOS c) When a new AFPOS is created or an existing AFPOS is abolished as determined by G3, PA. 4) Limitations/Disqualifications a) An officer is allowed to request for change of AFPOS only once. However, he/she may only be allowed to request for second change of AFPOS provided such request is prompted by medical conditions or physical disabilities that prevent subject officer from performing duty in his/her current AFPOS as determined by PA Medical and Dental Board. b) The maximum rank of officers to be allowed for change of AFPOS is Lieutenant Colonel (0-5) provided the subject officer has never been designated as Commanding Officer of a battalion or its equivalent, unless, subject officer intends to join the AFPOS where he/she assumed such position b. Recommending Authority The PA Change of AFPOS Board (PACAB) shall nave the sole authority to recommend to concemed authorities for approvalidisapproval of any request for change of AFPOS of officers after thorough evaluation. ‘The composition of the PA Change of AFPOS Board is as follows AFPOS | | Reprosent Position Position A ata a ___Design: x0, G7, PA (with Infantry AFPOS) | Alternate Mer ~TEx0, OACOCS Reviewing/Approving Authority 1) Gi, PA shall review ana _—_subsequently approveldisapprove the recommendation of the PACAB regarding request for change of AFPOS of officers who have not yet taken their respective Advance Career courses. 2) CG, PA shall have the sole authority to approveldisapprove recommendations from PACAB (Thru: G1, PA) regarding requests for change of AFPOS of officers who have already finished their respective Advance Career courses. 6 RESPONSIBILITIES a G1, PA 1) Monitor and ensure the proper implementation of the. provisions of this SOP, 2) Review and act judiciously on the recommendations of the PACAB 3) Supervise the proper disposition of officers by APMC based on the actuat fill-up requirement of specific AFPOS. b. G3, PA 4) Determine the organizational need of every AFPOS, c. CO. APMC 1) Ensure that utilization of officers corresponds to ther respective AFPOS, expertise and training, 2) Maintain a database of PA officers in respective AFPOS. 3) Monitor the career development and performance of officers in their respective AFPOS d—- Unit Commanders 1) Ensure that officers are utilized corresponding to their respective AFPOS, expertise and training. 2) Validate the rationality of subordinate officer's request for change of AFPOS before endorsing it to PACAB for dispositive action. €. Philippine Army Change of AFPOS Board 1) Ensure that request for change of AFPOS of officers are evaluated and disposed properly. 2) Recommend to G1, PA for approval or disapproval of all requests for change of AFPOS of officers who have not yet taken their respective Advance Career courses. 3) Recommend to CG, PA (Thru: G1, PA) for approval or disapproval of all requests for change of AFPOS of officers who have already finished their respective Advance Career courses, 7. PROCEDURES: a, G3, PA shall determine the organizational needs for every AFPOS b. CO, APMC through Career Advisory Group (CAG) shall monitor the fill up of every AFPOS and determine if there is a shortage or excess in the organization ©. Vacancies in every AFPOS shall be published by APMC through radio message to the subordinate units that there is a need to fill-up certain AFPOS. with the criteria or qualifications that an officer/s must meet in order to be qualified for the change of AFPOS. This publication shall be done every last quarter of the year. d. All requests for change of AFPOS shall be applied for in writing by the concerned officers and must be duly endorsed by their respective unit commanders/chiefs of offices to PACAB (Attn: Chief, Career Advisory Group. APMC), d. Officers who have not yet taken their respective career course but wish to change their respective AFPOS shall submit to PACAB their request, together with their respective unit commanders/chiefs of office's endorsement, at least six (6) months before the convening of the Advance Career course of the AFPOS they wish to change to, otherwise their request will not be acted upor. e.__PACAB shall evaluate all requests for change of AFPOS and shall thereafter prepare and submit the following 1) Evaluation report with corresponding recommendation to G1, PA for approval ~ if the request originated from officers who have net taken his/her Advance Career course 2) Evaluation report and Summary DF (from CS, PA to GG. PA) for concurrence of G1, PA and approval of CG, PA if the request originated fram an officer who has already finished his/her Advance Career course. 3 G1, PA shall immediately cause the issuance of appropriate order relative hereto by AAG, for publication and subsequently direct CO, APMC to include the name of subject officer in the seniority and lineal list (SLL) of officers belonging to his newly approved AFPOS. A copy shall be furnished to IMO for updatina of SOI, to the concemed officers and to CAG, APMC h. Whenever a request for change of AFPOS of an officer who has not yet taken his/her Advance Career Course is approved, CO, APMC shall immediately program subject officer to take the Advance Career course of his newly approved AFPOS. i, In case of disapproval, G1, PA shall direct CO, APMC to inform Subject officer regarding the Command decision on his/her request 8 TRANSITORY PROVISION Officers, regardless of rank, who were already designated as hattalic commander or its equivalent. contrary to their AFPOS, for at least of one 1) uninterrupted year upon effectivity of this SOP and whose designation had been confirmed by CG, PA are exempted to this policy for the transition period of one (1) year starting from the effectivity of this SOP. Said officers must request for Change | of AFPOS to avail of this transitory provision ® RESCISSION: HPA SOP Nr 11, HPA dtd 27 Oct 2003, Subject: SOP on the Request for Change of AFPOS, and other SOPs and directive inconsistent with the provisions of this SOP are hereby rescinded. 19 EFFECTIVITY: This SOP shall take effect on 15 Apri! 2012. BY COMMAND OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL BAUTISTA: ca [sah RUY/” =D FxsRos Coffnel, (MNSA) PA Anhy Aduitant 977

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