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This stereotype edition of the Doway Bible is published by Eugene Cummiskey, ol

Philadelphia and we do hereby recommend it as an approved copy of the Holy Scriptures.

[L. S.]
SAMUEL, Archbishop of Baltimore.

Having examined, and finding that the Philadelphia octavo stereotype edition of the I>oway
Bible, published by Eugene Cummiskey, has been carefully copied from the fifth Dublin
edition of the same, duly sanctioned, I hereby recommend it as an approved translation of the
Holy Scriptures.
[L s.] ^ UEi^RY CONWELL, Bishop of Philadelphia.

We concur wdth the other bishops in their approbation and recommendation of the Doway
Bible, published by Mr. Eugene Cummiskey.
[L. S.] >J< 3. UUGUES, Bishop of New York.

We hereby give our approbation to a reprint of the above edition of the Donav Bible
published by Patrick Donahoe.
fL- S.]
Avfj7tst 10, 1852.
^ JOHN BERNARD, Bishop of Boston.

. .- if:

THE Scriptures, in wnich aie contained the revealed Mysteries of Divine Faith, are undotifctjdly
the most excellent of all writings; they were written by iijen divinely inspired, and are not the Words of
men, l-iit the Word of God, which can save mir smil.i, 1 Thess. ii. 13. and James i. 21 ; but then they
ought to be read, even by the teamed, with the spirit of humility, and with a fear of mistaking the true
seTW, as many have done. This we leain from the Scripture itself; where St. Peter says, that in the
Epistles of St. Paul there are some things hard to he vnderstnnd, which the unlearned and vnstuhle v>rest,
as they do also the other Scriptvres, to their own perdition. 2 Peter iti. 16.
To prevent and remedy this abuse, and to guard against error, it was judged necessary to forbid the
reading of the Scriptures in the vulgar languages, without the advice and permission of the Pastors and
spiritual Guides* whom God has appointed to govern his Chvrch, Acts xx. 28. Christ himself declar-
ing He that will not hear the chvrch, let him. he to thee as the heuthen and the. publican. Matt, xviii. 16.

Nor is this due submission to the Catholic Church (TVie pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. iii. 15.)
to be understood of the ignorant and unlearned only, but also of men accomplished in all kind of
learning. The ignorant fall into errors for want of knowledge, and the learned through pride and self-
Therefore let every reader of the Sacred Writings, who pretends to be a competent judge of the
sense, and of the truths revealed in them, reflect on tlie words, which he finds, in Isaias, chap. Iv. 8, 9.
My thoughts are not as your thoi'ghts, neither arc your ways, my ways, saith the Lord; for as the hea-
vens are exalted above the earth, even so are my ways e rotted above your ways, and my thoughts above
your thmights. How then shall any one, by his pri^iite reason, pretend to judge, to know, to demon-
strate, the incomprehensible and unsearchable ways of God

• T/ie following Letter of His Holiness Pus the Sixth, to the Most Rev. Anthony Martini, now
Archbishop of Florence, on his Translation cf the Holy Bible into Italian, shews the benefit which
the faithful may reap from their having the Holy Scriptures in the Vulgar Tongue.


Beloved Son, Health and Apostolical Benediction.

a time that a vast number of bad books, which most grossly attack the Catholic Reli-
gion, are circulated, even among the unlearned, to the great destruction of souls, you judge exceedingly
well, that the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures: For these are the most
abundant sources which ought to be left open to everj' one, to draw from them purity of morals and ol
doctrine, to eradicate the errors which are so widely disseminated in those corrupt times: This you have
seasonably effected, as you declare, by publishing the Sacred Writings in the language of your country,
suitable to every one's capacity; especially when jon siiow and set forth, that you have added explana-
tory notes, which being extracted from the Holy Fathers, preclude every possible danger of abuse

Thus you have not swei-ved either from the laws of the C'ongregation of the Index, or fiom the Consti-
tution published on tl subject by xiv. that immortal Pope, our predecessor in the Pontifi-

cate, and formerly when We

held a place near his person, our excellent Master in Ecclesiastical learn-
ing; circumstances which We
mention as honourable to Us. We
therefore applaud your eminent
learning, joined with your extraordinaiy pietj-, and We
return you our due acknowledgment for the
books which you have transmitted to Us, and which, when convenient. We
will read over. In the
mean time as a token of our Pontifical benevolence, receive our Ajjostolical benediction, which to you,
beloved Son, We
very aflfectionately impart. Given at Rome, on the Calends of April, 1778, tlie fourth
year of our Pontificate.
PHILIP BUONAMICI, Latin Secretary.
To our Beloved Son, »
Anthony Martini at Turtn.
[a translation from the latin obicinal.]

Having examined, and finding that the Philadelphia qnarto and octavo stereotype editions of the
Doway Bible, printed and published by Mr. Eugene Cummiskey, have been carefully copied from
the fifth ouarto Dublin edition of the some, published under the sanction of the late Most Rev. Dr.
Trov, and his successor Dr. Murray, Archbishops of Dublin, and recommended by all the Prelates of
Ireland to their flocks; I do hereby give my full approbation to the circulation of it, as beinff the
most accurate and genuine translation c'
been orieinally written and therefore I

I have hereunto subscribed my name,

cember. 1824.
Biahop of Philadelphia.




(SESS. rv.)
THE holy Oecumenick and general Council of Trent, in the Holy Ghost lawfully assembled,
the three aforesaid Legates of the Apostolic See presiding therein, having always this in view, that
all errors being taken away, the jjurity of the Gospel should be preserved in the Church; that Gos-
pel,* before promised by the Pro])hets in the Holy Scriptures, our Lord Jesus Chkist, the So!i
cf God, first promulgated with his own mouth; and afterwards commanded his Apostles to preach
the same to all t nations, as the source of every saving truth, and moral discipline: and the Synod
clearly seeing that this truth and discipline is contained in the Written Word, and in the unwritten
Traditions, which the Apostles received from the mouth of Christ himself, or from the t Apostles
themselves, being the dictate of the Holy Ghost to them, and delivered as it were from hand to
hand, came down to us: following the examples of the Orthodox Fathers, with due veneration
and piety receiving all the books as well of the Old as of the New Testament, seeing that God is
the immediate Author of both, and also receiving tliese Traditions, appertaining to Faith and Mo-
rals, as coming from the mouth of Christ, or dictated by the Holy Ghost, and held in the Catholic
Church by a continued succession. The Synod, therefore, thought proper to annex to this decree
a catalogue of the Sacred Books, lest any doubt might arise concerning those that were approved
of. They are the following: Of the Old Testament, the five books of Moses, that is. Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; Josue, judges, Ruth, the four books of Kings, two
of Paralipomenon, first and second of Esdrss, which is called Nehemias, Tobias, Judith, Esther,
Job, the Psalter of David, in number one hundred and fifty Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the
Canticle of Canticles, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Isaias, Jeremias, with Baruch, Ezechiel, Daniel,
the twelve minor Prophets, that is, Osee, Joel, Amos, Abdias, Jonas, Micheas, Nahum, Habacuc,
Soi'honias, .\ggeus, Zacharias, Malachias, two books of the Machabces, first and second. Of the
New Testament, four Gospels, according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, The Acts of the
Apostles written by Luke the Evangelist: the fourteen Epistles of Paul the Apostle: to the Ro-
mans, two to the Corinthians, to the Galatians, to the Ephesians, to the Philippians, to the Colos-
sians, two to the Thessalonians, two to Timothy, to Titus, to Philemon, to the Hebrews: two
Epistles of Peter the Apostle, three of John the Apostle, one of James the Ajjostle, one of Jude
the Apostle, and the Apocalypse of John the Apostle. Now if any one, reading over these books
n all their parts, as they are usually read in the Catholic Church, and being in the Latin Vulgat
Edition, does not hold them for Sacred and Canonical, and knowing the aforesaid traditions, does
industriously contemn them, let him be Anathema.

* Jeremias, chap, xxxi- ver. 33. f Mark, chap. x\'i- ver. 15. ^ 2 Thessalonians, chap. ii. ver 14


TTiis book so called from its treating of the
is 18 And to rule the day and the night, and to
Generation, that is, of the creation, and the divide the light and the darkness- And God saw
beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it that it was good.
Beresith, /rom the ivord with which it begins. 19 And the evening and morning were the
It contains not only the history of the creation fourth day.
of the ivorld, but also an account of its progress 20 God also said : Let the waters^bring forth
during the space o/2369 years, that is, until the the creeping creature having life, and the fowl
death of Joseph. that may fly over the earth under the firmament
of heaven.
21 And God created the great whales, and every
God createih heaven and earth, and all things living and moving creature, which the waters
therein, in six days. brought forth, according to tlieir kinds, and every
beginning God created heaven and earth. winged fowl according to its kind. And God saw
IN 2 tlie
the earth was void and empty, and that it was good.
darkness was upon tlie face of the deep: and the 22 And he blessed them, saying: Increase and
Spirit of God moved over tlie waters. multiply, and fill the waters of the sea: and let the
3 And God said: Be hght made. And light birds be multiplied upon the earth.
was made. 23 And the evening and morning were the fifth
4 And God saw the light that it was good: and day.
he divided the light from the darkness. 24 And God said: Let the earth bring fortKthe
5 And he called the light Day, and the darkness living creature in its kind, cattle, and creeping
Night' and there was evening-and morning one things, and beasts of the earth according to llieir
day- kinds. And it was so done.
D And God
said: Let there be a firmament* 25 And God made the beasts of the earth ac-
made amidst the waters: and let it divide the cording to their kinds, and cattle, and every thin^
waters from the waters. that creepeth on the earth after its kind. Ai.d
7 And God made a firmament, and divided the God saw that it was good.
waters that were under the firmament, from 26 And he said Let us make man to our image:}:

those that were above the firmament. And it and likeness: and let him have dominion over the
was so. fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the
8 And God called the firmament, Heaven: and beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping
the evening and morning were the second day. creature that moveth upon the earth.
9 God also said: Let the waters that are 27 And God created man to his own image: to
under the heaven, be gathered together into the image of God he created him: male and female
one place and let the dry land appear. • And it
: he created them.
was so done. 28 And God blessed them, saying: Increase and
10 And God called the dry land. Earth: and multiply ,§ and fill the earth, and subdue it, and
'*he gathering together of the waters he called Seas. rule over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the
A.nd God saw that it was good. air, and all living creatures that move upon the
11 And he said: Let the earth bring forth the earth.
green herb, and such as may seed, and the fruit 29 And God said: Behold I have given you
tree yielding fruit after its kind, which ma)' every herb bearing seed upon the earth, and all
have seed in itself upon the earth. And it was so trees that have in themselves seed of their own
done. kind, to be your meat:
12 And the earth brought forth the green herb, 30 And to all beasts of the earth, and to every
and such as yieldeth seed according to its kind, fowl of the air, and to all that move upon the
and the tree that beareth fruit, having seed each earth, and wherein there is life, that they may
one according to its kind. And God saw that it have to feed upon. And it was so done.
was good. 31 And God saw all the things that he had
13 And tJic evening and the morning were the made, and they were very good. And the even-
third day. ing and morning were the sixth day.
14 And God said: Let there be lights made in
the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the

night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons God resteth on the seventh day and blesseth it-
and for days and years: The earthly paradise, in which God placeth
15 To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to man. He commandeth him not to eat of the
give lisht upon the earth. And it was so done. tree of knowledge. And formeih a woman of
16 And God made two great lights:! a greater his rib.
the heavens and the earth were finished, and
light to rule the day, and a lesser light to rule the
night and the stars.
all the furniture of them.
17 And he set them in the firmament of heaven, 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work
to shine upon the earth. which he had made: and he rested|| on the seventh
day from all his work which he had done.
* A firmament. By this name is here under-
stood the whole space between the earth and the t Let us make man to our image. This image
highest stars. The lower part of which divideth of God in man, is not in the body, but in the soul;
the waters that are upon the earth, from those that which is a spiritual substance, endued with un-
are above in the clouds. derstanding and free-will. God speaketh here in
t Two great lights. God created on the first the plural number, to insinuate the plurality of
day light, which being moved from east to west, persons in the Deity.
by its rising and setting made morning and even- § Increase and multiply. This is not a precept,
ins. But on the fourth day he ordered and distri- as some protestant controvertists would have it,
buted this light, and made the sun, moon and stars. but a blessing, rendering them fruitful for God had

The moon, though mucfi less tlian the stars, is here said the same words to the fishes, and birds, (ver
called a great light, from its giving a far greater 22.) who were incapable of receiving a f/recept
\ight to the earth than any of them He rested, 4"C That is, he ceased to make or

3 And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified ther, and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall
It: because in it he had rested from all his work be two in one flesh.
which (jod created and made. 25 And they were both 'vaked; to wit, Adam
4 'I'iiese are the generations of the heaven and his wife: and were not asnamed.
and tile earth, wlien they were created in the
day tliat tiie Liord God made the heaven and the
earth: The serpent's craft. The fall of oiir first parents
5 And every jilant of the field before it sprung Tlicir punishment. The promise of a redeemer.
up in the earth, and ev -ry herb of the ground be- OWthe serpent was more subtle than any
fore it grew: lor the Lord God had not rained of the beasts of the earth which the Lord
upon tlie eartli; and tliere was not a man lo till God had made. And he said to the woman: Why
the earth. hath God commanded you, that you should not
6 But a spring rose out of tlie earth, watering eat of every tree of paradise.'
all the surface of the earth. 2 And the woman answered him, saying: Of
7 And the Lord God formed nian of the slime the fruit of the trees that are in paradise, we do
of the earth: and breathed into liis face the breath eat:
oi life, and man became a living soul. 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the
8 And the Lord God had planted a paradise of midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that
pleasure from the beginning: wherein he placed we should not eat: and that we should not touch
man whom he had formed. it, lest perhaps we die.

9 And the Lord God brought forth of the 4 And the ser])ent said to the woman: No, you
ground all manner of trees, fair to behold, and shall not die the death.
pleasant to eat of: the tree of life* also in the 5 For God doth know that in what day so-
midst of i)aradise: and the tree of knowledgef of ever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be
good and evil. opened: and you shall be as gods, knowing good
10 And a river went out of the place of pleasure and evil
to water paradise, which from thence is divided] And the woman saw that the tree was good
into four heads. to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightfui to be-
11 The name of the one is Phison: that is it hold: and she took of the fruit tliereof, and did
which compasseth all the land of Hevilath, where eat, and gave to her husband, who did eat.
fold groweth. 7 And the eyes:}: of them both were opened*
12 And the gold of that land is very good: there and when they perceived themselves to be naked,
IS found bdellium, and tlie onyx stone. they sowed together fig-leaves and made them-
13 And the name of the second river is Gehon: selves aprons.
the same is it that compassetli all the land of Ethi- 8 And when they heard the voice of the Lord
opia. God walking in paradise at the afternoon air,
14 And the name of the third river is Tigris: Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face
the same passeth along by the Assyrians. And of the Lord God, amidst the trees of paradise.
the fourth river is Euphrates. 9 And the Lord God called Adam, and said to
15 And the Lord God took man, and put him him Where art thou :

into the paradise of pleasure, to dress it and to 10 And he said: I heard thy voice in paradise;
keep it. and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid
16 And he commanded him, saying: Of every myself.
tree of paradise thou shalt eat: 11 And he said to him: And who hath told thee
17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and that thou wast naked, but that tliou hast eaten of
evil thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou
thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. shouldst not eat.'
18 And the Lord God said It is not good for
: 12 And Adam said: The woman, whom thou
man to be alone let us make him a help like unto gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the

himself. tree, and I did eat.

19 And the Lord God having formed out of the 13 And the Lord God said to the woman: Why
ground all the beasts of the earth, and all the fowls hast thou done this.' And she answered: The ser-
of the air, brought them to Adam to see what he pent deceived me, and I did eat.
would call them: for whatsoever vVdam called any 14 And the Lord God said to the serpent: Be-
living creature, the same is its name. cause thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed
20 And Adam called all the beasts by their among all cattle, and beasts of the earth: upon thy
names, and all the fowls of the air, and all the cat- breast shalt thou go. and earth shalt thou eat all
tle of the field
: but for Adam there was not found the days of thy life.
a he!|ipr like himself. 15 I will put enmities between thee and the wo-
21 Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon man, r.nd thy seed and her seed: she shall crush§
Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. 16 To the woman also he said: I will multiply
22 And the Lord God built the rib whifeh he
took from Adam into a woman and brought her ing a superior kind of knowledge beyond that

to Adam. which God was jjleased to give.

23 And Adam said: This now is bone of myi t And the eyes, 4"C. Not that they were blind
bones, and flesh of iny flesh: she shall be called before (for the woman sato that the tree was fair
Woninn, because she was taken out of man. to the eyes, ver. 6.) nor yet that their eyes were
24 Wherefore a man shall leave father and mo- opened to any more perfect knowledge of good;
but only to the unhappy experience of having
create any new kinds of things. Though, as our lost the ^ood of original grace and innocence, and
Lord tells us, John v. 17. He still woi^keth, viz ncurred the dreadful evil of sin. From whence
by conserving and governing all things, and ere- followed a shame of their being naked; which they

ating souls. minded not before; because being now stript of

* The tree of life. So called, because it hadj oris^inal grace, they quickly began to be subject
that (junlity, that by eating of the fruit of it, man to the shameful rebellions of the flesh,
would have been reserved in a constant state of J § She shall crrtsh. //(sn, the woman: so divers

health, vigour, and strength, and would not havcj of the fathers read this place, conformably to the
died at all. llLatin: others rend it ipstim, viz. the seed. The
f The tree of knowledge. To which the deceit- sense is the same: for it is by her seed, Jesus

(vi serpent falsely attributed tlie power of impart-il Christ, that the woman crushes the serpent's head

thy sorrows, and thy conceptions in sorrow shalt

; the face of the earth: every one therefore that
tliou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under findeth me, shall kill me.J
thy hdsband's power, and he shall have dominion 15 And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not
over thee. so be: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be
17 And to Adam he said: Because thou hast punished seven-fold. And the Lord set a mark§
hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not
of the tree, whereof I commanded thee, that thou kill him.
shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy woi"k: 16 And Cain went out from the face oi the
with labour and toil shalt thou eat tliereof all the Lord, and dwelt as a fugitive on the earth at the
days of thy life. east side of Eden.
18 Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to 17 And Cain knew his wife,|| and she conceiv-
tliee; and thou shalt tat the herbs of the earth. ed, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city,^
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread and called the name thereof by the name of his
till thou return to the earth, out of which thou son Henoch.
wast taken for dust thou art, and into dust thou
: 18 And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad begot
•halt return. Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathusael, and Ma-
20 And Adam called the name
of his wife thusael begot Lamech.
Eve: because she was the
mother of all the 19 Who
took two wives: the name of the one
living. was Ada, and the name of the otlier Sella.
21 And the Lord God made for Adam and his 20 And Ada brought forth Jabel: who waa
wife garments of skins, and clothed them. the father of such as dwell in tents, and of
22 And he said: Behold, Adam* is become as herdsmen.
one of us, knowing good and evil: now therefore 21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he waa
lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the father of them that play upon the harp and the
the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. organs.
23 And the Lord God sent him out of the para- 22 Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, who was
dise of pleasure, to till the earth from whicn he a hammerer and artificer in every work of
was taken. brass and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain
24 And he cast out Adam: and placed before was Noema.
the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming 2.3 And Lamech said to his wives Ada and
sword, turning every way, to keep the way of tlie Sella: Hear my
voice, ye wives of Lamech,
tree of life. my
speech: for I have slain a man**
to the wounding of myself, and a stripling to my
own bruising.
The history of Cain and Abel. 24 Seven-fold vengeance shall be taken for
AND Adam
Eve his wife: who con- Cain: but for Lamech seventy times seven-
brought forth Cain, sajing: I have fold.
gotten a man through God. 25 Adam also knew his wife again: and she
2 And again she brought forth his brother Abel. brought forth a son, and called his name Seth,
And Abel was a shepherd, and Cain a husband- saying: God hath given me another seed for Abel
man. whom Cain slew.
3 And it came to pass after many days, that 26 But to Seth also was born a son, whom he
Cain offered, of the fruits of the earth, gifts to the called Enos: this man began to call upontfthe
Lord. name of the Lord.
4 Abel also offered of the firstlings of his flock,
and of their fat: and the Lord had res])ectt to ance of his sacrifice (as coming from a heart full
Abel and to his offerings. of devotion:) and that, as we may suppose, by
5 But to Cain and his offerings he had no some visible token, such as sending fire from hea-
resjiect: and Cain was exceeding angry, and ven upon his offerings.
his countenance fell. t Every one that findeth me shall kill me. His
6 And the Lord said to him: Why art thou guilty conscience made him fear his own brothers
angry.' and why is thy countertance fallen.' and nephews; of whom, by this lime, there might
7 if thou do well, shalt thou not receive.' but be a good number upon the earth; which had now
if ill, shall not sin forthwith be present at tlie endured near 130 years; as may be gathered from
door but the lust thereof shall be under thee, and
.' Gen. V. 3. compared with Chap. iv. 25. though in
thou shalt have dominion over it. the compe^ndious account given in the scripture
8 And Cain said to Abel his brother: Let us go only Cain and Abel are mentioned.
forth abroad. And when they were in the field, § Set a mark, fyc. The more common opinion
Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew of the interpreters of holy writ, supposes this mark
him. to have been a trembling of the body; or a horror
9 And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy and consternation in his countenance.
brother Abel? And he answered: I know not; II
His tcife, fyc. She was a daughter of
am I my brother's keeper.' Adam, and Cain's own sister; God dispensing
10 And he said to him: What hast thou done.' with such marriages in the beginning of the
the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from world, as mankind could not otherwise be pro-
the earth. pagated.
11 Now therefore cursed shalt thou be upon the tT He built a city, viz. In process of time, when

earth, which hath opened her mouth and received his race was multiplied, so as to be numerous
the blood of thy brother nt thy hnnd. enough to people it. For in the many hundred
12 When thou shalt till it, it shall not yield to years he lived, his race nught be multiphed even
thee its fruit: a fugitive and a vagabond shalt to millions-
thou be upon the earth. ** / haiie slain aman, fyc. It is the tradition of
1.3 And Cain said to the Lord: My
iniquity is the Hebrews, that Lamech, in hunting, slew Cain,
greater than that I may deserve pardon. mistaking him for a wild beast: and that having
14 Behold thou dost cast me out this day from discovered what he had done, he beat so unmer-
cifully the youth, by whom he was led into tiiat
* Behold, Adam, fyc. This was spoken by mistake, that he died of the blows.
way of reproaching him with his pride, in af- tt Bc^an to call upon, ^c. Not that Adam and
fecting a knowledge ttiat might make him like to Seth had not called upon God, before the birth of
God. Enos; but that Enos used more solemnity in the
t Had respect, 4*c. That is, .showed his accept- worship and invocation of God.
The genealogy age and death of the Patri Man's sin is the cause of the deluge. Noe it
archs from Adam to Noe. The translation of commanded to build the ark.
^HIS is the book of the generation ofAdam.
AND after that men began to be multiplied
upon the earth, and daughters were born to
In tlie day that God created man, he made them,
bjm to the likeness of God. of God* seeing the daughters of
2 The sons
2 He created them male and female; and bless- men, that they were fair, took to themselvea
ed them: and called their name Adam, in the day wives of all which they chose.
when they were created. 3 And God said : My
spirit shall not remain bi
3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty man for ever, because he is flesh, and his days
years, and begot a son to his own image and like shall be| a hundred and twenty years.
ness, and called his name Seth. 4 Now giants^ were upon the earth in those
4 And the da>s of Adam, after he begot Seth, days. For after the sons of God went in to the
were eight hundred years: and he begot sons and daughters of men, and they brought forth chil-
daughters. dren, these are the mighty men of old, men of
5 And all the time that Adam lived, came to renown.
nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. 5 And God seeing that the wickedness of men
6 Seth also lived a hundred and five years and was great on the earth, and that all the thought of
begot Enos. their heart was bent upon evil at all times, i

7 And Seth lived after he begot Enos, eight 6 It repented him§ that he had made man on
hundred and seven years, and begot sons and the earth. And being touched inwardly with sor-
daughters. row of heart,
8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred 7 He said: 1 will destroy man, whom I have
and twelve years, and he died. created, from the face of the earth, from man even
9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begot to beasts, from the creejiing thing even to the
Cainan. fowls of the air, for it repenteth me that I have
10 After whose birth he lived eight hundred made tiiem.
and fifteen years, and begot sons and daughters, 8 But Noe found grace before the Lord.
11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred 9 These are the generations of Noe: Noe was
and five years, and ne died. '
a just and jjerfect man in his generations, he walk-
12 And Cainan lived seventy years, and begot ed with God.
Malaleel. 10 And he begot three sons, Sem, Cham, and
13 And Cainan lived after he begot Malaleel Japheth-
eight hundred and forty years, and begot sons 11 And the earth was corrupted before God,
and daughters. and was filled with iniquity.
14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hun 12 And when God had seen that the earth was
dred and ten years, and he died. corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way
15 And Malaleel lived sixty-five years, and upon the earth,)
rjegot Jared. 13 He said to Noe The end of all iiesh is come

16 And Malaleel lived after he begot Jared, before me, the earth is filled with iniquity through
eight hundred and thirty years, and begot sons them, and I will destroy them with the earth.
and daughters. 14 Make thee an ark of timber planks: thou
17 And all the days of Malaleel were eight shalt make little rooms in the ark, and thou shalt
hundred and ninety-five years, and he died. pitch it within and without.
18 And Jared lived a hundred and sixty-two 15 And thus shalt thou make it. The length of
years, and begot Henoch. the ark siiall be three hundred cubits :|| the breadth
19 And Jared lived after he begot Henoch, of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
eighthundred years, and begotsons and daughters
20 And all the days of Jared_ were nine hundred * The sons of God. The descendants of Seth
and sixty-two years, and he died. and Ejios are here called sons of God from their
21 And Henoch lived sixty-five years, and be- religion and piety: whereas the ungodly race of
got Mathusala. Cain, who by their carnal affections lay grovelling
22 And Henoch walked with God and lived upon the earth, are called the children of men.

after he begot Mathusala, three hundred years The unhappy consequence of the former marrying
and begot sons and daughters. with the latter, ought to be a warning to Christians
23 And all the days of Henoch were three to be very circumspect in their marriages; and
hundred and sixty-five years. not to suffer themselves to be determined in clioice
24 And he walked with God, and was seen no by their carnal passion, to the prejudice of virtue
more: because God took him. or religion.
25 And Mathusala lived a hundred and eighty t His days shall be, §-c. The meaning is, that
seven years, and begot Lamech. man's days, which before the flood were usually
26 And Mathusala lived after he begot Lamech, 900 years, should now be reduced to 120 years.
seven hundred and eighty-two years, and begot Or rather, that God would allow men this term
sons and daughters. of 120 years, for their repentance and conversion,
27 And all the days of Mathusala were nine before ne would send the deluge.
hundred and sixty-nine years, and he died. t Giants. It is likely the generality of men be-
28 And Lamech lived a hundred and eighty fore the flood were of a gigantic stature in com-
two years, and begot ? son. parison with what men now are. But these here
29 And he called his name Noe, saying: This, spoken of are called giants, as being not only tal]
same shall comfort us from the works and labours in stature, but violent and savage in their disposi-
of our hands on the earth, which the Lord hath tions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust.
cursed. § // repented him, ^'C. God, who is unchange-
30 And Lamech lived after he begot Noe, five able, is not capable of repentance, giief, or any
hundred and ninety-five years, and begot sons other passion. But these expressions are used to
and daughters. declare the enormity of the sins of men, which
31 And all the daj's of Lamech came to seven was so provoking as to determine their Creator
bundled and seventy -seven years, and he died. to destroy these his creatures, whom before he had
And Noe, when he was five hundred years old, so much favoured.
begot Sem, Cham, and Japheth. Three hundred cubits, ^-c. The ark, accord'
: :


16 Thou shalt make a -window in the ark, and 14 They and every beast according fo its kind,
in a cubit shalt thou tinish the top of it: atid the and the cattle in their kh>d, and every thing
door of the ark thou shalt set in the side: with that moveth upon tlie earth acctffding to its kind,
lower, middle chambers, and third stories shalt and ^ very fowl according to its kind, all birds, and
thou make it. all that fly,
17 Behold I will bring the waters of a great 15 Went in to Noe into the ark, two and two
flood u|)on the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein of all flesh, wherein was the breath of life.
is the breath of life under heaven. All things 16 And they that went in, went in male and
tliat are in the earth shall be consumed. female of all fl^esh, as God had commanded him:
IS And I my
covenant with thee,
will establish and the Lord shut him in on the outside.
and thou and thy
tliou shalt enter into the ark, 17 And the flood was forty days ujjon the earth,
sons, and thy wife, and the wives of thy sons with and the waters increased, and lifted up the ark on
thee. high from the earth.
19 And of every living creature of all flesh, 18 For they overflowed exceedingly: and filled
thou shalt bring two of a sort into the ark, that all on the face of the earth: and the ark was car-
tliey may live with thee: of the male sex, and the ried upon the waters.
female. 19 And the waters prevailed beyond measure
20 Of fowls according to their kind, and of upon the earth: and all the high mountains under
beasts in their kind and of every thing that creep- the whole heaven were covered.
cth on the earth according to its kind: two of 20 The water was fifteen cubits higher than the
every sort shall go in witli thee, that tliey may live. mountains which it covered.
21 Tliou shalt take unto thee of all food that 21 And all flesh was de'itroyed that moved upon
may be eaten, and thou shalt lay it up with thee: the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beasts,
and it ^hall be food for thee and them- and of all creeping things that creep upon the earth
22 And Noe did all thijigs which God com- and all men.
manded him. 22 And all
things wherein there is the breath of
on the earth, died.
^"'^ ^^ destroyed all the substance that was
Noe toith his family go into the ark. The deluge upon the earth, from man even to beast, and the

overfi(AOS the earth. 'creeping things and fowls of the air: and they
ND the Lord said to him: Go in, thou and were destroyed from the earth: and Noe only
all thy house into the ark: for thee I have remained, and they that were with him in the ark.
seen just before me in this generation, 24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth a
2 (Jf ail clean* beasts take seven and seven, the hundred and fifty days.
male and the female.
3 But of the beasts that are unclean two and CHAP. VIII.
two, the male and the female. Of the fowls also The deluge ceaseth. Noe goeth out of the ark,
of the air seven and seven, the male and the fe- and offereth a sacnfice. God's covenant to him.
male: that seed may be saved upon the face of ND
God remembered Noe, and all the living
the whole earth. creatures, and all the cattle which were with
4 For yet a while, and after seven da}'s, I will him in the ark, and brought a wind upon the earth,
rain ui;on the earth forty days and forty nights: and the waters were abated.
and I will destroy every substance that I have 2 The fountains also of the deep, and the flood
made, from the face of the earth. gates of heaven, were shut up, and the rain from
5 And Noe did all things which the Lord had heaven was restrained.
commanded him. 3 And the waters returned from ofi" the earth
6 And he was six hundred years old, when the going and coming: and they began to be abated
waters of the flood overflowed the earth. after a hundred and fifty days.
7 And Noe went in and his sons, his wife and 4 And the ark rested in the seventh month, the
the \vives of his sons with him into the ark, be seven and twentieth day of the month, upon the
cause of the waters of the flood. mountains of Armenia.
8 And of beasts clean and unclean, and of fowls, 5 And the waters were going and decreasing
and of every thing that moveth upon the earth. until the tenth month: for in the tenth month, the
9 Two and two went in to Noe into the ark first day of the month, the tops of the mountains
male and female, as the Lord had commanded appeared.
Noe. 6 And after that forty days were passed, Noe
10 And after the seven days were passed, the opening the window of the ark, which he had
waters of the flood overflowed the earth. made, sent forth a raven:
11 In the six hundredth year of the life of Noe, 7 Which went forth and did not return,t till the
in the second month, in the seventeenth day of waters were dried up upon the earth.
the month, all the fountains of the great deep were 8 He sent forth also a dove after him, to see if
broken uj), and the flood gates of heaven were the waters had now ceased upon the face of the
opened earth.
12 And the rain fell upon the earth forty days 9 But she not finding where her foot might rest,
and forty nights. returned to him into the ark: for the waters were
13 In the self-same day Noe, and Sem, and upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand,
Cliiim, and Japheth his sons: his wife, and the and caught her, and brought her into the ark.
three wives of his sons with them, went into the 10 And having waited yet seven other days, he
»rk: again sent forth the dove out of the ark.
11 Aiid she came to him in the evening carrjnng
ing to the dimensions here set down, contained a bough of an olive tree, with green leaves, in her
four hundred and fifty thousand square cubits; mouth. Noe therefore understood that the waters
which was more (han enough to contain all the were ceased upon the earth.
kinds of living creatures, with all necessary pro- 12 And he staid yet other seven days: and he
visions: even supposing the cubits here spoken of
to have been only a foot and a half each, which t Did not return. The raven did not return
was the least kind of cubits. into the ark: but (as it may be gathered from the
* Of all clean, ^-c. The distinction of clean and Hebrew) inent to and
fro; sometimes going to
unclean beasts appears to have been made before the mountains, where it found carcases to feed on:
the law of Moses, which was not promulgated till and other times returning, to rest upon the top of
he year of the world 2514. Ithe ark.
eent forth (he dove, which returned not any moi t- 12 And God said: This is the sign of the cove-
unto him. nant which I give between me and you, and to
13 Therefore in the six hundredth and first year, every living soul that is with you, for perpetual
tiiR fiist month, the first day of the month, the generations.
waters were lesse.ied upon the earth, and Noe 13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall
opening the covering of the ark, looked, and saw be the sign of a covenant between me and be-
that the face of the earth was dried. tween the earth.
14 In the second month, the seven and twen- 14 And when I shall cover the sky with clouds,
tieth day of the month, the earth was dried. my bow shall appear in the clouds:
15 And God njioke to Noe, sayini;: 15 And I will remember my covenant witl
16 Go out of the ark, thou and thy wife, thy you, and with every living soul that beareth flesh
sons and tlie wives of thy sons with thee. and there shall no more be waters of a flood to
17 All living things that are with thee of all destroy all flesh.

flesh, as well in fowls as in beasts, and all cree. Hi And the bow shall be in the clouds, and I
ing things that creep upon the earth, bring out shall see it, and shall remember the everlasting
with thee, 9nd go ye uj)on the earth: increase and covenant, that was made between God and every
mnltijily upon it. living soul of all flesh which is upon the earth.
IS So Noe went out, he and his sons: his wife, 17 And God said to Noe: This shall be the
and the wives of his sons with him. sign of the covenant, which I have established,
19 And all living things, and cattle, and creep' between me and all flesh upon the earth.
ing things that creej) upon the earth, according to 18 And the sons of Noe, who came out of the
their kinds, went out of the ark. ark, were Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and Cham
20 And Noe built an altar unto the Lord: and is the father of Chanaan.
taking of all crttle and fowls that w^ere clean, 19 Thi se three are the sons of Noe: and from
offered holocausts* upon the altar. these was all mankind spread over the whole
21 And tlie Lord smelledf a sweet savour, anc earth.
said: I will no more curse the earth for the sake 20 And Noe a husbandman began to till the
of man: for the imagination and thought of man's ground, and planted a vineyard.
heart are prone to evil from his youth: therefore 21 And drinking of the wine was made drunk.f
I will no more destroy every living soul as I have and was uncovered in his tent
done. 22 Which when Cham the father of Chanaan
22 All the days of the earth, seed-time and had seen, to wit, that his father's nakedness
harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night was uncovered, he told it to his two brethren
and day, shall not cease. without.
23 Rut Sem and Japheth put a cloak upon their
CHAP. IX. shoulders, and going backward, covered the na-
God blesseth Noe; forbidthth blood; and pi'o- kedness of their father: and their faces were
miseth never more to destroy the world by turned away, and they saw
not their father's
water. The blessing of Sem and Japheth. nakedness.
A ND God blessed Noe and his sons. And he 24 And Noe awaking from the wine, when
J\. Kaid to them: Increase, and multiply, and he had learned what his younger son had done to
fill the earth. him,
2 And and dread of you be upon
let the fear 25 He said: Cursed be Chanaan,§ a servant of
all the beasts of the earth, and upon all the servants shall he be unto his brethren.
fowls of the air, and all that move npon the 26 And he said: Blessed be the Lord God of
earth: all the fishes of the sea are delivered into Sem, be Chanaan his servant.
your hand. 27 May God enlarge Japheth, and may he
3 And every thing thatmoveth, and liveth shall dwell in the tents of Sem, and Chanaan be his
be meat for you: even as the green herbs have I servant.
delivered them all to you: 28 And Noe lived after the flood three hun-
4 Saving that flesh with blood you shall not dr^'d and fifty years.
eat. '29 And all his days were in the whole nine
5 For I will recjuire the blood of vour lives at hundred and fifty years: and he died.
the hand of every beast, and at the "hand of man,
at the hand of every man, and of his brother, will
I require the life of man. T7ie genealogy of the children of JVoe, by whom
6 Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blooil the world teas peopled after the flood.
shall be shed: for man was made to the image of HESE are the generations of the sons of
God. Noe; Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and unto
7 Rut increase you and multiply, and go upon them sons were born after the flood.
the earth, and fill it. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog,
8 Tims also said God to Noe, and to his sons and Madai, and Javan, and Thubal, and Mosoch,
with him: and Thiras.
9 Behold I will establisn my covenant with 3 And the sons of Gomer: Ascenez and Ri-
you, and with your seed after you: phath and Thogorma.
10 And with every living soul, that is with you,
as well in all birds, as in cattle and beasts of the t Drunk. Noe by the judgment of the fathers
earth, that are come forth out of the ark, and in was not guilty of sin, in being overcome by wine;
all the beasts of the earth. because he knew not the strength of it.
11 I will establish my covenant with you, and § Cursed be Chanaan. The curses, as well as
all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the the
blessings, of the patriarchs were prophetical:
waters of a flood, neither shall there be from And this in particular is here recorded by Moses,

henceforth a flood to waste the earth. for the children of Israel, who were to possess the
land of Chanaan. Rut why should Chanaan be
* Holocausts, or whole burnt offerings. In cursed for his father's fault"? The Hebrews
which the whole victim was consumed by fire answer that he being then a boy was the first that
upon God's altar, and no part was reserved for saw his grandfather's nakedness, and told his
trie use of priest or people. father Cham of it; and joined with him in laugh-
T Smelted. <S'C. A figurative expression, de- ing at it: which drew upon him, rather than upon
noting that God was jileased with the sacrifices the rest of the children of Cham, this prophetical
whicli lis servant offered. curse.
4 And the sons of Javan: Elisa and Tharsis, CHAP. XI.
Cettliim and Dodanim.
The tower of Babel. The confusion of tongueg.
5 By these were divided the islands* of the
The genealogy of Sem down to Abram.
Gentiles in their lands, every one according to
his tongue
6 And
and their families
the sons of
in their nations.
Cham: Chus, and Mesraim,
the earth
was of one tongue, and of the

and Phuth, and Chanaan. 2 And when they removed from the east,
7 And the sons of Chus: Saba, and Hevila, and they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and
Saliatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons dwelt in it.
of Rtgma: Saba, and Dadan. 3 And each one said to his neighbour: Come,
8 l^ow Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be let us make brick, and bake them with fire. And
mighty on the earth. they had brick instead of stones, and slime instead
9 And he was a stout liunterf before the Lord of mortar:
Hence came a proverb: Even as Nemrod the 4 And they said: Come, let us make a city
Btout hunter before the Lord. and a tower, the top whereof may reach to
10 And the "beginning of his kingdom was heaven: and let us make our names famous
Babylon, and Arach, and Acliad, and Chalanne before we be scattered abroad into all lands.
in the land of Sennaar. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and
11 Out of that land came forth Assur, and the tower, which the children of Adam were
built Ninive, and tlie streets of .the city, and building.
Chale. 6 And he said: Behold, it is one people, and all
12 Resen also between Ninive and Chale: this have one tongue: and they have begun to do this,
is the great city. neither will they leave off in their designs, till they
13 And Mesraim begot Ludim, and Anamim accomplish them in deed.
and Laabim, Nephtuim, 7 Come ye therefore, let
us go down, and there
li And Phetrusim, and Chasluim; of whom confound their tongue, that they may not under-
eame forth the Philistines, and the Caphtorim. stand one another's speech.
15 And Chanaan begot Sidon his first-born, the 8 And so the Lord scattered them from that
riethite, place into all lands, and they ceased to build the
16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite, and city.
ihe Gergesite, 9 And therefore the name thereof was called
17 The Hevite and Aracite : Babel,t because there the language of the whole
the Sinite,
And the Aradian, the Samarite, and the earth was confounded and from thence the Lord
18 :

Hamathite: and afterwards the families of the scattered them abroad upon the face of all coun-
Chanaanites were spread abroad. tries.
19 And the limits of Chanaan were from Sidon 10 These are the generations of Sem: Sem was
as one comes to Gerara even to Gaza, until thou hundred years old when he begot Arphaxad,
enter Sodom and Gomorrha, and Adama, and two years after the flood.
Seboim even to Lesa. 11 And Sem lived after he begot Arphaxad,
20 These are the children of Cham in their five hundred years, and begot sons and daughters.
kindreds and tongues, and generations and lands, 12 And Arphaxad lived thirty-five years, and
and nations. begot Sale.
21 Of Sem also the father of all the children of 13 And Arphaxad lived after he begot Sale,
Heber, the elder brother of Japheth, sons were three hundred and three years, and begot sons
born. and daughters.
22 The sons of Sem: Elam and Assur, and 14 Sale also lived thirty years, and begot
Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Heber.
23 The sons of Aram: Us, and Hull, and 15 And Sale lived after he begot Heber, four
Gether; and Mes. hundred and three years; and begot sons and
24 But Arphaxad begot Sale, of whom was daughters.
born Heber. lo And Heber lived thirty-four years, and
25 And to Heber were born two sons: the begot Phaleg.
name ,of the one was Phaleg, because in his days 17 And Heber lived after he begot Phaleg,
was *' .e earth divided: and his brother's name four hundred and thirty years; and begot sons
JectSi.;. and daughters.
26 Which Jectan begot Elmodad, and Saleph IS Phaleg also lived thirty years, and begot
and Asarmoth, Jare, Reu.
27 And Aduram, and Uzal, and Decla, 19 And Phaleg lived after he begot Reu, two
28 And Ebal, and Abimael, Saba, hundred and nine years, and begot sons and
29 And Ophir. and Hevila, and Jobab. All these daughters.
were the sons of Jectan. 20 And Reu lived thirty-two years, and begot
30 And their dwelling was from Messa as Sarug.
we go on as far as Sephar, a mountain in the 21 And Reu lived after he begot Sarug, two
east hundred and seven years: and begot sons and
31 These are the children of Sem according to |daughters.
tlieir kindreds and tongues, and countries m their 22 And Sarug lived thirty years, and begot

nations iNachor.
32 These are the families of Noe, accord- 23 And Sarug lived after he begot Nachor, two

ing to their people and nations. By these .hundred years: and begot sons and daughters.
were the nations divided on the earth after the 24 And Nachor lived nine and twenty years,
flood. and begot Thare.
25 And Nachor lived after he begot Thare, a

* 77ie islands. So tlie Hebrews called all the hundred and nineteen years: and begot sons and
remote countries, to which they went by ships daughters.
from Judea, as Greece, Italy, Spain, &c. 26 And Thare lived seventy years, and begot

t A stout hunter. Not of beasts but of men; :Abram, and Nachor, and Aran.
whom by violence and tyranny he brought 27 And these are the generations of Thare:

under his dominion. And such as he was, Thare begot Abram, Nachor, and Aran. And
not only in the opinion of men, but bffore the Aran begot Lot.
Lord, that is^ in his sight who cannot be de-
ceived. X Babel. That is, confusion.

28 And Aran died before Thare his father, inn And he had sheep and oxen and he-aases, and
tlie land of his nativity in Ur of the Clialdees. men-servants, and maid-servants, and she-asses,

29And Abram and Nachor married wives: the! and camels.

name of Abram 's wife whs Sarai: and the namej 17 But the Lord scourged Pharao and his
of Naciior's wife, Melcha the daughter of Aran! house with most grievous stripes for Sarai
father of Melcha, and father of Jei-cha. Abram's wite.

30 And Sarai was barren, and had no children.! 18 And Pharao called Abram, and said to
31 And Tliare took Abram his son, and Lot the him: What is tliis that thou hast done to mel
son of Aran, his son's son, and Sarai his daii2,ht! r- Why didst thou not tell 'me that she was thy
in-lavv, the wife of Abram his son, and brought wife"!
them out of Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the 19 For what cause didst thou say, she was thy
lanrl of Chanaan: and they came as far as Haran, sister, that I might take her to my wifel Now
and dwelt there. therefore there is thy wife, take her, and go thy
32 And the days of Thare were t%vo hundred way.
and five yeirs, and he died in Haran. 20 And Pharao gave his men orders concerning
Abram: and they led him away and his wife, ana
CHAP. XII. all that he had.
The call of Abram and the promise made to him.
He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion CHAP. XIII.
of a famine goeth doini to Egypt. Abram and Lot part from each other. God's
AND the Lord said to Abrain: Go forth out
of thy country, and from thy kindred, and AND
promise to Abram.
Abram went up out of Egypt, he and
out of thy father's house, and come into the land his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with
which I shall show thee. him into the south.
2 And I will make of thee a great nation,
and I 2 And he was very rich in possession of gold
will bless thee, and magnify thy name, and thou and silver.
shalt be blessed 3 And he returned by the way that he came,
3 I will bless them that bless thee, and curse from the south to Bethel, to tne place where
them that curse thee, and in thee shall ail the before he had pitched his tent between Bethel and
kindreds of the earth be blessed: Hai:
4 So Abram went out as the Lord had com- 4 In the place of the altar which he had made
manded him, and Lot went with him: Abram before, and tlicre he called upon the name of the
was seventy-five years old when he vvent forth Lord.
from Haran. 5 But Lot also who was with Abram, had
5 And he took Sarai his wife, and Lot his flocks of sheep, and herds of beasts, and tents
Drother's son, and all the substance which they 6 Neither was the land able to bear them, thai
had gathered, and the souls which they had they might dwell together: for their substance
gotten in Haran: and they went out to go into was great, and they could not dwell together.
the land of Chanaan. Aftd when they were come 7 Whereupon also there arose a strife between
into it, the herdsmen of Abram and of Lot. And at that
6 Abram passed through the country unto the time the Chanaanite and the Pherezite dwelled
place of Sichem, as far as the noble vale: now in that country.
the Chanaanite ^vas at that time in the land. 8 Abram therefore said to Lot: Let there be
7 And the Lord ap|)eared to Abram, and said no quarrel, I beseech thee, between me and thee,
to him: To thy seed will I give this land. And and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen: fo."
he built there an altar to tlie Lord, who had we are brethren.
appeared to him. 9 Behold the whole land is before thee: depart
8 And passing on from thence to a mountain, fi'om me, I pray thee: if thou wilt go to the left
that was on the east side of Bethel, he there hand, I will take the right: if thou choose the
pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and right hand, I will pass to the left.
Hai on the east: he built there also an altar to the 10 And Lot lifting up his eyes, saw all the
Lord, and called upon his name. country about the Jfordan, which was watered
9 And Abraham went forward going, and throughout before the Lord destroyed Sodom and
proceeding on to the south. Gomorrha as the paradise of the Lord, and like
10 And there came a famine in the country: Egyj.t as one comes to Segor.
and Abram went down into Elgypt, to sojourn 11 And Lot chose to himself the country about
there: for the famine was very grievous in the the Jordan, and he departed from the east:
land. and they were separated one brother from the
11 And when he was near to enter into Egypt, other.
he said to Sarai his wife: I know that thou art a 12 Abram dwelt in the land of Chanaan: and
beautiful woman: Lot abode in the towns, that were about the
12 And that when the Egyptians shall see thee, Jordan, and dwelt in Sodom.
they will say: She is his wife: and they will kill 13 And the men of Sodom were very wicked,
me, and keep thee. and sinners before tlie face of the Lord beyond
13 Say therefore, I pray thee, that thou art mj' measure.
sister:* that I may be vvell used for thee, and that 14 And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot was
my soul may live for thy sake. separated from him: Lift up thy eyes, and look
14 And when Abram was come into Egypt, the from the place, wherein thou now art, to the north
Egyptians saw the woman that she was very and to the south, to the east and to the west.
beautiful. 15 All the land, which thou seest, I will -give to
15 And the princes told Pharao, and praised thee, and to thj- seed for ever.
her before him: and the woman was taken into Ifi And I will make thy seed as the dust of the

the house of Pharao. earth: If any man be able to number the dust
16 And they used Abram well for her sake. of the earth, he shall be able to number thy seed
* My This was no lie; because she was
sister. 17 Arise and walk through the land in the
his niece, being daughter to his brother Aran,' length, and in the breadth thereof: for I will give
and tlierefore, in the style of the Hebrews, she it to thee.
might truly be called his sister; as Lot is called 18 So Abram removing his tent, came, and
Abraham's brother. Gen. xiv. 14 See Gen. xx.i dwelt by the vale of Mambre, which is in Hebron
12. and he built there an altar to the Lord


CHAP, xrv 20 And
blessed be the most hign God, by
whose protection, the enemies are in thy hands
The expedition of the four kings: the victory of And he gave him the tithes of all.
Abram; he is blessed by Mflchisedech. 21 And the king of Sodom said to Abram
AND it came to pass at that time, that Amra-

phel kins; of Sennaar, and Arioch king of

Give me the persons, and the rest take to thy
Pon'.us, and Chodorlahomor king of the Elamites, 22 And he answered him: I lift up my hand to
and Thadal king of nations, the Lord God the most high, the possessor of
2 Made war against Bara kin" of Sodom, and heaven and earth,
agiinst Bersa king of Gomorrna, and against 23 That from the very woof-thread unto the
Sennaab king of Adama, and against Semebcr shoe latchet, I will not take of any things that are
kiig of Seboim, and against the king of Bala, thine, lest thou say: I have enriched Abram:
which is Segor. 24 Except such things, as the young men have
3 All these came together into the woodland eaten, and the shares of the men, that came with
vale, which now is the salt sea. me, Aner, Escol, and Mambre these shall take

4 For they had served Chodorlahomor twelve their shares.

vears, and in the thirteenth year they revolted
Iro-n him.

5 And in the fourteenth year came Chodorla- God promiseth seed to Abram. His faith, sacri
homor, and the kings that were with him: and fice and vision.
they smote the Rajihaim in Astarothcarnaim, and
tic Zuzim with them, and the Emim in Save of
NOW when these things were done, the word
of the Lord came to Abram by a vision,
Cari-thaim. saying: Fear not, Abram, I am thy protector,
6 And the Chorreans in the mountains of Seir, and thy reward exceeding great.
oven to the plains of Pharan, which is in the 2 And Abram said: Lord God, Avhat wilt thou
wilderness. give me.' I shall go without children: and the son
7 And jthey returned, and came to the foun- of the steward of my house is this Damascus
tain of Misphat, the same is Cades and they Eliezer.
smote all the country of the Amaltcites, and 3 And- Abram added: But to me thou hast not
the Amorrhean that dwelt in Asasonthamar. given seed: and lo my servant born in my house,
8 And the king of Sodom, and the kin<r of shall be my heir.
Gomorrha, and the king of Adama, and the king 4 And immediately the word of the Lord came
of S boim, and the king of Bala, which is Segor to him, saying: He shall not be thy heir: but he
went out: and they set themselves against them that shall come out of thy bowels, him shalt thou
in battle array in the woodland vale: have for thy heir.
9 To wit, against Chodorlahomor king of the 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said tc
Elamites, and Thadal king of nations, and Amra him: Look up to heaven and number the stars if
phel king of Sennaar, and Arioch king of Pontus thou canst. And he said to him: So shall thy
four kings againsf five. seed be.
10 Now the woodland vale had many pits of 6 Abram believed God, and it was reputed to
slime.* And the king of Sodom, and the king of him unto justice.
Gomorrha turned their backs and were over- 7 And he said to him: I am the Lord who
thrown there: and they that remained fled to the brought thee out from Ur of the Chaldees to give
mountain. thee this land, and that thou mightest possess it.
11 And they took all the substance of the So- 8 But he said: Lord God, whereby may I know
domites, and Gomorrhites, and all their victuals, that I shall possess it.'
and went their way: 9 And the Lord answered, and said: Take me
12 And liOt also, the son of Abram 's brother, a cow of three years old, and a she-goat of three
who dwelt in Sodom, and his substance. years, and a ram of three years, a turtle also, and
13 And behold one, that had escaped, told a pigeon.
Abram the Hebrew, who dwelt in the vale of 10 And he took all these, and divided them in
Mambre the Amorrhite, the brother of Escol, the midst, and laid the two pieces of each one
and the brother of Aiier: for these had made a against the other: but the birds he divided not.
league with Abram. 11 And the fowls came down upon the car-
14 Which when Abram had heard, to wit, that cases, and Abram drove them away.
his brother Lot was taken, he numbered of the 12 And when the sun was setting, a deep sleep
servants born in his house, three hundred and fell upon Abram, and a great and darksome horror
eighteen well appointed and pursued them to Dan. seized upon him.

15 And dividing his company, he rushed upon 13 And it was said unto him: Know thou before-
ihem in the night: and defeated them, and pursued hand that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land not
them as far as Hoba, which is on the left hand of their own, and they shall bring them under bon-
Damascus. <lage, and afflict them four hundred years.
Id And he brought back all the substance, and 14 But I will judge the nation which they shall
Let his brother with his substance, the women serve, and after this they shall come out with great
also and the people. substance.
17 And the king of Sodom went out to meet 15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace,
him, after he returned from the slaugliter of and be buried in a good old age.
Chodorlahomor, and of the kings that were witli 16 But in the fourth generation they shall murn
hiin in the vale of Save, which is the king's hither: for as yet the ini(jiiities of the Amorrhites
vale. are not at the full until this present time.
18 But Melchisedech the king of Salem, bring- 17 And when the sun was set, there arose a
ing forth bread and wine, for he was the Priest dark mist, and there appeared a smoking fur-
of the most high God, nace, and a lamp of fire passing between those
19 Blessed him, and said: Blessed be Abram divisions.
by the most high God, who created heaven and 18 That day God made a covenant with
earth. Abram, saying: To thy seed will I give this
I'^nd from 'he river of Egypt even to the great
* Of Slime. Bituminis. This was a kind of river Euphrates.
pitch, which served for mortar in tlip building of 19 The Cineans, and Cenezites, the (.edmonites,
Babel, Gen. xi. 3. and was used by Noe in pitch- 20 And the Hethites, and the Pherrzitcs, the
ing the ark Raphaim also.
: :

21 And the Amorrhites and the Chanaanites, Abram: but thou shalt be called Abrahamrj

and the Gergesites, and the Jebusites. because 1 have made thee a father of many
nations. ,
V HAP. XVI. 6 And I willmake thee increase exceedingly,
Abram marrieth Agar, loho hringeth forth and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall
Jsmael. come out of thee.
NOW Saiai, tlie wife of Abram, had brought
forth no rhildren: but having a handmaid an
me and
And I my covenant between
will establish
and between thy seed after thee in
Egyjjtian named Agar, their generations, by a perpetual covenant: to be
2 She said to her husband: Behold, the Lord a God to thee, and to thy sped after thee.
hath restrained me from bearing: go in unto my 8 And I will give to thee, and to thy seed the
handmaid, it may be I may have yhildren of her land of thy sojournment, all the land of Chanaan
at least And when he agreed to her request, for a perpetual possession, and I will be tlieir God.
3 Slie took Agar, the Egyptian her l.andmaid, 9 Again God said to Abraham: And thou
ten years after they first dwelt in the land of Cha- therefore shalt keep my covenant, and thy seed
naan, and gave her to her husband to wife .* after thee in their generations.
4 And he went in to her. But she perceiving 10 This is my covenant which you shall ob-
that she ^vas with child, despised her mistress. serve between me and you, and thy seed after
5 And Sarai said to Abram: Thou doest unjust- thee All the male-kind of you shall be circum-

ly with me I gave my handmaid into thy bosom, cised

: :

a'nd she perceiving herself to be with child, de- 11 And you shall circTumcise the flesh of your
spiseth me. The Lord judge between me and foreskin, that it may be for a sign of the covenant
thee. between me and you.
6 And Abram made answer and said to her 12 An infant of eight days old shall be circum-
Behold thy handmaid is in thy own hand, use her cised among you, every man-child in your genera-
as it pleaseth thee. And when Sarai aiBicted her, tions: he that is born in the house, as well as the
she ran away. bought servant shall be circumcised, and whoso-
7 And the Angel of the Lord having found her, ever is not of your stock:
by a fountain of water in the wilderness, which is 13 And my covenant shall be in your flesh for
•n the way to Sur in the desert, a perpetual covenant.
8 He said to her: Agar, handmaid of Sarai, 14 The male, whose flesh of his foreskin shall
whence comest thou.' and whither goest thou? not be circumcised, that soul shall be destroyed
And she answered: I flee from the face of Sarai out of his people: because he hath broken my
my mistress. covenant.
9 And the Angel of the Lord said to her: 15 God said also to Abraham: Sarai thy wife
Return to thy mistress, and humble thyself under thou shalt not call Sarai, but Sara.
her hand. 16 And I will bless her, and of her I will give
10 And again he said: I will multiply thy seed thee a son, whom I will bless, .and he shall be-
exceedingly, and it shall not be numbered for come nations, and kings of people shall spring
multitude. from him.
11 And again: Behold, said he, thou art with 17 Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed,
child, and *hou shalt bring forth a son: and thou saying in his heart: shall a son, thinkest thou, be
shalt call his name Ismael, because the Lord hath born to him that is a hundred years old and shall '!

heard thy affliction. Sara that is ninety years old bring fortli?
12 He shall be a wild man: his hand will be 18 And he said to God: O that Ismael may live
against all men, and all men's hands against him: before thee.
and he shall pitch his tents over-against all his 19 And God said to Abraham Sara thy wife :

brethren. shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name
13 And she called the name of the Lord that Isaac, and I will establish my covenant with him
spoke unto her: Thou the God who hast seen me. for a perpetual covenant, ajid with his seed after
For she said: Verily here have I seen the hinder him.
parts of him that seeth me. 20 And as for Ismael I have also heard thee
14 Therefore she called tliat well, the well of Behold, I will bless him, and increase, and multi-
him that liveth and seeth me. The same is be- ply him exceedingly he shall beget twelve chiefs,

tween Cades and Barad. and I will make him a great nation.
15 And Agar brought forth a son to Abram: 21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac,
who called his name Ismael. whom Sara shall bring forth to thee at this time in
16 Abram was fgurscore and six years old the next year.
when Agar brought him forth Ismael. 22 And when he had left off speaking with him,
God went up from Abraham.
CHAP. XVII. 23 And Abraham took Ismael his son, and all
TTie covenant of circumcision. that were born in his house and all whom he had

AND after he began to be ninety and nine bought, every male among the men of his house
years old, the Lord appeared to him: and and he circumcised the llesh of their foreskin
said unto him: I am the almighty God: walk be- forthwith the very same day, as God had com-
fore me, and be perfect. manded him.
2 And I will make my covenant between me 24 Abraham was ninety and nine years old,
and thee: and I will multiply thee exceedingly. when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.
3 Abram fell flat on his face. 25 And Ismael his son was full thirteen years
4 And God said to him: I am, and my cove- old at the time of his circumcision.
nant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of 26 The self same day was Abraham circumcis-
many nations. ed and Ismael his son.
5 Neither shall thy name be called any more 27 And all the men of his house, as well
they tliat were born in his house, as the bought
* To wife. Plurality of wives, though con- servants and strangers were circumcised with
trary to the primitive institution of marriage. Gen. him.
ii. 24. was by divine dispensation allowed to the

patriarchs; which allowance seems to have con- t Abraham. Abram in the Hebrew, signifies
tinued during the time of the law of Moses. But a high father: but Abraham, the father of the
Christ our Lord reduced marriage to its primitive multitude: Sarai signifies my Lady, but Sara
institution. St. Matt. xix. absolutely Lady
. : : :


CHAP. xvin. done according to the cry that is come to me: oi
whether it be not so, that I may know.
Angels are entertained by Abraham. They for e- 22 And they turned themselves from thence,
tel the birth of Isaac. Abraham's prayer for and went their
' the men of Sodom. way to Sodom: but Abraham as
yet stood before the Lord.
AND the Lord appeared to him in the vale of 23 And drawing nigh he said: Wilt thou de-
Mambre as he was sitting; at the door of his stroy the just with the wicked .'

tent, in the very heat of the day. 24 If there be fifty just men in the city, shall they
2 And when he had lilted up his eyes, there perish withal.' and wilt thou not spare that place
appeared to him three men standing near him: for the sake of the fifty just, if they be therein?
and as soon as he saw them he ran to meet them 25 Far be it from thee, to do this thing, and to
from the door of his tent, and adored down to the slay the just with the wicked, and for the just to
ground be in like case as the wicked, this is not beseem-
3 And he said: Lord, if I have found favour in ing thee: thou who judgest all the earth, wilt not
thy sight, pass not away from thy servant: make this judgment.
4 But I will fetch a little water, and wash ye 26 And the Lord said to him: If I find in
your feet, and rest ye under the tree. Sodom fifty just within the city, I will spare the
5 And I will set a morsel of bread, and strength- whole place for their sake.
en ye your heart, afterwards you shall pass on: for 27 And Abraham answered, and said: Seeing
therefore are you come aside to your servant. I have once begun, I will speak to my Lord,
And they said: Do as thou hast spoken. whereas I am dust and ashes.
6 Abraham made haste into the tent to Sara, 28 What if there be five less than fifty just
and said to her: Make haste, temper together persons ? wilt thou for five and forty destroy the
three measures of flour, and make cakes upon the whole city? And he said: I will not destroy it, if
hearth. I find five and forty.
7 And he himself ran to the herd, and took 29 And again he said to him But if forty be :

from thence a calf very tender and very good, found there, what wilt thou do ? He said I will :

and gave it to a young man: who made haste and not destroy it for the sake of forty.
boiled it. 30 Lord, saitli he, be not angry I beseech thee,
8 He took also butter and milk, and the calf if I speak What if thirty shall be found there ?

which he had boiled, and set before them: but he He answered: I will not do it, if I find thirty
stood by them under the tree. there.
9 And when they had eaten, they said to him 31 Seeing, saith he, I have once begun, I will
Where is Sara thy wife ' He answered Lo she is speak to my Lord: What if twenty be found

in the tent. there? He said: I will not destroy it for the sake
10 And he said to him I will return and come of twenty.

to thee at this time, life accompanying, and Sara 32 I beseech thee, saith he, be not angry. Lord,
thy wife shall have a son. Which when Sara if I speak yet once more What if ten shall be :

heard, she laughed behind ihe door of the tent. found there? And he said: I will not destroy it
11 Now they were both old, and far advanced for the sake of ten.
in years, and it had ceased to be with Sara after 33 And the Lord departed, after he had left
the'manner of women. speaking to Abraham: and Abraham returned to
12 And she laughed secretly, saying: After I his place.
am grown old, and my lord is an old man, shall CHAP. XIX.
I give myself to pleasure

13 And the Lord said to Abraham: Why did I^t entertaining angels in his house, is delivered
Sara laugh, saying: Shall I who am an old woman from Sodom, which is destroyed: his wife for
bear a child indeed .' looking back is turned into a statue of salt.
14 Is there any thing hard to God ? according
to appointment I will return to thee at this same
the two angels came to Sodom in the
evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of
time, life accompanying, and Sara shall have a the city. And seeing them, he rose up and went
eon. to meet them: and worshipped prostrate to the
15 Sara denied, saying: I did not laugh: for she ground,
was afraid. But the Lord said: Nay: but thou 2 And said; I beseech you, my lords, turn in
didst laugh. to the house of your servant, and lodge there*
16 And when the men rose up from thence, wash your feet, and in the morning you shall go
they turned their eyes toward Sodom: and Abra- on your way. And they said: No, but we will
ham walked with them, bringing them on the abide in the street.
•way. 3 He pressed them very much to turn in unto
17 And the Lord said: Can I hide from Abra- him: and when they were come in to his house,
ham what I am about to do: he made them a feast, and baked 'inleavened
18 Seeing he shall become a great and mighty bread, and they ate:
nation, and mhim all the nations of the earth shall 4 But before they went to bed, the men of the
be blessed ? city beset the house both young and old, all the
19 For I know that he will command his chil- people together.
dren, and his household after him to keep the way 5 And they called Lot, and said to him: Where
of the Lord, and do judgment and justice: that are the men that came in to thee at night? bring
tor Abraham's sake the Lord may bring to eSect them out hither that we may know them
all the things he hath spoken unto him. 6 Lot went out to tliem, and shut the door aftei
20 And the Lord said: The cry of Sodom and him, and said
Gomorrha is multiplied, and their sin is become 7 Do not so, I beseech you, my brethren, do
exceedingly grievous. not commit this evil.
21 I will go down* and see whether they have 8 I have two daughteis who as yet have not
known man: I will bring them out to you, and
* J will go dovm, fyc. The Lord here accom abuse you them as it shall please you, so that you
modates his discourse to the way of speaking and do no evil to these men, because they are come ir
acting amongst men: for he knoweth all things under the shadow of my roof.
and needeth not to go any where for information 9 But they said: Get thee back thither. And
Note here, that tAvo of the three angels went away again: Thou camest in, said they, as a stranger,
immediately for Sodom; whilst the third, who was it to be a judge ? therefore we will afflict thee
ep resented, the Lord, remained witli Abraliam. more than them. And they pressed very violent
]y ifjon Lot: and they were even at the point of and let us He with him, that we may preserre
breaking open the doors. seed of our father.
10 And behold the men put out their hand, and 33 And they made their father drink wine that
drew in liOt unto them, and shut the door: night: and the elder went in, and lay with her
11 And them, that were without, they struck father: but he perceived not, neither when his
with blindness from the least to the greatest, so daughter lay down, nor when she rose up.
that they could not find the door. 34 And the next day the elder said to the
12 And they said to Lot: Hast thou here any younger: Behold, I lay last night with my father;
of thine ? son-in-law, or sons, or daughters, all that let us make him drink wine also tc-nigiit, and
are thine bring them out of this city: thou shaJt lie with him, that we may save seed of
13 For we will destroy this place, because our father.
their cry is grown loud before the Lord, who had 35 They made their father drink wine that night
sent us to destroy them. also, and the younger daughter went in, and lay
14 So Lot went out, and spoke to his sons-in- with him: and neither then did he perceive when
lavf that were to have his daughters, and said: she lay down, nor when she rose up.
Arise : get you out of this place, because the Lord 36 So the two daughters of Lot were Avith
will destroy this city. And he seemed to them child by their father.
to speak as it were in jest. 37 And the elder bore a son, and she called his
15 And when it was morning the angels press- name Moab: he is the fatlier of the Moabites

ed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife, and the two unto this day.
daughters which thou hast: lest thou also perish 38 The younger also bore a son, and she called
in the wickedness of the city. his name Ammon, that is, the son of my people:
16 And as he lingered, thev took his hand, and he is the father of the Ammonites unto this day.
the hand of his wife, and oi his two daughters,
because the Lord spared him.
17 And they brought him forth, and set him Abraham sojourneth i?i Gerara: Sara is taken
without the city: and there they spok° to him, into king Abimclech's house, but by God''s com-
saying: Save thy life: look not back, neither stay mandment is restored untouched.
thou in all the country about: but save thyself in ABRAHAM removed from thence to the
south country, and dwelt between Cades
the mountain, lest thou be also consumed.
18 And Lot said to them: I beseech thee, my and Sur: and sojourned in Gerara.
Lord, 2 And he said of Sara his wife She is my sis-:

19 Because thy servant hath found grace before ter. So Abimelech the king of Gerara sent, and
thee, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which took her- ,

thou hast shown to me, in saving my life, and I 3 And God came to Abimelech in a dream by
cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil night, and he said to him: Lo thou shalt die for
seize me, and 1 die. the woman that thou hast taken: for she hath a
20 There is this city here at hand, to which I husband.
may flee, it is a little one, and T shall be saved in 4 NowAbimelech had not touched her, and he
it: is it not a little one, and my soul shall live ? said Lord, wilt thou slay a nation that is ign orant

21 And he said to him: Behold also in this, I and just.'

have heard thy prayers, not to destroy the city 5 Did not he say to me: She is my sister: and
for which thou hast spoken. she say. He is my brother.' in the simplicity of
22 Make haste, and be saved there:' because I my heart, and cleanness of my hands have I dc«e
cannot do any thing till thou go in thither. There- this.
fore the name of that city was called Segor.* 6 And God said to him: And I know that thou
23 The sun was risen upon the earth, and Lot didst with a sincere heart: and therefore I with-

entered into Segor. held thee from sinning against me, and I suffered
24 And the Lord rained upon Sodom and thee not to touch her.
Goniorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out 7 Now therefore restore the man his wife, foi
of heaven. he is a prophet: and he shall pray for thee, and
25 And he destroved these cities, and all the thou shalt live: but if thou wilt not restore her,
country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, know that thou shalt surely die, thou and all that
and all things thnt spring from the earth- are thine.
2f) And his wifc+ looking behind her, was turn- 8 And Abimelech forthwith rising up in the
ed into a stntue of salt. night, called all his servants: and spoke all these
27 An;! Abraham got up early in the morning, words in their hearing, and all the men were ex-
and in the place where he had stood before with ceedingly afraid.
thp Lord, 9 And Abimelech called also for Abraham, and
28 He looked towards Sodom and Gomorrha, said to him: What hast thou done to us? what
and the whole land of that country: and he saw have we offended thee in, that thou hast brought
the nshes rise up from the earth as the smoke of a upon me and upon my kingdom a great sin thou .'

furmcf. hast done to us what thou oughtest not to do.

2f) Now
when God destroyed the cities of that 10 And again he e.vpostulated with him, and
coiint'v, remembering Abraham, he delivered said- What sawest thou, that thou hast done this:
Lot out of the destruction of the cities wherein 11 Abraham answered: I thought with myself,
ne hnd f'we't. saying: Perhaps there is not the fear of God in
30 And lot went up out of Segor, and abode this place: and they will kill me for the sake of
in the mount-^in, ;ind his two daughters with him my wife:
(for h"^ wns to st-^y in Segor) and he dwelt
afrni 1 12 Howbeit, otherwise also she is truly my
in a cave, he and his two daught 'rs with him. sister, the daughter of my father, and not the
31 And thf elder said to the younger: Our daughter of my mother, and I took her to wife.
father is old, and there is no man left on the earth, 13 And after God brought me out of my father's
to come in unto us after the manner of the whole house, I said to her: Thou shalt do me this kind-
earth. ness: In every place, to which we shall come,
32 Come, let us make him drunk with wine, thou shalt say that I am
thy brother.
14 And Abimelech took sheep and oxen, and
* Se^or. That is, a littleservants, and handmaids, and gave to Abraham*
t And Inn
I'^iff. As a standing memorial to the and restored to him Sara his wife,
servants of God to proceed in virtue, and not to 15 And said: The land is before you, dwell
took back to vice or its allurements. wheresoever it shall please thee.
lt>And to Sara he said: Beholri, I have given cording to the kindness, that I have done to thee,
Ijiybrother a tliousand pieces of silver, this shall thou shalt do to me, and to the land wherein thou
serve thee for a covering of thy eyes to all that hast lived a stranger.
are with thee, and whithersoever thou shalt go: 24 And Abraham said I will swear. :

and remember thou wast taken. 25 And he reproved Abimv-lech for a well of
17 And when Abraham prayed, God healed water, which his servants had taken away by
Abimelech and his wife, and his handmaids, and force.
tliey bore children: 26 And Abimelech answered I knew not who :

18 For the Lord had closed up every womb did this thing: and thou didst not tell me, and I
of the house of Abimelech on account of Sara, heard not of it till to-day.
Abraham's wife. 27 Then Abraham took sheep and oxen, and
gave them to Abimelech: and both of them made
CHAP. XXI. a league.
Isaac is born. Agar and Ismael are cast forth. 23 And Abraham set apart seven ewe-lambs of
AND the Lord visited Sara, as he had promis- the flock.
ed: and fulfilled what he had spoken. 29 And Abimelech said to him: What mean
2 And she conceived and bore a son in her old these seven-ewe lambs which thou hast set apart.'
age, at the time that God had foretold her. 30 But he said: Thou shalt take seven ewe-
3 And Abraham called the name of his con, lambs at my hand: that they may be a testimony
whom Sara bore him, Isaac* for me, that I dug this well.
4 And he circumcised him 31 Therefore that place was called Bersabee 't
the eighth day, as
God had commanded him, because there both of them did swear.
5 When he was a hundred years old: for at this 32 And they made a league for the well of
age of his father, was Isaac born oath.
6 And Sara said: God hath made a laughter for 33 And Abimelech, and Phicol the general of
me: whosoever shall hear of it will laugh with his army arose and returned to the land of the
me. Palestines. But Abraham planted a grove in
7 And again she said: Who
would believe that Bersabee, and there called upon the name of the
Abraham should hear that Sara gave suck to a Lord God eternal.
Bon, whom she bore to him in his old age 34 And he was a sojourner in the land of the

8 And the child grew, and was weaned: and Palestines many days.
Abraham made a great feast on the day of his CHAP. XXII.
9 And Sara had seen the son of Agar the The faith and obedience of Abraham is proved in
F-gyptian playing with Isaac her son, she said to his readiness to sacrifice his son Isaac. He is
Abraham, stayed from the act by an angel. Former pro-
10 Cast out this bond-woman, and her son: for mises arerenewed to him. His brother Nachor'a
the son of the bond-woman shall not be heir with issue.
my son Isaac. FTER these things, God temptedt Abraham,
11 Abraham took this grievously for his son. and said to him: Abrahaip, Abraham. And
12 And God said to him: Let it not seem he answered: Here I am.
grievous to thee for the boy, and for thy bond- 2 He said to him Take thy only begotten son

woman: in all that Sara hath said to thee, hearken Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go into the land of
to her voice: for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. vision: and there thou shalt offer him for a holo-
13 But I will make the son also of the bond- caust upon one of the mountains which I will show
woman a great nation, because he is thy seed. thee.
14 So Abraham rose up in the morning, and 3 So Abraham rising up in the night, saddled
taking bread and a bottle of water, put it upon her his ass: and took with him two young men, and
shoulder, and delivered the boy and sent her Isaac his son: and when he had cut wood for the
away. And she departed, and wandered in the holocaust, he went his way to the place which
wilderness of Bersabee. God had commanded him.
15 And when the water in the bottle was spent, 4 And on the third ilaj, lifting up his eyes, he
she cast the boy under one of the trees, that were saw the place afar off.
there. 5 And he said to his young men: Stay you here
16 Andshe went her way, and sat over-against with the ass: I and the boy will go with speed as
him a great way off as far as a bow can carry, for far as yonder, and after we have worshipped, will
she said: I will not seethe boy die: and sitting return to you.
over-against, she lifted up her voice and wept. 6 And he took the wood for the holocaust, and
17 And God heard the voice of the boy: and laid it upon Isaac his son: and he himself carried
an Angel of God called to Agar from heaven, in his hands
fire and a sword. And as they two
saying: What art thou doing. Agar.' fear not: for went on together,
God hath heard the voice of the boy, from the
7 Isaac said to his father father. And he
: My
plice wherein he is. answered: What wilt thou, son.' Behold, saith
18 Arise, take up the boy, and hold him by the he, fire and wood where is the victim for the ho-

hand: for I will make him a great nation. locaust.'

19 And God opened her eyes: and she saw a 8 And Abram said: God will provide himself
well of water, and went and filled the bottle, and a victim for a holocaust, son. my
So they went
gave the boy to drink. on together.
20 And God was with him: and he grew, and 9 And they came to the place which God had
dwelt In the wilderness, and became a young man shown him, where he built an altar, and laid the
an arcVer. in order upon it: and when he had bound
21 And
he dwelt in the wilderness of Pharan, Isaac his son, he laid him on the altar upon the
and his pnother took a wife for him out of the land pile of wood.
of Egypt.
22 At the same time Abimelech, and Phicol the t Bersabee. That is, the well of oath.
general of his army said to Abraham God is with:
X God tempted, fyc. God tempteth no man to
thee in all that thou doest. evil, James 13. But by trial and experiment

23 Swear thereibre bj God that thou wilt not maketh known to the world, and to ourselves,
htirt me, nor my posterity, nor my stock: but ac- what we are, as heri, by this trial the singular
faith and obedience of Abraham was made mani-
• » Tliis wo rd signifies laughter. fest
C 17

10 And he put forth his hand, and took the Abraham in the hearing of all thst went in at the
BWord, to sacrifice his son. gate of the city, saying:
11 And behold an Angel of the Lord from hea- 11 Let it not be so, my lord, but do thou rither
ven called to him, saying: Abraham, Abraham. hearken to what I sav: The field I deliver to tliee
And he answered: Here I am. and the cave that is therein, in the presence of the
12 And he said to him: Lay not thy hand upon children of my people; bury thy dead.
the boy, neither do thou any thing to him: now I 12 Abraham bowed down before the people of
know that thou fearest God, and hast not spared the land.
thy only begotten son for my sake. 13 And he spoke to Ephron, in the presence of
13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw behind the peojile: I beseech thee to hear me: I will give
his back a ram amongst the briars sticking fast by money for the field: take it, and sol will burv iny
the horns, which he took and oftered for a holo- dead in it.
caust instead of his son. 14 And Ephron answered:
14 And he called the name of that place. The 15 My lord, hear me: the ground which thou
Lord seeth. Wiiereupon even to this day it is desirest, is yorth four hundred sides of silver;
said: In the mountain the Lord will see. this is the price between me and thee: but what U
15 And the Angel of the Lord called to Abra- this.' bury thy dead.
ham a second time from heaven, saying: 16 And when Abraham had heard this, he
lb By my own self have I sworn, saith tlie weighed out the money, that Ephron had asked,
Lord: because thou hast done this thing, and hast in the hearing of the children of Heth, four
not spared thy only begotten son for my sake: hundred sides of silver of common current
17 I will bless thee, and I will multiply thy money.
seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is 17 And the field that before was Ephron's,
bv the sea shore: thy seed shall possess the gates wherein was the double cave, looking towards
of their enemies. Mambre, both it and the cave, and all the trees
IS And in thy seed shall all the nations of the thereof in all its limits round about,
earth be blessed,*because thou hast obeyed my 18 Was made sure to Abraham for a possession,
voice. in the sight of the children of Heth, and of all that
19 Abraham returned to his young men, and went in at the gate of his city.
they went to Bersabee together, and he dwelt 19 And so Abraham buried Sara his wife, in
there. the double cave of the field, that looked towards
20 After these things, it was told Abraham that Mambre; this is Hebron in the land of Chanaan.
Melcha also had born children to Nachor his 20 And the field was made sure to Abraham,
brother, and the cave that was in it, for a possession to
21 Hus the first-born, and Buz his brother, and bury in, by the children of Heth.
Camuel the father of the Sj'rians,
22 And Cased, and Azau, and Pheldas, and
Jedlaph, Abraham's servant sent by him into Mesopotamia,
23 And Bathuel, of whom was born Rebecca: bringeth fi'om thence Rebecca, who is married
to Isaac.
these eight did Melcha bear, to Nachor, Abra-
ham's brother. OW Abraham was old, and advanced in
24 And his concubine, named Roma, bore Ta- age: and the Lord had blessed him in ai.
bee, and Gaham, and Tahas, and Maacha- things.
2 And he said to the elder servant of his house,
CHAP. XXIII. who was ruler over all he had: Put thy hand
Sara's death and burial in the field bought of under my thigh,
Ephron. 3 That I may make thee swear by the Lord the
AND Sara lived a hundred and twenty-seven God of heaven and earth, that thou take not a
years. wife for my son, of the daughters of the Chanaan-
2 And she died in the city of Arbee which is ites, among whom I dwell:
Hebron, in the land of Chanaan: and Abraham 4 But that thou go to my ow^n country and
came to mourn, and weep for her. kindred, and take a wife from tlience for my son
3 And after he rose up from the funeral Isaac.
obsequies, he spoke to the children of Heth, 5 The servant answered If the woman will not :

saying; come with me into this land, must I bring thy son
4 I am a stranger and gojourner among you: back again to the place, from whence thou earnest
give me the right of a burying place with you, out?
tliat I may bury my dead. 6 And Abrahamsaid: Beware thou never bring
5 The children of Heth answered, saying: my son back again thither.
6 My lord, hear us, thou art a prince of God 7 The Lord God of heaven, who took me out
among us: bury thy dead in our principal sepul- of my father's house, and out of my native coun-
chres: and no man shall have power to hinder try, who spoke to me, and swore to me, saying:
thee from burying thy dead in his sepulchre. To thy seed will I give this land: he will send his
7 Abraham rose up, and bowed down to the Angel before thee,t and thou shalt take from
people* of the land, to wit, the children of Heth: thence a wife for my son.
8 And said to them: If it please your soul that 8 But if the woman will not follow thee, thou
I should bury my dead, hear me, and intercede for shalt not be bound by the oath: only bring not
me to Ephron the son of Seor, my son back thither again.
9 That he may give me the double cave, which 9 The sei vant therefore put his hand under tjie
he hath in the end of his field: for as much money thigh of Abraham his lord, and swore to hii* upon
as it is worth he shall give it me before you, for a this word.
possession of a burying place. 10 And he took ten camels of his master's herd,
10 Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of the and departed, carrying something of all his goods
chirlren of Heth. And Ephron made answer to with him, and he set forward and went on to Me-
sopotamia to the city of Nachor.
* Bowed down to the people. Adoravit, literally 11 And when he had made the camels lie down
adored. But this v\'ora here, as well as in many without the town near a well of water in the even-
other places in the Latin scriptures is used to
lignify only an inferior honour and reverence t He will send his Angel before thee. This
paid to men, expressed by a bowing down of the shows that the Hebrews believed that God gave
body them Guardian Angels for their protection.
CHAP xxrv.
Inr, at the time when women are wont to conic master a son in her old age, and he hatli given him
out to draw water, he said: all that he had.
12 O Lord tlie God of my master Abraham, 37 And my master made me swear, saying:
meet me to-day, I beseech thee, and show kind- Thou shall not take a wife for my son of the
ness to my master Abraham. Chanaanites, in whose land I dwell:
13 Beliold, I stand niffh the spring of water, and 38 But thou shalt go to my father's house, and
the daughters of the inhabitants of this cit}^ will shalt take a wife of my own kindred for my son:
come out to draw water. 39 But I answered my master: What if the
14 Now therefore the maid, to whom I shall woman will not come with me .'

say: Let down thy pitcher that I may drinlc: and 40 The Lord, said he, in whose sight I walk,
she shall answer: Drink, and I will g;ive thy will send his angel with thee, and will direct thy
camels drink also: let it be the same whom thou way: and thou shalt take a wife for my son of
hast provided for thy servant Isaac: and by this I my own kindred, and of my father's house.
shall understand, tliat thou hast shown kindness 41 But thou shalt be clear from my curse, when
to my master. thou shalt come to my kindred, if they will not
15 He had not yet ended these words within give thee one.
hfmoelf, and behold, Rebecca came out, the 42 And I came to-day to the well of water,
daughter of Bathuel, son of Melcha, wife to and said: O Lord God of my master Abraham,
Nachor the brother of Abraham, having a pitcher if thou hast prospered my way, wherein I now
on her shoulder: walk,
16 An exceeding comely maid, and a most 43 Behold, I stand by the well of water, and the
beautiful vhgin, and not known to man: and she virgin, that shall come out to draw water, who
went down to tlie spring, and filled her pitcher, shall hear me say: Give me a little water to drink
and was coming bacK. of thy pitcher:
17 And the servant ran to meet her, and said: 44 And shall say to me Both drink thou, and

Give me a little water to drink of thy pitcher. I will also draw for thy camels: let the sarpe be
18 And she answered: Drink, my lord. And the woman, whom the Lord hath prepared for my
quickly she let down the pitcher upon her arm, master's son.
and gave him drink. 45 And whilst 1 pondered these things secretly
19 And when he had drunk, she said: I will with myself, Rebecca appeared coming with a
draw water for thy camels also, till they all drink pitcher, which she carried on her shoulder: and
20 And pouring out the pitcher into tne troughs, she went down to the well, and drew water. And
she ran back to the well to draw water: and hav- I said to her: Give me a little to drink.
ing drawn, she gave to all the camels. 46 And she sjieedily let down the pitcher from
21 Rut he, musing, beheld her with silence, her shoulder, and said to me: Botli drink thou,
desirous to know whether the Lord had made his and to thy can els I will give drink. I drank, and
journey prosperous or not. she watered the camels-
22 And after that the camels had drunk, the 47 And I asked her, and said: Whose daughter
man took out golden ear-rings, weighing two art thou.' And she answered: I am the, daughter
sides, ani as many bracelets often sides weight. of Bathuel, the son of Nachor, whom Melcha
23 And he said to her: Whose daughter art bore to him. So I put ear-rings on her to adorn
thou.'' tell me: is there any place in thy father's her face, and I put bracelets on her hands.
house to lodge? 48 And falling down I adored the Lord, bless-
24 And she answered: I am the daughter of ing the Lord God of my master Abraham, who
Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom she bore to hath brought me the straight way to take the
Nachor. daughter of my master's brother for his son.
25 And she said moreover to him: We have 49 Wherefore if you do according to mercy and
good store of both straw and hay, and a large place truth with my master, tell me: but if it please you
to lodge in. otherwise, tell me that also, that I may go to the
26 The man bowed himself down, and adored right hand, or to the left. ,

the Lord, 50 And Laban and Bathuel answered: The

27 Saying: Blessed be the Lord God of my word hath proceeded from the Lord: we cannot
master Abraham, who hath not taken away his .S])eak any other thing to thee ^ut his pleasure.
mercy and truth from my master, and hath brought 51 Behold, Rebecca is before thee, take her and
me the straight way into the house of my master's go thy way, and let her be the wife of thy master's
brother. son, as the Lord hath spoken.
28 Then the maid ran, and told in her mother's 52 Which when Abraham's servant heard,
house all that she had heard. falling down to the ground he adored the
29 And Rebecca had a brother named Laban, Lord.
who went out in haste to the man, to the well. 53 And bringing forth vessels of silver, and
30 And when he had seen the ear-rings and gold, and garments, he gave them to Rebecca
bracelets in his sister's hands, and had heard all for a present. He offered gifts also to her bro-
that she related, saying. Thus and thus the man thers, and to her mother.
spoke to me: he came to the man who stood by 54 And a banquet was made, and they ate and
the camels, and nertr to the spring of water, drank together, and lodged there. And in the
31 And said to him: Come in, thou blessed of morning the servant arose, and said: Let me
the Lord: why standest thou without.' I have depart, that I may go to my master.
prepared the house, and a place for the camels. 55 And her brother .and mother answered:
32 And he brought him in into his lodging: the maid stay at least ten days with us, and after
and he unharnessed the camels, and gave straw wards she shall depart.
and ha}', and water to wash his feet, and the feet 56 Stay me not, said he, because the Lord hith
of the men that were come with him. prospered my way send me away that I may go

33 Andjjread was set before him. But he said: to my master.

I will not eat, till I tell my message. He answered 57 And they said Let us call the maid, and ask

him: Speak. her will.*

34 And he said: I am the servant of Abraham: 58 And they called her, and when she was
35 And the Lord hath blessed my master won-
derfully, and he is become great: and he hath * />*( us call the maid, and ask her will Not
given him sheep, and oxen, silver and gold, men as to her marriage, as she had already consented,
servants and women servants, c;miels, and asses. l)ut of her (juitting her parents, and going to hei
36 And Sara my master's wife hath borne my husband.
: :

come, they asked: Wilt thou go with this man?] 16 These are the sons of Ismael: and these are
She said: I will go. their names by their castles and towns, twelve
59 So they sent her away, and her nurse, and princes of their tribes.
Abraham's servant and his company; 17 And the years of Ismael's life were a hun-
fiO Wishing prosperity to their sister, and say- dred and thirty-seven, and decaying he died, and
ing: Thou art our sister, mayest thou increase to was gathered unto his people.
thousands of thousands, and may thy seed possess 18 And he dwelt from Hevila as far as Sur,
the gates of their enemies. which looketh towards Egypt, to them that go
61 So Rebecca and her maids being set upon towards the Assyrians. He died in the presence
camels followed the man who
: with speed return- of all his brethren
ed to his master. 19 These also are the generations of Isaac the
62 the same time Isaac was walking along
At son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac:
tile way
to the well which is called Of the living 20 Who when he was forty years old, took to
and the seeing for he dwelt in the south country
: wife Rebecca the daughter ot Bathuel the Syrian
63 And he was gone forth to meditate in the of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban.
field, the day being now well spent; and when he 21 And Isaac besought the Lord for his wife.
had lifted up his eyes, he saw camels coming afar because she was barren: and he heard him, ana
oflF. made Rebecca to conceive.
64 Rebecca also, when she saw Isaac, lighted 22 But the children struggled in her womb and :

off the camel, she said: If it were to be so with me, what need
65 And said to the servant: Who is man
that was there to conceive And she went to consul*

who Cometh towards us along the field? And he the Lord.

said to her: That man is my ma.ster. But she 23 Ajid he ansvyering said: Two nations are in
quickly took her cloak and covered herself. thy womb, and two peoples shall be divided out
66 And the servant told Isaac all that he had of thy womb, and one people shall overcome the
done: other, and the elder shall serve the younger.
67 Who brought her into the tent of Sara his 24 And when her time was come to be deliver-
mother, and took her to wife: and he loved her so ed, behold, twins were found in her womb.
much, that it moderated the .sorrow which was 25 He that came forth first was red, and hairy
occasioned by his mother's death. like a skin: and his name was called Esau. Im-
mediately the other coming forth, held his bro-
CHAP XXV. ther's foot in his hand: and therefore he was call-
Abraham's children by Cetiiru; his death, and ed Jacob.
that of hmael. Isaac hath Esau and Jacob, 26 Isaac was threescore years old when the
twins. Esau selleth his first birth'right to children were born unto him.
Jacob. 27 And when they were grown up, Esau be-
AND Abraham married
another wife named came a skilful hunter, and a husbandman, but
Jacob a plain man dwelt in tents.
2 Whobore him Zamran, and Jecsan, and 28 Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his
Madan, and Madian, and Jesboc, and Sue. hunting: and Rebecca loved Jacob.
3 Jecsan also begot Saba and Dadan. The 29 And Jacob boiled pottage: to whom Esau,
children of Dadan were Assurim, and Latusim corning faint out of the field,
and Loomim. 30 Said Give me of this red pottage, for I am

4 But of Madian was born Epha, and Opher, exceeding faint. For which reason his name was
and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa: all these called Edom.
were the children of Cetura. 31 And Jacob said to him: Sell me thy first
5 And Abraham gave all his possessions to birth-right.
Isaac 32 He answered: Lo, I die; what will the first
6 And to the children of the concubines* he birth-right avail me .'

gave gifts, and separated'them from Isaac his son, 33 Jacob said: Swear therefore tome. Esau
while he yet lived, to the east country. swore to him, and sold his first birth-right.
7 And the days of Abraham's life were a hun- 34 And so taking bread and the pottage of len-
dred and seventy-five years. fils, he ate, and drank, and went his way; making

8 And deca}'ing he died in a good old age, and little account of having sold his first birih-right.
having lived a long time, and being full of days:
and was gathered to his people.
9 And Isaac and Ismael his sons buried him in Isaac sojourneth in Gerara, inhere God reneweth
the double cave, which was situated in the field to him the promise made to Abraham. King
of Ephron the son of Seor the Hethite, over- Abimelech makcth league with him.
against Mambre, ND
when a famine came in the land, after
10 Which he had bought of the children of that barrenness which had happened in the
Heth: there was he buried, and Sara his wife. days of Abraham, Isaac went to Abimelech king
11 And after his
death, God blessed Isaac his of the Palestines to Gerara.
son, who dwelt bythe well named Of the living 2 And the Lord appeared to him and said; (Jo
and seeing. '. not down into Egypt, but stay in the land that I
12 These are the generations of Ismael the son shall tell thee.
of Abraham, whom Agar the Egyptian, Sara's 3 And sojourn in it, and I will be with thee,
servant, bore unto him: and will bless thee: for to thee and to thv seed I
13 And these are the names of his children will give all these countries, to fulfil the oath
according to their calling and generations. The which I swore to Abraham thy father.
first-born of Ismael was Nabajoth, then Cedar, 4 And I will multiply thy seed like the stars of
and Adbeel, and Mabsam, heaven: and I will give to thy i;osterity all these
14 And Masma, and Duma, and Massa, countries: and in thy seed shall all tlie nations of
15 Hadar, and Thema, and Jethur, and Naphis, the earth be blessed.
and Cedma. 5 Because Abraham obe}'ed my voice, and
kept my precepts and commandments, and ob-
* Concubines, /tgar and Cetura are here called served my ceremonies and laws.
concubines (thoujji they were lawful wives, and 6 So Isaac abode in Gerara.
in other places are so called) because they were 7 And when he was asked by the men of that
of an inferior degree; and such in scv.'pture are place, concerning his wife, he answered: She is
usually called concubines. my sister, for he was afraid to confess that she
was his wile, thinking lest perhaps they would 30 And he made them a feast, and after they
kill him because of her beauty. had eaten and drunk:
8 And when very many days were passed, and 31 Arising in the morning, they swore one to
he abode there, Abimelech king of the Palestincs, another: and Isaac sent them away peaceably to
looking out through a window, saw him playing their own home.
with Rebecca his wife. 32 And behold, the same day the servants of
9 And calling for him, he said It is evident she Isaac came, telling him of a well which they had

is thy wife: whj^ didst thou feign her to be thy digged, and saying: We
have found water.
sister? He answered: I feared lest I should die for 33 Whereupon he called it Abundance: and
her sake. the name of the city was called Bersabee, even to
10 And Abimelech said: Why hast thou de- this day. '

ceived us.' Some man of the people might have 34 And Esau being forty years old n\arried
lain with thy wife, and thou hadst brough.t upon wives, Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hcihite,
us a great sin. And he commanded all the peo- and Basemath the daughter of Elon of the same
ple, saying: place.
n He
that shall touch this man's wife, shall 35 And they both oflFended the mind of Itsaac
surely be put to death. and Rebecca.
12 And Isaac sowed in that land, and he found
that same year a hundred-fold: and the Lord
blessed him. Jacob, by his mother's counsel, obtaincih Ins
13 And the man was enriched, and he went on father's blessivg. instead of Esau. And bij
prospering and increasing, till he became exceed- her IS advised to fly to his uncle Laban.
mg great: OW
Isaac was old, and his eyes were "dim,
14 And he had possessions of sheep and of herds and he could not see: and he called Esau his
and a very great family. Wherefore the Pales- elder son, and said to him: son. And he My
tines envying him, answered: Here I am.
15 Stopped up at that time all the wells, that the 2 And him: Thou seest that I
his father said to
servants of his father Abraham had digged, filling am not the day of my death.
old, and know
them up with earth: 3 Take thy arms, thy quiver, and bow, and go
16 Insomuch that Abimelech himself said to abroad and when thou hast taken something by

Isaac: Depart from us, for thou art become much hunting,
mightier than we. 4 Make me savoury meat thereof, as thnu
17 So he departed, and came to the torrent* of knowest I like, and bring it that I may eat, and
Gerara, to dwell there: my soul may bless thee before I die.
18 And he digged again other wells, which the 5 And wnen Rebecca had heard this, and he
servants of his father Abraham had digged, and was gone into the field to fulfil his father's com-
which, after his death, the Philistines had of old mandment,
stopped up: and he called them by the same 6 She said to her son Jacob: I heard thy father
names by which his father before had called them. talking with Esau Oiy brother, and saying to him :

IS) And they digged in the torrent, and found 7 Bring me of thy hunting, and make me meats
living water: that I may eat, and bless thee in the sight of the
20 But there also tlie herdsmen of Gerara strove Lord, before I die.
against the herdsmen of Isaac, saying: It is our 8 Now
therefore, my son, follow my counsel:
water. Wherefore he called the name of the 9 And go thy way to the flock, bring me tvv-o
well, on occasion of that which had happened, kids of the best, that I may make of them meat
Calumny. for thy father, such as he gladly eateth:
21 And they digged also another; and for that 10 Which when thou hast brought in, and he
they quarrelled likewise, and he called the name hath eaten, he may bless thee before he die.
of it, Enmity. 11 And he answered her: Thou knowest that
22 Going forward from thence he digged Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am smooth:
another well, for which they contended not: 12 If my father shall feel me, and perceive it, I
therefore he called the name thereof, Latitudef fear lest he will think I would have mocked him,
saying: Now
hath the Lord given us room, and and I shall bring upon me a curse instead of a
made us to increase ujion the earth. blessing.
23 And he went up from that place to Bersabee, 13 And his mother said to hmi: Upon me be
24 Where the Lord appeared to him that same this curse, my son: voice, and
only hear thou my
night, saying: I am the God of Abraham thy fa- go, fetch me
the things which I have said.
14 He went, and brought, and gave them to his
ther, do not fear, for I am with thee: I will bless
mother. She dressed meats, such as she knew his
thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abra-
ham's sake. father liked.
15 And she put on him very good garments of
25 And he built there an altar: and called upon
Esau, which she had at home with her:
the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent: and
commanded his servants to dig a well. 16 And the little skins of the kids she put about
26 To which place when Abimelech, and Ocho- his hands, and covered the bare of his neck.
zath his friend, and Phicol chief captain of his17 And she gave him the savoury meat, and
soldiers came from Gerara, delivered him bread that she had baked.
27 Isaac said to them: Why
are ve come to me 18 Which when he had carried in, he said: My*
a man whom you hate, and have thrust out from father. But he answered: I hear. art thou, Who
you? my son ?
And they answered
28 : We
saw that the Lord I am Esau thy first-born :4
19 And Jacob said :

iswith thee, and therefore we said Let there be


an oath between us, and let us make a covenant, i I am Esau thy first-born. St- Augustine (L.
29 That thou do us no harm, as we on our part contra mendacium c. 10.) treating at large upon
bave touched nothing of thine, nor have done this place, e.xcuseth Jacob from a lie, because
any thing to hurt thee: but with peace have this whole passage was mysterious, as relating to
sent thee away increased with the blessing of the preference which was afterwards to be given
the Lord. to tne Gentiles before the carnal Jews, which
Jacob by prophetic light might understand. So
* Torrent. That is, a channel where some- far is certain, that the first birth-right, both by di-
times a torrent, or violent stream, had run. vine election, and bv Esau's free cession belonged
t LMtitude. That is, wideness, or room to Jacob: so that if there were any lie in the case,
: ::

I have done as tliou did^\ #mmand me arise, sit, : 41 Esau therefore always hated Jacob for th«
and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless blessing wherewith his father had blessed him:
me. and he said in his heart: The days will come of
20 And Isaac said to his son How couklst thou
: the mourning for my father, and I will kill my
find it so quickly, my son? He answered: It was brotherJacob.
the will of God that what I sought came quickly 42 These things were told to Rebecca: and she
in my way sent and called Jacob her son, and said to him:
21 And
Isaac said: Come hither, that I may Behold, Elsau thy brother threateneth to kill thee.
eel thee, my
son, and may prove whether thou be 43 Now
therefore, my son, hear my voice, arise
my son Esau, or no. and flee to Laban my brother to Haran
22 He came near to his father, and when he 44 And thou shalt dwell with him a few days,
had felt him, Isaac said: The voice indeed is the till the wrath of thy brother be assuaged,
voice of Jacob; but the hands are the hands of 45 And his indignation cease, and he forget the
Esau. things thou hast done to him: afterwards I will
23 And he knew him not, because his hairy send, and bring thee from thence hither. Why
hands made him like to the elder. Then blessing shall I be deprived of both my sons in one day?
46 And Rebecca said to Isaac: I am weary of

24 He said: Art thou my son Esau.' He
an- my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Ja-
swered: I a^n. cob take a wife of the stock of this land, I choose
25 Then he said: Bring me the meats of thy not to live.
hunting, my son, that my soul may bless thee.
And when they were brought, and he had eaten, XXVIII CHAP.
he offered him wine also, which after he had Jacob's journey to Mesopotamia: his vision and
drunk, vow.

26 He said to him:
a kiss, my son.
Come near me, and give AND
Isaac called Jacob, and blessed him, and
him, saying: Take not a wife of
27 He came near,
and kissed him. And imme- the stock of Chanaan:
diately as he smelled the fragrant smell of his 2 But go, and take a journey to Mesopotamia
garments, blessing him, he said Behold, the smell
: of Syria, to the house of Bathuel thy mother's fa-
of my son is as the smell of a plentiful field, which ther, and take thee a wife thence of the daughters
the Lord hath blessed. of Laban thy uncle.
28 God give thee of the dew of heaven, and of 3 And God Almighty bless thee, and make
the fatness of the earth, abundance of corn and thee to increase, and multiply thee: that thou
wine. mayest be a multitude of people.
29 And let peoples serve thee, and tribes wor- 4 And give the blessings of Abraham to thee,
ship thee be thou lord of thy brethren, and let thy
: and to thy seed after thee: that thou mayest
mother's children bow down before thee. Cursed possess the land of thy sojournment, which he
be he that curseth thee: and let him that blesseth [iromised to thy grandfather.
thee be filled with blessings. 5 And when Isaac had sent him away, he took
30 Isaac had scarce ended his words, when his journey and went to Mesopotamia of Syria to
Jacob being now gone out abroad, Esau came, J^aban the son of Bathuel the Syrian, brotner to
31 And brought meats made of Rebecca his mother.
in to his father
what he had taken saying: Arise, my
in hunting, 6 And Esau seeing that his father had blessed
father, and eat of thy son's venison; that thy soul Jacob, and had sent him into Mesopotamia of
may bless me. Syria, to marry a wife thence ; and that after the
32 And Isaac said to him Whj' who art thou ? blessing he
: ! hM
charged him, saying: Thou shalt
He answered I am thy first-born son Esau.
: not take a wife of the daughters of Chanaan:
33 Isaac was struck with fear, and astonished 7 And that Jacob obeying his parents was gone
exceedingly; and wondering beyond what can into Syria*
be believed, said: Who
is he then that even now 8 Experiencing also that his father was not well
brought me venison that he had taken, and I ate pleased wkh the daughters of Chanaan
of all before thou earnest? and I have blessed him, 9 He went to Ismael, and took to wife, beside?
and he shall be blessed. them he had before, Maheleth the daughter of
34 Esau having heard his father's words, roar- Ismael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nabajoth.
ed out with a great cry: and being in a conster- 10 But Jacob being departed from Bersabec,
nation, said: Bless me also, my father. went on to Haran.
35 And he said Thy brother came deceitfully
: 11 And when he was come to a certain place,
and got thy blessing. and would rest in it after sun-set, he took of the
36 But he said again: Rightly is his name called stones that lay there, and putting mider his head,
Jacob:* for he hath supplanted me lo this second slept in the same place.
time: my first birth-right he took away before, 12 And he saw in his sleep a ladder standing
and now this second time he hath stolen away my upon the earth, and the top thereof touching hea-
blessing. And again he said to his father: Hast ven the Angels also of God ascending and de-

thou not reserved me also a blessing? scending by it.

37 Isaac answered: I have appointed him thy 13 And the Lord leaning upon the ladder, say-
lord, and have made all his brethren his servants: ing to him: I am the Lord God of Abraham thy
^ have established him with corn and wine, and father, and the God of Isaac The land wherein
after this, what shall I do more for thee, my son? thou sleepest, I will give to thee and to thy seed.

38 And Esau said to him: Hast thou only one 14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the
blessing, father? I beseech thee bless me also. earth: thou shalt srfread abroad to the west, and
And when he wept with a loud cry, to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and
39 Isaac being moved, said to him: In the fat of IN THEE and thy seed all the tribes of the earth
the earth, and in the dew of heaven from above, SHALL BE BLESSED. '

40 Shall thy blessing be. Thou shalt live by 15 And I will be thy keeper whithersoever
the sword, and shalt serve thy brother: and the thou goest, and will bring thee back into this land:
time shall come, when thou shalt shake ofif, and neither will I leave thee, till I shall have accom-
loose his yoke from thy neck. plished all that I have said.
16 And when Jacob awaked out of sleep, he
it could be no more than an officious and venial said Indeed the Lord is in this place, and I knew

one. it not.
* Jacob- That is, a supplanter. 17 And tremblmg he said: How
terrible is tliia


place this is no other but the house of God, and
! will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy young
the gate of heaven. er daughter.
IS And Jacob arising in the morning, took the 19 Laban answered: It is better that I give her
stone, which he had laid under his head, and set it to thee than to another man; stay with me.
up for a title,* pouring oil ujion the top of it. 20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel:
19 And he called the name of the city Bethel,t and they seemed but a few days because of the
whiclrbefore was called Luza. greatness of his love.
20 And he made avow, saj'ing: If God shall 21 And he said to Laban: Give me my wife;
be with me, and shall keep me in the way, by for now the time is fulfilled, that I may go in unto
which I walk, and shall give me bread to eat, and her.
raiment to juit on, 22 And he, having invited a great number of
21 And I shall return prosperously to my his friends to the feast, made the marriage.
father's house; the Lord shall be my God: 23 And at night he brought in Lia his daughter
22 And this stone, which I have set up for a to him,
title, shall be called The house of God: and of all 24 Giving his daughter a handmaid, named
things that tliou slialt give to me, I will offer tithes Zelpha. Now^ when Jacob had gone in to her
to thee. according to custom, when morning was come, he
saw it ivas Lia
CHAP. XXIX. 25 And he said to his father-in-law: What is it
Jacob serveth Laban seven years for Rachel; but that thou didst mean to do.' did not I serve thee
is deceived with IJa: he oftcrtvards marrieth for Rachel? why hast thou deceived me.'
Rachel. Lia hears him four sons. 26 I^aban answered: It is not the custom in this
HHEN Jacob went on in his journey, and came place, to give the 3'ounger in marriage first.
into the east country. 27 Make up the week of days of this match:
2 And he saw a well in the field, and three and I Vv-ill give thee her also, for the service that
flocks of sheep lying b}^ it: for the beasts were thou shalt render me other seven years.
watered out of it, and the mouth tliereof was 28 He yielded to his pleasure: and after the
closed v.'ith a great stone. week was past, he married Rachel:
3 And the custom was, when all the sheep were 29 To whom lier father gave Bala for her ser-
gathered together, to roll away the stone, and vant.
after the sheep were watered, to jiut it on the 30 And having at length obtained the marriage
mouth of the well again. he wished for, he preferred the love of the latter
4 And he said to the shepherds: Biethren, before the former, and served with him othei
whence are you.' They answered: Of Haran. seven years.
5 And he asked them, saying: Know you 31 And the Lord seeing that he despised Lia,
Laban the son of Nachor? They said: We
know opened her womb; but her sister remained barren.
him. 32 And she conceived and bore a son, and
6 He said: Is he in health.' He is in health, say called his name Ruben, saying: The Lord saw
the}': and behold, Rachel his daughter cometh my affliction: now my husband will love me.
witli his flock. 33 Ancl again she conceived and bore a son,
7 And Jacob said: There is yet much day and said: Because the Lord heard that I was de-
remaining, neither is it time to bring the flocks spised, he hath given this also to me: and she
into the folds again: first give the sheep drink, called his name Simeon.
and so lead them back to feed. 34 And she conceived a third time, and bore
8 They answered: We cannot, till all the cattle another son: and said: Now
also my husband
be gathered together, and we remove the stone will be joined to me, because I have borne him
from the well's mouth, that we may water the three sons: and therefore she called his name
flocks. Levi.
9 They were yet speaking, and behold, Rachel 35 The fourth time she conceived and bore a
came with her father's sheep: for she fed the son, and said: Now
will I praise the Lord: and
flock. for this she called him Juda.
: And she lel't bear-
10 And when Jacob saw her, and knew her to ing-
be his cousin german, and that they were the
sheep of Laban his uncle, he removed the stone
wherewith the well was closed. Rachel being barren, delivereth her handmaid to
11 And having watered the flock, he kissed her: Jacob: she bcareih two sons. Lia ceasing to
and lifting up his voice wept: bear, giveth also her handmaid, and she beareth
12 Ancl he told her that he was her father's two more. Then Lia beareth ttvo other sons
brother, and the son of Rebecca but she went in
and one daughter- Rachel beareth Joseph,
haste and told her father. Jacob desirous to return home, is h.ired to stay
13 Who, when he heard that Jacob his sister's for a certain part of the stock^s increase
son was come, ran forth to rrxet him: and embra- whereby he becometh exceeding rich.
cing him, and heartily kissing him, brought him
into his house. And when he had heard tlie causes
Rachel, seeing herself without children,
envied her sister, and said to her husband:
of his journey, Give me children, otherwise I shall die.
14 He answered: Thou art my bone and my 2 And Jacob being angry with he<^ answered:
flesh. And after the days of one ntonth were Am
I as God, who hath deprived thee of the fruit
expired, of thy womb.'
15 He said to him: Because thou art my bro- 3 But she said: I have here my servant Bala:
ther, shalt thou serve me without wages.' Tell me go in unto her, that she may bear upon my knees,
what wages thou wilt have. and I may have children by her.
16 Now he had two daughters, the name of 4 And she gave him Bala in marriage: who,
the elder was Lia: and the younger %vas called 5 When her husband had gone in unto hei,
Rachel. conceived and bore a son.
17 But Lia was blear-eyed: Rachel was well 6 And Rachel said: The Lord hath judged for
favoured, and of a beautiful countenance. me, and hath heard my voice, giving me a son;
18 And Jacob being in love with her. said I and therefore she called his name Dan.

7 And again Bala conceived, and bore another,

* A title. That is, a pillar, or monument. 8 For whom Rachel said: God hath compared
f Bethel. This name signifies the house of me with my sist^, and I have prevailed: and she
God. called him Nephtali

9 Lia perceiving that she had left off bearing, divers colours, and spotted: and all the flock of
gave Zelpha her handmaid to her husban 1. one colour, that is, oi white and black fleece, he
10 And when she had conceived and brought delivered into the hands of liis sons.
forth a son, 36 And he set the space of three days journey
11 She said: Happily. And therefore called his betwixt himself and his son-in-law, who fed the
name Gad. rest of his flock.
12 Ztlpha also bore another. 37 And Jacob took green rods of poplar, and
13 And Lia said: This is for my happiness: for of almond, and of plane-trees, and pilled them in
Women will call me blessed. Therefore she called part: so when the bark was taken on, in the parts
him Aser. that were pilled, there appeared whiteness: but
14 And Ruben going out in the time of the the parts that were whole, remained green" and
wheat harvest into the field, found mandrakes: by this means the colour was divers.
which he brought to his mother Lia. And 38 And he put them in the troughs, where the
R;ichel said: Give me part of thy son's man- water was poured out; that when the flocks should
drakes. come to drink, they might have the rods before
ib She answered: Dost thou think it a small their eyes, an9 in the sight of them might con-
matter, that thou hast taken my husband from me, ceive.
unless thou take also my son's mandrakes.' Ra- 39 And it came to pass that in the very heat of
chel said He shall sleep widi thee this night, for coition, the sheep beheld the rods, and brought*

thy son's mandrakes. forth spotted, and of divers colours, and speckled.
16 And when Jacob returned at even from the 40 And Jacob separated th.e flock, and put the
field, Lia went out to meet him, and said: Thou rods in the troughs before the eyes of the rams:
shak come in unto me, because I have hired thee and all the white and tlie black were Laban's
for iny son's mandrakes. And he slept with her and the rest were Jacob's, when the flocks were
that night. separated one from the other.
17 And God heard her prayers: and she con 41 So when the ewes went first to ram, Jacob
ceived, and bore the fifth son, put the rods in the trouo;hs of water before the
18 And said: God hath given me a reward, eyes of tlie rams, and of the ewes, that they might
because I gave my handmaid to my husband. And conceive while they were looking upon them:
she called nis name Issachar. 42 But when the later coming was, and the last
19 And Lia conceived again, and bore the sixtli conceiving, he did not put them. And those that
son, were lateward, became Laban's; and they of the
20 And said: God hath endowed me with a first time, Jacob's.
good dowry: this turn also my husband will be 43 And the man was enriched exceedingly, and
with me, because I have borne him six sons: and he had many flocks, maid-servants and men-ser-
therefore she called his name Zabulon. vants, caineis and asses.
21 After whom she bore a daughter, named
22 The Lord also remembering Rachel, heard Jacob's departure: he is pursued and overtaken
her, and opened her womb by Laban. They make a covenant.
23 And she conceived, and bore a son, .saying: UT after that he heard the words of the sons
God hath taken away my reproach. of Laban, saying: Jacob hath taken away all
24 And she called his name Joseph, saying: tliat was our father's, and being enriched by his
The Lord give me also another son. substance is become great:
25 And when Joseph was born, Jacob said to 2 And perceiving also that Laban's counte-
his fatlier-in-law: Send me away that I may re- nance was not towards him as yesterday and the
turn into my country, and to my land. other day.
26 Give me my wives, and my children, for 3 Especially the Lord saying to him: Return
whom I have served thee, that I m<ay depart: into the land of thy fathers and to thy kindred, and
thou knowest the service that I have rendered I will be with thee.
tliee. 4 He sent, and called Rachel and Lia into the
27 Laban said to him: Let me find favour in field, where he fed the flocks,
thy sight: I have learned by experience, that God 5 And said to them: I see your father's coun-
hath blessed me for thy sake: tenance is not towards me as yesterday and the
28 Appoint thy wages which I shall give thee. other day: but the God of my father hath been
29 But he answered: Thou knowest how I have with me.
served thee, and how great thy possession hath 6 And you know that I have served yot r father
been in my hands. to the uttermost of my power.
30 Thou hadst but little before I came to thee, 7 Yea, your father also hath over-reached me,
and now thou art become rich: and the Lord hath and hath changed my wages ten times: and yet
blessed thee at my coming. It is reasonable there- God hath not suffered him to hurt me.
fore that I should now provide also for my own S If at any time he said: The speckled shall be
house. thy wages, all the sheep brought forth speckled:
31 And Laban said: What shall I give thee.' but when he said on the contrary Thou shalt take

But he said: I retjuire nothing: but if thou wilt do all the white ones for thy wages: all the flocks
\That I den»nd, I will feed and keep thy sheep brought forth white ones.
again. 9 And God hath taken your father's substance,
32 Go round through all thy flocks, and sepa- and given it to me.
rate all the sheep of divers colours, and speckled: <10 For after the time came of the ewes con
and all that is brown and spotted, and of divers ceiving, I lifted up my eyes, and saw in my
colours, as well among the sheep, as among the sleep that the males which leaped upon the fe-
goats, shall be my wages. males luere of divers colours, and sjiotted, and
33 A nd my justice shall answer for me to-mor- speckled.
row before thee when the time of the bargain shall 11 And the Angel of God said to me in my
come: and all that is not of divers colours, and sleep: Jacob.' And I answered: Here I am.
spotted, and brown, as well among the sheep as 12 And he said: Lift \\\> thy eyes, and see that
among the goats, shall accuse me of theft. all the males leaping upon the females, are ol
34 And Laban said: I like well what thou divers colours, spotted and speckled. For I have
demandest. seen all that Laban hath done to thee.
35 And he separated the same day the she-goats, 13 I am the God of Bethel, where thou didst
and the sheep, and the he-goats, and the rams of anoint the stone, and make a vow to me. No'w
: :

therefore arise, and go out of this land, and return 37 And searched all my household-stuff? What
into thy native country. hast thou found of all the substance of thy house?
14 And Rachel and Lia answered: Have we lay it here before my brethren, and thy brethren,
any thing left among the goods and inheritance of and let them judge between me and thee.
our fnthcr's House? 38 Have I therefore been with thee twenty
15 Hath he not counted us as strangers, and years? thy ewes and goats were not barren, the
sold ns, and eaten up the price of us? rams of thy flocks I did not eat:
irt Rut God hath talcen our fatlier's riclies, and 39 Neither did I show thee that which the oeast
dehvered them to us, and to our chikiren: where- had torn, I made good all the damage: whatsoever
fore do all that God liath commanded thee. was lost by theft, thou didst exact it of me:
17 Then Jacob rose up, and having set his chil- 40 Day and night was I parched with heat, and
dren, and wives upon camels, went his way. with frost, and sleep departed from my eyes.
]^> And he took all his substance, and nocks, 41 And in this manner have I served thee in thy
and whatsoever he had gotten in Mesopotamia, house twenty years, fourteen for thy daughters,
B.'ui u eit forward to Isaac his father to tlie land of and six for thy flocks: thou hast changed also my
Chanaan. wages ten times.
19 At that time Laban was gone to shear his 42 Unless the God of my father Abraham, and
sheep, nnd Rachel stole away her father's idols the fear of Isaac had stood by me, peradventure
20 And Jacob would not confess to his father- now thou hadst sent me away naked: God beheld
in-law that he was flying away. my affliction and the labour of my hands, and re-
21 And when he was gone, together with all buked thee yesterday.
that bt longed to him, and having passed the river, 43 Laban answered him: The daughters are
was going on towards* mount Galaad, mine and the children, and thy flocks, and all
22 It was told Laban on the third day that things that thou seest are mine: what can I do to
Jacob fled. my children, and grandchildren?
23 And he took his brethren with him, and pur- 44 Come therefore, let us enter into a league:
sued after him seven days: and overtook him m that it may be for a testimony 'etween me and
the mount of Galaad. thee.
2-1 And he saw in a dream God saying to him 45 And Jacob took a stone nd set it up for a

Take heed thou speak not any thing harshly tjtle

against Jacob. 46 And he said to his b.v.tnren: Bring hither
25 Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the stones. And they, gathermg stones together, made
mountain: and when he with his brethren liad a heap, and they ate upon it.
overtaken him, he pitched his tent in the same 47 And Laban called it The witness heap: and
mount of Galaad. Jacob, The hillock of testimony; each of them
26 And he said to Jacob: Why hast thou done according to the propriety of his language.
thus, to carry away, without my knowledge, my 48 And Laban said: This heap shall be a wit-
daughters, as captives takrn with the sword ? . ness between me and thee this day, and therefore
27 Why wouldst thou run away privately, and the name thereof was called Galaad, that is. The
not accjuaint me, that I might have brought thee on witness heap.
the way with joy, and with songs, and with tim 49 The Lord behold and judge between us
brels, and v/ith harps? when we shall be gone one from the other.
28 Thou hast not suffered me to kiss my sons 50 If thou afflict my daughters, and if thou bring
and daughters: thou hast done foolishly: and now in other wives over them: none is witness of our
indeed, speech but God, who is present and beholdeth.
29 It is in my power to return thee evil: but the 51 And he said again to Jacob: Behold this
God of your father said to me yesterday: Take heap, and the stone which I liave set up between
heed thou speak not any tiring harshly against me and thee,
Jacob. 52 Shall be a witness: this heap, I say, and the
30 Stippose, thou didst desire to go to thy stone be they for a testimony, if either l' shall pass
friends, and hadst a longing after thy father's beyond it going towards thee, or thou shalt pass
house: why hast thou stolen away my gods? beyond it, thinking harm to me.
31 Jacob answered: That I departed unknown 53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Na-
to thee, it itvis for fear lest thou wouldst take chor, the God of their father, jud^e between us
away thy daughters by force. And Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac:
32 Rut whereas thou chargest me with theft: •54 And after he had offered sacrifices in the
with whomsoever thou shalt find thy gods, let mountain, he called his brethren to eat bread.
hirn be slain before our brethren. Search, and if And when they had eaten, they lodged there:
thou find any of thy things with me, take them 55 But Laban arose in the night, and kissed his
aw.iy. Now when he said this, he knew not that sons, and daughters, and blessed them, and return
Racn< 1 had stolen the idols. ed to his i)lace.
?/3 So Laban went into the tent of Jacob, and
of Lia, and of both the handuiaids, and found CHAP. XXXII.
ihem not And when he was entered into Rachel's Jacob's vision of Angels; his message and pre
tent, sents to Esau: his icrestling with an Angel.
34 She in haste hid the idols under the camel's
furniture, and sat upon them: and when he had
JACOB also went on the journey he had be-
gun: and the Angels of God met him.
efearehed all the tent, and found nothing, 2 And when he saw them, he said: These are
35 She said Let not my lord be angry that I the canrij)s of God, and he called the name of that

cannot ri>e up before thee, because it has now place Mahanaim, that is, Camps.
h.ippened to me according to the custom of 3 And he sent messengers before him to Esau
women. So his careful search was in vain. his brother to the land of Seir, to the country of
36 And Jacob being angry, said in a chiding Edom:
manner: For what fault of mine, and for what of- 4 And he commanded them, saying: ThusshaU
fence on my part hast thou so hotly pursued me, ye speak to my lord Esau: Thus saith thy brothev
Jacob: I have sojourned with Laban, and have
* Hrr father^ s idols. By' this it appears, that been with him until this day.
Laban was an idolater: and some of the fathers 5 I have oxen, and asses, and sheep, and men-
are of opinion, that Racliel stole away these idols servants, and women-servants: and now I send a
to wthdraw him from idolatry, by removing the message to my lord, that I may find favour in tiiy
^occasion of his sin. sight.
D 25
6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, say-! 27 And he said: What is thy name? He
ing: We came to Esau thy brother, and behold, swered: Jacob.
he c )methwith speed to meet thee with four hun- 28 But he said: Thy name shall not be called
dief^ men. Jacob, but Israel: for if thou hast been strong
7 Then Jncob was greatly afraid; and in his against God, how much more shalt thou prevail
fear divided the people that was with him, and against men ?
ihe flocks, and the sheep, and the oxen, and the 29 Jacob asked him: Tell me by what name
camels, into two companies, art thou called? He answered: Why
dost thou
S Saying If Esau come to one company, and ask my name ? And he blessed him in the same
destroy it, the othei company that is left, shall place.
escape 30 And Jacob called the name of the place
9 And Jacob said: God of O my
father Abra- Phanuel,t saying: I have seen God face to lace,
ham, and God of my father Isaac : O
Lord who and my soul has been saved.
saidst to mei Return to thy land, and to the 31 And immediately the sun rose upon him,
place of thy birth, and I will do well for thee. after he was past Phanuel; but he halted on his
10 I am not worthy of the least of all thy mer- foot.
cies, and of thy truth which thou hast fulfilled to 32 Therefore the children of Israel, unto this
thy servant. With my staff I passed over this day, eat not the sinew, that shrank in Jacob's
Jor Jan: and now I return with two companies. tliigh; because he touched the sinew of his thigh
) 1 Deliver me from the hand of my brother and it shrank.
Esau, for I am !;reatiy afraid of him: Lest per-
hai^s he come, and kill the mother with the chil-
dien. Jacob and Esau meet: Jacob go 2th to Salem,
12 Thou didst say that thou wouldstdo well by where he ruiseth an altar.
me, and multij ily
which cannot be numbered
seed like the sand of the sea,
for multitude.
AND Jacob lifting up his eyes, saw Esau
coming, and with him four hundred men:
13 And when he had slept there that night, he and he divided the children of Lia and of Rachel,
set apart, of the things which he had, presents for and of the two handmaids:
his brother Esau, 2 And he put both the handmaids and their
14 Two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, children foremost: and Lia and her children in
two hundred ewes, and twenty rams, the second place: and Rachel, and Joseph last.
15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty 3 And he went forward and bowed down with
kine, and twenty bulls, twenty she-asses, and ten his face to Ihe ground seven times, until his bro
of their foals. ther came near.
16' And he sent them by the hands of his ser- 4 Then Esau ran to meet his brother, and em-
vants, every drove by itself, and he said to his braced him; and clasping him fast about the neck,
servants: Go before me, and let there be a space and kissing him, wept.
between drove and drove. 5 And lifting up his eyes, he saw the women
17 And he commanded the first, saying; If thou and their children, and said: What mean these?
meet my brother Esau, and he ask thee: Whose and do they belong to thee? He answered: They
art thou.' or whither goest thou.' or whose are are the children which God hath given to me thy
these before thee? servant.
IS Thou shalt answer: Thy serv^ant Jacob's: 6 Then the handmaids and their children came
he hath sent them as a present to my lord Esau: near, and bowed themselves.
and he cometh after us. 7 Lia also with her children came near, and
19 In like manner he commanded the second, bowed down in like manner, and last of all Joseph
and tlie third, and all that followed the droves, and Rachel bowed down.
saying: Speak ye the same words to Esau, when 8 And Esau said: What are the droves that I
ye find him. met? He answered: That I might find favour
20 And ye shall add Thj servant Jacob him- before my lord.

self also followeth after us; for he said: I will ap- 9 But he said: I have plenty, my brother, keep
pease him with the presents that go before, and what is thine for thyself.
afterwards I will see him, perhaps he will be gra- 10 And Jacob said Do not so, I beseech thee,

cious to me. but if I have found favour in thy eyes, receive a

21 So the presents went before him, but him- little present at my hands: for I have seen thy
self lodged that night in the camp. face, as if I should have seen tlie countenance of
22 And rising early he took his two wives, and God; be gracious to me,
his two handmaids, with his eleven sons, and 11 And take the blessing, which I have brought
passed over the ford of Jaboc- thee, and which God hath given me, who giveth
23 And when all things were brought over that all things. He took it with much ado at his bro-
belonged to him, ther's earnest pressing him,
24 He remained alone: and behold, a man* 12 And said: Let us go on together, and I will
wrestled with him till morning. accompany thee in thy journey.
2-5 And when he saw that he could not over- 13 And Jacob said: My lord, thou knowest
come him, he touched the sinew of his thigh, and that I have with me tender children, and sheep,
forthwith it shrank. and kine with young; which if I should cause to
26 And he snid to him: Let me go, 'for it is be over-driven, in one day all the flocks will die.
break of day. He answered: I will not let thee 14 May it please my lord to go before his ser-
go, except thou bless me. vant; and I will follow softly after him, as I shall
see my children to be able, mitil I come to my
* Aman, Si'c. This was an Angel in human lord in Seir.
shape, as we learn from Osee, xii. 4. He is called 15 Esau answered: I beseech thee, that some
God, V. 28. and 30. because he represented the of the people at least, who are with me, may stay
person of the Son of God. This wrestling, in to accompany thee in the way. And he said;
which Jacob, assisted by God, was a match for There is no necessity: I want nothing else but.
an Angel, was so ordered (v. 28.) that he might only to find favour my lord, in thy sigh'
learn by this experiment of the divine assistance, 16 So Esau returned, that day, the way that he
that neither Esau, nor any other man, should have came, to Seir.
power to hurt him. It was also spiritual, as ap-
peareth by his earnest prayer, urging and at last t Phanuel. This word signifies the face of God,
obtaining the Angel's blessing- or. the sight, or, seeing of God.

17 And Jacob came to Socoth: where having It, which being large and wide wanteth men to t'li
built a house, and pitched tents, he called the it: we shall take their daughters for wives, and
name of the place Socoth, that is. Tents. we will give
ours. them
18 And he j^issed over to Salem a city of the 22 One
there is for which so great a
Sichemites, which is in the land of Chanaan, after good is deferred: We
must circumcise every
he retm-ned from Mesopotamia of Syria: and he male among us, following the manner of the
dwelt by the town. nation.
19 And he bought that part of the field, in ^vhich23 And their substance, and cattle, and all that
h*^ pitchecj his tents, of the children of H^mor, they possess, shall be ours: only in this let us
the father of Sichem, for a hundred lambs. condescend, and by dwelling together, we shall
20 And raising an altar there, he invoked upon make one people.
iV the most mighty God of Israel. 24 And they all agreed, and circumcised all the
CHAP. XXXIV. 25 And behold, the third day, when the pain of
Diua is ravished, for lohich the Sichemites are the wound was greatest, two of the sons of Jacob,
destroyed. Simeon and Levi the brothers of Dina, taking
AND Dina the daughter of Lia went out to their swords, entered boldly into the city, and
see the women ot that country. slew all the men:
2 And when Sichem the son of Hemor the 26 And they killed also Hemor and Sichem,
Hevite, the prince of that land, saw her, he was and took away their sister Dina, out of Sichem's
in love with her; and took her awaj , and lay with house.
her, ravishing the virgin. 27 And when they were gone out, the other
3 And his soul was fast knit unto her, and tons of Jacob came upon the slain; and plunder-
v.'hereas she was sad, he comforted her with ed the city in revenge of the rape.
sweet words. 28 And they took their sheep and their herds
4 Andgoing to Hemor his father, he said: Get and their asses,wasting all they had in their
me this damsel to wife. houses p id in the fields.
5 But when Jacob had heard this, his sons being 29 Aiiii their children, and wives they took
absent, and employed in feeding the cattle, he held captive.
his peace till they came back. And when they had boldly perpetrated these
6 And when Hemor the father of Sichem was Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: You have
come out to speak to Jacob, troubled me, and made me hateful to the Chanaan-
7 Behold his sons came from the field: and ites and Pherezites, the inhabitants of this land.
hearing what had passed, thef were exceeding We are few: they will gather themselves to-
angry, because he had done a ioul thing in Israel, gether and kill me; and both I, and my house
and committed an unlawful act, in ravishing shall be destroyed.
Jacob's daughter. 31 They answered: Should they abuse our sis-
8 And Hemor spoke to them The soul of my
: ter as a strumpet'
Bon Sichem has a longing for your daughter; give
her him to wife. CHAP. XXXV
9 And let us contract marriages one with ano- Jacob purgeth his family from idols: gocth by
ther; give us your daughters, and take you our God's commandment to Bethel, and there build-
daughters. eth an altar. God appearing again to Jacob
10 And dwell with us: the land is at your com- blesseth him, and changeth his name into
mand, till, trade, and possess it. Israel. Rachel dieth in child-birth. Isaac also
11 Sichem also said to her father and to her dieth.
brethren: Let me find favour in your sight: and the mean time God said to Jacob: Arise,
whatsoever you shall appoint I will give; IN
and go up to Bethel, and dwell there, and
12 Raise the dowry, and ask gifts, and I will make there an altar to God, who appeared to thee
gladly give what you shall demand; only give me when thou didst flee from Esau thy brother.
this damsel to wife. 2 And Jacob having called together all his
13 The sons of Jacob answered Sichem and household, said: Cast away the strange gods that
his father deceitfully,* being enraged at the de- are among you, and be cleansed and change your
flowering of their sister; garments.
14 We cannot do what you demand, nor give 3 Arise, and let U3 go up to Bethel, that we may
our sister to one that is uncircumcised; which make there an altar to God; who heard me in the
with us is unlawful and abominable. day of my affliction, and accompanied me in my
1.5 But in this we may be allied with you, if you
will be like us, and all the male sex among you be 4 So they gave him all the strange gods they
circumcised; had, and the ear-rings which were in their ears:
16 Then will we mutually give and take your and he buried them under the turpentine-tree, that
daughters, and ours; and we will dwell with you, is belynd the city of Sichem.
and will De one people: 5 And when they were departed, the terror of
17 But if you will not be circumcised, we will God fell upon all the cities round about, and
take ourtlaughter and depart- they durst not pursue after them as they went
18 Their oflfer pleased Hemor, and Sichem his away.
son: 6 And Jacob came to Luza, which is in the
19 And the young man made no delay, but forth- land of Chanaan, surnamed Bethel; he and all the
with fulfilled what was required; for he loved the people that were with him.
damsel exceedingly, and he was the greatest man 7 And he built there an altar, and called the
in all his father's house. name of that place. The house of God: for there
20 And going into the gate of the city, they God appeared to him when he fled from Ms
spoke to the people brother.
21 These men are peaceable, and are willing to 8 At the same time Debora the nurse of Ile-
dwell with us: let them trade in the land, and till becca died, and was buried at the foot of Bethel
under an oak: and the name of that jilace was
* DereitfuUy. The sons of Jacob, on this oc- called. The oak of weeping.
casion, were guilty of a grievous sin, as well by 9 And God appeared again to Jacob after he
falsely pretending religion, as by excess of their returned from Mesopotamia of Syria, and he
revenge._ Though, otherwise their zt al against so blessed him,
foul a crime was commendable. 10 Saying: Thou shalt not be called any mor?
Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name. And he 6 And Esau took his wives and his sons and
called him Israel.* daughters, and every soul of his house, and his
11 And said to him: I am God Almig;hty, in- substance, and cattle, and all that he was able to
crease thou and be multiiilied. Nations and jieo acquire in the land of Chanaan: and went into
ples.of nations sliall be from thee, and kings shall another country, and departed from his brother
come out of thy loins. Jacob.
12 And the land which I gave to Abraham 7 For they were exceeding rich, and could not
and Isaac, I will f;ive to thee, and to thy seed ai dwell together: neither was the land in which
ter thee. they sojourned, able to bear them, for the multi-
13 And he departed from him. tude of their flocks.
14 But he set up a monument of stone, in the 8 And Esau dwelt in Mount Seir: he is Edom.
place where God had spoken to him; pouring 9 And these are the generations of Esau the
drink-offerings ujion it, and pouring oil thereon; father of Edom in Mount Seir.
15 And calling the name of that place Bethel. 10 And these the names of his sons: Eliphaz
16 And going forth from thence, he came in the the son of Ada the wife of Esau: and Rahuel tlu
spring time to the land which leadeth to Ephrata: son of Basemath his wife.
wherein when Rachel was in travail, 11 And Eliphaz had sons: Theman, Omar,
17 By reason of her hard labour, she began to Sepho, and Gatliam and Cenez.
be in danger, and the midwife said to her: Fear 12 AndThamna was the concubine of Eliphaz
not, for thou shall have this son also. the son of Esau: and she bore him Amalech.
IS And when her soul was departing for pain, These are the sons of Ada the wife of Esau.
and death was now at hand, she called the name 13 And the sons of Rahuel: were Nahath and
of her son Benoni, that is. The son of my pai*: Zara, Samma and Meza. These loere the sons of
but his father called him Benjamin, that is. The son Basemath the wife of Esau.
of the right hand. 14 And these were the sons of Oolibama, the
19 So Rachel died, and was buried in the high- daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon, the
way that leadeth to Ephrata, this is Bethlehem wife of Esau, whom she bore to him, Jehus, and
2b And Jacob erected a pillar over her sepul- Ihelon, and Core.
chre: this is the pillar of Rachel's monument, to 15 These were dukes of the sons of Esau: the
this day. sons of Eliphaz the first-born of Esau: dake The-
21 Departing thence, he pitched his tent beyond man, duke Omar, duke Sepho, duke Cenez,
the Flock tower. 16 Duke Core, duke Gatham, duke Amalech:
22 And when he dwelt in that country: Ruben these are the sons of Eliphaz in the land of Edom,
went, and slept with Bala the concubinet of hi: and these the son^of Ada.
father: which he was not ignorant of. Now the 17 And tb.ese were the sons of Rahuel, tne son
sons of Jacob were twelve. of Esau: duke Nahalh, duke Zara, duke Samma,
23 The sons of Lia: Ruben the first-born, and duke Meza. And these are the dukes of Rahuel,
Simeon, and Levi, and Juda, and Issachar, and in the land of Edpm: these the sons of Basemath
Zabulon. the wife of Esau.
24 The sons of Rachel, Joseph and Benjamin. 18 And these the sons of Oolibama the wife of
2.5 The sons of Bala, Rachel's handmaid: Dan Esau: duke Jehus, duke Ihelon, duke Core. These
and Ne))htali. are the dukes of Oolibama, the daughter of Ana,
26 The sons of Zelpha, Lia's handmaid: Gad and wife of Esau.
and Aser: these are the sons of Jacob, that were 19 These are the sons of Esau, and these tlie
born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria. dukes of them: the same is Edom.
27 And he came to Isaac his father in Mambre, 20 These are the sons of Sf ir the Horrite, the
the city of Arbee, this is Hebron: wherein Abra- inhabitants of the land: Lotan, and Sobal, and
ham and Isaac sojourned. Sebeon, and Ana,
28 And the days of Isaac were a hundred and 21 And Dison, and Eser, and Disan. These
eighty years. are dukes of the Horrites, the sons of Seir in ihe
'19 And being spent with age he died, and was land of Edom.

gathered to his people, being old and full of days: 22 And Lotan had sons: Hori and Heman.
and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him. And the sister of Lotan, was Thamna.
23 And these the sons of Sobal: Alvan and
CHAP. XXXVI. Manahat, and Ebal, and Sejiho and Oman.
Esau with his loives and children pai'teth from 24 And these the sons of Sebeon: AiaandAna.
Jacob. An account of his descendants, and of This is Ana that found the hot waters in the wil-
the first kings of Edom. derness, when he fed the asses of Sebeon his
AND these are the generations of Esau, the father:
same is Edom. 25 And he had a son Dison, and a daughter
2 Esau took wives of the daughters of Cha- Oolibama.
naa-n: Adat the daughter of Elon the Hethite, and 26 And these tcerc the sons of Dison: Hamdan,
Oolibama the daughter of Sebeon the Hevite: and Eseban, and Jethram, and Charan.
3 And Easemath the daughter of Ismael, sister 27 These also ivere the sons of Eser: Balaan,
of Nabajoth. and Zavan, and Acan.
4 And Ada bore Eliphaz : Basemath bore 28 And Disan had sons: Hus and Aram.
Rahuel: 29 These were dukes of the Horrites: duke
5 Oolibama bore Jehus and Ihelon and Core. Lotan, duke Sobal, duke Sebeon, duke Ana,
These arc ihe sons of Esau, that were born to him 30 Duke Dison, duke Eser, duke Disan: these
in the land of Chanaan. loere dukes of the Horrites that ruled in the land
of Seir.
* Israel. This name signifieth one that prevail- 31 And the kings that ruled in the land of Edom,
eth with God. before the children of Israel had a king, were
t The concubine. She was his lawful wife; but these:
according to the style of the Hebrews, is called 32 Bela the son of Beor, and the name of his
concubine, because of her servile extraction. city Denaba.
t Ada. Th£se wives of Esau are called by 33 And Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zara
Other names, Gen. xxvi. Rut it was very com- of Bosra reigned in his stead.
mon amongst the ancients for the same persons 34 And when Jobal was dead, Husam of tlie
to have two names, as Esau himself was also call- land of the Themanites reigned in his stead.
ed Edom. 35 And after his death, Adad the son of Badid

reigned in his stead, who defeated the Madianites sheep in Sichem : come, I will send thee to tliem
>^1 the country of Moab: and the name of his city And when he answered
was, Avith. 14 I am ready: he said to him: Go, and seeil
36 And when Adad was dead, there reigned in all things be well with thy brethren, and the cattle;
Ws stead Senila of Masreca. and bring me word again what is doing. So being
37 And he being dead, Saul of the river Roho- sent from the vale of Hebron, he came to Sichem:
both, reigned in his stead. 15 And a man found him there wandering in
38 And when he also was dead, Balanan the the field, and asked what he sought.
son of Achobor succeeded to the kingdom. 16 But he answered: I seek my
brethren, tell
39 This man also being dead, Adar reigned in me where they feed the flocks.
his jilace, and the name oi his city wasPhau: and 17 And the man said to him: They are depart
iiis wife was called Meetabel, the daughter of ed from this place; for I heard them say: Let us

Matred, daughter of Mezaab. o to Dothain. And Joseph went forward aftei

40 And these are the names of the dukes of lis brethren, and found them in Dotliain.
Esau in their kindreds, and places, and callings: IS And when they saw him afar off, before he
duke Thamna, duke Alva, duke Jetheth, came nigh them, they thought to kill him;
41 Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phinon, 19 And said one to another: Behold, the dream,
42 Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke Mabsar, er Cometh.
43 Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram: these ort the 20 Come, let us kill him, and cast him into some
dukes of Edom dwelling in the land of their old pit; and we will say: Some evil beast hath
• aovernment, the same is Esau the father of the devoured him; and then it shall appear what his
Edomites. dreams avail him.
21 And Ruben hearing this, endeavoured to
CHAP. XXXVIl. deliver him out of their hands, and said:
Joseph's dreams, he is sold by his brethren, and 22 Do not take away his life, nor shed his blood,
.carried into Egypt. but cast him into this pit, that is in the wilderness,
k ND Jacob dwelt in the land of Chanaan, and keep your hands harmless: now he said this,
I\ wherein liis father sojourned. being desirous to deliver him out of their hands,
2 And these are his generations: Joseph, when and to restore him to his father.
he was sixteen years old, was feeding the flock 23 And as soon as he came to his brethren, they
with liis brethren, being but a boy: and he was forthwith stript him of his outside coat, that was
with the sons of Bala and of Zelpha his father's of divers colours:
wives: and he accused his brethren to his father 24 And cast him into an old pit where there
of a most wicked crime. was no water.
3 Now Israel loved Joseph above all his sons, 25 And sitting down to eat bread, they saw
because he had him in his old age: and he rqade some Ismaelites on their way coming from Ga-
him a coat of divers colours. laad, with their camels, carrying spices, and balm,
4 And his brethren seeing that he was loved by and myrrh to Egypt.
his father, more than all his sons, hated him, and 26 And Juda said to his brethren : What will
could not speak peaceably to him. it profit us to kill our brother, and conceal his
5 Now it fell out also that he told his brethren a blood.'

dream,* that he had dreamed; which occasioned 27 It is better that he be sold to the Ismaelites,
them to hate him the more. and that our hands be not defiled: for ht, is our
6 And he said to them: Hear my dream which brother and our flesli. His brethren agreed to his
I dreamed. words.
7 I thought we were binding sheaves in the 28 And when the Madianite merchants passed
field; and my sheaf arose, as it were, and stood, by, they drew him out of the pit, and sold him to
and your sheaves standing about bowed down be- the Ismaelites, for twenty pieces of silver: and
fore my sheaf. they led him into Egypt.
8 His brethren answered: Shalt thou be our 29 And Ruben returning to the pit, found not
king.' or shall we be subject to thy dominion.' the boy:
Therefore this matter of his dreams and words 30 And rending his garments he went to his
ministered nourishment to their envy and ha brethren, and said: The boy doth not appear, and
tred. whither shall I go?
9 He dreamed also another dream, which he 31 And they took liis coat, and dipped it in the
told his brethren, saying: I saw in a dream, as it blood of a kid, which they had killed;
were the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars 32 Sending some to carry it to their father, and
worshipping me. to say: This we have found; see whether it be
10 And when he had told this to his father, and thy son's coat, or no.
brethren, his father rebuked him, and said: What 33 And the father acknowledging it, said: It is
meaneth this dream that thou hast dreamed shall my son's coat, an evil wild beast hath eaten him,

I and thy mother, and thy brethren worshipf thee a beast hath devoured Joseph.
upon the earth. 34 And tearing his garments, he put on sack-
11 His brethren therefore envied him: but his cloth, mourning for his son a long time.
father considered the thing with himself. 35 And all his children being gathered together
12 And when his brethren abode in Sichem, to comfort their father in his sorrow, he would not
feeding their father's flocks, receive comfort, but said: I will go down to my
13 Israel said to him: Thy brethren feed the son into hell,^ mourning. And whilst he continu-
ed weeping,
A dream. These dreams of Joseph were nro 36 Tne Madianites sold Joseph in Egypt to
j.hcticat, and sent from God; as were also those
which he interpreted. Gen. xl. and .xli. otherwise t Into hell. That is, into Ztm6o,the place where
generally speaking, the observing of dreams is the souls of the just were received before the
condemned in the scripture, as sujierstitious and death of our Redeemer. For allowing that the
sinful. See Deut. xviii. 10. and Ecclesiasticus word hell sometimes is taken forthe e-7"a»e, it can-
xxxiv. 2, 3. not be so taken in this place; since Jacob did not
t Worship. This word is not used here to sig- believe his son to be in the grave, (whom he sup-
nify divine, worship, but an inferior veneration, posed to be devoured by a wild beast,) and there-
expressed by the bowing of the body, and that ac- fore could not mean to go down to him thither:
cording to the manner of the eastern nations, down but certainly meant the place of rest, where he
to the g uund believed his soul to be

Futaphar an eunuch* of Piiarao, captain of the 23 Juda said Let her take it to herself, surely

soldiers. she cannot charge us with a lie, I sent the kid

which I promised; and thou didst not find her.
CHAP. XXXVIII. 24 And behold, after three months they told
Tlie sons of Juda: the. death of Her and Onan: Juda, saying: Thamar thy daughter-in-law hath
the bii'th of Phares and Zara. played the harlot, and she appearetli to have a big
AT that time Juda went down from hiss breth belly. And Juda said: Bring her out that she may
ren, and turned in to a certain Odollamite, be burnt.
named Hiras. 25 But when she was led to execution, she sent
2 And lie saw there the daughter of a nian of to her father-in-law, saying: By the man, to whom
Chanaan, called Sue; and taking her to wife, he these things belong, I am with child. See whose
went in unto her. ring, and bracelet, and staff tiiis is.
3 And she conceived, and bore a son, and call 26 But he acknowledging the gifts, said: She is
ed his name Her. juster than I: because I did not give her to Sela
4 And conceiving again, she bore a son, and my son. However he knew her no more.
called him Onan. 27 And when she was ready to be brought to
5 She bore also a third whom she called Sela. bed, there appeared twins in her 'A'omb; and
; m
After whose birth, she ceased to bear any more the very delivery of the infants, one put forth a
6 And Juda took a wife for Her his first-born, hand, whereon the midwife tied a scarlet thread,
whose name was Thamar. saying:
7 And Her the first-born of Juda, was wicked 28 This shall come forth the first.
in the sight of the Lord; and was slain by him. 29 But he drawing back his hand, the other
8 Juda therefore said to Onan his son Go in came forth: and the woman said:
: is the Why
to thy brother's wife and marry her, that thou partition divided for thee? and therefore called
mayest raise seed to thy brother. his name Pharesf.
9 He knowing that "the children should not be 30 Afterwards his brother came out, on whose
his, when he went in to his brother's wife, he spill- hand was the scarlet thread: and she called him
ed his seed upon the ground, lest children should Zara.
be born in his brother's name.
10 And therefore the Lord slew him, because
he did a detestable thing. Joseph hath charge of his master^ s house: reject-
11 Wherefore Juda said to Tharriar his daugh eth his mistress's solicitations: is falsely ac-
ter-in-law: Remain a widow in thy father's house, cused by her, and cast into prison, where he hath
till Sela my son grow up: for he was afraid lest he
the charge of all the prisoners.
also might die, as his brethren did. She went her
Way and dwelt in her father's house.
AND Joseph was brought into Egypt, and
Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao, chief cap ain
12 And after many days were past: the daugh- of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Is-
ter of Sue the wife of Juda died: and when he maelites, by whom he was brought
had taken comfort after his mourning, he went up 2 And the Lord was with him, and he was a
to Thamnas, to the shearers of his sheep, he and prosperous man in all things: and he dwelt in his
Hiras the Odollamite tlie shepherd of his flock. master's house:
13 And it was told Thamar that her father-in- 3 Who knew very well that the Lord was with
law was come up to Thamnas to shear his sheep him, and made all that he did, to prosper in his
14 And she jjut off the garments of her widow- hand.
hood, and took a veil and changing her dress, sat
: 4 And Joseph found favour in the sight of his
in the cross way, that leadeth to Thamnas: '^e- ma.ster, and ministered to him: and being set over
cause Sela was grown up, and she had not been all by him, he governed the house committed to
married to him. » him, and all things that were delivered to him:
15 When Juda saw her, he thought shd was a 5 And the Lord blessed the house of the Egyp-
harlot: for she had covered her face, lest slife tian for Joseph's sake, and multiplied all his sub-
should be known. stance, both at home, and in the fields.
16 And going to her, he said: Suffer me to lie 6 Neither knew he any other thing, but the
with thee: for he knew her not to be his daugh- bread which he ate. And Joseph was of a beau-
ter-in-law. And she answered: What wilt thou tiful countenance, and comely to behold.
give me to enjoy my company.' 7 And after many days his mistress cast her
17 He said: I will send thee a kid out ot the eyes on Joseph, and said: Lie with me.
flock. And when she said again: I will suffer 8 But he in no wise consenting to that wicked
what thou wilt, if thou give me a pledge, till thou act, said to her: Behold, my master hath delivered
send what thou promisest. all things to me, and knoweth not what he hath in
18 Juda said What wilt thou have for a pledge his own house

She answered: Thy ring and bracelet, and the 9 Neither is there any thing which is not in my
staff which thou boldest in thy hand. The woman power, or that he hath not delivered to me, but
therefore at one copulation conceived. thee, who art his wife: how then can I do this
19 And she arose and went her way: and put- wicked thing, and sin against my God ?
ting off the apparel which she had taken, put on 10 With such words as these day by day, both
the garments of her widowhood. the woman was im])ortunate with the young man,
20 And Juda sent a kid by his shepherd, the and he refused the adultery.
Odollamite, that he might receive the pledge 11 Now it happened on a certain day, that Jo-

again, which he had given to the woman: but he, seph went into the house, and was doing some
not finding her, business without any man with him:
21 Asked the men of that place: Where is the 12 And she catching the skirt of his garment,
woman that sat in the cross way? And when they said: Lie with me. But he leaving the garment
all made answer: There was no harlot in this in her hand, fled, and went out.
place, 13 And when the woman saw the garment in
22 He returned to Juda, and said to him: I have her hands, and herself disregarded,
r,ot friund her, moreover the men of that place said 14 She called to her the men of her house, and
to nie, that there never sat a harlot there. said to them: See, he hath brought in a Hebrew^
to abuse us: he came in to me, to lie with me: ano
* An eunuch. This word sometimes signifies a when I cried out.
t'lamberldin, courtier, or officer, of the kmg: and
so it is taken ii his place. t Phares That is, a breach or division.
: : :


15 And he heard my voice, he left the garment 12 Joseph answered This is the interpretation

that I held, and aot jmn out of tlie dream: The three branches, are yet tliree
16 For a proot' therefore of lier fidehty*, she days:
kept tlie garment, and showed it to her husband 13 After which Pharao will remember thy ser-
when he returne.:; hcuie: vice, and will restore thee to thy former place
17 And said: The Heorew servant, whom thou and thou shalt present him the cup according to
hast brought, came to me to abuse me. thy office, as before thou wast wont to do.
18 And when lie heard me cry, he left the gar- 14 Only remember me, when it shall be well
ment which I held, and fled out. with thee, and do me this kindness: to put Pharao
19 His master hearing these things, and giving in mind to take me out of this prison:
too much credit to his wife's words, was very 15 For I Avas stolen away out of the land of the
angry, Hebrews, and here without any fault was cast into
20 And cast Joseph into the prison, where the the dungeon.
king's jnisoners were kept, and he was tliere shut 16 The chief baker seeing that he had wisely
up.' interpreted the dream, said: I also dreamed a
21 But the Lord was with Joseph, and having dream, That I had three baskets of meal upon my
mercy upon him gave him favour in the sight of head ^
the chiet keejier of the prison: 17 And that in one basket which was upper-
22 Who delivered into his hand all the prison- most, I carried all meats that are made by the art
ers that were kept in custody: and whatsoever of baking, and that the birds ate out of it
was done, was under him. 18 Joseph answered: This is the interpretation
23 Neither did he himself know any thing, of the dream: The three baskets, are yet three
having committed all things to him: for the Lord days:
was with him, and made all that he did to prosper. 19 After which Pharao will take thy head from
thee, and hang thee on a cross, ancf the birds shall
CHAP XL. tear thy flesh.
Joseph in tcrpreteth the dreams of two of Pharao's 20 The third day after this was the birth-day of
servants in prison: the event dedareth the Pharao and he made a great feast for his servants,

interpretations to be true, but Joseph is for- and at the banquet remembered the chief butler,
gotten. and the chief baker.
AFTER this, it came to pass, that two eunuchs, 21 And he restored the one to his place, to pre
the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, sent him the cup
offended their lord. 22 The other he hanged on a gibbet, that the
2 And Pharao being angry with them (now tlie truth of the interpreter might be shown.
one was chief butler, the other chief baker,) 23 But the chief butler, when things prospered
3 He sent them to the prison of the com- witli him, forgot his interpreter^
mander of the soldiers, in which Joseph also was
4 But tlie keeper of the prison delivered them to Joseph interpreteth the two dreams of Pharao : he
Joseph, and he served them. Some little time is made ruler over all Egypt.
parsed, and they
5 And
were kept in custody.
they both dreamed a dream the same
AFTER two years Pharao had a dream.
thought he stood by the river,
night, according to tlie interpretation agreeing to 2 Out of which came up seven kine, very beau
themselves: tifuland fat: and they fed in marshy places-
6 And when Joseph was come in to them in the 3 Other seven also came up out of the river,
morning, and saw them sad, ill-favoured, and lean fleshed: and they fed on tlie
7 He asked them, saying: "WTiy is your coun- very bank of the river, in green places:
tenance sadder to-day than usual? 4 And they devoured them, whose bodies were
8 They answered: We have dreamed a dream, very beautiful and well conditioned. So Pharao
and there is nobody to interpret it to us. And Jo- awoke.
seph said to thefti: Doth not interpretation belong 5 He slept again, and dreamed another dream:
to God.'t Tell me what you have dreamed: Seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk full
9 The chief butler first told his dream: I saw and fair:
before me a vine, 6 Then seven other ears sprung up thin and
10 On which were three branches, which by blasted,
little and little sent out buds, and after the blos- 7 And devoured all the beauty of the former.
soms brought forth ripe grapes: Pharao awaked after his rest:
11 And the cup of Pharao was in my hand: 8 And when morning was come, being struck
and I took the grapes, and pressed them into with fear, he sent to all the interpreters of Egypt,
the cup which I held, and I gave the cup to and tc* all the wise men: and they being called
Pharao. for, he told them his dream, and there was not
any one that could interpret it.
* A proof of her fidelity: or, an argument to 9 Then at length the chief butler remembering,
gain credit, argumentum fidei. said I confess my sin

t Doth not interpretation belong to God. 10 The king being angry with his servants,
"When dreams are from God, as these were, the commanded me and the chief baker to be cast
interpretation of them is a gift of God. But the into the prison of the captain of the soldiers:
generality of dreams are not of this sort; but 11 Where in one night both of us dreamed a
either firoceed from the natural comple.xions and dream forboding things to come.
dispositions of persons, or the roving of their im- 12 There was there a young man a Hebrew,
aginations in the day on such objects as they are servant to the same captain of the soldiers: to
much affected W'th, or from their mind being dis- whom we told our dreams.
turbed with caies and troubles, and oppressed 13 And we heard what afterwards the event of
with bodily infirmities: or they are suggested by the thing proved to be so. For I was restored to
evil spirits, to flatter, or to terrify weak minds; my office: and he was hanged upon a gibbet.
in order to gain belief, and so draw them into er- 14 P^orthwith at the king's command, Joseph
ror or superstition; or at least to trouble them in was brought nut of the prison, and they shaved
tlieir sleep, whom they cannot move when they him; and changing his apparel, brought him in to
are awake: so that the general rule, with regard him.
to dreams, is not to observe them nor to give anyl 15 And he said to him: I have dreamed dreams,
credit to them. and there is no one that can expound them: Now
: :

f have heard that thou art very wise at interpret- he was made governor over the whole land o!
ing tliem. Egypt.
16 Joseph answered: Without me, God shall fl And the king said to Joseph: I am Pharao
give Pharao a prosperous answer. without thy commandment no man shall move
17 So Pharao told what he had dreamed: Me- hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.
thought I stood upon the bank of the river, 45 And he turned his name, and called him in
18 And seven kine came up out of the river, the Egyptian tongue the Saviour of the world.*
exceeding beautiful and full of flesh: and they And he gave him to wife Aseneth the daughter
grazed on green places in a marshy pasture of Putiphare priest of Heliopolis. Then Joseph
19 And behold, there followed these, other went out to the land of Egypt:
seven kine, so very ill-favoured and lean, that I 46 (Now he was thirty years old when he
never saw the like in the land of Egypt stood before king Pharao) and he went round all
20 Ajid they devoured and consumed the for- the countries of Egypt.
mer, 47 And the fruitfulness of the seven years
21 And yet gave no mark of their being full: came: and the corn being bound up into sheaves
but were as lean and ill-favoured as before. I was gathered together into the barns of Egynt.
awoke, and then fell asleep again, 48 And all the abundance of grain was laid ii~J
22 And dreamed a dream: Seven ears of corn in every city.
grew up upon one stalk, full and very fair. 49 And there was so great abundance of wheat,
23 Other seven also, thin and blasted, sprung that it was equal to the sand of the sea, and the
of the stalk: plenty exceeded measure.
24 And they devoured the beauty of the former 50 And before the famine came, Joseph had
I told this dream to the conjecturers, and there is two sons born: whom Aseneth the dauenter of
no man that cjn expound it. Putiphare priest of Heliopolis bore unto him.
25 Joseph answered: The king's dream is 51 And he called the name of the first-born
one: God hath shown to Pharao what he is Manasses,t saying: God hath made me to forget
about to do. all my labours, and my father's house.
26 The seven beautiful kine, and the seven full 52 And he named the second Epbraim,t say-
ears, are seven years of plenty: and both contain ing God hath made me to grow in the land of

the same meaning of the dream. my poverty.

27 And the seven lean and thin kine that came 53 Now
when the seven years of the plenty
up after them, and the seven thin ears that were that had been in Egypt were past:
blasted with the burning wind, are seven years of 54 The seven years of scarcity, which Joseph
famine to come had foretold, began to come: and the famine pre-
23 Which shall be fulfilled in this order. vailed in the whole world, but there was bread
29 Behold, there shall come seven years of in all the land of Egypt.
great plenty in the whole land of Egypt. 55 And when there also they began to be
30 After which shall follow other seven years famished, the people cried to Pharao, for food.
of so great scarcity, that all the abundance before And he said to them: Go to Joseph: and do all that
shall be forgotten: for the famine shall consume he shall say to j'ou.
all the land, 56 And the famine increased daily in all the
31 And the greatness of the scarcity, shall de- land: and Joseph opened all the barns, and sold
stroy the greatness of the plenty. to the Egyptians: for the famine had oppressed
32 And for that thou didst see the second time them also.
a dream pertaining to the same thing: it is a to- 57 And all provinces came into Egypt, to buy
ken of tlie certainty, and that the word of God food, and to seek some relief of their want.
cometh to pass, and is fulfilled speedily.
33 Now therefore let the king provide a wise CHAP. XLII.
and industrious man, and make him ruler over the Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt.
land of Egypt: Their treatment by Joseph.
34 That he may appoint overseers over all the ND Jacob hearing that f^od was sold in
countries: and gather into barns the fifth part of Egypt, said tohis .sons: Why are ye care-
the fruits, during the seven fruitful years, less.'
35 That shall now presently ensue: and let all 2 I have heard that wheat is sold in Egypt: Go
the corn be laid up, under Pharao's hands, and ye doAvn, and buy us necessaries, that we may
be reserved in the cities. live, and not be consumed with want.
36 And let it be in readiness, against the famine 3 So the ten brethren of Joseph went down, to
of seven years to come, w^hich shall oppress buy corn in Egypt:
Egypt, and the land shall not be consumed with 4 Whilst Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob,
scarcity. who Lest perhaps he take
said to his brethren:
37 The counsel pleased Pharao, and all his ser- any harm
journey. in the
vants. 5 And they entered into the land of Egypt
38 And he said to them: Can \ve find such with others that went to buy- For the famine
another man, that is full of the spirit of God ? was land of Chanaan.
in the
39 He said therefore to Joseph: Seeing God 6 Joseph was governor in the land of
hath shown thee all that thou hast said, can I find Egypt, and corn was sold by his direction to the
one wiser and on& like unto thee.' people. And when his brethren had bowed
40 Thou shalt be over my house, and at the down to him,
commandment of thy mouth all the people shall 7 them, he spoke as it were
And he knew
obey: only in the kingly throne will I be above tosomewhat roughly, asking them:
thee- Whence came you? They answered: From the
41 And again Pharao said to Joseph: Behold, land of Chanaan, to buy necessaries of life.
I have appointed thee over the whole land of 8 And though he knew his brethren, he was
Egypt. not known by them.
42 And he took his ring from his own hnnd, 9 And remembering the dreams, which former-
and gave it into his hand: and he put upon him a ly he had dreamed, he said to them: You are
obe of silk, and put a chain of gold about his
neck * The Saviour of the world. Zaphnath paa-
43 And he made him go up into his second neah.
chariot, the crior proclaiming that all should bow t Manasses. That is. oblivion, or forgetting
their knee before him, and that they should know t Ephriaim
Tliat is, fruitful, or growiiig.

Bpics:* lou are come to view the weaker parts ren with me, and take ye necessary provWon for
ct"the land. your houses, and go your ways,
10 But they said: It is not so, my
lord, but thy 34 And bring your youngest brother to me, that
eervanls are come to' buy food. I may know you are not spies: and you may re-
11 We
are all the sons of one man: We
are ceive this man again, that is kept in prison: anJ
come as peaceable men, neither do thy servants afterwards may have leave to buy what you will.
go about any evil. 35 When they had told this, they poured out
12 And he answered them: It is otherwise: you their corn, and every man found his money tied in
are come to consider the unfenced parts of this the mouth of his sack: and all being astonished
land. together,
13 But they said: We
thy servants are twelve 36 Their father Jacob said: You have made
brethren, the sons of one man in the land of Cha- me to be without children: Joseph is not living,
naan: the youngest is with our father, the other is Simeon is kept in bonds, ana Benjamin you will
not living. take away: all these evils are fallen upon me.
] 1 He saith. This is it that I said You are spies.
: 37 And Ruben answered him: Kill my t\\.-
15 I shall now presently try what you are: by sons, if I bring him not again to thee: deliver him
the health of Pharao you shall not depart hence, into my hand, and I will restore him to thee.
until your youngest brother come. 38 But he said: My
son shall not go down with
16 Send one of you to fetch him: and you shall you: his brother is dead, and he is left alone: if
be in prison, till what you have said be proved, any mischief befall him in the land to which you
whether it be true or false: or else by the health go, you will bring down my grey hairs with sor-
of Pharao you are spies. row to hell.f
17 So he put them in prison three days.
18 And the third day he brought them out of
prison, and said: Do as I have said, and you shall The sons of Jacob go again into Egypt vnth Ben
live: for I fear God. jamin. They are entertained by Joseph.
19 If you be peaceable men, let one of your the mean time the famine wa» heavy upon
brethren be bound in prison: and go ye your all the land.
ways, and carry the corn that you have bought, 2 And when they had eaten up all the corn
unto your houses, which they had brought out of Egypt, Jacob said
20 And bring your youngest brother to me, to his sons: Go again, and buy us a little food.
that I may find your words to be true, and you 3 Juda answered: The man declared unio us
may not die. They did as he had said. with the attestation of an oath, saying: You shall
21 And they talked one to another: We
de- not see my face, unless you bring your youngest
serve to suffer these things, because We have sin- brother with you.
ned against our brother, seeing the anguish of his 4 If therefore thou wilt send him with us, we
soul, when he besought us, and we would not will set out together, and will buy necessaries for
hear: therefore is this affliction come upon us. thee.
22 And Ruben, one of them, said Did not I say 5 But if thou wilt not, we will not go: for the

to you Do not sin agains't the boy and you would man, as we have often said, declared unto us, say-
: :

not hear me? Behold, his blood is required. ing: You shall not see my face without your
23 And they knew not that Joseph understood, youngest brother.
because he spoke to them by an interpreter. 6 Israel said to them: You have done this for
24 And he turned himself away a little while, my misery, in that you told him you had also an-
and wept: and returning he spoke to them. other brother.
2.5 And taking Simeon, and binding him in their 7 But they answered: The man asked us in
presence, he commanded his servants to fill their order concerning our kindred: if our father lived:
sacks with wheat, and to put every man's money if we had a brother: and we answered him regu-
again in their sacks, and to give them besides pro- larly, according to what he demanded: could wo
visions for the way: and they did so. know that he would say: Bring hither your bro-
26 But they having loaded their asses with the ther with you .'

corn, went tlieir way. 8 And Juda said to his father: Send the boy
27 And one of them opening his sack, to give with me, that we may set forward, and may live
his beast provender in the inn, saw the money in lest both we and our children perish.
the sack's mouth, 9 I take the boy upon me, require him at my
23 And said to his brethren : My
money is given hand: unless I bring him again, and restore him to
me again, behold, it is in the sack. And they were thee, I will be guilty of sin against thee for ever.
astonished an;l troubled, and said to one another: 10 If delay had not been made, we had been
What is this that God hath done unto us.' here again the second time.
29 And they came to Jacob their father in the 11 Then Israel said to them: If it must needs
land of Chanaan, and they told him all things that be so, do what you will: take of the best fruits of
had brfallen them, saying: the land in your vessels, and carry down presents
30 The lord of the land spoke roughly to us, to the man, a little balm,§ and honey, and storax,
and took us to be spies of the country. myrrh, turpentine, and almonds.
31 And we answered him: We
are peaceable 12 And take with you double money, and carry
men, and we mean no plot. back what you found in your sacks, lest perhapa
32 We
are twelve brethren born of one father: it was done by mistake.
one is not living, the youngest is with our father 13 And take also your brother, and go to tho
in the land of Chanaan. man.
33 And
he said to us: Hereby shall I know that 14 And may my almighty God make him fa-
you are peaceable men Leave one of your breth- vourable to you: and send back with you your

brother, whom he keepeth, and this Bcnjainin,

* You are apies. This he said by way of exam- and as for me I shall be desolate without children.
ining them, to see what they would answer. 15 So the men took the presents, and double
t Or ehe by the health oj Pharao you are spies. mone)% and Benjamin: and went down into
ITiat is, if these things you say be proved false, Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
you are to be held for spies for your lying, and
eliallbe treated as such. Joseph dealt in this man- To hell. That is, to that place, where the souls

ner v.ith his brethren, to bring them by the means then remained, as above, chap, xx.wii. ver. 35.
of affliction to a sense of their former sin, and a § Balm. Literally rosin, rosinee; but here by
•incere repentance for it. that name is meant balm.
i t

16 Ant] when he had seen them, and Benjamin the city, and had gone forward a little way: Jo*
with them, he commanded the steward of his seph sending for the steward of his house, said"
house, saying: Bring in the men into the house, Arise, and pursue after the men: and when thou
and kill victims, and prepare a feast: because they hast overtnken them, say to them: Why
have j'oii
shall eat with me at noon. returned evil for good?
17 He did as he was commanded, and brought 5 The cup which you have stolen, is that in
the men into the house. which my lord drinketh, and in which he is wont
18 And they being much afraid, said there one to divine:* you have done a very evil thing.
to another: Because of the money, which we car- 6 He did as he had commanded him. And hav
ried back the first time in our sacks, we are ing overtaken them, he spoke to them the same
brought in: that he may bring upon us a false ac- words.
cusation, and by violence make slaves of us and 7 And they answered: Why doth our lord
our asses. speak so, as though ihy servants had' conmiitted
19 Wherefore going up to the steward of the so heinous a fact .'

house, at the door, 8 The money, that we found in the top of our
20 They said: Sir, we desire thee to hear us sacks, we brought baek to thee from the land of
We came down once before to buy food: Chanaan how then should it be that we should

21 And when we had bought, and were come tealout of thy lord's house, gold or silver.'
to the inn, we opened our sacks, and found our 9 With whomsoever of thy servants shall be
money in the mouths of the sacks: wliich we have found that which thou seekest, let him die, and
now brought again in the same weight. w^ will be the bondmen of my lord.
22 And we have brought other money besides, 10 And he said to them: Let it be according to
to buy what we want: we cannot tell, who put it your sentence: with whomsoever it shall be
in our bags. found, let him be my servant, and you shall be
23 But he answered: Peace be with you, fear blameless.
not: your God, and the God of your father hath 11 Then they sprtdily took down their sacks to
given you treasure in your sacks. For the money, the ground, and every man opened his .sack.
which you gave me, I have for good. And hi 12 Which when he had searched, beginning at
brought Simeon out to them. the eldest and ending at the j'oungest, he found
24 And having brought them into the house, he the cup in Benjamin's sack.
fetched water, and they washed their feet, and he 13 Then they rent their garments, and loading
gave provender to their asses. their asses again, returned into the town.
25 But they made ready the presents, against 14 And Juda at the head of his brethren went
Joseph came at noon: for they had heard that they in to Joseph (for he was not yet gone out of the
should eat bread there. place) and they all together fell down before him
26 Then Joseph came in to his house, and they on the ground.
oflFered him the presents, holding them in their 15 And he said to them: Why
would you do
hands, and they bowed down with tlicir face to so.' know j^ou not that there is no one like me in
the ground. the science of divining.
27 But he courteously saluting them again, ask- 16 And Juda said to him: What shall we an-
ing them, saying: Is the old man your father in svver my lord.' or what shall we say, or be aole
health, of whom you told me ? Is he yet living.' justly to allege.' God hath found out the iniquity
28 And they answered: Thy servant our father of thy servants: behold, we are all bondmen to
is in health, he is yet living. And bowing them- my lord, both we, and he with whom
the cup was
selves, they made obeisance to him. found.
29 And Joseph lifting up his eyes, saw Benja- 17 Joseph answered : God forbid that I should
min his brother, by the same mother, and said: Is do so: he that stole the cup, he shall be my bond-
this your young brother of wiiom you told me man: and go you away free to your father.

And he said: God be gracious to thee, my son. IS Then Juda coming nearer, said boldly: I
30 And he made haste because his heart was beseech thee, my lord, let thy servant speak a
moved upon his brother, and tears gushed out: and wonl in thy ears, and be not angry with thy ser-
going into his chamber he wept. vant: for after Pharao thou art
31 And when he had washed his face, coming 19 My
lord. Thou didst ask thy servants the
out again, he refrained himself, and said: Set first time: Have you a father or a brother.'
bread on the table. And we answered thee, myiJord:
20 have We
32 And when it was sot on, for Joseph a part, father an old man, nnd a young boy, that was
and for his brethren a part, for the Egyptians also born in his old age: whose brother by the mother
that ate with him, a part (for it is unlawful for the is dead; and he alone is left of his mother, and liis

EgyiJtians to eat with the Hebrews, and they father loveth him tenderly.
think such a feast profane:) 21 And thou saidst to thy servants: Bring him
33 The; sat before him, the first-born according hither to me, and I will set my eyes on him.
to'his birth-right, and tlie youngest according to 22 We
suggested to my lord: The boy cannot
his age. And they wondered very much: leave his father: for if he leave him, he will die.
34 Taking the messes which they received of 23 And thou saidst to thy servants: E.xcejit
him: and the greater mess came to Benjamin, so your youngest brother come with you, you shall
that it e.vceeded by five parts. And they drank, see my face no more.
and were merry with him. 24 Therefore when we were gone up to thy
servant our father, we told him all that my lord
CHAP. XLIV. had said.
Joseph's contrivance to sto,p his brethren. The 25 And our father said: Go again, and buy us
humble supplication of Jiula. a little wheat.

AND Joseph commanded the steward of his 26 And we said to him: We

cannot go: if oui
house, saying: Fill their sacks with corn, as
much as they can hold and put the money of * To divine. This was spoken by Joseph, to

every one in the top of his sack. his steward in jest; alluding to the notion of the
2 And in the mouth of the younger's sack put people, who took him to be a diviner.
my silver cup, and the price which he gave for t The science of divining. He speaks of him-
the wheat. And it was so done. self according to what he was esteen\ed in that
3 And when the morning arose, they were sent kingdom. And indeed, he being truly a prophet
away with their asses. knew more without comparison than any of tlie
4 And when they were now departed out of Egyptian sorcerers.

youngest brother go down with us, we will set out| 13 You shall tell my father
of all my glory, and
him we dare not have seen m Egypt: make
seel all things that you

together: otherwijic, without

the man's face. haste and bring him to me.

27 Whereunto he answered: You know that 14 And falling upon the neck of his brother

my wife bore me two. Benjamin, he embraced him and wept: and Ben-
23 One went out, and you said: A beast'de- jamin in like manner wept also on his neck.
voured him: and hitherto he apijearetli not. 1.5 And Joseph kissed all his brethren, and wept

29 If you take Oiis also, and any thing befall him .u])on every one of them: after which they were
in the way, you will bring down my grey hairs 'emboldened to speak to him.
with sorrow unto hell. in And it was heard, and the fame was abroad

30 Therefore if I shall go to thy servant our in the king's court: The brethren of Joseph are
father, and the boy be wanting (whereas his life Icome: and Pharao with all his family was glad.
dependeth upon the life of him) 17 And he spoke to Joseph that he should give
31 And he shall see that he is not with us, he 'orders to his brethren, saying: Load your beasts,
will die, and thy servants shall bring down his \and go into the land of Chanaan,
grey hairs* with sorrow unto hell. 18 And bring away from thence your father and

32 Let me be thy pro]ier servant, who took him jkindred, and come to me: and I will give you all
into my trust and promised, saying: If I bring him ithe good things of Egypt, that you may eat the
not again, I will be guilty of sin against my nither jmarrow of the land.
for ever. 19 Give orders also that they take waggons out
33 Therefore I thy servant will stay instead of !of the land of Egypt, for the carriage of their chil-
the boy in the service of my*lord, and let the boy jdren and their wives; and say; Take up your fa-
go up with his brethren. ther, and make haste to come with all speed;
34 For I cannot return to my father without 20 And leave nothing of your household-stuflf:
the boy, lest I be a witness of the calamity that for all the riches of Egypt shall be yours.
will oppress my father. 21 And the sons of Israel did as they were bicl.
And Joseph gave them waggons according to
CHAP. XLV. Pharao's commandment! ancl provisions for the
Joseph maketh himself known to his brethren: and way.
sendeth for his father. 22 He ordered also to be brought out for every
JOSEPH could no longer refrain himself before one of them two robes: but to Benjamin he gave
many that stood by: whereupon he com- three hundred pieces of silver with five robes of
manded that all should go out, and no stranger be the best;
present at their knowing one another. 23 Sending to his father as much money and
2 And he lifted up his voice with weeping, raiment, adding besides ten he-asses to carry oflf
which the Egyptians, and all the house of Pharao all the riches of Egj'pt, and as many she-asses,
heard. carrying wheat and bread for the journey.
3 And he said to his brethren: I am Joseph: is 24 So he sent away his brethren, and at their
my father yet living.' His brethren could not an- departing said to them: Be not angry in the way.
swer him, being struck with exceeding great fear. 25 And they went up out of Egypt, and came
4 And he said mildly to them: Come nearer to into the land of Chanaan to their father Jacob.
me. And when they were come near him, he 2fi And they told him, saying: Joseph thy son
said I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold
: is living; and he is ruler in all the land of Egypt

into Egypt. Which when Jacob heard, he awaked as it were

5 Be not afraitl, and let it not seem to you a out of a deep sleep, yet did not believe them.
hard case that you sold me into these countries: 27 They on the other side told the whole order
for God sent me before you into Egypt for your of the thing. And when he saw the waggons and
preservation. all that he had sent, his spirit revived,
6 For it is two years since the famine began to 28 And he said: It is enough for me, if Joseph
be upon the land, and five years more remain, my .son be yet living: I will go, and see him be-
wherein there can be neither plowing nor reajiing. fore I die.
7 And God sent me before, that you may be
preserved upon the earth, and may have food to
live. Israel, warranted by a vision from God, goeth
8 Not by your counsel was I sent hither, but by down into Egypt with all his family.
the will of God: who hath made me as it were a
father to Pharao, and lord of his whole house, and
Israel taking his journey, with all that
he had, came to the well of the oath.t and
governor in all the land of Egypt. .killing victims there to the God of his father
y Make haste, and go ye uj) to mj' father, and jlsaac,
say to him; Thus saith thy son Joseph: God hath 2 He heard him by a vision in the night calling

made n\e lord of the whole land of Egypt: come 'him, and saying to him: Jacob, Jacob. And he
^wn to me, linger not. janswered him: Lo, here I am.
H> And thou .shall dwell in the land of Gessen: 3 God S:dd to him: I am the most mighty God

and thou shalt be near me, thou and thy sons, and of thy father: fear not, go down into Egypt, for I
thy sons' sons, thy sheej), and thy he'ds, and all will make a- great nation of thee there.
things that thou hast. 4 I will go down tvitli thee thither, and will

11 And there I will feed thee (for there are yet bring thee back again from th.ence: Josejjh also
five years of famine remainin>i,) lest both thou siiall put his hands ujion thy eyes.
perish, and thy house, and all things that thou hast. 5 And Jacob rose up from the well of the oatii:

12 Behold, your eyes, and the eyes of my bro- ami his sons took Lini up, with their chiklren and
ther Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speak- jwives in the waggons, which Pharao had sent to
eth to you. carry the old man,
6 And all that he had in the land of Chanaan:
* His ^rey hairs. That is, his person, now far land he came into Egypt with all his seed:
advanced in years. IVitb sorrow iivtu hell, the 7 His sons, and grandsons, daughters, and alj

Hebrew word for hell is here Sheol. thf» Greek Ihis offspring together.
Hidis: it is not taken for the liell of the damned; 8 And these are the names of the children nf

but for tfiat place of souls below where the ser- 'Israel, that entered into Egypt, he and his children
vants of God were kept bt-fore the coming of ;His first-born Ruben,
Cr.rist. Wliich place, both in the scripture and in
th« creed, is named hell. t The well of oath. Bersabee.

9 The sor.s of Ruben: Henoch and Phallu and
Hesion and Charmi.
EN Joseph went in *nd told Pharao, say
ing: My lather and brethren, their sheep
10 Tlie sons of Simeon: Jamuel and Jamin and and their herds, and all that they possess, are
Ahod, and Jachin and Sohar, and Saul the son of come out of the land of Chanaan: and behold
a woman of Chanaan. they stay in the land of Gessen.
11 The sons of Levi: Gerson and Caath and 2 Five men also the last* of his brethren, he
Meraii. presented before the king:
12 The sons of Juda: Her and Onan and Sela 3 And he asked them : What is your occupa-
and Phares and Zara. And Her and Onan died tion.' They answered: We thy servants are shep-
in the land of Chanaan. And sons were born to herds, both we, and our fathers.
Phares: Hesron and Hamul. 4 We are come to sojourn in thy land, because
13 The sons of Issachar: Thola and Phua and there is no grass for the flocks of thy servants,
Job and Semion. the famine being very grievous in the land of
14 The sons of Zabulon: Sared and Elon and Chanaan: and we pray thee to give orders that
Jalielel. we thy servants may be in the land of Gessen.
15 These are the sons of Lia, whom she bore in 5 The king therefore said to Joseph: Thy
Mesopotamia of Syria with Dina his daughter. father and thy brethren are come to thee.
All the souls of her sons and daughters, thirty- 6 The land of Egypt is before thee make them

three. dwell in the best place, and give them the land of
16 The sons of Gad: Sephion and Haggi and Gessen. And if thou knowest that there are in-
Suni and Esebon and Heri and Arodi and Areli. dustrious men among them, make them rulers
17 The sons of Aser: Jamne and Jesua and over my cattle.
Jessuri and Beria, and Sara their sister. The sons 7 After this Joseph brought in his father to the
of Beria: Hebcr and Melchiel. king, and presented him before him: and he bless-
18 These are the sons of Zelpha, whom Laban ed him.
fave to Lia his daughter. And these she bore to 8 And being asked by him: How many are the
acob, sixteen souls. days of the years of thy life ?
19 The sons of Rachel, Jacob's wife: Joseph 9 He answered: Tlie days of my pilgrimage are
and Benjamin. a hundred and thirty years, few, and evil, and they
20 And sons were born to Joseph, in the land are not come up to the days of the pilgrimage of
of Egypt, whom Aseneth the daughter of Puti- my fathers.
phare priest of Heliopolis bore him Manasses and
: 10 And blessing the king, he went out.
Ephraim. 11 But Joseph gave a possession to his father
21 The sons of Benjamin: Bela and Bechor and his brethren in Egj^pt, in the best place of the
and Asbel and Gera and Naaman and Echi and land, in Ramesses, as Pharao had commanded.
Ros and Mophim and Ophim and Ared. 12 And he nourished them, and all his father's
22 These are the sons of Rachel, whom she house, allowing food to every one.
bore tt) Jacob: all the souls, fourteen. 13 For in the whole world there was want of
23 The sons of Dan Husim".
: bread, and a famine had oppressed the land, more
24 The sons of Nephtaii: Jaziel and Guni and especially of Egypt and Chanaan.
Jesser and Sallem. 14 Out of which he gathered up all me money
25 These are the sons of Bala, whom Laban for the corn which they bought, and brought it in
gave to Rachel his daughter: and these she borej to the king's treasure.
to Jacob: all the souls, seven. 15 And when the buyers wanted money, all
26 All the souls, that went with Jacob into Egypt came to Joseph, saying: Give us bread;
Egypt, and that came out of his thigh, besides his why should we die in thy presence, having now
sons' wives, sixty-six. no money ?
27 And the sons of Joseph, that were born to 16 And he answered them: Bring me your
him in the land of Egypt, two souls. All the cattle, and for them I will give you food, if you
souls of the house of Jacob, that entered into have no money.
Egypt, were seventy. 17 And when they had brought them, he gave
28 And he sent Juda before him to Joseph, to them food in exchange for their horses, and sheep,
tell him; and that he should meet him in Gessen. and oven, and asses: and he maintained them that
29 And when he was come thither, Joseph, year for the exchange of their cattle.
made ready his chariot, and went up to m?et his, 18 And they came the second year, and said to
father, in the same place: and seeing him, he fell him: We
will not hide from our lord, how that
upon his neck, and embracing him, wei t. our money is spent, and our cattle also are gone:

30 And the father said to Joseph: Now shall I neither art thou ignorant, that we have nothing
die with joy, because I have seen thy face, andj now left but our bodies and our lands.
leave thee alive. !
19 Why therefore shall we die before thy eyes.'
31 And Joseph said to his brethren, and to allj we will be thine, both we and our lands: buy us
his father's house: I will go up, and will tell Pha- to b'> the king's servants, and give us seed, lest fot'
rao, and will say to him: My brethren, and my want of tillers the land be turned into a wilderness-
father's house, that were in the land of Chanann,; 20 So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt,
are come to me: every man selling his possessions, because of the
32 And the men are shepherds, and their occu- greatness of the famine. And he brought it into
pation is to feed cattle: their flocks, and herds, Pharao's hands:
and all they have, they have brought with tlicm. 21 And all its people from one end of th" bor-
33 And when he shall call you, and shall say: ders of Egypt, even to the other end tjerf of,
What is your occupation.' 22 Except the land of the priests, which had
34 You shall answer: We thy servants are been given them by the king: to whom also a
shepherds, from our infancy until now, both we certain allowance of food was given i;ul of the
and our fathers. And this you shall say, that you public stores, and therefore they were not forced
may dwell in the land of Gessen, because the to sell their possessions.
Eg"y])tians have all shepherds in abomination.
* The last. Extrcmos. Some interpret this
CHAP. XLVII. word of the rhirfest, and most sighthi: but Joseph
Jacob and his sons am presented brfore Pharaoh seems rather to have chosen out such as had the
he f;iveth thnn the of Gesxen. The fa- meanest appearance, that Pharao might not think
mine fore eth the Egyptians to sell all their pos- of employing them at court, with danger of their
eeaai&ns to the king. Imorals and religion.


23 Then Joseph said to the people: Beholrl, as 8 Then seeing his sons he said to him: WllO
you see, both you and j^our lands belong to Pha- are these

rao: take seed, ajid sow the fields, 9 He answered: They are my sons, whorr God
24 That j'ou may have corn. The fifth part hath given me in this place. And he said: Bring
you shall s'ive to the king: the other four you them to me, that I may bless them'.
shall have for seed, and for food for your families 10 For Israel's eyes were dim by reason of hi*
and children. great age, and he could not see clearly. And
25 And they answered: Our life is in thy hand: when they were brought to him, he kissed and
only let my lord look favourably upon us, and we embraced them,
will gladly serve the king. 11 And said to his son: I am not deprived of
26 From that time unto this day, in the whole seeing thee: Moreover God hath shown me thy
land of Kgypt, the fifth part is paid to the kin°;s, seed.
ind it is become as a law, except the land of the 12 And when Joseph had taken them from his
priests, which was free from this covenant. father's lap, he bowed down with his face to the
27 So Israel dwelt in Egypt, that is, in the land ground.
of Gessen, and possessed it: and grew, and was 13 And he set Ephraim on his right hand, that
multiplied exceedingly. is, towards the left hand of Israel: but Manasses

26 And he lived in it seventeen years: and all on his left hand, to wit, towards his father's right
the days of his life came to a hundred and forty- hand, and brought them near to him.
seven years. 14 Rut he stretching forth his right hand, put i\
29 And when he saw that the day ot his death upon the head of Ephraim the younger brother:
drew n'vih, he called his son Josei'h, and said to and the left upon the head of Manasses who was
him: If I have found favour in thy sight, put thy the elder, changing his hands.
hand under my thigh; and thou shalt show me this 15 And Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, and
kindness and truth, not to bury me in Egypt: said: God, in whose sight my fathers Abraham
30 Rut I will sleep with my fathers, and thou and Isaac walked, God that leedfcth me from my
shalt take me away out of this land, and bury me youth until this day:
in the burj'ing-place of my ancestors. And Joseph 16 The Angel that deliverethme from all evils,
answered him: I will do what thou hast com- bless these boys: and let my name be called upon
manded. them, and the names of my fathers Abraham and
31 And he said: Swear then to me. And as he Isaac; and may they grow into a multitude upon
was swearing, Israel adored God, turning to the the earth.
bed's head.* 17 And Joseph seeing that his father had put
his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, was
CHAP. XLVIII. much displeased: and taking his father's hand he
Joseph visiteth his father in his sickness, who tried to lilt it from Ephraim's head, and to remove
advpfeth his two sons Mtnasses and Ephruim, it to the head of Manasses.
and blesstth them, preferring the younger be- 18 And he said, to his father: It should not be
fore the elder. so, my father; for this is the first-born: put thy

AFTER these things, it was told Joseph that right hand upon his head.
his father was sick: and he set out to go to 19 Rut he refusing, said: I know, my son, I
him takin;r his two sons Manasscs and Ephraim. know: and this also shall become a people, and
2 And it was told the old man: Behold, thy son shall be multiplied but his j'ounger brother shall

Joseph cometh to thee. And being strengthened, be greater than he: and his seed shall grow into
he sat on his bed. nations.
3 And when Joseph was come in to him, he 20 And he blessed them at that time, saying: In
said: Gi d almighty appeared to me at I^uza, thee shall Israel be blessed; and it shall be said:
which is in the land of Chanaan: and he blessed God do to thee as to Ephraim and as to Manasses
me, And he set Ephraim before Manasses.
4 And said: I will cause thee to increase and 21 And he said to Joseph his son Behold, I die,

multiply, and I will make of thee a multitude of and God will be with you, and will bring you back
people: and I will give this land to thee, and to into the land of your fathers.
thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession. 22 I give thee a portion above thy brethren,
5 So thy two sons who were born to thee in the which I took out of the hand of the Amorrhite,
land of Egypt, before I came hither to thee, shall with my sword and bow.
be mine. Ephraim and Manasses shall be reputed CHAP. XLIX.
to me as Ruben and Simeon.
6 Rut the rest whom thou shalt have after them, Jacob's prophetical blessings of his twelve s0s
fshall be thine, and shall be called by the name of
his death.
their hrethsen in their possessions. ND Jacob called his sons, and said to them:
7 For, when I came out of Mesopotamia, Gather yourselvls.^ogether that I may tell
Tlachf died from me in the land of Chanaan in you the things that shaJl befall you in the last

the very journey, and it was springtime: and I days.

was going to Ejihraia, and I buried her near the 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, O ye
way of Ephrata, which by another name is called sons of Jacob; hearken to Israel your father:
Bethlehem. 3 Ruben my first-born, thou art my strength^
and the beginning of my sorrow; excelling in
* To the bed's head. St. Paul, Heb. xi. 21. fol- gifts, greater in command.
lowing the Greek translation of the Septuagint, 4 Thou art poured out as water, grow thou nol:^
eads adored the top of his rod. Where note,
Jiat the same word in the Hebrew, according to t Ml) strength, ^-c. He calls him his strength,
the different pointing of it, signifies both a bed and as being born whilst his father was in his full
a rod. And to verify both these sentences, we strength and vigour: he calls him the beginning
must understand that Jacob leaning on Joseph's of his sorrow, because cares and sorrows usually-
rod adored, turning towards the head of his bed: come on with the birth of children. Excelling in
which adoration, inasmuch as it was referred to gifts, fyc. because the first-born had a title to a
God, was an absolute, and sovereign worship: double portion, and to have the command over
but inasmuch as it was referred to the rod of Jo- his brethren, which Ruben forfeited by his sin,
seph, as a figure of the sceptre, that is, of the royal being poured out as water, that is, spilt and lost.
dignity of (Jhrist, was only an inferior and relative i Grow thou 7!o% This
was not meant by ^vay
honoui'. of a curse or imprecation; but by way of a pro

Oecause thou wentest up to thy father's bed, and 22 Joseph is a growing son, a growing son and
didst defile his couch. comely to behold the daughters run to and fro(|

5 Simeon and Levi brethren; vessels of iniquity upon the wall.

waging war. 23 But they that held darts provoked him, and
o Let not my sou] go into their counsel, nor inj' quarrelled with him, and envied him.
glory be in their assembly: because in their fury 24 His bow rested upon the strong,ir and the
Ihey slew a man,* and in their se.lf will they un- bands of his arms and his hands were loosed, by
dermined a wall. the hands of the mighty one of Jacob: thence he
7 Cursed be their fury, because it was stubborn came forth a pastor, the stone of Israel.
and their wrath, because it was cruel: I will 25 The God of thy father shall be thy helper,
divide them in Jacob, and will scatter them in ahd the Almighty shall bless thee with the bless-
Israel. ings of heaven above, with the blessings of the
8 Juda,theeshallthy brethren praise: thy hand deep that lieth beneath, with tlie blessings of the
shall be on the necks of thy enemies: the sons of breasts and of the womb.
tliy father shall bow down to thee. 26 The blessings of thy father** are strength-
9 Juda IS a lion's whelp :t to the prey, my son, ened with the blessings of his fathers; until the
thou art gone up: resting thou hast couched as a desire of the everlasting hillsft should come; may
lion, and as a lioness; v/ho shall rouse him.' they be upon the head of Joseph and upon tlie
, 10 The sceptre shall not be taken away from crown of the Nazarite:jt among his brethren.
Juda, nor a r\iler from his thigh, till he come that 27 Benjamin, a ravenous wolf, in the morn-
is to be sent, and he shall be the expectation of ing shall eat the prey, and in the evening shall di-
nations. vide the spoil.
11 Tying his foal to the vineyard, and his ass, 28 All these are the twelve tribes of Israel:
O my son, to the vine. He
shall wash his robe in these things their father spoke to them, and he
wine, and his garment in the blood of the grape. blessed every one, with their proper blessings.
12 His eyes are more beautiful than wine, and 29 And he charged them, saying: I am now
his teeth whiter than milk. going to be gathered to my people :§§ bury ine
13 Zabulon shall dwell on the sea-shore, and in with my fathers in the double cave. Which is in
the road of ships, reaching as far as Sidon. the field of Ephron the Hethite,
14 Issachar shall be a strong ass lying down be- 30 Over against Mambre in the land of Cha
tween the borders. , naan, which Abraham bought together with the
15 He saw rest that it was good; and the land field, of Ephrgn the Hethite, for a possession to
that it was excellent: and he bowed his shoulder bury in.
*o carry, and became a servant under tribute. 31 There they buried him, and Sara his wife;
16 shall judge^: his people like another there was Isaac buried with Rebecca his wife:
tribe in Israel. there also Lia doth lie buried.
17 Let Dan be a snake in the way, a serpent in 32 And when he had ended the commandments,
the path, that biteth the horse's heels, that his wherewith he instructed his sons, he drew up his
."ider may fall backward. feet upon the bed, and died: and he was gathered
18 I O
will look for thy salvation, Lord. to his people.
19 Gad being girded,^ shall fight before him:
and he himself be girded backward.
20 Aser, his bread shall be fat, and he shall The mourning for Jacob, and his interment
yield dainties to kings. Joseph's kindness towards his brethren. His
21 Nephtali, a hart let loose, and giving words death.
of beauty. AND when Joseph saw
father's face,
this, he fell upon his
and kissing him.
jihecy, foretelling that the tribe of Ruben should 2 And he commanded his servants the physi-
not inherit the pre-eminences usually annexed to cians, to embalm his father.
the first birth-right, viz. the double portion, the be 3 And while they were fulfilling his commands,
ing prince or lord over the other brethren, and the there passed forty days'; for this was the manner
priesthood of which the double portion was given

to Joseph, the princely office to Juda, and the II

Run to and fro, fyc. To behold his beauty;
priesthood to Levi. whilst his envious brethren iurned their darts
* Slew a man, viz. Sichem the son of Hemor against him, &c.
with all his people. Gen. xxxiv. mystically andl IT His bow rested upon the strong, Sj-c. That is,

prophetically it alludes to Christ, whom their pos- upon God, who was his strength; who also loosed
temy, viz. the priests and the scribes, put to deaths his bands, and brought him out of prison to be the
t A lion's whelp, fyc. This blessing of Juda pastor, that is, the feeder and ruler of Egypt, and
foretelleth the strength of his tribe, the fertility of the stone, that is, the rock and support of Israel.
his inheritance; and principally that the sceptre
** The blessings of thy father, fyc. That is,
and legislative power should not be utterly taken thy father's blessings are made more prevalent '

away from his race till about the time of the and effectual in thy n-egard, by the additional
coming of Christ; as in effect it never was: which strength they receive from his inheriting the
is a demonstration against the modern Jews, that blessings of his progenitors, Abraham and Isaac
the Messiah is long since come; for the sceptre ft The desire of the everlasting hills, ^-c
has long since been utterly taken away from Juda. These blessings all looked forward towards Christ,
X Dan shall judge, fyc. This was verified in called the desire of the everlasting hills, as being
Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan, and began longed for, as it were, by the whole creation.
to deliver Israel, Judges xiii. 5. But as this Mystically the patriarchs and prophets are called
deliverance was but temporal and very imperfect, the everlasting hills, by reason of the eminenca
(he holy patriarch (v. 18.) aspires after another of their wisdom and holiness.
kind of a deliverer, saying: 1 will look for thy i+ The Nazarite. _
This word signifies one
talvaiion, O Lord. separated: and agrees to Joseph, as being sepa-
§ Gtd being girded, Src. It seems to allude to rated from, and more eminent than, his brethren
the tribe of Gad, whf-n after they had received for As the ancient IVazarites were so called from
their lot the land of Galaad. they marched in arms their being set aside for God, and vowed to him.
before the rest of the Israelites, to the conquest of 5§ To be gathered to my people. That is, I am
the land of Chanaan: from ^ahence they after- going to die, and so to follow my ancestors thaj
Wards returned loaded with spoils. See Josue i. are gone before me, and to join their company is
and :cxii. another world.

with bodies that were embalmed: and Egypt 1.5 Now he being dead, his bi ethren were afrai^

mourned him seventy days.

for and talked one with another: Lest perhaps he
4 And the time of the mourninp; being expired, should remember the wrong he suffered, and re-
Joseph spoke to the family of Pharao: If 1 have quite us all the evil that we did to him.
found favour in j'our sight, speak in the ears of 16 And they sent a message to him, saying:
Pharao: Thy father commanded
us before he died,
5 For my father made me swear to him, saying: we
should say thus much to thee from
17 That
Behold, I die: thou shaltbury me in my sepulchre him: I beseech thee to forget the wickedness of
which I have digged for myself in the land of thy brethren, and the sin and malice they prac-
Chanaan. So I will go up and bury my father, tised against thee: we also pray thee, to for
and return. give the servants of the God of thy father this
6 And Pharao said to him: Go up and bury thy wickedness. And when Joseph heard this, ho
father according as he made thee swear. wept.
7 So he went up, and there went with him all lb And his brethren came to him: and wor
the ancients of Pharao's house, and all the elders shipping prostrate on the ground, they said: We
of the land of Egypt. jare thy servants.
8 And the house of Joseph with his brethren, 19 And he answered them: Fear not: can we
except their children, and their flocks and herds, Tesist the will of God.'
which they left in the land of Gessen. 20 You thought evil against me; but God turn
9 He had also in his train chariots and horse- 'ed it into good, that he might exalt me, as at pre-
men: and it was a great company. ,sent you see, and might save many people.
10 And they came to the threshing floor of 21 Fear not: 1 will feed you and your children
Atad, which is situated be3'ond the Jordan; where jAnd he comforted them, and spoke gently and
celebrating the exequies with a great and vehe- [mildly.
ment lamentation, they spent full seven days. 22 And he dwelt in Egypt, with all his father's

11 And when the inhabitants of Chanaan saw jhouse; and lived a hundred and ten years. And
this, they said: This is a great mourning to the |he saw the children of E] hraim to the third gene-
Egyptians And therefore the name of that place ration. The children also of Machir the son cf
was called. The mourning of Egypt. Manasses were born on Joseph's knees.
12 So the sons of Jacob did as he had com- 23 After which he told his brethren: God will
manded them. visit you after my death, and will make you go up
13 And carrying him into the land cff Chanaan, out of this land, to the land which he swore to
they buried him in the double cave, which Abra Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
ham had bought together with the held for a pos- 24 And he made them swear to him, saying:
session of a burying place, of Ephron the Hethite God will visit you, carry my bones with you out
over-against IMambre. of this place:
14 And Joseph returned into Egypt with his 25 And he died being a hundred and ten years
brethren, and all that were in his company, after old. And being embalmed, he was laid in a coffin
he had buried his father. in Egypt. •


Tlie second book o/Moses is called Exodus, from 10 Come, us wisely oppress them, lest they
the Greek word E^.^^o , icliich signifies going multiply, and any war shall rise against us. join

out: because it contains the history o/Wic going with our enemies, and having overcome us, dvpart
out of the children of Israel out of Egypt. The out of the land.
Hebreirs. from the mords with ivhich it begins, 11 Therefore he set over them masters of the
call it Veellk Semoth: These are the names. works, to afflict them with burdens: and they
It contains transactions for 145 years; that is, built for Pharao cities of tabernacles,* Phithom,
from the death of Joseph to the erecting of the and Ramesses.
tabernacle- 12 But the more they oppressed them, tli^nora
they were multiidied, and increased:
CHAP. I. 13 And the Egyptians hated the children ot
The Israelites are multiplied in Egypt. They are Israel, and afflicted them and mocked them:
oppressed by a new king, who commandeth all 14 And they made their life bitter witli hard
their male children to be killed. works in clay, and brick, and with all manner o{
THESE are the names of the children of service, wherewith they were overcharged in the
Israel, that went into Egypt with Jacob: works of the earth.
they went in every man with his Household: 15 And the king of Egypt spoke to the mid-
2 Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, wives of the Hebrews, of whom one was called
3 Issachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin, Sephora, the other Phua,
4 Dnn, and Nephtali,Gad,and Aser. 16 Commanding them: "WTien you shall do the
5 And all the souls that came out of Jacob's office of midwives to the Hebrew women, and
thiaih, were seventy : but Josei)h was in Egypt. the time of delivery is come: if it be a man child,
6 After he was dead, and all his brethren, and kill it: if a woman, keep it alive, v
all that generation, 17 But the midwives feared God, and did not
7 The children of Israel increased, and sprung do as the king of Egypt had ^commanded, but
up into multitudes; and growing exceedingly saved the men children.
strong they filled the land. 18 And the king called for them, and said:
8 In the mean time there arose a new king over What is it that you meant to do, that you would

Egj'pt, that knew not Joseph: save the men children?

9 And he said to liis people: Behold, the people 19 They answered: The Hebrew womt^n are
of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger
* Of tabernacles, or of storehouses.
than we

not as the Egyptian women: for they themselves to kill Moses: but he fled from his sight, ami
are skilful in the office of a midwife; and they are abode in theland of Madian,§ and he sat down
delivered before we come to them. by a well.
2<) Therefore God dealt well with the mid- 16 And the priest of Madian nad seven daugh-
wives: and the people multiplied and grew ex- ters, who came to draw water: and when the
ceeilingly strong. troughs were filled, desired to water their father's
21 And because the midwives feared God,* he flocks.
Duill them houses. And
the shepherds came and drove them
22 Pharao therefore charged all his people, say- away: and Moses
arose, and defending the maids,
ing: Whatsoever shall be born of the male sex, watered their sheep.
ye shall cast into the river: whatsoever of the IS And when they retured to Raguel|| their
female, ye shall save alive. father, he said to them: are ye come sooner Why
than usual'
CHAP. II. 19 They answered man of Egypt delivered
: A
Moses is born and exposed on the bank of the us from the hands of the shepherds: and he drew
river; where he is taken up by the daughter of water also with us, and gave the sheep to drink.
Pharao, and adopted for her so7i. He killeth an 20 But he said Where is he why have you

Egyptian, and fleeth into Madian; where he let the man go.' call him that he may eat bread.
marricth a wife. 21 And Moses swOre that he would dwell with
AFTER and took
there went man of the house of him.
wife of
own kindred.
a his
And he took Sejihora daughter
22 And she bore him a son, whom he
his to wife:
2 And
she conceived, and bore a son; and see- Ger.<am,^ saying: I have been a stranger in a
ing him a goodly child, hid him three months. foreign countrj'. And she bore another, whom he
o And when she could hide him no longer, she called Eliezer, saying: For the God of mv fathei
took a basket made of bulrushes, and daubed it my helper hath delivered me out of the hand of
with filime and pitch; and put the little babe there- iPharao.
in, and laid him in the sedges by the river's brink, I 23 Now
after a long time the king of Egypt
4 His sister standing afar otf, and taking notice died: and the children of Israel groaning, cried
what would be done. out because of the works: and their cry went up
5 And behold, the daughter of Pharao came unto God from the works.
down to wash herself in the river: and hex maids 24 And he heard their groaning, and remem-
walked by the river's brink. And when she saw bered the covenant which he made with Abra-
the basket in the sedges, she sent one of her maids ham. Isaac, and Jacob.
for it: and when it was brought, 25 And the Lord looked upon the children of
6 She opened it, and seeing within it an infant Israel, and he knew them.**
crying, having compassion on it, she said: This is
one or the babes of the Hebrews. CHAP. III.
7 And the child's sister said to her: Shall I go, God appeareth to Moses in a bush. And sendetk
and call to thee a Hebrew woman, to nurse the him to deliver Israel.
babe .'

8 She answered: Go. The maid went, and

Moses fed the sheep of Jethro his fa-
ther-in-law, the priest of Madian: and he
called her mother. drove the flock to the inner parts of the desert,
9 And Pharao's daughter said to her: Take this and came to the mountain of God, Horeb.
child, and nurse him for me: I will give thee thy 2 And the Lord appearedft to him in a flame of
wages. The woman took, and nursed the child: fire out of the miJst of a bush: and he saw that
and when he was grown up, she delivered him to the bush was on fire, and was not burnt.
Pharao's daughter. 3 And Moses said: I will go, and see this great
10 And she adopted him for a son, and called sight, why the bush is not burnt.
him Mosesjt saying: Because I took him out of 4 And when the Lord saw that he went for-
the water. ward to see, he called to him out of the midst of
11 In those days, after Moses was grown up, he the bush, and said: Moses, Moses. And he an-
went out to his brethren; and saw their affliction, swered: Here I am.
and an Egyptian striking one of the Hebrews his 5 And he said Come not nigh hither, put ofT

brethren. the shoes from thy feet: for the place, whereon
12 And when he had looked about this way and thou standest, is holy ground.
that way, and saw no one there, he slew the 6 And he said: I am the God of thy father, the
Egyptian,! and hid him in the sand. God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
13 And going out the next day, he saw two of Jacob. Moses hid his face: for he durst not
Hebrews quarrelling: and he said to him that did look at God.
the wrong: Why strikest thou thy neighboui .'
7 And the Lord said to him: I have seen the
14 But lie answered: Who hath appointed thee affliction of my people in E.eypt; and I have heard
prince and judge over us.' wilt tliou kill me, as their cry, because of the rigour of tliem that are
thou didb^t yesterday kill the Egyptian Moses over the works:

feared, and said: How is this come to be known.' 8 And knowing their sorrow, I am come down
15 And Pharao heard of this word, and sought to deliver them out of the hands of the Egyptians?,
and to bring them out of that land into a good and
* Because the midwives feared God, &c. The
•nidwives were rewarded, not for their lie, which ^Madian. A
city and country of Aral: a,
was a venial sin; but for their fear of God, and which took its name from Madian the son of
their humanity: But this reward was only tem- Abraham, by Cetura, and was peojjled by his
f)0ral, in huildin^ them houses, that is, in estab- posterity.
ishinf!: anH enriching their families. Raguel. He had two name?, being also call-

_ t Mcses, or Moyses, in the Egyptian tongue, ed Jethro, as appears from the first verse of the
signifies one taken or saved out of the water. following chapter.
_ t He slew the Egyptian. This he did by a par- 11 Gersam, or Gershom. This name signifies,
ticular inspiration of God; as a prelude to" his de- a stranger there: as Eliezer signifies the help of
livering the people from their oppression and bon- God.
dage. He thought, says St. Stephen, Acts vii. 25 ** fTneto them; that is, he had respect to them,
that his brethren understood that God by his hand he cast a merciful eye upon them.
iDOutd nave them. But such particular and extra +t The Lord appeared. That is, an Angel r©
ordinary examples are not to be imitated. presenting God, and speaking in his name.

spacious land, into a land that flowetli with milk [wid say: The Lord hath not appeared to the«.
Biui honey, to the places of the Clianaanite, and 2 Then he said to him What is that thou bold-

Hethite, and Amonhite, and Pherezite, and He- est in thy hand? He answered: A rod.
vite, anil Jebusite. 3 And the Lord said: Cast it d<.wn upon the
9 P^or the cry of the children of Israel is come ground. He cast it down, and it was turned into
unto me: and I liave seen their affliction, where- ja serpent, so that Moses fled from it.
with they are oppressed by the Et;yptians. 4 And the Lord said: Put out thy hand, and
10 Hut come, and I will send thee to Pharao, take it by the tail. He put forth his hand, and took
that thou niayest bring forth my people, the cliil- hold of it, and it was turned into a rod.
dren of Israel, out of E^ypt. 5 That they may believe, saith he, that the
11 And Moses said to God: Who am I that I Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham,
should go to Pharao, and should bring forth the the God, of tsaac, and the God of Jacob, hath ap-
children of Israel out of Egypt ? peared lo thee.
12 And he said to him: I will be with thee: and 6 And the Lord said again: Put thy hand into
this thou shall have for a sign, that I have sent thy bosom. And when he had put it into his
tliee: When thou shall have brought my peoide bosom, he brought it forth leprous as snow.
out of Egypt, lliou shall offer sacrifice to God 7 And he said: Put back thy hand into thj-
upon this mountain. bosom. He put it back, and brought it out again,
i:^ Mos's said to God: Lo, I shall go to the and it was like the other flesh.
children of Isr;tel, and say to them: The God of 8 If they will not believe thee, saith he, nor heai
your fathers hath tienl me to you. If thev shall say the voice of the former sign, they will believe the
to me: What is his name? What shall I say to word of the latter sign.
them. 9 Rut if they will not even believe these two
14 God said to Moses: I am who am.* He signs, nor hear thy voice; lake of the river water,
said Thus shall thou say to the children of Israel: and pour it out upon the dry land, and whatsoever

He who is, hath senl me to you. thou drawest out of the river, shall be turned into
1.5 And God siid again to Moses: Thus shall blood.
thou say to the children of Israel: The Lord God 10 Moses said: I beseech thee, Lord, I am not
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of eloquent from yesterday and the day before: and
Isaac, and ihe God of Jacob hath sent me to you: since thou hast spoken lo thy servant, I have more
this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial impediment and slowness of tongue.
unto all generations. 11 The Lord said to him: Who made man's
16 Go, and gather together the ancients of Is- mouth? or who made the dumb and the deaf, the
rael, and thou shall say to them: The Lord God seeing and the blind? did not I?
of your fathers, the God of Abiaham, the God of 12 Go therefore, and I will be in thy mouth:
Isnnc, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared to me, and I will teach thee what thou shall speak.
saying: Visiting I have visitetl you: and I have 13 Rut he said: I beseech thee, Lord, send
seen .ill that hath befallen you in Egypt. whom thou will send.
17 And I have said the word to bring you forth 14 The Lord being angry at Moses, said:
O'Jt of the affliction of Egypt, into the land of the Aaron the Levite is thy brother: I know that he
Chanaanite. and Hethite, and Amorrhite, and is eloquent: behold, he cometh forth to meet thee,
Ph 'rezite, and Hevile, and Jebusite, to a land jand seeing thee shall be glad at heart.
thnl floweth with milk and honey. 15 Speak to him, and put my words in his
18 And they shall hear thy voice: and thou jmouth: and I will be in th^ mouth, and in his
shah go in, thou and the ancients of Israel to the imouth, and will show you wMl you must do.
kiii'i of Egypt: and thou shall say lo him: The 16 He shall speak in thy stead to the people,
Lord Go(i of the Hebrews hath called us: we and shall be thy mouth: but thou shall be to him
will go three days' journey into the wilderness, lo in those things that pertain to God.
sacriBce unto the Lord our God. 17 jVnd take this rod in thy hand, wherewith
Itf Rut I know that the king of Egypt will not thou shall do the signs.

let you go, but by a mighty hand. 18 Moses went his way, and returned to Jelhro
20 For I will stretch forth my hand, and will his father-in-law, and said lo him: I will go and
strike F-gypt with all my wonders which I will do return to my brethren into Egypt, that I may see
in the miit^t of them after these he will let you go. if they be yet alive.
: And Jelhro said to him Go

21 And I will give favour lo this people, in the in peace.

sight of the Egyptians: and when you go forth, 19 And the Lord said to Moses, in Madian: Go
you shall not depart empty: and return into Egypt: for they are all dead that
22 Rut every woman shall ask of her neighbour sought thy life.
and of her that is in her house, vessels of silver 20 Moses therefore took his wife, and his sons,
and of gold, and raiment: and you shall put them and set them upon an ass: and returned into Egypt,
o:i your sons and daughters, and shall spoilt carrying the rod of God in his hand.
Egypt. 21 And the Lord said to him as he was return-
ing into Egypt: See that thou do all the wonders
CHAP. IV. before Ph.arao, which I have nut in thy hand: I
jl/os-p.s i.f empovprcil lo covfii m his mission with
shall harden i his heart, and he will not let ihe
mir trips: his brother Aaron is appointed to as- people go.
sist him. 22 And thou shall say to him: Thus saith the
'OSi^S an.<wered, and said: They will not Lord Israel is my son, my first-born.

be'dave me, nor hear my voice; but they 23 I have said lo thee: Let my son go, that he
may serve me, and thou wouldst not let him go*
* I am ifho nm. That is, I am hein^ itself, eter- behold, I will kill thy son thy first-born.
nal, self-existent, independent, infinite; without 24 And when he was in his journey, in the inn,
beginnin;r, end or change; and the source of all the Lord met him, and would have killed him.§
othir brings.
+ S'i:ill spoil, &c. Tint is. you shall strip, and i I shall harden, S,-c. Not by being the efficient
take away the goods of the Egypti ins. This was cause of his sin: but by withdrawing from him,
r.ot aut!iorizing theft or itiju^tife: but was a just for his just [ninishment, the dew of grace, thai
disposal made by him, who is the great Lord and imight have softened his heart; and so suffering
master of all things; in order to pay the children him to grow harder and harder.
of Israel sonie part of what was due to them from 5 The Lord met him, and would have killed him.
rrhis was an Angel representing the Loid, who

the EgviJtians for their labours.


25 Immediately Sephora took a very sharp 15 And the officers of the children cf IfTaci
stone, and circumcised the foreskin of iier son, came, and cried out to Pharao, saying; Why
and touched liis feet, afld saii.. bloody spouse dealest thou so with thy servants.'
art thou to me. 16 Straw is not given us, and bricks are required
26 And he let him go after she had said: A of us as before: behold, we thy servants are
bloody spouse art thou to me, because of the cir- beaten with whips, and thy people is unjustly
cumcision. dealt withal.
27 And the Lord said to Aaron Go into the
: 17 And he said: You are idle, and tlierefort
desert to meet Moses. And he went forth to you say: Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord
meet him in the mountain of God, and kissed 18 Go therefore, and work: straw shall not be
him. given you, and you shall deliver the accustomed
28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the number of bricks.
1!> And the officers of the children of Israel saw
Lord, by which he had sent him, and the signs
that he had commanded. that they were in evil ease, because it was said t3
29 And they came together, and they assem- them: There shall not a whitbe diminished of the
bled all the ancients of the children of Israel. bricks for every day.
30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the 20 And they met Moses and Aaron, \\\\o stood
Lord had said to Moses: and he wrought the signs over-against them as they came out from Pharao:
before the people, 21 And they said to them: The Lord see and
31 And the people believed. And they heard judge, because you have made out savour to stink
that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, before Pharao and his servants, and you have
and that he had looked upon their affliction: and given him a sword to kill us.
falling down they adored. 22 And Moses ret\irned to the Lord, and said:
Lord, why hast thou afflicted this people where-

C^HAP. V. fore hast thou sent me.'

Pharao refuseth to let the people f;o. They are 23 For since the time that I went in to Pharao
more oppressed. to speak in thy name, he hath afflicted thy people*
FTER these things Moses and Aaron went and thou hast not delivered them.
in, and said to Pharao: Thus saith the Lord
God of Israel: Let my people go, that they may
sacrifice to me in the desert. God renetveth his promise. The genealogies of
2 But he answered: Who is the Lord, that I Rubfii, Simeon, and Levi, down to JSIoses and
should hear his voice, and let Israel go.' I know Aaron.
not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.
3 And they said: The God of the Hebrews
AND the Lord said to Moses: Now thou
shalt see what I will do to Pharao: for by a
hath called us, to go three days journey into the mighty hand shall he let them go, and with a
wilderness and to sacrifice to the Lord our God: strong hand shall he cast them out of his land.
lest a pestilence or tha sword fall upon us. 2 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: I am
4 The king of Egypt said to them: Why do the Lord
you Moses and Aaron draw off the people "from 3 That appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
their works.' Get you gone to your burdens. Jacob, by the name of God Almighty: and my
5 And Pharao said: The people of the land is name Adonai* I did not show them.
numerous: you see that the multitude is increas- 4 And I made a covenant with them, to give
ed: how much mcu^ if you give them rest from them the land of Chanaan, the land of their pilgrim-
their works.' age wherein they were strangers.
6 Therefore he commanded the same day the 5 I have heard the groaning of the children of
overseers of the works and the task-masters of Israel, wherewith the Egyptians have oppressed
the people, saying: them: and I have remembered my covenant.
7 You shall give straw no more to the people to 6 Therefore say to the children of Israel: I am
make brick, as before: but let them go and gather the Lord who will bring you out from the work-
straw. prison of the Egyptians, and will deliver you from
8 And you shall lay upon them the task of bondage; and redeem you with a high arm, and
bricks, which they did before, neither shall you great judgments.
diminish any thing thereof: for they are idle, and 7 And I will take you to myself for my people:
therefore they cry, saying: Let us go and sacri- I will be your God: and you shall know that I
fice to our God. am the Lord your God, who brought you out
9 Let them be oppressed with works, and let from the work-prison of the Egyptians
them fulfil them; that they may not regard lying 8 And brought you into the land, concerning
words. which I lifted up my hand to give it to Abraham,
10 And the overseers of the works and the Isaac, and Jacob: and I will give it you to pos-
task-masters went out and said to the people: sess: I am the Lord.
Thus saith Pharao: I allow you no straw: 9 And Moses told all this to the children of
11 Go, and gather it where you can find it: Israel: but they did not hearken to him, for an-
neither shall any thing of your work be dimi- guish of spirit, and most painful work.
nished. 10 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
12 And the,people was scattered through all 11 Go in, and speak to Pharao king of Egypt,
the land of Egypt to gather straw.
13 And the overseers of the works pressed * My name Adonai. The name which is in the
them, saying: Fulfil your work every day as be- Hebrew text, is that most proper name of God,
fore 3'ou were wont to do, when straw was given which signifieth his eternal self-existent being,
you. Exod. iii. 14: which the Jews out of reverence
14 And they that were over the works of the never pronounce; but instead of it, wherever it
children of Israel were scourged by Pharao's task- f^curs in the Bible, they read Adonai, which sig-
masters, saying: Why have you not made up the nifies the Lord: and therefore they put the points
task of bricks both yesterday and to-day, as be- or vowels, which belong to the name Adonai, to
the four letters of that other ineffable name Jod,
He, Vau, He. Hence some moderns have framed
treated Moses in this manner, for having neglect- the name Jehovah, unknown to all the ancients,
fid the circumcision of his younger son: Avhich whether Jews or Christians: for the true pronuii.
his wife understanding, circumcised her child upon elation of the name, which is in the Hebrew text,
the spot, upon which the Angel let Moses go. by long disuse, is now quite lost.

that he let the children of Israel go out of his 3 But I shall hardeni his heart, and shall ninlh
land. ply my signs and v.'onders in the land oi E^ypt,
12 Moses answered before the Lord: Behold, 4 And he will not heai^ you: and I will lay my
the children of Israel do not hearken to me: and hand upon Egypt, and will bring forth my
how will Pharao hear me, especially as I am of and my people, the children of Israel, out of the
uncircumcised lipsr* land ot Egypt, by very great judgments.
13 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, 5 And tiie Egyptians shall know that I am the
gnd he gave them a cnar2;e unto the children of Lord, who have stretched forth my hand upon
Israel, and unto Pharao the king of Egypt, that Egypt, and have brought forth the children of
tiipy should biing forth the children of Israel out Out of the midst of them.
of the land of Egypt. 6 And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had
11 These are the lieads of their houses by their commanded: so did they.
families. The sons of Ruben the first-born of 7 And Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron
Israel: Henoch and Phallu, Hesron and Charmi. eighty-three, when they sjioke to Pharao.
15 These are the kindreds of Ruben. The 8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
sons of Simeon, Jamuel, and Jamin, and Ahod, 9 When Pharao shall say to you. Show signs:
ami Jachin, and Soar, and Saul the son of a Cha- thou shalt say to Aaron: Take thy rod, and cast
nannitess: .These are the families of Simeon. it down before Pharao, and it shall be turned into
l(j And these are the names of the sons of Levi a serpent.

by their kindreds: Gerson and Caath and Meraii. 10 So Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharao,
And the years of the life of Levi were a hundred and did as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron
and thirty-seven. took the rod before Pharao and his servants; and
17 The sons of Gerson: Lobni and Semei, by it was turned into a serpent.
their kindreds. 11 And Pharao called the wise men and the
18 The sons of Caath: Amram, and Isaar, and magicians :§ and they also by Egyptian enchant-
Hebron, and Oziel. And the years of Caath's ments and certain secrets did in like manner.
life were a hundred and thirty-three. 12 And they every one cast down their rods,
If) The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi. and they were turned into serpents: but Aaron '.s
These are the kindreds of Levi by their families. rod devoured their rods.
20 And Amram took to wife Jochabed his aunt 13 And Pharao 's heart was hardened; and he
by the father's side: and she bore him Aaron and did not hearken to them, as the Lord had com-
Moses. And the years of Amram 's life were a manded.
hundred and thirty-seven. 14 And the I^ord said to Moses: Pharao's heart
21 The sons also of Isaar: Core, and Nepheg, is hardened: he will not let the people go.
and Zechri. 15 Go to him in the morning; behold, he will
22 The sons also of Oziel Mizael, and Eliza- go out to the waters: and thou slialt stand to meet
phan, and Sethri. him on the bank of the river: and thou shalt take
23 And Aaron took to wife Elizabeth the in thy hand the rod that was turned into a ser-
daughter of Aminadab, sister of Nahason, who pent.
bore him Nadab, and Abiu, and Eleazar, and 16 And thou shalt say to him: The Lord God
Ithamar. of the Hebrews sent me to thee, saying: Let my
24 The sons also of Core: Aser, and Elcana. people go to sacrifice to me in the desert: and
and Abiasaph. These are the kindreds of the hitherto thou wouldst not hear.
Corites. • 17 Thus therefore saith the Lord: In this thou
25 But Eleazar the son of Aaron took a wife of shalt know that I am the liord: behold, I will
the dau2:hters of Phutiel: and she bore him Phi- strike with the rod that is in my hand, the water
n?es. These are the heads of the Levitical fami- of the river, and it shall be turned into blood.
lies by their kindreds. 18 And the fishes that are in the river, shall die,
26 These are Aaron and Moses, whom the and the waters shall be corrupted: and the Egyp-
Lord connnanded to bring forth the children of tians shall be afflicted when they drink the water
Israel out of the land of Egypt by their compa of the river.
nies. 19 The Lord also said to Moses: Say to Aaron,
27 These are they that speak to Pharao king of Take thy rod, and stretch forth thy hand upon the
Egyiit, in order to bring out the children of Israel waters of Egypt, and upon their rivers, and
from Egypt: these are that Moses and Aaron, streams and pools, and all the ponds of waters,
28 In the day when the Lord spoke to Moses that they may be turned into blood: and let blood
in the land of Egypt. be in ail the land of Egypt, both in vessels of
2S) And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: I am wood and of stone.
the Lord: speak thou to Pharao king of Egypt, 20 And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had
all that I say to thee. commanded: and lifting up the rod, he struck the
.30 And Moses said before the Lord: Lo, I am water of the river before Pharao and his servants:
of uncircumcised lips: how will Pharao hear me? and it was turned into blood.
21 And the fishes that were in the river, died;
CHAP. VII. and the river corrupted; and the Egyptians could
Moses and Aaron go in to Pharao: they turn the not drink the water of the river; and there was
rod into n serpent; and the waters of Egypt blood in all the land of Egypt.
into blood, which ivas the first plague. The 22 And the magicians of the Egyptians with
magicians do the like; and Pharaohs heart is their enchantments did in like rnanner: and Pha-
hardened. rao's heart was hardened; neither did he hear
AND the Lord said to Moses: Behold, I have them, as the Lord had commanded.
appointed thee the God of Pharao :t and 23 And he turned himself away, and went into
Aaron tny brother shall be thy prophet. his house; neither did he set his heart to it this
2 Tiiou fhalt speak to him all that I command time also.
Ihee: and he shall speak to Pharao, that he let the
children of Israel go out of his land. X I shall harden, &c. Not by being the effi-
cient cause of his hardness of heart, but by per-
* Uncircumcised lips. So he calls the defect he mitting it, and by withdrawing grace from him, in
jad in his words, or utterance. punishment of his malice; which alone was tlia
t The God of Pharao: viz. to be his Judge; proper cause of his being hardened.
and to exercise a divine power, as God's instru- § Magicians. Jannes and Mambres or fant'
ment, over him and his people. bres, 2 Tim. iii. 8.
24 And the Egyptians dug round about the
all earth; and may there be scmiphs:). jn aJl the land
river for water to drink: for they could not drink of Egypt.
of the water of the river. 17 And they did so. And Aaron stretched forth
25 And seven days were fully ended, after that his hand, holding the rod: and he struck the dust
{he Lord struck the river. of the earth, and there came sciniphs on men and
on beasts: all the dust of the earth was turned
into sciniphs through all the land of Egypt.
The second plague is offrogs : Pharao promisptli 18 And the magicians with their enchantments
to let the Israelites go, but breaks his promise. practised in like manner, to bring forth scinijilis-
The third plague is of sciiiiphs. The fourth is and they could not: and there were sciniphs as
of flies. Pharao again promiseth to dismiss well on men as on beasts.
the people, but doth it not. 19 And the magicians said to Pharao: This is

AN 1) the Lord
said to Moses: Go
in to Pharao,
a.'vJ thou shalt say to him: Thus saith the
the finger of God. And Pharao's heart was hard-
ened; and he hearkened not unto them, as the
Lord: L"t my
people go to sacrifice to me. Lord had commanded.
2 But if thou wilt not let them go, behold, I 20 The Lord also said to Moses: Arise carlv
will strike all thy coasts with frogs. and stand before Pharao: for he will go foilli to
3 Anil the river shall bring forth an abundance the waters: and thou shalt say to him: Thus saith
of fro;;s; which shall come up, and enter into thy the Lord: Let my
people go to sacrifice to me.
house, and thy bed-chamber, and upon thy bed, 21 But if thou wilt not let them go, behold I
and into the houses of thy servants, and to thy will send in upon thee, and upon thy servants, and
people, and into thy ovens, and into the remains ujion tliy houses all kind of flies: and the house n
of thy meats: of the Egyptians shall be filled with flies of di-
4 And the frogs shall come in to thee, and to vers kinds, and the whole land ".-herein they shall
thy people, and to all thy servants. be.
5 And the Lord said to Moses: Say to Aaron: 22 And I will make the land of Gessen won-
Stretch forth thy hand upon tlie streams and ujion derful in that day, so that flies shall not be there:
the livers and the pools, and bring forth frogs and thou shalt know that I am the Lord in the
upon the land of Egypt. midst of the earth.
6 And Aaron stretciied forth his hand upon the 23 And I will put a division between people my
waters of Egypt: and the frogs came up, and co- and thj' people: to-morrow shall tliis sign be.
vered the land of Egypt. 24 And the Lord did so. And there came a
7 An the magiciansalsoby their enchantments very grievous swarm of flies into the houses of

did in like manner: and they brought forth frogs Pharao and of his servants, and into all the land
upon the Imd of Egyi t. ,
of Egypt: and the land was corrupted by this
8 But Pharao called Moses and Aaron, and said kind of flies.
to thein: Pray ye to the Lord* to take away tlie 25 And Pharao called Moses and Aaron, and
frogs from me and from my people: and I will let said to them: Go, and sacrifice to your God in
the peo[)'e go to sacrifice to the Ijord. this land.
-9 And Moses said to Pharao: Set me a time 26 And Moses said: It cannot be so: for we
when I s'lall pray for thie, and for thy servants, shall sacrifice the abominations§ of the Egyjtians
and for thy people, that the frogs may be driven to the Lord our God: now if we kill those tilings
away from thee and from thy house, and from thy which the Egyptians worship, in their presence,
servants, and from thy people; and may remain they will stone us.
only in the river. 27 We will go three days' journey into the wil
10 And he answered: To-morrow. But he derness: and we will sacrifice to the Lord our
said: I will do according to thy word: that thou God, as he hath commanded us-
mayst know that there is none like to the Lord 28 And Pharao said: I will let you go to sacri-
our God. fice to the Lord your God in the wilderness: but
11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, and go no farther: pray for me.
from thy house, and from thy servants, and from 29 And Moses said: I will go out from thee,
thy people; and shall remain only in the river. and will pray to the Lord: and the flies shall de-
12 And Moses and Aaron went forth from Pha- part from Pharao, and from his servants, and from
rao: and Moses cried to the Lord for the promise, nis people to-morrow: but do not deceive' any
which he had made to Pharao concerning the more, in not letting the people go to sacrifice to
frogs. the Lord.
I'i And the Lord did according to the word of 30 So Moses went out from Pharao, and prayed
Aloses: and the frogs died out of the houses, and to the Lord.
out of the villages, and out of the fields: 31 And he did according to his word : and he
14 And they gathered them together into im- took away the flies from Phai-ao, and from hia
mense heaps: and the land was corru])ted. servants, and from his people: there was not left
15 And Pharao seeing that rest was given, hard- so much as one.
ened his own heart,t and did not hear them, as 32 And Pharao's heart was hardened, so that
the liord had commanded. neither this time would he let the peoj^le go.
16 And the Lord said to Moses: Say to Aaron:
Stretch forth thy rod, and strike the dust of the
The fifth plague is a murrain among the cattle.
* Pray ye to the Lord, &c. By this it appears, The sixth, of boils in men end beasts. Tin
that though the magicians, by the help of the devil, seventh, of hail. Pharao promiseth again to
could bring frogs, yet they could not take them let the people go, and breaketh his word.
away God being pleased to abridge in this the

power of Satan. So we see they could not after-

the Lord said to Moses: Go in to Pharao,
and speak to him: Thus saith the Lord God
wards produce the lesser insects; and in this re-
straint of thepower of the devil, were forced to i Sciniphs, or Cinifs, Hebrew Chinmm, small
acknowledge the finger of God. flying insects, very troublesome both to men and
t Phar to hardened his ovm heart. By this we beasts.
see that Pharao was himself the efficient cause of § The abominations, &c. That is, the things
his heart being hardened, and not God. See the they worship for gods: oxen, rams, &c. It is the
^ame repeated in ver. 32. Pharao hardened his usual style of the scriptures to call all idols and
heart at this time also: likewise chap. ix. 7, 35, false gods abominations, to signify how much the
and chap. xiii. 15. people of God ought to detest and abhor thenu
of the Hebrews: Let my people go to sacrifice lightnings running along the ground: and the Lorfl
to me. rained hail upon the land of Egypt.
2 But if thou refuse, and withhokl them still: 24 And the hail, and fire mixt with it, drove on
3 Behold, my hand shall be upon thy fields: together: and it was of so great bigness, as never
and a very g;rievous murrain upon thy horses, and before was seen in the whole land of Egypt,
asses, and camels, and oxen, and sheep. since that nation was founded.
4 And the Lord will make a woncferful diflfer- 25 And the hail destroyed through all the land
ence between the possessions of Israel and the of Egypt all things that were in the fields, both
possessions of the Egyptians, that nothing at all man and beast: and the hail smote every herb
shall die of those things that belong to the chil- of the field, and it broke every tree of the coun-
dren of Israel. try.
5 And
Lord appointed a time, saying: To-
the ^6 Only in the land of Gessen, where the chil-
morrow will the Lonl do this thing in the land. dren of Israel were, the hail fell not.
6 The Lord therefore did this thing the next 27 And Pharao sent and called Moses and
day: and all the beasts* of the Egyptians died: Aaron, saying to them: I have sinned this time
but of the beasts of the children of Israel there also: The Lord is just: I and my people are
died not one. wicked.
7 And Pharao sent to see: and there was not 28 Pray ye to the Lord that the thunderings of
any thing dead of that which Israel possessed. God and the hail may cease: that I may let you
And Pharao's heart was hardened, and he did go, and that ye may stay here no longer.
not let the people go. 29 Moses said: As soon as I am gone out of
8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: the city, I will stretch forth my hands to the
Take to you handfuls of ashes out of the chim- Lord; and the thunders shall cease, and the hail
ney; and let Moses sprinkle it in the air in the shall be no more: that thou mayest know that the
presence of Pharao. earth is the Lsrd's:
9 And be there dust upon all the land of 30 But I know that neither thou, nor thy ser-
Egypt: for there shall be boils and swelling vants do yet fear the Lord God.
blains both in men and beasts, in the whole land 31 The flax therefore, and the barley were
of Egypt. hurt, because the barley was green, and the flax
10 And they took ashes out of the chimney, was now bollod:
and stood before Pharaoh: and Moses sprinkled 32 But the wheat and other winter corn were
it in the air: and there came boils with swelling not hurt, because they %vere lateward.

blains in men and beasts. 33 And when Moses was gone from Pharao
11 Neither could the magicians stand before out of the city, he stretched forth his hands to the
Moses for the boils that were upon them, and in Lord: and the thunders and the hail ceased; nei-
all the land of Egypt. ther did there drop any more rain upon the earth.
12 And the Lord hardenedf Pharao's heart, 34 And Pharao seeing that the rain, and the
and he hearkened not unto thern, as the Lord had hail, and the thunders were ceased, increased his
spoken to Moses. sin:
13 And the Lord said to Moses: Arise in the 35 And his heart was hardened, and the heart
morning, and stand before Pharao, and thou shalt of his servants, and it was made exceeding hard,
say to him Thus saith tlie Lord the God of the neither did he let the children of Israel go^ as the

Hebrews: Let my people go to sacrifice to me. Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses.
14 For I will at this time send all my plagues
upon thy heart, and upon thy servants, and upon CHAP. X.
thy people: that thou mayest know there is none Tlie eif;hth plague of the locusts. The ninth, of
like me in all the earth. darkness. Pharao is still hardened.
1-5 For now I will stretch out my hand to strike

thee and thy people with pestilence. And thou

AND the Lord said to Moses: Go in to Pha-
rao; for I have hardened his heart, and the
shalt jierish from the earth. heart of his servants, that I may work these my
16 And therefore have Iraised thee, that I may signs in him,
show my power in thee, and my name may be 2 And thou mayst tell in the ears of thy sons,
spoken of throughout all the earth. and of thy grandsons, how often I have plagued

17 Dost thou yet hold back my people, and ;the Egyptians, and wrought my
signs amongst
wilt thou not let them go.' ithem: and you may know that I am the Lord:
18 Behold, I will cause it to rain to-morrow at 3 Therefore Moses and Aaron went in to Pha-
this same hour, an exceeding great hail; such as

Irao, and said to him: Thus saith the Lord God of

hnth not been in Egypt from the day that it was the Hebrews: Howlong refuses! thou to submit
founded, until this present time. jto me.' let my
people go, to sacrifice to me.
19 Send therefore now presently, and gather I
4 But if thou resist, and wilt not let them go,
together thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the behold, I will bring in to-morrow the locusts into
field for men and beasts, and all things that shall
: thy coasts:
be found abroad, and not gathered together out
5 To cover the face of the earth, that nothing
of the fields, which the hail shall fall upon, shall thereof may appear; but that which the hail hath
die. left may be eaten: for they shall feed upon all the
20 He that feared the word of the Lord among trees that spring in the fields.
Pharao's servants, made his servants and his cat- (J And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses

tle fleeinto houses: of thy servants, and of all the P'gyptians: such a
21 But he
that regarded not the word of the number as thy fathers have not seen, nor thy
Lord, left his servants and his cattle in the fields. grandfathers, fiom the time they were first upon
22 And the Lord said to Moses Stretch forth : the earth, until this present daj'. And he turned
thy hand towards heaven, that there may be hail himself away, and went forth from Pharao.
in the whole land of Egypt, upon men, and upon 7 And Pharao's servants said to hini: How
beasts, and upon every herb of the field in the jlong shall we endure this scandal.' let the men go
land of Egypt. jto sacrifice to the Lord their God. DosI thou not
23 And Moses stretched forth his rod towards see that Egypt is undone?
heaven: and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and 8 And thf-y called back Moses and Aaron to
Pharao: and he said to them: Go, sacrifice to the
* All the beastii. That is, many of all kinds. Lord your God: Who are they that sh-ill go?
Hurdevcd, fyc.
y See the antiotitions above. 9 Closes said: We will go with our youiig and
Chap. iv. 21. chap >':; 8
and chaii. viii. 1.5. old, with our sons and daughters, with our sheeo

anil herds: for it is the solemnity of the Lord our and after that he shall let you go, and thrust yoi'
God. out.
10 And Pharnn answered: So be the Lord 2 Therefore thou shalt tell all the people, thai
with you, as I shall let you and your children go: every man ask of his friend, and every woman
who can doubt but that you intend some great of her neighbour, vessels of silver, and of gold.
evil ? 3 And tne Lord will give favour to Ids eojile j

11 It shall not be so: but go ye men only, and in the sight of the Egyptians. And Moses was
sacrifice to the Lord: for this yourselves also de- a very great man in the land of Egypt, in the
sired. And immediately they were cast out sight of Pharao's servants, and of all the people.
from Pharao's presence. 4 A'nd he said: Thus saiih the Lord: At mid-
12 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch forth night I will enter into Egypt:
thy hand upon the land of Egypt unto the loci»it, 5 And every first-born in the land of the Egyp-
that it come upon it, and devour every herb that tians shall die, from the first-born of Pharao who
is left after the hail. sitteth on his throne, even to the first-born of the
13 And Moses stretched forth his rod upon the handmaid that is at the mill, and all the first-born
land of Egypt: and the Lord brought a burning of beasts.
wind al! tliat day and night: and when it was 6 And there shall be a great cry in all the land
morning, the burning wind raised the locusts. of Egyjit, such as neither hath been before, nor
14 And they came up over the whole land of shall be hereafter.
Egypt: and rested in all the coasts of the Egyp- 7 But with all the children of Israel there shall
tians innumerable, the like as had not been be- not a dog make the least noise, from man even to
fore that time, nor shall be hereafter. beast: that you may know how wonderful a dif-
15 And they covered the whole face of the ference the Lord maketh between the Egyptians
earth, wasting all things. And the grass of the and Israel.
earth was devoured, and what fruits soever were 8 And all these thy servants shall come down
on the trees, which the hail had left: and there to me, and shall worship me, saying: Go forjl^
remained not any thing that was green on the thou, and all the people that is under thee: aftei
trees, or in the herbs of the earth in all Egypt. that we will go out.
l(j Wherefore Pharao in haste called Moses 9 And he went out from Pharao exceeding
and Aaron, and said to them: T have sinned angry. But the Lord said to Moses: Pharao
against the Lord your God, and against you. will not hear you, that many signs may be done in
17 But now forgive me my sin this time also the land of Egypt.
and pray to the Lord your God, that he take 10 And Moses and Aaron did all the wonders
away from me this death. that are written, before Pharao. And the Lord
18 And Moses goin°; forth from the presence hardened! Pharao's heart; neither did he let the
of Pharao, prayed to the Lord: children of Israel go out of his land.
ly And he made a very strong wind to blow
from the west; and it took the locusts and cast
them into the Red Sea: there remained not so The manner of preparing, and eating tUe paschal
much as one in all the coasts of Egypt. lamb: The first-born of Egypt are all slain: The
20 And the Lord hardened Pharao's heart, Israelites depart.
neither did he let the children of Israel go. ND
the Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the
21 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch out and of Egypt:
thy hand towards heaven: and may there be 2 This month shall be to you the beginning of
darkness upon the land of Egypt so thick that it months: it shall be the first in the months of the
may be felt.* year.
22 And Moses stretched forth his hand towards 3 Speak ye to the whole assembly of the chil-
heaven: and there came horrible darkness in all dren of Israel, and say to them: On the tenth day
the land of Egypt for three days. of this month let every man take a lamb by tlieir
23 No man saw his brother, nor moved himself families and houses.
out of the place where he w;!s: but wheresoever 4 But if the number be less than may suffice to
the children of Israel dwelt, there was light. eat the lamb, he shall take unto him his neighbour
24 And Pharao called Moses and Aaron, and that joineth to his house, according to the number
said to them: Go, sacrifice to the Lord: let your of souls which may be enough to eat the lamb.
shee[) only, and herds remain, let your children 5 And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a
go with you. male, of one year: according to which rite also
25 Moses said: Thou shalt give us also sacri- you shall take a kid.J
fices and burnt-offerings, to the Ijord otir God. 6 And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day
26 All the flocks shall go with us: there shall of this month: and the whole nuiltitude of the
not a hoof remain of them: for they are necessa- children of Israel shall sacrifice it in the evening.
ry for the service of the Lord our God; especial- 7 And they shall take of the blood thereof, and
ly as we know not what must be offered, till we put it upon both the side-posts, and on the upper
come to the very place- door-posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it..
27 And the Lord hardened Pharao's heart, and 8 And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted
ne ^vould not let them go. at the fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce.
28 And Pharao said to Moses: Get thee from 9 You shall not eat thereof any thing raw, nor
3ie, and beware thou see not my face any more: boiled in water, but only roasted at the fire: you
:n wlnt day soever thou shalt come in my sight, shall eat the head with the feet and entrails
thou shalt die. thereof.
2^) Mos'>s answered: So shall it be as thou hast 10 Neither shall there remain any thing of it
spoken: I will not see thy face any more. until morning. If there be any thing left, you shall
CHAP. XI. burn it with fire.
Pharao and his people arc threatened with the 11 And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird
death of their first-born. your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet,
AND the Lord s^il to Mos°s: Yet one plague
more will I bring upon Pharao and Egypt, t The Lord hu-^lened, &-c. See the annotations
above, chap. iv. 21. and chap. vii. 3.
* D irkness upon the land of R?;iipt so thick t A kid. The Phase might be performed, either
that it mni he felt. By means of the gross ex with a lamb or with a kid: ana all the same rites

halailons, which were to cause and accompany and ceremonies were to be used with the one as
the darkness. with the other.
Holding staves In your hands; and you shall eat 29 And it came to pass at midnight, the Lord
m haste: tor it is the Phase (that is, tlie Passage) slew every first-born in tlie land of Egypt, from
of the Lord. the first-born of Phaiao, who sat on his throne,
12 And I will pass through the land of Egypt unto the first-born of the captive woman that •vas
that night, and will kill every first-born in the land in the prison,and all the first born of cattle.
of Egypt, both man and beast: and against all the 30 And Pharao arose in the night, and all his
fods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the servants, and all Egypt: and there arose a great
iord. cry infli^gypt: for there was not a house wherein
13 And the blood shall be unto you for a sign there lay not one dead.
in the houses where you shall bo : and I shall see 31 And Pharao calling Moses and Aaron, in
the blood, and shall pass over you: and the plague the night, said'; Arise, and go forth from among my
shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I shall peojile, you, and the children of Israel: go, sacri
strike the land of Egypt. fice to the Lord, as j'ou say.
14 And this day shall be for a memorial to you: 32 Your .sheep and herds take along with you,
and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord in your as you demanded; and departing, bless me.
generations with an everlasting observance. 33 And the Egyptians pressed the people to go
15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened bread: forth out of the land speedily, saying: We
in the first day there shall be no leaven in your all die.
houses: whosoever shall eat any thing leavened, 34 The people therefore took dough before it
from the fir^t day until the seventh day, that soul was leavened: and tying it in <//efr cloaks, put it
shall perish out of Israel. on their shoulders.
16 The first day shall be holy and solemn; and 35 And the children of Israel did as Moses had
the seventh day shall be kept with the like solem- commanded: and they asked of the Egyptians
nity: you shall do no work in them, except those vessels of silver and gok^nd very much raiment.
things that belong to eating. 36 And the Lord gave favour to the people in
17 And you shall observe the feast of the un- the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto
leavened bread: for in this same day I will bring ihem: and they stripped the Egyptians.
forth your army out of the land of Egypt; and you 87 And the children of Israel set forward from
shall keep this day in your generations by a per- Ramesse to Socoth, being about six hundred thou-
petual observance. sand men on foot, besides children.
IS The first month, the fourteenth day of the 38 And a mixed multitude without number
montli in the evening, you shall eat unleavened went up also with them, sheep, and herds, and
bread,* until the one and twentieth day of the beasts of divers kinds, exceedmg many.
same month in the evening. 39 And they baked the meal, which a little be-
19 Seven days there shall not be found any lea- fore they had brought out of Egypt in dough: and
ven in your houses: he that shall eat leavened they made hearth-cakes unleavened: for it could
bread, his soul shall perish out of tlie assembly of not be leavened, the Egyptians pressing them to
Israel, whether he be a stranger or born in the depart, and not suffering them to make any stay:
land. neither did thej' think of preparing any meat.
'20 You shall not eat any thing leavened: in all 40 And the abode of the children of Israel that
your habitations you shall eat unleavened bread they made in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty
21 And Moses called all the ancients of the years.
children of Israel, and said to them: Go take a 41 Which being expired, the same day all the
Iamb by your families, and sacrifice the Phase. army of the Lord went forth out of the' land of
22 And dip a bunch of hyssop in the blood that Egypt.
is at the door, and sprinkle t the transom of the 42 This is the observable night of the Lord
door therewith, and both the door cheeks: let when he brought them forth out of the land of
none of you go out of the door of his house till Egyjjt: this night all the children of Israel must
morning. observe in their generations.
23 For the Lord will pass through striking the 43 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
Egyptians: and when he shall see the blood on This is the service of the Phase: No
the transom, and on both the posts, he v/ill pass shall eat of it.
over the door of the house, and not suffer the 44 But every bought servant shall be circum-
destroyer to come into your houses, and to hurt cised, and so shall eat.
you. 45 The stranger and the fiireling shall not eat
24 Thou shalt keep this thing as a law for thee thereof.
and thy children for ever. 46 In one house shall il be eaten; neither shall
2-5 And when you have entered into the land you carry forth of the flesh thereof out of the house;
which the Lord will give you as he hats promised, neitlier shall you break a bone thereof.
you shall observe these ceremonies. 47 All the assembly of the children of Israel
20 And when your children shall say to you: shall keep it.
W!iat is the meaning of this service.' 48 And if any stranger be willing to dwell
27 You shall say to them: It is the victim of the among you, and to keep the Phase of the Lord, all
passage of the Lord, when he passed over the his males shall first be circumcised: and then shall
no'.is<'s of the children of Israel in Egypt, striking he celebrate it according to the manner: and he
the Egyptians, and saving our houses. And the shall he as he that is born in the land: but if any
pf or le bowing themselves, adored. man be uncircumcised, he shall not eat thereof.
28 An the children of Israel going forth did as
i 49 The same law shall be to him that is born in
the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron. the land, and to the proselyte that sojourneth with
* Unleavened bread. By this it appears, that 50 And all the children of Israel did as the Lord
our Sav iour made use of unleavened bread, in the had commanded Moses and Aaron.
institution of the blessed sacrament, which was 51 And the same day the Lord brought forth
on the evening of the paschal solemnity, at which the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by
time there was no leavened bread to be found in their companies.
t Sprinkle, SfC. This sprinkling the doors of
the Isiaelitcs with the blood of the paschal lamb, The paschal solemnity is to he observed; and the
in order to their bein;; delivf red from the sword first-born are to be consecrated to Got! Tht
oi the destroying ansel, was a lively figure of our people are conducted throii'^h the desert by a pil-
ledemption by the blood of Christ. lar of fire in the night, and a cloud in the day

AND the Lord spoke
2 Sanctify unto
Moses, saying:
.way by day in a pillar of a cloud, and by nir Jit la
every first-born* that a pillar of fire; that he might be the guide ol their
openeth the womb among the children of Israel, 'journey at both times.
as well of men as of beasts: for they are all mine. 22 There never failed the pillar of the cloud by
3 And Moses said to the people: Remember day, nor the pillar of fire by night, before the
this day in which you came fortn out of Egypt- people.
and out of the house of bondage; for with a strong
hand hath the Lord brought you forth out of this
place; that you eat no leavened bread- Pharao pursueth the children of Israel. They
4 This day you go forth in the month of new murmur against Moses; but are encouraged by
corn. him, and pass through the Red Sea. Pharao
5 And when the Lord shall have brought thee and his army following them are drowned.
into the land of the Chanaanite and the Hethite,
and the Amorrhite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu-
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel: Let them
Bite, which he swore to thy fathers that he would turn and encamp over against Phihahiroth, which
give thee, a land that floweth %Vith milk and honey, is between Magdal and the sea over-against Beel-
thou shalt celebrate this manner of sacred rites in sephon: you shall encamp before it upon the sea.
this month. 3 And Pharao will say of the children of Israel.
6 Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread: They are straitened in the land, the desert hath
and on the seventh day shall be the solemnity of shut them in.
the Lord. 4 And I shall harden his heart, and he will pur-
7 Unleavened bread shall you eat seven days: sue you: and I shall be glorified in Pharao, and in
there shall not be seen any thing leaveAd with all his army: and the Egyptians shall know that I
thee, nor in all thy coafts. am the Lord. And they did so.
8 And thou shalt tell thy son in that day, say- 5 And it was told the king of the Egyptians,
ing: This is what the Lord did to me when I came that the people was fled: and the heart of Pharao
forth out of Egypt. and of his servants was changed with regard to
9 And it shall be as a sign in thy hand, and as a the people, and they said: What meant we to do,
memorial before thy eyes; and that the law of the that we let Israel go from serving us.'
Lord be always in thy mouth; for with a strong 6 So he made ready his chariot, and took all his
hand the Lord hath brought thee out of the land people with him.
of Egypt. 7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and
10 Thou shalt keep this observance at the set all the chariots that were in Egypt, and the cap-
time from days to days. tains of the whole army.
11 And when the Lord shall have brought thee 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharao
into the land of the Chanaanite, as he swore to king of Egypt; and he pursued the children of
thee and thy fathers, and shall give it thee: Israel but they were gone forth in a mighty hand.

12 Thou shalt set apart all that openeth the 9 And when the Egyptians followed the steps
womb for the Lord, and all that is first brought of them who were gone before, they found them
forth of thy cattle: whatsoever thou shalt have of encamped at the sea-side: all Pharao's horse and
the male sex, thou shalt consecrate to the Lord. chariots, and the whole army were in Phihahiroth
13 The first-born of an ass thou shalt change before Beelsephon.
for a sheep: and if thou do not redeem it, thou 10 And when Pharao drew near, the children
shalt kill it. And every first-born of men thou of Israel lifting up their eyes, saw the Egyptians
shalt redeem with a price. behind them: and they feared exceedingly, and
14 And when thy son shall ask thee to-morrow, cried to the Lord «
saying: What is this .'Thou shalt answer him: 11 And they said to Moses: Perhaps there
With a strong hand did the Lord bring us forth were no graves in Egypt; therefore thou hast
out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bon- brought us to die in the wilderness: why wouldst
dage. thou do this, to lead us out of Egypt.'
15 For when Pharao was hardened, and would 12 Is not this the word that we spoke to thee
not let us go, the Lord slew every first-born in in Egypt, saying: Depart from us, that we may
the land of Egypt, from the first-born of man to serve the Egyptians.' for it was much better to
the first-born of beasts: therefore I sacrifice to the serve them, than to die in the wilderness.
I.iord all that openelh the womb of the male* sex, 13 And Moses said to the people: Fear not:
and all the first-born of my sons I redeem. stand, and see the great wonders of the Lord,
Ifi And it shall be as a sign in thy hand, and as which he will do this day: for the Egyptians
a thing hung between thy eyes, for a remem- whom you see now, you shall see no more for
brance: because the Lord hath brought us forth ever.
out of Egypt by a strong hand. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and j-ou shall
17 And when Pharao had sent out the people, hold your peace.
the Lord led them not by the way of the land of 15 And the Lord said to Moses: Why criest
the Philistines which is near: thinking lest per- thou to me Speak to the children of Israel to go

haps they would repent, if they should see wars forward.

arise aRainst them, and would return into Egypt. 16 But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch forth
18 But he led them about by the way of the thy hand over the sea, and divide it: that the rhil-
desert, which is by the Red Sea: and the cliildren dren of Israel may go through the midst of the sea
of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt. on dry ground.
19 And Moses took Joseph's bones with liim: 17 And I will harden the heart of the Egyptians
because he had adjured the children of Israel, to pursue you: and I will be gloiified in Pharao,
spying: God shall visit you, carry out my bones and in all his host, and in his chariots, and in his
. from hence with you. horsemen.
20 And marching from Socoth they encamped 18 And the Egyptians shall know that I am the
in Elhnni in the utmost coasts of the wilderness. Lord, when I shall be glorified in Pharao, and in
21 And the Lord went before them to show the his chariots, and in his horsemen.
19 And the Angel of God, who went before
* Savctifti unto me everxj first-horn. Sanctifi- the camp of Israel, removing, went beiiind them:
cation in this place means that the first-born males and together with him the pillar of the cloutl,
of the Hebrews should be d Jj'Aited to the ministry leaving the fore-part,
in the divine worshin; and the first-born of beasts 20 Stood behind, between the Egyptians' camp
be given for a sacrifice. and the camp of Israel: and it was a dark cloucf,


and pnlightening the night,* so that they could 9 The enemy said: I will pursue and overtakB,
not come at one another all the night. I will divide the spoils; my
soul shall have its fill!
21 And when Moses had stretched forth his I will draw my
sword; my
hand shall slay them.
hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by a 10 Thy wind blew, and the sea covered them;
strong and burning wind blowing all the night, they sunk as lead in the mighty waters.
and turned it into dry ground: and the water was 11 Whois like to thee, among the strong, O
divided. Lord who is like to thee, glorious in holines.s,

22 And the children of Israel went in through terrible and praiseworthy, doing wonders?
"the midst of the sea dried up: for the water was 12 Thou stretchedst forth thy hand, and tlie
as a wall on their right hand and on their left. earth swallowed them.
23 And the Egyptians pursuing, went in after 13 In thy mercy thou hast been a leader to the
them, and all Pharao's horses, his chariots and people which thou hast redeemed: and in thy
liorsenien, through the midst of the sea. strength thou hast carried them to thy holy habi
2-t And now the morning watch was come: and tation.
behold, the Lord looking ujion the Egyptian army 14 Nations rose up, and were angry: sorrows
through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, slew took hold on the inhabitants of Philisthiim.
their host, 1.5 Then were the nrinces of Edom troubled
2.5 And overthrew the wheels of the chariots, trembling seized on tne stout men of Moab: all
and they were carried into the deep. And the the inhabitants of Chanaan became stiff.
Egyptians said: Let us flee from Israel: for the 16 Let fear and dread fall upon them, in the
Loni tighleth for them against us. greatness of thy arm: let them become unmove-
26 And the Lord said to Moses Stretch forth
: able as a stone, luitil thy people, O
Lord, pass by:
thy hand over the sea, that the waters may come until this thy people pass by, which thou hast pos-
again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots and sessed.
horsemen. 17 Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in
27 And when Moses had stretched forth his the mountain of thy inheritance, in thy most firm
hand towards the sea, it returned at the first break habitation, which ihou hast made, O
Lord; thy
of day to the former place: and as the Egyptians sanctuary, O
Lord, which thy hands have estab-
were fleeing away, the waters came upon them, lished.
and the Lord shut them up in the middle of the 18 The Lord shall reign for ever and ever.
waves. « 19 For Pharao went in on horseback with his
28 And the waters returned, and covered the chariots and horsemen into the sea: and the Lord
chariots and the horsemen of all the army of Pha brought back upon them the waters of the sea:
rso, who had come into the sea after them, neithe: but the children of Israel walked on dry ground
did there so much as one of them remain. midst thereof.
in the
29 But the children of Israel inarched through 20 So Mary the prophetess, the sister of Aaron,
the midst of the sea upon dry land and the waters
: toolt a timbrel in her hand: and all the women
were to them as a wail on the right hand and on went forth after her with timbrels and with
the left: dances:
30 And the Lord delivered Israel in that day 21 And she began the song to them, saying:
out of the hands of the Egyptians. Let us sing to the Lord: for he is gloriously mag-
31 And they saw the Egyptians dead upon the nified: Ihe'horse and his rider he hath thrown into
sea-shore, and the mighty hand that the Lord had the sea.
used against them: and the people feared the 22 And Moses brought Israel from the Red
Lord; and they believed the Lord, and Moses liis Sea; and they went forth into the wilderness ot
servant. Sur: and they marched three days through the
wilderness, and found no water.
CHAP. XV. 23 And they came into Mara, and they could
The canticle of Moses. The bitter waters of not drink the waters of Mara, because they were
Mara are made sweet. bitter: whereupon he gave a name also agreeable
^HEN Moses and the children of Israel sung to the place, calling it Mara, that is, bitterness.
this canticle to the Lord, and said: Let us 24 And the people murmured against Moses,
sing to the Lord: for he is gloriously magnified: saying: What shall we drink.'
the horse and the rider he hath thrown into the 25 But he cried to the Lord: and he showed
sea: him a tree, which when he had cast into the wa-
2 The Lord is my strength and my praise, and ters, they were turned into sweetness. There he
he is become salvation to me: he ?.s my God, and appointed him ordinances, and judgments, and
T will glorify him; the God of my father, and I there he proved him,
will exalt him. 26 Saying: If thou wilt hear the voice of the
3 The Lord is as a man of war, Almighty is Lord thy God, and do what is right before him,
his name. and obey his commandments, and keep all his
4 Pharao's chariots and his army he hath cast precepts, none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt,
into thQ sea: his chosen captains are drowned in will I bring upon thee: for I am the Lord thy
the Red
Sea. healer.
.5 The
depths have covered them: they are sunk 27 And the children of Israel came into Ehm,
to the bottom like a stone. where there were twelve fountains of water, and
6 Thy right hand, O Lord, is magnified in seventy palm trees: and they encamped by thp
strength: thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the waters.
enemy. CHAP. XVI.
7 And in the multitude of thy glory thou hast
rvant of meat: God giveth
put down thy adversaries: thou fiast sent thy The people murmur for
wrath, which hath devoured them like stubble. them quails and manna.
8 And with the blast of thy anger the waters
were gathered together: the flowing water stood;
they set forward from Elim: and all the
multitude of the children of Israel came into
the depths were gathered together in the midst of the desert of Sin, vv+ich is between PZlirn and Si-
the sea. nai, the fifteentli day of the second month, after
they came out of the land of Egypt.
* A
dark cloud, and enlightening the night. It 2 And all the congregation of the children of
vtas?idnrk cloud to die Egyptians; but enlight Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the
fned the night to the Israelites, by giving them a wilderness.
rreat light. 3 And the children of Israel said to them
G 49
Would to God we had died by the hand of the dressed, dress them: and whatsoever shall re»
Lord in the land of Egyjit, when we sat over the main, lay it up until the morning.
fleshpots, and ate bread to the full: why have you 24 And they did so as Moses had commanded:
brought us into this desert, that you might destroy and it did not putrify, neither was there worm
all the multitude with famine? found in it.
1 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold, I will 25 And Moses said: Eat it to-day, because it is
rain bread from heaven for you: let the people go the sabbath of the Lord: to-day it shall not be
forth, and g,ather what is sufficient for every day; found in the fielc^.
that I may prove them whether they will walk in 26 Gather it six days: but on the seventh day
my law, or no. is the sabbath of the Lord; therefore it shall not
5 But the sixth day let them provide for to be found.
bring in: and let it be double to that they were 27 And the seventh day came: and some of
wont to gather every day. the people going forth to gather, found none.
6 And Moses and Aaron said to the children 28 And the Lord said to Moses: long How
of Israel: In the evening you shall know that will you refuse to keep my
commandments, and
the Lord hath brought you forth out of the land law? my
of Egypt: 29 See that the Lord hath given you the sab-
7 And in the morning you shall see the glory bath, and for this reason on the sixth day he giv-

of the Lord for he hath heard your murmuring e'h you a double provision: let each man stay at

against the Lord: but as for us, what are we, that home, and let none go forth out of his place the
you mutter agajnst us? seventh day.
8 And Moses said: In tlie evening the Lord 30 And the people kept the sabbath on the sev-
will give you flesh to eat, and in the morning enth day.
bread to the full: for he hath heard yourmurmur- 31 And the house of Israel called the name
ings, with which you have murmured against the name thereof Manna:* and it was like cori-
him: for what are we? j'our murmuring is not ander seed white, yand the taste thereof like to
against us, but against the Lord. flour with honey.
9 Moses also said to Aaron : Say to the whole 32 And Moses said: This is the word, which
congregation of the children of Israel: Come be- the Lord hath commanded: Fill a gomor of it,
fore the Lord for he hath heard your murmur- and let it be kept unto generations to come here-

ing. after: that they Aay know the bread, wherewith

10 And when Aaron spoke to all the assembly I fed you in the wilderness, when you were
of the children of Israel, they looked towards brought forth out of the land of Egypt.
the wilderness: and behold, the glory of the Lord 33 And Moses said to Aaron: Take a vessel,
appeared in a cloud. and put Manna into it, as much as a gomor can
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: hold and lay it up before the Lord to keep unto

12 I have heard the murmuring of the children your generations,

of Israel: say to them: In the evening you shall 34 As the 'Lord commanded Moses. And
eat flesh, and in the morning you shall have your Aaron put it in the tabernacle to be kept.
fill of bread : and you shall know that I am the 35 And the children of Israel ate manna forty
Tjord your God. years, till they came to a habitable land: with
13 So it came to pass in the evening, that quails this meat were they fed, until they reached the
coming up, covered the camp: and in the morn- borders of the land of Chanaan.
ing a dew lay round about the camp. 36 Now
a gomor is the tenth part of an ephi.
14 And when it had covered the face of the CHAP. XVII.
earth, it appeared in the wilderness small, and as The people murmur again for want of drink: the
it were beaten with a pestle, like unto the hoar Lord givetli them loater out of a rock. Moses
frost on the ground. lifting up his hand in prayer, Amelec is over-
15 And when the children of Israel saw it, come.
they said one to another: Manhu! which sign!
fietn: What is this! for they knew not what it
all the multitude of the children of Is-
rael setting forward from the desert of Sin,
was. And Moses said to them: This is the bread, by their mansions, according to the word of the
which the Lord hath given you to eat. Lord, encamr^ed in Raj hidim, where there was
16 This is the word, that the Lord hath com- no water for the people to drink.
manded: Let every one gather of it as much as 2 And they chode with Moses, and .sfid: Give
is enough to eat:* a gomor for every man, accord- us water, that we may drink. And Moses an-
ing to the number of your souls 'that dwell in a swered them: Why chide you with me? Where
tent, so shall you take of it. fore do you teniil the Lord?
17 And the children of Israel did so: and they 3 So i!ic pcoile were tldrsty there for want of
gathered, one more, another less. water, and murnmred against Moses, saying:
18 And they measured by the measure of a Why didst thou-malje us go forth out of Egypt,
gomor: neither had he more that had gathered to kill us, and our children, and our beasts, with
more: nor did he find less that had provided less: thirst ?
but every one had gathered, according to what 4 And Moses cried to the Lord, saying: What
they were able to eat. sha^l I do to this people? Yet a little more and
19 And Moses said to them: Let no man leave they will stone me.
thereof till the morning. 5 And the Lord said to Moses: Go before the
20 And ihey hearkened not to him; but some people, and take with thee of the ancirnts of Is-
of them left until the morning: and it began to rael: and take in tliy hand the rod wherewith
. be full of worms, and it putrified: and Moses was thou didst strike the river, and go.
angry with them.
21 Now every one of them gathered in the * Minna. This miraculous food, with wdiich
morning, as much as might suffice to eat: and af- the children of Israel were nomished and sup-
ter the sun grew hot, it melted. ported during their sojournins: in the wilderness,
22 But on the sixth day th'ey gathered twice as was a figure of the bread of life, which we receive
much, that is, two gomors every man: and all the in the blessed sacrament, for the food and nourish-
rulers of the multitude came, and told Moses. ment of our souls, during the time of our mortal
23 And he said to them: This is what the Lord pilgrimage, till we com^^ tu our eternal home, the
flath spoken: To-morrow is the rest of the sab- true lanri of promise; where we shall keep an
bath sanctified to the Lord. Whatsoever work everlasting sabbath, and have no further need ol
is to be done, do it:, and the meats that are to be sacraments


6 Behold, I will stand there before thee, upon 12 So Jethro the kinsman of Moses ofTeffld

the rock Horeb: and thou shalt strike the rock, [holocausts and sacrifices to God: and Aaron and
and -water shall come out of it that the people all the ancients of Israel came, to eat bread witn
may drink. Moses did so before the ancients of him before God.
Israel 13 And the next day Moses sat to judge the
7 And he called the name of that place Temp- people, who stood by Moses from morning until
tation, because of the chiding of the chil Iren of night.
I-rael, nd
for that they tempted the Lo d, say- 14 And when his kinsman had seen all things
ing: Is the Lord amongst us or not? that he did among the people, he said: What is it
8 And Amalec came, and fought against Israel that thou doest among the people.' sittest Why
in Raphidim. thou alone, and all the people wait from morning
9 And Moses said to Josue: Choose out men; till night.'
an'd go out and fight against Amalec to-morrow : 15 And Moses answered him: The people come
I will stand on the top of the hill having the to me to seek the judgment of God.
rod of God in mj' hand. 16 And when any controversy falleth out
10 Josue did as Moses had spoken; and he among them, they come to me to judge between
fought against Amalec: but Moses and Aaron them, and to show the precepts of God, and his
and Hur went up upon the top of the hill. la\Ys.
11 And when Moses lifted up his hands,t Is- 17 But he said: The thing thou doest is not
rael overcame: but if he let them down a little, good.
Amalec overcame. 18 Thou art spent with foolish labour, both thou,'
12 And Moses's hands were heavy: so fhey and this people that is with thee: the business is
took a stone, and put under him; and he sat on it: above thy strength; thou alone canst not bear it
and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands on both 19 But hear my words and counsels; and God
sides. And it came to pass that his hands were shall be with thee. Be thou to the people in those
not weary until sun-set. things that pertain to God, to bring their words to
13 And Josue put Amalec and his people to him:
flight, the edge of the sword.
by 20 And show the people the ceremonies and
14 And the Lord said to Moses: "Write this for the manner of worshipping, and the way wherein
a memorial in a book, and deliver it to the ears they ouglit to walk, and the work that thej' ought
of Josue: for I will destroy the memory of Ama- to do.
lec from under heaven. 21 And provide out of all the people, able men,
15 And Moses built an altar, and called the such as fear God, in whom there is truth, and tha'.
name thereof. The I^ord my exaltation, saying: hate avarice, and appoint of them rulers of thou-
16 Because the hand of the throne of the Lord, sajids, and of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens,
and the war of the Lord, shall be against Ama- 22 "Who may judge the people at all times: and
lec, from generation to generation. when any great matter soever shall fall out, let
them refer it to thee; and let them judge the lesser
m.atters onl}^: that so it may be lighter for thee,
Jethro bringeth to Moses his toife and children: the burden being shared out unto others.
His counsel. 23 If thou doest this, thou shalt fulfil the com-
AND when
Jethro the priest of Madian, the
kinsman of Moses, had heard all the things
mandment of God, and shall be able to bear his
precepts: and all this people shall return to their
that God had done to Moses, and to Israel his places with peace.
people, and that the Lord had brought forth Is- 24 And when Moses heard this, he did all things
rael out of Egypt: that hehad suggested unto him.
2 He took Sephora the wife of Moses whom he 25 And choosing able men out of all Israel, he
had sent back, appointed them rulers of the people, rulers over
3 And her two sons, of whom one was called thousands, and over hundreds, and over fifties, and
Gersani, his father, saying: I have been a stranger over tens.
in a foreign country; 26 And they judged the people at all times: and
4 And the other Eliezer: For the God of my whatsoever was of greater difficulty they referred
father, said he, is my helper, and hath delivered to him, and they judged the easier cases only.
me from the sword of Pharao. 27 And he let his kinsman depart, and he re-
5 And Jethro the kinsman of Moses came with turned and went into his own country.
his sons, and his wife to Moses into the desert,,
where he was camped by the" mountain of God- CHAP. XIX.
6 And he sent word to Closes, saj'ing: I Jethro They come to Sinai: the people are commanded to
thy kinsman come to thee, and thy wiie, and thy be sanctified. The Lord coming in thunder and
two sons with her. lightning, speakcth u'ith Moses.
7 And he went out to meet his kinsman, and third month of the departure of Israel out
worshipped and kissed him: and they saluted INofthe
the land of Egypt, on this day they came
one another with words of' peace. And when he into the wilderness of Sinai:
was come into the tent, 2 For departing out of Raphidim, and coming
8 Moses told his kinsman all that the Lord had to the desert of Sinai, they camfied in the same
done to Pharao and the Egyptians, in favour of place, and there Israel pitched their tents over-
Israel; and all the labour which had befallen them against the mountain.
in the journey, and that the Lord had delivered 3 And Moses went up to God:t and the I>orc!
them. called unto him from the mountain, and said: Thus
9 And Jethro rejoiced for all the good things shnit thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the
that the Lord had done to Israel, because he had children of Israel:
delivered them out of tlie hands of the Egyjitians. 4 You have seen wl'.at I have done to the
10 And he said: Blessed is the Lord, who hath Egyptians; how I have carried you upon the
delivered his peot)le out of the hand of F^gypt wings of eagles, and have taken you to n)yself.
11 Now I know, that the Lord is great above all 5 If theremre you will hear my voice, and keep
gods: because they dealt proudly against them. my covenant, you shall be my peculiar possession
above all [leople: for all the earth is mine.
* And when Moses lifted up his hands. Here 6 And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom,
Moses was a figure of Christ on the ("ross, by
tirhose 'lower and mediation we overcome our t And Moses went up to God. Moses wen up
spiritual enemies. to Mount Sinai where God spoke to him.
«nd a holy nation. These are the words thou 3 Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
•halt speak to the children of Israel. 4 Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven tiling
7 Moses came: and calling together the elders nor the likeness of any thing* that is in heaven
of the people, he declared all the words whicli the above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things
JLord had commanded. that are in the waters under the earth.
8 And all the people answered together: All 5 Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve thnn:
that the Lord hath spoken, we will do- And I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting

when Moses had related the people's words to the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto
the Lord, the third and fourth generation of them that hate
9 The Lord said to him: Lo, now will I come me:
to thee in the darkness of a cloud, that the people •
6 And showing mercy unto thousands to them
may hear me speaking to thee, and may believe that love me, and keep my commandments.
thee for ever And Moses told the words of the 7 shalt not take the name of theLord thy
people to the Lord. God Lord will not hold him guilt-
in vain: for the
10 And he said to him: Go to the people, and less that shall take the name of the Lord his God
eanctify them to day, and to-morrow, and let them in vain.
wash their garments. 8 Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath-
11 And lA them be ready against the tWrd day.
day: for on the third day the Lord will come 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy
down in the sight of all the people upon mount works.
Sinai. 10 But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the
12 And thou shalt appoint certain limits to the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou,
people round about, and thou shalt say to them: nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-ser-
Take heed ye go not up into the mount, and that vant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy beast, nor the
ye touch not the borders thereof: every one that stranger that is within thy gates.
touchcth the mount, dying he shall die. 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and
13 No hands shall touch him; but he shall be earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them,
stoned to death, or shall be shot through with ar- and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord
rows: whether it be beast, or man, he shall not blf ssed the seventh day, and sanctified it.
live. When the trumpet shall begin to sound, then 12 Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou
let them go up into the mount. mayst be long-lived upon the land which the
14 And Moses came down from the mount to Lord tliy God will give thee.
the people, and sanctified them. And when they 13 Thou shalt not kill.
nad washed their garments, 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15 He said to them Be ready against the third
: 15 Thou shalt not steal.
day, and come not near your wives, 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy
16 And now the third day was come, and the neighbour.
morning appeared: and behold, thunders began to 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's liouse
be heard, and lightning to flash, and a very thick neither shalt thou desire his wife, nor his servant,
cloud to cover the mount, and the noise of the nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any
trumpet sounded exceeding loud: and the people thing that is his.
that was in the camp, feared. 18 And all the people saw the voices, and the
17 And when Moses had brought them forth to flames, and the sound of the trumj)et, and the
meet God from the place of the camp, they stood mount smoking: and being terrified and struck
at the bottom of the mount. vv'ith fear, they stood afar off,
18 And all mount Sinai was on asmoke: because 19 Saying to Moses: Speak thou to us, and we
the Lord was come down upon it in fire, and the will hear: let not the Lord speak to us, lest we die
smoke arose from it as out of a furnace: and all 20 And Moses said to the people: Fear not;
the mount was terrible. for God is come to prove you. and that the dread
19 And the sound of the trumpet grew by de- of him might be in you, and you should not sin.
grees louder and louder, and was drawn out to a 21 And the people stood afar off". But Moses
greater length: Moses spoke, and God answered went to the dark cloud wherein God was.
him. 22 And the Lord said to Moses: Thus shalt
20 And the Lord came down upon mount Sinai, thou say to the chilclren of Israel: You have" seen
,n the very ton of the mount; and he called Moses that I have spoken to you from heaven.
unto the top thereof. And when he was gone up y'23 You shall not make gods of silver, nor shall
thither, you make to yourselves gods of gold-
21 He said unto him: Go down, and charge the 24 You shall make an altar of earth unto me,
people; lest they should have a mind to pass the and you shall offer upon it your holocauj^ts and
limits to see the Lord, and a very great multitude peace-offerings, your sheep and oxen, in every
of them should perish. place where the memory of my name shall be: I

22 priests also that come to the Lord, let Avill come to thee, and will bless thee.
them be sanctified, lest he strike them. 25 And if thou make an altar of stone unto me,
23 And Moses said to the Lord: The people thou shalt not build it of hewn stones: for if thou
annot come up to mount Sinai: for thou didst lift up a tool upon it, it shall be defiled.
harge, and command, saying: Set limits about 26 Thou shalt not go up by steps unto altar, my
he mount, and sanctify it. lest thj' nakedness be discovered.
24 A^nd the Lord said to him: Go, get thee
<?own: and thou shalt come up, thou and Aaron * j4 graven thijig, nor the likeness ofavy thing,

with thee: but let not the prifsts and the people ^c. All such images or likenesses, are forbidden
nass the limits, nor come up to the Lord, lest he by this commandment, as are made to be adored
kill them. and served; according to that which immediately
2.5 And Moses went down to the people and follows, thoii shalt not adore them, nor serve them.
told them all. Thnt is, all such as are designed for idols or ima^e
gods, or are worshipped with divine honour. But
CHAP. XX. otherwise images, pictures, or representations,
The ten commandments. even in the house of God, and in the very sanctu-
AND the Lord spoke all these words: ary, so fr.r from being forbidden, are expressly
2 I am the Lord thy God, who brought TUthorized by the word of God. See E:cndvi
tliee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of XXV. 15. &.C. c.hrp. xxxviii, 7. Numbers xxi. 8, 9
oondage. 1 Chronic, xxviii. 18, 19. 2 Chronic, ill 10.
: 1 :


CHAP. XXI. 27 Also if he strike out a tooth of his man-ser
vant, or maid-servant, he shall in like manner
Laws relating to justice.
make them free. »
fXtHESE are the judgments which thou shall y^28 If an ox gore a man or a woman, and they
M. set before them. die, he shall be stoned: and his flesh shall not be
2 If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years shall eaten, but the owner of the ox shall be quit.
he serve thee: in tfie seventh he shall go out free 29 But if the ox was wont to jiush with his
for nothing. horn yesterday and the day before, and they
3 With what raiment he came in, with the like warned his master, and h? did not shut him up,
let him go out: if having a wife, his wife also shall and he shall kill a man or a woman; then the ox
go out with him. shall be stoned, and his owner also shall be put to
4 But if his master gave him a wife, and she death.
hath borne sons and daughters; the woman and 30 And if they set a price upon him, he shall
her children shall be her master's: but he himself give for his life what.soever is laid upon him.
shall go out with l>is raiment. 31 If he have gored a son, or a daughter, he
5 And if the servant shall say: I love my mas- shall fall under the like sentence.
ter and my wife and children, I will not go out 32 If he assault a bond-man or bond-woman,
free: he shall give thirty sides of silver to their master,
6 His master shall bring him to the gods,* and and the ox shall be stoned.
he shall be set to the door and the posts; and he 33 If a man open a pit, and dig one, and cover
shall bore his ear through with stn awl: and he it not, and an ox or an ass fall into it,
shall be his servant for ever. 34 The owner of the pit shall pay the price of
7 If any man sell his daughter to be a servant, the beasts: and that which is dead shall be his
she shall not go out as bond-women are wont to own.
go out. 35 If one man's ox gore another man's ox, and
8 If she displease the eyes of her master to he die; they shall sell the live ox, and shall divide
whom she was delivered, he shall let her go: but the price, and the carcass of that which died they
he shall have no power to sell her to a foreign na- shall part between them:
tion, if he despise her. 36 But if he knew that his ox was wont to push
9 But if he have betrothed her to his son, he yesterday and the day before, and his master did
shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. not keep him in; he shall pay ox for ox, and shall
10 An 1 if he take another wife for him, he shall take the whole carcass.
provide her a marriage, and raiment: neither shall
ne refu..c the price of her chastity..
11 If he do not these tliree things, she shall go The puiiishmevt of theft, and other trespasses
out free without money. The law of lending without usurty of taking
/^12 He that striketh a man with a will to kill and of pay-
pledges, of reverences to superiors,
him, shall be put to death. ing tithes.
13 But he that did not lie in wait for him, but F any man steal an ox or a sheep, and kill or
God delivered him into his hands; I will ap- I sell it;he shall restore five oxen for one ox.
point thee a place to which he must flee and four sheep for one sheep.
14 If a man kill his neighbour on set purpose. 2 If a thief be found breaking open a house or
and bj' lying in wait for him; thou shalt take him undermining it, and be wounded so as to die; he
away from my altar, that he may die. that slew him shall not be guilty of blood.
15 He that striketh his father or mother, shall 3 But if he did this when the sun is risen, he
be put to death. hath committed murder, and he shall die. If he
Iti He that shall steal a man, and sell him, be- have not wherewith to make restitution for the
ing convicted of the guilt, shall be put to death theft, he shall be sold
17 He that curseth his father, or mother, shall 4 If that which he stole be found with him,
die the death. sheep; he shall restore
alive, either ox, or ass, or
18 If men quarrel, and the one strike his neigh- double.
bour with a stone, or with his fist, and he die not, 5 If any man hurt a field or a vineyard, and put
but keepeth his bed in his beast to feed upon that which is other
19 If he rise again and walk abroad upon his men's; he shall restore the best of whatsoever he
staff, he that struck hhn shall be quit, yet so that hath in his own field, or in his vineyard, accord-
he make restitution for his work, and for iiis ex- ing to the estimation of the damage.
penses upon the physicians. 6 If a fire breaking out light upon thorns, and
20 He that striketh his bond-man or bond-wo- catch stacks of corn, or corn standing in the
man with a rod, and they die under his hands, fields, he that kindled the fire shall make good
shall be guilty of the crime. the loss.
21 But if the party remain alive a day or two, 7 If a man deliver money, or any vessel unto
he shall not be subject to the punishment, because his friend to keep, and they be stolen away from
it is his money. jhim that received them; if the thief be found, he
22 If men quarrel, and one strike a woman with jshall restore double:
child, and she miscarry indeed, but live herself; 8 If the thief be not known, the master of the
he shall be answerable for so much damage as 'house shall be brought to the gods, and shall swear
the woman's husband shall require, and as arbi that he did not lay his hand upon his neighbour's
ters shall award. goods.
23 But if her death ensue thereupon, he shall 9 To do any fraud, either in ox, or in ass, or
render life for life, sheep, or raiment, or any thing that may bring
24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for liand, damage; the cause of both parties shall come to
foot for foot, the gods: and if they give judgment, he shall re-
25 Burning for burning, wound for wound store double to neighbour.
stripe for stripe. 10 If a man deliver ass, ox, sheep, or any
26 If any man strike the eye of his man-servant beast, to his neighbour's custody, and i( die, or
or maid-servant, and leave them but one eye, he be hurt, or be taken by enemies, and no man
shall let them go free, for fhe eye which n( ne put saw it
out 1 There shall be an oath between them, that he
did not put forth his hand to his neighbour's
* To the gods: Elohim. That is, to the judges, goods: and the owner shall accept of the oath,
•r mjigistrales, authorized by God. land he shall not be compelled to make restitution.
12 But if it were taken away by stealth, he 9 Thou shalt not molest a stranger, tor yon
shall make the loss good to the owner. know the hearts of strangers: for you also were
13 If ii were eaten by a beast, let him bring to strangers in the land of Egypt.
him that which was slain, and he shall not make 10 Six years thou shalt sow thy ground, and
restitution. shalt gather the corn thereof-
14 If a man borrow of his neighbour any of 11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it alone,
these things, and it be hurt or die, the owner not and sutler it to rest, that the poor of thy people
being present, he shall be obliged to make resti- may eat, and whatsoever shall be left, let the
tution. beasts of the field eat it: so shalt thou do with thy
15 But if the owner be present, he shall not vineyard and thy olive-yard.
aiake restitution, esnecially if it were hired and 12 Six days thou shalt work: the seventh day
came for the hire of his work. thou shalt cease, that thy ox and thy ass may rest',
16 If a man seduce a virgin not yet espoused, and the son of thy handmaid aha the stranger
and lie with her; he shall endow her, and have may be refreshed.
her to wife. 13 Keep all things that I have said to you. And
17 If the maid's father will not give her to him, by the name of strange gods you shall not swear,
he shall give money according to the dowry, neither shall it be heard out of your mouth.
wKich virgins are wont to receive. 14 Three times every year you shall celebrate
18 Wizards thou shalt not sutfer to live. feasts to me.
19 Whosoever .copulateth with a beast, shall 15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened
be put to death. bread. Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened
20 He that sacrificeth to gods, shall be put to bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the
death, save only to the Lord. month of new corn, when thou didst come forth
21 Thou shaft not molest a stranger, nor afflict out of Egypt: thou shalt not appear empty be-
him: for yourselves also were strangers in the fore me.
land of Egypt: 16 And the feast of the harvest of the first-
22 You snail not hurt a widow or an orphan. fruits of thy work, whatsoever thou hast sown in
23 If you hurt them, they will cry out to me, the field. The feast also in the end of the year,
and I will hear their cry: when thou hast gathered in all thy corn out of the
24 And my rage shall be enkindled; and I will field.
strike you with the sword; and your wives shall 17 Thrice a year shall all thy males appear be-
be widows, and your children fatherless. fore the Lord thy God.
25 If thou lend money to any of my people 18 Thou shalt not sacrifice the blood of my vic-
that is poor, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt tim upon leaven, neither shall the fat of my so-
not be hard upon them as an extortioner, nor op- lemnity remain until the morning.
press themVith usuries. 19 Thou shalt carry the first-fruits of the corn
26 If thou take of thy neighbour a garment in of thy ground to the house of the Lord thy God.
pledge, thou shalt give it him again before sun-set. Thou shalt not boil a kid in the milk of his dam.
27 For that same is the only thing, wherewith 20 Behold, I will send my Angel, who shall go
ne is covered, the clothing ol his body; neither before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and
hath he any other to sleep in: if he cry to me, I bring thee into the jilace that I have prepared.
will hear him, because I am compassionate. 21 Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and
/28 Thou shalt not speak ill of the gods: and do not think him one to be contemned: for he
the prince of thy people thou shalt not curse. will not forgive when thou hast sinned, and my
29 Thou shalt not delay to pay thy tithes and name is in him.
thy first-fruits: thou shalt give the hrst-born of 22 But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all
thy sons to me. that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies,
30 Thou shalt do the same with the first-born and will afflict them that afflict thee.
of thy o.xen also and sheep: seven days let it be 23 And my Angel shall go before thee, and
with its dam, the eighth day thou shalt give it to shall bring thee in unto the Amorrhite, and the
me. Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Chanaanite,
31 You shall be holv men to me the flesh that and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, whom I will

beasts have tasted of before, you shall not eat. destroy.

but shall cast it to the dogs. 24 Thou shalt not adore their gods, nor serve
y them. Thou shalt not do their works, but shalt
CHAP. XXIII. destroy them, and break their statues.
Laws for judges: the rest of the seventh year, 25 And you shall serve the Lord your God, that
and day: three principal feasts to be solemni- I may bless your bread, and yo^tr waters, and may
zed every year: the promise of an Angel, to take away sickness from the midst of thee.
conduct and pi'otect them: idols are to be de- 26 There shall not be one fruitless nor barren
stroyed. in thy land: I will fill the number of thy days.

THOU shalt not receive the voice of a lie: 27 I will send my fear before thee, and will de-
neither shalt thou join thy hand to bear false stroy all the people to whom thou shalt come: and
witni'ss for a wicked person. will turn the backs of all thy enemies before thee:
2 Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do 28 Sending out hornets before, that shall drive
evil: neither shalt thou yield in judgment, to the away the Hevite, and the Chanaanite, and the
Opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth. Hethite, before thou come in.
3 Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in judg- 29 I will not cast them out from thy face in one
ment. year: lest the land be brought into a wilderness,
4 If thou meet thy enemy's ox or ass going and the beasts multiply against thee.
astray, bring it back to him. 30 By little and Jitile I will drive them out from
5 If thou see the ass of him that hatcth thee lie before thee, till thou be increased, and dost pos-
underneath his burden, thou shalt not pass by, but sess the land.
shalt lift him up with him. 31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red Sea
6 Thou shalt not go aside in the poor man's to the sea of the Palestines, and from the desert to
judgment. the river: I will deliver the inhabitants of the land
7 Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent and just into your hands, and will drive them out from be-
person thou shalt not put to death: because I ab- fore you.
hor the wicked. 32 Thou shalt not enter into league with thenit
8 Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even nor with their gods.
blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just. 33 Let them not dwell in thy land, lest perhaps
: :


ihey make thee sin ag;ainst me, if thou serve their bring first-fruits| to me: of every man that offei
gods: which undoubtedly will be a scandal to eth of liis own accord, you shall take them.
thee. 3 And these are the things you must take:
Gold, and silver, and brass,
CHAP. XXIV. 4 Violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed,
Moses writeth his law; and after offering sacri- and fine linen, and goat's hair,
Jices, sprinklelli the blood of the testament upon 5 And ram skins dyed red, and violet skins,
the people; then goeth up the mountain, lohich and setim-wood;§
God covereth with a fiery cloud. 6 Oil to make lights; spices for ointment, and
AND he said to Moses: Come up to the Lord, for sweet-smelling incense;
thou, and Aaron, Nadab and Abiu, and se- 7 Onyx stones, and precious stones to adorn
venty of the ancients of Israel: and you shall the ephod and the rational ;||
adore afar off. 8 And they shall make me a sanctuary, and I
2 And Moses alone shall come up to the Lord, will dwell in the midst of them:
but tliey shall not come nigh: neither shall the 9 According to all the likeness of the taberna- •*

people crime up with him. cle which I will show thee, and of all the vessels
3 So Moses came and told the people all the for the service thereof: and thus you shall make it:
words of the Lord, and all the judgments: and 10 PVame an ark of setim-wood, the length
all the people answered with one voice: We whereof shall be of two cubits and a half; the
will do all the words of the Lord, which he hath breadth, a cubit and a half; the height, likewise a
spoken. cubit and a half.
4 And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord 11 And thou shalt overlay it with the purest
and rising in the morning he built an altar at the gold within and without: and over it thou shalt
foot of the mount, and twelve titles* according to make a golden crown round about:
the twelve tribes of Israel. 12 And four golden rings, which thou shalt put
5 And he sent young men of the childreii of at the four corners of the ark: let two rings be on
Israel, and they offered holocausts,! and sacrificed the one side, and two on the other.
pacific victims of calves to the Lord. 13 Thou shalt make bars also of setim-wood
6 Then Moses took half of the blood, and put and shalt overlay them with gold.
It into bowls: and the rest he poured upon the 14 And thou shalt put them in through the ring.*
altar. that are in the sides of the ark, that it may be cai
7 And taking the book of the covenant, he read ried on them
It in the hearing of the people: and they said: All 15 And they shall be always in the rings; nei
things that the Lord hath spoken, we will do: we ther shall they at any time be drawn out of them
will be obedient. 16 And thou shalt put in the ark the testimony
S And he took the blood, and sprinkled it upon which I will give thee.
the people: and he said: This is the blood of the 17 Thou shalt make also a propitiatorylT of th(
covenant which the Lord hath made with you purest gold: the length thereof shall be two cubits
concerning all these words. and a half, and the breadth a cubit and a half.
9 Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abiu, 18 Thou shalt make also two cherubims of
and seventy of the ancients of Israel went up: beaten gold, on the two sides of the oracle.
10 And they saw the God of Israel: and under 19 Let one cherub be on the one side, and the
his feet as it were a work of sapphire stone, and other on the other.
as the heaven when clear. 20 Let them cover both sides of the propitia-
11 Neither did he lay his hand ujion those of the tory, spreading their wings, and covering the
children of Israel, that retired afar off: and they oracle; and let them look one towards the other
saw God, and they did eat and drink. their faces being turned towards the propitiatorj
12 And the Lord said to Moses: Come up to wherewith the ark is to be covered:
rne into the mount, and be there: and I will give 21 In which thou shalt put the testimony that i
thee tables of stone, and the law, and the com- will give thee.
mandments which I have written; that thou mayst 22 Thence will I give orders, and will speak tb
teach them: thee over the propitiatory, and from the midst o)
13 Moses rose up, and his minister Josue: And the two cherubims, which shall be upon the arli
Moses going up into the mount of God, of the testimony, all things which I will commanc^
14 §aid to the ancients: Wait ye 'here till we the children of Israel by thee.
return to you. You have Aaron and Hur with 23 Thou shalt make a table** also of setirn
you: if any question shall arise, you shall refer it wood, of two cubits in length, and a cubit i\
to thenv breadth, and a cubit and a half mheight.
15 And when Moses was gone up, a cloud 24 And thou shalt overlay it with the purest
covered the mount.
16 And the glory of the Lord dwelt upon t First-fruits: offerings, of some of the bes*
Sinai, covering it with a cloud six days: and the and choicest of their goods.
seventh day he called him out of the midst of the § Setim-wood. The wood of a tree that grow»
cloud. in the wilderness, which is said to be incorrup
17 And the sight of the glory of the Lord was tible.
like a burning fire upon the top of the mount, in The ephod and the rational. The ephod was-

the eyes of the children of Israel. the high priest's upper vestment; and the rational
18 And Moses entering into the midst of the his breastplate in which were twelve gems, &c
cloud, went up into the mountain: And he was IT A
propitiatory : a covering for the ark, call
there forty days, and forty nights. ed A propitiatory, or mercy seat, because the Lord,
who was supposed to sit there upon the wings of
CHAP. XXV. the cherubims, with the ark for his footstool, from
Offering!! prescribed for mmking the tabernacle, thence showed mercy. It is also called the oracle,
the ark, the candlestick, SfC. ver. 18 and 20, because from thence, God gave
k ND the Lord .spoke to Moses, saying: his orders and his answers-
J\. 2 Speak to the children of Israel, that they ** A on which were to be placed the
twelve loaves of proposition; or, as they are call
* Titles. That is. pillars. ed in the Hebrew the face-bread, because they
t Holocausts, whole burnt-offerings; in which were always to stand before the /ace of the Lord
the whole sacrifice was consumed with fire, upon in hifi temple; as a figure of the eucharistic sacrir
th^ altar. fice and sacrament, in the church of Christ
gold: and thou shall make to it a golden ledge 7 Thou shalt make also eleven curtains ot gc«ts
round about, hair, to cover the top of the tabernacle.
25 And to the ledge itself a polished crown, .8 The length of one hair-curtain shall be thirty
four inches high; and over the same another little cubits, and the breadth, four: the measure of all
golden crown. the curtains shall be equal.
26 Thou shalt prepare also four golden rings, 9 Five of which thou shalt couple by them-
and shalt put them in the four corners of the same selves: and the six others thou shalt couple one
table, over each foot. to another, so as to double the sixth curtain in the
27 Under the crown shall the golden rings be, front of the roof.
that the bars may be put through them, and the 10 Thou shalt make also fifty loops in the edge
table may be carried. of one curtain, that it maf be joined with the
28 The bars also themselves thou shalt make of other; and fifty loops in the edge of the other
setim-wood, and shalt overlay them with gold to curtain, that it may be coupled with its fellow.
bear up the table. 11 Thou shalt make also fifty buckles of brass,
29 Thou shalt prepare also dishes, and bowls, wherewith the loops may be joined, that of all
censer.s, and cups, wherein the libations* are to there may be made one covering.
be olTered of the purest gold. 12 And that which shall remain of the curtains,
30 And thou shalt set upon the table loaves of that are prepared for the roof, to wit, one curtain
proposition in my sight always. that is over a)id above, with the half thereof thou
31 Thou shalt make also a candlestickf of beat- shalt cover the back parts of the tabernacle.
en work of the finest gold, the shaft thereof, and 13 And there shall hang down a cubit on the
the branches, the cups, and the bowls, and the one side, and another on the other side, which is
lilies going forth from it. over and above in the length of the curtains, fenc-
S2 Six branches shall come out of the sides, ing both sides of the tabernacle.
three out of one side, and three out of the other. 14 Thou shalt make also another cover to the
33 Three cups as it were nuts to ever}' branch, roof, of rams' skins dyed red; and over that again
and a bowl withal, and a lily: and three cups like- another cover of violet- coloured skins.
wise of the fashion of nuts in the other branch, Jo Thou shalt make also the boards of the
and a bowl withal, and a lily. Such shall be the tabernacle standing upright of setim-wood.
work of the six branches, that are to come out 16 Let every one of them be ten cubits in
from the shaft: length, and in breadth one cubit and a half
34 And in the candlestick itself shall be four 17 In the sides of the boards, shall be made two
tups in the manner of a nut, and at every one mortises, whereby one board may be joined to
bowls and lilies. another board: and after this manner shall all
35Bowls under two branches in three places, the boards be prepared.
which together make six coming forth out of one 18 Of which twenty shall be in the south side
shaft. southward.
36 And both the bowls and the branches 19 For which thou shalt cast forty sockets of
shall be of the same beaten work of the purest silver, that under every board may be put two
gold. sockets at the two corners.
37 Thou shalt make also seven lamps, and shalt 20 In the second side also of the tabernacle that
set them upon the candlestick, to give light over- looketh to the north, there shall be twenty boards,
against. 21 Having forty sockets of silver, two sockets
33 The snuffers also, and where the snuffings shall be put under each board.
shall be put out, shall be made of the purest 22 But on the west side of the tabernacle thou
gold. shalt make six boards.
39 The whole weight of the candlestick with 23 And again other two which shall be erected
all the furniture thereof snail be a talent of the in the corners at the back of the tabernacle.
purest gold. 24 And they shall be joined together from be-
40 Look, and make it according to the pattern, neath unto the top, and one joint shall hold them
that was shown thee in the mount. all. The like joining shall be observed for the
two boards also that' are to be put in the cor-
CHAP. XXVI. ners.
The form of the tabernacle ivith its appurte- 25 And they shall be in all eight boards, and
nances. their silver sockets sixteen, reckoning two sockets
ND thou shalt make the tabernacle in this for each board.
manner: Thou shalt make ten curtains of 26 Thou shalt make also five bars of setim-wood,
fine twisted linen, and violet and purple, and scar- to hold together the boards on one side of the
let twice dyed, diversified with embroidery. tabernacle,
2 The length of one curtain shall be twenty- 27 And five others on the other side, and as
eight cubits: the breadth shall be four cubits. All many at the west side:
tlie curtains shall be of one measure. 28 And they shall be put along by the midst of
3 Five curtains shall be joined one to another: the boards from one end to the other.
and the other five shall be coupled together in 29 The boards also themselves thou shall ovci-
like manner. lay with gold, and shalt cast rings of gold to be
4 Thou shalt make loops of violet in the sides set upon them, for places for the bars to hold to-
and t0|js of the curtains, that they may be joined gether the board-work: which bars thou shalt
one to another. cover with plates of gold.
5 Every curtain shall have fifty loops on both 30 And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle ac-
sides, so set on, that one loop may be against an- cording to the pattern that was shown thee in the
other loop, and one may be fitted to the other. mount.
G Thou shalt make also fifty rings of gold where- 31 Thou shalt make also a veil of violet, and
with the veils of the curtains are to be joined, that purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted
it may be made one tabernacle. linen, wrought with embroidered work and goodly
* Libations. That is, drink-offerings. 32 And thou shalt han^, it up before four pillars
t A
candlestick. This candlestick, with its of setim-wood, which themselves also shall be
seven lamps, which was always to give light in overlaid with gold, and shall have heads of gol.i,
the house of God, was a figure of the light of the but sockets of silver.
Holy Ghost, and his sevenfold grace, in the sanc- 33 And the veil shall be hanged on with rings;
tuary of tlie church of Christ. and within it thou shalt rut the ark of the testimo
r.y , and the sanctuary* and the holy of the holies! be garnished with plates of silver, silver heads,
shall be divided with it. and sockets of brass. '

34 And thou shalt set the propitiator}^ upon the 18 In length the court shall take up a hundred
ark of the testimony in the holy of holies, cubits; in breadth fifty; the height shall be of
35 And the trvbJe without the veil and over- five cubits; and it shall be made of fine twisted
against the table the candlestick in the south siile linen, and shall have sockets of brass.
of the tabernacle: for the table shall stand in the 19 All the vessels of the tabernacle for all uses
north side. and ceremonies, and the pins both of it, and of the
3() T.iou shalt make also a hanging in the en- court, thou shalt make oi brass.
trance of the tabernacle of violet, and purple, and 20 Command the children of Israel that they
scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen with bring thee the purest oil of the olives, and beaten
embroidered work with a pestle; that a lamp may burn always
37 And thou shalt overlay with gold five pil- 21 In the tabernacle of the testimony, w'thout
lars of setim-wood, before which the hanging the veil that hangs before the testimony. And
shall be (hawn: their heads shall be of gold, and Aaron and his sons shall order it, that it may give
I'.ie sockets of brass. ight before the Lord until the morning. It sliall
be a perpetual observance throughout their suc-
CHAP. XXVII cessions among the children of Israel.
Th(: altar;and the court of the tabernacle with
its hangings and pillars. Provision of oil for CHAP. XXVIII.
lamps. The holy vestments for Aaron and his sons.
rjlHOU shalt make
Jg. which shall be
also an altar of setim-wood.
five cubits long, and as many
TAKE unto thee also Aaron thy brother with
his sons, from among the children of Israel,
broad, that is four-square, and three cubits high that they may minister to me in the priest's
2 And there shall be horns at the four corners Aaron, Nadab, and Abiu, Eleazar, and
of the same: and thou shalt cover it with brass Ithamar.
3 And thou shalt make for the uses thereof pans 2 And thou shalt make a holy vesture for
to receive the ashes, and ton^s, and flesh-hooks, Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty.
and fire-pans: all its vessels tiiou shalt make of 3 And thou shalt speak to all the wise of heart
brass: whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom,
4 And a grate of brass in manner of a net: at that they may make Aaron's vclments, in which
the four corners of which shall be four rings of he being consecrated may minister to me.
brass, * 4 And these shall be the vestments that they
5 Which thou shalt put under the hearth of the shall make: A
rational and an ephod, a tunic arid
altar: and the grate shall be even to the midst of a straight linen garment, a mitre and a girdle.
the altar. They shall make the holy vestments for thy bro-
6 Tliou shalt make also two bars for the altar ther Aaron and his sons, that they may do the of-
of setim-wood, which thou shalt cover with fice of priesthood unto me.
plates of brass: 5 And they shall take gold, and violet, and pur-
7 And thou shalt draw them through rings, aiid ple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine linen.
they shall be on both sides of the altar to carry it. 6 And they shall make the ephod of gold, and
8 Thou shalt not- make it solid, but empty and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and
hollow in the inside, as it was shown thee in the fine twisted linen, embroidered with divers
mount. colours.
9 Thou shalt make also the court of the taber- 7 It shall have the two edges jomed in the top
nacle, in the south side whereof southward there on both sides, that they may be closed together.
shall be hangings of fine twisted linen of a hun- 8 The very workmanship also and all the va-
dred cubits long for one side, riety of the work, shall be of gold, and violet, and
10 And twenty jjillars with as many sockets of purjile, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted
brass, the heads of which with their engiaving hnen.
shall be of silver. 9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and
11 In like manner also on the north side there shalt grave on them the names of the children of
shall be hangings of a hundred cubits long, twenty Israel: #
pillars, and as many sockets of brass, and their 10 Six names on one stone, and the other six
heads with their engraving of silver. on the other, according to the order of their birth.
12 But in the breadth of the court, that looketh 11 With the work of an engraver and the grav-
to the west, there shall be hangings of fifty cubits, ing of a jeweller, thou shalt engrave them with
anl ten [.illars, and as many sockets. the names of the children of Israel, set in gold and
13 In that breadth also of the court, which look- compassed about:
eth to the fast, there shall be fifty cubits: 12 And thou shalt put them in both sides of the
14 In which there shall be for one side hangings ephod, a memorial for the children of Is-ael. And
of fifteen cubits, and three pillars, and as many Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord
sockets upon both shoulders, for a remembrance.
15 And in the other side there shall be hangings 13 Thou shalt make also hooks of gold.
of fifteen cubits, with three pillars and as many 14 And two little chains of the i)urest gold link-

sockets. ed one to another, which thou shalt put into the

16 And in the entrance of the court there shall hooks.
be nnde a hanging of twenty cubits of violet and 15 And thou shalt make the rational of judg-
piirplc, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted imentt with embroidered work of divers colours,
linen, with enibroi lered work: it shall have four according to the workmanship of the ephod, of
pillars, uith as many sockets.

1? All the pillars of the court round about shall t The rational of judgment. This part of the
high-priest's attire, which he wore at his breast,

* The sanctuary, fyc. Tliat part of thetaber-^; was called the rational of judgment; partly be-
na(;le, which was without the veil, into which the cause it admonished both ]iripst and people of their

priests daily entered, is here called the sanctuary, Iduty to Cod; by carrying the names of al! their
or holy place; that part which was within the [tribes in his presence: and by the f^f?-nn and Thum-
veil, into which no one but the high-priest ever jmnM, that is, </or^ri7jr and <ri(f/(, which were writ-
went, and he but once a year, is called the hohj of ten upon it: and partly because it gave divine an-
holies (literally, the sanctuaries of the sanctuary,) swers and oracles, as if it were rational and en
IS being the most holy of all holy places. dowed with judgment
H 57
gold, violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, priest. And Aaron shall bear the iniquities oi
and finetwisted linen. those things, which the children of Israel hfive of
16 It shsli be four-square and doubled: it shall fered and sanctified, in all their gifts and offer
be the measure of a span both in length and in ings. And the plate shall be always on his fore-
bread til. head, that the Lord may be well pleased with
17 AJid thou shall set in it four rows of stones: them-
la the first row shall be a sardius stone, and a 39 And thou shalt gird the tunic with fine
topaz, and an emerald. linen, and thou shalt make a tine linen mitre, and
IS In the second a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a a girdle of embroidered work.
jasper: 40 Moreover for the sons of Aaron thou shalt
19 In the third a ligurius, an agate, and an ame- prepare linen tunics, and girdles and mitres for
thyst: glory and beauty:
20 In the fourth a chrysolite, an onyx and a 41 And with all these things thou shalt vest
beryl. They shall be set in gold by their rows. Aaron tliy brother, and his sons with him. And
21 And they shall have the names of the chil- thou shalt consecrate the hands of them all, and
dren (•{ Is.rael: with twelve names shall they be shalt sanctify them, that they may do the olfice
engraved, each stone with the name of one of priesthood unto me.
according to the twelve tribes. 42 Thou shalt make also linen breeches, to
22 And thou shalt make on the rational chains cover the flesh of their nakedness from the reins
linked one to another of the purest gold: to the thighs:
23 And two rings of gold, which thou shalt put 43 And Aaron and his sons shall use them
in the two ends at the top of the rational. when they shall go in to the tabernacle of the
21 And the golden chains thou shalt join to the testimony, or when they approach to the altar to
rings, that are in the ends thereof: minister in the sanctuary, lest being guilty of in-
25 And the ends of the chains themselves-thou icjuiiy they die. It shall be a law for ever to
shalt join together with two hooks on both sides Aaron, and to his seed after him.
of the ephod, which is towards the rational. CHAP. XXIX.
2G Thou shalt make also two rings of gold
The manner of consecratinfi Aaron and othei
which thou shalt put in the toji parts of the ra-
priests; the institution of the daily sacrifice
tional, in the borders that are over-against the
ephod, and look towards the back parts thereof. of two lambs, one in the morning, the other at
27 Moreover also other two rings of gold, evening.
which are to be set on each side of th? ephod h?- AND thou shalt also do this, that they may be
neath, that looketh towards the nether joining, t\ consecrated to me in priesthood. Take a
that the rational may be fitted with the ephod, calf from the herd, and two rams without blemish,
28 And may be fastened by the rings thereof 2 And unleavened bread, and a cake without
unto tlie rings of the ephod with a violet fillet, leaven, tempered with oil, wafers also unleaven-
that the joining artificially wrought may conti- ed, anointed with oil: thou shalt make them all
nue, and the rational and the ephod may not be of wheaten flour. ,

loosed one from the other. 3 And thou shalt put them basket, and of-
in a
29 And Aaron shall bear the names of the chil- fer them; and the calf and the two rams.
dren of Israel in the rational of judgment u])on 4 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to
his breast, when he shall enter into the sanctuary, the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. And
a inemoriil before the Lord for ever when thou hast washed the father and his sons
31) And thou shalt put in the rational of judg- with water,
ment Doctrine and Truth,* which shall be on 5 Thou shalt clothe Aaron with his vestments,
Aaron's breast, when he shall go in before the that is, with the linen garment and the tunic, and
Lord: and he shall bear the jurigment of the th"? ephod and the rational, which thou shalt gird

children of Israel on his breast, in the sight of the with the girdle.
Lord alvvays. a And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head,
31 And thou shalt make the tunic of the and the holy plate upon the mitre:
ephod of violet;
all 7 And thou shalt pour the oil of unction upon
32 In the midst whereof above shall be a hole his head: and by this rite shall he be consecrated.
for the head, and a border round about it woven, 8 Thou shalt bring his sons also, and shalt
as is wont to be made in the outmost parts of gar- put on them the linen tunics, and gird them with
ments, that it may not easily be broken. a girdle:
33 And beneath at the feet of the same tunic, 9 To wit, Aaron and his children; and thou
round about, thou shalt make as it were pomegra- shalt put mitres upon them: and they shall be
nates, of violet, and purple, and scarlet twice dy- priests to me by a perpetual ordinance. After
ed, with little bells set between: thou shalt have consecrated their hands,
34 So that there shall be a golden bell and 10 Thou shalt present also the calf before the
a pomegranate, and again another golden bell and tabernacle of the testimony. And Aaron and
a pomegranate his sons shall lay their hands upon his head:
35 And Aaron shall be vested with it in the of- 11 And thou shalt kill tiim in the sight of the
fice of his ministry, that the sound may be heard, Lord, beside the door of the tabernacle of the
when he goeth in and cometh out of the sanctua- testimony.
ry, in the sight of the Lord, and that he may not 12 And taking some of the blood of the cftlf,
die. thou shalt put it upon the horns of the altar w ith
3fi Thou shalt make also a plate of the purest thy finger: and the rest of the blood thou shalt
gold; wherein thou shalt grave with engraver's pour at the bottom thereof.
work. Holy to the Lord. 13 Thou shalt take also all the fat that cover-
37 And thou shalt tie it with a violet fillet, and eth the entrails, and the caul of the liver, and the
it shall be upon the mitre, two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and
38 Hanging over the forehead of the high- shalt offer a burnt-offering upon the altar:
14 But the flesh of the calf, and the hide, and
* Doctrine and Truth. Hebrew, Urim and the dung, thou shalt burn abroad, without the
TTiummim: illuminations and perfections. These camp, because it is for sin.
words writtan on the rational, f>eem to signify' 15 Thou shalt take also one ram, upon the head
tJje light of doctrine and the integrity of life, witn whereof Aaron and his sons shall lay their
whica the priests of God ought to approach to hands.
him. 16 And when thou hast killed him, thou shalt
»alce of the blood thereof, and pour round about 37 Seven days shalt thou expiate the &ltar and

ilie altar. it: and it shall be most holy

sanctify F.very one
17 And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces: and jthat shall touch it, shall be holy.
naving washed his entrails and feet, thou shalt 38 This is what thou shalt sacrifice upon the
put them upon the flesh that is cut in pieces, and altar: Two lambs of a year old every day con-
upon his head. tinually,
18 And thou shalt offer the whole ram for a' 39 One lamb in the morning, and another in the

burnt-offering upon the altar: it is an oblation to evening. *

the Lord, a most sweet savour of the victim of 40 With one lamb a tenth part of flour temper-

the Lord. jed with beaten oil, of the fourth part of a hin, and
1-9 Thou shalt take also the other ram, upon (wine for libation of the same measure.

whose head Aaron and his sons shall lay their 41 And the other lamb thou shalt offer in the

hands. evening, according to the rite of the morning ob-

20 And when thou hast sacrificed him, thou; jlation, and according to what we have said, for a

shalt take of his blood, and put upon the tip of the savour of sweetness:
right Bar of Aaron and of his sons, and upon the 42 It is a sacrifice to the Lord, by perpetual

thunij« and great toes of their right hand and oblation unto your generations, at the door of the
foot: and thou shalt pour the blood upon the altar tabernacle of the testimony before the Lord,
round about. Iwhere I will appoint to speak unto thee.
21 And when thou hast taken of the blood that 43 And there will I command the children of

is upon the altar, and of the oil of unction, thou Israel, and the altar shall be sanctified by my

shalt sprinkle Aaron and his vesture, his sons and^,'glory.

their vestments- And after tliey and their vest-, 44 I will sanctify also the tabernacle of the tes-

ments are consecrated, timony with the altar, and Aaron with his sons,

22 Thou shalt take the fat of the ram, and the}||to do the office of priesthood unto me.
rump, and the fat that covereth the lungs, and 45 And I will dwell in the midst of the children

ttte caul of the liver, and the two kidneys, and of Israel, and will be their God:
the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder,j 46 And they shall know that I am the Ijord

because it is the ram of consecration; their God, who have brought them out of the land
23 And one roll of bread, a cake tempered with of Egypt, that I might abide among them, I the
oil, a wafer out of the basket of unleavened Lord their God.

bread, which is set in the sight of the Lord:

24 And thou shalt put all upon the hands of
Aaron and of his sons, and shalt sanctify them, The altar of incense : money to be gathered for
elevating before the Lord. the use of the tabernacle: tiie brazen Liver:
25 And thou shalt take all from their hands; the holy oil of unction, and the composition of
and shait burn them upon the altar for a holo- the perfuvie.
caust, a most sweet savour in the sight of tlie
Lord, because it is his oblation.
shalt make also an altar to burn in-
cense. * of setim-wood.
26 Thou shalt take also the breast of the ram, 2 It shall be a cubit in length, and another in
wherewith Aaron was consecrated: and eleva- breadth, that is, four scjuare, and two in height
ting it, thou shalt sanctify it before the Lord; and Horns shall go out of the same.
it shall fall to thy share. 3 And thou shalt overlay it with the purest
27 And thou shalt sanctify both the consecra- gold, as well the grate thereof, as the walls round
ted breast, and the shoulder that thou didst sepa- about, and the horns. And thou shalt make to it
tate of the ram, a crown of gold round about,
28 Wherewith Aaron was consecrated and his 4 And two golden rings under the crown on
6-ons: and they shall fall to Aaron's share and his either side, that the bars may be put into them,
sons by a perpetual right from the children of Is- and the altar be carried.
rael: because they are the choicest and the be- 5 And thou shalt make the bars also of setim-
ginnings of their peace-victims which they offer wood, and shalt overlay them with gold.
10 the Lord. 6 And thou shalt set the a-ltar over-against the
29 And the holy vesture, which Aaron shall veil, that hangeth before the ark of the testimony
use, his sons shall have after him, that they before the propitiatory wherewith the testimony
may be anointed, and their hands consecrated is covered, where I will speak to thee.
in it. 7 And Aaron shall burn sweet-smelling incense
30 He of hi.s sons that shall be appointed high- upon it, in the morning. When he shall dress the
priest in his stead, and that shall enter into the lamps, he shall burn it:
tabernacle of the testimony to minister in the 8 And when he shall place them in the evening,
sanctuary, shall wear it seven days. he shall burn an everlasting incense before the
31 And thou shalt take the ram of the conse- Lord throughout your generations.
cration, and shalt boil the flesh tliereof in the holy 9 You shall not offer upon it incense of another
place: composition, nor oblation, and victim: neither
32 And Aaron and his sons shall eat it. The shall you offer libations.
loaves also, t^iat are in the basket, thpy shall eat 10 And Aaron shall pray upon the horns there-
in the entry of tiie tabernacle of the testimony, of once a year, with the blood of that which was
33 That it may be an atoning sacrifice, and offered for sin, and shall make atonement upon it
the hands of the offerers may be sanctified. A in your generations. It shall be most holy to the
stranger shall not eat of them, because they are Lord.
holy. 11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
34 And if there remain of the consecrated 12 When thou shalt take the sum of tlie chil-
flesh, or of the bread till the morning, thou shalt dren of Israel according to their number, every
burn the remainder with fire: they .shall not be one of them shall give a price for their souls to
eaten, because they are sanctified. the Lord: and there shall be no scourge among
35 All that I have commanded thee, thou shalt them, when they shall be reckoned.
do unto Aaron and his sons. Seven days shalt 13 And this shall every one give that passeth at
thou consecrate their hands:
3(5 And thou shalt offer a calf for sin every * An altar to burn incense. Tliis burriing of
dav for expiation. And thou shalt cleanse the al- incense was an emblem of prayer, ascending io
tar when thou hast offered the victim of expia- God from an inflamed heart. See Psalm cxl. 2
tion, and shalt anoint it to sanctify it. Apocalypse
v 8. and viii. 4.
U;p naminp,. hall a side*'' according to the stand- enjoy the smell thereof, he shall perish out of hifl

»rcl ot" the temple. A

side hatii twenty obols. people.
Half a side sliall be offered to the Lord. CHAP. XXXI.
14 He that is counted in the number from twen-
ty years and upwards, shall give the price. Beseleel and Ooliab are appointed by the T^rd to
15 The rich man shall not add to half a side, make the tabernacle, and the things belonging
and the [loor man shall diminish nothing. thereto. The obscrvatio7i of the sabbath-day is
16 And the money received^vhich was contri- again commanded. And the hard delivereth tj
buted by the cliildren of Israel, thou shall deliver Moses two tables written with the finger oj
unto the uses of the tabernacle of the testimony, God.
that it may be a memorial of them before the Lord,
and he may be merciful to their souls.
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Behold, I have called by name Beseleel
17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda:
IS TJiou shall make also a brazen laver with its 3 And I have filled him with the s]iiril of God,
foot, to wash in: and thou shall set it between the with wisdom and understanding, and knowledge
tabernacle of the testimony and the altar. And in all manner of work,
water being put into it, 4 To devise whatsoever may be artificially
19 Aaron and his sons shall wash their bands made of gold, and silver, and brass,
and feet in it, 5 Of marble, and precious and variety
20 When they are goin^ into the tabernacle of of wood.
the testimony, and when tney are to come to the 6 And I have given him for his companion Oo-
altar, to offer on it incense to the Lord, liab the son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan.
21 Lest perhaps thej' die. It shall be an ever- And I have put wisdom in the heart of e\ery skil-
lasting law to him, and to his seed by successions. ful man, that they may make all things which I
22 And the Lord spoke to, have commanded thee,
23 Saying: Take spices, of principal and chosen 7 The tabernacle of the covenant, and the ark
myrrh Ave hundred sides, and of cinnamon half of the testimony, and the propitiatory, that is over
so much, that is, two hundred and fifty sides, of it, and all the vessels of the tabernacle,

calamus in like manner two hundred and fifty, 8 And the table and the vessels thereof, the
24 Andof cassia tive hundred sides by the most pure candlestick with the vessels thereof,
weight of the sanctuary, of oil of olives the mea- and the altars of incense,
Bure hin: 9 And of holocaust, and all their vessels, the
25 And thou shall make the holy oil of unction, laver with its fool,
an ointment compounded after the art of the per- 10 The holy vestments in the ministry for
fumer: Aaron the priest, and for his sons, that they may
26 And therewith thou shall anoint the taber- execute their office, about the sacred things:
nacle of the testimony, and the ark of the tesla- 11 The oil of unction, and the incense of .spices
itienl, in the sanctuary, all things which I have com
27 And the table with the vessels thereof, the manded thee, shall they make.
candlestick and furniture thereof, the altars of in- 12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
cense, 13 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
28 And of holocaust, and all the furniture that shall say to them: See that you keep my sabbath
belongelh to the service of them. because it is a sign between me and you in youi
29 And thou shall sanctify all; and they shall generations; that you may know that I am the
be most holy: he that shall touch them shall be Lord, who sanctify you.
sanctified. 14 Keep you my sabbath; for it is holy unto
30 Thou shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and you he that shall profane it, shall be put to death

shall sanctify ihem, that they may do the office he that shall do any work in it, his soul shall per-
of priesthood unto me. ish out of the midst of his people.
31 And thou shall say to the children of Israel: 15 Six days shall you do work: in the seventh
This oil of unction shall be holy unto me through- day is the sabbath, the rest holy to the Lord.
out your generations. Every one that shall do any work on this day
32 The flesh of man shall not be anointed there- shall die.
with: and you shall make none other of the same 16 Let the children of Israel keep the sabbath,
composition; because it is sanctified, and shall be and celebrate it in their generations. It is an ever-
holy unto you. lasting covenant
33 What man soever shall compound such, and 17 Between me and the children of Israel, and
shall give thereof to a stranger, he shall be cut off a perpetual sign. For in six days the Lord made
from his people. heaven and earth: and in the seventh he ceased
34 And the Lord said to Moses: Take unto from work.
thee spices, stacte, and onycha, galbanum of sweet 18 And the Lord, when he had ended these
savour, and the clearest frankincense, all shall be words in mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone-
of equal weight. tables of testimony, written with the finger ol
35 And thou shall make incense compounded God.
by the work of the perfumer, well tempered toge-
ther, and pure, and most worthy of sanctification.
36 And when thou hast beaten all into very Tlie people fall into idolatry. 3Ioses pray eth for
small powder, thou shall set of it before the tab- them. He breaketh the tables; destroyeth the
ernacle of the testimony, in the place where I idol; hlameth Aaron; and causcth many of the
will appear to thee. Most holy shall this incense idolaters to be slain.
be unto you.
37 You shall not make such a composition for
AND the people seeing that Moses delayed to
come down from the mount, galliering toge-
your own uses; because it is holy to lire Lord. ther against Aaron, said: Arise, make us gods,
38 What man soever shall make the like, to that may go before us: For as to this Moses, the
man that brought us out of the land of Egypt, we
* Wa'/ a side. A
side or shekel of silver, know not what has befallen him.
(\>hich was also called a stitei') according to the 2 And Aaron said to them: Take the golden
etandar'1 or weight of the sinctuary, which was ear-rings froitf the ears of your wives, and your
the most just and exact, v\'as half an ounce of sil- sons and daughters, and bring them to me.
ver, that is, about half a crown of English money. 3 And the people did what he had commande4«
"Die obol or g;erali was about three halfpence. bringing the ear-rings to Aaron.
4 And when he had received them, he fashion- of the sHame of the filth,t and had set them r.iied
ed them by founders' work, and made of them a among their enemies)
molten calf. And they said: These are thy gods, 26 Then standing in the gate of the camp, he
O Israel, that have brougiit thee out of the land said: If any man be on the Lord's side, let hiiD
of P^gypt. join with me. And all the sons of Levi gathered
5 And when Aaron saw this,- he built an altar themselves together unto him:
before it, and made proclamation by a crier's 27 And he said to them: Thus saith the Lord
voice, saying: To-morrow is tlie solemnity of the God of Israel: Put every man his sword upon his
Lord. thigh: go, and return from gate to gate through
6 And rising in the morning, ihev offered holo- the midst of the canjp, and let every man kill his
causts, and peace-victims: and t\\e people sat brother, and friend, and neighbour.
down to eat, and drink, and they rose up to play. 28 And the sons of Levi did according to the
7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Go, words of Moses, and there were slain tnat day
Ret thee down: thy people, which thou hast about three and twenty thousand men.
brought out of the land of Egypt, hath sinned. 29 And Moses said: You have consecrated
8 They have quickly strayed from the way your hands this day to the Lord, every man in his
^rhich thou didst show tnem: and they have made son and in his brother, that a blessing may be
to themselves a molten calf, and have adored it, given to you.
and sacrificing victims to it, have said: These are 30 And when the next day was come, Moses
thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee out of spoke to the people You have sinned a very great

the land of Egypt. sin: I will go up to the Lord, if by any means I

9 And again the Lord said to Moses: I see that may be able to entreat him for your crime.
this people is stiff-necked: 31 And returning to the Lord, he said: I be-
10 Let me alone, that my wrath may be kin- seech thee; this people hath sinned a heinous sin;
dled against them, and that I may destroy them; and they have made to tJiemselves gods' of gold:
and I will make of thee a great nation. either forgive them this trespass,
11 But Moses besought the Lord his God, say- 32 Or if thou do not, strike me out of the book
ing: Why, O Lord, is thy indignation enkindled that thou hast written.
against thy people, whom thou hast brought out 33 And the Lord answered him: He that hath
of the land of Egypt, with great power, and with sinned against me, him will I strike out of my
a mighty hand .'
12 Lei not the Egyptians say, I beseech thee: 34 But go thou, and lead this people whither I
He Ciaftily brought them out, that he might kill have told thee: my Angel shall go before thee.
them in the mountains, and destroy them from the And I in the day of revenge will visit this sin also
earth: let tliy anger cease, and be appeased upon of theirs.
the wickedness of thy people. 35 The Lord therefore struck the people for the
13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel thy guilt on occasion of the calf whicn Aaron had
servants, to whom thou sworest by thy own self, made.
saying: I will multiply your seed as the stars of
heaven: and this whole land that I have spoken
of, I will give to your seed, and you shall possess The people mourn for their sin. Moses pitcheth
for ever. the tabernacle icithout the camp. He converteth
14 And the Lord was appeased from doing the .familiarlij vnth God: desireth to see his g>ory.
evil which he had spoken against his people.
15 And Moses returned from the mount, carry-
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Go,
get thee up from this place, thou and thy
ing the two tables of the testimony in his hand, people which thou hast brought out of the land of
written on both sides, Egypt, into the land concerning which I swore to
16 And made by the work of God: the writing Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: To thy seed
also of God was graven in the tables. I will give it:
17 And Josue hearing the noise of the people 2 And I will send an Angel before thee, that I
shouting, said to Moses: The noise of battle is may cast out the Chanaanite, and the Amorrhite
heard in the camp. and. the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the He-
18 But he answered: It is not the cry of men vite, and the Jebusite,
encouraging to fight, nor the shout of men com- 3 That thou mayst enter into the land that flow-
pelling to flee: but I hear the voice of singers. eth with milk and honey. For I will not go up
19 And when he came nigh to the camp, he saw with thee, because thou art a stiff-necked ])eople;
the calf, and the dances: and being very angry, lest I destroy thee in the way.
he threw the tables out of his hand, and broke 4 And the people hearing these very bad
them at the foot of the mount: tiding.s, mourned: and no man put on his orna-
20 And laying hold of the calf which they had ments according to custom.
made, he burnt it, and beat it to powder, which 5 And the Lord said to Moses: Say to the chil-
he strowed into water, and gave thereof to the dren of Israel: Thou art a stiff-necked people:
children of Israel to drink. once I shall come up in the midst of thee, and
21 And he said to Aaron What has this people shall destroy thee. Now pre.sently lay aside thy

done to thee, that thou shoulds*. bring upon them a ornaments, that I may know wh;it to do to thee.
most heinous sin.' 6 So the children of Israel laid aside their orna-
22 And he answered hirr Let not my lord be ments by mount Horeb.

offended: for thou knowest this people, that they 7 Moses also taking the tabernacle, pitched it
are prone to evil. without the camp afar off, and called the name
23 They said to me: Make us gods, that may thereof, The tabernacle of the coven:int. And all
go before us: for as to this Moses, who brought us the people, that had any question, went forth to
forth out of the land of Egypt, we know not the tabernacle of the covenant, without the camp
what is befallen him. 8 And when Moses went forth to the taber-
24 And I said to them: Which of you hath any nacle, all the people rose up, and every one stood
gold.' and they took and brought it to me: and I
cast it into the fire, and this calf came out- stripped also of the grace of God, and having Jost
25 And when Moses saw th^t the people werei him.
naked* (for Aaron had strijipe them fty occasion
1 t TJte shame of the filth. That is, of the idol,
which they had taken for their God. It is the
* Xaked. Having lost not only their gold, and usual phrase of the scripture to call idols filth, and
their honour, but what was worst of all, being abominations
in the ?.!or ')f his pavi?ion, and they belield the j
2 Be ready in the morning, that thou mayfit
bark of, he went into the tabeniacie.
till forthwith go up into mount Sinai; and thou shall
i) Anil when he was ^one into the tabernacle of stand with me upon the toj) of the mount.
the covenant, the |)illar of the cloud came down, I 3 Let no man go up with thee; and let not any
and stood at the door: and he sj)oke with Moses. ;man be seen throughout all the mount: neitlicr let
10 And all saw that the [lillar of the cloud stood Ithe oxen nor the siieep feed over against it.
at the door of the tabernacle. And they stood, I
4 Then he cut out two tables of stone, such aa
and worshipped at the doors of their tents. ;had been before: and rising very early, he went
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face,* lup into the mount Sinai, as the Lord had com-
as a man is wont to speak to l^s friend. And when manded him, carrying with him the tables.
he returned into the camp, his servant Josue the 5 And wdien the Lord was come down in a
son of Nun, a young man, departed not from the cloud, Moses stood with him, calling upon the
tabernacle. name of the Lord.
12 Ami Muses said to the Lord: Thou com- 6 And when he passed before him, he said: O
mandest me to lead forth this people: and thou the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious,
dost not let me know whom thou wilt send with ipatient, and of much compassion, and true:
me, especially whereas thou hast said: I know 7I Who
keepest mercy unto thousands: who
thee by name,t and thou hast found favour in my takest away iniquity, and wickedness, and sin,
sight. and no man of himself is innocent before thee.
13 If therefore I have found favour in thy sight, Who
renderest the iniquity of the fathers to the
show me thy face, that I may know thee, 'and may children, and to th^ grand-children unto the third
find grace before thy eyes: look upon thy jjeople, and fourth generation.
this nation. 8 And Moses making haste, bowed down pros-
14 Andthe Lord said: My
face shall go before trate unto the earth, and adoring,
thee, and will give thee rest.
I 9 Snid: If I have found grace in thy sight, O
15 And Moses said: If thou thyself dost not go Lord, I beseech thee that thou wilt go with us
before, bring us not out of this place. ^ (for it is a stiff-necked people) and take away our
16 For how shall we be able to know, I and thy iniquities and sin, and possess us.
f)eople, that we have found grace in thy sight, un- 10 The Lord answered: I will make a cove-
ess thou walk with us, that we may be glorified nant in the sight of all: I will do signs such as were
by all people that dwell upon the earth.' never seen upon the earth, nor m
any nations:
17 And the Lord said to Moses: This word that this people, in the midst of whom thou art,
also, which thou hast sjioken, will I do: for tho;; may see the terrible work of the Lord which I
hast found grace before me, and thee I have will do.
known by name. 11 Observe all things which this day I command
18 And he said: Show me thy

glory. thee: I myself will drive out before thy face the
19 He answered: I will show thee all good, and [Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hethite,
I will i)roclaim in the name of the Lord before land the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu-
thee: and 1 will have mercy on whom I will, and isite.
I will be merciful to whom it shall i)lcase me. 12 Beware thou never join in friendship with
20 And again he said: Thou canst not see my the inhabitants of that land, which may be thy
face: for man shall not see me, and live. ruin:
21 And again he said: Behold, there is a place 13 But destroy their altars, break their statues,
with me, and thou shalt stand upon the rock. and cut down their groves:
22 And when my glory shall pass, I will set 14 Adore not any strange god. The Lord his
thee in a hole of the rock, and protect thee with na«ie is Jealous; he is a jealous God.
my right hand, till I pass: \5 Make no covenant with the men of those
"23 And I will take away my
hand, and thoui countries; lest, when they have committed forni-
shalt see my back parts :t but my face thou canst cation with their gods, and have adored their idols,
not see. some one call thee to eat of the tilings sacrificed-
16 Neither shalt thou take of their daughters a
CHAP. XXXIV. wife for thy .son; lest after they theinselves have
Tlie tables are renewed: all society with the Cha- conmiitted fornication, they make thy sons also
naavites is forbidden : some precepts concern- to conmiit fornication with their gods.
ing the first-born, the sabb'.Uh, and other fensts. 17 Thou shalt not make to thyself any molten
After forty days'" fast, Moses retarneth to the ;gods.
people ti'(7/( the commandments: and his face 18 Thou shalt keej) the feast of the unleavened
appearing horned with rays of light, he corcr- !bread. Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened
eth it, lohensoever he speakcth to the people. bread, as I commanded thee in the time of the

AND after this he said: Hew

thee two tables month of the new corn: for in the month of the
of stone like unto the former: and I will sjiring time thou camest out from Egyi>t.
write ujion them the words which were in the 19 All of the male kind, that openeth the womb,
tables, which thou brokest. shall be mine. Of all beasts, both of oxen and of
sheep, it shall be mine.
* Fire to tee. That is, in a most familiar man- 20 The firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem
ner. Thou;;h, as we learn from this very chajjter, with a sheep: but if thou wi't not give a (rice for
Moses could not use the face of the Lord. it, it shall be slain. The first-born of thy sons
t / know thee by name. In the language of the thou shalt redeem: neither shalt thou appear be-
scriptures, God is said to knoJc such as he approves fore me empty.
and loves; and to knotu by name, those whom he 21 Si.x d^ys shalt thou work: the seventh day
favours in a most singular manner, as he did his thou shalt cease to plow, and to reap.
servant Moses. 22 Thou shalt keep the feast of.jveeks with the
The Lord, by Angel, of the corn of thy wheat-harvest, and
J S'e my buck parts.
usually spoke to Moses in the pillar of the cloud, the feast when the time of the year returneth that
so tint hp could not see the glory of him that s| nke ali things are laid in.

familiarly with him. In the vision here menlion- 23 Three times in the year all tlw males shall
ed, he was allowed to see som.ething of him, in an appear in the sight of the Almighty Lord the God
a.ssumed corporeal form; not in the face, the rays of Israel.
of which were too bright for mortal eye to bear, 24 For when I shall have taken away the na-
but to view him as it were behind, when his face tions from thy face, and shall have enlarged thj
was turned from him. borders, no man shall lie in wait against thy lawii


.when thou shall go up, and appear in the sight ofi vessels thereof and the lamps, and the oil for tfis
the Lord thy God thrice in a year. nourisl)ing of fires:
2-3 Tliou shall not offer the biood of my
sacri- 15 The altar of incense, and the bars, and rhe
fice upon leaven: neither shall there remain in the oil of unction and the incense of spices: the
morning any thing of the victim of the solemnity hanging at the door of the tabernacle:
of the Phase. l(i The altar of holocaust, and its grate of brass,

26 The first of the fruits of thy ground thou shall with the bars and vessels thereof: the laver and
offer in the house of the Lord thy God. Thou its fool:
shall not boil a kid in the milk of his dam. 17 The curtains of the court with the pillars and
27 And the Lord said to JNIoses: Write thee tlie sockets, the hanging in the doors oi the entry
these words by which I have made a covenant IS The pins of the tabernacle and of the court
both with thee and with Israel. with their little cords:
2d And he was ihere with the Lord forty days 19 The vestments that are to be used in the
and forty nights: he neither ate bread nor drank ministry of the sanctuary, the vesture of Aaron
•water and he wrote upon the tables the ten words
: the high-priest, and of his sons, to do the office of
of the covenant. priesthood to me.
'2d And when Moses came down from the 20 And all the multitude of the children of
mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testi- Israel going out from tlie presence of Moses,
mony and he knew not that his face was horned*
: 21 Offered first-fruits to the Lord with a most
from the conversation of the Lord. ready and devout mind, to make the work of the
30 And Aaron and the children of Israel seeing tabernacle of the testimony. Whatsoever was
the face of Moses horned, were afraid to come necessary to the service and to the holy vest-
near. ments,
31 And being called bj' him, they returned, 22 Hoth men and women gave bracelets and
both Aaron ana the rulers of the congregation. ear-rings, rings and tablets: every vessel of gold
And after that he spoke to them: was set aside to be offered to the Lord.
32 And all the children of Israel came to him: 23 If any man had violet, and purple, and scar-
and lie gave them in commandment all that he let twice dyed, red, and violet coloured .skins,
bad heard of the Lord in mount Sinai- 24 Metal of silver and brass, they offered it to
33 And having done speaking, he put a veil the Lord, and setim-wood for divers uses.
upon iiis face. 25 The skilful women also gave such things as
34 But when he went in to the Lord, and spoke they had spun, violet, purple, and scarlet, and fine
with fiim, he look it away until he came forth: linen,
and then he spoke to the children of Israel all 2() And goats' hair, giving all of their own ac-

things that had been commanded him. cord.

35 And they saw that the face of Moses when 27 But the princes offered onyx stones, and
he came out was horned: but he covered his face precious stones, for the enhod and the rational,
again, if at ar.y time he spoke to them. 28 And spices and oil lor the lights, and for the
preparing of ointment, and to make the incense
CHAP. XXXV. of most sweet savour.
The Subbath. Offerings for mahing the taber- 29 All both men and women with devout mind
nacle. Bcseleel and Ooliab are called to the offered gifts, that the works might be done which

trork the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses.


all the multitude of the children of All the children of Israel dedicated voluntary

Israel being gathered together, he said to offerings to the Lord.

them: These are the things which the Lord hath 30 And Moses said to the children of Israel:
commanded to be done. Behold, the Lord hath called by name Beseleel
2 Six days you shall do work: the seventh day the son of Uri the son of Hur of the tribe of Juda.
shall be holy unto you, the sabbath and the rest 31 And hath filled him with the spirit of God,
of the Lord: he that shall do any work on it, with wisdom and understanding and knowledge
shall be put to death. and all learning,
3 You shall kindle no fire in any of your habi- 32 To devise and to work in gold and silver,
tations on the sabbath day. and brass,
4 And Moses said to a-!l the assembly of the 33 And in engraving stones, and in carpenters'
children of Israel: This is the word the Lord work. Whatsoever can be devised artificially,
hath commanded, saying: 34 He hath given in his heart: Ooliab also, tne
5 Set aside with you first-fruits to the Lord. son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan:
IjcI eveiT one that is willing and hath a ready 35 Both of them hath he instructed with wis-
heart, offer them to the Lord: gold, and silver, dom, to do carpenters' work, and tapestry, and
and brass, embroidery in blue and purple, and scarlet twice
() Violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and dyed, and fine linen, and to weave all things, and
fine liiun, goats' hair, I to invent all new things.
7 And rams' skins dyed red, and violet colour-
ed skiii=, setini-wood,
8 And oil to maintain lights, and to make oinl- are delivered to the workmen: the
TJie offerings
snent, and most sweet incense, curtains, coverings, boaj-ds, bars, veil, pillars,
9 ()ny\ .-tones, and precious stones, for the and hanging are made.
udorniii'; of the epho.l and the rational. ESELEEL
therefore, and Ooliab, and every
10 Whoioever of you is wise, let him come wise man, to whom the Lord gave wisdom
iiU'i m ik!' that which the Lord hath commanded and understanding, to know how to work artifi-
1 To wit, the tabernacle, and the roof thereof, cially, made the things that are necessary for the
and the cover, the rings, and the board-work juscs of the sanctuary, and which the Lord com-
with the bars, the pillars and the sockets: manded.
12 The ark and the staves, the propitiatory, 2 And when Moses had called them, and
and iht^ veil that is drawn before it: every skilful man, to whom the Lord had given
13 Th<f table with the bars, and the vessels, wisdom, and such as of their own accord had

and th'' loaves of proposition: offered themselves to the making of the work,

11 The candlestick to bear up the lights, the 3 He delivered all the offerings of the children

lof Israel unto them. And while they were ear

* Horneil. That is, shining, and sending forth nest about the work, the people daily in the mora

avs of light like horns lint offered their vows.

: ,

4 Whereupon the workmen being constrained bars at the west side of the tabernacle toward*
to coine, the sea.
5 Said to Moses; The people offerethmore than 33 He made also another bar, that might
js necessary. come by the midst of the boards from corner to
6 Moses therefore commanded proclamation to corner.
be made by the crier's voice: Let neither man 34 And the board-work itself he overlaid with
nor woman offer any more for the worli of the gold. And their rings he made of gold, througn
-sanctuary. And so they ceased from offering which the bars might be drawn: .ind he coveied
Rifts the bars themselves with plates of gold.
7 Because the things that were offered did 35 He made also a veil of violet, and purple,
suffice, and were too much. scarlet, and fine t\Yisted linen, varied and distin-
S And all the men that were wise of heart, to guished with embroidery;
accoirii>lish the work of the tabernacle, made ten 36 And four pillars of setin»-wood, which with
curtains of twisted fine linen, and violet, and pur- their heads he overlaid with gold, casting for
ple, and scarlet twice dyed, with varied work, them sockets of silver.
and the art of embroidering: 37 He made also a hanging in the entry of the
9 Tlie length of one curtain was twenty-eight tabernacle, of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine
cubits, and the breadth four: all the curtains were twisted linen, with the work of an embroiderer.
of the same size. 38 And five pillars with their heads, which he
10 And he joined five curtains, one to another; covered with gold, and their sockets he cast of
and the other iive he coupled one to another. brass.
11 He made also loops of violet in the edge of
one curtain on both sides, and in the edge of the
other curtain in hke manner, Beseleel maketh the ark, the propitiatory, and
12 That the loops might meet one against cherubims, the table, the candlestick, the lamps,
another, and might be joined each with the and the altar of incense; and compoundcth the
other. incense.
13 Whereupon also he cast fifty rings of gold ND
Beseleel made also, the ark of setim-
tliat might catch the loops of the curtains, and A'
wood: it was two cubits and a half in
they might be made one tabernacle. length, and a cubit and a half in breadth: and the
14 He made also eleven curtains of goats' hair height was of one cubit and a half and he over-

to cover the roof of the tabernacle: laid it with the purest gold within and without.
15 One curtain was thirty cubits long and four 2 And he made to it a crown of gold round
cubits broad: all the curtains were of one mea- about,
sure. 3 Casting four rings of gold at the four cornersi
16 Five of which he joined apart, and the other ithereof: two rings in one side, and two in the
six apart. I
17 And
he made fifty loops in the edge of one 4 And he made bars of setim-wood, which he
curtain, and fifty in the edge of another curtain, overlaid with gold:
that they might be joined one to another: 5 And he put them into the rings that were at
18 And titty buckles of brass wherewith the the sides of the ark to carry it.
roof might be knit together, that of all the curtains 6 He made also the proj)itiatory, that is, the
there might be made one covering. oracle, of the purest gold, two cubits and a halt
19 He made also a cover for the tabernacle, of in length, and a cubit and a half in breadth.
rams' skins dyed red; and another cover over 7 Two cherubims also of beaten gold, which
that of violet skins. he set on the two sides of the propitiatory:
20 He made also the boards of the tabernacle 8 One cherub in the top of one side, and the
of setim-wood standing. other cherub in the top of the other side: two
21 The length of one board was ten cubits: and cherubims at the two ends of the propitiatory,
the breadth was one cubit and a half. 9 Spreading their wings, and covering the pro-
22 There were two mortises throughout every pitiatory, a!:d looking one towards the other and
board, that one might be joined to the other. And towards it.
in this manner he made for all the boards of the 10 He made also the table of setim-wood, in
tabernacle. length two cubits, and in breadth one cubit, and
23 Of which twenty were at the south side in height it vvas a cubit and a half
southward, 11 And he overlaid it with the finest gold; and
24 With forty sockets of silver. Two sockets he made to it a golden ledge round about.
were put under one board on the two sides of the 12 And to the ledge itself he made a polished
corners, where tlie mortises of the sides end in crown of gold of four fingers breadth, and upon
the corners. the same another golden crown.
25 At that side also of the tabernacle, that 13 And he cast four rings of gold, which he
looketh towards the north, he made twenty put in the four corners at each foot of the table
boards, 14 Over-against the crown: and he put the bars
2(j With forty sockets of silver, two sockets into them, tliat the table might be carried.
for every board. 15 And the bars also themselves he made of
27 But against the west, to wit, at that side of setim-wood, and overlaid them with gold.
the tabernacle, which looketh to the sea, he made 16 And the vessels for the divers uses of the
six boards, table, dishes, bowls, and cups, and censers of pure
28 A (id two others at each corner of the taber- gold, wherein the libations are to be offered
nacle behind: 17 He made also the candlestick of beaten
29 Which were also joined from beneath unto work of the finest gold. From the shaft whereof
the top, and went together into one joint. Thus' its branches, its cups, and bowls, and lilies came
he did on both sides at the corners: out:
30 So there were in all eight boards: and they! 18 Six on the two sides: three branches on cne
had sixteen sockets of silver, to wit, two socketsj sidp, and three on the other.
under every hoard. I
19 Three cups in manner of a iwt on each branch
31 He made also bars of setim-wood, five to! and bowls withal and lilies: and three cups of tne
hold together the boards of one side of the taber- fashion of a nut in another branch, and bowis
nacle: withal and lilies. The work of the six branches,
32 And five others to join together the boards that went out from the shaft of the candlcDtick^
of the other side: and besides these, five other was equal
20 And in the shaft itself were four cups after with all their gravings of silver: aad
their heads
the manner of a nut, and bowls withal at every he overlaid the pillars of the court also with silver.
one, and lilies: 18 And he made in the entry thereof an em-
21 And bowls under two branches in three pla- broidered hanging of violet, purple, scarlet, and
ces, which together make six branches going out fine twisted linen, that was twenty cubits longj
from one shaft. and five cubits high, according to the measure of
22 So both the bcAvls and the branches were all the hangings of^ the court.
of the same, all beaten work of the purest gold. 19 And the pillars in the entry were four with
23 He made also the seven lamps with their sockets of brass, and their heads and gravings of
snuffers, and the vessels where the snuffings were silver.
to be put out, of the purest gold. 20 The pins also of the tabernacle and of the
24 The candlestick with all the vessels thereof court round about he made of brass.
weighed a talent of gold. 21 These are the instruments of the taberna-
26 He made also the altar of incense of setim- cle of the testimony, which were counted ac-
wood, being a cubit on every side, four-square, cording to the commandment of Moses, in the
and in height two cubits: from the corners of ceremonies of the Levites, by the hand of Itha-
which went out horns. mar son of Aaron the priest:
26 And he overlaid it with the purest gold, with 22 Which Keseleel the son of Uri the son of
its grate and the sides and the horns. Hur, of the tribe of Juda, had made, as the Lord
27 And he made to it a crown of gold round commanded by Moses,
about, and two golden rings under the crown at 23 Having for his companion Ooliab the son of
each side, that the bars might be put into them, Achisamech of the tribe of Dan: who also was
and the ahar be carried. an excellent artificer in wood, and worker in ta-
28 And the bars tliemselves he made also of pestry and embroidery in violet, purple, scarlet,
setim-wood, and overlaid them with plates of and tine linen.
gold. 24 All the gold that was spent in the work cf
29 He compounded also the oil for the oint- the sanctuary, and that was offered in gifts, was
ment of sanctification, and incense of the purest nine and twenty talents, and seven hundred and
spices according to the work-of a perfumer. thirty sides according to the standard of the sanc-
CHAP. XXXVIII. 25 And it was offered by them that went to be
He maketh the altar of holocaust, the brazen la- numbered, from twenty years old and upwards,
ver, the court with its pillars and hangings. of six hundred and three thousand five hundred
The sum of ichat the people offered. and fifty men able to bear arms.
[E made also the altar of holocaust of setim- 26 There were moreover a hundred talents of
wood, five cubits square, and three in silver, whereof were cast the sockets of the sanc-
neight: tuary, and of the entry where the veil hangeth.
2 The horns whereof went out from the cor- 27 A
hundred sockets were made of a hundred
ners: and he overlaid it with plates of brass. talents, one talent being reckoned for every
_ 3 And for the uses thereof he prepared divers socket.
vessels of brass, caldrons, tongs, flesh-hooks, 28 And of the thousand seven hundred and
pot-hooks, and fire-pans. seventy five he made the heads of the pillais,
4 And he made the grate thereof of brass in which also he overlaid with silver
manner of a net, and under it in the midst of the 29 And there were offered of bras?* also seven-
altar a hearth, ty two thousand talents, and four hundred sides
5 Casting four rings at the four ends of the net besides:
at the top, to put in bars to carrv it: 30 Of which were cast the sockets in the en-
6 And he made the bars of setim-wood, and try of the tabernacle of the testimony, and the
overlaid them with plates of brass: altar of br.nss with the grate thereof, and all the
7 And he drew them through the rings that vessels that belong to the use thereof,
stood out in the sides of the altar. And die altar 31 And the sockets of the court as well round
itself was not solid, but hollow, of boards, and about as in the entry thereof, and the pins of the
empty within. tabernacle and of the court round about.
8 He made also the laver of brass, with the
foot thereof, of the mirrors of the women that
watched at the door of the tabernacle. All the ornaments of Aaron and his sons are
9 He made also the court, in the south side made. And the toholc work of the tabernacle
whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen of is finished.
a hundred cubits, ND he made, of violet and purple, scarlet
10 Twenty pillars of brass with their sockets, and vestments for Aaron to
fine linen, the
the heads of the pillars, and the whole graving of wear when he ministered in the holy jjlaces, as
the work, of silver. the Lord commanded Moses.
11 In like manner at the north side the hang- 2 So he made an ephod of gold, violet, and
in?;^, the pillars, anil the sockets, and heads of the purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted
pillars, were of the same measure, and work, and linen,
metal. 3 With embroidered work: and he cut thin
12 But on that side that looketh to the west, plates of gold, and drew them small intvj ijueads,
there were hangings of fifty cubits, ten pillars of that they might be twisted with the woof of the
brass with their sockets, and the heads of the pil- foresaid colours:
lars, and all the graving of the work, of silver. 4 And two borders coupled one to the other in
13 Moreover towards the east he prepared the top on either side,
hangings of fifty cubits: 5 And a ginlle of the same colours, as the
14 Fifteen cubits of which were on one side Lord had commanded Moses.
with three pillars, and their sockets: 6 He prepared also two onyx stones, fast set
15 And on the other side (for between the two and closed in gold, arul graven, by the art of a
he made the entry of the tabernacle) there were lapidary, with the names of the cliiidren o\ I^rael:
hangings equally of fifteen cubits, and three pil- 7 And he set them in the sides of the e|.>h(xl
lars, anfl as many sockets. for a memorial of the children of Israel, as tat)
16 All the hangings of the court were woven Lord had commanded Moses.
with twisted linen. 8 He made also a rational with embroidere'I
17 The sockets of the pillars were of brass, and work according to the work of the ephofl, of

ffoW, violet, purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and 40 The hanging in the entry c\ '(h'- rourt, and
Ine twisted linen: the utile cords, and the pins tl.iA-r/ 's'olhing
9 Four-square, double, of the measure of a was wanlmg of the vessels, that vri* ' c >'-nmanc;ea
span. to be made for the ministry of the t .heinacle, and
10 And he set four rows of precious stones in Ifor the roof of the covenant.
it. In the first row was a sardius, a topaz, an 41 The vestments also, which the priests, to
emerald; wit, Aaron and his sons, use in the sanctunry,
Jl In the second, a carbuncle, a sapphire, and 42 The children of Israel oflered, as the Lord
a jasper; had commanded.
12 In the third, a ligurius, an agate, and an ame- 43 And when Moses saw all things finished, h^
thyst; blessed them.
13 In the fourth a chrysolite, an onyx, and a
beryl, set and enclosed in gold by their rows.
The tabernacle is commanded to he set vp awJ
14 And the twelve stones v^ere engraved with
the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, each anointed. God fiUeth itii<it/i his majesty.
one with its seveial name.
15 They made also in the rational little chains
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 The first month, the first day of the
linked one to another of the purest gold, month, thou shall set up the tabernacle of the tes-
16 And two hooks, and as many rings of timony;
gold. And they set the rings on either side of 3 And shalt put the ark in it, and shait let down
the rational, the Veil before it:
17 On which rings the two golden chains should 4 And thou shalt bring in the table, and set
hang, which they put into the hooks that stood upon it the things that are commanded according
out in the corners of the ephod. to the rite. The candlestick shall stand with it»
18 These both before and behind so answered lamps,
one another, that the cphod and the rational were 5 And the altar of gold whereon the incense is
bound together, burnt, before the ark of the testimony. ThoH
19 Being fastened to the girdle and strongly shalt put the hanging in the entry of the taber-
coupled with rings, which a violet fillet joined, nacle,
test thej should flag loose, and be moved one 6 And before it the altar of holocaust:
from the other, as the Lord commanded Mo«es. 7 The laver between the altar and the taberna-
20 They made also the tunic of the ephod all cle: and thou shalt fill it with water.
of violet, 8 Anil thou shalt encompass the court with
21 And a hole for the head in the upper part at hangings, and the entry thereof.
the middle, and a woven border rou<id about the 9 And thou shalt take the oil of imction, and
hole: anoint the tabernacle with its vessels, that they
22 And beneath at the feet pomegranates of may hf sanctified:
violet, purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen: 10 The altar of holocaust and all its vessels:
23 And little bells of the purest gold, which 11 The laver with its foot: thou shalt conse-
they put between the pomegranates at the bot- crate all with the oil of unction, that they may be
tom of the tunic round about: most holy.
24 To wit, a bell of gold, and a pomegranate, 12 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons to
wherewith the high-priest went adorned, when the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, and
he discharged his ministry, as the Ijord had com- having washed them with water,
manded Moses. 13 Thou shalt put on them the holy vestments,
25 They made also fine linen tunics with that they may minister to me, and that the unction
woven work for Aaron and his sons, of them may prosper to an everla.«ting priesthood.
26 And mitres with their little crowns of fine 14 And Moses did all that the Lord had com-
linen, mnnded.
27 And hnen breeches of fine linen, 15 So in the first month of the second year, the
28 And a girdle of fine twisted linen, violet, first day of the month, the tabernacle was set up.
purple, and scarlet twice dyed, of embroidery- 16 i\.nd Moses reared it up, and placed the
work, as the Lord had commanded Moses. boards, and the sockets, and the bars, and set up
29 They made also the plate of sacred venera- the pillars,
tion of the purest gold: and they wrote on it with 17 And spread the roof over the tabernacle^
the engraving of a lapidary: The Holy of the putting over it a cover, as the Lord had com-
Lord: manded.
30 And they fastened it to the mitre with a vi- 18 And he put the te.'-timony in the ark, thrust
olet fillet, as the Lord had commanded Moses. ing bars underneath, and the oracle above.
31 So all the work of the tabernacle, and of the 19 And when he had brought the ark into the
roof of the testimony was finished: and the chil- tabernacle, he drew the veil before it, to fulfil the
dren of Israel did all things which the Lord had commandment of the Lord.
commanded Moses. 20 And he set the taLle in the tabernacle of the
b2 And they offered the tabernacle, and the testimony at the north side without the veil,
roof, and the whole furniture, the rings, the 21 Setting there in order the loaves of projiosi-
boards, the bars, the pillars and their sockets; tion, as the Lord had commanded .Moses.
33 The cover of rams' skins dyed red, and 22 He set the candlestick also in the t;<berna-
tlie oth^r cover of violet skins; cle of the testimony over-against the table on the
34 The veil, the ark, the bars, the propitiatory; south side,
35 The table with the vessels thereof, and the 23 Placing the lamps in order, according to the
loaves of proposition; precept of the Lord.
36 The candlestick, the lamps, and the furni- 24 He set also the altar of gold under the roof
tur/i of them with the oil; of the testimony ovei-against the veil,
'JH The altar of gold, and the ointment, and the 25 And burnt upon it the incense of spices, as
incense of spices; the Lord had commanded Moses.
38 And the hanging in the entry of the taber- 26 And he put also the hanging in the entry of
nacle; the tabernacle of the testimony,
3J) The altar of brass, the grate, the bars, and 27 And the altar of ho!ocauf-t oi the entry of
all the vessels thereof; the laver with the foot the testimony, otTering the holocaust, and the
thereof; the hangings of the court, and the pillars sacrifices upon it, as the Lord had commanded
with their sockets; 28 And he set the laver between the taberna-


pie )f the testimony and tlie altar, filling 33 Neither could Moses go into the Inbernaclt
it with
water. of the covenant, the cloud covering all things,
29 And Aloses, and Aaron, and his sons, wash- and the majesty of the Lord shining; for the
ed their hands and feet, cloud had covered all.
30 When they went into the tabernacle of the 34 If at any time the cloud removed from the
covenant, and went to the altar, as the Lord had tabernacle, the children of Israel went forward
commanded Moses. by their troops:
31 He set up also the court round about the 35 If it hung over, they remained in the same
tabernacle and the altar, drawing the hanging in place.
the entry thereof. After all things were perfect- 36 For the cloud of the Lord hung over the
ed, tabernacle bj^ day, and a fire by night, in the sight
32 The cloud covered the tabernacle of the of all the children of Israel throughout all theii
testimony: and the glory of the Lord filled it. mansions. %


This book is called Leviticus, because it treats 9 The entrails and feet being washed with
of the offices, vtinistries, rites, and ceremonies, water: and the priest shall burn them upon ftie
of the priests and Levites. The Hebrews call altar for a holocaust, and a sweet savour to the
it vxiCRA, from the toord icith which it begins. Lord.
10 And if the offering be of the flocks, a holo-
caust of sheep or of goats, he shall offer a male
Of holocausts, or burnt-offerings without blemish:
AND Lord
him from
the called Moses, and spoke to 11 And he shall immolate it at the side of the
the tabernacle of the testimony, altar that looketh to the north, before the Lord:
saying: but the sons of Aaron shall pour the blood thereof
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt upon the altar round about:
say to them: The man among you that shall offer 12 And they shall divide the joints, the head,
to the Lord a sacrifice of the cattle, that is, offer- and all that cleave to the liver: and shall lay them
ing victims of oxen and sheep, upon the wood, under which the fire is to be put:
3 If his offering be a holocaust,* and of the 13 But the entrails and the feet they shall wash
herd, he shall offer a male without blemish, at the with water. And the priest shall offer it all, and
door of the testimony, to make the Lord favour- burn it all upon the altar for a holocaust, and most
able to him: sweet savour to the Lord.
4 And he shall put his hand upon the head of 14 Rut if the oblation of a holocaust to the
the victim: and it shall be acceptable, and help to Lord be of birds, of turtles, or of young pigeons,
<ts exi^iation. 15 The priest shall offer it at the altar: and
5 And he shall immolate the calf before the twisting back the neck, and breaking the place
Lord: and the priests the sons of Aaron shall of- of the wound, he shall make the blood run down
fer the blooJ thereof, pouring it round about the upon the brim of the altar.
altar, which is before the door of the tabernacle, 16 But the crop of the throat, and the feathers
6 And when they have flayed the victim, they he shall cast beside the altar at the east side, in
shall cut the joints into pieces, the place where the ashes are wont to be poured
7 And shall put fire on the altar, having before out:
laid in order a pile of wood: 17 And he shall break the pinions thereof, and
S And they shall lay the parts that are cut out shall not cut, nor divide it with a knife, and shall
in order thereupon, to wit, the head, and all things burn it upon the altar, putting fire under the wood.
that cleave to the liver, It is a holocaust and oblation of most sweet sa-
ivour to the Lord
* A holoc-iust, that is, a whole-burnt offering
SXoxaujiv, so called, because the whole victim was

Cf)nsumed with fire; and given in such manner to Of offerings of flour, and first-fruits.
Go as wholly to evaporate, as it were, for his
any one shall offer an oblation of
honour and ?.lory; without having any part of it sacrifice to the Lord, his offering shall be
res-rved for the use of man. The other sacrifices of fine flour: and he shall pour oil uj-on it, and
of thf! OKI Testament were either offerings for put frankincense,
si7i, or pf'-ire-off rings: and these latter again were 2 And shall bring it to the sons of Aaron the
either off reel in thanksgiving for blessings re- priests: and one of them shall take a handful of
ceived; or by way of prayer for new favours or jthe flour and oil, and all the frankincense; and
graces. So that sacrifices were then offered to sliall put it a memorial upon the altar for a mo8
God for four different ends or intentions, answer- sweet savour to the Lord.
a')l ' to the different nbligTtions which man has to 3 And the remnant of the sacrifice shall be
Go I: I. Ry way of adoration, homage, praise,! Aaron's, and his sons, holy of holiest of the of
an glory, due to his Divine Majesty. 2. Ry wayljfenn-s of the Lord^

of t'nnksgivingforall benefits received from him. 4 Rut when thou offerest a sacrifice baked in

3 Ry wny of confessing and craving pardon forljthe oven, of flour, to wit, loaves without leaven,
sins. 4. Ry way of prayer ami petition for graceJItempered with oil, and unleavened wafers
\\\i\ relief in all necessities. In the New Law, led witli oil:
we h ive but on" sicrifice, u/:. thai of the body 5 If thy oblation be from the frying-pan, of

«nd b''>()l of Christ: but this one sacrifice of the Iflour -i •. "
tem|)ered with oil, and without leaven,

New Ti-Jtim'^nt fierfectly answers all these four

ends: an both pri"st and pe()[)|p. as often as it is
t Holy of holies, thai is, woxt holy; as being
celebrafd, ought to join in offering it up forJdedicated to God, and set aside by bis otdinance
lliL-se lour ends. lifor the use of his priests.
6 Thou shalt divide it into little pieces, and victim: and it shall be slain in the entry of the
shall pour oil upon it, tabernacle of testimony: and the sons of Aaron
7 And if the sacrifice be from the gridiron, shall pour tlie blood thereof round about ujioii the
in like manner the flour shall be tempered with altar.
oil: 9 And they .<hall offer of the victim of peace-
8 And when thou ofFerest it to the Lord, thou offerings a sacrifice to the Lord; the fat and the
ehalt deliver it hands of the priest.
to the whole rump,
And when he hath offered it, he shall take a 10 With the kidneys, and the fat that coveretli
.Tiemorial out of the sacrifice, and burn it upon the belly, and all the vitals, and both the little kid-
vhe altar for a sweet savour to the Lord. neys, with the fat that is about the flanks, and the
10 And whatsoever is left, shall be Aaron's, caul of the liver with the little kidneys.
and his sons, holy of holies of the offerings of the 11 And the priest shall burn them ujjon the altar,
Lord. . for the food of the fire, and of the oblation of tlie
11 Every oblation that is offered to the Lord, Lord.
shall be made without leaven; neither shall any 12 If his offering be a goat, and he offer it to the
leaven or honey* be burnt in the sacrifice to the Lord,
Lord. 13 He shall put his hand upon the head thereof;
12 You shall offer only the first-fruits of them and shall immolate the entry of the tabernacle
it in
and i^ifts: but they shall not be put upon the altar, of the testimony. And the sons of Aaron shall
for a savour of sweetness. pour the blood thereof round about upon the altar.
13 Whatsoever sacrifice thou offeresl, thou 14 And they shall take of it for the food of the
shalt season it with salt:t neither shalt thou take Lord's fire, the f»t that covereth the beHy, and
away the salt of the covenant of thy God from that covereth all the vital parts:
thy sacrifice. In all thy oblations thou shalt offer 15 The two little kidneys with the caul that is
salt. upon them which is by the flanks, and the fat of
14 But if thou offer a gift of the iirst-fruits ofl the liver with the little kidneys:
thy corn to the Lord, of the ears yet green, thou 16 And the priest shall burn them upon the al-
shalt dry it at the fire, and break it small like tar, for the food of the fire, and of a most sweet
meal: and so shalt thou offer thy first-fruits to the savour. All the fat shall be the l-ord's, _

Lord, 17 By a perpetual law for your generations, and

15 Pouring oil upon it, and putting on frankin- in all your habitations: neither blood nor fat§ shall
censC; because it is the oblation of the Lord: you eat at all.
16 Whereo*" the priest shall burn for a memo-
rial of the gin, part of the corn broken small, and
of the oil, and all the frankincense. offerings for sins of ignorance.
CHAP. III. AND the Ijord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Say to the children of Israel: The soul
Of peace-offerings. that sinneth through ignorance, and doeth any ||

ND if his oblation be a sacrifice of peace- thing concerning any of the commandments of the
offerings,^ and he will offer of the herd, whe- Lord, which he commanded not to be done:
ther male or female, he shall offer them without 3 If the priest that is anointed shall sin, making
blemish before the Lord. the people to offend, he shall offer to the Lord for
2 And he shall lay his hand upon the head of his sin, a calf without
his victim, which shall be slain in the entry of the 4 And he shall bring it to the door of the testi-
tabernacle of the testimony: and the sons of Aaron mony before the Lord, and shall put his hand upon
the priests shall pour the blood round about upon the head thereof; and shall sacrifice it to the Lord.
the altar. 5 He shall take also of the bloodlT of the calf,
3 And they shall offer of the sacrifice of peace- and carry it into the tabernacle of the testimony:
offerings, for an oblation to the Lord, the fat that 6 And having dipped his finger in the blood, he
covereth the entrails, and all the fat that is within. shall s[)rinkle with it seven times before the Lord,
4 The two kidneys with the fat wherewith the before the veil of the sanctuary.
flanks are covered, apd the caul of the liver with 7 And he shall put some of the same blood up-
the two little kidneys. on the horns of the altar of the sweet incense most
5 And they shall burn them upon the altar, for acceptable to the Lord, which is in the t.nbernacle
a holocaust, putting fire under the wood; for an of the testimony. And he shall j our all the resjt
oblation of most sweet savour to the Lord. of the blood at the foot of the aitar of holocaust

(i But if his oblation, and the sacrifice of peace- in the entry of the tabernacle.
offering be of the flock, whether he offer male or 8 And he shall take off the fat of the calf for
female, they shall be without blemish. the sin-offering, as well that which covereth the
7 If he offer a lamb before the Jjord, entr.tils, as all the inwards:
8 He shall put his hand upon the head of his 9 The two little kidneys, and the caul that is
upon them which is by the flanks, and the fat of
* IVithovt leaven or honey. No
leaven nor the liver with the little kidneys,
honey was to be used in the sacrifice offered to 10 As it is taken off from the calf of the sacri-
God; to signify that we are to exclude from the fice of peace-offerings: and he shall burn them
pure worship of the gospel, all double-dealing and upon the altar of holocaust.
affection to carnal pleasures. 11 But the skin and all the flrsh, with the head
t Suit. In every sacrifice salt was to be used, and the i'e< t and the bowels and the dung,
which is an emblem of wisdom and discretion, 12 And the rest of the body, he shall carry forth
without which none of our performances are
agreeable to God. § Fat. It is meant of the fat, which by the f re-
Peace-offerings- Peace, in the scripture lan- scription of the law was to be offered on God's
guigp, signifies happiness, welfare or prosperity; altar: not o! the fat of meat, such as we com-
in a word, all kind of blessings. Such sacrifices monlv eat.
therefore as were offered either on occas-ion ol I'svorance- To be ignorant of what we are

blessings received, or to obtain new favours, were bound to know is sinful: and for such culpable
called pacific or jieact-offerings. In these sonic i'mor-ince. these sacrifices prescribed in this and
part of the victim was consumed with fire on thc the follov.iiig chapter, were, apiointed.
aitar of Goil other parts were eaten by the priests.
"^ Tiif hloo'l. As the figure of the blood of
and by the persons for whom the sacritice wa^ Christ sh.f d for the remission of our sins, and < aj
offered ried by him into the sanctuary of heaven.

without the camp into a clean place, where the for him and for his sin; and jt shall be forgiven
ashes are wont to be poured out: and he shall burn him.
them upon a jTile of wood: they shall be burnt in CHAP. V.
the place where the ashes are pourtd out.
13 And if all the muitituile of Israel shall be ig- Of other sacrifices for sins.
norant, and through ignorance shall do that which F any one sin, and hear the voice of one swear-
is against the commandnient of the Lord, ing, and is a witness either because he himself
14 And afterwards shall understand their sin, hath seen, or is privy to it; if he do not utter t,
they shall o.*iVr for their sin a calf, and shall bring he shall bear his inicjuity.
it to the door of the tabernacle. 2 Whosoever toucheth any unclean thing,
15 And the ancients of the peojile shall put their either that which has been killed by a beast, ui
hands upon the head thereof before the Lord. died of itself, or any other creeping thing; and
And the calf being immolated in the sight of the forgetteth his uncleanness, he is guilty, and hath
I.#ord, ofl'cnded:
l(i The anointed, shall carry of the
priest that is 3 And if he touch anything of the uncleanness
Rlodd into the tabernacle of the testimony, of man, according to any uncleanness wherewith
17 Aiul shall dip his finger in it, and sprinkle it he is wont to be defiled, and having forgotten it,
ficven times before the veil. come afterwards to know it. he shall be guilty ol
18 And he shall put of the sartie blood on the an offence.
horns of the altar tliat is before the Lord, in the 4 The person that sweareth, and uttereth with
tabernacle of the testimony: and the rest of the his lips, that he would do either evil or good, and •

blood he shall pour at the toot of the altar of ho o- bindeth the same with, an oath, and his word, and
caust, which is at the door of the tabernacle of the having forgotten it, afterwards understandeth his
testimony. offence,
ly And the lat thereof he shall take oif. and
all 5 Let him do penance for his sin,
shall burn up,on the altar:
it 6 And offer of the flocks a ewe-lamb, or a
20 Doing so with this calf, as he did also with she-goat, and the priest shall pray for him, and for
that before: and the priest praying for them, the his sin:
Lord will be merciful unto them. 7 But if he be not able to offer a beast, let him
21 But the calf itself he shall carry forth with- offer two turtles, or two young pigeons to the
out the camp, and shall burn it as he did the former Lord, o:ie for sin, and the other for a holocaust.
calf: because it is for the sin of the multitude. 8 And he shall give them to the priest; who
22 If a prince shall sin, and through ignorance Siiall offer the first for sjin, and twist back the head
do any one of the things that the law of the Lord! of it to the little pinions, so that it stick to the
forbiddeth, I
neck, and be not altogether broken off.
23 And afterwards shall come to know his sin;l 9 And of its blood he shall .sprinkle the side of
he shall otfer a buck-goat without blemish, a sa- the altar: and whatioever is left, he shall let it
crihce to the Jjord. drop at the bottom thereof; because it is for sin.
24 And he shall put his hand upon the head 10 And the other he shall burn for a holocaust,
thereof: and when he hath immolated it in the as is wonl to be done: and the riest shall pray for

place where the holocaust is woat to be slain be-j him, and for his sin: and it shall be forgiven him.
Fore the Lord, because it is for sin, 11 And if his hand be not able to offer two tur-
25 The priest shall dip his finger in the blood of; tles, or two yoiuig pigeons, he shall offer for his
the victim for sin, touching therewith the horns ofl sin the tenth part of an ephi of flour. He shall
the altar of ho'ocaust, and pouring out the rest atl not put oil upon it, nor put any frankincense there-
the foot thereof. |
on, because it is for sin:
26 But the fat he shall hum upon it, as is wontj 12 And he shall deliver it to the priest; who
to be done with the victims of peace-offerings: shall take a handful thereof, and shall burn it up-
and the priest shall pray for him and for his sin; on the altar for a memorial of him that offered it,
and it shall be forgiven him. j
13 Praying for him and making atonement: but
27 And if any one of the people of the land the part that is left, he himself shall have for a gift
shall sin through ignorance, doing any of those 11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
things that by the law of the Lord are forbidden, 15 If any one >hall sin through mistake, trans-
and offending, gressing the ceremonies in those things that are
28 And shall come to know his sin, he shall offer sacrificed to the Lord, he shall offer for his of-
a she-goat without blemish. fence a ram without blemish out of the flocks,
29 And he shall put his hand upon the head of that may be bought for two sides, according to
the victim that is for sin, and shall immolate it in the weight of the sanctuary:
the place of the holocaust 16 And he shall make good the damajje itself
30 And the priest shall take of the blood wi h which he hath done, and shall add the fifth part
Ills finger, and shall touch the horns of the altar besides, delivering it to the jiriest, who shall pray
of tfolocaust, and shall pour out the rest at the foot for him, offering the ram, and it shall be forgiven
thereof. him.
31 But taking off all the fat, as is wont to be 17 If any one sin through ignorance, and do
taken away of the victims of peace-offerings, he one of those things which by ihe law of the Lord
shall burn it upon the altar, for a sweet savour to are forbidden, and being guilty of sin, understand
the Lord: and he shall pray for him; and it shall his iniquit)-,
ba forgiven him. 18 He shall offer of the flocks a ram without
32 But il he offer of the flock a victim for his blemish to the priest, according to the measure,
sin, to wit, a ewe without blemish; iand estimation of the sin: and the priest shall
33 He shall put his hand upon the head thereof, Ipray for him, because he did it ignorantly; and it
and shall immolate it in the place where the vic- shall be forgiven him;
tims of holocausts are wont to be slain. 19 Because by mistake he trespassed against

34 And the priest shall take of the blood there- ;the Lord.
of with his finger, and shall touch the horns of the i
altar of holocaust, and the rest he shall pour out Oblation for sins of injustice: ordinances con-
at the foot thereof. cerning the holocausts and the perpetual fire,
35 All the fat also he shall take off, as the fat of the sacrifices of the priests, and the sin-offer^
the ram that is offered for peace-offerings is wont ings.
In he taken away; and shall burn it upon the altar, HE
Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
for a burnt-sacrifice of the Lord: and he shall prav 2 Whosoever shall sin, and despising th«
Lord, shall deny to his neighbour the thing deli- 25 S;iy to Aaron and his sons: This js the law
ver to his keeping, which was committed to his of the victim for sin: In the place where the holo-

trust; or ."hall by force extort any thing, or com- caust is offered, it shall be immolated before the
.ait oiipression; Lord. It is holy of holies.
3 Or and denying it, shall
shall find a thing lost, 26 The priest that offereth it, shall eat it in a
also swear do any other of the holy place, in the court of the tabernacle.
falsely, or shall
many things, wherein men are wont to sin, 27 Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof,
4 Being convicted of the offence, he shall restore shall be sanctified. If a garment be sprinkled
5 All that he would have gotten by fraud, in with the blood thereof, it shall be washed in a
the principal, and the fifth part besides to the holy place.
owner, whom he wronged. 28 And the earthen vesse|, wherein it was
6 Moreover for his sin he shall offer a ram sodden, shall be broken: but if the vessel be of
without blemish out of the flock, and shall give brass, it shall be scoured, and washed with water
it to the priest, according to the estimation and 29 Every male of the priestly race shall eat of
measure of the offence: the flesh thereof, because it is holy of holies.
7 And he shall pray for him before the Lord 30 For the victim that is slain for sin, the blood
and he shall have forgiveness for every thing in of which is carried into the tabernacle of the tes-
doing of which he hath sinned. timony to make atonement in the sanctuary, shall
8 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: not be eaten, but shall be burnt with fire.
9 Command Aaron and his sons This is the :

law of a holocaust: It shall be burnt upon the al-

tar all night until morning: the fire shall be of the Of sacrifices for trespasses and thanks -offerings>
same altar. No fat nor blood is to be eaten.
10 The priest shall be vested with the tunic
and the linen breeches: and he shall take up the
THIS also is the law of tlie sacrifice for a tres-
jwss :t It is most holy:
ashes of that which the devouring fire hath burnt, 2 And where the holocaust is immolated, the
and putting them beside the altar, victim also for a shall be slain: the blood
11 Shall put off his former vestments, and be- thereof shall be poured round about the altar.
ing clothed with others, shall carry thera forth 3 Thiy shall offer thereof the rump and the fat
without the camp, and shall cause them to be that covereth the entrails:
consumed to dust in a very clean place. 4 The two little kidneys, and the fat which is
12 And the fire on the altar shall always burn: by the flanks, and ine caul of the liver with the
and the priest shall feed it, putting wood on it little kidneys.
every day in the morning, and laying on the ho- 5 And the priest shall burn them upon the al-
locaust, snail burn thereupon the fat of the peace- tar: it is the burnt-sacrifice of the Lord for a
offerin2;s. trespass.
13 This is the perpetual fire* which shall never 6 Every male of the priestly race, shall eat
go out on the altar. this flesh in a holy place, because it is most holy
14 This is the law of the sacrifice and libations, 7 As
the sacrifice for sin is offered, so- is also
which the children of Aaron shall offer before that for a trespass: the same shall be the law of
the Lord, and before the altar. both these sacjifices: it shall belong to the priest
15 The priest shall take a handful of the f^our that offereth it.
that is tempered with oil,,and all the frankincense 8 The priest that offereth the victim of holo-
that is put upon the flour: and he shall burn it on caust, shall have the skin thereof.
the altar for a memorial of most sweet odour to 9 And every sacrifice of flour that is baked in
tlie Lord: the oven, and whatsoever is dressed on the grid-
16 And
the part of the flour that is left, Aaron iron, or in the frying-pan, shall be the priest's
and sons shall eat, without leaven: and he
his that offereth it:
shall eat it in the holy place of the court of the 10 Whether they be tempered with oil, or dry,
tabernacle. all the sons of Aaron shall have one as much as
17 And therefore it shall not be leavened, be- another.
cause part thereof is offered for the burnt-sacrifice 11 This Is the law of the sacrifice of peace-
of the Lord. It shall be most holy, as that which •pfferings that is offered to the Lord.
is offered for sin and for trespass. 12 If the oblation be for thanksgiving, they
IS The males only of the race of Aaron shall shall oS"er loaves without leaven tempered vvitn
eat it. It shall be an ordinance everlasting in oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil, and
your generations, concerning the sacrifices of the fine flour fried, and cakes tempered and mingled
Lord: Every one that toucheth them shall be with oil:
sanctified. 13 Moreover loaves of leavened bread with
19 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the sacrifice of thanks, which is offered for peace-
20 This is the oblation of Aaron, and of his sons, offerings:
vehich they must offer to the Lord, in the day of 14 Of which one shall be offered to the Lord
their anointing: They shall offer the tenth part for first-fruits, and shall be the priest's that shall
of an ephi of flour for a perpetual sacrifice, half pour out the blood of the victim.
of it in the morning and half of it in the evening: 15 And the flesh of it shall be eaten the same
21 It shall be tempered with oil, and shall be day, neither shall any of it remain until the morn-
fried in a frying-pan. ing.
22 And the priest that rightfully succeedeth 16 If any man by vow, or of his own accord
his father, shall offer it hot, for a most sweet offer a sacrifice, it shall in like manner be eaten
odour to the Lord: and it shall be wholly burnt the same day: and if any of it remain until the
on the altar. morrow, it is lawful to eat it:
23 For every sacrifice of the priest shall be 17 Rut whatsoever shall be found on the third
consumed with fire; neither shall any man eat day shall be consumed with fire.
thereof. 18 If any man eat of the flesh of the victim
2-i And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: of peace-offerings on the third day, the oblation
shall be of no effect, neithT'r shall it profit the
* Tlie perpetual fire. This fire came from hea- offerer: yea rather whatsoever soul shall defile
ven, (infra chap. ix. 24.) and was always kept
burning on the altar, as a figure of the heavenly jt Trespass. Trespasses, for which these offer-
fire of divine love, which ought to be always iings were to be made, were lesser oifences, than
burning in the heart of a christian. those for which the sin-offerings were ap- pinted


itself wita such meat, shall be guilty of transgres- ^

garment, girding him with the girdle, and putting
sion. on him the violet tunic, and over it he put tlie
19 The flesh that hath touched any unclean ephod,
thinp;, shall not be eaten, but shall be burnt with 8 And binding it with the girdle, he fitted it to
fire: he that is clean shall eat of it. the rational, on which was Doctrine and Truth.
20 If any one that is Hefiled shall eat ot the 9 He put also the mitre upon his head: and upon
flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which is the mitre over the forehead, he put the plate of
offered to the Lord, he shall be cut off from his gold consecrated with sanclification, as the Lord
people. had commanded him.
21 And he that hath touched the uncleanness 10 He took also the oil of unction, •^»ilh which
of msn. o- cf beast, or of any thin^ that can de- he anointed the tabernacle, with all the furnitvire
file, aiui shall eat of such kind of flesh, shall be thereof.
cut off from his people. 11 And when he had sanctified and sprinkled
22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the altar seven times, he anointed it, and all the
23 Say to the children of Israel: The fat of a vessels thereof: and the laver witli the foot there-
iheep, and of an o.x, and of a goat, you shall not of he sanctified with the oil.
tat. 12 And he poured it upon Aaron's head: and
24 The fat of a carcass that hath died of itself, he anointed, and consecrated him:
and of a beast that was caught by another beast, 13 And after he had offered his sons, he vested
you shall have for divers uses. them with linen tunics, and girded them with
25 If any man eat the fat that should be offered girdles, and put mitres on them, as the Lord had
for the burnt-sacrifice of the Lord, he shall pe- commanded.
rish out of his people. 14 He offered also the calf for sin: and when
26 Moreover you shall not eat the blo'od of any Aaron and his sons had put their hands upon the
creature whitsoever, whether of birds or beasts. head thereof,
27 Every one that eateth blood, shall perish 15 He immolated it; and took the blood, and
from among the people. dipping his finger in it. he touched the horns of
28 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the altar round about. Which being e.xpiated,
29 Speak to the children of Israel, saying: He and sanctified, he pourer" .ne rest of the blood at
that offereth a victim of peace-offerings to the the bottom thereof.
Lord, let him offer therewith a sacrifice also, that 16 But the fat that was upon the entrails, and
is, the libations thereof. the caul of the liver, and the two little kidneys,
30 He shall hold in his hands the fat of the vic- with their fat, he burnt upon the altar:
tim, and the breast: and when he hath offered 17 And the calf with the skm, and the flesh,
and consecrated both to the Lord, he shall de- and the dung, he burnt without the camp, as the
liver tlifm to the priest, Lord had commanded.
31 Who shall burn the fat upon the altar: but 18 He offered also a ram for a holocaust; and
the breast shall be Aaron's, and his sons'. when Aaron and his sons had put their hands
32 The right shoulder also of the victims of upon its head,
peace-offerings shall fall to the priest for first- 19 He immolated it; and poured the blood
fruits. thereof round about upon the altar.
33 He among the sons of Aaron, that offereth 20 And cutting the ram into pieces, the head
the blood, and the fat, he shall have the right thereof, and the joints, and the fat, he burnt in the
shoulder also for his portion. fire,
34 P^or the breast that is elevated and the 21 Having first washed the entrails, and the
shoulder that is separated I have ^aken of the feet: and the whole ram together -he burnt upon
children of Israel, from off their victims of peace- the altar; because it was a holocaust of most
offerings, and have given them to Aaron the sweet odour to the Lord, as he had command-
priest, and to his sons, by a law for ever, from ed him.
all the people of Israel. 22 He offered also the second ram, in the con-
35 Tnis is the anointing of Aaron and his sons, secration of priests: and Aaron and his sons put
in the ceremonies of the Jjord, in the day when their hands upon the head thereof:
Moses offered them, that they might do the oiSce 23 And when Moses had immolated it, he took
of priesthood, of the blood thereof, and touched the tip of
36 And the things that the Lord commanded Aaron's right ear, and tlie thumb of his right hand,
to be given them by the children of Israel, by a and in like manner also the great toe of his right
perpetual observance in their generations- foot.
37 This is the law of holocaust, and of the sa- 24 He offered also the sons of Aaron: and
crifice for sin, and for trespass, and for consecra- when with the blood of the ram that was immo-
tion, and the victims of peace-offerings: lated, he had touched the tip of the right ear of
38 Which the Lord appointed to Moses inl every one of them, and the thumbs of their right

mount Sinai., when he commanded the children hands, and the great toes of their right feet, the
of Israel, that they should offer their oblations to rest he poured on the altar round about:
the Lord in the desert of Sinai.


But the fat, and the rump, and all the fat
that covereth the entrails, and the caul of tne
liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and with
Moses consecratelh Aaron and his sons. the right shoulder, he separated.
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 26 And taking out of the basket of unleavened
2 Take Aaron with his sons, their vest bread, which was before the Lord, a loaf without
ments, and the oil of unction, a calf for sin, two leaven, and a cake tempered with oil, and a
rams, a basket with unleavened bread: wafer, he put them upon the fat, and the right
3 And thou shalt gather together all the congre- shoulder,
gation to the door (»f the tabernacle. 27 Delivering all to Aaron, and to his sons:
4 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded. who having lifted them up before the Lord,
And all the multitude being gathered together be- 28 He took them again from their hands, and
fore the door of the tabernacle, burnt them upon the altar of holocaust; because
^ 5 He said: This is the word that the Lord hath it was the oblation of consecration, for a sweet
commanded to be done. ,
odour of sacrifice to the Lord.
6 And immediately he offered Aaron and his 29 And ho took of the ram of consecration, tho
sons: and when he had washed them, libreast for his portion, elevating it before the
7 He vested the high-priest with the strait ImenllLord, as the Lord had commanded him.

SO And takins? the ointment, and the blood that brought him the blood, which he poured upon tbt
was upon the altar, he sprinkled Aaron, and his altar round about.
vestments, and his sons, and their vestments 19 The fat also of the bullock, and the rump
with it. of the ram, and the two little kidneys, with their
31 And when he had sanctified them in their fat, and the caul of the liver,
vestments, he commanded them, saying: Boil the 20 They put upon the breasts. And after the
flesh before the door of the tabernacle, and there fat was burnt upon the altar,
eat it. Kat ye also the loaves of consecration, 21 Aaron separated their breasts, and the right
that are laid in the basket, as the Lord command- shoulders, elevating them before the Lord, as
ed nie, saying: Aaron and his s.ons shall eat them: Moses had commanded.
32 And whatsoever shall be left of the flesh and 22 And stretching forth his hands to the people,
the loaves, shall be consumed with fire. he blessed them. And so the victims for sin, and
33 And you shall not go out of the door of the the holocausts, and the peace-otferings, being
tabernacle for seven days, until the day wherein finished, he came down.
the time of your consecration shall be expired. 23 And Moses and Aaron went into the taber-

For in seven days the consecration is finished: nacle of the testimony, and afterwards came forth
34 As at this present it hath been done, that the and blessed the people. A-nd the glory of the
rite of the sacrifice might be accomplished. Lord appeared to all the multitude:
35 Day and night shall you remain in the taber- 24 And behold, a fire coming forth from the
nacle, observing the watches of the Lord, lest Lord, devoured the holocaust, and the fat that
you die: for so it hath been commanded me. was upon the altar: which when the multitude
36 And Aaron and his sons did all things which saw, they praised the Lord, falling on their faces
the Lord s})oke by the hand of Moses.
CHAP. IX. Nadah and Abiu for offering strange fire, art
Aaron offereth sacrifice for himself and the burnt by fire- Priests are forbidden to drink
people. Fire Cometh from the Lord upon the wine, when they enter into the tabernacle. The
altar. hno of eating the holy things.
AND when
the eighth day was come, Moses
and his sons, and the ancients
NDNadab and Abiu, the sons of Aaron,
taf<ing their censer.?, put fire therein, and
of Israel; and said to Aaron: incense on it, offering before the Lord strange
2 Take of the nerd a calf for sin, and a ram for fire; which was not commanded them.
a holocaust, both without blemish, and offer them 2 And fire coming out from the Ijord destroy-
before the Lord. ed them: and they died before the Lord.
3 And to the children of Israel thou shalt say: 3 A.nd Moses said to Aaron: This is what the
Take ye a he-goat for sin, and a calf, and a Iamb. ijOiii hatn spoken: I 'will be sanctified in them
both of a year old, and without blemish, for a ho- that anproacn to me; and I will be glorified in the
locaust, >ig'u of all the people. And when Aaron heard
4 Also a bullock and a ram for peace-offerings: this, he held his peace.
and immolate them before the Lord, offering for 4 And Moses called Misael and Elisaphan, the
the sacrifice of every one of them flour tempered sons of Oziel, the uncle of Aaron, and said to
with oil; for to-day the Lord will appear to you. them: Go, and take away your brethren from
5 They brought therefore all things that Moses before the sanctuary, and carry them without the
had commanded before the door of the tabernacle camp.
where when all the multitude stood, 5 And they went forthwith, and took them as
6 Moses said: This is the word, which the they lay, vested with linen tunics, and cast them
Lord hath commanded: do it, and his glory will forth, as had been commanded them.
appear to you. 6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to Eleazar and
7 And he said to Aaron: Approach to the altar, Ithamar, his sons: Uncover not your heads, and
and offer sacrifice for thy sin; offer the holocaust, rend not your garments, lest perhaps you die, and
and pray for thyself and for the people and when indignation come upon all the congregation. Ijct

thou hast slain the people's victim, pray for them, your brethren, and all the house of Israel, bewail
as tiie liOrd hath commanded. the burning which the Lord has kindled:
8 And forthwith Aaron approaching to the 7 But you shall not go out of the door of the
altar, immolated the calf for his sin: tabernacle: otherwise you shall perish: for the
9 And his sons brought him the blood of it: and oil of the lioly unction is on you. And they did
he dii)ped his finger therein, and touched the all things according to the precept of Moses.
horns of the altar, and poured the rest at the foot 8 The Lord also said to Aaron:
thereof. 9 You shall not drink wine nor any thing that
10 And the fat, and the little kidneys, and the may make drunk, thou nor thy sons, when you
caul of the liver, which are for sin, he burnt upon enter into the tabernacle of the testimony, lest
tlie altir, as the Lord had commanded Moses: you die: because it is an everlasting precept
11 But the flesh and skin thereof he burnt with: through your generations:
fire wilhout the camp. 10 And that you may have knowledge to dis-
12 He immolated also the victim of holocaust: cern between holy and unholy, between unclean
and his ^o^s brought him the blood thereof, which and clean:
he poureil round about on the altar. 11 And may teach the children of Istael all ray
13 And the victim being cut into pieces, they ordinances which the Lord hath spoken to tliem
brought to him the head and all the members; all by the hand of Moses.
wiiich he burnt with fire.upon the altar, 12 And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar
14 Having first washed the entrails and the and Ithamar, his sons, that were left: Take the
feet with water. sacrifice that is remaining of the oblation of the
15 Then offering tor the sin of the people, he Lord, and eat it without leaven beside tlie altar;
slew the he-go?.t: and expiating the altar, because it is holy of holies.
16 He offered the holocaust: 13 And you shall eat it in a holy place: which
17 Adding in the sacrifice the libations, which is given to thee and thy sons of the oblations of
«re offered withal, and burning them upon the the Lord, as it hath been commanded me.
altar, besides the ceremonies of the morning holo- 14 The breast also that is offered, and the shoul
caust der that is separated, you shall eat in a most clean
18 He immolated also the bullock and the ram,! place, thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters wifb
the peace-ofierings of the peopje: and his sons thee- For they-, are set aside for thee and ihy

children, of the victims of peace-offerings of theljand scales, as well in the sea, as in the rivers, and
children of Israel: [
the pools you shall eat.

15 Because they have elevated before the Lord 10 But whatsoever hath not fins and scales, of
the shoulder and the breast, and the fat that is those things that move and live in the waters,
burnt on the altar: and they belong to thee and to shall be an abomination unto you,
thy sons by a perpetual law, as the Lord hath 11 And detestable: Their flesh you shall not
commanded. eat, and their carcasses you shall avoid.
]() While these things were a doing, when 12 All that have not fins and scales, in the wa-
Moses sought for the buck-goat, that had been ters, shall be unclean.
offered for sin, he found it burnt: and being angrj' 13 Of birds, these are they which you mu«t
wilh Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that not eat, and which are to be avoided by y^ou;
were left, he said: The eagle, and the griffon, § and the osprey,
17 Why did you not eat in the holy place the 14 And the kite, and the vulture, according to
gicvifice for sin, which is most holy, and given to their kind.
j'jii, that you may bear the ini<juity of the peo- 15 And all that is of the raven kind, acco:"ding
j le, and may pray for them in the sight of the to their likeness.
Ijcrd, 16 The ostrich, and the owl, and the larus, and
1 ? Especially whereas none of the blood there- the hawk according 1o its kind.
>f hath been carried within the holy places, and 17 The screech-owl, and the cormorant, and
you ought to have eaten it in the sanctuary, as the ibis,
was commanded me .'
18 And the swan, and the bittern, and the por-
19 Aaron answered: This day hath been offer- phyrion,
ed the victim for sin, ftnd the holocaust before i9 The heron, and the charadrion according to
the Lord: and to me what thou seest has hap- its kind, the houp also, and the bat.
pened: how could I eat it, or please the Lord in 20 Of things that fly, whatsoever goeth upon
the ceremonies, having a sorrowful heart.' four feet, shall be abominable to you.
20 Which when Moses had heard he was sa- 21 But whatsoever walketh upon four feet, but
tisfied. hath the legs behind longer, wherewith it hop-
peth upon the earth,
22 That you shall eat: as the bruchus in its
The distinction of clean and unclean animals. kind, the attacus, and the ophiomachus, and the
AND the Lord spoke to Aloses and Aaron, locust, every one according to their kind.
saying: 23 But of flying things whatsoever hath four
2 Siy to the children of Israel: These are the feet only, shall be an abomination to you.
animals which you are to eat* of all the living 24 And whosoever shall touch the carcasses
things of the earth. of them shall be defiled, and shall be unclean un-
3 Whatsoever hath the hoof divided, and til the evening:
cheweth the cudt among the beasts, you shall eat. 25 And if it be necessary that he carry any of
4 Rut whatsoever cheweth indeed the cud, and these things when they are dead, he shall wash
hath a hoof, but divideth it not, as the camel, and his clothes, and shall be unclean until the sun set
others, that you shall not eat; but shall reckon it 26 Every beast that hath a hoof, but divideth
amoni the unclean. it not, nor cheweth the cud, shall be unclean: and
5 The cherogrillusi which cheweth the cud, he that toucheth it shall be defiled.
but divideth not the hoof, is unclean. 27 That which walketh upon hands, of all ani-
6 The hare also: for that too cheweth the cud, mals which go on all four, shall be unclean: he
but divideth not the hoof. that shall touch their carcasses, shall be defiled
7 And the swine, which, though it divideth until evening.
jlie hoof, cheweth not the cud. 28 And he that shall carry such carcasses, shall
8 The flesh of these you shall not eat; nor wash his clothes, and shallbe unclean until eve-
shall you touch their carcasses: because they are ning: because all these things are unclean to you.
unclean to you. 29 These also shall be reckoned among unclean
9 These are the things that breed in the waters things, of all that move upon the earth; the wea-
and which it is lawful to eat All that hath fins, sel, and the mouse, and the crocodile, every one
accorfling to their kind:
* Animals which you are to eat, fyc. The pro 30 The shrew, and the chameleon, and the stel-
hibitioii of so many kinds of beasts, birds and 'o. and the lizard, and the mole:
fishes in the law, was ordered, 1st. to exercise the 31 All these are unclean. He that toucheth
people in obedience, and temperance; 2(i]y. to their carcasses shall be unclean imcil the e\ening
restrain them from the vices of which these ani 32 And upon what thing .'•oever any of their
mnls were symbols; 3dly. because the things here carca.sses shall fall, it shall be defiled, whether it
foi bidden were for the most part unwholesome, be a vessel of wood, or a garment, or skins or hair-
and not proper to be eaten; 4thly. that the peo icloths; or anv thing in which work is done: they
pie of God by beins obiisred to abstain from shall be dipped in water, and shall be unclean un-
things corvm'ulhj unclean, might be trained up to til the evening, rnd so afterwards shall be clean.
seek a spiritual cleanness. 1
33 But an earthen ve.s.sel, into which any of
t lio'if divided, and chewcth the cud. Dividing these shall fa 1, shall be defiled, and therefore is
the hoof, and chewing the cud, signify discretion to be broken.
b'^t'.A een good and evil, and meditating on the I:iw
34 Any meat which you eat, if water from
oi" (jod: and where either of these is wanting. \such a vrssel be poured upon it, shall be unclean;
a i.rm is unclean. In like manner fishes weie re- and every Ii(juor that is drunk out of any such
puled unclean that had not fins and scales; that is, jvessel, shall be unclean.
souls that did not raise themselves up by praj'er, 35 And upon whatsoever thing any of lliesfe
and cover themselves with the scales of virtues. 'dead beasts shall fall, it shall be unclean: whether
t TIte chrro^rillus. Some suppose it to be the it be oven or pots wilh feet, they shall be destroy-
rabbit, others the hed^e-ho^j;: St. Jerom intimates !ed and shall be unclean.
that it is anot}\fr kind of animal common in I
36 But fountains and cisterns, and all gather-
Palesline, which lives in the holes of rocks or
in the earth. We choose here, as also in the I
5 The grifTon. Not the monster which the
nanifs of several other creatures that follow, ipTinters represent; which hath no being upon
(which are little known in this p;irt of the world,) earth; but a bird of the eagle kind, larger tWo
to keep the Greek or Latin names. the common.
K 73
in?,? togetlier of waters shall be clean. He that'jshall be brought to Aaron the priest, or any one
loucheth their carcasses shall be defiled of his sons.
37 If it fall upon seed corn, it shall not defile it. I3 And if he see the leprosy in his skin, and the
33 But if any man pour water upon the seed, hair turned white, and the place where the lepro-
and afterwards it be touched by the carcasses, it sy appears lower than the skin and the rest of the
shall be forthwith defiled. ffesh: it is the stroke of the leprosy; and upon
39 If any beast die, of which it is lawful for his judgment he shall be separated.
you to eat, he that toucheth the carcass thereof, 4 But if there be a shining whiteness in the
shall be unclean until the eveninp;: skin, and not lower than the other flesh, and the
40 And he that eateth or carrieth any thing hair be of the former colour, the priest shall shut
thereof, shall wash his clothes, and shall be un- him up seven days
clean until the eveninj'. 5 And the seventh day he shall look on him;
41 All that creepetn upon the earth shall be and if the leprosy be grown no farther, and hatb
abominable, neither shall it be taken for meat. not spread itself in the skin, he shall shut him up
42 Whatsoever goeth upon the breast on four again other seven days.
feet, or hath many feet, or traileth on the earth, 6 And on the seventh day he shall look on
you shall not eat, because it is abominable. him: if the leprosy be somewhat obscure, and
43 Do not defile your souls, nor touch aught not spread in the skin, he shall declare him clean,
thereof lest yon be unclean. because it is but a scab: and the man shall wath
44 P'or I am the liOrd your God: be holy, be- his clothes, and shall be clean.
cause I am holy. Defile not your souls by any 7 But if the leprosy grow again, after he was
creeping thing, that moveth upon the earth. seen by the priest and restored to cleanness, he
45 Fur I am the Lord, who brought you out shall be brought to him, •
of the Innd of Egypt, that I might be your God. 8 And shall be condemned of uncleanness.
4() You shall be holy, because I am holy. This 9 If the stroke of the leprosy be in a man, he
IS the law of beasts and fowls, and of every living shall be brought to the priest,
crep.ture that moveth in- the waters, and creepeth 10 And he shall view him. And when there
on the earth. shall be a white colour in the skin, and it shall
47 That you may know the difTerences of the have changed the look of the hair, and the living
clean, and unclean, and know what you ought to flesh itself shall appear:
eat, anil what to refuse. 11 It shall be judged an inveterate leprosy, and
grown into the skin. The priest therefore shalL
declare him unclean, and shall not shut him up,
Tlie purification of women after child-birth. because he is evidently unclean.
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Sfieak to the children of Israel, and thou
12 But if the leprosy spring out running about
in the skin, and cover all the skin from the head
shalt say to them: If a woman having received to the feet, whatsoever falleth under the sight of
seed shal! bear a man-child, she shall be unclean the eyes,
peven days, according ^o the days of the separa- 13 The priest shall view him, and shall judge
tion of her flowers. that the leprosy which he has is very clean: be-
3 And on the eighth day the infant shall be cir- cause it is all turned into whiteness, and therefore
cumcised: the man shall be clean.
4 Rut she shall remain three and thirty days in 14 But when the live flesh shall appear in him,
the blood of her purification. She shall touch 15 Then by the judgment of the priest he shall
no holj' thing, neither shall she enter into the be defiled, and shall be reckoned among the un-
sanctuiry, until the days of her purification be clean: for live flesh, if it be spotted with leprosy,
fulfilled. is unclean.
-5 But if she shall bear a maid-child, she shall 16 And if again it be turned into whiteness, and
be unclean two weeks, according to the custom cover all the man,
of her monthly courses: and she shall remain in 17 The priest shall view him, and shall judge
the blood of her purification sixty-six days. him to be clean.
6 And when the days of her purification are 18 When also there has been an ulcer in the
expired, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall flesh and the skin, and it has been healed,
bring to the door of the tabernacle of the testimo- 19 And in the place of the ulcer, there appear-
ny, a lamb of a year old for a holocaust, and a eth a white scar, or somewhat red, the man shall
young pigeon or a turtle for sin; and shall deliver be brought to the priest:
them to the priest: 20 And when he shall see the place of the le-
7 Who shall offer them before the Lord, and prosy lower than the other flesh, and the hair
shall firay for her: and so she shall be cleansed turned white, he shall declare him unclean: for
from the i.ssue of her blood. This is the law for the plague of leprosy is broken out in the ulcer.
her that beareth a man-child or a maid-child. 21 But if the hair be of the former colour, and
5 And if her hand find not sufficiency, and she the scar somewhat obscure, and be not lower than
is not able to offer a lamb, she shall take two tur- the flesh that is near it, he shall shut him upsevon
tles, or two young pigeons, one for a holocaust, days.
and another for sin: and the priest shall pray for 22 And if it spread, he shall judge him to have
her; and so she shall be cleansed. the leprosy:
23 But if it stay in its place, it is but the scar of
an ulcer, and the man shall be clean.
Tlu law concerning leprosy i7i men, and in gar- 24 The flesh also and skin that hath beer, burnt,
ments. and after it is healed hath a white or a red scar",
AND the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
25 The priest shall view it: and if he see it turn-
ed white, and the place thereof is lower than the
^ The man, in whose skin or flesh shall aris< a other skin: he shall declare him unclean, because
different colour or a blister, or as it were some- the evil of leprosj' is broken out in the scar.
thing shining, that is, the stroke of the leprosy,* 26 But if the colour of the hair be not changed,
nor the blemish lower than the other flesh, and the
* Leprosy. The leprosy was a figure of sin; appearance of the leprosy be somewhat obscure,
and the observances prescribed ir this and the he shall shut him up seven days:
following chapter, intimate tvhat ought spiritually 27 And on the seventh day he shall v'ew him;
to oe done, in order to be delivered from so great if the leprosy be grown farther in the skia ne shall
an evil, or preserved from it. declare him unclean.
28 Bui if tlie whiteness stay in its place, and bei the leprosy has taken hold of the outside of iha
not very clear„it is the sore of a burning: and garment, or through the whole.
therefore lie shall be cleansed, because it is only 56 But if the ])lace of the leprosy be somewhat
the scar of a burning. dark, after the garment is washed, he shall tear it
29 If the leprosy break out in the head or the ofT, and divide it from that which is sound.
beard of a man or a woman, the priest shall see 57 And if after this there appear in those places
them. that before were without sj;ot, a flying and wan-
30 And if the place be lower than the other dering leprosy; it must be burnt with fire.
flesh, and the hair yellow, and thinner than usual; 58 If it cease, he shall wash with water the
he shall declare them unclean, because it is the Carts that are pure, the second time, and tliey shall
leprosy of the head and the beard. e clean.
31 Hut if he perceive the place of the spot is .59 This is the law touching the leprosy of any
equal with the flesh that is near it, and the hair woollen or linen garment either in the warp or
black; he shall shut him up seven days: woof, or any thing of skins, how it ought to be
32 And on tlie seventh day he shall look upon cleansed, or pronounced unclean.
If the spot be not grown, and the hair keep its

Cilour, and the place of the blemish be even with

ihi^ other flesh:
The rites or sacrifices in cleansing the leprosy,
3:} The man shall be shaven all but the place of
Leprosy in houses.
the sj.ot: and he shall be shut up other seven days.
34 If on the seventh day the evil seem to have
AND This Lord spoke
the to Moses, saying:
is the rite of a leper, when ne is to

staid ill its place, and not lower than the other be cleansed: He shall be brought to the priest:
flesh, he shall cleanse him; and his clothes being 3 Who going out of the camp, when he shall
washed he shall be clean. find that the leprosy is cleansed,
35 Rut if after his cleansing, the spot spread 4 Shall command
him, that is to be purified, to
again in tht skin, offer for himself two living sparrows, which it is
36 He shall seek no more whether the hair be lawful to eat, and cedar-wood, and scarlet and
turned yellow, because he is evidently unclean. hyssop.
37 Hut if the spot be staid, and the hair be black, 5 And he shall command one of the sparrows
let him know that the man is healed, and let him to be immolated in an earthen vessel over living
confidently pronounce him clean. waters:!
38 If a whiteness appear in the skin of a man 6 But the other that is alive he shall dip, with
or a woman, the cedar-wood, and the scarlet and the hyssop, in
31) The jiriest shall view them. If he find that a the blood of the sparrow that is immolated:
darkish whiteness shineth in the skin, let him 7 Wherewith he shall sprinkle him that is to be
know that it is not the leprosy, but a white blem- cleansed seven times, that he may be rightly puri-
ish, and that the man is clean. fied: and he shall let go the living sparrow, that it
40 The man whose hair falleth ofT from his may fly into the field.
head, he is bald and clean: 8 And when the man hath washed his clothes,
41 And if the hair fall from his forehead, he is he shall shave all the hair of his body, and shall
bald before and clean. be washed with water: and being puritied he shall
42 But if in the bald head or in the bald fore- enter into the camp, yet so tliat he tarry v/ilhout
head there be risen a white or reddish colour, his own tent seven days:
43 And the priest perceive this, he shall con- 9 And on the seventh day he shall shave the
•demn him undoubtedly of leprosy, which is risen hair of his head, and his beard, and his eye-brows,
in the bald part. and the hair of all his body. And having washed
44 Now whosoever shall be defiled with the again his clothes, and his body,
lej)rosy, and is separated by the judgment of the 10 On the eighth day he shall take two lambs
priest, without blemish, and a ewe of a year old without
45 Shall have his clothes hanging loose, his head blemish, and three tenths of flour tempered with
bare, his mouth covered with a cloth, and he shall oil for a sacrifice, and a sextaryt of oil apart.
cry out that he is defiled and unclean. 11 And when the priest that purifieth the man,
4C All the time that he is a leper and unclean, hath presented him, and all these tilings before the
he shall dwell alone without the camp. Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the testi-
47 A woollen or linen garment th'it shall have mony,
the leprosy* 12 He shall take a lamb, and ofTer it for a tres-
48 In the warp, and the woof, or a skin, or pass-ofi"ering with the sestary of oil: and having
whatsoever is made of a skin, ofifered all before the Lord,
49 If it be infected with a white or red spot, it 13 He shall immolate the lamb, where the vic-
shall be accounted the leprosy, and shall be shown tim for sin is wont to be immolated, and the holo-
to the priest. caust, that is, in the holy place; for as that which
50 And he shall look upon it, and shall shut it isfor sin, so also the victim for a tresj)ass-offering,
up seven days: pertaineth to the priest: it is holy of holies.
51 And on the seventh day, when he looketh 14 And the pncst taking of the blood5 of the
on it again, if he find that it is grown, it is a fixed
leprosy: he shall judge the garment unclean, and t Living waters. That is, waters taken from
every thing wherein it shall b& found: a spring, brook, or river.
52 And therefore it shall be burnt with fire. A sextary,
Hebr. log: a measure of liquids,
53 But if he see that it is not grown, which was
the twelfth part of a hin; and held
51 He shall give orders, and they shall wash about as much as six eggs.
tliat part wherein the leprosy is, and he shall shut § Taking of the blood, Si.c. These ceremonies,
it up other seven days. used in the cleansing of a leper, were mysterious

55 And when he shall see that the former colour and very significative. The sprinkling seven times
with the blood of the little bird, the washing him-
is not returned, nor yet the leprosy spread, he shall
judge it unclean, and shall burn it with fire; for self and his clothes, the shaving his hair and his
beard, signify the means which are to be used in
* Garment that shall have the leprosy. These the reconciliation of a sinner, and the steps by
f:rescriptions, with relation to garments and which he is to return to God, viz. by the repeated
louses infected with the leprosy, are to teach us application of tlie blood of Christ; the washing
to flv all such company and places as are apt to his conscience with the waters of compunction;
\)e the occasion of sin. and retrenching all vanities and superfiuitieSj by

victim thnt was immolated
for trespass,
shall putl 35 He whose house it is, shall go and tell the
it ui)Oiithe tip of the right ear of him that is' priest, saying: It seemeth to me,>that <here is the
cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand! plague ot leprosy in my house.
and tile ;;reat toe of his right foot: 36 And he shall command, that they carry forth
15 And he shall pour of the sextary of oil into all things out of the house, before he go into it,
his own left hand, and see whether it have the leprosy, lest all things
Ifi And shall dip his right finger in it, and sprin- become unclean that are in the house. And alter-

kle it before the Lord seven times. wards he shall go in to view the leprosy of the
17 And the rest of the oil in his left hand, he house.
shall pour upon the tip of the right ear of him that 37 And if he see in the walls thereof as it were
is cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, ittle dints, disfigured with paleness or redness,
sin I the great toe of his right foot, and upon the and lower than all the rest,
bloo that was shed for trespass,
i 38 He shall go out of the door of the house,
18 And upon his head. and forthwith shut it up seven days.
19 And he shall pray for him before the Lord, 39 And returning on the seventh day, he shall
and shill offer the sacrifice for sin: then shall he look upon it. If he find that the leprosy is spread,
immolate the holocaust, 40 He shall command, that the stones wnerein
20 And put it on the altar with the libations the leprosy is, be taken out, and cast without the
thereo'", anrl the man shall be rightly cleansed. city into an unclean place:
21 Hut if he be poor, and his hand cannot find 41 And that the house be scraped on the inside
the things aforesaid, he shall take a lamb for an round about, and the dust of the scraping be scat-
OiTering for trespass, that the priest may pray for tered without the city into an unclean place:
him, an a tenth part of flour tempered with oil
I 42 And that other stones be laid in the place of
for a sacrifice, and a sextary of oil, them that were taken away, and the house be
22 And two turtles or two young pigeons, of plastered with other mortar.
which one may be for sin, and the other for a ho 43 But if, after the stones be taken out, and the
locaust: dust scraped off, and it be plastered with other
23 And he shall offer them on the eighth day of earth,
his purification to the priest, at the door of the ta- 44 The priest going in perceive that the leprosy
bernacle of the testimony before the Lord. is returned, and the walls full of spots, it is a last-
24 And llie priest receiving the lamb for tres ing leprosy, and the bouse is unclean:
pass, and the sextary of oil, shall elevate them to- 45 And they shall destroy it forthwith, and shall
gether. cast the stones and timber thereof, and all the
25 And the Iamb being immolated, he shall put dust, without the town, into an unclean place.
of the blood thereof upon the tip of the right ear 46 He that entereth into the house when it is
of him that is cleansed, and upon the thumb of shut, shall be unclean until evening.
his right hand, and the great toe of his right foot: 47 And he that sleepeth in it, and eateth any
26 But he shall pour part of the oil into his own thing, shall wash his clothes.
left hand, 48 But if the priest going in perceive that the
27 And dipping the finger of his right hand in leprosy is not spread in the house, after it was
it, he shall sprinkle it seven times before the Lord plastered again, he shall purify it, it being cured.
23 An J he shall touch the tip of the right ear of 49 And for the purification thereof he shall take
him that is cleansed, and the thumb of his right two sparrows, and cedar-wood, and scarlet and
hand, and the great toe of his right foot, in the hyssop:
place of the blood that was shed for 50 And having immolated one sparrow in an
29 And the other part of the oil that is in his earthen vessel over living waters,
left hand, he shall pour upon the head of the puri- 51 He shall take the cedar-wood, and the hys-
fied person, that he may appease the Lord for sop, and the scarlet, and the living sparrow, and
him. shall dip all in the blood of the sparrow that is
30 And he shall offer a turtle, or young pigeon, immolated, and in the living water, and he shall
31 One for trespass, and the other for a holo- sprinkle the house seven times:
caust, with their libations. 52 And shall purify it as well with the blood
32 This is the sacrifice of a leper, that is not of the sparrow, as with the living water, and with
able to have all things that appertain to his cleans- the living sparrow, and with the cedar-wood and
ing. the hyssop and the scarlet.
33 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, 53 And when he hath let go the sparrow to fly
saying: freely away into the field, he shall ])ray for tlie
34 When you shall be come into the land of house; and it shall be rightly cleansed.
Chanaan, which I will give you for a possession, 54 This is the law of every kind of and
if there be the plague of leprosy in a house, stroke;
55 Of the leprosy of garments and houses;
employing all that is over and above what is ne- 56 Of a scar and of blisters breaking out: of a
cessary in alms-deeds. The sin offering and the shining spot, and when the colours are diversely
holocaust or burnt-otf"ring, which he was to offer changed:
at his cleansing, signify the sacrifice of a contrite 57 That it may be known when a thing is clean,
and humble heart, and that of adoration in spirit or unclean.
and tiuih, with gratitude and thankfulness, for the
forgivrn "ss of sins, with which we are ever to CHAP. XV.
appear b'fore the Almighty. The touching the Other legal uncleaniicsses.
ligltt ear, the thumb of the right hand, and the
great toe of the right foot, first with the blood of
AND the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
the A-icti'ii, and then with the remainder of the oil, 2 Sjjeak to the children of Israel, and say to
which had been sjirinkled seven times before the them: The man that hath an issue of seed, shall
JjOr<l, siiiiify the application of the blood of be unclean.*
Christ, an the unction of the sevenfold grace of
1 3 And then shall he be judged subject to this
the Holy Ghost to the sinner's right ear, that he evil, when a filthy humour, at every moment,
may duly hpark"n to and obey the law of God; cleaveth to his flesh, and gathereth there.
and to his right hand and foot, that the works of
his hands, and all the steps or affections of his * Issue of seed shall be unclean. These leaal
eoul, signified by the feet, may be rightly directed uncleannesses were instituted in order to give WS
to God people a horror of carnal impurities

4 Erery bed on which he sleepeth, shall be 2S If the blood stop and cease to run, sne shall
unclean, and every place on which he sitteth. count seven days of her purification:
5 If any man touch his bed, he shall wash hisi 29 And on the eighth day she shajl pfter for
clotiies: and being washed with water, he shall herself to the priest, two turtles, or two young
be unclean until the evening. pigeons, at the door of the tabernacle of the testi-
() If a man sit where that man hath sitten, he mony:

also shall wash his clothes: and being washed 30 And he shall offer one for sin, and the other
with water, shall be unclean until the evening. for a holocaust: and he shall nray for her before
7 He that toucheth his flesh, shall wash his the Lord, and for the issue of ner uncleanness.
clothes: and being himself washed with water, 31 You shall teach therefore the children of
shall be unclean until the evening. Israel, to take heed of uncleanness, that they may
8 If such a man cast his spittle upon him that is not die in their filth, when they shall have defiled
clean, he shall wash his clothes: and being wash- my tabernacle that is among them.
ed with water, he shall be unclean until the eve- 32 This is the law of him that hath the issue ol
ning. seed, and that is defiled by copulation;
9 The saddle on which he hath sitten shall be 33 And of the woman that is separated in her
unclean: monthly times, or that hath a continual issue of
10 And whatsoever has been under him that blood, and of the man that sleepeth with her.
hath the issue of seed, shall be unclean until the
evening. He that carrieth any of these things, CHAP. XVI.
shall wash his clothes: and being washed with When and hotb the high-priest
must enter 'tto
water, he shall be unclean until the evening. the sanctuary. The feast of expiation.
11 Every person whom such a one shall touch,
not having washed his hands before, shall wash
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, after the
death of the two sons of Aaron, when they
his clothes: and being washed with water, shall were slain upon their offering strange fire:
be unclean until the evening. 2 And he commanded him, saying: Speak to
12 If he touch a vessel of earth, it shall be Aaron thy brother, that he enter not* at all into
broken; but if a vessel of wood, it shall be wash- the sanctuary, which is within the veil before the
ed with water. propitiatory, with which the ark is covered, lest
13 If he who suflfereth this disease be healed, he he die, (for I will appear in a cloud over the
shall number seven days after his cleansing, and oracle,)
having washed his clothes, and all his body in 3 Unless he do these things: He shall of-
livinj; water, he shall be clean. and a ram for a holocaust.
fer a calf for sin,
14 And on the eighth day he shall take two 4 He shall be vested with a linen tunic; he
turtles, or two young pigeons; and he shall come shall cover his nakedness with linen breeches:
before tlie Lord, to the door of the tabernacle of he shall be girded with a linen girdle and he ;_

the testimony, and shall give them to the priest: shall put a linen mitre upon his head: for these
1-5 Who shall offer one for sin, and the other are holy vestments; all which he shall put on, af-
for a holocaust: and he shall pray for him before ter he is washed.
the Lord, that he may be cleansed of the issue of 5 And he shall receive from the whole multi-
his seed. tude of the children of Israel two buck-goats for
l(j The man from whom the seed of copulation sin, and one ram for a holocaust.
goeth out, shall wash all his body with water: 6"
And when he hath off"ered the calf, and pray-
and he shall be unclean until the evening. ed for himself, and for his own house,
17 The garment or skin that he weareth, he 7 He shall make the two buck-goats to stand
shall wash with water; and it shall be unclean before the Lord in the door of the tabernacle of
until the evening. the testimony:
18 The woman, with whom he copulateth, 8 And casting lots upon them both, one to be
shall be washed with water, and shall be unclean offered to the Lord, and the other to be the emis-
until the evening. sary-goat:!
19 The woman, who at the return of the month 9 That whose lot fell to be offered to the Lord,
hath her issue of blood, shall be separated seven he shall offer for sin:
days. 10 But that whose lot was to be the emissary-
20 Every one that toucheth her, shall be un- goat, he shall present alive before the Lord, that
clean until the evening. he may pour out prayers upon him, and let him
21 And every thing that she sleepeth on, or go into the wilderness.
that she sitteth on, in the days of hei separation, 11 After these things are duly celebrated, he
shall be defiled. shall offer the calf; and praying for himself and
22 He that toucheth her bed shall wash his for his own house, he shall immolat? it:
clothes; and being himself washed with water, 12 And taking tiie censer, which he hath filled
shnll be unclton until the evening. with the burning coals of the altar, and taking up
23 Whosoever shall touch any vessel en whic'^ w=th his hand the compounded perfume for in-
she sitteth, shall wash his clothes: and himSelfj cense, he shall go in within the veil into the holy
being washed with water, shall be defiled until place:
the evening. 13 That when the perfumes are put upon the
24 If a man copulateth with her in the time of
her flowers, he shall be unclean seven days: andl * Enter not. No one but the liigh-pri«»st. and
every bed, on which he shall sleep, shall be de-i he but once a year, could enter into the sanctua-
filed. ry; to signify that no one could enter into the

2-5 The woman that hath an issue of blood sanctuary of heaven till Chri>t our high-priest
many days out of her ordinary time, or that ceas-j opened it bv his passion. Heh. x. 8.
etn riot to flow after the monthly courses, as long t The f'missary-gn:it : caper rmissariiiit; in
as she is subject to this disease, shall be un-, Greek a'nmoiiirarc!; in Hebrew Azarel; the p;ont
clean, in the same manner as if she were in heri io s'o off, or, as some translate it, the sr-:pe-<;:oat
flowers. This goat, on whose head the high-pri;st wns or-

2() Every bed on which she sleepeth, andi dered to pour forth prayers, and to n;nke a
every vessel on which she sitteth, shall be srenernl confession of the sins of the people, laj'-
defiled. ini: them all, as it were, on his head: .nnd after
27 Whosoever toucheth them shall wash his that to send him nway into the wild rufss, to he
clothes: and himself being washed with water, devoured by wild bea.xts, was a figure of our
shall be unclean until the evening (Saviour, charged with all our sins, in his passinn

fire, the cloud * and vapour thereof may cover 31 For
1 a sabbath of rest; and you BliaQ
it is
the oracle, which is over the testimony, and he| afflict your souls by a perpetual
may not die. 32 And the priest that is anointed, and whose
14 He shall take also of the bloodf of the calf, hands are consecrated to do the office of the
and sprinkle with his finger seven times towards priesthood in his father's stead, shall make atone-
the propitiatory to the east. ment: and he shall be vested w'tb tb.e liaen .cbe
15 And when he hat!i killed the buck-goat for and the holy vestments:
he sill of the people, he shall carry in the blood 33 And he shall expiaic the sanctuary, and the
thereof within the veil, as he was commanded to tabernacle of the testimony, and the altar, the
do with the blood of the calf, that he may sprinkle priests also, and all the people.
it over-against the oracle, 34 And this shall be an ordinance for ever, that
16 And may expiate the sanctuary from the you pray for the children of Israel, and for all
uncleanness of the children of Israel, and from their sins once in a year. He
did therefore as tlie
their transgressions, and all their sins. According Lord had commanded Moses.
to this rite shall he do to the tabernacle of the
testimony, which is fixed among them in thej
midst of the filth of their habitation. I
sacrifices to be offered but at the door of the
17 Let no man be in the tabernacle when thel tabernacle: a prohibition of blood.
high-priest goeth into the sanctuary, to pray for'
himself and his house, and for the whole congre-!
AND the Lord spoke to INIoses, saying:
2 Speak to Aaron and his sons, and to all
gation of Israel, until he come out. the children of Israel, saying to them: This is the
IS And when he is come out to the altar that is! word, which the Lord hath commanded, saying:

before the Lord, let him pray for himself; andj 3 Any man whosoever of the house of Israel,
taking the blood of the calf, and of the buck-j if he killj an ox, or a sheep, or a goat, in the camp
goat, let him pour it upon the horns thereof round or without the camp,
4 And offer it not at the door of the taberna-

19 And sprinkling with his finger seven times, cle an oblation to the Lord, shall be guilty of

let him expiate, and sanctify it from the unclean-! blood: as if he had shed blood, so shall ne perish
ness of the children of Israel. from the midst of his people.

20 After he hath cleansed the sanctuary, andi 5 Therefore the children of Israel shall bring
the tabernacle, and the altar, then let him offer to the priest their victims, which they kill in the
the living goat: field, that they may be sanctified to the Lord be-

21 And putting both hands upon his head, let fore the door of the tabernacle of the testiinony,
him confess all the iniquities of the children of and they may sacrifice them for peace-offerings
Israel, and all their offences and sins; and praying to the Lord.
that they may light on his head, he shall turn him 6 And the priest shall pour the blood upon the
out by a man ready for it, into the desert, altar of the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle
22 And when the goat hath carried all their ini- of the testimony, and shall burn tlie fat for a
quities into an uninhabited land, and shall be let, sweet odour to the Lord.
go into the desert, 7 And they shall no more sacrifice their vic-
23 Aaron shall return into the tabernacle of thej tims to devils, with whom they have committed
testimony, and putting off the vestments, which' fornication. It shall be an ordinance for ever to
he had on him before when he entered into the; them and to their posterity.
sanctuary, and leaving them there, 8 And thou shalt say to them : The man of the
24 He shall wash his flesh in the holy place,! house of Israel, and of the strangers who sojourn
and shall put on his own garments. And after among you, that offereth a holocaust or a victim,
that he is come out, and hath otfered his own ho- 9 And bringeth it not to the door of the taber-
locaust, and that of the people, he shall pray both' nacle of the testimony, that it may be offered to
for himself, and for the people: the Lord, shall jierish from among his people.
25 And the fat that is offered for sins, he shall 10 If any man whosoever of the house of Is-
burn upon the altar. rael, and of the strangers that sojourn among
2() But he that hath let go the emissary-goat, them, eat blood,§ I will set my face against his
shall wash his clothes, and his body with water, soul, and will cut him off from among his people:
and so shall enter into the camp. 11 Because the life of the flesh is in the blood:
27 But the calf and the buck-goat, that were and I have given it to you, that you may make
sacrificed for sin, and whose blood was carried atonement with it upon the altar for your souls,
into the sanctuary, to accomfilish the atonement, and the bloofl may be for an expiation of the soul.
they shall vnrry forth without the camp, and shall 12 Therefore I have said to the children of Is-
burn with fire, their skins and their flesh, and rael No
soul of you, nor of the strangers that so-

their dung: journ among you, shall eat blood.

28 And whosoever burneth them shall wash 13 Any man whosoever of the children of Is-
his clothes and flesh with water, and so shall en-l rael, and of the strangers that sojourn among you,
ter into the camy). if by hunting or fowling, he take a wild beast or
2'J And this shall be to you an everlasting or- a bird, which is lawful to eat, let him pour out its
dinance: The seventh month, the tenth day of blood, and cover \1 with earth.
the month, you shall afflict your souls, and shall 14 For the life or all flesh is in the blood there-

do no work, whether it be one of your own fore I said to the children of Israel: You shall
country, or a stranger that sojo'irneth among yoi/ not eat the blood of any flesh at all; because the
3() lJ|)on this day shall be the expiation for you,
and ine cleansing from all your sins: you shall t // he kill, SfC- That is, in order to sacrifice.
be. cleansed before the Lord. The law of God forbids sacrifices to be offered
in any other jdace but at the tabernacle or temple
* 7/it cloud,— -1: The blood, ^'C. This is to, of the Lord; to signify that no sacrifice would
teach us, that if we would so into the sanctuary} be nccej table to God, out of his true temijle.the
cf (jod, we must take with us the incense of one, holy, catholic, apostolic church.

prayer, aiul the blood, that is, the passion ofi § Eat blocd ' To eat bjood was forbidden in
Christ. Where also note, that the high-priest,' the law: partly because God reserved it to him-
before he vvent in to the Holy of Holies, was to self, to be off* red in sacrifices on the altar, a^ to
wash his whole bo;ly, and then to put on whitel the Lord of life ai d death: and as a figure ot the
linen garments; to signify the j)urity and chastityi blood of t'hrist: snd partly to sive men a horroi
with which we are to approacn to God. i of shedding blood. Gen. ix. 4, 5, 6.

life of the flesh is in the blood, and whosoever not lie down to a beast, nor copulate with it: b«

eatfth It, shall be cut off. cause it is a heinous crime.*

I')The soul that eateth that which died of it- 24 Defile not yourselves with ary of these
self, or has been caught by a beast, whether he things with which all the nations have been de-
be one of your own country or a stranger, shall filed, which I will cast out before you,
wash his clothes and himself with water, and 25 And with which the land is defiled: the
shall Ite defiled until the evening: and in this abominations of which I will visit, that it may
manner lie shall be made clean. vomit out its inhabitants.
Ui Rut if he do not wash his clothes, and his 26 Keep ye my ordinances and my judgments,
boi'.y, he sliall bear his iniquity. and do not any of these abominations: neither
any of your own nation, nor any stranger that ec
CHAP. XVIII. journeth among you.
ISl.irriagf prohibited in certain degrees of
is 27 For all these detestable things, the inhabi-
kindred: and all unnatural lusts. tants of the land have done that were before
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: you, and have defiled it.
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou 28 Beware then lest in like manner, it vomit
sKall say to them: I am the Lord your God. you also out, if you do the like things, as it vomit-
3 Vou shall 'not do according to the custom of ed out the nation that was before you.
tile land of Egypt, in which you dwelt; neither 29 Every soul that shall commit any of these
shall you act according to the manner of the abominations, shall perish from the midst cf his
counli y of Ch-snaan, into which I will bring you, people.
nor shall you walk in their ordinances. 30 Keep my commandments. Do not the
4 You shall do my judgments, and shall ob things which they have done, that have been be-
serve my precepts, and shall walk in them. I fore you, and be not defiled therein. I am the
am the Lord 3'ourGod. Lord your God.
5 Keep my laws and my judgments, which if
a nnn do, he shall live in them. I am the I^ord.
6 No man shall apjiroach to her that is near Divers ordincmces, partly moral, partly ceremo-
of kin to him, to uncover her nakedness. I am nial or judicial.
shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy
THE Lord spoke
2 Speak to all
to Moses, saying:
the congregation of the chil-
father, or the nakedness of thy mother: she is dren of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: Be ye
thj' mother, thou shalt not uncover her naked- holy, because I the Lord your God am holy.
Let every one fear his father, and his mother
8 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of Keep my sabbaths. I am the Lord your God.
thy father's wife: for it is the nakedness of thy 4 Turn ye not to idols, nor make to yourselves
father. moIt=n gods. I am the Lord your God_.
y Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy 5 If ye offer in sacrifice a [Teace-offering to the
sister by father or by mother, whether born at Lord, that he may be favourable,
home or abroad. 6 You shall eat it on the same day it was offer-
10 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of ed, and the ne,\t day: and whatsoever shall be
thy son's daughter, or thy daughter's daughter: left until the third day, you shall burn with fire.
because it is thj'' own nakedness. 7 If after two days any man eat thereof, he

11 Thou
shalt not uncover the nakedness of shall be profane and guilty of impiety:
thy father's wife's dauj^hter, she bore to whom 8 And shall bear his iniquity; because he hath
thy father, and who is thy sister. defiled the holy thing of the Lord: and that soul
12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of shnll perish from among his people.
thy father's sister: because she is the flesh of thy 9 When thou reapest the corn of thy land, thou
father. shalt not cut down all that is on the face of the
13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of earth to the very ground: nor shalt thou gather
thy mother's sister: because she is thy mother's the ears that remain.
flesh. 10 Neither shalt thou gather the bunches and
14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of grapes that fall down in thy vineyard, but shalt
thy father's brother: neitiier shait thou approach leave them to the poor an-d the strangers to take
tohis wife, who is joined to thee by affinity. I am the Lord your God.
!•} Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of 11 You shall not steal. You shall not lie: neither
thy d.iughtcr-in-law: because she is thy son's shallany man deceive his neighbour.
wii"'-: neither shalt thou discover her shame. 12 Thou shalt not swear falsely by my name,
16 Thou shall not uncover the nakedness of nor profane the name of thy God. I arn the Lord.
thy brother's wife: because it is the nakedness 13 Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour,
c."" thy brother. nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him
17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with
thy wife, and her daughter. Thou shalt not take thee until the morning.
her son's daughter or her daughter's daughter, to 14 Thou shalt not speak evil of the deaf, nor
discover her shame: because they are her flesh, put a stumbling-block before the blind: but thou
and snch copulation is incest. .shalt fear the Lord thy God, because I am the
18 Thou shalt not take thy wife's sister for a Lord. ,. , .

harlot, to rival her; neither shalt th.ou discover shalt not do that which is unjust, nor
1.5 Thou
her n'\kednes<, while she is yet living. judge unjustly. Respect not the person of the
19 Thou shalt not approach to a woman having poor, nor honour the countenance of the mighty.
her flowers, neither shalt thou uncover her na- But judge thy neighbour according to justice.
ked nss. lb"' Thou shalt not be a detracter nor a whis-
20 Thou shalt not lie with thy neighbour's perer among the people. Thou shall not stand
wife, nor be defiled witli mingling of seed. -'g.Tinst the blood of thy neighbour. I am the

21 Thou shalt not give any of thy seed to be Ijord.

ronsecrated to the idol .Moloch, nor defile the 17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart.
name of thy Go I: I am the Lord.*
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with * Brcnise it is a heinovs crime. In Hebrev
'^-onnnkind, because it is an abomination this word heinovs crime is expressed by the wori
2:5 Thou shalt not copulate ^v 'th any beast. nv\-^\ronfusinv. signifying the shamefulness and basft-
tJkir shah thou be <lefi!pH with it A woman shallllness of this abominable sin.

out reprove him openly, lest thou incur sin CHAP XX.
through him.
Divers crimes to be punished loith death.
18 Seek not revenge, nor be mindful of the in-
jury of thy citizens. Thou shalt love thy friend ND Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
as ifiyself. I am
the Lord. 2 Thus shalt thou say to the children of Is-
ly Keep ye my laws. Thou shalt not make thy rael: If any man of the children of Israel, or of
cattle to gender with beasts of any other kind- the strangers, that dwell in Israel, give of his seed
Thou shalt not sow thy field with different seeds.* to the idol Moloch, dying let him die: the people
Tliou shalt not wear a garment that is woven of of the land shall stone him.
two sorts. 3 And I will set my face against him: and I will
20 If a man carnally lie with a woman that is a cut him off from the midst of his people; because
bond-servant and marriageable, and yet not re- he hath given of his seed to Moloch, and hath de-
deemed with a price, nor made free, they both filed my sanctuary, and profaned my holy name.
shall be scourged: and they shall not be put to 4 And if the people of the land neglecting, and
death, because she was not a free woman. as it were little regarding my commandment, let
21 And for his trespass he shall offer a ram to alone the man that hath given of his seed to ]\Io-
the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle of the tes loch, and will not kill him:
tjmony: 5 I will set my face against that man, and his
22 And the priest shall pray for him and for his kindred, and will cut oft both him, and all tha;
sin before the Lord; and he shall have mercy on consented with him, to commit fornication witfc
him, and the sin shall be forgiven. Moloch, out of the midst of their peojjle.
23 When you shall be come into the land, and 6 The soul that shall go aside after magicians,
shall have planted in it fruit-trees, you shall take and soothsayers, and shall commit fornication
away the first-fruitst of them: the fruit that comes with them, I will set my face against that soul,
forth shall be unclean to you, neither shall you eat and destroy it out of the midst ot its people.
of them. 7 SancHfy yourselves and be ye holy, because
24 But in the fourth year, all their fruit shall be I am the Lord your God.
sanctified, to the praise of the Lord. 8 Keep my precepts, and do them. I am the
25 And in the fifth year you shall eat the fruiti Lord that sanctify you.
thereof, gathering the increase thereof. I am the 9 He that curseth his father, or mother, dying
Lord your God. let him die: he hath cursed his father and mother,
26 You shall not eat with blood. You shall not let his blood be upon him.
divine nor observe dreams. 10 If any man commit adultery with the wife
27 Nor shall you cut your hair:]: roundwise, nor of another, and defile his neighbour's wife, let
shave j/owr beard. them be put to death, both the adulterer and the
28 You shall not make any cuttings in your adulteress.
flesh, for the dead; neither shall you make in your 11 If a man lie with his stepmother, and dis-
selves any figures or marks: I am the Lord. cover the nakedness of his father, let them both
29 Maiie not thy daughter a common strumpet, be put to death: their blood be upon them.
lest the land be defiled, and filled with wicked- 12 If any man lie with his daughter-in-law, let
ness. both die, .because they have done a heinous crime:
30 Keep ye my sabbaths, and reverence my their blood be upon them.
sanctuary. I am the Lord. 13 If any one lie with a man as with a woman,
31 Go not aside after wizards, neither ask any both hav^ committed an abomination; let them be
thing of soothsayers, to be defiled by them: I am put to death: their blood be upon them.
the Lord your God. 14 If any man after marrying the daughter, mar-
32 Rise up before the hoary head; and honour ry her mother, he hath done a heinous crime: he
the person of the aged man: and fear the Lord thy snail be burnt alive with them: neither shall »io
God. I am the Lord. great an abomination remain in the midst of you.
33 If a stranger dwell in your land, and abide 15 He that shall copulate with any beast or cat-
among you, do not upbraid him: tle, dying let him die: the beast also ye shall kill.§
34 But let him be among you as one of the same 1() The woman that shall lie under any beast,

country; and you shall love him as yourselves: shall be killed together with the same their blood :

for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I be upon them.

am the Lord your God. 17 If any man take his sister the daughter of
35 Donotany unjust thing in judgment, in rule, his father, or the daughter of his mother, and see
in weight, or in measure. her nakedness, and she behold her brother's
36 Ijet the balance be just, and the weights shame; they have committed a crime: they shall
equal, the bushel just, and the sextary equal. I be slain, in the sight of their people, because they
Rvn the Lord your God, that brought you out of have discovered one another's nakedness; and
the land of Egypt. they shall bear their iniquity.
37 Keep all my precepts, and all my judgments 18 If any man lie with a woman in her flowers,
and do them. I am the Lord. and uncover her nakedness, and she open the
fountain of her blood, both shall be destroyed out
* Different seeds, &c. This law tends to re- of the nddst of their people.
CGnr-.n-.nd simplicity and pl!)in-dealing_ in all 19 Thou shah not uncover the nakedness of thy
llun:;s; and to teach the people not to join any aunt by thy mother, and of thy aunt by thy father:
falss worship or heresy with the worship of the he that doeth this, hath uncovered the shame of
true God. his own flesh; both shall bear their ini(]uity.
t The firsl-fniits. Praputin, literally their 20 If any man lie with the wife of his uncle by
fore-skin-^: it alludes to circumcision, and ssignific t!ie father, or of his uncle by the mother, and un-

thnt for the first three years the trees were to be cover the shame of his near akin, both shall bear
as uncircunicised, and their fruit unclean; till in thnir sin: they shall die without children.
the fourth year their increase was sanctified and 21 He that marrii th his brother's wife, doeth an
given to the Lord, that i«. to the priests. unlawful thing; he h;ith uncovered his brother'*
t Cut 'irntr hiiir, &c. This, and other such like nakedness: they shall be without children.
thngs, of themselves indifferent, were forbidden 22 Keep ni3flaws, and my judgments, and do
by Go'l, that they might not imitate the Efiyp-
liaris or other infidels, ^vho practised thtse things § The beast also ye shall kill. The killing the
out of superstition, in honour of their false dci- beast was for the greater horror of the crune, and
ues. to prevent the remembrance of such abomination
: : :


them; lest the land into which you
are to enter to throughout their families, hath a blemfeh,t he
dwell therein, vomit you also out. shall not offer bread to nis God:
23 Walk not after the laws of the nations which 18 Neither shall he approach to minister to him
I will cast out before you. For they have If he be blind, if he be lame, if he have a little, or
(lone all these things; and therefore I abhorred a great, or a crooked nose,
them. 19 If his foot, or if his hand be broken,
24 But to you I say: Possess their land, which 20 If he be crook-backed, or blear-eyed, or
I will give you for an inheritance, a land flowing have a pearl in his eye, or a continual scab, or a
with milk and honey. I am the Lord your God, dry scurf in his body, or a rupture:
who have separated you from other people. 21 Whosoever of the seed of Aaron the priett
25 Tlierefore do you also separate the clean hath a blemish, he shall nof approach to offer
beast from the unclean, and the clean fowl from sacrifices to the Lord, nor bread to his God.
the unclean: defile not your souls with beasts, or 22 He shall eat nevertheless of the loaves, that
birds, or any things that move on the earth, and are offered in the sa-nctuary,
which I have shown you to be unclean. 23 Yet so that he enter not within the veil, nor
26 You shall be holy unto me, because I the approach to the altar, because he hath a blemish,
Lord am holy, and I have separated you from and he must not defile my
sanctuary. I am the
Other people, that you should be mine. Lord who sanctify them.
27 A
man, or woman, in whom there is a py- 24 Moses therefore spoke to Aaron, and to his
thonical or divining spirit, dying let them die: sons, and to all Israel, all the things that had
they shall stone them: their blood be upon been commanded him.
them. CHAP. XXII.
CHAP. XXI. Who may eat the holy things; and what things
Ordinances relating to the priests. may be offered.
Lord said also to Moses: Speak to the
priests the sons of Aaron, and thou shalt say
AND SpeakLordAaron
to saying:
to his sons, that they
to them: Let not a priest incur an uncleanness* beware ofthose things that are consecrated of the
at the death of his citizens: children of Israel, and defile not the name of the
2 But only for his kin, such as are near in blood, things sanctified to me, which they offer. I am
that is to say, for his father and for his mother, the Lord.
and for his son, and for his daughter, for his bro 3 Say to them, and to their posterity Every :

ther also, man oi your race, that approacheth:}: to those

3 And for a maiden sister, who hath had no hus- things tliat are consecrated, and which the chil-
band : dren of Israel have offered to the Lord, in whom
But not even for the prince of his people shall
•1 there is uncleanness, shall perish before the Lord.
lie do any thing that may make him unclean. I am the Lord.
.5 Neither shall they shave their head, nor their 4 The man of the seed of Aaron, that is a leper,
be.ard,nor make incisions in their llesh. or that suffereth a running of the seed, shall not
They shall be holy to their God, and shall not
fi eat of those things that are sanctified to me, until
profane his name for they offer the burnt-offering
: he be healed. He
thattoucheth any thing unclean
of the Lord, and the bread of their God, and tliere- by occasion of the dead, and he whose seed goeth
fore they shall be holy. from him as in generation,
7 They shall not take to wife a harlot or a vile 5 And he that toucheth a creeping thing, or any
prostitute, nor one that has been put away from unclean thing, the touching of which is defiling,
ner husband: because they are consecrated to 6 Shall be unclean until the evening, and shall
their God, not eat those things that are sanctified: but when
8 And offer the loaves of proposition. Let he hath washed his flesh with water,
them therefore be holy, because I also am
holy, 7 And the sun is down, then, being purified, he
the Lord, who sanctify them. shall eat of the sanctified things, because it is his
be taken in whore- meat.
9 If the daughter of a priest
dom, and dishonour the name of her father, she 8 That which dieth of itself, and that which
shnll be burnt with fire. was taken by a beast, they shall not eat, nor be
10 The high-priest, that is to say, the pHest that defiled therewith. I am the Lord.
isthe greatest among his brethren, upon whose 9 Let them keep my precepts, that they may
head the oil of unction hath been poured, and not fall into sin, and die in the sanctuary, when
whose hands have been consecrated for the priest- they shall have defiled it. I am tlie Lord who
hood, and who hath been vested with the holy sanctify them.
vestments, shall not uncover his head, he shall not 10 No stranger shall eat of the sanctified things:
rend his garments: a sojourner of the priests, or a hired servant, shall
11 Nor shall he go in at all to any dead person not eat of them.
not even for his father or his mother shall he be 11 But he whom the priest hath bought, and he
defiled. that is his servant, born in his house, these shall
12 Neither shall he go out of the holy places, eat of them.
lest he defile the sanctuary of the Lord, because 12 If the daughter of a priest be married to any
the oil of the holy unction of his God is upon him. of the people, she shall not eat of those things that
I am the Lord. are sanctified, nor of the first-fruits.
13 He shall take a virgin unto his wife: 13 But if she be a widow, or divorced, and hav-
14 But a widow or one that is divorced, or de- ing no children return to her father's house, she
filed, or a harlot, he shall not take; but a maid of shall eat of her father's meats, as she was wont
his own
1-5 He
shall not mingle the stock of his kindred t A blemish. These corporal defects or de-
with the common people of his nation: for I am formities, which disqualified the priests from
the Lord who sanctify him. officiating in the Old Law, were figures of tlie
16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: vices which priests are to beware of in the New
17 Say to Aaron: Whosoever of thy seed, Gregory, Cura pnstoriim.
Law. St.
t Approacheth, Sj-c. This is to give us to un-
* Jin uncleanness, viz. such as was contracted derstand, with what purity of soul we are to ap-
m laying out the dead body, or touching it; or in proach to the blessed sacrament, of which the.^e
Roing into the house, or assisting at the funeral. meats that had been offered in sacrifice were a
: :

to tlo when she was a maid no stranger hathi 4 These also are the holy-da^'s of the Lord,
leave to eat of them. which you must celebrate in their seasons.
14 He that eateth of the sanctified things 5 The first month, the fourteenth day of the
through ignorance, shall add the fifth part witli month at evening, is the phase of the Lord:
that whicn lie ate, and shall give it to the priest 6 And the fifteenth day of the same month is
into the sanctuary. the solemnity of the unleavened bread of the
15 And they shall not profane the sanctified Lord. Seven days shall you eat unleavened
things of the children of Israel, which they offer bread.
to the Lord 7 The first day shall be most solemn untc
16 Lest perhaps they bear the iniquity of their you, and holy: you shall do no servile work
trespass, wnen they shall have eaten the sanctifi- therein
ed tilings. I am the Lord who sanctify them. 8 But you shall offer sacrifice in fire to the
17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Lord seven days. And the seventh day shall be
IS Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all more solemn, and more holy: and you shall do
the children of Israel, and thou shall say to them: no servile work therein.
The man of the house of Israel, and of the 9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying.
strangers who dwell with you, that offereth his 10 Speak to the children of I-srael, and thou
oblation, either jtaying his vows, or offering of shalt say to them: When vou shall have entered
his own accord, whatsoever it be which he pre- into the land which I will give you, and shall
senteth for a holocaust of the Lord, reap your corn, you shall bring sheaves of ears,
19 To be offered by you, it shall be a male the first-fruits of your harvest, to the priest:
without blemish* of the beeves, or of the sheep, 11 Who shall lift up the sheaf before the Lord,
or of the goats. the next day after the sabbath, that it may be ac-
20 If it have a blemish, you shall not offer it, ceptable for you, and shall sanctify it.
neither shall it be acceptable. 12 And on the same day that the sheaf is con-
21 The man that offereth a victim of peace- secrated, a lamb without blemish of the first
offerings to the Lord, either paying his vows, or year, shall be killed for a holocaust of the Lord.
offering of his own accord, whether of beeves or 13 And the libations shall be offered with it,
of sheep, shall offer it without blemish, that it two tenths of flour tempered with oil, for a burnt-
may be acceptable: there shall be no blemish offering of the Lord, and a most sweet odour:
in it. libations also of wine, the fourth part of a hin.
22 If blind, or broken, or have a scar, or 14 You shall not eat either bread, or parched
blisters, or a scab, or a dry scurf; you shall not corn, or frumenty of the harvest, until the day
offer them to the Lord, nor burn any thing of that you shall oiler tbeveo"^ to your God. It is a
them upon the Lord's altar. precept for ever throughout your generations,
23 An ox or a sheep, that hath the ear and the and nil j'our dwellings.
tail cut off, thoa mayest offer voluntarily but a
: 1-5 You shall count therefore from the morrow
vow may not be paid with them. after the sabbath, wherein you offered the sheaf
24 You shall not offer to the Lord any beast of the first-fruits, seven full weeks,
that hath the testicles bruised, or crushed, or cut 16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh
and taken away: neither shall you do any such week be expired, that is to say, fifty days, and
thing in your land. so you shall offer a new sacrifice to the Lord.
25 You shall not offer bread to your God, from 17 Otit of all your dwellings, two loaves of the
the hand of a stranger, nor any other thing that of two tenths of flour leavened, which
he would give: because they are all corrupted you bake for the first-fruits of the Lord.
and defiled: you shall not receive them- ,18 And you shall offer with the loaves seven
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ;lambs without blemish of the first year, and one
27 When a bullock, or a sheep, or a goat, is ;calf from the herd, and two rams: and they shall
brought forth, they shall be seven days under the [be for a holocaust with their libations, for a most
udder of their dam: but the eighth day, and sweet odour to the Lord.
thenceforth, they may be offered to the Lord. 19 You shall offer also a buck-goat for sin, and
28 Whether it be a cow, or a sheep, they shall two lambs of the first year for sacrifices of peace-
not be sacrificed the same day with their young offerings.
ones. 20 And when the priest hath lifted them up
29 If you immolate a victim for thanksgiving to with the loaves of the first-fruits before the Lord,
the Lord, that he may be favourable, they shall fall to his use.
30 You shall eat it the same day: there shall not 21 And you shall call this day most solemn,
any of it remain until the morning of the next day. and most hoi}'. You shall do no servile work
I amthe Lord. therein. It shall be an everlasting ordinance in
31 Keep my commandments, and do them. I all your dwellings and generations.
am the Lord. 22 And when you reap the corn of your land,
32 Profane not my holy name, that I may be you shall not cut it to the very ground: neither
sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel. I shall you gather the ears that remain: but you
am the Lord who sanctify you, shall leave them for the poor and for the strangers
33 And who brought you out of the land of I am the Lord your God.
Egypt, that I might be your God: I am the Lord. 23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying :
24 Say to the children of Israel: The sfeventh
month, on the first day of the month, you shah
Holy-days to be kept. keep a sabbath, a memorial, with the sound of
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
trumpets, and it shall be called holy.
25 You shall do no servile work therein, and
shalt say to them: These are the feasts of the you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord.
Lord, which you shall call holy. 26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
3 Six days shall ye do work; the seventh day, 27 Upon the tenth day of this seventh month
because it is the rest of the sabbath, shall be shall be the day of atonement: it shall be most
called holy. You shall do no work on that day solemn, and shall be called holy : and you shall
ft is the sabbath of the Lord in all your habita- afflict your souls on that day, and shall offer a ho-
tions. locaust to the Lord.
28 You shall do no servile work in the time of
* Without blemish. To teach us to aim at per this day: because it is a day of propitiation, that
feetion in all our offerings and performances ithe Lord your God may be merciful unto you.


29 Every soul that is not afflicted on this day, the Lord, being received of the children of Is
fchall perish from anions; his people: rael by an everlasting covenant:
30 And every soul that shall do any work, the 9 And they shall be Aaron's and his sons, that
same will I destroy from among his people. they may eat them in the holy place: because it
31 You shall do no work therefore on that day: is most holy of the sacrifices of the Lord by a
it shall be an everlasting ordinance unto you in all perpetual right.

your generations, and dwellings. 10 And behold, there went out the son of a
32 It is a sabbath of rest, and you shall afflict woman of Israel, whom she had of an Egyptian,
your souls beginning on the nmth daj' of the among the children of Israel, and fell at words in
month: from evening until evening you shall the camp with a man of Israel.
celebrate your sabbaths. 11 And when he had blasphemed the Name,
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: and had cursed it, he was brought to Moses:
31 Say to the children of Israel: From the fif- (now his mother was called Salumith, the daugh-
teenth day of this same seventh month, shall be ter of Dabri of the tribe of Dan:)
kept the feast of tabernacles seven days to the 12 And they put him into prison, till they might
Lord know what the Lord would command.
35 The first day shall be called most solemn 13 And the Lord spoke to Moses,
and most holy: you shall do no servile work 14 Saying: Bring forth the blasphemer without
therein. And seven days you shall offer holo- the camp; and let them that heard him, put their
causts to the Lord. hands upon his head; and let all the people stone
36 The eighth day also shall be most solemn him.
end most holy, and you shall offer holocausts to 15 And thou shalt speak to the children of
the Lord for it is the day of assembly and con- Israel: The man that curseth his God, shall bear

gregation: you shall do no servile work therein. his sin:

37 These are the feasts of the Lord, which you 16 And he that blasphemeth the name of the
shall call most solemn and most holy, and shall Lord, dying let him die: all tlie multitude shall
offer on them oblations to the Lord, holocausts stone him, whether he be a native or a stranger.
and libations according to the rite of every He that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, dying
day. let him die.
§8 Besides the sabbaths o£ the Lord, and your 17 He that striketh, and killeth a man, dying
gifts, and those things that you shall offer by let him die.
vow, or which you shall give to the Lord volun- 18 He that killeth a beast, shall make it good,
tarily. that is to say, shall give beast for beast.
3!) So from the fifteenth day of the seventh 19 He that °iveth a blemish to any of his
month, when you shall have gathered in all the neighbours; as ne hath done, so shall it be done
fruits of your knd, you shall celebrate the feast to him
of the Lord seven days: on the first day and the 20 Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for
eighth shall be a sabbath, that is, a day of rest. tooth, shall he restore. What blemish he gave,
40 And you shall take to you on the first day the like shall he be compelled to suffer.
the fruits of the fairest tree, and branches of palm 21 He that striketh a beast, shall render an-
trees, and boughs of thick trees, and willows of other. He that striketh a man, shall be punished.
the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord 22 Let there be equal judgment among you,
your God. whether he be a stranger, or a native that offends:
41 And you shall keep the solemnity thereof because I am the Lord your God.
seven days in the year. It shall be an everlast- 23 And Moses spoke to the children of Israel*
ing ordinance in your generations. In the seventh and they brought forth him that had blasphemed,
month shall j^ou celebrate this feast: without the camji, and they stoned him. And the
42 And you shall dwell in bowers seven days: children of Israel did as the Lord had command-
every one that is of the race of Israel, shall dwell ed Moses.
in tabernacles:
43 That your posterity may know, that I made CHAP. XXV.
the children of Israel to dwell in tabernacles, The law of the seventh and of the fiftieth year
when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. of jubilee.
I am the Lord your God.
44 And Moses spoke concerning the feasts of
AND the Lord spoke to Moses in mount Si-
nai, saying:
the Lord to the children of Israel. 2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
shalt say to them When you shall have entered

into the land which I will give you, observe the

T7ie oil for the lamps. The loaves of proposi- rest of the sabbath to the Lord.
tion. Tlie punishment of blasphemy- 3 Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and sis
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and shall
2 Command the children of Israel, that gather the fruits thereof:
they bring unto thee the finest and clearest oil 4 But in the seventh year there shall be a sab-
of olives, to furnish the lamps continually, bath to the land, of the resting of the Lord thou

3 Without the veil of the testimony in the ta- shalt not sow thy field, nor )-inine thy vineyard.
bernacle of the covenant. And Aaron shall set 5 What the ground shall bring forth of itself
them from evening until morning before the thou shalt not reap: neither shalt thou gather the
Lord, by a perpetual service and rite in your ge- grapes of the first-fruits as a vintage: for it is a
nerations. year of rest to the land:
4 They shall be set upon the most pure candle- 6 But thej- shall be unto you for meat, to thee
stick before the Lord continually. and to Xhj man-servant, to thy maid-servant and
5 Thou shalt take also fine flour, and shalt thy hirelmg, and to the strangers that sojourn
bake twelve loaves thereof; two tenths shall be with thee:
in every loaf: 7 All things that grow shall be meat to thy
6 And thou shalt set them six and six one beasts and to thy cattle.
against another upon the most clean table before 8 Thou shalt also number to thee seven weeks
the Lord: of years, that is to say, seven times seven, which
7 And thou shalt put upon them the clearest together make forty nine j'ears:
frankincense, that the bread may be for a me- 9 And thou shalt sound the trumpet in the
morial of the oblation of the Lord. seventh month, the tenth day of the month, iu
8 E\'ery sabbatli they shall be changed before the time of the expiation in all your 'and.
10 And thou shah sanctify the fiftieth year, 34 But let not their suburbs be sold, because it
and shalt proclaim remission* to all the inhabi- is a perpetual possession.
tants of thy land: for it is the year of jubilee. 35 If thy brother be impoverished, and weak of
Every man shall return to his possession, and hand, and thou receive him as a stranger and so-
every one shall go back to his former family: journer, and he live with thee,
11 Because it is the jubilee and the fiftieth year. 36 Take not usury of him, nor more than thou
You shall not sow, nor reap the things that grow gavest: fear thy God, tliat thy brother may live
in the field of their own accordj neither shall you with thee.
gather the lirst-fruils of the vines, 37 Thou shalt not give him thy money upon
12 Because of the sanctification of the jubilee: usury, nor e.xact of him any increase of fruits.
tut as they grow you shall presently eat them. 38 I am the Lord your God who brought you
13 In the year of tlie jubilee all shall return to out of the land of Egypt, that I might give you
tlieir possessions. the land of Chanaan, and might be your God.
14 \Vhen thou shalt sell any thing to thy neigh- 39 If thy brother constrained by poverty, sell
bour, or shalt buy of him, grieve not thy bro- himself to thee, thou shalt not oppress him with
tlier: but thou shalt buy of him according to the the service of bond-servants:
number of years from the jubilee. 40 But he shall be as a hireling, and a sojourn-
15 And he shall sell to thee according to the er: he shall work with thee until the year of the
computation of the fruits. ijubilee.
16 The more years remain after the jubilee, 41 And afterwards he shall go out with his

the more shall the price increase: and the less' children, and shall return to his kindred and to
time is counted, so much the less shall the pur- the possession of his fathers.
chase cost. For he shall sell to thee the time of 42 For they are my servants, and I brought
the fruits. them out of the land of Egypt; let them not be
17 Do not afflict your countrymen, but let sold as bond-men:
every one fear his God: because I am the Lord 43 Afflict him not by might, but fear thy God.
your God. 44 liCt your bond-men, and your bond-women,
18 Do my precepts, and keep my judgments, be of the nations that are round about you.
and fulfil them: that you may dwell in the land 45 And of the strangers that sojourn among
without any fear, you, or that were born of them in your land,
19 And the ground may yield you its fruits, of these you shall have for servants:
which you may eat your fill, fearing no man's in- 46 And by right of inheritance shall leave
vasion. them to your posterity, and shall possess them
20 But if you say: What shall we eat the for ever. But oppress not your brethren the
seventh year, if we sow not, nor gather our fruits children of Israel by might.

21 I will give you my blessing the sixth year, 47 If the hand of a stranger -or a sojourner
and it shall yield the fruits of three years. grow strong among you, and thy brother being
22 And the eighth year you shall sow, and shall impoverished sell himself to him, or to any of his
eat of the old fruits, until the ninth year: till new race;
grow up, you shall eat the old store. 48 After the sale he may be redeemed. He
23 The land also shall not be sold for ever: be- that will of his brethren shall redeem him;
cause it is mine, and you are .strangers and so- 49 Either his uncle, or hig uncle's son. or his
journers with me. kinsman, by blood, or by affinity. But if he him-
24 For which cause all the country of your self be able also, he shall redeem himself,
possession shall be under the condition of re- 50 Counting only the years from the time of his
demi)tion. selling unto the year of the jubilee: and counting
25 If thy brother being impoverished sell his the money, that he was sold for, according to the
little possession, and his kinsman will, he may re- number of the years and the reckoning of a hired
deem what he had sold. servant.
26 But if he have no kinsman, and he himself 51 If there be many years that remain until the
can find the price to redeem it: jubilee, according to them shall he also repay the
27 The value of the fruits shall be counted price.
from that time when he sold it: and the overplus 52 If few he shall make the reckoning with him
he shall restore to the buyer, and so shall receive according to the number of the years, and shall
his possession again. repay to the buyer of whatremaineth of the years,
28 But if his hands find not the means to re- 53 His wages being allowed for which he serv-
pay the price, the buyer shall have what he ed before: he shall not afflict him violently in thy
bought, until the year of the jubilee. For in that sight.
year all that is sold shall return to the owner, and 54 And if by these means he cannot be redeem-
to the ancient possessor. ed, in the year of the jubilee he shall go but with
29 He that selleth a house within the walls of his children.
a city, shall have the liberty to redeem it, until 55 For the children of Israel are my servants,
one year be expired: whom I brought forth out of the land of Egy^t.
30 If he redeem it not, and the whole year be
fully out, the buyer shall possess it, and his pos-
erity for ever; and it cannot be redeemed, not GoiPs promises to them that keep his command-
even in the jubilee. ments. And the many punishments with wliich
31 But if the house be in a village, that hath no he threatens transgressors.
walls, it shall be sold according to the same lawl 1AM
the Lord your God: you shall not make
as the fields: If it be not redeemed before, in the! to yourselves any idol or graven thing, neither
jubilee it shall return to the owner. shall you erect pillars, nor set up a remarkable
32 The houses of Levites, which are in cities, stone in your land, to adore it: for I am the Lord
may always be redeemed: your God.
33 If they be not redeemed, in the jubilee theyj 2 Keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanc-
s'lall all return to the owners; because the houses tuary: I am the Lord.
of the cities of the I..evites are for their posses 3 If you walk in my precepts, and keep my

siOns among the children of Israel. jcommandments, and do them, I will give you rain
jin due seasons:
* Rnnission. That is, a general release and dis- 4 And the ground shnll bring forth ilsincreascv

charge from debts and bondage, and a reinstating and the trees shall be filled with fruit.
of every man in his former possessions 5 The thrfshiuK of A'our harvestshall reach tin
to the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto \
32 And I will destroy your land, and your ene*
the sowing-time: and you shall eat your bread to mies shall be astonished at it, when they shall be
tl>e full,and dwell in your land without fear. ithe inhabitants thereof.
6 I peace in your coasts: you shall
will give 33 And I will scatter you among the gentiles;

sleep, and tnere shall be none to make you afraid, and I will draw out the sword after you; and your
I will take away evil beasts: and the sword shall land siiall be desert, and your cities destroyed.
not pass through your quarters. 34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbatlis all
7 You shall pursue your enemies, and they shall the days of her desolation: when you shall be
fall before you. 35 In the enemies" land, she shall keep a sab-

S Five of yours shall pursue a hundred others, bath, and rest in the sabbaths of her ilesolation,
and a hundred of you ten thousand: your enemiesj because she did not rest in j'our sabbaths when
shall fall before you by the sword. you dwelt therein.
9 I will look on you, and make you increase: 36 And as to them that shall remain of you, I
you shall be multiplied, and I will establish my will send fear in their hearts in the countries of
covenant with you. their enemies: the sound of a flying leaf shall ter-
10 You shall eat the oldest of the old store, and, rify them; and they shall flee as it were from the
new coming on, you shall cast away the old. sword: they shall fall, when no man pursueth
11 I will set my tabernacle in the midst of you; them:
and my soul shall not cast you otf. 37 And they shall every one fall upon their
12 I will walk among you, and will be your brethren, as fleeing from wars: none of you .shall
God; and you shall be my people. dare to resist your enemies.
13 I am the Lord your God, who have brought 38 You shall perish among the gentiles, and an
you out of the land of the Egyptians, that you enemy's land shall consume you.
should not serve thera, and who have broken the 39 And if of them also some remain, they shall
chains of your necks, that you might go upright. pine away in their iniquities, in the land of their
14 But if you will not hear me, nor do all my enemies, and they shall be afflicted for the sins of
commandments, their fathers, and their own:
15 If you despise my laws, and contemn my 40 Until they confess their iniquities and the
judgments so as not to do those things which are iniquities of their ancestors, whereby they have
appointed by me, and to make void my covenant: transgressed against me, and walked contrary un-
16 I also will do these things to you: I will to me.
quickly visit you with poverty, and burning heat, 41 Therefore I also will walk against them, and
which shall waste your eyes, and consume your bring them into their enemies' land, until their
lives. You shall sow your seed in vain, which uncircumcised mind be ashamed: then shall they
Bhall be devoured by your enemies. pray for their sins.
17 I will set my face against you; and you shall 42 And I will remember my covenant, that 1
fall down before your enemies, and shall be made made with Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham. I

subject to them that hate you: you shall flee when will remember also the land,
no man pursueth you. 13 Which when she shall be left by them, shall
18 But if you will not yet for all this obey me, ep-ioy her sabbaths, being desolate for them. But
I will chastise~-you seven times more for your sins; iifli-'v shail pray for their sins, because they reject-
19 And I will break the pride of your stubborn- lied r.:y judgments, and despised my laws.
ness; and I will make to you the heaven above asi 44 And yet for all that when they were in the
iron, and the earth as brass: land of their enemies, I did not cast them off alto-
20 Your labour shall be spent in vain: the gether; neither did I so despise them that they
ground shall not bring forth her increase, nor the should be quite consumed, and I should make
trees yield their fruit. void my covenant with them. P^or I am the Lord
21 If you walk contrary to me, and will not their God.
hearken to me, I will bring seven times more 45 And I will remember my former covenant,
plagues upon you for your sins: when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, in
22_ And I will send in upon you the beasts of the sight of the gentiles, to be their God. I am the
the field, to destroy you and your cattle, and make Lord. These are the judgments, and precepts,
you few in number, and that your highways may and laws, which the Lord gave between him and
be desolate the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand
23 And if even so you will not amend, but will of Moses.
walk contrary to me:
24 I also will walk contrary to you, and will CHAP. XXVII.
strike you seven times for your sins Of voios and tithes.
I will bring in upon you the
my covenant.
sword that
And when you shall
AND Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
flee into the cities, I will send the pestilence in shall say to them: The man that shall have nia(.'e

the midst of you, and you shall be delivered into a vow, and promised his soul to God, shall give
the hands of your enemies, the price according to estimation.
26 After I shall have broken the staff of you 3 If it be a man from twenty years old unto
bread; so that ten women shall bake your bread sixty years old, he shall give fifty sides of silver,
in one oven, and give it out by weight: and you after the weight of the sanctuary:
shall eat,and shall not be filled. 4 If a woman, thirty.
27 But if you will not for all this hearken to 5 But from the fifth year until the twentieth, a
me, but will walk against me: man shall give twenty sides; a woman, ten.
28 I will also go against you with opposite fury; 6 From one month until the fifth year, for a male
and I will chastise you with seven plagues for shall be given five sides; for a female, three.
your sins, 7 A
man that is sixty years old or upwards,
29 So that you shall eat the flesh of your sons shall give fifteen sides; a woman, ten.
and of your daughters. 8 If he be poor, and not able to pay the estinn-
30 I will destroy your high places, and break tion, he shall stand before the priest, and as much
your idols. You shall fall among the ruins of your as he sliall value him at. and see him able to pay,
idols; and my soul shall abhor you, .so much shall he give.
31 Insomuch that I will bring your cities to be 9 But a beast, that may be sacrificed to the
a wilderness, and I will make your sanctuaries Lord, if any one shall vow, shall be holy;
desolate, and will receive no more your sweet 10 And cannot be changed, that is so say, iiei-
odours ther a better for a worse, nor a worse for a belter,


And if he shall change it, both that which wasii 23 Tlie priest shall reckon the price according
changed, and that for which it was changed, shall to the number of years unto the jubilee: and he

be consecrated to the l^ord. that had vowed, snail give that to the Lord.
11 An unclean beast, which cannot be sacri- 24 But in the jubilee, it shall return to the for
ficed to the Lord, if any man shall vow, shall be mer owner, who had sold it, and had it in the lot
brought before the priest: of his possession.
12 Who judging whether it be good or bad, 25 AH estimation shall be made according to
shall set the price: the side of the sanctuary. A
side hath twenty
13 Which if he that offereth it will give, he obols.
shall add above the estimation the fifth part. 26 The first-born, which belong to the Lord, no
14 If a man shall vow his house, and sanctify man may sanctify and vow: whether it be bul-
it to the Lord, the priest shall consider it, whether lock, or sheep, they are the Lord's.
it be good or bad, and it shall be sold according 27 And if it be an unclean beast, he that offer-
to the price, which he shall appoint. eth it shall redeem it, according to thy estimation,
15 But if he that vowed, will redeem it, he shall and shall add the fifth part ci the price. If he
give the fifth part of the estimation over and will not redeem it, it shall be sold to another for
above, and shall have the house. how much soever it was estimated by thee.
16 And if he vow the field of his possession, 28 Any thing that is devoted to the Lord,
and consecrate it to the Lord, the price shall be whether it be man, or beast, or field, shall not be
rated according to the measure of the seed. If sold, neither may it be redeemed. Whatsoever
the ground be sowed with thirty bushels of barley, is once consecrated shall be holy of hoHes to the
let it be sold for fifty sides of silver. Lord.
17 If he vow his field immediately from the 29 And any consecration that is offered by
year of jubilee that is beginning, as much as it man, shall not be redeemed, but dying shall die.
may be worth, at so much it shall be rated. 30 All titlies of the land, whether of corn, or
18 But if some time after, the priest shall reckon of the fruits of trees, are the Lord's, and are
the money according to the number of years that sanctified to him.
remain until the jubilee, and the price shall be 31 And if any man will redeem his tithes, he
abated, shall add the fifth part of them.
19 And if he that had vowed, will redeem his 32 Of all the tithes of oxen, and sheep, and
field, he shall add the fifth part of the money of goats, that pass under the shepherd's rod, every
the estimation-, and shall possess it. tenth that cometh shall be sanctified to the Lord.
20 And if he will not redeem it, but it be sold 33 It shall not be chosen neither good nor bad,
to any other man, he that vowed it, may not re- neither shall it be changed for another. If any
deem it any more: man change it; both that which was changed,
21 For when the day of jubilee cometh, it shall and that for which it was changed, shall be sanc-
be sanctified to the Lord, and as a possession con- tified to the Lord, and shall not be redeemed.
secrated pertaineth to the right of the priests. 34 These are the precepts which the Lord
22 If a field that was bought, and not of a man's commanded Moses for the children of Israel in
ancestors' possession, be sanctified to the Lord, mount Sinai.


Tliis fourth book of Moses is called Nltmbers, 9 Of Zabulon, Eliab the son of Helon.
because it begins with the numbering of the peo- 10 And of the sons of Joseph: of Ephraim, Eli
ple. The Hebrews from its first loords call it sama the son of Ammiud: of Manasses, Gama-
VAIEDABBER. It contains the transactions of liel the son of Phadassur.

the Israelites from the second month of the se- 11 Of Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gedeon.
cond year after their going out of Egypt, until 12 Of Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai.
the beginning of the eleventh month of the for- 13 Of Aser, Phegiel the son of Ochran.
tieth year, that is, a history almost of thirty- 14 Of Gad, Eliasaph the son of Duel.
nine years. 15 Of Nephtali, Ahira the son of Enan.
16 These are the most noble princes of the
multitude by their tribes and kindreds, and the
The children of Israel are numbered; the Lcvites chiefs of the army of Israel:
are designed to serve the tabernacle. 17 Whom Moses and Aaron took with
all the

AND the Lord spoke to Moses multitude of the common people;

in the desert
of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the covenant, 18 And assembled them on the first day of the
the first day of the second month, the second second mondi, reckoning them up by the kin-
year of their going out of Egypt, saying: dreds, and houses, and families, and heads, and
2 Take the sum of all the congregation of the names of every one from twenty years old and
children of Israel by their families, and houses, upward,
and the names of every one, as many as are of 19 As the Lord had commanded Moses. And
the male sex, they were numbered in the desert of Sinai
3 From twenty years old and upwards, of all 20 Of Ruben the eldest son of Israel, by their
the men of Israel fit for war, and you shall num- generations and families and houses, and names
ber them by their troops, thou and Aaron. of every head, all that were of the male sex,
•1 And there shall be with you the princes of from twenty years old and upward, that were
the tribes, and of the houses in their kindreds, able to go forth to war,
5 Whose names are these: Of Ruben, Elisur 21 Were forty six thousand five hundred.
tlie son of Sedeur. 22 Of the sons of Simeon by their generations
6 Of Simeon, Salamiel the son of Surisaddai. and families, and houses of their kindreds, were
7 Of Juda, Nahasson the son of Aminadab. reckoned up by the names and heads of every
*^ Of Issachar, Nathanael the son of Suar. one, all that were of the male sex, from twenty

CHAP. n.
years old and upward, that were able to go forth soever pertaineth to the v eremonios. They slialV
to war, carry the tabernacle, and all the furniture thereof:
23 Fifty nine thousand three hundred. and they shall minister, an'^ shall encamp round
24 Of the sons of Gad, by their generations about the tabernacle.
and families, and houses of their kindreds, were 51 AVhen you are to go forward, the Levites
reckoned up by the names of every one from shall take down the tabernacle: when you are to
twenty years old and upward, all that were able camp, tliey shall set it up. What stranger soever
to go ioith to war, Cometh to it, shall be slain.
25 Forty five thousand six hundred and fifty. 52 And
the children of Israel shall camp every
26 the sons of Juda, by their generations
Of man by his troops and bands and army.
and and houses of their kindreds, by the
families, 53 But the Levites shall pitch their tents round
names of every one from twenty years old and about the tabernacle, lest there come indignation
ujiward, all that were able to go forth to war, upon the multitude of the children of Israel: and
27 Were reckoned up seventy four thousand they shall keep watch, and guard the tabernacle
six hundred. of the testimony.
28 Of the sons of Issachar, by their genera- 54 And the children of Israel did according to
tions and families, and houses of their kindreds, all things which the Lord had commanded Moses.
by the names of every one from twenty years CHAP. II.
old and upward, all that could go forth to war,
29 Were reckoned up fifty four thousand four IVic order of the tribes in their camp.
hundred. ND the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
30 Of the sons of Zabulon, by the generations sp.ying:
and families, and houses of their kindreds, were 2 All the children of Israel shall camp by their
reckoned up by the names of every one from troops, ensigns, and standards, and the houses of
twenty years old and upward, all that were able their kindreds, round about the tabernacle of the
to go forth to war, covenant.
31 Fifty seven thousand four hundred. 3 On the east Juda shall pitch his tents by the
32 Of the sons of Joseph, namely of the sons bands of his army: and the prince of his sons
of Ephraim, bj' the generations and families, and shall be Nahasson the son of Aminadab.
houses of their kindreds,' were reckoned up by 4 And the whole sum of the fighting men of
die names of every one, from twenty years old his stock, were seventy four thousand six hun-
^nd upward, all that were able to go forth to dred .

A'ar, 5 Next unto him they of the tribe of Issachar

33 Forty thousand five hundred. encamped, whose prince was Nathanael, the son
34 Moreover of the sons of Manasses, by the of Suar.
generations and families and houses of their kin- 6 Andthe whole number of his fighting men
dreds, were reckoned up by the names of every were four thousand four hundred.
one from twenty years old and upward, all that 7 In the tribe of Zabulon the prince was Eliab
could go forth to war, the son of Helon.
35 Thirty two thousand two hundred. 8 And all the army of fighting men of his stock,
36 Of the sons of Benjamin, by their genera- were fifty seven thousand four hundred.
tions and families and houses of their kindreds, 9 All that were numbered in the camp of Juda,
were reckoned up by the names of every one were a hundred and eighty six thousand four
from twenty years old and upward, all that were hundred: and they by tlieir troops shall march
able to go forth to war, first.
37 Thirty five thousand four hundred. 10 In the camp of the sons of Ruben, on the
33 Of the sons of Dan, by their generations south side, the prince shall be Elisur the son of
and families and houses of their kindreds, were Sedeur:
reckoned up by the names of every one from 11 And the whole army of his fighting men,
twenty years old and upward, all that were able that were numbered, were forty six thousand five
to go forth to war, hundred.
8!) Sixty two thousand seven hundred- 12 Beside him camped they of the tribe of Si-
40 Of the sons of Aser, by their generations meon: whose piince was Salamiel the son of Su-
and families and houses of their kindreds, were risaddai.
reckoned up by the names of every one from 13 And the whole army of his fighting men,
twenty years old and upward, all that were able that were numbered, were fifty nine thousand
to go forth to war, three hundred-
41 Forty one thousand five hundred. 14 In the tribe of Gad the prince was Eliasaph
42 Of the sons of Nephtali, by their genera- the son of Duel.
tions and families and houses of their kindreds, 15 And the whole army of his fighting men,
were reckoned up by the names of every one that were numbered, were forty five thousand
from twenty years old and upward, all that were six hundred and fifty.
able to go forth to war, 16 All that were reckoned up in the camp ot
43 Fifty three thousand four hundred. Ruben, were a hundred and fifty one thousand
44 These are they who were numbered by four hundred and fifty, by their troops they shall :

Moses and Aaron, and tire twelve princes of Ls- march in the second place.
rael, every one by the houses of their kindreds. 17 And the tabernacle of the testimony shall
45 And the whole number of the children of be carried by the officers of the Levites and their
Israel by their houses and families, from twenty troops. As'it shall be set uj), so shall it be taken
years old and upward, that were able to go to down. Every one shall march according to their
war, placec, and ranks.
46 Were six hundred and three thousand five 18 On the west side shall be the camp of the
liundred and fifty men. sons of Ephraim, whose prince was Elisama the
47 But the Levites in the tribes of their fami- son of Amniiud.
lies were not numbered with them. 19 The whole army ot his fighting men, that
48 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: were numbered, were forty thousand five hun-
49 Number not the tribe of Levi: neither shalt dred.
thou put down the sum of them with the children 20 And with them the tribe of the sons of Ma-
of Israel: nasses, whose prince was Gamaliel the son of
50 But appoint them over the tabernacle of the Phadassur.
{•timony, and all the vewels thereof, and what- 21 And the whole army of his fighting men,
thatwere numDered, were thirty two thousand 13 For every first-born is mine; since I struck
two hundred. the first-born in the land of Egypt: I have sanc-
22 In the tribe of the sons of Benjamin the tified to myself whatsoever is hrst-born in Israel
prince was Abldan the son of Gedeon. both of man and beast; they are mine: I am the
23 And the whole army of his fighting men, Lord.
that were reckoned up, where thirty five thou- 14 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert
sand four hundred. of Sinai, saying:
24 All that were numbered in the camp of 15 Number the sons of Levi by the houses of
Ephraim, were a hundred and eight thousand one their fathers and their families, every male from
hundred by their troops: they shall march in the one month and upward.
third place. 10 Moses numbered them as the Lord had
25 On the north side camped the sons of Dan: commanded.
whose prince was Aliiezar the son of Ammisad- 17 And there were found sons of Levi by their
lai. names, Gerson and Caath and Merari.
26 The whole army of his fighting men, that 18 The sons of Gerson: Lebni and Semei.
were numbered, were sixty two thousaniS seven 19 The sons of Caath: Amram and Jesaar,
hundred. Hebron and Oziel:
27 Beside him they of the tribe of Aser pitched 20 The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi.
their tents: whose prince was Phegiei the son of 21 Of Gerson were two families, the Lebnites,
Ochran. and the Semeites:
28 The whole army of his fighting men, thai 22 Of which were numbered, people of the
were numbered, were forty one thousand five male sex from one month and upward, seven
hundred. thousand five hundred.
29 Of the tribe of the sons of Nephtali the 23 These shall pitch behind the tabernacle on
prince was Ahira the son of Enan. the west,
30 The whole army of his fighting men were 24 Under their prince Eliasaph the son of Lael.
fifty three thousand four hundred. 25 Ancf their charge shall be in the tabernacle
01 All that were numbered in the camp of Dan, of the covenant:
were a hundred and fifty seven thousand six hun- 20 The tabernacle itself and the cover thereof,
dred: and fhcy shall march last. the hanging that is drawn before the doors of the
32 This is the number of the children of Israel, tabernacle of the covenant, and the curtains of
of their army divided according to the houses of the court: the hanging also that is hanged in the
their kindreds and their troops, six hundred and entry of the court of the tabernacle, and vvhatso
three thousand five hundred and fifty. ever belongeth to the rite of the altar, the cords
33 And the Levitts were not numbered among of the tabernacle, and all the furniture thereof.
the children of Israel: for so the Lord had com- 27 Of the kindred of Caath come the families
manded Moses. of the Amramites and Jesaarites and Hebronites
34 And the children of Israel did according to and Ozielites. These are the families of the
all things that the Lord had commanded. They Caathites reckoned up by their names:
camped by their troops, and marched by the 28 All of the male sex from one month and up-
families and houses of their fathers. ward, eight thousand six hundred: they shall have
the guard of the sanctuary,
29 And shall camp on the south side.
The Leviies are nmnbcred, and their offices dis- 30 And their prince shall be Elisaphan the son
tivgMshcd. They are taken in the place of the of Oziel:
first-born of the children of Israel. 31 And they shall keep the ark, and the table
rjlHESE are the generations of Aaron and and the candlestick, the altars, and the vessels of
Sl Moses in the day that the Lord spoke to the sanctuary, wherewith they minister, and the
Moses in mount Sinai. veil, and all the furniture of this kind.
2 And these the names of the sons of Aaron: 32 And the prince of the princes of the Levites,
his first-born Nadab, then Abiu, and Eleazar, and Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, shall be
Ithamar. over them that watch for the guard of the sanc-
3 These the names of the sons of Aaron the tuary.
priests that were anointed, and whose hands were 33 And of Merari are the families of the Mo-
filled and consecrated, to do the functions of holites and Musites, reckoned up by their names-
priesthood. 34 All of tlie male kind from one month and
4 Now Nadab and Abiu died, without children, upward, six thousand two hundred.
when they offered strange fire before the Lord, 35 Their prince Suriel the son of Abihaiel:
in the desert of Sinai and Eleazar and Ithamar they shall camp on the north side.

performed the priestly office in the presence of sit) Under their custody shall be the boards of

Aaron their father. the tabernacle, and the bars, and the pillars, and
.5 Ai.d the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: their sockets, and all things that pertain to this
6 Bring the tribe of Levi, and make them kind of service:
stand in the sight of Aaron the priest to minister 37 And the pillars of the court round about
to him, and let them watch, with their sockets, and the pins with their cords.
7 And observe whatsoever appertaineth to the 38 Before the tabernacle of the covenant, that
service of the multitude before the tabernacle of is to say, on the east sitle, shall Moses and Aaron
the testimony: camp, with their sons, having the custody of the
8 And let them keep the vessels of the taber- sanctuary, in the midst of the children of Israel.
nacle, serving in the ministry thereof. What stranger soever comethunto it, shall be put
9 And thcu shalt give the Levites for a gift, to death.
10 To Aaron and to his sons, to whom they are 39 All the Levites, that Moses and Aaron nun-
delivered by the children of Israel. But thou bered according to the precept of the Lord, by
shalt appoint Aaron and his sons over the service their families, of the male kind from one montli
of priesthood. The stranger that.approacheth to and ujiward, were twenty two thousand.
minister, shall be put to death. 40 And the said to Moses: Number the
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: male sex of the children of Israel,
first-born of the
12 I have taken the Levites from the children from one month and upward, and thou shalt take
of Israel, for every first-born that openeth the the sum of them.
womb among the children of Israel: and the 41 And thou shalt take the Levites to me for
Levites shall be mine; all the lirst-born of the children of Israel: I aiu

the Lorcl : andtheir cattle for all the first-born of moving of

the camp, then shai. the sons of Caatli
tlie cattle of the children of Israel: enter in to carry the things wrapped up: and they
42 Moses reckoned up, as the Lord had com- shall not tpuch the vessels of the sanctuary, lest
manded, the first-born of the children of Israel: they die. These are the burdens of the sons of
43 And the males by their names, from one Caath: in the tabernacle of the covenant:
month and upward, were twenty two tliousand 16 And over them shall be Eleazar the son of
two hundred and seventy three. Aaron the priest, to whose charge pertaineth the
41 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: oil, to dress the lamps, and the sweet incense, and
45 Take the Levites for the first-born of the the sacrifice, that is always offered, and the oil of
children of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites unction, and whatsoever pertaineth to the service
for their cattle; and the Levites shall be mine. I of the tabernacle, and of all the vessels that are in
am the Lord. the sanctuary.
4t) But for the price of the two hundred and 17 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
seventy three, of the first-born of the children of saying:
Israel, that exceed the number of the Levites, 18 Destroy not the people of Caath from the
47 Thou shalt take five sides for every head, midst of the Levites:
according to the weight of the sanctuary. A 19 But do this to them, that they may live, and
side hath twenty obols. not die, by touching the holies of holies. Aaron
48 And thou shalt give the money to Aaron and his sons shall go in, and they shall appoint
and his sons, the price of them that are above. every man his work, and shall divide the burdens
49 Moses therefore took the money of them that every man is to carry.
that were above, and whom they had redeem- 20 Let not others by any curiosity see the
ed from the Levites, things that are in the sanctuary before they be
50 For the first-born of the children of Israel, wrapped up; otherwise they shall die.
one thousand three hundred and sixty five sides, 21 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
according to the weight of the sanctuary, 22 Take the sum of the sons of Gerson also by
51 And gave it to Aaron and his sons, accord their houses and families and kindreds,
iiv^ to the word that the Lord had commanded 23 From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty
him. years old. Number them all that go in and minis-
ter in the tabernacle of the covenant.
24 This is the office of the family of the Ger-
The age and time of the Levites' se^-vice: their sonites:
offices and burdens. 25 To carry the curtains of the tabernacle, and
ND the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, the roof of the covenant the other covering, and
saying: the violet covering over all, and the hanging that
2 Take the sum of the sons of Caath from the hangeth in the entry of the tabernacle of tne cove-
midst of the Levites, by their houses and families, nant,
3 From thirty years old and U]iward, to fifty 26 The curtains of the court, and the veil in the
years old, of all that go in to stand and to minister entry that is before the tabernacle. All things
in the tabernacle of the covenant. that pertain to the altar, the cords, and the vessels
4 This is the service of the sons of Caath: of the ministry,
5 When the camp is to set forward, Aaron and 27 The sons of Gerson shall carry, by the
his sons shall go into the tabernacle of the cove commandment of Aaron and his sons: and each
naut, and the holy of holies; and shall take down man shall know to what burden he must be as-
the veil that hangeth before the door, and shall signed.
wrap up the ark of the testimony in it; 28 This is the service of the family of the Ger-
6 And shall cover it again with a cover of violet sonites in the tabernacle of the covenant: and
skins, and shall spread over it a cloth all of violet, they shall be under the hand of Ithamar the son
and shall put in the bars. of Aaron the priest.
7 They shall wrap up also the table of propo- 29 Thou
shalt reckon up the sons of Merari
sition in a cloth of violet, and shall put with it the also by the
families and houses of their fathers,
censers and little mortars, the cups and bowls to 30 From thirty years old and upward, unto fitty
pour out the libations: the loaves shall be always years old, all that go in to the office of their
on it: / ministry, and to the service of the covenant of the
8 And they shall spread over it a cloth of scar- testimony.
let, which again they shall cover with a covering 31 These are their burdens: They shall carry
of violet skins, and shall put in the bars. the boards of the tabernacle and the bars thereof,
9 They shall take also a cloth of violet where- the pillars and their sockets,
with they shall cover the candlestick with the 32 The pillars also of the court round about,
lamps and tongs thereof, and the snuffers, and all with their sockets and pins and cords. They shall
tile oil vessels, which are necessary for the dress- receive by account all the vessels and furniture,
ins;: of the lamps: and so shall carry them.
10 And over all they shall put a cover of violet I 33 This is the office of the family of the Mera-
skins, and put in the bars. rites, and their ministry in the tabernacle of the
11 ^ind they shall wrap up the golden altar also covenant: and they shall be under the hand of
in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
cover of violet skins, and put in the bars. 34 So Moses and Aaron and the princes of the
- 12 All the vessels wherewith they minister in synagogue reckoned up the sons of Caath by
the sanctuary, they shall wrap up m a cloth of their kindreds and the houses of their fathers,
violet, and shall sf)read over it a cover of violet 35 From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty
skins, and (Hit in the bars. years old, all that go in to the ministry of the
13 They shall cleanse the altar also from the tabernacle of the covenant:
ashes, and shall wrap it up in a purple cloth, 36 And they were found two thousand seven
14 An<l shall put it with all the vessels that they hundred and fifty.
use in the ministry thereof, that is to say, fire- 37 This is the number of the people of (^aath
pans, flesh-hooks and forks, pot-hooks and sho- that go in to the tabernacle of the covenant: these
vels. They shall cover all the vessels of the altar did Moses and Aaron number according to the
together with a covering of violet skins, and shall word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
put in the bars. 38 The sons of Gerson also were numbered by
15 And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped the kindreds and houses of their fathers,
lip the sanctuary and the vessels thereof at the re- 39 From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty
M 89

years old, all that go in to minister in the taberna- agamst nis wife who either is aefiled, or b
cle of the covenant: charged with false suspicion,
40 Andthejr were found two thousand six 15 He
shall bring her to the priest, and shall
Hundred and thirty. offer an oblation for her, the tenth part of a
41 This is tlie people of the Gersonites, whom
measure of barley meal: he shall not pour oil
Moses and Aaron numbered according to the thereon, nor put frankincense upon it: because it
.vord of the Lord. is a sacrifice of jealousy, and an oblation searching
42 TJie sons of Merari also were numbered by out adultery.
the klndretls and houses of their fathers, 16 The priest therefore shall offer it, and set it
43 From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty before the Lord.
years old, all that go in to fulfil the rites of the 17 And he shall take holy water in an earthen
tabernacle of the covenant: vessel; and he shall cast a little earth of the pave-
44 And they were found three thousand two ment of the tabernacle «nto it.
hundred. 18 And when the woman shall stand before the
45 This is the number of the sons of Merari, Lord, he shall uncover her head, and shall put on
whom Moses and Aaron reckoned up accordin] her hands the sacrifice of remembrance, and the
to the commandment of the Lord by the hand o: oblation of jealousy: and he himself shall hold the
Moses. most bitter waters, whereon he hath heaped
46 All that were reckoned up of the Levites, curses with execration.
and whom Moses and Aaron and the princes of 19 And he shall adjure her, and shall say: If
Israel took by name, by the kindreds and houses another man hath not slept with thee, and if thou
of their fathei-s, be not defiled by forsaking thy husband's bed,
47 From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty these most bitter waters, on which I have heaped
years old, that go in to the ministry of the taber curses, shall not hurt thee.
nacle, and to carry the burdens, •
20 But if thou hast gone aside from thy hus-
48 Were in all eight thousand five hundred and band, and art defiled, and hast lain with another
eighty. man:
49 "Moses reckoned them up according to the 21 These curses shall light upon thee: The
word of the Lord, every one according to their Lord make thee a curse, and an example for all
office and burdens, as the Lord had commanded among his people: may he make thy thigh to
him. rot, and may thy belly swell and burst asunder.
22 Let the cursed waters enter into thy belly:
CHAP. V. and may thy womb swell and thy thigh rot. And
JTie unclean are removed out of the camp: con- the woman shall answer. Amen, amen.
fession of sins, and satisfaction : first-fruits 23 And the priest shall write these curses in a
and oblations belong to the priests: trial of book, and shall wash them out with the most bit-
jealousy. ter waters, upon which he hath heaped the curses,

the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 24 And he shall give them her to drink. And
2 Command the children of Israel, that when she hath drunk them up,
they cast out of the camp every leper, and who- 25 The priest shall take from her hand the sa-
soever hath an issue of seed, or is defiled by the crifice of jealousy, and shall elevate it before the
dead: Lord, and shall put it upon the altar: yet so as
3 Whether it be man or woman, cast ye them first,
out of the camp, lest they defile it when I shall 26 To take a handful of the sacrifice of that
dwell with you. which is offered, and burn it upon the altar; and
4 And tlie children of Israel did so: and they so give the most bitter waters to the woman to
cast them forth without the camp, as the Lord had drink.
spoken to Moses. 27 And when she hath drunk them, if shebe
5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: defiled, and having despised her husband be guilty
6 Say to the children of Israel: When a man of adultery, the malediction shall go through her,
or woman shall have committed any of all the and her belly swelling, her thigh shall rot: and
sins that men are wont to commit, and by negli- the woman shall be a curse, and an example to all
gence shall have transgressed the commandment the people.
of the Lord, and offended, 28 But if she be not defiled, she shall not be
7 They shall confess their sin,* and restore the hurt,and shall bear children.
principal itself, and the fifth part over and above, 29 This is the law of jealousy. If a w^oman
to him against whom they have sinned. hath gone aside from her husband, and be defiled,
8 f?ut if there be no one to receive it, they shall 30 And the husband stirred up by the spirit of
give it to the Lord : and it shall be the priest's, jealousy bring her before the Lord, and the priest
besides the ram that is ofifered for expiation, to be do to her according to all things that are here
an atoning sacrifice. written:
9 All the first-fruits also, which the children of 31 The husband shall be blameless; and she
Israel offer, belong to the priest: shall bear her iniquity.
10 And whatsoever is offered into the sanctua-
ry by every one, and is delivered into the hands

of the priest, it shall be his. The laiu of the Nazarites: the form of hhusing
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the people.
12 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
shalt say to them: The man whose wife shall
AND Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
have gone astray, and contemning her husband, shalt say to them: When a man, or woman, shall
,13 Shall have slept with another man, and her make a vow to be sanctified, and will consecrate
husband cannot discover it, but the adultery is themselves to the Lord:
secret, and cannot be proved by witnesses, be- 3 They shall abstain from wine, and from every-
cause she was not found in die adultery: thing that may make a man drunk. They shall
14 If the spirit of jealousy t stir up the husbandnot drink vinegar of wine, or of any other drink,
nor any thing that is pressed out of the grape: nor
* Shall confess, <^c. This confession and satis- shall they eat grapes either fresh or dried
faction, ordained in the Old Law, was a figure of
tlie sacrament of penance. jealous husbands from doing mischief tr theU
a horror of adu Jtery
t The spirit of jealousy, ^c. This ordinance wives; as likewise to give all
Was designed to clear the innocent, and to prevent by punishing it in so remarkable a manner

4 All the days that they are consecrated to the 27 And they shall invoke my name upon taa

Lord by vow: they shall eat nothing that cometh children of Israel; and I will bless them.
of the vineyard, from the raisin even to the
kernel. j
5 All the time o^ his separation no razor shall The offerings of the princes at the dedication
pass over his heau until die day be fulfilled of his of the tabernacle: God speaketh to Moses
consecration to the Lord. He shall be holy, and from the propitiatory.
shall let the hair of his head grow.
6 All the time of his consecration he shall not
it came to pass in the day that Moses
finished the tabernacle, and set it up,
go in to any dead; and had anointed and sanctified it with all its ves-
7 Neither shall he make himself unclean, even sels, the altar likewise and all the vessels thereof,
fur his father, or for his mother, or for his brotlier, 2 The princes of Israel and the heads of the
or for his sisier, when they die; because the con- families, in every tribe, who were the rulers of
secration of his God is upon his head. them who had been numbered, offered
8 All the days of his separation he shall be holy 3 Their gifts before the Lord, six waggons
to the Lord. covered, and twelve oxen. Two princes oflered
9 But if any man die suddenly before him, the one waggon, and each one an ox; and they offered
head of his consecration shall be defiled: and he tliem before the tabernacle. ^
shall shave it forthwith on the same day of his pu- 4 And the Lord said to Moses:
rification, and again the seventh day. 5 Receive them from them to serve in the mi-
10 And onthe eighth day he shall bring two nistry of the tabernacle: and thou shalt deliver
turtles, or two young
pig;eons to the priest in the them to the Levites according to the order of
t;nlry of the covenant of the testimony: their ministry.
11 And the priest shall offer one for sin, and 6 Moses therefore receiving the waggons and
the other for a holocaust, and shall pray for him, the oxen, delivered them to the Levites.
for that he hath sinned by the dead: and he shall 7Two waggons and four oxen he gave to the
sanctify his head that day; sons of Gerson, according to their necessity.
12 And shall consecrate to the Lord the days 8 The other four waggons, and eight oxen he
of his separation, offering a lamb of one year for gave to the sons of Merari, according to their
sin: j-et so that the former days be made void, offices and service, under the hand of Ithamar
because his sanctification was profaned. the son of Aaron the priest.
13 This is the law ol consecration. Whenthe 9 But to the sons of Caath he gave no waggons
days which he had determined by vow shall be or oxen: because they serve in the sanctuary,
expired, he shall bring him to the door of the and carry their burdens upon their own shoulders.
tabernacle of the covenant, 10 And the princes offered for the dedication
14 And shall offer his oblation to the Lord: one of the altar on the day when it was anointed,
he-Ianib of a year old without blemish for a holo- their oblation before the altar.
caust, and one ewe-lamb of a year old without 11 And the Lord said to Moses: Let each of
blemish for a sin-offering, and one ram without the princes one day after another offer their gifts
blemish for a victim of peace-offering, for the dedication of the ajtar.
15 A
basket also of unleavenedibread, temper- 12 The first day Nahasson the son of Amina-
ed with oil, and wafers without leaven anointed dab of the tribe of Juda offered his offering:
with oil, and the libations of each: 13 And his offering was a silver dish weighing
16 And the priest shall present them before the one hundred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of
Lord, and shall offer both the sin-offering and the seventy sides accordmg to the weight of the
holocaust. sanctuary, both full of flour tempered with oil
17 But the ram he shall immolate for a sacrifice for a sacrifice:
of peace-offering to the Lord, offering at the 14A little mortar of ten sides of gold full of
same time the basket of unleavened bread, and tlie incense:
libations that are due by custom. 15 An ox of Xhf* herd, and a ram, and a Iamb
18 Then shall the hair of the consecration of of a year old for a holocaust:
the Nazarite, be shaved off before the door of the 16 And a buck-goat for sin:
tabernacle of the covenant: and he shall take his 17 And for the sacrifice of peace-offeringSj
hair, and lay it upon the fire, which is under the two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, five lambs of^
sacrifice of the peace-offerings; a year old. This was the offering of Nahasson
19 And shall take the boiled shoulder of the the son of Aminadab.
ram, and one unleavened cake out of the basket, 18 The second day Nathanael the son of Suar,
and one unleavened wafer; and he shall deliver prince of the tribe of Issachar, made his offering,
them into the hands of the Nazarite, after his 19 A silver dish weighing one hundred and
head is shaven. thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides, ac-
20 And receiving them again from him, he shall cording to the weight of the sanctuary, both full
elevate them in the sight of the Lord: and they of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice:
being sanctified shall belong to the priest, as the 20 Alittle mortar of gold weighing ten sides
breast, which was commanded to be separated, full of incense:
and the shoulder. After this the Nazarite may 21 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb
drink wine. of a year old for a holocaust:
21 This is the law of the Nazarite, when he 22 And a buck-goat for sin:
hath vowed his oblation to the Lord in the time 23 And for the sacrifice of peace-offerings,
of his consecration, besides those things which two oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs
his hand shall find: according to that which he of a year old. This was the offering of Natha-
had vovred in his mind, so shall he do for the ful- nael the son of Suar.
filling of his sanctification. 24 The third day the prince of the sons of Za-
22 And the Lord spoke to IMoses, saying: bulon, Eliab the son of Helon,
23 Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you 25 Offered a silver dish weighing one hundred
bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides
them: by the weight of the sanctuary, both full of flour
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
24 tempered with oil for a sacrifice:
The Lord show his face to thee, and have
25 26 A little mortar of gold. weigh:ng ten sides
mercy on thee. full of incense:
26 The Lord turn his eountenance to thee, and 27 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a Iamb
give thee peace. iof a year old for a holocaust:

28 And a buck-goat for sin 60 The ninth day the prince of the sons of
29 And for the sacrifice of peace-offerings, Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gedeon,
fwo oxen, five rams, five buck-;;oats, five lambs 61 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundred
of a year old. This is the oblation of Eliab the and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides
son of Helon. by the weight of the sanctuar}% both full of flour
30 The fourth day the prince of the sons of Ru- temiiered with oil for a sacrifice:
ben, Elisur the son of Sedeur, 62 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sicles
31 OtFered a silver dish weighing one hun- full of incense:
dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy 63 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb
sides according to the weight of the sanctuary, of a year old for a holocaust:
both full of flour tempered with oil for a sacri- 64 And a buck-goat for sin:
fice: 65 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two
32 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs ol a
full of incense: year old. This was the offering of Abidan the
33 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb son of Gedeon.
of a year old, for a holocaust: 66 The tenth day the prince of the sons ot
34 And a buck-goat for sin: ' Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai,
« 35 And for victims of peace-offerings two 67 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundred
oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides,
year old. This was the offering of Elisur the son according to the weight of the sanctuary, both
of Sedeur. full of flour tempered with oil for a sacrific* :

36 The fifth day the prince of the sons of 68 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides
Simeon, Salamiel the son of Surisaddai, full of incense:
37 OlTcred a silver dish weighing one hundred 69 An ox of tlie herd, and a ram, and a lamb
and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides of a year old for a holocaust:
after the weight of the sanctuary, both full of 70 And a buck-goat for sin:
flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice: 71 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two
38 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a
full of incense: year old. This was the offering of Ahiezer the
39 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb son of Ammisaddai.
of a year old for a holocaust: 72 The eleventh day the prince of the sons of
40 And a buck-goat for sin: Aser, Phegiel the son of Ochran,
41 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two 73 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundred
oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides
a year old. This was the offering of Salamiel according to the weight of the sanctuary, both
the son of Surisaddai. full of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice:
42 The sixth day the prince of the sons of Gad, 74 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides
Eliasaph the son of Duel, full of incense:
43 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundred and 75 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb
tliirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides by of a year old for a holocaust: ,

the weight of the sanctuary, both full of flour 76 And a buck-goat for sin:
tempered with oil for a sacrifice: 77 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two
44 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a
full of incense: year old. This was the offering of Phegiel the
45 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb son of Ochran.
of a year old for a holocaust: 78 The twelfth day the prince of the sons of
46 And a buck-goat for sin: Nephtali, Ahira the son of Enan,
47 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two 79 Offeied a silver dish weighing a hundred
oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides
year old. This was the offering of Eliasaph the according to the weight of the sanctuaiy, both
son of Duel. full of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice:
48 The seventh day the prince of the sons of 80 A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides
Ephraim, Elisama the son of Ammiud, full of incense:
49 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundre«l 81 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a Iamb
and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides of a year old for a holocaust:
according to the weight of the sanctuary, both 82 And a buck-goat for sin:
full of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice: 83 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two
50A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a
full of incense: year old. This was the offering of Ahira the
51 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a lamb son of Enan.
of a year old for a holocaust: 84 These were the offerings made by the prin-
52 And a buck-goat for sin: ces of Israel in the dedication of the altar, in
53 And for sacri^ces of peace-offerings, two the day wherein it was consecrated. Twelve
oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a dishes of silver; twelve silver bowls; twelve lit-
year old. This was the offering of Elisama tlie tle mortars of gold;
son of Ammiud, 85 Each dish,, weighing a hundred and thirty
54 The eighth day the prince of the sons of sides of silver, and each bowl seventy sides:
Manasses, Gamaliel the son of Phadassur, that is, putting all the vessels of silver together,
55 Offered a silver dish weighing a hundred two thousand four hundred sides, by the weight
and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy sides of the sanctuary.
according to the weight of the sanctuary, both 86 Twelve little mortars of gold full of incense,
full of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice: weighing ten sides a piece, by the weight of the
56A little mortar of gold weighing ten sides sanctuary: that is, in alia hundred and twenty
full of incense: sides of gold.
57 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a Iamb 87 Twelve oxen out of the herd for a holo-
of a year old for a holocaust: caust, twelve rams, twelve lambs of a year
58 And a buck-goat for sin: old, and their libations: twelve buck-goats for
59 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, two sin.
oxen, five rams, five buck-goats, five lambs of a 88 And for sacrifices of peace-offerings, oxen
year old. This was the offering of Gamaliel the twenty four, rams six*y, buck-goats sixty, iamba
son of Phadassui. of a year old sixty These tilings were offered
1 :


ID the dedication of the altar, when it was a- 19 And have

delivered them for a gift to
nointed. Aaron and
his sons out of the midst of the peo-
89 And
when Moses entered into the taberna- ple, to serve me
for Israel in the tabernacle of the
cle of the covenant to consult the oracle, he covenant, and to pray for them, lest there should
heard the voice of one speaking to him from the be a plague among the people, if they should pre-
was over the ark between the sume to approach unto my sanctuary.
propitiatory that
two cherubims, and from this place he spoke to 20 And Moses and Aaron an.d all the multitude
him. of the children of Israel did with the Levites all
that the Lord had commanded Moses:
21 And they were purified, and washed their
The seven lamps are placed on the golden candle- garments. And Aaron lifted them up in tliB
stick, to shine towards the loaves of proposi- sight of the Lord, and prayed for them,
tion; the ordination of the Levites: and at 22 That being purified they might go into the
ibhat age they shall serve in the tabernacle. tabernacle of the covenant to do their services
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saving before Aaron and his sons. As the Lord had
2 Speak to Aaron, and thou shalt say to commande4 Moses touching the Levites, so was
him: When
thou shalt place the seven lamps, it done.
let the candlestick be set up on the south side. 23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Give orders therefore that the lamps look over- 24 This is the law of the Levites : From
against the north, tovrards the table of the loaves twenty five years old and upwards, they shall go
of proposition; over-against that part shall they in to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.
give light, towards which the candlestick lookelh. 2.5 And when they shall have accomplished

3 And Aaron did so, and he put the lamps the fiftieth year of their age, they shall cease to
upon the candlestick, as the Lord had command- serve:
ed Moses. 26 And they shall be the ministers of their bre
4 Now
this was the work of the candlestick: thren in the tabernacle of the covenant, to keep
it was of beaten gold, both the shaft in the mid- the things that are committed to their care, but
dle, and all that came out of both sides of the not to do the works. Thus shalt thou order the
branches: according to the pattern which the Levites, touching their charge.
Lord had shown to Moses, so he made the can- CHAP.
5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: The precept of the pasch is renewed: the un-

6 Take the Levites out of the midst of the clean and travellers are to observe it the second
children of Israel, and thou shalt purify them, month: the camp is guided by the pillar of
7 According to this rite: Let them be sprink the cloud.
led with the water of purification,* and let them
shave all the hairs of their flesh. And when
Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of
Sinai, the second year after they were come
they shall have washed their garments, and are out of the land of Egypt, in the first month,
:leansed, saying:
8 They
shall take an ox of the herd, and for 2 Let the children of Israel make the phased
the offering thereof fine flour tempered with oil: in its due time,
and thou shalt take another ox of the herd for a 3 The fourteenth day of this month in the eve-
sin-ofifering: ning, according to all the ceremonies and justifi-
9 And
thou shalt bring the Levites before the cations thereof.
tabernacle of the covenant, calling together all 4 And Moses commanded the children of Is-
the multitude of the children of Israel: 'rael that they should make the phase.
10 And when the Levites are before the Lord, 5 And they made it in its proper time: the
the children of Israel shall put their hands upon fourteenth day of the month at evening, in mount
them: Sinai. The children of Israel did according to
1 And Aaron shall offer the Levites, as a gift all things that the Lord had commanded Moses.
in tne sight of the Lord from the children of Is- 6 But behold, some who were unclean by oc-
rael, that they may serve in his ministry. casion of the soul of a man,$ who could not
12 The Levites also shall put their hands upon make the phase on that day, coming to Moses
the heads of the oxen, of which thou shalt sacri- and Aaron,
fice one for sin, and the other for" a holocaust of 7 Said to them: We
are unclean by occasion of
the Lord, to pray for them. the soul of a man. Why
are we kept back that
13 And thou shalt set the Levites in the sight we may not offer in its season the offering to the
of Aaron and of his sons, and shalt consecrate Lord among the children of Israel .'

them being offered to the Lord; 8 And Moses answered them: Stay that I may
14 And shalt separate them from the midst of consult the Lord what he will ordain concerning
the children of Israel, to be mine. you.
l.j And afterwards they shall enter into the ta- 9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
bernacle of the covenant, to serve me. And 10 Say to the children of Israel The rnan that

thus shalt thou purify and consecrate them for shall be unclean by occasion of one that is dead,
an oblation to the Lord for as a gift they were lor shall be in a journey afar off in your nation,

given me by the children of Israel. let him make the phase to the Lord.
16 1 have taken them instead of the first-born 11 In the second month, on the fourteenth daj"
that open every womb in Israel, of the month in the evening, the)' shall eat it
17 F IT all the first-born of the children of Is- jwith unleavened bread and wild lettuce:
rael, boih of men and of beasts, are mine. From 12 They shall not leave any thing thereof un-

the day that I slew every first-born in the land ^til morning, nor break a bone thereof; they shall
of Egyi't, have I sanctified them to myself: observe all the ceremonies of the phase.
15 And I have taken the Levites for all the 13 But if any man is clean, and was not on a
journey, and did not make the phase, that soul

first-born of the children of Israel:

* Let them he sprinkled with the water of pu- f Make the phase. That is, keep the paschal

rification. This was the holy water mixed with solemnity, and eat the paschal lamb,
the ashes of the red cow, Numh. xix. appointed t Jiihold, .sotrte ivho ti:ere unclean by occasion
for purifying all that were unclean. It was aliof the. sold of a man, ^-c. That is, by Jiaving
figuie of the blood of Christ applied to our souls touched or come near a dead body, )ut of which

by liis holy sacraments 'ithe soul was departed.


ghall be cut off from among his people, because' of your months, you shall sound the trumpets
lie offered not sacrifice to the Lord in due season:! over the holocausts, and the sacrifices of peace-
he shall bear his sin. offermgs, that they may be to you for a remem-

14 The sojourner also, and the stranger if they brance of your God. I am the Lord your God.
be amon;;- you, shall make the phase to the Lord 11 The second year, in the second month, the
according to the ceremonies and justifications twentieth day of the month, the cloud was taken
thereof. The same ordinance shall be with youi up from the tabernacle of the covenant.
both for the stranger, and for him that was born 12 And the children of Israel marched by their
in the land. troops from the desert of Sinai, and the cloud

15 Now on the day that the tabernacle was rested in the wilderness of Pharan.
reared up, a cloud covered it. But from the eve- 13 And the first went forward according to the
ning there was over the tabernacle as it were the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
appearance r-f fire until the morning. 14 The sons of Juda by their troops: wiiose
16 So it was always: by day the cloud covered prince was Nahasson the son of Aminadab.
it, and by night as it were the appearance of fire. 15 In the tribe of the sons of Issachar, ths
17 And ^vhen the cloud that covered the ta- prince was Nathanael the son of Suar.
bernacle was taken up, then the children of Is- 16 In the tribe of Zabulon, the prince w«6 KU-
rael marched forward: and in the place where ab the son of Helon.
the cloud stood still, there they camped. 17 And the tabernacle was taken do\vn, acJ
18 At the commandment of the Lord they the sons of Gerson and Merari set forward, bear-
marched, and at his commandment they pitched ing it.
the tabernacle. All the days that' the cloud 18 And the sons of Ruben also marched, by
abode over the tabernacle, they remained in the their troops and ranks, whose prince was Elisur
same place: the son of Sedeur.
19 And if it was so that it continued over it a 19 And in the tribe of Simeon, the prince was
long time, the children of Israel kept the watches Salamiel the son of Surisaddai.
of tlie Lord, and marched not, 20 And in the tribe of Gad, the prince was
20 For as many days soever as the cloud staid Eliasaph the son of Duel.
over the tabernacle. At the commandment of 21 Then the Caathites also marched carrying
the Lord they pitched their tents, and at his! the sanctuary. So long was the tabernacle carri-
commandment they took them down. _ ed, till they came to the place of setting it up.

21 If the cloud tarried from evening until morn- 22 The sons of Ephraim also moved their camp
ing, anil immediately at break of day left the ta- by tneir troops, in whose army the prince was
bernacle, they marched forward: and if it de- Elisama the son of Ammiud.
parted after a day and a night, they took down 23 And in the tribe of the sons of Manasses, the
their tents. prince was Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.
22 But if it remained over the tabernacle for 24 And in the tribe of Benjamin, the prince
two days or a month or a longer time, the children was Abidan the son of Gedeon.
of Israel remained in the same place, and march- 25 The last of all the camp marched the sons
ed not: but immediately as soon as it departed, of Dan by their troops, in whose army the prince
they removed the camp. was Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai.
23 By the word of tne Lord they pitched their 26 And in the tribe of the sons of Aser, the
tents, and by his word they marched: and kept prince was Phegiel the son of Ochran.
the watches of the Lord according to his com- 27 And in the tribe of the sons of Nephtali, the
mandment by the hand of Moses. prince was Ahira the son of Enan.
28 This was the order of the camps and march-
CHAP. X. es of the children of Israel by their troops, when
The silver truvipe^s and their use. They march they set forward.
from Sinai. 29 And Moses said to Hobab the son of Raguel
AND MakeLord spoke
the to Moses, saying: the Madianite, his kinsman: We
are going to-
2 two thee trumpets of beaten sil- wards the place which the Lord will give us:
ver, wherewith thou mayst call together the mul- come with us, that we may do thee good for the :

titude when the camp is to be removed. Lord hath promised good things to Israel-
3 And when thou shalt sound the trumpets, all 30 But he answered him: I will not go with
the multitude shall gather unto thee to the door thee, but I will return to my country, wherein I
of the tabernacle of the covenant. was born.
4 If thou sound but once, the princes and the 31 And he said: Do
not leave us: for thou
heads of the multitude of Israel shall come to knowest in what places we should encamp in the
thee. wilderness, and thou shalt be our guide.
5 But if the sound of the trumpets be longer 32 And if thou comest with us, we will giv*
and with interruptions, they that are on the east thee what is' the best of the riches, which the
side, shall first go forward. Lord shall deliver to us.
fi Andat the second sounding and like noise 33 So they marched from the mount of th?i
of the trumpet, they who lie on the south side Lord three days' journey, and the ark of the cove-
shall take up their tents. And after this manner nant of the Lord went before them, for tliied
shall the rest do, when the trumpets shall sound days providing a place for the camp.
for a march. 34 The cloud also of the Lord was over theM
7 But when the people is to be gathered to- by day when they marched.
gether, the sound of the trumpets shall be plain, 35 And when the ark was lifted up, Mosfi:?
and they shall not make a broken sound. said: Arise, O Lord, and let thy enemies be s<'£t:-
8 And the sons of Aaron the priests shall sound tered, and let them that hate thee, flee from beiora
the trumpets: and this shall be an ordinance for thy face.
ever in your generations. 36 And when it was set down, he said: Return,
9 If you go forth to war out of your land O Lord, to the multitude of the host of Israel.
against the enemies that fight against you, you
shall sound aloud with the trumpets, and there
shall be a remembrance of you before the Lord The people mvrmnr, and are punished with fire
your God, that you may be delivered out of the God appointvth seventy ancients for assistants
hands of your enemies. to Moses. They prophesy. The people have
10 If at any time you shall have a banquet, their fill offiesh, hut forthwith many die of the.
and on your "festival days, and on the first days plassue.


mean time tnere arose a murmuring of sanctified: to-morrow you shall eat flesh: for I
INthethepeople against the Lord, as were repining
it have heard you say: Who will give us flesh to
at their fatigue. And when the Lord heard it he eat? it was well with us in Egypt. That tho
Was angry. And of the Lord being kin-
tlie fire Lord may give you flesh, and you may eat:
dled against them, devoured them that were at 19 Not for one day; nor two, nor five, nor ten,
tlie uttermost part of the camp. no nor for twenty.
2 And when the people cried to Moses, Moses 20 But even for a month of days, till it come
prayed to the Lord, and the fire was swallowed out at your nostrils, and become loathsome to you,
jp. because you have cast oS" the Lord, who is in the
3 And he called the name of that place, The midst of you, and have wept before him, saying*
burning:* for that the fire of the Lord had been Why came we out of Egypt?
kindled against them. 21 And Moses said: There are six hundred
4 For a mixt multitudef of people, that came thousand footmen of this people, and sayest thou:
up with them, burned with desire, sitting and I will give them flesh to eat a whole month?
weeping, the children of Israel also being joined 22 Shall then a multitude of sheep and oxen be
with them, and said: Who shall give us flesh to killed, that it may suSice for their food ? or shall
eat? the fishes of the sea be gathered together to fill
5 We remember the fish that we ate in Egypt them ?
free-cost: the cucumbers come into our min»!, 23 And the Lord answered him: Is the hand
and the melons, iyid the leeks, and the onions, and of the Lord unable? Thou shalt presently see
the garlic- whether my word shall come to pass or no.
6 Our soul is dry, our eyes behold nothing 24 Moses therefore came, and told the people
else but manna. the words of the Lord; and assembled seventy
7 Now the manna was like coriander-seed, of men of the ancients of Israel, and made them to
the colour of bdellium. stand about the tabernacle.
S And the people went about,and gathering it, 25 And the Lord came down in a cloud, and
ground it in a mill, or beat it in a mortar, and boil- spoke to him, taking away of the spirit that was
ed it in a pot, and made cakes thereof of the taste in Moses, and giving to the seventy men. And
of bread tempered with oil. when the spirit had rested on them, they prophe-
9 And when the dew fell in the night upon the sied; nor did they cease afterwards.
camp, the manna also fell with it. 26 Now there remained in the camp two of the
10 Now Moses heard the people weeping by men, of whom one was called Eldad, and the
their families, every one at the door of his tent. other IMedad, upon whom the spirit rested; for
And the wrath of the Lord was exceedingly they also had been enrolled, but were not gone
enkindled: to Moses also the thing seemed in- forth to the tabernacle.
supportable. 27 And when they prophesied in the camp,
11 And he said to the Lord: Why hast thou there ran a young man, and told Moses, saying:
afflicted thy servant? wherefore do I not find Eklad and jNledad prophesy in the camp.
favour before thee? and why hast thou laid the 2S Forthwith Josue the son of Nun, the minis-
weight of all this people upon me ? ter of Moses, and chosen out of many, said: My
12 Have I conceived all this multitude, or be- lord Moses, forbid them.
gotten them, that thou shouldst say to me Carry
: 29 But he said: Why hast thou emulation for
them in thy bosom as the nurse is wont to carry me? O that all the people might projjhesy, and
the little infant, and bear them into the land, for that the Lord would give them his spirit?
which thou hast sworn to their fathers? 30 And Moses returned with the ancients of
13 Whence should I have flesh to give to so Israel, into the camp.
great a multitude? they weep against me, saying: 31 And a wind going out from the Lord, taking
Give us flesh that we may eat. quails up beyond the sea, brought them, and cast
14 I am not able alone to bear all this people, them into the camp for the space of one day's
because it is too heavy for me. journey, on every side of the camp round about:
15 But if it seem unto thee otherwise, I beseech and they flew in the air two cubitshigh above tho
thee to kill me, and let me find grace in thy eyes, ground.
that I be not afflicted with so great evils. 32 The people therefore rising up all that daj^
16 And the Lord said to Moses: Gather unto and night, and the next day, gathered togetherof
me seventy men § of the ancients of Israel, whom quails, he that did least, ten cores: and they dried
thou knowest to be ancients and masters of the them round about the camp.
people and thou shalt bring them to the door of
: 33 As yet the flesh was between their teeth,
the tabernacle of the covenant, and shalt make neittier had that kind of meat failed when behold,

them stand there with thee, the wrath of the Lord being provoked against the
17 That I may come down and speak with people, struck tliem with an exceeding great
thee: and I will take of thy spirit, and will give plague.
to them, that they may bear with thee the burden 34 And that place was called The graves of
of the people, and thou mayst not be burthened lust:I| for there they buried the people that had
alone. lusted. And departing from The graves of lust,
18 And thou shalt say to the people: Be ye they came unto Haseroth, and abode there.

* Theburnin;^. Hebrew, Taberah.


t A mixt multitude. Tliese were people that Mary and Aaron murmur against Moses, whom
came with them out of Egypt, who were not of God praiseth above other prophets. Mary
the race of Israel: who, by their murmuring, being sti^uck with leprosy, Aaron corifes.'.eth hit
drew also the children of Israel to murmur: this fault. Moxes prayrth for her, and after sever)
should teach us the danger of associating our- days separation from the camp, she is restored.
selves with the children of Egypt, that is,, with
the lovers and admirers of this wicked world.
AND Mary and Aaron spoke
against Moses,
of his wife the Ethiopian,1T
t Bdellium. Bdellium, according to Pliny, 1.
21 c. 9. was of the colour of a man's nail, white II
The graves of lust; or the sepulchres of con-
and bright. cupiscence: so called from their irregular desire
^ Seventy men. This was the first institution of flesh. In Hebrew, Kibroth Hattaavah.
of the council or, senate, called the Sanhedrim, ^ Ethiopian. Sephora the wife of Moses was
consisting of seventy or seventy-two senators or of Madian, which bordered upon the land of Chua
tounsellors I
or Ethiopia: and therefore she is called an Elhi

2 And they said: Hath the Lord spoken by 12 Of the tribe of Joseph, of the sceptre of
Moses only? hath he not also spoken to us in like Manasses, Gaddi the son of Susi.
manner? And when the Lord heard this, 13 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammielthe son of Ge-
3 (For Moses was a man exceeding meek* malli
above all men that dwelt upon earth) 14 Of the tribe of Aser, Sthur the son of Mi-
4 Immediately he spoke to him, and to Aaron chael.
and Mary: Come out you three only to the taber- 15 Of the tribe of Nephtali, Nahabi the son of
nacle of the covenant. And when they were Vapsi.
come out, 16 Of the tribe of Gad, Guel the son of Machi-
5 The Lord caqje down in the pillar of the 17 These are the names of the men, whom
cloud, and stood in the entry of the tabernacle, Moses sent to view the land and he called Osee :

calling to Aaron and Mary. And when they were the son of Nun, Josue.
come, 18 And Moses sent them to view the land of
6 He said to them: Hear my words: If there Chanaan, and said to them: Go you u]) by the
be among you a piophet of the Lord, I will ap- south side. And when you shall come to the
pear to him in a vision, or I will speak to him in mountains,
a dream. 19 View the land, of what sort it is; and the
7 But it is not so with my servant Moses, who people that are the inhabitants thereof, whether
is most faithful in all my house they be strong or weak; few in number or
8 For I speak to him mouth to mouth: and many:
plainly, and not by riddles and figures, doth he 20 The land itself, whether It be good or bad;
see the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to what manner of cities, walled or without walls;
speak ill of my servant Moses? 21 The ground, fat or barren, woody or with-
9 And being angry with them he went away out trees. Be of good courage, and bring us ot
10 The cloud also that was over the tabernacle the fruits of the land. Now it was the time
departed: and behold, Mary
appeared white as when the first ripe grapes are fit to be eaten.
snow with a leprosy. And when Aaron
had 22 And when they were gone up, they viewed
looked on her, and saw her all covered with the land from the desert of Sin, unto Rohob as
leprosy, you enter into Emath.
11 He said to beseech thee, my lord,
Moses: I 23 And they went up at the south side, and
lay not upon us this sin, which we have foolishly came to Hebron, where were Achiman and Si-
committed: sai and Tholmai the sons of Enac. For Hebron
12 Let her not be as one dead, and as an abor- was built seven years before Tanis the city of
tive that is cast forth from the mother's womb. Egypt.
Lo, now one half of her flesh is consumed with 24 And going forward as far as the torrent of
the leprosy. the cluster of grapes, they cut off a branch with
13 And Moses cried to the Lord, saying: O its cluster of grapes, which two men carried upon
God, I beseech thee heal her. a lever. They took also of the pomegranates and
14 And the Lord answered him: If her father of the figs of that place:
had spitten upon her face, ought she not to have 25 Which was called Nehelescol, that is to say,
been ashamed for seven days at least? Let her be The torrent of the cluster of grapes, because
separated seven days without the camp; and af- from thence the children of Israel had carried a
terwards she shall be called again. cluster of grapes.
15 Mary therefore was put out of the camp 2() And they that went to spy out the land re-
seven days: and the people moved not from that turned after forty days, having gone round all the
place until Mary was
called again. country,
xiri. 27 And came to Moses and Aaron and to all
The ttoelve spies are sent to view the land. The the assembly of the children of Israel, to the de-
relation they make of it. sert of Pharan, which is in Clades. And speak-
AND the people marched from Haseroth, and
pitched their tents in the desert of Pharan.
ing to them and to all the multitude, they showed
them the fruits of the land:
2 And there the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 28 And they related and said: We
came into
3 Send men to view the land of Chanaan, the land to which thou sentest us, which in very
which I will give to the children of Israel, one [deed floweth v^ith milk and honey, as may be
of every tribe, of the rulers. iknown by these fruits:
4 Moses did what the Lord had commanded, 29 But it hath very strong inhabitants, and the
sending from the desert of Pharan, principal men, cities are great and walled. We
saw there the
whose names are these: race of Enac.
5 Of the tribe of Ruben, Sammua the son of 30 Amalec dwelleth in the south; the Hethite,
Zechur. and the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite in the
6 Of the tribe of Simeon, Saphat the son of mountains: but the Chanaanite abideth by the
Huri. sea, and near the streams of the Jordan.
7 Of the tribe of Juda, Caleb the son of Je- 31 In tlie mean time Caleb, to still the murmur-
phone. ing of the people that rose against Moses, said;
8 Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Jo- Let us go up and possess the land, for we shall be
seph. able to conquer it.
9 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Osee the son of 32 But the others, that had been with him,
Nun. said: No, we are not able to go up to this peo-
10 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Phalti the son of ple, because they are stronger than we.
Raphu. 33 And they spoke illf of the land, which they
11 Of the tribe of Zabulon, Geddiel tlie son of had viewed, before the children of Israel, say-
Sodi ing: The land, which we have vjewed, devour-

opian: where note, that the Ethiopia here spo- t Spoke ill, 8,-c. These men, who by their mis-
ken of is not that of Africa, but that of Arabia. representations of the land of promise, discoura
* Exceeding meek- Moses being the meekest ged the Israelites from attempting the conquest
of men, would not contend for himself; therefore of it, were a figure of worldlings, who, by decry-
God inspired him to write here his owi defence: ing or misrepresenting true devotion, discourage
and the Holy Sjurit whose dictate le wrote, Christians from seeking in earnest and acquiring
oblisjed him to declare the truth, thouj it was so
; so great a good, and thereby securing lo them
much to his own raise selves a happy eternity.
eth its inhabitants: the people, that we beheld, 21 As I live : and the whole earth shall be AH
gre of a tall stature. ed with the glory of the Lord.
34 There we saw certain monsters of the sons 22 But yet all the men that have seen my
of Enac, of the giant-kind: in comparison of jesty, and the signs that I have done in Egypt,
whom we seemed like locusts. and in the wilderness, and have tempted me now
ten times, and have not obeyed voice,my
23 Shall not see the land for which I swore to
Hie people murmur. God threateneth to destroy their fathers: neither shall any one of them that
than. He is appeased by Moses, yet so as to hath detracted me, behold it.
exclude the murmurers from entering the pro- 24 My
servant Caleb, who being full of another
mised land. The authors of the sedition are spirit hath followed me, I will bring into this land
struck dead. The rest, going to fight against which he hath gone round: and his seed shall
the will of God, are beaten. possess it.
r|lHEREFORE the whole multitude crying 25 For the Atnalecite and the Chanaanite dwell
M. wept that night. in the valleys. To-morrow remove the camj),
2 And all the children of Israel murmured and return into the wilderness by the way of the
against Moses and Aaron, saying: Red Sea.
3 Would God that we had died in Egypt: 26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron,
and would God we may die in this vast wilder- saying:
ness, and that the Lord may not bring us into this 27 How long doth this wicked multitude mur-
land, lest we fall by the sword, and our wives and mur against me.' I have heard the murmurings
children be led away captives. Is it not better of the children of Israel.
to return into Egypt.' 28 Say therefore to them As I live, saith the

4 And they said one to another: IM us ap- Lord: According as you have spoken in my hear-
point a captain, and let us return into Egypt. ing, so will I do to you.
5 And when Moses and Aaron heard this, they 29 In the wilderness shall your carcasses lie.
fell down flat upon the ground before the multi- All you that were numbered from twenty years
tude of the children of Israel. old and upward, and have murmured agamst me,
6 But Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb the 30 Shall not enter into the land, over which I
son of Jephone, who themselves also had vievs^ed lifted up my hand to make you dwell therein, ex-
the land, rent their garments, cept Caleb the son of Jephone, and Josue the son
7 And said to all the multitude of the children of Nun.
of Israel The land which we have gone round
: 31 But your children, of whom you said, that
is very good: they should be a prey to the enemies, will I bring
8 If the Lord be favourable, he will bring us in; that they may see the land which you have
into it, and give us a land flowing with milk and despised.
honey. 32 Your carcasses shall lie in the wilderness.
9 Be not rebellious against the Lord: and fear 33 Your children shall wander in the desert
ye not the people of this land, for we are able to forty years, and shall bear your fornication,t until
eat them up as bread. All aid is gone from them: the carcasses of their fathers be consumed in the
the Lord is with us; fear ye not. desert,
10 And when all the multitude cried out. and 34 According to the number of the forty days,
would have stoned them, the glory of the Lord wherein you viewed the land: a year shall be
appeared over the tabernacle of the covenant to counted for a day. And forty years you shall
all the children of Israel. receive your iniquities, and shall know my re-
11 And the Lord said to Moses: How long will venge:
this peoi)le detract me.' how long will they not 35 For as I have spoken, so will I do to all this
believe me for all the signs that I have wrought wicked multitude, that hath risen up together
before them.' against me : in this wilderness shall it faint away
12 I will strike them therefore with pestilence, and die.
and will consume them: but thee I will make a 36 Therefore all the men, whom Moses had
ruler over a great nation, and a mightier than sent to view the land, and who at their return had
this is. made the whole multitude to murmur against him,
13 And Moses said to the Lord: That the speaking ill of the land, that it was naught,
Egyptians, from the midst of whom thou hast 37 Died, and were struck in the sight of the
brought forth this people, Lord.
14 And the inhabitants of this land, (who have 38 But Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb the
heard that thou, O Lord, art among this people, son of Jephone lived, of all them that had gone
and art seen face to face, and thy cloud protect- to view tile land.
eth them, and thou goest before them in a pillar 39 And Moses spoke all these words to all the
of a cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night,) children of Israel; and the people mourned ex-
15 May hear that thou hast killed so great a ceedingly.
multitude as it were one man, and may say: .40 And behold, rising up very early in the
IC He could not bring the people into tne land morning, they w^ent up to the top of the moun-
for whicn he nad sworn; therefore did he kill tain, and said : We are ready to go up to the
them in the wilderness. place of which the Lord hath spoken: for we
17 Let then the strength of the Lord be mag- have sinned.
nified, as thou hast sworn, saying: 41 And Moses said to them : Why transgress
18 The Lord is patient and full of mercy, ta- you the word of the Lord, which shall not suc-
king away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving ceed prosperously v/ith j'ou.'
no man clear,* who visitest the sins of the fathers 42 Go not up, for the Lord is not with you:
upon the children unto the third and fourth gene- lest you fall before your enemies.
ration. 43 The Amalecite and the Chanaanite are be-
19 Fojgive, I beseech thee, the sins of this fore you; and by their sword you shall fall; be-
people, according to the greatness of thy mercy, cause you would not consent to the Lord: nei-
as thou lia.«t been merciful to them from their go- ther will the Lord be with you.
bg out of Egypt unto this niace.
20 And theljord said: J nave forgiven accord- \ Shall bear your fornication. That is, shall
ing to thy word. bear the punishment of your disloj^ally to Grod,
which in the scripture language is here called a
* Clear, i. e who deserves punishment. a spiritual sense.
'fornication, in
N 97
: : : :

44 But they being blinded, we"nt up to the top 27 But if one soul shall sin ignorantly, he shafl
•jf the mountain. But the arls of the testament offer a she-goat of a year old for his sin:
of the Lord and Moses departed not from the 28 And the priest shall pray for him, because he
camp. sinned ignorantly before the Lord: and he shaU
45 And the Amalecite came down, and the obtain his pardon, and it shall be forgiven him.
Chanaanite that dwelt in the mountain: and smi- 29 The same law shall be for all that sin by
ting and slaying them, pursued them as far as ignorance, whether they be natives or strangers.
Horma. 30 But the soul that committeth any thing
through pride, whether he be born in the land or
CHAP. XV. a stranger, (because he hath been rebellious
Certain laws concerning sacrifices. Sabbath- against the Lord) shall be cut off from among his
breaking is punished icith death. I'he law of people
fringes on their garments 31 For he hath contemned the word of the

AND the Lord spoke to Mose*, saying: Lord, and made void his precept: therefore shall
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou he be destroyed, and shall bear his iniquity.
shalt say to them: When you shall be come into 32 And it came to jjass, when the children of
the land of your habitation, which I will ^ive you, Israel were in the wilderness, and had found a
3 And shall make an offering to the Lord for a ho- man gathering sticks on the sabbath-day,
locaust, or a victim, paying your vows, or volunta- 33 That they brought him to Moses and Aaron
rily offering gifts, or in your solenmities burning a and the whole multitude.
sweet savour unto the Lord, of oxen or of sheep: 34 And they put him into prison, not knowing
4 Whosoever immolateth the victim, shall of- what they should do with him.
fer a sacrifice of fine flour, the tenth part of an 35 And the Lord said to Moses: Let that man
ephi, tempered with the fourth part of a hin of die: let all the multitude stone him the
oil: ,
5 And he shall give the same measure of wme

36 And when they had brought him out, they

to pour out in libations for the holocaust or for the stoned him; and he died as the Lord had com-
victim. For every lamb, manded.
6 And for every ram there shall be a sacrifice 37 The Lord also said to Moses:
of flour of two tenths, which shall be tempered 38 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
with a third part of a hin of oil shalt tell them, to make to themselves fringes* in
7 And he shall offer the third part of the same the corners of their garments, putting in them
measure of wine for the libation, for a sweet sa- ribands of blue:
vour to the Lord. 39 That when they shall see them, they may
8 But when thou offerest a holocaust or sacri- iremember all the commandments of the Lord, and
fice of oxen, to fulfil thy vow, or for victims of not follow their own thoughts and eyes going
peace-offerings, astray after divers things,
9 Thou shalt give for every ox three tenths of 40 But rather being mindful of the precepts of
flour tempered with half a hin of oil, the Lord, may do them, and be holy to their God.
10 And wine for libations of the same measure, 41 I am the Lord your God, who brought you
for an offering of most sweet savour to the Lord out of the land of Egypt, that I might be your
11 Thus shalt thou do: God.
12 For every ox and ram and lamb and kid.
13 Both they that are born in tl»e land, and the
strangers, The schism of Core and his adherents: their
14 Shall offer sacrifices after the same rite. punishment.
15 There shall be all
both for you and for thern
one law and judgment
who are strangers in the
AND behold. Core the son of Isaar, the son of
Caath, the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abi-
land. ron the sons of Eliab, and Hon the son of Pheleth,
16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: of the children of Ruben,
17 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou 2 Rose upt against Moses, and tvith them two
Kelt say to them: hundred and fifty others of the children of Israel,
18 When you are come into the land which I leading men of the synagogue, and who in the
Will give you, time of assembly were called by name.
19 And shall eat of the bread of that country, 3 And when they had stood up against Moses
you shall separate first-fruits to the Lord, and Aaron, they said : Let it be enough for you,
Of the things you eat. As you separate that all the multitude consisteth of holy ones, and
of your barn-floors:
fiist- fruits the Lord is among them: why lift you up your
21 So also shall you give first-fruits of your selves above the people of the Lord .'

dough to the Lord. 4 When Moses heard this, he fell flat oh his
22 And if through ignorance you omit any of face
these things, which the Lord hath spoken to 5 And speaking to Core and all the multitude,
Moses, he said: In the morning the Lord will make
23 And by him hath commanded you, from the known who belong to him, and the holy he will
day he began to command and thence for-
that join to himself: and whom he shall choose, they
ward, shall approach to him
24 And the multitude have forgotten to do it; 6 Do this therefore: Take every man of you
they shall offer a calf out of the herd, a holocaust your censers, thou Core, and all thy company.
for a most sweet savour to the Lord, and the sa- 7 And putting fire in them to-morrow, put in-
crifice and libations thereof, as the ceremonies cense upon it before the Lord and whontsoever

require, and a buck-goat for sin:

25 And the priest shall pray for all the multi- * Fringes. The Pharisees enlarged these fringes
tude of the children of Israel and it shall be for-
: through hypocrisj'. Matt, xxiii. v. to apnear more
given tnem, because they sinned ignorantly, zealous than other men for the law of God.
offering notwithstanding a burnt-offering to the t Rose up. The crime of these men, which was
Lord for themselves and for their sin and their punished in so remarkable a manner, was that of
ignorance schism, and of rebellion against the authority es-
26 And it shall be forgiven all the people of the tablished by God in tne cnurch; and their pretend-
children of Israel, and the strangers that sojourn ing to the priesthood without being lawfully call-
among them because it is the fault of all the peo-
: ed and sent: the same is the case of all modern
ple trough ignorance. sectaries.

he shall choose, tlie same shall be holy: you take and things that belong to them, and they go
too much upon you, ye sons of Levi. down alive into hell, you shall know that they
8 And he said again to Core Hear, ye sons of : have blasphemed the Lord.
Levi: 31 And immediately as he had made an end of
9 Is it a small thing unto you, that tlie God of speaking, the earth broke asunder under their
Israel hath separated you from all the people, and feet:
joined you to himself, that you should serve him 32 And opening her mouth, devoured them
\n the service of the tabernacle, and should stand with their tents and all tlieir substance.
before the congregation of the people, and should 33 And they went down alive into hell, the
minister to him.' ground closing upon them, and they perished from
10 Did he therefore make thee and all thy among the peo])le.
brethren the sons of Levi to approach unto him, 34 But all Israel, that was standing round about,
that you should challenge to yourselves the priest- fled at the cry of them that were perishing, say-
hood also, ing: Lest perhaps the earth swallow us up also.
11 And that all thy company should stand 35 And a fire coming out from the Lord,
against the Lord? for w^hat is Aaron that you destroyed the two hundred and fifty men that
murmur against him.' offered the incense.
12 Then Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiron 36 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
the sons of Eliab. But they answered: will We 37 Command Eleazar the son of Aaron the
not come. priest to take up the censers that lie in the burn-
13 Is it a small matter to thee, that thou hast ing, and to scatter the fire of one side and the
brought us out of a land that flowed with milk and other: because they are sanctified
honey, to kill us in the desert, except thou rule 38 In the deaths of the sinners: and let him
also like a lord over us .'
beat them into plates, and fasten them to the altar,
14 Thou hast brought us indeed into a land that because incense hath been offered in them to the
floweth with rivers of milk and honey, and hast Lord, and they are sanctified, that the children of
given us possessions of fields and vineyards; wilt Israel may see them for a sign and a memorial.
thou also pull out our eyes? We
will not come. 39 Then Eleazar the priest took the brazen
15 Moses therefore being very angry,* said to censers, wherein they had offered, whom the
the Lord: Respect not their sacrifices: thou burning fire had devoured, and beat them into
knowest that I have not taken of them so much plates, fastening them to the altar:
as a young ass at any time, nor have injured any 40 That the children of Israel might have for
of them. the time to come wherewith they should be ad-
16 And he said to Core: Do thou and thy con- monished, that no stranger or any one that is not
gregation stand apart before the Lord to-morrow, of the seed of Aaron should come near to offer
and Aaron apart. incense to the Lord; lest he should suffer as Core
17 Take every one of you censers, and put in- suffered, and all his congregation, according as the
cense upon them, offeriiig to the Lord two hun Lord spoke to Moses.
dred and fifty censers: Let Aaron also hold his 41 The following ilay all the multitude of the
censer. children of Israel murmured against Moses and
18 When they had done this, Moses and Aaron Aaron, saying: You have killed the people of the
standing, Lord.
19 And had drawn up all the multitude against 42 And when there arose a sedition, and the
them to the door of the tabernacle, the glory of tumult increased,
the Lord appeared to them all. 43 Moses and Aaron fled to the tabernacle of
20 And the Lord speaking to IMoses and Aaron, the covenant. And when they were gone into
said it, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord

21 Separate yourselves from among this con- appeared.

gregation, that I may presently destroy them. 44 And the Lord said to Moses:
22 They fell flat on their face, and said: O 45 Get you out from the midst of this multi-
most mighty, the God of the spirits of all flesh, tude; this moment will I destroy them. And as
foione man's sin shall thy wrath rage against all.' they were lying on the ground,
23 And the Lord said to Moses: 46 Moses said to Aaron: Take the censer, and
24 Command the whole people to separate putting fire in it from the altar, put incense upon
tnemselves from the tents ol Core and Dathan it, and go quickly to the people to pray for them:

and Abiron. for already wrath is goni out from the Lord, and
25 And Moses arose, and went to Dathan and the plague rageth.
Abiron: and the ancients of Israel following him, 47 When Aaron had done this, and had run to
26 He said to the multitude: Depart from the the midst of the multitude which the burning fire
tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of was now destroying, he offered the incense:
theirs, lest you be involved in their sins. 48 And standing between the dead and the
27 And when they were departed from their living, he prayed for the people; and the plague
tents round about, Dathan and Abiron coming ceased.
out stood in the entry of their pavilions with their 49 And the number of them that were slain was
wives and children, and all the people. fourteen thousand and seven hundred men, be-
28 And Moses said: By this you shall know sides them that had perished in the sedition of
that the Lord hath sent me to do all things that Core.
you see, I have not forged them of my
and that 50 And Aaron returned to Moses to the door
own head: of the tabernacle of the covenant after the de-
29 li these men die the common death of men, struction was over.
and if they be visited with a plague, wherewith
others also are wont to be visited, the Lord did CHAP. XVII.
not send me: The priesthood is covfirmed to Aaron by the mi-
30 But if the Lord do a new thing, and the racle of the blooming of his rod, which is kept
eartli opening her mouth swallow them down. for a monument in the tabernacle.

r'erv angry. This

I'his anger was a zeal against
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and take
Bin; anJ an indignation at the affront offered to of every one of them a rod by their kindreds,
God- like that wliicn the same holy prophet con- all the princes of the tribes, twelve rods, and
ceived upon the sight of the golden calf, Exod. write the name of every man upon i.iS rod.
xxxii. 19 3 And the name of Aaron shall be for the tribe
of Levi; and one rod shall contain all their fami- given thee the charge of my first-fruits. AH
lies; things that are sanctified by the children of Israel,
4 And thou shall lay them up in the tabernacle I have delivered to thee and to thy sons for the
of the covenant before the testimony, where 1 will priestly office, by everlasting ordinances.
speak to thee. 9 These therefore shall thou take of the thmgg
5 Whomsoever of these I shall choose, his rod that are sanctified, and are offered to the Lord.
shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me Every offering, and sacrifice, and whatsoever is
the murmurinj^s ol tne children of Israel, where- rendered to me for sin and for trespass, and be-
with they murmur against you. comelh holy of holies, shall be for ihee and thy
6 And Moses spoke to the children of Israel: sons.
and all the princes gave him rods one for every 10 Thou shall eat it in the sanctuary: the male<j
tribe: and there were twelve rods besides the rod only shall eat thereof, because it is a consecratei'
of Aaron. thing.
7 And when Moses had laid them up before 11 But the first-fruits, which the children of
the Lord in the tabernacle of the testimony: Israel shallvow and offer, I have given to thee,
8 He relumed on the following day, and found and to thy sons, and to thy daughters, by a per-
that the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi, was petual law. He that is clean in thy house, snail
budded:* antl that the buds swelling it had bloom- eat them.
ed blossoms, which spreading the leaves, were 12 All the best of the oil, and of the wine, and
formed into almonds. of the corn, whatsoever first-fruits they oflFer to
9 Moses therefore brought out all the rods from the Lord, I have given them to thee.
before the Lord to all the children of Israel: and 13 All the first ripe of the fruits, that the ground
they saw and every one received their rods. brin2,eth forth, and which are brought to the Lord,
10 And the Lord said to Moses: Carry back .^hali be for thy use: he that is clean in thy house,
the rod of Aaron into the tabernacle of the testi- shall eat them.
mony, that it may be kept there for a token of 14 Every thing that the children of Israel shall
the rebellious children of Israel, and that their give by vow, shall be thine.
complaints may cease from me lest they die. 15 Whatsoever is first-born of all flesh, which
11 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded. they offer to the Lord, whether it be of men, or
12 And the children of Israel said to Moses: of beasts, shall belong to thee: only for the first-
Behold, we are consumed, we all ])erish. born of man thou shall take a price; and every
13 Whosoever approacheth to the tabernacle beast that is unclean thou shall cause to be re-
of the Lord, he dieth. Are we all to a man to be deemed:
utterly destroyed? Ifi And the redemption of it shall be after one

month, for five sides of silver, by the weight of

the sanctuary. A
side hath twenty obols.
The charge of the priests, and of the Levites, 17 But the firstling of a cow, and of a sheep,
and their- portion. and of a goat, thou shall not cause to be redeem-
AND the Lord said to Aaron: Thou, and thy ed, because they are sanctified to the Lord. Their
sons, and thy father's house with thee shall blood only thou shall pour upon the altar: and
bear the iniquity of the sanctuary:! and thou and their fat thou shall burn for a most sweet odour
thy sons with thee shall bear the sins of your to the Lord.
priesthood. 18 But the flesh shall fall to thy use, as the
2 And take with thee thy brethren also of the consecrated breast, and the right shoulder, shall
tribe of Levi, and the sce|)tre of thy father; and be thine.
let them be ready at hand, and minister to thee: 19 All the first-fruits of the sanctuary which
but thou and thy sons shall minister in the taber- the children of Israel offer to the Lord, I have
nacle of the testimony. given to thee and to thy sons and daughters, by a
3 And the Levites shall watch to do thy com- perpetual or''inance. It is a covenant of sall| for
mands, and about all the works of the tabernacle: ever before the Lord, to thee and to thy sons.
only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the 20 And the Lord said to Aaron: You shall pos-
sanctuary, nor the altar, lest both they die, and sess nothing in their land; neither shall you have
you also perish with them. a portion among them: I am thy portion and in-
4 But let them be with thee, and watch in the heritance in the midst of the children of Israel.
charge of the tabernacle, and in all the ceremo- 21 And I have given to the sons of Levi all the
nies thereof A stranger shall not join himself tithes of Israel for a possession, for the ministry
witl you. wherewith they serve me in the tabernacle of tht
5 \Vatch ye in the charge of the sanctuary, and covenant:
jn the ministry of the altar: lest indignation rise 22 That the children of Israel may not approach
upon the children of Israel. any more to the tabernacle, nor commit deadly
6 I have given you your brethren the Levites sin,5
from among the children of Israel; and have de- 23 But only the sons of Ijevi may serve me in
livered them for a gift to the L;>rd, to serve in the the tabernacle, and bear the sins of the people. It
ministries of the tabernacle. shall be an everlasting ordinance in your genera-
7 But thou and thy sons look ye to the priest- tions. They shall not possess any other thing,
hood: and all things that pertain to the service of 21 But be content with the oblation or tithes,
the altar, and that are within the veil, shall be which I have separated for their uses and neces-
executed by the priests. If any stranger shall ap- sities.
;roach, he shall be slain. 25 And the Lord spoke to Mose.?, saying:
8 And the Lord said to Aaron: Behold, I have 2fi Corrmand the Levites, and declare unto
them: When
you shall receive of the children of
* The rod of Aaron for the house of Levi, v:as Israel the tithes, which I have given you, offer the
budded, <^r. This rod of Aaron which thus mi
raculously brought forth fruit, was a figure of the t A
covenant of salt. It is a proverbial expujs-
blessed virgin conceiving and bringing forth her sion, signifying a covennnt not to be altered or
son without any prejudice to her virginity. corrupted; as salt is used to keep things from cor-
t Thou and thy f ither\i house teith thee shall ruption: a covenant perpetua', like that hy which
bear the iniquity of the sanetiuwy. That is, you it w;^s appointed that salt should be used in every
«ha!l be punished, if, through n'^acligpnce or wpnt sacrifice. Lrvit. ii.
of due attention, you err in the discharcre of the 5 Dr'idhi sin. That is, sin which will bring
sacred functions for which j'ou were ordained. death after it.
hrst-fruits of them to the Lord, that is to say, the! ishout of Israel because he was not sprinkled

tenth part of tbe tenth: with the water of e.xniation, he shall be unclean,
27 That it may be reckoned to you as an obla- and his uncleanness snail remain upon him.
tion of first-fruits, as well of the barn-floors as of 14 This is the law of a man that dieth in a tent:
the wine-presses: All that go into his tent, and all the vessels that
28 And of all the things of which you receive are there, shall be unclean seven days.
tithes, offer the first-fruits to the Lord, and give 15 The vessel that hath no cover, nor Lmding
them to Aaron the priest. over it, shall be unclean.
29 All the things that you shall offer of the 16 If nny man in the field touch the corjisc of
tithes, and shall separate for the gifts of the Lord, a man that was slain, or that died of himself, or
shall be the best and choicest things. his bone, or his grave, he shall be unclean seven
30 And thou shalt say to them: If you offer all days.
UiR goodly and the better things of the tithes, it 17 And they shall take of the ashes of the burn-
t-hali be reckoned to you as if you had given the ing and of the sin-offering, and shall pour living
first-fruits of the barn-floor and the wine-press waters upon them into a vessel.
31 And you shall eat them in all your places, 18 And a man that is clean shall dip hyssop in
both you and your families: because it isyour re- them, and shall sprinkle therewith all the tent,
ward for the ministry, wherewith you serve in the and all the furniture, and the men that are defiled
tabernacle of the testimony. with touching any such thing:
32 And you shall not sin in this point, by re- 19 And in this manner he that is clean shall pu-
serving the choicest and fat things to yourselves: rify the unclean on the third and on the seventh
lest you profane the oblations of the children of day. And being expiated the seventh day, he
Israel, and die. wash both himself and his garments, and be
unclean until the evening.
CHAP. XIX. 20 If any man be not expiated after this rite,
The law of the sacrifice of the red cow, and the his soul shall perish out of the midst of the
water of expiation. church: because he hath profaned the sanctuary
AND the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, of the Lord, and was not sprinkled with the wa
saying: ter of purification.
2 This is the observance of the victim, which 21 This precept shall be an ordinance for ever.
the Lord hath ordained. Command the children He also that sprinkleth the water, shall wash his
of Israel, that they bring unto thee a red cow* of garments. Everj' one that shall touch the waters
full age, in which there is no blemish, and which of expiation, shall be unclean until the evening.
hath not carried the yoke: 22 Whatsoever a person toucheth who is un-
3 And you shall deliver her to Eleazar the clean, he shall make it unclean: and the person
priest, who shall bring her forth without the camp, that toucheth apy of these things, shall be unclean
and shall inuriolate her in the sight of all: until the evening.
4 And dipping his finger in her blood, shall
sprinkle it over-againgt the door of the tabernacle
seven times; Tlie death of Mary the sister of Moses. The
5 And shall burn her in the sight of all, deliver- people murmur for loant of icater: God giveth
ing up to the fire her skin, and her flesh, and her it them from the rock- The death of Aaron.
blood, and her dung.
6 The priest shall also take cedar- wood, and
AND the children of Israel, and all the multi-
tude came into the desert of Sin, in the first
hyssop, and scarlet twice dyed, and cast it into month: and the people abode in Cades. And
the flame, with which the cow is consumed. Mary died there, and was buried in the same
7 And then after washing his garments and place.
body, he shall enter into the camp, and shall be 2 And the people wanting water, came to-
unclean until the evening. gether against Moses and Aaron:
8 He also that hath burned her, shall wash his 3 And making a sedition, they said: Would
garments and his body, and shall be unclean until God we had perished among our brethren before
the evening. the Lord.
9 And a man that is clean shall gather up the 4 Why
have you brought out the church of
ashes of the cov/, and shall pour them forth with- the Lord into the wilderness, that both we and
out the camp in a most clean place, that they may our cattle should die.'
be reserved for the multitude of the children of 5 Why
have you made us come up out of
Israel, and for a water of aspersion: because the Egypt, and hav£ brought us into wretched
cow was burnt for sin. place, which cannot be sowed, nor bringeth forth
10 And when he that carried the ashes of the figs, nor vines, nor pomegranates, neither is there
cow, hath washed his garments, he shall be un- any water to drink .'

clean until the evening. The children of Israel, 6 And Moses and Aaron, leaving the multi-
and the strangers that dwell among them, shall tude, went into the tabernacle of the covenant,
observe this for a holy thing by a perpetual ordi- and fell flat upon the ground, and cried to the
nance. Lord, and said O Lord God, hear the cry of this

11 He that toucheth the corpse of a man, and is people, and open to them thy treasure a fountain
therefore unclean seven days, of living water, that being satisfied, they may
12 Shall be sprinkled with this water on the cease to murmur. And the glory of the Lord
third day, and on the seventh, and so shall be appeared over them.
cleansed. If he were not sprinkled on the third 7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
day, he cannot be cleansed on the seventh. 8 Take the rod, and assemble the people to-
13 Every one that toucheth the corpse of a gether, thou and Aaron thy brother; and speak
man, and is not sprinkled with this mixture, shall to the rock before them, and it shall yield waters.
profane the tabernacle of the Lord, and shall per- And when thou hast brought forth water out of
the rock, all the multitude and their cattle shall
* A ''ed cow, fyC' This red cow, offered in sa drink.
crifice for sin, and consumed with fire without 9 Moses therefore took the rod which was be-
the camp, with the ashes of which, mingled with fore the Lord, as he had commanded him,
water, the unclean were to be expiated and pu- 10 And having gathered together the multi-
rified; was a figure of the passion of Christ, by tude before the rock, he said to them: Hear, ye
whose precious blood, applied to our souls in the rebellious and incredulous: Can we bring you
holy sacraments, we are cleansed from our sins. forth water out of this rock.'
: :

11 And when Moses had hfted up his hand,
und struck the rock* twice with the rod, there
came forth water in great abundance, so that the King Arad is overcome. The people murmw
people and their cattle drank. and are punished with fiery serpent) ; tkeij
12 And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: are healed by the brazen serpent. Thf.y con
Because you have not believedt me, to sanctify quer the kings Sehon and Og.
me before the children of Israel, you shall not
bring these people into the land which I will give ND when king Arad the Chanaanite, who
them. dwelt toward the south, had heard this, to
13 This is the Water of contradiction,^ where wit, that Israel was come by the way of the spies,
the children of Israel strove with words against he fought against them, and overcoming tliem
the Lord, and he was sanctified in them. carried off their spoils.
14 In the mean time, Moses sent messengers 2 But Israel bmding himself by vow to the
from Cades to the king of Edom, to say: Thus Lord, said: If thou wilt deliver this people into
saitli thy brother Israel : Thou knowest all the my hand, I will utterly destroy their cities.
labour that hath come upon us: 3 And the Lord heard the prayers of Israel,
15 In what manner our fathers went down into and delivered up the Chanaanite: and they cut
Egypt, and there we dwelt a long time, and the them oS", and destroyed their cities: and they
Egyptians afBicted us, and our fathers: called the name of that place Horma, that is to
16 And how we cried to the Lord, and he say, Anathema.§
heard us, and sent an angel, who hath brought us 4 And they marched from mount Hor, by the
out of Egypt. Lo, we are now in the city of Ca- way Red Sea, to compass the
that leadeth to the
des, which is in the uttermost of thy borders: land of Edom. And
the people began to be
17 And we fceseech thee that we may have leave] weary of their journey and labour:
to pass through thy country. We
will not go 5 And speaking against God and Moses, they
through the fields, nor through the vineyards; we said: Why
didst thou bring us out of Egypt, to
will not drink the waters of thy wells; but we die in the wilderness? There is no bread, nor
will go by the common highway, neither turning have we any waters: our soul now loatheth this
aside to the right hand, nor to the left, till we are very light food.]]
past thy borders. 6 Wnerefore the Lord sent among the people
18 And Edom answered them: Thou shalt not fiery serpents,^ which bit them, and killed many
pass by me if thou dost, I will come out armed
: of them.
against thee. 7 Upon which they came to Moses, and said
19 And the children of Israel said: We
will We have sinned, because we have spoken against
go, by the beaten way: and if we and our cattle the Lord and thee pray that he may take away

drink of thy waters, we will give thee what is these serpents from us. And Moses prayed for
just: there shall be no difficulty in the price, only the people
let us pass speedily. 8 And the Lord said to him Make a brazen :

20 But he answered: Thou shalt not pass. And serpent, and set it up for a sign: whosoever be-
immediately he came forth to meet them with an ing struck shall look on it, shall live.
infinite multitude,and a strong hand: 9 Moses therefore made a brazen serpent,**
21 Neither would he condescend to their de- and set it up for a sign: which when they that
sire to grant them passage through his borders. were bitten looked upon,_they were healed.
Wherefore Israel turned another way from him. 10 And the children of Israel setting forwards
22 And when they had removed the camp camped inObotli.
from Cades, they came to mount Hor, which is 11 And departing thence, they pitched their
n the borders of the land of Edom: tents in Jeabarim, in the wilderness, that fac^th
23 Where the Lord spoke to Moses; Moab toward the east.
24 Let Aaron, saith he, go to his people: for he 12 And removing from thence, they came to
shall not go into the land which I have given the the torrent Zared:
children of Israel, because he was incredulous to 13 Which they left and encamped over-against
my words, at the waters of contradiction. Arnon, which is in the desert, and standeth out
"2.5 Take Aaron and his son with him, and in the borders of the Amorrhite. For Arnon is
bring them up into mount Hor: the border of Moab, dividing the Moabites and
26 And wnen thou hast stripped the father of the Amorrhites.
his vesture, thou shalt vest therewith Eleazar his 14 Wherefore it is said in the book of the
son Aaron shall be gathered to his people, and
: warstt of the Lord As he did in the Red Sea,

die there. so will he do in the streams of Arnon.

27 Moses did as the Lord had commanded: 15 The rocks of the torrents were bowed
and they went up into mount Hor, before all the down that thev might rest in Ar, and lie down in*
multitude- the borders of the Moabites.
28 And when he had stript Aaron of his vest- 16 When they went from that place, the well
ments, he vested Eleazar his son with them. appeared, whereof the Lord said to Moses: Ga-
29 And Aaron being dead in the top of the ther the people togetlier, and I will give them
mountain, he came down with Eleazar. water.
30 And all the multitude seeing that Aaron was
dead, mourned for him thirty days throughout all § Anathema. That is, a thing devoted to utter

their families. destruction.

Very light food. So they called tne heavenly

* The rock. This rock was a figure of Christ, manna: thus, worldlings loath the things of hea-
and the water that issued out from the rock, of ven, for which they have no relish.
his precious blood, the source of all our good. TT Fiery serpents. They are so called, because
t You have not believed, ^c. The fault of Mo- they that were bitten by them were burnt with a
ses and Aaron, on this occasion, was a certain violent heat.
diffidence and weakness of faith; not doubting ** A
brazen serpent. This was a figure of
of God's power or veracity; but apprehending Christ crucified, and of the efficacy of a lively
the unworthiness of that rebellious and incredu- faith in him, against the bites of the hellish ser-
lous people, and therefore speaking with some pent. John iii. 14.
ambiguity. tt The book of the wars, ^c. An
ancient bcok,
The Water of contradiction, or
:j: strife. He- which, like several others quoted in scripture^
brew, Meribah. has been lost.
17 Then Israel sung this song: Let the well son of Beor, a soothsayer, who dwelt by tlie river
gpring up. They sung thereto: of the land of the children of Ammon, to call
IS The well, which the })rinccs dug, and the him, and to say: Behold, a people is come out of
chiefs of the people prepared by the direct io7i of Egypt, that hath covered the face of the earui,
the lawgiver, and with their staves. And they sittmg over-against me.
marched from the wilderness to Mathana. 6 Come therefore, and curse this people, be-
19 From Mathana unto Nahaliel; from Naha- cause it is mightier than I; if by any means I may
licl unto Bamoth. beat them and drive them out of my land: for I
20 From Bamoth is a valley in the country of know, that he whom thou shalt bless is blessed;
Moab, to the top of Phasga, which looketh to- and he whom thou shalt curse is cursed.
wards the desert. 7 And the ancients of Moab, and the elders of
21 And Israel sent messengers to Seiion king Madian went with the price of divinatioi in their
of the Amorrhites, saying: hands. And when they were come to Balaam,
22 I beseech thee that I may have leave to and had told him all the words of Balac:
pass through thy land: we will not go aside into 8 He answered Tarry here this night, ^nd I

the fields or tin; vineyards; we will not drink will answer ^vhatsoever the Lord shall say to me.
waters of the wells: we will go the king's high- And while they stayed with Balaam, God came
wa}', till we be past thy borders. and said to him:
23 And he would not grant that Israel should 9 What mean these men that are with thee?
pass by his borders: but rather gathering an anny, 10 He answered: Balac the son of Sephor king
went forth to meet them in the desert, and came of the Moabites hath sent to me,
to Jasa, and fought against them. 11 Saying: Behold, a people that is come out
24 And he was slain by them with the edge of of Egyj)t, hath covered the face of the land: come
the sword: and they possessed his land from the and curse them, if by any means I may fight with
Arnoa unto the Jeboc, and to the confines of the them and drive them away.
children of Ammon: for the borders of the Am- 12 And God said to Balaam: Thou shalt not go
monites were kept with a strong garrison. with them, nor shalt thou curse the people: be-
25 So Israel took all his cities, and dwelt in the cause it is blessed.
cities of the Amorrhite, to wit, in Hesebon, and 13 And he rose in the morning, and said to the
in the villages thereof. princes: Go into your country, because the Lord
26 Hesebon was the city of Sehon, the king of hath forbid me to come v^•ith you.
the Amorrhites, who fought against the king of 14 The princes returning, said to Balac: Ba-
Moab, and took all the land, that had been of his laam would not come with us.
dominions, as far as the Arnon. 15 Then he sent many more and more noble
27 Therefore it is said in the proverb: Come than he had sent before:
'nto Hesebon; let the city of Sehon be built and 16 Who, when they were come to Balaam,
set up: said: Thus sailh Balac the son of Sephor: Delay
28 A fire is gone out of Hesebon, a flame from not to come to me:
the city of Sehon, and hath consumed Ar of the 17 For I am ready to honour thee, and will
Moabites, and the inhabitants of the high places give thee whatsoever thou wilt: come and curse
of the Arnon. •*
this people.
29 Woe to thee, Moab: thou art undone, O 18 Balaam answered: If Balac would give me
people of Chamos. He hath given his sons to his house full of silver and gold, I cannot alter the
flight, and his daughters into captivity to Sehon word of the Lord my God, to speak either more
the king of the Amorrhites. or less.
30 Their yoke is perished from Hesebon unto 19 I pray you to stay* here this night also, that
Dibon: they came weary to Nophe, and unto I may know what the "Lord will answer me once
Medaba. more-
31 So Israel dwelt in the land of the Amorrhite. 20 God therefore came to Balaam in the night
32 And Moses sent some to take a view of Ja- and said to him: If these men be come to call thee,
zer: and they took the villages of it, and conquer- arise and go with them: yet so, that thou do what
ed the inhabitants. I shall command thee.
33 And they turned themselves, and went up 21Balaam arose in the morning; and saddling
by the way oi Basan: and Og the king of Basan, his ass, went with them.
cinie against them with all his people, to fight in 22 And God was angry. And an Angel of the
Edrai. Lord stood in the way against Balaam, who sat
34 And the I^ord said to Moses: Fear him not, on the ass, and had two servants with him.
for I have delivered him and all his people, and 23 The ass seeing the Angel standing in the
his country into thy hand: and thou shalt do to way, with a drawn sword, turned herself out of
him as thou didst to Sehon the king of the Amorr- the way, and went into the field. And when Ba-
hites, the inhabitant of Hesebon. laam beat her, and had a mind to bring her again
35 So they slew him also with his sons, and all to the way,
his people, not letting any one escape: and they 24 The Angel stood in a narrow place between
possessed his land. two walls, wherewith the vineyards were inclos
25 And the ass seeing him. thrust herself close
Balac kinp; of Moab, sendeth twice for Balaam to the wall, and bruised the foot of the rider. But
to curse Israel. In his way Balaam is rebuked he beat her again:
by an angel. < — ' "

AND they went forward, and encamped in the

plains of Moab, over-against where Jericho
* To
stay. His desiring them to stay, after he
had been fully informed already that it was not
is situate beyond the Jordan. God's will he should go, came from the inclina-
2 And Balac the son of Senhor seeing all that tion he had to gratify Balac for the sake of world-
Israel had done to the Amorrhite, ly gain. And this perverse disposition God pun-
3 And that the Moabites were in great fear of ished by jiermitting him to go (though not to
him, and were not able to sustain his assault, curse the people as he would willingly have done)
4 He said to the elders of Madian: So will this and suffering him to fall still deeper and deeper
people destroy all tli."t dwell in our borders, as into sin, till he came at last to give that abomina-
llie ox is wont to eat tiie grass to the very roots. ble counsel against the people of God, which end-
Now he was at that tmie king in Moab. ed in his owti destruction. So sad a thing it is to
6 He sent therefore messengers to Balaam tliei indul2:e a passion for money.
26 And nevertheless the Angel going on to a 5 And the Lord put the word in his mouth,
aarrow place, where there was no way to turn and said: Return to Balac, and thus shalt thou
aside either to the right hand or to the left, stood speak.
to meet him. 6 Returning he found Balac standing by his
27 And when the ass saw the Angel standing, burnt-offering, with all the princes of the Moab-
she fell under the feet of the rider; who being ites:
angry, beat her sides more vehemently with a 7 And taking up his parable, he said: Balac
statr. king of the Moabites hath brought me from Aram,
28 And the Lord opened the mouth* of the ass; from the mountains of the east: Come, said he,
and she said: What have I done to thee? why and curse Jacob: make haste and detest Israel.
strikest thou me, lo, now this third time.' 8 How shall I curse him, whom God hath not
29 Balaam answered: Because thou hast de- cursed? By what means should I detest kitn,
served it, and hast served me ill: I would I had a whom the Lord detesteth not?
sword thaV; I might kill thee. 9 I shall see him from the tops of the rocks, antl
yo The ass said: Am not I thy beast, on which shall consider him from the hills. This people
thou hast been always accustomed to ride until shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned
this jiresent day.' tell me if I ever did the like among the nations.
thing to thee. But he said: Never. 10 Who can count the dust of Jacob, and know
31 Forthwith the Lord opened the eyes of Ba- tlie number of the stock of Israel? Let my soul
laam; and he saw the Angel standing in the way die the death of the just, and my last end be like
with a drawn sword; and he worshipped him, to them.
falling flat on the ground. 11 And Balac said to Balaam: What is this that'
32 And the Angel said to him: Why beatest thou doest? I sent for thee to curse my enemies:
thou thy ass these three times? I am come to and thou contrariwise blessest them.
withstand thee, because thy way is perverse,t 12 He answered him Can I speak any thing

and contrary to me: else but what the Lord commandeth?

33 And unless the ass had turned out of the 13 Balac therefore said: Come with me to an-
way, giving place to me who stuud against thee, other place from whence thou mayst see part of
I had slain thee, and she should have lived. Israel, and canst not see them all: curse them
34 Balaam said: I have sinned, not knowing from thence.
that thou didst stand against nie: and now if it 14 And when he had brought him to a high
displease thee that I go, I will return. place, upon the top of mount Phasga, Balaam
35 The Angel said; Go with these men, and built seven altars, and laying on every one a calf
see thou speak no other thing than what I shall and a ram,
command thee. He went therefore with the 15 He said to Balac: Stand here by thy burnt-
princes. offering while I go to meet him.
36 And when Balac heard it, he came forth to 16 And when the Lord had rnet him, and had
meet him in a town of the Moabites, that is situate put the word in his mouth, he said: Return to
in the uttermost borders of Arnon. Balac. and thus shalt thou say to him.
37 And he said to Balaam: I sent messengers 17 Returning he found him standing by hia
to call thee, wliy didst thou not come immediate- burnt-sacrifice, and the f'rinces of the Moabites
ly to me? was it because I am not able to reward with him. And Balac said to him: What hath the
thy coming? Ivord spoken ?
38 He answered him: Lo, here I am: shall I 18 But he taking up his parable, said: Stand, O
have power to speak any other thing but that Balac, and give ear: hear, thou son of Sephor:
which God shall put in my mouth? 19 God is not as a man, that he should lie, nor
39 So they went on together, and came into a as the son of man, that he should be changed.
city, that was in the uttermost borders of his king' Hath he said then, and will he not do? hath he
dom. spoken, and will he not fulfil?
40 And when Balac had killed oxen and sheep, 20 I was brought to bless; the blessing I am
he sent presents to Balaam, and to the princes not able to hinder.
that were with him. 21 There is no idol in Jacob, neither is there an
41 And when morning was come, he brought image-^od to be seen in Israel. The Lord his God
him to the high places of Baal: and he beheld the is with him; and the sound of the victory of the
uttermost part of the people. king in him.
22 God hath brought him out of Egypt, whose
strength is like to the rhinoceros.
Balaam instead of cursing Israel, is obliged to 23 There is no soothsaying in Jacob, nor divi-
bless them, and prophesij good things of them. nation in Israel. In their times it shall be told to
AND Balaam said to Balac: Build me here Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought.
seven altars, and prepare as many calves, 24 Behold, the people shall rise up as a lioness,
and the same number of rams. and shall lift itself up as a lion: it shall not lie
2 And when he had done according to the down till it devour the prey, and drink the blood
word of Balaam, they laid together a calf and a of the slain.
ram upon evei^y altar. 25 And Balac said to Balaam: Neither curse,
3 And Balaam said to Balac: Stand a while by nor bless him.
tliy burnt-offering, until I go, to see if perhaps the 26 And he said: Did I not tell thee, that what-
Lord will meet me; and whatsoever he shall soever God should command me, that I would
command, I will speak to thee. » do?
4 And when he was gone with speed, God met 27 And Balac said to him: Come, and I will
him. And Balaam speaking to him,-said: I have bring thee to another place; if peradventure it
erected seven altars, and have laid on every one a please God that thou mayst curse them from
calf and a ram. thence.
28 And when he had brought him upon the top
* Opened the mouth, fyc. The Angel moved of mount Phogor, which looketh towards the
the tongue of the ass, to utter these speeches, to wilderness,
rebuke, by the mouth of a brute beast, the brutal 29 Balaam said to him: Build me here seven
fury and folly of Balaam. altars, and prepare as many calves, and the same
t Perverse. Because thy inclinations are wick- number of rams.
ed, in being willing for the sake of gain to curse 30 Balac did as Balaam had said: and he laH
the iKJople of whom I am the guardian. on every altar, a c#lf and a ram.
! :


CHAP. XXIV. overcome
shall the Assyrians, anc shall waste the
Hebrews: and at the last they themselves also
Balaam still continues to prophesy good things in
shall perish.
favour of Israel. 25 And Balaam rose, and returned to his place:
AND when Balaam saw that it pleased the Balac also returned the way that he came.
Lord that he should bless Israel, he went
not as he had gone before, to seek divination: but
setting his face towards the desert, The people fall into fornication and idolatry ; for
2 And lifting up his eyes, he saw Israel abiding which twenty four thousand are stain. 37»<
in their tents bj" their tribes: and the spirit of God zeal of Phinees.
rushing ujion him,
3 He took up his parable, and said: Balaam the
AND Israel at that time abode in Setltim: and
the people committed fornication with the
son of Beor hatii said: The man hath said, whose daughters of Moab,
eye is stojiped up: 2 Who called them to their sacrifices. And they
4 The hearer of the words of God hath said, he ate of them, and adored their gods.
th:it hath beheld the vision of the Almighty, he 3 And Israel was initiated to Beelphegor:*
that falleth, and so his eyes are opened: upon which the Lord being angry,
5 How beautiful are thy tabernacles, O Jacob, 4 Said to Moses: I'ake all the princes of the
and thy tents, O Israel people, and hang them up on gibbets against the
6 As woody valleys, as watered gardens near sun: that my lury may be turned away from
the rivers, as tabernacles which the Lord hath Israel.
pitched, as cedars by the water-side. 5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel: Let
7 Water shall flow out of his bucket, and hi every man kill his neighbours, that have hb-ifi
seed shall be into many waters. For Agag shall initiated to Beelphegor.
his king be removed, and his kingdom shall be 6 And behold, one of the children of Israel
taken away. went in before his brethren to a harlot of Madian,
8 God hath brought him out of Egypt, whose in the sight of Moses, and of all the children of
strength is like to the rhinoceros. They shall de- Israel, who were weeping before the door of the
vour the nations that are his f nemies, and break tabernacle.
their bones, and pierce them with arrows. 7 And when Phinees the son of Eleazar the
9 Lying down he hath slept as a lion, and as a son of Aaron the priest saw i', he rose up from
lioness, whom none shall dare to rouse. He that the midst of the multitude; and taking a dagger,
blesseth thee, shall also himself be blessed : he that 8 Went in after the Israelite into the brothel
curseth thee, shall be reckoned accursed. house, and thrust both of them through together,
10 And Balac being angry against Balaam, to wit the man and the woman in the genital
clapped his hands together, and said: I called parts. And tlie scourge ceased from the children
thee to curse my enemies; and thou on the con- of Israel.
trary hast blessed them three times. 9 And there were slain four and twenty thou-
11 Return to thy place. I had determined sand men.
indeed greatly to honour thee, but the Lord hath 10 And the Lord said to Moses:
deprived thee of the honour designed for thee. 11 Phinees the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron
12 Balaam made answer to Balac: Did I not the priest hath turned away my wrath from the
Bay to thy messengers, whom thou sentest to me: children of Israel: because he was moved with
13 If Balac would give me his house full of my zeal against thein, that I myself might not de-
silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the word of stroy the children of Israel in my zeal.
the Lord my God, to utter any thing of my own 12 Therefore say to him Behold, I give him

head, either good or evil; but whatsoever the the peace of my

Lord shall say, that I will speak.' 13 And the covenant of the priesthood for ever
14 But yet going to my people, I will give thee shall be both to him and his seed; because he hath
counsel, what thy people shall do to this people in been zealous for his God, and hath made atone-
the latter days. ment for the wickedness of the children of
15 Therefore taking up his pdrable, again he Israel.
said: Balaam the son of Beor hath said: The man 14 And the name of the Israelite, that was slain
whose eye is stopped up, hath said with the woman of Madian, was Zambri the son
16 The hearer of the words of God hath said, of Salu, a prince of the kindred and tribe of
who knoweth the doctrine of the Highest, and Simeon.
oeeth the visions of the Almighty, who falling 15 And the Madianite woman, that was slain
hath his eyes opened: with him was called Cozbi the daughter of Sur, a
17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold most noble prince among the Madianites.
him, but not near. Ast.a.r shall rise out of 16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saymg:
Jacob, and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel; 17 Let the Madianites find you their enemies,
and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall and slay you them:
waste all the children of Seth. 18 Because they also have acted like enemies
18 And he shall possess Idumea: the inheritance against you, and have guilefully deceived you by
of Seir shall come to their enemies: but Israel the idol Phogor, and Cozbi their sister a daughter
shall do manfully. of a prince of Madian, who was slain in the day
1!) Out of Jacob shall he come that shall rule, of the plague for the sacrilege of Phogor.

and shall destroy the remains of the city

20 And wiien he saw Amalec, he took up his
parable, and said: Amalec the beginning of na- The people are again numbered by their tribes
tions, whose latter ends shall be destroyed and families.
21 He saw also the Cinite, and took up his pa-
rable, and said: Thy habitation indeed is strong:
AFTER the blood of the guilty was shed, the
Lord said to Moses and to Eleazar the son
but though thou build thy nest in a rock, of Aaron, the priest:
22 And thou be chosen of the stock of Cin, 2 Number the whole sum of the children of
how long shah thou be able to continue.' For Israel from twenty years old and up^vard, by their
Assur shall take thee captive.
23 And taking uji his parable again, he said: * Initiated to Beelphegor That is, they took
Alas, who shall live when God shall do these to the worship of Beelphegor, an obscene idol of
things' the Moabites, and were consecrated, as it were
Zi niey shall come in galleys from Italy; they to him.
O 105

houses and kii/reds, all thatare able to go forth family of the Jezerites: and Helec, of whom is
to war. the family of the Helecites:
3 Moses therefore and Eleazar the priest, being 31 And Asriel, of whom is the family of the
m the plains of Moab upon the Jordan over- Asrielites: and Sechem, of whom is the family of
against Jericho, spoke to them that were the Sechemites:
4 From twenty years old and upward, as the 32 And Semida, of whom is the family of the
Lord had commanded: and this is tlie number of Semidaites: and Hepher, of whom is the family
them: of the Hepherites.
5 Ruben the first-born of Israel. His sons lofre 33 And Hepher was the father of Salphaad,
Henoch, of whom is the family of the Henoch- who had no sons, but only daughters, whose
ites- and Phallu, of whom is the family of the names are these: Maala, and Noa, and Hegla,
Phalluites: and Melcha, and Thersa.
6 And Hesron, of whom is the family of the 34 These are the families of Manasses, and the
Hesronites: and Charmi, of whom is the family number of them fifty two thousand seven hun-
if *.he Charmites. dred.
7 These are the families of the stock of Ruben: 35 And the sons of Ephraim by their kindreds
Sirhose number was found to be forty three thou- were these: Suthala,of whom is the family of the
sand, seven huntlred and thirty. Suthalaites: Becher, of whom is the family of the
8 The son of Phallu was Eliab. Beciierites: Thehen, of whom is the family of the
9 His sons, %ue7~e Namuel and Dathan and Abi- Thehenites.
ron. These are Dathan and Abiron the princes 8f) Now the son of Suthala was Heran, of
of the people, that rose against Moses and Aaron whom is the family of the Heranites.
in the sedition of Core, when they rebelled againsb 37 These are the kindreds of the sons of
the Lord: Ephraim: whose number was thirty two thou-
10 And the earth opening her mouth swallowed sand five hundred.
up Core, many others dying, when the fire burn- 38 These are the sons of Joseph by their fami-
ed two hundred and fifty men. And there was a lies. The sons of Benjamin in their kindreds:
great miracle wrought, Bela, of whom is the family of the Belaites: As-
11 That when Core perished, his sons did not bel, of whom is the family of the Asbelites-
perish. Ahiram, of whom is the family of the Ahiramites:
12 The sons of Simeon by their kindreds: Na- 39 Supham, of whom is the family of the Su-
muel, of him is the family of the Namuelites: phamites: Hupham, of whom is the family of die
Jamin, of him is the family of the Jaminites: Hujihamites.
Jachin, of him is the family of the Jachinites: 40 The sons of Bela: Hered, and Noeman.
13 Zare, of him is the family of the Zarites: Of Hered, is the family of the Heredites: of
Saul, of him is the family of the Saulites. Noeman, the family of the Noemanites.
14 These are the families of the stock of Sime- 41 These are the sons of Benjamin by their
on, of which the whole number was twenty two kindreds, whose number was forty five thousand
thousand two hundred. sixhundred.
15 Thesons of Gad by their kindreds: Sephon, 42 The sons of Dan by their kindreds: Su-
of him is the family of the Sephonites: Aggi, of ham, of whom isthe family of the Suhariiites:
hitn is the family of the Aggiles: Suni, of him is these are the kindreds of Dan-by their families.
the family of the Sunites: 43 All were Suhamites, whose number was
16 Ozni, of him is the family of the Oznites: sixty four thousand four hundred.
Her, of him is the family pf the Herites: 44 The sons of Aser by their kindreds: Jem-
17 Arod, of him is the family of the Arodites: na, of whom is the family of the Jemnaites: Jes-
Ariel, of him is the family of the Arielites. sui, of whom is the family of the Jessuites: Brie,
18 These are the families of Gad,_of which the of whom is the family of the Brieites.
whole number was forty thousand five hundred. 45 The sons of Brie: Heber, of whom is the
19 The sons of Juda, Her, and Onan, who both family of the Heberites: and Melchiel, of whom
died in the land of Chanaan. is the family of the Melchielites.
20 And the sons of Juda by their kindreds were: 46 And the name of the daughter of Aser, was
Sela, of whom is the family of the Selaites: Sara.
Phares, of whom is the family of the Pharesites: 47 These are the kindreds of the sons of Aser,
Zare, of whom is the family of the Zarites. and their number fifty three thousand four hun-
21 Moreover, the sons of Phares rtjcre Hesron,
of whom is the family of the Hesronites: and 48 The sons of Nephtali by their kindreds:
Hamul, of whom is the family of the Hamulites. Jesiel, ofwhom is the family of the Jesielites:

22 These are the families of Juda, of which the Guni, of whom is the family of the Gunites:
whole number was seventy six thousand five hun- 49. Jeser, of whom is the family of the Jeser-
dred. ites: Sellem, of whom is the family of the Sel-
23 The sons of Issachar, by their kindreds: lemites.
Thola, of whom is the family of the Tholaites 50 These are the kindreds of the sons of N-eph-
Phua, of whom is the family of the Phuaites: tali by their families: whose number was forty
24 Jasub, of whom is the family of the Jasub- five thousand four hundred
ites: Semrau, of whom is the family of the 51 This is the sum of the children of Israel,
Semranites. that were reckoned up, six hundred and one thou-
25 These are the kindreds of Issachar, whose sand, seven hundred and thirty.
lumber was sixty four thousand three hundred. 52 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
26 The sons of Zabulon by their kindreds: 53 To these shall the land be divided for their
Sared, of whom is the family of the Saredites: possessions according to the number of names.
Elon, of whom is the family of the Elonites: 54 To the greater number thou shalt give a
Jalel, of whom is the family of the Jalelites. greater portion, and to the fewer a less: to every
27 These are the kindreds of Zabulon, whose one, as they have now been reckoned up, shall a
number was sixty thousand five hundred. possession be delivered:
28 The sons of Joseph by their kindreds, Ma- 55 Yet so that by lot the land be divided to tlie
nasses and Ephraim. tribes and families
29 Of Manasses was born Machir, of whom is 56 Whatsoever shall fall by lot, that shall be
the family of the Machirites. Machir begot taken by the more, or the fewer.
Galaad, of whom is the family of the Galaadites. 57 This also is the number of the sons of liftv
*^ Galaad had sons: Jezer, of whom is the by their families: Gerson, of whom is the family
of the Gersonites: Caath, of whom is the family 16 May the Lord the God of the spirits of tJ]
of the Caathites: Merari, of a man, that may be over this mu}«
whom is the family flesh i)rovide
of tlie Merarites.
58 These are the families of Levi: The family 17 And may go out and in before them, and
of Lobni, vhe family of Hebroni, the family of may lead them
out, or bring them in: lest the
Moholi, the family of Musi, the family of Core. eople of the Lord be as sheep without a shep-
Now Caath begot Amram: ertl.
18 And the Lord said to him: Take Josue the
59 Who had to wife Jochabed the daughter of
Levi, who was born to him in Egypt. She bore son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and put
to her husband Amram sons, Aaron and Moses, thy hand upon
and INIary their sister. 19 And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest
CO Of Aaron were born Nadab and Abiu, and and all the multitude:
Eleazar and Ithamar: 20 And thou shalt give him precepts in the sight
61 Of whom Nadab and Abiu died, when of all, and part of thy glory, that all the congre-
thev had offered the strange fire before the Lord. gation of the children of Israel may hear him.
(>"2 And all that were numbered, were twenty 21 If any thing be to be done, Eleazar the
three thousand males from one month old and priest shall consult the Lord for him. He and all
upward: for they were not reckoned up among the children of Israel with him, and the rest of
ths children of Israel, neither was a possession the multitude shall go out and go in at his word.
given to them with the rest- 22 Moses did as the Lord had commanded.
()3 This is the number of the children of Israel, And when he had taken Josue, he set him before

that were enrolled by Moses and Eleazar the Eleazar the priest, and all the assembly of the
priest, in the jilains of Moab upon the Jordan people.
over-against Jericho. 23 And laying his hands on his head, he repeat-
64 Among whom there was not one of them ed all things that the Lord had commanded.
that were numbered before by Moses and Aaron CHAP. XXVIII.
in the desert of Sinai.
are appointed as well for every day as
65 For the Lord had foretold that they should Sacrifices
for sabbaths, and other festivals.
all die in the wilderness. And none remained
of them, but Caleb the son of
Bue the son of Nun.
Jephone, and Jo- THE Lord also said to Moses:
2 Command the children of Israel, and thou
shalt say to them: Offer ye my oblation and my
CHAP. XXVII bread, and burnt-sacrifice of most sweet odour,
TTie laio of inheritance. Josue is appointed to in their due seasons.
succeed IMoses. 3 These are the sacrifices which you shall of-
rS^HEN came the daughters ojf Salphaad, the fer: Two lambs of a year old without blemish
son of Hepher, the son of Galaad, the son every day for the perpetual holocaust:
of Machir, the son of Manasses, who was the 4 One you shall offer in the morning, and the
son of Joseph: and their names are, Maala, and other in the evening:
Noa, and Hegla, and Melcha, and Thersa- 5 And the tenth part of a^i ephi of flour, which
2 And they stood before Moses and Eleazar shall be tempered with the purest oil, of the mea-
the priest, and all the princes of the people at the sure of the fourth part of ahin.
door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and said: 6 It is the continual holocaust which you offer-
3 Our father died in the desert, and was not in ed in mount Sinai for a most sweet odour of a sa-
the sedition, that was raised against the Lord un- crifice by fire to the Lord.
der Core; but he died in his own sin: and he had 7 Ancf for a libation you shall offer of wine
no male children. Why is his name taken away the fourth part of a hin for every lamb in the
out of his family, because he had no son.' Give sanctuary of the Lord.
us a possession among the kinsmen of our father. 8 And you shall offer the other lamb in like
4 And Moses referred their cause to the judg- manner in the evening according to all the rites
ment of the Lord. of the morning sacrifice, and of the libations
5 And the Lord said to him: thereof, an oblation of most sweet odour to the
6 The daughters of Saljjhaad demand a just Lord.
thing: pve them a possession among their fa- 9 And on the sabbath-day, you shall offer two
ther's kindred, and let them succeed him in his Iambs of a year old without blemish, and two
inheritance. tenths of flour tempered with oil in sacrifice, and
7 Aijd to the children of Israel thou shall speak the libations
these things: 10 Which regularly are poured out every sab-
8 When a man dieth without a son, his inheri- bath for the perpetual holocaust.
tance shall pass to his daughter. 11 And on the first day of the month you shall
9 If he have no daughter, his brethren shall offer a holocaust to the Lord, two calves of the
succeed him. herd, one ram, and seven lambs, of a year old,
10 And if he have no brethren, you shall give without blemish,
the inheritance to his father's brethren. 12 And three tenths of flour tempered with oil
11 But if he have no uncles by the father, the in sacrifice for every calf: and two tenths of flour
inheritance shall be given to them that are the tempered with oil for every ram:
next akin. And this shall be to the children of 13 And the tenth of a tenth of flour tempered
Israel sacred by a perpetual law, as the Lord with oil in sacrifice for every lamb. It is a holo-
iiiti commanded Moses. caust of most sweet odour and an offering by fire
12 The Lord also said to Moses: Go up into to the Lord.
this mountain Abarim, and view from thence the 14 And these shall be the libations of wine
land which I will give to the children of Israel. that are to be poured out for every victim: Half
13 And when thou shalt have seen it, thou also a hin for every calf, a third for a ram, and a
Bhalt go to thy people, as thy brother Aaron is fourth for a lamb. This shall be the holocaust
gone: for every month, as they succeed one another in
14 Because you offended me in the desert of the course of the year-
Sin in the contradiction of the multitude, neither 15 A buck-goit also shall be offered to the
would you sanctify me before them at the waters. Lord for a sin-offering, over and above the pei-
These are the waters of contradiction in Cades petu-»l holocauit with its libations.
of the desert of Sin 16 And in the first month, on the fourteenth
15 And Moses answered him- day of the month shall be the phase o*" the Ijord,
: :

17 And on the fifteenth day the solemn feast: 12 And on the fifteenth day of the seventh
seven days shall they eat unleavened bread. month, which shall be unto you holy and venera-
IS And the first day of them shall be venera- ble, you shall do no servile work, but shall cele-
ble and holy: you shall not do any servile work brate a solemnity to the Lord seven days.
therein. 13 And' you shall offer a holocaust for a most
19 And you shall offer a burnt-sacrifice a holo- sweet o<lour to the Lord, thirteen calves of the
caust to the Lord, two calves of the herd, one herd, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old,
ram, seven lambs of a year old, without blemish: without blemish:
20 And for the sacrifices of every one three 14 And for their libations three tenths of flour
icnths of flour which shall be tempered with oil, tempered with oil to every calf, being in all thir-
to every calf, and two tenths to every ram, teen calves: and two tenths to each ram, being
21 And the tenth of a tenth to every lamb; that two rams,
is to say, to all the seven Iambs: 15 And the tenth of a tenth to every lamb, be
22 And one buck-goat for sin, to make atone- ing in all fourteen lambs:
ment for you, 16 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe
23 Besides the morning holocaust which you tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation
Ehall always offer. thereof.
24 So shall you do every day of the seven 17 On the second day you shall offer twelve
days for the food of the fire, and for a most sweet calves of the herd, two rams, and fourteen lambs
odour to the Lord, which shall rise from the ho- of a year old, without blemish:
locaust, and from the libations of each. 18 And the sacrifices and the libations for every
25 The seventh day also shall be most solemn one, for the calves and for the rams and for the
and holy unto you: you shall do no servile work lambs you shall duly celebrate:
therein. 19 And a buck-goat for a sin-offering besides
2G The day also of first-fruits, when after the the perpetual holocaust, and th^ sacrifice and the
weeks are accomplished, you shall offer new- libation thereof.
fruits to the Lord, shall be venerable and holy: 20 The third day you shall offer eleven calves,
j'ou shall do no servile work therein. two rams, and fourteen Iambs of a year old, with-
27 And you shall offer a holocaust for a most out blemish:
sweet odour to the Lord, two calves of the herd, 21 And the sacrifices and the libations of every
one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without one for the calves and for the rams and for the
blemish: lambs you shall offer according to the rite:
28 And in the sacrifices of them three tenths 22 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe-
of flour tempered with oil to every calf, two to tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation
every ram, thereof
29 The tenth of a tenth to every lamb, which 23 The fourth day you shall offer ten calves
n all are seven lambs: a goat also two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old,witl>
30 Which is slain for expiation: beside the per- out blemish:
petual holocaust and the libations thereof- 24 And the sacrifices and the libations of every
31 You shall offer them all without blemish one for the calves and for the rams and for the
with their libations. lambs you shall celebrate in right manner:
25 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe-
CHAP. XXIX. tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and tlie libaticm
Sarrifices for the festivals of the seventh month. thereof.
r&^HE first day also of the seventh month shall 26 The fifth day you shall offer nine calves,
M. be venerable and holy unto you; you shall two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, with-
do no servile work therein, because it is the day out blemish:
of the sounding and of trumpets. 27 And the sacrifices and the libations of every
,, 2 And you shall offer a holocaust for a most one for the calves and for the rams and for the
sweet odour to the Lord, one calf of the herd, lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite
one ram, and seven lambs of a year old, without 28 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe-
blemish: tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation
3 And for their sacrifices, three tenths of flour thereof
tempered with oil to every calf, two tenths to a 29 The sixth day you shall offer eight calves,
ram: two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, with-
4 One tenth to a Iamb, which in all are seven out blemish:
Iambs: 30 And the sacrifices and the libations of every
5 And a buck-goat for sin, which is offered for one for the calves and for the rams and for the
the expiation of the people, lambs you shall celebrate according to the rite:
6 Besides the holocaust of the first day of the 31 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe-
month with the sacrifices thereof, and the per- tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation
petual holocaust with the accustomed libations. thereof.
With the same ceremonies you shall offer a burn t- 32 The seventh day you shall offer seven
eacrifice for a most sweet odour to the Lord. calves, and two rams, and fourteen lambs of a
7 The tenth day also of this seventh month j'ear old, without blemish:
shall be holy and venerable unto you, and you 33 And the sacrifices and the libations of every
shall afflict your souls: you shall do no servile one for the calves and for the rams and for the
work therein. lambs you .shall celebrate according to the rite:
8 And you shall offer a holocaust to the Lord 34 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the perpe-
for a most sweet odour, one calf of the herd, one tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libatios
jam, and seven lambs of a year old, without thereof.
blemish: 35 On the eighth day, which is most solemn,
9 And for their sacrifices, three tenths of flour you shall do no servile work:
tempered with oil to every calf, two tenths to a 36 But you shall offer a holocaust for a most
ram, sweet odour to the Lord, one calf, one ram, and
10 The tenth of a tenth to every Iamb which seven lambs of a year old, without blemish:
are in all seven lambs: 37 And the sacrifices and the libations of
11 And a buck-goat for sin, besides the things every one for the calves and for the rams and
that are wont to be offered for sin, for expiation, for the lambs you shall celebrate accordmg to the
and for the perpetual holocaust, with their sacri rite
fice and libations. 38 And a buck-coat for sin. besides the perpe*
: .


tual holocaust, and the sacrifice and the libation is to say, twelve thousand men well appointed for
thereof. battle
39 These things shall you oifer to the Lord in 6 And Moses sent them with Phinees the son
you'- solemnities: besides your vows and volun- of Eleazar the priest: and ne delivered to him the
tary oblations for holocaust, for sacrifice, for li- holy vessels, and the trumpets to sound.
batim, and for victims of peace-offerings. 7 And when they had fought against the Ma-
dianites, and had overcome them, they slew all
CHAP. XXX. the men.
Of vows and oaths; and their obligation. 8 And their kings Evi, and Recem, and Sur
AND Moses told the children of Israel all that
Lord had commanded him
and Hur, and Rebe, five princes of the nation-
Balaam also the son of Beor they killed with the
2 And he said to the princes of the tribes of the sword.
chil Iren of Israel: This is the word that the Lord 9 And they took their women, and their chil-
hath commanded: dren captives, and all their cattle, and all their
3 any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind
If goods: and all tlieir possessions they plundered:
hiniself by an oath, he shall not make his word 10 And all their cities, and their villages, and
voi 1; but shall fulfil all that he promised. castles, they burned.
4 If a woman vow any thing, and bind herself 11 And they carried away the booty, and all
with an oath, being in her father's house, and but that they had taken, both of men and of beasts.
yet a girl in age; if her father knew the vow that 12 And they brought them to Moses, and Elea-
she hath promised, and the oatli wherewith she zar the priest, and to all the multitude of the chil-
hath bound her soul, and held his peace, she shall dren of Israel. But the rest of the things for use
be bound by the vow: they carried to the camp on the plains of Moab,
5 Whatsoever she promised and swore, she beside the Jordan over-against Jericho.
shall fulfil in deed. 13 And Moses and Eleazar the priest, and all
6 But if her father, immediately as soon as he the princes of the synagogue went forth to meet
heard it, gainsaid it, both her vows and her oaths them without the camp.
shall be void; neither shall she be bound to what 14 And Moses being angry with the chief offi-
she promised, because her father hath gainsaid it. cers of the army, the tribunes, and the centurions
7 If she have a husband, and shall vow any that were come from the battle,
thin^, and the word once going out of her mouth 15 Said: Why
have you saved the women.'
shall bind her soul by an oath: 16 Are not these they, that deceived the chil-
8 The day that her husband shall hear it, and dren of Israel by the counsel of Balaam, and made
not gainsay it, she shall be bound to the vow, and you transgress against the Lord by the sin of
shall give whatsoever she promised. Phogor,* for which also the people was pun-
y But if as soon as he heareth he gainsay it, and isb.ed ?

make her promises and the words wherewith she 17 Therefore kill all that are of the male sex,
had bound her soul of no eflfect; the Lord will even of the children :t and put to death the wo-
forgive her. men, that have carnally known men.
10 The widow, and she that is divorced, shall IS But the girls, and all the women that are vir-
fulfil whatsoever they vow. save for yourselves:
11 If the wife in the house of her husband, hath 19 And
stay without the camp seven days. He
bound herself by vow and by oath, that hath killed a man, or touched one that is kill-
12 If her husband hear, and hold his peace, and ed, shall be purified the third day and the seventh
doth not disallow the promise, she shall accom- day.
plish whatsoever she had promised. 20 And of all the .spoil, every garment, or ves-
13 But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall sel, or any thing made for use, of the skins, or
not be bound by the promise: because her hus- hair of goats, or of wood, shall be purified.
bnnd gainsaid it, and tne Lord will be merciful to 21 Eleazar also the priest spoke to the men of
her. the army, that had fought in this manner: This is
14 If she vow and bind herself by oath, to af- the ordinance of the law, which the Lord hath
flict her soul by fasting, or abstinence from other commanded Moses:
things, it shall depend on the will of her husband, 22 Gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, and
wiether she shall do it, or not do it. lead, and tin,
15 But if the husband hearing it hold his peace, 23 And all that may pass through the fire, shall
ard defer the declaring his mind till another day; be purified by fire: but whatsoever cannot r.bide
w>iatsoever sihe had vowed and promised, she the fire, shall be sanctified with the water of ex-
ehall fulfil: because immediately as he heard it, piation:
be held his peace. 24 And you shall wash your garments the se-
16 But if he gainsay it after that he knew it, he venth day; and being purified, you shall after-
shill bear her iniquity. wards enter into the camp.
|7 These are the laws, which the Lord ap- 25 And the Lord said to Moses:
pr inted to Moses between the husband and the 26 Take the sum of the things that were taken
wfe, between the father and the daughter that is, both of man and beast, thou and Eleazar the
as yet but a girl in age, or that abideUi in her fa- priest and the princes of the multitude.
ther's house 27 And thou shalt divide the spoil equally, be-
CHAP. XXXI. tween them that fought and went out to the war,
and between the rest of the multitude.
The. Maiianites are slain for having dravin the
28 And thou shalt separate a portion to the
pfoplt of Israel into sin. The dividing of the Lord from them that fought and were in the bat-

AND Revenge
Lord spoke
the to Moses, saying: * The sin of Phogor. The sin committed in
the children of Israel on' the worship of Beelphegor.
th? Madianites, and so thou shalt be gathered to t Of children. Women
and children ordinarily
thrpeople. speaking, were not to be killed in war, Deut. xx.
3 And Moses forthwith said: Arm
of you men 14. But the great I^ord of life and dsath was pleas-
to fight, who may take the revenge of the Lord ed to order it otherwise in the present case, in
oil the Madianites detrstation of the wickedness of this people, who,
4 Let a thousand men be chosen out of every by the counsel of Balaam, had sent their women
tribe of Israel to be sent to the war anions the Israelites on purpose to draw them
& A.nd they gave a thousand of every tribe, that from God
: :

tie, one soul of five hundred as well of persons as soil for the feeding of beasts: and we thy servantfl
r>f oxen and asses and sheep, have very much cattle:
29 And thou shall give it to Eleazar the priest, 5 And we pray thee, if we have found favour
because they are the first-fruits of the Lord. inthy sight, that thou give it to us thy servants in
30 Out of the moiety also of the children of Is- possession, and make us not pass over the Jorilan.
rael thou shall lake the fiftieth head of persons, and 6 And Moses answered them: What, shall
of oxen, and asses, and sheep, and of all beasts: your brethren go to fight, and will you sit here .'

and thou shall give them to the Levites that 7 Whydo ye overturn the minds of the chil-
watch in the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord. dren of Israel, that they may not dare to pass into
31 And Moses and Eleazar did as the Lord had the place which the Lord hath given them.''
commanded. 8 W^as it not thus your fathers did, when I sent
32 the spoii which the army had taken,
And from Cadesbarne to view the land.'
was hundred seventy five thousand sheep,
six 9 And when they were come as far as the va -
33 Seventy two thousand oxen, ley of the cluster, having viewed all the country,
34 Sixty one thousand asses: they overturned the hearts of the children of Is-
35 And thirty two thousand persons of the rael, that they should not enter into the coasts
female sex, that had not known men. which the Lord gave them.
36 And one half was given to them that had 10 And he swore in his anger, saying:
been in the battle, to wit, three hundred thirty 11 If these men, that came up out of Egypt,
se-ven thousand five hundred sheep: from twenty years old and upward, shall see the
37 Out of which, for the portion of the Lord, land, which I promised with an oath to Abraham,
were reckoned six hundred seventy five sheep. Isaac, and Jacob: because they would not follow
38 And out of the thirty six tnousand oxen, me,
seventy two oxen: 12 Except Caleb the son of Jephone the Cenez-
39 Out of the thirty thousand asses, sixty one ite, and Josue the son of Nun: these have fulfilled
asses my will.
40 Out of the sixteen thousand persons, there And the Lord being angry against Israel, led
fell to the portion of thethirty two souls.
Lord them about through the desert forty years, until
41 And Moses delivered the number of the the whole generation, that had done evil in his
first-fruits of the Lord to Eleazar the priest, as sight, was consumed.
had been commanded him, 14 And behold, said he, you are risen up in-
42 Outof thehalf of the children of Israel, which stead of your fathers, the increase and offspring
he had separated for them that had been in the of sinful men, to augment the fury of the Lord
battle. against Israel.
43 But out of the half that fell to the rest of the 15 For if you will not follow him, he will leave
multitude, that is to say, out of the three hundred the people in the wilderness, and you shall be the
thirty seven thousand five hundred sheep, cause of the destruction of all.
44 And out of the thirty six thousand oxen, 16 But they coming near, said: will make We
45 And out of the thirty thousand five hundred sheep-folds, and stalls for our cattle, and strong
asses, cities for our children:
46 And out of the sixteen thousand persons, 17 And we ourselves will go armed and ready
47 Moses took the fiftieth head, and gave it to for battle before the children of Israel, until we
the Levites that watched in the tabernacle of the bring them in unto their places. Our little ones
Lord, as the Lord had commanded. and all we have, shall be in walled cities, for fear
48 And when the commanders of the army of the ambushes of the inhabitants.
and the tribunes, and centurions were come to 18 Wevi'ill not return into our houses, until the

Moses, they said children of Israel possess their inheritance:

49 We
thy servants have reckoned up the num- 19 Neither will we seek any thing beyond the
ber of the fighting men, whom we had under our Jordan, because we have already our possession
hand, and not so much as one was wanting. on the east side thereof.
50 Therefore we offer as gifts to the Lord 20 And Moses said to them: If you do what
what gold every one of us could find in the booty, you promise, go on well appointed for war before
in garters and tablets, rings and bracelets, and the Lord:
chains, that thou mayst pray to the Lord for us 21 And let every fighting man pass over the
51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest received Jordan, until the Lord overthrow his enemies,
all the gold in divers kinds, 22 And all the land be brought under him: then
52 In weight sixteen thousand seven hundred shall you be blameless before the Lord and before
and fifty sides, from the tribunes and from the Israel, and you shall obtain the countries that you
centurions. desire, before the Lord.
53 For that which every one had taken in the 23 But if y ou do not what you say, no man can
booty, was his own. doubt but you sin against God: and know ye that
54 And that which, was received they brought your sin shall overtake you.
into the tabernacle of the testimony, for a memo- 24 Build therefore cities for your children, and
rial of the children of Israel before the Lord. folds and stalls for your sheep and beasts: and
accomplish what you have promised.
CHAP. XXXII. 25 And the children of Gad and Ruben said to
Tlie tribes of Ruben and Gad, and half of the Moses: We are thy servants: we will do what
tribe of Manasses, receive their inheritance on my lord commandeth.
the east side of Jwdan, upon conditions ap- "26 We will leave our children, and our wives,
proved of by Moses. and sheep, and cattle, m the cities of Galaad:
AND the sons of Ruben and Gad had many
flocks of cattle, and their substance in beasts
27 And we thy servants all well appointed will
march on to the war, as thou my lord speakest.
was infinite. And when they saw the lands of 28 Moses therefore commanded Eleazar the
priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and the princes
Jazcr and Galaad fit for feeding cattle,
2 They came to Moses and Eleazar the priest, of the families of all the tribes of Israel, and said
and the princes of the multitude and said: to them:
3 Alaroth, and Dibon. and Jazer, and Nemra, 29 If the children of Gad, and the children of
Hesebon, and Eleale, and Saban, and Nebo, and Ruben pass with you over the Jordan all armed
Beon, for wnr before the Lord, and the land be made
4 The land, which the Lord hath conquered in ; subject to you; give them Gala;id in possession.
the sight of the children of Israel, is a very fertile 30 But it thev will not pass armed with you
into the land of Chanaan, let them receive places 12 And they removed from thence, and came
to dwell in among you. to Daphca.
31 And
the children of Gad, and the children 13 And departing from Daphca, they camped
of Ruben answered: As the lord hath spoken to in Alus.
his servants, so will we do: 14 And departing from Alus, they pitched their
32 We
will go armed before the Lord into the tents in Raphidim, where the people wanted wa-
land of Chanaan; and we confess that we have ter to drink.
already received our possession beyond the 15 And departing from Raphidim, they camped
Jordan. in the desert of Sinai.
33 Moses therefore gave to the children of Gad 16 But departing also from the desert of Sinai,
and of Ruben, and to the half tribe of Manasses they came to The graves of lust.
the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sehon king of 17 And departing from The graves of lust, they
the Amorrhites, and the kingdom of Og king of camped in Haseroth.
Basan, and their land and the cities thereof round 18 And from Haseroth they came to Rethma.
about. 19 And departing from Rethma, they camped
34 And the sons of Gad built Dibon, and Ata- in Remmnmphares.
roth, and Aroer, 20 And they departed from thence, and came
' 35 And Etroth, and Sophan, and Jazer, and to Lebna.
Jegbaa, 21 Removing from Lebna, they camped in
36 And Bethnemra, and Betharan, fenced Ressa.
cities, and folds for their cattle. 22 And departing from Ressa, they came to
37 But the children of Ruben built Hesebon, Ceelatha.
and Eleale, and Cariathaim, 23 And they removed from thence, and camp-
38 And Nabo, and Baalmeon (their names be- ed in the mountain Sepher.
ing changed) and Sabama; giving names to the 24 Departing from the mountain Sepher, they
cities which they had built. came to Arada.
39 Moreover the children ot Machir, the son of 25 From thence they went and camped in Ma-
Manasses, went into Galaad, and wasted it, cut- celoth.
ting off theAmorrhites the inhabitants thereof. 26 And departing from Maceloth, they came to
40 And Moses gave the land of Galaad to Thahath.
!Machir the son of Manasses; and he dwelt in it. 27 Removing from Thahath, they camped in
41 And Jair the son of Manasses went, and Thare.
took the villages thereof: and he called them 28 And they departed from thence, and pitched
Havoth is to say, the villages of Jair.
Jair, that their tents in Methca.
42 Nc*e
also went, and took Canath with the 29 And removing from Methca, they camped
villages thereof: and he called it by his own name in Hesmona.
Nobe. 30 And departing from Hesmona, they came to
CHAP XXXIII. 31 And removing from Moseroth, they camped
The mansions or journeys of the children of in Benejaacan.
Israel toivarcls the land of promise. 32 And departing from Benejaacan, they came
THESE are the mansions* of the children of to mount Gadgad.
Israel, who went out of Egypt by their 33 From thence they went and camped in Jete-
troops under the conduct of Moses and Aaron, batha.
2 Which Moses wrote down according to the 34 And from Jetebatha, thev came to Hebrona.
places of their encamping, which they changed by 35 And departing from Hebrona, they camped
the commandment of the Lord. in Asiongaber.
3 Now the children of Israel departed from 36 They removed from thence, and came into
Ramesses the first month, on the fifteenth day of the desert of Sin, which is Cades.
the first month, the dav after the phase, with a 37 And departing from Cades, they camped
mighty hand, in the sight of all the Egyptians, in mount Hor, in the uttermost borders of the
4 Who were burying their first-born, whom the land of Edom.
Lord had slain (upon their gods also he had exe- 38 And Aaron the priest went up into mount
cuted vengeance,) Hor at the commandment of the Lord: and there
5 And tney camped in Soccoth. he died in the fortieth year of the coming forth
6 And from Soccoth they came into Etham, jof the children of Israel out of Egypt, the fifth
which is in the uttermost borders of the wilder- month, the first day of the month,
ness. 39 When he was a hundred and twenty three
7 Departing from thence they came over years old.
against Phihahiroth, which looketh towards Beel- 40 And king Arad the Chanaanite, who dwelt
sephon, and they camped before Magdalum. towards the south, heard that the children of Is-
8 And departing from Phihahiroth, they passed rael were come to the land of Chanaan.
through the midst of the sea into the wilderness: 41 And they departed from mount Hor, and
and having marched three days through the desert camped in Salmona.
of Etham, they camped in Mara. 42 From whence they removed, and came to
9 A »d departing from Mara, they came into Phunon.
Elim, were there were twelve founlams of 43 And departing from Phunon, they camped
waters, and seventy palm trees: and there they in Oboth.
camped. 44 And from Oboth they came to Ijeabarim.
10 But departing from thence also, they pitch which is in the borders of the Moabites.
ed their tents by the Red Sea. And departing 45 And departing from Ijeabarim, they pitched
from the Red Sea, their tents in Dibongab
] I They camped in the desert of Sin. 46 From thence they went, and camped in
* TTie mansions. These mansions, or journeys 47 And departing from Helmondeblathaim,
of the children of Israel from Elgypt to the land they came to the mountains of Abarim over-
of promise, were figures, according to the fathers, against Nabo.
of the steps and degrees by which christians leav- 48 And departing from the mountains of Aba-
ing sin are to advance from virtue to virtue, till rim, they passed to the plains of Moab, by the
they come ta the heavenly mansion.s, after this life, Jordan, over-against Jericho.
to see and enjoy God 49 And there they camped from Bethsimotb
: : .

even to Abelsatim, in the plains of tne Moabites, their families, and the tribe of the children of
50 Where the Lord said to Moses: Gad according to the number of their kindreds^
51 Command the children of Israel, and say and half of the tribe of Manasses,
to them: When you shall have passed over the 15 That is, two tribes and a half, have received
Jordan, entering into the land of Chanaan, their portion beyond the Jordan over-against Je-
52 Destroy all the inhabitants of that land, richo at the east side.
beat down their pillars, and break in pieces their 16 And the Lord said to Moses:
statues, and waste all their high places, 17 These are the names of the men, that shall
93 Cleansing the land, and dwelling in it. For divide the land unto you: Eleazar the priest, and
I have given it you for a possession. Josue the son of Nun,
54 And you shall divide it among you by lot. 18 And one prince of every tribe,
To the more you shall giv6 a larger part, and to 19 Whose names are these: Of the tribe of
the fewer a lesser. To every one as the lot shall Juda, Caleb the son of Jephone.
fall, so shall the inheritance be given. The pos- 20 Of the tribe of Simeon, Samuel the son of
session shall be divided by the tribes and the fa- Ammiud.
milies. 21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the son of
55 But if you will not kill the inhabitants of Chaselon.
the land, they that remain shall be unto you as 22 Of the tribe of the children cf Dan, Boftci
nails in your eyes, and spears in your sides: and the son of Jogli.
they shall be your adversaries in the land of your 23 Of the children of Joseph of the tribe of
habitation. Manasses, Hanniel the son of Ephod.
56 And whatsoever I had thought to do to 24 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Camuel the son
them, I will do to you. of Sephthan.
25 Of the tribe of Zabulon, Elisaphan the son
CHAP. XXXIV. of Pharnach.
The limits of Chanaan; with the names of the 26 Of the tribe of Issachar, Phaltiel the prince
men that shall make the division of it. the son of Ozan.
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 Command the children of Israel, and lomi.
27 Of the tribe of Aser, Ahiud the son of Sa-

thou shah say to them: When you are entered 28 Of the tribe of Nephtali, Phedael the son
into the land of Chanaan, and it shall be fallen of Ammiud.
unto your possession by lot, it shall be bounded 29 These are they whom the Lord hath com-
by these limits: manded to divide the land of Chanaan lo the chil-
3 The south-side shall begin from the wilder- dren of Israel.
ness of Sin, which is by Edom, and shall have
the most salt sea* for its furthest limits eastward
4 Which limits shall go round on the south Cities are appointed fur the Levites: of which
side by the ascent of the Scorpion,! and so into six are to be the cities of refuge.
Senna, and reach toward the south as far as Ca- ND the Lord snoke these things also to Mo-
desbarne, from whence the frontiers shall go out ses in the pla ns of Moab by the Jordan,
to the town called Adar, and shall reach as far as over-against Jericho
Asemoia. 2 Command the children of Israel that they
5 And the limits shall fetch a compass from give to the Levites out of their possessions,
Asemona to the torrent of Egypt, and shall end 3 Cities to dwell in, and their suburbs round
in the shore of the ^reat sea. j about: that they may abide in the towns, and the
6 And the west side shall begin from the great suburbs may be for their cattle and beasts:
sea; and the same shall be the end thereof. 4 Which suburbs shall reach from the walls
7 But toward the north side the borders shpll of the cities outward, a thousand paces on every
begin from the great sea, reaching to the most side
high mountain,§ 5 Toward the east shall be two thousand cu-
8 From which they shall come to Emath, as bits: and toward the south in like manner shall
far as the borders of Sedada: be two thousand cubits: towards the sea also,
J) And the limits shall go as far as Zcphrona which looketh to the west, shall be the same ex-
and the village of Enan. These shall be the tent: and the north side shall be bounded with
borders on the north side. the like limits. And the cities shall be in the
10 From thence they shall mark out the bound midst, and the suburbs without.
towards the east side from the village of Enan 6 And among the cities, which you shall give
unto Sephama: to the Levites, six shall be separated for refuge
11 And from Sephama the boui'.^'i shall go to fugitives, that he who hath shed blood may
down to Rebia, over-against the frnntain of flee to them: and besides these there shall be
Daphnis: from thence they shall come eastward other forty two cities,
to the sea of Cenereth.|| 7 That is, in all forty eight with their suburbs.
12 And shall reach as far as the Jordan, and at 8 And of these cities which shall be given out
the last shall be closed in by the most salt sea. of the possessions of the children of Israel, from
This shall be your land witn its borders round them that have more, more shall betaken; and.
about from them that have less, fewer. Each shall give
13 And Moses commanded the children of Is- towns to the Levites according to the extent of
rael, saying: This shall be the land which you their inheritance.
shall possess by lot, and which the Lord hath 9 The Lord said to Moses:
commanded to be given to the nme tribes, and to 10 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
the half tribe. shalt say to them: When you shall have passed
14 For tlie tribe of the children of Ruben by over the Jordan into the land of Chanaan,
11 Determine what cities shall be for the re-
* The most salt sea. The lake of Sodom, other- fuge of fugitives, who have shed blood against
wise called the Dead sea their will. '

t Tlic Scorpion. A mountain so called from 12 And when


the fugitive shall be in them, the

havinp; a great number of scorpions. kinsman of him that is slain may not have power
t TIte great sia. The Mediterranean. to kill him, until he stand before the multitude,
§ The most hi^h mountain. Libanus. and his cause be judged
Sea of Cenereth. This is the sea of Galilee, 13 And of those cities, that are separated foi
illustrated by the miracles of our Lord. the refuge of fugitives,
14 Tliree shall be beyond the Jordan, and three neiUier can it otherwise be expiated, but by hb
jn the land of Chanaan, blood that hath shed the blood of another.
15 As well for the children of Israel as for 34 And thus shall your possession be cleansed,
strangers and sojourners, that he may flee to myself abiding with you. For I am the Lord
them, who hath shed blood against his will. that dwell among the children of Israel.
16 If any man strike with iron, and he die that
was struck; he shall be guilty of murder, and he
himself shall die. That the inheritances may not be alienated from
17 If he throw a stone, and he that is struck one tribe to another, all are to marry within
die; he shall be punished in the same manner. their oivn tribes.
18 If he that is struck with wood die; he shall ND the princes of the families of Galaad,
be revenged by the blood of him that struck him A' the son of Machir, the son of Manas«es of^
19 The kinsman of him that was slain, shall kill the stock of the children of Joseph, came, and
the murderer: as soon as he apprehendetli him, ^poke to Moses before the princes of Israel, and
he sliali kill him. said:
20 If through hatred any one push a man, or 2 The Lord hath commanded thee, my
fling any thing at him with ill design: that thou shouldst divide the land by lot to the
21 Or being his enemy, strike him with his] children of Israel, and that thou shouldst give to
hand, and he die; the striker shall be guilty of the daughters of Salphaad our brother the pos-
murder: the kinsman of him that was slain, as session due to their father:
Boon as he findeth him, shall kill him. 3 Now if men of another tribe take them to
22 But if by chance-medley, and without ha- wives, their possession will follow them; and be-
tred, ing transferred to another tribe, will be a dimin-
23 And enmity, he do any of these things, ishing of our inheritance.
24 And this be proved in the hearing of the 4 And so it shall come to pass, that when the
people, and the cause be debated between him jubilee, that is, the fiftieth year of remission is
tliat struck, and the next of kin: come, the distribution made by the lots shall be
25 The innocent shall be delivered from the confounded, and the possession of the one shall
hand of the revenger, and shall be brought back pass to the others.
by sentence into Uie city, to which he had fled: 5 Moses answered the children of Israel, and
and he shall abide there until the death* of the said by the command of the Lord: The tribe of
high-priest, that is anointed with the holy oi^ the children of Joseph hath spoken rightly.
26 If the murderer be found without the limits 6 And this is the law promulgated by the Ijord,
of the cities that are appointed for the banished, touching the daughters of Salphaad: I^et them
27 And be struck by him that is the avenger marry to whom they will, only so that it be to
of blood; he shall not be guilty that killed him. men of their own tribe:
28 For the fugitive ought to have stayed in the 7 Lest the possession of the children of Israel
city until the death of the high-priest: And after be mingled from tribe to tribe. For all inen shall
he is dead, then shall the manslayer return to his marry wives of their own tribe and kindred:
own country. 8 And all women shall take husbands of the
29 These things shall be perpetual, and for an same tribe: that the inheritance may remain in
ordinance i:i all your dwellings. the families,
30 The murderer shall be punished by wit- 9 And that the tribes be not mingled one with
nesses: none shall be condemned upon the evi- another, but remain so
dence of one man. 10 As they were separated by the Lord. And
31 You shall not take money of him, that is the daughters of Salphaad did as was commanded:
guilty of blood; but he shall die forthwith. 11 And Maala, and Thersa, and Hegla, and
32 The banished and fugitives before the death Melcha, and Noa, were married to the sons of
of the high-priest may by no means return into their uncle by their father ,

their own cities. 12 Of the family of Manasses, who was the son
33 Defile not the land of your habitation, of Joseph: and the possession that had been allot-
which is stained with the blood of the innocent: ted to tnem, remained in the tribe and family of
their father.
* Until the death, fyc. This mystically signi- 13 These are the commandments and judg-
fied that our deliverance was to be effected by ments, which the Lord commanded by the hand
Ihc death of Christ, the high-priest and the anoint- of Moses to the children of Israel, in the plain.s of
ed of God. Moab upon the Jordan over-against Jericho


This book is called Deuteroxomy, which sig- Pharan and Thophel and'Laban and Haseioth,
nifies A SECOND LAW, because it repeats and where there is very much gold:
inculcates the ordinances formerly given on 2 Eleven days journey from Hcreb by the way
mount Sinai, tvith other precepts not expressed of mount Seir to Cadesbarne.
before. The Hebrews, from the first words in 3 In the fortieth j'ear, the eleventh month, the
the book, call it, Ellf. Haddebarim. first day of the month, Moses spoke to the chil-
dren of^ Israel all that the Lord had commanded
CHAP. I. him to say to them:
A repetition of what passed at Sinai and Cadcs- 4 After that he had slain Sehon king of the
bin ne; and of the people's murmw-ing and their Amorrhites, who dwelt in Hescbon and Og king

punishment. of Basan who abode in Astaroth, and in Edrai,

fWlIIESE are the words which Moses spoke to 5 Beyond the Jordan in the land of Moab. And
.1. all Israel beyond the Jordan, in the plain Mosps began to expound the law, and to say:
wilderness over-against the Red Sea. between 6 The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb
saying;: You have stayed long enough in this 29 And I said to you: Fear not; neitlierbe y«
mountain: afraid of them:
7 Turn you, and come to the mountain of the 30 The Lord God, who is your leader, himself
Amorrhites, and to the other places that are next will fight for you, as he did in Egypt in the sight
to it, the [jlains and the hills and the vales towards of all.
the pouth, and by the sea-shore, the land of the 31 And in the wilderness (as thou hast seen)
Chanaanites, and" of Libanus, as far as the great the Lord thy God hath carried thee, as a man is
river Euphrates. wont to carry his little son, all the way that you
8 Behold, said he, I liave delivered it to you: have come, until you came to this place.
go in and possess it, p oncerning which the Lord 32 And yet for all this you did not believe the
swore to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- Lord your God,
cob, that he would give it to them, and to tlieir 33 Who went before you in the way, and mark-
seed after them. ed out the place, wherein you should pitch yoi'r
9 And I said to you at that time: tents, in the night shewing you the way by fii«,
10 I alone am not able to bear you: for the ,and in the day by the pillar of a cloud.
Lord your God hath multiplied you, and you are 1
34 And when the Lord had heard the voice of
this day as the stars of heaven, ior multitude. your words, he was angry, and swore, and said:
11 (The Lord God of your fathers add to this 35 Not one of the men of this wicked genera-
number many thousands, and bless you as he hath tion shall see the good land, which I promised
spoken.) with an oath to your fathers,
12 I alone am not able to bear your business, 36 Except Caleb the son of Jephone: For he
and the charge of you and your differences. hall see it; and to him I will give the land, that
13 Let me have from among you wise and un- he hath trodden upon, and to his children, be-
derstanding men, and such whose conversation is cause he hath followed the Lord.
approved among your tribes, that I may appoint 37 Neitlier is his indignation against the people
them your rulers. to be wondered at, since the Lord was angry
14 Then you answered me: The thing is good with me also on your account, and said: Neither
which thou meanest to do. shall thou go in thither.
15 And I took out of your tribes men Avise and 3S But Josue the son of Nun thy minister, he
honourable, and appointed them rulers, tribunes, shall go in for thee: exhort and encourage him,
and centurions, and othcers over fifties, and over and he siiall divide the land by lot to Israel.
tens, who might teach you all things. 39 Your children, of whom you said that they
16 And I commanded them, saying: Hear should be led away captives, and your sons who
them, and judge that which is just; whether he know not this day the difference of good and evil,
be one of your countiy, or a stranger. they shall go in: and to them I will give the land,
17 There shall be no difference of persons: you and tliey shall possess it.
shall hear the little as well as the great: neither 40 But return you and go into the wilderness
sliall you respect any man's person, because it is by the way of the Red Sea.
the judgment of God. And if any thing seem 41 And you answered me: have sinnedWe
hard to you, refer it tO me, and I will hear it. against the Lord: we will go up and fight, as the
18 And I commanded you all things that you Lord our God hath commanded. And when you
were to do. went ready armed unto the mountain,
19 And departing from Horeb, we passed 42 The Lord said to me: Say to them: Go not
through the terrible and vast wilderness, which up, and fight not, for I am not with you: lest you
you saw, by the way of the mountain of the fall before your enemies.
Amorrhite, as the Lord our God had command- 43 I spoke, and you hearkened not: but resist-
ed us. And when we were come into Cades- ing the commandment of the Lord, and swelling
barne, with pride you went up into the mountain.
20 I said to you: You are come to the moun- 44 And the Amorrhite that dwelt in the moun-
tain of the Amorrhite, which the Lord our God tains coming out, and meeting you, chased you,
will give to us. as bees do: and made slaughter of you from Seir
21 See the land which the Lord thy God giveth las far as Horma.
thee go up and possess it, as the Lord our God
: 45 And when you returned, and wept before
hath spoken to thy fathers: fear not, nor be any [the Lord, he heard you not; neither would he
way discouraged. yield to your voice.
22 And you came all to me, and said Let us : 46 So you abode in Cadesbarne a long time
send men who may view the land, and bring us CHAP. II.
word what way we shall go up, and to what cities
Tf:ey are forbid to fight against the Edomites
we shall go.
23 And because the saying pleased me, I sent Moahitcs, and Ammonites. Their victory over
of you twelve men, one of every tribe: Sehon king of Hesebon.
24 Who, when they had set forward, and had
gone up to the mountains, came as far as the val-
departing from thence we came into the
wilderness that leadeth to the Red Sea, as
ley of the cluster: and having viewed the land, the Lord had spoken to me: and we compassed
25 Taking of the fruits thereof, to shew its fer- mount Seir a long time.
tility, they brought them to us, and said: The 2 And the Lord said to me:
land is good, which the Lord our God will give us. 3 You have compassed this mountain long
26 And you would not go up, but being incre- enough: go towards the north:
dulous to the word of the Lord our God, 4 And command thou the people, saying: You
27 You murmured in your tents, and said: The shall pass by the borders of your brethren the
Lord hateth us, and therefore he hath brought us children of Esau, who dwell in Seir, and they
out of the land of Egypt, that he might deliver us will be afraid of you.
into the hand of the Amorrhite, and destroy us. 5 Take ye then good heed^ that you stir not
28 Whither shall we go up.' the messengers against them. For I will not 'give you of their
have terrified our hearts, saying: The multitude land so much as the step of one foot can tread
is very great, and taller than we: the cities are upon, because I have given mount Seir to Esau,
great, and walled up to the sky:* we have seen for a possession.
the sons of the Enacims there. 6 You shall buy meats of them for money, anu
shall eat: you shall draw waters for money, and
• Ji^alled up to the sky. A figurative expres- shall drink.
sion, signifying the walls to be very high. 7 The Lord thy God hath blessed thee in ever?

wovk of thy hands: the Lord thy God dwelling because the Lord thy God had hard
let us pass:
with thep, knoweth thy jouinev, how thou hast ened* his spirit, and fi.xed his heart, th&t he
passed through this great wilderness, for forty might be delivered into thy hands, as now thou
years, and thou hast wanted nothing. seest.
8 And wlien we had passed by our brethren 31 And
the Lord said to me: Behold, I have
the children of Esau, that dwelt in Seir, by the to deliver unto thee Sehon and his land:
way of the plain from Elath and from Asionga- bes;;in to possess it.

ber, we came tO the way, that leadeth to the de- S2 And Sehon came out to meet us with all his
sert of Moab. people to fight at Jasa.
9 And the Lord said to me: Fight not against 33 the Lord our God delivered him to
the Monhitcs, neither go to battle against them: us: and we slew him with his sons and all his
for 1 will not give thee any of their land, because people.
I have given Ar to the children of Lot in posses- we took all his cities at tha time, kill-
34 And
sion. ing the inhabitants of them, men and women and
10 The Emims first were the inhabitants there- children. We
left nothing of them;

of, a people great, and strong, and so tall, that, 35 Except the cattle which came to the share
like the race of the Enacims, of them that took them; and the spoils of the
11 They were esteemed as giants, and were cities, which we took
like the sons of the Enacims. But the Moabites 36 From Aroer, which is upon the bank of the
call them Emims. torrent Arnon, a town that is situate in a valley,
12 The Horrhites also formerly dwelt in Seir: as far as Galaad. There was not a village or city,
who bein^ driven out and destroyed, the children that escaped our hands: the Lord our God de-
of Esau dwelt there, as Israel did in the land of livered all unto us;
his possession, which the Lord gave him. 37 Except the land of the children of Ammon,
13 Then rising up to pass the torrent Zared, we to which we
approached not: and all that border
came to it. upon the torrent Jeboc, and the cities in the
14 And
the time that journeyed from Ca- mountains, and all the places which the Lord our
desbarne till passed over the torrent Zared, God forbad us.
was thirty eight years: until all the generation of CHAP. III.
the men that were fit for war was consumed out
of the camp, as the Lord had sworn:
The victory over Og king of Basan. Ruben,
15 For his hand was against them, that they Gad, and half the tribe of Manasses receive
their possession on the other side of Jordan.
should perish from the midst of the camp.
16 And after all the fighting men were dead,
The I.iOrd spoke to me, saying:
THENwe turned and went by the way of
Basan; and Og the king of Basan came cut
Thou shalt pass this day the borders of to meet us with his people to fight in Edrai.
Moab, the city named Ar: 2 And the I^ord said to me: Fear him not; be-
19 And when thou comest nigh the frontiers of cause he is delivered into thy hand, with all his
the children of Ammon, take heed thou fight not people and his land: ancj thou shalt do to him as
against them, nor once move to battle: for I will thou hast done to Sehon king of the Amorrhites,
not give thee of the land of the children of Am- that dwelt in Hesebon.
mon, because I have given it to the children of 3 So the Lord our God delivered
into our
Lot for a possession. hands Ogalso the king of Basan, and all his
20 It was accounted a land of giants: and giants people: and we utterly destroyed them,
formerly dwelt in it, whom the Ammonites call 4 Wasting all his cities at one time: there was
Zomzommims, not a town that escaped us; sixty cities all the
21 A
people great and many, and of tall stature, country of Argob the kingdom of Og in Basan.
like the Enacims whom
the Lord destroyed be- 5 All the cities were fenced with very high
fore their face: and he made them to dwell in walls, and with gates and bars, besides innumera-
their stead, ble towns that had no walls.
22 As he had done in favour of. the children of 6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we had
Esau, tiiat dwell in Seir, destroying the Horrhites, done to Sehon the king of Hesebon, destroying
and delivering their land to them, which they pos- every city, men and women and children:
sess to this day. 7 But the cattle and the spoils of the cities we
23 The Hevites also, that dwelt in Haserim as took for our prey. ,

far as Gaza, were expelled by the Cappadocinns; 8 And wetook at that time the land out of the
who came out of Cappadocia, and destroyed them, hand of the two kings
of the Amorrhites, that
and dwelt in their stead. were beyond the Jordan: from the torrent Arnon
21 Arise ye, and pass the torrent Anion: be- unto the mountain Hermon,
nold, I have delivered into thy hand Sehon king 9 Which the Sidonians call Sarion, and the
of Hesebon the Amorrhite, and begin thou to Amorrhites Sanir:
possess his land, and make war against him. 10 All the cities that are situate in the plain,
2-3 Tliis day will I begin to send the dread and and all the land of Galaad and Basan as far as
fear of thee upon the nations that dwell under the Selcha and Edrai, cities of the kingdom of Og in
whole heaven; that when they hear thy name Basan.
they may fear and tremble, and be in pain like 11 For only Og king of Basan remained of the
women in travail. race of the giants. His bed of iron is shown,
2<> So
sent messengers from the wilderness of
I which is in Bnbbath of the children of Ammon,
Cademoth to Sehon the king of Hesebon with being nine cubits long, and four broad after the
peaceable words, saving: measure of the cubit of a man's hand.
27 We
will jiass through thy land, we will gc 12 AntI we possessed the land at that time from
along by the high way: we will not turn aside Aroer, which is upon the bank of the torrent
neither to the right hand, nor to the left. Arnon,unio the half of mount Galaad: and I gave
28 Sell us meat for money, that we may eat: the cities thereof to Ruben and Gad
rive us water for money, and so we will drink. 13 And I delivered the c'her part of Galaad,
We only ask that thou wilt let us pass through, and all Basan the kingdom of Og to the half tribe
29 .\s the children of F^sau have done, that
dwell in Seir, and the Monbites, that abide in Ar * Hardened, That is, in punishment of
until we come to the Jordan, and pass to the land his past sins, him to his own stubborn and
he left
whieii the Lord our God will give us. perverse aisposition, which drew him to his ruin
30 And Sehon the king of Hesebon would not See the note on Exodus vii. '6.

of Manasses, all the country of Argob: and all I
and justices, as the Lord my God hath coinmand*
Basan is called the Land of giants. ed me: so shall you do them in the land which
14 Jair the son of Manasses possessed all the you shall possess:
country of Argob unto the borders of Gtssuri, and 6 And you shall observe and fulfil them in
Machati. And he called Basan by his own name, practice. For this is your wisdom, and under
Havoth Jair, that is to say, the towns of Jair, un- standing in the sight of nations, that heaiing all
til this present day. these precepts, they may say: Behold, a wise and
15 To Machir also I gave Galaad. understanding people, a great nation.
16 And to the tribes of Ruben and Gad I gave 7 Neither is there any other nation so great,
of the land of Galaad as far as the torrent Arnon, that hath gods so nigh them, as our God is present
half the torrent, and the confines even unto the to all our petitions.
torrent Jeboc, wliich is the border of the children 8 For what other nation is there so renowned
of Amnion that hath ceremonies, and just judgments, and af)
17 And the plain of the wilderness, and the Jor- the law, which I will set forth this day before your
dan, and the borders of Cenereth unto the sea of eyes .'

the desert, which is the most salt sea, to the foot 9 Keep thyself therefore, and thy soul careful
of mount Phasga eastward. ly. Forget not the words that thy eyes ha\e
18 And I commanded you at that time, saying: seen, and let them not go out of thy heait all tl.e
The Lord your God giveth you this land for an days of thy life. Thou shall teach them to thy
inheritance: go ye well appointed before your sons and to thy grandsons,
brethren the children of Israel all the strong men 10 From the day in which thou didst stand be-
of you: fore the Lord thy God in Horeb, when the Lord
19 Leaving your wives and children and cattle. spoke to me, saying: Call together the people un-
For I know you have much cattle; and they must to me, that they may hear my words, and may
remain in the cities, which I have delivered to learn to fear me all the time that they live on the
you, earth, and may teach their children.
20 Until the Lord give rest to your brethren, 11 And you came to the foot of the mount,
as he hath given to you; and they also possess the which burned even unto heaven: and there was
land, which he will give them beyond the Jordan: darkness, and a cloud and obscurity in it.
then shall every man return to his possession,! 12 And the Lord spoke to you from the midst
which I have given you. of the fire.
You heard the voice of his words,
21 I commanded Josue also at that time, say- but you saw not any form at all.
ing: Thy eyes have seen what the Lord j'our 13 And he showed you his covenant, which he
God hath done to these two kings: so will he do commanded you to do, and the ten words that he
to all the kingdoms to which thou shall pass. wrote in two tables of stone.
22 Fear them not: for the Lord your God will 14 And he commanded me at that time that 1
fight for you. should teach you the ceremonies and judgments,
23 And I besought the Lord at that time, say- which you shall do in the land, that you shall
ing: possess.
24 Lord God, thou hast begun to show unto 15 Keep therefore your souls carefully. You
thy servant thy greatness, and most mighty hand; saw not any similitude in the day that the Lord
for there is no other God either in heaven or God spoke to you in Horeb from the midst of the
earth, that is able to do thy works, or to be com- fire:
pared to thy strength. 16 Lest perhaps being deceived you might
25 I will pass over therefore, and will see this make you a graven similitude, or image of male
excellent land beyond the Jordan, and this good- or female,
ly mountain, and Libanus. 17 The similitude of any beasts, that are upon
26 And the Lord was angry with me on your the earth, or of birds, that fly under heaven,
account, and heard me not, but said to me: It is 18 Or of creeping things, that move on the
enough: s|)eak no more to me of this matter. earth, or of fishes, that abide in the waters under
27 Go up to the top of Phasga, and cast thy the earth:
eyes round about to the west, and to the north, 19 Lest perhaps lifting up thy eyes to heaven,
and to the south, and to the east, and behold it; thou see the sun and the moon, and all the stars
for thou shall not pass this Jordan. of heaven, and being deceived l)y error thou
28 Command Josue, and encourage and adore and serve them, which the Lord thy God
strengthen him: for he shall go before this people, created for the service of all the nations, that are
and shall divide unto them the land which tnou under heaven.
shall see. 20 But the Lord hath taken you and brought
29 And we abode in the valley over-against the vou out of the iron furnace of Egypt, to mnke you
temjile of Phogor. his poojile of iidieritance, as it is this pr< sent d.-^y
21 And the Lord was angry with me for your
words: and he swore that I '^nould not pass over
Moses exhorteth the people to keep God's com- the Jordan, nor enter into the rxcellrnt land
mandments: particularly to fly idolatry. Ap which he will give you.
pointelb three cities of refuge, on that side of 22 Behold, I die in this land: 1 shall not pass
the Jordan. over the Jordan: you shall ]iass, and possess the
NDnow, OIsrael, hear the commandments good'y land.
and judgments which I teach thee; that do- 23 iBeware lest thou ever forg-'t the coxenant
ing them, thou mayst live, and entering in mayst of the I^ord thy God, which he hnth made with
possess thf> land which the Lord the God of your thee, and make to thyself a grnvi n liken' ss of
Fathers will give you. those things which the Lord h.alh foil id to be
2 You shall not add to the word that I speak to made:
you, neither shall you take away from it: keep 24 Because the Lord thy Go.l is a consuming
the commandments of the Lord your God which fire, a jealous God.
I command you. 25 If you shall beget sons niid gr'tndsoiis, and
3 Your eyes have seen all that the Ijord hnth abide in" the land, and hein^r ''eceiv^d uv.'kf to
done against Beelphegor; how he hath destroyed yourselves any similitude, cf^nimiiting evil he
all his worshipiiers from among j'ou. fore the Lord your God. to provoke liim to
4 But you that adhere to the Lord 3'our God, wrnth:
tre all alive until this present day. 26 I call this day heaven and earth to wilncse
6 You know that I have taught vou statutes that you shall qijickly perish out of the land

which, when you have passed over the Jordan, of the torrent Arnon, unto mount Sion, whi.-Vi is
you shall iiossess. You shall not dwell therein also called Hermon,
long;, but ttie Lord will destroy you, 49 All the plain beyond the Jordan at the east
27 And scatter you among all nations, and you side, unto the sea of the wilderness, and unto the
shall remain a few among the nations, to which foot of mount Phasga.
tJie Lord shall lead you.
28 And there you shall serve gods, that were

framed with men's hands; wood and stone; that| The ten commandments are repeated and bt-
neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.
2!) And when thou shalt seek there the Lord
thy God, thou shalt tind him: yet so, if thou seek

AND Moses called all Israel, and said to them:

Hear, O Israel, the ceremonies and jiidg-
him with all thy heart, and all the affliction of iients, which I sjieak in your ears this day: learn
thy soul. them, and fulfil them in work.
Si) After all the things aforesaid shall find thee, 2 The Lord our God made a covenant with us
it'. :he latter time thou shalt return to the Lord in Horeb.
tiiy God, and shalt hear his voice. 3 He made not the covenant with our fathers,
31 Because the Ijord thy God is a merciful but with us, who are now present and living.
God: he will not leave thee, nor altogether de- 4 He s[iokc to us face to face in the mount out
stroy thee, nor forget the covenant, by which he of the midst of fire.
swore to thy fathers. 5 I was the mediator and stood between the
32 Ask of the days of old, that have been be- Lord and you at that time, to show you his
fore thy time from the day that God created man words; for you feared the fire, and went not up
upon the earth, from one end of heaven to the into the mountain: and he said:
other end thereof, if ever there was done the like 6 I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee
thing, or it hath been known at any time, out of the land of .Egypt, out of the house of
33 That a people should hear the voice of God bondage.
speaking out of the midst of fire, as thou hast 7 Thou shalt not have strange gods in my
heard, and lived: sight.
34 If God ever did so as to go, and take to him- 8 Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven
self a nation out of the midbt of nations, by temp- thing, nor the likeness of any things, that are in
tations, signs, and wonders, by fight, and a strong heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or
hand, and stretched-out arm, and horrible vi- that abide in the waters under the earth.
sions according to all the things that the Lord 9 Thou shalt not adore them, and thou shalt
your God did for you in Egypt, before thy not serve them. For I am the Lord thy God,
eyes. a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers
35 That thou mightst know that the Lord he is upon their children unto the third and fourth ge-
God, and there is no other besides him. neration to them that hate me,
oG From heaven he made thee to hear his 10 And showing mercy unto many thousands
voice, that he might teach thee. And upon earth to them that love me, and keep my command-
he showed tliee his exceeding great fire: and thou ments.
didst hear his words out of the midst of the fire, 11 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord
37 Because he loved thy fathers, and chose thy God in vain: for he shall not be unpunished
their seed after them. And he brought thee out that taketh his name upon a vain thing.
of Egyiit, going before thee with his great power, 12 Observe the day of the sabbath, to sanctify
38 To destroy at thy coming very great nations it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.
and sironger than thou art; and to bring thee in, 13 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all
and give thee their land in possession, as thou thy works.
seest at this present day. "14 The seventh day is the sabbath, that is, the

39 Know therefore this day, and think in thy rest of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not do
heart that the Lord he is God in heaven above, any work therein, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
and in the earth beneath, and there is no other. daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-
40 Keep his precepts and commandments, servant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass, nor any of thy
which I command thee: that it may be well with beasts, nor the stranger that is within thy gates;
thee, and thy children after thee, and thou mayst that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may
remain a long time upon the land, which the Lord rest, even as thyself.
thy God will give thee. 15 Remember that thou also didst serve in
41 Then Moses set ^side three cities beyond Egypt: and the Lord thy God brought thee out
the .Jordan at the east side, from thence with a strong hand, and a stretched-
42 That any one might flee to them who should out arm. Therefore hath he commanded thee
kill his neighbour unwillingly, and was not his that thou shouldst observe the sabbath-day.
enemy a day or two before, and that he might es- 16 Honour thy father and mother, as the Lord
cape to some one of these cities: thy God hath commanded thee, that thou mayst
43 Bosor in the wilderness, which is situate in live a Ions time, and it may be well with thee in
the plain* of the tribe of Ruben; and Ramoth in the land, which the Lord thy God will give thee.
Galaad, which is in the tribe of Gad; and Golan 17 Thou shalt not kill.
ii. Basan, which is in the tribe of Manasses. I 18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
44 This is the law, that Moses set before the 19 And thou shalt not steal.
children of Israel, 20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against
43 And these are the testimonies and ceremo- thy neighbour.
nies and judgments, which he spoke to the chil- 21 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife;
dren of Israel, when they came out of Egypt, nor his house, nor his field, nor his man-servant,
4ti Beyond fne Jorrlan in the vallev over- nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor
against the temple of Phogor in the land of Se- anything that is his.
hon king of the Amorrhites, that dwelt in Hes- 22 These words the Lord spoke to all the mul
ebon, whom Moses slew. And the children of Is- titude of you in the mountain, out of the midst
rael coming out of Egypt of the fire and the cloud, and the darkness, with a
47 Possessed his land, and the land of Og king loud voice, adding nothing more: and he wrote
Ot Basan, of the two kings of the Amorrhites, them in two tables of stone, which he delivered
who were beyond the Jordan towards the rising unto me.
of the sun: 23 But you, after you heard the voice out of
48 From Aroer, which is situate upon the bank the midst of the darkness, and saw the mountaiji

ourn, to me all the princes of the tribes and
came have given thee great and goodly cities, wh'ch
lie elders, and you said: thou didst not build,
24 Behold, the Lord our God hath shown us 11 Houses full of riches, which thou didst not
his majesty and his f!;reatness: we have heard his set up, cisterns which thou didst not dig, vine-
/oice out of the midst of the fire; and have prov- yards and oliveyards, which thou didst not plant,
ed this day that God speaking _jvith man, man 12 And thou shalt have eaten and be full:
hath lived. 13 Take heed diligently lest thou forget the
25 Why shall we die therefore, and why shall Lord who brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
this exceeding great fire consume us? For if we out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt fear the
hear the voice of the Lord our God any more, Lord thy God, and shalt serve him only; and thou
we shall die. shalt swear by his name.
26What is all flesh, that it should hear the voice 14 You shall not go after the strange gods of
of the living God, who speaketh out of the midst all the nations, that are round about you:
of the fire, as we have heard, and be able to 15 Because the Lord thy God is a jealous God
live ? in the midst of thee: lest at any time the wrath of
27 Approach thou rather: and hear all things the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, a.ri
that the Lord our God shall say to thee: and take thee away from the face of the earth.
thou shalt speak to us, and we will hear and will 16 Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Gcd, as
do them. thou temptedst him in the place of temptation.
28 And when the Lord had heard this, he said 17 Keep the precepts of the Lord thy God, and
tome: I have heard the voice of the words of the testimonies and ceremonies, which he hath
this people, which they spoke tn thee: they have commanded thee.
spoken all things well. 18 And do that which is pleasing and good in
29 Who
shall give them to have such a mind, the sight of the Lord, that it may be well with
to fear me, and to keep all my commandments at thee: and going in thou mayst possess the goodly
all times, that it may be well with them and with land, concerning which the Lord swore to thy
their children for ever.' fathers,
30 Go and say to them: Return into your 19 That he would destroy all thy enemies be-
tents. fore thee, as he hath spoken.
31 But stand thou here with me: and I will 20 And when thy son shall ask thee to-mor-
speak to thee all my commandments, and cere- row, saying: What mean these testimonies, and
monies and judgments; which thou slialt teach ceremonies, and judgments, which the Lord our
them, that they may do them in the land, which I God hath commanded us?
will give them for a po.ssession. 21 Thou shalt say to him: were bondmenWe
32 Keep therefore and do the things which of Pharao in Egypt, and the Lord brought us out
the Lord God hath commanded you: you shall of Egypt with a strong hand.
not go aside neither to the right hand, nor to the 22 And he wrought signs and wonders great
left: and very grievous in Egypt against Pharao, and
33 But you shall walk in the way that the Lord all his house, in our sight:
your God hath commanded, that you may live, 23 And he brought us out from thence, that he
and it may be well with you, and your days may might bring us in and give us the land, concerning
be long in the land of your possession. which he swore to our fathers.
24 And the Lord commanded that we should
do all these ordinances, and should fear the Lord
An exhortation to the love of God, and obedience our God, that it might be well with us all the days
to his law. of our life, as it is at this day.
THESE are the precepts, and ceremonies, 25 And he will be merciful to us, if we keep
and judgments, which the Lord your God and do all his precepts before the Lord our God,
commanded that I should teach you, and that as he hath commanded us.
you should do them in tlie land, into which you CHAP. VII.
pass over to possess it:
2 That thou mayst fear the Lord thy God, No league nor fellowship to be made with the Cha-
and keep his commandments and precepts, which naanites: God promiseth his people his bless-
I command thee, and thy sons, and thy giand- ing and assistance, if they keep his command-
sons, ajl the days of thy life, that thy days may be ments.
3 Hear, O Israel, and observe to do the things
WHEN the Lord thy God shall have brought
thee into the land, which thou art going in
which Lord hath commanded thee, that it
the to possess, and' shall have destroyed many nations
may be well with thee, and thou mayst be greatly before thee, the Hethite, and the Gergezite, and
multiplied, as the Lord the God of thy fathers the Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, and the Phe-
hath promised thee a land flowing with milk and rezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, seven
honey. nations much more numerous than thou art, and
4 Hear, O Israel, the Lord o^r God is one stronger than thou:
Lord. 2 And the Lord thy God shall have delivered
5 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy them to thee, thou shalt- utterly destroy them.
whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with Thou shalt make no league with them, nor show
ihy whole strength. mercy to them
6 And these words which I command thee this 3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with
day, shall be in thy heart: them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his
7 And thou shalt tell them to thy children: son, nor take his daughter for thy son:
and thou shalt meditate upon them sitting in thy 4 For she will turn away thj' son from follow-
house, and walking on thy journey, sleeping, and ing me, that he may rather serve strange gods:
rising. and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled, and
8 And thou shalt bind them as a sign on thy will (juickly destroy thee.
liand and they shall be and shall move between
: 5 But thus rather shall you deal with them: De-
thy eyes. stroy their altars, and break their statues, and cut
9 And thou shalt write them in the entry, and down their groves, and burn their graven things
on the doors of thy house. 6 Because thou art a holy people to the J..ord
10 And when the Lord thy God shall have tliy God. The Lord thy God hath chosen thee,
brought thee into the land, for which he swore to to he his peculiar people of all peoples that are
lliy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and shall upon the earth.

7 Not because you surpass all nations in num- shalt utterly abhor it as uncJeanness and filth, be-
ber, is (he Lord joined unto you, and hath chosen cause it is an anathema.
you, tor you are the fewest of any people:
8 Rut because the Lord hath loved you, and
hath kept his oath, which he swore to your fa- The people is put in mind of God's dealings wUk
thers: and hath broug,ht you out with a strong them, to the end that they may love hin and
hand, and redeemed you from the house of bon- serve him.
dage, out of the hand of Pharao the king of ALL the commandments, that I command thee
this day, take great care to observe: that
9 And thou shall know that the Lord tl:iy God, you may live, and be multiplied, and goir.g a
he is a strong and faithful God, keeping his cove- may possess the land, for which the Lord swore
nant and mercy to them that love him, and to to vour fathers.
them that kee]) his commandments, unto a thou- i And thou shalt remember all the way through
sand generations: which the Lord thy God hath brought thee for
10 And repaying forthwith them that hate him, forty years through the desert to afflict thee and
so as to destroy them, without further delay, im- to prove thee, and that the things that were in thy
aiediately rendering to them what they deserve. heart might be made knoWn, whether thou
11 Keep therefore the jirecepts and cererno wouldst keep his commandments or no.
nies and judgments, which I command thee this 3 He afflicted thee with want, and gave thee
day to do. manna for thy food, which neither thou nor thy
12 If after thou heard these judgments, fathers knew: to show that not in bread alone^.
thou keep and do them, the Lord thj- God will doth man live; but in every word that proceed-
alsokeep his covenant to thee, and the mercy eth from the mouth of God.
which he swore to thy fathers: 4 Thy raiment, with which thou wast covered,
13 And he will love thee and multiply thee, hath not decayed for age, and thy foot is not
and will bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit worn, lo, this is the fortieth year,
of thy land, thj' corn, and thy vintage, thy oil, 5 That thou mayst consider in thy heart, that
and tliy herds, and the flocks of thy sheep upon as a man traineth up his son, so the Lord thy God
the land, for which he swore to thy fathers that hath trained thee up.
he would give it thee. 6 That thou shouldst keep the commandments
14 Blessed shalt thou be among all people. No of the Lord ihy God, and walk in his ways, and
one shall be barren among you of either sex, nei- fear him.
ther of men nor cattle. 7 For the T^ord thy Goil will bring thee into a
15 The Lord will take away frorii thee all sick- good land, of brooks, and of waters, and of foun-
ness: and the grievous infirmities of Egypt, tains; in the plains of which and the hills deep
which thou knowest, he will not bring upon thee, rivers break out:
but u|ion thy enemies. 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vineyards,
16 Thou shalt consume all the people, which wherein iig-trees, and pomegranates, and olive-
the Lord thy God will deliver to thee. Thy eye yards grow; a land of oil and honey:
shall not spare them, neither shalt thou serve their 9 Where without any want thou shalt ea; chy
gods, lest they be thy ruin. bread, and enjoy abundance of all things: where
17 If thou say in thy heart: These nations are the stones are iron, and out of its hills are dug
more than I; how shall I be able to destroy them.' mines of brass:
18 Fear not, but remember what the Lord thy 10 That when thou hast eaten, and art full,
God did to Pharao and to all the Egyptians; thou mayst bless the Lord thy God for the excel-
19 The ex'ceedin^ great plagues, which thy lent land which he hath given thee.
eyes saw, and the signs and wonders, and the 11 Take heed, and bev>'are lest at any time
strong hand, and the stretched-out arm, with thou forget the Lord thy God, and neglect his
which the Lord thy God brought thee out: so commandments and judgments and ceremonies,
will he do to all the peo]ile whom thou fearest. which I command thee this day:
20 Moreover the Lord thy God will send also 12 Lest after- thou hast eaten and art filled,
hornets among them, until he destroy and con- hast built goodly houses, and dwelt in them,
sume all that have escaped thee, and could hide 13 And shalt have herds of oxen and flocks of
themselves. slieep, and plenty of gold and of silver, and of
21 Thou shalt not fear them; because the all things,
Lord thy God is in the midst of thee, a God 14 Thy heart be lifted up, and thou remember
miihty and terrible: not the Lord thy God, Avho brought thee out of
22 He will consume these nations in thy sight the land of Egypt, out of the house of bonilage:
by little and little and by degrees. Thou wilt not 15 And was thy leader in the great and terri-
be able to destroy them altogether: lest perhaps ble wilderness, wherein there was the serpent
the beasts of the earth should increase upon thee. burning with his breath, and the scorpion, and the
23 But the Loid thy God shall deliver them in dipsas,§ and no waters at all: who brought forth
thy sight; and shall slay them until they be ut-| streams out of the hardest rock,
terly di-stroyed. 16 And fefl thee in the wilderness with manna,
24 And he shall deliver their kings into thy which thy fathers knew not. And af*er he had
ham's, and thou shalt destroy their names from afflicted and proved thee, at the last he nad n-.ercy
under heaven: no man shall be able to resist thee, on thee,
uiitil thou destroy them. 17 Lest thou should say in thy heart: My own
2.) Their graven things* thou shalt burn with might, and the strength of my own hand, have
fire; thou shalt not covet the silver and gold of achieved all- these things for me.
which they are made: neither shalt thou take to IS But remember the Lord thy God, that he
thee any tiling thereof, lest thou offend; because hath given thee strength, that he might fulfil his
it is an abomination to the Lord thy God. covenant, concerning which he swore to thy fa-
26 Neither shalt thou bring any thing of the thers, as this prpsent day showeth.
fdol into thy house, lest thou become an anathe-
ma,! like it. Thou shalt detest it as dung, and ^ Not in bread alone. S,-c. i. e. That God is able
to make food of what he pleases for the support
* Green things. Idols, so called by contempt. of man.
t An anathema. That is, a thing devoted to 5 The dipsas. A serpent whose bite causetb
destruction, and which carries along with it a a violent thirst: from whence it has it.s name; for
euise in Greek, dipsa (3;-4/ci) signifies thirst.
19 But if thou forget the Lord thy God, and molten calf, and had quickly forsaken his way
}olIow strange gods, and serve and adore them; which he had shown you:
hehold, now I foretel thee that thou shalt utterly 17 I cast the tables out of my hands, and broka
perish. them in your sight.
20 As the nations, which the Lord destroyed 18 And I fell down before the Lord as before,
at thy entrance, so shall you also perish, if you forty days and nights neither eating bread, nor
be disobedient to the voice of the Lord your drinking water, for all your sins which you had
God. committed against the Lord, and had provoked
him to wrath:
CHAP. IX. 19 For I feared his indignation and anger,
Lest they should impute their victories to their wherewith being moved against vou, he would
own merits, they are put in mind of their mani- have destroyed you. And the Lord heard me
fold rebellions and other sins, for which they this time also-
should have been destroyed, but God spared 20 And he was exceeding angry against AaroB
them for his promise made to Abraham, Isaac, also, and would have destroyed him: and I pray-
and Jacob. ed in like manner for him.
[EAR, O Israel: Thou shalt ^o over the Jor- 21 And vour sin tliat you had committed, that
dan this day, to possess nations very great, is, the calf, I took, and burned it with fire, and
^nd stronger than thyself, cities great, and walled breaking it into pieces, until it was as small as
up to the sky, dust, I threw it into the torrent, which cometh
2 Apeople great and the sons of the Ena down from the mountain.
cims, whom thou hast seen, and heard of, against 22 At the burning also, and at the place of
whom no man is able to stand. temptation, and at The graves of lust you pro
3 Thou shalt know therefore this day that the voked the Lord:
Lord thy God himself will pass over before thee, a 23 And when he sent you from Cadesbarne
devouring and consuming fire, to destroy and ex saying: Go up, and possess the land that I have
tirpate and bring them to nothing before thy face given you, and you slighted the commandment of
quickly, as he hath spoken to thee. the Lord your God, and did not believe him, nei
4 Say not in thy heart, when the Lord thy God ther would you hearken to his voice
shall have destroyed them in thy sight: For my 24 But were always rebellious from the daj
justice hath the Lord brought me in to possess that I began to know you.
this land; whereas these nations are destroyed 25 And I lay prostrate before the Lord fortj
for their wickedness. days and nights, in which I humbly besought him
5 For not for thj' justices, and the upright-
it IS that he would not destroy you as he had threat
ness cf thy heart that thou shalt go in to possess ened:
their lands: but because they have done wick- 26 And praying, I said: O Lord God, destro)
edly, they are destroyed at thy coming in: and not thy people, and thy inheritance, which thou
that the Lord might accomplish his word, which hast redeemed in thy greatness, whom thou hast
he promised by oath to thy fathers Abraham, brought out of Egypt with a strong hand.
Isaac, and Jacob. 27 Remember th}' servants Abraham, Isaac
6 Know therefore, that the Lord thy God giv- and Jacob: look not on the stubbornness cf thif
eth thee not this excellent land in possession for people, nor on their wickedness and sin.
thy justices, for thou art a very stiff-necked 28 Lest perhaps the inhabitants of the land, out
people. of which thou hast brought us, say: The Lord
7 Remember, and forget not how thou provo- could not bring them into the land, that he promis-
kedst the Lord thy God to wrath in the wilder- ed them, and he hated them: therefore he brouglV
ness. From the day that thou camest out of them out, that he might kill them in the wilder
Egypt, unto this place, tnou hast always strove ness:
against the Lord. 29 Who
are thy people and thy inheritance,
8 For in Horeb also thou didst provoke him: whom thou hast brought out by
thy great strength,
and he was angry and would have destroyed and in thy stretcheri-out arm.
thee, CHAP. X.
9 When I went into the mount to receive
up God ^iveth the second tables of the law: a further
the tables of stone, the tables of the covenant e.rhortation to fear and serve the Lord.
in the
the Lord made with you: and I continued
mount forty days and nights, neither eating AT that time the Lord said to me:
two tables of stone like the former, and

bread, nor drinking water. come up to me into the mount: and thou shall
10 And the Lord gave'me two tables of stone make an ark of wood,
written with the finger of God, and containing 2 And I will write on the tables the words that
all the words that he spoke to you in the mount were in them, which thou brokest before; and
from the midst of the fire, when the people were thou shalt put them in the ark.
assembled together. 3 And I made an ark of setim-wood. And
11 And when forty days were passed, and as when I had hewn two tables of stone like the for-
many nights, the Lord gave me tn6 two tables mer, I went up into the mount, having them in
of stone, the tables of the covenant, my hands.
12 And said to me: Arise, and go down from 4 And he wrote in the tables, according as he
hence quickly: for thy people, which thou hast had written before, the ten words, which the T>nrd
brought out of Egypt, have quickly forsaken the spoke to you in the mount from the midst of the
way that thou hast shown them, and have made fire, when the people were. assembled: and he
to tnemselves a molten idol. gave them to me.
13 And again the Lord said to me: I see that 5 And returning from the mount, I came down,
this people is stiff-necked: and put the tables into the ark, that I had made:
14 Let me alone that I may destroy them, and and they are there till this present, as the Lord
abolish their name from under heaven, and set commanded me.
thee over a nation, that is greater and stronger 6 And the children of Israel removed their
than this. camp from Beroth of the children of Jacan into
15 And when I came down from the burning Mosera,* where Aaron died and was buried, and
mount, and held the two tables of the covenant
with both hands, * Mosera. By mount Hor, for there Aaroa
16 And saw that you had sinned against the died. Numb
v..^.., i,u..,u. XX. This and the following versei
Lord your God, and had made to yourselves a seem to be inserted by way of parentliesis.

Eleazai his son succeeded him in the priestly 7 Your eyes have seen all the ^ezt works of
oifice. the Lord, that he hath done,
7 From thence they came to Gadgad: from 8 That you may keep all liis commandments,
which place they departed, and camjied in Jete- which I command you this day, and may go in,
batha, in a land of waters and torrents. and possess the land, to which you are entering,
8 At that time he separated the tribe of Levi, 9 And may live in it a long time: which the
to cany tne arlc of the covenant of the Lord, and Lord promised by oath to your fathers, and to
to stand before him in the ministry, and to bless their seed, a land which iloweth with milk and
in his name until this present day. honey.
9 Wherefore Ijevi hath no part nor possession 10 For the land which thou goest to possess, ia
Avith his brethren: because the Lord himself is not like the land of Egypt, from whence thou
his possession, as the Lord thy God promised him. camest out, where when the seed is sown, watera
10 And I stood in the mount, as before, forty are brought in to water it after the manner of gar-
days and nights: and the Lord heard me this lime dens.
also, and would not destroy thee. 11 But it is a land of hills and plains, expecting
1 And he said to me Go, and walk before the rain from heaven.

people, that they may enter, and possess the land, 12 And the Lord thy God doth always visit it
which I swore to their fathers tliat I would give and his eyes are on it from the beginnmg of the
them. year unto the end thereof.
12 And now, Israel, what doth Lord thy
the 13 If then you obey my commandments, which
God require of thee, but that thou fear the Lord
I command you this day, that you love the Lord
thy God, and walk in his ways, and love him, your God, and serve him with all your heart, and
and serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all your soul:
and with all thy soul: 14 He will give to your land the early rain and
13 And keep the commandments of the Lord, the latter rain, that you may gather in your corn,
and his ceremonies, which I command tliee this and your wine, and your oil,
day, that it may be well with thee .'
15 And your hay out of the fields to feed your
14 Behold, heaven is the Lord's thy God, and cattle, and that you maj' eat and be filled.
the heaven of heaven, the earth and all things 16 Beware lest perhaps your heart be deceived,
that are therein. and you depart from the Lord, and serve strange
15 And yet the Lord hath been closely joined gods, and adore them:
to thy fathers, and loved them, and chose their 17 And the Lord being angry shut up }ieaven,
seed after them, that is to say, you out of all na that the rain come not down, nor the earth yield
tions, as this day it is proved. her fruit, and you perish quickly from the excel-
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your lent land, which the Lord will give you.
heart, and stiffen your neck no more. 18 Lay up these my words in your hearts and
17 Because the Lord your God he is the God minds, and hang them for a sign on your hands,
of gods, and the Lord of lords, a great God and and place them between your eyes.
mighty, and terrible, who accepteth no person, nor 19 Teach your children that they meditate on
taketh bribes. them, when thou sittest in thy house, and when
18 He doeth judgment to the fatherless and ttie thou Avalkest on the way, and when thou liest
widow, loveth the stranger, and giveth him food down and risest up.
and raiment 20 Thou shalt write them upon the posts and
19 And do you therefore love strangers; be the doors of thy house:
cause you also were strangers in the land of 21 That thy days may be multiplied, and the
Egypt. days of thy children in the land which the Lord
20 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve swore to thy fathers, that he would give them as
him only: to him thou shalt adhere, and shalt long as the heaven hangeth over the earth.
swear by his name. 22 For if you keep the commandments which
21 He is thy praise, and thy God, that hath done I command you, and do them, to love the Lord
for thee these great and terrible things, which thy your God, and walk in all his ways, cleaving unto
eyes have seen. nim,
22 In seventy souls thy fathers went down into 23 The Lord will destroy all these nations be-
Egypt: and behold, now the Lord thy God hath fore your face, and you shall possess them, which
multiplied thee as the stars of heaven. are greater and stronger than you.
24 Every place that your foot shall tread upon,
CHAP. XI. shall be yours. From the desert, and from Liba-
TTie love and service of God are still inculcated, nus, from the great river Euphrates unto the wes-
vith a blessing to them that serve him, and tern sea shall be your borders.
threats of punishment if they forsake his law 25 None shall stand against you: the I>ord
rpHEREFORE love the Lord thy God, and your God shall lay the dread and fear of j'ou up-
X observe his precepts and ceremonies, ids on all the land that you shall tread upon, as he
judgments and commandments at all times. hath spoken to you.
2 Know this day the things that your children 26 Behold, I set forth in your sight this day a
know not, who saw not the chastisements of the blessing and a curse;
Lord your God, his great doings and strong hand, 27 A
blessing, if you obey the commandments
snd stretched-out arm, of the Lord your God, which I command you
3 The signs and works which he did in the midst this day:
if Esrypt to king Pharao, and to all his land, 28 A curse, if you obey not the command-
4 Anrl to all the host of the Egypti3ns, and to ments of the Lord your God, but revolt from the
their iiorses and chariots: how the waters of the way which now I show you, and walk after
Red Sea covered thein, when they pursued you, strange gods which you know not.
and how the Lord destroyed them until this pre- 29 And when the Lord thy God shall have
sent day: brought thee into the land, whither thou goest to
5 And what he hath done to you in the wilder- dwell, thou shalt put the blessing* upon mount
ness, till you came to this place: Garizim, the curse upon mount Hebal: \
() And to Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, 30 Which are beyond the Jordan, behind the
who was the son of Ruben: whom the earth way that goeth to the setting of the sun, in the
opening her mouth, swallowed up with their
hoiis(>holils and tents, and ail their substance * Put (he blessing, fyc. See Deut. xxvii. 12. &c
vhich they had in the midst of Israel. land Josue viii. 33, &c.
Q 121
tanJ of the Chanaanite who dwelleth in the plain 18 But thou shalt eat them before the Lord thv
country over-against Galgala, which is near the God in the place which the Lord thy Goil shall
valley that reacheth and entereth far. choose, thou and thy son and thy daughter, and
31 For you shall pass over the Jordan, to pos- thy man-servant, and maid-servant, and the Le^
sess the land, which the Lord your God will give vite that dwelleth in thy cities: and thou shalt
you, that you may have it and possess it. rejoice and be refieshed before the l^ord thy God
32 See therefore that you fulfil the ceremonies in all things, whereunto thou shalt put thy hand.
and judgments, which I shall set this day before 19 Take heed thou forsake not the Levite all
you. the time that thou livest in the land.
20 When the Lord thy God shall have ervlarg-
ed thy borders, as he hath spoken to thee, and
All idolatry must be extirpated: sacrifices, tithes, thou wilt eat the flesh that thy soul desircth:
and first-fruits must be offered in one only 21 And if the place which the Lord thy God
place: all eating of blood is prohibited. shall, that his name should be there, be far
f"SlHESE are the precepts and judcrments, that off, thou shalt kill of thy herds and of thj flockjj
a you must do in the land, which tlie Lord the as I have commanded thee; and shalt eat in thy
God of thy fathers will give thee, to possess it all towns, as it pleaseth thee.
tlie days that thou shalt walk upon the earth. 22 Even as the roe and the hart is eaten, so
2 Destroy all the places in which the nations, shalt thou eat them: both the clean and unclean
that you shall possess, worshipped their gods upon shall eat of them alike.
high mountains, and hills, and under every shady 23 Only beware of this, that thou eat not the
tree: blood, for the blood is for the soul: and therefore
3 Overthrow their altars, and break down their thou must not eat the soul with the flesh:
statues; burn their groves with fire, and break 24 But thou shalt pour it upon the earth as
their idols in pieces: destroy their names out of water.
those places. 2.5 That it may be well with thee and thy chil-
4 You shall not do so to the Lord your God: dren after thee, when thou shalt do that which is
5 Rut you shall come to the place, which the pleasing in the sight of the Lord-
Lord your God shall choose out of all your ti ibes, 26 But the things which thou hast sanctified
to put his name there, and to dwell in it: and vowed to the Lord, thou shalt take, and shalt
6 And you shsll offer in that place your holo- come to the place which the Ijord shall choose:
causts and victims, the tithes and first-fruits of 27 And shalt offer thy oblations the flesh and
your hands, and your vows and gifts, the first- the blood upon the altar of the Lord thy God: the
born of your herds and your sheep. blood of thj' victims thou shalt jiouron the altar:
7 And you shall eat there in the sight of the and the flesh thou thyself shalt eat.
Lord your God and you shall rejoice in all things,
: 28 Observe and hear all the things that I com-
whereunto you shall put your hand, you ancl mand thee, that it may be well with thee and thy
your houses wherein the Lord j'our God hath children after thee for ever, when thou shalt do
blessed you. what is good and pleasing in the sight of the Lord
8 You shall not do there the things we do here thy Go'f.
this day, every man that which seemeth good to "29 When the Lord thy God shall have destroy-

himself. ed before thy face the nations, which thou shalt

9 For until this present time you are not come go in to possess, and irhen thou shalt possess them,
to rest, and to the possession, which the Lord and dwell in their land:
your God will give you 30 Beware lest thou imitate them, after they are
10 You shall pass over the Jordan, and shall destroyed at thy coming in, and lest thou seek
dwell in the land which the JjorA your God will after their certmonies, saying: As these nations
give you, that you may have rest from all enemies have worshipped their gods, so will I also worship
round about; and may dwell without ariy fear, 31 Thou shalt not do in like manner to the
11 In the place, which the Lord your God shall Lord thy God. For they have done to their
clioose, that his name may be therein. Thither gods all the abominations which the Lord abhor-
shall you bring all the things that I command you, reth, offering their sons and daughters, and burn-
holocausts, and victims, and tithes, and the first- ing them with fire.
fruits of your hands; and whatsoever is the 32 What I command thee, that only do thou*
choicest in the gifts which you shall vow to the to the Lord: neither add any thing, nor diminish.
12 There shall you feast before the Lord your
God, you and your sons and your daughters, your False prophets must be slain, and idolatrous cities
men-servants and maid-servants, and the Levite destroyed.
that dwelleth in your cities. For he hath no ether there rise in the midst of thee a prophet, or
part and possession among you.
IFone that saith he hath dreamed a dream, and
13 Beware lest thou otier thy holocausts in he foretell a sign and a wonder,
every place that thou shalt see: 2 And that come to pass which he spoke, and
14 But in the place which the Lord shall he say to thee Let us go and follow strange gods,

choose in one of thy tribes shalt thou offer sacri- which thou knowest not, and let us serve them :

fices, and shalt do all that I command thee. 3 Thou shalt not hear the words of that pro-
15 But if thou desirest to eat, and the eating of phet or. dreamer: for the Lord your God trieth
flesh ilelight thee, kill, and eat according to the you, that it may appear whether you love him
blessing of the Lord thy God, which he hath with all your heart, and with all your soul, or no.
given thee, in thy cities: whether it be unclean, 4 Follow the Lord your God, and fear him, and
that is to say, having blemish or defect; or clean, keep his commandments, and hear his voice: him
that is to say, sound and without blemish, such as you shall serve, and to him you shall cleave.
ma)^ be offered, as the roe, and the hart, shalt thou 5 And that prophet or forger of dreams shall be
eat it: slain: because he spoke to draw you away from
16 Only the blood thou shalt not eat: but thou the liOrd your God, who brought you out of the
ehalt rour it out upon th.e earth as water. land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house
17 Thou mayst not eat in thy towns the tithes of bondage; to make thee go out of the way,
of thy corn, and thy wine, and thy oil, the first-
born of thy herds and thy cattle, nor any thing * That only do thou, fyc. They are forbid here
that thou vowest, and that thou wi!t offer volun- to follow the ceremonies of the heathens; or to
larilVj und the first-fruits of thy hands: make any alterations in the divine ordinances
1 :


which the Lord thy God commanded thee: and not the hoof, you shall not eat, such as the cannel,
ihou shall take away the evil out of the midst of the hare, and the cherogril: because they chew
thee. the cud, but divide not the hoof, they shall be un-
6 If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy clean to you.
son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, 8 The swine also, because it divideth the hoof,
or th}' friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, but cheweth not the cud, shall be unclean: their
would persuade thee secretly, saying;: Let us go, flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you
and serve strange gods, which tliou knowest not, hall not touch.
nor thy fathers, 9 These shall you eat of all that abide in the
7 Of all the nations round about, that are nearer waters: All that have fins and scales, you shall
afar off, from one end of the earth to the other, eat.
8 Consent not to him; hear him not; neither 10 Such as are %vithout fins and scales, you shaK
If t tiiy ej'e spare him to pity and conceal him: rtot eat, because thej' are unclean.
9 Kut thou shalt presently put him to death.* 11 All birds that are clean you shall eat.
Let thy hand be first upon him, and afterwards 12 The unclean eat not: to wit, the eagle, and
'Jne hands of all the people. the grype, and the osprey,
10 With stones shall he be stoned to death: be- 13 The ringtail, and the vulture, and the kite
cause lie would have withdrawn thee from the according to their kind,
Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land 14 And all of the raven's kind:
of Egypt, from the house of bondage: 15 And the ostrich, and the owl, and the larus,
1 That all Israel hearing may fear, and may do and the hawk according to its kind:
no more any thing like this. 16 The heron, and the swan, and the stork,
12 If in one of thy cities, which the Lord thy 17 And the cormorant, the porphirion, and the
God shall give thee to dwell in, thou hear some night-crow,
say: 18 The bittern, and the charadrion, every one
13 Children of Behalf are gone out of the midst in their kind: the houp also, and the bat.
of tlwe, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of 19 Every thing that creepeth and hath little
their city, and have said Let us go, and serve wings, shall be unclean, and shall not be eaten.

strange gods which you know not: 20 All that is clean, you shall e-at.
14 Inquire carefully and diligently, the truth 21 But whatsoever is dead of itself, eat not
of the thing by looking well into it: and if thou thereof. Give it to the stranger that is within thy
find that which is said to be certain, and that this gates, to eat, or sell it to him: because thou art the
abomination hath been really committed, holy people of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt
15 Thou shalt forthwith kill the inhabitants of not boil a kid in the milk of its dam.
that city with the edge of the sword, and shalt de- 22 Every year thou shalt set aside the tithes of
stroy it and all things that are in it, even the all thy fruits that the earth bringeth forth.
cattle. 23 And thou shalt eat before the Lord thy God
IH And all the household goods that are there, in the place which he shall choose, that his name
thou shalt gather together in the midst of the may be called upon therein, the tithe of thy corn,
streets thereof, and shalt burn them with the city and thy wine, and thy oil, and the first-born of
ilself, so as to consume all for the Lord thy God, thy herds and thy sheep: that thou mayst learn to
and that it be a heap for ever: it shall be built no fear the Lord thy God at all times.
more. 24 But when the way and the place which the
17 And there shall nothing of that anathema Lord thy God shall choose, are far off, and he hath
stick to thy hand: that the Lord may turn from blessed thee, and thou canst not carry all these
the wrath of his fury, and may have mercy on things thither,
thee, and multiply thee as he swore to thy fa- 25 Thou shalt sell them all, and turn them into
thers, money; and shalt carry it in thy hand, and shalt
18 When thou shalt hear the voice of the Lord go to the place which the Lord shall choose:
thy God, keeping all his precepts, which I com- 26 And thou shalt buy with the same money
mand thee this day, that thou mavest do what is whatsoever pleaseth thee, either of the herds or
pleasing in the sight of the Lord tny God. of sheep, wine also and strong drink, and all that
thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat before tne
CHAP. XIV. Lord thy God, and shalt feast, thou and thy
In mourning for the dead they are not to follow house
the ways of the gentiles: the distinction of clean 27 And the Levite that is within thy gates, be-
and unclean meats: ordinances concerning ware thou forsake him not, because he hath no
tithes, and first-fruits. other part in thy possession.
»E ye children of the Lord your God: you 23 The third year thou shalt separate another
shall not cut yourselves, nor make any bald- tithe of all things that grow to thee at that time:
ness for the dead and shalt lay it up within thy gates.
2 Because tnou art a holy people to the Lord 29 And the Levite that hath no other part nor
thy God: and he cnose thee to be his peculiar possession with thee, and the stranger and the
people of all nations that are upon the earth. fatherless and the widow, that are Avithin thy
3 J]at not the things that are unclean.:): gates, shall come, and shall eat, and be filled:
4 These are the beasts that you shall eat: the that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all the
ox, and the sheep, and the goat, works of thy hands that thou shalt do.
5 The hart and the roe, the bufSe, and chamois,
the pygarg, the wild goat, the camelopardalus.
6 Every beast that divideth the hoof in two The law of the seventh year of remission. The
parts, and cheweth the cud, you shall eat. firstlings of cattle are to be sanctified to the
7 But of them that chew the cud, but divide Lord.

* Presently put him to death. Not by killing

N the seventh year thou shalt make a remis-
him by private authority, but by informing the 2 shall be celebrated in this order. He
magistrate, and proceeding by order of justice. to whom any thing is owing from his friend or
t Belial- That is, loithout yoke, flence the neighbour or brother, cannot demand it again,
wicked, who refuse to be subject to the divine because it is the year of remission of the Lord.
law, are called in scripture the children of Belial.' 3 Of the foreigner or stranger thou mayst ex-
Unclean. See the .innotations on Leviticusi
act it: of fliy countryman and neighbour thou
XI. shalt not have power to demand it again.
1 :

4 Andthere shall be no poor* nor beggar 22 But thou shalt eat it within the gales of- thy
stnont; you: that the Lord thy God may bless city: the clean and the unclean shall eat them
thee in the land which he will give thee in pos- alike, as the roe, and as the hart.
session. 23 Only thou shalt take heed not to eat tlieir
5 Yet so if thou hear the voice of the Lord blood, but pour it out on the earth as water.
thy God, and keep all things that he hath ordain-
ed, and which I command thee this day, he will
oless thee, as he hath promised. The three principal solemnities to be observed:
6 Thou shall lend to many nations, and thou just judges to be appointed in every city: all
shalt borrow of no man. Thou shalt have do- occasions of idolatry to be avoided.
minion over very many nations, and no one shall OBSERVE the month of new corn, which i«
have dominion over thee. the first of the spring, that thou mayst cele-
7 If one of thy brethren that dwelleth within brate the phase to the Lord thy God: because in
the gates of thy city in the land which the Lord this month the Lord thy God brought thee out of
*hy God will give thee, come to poverty; thou Egypt by night
shalt not harden thy heart, nor close thy hand, 2 And thou shalt sacrifice the ph^se to tin
8 But shalt open it to the poor man: thou shalt Lord thy God, of sheep, and of oxen, in the i)lace
lend him, that which thou perceivest he hath which the Lord thy God shall choose, that his
need of. name may dwell there.
9 Beware lest perhaps a wicked thought steal 3 Thou shalt not eat with it leavened bread:
in upon thee, and thou say in thv heart: The se- seven days shalt thou eat without leaven, the
venth year of remission drawetfi nigh; and thou bread of affliction, because thou camest out of
turn away thy eyes from thy poor brother, deny- Egypt in fear: that thou mayst remember the
ing to lend him that which he asketh: lest he cry day of thy coming out of Egypt, all the days of
against thee to the Lord, and it become a sin unto thy life.
thee. 4 No leaven shall be seen in all thy coasts for
10 But thou shalt give to him: neither shalt seven days, neither shall any of the flesh of that
thou do any thing craftily in relieving his neces- which was sacrificed the first day in the evening
sities; that the Lord thy God may bless thee at remain until morning.
all tinies, and in all things to which thou shalt put 5 Thou mayst not immolate the phase in any
thy hand. one of thy cities, which the Lord thy God will
1 There will not be wanting poor in the land give thee:
of thy habitation: therefore I command thee to 6 But in the place, which the Lord thy God shall
open thy hand to thy needy and poor brother, choose, that his name may dwell there: thou shalt
that liveth in the land. immolate the ijhase in the evening at the going
12 When thy brother a Plebrew man, or He down of the sun, at which time thou camest out
brew woman is .sold to thee, and hath served thee of Egypt-
six 3'ears, in the seventh year thou shalt let him 7 And thou shalt dress, and eat it in the place
go free: which the Lord thy God shall choose: and in the
13 And when thou sendest him out free, thou morning rLsing up thou shalt go into thy dwell-
shalt not let hhn go away empty: ings.
14 But shalt give him for his way out of thy 8 Six days shalt thou eat unleavened bread:
flocks, and out of thy barn-floor, and thy wine- and on the seventh day, because it is the assem-
press, wherewith the Lord thy God shall bless bly of the Ijord thy God, thou shalt do no work.
thee. 9 Thou shalt number unto thee seven weeks
1.5 Remember that thou also wast a bond-ser- from that day, wherein thou didst put the sickle

vant in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God to the corn.
made thee free; and therefore I now command 10 And thou shalt celebrate the festival of
thee this. weeks to the Lord thy God, a voluntary oblation
16 But if he say: I will not depart; because he of thy hand, which thou shalt offer according to
loveth thee, and thy house, and nndeth that he is the blessing of the Lord thy God:
well with thee: 11 And thou shalt feast before the Lord thy
17 Thou shalt take an awl, and bore through God, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy
his ear in the door of thy house: and he shall man-servant, and thy maid-servant, and the Le-
serv<! thee for ever: thou shalt do in like ma-n- vite that is within thy gates, ?.nd the stranger, and
ner to thy woman-servant also. the fatherless, and the widow, who abide with
18 Turn not away thy eyes from them when you; in the place which the Lord thy God shall
thou makest them free: because he hath served choose, that nis name tnay dwell there:
thee six years according to the wages of a hire- 12 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a
ling; that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all servant in Egypt: and thou shalt keep and do the
the works that thou doest. things that are commanded.
19 Of the firstlings, that come of thy herds and 13 Thou shalt celebrate the solemnity also of
thy sheep, thou shalt sanctify to the Lord thy tabernacles, when thou hast gathered in thy fruit
God whatsoever is of the male sex. Thou shalt of the barn-floor and of the wine-press.
not work with the firstling of a bullock, and thou 14 And thou shalt make merry in thy festival
shalt not shear the firstlings of thy sheep. time, thou, thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-
20 In the sight of the Lord thy God shalt thou servant, and thy maid-servant, the Levite al^o,
eat ihem every year in the place that the Lord and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the wi-
shall choose, thou and thy house. dow, that are within thy gates.
21 But if it have a blemish, or be lame, or 15 Seven days shalt thou celebrate feasts to the
blind, or in any part disfigured or feeble, it shall Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord shall
not be sacrificed to the Lord thy God. choose: and the Lord thy God will bless thee in
all thy fruits, and in every work of thj- hands
* There shall be no poor, fyc. It is not to be un- and thou shalt be in joy.
derstood as a promise, that there should be no 16 Three times in a year shall all thy males ap-
poor in Israel, as appears from ver. 11, where we pear before the Lord thy God in the place which
learn that God's people would never be at a loss ne shall choose: in the feast of unleavened bread,
to find objects for their charity: but it is an ordi- in the feast of weeks, and in the feast qf tabei-
nance that all should do their best endeavours to nacles. No one shall appear with his hands empty
jirevent any of their brethren from suffering the before the Lord:
hardships of poverty and want. 17 But every one shall offer according to what


he hath, according to the blessing of the Lord at that time to the Lord thy God, and the decres
his God, which he shall give him. of the judge; that man shall die, and thou shalt
IS Thou shalt appoint judges and magistrates take away the evil from Israel:
in all thy gates, which the Lord thy God shall 13 And all the people hearing it shall fear, that
give thee, in all thy tribes: that they may judge no one afterwards i-well with pride.
the people with just judgment, 14 When come into the land, which
thou art
19 And not go aside to either part. Thou shalt the Lord thy God
will give thee, and possessest
not accent person nor gifts: for gifts blind the it, and sHalt say: I will set a king over me, as all
eyes of the wise, and change the words of the nations have that are round about:
just. 15 Thou shalt set him whom
the Lord thy God
20 Thou shalt follow justly after that which is shall choose out of the number of thy brethren.
just; that thou mayst live and possess the land, Thou mayst not make a man of anotlier nation
which the Lord thy God shall give thee. king, that is not thy brother.
21 Thou shalt plant no grove, nor any tree near 16 And when he'is made king, he shall not niul
of the Lord thy God:
tlie altar tiply horses to himself, nor lead back the people
22 Neither shalt thou make nor set up to thy- into Egypt, being lifted up with the number of
self & statue ; which things the Lord thy God liis horsemen, especially since the Lord hath com-
hateth. manded you no more the same way.
to return
17 He have many wives, that may al-
shall not
CHAP. XVII. lure his mind, nor immense sums of silver and
Victims rmtst be tvithout blemish. Idolaters are gold.
to be slain. Controvcj'sies are to be decided IS But after he is raised to the throne of his
by the high-priest and council, tuhose sentence kingdom, he shall copy out to himself the Deu-
must be obeyed, under pain of death. The teronomy of this law in a volume, taking the copy
luty of a king, who is to receive the law of of the priests of the Levitical tribe:
God at the pi-iest's hands. 19 And he shall have it with him, and shall read
THOU shalt not sacrifice to the I^rd thy God
a sheep, or an ox, wherein there is blemish,
it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear

the Lord his God, and keep his words and cere-
or any fault: for that is an abomination to the monies, that are commanded in the law.
Lord thy God. 20 And that his heart be not lifted up with
2 When there shall be found among you %vith- pride over his brethren, nor decline to the right
in any of thy gates, which the Lord thy God or to the left, that he and his sons may reign a
sha!l give thee, man or woman that do evil in the long time over Israel.
sight of the Lord thy God, and transgress his
3 So as to go and serve strange gods, and adore The Lord is theinheritance of the priests and
them, the sun and the moon, and all the host of Levites. Heathenish abominations are to be
heaven,* which I have not commanded: avoided. The great prophet Christ is pro-
4 And this is told thee, and hearing it thou hast mised. False jirophets must be slain.
inquired diligently, and found it to be true, and
that the abomination is committed in Israel:
THE priests and Levites, and all that are of
the same tribe, shall have no part nor inhe-
5 Thou shalt bring forth the man or the wo- ritance with the rest of Israel; because they shall
man, who have committed that most wicked eat the sacrifices of the Lord, and his oblations.
thing, to the gates of thy city; and they shall be 2 And they shall receive nothing else of the
stoned. possession of their brethren: for the Lord himself
6 By the mouth of two, or three witnesses, is their inheritance, as he hath said to them.
shall he die, thatbe slain. I^et no man be
is to 3 This shall be the priest's due from the peo-
put to death, when only one beareth witness ple, and from them that offer victims: whether
against him. they sacrifice an ox, or a sheep, they shall give to
7 The hands of the witnesses shall be first upon the priest the shoulder and the breast:
him him, and afterwards the hands of
to kill 4 The first-fruits also of corn, of wine, and of
the rest of the people: that thou mayst take oil, and a part of the wool from the shearing of
away the evil out of the midst of thee. their sheep.
8 If thou perceive! that there be among you a 5 For the Lord thy God hath chosen him of all
hard and doubtful matter in judgment between thy tribes, to stand, and to minister to the name
blood and blood, cause and cause, lejirosy and of the Lord, him and his sons for ever.
leprosy; and thou see that the words of the 6 If a Levite go out of any one of the cities
judges within thy gates do vary: arise, and go throughout all Israel, in which he dwelleth, and
up to the place, which the Lord thy God shall have a longing mind to come to the place which
choose. the Lord shall choose,
9 And thou shalt come to the priests of the 7 He shall minister in the name of the Lord his
Levitical race, and to the judge, that shall be at God, as all his brethren the Levites do, that shall
that time: and thou shalt ask of them, and they stand at that time before the Lord.
shall .«hew thee the truth of the judgment. 8 He shall receive the same portion of food that
10 And thou shalt do whatsoever they shall the rest do: besides that which is due to him in
say, that preside in the place, which the Lord his own city, by succession from his fathers.
shall choose, and what they shall teach thee, 9 When thou art come into the land which the
11 According to his law; and thou shalt follow I.iOrd thy God shall give tl»ee, beware lest thou
their sentence: neither shalt thou decline to the have a mind to imitate the abominations of those
right ha:id nor to the left hand. nations.
12 Bui he that will be proud, and refuse to obey 10 Neither let there be found among you any
the commandment of the priest, who ministeretn one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making
them to pass through the fire; or that consulteth
* The host of hearken. That is, the stars. soothsayers, or observeth dreams and omens: nei-
t // thou perceive, fyc. Here we see what au- ther let there be any wizard,
thority God was pleased to sive to the church- 11 Nor charrner, nor any one that consulteth
guides of the Old Testament, in deci'ing, without pythonic spirits, or fortune-tellers, or that seeketh
ajjiieal, all controversies relating to the law; pro- the truth fnm the dead.
inining that they should not err therein; and 12 For the Lord abhorreth all these things: and
•urely he has not done les.s for the church-guides for those abominations he will destroy them at
of the New Testament. thy coming'.
13 T}iou shall be perfect, and without spot be- midst of the land which the Lord thy God wifL
tore the Lord thy God. give thee to possess, lest thou be guilty of blood.
14 These nations, whose land thou shalt pos- 11 But if any man hating his neighbour iie in
sess, hearken to soothsayers and diviners: but wait for hi? life, and rise and strike him, and he
thou art otherwise instructed by the Lord thy die, and he flee to one of the cities aforesaid,
God. 12 The ancients of his city shall send, and take
15 The Lord thy God will raise up to thee a him out of the place of refuge, and shftll deliver
PROPHET of thy nation and of thy brethren like him into the hand of the kinsman of him whose
unto me: him thou shalt hear: blood was shed; and he shall die.
16 As thou desiredst of the Lord thy God in 13 Thou shalt not pity him; and (hou shalt take
Horeb, when the assembly was gathered toge- away the guilt of innocent blood out of Israel,
ther, and saidst: Let me not hear any more the that it may be well with thee.
voice of the Lord my God, neither let me see any 14 Thou shalt not take nor remove thy neigh-
more this exceeding great fire, lest I die. bour's landmark, which thy predecessors have set
17 And the Lord said to me: They have spo- 'in thy possession, which the Lord thy God will
ken all things well. give thee in the land that thou shalt receive to
18 I will raise them up a prophet out of the possess.
midst of their brethren like to thee: and I will put 15 One witness shall not rise up against any
my words in his mouth, and he shall speak all that man, whatsoever the sin or wickedness be; but
I shall command him. in the mouth of two or three witnesses every
19 And he that will not hear his words, which word shall stand.
he shall speak in my name, I will be the revenger. 16 If a lying witness stand against a man, ac-
20 But the prophet who being corrupted with cusing him of transgression,
pride, shall speak in my name things that I did 17 Both of them, between whom the contro-
not command him to say, or in the name of strange versy is, shall stand before the Lord in the sight
gods, shall be slain. of the priests and the judges that shall be in those
21 And if in silent thought thou answer: How days.
shall I know the word that the Lord hath not is And when after most diligent inquisition,
spoken .'
they shall find that the false witness hath told a
22 Thou shalt have this sign Whatsoever that lie against his brother:

same prophet foretelleth in the name of the Lord, 19 They shall renc'er to him as he meant to do
and it conieth not to pass, that thing the Lord to his brother: and thou shalt take away the evil
hath not spoken; but the prophet hath forged it out of the midst of thee:
by the pride of his mind: and therefore thou »halt 20 That others hearing may fear, and may not
not fear him. dare to do such things.
21 Thou shalt not pity him; but shalt require
life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for
The cities of refuge. Wilful murder, and false hand, foot for foot.
toitnesses must be punished.

WHEN the Lord thy God hath destroyed the

nations, whose land he will deliver to thee, Laws
relating to war-
and thou shalt possess it, and shalt dv/ell in the thou go out to war against thy enemies, and
cities and houses thereof:
IF see horsemen and chariots, and the numbers of
2 Thou shalt separate to Ihee three cities in the the enemy's army greater than thine, thou shalt
midst of the land, which the Lord will givethee not fear tfiem; because the Lord thy God is with
in possession, thee, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt
3 Paving diligently the way: and thou shalt di- 2 And when the battle is now at hand, the
vide the whole province of thy land equally into priest shall stand before the army, and shall speak
three f)arts; that he who is forced to flee for man- to the people in this manner:
slaughter, may have near at hand whither to es- 3 Hear, O Israel, j^ou join battle this day against
cape. your enemies; let not your heart be dismayed, be
4 This shall be the law of the slayer that fleeth, not afraid, do not give back, fear ye them not:
whose life is to be saved: He that killeth his 4 Because the Lord your God is in the midst
neighbour ignorantly, and who is proved to have of you, and will fight lor you against your ene-
hacl no hatred against him yesterday and the day mies, to deliver you from danger.
before: 5 And the captains shall proclaim through eve-
5 But to have gone with him to the wood to ry band in the hearing of the army: What is
hew wood, and in cutting down the tree the axe there, that hath built a new house, and hath not
slipped out of his hand, and the iron slipping from dedicated it? let him go, and return to his house,
the handle struck his friend, and killed him; he lest he die in the battle, and another man dedi-
shall flee to one of the cities aforesaid, and live: cate it.
6 Lest perhaps the next kinsman of him whose 6 is there, that hath planted a vine-
blood was shed, pushed on by his grief should yard, and hath not as yet made it to be common,
I)ursue, and apprehend him, if the way be too whereof all men may eat.' let him go, and return
ong, and take away the life of him. who is not to his house: lest he die in the battle, and another
guilty of death, because he is proved to have hadman execute his office.
no hatred before against him that was slain. 7 What man is there, that hath espoused a wife,
7 Therefore I Qomniand thee, that thou sepa- and not taken her.' let him go, and return to his
rate three cities at equal distance one from an- house: lest he die in the war, and another man
other. take her.
8 And when the Lord thy God shall have en- 8 After these things are declared, they sl-all
larged thy borders, as he swore to thy fathers, add the rest, and shall speak to the people: What
and shall give thee all the land that he promised imnn is there that is fearful, and faini-hearted.' let
them, him go, and return to his house, lest he make the
9 (Yet so, if thou keep his commandments, and jhearts of his brethren to fear, as he himself is pos-
do the things which I conmiand thee this day, jsessed with fear.'
that thou love the Lord thy God, and walk in his 9 And when the captains of the army shall hold

ways at all times) thou shnlt add t( thee other their peace, and have made an end of si>eaking,
three cities, and shalt double the ni. mber of the ievery man shall prepare their bands to fight.
three cities aforesaid: 10 If at any time thou come to fight against a

10 That innocent blood may not be shed in the Icity, thou shalt first offer it peace.
11 If tliey receive it, and open the gates to thee, 11 And seest in the number of the captiveia
II the people that .ire therein, shall be saved, and beautiful woman, and lovest her, and wilt have
hall serve ihee paying tribute. her to wife,
12 But if they will not make peace, and shall 12 Thou shalt bring her into thy house and she :

Degin war against thee, thou shalt besiege it. shall shave her hair, and pare her nails,
13 Ami wlien the Lord thy G'od shall deliver it 13 And shall put off the raiment, wherein she
into thy hands, thou shalt slay all that are therein was taken; and shall remain in thy house, and
of the male sex, willi the edge of the sword, mourn for her father and mother one month: and
11 Excepting women and children, cattle and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and shalt sleep
other things, that are in the city. And thou shalt with her, and she shall be thy wife.
divide all the prey to the army: and thou shalt 14 But if afterwards she jjlease thee not, thou
eat the spoils of thy enemies, which the Lord thy shalt let her go free; but thou mayst not sell her
God shall give thee. for money, nor oppress her by might: because
15 So shalt thou do to all cities that are at a thou hast humbled her.
pi eat distance from thee, and are not of these ci- 15 If a man have two wives, one beloved, and
ti's wliich thou shalt receive in possession. the other hated, and they have had childreaby
16 But of tliose cities that shall be given thee, him, and the son of the hated be the first-born,
thou shalt suffer none at all to live: 16 And he meaneth to divide his substance
17But shalt kill them with the edge of the among his sons: he may not make the son of the
8woid, to wit, the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, beloved the first-born, and prefer him before the
and the Chanaanite, the Pherezite, and the He son of the hated.
vite, and the Jebusite, as the Lord thy God hath 17 But he shall acknowledge the son of the
commanded thee: hated for the first-born, and shall give him a dou-
IS Lest they teach you to do all the aboniina ble portion of all he hath: for this is the first of
lionswhich they have done to their gods: and his children, and to him are due the first birthrights.
you should sin against the Lord your God. 18 If a man have a stubborn and unruly son,
19 Whan thou hast besieged a city a long time, who will not hear the commandments of nis fa-
and hath compassed it with bulwarks to take it, ther or mother, and being corrected, slighteth
thou shalt not cut down the trees that may be obedience:
eaten of, neither shalt thou spoil the country round 1.9 They shall take him, and bring him to the

about with axes: for it is a tree, and not a man, ancients of his city, and to the gate of judgment,
neither can il increase the number of them that 20 And shall say to them: This our son is rebel-
fight against thee. lious and stubborn; he slighteth hearing our ad-
20 But if there be any trees that are not fruitful, monitions; he giveth himself to revelling, and to
but wild, and tit for other uses, cut them down, debauchery and banquetings:
and make engines, until thou take the city, which 21 The people of the city shall stone him: and
fighteth against thee. he shall die, that you may take away the evil out
of the midst of you, and all Israel hearing it may
CHAP. XXI. be afraid.
Tlie expiationof a secret murder. Tlie marrying 22 When a man hath committed a crime for
a captive. The eldest son must not be deprived which he is to be punished with death, and being
of his birthright for htttred of his mother. A condemned to die is hanged on a gibbet:
stubborn son is to be stoned to death. When 23 His body shall not remain upon the tree, but
one is hanged on a gibbet, he must be taken shall be buried the same day: for he is accursed
down the same day, and buried. of God that hangeth on a tree: and thou shalt not
there shall be found
the Lord thy God
in the land,
will give thee, the
defile thy land, which the Lord thy God shall give
thee in possession.
corpse of a man slain, and it is not known who is
guilty of the murder,
2 Thy ancients and judges shall go out, and Humanity towards neighbours. Neither sex
shall measure fro.n the place where the body may use the apparel of the other. Cruelty to
lieth, the distance of every city round about: be avoided even to birds. Battlements about the
3 And the ancients of'^ that city which they roof of a house. Things of divers kinds not
shall perceive to be nearer than the rest, shall to be mixed. The punishment of him that slan-
take a heifer of the herd, that hath not drawn in dereth his ivife, as also of aduHery and rape.
tlie yoke, nor ploughed the ground. HOU
shalt not pass by if thou seest thy bro-
4 And they shall bring lier into d rough and ther's ox, or his sheep go astray: but thou
stony valley, that never was ploughed, nor sown: jshalt bring them back to thy brother.
and there they shall strike off the head of the 2 And if thy brother be not nigh, or thou know
heifer. him not; thou shalt bring them to thy house, and
5 And the priests the sons of Levi shall come, they shall be with thee until thy brother seek them,
whom the Lord thy God hath chosen tc^minister and receive them.
to him., and 1o bless in his name; and that by their 3 Thou shalt do in like manner with his ass,
word every matter should be decided, and what- and with his raiment, and with every thing that
soever is clean or unclean should be judged. is thy brother's, which is lost: if thou find it,
6 And the ancients of that city shall come to neglect it not as pertaining to another
the person slain, and shall wash tneir hands over 4 If thou see thy brother's ass or his ox to be
the lieifer that was killed in the valley, fallen down in the way, thou shalt riot,
7 And shall sa}': Our hands did not shed this but shalt lift it up with him.
blood, nor <iid our eyes see it. 5 A woman shall not be clothed with man's
8 Be merciful to thy peojjle Israel, whom thou apparel; neither shall a man use woman's apparel:
hast redeemed, O
Lord, and lay not innocent for he that doetJi these things is abominable before
blood to their charge in the midst of thy people God.
Israel. Anil the guilt of blood shall be taken from 6 If thou find, as thou walkest by the way, a
them: hinl's npst in a tree, or on the ;p-ound, and the

!) And thou shalt be free from the innocent's dnm sitting upon the young or upon the eggs:
blood, that was shed, .vhen thou shalt have done thou shalt not take* her with her young:
wh-.t the Lord hath commanded thee.
10 If thou go out to fight against thy enemies, * Thou shalt not take, fyc. Tliis was to show
tnd the Lonl thy God deliver them into thy hand, 'hem to exercise a certain mercy even to irrational
*nd thou lead diem away captives, creatures: and by that mpans to train th up »o m
1 :

7 But shall let her go, keeping the young which 29 He that lay with her, shall give to the father
thou hast caught: thai it may be well with thee, of the maid fifty sides of silver, and shall have
and thou maysl live a long lime. her to wife, because he hath humbled her_j. he
8 When thou buildest a new house, thou shall may not jjuI her avvay all the days of his life.
make a battlement* to the roof round about: lest 30 No man shall take his father's wife, nor re-
blood be shed in thy house, and thou be guilty, if move his covering.
any one slip, and fall down headlong. CHAP. XXIII.
9 Thou snail not sow thy vineyard with divers
seeds: lest both the seed which thou hast sown, Who may and who may not enter into the church:
and the fruit of the vineyard, be sanctified to- uncleanness to be avoided: other precepts con-
gether. cerning fugitives, fornication, tisury, vowSf
10 Thou shall not plough with an ox and an ass and eating other men's grapes and corn.
1 shall not wear a garment that is woven
Thou AN
eunuchjt whose testicles are broken or
cut away, or yard cut off, shall not entej
of woollen and linen together. into the church^ of the Lord.
12 Thou shall make strings in the hem at the 2 A
mamzer, that is to say, one born of a pros-
four corners of thy cloak, wherewith thou shall titute, shall not enter into the church of the Lordj
be covered. until the tenth generation.
13 If a man marry a wife, and afterwards hale 3 The Ammonite, and the Moabile even after
her, the tenth generation shall not enter into the church
14 And seek occasions to put her away, laying of the Lord for ever:
to hfir charge a very ill name, and say: I took this 4 Because they would not meet you wilhbread
woman to wife, and going in to her, I found her and water in the way, when you came out of
not a virgin: Egypt: and because they hired against thee Ba-
15 Her father and mother shall take her, and laam, the son of Beor, from Mesopotamia in
shall bring with them the tokens of her virginity Syria, to curse thee:
to the ancients of the city that are in the gate: 5 And the Lord thy God would nqj hear Ba-
16 And the father shall say: I gave my daugh- laam; and he turned his cursing into thy blessing,
ter unto this man to wife: and because he hateth because he loved thee.
her, 6 Thou shall not make peace with them, nei-
17 He laj'eth to her charge a very ill name, so ther shall thou seek their prosperity all the days
as to say: f found not thy daughter a virgin: and of thy life fcr ever.
behold, these are the tokens of my daughter's 7 Thou shalt not abhor the Edomite, because
virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before he is thy brother: nor the Egyptian, because thou
the ancients of the city: wast a stranger in his land.
18 And the ancients of that city shall take that 8 They that are born of them, in the third ge-
man, and beat him, neration shall enter into the church of the Lord.
19 Condemning him besides in a hundred sides 9 When thou goest out to war against thy
of silver, which he shall give to the damsel's fa- enemies, thou shall keep thyself from every evil
ther, because he hath defamed by a very ill name thing:
a virgin of Israel: and he shall have her to wife, 10 If there be among you any man, that is de-
and may not put her away all the days of his life. filed in a dream by night, he shall go forth out of
20 But if what he chargeth her with be true, the camp,
and virginity be not found in the damsel 11 And shall not return before he be washed
21 They shall cast her out of the doors of her with water in the evening: and after sun-set he
father's house; and the men of the city shall stone shall return into the camp.
her to death; and she shall die: because she hath 12 Thou shalt have a place without the camp,
done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore to which thou mayst go for the necessities of na-
in her father's house: and thou shall take away "ture,
the evil out of the midst of thee. 13 Carrying a paddle at thy girdle. And v.'hen
»22 If a man lie with another man's wife, they thou sittestdown, thou shalt dig round about, and
shall both die, that is to say, the adulterer and the with the earth that is dug up thou shalt cover
adulteress: and thou shall take away the evil out 14 That which thou art eased of: (for the Lord
of Israel. thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp to de-
23 If a man have espoused a damsel that is a liver thee, and to give up thy enemies to thee:)
virgin, and some one find her in the city, and lie and let thy camp be holy, and let nouncleanness^
with her, appear therein,' lest he go away from thee.
24 Thou shall bring them both out to the gate 1.5 Thou shalt not deliver to his master the ser-

of that city, and tliey shall be stoned the damsel, vant that is fled to thee.

because she cried not out, being in the city: the 16 He shall dwell with thee, in the place that
man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's shall |)Iease him, and shall rest iii one of thy ci-
wife. And thou shall take away the eviifrom ties: give him no trouble.
the midst of thee. 17 Tnere shall be no whore among the daugh-
23 Rut if a man find a damsel that is betrothed, ters of Israel, nor whoremonger among the sons
in the field, and taking hold of her, lie with her, of Israel.
he alone shall die: 18 Thou shalt not offer the hire of a strumpet,
26 The damsel shall suffer nothing; neither is nor the price of a dog. in the house of the Lord
she t;ui!ly of death: for as a robber riseth against thy God, whatsoever it be that thou hast vowed:
his brother, and taketh away his life, so also did because both these are an abomination to the
the damsel sufi'er: Lord thy God.
27 She was alone in the field: she cried, and
there was no man to help her. t Eunuch. By these are meant, in the spiritual
28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, who sense, such as are barren in good works.
is not <'S|)ouse(I, and taking her lie with her, and
i Into the church. That is, into the as.^embly
the matter come to judgment: or consiregation of Israel, so as to have the privi-
lege of an Israelite, or to be cap.ible of any place
a horror of cruelty, and to the exercise of hu- or ofFire among the people of God.
manity and mutual charity one to another. § No unrleannnts. This caution against suffer-
* B itllptn'nt. This precaution wax necessary, ino; any fi'th in the ramp, was to teach them to
because all their houses had flat to|!s; nn it was Hy the filth of sin, which driveth God away from

usual to walk and to converse together u|>on them. the soul




ID Thou shah not lend to thy brother money to own raiment, and bless thee, and thos
sleep in his
nsury, nor corn, nor any other thing: mayst have justice before the Lord thy God.
120 But to the stranger.* To thy brother thou 14 ThoA shalt not refuse the hire of the needy,
shall lend that which ne wanteth, without usury: and the poor, whether he be thy brother, or a
that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all thy stranger that dwelleth with thee in the land, and
works, in the land which thou shalt go in to pos- is within thy gates;
sess. 15 But thou shalt pay him the price of his la-
21 When thou hast made a vow to the Lord bour the same day, before the going down of the
thy God, thou shall not delay to pay it: because sun, because he is poor, and with it maintaineth
the Lord thy God will require it. And if thou his life: lest he cry against thee to the Lord, and
delay, it shall be imputed to thee for a sin. it be reputed to thee for a sin.

22 If thou wilt not promise, thou shalt be with- 16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the
out sin. children, nor the children for the fathers, but
23 But that which is once gone out of thy lips, every one shall die for his own sin.
lh( u shalt observe, and shalt do as thou hast pro- 17 Thou shalt not perveit the judgment of the
m.'cd to the Lord thy God, and hast spoken with stranger nor of the fatherless: neither shalt thou
thy own will and with thy own mouth. take away the widow's raiment for a pledge.
24 Going into thy neighbour's vineyard, thou 18 Remember that thou wast a slave in Egypt,
mayst eat as many grapes as thou pleasest: but and the Lord thy God delivered thee from thence
must carry none out with thee: Therefore I command thee to do this thing.
25 If thou go into thy friend's corn, thou mayst 19 When thou hast reaped the corn in thy field,
break the ears, and rub them in thy hand; but not and hast forgot and left a sheaf, thou shalt not re-
reap them with a sickle. turn to take it away: but thou shalt suffer the
stranger, and the fatherless and the widow to take
CHAP. XXIV: it away: that the Lord thy God may bless thee in
Divorce permitted, to avoid greater evil: the all the works of thy hands.
nerchj-married must not go to toar: of men- 20 If thou have gathered the fruit of thy olive-
stcalcrs, of leprosy, of pledges, of labourers' trees, thou shalt* not return to gather whatsoever
hire, of justice, and of charity to the poor. remaineth on the trees: but shalt leave it for the
a man take a wife, and have her, and she stranger, for the fatherless, and the widow.
IFfind not favour in his eyes for some unclean- 21 If thou make the vintage of thy vineyard,
ness; he shall write a bill of divorce, and shall thou shalt not gather the clusters that remain: but
give it in her hand, and send her out of his they shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and
house. the widow.
2 And when she is departed, and marrieth an- 22 Remember that thou also wast a bond-man
other husband, in Egypt, and therefore I command thee to do
3 And he also hateth her, and hath given her a this thing.
Bill of divorce, and hath sent her out of his house,
or is dead:
4 The former husband cannot take her again to Stripes must not exceed forty. The ox is not to
wife: because she is defiled, and is become abo- be muzzled. Of raising seed to the brother. Of
minable before the Lord: lest thou cause thy land the immodest woman. Of unjust weight. Of
to sin, which the Lord thy God shall give Itiee to destroying the Amalecites.
possess. F there be a controversy between men, and
5 When a man hath lately taken a wife, he they call upon the judges; they shall give the
shall not go out to war; neither shall any public prize of justice to him whom they perceive to be
business be enjoined him: but he shall be free at just: and him whom they find to be wicked, they
home without fault, that for one year he may re- shall condemn of wickeclness.
joice with his wife. 2 And if they see that the oflFender be worthy
() Thou shalt not take the nether nor the upper of stripes; they shall ay him down, and shall
millstone to pledge: for he hath pledged his life to cause him to be beaten before them- According
thee. to the measure of the sin shall the measure also
7 If any man be found soliciting his brother of of the stripes be:
the children of Israel, and selling him shall take a 3 Yet so, that they exceed not the number of
price, he shall be put to death, and thou shalt take forty: lest thy brother depart shamefully torn be-
away the evil from the midst of thee. fore thy eyes
8 Observe diligently that thou incur not the 4 Thou shalt not ipuzzlef the ox that treadetli
stroke of the leprosy, but thou shalt do whatso- out thy corn on the floor.
ever the priests of the Levitical race shall teach 5 When brethren dwell together, and one of
thee, according to what I hava commanded them, them dieth without children, the wife of the de-
and fulfil thou it carefully. ceased shall not marry to another: but his brother
9 Remember what the Lord your God did to shall take her, and raise up seed for his brother:
Mary, in the way ^yhen you came out of Egypt. 6 And the first son he shall have of her he shall
10 When thou shalt demand of thy neighbour call by his name, that his name be not abolished
any thing that he oweth thee, thou shalt not go out of Israel.
into his house to take away a pledge: 7 But if he will not take hisbrothcr's wife, who
11 But thou shalt stand without, and he shall by law belongeth to him, the woman shall go to
Oiing out to thee what he hath. the gate of the city, and call upon the ancients and
12 But if he be poor, the pledge shall not lodge say: My husband's brother refuseth to raise up
with tnee that night, his brother's name in Israel and will not take me
13 But thou slialt restore it to him presently to wife.
before the going down of the sun: that he may 8 And they shall cause him to be sent for forth-
with, and shall ask him. If he answer: I will not
* To the stranger. This was a dispensation take her to wife
granted by God to his people, who being the 9 The woman shall come to him before the an-
lyjrd of all things, can give a right and title to one cients, and shall take ofT his shoe from his foot,
Upon the goods of another. Otherwise the scrip-
ture every where condemns usury, as contrary to t Not muzzle, ^-c. St. Paul understands this of
the law of God, and a crying sin. .See Exod. xxii. the spiritual labourer in the church of God, who
2.') r.evit. XXV. 36, 37. 1 Esdr v. 7. Psalm xiv. is not to be denied his maintenance. I Cor. be. 8,
6. Ezek. xviii 8, 13, &c. 9, 10. r
R 120
: :

Bnd spit in his face, and say So
: shall it be done to house, thou and the Levite, and the stranger that
the man
that will not build up his brother's house is with thee.
10 And his name shall be called in Israel, The 12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all thy
house of the unshod. year of tithes thou shalt give it to
fruits, in the third
11 If two men have words together, and one the Ijevite, and to the stranger, and to the father-
begin to fight against the other, and the other's less, and to the widow, that they may eat witliin
wife willing to deliver her husband out of the thy gates, and be filled:
hand of the stronger, shall put forth her hand, and 13 And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of
take him by the secrets: the Lord thy God: I have taken that which was
12 Thou shalt cut off her hand; neither shalt sanctified out of my house, and I have given it
thou be moved with any pity in her regard. to the Levite, and to the stranger, and to the fa-
13 Thou shalt not have diverse weights in thy therless, and to the widow, as thou hast com-
bag, a greater and a less: manded me: I have not transgressed thy com-
14 Neither shall there be in thy house a greater mandments, nor forgotten thy precepts.
bushel and a less. 14 I have not eaten of them in my mourning,
15 Thou shalt have a just and a true weight; nor separated them for any inicleanness, nor
and thy bushel shall be equal and true that thou : spent any thing of them in tuner-als. I have obey-^
mayst live a long time upon the land which the ed the voice of the Lord my God, and have doie
Ijord thy God shall give thee. all things as thou hast commanded ine.
16 For the Lord thy God aBhorreth him that 15 Look from thy sanctuary, and thy high ha
ioeth these things; and he hateth all injustice. bitation of heaven, and bless thy people Israel,
17 Remember what Amalec^ did to thee in the and the land which thou hast given us, as thoy
way when thou earnest out of Egypt: didst swear to our fathers, a land flowing witn
18 Howhe met thee; and slew the hindmost milk and honey.
of thy army, who sat down being weary, when 16 This day the Lord thy God hath command-
thou wast sjjent with hunger and labour; and he ed thee to do these commandments and judg-
feared not God. ments: and to keep and fulfil them with all thy
19 Therefore when the Lord thy God shall heart, and with all thy soul.
give thee rest, and shall have subdued all the na- 17 Thou hast chosen the Lord this day to be
tions round about in the land which he hath pro- thy God. and to walk in his ways and keep his
mised thee; thou shalt blot out his name from un- ceremonies, and precepts, and judgments, and
der heaven. See thou forget it not. obey his command.
18 And the Lord hath chosen thee this day, to
CHAP. XXVI. be his peculiar people, as he hath spoken to thee,
The form of tcorcls with which the first-fruits and to keep all his commandments:
and tithes are to be offered. God's covenant 19 And to make thee higher than all nations
NDwhen thou art come into the land which which he hath created, to his own praise, and
the Lord thy God will give thee to possess, name, and glory: that thou mayst be a holy peo-
and hast conquered it, and dwellest in it: ple of the Lord thy God as he hath spoken.
2 Thou shalt take the first of all thy fruits, and
cut them in a basket, and shalt go to the place
which the Lord thy God shall choose, tliat his The commandments must be toritten on stones;
name may be invocated there: and an altar erected, and sacrifices offered.
3 And thou shalt go to the priest that shall be The observers of the commandments are to be
in those days, and say to him: I profess this day blessed, and the transgressors cursed.
before the Lord thy God, that I am come into the
land, for which he swore to our fathers, that he
AND Moses with the ancients of Israel com-
manded the people, saying: Keep every
would give it us. commandment that I command you this day.
4 And the priest taking the basket at thy hand, 2 And when you are passed over the Jordan
shall set it before the alta- of the Lord thy God into the land which the Lord thy God will give
5 And thou shalt speak thus in the sight of the thee, thou shalt set up great stones, and shalt plas-
Lord thy God: The Syrianf pursued my father, ter them over with plaster.
who went down into Egypt, and sojourned there 3 That thou ma3'st write on them all the words
in a very small number, and grew into a nation of this law, when thou art passed over the Jor-
great and strong, and of an infinite multitude. dan: that tliou mayst enter into the land which
6 And the Egyptians afflicted us, and persecu- the Lord thy God will give thee, a land flowing
ted us, laying on us most grievous burdens: with milk and honey, as he swore to thy fathers.
7 And we cried to the Lord God of our fathers: 4 Therefore when you are passed over the Jor-
who heard us, and looked down upon our afflic- dan, set up the stones which I command you this
tion, and labour, and distress; day, in mount Hebal; and thou shalt plaster
8 And brought us out of Egypt with a strong them with plaster:
hand, and a stretched-out arm, with great terror, 5 And thou shalt build there an altar to the
with signs and wonders: Lord thy God, of stones which iron hath not
9 And brought us into this place, and gave us touched,
this land flowini; with milk and honey. 6 And of stones net fashioned nor polished:
10 And therefore now I offer the first-fruits of and thou shalt offer upon it holocausts to the Lord
the land which the Lord hath given me. And thy God
thou shalt leave them in the sight of the Lord thy 7 And shalt immolate peace-victims, and eat
God, adoring the Lord thy God. there, and feast before the Lord thy God.
11 And thou shalt feast in all the good things 8 And thou shalt write upon the stones all the
which the Lqrd thy God hath given thee, and thy words of this law plainly and clearly.
9 And Moses and the priests of the race of
* Amalec. This order for destroying the Ama- Levi said to all Israel: Attend, and hear, O Is-
lecites, in the mystical sense, sheweth how hate- rael: This day thou art made the people of the
ful they are to God, and what punishments they Lord thy God.
are to look for from his justice, who attack and 10 Thou shalt hear his voice, and do the com-
discourage his servants when they are but just mandments and justices which I command thee
come out, as it were of the Egypt of this wicked 11 And Moses commanded the people in that
world, and being yet weak and faint-hearted, are day, saying:
but beginning their journey to the land of promise. 12 These shall stand upon mount Garizim to
t The Syrian. Laban. See Gen. xxvii- bless the people, when you are passed the Jordan--
Simeon, Levi, Juda, Issachar, Joseph, and Ben- 9 The Lord will raise thee up to be a holy peo-
jamin. ple to himself, as he swore to thee; if thou keep
13 And over-a^inst them shall stand on mount the commandments of the Lord thy G:<ci i^nd
Hebal to curse: Ruben, Gad, and Aser, and Za- walk in his ways.
.bulon, Dan, and Nephtali. 10 Andthe people of the earth shall see
14 And the Levites shall pronounce, and say to that the name
of the Lord is invocated upon thee;
all the men of Israel with a loud voice: and they shall fear thee.
15 Cursed be the man that maketh a graven 11 The Lord will make thee abound v.-ith all
and molten thin^, the abomination of the Lord, goods, with the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit
the work of the hands of artificers, and sliall put of thy cattle, with the fruit of thv land, whicli
it in a secret place: and all the people shall an- the Lord swore to thy fathers that ne would give
swer, and say: Amen. thee.
16 Cursed be he that honoureth not his father 12 The Lord will open his excellent treasure,
and mother; and all the people shall say: Amen. the heaven, that it may give rain in due season:
17 Cursed be he that removeth his neigh- and he will bless all the works of thy hands.
bour's landmarks: and all the people shall say And thou shalt lend to many nations, and shalt
Amen. not borrow of any one.
18 Cursed be he that maketh the blind to wan- 13 And the Lord shall make thee the head,
der out of his way: and all the people shall say and not the tail: and thou shalt be always above,
Amen: and not beneath: yet so if thou wilt hear the
19 Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment commandments of the Lord thy God which I
of the stranger, of the fatherless and the widow command thee this day, and keep and do them,
"•J 3.11 the people shall say: Amen. 14 And turn not away from them neither to the
pursed be he that lieth with his father's right hand, nor to the left, nor follow strange
^d uncovereth his bed: and all the people gods, nor worship them.
^na^7say: Amen. 15 But if thou wilt not hear the voice of the
21 Cursed be he that lieth with any beast: and Lord thy God, to keep, and to do all his com-
all the people shall say: Amen. mandments and ceremonies, which I command
22 Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the thee this day, all these cursesf shall come upon
daughter of his father, or of his mother: and all thee, and overtake thee.
the people shall say: Amen. 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city, cursed in
23 Cursed be he that lieth with his mother-in- the field.
law: and all the people shall say: Amen. 17 Cufsed shall be thy barn, and cursed thj
24 Cursed be he that secretly killeth his neigh- stores.
bour: and all the people shall say: Amen. 18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy womb, and
2-5 Cursed be he that taketh gifts, to slay an the fruit of thy ground, the herds of thy oxen,
innocent person: and all the people shall say: and the flocks of thy sheep.
Amen. 19 Cursed shalt thou be coming in, and cursed
26 Cursed be he that abideth not in the words going out
of this law, and fulfilleth them not in work: and j
20 The Lord shall "wnd upon thee famine and
all the people shall say: Amen. jhunger, and a rebuke upon all the works which
ithou shalt do: until he consume and destroy thee
CHAP. XXVIII. 'quickly, for thy most wicked inventions, by
Many blessings are promised to the observers of which thou hast forsaken me.
God's commandments; and curses threatened 21 Ma3- the Lord set the pestilence upon thee,
to transgressors. until he consume thee out of the land, which
"TVrOW if thou wilt hear the voiceof the Lord thou shalt go in to possess.
J.^ thy God, to do and keep al! his command- 22 May the Lord afflict thee with miserable
ments, which I command thee this day, the Lord want, with the fever and with cold, with burn-
thy God will make thee higher than all the na- ing and with heat, and with corrupted air and
tions that are on the earth. with blasting, and pursue thee till thou perish.
2 And all these blessings* shall come upon 23 Be the heaven, that is over thee, of brass;
thee, and overtake thee: yet so if thou hear his and the ground thou trendest on, of iron.
precepts. 24 The Lord give thee dust for rain upon thy
3 P.'essed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed land, and let ashes come down from heaven upon
in the field. thee, till thou be consumed.
4 Blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb, and 25 The Lord make thee to fall down before
the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cat thy enemies: one way mayst thou go out against
tie, the droves of thy herds, and the folds of thy them, and flee seven loays, and be
, scattered
sheep. throughout all the kingdoms of the earth.
5 Blessed shall be thy barns, and blessed thy 26 And be thy carcass meat for all the fowls
stares. of the air, and the beasts of the earth; and be
6 Blessed shalt thou be coming in and going there none to drive them away.

out. 27 The Lord strike thee with the ulcer of

7 The Lord shall cause thy enemies, that rise Egypt, and the part of thy body, by which the

up against thee, to fall down before thy face: one jdung is cast out, with the scab and with the itch;
way shall they come out against thee, and seven so that thou canst not be healed.
waj's shall they flee before thee. 28 The Lord strike thee with madness and
^ The Lord will s'-nd forth a blessing upon thy blindness and fury of mind,

stme-houses, and upon all the works of tliy 29 And mayst thou grope at mid-day as the
hands; and will bless thee in the land that thou .blind is wont to grope in the dark, and not make
shalt receive. jstraight thy ways. And mayst thou at all times
Isuft'er wrong, and be oppressed with violence:
* All these blessings, ^c. In the Old Testa- arid mayst thou have no one to deliver thee.
ment, God promised temporal blessings to the
keepers of his law, heaven not being opened as t All these curses, fyc. Thus God dealt with the
yet and that gross and sensual people being more transgressors of his law in the Old Testament:

nioved with present and sensible things. But in but now he often suffers sinners to prosper in this
the New Testament the goods that are promised world, rewarding themfor some little good they
us are spiritual and eternal: and temporal evils have done, and reserving their punishment ht
are turned into blessings. the other world.
30 Mayst thou take a wife, and another sleep; sieged within thy gates in all thy land, which tot
with her. Mayst thou buiid a house, and noti Lord thy God will give thee:
dwell therein. Mayst thou plant a vineyard, and| 53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thy womb,
not gather the vintage thereof. I and the flesh of thy sons and of th}' daughters,
31 May thy ox be slain before thee, and thoi which the Lord thy God shall give thee, in the •

not eat thereof. May thy ass be taken away in distress and extremity wherewith thy enemy shall
thy sight, and not restored to thee. May thy oppress thee.
sheep be given to thy enemies, and may there be 54 The man that is nice among you, and very
n::rke to help thee. delicate, shall envy his own brother, and his wife,
32 May thy sons and thy daughters be given to that lieth in his bosom,
another peo])le, thy eyes looking on, and lan- 55 So that he will not give them ol the flesh of
guishing at the sight of them all the day: and. his children, which he shall eat: because he hath
may there be no strength in thy hand. nothing else in the siege and the want, wherewith
33 May a people which thou knowest not, eatj thy enemies shall distress thee within all thy
the fruits of thy land, and all thy labours: andj gates.
mayst thou always suffer oppression, and be 56 The tender and delicate woman, that could
crushed at all times, not go upon the ground, nor set down her foot for
34 And be astonished at the terror of those over-mucb niceness and tenderness, will envy her
things VN'hich thy eyes shall see. husband who lieth in her bosom, the flesh of her
35 May the Lord strike thee with a very sore son, and of her daughter,
ulcer in the knees and in the legs; and be thou 57 And the filth of the after-births, that come
incurable from the sole of the foot to the top of forth from between her thighs, and the children
thy head. that are born the same hour. For they shall eat
36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy king, them secretly for the want of all things, in the
whom thou shalt have appointed over thee, into siege and distress, wherewith thy enemy shall
a nation which thou and thy fathers know not: oppress thee within thy gates.
and there thou shalt serve strange gods, wood 58 If thou wilt not keep, and fulfil all the words
and stone. of this law, that are written in this volume, and
37 And thou shalt be lost, as a proverb and a fear his glorious and terrible name: that is, The
by-word to all people, among whom the Lord Lord thy God:
shall bring thee in. 59 The Lord shall increase thy plagues, and
38 Thou shalt cast much seed into the ground, the plagues of thy seed, plagues great and lasting,
and gather little: because the locusts sltall con- infirmities grievous and perpetual.
sume all. 60 And he shall bring back on thee all the af-
39 Thoushalt plant a vineyard, and dig it, and flictions of Egypt, which thou- wast afraid of;
shalt not drink the wine, nor gather any thing and they shall ^'tick fast to thee.
thereof: because it shall be wasted with worms. 61 Moreover, the I^ord will bring upon thee all
40 Thou shalt have olive-trees in all thy bor- the diseases and plagues, that are not written in
ders, and shalt not be anointed with the oil: for the volume of this law till he consume thee:
the olives shall fall off, and perisli. 62 And you shall remain few in number, who
41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters, and before were as the stars of heaven for multitude,
shalt not enjoy them: because they shall be led because thou heardest not the voice of the Lord
mto captivity. thy God.
42 The blast shall consume all the trees and the '63 And as the Lord rejoiced upon you before,

fruits of thy ground. doing good to you, and multiplying you; so he

43 The stranger that liveth with thee in the shall rejoice destroying and bringing you to
land, shall rise up over thee, and shall be higher: naught; so that you shall be taken away from the
and thou shalt go down, and be lower. land which thou shalt go in to possess.
44 He shall lend to thee, and thoa shalt not 64 The Lord shall scatter thee among all peo-
lend to him. He shall be as the head, and thou ple, from the farthest parts of the earth to the ends
ehalt be the tail. thereof: and there thou shalt serve strange gods,
45 And all these curses shall come upon thee, which both thou art ignorant of, and thy fathers,
and shall pursue and overtake thee, till thou pe- wood and stone.
rish: because thou heardest not the voice of the 65 Neither shalt thou be quiet, even in those
Lord thy God, and didst not keep his com- nations, nor shall there be any rest for the sole of
mandments and ceremonies which he commanded thy foot. For the Lord will give thee a fearful
thee. heart, and languishing eyes, and a soul consumed
46 And they shall be as signs and wonders on with pensiveness:
tliee, and on thy seed for ever. 66 And thy life shall be as it were hanging be-
47 Because thou didst not serve the Lord thy fore thee. Thou shalt fear night and day; neither
God with joy and gladness of heart,- for the abun- shalt thou trust thy life.
dance of all things: 67 In the morning thou shalt say: will Who
48 Thou shalt serve thy enemy, whom the grant me evening? and at evening: Who will
Lord will send upon thee, in hunger, and thirst, grant me morning? for the ftarfulness oi thy
4nd nakedness, and in want of all things: and he heart, wherewith thou shalt be terrified, and for
shall put an iron yoke upon thy neck, till he con- those things which thou shalt see with thy <^yes.
sume thee. 68 The Lord shall bring thee again with ships
49 The Lord will bring upon thee a nation from (into Egypt, by the way whereof he said to thee
afar, and from the uttermost ends of the earth, that thou sho'uldst see it no more. There -f -.i
like an eagle that flieth swiftly: whose tongue thou be set to sale to thy enemies for bm J.»:n ,

thou canst not understand: and bondwomen; and no man shall buy yoi
50 A most insolent nation, that will .show no
regard to the ancient, nor have pity on the infant,
51 And will devour the fruit of thy cattle, and The covenant is solemnly covfirmed hchcit n God
the fruits of thy land: until thou be destroyed, and his .people. Threats ai;uinst thofe that
and will leave thee no wheat, nor wine, nor oil, shall break it.
nor herds of oxen, nor flocks of sheep; until he THE.SE
are the words of the covenant which
destroy thee, the Lord conmianded Moses to make Vi'ith
52 And consume thee in all thy cities, and thy the children of Israel in thi- land of Monb: I'eside
strong and high walls be brought down, wherein that covenant which he made with them h. Hcreb
tiiou trustedst in all thy land- Thou shalt be be- 2 And Moses called all Israel, and said to them
Fou have seen the things that the Lord did be-
all the children that shall be bom hereafter, and thft
foreyou in the land of Egypt, to Pharao, and to strangers that shall come from afar, seeing the
all his servants, and to his whole land; plagues of that land, and the evils wherewith the
3 The great temptations, which thy eyes have Lord hath aiflicted it,
seen, those mighty signs, and wonders: 23 Burning it with brimstone, and the heat of
4 And the Lord hath not given you* a heart to salt, so that it cannot be sown any more, nor any
understand, and eyes to see, and ears that may green thing grow therein, after the example of the
hear, unto this present day. (lestruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, Adama and
5 He hath brought you forty years through the Seboim, which the Loi-d destroyed in his wrath
desert: your garments are not worn out, neither and indignation:
are the shoes of your feet consumed with age. 24 And all the nations shall sav: Why hath the
6 You have not eaten bread, nor have you Lord done thus to this land.' what meaneth this
drunk wine or strong drink: that you might know exceeding great heat of his wrath.'
that I am the Lord your God. 25 And they shall answer: Because they for
7 And j'ou came to thisjilace: and Sehon king sook the covenant of the Lord, which he made
of Hesebon, and Og king of Basan, came out with their fathers, when he brought them out of
against us to fight. And we slew them; the land of Egypt:
8 And took their land, and delivered it for a 26 And they have served strange gods, and
possession to Ruben and Gad, and the half tribe! adored them, whom they knew not, and for
of Manasses. whom they had not been assigned:
9 Keep therefore the words of this covenant, 27 Therefore the wrath of the Lord was kin
and fulfil them; that you may that died against this land, to bring upon it all the
understand all
you do. curses that are written in this volume:
10 You all stand this day before the Lord your 28 And he hath cast them out of their land, in
God, your princes, and tribes, and ancients, and anger and in wrath, and in very great indignation;
doctors, all the people of Israel, and hath thrown them into a strange land, as it is
11 Your children, and your wives, and the seen this day.
stranger that abideth with thee in the camp, 29 Secret thingst to the Lord our God: things
besides the hewers of wood, and them that bring that are manifest, to us and to our children for
water: ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
12 That thou mayest pass in the covenant of
the Lord thy God, and in the oath which this day
the Lord thy God maketh with thee: Great mercies arc promised, to the penitent.
13 That he may raise thee up a people to him- God^s commandment is feasible. Life and
self, and he may be thy God as he hath spoken to death are set before them.
thee, and as he swore to thy fathers
Isaac, and Jacob.
Abraham, NOW
when all these things shall be come
thee, the blessing or the curse, which
14 Neither with you only do I make this cove- I have set forth before thee; and thou shalt be
nant, anil confirm these oaths, touched with repentance of thy heart among all
1.5 But with all that are present, and that are the nations, into which the Lord thy God shall
absent. have scattered thee;
16 For you know how we dwelt in the land of 2 And shalt return to him, and obey his com-
EgA'pt, and how we have passed through the mandments, as I command thee this day, thou
midst of nations; and passing through them, and th}^ children, with all thy heart, and with all
17 Y'ou have seen their abominations and filth; thy soul:
that is to say, their idols, wood and stone, silver 3 The Lord thy God will bring back again thy
and gold, wnich they worshipped. captivity, and will have mercy on thee, and gather
18 Lest perhaps there should be among you a thee again out of all the nations, into which he
man or a woman, a family or a tribe, whose heart scattered thee before.
is turned away this day from the Lord our God, 4 If thou be driven as far as the poles of hea-
to go and serve the gods of those nations: and ven, the Lord thy God will fetch thee back from
there should be among you a root bringing forth thence;
gall and bitterness. 5 And will take thee to himself, and bring thee
19 And when he shall hear the words of this into the land which thy fathers possessed; arid
oath, he should bless himself in his heart, saying: thou shalt possess it: and blessing thee, he will
I shall have peace, and will walk on in the make thee more numerous than were thy fa-
naughtiness of my heart: and the drunkenf may thers.
consume the thirsty, 6 The Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart,
20 And the Lord should not forgive him: but and the heart of thy seed; that thou mayst love
his wrath and jealousy against that man should be the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all
Vceedingly enkindled at that time; and all the thy soul, that thou mayst live.
curses that are written in this volume should light 7 And he will turn all these curses upon thy
upon him and the Lord should blot out his name enemies, and upon them that hate and persecute

from under heaven, thee.

21 And utterly destroy him out of all the tribes 8 But thou shalt return, and hear the voice of
of Israel, according to the curses that are contain- the Lord thy God, and shalt do all the command-
ed in the book of this law and covenant: ments which I command thee this day:
22 And the following generation shall say, and 9 And the Lord will make thee abound in all
the works of thy hands, in the fruit of thy womb,
* Hath not given you, ^-c. Through your own thy cattle, and in the fruit of the fruitfulness of
fault and because you resisted his grace. thy land, and in the plenty of all things. For the
t The dntnken, ^-c. absumat ebria sitientem. It Lord will return to rejoice over thee in all good
IS a proverbial expression, which may either be things, as he rejoiced in thy fathers:
understood, as spoken by the sinner, blessing, 10 Yet so, if thou hear the voice of the Lord
that is flattering himself in his sins with the ima- thy God, and keep his precepts and ceremonies,
gination of peace, and so great an abundance as
may satisfy, and as it were, consume all thirst and t Secret things, Sf-c. As much as to say, secret
Want; or it may be referred to the root of bitter- things belong to, and are known to God alone our :

fiMs, spoken of before, which being drunken with business must be to observe what he has revealed
(la may attract, and by that means consume such and manifested to us, and to direct our lives ac-
M thirst after the like evils. cordingly
(vhich are written in this law; and return to the ven years, intlie year of remission, in the feasv of
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy tabernacles,
soul, 11 When all Israel come together, to appear in
11 This "ommandment, that I command thee the sight of the Lord thy God, in the place which
this day, is not above thee, nor far otf from thee: the Lord shall choose, thou slialt read the words
12 Nor is it in heaven, that thou sliouldst say: of this law before all Israel, in their Searing;
Which of us can go up to heaven to bring it unto 12 And the people being all assembled toge-
us, and we may hear and fulfil it in work ? ther, both men and women, children and stran-
, 13 Nor is it beyond the sea; that thou mayst gers, that are within thy gates; that hearing they
excuse thyself, and say: Which of us can cross may learn, and fear the Lord your God, andkeep,
the sea, and bring it unto us, that we may hear, and fulfil all the words of this law:
and do that which is commanded? 13 That their children also, who now are igno-
14 But the word is very nidi unto thee, in thy rant, may hear, and fear the Lord their Givi, all
mouth and in thy heart, that thou mayst do it the days that they live in the land whither yo«
15 Consider that I have set before thee this day are going over the Jordan to possess it.
life and good, and on the other hand death and 14 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold, tlic
evil: days of thy death are ni";h: call Josue, and stand
16 That thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and ye in the tabernacle of the testimony, that I may
walk in his ways, and keep his commandments give him a charge. So Moses and Josue went,
and ceremonies and judgments; and thou mayst and stood in the tabernacle of the testimony:
live, and he may multiply thee, and bless thee in 13 And the Lord appeared there in the pillar <>f
ihe land, which thou shalt go in to possess. a cloud, which stood in the entry of. the taber-
17 But if thy heart be turned away, so that thou nacle.
wilt not hear, and being deceived with error thou 16 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold, thou
adore strange gods, and serve them: shalt sleep with thy fathers: and this people rising
IS I foretel thee this day that thou shalt perish, up will go a fornicatmg after strange gods in the
and remain but a short time in the land, to land, to which it goeth in to dwell: there will
which thou shalt pass over the Jordan, and shall they forsake me, and will make void the cove-
go ill to possess it. nant, which I have made with them:
19 I call heaven and earth to witness this day, 17 And my wrath shall be kindled against them
that I have set before yoa life and death, blessing in that day: and I will forsake them, and will hide
and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou my face from them: and they shall be devoured:
and thy seed may live: all evils and afflictions shall find them, so that
20 And that thou mayst love the Lord thy God, they shall say in that day: In truth, it is because
and obey his voice, and adhere to him (for he is God is not with me, that these evils have found
thy life, and the length of thy dnys,) that thou me.
mayst dwell in the land, for which the Lord 18 But I will hide, and cover my face in that
swoie to thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, day, for all the evils which they have done; be-
that he would give it them. cause they have followed strange gods.
CHAP. XXXI. 19 Now
therefore write you this canticle, and
teach the children of Israel; that they may know
Moses encourageth the people, and Josne vho is it by heart, and sing it by mouth, and this song
appointed to succeed him- He delivereth the may be unto me for a testimony among the chil-
laiv to the priests. God foretcUcth that the dren of Israel.
people will often forsake him, and that he will 20 For I will bring them into the land, for
punish them. He commandeth Moses to write which I swore to their fathers, that floweth with
a canticle, as a constant remembrancer of the milk and honey. And when they have eaten, and
law. are full and fat, they will turn away after strange
AND Moses went, and spoke all these words gods, and will serve them; and will despise me,
to all Israel. and make void my covenant.
2 And
he said to them: I am this day a hundred 21 And after many
evils and afflictions shall
and twenty years old: I can no longer go out and have come upon them, this canticle shall answer
come in; especially as the Ijord also hath said to them for a testimony, which no oblivion shall take
me: Thou shalt not pass over this Jordan. away out of the mouth of their seed. For I know
3 The Lord thy God then will pass over before their thoughts, and what they are about to do this
thee: he will destroy all these nations in thy sight; day, before that I bring them into the land which
and thou shalt possess them: and this Josue sliall I have promised them.
go over before thee, as the Lord hath spoken. 22 Moses therefore wrote the canticle, and
4 And
the Lord shall do to them as he did to taught It to the children of Israel.
Sehon and Og the kings of the Amorrhites, and to 23 And the Lord commanded Josue the son of
their land; and shall destroy them. Nun, and said: Take courage and be valiant: for
5 Therefore when the Lord shall have deliver- thou shalt bring the children of Israel into the
ed these also to you, you shall do in like manner land which I have promised, and I will be with
to them as I have commanded you. thee.
6 Do
manfully, and be of good heart: fear not, 24 Therefore after Moses had wrote the words
nor be ye dismayed at their sight: for the Lord of this law in a volume, and finished it;
thy God he himself is thy leader, and will not 25 He commanded the Levites, who carried
leave thee nor forsake thee. the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying:
7 And Moses called Josue, and said to him be 26 Take this book, and put it in the side of the
fore all Israel: Take courage, and be valiant: for ark of the covenant of the Lord your God: that
thou shalt bring this people into the land which it may be there for a testimony against thee.
the Lord swore he would give to their fathers; 27 'For I know thy obstinacy, and thy most
and thou shalt divide it by lot. stiff neck. While I am yet living, and going in
8 And the Lord who is your leader, he himself with you, you have always been rebellious against
will be with thee: he will not leave thee, nor for- the Lord: how much more when I shall be dead?
sake thee: fear not, neither be ditmayed. 28 Gather unto me all the ancients of your
9 And Moses wrote this law, ami delivered it tribes, and your doctors; and I will speak these
to the priests the sons of Levi, who carried the words in their hearing, and will call heaven ana
ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the earth to witness against them.
ancients of Israel. 29 For I know that, after my death, you wiU
10 And he commanded them, saying After se- do wickedly, and will quicklv turn aside from the

134 "
way that I have commanded you: and evils shall I will heap evils upon them, and will spend
come upon you in the latter times, when you shall my
arrows among them.
do evil ia the sight of the Lord, to provoke him 24 They shall be consumed with famine: and
by tke works ofyour hands. birds shall devour them with a most bitter bite: I
30 Moses therefore spoke, in the hearing of the will send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the
whole assembly of Israel, the words of this canti- fury of creatures that trail upon the ground, and
cle, and finished it even to the end. of serpents.
25 Without, the sword shall lay them waste,
CHAP. XXXII. and terror within, both the young man and the
A canticle for the remembrance of the law. Mo- virgin, the sucking child with the man in years.
ses is commanded to go up into a mountain, 26 I said: Where are. they? I will make the
from whence he shall see the promised land, but memory of them to cease from among men.
not enter into it 27 But for the wrath of the enemies I have de
HEAR, Oye heavens, the things I speak: let ferred it: lest perhaps their enemies might be
the earth give ear to the words of my mouth. proud, and should say: Our mighty hand, and not
2 Let my doctrine gather as the rajn, let my the Lord, hath done all these things.
ajieech distil as the dew, as a shower' upon the 28 They are a nation without counsel, ami
hero, and as drops upon the grass. without wisdom.
3 Because I will invoke the name of the Lord: 29 O that they would be wise, and would un-
give ye magnificence to our God. derstand; and would provide for their last end.
4 The works of God are perfect, and all his 30 How should one pursue after a thousand,
ways are judgments: God is faithful, and without and two chase ten thousand ? Was it not, because
any iniquity; he is just and right. tlieir God had sold them, and the Lord had shift
5 They have sinned against him, and are none them up?
of his children in their tilth: they are a 31 For our God is not as their gods: our ene-
and perverse generation. mies themselves are judges.
6 Is this the return thou makest to the Lord, O 32 Their vines are of the vineyard of Sodom,
fooli^hand senseless people.' Is not he thy father, and of the suburbs of Gomorrha: their grapes
that hath possessed thee, and made thee, and are grapes of gall, and their clusters most
created thee? bitter.
7 Remember the days of old; think upon every 33 Their wine is the gall of dragons, and the

generation: ask thy father, and he will declare to venom of asps, which is incurable.
thee: thy elders, and they will tell thee. :>4 Are not these things stored up with me, and

8 When the Most High divided the nations; sealed up in my treasures?

when he separated the sons of Adam, he appoint- 35 Revenge is mine: and I will repay them in
ed the bounds of peojjle according to the number due time, that their foot may slide: the day of
of the children of Israel. destruction is at hand, and the time makes haste
9 But the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob to come.
the lot of his inheritance. 36 The Lord will judge his people, and will
10 He found him in a desert land, in a place, of have mercy on his servants: he shall see that
horror, and of waste wilderness: he led him about, their hand is weakened, and that they who were
and taught him: and he kept him as the apple of shut uj) have also failed, and they that remained
his eye. are consumed.
11 As the eagle enticing her young to fly, and 37 And he shall say: Where are their gods, in
hovering over them, he spread his wings, and whom they trusted ?
hath taken him and carried him on his shoulders. 38 Of whose victims they ate the fat, and
12 The Lord alone was his leader: and there drank the wine of their drink-offerings: let them
was no strange god with him. arise and help you, and protect you in your dis-
13 He set him upon high land, that he might tress.
eat the fruits of the fields, that he might suck 39 See ye that I alone am, and there is no other
honey out of the rock, and oil out of the hardest God besides me: I will kill, and I will make to
stone. live: I will strike, and I will heal: and there ia
14 Butter of the herd, and milk of the sheep none that can deliver out of my hand.
with the fat of lambs, and of the rams of the breed 40 I will lift up my hand to heaven, and I will
of Basan; and goats with the marrow of wheat; say: I live for ever. *
and mis;ht drink the purest blood of the grape. 41 If I shall whet my sword as the lightning,
1.5 The beloved grew fat, and kicked he grew
: and my hand take hold on judgment, I will ren-
fat, and thick and gross; he forsook God who der vengeance to my enemies, and repay them
made him, and departed from God his saviour. that hate me.
16 They provoked him by strange gods, and 42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood,
stirred him up to anger, with their abominations. and my sword shall devour flesh, of the blood of
17 They sacrificed to devils and not to God, to the slain and of the captivity, of the bare head of
gods whom they knew not; that were newly the enemies.
come up, whom their fathers worshipped not. 43 Praise his people, ye nations, for he will re-
18 Thou hast forsaken the God that begot thee, venge the blood of his servants; and vvill render
and hast forgotten the Lord that created thee vengeance to their enemies: and he will be mer-
19 The Lord saw, and was moved to wrath; ciful to the land of his people.
because his own sons and daughters provoked 44 So Moses came, and spoke all the words of
hhn. this canticle in the ears of the people, and Josue
20 And he said: I will hide my face from them, the son of Nun.
and will consider what their last end shall be: for 45 And he ended all these words, speaking to
it IS a perverse generation, and unfaithful children. all Israel.
21 They have provoked me with that wliich 46 And he said to them: Set your hearts on all
was no god, and nave angered me with their va- the words, which I testify to you this day: which
nities: and I will provoke them with that which you shall command your cliildren to observe and
is no people, and will vex them with a foolish na- to do, and to fulfil all that is written in this law:
tion. 47 For they arc not commanded you in vain,
22 Afire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burn'jbut that every one should live in them: and that
even to the lowest hell; and shall devour thejldoing them you may continue a long time in the
earth with her increase, and shall burn the foun-[ land whither you are going over the Jordan to
lalions of the mountains. il possess it

48 And the Lord spoke to Moses the same 15 Of tlie tops of the ancient mountains, of tha
day, saying: fruits of ihe everlasting hills:
49 Go up into this mountain Abarim, (that is to 16 And of the fruits of the earth, and of the
say, of passages,) unto mount Nebo, which is in fulness thereof The blessing of him that ap
the land of Moab over-against Jericho: and see peared in the bush, come upon the head of Jo-
the land of Chanaan, which I will deliver to the seph, and upon the crown of the Nazarite§ among
children of Israel to possess: and die thou in the his brethren.
mountain. 17 His beauty as of the firstling of a bullock,
50 When thou art gone up into it, thou shalt be his horns as the horns of a rhinoceros: with them
gathered to thy people; as Aaron thy brother shall he push the nations even to the ends of tht
died in mount Hor, apd was gathered to his earth. These are the multitudes of Ephraim, and
people: these the thousands of Manasses.
51 Because you trespassed against me in the IS And to Zabulon he said: Rejoice, O
midst of the children of Israel at the waters of lon, in thy going out; and Issachar in thy taber^
contradiction, in Cades of the desert of Sin: and nacles.
you did not sanctify me among the children of Is- 19 They shall call the people to the mountain
rael. there shall they sacrifice the victims of justice.
62 Thou shalt see the land before thee, which Who shaM suck as milk the abundance of the
I will give to the children of Israel: but thou shalt sea, and the hidden treasures of the sands.
not enter into it. 20 And to Gad he said: Blessed be Gad in his
CHAP. XXXIII. breadth: he hath rested as a lion, and hath seized
Moses before his death blcsseth the tribes of upon the arm and the top of the head.
Israel. 21 And he saw|| his pre-eminence, that in his
fjMHIS is the blessing, wherewith the man of portion the teacher was laid up; who was with
M. God Moses blessed the children of Israel, the princes of the peo])le, and did the justices of
before his death. the Lord, and his judgment with Israel.
2 And he said Tlie Lord came from Sinai,
: 22 To Dan also he said: Dan is a young lion;
and from Seir he rose up to us: he hath appeared he jjhall flow plentifully from Basan.
from mount Pharan, and with him thousands of 23 And to Nephtali he said: Nephtali shall en-
saints. In his right hand a fiery law. joy abundance, and shall be full of the blessings
3 He hath loved thepeoj^le: all tlie saints are of the Lord: he shall possess the sea^ and the
in his hand and they that approach to his feet,
: south.
shall receive of his doctrine. 24 To Aser also he said: Let Aser be bless^?d
4 Moses commanded us a law, the inheritance with children; let him be accejitable to his breth-
of the multitude of Jacob. ren: and let him dip his foot in oil.
5 He shall be king with the most right, the 25 His shoe shall he iron and brass. As the
princes of the people being assembled with the days of thy youth so also shall thy old age be.
tribes of Israel. 26 There is no other god like the God of the
Ruben live, and not die; and be he small
6 Let righteous: he that is mounted ujjon the heaven is
in number. thy, helper. By his magnificence the clouds run
7 This is the blessing of Juda. Hear, O Lord, hither and thither.
the voice of Juda, and bring him in unto his peo- 27 His dwelling is above, and underneath are
ple: his hands shall fight for him; and he shall be the everlasting arms:** he shall cast out the ene-
nis helper against his enemies. my from before thee, and shall say: Be thou
8 To Levi also he said: Thy perfection, and brought to nought.
thy doctrine be to thy holy man,* whom thou hast 28 Israel shall dwell in safety, and alone. The
proved in the temptation, and judged at the wa- eye of Jacob in a land of corn and wine; and
ters of contradiction: the heavens shall be misty with dew.
9 Who hath saidf to his father, and to his mo- 29 Blessed art thou, Israel: who is like to thee,
ther: I do not know you; and to his brethren: I O people, that art saved by the Lord.' the shield
know you not: and their own children they have of thy help, and the sword of thy glory: thy
not known. These have kept thy word, and ob- enemies shall deny thee; and thou shalt tread
served thy covenant, upon their necks.
10 Thy judgments, O Jacob, and thy law, O CHAP. XXXIV.
Israel: they shall put incense in thy wrath, and Moses seeth the promised land; but is not suffer-
holocaust upon thy altar. ed to go into it. He dieth at the age of 120
11 Bless, O Lord, his strength, and receive the years. God burieth his body secretly : and all
works of his hands. Strike the backs of his ene- Israel mourn for him thirty days. Josue, re-
mies: and let not them that hate him rise. plenished (by imposition of 3ioses's hands)
12 And to Benjamin he said: The best beloved with the spirit of God,siicceedeth. But Moses
of the Lord shall dwellt confidently in him: as for his special familiarity with God, and fo:
in a bride-chamber shall he abide all the day most wonderful miracles, is commended abov..
long; and between his shoulders shall he rest. all other prophets.
13 To Joseph also he said: Of the blessing ^HEN Moses went up from the plains of
of the Lord be his land, of the fruits of heaven, Moab upon mount Nebo, to the top of Phas-
and of the dew, and of the deep that lieth be- ga over-against Jericho: and the Lord showed
neath : jhim all the land of Galaad as far as Dan,
14 Of the fruits brought forth by the sun and 2 And all Nephtali, and the l^.nd of Ephraim
by the moon iand Manasses, and all the land of Juda unto the
furthermost sea.
* Holy man. Aaron and his successors in the
priesthood. § The Nuzarite. See the note on Gen. xlix. 26
t l^Vho hath said, ^-c. It is the duty of the II He
saiv, ^-c. The pre-eminence of the tiibe
priestly tribe to prefer God's honour and service of Gad, to which this alludeth, was their having
before all considerations of flesh and blood: in the lawgiver Moses buried in their borders;
such manner as to behave as strangers to their though the particular place was not known.
nearest akin, when these would withdraw them ^ 77(6 sea. The lake of Genesareth.
from the business of their calling. ** Underneafli are the everlasting armt.
J Shall dwell, S/-C. This seems to allude to the Though the dwelling of God be above in heaver,
temple being built in the confines of the tribe of his arms are always stretched out to help us here
Benjamin. below.


3 And the souih part, and tlie breadth of the land of Moab, over-against Phogor. and no maa
plain ot Jericho the city of pal n-trees as fai as hath known of his sepulchre until this jireisent day
Segor. 7 Moses was a nundred and twenty years old
4 And the Lord said to him: This is the land, when he died: his eye was not dim; neither v^ere
for which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- his teeth moved.
cob, saying: I will give it to thy seed. Thou 8 And
the children of Israel mourned for him
hast seen it with thy eyes, and shall not pass over in the plains of Moab thirty days: and the days
to it. of their mourning in which they mourned for
5 And Moses the servant of the Lord died Moses were ended.
lh<-re,* in the land of Moab, by the command- Josue the son of Nun was filled with
9 And
ment of the Lord: wisdom, because Moses had laid his
the spirit of
G And he buried himf in the valley of the hands upon him. And the children of Israel
obeyed him, and did as tlie Lord commanded
* Died there. This last chapter of Deutero- Moses.
aoiiiy, in wliich the death of Moses is related, 10 And there arose no more a prophet in Israel
WHS written by Josue, or by some of the pro- like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to
phets. face.
t Heburied him, viz. By the ministry of An- 11 In all the signs and wonders, which he .sent
gels, and would have the place of his burial to be by him, to do in the land of Egypt to Pharao, and
unknown, lest the Israelites, who were so prone to all his servants, and to his whole land,
to idolatry, mi^ht worship him with divine 12 And all the mighty hand, and great mira-
honours. cles, which Moses did before all Israel.


TTiis book is called Josue, because it contains the night, that thou mayst observe and do all things
kisto^•y of what passed under him, and accord- that are written in it: then shall thou direct thy
ing to the common opinion was turitten by him. way, and understand it.
The Greeks call him Jesus ; for Josue and 9 Behold, I command thee: take courage, and
Jesus in the Hebrew are the same name, and be strong. Fear not, and be not dismayed: be-
have the same signification, viz. A Saviour. cause the Lord thy God is with thee in all things
And it icus not without a mystery that he who whatsoever thou shall go to.
WIS to bring the people into the land of promise 10 And Josue commanded the princes of the
should have his name changed from Osee (for people, saying: Pass through the midst of the
so he rcas called before. Num. xiii. 17.) to Josue camp, and command the people, and say:
or Jesus, to give us to understand, that Moses 11 Prepare you victuals: for after the third
by his Icno could only bring the people within day you shall pass ever the Jordan, and shall go
sight of the promised inheritance, but that our in to possess the land, which the Lord your God
S.tviour Jesus ivas to bring us into it. will give you.
12 And he said to the Rubenites, and the Gad
CHAP. I. ites, and the half tribe of Manasses,
Josue, encouraged by the Lord, admonisheth the 13 Remember the word, which Moses the ser-
veople to prepare themselves to pass over the vant of the Lord commanded
you, saying: The
Jordan. liOrd your God hath given you rest, and all this
^OW it came to pass after the death of Moses, land.

the .servant of the Lord, that the Lord spoke 14 Your wives and children, and cattle shall
to Josue the son of Nun, the minister of Moses, remain in the land which Moses gave you on this
and said to him: side of the Jordan: but pass you over armed be-
2 Moses my servant is dead: arise, and pass fore your brethren, all of you that are strong of
over this Jordan, thou and thy people with thee, hand, and fight for them,
mto the land which I will give to the children of 15 Until the Lord give rest to your brethren as
Israel. he hath given you, and they also possess the land
3 I will deliver to you every place that the sole which the Lord your God will give them: and so
of your foot shall tread upon, as I have said to you shall return into the land of your possession,
Moses, and you shall dwell in it, which Moses the servant
4 From the desert, and from Libanus, unto the of the Lord gave you beyond the Jordan, toward
grcnt river Euphrates, all the land of the Hethites the rising of the sun.
unto the great sea tow.ird the going down of the 16 And they made answer to Josue, and said:
sun, sh:ill be your border. All that thou hast commanded us we will do: and
5 No man shall be able to resist you all the whithersoever thou shall send us, we will go.
i\nyi of thy life: as I have been with Moses, so 17 As we obeyed Moses in all things, so wil
M ill I be witii thee: I will not leave thee, nor for- we obey thee also: only be the Lord thy Gr>d
Ba^e ihee. with thee, as he was with Moses.
o T.ike courage and be strong: for thou shah 18 He that shall gainsay thy mouth, and not
flivi le by lot to this people tne land for which I obey all thy words, that thou shall command him,
Fwore to their fathers, that I would deliver it to let him die: only take thou courage, and do man
them fully.
7 Take courage therefore, and be very valiant:
that thou mayst oDserve and do all the law, which CHAP. II.

Moses iiiy servant hath commanded thee turn not

Two spies are sent to Jericho, who are received
from it to the riiht hand or to the left, that thou and concealed by Rahab.
mayst understand all things which thou doest.
8 Lei not .he book of this law depart from thy
AND Josue the son of Nun sent from Setim
two men, to spy secretly: and said to them-
mouth: but thou shall meditate on it day and Go, and view the land and the city of Jencco

They we at and entered into the house of a woman, mountain: and passi^g over the Jordan, thej
that was a harlot, named Rahab, and lodged with came to Josue the son of Nun, and told him all
her. that befel them,
2 And was
told the king; of Jericho, and was
it 24 And said: The Lord hath delivered all this
said: Bohold, there are men come in liither, by land into our hands: and all the inhabitants there-
nijiht, of the children of Israel, to spy the land. of are overthrown with fear.
3 And the king of Jericho sent to Rahab, say-
ing: Bring forth the men that came to thee, and
are entered into thy house: for they are spies, and The river Jordan is miraculously dried up, for the

are come to view all the land. passage of the children of Israel.
4 And the woman taking the men, hid them, ND
Josue rose before day-light, and remov-
and said I confess they came to me, but I knew
ed the camp: and they departed from Setim,
not whent!e they were: and came to the Jordan, he, and all the children of
5 And at the time of shutting the gate in the Israel: and they abode there for three days.
dark, they also went out together. I kno\v not 2 After which the heralds went through the
wiiither they are gone: pursue after them quick- midst of the camp,
ly, ami you will overtake them. 3 And began to proclaim: you shall see When
6 But she made the men go up to the top of her the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God,
house, and covered them with the stalks of flax, and the priests of the race of Levi carrying it,
which was there. rise you up also, and follow them as they go be
7 Now tliey that were sent,pursued after them, fore:
by the way that leadeth to the lords ol the Jordan 4 And let there be between you and the ark
and as soon as they were gone out, the gate was the space ot two thousand cubits; that you may
presently shut- see it afar off, and know which way you must go;
8 The men that were hidden were not yet for you have not gone this way before: and take
asleep, when behold, the woman went up to them care you come not near the ark.
and said: 5 And Josue said to the people: Be ye sancti-
9 I know that the Lord hath given this land to fied: for to-morrow the Lord will do wonders
you: for the dread of you is fallen upon us: and among you.
all the inhabitants of the land have lost all strengtl 6 And he said to the priests: Take up the ark
10 We have heard that the Lord dried up the of the covenant, and go before the people. And
water of the Red Sea at your going in, when you Ithey obeyed his commands, and took it up, and
came out of EgypK* and what things you did to iwaiked before them.
tlie two kings of tie Ajnorrhites, that were be 7 And the Lord said to Josue: This day will I
yoiui the Jordan, Sehon and Og, you slew begin to exalt thee before Israel: that they may
11 And hearing these things we were affrii^ht know that as I was with Moses, so I am with thee
ed, and our heart fainted away; neither did there also.
remain any spirit in us at your coming in: for the 8 And do thou command the priests that carry
Lord your God he is God in heaven above, and the ark of the covenant, and say to them: When
m the earth beneath. you shall have entered into part of the water of
I'l Now thei efore swear ye to me by the Lord, the Jordan, stand in it.
th-it as I have shown mercy to you, so you also 9 And Josue said to the children of Israel:
will show mercy to father's house: and give Come hither, and hear the word of the Lord your
me a true token, God.
13 That you my
father and mother,
will save 10 And again he said: By this you shall know
my brethren and sisters, and all things that are that the living God is in the midst of
Lord the
theirs, and deliver our souls from death. you, and that he shall--destroy before your sight
14 They answered her: Be our lives for you the Chanaanite and the Hethite, the Hevite and
unto death, only if thou betray us not. And the Pherezite, the Gergesite also and the Jebusite,
when the Lord shall have delivered us the land, and the Amorrhite.
we show thee mercy and truth.
will 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord
Then she let them down with a cord out of
15 of all the earth shall go before you into the Jor-
a window: for her house joined close to the wall. dan.
16 And she said to them: Get ye up to the 12 Prepare ye twelve men of the tribes of Is-
mountains, lest perhaps they meet vou as they re- rael, one of every tribe.
turn: and there lie ye hid three days, till they 13 And when the priests, that carry the ark of
come back; and so you shall go on your way. the Lord the God of the whole earth, shall set the
17 And they said to her: We
shall be blame soles of their feet in the waters of the Jordan, the
less of this oath, which thou hast made us swear: waters that are beneath shall run down and go
18 If when we come'into the land, this scarlet off; and those that come from above, shall stand
cord be a sign, and thou tie it in the window, by together upon a heap.
which thou hast let us down and gather together
: 14 So the people went out of their tents, to pass
thy father and mother, and brethren and all thy over the Jordan: and the priests that carried the
kindred into thy house. ark of the covenant, went on before them.
19 Whosoever shall go out of the door of thy 15 And as soon as they came into the Jordan,
house, his blood shall be upon his own head; and and their feet were dipped in part of the water,
we shall be quit. But the blood of all that shall (now the Jordan, it being harvest time, had filled
be with thee in the house, shall light upon our the banks of its channel,)
head, if any man touch them. 16 The waters that came down from abore
20 But if thou wilt betray us, and utter this stood in one place, and swelling up like a moun-
word abroad, we shall be quit of this oath, which tain, were seen afar off from the city that is called
thou hast made us swear. Adorn, to the place of Sarthan; but those that
21 And she answered As you have spoken, so
: were beneath, ran down into the sea of the wil-
be it done. And sending them on their way, she derness (which now is called the Dead Sea) un-
hung the scarlet cord in the window. til they wholly failed.
22 But they went and came to the mountains, 17 And the people marched over-against Jeri-
and stayed there three days, till they that pursued cho: and the priests that carried the ark of the
them were returned. For having sought them covenant of the Lord, stood girded upon the dry
through all the way, they found them not. ground in the midst of the Jordan: and all the
23 And when they were gone back into the people passed over through the channel that was
«ity the spies returned, and came down from the dried up.


CHAP. IV. 23 The Lord your God drying up the waters

thereof in your sight, until you passed over:
TtDelve stones ai-e taken out of the river to be set
24 As he had done before in the Red Sea,
up for a monument of the miracle: and other which he dried up till we passed through:
twelve are placed iti the midst of the river. 25 That all the people of the earth may learn
AND when they were passed over, the Lord
said to Josue:
the most mighty hand of the Lord, that you also
may fear the Lord your God for ever.
2 Choose twelve men, one of every tribe: CHAP. V.
3 And command them to take out of the midst
of the Jordan, where the feet of the priests stood, The people are circumcised: they keep the pasch
twelve very hard stones, which you shall set in The manna ceaseth. An Angel appeareth to
the place of the camp, where you shall pilch your Josue.
tents this night.
4 And Josue called twelve men, whom he had
when all the kings of the Amorrhites,
dwelt beyond the Jordan westward,
chosen out of the children of Israel, one out of and all the kings of Chanaan, who possessed the
every ribe: places near the great sea, had heard that the Lord
a And he said to them: Go before the ark of nad dried up the waters of the Jordan before the
the Lord your God to the midst of the Jordan; children of^ Israel, till they passed over, their
?nd carry from thence every man a stone on your heart failed them; and there remained no spirit in
shoulders, according to the number of the chil- them, fearing the corning in of the children of Is-
dren of Israel, rael. ,

6 That it may be a sign' among you: and vrhen 2 that time the Lord said to Josue : Make
your children shall ask you to-morrow, saying: thee knives of stone, and circumcise the second
What mean these stones.' time* the children of Israel.
7 You shall answer them: The waters of the 3 He
did what the Lord had commanded: and
Jordan ran off before the ark of the covenant of he circumcised the children of Israel in the hill of
the Lord, when it passed over the same: there- the foreskins.
fore were these stones set for a monument of the 4 Nowthis is the cause of the second circum-
children of Israel for ever. cision: All the people that came out of Egypt
8 The children of Israel therefore did as Josue that were males, all the men fit for war, died in
commanded them, carrying out of the channel of the desert, during the time of the long going about
the Jordan twelve stones, as the Lord had com- in the way.
manded him, according to the number of the chil- 5 Now these were all circumcised. But the
dren of Israel, unto the i)lace wherein they camp- people that were born in the desert,
ed; and there they set tnem. 6 During the forty years of the journey in the
9 And Josue put other twelve stones in the wide wilderness, w^ere uncircumcised till all they

midst of the channel of the Jordan, where the were consumed that had not heard the voice of
priests stood, that carried the ark of the cove- the Lor I, and to whom he had sworn before, that
nant: and they are there until this present day. he would not shew them the land flowing with
10 Now the priests that carried the ark, stood milk and honey.
m the midst of the Jordan till all things were 7 The children of these succeeded in the place
accomplished which the Lord had commanded of their fathers, and were circumcised by Josue:
Josue to speak to the people, and Moses had said for they were uncircumcised even as they were
to him. And the people made haste, and passed born; and no one had circumcised them in the
over. way.
11 And when they had all passed over, the ark 8 Now after they were all circumcised, they
also of the Lord passed over: and the priests went remained in the same place of the camp, until they
before the people. weie healed.
12 The children of Ruben also and Gad, and 9 And the Lord said to Josue: This day have I
half the tribe of Manasses, went armed before taken away from you the reproach of Egypt
the children of Israel, as Moses had commanded And the name of that place was called Galgal,
them. until this present day.
13 And forty thou.sand fighting men by their 10 And the children of Israel abode in Galgal;
troops and bands, marched through the plains and and they kept the phase, on the fourteenth day of
fields of the city of Jericho. the month at evening in the plains of Jericho:
14 In that day the Lord magnified Josue in the 11 And they ate on the next day unleavened
sight of all Israel, that they should fear him, as bread of the corn of the land, and furmety of the
they had feared Moses, while he lived. same year.
15 And he said to him: 12 And the manna ceased after they ate of the
16 Command the priests, that carry the ark of corn of the land neither did the children of Israel

the covenant, to come up out of the Jordan. use that food any more but they ate of the corn

17 And he commanded them, saying: Come ye of the present year of the land of Chanaan.
up out of the Jordan. >^13 And when Josue was in the field of the city
18 And when they that carried the ark of the of Jericho, he lifted up his eyes, and saw a man
covenant of the Lord, were come up, and began standing over-against him, holding a drawn sword
to tread on the dry ground, the waters returned and he went to him, and said: Art thou one of
into the channel, and ran as they were wont be- ours, or of our adversaries.'
fore. 14 And he answered: No: but I am prince of
19 And the people came up out of the Jordan, the host of the Lord;t and now I am come.
the tenth day of the first month, and camped in 15 Josue fell on his face to the ground. And
Galgal, oVer-against the east side of the city of
Jericho. * The second time. Not that such as had been
20 And the twelve stones, which they had tak- circumcised before were to be circumcised again,
SE out of the channel of the Jordan, Josue pitched but that they were now to renew, and take up
m Galgal; again the practice of circumcision; which had
21 And said to the children of Israel: When been omitted during their forty years sojourning
your children shall ask their fathers to-mor- in the wilderness; by reason of their being always
row, and shall say to them: What mean these uncertain when they should be obliged to march.
Btones.' t Prince of the host of the Lord, ^c. St. Mi-
22 You shall teach them, and say: Israel pass- chael, who is called prince of the people of Israel^
ttl ovfir this Jordan through the dry channel. Daniel x. 21.
worehippmg,* said: What saith my
lord to his transgression, and all the camp of Isiael be under
servant? sin, and be troubled.
](j Loose, saith he, thy shoes from off thy feet: 19 But whatsoever gold or silver there shall be,
for the place whereon tiiou standest is holy. And or vessels of brass and iron, let it be consecrated
Josue did as was commanded him. to the Lord, laid uj) in his treasures.
20 So all the people making a shout, and the
trumpets sounding, when the voice and the sound
After seven days processions, the priests souvd- thundered in the ears of the multitude, the walls
ing the trumpets, the tvatls of Jericho fall forthwith fell down: and every man went up by
down: and the city is taken, and destroyed. the place that was over-against him: and they
row Jericho was close shut up and fenced, took the city,
for fear of the children of Israel:and no man 21 And killed all that were in it, man and wo-
durst go out or come in. man, young and old. The oxen also and the
2 And the Lord said to Josue: Behold, I have sheep, and the asses, they slew with the edge of
given into thy hands Jericho, and the king there- the sword.
of, and all the valiant men. 22 But Josue said to the two men that had been
3 Go round about the city all ye fighting men sent for sjiies: Go into the harlot's house, and
once a day: so shall ye do for six days. bring her out, and all things that are heis, as yoj
4 And on the seventh day the priests shall take assured her by oath.
the seven trumpets; which are used in the jubi- 23 And the young men went in and brought
lee, and shall go before the ark of the covenant: out Rahab, and her parents, her brethren also,
and you shall go about the city seven times, and and all her goods, and her kindred, and made them
the priests shall sound the trumpets. to stay without the camp.
5 And when the voice of the trumpet shall p,ive 24 But they burned the city, and all things that
a longer and broken tune, and shall sound in your were therein: except the gold and silver, and
ears, all the people shall shout together with a vessels of brass and iron, which they consecrated
very gieat shout; and the walls of the city shall into the treasury of the Lord.
fall to the ground; and they shall enter in eve- 25 But Josue saved Rahab the harlot and her
ry one at the place against which they shall father's house, and all she had; and they dwelt in
stand. the midst of Israel until this present day: because
6 Then Josue the son of Nun called the priests, she hid the messengers whom he had sent to spy
and said to them: Take the ark of the covenant: out Jericho. At that time, Josue made an impre-
and let seven other priests take the seven trum- cation, saying:
nets of the jubilee, and march before the ark of 26 Cursedt be the man before the Lord, that
the Lord. shall raise up and build the city of Jericho. In his
7 And he said to the people: Go, and compass |first-born may he lay the foundation thereof, and
the city, armed, marching before the ark of the in the last of his children set up its gates.
Lord. 27 And the Lord was with Josue: and his name
8 And when Josue had ended his words, and was noised througliout all the land.
the seven priests blew the seven trumpets before
the ark of the covenant of the Lord,
9 And all the armed men went before, the rest For the sin of Achan, the Israelites are defeatea
of -the common people followed the ark, and the at Hni. The offender is found out, and stoned
sound of the trumpets was heard on all sides. to death: and God^s wrath is turned from
10 But Josue had commanded the people, say- them.
ing: You shall not shout, nor shall your voice be UT
the children of Israel transgressed the
heard, nor any word go out of your mouth; until commandment, and took to their own use
the day come wherein I shall say to you: Cry, of the anathema. For Achan, the son of Char-
and shout. mi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zare, of the
11 So the ark of the Lord went about the city tribe of Juda, took something of the anathema-
once a day, and returning into the camp, abode and the Lord was angry against the children of
there. Israel.
12 And Josue rising before day, the priests 2 And when Josue sent men from Jericho
took the ark of the I^ord, against Hai, which is beside Bethaven, on the
13 And seven of them seven trumpets, which east side of the town of Bethel, he said to them:
are used in the jubilee: and they went before the Go up, and view the country: and they fulfilled
ark of the Lord walking and sounding the trum- jhis command, and viewed Hai.
pets: and the armed men went before them; and 3 And returning they said to him: Let not all
ne rest of the common people followed the ark; the people go up, but let two or three thousand
*nd they blew the trumpets. men go, and destroy the city: why should all the
14 And they went round about the city the se- people be troubleu in vain against enemies that
cond day once, and returned into the camp. So are very few.'
they did six days. 4 There went up therefore three thousand
15 But the seventh day, rising up early, they fighting men, who immediately turned their
went about the city, as it was ordered, seven backs,
times. 5 And were defeated by the men of the city
16 And when in the seventh going about the of Hai: and there fell, of them six and thirty
priests sounded with the trumpets, Josue said to men: and the enemies pursued them from the
all Israel: Shout; for the Lord hath delivered the gate as far as Sabarim, and they slew them as
city to you: they fled by the descent: and the heart of the
17 And let this city be an anathema, and all people was struck with fear, and m'elted like
things that are in it, to the liOrd. Let only Ra- water.
hab the harlot live, with all that are with her in 6 But Josue rent his garments, and fell flat on
the house: for she hid the messengers whom
we the ground before the ark of the Lord until the
18 But beware ye lest you touch aught of those t Cursed, fyc. Jericho, in the mystical sense,
things that are forbidden, and you be guilty of signifies i)!iqi(i<i/: the sounding of the trumpets by
the priests, the preaching of the word of God; by
* IVorshivping. Not with divine honour, but which the walls of Jericho are thrown down,
with a religious veneration of an inferior kind, when smners are converted: and a dreadful curse
suitable to the dignity of his person. will light on them who build them up again.


evening, both he and all the ancients of Israel: 26 And they gathered together upon him a
and they put dust upon their heads. great heap of stones, which rcniaineth until the
7 And Josue said: Alas, O Lord God, why present day. And the wrath of the Lord was
wouldst thou bring this people over the river turned away from them. And the name of that
Jordan, to deliver us into tne hand of the Amor- place was called The Valley of Achor.t until this
rhite, and to destroy us would God we had staid
.' day.
beyond the Jordan as we began. CHAP. VIII.
8 MyLord God, what shall I say, seeing Is- Hai is taken, and
biirnti and all the inhabitants
rael turning their backs to their enemies? slain. An altar is built; and sacrifices offer-
9 The Chanaanites, and all the inhabitants of ed. The law is written on stones: and the
the land will hear of it, and being gathered to- blessings and cursings are read before all the
gether will surround us and cut off our name people.
from the earth: and what wilt thou do to thy
great name?
AND the Lord said to Josue: Fear not, nor
be thou dismayed: take with thee all the
10 And the Lord said to Josue: Arise; why multitutk of fighting men: arise and go up to
liest thou flat on the ground ? the town of Hai. Behold, I have delivered into
11 Israel hath sinned, and transgressed my thy hand the king thereof, and the people, and
covenant: and they have taken of the anathema, the city, and the land:
ai i have stolen and lied, and have hidden it 2 And thou shalt do to the city of Hai, and to
among their goods. the king thereof, as thou hast done to Jericho,
12 Neither can Israel stand before his enemies, and to the king thereof: but the spoils and all the
but he shall flee from them: because he is defiled cattle you shall take for a prey to yourselves:
with the anathema. I will be no more with you, lay an ambush for the city behind it.
till you destroy him that is guilty of this wick- 3 And Josue arose, and all the army of the
edness. fighting men with him, to go up against Hai: and
13 Arise, sanctify the people, and say to them he sent thirty thousand chosen valiant men in the
Be ye sanctified against to-morrow: for thus night,
saith the Lord God of Israel: The anathema is 4 And commanded them, saying: Lay an am-
in the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst not bush behind the city: and go not very far from
stand before thy enemies, till he be destroyed out it:and be ye all ready.
of thoe that is defiled with this wickedness. •5But I and the rest of the multitude which is
14 And you shall come in the morning every with me, will approach on the contrary side
one by your tribes: and what tribe soever the against the city. And when they shall come out
lot shall find, it shall come by its kindreds, and against us, we will flee, and turn our backs, as we
the kindred by its houses, and the house by the did before:
men. 6 Till they pursuing us be drawn farther from
1.5 And whosoever he be that shall be found the city: for they will think that we flee as be-
guilty of this fact, he shall be burnt with fire with fore. '

'/ And whilst we are fleeing,

all his substance; because he hath transgressed and they pursu-
the covenant of the Lord, and hath done wicked ing, you shall rise out of the ambush, and shall
ness in Israel. destroy the city: and the Lord your God will de-
16 Josue, therefore, when he rose in the morn liver it into our hands.
in;2;, made Israel to come by their tribes: and the 8 And when you shall have taken it, set it on
tribe of Juda was found: fire: and you shall do all things so as I have
17 Which being brought by its fam.ilies, it was commanded.
found to be the family oT Zabdi: 9 And he sent them away: and they went on
15 And bringing his house man by man, he to the place of the ambush, and abode between
found Achan the son of Charmi, the son of Zab- Bethel and Hai, on the west side of the city of
di, the son of Zare, of the tribe of Juda. Hai. But Josue staid that night in the midst of
19 And Josue said to Achan: My
son, give the people:
glory to the Lord God of Israel, and confess 10 And rising early in the morning, he muster-
and tell me what thou hast done: hide it not. ed his soldiers, and went up with the ancients
20 And Achan answered Josue, and said to in the front of the army, environed with the aid
him: Indeed, I have sinned against the Lord the of the fighting men.
Goil of Israel; and thus and thus have I done. 11 And when they were come, and were gone
21 For I saw among the spoils a scarlet gar- up over-against the city, they stood on the north
ment exceeding good, and two hundred sides of side of the city, between which and them there
silver, and a golden rule of fifty sides: and I was a valley in the midst.
coveted them, and I took them away, and hid 12 And he had chosen five thousandt men, and
them in the ground in the midst of my tent: and set them to lie in ambush between Bethel and
the silver I covered with the earth that I dug up. Hai, on the west side of the same city:
22 Josue therefore sent ministers, who running 13 But all the rest of the army went in battle
tc his tent, found all hidden in the same place, to- array on the north side, so that the last of that
gether with the silver multitude reached to the west side of the citj'
23 And taking them away out of the tent So Josue went that night, and stood in the midst
tliej- brought them to Josue, and to all the chil- of the valley.
dren of Israel, and threw them down before the 14 And when the king of Hai saw thi«, he
Lord. made haste in the morning, and went out with all
21 Then Josue and all Israel with him took the army of the city, and set it in battle arr.ny to-
Achan the son of Zare, and the silver and the ward the desert, not knowing that there lay an
garm'nt, and the golden rule, his sons* also and ambush behind his back.
his daughters, his oxen and asses, and sheep, the 15 But Josue and all Israel gave back, ranking
v-m also, an-l all the goods; and brought them to as if they were afraid, and fleeing by the v^ay of
the v.nll"y of Achor: the wilderness.
25 Where Josue said: Because thou hast trou- 16 But they shouting together, and encouraging
oled us, th? Lord trouble thee this day. And all one another, pursued them. And when they
Israelstoned him: and all things that were his. were come from the city,
Were consumed with fire
t Achor. That is, trouble.
* Hi.t sonn, <S'C. Probably con«cious to or ac- X Five thousand. These were part of the
tomp'ices oi, the crime ot their father. 30,000 mentioned above, verse 3.
17 And not one remained in the city of Hai OW when these things were heard of, all the
and of Betlie], that did not pursue after Israel, kings beyond the Jordan, that dweit in the
leaving the towns open as they had rushed out, mountains and in the plains, in the places near the
18 The Lord said to Josue: Lift up the shield sea, and on the coasts of the great sea, they also
that is in thy hand, towards the city of Hai, for that dwelt by Libanus, the Hethite and the
1 will deliver it to thee. Amorrhite, the Chanaanite, the Pherezite, and the
19 And when he had lifted up his shield to- Hevile, and the Jebusite,
wards the city, the ambii^h that lay hid, rose up 2 Gathered themselves together, to fight against
immediately: and going to the city, took it, and Josue and Israel with one mind, and one resolu-
set it on fire. tion.
20 And the men of the city, that pursued after 3 But they that dwelt in Gabaon, hearing all
osue, looking back and seeing the smoke of the that Josue had done to Jericho and Hai:
city rise up to heaven, had no more power to 4 Cunningly devising took for themselves pro-
flee thii way or that way: especially as they that visions, laying old sacks upon their asses, and
had counterfeited flight, and were going towards wine bottles rent and sowed up again,
the wilderness, turn"d back most valiantly 5 And very old shoes which for a show of age
against them that pursued. were clouted with patches, and old garments
21 So Josue and all Israel seemg that the city upon them: the loaves also, which they carried
was taken, and that the smoke oi the city rose for provision by the w-ay, were hard, and broken
up, returned, and slew the men of Hai. into pieces:
22 And they also that had taken and set the 6 And they went to Josue, who then abode in
city on fire, issuing out of the city to meet their the camp at Galgal, and said to him, and to all
own men, began to cut off" the enemies who were Israel vv'ith him: We
are come from a far country,
surrounded by them. So that the enemies be- desiring to make peace with you. And the chil-
ing cut off on both sides, not one of so great a dren of Israel answered them, and said:
multitude was saved. 7 Perhaps you dwell in the land which falls to
23 And they took the king of the city of Hai our lot; if so, we can make no league with you.
alive, and brought him to Josue. 8 But they said to Josue: We
are thy servants.
24 So all being slain that had pursued after Is- Josue said to them: Who are you.' and whence
rael in his flight to the wilderness, and falling by came you .'

the sword in the same place, the children of Is- 9 They answered: From a very far country
rael returned, and laid waste the city. thy servants are come in the name of the Lord
25 And the number of them that fell that day thy God. For we have heard the fame of his
both of men and women, was twelve thousand power, all the things that he did in Egypt,
persons, all of the city of Hai. 10 And to the two kings of the Amorrhites that
26 But Josue drew not back his hand, which were beyond the Jordan, Sehon king of Hesebcn,
he had stretched out on high, holding the shield, and Og king of Basan, that was in Astaroth:
till all the inhabitants of Hai were slain. 11 And our ancients, and all the inhabitants of
27 And the children of Israel divided among our country said lo us: Take with you victuals for
them the cattle and the prey of the city, as the a long way, and go meet them, and say: are We
Lord had commanded Josue. your servants; make ye a league with us.
28 And he burned the city, and made it a heap 12 Behold, these loaves we took hot, when we
for ever: set out from our houses to come to you; now they
29 And he hung the king thereof on a gibbet are become drj', and broken in pieces by being
until the evening and the going down of the sun. exceeding old.
Then Josue commanded, and they took down 13 These bottles of wine when we filled them
his carcass from the gibbet; and threw it in the were new, now they are rent and burst. These
very entrance of the city, heaping upon it a great garments we have on, and the shoes we have on
heap of stones, which remaineth until this present our feet, by reason of the very long journey are
day. worn out, and almost consumed.
30 Then Josue built an altar to the Lord the 14 They took therefore of their victuals, and
God of Israel in mount Hebal, consulted not the mouth of the Lord.
31 As Moses the servant of the Lc'.'d had com- 15 And Josue made peace with them; and en-
manded the children of Israel, and it is written in tering into a league promised that they should not
the book of the law of Moses: an altar of un- be slain: the princes also of the multitude swore
hewn stones which iron had not touched: and he to them.
offered upon it holocausts to the Lord, and immo- 16 Nowthree days after the league was made,
lated victims of peace-offerings. they heard that they dwelt nigh, and they should
32 And he wrote upon stones the Deuterono- be among them.
my of the law of Moses, which he had ordered 17 And the children of Israel removed the
before the children of Israel. camp, and came into their cities on the third day,
33 And all the people, and the ancients, and the the names of which are Gabaon, and Caphira, and
princes and judges stood on both sides of the Beroth, and Cariathiarim.
ark, before the priests that carried the ark of the 18 And they slew them not, because the princes
covenant of the Lord, both the stranger and he of the multitude had sworn in the name of the
that was born among them, half of them by Lord the God of Israel. Then all the common
mount Garizim, and half by mount Hebal, as people murmured against the princes.
Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded. 19 And they answered them: have swornWe
And first he blessed the people of Israel. to them in the name of the Lord the God of Is-
rael; and therefore we may not touch them.
34 After this he read all the words of the bless-
ing and the cursing, and all things that were 20 But this we will do to them: Xet their lives
wrhten in the book of the law. be saved, lest the wrath of the Lord be stirred up
35 He left out nothing of those things which against us, if we should be forsworn.
Moses had commanded; but he repeated all be- 21 But so let them live, as to serve the whole
fore all the people of Israel, with the women and multitude in hewing wood, and bringing in water.
children and strangers that dwelt among them. As they were speaking these things,
22 Josue called the Gabaonitcs, and said to
CHAP. IX. them: Whywould you impose upon us, saying."
Josue is deceived by the Gahaonites: u-ho being We
dwell far off from you, whereas you are in
detected are condemned to be perpetual ser the midst of us.'
23 Therefore you shall be under a curse, and
your race always be hewers of wood, and
shall people revenged themselves of their enemies. Ifl
carriers of water unto the house of my God. not this written in the book of the just.'* So the
24 They answered: It was told us thy servants, sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted
that the Lord thy God had promised his servantj not to go down the space of one day.
Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all. 14 There was not before nor after so long a
the inhabitants thereof. Therefore we feared ex-j day, the Lord obeying the voice of a man, and
eeedingiy, and provided for our lives, compelled fighting for Israel.
by the dread we had of you; and we took this 15 And
Josue returned with all Israel into tlie
counsel. camp of Galgal.
25 And now we are in thy hand: deal with 16 For the five kings were fled, and had hidden
us as seemeth good and right unto thee.
it themselves in a cave of the city of ]\Iaceda.
26 So Josue did as he had said, and delivered 17 And it was told Josue that the five kinga
them from the hand of the children of Israel, that were found hidden in a cave of the city of Ma-
they should not be slain. ceda-
27 And he gave orders in that day, that they 18 And he commanded them that were with
ehouid be in the service of all the people, and of him, saying: Roll great stones to the mouth r.f the
the altar of the Lord, hewing wood, and carrying cave, and set careful men, to keep hem shut up;
water, until this present time, in the place which 19 And stay you not; but pursue after the ene-
the Lord hath chosen. mies, and kill all the hindermost of them as they
flee, and do not suffer them whom the Lord God
CHAP. X. hath delivered into your hands, to shelter them-
Five kings roar against Gabaon. Josue defcateth selves in their cities.
them: many are slain ifith hail-stones- At the 20 So the enemies being slain with a great
prayer of Josue the sun and moon stand still slaughter, and almost utterly consumed, they that
the space of one day. The five kings are hanged. were able to escape from Israel, entered intc
Divers cities are taken. fenced cities.

WHEN Adonisedec king of Jerusalem had

heard these things, to wit, that Josue had
21 And all the army returned to Josue in Ma-
ceda, where the camp then was, in good health,
taken Hai, and had destroyed it (for as he had done and without the loss ol any one and no man durst

to Jericho and the king thereof, so did he to Hai, move his tongue against the children of Israel.
and its king) and that the^ Gabaonites were gone 22 And Josue gave orders, saying: Open the
over to Israel, and were their confederates, mouth of the cave, and bring forth to me the five
2 He was exceedingly afraid. For Gabaon kings that lie hid therein.
was a great city, and one of the royal cities, and 23 And the ministers did as they were com-
greater than the town of Hai: and all its fighting manded: and they brought out to him the five
men were most valiant. kings out of the cave: the king of Jerusalem, the
3 Therefore Adonisedec king of Jerusalem king of Hebron, the king of Jerimoth, the king of
sent to Oham king of Hebron, and to Pharam Lachis, the king of Eglon.
king of Jerimoth, and to Japhia king of Lachis, 24 And when they were bi ought out to him, he
and to Dabir king of Eglon, saying: called all the men of Israel, and said to the chiefs
4 Come up to me, and bring help, that we may of the army that were with him: Go, and set your
take Gabaon, because it hath gone over to Josue, feet on the necks of these kings. And when they
and to the children of Israel. had gone, and put their feet upon the necks of
5 So the five kings of the Amorrhites being as- them lying under them,
sembled together, went up; the king of Jerusalem, 25 He said again to them: Fear not, neither be
the king of Hebron, the king of Jerimoth, the ye dismayed; take courage, and be strong' for so
king of Lachis, the king of Eglon, they and their will the Lord do to all your enemies, against
armies; and camped about Gabaon, laying siej^ whom you fight.
toil. 26" And Josue struck, and slew them, and hang-
6 But the inhabitants of the city of Gabaon ed them upon five gibbets; and they hung until
which was besieged, sent to Josue, who then the evening.
abode in the camp at Galgal, and said to him: 27 And when the sun was down, he command-
Withdraw not thy hands from helping thy ser ed the soldiers to take them down from the gib-
rants: come up quickly and save us, and bring us bets. And after they were taken down, they
succour: for all the kings of the Amorrhites, who cast them into the cave where they had lain hid,
dwell in the mountains, are gathered together and put great stones at the mouth thereof, which
against us. remain until this day.
7 And Josue went up from Galgal, and all the 28 The same day Josue took Maceda, and de-
army of the warriors with him, most valiant men stroyed it with the edge of the sword, and killed
8 And the Lord said to Josue: Fear them not the king and all the inhabit^ts thereof: he left
for I have delivered them into thy hands: none not in it the least remains. And he did to the
of them shall be able to stand against thee. king of Maceda, as he had done to the king of
9 So Josue going up from Galgal all the night, Jericho.
canic upon them suddenly. And he passed from Maceda with all Israel
10 And the Lord troubled them at the sight of to Lebna, and fought against it:
Israel: and he slew them with a great slaughter 30 And the Lord delivered it with the king
in Gabaon, and pursued them by the way of the thereof into the hands of Israel: and they destroy-
ascent to Beth-horop, and cut them off all the way ed the city with the edge of the sword, and all
to .\zeca and Maceda. _
; the inhabitants thereof. They left not in it any
11 And wh<n they were fleeing from the chil remains. And they did to the king of Lebna, as
dren of Israel, and were in the descent of Beth- they had done to the king of Jericho.
horon, the Lord cast down upon them great stones 31 From Lebna he passed unto Lachis with all
from h.'aven as far as Azeca: and many more Israel: and investing it with his army, besieged it.
were killed with the hail-stones than were slain 32 And the Lord delivered Lachis into the
by the swords of the chililren of Israel. hands of Israel: and he took it the following day,
12 Then Josue spoke to the Lord, in the day and put it to the sword, and every soul that was
that he delivered the Amorrhite in the sight of the in it, as he had done to Lebna.
children of Israel, and he said before them Move
: 33 At that time Horam king of Gazer, came
not, O sun, toward Gabaon, nor thou, O moon,
toward the valley of Ajalon. * The book of the just. In Hebrew Ja>.^er; an
13 And the sun and the moon stood still till the ancient book, long since lost.

nn to succour Lachis: and Josue slew him with the east side thereof. He slew them all, so as to
all his people, so as to leave none alive. leave no remains of them:
34 And he ijassed from Lachis to Eglon, and 9 And he did as the Lord had commanded him'
suriounded it, he hamstringed their horses, and burned their
35 And took it the same day; and put to the chariots.
sword all the souls that were in it, according to 10 vVnd presently turning back he took Asor;
all that he had done to Lachis. and slew the king thereof with the sword. No'v^
36 He went up also with all Israel from Eglon Asor of old was the head of all these kingdoms.
tj Hebron, and fought against it: 11 And he cut off all the souls that abode there:
37 Took it, and destroyed it with the edge of he left not in it any remains, but utterly destroy-
the sword; the king* also thereof, and all the ed all, and burned the city itself with fire.
towns of that country, and all the souls that dwelt 12 And he took and put to the sword and de-
in it: fiC u.l not therein any remains: as he had stroyed all the cities round about, and their kings,
done to Eglon, so did he also to Hebron, putting as Moses the servant of God had commanded
to the swortl all that he found in it. him.
33 Returning from thence to Dabir, 13 Except the cities that were on hills and high
39 He took "it, and destroyed it: the king also places, the rest Israel burned only Asor that was

thereof, and all the towns round about he destroy- very strong, he consumed with fire.
ed with the edge of the sword; he left not in it! 14 And the children of Israel divided among
liny remains: as he had done to Hebron and themselves all the spoil of these cities and the
Lebna and to their kings, so did he to Dabir and cattle, killing all the men.
to the king thereof. 15 As the Lord had commanded Moses his ser-
40 So Josue conquered all the country of the vant, so did Moses command Josue, and he ac-
nills and of the south and of the plain, and of Ase- complished all: he left not one thing undone of
doth with their kings: he left not any remains all the commandments which the Lord had com-
therein, but slewf all that breathed, as the Lord manded Moses.
the God of Israel had commanded him, 16 So Josue took all the country of the hills,
41 From Cadesbarne even to Gaza. All the and of the south, and the land of Gosen, and the
land of Gosen even to Gabaon, plains, and the west country, and the mountain
42 And all their kings, and their lands he took of Israel, and the plains thereof;
and wasted at one onset: for the Lord the God of 17 And part of the mountain that goeth up to
Israel fought for him. Seir as far as Raalgad by the plain of Libanus
43 And he returned with all Israel to the place under mount Hermon: all their kings he took,
of the camp in Galgal. smote, and slew
18 Josue made war a long time§ against these
The kings of the north are overthrown : the whole 19 There was not a city that delivered itself to
country is taken. the children of Israel, except the Hevite, who
AND when Jabin king of Asor had heard dwelt in Gabaon: for he took all by fight.
these things, he sent to Jobab king of Ma- 20 For it was the sentence of the I^ord, that
don, and to the king of Semeron, and to the king their hearts should be hardened, and they should

of Achsaph: fight against Israel, and fall, and should not de-
2 And to the kings of the north, that dwelt in serve any clemency, and should be destroyed, as
the mounteins and in the plains over-against the the Lord had commanded Moses.
south side of Ceneroth, and in the levels and the 21 At that time Josue came and cut ofif the
countries of Dor by the sea-side: Enacims from the mountains, from Hebron, and
3 To the Chanaanite also on the east and on the Dabir, and Anab, and from all the mountain ot
west, and the Amorrhiie, and the Hethite, and the Juda and Israel; and destroyed their cities.
Pherezite, and the Jebusite in the mountnins; to 22 He left mt any of the stock of the Enacims,
the Hevite also who dwelt at the foot of Hermon in the land of the children of Israel; except the
in the land of Maspha. cities of Gaza, and Geth, and Azotus, in which
4 And they all came out with their troops, a alone they were left.
people exceeding numerous as the sand that is on 23 So Josue took all the land, as the Lord
the sea-shore, their horses also and chariots a very spoke to Moses, and delivered it in possession to
great multitude. the children of Israel, according to their divisions
5 And all these kings assembled together at and tribes. And the land rested from wars.
the waters of Merom to fight against Israel.
6 And the Lord said to Josue: Fear them not:
for to-morrow at this same hour I will deliver all A list of the kings slain by 3Toses and Josue.
these to be slain iiyhe sight of Israel: thou shalt
hamstring their horees, and thou shah burn their
THESE are the kings, whom the children ot
Israel slew and possessed their land beyond
chariots with fire.t the Jordan towards the rising of the sun, from the
7 And Josue came, and all the army with him, torrent Arnon unto mount Hermon, and all th*
against th'-m to the waters of Merom on a sud- east country that looketh towards the wilderness-
den, and fell upon them: 2 Sehonking of the Amo^rhites, who dwelt in
8 And the Lord delivered them into the hands Hesebon, and had dominion from Arocr, which
of Israel. And they defeated them, and chased is seated upon the bank of the torrent Arnon, and
them as far as the great Si Ion, and the waters of of the middle part in the valley, and of half Ga-
Maserephot, and the field of Masphe, which is on laad, as far as the torrent Jaboc, which is the
border of the children of Ammon.
* The kin^, viz. the new king, who succeeded 3 And from the wilderness, to the ses. of Cene-
him that was slain, ver. 26. roth toward the cast, and to the sea of the wilder-
t Any remains therein, but slerc, fyc- God or- ness, which is the most salt sea, on the east side
dered these people to be utterly destroyed, in
puni'ihinent of their manifold abominations; and § A long time. Seven years, as appears from
that they might not draw the Israelites into the chap. xiv. 10.
like sins. (I
Hardened. This hardening of their hearts,
+ llamstrinp; their horses, and burn their cha- was their having no thought of yielding or sub-
riots xiiilh fire, ^-c. God so ordained, that his mittins; which was a sentence or judgment of
pcoplr" might not trust in chariots and horses, but God upon them in punishment of their enormous
in him crimes.

oy the way that leadeth to Betlisimoth; and on 5 And his confines. The country also of I jba
the south siJe, that lieth under Asedoth, Phasga. nus towards the east from Baalgad under mouts
4 The border of Og the khig of Basan, of the Hermon to the entering into Emath.
remnant of the Raphaims who dwelt in Astaroth, 6 Of all that dwell in the mountains from Liba-
and in fidrai, and had dominion in mount Her- nus, to the waters of Maserephoth, and all the Si-
mon, and in Salecha, and in all Basan, unto the donians. I am he that will cut them off from be-
borders fore the face of the children of Israel. So let their
5 Of Gessuri, and Machati, and of half Galaad: land come in as a part of the inheritance of Israel,
the borders of Sehon the king of Hesebon. as I have commanded thee.
Moses the servant of the Lord, and the chil- 7 And now divide the land in possession to the
dren of Israel slew them: and Moses delivered nine tribes, and to the half tribe of Manasses,
their land in possession to the Rubenites, and 8 With whomt Ruben and Gad have possess-
Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasses. ed the land, which Moses the servant of the Lord
7 These are the kings of the land, whom Josue delivered to them beyond the river Jordan, on
and the children of Israel slew beyond the Jordan the east side,
on the west side from Baalgad in the field of Li- 9 From Aroer, which is upon the bank of the
banus, unto the mount, part of which goeth up torrent Arnon, and in the midst of the valley, and
into Seir: and Josue delivered it in possession to all the plains of Medaba, as far as Dibon:
the tribes of Israel, to every one their divisions, 10 And all the cities of Sehon, king of the
8 As well in the mountains as in the plains and Amorrhites, who reigned in Hesebon, unto the
the champaign countries. In Asedoth, and in the borders of the children of Ammon.
wilderness, and in the south was the Hethite and 11 And Galaad, and the borders of Gessuri and
the Amorrhite, the Chanaanite and the Pherezite, Machati, and all mount Hermon, and all Basan
the Hevite, and the Jebusite. as far as Saiecha,
9 The king of Jericho one; the king of Hai, 12 All the kingdom of Og in Basan. who reign-
which is on the side of Bethel, one; ed in Astaroth and Edrai; he was of the remains
10 The king o£ Jerusalem one; the king of He- of the Raphaims: and Moses overthrew and de-
bron one; stroyed them.
11 The king of Jerimoth one; the king of La- 13 And the children of Israel would not de-
chis one; stroy Gessuri and Machati: and they have dwelt
12 The king of Eglon one; the king of Gazer in the midst of Israel, until this present day.
one; 14 But to the tribe of Levi he gave no posses-
13 The king of Dabir one; the king of Gader sion: but the sacrifices and victims of the Lord
one; God of Israel, are his inheritance, as he spoke to
14 The king of Herma one; the king of Hered him.
one; 1-5 And Moses gave a possession to the children
15 The king of Lebna one; the king of Odul- of Ruben according to their kindreds.
1am one; 16 And their border was from Aroer, which is
16 The king of Maceda one; the king of Bethel on the bank of the torrent Arnon, and in the midst
one; of the valley of the same torrent: all the plain,
17 The king of Taphua one; the king of Opher that leadeth to Medaba,
one; 17 And Hesebon, and all their villages, which
18 The king of Aphec on^; the king of Saron are in the plains. Dibon also, and Bamothbaal,
one; and the town of Baalmaon,
19 The king of Madon one; the king of Asor 18 And Jassa, and Cedimoth, and Mephaath,
one; 19 And Oariathaim, and Sabama, and Saratha
20 The king of Semeron one; the king of Ach- sar in the mountain of the valley,
saph one; 20 Bethphogor and Asedoth, Phasga and Be-
21 The king of Thenac one; the king of Ma- thiesimoth,
geddo one: 21 And all the cities of the plain, and all the
22 The king of Cades one; the king of Jacha- kingdoms of Sehon king of the Amorrhites, that
nan of Carmel one; reigned in He.«ebon, whom Moses slew with the
23 The king of Dor, and of the province of Dor princes of Madian::}: Hevi, and Recem, and Sur,
one; the king of the nations of Galgal one; and Hur, and Rebe, dukes of Sehon, inhabitants
24 The king of Thersa one all tlie kings thirty of the land.

and one. 22 Balaam also the son of Beor the soothsayer,

the children of Israel slew with the sword among
the rest that were slain.
God commandeth Josue to divide the land: the 23 And the river Jordan was the border of the
posspssions of Ruben, Gad, and half the tribe
children of Ruben. This is the possession of
of Al'snasscs, beyond the Jordan. the Rubenites, by their kindreds, of cities and
JOSUE was old, and far advanced in years:*
and the Lord said to him: Thou art grown
24 And Moses gave to the tribe of Gad and
old, and advanced in age; and there is a very to his children, by their kindreds, a possession,
large country left, whicn is not yet divided by of which this is the division.
lot: 25 The border of Jaser, and all the cities of
2 To wit, all Galilee, Philistia, and all GessurL Galaad, and half the land of the children of Am-
3 From the troubled river, that watereth Egypt, mon: as far as Aroer, which is over-against
untnthe borders of Accaron northward: the land Rabba:
of ('hanaan, which is divided among the lords of 26 And from Hesebon unto Ramoth, Mas-
the Philistines, the Gazites, the Azotians, the As- phe, and Betonim: and from Manaim unto the
calonites, the Gethites, and the Accaronites. borders of Dabir.
4 And on the south side are the Hevites, all the 27 And in the valley Betharan and Bethnem-
!and of Chanaan, and Maara of the Sidonians as ra, and Socoth, and Saphon the other part of the
far as Apheca, and the borders of the Amorrhite,

t With whom. That is, with the other half of

* Josue was old, and far advanced in years. that same tribe.
He was then about 101 years old. And there is J Tlie princes of Madian. It appears from
a very large country left, which is not yet divid- hence tnat these were subjects of king Sehon:
,ed by lot, not yet possessed by the children of they are said to have been slain with him, that is,
Israel. about the same time, but not in the same battle
f 145

kinp;dom of Sehon king of Hesebon: the limitf 14 And from that time Hebron belonged* to
of this also is the Jordan, as far as the uttermost Caleb the son of Jephone the Cenezite, until this
part of the sea of Cenereth beyond the Jordan present day: because he followed the Lord the
on the east side. God of Israel.
28 This is the possession of the children of 15 The name of Hebron before was called Ca-
Gad by their families, their cities and villages. riath-Arbe: Adam the greatest among the Ena-
29 He gave also to the h^lf tribe of Manasses cims was laid there: and the land rested fron:
and nis children possession according to their wars.
kindreds, CHAP. XV.
30 The beginning whereof is from Ma-
of Juda. Caleb's pov
the kingdoms of Og king The
borders of the lot
naim all Basan, and all
tion and conquest. The cities of Juda.
of Basan, and all the villages of Jair, which are
in Basan, threescore towns: OW the lot of the children of Juda by their
31 And half Galaad, and Astaroth, and Edrai, kindreds was this: From the frontier D.f
cities of the kingdom of Og in Basan; to the Edom, to the desert of Sin southward, and to tlw
chiklren of Machir, the son of Manasses, to one uttermost part of the south
half of the chiklren of Machir according to their 2 Its' beginning was from the top of tlie most
kindreds, salt sea, and from the bay thereof, that looketh
32 This possession Moses divided in the plains to the south.
of Moab, beyond the Jordan, over-against Jeri- 3 And it goeth out towards the ascent of the
cho on the east side. scorpion, and passeth on to Sina; and ascendeth
33 But to the tribe of Levi he gave no pos- into Cadesbarne, and reacheth into Esron, going
session: because the Lord the God of Israel him- up to Addar, and compassing Carcaa,
self is their possession, as he spoke to them. 4 And from thence passing along into Asemo-
na, and reaching the torrent of Egypt: and the
CHAP. xrv. bounds thereof shall be the great sea: this shal'
be the litnit of the south coast.
Caleb's petition. Hebron is 'iven to him and
5 But on the east side the beginning shall be
to his seed.
the most salt sea even to the end of the Jordan:
rriHIS is what the children of Israel possessed and towards the north, from the bay of the sea
M. in the land of Chanaan, which Eleazar the unto the same river Jordan.
priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and the prin 6 And the border goeth up into Beth-Hagla,
ces of the families by the tribes of Israel gave to and passeth by the north into Beth-Araba: go-
them ing up to the stone of Boen the son of Ruben.
2 Dividing all by lot, as the Lord had com- 7 And reaching as far as the borders of Uebe
manded by the hand of Moses, to the nine tribes, ra from the valley of Achor, and so northward
and the half tribe. looking towards Galgal, which is opposite to the
3 For to two tribes and a half Moses had giv- ascent of Adommim, on the south side of the tor-
en possession beyond the Jordan: besides the rent: znd the border passeth the waters that are
Levites, who received no land among their bre- called the fountain of the sun: and the goings out
thren: thereof shall be at the fountain Rogel.
4 But in their place succeeded the children of 8 And it goeth up by the valley of the son of
Joseph divided into two tribes, of Manasses and Ennom on the side of the Jebusite towards the
Ephraim: neither did the Levites receive other south; the same is Jerusalem: and thence as-
portion of land, but cities to dwell in, and their cending to the top of the mountain, which is
suburbs to feed their beasts and flocks. over-against Geennom to the west in the end of
5 As the Lord had commanded Moses, so did the valley of Raphaim, northward.
the children of Israel; and they divided tlie land. 9 And it passeth on from the top of the moun-
6 Then the children of Juda came to Josue in tain to the fountain of the water of Nephtoa;
Galgal, and Caleb the son of Jephone the Cene- and reacheth to the towns of mount Ephron and
zile spoke to him: Thou knowest what the Lord it bendeth towards Baala, which is Cariath.arim,
spoke to Moses the man of God concerning me that is to say, the city of the woods.
and thee in Cadesbarne. 10 And it compasseth from Baala westward
7 I was forty years old when Moses the ser- unto mount Seir; and passeth by the side of
vant of the Lord sent me from Cadesbarne, to mount Jarim to the north into Cheslon; and goeth
view the land; and I brought him word again as down into Bethsamcs, and passeth into Thamna
to me seemed true. 11 And it reacheth northward to a part of Ac-
8 But my brethren, that had gone up with me, caron at the side; and bendeth to Sechrona, and
discouraged the heart of the people: and I never- passeth mount Baala; anil cometh into Jebneel,
theless followed the Lord my God. and is bounded westward with the great sea.
9 And Moses swore in that day, saying: 12 These are the borders round about of the
The land which thy foot .hath trodden upon children of Juda in their kindreds.
shall be thy possession, and thy children's fo 13 But to Caleb the son of Jephone he gave a
ever: because thou hast followed the Lord my portion in the midst of the children of Juda, as
God. the Lord had commanded him: Cariath-Arbe the
10 The Lord therefore hath granted me life, as father of Enac, which is Hebron.
he promised until this present day. It is forty and 14 And Caleb destroyed out of it the three
five years since the Lord spoke this vi'ord to Mo- sons of Enac, Sesai, and Ahiman, and Tholmai
ses, when Israel journeyed through the wilder- of the race of Enac.
ness: this day I am eighty five years old, 15 And going up from thence he came to the
11 As strong as I was at that time when I was which before was called
inhabitants of Dabii:,
sent to view the land: the strength of that time Cariath-Sepher, that is to say, the citv of letters.
continueth in me until this day, as well to fight 16 And Caleb said: He that shall smite Cariath-
as to march. Sepher, and take it, I will give him A.\a my
12 Give me therefore this mountain, which daughter to wife.
the Lord promised, in thy hearing also, wherein 17 And Othoniel the son of Cenez.the younger
are the Enacims, and cities great and strong: if
so be the Lord will be with me, and I shall be * Hebron belonged, Src. All the country thce-
able to destroy them, as he promised me. abouts, depending on Hebron, was given to Ca-
13 And Josue blessed him, and gave him He- leb: but the city itself with the suburbs, was one
STon in possession. of those that were given to the priests to dwell ia
brother of Caleb, took it: and he gave him Axa the Jebusitc that dwelt in Jerusalem: and the Je«
his (laughter to wife. busite dwelt with the children of Juda in Jerusa-
18 And as they were going together, she was lem until this present day.
moved by her husband to ask a field of her father,
and she sighed as she sat on her ass. And
said to her: Vv^hat aileth thee? The lot of the sons of Joseph. The borders of
19 But she answered: Give me a blessing: thou the tribe of Ephraim.
hast given me a southern and dry land, give me
also a land that is watered. And
Caleb gave her
AND the lot of the sons of Joseph fell from
the Jordan over-against Jericho and the wa-
the I'liper and the nether watery ground. ters thereof,on the east: the wilderness which
20 This is the possession of the tribe of the goeth up from Jericho to the mountain of Bethel:
children of Juda by their kindreds. 2 And goeth out from Bethel to Luza: and
21 And the cities from tlie uttermost parts of passeth the border of Archi, to Ataroth:
tlie children of Juda by the borders of Edom to 3 And goeth down westward, by the border of
the south, were Cabseel, and Eder, and Jagur, Jephleti, unto the borders of Beth-horon the ne-
22 And Cina, and Dimona, and Adada, ther, and to Gazer: and the countries of it are
23 And Cades, and Asor, and Jethnam, ended by the great sea:
24 Ziph, and Telem, and Baloth, 4 And Manasses and Ephraim the children of
25 New Asor and Carioth, Hesron, which is Joseph possessed it.
A.sor, 5 And the border of the children of Ephraim
26 Amain, Sama, and Moiada, was according to their kindreds: and their pos-
27 And Asergadda, and Hassemon, and Beth- session towards the east was Ataroth-addar unto
ihelet, Beth-horon the upper.
28 And Hasersual, and Bersabee, and Bazio- 6 And the confines go out unto the sea: but
<hia, Machmethath looketh to the north,* and it goeth
29 And Baala, and Jim, and Esem, round the borders eastward into Thanath-selo:
30 And Eltholad, and Cesil, and Harma, and passeth along on the east side to Janoe.
31 And Siceleg, and Medemena, and Sensenna, 7 And it goeth down from Janoe into Ataroth
32 Lebaoth, and Selim, and Aen, and Rem- and Naaratha: and it cometh to Jericho, and
mon all the cities twenty nine, and their villages. goeth out to the Jordan.

33 But in the plains: Estaol and Sarea and 8 From Taphua it passeth on towards the sea
Asena, into the valley of reeds: and the goings out there-
34 And Zanoe and Engannim and Taphua and of are at the most salt sea. This is the possession
Enaim, of the tribe of the children of Ephraim by their
35 And Jerimoih and Adullam, Socho and families.
Azeca, 9 And there were cities with their villages se-
36 And Saraim and Adithaim and Gedera and parated for the children of Ephraim in the midst
Gederothaim: fourteen cities, and their villages. of the possession of the children of Manasses.
37 Sanan, and Hadassa, and Magdalgad, 10 And the children of Ephraim slew not tht
38 Delean, and Masepha, and Jecthel, Chanaanite, who dwelt in Gazer: and the Cha-
39 Lachis, and Bascath, and Eglon, naanite dwelt in the midst of Ephraim until thit
40 Chebbon, and Lieheman, and Cethlis, day, paying tribute.
41 And Gideroth, and Bethdagon, and Naama,
and Maceda: sixteen cities, and their villages. CHAP. XVII.
42 Labana, and Ether, and Asan, The lot of the half of Manasses.
43 Jepthth-a, and Esna, and Nesib,
44 And Ceila, and Achzib, and Maresa: nine
AND this lot fell to the tribe of Manasses (for
he is the first-born of Joseph) to Machir the
cities, and their villages. first-born of Manasses the father of Galaad, who
45 Accaron with the towns and villages thereof, was a warlike man, and had for possession Ga-
46 From Accaron even to the sea: all places laad and Basan.
that lie towards Azotus and the villages thereof. 2 And to the rest of the children of Manasses
47 Azotus with its towns and villages: Gaza according to their families: to the children of
with its towns and villages, even to the torrent Abiezer, and to the children of Helec, and to the
of Egypt, and the great sea that is the border children of Esriel, and to the children of Sechem,
thereof and to the children of Hepher, and to the children
48 And in the mountain: Samir, and Jether, of Semida: these are the male children of Manas-
and Socoth, ses the son of Joseph, by their kindreds.
49 And Danna, and Cariath-senna, this is 3 But Salphaad the son of Hejiher the son of
Dabir: Galaad the son of Machir the son of Manasses
.50 A nab, and Istemo, and Anim, had no sons, but only daughters: whose names
51 Gosen, and Olon, and Gilo: eleven cities are these, Maala and Noa and Hegla and Melcha
and thf'ir villages. and Thersa.
52 Arab, and Ruma, and Esaan, 4 And they came in the presence of Eleazar
53 And Janum, and Belhthaphua, and Apheca, the priest and of Josue the son of Nun, and of the
54 Athmatha, and Cariath-arbe, this is Hebron, princes, saying: The Lord commanded by the
and iSior: nine cities and their villages. hand of Moses, that a possession should be given
55 Maon, and Carmel, and Ziph, and Jota, us in the midst of our brethren. And he gave
56 Jezrael, and Jucadam, and Zanoe, them according to the commandment of the Lord
57 Accain, Gabaa, and Thamna: ten cities and a possession amongst the brethren of their father
their villages. 5 And there fell ten portions to Manasses, be-
58 Halhul, and Bessur, and Gedor, ide the land of Galaad and Basan beyond the
59 Mareth, and Bethanoth, and Eltecon: si.x Jordan.
cities and their villages. 6 For the daughters of Manasses possessed in-
60 C-iriathbaal, the same is Cariathiarim, the heritance in the midst of his sons. And the land
city of woods, and Arebba: two cities and their' of Galaad fell to the lot of the rest of the children
villages of Manasses.
61 In the desert Betharaba, Meddin, and Sa-
chaclia, * Looketh to the north, fyc. The meaning is,
62 Ami Nebsan, and the city of salt, and En- that the border went towaids the north, by Much-
gaddi: si\ cities and their villages. .mcthathj and then turned ea.'itward to Thanath'
63 But the children of Juda could not destroy selo.
7 Ami the border of Manasses was from Aser, ye out into seven parts:' and you shall com*
Machniethath which looketh towards Sichem: "hither to me, thai I may cast lots foi you before
and it goeth out on the right hand by the inhabi- the Lord your God.
tants of the fountain of Taphua. 7 For the Levites have no part amon^ y^ii;
8 For the lot of Manasses took in the land of but the priesthood of the Lord is their inheri-
Taphua, which is on the borders of Manasses, tance. And Gad and Ruben, and the half tribe
and belongs to the children of Ephraim. of Manasses have already received their posses-
9 And the border goeth down to the valley of sions beyond the Jordan eastward; which Mose.B
the reeds, to the south of the torrent of the cities the servant of the Lord gave them.
of Ephraim, which are in the midst of the cities 8 And when the men were risen up, to go to
of Manasses: the border of Manasses is on the mark out the land, Josue commanded them, say-
north side of the torrent; and the outgoings of it ing: Go round the land, and mark it out, and re-
are at the sea: turn to me; that I may cast lots for you before
10 So that the possession ot Ephraim is on the the Lord in Silo.
sDulh, and on the north that of Manasses; and the 9 So they went: and surveying it, divided it
sea is the border of both: and they are joined to- into seven parts, writing them down in a book.
gether in the tribe of Aser on the north, and in And they returned to Josue, to the cam]) in Silo.
the tribe of Issachar on the east. 10 And he cast lots before the Lord in Silo;
11 And the inheritance of Manasses in Issa- and divided the land to the children of Israel into
char and in Aser was Bethsan and its villages, seven parts.
and Jeblaam with its villages, and the inhabitants 11 And first came up the lot of the children of
of Dor, with the towns thereof; the inhabitants Benjamin by their families, to possess the land
also of Endor with the villages thereof: and in between the children of Juda and the children of
like manner the inhabitants of Thenac with the Joseph.
villages thereof; and the inhabitants of Mageddo 12 And their border northward was from the
with their villages, and the third part of the city Jordan: going along by the side of Jericho on the
of Nopheth. north side, and thence going up westward to the
Neither could the children of M.Miasses
12 mountains, and reaching to the wilderness of
overthrow these cities; but the Chanaamte oegan Bethaven,
lo dwell in his land. 13 And passing along southward by Luza, the
13 But after that the children of Israel were same is Bethel: and it goeth down into Ataroth-
'grown strong, they subdued the Chanaanites, and addar to the mountain, that is on the south of the
made them their tributaries: and they did not kill nether Bethhoron.
them. 14 And it bendelh thence going round towards
14 And the children of Joseph spoke to Josue, the sea, south of the mountain that looketh to-
and said: Why
hast thou given me but one lot wards Bethhoron to the south-west: and the out-
and one portion to possess, whereas I am of so goings thereof are into Carialhbaal, which is call-
great a multitude, and the Lord hath blessed me.' ed also Cariathiarim, ?. city of the children of
15 And Josue said to them: If thou be a great Juda. This is their coast towards the sea, west-
people, go up into the woodland, and cut down ward.
room for thyself in the land of the Pherezite and 15 But on the south side the border goeth out
the Raphaims: because the possession of mount from part of Cariathiarim towards the sea, and
Ephraim is too narrow for thee. Cometh to the fountain of the waters of Nef^htoa.
i6 And the children of Joseph answered him: 16 And it goeth down to that part of the moun-
We cannot go U]i to the mountains, for the Cha- tain that looketh on the valley of the children of
naanites that dwell in the low lands, wherein are Ennorn; and is over-against the north quarter in
situate Bethsan with its towns, and Jezrael in the the furthermost part of the valley of Rajihaim:
midst of the valley, have chariots of iron. and it goeth down into Geennom (that is the val-
17 And Josue said to the house of Joseph, to of Ennom) by the side of the Jebusite to the
Ephraim and Manasses: Thou art a great people, south; and cometh to the fountain of Rogel,
and of great strength; thou shalt not have one lot 17 Passing thence to the north, and going out
only: to Ensemes, that is to say, the fountain of the
18 But thou shalt pass to the mountain, and sun:
shalt cut down the wood, and m;ike thyself room 18 And it passeth along to the hills that are
lo dwell in and mayst proceed farther, when thou
: over-against the ascent of Adommim: and it go-
hast destroyed the Chanaanite, who as thou say- jeth down to Abenboen, that is, the stone of Boen
est have iron chariots, and are veiy strong. [the son of Ruben: and it passeth on the north side
ito the champaign countries; and goeth down into
the plain,
Survpyorx are sent of the land
to divide the rent 19 And it passeth by Bethhagla northward and:

ivto seven tribes. The of Benjumin.

lot the outgoings thereof are towards the north of the
AND all the children of Israel assembled to
gether in Silo: and there they set up the ta-
most si't sea at the south end of the Jordan:
20 Which is the border of it on the east side.
bernacle of the testimony: and the land was sub This is the possession of the children of Benjamin
dued before them. by their borders round about, and their famines'
2 But there remained seven tribes of the chil 21 And their cities were, Jericho and Betn-
dren of Israel, which as yet had not received hagla and Vale-Casis,
their possessions. I 22 Betharaba, and Samaraim, and Bethel,
3 And Josue said to them: How long are you I
23 A nd Avim, and Aphara, and Ophera.
indolent and slack, and go not in to jossess the 24 The town Emona, and Ophni, and Gabee:
land, which the Lord the God of your fathers twelve cities, and th< ir villages.
hath given you.' 25 Gabaon, and Rama, and Beroth,
4 Choc^se of every tribe three men, that I may 2() And Mesjihe, and Caphara, nnd Amosa,
send them, and they may go and compass thf 27 And Recem, Jarephel, and Thnrela,
.and, and mark it out according to the number of 28 And Sela. Eleph, and Jebus, which is Jeru-
each mu'titude; and bring back to me what they salem, Gabaath, and Cariath: fourteen cities, and
have maikf d out.
5 Divide to yourselves the land into seven * The land, in the midst hefirccn these mark yf
parts: let Juda he in his oum^s on the south side, ovf n??o sevni parts: That is to saj', the vesi x

and the house of Joseph on the north. the lanfl, which is not already assigned to Juda 31
t) The land in the midst between these mark Joseph.


their villages. This iy the ross. sion of the chil- 30 And Amma,
and Aphec, and Rohob: twen-
dren of Benjamin by their families. ty two and their villages.
31 This is the possession of the children of
CHAP. XIX. Aser by their kindreds, and the cities and their
77ie lott of the tribes of Simeon, Zabulon^ Tssa- villages.
char, Aser, Ncphtali, and Dan. A city is given 32 The sixth lot came out to the sons of Neph-
to Josue. tali by their families:

AND the second lot came forth for the chil-

dren of Simeon by their kindreds: and their
33 And the border began from Heleph and
Elon to Saananim, and Adami, which is Neceb,
inheritance was, and Jebnael even to Lecum; and their outgoings
2 In th midst of the possession of the children
? unto the Jordan:
of Juda: .-?ersabee, and Sabee, and Molada. 34 And the border returneth westward to Aza
3 And Hasersual, Bala, and Asem, notthabor, and goeth out from thence to Hucuca,
4 And Eltholad, Bethul, and Harma, and passeth along to Zabulon southward, and to
5 And Siceleg, and Bethmarchaboth, and Ha- Aser westward, and to Juda upon the Jordan to-
iwrsiisa, wards the rising of the sun.
6 And Bethlebaoth and Sarohen: thirteen cities, 35 And the strong cities are Assedim, Ser. and
and their villages: Emath, and Reccath and Cenereth,
7 Ain and Remmon, and Athor, and Asan: 36 And Edema, and Arama, Asor
four cities, and their villages. 37 And Cedes, and P^drai, Enhasor
8 And all the villages round about these cities 38 And Jeron, and Magdalel, Horem, and Be-
to Baalath Beer Raniath to the south quarter. thanath, and Bethsames: nineteen cities and their
This is the inheritance of the children of Simeon villages.
according to their kindreds, 39 This is the possession of the tribe of the
9 In the possession and lot of the children of children of Nephtali by their kindreds, the cities
Juda; because it was too great: and therefore the and their villages.
children of Simeon had their possession in the 40 The seventh
lot came out to the tribe of the
midst of 'heir inheritance. children of Dan by theii families:
10 And the third lot fell to the children of Za- 41 And the border of their possession was Sa-
buloii by their kindreds: and the border 'of their raa, and Eslhaol, and Hirsemes, that is, the city
possession was unto Sarid. of the sun.
11 And it went up from the sea and from Me- 42 Selebin, and Aialon, and Jethela,
rala, and came to Debbaseth: as far as the torrent, 43 Elon, and Themna, and Acron,
which is over-against Jeconam. 44 Elthecc, Gebbethon, and Balaath,
12 And it returneth from Sarid eastward to the 45'And Jud, and Bane, and Barach, and Geth-
borders of Ceseleththabor: and it goeth out to remmon
Dabereth, and ascendeth towards Japhie. 46 And Mejarcon and Arecon, with the bor-
13 And it passeth alonsj from thence to the east der that looketh towards Joppe,
side of Gethht'pher and Thacasin; and goeth out 47 And is terminated there. And the children
to Remmon, Amthar, and Noa. of Dan went up and fought against Les'em, and
14 And it turneth about to the north of Hana- took it: and they put it to the sword, and pos-
thon: and the outgoings thereof are the valley of sessed it,' and dwelt in it, calling the name of it
Jephtahel. Lesem Dan, by the name of Dan their father.
15 And Cateth, and Naalol, and Semeron, and 48 This is the possession of the tribe of tlie sons
Jedala, and Bethlehem: twelve cities and their of Dan, by their kindreds, the cities and their vil-
villages. lages.
16 This is the inheritance cf ihe tribe of t;:e 49 And when tie had made an end of dividing
children of Zabulon by their kindreds, the cities the land by lot to each one by their tribes, the
and their villages. children of Israel gave a possession to Josue the
17 The fourth lot came out to Issacharby their son of Nun in the midst of them,
kindreds. 50 According to the commandment of the
IS And his inheritance was Jezrael, and Casa- Lord, the city which he asked for, Thamnath Sa-
lolh, and Sunem, raa in mount Ephraim: and he built up the city,
19 And Hapharaim, and Seon, and Anaharatb, and dwelt in it.
20 And Rabboth, and Cesion, Abes, 51 These are the possessions which Eleazar
21 And Rameth, and Engannim, and Enhadda, the priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and the
and Bethpheses. princes of the families, and of the tribes of the
22 And the border thereof cometh to Thabor, children of Israel, distributed by lot in Silo, be-
and Sehesima, and Bethsames: and the outgoings fore the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the
thereof shall be at the Jordan: sixteen cities and testimony: and they divided the land.
their villages.
23 This the possession of tlie sons of Issachar
by their kindreds, the cities and their villages. The cities of refuge are appointed for casual
24 And the fifth lot fell to the tribe of the manslaughter.
children of Aser by their kindreds:
2.5 And their border was Halcath, and Chali,
AND theLordspoke to Josue, saying: Sjieak
to the children of Israel, and say to them:
and Beten, and Axaph, 2 Appoint cities of refuge, of which I spoke to
2f> And Elmelech, and Amaad, and Messal you by the hand of Moses:
and it reacheth to Carmel by the sea, and Sihor 3 That whosoever shall kill a person unawares
and Labanath: may flee to them; and may escape the wrath of
27 And it returneth towards the east to Beth the kinsman, who is the avenger of blood:
dagon; and passeth along to Zabulon and to the 4 And when he shall flee to one of these cities,
valley of Jephthael towards the north to Bethe- he shall stand before the gate of the city; and
mec and Nehiel. And it goeth out to the left side shall speak to the ancients of that city, such thhigs
of Cabul, as prove him innocent: and so shall they receive
28 And to Abaran, and Rohob, and Hamon, him, and give him a place to dwell in.
and (]!ana, as far as the great Sidon. 5 And when the avenger of bloo^I shall pursue
29 And it returneth to Horma, to the strong him, they shall not deliver him into his hands; be-
City of Tyre, and to Hosa: and the outgoings cause he slew his neighbour unawares, and is not
hereof shall be at the sea from the portion of proved to have been his enemy two or thr«!e dajB
Acbziba: before.
6 And he shall dwell in that city, till he stand
19 All the cities together of the children of
before judgment to give an account of his fact, Aaron the priest were thirteen, with their su«
and till the death of the high-priest, who shall be burbs.
at that time: then shall the manslayer return, and 20 And to the rest of the families of the chil-
go into his own city and house from whence he dren of Caath of the race of Levi, was given this
fled. possession.
7 And
they appointed Cedes in Galilee of 21 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Sichem one of the
mount Nephtali, and Sichem in mount Ephraim, cities of refuge, with the suburbs thereof in
and Cariatharbe, the same is Hebron in the mount Ephraim, and Gazer,
mountain of Juda. 22 And Cibsaim, and Bethhoron, with their
8 And beyond the Jordan to the east of Jericho, suburbs; four cities
they appointed Bosor,, which is upon the plain of 23 And of the tribe of Dan, Eltheco and Gaba-
the wilderness of the tribe of Ruben, and Rainoth thon,
inGalaad of the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in Ba- 24 And Aialon and Gethremmon, witli their
san of the tribe of Manasses. suburbs; four cities.
9 These cities were appointed for all the chil 25 And of the half tribe of Manasses, Thanac
and Gethremmon, with their suburbs; two cities.
dren of Israel, and for the strangers, that dwelt
among them: that whosoever had killed a person 26 All the cities were ten, with their suburbs,
unawares might flee to them, and not die by thewhich were given to the children of Caath of the
hand of the kinsman, coveting to revenge the inferior degree.
blood that was shed, until he should stand before27 To the children of Gerson also of the race
the people to lay open his cause. of Levi out of the half tribe of Manasses, Gaulon
in Basan, one of the cities of ref'ige, and Bosra,
CHAP. XXI. with their suburbs; two cities.
Cities with their suburbs are assigned for the 28 And of the tribe of Is.sachar, Cesion, and
priests and Levites. Dabereth,
THEN the princes of the families of Levi 29 And Jaramoth, and Engannim, with their
came to Eleazar the priest, and to Josue the suburbs; four cities.
son of Nun, and to the princes of the kindreds of 30 Aud of the tribe of Aser, Masai and Abdon,
all the tribes of the children of Israel: 31 And Helcath, and Rohob, wiUi their su-
2 And they spoke to them in Silo in the land burbs; four cities.
of Chanaan, and said The Lord commanded by
: 32 Of the tiibe also of Nephtali, Cedes in Ga-
the hand of Moses, that cities should be given us lilee, o/if o/" the cities of refuge: and Hammoth
to dwell in, and their suburbs to feed our cattle. Dor, and Carthan, with their suburbs; three
3 And the children of Israel gave out of their cities.
£ossessions according to the commandment of the 33 All the cities of the families of Gerson, were
iOrd, cities and their suburbs. thirteen, with their suburbs.
4 And the lot came out for the family of Caath 34 And to the children of Merari Levites of
of the children of Aaron the priest, out of the the inferior degree by their families were given
tribes of Juda, and of Simeon, and of Benjamin, of the tribe of Zabulon, Jecnam and Cartha,
thirteen cities. 35 And Damna and Naalol; four cities, with
5 And to the rest of the children of Caath, that their suburbs.
is, to the Levites, wiio remained, out of the tribes 36 Of the tribe of Ruben beyond the Jordan
of Ephraim, and of Dan, and the half tribe of over-against Jericho, Bosor in the wilderness,
Manasses, ten cities. < one of the cities of refuge, Misor, and Jaser, and
6 And the lot came out to the children of Ger- Jethson, and Mephaath, four cities* with their
son, that they should take of the tribes of Issa- suburbs.
char and of Aser and of Nephtali, and of the half 37 Of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Galaad, one
tribe of Manasses in Basan, thirteen cities. of the cities of refuge, and Manaim, and ilese-
7 And to the sons of Merari by their kindreds, bon, and Jaser; four cities with their suburbs.
of the tribes of Ruben and of Gad and of Zabu- 38 All the cities of the children of Merari by
lon, twelve cities. their families and kindreds, were twelve.
8 And the children of Israel gave to the Le- 39 So all the cities of the Levites within the
vites the cities and their suburbs, as the Lord possession of the children of Israel were forty
commanded by the hand of Moses, giving to eight,
every one by lot. 40 With their suburbs, each distributed by the
9 Of the tribes of the children of Juda and of families.
Simeon, Josue gave cities; whose names are 41 And the Lord God gave to Israel all the
these, land that he had sworn to give_ to their fathers
10 To the sons of Aaron, of the families of and they possessed it, and dwelt in it.
Caath of the race of Levi (for the first lot came 42 And he gave Uiem peace from all nations
out for them) round about: and none of their enemies durst
11 The city of Arbe the father of Enac, which stand against them, but were brought under theii
is called Hebron, in the mountain of Juda, and dominion. ,
the suburbs thereof round about. 43 Not so much as one word, which he had
12 But the fields and the villages thereof he had promised, to perform unto them, was made void,
given to Caleb the son of Jephone for his posses- but all came to pass.
sion .

13 He gave therefore to the children of Aaron

the priest, Hebron a city of refuge, and the Tlie tribes of Ruben and Gad, and half the tribe
suburbs thereof; and Lobna with the suburbs of Manasses return to their possessions. They
thereof, build an altar by the side of the Jordan, which
14 And Jether and Estemo, alai-ms the other tribes. An
embassage is sent
15 And Holon, and Dabir, to them, to which they give a satisfactory an-
16 And Ain, and Jeta, and Bethsames, with swer.
their suburbs: nine cities out of the two tribes, as
hath been said. * Four cities. There arc no more, though there
17 And out of the tribe of the chi'dren of Ben be five names; for Misor is the same city as Bo-
^lamin, Gabaon, and Gabae, sor, which is to be observed in some other places
18 And Anathoth and Almon, with their su- where the number of names exceeds the number
burbs; four cities. of cities.


AT the same time Josue called the TlubenitesJIman; anJ would to

and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Ma- his wickedness.
God lie nloiie had perished in, 21 And the children of Ruben, and of Gad, and


2 And said to them: You have done all thatjiof the half tribe of Manasscs answered the prtn-
Moses the servant of the Ijord commanded you ces of the embassage of Israel:
you have also obeyed me in all things: 22 The Lord the most mighty God, the Lord

3 Neither have you left your brethren this longi the most mighty God, he knoweth, and Israel also
time, until this present day, keeping the com-j shall understand: If with the design of transgres-
niandment of the Lord your God. sion we have set up this altar, let him not save us,
4 There fore As the Lord your God hath given but punish us unmediately:
your brethren rest and peace, as he promised: re- 23 And if we did it with that mind, that we
turn, and go to your dwellings, and to the land of might lay upon it holocausts, and sacrifice, and
your possession, which Moses the servant of the victims of peace-offerings, let him require and

Lord gave you beyond the Jordan: judge: I

5 Yet so that you observe attentively, and inj 24 And not rather with this thought and design,
woiK fulfil the commandment, and the law which that we should say: To-morrow your children
Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you: will say to our children: What have you to do
that you love the Lord your God, and walk in all with the Lord the God of Israel .'

his ways, and keep all his commandments, and 25 The Lord hath put the river Jordan for a
cleave to him, and serve him with all your heart, border between us and you, O ye children of Ru-
and with all your soul. ben, and ye children of Gad: and therefore you
6 And Josue blessed them, and sent them away have no part in the Lord- And by this occasion
and they returned to their dwellings. your children shall turn away our children from
7 Now to half the tribe of Manasses, Moses had the fear of the Lord. We therefore thought it
iven a possession in Basan: and therefore to the best,
Ilalf that remained, Josue gave a lot among the 26 And said: Let us build us an altar, not for
'est of their brethren beyond the Jordan to the holocausts, nor to oflfer victims,
west. And when he sent them away to their 27 But for a testimony between us and you,
dwellings, and had blessed them, and our posterity and yours, that we may serve
8 He said to them: With much substance and the Lord, and that we may have a right to offer
riches, you return to your settlements, with silver both holocausts, and victims, and sacrifices of
and gold, brass and iron, and variety of raiment: peace-offerings: and that your children to-mor-
divide the prey of your enemies with your bre- row may not say to our children: You have no
thren. part in the Lord.
9 So the children of Ruben, and the children of 28 And if they will say so, they shall answer
Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses reiurned, and them: Behold, the altar of the Lord, which our
parted from the children of Israel in Silo, which fathers made, not for holocausts, nor for sacrifice,
is in Chanaan, to go into Galaad the land of their but for a testimony between us and you.
possession, which they had obtained according to 29 God keep us from any such wickedness,
he commandment of the Lord by the hand of that we should revolt from the Lord, and leave
Moses. off following his steps, by building an altar to offer
10 And when they were come to the banks of holocausts, and sacrifices, and victims, beside the
the Jordan, in the land of Chanaan, they built an altar of the Lord our God, which is erected be-
altar immensely great near the Jordan. fore his tabernacle.
11 And when the children of Israel had heard 30 And when Phinees the priest, and the prin-
of it, and certain messengers had brought them an ces of the embassage, who were with him, had
account that the children of Rubet}, and of Gad, heard this, they were satisfied: and they admitted
md the half tribe of Manasses had built an altar most willingly the words of the children of Ru-
.n the land of Chanaan, upon the ba;iks of the ben, and Gad, and of the half tribe of Manasses.
Ionian, over-against the children of Israel: 31 And Phinees the priest the son of Eleazar
12 They all assembled in Silo, to go up and said to them: Now we know that the Lord i.«(

ight against them. with us; because you are not guilty of this revolt,
13 And in the mean time they sent to them into and you have delivered the children of Israel
the land of Galaad, Phinees the son of Eleazar from the hand of the Lord.
ihe priest, 32 And he returned with the princes from the
14 And ten princes with him, one of every children of Ruben and Gad, out of the land of
tribe: Galaad, into the land of Chanaan, to the children
15 Who came to the children of Ruben, and of of Israel, and brought them word again.
Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses, into the land 33 And
the saying pleased all that heard it
of Gahad, an<l said to them: the children of Israel praised God: and they
16 Thus saith all the people of the Lord: What
no longer said that they would go up against
meaneth this transgression .'
have you for- them, and fight, and destroy the land of their pos-
saken the Lord the God of Israel, building a sa- session.
crilegious altar, and revolting from the worship 34 And the children of Ruben, and the children
of him.' of Gad called the altar which they had built, Our
17 Is it a small thing to you that you sinned testimony, mat the Lord is God.
with Beeljihegor, and the stain of that crime re-
maineth in us to this day ? and many of the peo-
ple perished. Jome betnff old admonisheth the people to keep
IS And you have forsaken the Lord to-day; God's commandments: and to avoid mm-riages
and to-morrow his wrath will rage against all Is- and all society vnth the gentiles, fear of be- fw
rael. ing brought to idolatry.
19 But if you think the land of your possession
to be unclean, pass over to the land wherein is
when a long time was passed, after that
the Lord had given peace to Israel, all the
the tabernacle of the Lord, and dwell among us: nations round about being subdued, and Josue
only depart not from the I^ord, and from our socie- being now old, and far advanced in years:
ty, by building an altar beside the altar of the Lord 2 Josue called for all Israel, and for the elders,
our God. and for the princes, and for the judges, and for the
20 Did not Achan the son of Zare transgress masters, and said to them: I am old, and far ad-
the commandment of the Lord, and his wrath lay vanced in years:
upon all the people of Israel ? And he was but one 3 And you see all that the Lord yoUi God hate
: : [

dene to all how he him-
the nations round about, 7 And the children of Israel cried to the Lord--
self hath fought for you: and he put darkness between you and the Egyp-
4 And now since he liath divided to you by lot tians, and brouglit the sea upon them, and cover
all the land, from the east of the Jordan unto the ed them. Your eyes saw all that I did in Egypt:
great sea, and many nations yet remain: and you dwelt in the wilderness a long time:
5 The Lcyd your God will destroy them, and 8 And 1 brought you into the land of the
take them aAvay from before your face; and you Amorrhite, who dwelt beyond the Jordan. And
shall possess the i ni' is he hath promised you. when they fought against you, I delivered them
6 Only take cou a^ [ and be careful to observe into your hands: and you possessed their land,
all things that are \.'ruieD in the book of the law and slew them.
of and turn not aside from them neither 9 And Balac son of Sephor king of Moab, arose
to the right hand nor to the left: and fought against Israel. And he sent and called
7 Lest after that you are come in among the for Balaam son of Beor. to curse you:
gentiles, who will remain among you, you should 10 And I would not hear him but on the con

swear by the name of their gods, and serve them, trary I blessed you by him, and I delivered you
and adore them* out of his hand.
8 But cleave ye unto the Lord your God; as 11 And you passed over the Jordan, and you
you have done until this day. came to Jericho. And the men of that city fought
9 And'hen Ihe Lord God will take away be- against you, the Amorrhite, and the Pherezite,
fore your eyes nations that are great and very and the Chanaanite, and the Hethite and die Ger-
strong; and no man .'(hall be able to resist you. gesite. and the Hevite, and (he JebuSite: and I
10 One of you shall chase a thousand men of delivered them into your hands.
the enemies; because the Ixird your God himself 12 And I sent before you hornets: and I drove
will fi^ht for you, as he hath iiromised. them out from their places, the two kings of the
11 This only take care of with all diligence, Arnorrhites, not with thy sword nor with thjr
that you love the Lord your God. bow.
12 But if you will embrace the errors of these 13 And I gave you a land in which you had
nations that dwell among you, and make mar- not laboured, and cities to dwell in which you
riages with them, and join friendships: built not, vineyards and olive-yards which you
13 Know ye for a certainty that the Lord your planted not.
God will not destroy them before your face: but 14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve
they shall be a pit and a snare in your way, and ai him with a perfect and most sincere heart: and
stumbling-block at your side, and stakes in your put away the gods which your fathers served in
eyes, till he take you away and destroy you from Mesopotamia and in Egypt, and serve the Lord
off this excellent land, which he hath given you. 15 But if it seem evil to you to serve the Lord,
14 Behold, this day I am going into the way of you have your choice: choose this day that which
allthe earth; and you shall know with all your plcaseth you, whom you wouki rather serve,
mind, that of all the words which the Lord pro whether the gods which your fathers served in
mised to perform for you, not one hath failed. Mesopotamia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in
15 Therefore as he hath fulfilled in deed what land you dwell: but as for me and my
he promised, and all things prosperous have come house we will serve the Lord.
so will he brins upon you all the evils he hath 16 And the people answered, and said: God
threatened, till he take you away and destroy you forbid we should leave the Lord, and serve
from off this excellent land, which he hath given strange gods.
you, 17 The Lord our God he brought us and our
16 When you shall have transgressed the cove- fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the house
nant of the Lord your God, which he hath made of bondage; and did very great signs in our .sight,
with you, and shall have served strange gods, and and preserved us in all the way by which we
adored them: then shall the indignation of the journeyed, and among all the people through
Lord rise up quickly and speedily against you; whom we passed.
and you shall be taken awuy from this excellent IS And he hath cast out all the nations, the
land, which he hath delivered to you. Amorrhite, the inhabitant of the land into which
CHAP. XXIV. we are come. Therefore we will serve the Lord,
for he is our God.
Josue assembleih the people, and reneweth the co- 19 And Josue said to the people: You will not
venant between them and God. His death and be able to serve the Lord,t for he is a holy God,
burial. and mighty, and jealous, and will not fo)give
AND Josue gathered together all tlie tribes of
Sichem; and called for the ancients,
Israel in
your wickedness and sins.
20 If you leave the Jjord, and serve strange
and the princes, and the judges, and the masters: gods, he will turn, and will afflict you, and will
and they stood in the sight of the Lord destroy you after all the good he hath done you
2 And he spoke thus to the people: Thus saith 21 And the people said to Josue: No, it shall
the Lord the God of Israel Your fathers dwelt
: not be so as thou sayest; but we will serve the
of old on the other side of the river,* Thare the Lord.
father of Abraham, and Nachor: and they served 22 And Josue said to the people: You are wit-
strange gods. nesses, that you yourselves have chosen you the
3 And I took your lather Abraham from the Lord to serve him. And they answered: IVe
borders of Mesopotamia, and brought him into the are witnesses.
land of Chanaan: and I multiplied his seed, 23 Now
therefore, said he, put away strange
4 And gave him Isaac: and to him again I gave gods from among you, and incline your hearts to
Jacob and Esau. And I gave to Esau mount Seir the Lord the God of Israel.
for his possession: but Jacob and his children 24 And the people said to Josue: will We
went down into Egypt. set ve the Lord our God, and we will be obedient
5 And I sent Moses and Aaron, and I struck to his commandments.
Eerpt with many signs and wonders.
o And I brought you and your fathers out of t Yon will not be able to serine the Lord, fye
Egypt, and you came to the sea: and the Egyp- This was not said by way of discouraging them;
tians pursued your fathers with chariots and but rather to make them more earnest and reso-
horsemen, as far as the Red Sea. lute, by setting before them the gieatness of u)a
undertaking, and the courage and constancy £«•
Of the river. The Euphrates. cessary to go through with it
: t


25 Josue therefore on that day made a cove 30 And they buried him in the border of hii
nant, and set belore the jieople commanuuitats possession in Thamnathsare, whjjh is situate
and judgments in Sichem. in mount Ephraini, on the north side of mount
2(j And he wrote all these things in the volume Gaas.
of the law of the Lord: and he took a great 31 And Israel served the Lord all the days of
stone, and set it under the oak that was in the Josue, and of the ancients that lived a long time
sanctuary of the Lord after Josue, and that had known all die works of
27 Anil he said to all the people: Behold, this the Lord which he had done in Israel.
stone shall be a testimony unto you, that it hath 32 And the bones of Joseph which the chil-
lieard*-a!l the words of the Lord, which he hath dren of Israel had taken out of Egypt, they buried
spoken to you: les-t perhaps hereafter you will in Sichem, in that jiart of the field which Jacob
deny it, and lie to the Lord. had bought of the sons of Hemor the father of
2S And he sent the people away, every one to Sichem, for a hundred young ewes: and it waa
.heir own jjossession. in the possession of the sons of Joseph.
29 And aftert these things Josue the son of 33 Eleazar also the son of Aaron died: and
Nun, the servant of the Lord died, being a bun- they buried him in Gabaath, that belongeth to
dled and ten years old: Phinees his son, which was given him in mount
* H hath heard. a figure of speech, by
This is
which sensation is attributed to inanimate things; t -^nd after, fyc. If Josue wrote this book, as
and they are called upon, as it were, to bear wit- is commonly believed, these last verses were add
ness in favour of the great Creator, whom
they ed by Samuel, or some other prophet.
ou ilieir part constantly obey.


This boo!: is called JvDGK'i, because it contains 9 And afterwards they went down and fought
the history of what passed under the govern- against the Chanaanite, who dwelt in the moun
ment of the judges, icho ruled Israel before tains, and in the south, and in the plains.
they had kings- The writer of it, according 10 And Juda going forward against the Cha-
to the more general opinion, tvas the prophet naanite, that dwelt in Hebront (the name where-
Samuel, of was in former times Cariatharbe) slew Sesai,
and Ahiman, and Tholmai:
11 And departing from thence he went to the
The expedition and victory of Juda against the inhabitants of Dabir, the ancient name of which
Chanaanites; who are tolerated inmany pla- was Cariath-sepher, that is, the city of letters.
ces. 12 And Caleb said: He that shall take Ca»iath-
AFTER consulted
the death of Josue, the children of
Israel the Lord, saying: Who
sepher, and lay it waste, to him will I give my
daughter Axa to wife.
shall go up before us against the Chanaanite, and 13 And Othoniel the son of Cenez, the y#ung-
shall be the leader of the war? er brother of Caleb having taken it, he gave him
2 And the Lord said: Juda shall go up: behold, Axa his daughter to wife.
I have delivered the land into his hands. 14 And as she was going on her way her hus-
3 And Juda said to Simeon his brother: Come band admonished her to ask a field of her father.
up with me into my lot, and fight against the Cha- And as she sighed sitting on her ass, Caleb said to
naanite, that I also may go along with thee into her: What aileth thee.'
thy lot. And Simeon went with him. 15 But she answered: Give me a blessing, for
4 And Juda went up: and the Lord delivered thou hast given me a dry land: give me also a
the Chanaanite, and the Pherezite into their watery land. So Caleb gave her the upper and
hands and they slew of them in Bezec, ten thou-
: the nether watery ground.
sand men. 16 And the children of the Cinite§ the kins-
5 And they found Adonibezec in Bezec, and man of IVloses went up from the city of palms,
fousht against him: and they defeated the Cha- with the children of Juda into the wilderness of
naanite, and the Pherezite. his lot, which is at the south side of Arad: and
6 And Adonibezec fled: and they pursued they dwelt with him.
after him, and took him, and cut ofif his fingers 17 And Juda went with Simeon his brother,
and toes. and they together defeated the Chanaanites that
7 And Adonibezec said: Seventy kings hav- dwelt in Sephaath, and slew them. And the
ing their fingers and toes cut off, gathered up the
leavings of the meat under my table: as I have t Hebron. This expedition against Hebron,
ilone, so hath God requited me. And they &c. is the same as is related Josue xv. 24. It is
brought hmi to Jerusalem; and he died there. here repeated, to give the reader at once a short
S And the children of Juda besieging Jerusa- sketch of all the achievements of the tribe of Ju-
lem,* took it, and put it to the sword, and set the da against the Chanaanites.
wliole city on fire. t The city of letters. Perhaps so called, from
some famous school, or library kept there.
* Jerusalem. This city was divided into two; § The Cinitc. Jethro the father-in-law of Mo-
one part was called Jebus, the other Sxlem; the ses was called Cinaus, or the Cinite: and his
one was in the tribe of Juda, the other in the children who came along with the children of
Hribe of Benjsmin. After it was taken and burnt Israel settled themselves among them in the land
by the men of Jud-'. it was (juickly rebuilt again of Chanaan, embracing their worship and religion
by the Jebusites, as we may gather from ver. 2L; From these the Rechabites sprung, of whom see
and continued in their possession till it was taken' Jerem. xxxv. Ibid. The city of palms. Jerichcj,
by king David. I
so called from the abundance of palm-trees.
U 153

name of the city was called Horma,Ana- made you go out of Egypt, and have brought yoM
that is,
thema. into the land for which I swore to your latlicrs:
18 And Juda took Gaza* with its confines, and and I i^roniised that I would not make void my
Ascalon, and Accaron with their confines. covenant with you for ever:
19 And the Lord was with Juda, and he pos- 2 On condition that you should not make a
sessed the hill country; but was not ablef to de- league with the inhabitants of this land, but should
stroy the inhabitants of the valley; because they throw down their altars: and you would not hear
had many chariots armed with scythes. my voice: why have you done this.'
20 And they gave Hebron to Caleb, as Moses 3 Wherefore I would not destroy tliem from
hafl said, who destroyed out of it the three sons before your face; that you may have enemies,
of Enac. and their gods may be your ruin.
21 But the sons of Benjamin did not destroy 4 And when the Angel of the Lord spoke these
the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem: and the words to all the children of Israel, they lifted 'jp
Jebusite hath dwelt with the sons of Benjamin in their voice and wept.
Jerusalem until this present day. 5 And the name of that place was called, The
22 The house of Joseph also went up against place of weepers, or of tears: and there the) of-
Bethel: and the Lonl was with them. fered sacrifices to the Lord.
23 For when they were besieging the city, 6 And Josuell sent away the people: and the
which before was called Luza, children of Israel went every one to his own pos-
24 They saw a man coming out of the city, session to hold it:
and they said to him: Show us the entrance into 7 And they served the Lord all his days, and
the city, anti we will show thee mercy the days of the ancients, that lived a long time af-
25 And when he had shown them, they smote ter him, and who knew al! the works of the Lord,
the city with the edge of the sword: but that which he had done for Israel.
man and all his kindred they let go: 8 And Josue the son of Nun, the servant of
26 Who being sent away, went into the land the Lord, died, being a hundred and ten years
of Hethim, and built there a city, and called it old,
Jjuza; which is so called until this day. 9 And they buried him in the borders of hia
27 ISlanasses also did not destroy Bethsan, and possestion in Thamnathsare in mount Ephraim,
Thanac w^ith their villages, nor the inhabitants on the north side of mount Gaas.
of Dor, and Jeblaam, anji^Mageddo with their 10 And all that generation was gathered tc
villages. And the Chanaanite began to dwell their fathers: and there arose others that knew
with them. ^ not the Lord, and the works which he had done
28 But after Israel was grown strong, he made for Israel.
them trib'-'taries, and would not destroy them. 11 And the children of Israel did evil in the
29 E))hraiin also did not slay the Chanaanite sight of the' Lord: and they served Baalim.
that dwelt in Gazer, but dwelt with him. 12 And they left the Lord the God of their fa-
30 Zabulon destroyed not the inhabitants of thers, who had brought them out of the land of
Cetron, and Naalol: but the Chanaanite dwelt Egypt: and they followed strange gods,^ and the
among them, and became their tributary. gods of the people that dwelt round about them:
31 Aser also destroyed not the inhabitants of and they adored them; and they jjrovoked the
Accho, and of Sidon, of Ahalab, and of Acha- Lord to anger,
zib, and of Helba, and of Aphec, and of Rohob: 13 Forsaking him, and serving Baal and Asta-
32 And he dweh in the midst of the Chanaan- roth.
ites the inhabitants of that land, and did not slay 14 And
the Lord being angry against Israel, de-
them." liveredthem into the hands of plunderers: who
33 Nephtali also destroyed n«t the inhabitants took them and sold them to their enemies, that
of Bcthsames, and of Bethanath: and he dwelt dwelt round about: neither could they stand
in the midst of the Chanaanites the inhabitants against their enemies:
of the land, and the Bethsamites and Bethanites 35 But whithersoever they meant to go, the
were tributaries to him. hand of the Lord was upon them, as he had said,
34 And the Am»rrhite straitened the children and as he had sworn to them: and they were
of Dan in the mountain, and gave them not place greatly distressed.
to go down to the plain 16 And the Lord raised up judges to ileliver
35 And he dwelt| in the mountain Hares, them from the hands of thosethat oppressed them:
that is, of potsherds, in Aialon and Salebim. but they would not hearken to them,
And the hand of the house of Joseph was heavy 17 Committing fornication with strange gods,
upon him: and he became tributarj' to him. and adoring them. They quickly forsook the
36 And the border of the AmorrhiteAvas from way, in which their fathers had walked: and
the ascent of the scorpion, the rock, and the hearing the commandments of the Lord, they did
higher places. all things contrary.
15 And when the Lord raised them up judges,
in their days he was moved to mercy, and heard
An Angel reproveth Israel. They treep for their the groanings of the afflicted, and delivered" them
sins. After the death of Josue, they often fall, from the slaughter of the oppressors.
and repenting are delivered from their afflic- 19 But after the judge was dead, they returnt i,
tions, but still fall worse and worse. and did much worse things than their fathers had
ND an Angel§ of the Lord went up from done, following strange gods, serving them, and
Galgal to the place of weepers, and said: I
II And Josue,
This is here inserted out of
* Gai:a, ^c. These were three of the principal Josue xxiv. by way
of recapitulation of what had
happened before, and by way of an introductiou
cities of the Philistines, famous both in sacred and
profane history. They were taken at this time to tnat which follows.
Dy the Israelites: but as they took no care to put IT They followed strange gods. What is here
garrisons in them, the Philistines soon recoveredsaid of the children of Israel, as to their falling so
Ihem again. often into idolatrj", is to be understood of a great
t JVas not able, ^-c. Through a cowardly fear part of them but not so universally, as if the true

of their chaiiots armed with hooks and scythes, worship of God was ever quite abolished among
anil for want of confidence in God. them: for the succession of the true church ana
i He dwelt. That is, the Amorrhite. religion was kept up all this time by the priests
§ An Angel. Taking the shape of a man. and Levites, at least in the house of God in Silo
CHAP. Ill, IV.

adoring Ihem. Tliey left not their own inventions,! of the hand; and was girded therewith unJcr his
nnd tlie stubborn way, by whicli tliey were ac- garment on the right thigh.
customed to walk. 17 And he presented the gifts to Eglon king of
20 And the wrath of the Lord was kindled Moab. Now Eglon was exceeding fat.

»gains:t Israel: and he said: Behold, this nation, 18 And when he had presented the gifts unto
hath made void my covenant, which I had made him, he followed his companions thal.came along
with their fathers, and liath despised to hearken with him.
to my voice: 19 Then returning from Galgal, where the idoIn
21 I also will not destroy the nations which were, he said to the king: I have a secret message
Josue left, when ho died: to thee, O king. And he commanded silence: and
22 That through them I may try Israel, whe- all being gone out that were about him,
ther they will keep the way of the Lord, and 20 Aod went in to him: now he was sitting in
walk in it, or np.
as their fathers kejit it, a summer parlour alone, and he said: I have a
23 Tlie Lord these nations,
therefore left all word from Godf to thee. And he forthwith rose
and would not quickly destroy thsm; neither did up from his throne.
ht; deliver them into the hands of Josue. 21 And Aod put forth his left hand, and took
the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into
his belly,
The people falling into idolatry are oppressed by 22 With such force that the haft went in after
their enemie.i; but repenting are delivered by the blade into the wound, and was closed up with
Othoniet, Aod, and Samgar. the abundance of fat. So that he did not draw
THESE are the nations which the Lord left, out the dagger; but left it in the body as he had
that by them he might instruct Israel, and struck it in. And forthwith by the secret parts
all that had not known the wars of the Chanaan- of nature the excrements of the belly came out.
ites: 23 But Aod carefully shutting the doors of the
2 That afterwards their children might learn to parlour, and locking them,
fight with their enemies, and to be trained up 24 Went out by a postern door. And the
to war: king's servants going in, saw the doors of the par-
3 The five princes of the Philistines, and all lour shut, and they said: Perhaps he is easing na-
the Chanaanites, and the Sidonians, and the He- ture in his summer parlour.
vites that dwelt in mount Libanus, from mount 25 And waiting a long time till they were
Baal Hermon to the entering into Emalh. ashamed, and seeing that no man opened the door,
4 And he left them, that he might try Israel by they took a key: and opening they iouM their
them, whether they would hear the command- lord lyingdead on the ground.
ments of the Lord, which he liad commanded 26 But Aod, while they were in contusion, es-
their fathers by the hand of Moses, or not. caped, and passed by the place of the idols, from
5 So the children of Israel dwelt in the midst whence he had returned. And he came to Sei-
of the Chanaanite, and the Hethite, and the rath:
Amorrhite, and the Pherezite, and the Hevite, 27 Andforthwith he sounded the trumpet in
and the .lebusite: mount Ephraim: and the children of Isi-ael went
' 6 And they took their daughters to v.'ives; and down with him, he himself going in the front.
they gave their own daughters to their sons; and 28 And he said to them: Follow me: for the
they served their gods. Lord hath delivered our enemies the Moabites
7 And they did evil in the sight of the Lord: into our hands. And they went down after him,
and they forgot their God, and served Baalim and and seized upon the fords of the Jordan, which
Astaroth. are in the way to Moab: and they suffered no
8 And the Lord being angry with Israel, deli- man to pass over:
vered them into the hands of Chusan Rasathaim 29 But they slew of the Moabites at that time,
king of Mesopotamia;* and they served him eight about ten thousand, all strong and valiant men:
years. none of them could escape.
9 And
they cried to the Lord, who raised them 30 And Moab was humbled that day under the
up and delivered them, to wit, Othoniel
a saviour, hand of Israel: and the land rested eighty years.
the son of Ceiiez, the younger brother of Ca- 31 After him was Samgar the son of Anath,
leb: who slew of the Philistines six hundred men with
10 And Lord was in him; and
the Spirit of the a plough-share: and he also defended Israel.
he judged Israel. And
he went out to fight, and
the Lord delivered into his hand, Chusan Rasa-
thaim king of Syria: and he overthrew him: Debbora and Barac deliver Israel from Jabin and
11 And the land rested forty years; and Otho- Sisara. Jahel killeth Sisara.
niel the son of
12 And
Cenez died.
the children of Israel did evil again in
the children of Israel again did evil in
the sight of the Lord after the death of Aod:
the sight of the Lord; who strengthened against 2 And the Lord delivered them up into the
them Eglon king of Moab; because they did evil hands of Jabin king of Chanaan, who reigned in
in his sight. Asor: and he had a general of his army named
13 And he joined to him the children of Am
Sisara; and he dwelt in Haroseth of the gen-
mon and Amalec: and he went and overthrew tiles.
Israel, and possessed the city of palm-trees. 3 And the children of Israel cried to the Lord:
14 Anrl the children of Israel served Eglon for he had nine hundred chariots set with scythes,
iing of 3oab eighteen j-ears: and for twenty years had grievously oppressed
15 Anc <ifterwards they cried to the Lord, who them.
raised them up a saviour called Aod, the son of 4 And there was at that time Debbora a pro-
Gcra, the son of Jemini, who used the left hand as phetess, the wife of Lapidoth, who judged the
well as the right. And the children of Israel sent people.
presents to Eglon king of Moab by him. 5 And she sat under a palm-tree, which was
l(i And he made himself a two-edged sword, called by her name, between Rama and Bethel in
with a haft in the midst of the length of the palm
t A word from God, 8/-C. What Aod, who
* Mesopotamia. In Hebrew, Arnnmaharaim. was judge and chief magistrate of Israel, did on
Syria of the two rivers; so called because it lies this occasion, was by a special inspiration of God:
between the Euphrates and the Tigris. It is ab- but such things are not to be imitated by private
iolutely called Syria, ver. 10 imen.
mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came ty hand overpowered Jabin king of Chanaka,
up to her for all judsjment. till they quite destroyed him.
6 And she sent and called Barac the son of
Abinoem out of Cedes in Nephtali: and she said CHAP. V.
to him: The Lord God of Israel bath commanded The canticle of Debbora and Barac after their
thee: Go, and lead an a.i.i.y to mount Thabor, and victory.
thou shalt take witli thee ten thousand fij^hting that day Debbora and Barac, son of Abi-
men cf the children of Nephtali, and of the chil- IN
noem, sung, and said:
dren of Zabulon: 2 O you of Israel, that have willingly offered
7 And I will bring unto thee in the place of tlie your lives to danger, bless the Lord.
torrent Cison, Sisara the general of Jabin's army, 3 Hear, O ye kings; give ear, ye princes: It is
and his chariots, and all his multitude; and will 1, it is I, that will sing to the Lord. I will sing to

deliver them info thy hand the Lord the God of Israel.
8 And Barac said to her: If thou wilt comej 4 O Lord, when thou wentest out of Seir, and
with me, I will go: if thou will not come with; passedst by the regions of Edom, the earth trem-
me, I will not go. I bled, and the heavens dropped water.
9 She said to him: I will go indeed with thee;' 5 The mountains melted before the face of the
but at this time the victory shall not be attributed Lord, and Sinai before the face of the Lord the
to thee, because Sisara shall be delivered into the God of Israel.
hand of a woman. Debbora therefore arose," and 6 In the days of Samgar the son of Anath, in
went with Barac to Codes. the dnysof Janel the paths rested:* and they that
10 And he called unto him Zabulon and Neph- went by them, walked through by-ways.

tali, and went up with ten thousand lighting men, 7 The valiant men ceased, and rested in Israel;
having Debbora in his company. ^ until Debbora arose, a mother arose in Israel.
11 Now Haber the Cinite had some time before

8 The Lord chose new wars, and he hinr,-

departed from the rest of the Cinites his brethren self overthrew the gates of the enemies: a shield
the sons of Hobab, the kinsman of Moses; and and spear was not seen among forty thousand
had pitched his tents unto the valley which isj of Israel.
called Sennim, and was near Cedes. 9 My heart loveth the princes of Israel: O you
12 And it was told Sisara, that Barac the son that of youT own good-will offered yourselves tc
of Abinoem was gone up to mount Thabor: danger, bless the Lord.
13 And he gathered together his nine hundred 10 Speak, j'ou that ride upon fair asses, and
chariots armed with scythes, and all his army; you that sit in judgment, and walk in the way.
from Haroseth of the gentiles to the torrent 11 Where the chariots were dashed together,
Cison. and the army of the enemies was choked, there
14 And Debbora said to Barac: Arise, for this let the justices of the Lord be rehearsed, and his
is the day vifherein the Lord hath delivered Sisara clemency towards the brave men of Israel: then

into thy hands: behold, he is thy leader. And the people of the Lord went down to the gates,
Barac went down from moimt Thabor, and ten and obtained the sovereignty.
thousand fighting men witli him. jj
12 Arise, arise, O Debbora; arise, arise, and
15 And the Lord struck a terror into Sisara,'! utter a canticle. Arise, Barac, and take hold of
and all his chariots, and all his multitude, with the, 'thy captives, son of Abinoem
edge of the sword, at the sight of Barac; inso- 13 The remnants of the jieople are saved: the
much, that Sisara leaping down from off his cha- Lord hath fouicbt among the valiant ones.
riot, fled away on foot: 14 Out of E|)hraim+ he destroyed them into
16 And Barac pursued after the fleeing chari- Amalec, and after him out of Benjamin into thj"
ots, and the army, unto Haroseth of the gentiles: people, O Amalec: Out of Machir| there came
and all the multitude of the enemy was utterly down princes, and out of Zabulon they that led
destroyed. the army to fight.
17 But Sisara fleeing came to the tent of Jahel 15 The captains of Issachar were with Debbo-
the wife of Haber the Cinite; for there was ra, and followed the stejs of Barac, who exposed
peace between Jabin the king of Asor, and tlie himself to danger, as one going headlong, and into
nouse of Haber the Cinite. a |>it. Ruben being divided against himself,§
18 And Jahel went forth to meet Sisara, and there was found a strife of courageous men.
said to him: Come in to me, my lord; come in, 16' Why
dwellest thou between two borders,
fear not. He went into her tent, and being cover- that thou mayst hear the bleatings of the flocks?
ed by her with a cloak, Ruben being divided against himself, there was
19 Said to her: Give me, I beseech thee, a lit- found a strife of courageous men.
tle water, for I am very thirsty. She opened a
bottle of milk, and gave him to drink, and cover- * The paths rested. The ways to the sanctu-
ed him ary of God were unfrecjuented: and men walked
20 And Sisara said to her: Stand before the in the by-ways of error and sin.
door of the tent, and when any shall come and' t Out of Ephraim, ^-c. The enemies strag-
inquire of thee, saying: Is there any man here.' gling in their flight were destroyed as they were
thou shalt say: There is none. running through the land of Ephraim, and of Ben-
21 So Jahel, Haber's wife, took a nail of the jamin, __ which lies after, that is, beyond Ephraim:
, .

tent, taking also a hammer: and going in softly, and so on to the very confines of Amalec. Or,
and with silence, she put the nail upon the tern- it alludes to former victories of the peofle of
pies of his head, and striking it with the hammer,' God, particularly that which was freshf st in me-
drove it through his brain fast into the ground:; mory, when the men of Ephraim and Benjnmin,
and so passing from deep sleep to death, he faint- with Aod at their head, overthrew their enemies
ed away and died. the Moabites with the Amalecites their allies.

22 And behold, Barac came pursuing after Si See chap. iii.


sara: and Jahel went out to meet liim, and said | Machir.
The tribe of Manasses, whose el-
to him: Come, and I will show thee the rnan: dest son was Machir.
whom thou seekest. And when he came into § Divided against himself, ^c. By this it

her tent, he saw Sisara l}'ing dead, and the nail seems that the valiant men of the tribe of Ruben
fastened in his temples. were divided in their sentiments, with relation to

23 So God that day humbled Jabin the king of this war; which division kept them at home
Chanaan before the children of Israel: within th^ir own borders, to hear the bleating of

24 Who grew daily stronger, and with a migh-l, their flocks.


17 Galaad rested beyond the Jordan, and Dan] 7 And he cried to the Lord, desiring .lelp
applied himself to ships: Aser dwelt on the sea- against the Madianites.
shore, and abode in the havens. 8 And he sent unto them a prophet, 'and he
18 But Zabulon and Nejjhtali oflfered their spoke: Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: I
lives to death in the region of Merome. made you to come up out of Egypt, and brought
19 The kings came and fou{rht: the kings of you out of the house of bondage:
Chanaan fought in Thanach by the waters oiMa- 9 And delivered you out of^ the hands of the
geddo; and yet they took'no spoils. Egyptians, and of all the enemies that afflicted
20 War from heaven was made against them: you: and I cast them out at your coming in, and
the stars remaining in their order and courses gave you their la-nd.
fought against Sisara. 10 And I said I am the Lord your God, feai

21 The torrent of Cison dragged their car- not the gods of the Amorrhites, in whose land
casses, the torrent of Cadumim, tne torrent of you dwell. And you would not hear my voice.
Cison tread thou, my soul, upon the strong ones.
• 11 And an Angel of the Lord came, and sat
22 Tiie hoofs of the horses were broken whilst under an oak, that was in Ephra, and belonged
the stoutest of the enemies fled amain, and fell to Joas the father of the family of Ezri. And
Headlong down. when Gedeon his son was threshing and cleansing
23 Curse ye the land of Meroz,* said the An- wheat by the wine-press, to flee from Madian,
el (if the Lord: curse the inhabitants thereof; 12 The Angel of the Lord appeared to him,
i:ecause they came not to the help of the Lord, and said: The Lord is with thee, O most valiant
to heln his most valiant men. of men.
24 Blessed among women be Jahel the wife of 13 And Gedeon said to him: I beseech thee,
Haber the Cinite, and blessed be she in her tent. my lord, if the Lord be with us, why have these
25 He asked her water, and she gave him evils fallen upon us.' Where are his miracles,
milk, and offered him butter in a dish fit for which our fathers have told us of, saying: The
princes. Lord brought us out of Egypt? but now the
26 She put her left hand to the nail, and her Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the
right to the workman's hammer: and she
hand hand of Madian.
struck Sisara, seeking in his head a place for the 14 And the Lord looked upon him, and said:
wound, and strongly piercing through his tem- Go in this thy strength, and thou shall deliver Is-
ples rael out of the hand of Madian: know that 1
27 At her feet he fell; he fainted, and he died: have sent thee.
he rolled before her feet, and he lay lifeless and 15 He answered and said: I beseech thee, my
wretched. lord, wherewith shall I deliver Israel.' Behold,
2S His mother looked out at a window, and my family is the meanest in Manasscs,t and I am
howled: and she spoke from the dining-room: the least in my father's house.
Why is his chariot so long in coming back .'
Why 16 And the Lord said to him: I will be with
are the feet of his horses so slow ? thee: and thou shalt cut off Madian as one man.
29 One that was wiser than the rest of his 17 And he ^aid: If I have found grace before
wives, returned this answer to her mother-in- thee, give me a sign that it is thou that speakest
law: to me,
30 Perhaps he isnow dividing the spoils, and 18 And depart not hence, till I return to thee,
the fairest of the women is chosen out for him and bring a sacrifice, and offer it to thee. And he
garments of divers colours are given to Sisai a for answered: I will wait thy coming.
his prey; and furniture of ditferent kinds is heap- 19 So Gedeon went in, and boiled a kid, and
ed together to adorn the necks. made unleavened loaves of a measure of flour*
31 So let all thy enemies perish, O Lord: but and putting the flesh in a basket, and the broth
let them that love thee shine, as the sun shineth of the flesh into a pot, he carried all under the
in his rising. oak, and presented to him.
32 And the land rested for forty years. 20 And the Angel of the Lord said to him:
Take the flesh and the unleavened loaves, and
lay them upon that rock, and pour out the broth
The people, for their sins, are oppressed by the thereon. And when he had done so,
Mudianites. Gedeon is called to deliver them. 21 The Angel of the X-iord iiut forth the tip of
ANU the children of Israel again did evil in the rod, which he held in his hand, and touched
the sight of the Lord and he delivered them the flesh and the unleavened loaves: and there

into the hand of Madian seven years: arose c fire from the rock, and consumed the
2 And they were grievously oppressed by flesh and the unleavened loaves: and the Angel
them And they made themselves dens and of the Lord vanished out of his sight.
caves in tne mountains, and strong holds to resist. 22 And Gedeon seeing that it was the Angel
3 And when Israel had sown, Madian, and of the Lord, said: Alas, my Lord Gotl: for I
Amalec, and the rest of the eastern nations, have seen the Angel of the i.,ord fnce to face.
came up: 23 And the Lord said to him: Peace be with
4 And pitching their tents among them, wasted thee: fear not; thou shalt not die.
all things as they were in the blade even to the 24 And Gedeon built there an altar to the Lord,
entrance of Gaza; and thry left nothing at all in and called it the Lord's peace, until this present
Israel for sustenance of life, nor sheep, nor oxen, day. And when he was yet in Epihra, which is
nor asses. of the family of Ezri,
5 For tnev and all their flocks came with their 25 That night the Lord said to him: Take a
lents, and Wke locusts filled all [laces, an innume bullock of thy father's, and another bullock of
lable multitude of men, and of camels, wasting seven years, and thou sha!t destroy the altar of
wha'soever they touched. Baal, which is thy father's: and cut down the
6 And Israel was humbled exceedingly in the grove that is about the altar;
eight of Madian- 26 And thou shalt build an altar to the Lord
thy God in the top of this rock, whereupon thou
* Meroz. Where this land of Meroz was, didst lay the sacrifice before: and thou shalt take
which is here laid under a curse, we cannot find:
nor is there mention of it any where else in holy \ The meanest in Manasses, fyc. Mark how
Writ. In the s[ iritual sense they are cursed who the Lord chooseth the humble (who are mean
refuse to assi'^t the people of God in their warfare and little in their own eyes) for the greatest eO"
against their s[ iritual enemies. ternrises.
the second bullock, and shalt offer a holocaust thee. This shall go with thee, let him go: whom I
upon a pile of the wood, which thou shalt cut shall forbid to go, let him return.
down oSt of the grove. 5 And when the people were come down to the
27 Then Gedeon taking ten men of his servants, waters, the Lord said to Gedeon: They that shaH
did as the Lord had commanded him. But fearing laj) the water with their tongues, as dogs are wont
his father's house, and the men of that city, he to lap, thou shalt set apart by themselves: but
TN'ould not do it by day, but did all by night. they that shall drink bowing down their knees,
28 And when the men of that town were risen shall be on the other side.
in the morning, they saw the altar of Baal de- 6 And the number of them that had lapped
stroyed, and the grove cut down, and the second water,t casting it with the hand to their mouth,
bullock laid upon the altar, which then was built. was three hundred men: and all the rest of the
29 And they said one to another: Who hath multitude had drunk kneeling.
done this.' And when they inquired for the author 7 And the Lord said to Gedeon: By the three
of the fact, it was said: Gedeon the son of Joas hundred men, that lapped water, I will save you,
did all this. and deliver Madian into thy hand: but let all the
30 And they said to Joas: Bring out thy son rest of the people return to their place.
hither, that he may die: because he hath destroy- 8 So taking victuals and trumpets according to
ed the altar of Baal, and hath cut down his grove their number, he ordered all the rest of the multi-
31 He answered them: Are you the avengers tude to depart to their tents: and he with.the three
of Baal, that you fight for him? he that is his ad hundred gave himself to the battle. Now the
versary. let him die befor^ to-morrow light ap camp of Madian was beneath him in the valley.
pear: if he be a god, let him revenge himself on 9 The same night the Lord said to him Arise, :

him that hath cast down his altar. and go down into the camp: because I have de-
32 From that day Gedeon was called Jerobaal livered them into thy hand.
because Joas had said: Let Baal revenge himself 10 But if thou be afraid to go alone, let Phara
on him that hath cast down his altar. thy servant go down with thee.
33 Now all Madian, and Amalec, and the east- 11 And when thou shalt hear what they are
ern people were gathered together, and passing saying, then shall thy hands be strengthened; and
over the Jordan, camped in the valley of Jezrael. thou shalt go down more secure to the enemies'
34 But the Spirit of the Lord came upon Ge- camp. And he went down with Phara his ser-
deon: and he sounded the trumpet, and called to- vant into part of the camp, where was the watch
gether the house of Abiezer, to follow him. of men in arms.
35 And he sent messengers into all Manasses, 12 But Madian, and Amalec, and all the east-
and they also followed him; and other messciigers ern people lay scattered in the valley, as a multi-
into Aser, and Zabulon, and Nephtali: and they tude of locusts: their camels also were innumera-
came to meet him. ble, as the sand that lieth on the sea shore.
36 And Gedeon said to God. If thou wilt save 13 And when Gedeon was come, one told his
Israel by my hand, as thou hast said, neighbour a dream; and in this manner related
37 I will put this fleece of wool on the fioor: if what he had seen: I dreamt a dream,:}: and it
there be dew in the fleece only, and it be dry on seemed to me as if a hearth-cake of barley-bread
all the ground beside, I shall know that by tny roiled and came down into the camp of Madian:
hanql, as thou hast said, thou wilt deliver Israel. and when it was come to a tent it struck it, and
33 And it was so. And rising before day beat it down flat to the ground.
wringing the fleece, he filled a vessel with the 14 He to whom he spoke, answered: This is
dew. nothing else but the sword of Gedeon the son of
39 And he said again to God: Let not thy Joas a man of Israel. For the Lord hath deliver-
wrath be kindled against me, if I try once more, ed Madian, and all their camp into his hand.
seeking a sign in the fleece. I pray that the fleece 15 And when Gedeon had heard the dream, and
only may be dry, and all the ground wet with the interpretation thereof, he adored, and return-
dew. ed to the camp of Israel, and said: Arise, for the
40 And God did that night as he had requested: Lord hath delivered the camp of Madian into our
and it was dry on the fleece only, and there was hands.
dew on all the ground. 16 And he divided the three hundred men into
three parts, and gave them trumpets in their
hands, and empty pitchers, and lamps within the
Gedeon tcith three hundred men, by stratagem pitchers.
defeats the Madiunites. 17 And he said to them: What you shall see
THEN Jerobaal, who is the same as Gedeon,
rising up early and all the t>eople with him,
me do, do you the same: I will go into one part
of the camp, and do you as I shall do.
came to the fountain that is called Harad. Now 18 When the trumpet shall sound in my hand,
the camp of Madian was in the valley on the do you also blow the trumpets on every side of
north side of the high hill. , the camp.
2 And the Lord said to Gedeon: The people 19 And Gedeon, and the three hundred men
that are with thee are many: and Madian shall that were with him, went into part of the camp,
not be delivere<l into their hands; lest Israel* at the beginning of the midnight watch, and the
should glory against me, and say: I was delivered watchmen being alarmed, they begpii to sound
by my own strength. their trumpets,^ and to clap the pitchers one
3 Speak to the people, and proclaim in the against another.
hearing of all. Whosoever is fearful and timorous,
let him return. So two and twenty thousand men t That lapped water. These were preferred
went away from mount Galaad, and returned that took the water up in their hands, and so lap-
hcr.-.e: and only ten thousand remained. jped it, before them who laid themselvt-s quite
4 And the Lord said to Gedeon: The people jdown to the waters to drink; which argued a
are still too many; bring thein to the waters, and .more eager and sensual disposition.
there I will try them: and of whom I shall say to X A
dream. Observation of dreams is common-
|ly superstitious, and as such is condemned in the
* I.est Israel, SfC. By this we see that God will ;word of God: but in some extraordinary cases, as
not choose for his instruments in great achieve- jwe here see, God is pleased by dreams to foretel
ments, which depend purely on his grace, such what he is about to do.
as, through pride and self-conceit, will take the § Their trumpets, ^-c. In a mystical sense, the
Ijlory to themselves. preachers of the gospel, in order to spiritual con

20 And•vrhen they sou.aded tneir trumpets in 9 He said therefore to them also: "When I shall
iliree places round nbout the r;\ini), and had bro- return a conqueror in peace, I will destroy this
ken their jiitchers, they held their lamps in their tower.
left liands, and with their right hands the trum- 10 But Zebee and Salmana were resting with
pets which they blew: and they cried out: The all their army, f^or fifteen thousand men were
Bword of the Lord and of Gedeon; left of the troops of the eastern people: and one
21 Standing; every man in his place round about hundred and twenty thousand warriors that drew
the enemies' camp. So all the camp was trou- the sword, were slain.
bled: and crying out and howling they fled away- 11 And Gedeon went up by the way of them that
22 And the three hundred men nevertheless dwelt in tents, on the east of Nobe, and Jegbaa,
persisted sounding the trumpets. And the Lord and smote the camp of the enemies, who were
sent the sword into all the camp; and they killed secure, and suspected no hurt. ,
one another, 12 AnH Zebee and Salmana fled: and Gedeon
23 Fleeing as far as Bethsetta, and the border pur'-':ecl and took them, all their host being put in
of Abelmehula in Tebbath. But the men of Israel confusion.
ehouting from Nephtali and Aser, and from al' 13 And returning from the battle before the
Manasses, pursued after Madian. sun rising,
24 And Gedeon sent messengers into all mount 14 He took a boy of the men of Soccoth; and
Epluaim, saying: Come down to meet Mad'an, he asked him the names of the princes and an-
and take the waters before them to Belhber? and cients of Soccoth: and he described unto him
the Jordan. And all Ephraim shouted, and took seventy seven men.
the waters befwe them and the Jordan as is^r as 15 And he came to Soccoth, and said to them:
Bethbera. Behold Zebee and Salmana, concerning whom
25 And having taken two men* of Median, you upbraided me, saying: Peradventure the
Oreb, and Zeb: Oreb they slew in the r<>^,k of hands of Zebee and Salmana are in thy hands,
Oreb, and Zeb in the wine-press of Zeb And and therefore thou demandest that we should give
they pursued Madian, carrying the heads o*' Oreb bread to the men that are weary and faint.
and Zeb to Gedeon beyond the waters* of the 16 So he took the ancients of the city, and
Jordan. ^thorns and briers of the desert; and tore them
with the same, and cut in pieces the men of Soc-

Gedeon appcaseth the Eplirnimites : taketk Zebee 17 And he demolished the tower of Phanuel,
and Sjlmana dcstroycth Socroth and Phanuel:
and slew the men of the city.
rcfuseth to be king: makcih an ephod of the IS And he said to Zebee and Salmana: What
gold of the prey: and dieth in a good old age. manner of men were they whom you slew in
The people return to idolatry. Thabor? They answered: They were like thee,
AND the men of Ephraim said to him: What
is this that thou meanest to do, that thou
and one of them as the son of a king.
19 He answered them: They were my bre-
wouldst not call us when thou wentest to fight thren, the sons of my mother. As the Lord
against Madian? and they chid him sharply, and liveth, if you had saved them, I would not kill
almost offered violence. you.
2 And he answered them: What could If have 20 And he said to Jether his eldest son: Arise,
done like to that which you nave done? Is not and slay them. But he drew not his .sword: for
one bunch of grapes of Ephraim better than the he was afraid, being but yet a boy.
vintages of Abiezer? 21 And Zebee and Salmana said: Do thou
3 The Lord hath delivered into your hands the rise, and run upon us: because the strength of a
Erinces of Madian, Oreb and Zeb: what could I man is according to his age: Gedeon rose up, and
ave done like to what you have done? And slew Zebee and Salmana: and he took the orna-
when he had said this, their spirit was appeased, ments and bosses, with which the necks of the
with which they swelled against him. camels of kings are wont to be adorned.
4 And when Gedeon was come to the Jordan, 22 And all the men of Israel said to Gedeon
he passed over it with the three hundred men, Rule thou over and thy son, and thy son's
that were with him; who were so weary that they son: because thou hast delivered us from the
could not pursue after them that fled. hand of Madian.
5 And he said to the men of Soccoth: Give, I 23 And he said to them: I will not rule over
beseech you, bread to the people that is with me, you, neither shall my son rule over you; but the
for they are faint: that we may pursue Zebee, Lord shall rule over you.
and Salmana the kings of Madian. 24 And he said to them: I desire one request
6 The princes of Soccoth answered: Perad- of you: Give me the earlets of your spoils. P'or
venture the palms of the hands of Zebee and Sal- the Ismaelites were accustomed to wear golden
mana are in thy hand; and therefore thou de- earlets.
mandcst that we should give bread to thy army. 25 They answered : We
will give them most
7 And he said to them: When the Lord there- willingly. And a mantle on the
fore shall have delivered Zebee and Salmana into ground, they cast upon it the earlets cf the spoils.
my hands, I will thresh your flesh with the thorns 26 And the weight of the earlets that he re-
anfl biiers of the desert. quested, was a thousand seven hundred sides of
8 And going up from thence, he came to Pha- gold, besides the ornaments, and jewels, and pur-
oue': and he spoke the like things to the men of ple raiment, which the kings of Madian were
tli.i'. j4ace- And they also answered him, as the wont to use, and besides the golden chains that
mcr. :f Soccoth had answered. were about the camels' necks.
27 And Gedeon made an ephodf thereof, and
miev?,, iiust not only sound with the trumpet of put it in his city Ephra. And all Israel com-
tne wotd of God, but must also break their earth- mitted fornication with it: and it became a ruin
en pitchers, by the mortification of the flesh and to Gedeon, and to all his house.
its passions, and carry lamps in their hand-s by the 28 But Madian was humbled before the chil-
light of their virtues. dren of Israel: neither could they any more lift
* 7'iro men. That is, two of their chiefs.
t IVhal could I, Src. A
meek and humble an- X An ephod. A
priestly garment; which Ge-
swer appeased them; who otherwise might have ideon made with a good design; but the Israelites,
come to extremities. So great is the power of after his death, abused it bf making it an instru-

humility both with God and man. Iment of their idolatrous worship
up their hends: but the land rested for forty years, sweetness, and my delicious fruits, and gc to be
while Gedeon presided. promoted among the other trees?
29 So Jerobaal the son of Joas went, and dwelt 12 And the ti-ees said to the vine: Come thou,
in his own house. and reign over us.
30 And he had seventy sons who came out of 13 And it answered them: Can I forsake my
his thigh; for he had many wives- wine, that cheereth God and men,§ and be pro-
Si And his concubine,* that he had in Sichem, moted among the other trees.'
bore him a son, whose name was Abimelech. 14 And all the trees said to the bramble: Come
32 And Gedeon the son of Joas died in a good thou, and reign over us.
old age, and was buried in the sepulchre of his 15 And it answered them: If indeed you mean
father in Ephra of the family of Ezri. to make me king, come ye and rest under my
33 But after Gedeon was dead, the children of shadow: but if you mean it not, let fire come out
Israel turned again, and committed fornication from the bramble, and devour the cedars of Li-
with Baalim. And they made a covenant with ban us.
Baal, that he should be their god: 16 Now
therefore, if you have done well, and
34 And they remembered not the Lord their without sin in appointing Abimelech king over
God, who delivered them out of the hands of all you, and have dealt well with Jerobaal, and with
their enemies round about: his house, and have made a suitable return for the
35 Neither did they show mercy to the house benefits of him, who fought for you,
of Jerobaal Gedeon, according to all the good 17 And exposed his life to dangers, to deliver
things he had done to Israel. you from the hands of Madian,
18 And j'ou are now risen un against my fa-
CHAP. IX. ,ther's house, and have killed nis sons seventy
Abimelech killeth his brethren. Joatham^s para- inien upon one stone, and have made Abimelech
ble. Gaul conspireth with the Sichemites jthe son of his handmaid king over the inhabi-
against Abimelech; but is overcome. Abi- tants of Sichem, because he is your brother:
melech destroy eth Sichem: but is killed at 19 If therefore you have dealt well, and with-
Thebes. out fault with Jerobaal, and his house, rejoice ye
A Abimelech the son of Jerobaal went to "this day in Abimelech: and may he rejoice in
Sichem to his mother's brethren, and spoke you.
to them, and to all the»kindred of his mother's

20 But if unjustly, let fire come out from him,

father, saying: and consume the inhabitants of Sichem, and the
2 Speak to all the men of Sichem- Whether is town of Mello: and let fire come out from the
better for you, that sevent}' men all the sons of men of Sichem, and from the town of Mello, and
Jerobaal should rule over you, or that one man devour Abimelech.
should rule over you.' And withal consider that 21 And when he had said thus, he fled, and
I am j'our bone, and your flesh. went into Bera- and dwelt there for fear of Abi-
3 And his mother's brethren spoke of him to melech his brother.
all the men of Sichem, all these words; and they 22 So Abimelech reigned over Israel for three
inclined their hearts after Abimelech, saying: lie years.
Is our brother: 23 And the Lord sent a very evil spirit be-
4 And they gave him seventy weight of silver tween Abimelech and the inhabitants of Sichem;
out of the temple of Baalberith:t wherewith he who began to detest him,
hired to himself men thai were, needy, and vaga- 24 And to leave the crime of the murder of
bonds: and they followed him. the seventy sons of Jerobaal, and the shedding
5 And he came to his father's house in of their blood upon Abimelech their brother, and
E|)hra, and slew his brethren the sons of Jero- upon the rest of the princes of the Sichemites,
baal seventy men, upon one stone: and there re- who aided him.
mained o>ily Joatham the youngest son of Jero- 25 And they set an ambush against him on the
baal, who was hidden. top of the mountains: and while they waited for
() And all the men of Sichem were gathered his coming, they committed robberies, taking
together, and all the families of the city of Mel- spoils of all that passed by: and it was told Abi-
lo: and they went and made Abimelech king, by melech.
the oak tf at stood in Sichem. 26 And Gaal the son of Obed came with his
7 Tiiis being told to Joatham, he went and brethren, and went over to Sichem. And the in-
stood on the lop of mount Garizim: and lifting habitants of Sichem taking courage at his coming,
up his voice, he cried, and said: Hear me, ye 27 Went out into the fields, wasting the vine-
men of Sichem, so may God hear you. yards, and treading down the grapes: and sing-
8 The trees went to anoint a king over them: iryg and dancing they went into the temple of
and they said to the olive-tree: Reign thou over their god: and in their banquets and cups they
us cursed Abimelech.
9 And it answered: Can I leave my fatness, 28 And Gaal the son of Obed cried: Who is
which l)oth go'ls and men make use of,f to come Abimelech, and what is Sichem, that we should
to be promoted among the trees? serve him? Is he not the son of Jerobaal, and
. 10 An<I the trees said to the fig-tree: Come hath made Zebul his servant ruler over the men
thou, and reign over us. of Emor, the father of Sichem? Why
then shall
11 And it answered them: Can I leave my we serve him?
29 Would to God that some man would pu-
* His concubine. She was his servant, but notj this people under my hand, that I might remove
his harlot; and is called his concubine, as wives! Abimelech out of the way. And it was said to
of an inferior degree are commonly called in thei Abimelech: Gather together the multitude of an
Old Testament, though otherwise lawfully mar-| army, and come.
t Bvilhrrith. That is, Baal of the covenant; § Cheereth God and men. Wine is here repre-
«o called from the covenant they had made with sented as agreeable to God, because he had ap
Baal, chaj). viii. 33. pointed it to be offered up with his sacrifices.
% Both ^o-ls and men make use of. The olive ITBut we are not obliged to take these words, spo-
tree is introduced, speaking in this manner, be- ken by the trees, in Joatham's parable, according
cause oil was used both in the worship of the true to the strict literal sense; but only in a sense ac-
GJod, and in that of the false god.s, whom the Si- commodated to the design of the parable express-
chemites served. ed in the conclusion of it.
30 For Zcbul the ruler of the city, hearing the] were fled together, and all the princes of the citj,
words of Gaal, the son of Obed, was very angry, and having shut and strongly barred the gate,
31 And sent messengers privately to Abirne- they stood upon the battlements of the tower to
lech, saying: Behold, Gaal the son of Obed is defend themselves.
come into Sichem with his brethren, and endea- 52 And Abimelech commg near the tower
voureth to set the city against thee. fought stoutly; and approaching to the gate, en
32 Arise therefore in the night with the people deavoured to set fire to it:
that is with thee, and lie hid in the field: , 53 And behold, a certain woman casting a
33 And betimes in the morning at sun-rising piece of a millstone from above, dashed it against
set upon the city. And when he shall come out the head of Abimelech, and broke his skull.
against thee with his people, do to him what thou 54 And he called hastily to his armour-bearer,
shall be able. and said to him: Draw thy sword, and kill me:
34 Abimelech therefore arose with all his ar lest it should be said that I was slain by a woman.
my by night, and laid ambushes near Sichem in He did as he was commanded, and slew him.
four places. 55 And when he was dead, all the men of Is-
35 -And Gaal the son of Obed went out, and rael that were with him, returned to their homes.
stood' in the entrance of the gate of the city. 56 And God repaid the evil that Abimelech had
And Abimelech rose up, and all his army witli done against his father, killing his seventy bre-
him from the places of the ambushes. thren.
36 And when Gaal saw the people, he said to 57 The Sichemites also were rewarded for what
Zebul: Behold, a multitude cometh down from they had done: and the curse of Joatham the son
the mountains. And he answered him: Thou of Jerobaal came upon them.
seest the shadows of the mountains as if they
were the heads of men; and this is thy mistake.
37 Again Gaal said: Behold, there cometh Thola rulcth Israel twenty three years; and Jair
peojile down from the middle of the land: and
twenty two. The people fall a^ain into idola-
one troop cometh by the way that looketh to- try ; and are afflicted by the Philistines and
wards the oak. Ammonites. They cry to God for help, who
3S And Zebul said to him: Where is now thy upon their repentance hath compassion on them,.
mouth wherewith thou saidst, Who is Abime- AFTER Abimelech there arose a ruler in Is-
rael, Thola, son of Phua the uncle of Abi-
lech, that we should serve him.' Is not this the
}ieoj)le which thou didst despise? Go out, and melech,! a man of Issachar, who dwelt in Samir
fight against hirh. of mount Ephraim:
39 So Gaal went out in the sight of the people 2 And he judged Israel three and twenty years*
of Sichem, and fought against Abimelech, and he died, and was buried in Samir.
40Who chased and put him to flight, and 3 To him succeeded Jair the Galaadite, who
drove him to the city: and many were slain of judged Israel for two and twenty years,
his people, even to the gate of the city: 4 Having thirty sons that rode on thirty ass-
41 And Abimelech sat down in Ruma: but colts, and were princes of thirty cities, which from
Zebul drove Gaal, and his companions out of the his name were called Havoth Jair,:j: that is, the
city, and would not suffer them to abide in it. towns of Jair, until this present day, in the land
42 So the day following the people went out of Galaad.
into the field. And it was told to Abimelech. 5 And Jair died; and was buried in the place
43 And he took his army, and divided it into which is called Camon.
three companies, and laid ambushes in the fields 6 But the children of Israel adding new sins to
And seeing that the people came out of the city, their old ones, did evil in the sight of the Lord;
he arose, and set upon them and served idols, Baalim and Astaroth, and the
44 With his own company, assaulting and be- gods of Syria, and of Sidon, and of Moab, and of
sieging the city whilst the two other companies the childrenofAmmon, and of the Philistines: and

chased the enemies that were scattered about they left the Lord, and did not serve him.
ihe field. 7 And the Lord being angry with them, deli-
45 And Abimelech assaulted the city all that vered them into the hands of the Philistines and
lay; and took it, and killed the inhabitants there- of the children of Ammon.
of, and demolished it, so that he sowed salt* in it. 8 And they were afflicted, and grievously op-
46 And when they who dwelt in the tower of pressed for eighteen years, all they that dwelt be-
Sichem had heard tHis, they went into the temple yond the Jordan in the land of the Amorrhite,
of their god Berith, where they had made a cove- who is in Galaad:
nant with him, and from thence the place had 9 Insomuch that the children of Ammon pass-
taken its name, and it was exceeding strong. ing over the Jordan, wasted Juda and Benjamin
47 Abimelech also hearing that the men of the and Ephraim: and Israel was distressed exceed-
tower of Sichem were gathered together, ingly.
48 Went up into mount Selmon he and all his 10 And they cried to the Lord, and said: We
people with him; and taking an axe, he cut down have sinned against thee; because we have for-
the bough of a tree, and laying it on his shoulder, saken the Lord our God, and have served Baalim.
and carrying it, he said to his companions: What 11 And the Lord said to them: Did not tlie
you see me do, do you out of hand. Egyptians and the Amorrhites, and the children
49 So they cut clown boughs from the trees, of Ammon and the Philistines,
every man as fast as he could, and followed their 12 The Sidonians also, and Amalec and Cha-
eader. And surrounding the fort they set it on naan oppress you: and you cried to me, and I de-
fire: and so it came to pass that with the smoke livered you out of their hand.'
and with the fire a thousand nersons were killed, 13 And yet you have forsaken me, and have
men an 1 women together of tne inhabitants of the worshipped strange gods: therefore I will deliver
ttjwer of Sichem. you no more:
50 Then Abimelech departing from thence 14 Go and call upon the gods which you have
came to the town of Thebes, which he surround-
ed and besieged with his army. t Uncle of Abimelech, i. e. Half-brother to Ge-
51 And there was in the midst of the city a high deon, as being born of the same mother, but by a
tower, to which both the men and the women different father, and of a different tribe.
t Havoth Jair- This name was now confirm
* Sowed salt. To make the ground barren, and ed to these towns, which they had formerly re-
fit for nothing. ceived from another Jair. Numbers xxxii. 41
chosen. Let them deliver you in the time of dis-| Edom, saying" Suffer me to pass through tuy
tress. I
land. But he would not condescend to his re-
15 And the children of Israel said to the Lord: He sent
quest. also to the king of Moab, who
We have sinned; do thou unto us whatsoever likewise refused to give him passage. He abode
pleaseth thee: only deliver us this time. therefore in Cades,
16 And saying these things, they cast away out IS And went round the land of Edom at the
of their coast all the idols of strange gods, and side, and the land of Moab; and came over-
served the Lord their God: and he was touched against the east coast of the land of Moab, and
with their miseries. camped on the other side of the Arnon: and he
17 And the children of Ammon shouting to- would not enter the bounds of Moab.
gether, pitched their tents in Galaad: against 19 So Israel sent messengers to Sehon king of
whom the children of Israel assembled them- the Amorrhites, who dwelt Hesebon, and tney m
selves together, and camped in Maspha. said to him: Suffer me to pass through thy land lo
18 Ancl the princes of Galaad said one to an- the river.
other: Whosoever of us shall first begin to fight 20 But he also despising the words of Israel,
against the children of Ammon, he shall be the suffered him not to pass through his borders: but
leader of the people of Galaad. gathering an infinite multitude, went out againist
CHAP. XI. him to Jasa, and made strong opposition.
21 And the Lord delivered him with all his ar-
Jephte is made ruler of the people of Galaad: he my into the hands of Israel: and he slew him,
first pleads their cause against the Ammonites; and possessed all the land of the Amorrhite the
then making a votn, obtains a signal victory: inhabitant of that country,
he performs his vow. 22 And all the toasts thereof from the Arnon
rj^HERE was at that time Jephte the Galaad- to the Jaboc, and from the wilderness lo the Jor-
Jl. ite, a most valiant man and a warrior, the son dan.
of a woman that was a harlot: and his father was 23 So the Lord the God of Israel destroyed the
Galaad. Amorrhite, his people of Israel fighting against
2 Now Galaad had a wife of whom he had him and wilt thou now possess this land ?

sons; who'after they were grown up, thrust out 24 Are not those things which thy god Chamos*
Jephte, saying: Thou canst not innerit in the possesseth, due to thee by right? But what the
house of our father, because thou art born of an- Lord our God hath obtained by conquest, shall be
other mother. our possession:
3 Then he fled, and avoided them, and dwelt in 25 Unless perhaps thou art better than Balac
the land of Tob: and there were gathered to him the son of Sephor king of Moab; or canst show,
needy men, and robbers; and they followed hini that he strove against Israel, and fought against
as their prince. him.
4 In those days the children of Ammon made 26 Whereas he hath rlwelt in Hesebon, and the
war against Israel. villages thereof, and in Aroer, and its villages, and
5 And as they pressed hard upon them, the an- in all the cities near the Jordan, for three hundred
cients of Galaad went to fetch Jephte out of the years. Why
have you for so long a time attempt-
land of Tob to help them: ed nothing about this claim?
6 And they said to him: Come thou, and be our 27 Therefore I do not trespass against thee; but
prince, and fight against the children of Ammon. thou wrongest me by declaring an unjust war
7 And he answered them: Are not you the against me. The I^ord be judge, and decide thia
men that hated me, and cast me out of my father's day between Israel, and the children of Ammon.
house; and now you are come to me constrained 28 And the king of the children of Ammon
by necessity? would not hearken to the words of Jephte, which
8 And the princes of Galaad said to Jephte: he sent him by the messengers.
For this cause we are now come to thee, that thou 29 Therefore the Spirit of the Lord came upon
mayst go with us, and fight against the children Jephte: and going round Galaad, and Manasses,
of Ammon, and be head over all the inhabitants and Maspha of Galaad, and passing over from
of Galaad. thence to the children of Ammon,
9 Jephte also said to them: If you be come to 30 He made a vow to the Lord, saying: If
me sincerely, that I should fight for you against thou wilt deliver the children of Ammon
into my
the children of Ammon, and the Lord shall deli- hands,
ver them into my hand, shall I be your prince .'
31 Whosoeverf shall first come forth out of the
10 They answered him: The Lord who hear-
eth these things, he himself is mediator and wit- * Chamos. The idol of the Moabites and Am-
ness that we will do as we have promised. monites. He argues from their opinion, who
11 Jephte therefore went witn the princes of thought they had a just title to the countries which
Galaad: and all the people made him their prince. they imagined they had conquered by the help of
Ajid Jephte spoke all his words before the Lord their gods: how much more then had Israel an
in Maspha. indisputable title to the countries which God, by
12 And he sent messengers to the king of the visible miracles, had conquered for them.
children of Ammon, to say in his name: What t Whosoever, SfC. Some are of opinion, that
hast thou to do with me, that thou art come the meaning of this vow of Jephte, was to conse-
against me, to waste my land? crate to God whntsocver should first meet him,
lo And he answered them: Because Israel took according to the condition of the thing; so as to
away my land, when he came up out of Egypt, offer it up as a holocaust, if it were such a thing
from the confines of the Arnon unto the Jaboc as might be so offered by the law; or to devote it
and the Jordan: now therefore restore the same otherwise to God, if it were not such as the law
peaceably to me. allowed to be offered in sacrifice. And therefore
14 And Jephte again sent word by them, and they think the daughter of Jephte was not slain
commanded ihem to say to the king of Ammon: by her father, but only consecrated to perpetual
15 Thus saith Jephte: Israel did not take away virginity. But the common opinion, followed by
the land of Moab,nor the land of the children of the generality of the holy fathers and divines, is,
Ammon: that she was offered as a holocaust, in conse-
16 But when they came up out of Egypt, he quence of her father's vow: and that Jephte did
walked through tlie desert to the Red Sea, and not sin, at least not mortally, neither in making,
came into Cades. nor in keeping his vow: smce he is no ways
17 And he sent messengers to the king of blamed for it in scripture; and was even inspired


('oore of my house, and shall meet me when I re- Jordan, by which Ephraim was to return. And
turn peace from the children of Ammon, the when any one of the number of Ephraim came
same will I offer a holocaust to the Lord. thither in the flight, and said: I beseech you let
32 And Jephte passed over to the children of me jiass: the Galaadites said to him: Art thou not
Amn.on, to fight against them: and the Lord de- an Ephraimite.' If he said: I am not:
livereil them into his hands. 6 They asked him: Say then, Scibboleth, which
33 And he smote them from Aroertill you come is interpreted. An ear of corn. But he answered,
to Mennith, twentj' cities, and as far as Abel, Sibboleth, not being able to express an ear of
which is set with vinej-ards, with a very great corn by the same letter. Then presently they
slaughter: and the children of Ammon were hum- took him, and killed him in the very passage of
bled by the children of Israel. the Jordan. And there fell at that time of
34 And when Jephte returned into Maspha to Ephraim two and forty thousand.
his house, his only daughter met him with tim- 7 And Jephte the Galaadite judged Israel six
brels and with dances: for he had no other chil- years; and he died, and was buried in his city of
dren. Galaad.
35 And when he saw her, he rent his garments, 8 After him Abesan of Bethlehem judged Is-
end said: Alas! my daughter, thou hast deceived! rael:
eijO, and thou thyself art deceived: for I have; 9 He had thirty sons, and as many daughters,
opened my mouth to the Lord; and I can do no, whom he sent abroad, and gave to husbands; and
other thing. I took wives for his sons of the same number,
36 And she answered him; My father, if thou! bringing them into his house. And he judged Is-
hast opened thy mouth to the Lord, do unto me! rael seven years:
whatsoever thou hast promised; since the victory! 10 And he died, and was buried in Bethlehem.
hath been granted to thee, and revenge of thy 11 To him succeeded Ahialon a Zabulonite:
enemies. I and he judged Israel ten years:
37 And she said to her father: Grant me only! 12 And he died, and was buried in Zabulon.
this which I desire: Let me go, that I may go 13 After him Abdon, the son of Ulel, a Phara-
about the mountains for two months, and may thonite, judged Israel:
bewail my virginity* with my companions. 14 And he had forty sons, and of them thirty
38 And he answered her: Go. And he sent her grandsons, mounted upon seventy ass-colts: and
away for two months. And when she was gone' he judged Israel eight vears:
with her comrades and companions, she mourned! 15 And he died, and was buried in Pharathon
her virginity in the mountains. I in the land of Ephraim, in the mount of Amalech.
39 And tne two months being expired, she re-'
turned to her father: and he did to her as he hadj
vowed: and she knew no man. From thence The people fall again into idolatry; and are af-
came a fashion in Israel, and a custom has been flicted by the Philistines. An Angel foretelleth
kept, the birth of Samson
40 That from year to year the daughters of Is-
rael assemble together, and lament the daughter
the children of Israel did evil again in
the sight of the Lord: and he delivered them
of Jephte the Galaadite for four days. into the hands of the Philistines forty years.

CHAP. XII. 2 Now

there was a certain man of Saraa, and
of the race of Dan, whose name was Manue: and
The Ephraimites quarrel toith Jephte: 42,000 of his wife was barren.
them are slain: Abesan, Ahialon, and Abdon.', 3 And an Angel of the Lord appeared to her,
are judges. and said: Thou art barren,- and without children:

)UT behold, there arose a sedition in Ephraim.i but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son.
And passing towards the north, they said to' 4 Now therefore beware, and drink no wine
Jephte: When thou wentest to fight against the' nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing.
children of Ammon, why wouldst thou not call 5 Because thou shalt conceive and bear a son;
us, that we might go with thee.' Therefore we and no razor shall touch his head for he shall be

will burn thy house. a Nazarite of God, from his infancy, and from his
2 And he answered them: I and my people mother's womb: and he shall begin to deliver Ii-
were atgreaf strife with the children of Ammon: rael from the hands of the Philistines.
and I called you to assist me, and you would not 6 And when she was come to her husband she
do it. said to him:
man of God came to me, having
3 And when I saw this I put my life in my own' the countenance of an Angel, very awful. And
hands, and passed over-againsl the children of when I asked him whence he came, and by v/hat
Ammon: and the Lord delivered them into myi name he was called, he would not tell me.
hands. Whnt have I deserved, that you should 7 But he answered thus: Behold, thou shalt
rise uii to fight against me? conceive, and bear a son: beware thou drink no

4 Then calling to him all the men of Galaad, wine, nor strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing:
he fought against Ephraim: and the men of Ga- for the child shall be a Nazarite of God from his
laad defeated Ephraim, because he had said: Ga- infancy, from his mother's womb until the day of
laad is a fugitive of Ephraim, and dwelleth in the his death.
midst of Ephraim and Manasses. 8 Then Manue prayed to the Lord, and said: I
5 And the Galaadites secured the fords of the] beseech thee, O Lord, that the man of Gosl,

whom thou didst send, may come again, and


Ity God himself to make the vow (as appears teach us what we ought to do concerning the
from ver. 29, 30.) in consequence of which he child, that shall be born.
obtained the victory; and therefore he reasonably 9 And the Lord heard the prayer of Manue:
concluded, that God, who is the master of life and and the Angel of the Lord api)eared again to his
death, was pleased on this occasion to dispense wife as she was sitting in the field. But Manue
with his own law; and that it was the divine will her husband was not with her. And when she
he should fulfil his vow. saw the Angel,
* Beumil my virginity. The bearing of chil- 10 She made haste, and ran to her husband:
dren was much coveted under the Old Testa- and told him, saving: Behold, the man hath ap-
ment, when women might hope that from some peared to me, whom I saw before.
child of theirs, the Saviour of the world might 11 He rose up, and followed his wife: and
One day sjiring. Put under the New Testament coming to the man, said to him: Art thou he that
viiginity is preferred. 1 Cor. vii. 35 spoke to the woman? And he answered: I am.
.:2 And Manue said to him: When thy word there no woman among the daughters of thy bre
shall come to pass, what wilt thou that the child thren,:}: among all my people, that thou will
should do? or from what shall he keep himself? take a wife of the Philistines, who are uncircum-
13 And the Angel of the Lord said to Manue: cised? And Samson said to his father: Take this
From all the things I have spoken of to thy wife, woman for me; for she hath pleased my eyes.
let her refrain* herself: 4 Now his parents knew not that the thing
14 And let her eat nothing that cometh of the was done by the Lord, and that he sought an oc-
vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, casion against the Philistines: for at that time the
Dor eat any unclean thing: and whatsoever I have Philistines had dominion over Israel.
commanded her, let her fulfil and observe. Then Samson went down with his father and
15 And Manue said to the Angel of the Lord: mother to Thamnatha. And when they were
I beseech thee to consent to my request; and let come to the vineyards of the town, behold, a
us dress a kid for thee. young met him raging and roaring.
Id And the Angel answered him: If thou press 6 And
the Spirit of the Lord came upon Sam-
me, I will not eat of thy bread: but if thou wilt son: and he tore the lion as he would have torn a
offer a holocaust, offer it to the Lord. And Ma- kid in pieces, having nothing at all in his hand,
nue knew not it was the Angel of the Lord. and he would not tell this to his father and
17 And he said to him: What is thy name, that, mother.
if thy word shall come to pass, we may honour 7 And he went down and spoke to the woman
thee .-
> that had pleased his eyes-
18 And he answered him: Why
askest thou 8 And after some days returning to take her,
my name, which is wonderful? he went aside to see the carcass of the lion, and
"19 Then Manue took a kid of the flocks and behold, there v/as a swarm of bees in the mouth
the libations, and put them upon a rock, offering of the lion, and a honey-comb.
to the Lord, who doeth wonderful things: and he 9 And when he had taken it in his hands, he
and his wife looked on. went on eating: and coming to his father and
20 And when the flame from the altar went up mother, he gave them of it, and they ate: but he
towards heaven, the Angel of the Lord ascended would not tell them, that he had taken the honey
also in the flame. And when Manue and his wife from the body of the lion.
saw this, they fell flat on the ground. 10 So his father went down to the woman, and
21 And the Angel of the Lord appeared to made a feast for his son Samson: for so the young
them no more. And forthwith Manue understood men used to do.
that it was an Angei of the Lord, 11 And when the citizens of that place saw
22 And he said to his wife We
shall certainly him, they brought him thirty companions to be

die, because we have seen God.f with him.

23 And his wife answered him: If the Lord 12 And Samson said to them: I will propose to
had a mind to kill us, he would not have received you a riddle, which if you declare unto me within
a holocaust and libations at our hands, neither the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty
would he have shewed us all these things, nor shirts, and as many coats:
have told us the things that are to come. 13 But if you shall not be able to declare it,
24 And she bore a son, and called his name you shall give me thirty shirts and the same num-
Samson. And the child grew, and the Lord ber of coats. They answered him: Put forth the
blessed him. riddle that we may hear it.
25 And the Spirit of the Lord began to be with 14 And he said to them: Out of the eater came
him in the camp of Dan, between Saraa and Es- forth meat; and out of the strong came forth
thaol. sweetness. And they could not in three days ex-
pound tl;e riddle.
CHAP. XIV. 15 And when the seventh day came, they said
Samson desireth a wife of the Philistines. He to the wife of Samson: Sooth thy husband, and
kiHeth a lion: in whose mouth he afterwards persuade him to tell thee what the riddle mean-
faideth honey. His marriage feast, and riddle, eth. But if thou wilt not do it, we will burn
which is discovered by his v:ife. He killeth, thee, and thy father's house. Have you called
and strippeth thirty Philistines. His wife us to the wedding on purjiose to strip us?
taketh another man. 16 So she wept before Samson, and comjilain-
rf^HEN Samson went down to Tlianmatha; ed, saying: Thou hatest me, and dost not love
A and seeing there a woman of the daughters me: therefore thou wilt not exjjound to me the
riddle which thou hast proposed to the sons of
of the Philistines,
2 He came up, and told his father and his mo- my people. But he answered: I would not tell
ther, saying: I saw a woman in Thamnatha, of it to my father and mother; and how can I tell it

the daughters of the Philistines: I beseech you, to thee ?

take her for me to wife. 17 So she wept before him the seven days of
3 And his father and mother said to him: Is the feast: and at length on the seventh da}' -is she
was troublesome to him, he expounded it. And
* Let her refrain, %-c. By the Latin text it is she immediately told her countrymen.
not clear whether this abstinence was prescribed 18 And they on the seventh day before the sun
to the mother, or to the child But the Hebrew
: went down said to him: What is sweeter than
(in which the verbs relating thereto are of the honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he
feminine gender) determineth it to the mother. said to them: If j^ou had not ploughed with my
But then the child also was to refrain from tlie heifer, you had not found out my riddle.
like things, because he was to be from his infancy 19 And the Spirit of the Lord came upon liim:
a Nazarite of God, ver. 5. that is, one set aside, and he went down to Ascaion, and slew there
in a particular manner, and consecrated to God: thirty men, whose garments he took away, nn
now the Nazarites by. the law were to abstain gave to them that had declared the riddle. Ar
from all these things.
t Seen God. Not in his own person, but in the t Is there no woman among the daughters nj
person of his messenger. The Israilites in those thy brethren. This shews^ his parents were at
days, imagined theyshould die if they saw an first agiiinst his marriage with a Gf-ntile, it being
Angel, taking occa-*ion perhaps from those words prohibit 'I, Dent. vii. 3, but afterwan's \hiy con
spoken by the Lord to Moses, Ex. xxxiii. 20, No sn'nted, ktijwiig it to be by the disjH'nstiticm 'it
man shall see me, and live. But the evt-nt demon- G<id; v'!i) otherwise would have been sinfiil ir

strated tliat it was but a groundless imngimtion. a ^ ,
:' I'v to the ]n\v.
being exceeding angry, he went up to his father's 16 And he satd With the jaw-bone of an a«,
house: with the jaw of the colt of asses I have destroyed
20 But liis wife took one of his friends and them, and have slain a thousand men.

bridal companions for her husbaniU 17 And when he had endeil these words sing-
ing, he threw the jaw-bone out of iiis hand; and
CHAP. XV. called the name of that place Ram^hlechi,
Samson is devied his icife: He
burns the corn which is interpreted the lifting up of the jaw-
of the Philistines, and hills many of them. bone.
AND a while after, when the days of the 18 And being very thirsty, he cried to the
wheat harvest were at hand, Samson Lord, and said: Thou hast given this very great
came, meaning to visit his wife; and he brought deliverance and victory into the hand of thy ser-
her a kit! of the flock. And when he would vant: and behold, I die for thirst, and shall fall in-
have gone into her chamber as usual, her father to the hands of the uncircumcised.
would not suffer him, saying: 19 Then the Lord opened a great tooth in the
2 I thought thou hadst hated her, and therefore jaw of the ass, and waters issued out of it. And
I gave her to thy friend: but she hath a sister. when he had drank them he refreshed his spirit,
Who is younger and fairer than she; take her to and recovered his strength. Therefore the name
wife instead of her. of that place was called. The Spring of him that in-
3 And Samson answered him: From this day voked from the jaw-bone, until this present day.
I shall be blameless in what I do against the Phi- 20 And he judged Israel in the days of the
listines: for I will do you evils. Philistines twenty years.
4 And he went and caught three hundred
foxes,* and coupled theni tail to tail, and fastened
torches between the tails: Samson is deluded by Dalila; and falls into the
5 And setting them on fire, he let the foxes go, hands of the Philistines. His death.
that they might run about hither and thither. And E went also into Gaza, and saw there a wo-
they presently went into the standing corn of the man a harlot, and went in unto her.
Philistines; which being set on lire, both the corn 2 And when the Philistines had heard this, and
that was already carried together, and that which it was noised about among them, that Samson
was yet standing, was all burnt; insomuch, that was .corne into the city, they surrounded him^
the flame consumed also the vineyards and the setting guards at the gate of the city, and watch-
olive-yards. ing there all the night in silence, that in the morn-
6 Then the Philistines said: Who
hath done ing they might kill him as he went out.
this thing.' And it was answered: Samson the 3 But S-imson slept till midnight: and then ri-
son-in-law of the Thamnathite, because he took sing he took both the doors of the gate, with tha
away his wife, and gave her to another, hath done osts thereof, and the bolt, and laying them on

these things. And the Philistines went up, and iiis shoulders, carried them up to the top of the
Durnt both the woman and her father. hill, which looketh towards Hebron.
7 Rut Samson said to them: Although you 4 After this he loved a woman, who dwelt in
have done this, yet will I be revenged of you, the valley of Sorec: and she was called Dalila.f
and then I will be quiet. 5 And the princes of the Philistines came to
8 And he made a great slaughter of them, so her, and said: Deceive him, and learn of him,
that in astonishment they laid the calf of the leg wherein his great strength lieth, and how we may
upon the thigh. And going down he dwelt in a be able to overcome him, to bind and afflict him;
cavern of the rock Etam. which if thou shalt 66, we will give thee every
f) Then the Philistines going up into the land one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.
of Juda, camped in the place which afterwards 6 And Dalila said to Samson: Tell me, I be-
was called Lechi, that is, the Jaw-bone, where seech thee, wherein thy greatest strength lieth,
their army was spread. and what it is wherewith if thou were bound
It) And the men of the tribe of Juda said to thou couldst not break loose.

them: Why are you come up against us.' They 7 And Samson answered her: If I shall be
answered: Weare come to bind Samson, and to bound with seven cords made of sinews not yet
pay him for what he hath done against us. dry, but still moist, I shall be weak like other
il Wherefore three thousand men of Juda men:
went down to the cave of the rock Etam, and 8 And the princes of the Philistines brought
said to Samson: Knowest thou not that the Phi- unto her seven cords, such as he spoke of, with
listines rule over us.' Why
wouldst thou do which she bound him,
thus.' And he said to them: As they did to me, 9 Men lying privately in wait with her, and in
so have I done to them. the chamber expecting the event of the thing:
12 And they said to him. We
are come to bind and she cried out to him: The Philistines are up-
thee, and to deliver thee into the hands of the on thee, Samson. And he broke the bands, as a
Philistines. And Samson said to them: Swear man would break a thread of tow, when it smell-
to me, and promise me, that you will not kill me. eth the fire: so it was not known wherein his
13 They said: We
will not kill thee: but we strength lay.
will deliver thee up bound. And they bound 10 And Dalila said to him: Behold, thou hast
him with two new cords, and brought him from mocked me, and hast told me a false thing: but
the rock Etam. now at least tell me wherewith thou mayst be
14 Now when he was come to the place of the bound.
Jaw-bone, and the Philistines shouting went to 11 And he answered her: If I shall be bound
meet him, the Spirit of the I^ord came strongly with new ropes, that were never in work, I shall
upon him: and as the flax is wont to be consu be weak, and like other men.
med at the approach of fire, so the bands with
which he was bound were broken and loosed t Dalila. Some are of opinion that she was
15 And finding a jaw-bone, even the jaw-bone married to Samson; others that she was his har-
of an ass which lay there, catching it up, he slew lot. If the latter opinion be true, we cannot
therewith a thousand men. wonder that, in punishment of his lust, the Lord
delivered him up, by her means, into the hands
* Foxes. Being judge of the people he might of his enemies. However, if he was guilty, it is
have many to assist him to catch with nets or not to be doubted but that under his afflictions
otherwise a number of these animals; of which he heartily repented, and returned to God, and so
there were great numbers in that country. obtained forgiveness of his sins.
12 JJalila bound him again with these, and cri-ll venge myself* on my enemies; and for the lose
cd out: The Philistines are upon thee, Samson; of my two eyes I may take one revenge.

there being an ambush prepared for him in the 29 And laying hold on both the pillars on
Chamber. But he broke the bands like threads which the house rested, and holding the one with
of webs. his right hand, and the other with his left,
13 T^nd Dalila said to him again: How long 30 He said: Let me diet with the Philistines.
dost thou deceive me, and tell me lies.' Shew me And when he had strongly shook the pillars, the
wherewith thou mayst be bound. And Samson house fell upon all the princes, and the rest of the
answered her: If tnou plattest the seven locks multitude, that was there: and he killed many
cf my head with a lace, and tying them round more at his death, than he had killed before in his
about a nail, fastenest it in the ground, I shall be life.
weak. 31 And his brethren and all his kindred, going
14 And when Dalila had done this, she said to down, took his body, and buried it between Sa-
him: The Philistines are upon thee, Samson. raa and Esthaol in the burying-place of his father
And awaking out of his sleep, he drew out the Manue: and he judged Israel twenty years.
nail with the hairs and the lace.
15 And Dalila said to him: Howdost thou sa)'
thou lovest me, when thy mind is not with me The history of the idol of Michas, and the young

Thou hast told me lies these three times, and Levite.

wouldst not
tell me wherein thy great strength THERE was time a man of
at that
Ephraim whose name was Michas,
16 And when she pressed him much, and con- 2 Who
said to his mother: The eleven hun-
tinually hung upon him for many days, givinj; dred pieces of silver, which thou hadst put aside
him no time to rest, his soul fainted away, and for thyself, and concerning which tnou didst
was wearied even until death. swear in my hearing, behold, I have, and they
17 Then opening the truth of the thing, he are with me. And she said to him: Blessed be
said to her: The razor hath never come upon my my son by the Lord.
head: for I am a Nazarite, that is to say, conse- 3 So he restored them to his mother, who said
crated to God from my mother's womb: if my to him: I have consecrated and vowed this silve.'
head be shaven, my strength shall depart from to the Lord, that my son may receive it at my
me, and I shall become weak, and shall be like hand, and make a graven and a molten god: so
other men. now I deliver it to thee.
18 Then seeing that he had discovered to her 4 And he restored them to his mother; and she
all his mind, she sent to the princes of the Philis- took two hundred pieces of silver, and gave them
tines, saying: Come up this once more; for now to the silversmith, to make of them a graven and
he hath opened his heart to me. And they went a "molten god, which was in the house of Michas
up taking with them the money which they had 5 And he separated also therein a little temple
promised. for the god; and made an ephod, and theraphim,
19 But she made him sleep upon her knees, that is to say, a priestly garment, and idols; and .

and lay his head in her bosom. And she call- he filled the handj' of one of his sons; and he be-
ed a barber, and shaved his seven locks; and came his priest.
began to drive him away, and thrust him from 6 In those days there was no king in Israel: but
her: for immediately his strength departed from every one did that which seemed right to nim-
him. self.
20 And she said: The Philistines are upon 7 There was also another voung man of Beth-
thee, Samson. And awaking from sleep, he said lehem Juda, of the kindred thereof: and he was a
in his mind; I will go out as I did before, and Levite, and dwelt there.
shake myself: not knowing that the Lord was 8 Now
he went out from the city of Bethlehem,
departed frcm him. and desired to sojourn wherespever he should
21 Then the Philistines seized upon him, and find it convenient for him. And when he was
forthwith pulled out his eyes, and led him bound come to mount Ephraim, as he was on his jour-
in chains to Gaza; and shutting him up in prison, ne}% and had turned aside a little into the house
made him grind. of Michas,
22 And now his hair began to grow again. 9 He was asked by him whence he came And .'

23 And the princes of the Philistines assem- he answered: I am a Levite of Bethlehem Juda:
bled together, to offer great sacrifices to Dagon and I am going to dwell where I can, and where
their god, and to make merry, saying: Our god I shall find a place to my advantage.
hath delivered our enemy Samson into our 10 And Michas said: Stay with me, and be un-
hands. to me a father and a priest: and I will give thee
24 And the people also seeing this, praised every year ten pieces of silver, and a double suit
their god, and said the same: Our god hath deli- of apparel, and thy victuals.
vered our adversary into our hands, him that de- 11 He was content, and abode with the man,
stroyed our country and killed very many. and was unto him as one of his sons.
25 And rejoicing in their feasts, when they had 12 And Michas filled his hand, and had th*
now taken their good cheer, they commanded young man with him for his priest, saying:
that Samson should be called, and should play
before thern. And being brought out of prison, * Revenge myself. This desire of revenge was
he played before them, and they made him stand out of zeal for justice against the enemies of God
between two pillars. and his people; and not out of private rancour
26 And he said to the lad that guided his steps: and malice of heart.
Suffer me to touch the pillars which support the ^ Let me die. Ltkerally, let my soul die. Sam-
whole house, and let me lean upon them, and rest son did not sin on this occasion, though he was
a little. indirectly the cause of his own death. Because
27 Now the house was full of men and wo- he was moved to what he did, by a particular in-
men; and all the princes of the Philistines were spiration of God, who also concurred with him
there. Moreover, about three thousand persons by a miracle, in restoring his strength upon the
of both sexes from the roof and the higher part spot, in consequence of his prayer. Samson by
of the house, were beholding Samson's play. dying in this manner was a figure of Christ, who
^ 28 Rut he called upon the Lord, saj'ing: O by his death overcame all his enemies.
juord God, remember me; and restore to me now t Filled the hand. That is, appointed and con-
my former sti ength, O my God, that I may re- secrated him to the priestly office
13 Now I know God will dp me good, since I graven thing, the ephod, and the idols, and the
have a priest of the race of the Levites. molten god And the priest said to them: What
are you domg?
XVIII. 19 And they said to him: Hold thy peace, and
TJii expedition of the men of Dan against Lais: put thy finger on thy mouth, and come with us,
in their way they rob Michas of his pi-iest and that we may have thee for a father, and a priest
his gods. Whether is better for thee, to be a priest '« the
those days there was no king in Israel: and house of one man, or in a tribe and family in Is-
IN the tribe of Dan sought them an inheritance rael ?

to dwell in: for unto that day they had not re- When he had heard this, he agreed to their
ceived* their lot amongthe other tribes. words; and took the ephod, and the idols, and the
2 So the children of Dan sent five most valiant
graven god, and departed with them.
men of their stock and family from Saraa and Es- 21 And v.'hen they were going forward, and
had put before them the children and the cattle,
thaol, to spy out the land, and to view it diligent-
and all that was valuable,
ly: and tliey said to them: Go, and view the land.
They went on their way, and when they came to 22 And were now at a distance from the house
mount Ephraim, they went into the house of Mi- of Michas, the men that dwelt in the houses of
chas, and rested there: Michas gathering together followed them,
3 And knowing the voice of the young man 23 And began to shout out after them. They
the Levite, and lodging with him, they said to looked back, and said to Michas: What aileth
him: Who brought thee hither? what doest thou thee? Why dost thou cry?
here? why wouldst thou come hither? 24 And he answered: You have taken away
4 He answered them: Michas hath done such my gods which I have made me, and the priest,
and such things for me, and hath hired me to be and all that I have; and do you say: What aileth
liis priest. thee?
5 Then they desired him
to consult the Lord, 25 And the children of Dan said to him: See
that tliey might know whether their journey thou say no more to us, lest men enraged come
should be prosperous, and the thing should have jupon thee, and thou perish with all thy house.
effect. I
26 And so they went on the journey they had
6 He answered them: Go in peace: the Lord ibegun. But Michas seeing that they were strong-
looketh on your way, and the journey that you er than he, returned to his house.
go- j
27 And the six hundred men took the priest,
7 So the five men going o'n came to Lais: and and the things we spoke of before, and came to
tliey saw how the people dwelt therein without Lais, to a people that was quiet and secure, and
any fear, according to the custom of the Sidoni- smote them with the edge of the sword: and the
ans, secure and easy, having no man at .ill to city was burnt with fire,
oppose them, being very rich, r.nd living separat- 28 There being no man at all who brought them

ed, at a distance from Sidon and from all men. ;any succour, because they dwelt far from Sidon,
8 And they returned to their brethren in Saraa and had no society or business with any man.
and Esthaol, who asked them what they had lAnd the city in the land of Rohob. and they
done? to whom
they answered: 'rebuilt it, and dwelt therein,
9 Arise, and let us go up to them: for we have 29 Calling the name of the city Dan after the

seen the land, lohich is exceeding rich and fruit- iname of their father, who was the son of Israel,
ful: neglect not; lose no lime: let us go and pos- |Which before was called Lais.
sess it; there will be no difficulty. I30 And they set up to themselves the graven
10 We shall come to a i)eople that is secure, idol: and Jonathan the son of Gersam the son of
into a spacious country: and the Lord will deli- Moses, he and his sons were priests in the tribe of
ver the place to us, in which there is no want of Dan, until the day of their captivity.
any thing, that groweth on the earth. 3] And the idol of Michas remained with them
11 There went therefore of the kindred of Dan, all the time, that the house of God was in Silo. In
to wit, from Saraa and Esthaol, six hundred men, those days there was no king in Israel.
furnished with arms for war.
12 And going up they lodged in Cariatliiarim
of Juda; which place from that time is called the A
Levite bringing home his wife, is lodged by an
camp of Dan, and is behind Cariatliiarim. old man at Gahaa in the tribe of Benjamin. His
13 From thence they passed into mount Eph- wife is there ubriscd by u'icked vxen; and in the
raim. And when they were come to the house morning found dead. Her husband cuttrth her
of Michas, body in pieces; and sendeth to every tribe of
14 The five men, that before had been sent to Israel, requiring them to revenge the wicked
view the land of Lais, said to the rest of their fact.
brethren: You know that in these houses there is
an ephod, and theraphim, and a graven and a
THERE was certain Levite, who dwelt on
the side of mount Ephraim, who took a wife
molten god: see what you are pleased to do. of Betlilehem Juda:
1.5 And when they had turned a little aside, 2 And she left him and returned to her father's

they went into the house of the young man the house in Bethlehem, and abode with him four
Levite, who was in the house of Michas: and !months.
they saluted him with words of peace. j
3 And her husband followed her, willing to be
16 And the six hundred men stood before the (reconciled with her, and to speak kindly to her,
door, appointed with their arms. land to bring her back with him, having with him
17 But they that were gone into the house of a servant and two asses: and she received him,
the young man, went about to take away the anri brought him into her father's house. And
graven god, and the ephod, and the theraphim, when his father-in-law had heard this, and had
and the molten god: and the priest stood before seen him, he met him with joy,
the door, the six hundred valiant men waiting not 4 And embraced the man. And the son-in-
far off. law tarried in the house of his father-in-law three
18 So they that were gone in took away the days, eating with him, and drinking familiarly
5 But on the fourth day arising early in the
* Not received, fyc. They had their portions morning, he desired to depart. But his father-m-
sssigned them, Josue xix. 40. But, through their law kept him, and said to him: Taste first a little
cwn sloth, possessed as yet but a small part of it. .bread, and strengthen thy stomach; and so thou
See Judges i. 34. Ishalt depart.

•6 And they sat down together, and ate and said: Do not so, my brethren, do not so wicked-
drank. And the father of the young woman said ly; because this man is come into my lodging,
to his son-in-law: I beseech thee to stay here to- and cease, I pray j'ou, from this folly.
day, and let us make merry together. 24 I have a maiden daughter, and this man hath
7 But he rising up began to be for departing. a concubine: I will bring them out to you, and
And nevertheless his father-in-law earnestly you may humble them, and satisfy your lust:
pressed him, and made him stay with him. only, I beseech you, commit not this crime against
8 But when morning was come, the Levite pre- nature on the man.
pared to go on his joiu'ney. And his father-in-law 25 They v.'ould not be satisfied with his words;
said to him again: I beseech thee to take a little which the man seeing, brought out his concubine
meat, and strengthening thyself, till the day be to them, and abandoned her to their wickedness:
farther advanced, afterwards thou mayst depart. and when they had abused her all the night, they
And they ate together. let her go in the morning.
9 And the young man arose to set forward 26 But the woman, at the dawning of the day,
with his wife and servant. And his father-in-law came to the door of the house v/here her lord
spoke to him again: Consider that the day is de- lodged, and there fell down.
clining, and draweth toward evening: tarry with 27 And in the morning the man arose, and
me to-day also, and spend the day in mirth; and opened the door, that he might end the journey
to-morrow thou shalt depart, that thou mayst go he had begun: and behold, his concubine lay
into thy house. before the door with her hands spread on the
10 His son-in-law would not consent to his threshold.
words: but forthwith went forward and came 28 He thinking she was taking her rest, said to
over-against Jebus, which by another name is her: Arise, and let us be going. But as she made
called Jerusalem, leading with him two asses no answer, perceiving she was dead, he took her
loaden, and his concubine.* up, and laid her upon his ass, and returned to his
11 And now they were come near Jebus, and house.
the day was far spent: and the servant said to his 29 And when he was come home, lie took a
master: Come, I beseech thee, let us turn into the sword, and divided the dead body of his wife
city of the Jebusites, and lodge there. with her bones into twelve parts; and sent the
12 His master answered him: I will not go into pieces into all the borders of Israel.
the town of another nation, who are not of the 30 And when every one had seen this, they all
children of Israel; but I will pass over to Gabaa. cried out: There was never such a thing done in
13 And when I shall come thither, we will Israel from the day that our fathers came up out
lodge there, or at least in the city of Rama. of Egypt, until this day give sentence, and de-

14 So they passed by Jebus, and went on their cree in common what ought to be done.
iourney: and the sun went down upon them when
they were by Gabaa, which is in the tribe of Ben- CHAP. XX.
jamin: The Isi^aelites ii'M-i-inp; against Benjamiii are
15 And they turned into it, to lodge there. ttvice (ivfeated; but in the third buttle the Ben-
And when they were come in, they sal in the jamltes are all slain, saving six hundred men.
street of the city, for no man would receive them
to lodge.
THENall the children of Israel went out, and
gathered together as one man, from Dan to
16 And behold, they saw an old man, returning Bersabee, with the land of Galaad, to the Lord in
out of the field, and from his work in the evening: Maspha:
and he also was of mount Ephraim, and dwelt as 2 And all the chiefs of the people, and all the
a stranger in Gabaa; but the men of that country tribes of Israel met together in the assembly'of
were the children of Jemini.f the people of God, four hundred thousand foot-
17 And the old man up his eyes, saw the men fit for war.
man sitting with his bundles in the street of the 3 (Nor were the children of Benjamin ignorant
city, and «aid to him: Whence comest thou.' and that the children of Israel were come up to Mas-
whither goest thou.' jiha.) And the Levite the husband of the woman
18 He answered him: We came out from Beth- that was killed, being asked, how so great a
lehem Juda, and we are going to our home, which wickedness had been committed,
is on the side of mount Ephraim, from whence 4 Answered: I came into Gabaa of Benjamin
we went to Bethlehem: and now we go to the with my wife; and there I lodged:
house of God, and none will receive us under his 5 And behohl, the men of that city in the night
roof: beset the house wherein I was, intending to kill
19 We have straw and haj' for provender of me; and abused my wife with an incredii)le fury
the asses, and bread and wine for the use of my- of lust, so that at last she died.
self and of thy handmaid, and of the servant that 6 And I took her and cut her in pieces, and
is with me: we want nothing but lodging. sent the parts into all the borders of your posses-
20 And the old man answered him: Peace be sion: because there never was so heinous a crime,
with thee: I will furnish all things that are neces- and so great an abomination committed in Israel.
sary: only, I beseech thee, stay not in the street. 7 You are all here, O children of Israel deter-

21 And he brought him into his house, and gave mine what you ought to do.
provender to his asses: and after they had wash- 8 And all the people standing, answered as by

ed their feet, he entertamed them with a feast- [the voice of one man: will not return to our
22 While they were making merry, and re- tents, neither shall anj' one of us go into his own

freshing their bodies with meat and drink, after house i

the labour of the journey, the men of that city, 9 But this we will do in common against
sons of Belial (that is, without yoke) came and Gabaa:
beset the old man's house, and began to knock at 10 We
will take ten men of a hundred out of
the door, calling to the master of the house, and all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred out of a
saying: Bring forth the man that came into thy thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to
house, that we may abuse him. bring victuals for the army; that we may fight
23 And the old man went DUt to them, and against Gabaa of Benjamin, and render to it for
jits wickedness, what it deserveth.
* Concubine. She was his lawful wife: but 11 And all Israel were gathered together against

even lawful wives are frequently in scripture the city, as one man, with one mind, and one
called concubines. See above, ch. viii. ver. 31 counsel":
t Jemini. That is, Benjamin. 12 And they sent messengers to all the tribe 01

Benjamin, to say to them: Why. hath so great an 31 And the children of Benjamin boldly issued
abomination been found among you? out of the city; and seeing their enemies flee,
13 Deliver up the men of Gabaa, that have pursued them a long way, so as to wound and
committed this heinous crime, that they may die, kill some of them, as they had done the first and
and the evil may be taken away out of Israel. second day, whilst they fled by two highways,
But they would not hearken to the jjroposition whereof one goeth up to Bethel, and the other to
«f their brethren the children of Israel: Gabaa: and they slew about thirty men:
14 But out of all the cities which were of their 32 For they thought to cut them ofT, as they
lot, they gatliered themselves together into Ga- did before. But they artfully feigning a flight,
Daa, to aid them, and to fight against the whole designed to diaw them away from the city, and
people of Israel. by their seeming to flee to bring them to the
15 And there were found of Benjamin five and highways aforesaid.
twenty thousand men that drew the sword, be- 3*3 Then all the children of Israel rising up out

sides the inhabitants of Gabaa, of the jilaces where they were, set their army in
16Who were seven hundred most valiant men, battle array', in the place which is called Baai-
fighting with the left hand as well as with the thamar. The ambushes also which were about
right: and slinging stones so sure that they could the city, began by little and little to come forth,
hit even a hair, and not miss by the stone's going 34 And to march from ti.e west side of the city.
on either side. And other ten thousand men chosen out of all Is-
17 Of the men of Israel also, beside the children rael attacked the inhabitants of the city. And the
'of Benjamin, were found four hundred thousand battle grew hot against the children of Benjamin
that drew swords, and were prepared to fight. and they understood not that present death threat-
IS And they arose, and came to the house of ened them on every side.
God, that is, to Silo: and they consulted God, and 35 And the Lord defeated them before the chil-
said: Who shall be in our army the first to go to dren of Israel: and they slew of them in that day
the battle against the children of Benjamin.' And five and twenty thousand and one hundred, all
the Lord answered them: Let Juda be your fighting men, and that drew the sword.
leader. 36 But the children of Benjamin when they saw
19 And forthwith the children of Israel rising themselves to be too weak, began to flee. Which
in the morning, camped by Gabaa: the children of Israel seeing, gave them place to
20 And going out from thence to fight against flee, that they might come to the ambushes that
Benjamin, began to assault the city. were prepared, which they had set near the city
21 And the children of Benjamin coming out 37 And thej that were in ambush arose on a
of Gabaa, slew of the children of Israel that day sudden out of their coverts; and whilst Benjamin
two 'and twenty thousand men. turned their barks to the slayers, went into the
22 Again Israel trusting in their strength* and city, and smote it with the edge of the sword.
their number, set their army in array in the same 38 NoNN' the children of Israel had given a sign
place, where they had fought before: to them, whom they had laid in ambushes, that
23 Yet so that they first went up, and wept after they had taken the city, they should make a
before the Lord until night: and consulted him, fire; that by the smoke rising on high, they might
and said: Shall I go out any more to fight against shew that the city was taken.
the children of Benjamin my brethren, or no.' 39 And when the children of Israel saw this in
And he answered them: Go up against them, and the battle (for the children of Benjamin thought
join battle. they fled, and pursued them vigorously, killing
24 'And when the children of Israel went out the thirty men'of their army)
next day to fight against the children of Benjamin, 40 And perceived as it were a ]jillar of smoke
25 The children of Benjamin sallied forth out rise up from the city; and Benjamin looking
of the gates of Gabaa: and meeting them made so back, saw that the city was taken, and that the
great a slaughter of them, as to kill eighteen thou- flames ascended on high:
sand men that drew the sword. 41 They that before had made as if they fled,
26 Wherefore all the children of Israel came to turning their faces stood bravely against them.
the house of God, and sat and wept before the Which the children of Benjamin seeing, turned
Lord: and they fasted that day till the evening; their backs,
and offered to him holocausts, and victims of 42 And began to go towards the way of the
peace-ofFerings, desert, the enemy pursuing them thither also.
27 And inquired of him concerning their state. And they that fired the city came also out to
At that time the ark of the covenant of the Lord meet them.
was there, 43 And so it was, that they were slain on both
28 And Phinees the son of Eleazar, the son of sides by the enemies; and there was no rest of
Aaron, was over the house. So they consulted their men dying. They fell, and were beaten
the Lord, and said: Shall we go out any more to down on the east side of the city Gabaa.
fight against the children of Benjamin our bre- 44 And they that were slain in the same place,
thren, or shall we cease? And the Lord said to were eighteen thousand men, all most valiant
them: Go up, for to-morrow I will deliver them soldiers.
into 3'our hands. 45 And when they that remained of Benjamin
29 And the children of Israel set ambushes saw this, they fled into the wilderness, and made
rotmd about the city of Gabaa: towards the rock that is called Remmon. In that
30 And they drew up their army against Ben flight also as they were straggling, and going dif-
janiin the third time, as they had done the first ferent ways, they slew of them five thousand
and second. men. And as they went farther, they still pur-
sued them, and slew also other two thousand.
* T'-'xting in their strength. The Lord suf- 46 And so it came to jiass, that all that were
f m to be overthrown, and many of them slain of Benjamin in divers places, were five and
to in, though their cause was just; partly in twenty thousand fighting men, most valiant for
punishnif nt of the idolatry which they exercised war.
or tolerated in the tribe of Dan, and elsewhere; 47 And there remained of al> the number of
and partly because they trusted in their own Benjamin only six hundred men that were able to
strength: and therefore though he bid them fight, [escape, and flee to the wilderness: and they
he would not give them the victory, till they abode in the rock Bemmon four months.
were thorrugbly humbled, and had learned to 48 But the children of Israel returning, put al]
trust in him alone. the remains of the city to the sword, both mea
and beasts: and all the cities and villages of Ben- 13 And they sent messengers to the children
jamin were consumed with devouring iJames. of Benjamin, that were in the rock Remmonj
and commanded them to receive them in
CHAP. XXI. peace.
f The tribe of Benjamin is saved from being ut- 14 And the children of Benjamin came at that
tei-ly extinct, by providing wives for the six\ time; and wives were given them of Jabes Ga-
hundred that remained. laad: but they found no others, whomtliey might

NOW the children of Israel had also sworn give in like manner.
in Maspha, saying,-. None of us shall give 15 And all Israel was very sorry, and repented
of his daughters to the children of Benjamin to for the destroying of one tribe out of Israel.
wife. 16 And the ancients said: What shall we do
2 And they all came to the house of God in with the rest, that have not received wives? for
Silo; and abiding before him till the evening,*lift- all the women in Benjamin are dead.
ed up their voices, and began to lament and weep, 17 And we must use all care, and provide with,
saying: great diligence, that one tribe be not destroyeJ
3 OLord God of Israel, why is so great an evil out of Israel.
come to pass in thy people, that this day one 18 For as to our own daughters we cannot giv*
tribe should be taken away from among us.' them, being bound with an oath and a curse,
4 And rising early the next day, they built an whereby we said: Cursed be he that shall give
altar; and offered there holocausts, and victims Benjamin any of his daughters to wife.
of ijeace: and they said: 19 So they took counsel, and said: Behold,
5 Who is there among all the tribes of Israel there is a yearly solemnity of the Lord in Silo,
that came not up with the army of the Lord ? for which is situate on the north of the city of Bethel,
they had bound themselves with a great oath, and on the east side of the way, that goeth from
when they were in Maspha, that whosoever were Bethel to Sichem, and on the south of the town of
wanting should be slain. Lebona.
(J And being moved
the children of Israel 20 And they commanded the children of Ben-
with repentance for their brother Benjamin, be- jamin, and said: Go, and lie hid in the vineyards:
gan to say: One tribe is taken away from Israel, 21 And when you shall see the daughters of
7 Whence shall they take wives.' For we have Silo come out, as the custom is, to dance, come
all in general sworn, not to give our daughters to ye on a sudden out of the vineyards; and catch
them. you every man his wife among them, and go into
8 Therefore they said: Who is there of all the land of Benjamin.
the tribes of Israel, that came not up to the Lord 22 And when their fathers and their brethren
to Maspha.' And behold, the inhabitants of Ja- shall come, and shall begin to complain against
bes Galaad were found not to have been in that you, and to chide, we will say to them: Have
army. pity on them: for they took them not away as by
9 (At that time also when they were in Silo, no the right of war or conquest; but when they ask-
one of them was found there.) ed to have them, you gave them not, and the
10 So they sent ten thousand of the most va- fault was committed on your part.
liant men, and commanded them, saying: Go and 23 And the children of Benjamin did, as thej
put the inhabitants of Jabes Galaad to the sword, had been commanded: and according to their
with their wives and their children. number, they carried off for themselves every
11 And this is what you shall observe: Every man his wife of them that were dancing: and
male, and all women that have known men, they went into their possession, and built up
y^u shall kill: but the virgins you shall save. their cities, and dwelt in them.
12 And there were found of Jabes Galaad four 24 The children of Israel also returned by their
hundred virgins, that had not known the bed of a tribes, and families, to their dwellings. In those
man and they brought them to the camp in Silo, days there was no king in Israel: but every one

into the land of Chanaan. did that which seemed right to himself.


This book is called Ruth, from the name of the went to sojourn in the land of Moab with his
person whose history is here recorded: who, wife and his two sons.
being a gentile, became a convert to the true 2 He was nam&d Elimelech, and his wife, Nc-
faith, and marrying Booz the great-grand- emi; and his two sons, the one Mahalon, and the
father of David, was one of those from whom other Chelion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem Juda
Christ sprung according to the flesh, and an And entering into the country of Moab, they
illustrious figure of the gentile church. It is abode there.
thought this book was written by the prophet 3 And Elimelech the husband of Noemi died .

Sajuuel. and she remained with her sons.

4 And they took wives of the women of Mo-
ab, of which one was called Orjiha, and the other
of Bethlehem going with his wife No-
£;lim>-:lech Ruth. And they dwelt there ten years:
emi; and two sons, into the land of Moab, dieth 5 And they both died, to wit, Mahalon and
thet ?. His sons marry u-ives of that country, Chelion: and the woman was left alone, having
ana die ifithout issue. Noemi returneth home lost both her sons and her husband.
with her daughter-in-law Ruth, who refuseth 6 And she arose to go from the land of Moab
to part loith her. to her own country with both her daughters-in-
the days of one of the judges, when law: for she had heard that the Lord had looked
INjudges ruled, there came a famine in
the upon his people, and had given them food.
land. And a certain man of Bethlehem Juda, 7 Wherefore she went forth out of the place

of her sojournment, with both her daug;hters-in-| 2 And Ruth the Moabitess said to hei mother
law: and being now in the way to return into' in-law: If thou wilt, I will go into the field, and
the land of Juda. glean the ears of corn that escape the hands of
8 She said to them: Go ye home to your the reapers, wheresoever I shall find grace with
mothers: the Lord deal mercifully with you, as a householder that will be favourable tome. And
you have dealt with the dead and with me. she answered her: Go, my daughter.
9 Slay he grant you to find rest in the houses 3 She went therefore, and gleaned the ears of
of the husbands which you shall take. And she corn after the reapers. And it happened that the
kissed them. And they lifted up their voice, and owner of that field was Booz, who was of the
began to weep, kindred of Elimelech.
10 And to say: Wewill go on with thee to thy 4 And behold, he came out of Bethlehem, and
people. said to the reapers: The Lord be with you. And
11 Kul she answered them: Return, my daugh- they answered him: The*Lord bless thee.
ters; why come ye with me.' have 1 anymore 5 And Booz said to the young man that was
s:ns in my womb, that you may hope for hus set over the reapers: Whose maid is this.'
Oftnds of nie.' 6 And he answered him: This is the Moabitess,
12 Return again, my daughters, and go your who came with Noemi, from the land of Moab,
rrays: for I am now spent with ,age, and not fit 7 And she desired leave to glean the ears of
for wedlock. Although I might conceive this corn that remain, following the steps of the reap-, and bear children, ers: and she hath been in the field from morning
13 If you would wait till they were grown up, till now, and hath not gone home for one moment.
and come to man's estate, you would be old 5 And Booz said to Ruth: Hear me, daughter,
women before you marry. Do not so, my daugh- do not go to glean in any other field; and do not
ters, I beseech you: for I am grieved the more depart from this place; but keep with my maids,
for your distress; and the hand of the Lord is 9 And follow where they reap. For I have
gone out against me. charged my young men, not to molest thee: and
14 And they lifted, up their voice, and began if thou art thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink of
to weep again: Orpha kissed her mother-in-law, the waters whereof the servants drink.
and returned Ruth stucK close to her mother-in-
: 10 She fell on her face, and worshipping upon
law. the ground, said to him: Whence cometh this to
.15 And Noemi said to her: Behold, thy kins- me, that I should find grace before thy eyes, and
woman is returned to her people, and to her that thou shouldst vouchsafe to take notice of me,
goils:* go thou with her. a woman of another country?
16 She answered: Be not against me, to desire 11 And he answered her: All hath been told
that I should leave thee, and depart: for whither me, that thou hast done to thy mother-in-law af-
soever thou shalt go, I will go: and where thou ter the death of thy husband; and how thou hast
shalt dwell, I also will dwell. Thy people shall left thy parents, and the land wherein thou wast
be my people, and thy God my God. born, and art come to a people which thou knew-
17 The land that shall receive thee dying, in est not heretofore.
ihi' same will I die: and there will I be buried. 12 The Lord render unto thee for thvwork;
The Lord do so and sot to me, and add more also, and mayst thou receive a full reward of tne Lord
if aught but death part me and thee. the God of Israel, to whom thou art come, and
18 Then Noemi seemg, that Ruth was sted- under whose wings thou art fled.
fastly determined to go with her, would not be 13 And she said: I have found grace in thy
against it, nor persuade her any more to return to eyes, my lord, who hast comforted me, and hast
her friends: spoken to the heart of thy handmaid, who am not
19 So they went came to Bethle- like to one of thy maids.
together, and
hem. And when they were come into the city, 14 And Booz said to her: At meal-time come
the report was quickly spread among all: and the thou hither, and eat of the bread, and dip thy
women said: This is that Noemi. morsel in the vinegar. So she sat at the side of
20 But she said to them: Call me not Noemi the reapers; and she heaped to herself frumenty,
(that is, beautiful,) but call me Mara (that is, bit and ate and was filled, and took the leavings.
ter;) for the Almighty hath quite filled me with 15 And she arose fron* thence, to glean the
bitterness. ears of corn as before. And Booz commanded
21 I went out full; and the Lord hath brought his servants, saying: If she would even reap with
me back empty. Why then do you call me No you, hinder her not:
emi, whom the Lord hath humbled, and the Al 16 And let fall some of your handfuls of pur-
mighty hath afflicted? pose, and leave them, that she may gather them
22 So Noemi came with Ruth the Moabitess without shame: and let no man rebuke her when
her daughter-in-law, from the land of her sojourn she gathereth them.
ment; and returned into Bethlehem, in the begiU' 17 She gleaned therefore in the field till even-
ning of the barley harvest. ing: and beating out with a rod, and threshing

CHAP. II. what she had gleaned, she found about the mea-
sure of an ephi of barley, that is, three bushels:
Ruth gleaneth in the field of Booz; who shoiveth 18 Which she took up and returned into the
her favour. city, and showed it to her mother-in-law: more-

NOW her husband Elimelech had a kinsman, over she brought out, and gave her of tne re-
a powerful man, and very rich, whose name mains of her meat, wherewith she had been filled
was Booz. 19 And her mother-in-law said to her: Where
hast thou gleaned to-day, and where hast thou
* To her gods,^c. Noemi did not mean to per- wrought? blessed be he that hath had pity on
suade Ruth to return to her false gods she had thee. And she told her with whom she had
formerly worshipped: but by this manner of wrought: and she told the man's name, that he
epeech, insinuated to her, that if she would go was called Booz.
with her, she must renounce her false god.s, and 20 And Noemi answered her: Blessed be he of
return to the Lord the God of Israel. the Lord: because the same kindness which he
t The Lord do so and so, ^c- A form of showed to the living, he hath kept also to the dead.
swearing usual in the history of the Old Testa- And again she said: The man is cur kinsman.
ment, by which the persons wished such and such 21 And Ruth said. He also ch;irged me, that I
tvils to fall upon them, if they did not do what should keep close to his reapers till all the coin
they said. should be reaped.
22 And her said to her: It is bel- IS And Noemi said: Wait, my daughter, till
.er for thee, my daughter, to go out to reap with we see what end the thing will have. For the
his maids, lest in another man's tield some one
man will nut rest until he have accomplished
may resist thee. what he hath said.
23 So she kept close to the maids of Rooz; and,
continued to glean with them, till all the barley!

and the wheat were laid up in the barns. Upon the refusal of the nearer kinsman. Booz
marricth Ruth, icho brings forth Obed, the
CHAP. III. grandfather of David.
Ruth instructed by her mother-in-law lieth at
Boozes feet, claiming him for her husband by
THEN there.
Booz went up to the gate, and sat
And when he had seen the kinsman
the law of affinity she recciveth a good ansiuer,
: going by, of whom he had sjjoken before, he said
and six measures of barley. to him, calling him by his name^ Turn aside for a
law, Noemi
she was returned to her mother-m-
said to her: My
daughter, I
little while, and sit down here.
and sat down.
He turned aside,
will seek rest for thee, and will provide that it 2 And Rooz taking ten men of the ancients of
may be well with thee. the city, said to them: Sit ye down here.
2 This Booz, with whose maids thou wast join- 3 They sat down, and he spoke to the kinsman:
ed in the field, is our near kinsman: and behold, Noemi, who is returned from the country of Mo-
this night he winnoweth barley in the threshing- ab, will sell a parcel of land that belonged to our
floor. brother Elimelech
3 Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and 4 I would have thee to understand this, and
put on thy best garments, and go down to the would tell thee before all that sn here, and before
barn-floor: but let not the man see thee, till he the ancients of my people. If thou wilt take i os-
sh'dl have done eating and drinking. session of it by the right of kindred, buy it, antl
4 And when he shall go to sleep, mark the possess it. But if it please thee not, tell me so,
place wherem he sleepeth: and thou shalt go in, that I may know what I have to do. For there
and lift up the clothes wherewith he is covered is no near kinsman besides thee, who art first, and
towards his feet, and shalt lay thyself down there: me, who am second. But he answered: I will
and he will tell thee what thou must do. buy the field.
5 She answered: Whatsoever thou shalt com- 5 And Booz said to him: When thou shalt buy
mand, I will do. the field at the woman's hand, thou must take
6 And she went down to the barn-floor, and did also Ruth the Moabitess, who was the wife of the
all that her mother-in-law had bid her. deceased; to raise up the name of thy kinsman in
7 And when Booz had eaten, and drunk, and his inheritance.
was merry, he went to sleep by the heap of 6 He answered: I yield up my right of next
sheaves: and she came softly, and uncovering his akin: for I must not cut oflf the posterity of my
feet, laid herself down. own family. Do thou make use of my privilege
8 And when it was now midnight the
behold, which I profess I do willingly forego.
man was afraid, and troubled: and he saw a wo- 7 Now this in former times was the manner in
man lying at his feet: Israel between kinsmen, that if at any time one
9 And he .said to her: Who art thou.' And she yielded his right to another; that the grant might
answered: I am Ruth thy handmaid: spread thy be sure, the man put off his shoe, and gave it to
coverlet over thy servant, for thou art a near his neighbour: this was a testimony of cession of
kinsman. right in Israel.
10 And
he said: Blessed art thou of the Lord, 8 So Booz said to his
kinsman: Put off thy shoe.
my daughter; and thy latter kindness* has sur- And immediately he took it off from his foot.
passed the former: because thou hast not follow- 9 And he said to the ancients and to all the
ed young men either poor or rich. people: You are witnesses this day, that I have
11 Fear not therefore, but whatsoever thou bought all that was Elimelech's, and Chelion's,
shalt say to me I will do to thee. For all the and Mahalon's, of the hand of Noemi:
people that dwell within the gates of my city, 10 And have taken to wife Ruth the Moabitess,
know that thou art a virtuous woman. the wife of Mahalon, to raise up the name of the
12 Neither do I deny myself to be near of kin; deceased in his mheritance, lest his name be cut
but there is another nearer than I. off from among his family and his brethren and
13 Rest thou this night: and when morning is his people. You, I say, are witnesses of this
come, he will take thee by the right of kindred, thing.
all is w'ell: but if he will not, I will undoubtedly 11 Then all the people that were in the gate,
take thee, as the Lord liveth; sleep till the morn- and the ancients answered: are witnesses:We
ing. The Lord makewoman who cometh into thy
14 So she slept at his feet till the night was go- house, like Rachel, and Lia, who built up the
ing ofT. And she arose before men could know house of Israel; that she may be an "example of
one another: and Booz said Beware lest any man virtue in Ephrata,t and may have a famous name

know that thou earnest hither- in Bethlehem:

15 And again he said: Spread thy mantle, 12 And that the house may be, as the house
wherewith thou covered, and hold it with both
art of Phares, whom Thamar bore unto Juda, of the
hands. And whenshe spread it and held it, he seed which the Lord shall give thee of this young
measured six measures of barley, and laid it upon woman.
her. And she carried it, and went into the city, 13 Booz therefore took Ruth, and married her,
16 And came to her mother-in-law. Who said and went in unto her: and the Lord gave her to
to her: What hast thou done, daughter.' And she conceive, and to bear a son.
told her all that the man had done to her. 14 And the woman said to Noemi; Blessed be
17 And she said: Behold, he hath given me six- the Lord, who hath not suffered thy family to
measures of barley: for he said: I will not have want a successor; that his name should be pre
thee return empty to thy mother-in-law. served in Israel:
15 And thou shouldst have one to comfort thy
* Thy latter kindness, viz. to thy husband de- soul, and cherish thy old age. For he is born of
ceased in seeking to keep up his name and family. thy daughter-in-law, who lo^eth thee; and is
by marrying his relation according to the law, and much better to thee, than if thou hadst seven sons.
not following after young men. For Booz, it
eeems, was then in years. t Ephrata. Another name of Bethleheia.

16 And Noemi taking the child, laid it in her 18 These are the generations of Phares: Ph«
nosom: and she carried it, and was a nurse un- res begot Esron:
to it. 19 Esron begot Aram :_Aram begot Aminadab
17 And the women her neip;hbours, congratu- 20 Aminadab begot Nahasson: Nahasson bo
lating with her, and saying: There is a son born got Salmon:
to Noemi; called his name Obed: he is the fa- 21 Salmon begot Booz: Booz begot Obed:
ther of Isai, the father of David. 22 Obed begot Isai: Isai begot David.




Tills and the following book are called by the He- of me, and not forget thy handmaid, and wilt give
brews the books of Samuel, because they contain to thy servant a man-child; I will give him to the
the history of Samuel, and of the two kings, Lord all the days of his life; and no razor shall
Saul and David, whom he anointed. They are come upon his head.
more commonly named by the Fathers, the first 12 And it came to pass, as she multiplied pray-
and second book of kings. As to the writer of ers before the Lord, that Heli observed her
them, it is the common opinion that Samuel mouth.
composed the first book, as far as the twenty- 13 Now
Anna, spoke in her heart, and only hei
fifth chapter; and that the prophets Nathan lips moved, but her voice was not heard at all.
and Gad finished the first, and wrote the Heli therefore thought her to be drunk,
second book. See 1 Paralipomenon, alias 1 14 And said to her: How
long wilt thou be
Chronicles xix. 19 drunk.' digest a little the wine, of which thou
hast taken too much.
15 Anna answering, said: Not so, my lord: for
Anna the ivife of Elcana being barren, by vow I aman exceeding unhappy woman, and have
and prayer obtaineth a son; whom she calleth drunk neither wine nor any strong drink; but I
Samuel: and presenteth him to the service of have poured out my soul before the Lord.
God in Silo, according to her vow. 16 Count not tny handmaid for one of the
daughters of Belial: for out of the abundance of
THERE was a man of Ramathaimsophim, of
mount Ephraim, and name was Elcana,
his my sorrow and grief have I spoken till now.
the son of Jeroham, the son of Eliu, the son of 17 Then Heli said to her: Go in jieace: and the
Thohu, the son of Suph, an Ephraimite:* God of Israel grant thee thy petition, which thou
2 And he had two wives; the name oTone was hast asked of him.
Anna, and the name of the other Phenenna. Phe- 18 And she said: Would to God thy handmaid
nenna had children: but Anna had no children. may find grace in thy eyes. So the woman went
3 And this man went up out of his city upon on her way, and ate; and her countenance was
the appointed days, to adore, and to offer sacrifice no more changed.
19 And they rose in the morning, and wor-
to the Lord of hosts in Silo. And the two sons
of Heli, Ophni and Phinees, were there priests of hipped before the Lord: and they returned, and
the Lord. came into their house at Ramatha. And Elcana
4 Now the day came, and Elcana offered sa- knew Anna his wife: And the Lord remembered
crifice, and gave to Phenenna his wife, and to all her.
her sons and daughters, portions: 20 And it came to pass when the time was
5 But to Anna he gave one portion with sor- come about, Anna conceived and bore a son, and
row, because he loved Anna. And the Lord had called his name Samuel :t because she had asked
shut up her womb. him of the Lord.
(> Her rival also afflicted her, and troubled her
21 And Elcana her husband went up, and all
exceedingly, insomuch that she upbraided her, his house, to offer to the Lord the solemn sacri-
that the Lord had shut up her womb: fice, and his vow.
7 And thus she did every year, when the time 22 But Anna went not up: for she said to her
returned, that they went up to the temple of the husband I will not go till the child be weaned,

Lord: and thus she provoked her: but Anna and till I may carry him, that he may appear be-
wept, and did not eat. fore the Lord, and may abide always there.
8 Then Elcana her husband said to her: Anna, 23 And Elcana her husband said to her: Do
why weepest thou.' And why dost thou not eat.' what seemeth good to thee, and stay till thou
«nd why dost thou afflict thy heart.' Am
not I wean him: and t pray that the Lord may fulfil his
better to thee, than ten children.' word. So the woman staid at home, and gave
9 So Anna arose after she had eaten and drunk her son suck, till she weaned him.
in Silo: And Heli the priest sitting upon a stool
24 And after she had weaned him, she carried
before the door of the temple of the Lord: him with her, with three calves, and three bushels
10 As Anna had her heart full of grief, she of flour, and a bottle of wine: and she brought him
prayed to the Lord, shedding many fears, to the house of the Jjord in Silo. Now the child
11 And she made a vow, saying: O
Lord of was as yet very young:
nosts, if thou wilt look down, and wilt be mindful 25 And thfv imtnolated a calf, and offered the
child to Heli."
* Ati Rphraimite. He was of the tribe of Levi, 26 And Anna .said : I beseech thee, my lord, as
I Paralip. vi. 3-t. but is called an Ephraimite
'rom dwelling in mount Ephrairr + Samuel This name imrmrts. Asked of God.
iny soul liveth, my lord I am that woman who the Lord: being a child girded with a linen

Flood before thee here praying to the Lord. ephod.

27 For this child did I jiray: and the Lord hath 19 And his mother made him a little coat-
granted me my petition, which I asked of him. which she brought to him on the appointed days,
28 Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord, when she went up with her husband, to offer the
all the days of his life, he shall be lent to the solemn sacrifice.
Lord. And they adored the Lord there. And 20 And Heli blessed Elcana and his wife: and
Anna prayed, and said: he said to liim: The Lord give thee seed of this
woman, for the loan thou hast lent to the Ijord
CHAP. II. And they went to their own home.
Tht canticle of Anna. The tmckedness of the 21 And the Lord visited Anna: and she con-
sons of Hcli: for tvhich they are not duly cor- ceived, and bore three sons, and two daughters:
rected by (heir father. A prophecy against the and the child Samuel became great before the
house of Heli. Lord.
Yheart hath rejoiced in the Lord, and my 22 Now Heli was very old; and he heard all
horn* is exalted in my God: my mouth is

that his sons did to all Israel, and how they lay
enlarged over my enemies: because I have joyed with the women that waited at the door of the
"n thy salvation. tabernacle:
2 There is none holy as the Lord is: for there 23 And he said to them: Why do ye these kind
is no other beside thee, and there is none strong- of things, which I hear, very wicked things, from
like our God. all the people?
3 Do not multiply to speak lofty things, boast- 24 Do not so, my sons: for it is no good report
ing: let old matters depart from your mouth: for that I hear, that you make the people of the Lord
the Lord is a God of all knowledge, and to him to transgress.
are thoughts prepared. 25 If one man shall sin against another, Goa
4 The bow of the mighty is overcome, and the may be appeased in his behalf: but if a man shall
weak are girt with strength. sin against the Lord, who shall pray for him.'t
5 They that were full before have hired out And they hearkened not to the voice of their
themselves for bread: and the hungry are filled, father, because the Lord would slay them.
so that the barren hath borne many: and she that 26 But the child Samuel advanced, and grew
had many children is weakened. on, and pleased both the Lord and men.
6 The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he 27 And there came a man of God to Heli, and
bringeth down to hell, and bringeth back again. said to him: Thus saith the Lord: Did I not
7 The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he plainly appear to thy father's house, when they
humbleth, and he exalteth. were in Egypt in the house of Pharao.'
8 He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and 28 And I chose him out of all the tribes of Is-
Ijfteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may rael to be my priest, to go up to mj' altar, and
sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. burn incense to ine, and to wear the ephod be-
For the poles of the earth are the Lord's; and fore me: and I gave to thy father's house of all
upon them he hath set the world. the sacrifices of the children of Israel:
9 He will keep the feet of his saints: and the 29 Why have you kicked away my victims,
wicked shall be silent in darkness, because no and my gifts which I commanded to be offered in
man shall prevail by his own strength. the temple: and thou hast rather honoured thy
10 The adversaries of the Lord shall fear him: sons than me, to eat the first-fruits of every sacri-
and upon them shall he thunder in the heavens: fice of mypeople Israel.'
The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth: and 30 Wherefore thus saith the Lord the God of
he shall give empire to his king, and shall exalt Israel: I said indeed that thy house, and the house
the horn of his Christ. of thy father should minister in my sight, for
11 And Elcana went to Ramatha, to his house: ever. But now saith the Lord: Far be thiH
but the child ministered in the sight of the Lord from me: but whosoever shall glorify me, him
before the face of Heli the priest. will I glorify: but they that despise me, shall be
12 Now the sons of Heli were children of Be- despised.
lial, not knowing the Lord, 31 Behold, the days come: and I will cutoff
13 Nor the office of the priests to the people thy arm, and the arm of thy father's house, that
but whosoever had offered a sacrifice, the servant there shall not be an old man in thy house.
of the priest came, while the flesh was in boiling, 32 And thou shalt see thy rivalj in the temple,
with a flesh-hook of three teeth in his hand, in all the prosperity of Israel: and there shall not
14 And thrust it into the kettle, or into the be an old man in thy house for ever.
cauldron, or into the pot, or into the pan: and all 33 However I will not altogether take away a
that the flesh-hook brought up, the priest took to
himself. Thus did they to all Israel that came to t Who shall pray for him. By these words
Silo. Heli would have liis sons understand, that by their
15 Also before they burnt the fat, the servant wicked abuse of sacred things, and of the very
of the priest came, and said to the man that sacri- sacrifices which were appointed to appease the
ficed: Give me flesh to boil for the priest: for I Lord, they deprived themselves of the ordinary
will not take of thee sodden flesh, but raw. means of reconciliation with God; which was by
16 And he that sacrificed said to him: Let the sacrifices. The more, because as they were the
fat first be burnt to-day according to the custom: c/hV/ pn'fs^s, whose business it was to intercede
and then take as much as thy soul desireth. But for all others, they had no other to offer sacrifice
he answered, and said to him: Not so: but thou and to make atonement for them.
shalt give it me now, or else I will take it by Ibid. Because the Lord rrould slay them. In
force. \ consequence of their manifold sacrileges, he
17 Wherefore the sin of the young men was would not soften their hearts with his efficacious
exceeding great before the Lord: because they grace, but was determined to destroy them.
withdrew men from the sacrifice of the Lord. t Thy rival. Apriest of another race. This
18 But Samuel ministered before the face of was partly fulfilled, when Abiatha-, of the race
of Heli, was removed from the priesthood, and
* My horn. The horn in the scriptures signifies Sadoc, who was of another line, was substituted
strength, power, and glory: so the horn is saicj to in his i)lace. But it was more fully accomplish- ,
be exalted, when a person receives an increase ed i 1 the New Testament, when the prjestlioorf
of strength or glory. of Aaron gave place to that of Christ

man my altar; but tliat thy eyes 18 So Samuel told him all the words, and did
of thee frftm
may and thy soul be spent: and a great part not hide them from him. And he answered; It
of thy house shall die when they come to man's is the Lord let him do what is good in his sight.

estate. 19 And Samuel grew; and the Lord was with

34 And this shall be a sign to thee, that shall him; and not one of his words fell to the ground.
come upon thy two sons, Ophni and Phinees: In 20 And all Israel from Dan to Bersebee, knew
one day they shall both of them die. that Samuel was a faithful prophet of the Lord.
35 And I will raise me up a faithful priest, who 21 And the Lord again appeared in Silo, for
shall do according to my heait, and my soul: and the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Silo, ac-
I will build him a faithful house, and he shall cording to the word of the Lord. And the
walk all days before my anointed. word of Samuel came to pass to all Israel.
36 And it shall come to pass, that whosoeverCHAP. IV.
shall remain m thy house, shall come that he may
be prayed for, and shall offer a piece of silver, The ls7'aelites being overcome by the Philistines,
and a roll of bread, and shall say: Put me, I be- send for the ark of God: hut they are beaten
seech thee, to somewhat of the priestly office, again : the sons of Heli are killed, and the ark
tnal I may eat a morsel of bread. taken : upon the hearing of the news, Heli
falleth backivard, and dieth.

Sarmiel is four times called by the Lord: who re-

AND it came
to pass in those days, that the
Philistines gathered themselves together to
vealeth to him the evil that shall fall on Heli, tight: and Israel went out to war against the Phi-
and his house. listines,and camped by the Stone of help.f And
NOW the child Samuel
ministered to the-
Lord before Heli: and the word of the
the Philistines came to Aphec,
2 And put their army in array against Israel.
Lord was precious* in those days; there was no Anirt when thej' had joined battle, Israel turned
manifest vision. their backs to the Philistines: and there were
2 And it came to pass one day when Heli lay slain in that fight here and there in the fields
in his place, and his eyes were grown dim, that about four thousand men.
he could not see: 3 And the people returned to the camp: and
3 Before the lamp of God went out, Samuel the ancients of Israel said: Why
hath the Lord
slept in the temple of the Lord, where the ark defeated us to-day before the Philistines.' Let us
of God was. fetch unto us the ark of the covenant of the Lord
4 And
the Lord called, Samuel. And he an- from Silo, and let it come in the midst of us, that
swered: Here am I. it may save us from the hand of our enemies.

5 And he ran to Heli, and said: Here am I: 4 So the people sent to Silo: and they brought
for thou didst call me. He said: I did not call; from thence the ark of the covenant of the Lord
z;o back, and sleep. And he went, and slept. of hosjts, sitting upon the Cherutrtms: and the
6 And the Lord called Samuel again. And two sons of Heli, Ophni and Phinees, were with
Samuel arose, and went to Heli, and said: Here the ark of the covenant of God.
am I; for thou calledst me. He answered: I did 5 And when the ark of the covenant of the
not call thee, my son; return, and sleep. Lord was come into the camp, all Israel shouted
7 Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: with a great shout; and the earth rang again.
neither had the word of the Lord been revealed 6 And the Philistines heard the noise of the
to him. shout: and they said: What is this noise of a
And the Lord called Samuel again the third
8 great shout in the camp of the Hebrews.' And
time. And he arose up, and went to Heli, they understood that the ark of the Lord was
9 And said: Here am I; for thou didst call me. come into the camp.
Then Heli understood that the Lord called the 7 And the Philistines were afraid, saving: God
child: and he said to Samuel: Go, and sleep: is come into the camp. And sighing, they said:
and if he shall call thee any more, thou shalt say: 8 Woto us: for there was no such great joy
Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. So Samuel yesterday and the day before: Wo
to us. Who
went, and slept in his place. shall deliver us from the hand of these high
10 And the Lord came, and stood: and he call- Gods.' these are the Gods that struck Egypt with
ed as he had called the other times, Samuel, Samu- all the plagues in the de-sert.
el. And Samuel said: Speak, Lord, for thy ser- 9 Take courage, and behave like men, ye Phi-
vant heareth: listines: lest you come to be servants to the He-
11 And the Lord said to Samuel: Behold, I brews, as they have served you: take courage,
do a thing in Israel: and whosoever .shall hear it, and fight.
both his ears shall tingle. 10 So the Philistines fought; and Israel was
12 In that day I will raise up against Heli all overthrown: and every man fled to his own
the thinsrs I have spoken concerning his house: dwelling: and there was an exceeding great
I will begin, and I will make an end. .slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand
13 For I ha\'e foretold unto him, that I will footmen.
judge his house for ever, for iniquity; because he 11 And the ark of God was taken: and the
knew that his sons did wickedly, and did not two sons of Heli, Ophni and Phinees, were slain.
chfisiisc them. 12 And there ran a man of Benjamin out of
1 1 Therefore have I sworn to the house of the army, and came to Silo the same day, with
Ilfli. that the ini(iuity of his house shall not be his clothes rent, and his head strewed with dust
exi'ialed with victims nor offerings for ever. 13 And when he was come, Heli sat upon 3
15 And Samuel slept till morning, and opened stool over-against the way watching. For his
the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel heart was fearful for the ark of God. And wlier
(pared to tell the vision to Heli. the man was come into the city, he told it: and
Ifi Then Heli called Samuel, and said: Samuel, all the city cried out.
my son. he answered: Here am I.
And 14 And Heli heard the noise of the cry: anoi
"17 he asked him: What is the word that he said: What meaneth the noise of this uproar
the Lord hath spoken to thee.' I beseech thee, but he made haste, and came, and told Heli.
hide it not from me. May God do so and so to
thee, and add so and so, if thou hide from nie one t The Stone of help. In Hebrew, Eben-ezer,
n-ord of all that were said to thee. so called from the help which the Lord was pleaa
ed afterwards to give to his people Israel in that^
* Precious. That is, rare. place, by the prayers of Samuel, chap, vii 12
15 Now Heli Wijj
ninety and eight years old; lords of the Philistines to them, and said: Wha
and eyes were dim, and he could not see.
his shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?
16 And he said to Heli: I am he that came And the Gethites answered: Let the ark of the
from the battle, and have fled out of the field God of Israel be carried about. And they car-
this day. And he said to him: What is there ried the ark of the God of Israel about.
done, my son.' 9 And while they were carrying it about, the
17 And he that brought the news answered, hand of the Lord came upon every city with an
exceeding great slaughter: and he smote the men
and said: Israel is fled before the Philistines; and
there has been a great slaughter of the people: of every city, both small and great; and they had
moreover thy two sons, Ophni and Phinees, are emerods in their secret parts. And the Gethites
dead: and the ark of God is taken. consulted together, and made themselves seats of
18 And when he had named the ark* of God, skins.
he fell from his stool backwards by the door, and 10 Therefore they sent the ark of God into
broke his neck, and died. For he was an old Accaron. And when the ark of God was cou.u
man, and far advanced in years. And he judged into Accaron, the Accaronites cried out, sayuif;:
Israel forty years. They have brought the ark of the God of Israel
19 And his daughter-in-law the wife of Phi- to us, to kill us and our people.
nees, was big with child, and near her time: and 11 They sent therefore and gathered together
hearing the news that the ark of God was taken, all the lords of the PhiJSstines: and they said:
and her father-in-law, and her husband, were Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it
dead, she bowed herself, and fell in labour: for return into its own place, and not kill us and our
her pains came upon her on a sudden. people.
' 20 And when she was upon the point of death, 12 For there was the fear of death in every city,
they that stood about her said to her: Fear not; and the hand of God was exceeding heavy. The
for thou hast borne a son. She answered themnot, men also that did not die, were afflicted with the
nor gave heed to them. emerods: and the cry of every city went up to
21 And she called the child Ichabod,t saying: heaven.
The glory is gone from Israel, because the ark
of God was taken, and for her father-in-law, and
for her husband: The ark sent back to Bethsames: where many
22 And she said: The glory is departed from are slain for looking, through curiosity, into it.
Israel, because the ark of God was talcen. NOW the ark of God was in the land of the
Philistines seven months.
2 And the Philistines called for the priests and
Da^on twice falleth down before the ark. The the diviners, saying: What shall we do with the
Philistines are grievously afflicted, wherever ark of the Lord tell us how we are to send it

the ark corfieth. back to its place. And they said:

the Philistines took the ark of God, 3 If you send back the ark of the God of Israel,
it not away empty; but render unto him
carried it from the Stone of help into send
Azotus. what you owe for sin, and then you shall be heal-
2 And the Philistines took the ark of God, and ed: and you shall know why his hand departeth
brought it into the temple of Dagon, and set it by not from you.
Dagon. 4 They answered What is it we ought to ren- :

3 A/id when the Azotians arose early the next der unto him for sin.' and they answered:
day, behold, Dagon lay upon his face on the 5 According to the number of the provinces of
ground before the ark of the Lord: and they the Philistines you shall make five golden eme-
took Dagon, and set him again in his place. rods, and five golden mice: for the same plague
4 And the next day again, when they rose in hath been upon you all, and upon your loids.
the morning, they found Dagon lying upon his And you shall make the likeness of your emerods,
face on the earth before the ark of the Lord and and the likeness of the mice, that have destroyed

the head of Dagon, and both the palms of his the land: and you shall give glory to the God of
hands, were cut off upon the thieshold: Israel, to see if he will take off his hand from you,
5 And only the stump of Dagon remained in and from your gods, and from your land.
its place. For this cause neither the priests of 6 Why do you harden your hearts, ns Egypt
Dagon, nor any that go into the temple tread on and Pharao hardened their hearts.' did not he, af-
tlie threshold of Dagon in Azotus unto this ter he was struck, then let them go, and tliej' de-
day parted '
o And the hand of the Lord was heavy upon 7 Now therefore take and make a new cart:
the Azotians: And he destroyed them, and af- and two kine that have calved, on which there
flicted Azotus and the coasts thereof with eme- hath come no yoke, tie to the cart, and shut up
rods. And in the villages and fields in the midst their calves at home.
of that country, there came forth a multitude of 8 And you shall take the ark of the Lord, and
mice; and there was the confusion of a great lay it on the cart: and the vessels of gold, wtiKfi
mortality in the city. you have paid him for sin, you shall put into a i)!-
7 And the men of Azotus seeing this kind of tle box, at the side thereof: and send it away tiia-t
plague, said: The ark of the God of Israel shall itmay go.
not stay with us: for his hand is heavy upon us, 9 And you shall look: and if it go up by tiie
and noon Dagon our god. way of his own coasts towards Bethsames, then
8 Aiid sending, they gathered together all the he hath done us this great evil hut if not, we snail

know that it is not his hand hath touched us, but it

* Named the ark, fyc. There is great reason, hath hajipened by chance.
by these circumstances, to hope that Heli died
all 10 They did therefore in this manner: and
in the state of grace; and by his temporal punish- taking two kine, that had sucking calves, they
ments escaped the eternal. yoked them to the cart, and shut up their calves
t Ichahod. That is. Where is the glory? or, there at home.
is no glory. We
see how much the Israelitr-s And they laid the ark of God upon the cart,
lamented the loss of the ark, which was but the and the little box that had in it the golden mice
eymbol of God's presence amongst them. How and the likeness of the emerods.
much more ought Christians to lament the loss 12 And the kine took the straight way that
of God himself, when by sin tliey have drove leadeth to Bethsames: and they went along the
tsim out of their souls? way, lowing as ley went, and turned not aside

neitlicr to the righthand nor to the left: and the Israel were gathered together to Masphalh: ana
lords of the Philistines followed them as far as the the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel.
borders of Bethsames. And when the children of Israel heard tliis, they
13 Now the Bethsamites were reaping wheat were afraid of the Philistines.
in the valley: and lifting up their eyes they saw 8 And
they said to Samuel: Cease not to cry
the ark, and rejoiced to see it. to the Lord our God for us, that he may save us
14 And the cart came into the field of Josue a out of the hand of the Philistines.
Bethsamite, and stood there. And there was a 9 And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offer-
great stone^ and they cut in pieces the wood of the ed it whole for a holocaust to the Lord: and Sam-
cart, and laid the kine upon it a holocaust to the uel cried to the Lord for Israel: and the Lord
Lord. heard him.
15 And tho Levites took downthe ark of God, 10 And it came to pass, when Samuel was of-
and the little box that was al the side of it, where- fering the holocaust, the Philistines began the bat-
ii were the vessels of gold; and they put them tle against Israel: but the Lord thundered with a
upon the great stone. The men also of Bethsames great thunder on that day upon the Philistines,
offered holocausts, and sacrificed victims that day and terrified them: and they were overthrown
to the Lord. before the face of Israel.
IG And the five princes of the Philistines saw; 11 And the men of Israel going out of Mas-
and they returned to Accaron the same day. phath pursued after the Philistines, and made
17 And these are the golden emerods, which slaughter of them till they came under Beth-
the Philistines returned for sin to the Lord: For char.
Azotus one, for Gaza one, for Ascalon one, for 12 And Samuel took a stone, and laid it be-
Geth one, for Accaron one: tween Masphath and Sen: and he called the
13 And the golden mice according to the num- place. The stone of help. And he said: Thus far
ber 01 the cities of the Philistines, of the five pro- the Lord hath helped us.
vinces, from the fenced city to the village that 13 And the Philistines were humbled; and they
was without Avail, and to the great Abel {the did not come any more into the borders of Israel.
^tone) whereon they set down the ark of the Lord, And the hand of the Lord was against the Philis-
which was till that day in the field of Josue the tines, all the days of Samuel.
Bethsamite. 14 And the cities, which the Philistines had
19 But he slew of the men of Bethsames, be- taken from Israel, were restored to Israel, from
cause they had seen* the ark of the Lord: and he Accaron to Geth, and their borders: and he de-
slew of the people seventy men, and fifty thou- livered Israel from the hand of the Philistines:
sand of the common people. And the people la- and there was peace between Israel and the
mented, because the Lord had smitten the people Amorrhites.
Vv'ith a great slaughter. 15 And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his
20 And the men of Bethsames said: Who shall life:
be able to stand before the Lord this holy God.'' 16 And he went every year about to Bethel
and to whom shall he go up from us? and to Galgal and to Masphath; and he judged
21 And they sent messengers to the inhabit- Israel in the foresaid places.
ants of Cariathiarim, saying: The Philistines 17 And he returned to Ramatha: forthere was
have brought back the ark of the Lord: come ye his house, and there he judged Israel: he built al-
down, and fetch it up to you. so there an altar to the Lord.
The ark is brought Cariathiarim. By Samuel's Samuel growing old, and his sons not walking in
exh(f)'tation, the people cast away their idols, his ways, the people desire a king.
and serve God alone. The Loi'd defeateth the
Philistines, while Samuel offereth sacrifice. AND it came to pass when Samuel was old,

that he appointed his sons to be judges over

AND the men of Cariathiariam came, and Israel.
fetched up the ark of the Lord, and carried 2 Now
the name of his first-born son was Joel,
it into the house of Abinadab in Gabaa:t and they and the name of the second was Abia, judges in

sanctified Eleazar his son, to keep the ark of the Bersabee.

Lord. 3 And his sons walked not in his ways: but
2 And it came to pass, that from the day the ark they turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and
of the Lord abode in Cariathiarim days were mul- perverted judgment.
tiplied (for it was now the twentieth year) and all 4 Then all the ancients of Israel being assem-
the house of Israel rested following tne Lord. bled, came to Samuel to Ramatha.
3 And Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, 5 And they said to him: Behold, thou art old;
saying: If you turn to the Lord with all your and thy sons walk not in thy ways: make us a
heart, put away the strange gods from among you, king, to judge us, as all nations have.
Baalim and Astaroth: and prepare your hearts 6 And the word was displeasing in the eyes of
unto the Lord, and serve him only; "and he will Samuel, that they should say: Give us a king, to
deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines. judge us. And Samuel prayed to the Lord.
4 Then the children of Israel put away Baalim 7 And the Lord said to Samuel: Hearken to
and Astaroth, and served the Lord only. the voice of the people in all that they say to thee.
5 And Samuel said: Gather all Israel to Mas- For they have not rejected:}: thee, but me, that I
pliath, that I may pray to the Lord for you. should not reign over them.
6 And they gathered together to IVIaspliath: 8 According to all their works, they have done
and ihey drew water, and poured it out before the from the day that I brought them out of Egypt
Loid, and they fasted on that day, and they* said until this day: as they have forsaken me, and
there: We have sinned against the Lord. And served strange gods, so do they also unto thee.
Samuel judged the children of Israel in Mas- 9 Now
therefore hearken to their voice: but
phalh. -

7 And the Philistines heard that lie children of t The government of Israel
had been a theocracy; in which Got.
* Seen; and curiously looked into It is likely himself immediately ruled, by laws which he had
this plague reached to all the neighb Hiring coun- enacted, and by judges extraordinarily raised up
try, as well as the city of Bethsames. by himself: and thereTorc he complains that his
t In Gnhaa. That is, on the hill, for Gabaa people rejected him, in desiring a change of go-
wgnifieth a hill. vernment.
7. 177
§ :

yet testify to them, and foretel them the right* of the bread is spent in our bags: and we have no
the king, tliat shall reign over them- present to make to the man of God, nor any
10 Then Samuel told all the words of the thing at all.
Liord to the people that had desired a king of 8 The servant answered Saul again, and said:
him, Behold, there is found in my hand the fourth part
11 And said This will be the right of the king, of a side of silver: let us give it to the man of

that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, God, that he may tell us our way.
and put them in his chariots, and will make them 9 Now in time past in Israel when a man went
liis horsemen, and his running footmen to run be- to consult God, he spoke thus: Come, let us go to
fore his chariots. the seer. For he that is now called a prophet, in
12 And he will appoint of them to be his tri- time past was called a seer.f
bunes, and centurions, and to plough his fields, 10 And Saul said to his servant: Thy word is
and to reap his corn, and to make him arms and very good; come, let us go. And they went into
chariots. the city, where the man of God was.
13 Your daughters also he will take to make 11 And when they went up the ascent to -dis
him ointments, and to be his cooks, and bakers. cit}', they found maids coming out to draw water
14 And he will take your fields, and your vine- and they said to them: Is the seer here?
yards, and your best olive-yards, and give them 12 They answered, and said to them: He is;
to his servants. behold, he is before you, make haste now: lor hd
15 JNIoreover he will take the tenth of your came to-day into the city, for there is a sacrifice:},
corn, and of the revenues of your vineyards, to of the ]5eople to-day in the high place.
give to his eunuchs and servants. 13 As soon as you come into the city, you shall
16 Your servants also and handmaids, and your immediately find him, before he ^o up to the high
goodliest young men, and your asses he will take place to eat: for the people will not eat till he
away, and put them to his work- come: because he blesseth the victim, and after-
17 Your flocks also he will tithe; and you shall wards they eat that are invited. Now therefore
be his servants. go up, for to-day you shall find him.
18 And you shall cry, out in that day from the 14 And they went up into the city. And when
face of the king, whom you have chosen to your they were walking in the midst of the city, be-
selves: and the Lord will not hear you in that day, hold, Samuel was coming out over-against them,
because you desired unto yourselves a king. to go up to the high place.
19 But the people would not hear the voice of 15Now the Lord had revealed to the ear of
Samuel, and they said: Nay: but there shall be a Samuel the day before Saul came, saying:
king over us: 16 To-morrow about this same hour I will send
20 And we also will be like all nations: and thee a man of the land of Benjamin; and thou
our king shall judge us, and go out before us, and shalt anoint him to be ruler ,over my people Is-
fight our battles for us. rael: and he shall save my people out of the hand
21 And Samuel heard all the words of the peo- of the Philistines: for I have looked down upon
ple, and rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord. my people, because their cry is come to me.
22 And the Lord said to Samuel: Hearken to 17 And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said
their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel to him: Behold the man, of whom I spoke to
said to the men of Israel: Let every man go to thee: this man shall reign over my people
his city. IS And Saul came to Samuel in the midst of
the gate, and said: Tell me, I pray thee, where is
CHAP. IX. the house of the seer?
Saul seeking his father's asses, cometh to Sam- 19 And Samuel answered Saul, saying: lam
uel, by tohom he is entertained. the seer: go up before me to the high place, that
NOW there was a man of Benjamin whose you may eat with me to-day, gnd I will let thee
name was Cis> the son of Abiel, the son of go in the morning; and tell thee all that is in thy
Seror, the son of Bechorath, the son of Aphia, the heart.
son of a man of Jemini, valiant and strong. 20 And as for the asses, which were lost three
2 And he had a son whose name was Saul, a days ago, be not solicitous, because they are
choice and goodly man: and there was not among found. And for whom shall be all the best things
the children of Israel a goodlier person than he:
from his shoulders and upward he appeared above t A seer. Because of his seeing by divine light
h11 the people. hidden things and things to come.
3 And the asses of Cis, Saul's father, were lost: t A sacrifice. The law did not allow of sacri-
and Cis said to his Hon Saul: Take one of the fices in any other place, but at the tabernacle, or
servants with thee, and arise, go, and seek the temple, in which the ark of the covenant was
asses. And when they had passed through mount kept; but Samuel, by divine dispensation, offered
Ephraim, sacrifices in other places. For which dispensa-
4 And through the land of Salisa, and had not tion this reason may be alleged, that the house of
found them, they passed also through the land of God in Silo, having lost the ark, was now cast
Salim; and they were not there; and through the off; as a figure of the reprobation of ;he Jews,
land of Jemini, and found them not. Psal. Ixxvii. CO, 67. And in Cariathiarim where
5 And when they were come to the land of the ark was, there was neither tabernacle, nor
Suph, Saul said to the servant that was with him: altar.
Come, let us return, lest perhaps my father forget § Tlie high place. Excclsum. The exctlsa, or
the asses, and be concerned for us. high places, so often mentioned in scripture, weje
6 And he said to him: Behold, there is a man ))laces of worship, in which were altars for sacri-
of God in this city, a famous man: all that he fice. These were sometimes employed in the
saith, cometh certainly to pass. Now therefore service of the true God, as in the present case;
let us go thither; perhaps he may tell us of our but more frequently in the service of idols: and
way, for which we are come. were called Excelsa, which is commonly (though
7 And Saul said to his servant: Behold, we will perhaps not so accurately) rendered hi^h places;
go: but what shall we carry to the man of God not because they were always upon hills, for the

very worst of all, which was that of Topheth or

* The right. That is, the manner (misphat) Geennom {Jeremiah xix.) was in a valley; but
after which he shall proceed, having no one to because of the high altars, and pillars, or monu-
control him, when ne has the power in his ments erected there, on which were set up the
liands. idols, or images of their deities.
of israpl Shall they not be for
' thec' and for all the high place, with a psaltery and a timbrel, an<
ihy father's house? it'pipe, and a harp before them: and they shall lie
21 AiiJ Saul answering, said: not I a son Am prophesying.
of Jeniini of the least tribe of Israel, and my kin- tJ And the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon
dred the last among all the families of the tribe thee: and thou shalt prophesy with them, and
of Benjamin? AVhy then hast thou spoken this shalt be changed into another man.
\vord to me? 7 When
therefore these signs shall happen to
22 Then Samuel taking Saul and his servant, thee, do whatsoever thy hand shall find; for the
Drought them into the parlour, and gave them a Lord is with thee.
place at the head of them that were invited; for 8 And thou shalt go down before me to Gal»
there were about thirty men. gal§ (for I will come down to thee,) that thou
23 And Samuel said to the cook: Bring the mayst offer an oblation, and sacrifice victims of
portion, which I gave thee, and commanded thee peace: seven days shalt thou wait, till I come to
to set it apart by thee. thee; and I will shew thee what thou art to do.
24 And the cook took up the shoulder, and set 9 So when he had turned his back to go from
"t befcre Saul. And Samuel said: Behold what Samuel, God gave unto him another heart: and
is leit; set it before thee, and eat: because it was all these things came to pass that day.
kept of purpose for thee, when I invited the peO' 10 And they came to the foresaid hill; and be-
pie. And Saul ate with Samuel that day. hold, a company of prophets met him: and the
25 And they went down from the high place Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he pro-
into the town; and he spoke with Saul upon the phesied in the midst of them.
top of the house: and he prepared a bed for Saul 11 And all that had known him yesterday and
on the top of the house; and he slept. the day before, seeing that he was with the pro-
26 And when they were risen in the morning, phets, and prophesied, said to each other: What
and it began now to be light, Samuel called Saul IS this that hath happened to the son of Cis? is
on the top of the house, saying. Arise, that I rnay Saul also among the prophets?
let thee go. And Saul arose and they went out
: 12 And one answered another, saying: And
both of them, to wit, he and Samuel. who is their father?|| therefore it became a pro-
27 And as they were going down in the end of verb: Is Saul also among tlie prophets?
the' city, Samuel said to Saul: Speak to the ser- 13 And when he had made an end of prophe-
vant to go before us, and pass on: but stand thou sying, he came to the high place.
still a while, that I may tell thee the word of the 14 And Saul's uncle said to him, and to his
Lord. servant: Whither went you? They answered:
CHAP. X. To seek the asses: and not finding them we went
to Samuel.
Saul is anointed. He prophesieth, and is changed 1.5 And
his uncle said to him: Tell what me
into aiiother man. Samuel calleth the people Samuel said to thee.
togethei~, to make a king: the lot falleth on 16 And Saul said to his uncle: He
told us that
Saul. the asses were found. But of the matter of the
AND Samuel
poured upon it
took a little
and kissed him, and
his head,
vial of oil, and kingdom of which Samuel had spoken to him, he
told him not.
said: Behold, the Lord hath anointed thee to be 17 And Samuel called together the people to
prince over his inheritance: and thou shalt deliver the Lord in Maspha:
Lis people out of the hands of their enemies, that 18 he said to the children of Israel: Thus
are round about them. And this shall be a sign saith the Lord the God of Israel: I brought up Is-
unto thee, that God hath anointed thee to be rael out of Egypt, and delivered you from the
prince. hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of all
2 "When thou shalt depart from me this day, the kings who afflicted you.
thou shalt find two men by the sepulchre of Ra- 19 But you this day have rejected your God,
chel in the borders of Benjamin to the south: who only hath saved you out of all your evils and
and they shall say to thee: The asses are found your tribulations: and you have said: Nay: but
which tnou wentest to seek: and thy father think- set a king over us. Now
therefore stand before
ing no more of the asses, is concerned for you the Lord by your tribes, and by your families.
and saith: What shall I do for my son? 20 And Samuel brought to him all the tribes of
3 And when thou shalt depart from thence, and Israel: and the lot fell on the tribe of Benjamin.
go farther on, and shalt come to the oak of Tha 21 And he brought the tribe of Benjamin and
bor, there shall meet thee three men going up to the kin(ireds thereof: and the lot fell upon the
God to Bethel,* one carrying three kids, and an- kindred of Metri, and it came to Saul the son of
other three loaves of bread, and another carrying (;is. They sought him therefore, and he was not
a bottle of wine. found.
4 And they will salute thee, and will give thee 22 And after this they consulted the Lord
two loaves; and thou shalt take them at their whether he would come thither. And the Lord
hand. answered Behold, he is hidden at home. :

5 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God,t 23 And they ran and fetched him thence: and
where the garrison of the Philistines is: and when he stood in the midst of the people: and he was
thou shalt be come there into the city, thou shalt higher than any of the people from the shoulders
meet a company of prophets! coming down from and upward.
24 And Samuel said to all the people: Surely
* Bethel. Where there was at that time an al- you see him whom the Lord hath chosen, that
(nr of God it being one of the places where Sam- there is none like him among all the people. And

uel judged Israel. all the people cried and said: God save the king.
f The hill of God. Gabaa, in which there was 25 And Samuel told the people the law of the
also at that lime, a high place or altar.
X Prophets. These were men whose office it another at Naioth in Ramatha. See 1 Samuel
was to sing hymns and praises to God: for such xix. 20, 21, &c.
in holy writ are called prophets, and their singing § Galgal. was an
Here also by dispensation
praises to God is called prophesying. See 1 Pa- altar of God.
ralipom. alias 1 Chronic, xv. 22. and xxv. 1. Their father. That is, their teacher or supe-

Now there were in those days colleges, or schools rior. As much as to say. could bring about Who
for training up these prophets; and it seems there such a wonderful change as to make Saula pro
was one of these schools at this hill of God; and *phet >
kingdom, and wroie .'
in a book, and laid it up said tome, and have made a king over you
before the Lord And Samuel sent away all the
: 2 And now the king goeth before you: but 1
people, every one to his own house. am old and grey-headed: and my sons are with
26 Saul also departed to his own house in Ga- you? having then conversed with you from my
baa: and there went with him a part of the army, youth until this day, behold, here I am.
whose hearts God had touched. 3 Speak of me before the Lord, and before his
27 But the children of Belial said: Shall this anointed, whether I have taken any man's ox, or
fellow be able to save us? And they despised ass: If I have wronged any man, if I have op
him, and brought him no presents; but he dissem- pressed any man, if I have taken a bribe at any
bled, as though he heard not. man's hand: and I will despise it this day and
CHAP. XI. will restoreit to you.

Saul defeateth the Ammonites, and delivereth 4 And they said Thou hast not wronged u.s,

Jabes Galaad. nor oppressed us, nor taken aught at any man's
AND it came to pass about a month after this,

that Naas the Ammonite came up, and be-

5 And he said to them: The Lord is wilnesg
against you, and his anointed is witness this day,
gan to fight agamst Jabes Galaad. And all the
that you have not found any thing in my hand.
men of Jabes said to Naas: Make a covenant And they said: He is witness.
with us, and we will serve thee.
6 And Samuel said to the people: It is the
2 And Naas the Ammonite answered them:
On this condition will I make a covenant Mith Lord, who made Moses and Aaron, and brought
our fathers out of the land of Egypt.
you, that I may pluck out all your right eyes,
and make you a reproach in all Israel.
7 Now therefore stand up, that I may plead in
judgment against you before the Lord, concern-
3 And the ancients of Jabes said to him: Al-
ing all the kindness of the Lord, which he hath
low us seven days, that we may send messengers
shown to you, and to your fathers:
to all the coasts of Israel: and if there be no one
to defend us, we will come out to thee.
8 How Jacob went into Egypt, and your
4 The messengers therefore came to Gabaa of
fathers cried to the Lord: and the Lord sent
Saul: and they spoke these words in the hearing
Moses and Aaron, and brought your fathers out
of Egypt, and made them dwell in this place:
of the people: and all the people lifted up their
9 And they forgot the Lord their God: and he
voices, and wept.
delivered them into the hands of Sisara captain
5 And behold, Saul came, following oxen out
of the army of Hasor, and into the hands of the
of the field: and he said: What aileth the people
Philistines,and into the hand of the king of Mo-
that they weep.'' And they told him the words
ab; and they fought against them.
of themen of Jabes. 10 But afterwards iney cried to the Lord, and
6 And the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul,
when he had heard these words: and his anger said: We have sinned, because we have forsaken
the Lord, and have served Baalim and Astaroth:
was exceedingly kindled.
but now deliver us from the hand of our enemies,
7 And taking both the oxen, he cut them in
pieces, and sent them into all the coasts of Israel
and we will serve thee.
Dy messengers, saying: AVhosoever shall not come
11 And the Lord sent Jerobaal and Badan*
and Jephte, and Samuel, and delivered you how
forth, and lollow Saul and Samuel, so shall it be
the hand of your enemies round about; and you
Jone to his oxen. And the fear of the Lord fell
dwelt securely.
upon the people; and they went out as one man.
12 But seeing that Naas king of the children
8 And he numbered them in Bezec: and there
of Ammon was come against you, you said to
were of the children of Israel three hundred
thousand, and of the men of Juda thirty thousand.
me: Nay, but a king shall reign over us: where-
as the Lord your God was your king.
9 And they said to the messengers that came:
13 Now therefore your king is here, whom
Thus shall you say to the men of Jabes Galaad:
To-morrow, when the sun shall be hot, you shall you have chosen and desired: behold, the Lord
hath given you a king.
have relief. The messengers therefore came, and
14 If you will fear the Lord, and serve him,
told the men of Jabes: and they were glad.
10 And they said: In the mornimg we will
and hearken to his voice, and not provoke the
come out to you: and you shall do what you mouth of the Lord; then shall both you, and the
king who reigneth over you, be followers of the
please with us.
11 And it came to pass, when the morrow was
Lord your God-
15 But if you will not hearken to the voice of
come, that Saul put the people in three compa-
the Lord, but will rebel against his words, the
nies: and he came into the midst of the camp in
the morning watch, and he slew the Ammonites
hand of the Lord shall be upon you, and upon
until the day grew hot: and the rest were scatter-
your fathers.

ed, .so that two of them were not left together.

16 Now then stand, and see this great thing
12 And the people said to Samuel: Who
is he
which the Lord
will do in your sight.
17 Is it not wheat-harvestt to-day.' I will call
that said: Shall Said reign over us.' Bring the
men, and we will kill them. upon the Lord, and he shall send thunder and
13 And Saul said: No man shall be killed this rain: and you shall know and see that you your-
day, because the Lord this day hath wrought sal- selves have done a great evil in the sight of the
vation in Israel: Lord, in desiring a king over you.
14 And Samuel said to the people: Come and 18 And Samuel crie(l unto the Lord: and tlie
let us go to Galgal, and let us renew the kingdom
Lord sent thunder and rain that day.
19 And all the people greatly feared the Lord
15 And all the people went to Galgal: and there and Samuel. And all the people said to S;iiTiuel:
tliey made Saul king before the Lord in Galgal:
Pray for thy servants to the Lord thy Gnd, that
and they sacrificed there victims of peace before we may not die, for we have added to nil our ^/ns
this evil, to ask for a king.
the Lord. And there Saul and all the men of Is-
rael rejoiced exceedingly.
20 And Samuel said to the peo] le: Ft nr not;
you have done all this evil: but yet depart not
Samuel's integrity is acknoii.'ledged- God show- * Jerobaal and Badan. That is, Gedeon, and
eth by a sign from heaven that they hnd done Samson, called here Badan or Hedan, because
ill in asking for a king. he was of Dan.
AND Samuel said to all Israel: Behold, I have t IVheat-harvest. At which time of the year
hearkened to j^our voice in all that you it never thunders or rains in those countries."
Irom following the Lord, but serve the Lord with And if thou hadst not done thus, the Lord would
all jour heart. now have established thy kingdom over Israel
21 And turn not aside after vain things, which for ever.
shall never profit you, nor deliver you, because 14 But thy kingdom shall not continue The
they are vain. Lord hath sought him a man according to his
22 And the Lord will not forsake his people for own heart: and him hath the Lord commanded
his great name's sake: because the Lord hath over his i)eople, because thou hast
to be prince
sworn to make you his people. not observed that which tlie I^ord commanded.
23 And far irom me be this sin against the 15 And Samuel, and went up from Galgal
Loril, that I should cease to pray for you, and Ito Gabaa of Benjamin. And the rest of the peo-
will te.Tch you the good and right way. ple went up after Saul, to meet the people who
24 Therefore fear the Lord, and serve him in fought against them, going from Galgal to Gabaa
truth and with your whole heart; for you have in the hill of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the
seen the great works which he hath done among people, that were found with him, about six hun-
you. dred men. .

25 Rut if you will still do wickedly, both you 16 And Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the
and your king shall perish togetlier. people that were present with them, were in Ga-
baa of Benjamin: but the Philistines encamped
CHAP. XIII. in Machmas.
The war bettoeen Saul and the Philistines. The 17 And there went out of the camp of the
disti-ess of the Israelites. Saul offereth sacri Philistines three companies to plunder. One
fice before the coming of Saviuel: for which he company went towards the way of Ephra to the
is reproved. land of Sual.
SAUL was a child of one year* when he be- 18 And another went by the way of Bethho-
gan to reign; and he reigned two years over ron: and the third turned to the way of the +)or-
Israel. der, above the valley of Seboim towards the de-
2 And Saul chose him three thousand men of sert.
Israel: and two thousand were with Saul in 19 Now
there was no smith to be found in all
Alachmas, and in mount Bethel; and a thousand the land of Israel; for the Philistines had taken
with Jonathan in Gabaa of Benjamin: and the this precaution, lest the Hebrews should make
rest of the people he sent back every man to them swords or spears.
their dwellings. 20 So all Israel went down to the Philistines,
3 And Jonathan smote the garrison of the Phi- to sharpen every man his ploughshare, and his
listines which was in Gabaa. And when the spade, and his axe, and his rake.
Philistines had heard of it, Saul sounded th( 21 So that their shares, and their spades, and
truni|iet over all the land, saying: Let the He their forks, and their axes were blunt, even to
brews hear. the goad, which was to be mended.
4 And all Israel heard this report: Saul hath 22 And when the day of battle was come, there
smitten the garrison of the Phil'stines: and Is- was neither sword nor spear found in the hand
rael took courage against the Philistines. And of any of the people that were with Saul and
the people were called together after Saul to Jonathan, except Saul and Jonathan his son.
Galgal. 23 And the army of the Philistines went out in
5 The Philistines also were assembled to fight order to advance further in Machmas.
against Israel, thirty thousand chariots, and six
thousand horsemen, and a multitude of people be-
sides, like the sand on the sea-shore for number. Jonathan attackcth the Philistines. A
And going up they camped in Machmas at the lous victory. SauPs unadvised oath, by which
east of Bethaven. Jonathan is put in danger of his life, but is
6 And when the men of Israel saw that they delivered by the people.
were straitened (for the people were distressed,) OW
it came to pass one day that Jonathan

they hid themselves in caves, and in thickets, and the son of Saul said to the young man that
in rocks, and in dens, and in pits. bore his armour: Come, and let us go over to the
7 And some of the Hebrews passed over the garrison of the Philistines, which is on the other
Jordan into the land of Gad and Galaad. And side of yonder place. But he told not this to his
when Saul was yet in Galgal, all the people that father.
followed him were greatly afraid. 2 And Saul abode in the uttermost part of Ga-
8 And he waited seven days according to the baa under the pomegranate-tree, which was in
appointment of Samuel; and Samuel came not to Magron: and the people with him were about six
Galgal: and the people slipt away from him. hundred men.
9 Then Saul said: Bring me the holocaust, and 3 And Achias the son of Achitob brother of
the peace-offerings. And he offered the holo- Ichabod the son of Phinees, the son of Heli the
caust. priest of the Lord in Silo, wore the ephod. And
10 And when he had made an end of offering the people knew not whither Jonathan was gone.
the holocaust, behold, Samuel came: and Sau 4 Now
there were between the ascents, by
went forth to meet him, and salute him. which Jonathan sought to go over to the garrison
11 And Samuel said to him: What hast thou of the Philistines, rocks standing up on both
done.' Saul answered: Because I saw that the sides, and steep cliffs like teeth on the one side,
people slipt from me, and thou wast not come and on the other; the name of the one was Boses,
accortiing to the days appointed, and the Philis- and the name of the other was Sene:
ines were gathered together in IMachmas, 5 One rock stood out toward the north over-
12 I said: Now will the Philistines come down against Machmas, and the other to the south
upon me to Galgal; and I have not appeased the over-against Gabaa.
face of the Lord. Forced by necessity, I offered 6 And Jonathan said to the young man that
the holocaust. bore his armour: Come, let us go over to the gar-
13 And Samuel said to Saul: Thou hast done rison of these uncircumcised: it may be the Lord
foolishly, and hast not ke|)t the commandments^ will do for us: because it is easy for the Lord to
of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee. save either by many, or by few.
7 And his armour-bearer said to him: Do all
* one year. That is, he was good and like that pleaseth tliy mind: go whither thou wilt, and
an innocent child, and for two years continued in I will be with tliea wheresoever thou liast a
tbat injiocency. mind.

8 And Jonathan saia: Behold, we will go over the rod, which he had in his hand, and dipped ii
men. And when we shall be seen by
to these in a honey-comb: and he carried his hand to his
them, mouth, and his eyes were enlightened.
9 If they shall speak thus to us: Stay till we 28 And one of the people answering, said*.
come to you: let us stand still in our place, and Thy father hath bound the people with an oath,
not go up to them. saying: Cursed be the man that shall eat any food
10 But if they shall say: Come up to us: let us this day. (And the people were faint.)
go up, because the Lord hath delivered them into 29 And Jonathan said: My
father hath trou-
our hands: this shall be a sign* unto us. bled the land: you have seen yourselves that my
11 So both of them discovered themselves to eyes are enlightened, because I tasted a little of
the garrison of the Philistines: and the Philistines this honey
said: Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the 30 How much more if the people had eaten of
holes wherein they were hid. the prey of their enemies, which they found? had
12 And the men of the garrison spoke to Jona- there not been made a greater slaughter among
than, and to his armour-bearer, and said: Come the Philistines.'
up to us, and we will shew you a thing. And 31 So they smote that day the Philistines from
Jonathan said to his armour-bearer: Let us go Machmas to Aialon. And the people were wea-
up; follow me; for the Lord hath delivered them ried exceedingly.
into the hands of Israel. 32 And falling upon the spoils,they took sheep
13 And Jonathan went up creeping on his and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the
hands and feet, and his armour-bearer after him. ground: and the people ate them with the blood.
And some fell before Jonathan, others his ar- 33 And they told Saul that the people had sin-
mour-bearer slew as he followed him. ned against the Lord, eating with the blood. And
14 And the first slaughter which Jonathan and he said: You have transgressed; roll here to me
his armour-bearer made, was of about twenty now a great stone. ,

men, within half an acre of land, which a yoke 34 And Saul said Disperse yourselves among

of oxen is wont to plough in a day. the people, and tell them to bring me every man
15 And there was
a miracle in the camp, his ox and iiis ram, and slay them upon this stone,
through the yea, and all the people of their
fields: and eat; and you shall not sin against the Lord in
garrison, who had gone out to plunder, were eating with the blood. So all the people brought
amazed, and the earth trembled: and it happened every man his ox with him till the night, and
as a miracle from God. slew them there.
16 And the watchmen of Saul, who were in 35 And
Saul built an altar to the Lord; and he
Gabaa of Benjamin, looked, and behold, a multi- then first to build an altar to the Lord.
tude overthrown, and fleeing this way and that. 36 And Saul said: Let us fall upon the Philis-
17 And Saul said to the people that were with tines by night, and destroy them till the morning
him: Look, and see who is gone from us. And light: and let us not leave a man of them. And
when they had sought, it was found that Jona- the people said: Do all that seemeth good in thy
than and his armour-bearer were not there. eyes. And the priest said: Let us draw near
IS And Saul said to Achias: Bring the ark of hither unto God.
the Lord. (For the ark of God was there that 37 And Saul consulted the Lord: Shall I pur-
day with the children of Israel.) sue after the Philistines.'' wilt thou deliver them
19 And while Saul spoke to the priest, there into the hands of Israel ? And he answered him
arose a great uproar in the camp of the Philis not that day.
tines: and it increased by degrees, and was heard 38 And Saul said: Bring hither all the corners
more clearly. And Saul said to the priest: Draw of the people and know, and see by whom this

in thy hand. sin hath happened to-day.

20 Then Saul and all the people that were witn 39 As the Lord liveth who is the saviour of
him, shouted togethei , and they came to the place Israel, if it was done by Jonathan my son, he
of the fight: and behold, every man's sword was shall surely die- In this none of the people gain-
turned upon his neighbour; and there was a very said him.
great slaughter. 40 he said to all Israel: Be you on one
21 Moreover the Hebrews that had been with side,- andwith Jonathan my son will be on the
the Philistines yesterday and the day before, and other side. And the people answered Saul: Do
went up with them into the camp, returned to be what seemeth good in thy eyes.
with the Israelites, who were with Saul and 41 And
Saul said to the Lord Lord God of : O
Jonathan. Israel, give a sign, by which we may knoti\ what
22 And all the Israelites that had hid them- the meaning is, that thou answerest not thy ser-
selves in mount Ephraim, hearing that the Philis- vant to-day: If this iniquity be in me, or in my
tines fled, joined themselves with their country- son Jonathan, give a proof: or if this iniquity be
men in the fight. And there were with Saul in thy people, give holiness. And Jonathan and
about ten thousand men. Saul were taken; and the people escaped.
23 And the Lord saved Israel that day. And 42 And Saul said: Cast lots between me, and
the fight went on as far as Bethaven. Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken.f
2-1 And the men of Israel were joined together 43 And Saul said to Jonathan: Tell me what
that day: and Saul adjured the people, saying: thou hast done. And Jonathan told him and said:
Cursed be the man that shall eat food till eve- I did but taste a little honey with the end of the
ning, till I be revenged of my enemies. So none rod which was in my hand and behold, I must :

of the people tasted any food: die.

25 And all the common people came into a 44 And Saul said: May God do so and so to
forest, in which there was honey upon the ground. me, and add still more; for dying thou shalt die,
26 And when the people came into the forest, O Jonathan.
behold, the honey dropped; but no man put his 45 And the people said to Saul: Shall Jonathan
hand to his mouth:, for the people feared the oath. then die, who hath wrought this great salvation
27 But Jonathan had not heard when his father
adjured the people: and he put forth the end of t Jonathan was taken. Though Jonathan wa3
excused from sin, through ignorance of the pro-
* This shall be a sign. It is likely Jonathan hibition, yet God was pleased on this occasion to
wia«5 instructed by divine inspiration to make let the lot fall upon him, to shew unto all the
choice of this sign: otherwise the observation of great obligation of obedience to princes and pa-
vmens is superstitious and sinful. rents
In Israel? this must not be. As the Lord hveth, 10 And the word of the Lord came to Samuel^
there shall not one hair of his head fall to the saying:
ground; for he hath wrought with God this day- 11 It repenteth me that I have made Saul king:
So the people delivered Jonathan, that he should for he hath forsaken me, and hath not executed
not die. my commandments. And Samuel was grieved;
46 And Saul went back, and did net pursue af- and he cried unto the Lord all night.
ter the Philistines: and the Philistines went to 12 And when Samuel rose early, to go to Saul
their ovni places. in the morning, it was told Samuel, that Saul was
47 And Saul having his kingdom established come to Carmel, and had erected for himself a
over Israel,fought against all his enemies round triumphant arch, and returning had passed on, and
about, against Moab, and against the children of gone down to Galgal. And Samuel came to Saul:
Ammon, and Edom, and the kings of Soba, and and Saul was oftering a holocaust to the I^ord out
the Philistines: and whithersoever he turned him- of the choicest of the spoils which he had brought
self, he overcame. from Amalec.
48 And gathering together an army, he defeat- 13 And when Samuel was come to Saul, Saul
ed Amalec, and delivered Israel Irom the hand said to him: Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have
of (hem that spoiled them. fuliilled the word of the Lord.
49 And the scms of Saul, were Jonathan, and 14 And Samuel said: What meaneth then
Jessui, and Melchisua: and the names of his two this bleating of the flocks, which soundeth in
daughters, the name of the first-born Jt'os Merob, my ears, and the lowing of the herds, which I
and the name of the younger JNlichol. hear.'
50 And the name of Saul's wife was Achinoam 15 And Saul said: They have brought them
the daughter of Achimaas; and the name of the Irom Amalec: for the people spared the best of
captain of his army was Abner, the son of Ner, the sheep and of the herds that they might be
the cousin-german of Saul. sacrificed to the Lord thy God: but the rest we
51 For Cis was the father of Saul and Ner the
: have slain.
father of Abner, was son of Abiel. 16 And Samuel said to Saul: Suffer me, and I
52 And there was a great war against the Phi will tell thee what the Lord hath said to me this
listines all the days ot Saul. For whomsoever night. And he said to him: Speak.
Saul saw to be a valiant man, and fit for war, he 17 And Samuel said: When
thou wast a little
took him to himself. one in thy own eyes, wast thou not made the head
of the tribes of Israel.' And the Lord anointed
CHAP. XV. thee to be king over Israel:
Saul is sent to destroy Amalec: he spm-eth their 18 And the Lord sent thee on the way, and said:
king and the best of their cattle: for which Go, and kill the sinners of Amalec; and thou shall
disobedience he is cast off by the Lord- fight against them until thou hast utterly destroy-

AND Samuel said to Saul: The Jjord sent me

to anoint thee kin,^ over his people Israel:
ed them.
19 Why then didst thou not hearken to the
now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the voice of the Lord; but hast turned to the prey,
Lord: and hast done evil in the eyes of the Lord.'
2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts: I have reckon- 20 And Saul said to Samuel Yea I have heark :

ed up all that Amalec liath done to Israel: how erfed to the voice of the l^ord, and have walked
he opposed them in the way when tliey came up in the way by which the Lord sent me; and have
out of Egypt. brought Agag'the king of Amalec: and Amalec I
3 Now therefore go, and smite Amalec, and have slain.
utterly destroy all that he hath: spare hin\ not, 21 But the people took of the spoils sheep and
nor covet any thing that is his: but slay both man oxen, as the of those things that were
and woman, child* and suckling, ox and sheep, slain, to offer sacrifice to the Lord their God in
came! and ass. Galgal.
4 So Saul coinmanded the people, and num- 22 And Samuel said: Doth the Lord desire ho
bered them as lambs: two hundred thousand foot- locaustsand victims, and not rather that the voice
men, and ten thousand of the men of Juda. of the Lord should be obeyed.' For obedience is
5 And wiien Saui was come to the city- of better than sacrifices; and to hearken rather than
Amalec, he laid ambushes in the torrent. to offer the fat of rams.
6 And Saul said to the Cinite: Go, depart and 23 Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, tc
get ye down from Amalec: lest I destroy thee rebel; and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to
with him. For thou hast shewn kindness to all obey. Forasmuch therefore as thou hast reject-
the children of Israel when they came uji out of ed the word of the Lord, the Lord hath also re-
Egypt. And the Cinite departed from the midst jected thee from being king.
of Amalec. 24 And Saul said to Samuel: I have sinned, be
7 And Saul smote Amalec from Hevila. until cause I have transgressed the commandment of
tho't comest to Sur, which is over-against Egypt. the Lord, and thy words, fearing the people, and
8 And he took Agag the king of Amalec alive: obeying their voice.
but all the common people he slew with the edge 25 But now bear, I beseech thee, my sin; and
of the sword- return with mc, that I may adore the Lord.
9 And Saul and the people spared Agag and the 26 And Samuel said to Saul: I will not return
best of the flocks of sheep and of the herds, and with thee, because thou hast rejected the word ot
the garments, and the rams, and all that was beau- the Lord; and the Lord hath rejected thee from
tiful, and would not destroy them: but every being king over Israel.
thing that was vile and good for nothing, that they 27 And Samuel turned about to go away: but
destroyed. « he laid hold upon the skirt of his mantle; and it
* Child. The great master of life and death 28 And Samuel said to him: The Lord hath
(who cuts off one half of all mankind whilst they! rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and
are children) has been pleased sometimes to or-; hath given it to thy neighbour who is better than
dain that children should be jnit to the sword, in' thee.
detestation of the crimes of their parents, and that! 29 But the triumpher in Israel will not snare,
they might not live to follow the same wicked and will not be moved to repentance: for ne is
ways. Rut without such ordinance of God it is not a man that he should repent.
not allowable, in any wars, how just soever, to! 30 Then he said: I have sinned: yet honour
kill children. me now before the ancients of my people, and be-

fore Israel, and return with me, that I may adore Saul: and an evil spirit froin the Lordf tioublwl
the Liord thy God. him.
31 So Samuel turned again after Saul: and Saul 15 And the servants of Saul said to liim: Bo-
adored the Lord. hold, now an evil spirit from God troubleth thee.
32 And Samuel said: Bring hither to me Agag 16 Let our lord give orders; and thy servants
the king of Amalec. And Agag was presented who are before thee, will seek out a man skilful
to him very fat, and trembliiig And Agag said: in playing on the harp, that when the evil spirit
Doth bitter death separate in this manner.' from the Lord is u])on thee, he may play with his
33 And Samuel said: As tiiy sword hath made hand, and thou mayst bear it more easily.
women childless, so sh^n thy mother be childless 17 And Saul said to his .servants: Provide me
among women. And Samuel hewed him in then some man tiiat can play well, and bring him
pieces befo'e the Lord in Galgal. to me.
34 And Samuel departed to Ramatha: but Saul 18 And one of the servants answering, said:
went up to his house in Gabaa. Behold, I have seen a son of Isai the Bethlehem-
35 And Samuel saw Saul no more till the day ite a skilful playei", and one of great strength, and

of his death:* nevertheless Samuel mourned for a man fit for war, and prudent in his words, and a
Saul, because the Lord repented that he had made comely person: and the Lord is with him.
him king over Israel. 19 Then Saul sent messengers to Isai, saj'ing*
Send me David thy son, who is in the pastures.
CHAP. XVI. 20 And Isai took an ass laden with bread, and
Samuel is sent to Bethlehem, lohcre he anohiteth a bottle of wine, and a kid of the flock, and sem
David: ivho is takemnto SauVs family. them by the hand of David his son to Saul.
AND the Lord said to Samuel: How longl
wilt thou mourn for Saul, whom I have re-
21 And David came to Saul, and stood before
him: and he loved him exceedingly, and made
jected from reigning over Israel? fill thy horn him his armour-bearer.
with oil, and come, that I may send thee to Isai 22 And Saul sent to'lsai, saying: Let David
the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king stand before me: for he hath found favour in my
among his sons. sight.
2 And Samuel said: How
shall I go.' for Saul 23 So whensoever the evil spirit from the Lord
will hear of it, and he will kill me. And
thei was upon Saul, David took his harp, and played
Lord said: Thou shalt take with thee a calf of; with his hand: and Saul was refreshed, and was
the herd, and thou shalt say: I am
come to sacii-j better, for the evil spirit dej>arted from him.:}:
fice to the Lord.
3 And thou shalt call Isai to the sacrifice: and

I will show thee what thou art to do; and thou
IVar with the Philistines. Goliath challengeth
shalt anoint him whom I shall show to thee. Israel. He is slain by Datrid-

4 Then Samuel did as the Lord had said to him. the Pliilistines gathering together their
And he came to Bethlehem; and the ancients of troops to battle assembled at Socno of Juda,
the city wondered, and meeting him, they said: Is and camped between Socho and Azeca in the
thy coming hither peaceable.' borders of Dommim.

5 And he said: It is jjeaceable: I am come toj 2 And Saul and (he children oflsrael being ga-
offer sacrifice to the Lord; be j-e sanctified, and! thered together came to the valley of terebinth:
come with me to the sacrifice. And he sancti- and they set the army in array to fight against the
fied Isai and his sons, and called them to the Philistines.
sacrifice. 3 Andthe Philistines stood on a mountain on
6 And when they were come in, he saw the one side; and Israel stood on a mountain on the
Eliab, and said: Is the Lord's anointed before other side: and there was a valley between them
him? 4 And there went out a man base-born from
7 And the Lord said to Samuel: Look not on the camp of the Philistines named Goliath, of
his countenance, nor on the height of his stature; Geth, whose height was six cubits and a s|)an:
because I have rejected him; nor do I judge ac- 5 And he had a helmet of brass upon his head;
cording to the look of man: for man seeth those and he was clothed with a coat of mail with
things that appear, but the Lord beholdeth the scales: and the weight of his coat of mail was five
heart. thousand sides of brass:
8 And Abinadab, and brought him
Isai called 6 And he had greaves of brass on his legs; and
before Samuel. And he said: Neither hath the a buckler of brass covered his shoulders.
Lord chosen this. 7 And the staff of his spear was like a weaver's
9 And Isai brought Samma, and he said of him beam; and the head of his spear weighed six hun-
Neither hath the Lord chosen this. dred sides of iron: and his armour-bearer went
10 Isai therefore brought his seven sons before before him.
Samuel: and Samuel said to Isai: The Lord hath 8 And standing he cried out to the bands of Is-
not chosen any one of these. rael, and said to them: Why are you come out
11 And Samuel said to Isai: Are here all thy prepared to fight? am not I a Philistine, and you
sons? He answered: There remaineth yet a the servants of Saul ? Choose out a man of J'ou,
young one, who keepeth the sheep. And Sam- and let him come down and fight hand to hand.
uel said to Isai: Send, and fetch him: for we will 9 If he be able to fight with me, and kill me,
not sit down till he come hither. we will be servants to you: but if I jnevail
12 He sent therefore, and brought him. Now against him, and kill him, you shall be servants,
he was ruddy and beautiful to behold, and of a and shall serve us.
comely face. And the Lord said: Arise, and 10 And the Philistine said: I have defied the
anoint him; for this is he. bands of Israel this day: Give me a man, and let
13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and him fight with me hand to hand.
anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the 11 And Saul and all the Israelites hearing these

Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day words of the Philistine were dismayed, and great
forward: and Samuel rose up, and went to Ra- ly afraid.
14 But the Spirit of the Lord departed from t From the Lord. An evil spirit, by divine
permission, and for his punishment, either posses*-
* Sato Said no more till the day of his death. ed or obsessed him.
That is, he went no more to see him: he visited t Departed from him. Chased away by Da*
hun no more. vid's devotion.
CHAP. xvn.
12 Now David was the son of that Ephrathite 34 And David said to Saul. Thy servant kept
ifBetlilehem Jucla before-mentioned, whose his falhe'-'s sheep, and there came a lion, or a
aame was Isai, who had eight sons, and was an bea», ana took a ram out of the midst of the
jld man m the days of Saul, and of great agej flock:
amons men. 35 And I pursued after them, and struck them,

13 And his three eldest sons followed Saul to and delivered it out of their mouth: and they
the battle: and the names of his three sons that rose up against me: and I caught them by the
went to the battle, were Eliab the first-born, and, throat; and I strangled, and killed them.
the second Abinadab, and the third Samma. 36 For I thy servant have killed both a lion
14 But David was the youngest. So the three and a bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine
eldest having followed Saul, shall be also as one of them. I will go now and
15 Daviil went, and returned from Saul, to feed take away the reproach i^i the people: for who

his father's flock at Bethlehem. is this uncircumcised Philistine, who hath dared
lb Now the Philistine came out morning and to curse the army of the living God?

evening, and presented himself forty days. 37 And David said: The Lord who delivered
17 And Isai said to David his son: Take for| me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the pavy
thy brethren an ephi of frumentj', and these ten of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand

loaves; and run to the camp to thy brethren, of this Philistine.

And Saul said to David: Go;
IS And carry these ten little cheeses to the tri- and the Lord be with thee.
bune: and go see thy brethren, if they are well: 38 And Saul clothed David with his garments,
and learn with whom they are [ilaced. and put a helmet of brass upon his head, and
19 But Saul, and they, and all the children of armed him with a coat of mail.
Israel were in the valley of terebinth fighting 39 And David having girded his sword upon
against the Philistines. his armour, began to try if he could walk in ar-
20 David therefore arose in the morning, and mour: for he was not accustomed to it. And Da-
gave the charge of the flock to the keejier; and vid said to Saul: I cannot go thus, for I am not
went away loaded as Isai had commanded him. used to it. And he laid them off:
And he came to the place of Magala, and to the 40 And he took his staff, which he had always
army, which was going out to figlit, and shouted in his hands: and chose him five smooth stones
for tlif battle. out of the brook, and jiut them into the shepherd's
21 For Israel had put themselves in array: and scrip, which he had with him: and he took a
the Philistines who stood against them were pre- sling in his hand, and went forth against the Phi-
pared. listine.
22 And Da^id leaving the vessels which he 41 And the Philistine came on, and drew nigh
had brought, under the care of the keeper of the against David, and his armour-bearer before
baggage, ran to the place of the battle, and asked him.
if all things went well with his brethren. 42 And when the Philistine looked, and be-
2;5 Anci as he talked with them, that base-born held David, he despised him: for he was a young

man whose name was Goliath, the Philistine, of man, ruddy, and of a comely countenance.
Geth, showed himself coming up from the camp 43 And the Philistine said to David: la Am
of the Philistines: and he sfioke according to the log, that thou comest to me with a staff? And the
same words; and David heard them. Philistine cursed David by his gods.
24 And all the Israelites when they saw the 44 And he said to David: Come to me, and I
man, fled from his face, fearing him exceedingly. will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and to
. 25 And some one of Israel said: Have you the beasts of the earth.
seen this man that is come up, for he is come 45 And David said to the Philistine: Thou
up to defy Israel. And the man that shall slay comest to me with a sword, and with a spear,
him, the king will enrich vi-ith great riches, and and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name
will give him his daughter, and will make his of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of
father's hou^e free from tribute in Israel. Israel, which thou hast defied
2(5 And David spoke to the men that stood by 46 This day: and the Lord will deliver thee
him, saying: What shall be given to the man into my hand; and I will slay thee, and take
that shall kill this Philistine, and shall take away away thy head from thee: and I will give th.e car-
the re[)roach from Israel.' for who is this uncir- casses of the army of the Philistines this day to
cuincised Philistine, that he should dely the ar- the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth;
mies of the living God.' that all the earth may know that there is a God in
27 And the peojile answered him the same Israel.
words, saying: These things shall be given to the 47 And all this assembly shall know, that the
man that shall slay him. Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for it is
28 Nowwhen Eliab his eldest biother heard his battle, and he will deliver you into our hands.
this, when he was speaking with others, he was 48 And when the Philistine arose, and was
angry with David, and said: Why camest thou coming, and drew nigh to meet David, David
hither? and why didst thou leave those few sheep made haste, and ran to the fight to meet the Phi-
in the d^sivt.' I know thy pride, and the wick- listine.
edness of thy heart; that thou art come down to 49 And he put his hand into his scrip, and
see the battle. took a stone, and cast it with the sling; and fetch-
2;) And David said: What have I done.' is •ng it about struck the Philistine in the forehead:
tliore not cause to speak? and he fell on his face upon the earth.

30 And ho turn('d a little aside from him to 50 And David prevailed over the Philistine,
another, and sai the same word. And the peo-, with a sling and a stone: and he struck, and slew

pie answered liim as before. the Philistine.

as David had no sword in
31 And the wonls which David spoke were his hand,
heard, an;l were rehearsetl before Saul. 51 I
ran, and stood over the Philistine, and
32 And wlun he was brought to him, he said to took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath,
h:m: T^et not any man's heart be dismayed in and slew him, and cut off his head. the And
hiui: I thy servant will go, and will fight against Philistines seeing that their champion was dead,
the Philistine. fled away.
33 And Saul said to David: Thou art notable .52 And the men of Israel and Juda rising up
to withstand this Philistine, nor to fight against shouted, and pursued af*er the Philistines till they
hi^: for thou art but a boy; but he is a warrior came to the valley and to the gates of Accaron:
from his youth. and there fell majiy wounded of the Philistines
2A 185

in the way of Saraim, and as far as Geth, and as daughter Merob, her will I give thee to wife: oib
far as Accaron. ly be a valiant man, and fight the battles of the
53 And the children of Israel returning, after Lord Now Saul said within himself: Let not
they had pursued the Philistines, fell upon their my hand be upon him; but let the hands of the
camp. Philistines be upon him.
54 And David taking the head of the Philis- 18 And David said to Saul: Who am I, or
tine, brought it to Jerusalem: but his armour he what is my life, or my father's family in Israel,
j)iit in his tent. that I should be son-in-law of the king?
55 Now at the time that Saul saw David go- 19 And it came to pass at the time when Me-
ing out agninst the Pliilistines, he said to Abner rob the daughter of Saul should have been given
the captain of the army: Of what family is this to David, that she was given to Hadriel the Mo-
young man descended, Abner.' And Abner said: lathite to wife.
As thy soul liveth, O king, I know not. 20 But Michol the other daughter ot Saul loved
5C And the king said: Inquire thou, whose son David. And it was told Saul; and it pleased him,
this young man is. 21 And Saul said: I will give Tier to him, 'hat
57 And when David was returned, after the she may be a stumbling-block to him, and that
Philistine was slain, Abner took him, and brought the hand of the Philistines may be upon linn.
him in before Saul, with the head of the Philis And Saul said to David: In two things thou shalt
tine in his hand. be my son-in-law this day.
58 And Saul said to him: Young man, of what 22 And Saul commanded his servants to speak
family art thou.' And David said: I am the son to David privately, saying: Behold, thou pleas-
of thy servant Isai the Bethlehemite. est the king, and all his servants love thee.Now
therefore be the king's son-in-law.
CHAP. XVIII 23 And the servants of Saul spoke all these
The friendship of Jonathcm and David. The words in the ears of David. And David said:
envy of Saul, and his design upon David's Doth it seem to you a small matter to be the king's
life. Hf marries him to his daughter Michol. son-in-law.' But I am a poor man, and of small
ND it came to pass, when he had made an ability.
end of speaking to Saul, the soul of Jona- 24 And the servants of Saul told him, saying:
than was knit with the soul of David: and Jona- Such words as these hath David spoken.
than loved him as his own soul. 25 And Saul said: Speak thus to David: The
2 And Saul took him that day, and would not king desireth not any dowry, but only a hundred
let him return to his father's house. foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the
3 And David and Jonathan made a covenant; king's enemies. Now Saul thought to delive.
for he loved him as his own soul. David into the hands of the Philistines.
4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the coat 26 And when his servants had told David the
with which he was clothed, and gave it to Da- words that Saul had said, the word was pleasing
vid, and the rest of his garments, even to his in the eyes of David, to be the king's son-in-law.
sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle. 27 And after a few days David rose up, and
6 And David went out to whatsoever busi went with the men that were under him: and he
ness Saul sent him; and he behaved himself pru slew of the Philistines two hundred men, and
dently: and Saul set him over the soldiers; and brought their foreskins, and numbered them out
he was acceptable in the eyes of all the people, to the king, that he might be his son-in-law. Saul
and especially in the eyes of Saul's servants. therefore gave him Michol his daughter to wife.
6 Now when David returned, after he sleiv 28 And Saul saw, and understood that the
the Philistine, the women came out of all the Lord was with David. And Michol the daugh-
cities of Israel, singing and dancing to meet king ter of Saul loved him.
Saul, with timbrels of joy, and cornets. 29 And Saul began to fear David more: and
7 And the women sung as they played: and Saul became David's enemy continually.
they said: Saul slew his thousands, and David 30 And the princes of the Philistines went
his ten thousands. forth: and from the beginning of their going forth,
8 And Saul was exceeding angry, and this David behaved himself more wisely than all the
word was displeasing in his eyes: and he said; servants of Saul: and his name became very
They have given David ten thousands, and to me famous.
they have given hut a thousand: what can he
have more but the kingdom.' CHAP. XIX.
9 And S.uil did not look on David with a good Other attempts of Saul upon David's life. He
eye from that day and forward. Cometh to Samuel. Saul's messengers and Saul
10 And the day after the evil spirit from God himself prophesy
came upon Saul; and he prophesied* in the midst
of his house. And David played with his hand
AND Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to
all his servants, that they should kill David.
as at other times. And Saul held a spear in his But Jonathan the son of Saul loved David ex-
hand, ceedingly.
11 And threw it, thinking to nail David to 2 And Jonathan told David, saying: Saul my
the wall: and David stepped aside out of his pre- father seeketh to kill thee: wherefore look to thy-
sence twice. self, I beseech thee, in the morning; and thou
12 And Saul feared David, because the Lord shalt abide in a secret place, and shalt be hid.
was with him, and was departed from himself. 3 And I will go out, and stand beside my fa-
13 Therefore Saul removed him from him, and ther in the field where thou art: and I will speak
made him a captain over a thousand men; and he of thee to my father; and whatsoever I shall see,
went out and came in before the people. I will tell thee.
14 And David behaved wisely in all his ways: 4 And Jonathan spoke good things of David, to
and the Lord was with him. Saul his father; and said to him: Sin not, O king,
15 And Saul saw that he was exceeding pru- against thy servant David, because he hath not
dent, and began to beware of him. sinned against thee, and his works are very good
16 But all Israel and Juda loved David; for he towards thee.
came in and went out before them. 5 And he put his life in his hand, and slew the
17 And Saul said to David: Behold my elder Philistine: and the Lord wrought great salvation
for all Israel. Thou sawest it, and didst re;"oice
* Prophesied. Acted the prophet in a mad Why therefore Avilt thou sin against innocent
manner. blood by killing David, who is without fault-"
6 And when Saul heard this he was appeased CHAP. XX.
with the words of Jonathan, and swore: As the being bent upon kVHng Datrid,
Saul obstinately
Lord hvetli, he shall not be slain. he is sent away by Jonathan.
7 Then Jonathan called David, and told him
allthese words: and Jonathan brought in David UT
David fled from Najoth, which is Ji
to Saul and he was before him, as he had been
: Ramatha, and came and said to Jonathan:
yesterday and the day before. What have I done.' what is my iniquity, and
S And the war began again: and David went what is my sin against thy father, that he seeketh
out and fought against the Philistines, and de- my life .'

feated them with a great slaughter: and they fled 2 And he said to him: God forbid; thou shalt
from his face. not die: for my father will do nothing great or
9 And the evil spirit from the Lord came upon little, without first telling me: hath then my fa-
Saul: and he sat in his house, and held a spear in ther hid this word only from me ? no, this shall
his hapd: and David played with his hand. not be.
10 And Saul endeavoured to nail David to the 3 And he swore again to David. And David
wall with his spear. And David slipt away out said: Thy father certainly knoweth that I have
of the presence of Saul and the spear missed him
: found grace in thy sight: and he will say: Let
and was fastened in the wall: and David fled, and not Jona'than know this, lest he be grieved. But
escaped that night. truly as the Lord liveth, and thy soul liveth,
11 Saul therefore sent his guards to David's there is but one step (as I may say) between me
house to watch him, that he might be killed in and death.
the morning. And when Michol, David's wife, 4 And Jonathan said to David: Whatsoever
had told him this, saying: Unless thou save thy- thy soul shall say to me, I will do for thee.
self this night, to-morrow thou wilt die: 5 And David said to Jonathan: Behold, to-mor-
12 She let him down through a window. And row is the new moon;t and I according to custom
he went and fled away, and escaped. am wont to sit beside the king to eat: let me go
13 And Michol took an image, and laid it on then, that I may be hid in the field till the eve-
tlie bed, and put the goatskin with the hair at the ning of the third day.
head of it, and covered
with clothes: it 6 If thy father look and inquire for me, thou
14 And Saul sent officers to seize David: and shah answer him: David asked me that he might
it was answered that he was sick. run to Bethlehem his own city because there are

15 And again Saul sent to see David, saying: solemn sacrifices there for all his tribe.
Bring him tc^me in the bed, that he may be slain. 7 If he shall say. It is well: thy servant shall
Ifcl And when the messengers were come in, have peace: but if he be angry, know that his
they found an image upon the bed, and a goat malice is come to its height.
skin at its head. 8 Deal mercifully then with thy servant: for
17 And Saul said to Michol: AVhy hast thou thou hast brought me thy servant into a cove-
deceived me so, and let my enemy go and flee nant of the Lord with thee. But if there be any
away.' And Michol answered Saul: Because he iniquity in me, do thou kill me; and bring me not
said tome: Let me go, or else I will kill thee. in to thy father.
But David fled, and escaped; and came to
18 9 And Jonathan said: Far be this from thee:
Samuel in Ramatha, and told him all that Saul for if I should certainly know that evil is deter-
had done to him: and he and Samuel went and mined by my father against thee, I could do no
dwelt in Najoth.* otherwise than tell thee.
19 And
it was told Saul by some, saying: Be- 10 And David answered Jonathan: shall Who
hold, David is in Najoth in Ramatha. bring me word, if thy father should answer thee
20 So Saul sent officers to take David: and harshly concerning me.'
when thej^ saw a company of prophets prophe- 11 And Jonathan said to David: Come, and let
sying,! and Samuel presiding over them, the Spi us go out into the field. And when they were
rit of the Lord came also upon them: and they both of them gone out into the field,
likewise began to prophesy. 12 Jonathan said to David: O
Lord God of Is-
21 And when this was told Saul, he sent other ael, if I shall discover my father's mind, to-mor-
messengers: but they also prophesied. And row or the day after, and there be any thing good
again Saul sent messengers the third time: and for David, and I send not immediately to thee,
they prophesied also. And Saul being exceeding and make it known to thee,
angry, 13 May the Lord do so and so to Jonathan, arid
22 Went also himself to Ramatha, and came as add still more. But if my father shall continue in
far as the great cistern, which is in Socho: and malice against thee, I will discover it to thy ear,
he asked, and said: In what place are Samuel and will send thee away, that thou mayst go in
and David.' And it was told him: Behold, they I)eace, and the Lord be with thee, as he hath
are in Najoth in Ramatha. been with father. my
23 And he went to Najoth in Ramatha: and 14 And if I live, thou^shalt shew me the kind-
the Spirit of the Lord came upon him also; and ness of the Lord but if I die, :

he went on, and prophesied till he came to Na- 1.5 Thou shalt not take away tlw kindness from
joth in Ramatha. my house for ever, when the Lord shall have
24 And he stripped himself also of his gar- rooted out the enemies of David, every one of
ments, and prophesied with the rest before Sam- them from the earth: may he take away Jona-
uel, and lay down naked all that day and night. than§ from his house, and may the Lord require
Tir.5 gave occasion to a proverb: What is Saul it|| at the hands of David's enemies.
too among the prophets .'

t To-morrow is the netv moon. The neomenia,

* Najoth. It was probably a school or college or first day of the moon, kept according to the
of prophets, in or near Ramatha, under the direc- law, as a festival; and therefore Saul feasted on
tion of Samuel. that day; and expected the attendance of his fa-
t Prophesying. That is, singing praises to God mily.
by a divine impulse. God was pleased on this § May
he take away Jonathan, ffc. It is a
occasion that both Saul's messengers and him.self curse upon himself, if he should not be faithful to
should experience the like impulse, that he might his promise.
understand, by this instance of the divine power, Require it, fyc. That is, revenge it upon Da-

bow vain are the designs of man against him vid's enemies, and upon me, if I should fail of n3y
whom God protects. word given to him.
IS Jonathan therefore made a covenant with cried after the boj', and said: Behold, the arrow
the house of David: and the Lord required it at is there lurther beyond thee.
i1k» hands of David's enemies. 38 Anfl Jonathan cried again after the boiy,
17 And Jonathan swore again to David, be- saying: Make haste speedily, stand not. And
cause he loved him: for he loved him as his own Jonathan's boy gathered up the arrows, and
isoul. brought them to his master:
18 And Jonathan said to him: To-morrow is 39 And he knew not at all what was doing: for
the new moon, and thou wilt be missed: only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
19 For tliy seat will be empty till after to-mor- 40 Jonathan therefore gave his arms to the boy,
row. So thou shalt g;o down quickly, and come and said to him: Go, and carry them into tlie
to the place, where thou must be hid on the day city.
when it is lawful to work: and thou shalt remain 41 And when the boy was gone, David rose
beside the stone, which is called Ezel. out of his ])lace, which was toward the south, and
20 And I will shoot three arrows near it, and falling on his face to the ground, adored thiice:
will shoot as \f I were exercising myself at a and kissing one another, they wept together, 1 ut
mark. David more.'
21 And I will send a boy, saying to him: Go, 42 And Jonathan said to David: Go in peace:
and fetch me the arrows. and let all stand that we have sworn both of us in
22 If I shall s: y to the boy: Behold, the arrows the name of the Lord, saying: The Lord be be-
are on this side of thee, take them up: come thou tween me and thee, and between my seed and thy
to me, because there is peace to thee, and there seed for ever.
IS no evil, as the Lord liveth. But if I shall speak 43 And David arose, and departed: and Jona-
thus to the boy: Behold, the arrows are beyond than went into the city.
thee: go in peace, for the Lord hath sent thee
away. CHAP. XXI.
23 And concerning the word which I and thou David receiveih holy bread of Achimelcch the
have spoken, the Lord be between thee and me priest; and feigneth himself mad before Achis
fur ever. king of Geih.
24 So David was hid in the field: and the ND David came to Nobef to Achimelcch
new moon came, and the king sat down to eat the priest: and Achimelcch was astonished
bread. at David's coming. And he said to him: Why
25 And whei. the king sat down upon his chair art thou alone, and no man with thee.'
(according to custom) which was beside the 2 And David said to Achimelcch the priest:
wall, Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul's The king hath commanded me a business, and
bide; and David's place appeared empty. said: Let no man know the thing for which thou
26 And Saul said nothing that day; for he art sent by me, and what manner of commands I
thought it might have happened to htm, that he have given thee: and I have appointed my ser-
was not clean, nor purified. vants to such and such a place.
27 And when the second day after the new 3 Now therefore if thou have any thing at hand,
moon was come, David's place appeared empty though it were but five loaves, give me, or what
again. And Saul said to Jonathan nis son: Why soever thou canst find.
Cometh not the son of Isai to meat neither yester 4 And the priest answered David, saying: 1
day, nor to-day.' have no common bread at hand, but only holy
28 And Jonathan answered Saul: He asked bread, if the young men be clean, ^ especially from
leave of me earnestly to go to Bethlehem. women.
29 And he said: Let me go, for there is a so 5 And David answered the priest, and said to
lenm sacrifice in the city; one of my brethren him: Truly, as to what concerneth women, we
hath sent for me: and now if I have found favour have refrained ourselves from yesterday and the
in thy eyes, I will go quickly, and see my bre day before, when we came out, and the vessels§
thren. For this cause he came not to the king's of the young men were holy. Now this way is
table. defiled, but it shall also be sanctified^ this day hi

30 Then Saul being angry against Jonathan, the vessels.

said to him: Thou son of a woman that is the 6 The priest therefore gave him hallowed
ravisher of a man, do I not know that thou lovest bread: for there was no bread there, but only the
the son of Isai to thy own confusion, and to the loaves of proposition, which had been taken
confusion of thy shameless mother.' away from before the face of the Lord, that hot
31 For as long as the son of Isai liveth upon loaves might be set up.
earth, thou shall not be established, nor thy king- 7 Now a certain man of the servants of Saul
dom. Therefore now presently send, and fetch was there that day, within the tabernacle of the
him to me: for he is the son of death.*
32 And Jonathan answering Saul his father, t Nobe. A city in the tribe of Benjamin, to
said: Why shall he die.' what hath he done.' which the tabernacle of the Lord had been trans-
33 And Saul caught up a spear to strike him. lated from Silo.
And Jonathan understood that it was determined If the young men be clean, ^-c. If this cleanness

by his father to kill David. was required of them that were to eat that bread,
34 So Jonathan rose from the table in great which was but a figure of the bread of life which
anger, and did not eat bread on the second day we receive in the blessed sacrament; how clean
after the new moon. For he was grieved for ought Christians to be when they approach to otu*
David, because his father had put him to con- tremendous mysteries.' And what reason hath
fusion. the church of God to admit none to he her minis-
35 And when the morning came, Jonathan ters to consecrate and daily receive this most pure
went into the field according to the appointment sacrament, but such as devote themselves to a
with David, and a little boy with him. life of perpetual purity.'
36 And he said to his boy: Go, and fetch me § The Vessels, I e. the bodies, have been holy,
the arrows which I shoot. And when the boy that is, have been kept from impurity.
ran, he shot another arrow beyond the boy. II
Is defiled. Is liable to expose us to dangers of
37 The boy therefore came to the place of the uncleanness.
arrow which Jonathan had shot: and Jonathan IT Be sanrtified. ^-c. That is, we shall take
care, notwithstanding these dangerous circum-
* The son of death. That h. one that deserveth stances, to keep our vessels holy, that is, to keep
death, and shall surely be put to death. our bodies from every thing that may defile us
Lord: and lis nime was Doeg an Edomite, the 10 And he consulted the Lord ti.r him, and

chiefest of Saul's herdsmen. gave him victuals, and gave him the sword of

8 And Uavid said to Achimelech: Hast thoui Goliath the Philistine.

here at hand a spear, or a sword? for I brought 11 Then the king sent to call for Achimelech
not my own sword, nor my own weapons with the priest the son of Achitob, and all his father's
me; for the king's business required haste. house, the priests that were in Nobe: and they
9 And the priest said Lo, here is the sword of came all of them to the king.

Gpliath the Philistine whom

thou slewest in the 12 And Saul said to Achimelech: Hear, thou
valley of Terebinth, wrapped up in a cloth be- son of Achitob. He
answered: Here I am, my
hind the ephod: if thou wilt take this, take it; for lord.
here is no other but this. And David said: There 13 And Saul said to him: have you con- Why
is none like that; give it me. spired against me, thou, and the son of Isai, and
10 And David arose, and fled that day from thou hast given him bread and a sword, and hast
the face of Saul; and came to Achis the king of consulted the Lord for him, that he should rise
Geth: up against me, continuing a traitor to this day ?
11 And the servants of Achis, when they saw 14 And Achimelech answering the king, said:
David, said to him: Is not this David the kmg of And who amongst all thy servants is so faithful
the land.' Did they not sing to him in their dances, as David, who is the king's son-in-law, and goeth
saying: Saul hath slain his thousands, and David forth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thy
his ten thousands? house ?
12 But David laid up these words 15 Did I begin to-day to consult the Lord foi
in his heart;
and was exceedingly afraid at the face of Achis him? far be this from me: let not the king suspect
the king of Geth. such a thing against his servant, or any one in all
13 And he changed his countenance before my father's house: for thy servant knew nothing
them, and slipt down between their hands: and he of this matter, either little or great.
stumbled against the doors of the gate, and his 16 And the king said: Dying thou shalt die,
spittle ran down upon his beard. Achimelech, thou and all thy father's house.
14 And Achis said to his servants You saw :17 And the king said to the messengers that
the man toas mad; why have j-ou brought him to stood about him: Turn, and kill the priests of the
me ? Lord; for their hand is with David, because they
15 Have we need of madmen, that you have knew that he was fled, and they told it not to me
brought in this fellcir, to play the madman in my And the king's servants would not put forth their
presence? shall this/c//otw come into my house? hands against the priests of the Lord.
18 And the king said to Doeg: Turn thou, and
CHAP. XXII. fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite
IMany resort to David. Doeg accvseth Achime- turned, and fell upon the priests, and slew in that
lech to Sav.l. He ordercth him and all the other day eighty five men that wore the linen ephod.
priests of Nohe Abiathar escapeth.
to he slain. 19 And Nobe the city of the priests he smote
AVID therefore went from thence, and fled with the edge of the sword, both men and women,
to the cave of Odollam. And when his children, and sucklings, and ox and ass, and sheep
brethren and all his father's house had heard of it, with the edge of the sword.
they went down to him thither. 20 But one of the sons of Achimelech the son
2 And all that were in distress, and oppressed of Achitob, whose name was Abiathar, escaped,
with debt, and under affliction of mind, gathered and fled to David,
themselves unto him: and he became their prince: 2! And told him that Saul had slain the priests
and there were with him about four hundred men. of the Lord.
3 And David departed from thence into Mas- 22 And David said to Abiathar: I knew that
pha of Aloab; and he said to the king of Moab: day when Doeg the Edomite was there, that with-
Let my father and my mother tarry with you, I out doubt he would tell Saul: I have been the oc-
beseech thee, till I know what God will do for casion of the death of all the souls of thy father's
me. house.
4 And he left them under the eyes of the king 23 Abide thou with me; fear not: for he that
of Moab: and they abode with him all the days seeketh my life, seeketh thy life also; and with
that David was in the hold.* me thou shalt be saved.
5 And Gad the prophet said to David: Abide
notin the hold; depart, and go into the land of CHAP. XXIII.
.luda. And David departed, and came into the Davidrelicveth Ceila, besieged hi) the Philistines.

forest of Haret, He fleeth into the desert of Ziph. Jonathan

6 And Saul heard that David was seen, and the and. he confirm their former covenant. The
men were with him. Now whilst Saul abode
that Ziphites discover him to Saul, icho pursuing
in Gabaa, and was in the wood, which is by Ra- close after him, is called away by an invasion
ma, having his spear in his hand, and all his ser- from the Philistines.
vants were standing about him, A ND they told David, saying: Behold, the
7 He said to his servants that stood about him: 1\. Philistines fight against Ceila; and they rob
Hear me now, ye sons of Jemini; will the son of the barns.
Isai give every one of you fields, and vineyards, 2 Therefore David consulted the Lord, saying:
and make you all tribunes and centurions: Shall I go and smite these Philistines? And the
8 That all of you have conspired against me, Lord said to David: Go; and thou shalt smite the
and there is no one to inform me, especially Philistines, and .shalt save Ceila.
when even my son hath entered into league witli 3 And the men that were with David, said to
the son of Isai? There is not one of you that piti- him: Behold, we are in fear here in Judea; how
eth :ny case, nor that giveth me any information: much more if we go to Ceila against the bands of
beca\ise my son hath raised up my servant against the Philistines?
me, plotting against me to this day. 4 Therefore David consulted the Lord again.
9 And Doeg the Edomite who stood by, and And he answered, and said to him: Arise, and
was the chief among the servants of Saul, an- <ro to Ceila: for I will deliver the Philistines into
swering, said: I saw the son of Isai, in Nohe, with thy hand.
Achimelech the son of Achitob the priest. therefore, and his men, went to Ceila,
5 Divid
ag.iinst the Philistines, and brought
and fought
* The hold. The strong hold, or fortress of away their rattle, and mide a sront s'.-iiiiihtcr of
Maspha. Jthem: and David saved the inhabitants of Ceila
6 Now at that time, when Abiathar
the son of tain: and David and his meri were on the other
Achimelech fled to David Ceila, he came side of the mountain: and David despaired of
down having an ephod* with him. being able to escajjc from the face of Saul: and
7 And it was told Saul that David was come to Saul and his men encompassed David and his
Ceila: and Saul said: The Lord hath delivered men round about to take them.
him into my hands; and he is shut up, being come 27 And a messenger came to Saul, saying*
into a city, that hath gates and bars. Make haste to come; for the Philistines have
8 And" Saul commanded all the people to go poured in themselves upon the land.
down to fight against Ceila, and to besiege David, 28 Wherefore Saul returned, leaving the pur
and his men. suit of David, and went to meet the Philistines
9 Now when David understood, that Saul se- For this cause, they called that place, the Rock
cretly prepared evil against him, he said to Abia- of division.
thar the priest: Bring hither the ephod.
10 And David said : O
Lord God of Israel, thy
eervant hath heard a report, that Saul designeth Said seekcth David in the icilderness of Eng;ud-
to come to Ceila, to destroy the city for my
sake: di: he goeth into a cave where David hath him
11 Will the men of Ceila deliver me into his in his power.
hands.' and will Saul come down as thy servant
hath heard.' O Lord God of Israel, tell thy s:er-
THEN David went up from thence, and
dwelt in strong holds of Engaddi.
vant. And the Lord said: He will come down. 2 And when Saul was returned from following
12 And David said: Will the men of Ceila de- the Philistines, they told him, saying: Behold,
liver me, and my men, into the hands of Saul.' David is in the desert of Engaddi.
And the Lord said: They will deliver thee up. 3 Saul therefore took three thousand chosen
13 Then David and his men, who were about men out of all Israel, and went out to seek after
six hundred, arose: and departing from Ceila, David, and his men, even upon the most craggy
wandered up and down uncertain where they rocks, which are accessible only to wild goats.
should stay: and it was told Saul tliat David was 4 And he came to the sheep-cotes which were
fled from Ceila, and had escaped : Wherefore he in his way. And there was a cave, into which
forbore to go out. Saul went, to ease nature: now David and his
14 But David abode in the desert in strong men lay hid in the inner part of the cave
holds: and he remained in a mountain of the de 5 And the servants of David said to him: Be-
sert of Ziph, in a woody hill. And Saul sought hold the day, of which the Lord said to thee: I
him always: but the Lord delivered him not into will deliver thy enemy unto thee, that thou mayst
his hands. do to him as it shall seem good in thy eyes- Then
15 And David saw that Saul was come out to David arose, and secretly cut ofl' the hem of
peek his life And David was in the desert of Saul's robe.
Ziph, in a wood. 6 After which David's heart struck him.f be-
16 And Jonathan the son of Saul arose, and cause he had cut off the hem of Saul's robe.
went to David into the wood, and strengthened 7 And he said to his men: The Lord be merci-
his hands in God: and he said to him: ful unto me, that I may do no such thing to my
17 Fear not: for the hand of my father Saul master the Lord's anointed, as to lay my hand
shall not find thee: and thou shalt reign over Is- upon him, because he is the Lord's anointed.
rael; and I shall be next to thee: yea, and my 8 And David stopped his men with his words,
father knoweth this. and suffered them not to rise against Saul. But
18 And they two made a covenant before the Saul rising up out of the cave, went on his way.
Lord: and David abode in the wood: but Jona- 9 And David also rose up after him: and going
than returned to his house. out of the cave, cried after Saul, saying: My
19 And the Ziphites went up to Saul in Gabaa, lord the king. And Saul looked behind him: and
saying: Lo, doth not David lie hid with us in the David bowing himself down to the ground, wor-
strong holds of the wood, in mount Hachila, shipped,
which is on the^right hand of the desert. 10 And said to Saul: Why dost thou hear the
20 Now therefore come down, as thy soul hath words of men that say: David seeketh thy
desired to come down: and it shall be our busi- hurt.'
ness to deliver him into the king's hands. 11 Behold, this day thy eyes have seen, that
21 And Saul said: Blessed be ye of the Lord; the Lord hath delivered thee into my hand, in
for you have pitied my case. the cave; and I had a thought to kill thee;t but
22 Go therefore, I pray you, and use all dili- my eye hath spared thee. For I said: I will not
gence, and curiousljr inquire, and consider the put out my hand against mylord, because he is
place where his foot is, and who hath seen him the Lord's anointed.
there: for he thinketh of me, that I lie craftily in 12 Moreover see and know, O my father, the
wait for him. hem of thy robe in my hand, that when I cut off
23 Consider and see all his lurking holes the hem of thy robe,' I would not put out my
wherein he is hid, and return to me with the cer- hand against thee. Reflect, and see, that there is
tainty of the thing, that I may go with you. And no evil in my hand, nor iniquity: neither have I
if he should even go down into the earth to hide sinned against thee: but thou liest in wait for my
himself, I will search him out in all the thousands life, to take it away.
of Juda. 13 The Lord judge between me and thee; and
24 And they arose, and went to Ziph before the Lord revenge me of lhee:§ but my hand
Saul: and David and his men were in the desert shall not be upon thee.
of Maon, in the plain at the right hand of Jesi-
mon. .
t Heart struck him, viz. with remorse, as fear-
2-5 Then Saul and his men went to seek hnn: ing he had done amiss.
and it was told David; and forthwith he went t A
thought to kill thee. That is, a suggestion,
down to the rock, and abode in the wilderness to which I did not consent.
of Maon: and when Saul had heard of it, he pur- § Revenge me of thee, or, as it is in the Hebrew,
sued after David in the wilderness of Maon. will revenge me. The meaning is, that he refers
26 And Saul went on this side of the moun- his whole cause to God, to judge and punish ac-
cording to his justice: yet so as to keep himself
* An ephod, or the ephod- That is, the vestment in the mean time, from all personal hatred to
of the high priest, with the urim and thummim, by Saul, or desire of gratifying his own passion, hy
which the Lord gave his oracles. seeking revenge. So far from it, that when Saul
14 As also it is said in the old proverb: From Isai ? servants are multiplied now a-dajs who
the wicked shall wickedness come forth: there- flee from their masters.
fore my hand shall not be upon thee. After 11 Shall I then take my bread, and my water,
whom dost thou come out, O king of Israel. and the flesh of my cattle, which 1 have killed
15 After whom dost tJiou pursue? after a dead for my shearers, and give to men whom I know
dog. after a flea. not whence they are?
16 Be the Lord judge, and judge between me 12 So the servants of David went back their
and thee, and see, and judge my cause, and de- way; and returning, came and told him all the
liver me out of thy hand. words that he said.
17 And when David had made an end of 13 Then David said to his young men: Let
speaking these words to Saul, Saul said: Is this every man gird on his sword. And they girded
thy voice, my son David? And Saul lifted up his on every man his sword. And David also girded
voice, an 1 wept: on his sword: and there followed David about
IS And he said to David Thou art more just four hundred men: and two hundred remained

than I: for Ihou hast done good to me; and I with the baggage.
have rewarded thee with evil. 14 But one of the servants told Abigail the
19 And thou hast shown this day what good wife of Nabal, saying: Behold^ David sent mes-
ihinj^s thou hast done to me; how the Lord de- sengers out of the wilderness, to salute our mas-
livered me into thy hand, and thou hast not kill ter; and he rejected them.
ed nie. 15 These men were very good to us, and gave
20 For who, when he hath found his enemy, us no trouble: neither did we ever lose any tning
will let him go well away? But the Lord reward all the time that we conversed with them in the
thee for this good turn, lor what thou hast done desert.
to me this day. 16 They were a wall unto us both by night and
21 And now as I know that thou shalt surely day, all the while we were with them keeping the
be king, and have the kingdom of Israel in thy sheep.
hand: 17 Wherefore consider, and think what thou
22 Swear to me by the Lord, that thou wilt hast to do; for evil is determined against thy
not destroy my seed after me, nor take away husband, and against thy house; and he is a son
mj' name from the house of my father. of Belial, so that no man can speak to him.
23 And David swore to Saul. So Saul went IS Then Abigail made haste, and took two
home and David and his men went up into safer hundred loaves, and two vesselsof wine, and five

nlaces sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parch-

ed corn, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and
CHAP. XXV. two hundred cakes of dry figs, and laid them
77(6 death of Samuel. David, provoked by Na- upon asses:
bal, threateneth to destroy him; but is appeas- 19 And she said to her servants: Go before
ed by Abigail. me: behold, I will follow after you: but she told
AND Samuel died: and aJJ Israel was gather- not her husband Nabal.
ed together, and they mourned for him, and 20 And when she had gotten upon an ass, and
buried him in his house in Ramatha. And David was coming down to the foot of the mountain,
rose, and went down into the wilderness of Pha- David and his men came down over-against her
an. and she met them.
2 Now there was a certain man in the wilder- 21 And David said: Truly in vain have I kept
ness of Maon, and his possessions were in Car- all that belonged to this man in the wilderness,
mel: and the man was very great; and he had and nothing was lost of all that pertained unto
three thousand sheep, and a thousand goats; and him: and he hath returned me evil for good.
it hsjjpened that he was shearing his sheep in 22 May God do so and so, and add more to
Carmel. the foes of David, if I leave* of all that belong
3 Now the name of the man was Nabal; and to him till the morning any that pisseth against
the name of his wife was Abigail. And she was the wall.
a prudent and very comely woman; but her hus- 23 And when Abigail saw David, she made
band was churlish, and very bad. and ill natured: haste, and lighted otf the ass, and fell before Da-
and he was of the house of Caleb. vid, on her face, and adored upon the ground.
4 And when David heard in the wilderness, 24 And she fell at his feet, and said: Upon rne
that Nabal was shearing his sheep, let this iniquity be, my lord: let thy handmaid
5 He sent ten voung men, and said to them. speak, I beseech, in thy ears; and hear the words
Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, and salute of thy servant.
him m my name with peace. 25 Let not my lord the king, I pray, regard
6 And you shall say: Peace be to ifay brethren this naughty man Nabal; for according to his
and to thee, and peace to thy house, and peace to name,t he is a fool, and folly is with him: but I
all that thou hast. thy handmaid did not see thy servants, my lord,
7 I heard that thy shepherds that were with us whom thou sentest.
in the desert were shearing: we never molested 26 Now therefore, my lord, the Lord liveth,
them, neither was there aught missing to them of and thy soul liveth, who hath withholden thee
the flock at any time, all the while they were from coming to blood, and hath saved thy hand
with us in Carmel. to thee: and now let thy enemies be as Nabal.
8 Ask thy servants, and they will tell thee. and all they that seek evil to my lord.
Nov,' therefore let thy servants hnd favour in thy 27 Wherefore receive this blessing, which thy
eyes: for we are come in a good day; whatso- handmaid hath brought to thee, my lord; and
ever thy hand shall find, give to thy servants, and give it to the young men that follow thee, my
to tby son David. lord.
9 And when David's servants came, they 28 Forgive the iniquity of thy handmaid: for
spoke to Nabal all these words in David's name; the Lord will surely make for my lord a faithful
uiid then held their peace.
10 But Nabal answering the servants of Da- * If I leave, ^-c. David certainly sinned in his
vid, said: AVho is Dafvid? and what is the son of designs against Nabal and his family, as he him-
self was afterwards sensible, when he "blessed
was afte -wards slain, we find, that instead of re- God for hindering him from executing tne re-
joicing at his death, he mourned most bitterly venge he had proposed.
for him. t His name. Nabal in Hebrew signifies a fool

house; because thou, my lord, fightestthe battles
of the Lord: lei not evil therefore be found in
AND the men of Zinh came to Saul in Gabaa.
saying: Behold, David is hid in the hill of
tboe all the days of thy life. Hachila, which is over-against the wilderness.
29 For if a man at any time shall rise, and per- 2 And Saul arose, and went down to the wil-
! te thee, and seek thy life, the soul of my lord derness of Ziph, having with him three thousand
fc kept, as in the bundle of the living, with chosen men of Israel, to seek David in the wil-
tl; jid thy God: but the souls of thy enemies derness of Ziph.
shai. be whirled, as with the violence and whirl- 3 And Saul camped in Gabaa Hachila, which
ing of a slins:. was over-against the wilderness in the way; and
30 And when the Lord shall have done to thee, David abode in the wilderness. And seeing that
my lord, all the good that he hath spoken con- Saul was come after him into the wilderness,
cerning thee, and shall have made thee prince 4 He sent spies, and learned that he was most
over Israel, certainly come thither.
31 This shall not be an occasion of grief to 5 And David arose secretly, and came to the
thee, and a scruple of heart to mylord, that thou place where Saul was: and when he had beheld
hast shed innocent blood, or hast revenged thy- the place wherein Saul slept, and Abner the son
self: and when the Lord shall have done v/ell by of Ner, the captain of his army, and Saul sleeping
my lord, thou shall remember thy handmaid. in a tent, and the rest of the multitude round
32 And David said to Abigail: Blessed be the about him,
Lord the God of Israel, who sent thee this day to 6 David spoke to Achimelech the Hethite, and
Qieet me; and blessed be thy speech: Abisai the son of Sarvia the brother of Joab, say-
33 And blessed be thou, who hast kept me to- ing: Who will go down with me to Saul into the
day, from coming to blood, and revenging me camp.' And Abisai said: I will go with thee.
with my own hand. 7 So David and Abisai came to the people by
34 Otherwise as the Lord liveth, the God of night, and found Saul lying and sleeping in the
Israel, who hath withholden me, from doing thee tent, and his spear fixed in the ground at his head
any evil; if thou hadst not quickly come to meet and Abner and the people sleeping round about
me, there had not been left to Nabal by the morn- him.
ing light any that pisseth against the wall 8 And Abisai said to David: God hath shut up
35 And David received at her hand all that she thy enemy this day into thy hands: now then I
had brought him; and said to her: Go in peace will run him through with my spear even to the
into thy house; behold, I have heard thy voice, earth at once; and there shall be no need of a
and have honoured thy face. second time.
36 And Abigail came to Nabal: and behold, 9 And David said to Abisai: Kill him not; for
he had a feast in his house, like the feast of a who shallput forth his hand against the Lord's
king; and Nabal's heart was merry: for he was anointed, and shall be guiltless.''
very drunk: and she told him nothing less or 10 And David said: As the Lord liveth, un
more until morning. less the Lord shall strike him, or his day shal<
37 But early in the morning when Nabal had come to die, or he shall go down to batile, and
digested his wine, his wife told him these words: perish:
and his heart died within him, and he became as 11 The
Lord be merciful unto me, that I ex-
a stone. tend not my hand upon the Lord's anointed. Bu'
38 And after ten days had passed, the Lord' now take the spear, which is at his head, and tht
struck Nabal, and he died. cup of water; and let us go.
39 And when David had heard that Nabal was 12 So David took the spear, and the cup of
dead, he said: Blessed be* the Lord, who hath water, which was at Saul's head; and the)' wen
judged the cause of my reproach at the hand of away: and no man saw it, or knew it, or avv-aked
Nabal, and hath kept his servant from evil: and but they were all asleep, for a deep sleep "from
the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Naba" the Lord was fallen upon them.
upon his head. Then David sent and treated 13 And when David was gone over to tlu
w'ith Abigail, that he might take her to himself other side, and stood on the top of the hill afar
for a wife. off, and a good space was between them,
40 And David's servants came to Abigail to 14 David cried to the people, and to Abner thi
Carmel, and spoke to her, saving: David hath son of Ner, saying: Wilt thou not answer, Ab
sent us to thee, to take thee to himself for a wife ner? And Abner answering, said: Who
art thou,
41 And she arose, and bowed herself down that criest, and disturbest the king.''
with her face to the earth; and said: Behold, let 15 And David said to Abner: Art not thou a
thy servant be a handmaid, to wash the feet of man.' and who is like thee in Israel.' why then
the servants of my lord. hast thou not kept thy lord the king.' for there
42 And Abigail arose, and made haste, and got came one of the peojjle in to kill the king thy
upon an ass; and five damsels went with her, her lord.
waiting maids; and she followed the messengers 16 This thing is not good, that thou hnst done,
of David, and became his wife. as the Lord liveth you are the sons of death, who
43 Moreover David took also Achinoam of have not kept your master, the Lord's anointed.
Jezr«hel: and they were both of them his wives. And now where is the king's spear, and the cup
44 But Saul gave Michol his daughter, David's! of water, which was at his head .'

wife, to Phalti, the son of Lais, who was of Gallim. |

17 And Saul knew David's voice, and said: Is
this thy voice, my son David.' And David said:
CHAP. XXVI. It is my voice, m)' lord the king.
Sard ^oeth out again after David; who comcfh 18 And he said: Wherefore doth my lord |ier-
by night tohere Said and his men are asleep, secute his servant.' What have I done.' or v.'hat
but svffereth him not to be touched. Saul again evil is there in my hand ?
confesseth Ins fault, and promiseth peace. 19 Now therefore hear, I pray thee, my lord
the king, the words of thy servant: If the' Lord
* Blessed he, <^c. David praiseth God, on this stir thee up against me, let him accept of sacri-
occasion, not out of joy for the death of Nnbal fice: but if the sons of men, they are cursed in the
(which would have argued a rancour of heart,) >iisht of the Lord, who have cast me out this day
but because he saw that God had so visibly taken that I should not dwell in the inheritance of the
bis cause in hand, in punishing the injury done to Ijord, saying: Go, serve strange gods.
him; whilst by a merciful providence he kept 20 And now let not my blood be shed upon the
him from revenging himtelf. earth before the Lord for the king of Israel is

come v,ui 10 seek a flea, as the partridge is hunted vid, and such was his proceeding all the days
in the mountains. that he dwelt in the country of the Philistines.
21 And Saul said: I have sinned; return, mj- 12 And
Achis believed David, saying: He
son David; tor I will no more do thee harm, Be- hath done much harm to his people Israel: there-
cause my
life hath been precious in thy eyes this fore he shall be my servant for ever.
day: for it appeareth that I have done foolishly, CHAP. XXVIII.
and hnve been i°;norant in very many things.
22 And David answering;, said: Behold the The Philistines go out to toar against Israel
king's spear; let one of the king's servants come Saul being forsaken by God, hath recourse to a
over and fetch it. witch. Samuel appeareth to him.
23 And the Jjord will reward every one ac-
cording to his justice, and his faithfulness: for the
AND it came to pass in those days, that the

Philistines gathered together their armies, to

Lord hath delivered thee this day into my hand; be prepared for war against Israel: and Achia
and I would not put forth my hand against the said to David: Knowing now know thou, that
Lord's anointed. thou shalt go out with me to the war, thou, and
2t And as thy life hath been much set by this thy men.
day in eyes, so let my life be much set by in
my 2 And David said to Achis: Now
thou shalt
the eyes of the Lord, and let him deliver me from know what thy servant will do. And Achis said
all distress. to David And I will appoint thee to guard my

25 Then Saul said to David: Blessed art thou, life for ever.
my son David: and truly doing thou shalt do, ant 3 NowSamuel was dead: and all Israel mourn-
prevailing thou shalt prevail. And David went ed for him, and buried him in Ramatha his city.
on his way; and Saul returned to his place. And Saul had put away all the magicians and
soothsayers out of the land.
CHAP. XXVII. 4 And the Philistines were gathered together,
David gocth again to Achis king of Gcth, and and came and camped in Sunam: and Saul also
obtaineth of him the city of Siceleg. gathered together all Israel, and came to Gelboe.
AND David said in his heart: I shall one day 5 And .Saul saw the army of the Philistines, and
or other fall into the hands of Saul: is it not was afraid; and his heart was very mu; h dis-
better for me to flee, and to be saved in the land mayed.
of the Philistines, that Saul may despair of me, 6 And he consulted the Lord: and he ani^Tr-
and cease to seek me in all the coasts of Israel? I ed him not, neither by dreams, nor by priests, \ior
will flee then out of his hands. by prophets.
2 And David arose, and went away, both he 7 And Saul said to his servants: Seek me a
and the six hundred men that were with him, to woman that hath a divining spirit; and I will go
Achis the son of Maoch, king of Geth. to her, and inquire by her. And his servants said
3 And David dwelt with Achis at Geth, he to him: There is a woman that hath a divining
and his men; every man with his household, and spirit at Endor.
David with his two wives, Achinoam the Jezra- 8 Then he disguised himself, and put on other
helitrss, and Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel. clothes: and he went, and two men with him*
4 And it was told Saul that David was fled to and they came to the woman by night; and he
Gcth: and he sought no more after him. said to her: Divine to me by thy divining s[,irit,
o And David said to Achis: If I have found and bring me up him whom I shall tell thee.
favour in thy sight, place be given me in
let a 9 And ths" woman said to him: Behold, thou
one of the country, that I may dwell knowest all that Saul hath done, and how he hath
cities of this
there: foi why should thy servant dwell in the rooted out the magicians and soothsayers from the
royal city with thee.' land: why then dost thou lay a snare for my life,
6 Then Achis gave him Siceleg that day: for to cause me to be put to death?
which reason Siceleg belongeth to the kings of 10 And Saul swore unto her by the Lord, say-
Juda unto this day. ing: As the Lord liveth, there shall no evil hap-
7 And the time that David dwelt in the coun- pen to thee for this thing.
try of the Philistines, was four months. 11 And the woman said to him: Whomshall I
8 And David and his men went up, and pil- bring up to thee? And he said: Bring me up
Inged Gessuri,* and Gerzi, and the Amalecites: Samuel.
for these were of old the inhabitants of the coun- 12 And when the woman saw Sainuei, she
tries, as men go to Sur, even to the land of cried out with a loud voice, and said to Saul:
Egypt. Why
hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
9 And David wasted all the land, and left nei- 13 And the king said to her: Fear not: what
tlier man nor woman alive; and took away the hast thou seen? And the woman said to Saul: I
sheep, and the oxen, and the asses, and the cam- saw gods ascending out of the earth.
els, and the apparel; and returned, and came to 14 And he said to her: What form is he of?
Acliis. And she said: An old man cometh up, pnd he is
10 And Achis said to him: AVhom hast thou covered with a mantle. And Saul ur.d'nstood
gone against to-day? David answered: Against that it was Samuel :t and he bowed himstlf with
the south of Juda, and against the south of Jera- his face to the ground, and adored.
moc-i, and against the south of Ceni. 15 And Samuel said to Saul: Why
hast thou
11 And David saved neither man nor woman, disturbed mv rest, that I should be brought up?
neither brought he any of them to Geth, saying: And Saul said, I am in great distress: for the Phi-
Lest they should speak against u.s. So did Da- listines fight against me; and God is del ai ted from
me. and would not hear me, neither by the hand
Pilhtged Gessuri, ^-c. These probably were of prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I have call-
enemies of the people of God; and some, if not
all of therrt, wen; of the number of those whom t Understood that it was Samuel- It is the
God had ordered to be destroyed; which justifies more common opinipn of the holy fathers, and in-
David's f)roceedings in their regard. Though it terpreters, that the soul of .Samuel appeared in-
is to be observed here, that we are not imder an deed and not, as some have imagined, an evil >py

ohligrtion of justilying every thing that he did: rit in his sh.ape. Not that the power of her magic
for the scripture in relating what was done, doth could bring iiim thither, but that God was pleased,
not say that it was well done. And even such as for the punishment of Saul, that Samuel himself
an; tnio servants of God, are not to be imitated should denounce unto him the evils that were
i.'i all they do. fanin" upon him. See Ecchsiaslicus x\\-\.2&.
2B 193
ed thee, that thou mayst show me what done, and what hast thou found in me liij- servant,
1 shall
do. jiVom the day that I have been in thy sight unt'l
16 And Samuel said: Why
askest thou me, this day, that I may not go and fight against the.
seeing the Lord has departed from thee, and is jeneniii a pi my lord the king.'
gone over to thy rival: 9 An;! Achis answering said to David: I know

17 For the Lord will do to thee as he spoke by that thou art good in uiy ^ighl, as an Angil of
me: and he will rend thy kinj;dom out of thy iiou: but the princes of the Philistines have said
hand, and will 2,ive it to thy neighbour Davi<l: He shall not go uj) with us to the battle.
18 Because thou didst not obey the voice of the 10 Therefore arise in the morning, tliou, and

l^ord, neither didst thou execute the wrath of his the servants of thy lord, who came with tlu-e: and
indignation upon Amalec. Therefore hath the when j'ou are up before day, and it shall begin to
Lord done to thee what thou sufferest this day. ^be light, go on your way.
19 And the Lord also will deliver Israel with j
So David and his men arose in the night,
thee into the hands of the Philistines: and to-mor- jthat they might set forward in the morning, and
row thcu and thy sons shall be with me:* and the returned to the land of the Pl.ilistines: and the
Lord will also deliver the army of Israel into the jPhilistines went up to Jezrahei.
hands of the Philistines.
20 And forthv.'ith Saul fell all along on the
pround: for he was frightened with the words of The Amalecites burn Siccleg, and ca7~7'y off the
Hannud: and there was no strength in him; for he prey: Davidpursueth after them, and rccovcr-
had eaten no bread all that day. eth all out of their hands.
21 And the woman came to Saul (for he was
very much troubled) and said to him: Behold,
NOW when David and his men were come to
Siceleg on the third day, the Amalecites had
thy handmaid hath obeyed thy voice; and I have made an invasion on the south side upon Siceleg;
put my life in my hand: and I hearkened unto the and had smitten Siceleg, and burnt it with tire:
words which thou spokest to me. 2 And had taken the women cajitives th:'t were
22 Now therefore hear thou also the voice qf in it, both little and great: and they had not killed
thy handmaid; and let me set before thee a mor- any person, but had carried them with them, and
sel of bread, that tliou mayst eat and recover went on their way.
strength, and be able to go on thy journey. 3 So when David and liis men came to the c;ty,
23 But he refused and said: I will not eat. But and found it burnt with fire, and that their wives,
his servants and the v/oman forced him: and at and their sons, and their daughters, were takeis
length hearkening to their voice, he arose from captives,
the ground, and sat upon the bed. 4 David and the people that were with him,
24 Now the woman had a fatted calf in the liftedup their voices, and wept till they had no
house; and she made haste, and killed it: and tak- more tears.
ing meal kneaded it, and baked some unleavened 5 For the two wives also of David were taken
bread, captives, Achinoam the Jezrahelitess, and Abi-
2-5 And set it before Saul, and before his ser- gail the wife of Naba! of Carmel.
vants. And when they had eaten they rose up, 6 And David was greatly afflicted for the
and walked all that night. people had a mind to stone him, for the soul of
jevcry man was bitterly grieved for his sons and
CHAP. XXIX. daughters; but David took courage in the Lord
David going with the Philistines is sent back by his God.
their princes. 7 And he said to Abiathar the priest the son of
[OW all the troops of the Philistines were Achimelech: Bring me hither the ephod. And
gathered together to Aphec: and Israel also Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
camped by the fountain which is in Jezrahei. 8 And David consulted the Lord, saying:

2 And the lords of the Philistines marched Shall I pursue after these robbers, and shall 1
with their hundreds and their thousands: but Da- overtake them, or no.' And the Lord said to him*
vid and his men were in the rear with Achis. Pursue after them: for thou shalt surely overtake
3 And the princes of the Philistines said to jthem, and recover the prey.
Achis: What mean these Hebrews.' And Achis 9 So David went, he and the six hundred men

said to the princes of the Philistines: Do you not that were with him; and they came to the torrent
know David, who was the servant of Saul the iBesor: and some being weary stayed there.
king of Israel, and hath been with me many daj's, 10 P,ut David pursued, he and four hundred
or years; and I have found no fault in him, since men: for two hundred stayed, who being weary
the day that he fled over to me until this day.' could not go over the torrent Besor.
4 But the princes of the Philistines were an- 11 And they found an Fgyptian in the field,
gry with him; and they said to him: Let this man land brought him to Da\id: and they gave him
return, and abide in his place, which thou hast ap- Ibread to eat, and water to drink,
Eointed him: and let him not go down with us to 12 As also a piece of a cake of figs, and twc

attle, lest he be an adversary to us, when we bunches of raisins. And when he had eaten
shall begin to fight: for how can he otherwise them, his spirit returned, and he was refreshed:
appease his master, but with our heads.' for he had not eaten bread, nor drunk water, three
5 Is not this David, to whom they sung in their days and three nights-
dances, saying: Saul slew his thousands, and Da- 13 And David said to him: To whom dost thou

vid his ten thousands.' ibelong.' or whence dost thou come.' and whither
6 Then Achis called David, and said to him: art thou going.' He
said: I am a young man of
As the Lord liveth, thou art upright and good in Egypt, the servant of an Amalecite: and my
my sight: and so is thy going out, and thy coming master left me, because I began to be sick three
in with me in the aimy and I have not found any days ago.

evil in thee, since the day that thou earnest to me 14 For we made an invasion on the south side
unto this day: but thou pleas^st not the lords. of Cerethi, and upon Juda. and uf on the south of
7 Return therefore, and go in peace; and offend .Caleb: and we burnt Siceleg with fire.
not the eyes of the princes of the Philistines. 15 And David said to him: Csnst thou bring me

8 And David said to Achis: But what have I to this company.' And he said: Swear to me by
iGod. that thou wilt not kill me. nor deliver me
* IVith we. That is, in the state of the dead, 'into the hands of my master, and I will bring thee
and in another world, though not in the same [to this company. And David swore to him.
place. 16 And when he had brought him, behold,

fliey were lyin^ sprenci upon all the ground, eat- 'M And that were in Arama, an(' Ihal were in
ine. and drinking, and as it were keeping a festi- the lake Asan, and that were in Athach,
val day, for all the prey, and the spoils wliich 31 And
that were in Hebion, and to the rest
they liaJ taken out ot the hind of the Philistines, that were in those places, in which David had
anil out of the land of Juda. abode with his men.
And David slew them from the evening un-
tvythe evening of the next day: and there escaped
Israel is dffcatrd by the Pliilisiines: Saul and
not a man of them, but four hunched voung merij
/lis sons are slain.
who had gotten upon camels, and fled.
So David recovered all that the Amalecites
had trken: and he rescued his two wives.
AND the Philistines fought against
and the men of Israel fled from before the

19 And there was nothing missing small or Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gelboe.
great, neither of their sons or their daughters, nor 2 And the Philistines fell upon Saul, and upon
of the spoils; and whatsoever they had taken, his sofis:and they slew Jonathan, and Abinadab,
David recovered all. > and Melchisua, the sons of Saul.
20 And he took all the flocks and the herds; 8 And the whole weight of the battle was
and '.nade them go before him: and they said: turned upon Saul: and the archers overtook him;
Tliis is the jirey of David. and he was grievously wounded by the archers.
21 And David came to the two hundred men, 4 Then Saul said to his armour-bearer: Uraw
who being weary had staj'ed, and were not able thy sword, and kill me: lest these uncircumcised
to follow David, and he had ordered them to come, and slay me, and mock at me. And his
abide at the torrent Besor: and they came out to armour-bearer would not: for he was struck with
.tieet David, and the people that were with him. exxeeding great fear. Then Saul took his sword,
\m\ David coming to the people, saluted them and fell ypon it.
peaceably. 5 And when his armeur-bearer saw this, to
22 Then all the wicked and unjust men that wit, that Saul was dead, he also fell upon his
had gone with David, answering, said: Because sword, and died with him.
they came not with us, we will not give them 6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and his ar-
any thing of the prey which we have recover- mour-bearer, and all his men that same day to-
ed: but let every man take his wife and his gether.
children, and be contented with ihem, and go his 7 And the men of Israel, that were beycnd
way. the valley, and beyond the Jordan, seeing thftt
23 But David said: You shall not do so, my the Israelites were fled, and that Saul was dead,
brethren, with these things, which the Lord hath and his sons, forsook their cities, and fled: and
given us, who hath kept us, and hath delivered the Philistines came, and dwelt there.
the robbers that invaded us into our hands: 8 And on the morrow the Philistines came to
24 Anil no man shall hearken to you in ihi< strip the slain: and they found Saul and his three
matter. But equal shall be the portion of him sons lying in mount Gelboe.
that went down to battle, and of liim that abode 9 And they cut off Saul's head, and stripped
at the baggage: and they shall divide alike. him of his armour, and sent into the land of the
2.5 And this hath been done from that day for- Philistines round about, to [lublish it in the tem-

ward, and since was made a statute and an ordi- ples of their idols, and among their peojjle.'
nance, and as a law in Israel. 10 And they put his armour in the temple of
2() Then David came to Siceleg, and sent pre- Asiarolh: buUhis body they hung on the wall of
sents of the prey to the ancients of Juda his Bethsan.
neighbours, saying: Receive a blessing of the 11 Now
when the inhabitants of Jabes GalaaJ
prey of the enemies of the Lord. had heard all that the Philistines had done to
27 To them that were in Bethel, and that 3vere Saul,
in Ramoth to the south, and to them that were 12 All the most valiant men arose, and walked
In Jether, all the night, and took the body of Saul, and the
28 And to them that were in Aroer, and that bodies of his sons, from the wall of Bethsan:
Were in Sephamoth, and that v/ere in Estharno, and they came to Jabes Galaad, and burnt them
29 And that were in Rachal, and that were in there:
the cities of Jerameel, and that were in the cities 13 And they took their bones, and buried them
of Ceni, in the wood of Jabes; and fasted seven days




booli -elates the transactions from the death the Amalecites, and abode two days in Siceleg.
of Sail, end of l>avid''.'< rei-^n, being
intil the 2 And on the third day, there appeared a man
ah xturi) for the space of about 46 years. who came out of Saul's einiip, with his garmer.cs
rent, and dusl strewed on his head: and when he
to l)a\ id, he fell upon his face, and adcned
Dnvi d mnurneth for the death of Saul and .hna- 3 .\m\ Daviil sai<l to him: P'rom whence com-
til he ordereth the
mm to be slain vho pre- est thou? And he saiil to him: 1 am lied out of
tin •led he had killed Saul.
the cnnif) of Israel.
)W it came to pass, after Saul was dead, 4 And David said unto him: What is the mat-
N' that David returned from the slaughter of ter that is come to
tell me. He said: Th«
n. K[JNGS.
people »' i fled from the battle, and iiiany of tlie 27 How are the valiant fallen, and the weapOM
p^oplf \ o fallen and dea<l: moreover Saul and of war perished?
Jonatl't.,-. his son are slain
5 A w\ David said to the young man that told

him: 1 Idw knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan David, received and anointed king; of Juda.

his son are dead ?

Isbosetb the son of Saul reigneth over the rest
6 And young man that told him, said: I
the of Israel. A
battle between ylbner and Joab.
came by chance upon mount Gelboe, and Saul
leaned upon his spear: and the chariots and horse-
David consulted the
after these things
Lord, saying: Shall 1 go up into one of the
men drew lU'iih unto him, cities of Ju;la? And the Lord said to him: Go
7 And looking behind him, and seeing me, he up. And David said: Whither shall f go up?
called me. And I answered: Here am I. And he answered him: Into Hebron.
8 And he said to me: Who
art thou: And I 2 So David went up, and his two wives, Achi-
said to him: I am an Amalecite. noam the Jezrahelitess, and Abigail the wife of
9 And he said to me: Stand over me, and kill Nabal of C'armel:

jne: for anguish is come upon me, and as yet my 3 And the men also that were with him, Daviil
whole life is in me. brought up every man with his household: and
10 So staniling over him, I killed him:* for I they abode in the towns of Hebron.
knew that he could not li\e after the fall: and I 4 And the men of Juda came, and anointed
took the diadem that was on his head, and the David there, to be king over the house of Juda.
bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought And it was told David, that the men of Jabes
thim hither to thee my lord. Galaad had buried Saul.
11 Then David took hold of his garments and 5 David therefore sent mtssengers to the men
rent them, and likewise all the men that were of Jabes Galaad, and said to them: Blessed be
with him: you to the Lord, who have shown this mercy to
12 And they mourned, and wejit, and fasted your master Saul, and have buried him.
imtil evening for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, 6 And now the Lord surely will render you
and for the people of the Lord, and for the house mercy and truth; and I also vvill requite you for
Df Israel, because they were fallen by the sword. this ^ood turn, because you have done this thin^.
13 And David said to the young man that told 7 Let your hands be strengthened, and be ye
h'm: Whence art. thou? He answered: I am the men of valour: for although your master Saul be
son of a stranger of Amalec. (lead, yet the house of Juda hath anointed me to
14 Davi sail to him:
1 Why
didst thou not be their king.
fear to put out thy hand to kill the Lord's 8 But Abner the son of Ner, general of Saul's
anoi'ited .'
arn)y, took I.'^boselh the son of Saul, and led him
15 And David calling one of his servants, said: about through the camp,
Go near, a.".d fall upon him. And he struck him 9 And made him king over Galaad, and over
so that he died. Gessuri, anti over Jezrahel, and over Ephraim,
16 And David said to him: Thy blood be upon and over Benjamin, and over all Israel.
thy own head: for thy own mouth hath sjioken 10 Isbosetb the son of Saul was forty years olcT
against thee, saying: I have slain the Lord's when he began to reign over Israel; and he reign-
anointed. ed two years:t and only the house of Juda follow-
17 And David made this kind of lamentation ed David.
over Saul, and over Jonathan his son. 11 And the number of the days that David
13 (Also he commanded that they should teach abode, reigning in Hebron over tlie house of Ju-
the childien of .luda the use of the bow, as it is da, was seven years and si.\ months.
writt''n in the Rook of tlie just.) And he said: 12 And Abner the son of Ner, and the ser-
Coiisi.ler, t) Israel, lor them that are dead wound- vants of Isboseth the son of Saul, went out from
ed on thy high [ilaces. the camp to Gabaon
19 Tiie illustrious of Israel are slain ujjon thy 13 And Joab the son of Sarvia, and the ser
monnnins: how are the vaMant fallen! vants of David went out, and met them by the
20 Tell it not in Geth; publish it not in the pool of Gabaon. And when they were come to-
streets of Ascalon: lest the daughters of the Phi- gether, they nat down over-against one another*
listines reioire; lest the daughters of the uncir- tlie one on the one side of the [lool, and the other
cumcised triumjih. on the other side.
21 Ye mounlnins of Gelboe, let neither dew, 14 And Abner said to Joab: I^et the young
nor rain come upon you, neither be tluy fields of men rise, and play before us. And Joab an-
first-fruits: for there was cast away the shield of Iswered: Let them rise.
th'^ valiant, the shield of Saul, as though he had 15 Then there arose and went over twelve in
not been anointed witli oil. number of Ben)amin. of tlie part of Isboseth the
22 F'rom the blood of the slain, from the fat of son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of David.
the valiant, the arrow of Jonathan never turned 16 And every one catching his' f;llow bj- liie
bark, an the sword of Saul tlid not return empty. head, thrust his sword into the side of his adver-

23 Saul and Jonathan, lovely and comely in sary; and they fell down tngrther: and the nan;e
their life, even in death they were nottiiviled: of the place was called, The field of the valiant,
they were swifter than eagles, stronger tlian in Gabaon.
lions. 17 Am! there was a very fierce battle that day
2-1 Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, and Abner was [-ut to fli'dit. with the niim of Is-

who clothed you with scarlet in delights, who

the servants of Davi 1.
rael, by
gave ornaments of gold for your attire. And
there were the three sons of Sarvia
25 Howare the valiant fallen i;i battle.'' Jona- there, Joab, and Abisai, and Asael: now Asael
than slain in the lii.<h places.' was a most swift runner, like one of the roes tha
2fi I grieve for thee, my brother Jomtlnn, ex- abide i:i the woods.
ceeding beautiful, and amiable to me above the 19 And Asa'd pursued after Abner. and turned
love of women As the mother loveth her only not to the light hand nor to the k ft from follo^v.
son, so did I love thee. ing Abner.

* J killed him. This story of the young Ama- t He reii'verl Iwo ye/ir^, viz. Before he beg:m
leci'e was not true, as may easily be j'roved by visibly to decline: but in all lie r' i^ned seven
r.omparing it with t!ie last chapter of the forego- years and r.ix months: for so long Daviii reigiiec
if.g book. ,jn Hebron.


20 And Abner looked behind him, and said: 8 Why didst thou go in to my lather's concu-
Ar' thi Asael? And he answereil: I am. bine? And he Was exceedingly angry for the
21 And Abner said lo liiin: Go to tlie right words of Isboseth, and said: Am I a dog's head
hand, or to the left, and lay Iiold on one of the against Juda this day, who have shewn mercy to
youn;? men, and take thee his spoils. But Asael the house of Saul tliy father, and to his brethren
would not leave otf following him close. and friends, and have not delivered thee into the
22 And again Abner saiil to Asael: Go off, and hands of David, and hast thou sought this day
do not follow me, lest I be obliged to stab thee to agr.inst me to charge me with a matter concern-
Uie ground, and I shall not be able to hold up my ing a woman?
face to ioab thy brother. I
9 So do God lo Abner, and more also, unles.s
23 Hut he relused to hearken to him, and would as the Lord liath sworn to David, so I do to him,
not turn aside: wherefore Abner struck him wi'.h 10 That the kingdom be translated from the
his spear with a back' stroke in the groin, and house of Saul, and the throne of David be set up
thrust liim through; and he died upon the spot: over Israel, and over Juda, from Dan to Bersabee.
and ail that came to the place where Asael fell 11 And he could not answer him a word, be-
down and died, stood still. cause he feared him.
24 Now while Joab and Abisai pursued after 12 Abner therefore sent messengers to David
Aiiner, the sun went down: and they came as far for himself, saying: Whose is the land? and that
as the hill of the aqueduct, that Ijeth over-against they should say: Make a league with me, and my
the valley by the way of the wilderness in Ga- hand shall be with thee; and I will bring all Israel
baon. to thee.
25 And the children of Benjamin gathered 13 And he said: Very well; I will make a
themselves together to Abner: and being joined league vvith thee; but one tning I require of thee,
in one body, they stood on the top of a hill" saying: Thou shall not see my face before thou
26 And Abner cried out to Joab, and said: bring Michol the daughter of Saul: and so thou
Shall thy sword rage unto utter destruction? shalt come, and see me.
knowest thou not that it is dangerous to drive 14 And David se;it messengers to Isboseth the
people to despair? how long dost thou defer to son of Saul, saj'ing: Restore my wife MichoI,
bid the people cease from pursuing after their whom I espoused to me for a hundred for; skina
brethren? of the Philistines.
27 And Joab said: As the Lord liveth, if thou 15 And Isboseth sent, and took her from her
hadsl spoke sooner, even in the morning the peo- husband Phaltiel, the son of Lais.
ple should have retired from pursuing after their 16 And her husband followed her, weeping, as
brethren. far as Bahurim: and Abner said to him: Go, and
28 Then Joab sounded the trumpet: and all the return. And he returned.
army stood still, and did not pursue after Israel 17 Abner also spoke to the ancients of Israel,
any farther, nor fight any more. saying: Both yesterday and the day befori you
29 And Abner and his men walked all that sought for David that he might reign over \ o;i.
night through the plains: and they passed the Jor- 18 Now
then do it: because the Loi- '

dan, and having gone through all Bethhoron, spoken to David, saying: By the hand of niy ser-
came to the camp. vant David I will save my people Israel from the
30 And Joab returning, after he had left Ab- hands of the Philistines, and of all thfir enemies.
ner, assembled all the people: and there were 19 And Abner spoke also to Benjamin. And
wanting of David's servants nineteen men, beside he went to speak to David in Hebron all that
Asael. seemed good to Israel, and to all Benjamin. _
31 But the servants of David had killed of Ben- 20 And he came to David in Hebron with
jamin, and of the men that were with Abner, twenty men: and David made a feast for Abner,
khree hundred and sixty, who all died. and his men that came vvith him.
32 And thev took Asael, and buried him in the 21 And Abner said to David: I will rise, that I
tepulchre of his father in Bethlehem: and Joab, may gather all Israel unto thee my lord the king,
and the men that were with him, marched all and may enter into a league with thee, and that
the night; and they came to Hebron at break of thou mayst reign over all as thy soul desireth.
day. Now
when David had brought Abner on his
CHAP. III. way, and he was gone in per.ce,
22 Immediately David's servants and Joab
David groweth daily stronger. Abner cometh came, after having slain the robbers, with an ex-
over to him: he is treacherously slain by Joab. ceeding great booty: and Abner was not with
NOW there was a long war between the house David in Hebron, for he had now sent him away
of Saul* and the house of David: David and he was gone in peace.
prospering and growing always stronger and 23 And Joab and all the army that was with
stronger; but the house of Saul decaying daily. him, came afterwards: and it was told Joab, that
2 And sons were born to David in Hebron: and Abner the son of Ner came to the king; and he
his first-born was Amnon of Achinoam the Jez- hath sent him away; and he is gone in peace.
raheliless: 24 And Joab went in to the king, and said:
3 And his second Cheleab of Abigail the wife What hast thou done? Behold, Abner came to
of Nabal of Carmel: and the third Absalor.l the thee: Why
didst thou send him away, and he is
son of Maacha the daughter of Tholmai king of gone and departed ?
Gessur: 25 Knowest thou not Abner the son of Ner,
4 And the fourth Adonias the son of Haggith: that lo this end he came to thee, that he might
and the fifth Saphathia the son of Abital: deceive thee, and to know thy going out, and thy
5 And the sixth Jethraam of Egla the wife of coming in, and to know all thou doest?
David: these were born to David m Hebron. 26 Then Joab going out from David, sent mes-
6Now while there was war between the house sengers after Abner, and brought him back from
of Saul and the house of David, Abner the son the cistern of Sira, David knowing nothing of it.
of Ner ruled the house of Saul. 27 And when Abner was returned to Hebron,
7 And Saul had a concubine named Respha, Joab took him aside to the middle of the gate, to
the daughter of Aia. And Isboseth said to Abner: speak to him treacherously: ai>d he stabbed him
there in the groin, and he died, in revenge of the
* There was a long war between the house of' blood of Asael his brother.
Saul, Sfc. Rather a strife or emulation than a war| 28 And when David heard of it, after the thing
with arms; it lasted five years and a half. was now done, he said I, and my kingdom are
| :

innocent before the LoiJ for ever of the blood of venged my lord the king this day of Saul, and of
Abner ',e son of Ner:

his seed.
29 And nwy it come upon the head of Joab, 9 But David answered Rechab and Baana his
and upon all iiis father's house: and let there not brother, the sons of Remmon the Berothite, and
fail from the house of Joab one that hath an issue said to them: As die Lord liveth, who hath deli-
of seed, or that is a leper, or tliat holdeth the dis- iVered my soul out of all distress,
taff, or that falleth by the sword, or that wanteth 10 The man that told me, and said: Saul ia
bread. dead, who thought he brought good tidings, I ap
31) So Joab and Abisai brother slew Abner, prehended, and slew hins in Siceleg, who should
because he had killed their brother Asael at Ga- have been rewarded for his news.
boon in the battle. 11 How much more now when wicked men
31 And David said to Joab, and to all the peo- have slain an innocent man in his own house, up-
ple that were with him: Rend your garments, on his bed, shall I not require his blood at youi
and gird yourselves with sackcloths, and mourn hand, and take you away from the earth?
before the funeral of Abner. And king David 12 And David commanded his ser\aiits, and
himself followed the bier. they slew them: and cutting off their hands anJ
32 And when they had buried Abner in He- feet, hanged them up over the pool in Hebron:
bron, king David lilted up his voice, and wept at but the hea3 of Isboseth they took and buried in
t!ie grave of Abner: and all the people also wept. the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron.
33 And the king mourning and lamenting over
Abiier, said: Not as cowards are wont to die, CHAP. y.
hath Abner died. David is anointed king of cdl Israel. He tahfth
34 Tliy hands weie not bound, nor thy feet Jerusalem, and dwelleth there. He dc.^'eutetk.
loaden with fetters: but as men fall before the the Philistines.
children of iniquity, so didst thou fall. And all rpHEN all the tribes of Israel came to Dtx. 'd
thf |)eoi)le repeating it we])t over him. J. in Hebron, saying: Behold, we are thy bon«
3."> And when all the
people came to take meat and thy flesh.
with David, while it was yet broad day, David 2 Moreover yesterday also and the day before,
swore, saying: So do Gotl to me, and more also, when Saul was king over us, thou wast he thai
if I t.tste bread or any thing else before sun-set. did lead out and bring in Israel: and the Lord
'M And all the people iieard, and they were said to thee: Thou shalt feed my people Israel;
, pleased; and all that the king did seemed good in and thou shalt be prince over Israel.
the sight of all the peojile. 3 The ancients also of Israel came to the king
37 And all the peo]ile, and all Israel understoodto Hebron: and king David made a league with
that day that it was not the king's doing, that Ab- them in Hebron before the Lord: and tliey
ner the son of Ner was slain. anointed David to be king over Israel.
35 The king also said to his servants: Do you 4 David was thirty years old when he began
not know that a prince and a great man is slain to reign: and he reigned forty j-ears.
this day in Israel.' 5 In Hebron he rt igned over Juda seven years
3!) But I as yet am tender, though anointed and si.x months: and in Jerusalem he reigned
Eing: and these men the sons of Sarvia are too three and thirty years over all Israel and Juda.
nard forme: the Lord reward him thatdoeth evil <j And the king and all the men that were with

•according to his wickedness. him went to Jerusalem to the Jebusites the inha-
bitants of the land: and they said to David: Thou
CHAP. IV. shalt not come in hither unless thou take away
Isboseth is murdered by two of his servants: Da-
the blind and the lame that say: David shall not
vid punisheth the murderers. come in liither.
ND Isboseth the son of Saul heard thai Ab- 7 But David took the castle of Sion; the same
ner was slain in Hebron: and his hands were is the city of David.
weakened; and all Israel was troubled. 8 For David had offered that day a rewni'd to
2 Now the son of Saul had two men captains whosoever should strike the Jebusites, and get
of his bands; the name of the one was Baana, and u]) to the gutters of the tops of the houses, and
the name of the other Rechab, the sons of Rem- take away the blind and the lame that hated the
uion a Berothite of the children of Benjamin: for soul of David: therefore it is said in the proverb:
fieroth also was reckoned in Benjamin. The blind and the lame shall not cotne into the
3 And the Berothites fled into Gethaim, and temple.
were sojourners there until that lime. 9 And David dwelt in the castle, and called it.
4 And Jonathan the son of Saul had a son that The city of David; and built round about from
was lame of his feet: for he was five years old Mello and inwards.
when the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan from 10 And he went on prospering and growing
Jezrahel. And his nurse took him up, and fled: up: and the Lord God of hosts was with him.
and as she made haste to flee, he fell, and became 11 And Hiram the king of Tyre sent messen-
lame: and his name was Miphiboseth. jgers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters,
5 And the sons of Remmon the Berothite, Re- and masons for walls: and thej' built a house fo/
chab and Baana coming, went into the house of David.
Isboseth in the heat of the day: and he was sleep- 12 And David knew that the Lord had con-
ing upon his bed at noon. And the door-keeper firmed him king over Israel, and that he had ex-
of the house, who was cleansing wheat, was fall- alted his kingdom over his people Israel.
en asleep. 13 And David took more concubines and
C And they entered into the house secretly jwives of Jerusalem,* after he was come from

taking ears of corn: and Rechab and Baana his Hebron: and there were born to David othei

brother stabbed him in the groin, and fled away. sons also and daughters:
7 For when they came into the house, he was 14 And these are the names of them, that
sleeping upon his bed in a parlour: and they \vere born to him in Jerusalem, Samua, and So-

struck him, and killed him: and taking away his ibab, aiid Nathan, and Solomon,
head, they went oif by the way of the wilderness, 15 And Jebahar, and Elisua, and Nepheg,
tealhing all night.
S And they brought the head of Isboseth to * David took more concubines and wives of
David to Hebron: and they said to the king: Be- Jcrusulrm. Not harlots, but wives of pn in! rioj
hold the head of Isboseth the son of Saul thy ene- conJition: for such in scripture are si^iuu coz^-
my who sought thy life and the Lord ha'th re- cubines-



16 And Jajihia, and E'lisama, and Elioda, and of Obededom the Gethite three months: and tho
Elipiialeth. Lord blessed Obededom, and all his ho isehold.
17 And the Philistines heard that they had 12 And it -ivas told king David, the Lord
anointed David to be king over Israel: and they had blessed Obededom, and all that he had, be-
ail came to seek David: and when David heard cause of the ark of God. So David went, and
of it. he went down to a strong hold. brought away the ark of God out of the house of
18 And the Philistines coming spread them- Obededom into the city of David with joy. And
selves in the valley of Raphaim. there were with David seven choirs,t and calves
19 And David consulted the Lord, saying: for victims.
Shall I go u|) to the Philistines.' and wilt thou de- 13 And when they that carried the ark of the
liver them into my hand.' And the Lord said to Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox
David: Go up; for I will surely deliver the Phi and a ram
liitines into thy hand. I
14 And David danced with all his might be-
20 And David came to Baal Pharisim: and de- jfore the Lord; and David was girded with a linen
fea'ed them there, and he said: The Lord hath jephod.
divided my enemies before me, as waters are di- I
15 And David and all the house of Israel
vided. Therefore the name of the place was brought the ark of the covenant of the Lord
called Bnal Pharisim. jwith joyful shouting, and with sound of trumpet.
21 And they left there their idols; which Da^ I
16 And when the ark of the Lord was come
vid and his men took away. into the city of David, Michol the daughter of
22 And the Philistines came up again, and Saul, looking out through a window, saw king
spread themselves in the valley of Raphaim. David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and
23 And David consulted the Lord: Shall I go jshe despised him in her heart.
up against the Philistines, and .wilt thou deliver 17 And they brought the ark of the Lord, and
them into my hands.' He answered: Go not up jset it in its place in the midst of the tabernacle,

against them; but fetch a compass behind them, iwhich David had pitched for it: and David offer-
and thou shalt come upon them over-against the ed holocausts and peace-offerings before tha
pear trees- Lord.
24 And wdien thou shalt hear the sound of one IS And when he had made an end of offerirfj
going in the tops of the peai trees, then shalt thou holocausts and peace-offerings, he blessed the
join battle: for then will the Lord go out before people in the name of the Lord of hosts.
thy face to strike the army of the Philistines. 19 And he distributed to all the multitude of
25 And David did as the Lord had command Israel, both men and women, to every one, a cake
ed him: and he smote the Philistines from Gabaa of bread, and a iece of roasted beef, and fine

until thou come to Gezer. flour fried with oil: and all the people departed
every one to his house.
CHAP. VI. 20 And David returned to bless his own house::
David fetcheth the ark from Cariatlnarim. Oza and Michol the daughter of Saul coming out to
is struck dead for touching it. It is deposited meet David, said: How glorious was the king
in the house of Obededom: and from thence is of Israel to-day, uncovering himself before the
carried to David's house. handmaids of his servants, and was naked, as
AND David again gathered together all the if one of the buffoons should be naked.
chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. 21 And David said to Michol: Before the
2 And David arose and went, with all the peo Lord, wdio chose me rather than thy father, and
pie that were with him of the men of Juda, to than all his house, and commanded me to be
fetch the ark of God, upon wdiich the name ()f ruler over the people of the Lord in Israel,
the Lord of hosts is invoked, who sitteth over it 22 I will both play and make myself meaner
upon the cherubims- than I have done: and I will be little in my own
3 And they laid the ark of God upon a new eyes: and with the handmaids, of whom thou
cart; atid took it out of the house of Abinadab, |speakest, I shall appear more glorious.
who was in Gabaa:* and Oza and Ahio, the sons 23 Therefore Michol the daughter of Saul had
of Abinadab, drove the new cart. no child to the day of her death.
4 And when they had taken it out of the house
of Abinadab, who was in Gabaa, Ahio having
care of the ark of God went before the ark. David's purpose to build a temple is rev)arded
5 Rut David and all Israel played before the with the promise of great blessings in his seed:
Lord on all manner of instruments made of His prayer and thanksgiving.
wood, on harps and lutes and timbrels and cor-
nets and cymbals.
AND it came to pass when the king sat in his

house, and the Lord had given him rest on

6 And when they came to the floor of Nachon, every side from all his enemies,
Oza put forth his hand to the ark of God, and 2 He said to Nathan the prophet: Dost thou
took hold of it: because the o.xen kicked^ and see that I dwell in a house of cedar, and the ark
made it lean aside. of God is lodged within skins.'
7 An !the intlignation of the Lord was enkin- 3 And Nathan said to the king: Go, do all that
dled against Oza; and he struck him for his rash- is in thy heart: because the Lord is with thee.
ness: and he died there before the ark of God. 4 Rut it caine to pass that night, that the word
8 And David was grieved because the Lord of the I^ord carne to Nathan, saying:
had struck Oza: and the name of that place was 5 Go, and say to my servant David: Thussaith
called. The striking of Oza, to this day. the Lord: Shalt thou build nie a house to dwell
9 And David was afraid of the Lord that day, in?
saj-'.ng: How shall the ark of the Lord come 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in a house from
to me .'
the day that I brought the children of Israel out
10 And he would not have the ark of the Lord of the" land of Egypt even to this day; but have
brought in to himself into the city of Daviil: but walked in a tabernacle, and in a tent.
he caused it to be carried into the house of Obed- 7 In all the places that I have gone through
edom the Gethite. with all the children of Israel, did I ever speak a
11 And the ark of the Lord abode in the house word to any one of the tribes of Israel, whom I
commanded to feed mj'- people Israel, saymg:
* Gnhan. The hill of Ca:iathiarim, where the Why have you not built me a house of cedar'
»ik had been in the house of Abinadab, from the
ti.u: of its being restored back by the Philistines. t Choirs- Or companies of musicians


11. KINGS.
8 AnJ now thus shall thou speak to my ser- ing: I will build thee a house: theiefoie hath thy
vant David: Thu^ saith the Lord of hosts: I servant found in his heart to pray this prayer to
took thee out of the jjastures from following the thee.
sheep, to be ruler over my people Israel: 28 And now, O Lord God, thou art God, and
9 And I have been with thee wheresoever thy words shall be true: for thou hast spoken to
thou hast walked, and have slain all thy enemies thy servant these good thing.s.
fiom before thy face: And I have made taee a 29 And now begin, and bless the house of thy
great name, like unto the name of the great ones servant, that it may endure .''or ever before thee*
that are on the earth. because thou, O Lord God, hast spoken it; and
10 ,-\nJ I will appoint a place for my people with thy blessing let the liouse of thy servant be
Israel and I will plant them, and they shall dwell
: blessed for ever.
therein, and shall he disturbed no more neither : CHAP. VIII.
shall the children of ini'iiiily afflict them any more Daviffs victories, and his chief officers.
as th^'V did bffore, ND
it came to pass after this that David de-

11 From the d;iy that I appointed Judges over feated the Phiiistines, and brought them
my people Israel and I ;
will give thee rest from down, and David took the bridle of tribute cit
all thy enemies. And the Lord forelelleth to thee, of the hand of the Philistines.
that the Lord will make thee a liouse. 2 And he defeated Moab, and measured them
12 Anfi when thy da3's shall be fulfilled, and with a line, casting them down to the earth: and
thou shall sleep with thy fathers, I will raise up he measured with two lines, one to [lut to d( aiji,
thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of and one to .save alive: and Moab was made to
thy bowels: and I will establish his liin^dom.* serve Da\ id under tribute.
13 He shall build a house to my name; and I 3 David defeated also Adarezer the son of
will establish tiie throne of his kingdom for ever. Rohob king of Soba, when he went to extend his
14 I will be to him a father, and he shall be to dominion over the river Euphrates.
me a son: and it he commit any iniquity, I will 4 And David took from him a thousand 'lul
correct him with the rod of men, and with the seven hundred horsemen, and twenty thousand
etripes of the children oi men. footmen; and houghed all the chariot-l'.orses: and
1.5 But my mercv I will not take away from only reserved of thesn for one hundred clr.uiots.

him, as I took it from Saul, whom I remove 5 And the Syrians of Damascus came to suc-
fioni before my face. cour Adarezer the king of Soba: and Da\id slew
10 And thy house shall be faithful, and thy of tlie Syrians two and twenty tl'.ousand men.
kingdom for ever before thy face: and thy throne 6 And David put garrisons in Syria of Damas-
shall he firm for ever. cus: and .Syria served David under tributi': and
17 According to all these words, and according the Lord preserved David in all his enterprises,
to all this vision, so did Nathan speak to Davii" whithersoever he went.
18 And David went in, and sat before the 7 And David took the arms of gold, which the
Lord, and said: Who am 1,0 I^ord God, and servants of Adarezer wore, and brought them to
what is my house, that ihou hast brought me thus Jerusalem.
L\r? 8 And out of Bete, and out of Beroth, cities of
19 But yet tliis hath seemed little in thy sight, Adarezer, king David took an exceeding great
O Lord God, unless thou didst also speak of the ijuantity of brass.
house of thy servant for a long lime to come: for 9 And Thou the king of Emath heard that
Uiis is the law of Adam, Lord God. O David had defeated all the forces of Adarezer,

20 And what can David say more unto thee.' 10 And Thou sent Joram his son to kint; Da-
for thou knowesl thy servant, Lord God: O vid, to salute him, and to congratulate with h.ini,
21 For ihy word's sake, and according to thy and to return him thanks: because he had fought
own heart thou hast done all these great things; airainst Adarezer, and had defeated him. For
so thai thou wouldst make it known to thy ser Thou was an enemy to Adarezer: and in his liand
vant. were vessels of gold, antl vessels of silver, and
22 Therefore thou art magnified, Lord God, vessels of brass:
because there is none like to thee; neither is there 11 And king David dedicated them to the Lord,
any God besides thee, in all the things that we together with the silver and gold that he had dedi-
have heard with our ears. cated of all the nations, which he had .suixlued:
23 And what nation is there upon earth, as thy 12 Of Syria, and of Moab, and of the children
people Israel, whom
God went to redeem for a of Amiuon, and of the Philistines, and of Amalec,
peo|ile to hiiTiself, and to make him a name, and to and of the spoils of Adarezer the son of Rohob
do for them great and terrible things, upon the king of Soba.
earth, before the face of thy people, whom thou •13 David also made himself a name, when he
redcemedst to thyself out of Egypt, from the na returned after taking Syria in the valley of the
tions and their gods. salt-pits, killing eighteen thousanrl:
24 For thou hast confirmed to thyself thy people 14 And he put guards in FMoin, and placed
Israel to be an everlasting people: and thou, O
there a garrison: and all Edom was made to serve
Lord God, art become their God. David: and the Lord preserved David in all en-
25 And now, O
Lord God, raise up for ever the terprises he went about.
vord tliat Ihou spoken concerning thy ser-
liast 15 And David reigned over all Israel: and
vant, and concerning his house; and do as thou David did judgment and justice to all his people.
bast s[)oken, IG And Joab the son of Sarvin was over the
2C That tliy name may be magnified for ever, army: and Josaphat the son of Ahilud wa.-, re-
and it may be said: The Lord of hosts is God corder:!
over Israel. And the house of thy servant David 17 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and Ach'-
ehall he established'before the Lord, melech the son of Abiathar, were the priests: ana
27 Because thou, O Lord of hosts, God of Is- Saraias was the scribe.
rael, hast revealed to the ear of thy servant, say- 18 And Banaiasthe son of Joiada was over the
Cerethi and Phelethi:§ and the sons of David
* J ioill establish his l;i;igdom. This prophecy were the princes.

partly relalelh to Solomon; but much mo'-e to

Christ, who is called the son of David in scrip- t Recorder: or Chancellor.
ture, and who is the buiHer of the true temple t Scribe: or Secretary.
which is the church, his everlasting kingdom, 5 The (Jeretkiand Phelcthi. Tlie king's giia/i!^,
which shall never fail. Princps. Literally, priests11
'"''•a Su


CHAP IX. and David commanded them, saying. Stay at Je

richo, till your beards be grown; and tl;en return
David's kindness to IMiphibosrih for the sake of fi And the children of .Amnion seeing that they
his father Jonailian.
had done an injury to David, sent and hired the
David said: Is there any ono, tliink you, Syrians of Rohob, and the Syrians of Soba, twen-
left of the house of Saul, that I may show ty thousand footmen, and ot the king of Maacha
kindness to him for Jonathan's sake? a thousand men, and of Istob twelve thousand
2 Now there was of tlie iiouse of Saul, a ser- men
vant named Siba: and when the king had called 7 And when David heard this, he sent Joab
hitn to him, he said to him: Art tiiou Siba? And and the whole army of wariiors.
lie answered: I am Siba thy servant. 8 And the children of Ammon came out, and set
3 And the king said: Is there anyone left of th( ir men in array at the entering in of the gate:
tK» liju-e of Saul, that I may show th<- mcicy of but the Syrians of Soba, and of Uohob, and of
(i'li unio him? And Siba said to the kinp,: There Istob, and of Maacha were by themselves in the
Is:i son of Jonathan left, wdio is lame of his feel. field.
-J Where is he' said he. And Siba said to the 9 Then Joab seeing that the battle was pre-

V.'nj.: Hehold, he is in the house of Machir the pared against him, both before and behind, chose
6U1I ot Anuiiiel ill Loilabar. of all the choice nun of Israel, and jiUl them in
5 Then kins;; David sent, and brought him cut array against the Syrians:
of the house of Machir the son of Ammiel of 10 And the rest of the people he delivered to
Liodabar Ahisai his brother, who set ihein in array against
(J And when Mip.hiboseth the son of Jonathan the children of Anunon.
the son of Saul was come to David, he fell on his 1 And Joab said If the Syrians are loo .strong

face, and worshipjied. And Da\i,lsaid: Mi|ihi- for me, then thou shall help me: but if the chil-
boscth? And he answered: Behold thy servant. dren of Ammon are too strong for thee, then I
~ And David said to him: F^ear no'., for I will will help thee.
surely shew thee mercy for Jonathan thy father's 12 Be of good courage; and let us fight for our
sake; and will restore the lands of Saul thy fa- people, and for the cit}' of our God and the Lord
I :

ther; and thou shall eat bread at my table always. will ilo what is good in his sight.
8 He bowed down to him, and said: Who am 13 And Joab and the people that were with him,
1 thy servEnt, that thou shouldsl look upon such a began to fight against the Syrians: and they im-

dead do;.; as I am? mediately fled b( fore'him.

9 Then the kin^ called Siba the servant of 14 And the children of Ammon seeing that the
Saul, and said to him: All that belonged to Saul, Syrians were fled, they fled also before Ahisai,
and all his house, I have given to thy master's and entered into the city: and Joab returned (rom
son. the children of Amnion, and came to Jernsah m.
10 Thou therefore and thy sons and thy servants 15 Then the Syiiaiis seeing that they had fallen
shall till the land for him: and thou shall brins in before Israel, gathered themselves together.
food for thy master's son, that he may be main- 10" And Atlartzcr sent and fetched the Syrians,

tained: and Miphiboseth the son of thy master that were beyond the river, and brought over their
shall alwaj's e.Tt bread at my table. And Siba had army and Sobach, the captain of the host of Ada-

fifteen sons and twenty servants. rezer, was their general.

11 And .Siba said to the king: As thou my 17 And when this was told David, l:e gathered
I'.ird the king hast commanded thy ser-ant, so all Israel together, and pa.'^sed over the Jordan,
•will thy servant do: and Miphiboseth shall eat at and came to Helam: and the Syrians set them-
my table, as one of the sons of the king. selves in array against David, and fought against
12 And Miphiboseth had a young son whose him.
name was Micha: and all the kindred of the 18 And the Syrians fled before Israel: and
house of Siba served .Miphiboseth. David slew of the Syrians the men of seven hun-
13 Bui Miphiboseth dwell in Jerusalem; be- dred chariots, and forty thousand horsemen; and
cause he eat always of the king's table: and he smote Sobach the captain of the army, wdio pre-
was lame of both feet. sently died.
19 And all the kings that were ai.xiliaries of,
CHAP. X. Adarezer, seeing themselves overcome bv Israel,
The Ammonites shamefully abuse the embassadors were afraid, and fled away eight and fifty thou-
of DiiviJ: they hire the Hyriaus to their as- sand men before Israel. And they made peace
sistince: but are overthrown loith their allies. with Israel, and served them: and the Syrians

AND it came to pass after this, that the king

of the children of Amnion died; and Hanon more.

were afraid to hel|) the chi'dren of Ainmon any

his son reii^ned in his stead.

2 And David said; I will show kindness to
Hanon ihe son of Daas, as his fathf-r showed David ftlleth into the criyne of adultery with
kin lii'ss to me. So David .sent his servants to Bethsibee: and not findinf; other means to con-
comfort l:im for the death of his father. But ceal it,cuuseth her' husband Urias to be slain,
when the servants of David were come into the! then marrieth her, who beurcth him a son.
land of the children of Ammon, A ND it came to pass at the return of the year,

3 T
le princes of Ih" chi'dren of Ammon said r!a. at the time when kinj;s go forth to wa , that
to Hinontlieir lord: Thinkest thou that for the IDavid sent Joab and his servants with him, and
•nonoiirofthy fatln^r. Dnil hath sent conifortersila Israel; and they spoiled the children of Am-
to thee; and hith not Da\il rather s nt hi?, ser mon, and besieged Rabba: but David remained
vants to thee to search, and spy into the city, and|]in Jerusalem.
overthrow it? 2 In the mean time it happened that I)a\id
4 Wherefore Hanon took the servants of Da- arose from his bed after noon, and walked upon
vid, and shaved off the »ne half of th( ir beards, the roof of the king's house: and he saw from the
and cut away half of their garments even to the roof of is house a vvonnn washing herself, over-

buttocks, and seht them away. against him: and the woman was very beautiful
5 When this was told David, he sent to meet 3 And the king sent and iiuiuired who the wo-
thein; for the men were sadly put to confusion: man was. And it was told him, that she was
Rethsabee the daughter of Eliam, the wife of
cal'ed, by a lille of honour, and not from exer- Urias the H' thite.
cisiair the priestly functions. 4 And David seiii messengers, and look hetJ
2C 2()1
end she cnme in to him, and he slept with her:' against the city, and exhort them, that thou maysl
and iiresently she was purified from her unclewi-' overthrow it.
" 2fi And the wife of Urias heard that Urias her
ness: _ 1

5 And slie returned to her house having con-1 husband was dead, and slie mourned for him.
ceived. And she sent, and told David, and said: 27 And the mourning being oter, David sent
I have conceived. and brought her inio his house: and she became
6 And David sent to Joab, saying: Send me his wife, and she bore liimason: aiul this thing
Ur^as the Heihite. And Joab sent Urias to which David had done, was displeasing to the
David. Lord.
7 And Urias came to David. And David ask- CHAP. XII.
ed how Joab did, and the people, and how the
war was carried on Natlian^s parable- Darid confcsseth hii sin,
8 And David said to Urias: Go into thy house, and in forgiven. yet so us to be Heuiene'd to
and wash thy feet. And Urias went out from the most severe temporal punishments. 'I'hr dctU
king's house; and there went out after him a mess of the child. The birth of Soloinon. The tak-
cf meat from the king. ing of Rabbalh.
9 Rut slept before the gate of the king's
house, with the other servants of his lord, and
AND the Lord sent Nathan to David: and
when he was come to liin\, he said to inm:
went not down to his own house. There were two men in one ciiy, the om'. rich,
10 And it was told David by some that said: and the other poor.
Urias went not to his house And David said to 2 The rich man had exceeding many siieep
Uri;is: Didst thou not come from thy journey ? and oxen.
why didst thou not go down to thy house .'
3 But the poor man had nothing at all but one
11 And Urias said to David: The ark oi God little ewe-lamb, which he had bought ami nour-

and Israel and Juda dwell in tents; and my lord ished up; and which had grown up in his house
Joab and the servants of my lord abide upon the together with his children, eating of his bread,
face of the earth: and shall I go into my house, to and drinking of his cup, and sleeping in his bo-
eat and to drink, and to sleep with my wife.' by som: and it was unto him as a daughter.
thy welfare, and by the welfare of thy soul, I will 4 And when a certain, stranger was come to
not do tl;is thing. the rich man, ne spared to take of his own sheep
12 Then David said to Urias: Tarry here to- and oxen, to make a feast for that stranger, who
day, and to-morrow I will send thee away. Urias was come to him, but took the poor man's ewe,
tarried in Jerusalem that day and the next. and dressed it for the man that was come to him
13 And David called him to eat and to drink 5 And David's anger being exceedingly kin-
before him: and he made him drunk: and he went dled against that man. he said to Nathan: As the
out in the evening, and slept on his couch with Lord iiveth, the man that hath done this is a child
the servants of his lord; and went not down into of death.
nis house. 6 He shall restore the ewe four-fold; becau<sp
14 And when the morning was come, David he did this thing, and had no f\ty.
wrote a letter to Joab: and sent it by the hand of 7 And Nathan said to David: Thou art the
Urias, man. Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: I
1.5 Writing in the letter: Set ye Unas in the anointed thee ting oyer Israel: and I delivered

front of the battle, where the fight is strongest: thee from the hand of Saul;
and leave ye him, that he may be wounded, and 8 And gave thee thy master's house and thy
die. master's wives into thy bosom, and ga\e thee the
1() Wherefore as Joab was besieging the city, house of Israel and Juda: and if these things be

he put llrias in the place where he knew the bra- little, I shall add far greater things unto thee.
vest men were. 9 Why
therefore hast thou despised the v.-ord
17 And the men coming out of the city, fought of the Lord, to do evil in my sight.' Thou hasl
against Joab: and there fell some of the people jikilled Urias the Hethite with the sword, and hasl
of the servants of David; and Urias the Hethite taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him
was killed also. with the sword of the children of Amnion.
IS Then Joab sent, and told David all things 10 Therefore the sword shall never depart
concerning the battle. from thy house, because thou hast despised me,
19 And he charged the messenger, saying: and hast taken the wife of Urias the Hethite to
When thou hast told all the words of the battle be thy wife.
to the king, 11 "Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will raise*
20 If thou see him to be angry, and he shall up evil against thee out of thy own house: and 1
say: Why did you approach so near to the wall will take thy wives before thy eyes, and give
to fight.' knew you not that many darts are them to thy neighbour: and he shall lie with thy
thrown from above off the wall.' wives in the sight of this sun.
21 Who killed Ahimelech the son of Jerobaal 12 For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this

did not a woman cast a piece of a mi;istone upon thing in the sight of all Israel, and in the sight of
him from the wall, and slew him in Thebes.' the sun.
Why did you go near the wall.' Thou shalt Siiy: 13 And David said to Nathan: I have finned
Thy servant Urias the Hethiie is slain. against the Lord. And Nathan said to Da\id:
22 So the messenger departed, and cnme and The Lord also hath taken away thy sin: thou
tcid David all that Joab had conmianded him. shalt not die.
23 And the messenger said to David: The men 14 Nevertheless, because thou hast given oc-
pre vailed against us; and they came out to us in-!|Casion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme.
to (he field: and we vigorously charged and pur- for this thing, the child that is born to thee, shall
sued '.hem even to the gate of the city surely die.
24 A id the archers shot their arrows at thy 15 And Nathan returned to his house. The
gervanf« from off the wall above: and some of I

ihe kind's servants are slain: and thy servant * I will raise, ^-c. All these evils, inasmuch asi
Urias the Hethite is dead. they were punishments, came upon David by a
2.5 And David sail to the messenger: Thus just judgment of God, for his sin, and therefore
ehalt thou say to Joab: Let not this thing dis- God says, / will raise, <S-c. but inasmuch as they
courage thee: lor various is the event of war: were sins, on the part of Absalom and his associ-
and sometimes one, sometimes another is coui ates, God was not the author of them, but only
gumed by the sword: encourage thy warriors permitted them-

I/ord .ilso struck the chil which the wife of lom the sou of David, who was very beautifult
Uiias ind borne to David and his life was de and her name was Thamar.
2 And he was exceedingly fond of her, so that

Bpaired of.
I() And Davfti besought the Lord for the child:: he fell sick for the love of lier: for as she was a

and David kept a fast, and going in by himself lay vii gin, he thought it hard to do any thing dishon-

upon the ground. eslly*vith her.

3 Now Amnon had a friend, named Jonadab

17 And the ancients of his house came, to make

him rise from the ground; but he would not:, the son of Semmaa the brother of David, a very
neither did he eat meat with them. wise man:t

IS And it came to pass on the seventh d.^Y that 4 And he said to him: Why
dost thou grow so
the cliild died: and the servants of David feared lean from day to day, O son of the king.' why
to tell him, that the child was dead. P^or theyi dost thou not tell me the reason of it.' And Am-
said. Behold, when the child was yet alive, we: non said to him: 1 am in love with Thamar the
s])oke to iiim, and he would not hearken to our sister of my brother Absalom.
voice: how much more will he afflict himself, if 5 And Jonadab said to him: Lie down upon
We ttll him tiiat the child is dead.' thy bed, and feign thyself sick: and when thy fa-
19 But when Davitl saw his servants whisper- ther shall come to visit thee, say to him: Let my
ing;, he understood that the child was dead: and sister Thamar, I pray thee, come to me, to give
he said to his servants: Is the child dead.' They me to eat, and to make me a mess, that I may eat
answeretl hin)* He is dead. it at her hanrl.

20 Then David arose from the ground, andj ti So Amnon lay down, and made as if he were

wasiied, and anointed himself: and when he had! sick: and when the king came to visit him, Am-
cliansjed his apparel, he went into the house of non said to the king: I pray thee, let my sister

the Lord, and worshipped: and then he came' Thamar come, and make in my sight two little
i:ito his own house, and he called for bread, and messes, that I may eat at her hand.
ate. 7 Then David sent home to Thamar, saying:
.'i\ And his servants said to him: What thing is! Come to the house of thy brother Amnon, and
this that thou hast done.' thou didst fast and weep make him a mess.
for the child, while it was alive: but when the| 8 And came to the house of Amnon
child was dead, thou didst rise up, and eat bread.' her brother: but he was laid down: anti she took
22 And he said: While the child was yet alive, meal and tempered it: and dissolving it in his
I fasted an. wejit for him; for I s.ii.l: Who know- sight, she made little messes.

eth whether the Lord may not give iiim to me, 9 And taking what she had boiled, she poured
and the child may live.' it out, and set it before him: but he would not
23 But now that he is dead, why should I fast.' eat: and Amnon said: Put out all persons from
Shall I be able to bring him back any more.' I me. And when they had jiut all persons out,
sftiall go to him rather: but he shall not return to 10 Amnon said to Thamar: Bring the mess
me. into the chamber, that I may eat at thy hand.
24 And David comforted Bethsabee his wife, And Thamar took the little messes which she
and went in unto her, and slept with her: and she had tnade, and brought them in to her brother
bore a son; and he called his name Solomon: and Amnon in the chamber.
the Lord loved him. 11 And when she had presented him the meat,
25 And he sent by the hand of Nathan the pro- he took hold of her, and said: Come lie with me,
phet, and called his name. Amiable to the Lord,* my sister.
because the Lord loved him. 12 She answered him: Do not so, my brother;
26 And Joab fought against Rabbath of the do not force me: for no such thing must be done
chiklren of Ammon, and laid close siege to the in Israel. Do
not thou this folly.
royal city. 13 For I be able to bear my shame;
shall not
27 And Joab sent messengers to David, say- and thou shalt be as one of the fools in Israel:
ing: I have fought against Rabbath, and the city but rather speak to the king, and he will not de-
of waterst is about to be taken. ny me to thee.
28 Now therefore gather thou the rest of the 14 But he would not hearken to her prayers;
people together, and besiege the city, and take it: but being stronger, overpowered her, and lay
lest when the city shall be wasted by me, the vic- with her.
tory be ascribed to my name. 15 Then Amnon hated her with an exceeding
29 Then David gathered all the people toge- great hatred: so that the hatred wherewith he
ther, and went out against Rabbatn: and after hated her was greater than the love with which
fighting, he took it. he had loved her before. And Amnon said to
30 And he took the crown of their king from her: Arise, and get thee gone.
his head, the weight of which was a talent of 16 She answered him: This evil which now
gold, set with most precious stones; and it was thou doest against me, in driving me away, is
put upon David's head: and the spoils of the city greater than that which thou didst before. And
which were very great, he carried away. he would not hearken to her:
31 And bringing forth the people thereof he 17 But calling the servant that ministered to
sawed them, and drove over them chariots armed him, he said: Thrust this woman out from me;
with iron: and divided them with knives, and and shut the door after her.
made them pass through brick-kilns: so did he to 18 And she was clothed with a long robe: fi)r
t.11 the cities of the children of Ammon: and Da- the king's daughters that M-ere virgins, used such
Tiu returned with all the army to Jeru.salem. kind of garments. Then his servant thrust her
out, and shut the door after her.
CHAP. XIII. 19 And she put ashes on her head, and rent her
Amnon ravisheth TItamar: for which Absalcm\ long robe, and laid her hands upon her head, and

killeth him, andjleeth to Gesaur. went on crying.

AND it came to pass after this, that Amnon 20 And Absalom her brother said to her: Hath

the son of David loved the sister of Absa thy brother Amnon lain with thee? but now,
sister, hold thy peace; he is thy brother: and af-
* Amiabh to the I^rd. Or beloved of the
liOnl. In Hebrew Tff/it/ir/fi. % A
very man. That is, a crafty and sub-
t The city of waters. Rabbath the royal city tle man: for the counsel he gave on this occasion
of the Ammonites, was called the city of waters, shews that his wisdom was but carnal aad
from being encompassed with waters. worldly.
flict not thy licart foi this thins;. So Thamar re- wise woman: an'.' said to her: Feign thyself to
mained pining away in the house of Absalom her be a mourner, and put on mourning apparel; and
c.-other. be not anointed with oil, that thou maysi be as a
21 And when king D.ivid heard of these things, woman that haa a long time been mourningjor
he was exceedingly grieved: and he would not one dead.
aiTiici the sjiirit of his son Amnon, for he tloved 3 And thou shalt go in to the king, and shall
hiiii, because he was his first-born. speak to him in this manner. And Joab put lh«
22 But Absalom spoke not to Amnon neither words in her mouth.
good nor evil: for Absalom haled Amnon be 4 And when the woman of Thecua was come
cause he had ravished his sister in to the king, she fell before him upon the
23 And it came to pass after two years, that ground, and worshipped, and said: Save me, ()
the sheep of Absalom were shorn in Baalhasor, king.
which is near Ephraim: and Absalom invited all 5 And the king said to her: What is the itiat-
the king's suns: ter with thee.' She answered: Alas, I am a
24 And he came to the king;, and said to him: widow woman: for my husband is dead.
Behold, thy servant's sheep are shorn: let the 6 And thy handmaid had two sons: and ihry
king, I pray, with his servants come to his ser- quarrelled with each other in the field, and there
vant. was none to part them: and the one struck the
2.5 And the king said to Absalom: Nay, my other, and slew him.
son. do not ask that we should all come, and be 7 And behold the whole kindred rising against
chargeable to thee. And when he pressed him, thy handmaid, saith: Deliver him that hath slrin
and he would not go, he blessed him. his brother, that we may kill him for the life of
26 And Absalom said: If thou wilt not come, his brother, whom he slew, that we may destroy
at least let my brother Amnon, I beseech thee, the heir: and they seek to quench rny s) ark
come with us. And the king said to him: It is which is left, and will leave my husband no
not necessary that he should go with thee- nam.e, nor remainder upon the earth.
27 But Absalom pressed him, so that he let 8 And the king said to the woman: Go to thy
Amnon and all the king's sons go with him. And house, and I will give charge concerning thee.
Abs.i'om made a feast as it, were the feast of a 9 And the woman of Thecua said to the king:
kins. Upon me, my lord, be the iniquity, and upon the
28 A.n<\ Ab'jalom had commanded his servants, house of my father: but may the king and hi.9
jnying: Take notice when Amnon shall be drunk throne be guiltless.
witli wine, and when I shall say to you: Strike 10 And the king said: If any one shall say
lii;n, and kill him, fear not: for it is I that com- aught against thee, bring him to me; and he shall
mnnl you: take courage, and be valiant men. not touch thee any more.
2!) And the servants of Absalom did to Am- 11 And she said: Let the king remember the
non, as Absalom had commanded them. And all Lord I'lis God, that the ne.xtof kin be not multi-
the kin:i's sons arose, and got up every man upon plied to take revenge; and that they may not
his mule, and fled. kill my son. And he said: As the Lord livrlh,
31) And wdiile they were yet in the way, a ru- there shall not one hair of thy^ son fall to the
mour came to David, saying: Absalom hath slain earth.
ail the king's sons; and there is not one of them 12 Then the woman said: Let thy handmaid
left. sjjeak one word to my lord the king. And he
31 Then the king rose up, and rent his gar- said: Speak.
ments, and fell upon the ground: and all his ser- 13 And the woman said: Why hast thou
vants, that stood about him, rent their garments. thought such a thing against the people of God,
32 Rut Jonadab the son of Semmaa, David's and why hath the king spoken this word, to sin,
brother, answering, said: Let not my lord the and not bring home again his own exile.'
kin?; think, that all the king's sons are slain: Am- 14 We all die; and like waters that return no
non only is dead; for he was appointed by the more, we fall down into the earth: ntidier will
Tnouth of Absalom from the day that he ravished God have a soul to perish, but recalleth. mean-
i>is sister Thamar. ing that he that is cast otF should not altogether
33 Now therefore let not my lord the king perish.
take this thing into his heart, saying: All the 15 Now therefore I am come to speak this
kind's sons are slain: for Amnon only is dead. word to my lord the king, before the people. And
34 But Absalom fled away: and the young thy handmaid said: I will speak to the king; it
iinn that kept the watch, lifted up his ej'es, and may be the king will perform the request of his
looked: and behold, there came much people by handmaid.
a by-way on the side of the mountain. 16 A-nd the king hath hearkened to me to de-
3;5 And Jonadab said to the king: Behold, the liver his handmaid out of the hand of all that
kind's sons are come: as thy servant said, so it is. would destroy me and my son together out of the
36 And when he made an end of speaking, inheritance of God.
the king's sons also appeared: and coming in, 17 Then let thy handmaid say, that the word
tlipy lifted up their voice, and wept: and the king of my lord the king be made as a sacrifice. For
also and all liis servants wept very much. even as an Angel of God, so is my lord the king,
37 But Absalom fled, and went to Tholomai that he is neither moved with blessing nor cursing:
the son of Ammiud the king of Gessur. And wherefore the I^ord thy God is also with thee.
David mourned for his son every day. 18 And the king answering, said to the woman:
33 And Absalom after he was fled, and come Hide not from me the thing that I ask thee. And
into Gessur, was there three years. And king the woman said to him; Speak, my lord the king.
David ceased to pursue after Absalom, because 19 And the king s.-dd: Is not the hand of Joab
he was comforted concerning the death of Am- with thee in all this? Thewoman answered, and
non. said: By the health of thy soul, lord my king, it
lelt hand, nor on the right in all
itliiT on the left
'^ npithiT
_ ,
XrV these things, which my lord the king hath sroken*.
, ., ,,. , .

Joab procureth Absalom's rettirn,andhis admit-' for thy servant Jonb.he commanded me, and he
tance to the king's presence. p^i all these words into the mouth of thy hand-
ND j

Joab the son of Sarvia, underst-inding innjl.

that the king's heart was turned to Absa- j 20 That I should come nhoiit with thi.s form of
ion), speech, thy servant Joab commanded tins; bu:
2 Sent to Thecua, and fetclied from thence a llhou, lord my kinp ;"-t wise, according to th«
wis-lom of an Angel of God, to umlerstantl allj, 6 And this he did to all Israel that camp, for
things upon earth. Ijud^ment, to be heard by the king: and he enti-
21 An 1the Iving said to Joab: Behold, I aiuiced the hearts of the men of Israel.
appeasetl and have granted thy rccjuest: Go, 7 And after forty years, Absalom said to king
therefore, and fetch back the boy Absalom. David: JjCt me go, and pay vows .wliichl my
22 And Joab falli;ig down to the ground upon have vowed to the Lord in Hebron.
his face, adored, and blessed* the king: and Joab 8 For thy servant made a vow, when he was
said: This day thy servant lialh understood, that in Gessur of Syria, saying: If the Lord shall
I have found grace in thy sight, lord my king: for bring me again into Jerusalem, I will offer sacri-
tliou hast fulfilled the request of thy servant. fice to the Lord.
23 Tlien Joab arose, and went to Gessur, and 9 And king David said to him: Go in peace.
brought Absalom to Jerusalem. And he arose, and went to Hebron.
24 But the king said: Let him return into his 10 And Absalom sent spies into all the tribes
liouse, and let him not see my
face. So Absa- of Israel, saying: As soon as you shall hear the
lom returned into his house, and saw not the sou:id of the trumpet, say ye: Absalom reigneth's f:»ce. in Hebron.
23 But in all Israel there was not a man so 11 Now
there went with Absalom two hun
comely, and so exceeding beautiful as Absalom: dred men out of Jerusalem that were called, go-
from tiie sole of the foot to the crown of his head ing with sim))licity of heart, and knowing no-
Iher^ was no blemish in him. Ithing of the design.
2o And when he polled his ha5r (now he was 12 Absalom also sent for
Achitophel the Gilo-
poU-'d once a year, because his hair was burden- David's counsellor, from his city Gilo. And
some to him) ne weighed the hair of his head at while he was offering sacrifices, there was a
two hundred sides, according to the common strong conspiracy; and the people running to-
Weight. gether increased with Absalom.
27 And there were born to Absalom three 13 And there came a messenger to David, say-
sons, and one daughter, whose name was Tlia- ing: All Israel with their whole heart followeth
nnr, and slie was very beautiful. Absalom.
28 And Absalom dwelt two years in Jerusa- 14 And David said to his servants that were
lem, and saw not the king's face. with him in Jerusalem: Arise, and let us flee: for
2') He sent therefore to Joab, to send him to we shall not escape else from the face of Absa-

the king: but he would not come to him. And lom: make haste to go cut, lest he come and
when he had sent the second time, and he would [overtake us, and bring ruin upon us, and smite
not come to him, the city with the edge of the sword.
30 He said to his servants: You know the field 15 And the king's servants said to him: What-
of Joab n(^ar my field, that hath a crop of bar- soever our lord the king shall command, we thy
ley go now anci set it on fire.
: So the servants !servants will willingly execute.
of Absalom set the com on fire. And Joab's K) And the king went forth, and all his house
R.'-rvants coming with their garments rent, said: hold, on foot: and the king left ten women hi.s
The servants of Absalom have set part of the concubinest to keep the house.
fi-rltl on fire. 17 And the king going forth and all Israel on
31 Then Joab aros'^, and came to Absalom to foot, stood afar off from the house:
his hou-se, and said: Wliy have thy servants set 18 And all his servants walked by him: and
my corn on fire .'
the bands of the Cerethi, and the Phekthi, nnd all
32 And Absalom ansv.'ered Joab: I sent to the Gethites, valiant warriors, six hundred m;n
thee b<^seeching thee to come to me, th-it I miglit who had followed him from Geth on foot, wt nt
send thee to the king, to say to him: Wherefore before the king.
am I come from Gessur.' it had been better for 1!) And the king said to Elhai the Gethite:

me to be there: I beseech thee therefore that I Why comest thou with us.' return and dwell
may see the face of the king: and if he be mind- with the king, for thou art a stranger, and art
ful of my iniquity, let him kill me. come out of thy own place.
33 So Joab going in to the king, told him all: 20 Yesterday thou earnest; and to-day shall
and Absalom was called for, and he went in to thou be forced to go fuith with us.' but I shall po
the king, and prostrated himself on the ground whither I am going: return thou, and take b;;ck
before him: and the king kissed Absalom. thy brethren with thee; and the Lord will si ow
thee mercy, and truth, because thou hast shown
CHAP. XV. grace and fidelity.
Absalom'' s policy and conspiracy. David is obli- 21 And Kthai answered the king, sr-ying: As
ged tn jlee. the Lord livetli, and as my lord the king liveth:
NOW after these things Absalom made him- in what jdace soever thou shalt be, lord my king,
self chariots, and horsemen, and fifty men, either in death, or in life, there will thy servant
to run before him. be.
2 And Absalom rising up early, .stood by the 22 And David said to Ethai: Ccme, and pass
entrance of the gate: and when any man had over. And p]thai the Gethite passed, and all the
business to come to the king's judgment, Al)sa- men that were with him, and the rest of the
lorn called him to him, and said: Of what city people.
art thou.' He answered, and said: Thy servant is 23 And they all wept with a loud voice; and
of such a tribe of Israel. all the people passed over the king also himself

3 And Absalom answered him: Thy words went over the brook Cednm: and all the people
seem to me good and just. Rut there is no man marched towards the way that looketh to the de-
apf ointed by the king to hear thee. And Absa- sert.
lom said: 24 And Sadoc the priest also came, ami all the
4 O that they would make me judge over the Levites with him, carrying the ark of tin cove-
land, that all that have business might come to nant of God: and they set down the ark of God:
mo. th^t I might do them justice. and Al;iathir went up, till all the people tliat was
5 Moreover when any man came to him to come out of the city had done passing.
gahite him, he put forth his hand, and took him, 2-5 And the kin?; said to Sadoc .( 'nvry back tiie

and kissed him. ark of God into the city: if I .shall find g:iace in

That is, praised, and gave thanks t Concubines That is, wives of an inferiof
to the king. degree.
the M?;hl of the Lord, lie will bring; me asain, 7 And thus said Semei when he curbed the
and lie will show me and
it, his t;\ht-ni?.61e. king: Come out, come out, thou man of blood,
2(i Bui if he shall say to iiie: Thou pleasesi and thou man of Belial.
tne not: I am reaily, lei him do that which is 8 The Lord hath repaid thee for all the blood
good before him: of the house of Saul: because thou hast usurjied
27 And the kin?; sai to Sadoc the priest:
I O the kingdom in his stead, and the Lord hath
seer, return into the city in pence: And let Achi- given the kingilom into the hand of Absalom thy
maas thy son, and .Jonathan the sou of Abiathar, son: and behold, thy evils press upon thee, be-
your two sons, be with you. cause thou art a man of blood.
28 Behold, I will lie hid in the plains of the 9 And Abisai the son of Sarvia said to the
wilderness, till tliere come word from you to cer- king: Whyshould this dead dog curse my lord
tify me. the king.' I will go, and cut off his head.
2.') So Sadoc and Abialhar carried back the ark 10 And the king said What have I to do 'vi'b

of God into Jerusalem : and tin y tarried there. you, ye sons of Sarvia.' Let him alone, and k
30 But David went up l)y the ascent of mor.nt him curse: for the Lord hath bid him cui^-ef Da-
Olivet, up and weepin;;, walkinjc barefoot,
soiiii^ vid: and who is he that shall dare say, why iialli
and with hi.« head covered: and all the ptojile he done so.'
that were with him, went up with their heads 11 And the king said to Abisai, and to all his
covered weeping.* servants: Behold, my son, wdio came forth /rom
31 And il was told David that Achitophel also my bowels, seeketh my life: liow much more
was in the conspiracy with Absalom, and David now a son of Jemini.' let him alone, that he may
said: Infatuate, O Lord, I beseech thee, the curse as the Lord ha*h bidden him:
counsel of Achitophel. 12 Perhaps the LoiJ. >nay look upon my afflic-
32 And when David was come to the top of tion; and the Lord may render me good for thej

ilie mountain, where he was about to adore the cursing of this day.
Lord, behold Chusai the Arachite, came to meet 13 And David and liis men with him went by
him with his garment rent, and his head covered the way. And Semei by the hill's side, went
with earth. over against him, cursing, and casting stones at
33 And David said to him: If thou come with him, and scattering earth.
me, thou wilt be a burden to me: 14 And the king and all the peo])]e with him
34 But if thou return into the city, and wilt came weary, and refreshed themselves there.
say to Abtalom: I am thy servant, O kin;^: as I 15 But Absalom .-.nd all his peo|)le came into
have been thy father's servant, so I will be thy Jerusalem; and Acliilophel was with him.
servaat: tTiou shalt defeat the counsel of Achi- 10 And when Chusai the Arachite, David's
tophel. friend, was come to Absalom, he said to him
3.5 And thou hast with thee Sadoc and Abia- God save thee, O king; God save thtc,
thar the [iriests; and what thin;; soever thou shalt king.
hear out of the kind's house, thou shalt tell it ta 17 And Absalom said to him: Is this thy kind-
Sadoc and Abiathar the iiriest.^. ness to thy friend.' why wentest thou not with
3() And there are wdth ihein their two sons thy friend.'

Achimaas the son of Sadoc, and Jonathan the 18 And Chusai answered Absalom: Nay: for
son of Abialhar: and you shall send by them to I will be his, whom the Lord hath chosen, and all
nie every thin^ that you shall hear. this [)eople, and all Israel; and with him will 1
37 Then Chusai the friend of David went into abide.
the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem. 19 Besides this, whom shall I serve.' is it not
the king's son.' as I have served thy father, so
CHAP. XVI. will I serve thee also.
Siba bringcth provisions to fJavicl. Srmri curs- 20 An] Absalom said to Achitophel: Consult
elh Absalom difileth his father's wives.
what we are to do.
AND \vhen David was a little past the top
of the hill, behold, Siba the servant of Mi-
21 And Achitophel said to Absalom: Go in to
the concubines of thy father, wdiom he hath left
phiboseth came to meet him. with two asses, la- to keep the house: that when all Israel shall hear
den with two hundred loa es of bread, and a hun- . that thou hast disgraced thy father, their hands
dred bunches of raisins, a hundred cakes of figs, may be strengthened! with thee.
and a vessel of wine. 22 So they spread a tent for Absalom on the
2 And the king said to Siba: What mean these top of the house: and he went in to his father's
things.' And Siba answered: The assfs are for concubines before all Israel.
the king's household to sit on: and the loaves 23 Now the counsel of Achitophel, wdiich he
and the hgs for thy servants to eat, and the wine gave in those days, vuis as if a man shoidd con-
to drink, if any man be faint in the desert. sult God: so was all the counsel of Achitophel,
3 And the king said: Where is thy master's, both when he was with David, and when he wa.s
son.' And Siba answered the king: He remain- with Absalom.
ed in Jerusalem, saying: To-day will the iiouse
of Israel restore me the kingdo?n of my father.
4 And the king said to Siba: give thee all that I Achitophefs counsel is defeated btj Chusai; who
belonged to Miphiboseth. Ami .Sib;; said: I be- sendelh intelligence to David. Achitophel
seech thee, let me find grace before thee, lord my hnngeth himself.
5 And
king David came as far as Bahurim: t llith bid him curse. Not that the Lord was
ana behol I, there came out from thence a man of the author of Semei's sin, which proceeded pure-
the tcindred of the house of Saul named Semel, 'y from his own malice, and the aliuse of his free-
the son of Gera; and coming out he cursed as he wi'l; but that knowing and suffering his malicious
went on. disposition to break out on this occasion, he made
f> Anil he threw stones at David, and at all the use of him as his instrument to punish David for
servants of king Da\id: and all the peo[)le, and his sins.
ail the warriors walked on the right, and on the t Their hands may be strengthened, ^v. The
left side of the king. people might apprehend lest Absalom should be
reconciled to his father, and therefore tlx'y fol-
* JVeepinjr, fyc. David on this occasion wept lowed him with some fear of being left in the
for his sins, which lie knew were .the cause of all hnch. till they saw such a crime cominii^ed as
Ills sufferings. seemed to make a reconciliation impossible

AND Achilnphel
choose me twelve
said to Absalom: I will
t'nousand men; and I will
them, when they found them not, .eturncd mto
arise and pursue after David this ni^ht. 21 And when they were gone, they came up
2 And coming upon him (for he is now weary, out of the well, and going on told king David, and
and weak-handed) I will defeat him: and when all said: Arise, and pass quickly over the river: for
ilie peo|)le is put to tlight that is with him, I will this manner of counsel has Achitophel given
kill the kins who will be left alone. against you.
3 And I will bring back all the people, as if 22 So David arose, and all the people that were
they were but one man: for thou seekest but one with him; and they passed over the Jordan, until
man: and all the peoiile shall be in peace. it grew light; and not one of them was left that

4 Anil his saying pleased Absalom, and all the was not gone over the river.
ancients of Israel. 23 But Achitoidiel seeing that his counsel was
5 But Absalorr. S'^Vh Call Chusai the Arachite, not followed, saddled his ass, and arose, and went
and let us hear W'nat he also saith. home to his house and to his city: and iniltinghis
6 And when Chusai was come to Absalom, house in order, hanged himself; and was buried iu
Absalom said to him: Achitoiihel hath spoken the sepulchre of his father.
after this manner: shall we do it or no.' what 24 But David came to the camp:* and Absalom
counsel dost thou g;ive: passed over the Jordan, he and all the men of Is-
7 And Chusai said to Absalom: The counsel rael with him.
hat Achitophel hath given this time is not good. 25 Now Absalom appointed Amasa in Joab's
S And again Chusai said: Thou kflowest thy stead over the army: and Amasa was the son of
father, and the men that are with him, that they a man who was called Jelhra of Jezrael, who
are very valiant, and bitter in their mind, as a went in to Abigail the daughter of Naas, the sis-
bear raging in the wood when her whelps are ta- ter of Sarvia who was the mother of Joab.
ken away: and thy father is a warrior, and will 26 And Israel camped with Absalom in the
not lodge with the people. land of Galaad.
9 Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or in some 27 And when David was come to the camp,
other place wherehe listeth: and when any one Sobi the son of Naas of Rabbath of the children
tshall fall at the first, every one that heareth it shall of Amrnon, and Machir the son of Ammiiiel of
say: There is a slaughter among the people that Lodabar, and B.erzellai the Galaadite of Ro-
followed Absalom. gelim,
10 And the most valiant man whose heart is as 28 Broughthim beds, and tapestry, and earthen
the heart of a lion, shall melt for fear: for all the vessels,and wheat, and barley, and meal, and
people of Israel know thy father to be a valiant parched corn, and beans, and lentils, and fried
man, and that all who are with him are valiant. pulse,
11 But this seemeth to me to be good counsel: 29 And honey, and butter, and. sheep, and fat
Let all Israel be gathered to thee, from Dan to calves: and they gave to Davitl and the people
Bersabee, as the sand of the sea which cannot be that were with him, to eat: for they suspected
numbered: and thou shalt be in the midst of that the people were faint with hunger and thirst
them. in the wilderness.
12 And we shall come upon him in what place
soever he shall he- found: and we shall cover him,
as the dew fallelh upon the ground: and we shall Absalom is defeated, shiin by Joab. David
not leave of thS men that are with him not so vwurneth for him.
as one.
if he shall enter into any city, all Israel
AND David having reviewed his people, ap-
pointed over them captains of thousands and
shall castropes round about that city and we will
; of hundreds,
draw it into the river, so that there shall not be 2 And sent forth a third part of the people un-
found so inuch as one small stone thereof. der the hand of Joab, and a third part under the
14 And Absalom and all the men of Israel said: hand of Abisai the son of Sarvia, Joab's brother,
The counsel of Chusai the Arachite is better than and a third nart under the hand of Ethai, who
the counsel of Achitophel: and by the will of the was of Getlr. and the king said to the peoj)le: 1
Lord the profitable counsel of Achitophel was also will go forth with you.
defeated, that the Lord might bring evii upon 3 And the jieople answered: Thou shalt not go
Absalom. forth: for if we llee away, they will not much
1.") Am] Chusai Sadoc and Abiathar the
said to mind us: or if half of us should lall, they will not
priests: Thus and thus did Achitophel counsel greatly care: for thou alone art accounted for ten
Absalom and the ancients of Israel: and thus and thousand: it is better therefore that thou shouldst
thus did I counsel them. 'le in the c 'v to succour us.
Ifi Now therefore send quickly, and tell David, 4 And the king said to them. What seemeth
saving: Tarry not this night in the plains of the good to you, that will I do. And the king stood
wilderness; but without delay pass over: lest the by the gate; and all the people went forth by their
king be swallowed up, and all the people that is troops, by hundreds and by thousands.
with him. 5 And the king commanded Joab, and Abisai,
17 An 1 .Jonathan and Achimaas staged by the and Rlthai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom.
fo'intain Rogel: and there went a maid ar.d told And all the peo[>le heard the king giving charge
them: and they went forward, to carry the mes- to all the princes concerning Absalom.
sTge to kiig IJavid; for t.'iey might not be seen, 6 .So the people went out the field against
nor enter into the city. Israel: and the battle was fought in the forest of
15 But a certain hoy saw them, and told Absa- Ephraim.
lom: but they making haste went into the house 7 And the people of Israel were defeated there
of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in by David's army: and a great slaughter was made
his court, and they went down into it. that day. of twenty thuusantl men.
1!) .And a woman took, and spread a covering 8 And the battle there was scattered over "the
ov( r the mouth of the widl, as it were to dry sod- face of all the country: and there were in:iny
deri liarley and so the thing was not known.

2(( And when .Absalom's servants were come * To the camp. The city of Mahanaim, the
into the house, they said to l!ie woman: Where name of which in Hebrew signifies Tlte camp. It
is Acdiinnas and .lo'iathan? and the woman an- was a city of note at that time, as ap|)ears from it?
swered them: They passed on i:i haste, after they having been chosen by Isboseth for the |)lac(! of
^ad t:tsted a little water. But they that sought his residence
: :

more of ihe people whom the forest consumed* i
maas the son of Sadoc. And the king said: Ho
than whom the sword devoured that day. is a good man, and cometh with good news.
9 And it happened that Absalom met the ser- 28 And Aehimaas crying out, said to the kin^.
vants of David, riding on a mule: and as the mule God save
thee, king. OAnd falling down before
Went under a thick and large oak, his head stuck the king with his face to the ground, he said:
in the oak: and while he hung between the hea- Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath shut up
ven and the earth, the mule on which he rode the men that have lifted up their hands against the
passed on. lord king. my
10 And one saw this, and told Joab, saying: I 2.9 And the king said: Is the young man Absa-
saw Absalom hanging upon an oak. lom safe? And Aehimaas said: I saw a great tu-
11 And Joab saiu to the man that told him: If mult, O
king, when thy servant Joab sent me thy
thou sawesl him, why didst thou not stab him to servant: I know nothing else.
the ground, and I would have given thee ten si- 30 And the king said to him: Pass, and stand
des of silver, and a belt? here.
12 And he said to Joab: If thou wouldst have 31 And when he had passed, and stood still,
paid down in my hands a thousand pieces of sil- Chusi appeared: and coming up he said: I bring
ver, I would not lay my hands upon the king's good tidings, lord my
king; for the Lord hath
';on: for in our hearing the king charged thee, and judged for thee this day from the hand of all that
Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Ab- have risen up against thee.
salom. 32 And the king said to Chusi: Is the young
13 Yen, and if I should have acted boldly against man Absalom safe? and Chusi answering him,
my own life, this could not have been hid from said: Let the enemies of the lord my king, and
the king: and wouldst thou have stood by me.' all that rise against him unto evil, be as th^ young
14 And Joab said: Not as thou wilt, but I will man is.
set upon him in thy sight So he took three lances 33 The king therefore being much moved, went
in his hand, and thrust them into the heart of up to the high chamber over the gate, and wejt.
Absalom: and whilst he yet panted for life, stick- And as he went he spoke in this manner: My son
ing on the oak, Absalom, Absalom my son: who would^ grant
15 Ten young men, armour-bearers of Joab, ran me that I might die for thee, Absalom my son,
up, and striking him slew him. my son Absalom I

li) And Joab sounded the trumpet, and kept

l)Tck the people from pursuing after Israel in their

flight, being willing to spare the multitude. David, at ihe remonstrances of Joab, ceaseth his
17 And they took Absalom, and cast him into mourning. He is invited back and met by Se-
a great pit in the forest: and they laid an exceed- mei and Miphiboseth a strife between ihe men

ing great heap of stones ujion hmi: but all Israel ofJuda and ihe men of Israel.
fl(1 to their own dwellings. ND
it was told Joab, that the king wept and
18 Now Absalom had reared up for himself, in mourned for his son
'lis life-time, a pillar, which is in the king's valley 2 And the victory that day was turned into
for he said: I have no son;t and this shall be the mourning unto all the people: for the pt ople
monument of my name. And he called the pillar heard say that day: The king grieveth for his son.
by b.i^i own name, and it is called The hand of 3 And the people shunned the going into the
Ahsalum, to this day. city that day, as a people would do that hath
19 And Achiinaas the ?on of Sadoc said: I will turned their backs, and fled away from the battle.
run and tell the king, that the IjOrd hath done 4 And the king covered his head, and cried
judgment foi him from the hand of his enemies. with a loud voice: O my son Absalom, O Absa
20 And Jo:ib said to him: Thoushalt not be the lorn my son, O my son !

m'jssenger this day, but shalt bear tidings another 5 Then Joab going into the house to the king,
d;iy: this day I will not have thee bear tidings; said: Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all
because the king's son is dead. thy servants, that have saved thy Hie, and the
21 And Joab said to Chusi: Go, and tell the lives of thy sons, and of thy daughters, and the
king what thou hastseen. Chusi bowed down to lives of thy wives, and the lives of thy concu-
Jonb, and ran. bines.
22 Then Aehimaas the son of Sndoc said to 6 Thou lovcst them that hate tliee; and thou
Joab again: Whymight not I also run after Chu- hatest them that love thee: and thou hast shewn
si.' And Joab said to hi;n: Why wilt thou run, this day that thou carest not for thy nobles, noi
my son thou wilt not be the bearer of good for thy servants: and I now plainly perceive tliaj

tilings. if Absalom had lived, and all we liad been slain,

23 He answered: Eut what if I run." And he then it would have pleased thee.
s.iid to him: Run. Then Aehimaas running bj' a 7 Now therefore arise, and go out, and speak
nearer way passed Chusi. to the satisfaction of thy servants: for I swear to
24 And David sat between the two gates: and thee by the Lord, that if thou wilt not go forth,
the watchman that was on the top of the gate up- there will not tarry with thee so much as onw
on the wall, lifting up his eyes, saw a man run- this night: and that will be worse to thee than all
ning alone. the evils that have befallen thee from thy youtl)
25 And crying out, he told the king: and the until now.
king sai'l If he be alone, there are good tidings in
: 8 Then the king arose, and sat in the gate: ant
his mouth. And as he was coming apace, and it was told to all the people that the king sat id
drawing nearer, the gate: and all the people came before the king
2() The watchman saw another man running; but Israel fled to their own dwellings.
and crying aloud from above, he said: I see an- 9 And all the people were at strife in all th?
other man running alone. And the king said He tribes of Israel, saying: The king delivered us out

also is a good messenger. of the hand of our enemies, and he saved us out
27 And the watchman said: The running of the
foremost seemeth to me like the running of Achi- X IVho u-onid, ^'C. David lamented tlie death
of Absalom, because of the wretrhed state in
* Consnmed. viz. by pits and precipices. which he died; and therefore would liave been
t A*;:; son. The sons mentioned above, chap, [sriad to have saved his life, even by (lying for hitn.
xiv. vcr. 27. were dead when this pillar was In which lip was a figure of Chris-f wee) ing, pray-

erect';d; un'rss wp suppose he raised this pillar jing. and dying for hi>^ rebellious children, ai\d
befoic they were born. 'even for thf m that crucified
of tlie hand of the Philistines: and now he is fled from Rogelim, brought the king over the Jor»
out of the land for Absalom. dan, being ready also to wait on nim beyond the
JO'But Absalom, whom we anointed over us,
is dead in the battle: how long are you silent, and 32 Now Berzellai was of a great
the Galaadite
bring not back the king? age, that is years old: and he
to say, fourscore
11 And king David sent to Sadoc and Abia- provided the king with sustenance when he
thar the priests, saj'ing: Speak to the ancients of abode hi the camp: for he was a man exceeding
Juda, saying: Why are you the last to bring the rich
king back to his house? (For the talk of all Is- 33 And the king said to Berzellai: Come with
rael was come to the king in his house.) me, that thou mayst rest secure with me in Jeru-
12 You are my brethren; you are my bone, and salem.
my flesh; why are you the last to bring back the 34 And Berzellai said to the king: How
king? are the days of the j'ears of my life, that I should
13 And say ye to Amasa: Art not thou my go up with the king to Jerusalem?
bone, and my flesh? So do God to me, and add 35 I am this day fourscore years old: are my
more, if thou be not the chief captain of the army senses quick to discern sweet and bitter? or can
before me always in the place of Joab. meat or drink delight thy servant? or can I hear
14 And he inclined the heart of all the men of any more the voice of singing-men and singing-
Juda, as it were of one man: and they sent to the women? why should thy servant be a burden to
king, saying: Return thou, and all thy servants. the lord my king?
15 And the king returned, and came as far as 36 I thy servant will go on a little way from
the Jordan: and all Juda came as far as Galgal to the Jordan with thee: I need not this recom-
meet the king, and to bring him over the Jordan. pense.
16 And Semei the «on of Gera the son of Jemi- 37 But I beseech thee let thy servant return,
ni of l)ahurim, madt, haste, and went down with and die in my own city, and be buried by the se-
the men of Juda to meet king David, pulchre of father, and of my mother.
my But
17 With a thousand men of Benjamin, and Siba there is thy servant Chamaam, let him go with
the servant of the house of Saul: and his fifteen thee, lord my King; and do to him whatsoever
sons, and twenty servants were with him: and seemeth good to thee.
going over the Jordan, 38 Then the king said to him: Let Chamaam
18 They passed the fords before the king, that go over with me; and I will do for him whatso-
they might help over the king's household, and ever shall please thee: and all that thou shalt ask
do according to his commandment. And Semei of me, thou shalt obtain.
the son of Gera falling down before the king, 39 And when all the people and the king had
when he was come over the Jordan, passed over the Jordan, the king kissed Berzel-
19 Said to him: Impute not to me, my lord, the lai, and blessed him: and he returned to his ov/n
iniquity; nor remember the injuriesof thy servant place.
on the day that thou, lord my king, wentest out 40 So the king went on to Galgal, and Cha-
of Jerusalem; nor lay it up in thy heart, O king. maam with him. Now
all the people of Juda had
20 P''or I thy servant acknowledge my sin: and brought the king over, and only half of the peo-
thfrefore I am come this day the first of all the ple of Israel were there.
house of Joseph, and am come down to meet my 41 Therefore all the men of Israel running to-
lord the king. gether to the king, said to him: Why
have oui
21 Put Abisai the son of Sarvia answering, brethren the men of Juda stolen thee away, and
said: Shall Semei for these words not be put to have brought the king and his household over the
death, because he cursed the I^ord's anointed? Jordan, and all the men of David with him?
22 And David said: What have I to do with 42 And all the men of Juda answered the men
you, j-e sons of Sarvia? why are you a satan this of Israel: Because the king is nearer to me: why
day to me ? shall there any man be killed this day art thou angry for this matter? have we eaten
in Israel ? do not I know that this day I am made any thing of the king's, or have any gifts been
king over Israel? given us.'
23 And the king said to Semei: Thou shall not 43 And the men of Israel answered the men of
die. And he swore unto him. Juda, and said: I have ten parts in the king more
24 And Miphiboseth the son of Saul, came than thou; and David belongeth to nie more than
down to meet the king: <..; 1 he had neither wash- to thee: why hast thou done me a wrong, and
ed his feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor washed why was it not told me first, that I might bring
his garments, from the day that the king went out, back my
king? And the men of Juda answered
until the day of his return in peace. more harshly than the men of Israel.
2.5 And when he met the king at Jerusalem,
the king said to him: Why camest thou not with
me. Miphiboseth? Seba's rebellion. Amasa is slain by Joab. ylbrla
2(i And he answering, said: Lord my
king, is besieged: but upon the citizens casting over
servant des[)ised me: for I thy servant spoke to the wall the head of Seba, Joab departcth with
him to saddle me an ass, that I might get on, and his arrny.
go \»ith the king: for I thy servant am lame. ND
there happened to be there a man of
27 Moreover he hath also accused me thy ser- Belial, whose name was Seba, the son of
vant '.'J t'.iee, my lord the king: but thou my lord Bochri, a man of Jemini: and he sounded the
the King art as an Angel of God; do what pleas- trumpet, and said: We
have no part in David,
elh thee. nor inheritance in the son of Isai: return to thy
28 For all of my father's house were no better dwellings, O Israel.
than worthy of death before my lord the king; 2 An<i all Israel departed from David, and fol-
ard thou hast set me thy servant among the guests lowed Seba the son of Bochri: but the men of
of thy table:' what just complaint therefore have Juda stuck to their king from the Jordan unto
I? or what right to cry any more to the king? Jerusalem.
2!) Then the king said to him: Why
speakcst 3 And when the king was come into his house
thou an}' more? what I have said is determined: at Jerusalem, he took the ten women his concu-
thou and Siba divide the possessions. bines, whom he had left to keep the house, and
"0 And Miphiboseth answered the king: Vea, put them in ward, allovving them provisions: and
let him take all, for as much as my lord tlie king he v.'rnt not in unto them; but they were shut up
Is returned )ieaceably into his house. unto the day of their death, living in widowhood.
SI Berzellai also the Galaadite, coming down 4 And the king said to Amasa: Asstmlde to
2D 209
me all he men of Juda against the third dny; and he sounded the trumpet: and they depnrtcd ftonj
be thou here present. the city, ever}' one to then- home: and Joab re-
5 So went to assemble the men of Ju- turned to Jerusalem to the king.
da: but he tarried beyond the set time which the 23 So Joab was over all the army of Israel: and
king had apjiointed him. Banaias the son of Joiada was over the Cerethites
() And Uavid said to Abisai: Now will Seba and Phelethites:
the son of Bocfiri do us more harm than did Ab- 24 But Aduram over the tributes: andJosaphat
salom: take thou therefore the servants of thy the son of Ahilud was recorder.
lord, and pursue after him, lest he find fenced ci- 25 And Siva teas scribe: and Sadoc and Abia-
ties, and escape us. thar, priests.
7 So Joab's men went out with him, and the 26 And Ira the Jairife was the jjriest of David
Cerethi, and the Phelethi: and all the valiant CHAP. XXI.
men went out of Jerusalem to pursue after Seba
the son of Bochri. A famhie of three years, for the sin of Saul
8 And when they were at the great stone against the Gabaonites, at irhose desire seven of
which is in Gabaon, Amasa coming met them. SuvVsraee arc crucified. IVar again with thi
And Joab had on a close coat of equal lenglli Philistines.
with his habit; and over it was girded with a
sword hanging down to his flank, in a scabbard,
AND there was a famine in the daj's of David
for three years successively: and David
made in such manner as to come out with the consulted the oracle of the Lord: And the Lord
least motion, and strike. said: It is for Saul, and his bloody house, because
9 And Joab said to Amasa- God save thee, my he slew the Gabaonites.
brother. And he took Amasa by the chin with 2 Then the king calling for the Gabaonites
his ri^ht hand to kiss him. said to them: (Now tne Gabaonites were not of
10 But Amasa did not take notice of the sword, the children of Israel, but the remains of the
which Joab had: and he struck him in tliesidc,' Amorrhites: and the children of Israel had sworn
and shed out his bowels to the ground, and gave to them; and Saul sought to'slay them oul of zeal,
him not a second wound; and he died. And as it were for the children of Israel and Juda.)
Joab, and Abisai his brother pursued after Seba 3 David therefore said to the Gabaonites: What
the son of Bochri. shall I do for you.' and what shall be the atone-
11 In the mean time some men of Joab's com- ment for you, that you may bless the inheritance
pany stopping at the dead body of Amasa, said: of the Lord .'

jBehold ne that would have been in Joab's stead 4 And the Gabaonites said to him: We have
the companion of David. no contest about silver and gold, but against Saul
12 And Amasa embrued with blood, lay in the and against his house: neither do we desire that
midst of the way. A certain man saw this that any man be slain of Israel. And the king said to
all the people stood still to look upon him; so he them: What will you then that I should do for
removed Amasa out of the high-way into the you .'

field, and covered him with a garment, that they 5 And they said to the king: The man that
,who passed might not stop on his account. crushed us and oppressed us unjustly, we must de-
1.3 And when he was removed out of the way, stroy in such manner that there be not so much as

all the people went on following Joab to pursue one left of his stock in all the coasts of Israel.
after Seba the son of Bochri. 6 Let seven men of his children be delivered
14 he had passed through all the tribes of unto us, that we may crucify them to the Lord in
Israel unto Abela and Bethmaacha:* and all the Gabaa of Saul, once the chosen of the Lord. And
chosen men were gathered together unto him. the king said: I will give them.
15 And they came, and besieged him in Abela, 7 And the king sjiared Miphiboseth the son of
and in Bethmaacha: and they cast up works Jonathan the son of Saul, because of the oath of
round the city: and the city was besieged: and the Lord, that had been between David and Jo-
all the people that were with Joab, laboured to nathan the son of Saul.
throw down the walls. 8 So the king took the two sons of Respha the
16 And a wise woman cried out from the city: daughter of Aia, whom she bore to Saul, Armo-
Hear, hear, and say to Joab: Come near hither, ni,and Miphiboseth; and the five sons of Micholf
and I will speak with thee. the daughter of Saul, whom she bore to Hadriel
17 And when he was come near to her, she the son of Berzellai, that was of Moiathi,
said to him: Art thou Joab? And he answered: 9 And gave them into the hands of the Gaba-
I am. And she spoke thus to him: Hear the onites: and they crucified them on a hill before the
words of thy handmaid. He answered: I do Lord: and these seven died together in the first
hear. days of the i.c'-.rvest, when the barley began to be
18 And she again said: A saying was used in reajied.
the old proverb: They that inquire, let them in- 10 And Respha the daughter of Aia took hair-
quire in Abela: and so they made an end. cloth, and sprea<l it under her upon the rock from
19 Am not I she that answer truth in Israel, and the beginning of the harvest, till water dropped
thou seekest to destroy the city and to overthrow ;ii:on them out of heaven: and suffered neither

a mother in Israel.' Why ^vilt thou throw down il;e birds to !^ar them by day, nor the beasts by
the inheritance of the Lord.' night.
20 And Joab answering, said: God forbid, God 11 And it was told David, what Respha the
forbid that I should; I do not throw down, nor daughter of Aia, the concubine of Saul, had done
destroy. 12 And David went anti took the bones of Saul,
21 The matter is not so; but a man of mount and the bones of Jonathan his son from the men
Kphraim, Seba the son of Bochri by name, hath of Jabes Galaad, who had stolen them from the
lifted up his hand against king David : deliver him street of Bethsan, where the Philistines had hang-
only, and we will depart from the city. And the ed them w-hen they had slain Saul in Gelboe.
woman said to Jo.ab: Behold, his head shall be 13 And he brought from thence the bones of
tlirown to thee from the wall. Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his son and Ihey

22 So she went to all the people, and spoke to gathered up the bones of them that were crucified.
them wisely: and they cut otT the head of Seba
tlie son of Bochri, and cast it out to Joab. And t Of Mich ol. They were the sons of Merob,
who was married to Hadriel: but they are nere
• Abela and Bethmaacha. Cities of the tribe called the sons of Michol, because she adopted
ftf Nephtali them, and brought them up as her jwn.
1-4 And they buried them with the bones of i 14 The Lord shall thunder from heaven: &ad
Saul, and of Jonathan his son in the land of Hen- the most High shall give forth his voice.
jamin, in the side, in \he sepulchre of Cis his fa- 15 He shot arrows, and scattered them; light-
ther: and they did all that the kina; had com- ning, and consumed them.
manded: and God showed mercy again to the 16 Anfl the overflowings of the sea appeared,
land after these things. and the foundations of the world were laid open
15 And the Philistines made war again against at the rebidte of the Lord, at the blast of the spi-
Israel:and David went down, and his servants of his wrath.

with him, and fought against the Philistines. And 17 He sent from on high, and took me, and
David growing faint, drew me out of many waters.
16 Jesbibcnob, who was of the race of Arapha, 18 He delivered nie from my most mighty ene-
the iron of whose spear weighed three hundred my, and from them that hated me: for they were
ounces, being girded with a new sword, attempt too strong for me.
ed to kill David: 19 He prevented me in the day of my affliction;
17 And Abisai the son of Sarvia rescued him, and tlie Lord became my stay. striking the Philistine killed hiin. Then Da 20 And he brought me iorth into a large place;
vid's men swore unto him, saying: Thou shalt go he delivered me, because I pleased him.
no more out with us to battle, lest thou put out the 21 The Lord will reward me according to my
lamp of Israel. i
justice: and according to the cleanness of my
18 There was also a second battle in Gobj hands he will render to me.
against the Philistines: then Sobochai of Husathi 22 Because I have kept the ways of the Lord,
slew Saph of the race of Arapha of the family of and have not wickedly departed from my God.
the giants. 23 For all his judgments are in my sight: and
19 And there was a third battle in Gob against his precepts I have not removed from me.
the Philistines, in which Adeodatus the son of the 24 And I shall be perfect with him; and shall
Forest* an embroiderer of Bethlehem slew Goli- keep myself from my iniquity.
ath the Gethite, the shaft of whose spear was lilce 25 And the Lord will recompense me accord-
a weaver's beam. ing to my justice: and according to the cleanness
20A fourth battle was in Geih; where there of my hands in the sight of his eyes.
was a man of great stature, that had six fingers on 26 With the holy one thou wilt be holy; an**
each hand, and six toes on each foot, four and with the valiant perfect.
twenty in all, and he was of the race of Arapha. 27 With the elect thou wilt be elect: and with
21 And he reproached Israel: and Jonathan the the perverse thou wilt be perverted.
son of Samaa the brother of David slew him. 28 And the i)Oor people thou wilt save: and
22 These four were born of Arapha in Geth: with thy eyes thou wilt humble the haughty.
and they fell by the hand of David, and of his ser- 29 For thou art my lamp, O
Lord: and thou, O
vants. Lord, wilt enlighten my darkness.
30 For in thee I will run girded: in my God I
CHAP. XXII. will leap over the wall.
King DavicVs psalm of thanksgwiiip; for hiSfdc- 31 God, his way is immaculate; the word of
liverance from all his enemies. the Lord is tried by fire: he is the shield of all that
AND David spoke to the Lord the words of trust in him.
this canticle, in tiie day that the Lord deli- 32 Whois God but the Lord and who is strong

vered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and but our God .'

out of the hand of Saul: 33 God who hath girded me with strength, and
2 And he said: The Lord is my rock, and my made my way perfect.
strength, and my saviour. 34 Making my feet like the feet of harts, and
3 God is my strong one; in him will I trust: setting me upon my high places.
my shield, and" the horn of my salvation: he lift 35 He teacheth my hands to war: and maketh
eth me up, and is my refuge: my saviour, thou my arms like a bow of brass.
wilt deliver me from ini(juity. 36 Thou hast given me the shield of my salva-
4 I will call o^. the Lord who is worthy to be tion: and thy mildness hath multiplied me.
praised: and I shall be saved from my enemies- 37 Thou shalt enlarge my steps under me: and
5 For the pangs of death have surrounded me my ankles shall not fail.
the floods of Belial have made me afraid. 38 I will pursue after my enemies, and crush
6 The cords of hell compassed me: the snares them; and will not return again till I consume
of death prevented me. them.
7 In my distress f will call upon the Lord, and 39 I will consume them, and break them in
I will cry to my God: and he will hearn.y voice pieces, so that they shall not rise: they shall fall
out of his temple; and my cry shall come to his under my feet.
ears. 40 Thou hast girded me with strength to battle:
8 The earth shook and trembled, the foundations thou hast made them that resisted me to bow un-
of the mountains were moved, and shaken, be der me.
cause he was angry with them. 41 Myenemies thou hast made to turn their
5) smoke went up from his nostrils, and a de back to me; them that hated me, and I shall de-
\ ouring fire out of his mouth: coals were kindled stroy them.
cy it. 42 They shall r-rj, and there shall be none to
10 He bowed the heavens, and came down: and save; to the Lord, and he shall not hear them.
darkness iims imder his feet. 43 I shall beat them as small as the dust of the
11 And he rotle upon the Cherubims, and flew: earth; I shall crush them, and spread them abroad
iinfl slid upon the wings of the wind. like thp mire of the streets.
12 He made darkness a covering round about 44 Thou wilt save me from the contradictions
hirn: dioj)i>ing waters out of the clouds of the of my people: thou wilt keep me to be the head
heavens. of the Gentiles: the people which I know not,
13 By the brightness before him, the coals of shall serve me.
lire were kindled. 45 The sous of the stranger will resist me: at
the hearing of the ear they will obey nie.
* Adeodatus the son of the Forest. So it is ren 46 The strangers are melted away, and shall be
•Jered in the Latin Viilgat, by giving the interpre straifpued in their distresses.
lation of the Hebrew names, which are Elhanan 47 The Lord liveth; and my God is blessed*, and
ihe son of Jaare. the strong God of my salvation shall be exalted
i 211
48 God wlio givest me revenge, and bringest 12 He stood in the midst of the field, and de
down peojjle under me: fended it, and defeated the Philistines: and tlia
49 Wlio bringest me forth from my enemies, Lord gave a great victory.
and liftest me up from them that resist me; from 13 Moreover also before this the three who
the wiciced man thou shalt deliver me. were princes among the thirty, went down and
50 Therefore will I give thanks to thee, O came to David in the harvest time into the cave
Lord, among the Gentiles, and will sing to thy ofOdollam: and the camp of the Philistines was
name; in the valley of the giants.
51 Giving great salvation to hjs king, and show- 14 And David was then in a hold: and there
ing mercy to David his anointed, and to his seed was a garrison of the Philbtines then in Bethle-
for ever. ihem.
15 And David longed, and said: O that scTie

'man would give me a drink of the water out oi

27iC last tuords of David. A
catalogue of his the cistern, that is in Bethlehem by the gate.
valiant men. 16 And the three valiant men broke througb


these are David's last words. David the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out
the son of Isai said: The man to wiiom it !of the cistern of Bethlehem, that was by the gate,
was ajjpointed concerning the Christ of the God !and brought it to David: but he would not diink,
of Jacob, the excellent psalmist of Israel said: jbut offered it to the Lord,
2 The Spirit of the Lord hath spoken by me, 17 Saj'ing: The Lord be merciful to me, that I
and his word by my tongue. imay not do this: shall I drink the blood of these
3 The God of Israel said to me, the strong one 'men that went, ^nd the peril of their lives.' there-
of Israel spoke, the ruler of men, the just ruler in fore he would not drink. These things did these
the fear ol God. three mighty men.
4 As the light* of the morning, when the sun 18 Abisai also the brother of Joab the son of
riseth, shineth in the morning without clouds, and Sarvia, was chief among three: and he lifted up
as the grass springeth out of the earth by r:nn; his spear against three hundred, whom he slew;
5 Neither is my housef so great with God, that and he ne was renowned among the three,
he should make with me an eternal covenant, 19 And the noblest of three, and was their
firm in all things and assured. For lie is all my chief: but to the three first he attained not.
salvation, and all my will: neither is there aught 20 And Banaias the son of Joiada a most va-
thereof that springeth not up. liant man, of great deeds, of Cabseel: he slew the
6 But transgressors shall all of them be plucked two lions of ]\loab: and he went down, and slew
up as thorns, which are not taken away wit!) a lion in the midst of a pit, in the time of snow.
hands. 21 Healso slew an Egyptian, a man worthy to
7 And if a man
will touch them, he must be be having a spear in his hand: but he
a sight,
armed with iron, and with the staff of a lance: but went down to him with a rod, and forced the
they shall be set on fire, and burnt to nothing- spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, and slew
8 These are the names of the valiant men of him with his own spear.
DaviJ. JesbahamX sitting in the chair i/'r;.s the 22 These things did Banaias the son of Joiada.
wisest chief among the three: he was like the 23 And he mus renowned among the three va-
most tender little worm of the wood, who killed liant men, who were the most honourable among
eight hundred men at one onset. the thirty: but he attained not to the first three:
9 After him was Eleazar the son of Dodo§ the and David made of his privy council.
Ahohite, one of the three valiant men that were 24 Asael the brother of Joab was one of the
with David when they defied the Pliilistines, and thirty, Elehanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,
they were there gathered together to battle. 25 Semma of Harodi. Elica of Harodi,
10 And when the men of Israel were gone 20 Heles of Phalti, Hira the son of Acces of
away, he stood and smote the Philistines till his Thecua,
hand was weary, and grev/ stiff with th sword: 27 Abiezer of Anathoth, Mobonnai of Hiisati,
and the Lord wrought a great victory that day: 28 Selmon the Ahohite, M^iarai the Neto-
and the people that were the fled away, returned phathite,
to take spoils of them that were slain. 29 Heled the son of Baana, also a Netophathite,
•11 And after him was Semma the son of Age Ithai the son ofRibai of Gabaath of the children
of Arari. And the Philistines were gathered to- of Benjamin,
gether in a troop: for there was a field full of len- 30 Banaia the Pharathonite, Heddai of the tor-
tils. And when the people were fled from the rent Gaas,
face of the Philistines, 31 Abialbon the Arbathite, Azmaveth of Be«
* As the light, 8/-C. So shall be the kingdom of 32 Eliaba of Salaboni. The sons of Jassen,
Christ. Jomthan,
t Neither is my house, ^c. As if he should 33 Semina of Orori, Aliam the son of Sarar the
Bay: This everlasting covenant was not due to Arorite,
my house; but purely owing to his bounty, who 34 Eliphelet the son of Aasbai the son of Ma-
is all my salvation, and my will: that is, who hath ch-iti, Eliam the son of Achitoihel the Gelonite,
always saved me, and granted me what I be- 35 Hesrai of Carmel, Pharai of Arbi,
seecncd of him; so th.Tt I and my house, through .3f? Igaal the son of Nathan of Soba, Eonni of

his blessing, have sprung up, and succeeded in all Gadi.

tilings. 37 Selec of Aminoni, Naharai the Berolhite,
t Jrsbahmn, the son of Hachamoni. For this armour-bearer of Joab the son of Sarvia,
was the name of this hero, as apjiearsi, from 1 38 Ira the Ji'tbrite, Gareb al^^o a Jtdirilf,
Chron. \i. 3[ost tender, <5-c. He
ajipeared like 39 Urias the Hethilc; thirty and seven in all
one tender and weak, but was indeed most va-
liant and strong. It seems the I^atin has here
given the interjiretation of the Ilel evv name of David numberrth the people: Go'l sendrili a pes-
the hero, to whom Jcshiham was like, instead of tilence, which is stopt by DaimPs prayer and
the name itself, which was Adino the Eznite, sacrifice.
one much renowned of old for his valour. ND tlie anger of the Lord was ag.nin kin-
§ Dodo. In Ijatin, P.ilrui ejus, which is the in dled against Israel, and st,rred up|| David
terpretation of the Hebrew name Dodo. The
•ame occurs in ver. 24. I II Stirred vr, t'C This siirrivg up was not \\w
among them, saying: Go, number Israel and Juda. 14 And David said to Gad: I .ixii in a ^eat
2 And the king said to Joab the general of his strait: but better that I shoula fall into the
it is

army: Go through all the tribes of Israel from hands of the Lord (for his mercies are many)
Dan toRersabee: and number ye the people, that than into the hands of men.
I may know the number of them. 15 And the Lord sent a pestilence 'upon Israel,
3 And Joab said to the king: The Lord thy from the morning unto the time appointed: and
God increase thy people, and make them as many there died of the people from Dan to Bersabee
more as they are now; and again multiply them a seventy thousand men.
hundred-fold in the sight of my lord the king: but 16" And when the Angel of the Lord had
what meaneth my lord the king by this kind of stretched out his hand over Jerusalem to destroy
thing? it, the Lord had pity on the affliction; and said to

4 But the king's words prevailed over the the Angel that slew the people: It is enough:
words of Joab, and of the captains of the army: now hold thy hand. And the Angel of the Lord
and Joal), and tlie captains of the s^^ldiers went was by the threshing floor of Areuna the Jebu-
out from the presence of the king, to number the site.
people of Israel. 17 And David said to the Lord, when he saw
5 And when they had passed the Jordan, they the Angel striking the people: It is I, I am he that
tame to Aroer to the right side of the city, which have sinned; I have done wickedly: these that
is in the vale of Gad. are the sheep, what have they done? let thy hand,
6 And by Jazer they passed into Galaad, and to I beseech thee, be turned against me, and against
the lower land of Hodsi; and they came into the my father's house.
wootllands of Dan. And going about by Sidon, 18 And Gad came to David that day, and said:'
7 They passed near the walls of Tyre, and all Go up, and build an altar to the Lord in the
the land cf the Hevite, and the Chanaanite, and threshing floor of Areuna the Jebusite.
they came to the south of Juda into Bersabee: 19 And David went up according to the word
8 And having gone through the whole land, af- of Gad, which the Lord liad commanded him.
ter nine months and twenty days, they came to 20 And Areuna looked, and saw the king and
Jerusalem. his servants coming towards him:
9 And Joab gave up the sum of the number of 21 And going out he worshipped the king,
the people to the king: and there were found of bowing with his face to the earth, and said:
Israel eight hundred thousand valiant men that Wherefore is my lord the king come to his ser-
drew the sword; and of Juda five hundred thou- vant? And David said to him: To buy the thresh-
sand fighting men. ing floor of thee, and build an altar to the Lord,
10 But David's heart struck him, after the peo that the plague, which rageth among the people,
Fie were numbered;* and David said to the Lord: may cease.
have sinned very much in what I have done: 22 And Areuna said to David: Let my lord the
but I f)ray thee, O
Lord, to take away the ini king take, and offer, as it teemeth good to him:
C|uity of thy servant, because I have done exceed thou hast here oxen for a holocaust, and the wain,
ing toolishly. and the yokes of the oxen for wood.
11 And David arose in the morning: and the 23 All these things Areuna as a king gave to
word of the Lord came to Gad the prophet and the king: and Areuna said to the king: The Lord
the seer of David, sa}'irg: thy God receive thy vow.
12 Gro, and sa}' to David: Thus saith the Lord: 24 And the king answered him, and said: Nay,
I give thee thy choice of three things: choose one but I will buy it of thee at a price; and I will not
of them which thou wilt, that I may do it to thee. offer to the Lord my God holocausts free-cost. \

13 And when Gad was come to David, he told So David bought the floor, and the oxen, lor fifty
him, saying: Either seven years of famine shall sides of silver:
come to thee in thy land: or thou shalt flee three 25 And David built there an altar to the Lord,
months before thy adversaries, and they shall and offered holocausts anc' peace-oft'erings: and
pursue thee: ot for three days there shall be a the Lord became merciful to the land; and the
pestilence in thy land. Now
therefore deliberate, plague was stayed from Israel.
and see what answer I shall return to him that
Bent me. * David's heart struck him after the propli
were numbered. That is, he was touched with a
doing of God, btl*. of satan; as it is expressly de- great remorse for the vanity and pride which iiad
clared 1 Citron, xxi. L put him upon numbering the people.


Tliis and the following book are called by the CHAP. I.
holy fathers the third and fourtli book of King David groiving Abisag a Sunamitess
Ktvgs; but by the Hebretos the first and second. is brought to him. Adonias pretending to
They contain the history of the kingdoms of reign, Nathan and Bcthsabee obtain that Solo-
Israel and Juda, from the bcj^inning of the mon should and anointed king.
be declared
reign of Solomon, to the captivity. As to the
rcriter of these books, it seems most probable
NOW Icing David was old, and advanced m
years: and when he was covered with
they were not written by one man, nor at one clothes, he was not warm.
time: but as there was all along a succession 2 His servants therefore said to him: Let us
of prophets in Israel, xoho recorded, by divine] seek for our lord the king a young virgin; and let
inspiration, the most remarkable things that\ her stand before the king, and cherish him, and
happened in their days, these books seem to] sleep in his bosom, and warm our lord the king.
have been written by these prophets. See 2 3 So they sought a beautiful young woman in
Paralipomenon, alias 2 Chronicles ix. 29. xii. all the coasts of Israel: and they found Abisag a

15. xiii. 22. XX. 34. xxvi. 22. xxxii. 32. '
Sunamitess, and brought her to the king.
4 And the damsel was exceeding beautiful: 27 Is this word come out from my lord the
and she slept with the kin^, and served liim; but king, and hast thou not told me thy servant who
the king did not know her. should sit on the throne of my hord the king after
5 And Adonias the son of Haggith exalted him ?
liimself, saying: I will be king. And he made 28 And king David answered, and said: Call
nimself chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to to me Bethsabee. And when she was come in to
run before him. the king, and stood before him,
6 Neither did his father rebuke him at any 29 The king swore, and said: As the Lord liv-
time, saying: AVhy hast thou done this? And he eth, who hath delivered my soul out of all dis-
also was very beautiful, the next in birth after tress,
Absalom. 30 Even swore to thee by the Lord the
as I
7 And he conferred with Joab the son of Sar- God Solomon thy son shall
of Israel, saying:
via, and with Abiathar the priest, who furthered reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne in
Adonias's side. my stead, so will I do this day.
8 But Sadoc the priest, and Banaias the son of 31 And Bethsabee bowing with her face to the
Joiada, and Nathan the prophet, and Semei, and earth, worshipped the king, saying: May my
Rei, and the strength of David's army was not lord David live for ever.
with Adonias. 32 King David also said: Call me Sadoc the
9 And Adonias having slain rams and calves, priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Banaias the
and all fat cattle by the stone of Zoheleth, which son of Joiada. And when they were come in
was near the fountain Rogej, invited all his breth- before the king,
ren the king's sons, and all the men of Juda the 33 He said to them: Take with you the ser-
king's servants: vants of your lord, and set my son Solomon upon
10 But Nathan the prophet, and Banaias, and my mule; and bring him to Gihon.
all the valiant men, and Solomon his brother he 34 And let Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the
united not. prophet anoint him there king over Israel: and
11 And Nathan said to Bethsabee the mother you shall sound the trumpet, and shall say: God
of Solomon: Hast thou not heard that Adonias save king Solomon.
the son of Haggith reigneth, and our lord David 35 And you shall come up after him: and he
knoweth it not? shall come, and shall sit upon my throne; and he
12Now then come, take mv counsel, and save shall reign in my stead: and I will appoint him to
thy life, and the life of thy son Solomon. be ruler over Israel and over Juda.
13 Go, and get tnee in to king David, and say 36 And Banaias the son of Joiada answered
to him: Didst thou not. my lord O king, swear to the king, saying: Amen: so say the Loru the
me thy handmaid, saying: Solomon thy son shall God of my lord the king.
reign after me, and he shall sit in my throne? 37 As the Lord hath been with my lord the
why then doth Adonias reign? king, so be he with Solomon, and make his throne
14 And while thou art yet sjjeaking there higher than the throne of my lord king David.
with the king, I will come in after thee, and will 38 So Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the prophet
fill up thy words. went down, and Banaias the son of Joiada, and
15 So Bethsabee went in to the king into the the Cerethi, and Phelethi: and they set Solomon
chamber: now the king was very old; and Abi- u|ion the mule of king David, and brought him
sag the Sunamitess ministered to him. to Gihon.
16 Bethsabee bowed herself, and worshipped 39 And Sadoc the priest took a horn of oil out
the king. And the king said to her: What is thy of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon: and
will? they sounded the trumpet, and all the people said:
17 She answered, and said: Mylord, thou didst God save king Solomon.
swear to t|py handmaid by the Lord thy God, 40 And all the multitude went up after him:
saying: Solomon thy son shall reign after me; and the people played with pipes, and rejoiced
and he shall sit on my throne. with a great joy: and the earth rang with the
18 And behold, now Adonias reigneth; and noise of their cry.
thou, my lord the king, knowest nothing of it. 41 And AdoniaS; and all that were invited by
19 He hath killed oxen, and all fat cattle, and him heard it, and now the feast was at an end:
many rams, and invited all the king's sons, and Joab also hearing the sound of the trumpet, said:
Abiathar the priest, and Joab the general of the What meaneth this noise of the city in an uproar?
army; but Solomon thy servant he invited not. 42 While he yet spoke, Jonathan the son of
20 And now my lord, O king, the eyes of all Abiathar the priest came: And Adonias said to
Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldst tell them him: Come in, because thou art a valiant man,
who shall sit on thy throne, mj' lord the king, af- and bringest good news.
ter thee. 43 And Jonathan answered Adonias: Not so:
21 Otherwise it shall come
to pass, when my
for our lord king David hath appointed Solomon
lord the king sleepeth with his fathers, that I and king,
my son Solomon shall be counted offenders. 44 And hath sent with him Sadoc the priest,
22 As she was yet speaking with the king, Na- and Nathan the prophet, and Banaias the son of
than the prophet came. Joiada, and the Cerethi, and Phelethi; and they
23 And they told the king, saying: Nathan the have set him upon the king's mule.
prophet is here. And when he was come in iDe- 45 And Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the pro-
fore the king, and had worshipped, bowing down phet have anointed him king in Gihon: and they
to the ground, are gone up from thence rejoicing, so that the city
24 Nathan said: Mylord, O
king, hast thou rans again: this is the noise that you have heard.
said: Let Adonias reign after me, and let him sit 46 Moreover Solomon sitteth upon the throne
upon my throne ? of the kingdom.
25 Because he is gone down to-day, and hath 47 And the king's servants going in, have bless-
killed oxen, and fatlings, and many rams, and in ed our lord king David, saying: May God make
vited all the king's sons, and the captains of the the name of Solomon greater than thy name, and
army, and Abiathar the priest: and they are eat- make his throne greater than thy throne. And
ing and drinking before him, and saying: God the king adored in his bed:
save king Adonias: 48 And he said: Blessed be the Lord the God
26 But me thy servant, and Sadoc the priest, of Israel, who hath given this day one to sit an
and Banaias the son of Joiada, and Solomon thy my throne, my eyes seeing it.
•ervant, he hath not invited. 49 Then all the guests of Adonias were afraid"

»nl tliey all arose, and every man went his way.p Bethsabee the mother of Solomon And she sud
W) And Adonias fearing Solomon, arose, and to him: Is thy coming peaceable? He answered^
went, and took iiold on the horn of the altar. Peaceable.
51 And they told Solomon, saying: Behold, 14 And he added: I have a word to speak with
Adonias, fearing king Solomon, hath taken hold thee. She said to him: Speak. And he said:
of the horn of the altar, saying: Let king Solo- 15 Thou knr.wesl that the kingdom was mine,
mon swear to me this day, that he will not kill and all Israel had preferred me to be their king:
his servant with the sword. but the kingdom is transferred, and is become my
52 And Solomon said: If he be a good man, brother's: for it was appointed him by the Lord.
there shall not so much as one hair of h'.s head 16 Now theretore I ask one petition of thee;
fall to the ground but if evil be found in him, he turn not away my face. And she said to him:

Bhall die. Say on.

53 Then king Solomon sent and brought him 17 And he said: I pray thee speak to king
out from the altar: and going in he worshipped Solomon (for he cannot deny thee any thing) to
king Solomon: and Solomon said to him: Goto give me Abisag the Sunnmitess to wife.
thy house. 18 And Bethsabee said: Well, I will speak for
thee to the king.
i9 Then Bethsabee
came to king Solomon, to
David, after giving his last charge to Solomon, speak to him for Adonias: and the king arose to
rlirtli. Adonias is put to death: Ahiathar is meet her, and bowed to her, and sat down upon
hanished: Jo'ib and. Semei are slain. his throne: and a throne was set for the king's
ND the days of David drew nigh that lie mother: and she sat on his right hand.
should die: and he charged his son Solomon 20 And she said to him: I desire one small pe-
saying: tition of thee; ilo noi put me to confusion. And
2 I am going the way of all flesh; take thou the king said to he : My
mother ask; for I must
courage, and show thyself a man. not turn away thy face.
•^ And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, 21 And"Bhe said- Let Abisag the Sunaqaitess be
to %"< alk in his ways, and observe his ceremonies, given to Adonias thy brother to wife.
and his precepts, and judgments, and testimonies, 22 And king Solomon answered, anu said to
as it is written in the law of Moses: that thou his mother: Whydort thou ask Abisag the Suna-
mayst understand all thou doest, and whitherso- mitess for Adonias.'' ask for him also the king-
ever thou >;nalt turn thj'self: dom: for he is my elder brother, and hath Abia-
4 That tlie Lord may confirm his words, which thar the priest, and Joab tlie son of Sarvia.
he h:Uh spoken of me, saying: If thy children 23 Then king Solomon swore by the Lord,
shall take heed to their ways, and shall walk be- saying: So and so may God do to me, and add
fore me in truth, with all their heart, and with all more, if hath not spoken this word
their soul, there shall not be taken away from against his own life.
thee a man on the throne of Israel. 24 And now as the Lord liveth, who hath esta-
5 Thou knowest also what Joab* the son of blished -me, and placed me upon the throne of
Sarvia hath done to me; what he did to the two David my father, and wdio hath made me a house,
captains of the army of Israel, to Abner the son as he promised, Adonias shall be jjut to death this
of Ner, and to Amasa the son of Jether, whom day.
oe slew, and shed the blood of war in peace, 25 And king Solomon sent by the hand of Ba-
and put the blood of war on his girdle that was naias the son of Joiada, who slew him, and hs
about his loins, and shoes that were on his died.
in his
feet. 26 And the king said also to Abiathar the
6 Do therefore according to thy wisdom, and priest: Goto Anathoth to thy lands; for indeed
let not his hoary head go down to hellt in peace. thou art worthy of death: but I will not at this

7 But show kindness to the sons of Berzellai time put thee to deaih, because thou didst carry
the Galaadite, and let them eat at thy tnble: for the ark of the Lprd God before David my father
they met me when I fled from the face of Absa- and hast endured trouble in all the troubles my
lom thy brother. father endured.
S Thou hast also with thee Semei the son of 27 So Solomon cast out Abiathar, from being
Gera, the son of Jemini of Bahurim, who cursed the priest of the Lord, that the word of the I..ord
me with a grievous curse, when I went to the might be fulfilled, which he spoke concerning the
camp; but because he came down to meet me house of Heli in Silo.
when I passed over the Jordan, and I swore to 28 And the news came to Joab, because Joab
him by the Lord, saying: I will not kill thee had turned after Adonias, and had not turned af-
with the sword: ter Solomon: and Joab fled into the tabernacle
9 Do not thou hold him guiltless. But thou art of the Lord, and took hold on the horn oi the
a wise man, and knowest what to do with him: altar.
and thou shalt bring down his grey hairs with 29 And it was told king Solomon, that Joab
blood to hell. was fled into the tabernacle of the Lord, and was
10 So David slept with his fathers, and was by the altar: and Solomon sent Banaias the soa
burictl in the city of David. of .loiada, saying: Go, kill him.
H And the days that David reigned in Israel, 30 And B.'.:.aias came to the tabernacle of the
were forty years: in Hebron he reigned seven Lord, and said to him Thus saith the king: Come

years; in Jerusalem thirty three. forth. And he said: I will not come forth; but
12 ./Vnd Solomon sat upon the throne of his fa- here I will die. Banaias brought word back to
ther l)ivid: and his kingdom was strengthened the king, saying: Thus saith Joab, and thus he
exceedingly. answered me.
13 And Adonias the son of Haggith came to 31 And the king said to him: Do as he hath
said: and kill him, and bury liim; and thou shaU
* Joab. These instructions given by David to remove the innocent blood wdiich hath been shed
his son, wilh relation to Joab •'nd Semei, pro- by Joab, from me, and from the house of my
ceeded not from any rancour of heart, or private father.
pique, but from a zeal for jutice, that crimes so 32 And the Lord shall return his blood upon
pulilic and heinous might not pass unpunished. his own head, because he murdered two men,
t To hell. This word hell doth not here signi- just and better than liimself: and slew them with
fy llie place or state of damr.atjon; but the place [the sword, my father David not knowing it, Ab-
And state uf the dead. iner the son of'Ner, general of the army of I?r#eJ^
anJ Amasa the son of Jether, general of the army the precepts of David his fathei" only he Mcn>
of Juda. ficed in the high places, and burnt incense.
33 And their blood shall return upon tlie head 4 He went therefore to Gabaon, to sacrifice
of Joab, and upon the head of his seed for there: for that was the great high place: a thou-
ever. But to David, and his seed, and his house, sand victims for holocausts did Solomon offer
and to his throne, be peace for ever from the upon that altar in Gabaon.
Lord. 5 And the Lord appeared to Solomon in a
31 So Banaias the son of Joiada went up, and dream by night, saying: Ask what thou wilt that
getong upon him slew him: and he was buried in I should give thee.
his house in the desert. (i And Solomon said: Thou hast shewn great

35 And the king appointed Banaias the son of mercy to thy servant David my father, even as
Joiada in his room over the army: and Sadoc the he walked before thee in truiii, and justice, and
priest he put in the place of Abiathar. an upright heart with thee: and thou hast kept
3() The king also sent, and called for Semei, thy great mercy for him, and hast given liim a
and said to him: Build thee a house in Jerusalem, son to sit on his throne, a** it is this day.
snd dwell tnere: and go not out from thence any 7 And now, O
Lord God, tliou hast made thy
whither. servant king instead of David my father: anil I
37 For on what day soever thou shall go cut, am but a child, and know not how to go out and
and shalt pass over tlie brook Cedron, know that come in.
thou shalt be put to death: thy blood shall be 8 And thy servant is 'n the ini 1st of the peo-
upon thy own head: plewhich thou hast cl. sen, an immense peojile,
38 And Semei said to the kmg: The saying is which cannot be numbered nor counted for mul-
good: as my lord the king haih said, so will thy titude.
servant do. And Semei dwelt in Jerusalem many 9 Give therefore to thy servant an understand-
days. ing heart, to judge thy jieople, and discern be-
39 And it came to pass after three years, that tween good and evil. For who shall be able to
the servants of Semei ran away to Achis the son ijudge this people thy peojile which is so nu-
of Mancha the king of Geth: and it was told Se- merous.
mei, that his servants were gone to Geth. j
10 And the word was pleasing to the Lord that
4() And Semei arose, an:l saddled his ass, and Solomon had ashed such a thing.
went to Achis to Geth, to seek his servants: and 11 And the Lord said to Solomon: Because

he brought them out of Geth. thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for
41 And it was told Solomon that Semei had thyself long life nor riches, nor the lives of thy
gone from Jerusalem to Geth, and was come •enemies, but hast asked for thyself wisdcmi to
back. discern judgment,
42 And sending he called for liim, and said to 12 Bthold, I have done for thee according to
him: Did I not protest to thee by the Lord, and thy words, and have given thee a wise and un
fell thee before: On what day soever thou shalt derstanding heart; insomuch that there hath been
go out, and walk abroad any whither, know that no one like thee before thee, nor shall arise al'te''
thou shalt die.' And thou answeredst me: The thee.
word that I have heard is good. 13 Yea, and the things also which thou didst
43 Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the not ask, I have given thee: to wit, riches and
Lord., and the commandment that I laid upon glory, so that no one hath been like thee among

thee the kings in all days heretofore.

44 And the king said to Semei: Thou knowest 14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways, and keep
all the evil, of which tl>y heart is conscious, my precepts and my conmiandments, hs thy fa-
which thou didst to David my father: the Lord ther walked, I vv'ill lengthen thy tlays.
hath returned thy wickedness upon thy own 15 And Solomon awaked, and perceived that
head: it was a dream: and when he was come to Jeru-
45 And king Solomon shall be blessed: and salem, he stood before the ark of the covenant of
the throne of David shall be established before the Lord, and offered holocausts, and sacrificed
the Lord for ever. victims of peace-ofTerings, and made a great feast
46 So the king commanded Banaias the son of for all his servants.
Joiada: and he went out, and struck him: and he 16 Then there came two women that were
died. , harlots, to the king, and stood before him:
17 And one of them said: I beseech thee, my
CHAP. III. lord, I and this woman dwelt in one house; and I
Solomon mnrricth Pharao's daughter. He sacri- was delivered of a child with her in the chamber.
fices in Gahaon: in the choice tvhich God gave 18 And the third day, after that I was deliver-
him, he preferreth vnsdom. His wise judgment ed, she also was delivered; and we were toge-
betivecn the tioo harlots. ther, and no other person with us in the house,
AND the kingdom was established in the hand only we two.
ef Solomon: and he made affinity with Pha- 19 And this woman's child died in the night:
rao the king of Egypt: for he took his daughter, for in her sleep she overlaid hini.
and brought her into the city of David until he 20 And rising in the dead time of the night, she
had made an end of building his own house, and took my child from my side, while I thy hantl-
the house of the Lord, and the wall of Jerusalem maid was asleep, and laid it in her bosom: and
round about. laid her dead child in my bosom.
2 But yet the people sacrificed in the high 21 And when I rose in the morning to give my
places:* for there was no temple built to the child suck, bfhold, it was dead: but consideung
name of the Lord until that day. him more diligently when it was clear day, I
3 And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in found that it was not mine which I bore.
22 And the other woman answered: It is not
* High places. That is, altars where they yor- so as thou sayest: but thy child is dead, and luine
shipped the Lord, but not according to the oidi- is alive. On the contrary she said: Thou liest:
nance of the law; which allowed of no other pla^ tor my child liveth; and thy child is dead. And
ces for sacrifice but the temple of God. Among in this manner they strove before the king.
these high places that of Gabaon was the chiefest, 23 Then said the king: The one saith: My
because there was the tabernacle of the testimo- child is alive; and thy child is dead. And tlte
ny, which had been removed from Silo to Nobe, other answereth: Nay, but thy chiW IB dead; aa4.
md from Nobe to Gabaon. mine livetb.
CHAP, rv", V.

^ The king therefore said: Bring me a sword. him presents, and served him all the days of hifl

And when they had brought a sword before the life.

kin;r, 22 And the provision of Solomon for each day,

23 Divide, said he, the living child in two; and was thirty measures of tine flour, and threescore

give half to the one, and half to the other. measures of meal,

2(5 But the woman, whose child was alive, said; 23 Ten fat oxen, and twenty out of the pastures,
to the kinj;: (for lier bowels were moved uponi and a hundred rams, besides venison of harts, roes,
her child:) I beseech thee, my lord, give her thej and buffles, and fatted fowls.
ciiild alive, and do not kill it. But the otheri 24 For he had all the country which was be-
said: Let it be neither mine nor thine, but di- yond the river, from Thaphsa to Gazan, and all
vide it. the kings of those countries: and he had peace on

27 The king answered, and said: Give the liv-i every side round about.

ins child to this woman, and let it not be killed; 25 And Juda and Israel dwelt without any fear,
for she is the mother thereof. every one under his vine, and under his fig-tree,
2S And all Israel heard the judgment which from Dan to Bersabee, all the days of Solomon.^
the kinir had judged: and they feared the king, 26 And Solomon had forty thousand stalls c..'
s'tiii^ .hat the wisdom of God was in him to do chariot horses, and twelve thousand for he sad-
jmlgment. dle.
27 And the foresaid governors of the king fed
them: and they furnished the necessaries also for
Sclomon''s chief officers. His riches and wis- king Solomon's table, with great care in their
dom. time.
ANDAnd 2
king Solomon reigned over all
these were the princes which he had:
Israel: 28 They brought barley also and straw for the
horses, and beasts, to the place where the king
Aziiias the son of Sadoc the priest: was, according as it was appointed them.
3 EHhorei)h, and Aula, tiie sons of Sisa, scribes: 29 And God gave to Solomon wisdom and un-
Jos.iiihat the son of Ahilud, recorder: derstanding exceeding much, and largeness of
4 Hanaias the son of Joiada, over the army: and heart as the sand that is on the sea shore.
Sadoc and Abiathar* priests. 30 And the wisdom of Solomon surpassed the
5 Azarias the son of Nathan, over them that wisdom of all the Orientals, and of the P^gypiians:
were about the king: Zabud the son of Nathan 31 And he was wiser than all men; wiser than
pri'st, tha king's friend: Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and
And Ahisar governor of the house: and Ado- Dorda the sons of Mahol: and he was renowned in

niram the son of Abda over the tribute. all nations round about.
7 And Solomon had twelve governors over all 32 Solomon also spoke three thousand para-
Israel, who provided victuals for the king and for bles:f and his poems were a thousand and five.
his household: for every one provided necessaries, 33 And he treated about trees from the cedar
each man his month in the year. that is in Libanus, unto the hyssop that cometh
8 And these are their names: Benhur, in mount out of the wall: and he discoursed of beasts, and
E)ihraim. of fowls, and of creeping things, and of fishes.
y Bendecar, in Macces, and in Salebim, and in 34 And they came from all nations to hear the
Bethsames, and in Elon, and in Bethanan. wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the
10 Benhesed in Arubolh: his was Socho, and earth, who heard of his wisdom.
all the land of Epher.
11 Benabinadab, to whom belonged all Ne-
phath-Dor: he had Tapheth the daughter of Hiram king of Tyre agreeth to famish timber
Solomon to wife. and workiven for bxiilding the temple: the num-
12 Bana the son of Ahilud, who governed Tha- ber of tcorkmen and overseers.
nac, and Mageddo, and all Bethsan, which is by
Sarthana beneath Jezrael, from Bethsan unto
Hiiam king of Tyre sent his servants to
Solomon: for he heard that they had anoint-
Abelmehula over-against Jecmaan. ed him king in the room of his father: for Hiram
13 Bengaber, in Ramoth Galaad: he had the had always been David's friend.
towns of Jair the son of Manasses in Galaad: he 2 And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying:
was chief in all the country of Argob, which is in 3 Thou knowest the will of David my father,
Basan, threescore great cities, with walls and and that he could not build a house to the name ot
brazen bolts. the Lord his God, because of the wars that were
14 Ahinadab the son of Addo was chief in Ma- round about him, until the Lord put them under
naim. the soles of his feet.
15 Achimaas in Nephtali: he also had Basemath 4 But now the Lord my God hath given me
the daughter of Solomon to wife. rest round about: and there is no adversary no:
Hi Baana the son of Husi, in Aser and in Ba- evil occurrence.
loth. 5 Wherefore I purpose to build a temple to the
17 .losaphat the son of Pharue, in Issachar. name of the Lord my God, as the Lord spoke to
18 .Semci the son of Ela in Benjamin. David my father, saying: Thy son, whom I wili
19 Gaber the son of Uri, in the land of Galaad, set upon the throne in thy place, he shall build a
i.i th'^ land of Sehon the king of the Amorrhites house to my name.
and of Og the king of Basan, over all that were in 6 Give orders therefore that thy servants cut
that land. me down cedar trees out of Libanus; and let my
20 Juda and Israel mere innumerable, as the servants be with thy servants: and I will give
san of the sea in multitude; eating and drinking, thee the hire of thy servants whatsoever thou

anrl rfj<)i;-ing. wilt ask; for thou knowest how there is not
21 And Solomon had under him all the king- among my jieople a man that has skill to hew
don's from the riverftothe land of the Philistines wood like to the Sidonians.
even to the bordep of Egypt: and they brought 7 Now when Hiram had heard the words of
Solomon, he i-ejoiced exceedingly, and said:
* Abia'.har. By this it appears that Abiathar Blessed be the Lord God this day, who hat.h
was not allO'jethcr defiosed fr'~m the high-priest-
hootl; but only bani'^hed to his country house, i Three thousand parables, fyc. Tiiese works
and hy that means excluded from the e.xercise of are all lost, excepting some part of the parables
bis functions. extant in the book of Proverbs; and his chief
t The river. Euphrat-^s. poem called the Canticle of Canticles.
2E 217
Itlven to David a very wise .son over this nume- there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool
rous people. of iron heard in the house when it was in build-
8 And Hir,^In sent to Solomon, saying: I have ing.
heaid al! thou hasl desired of me; and [ will do 8 The door for the middle side was on the right
all thy desire concerning cedar trees, ami fir trees. hand of the house: and by winding stairs they
9 iVIy servants shall bring them down from Li- went up to the middle room, and from the middle
banus to the sea, and I will put them together in to the third.
floats in the sen, and convey them to the place, 9 So he built the house, and finished it: and he
whicl) thou shah .'dignify tome; and will land them covered the house with roofs of cedar.
there, and thou shall receive them and thou shalt
: 1<) And he built a floor over all the house five

allow me necessaries, to furnish food for my cubits in height: and he covered the house with
household. timber of cedar.
10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and fir 11 And the word of the Lord came to SoIomcCj
trees, according to all his desire. saying: >

11 And Solomon allowed Hiram twenty thou- 12 This house, which thou buildest, if thou wi.t
sand raensuies of wheat, for provision for his walk in my statutes, and execute my
nouse, and twenty measures of the purest oil: thus and keep all my commandments, walking in xhejn,
gave Solomon to Hiram every year. I will fulfil my word to thee, which I sj.oke to
12 And the Lord gave wisdom to Solomon, as David thy father.
he ])romised liim: and there was peace between 13 And I will dwell in the midst of the chil-
Hiram and Solomon; and they two made a league dren of Israel, and will not forsake my people
together. Israel.
13 And king Solomon chose workmen out of 14 So Solomon
built the house, and finished it
all Israel; and the levy was of thirty thousand 15 And
he built the walls of the house on the
men. inside, with boards of cedar, from the floor of the
14 And he sent them to Libanus, ten thousand house to the toj) of the walls, and to the roofs, he
every month by turns, so that two months they covered it with boards of cedar on tlie inside:
were at home: and Adoniram was over this levy. and he covered the floor of the house Vr-ith planks
1-5 And Solomon had seventy thousand to car- of fir.

ry burdens, and eighty thousand to hew stones in 1<> And he built up twenty cubits with boards
the mountain: of cedar at the jiinder part of the tem|jle, from the
Ifi Besides the overseers who were over every floor to the top; anil ir.'ade the inner house of the

work, in number three thousanii, and three hun- oracle to be the Holy of Holies.
dred that ruled over the people, and them that did 17 And the temple itself before the doors of the
the work. oracle was fofty cubits long.
17 And the king commanded, that they should 18 And all the house was covered within with
bring great stones, costly stones, for the founda- cedar, having the turnings, and the joints thereof
tion of the temple, and should scjuare them: artfully wrought, and carvings projecting out: all
18 And the m:isons of Solomon, anrl the masons was covered with, boards of cedar: and no stonw
of Hiram hewed them: and the Giblians prejjared could be seen in the wall al all
• 'liber and stones to build the house. 19 And he made the oracle in the midst of the
house, in the inner part, to set there the ark of th«
CHAP. VI. covenant of the Lord.
IVie building of Solomon's temple. 20 Now
the oracle was twenty cubits in length,
AND it cama
to pass in the four hundred and
eightieth j'ear after the children of Israel
and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits
in height. And he covered and overlaid it with
came out of thp land of Egypt, in the fourth year most pure gold. And the altar also he covered
of the reign of Solomon over Israel, in the month with cedar.
Zio (the same is the second montli,) he began to 21 And the house before the oracle he overlaid
build a house to the l>ord. with most pure gold, and fastened on the plates
2 And the house, which king Solomon built to with nails of gold.
the Lord, was threescore cubits in length, and 22 And there was nothing in the temple that
twenty cubits in breadth, and thirty cubits in was not covered with gold: the wdiole altar of
height. the oracle he covered also witli gold.
3 And there was a porch before the temple, of 23 And he made in the oracle two cherubims
twenty cubits in length, according to the measure of olive-tree, of ten cubits in height.
of the breadth of the temple: and it was ten cu- 24 One wing of the cherub was five cubits,
bits in breadth before the face of the temple. and the other wing of the cherub was five cubits:
4 And he made in the temple obliiiue windows. that is, in all ten cubits, from the extremity of
5 And upon the wall* of the temple he built one wing to the extremity of the other wing.
floors round about,t in the walls of the house 25 The second cherub also was ten cul)its: and
round about the temple and the oracle: J and he the measure, and the work was the same '.n both
made sides round about. the cherubims:
6 The floor that was underneath, was five cu- 26 That is to say, one cherub was ten cubits
bits in breadth; and the middle floor was six cu- high, and in like manner the other cherub.
bits in breadth; and the third floor was seven cu- 27 And he set the cherubims in the midst ot
bits in breadth. And he put beams in the house the inner temple: and the cherubims stretched
round about on the outside, that they might not be forth their wings; and the wing of the one
fastened in the walls of the temple. touched one wall; and the wing of the other cne-
7 And the house when it was in building, was rub touched the other wall: and the other wings
built of stones hewed and made ready :§ so that in the midst of the temple touched one another.
28 And he overlaid the cherubims with gold.
* Uponthe VHiU, i. e. joining to the wall. 29 And all the walls of the temple rbund
t Hebuilt floors round about. Chambers or about he carved with divers figures and carvings:
cells adjoining to the temple, for the use of the and he made in them cherubims and palm trees, •

temple and of the priests, so contrived as to be

betwtcn the inward and outward wall of the ing of God's eternal temple in the heavenly Jeru-
temple, in three stories, one above another. salem, (who are the faithful) must first be hewa
t The oracle. The inner temple or holy of ho- and polished here by many trials and sufferings,
lies, where God gave his oracles. before they can be admitted to have a place in that
§ Made ready, ^c. So the stones for the build- celestial structure.

an] divers representations, as it were standing he was come to king Solomon, he •vrouglit b?)
out, and coming forth from the wall. his work.
30 And the floor of the house he also overlaid 15 And he cast two pillars in brass; each pil-
with gold wifhii) and without. lar was eighteen cubits nigh: and a line of twelve
31 And in the entrance of the oracle he made cubits compassed both the p.illars.
little doors of olive-tree, and post£ of five cor- l(j He made also two chapiters of molten brass,

ners. to be set upon the tops of the pillars: the height

32 And two doors of olive-tree: and he carv- of one chapiter was five cubits; and the height
d upon them figures of cherubims, and figures of the other chapiter was five cubits:
of palm-trees, and carvings very much project 17 And a kind of net-work, and chain-work
ing; and he overlaid them with gold: and he wreathed together with W'onderful art. Both the
covered both the cherubims and tlie palm-trees, chapiters of the pillars were cast: seven rows of
ind ihe other things with gold. nets were on one chapiter, and seven nets on the
33 And he made in the entrance of the tern other chapiter.
pie, posts of olive-tree four-square: 18 And he made the pillars, and two rows round
34 And two doors of fir-tree, one of each side: about each net-work to cover the chapiters, thai
.ind each door was double, and so opened with were upon the top, with pomegranates: and iu
tolding leaves. like manner did he to the other chapiter.
35 And he carved cherubims, and palm-trees, 19 And the chapiters that were ujion the top
m:l carved worlc standing very mucn out: and of the pillars, were of lily-work, in the poich,
he overlaid all with golden plates in square work of four cubits.
by rule. 20 And again other chapiters in the top of
36 And he built the inner court with three the pillars above, according to the measure of the
rows of polished stones, and one row of beams' pillar over-against the net- work: and of pome-
of cedar. granates there were two hundred in rows round
37 In the fourth year was the house of the about the other chapiter.
Lord founded in the month Zio: 21 And he set up the two pillars in the porch
3S And in the eleventh year in the month of the temple: and when he had set up the pillar
Bui (which is the eighth month) the house was on the right hand, lie called the name thereof Ja-
finished in all the works thereof, and in all the chin:* in like manner he set up the second pillar,
appurtenances thereof: and he was seven years and called the name thereof Booz.
in building it. 22 And upon the tops of the pillars he made
lily-work: so the work of the pillars was finished.
CHAP. vir.
23 He made also a molten sea of ten cubits
Solomon'n palace, his house in the for eat, and the from brim to brim, round all about; the height of
queen's house: the work of tlie two pillars: it was five cubits; and a line of thirty cubits
the sea (or lavcr) and other vessels. compassed it round about.
ND Solomon built his own house in thirteen 24 And a graven work under the brim of it
vears, and brought it to perfection. compassed it, for ten cubits going about the sea:
2 He built also the house of tlie forest of Li- there were two rows cast of chamfered sculp-
banus: the length of it was a hundred cubits, and tures.
the breadth fifty cubits, and the height thirty cu- 25 And it stood upon twelve oxen, of which
biis; and four galleries between pillars of cedar: three looked towards the narth, and three to-
for he had rut cedar-trees into pillars. wards the west, and three towards the south, and
3 And he covered the whole vault with boards three towards the east: and the sea Avas above
of cedar; and it was held up with five and forty upon them; and their hinder parts were all hid
pillars. And one row had fifteen pillars, within.
4 Set one against another, 26 And the lavcr was a hand-breadth thick:
5 And looking one upon another, with equal and the brim thereof was like the brim of a cup,
space between the pillars: and over the pillars or the leaf of a crisped lily: it contained two
were square beams in all things equal. thousand bates.f
6 And he made a porch of pillars of fifty cu- 27 And he made ten bases of brass; every
bits in length, and thirty cubits in breadth; and base was four cubits in length, and four cubits in
another porch before the greater porch; and pil- breadth, and three cubits high.
lars, and chapiters upon the pillars. 28 And the work itself of the bases, was inter-
7 He made also the porch of the throne, where- graven: and there were gravings between the
judgment; and covered
in is the seat of with joinings.
cedar-wood from the floor to the top. 29 And between the little crowns and the
8 And in the midst of the porch, was a .small ledges were lions, and oxen, and cherubims; and
house where he sat in judgment, of the like work. in the joinings likewise above: and under the li-
He made also a house for the daughter of Pha- ons, and oxen as it were bands of brass hanging
rao (whom Solomon had taken to wife) of the down.
same work as this porch. 30 And every base had four wheels, and axle-
9 All of costly stones, which were sawed by trees of brass: and at the four sides were under-
a certain rule and measure both within and with- setters under the laver molten, looking one
out; from the foundation to the top of the walls, against another.
and without unto the great court. 31 The mouth also of the laver within, was
10 And the foundations were of costly stones, the top of the chapiter: and that which ap-
great stones of ten cubits or eight cubits: peared without, was of one cubit all round; and
11 And above there were costly stones of equal
measure hewed, and in like manner of cedar: * Jachin. That is, firmly established. Booz.
12 And the greater court round with three That is. in it. is strength. By recording these
rows of hewed stones, and one row of planed names in holy writ, the Spirit of God would have
cedar, moreover also in the inner court of the us understand the invincible fipnness and strength
house of the Lord, and in the porch of the house. of the pillars on which the true temple of God,
13 And king Solomon sent, and brought Hiram which is the Church, is established.
from Tyre, t Ttoo thousand bates. That is, about ten
14 The son of a widow-woman of the tribe of thousand gallons. This was the quantity of wa-
Ncphtali, whose father was a Tyrian, an artificer ter which was usually put into it: but it was ca-
in brass, and full of wisdom, ynd understanding, pable, if brim full, of Holding 3000. See 1 Faralip.
and skill to work all work in brass. And
when iv. 5, 7.
.ogether it was one cubit ant. a lialf: and in the riT'^HEN all tne ancients cf Israel with the piiii
corners of the pillars were clivers engravings: M. ces of the tribes, and the heads of the fami-
and the spaces between the pillars were siiuare, lies of the children of Israel were assembled to
not rouiiil. king Solomon in Jerusalem; that they might car-
32 And the four wheels, which were at the four ry the aik of the covenant of the Lord out of the
corners of the base, were joined one to another city of Uavid. that is, out of Sion.
under the base: the height of a wheel was a cu- 2 And all Israel assembled themselves to king
bit and a half. Solomon on the festival day in the month of Etha-
33 And they were such wheels as are used to nim, the same is the seventh month.
be made in a chariot: and their a.xletrees, and 3 And all the ancients of Israel came; and the
spokes, and strakes, and naves, were all cast. priests took u\i the ark,
34 And the four undersetters that were at eve- 4 And carried the ark of the Lord, and the ta
ry corner of each base, were of the base itself bernacle of the covenant, and all the vessels ol ilie
cast and joined together. sanctuary, that were in the tabernacle: an 1 tlie
35 And in the top of the base there was a priests aiul the Levites carried them.
round compass of half a cubit, so wrought that 5 And king Solomon, and all the multitude <^i
the laver might be set thereon, having its grav- Israel, that were assembled unto him, went with
ings, and divers sculptures of itself. him before the ark: and they sacrificed sheep and
36 He engraved also in those plates, wliich o.xen that could not be counted or numberecl.
were of brass, and in the corners, cherubims, 6 And the priests brought in the ark of the co-
and lions, and palm-trees, in likeness of a man venant of the IjOrd into its place, into the oracle
standing, so that they seemed not to be engraven, of the temple, into the holy of holies under the
but added round about. wings of the cherubims.
37 After this manner he made ten bases, of 7 F'or the cherubims spread forth their wings
•ne cisting and measure, and the like graving. over the place of the ark, and covered the ark,
38 He made also ten lavers of brass: one la- and the staves thereof above.
ver contained four bases, and was of four cubits: 8 And whereas the staves stood out, the ends
and upon every base, in all ten, he put as many of them were seen without in the sanctuary before
lavers. the oracle, but were not seen farther out: and
39 And he set the ten bases, five on the right there they have been unto this day.
side of the temple, and five on the left: and the 9 Now in the ark there was nothing else* but
•^ea he put on the right side of the temple over- the two tables of stone, which Moses ut there at

against the east southward. Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the
40 And Hiram made cauldrons, and shovels, children of Israel, when they came cut of the land
and basins, and finished all the work of king So- of Egypt.
lo:non in the temple of the Lord. 10 And it came to pass, when the jiriests were
41 The two' pillars and the two cords of the come out of the sanctuary, that a cloud filled the
chapiters, u|;on the chapiters of the pillars: and house of the Lord.
the two net-works, to cover the two cords, that 11 And the priests could not stand to minister
were upon the ton of the i)illars. because of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord
42 And four hundred pomegranates for the had filled the house of the I^ord.
two net-works: two rows of pomegranates for 12 Then Solomon said: The Lord said that he
each net-work, to cover the cords of the chapi- would dwell in a cloud.
ters, which were upon the tops of the j.illars. 13 Building I have built a house for thy dwell-
43 And the ten bases, and the ten lavers on ing, to be thy most firm throne for ever.
the bases. 14 And the king turned his face, and blessed all
44 And one sea, and twelve oxen under the sea. the assembly of Israel: for all the assembly of Is-
45 And the cauldrons, ami the shovels, and the rael stood.
basins. All the vessels that Hiram made for 15 And Solomon said: Blessed be the Lord the
king Solomon for the house of the Lord, were God of Israel,who spoke with his mouth to Ua-
of fine brass. vid my father, and with his own hands hath ac-
46 In the plains of the Jordan did the king cast complished it, saying:
them in a clay ground, between Socoth and Sar- 16 Since the day that I brought n>y people Is-
than. rael out of Egypt, I chose no city out of all the
47 And Solomon placed all the vessels: but tribes of Israel, lor a house to be built, that my
for exceeding great multitude the brass could not name might be there: but I chose David to be
be weighed. over my people Israel.
48 And Solomon made the vessels for the
all 17 And David my father would have built a
house of the Lord: the and the ta- house to the name of the Lord the God of Israel:
altar of gold,
ble of gold, upon which the loaves of projjosi- 18 And the Lord said to David my father:
tion shoulil be set: Whereas thou hast thought in tiiy heart 'o build a
49 And the golden candlesticks, five on the house to my name, thou hast done well in having
vight hand, and five on the left, over-against the this same thing in thy mind.
oracle, of pure gold: and the flowers like lilies, 19 Nevertheless thou shalt not build mo a house:
and the lamps over them of gold: and golden but thy son. that shall come forth out of thy loins,
snuffers, he shall build a house to my name.
50 And pots, and flesh-hooks, and bowls, and 20 The Lord hath performed his word %.hich he
mortars, and censers, of most )iure gold: and spoke: and I stand in the room of David n)y fa-
the hinges for the df)ors of the inner house of the ther, and sit upon the throne of Israel, as the Lord
holy of ho'ies, an;l for the doors of the house of promised; and have built a house to the name of
the temple, were of gold. the Lord the God of Israel.
51 And Solomon finished all the work that he 21 And I have set there a place for the ark
n".ade ill the house of the Lord; and brought in wherein is the covenant of the Lord, which
the things that Davi Ihis father had dedicated, made with our fathers, when they came out of the
the silver and the gold, and the vessels; and laid land of Egyi)t.
them up in the treasures of the house of tlie
Lord. * Nothing else, ^-c. There was nothing 'Isc
but the tables of the law williin the ark. But on
the outside of the ark, or near the ark, were .tIsq
Z^e dedication of the tnnpte: Solomon's prayer the rod of Aaron, and a golden urn with mauna.
and sacrifices. Heb. \x. 4.

22 And Solomon stood before the altar ot the they live upon the face of the land, which thou
Lord, in the sij;ht of the assembly of Israel, and hast given to our fathers.
sjjread forth his hands towards heaven; 41 Moreover also the stranger, who is not of
23 Andsaitl: Lortl God of Israel, there is no thy jieople Israel, when he shall come out of a far
God like tliee in heaven above, or on earth be- country for thy name's sake, (for they shall hear
neath: who keejiest covenant and mercy with thy every where of thy great name and thy mighty
servants that have walked before thee witli all hand,
their heart: 42 And thy stretched-out arm) so when he
24 Who hast kept with thy servant David my shall come, and shall pray in this place,
father, what thou hast promised him: with thy 43 Then hear thou in heaven in the firmament
mouth tiiou didst speak, and with thy hands thou of thy dwelling-place; and do all those things, for
hast performed, as this day proveth. which that stranger shall call upon thee: that all
25 Now therefore, O Lord God of Israel, keep the people of the eartli may learn to fear thy name,
with thy servant David my father what thou has^ as do thy people Israel; and may prove that thy
spoken to him, saying: There shall not be taken name is called upon on this house, which I have
away of thee a man in my sight, to sit on the built.
throne of Israel: yet so that thy children take 44 If thy people go out to war against their en-
heed to their way, that they walk before me as emies, by what way soever thou shalt send them,
thou hast walked in my sight. they shall pray to thee towards the way of the
26 And now. Lord God of Israel, let thy words city which tlyju hast chosen, and towards the
be established, which thou hast spoken to thy ser- house which I have built to thy name:
vant David my father. 45 And then hear thou in heaven their prayers,
27 Is it then to be thought that God should and their sujiplications, anddo judgment for them.
indeed dwell upon earth? for if heaven, and the 46 But if they sin against thee (for there is no
hea\'ens of heavens cannot contain thee, how man who sinneth not) and thou being angry de-
much less this house which I have i)uilt? liver them up to their enemies, so that they be led
2S Rut have regard to the prayer of thy servant, away captives into the land of their enemies fai
and to his supplications, O Lord my (jod: hear or near,
the hymn and the prayer, which thy servant 47 Then if they do penance in their heart in the
prayeth before thee this day: place of captivity, and being converted, make
29 That thy eyes may be open upon this house supplication to thee in their captivity, saying: We
ni^ht and day; upon the house of which thou hast have sinned; we have done unjustly; we have
said: IMy name shall be there: that thou mayst committed wickedness: •

hearken to the prayer, which thy servant prayeth 48 And return to thee with all their heart, and
in this place to thee. all their soul, in the land of their enemies, to which
3(' That thou mayst hearken to the supplication they have been led cajitives; and i<ray to thee to-

of thy servant, ancl of thy people Israel, whatso- wards the way of their land, which thou gavest to
ever they shall pray for in this place; and hear their fathers, and of the city which thou hast
them in the place of thy dwelling in heaven; and chosen, and of the temple which I have built to
when thou nearest, show them mercy. thy name:
31 If any man trespass against his neighbour, 49 Then hear thou in heaven, in the firmament
and have an oath upon him, wherewith he is of thy throne, their prayers, and their supplica-
bound, and come because of the oath, before thy tions, and do judgment lor them:
altar to thy house, 50 And forgive thy people, that have sinned
32 Then hear thou in heaven, and do, and judge against thee, and all their ini(|uities, by which they
thy servants, condemning the wicked, and bring- have transgressed against thee: and gave them
ing his way upon his own head; and justifying mercy before them that have made them cap'tives,
the just, and rewarding him according to his jus- that tliey may have compassion on tin. in.
tice. 51 For they are thy people, and thy inheritance,
33 If thy people Israel shall fly before their whom thou hast brought out of the huid of Egypt,
enemies (because they will sin against thee) and from the midst of the furnace of iron.
doing penance, and confessing to thy name, shall 52 That thy eyes may be open to the supplica-
come, and pray, and make supplications to thee in tion of thy servant, and of thy jieoide Israel, to
this house: hear them in all things for which they shall call
34 Then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the ujion thee
sin of thy people Israel, and bring tlitui back to 53 For thou hast separated them to thyself for
the lind wliich thou gavest to their fathers. an inheritance from among all the people of the
35 If heaven shall be shut up, and there shall be earth, as thou hast spoken by Moses thj servant,
no rain, because of their sins, and they praying in when thou broughtest our fathers oulol Kgypt, O
this place, shall do penance to thy name, and shall Lord God.
be converted from their sins, by occasion of their 54 And it came to pass, when Solomon had
afflictions: made an end of praying all this prayer and supjdi-
3<) Then hcarthou them in heaven; and forgive cation to the Lord, that he rose from before the
the sins of thy servants, and of thy people Israel: altar of the Lord: for he had fixed both knees on
and show tliem the good way wherein they should the ground, and had spread his hands towards
walk, and give rain upon thy land, which thou heaven.
hast given to thy jieople in possession. 55 And he stood, ind blessed all the assembly
37 If a famine arise in the land, or a pestilence, of Israel with a loud voice, saying:
or corrupt air, nr blasting, or locust, or mildew, if 56 Blessed be the Lord, who hath given rest to
their enemy afflict them besifging the gates, what- his jieople Israel, accortlinp; to all th;it he [irouiis-
soever plague, whatsoever intirniity, ed: there hath not failed so much as one word of
3S AV'hatsoever curse or ini|>recation shall hap- all the good things that he promised by his servant
pen tn any man of thy people Israel: when a man Moses.
shall know the wound of his own heart, and shall 57 The Lord our God be witli us, as he was
Bprt'-.ul forth his hands in this house, with our fathers, and not leave us, nor cast us off:
3!) Thf n hear thou in heaven, in the place of thy 58 But may he ineiine our hearts to himself,
dwelling; ajid forgive, and do so as to give to that we in:iy walk in all his ways, antl keep his
every one according to his waj's. as thou sl>a!t seej couunandnif nt"*. and his ceremoni-^s, and all his
his h'^nrt. (for thou only knowest the heart of all judiTui'-nts which he ronunnnded our fathers.
^e children of men) '
-59 An l"t these my words, wherewith I have

40 That they may fear thee all the days that Iprayed before t!ie Jiorrl. be nigli unto the Lord
»ur God day and night, thai he may do judgtnent them: therefore hath the Lord brought upon them
tor his servant, and for his people Israel day by all this evil.
day: 10 And when twenty years Avere ended, after
do That the people of the earth may know, Solomon had built the two houses, that is, the
that the Lord he is God. and there is no other be- house of the Lord, and the house of the king,
sides him. 11 (Hiram the king of Tyre furnishing Solo-
61 Let our hearts also be perfect with tlie mon with cedar-trees and fir-trees, and gOjd ac-
Lord our God, that we may walk in his statutes, cording to all he had need of) then Solomon gave
and keep his commandments, as at this day. Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.
fi2 And the king, and all Israel with him, offer- 12 And Hiram came out of Tyre, to see the
ed victims before the Lord. towns ^vhich Solomon had given him: and they
63 And Solomon slew victims of peace-offer {(leased him not:
Ings, wliich he sacrificed to the Lord, two an( 13 And he said: Are these the cities which
twenty thousand oxen, and a hundred and twenty thou hast given me, brother.' And he called them
thousand sheep: so the king and the children ot the land ot C'habul,t unto this day.
Israel dedicated the temple of the Lord. 14 And Hiram sent to king Solomon a hundred
64 In that day the king sanctified the middle of and twenty talents of gold.
the court, that was before the house of the Lord: 15 This is the sum of the expenses, which king
for there he offered the liolocaust, and sacrifice, Solomon offered to build the house of the Lord',

and fat of the peace-offerings: because the brazen and his own house, and Me'lo, and the wall
altar that was before the Lord, was too little to of Jerusalem, and Heser, and Mageddo, and
receive 'he holocaust, and sacrifice, and fat of the Gazer.
neace-offerings. 16 Pharao the king of Egypt came up and took
65 And Solomon made at the same time a Gazer, and burnt it with lire: and slew the Cha-
solemn feast, and all Israel with him, a great mul- naanite that dwelt in the city; and gave it for a
titude from the entrance of Eniath to the river dowry to his daughter Solomon's wife.
of Egyi)t, before the Lord our God, seven days 17 So Solomon built Gazer, and Bethhoron the
'nd seven days, that is, fourteen days. nether,
66 And on the eighth day he sent away the IS And Baalath, and Palmira in the land of the
people: and they blessed the king, and went to wilderness.
their dwellings rejoicing and glad in heart for all 19 And all the towns that belonged to himself,
the good things that the I..ortl had done for David and were not walled, he fortified; the cities also
his servant, and for Israel his people. of the chariots, and the cities of the horsemen,
and whatsoever he had a mind to build in Jeru-
IX. salein, and in Libanus, and in all the land of his
T7<g TA)rd nppearetli again to Solomon: he build- dominion.
eili cilins: he scndelh a fleet to Opliir. 20 All the people that were left of the Amorr-
AND it came to jiass when Solomon had
ished the building of the house of the Lord,
fin- hiles, and Hethites, and Pherezites, and Hevites,
and Jebusites, that are not of the children of
and the king's house, and all that he desired and Israel;
nras pleased to do, 21 Their children, that were left in the land, to
2 That the Lord appeared to hini the second wit, such as the children of Israel had not been
time, as he had aiipeared to him in Gabaon. able to destroy; Solomon made tributary unto
3 And the Lord said to him: 1 have heard thy this day.
prayer and thy supplication, which thou hast 22 But of the children of Israel Solomon made
made before me: I have sanctified this house, not any to be bond-men: but they were men of
which thou hast biiilt, to put my name there for war, and his servants, and his princes, and cap-
'ver: and my eyes and my heart shall be there tains, and overseers of the chariots and horses.
always. 23 And there were five hundred and fifty chief
4 And if thou wilt walk before me, as thy fa- officers set over all the works of. Solomon: and
ther walked, in simplicity of heart,* and in u|)- they had peoi)le under them, and had charge over
rightness; and wilt do all that I have coiiunanded the appointed works.
thee, and will keep my ordinances, and my judg- 24 And the daughter of Pharao came up out of
ments: the city of David to her house, which Solomon
5 I will establish the throne of thy kingdom had built f-jr her: then did he build Mello.
over Israel for ever, as I promised David thy la- 25 SoN-mon also offered three times every year
ther, 'saying: There shall not fail a man ot thy holocausts, and victims of peace-offerings upon
race upon tlie throne of Israel. the altar which he had built to the Lord: and he
6 But if you and your children revolting shall burnt incense before the Lord: and the temple
turn away trom following me; anil will noi keeji was finished.
my cominandmenls, and my ceremonies, which I 26 And king Solomon made a fleet in Asion-
have set before you; but will go and worship gaber, which is by Ailalh on the shore of the Red
strange gotis, and adore them: Sea, in the land of Edom.
7 I will take away Israel from the face of the 27 And Hiram sent his servants in the fleet,
land which 1 have given llieni: ami the temple sailors that had knowledge cf the sea, with the
wl ich 1 have sanctified to my name, 1 will cast ser\ants of Solomon.
out of my sight: and Israel shall be a proverb, 28 And they came to Ophir: and they brought
and a by-woi<l among all people. from thence to king Solomon four hundred and
8 And this house shall be ma<le an example of: twenty talents of gold.
every one that shall pass by it, shall be aslonish- X. CHAP.
ed, anil shall hiss, ami say: Why
hath the Lord
done thus to this lanil, and to this house? The queen of Saba cometh to king Solomon: his
answer: Because they ior- riches and glory.
y And they shall
sook the Lord their God, who brouglil llnir fa- ND the queen of Saba, having heard of the
thers out of the land of Kgypt, and lollowed fame ot Solomon in the name of the I^ord,
etrange gods, and adoreil them, and worshipjicd came
him with hard <|uestions.
to try
entering into Jerusalem with a great
* As thy father walked, in simptiritii vf liemt. train, and riches, and camels thai carried s[)iccs,
That is, in the sincerity and integrity of a single and an quantity of gold, and preciuiH
heart, as opposite to all double dealing and de-
ceit t Chabnl. That is, dirty or displeasing

itones, she cnnne to king Solomon, and spoke to 24 And all the earth desireil to see Solomon's
Mm all that she had in her heart. face, to hear his wisdom, which God had given
3 And Solomon hifornied her of all the things in his heart.
she projiosed to him: there was not any word tile 25 And every one brought him presents, ves-
king was ignorant of, and which he could not an- sels of silver and of gold, garments and armour
swer her. and s])ices, and and mules every year.
4 And when the queen of Saba saw all the wis- 2(i And Solomongathered together chariots
dom of Solomon, and the house which he had built, and horsemen: and he had a thousand ff)ur hun-
5 And the meat of his table, and the apart- ilred chariots, and twelve th.ousand horsemen:
ments of his servants, and the order.of his minis- and he bestowed them in fenced cities, and with
ters, ;ind their apnarel, and the cup-bearers, and the king in Jerusalem.
the holocausts wliich he offered in the house of 27 Anil he made silver to be as plentiful in Je-
the Jjord; she had no longer any spirit in her: rusalem as stones; and cedars to oe as common
6 And she said to the king: The report is true,
as sycamores which grow in the plains.
which I heard in my own country, 28 And horses were brought for Solomon out
7 Concerning thy words, and concerning thy of Egypt and Coa: for the king's merchants
wisdom. And I did not believe them that told brought them out of Coa, and bought them at a
me, till I came myself, and saw with my own setnrice.
eyes, and have found that the half hath not been 29 And a chariot of four horses came out of
told ine: thy wisdom, and thy works, exceed the Egypt, for six hundred sides of silver, and a
fame which I heard. horse for a hundred and fifty. And after this
S Blessed are thy men, and blessed are thy ser- manner did all the kitigs of tlie Hethites, and of
vants, who stand before thee always, and hear Syria sell horses.
thy wisdom.
y Blessed be the Lord thy God, whom thou
hast p'lensed, and who hath set thee upon the Solomon by means of his wivfsfalleth into idola
throne of Israel; because the Lord hath loved Is- try: God raiseth him adversai'ies, Adad, Ra
rael for ever, and hath appointed thee king, to do zon, and Jeroboam: Solomon dieth.
ju<lgment and justice. ND king S^'omon loved many strange wo-
10 And she gave the king a hundred and twen- men besides the daughter of Pharao, and
ty talents of goUl, and of spices a very great store, women of Moab, and of Ammon, and of Edom,
and precious stones: there was brought no more and of Sidon, and of the Hethites:
such abuiulance of spices as these which the 2 Of the nations concerning which the Lord
queen (if Saba gave to king Solomon. said to the children of Israel: You shall not go in
11 (The navy also of Hiram, which brought unto them; neither shall any of them come in to
gold from Ojihir, brought from Ophir great plenty yours: for they will most certainly turn away
of thyine-trees, and precious stones. your heart to follow their gods. And to these
12 And the king made of the thyine-trees the was Solomon joined with a most ardent love.
rails of the house of the Lord, and of the king's 3 And he had seven hundred wives as queens,
house, and citterns and harps for singers: there and three hundred concubines: and the women
were no such thyine-trees as these brought, nor turned away his heart.
seen unto this day.) 4 And when he was now old, his heart was
l;} And king Solomon gave the queen of Saba turned away by women to follow strange gods:

all that she desired, and asked of him; besides and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his
what he offered her of himself of his royal boun- God, as was the heart of David his father.
ty. And she returned, and went to her own 5 But Solomon worshipped Astarthe the god-
country with her servants. dess of the Sidonians, and Moloch the idol of the
14 And the weight of the gold that was brought Ammonites.
to Solomon every year, was six hundred sixty 6 And Solomon did that which was not pleas-
six talents of gold: ing before the Lord, and did not fully follow the
15 Besides that which the men brought him Lord, as David his father.
that were over the tributes, and the merchants, 7 Then Solomon built a temple for Chamos the
and they that sold by retail, and all the kings of idol of Moab, on the hill that is over-against Je-
Arabia, and the governors of the country. rusalem, and for Moloch the idol of the children
IH And Solomon made two hundred shields of of Ammon.
the purest gold: he allowed six hundred sides of 8 And he did in this manner for all his wives
gold for the plates of one shield: that were strangers, who burnt incense, and offer-
IT And three hundred targets of fine gold: ed sacrifice to their gods.
three hundred pounds of gold covered one target: .9 And the Lord was angry with Solomon,
and the king j.-ut them in the house of the forest because his mind was turned aw%y from the
01 Libanus. Lord the God of Israel, who had appeared to
18 King Solomon also made a great throne of him twice,
ivory, and overlaid it with the finest gold. 10 And had commanded him concerning this
ly It had six steps: and the top of the throne thing, that he should not follow strange gods: but
was round behind: and there were two hands on he kept not the things which the Lord command-
eitlicr side holding the seal: and two lions stood, ed him.
one at e.ich hand. 11 The Lord therefore said to Solomon: Be-
20 And twelve little lions stood upon the six cause thou hast done this, and hast no; kept my
steps on the one side and on the other: there was covenant, and my precepts, which I have com-
no s!:rh woi k made in any kingdom. manded thee, I will divide and rend thy kingdom;
21 Moreover all the vessels, out of which king |and will give it to thy servant.
Solomon drank, were of gold: and all the furni- 12 Nevertheless in thy days I will not do it,
ture of the house of the forest of Libanus was of for David thy father's sake: but I will rend it out
mosi pure gold: there was no silver; nor was any of tiie hand of thy son.
account made of it in the days of Solomon: 13 Neither wiU I take away the whole king-
22 For till! kitig's navy, once in three years. dom: but I will give one tribe* to thy son for the
Went with the navy of Hiram by sea to Tfiarsi-i. sake of David my servant, and Jerusalem which
and liroui^ht from thence gold, and silver, and I have chosen.
elephants' leelh, and apes, and fieacocks.
2;i And king Solomon exceeded all the kings * One tribe. Besides that of Juda, his owr
c< the earth in i iches, and wisdom. native tribe.
14 And the Lord raised up an adversary to 35 But I will take away the kingdom out of
Solomon, Adad the Edomite of the king's seed, his son's hand, and will give thee ten tribes:
in Edom. 36 And to his son I will give one tribe, that
15 For when David was in Edom, and Joab there may remain a lamp for my
servant David
the general of the army was gone up to bury them before me always in Jerusalem, the city which
that were slain, and had killed every male in I have chosen, that my
name might be there.
Edom, 37 AndI will take thee, and thou shalt reiga
16 (For Joab remained there six months with over all that thy soul desireth: and thou shall be
all Israel, he had slain every male in Edom,)
till king over Israel.
17 Then Adad fled, he and certain Edomites 38 If then thou wilt hearken to all that I shall
of his father's servants with him, to go into command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and
Egypt: and Adad was then a little boy. do what is right before me, keeping my com-
18 And they arose out of Madian, and came mandments and my precepts^ as David my
into Pharan: and they took men with them from servant did; I will be with thee, and will build
Pharan, and went into Egypt to Pharao the king thee up a faithful house, as I built a house for Da-
of Egypt; who gave him a house, and appointed vid: and I will deliver Israel to thee:
him victuals, and assigned him land. 39^And I will for this afHict the seed of David,
19 And Adad found great favour before Pha- but yet not for ever.
rao: insomuch that he gave him to wife, the own 40 Solomon therefore sought to kijl Jeroboam:
lister of his wife Taphnes the queen. but he arose, and fled into Egypt to Sesac the
20 Anfl the sister of Taphnes bore him his son king of Egypt, and was in Egypt till the death of
Genubath: and Taphnes brought him up in the Solomon.
house of Pharao: and Genubath dwelt with Pha- 41 And the rest of the words of Solomon, and
rao among his children. all that he did, and his wisdom; behold, they are
21 And when Adad heard in Egypt that David all written in the Book of the words* of the
slept with his fathers, and that Joab the general days of Solomon.
of the army was dead, he said to Pharao: Let 42 And the days that Solomon reigned in Je-
me depart, that I may go to my own country. rusalem over all Israel, were forty years.
22 And Pharao said to him: AVhy what is 43 And Solomon sleptf with his fathers, and
wanting to thee with me, that thou seekest to go was buried in the city of David his father: and
to tliy own country.' But he answered: Nothing: Iloboam his son reigned in his stead.
yet I beseech thee to let me go.
23 God alsiD raised up against him an adversary,
Razon the son of EHada, who had fled from his Rohoam follotoivg the covnscl of young men
mas'ter Adarezer the king of Soba: alienatelh from him the minds of the people.
24 And he gathered men against him: and he The^j make Jeroboam king over ten tribes: he
became a captain of robbers, when David slew sctteth itp idolatry.
them of Soba: and they went to Damascus, and
dwelt there: and they made him king in Da-
went to Sichem: for thither
Israelcome together to make him
mascus. king.
25 And he was an adversary to Israel, all the 2 But Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who was
days cf Solomon: and this is the evil of Adad, and yet in Egypt, a fugitive from the face of king
his haired against Israel: and he reigned in Syria. Solomon, hearing of his death, returned out of
20 Jeroboam also the son of Nabat an Ejfhra- Egypt.
thile of Sareda, a servant of Solomon, whose 3 And they sent and called him: and Jerobo- was named Sarua, a widow woman, lifted am came, and all the multitude of Israel: and
up his hand against the king. they spoke to Roboam, saying:
27 And this is the cause of his rebellion against 4 Thy father laid a grievous yoke upon us:
him, that Solomon built Mcllo, and filled up the now therefore do thou take off a little of the
breach of the city of David his father. grievous service of thy father, and of his most
28 And Jeroboam was a valiant and mighty heavy yoke, which he put upon us; and we will
man: and Solomon seeing him a young man in serve tliee.
genious and industrious, made him chief over the 5 And he said to them: Go till the third day,
tributes of all the house of Joseph. and come to me again. And when the people
29 So it came
to pass at that time, that Jerobo was gone,
am went out of Jerusalem: and the prophet Ahi- '
6 King Roboam took counsel with the old men,
as the Silonite, clad with a new garment, foun that stood before Solomon his father while he yet
him in the way: and they two were alone in the li^ed: and he said: What counsel do you give
field. me, tiiat I may answer this people.'
30 And Ahias taking his- new garment, where 7 They said to him: If thou wilt yield to this
with he was clad, divided it into twelve parts: people to-day, and condescend to them, and grant
31 And he said to Jeroboam: Take to thee ten their petition, and wilt speak gentle words to
pieces: for thus saith the I>ord the God of Israel them, they will be thy servants always.
Kehold, I will rend the kingdom out of the hant 8 But he left the counsel of the old m^n, which
of Solomon, and will give thee ten tribes. they had given him; and consulted with the young
32 P.ut one tribe shall remain to liim for the men, that had been brought up with him, and
sake of my servant David, and Jerusalem the stood before him.
city, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of 9 And he said to them: What coimsel do j'ou
Israel: give me, that I may answer this people, who
33 Because he hath forsaken me, and hath have said to me: Make the yoke which thy fa-
adored Astrirthe the goddess of the Sidonians, ther put upon us lighter.'
and Chamos the god of Moab, and INIo'och the 10 And the youns; men that had been brought
god of the children of Amnion: and hath not up with him, said: Thus shall thou speak to this
walked in my ways, to do justice before me, and peojile, who have spoken to thee, saying: Thy
to keep mj- ])recepts and judgments, as did David father made our yoke heavy; do thou ease us.
his father.
34 Yet I will not take away all the kingdom * The Book of the words, <|-c. This book is
out of his hind: but I will make him prince all lost, with divers others mentioned in holy writ.
the day of his liff, for David my servant's sake. t Solomon afept, ^'C. That is, died. He was
wliom I chose, who ke]jt my commandments and then about 58 years of age, having reigned 40
my precepts. years.

Thou ehalt say to them: My

little finger is thick- more to Jerusalem: Behold thy gods. O
er than the back of my
father. who brought thee out of the land of Egypt.
11 And now my
father put a heavy yoke upon 29 And he set the one in Bethel, and ihe other
you, but I will add to your yoke: my
father beat in Dan:|
you with whips; but I will beat you with scor- 30 And this thing became an occasion of sin:
pions. for the people went to adore the calf as far aa
12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to Dan.
Roboam the third day, as the king had appointed, 31 And he made temples in the high places,
saying: Come to me again the third day. and priests of the lowest of the people, who were
13 And the king answered the people roughly, not of the sons of Levi.
leaving the counsel of the old men, which they 32 And he appointed a feast in the eighth
had given him. month, on the fifteenth day of the month, after
14 And he spoke to them according to the the manner of the feast that was celebrated in
counsel of the young men, sa3ing: My
father Juda. And going up to the altar, he did in like
made your yoke heavy; but I will add to your manner in Bethel, to sacrifice to the calves, which
yoke: my father beat you with whips; but I will he had made: and he placed in Bethel priests oi
beat you with scorpions. the high places, which he had made.
15 And the king condescended not to the peo- 33 And he went up to the altar, which he had
ple: for the Lord was turned away from him, built in Bethel, on the fifteenth day of the eighth
to make good his word, which he had spoken in month, which he had devised of his own heart:
the hand of Ahias the Silonite, to Jeroboam the and he ordained a feast to the children of Israel,
son of Nabat. and went up on the altar to burn incense.
16 Then the people seeing that the king
would not hearken to them, answered him, say-
ing: What portion have we in David.' or what A
prophet sent from Juda to Bethel forctelleth
inheritance in the son of Isai.' Go home to thy the birth of Josias, and the destruclicn of Je-
dwellings, OIsrael: now, David, look to thy own roboam's altar. Jeroboam's hand offerinf^ vio-
house. So Israel departed to their dwellings. lence to the prophet, witherctk, but is restored
17 But as for all the children of Israel that by the prophet's prayer: the same prophet is
dwelt in the cities of Juda, Roboam reigned over deceived by another prophet, and slain by a
them. lion.
18 Then king Roboam sent Aduram, who was
over the tribute: and all Israel stoned him, and
AND behold, there came a man
of Juda, by the word of the Lord, to Bethel,
of God out

he died. Wherefore king Roboam made haste when Jeroboam was standing upon the altar, and
to get him up into his chariot: and he fled to Je burning incense.
rusalem: 2 And he cried out against the altar in the word
19 And Israel revolted from the house of Da- of the Lord, and said: O altar, altar, thus saith
vid unto this day. the Lord: Behold, a child shall be born to the
20 And it came to pass when all Israel heard house of David, Josias by name: and he shall im-
that Jeroboam was come again, that they gather- molate upon thee the priests of the high places,
ed an assembly, and sent and called him, and who now burn incense upon thee: and he shall
made him king over all Israel: and there \vas burn men's bones upon thee.
none that followed the house of David but the 3 And he gave a sign the same day, saying:
tribe of Juda only.* This shall be the sign, that the Lord hath spoken:
21 And Roboam came to Jerusalem: and Behold, the altar shall be rent, and the a.shes that
gathered together all the house of Juda, and the are upon it shall be poured out.
tribe of Benjamin, a hundred fourscore thou-l 4 And when the king had heard the word of
sand chosen men for war, to fight against the the man of God, which he had cried out against
house of Israel, and to bring the Kingdom again the altar in Bethel, he stretched forth his hand
under Roboam the son of Solomon. from the altar, saying: Lay hold on him. And
22 But the word of the Lord came to Semeias his hand which he stretched forth against him
the man of God, saying: withered: and he was not able to draw it back
23 Speak to Roboam the son of Solomon, the again to him.
king of Juda, and to all the house of Juda, and 5 The altar also was rent: and the ashes were
Benjamin, and the rest of the people, saying: poured out from the altar, according to the sign
24 Thus saith the Lord You shall not go up which the man of God had given before in !ne

nor fight against your brethren the children of Is- word of the Lord.
rael: let every man return to his house; for this 6 And the king said to the man of God: Intr^flt
thing is from me. They hearkened to the word the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me,
of the Lord; and returned from their journey, as that my hand may be restored to me. And the
the Lord had commanded them. man of God besought the face of the Lord; and
25 And Jeroboam built Sichem in mount E- the king's hand was restored to him; and it be-
phraim, and dwelt there; and going out from came as it was before.
thence, he built Phanuel. 7 And the king said to the man of God: Come
26 And Jeroboam said in his heart: Now
shall home with me to dine; and I will make thee
the kingdom return to the house of David, presents.
27 If this people go up to oifer sacrifices in the 8 And the man of God answered the king: If
house of the Lord at Jerusalem; and the heart thou wouldst give me half thy house, I will not
cf this people will turn to their lord Roboam the go with thee, nor eat bread, nor drink water in
king of Juda: and they will kill me, and return this place:
to him. 9 For so it was enjoined me by the word of the
23 And finding out a device, he made two| Lord commanding me: Thou shalt not eat bread,
golden calves,t and said to them: Go 3'e up no|
among whom he had sojourned, who worshipped
* Juda only. Benjamin was
small tribe, and their Apis and their Osiris under the form of a
to intermixed with the tribe of Juda (the very; bullock.
city of Jerusalem being partly in Juda, partly in t Bethel and Dan. Bethel was a city of the
Benjamin) that they are here counted but as one tribe of Ephraim in the southern part of the do-
tribe. minions of Jeroboam, about six leagues from Je-
t Golden calves. 'Tis likely, by making his rusalem; Dan was in the extremity of his do-
rods in this form, he mimicked the Egyptians, minions to the north, in the confines of Syria.
2F 225
nor diir.k water, nor return by the same way that !man of God, and laid it upon the ass; and going
thou earnest. ;back, brought it into the city of the old prophetj
10 80 he departed by another way, and return- to mourn for him.

ed not by the way that he came into Bethel. 30 And he laid his dead body in his own sepul-
11 Now a certain old prophet dwelt in Bethel: 'chre: and thej' mourned over him, saying: Alas'

and his sons came to him, and told him all tlie alas! my brother.
works that the nran of God had done that day in 31 And when they had mourned over him, he

Bethel: and they told their father the words said to his sons: When I am dead, bury me in the

which he had spoken to the king. sepulchre wherein the man of God is buried: lay
12 And their father said to them: What way my bones beside his bones:
went he ? His sons shewed him the way by which 32 For assuiedly the word shall come to jiasa
tlit> man of God went, who came out of Juda. which he hath foretold in the word of the Lord
13 And he said to his sons: Saddle me the ass. against the altar that is in Bethel, and against all
And when they had saddled him, he got up, the temples of the high places, that are in the
14 And WL-nt after the man of God, and found cities of Samaria.
liim sitting under a turpentine-tree: and he said to 33 After these words Jeroboam came not ec*
liirn: Art thou the man of God that earnest from from his wicked way: but on the contrary Ae
Juda.' He answered: I am. made of the meanest of the people priests cf the
15 And he said to him: Come home with me, high places: whosoever would, he filled hia
to eat bread. hand; and he was made a priest of the high
16 But he said: I must not return, nor go with places.
thee; neither will I eat bread, nor drink water im 34 And for this cause did the house of Jero-
this place: boam sin, and was cut off, and destroyed from
17 Because the Lord spoke to me in the word the face of the earth.
of the Lord, saying: Thou shalt not eat bread, CHAP. XIV.
and thou shalt not drink water there, nor return
by the way thou wentest. Ahias prophcsieth the destruction of the family
18 He said to him: I also am a prophet like of Jn'oboam. He dicth, and is succeeded by
unto thee: and an Angel spoke to me* in the his son Nadab. The Jfing of Egypt taketh
word of the Lord, saying: Bring him back with and pillagcth Jerusalem. Roboam dicth; and
thee into thy house, that he maj- eat bread, and his son Abiam succecdeth.
drink water. He deceived him, T that time Abia the son of Jeroboam fell
19 And brought him back with him: so he eat ick.
bread, and drank water in his house. 2 And Jeroboam said to his wife: Arise, and
20 And as they sat at table, the word of the change thy dress, that thou be not known to be
Lord came to the prophet that brought him back: the wife of Jeroboam, and go to Silo, where
21 And he cried out to the man of God who Ahias the prophet is, who told me, that I should
came out of Juda, saying: Thus saith the Lord: reign over this people.
Because thou hast not been obedient to the Lord, ^ Take also with thee ten loaves, and crack-
and hast not Kept the commandment which the nels, and a pot of honey, and go to him: for he
Lord thy God commanded thee, will tell thee what shall become of this child.
22 And hast returned and eaten bread, and 4 Jeroboam's wife did as he told her; and ri-
drunk water in the place wherein he commanded sing up went to Silo, and came to the house of
thee that thou shouldst not eat bread, nor drink Ahias: but he could not see; for his eyes were
water, thy dead body shall not be brought into dim by reason of his age.
the sepulchre of thy fathers. 5 And the Lord said to Ahias: Behold, the
23 And when he had eaten and drunk, he sad wife of Jeroboam cometh in, to consult thee con-
died his ass for the prophet, whom he had brought cerning her son that is sick: thus and thus shalt
back. thou speak to her. So when she was coming in,
24 And when he was gone, a lion found him in and made as if she were another woman,
the way, and killed him:t and his body was cast 6 Ahias heard the sound of her feet coming in
in the way: and the ass stood by him; and the at the door; and said: Come in, thou wife of Je-
lion stood by the dead body. roboamj^ why dost thou feign thyself to be an-
25 And behold, men passing by saw the dead other.' But I am sent to thee with heavy tidings.
body cast in the way, and the lion standing by 7 Go, and tell Jeroboam: Thus saith the Lord
the body. And they came and told it in the city, the God of Israel: P^orasmuch as I exalted thee
wherein that old prophet dwelt from among the people, and made thee prince
26 And when that prophet, who had brought over my people Israel:
him back out of the way, heard of it, he said: It 8 And rent the kingdom away from the house
is the man of God, that was disobedient to the of David, and gave it to thee, and thou hast not
mouth of the I^ord: and the Lord hath delivered been as my servant David, who kept my com-
him to the lion: and he hath torn him, and killed mandments, and followed me with all his heart,
him according to the word of the Lord, which he doing that which was well pleasing in my sight:
spoke to him. 9 But hast done evil above all that were be-
27 And he said to his sons: Saddle me an ass. fore thee; and hast made thee strange gods and
And when they had saddled, molten gods, to provoke me to anger, and hast
28 And he was gone, he found the dead body cast me behind tny back:
cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing 10 Therefore behold, I will bring evils upon
by the carcass: the lion had not eaten of the dead the house of Jeroboam; and will cut oiT from
body, nor hurt the ass. Jeroboam him that pi^seth against the wall, and
29 And the prophet took up the body of the him that is shut up, and the last in Israel: and I
will sweep away the remnant of the house of Je-
* An Angel spoke to me, fyc. This old man of roboam, as dung is swept away till all be clean.
Be';hel was indeed a prophet, but he sinned in 11 Them that shall die of Jeroboam in the city,
thus deceiving the man of God; the more be- the dogs shall eat: and them that shall die in the
cause he pretended a revelation for what he did. field, the birds of the air shall devour; for the
f Killed him. Thus the Lord often punishes Lord hath spoken it.
his servants here, that he may spare them here- 12 Arise thou therefore, and go to thy house:
after. For the generality of divines are of opin- and when thy feet shall be entering into the city,
ion, that the sin of this prophet, considered with the child shall die,
aU ita circumstances, was not mortal. 13 And all Israel shall mourn for him, and shaU
bury him: for he only of Jerobonm shall be laid mother's name was Naama an Ammoniless: and
5n a sepulchre; because in his regard there is Abiam his son reigned in his stead.
found a good word from the Lord the God of CHAP. XV.
Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.
14 And the Lord hath appointed himself a The acts of Abiam and of Asa kings of Juda:
Ving over Israel, who shall cut off the house of and of Nadab and Basa kings of Israel.
leroboam in this day, and in this time:
15 And the Lord God shall strike Israel as a
NOWin the eighteenth year of the reign of
Jeroboam the son of Nabat, Abiam reigned
reed is shaken in the water: and he shall root up over Juda.
[srael out of this ffood land, which he gave to 2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem: the
their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the name of his mother was Maacha:j; the daughter of
river: because they have made to themselves Abessalom.
groves, to provoke the Lord. 3 And he walked in all the sins of his father,
16 And the Lord shall give up Israel for the which he had done before him: and his heart was
Bins of Jeroboam, who hath sinned, and made Is- not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the
rael to sin heart of David his father.
17 And the wife of Jeroboam arose, and de 4 But for David's sake the Lord his God gave
parted, and came to Thersa: and when she was him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his son after
coming in to the threshold of the house, the child him, and to establish Jerusalem:
died: 5 Because David had done that which was
18 And they buried him. And all Israel mourn- ri^ht in the eyes of the Lord, and had not turned
ed for him according to the word of the Lord, aside from any thing that he commanded him, all
which he spoke by the hand of his servant Ahias the days of his life, e.xcept the matter of Urias the
the prophet Hethite.
19 And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, how 6 But there was war between Roboam and
he fought, and how he reigned, behold, they are Jeroboam all the time of his life.
written in the Book of the words of the days of 7 And the rest of the words of Abiam, and all
the kings of Israel.* that he did, are they not written in the Book of
20 And the days that Jeroboam reigned, were the words of the days of the kings of Juda? And
two and twenty years: and he slept with his there was war between Abiam and Jeroboam.
fathers: and Nadab his son reigned in his 8 And Abiam slept with his fathers: and they
stead. buried him in the city of David: and Asa his son
21 And Roboam the son of Solomon reigned reigned in his stead.
in Juda: Roboam was one and forty years old 9 So in the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of
when he began to reign: and he reigned seventeen Israel, reigned Asa king of Juda,
years in Jerusalem, the city which the Lord chose 10 And he reigned one and forty years in Jeru-
out of all the tribes of Israel to put his name there. salem. His mother's§ name was Maacha, the
And his mother's name was Naama an Ammon- daughter of Abessalom.
itess. 11 And Asa did that which was right in the
22 And Juda did evil in the sight of the Lord, sight of the Lord, as did David his father:
and provoked him above all that their fathers 12 And he took away the effeminate out of the
had done, in their sins which they committed land: and he removed all the filth of the idols,
23 For they also built them altars, and statues, which his fathers had made.
and groves, upon every high hill, and under every 13 Moreover he also removed his mother Maa-
green tree: cha, from being the princess in the sacrifices of
24 There were also the effeminate! in the land: Priapus, and in the grove which she had conse-
and they did according to all the abominations of crated to him: and he destroyed her den, and
the people whom the Lord had destroyed before broke in pieces the filthy idol, and burnt it by the
the face of the children of Israel. torrent Cedron:
25 And in the fifth year of the reign of Robo 14 But the high places!! he did not take away.
am, Sesac king of Egypt came up against Jerusa- Nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect with
lem. the Lord all his days:
26 And he took away the treasures of the house 15 And he brought in the things which his fa-
of the Jjord, and the king's treasures, and carried ther had dedicated, and he had vowed, into the
all off: as also the shields of gold which Solomon house of the Lord, silver and gold, and vessels.
had made: 16 And there was war between Asa, and Baasa
27 And Roboam made shields of brass instead king of Israel all their days.
of them, and delivered them into the hand of the 17 And Baasa king of Israel went up against
captains of the shield-bearers, and of them that Juda, and built Rama, that no man might go out
kept w^atch before the gate of the king's house. or come in, of the side of Asa king of Juda.
28 And when the king went into the house of 18 Then_ Asa took all the silver and gold that

the Jjord, they whose office it was to go before remained in the treasures of the house of the
him, carried them: and a/terwards they brought 'Lord, and in the treasures of the king's house, and
them back to the armoury of the shield-bearers.
29 Now the rest of the acts of Roboam, and all t Maacha, fyc. She is called elsewhere Mi-
that he did, behold, they are written in the Book chaia, daughter of Uriel; but it was common in
A the words of the days of the kins;s of Juda. those days for the same person to have two names
30 And there was war between Roboam and § His mother, §-c. That is, his grandmother;
Jeroboam always. unless we suppose, which is not inijirobable, that
31 And Roboam slept with his fathers, and was the Maacha nere named is different from the
buried with them in the city of David: and his Maacha mentioned, ver. 2.
The hif^h places. There were excelsa or high
* The Book of the words of the days of the places of two different kinds. Some were set up,
kin^s of Israel. This book, which is often men- and dedicated to the worship of idols, or strange
tioned in the book of kings, is long since lost. gods: and these Asa removed, 2 Paralipom. xiv.
For as to the books of Paralipomenon or Chroni- 2.; others were only altars of the true God, but
cles (which the Hebrews call the rrords of the were erected contrary to the law, which allowed
days) they were certainly written after the book of no sacrifices but in the temple; and these were
of kings; since they frequently refer to them. not removed by Asa. Perfect with the Lord.
t The effeminate. Catamites, or men addicted Asa had his faults; but never forsook the wor-
to unnatural lust ship of the Lord.
delivered it into the hands of his servants; and 5 But the rest of the acts <^f Baasa and all that
sent theif^ to Benadad son of Tabremon tlie son he did, and his battles, are they not written in the
of Hezion, king of Syria, who dwelt in Damas- Book of the words of the days of the kings of Is-
cus, saying: rael ."

19 There is a league between me and thee, and 6 So Baasa slept with his fathers, and wan bu-
between my father and thy father: therefore I ried in Theisa: and Ela his son reigned in his
have sent thee presents of silver and gold: and 1 stead.
desire thee to come, and break thy league witl) 7 And when the word of the Lord came in the
Baasa king of Israel, that he may depart from me. hand of Jehu the son of Hanani the i)rophet
20 Benadad hearkening to king Asa, sent the I
against Baasa, and again.-t his house and against
captains of his army against the cities of Israel: all the evil that lie had done before the Lord, to
and they smote Ahion, and Dan, and Abeldomum provoke him to anger by the works of his hands,
Maacha, and all Cenneroth; that is, all the land of to become as the house of Jeroboam: for this
Nephtali. cause he slew him, that is to say, Jehu the son of
21 And when Baasa had heard this, he left off Hanani, the prophet.
building Rama, and returned into Thersa. 8 In the six and twentieth year of Asa king of
22 But king Asa sent word into all Juda, say- Juda, Ela the son of Baasa reigned over Israel in
ing: Let no man be excused: and they took away Thersa two years.
the stones from Rama, and the timber thereof, y And his servant Zambri, who was captain of
wherewith Baasa had been building: and with half the horsemen, rebelled against him: now Ela
them king Asa built Gabaa of Benjamin, and was drinking in Thersa, and drunk in the house of
Maspha. Arsa the governor of Thersa.
23 But the rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his 10 And Zambii rushing in, struck him, and
strength, and all that he did, and the cities that he slew him in the seven and twentieth year of Asa
built, are they not written in the Book of the king of Juda: and he reigned in his stead.
words of the days of the kings of Juda.' But in H And when he was king, and sat upon his
the time of his old age, he was diseased in his feet. throne, he slew all the house of Baasa: and he
24 And he slept with his fathers, and was buri- left not one thereof to piss against a wall, and all
ed with them in the city of David his fatlier. And his kinsfolks and friends.
Josaphat his son reigned in his place. 12 And Zambri destroyed all the house of Baa-
25 But Nadab the son of Jeroboam reigned sa, according to the word of (he Lord, that he had
over Israel the second year of Asa king of Juda: spoken to Baasa in the hand of Jehu the prophet,
and he reigned over Israel two years. 13 For all the sins of Baasa, and the sins of Ela
26 And he did evil in the sigiit of the Lord, and his son, who sinned, and made Israel to sin, pro-
walked in the ways of his fatlier, and in his sins, voking the Lord the God of Israel with tlieir
wherewith he made Israel to sin. vanities.
27 And Baasa the son of Ahias of the house of 14 But the rest of the acts of Ela, and all that
Issachar, conspired against liim, and slew him in he did, are they not written in the Book of the
Gebbelhon, which is a city of the Philistines: for words of the days of the kings of Israel I
Nadab and all Israel besieged Gebbethon. 15 In the seven and twentieth year of Asa king
23 So Baasa slew him in the third year of Asa of Juda, Zambri reigned seven days in Thersa:
king of Juda, and reigned in his place. now the army was besieging Gebbethon a city of
2d And when he was king he cut off all the the Philistines.
liouse of Jeroboam: he left not so much as one Ifi And when they heard that Zambri had re-

soul of his seed, till he had utterly destroyed him, belled, and slain the king, all Israel made Amri
according to the word of the Lord, which he had their king, who was general over Israel in the
spoken in the hand of Ahias the Silonite: camp that day.
30 Because of the sin of Jeroboam, which he 17 And Amri went up, and all Israel with him
had sinned, and wherewith he had made Israel to from Gebbethon: and they besieged Theisa.
sin, and for the offence wherewith he provoked 18 And Zambri seeing that the city was about
the Lord the God of Israel. to be taken, went into the palace, and burnt liim-
31 But the rest of the acts of Nadab, and all self with the king's house: and he died
that he did, are they not written in the Book of 19 In his sin.s, which he had sinned, doing evil
the words of the days of the kings of Israel.'' before the Lonl, and walking in the way of Je-
32 And there was war between Asa and Baasa roboam, and in his sin, wherewith he made Israel
the king of Israel all their days. to sin.
33 In the third year of Asa king of Juda, Baasa 20 But the rest of the acts of Zambri, and of
the son of Ahias reigned over all Israel, in Ther- his conspiracy and tyranny, are they not written
sa, four and twenty years. in the Book of the words of the days of the kings
34 And he did evil before the Lord, and walk- of Israel?
ed in the ways of Jeroboam, and in his sins, where- 21 Then
were the people of Israel divided into
with he made Israel to sin. two
parts; one half of the peojile follovv'ed Ttieb-
ni the son of Gineth, to make him king: and one
jhalf followed Amri.
Jehu propliesieth against Baasa. His so?j Ela is 22 But the people that were with Amri, pre-
slain, and a!l his family destroi/ed by Zamhri. vailed over the people that followed Thebni the

Of the reign of Amri father of Achab. son of Gineth: and Thebni died, and Amri
THEN the word of the Lord came to Jehu the reigned.
son of Hanani, agayist Baasa, saying:

23 In the one and thirtieth year* of Asa king


2 Forasmuch as I have exalted thee out of the of Juda, Amri reigned over Israel, twelve years:
dust, and made thee prince over mypeople Israel, in Thersa he reigned six years.
and thou hast walked in the way of Jeroboam, 24 And he bought the hill of Samaria of So-

and hast made my people Israel to sin, to provoke Imerfor two talents of silver: and he built upon
me to anger with their sins: it: and he called the city which he built Sama-
3 Behold, I will cut down the posterity of Baa-
sa, and the posterity of his house: and I will make * 7)1 the one and thirtieth year, fyc. Amri be-
thy house as the house of Jeroboam the son of gan to reign in the seven and twentieth year of
Nabat. Asa; but had not quiet possession of the king-
4 Him that dieth of Baasa in the city, the dogs dom till the death of his comjietitor Thebni

thall eat: and him that dieth of his in the country, which was in the one and thirtieth year of Asa'»

the fowls of the air shall devour. reign.



ria, after the name of Seiner the owner of 11 And when she was going to fetch it, he
hill. called after her, saying: Bring me also, 1 beseecij
25 And Amri did evil in the sight of the Lord, tliee, a morsel of bread in thy hand.
and acted wickedly above all that were before 12 And she answered: As the Lord thy God
bim. liveth, I have no bread, but only a handful of
2(» And he walked in all the way of Jeroboam meal in a jiot, and a little oil in a cruse; behold,
the son of Nabat, and in his sins wherewith he I am gathering two sticks, that I maj' go in and
made Israel to sin; to provoke the Lord the God dress it, for me and my son, that we may eat it,
of Israel to anger with their vanities.* and die.
27 Now the rest of the acts of Amri, and the 13 And Elias said to her: Fear not; but go,
battles he fought, are they not written in the' and do as thou hast said; but first make for me of
Book of the words of the days of the kings of the same meal a little heartli-cake, and bring it to

Israel me; and after make for thj'self and thy son.
28 And Amri slept with his fathers, and was 14 For thus saith the Lord the God of Israel:
buried in Samaria: and Achab his son reigned in The pot of meal shall not waste, nor the cruse
kis stead. of oil be diminished, until the day wherein the
29 Now Achab the son of Amri reigned over Lord will give rain upon the face of the earth.

Israel in the eight and tliirtit th year of Asa king 15 She went, and did according to the word of
of Juda. And Achab the son of Amri reigned Elias: and he ate, and she, and her house: and
ever Israel in Samaria two and twenty years. from that day
?.0 And Achab the son of Amri did evil in the 16 The pot of meal wasted not, and the cruse
sight of the Lord above all that were before of oil was not diminished, according to the word
him. of the Lord, which he spoke in the hand of
31 Nor was it enough tor him to walk in the Elias.
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat: but he also 17 And it came to pass after this, that the son
took to wife Jezabel daughter of Ethbaal king of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick:
of the Sidonians. And he went, and served Baal, and the sickness was very grievous, so that there
and adored him. was no breath left in him.
32 And he set up an altar for Baal in the tem- 18 And she said to Elias: What have I to do
ple of Raal, which he had built in Samaria: with thee, thou man of God.' art thou come to
33 And he planted a giove: and Achab ditl me, that my
iniquities should be remembered,
more to provoke the Lord the God of Israel, and that thou shouldst kill my son.'
than all the kings of Israel that were before him. 19 And Elias said to her: Give me thy son.
34 In his days Hie! of Bethel built Jericho: in And he took him out of her bosom, and carried
Abiram his first-born he laid its foundations: and him into the upper chamber where he abode, and
in his youngest son Segub he set up the gates laid him upon his own bed.
tliereof: according to the word of the Lord, 20 And he cried to the Lord, and said Lord :

which he spoke in the hand of Josue the son of my God, hast thou afflicted also the widow, with
Nun. whom I am after a sort maintained, so as to kill
her son .'

21 And he stretched, and measured himself
Elias shutteth up the heaven from raining. He upon the child three times; and cried to the
is feci by ravens, and afterwards by a roidow Lord, and said: O
Lord my God, let the soul of
of Sarephta. He raiseth the undow^s son to this child, I beseech thee, return into his body.
life- 22 And the Lord heard the voice of Elias:
AND Elias the Thesbite of the inhabitants of and the soul of the child returned into him: and
Galaad said to Achab: As the Loi-d liveth he revived.
the God of Israel, in whose sight I stand, there 23 And Elias took the child, and brought him
shall not be dew nor rain these years, but accord- down from the upper chamber to the house be-
ing to the words of my mouth. "ow, and delivered him to his mother, and said to
2 And the word of the Lord came to him, say- her: Behold, thy son liveth.
ing: 24 And the woman said to Elias: Now, by
3 Get thee hence, and go towards the east; and this I know that thou art a man of God: and the
bide thyself by the torrent of Carith, which is word of the Lord in thy mouth is true.
over-against the Jordan:
4 And there thou shalt drink of the torrent:
and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee Elias Cometh before Achab- He convinceth the
there. false pj^ophets by bringing fire from heaven:
5 So he went, and did according to the word he obtaineth rain by his prayer.
of the Lord: and going, he dwelt by the torrent FTER many days the word of the Lord
Carith, which is over-against the Jordan.
6 And the ravens brought him bread and
A' came
and show
to Elias, in the third year, saying: Go,
thyself to Achab, that I may give rain
flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the upon the face of the earth.
evening: and he drank of the torrent. 2 And Elias went to show himself to Achab:
7 But after some time the torrent was dried up: and there was a grievous famine in Samaria.
for it had not rained upon the earth. 3 And Achab called Abdias the governor of his
8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, house: now Abdias feared the Lord very much.
eaying- 4 For when Jezabel killed the jjrophets of the
9 Arise, and go to Sarephta of the Sidonians,t Lord, he took a hundred prophets, and hid them
and dwell there: fori have commanded a widow by fifty and fifty in caves, and fed them with
woman there to feed thee. bread and water.
10 He arose, and went to Sarephta. And 5 And Achab said to Abdias: Go into the land
when he was come to the gate of the city, he saw unto all fountains of waters, and into all val-
the widow-woman gathering sticks: and he call- leys, to see if we can find grass, and save the
ed her, and said to her: Give me a little water in horses and mules, tluit the beasts may not utterly
a vessel, that I may drink. perish.
6 And they divided the countries between
* IVlth their vanities- That is, their idols, them, that they might go round about them:
llieir golden calves, vain, false, deceitful things. Achab went one way, and Abdias another way
t Sarephta of the Sidonians. That is, a city by himself.
oi the Sidonians. 7 And as Abdias was in the way, Elias me
iiim: and he knew him, and fell on his face, and 29 And after mid-day was past, and while they
said: Art thou my lord Elias? were prophesying, the time was come of ofter
8 And he answered I am. Go, and tell thy ing sacrifice; and there was no voice heard, nor

master: Elias is here. did any one answer, nor regard them as they
9 And he said: What have I sinned, that thou prayed:
wouldst deliver me thy servant into the hand of 30 Elias said to all the people: Come ye unto
Achab, that he should kill me ? me. And the people coming near unto him, he
10 As the Lord thy God liveth, there is no na- repaired the altar of the Lord, that was broken
tion or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent down:
to seek thee: and when all answered: He is not 31 And he took twelve stones according to the
here; he took an oath of every kingdom and na- number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to
tion, because thou not found. whom the word of the Lord came, saying: Israel
11 And now thou sayest to me: Go, and tell shall be thy name.
thy master: Elias is here. 32 And he built with the stones an altar to tbe
12 And when I am gone from thee, the Spirit name of the Lord: and he made a trench for wa
of the Lord will carry thee into a place that I ter, of the breadth of two furrows round about
know not: and I shall go in and tell Achab, and the altar.
he not linding thee, will kill me: but thy servant 33 And he laid the wood in order, and cut the
feareth the Lord from his infancy. bullock in pieces, and laid it upon the wood;
13 Hath it not been told thee, my lord, what I 34 And he said: Fill four buckets with water,
did when Jezabel killed the prophets of the Lord; and pour it upon the burnt-offering, and upon the
how I hid a hundred men of the prophets of the wood. And again he said: Do the same the
Lord, by fifty and fifty in caves, and fed them second time. And when they had done it the
with bread and v/ater? second time, he said Do the same also the third

14 And now thou sayest: Go, and tell thy mas- time. And they did so the third time.
ter: Elias is here: that he may kill me. 35 And the water ran round about the altar:
15 And Elias said: As the Lord of hosts liveth, and the trench was filled with water.
before whose face I stand, this day I will show 36 And when it was now time to offer the ho-
myself iinto him. locaust, Elias the prophet came near, and said: O
16 Abdias therefore went to meet Achab, and Lord God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel,
told him: and Achab came to meet Elias. show this day that thou art the God of Israel, and
17 And when he had seen him, he said: Art I thy servant; and that according to thy command-
thou he that troublest Israel .'
ment I have done all these things.
IS And he said: I have not troubled Israel, but 37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me; that this people
thou and thy father's house, who have forsaken may learn, that thou art the Lord God, and that
the commandments of the Lord, and have fol- thou hast turned their heart again.
lowed Baalim. 38 Then the fire of the Lord fell; and consumed
19 Nevertheless send now, and gather unto me the holocaust, and the wood, and the stones, and
all Israel, unto mount Carmel, and the prophets the dust; and licked up the water that was in the
of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets trench.
of tjie groves four hundred, who eat at Jezabel's 39 And when all the people saw this, they fell
table. on their faces, and they said: The Lord he is God,
20 Achab sent to all the children of Israel, and the Lord he is God.
gathered together the prophets unto mount Car- 40 And Elias said to them: Take the prophets
mel. of Baal; and let not one of them escape. And
21 And Elias coming to all the people, said: when they had taken them, Elias brought them
How long do you halt between two sides.' If the down to the torrent Cison, and killed them there.
Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then fol- 41 And Elias said to Achab; Go up, eat, and
low him. And the people did not answer him a drink: for there is a sound of abundance of rain.
word. 42 Achab went up to eat and drink: and Elias
22 And Elias said again to the people: I only went up to the top of Carmel: and casting him-
remain a prophet of the Lord: but the prophets self down upon the earth, put his face between his
of Baal are four hundred and fifty men. knees:
23 Let two bullocks be given us: and let them 43 And he said to his servant: Go up, and look
choose one bullock for themselves, and cut it in toward the sea. And he went up, and looked,
pieces, and lay it upon wood, but put no fi'e un- and said: There is nothing. And again he said to
der: and I will dress the other bullock, and lay ithim: Return seven times.
on wood, and put no fire under it. 44 And at the seventh time: Behold, a little
24 Call ye on the names of your gods; and I cloud arose out of the sea like a man's foot. And
will call on the name of my Lord: and the God he said: Go up, and say to Achab: Prepare thy
that shall answer by fire, let him be God. And chariot, and go down, lest the rain prevent thee.
all the people answering, said: A
very good pro- 45 And while he turned nimself this way and
posal. that way, behold, the heavens grew dark M'ith
2.5 Then Elias said to the prophets of Baal: clouds and wind; and there fell a great rain.
Choose you one bullock, and dress it first, be- And Achab getting up, went away to Jezrahel:
cause you are many: and call on the names of 46 And the hand of the Lord was upon Elias:
your' gods; but put no fire under. and he girded up his loins, -Bud ran before Achab,
26 And they took the bullock which he gave till he came to Jezrahel.
them, and dressed it: and they called on the
name of Baal from morning even till noon, say-
ing: O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, Elias fleeing from Jezabel, is fed by an Angel in
nor any that answered: and they leaped over the the desert; and by the strength of that food
altar that they had made. umlketh forty days, till he cometh to Horeb,
27 And when it was now noon, Elias jested at Vihere he hath a vision of God.
them, saying: Cry with a louder voice: for he is ND
'Achab told Jezabel all that Elias had
a god; and perhaps he is talking, or is in an inn, done, and how he had slain all the prophets
or on a journey; or perhaps he is asleep, and with the sword.
must be awaked. 2 And Jezabel sent a messenger to Elias, say-
28 So they cried with a loud voice; and cut ing: Such and such things may the gods do to me,
themselves after their manner with knives and and add still more, if by this hour to-mnrrow l
lancets, till they were all covered with blood. make not thy Hfe as the life of one of thein.

3 Then Elias was afraid and rising up he went
: Saphat, of Abelmeula, thou snalt anoint to be
whithersoever he had a mind: and he came to prophet in thy room.
Bernabee of Juda, and left his servant there: 17 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever
4 And he went forward, one day's journey into shall escape the sword of Hazael, shall be slain by
the desert. And when he was there, and sat un- Jehu: and whosoever shall escape the sword of
der a juniper-tree, he requested for his soul that Jehu, shall be slain by Eliseus.§
he mightdie;* and said: It is enough for me, Lord; 18 And I will leave me seven thousand men in
take away my soul: for I am no better than my Israel, whose knees have not been bowed before
fatliers. Baal, and every mouth that hath not worshipped
5 And he cast himself down, and slept in the him kissing the hands.
ehadowof the juniper-tree: and behold, an Angel 19 And Elias departing from thence, found
of the Lord touched him, and said to liim: Arise, Eliseus the son of Saphat, ploughing with twelve
and eat. yoke of oxen: and he was one of them that were
G He looked, and behold, there was at his head ploughing with twelve yoke of oxen: and when
B hearth-cake, and a vessel of water: and he ate Elias came up to him, he cast his mantle upon
ftaA*. drank; and he fell asleep again. him.
7 And the Angel of the Lord came agam the 20 And he forthwith left the oxen, and ran af-
f^cond time, and touched him, and said to him: ter Elias, and said: Let me, I pray thee, kiss my
Arise, eat; for thou hast yet a great way to go. father and my mother; and then I will follow thee.
8 And he arose, and ate, and drank; and walk- And he said to him: Go, and return back: for that
ed in the strength of that foodt forty days and which was my part, I have done to thee.
forty nights, unto the mount of God, Horeb. 21 And returning back from him, h« took a
9 And when he was come thither, he abode in yoke of oxen, and killed them, and boiled the
a cave: and behold, the word of the Lord Cfl?ne flesh Vt'ith the plough of the oxen, and gave to
unto him: and he said to him: Wliat doest thou the people; and they ate: and rising up he went
here, Elias.' away, and followed Elias, and ministered' to him
10 And he answered: With zeal have I been
zealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the chil-
dren of Israel have forsaken thy covenant: they The Syrians besiege Samaria: they are twice de-
have thrown down thy altars; they have slain thy feated by Achub: who is reprehended by a
prophets with the sword; and I alone am left;:): prophet for letting Bcnadad go.
and they seek my life to take it away. NDBenadad king of Syria gathered together
HAnd he said to him: Go forth, and stand all his host: and there were two and thirty
upon the mount, before the Lord and behold, the : kings with him, and horses, and chariots: and go-
Lord passeth; and a great and strong wind before ing up he fought against Samaria, and besieged it.
the Lord overthrowing the mountains, and break- 2 And sending messengers to Achab king of
ing the rocks in pieces: The Lord is not in the Israel into the city,
wind: and after the wind an earthquake: the 3 He said: Thus saith Benadad: Thy silver
Lord is not in the earthquake: and thy gold mine: and thy wives and thy
12 And after the earthquake a fire: the Lord is goodliest children are mine.
not in the fire: and after the fire a whistling of a 4 And the king of Israel answered: According
gentle air. to thy word, my lord O king, I am thine, and all
13 And whenElias heard it, he covered his that I have.
face with his mantle, and coming forth stood in 5 And the messengers came again, and said.
the entering in of the cave; and behold, a voice Thus saith Benadad, who sent us unto thee: Thy
unlo him, saying: What doest thou here, Elias.' silver, and thy gold, and thy wives, and thy chil
And he answered: dren thou shalt deliver up to nie.
14 With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord 6 To-morrow therefore at this same hour I will
God cff hosts: because the children of Israel have send my servants to thee: and they shall search
forsaken thy covenant: they have destroyed thy thy house, and the houses of thy servants: and all
altars; they have slain thy prophets with the that pleaseth them, they shall put in their hands,
sword; and I alone am left; and they seek my and take away.
life to take it away. 7 And the king of Israel called all the ancients
15 And the Lord said to him: Go, and return of the land, and said: Mark, and see that he lay
on thy way through the desert to Damascus: and eth snares for us. For he sent to me for my wives
when thou art come thither, thou shalt anoint and for my children, and for my silver and gold:
Hazael to be king over Syria: and I said not nay.
16 And thou shalt anoint Jehu the son of JJ^am- 8 And all the ancients, and all the people said
Bi to be king over Israel: and Eliseus the son of to him: Hearken not to him, nor consent to
* That he might Elias requested to die,
die. 9 Whierefore he answered the messengers of
not out of impatience or pusillanimity, but out of Benadad: Tell my lord the king: All that thou
zeal against sin; and that he might no longer be dulst send for to me thy servant, at first, I will do.
witness of the miseries of his people, and the war but this thing I cannot do.
they were waging against God and his servants. 10 And the messengers returning brought him
See ver. 10. word. And he sent again, and said: Such and
t In the strength of that food, S,-c. This bread such things may the gods do to me, and more may
with which Elias was fed in the wilderness, was they add, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for
a figure of the bread of life which we receive in handfuls for all the people that follow me.
the blessed sacrament; by the strength of which 11 And the king of Israel answering, said: Tf 11
we are to be supported in our journey through the
wildernesB cf this %vorld till we come to the true § Shall he slain by Eliseus. Eliseus did not
mountain of God, and his vision in a happy eter- kill any of the idolaters with the material sword;
nity. but he is here joined with Hazael and Jehu, the
% I alone am left, viz. of the prophets in the great instruments of God in punishing the idolatry
kingdom of Israel, or of the ten tribes: for in the of Israel, because he foretjld to the former hia
kingdom of Ju(|a religion was at that time in a exaltation to the kingdom of Syria, and the
very flourishing condition under the kings Asa vengeance he would execute against Israel; and
and Josaphat. And even in Israel there remained anointed the latter by one of his disciples to be
Bevcral prophets, though not then known to Elias. king of Israel, with commission to extirpate the
See chap. xx. 13, 28, 35. house of Achab.
him: Let not the girded* boast himself as the un- day the battle was fought: and the childien of Is*
girded. rael slew; of the Syrians a hundred thousand foot-
12 And it came to pass, when Benadad heard men in one day.
this word, that he and the kings were drinkin,; in 30 And they that remained fled to Aphec, into
pavilions, and he said to his servants: Beset the the city: and the wall fell upon seven and twenty
city. And they beset it. thousand men, that were left. And Benadad
13 And behold, a prophet coming to Achab fleeing went into the city, into a chamber that
king of Israel, said to him: Thus saith the Lord: was within a chamber.
Hast thou seen all this exceeding great multi- 31 And his servants said to him: Behold, we
tude? behold, I will deliver them into thy hand have lieard that the kings of the house of Israel
this day; that ihou mayst know that I am the are merciful so let us put sackcloths on our loins,

Lord. and ropes on our heads, and go out to the king of

14 And Achab said: By whom? And he said to Israel: perhaps he will save our lives.
him: Thus saith the Lord: By the servants of 32 So they girded sackcloth on their loins, and
the princes of the provinces. And he said: Who put ropes on their heads, and came to the knig of
shall begin to tight? And he said: Thou. Israel, and said to him: Thy servant Benadad
15 .So he mustered the servants of the princes saith: I beseech thee let me have my life. And
of the provinces, and he found the number of two he said: If he be yet alive, he is my brother.
hundred and thirty two: and he mustered a-fter 33 The men took this for a sign: and in haste
them the people, all the children of Israel, seven caught the word out of his mouth, and said: Thy
thousand: brotlier Benadad. And he said to them: Go, and
16 And they went out at noon. But Benadad bring him to me. Then Benadad came out to
was drinking himself drunk in his pavilion, and him: and he lifted him up into his chariot.
the two and thirty kings with him, who were 34 And he said to him: The cities which my
come to help him. father took from thy father, I will restore: and do
17 And the servants of the princes of the pro- tliou make thee streets in Damascus, as my fa-
vinces went out first. And Benadad sent. And !
ther made in Samaria: and having made a league
they told him, saying: There are men come out I will depart from thee. So he made a league
of Samaria. with him, and let liim go.
18 And he said Wfiether they come for peace,
: 35 Then a certain man of the sons of the pro-
take them alive: or whether they come to fight, phets said to his companion in the word of the
take them alive. Lord: Strike me. But he would not strike.
19 So the servants of the princes of the pro- 36 Then he said to him: Because thou wouldst
vinces went out, and the rest of the army fol- not hearken totlie v.-ord of the Lord, behold, thou
lowed : shalt dei^irt from me, and a lion shall slay ihee.
20 And every one slew the man that came yVnd when he was gone a little from him, a lion
against him: and the Syrians fled; and Israel found him, and slew him.
pursued after them. And Benadad king of Syria 37 Then he found another man, and said to
fled away on horseback with his horsemen. him: Strike me. And he struck him, and wound-
21 But the king of Israel going out overthrew ed him.
the horses and chariots, and slew the Syrians with 38 So the prophet went, and met the king in
a great slaughter. the way, and disguised himself by sprinkling dust
22 (And a prophet coming to the king of Israel, on his face and his eyes.
gaid to him: Go, and strengthen thyself, and know, 39 And as the king passed by, he cried to the
and see what thou doest: for the next year the king, and said: Thy servant went out to fight
king of Syria will come up against thee.) hand to hand: and when a certain man was run
23 But the servants of the king of Syria said to away, one brought him to me, and said: Keep
him: Their gods are godi of the hills; therefore this man: and if he shall slip away, thy life shall
they have overcome us: but it is better that we be for his life, or thou shalt pay a talent of silver
should fight against them in the plains; and we 40 And whilst I in the hurry turned this way
shall overcome them. and that, on a sudden hg was not to be seen. And
24 Do thou therefore this thing: Remove all the king of Israel said to him: This is thy judg-
the kings from thy army, and put captains in their ment, which thyself hast decreed.
stead: 41 But he forthwith wiped off the dust from his
25 And make up the number of soldiers that face: and the king of Israel knew him, that he
have been slain of thine, and horses according to was one of the prophets.
the former horses, and chariots according to the 42 And he said to him: Thus saith the Lord:
chariots which thou hadst before: and we will Because thou hast let go out of thy hand a man
fight against them in the plains; and thou shalt worthy of death, thy life shall be for his life, and
see that we shall overcome them. He believed thy people for hit' people.
their counsel, and did so. 43 And the king of Israel returned to his house,
26 Wherefore at the return of the year, Bena- slighting to hear, and raging came into Samaria.
dad mustered the Syrians, and went up to Aphec,
to fight against Israel.
27 And the children of Israel were mustered, Nahoth,for denying his vineyard toldn^ Achab,
and taking victuals went out on the other side, is by JezahePs coimnundnient, falsely accused,
and camped over-against them, like two little and stoned to death. For which crime £liii3
flocks of goats: but the Syrians filled the land. denounceth to Achab tlie judgments of God:
28 (And a man of God coming, said to the vpon his humbling himself, the sentence ia
king of Israel: Thus saith the Lord: Because the mitigated.
Syrians have said The Lord is God of the hills.
: ND
after these things, Naboth the Jezrahel-
but is not God of the valleys: I will deliver all ite, who was in Jezrahel, had at that time a
this groat multitude into thy hand, and you shall vineyard near the palace of Achab king of Sa-
know that I am the Lord.) maria.
29 And both sides set their armies in array one 2 And Achab spoke to Naboth, saying: Give
against the other seven days: and on the seventh me thy vineyard, that I may make me a garden
of herbs, because it is nigh, and joining to my
* Let not the girded. See Let him not boast house; and I will give thee for it a better vine-
before the victory: it will then be time to glory yard or if thou think it more convenient for thtc,

when he putteth oflf his armour, having overcome I will give thee the worth of it in money.
bJB adversary. 3 Naboth answered him The Lord be mert-i^

ful to me, and not let me give thee the inheri- of Jeroboam the sen of Nabat, and like the houSB
tance of my fathers. of Baasa the son of Ahias: for what thou hast
4 And Achab came into his house angry and done, to provoke me to anger, and for making
fretting, because of the word that Naboth the Israel to sin.
JezraheHte had spoken to him, sayinp;; I will not 23 And of Jezabel also the Lord spoke, say-
give thee the inlieritance of my fathers And ing: The dogs shall eat Jezabel in the field of
casting; himself upon his bed, he turned away his Jezrahel.
face to the wall, and would eat no bread. 24 If Achab die in the city, the dogs 'shall eat
5 And Jezabel his wife went in to him, and him: but if he die in the field the birds of the air
said to him: What is the matter that thy soul is shall eat him.
60 a;rieved.'' and why eatest thou no bread.' 25 Now there was not such another as Achab,
() And he answered her: I spoke to Naboth the who was sold to do evil in the sight of the Lord:
Jezrahclite, and said to him: Give me thy vine- for his wife Jezabel set him on,
yai i, and take money for it: or if it please thee, I 26 And he became abominable; insomuch iTiat
wi'l give thee a better vineyard for it. And he he followed the idols which the Amorrhites had
ea' 1: I will not give thee my vineyard. made, whom the Lord destroyed before the face
7 Then Jezabel his wife said to him: Thou art of the children of Israel.
of great authority indeed, and governest well the 27 And when Achab had heard these words,
fcingdom of Israel. Arise, and eat bread, and be he rent his garments, and put hair-cloth upon his
of good cheer: I will give thee the vineyard of flesh, and fasted, and slept in sackcloth, and
Naboth the Jezrahelite. walked with his head cast down.
8 8o slie wrote letters in Achab's name, and 28 And the word of the Lord came to Elias the
sealed them with his ring, and sent them to the Thesbite, saying:
ancients, and the chief men that were in his city, 29 Hast thou not seen Achab humbled before
and that dwelt with Naboth. me therefore, because he hatli humbled himself

y And this was the tenor of the letters: Pro- for my sake, I will not bring the evil in his d-ays;
claim a fast; and make Naboth sit among the but in his son's days will I bring the evil upon his
chief of the people: house.
10 And subo;-n two men, sons of Belial, against
him: and let them bear false witness, that he hath
blasphemed God and the king: and then carry Achab believing his false prophets, rather than
him out? and stone him, and so let him die. JMicheas, is slain in Ramoth-Galaad. Ocho-
11 And the men of his city the ancients and zias succcedeth him. Good king Josaphat
noble?, that dwelt with him in the city, did as dieth: and his son Joram succcedeth him-
Jezabel had commanded them, and as it was ND
there passed three years without war
written in the letters which she had sent to them: between Syria and Israel-
12 They proclaimed a fast, and made Naboth 2 And in the third year, Josaphat king of Juda
sit among the chief of the people. came down to the king of Israel.
13 And bringing two men sons of the devil, 3 (And the king of Israel said to his servants:
they made them sit against him: and they, like Know ye not that Ramoth-Galaad is ours, and
men of the devil, bore witness against him> before we neglect to take it out of the hand of the king
the people, saying: Naboth hath blasphemed of Syria.')
Go and the king: wherefore they brought him 4 And he said to Josaphat: Wilt thou come

forth without the city, and stoned nim to death. with me to battle to Ramoth-Galaad .'

11 And they sent to Jezabel, saying: Naboth 5 And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: As
is stoned, and is dead. I am, so art thou: my people and thy people are
15 And it ca-me to pass, when Jezabel heard one: and my horsemen, thy ho-semen. And Jo-
that Naboth was stoned, and dead, that she said saphat said to the king of Israel: Inquire, I be-
to Achab: Arise, and take possession of the vine- seech thee, this day the word of the Lord.
yard of Naboth the Jezrahelite, who would not 6 Then the king of Israel assembled the pro-
agree with thee, and give it thee for money: for phets, about four hundred men: and he said to
Naboth is not alive, but dead. them: Shall I goto Ramoth-Galaad to fight, or
16 And when Achab heard this, to wit, that shall I forbear.' They answered: Go up; and the
Naboth was dead, he arose, and went down into Lord will deliver it into the hand of the king.
the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrahelite, to take 7 And Josaphat said: Is there not here some
possession of it. prophet of the Lord, that we may inquire by him .'

17 And the word of the Lord came to Elias S And the king of Israel said to Josaphat:
the Thesbite, saying: There is one man ]eft, by whom we may inquire
18 Arise, and go down to meet Achab king of of the Lord: Micheas the son of Jemla; but I
Israel, who is in Samaria: behold, he is going hate him; for he doth not prophesy good to me,
down to the vineyard of Naboth, to take posses- hut evil, And Josaphat said; Speak not so, O
sion of it: king.
19 An<l thou shalt speak to him, saying: Thus 9 Then the king of Israel called a eunucn,
saith the Lord: Thou hast slain, moreover also and said to him: Make haste, and bring hither
thou hast taken possession. And after these Micheas the son of Jemla.
words tliou shalt add: Thus saith the Lord: In 10 And the king of Israel, and Josaphat king
this place, wherein the dogs have licked the of Juda, sat each on his throne clothed with royal
blood of Naboth, they shall lick thy blood also. robes, in a court by the entrance of the gate of
20 And Achab said to Elias: Hast thou found Samaria: and all the prophets prophesied before
rne thy enemy. He said I have found thee, be- them.

cause thou art sold, to do evil in the sight* of the 11 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana made
Lord. himself horns of iron, and said: Thus saith the
21 Bihuld, I will bring evil upon thee: and I liOrd: With these shalt thou push Syria, till thou
will cut down thy posterity ; and I will kill of destroy it.
Achnb him that pisseth against the wall, and him 12 And all the prophets prophesied in like
tliat is shut up, and the last in Israel. manner, saying: Go up to Ramoth-Galaad, and
22 And I will make thy house like the house prosper; for the I^ord will deliver it into the
king's hands.
* Sold to do evil in the sight, ^-c. That is, so 13 And the messenger, that went to call Mi"
addicted to evil, asif^hou hadst sold thyself to cheas, spoke to him, saying: Behold, the words
ihe devil, to be his slave to work all kind of evil. of the prophets wivn one mouth declare good
2G 233
things to the king: let thy word therefore be like 28 And Micheas said : If thou return in peac«s
to theirs, and speak that which is good. the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said
14 But Micheas said to him: As the Lord Hear, all ye people.
liveth, whatsoever the Lord shall say to me, that 29 So the king of Israel, and Josaphat king of
will I speak. Juda went up to Ramoth-Galaad.
15 So he came to the king: and the king said 30 And
the king of Israel said to Josaphat:
to him: Micheas, shall we go to Ramoth-Galaad Take armour, and go into the battle, and put on
to battle, or shall we forbear? He answered him: thy own garments. But the king of Israel chan-
Go up,* and prosper: and the Lord shall deliver ged his dress, and went into the battle.
it into the king's hands. 31 And the king of Syria had commanded the
16 But the king said to him: I adjure thee two and thirty captains of his chariots, saying:
again and again, that thou tell me nothing but You shall not fight against any, small or great,
that which is true in the name of the Lord. but against the king of Israel only.
17 And he said: I saw all Israel scattered 32 So when the captains of the chariots saw
upon the hills, like sheep that have no shep- Josaphat, they suspected that he was the king of
herd; and the Lord said: These have no master: Israel: and making a violent assault they fought
let every man of them return to his iiouse in ;ainst him: and Josaphat cried out.
peace. 33 And the captains of the chariots perceived
18 (Then the king of Israel said to Josaphat that he was not the king of Israel: and they turn-
Did I not tell thee, that he prophesieth no good ed away from him.
to me, but always evil?) 34 And a certain man bent his bow, shooting
19 And he added, and said: Hear thou there- at a venture, and chanced to strike the king of
fore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sit- Israel between the lungs and the stomach.
: But
ting on his throne, and all the army of heaven he said to the driver of his chariot: Turn thy
standing by him on the right hand and on the hand, and carry me out of the army; for I am
left: grievously wounded.
20 And the Lord said:t Who shall deceive 35 And the battle wrfs fought that day; and
Achab king of Israel, that he may go up, and the king of Israel stood in his chariot against the
fall at Ranoth-Galaad? And one spoke words! Syrians; and he died in the evening: and the
of this manner, and another otherwise. blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the
21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood be- chariot.
fore the Lord, and said: I will deceive him. And 36 And the Herald proclaimed througlf.all the
the Lord said to him: By what means? army before the sun set, saying: Let every man
22 And he said: I will go forth, and be a lying return to his own city, and to his own country.
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the 37 And the king died, and was carried into Sa-
Lord said: Thou shalt deceive him, and shalt maria: and they buried the king in Samaria.
prevail: go forth, and do so4 38 And they washed his chariot in the jiool of
23 Now therefore behold, the Lord hath given Samaria: and the dogs licked up his blood, and
a lying spirit in the mouth of all thy prophets they washed the reins, according to the word of
that are here: and the Lord hath spoken evil the Lord which he had spoken.
against thee. 39 But the rest of the acts of Achab, and all
24 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana came, that he did, and the house of ivory that he made,
and struck Micheas on the cheek; and said: Hath and all the cities that he built, are they not writ-
then the spirit of the Lord left me, and spoken to ten in the Book of the wo.rds of the days of the
thee ? kings of Israel ?
25 And Micheas said: Thou shalt see in the 40 So Acliab slept with his fathers: and Ocho-
day when thou shalt go into a chamber§ within a zias his son reigned in his stead.
chamber to hide thyself. 41 But Josaphat the son of Asa began to reign
26 And the king of Israel said: Take Mi- over Juda in the fourth year of Achab king of
cheas, and let him abide with Amon the gover- Israel.
nor of the city, and with Joas the son of Ama- 42 He was five and thirty years old when he
lech: began to reign: and he reigned five and twenty
27 And tell them: Thus saith the king: Put years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was
this man in prison, and feed him with bread of Azuba the daughter of Salai.
affliction, and water of distress, till I return in 43 And he walked in all the way of Asa his
peace. father: and he declined not from it: and he did
that which was right in the sight of the Lord.
*Go up, fyc. This was spokeri ironically, and 44 Nevertheles^s he took not awayll the high
by way of jesting at the flattering speeches of places: for as yet the people offered sacrifices
the false prophets: and so the king understood it, and burnt incense in the high places.
as appears by his adjuring Micheas, in the fol- 45 And Josaphat had peace with the king of
lowing verse, to tell him the truth, in the name Israel.
of the Lord. 46 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat, and his
t 2Vic Lord said, ^c. God standethnot in need works which he did, and his battles, are they not
of any counsellor; nor are we to suppose that written in the Book of the words of the days of
things pass in heaven in the manner here descri- the kings of Juda?
iied: but this representation was made to the 47 And the remnant also of the effeminate,
prophet, to be delivered by him in a manner who remained in the days of Asa his father, he
adapted to the common ways and notions of took out of the land.
men. 48 And there was then no king appointed in
t Go forth, and do so. This was not a com- Edom.
mand; but a permission: for God never ordain- 49 But king Josaphat made navies on the sea,
eth lies; though he often permitteth the lyij to sail into Ophir for gold: but they could not go.
spirit to deceive those who love not the truth. for the ships were broken in Asiongaber.
2 Thcssal. ii. 10. And in this sense it is said in 50 Then Ochozias the son of Achab said to
the following verse, The Lord hath given a lying
spirit in the mouth of all thiprophets. He took not away, fyc. He left some of the

§ Go into a chamber, ^c. This hajjpened when high jjlaces, viz- those in which they worship-
he heard the king was slain, and justly appre- ped the true God; but took away all oxhers, 2
hended that he should be punished for his false Paralip. xvii. 6. and note ver. 14: of chap xv
prophecy. 3 Kings.
JoBaphat: Let myservants ro with thy servantsj reign over Israel in Samaria, in the scventecalh
in the ships. And
Josapliat would not.* |
year of Josaphat king of Juda: and he reigned
51 And Josaphat ylept with his fathers, and over Israel two years.
was buried wiin them in the city of David his 53 And he did evil in the sight of the Lordj
father: and Joram his son reigned in liis stead. and walked in the way of his father and his
52 And Ochozias the son of Achab began to mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the son of
Nabat, who made Israel to sin.
* IVould not. He had been reprehended be- 54 He served also Baal, and worshipped him,
fore for admitting such a partner; and therefore and provoked the Lord the God of Israel ac-
would have no more to do with him. cording to all that his father had done.


let fire come down from heaven, and consume
thee, and thy fifty. And fire came down from
Ochozias sendeth toconsult Beelzebub: Elias heaven, and consumed him, and his fifty.
foretclleth his death: and causeth fire to come 13 Again he sent a third captain of fifty men,
down from heaven, upon two captains and and the fifty that were with him. And when he
their companies was come, he fell upon his knees before Elias,
AND MoabAchab.
death of
rebelled against Israel, after the and besought him, and said Man of God, despise

not my life, and the lives of thy servants that are

2 And Ochozias fell through the lattices of his with me.
upper chamber which he had in Samaria, and 14 Behold, fire came down from heaven, and
was sick: and he sent messengers, saying to consumed the two first captains of fifty men, and
them: Go, consult Beelzebub the god of Acca- the fifties that were with them: but now I be-
ron, whether I shall recover of this my illness._ seech thee to spare my life.
3 And an Angel of the Lord spoke to Elias 15 And the Angel of the Lord spoke to Elias,
the Thesbite, saying: Arise, and go up to meet saying: Go down with him; fear not. He arose
the messengers of the king of Samaria: and say therefore, and went down with him to the king,
to them: Is there not a God in Israel, tnat ye go 16 And said to him: Thus saith the Lord:
to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron? Because thou hast sent messengers to consult
4 Wherefore thus saith the Lord: From the Beelzebub the god of Accaron, as though there
bed, on which thou art gone up, thou shalt not were not a God in Israel, of whom thou mightest
come down: but thou shalt surely die. And Elias inquire the word, therefore from the bed on
went away. which thou art gone up, thou shalt not come
5 And the messengers turned back to Ocho- down: but thou shalt surely die.
zias. And he said to them: Why are you come 17 So he died according to the word of the
back .'
Lord which Elias spoke and Joram his brother

6 But they answered him: A

man met us, and reigned in his stead, in the second year of JoramJ
said to us: Go, and return to the king that sent the son of Josaphat king of Juda: because he had
you; and you shall say to him: Thus saith the no son.
Lord Is it because there was no God in Israel that •18 But the rest of the acts of Ochozias which

hou sendest to Beelzebub the god of Accaron I he did, are they not written in the Book cf the
Therefore thou shalt not come down from the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
bed on which thou art gone up; but thou shalt
surely die.

7 And he said to them: What manner of man Eliseus not part from Elias. The water of

was he who met you, and spoke these words? the Jordan is divided by Elias's cloak. Elias
8 But they said: Ahairy man, with a girdle of is taken up in a fiery chariot, and his double
leather about his loins. And he said: It is Elias spirit is given to Eliseus. Eliseus healeth the
the Thesbite. waters by casting in salt. Boys are torn by
9 And he sent to him a captain of fifty, and the bears for mocking Eliseus.
fifty men that Avere under him. And he went up
to him; and as he was sitting on the top of a hill,
AND it came to pass, when the Lord would

take up Elias into heaven§ by a whirlwind,

said to him: Man of God, the king hath com- that Elias and Eliseus were going from Galgal.
manded that thou come down. 2 And Elias said to Eliseus: Stay thou here,
10 And Elias answering, said to the captain of because the Lord hath sent me as far as Bethel.
fifty: If I be a man of God, let firef come down And Eliseus said to him: As the Lord liveth, and
from heaven, and consume thee, and thy fifty. as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And
And there came down fire from heaven, and when they were come down to Bethel,
consumed him, and the fifty that were with him. 3 The sons of the prophets,I| that were at Beth-
11 And again he sent to him another captain el, came forth to Eliseus, and said to him: Dost
of fifty men, and his fifty with him. And he said thou know that this day the Lord will take away
to him: Man of God, thus saith the king: Make
hsste, and come down. t The second year of Joram, ^-c. Counted from
12 Elias answering, said: If I be a man of God, the time that he was associated to the throne by
his father Josaphat.
t Let fire, ^-c- Elias was inspired to call for fire § Heaven. By heavenhere is meant the air, the
from heaven upon these captains, who came to lowest of the heavenly regions.
apprehend him; not out of a desire to gratify any The sons of the prophets. That is, the disci-

private passion: but to punish the insult offered ples of the prophets; wno seem to have had their
to religicn, to confirm his mission, and to show schools, like colleges or communities, in Bethel,
how vain are the efforts of men against God, and Jericho, and other places in the days of Elias and
his servants, whom he willeth to protect Eliseus.
in. KINGS.
things to the king: let thyword therefore be like 28 And Micheas said : If thou return in peacfs
to theirs, and speak that which is good. the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said
14 But Micheas said to him: As the Lord Hear, all ye people.
liveth, whatsoever the Lord shall say to me, that 29 So the king of Israel, and Josaphat king of
will I speak. Juda went up to Ramoth-Galaad.
15 So he came to the king: and the king said 30 And
the king of Israel said to Josaphat:
to him: Micheas, shall we go to Ramoth-Galaad Take armour, and go into the battle, and put on
to battle, or shall we forbear? He answered him; thy own garments. But the king of Israel chan-
Go up,* and prosper: and the Lord .shall deliver ged his dress, and went into the battle.
it into the king's hands. 31 And the king of Syria had commanded the
16 But the king said to him: I adjure thee two and thirty captains of his chariots, saying:
again and again, that thou tell me nothing but You shall not fight against any, small or great,
that which is true in the name of the Lord. but against the king of Israel only.
17 And he said: I saw all Israel scattered 32 So when the captains of the chariots saw
upon the hills, like sheep that have no shep- Josaphat, they suspected that he was the king of
herd; and the Lord said: These have no master: Israel: and making a violent assault they fought
let every man of them return to his house in against him: and Josaphat cried out.
peace. 33 And the captains of the chariots perceived
18 (Then the king of Israel said to Josaphat: that he was not the king of Israel: and they turn-
Did I not tell thee, that he prophesieth no good ed away from him.
to me, but always evil?) 34 And a certain man bent his bow, shooting
19 And he added, and said: Hear thou there- at a venture, and chanced to strike the king of
fore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sit- Israel between the lungs and the stomach. But

ting on his throne, and all the army of heaven he said to the driver of his chariot: Turn thy
standing by him on the right hand and on the hand, and carry me out of the army; for I am
left: grievously wounded.
20 And the Lord said:t Who shall deceive 35 And the battle Wffs fought that day; and
Achab king of Israel, that he may go up, and the king of Israel stood in his chariot against the
fall at Ranoth-Galaad? And one spoke words Syrians; and he died in the evening: and the
of this manner, and another otherwise. blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the
21 And there came forth a spirit, and stood be- chariot.
fore the Lord, and said: I will deceive him. And 36 And the herald proclaimed througlr.all the
the Lord said to him: By what means? army before the sun set, saying: Let every man
22 And he said: I will go forth, and be a lying return to his own city, and to his own country.
spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the 37 And the king died, and was carried into Sa-
Lord said: Thou shalt deceive hivi, and shalt maria: and they buried the king in Samaria.
prevail: go forth, and do so.^ 38 And they washed his chariot in the ]iool of
23Now therefore behold, the Lord hath given Samaria: and the dogs licked up his blood, and
a lying spirit in the mouth of all thy prophets they washed the reins, according to the word of
that are here: and the Lord hath spoken evil the Lord which he had spoken.
against thee. 39 But the rest of the acts of Achab, and all
24 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana came, that he did, and the house of ivory that he made,
and struck Micheas on the cheek; and said: Hath and all the cities that he built, are they not writ-
then the spirit of the Lord left me, and spoken to ten in the Book of the wo.rds of the days of the
thee? kings of Israel?
25 And Micheas said: Thou shalt see in the 40 So Achab slept with his fathers: and Ocho-
day wlien thou shalt go into a chamber§ within a zias his son reigned in his stead.
chamber to hide thj^self. 41 But Josaphat the son of Asa began to reign
26 And the king of Israel said: Take Mi- over Juda in the fourth year of Achab king of
cheas, and let him abide with Amon the gover- Israel.
nor of the city, and with Joas the son of Ama- 42 He was five and thirty years old when he
lech: began to reign: and he reigned five and twenty
27 And tell them: Thus saith the king: Put years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was
this man in prison, and feed him with bread of Azuba the daughter of Salai.
affliction, and water of distress, till I return in 43 And he walked in all the way of Asa his
peace. father: and he declined not from it: and he did
that which was right in the sight of the Lord.
* Go up, fyc. This was spoken ironically, and 44 Nevertheless he took not awayH the high
by way of jesting at the flattering speeches of places: for as yet the people offered sacrifices
the false prophets: and so the king understood it, and burnt incense in the high places.
as appears by his adjuring Micheas, in the fol- 45 And Josaphat had peace with the king of
lowing verse, to tell him the truth, in the name Israel.
of the Lord. 46 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat, and his
t 2'he Lord said, fyc. God standethnot in need works which he did, and his battles, are they not
of any counsellor; nor are we to suppose that written in the Book of the words of the days of
things pass in heaven in the manner here descri- the kings of Juda?

bed: but this representation was made to the 47 And the remnant also of the effeminate,
prophet, to be delivered by him in a manner who remained in the days of Asa his fatlier, he
adapted to the common ways and notions of took out of the land.
men. 48 And there was then no king appointed in
X Go forth, and do so. This was not a com- Edom.
mand; but a permission: for God never ordain- 49 But king Josaphat made navies on the sea,
eth lies; though he often permitteth the lying, to sail into Ophir for gold: but they could not go.
spirit to deceive those who love not the truth. for the ships were broken in Asiongaber.
2 Thcssal. ii. 10. And in this sense it is said in 50 Then Ochozias the son of Achab said to
the following verse. The Lord hath given a Iyi7ig
spirit in the mouth of all thy prophets. He took not away, <^c. He left some of the

§ Go into a chamber, §-c. This nafjpened when high places, viz. those in which they worship-
he heard the king was slain, and justly appre- ped the true God; but took away all o'.hers, 2
hended that he should be punished for his false Paralip. xvii. 6. and note ver. 14: of chap xv
prophecy. 3 Kings.
JoBaphat: Let my reign over Israel in Samaria, in the seventeeajth
servants p;o with thy servants',
in the ships. And
Josaphat would not.* year of Josaphat king of Juda: and he reigned

51 And Josaphat slept with his fathers, and over Israel two years.
was buried with them in the city of David his 53 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord;
father: and Joram his son reigned in his stead. and walked in the way of his father and his
52 And Ochozias the son of Achab began to mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the son of
Nabat, who made Israel to sin.
* IVould not. He had been reprehended be- 54 He served also Baal, and worshipped him,
fore for admitting such a partner; and therefore and provoked the Lord the God of Israel ac-
would have no more to do with him. cording to all that his father had done.


let fire come down from heaven, and consume
thee, and thy fifty. And fire came down from
Ochozias sendeth to consult Beelzebub: Elias heaven, and consumed him,
and his fifty.
foretelleth his death: and causeth fire to come 13 Again he sent a third captain of fifty men,
down from heaven, upon two captains and and the fifty that were with him. And when he
their companies was come, he fell upon his knees before Elias,
AND MoabAchab.
death of
rebelled against Israel, after the and besought him, and said: Man of God, despise
not my life, and the lives of thy servants that are
2 And Ochozias fell through the lattices of his with me.
upper chamber which he had in Samaria, and 14 Behold, fire came down from heaven, and
was sick: and he sent messengers, saying to consumed the two first captains of fifty men, and
them: Go, consult Beelzebub the god of Acca- the fifties that were with them: but now I be-
ron, whether I shall recover of this my illness. seech thee to spare my life.
3 And an Angel of the Lord spoke to Elias 15 And the Angel of the Lord spoke to Elias,
the Thesbite, saying: Arise, and go up to meet saying: Go down with him; fear not. He arose
the messengers of the king of Samaria; and say therefore, and went down with him to the king,
to them: Is there not a God in Israel, that ye go 16 And said to him: Thus saith the Lord:
to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron.' Because thou hast sent messengers to consult
4 Wherefore thus saith the Lord: From the Beelzebub the god of Accaron, as though there
bed, on which thou art gone up, thou shalt not were not a God in Israel, of whom thou mightest
come down: but thou shalt surely die. And Elias inquire the word, therefore from the bed on
went away. which thou art gone up, thou shalt not come
5 And the messengers turned back to Ocho- down: but thou shalt surely die.
zias. And he said to them: Why are you come 17 So he died according to the word of the
back ? Lord which Elias spoke: and Joram his brother
6 But they answered him: A
man met us, and reigned in his stead, in the second year of JoramJ
said to us: Go, and return to the king that sent the son of Josaphat king of Juda because he had :

you; and you shall say to him: Thus saith the no son.
Lord Is it because there was no God in Israel that •18 But the rest of the acts of Ochozias which

thou sendest to Beelzebub the god of Accaroni he did, are they not written in the Book cf the
Therefore thou shalt not come down from the words of the days of the kings of Israel?
bed on which thou art gone up; but thou shalt
surely die.

7 And he said to them: What manner of man Elisnis not part from Elias. The water of

was he who met you, and spoke these words? the Jordan is divided by Elias's cloak. Elias
8 But they said: A
hairy man, with a girdle of is taken up in a fiery chariot, and his double
leather about his loins. And he said: It is Elias spirit is given to Eliseus. Eliseus healeih the
the Thesbite. loaters by casting in salt. Boys are torn by
9 And he sent to him a captain of fifty, and the bears for mocking Eliseus.
to him;
men that were under him. And he went up
and as he was sitting on the top of a hill,
AND it came to pass, when the Lord would
take up Elias into heaven§ by a whirlwind,
said to him: Man of God, the king hath com- that Elias and Eliseus were going from Galgal.
manded that thou come down. 2 And Elias said to Eliseus: Stay thou here,
10 And Elias answering, said to the captain of because the Lord hath sent me as far as Bethel.
fifty: If I be a man of God, let firet come down And Eliseus said to him: As the Lord liveth, and
from heaven, and consume thee, and thy fifty. as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And
And there came down fire from heaven, and when they vi'ere come down to Bethel,
consumed him, and the fifty that were with him. 3 The sons of the prophets,l| that were at Beth-
11 And again he sent to him another captain el, came forth to Eliseus, and said to him: Dost
of fifty men, and his fifty with him. And he said thou know that this day the Lord will take away
to him: Man of God, thus saith the king: Make
baste, and come down. t The second year of Joram, ^-c. Counted from
12 Elias answering, said: If I be a man of God, the time that he was associated to the throne by
his father Josaphat.
t Let fire, %-c- Elias was inspired to call for fire § Heaven. By heavenhere is meant the air, the
from heaven upon these captains, who came to lowest of the heavenly regions.
apprehend him; not out of a desire to gratify any II
The sons of the prophets. That is, the disci-
private passion: but to punish the insult offered ples of the prophets; who seem to have had their
to religion, to confirm his mission, and to show schools, like colleges or communities, in Bethel,
how vain are the efforts of men against God, and Jericho, and other places in the days of Elias and
his servants, whom he willeth to protect Eliseus.
thy master from thee? And he answered: I also 20 And he said: Bring me a new vessel, and
know it: hold your peace. put salt into it. And when they had brought it,
4 And Eluissaid to Eliseus: Stay here, because 21 He went out to the spring of the waters, and
the Lord nath sent me to Jericho. And he said: cast the salt into it; and said: Thussaith the Lord:
As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will I have healed these waters; and there shall be no
not leave thee. And when they were come to more in them death or barrenness.
Jericho, 22 And the waters were healed unto this day,
5 The sons of the prophets that were at Jeri- according to the word of Eliseus, which he spoke.
cho, came to Eliseus, and said to liim: Dost thou 23 And he went up from thence to Bethel:
know that this day the Lord will take away thy and as he was going up by the way, little boya
master from thee? And he said: I also know it: came out of the city, and mocked him, saj'ing: Go
hold your peace. up, thou bald-head: go un, thou bald-head.
6 And Elias said to him: Stay here, because 24 And looking back, he saw them, and cursed
the Lord hath sent me as far as the Jordan. And themt in the name of the Lord: and there came
Se said: As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liv- forth two bears out of the forest, and tore of them
eth, I will not leave thee. And they two went two and forty boys.
on to?;ether. 25 And from thence he went to mount Carmel;
7 And fifty men of the sons of the prophets fol- and from thence he returned to Samaria.
lowed them, and stood in sight at a distance: but CHAP. *II.
they two stood by the Jordan.
8 And Elias took his mantle, and folded it The
kings of Israel, Juda, and Edom, fight
tosiether, and struck the waters; and iliey were
against the king of Moah. They want water,
divided hither and thither: and they both passed
which Eliseus procureth without rain: and
over on dry g;round. prophesieth victory. The king of IMoah is over-
9 And when they were gone over, Elias said throum: his city is besieged: he sacrificeth his
Ask what thou wilt have me to do for first-born son: so the Isi'aelites raise ihe siege.
to Eliseus:
thee, before I be taken away from thee. Am ND Joram the son of Achab reigned over
Eliseus said: I beseech thee that m me may be Israel in Samaria in the eighteenth year of
thy double spirit.* Josaphat king of Juda. And he reigned twelve
10 And lie answered: Thou hast asked a hard years.
thing: nevertheless if thou see me when I am 2 And he did evil before the Lord, but not like
taken from thee, thou shalt have what thou hast his father and his mother: for he took away the
asked: but if thou see me not, thou shalt not statues of Baal, which his father had made.
have it. 3 Nevertheless he stuck to the sins of Jeroboam'
11 And as they went on, walking and talking the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin; nor
together, behold, a fiery chariot, and fiery horses did he dejiart from them.
parted them both asunder: and Elias went up by 4Now Mesa king of Moab nourished many
a whirlwind into heaven. sheep: and he paid to the king of Israel a hun-
12 Anil Eliseus saw him, and cried: My father, dred thousand lambs, and a hundred thousand
my father, the chariot of Israel, and Uw driver rams with their fleeces.
thereof And he saw him no more: and he took 5 And when Achab was dead, he broke the
hold of his own garments, and rent them in two eague which he had made with the king of Israel.
pieces. 6 And king Joram went out that day froru Sa-
13 And he took up the mantle of Elias, that fell maria, and mustered all Israel.
from him: and going back he stood upon the bank 7 And he sent to Josaphat king of Juda, saying:
of the Jordan: The king of Moab is revolted from me; coma
14 And he struck the waters with the mantle with me against him to battle. And he answer-
of Elias. that had fallen from him: and they were ed: I will come up: he that is mine, is thine; my
not divided. And he said: Where is now ttie people, thy people; and my horses, thy horses.
God of Elias? And he struck the waters, and 8 And he said: Which way shall we go up.'
they were divided hither and thither: and Eliseus But he answered: By the desert of Edom.
passed over. 9 So the king of Israel, and the king of Juda,
15 And the sons of the prophets at Jericho, and the king of Edom went: and they fetched a
who were over-against him, seeing it, said: The compass of seven days journey and there was no

spirit of Elias hath rested upon Eliseus. And water for the army, and for the beasts that follow-
coming to meet him, they worshipped him,t fall- ed them.
ing to ihe ground, 10 And the king of Israel said: Alas, alas, alas,
16 And they said to him: Behold, there are the Lord hath gathered us three kings together, to
with thy servants fifty strong men, that can go, deliver us into the hands of Moab.
and seek thy master, lest perhaps the Spirit of the 11 And Josaphat said: Is there not here a pro-
Lord hath taken him up, and cast him upon some phet of the Lord, that we may beseech the Lord
mountain or into some valley. And he said: Do by him? And one of the servants of the king of
not send. Israel answered: Here is Eliseus the son of Sa-
17 But they pressed him, till he consented, and [ihat, who poured water on the hands of Elias.
said: Send. And they sent fifty men: and they 12 And Josaphat said: The word of the I.,ord
sought three days, but found him not. is with him. And the king of Israel, and Josaphat

18 And they came back to him; for he abode king of Juda, and the king of Edom went down
at Jericho: and he said to them: Did I not say to to him.
you: Do not send. 13 And Eliseus said to the king of Israel: What
19 And the men of the city said to Eliseus: Be- have I to do with thee? go to the prophets of thy
hold, the situation of this city is very good, as
thou my lord seest: but the waters are very bad, t Cursed them. This curse, which was follow-
and the ground barren. ed by so visible a judgment of God, was not the
effect of passion, or of a desire of revenging him-
* Double spirit. A double portion of thy spirit, self; but of zeal for religion, which was insulted,
as thy eldest son and heir; or thy spirit which is by these boys, in the person of the prophet; and
double in comparison of that whicli God usually of a divine inspiration; God punishing in this
imparteth to his prophets. manner the inhabitants of Bethel (the chief seat
f Tiicii U'orxhipped him, viz. With an inferior, of the calf-worship.) who had trained up their
et a religious veneration, not for any temporal, childr.en in a prejudice against the true religiJB
ut spiritual excellency. and its ministers.
CHAP rv.

father, and thy mother. And the king of Israel have nothing in
|l my
house but a little oil, to anolcl
said to him: Why hath the Lord gathered to- me.
gether these three kings, to deliver them into the] 3 And he said to her: Go, borrow of all thy
hands of Moab? neighbours empty vessels not a few.
14 And Eliseus said to him: As the Lord of 4 And go in, and shut thy door, when thou art
hosts liveth, in whose sight I stand, if I did notj within, and thy sons: and pour out thereof into
reverence the face of Josaphat king of Juda, I all those vessels: and when they are full, take
would not have hearkened to thee, nor looked on them away.
Uiee. 5 So the woman went, and shut the door upo«
15 But nov bring me hither a minstrel. And her, and upon her sons: they brought her the ves-
'.vhen the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord sels, and she poured in.
came upon him; and he said: 6 And when the vessels were full, she said to
Hi Thus saith the Lord: Make the channel of her son: Bring me yet a vessel. And he answer-
this torrent full of ditches. ed: I have no more. And the oil stood.
17 For thus saith the Lord: You shall not see 7 And she came, and told the man of God.
wind, nor rain: and yet this channel shall be fill- And he said: Go, sell the oil, and pay thy credi-
ed with waters: and you shall drink, you and tor: and thou and thy sons live of the rest.
your families, and j'our beasts. 8 And there waf a day when Eliseus passed
18 And this is a small thing in the sight of the by Sunam: now there was a great woman there,
Lord moreover he will deliver also Moab into who detained him to eat bread: and as he passed

your hands- often that way, he turned into her house to eat
19 And you shall destroy every fenced city, and bread.
every choice cit}% and shall cut down every fruit- 9 And she said to her husband I perceive that

ful tree, and shall stop up all the .springs of wa- this is a holy man of God, who often passeth by us
ters; and every goodly field you shall cover with 10 Let us therefore make him a little chamber,
etones. and put a little bed in it for him, and a table, and
20 And it came to pass in the morning, when a stool, and a candlestick, that when he cometh
the sacrifices used to be offered, that behold, wa- to us he may abide there.
ter came by the way of Edom; and the country 11 Now there was a certain day when he
was filled with water. came, and turned in to the chamber, and rested
21 And all the Moabites hearing that the kings there.
were come up to fight against them, gathered to- 12 And he said to Giezi his servant: Call this
gether all that were girded with a belt upon them, Sunamitess. And when he had called her, and
and stood in the borders. she stood before him,
22 And they rose early in the morning: and the 13 He said to his servant: Say to her: Behold,
sun being now up, and shining upon the waters, thou hast diligently served us in all things: what
the Moabites saw the waters over-against them wilt thou have me to do for thee.' hast thou any
red, like blood. business, and wilt thou that I speak to the king,
23 And they said: It is the blood of the sword: or to the general of the army.' and she answered;
'he kings have fought among themselves; and I dwell in the midst of my own peojile.
they have killed one another: go now, Moab, to 14 And he said What will she then that I do

the spoils. for her? And Giezi said: Do not ask; for she
24 And they went into the camp of Israel: but hath no son; and her husband is old.
Israel rising up defeated Moab, who fled before 15 Then he bid him call her: and when she
them. And they being conquerors, went and was called, and stood before the door,
smote Moab. 16 He said to her: At this time, and this same
25 And they destroyed the cities: and they hour, if life accompany, thou slialt have a son in
filled every goodly field, every man casting his thy womb. But she answered: L)o not, I beseech
stone: and they stoptupall the springs of waters; thee, my lord, thou man of God, do not lie to thy
and cut down all the trees that bore fruit; so that handmaid.
Brick-walls only remained;* and the city was 17 And the woman conceived, and brought
beset by the slingers, and a great part thereof de- forth a son in the time, and at the same hour, that
stroyed- Eliseus had said.
26 And when the king of Moab saw this, to 18 And the child grew. And on a certain day,
wit, that the enemies had prevailed, he took with when he went out to his father, to the reapers,
him seven hundred men tliat drew the sword, to 19 He said to his father: My
head aclieth; my
break in upon the king of Edom: but they could head acheth. But he said to his servant: Take
not. him, and carry him to his mother.
27 Then he took his eldest son, that should 20 And when he had taken him, and brought
have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a him to his mother, she set him on her knees until
burnt-offering upon the wall: and there was great noon: and then he died.
indignation in Israel: and presently they de 21 And she went up, and laid him upon the
parted from him, and returned into their own bed of the man of God, and shut the door: and
country going out,
22 She called her husband, and said: Send with
me, I beseech thee, one of tl;y servants, and an
Miracles of Eliseus. He raiseth a dead child to ass that I may run to the man of God, and come
life. again.
NOW a certain woman of the wives of the 23 And he said to her: Why
dost thou goto
prophets cried to Eliseus, saying: Thy ser- him? to-day is neither new moon nor sabbath.
vant my
husband is dead: and thou knowest that She answered: I will go.
thy servant was one that feared God: and behold, 24 And she saddled an ass, and commanded
the creditor is come to take away my
two sons to her servant: Drive, and make haste; make nc
serve him. stay in going. And do that which! bid thee.
2 And Eliseus said to her: What wilt thou 25 So she went forward, and ciime to the man
have me do for thee.' Tell me, what hast thou in of God to mount Carmtl: and when the man of
thy house.' And she answered: I thy handmaid God saw her coming towards, he said to Giezi
his servant: Behold that Sunaniite.«s.
* Brick-walls only remained: It was the pro- 26 Go therefore to meet her, and say to her: Is
per name of the capital city of the Moabites. In all well with thee, and with thy husband, and
Hebrew. Kir-Haraseth. with thy son? And she answered: Well

27 And when she came to the man of God to 42 And a certain man came from Baalsalisa,
the mount, she caught hold on his feet: and Giezi bringing to the man of God bread of the first*
came to remove her. And the man of God said: fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and new corn in
Ijether alone; for her soul is in anguish: and the his scrip. And he said: Give to the'people, that
Lord hath hid it from me, and hath not told me. they may eat.
28 And she said to him: Did I ask a son of my 43 And his servant answered him: How much
lord.' did I not say to thee: Do not deceive me.' is thi«, that I should set it before a hundred men ?
29 Then he said to Giezi: Gird up thy loins, He said again: Give to the people, that they may
and take my staff in thy hand, and go. If any eat: for thus saith the Lord: Tney shall eat; and
man meet thee, salute him not:* and if any man there shall be left.
salute thee, answer him not: and lay my staff 44 So he set it before them: and thev ate; and
upon the face of the child. there was left according to the word of the Lord.
30 But the mother of the child said: As the
Lord liveth, and as thj' soul liveth, I will not
leave thee. He arose, therefore, and followed Naaman the Syrian is cleansed of his leprosy.
her. Heprofesseth his belief in one God, promising
31 But Giezi was gone before them, and laid to serve him. Giezi taketh gifts of Naaman;
the staff upon the face of the child:! and there and is struck tvith leprosy.
was no voice nor sense: and he returned to meet AAMAN, general of the army of the king
him, and told him, saying: The child is not risen. of Syria, was a great man with his master,
32 Eli§eus therefore went into the house: and and honourable: for by him the Lord gave deli-
behold, the child lay dead on his bed: verance to Syria; and he was a valiant man, and
33 And going in he shut the door upon him, rich, but a leper.
and upon the child, and prayed to the Lord. 2 Now there had gone out robbers fjcm Syria,
34 And he went up, and lay upon the child and had led away captive out of the la:id of Is-
knd he put his mouth upon his mouth, and his rael a little maid; and she waited uponNaaman's
eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: wife.
and he bowed himself upon him; and the child's 3 And she said to her mistress: I wish my mas-
flesh grew warm. ter had been with the prophet that is in Samaria;
35 Then he returned, and walked in the house. he would certainly have healed him of the lepro-
once to and fro: and he went up, and lay upon sy which he hath.
him and the child gaped seven times, and open-
: 4 Then Naaman went in to his lord, and told
ed his eyes. him, saying: Thus and thus said the girl from the
36 And he called Giezi, and said to him: Call land of Israel.
this Sunamitess. And she being called, went in 5 And the king of Syria said to him; Go, and I
to him and he said Take up thy son.
: : will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he
37 She came, and fell at his feet, and worship- departed; and took with him ten talents of silver,
ped upon the ground; and took up her son, and and si.x thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes
went out. of raiment;
38 And Eliseus returned to Galgal; and there 6 And brought the letter to the king of Israel,
was a famine in the land; and the sons of the pro- in these words: When thou shalt receive this
phets dwelt before him. And he said to one of lettei know that I have sent to thee Naaman my

nis servants: Set on the great pot, and boil pot- servant, that thou mayst heal him of his leprosy.
tage for the sons of the prophets. 7 And when the king of Israel had read the
39 And one went out into the field to gather letter, he rent his garments, and said: Am I God,
wild herbs; and he found something like a wild to be able to kill and give life, that this man hath
vine, and gathered of it wild gourds of the field,| sent to me, to heal a man of his leprosy mark,

and filled his mantle; and coming back, he shred and see how he seeketh occasions against me.
them into the pot of pottage: for he knew not 8 And when Eliseus the man of God had heard
what it was. this, to wit, that the king of Israel had rent his
40 And they poured it out for their compa- garments, he sent to him, saying: Why hast thou
nions to eat: and when they had tasted of tiie rent thy garments.' let him come to me, and let
pottage, they cried out, sajing: Death is in the him know that there is a prophet in Israel.
pot, O man of God. And they could not eat 9 So Naaman came with his horses and cha-
thereof. riots, and stood at the door of the house of Eliseus.
41 But he said: Bring some meal. And when 10 And Eliseus sent a messenger to him, say-
they had brought it, he cast it into the pot, and ing: Go, and wash seven times in the Jordan; and
said: Pour out for the people, that they may eat. thy flesh shall recover health; and thou shalt be
And there was now no bitterness in the pot. clean.
11 Naaman was angry, and went away, say-
* Salute him vol: He that is sent to raise to ing: I thought he would have come out to me,
life the sinner spiritually dead, must not suffer and standing would have invoked the name of
himself to be called off, or diverted from his en- the Lord his God, and touched with his hand the
terprise, by the salutations or ceremqnies of the place of the leprosy, and healed me.
wor)d. 12 Are not the Abana, and the Pharphar, rivers
+ St. Augustine considers a great mystery in of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel,
this miracle wrought by the prophet Eliseus, that I may wash in them, and be made clean .'
thus: By the staff sent by his servant is figured as he turned, and was going away with indig-
the rod of Moses, or the Old Law, which was nation,
not sufficient to bring mankind to life, then dead 13 His servants came to him, and said to him:
in sin. It was necessary that Christ himself should Father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great
come, and by taking on human nature, become thing, surely thou shouldst have done it: Tiow
flesh of our flesh, and restore us to life. In this much rather what he now hath said to thee:
Eliseus was a figure of Christ, as it was necessary Wash, and thou shalt be clean.'
that he should come himself to bring the dead 14 Then he went dovv'n, and washed in the
child to life, and restore him to his mother, who is Jordan seven times, according to the word of the
here, in a mystical sense, a figure of the Church. man of God: and his flesh was restored, like the
i JVild gourds of the field. Colocyntkidas. flesh of a little child; and he was made clean.
They are extremely bitter, and therefore are 15 And returning to the man of God with all
called the gall of the ecnthj and are poisonous if his train, he came, and stood befoie him, and
teken in a great quantity said: In truth I know there is no other God in al


the earth, but only in Israel : I beseech tnee there- 3 And one of them said: But come thou also
fore take a blessing* of thy servant. with thy servants. He answered: I will come.
16 But he answered: As the Lord liveth, be-i 4 So he went with them. And when they were

fore whom I stand, I will receive none. And* come to the Jordan, they cut down wood.
when he pressed him, he still refused. 5 And it happened, as one was felling some
17 And Naaman said: As thou wilt; but I be- timber, that the head of the axe fell into the
seech thee, grant to me thy servant, to take from; water: and he cried out, and said: Alas, alas,
hence two mules burden of earth: for thy servant! alas, my
lord, for this same was borrowed.
will not henceforth offer holocaust, or victim to[ 6 And the man of God said: Where did it fall?
other Rods, but to the Lord. and he showed him the place. Then he cut ofiF
18 But there is only this, for which thou shalt' a piece of wood, and cast it in thither, and the
intreat the Lord for thy servant; when my master iron swam.
goEth into the temple of Remmon, to worship, 7 And he said: Take it up. And he put out
and he leaneth upon my hand, if I bow down in his hand, and took it.
the temple of Remmon, when he bowelh down 8 And the king of Syria warred against Israel,
in the same place, that the Lord pardon me thy and took counsel with his servants, saying: In
servant for this thing. such and such a place let us lay ambushes.
19 And he said to him: Go in peace.f So he 9 And the man of God sent to the king of Is-
departed from him in the spring time of the earth. rael, saying: Beware that thou pass not to such
20 But Giezi the servant of the man of God a place: for the Syrians are there in ambush.
said: My master hath spared Naaman this Syrian, 10 And the king of Israel sent to the place
in not receiving of him that which he brought: as which the man of God had told him, and prevent-
the Lord liveth, I will run after him, and take ed him, and looked well to himself there not once
some thing of him. nor twice.
21 And Giezi followed after Naaman: and 11 And the heart of the king of Syria was
when he saw him running after him, he leapt troubled for this thing. And calling together his
down from his chariot to meet him, and said Is : servants, he said: Why
do you not tell me who
all well? it is that betrays me to the king of Israel?

22 And he said: Well: my master hath sent me 12 And one of his servants said : No
one, my
to thee, saying: Just now there are come to me lord O king: but Eliseus the prophet, that is in
from mount Ephraim, two young men of the sons Israel, telleth the king of Israel all the words
of the prophets: give them a talent of silver, and that thou speakest in ;hy privy chamber.
two changes of garments. 13 And he said to them: Go, and see where
23 And Naaman said: It is better that thou he is, that I may send, and take him. And they
take two talents. And he forced him, and bound told him, saying: Behold, he is in Dothan.
two talents of silver in two bags, and two changes 14 Therefore he sent thither horses and chari-
of garments; and laid them upon two of his ser- ots, and the strength of an army: and they came
vants: and they carried them before him. by night, and beset the city.
24 And when he was come, and now it was the 15 And the servant of the man of God rising
evening, he took them from their hands, and laid early, went out, and saw an army round about
them up in the house, and sent the men awaj-; the city, and horses and chariots: and he told
and they departed. him, saying: Alas, alas, alas, my
lord; what shall
25 But he went in, and stood before his mas- we do?
ter. And Eliseus said: Whence comest thou, 16 But he answered: Fear not: for there are
Giezi.' He answered: Thy servant went no more with us than with them.
whither. 17 And Eliseus prayed, and said: Lord, open
26 But he said: Was not my heart present, his eyes, thathe may see. And the Lord opened
when the man turned back from his chariot to the eyes of the servant; and he savir: and behold,
meet thee? So now thou hast received money, the mountain was full of horses, and chariots of
and received garments, to buy olive-yards, and fire round about Eliseus.
vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and men-ser- 18 And the enemies came down to him: but
vants, and maid-servants. Eliseus prayed to the Lord, saying: Strike, I be-
27 But the leprosy of Naaman shall also stick seech thee, this people with bhndness.| And the
to thee, and to thy seed for ever. And he went Lord struck them with blindness, according to
out from him a leper as white as snow. the word of Eliseus.
19 And Eliseus said to them: This is not the
way; neither is this the city: follow me, and I
Eliseus makcth ii'on to sunvi upon the U'citer: he will show you the^man whom you seek. So he
leadeth the Syrians that were sent to appre- led them into Samaria.
hend him, into Samaria, tchere their eyes being 20 And when they were come into Samaria,
opened, they are courteously entertained. The Eliseus said: Lord, open the eyes of these men,
Syrians besiege Samaria; the famine there that they may see. And the Lord opened their
causeth a woman to eat her own child. Upon
this the king commandeth Eliseus to be put derstood by the standers by, since he publicly
to death. professed himself a worshipper of the only true
AND the sons of the prophets said to Eliseus: and living God; but it was no more than doing a
Behold, the place where we dwell with thee civil office to the king his master, whose leaning
^ upon him obliged him to bow at
is too strait for us: the same time
2 Let us go as far as the Jordan, and take out that he bowed.
of the wood, every man a piece of timber, that t Blindness. The blindness here spoken of
we may build us there a place to dvv'ell m. And was of a particular kind, which hindered them
he said Go.; from seeing the objects that were really before
them; and represented other difTerent objects to
* Ablessing. A present. their imagination: so that they no longer perceiv-
t Go in peace. What the prophet here allow- ed the city of Dothan, nor were able to know
ed, was not an outward conformity to an idola- the person of Eliseus; but were easily led by
trous worship; but only a service which by his him, whom they took to be another man, to Sa-
office he owed to his master: who on all public maria. So that he truly told them, this is not the
occasions, leaned on him: so that his bowing tcay, neither is this the city, &c. because he
down when his master boived himself down, was spoke with relation to the xfay, and to the city,
6t in eifect adoring the idols; nor was it so un- which was represented to them.
eyes; and they saw themselves to be in the midst 4 If we will enter into the city, we snail dia
of Samaria. with famine: and if we will remain here, we
21 And the king of Israel said to Eliseus, when must also die: come, therefore, and let us run
he saw them: My father, shall I kill them? over to the camp of the Syrians. If they spare
22 And he said: Thou shall not kill them: for us, we shall live: but if they kill us, we shall but
thou didst not take them with thy sword, or thy die.
bow, that thou mayst kill them: but set bread 5 So they arose in the evening to go to the Sy-
and water before them, that they may eat and rian camp. And Avhen they were come to tne
drink, and go to their master. first part of the camp of the Syrians, they found
23 And a great provision of meats was set be- no man there.
fore them; and they ate and drank: and he let 6 For the Lord had made them hear, in the
them go; and they went away to their master; camp of Syria, the noise of chariots, and of horses,
and the robbers of Syria came no more into the land of a very great army: and they said one to
land of Israel. another: Behold, the king of Israel hath hired
24 And it came to pass after these things, against us the kings of the Hethites, and of the
that Benadad king of Syria gathered together Egyptians: and they are come upon us.
ill his army, and went up, and besieged Sa- 7 Wherefore they arose, and fled away in the
maria. dark, and left their tents, and their horses and
25 And there was a great famine in Samaria: asses in the camp; and fled, desiring to save their
and so long did the siege continue, till tlie head lives.
of an ass was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, 8 So when these lepers were come to the be-
and the fourth part of a cabe of pigeons' dun ginning of the camp, they went into one tent,
for five pieces of silver. and ate and drank: and they took from thence
26 And as the king of Israel was passing by the silver, and gold, and raiment, and went and hid
wall, a certain woman cried out to him, sayin it: and they came again, and went into another
Save me, my lord O king. tent, and carried from thence in like manner, and
27 And he said: If the Lord doth not save hid it.
thee, how can I save thee? out of the barn-floor, 9 Then they said one to another: We do not
or out of the wine-press.' And the king said to well: for this is a day of good tidings. If we hold
her: What aileth thee.' And she answered: our peace, and do not tell it till the morning, we
28 This woman said to me: Give thy son, that shall be charged wiih a crime: come, let us go,
we may eat him to-day: and we will eat my son and tell it in the king's court.
to-morrow. 10 So they came to the gate of the city, and
29 So we boiled my son, and ate him. And told them, saying: We went to the camp of the
I said to her on the next day: Give thy son, Syrians; and we found no man there, but horses,
that we may eat him. And she hath hid her and asses tied, and the tents standing.
son. 11 Then the guards of the gate went, and told
30 When the king heard this, he rent his gar it within in the king's palace.
ments, and passed by upon the wall. And all the 12 And he arose in the night, and said to hia
peojile saw the hair-cloth which he wore within servants: I lell you what the Syrians have done
next to his flesh. to us: They know that we suffer great famine:
31 And the king said: May God do so and so and therefore they are gone out of the camp, and
to me, and may he add more, if the head of Eli- lie hid in the fields, saying: When they come out
seus the son of Saphat shall stand on him this of the city we shall take them alive; and then we
may get into the city.
32 But Eliseus sat in his house; and the an 13 And one of his servants answered: Let us
cients with him. So he sent a man before: take the five horses that are remaining in the city
and before that messenger came, he said to the (because there are no more in the whole multi-
ancients: Do you know that this son of a mur- tude of Israel, for the rest are consumed,) and let
derer hath sent to cut off my head.' Look then, us send and see.
when the messenger shall come, shut the door, 14 They brought therefore two horses, and the
and suffer him not to come in: for behold, the king sent into the camp of the Syrians, saying:
sound of his master's feet is behind him. Go, and see.
33 While he was yet speaking to them, the 15 And they went after them as far as the Jor-
messenger^ appeared, who was coming to him. dan: and behold, all the way was full of garments
And he said: Behold, so great an evil is from the and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in
Lord: what shall I look for more from the Lord.' their fright: and the messengers returned, and
told the king.
CHAP. VII. 16 And the people going out, pillaged the camp
Eliftfiis prophesieth a f!:reat plenty, vihich pre- of the Syrians: and a bushel of fine flour was
Sfnthj ensveUi upon the sudden fli^/it of the sold for a stater, and two bushels of barley for a
Syrians; of which four lepers brin^ the Jicjys stater, according to the word of the Lord.
to the city. The incredulous nobleman is trod 17 And the king appointed that lord on whose
to death. hand he leaned, to stand at the gate: and the peo-
ple trod upon him in the entrance of the gate; and
AND Eliseus said: Hear ye the word of the he died, as the man of God had said, when the
Lord: Thus saiih the Lord: To-morrow king came down to him.
about this time a bu.shel of fine flour shall be 18 And it came to pass according to the word
sold for a stater,* and two bushels of barley for a of the man of Goil, which he spoke to the king,
stater, in the gate of Samaria. when he said: Two bushels of barley shall be
2 Then one of the lords, upon whose hand the for a stater, and a bushel of fine flour for a stater,
king leaned, answering the man of God, said: If at this very time to-morrow in the gate of Sa-
the Lord should make flood-gates in heaven, can maria.
that possibly be which thou sayest.' And lie 19 When that lord answered the man of God.
said: Thoi; shalt see it with thy eyes; but shall and said: Although the I^ord should make flood-
not eat thereof. gates in heaven, could this come to pass which
3 Now there were four lepers, at the entering thou saj'est.' And he said to hirn: Thou shalt see
in of the gate: and they said one to another: with thy eyes; and shalt not eat thereof
What mean we to stay here till we die.' 20 And so it fell out to liini as it was foretold
and the people trod upon him in the gate; and he
* A stater It is the same as a side or shekel died.

CHAP. VIII 16 In the fifth year of Joram son of Acftab king

After seven years' famine foretold by Eliseus, of Israel, and of Josaphatf king of Juda, reigneU
the Sunamitess returning home, recoveretb her Joram son of Josaphat king of Juda.
lands and revenues. Eliseus forcshoiveth the 17 He was two and thirty years oid when he
death of Benadad king of Syria, and the reign began to reign: and he reigned eight years in Je-
of Hizael. Joram's wicked reign in Juda. rusalem. ^
He dieth, and his son Ochozias succeedeth. 18 And he walked in the ways of the kings of
AND Eliseus spoke to the woman, whose son
he had restored to life, saying: Aiise, and
Israel, as the house of Achab had walked: for the
daughter of Achab was his wife: and he did that
go thou and thy household, and sojourn whereso- which was evil in the sight of the Jjord.
ever thou canst find: lor the Lord hath called a 19 But the Lord would not destroy Juda, for
famine; and it shall come upon the land seven David his servant's sake, as he had promised him,
years. to give him a light, and to his children always.
2 And she arose, and did according to the 20 In his days Edom revolted, from being un-
%vord ot the man of God: and going with her der Juda, and made themselves a king.
household, she sojourned in the land of the Phi- 21 And Joram came to Seira, and all the cha-
listines many days. riots with him: and he arose in the night, and de-
3 And when the seven years were ended, the feated the Edoriiites that had surrounded him,
woman returned out of the land of the Philistines: and the captains of the chariots: but the people
and she went forth to speak to the king for her fled into their tents.
house, and for her lands. 22 So Edom revolted from being under Juda,
4 And the king talked with Giezi the servant unto this day. Then Lobna also revolted ai the
of the man of God, saying: Tell me all the great same time.
things that Eliseus hath done. 23 But the rest of the acts of Joram, and all
5 And when he was telling the king how he that he did, are they not written in the Book of
had raised one dead to life, the woman appeared, the words of the days of the kings of Juda ?
whose son he had restored to life, crying to the 24 And Joram slept with his fathers, and was
king for her house, and her lands. And Giezi buried with them in the city of David: and Ccho-
said: My lord O king, this is the woman, and this zias his son reigned in his stead.
is her son, whom Eliseus raised to life. 23 In the twelfth year of Joram son of Achab
(J And the king asked the woman: and she king of Israel, reigned Ochozias son^ of Joram
told him. And the king appointed her a eunuch, king of Juda.
eaying: Restore her all that is hers, and all the 26 Ochozias was two and twenty years old
•evenues of the lands, from the day that she left when he began to reign: and he reigned one year
the land, to this present. in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Atha-
7 Eliseus also came to Damascus: and Bena- lia the daughtert of Amri king of Israel-
dad king of Syria was sick: and they told him, 27 And he walked in the waj's of the house of
saying: The man of God is come hither. Achab: and he did evil before the Lord, as <!id
8 And the king said to Hazael: Take with thee the house of Achab: for he was the son-in-law
presents, and go to meet the man of God, and of the house of Achab.
consult the Lord by him, saying: Can I recover 28 He went also with Joram son of Achab, to
of this my illness? fight against Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth-
9 And Hazael went to meet him, taking with Galaad: and the Syrians wounded Joram:
nun presents, and all the good things of Damas- 29 And he went back to be healed, in Jczra-
cus, the burdens of forty camels. And when he hel: because the Syrians had wounded lim in
stood before him, he said: Thv son Benadad the Ramolh when he fought against Hazael king of
king of Syria hath sent me to thee, saying: Can I Syria. And Ochozias the son of Joram king of
recover of this my illness.' Juda, went down to visit Joram the son of Achab
10 And Eliseus said to him: Go tell him: Thou in Jezrahel; because he was sick there.
fihalt recover:* but the Lord hath shewn me that
he shall surely die.
11 And he stood with him, and was troubled Jehu is anointed king of Israel, to destroy the
GO far as to blush: and the man of God wept. house of Achab and Jezabel. He killcth Joram
12 And Hazael said to him: Why doth my lord king of Israel, and Ochozias king of Juda.
weep? And he said: Because I know the evil Jezabel is eaten by dogs.
that thou wilt do to the children of Israel. Their
strong cities thou wilt burn with fire; and their
AND Eliseus the prophet called one of the
sons of the prophets, and said to him: Gird
young nicn thou wilt kill with the sword; and up thy loir.s, and take this little bottle of oil m
thou wilt dash their children, and rip up their thy hand, and go to Ramoth-Galaad.
preii'nant women. 2 And when thou art come thither, thou shall
13 And Hazael said: But what am I thy ser- see Jehu the son of Josaphat the son of Namsi:
vant a dog, that should do this great thing? And
I and going in thou shalt make him rise up from
Eliseus said: The Lord hath shewn me that thou amongst his brethren, and carry him into an in-
shall be king of Syria. ner chamber.
14 And when he was departed from Eliseus, 3 Then taking the little bottle of oil, th( u shalt
lie came to his master, who said to him: What pour it on his head, and shall say: Thus saitli the
said Eliseus to thee? And he answered: He told Lord: I have anointed thee king over Israel.
me: Thou shalt recover. And thou shalt open the door, and flee; and ^haIt
15 And on the next day, he look a blanket, and not stay there.
poured water on it. and spread it upon his face; 4 So the young man the servant of the prophet
and he died and Hazael reigned in his stead.
: went away to Ramoth-Galaad,
5 And went in thither: and behold, tie cap-
* Tell him: thou shalt recover. By these words tains
of the army were silting; and he said: I
the prophet signified that the king's disease was have a word to thee, O prince. And Jehu said;
not mortal; and that he would recover, if no vio-
lence were used. Or he might only express him- t And of Josaphat, ^-c. That is, Josaphat be-
self in this manner, by way of giving Hazael to ing yet alive; who some time before his death
understand that he knew both what he would made his son Joram king, as David had done be-
say and do; that he would indeed tell the king he fore by hi*; son Solomon.
should lecover; but would be himself the instru- t Daughter. Thai is, grand-daughter; ff r gh^e
moDtof his death. was daughter of Achab son of Amri, ver- 18.
2H 241
Unto whom of us all? And he said: To thee, O 25 And Jehu said to Badacer his captain: Take
priflce. him, and cast him into the field of Naboth the
() Andhe arose, and went into the chamber: Jezrahelite: for I remember, when I and thou
and he poured the oil upon his head, and said: sitting in a chariot followed Achab this man's
Thus saith the Lord God of Israel: I have anoint- father, that the Lord laid tliis burden upon him,
ed thee king over Israel, the people of the Lord. .saying:
7 And tiiou shall cut off the house of Achab 26 if I do not requite tliee in this field, saith the
thy master: and I will revenue the blood of my Lord, for the blood of Naboth, and for the blood
servants the prophets, and the blood of all the of his children, which I saw yesterday, sailli the
servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezabel. Lord. So now take him, and cast him into the
8 And I will destroy all the house of Achab: field, according to the word of the Lord.
and I will cut off from Achab him that pisseth 27 But Ochozias king of Juda seeing this, fled
against the wall, and him that is shut up, and the by the way of the garden-house: and Jehu pur-
meanest in Israel. sued him, and said: Strike him also in his cha-
9 And I will make the house of Achab like the riot. And they struck him in the going up to
house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and like the Gaver, which is by Jeblaam: and he fled into
house of Baasa the son of Ahias. Mageddo, and died there.
10 And the dogs shall eat Jezabel in the field 28 And his servants laid him upon his chariot,
of Jezrahel: and there shall be no one to bury and carried him to Jerusalem: and they buried
her. And he opened the door, and fled. him in his sepulchre with his lathers in the city
11 Then Jehu went forth to the servants of his of David.
lord: and they said to him: Are all things well 29 In the eleventh year of Joram the son of
wliy came this mad man to thee.' And he said to Achab, Ochozias reigned over Juda:
Ihem: You know the man, and what he said. 30 And Jehu came into Jezrahel. But Jezabel
12 But they answered: It is false; but rather do hearing of his coming in, painted her face with
thou tell us. And he said to them: Thus and stibic stone, and adorned her head; and looked
thus did he speak to me: and he said: Thus saith out of a window
the Lord: I have anointed thee king over Israel 31 At Jehu comin,; in at the gate; and said:
13 Then they made haste, and taking every Can there be peace for Zambri, that hath killed
man his garment, laid it under his feet, after the his master?
manner of a judgment-seat: and they sounded the 32 And Jehu lifted up his face to the window,
trumpet, and said: Jehu is king. and said: Who is this? And two or three eunuchs
11 So Jehu the son of Josaphat the son of bowed down to him.
Namsi conspired against Joram. Now Joram 33 And he said to them: Throw her down
had besieged Ramoth-Galaad, he and all Israe headlong; and they threw her down; and the
fighting with Hazael king of Syria: wall was sprinkled with her blood; and the hoofs
15 And was returned to be healed in Jezrahel of the horses trod upon her.
of his wounds; for the Syrians had wounded him. 34 And when he was come in,to eat and to drink,
when he fought with Hazael king of Syria. And he said Go, and see after that cursed woman, and

Jehu said: If it please you, let no man go forth bury her: because she is a king's daughter.
or flee out of the city; lest he go, and tell in Jez- 35 And when they went to bury her, they found
rahel. nothing but the skull, and the feet, and the ex-
16 And he got up, and went into Jezrahel: for tremities of her hands.
Joram was sick there; and Ochozias king of Juda 36 And coming back they told him. And Jehu
was come down to visit Joram. said: It is the word of the Lord, which he spoke
17 The watchman therefore, that stood upon by his servant Elias the Thesbite, saying: In the
the tower of Jezrahel, saw the troop of Jehu field of Jezrahel, the dogs shall eat the flesh of
coming, and said: I see a troop. And Joram Jezabel:
said Take a chariot, and send to meet them; and
: 37 And the flesh of Jezabel shall be as dung
let him that goeth say: Is all well.' upon the face of the earth in the field of Jezraiiel •

18 So there went one in a chariot to meet him, so that they who pass by shall say: Is this that
and said: Thus saith the king: Are all things same Jezabel?
peaceable.' And Jehu said: What hast thou to
do with peace? go behind, and follow me. And
the watchman told, saying: The messenger came Jehu destroy cth the house of Achab: aboHsheth thi
to them; but he returneth not. iDorship of Baal; and killeth the ivoj-shippei'S
19 And he sent a seconii chariot of horses: and but sticks to the calves of Ja^oboam. Israel it
he came to them, and said: Thus saith the king: afflicted by the Syrians.
Is there
do with peace ?
And Jehu
said: Wiial hast thou
and follow me.
AND Achab had seventy
Jehu wrote
sons in Samaria: so
and sent to Samaria, to
20 And
tne watchman tokl, saying: cameHe the chief men of the city, and to the ancients, and
even to them, but returneth not: and the driving to them that brought up Achab's children, saying:
is like the driving of Jehu the son of Namsi; for 2 As soon as you receive these letters, ye that
he drives furiously. have j'our master's sons, and chariots, and horses,
21 And Joram said: Make ready the chariot. and fenced cities, and armour,
And they made ready his chariot: and Joram 3 Choose the best, and him that shall nlease you
king of Israel, and Ochozias king of Juda went most of your master's sons; and set nim on his
out, each in his chariot: and they went out to father's throne, and fight for the house of your
meet Jehu, and met him in the field of Naboth master.
the Jezrahelite. 4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and said:
22 And when Joram sawr Behold, two kings could not stand before him; and
Jehu, he said: Is
there peace, Jehu? And he answered: What how shall we be able to resist?
peace? so long as the fornications of Jezabol 5 Therefore the overseers of the house, and the
thy mother, and her many sorceries are in their rulers of the city, and the ancients, and the tutors
vigour. sent to Jehu, saying: We
are thy servants; what-
23 And Joram turned his hand, and fleeing, soever thou shah command us we will do; neither
Baid to Ochozias: There is treachery, Ochozias. will we make us a king: do thou all that ]ilea.selb
24 But Jehu bent his bow with his hand, and thee.
shjt Joram between the shoulders: and the arrow 6 And I'.e wrote letters the second time to tiiem,
went out through his heart: and immediately he saying: If you be mine, and will obey me, take
fell in his chariot the heads of the sons oT your master, and come to

me to Jezrahe! by to-moirow this time. Now burnt-ofTerings: but Jehu had prepared him four-
the king's sons, being seventy men, were brought score men without, and said to them If any of

up with the chief men of the city. the men escape, whom I have brought into vour
7 And when the letters came to them, they hands, he that letteth him go shall answer life for
took the king's sons, and slew seventy jiersons, life.
and put their neads in baskets, and sent them to ,25 And it came to pass, when the burnt-offer-
liim to Jezrahel. ing was ended, that Jehu commanded his soldiers
8 And a messenger came, and told him, saying and captains, saying: Go in, and kill them; let none
They have brought the heads of the kind's sons escape. And the soldiers and captains slew thera
And he said: Lay ye them in two heaps by the with the edge of the sword, and cast them out:
entering in of the gate until the morning. and they went into the city of the temple of Baal,
9 And when it was light, he went out, and 26 And brought the statue out of Baal's temple,
Standing said to all the people: You are just: if I and burnt it,
onspired against my master, and slew him, who 27 And broke it in pieces. They destroyed
h.tth slain all these? also the temple of Baal, and made a jakes in its
IG See therefore now that there hath not fallen place unto this day.
to the ground any of the words of the Lord, which 28 So Jehu destroj-ed Baal out of Israel:
the Lord spoke concerning the house of Achab; 29 But yet he departed not from the sins of
and the Lord hath done tliat which he spoke in the Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to
hand of his servant Elias. sin; nor did he forsake the golden calves that
11 So Jehu slew all that were left of the house were in Bethel and Dan.
of Achab in Jezrahel, and all his chief men, and 30 And the Lord said to Jehu: Because thou
his friends, and his priests, till there were no re- hast diligently executed that which was right and
mains left of him. pleasing in my eyes, and hast done to the house
12 And he arose, and went to Samaria: and of Achab according to all that was in my heart:
when he was come to the shepherd's cabin in the thy children shall sit upon the throne of Israel to
way, the fourth generation.
13 He met with the brethren of Ochozias king 31 But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of
of Juda, and he said to them: Who are you? the Lord the Goil of Israel with all his heart: for
And they answered: We
are the brethren of he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, who
Ochozias; and are come down to salute the sons had made Israel to sin.
of the king, and the sons of the queen. 32 In those days the Lord began to be weary
14 And he said: Take them alive. And they of Israel: and Hazael ravaged them in all the
took them alive, and killed them at the pit by the coasts of Israel,
cabin, two and forty mei.; and he left not any of 33 From the Jordan eastward, all the land of
them. Galaad, and Gad, and Ruben, and Manasses, from
15 And when he was departed thence, he found Aroer, which is upon the torrent Anion, and Ga
Jonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him: laad, and Basan.
and he blessed him. And he said to him: Is thj' 34 But the rest of the acts of Jehu, and all that
heart right as my heart is with thj' heart? And he did, and his strength, are they not written in
Jonadab said: It is. If it be, said he, give me thy the Book of the words of the days of the kings
hand. He gave him his hand. And he lifted him of Israel?
up to him into the chariot, 35 And Jehu slept with his fathers; and they
16 Andsaid to him: Come with me, and see buried him in Samaria: and Joachaz his son reign-
my zeal for the Lord. So he, made him ride in ed in his stead.
his chariot, 36 And the time that Jehu reigned over Israel,
17 And brought him into Samaria. And he in Samaria, was eight and twenty years.
slew all that were left of Achab in Samaria, to a
man, according to the word of the Lord which he
spoke by Elias. Athalia^s usurpation and tyranny. Joas is made
18 And Jehu gathered together all the people, kinf;. Athalia is stain.
and sail! to them: Achab worshipped Baal a
but I will worship him more.*
AND Athalia the mother of Ochozias seeing
that her son was dead, arose, and slew alUhe
19 Now
therefore call tome all the prophets of royal seed.
Baal, and all his servants, and all his priests: let 2 But Josaba the daughter of king Joram, sister
none be wanting; for I have a great sacrifice to of Ochozias, took Joas the son of Ochozias, and
otVertoBaal: whosoever shall be wanting shall! stole him from among the king's sons that were
not live. Now Jehu did this craftily, that he slain, out of the beij-chamber with his nurse; and
mi^ht destroy the worshippers of Baal. hid him from the face of Athalia: so that he was
20 And he said: Proclaim a festival for Baal. not slain.
And he called, 3 And he was with her six j-ears hid in the
21 And he sent into all the borders of Israel; house of the Lord. And Athalia reigned over
and all the servants of Baal came: there was not the land.
one left -hat did not come. And they went into 4 And in the seventh year Joiada sent, and
the temple of Baal: and the house of Baal was taking the c«nturions and the soldiers, brought
filled, from one end to the other. ihem in to him into the temple of the Lord, and
22 And he said to them that were over the made a covenant with them: and taking an oath
wardrobe: Bring forth garments for all the ser- of them in the house of the Lord, showed them
vants of Baal. And they brought them forth gar- the king's son:
ments. 5 And he commanded them, saying: This is
23 And Jehu and Jonadab the son of Rechab the thing that )'ou must do:
went to the temple of Baal, and said to the wor- 6 Let a third part of you go in on the sabbath,
shippers of Baal: Search, and see that there be .and keep the watch of the king's house. And
not any with you of the servants of the Lord, but let a third part be at the gate of Sur: and let a
tliat there be the servants of Baal only. third part be at the gate behind the dwelling of
24 Arid they went in to offer sacrifices and the shield-bearers: and you shall keep the watch
of the house of Messa.
* I unll worship him more. Jehu sinned in thus 7 But let two parts of you all that go forth on
pretending to worship Baal, and causing sacrifice the sabbath, kern the watch of the house of the
to be otlVred to him: because evil is not to be Lord about the king.
done, that good may come of it. Rom. iii. 8. 8 And you shall compass him round about, hav»

ing weapons in your hands: and if any man shall the temple of the Lord by those that past^, which
enter the nrecinct of the temple, let him be slain; is offered for the i)rice of a soul,§ and which of
and you snail be with ilie king coming in and go- their own accord, and of their own free heart
ing out. they bring into the temple of the Lord:
9 And the centurions did according to all things 5 Let the prievts take it according to their or-
that Joiada the i)riest had commanded them: and der, and repair the house, wheresoever thej- shall
taking every one their men, that went in on the see any thing that wanteth repairing.
sabbath, with them that went out in the sabbath, (i Now till the three and twentieth year of
came to Joiada the priest. king Joas, the priests did not make the repairs of
10 And he gave them the spears, and the arms the temple.
of king David, which were in the house of the 7 And king Joas called Joiada the high priest
Lord- and the y)riests, saying to them: Why
do you not
11 And they stood, having every one their repair the temple? Take you therefore money no
weapons in their hands, from tne right side of the more according to your order; but restore it for
temjile, unto the left side of the altar, and of the the repairing of the tem))le.
temple, about the king. 8 And the priests were forbidden to take any
12 And he brought forth the liing's son, and put more money of the people, and to make the .c-
the diadem upon him, and the testimony,* and they pairs of the house.
made him king, and anointed him; and clapping 9 And Joiada the high priest took a chest, and
their hands, they said: God save the king. bored a hole in the top, and set it by the altar at
13 And Athalia heard the noise of the people the right hand of them that came into the liouse
running: and going in to the people into the tem- of the Lord: and the priests that kept the doors
ple of the Lord, put therein all the money that was brought to the
14 She saw the king standing upon a tribunal,! temple of the Lord.
as the manner was, and the singers, T>m\ the trum- 10 And when they saw tiiat there was very
pets near him, and all the projile of the land re- much money in the chest, the king's scribe, and
joicing, and sounding the trumpets: and she rent !the high priest came up, and jioured it out, and
her garments, and ciied: A
consjiiracy, a conspi- .counted the money that was> ffound in the house
-r .t_ t _ ,
racy. of the Lord:
15 But Joiada commanded the centurions that 11 And they gave it out by number and mea-
were over the army, and said to them: Have her sure into the hands of them that were ofer the
forth without the precinct of the temple; and l)uilders of the house of the I>ord: and they laid
whosoever shall follow her, let him be slain with it out to the carpenters, and the masons that
the sword. For the pi iest had said: Let her not wrought in the house of the Lord, ,

be slain in the temple of the Lord. 12 And made the repairs; and to them that col
10 And thfey laid hands on her; and thrust her stones, and to buy limber, and stones, to be hew-
out by the waj' by which tlie horses go in, by the ed, that the repairs of the house of the Lord
palace; and she was slain there. might be completely finished, wheresoever there
17 And Joiada made a covtmant between the was need of ex))enses to uphold the house.
Lord, and the king, and the people, that they l^But there were not made of the same money
should be the people of the Lord, and between the for the temple of the Lord, bowls or flesh-hooks,
king and the people. or censers, or trumpets, or any vessel of gold and
18 And all the people of the land went into the silver of the money that was brought into the
temple of Baal, and broke down his altars: and temple of the Lord;
his images they broke in pieces (horoughly; they l4 For it was given to them that did the work,
slew also Mathan the priest of Baal before the that the temple of the Jjoid might be repaired.
altar. And the priest set guards in the house of 1.5 And they reckoned not with the men that

the Lord. received the money to disti ibute it to the work-

19 And he took the centurions, and the bands men; but they bestowed it faithfully.
of the Cerethi and the Phelethi, and all the peo- 16 But the money and the money
for trespass,
ple of the land: and they brought the king from for sins, they brought not into the temple of llie
the house of the Lord and iliey came by the way
: Lord: because it was for the priests.
of the gate of the shield-hearers into the palace: 17 Then Hazael kins of .Syria went up, and
and he sat on the throne of the kings. fought against Geth, and took it, and set his face
20 And all the people of the land rejoiced; and to go up to Jerusalem.
the city was quiet: but Athalia was slain with the 18 Wherefore Joas king of Juda took all the
sword in the king's house- sanctified things, which Josaphat, and Jorain, and
21 Now Joas was seven years old when he be Ochozias, his fathers the king'^ of .Juda ha<l dedi-
gan to reign cated to holy uses, and which he himsc If had of-
fered: and all the silver that could lie found in
CHAP. xiri.
the treasures of the tempile of the I^ord, and in
The temple is repaired. Hrizael is bought off the king's palace; and sent it -to Hazael king of
from attacking Jerusalem. Joas is slain- Syria: and he went off from Jerusalem.
fN the seventh year of Jehu, Joas began to 19 And the rest of the acts of Joas, and all that
reign: and he reigned forty years in Jeru- he did, are they not written in the T^ook of the
saiein The name oif his mother was Sebia of words of the days of the kings of Juda.'
Bersabee. 20 And his servants arose, and consjircd
2 An Joas did that which was right before the
i among themselves, and slew Joas in the house of
Ijord, all the days that Joiada the priest taught Mello in the descent of Sella.
him. 21 For Josachar th'' son of Seir.anih, and Joza-
3 Rut yet he took not away the high places: bad the son of Sonier hi" si^rvant struck him; and
for the people still sacrificed, and burnt incense he died: an'^ they buried him with his fathers in
in the IiIkIi places. the city of Davij:l| and Amasias his son reigned
•1 .-Ind Joas saiiKto the priests: All the money in his stead.
of the sanctified^ things, which is brought into
5 The price of a soul. Tliat is, the ordinary ob-
* The testimony. The book of the law. lation, which every soul was to offer by the law
\ A tribunal. A tribune, or a place elevated Erofl. xrx.
tbove the rest, The rifv of Dnvir!. He was buried in th«

t Sanctified. That is, dedicated to God's ser- 'ame city with his fathers, but not in the sepu)>
vice. chres of the kings. 2 Paralip. xiv.


CHAP. XIII. If) And the man of God was angry with niin,
and said: If thou hadst smittenf five or six or se-
The reign of Joachaz andof Joas Inngs of Israel. ven times, thou hadst smitten Syria even
to utter
The last acts and death of Etiseus the prophet destruction but now three times shalt
: thou
a dead man is raised to life by the touch of his smite it.
bones. And Eliseus died: and they buried him.
N the tliree and twentieth year of Joas son of the rovers from Moab came into the land
Ochozias king of Juda, Joachaz the son of the same year.
Jehu reigined over Israel in Samaria, seventeen 21 And some that were burying a man, saw
years. » the rovers, and cast the body into the septdchre
2 And he did evil before the Lord, and follow- of Eliseus. And when it had touched the bones
ed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who of P>liseus, the man came to life, and stood upon
made Israel to sin; and he departed not from his feet.
Ihem. 22 Now
Hazael king of Syria afHicted Israel
3 And the wrath of the Lord was kindled all the days of Joachaz:
against Israel: and he delivered them into the 23 And the Lord had mercy on them, and- re-
hand of Hazael the king of Syria, and into the turned to them because of his covenant, which
hand cf Benadad the son of Hazael all days. he had made with Abraham, and Isaac, and Ja-
4 But Joachaz besought the face of the Lord; cob: and he would not destroy them, nor utterly
and the Lord heard him: for he saw the distress cast them away, unto this present time.
of Israel, because the king of Syria had oppressed 24 And Hazael king of Syria died: and Bena-
them: dad his son reigned in his stead.
5 Andthe Lord gave Israel a saviour: and they 25 Now
Joas the son of Joachaz, took the ci-
were delivered out of^the hand of the king of ties out of the hand of Benadad the son of Hazael,
Syria: and the children of Israel dwelt in their which he had taken out of the hand of Joachaz
pavi'ions as yesterday and the day before. his father by war: thiee times did Joas beat him;
G But yet they departed not from the sins of and he restored the cities to Israel.
Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin, but walked in
them: and there still remained a grove* also in
Samaria. Amaxias reigueth in Juda: he ovcrcometh the
7 And Joachaz had no more left of the people Edomites: hut is overcame by Joas king of
than fifty horsemen, and ten chariots, and ten Israel. Jeroboam the second reigneth in Israel.
tliousand" footmen: for the king of Syria had slain N
the second year of Joas son of Joachaz kin
them, and had brought them low as dust by of Israel, reigned Amasias son of Joas king of
threshing in the barn floor. Juda.
8 But ttie rest of the acts of Joachaz, and all 2 He was five and twenty years old when he
that lie did, and his valour, are they not writtci began to reign: and nine and twenty years he
in the Book of the words of the days of the kings reigned in Jerusalem: the name of his mother
of Israel? was Joadnn of Jerusalem.
9 And Joachaz slept with his fathers; and they 3 And he did that which was right before the
buried him in Samaria: and Joas his son reigned Lord, but yet not like Davirl his father. He did
in his stead. according "to all things that Joas his father did:
10 In the seven and thirtieth year of Joas king 4 But this only, that he took not away the high
of Juda, Joas the son of Joachaz reigned over Is- places: for yet the peojde sacrificed, and burnt
rael in Samaria sixteen years. incense in the high places.
11 And he did that which is evil in the sight of 5 And when he had possession of the kingdom,
the Lord: he departed not from all the sins of he put hi.; servants to death that had slain the
Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to king his father:
sin; but he walked in them. 6 But the children of the murderers he did not

12 But the rest of the acts of Joas, and all that put to death, according to that which is written
he did, and his valour wherewith he fought against in the Book of the law of Moses, wherein the
Amasias king of Juda, are they not written m the Lord commanded, sa3'ing: The fathers shall not
Book of the words of the days of the kings of jbe put to death for the children; neither shall the
Israel .'
ichildren be put to death for the fathers: but eve-
13 And Joas slept with his fathers: and Jero- ry man shall die for his own sins.
boam sat upon his throne. But Joas was buried 7 He slew of Edom in the valley of the Salt-
in Samaria with the kings of Israel., pits ten thousand men, and took the rock by war,
14 Now Eliseus was sick of the illness where- and called the name thereof Jectehel, unto this
of he died: and Joas king of Israel went down to day.
him, and wept before him, and said: O my father^ 8 Then Amasias sent messengers to Joas, son
my father, the chariot of Israel and the guider of Joachaz, son of Jehu king of Israel, saying
tliereof. Come let us see one another, j
15 And Eliseus said to him: Bring a bow and 9 And Joas king of Israel sent again to Amn-
arrows. And when he had brought him a bow sias king of Juda, saying: A
thistle of Libanus
and arrows, Isent to a cedar-tree, which is in Libanus, saying:
16" He said to the king of Israel: Put thy
hand !Give thy daughter to my son to wife. And the
upon the bow. And when he had put his hand, 'beasts of the forest, that are in Libanus, passed
Eliseus put his hands over the king's hands, and trod down the thistle.
17 And said: Open the window to the east. 10 Thou hast beaten and prevailed over Edom;

And when he had opened it, Eliseus said: Shoot jand thy heart hath lifted thee up: be content with
an arrow. And he shot. And Eliseus said: The the glory, and sit at home: why provoked thou
arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the arrow
of the deliverance from Syria: and thou shalt t If thou hadst smitten, ^-c. By this it appears
Btiike the Syrians in Aphec, till thou consume that God had revealed to the proj.het that the
them. king should overcome the Syrians as many times
18 And he said: Take the arrows. And when as he should then strike on the ground; but as he
he had taken them, he said to him: Strike with had not at the same time revealed to him how
an arrow upon the ground. And he struck three often the king would strike, the prophet was con-
times, and stood still. cerned to see that he struck but thrice.
t Let us see one another. This was a challenge
Agrove; dedicated to the worship of idols. to fight.

evil, that thou shouldst fall, and Juda with CHAP XV.
The reign of Azarias, and Joatham in JwJa:
11 But Amasias did not rest satisfied, ^o Joas
and of Zacharias, Scllum, Manahem, Phaceia,
kin^ of Israel went up; and he and Amasias king
and Pkacee, in Israel.
of Juda saw one another in Cethsames a town in
Juda. N
the seven and twentieth year of Jeroboam
12 And Juda was put to the worse before Is- king of Israel, reigned Azariasf son of Ama-
rael: and they fled every man to their dwell- sias, king of Juda.
ings 2 He was sixteen years old, when he began to
13 But Joas king of Israel took Amasias king reign; and he reigned two and fifty years in Je-
of Juda the son of Joas, the son of Ochozias, in rusalem: the name of his mother was Jecheliaof
Bethsames, and brought him into Jerusalem: and Jerusalem.
he broke down the wall of Jerusalem, from the 3 And he did that which was pleasing before
gate of Ephraim to the gate of the corner, four the Lord, according to all that his father Aniasiaa
hundred cubits. had done.
14 And he took all the gold and silver, and all 4 But the high places he did not destroy: for
the vessels, that were found in the ho'ise of the the people sacrificed, and burnt incense in the
Lord, and in the king's treasures, and hostages; high places.
and returned to Samaria. 5 And the Lord struck the king, so that he
15 But the rest of the acts of Joas, which he was a leper:}: unto the day of his death; and he
did, and his valour, wherewi'h he fought against dwelt in a free house apart: but Joatham the
Amasias king of Juda, are they not written in king's son governed the palace, and judged the
the Book of the words of the days of the kings people of the land.
of Israel? 6 And the rest of the jicts of Azarias, and all
16 And Joas slept with his fathers, and was that he did, are they not written in the Book of
buried in Samaria, with the kings of Israel: and die words of the days of the kings of Juda?
Jeroboam his son reigned in his stead. 7 And Azarias siejit with his fathers: and they
17 And Amasias the son of Joas kii^g of Juda buried him with his ancestors in the city of Da
lived, after the death of Joas son of Joachaz king vid: and Joatham his son reigned in his stead.
of Israel fifteen years. 8 In the eight and thirtieth year of Azarias
18 And the rest of the acts of Amasias, are king of Juda, reigned Zacharias son of Jeroboam
they not written in the Book of the words of the over Israel in Samaria six months:
days of the kings of Juda? 9 And he did that which is evil before the
19 Now they made a conspiracy against him I.,ord, as his fathers had done: he departed not
in Jerusalem: and he fled to Lachis. And they from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who
sent after him to Lachis, and killed him there. n:ade Israel to sin.
20 And they brought him away upon horses: 10 And Sellum the son of Jabes consjiired
and he was buried in Jerusalem with his fathers against him; and struck him publicly, and killed
in the city of David. him; and reigned in liis place.
21 And the people of Juda took Azarias,
all 11 Now the rest of the acts of Zacharias, are
who was sixteen years old, and made him king they not written in the Rook of the words of the
instead of his father Amasias. days of the kings of Itraej?
22 He built Elath, and restored it to Juda, after 12 This was the word of the Lord, which he
that the king slept with his fathers. spoke to Jehu, saying: Thy children to the fourth
23 In the fifteenth year of Amasias son of generation shall sit upon the throne of Israel.
Joas king of Juda, reigned Jeroboam the son of And so it came to pass.
Joas king of Israel in Samaria, one and forty 13 Sellum the son of Jabes began to reign in
years: the nine and thirtieth year of Azarias king of Ju-
24 And he did that which is evil before the da; and reigned one month in Samaria.
Lord. He departed not from all the sins of Je- 14 And Manahem the son of Gadi went up
roboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to from Thcrsa: and he came into Samaria, and
ein. struck Sellum the son of Jabes in Samaria, and
25 He restored the borders of Israel from the slew him, and reigned in his stead.
entrance of Emath, imto the sea of the wilder- 15 And the rest of the acts of Sellum, and his
ness, according to the word of the Lord the God conspiracy, which he made, are they not written
of Israel, which he spoke by his servant Jonas in the Book of the words of the days of the kings
the son of Amathi, the prophet, who wasof Geth, of Israel?
which is in Opher.* 16 Then Manahem destroyed Thapsa and all
26" For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel that were in it, and the borders
thereof from
that it was exceeding bitter; and that tliey were Thersa, because they would not open to him: and
consumed even to them that were shut up in pri- he slew all the women thereof that were with
son, and the lowest persons; and that there was child, and ripped them up.
no one to help Israel. 17 In the nine and thirtieth year of Azarias
27 And tlie Lord did not say that he would blot king of Juda, reigned Manahem son of Gadi over
out the name of Israel from under heaven: but Israel ten years in Samaria.
he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son 18 And he did that which was evil before the
of Joas. Lord he departed not from the sins of Jerobo-

28 But the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and am the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin all
all that he did, and his valour, wherewith he his days.
fought, and ho^v he restored Damascus, and 19 And Phul king of the Assyrians came into
Ematn to Juda in Israel, are they not written in the land; and Manahem gave Phul a thousand
the Book of the words of the days of the kings talents of silver, to aid him, and to establish him
of Israel.' in the kingdom.
29 And Jeroboam slept with his fathers the 20 And Manahem laid a tax upon Israel, on all
kings of Israel: and Zacharias his son reigned in that were mighty and rich, to give the king of
his stead. the Assyrians, each man fifty sides of silver: so
the king of the Assyrians turned back, and did
* Opher. In the tribe of Zabulon. not stay in the land.
t Azarias. Otherwise called Ozias. 21 And the rest of the acts of Manahem, and
i Akper. In punishment of his usurping the all that he did, are they not written in the Bcoli
eriestlj function 2 Paralip- xxvi. of the words of the days of the kings of Isr*ei
22 And Manahem slept with his fathers: and the sight of the Lord his God, as David his fa
Phaceia his son reigned in his stead. then
5S3 In the fiftieth year of Azarias kin?; of Juda, 3 But he walked in the way of the kings of
reigined Phaceia the son of Manahem over Israel Israel: moreover he consecrated also his son,
in Samaria two years. making him pass through the fire according to
24 And he did that which was evil before the the idols of the nations: which the Lord destroy-
Lord: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam ed before the children of Israel.
the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin. 4 He sacrificed also, and burnt incense in the
25 And Phacee the son of Romelia, his cap- high places, and on the hills, and under every
tain, conspired against him. and smote him in Sa green tree.
niaria, in the tower of the king's house, near Ar- 5 Then Rasin king of Syria, and Phacee son
gob, and near Arie, and with him fifty men of the of Romelia king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem
sons of the Galaaditcs: and he slew hhn, and to fight: and they besieged Achaz, but were not
reigned in his stead. able to overcome him.
2(j And the rest of the acts of Phaceia, and all 6 At that time Rasin king of Syria restored
that he tlid, are they not written in the Book of Aila to Syria, and drove the men ol Juda out of
the words of the daj's of the kings of Israel.' Aila: and the Edomites came into Aila, and
27 In the two and fiftieth year of Azarias king dwelt there unto this day.
of Juda reigned Phacee the son of Romelia overj 7 And Achaz sent messengers to Theglathpha-
Israel in Samaria twenty years. lasar king of the Assyrians, saying: I am thy ser
28 And he did that which was evil before the vant and thy son: come up, anti save me out of
Liord: he departed not from the sins of Jerobo- the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the
am the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin. hand of the king of Israel, who are risen up to-
2.0 In the days of Phacee king of Israel, came gether against me.
Theglathphalasar king of Assyria, and took Aion, 8 And when he had gathered together the sil
and Abel Domuni, Maacha, and Janoe, and Ce- ver and gold that could be found in the house of
des and Asor, and Galaad, and Galilee, and all the Lord, and in the king's treasures, he sent i-t
the land of Nephtali; and carried them captives for a present to the king of the Assyrians.
into Assyria. 9 And he agreed to his desire: for the king of
30 Now Osee son of Ela conspired, and form- the Assyrians went up against Damascus, and
ed a plot against Phacee, the son of Romelia, laid it waste: and he carried away the inhabitants
and struck him, and slew him; and reigned in his jthereof to Gyrene: but Rasin he slew.
Btcad in the twentieth year of Joatham"* the son 10 And king Achaz went to Damascus to meet
of Ozias. jTheglathphala.sar king of the Assyrians: and
31 But the rest of the acts of Phacee, and all when he had seen the altar of Damascus, king
that he did, are they not written in the Book of Achaz sent to Urias the priest a pattern of it, and
the words of the days of the kings of Israel its likeness according to all the ^vork thereof.

32 In the second year of Phacee the son of 11 And Urias the priest built an altar: accord-
Romelia king of Israel, reigned Joatham son of ing to all that king Achaz had commanded from
Ozias king of Juda. Damascus, so did Urias the priest, until king
33 He was five and twenty years old when he Achaz came from Damascus.
began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in 12 And when the king was come from Da
Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Jerusa, mascus, he saw the altar, and worshipped it; and
tlie daughter of Sadoc. went up, and offered holocausts, and his own sa-
34 And he did that which was right before the Icrifice;
Jjord: according to all that his father Ozias had 13 And ofTered libations, and poured the blood

done, so did he. iof the peace-offerings, which lie had offered
35 But the high places he took not away: the upon the altar.
f)eople still sacrificed, and burnt incense in the 14 But the altar of brass that was before the

ligh places: he built the highest gate of the Lord, he removed from the face of the temple,

house of the Lord. land from the place of the altar, and from the placa
3(> But the rest of the acts of Joatham, and all iof the teniple of the Lord: anci he set it at the
that he did, are they not written in the Book of side of tlie altar toward the north.
the words of the days of the kings of Juda.' 15 And king Achaz commanded Urias the
37 In those days the Lord began to send into priest, saying: Upon the great altar offer the
Juda Rasin king of Syria, and Phacee the son of morning holocaust, and the evening sacrifice, and
Romelia. the king's holocaust, and his sacrifice, and the
38 And Joathatn slept with his fathers, and was holocaust of the whole people of the land, and
buried with them in the city of David his father: their sacrifices, and their libations: and all the
and Achaz his son reigned in his stead. blood of the holocaust, and all the blood of the
victim thou shalt pour out upon it: but the altar
CHAP. XVI. of brass shall be ready at my pleasure.
16 So Urias the priest did according to all that
77ie wicked reii^n of Achaz: the Idngs of Syria
ami Israel war against him: he hiretk the king king Achaz had commanded him.
17 And king Achaz took away the graven bases,
of the Assyrians to assist him: he cnuseth an and the laver that was upon them: and he took
altar to be made after the "pattern of that of
down the sea from the brazen oxen (hat held it
up, and put it upon a pavement of stone.
N the seventeenth year of Phacee the son of 18 The Musacht also for the sabbath, which he
Rome'ia, reigned Achaz the son of Joatham had built in the temple, and the king's entry from
king of Juda. without, he turned into the temple of the Lord,
2 Achaz was twenty years old when he began because of the king of the Assyrians.
to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in Jeru- 19 Now the rest of the acts of Achaz, which
salem: he did not that which was pleasing in he did, are they not written in the Book of the
words of the days of the kings of Juda?
am. That is m
* In the twentieth year of Joatham 20 And Achaz slept with his fathers, and was
the twentieth year, from Ihe begin ning of Joa- bu ied with them in the city of David: and Eze-
thatn's reign. The sacred writer chooses rather chias his son reigned in his stead.
to follow here this date, than to speak of the
years iif Achaz, who had not yet been men t Musach. The covert, or pavilion, or tribune
tloued for the king.
CHAP. XVII. and removed them from his sight: and there re-
mained only the tribe of Juda.
The reign of Osee. The Israelites foi- their sins
19 But neither did Juda itself keep the com-
are carried into captivity: other inhabitants
mandments of the Lord their God: but they
are sent to Samaria, who make a mixture of
walked in the errors of Israel, which tliey had
the twelfth ycnr of Achaz king of Juda,* 20 And the Lord cast off all the seed of Israel,
INOsee the son of Ela reigned in Samaria over and atBicted them, and delivered lliem into the
Israel nine years. hand of spoilers, till he cast them away from his
2 And he did evil before the Lord: but not as face:
the kinjLS of Israel that had been before him. 21 Even from that time, when Israel was rent
3 Against him came up Sahiianasar king of the from the house of David, and made Jeroboam son
As.syrians: and Osee became his servant and jjaid of Nabat their king; for Jeroboam separated Is-
him tribute. rael from the Lord, and made them commit a great
4 And when the king of the Assj'rians found sin.
ihat Osee, endeavouring to i;pbel, had sent mes- 23 And
the children of Israel walked in all the
sengers to Sua the king of Egypt, that he might sins ofJeroboam, which he had done: and they
not pay tribute to tlie king of the Assyrians, as he departed not from them,
had done every year, he besieged him, bound him, 23 Till the Lord refsoved Israel from his face,
and cast him into f)rison. as he had spoken in the hand of all his servants the
5 And he went through all the land: and going prophets: and Israel wascarried away out of
Up to Samaria, he besieged it three years. their land to Assyria, unto day.
6 And in the ninth year of Osee, the king of the 24 And the king of the As.syrians brought peo-
Assyrians took Samaria, and carried Israel away ple from Babylon, and from C'utha, and from
to Assyria: and he placed them in Hala, and Avah, and from Emalh, and from Sepharvaim;
Habor, by the river of Gozan, in the cities of the and [ilaced them in the cities of Samaria instead
Medes. of the children of Israel: and they possessed Sa-
7 For so it was that the children of Israel had maria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.
einned against the Lord their Gorl, who brought 25 And when they began to dwell there, they
tl\cm out of the land of Egypt, from under the feared not the Lord: and the Lord sent lions
hand of Pharaoking of Egypt; and they worship- among them, which killed them.
ped strange gods. 26 And it was told the king of the Assyrians;
8 Ai.'I they walked according to tlie way of and it was said: The notions which thou hast re-
the nations which the T^ord had destroyed in the mo\ed, and made to dwell in the cities of Sama-
sight of the children oflsrael, and of the kings of ria, know not the ordinances of the God of the
Israel: because they had done in like manner. land; and the Lord hath sent lions among them:
9 And the children of Israel otFendeti the Lord and behold, they kill them, because they know
their God with things that were not right; anii not the manner of the God of the land.
built them high phces in all their cities, from the 27 And the king of the Assyrians commanded,
tovver of the watchmen to the fenced city. saying: Carry thither one of the f)riesls whom
10 And they made them statues aiid groves on you brought from thence captive: and let him go,
every high hill, and under every shady tree: and dwell with them: and let him teach them the
H And they burnt incense there upon altars ordinances of the God of the land.
after the manner of the nations which the Lord 28 So one of the priests, who had been carried
had removed from their face: and they did wick- away captive from Samaria, came and dwelt in
ed things, provoking the Lord. Bethel, and taught them how thty should worship
12 And thej' worshipiied abominations, con- the Lord.
cerning which the I..ord had commanded them 29 And every nation made gods of their own,
that they should not do this thing. and put them in the temples of the high places,
13 And the Lord testified to them in Israel and which the Samaritans had made, every nation iii
in Juda by the liand of all the prophets and seers, their cities where they dwelt.
saying: Return irom your wicked waj's, and 30 For the men of Babylon made Sochothbe-
keep my precepts, and ceremonies, according to noth: and the Cuthites inade Nergel: and tlie
all the law which I commanded your fathers; and men of Emath made Asima.
as I have sent to you in the hand of my servants 31 And the Hevites made Nebahaz and Thar-
the prophets. thac. And they that were of Sepharvaim burnt
14 And they hearkened not, but hardened their their children in fire, to Adramelech and Aname
necks like to the neck of their fathers, who would lech the gods of Sepharvaim;
not obey the Lord their God. 32 And nevertheless they worshipped the Lord.
l.*? And they rejected his ordinances and the And they made to themselves, ot the lowest of
covenant that he made with their fathers, and the the people, priests of the high places: and they
testimonies which he testified against them: and placed them in the temples of the high places.
they followed vanities, and acted vainly: an<l 33 And when they worshipped the Lord, they
they followed the nations tliat were round about served also their own gods according to the cus-
them, concerning which the Lord had command- tom of the nations out of which they were brought
ed them that they should not do as they did. to Samaria:
16 And they forsook all the precejifs of the 34 Unto this day they follow the old manner:
Lord their God: and made ito themselves two they fear not the Lord; neither do they keep his
molten calves, and groves, and adored all the hc^t ceremonies, and judgments, and law, and the
of heaven: and th-^^' served Baal; commandment which the Lord conmianded the
17 And consecrated their sons, and their daugh- cliildicn of Jacjb, whon\ he surnamed Israel:
ters through fire: and they gave themselves to 35 With whom he made a covenant, and charg-
divinations, and soothsayings: and they delivered ed them, saying: You shall not fear strange gods;
themselves up to do evil before the Lord to pro- nor shall you adore them, nor worship them, nor
voke him. SrtCiihce to them.
15 And the Lord was very angry with Israel, 3() Hut the Lord yijur God, who brought you
out of the land of Egy|,t with great power, and a
* In the tnielfth yen- of Achaz king of Juda. stretched-out arm, him shall you fear; and him
He began to reign before; but was not in quiet >lnll you adore; and to him shall you sacrifice.
possession of the kingdom till the twelfth year of 37 And the ceremonies, and judgments, and

Achaz. law, and the commandment, which he wrote for

you, you shall observe to do them always: and the temple of the Lord, and the plates of roM
you stiall not fear strange gods. which he had fastened on them, and gave them
38 And the covenant that he made with you, to the king of the Assyrians.
you shall not forget:neither shall ye worship 17 And the king of the Assyrians sent Tlrar-
strange gotls. than, and Rabsaris, and Rabsaces frum Lachis to
3!) Hut fear the Loid your God; and he shall king Ezechias with a strong army to Jerusalem:
deliver you out of the hanil of all your enemies. and they went uji and came to Jerusalem: and
40 Bill they did not hearken, but did according they stood by the conduit of the upper pool,
lo their old custom. which is in the way of the fuller's field.
41 So these nations feared the Lord, but never- 18 And
they called for the king: and there
theless served also their idols: their children also went out to them Eliacim the son of Helcias who
and Rran J :hildren, as their fathers did, so do they wa's over the l.ouse, and Sobna the scribe, and
unto this uay. Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder.
19 And Rabsaces said to them: Speak to Eze-
Thus saith the great king, the king of the
'The reign of E:::cchias: abollshcth idolatry, Assyrians: What
is this confidence, wherein
and prospcrcth. Seiniacherib comctli up against thou trustcst.'
him. liabsiiccs solicitcth the people to revolt; 20 Perhaps thou hast taken counsel, to prepare
and hhisphemeth the Lord. thyself for battle. On whom dost thou trust, that
N the third year of Osee the son of Ela kinp: of thou darest to rebel .'

Israel, reigned Jilzechias the son of Achaz king 21 Uost thou trust in Egypt, a staff of a broken
of Juda. reed, upon which if a man lean, it will break, and
2 He was five and twenty years old when he go into his hand, and pierce it.' so is Pharao king
began to reign: and he reigned nine and twenty of Egypt, to all that trust in him.
years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was 22 But if you sny to me: trust in the Lord We
Abi the daughter of Zacharias. our God: is it not he, whose high places and al-
3 And he did that which was good before the tars P2zechias hath taken away: and hath com-
Lord, according to all that David his father had jmanded Juda and Jerusalem: You shall worship
done. .before this altar in Jerusalem.'
4 He destroyed the high places, and broke the 23 Now therefore come over to my master the

statues in jiieces, and cut down the groves, and king of the Assyrians; and I will give you two
broke the brazen serpent, which Moses had made: thousand horses, and see whether you be able to
for till that time the chiklren of Israel burnt in- have riders for them.
cense to it: and he called its name Nohcstan.* 24 And how can you stand against one lord of

5 He trusted in the Lord tlie God of Israel: so the least of my master's servants.' Uost thou
that after him there was none like him among all trust in Egypt for chariots and for horsemen.'
the kings of Juda, nor any of them that were be- 25 Is it without the will of the Lord that I am

fore hiin; come up to this place to destroy it.' The Lord

And he stuck to the Lord, and departed not said to me: Go up to this land, and destrtiy it.
frojn his steps, but kept his commandments, whicl 2(i Then Eliaciin the son of Helcias, and Sob-

the Lord commanded Moses. na, and Joahe said to Rabsaces: pray thee, We
7 Wherefore the Lortl also was with him: ant speak to us thy servants in Syriac: for we under-
in all things, to which he went forth, he behaved stand that tongue: and speak not to us in the
hiiii- elf wisely. And he rebelled against the king Jews' language, in the hearing of the people that
of the Assyrians, and served him not. .are upon the wall.
8 He smote the Philistines as far as Gaza, and 27 And Rabsaces answered them, saying: Hath

all their borders, from the tower of the watchmen ^my master sent me to thy master and to thee, to
to the fenced city. speak these words, and not rather to the men that
9 In the fourth year of king Ezechias, whicl jSit ui on the wall, that they may eat their own
was the seventh year of Osee the son of Ela king :dung, and diink their urine with you.'
of Israel, Salmanasar king of the Assyrians came 28 Then Rabsaces stood, and cried out with a

up to Samaria, and besieged it, [loud voice in the Jews' language, and said: Hear
10 xVnd took it. For after three years, in the ithe words of the great king, the king of the As-
sixth year of Ezechias, that is, in the ninth year syrians.
of Osee king of Israel, Samaria was taken: ,29 Thus saith the king: Let not Ezechias de-
11 And the king of the Assyrians carried away ceive you: for he shall not be able to deliver you
Israel into As.^yria, and )ilaced them in Hala and out of my hand.
in Habor by the rivers of Gozan in the cities of 30 Ntither let him make you trust in the Lord,

the .Medes: ;saying: The Lord will surely deliver us; and this
12 Because they hearkened not to the voice of icily shall not be given into the hand of the king
the Lord their God, but transgressed his cove- of the Assyrians.
nant: all that Moses the servant of the Lord 31 Do not hearken to Ezechias. For thus saith

conimanded, they would not hear nor do. the king of the Assyrians: Do with me that
V'i In the fourteenth year of king Ezechias, which is for your advantage, and come out to me:

Sennncherib king of the Assyrians came up and every man of you shall eat of his own vine-
against the fenced cities of Juda; and took tliem. yard, and of his own fig-tree: and you shall drink
14 Then Ezechias king of Juda .sent messen- water of your own cisterns,
gers to the king of the Assyrians to Lachis, say- 32 Till I come, and take .you away to a land,
ing: I liave olfended; depart from me: and all like to your own land, a fruitful land, and plenti-
that thou shalt put upon me, I will bear. And ful in vvine, a land of breail and \ ineyards, a land
the king of the Assyrians put a ta.\ upon Ezechi- of olives, and oil anil honey; and you shall live
as king of Juda, of three hundred talents of silvei', and not die. Hearken not to Ezechias, who de-
and thirty trdents of gold. ceivetli you, i-aying: The l>ord will deliver us.
15 And Ezechias gave all the silver that was 3;? Have any of the gods of the nations deliver-
found in the house of, the Lord, and in the king's ed their land from the hand of the king of As-
treasures. syria .'

10" At that time Ezechias broke the doors of i

34 Where is the god of Emath, and of Aiphad?
where is the god of Sep.harvaim, of Ana, and of
* And he called itx name Nohestan. That is, Ava.' have tliey delivered Samaria out of my
their brass, or a little brass. So he called it in han<l.'
contempt, because they had made an idol of it. 35 I Who are they among ail the godi of the iia*
21 249
tloRS, that have delivered their country out of 16 Incline thy ear, and hear: open, T^ordi O
my hand, that the Lord may deUver Jerusalem thy eyes, and see: and hear all the words of Sen-
out of my hand .'
nacherib, who hath sent to uiibraid unto us the
36 But the people held their peace, and an- living God.
swered him not a word: for they had received 17 Of a truth, Lord, the kings of the Assy-
commandment from the king that they should not rians have destroyed nations, and the lands of
answer him. them all.
37 And Eliacim the son of Helcias, who was 18 And they have cast their gods into the fire>
over the house, and Sobna the scribe, and Joahe for they were not gods, but the works of men's
the son of Asaph the recorder came to Ezechias, hands, of wood and stone: and they destroyed
with their garments rent; and told him the W9rds theiTt.
of llabsaces. 19 Now therefore, O Lord our God, save lis
from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth
CHAP. XIX. may know, that thou art the Lord the only God.
Ezechias is assured of God's help by Isaias the 20 AndIsaias the son of Amos
sent to Eze-
prophet. The king of the Assyrians still chias, saying: Thus saith tb.e Lord the God of
thrcateneth and blasphemelh- Ezechias pray- Israel: I have heard the prayer theu hast made
etli: and God promiselh to protect Jerusalem. to me concerning Sennacherib king of the Assy-
An Angel dcstroyeth the army of the Assyri- rians.
ans. Their king returneth to JVinive; and is 21 This is the word, that the Lord hath spoken
slain by his own sons. of him: The virgin the daughter of Sion hath de-
AND when kin>^ Ezechias heard these words, spised thee, and laughed thee to scorn: the daugh-
he rent his garments, and covered himself ter of Jerusalem hath wagged her head behind
with sackcloth, and went into the house of the thy back.
Lord. 22 Whomhast thou reproached, and whom
2 And he sent Eliacim, who was over the hast thou blasphemed? against whom hast thou
house, and Sobna the scribe, and the ancients of exalted thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes on high?
the priests covered with sackcloths, to Isaias the agaiinit the Holy One of Israel.
prophet the son of Amos: 2;i By the hand of thy servants thou hast re-
3 And they said to him: Thus saith Ezechias: proached the Ijord, and hast said: With the mul-
This day is a day of tribulation, and of rebuke, titude of my chariots I have gone up to the height
and of blasiihemy: the children are come to the u\ the mountains, to the top of Libanus, and have
birth; and t!ie woman in travail hath not stren;j;th. cut down its tall cedars, and its choice fir-trees.
4 It may be the Lord thy God will hear all the And I have entered into the furthest parts there-
words of Rnbsaces, whom the kins of the As- of, and the forest of its Carniel*
syrians his master hath sent to rejiroach the liv- 24 I have cut down, and I have drunk strange
ing God, and to reprove with words, wl\ich the waters; and have dried up with the soles of my
Lord tiiy God hath heard: and, do thou offer feet all the shut up waters.
prayer for the remnants that are found. 25 Hast thou not heard what I have done from
5 So the servants of king Ezechias came to the beginning? from the days of old I have iorm-
Isaias. ed it;t and now I have brought it to effect: that
6 And Isaias said to them: Thus shall you say fenced cities of fighting men should be turned to
to your master: Thus saith the Lord: Re not heaps of ruin:
afraid, tor the' v^ords whicli thou hast heard, with 26 And the inhabitants of them were weak of
which the servants of the king of the Assyrians hand; they trembled, and were confounded; they
have blasphemed me. became like the grass of the field, and the green
7 Behold, I will'send a spirit upon him; and he herb on the tops of houses, which withered be-
shall hear a message, and shall return into his own fore it came to maturity.
country: and I will make him fall by the sword 27 Thy dwelling and thy going out, and thy
in his own country. coming in, and thy way I knew before, and thy-
8 And Rabsaces returned, and found the king rage against me.
of the Assyrians besieging Lobna: for he haci 28 Thou hast been mad against me; and thy
heard that he was departed from Lachis. pride hath come up to my ears: therefore I will
9 And when he heard of Theraca king of put a ring in th}' nose, and a bit between thy lips:
Ethiopia: Behold, he is come out to tight wjfh and I will turn thee back by the way, bj' which
thee; and was going against hiin, he sent messen- thou camest.
gers to Ezechias, sa)'ing: 29 And to thee, O
Ezechias, this shall be a
10 Thus shall you say to Ezechias king of Ju- sign: Eat this year what thou shalt find; and in
da: Let not thy God deceive thee, in whom thou the second year, such things as spring of them-
trustest: and do not say: Jerusalem shall not be selves: but in the third year sow and reap: plant
delivered into the hands of the king of the As- vinej'ards, and eat the fruit of them.
syrians. 30 And whatsoever, shall be left of the house
11 Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of of Juda, shall take root downward, and bear fruit
the Assyrians have done to all countries; how upward.
they have laid them waste: and canst thou alone 31 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a rem-
be delivered? nant, and that which shall be saved out of mount
12 Have the gods of the nations delivered any Sion: the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do this.
of them, whom my fathers have destroyed, to
wit, Gozan, and Haran, and Reseph, and the * Carmel. A
pleasant fruitful hill in the forest.
children of Eden, that were in Thelassar? These expressions are figurative, signifying un-
13 Where is the king of Emath, and the king der the names of mountains and forests, the kings
of Arphad, and the king of the city of Sephar- and provinces whom the Assyrians had triumph-
vaim, of Ana and of Ava.' ed over.
14 And when Ezechias had received the letter t / have formed it, fyc. All thy exploits, in
of the hand of the messengers, and had read it, which thou takest pride, are no more than what
he went up to the house of the Lord, and spread I have decreed; and are not to be ascribed to thy
it before the I^KJrd. wisdom or strength, but to my will and ordi-
15 And he prayed in his sight, saying: O Lord nance: who have given to thee to take and de-
God of Israel, who sittest upon the cherubims; stroy so many fenced cities, and to carry terror
thou alone art the God of all the kings of the wherever thou comest. Heaps of ruin. Literally.
earth: thou madest heaven and ear ruin of hills.


?2 Wl.erefore thus saitli the Lord
concernhig;| presents to Ezechias lor he had beard that Eze
the king of the Assyrians: He come chias had been sick.
shall not
into I'lis city, nor shoot an arrow into it, nor 13 And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming, and
conie before it with shield, nor cast a trench he showed them the house of his aromalical spices,
about it. and the gold and the silver, and r'ivers precious
33 By the way that he came, he shall return: odours, and ointments, and the house of his ves-
and into this city he shall not come, saith thei se's, and all that he had in his treasures. There
Lord. !
was notliing in his house, nor in all his dominions
34 And will protect this city, and will savej that Ezechias showed them not.
it for my own sake, and for David mj' servant's 14 And Isaias the prophet came to king Eze-
sake. chias, and said to him: What said these men.' or
33 And it came to pass that night, that an An- from whence came they to thee? And Ezechias
gel of the Lord came, and slew in the camp of said to him: From a far country they came to me,
tlie Assyrians a nundred and eighty five thou- out of Babylon.
sand And when he arose early in the morning, 15 And he said: What did they see in thy
be saw ail the bodies of the dead. house.' Ezechias said: They saw all the things
3() And Sennacherib king of the Assyrians de- that are in my house: there is nothing among my
t/artinp, went away: and he returned, and abode treasures that I have not shown them.
in Nmive. 16 And Isaias said to Ezechias: Hear the word
37 And as he was worshipping in the temple of the Lord.
of Nesroch liis god, Adramelech and Sarasar his 17 Behold, the days shall come, that all that is
sons slew him with the sword; and they (led into in thy house, and that thy fathers have laid up in
the land of ih'j Armenians: and Asarhaddon his store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon:
son reigned in his stead. nothing shall be left, saith the Lord.
18 And of thy sons also that shall issue from
CHAP. XX. thee, whom thou shalt beget, they shall take away",
E~echias being sick is told by Isaius that he shall and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king
die: but praying to God he obtaincth longer of Babylon.
life; and in confirmation thereof receiveth a 19 Ezechias said to Isaias: The word of the
sign by the sun's returning back. He showeth Lord, which thou hast spoken, is good: let peace
all his treasures to the embassadors of the king and truth be in my days.
of Babylon; haias reproving him for it, fore 20 And the rest of the acts of Ezechias, and all
telleth the Babylonish captivity. his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit,
N those days Ezechlas was sick unto death and brought waters into the city, are they not
and Isaias the son of Amos the prophet, came written in the Book of the words of the days of
and sai(i to him: Thussailh the Lord God: Give the kings of Juda?
charuie concerning thy house; for thou shalt die, 21 And Ezechias slept with his fathers: and
and not live. Manasses his son reigned in his stead.
2 And he turned his face to the wall, and pray-
•;d lo tiieLord, saying:
3 I beseech thee, O Lord, remember how I The vnckedness of Manasses : God's threats by
^ave walked before thee in truth, and with a per- his prophets. His loicked son Amon succeed-
lecl heart, and have done that which is pleashig eth him; and is slain by his servants.
before thee- And Ezechias wept with much MANASSES was twelve years okl when he
wenping. began to reign and he reigned five and fif-

4 And before Isaias was gone out of the middle ty years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother
of the court, the word of the Lord came to him, was Haphsiba.
saying: 2 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, ac-
5 Go back, and tell Ezechias the captain of cording to the idols of the nations, which the Lord
my people: Thus saith the Lord the God of Da- destroyed from before the face of the children of
vid thy father: I have heard thy prayer, and I Israel.
have seen thy tears: and behold, I have healed 3 And he turned, and built up the high places
thee: on the third day thou shalt go up to the which Ezechias his father had destroyed: and he
temple of the Lord. set up altars to Baal, and made groves, as Achab
6 And I will add to thy days fifteen years: and the king of Israel had done: and he adored all the
I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of host of heaven, and served them.
the king of the Assyrians; and I will protect this 4 And he built altars in the house of the Jjord,
city for my own sake and for David my servant's of which the Lord said: In Jerusalem I will put
sake. mv name.
7 And Isaias said: Bring me a lump of figs. "5
And he built altars for all the host of
And when they had brought it, and laid it upon heaven in the two courts of the temple of the
his boil, he was healed. Lord.
8 And Ezechias had said to Isaias: What shall 6 And he made his son pass through fire: and
be the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that he used divination, and observed omens, and ap-
I shall go up to the temple of the Lord the third pointed pythons,* and multiplied soothsayers to
day .'
do evil before the Lord, and to provoke him.
9 And Isaias said to him: This shall be the sign 7 He set also an idol of the grove, which he had
from the Lord, that the Lord will do the word made, in the temple of the Lord: concerning
which he hath spoken: Wilt thou that the shadow which the Lord said to David, and to Solomon
go forward ten lines, or that it go back so many his son: In this temple, and in Jerusalem, which
degrees.' I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will
10 And Ezechias said: It is an easy matter for put my name for ever.
the shadow to go forward ten lines: and I do not 8 And I will no more make the feet of Israel to
desire that this be done: but let it return back ten be moved out of the land, which I gave to their
degrees. fathers: only if they will observe to do all that I
11 And Isaias the prophet called upon the Lord: have commanded them according to the law
and he brought the shadow ten degrees back- which my servant Moses commanded them.
wards by the lines, by which it had already gone 9 But they hearkened not; but were seduced
down -n the dial of Achaz. by Manasses, to do evil more than the nations
12 At that time Berolach Baladan, the son of
Baladaji, king of the Babylonians, sent letters and * Pythons. That is, diviners by spirits.
rv. KINGS.
which the LiOrd clest»ojed before the children of 5 And let it be given to the workmen by tli«
'srael. 'overseers of the house of the Lord: and Ut them
10 And the Lord spoke in the hand of his ser- distiibute it to those that work in the temple ."
vants the |)ro[)hets, sayin;
.. the Lord, to repair the temple:

11 Because' Mannsses kin;]; of Juda hath done'j 6 That is, to carpenters and masons, and to
these most wicked abominations, beyond all that such as mend breaches; and that limber may be
the Amorritiies did before him, and hath made bought, and stones out of the quarries, to repair
Juda niso to sin with his filthy <loinj;s: the temide of the Lord.

12 Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of r 7 Hut let there be no reckoning made with them
[sraei: Behold, I will brin;; on evils upon Jerusa-; of the money which tiiey receive; but let them
If-m and; that whosoever shall hear of them,' have if in their power, and in their trust.
both his ears shall tingle. 8 And Helcias the high p.riest said to Saphan

13 And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line the scribe: I have found the book of the law* in
of Sanniia, and the weight of the house of Achab: the house of the Lord: and Helcias gave tlie
and I will eii'ace Jerusalem, as fables are wont to book to Saphan; and he read it.
be effaced: and I will erase and turn it, and drawj 9 A.nd Saphan the scribe came to the king, and
the pencil oi'le.i over the face thereof _ jbrought him word again concerning that which he

14 And I will leave the remnants of my inheri-jjhad commanded, and sa'ici Thy servants have :

tance, and will deliver them into the hands of theirigathered together the money that was found in
enemies: and they shall become a prey and U: the house of the Lord: and they have given it to
tipoil to all their enemies. ||be distributed to the workmen, by the overseers
15 Because they have done evil before me, and of the works of the temple of the I^ord.

have continued to provoke me, from the day that] 10 And Saphan the scribe told the king, saying:
their fathers came out of Egypt, even unto this Helcias the priest hath delivered to me a boolc
(lay. And when Saphan had read it before the -king,

1(5 Moreover Manasses shed also very muchh 11 And the king had heard the words of the law
innocent blood, till he tilled Jerusalem up to the of the Lord, he rent his garments,
mouth; besides his sins, wherewith he made Judalj 12 Anrl he commanded Helcias the priest, and
lo sin. to tlo evil before the Lord. jiAhicam the son of Saphan, and Achobor the son
17 Now the rest of the acts of Manasses, and of Micha, and Saphan the scribe, and Asaia the
all that he did, and his sin, which he sinned, are! king's .servant, saying:
they not written in the Book of the words of thejj 13 Go and consult the Lord for me, and for the
days of the kings of Juda.' people, and for all Juda, concerning the words of
is And Manasses slept with his fathers, and this book wdiich is found: for the great wrath of
was buried in the garden of his own house, in the the Lord is kindled against us, because our fathers
garden of Oza: and Anion his son reigned in his have not hearkened to the words of this book, lo
stead. do all that is written for us.
1!) Two and twenty years old was Amon when 14 So Helcias the priest, and Ahicam, and
he began to reign: and he reigned two years in Achobor, and Saphan, and Asaia went to Holda
Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Messale- the jirophetess the wife of Selkim the son of
nieth the daughter of Harus of Jeteba. Thecua, the son of Araas keeper of the wardrobe,
20 And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, as who dwelt in Jerusalem in the Second:t and they
Manasses his father had done. spoke to her.
21 And he walked in all the way in which his 15 And she said to them: Thus saith the I.,ord the
father had walked: and he served the abomina- God of Israel: Tell the man that sent you to me:
tions which nis father had served: and he adored If) Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will bring

them, evils ujion this place, and upon the iiihabitants

22 And forsook the Lord the God of his fathers, thereof, all the words of the law which the king
and walked not in the way of the liord. of Juda hath read:
23 Ar \ his servants plotted against him, and 17 Because they have forsaken me, and have
slew the king in his own house. sacrificed to strange gods, provoking me by all
24 But the people of the land slew all them that the works of their hands: therefore my indigna-
had conspired against king Amon; and made Jo- tion shall be kindled against this place, and shall
sjas his K-on their king in his stead. not be quenched.
25 But the rest of the acts of Amon which he 18 But to the king of Juda, who sent you to
di<l, are they not written in the Book of the words ^consult the Lord, thus shall 3'Ou say: Thus saith
of the days of the kings of Juda? the Lord the God of Israel: Forasmuch as thou
26 Anil they buried him in his sepulchre in the hast heard the words of the book,
garden of Oza: and his son Josias reigned in his 19 And thy heart hath been moved to fear, and
stead. thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, hear-
CHAP. XXTT. ing the words against this place, and the inhabit-
Josias repaireth the temple. The book of the Imo ants thereof, to wit, that they should become a
is found, upon which they consult the Lord; wonder and a curse: and thou hast rent thy gar-
and ure told that gi-ent ciuIk shall fall upon ments, and wept before me, I also have heard
them, but not in the time ofJo.sian. thee, saith the Lord:
JO.SIAS was eight years old when he began to 20 Therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers:
reign: he reignecl one and thirty years in Je- and thou shalt be gathered to thy sepulchre in
lusaiejn: the name of his mother was Idida, the peace, that thy eyes may not see all the evils
daughter of Hadaia, of Besecath. which I will bring upon this place.
2 And he did that which whs right in the sight CHAP. XXIII.
of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of David Josias readeth the law before all the people: they
his father: he turned not aside to the right hand, pi'omit:e to observe it. He abolisheth all idola-
or to the left. try; cclebrateth the phase; is slain in batlh
3 A:v\ in the eighteenth year of king Josias, by the king of Egypt. The short reigv of Jo
the king sent Saphan the son of Assia. the son of achns, in whose place Joakim is made king.
Messulain. the scribe of the temple of the Lord,
Baying lo him:
they brought the king word again what
she had said. And he sent: and all the an-
4 Go to Helcias the high priest, that the mo-
* The hook of the law, that is, Deuteronomy.
ney may be put together which i.s brought into
tlio temple of the Lord, which the dooi -keepers t The Second: a street, or part of the city, i

of the temple have gathered of the people: called; in liehiew, 3tnssem.

clenls of Juda and Jerusalem were assembled to down
the groves: and iie filled their pljcef wita
him the bones of dead men.,
2 And the king went up to the temple of the 15 More.ner the altar also that was «t Bethel,
Loid: and all the men of Juda, and all the inha- and the high place, which Jeroboam the son of
bitants of Jerusalem with hinuihe priests and the Nabat, who made Israel to sin, had made; both
prophets, and all the people both little and j^reat: the altar, and the high place he broke down and
and in the hearing of them all he read all the burnt, and reduced to powder, and burnt the
words of the book of the covenant, which was grove.
founil in the house of the Lord. 16 And as Josias turned himself, he saw there
3 And the king stood upon the step;* and the sepulchres that were in the mount: and he
made a covenant with the Lord, to walk after 'sent and took the bones out of the sepulchres,
the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and and burnt them upon the altar, and defiled it ac-
his testimonies and his ceremonies, with all their cording to the word of the Lord, which the man
heart, and with all their soul, and to jierform of God sjioke, who had foretold these things.
the words of this covenant, which were written 17 And he said What is that monument^vhich

in that book: and the people agreed to the cove- I see.' And the men of that city answered: It is
nant. the sepulchre of the man of God, who came from
4 And the king commanded Helcias the liigh Juda, and foretold these things which thou hast
priest, and the priests of the second order, and done upon the altar of Bethel.
the door-keepers, to cast out of the temple of the 18 And he said: Let him alone, let no man
Lord all the vessels that had been made for Baal, move his bones. So his bones were left untouch-
and for the grove, and for all the host of Leaven: ed with the bones of the prophet, that came out
and he burnt them without Jerusalem in the val- of Samaria.
lej' of Cedron; and he carried the ashes of them If) Moreover all the tem.ples of the high places

to Bethel. which were in the cities of Samaria, which the

5 And he destroyed the soothsayers, whom the kings of Israel had made to provoke the Lord, Jo-
kings of Juda had aj)pointed to sacrifice in the sias took away: and he did to them according to
high places in the cities of Juda, and round about jail the acts that he had done in Bethel.
Jerusalem; them also that burnt incense to Baal, 20 And he slew all the priests of the high pla-
and to tlie sun, and to the moon, and to the twelve ces, that were there, upon the altars: and he
signs, and to all the host of heaven. burnt men's bones upon tliem: wd
returned to
() And he caused the gro\ e to be carried out Jerusalem.
from the house of the Lord without Jerusalem to 21 And he commanded all the people, saying:
tlie valley of Cedron: and lie burnt it there, and Keep the phase to the Lord your God, according
reduced it to dust, and cast the dust upon the as it is written in the book of this covenant.
graves of the common people. 22 I
there was no such a phase kejit from
7 He destroyed also the pavilions of the effem- the days of the judges, who jiRlged Israel, nor in
inate, which were in the house of the Lord, for jail the days of the kings of Israel, and of the
which the women wove as it were little dwellings kings of Juda.
for the grove. 23 As was this phase that was kept to the
S And he gathered together all the priests out Lord in Jerusalem, in the eighteenth year of king
of the cities of Juda: and he defiled the high pla- Josias.
ces, where the priests offered sacrifice, from Ga- 24 Moreover the diviners by spirits, and sooth-
b.-ja to Bersabee: and he broke down the altars sayers, and the figures of idols, and the unc lean-
of the gates that were in the entering in of the nesses, and the abominations, that had been in
gate of .losue governor of the city, which was the land of Juda and Jerusalem, Josias took
on the left hanci of the gate of the city. away: thnt he might perform the words of tlie
9 However the priests of the high places came law, that were written in the book which Hel-
not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem: but cias the priest had found in the temple of the
only ate of the unleavened bread among their Lord.
brethren. 25 There was no king before him like unfo
10 .\nd he defiled Topheth, which is in ihe val- him, that returned to the Lord with all his hear*,
ley of the son of Ennom.; that no ma.i should and with all his sou!, and with all his strength,
consecrate tiiere his son or his daughter through according to all the law of Moses: neither after
fire to Moloch. him did there arise any like him.
11 An Ihe took away the horses which the 26 But vet the Lord turned not away from the
kings of Juda had given to the sub, at the enter- wrath of nis great indignation, wherewiUi his an-
ing in of the temple of the Lord, near the cham- ger was kindled against Juda: because of the
ber of Nalhannjelech the eunuch, who was in provocations, wherewith Manasses had j;rovoked
Pharurim: and he burnt the chariots of the sun nim.
witli fire. 27 And the Lord said: T will remove Juda also
12 And the altars that were upon the top of the from before my face, as I have removed Israel:
Upper chamber of Achaz, which the kings of and I will cast off this city Jerusalem, wliich I
Juda had made, and the altars which Manasses '."hose, and the house, of which I said: My
had made in the two courts of the temple of the shall be there.
Lord, the king broke down: and he ran from 28 Now
the rest of the acts of Josias, and all
thencf, and cast the ashes of them into the tor- that he did, are they not written in the Book of
rent Cedron. the words of the days of the kings ot Juda?
13 The high places also that were at Jerusa- 29 In his days Pharao Nechao king of Egypt,
lem on the right side of the Mount of offence, went up against the king of As.-yria to (he
\vh.ich Solomon king of Israel had built to Asta- river Euphrates: and king Josias went to mrct
rolh the idol of the Siloninns, .-.nd to Chamos him; and was slain at Mageddo, when he had
the scandal of Moab, and to Melchom the abom- seen him.
ination of the children of Ammon, the king de- 30 And his servants carried him dead from Ma-
filed. geddo: and they brought him to Jerusalem, and
It And he broke in pieces the statues, and cut buried him in his own sepulchre. And the peo-
ple of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias;
* Thekinf; atood upon thestrp: Thnt is, hi-i and they anointed him, and made him king in iiis
tribune, or tribunal, a more eminent place, from father's stead.
whence he might be seen and heard by the 31 Joachaz was three and twenty years old
IHjoide. when he began to reisn: and he reigned threN
rv. KINGS.
months in Jerusalem: the name of liis motiier 14 And he carried away all Jerusalem, and all
was yVmilal, the daughter of Jeremias of Lobiia. the princes, and all the valiant men of the army, to
32 And he did evil before the Ijord, accord- the number of ten thousand into captivity; and
ing to all that his fathers had done. every artificer and smith: and none were left but .

33 And Pharao Ni'chao bound him at Rebla, the poor sort of the people of the land.
which is in the land of flniath, that he should not 15 And he carried away Joachin into Babylon,
/eign in Jerusalem: and he set a fine uiion the and the king's mother, and the king's wives, anil
land, of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent his eunuchs: and the judges of the land he carried
of gold. into ca|)tivity from Jerusalem into Babylon:
34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliacim the l(i Anil all the strong men seven thousand, and

son of Josias kin^ in the room of Josias his the -artificers and the smiths a thousand, all that
father: and turned his name to Joakim. And he were valiant men and fit for war: and the king of
look Joachaz away, and carried him into JEgypt: Babj'Ion led them captJves into Babylon.
and he died there. 17 And he appointed Matthanias his uncle in
35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to his stead; and called his name Sedecias.
Pharao, after he had taxed the land for every 18 Sedecias was one and twenty years old
man, to contribute according to the command- when he began to reign: and he reigned eleven
ment of Pharao: and he exacted both the sdver years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was
and the gold of the people of the land, of every Amital, the daughter of Jeremias of Lobna.
man according to his ability, to give to Pharao 19 And he did evil before the Lord, according
Nechao. to all that Joakim had done.
3C Joakim was five and twenty years old when 20 For the Lord was angry against Jerusalem
he began to reigt,K and he reigned eleven and against Juda, till he cast them out from his
years in Jerusalem: tlie name of his mother was jface: and Sedecias revolted from the king of
Zebida the daughter of Phadaia of Ruma. Babylon.
37 And he did evil before the Lord according
to all that his fathers had done.
Jerusalem is bexieged and taken by Nabuchodo-
CHAP. xxrv. nosor: Sedecias is taken: the city and temple
The reign of Joakim, Joachin, and Sedecias. are destroyed. Godolias, who is left governor,
his days Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon is slain. Joachin is exalted by Evilmerodach.
IN came up; and Joakim became his servant ND it came to pass in the ninth year of his
three years: then again lie rebelled against him. A'J;eign, in the tenth month, the tenth tlay of
2 And the Lord sent against him the rovers* the month, that Nabuchodonosor king of Baby-
of the Chaldees, and the rovers of Syria, and the lon, came, he and all his army against Jerusalem:
rovers of Moab, and the rovers of the children and they surrounded it, and raised works round
of Ammon: and lie sent them against Juda, to about it.
destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, 2 And the city was shut up and besieged till the
which he had spoken by his servants the prophets. eleventh year of king Sedecias,
3 And this came by the word of the Lord 3 .The ninth day of the month: and a famine
against Juda, to remove them from before him prevailed in the city; and there was no bread for
for all the sins of Manasses which he did, the people of the land.
4 And for the innocent blood that he shed, fill- 4 And a breach was made into the city: and all
ing Jerusalem with innocent blood: and therefore the men of war fled in the night between the two
the Lord would not be appeased. w.nlls by the king's garden (now the Chaldees
5 But the rest of the acts of Joakim, and all besieged the city round about,) and Sedecias fled
that he did, are they not written in the Book of by the way that leadeth to the plains of the wil-
the words of the days of the kings of Juda? And derness.
Joakim slept with his fathers: 5 And the army of the Chaldees pursued after
6 And Joachin his son reigned in his stead. the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jeri-
7 And the king of Egypt came not again any cho: and all the warriors that were with hiiK
more out of his own country: for the king of were scattered, and left him:
Babylon had taken all that had belonged to the 6 .So they to(jk the king, and brought him to
king of Esrypt, from the river of Egyjit, unto the the kinn; of Babylon to Reblatha: and he gave
river Eunhrates. judgment upon him.
8 Joacliin was eighteen years old when he be 7 And he slew the sons of Sedecias before his
gan to reign: and he reigned three months in Je- face: and he put out his eyes, and bound him
lusalem: the name of his mother was Nohesta with chains, and brought him to Babylon.
the daughter of EInathan of Jerusalem. 8 In the fifth month, the seventh day of iho
9 And he did evil before the Lord, according month, that is, the nineteenth year of the king'of
to all that his father had done. Babylon, came Nabuzardan commander of the
10 At tint time the servants of Nabuchodono- army, a servant of the king of Babylon, into Je-
sor king of Babylon, came up against Jerusalem: rusalem.
and the city was surrounded with their forts. 9 And he burnt the house of the Lord, and the
11 And Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon king's house, and the houses of Jerusalem, and
came to the city with his servants to assault it. every house he burnt with fire.
12 And Joachin king of Juila went out to the 10 And all the army of the Chaldees, wliich
king of I^aliylon, he and his mother, and his ser- was with the commander of the troops, broke
vants, and his nobles, and his eunuchs: and the down the walls of Jerusalem round about.
king of Babylon received him in the eighth year 11 And Nabuzarilan the commander of the
of his reign. army, carried away the rest of the people that
13 And he brought out from thence all the trea- remaine<l in the city, and the fugitives that had
sures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures gone over to the king of Babylon, and the rem-
cf the king's house: and he cut in pieces all the natit of the common [)eople.
vessels of gold which Solomon king of Israel 12 Hut of the [loor of the land h*^ left some
had nnilf in the temple of the Lord, according to dressers of vines and hnsbaiKimen.
the word of the Lord. 13 And the [miliars of i)rasB that were in 'he
temple of the Lonl, and the bases, and the sch of
* The'l snil nf^alnut him the roiierx. f.n- brass, which was in the house of the I.f)rd, the
tn^nruloK. Bands or parties of men, who pilla- [Chaldees broke in pieces, and carried all \h^
g<;d and plundered wherever they came. Ibrass of them to Babylon.

14 They took away also the pots of brass, and Godolias the son of Ahicain the son of Saphan.
tlieniazeis, antl the foiks, and the cups, and the 23 And when all the captains of the soldierB
mortars, and all the vessels of brass, with which liad heard this, they and the men lluit were with

they niinislered. ihem, to wit, that ;ne king of Babylon had made
lo Mortover also the censers, and the bowls, Godolias governor, they came to Godolias to
Buth as were of gold in gold; and such as were Maspha, Ismael the son of Nathanias, and Joha-
of silver in silver^ the general of the army took nan the son of Caree, and Saraia the son of Tha-
away. nehumethlhe Netophathite, and Jezonias the son
1() That is, two pillars, one sea, and the bases of Maachathi, they and their men.
which Solomon had made in the temple of the 2-1 And Godolias swore to them and to their

Lord: the brass of all these vessels was without men, saying: Be not afraid tc serve the ("haldees;
•weight. stay in the land, and serve the king of Babylon;
17 One pillar was eighteen cubits high: and nd it shall be well with you.
the chapiter of brass which was upon it was three 25 But it came to pass in the seventh month,
cubits high: and the net-work, and the pomegra- that Ismael the son of Nathanias, the son of Eli-
nates ll'.at were upon the chapiter of the pillar, sama of the seed royal came, antl ten men with
were all of brass: and the second pillar had the him; and smote Godolias so that he died: and also
like adorning. the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him in
15 And the general of the army took Scraias Masjjha.
the chief [)riest, and Sophonias the second priest, 26 And all the people both little and great, and
and three lioor-keepers; the captains of tne soldiers, rising up went to
19 And out of the city one eunuch, who was Egypt, fearing the Chaldees.
captain over the men of war: and five men of 27 And it came to pass in the seven and thir-
them that had stood before the king, whom lie tieth year of the captivity of Joachin king of Ju-
found in the city, and Sopher the cantain of the da, in the twelfth month, the seven and tweniie'tb
army who exercised the young soldiers of the day of the month, Evilmerodach king of Baby-
people of the land, and threescore men of the lon, in the year that he began to reign, lifteil up
conmion people, who were found in the city. the head of Joachin, king of Juda out of prison.
20 These Nabuzardan the general of the army 28 And he spoke kindly to him: and he set his
took away, and carried them to the king of Ba- throne above the throne of the kings that were
bylon to Reblatha. with him in Babylon.
21 And the king of 29 And he changed his garments which he had
Babylon smote them, and
slew them at Reblatha in the land of Ercath: so in prison: and he ate bread always before him all
Juda was carried away out of their land. the days of his life.
22 But over the jieople that remained in the 30 And he appointed him a continual allow-
land of Juda, which Nabuchodonosor king of ance, which was also given him by the king day
Babylon had Ici't, he gave the government toj by day, all the days of his life.


Tlipse hoo\s are called by the Greek interpreters 10 Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be
Paralipomenon (napaXtincusv-v,) that is, of mighty upon earth.
things left out or omitted; because they are a 11 But Mesraim begot Ludim, and Anamim,
kind (if a supplement of such things as tcere and Laabim, and Neishtuim,
passed over in the hooks of the kings. The He- 12 Plietrusim also, and Casluim: from whom
brews call them Dibre Hajamin, that is, The came the Philistines, and Canhloriin.
Words of the days, or The Chronicles. Not 13 And C'hanaan begot Isidon his first-born,
that they are the books lohir.h are so often and the Hethite,
quoted in the kings, under the t'vtle of The 1-4 And the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite, and
words of the days of the kings of Israel, and of the Gergesite,
the kings of Juda; for the books of Piiralipo- 15 And the Hevite, and the Aracite, and the
viiiion were rvrillen after the books of kings; Sinite,
but beriuise in it.'l probability they have been 1() And the Aradian, and the Samarite, and the
abridged from //yost ancient words of the days, Hamathite.
by Esdras or some other sacred writer. sons of Sem: Elam, and Asur, and Ar
17 The
and Lud, and Aram, and Hus, and Hul,
and Getlier, and Mosoch.
The gevfahgy of the patriarchs dotvn to Abra- IS And Arpha.xad begot Sale; and Sale begot The posterity of Abraham and of Esau. Heber.
DAM, .Seth, Enos, 19 And to Heber were born two sons; the
2 (lairuin, Mahileel, Jared, name of the one was Phaleg, because in his ilays
3 Hi'noc. Malhiisale, Ijainech, the earth was divided; and the name of his bro-
Nne, Sen\, Cham, and Japheth.
•1 ther was Jectan.
.5 'I'lie sons of Japhetli: Gomer, and Magog, 20 And Jeclan begot Elmodad, and Saleph,
and Madai, and Javan, Tiiubal, Mosoch, Thira and .'\sarmoth, and Jare,
(J .\nil the sons of Gomer: Ascenez, and Ri- 21 And Adoram, and Usal, and Decla,
phalh, and Thogorma. 22 And Hebal, and Abimael, and Saba,
7 An the sons of Javan: Elisa and Tharsi
I 23 And Opiiir, and Hevila, and Jobab. All
Cethini and Dolanim. these are the sons of Jectan.
8 The sons of Cham: Chus, and Mesraim, and 24 .^cin, Ari'haxad, Sale,
I'ii't, and (Ihanaan. 25 Heber, Phaleg, Ragau,
9 And the sons of Chus; Saba, and Hevila 2K Serug, Nachor, Thare,
Bab. iha, and Regma, and Sabatliaca. And the 27 Abrain, this is Abraham.
son: of Regma: Saba, and Dadan. 28 And the sons of Abraham Isaac and Umahel :

29 Andthese are the generations of them. The Phares and Zara. So all the sons of Jucfa, were
first-born of Ismahel, Nabaioth, then Cedar, and five.
Adheel, and Mabsam, 5 And the sons of Phares were Hesron and
30 And Masma, and Duma, Massa, Hadad, Hamul.
and Thema, 6 And the sons also of Zara: Zamri, and
31 Jetur, Naphis, Cedma: these are the sons Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and Dara; five
of Ismahel. in all.
32 And the sons of Cetura, Abraham's concu- 7 And the sons of Charmi: Achar,t who trou-
bine,* whom she bore: Zamran, Jecsan, Madan, bled Israel, and sinned by the theft of the ana-
Madian, Jesboc, and Sue. And the tons of Jec- thema.f
san, Saba, and Dadan. And the sons of Dadan: 8 The sons of Ethan: Azarias,
Assurim, and Latussim, and Laomim. f) And the sons of Hesron that were born to

33 And the sons of Madian: Epha, and Epher, him: Jerameel, and Ram, and Caluhi.
and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa. All ''"'ese 10 And Ram§ begot Aminadab: and Amina-
crs the sons of Cetura. dab begot Nahasson, prince of the children of
34 And Abraham begot Isaac: and his sons Juda.
were K^zu and Israel. 11 And Nahasson begot Salma, the father of
35 The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Rahuel, Jehus, Booz.
Ihelom, and Core. 12 And Booz begot Obed: and Obed begot
3(j The sons of Eliphaz: Theman, Omar, Sephi, Isai.
Gathan, Cenez, and by Thamna, Amalec. 13 And Isai begot Eliab his first-born, the se-
37 The sons of Rahuel: Nahath, Zara, Samma, cond Abinadab, the third Simmaa,
Meza. 14 The fourth Nathanael, the fifth Raddai,
38 The sons of Seir: Lotan, Sobal, Sebeon 15 The sixth Asom, the seventh David.
Ana, Bison, Eser, Disan. 16 And their sisters were Sarvia and Abigail.
39 The sons of Lotan: Hori, Homam. And The sons of Sarvia: Abisai, Joab, and Asael,
the sister of Lotan was Thamna. three.
40 The sons of Sobal: Allan, and Manahath, 17 And Abigail bore Amasa, whose father was
and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. The sons of Se- Jether the Ismahelite.
beon: Aia and Ana. The sons of Ana: Dison. 18 And Calebll the son of Hesron took a wife
41 The sons of Dison: Hamram, and Eseban, named Azuba, of whom he had Jerioth: And
and Jethran, and Charan. her sons were Jaser, and Sobab, and Ardon.
42 Tlie sons of Eser: Balaan, and Zavan, and 19 And when Azuba was dead, Caleb took to
Jacan. The sons of Disan: Hus and Aran. wife Ephrata, who bore him Hur.
43 Now these are the kings that reigned in the 20 And Hur begot Uri: and LTri begot Beze-
land of Edoni, before there was a king over the leel.
children of Israel: Bale tlie son of Beor: and 21 And afterwards Hesron went in to the
the name of his city was Denaba. daughter of Machir the father of Galaad; and
44 And Bale died: and Jobab the son of Zare took her to wife when he was threescore years
of Bosra, reigned in his stead. old: and she bore him Segub.
45 Anil when Jobab also was dead, Husam of 22 And Segub begot Jair: and he had three
the land of the Themanit^s reigned in his stead. and twenty cities in the land of Galaad.
4() And Husam also died: and Adad the son 23 And he took Gessur, and Aram the towns
of Ba(l;>d reigned in his stead; and he defeated of Jair, and Canath, and the villages thereof,
ihe Madianites in the land of Moab: and the threescore cities. All these, the sons of Machir
name of his city was Avith. father of Galaad.
47 And when Adad also was dead, Semla of 24 And when Hesron was dead, Caleb went
Masreca reigned in his stead. in to Ephrata. Hesron also had to wiie Abia,
48 Semla also died: and Saul of Rohoboth, who bore him Ashur the father of Thecua.
which is near the river, reigned in his stead. 25 And the sons of Jerameel the first-born of
49 And when Saul was dead, Balanan \'ne son Hesron, were Ram his first-born, and Buna, and
of Achobor, reigned in his stead. _
• Aram, and Asom, and Achis.
50 He also tlied: and Adad reigned in his 26 And Jerameel married another wife, named
Btead: and the name of his city was Phau, and Atara, who was,the mother of Onam.
his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of 27 And the sons of Ram the first-born of Jera-
M''tred, the daughter of Mezaab. meel, were Moos, Jamin, an.l Achar.
51 And after the death of Adad, there began 28 And Onam had sons Seniei and Jada. And
to be dukes in Edom instead of kings: Duke the sons of Semei: Nadab and Abisur.
Thamna, duke Alva, duke Jetheth, 29 And the name of Abisur's wife was Abi-
52 Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phinon, hail, who bore him Ahobban and Molid.
53 Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke Mabsar, 30 And the sons of Nadab were Salod and
54 Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram. These arc ApF)haim. And Saled died without children.
the dukes of Edom. 31 B-it the son of Apphaim was Jesi: and Jesi
bepnt Sesan. And Sesan begot Oholai.
CHAP. II. 32 And the sons of Jada the brother of Semei:
The twelve xnns of Israel. The f^enealo^y of Ju- Jether and Jonathan. And Jether also died with-
lia, down to David. Other genealogies of the o'lt children.
ii ihe of Juda.
these are the sons of Israel: Ruben, t Jirhar, alias Achan. Josue vii.
t The anathem-i: the thing devoted or accursed,
Levi, Juda, Issachar, and Zabulon,
2 Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Nejihtali, Gad, and viz. the spoils of Jericho.
Aser. 5 Rum. He is commonly cal/ed Aram. But it
3 Ihe sons of Juda: Her, Onan, and Sela. is to be observed here once for all, that it was a
These three were born to him of the (,'hanaanitess common thing amoni: the Hebrews for the same
the daughter of Sue. And Her the first-born of persons to have different names: and that it is
Juda, was wicked in the sight of the Lonl and not impossible among so many proper names, as

tie Kle\i' liini. here occur in the first nine chapfifrs of this hook,
4 And Thamar his daughter-in-law bore him that the transcribers of the aiicifni Hebrew
copies may have made some slips in the ortnogra
* Concvln'ne. She was his lawful wife, but of phv.
nn inferior degree. Caleb, alias Calubi. ver. 9

CHAP, m, IV.

38 But Jonathan be^ot Phaleth and Ziza. 7 And Eliphaleth, and Noge, and Nepheg, and
These were the sons of Jeranieel. Japhia,
34 Aod Sesan had no sons, but daughters: and 8 And Elisama, and Eliada, and Elipheleth,
a servant an Egyptian, named Jeraa. nine: ,
35 And he gave him his daughter to wife: and 9 All these the sons of David, beside the sons
she bore him Ethei. of the concubines :t and they had a sister Tha-
36 And Ethei begot Nathan: And Nathan be- mar.
got Zabad: 10 And Solomon's son was Roboam: whose
37 And Zabad begot Ophlal: and Ophlal begot son Abia begot Asa. And his son was Josaphat,
Obed: 11 The father of Joram: and Joram begot
38 Obed begot Jehu: Jehu begot Azarias: Ochozias, of whom was born Joas:
39 Azarias begot Helles: and Helles begot 12 And his son Amasias begot Azarias. And
Elasa: Joathan the son of Azarias
40 Elasa begot Sisamoi: Sisamoi begot Sellum: 13 Begot Achaz, the father of Ezechias, of
41 Sellum begot Icamia: and Icamia begot whom was born Manasses.
Elisama. 14 And Manasses begot Amon the father of
42 Now the sons of Caleb the brother of Je- Josias.
rameel were Mesa his first-born, who was the 15 And the sons of Josias were, the first-born
father of Ziph: and the sons of Maresa father of Johanan, the second Joakim, the tiiird Sedecias,
Hebron. the fourth Sellum.
43 And the sons of Hebron, Core, and Tha- 16 Of Joakim was born Jechonias and Sede-
phua, and Recem, and Samma. cias.
44 And Samma begot Raham, the father of 17 The sons of Jechonias were A.sir, Salathiel,
Jercaam: and Recem begot Sammai. 18 Melchiram, Phadaia, Senneser and Jece-
45 The son of Sammai Maon: and Maon the mia, Sama, and Nadabia.
father of Bethsur. 19 Of Phadaia were born Zorobabel and Se-
46 And Epha the concubine of Caleb bore mei. Zorobabel begot Mosollam, Hananias, and
Haran, and Mosa, and Gezez. And Haran begot Salomith their sister:
Gezez. 20 Hasaba also, and Ohol, and Barachias, and
47 And the sons of Jahaddai, Rogom, and Jo- Hasadias, Josabhesed, five.
atham, and Gesan, and Phalet, and Epha, and 21 And the son of Hananias, ivas Phaltias the
Saaph. father of Jeseias, whose son was Raphaia. And
48 And Maacha the concubine of Caleb bore his son was Arnan, of whom was born Obdia,
Saber and Tharana. whose son was Sechenias.
49 And Saaph the father of Madmena begot 22 The son of Sechenias ii'as Semeia: whose
Sue the father of Machbena, and the father of sons were Hattus, and Jegaal, and Baria, and
Gabaa. And the daughter of Caleb was Achsa. Naaria, and Saphat, six:): in number.
50 These were the sons of Caleb, the son of 23 The sons of Naaria, Elioenai, and Ezechias,
Hur the first-born of Ephrata, Sobal the father and Ezricam, three.
of Cariathiarim, 24 The sons of Elioenai, Oduia, and Eiiasub,
51 Salnia the father of Bethlehem, Hariph the and Pheleia, and Accub, and Johanan, and Da-
father of Bethgader. laia, and Anani, seven.
52 And Sobal the father of Cariathiarim had
sons: He that saw* half of the places of rest.
53 And of the kindred of Cariathiarim, the Other genealogies of Juda and of Simeon, and
Jethrites, and Aphuthites, and Semalhites, and their victories.
Maserites. Of them came the Saraites and Estha-
THE sons of Juda: Phares, Hesron, and Char-
mi, and Hur, and Sobal.
54 The sons of Salma, Bethlehem and Neto- 2 And Raia the sou of Sobal begot Jahath, of
phathi, the Crowns of the house of Joab, and whom were born Ahumai and Laad. These are
naif of the place of rest of Sarai. the families of Sarathi.
55 And the families of the scribes that dwell 3 And this is the posterity of Etam Jezrahel,

in Jabes, singing and making melody, and abi- and Jesema, and Jedebos: and the name of their
ding in tents. These are the Cinites, who came sister was Asalelphuni.
of Calor (Chamath) father of the house of Re- 4 And Phanuel the father of Gedor, and Ezar
chab. the father of Hosa, these are the sons of Hur the
first-born of Ephrathathe father of Bethlehem.
CHAP. III.. 5 And Assur the father of Thecua had two
Hie genealogy of the house of David. wives, Halaa and Naara.
'^^OW these were the sons of David that were 6 And Naara bore him Ozam, and Hepher,
X^ born to him in Hebron: "the first-born Am- and Themani, and Ahasthari: These are the sons
non of Achinoam the Jezrahelitess; the second of Naara.
Daniel of Abigail the Carmelitess; 7 And the sons of Halaa, Sereth, Isaar, and
2 The third Absalom the son of Maacha the Ethnan.
daughter of Tolmai king of Gessur; the fourth 8 And Cos begot Anob, and Soboba, and the
AdtDniis the son of Aergith; kindred of Aharehel the son of Arum.
3 The fifth Sephatias of Abital; the sixth Jeth- 9 And Jabes§ was more honourable than any
rahem of Egla his wife. of his brethren: and his mother called his name
4 So six sons were born to him in Hebron, Jabes, saying: Because I bore him with sorrow.
where he reigned seven years and six months. 10 And Jabes called upon the God of Israel,
And in Jerusalem he reigned three and thirty saying: If blessing thou wilt ble^s me, and wilt
years. enlarge my borders, and thy hand be with me,
5 And these sons were born to him in Jerusa- and thou save me from being oppresses! by evil.
lem: Simmaa, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Solo- And God granted him the things he prayed for.
mon, four of Belhsabee the daughter or Ammiel. 11 And Caleb the brother of Sua begot Mahir,
6 Jebaar also and Elisama, who was the father of Esthon.
12 And Esthon begot Bethrapha, and Phessa
* He that saw, ^-c. The Latin interpreter
seems tQ have given us here instead of the pro- t The concvbinrs. The inferior wives.
per names, the meaning of those names, in the t Six. Counting the father in the number
Hebrew. He has done in like manner, ver. 55. § Jahes. That is, sorrotvfuL
2K 257
and Tehinna father of the cily of Naas: These are and in the houses of their families were multiplied
the men of Recha. exceeilingly.
13 Ami the sons of Cenez, were Othoniel, and 39 And they went forth to enter into Gador ag
Saraia And the sons of Othoniel, Hathath, and far as to the east side of the valley, to seek pas-
Maoi.nihi. tures for their flocks.
14 Rlaonathi be^ot Ophra: and Saraia begot 40 And they found fat pastures, and very good,
Joab the father of the Valiey of artificers: Tor and a country spacious, and quiet, and fruitful, in
artificers were there. which some of the race of Cham had dwelt be-
15 And the sons of Caleb the son of Jephone, fore.
were Hir, and Ela, and Nahain. And the sons 41 And these whose names are written above,
of Ela: Cenez. came in the days of Ezecnias king of Juda: and
16 The sons also of Jaleleel: Zif)h, and Zipha, they beat down their tents, and slew the inhabit-
Thiria, and Asrael. ants that were found there, and utterly destroyed
17 And the sons of Esra, Jether, and Mered, them unto this day and they dwelt in their place.;

.and Epher, and Jalon: and he beg,ot Mariam, and because they found there fat pastures.
*Sammai, and Jfsba the father of Esthanio. 42 Some also of the children of Simeon five
18 And his wife Judaia bore Jared the father hundred men, went into mount Seir, having for
of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and their captains Phaltias, and Naaria, and Rapnata,
Icuthiel the father of Zanoe. And these are the and Oziel, the sons of Jesi:
sons of Bethia the daughter of Pharao, whom 43 And they slew the remnant of the Amalec-
Mered took to wife. ites, who had been able to escape: and they dwelt
19 And the sons of his wife Odaia the sister of there in their stead unto this day.
Naham the father of Celia, Garmi, and Esthamo, CHAP. V.
who was of Machalhi.
20 The sons also of Simon, Amnon, and Rinna, Genealogies of Ruben and Gad: their victorita
the son of Hanan, and Thilon. And the sons of over the Agarites: their captivity.
Jesi, Zohetb, and Benzoheth.
21 The sons of Sela the son of Juda: Her the
NOW the sons of
rael (for
Ruben the first-born of Is-
he was his first-born
but forasmuch

father of Lecha, and Laada the father of Maresa, as he defiled his father's bed, his first birth-right
and the families of the house of them that wrought was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel;
fine linen in the House of oath. and he was not accounted for the first-born.
22 And He that made* the sun to stand, and 2 But of the race of Juda, who was the strong-
the men of Lying, and Secure, and Burning, who est among his brethren, came the princes; but the
were princes in Moab, and who returned into first birth-right was accounted to Joseph. )t
Lahem. Now
these are things of old. 3 The sons then of Ruben the first-born of Is-
23 These are the potters, and they dwelt in were Enoch, and Phallu, Esron, and Charmi.
4 The sons of Joel: Samia his son, Gog his son,
Plantations, and Hedges,t with the liing for his
works; and they abode there. Semei his son,
24 The sons of Simeon: Namuel, and Jamin, 5 Micha his son, Reia his son, Baal his son,
Jarib, Zara, Saul: 6 Beera his son. whom Thelgathphalnasar king
25 Sellum his son, Mapsam his son, Masma his of the Assyrians carried away captive; and he
on. was prince in the tribe of Ruben.
26 The sons of Masma: Hamuel his son, Za- 7 And his brethren, and all his kindred, when
chur his son, Semei his son. they were numbered by their families, had for
27 The sons of Semei were sixteen, and six- princes Jehiel and Zacharias.
daughters: but his brethren had not many sons; 8 And Bala the son of Azaz, the son of Samma,
and the whole kindred could not reach to the sum the son of Joel, dwelt in Aroer as far as Nebo
of the children of Juda. and Beelmeon. ,

28 And they dwelt in Bersabee, and Molada, 9 And eastward he bad his habitation as far as
and Hasarsuhal, the entrance of the desert, and the river Eu-
29 And in Bala, and in Asom, and in Tholad, phrates- For they possessed a great number of
30 And in Bathuel, and in Horma, and in Sice- cattle in the land of Galaad.
leg:, 10 And in the days of Saul they fought against
31 And in Bethmaichaboth, and in Hasarsusim, the Agarites, and slew them, and dwelt in their
and in Bethberai, and in Saarim. Tliese were tents in their stead, in all the country, that looketh
their cities unto the reign of David. to the east of Galaad.
32 Their towns also here Etam, and Aen, 11 And the children of Gad dwelt over-against
Remmon, and Thochen, and Asan, five cities. them in the land of Basan, as far as Selcha:
33 And all their villages round about these 12 Johel the chief, and Saphan the second: and
cities as far as Baal. This was their habitation, Janai and Saphat in Basan.
and the distribution of their dwellings. 13 And their brethren according to the houses
34 And Mosabab, and Jemlech, and Josa the of their kindreds, were Michael, and Mosollam,
son of Amasias, and Sebe, and Jorai, and Jacan, and Zie, and He-
35 And Joel, and Jehu the son of Josabia the ber, seven.
son of Saraia, the son of Asiel, 14 These were the sons of Abihail,jhe soe of
36 And Elioenai, and Jacoba, and Isuhaia, and Huri, the son of Jara, the son of Galaad, the sou
Asaia, and Adiel, and Ismiel, and Banaia, . of Michael, the son of Jesesi, the son of Jeddo,
37 Ziza also the son of Sephei, the son of Allon, the son of Buz.
the son of Idaia, the son of Semri, the son of Sa- 15 And their brethren the sons of Abdiel, the
naaia. son of Guni, chief of the house in their families.
38 These were named princes m their kindreds, 16 And they dwelt in Galaad, and in Basan,
and in the towns thereof, and in all the suburbs of
* that made, 4*c. viz. Joazim, the meaning
He Saron, unto the borders.
of in Hebrew, is, lie that made the
whose name 17 All these were numbered in the days of Jo-
aun to stand. In like manner the following names. athan king of Juda, and in the days of Jerobcam
Lying, (Chozeba,) Secwe, (Joas,) and Burning king of Israel.
(Saraph) are substituted in place of the Hebrew
nam«s of the same signification. % Accounted to Joseph, viz. as to tlie double
but the
t Plantations and Hedges. These are the pro- portion, which belonged to the
first-born :

per names of the places where they dwelt In princely dignity was given to Juda, and tlie priest
Hebrew, Atharim and Gadira. hood to Levi. •



18 The sons of Ruben, and of Gad, and of tlie 19 The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi. And
lialf tribe of Manasses, fighting; men, hearing; these are the kindre-ds of Levi according to their
shields, and swords, and bending tlie bow, and families.
trained up to battles, four and forty tliousand seven 20 Of Gerson, Lobni his son, Jahath his son,
Zamma his son,

hundred and threescore that went out to war.

19 They fought against the Agarites: but the 21 Joah his son, Addo his son, Zara his son,
Itureans, and Naphis, and Nodab, Jethrai his son.
20 Gave them help. And the Agarites tv^ere 22 The sons of Caath: Aminadab his son. Core
delivered into their hands, and all that were with \\]f son, Asir his son,
them, because they called upon God in the battle 23 Elcana his son, Abiasaph his son, Asir his
and he heard them, because tliey had put their son,
faith in him. 24 Thahalh his son, Uriel his son, Ozias his
21 And they took all that they possessed, of son, Saul his son.
cac:els fifty thousand, and of sheep two hundred 2.5 The sons of Elcana: Amasai, and Achi-
and fifty thousand, and of asses two thousand, and moth,
of men a hundred thousand souls. 26 And Elcana. The sons of Elcana: Sophai
22 And many fell down slain: for it was the his son, Nahath his son,
battle of the Lord. And they dweltin their stead 27 Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, Elcana his
till the captivity. son.
23 And the children of the half tribe of Manas- 28 The sons of Samuel : the first-born Vasseni,
ses possessed the land, from the borders of Basan and Abia.
unto Baal, Hermon, and Sanir, and mount Her- 29 And the sons of Merari, Moholi: Lobni his
mon; for their number was great. son, Semei his *)n, Oza his son,
24 And these were the heads of the house of 30 Sammaa his son, Haggia his son, Asaia hj
their kindred, Epher, and Jesi, and Eliel, and Es- son.
riel, and Jeremia, and Odoia, and Jediel, most 31 These are they, whom David set over the
valiant and powerful men, and famous chiefs in singing men of the house of the Lord, after that
their families. the ark was placed.
25 But they forsook the God of their fathers, 32 And they ministered before the tabernacle
and went astray after the gods of the people of of the testimony, with singing until Solomon built
the land, whom God destroyed before them. tlie house of the Lord in Jerusalem: and they
26 And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit stood according to their order in the ministry.
of Phul king of the Assyrians, and the spirit of 33 And these are they that stood with their
Thelgathphalnasar king of Assur: and he carried sons, ^f the sons of Caath, Hemam a singer, the
away Ruben, and Gad, and the half tribe of Ma- son of Joel, the son of Samuel,
nasses; and brought them to Lahela, a.nd to Ha- 34 The son of Elcana, the son of Jeroham, the
bor, and to Ara, and to the river of Gozan, unto son of Eliel, the son of Thohu,
this day. 35 The son of Suph, the son of Ekana, the son
of Mahath, the son of Amasai,
CHAP. VI. . *

36 The son of Elcana, the son of Johel, the son

The genealogies of Levi, and of Aaron: the cities of Azarias, the son of Sophonias,
of the Levites- 37 The son of Thahath, the son of ASr, the son
THE sons of Levi were Gerson, Caath, and of Abiasaph, the son of Core,
Merari. 38 The son of Isaar, the son of Caath, the son
2 The sons of Caath: Amram, Isaar, Hebron, of Levi, the son of Israel.
and Oziel. 39 And his brother Asaph, who stood on hia
3 The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses, and right hand, Asaph the son of Barachias, the son
Maria. The sons of Aaron: Nadab and Abiu, 01 Samaa,
Eleazar and Ithamar. 40 The son of Michael, the son of Basaia, the
4 Eleazar begot Phinees: and Phinees begot son of Melchia,
Abisue. 41 The son of Athanai, the son of Zara, the son
5 And Abisue begot Bocci: and Bocci begot of Adaia,
Ozi. 42 The son of Ethan, the son of Zamma, the
6 Ozi begot Zaraias: and Zaraias begot Marai son of Semei,
oth. 43 The son of Jeth, the son of Gerson, the sod
7 And Maraioth begot Amarias: and Amarias of Levi.
begot Achitob. 44 And the sons of Merari their brethren, on
8 Achitob begot Sadoc: and Sadoc begot Achi- the left hand, Ethan the son of Cusi, the son of
maas. Abdi, the son of Meioch,
9 Achimaas begot Azarias: Azarias begot Jo- 45 The son of Hasabia, the son of Amasia, the
hanan. son of Helcias,
10 Johanan begot Azarias. This is he that ex- 46 The son of Amasia, the son of Boni, the son
ecuted the priestly office in the house which of Somer,
Solomon built in Jerusalem. • 47 The son of Moholi, the son of Musi, the son
11 And Azarias begot Amarias: and Amarias of Merari, the son of Levi.
begot Achitob. 48 Thf ir brethren also the Levites, who were
12 And Achitob begot Sadoc: and Sadoc begot appointed for all the ministry of the tabernacle
Sellum. of the house of the Lord.
13 Sellum -begot Helcias: and Helcias begot 49 But Aaron and his sons offered burnt-offer-
Azarias. ings upon the altar of holocaust, and unon the al-
14 Azarias begot Saraias: and Saraias begot tar of incense, for every work of the holy of
Josedec. holies; and to pray for" Israel according to all
15 Now Josedec went out, when the Lord that Moses the servant of God had command-
carried away Juda and Jerusalem by the hands ed.
of Nabuchodonosor. 50 And these are the sons of Aaron: Eleazar
16 So the sons of Levi were Gerson, Caath, and his son, Phinees his son, Abisue his son,
Merari. 51 Bocci his son, Ozi liis son, Zarahia his son,
17 And these are the names of the sons of Ger- 52 Meraioth his son, Amarias his son, Achitob
•on: Lobni and Semei. his son,
18 The sons of Caath: Amram, and Isaar, and 53 Sadoc his son, Achimaas his son.
Hebron, and Oziel. 54 And these are their dwelling places by the

towns and confines, to wit, of the sons of Aaron, CHAP. vn.
of the families of the Caathites: for they fell to
Genealogies of Issachar, Benjamin, Nephtali^
them by lot.
Manasses, Ephraim, and Aser.
55 And they gave them Hebron in the land of
Juda, and the suburbs thereof round about:
5(»But the fields of the city and the villages to
NOW the sons of Issachar were Thola, and
Phua, Jasub, and Simeron, four.
Caleb son of Jephone. 2 The sons of Thola: Ozi, and Raphaia, and
57 And to the sons of Aaron they gave the| Jeriel, and Jemai, and Jebsem, and Samuel,
cities for refuse Hebron, and Lobna, and the; chiefs of the houses of their kindreds. Of the
suburbs thereof; posterity of Thola were numbered in the tlays ot
58 And Jether and Esthemo, with their su- David, two and twenty thousand six hundred
burbs; and Helon and Dabir, with their su- most valiant men.
burbs; 3 The sons of Ozi Izrahia, of whom were bori

59 Asan also and Bethsemes, with their su- Michael, and Obadia, and Joel, and Jefeia, five,
burbs. all great men.
60 And out of the tribe of Benjamin: Gabee 4 And there were with them by their families
and its suburbs, Almath with its suburbs, Ana- and peoples, six and thirty thousand most valiant
thoth also with its suburbs: all their cities through- men ready for war: for they had many wives and
out their families were thirteen. children.
61 And to the sons of Caath that remained of 5 Their brethren also throughout all the house
their kindred they gave out of the half tribe of of Issachar, were numbered fourscore and seven
Manasses ten cities in possession., thousand most valiant men for war.
62 And to the sons of Gerson by their families 6 The sons of Benjamin icere Bela, and Be-
out of the tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe chor, and Jadihel, three.
of Aser, and out of the tribe of Nephtali, and 7 The sons of Bela: Esbon, and Ozi, and
out of the tribe of Manasses in Basan, thirteen Ozial, and Jerimoth and Urai, five chiefs of their
cities. families, and most valiant warriors; and their
63 And to the sons of Merari by their families number was twenty two thousand and thirty
out of the tribe of Ruben, and out of the tribe of bur.'
Gad, and out of the tribe of Zabulon, they gave 8 And the sons of Bechor were Zamira, and
by lot twelve cities. Joas, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and Amri, and
64 And the children of Israel gave, to the Le- Jerimoth, and Abia, and Anathoth, and Almath:
vites the cities, and their suburbs. all these were the sons of Bechor.
65 And they gave them by lot, out of the tribe 9 And they were numbered by the families,
of the sons of Juda, and out of the tribe of the heads of their kindreds, most valiant men for war,
sons of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the sons of twenty thousand and two hundred.
Benjamin, these cities, which they called by their 10 And the sons of Jadihel: Balan. And the
names. sons of Balan: Jehus, and Benjamin, and Aod,
66 And to them that were of the kindred of the and Chanana, and Zethan, and Tharsis, and Ahi-
sons of Caath, and the cities in their borders were sahar.
of the tribe of Ephraim. 11 All these were sons of Jadihel, heads of
67 And they gave the cities of refuge, Sichem their kindreds, most valiant men, seventeen thou
with its suburbs in mount Ephraim, and Gazer sand and two hundred fit to go out to war.
with its suburbs, 12 Sepham also and Hapham the sons of Hir:
68 Jecmaan also with its suburbs, and Bethho- and Hasim the sons of Aher.
ron in like manner, 13 And the sons of Nephtali loere Jasiel, and
6.9 Helon also with its suburbs, and Gethrem- Guni, and Jezer, and Sellum, sons of Bala.
moa in like manner. 14 And the son of Manasses, Ezriel: and his
70 And out of the half tribe of Manasses, Aner concubine the Sj'rian bore Machir the father of
and its suburbs, Baalam and its suburbs; to wit, Galaad.
to them, that were left of the family of the sons 15 And Machir took wives for his sons Hap
of Caath. phim and Saphan: and he had a sister named
71 And to the sons of Gersom, out of the kin- Maacha: the name of the second was Salphaad.
dred of the half tribe of Manasses, Gaulon in Ba- and Salphaad had daughters.
ean, and its suburbs, and Astharoth with its su- 16 And Maacha the wife of Machir bore a son
burbs. and she called his name Phares: and the name of
72 Out of the tribe of Issachar, Cedes and its his brother was Sares: and his sons were Ulam
suburbs, and Dabereth with its suburbs, and Recen.
73 Ramoth also and itfe suburbs, and Anem 17 And the son of Ulam, Badan. These are
with its suburbs. the sons of Galaad, the son of Machir, the son of
74 And out of the tribe of Aser: Masai with its Manasses.
suburbs, and Abdon in like manner, 18 And his sister named Queen bore Goodly-
75 Hucac also and its suburbs, and Rohob with man, and Abiezer, and Mohola.
its suburbs. 19 And the sons of Semida were Ahiu, and Se-
76 And out of the tribe of Nephtali, Cedes in chem, and Leci, and Aniam.
Galilee and its suburbs, Hamon with its suburbs, 20 And the sbns of Ephraim were Suthsla,
and Cariathaim and its suburbs. Bared his son, Thahath his son, Elada his son,
77 And to the sons of Merari that remained Thahath his son, and his son Zabad,
out of the tribe of Zabulon, Renimono and its su 21 And his son Suthala, and his son Ezer, and
burbs. and Thabor with its subuibs: Elad: and the men of Geth born in the land sh'W
78 Beyond the Jordnn also over-against Jeri them, because they came down to invade their
cho, oi. ths east side of the Jordan, out of the tribe possessions.
of Rul en, Bosor in the wilderness with its su- 22 And Ephraim their father mourned many
burbs, and Jassa with its suburbs. davs; and his brethren came to comfort him.
79 Cademoth also and its suburbs, and Me- S3 And he went in to his wife; and she con
phaath with its suburbs. ceived. and bore a son; and he called his name
80 Moreover also out of the tribe of Gad, Ra- Beriri,* because he was born when it went evil
moth in Galaad and itS suburbs, and Manaim with his house:
with its suburbs,
81 Hesebon also with its suburbs, and Jazer * Beria. This name signifies in evil, or in ij-
with its suburbs. fiiction.

24 And his daughter was Sara, who
built Be- 20 And Elioenai, and Selethai, and Elial,
llioron, the nether and the upper, and Ozensara. 21 And Adaia, and Baraia, and S-vmaitjii In*
25 And Kapha was his son, and Reseph, and sons of Semei.
Thale, of whom was
born Thaan, 22 And Jespham, and Heber, and Eliel,
2(5 Who begot Laadan: and his son was Am- 23 And Abdon, and Zechri, and Hanan,
miud, who begot Elisama, 24 And Hanania, and Elam, and Anathothia,
27 Of whom was born Nun, who had Josue for 25 And Jephdaia, and Phanuel the sons of
his son. Sesac.
28 And their possessions and habitations were 2(j And Sanisari, and Sohoria, and Otholia,

Bethel with her daughters, and eastward Noran, 27 And Jersia, and Elia, and Zechri the soni
an(l westward Gazer and her daughters, Sichem of Jeroham.
also with her daughters, as far as Asa with her 28 Tiiese were the chief fathers and -heads of
daughters. their families who dwelt in Jerusalem.
29 And by the borders of the sons of Manas- 29 And at Gabaon dwelt Abigabaon: and
ses, Bethsan and her daughters, Thanach and her name of his wife was Maacha:
daughters, Mageddo and her daughters. Dor and .30 And his first-born son Abdon, and Sur, and

her daughters: in these dwelt the children of Jo Cis, and Baal, and Nadab,
ser-h, the son of Israel. 31 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher, and Ma-
30 The cliildren of Aser were Jemna, and Je celloth:
sua, and Jessui, and Bnria, and Sara their sister. 32 And Macelloth begot Samaa: and they
31 And the sons of Baria: Haber and Melchiel: dwelt over-against their brethren in Jerusalem,
he is the father of Barsaith. with their brethren.
32 And Heber begot Jephlat, and Somer, and 33 And Ner begot Cis: and Cis begot Saul.
Hotham, and Suaa their sister. And Saul begot Jonathan, and Melchisua, and
33 The sons of Jejihlat: Pliosech, and Cha- Abinadab, and Esbaal.* ^

inaal, and Asolh: these are the sons of^ Jephlat. 34 And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal:
34 And the so. is of Somer: Ahi, and Roaga, and Meribbaalt begot Micha.
and Hal)a, and Aram. 35 And the sons of Micha were Phitlion, an<l
35 And the sons of Helem his brother: Supha, Melech, and Tharaa, and Ahaz.
and Jemna, and Selles, and Amal. 36 And Ahaz begot Joada: and Joada begol
3fi The sons of Supha: Sue, Harnapher, and Alamath, and Azmoth, and Zamri: and Zamri
Sual, and Beri, and Jamra. begot Mosa:
37 Bosor and Hod, and Samma, and Salusa, 37 And Mosa begot Banaa, whose son was
and Jethran, and Bera. Rapha, of whom was born Elasa, who begot
38 The sons of Jether: Jephone, and Phaspha, Asel.
and Ara. 38 And Asel had six sons, whose names were
39 And the sons of 011a: Aree, and Haniel, Ezricam, Bochru, Ismahel,Saria, Obdia, and Ha-
and Resia. nan. All these were the sons of Asel.
•10 All these were sons of Aser, heads of their .39 And the sons of Esec his brother, were
families, choice and most valiant captains of cap- Ulam the first-born, and Jehus the second, and
taifts: anil the were of the Eliphalet the third.
number of them that
age that was fitfor war, was
and twenty six40 And the sons of Ulam were most valiant
thousand. men, and archers of great strength: and they
had many sons and grandsons, even to a hun-
, CHAP. VIII. dred and fifty. All these were children of Ben-
The posterity of Benjamin is further declared jamin. ;

down to Saul. His issue.

"OW Benjamin begot Bale his first-born, As- CHAP. IX.
bel the second, Ahara the third, The Israelites, priests, and Levites, who first
2 Nohaa the fourth, and Rapha the fifth. dwelt in Jerusalem after the captivity. A re-
3 And the sons of Bale were Addar, and Gera, petition of the genealogy of Saul.
and Abiud,
4 And Abisue, and Naaman, and Ahoe,
AND them
all Israel was numbered: and the sum
was written in the Book of the
5 And Gera, and Sephuphan, and Huram. kings of Israel and Juda: and they were carried
6 These are the sons of Ahod, heads of fami- away to Babylon for their transgression.
lies that dwelt in Gabaa, who were removed in- 2 Now the first that dwelt in their possessions,
to Manahath. and in their cities, were the Israelites, and the
7 And Naaman, and Achia, and Gera he re- priests, and the Levites, and the Nathincans-t
moved them; and begot Oza and Ahiud. 3 And in Jerusalem dwelt of the children of
8 And Saharim begot in the land of Moab, af- Juda, and of the children of Benjamin, and of the
ter he sent away Husim and Bara his wives. children of Ephraim, and of Manasses.
9 And he begot of Hodes his wife Jobab, and 4 Othei the son of Ammiud, the son of Amri,
Sebia, and Mosa, and Molchom, the son of Omrai, the son of Bonni, of the sons
10 And Jehus, and Sechia, and Marma. These of Phares the son of Juda.
were his sons heads of their families. 5 And of Siloni: Asaia the first-born and his
11 And Mehusim begot Abitob and Elphaal. sons.
12 And the sons of Elphaal were Heber, and 6 And of the sons of Z.ya: Jehuel, and then
Mis;iain, and Saniad; who built Ono, and Lod, brethren, six hundred and ninety.
and its daughters. ,
7 And of the sons of Benjamin: Salo the son ot
13 And Baria and Snma were heads of their Mosollam, the son of Oduia, the son of Asana:
Kindreds that dwelt in Aialon: these drove away 8 And Jobania the son of Jeroham: and Ela
the inhabitants of Geth. the son of Ozi, the son of Mochori and Mosal- :

14 And Ahio. and Sesac, and Jerimoth, 1am the son of Saphatias, the son of Rahuel, the
15 An(\ Zabadia, and Arod, and Heder, son of Jebania:
IG And Michael, and Jespha, and Joha, the 9 And their brethren by their families, nine
sons of Baria. •
17 And Zabadia, and Mosollam, and Hezeci, * Esbaal, alias Isboseth.
and Heber, t Meribbaal, alias Miphiboseth. 2 Kings iv. 4.
18 And Jesamari, and Jezlia, and Jobab sons t Nathineans. These were the nosterity of
af Ephaal: the Gabaonites, whose office was to bring wood
IS And Jaeim, and Zechri, and Zabdi, water, &c. for the service of the temple
261 §
hundred and fifty si.v. All these were heads of 34 *rhe heads of the Levites, princes in tljeii
their families by the houses of their fathers. families,abode in Jerusalem.
10 And of the priests: Jedaia, Joiarib, and Ja- 35 And in Gabaon dwelt Jehiel the father of
chin: Gabaon: and the name of his wife was Maacha
11 AndAzarias the son of Helcias, the son of 36 His first-born son Abdon, and Sur, and Cis,
MosoUam, the son of Sadoc, the son of Marai- and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
0th, the son of Achitob, high priest of the house 37 Gedor also, and Ahio, and Zacharias, and
^ of God. \ Macelloth.
12 And Adaias the son of Jeroham, the son of 38 And Macelloth begot Samaan: these dwelt
Phassur, the son of Melchias: and Maasai the over-against their brethren in Jerusalem, with
son of Adiel, the son of Jezra, the s'on of Mosol- their brethren.
lam, the 'son of Mosallamith, the son of Emnier. 39 Now Ner begot Cis: and Cis begot Saul:
13 And their brethren heads in their families a and Saul begot Jonathan, and Melchisua, and
thousand seven hundred and threescore, very Abinadab, and Esbaal.
strong and able men for the work of the ministry 40 And the son of Jonathan was Meribbaal:
in the house of God. and Meribbaal begot Micha.
14 And of the Levites: Semeia the son of Has- 41 And the sons of Micha, were PhithoK, and
8ub the son of Ezricam, the son of Hasebia of Melech, and Tharaa, and Ahaz.
the sons of Merari. 42 And Ahaz begot Jara: and Jara begot AI*-
15 And Bacbacar the carpenter, and Galal, and math, and Azmoth, and Zamri. And Zamri be-
Mathania the son of Micha, the son of Zechri got Mosa.
the son of Asaph: 43 And Mosa begot Banaa; whose son Ra-
16 And Obdia the son of Semeia, the son of phaia begot Elasa; of whom was born Asel.
Galal, the son of Idithun: and Barachia the son 44 And Asel had six sons, whose names are,
of Asa, the son of Elcana, who dwelt in the Ezricam, Bochru, Ismahel, Saria, Obdia, Ha-
suburbs of Netophati. nan these are the sons of Asel.

17 And the porters were Sellum, and Accub,

and Telmon, and Ahimam: and their brother Sel
lum was the prince, Saulis slain for his sins: he is buried by thr
18 Until that time, in the king's gate eastward, men of Jabes.
the sons of Levi waited by their turns.
19 But Sellum the son of Core, the son of Abi-
the Philistines fought against Israel:
the men of Israel fled from before the
asaph, the son of Core, with his brethren, and Philistines, and fell down wounded in mount
his father's house, jhe Corites were over the Gelboe.
works of the service, keepers of the gates of the 2 And the Philistines drew near pursuing
tabernacle; and their families in turns were keep- after Saul, and his sons: and they killed Jona-
ers of the entrance of the camp of the Lord: than, and Abinadab, and Melchisua, the sons of
20 And Phinees the son of Eleazar was their Saul.
prince before the Lord: 3 And the battle grew hard against Saul: and
21 And Zacharias the son of Mosollamia, was the archers reached him, and wounded him vith
porter of the gate of the tabernacle of the testi- arrows.
mony. 4 And Saul said to his armour-bearer: Draw
22 All these that were chosen to be porters at thy sword, and kill me: lest these uncircumcised
the gates were two hundred and twelve: and come, and mock me. But his armour-bearer
they were registered in their proper towns; would not; for he was struck with fear: so Saul
whom David and Samuel the seer appointed in took his sword, and fell upon it.
their trust:^ 5 And when his armour-bearer saw it, to wit,
23 As well them as their sons, to keep the that Saul was dead, he also fell upon his sword,
gates of the house of the Lord, and the taberna- and died.
cle by their turns. 6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and all his
24 In four quarters were the porters: that is house fell together.
to say, toward the east, and west, and north, and 7 And when the men of Israel, that dwelt in
south. the plains, saw this, they fled: and Saul and his
25 And their brethren dwelt in villages, and sons being dead, they forsook their cities, and
came upon their sabbath-days from time to time. were scattered up and down: and the Philistines
26 To these four Levites were committed the came, and dwelt in them.
whole number of the porters: and they were 8 And the next day the Philistines taking
over the chambers, and treasures, of the house of away the spoils of them that were slain, found
the Lord. Saul and his sons lying on mount Gelboe.
27 And they abode in their watches round 9 And when they had stripped him, and cut
about the temple of the Lord; that when it was ofT his head, and taken away his armour, they
time, they might open the gates in the morning. sent it into their land, to be carried about, and
28 And some of their slock had the charge of shown in the temples of the idols and to the
the vessels for the ministry: for the vessels were people.
both brought in and carried out by number. 10 And his armour they dedicated in the tem-
29 Some of them also had the instruments of ple of their god and his head they fastened up in

the sanctuary ccmmitted unto them, and the the temple of Dagon.
charge of the fine flour, and wine, and oil, and 11 And when the men of Jabes Galaad had
frankincense, and spices. heard this, to wit, all that the Philistines had done
30 And the sons of the priests made the oint- to Saul,
ments of the spices. 12 All the valiant men of them arose, and took
31 And Mathathias a Levite, the first-born of the bodies of Saul and of his sons, and brought
Sellum the Corite, was overseer of such things as them to Jabes, and buried their bones under the
were fried in the frying-pan. oak that was in Jabes; and they fasted seven days.
32 And some of the sons of Caath their breth- 13 So Saul died for his iniquities, because ne
ren Avere over the loaves of proposition, to pre- transgressed the commandment of the Lord,
pare always new for every sabbath. which he had commanded, and kept it not; and
33 These are the chief of the singing men of nroreover consulted also a witch,
the families of the Levites, who dwelt in the 14 And trusted not in the Lqrd: therefoiehe
•ihambers, by the temple, that they might serve slew him, and transferred his kingdom to David
Watinually day and night in their ministry. the son of Isai.

CHAP. XI. man, of Cabscel, who had done many act:!: no

slew the two ariels* of Moab: and he went down,
David is made kiiig. He taketh the castle of and killed a lion in the midst of a pit in the ;jme
Sion. A catalogue of his valiant men. of snow.
THEN all Israel gathered themselves to Da-
vid in Hebron, saying: We
23 And he slew an Egyptian whose stature
are thy bone, was of five cubits, and who had a spear like a
and thy flesh. weaver's beam: and he went down to him with
2 Yesterday also, and the day before, when a staff, and plucked away the spear that he held
Saul ^vas king, tb.ou wast he that leddest out and in his hand, and slew liim with his own spear.
broughtest in Israel: for the Lord thy God said to 24 Tliese things did Banaias the son of Joiada,
thee: Thou shalt feed my peojile Israel; and thou .who was renowned among the three valiant ones,
shalt be ruler over them. |
25 And the first among the thirty; but yet to
3 So all the ancients of Israel came to the king .the three he attained not: and David made him
to Hebron; and David made a covenant with.'of his council.
them before the Lord: and they anointed himjj 28 Moreover the most valiant men of the ar-
king over Israel, according to the word of the iny, were Asahel brother of Joab, and Elchanan
Lord which he spoke in the hand of Samue the son of his uncle of Bethlehem,
4 And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem,' 27 Sammoth an Arorite, Helles a Phalonite,
which is Jebus, v^-here the Jebusites were tlie in- 28 Ira the son of Acces a Thecuite, Abiezer
habitants of the land. an Anathothite,
5 And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David: 29 Sobbochai a Husathite, Ilai an Ahohite,
Thou shalt not come in here. But David took 30 Maharai a JVetophathite, Heled the son of
the castle of Sion, which is the city of t)avid. Baana a Netophathite,
6 And he said: Whosoever shall first strike the 31 Ethai the son of Ribai of Gabaath cri the
Jebusites, shall be the head and chief captain. sons of Benjamin, Banaia a Pharathonite,
And Joab the son of Sarvia went up first, and 32 Hurai of the torrent Gaas, Abiel an Arba-
was made the general. thite, Azmoth a Bauramite, Eliaba a Salabonite,
7 And David dwelt in the castle; and therefore 33 The sons of Assem a Gezonite, Jonathan
it was called the City of David. the son of Sage an Ararite,
8 And he built the city round about from Mel- 34 Ahiain the son of .Sachar an Ararite
lo all round: and Joab built the rest of the city. ob Eliphal the son of Ur,
9 And David went on growing and increasing; 36 Hepher a Mecherathite, Ahia a Phelonite,
and the Lord of hosts was with him. 37 Hesro a Carmelite, Naarai the son of Azbai,
10 These are the chief of the valiant men of 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibahar the son
David, who helped him to be made king over all of Agarai,
Israel,according to the word of the Lord, which 39 Selec an Ammonite, Naharai a Berothite,
he spoke to Israel. the armour-bearer of Joab the son of Sarvia,
11 And this is the number of the heroes of 40 Ira a Jethrite, Gareb a Jethrite,
David: Jesbaam the son of Hachamoni the chief 41 Urias a Hethite, Zabad the son of Oholi,
among the thirty: he lifted up his sj)ear against 42 Adina the son of Siza a Rubenite, the prince
three hundred wounded by him at one time. of the Rubenites, and thirty with him:
12 And after him was Eleazar his uncle's son 43 Hanan the son of Maacha, and Josaphat a
the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighties. Mathanite,
13 He was with David in Phesdomim, when j
44 (Jzia an Astarothite, Samma, and Jehiel, the
the Philistines were gathered to that jilace to 'sons of Hotham an Arorite,
battle: and the field of that countrj- was full of j
45 Jedihel the son of Zamri, and Joha his bro-
barley; and the people fled from before the Phi- ther a Thosaite,
'istines. 46 Eliel a Mahumite, and Jeribai, and Josaia
14 But these men s^ood in the midst of the field, 'the sons of Elnaim, and Jethma a Moabite, Eliel,
and defended it: and they slew the Philistines^ land Obed, and Jasiel of Masobia.
and the Lord gave a great deliverance to his
people. ;
1.5 Andthree of the thirty captains went down Who followed David tchen he fled from Saul
to the rock, wherein David was, to the cave of and icho came to Hebron to mal:e him king.
0<laliam, when the Philistines encamped in the OW these are they that came to David to
valley of Raphaim. Siceleg, while he yet fled from Saul the son
16 And David was in a hold, and the garrison of Cis: and they were most valiant and excellent
of the Philistines in Bethlehem. warriors,
17 And David longed, and said: O that some 2 Bending the bow, and using either hand in
man would give me water of the cistern of Beth- hurling stones with slings, and shooting arrows:
lehem, which is in the gate. of the brethren of Saul of Benjamin.
18 And these three broke tlirough the midst of 3 The chief was Ahiezer, and Joas, the sons
the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out of Samaa of Gabaath, and Jaziel, and Phallet the
of the cistern of Bethlehem, which was in the sons of Azmoth, and Beracha, and Jehu an Ana-
gate, and brought it to David to drink: and he thothite.
would not drink of it, but rather offered it to the 4 And Samatas of Gabaon, the stoutest amongst
Lord, the thirty, and over the thirty. Jeremias, and
19 feaying: God forbid that I should do this in Jeheziel.and Johanan, and Jezabad of Gaderoth.
the sight of my God, and should drink the blood 5 And Eluzai, and Jerimuth, and Baalia, and
of these men: for with the danger of their lives Samaria, and Saphatia the Haruphite.
they have brought me the water. And therefore 6 Elcana, and Jesia, and Azareel, and Joezer,
he would not drink. These things did the three and Jesbaam of Carehim:
most valiant 7 And Joela, and Zabadia the sons of Jeroham
20 And Abisai the brother of Joab, he was of Gedor.
chief of three, and he lifted up his spear against 8 From Gaddi also there went over to David,
three hundred whom he sle\Y: and he was re- when he lay hid in the wilderness most valiant
nowned among the three, men, and excellent warriors, holding shield and
21 And illustrious among the second three, and spear; whose faces were like the faces of a lion,
their captain: but yet he attained not to the first
three. * TxBO ariels. That is, two lions, or lion-like
22 Banaias the son of Joiada, a most valiant men; for ariel in Hebiew signifies a lion.

and they were swift like 34 And of Nephtali, a thousand leaders: aad
the roebucks on the
mountains. with them seven and thirty thousand, furnished
9 Ezer the chief, Obdias fne second, Eliab the with shield and spear.
•hird, 35 Of Dan also twenty eight thousand six hun-
10 Masmana the fourth, Jeremias the fifth, dred prepared for battle.
11 Ethi the sixth, Eliel the seventh, 36 And of Aser forty thousand going forth to
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzebad the ninth, fight, and challenging in battle.
13 Jeremias the tenth, Machbani the eleventh. 37 And on the other side of the Jordan of the
14 These tvere of the sons of Gad, captains of sons of Ruben, and of Gad, and of the half of the
the army: the least of them was captain over a hun- tribe of Manasses, a hundred and twenty thou-
dred soldiers, and the greatest over a thousand. sand, furnished with arms for war.
15 These are they who passed over the Jor 38 All these men of war well appointed to
dan in the first month, when it is used to flow fight, came with a perfect heart to Hebron, to
over its banks: and they put to flight all that make David king over all Israel; and all the rest
dwelt in the vallies both toward the east and to- also of Israel were of one heart to make David
ward the west. king.
16 And there came also of the men of Benja- 39 And they were there with David three
min and of Juda to the hold in which David days eating and drinking: for their brethren had
abode. prepared for them.
17And David went out to meet them, and said 40 Moreover they that were near them even
If you are come peaceably to me to help me, let as far as Issachar, and Zabulon, and Nephtali,
my heart be joined to you but if you plot against
: brought lodves on asses, and on camels, and on
nie for my enemies, whereas I have no iniquity mules, and on oxen, to eat: meal, figs, raisins,
in my hands, let the God of our fathers see, and wine, oil, and oxen, and sheep, in abundance: for
judge. there was joy in Israel.
18 But the spirit came upon Amasai the chief CHAP. XIII.
among thirty: and he said: We
are thine, Da- O The ark is brought from Cariathiarim. Oza for
vid, and for thee, O
son of Isai: peace, peace be
touching it is struck dead-
to thee, and peace to thy helpers. For thy God
helpeth thee. So David received them, and made AND David consulted with the captains of
thousands, and of hundreds, and with all the
them captains of the band. commanders:
19 And there were some of Manasses that
2 And he said to all the assembly of Israel: If
went over to David, when he came with the Phi- it please you, and if the words which I speak come
listines against Saul to fight: but he did not fight
from the Lord our God, let us send to the rest of
with them: because the lords of the Philistines
our brethren into all the countries of Israel, and to
taking counsel sent him back, saying: With the
the priests and the Levites, that dwell in the su-
danger of our heads he will return to his master burbs of the cities, to gather themselves to us:
3 And let us bring again the ark of our God to
20 So when he went back to Siceleg, there fled
us: for we sought it not in the days of Saul.
to him of Manasses, Ednas, and Jozabad, and
4 And all the multitude answered that it should
Jedihel, and Michael, and Ednas and Jozabad,
;be so: for the word pleased all the people.
and Eliu, and Salathi, captains of thousands in 5 So David assembled all Israel from Sihor of
Manasses. Egypt, even to the entering into Emath, to bring
These helped David against the rovers: for
the ark of God from Cariathiarim.
they were all most valiant men, and were made 6 And David went up with all the men of Is-
commanders in the army. rael to the hill of Cariathiarim, which is in Juda,
22 Moreover day by day there came some to
to bring thence the ark of the Lord God sitting
David to help him, till th^y Ifecame a great num- upon the Cherubims, where his name is called
ber, like the army of God.
23 And this is the number of the chiefs of the
7 And they carried the ark of God upon a new
army who came to David, when he was in He- cart, out of the house of Abinadab. And Oi-.a and
bron, to transfer to him the kingdom of Saul, ac-
his brother drove the cart.
cording to the word of the Lord. 8 And David and all Israel played before God
24 The sons of Juda bearing shield and spear,
with all their might with hymns, and with harps,
six thousand eight hundred well a.ppointed to war,
and with psalteries, and timbrels, and cymbals,
25 Of the sons of Simeon valiant men for war,
and trumpets.
seven thousand one hundred. 9 And when they came to the floor of Chidon,
26 Of the sons of Levi, four thousand six hun
Oza put forth his hand, to hold up the ark: for the
ox being wanton had made it lean a little on onB
. 27 And Joiada prince of the race of Aaron, and
with him three thousand seven hundred. 10 And the Lord was angry with Oza, and
28 Sadoc also a young man of excellent dispo- struck him, because he
had touched the ark: and
sition, and the house of his father, twenty two
he died there before the Lord.
principal men. 11 And David was because the
troubled, Lord
29 And
of the sons of Benjamin the brethren
had divided Oza: and he called that place the
of Saul, three thousand: for hitherto a great part Breach of Oza to this day.
of them followed the house of Saul. 12 And he feared God at that time, saying:
30 And of the sons of Ephraim twenty thou- How can I bring in the ark of God to me .'

sand eight hundred, itien of great valour, renown- 13 And therefore he brought it not home to him-
ed in their kindreds. self, that is, into the city of David; but carried it
31 And of tlie half tribe of Manasses, eighteen
asiile into the house of Obededom the Gethite.
thousand, every one by their names came to 14 And the ark of God remained in the house
make David king. of Obededom three months: and the Lord blessed
32 Also of the sons of Issachar, men of under-
his house, and all that he had.
standing, that knew all times to order what Israel
should do, two hundred principal men: and all
the rest of the tribe followed their counsel. David^s house, and children: his victories over
33 And of Zabulon such as went forth to battle, the Philistines.
nnd stood in array well appointed with armour
for war, there came fifty thousand to his aid,
AND Hiram
king of Tyre sent messengers to
and cedar-trees, and masons, and
vtritli no double heart. carpenters, to build him a house.
2 And David perceived that the Lord had con- 13 Lest as the Lord at first struclc us, because

Bnried him king; over Israel, and that his kingdom you were not present, the same should now also
was exalted over his people Israel. come to pass, by our doing something against tlie
3 And David took other wives in Jerusalem: ,law.
and he begot sons and daughters. 14 So the priests and the Levites were sancti-

4 Now these are the names of them that were ^fied, to carry the ark of the Lord the God of Is-
born to him in Jerusalem: Samua, and Sobad, rael.
Nathan, and Solomon, 15 And the sons of Levi took the ark of Goil,
5 Jebahar, and Elisua, and Elirhalet, as Moses had commanded, according to the .word
6 And Noga, and Napheg, and Janhia, of the Lord, upon their shoulders, with the staves.
7 Elisama, and Baaiiada, and Eiiphalet. 16 And David s|)oke to the chiefs of the Le-
8 And the Philistines hearing that David was vites, to appoint some of their brethren to be sing-
anointed king over all Israel, went all up to seek ers with musical instruments, to wit, on psalteries,
him: and David heard of it, and went out against and harps, and cymbals, that the joyful noise
them. might resound on high.
9 And the Philistines came, and spread them- 17 And they appointed Jjevites, Heman the
selves in the vale of Raphaim. son of Joel, and of his brethren Asaph the son
10 And David consulted the Lord, saying: of Barachias: and of the sons of Alerari, theii
Shall I go up against the Philistines; and wilt thou brethren: Ethan the son of Casaia.
deliver them into my hand.' And the Lord said to 18 And with thpm their brethren: in the se-
him: Go up, and I will deliver them into thy cond rank, Zacharias, and Ben, and Jaziel, and
hand. Semiramoth, and Jahiel, and Ani, and Eliab, and
11 And when they were come to Baalpharasim, Banaias. and Maasias, and Mathathias, and P^li-
David defeated them there: and he said: God phalu, and Macenias, and Obededom, and Jehiel,
hath divided my enemies by my hand, as waters the porters.
are divided: and therefore the name of that place 19 Now the singers, Heman, Asaph, and Ethan,
was called Baalpharasim. sounded with cymbals of brass.
12 And they left there their gods: and David 20 And Zacharias, and Oziel, and Semiramoth,

commanded that they should be burnt. and Jehiel, and Ani, and Eliab, and Maasias, and
13 Another time also the Philistines made an Banaias, sung mysteries upon psalteries.
irruption, and spread themselves abroad in the 21 And Mathathias, and Eliphalu, and Mace-
valley. nias, and Obededom, and Jehiel and Ozaziu, sung
14 And David consulted God again, and God a song of victory for the octave upon harps.
said to him: Go not up after them, turn away 22 And Chonenias chief of the Levites, pre-

from them, and come upon them over-against the sided over the prophecy, to give out the tunes:*
pear-trees. for he was very skilful.
15 And when thou shalt hear the sound of one 23 And Barachias and Elcana were door-keep-

going in the tops of the pear-trees, then shalt thou ers of the ark.
go out to battle. For God is gone out before thee, 24 And Sebenias, and Josaphat, and Nathanael

to strike the army of the Philistines. 'and Amasai, and Zacharias, and Banaias and Eli-
IG And David Jid as God had commanded him, ezer the priests, sounded with trumpets, before
and defeated the army of the Philistines, slaying the ark of God: and Obededom and Jehias were
ihem from Gabaon to Gazera. porters of the ark.
17 And the name of David became famous in 25 So David and all the ancients of Israel, and

all countries: and the Lord made all nations fear ithe captains over thousands, went to bring the ark
him. of the covenant of the Lord, out of the house of
Obededom with joy.
CHAP. XV. 26 And when God had helped the Levites who
The arJ: is brought into the city of David, with carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord, they
great solemnity. Michol derideth David's de oflfered in sacrifice seven oxen, and seven rams.
votion. 27 And David was clothed with a robe of fina
HE made also housesforhimself in the city of linen, and all the Levites that carried the ark, and
David and built a place for the ark of God, the singing men, and Chonenias the ruler of the

and pitched a tabernacle for it. prophecy among the singers: and David also had
2 Then David said: No one ought to carry the on him an ephod of linen.
ark of God, but the Levites; whom the Lord hath 28 And all Israel brought the ark of the cove-
chosen to carry it, and to minister unto himself nant of the Lord with joyful shouting, and sound-
for ever. ing with the sound of the cornet, and with trum-
3 And he gathered all Israel together into Je- pets, and cymbals, and psalteries, and harps.

rusalem, that the ark of God might be brought 29 And when the ark of the covenant of the
into its place, which he had prepared for it: Lord was come to the city of David, Michol the
4 An(\ the sons of Aaron also, and the Levites daughter of Saul I(|oking out at a window, saw
5 ()f the children of Caath, Uriel was the chief, king David dancing and playing: and she despised
and his hretliren a hundred and twenty. him in her heart.
6 Cf the sons of Merari, Asaia the chief; and
bis brethren two hundred and twenty:
7' Of the sons of Gersom, Joel the chief; and Tlie ark is placed in the tabernacle. Sacrifice it
his brethren a hundred and thirty: offered- David blesseth the people, disposeth
8 Of the sons of Elisaphan, Semeias the chief; the offices of the Levites, and maketh a psalm
and his brethren two hundred: of praise to God.
y Cf the sons of Hebron, Eliel the chief; and thev brought the ark of God, and set it in
his Ijrf-thren eighty: SO
the rnidst of the tent, which David had pitch-
11) Of the sons of Oziel, Aminadab the chief; ed for
it: and thej^ offered holocausts and peace-
and his brethren a hundred and twelve. offerings before God.
11 And David called Sadoc, and Abiathar the 2 And when David had made an end of offer-
priests, and the Levites, Uriel, Asaia, Joel, Se- ing holocausts, and peace-offerings, he blessed the
iseia, Eliel, and Aminadab: peojile in the name of the Lord.
12 And he said to them: You that are the heads
of the Levitical families, be sanctified with your * The prophecy, to give out the tunes. Singing
brethren, and bring the ark of the Lord the God praises to God is here called prophecy: the more,
of Israel to the place, which is prepared for it: because these singers were often inspired men
2L 265

8 And he divided to and every one, both nations, that we may give glory to thy holy name,
men and women, a loaf of bread, and a piece of and may rejoice in singing thy praises.
toasted beef, and flour fried with oil. 36 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel from
4 And he appointed Levites to minister before eternity to eternity: and let all the people say:
the ark of the Lord, and to remember his works, Amen, and a hymn to God.
and to glorify, and praise the Lord God of Is- 37 So he left there before the ark of the cov&-
rael: nant of the Lord, Asaph and his brethren to min-
5 Asaph the chief, and next after him Zachari- ister in the presence of the ark continually day
as; moreover Jahiel, and Semiramoth, and Jehiel, by day, and in their courses.
and Mathathias, and Eliab, and Banaias, and 38 And Obededom, with his brethren sixty
Obededom; and Jehiel over the instruments of eight: and Obededom the son of Idithun, and
psaltery, and harps; and Asaph to sound with Hosa he appointed to be porters.
cymbals: 39 And Sadoc the priest, and his brethren
6 But Banaias, and Jaziel the priests, to sound priests, before the tabernacle of the Lord in tLe
the trumpet continually before the ark of the co- high place, which was in Gabaon,
verant of the Lord. 40 That they should offer holocausts to the
7 In that day David made Asaph the chief to Lord upon the altar of holocaust continually,
give praise to the Lord with his brethren. morning and evening, according to all that is writ-
8 Praise ye the Lord, and call upon his name: ten in the law of the Lord, which he command-
make known his doings among the nations. ed Israel.
9 Sing to him; yea sing praises to him: and re- 41 And after him Heman, and Idithun, and
late all his wondrous ^vorks. the rest that were chosen, every one by his name
10 Praise ye his holy name: let the heart of to give praise to the Lord: because his mercy
them rejoice, that seek the Lord. endureth for ever.
11 Seek ye the Lord, and his power: seek ye 42 And Heman and Idithun sounded the trum-
his face evermore. pet, and played on the cymbals, and all kinds of
12 Remember his wonderful works, which he musical instruments to sing praises to God: and
hath done: his signs, and the judgments of his the sons of Idithun he made porters.
mouth. 43 And all the people returned to their houses;
13 O ye seed of Israel his servants, ye children and David to bless also his own house.
of Jacob his chosen.
14 He is the Lord our God: his judgments are
David's purpose to build a temple, is rewarded
in all the earth.
15 Remember for ever his covenant; the word, by most ample promises: David's thankS'
which he commanded to a thousand generations. giving.
16 The covenant which he made with Abra-
ham, and ills oath to Isaac.
NOW when David was dwelling in his house,
he said to Nathan the prophet: Behold, 1
17 And he appointed the same to Jacob for a dwell in a house of cedar: and the ark of the
precept; and to Israel for an everlasting cove- covenant of the Lord is under skins.
nant: 2 And Nathan said to David: Do all that is in
18 Saying: To thee will I give the land of Cha thy heart: for God is with thee.
naan, the lot of your inheritance. 3 Now that night the word of God came to
19 When they were but a small number; very Nathan, saying:
few, and sojourners in it. 4 Go, and speak to David my servant: Thus
20 And they passed from nation to nation; and saith the Lord: Thou shalt not build me a house
from a kingdom to another people. to dwell in.
21 He suffered no man to do them wrong: and 5 For I have not remained In a house from the
repro\ed kings for their sake. time that I brought up Israel, to this day: but I
22 Touch not my anointed: and do no evil to have been always changing places in a taberna-
my prophets. cle, and in a tent
23 Sing ye to the Lord, all the earth: show 6 Abiding with all Israel. Did I ever speak to
forth from day to day his salvation. any one, of all the judges ot Israel, whom I
24 Declare his glory among the Gentiles; his charged to feed my people, saying: Why iiave
wonders among all people. you not built me a house of cedar.'
25 For the Lord is great, and exceedingly to be 7 Now therefore thus shalt thou say to my ser-
praised: and he is to be feared above all gods. vant David: Thus saith the Lord of hosts: I took
26 For all the gods of the nations are idols: thee, from the pastures, from following the
but the Lord made the heavens. flock, that thou shouldst be ruler of my people
27 Praise and magnificence are before him: Israel.
strength and joy in his place. 8 And I have been with thee whithersoever
£3 Bring ye to the Lord, O ye families of the thou hast gone; and have slain all thy enemies
nations; bring ye to the Lord glory and em- before thee; and have made thee a name like that
pire. of one of the great ones that are renowned in the i
29 Give to the Lord glory to his name: bring earth. ^
up sacrifice, and come ye in his sight: and adore 9 And I have given a place to my people Is-
the Lord in holy becomingness. rael: they shall be planted, and shall dwell there-
30 Let all the earth be moved at his presence: in, and shall be moved no more: neither shall the
for he hath founded the world immoveable. children of iniquity waste them, as at the be-
31 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be ginning,
glad: and let them say among the nations: The 10 Since the days that I gave judges to ray
Lord hath reigned. people Israel, and have humbled all thy enemies.
32 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: And I declare to thee, that the Lord will build
let the fields rejoice, and all things that are in thee a house.
them. 11 And when thou shalt have ended thy days
33 ihen shall the trees of the wood give to go to thy fathers, I will raise up thy seed after
praise before the Lord because he is come to. thee, which shall be of thy sons: and I will esta-

judge the earth. blish his kingdo"!.

34 Give ye glory to the Lord, for he is good: 12 He shall build me a house: and I will esta-
for his mercy endureth for ever. blish his throne for ever.
35 And say ye: Save us, O God
our saviour: 13 I will be to him a father, and, he shall be ta
and gather us together, and deliver us from the me a son: and I will not take my mercy away
: :


from him, ae I took it from him tliat was before 8 Likewise out of Tliobath and Chun, cities
thee. of Adarezer, he brought very much brass, of
14 But I will settle him in my
house, and in which Solomon made the brazen sea, and the
my kingdom for ever: and his throne shall ht l)illars, and the vessels of brass.

most firm for ever. 9Now when Thou king of Hemath heard
15 According to these words, and accord-
all that David had defeated all the army of Adare-
ing to all this vision, so did Nathan speak to zer king of Soba,
David. 10 He sent Adoram his son to king David,
16 And king David came and sat before the to desire peace of him, and to congratulate him
Lord, and said: Who am I, O Lord God, and that he had defeated and overthrown Adarezer:
what is my house, that thou shouldst give such for Thou was an enemy to Adarezer.
things to me.' 11 And the vessels of gold, and silver, and
17 But even this hath seemed little in thy sight, brass, king David consecrated to the Lord, with
and therefort- thou hast also spoken concerniu_ the silver and gold which he had taken from all
the house of th}' servant for the time to come: the nations, as well from Edom, and from Moab,
and hast made me remarkable above all men, O and from the sons of Ammon, as from the Phi-
Lord God. listines, and from Amalec.
18 What can David add more, seeing thou hast 12 And Abisai the son of Sarvia slew of the
thus gloritied thy servant, and known him.' Edomites in the vale of the salt-pits, eightees
19 OLord, for thy servant's sake, according thousand
to thy own heart, thou hast shown all this mag- 13 And he put a garrison in Edom, that Edom
nificence, and wouldst have all the great things should serve David: and the Lord preserved Da-
to be known. vid in all things to which he went.
20 OLord, there is none like thee: and there 14 So David reigned over all Israel, and exe-
is no other God beside thee, of all whom we have cuted judgment and justice among all his people.
heard of with our ears. 15 And Joab the son of Sarvia was over the
21 For what other nation is there upon earth army, and Josaphat the son of Ahilud recorder.
like thy jieople Israel, whom God went to deli- 16 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and Ahi-
ver, and make a people for himself, and by his melech the son of Abiathar, were the priests;
rreatness and terrors cast out nations before their and Susa, scribe.
face, whom he had delivered out of Egypt.' 17 And Banaias the son of Joiada was over
22 And thou hast made thy people Israel to be the bands of the Cerethi, and the Phelethi: and
thy own people for ever: and thou, O
Lord, art the sons of David were chief about the king. ,

become th^ir God. CHAP. XIX.

23 Now therefore, O Lord, let the word which
thou hast spoken to thy servant, and concerning The Ammonites abuse David's embassadors
his house, be established for ever; and do as thou both .they and their A)nfederates are over-
hast said. thrown.
24 And let thy name remain, and be magnified OW
it came to pass that Naas the king of

for ever: and let it be said: The Lord of hosts is the children of Ammon died, and his son
God of Israel: and the house of David his ser- reigned in his stead.
vant remainetli before him. 2 And David said: I will show kindness to
25 For thou, O Lord my God, hast revealed Hanon the son of Naas: for his father did a fa-
to the ear of thy servant, that thou wilt build him vour to me. And David sent messengers to
a house: and therefore thy servant hath found comfort him upon the death of his father. But
confidence to pray before thee. when they were come into the land of the chil-
26 And now, O Lord, thou art God: and thou dren of Ammon, to comfort Hanon,
hast promised to thy servant such great benefits. 3 The princes of the children of Ammon said
27 And thou hast begun to bless the house of to Hanon: Thou thinkest perhaps that David to
thy servant, that it may be always before thee; do honour to thy father hath sent comforters to
for seeing thou blessest it, O Lord, it shall be thee: and thou dost not take notice, that his ser-
blessed for ever. vants are come to thee to consider, and search,
and spy out thy land.

CHAP. XVIII. 4 Wherefore Hanon shaved the heads and

David's victories. His chief officers. beards of the servants of David, and cut away
AND it came to pass after this, that David de- their garments from the buttocks to the feet, and

feated the Philistines, and humbled them: sent them away.

and took away Geth and her daughters out of 5 And when they were gone, they sent word
the hand of the Philistines: to David, who sent to meet them (for they had
2 And he defeated Moab: and the Moabites suffered a great affront) and ordered them to stay
were made David's servants, and brought him at Jericho till their beards grew, and then to re-
gifts. turn.
3 At David defeated also Adarezer
that time 6 And when the children of Ammon saw that
king of Soba of the land of Hemath, when he they had done an injury to David, Hanon and
went to extend his dominions as far as the river the re^t of the people sent a thousand talents of
Euphrates. silver, to hire them chariots and horsemen out of
4 And David took from him a thousand chari Mesopotamia, and out of Syria Maacha, and out
Ots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty of Soba.
thousand footmen: and he houghed all the chari- 7 they hired two and tliirty thousand cha-
ot-horses, only a hundred chariots, which he re- riots,and the king of Maacha, with his people.
Bcrve"" for himself And they came and camped over-against Meda-
5 And the Syrians of Damascus came also to ba. And the children of Ammon gathered them-
help AdaK^'zer king of Soba: and David slew of selves together out of their cities, and came to
them likewise two and twenty thousand men. battle.
6 And he put a garrison in Damascus, that Sy- 8 And when David heard of it, he sent Joab,
ria also should serve him, and bring gifts. And and all the army of valiant men:
the Lord assisted him in all things to which he 9 And the children of Ammon came out, and
went. put their army in array before the g»ate of the city:
7 And David took the golden quivers which and the kings, that were come to their aid, stood
the servants of Adarezer had; and he brought apart in the field.
tliem to Jerusalem. 10 Wherefore Joab understanding that the bat
tie was set against him before and behind, chose i' CHAP. XXI.
out the bravest men of all Israel, and'marchedl
David's sin in numbering the people is jmnishtd
agrainst the .Syrians.
by a pestilence: which ceasetk upon his offering
11 And the rest of the people he delivered into
sacrifice in the threshing-floor of Oman.
tlie liand of Abisai his brother: and they went
against the children of Ammon.
I'i And he said: If the Syrians be too strong
Satan rose up against Israel; and moved
David to number Israel.
for me, then thou shalt help me: but if the chil- 2 And David said to Joab, and to the rulers of
dren of Ammon be too strong for thee, I will the people: Go, and number Israel from Bersa-
helplhee. bee even to Dan and bring me the number o'
13 Re of good courage; and let us behave our- them that I may know it.
selves manfully for our people, and for the cities 3 And Joab answered: The Lord make his
of our God: and the Lord will do that which is people a hundred times more than they are: but,
good in his sight. my lord the king, are they not all thy servants'
14 So Joab and the people that were with him, why doth my lord seek this thing, which may be
went against the Syrians to the battle: and he put imputed as a sin to Israel.'
them to flight. 4 But the king's |Word rather prevailed: and
15 And the children of Ammon
seeing that the Joab departed, and went tlirough all Israel; anJ
Syrians were fled, they likewise fled from Abisai returned to Jerusalem.
his brother, and went into the city: and Joab also 5 And he gave David the numbert of them,
returned to Jerusalem. whom he had surveyed: and all the number of
16 But the Syrians seeing that they had fallen Israel was found to be eleven hundred thousand
before Israel, sent messengers, and brought to men that drew the sword: and of Juda four hun-
them the Syrians that were beyond the river: dred and seventy thousand fighting men.
and Sophach, general of the army of Adarezer, 6 But Levi and Benjamin he did not number-
was their leader. for Joab unwillingly executed the king's orders
17 And it was told David; and he gathered to- 7 And God was displeased with this thing that
gether all Israel, and passed the Jordan, and came was commanded: and he str-ick Israel. /
upon them, and put his army in array against 8 And David said to God' I have sinned ex-
them, and they fought with him. ceedingly In doing this: I beseech thee take away
18 But the Syrian fled before Israel: and David the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done fool-
«lew of the Syrians seven thousand chariots,* and ishly.
forty thousand footmen, and Sophach the general 9 And the Lord spoke to Gad the seer of Da-
of the army. vid, saj'ing:
ly And when the servants of Adarezer saw 10 (jO, and speak to David, and tellhim: Thus
themselves overcome by Israel, they went over saith the Lord: I give thee the choice of three
to David, and serveil*hiin: and Syria would not things: choose one which thou wilt, and I will do
help the children of Ammon any more. it to thee.
11 And when Gad was come to David, he said
CHAP. XX. to him: Thus saith the Lord: Choose which thou
Rabba is taken: ^tha- victories over the Philis-
tines. 12 Either three years famine ;t or three months
ND it came
to pass after the course of a to flee from thy enemies, and not to be able to
year, at the time that kings go out to battle, escape their sword; or three days to have the
Joab gathered together an army and the strength sword of the JjOrd, and pestilence in the land,
of the troops, and wasted the land of the children and the Angel of the Lord destroying in all the
of Ammon; and went and besieged Rabba. But coasts of Israel: now therefore see what I shall
Davi<l stai(l at Jerusalem, when Joab smote Rab- answer him who sent me.
ba, and destroyed it. 13 And David said to Gad: I am on every side
2 And David took the crown of Melchom in a great strait: but it is better for me to fall into
from his head, and found in it a talent weight of the hands of the Lord, for his mercies are many,
gold, and most precious stones: and he made than into the hands of men.
himself a diadem of it: he took also the spoils of 14 So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel.
the city, which were very great- And there fell of Israel seventy thousand men.
3 And the people that were therein he brought 15 And' he sent an Angel to Jerusalem, to
out: and made harrows, and sleds, and chariots strike it: and as he was striking it, the Lord be-
of iron to go over them, so that they were cut held, and took pity for the greatness of the evil:
and bruised to pieces: in this mannpr David dealt and said to the Angel that destroyed It is enough:

with all the cities of the children of Ammon: and now stop thy hand. And the Angel of the Lord
he returned with all his people to Jerusalem. stood by the threshing-floor of Ornan§ the Jebu-
4 After war at Gazer against
this there arose a site.
the Philistines; in which Sabachai the Husathite 16 And David lifting up his eyes, saw the An
slew Sapliai of the race of Raphaim, and hum gel of the Lord standing between heaven an<\
bled them. earth, with a drawn sword in his hand, turned
5 Arother battle also was fought against the against Jerusalem: and both he and the ancients
Phili^t les, in which Adeodatiis the son of Saltus clothed in hair-cloth, fell down flat on the ground.
a Bethlehemite slew the brother of Goliath the 17 And David said to God: Am
not I he thai
Geihite, the stafl"of whose spear was like a wea commanded the people to be numbered.' It is I
ver's beam. that have sinned»: it is I that have done the evil:
6 There was another battle also in Geth, in
which there was a man of great stature, whose t llie number, ^'C The difference of the num-
fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on bers here, and 2 Kings xxiv. is to be accounted
each hand and foot; who also was born of the for, by supposing the greater numbcj to be that
stock of Rapha. which was really found, and the lesser to be that
7 He reviled Israel: but Jonathan the son of which Joab gave in.
Samaa the brother of David slew him. These i Three years famine Which joined with the :

were the sons of Rapha in Geth, who fell by the three foregoing years of famine mentioned 2
hand of DaviJ and his servants. Kings xxi. and the seventh year of the land's
resting, would make up the seven years proposed
* Seven thousand chariots. That is, of men by the prophet, 2 Kings xxiv. 1? »
who fought in chariots. § Oman; otherwise Areuna.
but as for this flock what hath deserved? O manded him to build a house to the Lord the

Lord my God, let thy hand be turned, I beseech God of Israel.

thee, upon me, and upon my father's house; and 7 And Da^ id said to Solomon: My son, it was
let not thy people be destroyed. my desire to have built a house to the name of
18 And the Angel of the Lord commanded the Lord my God.
Gad to tell David, to go up, and build an altar to 8 But the word of the Lord came to me, say
the Lord God in the threshing-floor of Oman the mg: Thou hast shed much blood, and fought '

Jebusite. many battles, so thou canst not build a house to

19 And David went up, according to the word my name, after shedding so much blood beiore
of Gad, which he spoke to him in the name of me:
the I K)rd. 9 The son that shall be born to thee, shall be a
20 Now when Oman looked up, and saw the most quiet man for I will make him rest from all

Angel, he and his four sons hid themselves: for his enemies round about: and therefore he shall
at that time he was thresliing wheat in the floor. be called Peaceable: and I will give peace and
21 And as David was coming to Oman, Oman quietness to Israel all his days.
row him, and went out of the threshing-floor to 10 He shall build a house to my name, and he
meet him, and bowed down to him with his face shall be a son to me, and I will be a father to
to the ground. him: and I will establish the throne of his king-
22 And David said to him: Give me this place dom over Israel for ever.
of thy threshing-floor, that I may build therein an 11 Now then, my son, the Lord be with thee,
altar to the Lord: but thou shalt take of me as and do thou prosper, and build the house to tlie
much money as it is worth, that the plague may Lord thy God, as he hath spoken of thee.
cease from the people. 12 The Lord also give thee wisdom and under-
23 And Oman David: Take it, and let
said to standing, that thou mayst be able to rule Israel,
my lord the kingdo all that pleaseth him: and and to keep the law of the Lord thy God.
moreover the oxen also I give for a holocaust, 13 For then thou shalt be able to prosper, if
and the drays for wood, and the wheal for the sa- thou keep the commandments and judgments,
irifice: I will give it all willingly. which the Lord commanded Moses to teach Is-
24 And king David said to him: It shall not be rael: take courage and act manfully; fear not, noi
6o; but I will give thee money as much as it is be dismayed.
worth: for I must not take it from thee, and so 14 Behold, I in my poverty have prepared the
offer to the Lord holocausts free-cost. charges of the house of the Lord, oi gold a hun-
25 So David gave to Oman for the place, six dred thousand talents, and of silver a million of
hundred sides* of gold of just weight. talents: but of brass, and of iron there is no
26 And he built there an altar to the Lord: and weight; for the abundance surpassethall account:
he offered holocausts and peace-offerings: and he timber also and stones I have prepared for all the
called upon the Lord, and he heard him by send- charges.
ing fire from heaven upon the altar of the holo- 15 Thou hast also workmen in abundance,
caust. hewers of stones, and masons, and carpenters, and
27 And the Lord commanded the Angel: and of all trades the most skilful in their work,
he put up his sword again into the sheath. 16 In gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in
28 And David seeing that the Lord had heard iron, whereof there is no number. Arise then,
him in the threshing-floor of Oman the Jebusite, and be doing; and the Lord will be with thee.
forthwith offered victims there. 17 David also charged all the princes of Israel,
29 But the tabernacle of the Lord, which Mo- to help Solomon his son,
ses made in the desert, and the altar of holocausts, 18 Saying: You see, that the Lord your God is
was at that time in the high-jjlace of Gabaon. with you, and hath given you rest round about,
30 And David could not go to the altar there and hath delivered all your enemies into your
to pray to God: for he was seized with an ex- hands; and the land is subdued before the Lord,
ceeiiing great fear, seeing the sword of the Angel and before his people.
of the Lord. 19 Give therefore your hearts and your souls, to
seek the Lord your God: and arise, and build a
sanctuary to the Lord God, that the ark of the
David having prepared all necessaries, chargeth covenant of the Lord, and the vessels consecrated
Salomon to build the temple, and the princes to to the Lord, may he brought into the house, which
assist him. is built to the name of the Lord.
THEN David said: This is the house of God;
and this is the altar for the holocaust of Is-
rael. David appoint eth Solomon king. The distribu-
2 And he commanded to gather together all the tion of the Levitts and their offices.
proselytes of the land of Israel: and out of them
he anpointed stone-cutters to hew stones and
AND David being old and full of days, made
Solomon his son king over Israel.
polisn them, to build the house of God. 2 And he gathered together all the princes of
3 And David prepared in abundance iron for Israel, and the priests and Levites.
the nails of the gates, and for the closures and 3 And the Levitts were numbered from the
joinings: and of brass an immense weight. age of thirty years, and upwards: and there were
4 And the cedar-trees were without number, found of them thirty eight thousand men.
which the Sidonians and Tyrians brought to Da- 4 Of these twenty four thousand were chosen,

vid. land distributed unto the ministry of the house of^

5 And David said: Solomon my son is very 'the Lord: and six thousand were the overseers
young and tender: and the house which I would and judges.
have to '^e built to the Lord, must be such as to 5 Moreover four thousand were porters: and

be renowned in all countries: therefore I will as many singers singing to the Lord with the in-
prepare him necessaries. And therefore before struments, which he had made to sing with.
his death he pre[)ared all the charges. 6 And David distributed them into courses by
6 And he called for Solomon his son; and com- the families of the sons of Levi, to wit, of Ger-

ison, and of Caath, and of Merari.

• Six hundred sides, ^-c. This was the prioe 7 The sons of Gerson were Leedan and Semei.

of the whole place, on which the temple was af- 8 The sons of Leedan: the chief Jahiel, and

terwards builj; but the price of the oxen was fifty :Zethan, and .loel, three.
cicles of silver, 2 Kin^s, xxiv. 24. 9 The sons of Semei: Salomith, and Hosiel,

and Aran, three : these were the heads of the
fa- 2 But Nadab and Abiu died before their father,
milies of Leetlan. and had no children: so Eleazar and Ithamar dia
10 And the sons of Seniei were Leheth, and the office of the priesthood.
Ziza, and Jaus, and Baria: these were the sons of H And David distributed them, that is, Sadoc
Semei, four. of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the
11 And Leheth was the first, Ziza the second: sons of Ithamar,' according to their courses and
but Jaus and Baria had not many children; and ministry.
therefore they werQ counted in one family, and in 4 And there were found many more of the sons
one house. of Eleazar among the principal men, than of the
12 The sons of Caath were Amram, and Isaar, sons of Ithamar. And he divided them so, that
Hebron, and Oziel, four. there were of the sons of Eleazar, sixteen chief
13 The sons of Amram, Aaron and Moses. men by their families; and of the sons of Ithamar,
And Aaron was separated to minister in the Holy eight by their families and houses.
of Holies, he and nis sons for ever, and to burn 5 And he divided bsth the families one with
incense before the Lord according to his ceremo- the other by lot: io: there were princes of the
nies, and to bless his name for ever. ,
sanctuary, and princes of God, both of the sons
14 The sons also of Moses, the man of God, of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar.
were numbered in the tribe of Levi. 6 And Semeias the son of Naihanael the scribe
15 The sons of Moses were Gersom and Eliezer a Levite, wrote them down before the king and
Ifi The sons of Gersom: Subuel the first. the princes, and Sadoc the priest, and Ahimelech
17 And the sons of Eliezer were Rohobia the the son of Abiathar, and the princes also of
first: and Eliezer had no more sons. But the sons the priestly and Levitical families: one house,
of Rohobia were multiplied exceedingly. which was over the rest, of Eleazar: and an-
18 The sons of Isaar: Salomith the first. other house, which had the rest under it, of
19 The sons of Hebron: Jeriauthe first, Ama- Ithamar.
rias the second, Jahaziel the third, Jecmaam the Now
7 the first lot came forth to Joiarib; the
fourth. second to Jedei;
20 The sons of Oziel: Micha the first, Jesia 8 The third to Harim; the fourth to Seorim;
the second. 9 The fifth to Melchia; the sixth to Maiman;
21 The sons of Merari: Moholi, and Musi. 10 The seventh to Accos; the eighth t(
The sons of Moholi: EJeazar and Cis. Abia;
22 And Eleazar died, and had >no sons but 11 The ninth to Jesua, the tenth to Seche-
daughters: and the sons of Cis their brethren took nia;
them. 12 The eleventh to Eliasib; the twelfth to Ja-
23 The sons of Musi: Moholi, and Eder, and cim;
Jerimoth, three. 13 The thirteenth to Hoppha; the fourteenth to
24 These are the sons of Levi in their kindreds Isbaab;
and families, princes by their courses, and the 14 The fifteenth tb Belga; the sixteenth to
number of every head tnat did the works of the Emer;
ministry of the house of the Lord, from twenty 15 The seventeenth to Hezir; the eighteenth
years old and upward. to Aphses;
25 For David said: The Lord the God of Is- 16 The nineteenth to Pheteia; the twentieth to
rael hath given rest to his people, and a habitation Hezechiel;
in Jerusalem for ever. 17 The one and twentieth to Jachin; the two
26 And it shall not be the office of the Levites and twentieth to Gamul:
to carry any more the tabernacle, and all the ves 18 The three and twentieth to Dalaiau; the
sels for the service thereof four and twentieth to Maaziau.
27 So according to the last precepts of David, 19 These are their courses according to their
the sons of Levi are to be numbered from twen- ministries, to come into the house of the Lord,
ty years old and upward. and according to their manner under the hand of
28 And they are to be under the hand of the Aaron their father: as the Lord the God of Israel
sons of Aaron for the service of the house of the had commanded.
Lord, in the porches, and in the chambers, and in Now
20 of the rest of the sons of Levi, there
the place of purification, and in the sanctuary, was of the sons of Amram, Subael; and of the
and in all the works of the ministry of the temple sons of Subael, Jehedeia.
of the Lord. 21 Also of the sons of Rohobia, the chief
29 And the priests have the charge of the Jesias.
loaves of proposition, and of the sacrifice of fine 22 And the son of Isaar, Salemoth: and the son
flour, and of the unleavened cakes, and of the of Salemoth, Jahath: ,

frying-pan, and of the roasting, and of every 23 And his son Jeriau the first, Amarias the
weight and measure. second, Jahaziel the third, Jecmaam the fourth.
30 And the Levites are to stand in the morning 24 The son of Oziel, Micha: the son of Micha,
to give thanks, and to sing praises to the Lord; Samir.
and in like manner in the evening, 25 Thebrotherof Micha, Jesia: and the son of
31 As well in the oblation of the holocausts of Jesia, Zacharias.
the Lord, as in the sabbaths and in the new moons, 26 The sons of Merari: Moholi and Musi: the
and the rest of the solemnities, according to the son of Oziau: Benno.
number and ceremonies prescribed for every 27 The son also of Merari: Oziau,* and Soarn,
thing, continually before the Lord. and Zacchur, and Hebri.
32 And let them keep the observances of the 28 And the son of Moholi: Eleazar, who had
tabernacle of the covenant, and the ceremonies no sons.
of the sanctuary, and the charge of the sons of 29 And the sons of Cis, Jeramael.
Aaron their brethren; that they may minister in 30 The sons of Musi: Moholi, Eder, and Jeri-
the house of the Lord. moth. These are the sons of Levi acconling to
CHAP. XXIV. the houses of their families.
The divisions of the priests into four and twenty 31 And they also cast lots over-against their
courses, to serve in the temple: the chiefs of the brethren, the sons of Aaron before David the
I^pvites. Ising, and Sadoc, and Ahimelech. and the princes

NOW these were the divisions of the sons of of the priestly and Leviticai families, b(<th the
Aaron: The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and fider and the younger. The lot divided aU
Abiu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar. equally.
CHAP. XXV. 30 The three and twentieth to Mahazioth, to
his sons and his brethren twelve.
ITie number and divisions of the musicians. 31 The four and twentieth to Romemthiezer
MOREOVER, David and the chief officers of to his sons and his brethren twelve.
the army separated for the ministry the
Bons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Idithun; to
prophesy with harps, and with psalteries, and with The divisions of the porters. Offices of other
cymbals, according to their number serving in Levites.
their appointed office.
2 Of the sons of Asaph: Zacchur, and Joseph,
AND the divisions of the porters: of the Co-
rites Meselemia, the son of Core, of the
and Nathania, and Asarela, sons of Asaph; un- sons of Asaph.
der the hand of Asaph, prophesying near the 2 The sons of Meselemia: Zacharias the first-
king. « born, Jadihel the second, Zabadias the third, Ja-
3 And of Idithun the sons of Idithun, Godolias,
: thanael the fourth,
Sori, Jeseias, anJ*Hasabias, and Mathathias, six, 3 Elam the fifth, Johanan the sixth, Elioenai
under the hand of their father Idithun, who pro- the seventh.
phesied with a harp to give thanks, and to praise 4 And the sons of Obededom, Semeias the
the Lord. first-born, Jozabad the second, Joaha the third,
4 Of Heman also: the sons of Heman, Bocciau, Sachar the fourth, Nathanael the fifth.
Mathaniau, Oziel, Subuel, and Jerimolh, Hana- 5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh,
nias, Hanani, PZliatiia, Geddelthi, and Jlomenthi- Phollathi the eighth: for the Lord had blessed
ezer, and Jesbacassa, Mellothi, Othir, Mahazi' him.
oth: 6 And to Semei his son were born sons, heads
5 All these were the sons of Heman the seer of their families: for they were men of great
of the king in the words of God, to lift up the valour.
horn: and God gave to Heman fourteen sons and 7 The sons then of Semeias were Othni, and
three daughters. Raphael, and Obed, Elizabad, ai?d his brethren
6 All these under their father's hand were dis- most valiant men: and Elihu, and Samachias.
tributed to sing in the temple of the liOrd, with 8 All these of the sons of Obededom: they
cymbals, and psalteries, and harps, for the service and their sons, and their brethren most able men
of the house of the Lord near the king: to wit, for service, sixty two of Obededom.
Asa[)h, and Idithun, and Heman. 9 And the sons of Meselemia, and their breth
7 And the numblr of them with their brethren, ren strong men, locre eighteen.
tiiat taught the .song of the Lord, all the teachers, 10 And of Hosa, that is, of the sons of Merari:
were two hundred and eighty eight. Semri the chief (for he had not a first-born,* and
8 And they cast lots by their courses, the elder therefore his father made him chief)
equally with the younger, the learned and the un- 11 Helcias the second, Tabelias the third, Za-
learnt-d together. charias the fourth: all these the sons and the
9 And the first lot came forth to Joseph, who brethren of Hoza were thirteen.
was of Asaph. The second to Godolias, to him 12 Among these were the divisions of the por-
and his sons, and his brethren twelve. ters, so that the chiefs of the wards, as well as
10 The third to Zachur, to his sons, and his their brethren, always ministered in the house of
brethren twelve. the Lord.
11 The fourth to Isari, to his sons, and his 13 And they cast lots equally, both little and
brethren twelve. great, by their families, for every one of the
12 The fifth to Nathania, to his sons and his gates.
brethren twelve. 14 And the lot of the east fell to Selemias
13 The sixth to Bocciau, to his sons and his But to his son Zacharias, a very wise and learned
brethren twelve. man, the north gate fell by lot.
14 The seventh to Isreela, to his sons and his 15 And to Obededom and his sons, that to-
brethren twelve. wards the south: in which part of the house was
15 The eighth to Jesaia, to his sons and his the council of the ancients.
brethren twelve. 16 To Sephim and Hosa towards the west, by
16 The ninth to Mathanaias, to his sons and his the gate which leadeth to the way of the ascent;
brethren twelve. ward against ward.
17 The tenth to Semeias, to his sons and his 17 Now towards the east were six Levites;
brethren twelve. and towards the north four a day; and towards
18 The eleventh to Azareel, to his sons and his the south likewise four a day; and where the
brethren twelve. council was, two and two.
19 The twelfth to Hasabia, to his sons and his 18 In the cells also of the porters towards the
brethren twelve. west four in the way; and two at every cell.
20 The thirteenth to Subael, to his sons and his 19 These are the divisions of the porters of
brethren twelve. the sons of Core and of Merari.
21 The fourteenth to Mathathias, to his sons 20 Now Achias was over the treasures of the
and his hretliren twelve. house of God, and the holy vessels.!
22 The fifteenth to Jerimoth, to his sons and 21 The sons of Ledan, the sons of Gersonni-
his brethren twelve. of Ledan were heads of the families, of Ledan,
23 The sixteenth to Hananias, to his sons and and Gersonni, Jehieli.
his hiothrcn twelve. 22 The sons of Jehieli: Zathan, and Joel his
24 The seventeenth to Jesbacassa, to his sons brethren over the treasures of the house of the
and his brethren twei 'e Lord,
2") The eigliteenth to Hanani, to his sons and 23 With the Amramites, and Isaarites, and He-
his hri'threti twelve. bronites, and Ozielites.
2H The nineteenth to Mellothi, to his sons and 24 And Subael the son of Gersom, the son of
his luctliren twelve. Moses, was chief over the treasures.
27 The twentieth to Eliatha, to his sons and his
brethrin twelve. * He had not a first-born. That is, his first-
28 The one and twentieth to Othir, to his sons born was either dead or not fit to be chief: and
and his brethren twelve. therefore he made Semri the chief.
2!t The two and twentieth to Geddelthi, to his Or vessels of the holy places^
t Hohi vessels.
80US and his brethren twelve. or of things holy. Vasa sanctot-um.
25 His brethren also Eliezer, whose son Raha- 13 The tenth, for the tenth month, was Maral,
and his son Isaias, and his son Joram, and
bia, who was a Netophathite of the -race of Zarai:
his son Zechri, and his son Selemith. and in his company were four and twenty thou-
26 Which Selemith and his brethren, were sand.
over the treasures of the holy things, which king 14 The eleventh, for the eleventh month, was
David, and the heads of families, and the cap- Banaias, a Pharathonite of the sons of Ephraim:
tains over thousands and over hundreds, and the and in his company were four and twenty thou-
captains of the host had dedicated, sand.
27 Out of the wars, and the spoils won in bat- 15 The twelfth, for the twelfth month, was
tles, which they had consecrated to the building Holdai a Netophathite, of the race of Gothoniel*
and furniture of the temple of the Lord. and in his company were four and twenty thou
28 And all these things that Samuel the seer, sand.
and Saul the son of Cis, and Abner the son of 16 Now the chiefs over the tribes of Israel
Ner, and Joab the son of Sarvia had sanctified: were these: over the Rubenites, Eliezer the son
and whosoever had sanctified those things, they of Zechri was ruler; over the Simeonites, Sapba
were under the hand of Selemith and his breth- tias the son of Maacha;
ren 17 Over the Levites, Hasabias the son of Ca-
29 But Chonenias and his sons were over the muel; over the Aaronites, Sadoc;
Isaarites, for the business abroad over Israel to 18 Over Juda, Eliu the brother of David; over
teach them and judge them. Issachar, Amri the son of Michael;
30 And of the Hebronites Hasabias, and his 19 Ovar the Zabulonites, Jesmaias the son of
brethren most able men, a thousand seven hun- Adias; over the Nephtalites, Jerimoth the son of
dred had the charge over Israel bey on* the Jor- Ozriel;
dan westward, in all the works of the Lord, and 20 Over the sons of Ephraim, Osee the son of
for the service of the king. Ozaziu; over the half tribe of Manasses, JoA,
31 And the chief of the Hebronites was Jeria the son of Phadaia;
according to their families and kindreds. In the 21 And over the half tribe of Manasses in Ga-
fortieth year of the reign of David they were laad, Jaddo the son of Zacharias; and over Ben-
numbered: and there were found most valiant jamin, Jasiel the son of Abner;
men in Jazer Galaad, 22 And over Dan, Ezrihel the son of Jero-
32 And his brethren of stronger age, two thou- ham: these were the princes of the children of
sand seven hundred chiefs of families. And king Israel.
David made them rulers over the Rubenites and 23 But I)avid would noti number them from
the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasses, for twenty years old and under: because the Lord
all the service of God, and the king. had said that he would multiply Israel like the
stars of heaven.
CHAP. XXVII. 24 Joab the son of Sarvia began to number:
TTie twelve captairts for every month: the ticelve but he finished not; because upon this there fell
princes of the tribes. David's several officers. wrath upon Israel: and therefore the number of
NOW the children of Israel according to their them that were numbered, was not registered in
number, the heads of families, captains of the chronicles of king David.
thousands and of hundreds, and officers, that 25 And over the king's treasures was Azmoth
served the king according to their companies, the son of Adiel: and over those stores whiejh
who came in and went out every month in the were in the cities, and in the villages, and in the
year, under every chief, were four and twenty castles, was Jonathan the son of Ozias.
thousand. 26 And over the tillage, and the husbandmen,
2 Over the first company the first month Jes- who tilled the ground, was Ezri the son ol Che-
boam, the son of Zabdiel was chief; and under lub:
him were four and twenty thousand. 27 And over the dressers of the vineyards,
• 3 Of the sons of Phares, the chief of all the was Semeias a Romathite: and over the wine-
captains in the host in the first month. cellars, Zabdias an Aphonite.
4 The company of the second month was un- 28 And over the olive-yards and the fig-
der Dudia, an Ahohite; and after him was an groves, which were in the plains, was Balanam
other named Macelloth, who commanded a part a Gederite: and over the oil-cellars, Joas.
of the army of four and twenty thousand. 29 And over the herds that fed in Saron, was
5 AnJ the captain of the third company for Setrai a Saronite: and over the oxen in the val-
the third month, was Banaias the son of Joiada leys, Saphat the son of Adii:
the priest: and in his division were four and 30 And over the camels, Ubil an Ismahelite:
twenty thousand. and over the asses, Jadias a Meronathite:
6 This is that Banaias the most valiant among 31 And over the sheep Jaziz an Agarene. All
the thirty, and above the thirty. And Amiza- these were the rulers of the substance of king
bad his son commanded his company. David.
7 The fourth, for the fourth month, was Asahel 32 And Jonathan, David's uncle, a counsellor,
the brother of Joab, and Zabadias his son after a wise and learned man; he and Jahiel the son of
him: and in his company were four and twenty Hachamoni were with the king's sons.
thousand. 33 And Achitophel was the king's counsellor,
S The fifth captain for the fifth month, was Sa- and Chusai the Arachite, the king's friend.
maoth a Jezerite: and his company were four 34 And after Acliitophel was Joiada the son
and twenty thousand. of Banaias, and Abiathar. And the general of
9 Tlie sixth, for the sixth month, was Hira the the king's army was Joab.
son of Acces a Thecuile: and in his company CHAP. XXVIII.
were four and twenty thousand.
10 The seventh, for the seventh month, was David's speech, in a solemn assembly his exhor
Helles a Phallonite of the sons of Ephraim: and tation to Solomon. He givcth him a pattern of
in his company were four and twenty thousand. the temple.
11 The eighth, for the eighth month, was Sobo-
chai a H\isathite of the race of Zarahi: and in
AND David assembled all the chii-f men of
Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the cap-
his company were four and twenty thousand. tains of the companies, who waited on the king:
12 The ninth, for the ninth month, was Abie- and the ca|)tains over thousands, and over hun-
zer an Anathothite of the sons of Jemini: and in dreds, and them who had the charge over the
his e jmpany were four and twenty thousand. substance and possessions of the king, and his
one with the officers of the court, and the men like a man, and take courage, and do: fear noL
of power, and all the bravest of the army at Je- and be not dismayed: for the Lord my (rod will
rusalem. be with thee, and will not leave thee nor forsake
2 And the king rising up, and standing said: thee, till thou hast finished all the work for the
Hear me, my brethren, and my people: I had a service of the house of the Lord^
IhouEcht to have built a house, in which the ark 21 Behold, the courses of the priests and the
of the Jjord, and the footstool of our (lod might Levites, for every ministry of the house of the
rest: and I prepared all things for the building. Lord, stand by thee, and are ready: and both the
3 And God said to me: Thou shalt not build a princes and the people know how to execute all
house to my name: because thou art a man of thy commandments.
war, and hast shed blood. CHAP. XXIX
4 But the Lord God of Israel chose me of all
the house of my father, to be king over Israel for David by xoord and example encourageth tk*.

ever: for of Juda he chose the princes: and of princes to contribute liberally to the building
tlie house of Juda, my fatlier's house: and among of the temple. His thanksgiving, prayer, and
tlie sons of my father, it pleased him to choose sacrifices: bis death.
king over
And among my
all Israel.
sons (for the Lord hath given
AND king David said to all the assembly:
Solomon my son, whom alone God hath
me many sons) he hath chosen Solomon m.y son, chosen, is as yet j-oung and tender: and the work
to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord is great; for a house is prepared not for man, but
over Israel. for God.
6 And he said tome: Solomon thy son shall 2 And I with all my ability have prepared the
build my house, and my courts: for I have cho- expenses for the house of* my God. Gold for
sen him" to be my son, and I will be a father to vessels of gold, and silver for vessels of silver,
him. brass for things of brass, iron for things of iron,
7 And I will establish his kingdom for ever, if wood for things of wood: and onyx-stones, and
he continue to keep my commandments, and my stones like alabaster, and of divers colours, and
judgments, as at this day. all manner of p' ecious stones, and marble of Pa-
8 Now then before all the assembly of Israel, ros in great abindance:
in the hearing of o* God, keep ye, and seek all 3 Now ov'.r and above the things which I
the commandments of the Lord our God: that have offered "nto the house of my God, I give of
you may possess the good land, and may leave it my own pr jper goods, gold and silver for the
to your children afte^- you for ever. temple of -ny God, beside what things I iiave
9 And thou, my son Solomon, know the God prei^ared fjr the holy house:
of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart, 4 Three thousand talents of goiu ui'the gold of
and a willing mind; for the Lord searcheth all Ophir; jnd seven thousand talents of refined sil-
hearts, and undeistandeth all the thoughts of ver, to overlay the walls of the temple:
minds. If thou seek him, thou shalt find him: but 5 And gold for wheresoever there is need of
if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever. gold: and silver for wheresoever there is need of
10 Now therefore seeing the Lord hath chosen silver, for the works to be made by the hands of
thee to build the house of the sanctuary, take the artificers: now if any man is willing to offer,
courage, and do it. let him fill his hand to-day, and offer what he
11 And David gave to Solomon his son a de- pleaseth to the Lord.
scription of the porch, and of the temple, and of 6 Then the heads of the families, and the prin-
the treasures, and of the upper floor, and of the ces of the tribes of Israel, and the captains of
inner chambers, and of the house for the mercy- thousands, and of hundreds, and the overseers of
seat, the king's possessions promised.
12 As also of all the courts, which he had in 7 And they gave for the works of the house of
his thought, and of the chambers round about, for the Lord, of gold five thousand talents, and ten
the treasures of the house of the Lord, and for the thousand solids; of silver ten thousand talents;
treasures of the consecrated things, and of brass eighteen thousand talents; and of
13 And of the divisions of the priests and of the iron a hundred thousand talents.
Levites, for all the works of the house of the 8 And all they that had stones, gave them to
Lord, and for all the vessels of the service of the the treasures of the house of the Lord, by the
temple of the Lord: hand of Jahiel the Gersonite.
14 Gold by weight for every vessel for the 9 And the peoj'le rejoiced, when they promis-
ministry; and silver by weight according to the ed their offerings willingly: because they offered
diversity of the vessels and uses. them to the Lord with all their heart: and David
13 He gave also gold for the golden candle- the king rejoiced also with a great joy.
sticks, and their lamps, according to the dimen- 10 And he blessed the Lord before all the mul-
sions of every candlestick, and the lamps thereof. titude; and he said: Blessed art thou, O Lord the
In like manner also he gave silver by weight for God of Israel, our father from eternity to eternity.
the silver candlesticks, and for their lamps, ac- 11 Thine, O
Lord, is magnificence, and fower,
cording to the diversity of the dimensions of and glory, and victory: and to thee is praise: for
them. all that is in heaven, and in earth, is thine: thine
16 Hegave also gold for the tables of proposi- is the kingdom, O
Lord, and thou art above all
tion, according to the diversity of the tables; in princes.
like manner also silver for other tables of silver 12 Thine are riches, and thine is glory: thou
17 For flesh-hooks also, and bowls, and cen- hast dominion over all: in thy hand is power and
tCTs of fine gold, and for little lions of gold, ac might; in thy hand greatness, and the empire of
cording to the measure he gave by weight, for all thinc:s.
every lion. In like manner also for lions of sil- 13 Now
therefore, our God, we give thanks to
ver he set aside a different v.-eight of silver. thee; and we praise thy glorious name.
18 And for the altar of incense, he gave the 14 Who
am I, and what is mypeople, that we
purest gold; and to make the likeness of the cha- should be able to promise thee all these things.'
riot of the Cherubims spreading their wings, and all things are thine: and we havegj-en thee what
covering the ark of the covenant of the Ijord. we received of thy hand.
19 All these things, said he, came to me writ 15 For we are sojourners before thee, and
ten by the hand of the Lord; that I might under strangers, as rvrre all our fathers. Our days upon
stand all the works of the pattern. earth are as a shadow; and there is no stay.
20 And David said to Solomon his son: Act 16 Ix)rd our God, all this store that we have
2M 273
prepared to build thee a house for thy holy name, thatday with great joy. And they anointed the
18 from thy hand; and all things are thine. second time Solomon the son of David. And
17 i know, my God, that thou provest hearts, they anointed him to the Lord to be prince, and
and simplicity; wherefore I also in the Sadoc to be high- priest.
simplicity of my heart, have joyfully offered all 23 And Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord
these thin};s. and I have seen with great joy thy as king instead of l^avid his father: and he pleas-
people which are here present, offer thee their ed all; and all Israel obeyed him.
offerings. 24 And all the princes, and men of power, and
IS O Lord God of Abraham, and of I.saac, and all the sons of king David gave their hand, and
of Israel, our fathers, keep for ever this will of were subject to Solomon the king.
their heart; and let this mind remain always for 25 And the Lord magnified Solomon over all
llie worship of thee. Israel: an;! gave him the glory of a reign, such. as
19 And give 1o Solomon my son a perfect no king of Israel had before him.
heart, that lie may keep thy commandments, thy 26 So David the son of Isai reigned over all
testimonies, and thy ceremonies, and do all things: Israel.
and build the house, for which I have provided 27 And the days that he reigned over Israel,
the charges. were forty years: in Hebron he reigned seven
20 And David cominanded all the assembly: years, and in Jerusalem three and thirty years.
Bless ye the Lord our God. And all the assem- 28 And he died in a good age, full of days, and
bly blessed the Lord the God of their fathers: riches, and glory. And Solomon his son reigned
and they bowed themselves, and worshipped in his stead.
God, and then the king. 29 Now
the acts df king David first and last
21 And they sacinhced victims to the Lord: are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and
and they offered holocausts the next day. a thou- in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the
sand bullocl s, a thousand rams, a thousand lambs, book of Gad the seer:
with their libations, and with every thing pre 30 And of all his reign, and his valour, and of
scribed most abundantly for all Israel. the times that passed under him, either in Israel,
22 And they ate and drank before the Lord or in all the kingdoms of the countries.


CHAP. I. asked riches, and wealth, and glory, nor the lives
of them that hate thee, nor many days of life; but
Solomon offereth sacrifices at Gabaon. His hast asked wisdom and knowledge,
to be able to
choice of tcisdom, which God givcth him.
judge my people, over which I nave made thee
AND Solomon the son of David was strength- king;
ened in his kingdom: and the Lord his God 12 Wisdom and knowledge are granted to thee:
•was with him, and magnified him to a high degree. and I will give thee, and wealth, and glo-
2 And Solomon gave orders to all Israel, to the ry, so that none of the kings before thee, nor
captains of thousands, and of hundreds, and to after thee, shall be like thee.
the rulers, and to the judges of all Israel, and the 13 Then Solomon came from the high place of
heads of the families: Gabaon to Jerusalem before the tabernacle of the
3 And he went with all the multitude to the covenant, and reigned over Israel.
high place of Gabaon, where was the tabernacle 14 An(I he gathered to himself chariots and
of the covenant of the Lord, which Moses the horsemen: and he had a thousand four hundred
servant of God made, in the wilderness. chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen: and he
4 For David had brought the ark ol God from placed them in the cities of the chariots, and with
Cariathiarim to the place which he had i)repared the king in Jerusalem.
for it, and where he had pitched a tabernacle for 15 And the king made silver and gold to be in
it, that is, in Jerusalem. Jerusalem as stones, and cedar-trees as syca-
5 And the altar of brass, which Beseleel the mores, which grow in the plains in great mul-
son of Uri the son of Hur had made, was there titude.
before the tabernacle of the Lord: and Solomon 16 And there were liorses brought him from
and all the assembly sought it. Egypt, and from Coa by the king's merchants,
G And Solomon wont up thither to the brazen who went, and bought at a price,
altar, before the tabernacle of the covenant of 17 A
chariot of four horses for siv hundred pie-
the Jjord, and offered up on it a thousand vicJms. ces o^ silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty:
7 And behold, that night God appeared to him, i;n hke STianner market was made in all the king-
saying: Ask what thou wilt that I shcaiu give !<io«is c-f the Heihites, and of the kings of Syria-
8 And Solomon said God Thou :;a5tshov/n!

great kindness to my father David; and hasi •SoIcm'jn''s cmbassdge to Hiram, who sends him a
made me king in his stead. skilful tcorkmuv, and timber.
9 Now therefore,O Lord God, let thy word
be fulfilled, which thou hast promised to David
AND Solomon determined to build a house to
the name of the Lord, and a palace for him-
my father: for thou hast mode me king over thy self.
great people, which is as innumerable as the dust And he numbered out seventy thousand men
of the earth. bear burdens, and eighty thousand to heW
10 Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may stones in the mountains, and three thousand six
come in and go out before thy people: for who hundred to oversee tliem.
can worthily judge this thy people, which is so 3 He sent also to Hiram king of Tyre, saying:
great? As thou didst with David my fathT, and didst
11 And God said to Solomon: Because this send him cedars, to build him a house, in whica
choice hath pleased thy heart, and thoit. hast not he dwelt:
CHAP. Ill, rv.

4 So Jo with me, that I ma}' build a house to I 3 Nowthese are the foundations, which SoIo<
the name of the Lord my God, to dedicate it toi mon to build the house of God, the length
burn incense before him, .ind to perfume with by the first measure si.xty cubits, the breadth
nromatical spices, and for the continual settiiip;| twenty cubits.
forth of bread, and for the holocau^ts, morninj^ 4 And the porch in the front, which was ex-
and eveninc:, and on the sabbaths, and on the tended in length according to the measure of the
liew-inoons, and the solemnities of the Ix)rd our breadth of the house, twenty cubits: and the
God for ever, whic+i are commanded for Israel. height was a lumdred and twenty cubits: and he
5 For the house which I desire to build, Is overlaid it within with pure gold.
great: for our God is great above all gods. 5 And the greater house he ceiled with deal
6 Who then can be able to build him a worthy boards, and overlaid them with plates of fine gold
house.' if heaven, and the lieavens of heavens throughout: and he graved in them palm-trees,
cannot contain him; who am I, that I should be and like little chains interlaced with one another.
able to build him a house.' but to this end only, 6 He paved also the floor of the temple with
that incense may be burnt before him. most precious marble, of great beauty.
7 Send me therefore a skilful man, that know- 7 And the gold of the jjlates with which he
eth how to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, overlaid the house, and the beams thereof, and the
and in iron, in purple, in scarlet and in blue, and posts, and the walls, and the doors, was of the
that hath skill in engraving, with the artificers, finest: and he graved cherubimson the walls.
wliich I have with me in judea and Jerusalem, 8 He made also the house of the holy of holies:
whom David my father provided. the length of it according to the breadth of the
8 Send me also cedars, and fir-trees, and pine- temple, twenty cubits, and the breadth of it in
trees from Libanus: for 1 know that thy servants like manner twenty cubits: and he overlaid it
are skilful in cutting timber in Libanus; and my with plates of gold, amounting to about six hun-
servants shall be with thy servants, dred talents.
9 To provide me timber in abundance. For 9 He made also nails of gold; and the weight
the house which I desire to build, is to be exceed of every nail was fifty sides: the upper cham-
ing great and glorious. bers also he ovc 'aid with gold.
10 And I will give thy servants the workmen 10 He made also in the house of the holy of
that are to cut down the trees, for their food holies two cherubims of image- work: ancl he
twenty thousand cores of wheat, and as many overlaid them with gold.
cores of barley, and twenty thousand measures 11 The wings of the cherubims were extended
of wine, and twenty thousand measures of oil. twenty cubits, so that one wing was five cubits
11 And Hiram king of Tyre sent a letter to long, and reached to the wall of the house: and
Solomon, saying: Because the Lord hath loved the other was also five cubits long, and reached
his people, therefore he hath made thee king over to wing
of the other chei^ub.
them. manner the wing of the other che-
12 In like
12 And he added, saying: Blessed be the Lord rub was five cubits long, and reached to the wall;
the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, and his other wing was five cubits long, and
who hath given to king David a wise and know- touched the wing of the other cherub.
ing son, endued with uiulerstanding and pru- 13 So the wings of the two cherubims were
dence, to build a house to the Lord, and a palace spread forth, and were extended twenty cubits;
for himself and they stood upright on their feet; and their
13 I therefore have sent thee my father Hiram, faces were turned toward the house without.
a wise and most skilful man, 14 He made also a veil of violet, purple, scar-
14 The son of a woman of the daughters of let, and silk; and wrought in it cherubims.
Dan, whose father was a Tyrian, who knoweih 15 He made also before the doors of the tem-
how to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, and ple two pillars, which were five and thirty cubits
in iron, and in marble, and in timber, in pur- nigh: and their chapiters were five cubits.
ple also, and violet, and silk, and scarlet: and 1() He made also as it were little chains in the

who knoweth to grave all sort of graving, and to oracle: and he put them on the heads of the pil-

devise ingeniously all that there may be need of lars; and a hundred pomegranates, wliich he put
in the work with thy artificers, and with the arti- bet'veen the little chains.
ficers of my lord David thy father. 17 These pillars he [uit at the entrance of the
15 The wheat therefore, and the barley, and temple, one on the right hand, and the other on
the oil, and the wine, which thou, my lord, hast the left: that which was on the right hand, he
promised, send to thy servants. called Jachin; and that on the left hand, Booz.
H) And we will cut down as many trees out
of Libanus as thou shall want, and will convey
them in floats by sea to Joppe: and it will be thy The altar of brass; the molten sea upon twelve
part to briiii them thence to Jerusalem. oxen; the ten lavers; the' candlestii/>s, and
17 Ami Solomon numbered all the proselvtes other vessels, and ornaments of the temple.
in the land of Israel, after the numbering which
David his father had made; and they were found
made also an altar of brass twenty cubits
long, and twenty cubits broad, and ten cu-
a huiidred fifty three thousand and six hunrlred. bits high.
IS And he set seventy thousand of iheni to car- 2 Also a molten sea of ten cubits from bririi to
rj burilcns on their shoulders, and eighty thou- brim, round in compass: it was five cubits high:

sanil tohew stones in the mountains; and three and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round
thousand and six hundred to be overseers of the about.
Work of the peo[)Ie. 3 And tmder it there was the likeness of oxen,
and certain en^ravin^s on the outside ot ten cu-
bits compassed the belly of the sea, as it were
TIic plan and ornametils of the temple: the die- with two rows.
Ilia veil, and the pillars.
riibims. 4 And the oxen were cast: and the sea itself
AND So!(imon began to build the house of the was set upon the twelve oxen, lliree of which
Ivord in Jerusalem, in mount Moria, whicli looked toward the north; and other three to-
\i:u\ been shown to David his father, in the place waril the west; and otlier three toward the south;
wliicli Davi had prepared in the threshing-floor and the other three that remained toward the

of Oman the Jebusite. fnA: and the sea stood upon them: and tiie hind-
2 Arid he began to build in the second month, er jL-^rts of the oxen were inward under the sea.
ai the fourth year of his reign 5 Now the thickness nf it was a hand-L-eadllj,
and the brim of it was like the brim of a cup, or Israel, and all that were gathered together before
of a crisped lily : and it held three thousand the aik, sacrificed rams and oxen without num-
measures. ber; so great was the multitude of the victims.
6 He made also ten layers: and he set five on 7 And the priests brought in the ark of the
the right iiand, and five on the left, to wash in covenant of the Lord into its place, that is, \o the
them all such things as they were to offer for ho- oracle of the tem|)le, into the holy of holies under
locaust: but the sea was for the priests to wash in. the wings of the cherubims:
7 And he made ten golden candlesticks, ac- 8 So that the cherubims spread their wings over
cording to the form which they were command- the place, in which the ark was set, and covered
ed to be made by: and he set them in the temple, the ark itself and its slaves.
f ve on the right hand, and five on the left. 9 Now
the ends of the staves wherewith the
8 Moreover also ten tables: f.nd he set them ark was carried, because they were something
in the temjile, five on the right side, and five on longer, were seen before the oracle: but if « r.;*.a
the left; also a hundred bowls of gold. were a little outward, he could not see them. So
9 He made also the court of the priests, and a the ark has been there unto this day.
great hall, and doors in the hall, which he cover- 10 And there was nothing else in the ark but
ed with brass. the two tables which Moses put there at Horeb
10 And he set the sea on the right side over- when the Lord gave the law to the childitii of
against the east toward the south. Israel, at their coming out of Egypt.
11 And Hiram made caldrons, and flesh-hooks, 11 Now
when the priests were come out of the
^nd howls; and finished ail the king's work in the sanctuary (for all the priests that could be found
house of God: there, were sanctified: and as yet at that time the
12 That is to say, the two pillars, and the pom- courses and order of the ministries were not di-
mels, and the chaiiiiers, and the net-work, to vided atnong them)
Cdvertlie chapiters over the pommels: 12 Roth the Levites and the singing men, that
13 And four hundred pomegranates, and two is, both they that were under Asanh, and they
wreaths of net-work; so that two rows of pome that were under Hemnn, and they that were un-
granates were joined to each wreath, to cover der Idithun, with their sons, and their brethren,
the pommels, and the chapiters of the pillars. clothed with fine linen, sounded with cymbals,
14 He made also bases, and lavers, which he and i)salteries, and harps,standing on the east side
set upon the bases. of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty
15 One sea, and twelve oxen under the sea. priests, sounding with trumpets.
16 And the caldrons, and flesh-hooks, and 13 So when they all .sounded together, both
bowls. All the vessels did Hiram his father with trumjiets, and voice, and cymbals, and or-
make for Solomon in the house of the Lord, of the gans, and with divers kind of musical instrument.s,
finest brass. and lifted up their voice on high; the sound was
17 In the country near the Jordan di.l the king heard afar off, so that when they began to praise
cast them, in a clay-ground between Sochot and the Lord, and to say Give glory to the Lord, for

Saredatha. he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever; the

18 And the multitude of vessels was innume house of God was filled with a cloud.
rable, so that the weight of the brass was not 14 Nor could the priests stand and minister by
kni:wn. reason of the cloud. For the glory of the Lord
19 And Solomon made all the vessels for the had filled the house of God.
house of God, and the golden altar, and the tables,
upon which were the loaves of proposition,
20 The candlesticks also of most pure gold Solomon^s blessings and prayer.
with their lamps to give light before the oracle,
according to the manner.
lie dwell
said: The Lord pfomised that
in a cloud.
21 And certain flowers, and lamps, and golden 2 But I have built a house to his name, that he
tongs: all were made of the finest gold. might dwell there for ever.
22 The vessels also for the perfumes and the 3 And the king turned his face, and blessed all
censers, am! the bowls, and the moriars, of pure the multitude of Israel (for all the multitude stood
gold. And he graved ihe doors of the inner tem- attentive) and he said:
ple, that IS. lor the holy ol linhes: and the doors 4 Biessed be the Lord the God of Israe!, who
ot ttie temple without were of gold. And thus hath accomplished in deed that which he sjioke to
all the work was finisiied, wiiich Solomon made David my lather, saving:
in tne house of the Lord. 5 p'rom the ilay that I brought my peo] le out
of the land of Egypt, I chose no city among all
CHAP. V. the tribes of Israel, for a house to be built in it to
The ark is hroui^ht unth ^reat solemnity into the tmy name: neither chose 1 any other man, to be
temple: the temple is filled iinth the glory of Ithe ruler of my people Israel.
God. 6 But I chose Jerusalem, that my name might
THEN Solomon brought in all the things that |be there: and 1 chose David to .set him over my

David his father had vowed, the silver, and Ipeople Israel.
the gold, and all the vessels he put among the 7 And whereas David my father had a mind to

treasures of the house of God. jbi-.iid 5 house to the name of the J^ord the G(xJ

2 And after this he gathered together the an- pi isi-ael,

cients of Israel, and all the princes of the tribes, 8 The Lord said to him: Forasmuch as it w^is

and the heads of the families, of the chililreti of thy will to build a house to mv name, thou hast
Isr:iel to Jerusalem, to bring the ark of the cove- done well indeed in having sucn a will:
nant of the Lord out of the city of David, which i) But thou shalt not build the house, hut thy
is Sion. son, who shall come out of thy loins, he shall
3 And all the men of Israel came to the king in build a house to my name.
the solemn day of the seventh month. 10 The Lord therefore hath accomplished his
4 And when all the ancients of Israel were word vi'hich he spoke: and I am risen uji in the
coMi.', the Levites took up the ark; place of David my father, and sit ujon the throne
•5 Ami brought it in, together with all the fur- of Israel, as the Lord promised; and have built a
niture of tl'.e tabernacle. And tlie priests with house to the name of the Lord God of hrael.
the Ijevites carried the vessels of the sanctuary, 11 And I have put in it the avk, when in is the
which wore in the tabernacle. covenant of the Lord, which he made with tlie
(> And king Solomon, and all the assembly of children of Israel.


12 And be stood before the altar of the l^ord, ng-place, and forgive, and reader to every on«
in presence of all the multitude of Israel, audi according to his ways, which thou knowest him
stretched forth his hands. •
to have in his heart: (for thou only knowest the
13 for Solomon had made a brazen scaffold, and hearts of the children of men:)

had set it in tlie midst of the temple, which wasj 31 That they may fear thee, and v.-alk in thy
five cubits lonj;, and five cubits hrond, and three ways all the days that they live upon the face of
cubits hisb: and lie stood upon it: then kneeling the land, which thou hast given to our fathers.
down in the presence of all the multitude of Is- 32 If the stranger also, who is not of thy peo-
rael, and lifting up his hands towards heaven, ,)ie Israel, come trom a far country, for the sake
1-1 He said: () Lord God of Israel, there is no of thy great name, and thy strong hand, and thy
God like thee in heaven nor in earth; whokeep- stretched-out arm, and adore in tliis place:
est covenant and mercy with thy servants, that 33 Hear thou from heaven thy firm dwelling-
walk before thee with all their hearts: place, and do all that which that stranger shall
15 AVho hast perfoimed to thy servant David call upon thee for; that all the peojile of the earth
my father all that thou hast promised him; and may know thy name, and may fear thee, as thy
hast accomplished in fact, what thou hast spoken people Israel, and may know, that thy nnme is
',Tith the mouth, as also the present time proveth. nvoked upon this house, which I have built.
16 Now then, O Lord God of Israel, fulfil to 34 If thy peoide go out to war against their en-
tliy servant David my father, whatsoever thou emies, by the way that thou shalt send them, and
liast jiiomised him, sayin»: There shall not fail adore thee towards the way of this cily, which
thee a man in my sight, to sit upon the throne of thou hast chosen, and the house which I have
Israel: yet so that thy children take heed to their built to thy name:
w.iys, and walk in my law, as thou hast walked 35 Then hear thou from heaven their prayers,
bef()re me. and their suiiplications, and revenge them.
17 And now, Jjord God of Israel, let thy word 36 And if they sin against thee (for there is no
be established which thou hast spoken to thy man that sinneth not) and thou be angry with
servant David them, and deliver them up to their enemies, and
18 Is it credible then that God should dwell with they lead them away captive to a land either afar
men on the earth.' If heaven and the heavens of off, or near, at hand,

heavens do not contain thee, how much less this 37 And if they be converted in their heart, in
nouse, wdiicJi I have built.' the land to which they were led captive, and do
1!) I5ut to this end only it is made, that thou penance, and pray to thee in the land of their
mayst re;;artl the praj'er of thy servant, and his captivity, saying: We
have sinned; we have
supplication, O Lord my God: and mayst hear done wickedly; we have dealt unjustly:
the prayers which thy servant poureth out before 38 And return to thee with all their heart, and
thee. with all their soul, in the land of their capti\ity,
20 That thou mayest open thy ej'es upon this to which thf^y were" led away, and adore thee
house day and nij^ht, u])on the place when in towards the way of their own land which thou
thou hast promised that thy name snould be called avest their fathers, and of the city, which thou
ui>on; hast chosen, and the house which I have built to
21 And that thou wouldst hear the prayer which thy name:
thy servant prayeth in it: hearken then to the 3'J Then hear thou from heaven, that is, from
prayers of thy servant, and of thj' people Israel. thy firm dwelling-place, their prayers, and do
Whosoever shall pray in this place, hear thou judgment, and forgive thy people, although they
from thy dwelling-place, that is, from heaven, and lave sinned:
show mercy. 40 for thou ait my God: let thy eyes, I be-
22 If an3' man sin against his neighbour, and seech thee, be open, and let thy ears be attentive
come to swear against him, and bind himself with to the prayer, that is made in this place.
a curse before the altar in this house: 41 Now
therefore arise, O Lord God, into thy
23 Then hear thou from heaven, and do justice resting-place, thou and the ark of thy strength:
to thy servants, so as to requite the wicked by let thy priests, O Lord God, put on salvation,
makina; his fall urx)n his own head, anti thy saints rejoice in good things.
and to revenge the just, rewarding him according 42 O
Lord God, turn not away the face of thy
to his justice. .Tnointed: remember the mercies of David thy
24 If thy people Israel be overcome by their servant.
enemies, (for they will sin against thee) anil being
converted shall do penance, and call upon thy
name, and pray to thee in this place, Fire from heaven consumeth the sacrifices. The
25 Then hear thou from heaven, and forgive solemnity of the dedication of the temple. God
the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them back si<;nifeth his having heard Solomon's prayer;
mto the land, which thou gayest to them, and yet so if he continue to serve him.
their fathers. ND
when Solomon had made an end of his
2() If the heavens be shut up, and there fall no A^,
rayer. fire came down from heaven, and
'ain by reason of the sins of the peo[)le, and they consumed the holocausts and the \ictims: and
shall pray to thee in this place, and confess to thy the majesty of the Lord filled the house.
name, and be converted from their sins, when 2 Neither could the priests enter into the tem-
thou dost afliict them; ile of the Lord; because the majesty of the Lord
27 Then hear thou from heaven, O
Lord, and nai I filled the tem|ile of the Lord
forgive the sins of thy servants and of thy people 3 Moreover all the children of Israel saw the
Israel, and teach them the good way, in which fire coming down, and the glory of the Lord up.on
they may walk: and give rain to thy land, which the house: and falling down with their faces to
thou hast given to thy [leople to the ground, upon the stone pavement, they ador-
2S If a famine arise in the land, or a jjestilence, ed, and praised the I^ord; because he is good,
or blnstin.^, or mildew, or locusts, or cnterjiillars; because his mercy endureth for ever.
or if their enemies waste the country, and besiege 4 And the king and all the people sacrificed
tlie cities, w!:atsoever scourge or infirmity shall victims before the Lord.
De upori tliem: 5 And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of
29 Tuen if any of thy people Israel, knowing twenty two thousand oxen, and one humlred ana
his own scourge and infirmity, shall pray, and twenty thousand rams: and the king and all the
shall st)read forth his hands in this house; people dedicated the house of God.
30 Hear thou from heaven, from thy high dwell- 6 And the priests stood in their offices; and the

liCvites with the instruments of music of the 2 He built the cities which Hiram nad givei
"Lord, which kins. David made to praise the Lord; to Solomon, and caused the children of Israel to
because iiis mercy endureth for ever, singing; the dwell there.
hynms of David jjy their ministry and the priests
: 3 He went also into Einath Suba, and possess-
Bounded with trumpets before them, and all Israel cd it.
stood. 4 And he built Palmira in the desert: and he
7 Solomon also sanctified the middle of the built other strong cities in Emath.
court before the temple of the Lord: for he offer- 5 And he built Bethoron the upper, and Be-
ed there the holocausts, and the fat of the peace- thoron the nether, walled cities with gates and '

oflferings: because the brazen altar, which he had bars and locks;
made, could not hold the holocausts and the sa- j
6 Balaath also and all the strong cities that
crifices and the fat: were Solomon's, and all the cities of the chariots,
8 And Solomon kept the solemnity at that |and the cities of the horsemen. All that Solo-
time seven days, and all Israel with him, a very jmon had a mind, and designed, he built in Jeru-
great congregation, from the entrance of Ematn salem and in Libanus, and in all the land of his
to the torrent of Egypt. dominion.
& And he made on the eighth day a solemn as- 7 All the people that were left of the Ilethites,
sembly, because he had kept the dedication of and the Arnorrhitcs, and the Pherezites, and the
the altar seven days, and had celebrated the so- Hevites, and the Jebusites, that were not of the
lemnity seven days. stock of Israel:
10 So on the three and twen'ieth day of the 8 Of their children, and of the posterity, whom
seventh month he sent away the peojjle to their the children of Israel had not slain, Solomon ir.ade
dwellings, joyful and glad for the good that the to be tributaries until this day.
I^ord had done to David, and to Solomon, and to 9 But of the children of Israel he set none to
all Israel his people. serve in the king's works: for they were men ot
11 And Solomon finished the house of the war, and chief captains, and rulers of his chariuia
Lord, and the king's house, and all that he had and horsemen.
designed in his heart to do, in the house of the 10 And all the chief captains of king Solomon's
Lord, and in his own house; and he prospered. army were two hundred and fifty, who taught the
12 And the Lord appeared to him by night, people.
andsaiil: I have heard thy prayer; and I have 11 And he removed the daughter of Pharao
chosen this place to myself lor a house of sacrifice. from the city of David, to the house which he
13 If I shut up heaven, and there fall no rain, had built for her. For the king said: My wife
or if I give orders, and command the locust to shall not dwell in the house of David king of Is-
devour the land, or if I send pestilence among !rael; for it is sanctified; because the ark of the
my people: Lord came into it.
14 And my people, upon whom my name is 12 Then Solomon offered holocausts to the
called, being converted, shall make supplicatioil Lord upon the altar of the Lord, which he had
to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for built before the porch,
their most wicked ways: then will 1 hear from 13 That every day an offering might be made
heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal on it according to the ordinance of Moses, in the
their land. sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the fes-
15 My eyes also shall be open, and my ears tival days three times a year; that is to say, ia
attentive to the prayer of him that shall pray in the feast of unleavened brcjd, and in the feast of
this place. weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles.
16 For I have chosen, and have sanctified this 14 And he appointed according to the order of
place, that my name may be there for ever, and David his father the offices of the priests in their
my eyes and my heart may remain there perpe- ministries; and the Levites in their order to give
tually. praise, and minister before the priests according
17 And as for thee, if thou walk before me, as to the duty of every day; and the porters in their
Darid thy father walked, and do according to all divisions by gate and gate: for so David the man
that I have commanded thee, and keep my jus- of God had commanded.
tice and my judgments: 15 And the priests and Levites departed not
18 I will raise up the throne of thy kingdorn, from the king's commandments, as to any thing
as I promised to David thy father, saying: There that he had commanded, and as to the keeping of
shall not fail thee a man of thy stock to be ruler the treasures.
in Israel. 16 Solomon bad all charges prepared, from the
19 But if you turn away, and forsake my jus' day that he founded the house of the Lord, until
tices, and my commandments, which I have set the day wherein he finished it.
before you, and shall go and serve strange gods, 17 Then Solomon went to Asiongaber, and to
and adore them, Ailath on the coast of the Red Sea, which is in
20 I will pluck you up by the root out of my the land of Edom.
land which I have given you: and this house 18 And Hiram sent him ships by the hands of
which 1 have sanctified to my name, I will cast his servants, and skiltul mariners: and they went
away from before my face, and will make it a with Solomon's servants to Oi>hir: and thev took
by-word and an example among all nations. thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and
21 And this house .shall be for a proverb to all brought it to king Solomon.
that pass by: aniJ they shall be astonished, and
say: Why hath the Lord done thus to this land,
and to this house .' The queen of Saba admireth the wisdom of Sol-
22 And they shall answer: Because they for- omon. His riches and glory. His death.
sook the Lord the God of their fathers, who
brought them out of the land of Egypt, and laid
AND when the queen of Saba heard of the
fame of Solomon, she came to try him with
hold on strange gcds, and adored them, arid wor- hard questions at Jerusalem, with great riches,
shipped them: therefore all these evils are come and camels, which carried spices, and abundance
upon them. ofgold, and precious stones. And when she was
CHAP VIII. come to Solomon, she proposed to him all that
Solomon^s buildings and other acts. was in her heart.
AND at the end of twenty years after Solo- 2 And Solomon explained to her all that she
J\. mon had built the house of the Lord and his proposed and there was not any thing that he

own house; did not make clear unto her.

3 And when she had seen these' things, to wit, vessels of silver and of gold, and garmtJits, and
the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he armour, and spices, and horses, and mules.
had built, 25 And Solomon had forty thousand horses in
4 And the meats of his table, and the dwelling the stables, and twelve thousand chariots, and
places of his servants, and the attendance of his horsemen: and he placed them in the cities of
officers, and their apparel, his cup-bearers also, the chariots, and where the king was in Jeru-
and their garments, and the victims which he of- salem.
fered in the house of the Ijord; there was no more 26 And he exercised authority over all the
spirit in her, she was so astonished. kings from the river F.uphrates to the land of the
5 And she said to the1<ing: The word is true Philistines, and to the borders of Egypt.
which I heard in my country of thy virtues and 27 And he made silver as plentiful in Jeriisa-
wisdom. jlem as stones; and cedars as common as the
6 I did not believe them that told it, until I sj'camorcs, which grow in the plains.
came, and my eyes had seen, and I had proved 28 And horses were brought to him out of
that scarce one half of thy wisdom had been told Eg}'pt, and out of all countries.
me: thou hast exceeded thy fame with thy vir- 29 Now
the rest of the acts of Solomon first
tues and last are written in the words of Nathan the
7 Happy are thy men, and happy are thy ser- prophet, and in the books of Ahias the Silonite,
vants, who stand always before thee, and hear and in the vision of Addo the seer, against Jero-
thy wisdom boam the son of Nabat.
8 Blessed he the Lord thy God, who halh been 30 And Solomon reigned in Jerusaltm over all
pleased to set thee on his throne, king of the Lord Israel forty years.
thy God. Because God loveth Israel, and will 31 And he slept with his fathers: and they
preserve them for ever; therefore hath he made buried him in the city of David: and Roboam
thee king over them, to do judgment and jus- his son reigned in his stead.
9 And
she gave to the king a "hundred and
twenty talents of gold, and spices in great abun- Roboam ansiovrcth the, people roughly: upon
dance, and most precious stones: there were no u'liich ten tribes revolt.
euch spices as these which the queen cf Saba
gave to king Solomon.
AND Roboamwerewent
all Israel
to Sichem:
assembled, to
for thither
make him
10 And the servants also of Hiram, with the king.
servants of Solomon, brought gold from Ojihir, 2 And when Jeroboam the son of Nabat,
and thyine-trees, and most precious stones: who was in Egypt (for he was fled thither from
11 And the king made of the tliyine-trees stairs Solomon)
hearcl it, forthwith he returned.
in the house of the JjOrd, and in tlie king's house, 3 And
they sent for him; and he came with all
and harps and psalteries for the singing men: Israel; and they spoke to Roboam, saying:
never were there seen such trees in the land of 4 Thy father oppressed us with a most grievous
Juda. yoke: do thou govern us with a lighter hand than
12 And king Solomon gave to the queen of thy father, who laid upon us a heavy servitude
Saba all that she desired, and that she asked, ami:and ease something of the burden, that we may
many more things than she brought to him: so serve thee.
she returned, and went to her own country with 5 And he said to them: Come to me again
her servant*;. after three days. And when the people were
13 And the weight of the gold, that was brought gone,
to Solomon every year, vv'as six hundred and 6 He took counsel with the ancients, who had
sixty six talents of gold: stood before his father Solomon, while he yet
14 Beside the sum which the deputies of divers lived, saying: What counsel give you to me, that
nations, and the merchants were accustomed to I may answer the people.'
bring, and all the kings of Arabia, and the lords 7 And they said to him: If thou please thi»
of the lands, who brought gold and silver to people, and soothe them with kind words, they
Solomon. will be thy servants for ever.
15 And king Solomon made two hundred gold- 8 But he forsook the counsel of the ancients,
en spears, of the sum of six hundred pieces of and began to treat with the young men, that Kad
gold which went to every spear: been brought up with him. and were in his train
16" And three hundred golden shields of three 9 And he said to them: What seemeth good
hundred pieces of gold, which went to the cover- to you or what shall I answer this people, who

ing of every shield: and the king put them in the have said to me: Ease the yoke which thy father
armoury, which was compassed with a wood. laid upon us.'
17 The king also made a great throne of ivory, 10 But they answered as young men, and
and overlaid it with pure gold; brought up with him in pleasures, and said: Thus
18 And six steps to go up to the throne, and a shall thou speak to the people, that said to thee-
footstool of gold, and two arms one on either Thy father made our yoke heavy do thou ease ;

side, and two lions standing by the arms: it: "thus shalt thou answer them:' My little finger
19 Moreover twelve other little lions standing isthicker than the loins of my father.
upon the steps on both sides: there was not such 11 My
father laid upon you a heavy yone,
a throne in any kingdom. and I will add more weight to it: my father beat
20 And all the vessels of the king's table were you with scourges; but I will beat you with scor-
of gold; and the vessels of the house of the forest pions.
of Libanus were of the purest gold. For no ac- 12 So Jeroboam and all the people came to
count was made of silver in tiiose days. Roboam the third day, as he commanded ihem.
21 For the king's ships went to Tharsis with 13 And the king answered roughly, leaving
the servants of Hiram, once in tliree j'ears: and the counsel of the ancients.
they brought th^ce gold and silver, and ivory, 14 And he spoke according to the advice of
and apes, and peacocks. the young men: M}^ father laid upon you a heavy
22 And Solomon was magnified above all the jyoke, which I will make lieavier: my father beat
kings of the earth for riches and glory. A"ou with scourges; but I will beat you with
2;? And all the kings of the earth desired to see scorpions.
the face of Solomon, that they might hear the 15 And he condescended not to the people's

wisdom which God had giveri in his heart. rftquests: for it was the will of God, that his
24 And every 3'ear they brought him presents, iword might be fulfilled which he had spoken by
(he hand of Ahias the Silonite to Jeroboam the score concubines: and he begot eight and twenty
8on of Nabat. sons, and threescore daughters.
16 And all the people upon the king's speak- 22 But he put at the head of them Abia the
ing roughly, said thus unto him: Wehave no son of Maacha to be the chief ruler over all his
part in David, nor inheritance in the son of brethren: for he meant to make him king,
Isai. Return to thy dwellings, O
Israel: and do 23 Because he was wiser and mightier than all
tliou, O David, feed thy own house^ And Israel his sons, and in aJl the countries of Juda, and ol
went away to their dwellings. Benjamin, and in all the wailed cities: and he
17 But Roboam reigned over the children of gave them provisions in abundance: and he
Israel that dwelt in the cities of Juda. sought many wives.
18 And king Roboam sent Aduram, who was
over the tributes, and the children of Israel CHAP. XII.
stoned iiini, and he died: and king Roboam made
haste to gel up into his chariot, and fled into Je- Roboam for his sins is delivered vp into tht
rusalem. hands of the king of Egypt loho carriith
19 And Israel revolted from the house of Da- awaij all the treasures of -the temple.
vid unto this day. ND when the kingdom of Roboam was
CHAP. strengthened and fortified, he forsook the
law of the Lord, and all Israel with him.
Roboam's reign. His kingdom is strengthened 2 And in the fifth year of the reign of Robo-
AND lioboam came to Jerusalem, and called am, Sesac ki;.g of Egypt came up against Je-
together all the house of Juda and of Ben ru.salem (because they had sinned against the
jamin, a hrmdred and fourscore thousand chosen Lord)
men and warriors, to fight against Israel, and to 3 With twelve hundred chariots, and thjee-
bring back his kingdom to him. score thousand horsemen: and the people were
2 And the word of the Lord came to Semeias without number that came with him out of
the raan of God, saying: Egypt, to wit, Lybians, and Troglodites, and
3 Speak to Roboam the son of Solomon the Ethiopians.
king of Juda, and to all Israel, in Juda and Ben- .4 And he took the strongest cities in Juda, and
jamin: came *o Jerusalem.
4 Thus saith the Lord: You shall not go up, 5 And Semeias the prophet came to Roboam,
nor fight against your brethren: let every man and to the princes of Ju;la, that were gathered
return to his own house; for by n)y will this thing together in Jerusalem, fleeing from Sesac, and he
has been done. And when they heard the word said to them: Thus saith the Lord: You have
of the Lord, they returned, and tlid not go against left m.e; and I have left you in the hand of Se-
Jeroboam. sac.
5 And Roboam dwelt in Jerusalem, and built 6 And the princes of Israel, and the king, be-
walled cities in Juda. ing in a consternation, snid: The Lord is just.
6 And he built Bethlehem, and Etam, and 7 And when the Lort! saw that they were hum-
Thecue, bled, the word of the Lord came to Semeias,
7 And Rethsur. and Socho, and Odollam, saying: Because they are humbled, I will not de-
8 And Geth, and Maresa, and Ziph, stroy them; and I will give them a little help;
9 And Aduram, and Lachis, and Azecha, and my wrath shall not fall upon Jerusalem by
10 Saraa also, and Ai.ilon, and Hebron, which the hand of Sesac.
are in Juda and Benjamin, well fenced cities 8 But yet they shall serve him, that they may
11 And when he had enclosed them with walls, know the ditTerence between my service, and
neput in them governors and store-houses of pro- the service of a kingdom of the earth.
visions, that is, of oil and of wine. 9 So Sesac king of E^gypt departed from Jeru-
12 Moreover in every city he made an ar- salem, taking away the treasures of the house of
moury of shields and spears; and he fortified the Lord, and of the king's house: and he took
them with great diligence; and he reigned over all with him, and the golden shields that Solomon
Juda and Benjamin. had made;
13 And the priests and Levites, that were in all 10 Instead of which the king ma<Ie brazen
Israel, cameto him out of all their seats, ones, and delivered them to the captains of the
14 Leaving their subuibs, and their possessions, shiekl-bearers, who guarded the entrance of the
and pa.ssing over to Juda, and Jerusalem, because palace.
Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off, from 11 And when the king entered into the house
executing the priestly office to the Lord. of the Lord, the shield-bearers came, and took
15 And he made to himself priests for the high them, and brought them back again to their ar-
places, and for the devils, and for the calves moury.
which he had made. 12 But yet because they were humbled, the
16 Moreover out of all the tribes of Israel, wrath of the Lord turned away from them, and
whosoever gave their heart to seek the Lord the they were not utterly destroyed: for even in
God of Israel, came into Jerusalem to sacrifice Juiia there were found good works.
their victims before the Lord the God of their 13 King Roboam tlierefore was strengthened
fathers. in Jerusalem, and reigned: he was one and forty
17 And they strengthened the kingdom of Ju- years old when he began to reign, and he reigned
da, and established Roboam the son of Solomon seventeen j'ears in Jerusalem, the city which the
for three years: for they walked in the ways of Tjord chose out of all the tribes of Israel, to esta-
David and of Solomon, only three years. blish his name there: and the name of his mother
18 And Roboam took to wife Rlnhalath, thf was Naama an Ammonitess.
daughter of Jerinioth the son of David: and Abi- 14 But he did evil, and did not prepare his
hail the daughter of Eliab the son of Isai. heart to seek the Lord.
19 And they bore him sons Jehus, and Somo- 15 Now the acts of Roboam first and last are
rias, and Zoom. written in the books of Semeias the [irophet, and
20 And alter her he married Maacha the daugh- of Addo the seer, and diligently recorded: and
ter of Absalom, who bore him Abia, and Ethai, thore was war between Roboam and Jeroboam
and Ziza, and Salomith. all their days.
21 And Roboam loved Maacha the daughter 16 And Roboam slept with his fathers, and
of Absalom above all his wives, and concubines: was buried in the city of David. And Abia bil
fox he had married eighteen wives, and three- son leigned in his stead.
CHAP. XIII. And the children of Israel were I'rougnt
down at that time: ami the cliildren of Juda were
Abia^s reign: his victory over Jeroboam. e.xceedingly strengthened, because they had trust-
the eis;hteenth year of king Jeroboam, Abia ed in the Lord the God of their fathers.
JN rei;;ne(l over Juda. 19 And Abia pursued after Jeroboam, and took
2 Three years he reigned in Jerusalem: and cit'ifs from him. Bethel and her daughters, and
his mother's name was Michaia,* the dausliter of Jesana with lier daughters, Ephron also and her
Uriel of (iabaa: and there was war between daughters.
Abia and Jeroboam. 20 And Jeroboam was not able to resist any
3 Anil when Abia had begun battle, and had more, in the days of Abia: and the Lord struck
with him four hundred thousand most valiant and him; and he died.
chosen men; Jeroboam put his army in array 21 But Abia, being strengthened in his king-
asininst him, eisht hundred thousand men, who dom, took fourteen wives; and begot two and
were also chosen and most valiant for war. twenty sons and si.xteen daughters.
4 .4 nil Abia stood upon mount Semeron, which 22 And the rest of the acts of Abia, and of his
Tva.^ Ill Ephraim, and said: Hear me, O Jerobo- ways and works, are written diligently ic the
air, aiid all Israel: book of Addo the jirophet
It Do
you not know that the Lord God of Is-
rael ijave to David the kingdom over Israel for
ever, to him and to his sons by a covenant of The reign of Asa: his victory over the Ethio-
saJt.t pians.
6 AndJeroboaiji the son of Nabat, the servant
of Solomon the son of David, rose up: and rebel-
AND Abiahim
slept with his fathers: and they
in the city of David: and Asa his
led aj^ainst his lord. in his stead: in his days the land was
son reigned
7 And there were gathered to him, vain men, quiet ten years.
anfl children of Belial: and they prevailed against 2 And Asa did that which was good and
Roboam the son of Solomon: for Roboam was pleasing in the sight of his God: and he destroy-
unexperienced, and of a fearful heart, and could ed the altars of foreign worship, and the high
not resist them. places,
8 And now you say that you are able to with- 3 And broke the statues, and cut down the
stand the kingdom of the Lord, which he pos- groves.
sesspth by the sons of David: and you have a 4 And he commanded Juda to seek the Lord
gre^t multitude of peoi)le, and golden calves, the God of their fathers, and to do the law, and
which Jeroboam hath made you for gods. all the commandments.
9 And you have cast out the priests of the 5 And he took away out of all the cities of
Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites: and Juda, the altars, and temples, and reigned in
you have made you priests, like all the nations of peace.
the earth: whosoever cometh and consecrateth 6 He built also strong cities in Juda, for he was
his hand with a bullock of the herd, and with quiet, and there had no wars risen in his time, the
seven rams, is made a priest of those who are no Lord giving peace.
gods. 7 AntI he said to Juda: Let us build these
10 But the Lord is our God, whom we forsake cities, and compass them with walls, and fortify
not: and the priests who minister to the Lord are them with towers, and' gates, and bars, while all
the sons of Aaron, and the Levites are in their Jis ([uiet from wars; because we have sought the
order. 'Lord the God of our fathers, and he hath given
11 And they offer holocausts to the Lord, eve- us peace round about. So they built, and there
ry day morning ami evening, and incense made was no hindrance in building.
according to the ordinance of the law: and the 8 And Asa had in his army of men that bore
loaves are set forth on a most, clean table: and shields and spears, of Juda three hundred tiiou-
there is with us the golden candlestick, and the sand, and of Benjamin that bore shields and drew
lamps thereof, to be lighted always in the even- bows, two hundred and eighty thousand: all these
ing: for we keep the precepts of the Lord our were most valiant men.
God, whom you have forsaken. 9 And Zara the Ethiopian came out against
12 Therefore God is the leader in our army, them with his army of ten hundred thcyisand men,
and his priests who sound with trumpets, and re- and with' three hundred chariots: and he came as
sound against you: O
children of Israel, fight not far as Maresa.
against the Lord the God of your fathers, ifor it is 10 And Asa went out to meet him, and set his
not good for you. arniy in array for battle in the vale of Sejihata,
13 While he spoke these things, Jeroboam which is near Maresa:
caused an ambushment to come about behind him. 11 And he called upon the Lord God, and said:
And while he stood facing the enemies, he en- Lord, there is no ditference with thee, whether
compassed Juda, who perceived it not, with his thou help with few, or with many: help us, O
army. Lord our God: for with confidence in thee, and
II And when Juda looked back, they sav,* the in thy name, we are come against this multitude.
battle coming upon them both before and behind, O
Lord, thou art our God; let not man prevail
and tlipy cried to the Lord: and the jiriests began against thee.
to sound with the trumfiets. 12 And the Lord terrified the Ethiopians be-
15 And all the men of Juda shouted: and be- fore Asa and Juda: and the Ethiopians fled.
hold, when they shouted. God terrified .ferolioam, 13 And Asa and the people that were with
and all Israel that stood agninst Abia and .lula. him, pursued them to Gerara: and the Ethiopians
If) yVnd the children of Israel fled before Juda: fell even to litter destruction; for the Lord slew

and the Lord delivered them into their hand. them; and his army fought against them; and
17 And Abia and his pi-ople slew them with a they were destroyed. And they took abundance
preat slaughter: and there fell wounded of Israel of spoils.

five hundred thousand valiant men. I 14 And they took all the cities round about
Gerara: for a great fear was come upon all men:
* ISUchaia, alias Maacha. Her father h->d, also and they pillaged the cities, and carried
off much
two rvimes, viz. Absalom, or Abessalom, and booty.
Ur'el 1-5 And they destroyed the sheep-cotes, and
t A covenant of salt. That is, a firm and per- took an infinite multitude of cattle and of camela;

petual covenant. See Numb, xviii. 1.4 and returned to Jerusalem.

2N 281
CHAP. XV. against Juda, and built a wall about Rarr.a, tha^ '

no one might safely go out or come in of the ktng-

T^e proplifcy of Aznrias. Ana^s covenant ivith
om of Asa.
God. He dcpoaeth his mother. 2 Then Asa brought out silver and gold, out of
ND the S[iiiit of God came upon Azarias the the treasures of the house of the Lord, and of the
son of Oded: . king's treasures, and sent to Benadad king of
2 And he went out to meet Asa, and saiu to Syria, who dwelt in Damascus, saying:
him: Hear ye nie, Asa, and all Juda and Benja- 3 There is a league between nie antl thee, as
min: The l^oi-d is with you; because you have there was between my father and thy father,
been- wiih liim. If you seek liim, you shall find: wherefore I have sent thee silver and gold, that
but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. thou mayst break thy league with Baasa king of
3 And many days shall pass in Israel without Israel, and make him depart from me.
the true God, and without a [)riest a teacher, and 4 And when Benadad heard this, he sent the
wjlhoiil the law. captains of his armies against the cities of Israe!:
4 And when in their distress thev .shall return and they took Ahion, and Dan, and Abelmaitt,
to the Lord the God of Israel, and shall seek him. and all the walled cities of Nejihthali.
th ey s!ia find linn. .5 And •v.'hen Baasa heard of it, he left off the
a At tlint time there shall be no peace to him buil<ling of Rama, and interrupted his work.
tlint ^'ottli out and cometh in, but terrors on eve- 6 Then king Asa took all Juda, and lh<y car-
ry side, anions all the inhabitants of the earth. ried away from Rama, the stcmes and the timber
(i i''or nation shall fi^lil a>,;ainst nation, and city that Baasa had prepared for the building: antl lie
against city; for the Lord will trouble them with built with them Gabaa and Maspha.
all distri ss. 7 At that time Hanani the pro| het came to Asa
7 Do you therefore take courage, and let not king of Juda, and said to him: Because ilou hast
your Ir.uids be weakened: for there shall be a hail confidence in the king of Syria, and net in
reward for your work. the Lord th)' God, therefore hath the army of the
8 And when Asa had heard the words and the king of Syria escaped out of thy hand.
prophecy of Azarias the son of Odetl the prophet, 5 AVere not the Ethio] ians, and the l/d)yan9
lie took courage, and took away the idols out ol much more numerous in chariots, and horsemen,
all the land of Juda, and out of Benjnniin, and and an exceeding great multitude: yit because
out of the cities of mount Ephraim, which he had thou trustedst in the Lord, he delivered them into
taken: and he dedicated the altar of the Lord, thy hand.'
which was before the jorch of the Lotd. 9 For the ej'es of the Lord behold all the
9 And he s;atliered to;;ether all Juda and Ben- earth, and give strength to those who with a jer-
jamin, and the strnnsiers with them of Ejihraim, fect heart trust in liim. Wherefore thou hast done
and Manasses, and .Simeon: for many were come foolishly; and for this cause from this time wars
over to him out of Israel, seeinj; that the Lord his shall arise against thee.
God was with him. 10 An<l Asa was angry with the seer, and com-
10 And when tliey were come to Jerusalem in manded him to be put in prison: for he was great-
the third month, in the fifteenth year of tlie reign ly enraged because of this thing: and he put to
of Asa, (ieadi many of the people at that time.
11 They sacrificed to the Lord in that day of 11 But the works of Asa the first and are
the spoils, and of the prey, that they had brought, written in the Book of the kings of Juda and
Beven hundred oxen, and seven thousand rams. Israel.
12 And he went in to confirm as usual the cove- 12 And Asa fell sick in the nine and thirtieth
nant, that tliey should seek the Lord the God of year of his reign, of a most violent pais-i in his
their fathers with all their heart, and with all tlieir feet: and yet in his illness he did not seek the
soul. Lord, but rather trusted in the skill of physicians.
13 And if any one, said he, seek not the Lord 13 And he slept with his fathers: and he died
the GolI of Israel, let him die, whether little or in the one and fortieth year of his reign.
great, man or woman. 14 And they buried him in his own sepulchre,
14 And they swore to the Lord with a loud which he had made for himself in the city of
voice, with joyful shouting, and with sound of David: and they laid him on his bed full of s] ices
trumpet, and sound of cornets, and odoriferous ointments, which were made by
1.5 All that were in Juda with a curse: for with the art of the perfumers: and they burnt them

all their her. t they swore, and with all their will over him with very great pomp.
they sought him; and they found him: and the
Lord gave them rest round about.
16 Moreover Maacha the mother of king Josaphat's reign: his care for the instruction of
>••• deposed from the royal autliority, because she his people: his numerous foiyes.
liad niai.le in agrove an idol of Priapus: and he
entirely destroyed it, and breaking it into pieces,
Josaphat his son reigned in his stead,
and grew strong Israel.
burnt it at the torrent C'idron. 2 And he placed numbers of soldiers in all the
17 But high (ilaces were left in Israel: never- fortified cities of Juda. And he put garrisons in
theless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days. the land of Juda, and in the cities of Ei'hraim,
18 And the things which his father had vowed, which Asa his father had taken.
and he himself had vowed, he brought into the 3 And the Lord was with Josaphat; because
house of the Lord, gold and silver, and vessels of he walked in the first ways of David his father,
divers uses. and trusted not in Baalim,
1!) And there was no war unto the five and 4 But in the God of his father, and walked in
thiitielh year of the kingdom of Asa. his commandments, and not according to the sins
of Israel.
XVI. 5 And the Lord established the kingdom in his
A^a is reproved for seeking help from the Syri- hand; and all Juda brought jiresenls to Josa-
ans: his last acts and death. [ihat. and he acquired immense riches, and much

AND the sixth and thirtieth year of his glory.

kingdom,* Baasa the king of Israel came uji 6 And when his heart had taken courage Tdt
the ways of the Lord, he took away also tfte high
* Six and thirtieth year of his kingdom. That l>lriccs and the groves out of Juda.
is, of the V:ingdom of Juda, taking the date of it 7 And in the third year of his reign, he sent of
from the beginning of the reign of Roboam. his princes Benhail, and Abdias, and Zacharias,


and Nathanael, and Micheas, to teach in the ci- royal robes: and they sat in the open court by
ties of Juda: the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets projihe-
8 Ami with them the Levites, Sen>eias, and sied before them.
Nathanias, and Zabadia?, and Asacl, and Semira- 10 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana made
moih, and Jonatlian, and Adonias, and Tobias, him horns of iron, and said: Thus saith the Lord:
and Thobadonias Levites, and with them Elisa- With these shall thou push Syria, till thou de-
ma and Joram priests. stroy it.
.4 And they taught the people in Juda, having 11 And all the prophets prophesied in like
with them tiie book of the law of the Lord: and manner, and said: Go up to Ramoth Galaad, and
they went about all the cities of Juda, and in- thou shall prosper: and the Lord will delivei
structed the people. them into the king's hand.
10 And the fear of the Lord came upon all the 12 And the messenger that went to call Mi
kingdoms of the lands that were round about cheas, said to him: Behold, the words of all the
Juda: and they durst not make war against Josa^ nrophets with one mouth declare good to the
phat. king: I beseech thee therefore let not thy word
1 The Philistines also brought presents to Jo disagree with them, and speak thou also good
Faphat, and tribute in silver: and the Arabians success.
brought him cattle, seven thousand seven hun 13 And Micheas answered him: As the Lord
dred rams, and as many he-goats. liveth, whatsoever my God shall say to me, that
12 And Josaphat grew, and became exceeding will I speak.
great: and he built in Juda houses like towers, 14 So he came to the king: and the kinf; said to
and walled citie.s. him: Micheas, shall we go to Ramoth Galaad to
13 Andhe prepared many works in the cities tight, or forbear.' And he answered him: Go up;
of Juda: and he had w-arriors and valiant men in for all shall succeed pros[)erously and the ene-

Jerusalem: mies shall be delivered into your hands.

14 Of whom this is the number of the houses 15 And the king said: I ailjure thee again and
and families of every one: in Juda captains of again to say nothing but the truth to me, in the
the army, f^dnas the chief; and with him three name of the Lord.
hundred thousand most valiant men. 16 Then he said: I saw all Israel scattered in
15 After him Johanan the captain; and with the mountains, like sheep without a she|)herd:
him two hundred and eighty thousand. and the Lord said: These have no masters: let
16 And after him was Amasias the son of Ze- every man return to hisown house in peace.
chri, consecrated to the Lord; and with him were 17 And the king of Israel said to Josajihat:
two hundred thousand valiant men. Did I not tell thee that this rnan would not pro-
17 After him was Eliatia valiant in battle; andphesy me any good, but evil?
with, him two hundred thousand armed with bow 18 Then he said: Hi^ar ye therefore the wore,
and shield. of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne,
18 After him also was Jozabad; and with him and all the army of heaven standing by him on
a luindred and eighty thousand ready for war. the right hand and on the left.
1}> All these were at the hand of the king, be- 19 And the Lord said: Who
shall deceive*
side others, whom he had put in the walled cities, Achab king of Israel, that he may go up, and fall
in all Juda. in Ramoth Galaad And when one spoke i:i this

manner, and another otherwise:

CHAP. XVIII. 20 There came forth a spirit, and stood before
Josaphat accompanies Acliab in his expedition the Lord, and said: I will deceive him. And the
against Ramotli; where Achab is slain, as Mi- Lord said to him: By what means wilt thou de-
cheas had foretold. ceive him?
I^OW Josaphat was rich and very glorious, 21 And he answered: I will go out, and be a
lying sjiirit in the moufli of all his prophets. And
J.^ and was joined by affmity to Achab.
2 And he went down to liim after some years tne Lord said: Thou shall deceive, and shall pre-
to Samaria: and Achab at his coming killed sheep vail: go out, and do so.
and oxen in abundance for him and the people 22 Now therefore behold, the Lord hath nut a
that came with him: and he persuaded him to go spirit of lying in the mouth of all thy prophets;
up to Ramoth t'^alaad. and the Lord hath spoken evil against thee-
3 And Achab king of Israel said to Josaphat 23 AnJ Sedecias the son of Chanaana carne,
king of Juda: Come with me to Ramoth Galaad. and struck Micheas on the check, and said:
And he answered him: Thou art as I am, and my Which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me,
people as thy people: and we will be with thee to speak to thee ?
in tne war. 24 And Micheas said: Thou thyself shall see
4 And Josaphat said to the king of Israel: In in that day, when thou shall go in from chamber
quire, I beseech thee, at present the word of the to chamber, to hide thyself.
Lord. 25 And the king of Israel commanded, saying:
5 So tlie king of Israel gathered together of the Take Micheas, and carry him to Anion the
prophets four hundred men: and he said to them: governor of the city, and to Joas the son of
Shall we go to Ramoth Galaad to fight, or sha" Amelech,
we forbear.' But they said: Go up; and God will 26 And say: Thus saith the king: Put this fel-
deliver it into the king's hand. low in prison, and give hirn bread and water in a
6 And Josaphat said: Is there not here a pro- small (juantity till 1 return in peace.
f(het of the Lord,
that we may inquire also of 27 And Micheas said: If thou return in peace,
lim? the Lord hath not spoken by me. And he said:
7 And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: Hear, all ve people.

There is one man, of whom we may ask the wi 28 So the king of Israel and Josaphat king of
of the Ijord: but I hate him; for he never prophe- Juda went up to Ramoth Galaad.
sieth good to me, but always e\il: and it is Mi 29 And the king of Israel said to Josaphat: I
cheas the son of Jemla. And Josaphat said will change my dress, and so I will go to the bat-
Speak not thus, () king. tle; but put thou on thy own garments. And the
8 And the king of Israel called one of the eu- king of Israel having changecl his dress, W':nt to
nuchs, and said to him: Call quickly Micheas th( the battle.
BOn of Jemla.
9 Now the king of Israel, and Josaphat king * Who shall deceive, 4*c. See the annotation^
of Juda, both sal on their thrones, clothed in 3 Kings, xxii.
SO Now the kins of Syria had commanded the Ammonites, were gathered
together to figb
tap'niiisof his cavalry, saying: I'ightye not wiili agamst Josaphat.
small or great, but with the king of [sraei only. 2 And there came messengers, and told Josa
31 So when the captains of the cavalry saw phat, saying:
There cometh a great multitude
Josajihat, they said: This is the king of Israel. against thee from
beyond the sea, and out of Sy-
And they surrounded him to attack liim: but he ria and behold, they are in Asasonthamar,
cried to the l..ord, and he heliied him, and turned is Engaddi.
them away from liim. 3 And Jo.saphat being seized with fear, betook
32 For when the ca[)tains of the cavalry saw hmiself wholly to pray to
the Lord: and he pro-
that he was not the king of Israel, they left him. claimed a fast for all Juda.
33 And it hapjiened that one of the people shot 4 And Juda gathered themselves together to
an arrow at a venture, and struck the king of Is- pray to the Lord: and all came
out of their cities
rael between the neck and the shoulders: and he to make
supplication to him.
said to his chariot-man: Turn thy hand, and carry 5 And Josaphat stood in the mit^t of trie as-
me out of the battle; for I am wounded. sembly of Juda and Jerusalem, in the house of
34 And the fight was ended that day: but the the Lord before
the new court;
king of Israel stood in his chariot against the (? And .said: O Lord God of our fathers, thcu
Syrians u:Uil the evening, and died at the sun-set. or'. God in heaven, and rulest over all the king-

CHAP. XIX. doms and nations: in thy hand is strength and

Josaphafs charge to judges and to the Le- power; and no one can resist thee.
vitcs. 7 not thou, our God, kill all the inhabit-
ND Jo.saphat king of Juda returned to his ants of this lantl before thy people Israel, and ga-
house in peace to Jerusalem. vest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend l^or ever.'
2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer met 8 And they dwelt in it, and built in it a sanc-
him, and said to him: Thou helpest the ungodly, tuary to thy name, saying:
and thou art joined in friendship with them that 9 If evils fall upon us, the sword of judgment,
hate the Lord; and therefore thou didst deserve or pestilence, or famine, we will stand in thy pre-
indeed the wrath of the Lord: sence before this house, in which thy name is
3 Rut good works are found in thee, because called upon: and we will cry to thee in our alflic-
thou hast taken away the groves out of the land tions; and thou wilt hear, and save us.
of Juda, and hast prepared thy heart to seek the 10 Now therefore behold the children of Am-
Lord the God of thy lathers. mon, and of jMoab, and mount Seir, through
•1 And Josaphal dwelt at Jerusalem: and he whose lands thou did.'^t not allow Israel to fiass,
went out again to the people from Bersabee to when they came out of Egypt, but they turned
mount Kphraim, and brought them bacK to the aside from them, and slew them not:
Lord the God of their fathers. 11 Do the contrary, and endeavour to cast us
5 And he set judges of the land in all the fenced out of the possession which thou hast delivered
cities of Juda, in every place. to us.
« Anil charging the judges, he said: Take heed 12 O our God, wilt not thou then judge them.'
what you do; for you exercise not the judgment as for us, we have not strength enough, to be able
ot man, but of the Lord: and whatsoever you to resist this multitude, which cometh violently
judge, it shall redound to you. upon us. Rut as we know not what to do, we
7 Let the fear of the Lord be with j'oii, and do can only turn our eyes to thee.

all things with diligence: for there is no iniquity 13 And all Juda stood before the Lord, with
with the Lord our God nor respect of -''
persons ''^^''' ''"'^ ones, and their wives, and their chil

nor desire of gifts. dren.


* 8 In Jerusalem also Josaphat appointed Le- 14 And Jahaziel the son of Zacharias, the son
vites, and priests, and chiefs of the families of Is- of Banaias, the son of Jehiel, the son of Matha-
rael, to judge the judgment and the cause of the nias, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, was there;
Lord for the inhabitants thereof upon whom the Spirit of the Lord came in the
9 And he charged them, saying: Thus shall midst of the multitude.
you do in the fear of the Lord faithfully, and with 15 And he said: Attend ye, all Juda, and you
a perfect heart. that dwell in Jerusalem, and thou king Josajihat:
10 Everjy^ cause that shall come to you of your Thus saith the Lord to you: Fear ye not, and be
brethren, that dwell in their cities, between kin- not dismayed at this multitude: for the battle is
dred and kindred, wheresoever there is question not yours, but God's.
concerning the law, the commandment, the ce- 16 To-morrow you shall go down against them:
remonies, the justifications: show it them, that for they will come up by the ascent named Sis;
they may not sin against the Lord, and that and you shall find them at the head of the tor-
wrath may not come upon you and your breth- rent, which is over-against the wilderness of
ren: and so doing you shall not sin. Jeriiel.
11 And Amarias the priest your high priest 17 It shall not be you that shall fight; btit only
shall^ be chief in the things which regard God: stand with confidence, and you shall see the help
and Zabadins the son of Ismahel, who is ruler in of the Lord over you, O Juda, and Jerusalcir;:
the house of Juda, shall be over those matters fear ye not, nor be you dismayed: to-morrow
which belong to the king's office: and you have you shall go out against them, and the Lord will
before you the Levites lor masters: take courage be with you.
and do <!iligently; and the Lord will be with you 18 Then Josaphat, and Juda, and all the inha-
in good things. liitants of Jerusalem, fell flat on the ground be-

CHAP. XX. fore the Lord, and adored him.

19 And the Levites of the sons of Caath, and
71ie Ammonites, A[oabites,and Syriaris, combine
of the sons of Core, praised the Lord the God of
agninat Josaphat. He secketh God''s help by
Israel with a loud voice, on high.
public jwayer and fisting. A prophet forr-
20 And they rose early in the morning, and
tclhlh tliiii God will Jiglit for his people: the
enemies destroy one another. Josaphat ivHh
went out through the desert of Thecua: ai.<l as
they were marching, Josaphat standing in the
his men gather the .spoils. He reigneth in midst of them, said: Hear me, j'e men of Juda,
peace: but his navy perisheth, for his socicti/
and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: believe in
with wicked Ochozias.
the Lord your God, and you shall be secure: be-
AFTKR this the children of Moab, and the lieve
children of Ammon, and with them of the well.
his prophets, and all things shall succeed

21 And he Rave counsel to the people, am! ap- Azarias, and Jahiel, an<l Zacharias, and Aznria,
fKiinted tlie singling men of the Lord, to praise and Michael, and Snphatias: all these were the
lim by tlieir companies, and to go before the sons of Josaphat king of Juda.
army, and with one voice to say: Give glory to 3 And their father gave them great gifts of sil
the Lord; for ills mercy enduretli for ever. ver, and of gold, and pensions, with strong cities
22 And when they began to sing praises, the in Juda: but the kingdom he gave to Jorani; be-
Lord turned their ambushments upon them- cause he was the eldest.
selves, that is to say, of the children of Amnion, 4 So Joram rose up over the kingdom of hi»
and of JNIoab, and of mount Seir, who were father: and when he had established himself, he
come out to light against Juda: and ihey were slew all his brethren with the sword, and some
slain. of the princes of Israel.
23 For the children of Ammon and of Moab 5 Joram was two and thirty years old when ho
rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, to began to reign: and he reigned eight years in Je-
kill and (lestroy them: and when they had made rusalem.
an end of them, they turned also against one an- 6 And he walked in the ways of the kings of
other, and destroyed one another. Israel, as the house of Achab had done; for his
24 And when Juda came to the watch tower, wife was a daughter of Achab: and he did evil
'(hat looketh toward the desert, they saw afar otf in the sight of the Lord.
all the country, for a great space, full of dead 7 But the Lord would not destroy the house
bodies, and that no one was left that could escape of David, because of the covenant which he had
denth. made with him; and because he had promised to
25 Then Josaphat came, and all the people give a lamp to him, and to his sons for ever.
with him, to take away the spoils of the dead: 8 In those days Edom revolted, from being
and they found among the dead bodies, stuff of subject to Juda, and made themselves a king.
various kinds, and garments, and most precious 9 And Joram went over with his princes, and
vessels- and they took them for themselves; in- all his cavalry with him, and rose in the night,
gonu;ch that they could not carry all, nor in three and defeated the Edomites who had surrounded
days take away the spoils, the booty was so him, and all the captains of his cavalry.
great. 10 However Edom revolted, from being un-
26 And on the fourth day they were assembled der the dominion of Juda unto this day: atthat
in the valley of Blessing: for there they blessed time I^obna also revolted, from being under his
the ]jOrd: and therefore the)' called that place hand: for he had forsaken the Lord the God of
the valley of Blessing unthl this day. his fathers:
27 And every man of Juda, and the inhabit- 11 Moreover he built also high places in the
ants of Jerusalem returned, and Josaphat at cities of Juda: and he made the inhabitants of
their head, into Jerusalem with great joy; be- Jerusalem to commit fornication, and Juda to
cause the Lord had made them rejoice over their transgress.
enemies. 12 And there was a letter brought him from
2S And they came into Jerusalem with psalte- Elias the prophet, in which it was written: Tlius
ries, and harps," and trumpets into the house of saith the Lord the God of David thy father: Be-
the Lord. cause thou hast not walked in the ways of Josa-
29 And the fear of the Lord fell upon all the phat thy father, nor in the ways of Asa king of
kingdoms of the lands, when they heard that the Juda,
Lord had fought against the enemies of Israel. 13 But hast walked in the ways of the kings of
3() And the kingilom of Josaphat was quiet: Israel,and hast made Juda and the inhabitants of
and God gave him [)eace round about. Jerusalem to commit fornication, imitating the
31 And Josaphat reigned over Juda: and he fornication of the house of Achab; moreoveralso
was five and thirty years old when he began to thou hast killed thy brethren, the house of thy fa-
reign: and he reigned five and twenty years in ther, better men than thyself;
Jerusalem: and the name of his mother was Azu- 14 Behold, the Lord will strike thee with a
ba the daughter of Selahi. great plague, with all thy people, and thy children,
3".i And he walked in the way of his father and thy wives, and all thy substance.
Asa, and departed not from it, doing the things 15 And thou shalt be sick of a very grievous
that were pleasing before the Lord. disease of thy bowels, till thy vital parts come
33 Rut yet he took :iot' away the high places: out by little and little every day.
and the people had not yet turned their heart to 16 And the Lord stirredup against Joram the
the Lord the (iod of their fathers. spirit of the Philistines, and of the Arabians, who
34 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat, first border on the Ethiopians.
anil last, are writtan in the words of Jehu the son 17 And they came up into the lard of Juda,
ot H.-tnani, which he digested into the Books of and wasted it; and they carried away all the sub-
the kings of Israel. stance that was found in the king's house, his sons
30 After the«e t;:ings Josaphat king of Juda also, and his wives: so that there was no son left
made friendship with Ochozias king of Israel, him but Joachaz,* who was the youngest.
whose works were very wicked. 18 And besides all this the Lord struck him
36' And he was partner with him in making with an incurable disease in his bowels.
shijis, to go to Tharsis: And they made the shii)s 19 And as day came after day, and time rolled
jr. Asiongaber. on, two whole years passed: then after bring
J7 Ami Eliezer the son of Dodau of Maresa wasted with a long consumption, so as to void his
pcojihesied to Josaphat, saying: Because thou verv bowels, his disease encled with liiji life. And
hast made a league wiih Ochozias, the Ijord liath he (lied of a most wretched illness: and the peo-
destroyed thy works; and the ships are broken; [ile did not make a funeral for him according to
and they could not go to Tharsis. the manner of burning, as they had done for his
CHAP XXI. ancestors.
20 and thirty years old when lie
He was two
Joram's tcicked reign: his punishment and began and he reigned eight years in
his reign:
Jerusalem. And he walked not rightly: and
AND Josaphat slept with his fathers, and was they buried him in the city of David, but not ia
buried with them in the city of David: and the se|)ulchres of the kings.
J cram his son reigned in his stead.
2 And he had brethren the sons of Josaphat, * Joachaz, alia."', Ochozias,
CHAP. XXII. And this is the thing that you shall do:
5 A third part of you that come lo tne sabliathf
2/ie rev^n and dvalli of Ochozias. The tyranny
of the priests, and of the I^evites, and of the por-
of Alhidia. ters, shall be at the gates; and a third part at the
ND the inhabitants of Jf nisalem made Ocho- king's house; and a third at the gate that is called
zias liis younsesi son kins ill liis|il:ice: for the Foundation: but let all the rest of the people
tiie rovers of llie Arabian who liad broke in be in the courts of the house of the Lord.
U|i(,n the camp, had killed all that were liis el- () And let no one come into the house of the
]er brothers. So Ochozias the son of Joram Lord, but the priests, and they that minister of
king of Jiida reigned. the Levites: let them only come in, because they
2 Ochozias was forty two* years old when he are sanctified: and let all the rest of the people
be.i;an to rei^n: and he reigned one year in Jeru- keep the watches of the Lord.
salem; and the name of his mother was Athalia 7 And let the Levites be round about the king,
the daughter of Aniri. every man with his arms: (and if any other corae
3 Me also walked in the ways of the house of into the temple, let him be slain) and let them be
Achab: for iiis mother pushed him on to do with the king both coming in, and going out.
wickedly. 8 So the Levites, and all Juda did according tc
4 So he did evil in the sight of the Lord, as the all that Joiada the high priest had commanded:
house of Achab did: for they were his counsel- and thej' took every one his men that were un-
lors after the deatii of his father, to his destruc- der him, and that came in by the course of the
tion. sabbath, with those who had fulfilled the sabbath,
5 And he walked after their counsels. And he and were to go out. For Joiada the high priest
went with Joram the son of Achab king of Israel, permitted not the companies to depart, which
to fight against Hazael king of S3'ria, at Ramoth were accustomed to succeed one another every
Galaad: and the Syrians wounded Joram. week.
6 And he returned to be healed in Jezrahel; 9 And Joiada the priest gave to the captains
for he received many wounds in the foresaid the spears, and the shields, and targets of king
battle. And Ochozias the son of Joram king of David, which he had dedicated in the house ol'
Juda, went down to visit Joram the son of Achab the Lord.
in Jezrahel wdiere he lay sick. 10 And he set all the people with swords in
7 F^or it was the will of God against Ochozias, their hands from the right side of the temple, to
that he should come to Joram; and when he was the left side of the temple, before the altar, and
come, should go out also against Jehu the son of the temple, round about the king.
Namsi, whom the Lord had anointed to destroy 11 And they brought out the king's son, and
the house of Achab. put the crown upon him, and the testimony, and
8 So when Jehu was rooting out the house of gave him the law to hold in his hand; and they
Achab, he found the princes of Juda, and the made him king: and Joiada the high priest and
sons of the brethren of Ochozias, who served his sons anointed him: and they prayed for him,
him: and he slew them- and said: God save the king.
And he sought for Ochozias himself, and 12 Now
when Athalia heard fhe noise of the
took him lying hid in Samaria: and when he was people running and praising the king, she came
brought to him, he killed him: and they buried m
to the people, inio the temple of the Lord.
.nim; because he was the son of Josaphat, who 13 And when she saw the king standing upon
had sought the Lord with all his heart. And the step in the entrance, and the princes, and the
there was no more hope that any one should companies about him, and all the people of the
reign of the race of Ochozias. land rejoicing, and sounding with trumpets, and
10 For Athalia his mother, seeing that her son playing on instruments of divers kinds, and the
was dead, rose up, and killed all the royal family voice of those that praised, she rent her garments,
of the house of Joram. and said: Treason, treason.
11 But Josabelh the king's daughter took Joas 14 And Joiada the high priest going out to the
the son of Ochozias. and stole him from among captains, and the chiefs of the army, said lothem:
the king's sons, that were slain. And she hid Take her forth without the precinct of the tem-
him with his nurse in a bed-chamber: now Josa- ple; and when she is without, let her be killed
beth that hid him, was daughter of king Joram, with the sword. For liie priest commanded that
wife of Joiada the high priest, and sister of Ocho- she should not be killed in the house of the Lord.
zias: and therefore Athalia did not kill him. 15 And they laid hold on her by the neck: and
12 And he was with them hid in the house of when she was come within the horse-gate of the
Go;I six years, during which Athalia reigned palace, they killed her there.
over the la-id. 16 And Joiada made a covenant between him-
self and all the people, and the king, that they
CHAP, xxiir.
should be the people of the Lord.
Joiada the hl'^h •priest causilh Joas to he made 17 And all the people went into the house of
l;in'^; Athalia to be slain; and idolatry to be
Baal, and destroyed it: and they broke down his
destroyed. they slew Malhan th.e
and his idols: and
AND in the seventh year Joiada being en-
couraged, took the captains of hundreds, to
Haal before the altars.
priest of
18 And Joiada appointed overseers in the
^^'it, Azaiias the son of Jeroham, and Ismahel the house of the Lord, under the hands of the priests,
son of Johanan, and Azariasthe son of Obed, and and the Levites, wdiom David had distributed in
Waasias the son of Adaias, and Klisaphat the son the house of the Lord: to offer holocausts lo the
jf Zechri; and made a covenant with ihetn. Lord, as it is written in the law of Mosis, with
2 And they went about Juda, and gathered to- joy and singing, according to the disijosition of
gether the Levites out of all the cities of Juda, David.
and the chiefs of the families of Israel: and they 19 He appointed also porters in the gates of tlie
came lo Jerusalem. house of the Lord, that none who was unclean in
3 And all the multitude made a covenant with any thing should enter in.
the king in the house of God: and Joiada said lo 50 .Vnd he took the captains of hundr<'ds, and
them: Behold, the king's son shall reign, as the the most valiant men, and the chiefs of the peo-
Lord hath of the sons of Daviil.
t 7o the sabbath. That is, lo peiform in your
* Forty two, 8,-c. Divers Greek billies read xveeks the functions of your office, or the weekly
hceuty two, agreeably to 4 Kings viii. 18. watches.


pie, ar.d all the people of the land, niul thcy| 1() And they buried him in the city of David

Droiigiil clown the king from the house of the among the kings, because he had done good to
Lord, and brought hiin through the upiier jiate Israel, and to his house.
into the king's house, and set hiin on the royal 17 And alter the <leath of Joiada, the princes
throne. of Juda went in, and worsliipped the king: and
21 And all the people of the land rejoiced; and he was soothed by their services, and hearkened
the city was quiet: but Athalia was slain with to them.
the sword. 18 And they forsook the temple of the Lord
the God of their fathers, and served groves and
CHAP. XXIV. idols: and wrath came upon Juda and Jerusalem
Joas reigneth well all the days of Joiada: after- for this sin.
wards falleth into idolatry, and causeth Za- 19 And he sent prophets to them to bring them
charius to be slain. He is slain himself by his back to the Lord, and they would not give ear
servants. when they testified against them.
JOAS wa.s seven years old when he bep;an to 20 The" Spirit of God then came upon Zacha-
rei;;n: and he reigned forty years in Jerusa- rias the son of Joiada the priest, and he stood in
lem: the name of his mother was Sebia of Ber- the sight of the people, and said to them: Thus
eal'-.'^. ' saith the Lord God: Why
transgress you -the
2 did that which is good before the commandment of the Lonl, which will not be for
And hs
Lord all the days of Joiada the priest. your good, and have forsaken tlie Lord, to make
3 And Joiada took for him two wives, by nim forsake you.'
whom he had .sons and daughters. 21 And they gathered themselves together
4 After this Joas ^had a mind to repair the against him, and stoned him at the king's com-
house of the Lord. mandment in the court of the house of the
5 And he assembled the priests, and the Le- Lord.
vites, and said to them: Go out to the cities of 22 And king Joas did not remember the kind-
Juda, and gather of all Israel money to repair the ness that Joiada his father had done to him, but
temple of your God, from j'ear to year, and do killed his son. And when he died, hft said: The
this with speed: but the Levites were negligent. Lord see, and require it.
() And the king called Joiada the chief, and 23 And when a year was come about, the
said to him: Why
hast tiiou not taken care to army of Sjnia came up against him: and they
oblige the Levites to bring in out of Juda and came to Juda and Jerusalem, and killed all the
Jerusalem the money that was appointed by princes of the people: and they sent all the spoils
Moses, the servant of the LortI, for all the multi- to the king to Damascus.
tude of Israel to bring into the tabernacle of the 24 Andwhereas there came a very small num-
testimony .'
ber of the Syrians, the Lord ilelivered into their
7 For" that wicked woman Athalia and her hands an infinite multitude, because they had
children have destroyed the house of God, and! forsaken the Lord the God of their fathers: and
adorned the temple of Kaal with all the things on Joas they executed shameful judgments.
that had been dedicated in the temple of the 25 And dejiarting they left him in great dis-
Lord. eases: and his servants rose up against him. for
8 And the king commanded, and they made a revenge of the blood of the son of Joiada the
chest; and set it by the gate of the house of the [riest: and they slew him in his bed; and he died;
Lord on the outside. and they buried him in the city of David, but not
9 A:id they made a proclamation in Juda and in the sepulchres of the kings.
Jerusalem, that every man should bring to the 26 Now
the men that conspired against him
Loril, the money which Moses the servant of were Zabad the son of Semmaath an Animoni-
God appointed for all Israel, in the desert. tess, and Jozabad the son of Semarith a Moab-
10 And all the jirinces, and all the people le- itess.
joiced: and going in they contributed and cast 27 And concerning his sons, and the sum of
an much into the chest of the Lord, that it was money, which was gathered under him, and the
filled. repairing the house of Go<l, they are written
1 And when it was time to bring the chest more diligently in the book of kings: and Aina-
before the king by the hands of the Levites (for sias his son reigned in his stead.
they saw there was much money.) the king's
scribe, and he whom the high priest iiad afipoint-
ed, went k ami they poured out the money that Amasias^s reign: he heginneth well; hut endeth

was inthe chest: and they carried back the chest ill. He is overthrown by Joas; and slain by
to iis place: and thus they did from day today; his own people.
and there was gathered an immense sum of AMASIAS was five and twenty years old
nioiii'y when he began to reign: and he reigned
12 And the king and Joiada gave it to those nine and twenty years in Jerusalem: the name of
who Were over the works of the house of the his mother was Joadan of Jerusalem.
Lord: but they hired with it stone-cutters, and 2 And he did what was goorl in the sight of
ariiticers of every kind of work to repair the the Lord; but yet net with a perfect heart.
hou>e of the Lord: and suth as wrought in iron 3 And when he saw himself strengthened in
and brass, to ujihoid what began to he falling. his kingdom, he put to death the servants that
i:> A' d the workmen were diligent; and the had slain the king his father.
lre.i<:ii rfthe walls was closed up l)y their hands; 4 But he slew not their children; as it is writ-
31 they set up the house of the Lord in its for-
I ten in the book of the law of Moses, where the
mer state, and made it stand firm. Lord commanded, saying: The fathers shall not
1 .All
I when they had finished all the works,
I he lor the children, nor the children for
«he rest of the money before the
thi'V l)rouj;hl their fathers; but every man shall die for his own
king and Joiada: and with it were made vessels sin.
fix Uie temple for the ministry, and lor holocausts o Amasias therefore gathered Juda togetherj
an liowls. and (ith>'r vessels of gold and silver:
I and api'dinted them by familirs. and captains of
anil holocausts were ciTered in the house of the ihoi'sands. and of hundreds, in all Juda and Fen-
l^)rd con'iunally, ail tlie days of Joiada. jamin: and he nund)fred them from twenty years
15 Hut Joiada grew old, and was full of days, old and upwards, anil found three hundred tliou-
nn.l died when he was a hundred and thirty years i
sand young men that could go out to battle, aD'l
ulJ. could hold the spear and shield.
6 He hired also of Israel a hundred thousand I
25 And Amasias the son of Joas king of Juda
valiant tnen, for a hundred talents of silver. jlived, after the death of Joas the son of Joachaa
7 But a man of God came to fiini, and said: O 'king of Israel, fifteen years.
Kin};, let not the arm}' of Israel go out with tiiee; I
26 Now
the rest of the acts of Amasias the
for the Lord is not with Israel, and all the chil- first and last, are written in the of theBook
dren of Ei)hraim: kings of Juda and Israel.
8 And if thou think that battles consist in the 27 And after he revolted from the I..ord, they
strenj^th of the army, God will make thee to be made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem.
overcome by the enemies: for it belongeth to And he fled into Lachis; and they sent, and kill-
God both to help, and to put to flight. ed him there.
y And Amasias said to the man of God: What 28 And they brought him back upon horses,
will then become of the hundred talents which 1 and buried him with his fathers in the city of
have given to the soldiers of Israel? and the man David.
of God answered him: The Lord is rich enough
to be able to give thee much more than this.
10 Then Amasias separated the army, that Osias reigneth pi^ospei-onsly till he invadelh the
catne to him out of Ephraim, to go home again: priests' office: upon winch he isstruck xoith a
but they lieing much enraged against Juda, re- leprosxj.
turned to their own
country. ND
all the people of Juda took his son Ozi-
11 And Amasias taking courage led forth his as who was sixteen years old, and made him
peo|jlc, and went to the vale of salt pits, and king in the room of Amasias his father.
s-lew of the children of Seir, ten thousand. 2 He built Ailath, and restored it to the domin-
12 And other ten thousand men the sons of ion of Juda, after that the king slept with his
Ju la took, and brought to the steep of a certain fathers.
rock,nnd cast them down headlong from the top; 3 Ozias was sixteen years old when he began
and they all were broken to pieces. to reign; and he reigned two and fifty years in
i;5 But that army which Amasias had sent Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Jechelia
back, that*lhey should not go with him to battle, of Jerusalem.
siroad themselves among the cities of Juda, from 4 And he did that which was right in the eyes
Samaria to Bethhoron, and having killed three of the Lord, according to all that Amasfas his
thousand, took away much spoil. father had done.
14 ]5ut Amasias after he had slain the Edom- 5 And he isought the Lord in the days of Za-
ites, set up the gods of the children of Seir, charias that understood and saw God: and as
which he had brought thence, to be his gods, and ilong as he sought the Lord he directed him in all
adored them, and burnt incense to them. things.
16 Wherefore the Lord being angry against 6 Moreover, he went forth, and fought against

Amasias, sent a prophet to him, to say to him: the Philistines, and broke dovifn the wall of Geth,
Wiiy hast thou adored gods that have not deliver- and the wall of Jabnia, and the wall of Azotus:
ed their own people out of thy hand.' and he built towns in Azotus, and among the
16 Ami when he spoke these things, he an- Philistines.
swered him: Art thou the king's counsellor.' be 7 And God helped him against 'the Philistines,
quiet, lest I kill thee. And the prophet depart- and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal,
ing, said: I know that God is minded to kill thee: land against the Ammonites.
because thou hast done this evil, and moreover j
8 And
Ammonites gave gifts to Ozias: and
h;ist not hearkened to my counsel. ihis name was spread abroad even to ihe entrance
17 Then Amasias king of Juda taking very of Egypt for his frequent victories.
bad counsel, sent to Joas the son of Joachaz the 9 And Ozias built towers in Jerusalem over
sou of Jehu, king of Israel, saying: Come, let us the gate of the corner, and over the gate of the
see one anotlicr. valley, and the rest, in the same side of the wall,
18 But he sent back the messengers, saying 'and fortified them.
The fhi-tle that is in Libanus sent to the cedar in I 10 And he built towers in the wilderness, and
Lihaiius, saying: Give thy ilaughter to my son to 'dug many cisterns: for he had much cattle both
wife; and behold, the beasts that were in the jin the plains, and in the waste of the desert: he
woo ot Jjibanus passed by, and trod down the
I [had al.'^o vineyards and dressers of vines in the
thistle. iniountains, and in Carmel; for he was a man that
1!' Thou have overthrown Edom;
hast said: I jloved husbandry.
and therefore thy heart is lifted up with pride: ]
11 And the army of his iighling men that went
et.iy at home; why dost thou provoke evil against out to war, was under the hand of Jehiel the
thee, that both thou shouldst fall, and Juda with scribe, and Maasias the doctor, and under the
thee.' jhand of Hananias, who was one of the king's
20 Amasias would not hearken to him; be- captains.
cause it was the Lord's will that he should be 12 Anil the whole number of the chiefs by the
delivered into the hands of enemies, because of families of valiant men, were two thousand six
the gods of Edom. hundred:
21 So Joas king of Israel went up; and they 13 And the whole army under them three hun-
presented themselves to be seen by one another: dred and seven thousand five hundred; who were
and Amasias king of Juda was in Belhsames of fit for war, and fought for the king against the
Juda: enemy.
22 And Juda fell before Israel, and they fled to 14 And Ozias prepared for them, that is, for
thtir dv/ellings. Ithe whole army, shields, and spears, and helmets,
23 And Joas king of Israel took Amasias king and coats of mail, and bows, and slings to cast
of Juda, the son of Joas, the son of Joachaz, in stones.
Belhsames, and brought him to Jerusalem; and 15 And he made in Jerusalem engines of divers
broke down the walls thereof from the gate of kinds, which he placed in the towers, and in the
Ephraim, to the gate of the corner, four hundred corners of the walls, to shoot arrows and great
cu!)its. stones: and his name went forth far abroad; for
24 And he took all the gol<l, and silver, and all the Lord helped him, and had strengthened
the vessels, that he founci in the house of God, him.
and ^\ilh C>bededom, and in the treasures of the 1() But when he was made strong, his lieart was

king's house; moreover also the sons of the hos- lifted up to his destruction: and he neglecte<l the
tages, he brought back to Samaria iLord his God; and sioing into the temple of the
Lord, he had a mind to burn incense upon the according to the manner of the nations, which
altar of incense. the Lord slew at the coming of the children of
17 And immediately Azarias the priest going Israel.
in after him, and with nim fourscore priests of the 4 He sacrificed also, and burnt incense in the
Lord, most valiant men, high places, and on the hills, and under every
18 Withstood the king, and said: It doth not green tree.
belong to thee, Ozias, to burn incense to the 5 And the Lord his God delivered him into the
Lord, but to the priests, that is, to the sons of hands of the king of Syria, who defeated him, and
Aaron, who are consecrated for this ministry: go took a great booty out of his kingdom, and car-
out of the sanctuary, do not despise: for this ried it to Damascus: he was also delivered into
thing shall not be accounted to thy glory by the the hands of the king of Israel, who overthrew
Lord God. him with a great slaughter.
19 And Ozias was angry; and holding in his 6 For Phacee the son of Romelia slew of Juda
hand the censer to burn incense, threatened the a hundred and twenty thousand in one day, all
Eriests. And presently there rose a leprosy in valiant men: because they had forsaken the Lord
is forehead before the priests, in the house of the God of their fathers.
the Lord at the altar of incense. 7 At the same time Zechri a powerful man of
20 And Azarias the high priest, jnd all the Ephraim, slew Maasias the king's son, and Ezri-
rest of the priests, looked upon him, and saw the cam the governor of his house, and Elcana who
leprosy in nis forehead: and they cade haste to was next to the king.
thrust him out. Yea, himself also being fright- 8 And the children of Israel carried away of
ened, hasted to go out, because he had quickly their brethren two hundred thousand women,
felt the stroke of the Lord. boys, and girls, and an immense booty: and they
21 And Ozias the king was a leper unto the brought it to Samaria.
day of his death: and he dwelt in a house apart, 9 At that time there was a prophet of the Lord
being full of the leprosy, for which he had been there, whose name was Oded and he went out to

cast out of the house of the Lord. And Joatham meet the army that came to Samaria, and said to
his son governed the king's house, and judged them: Behold, the Lord the God of your fathers
the people of the land. being angry with Juda, hath delivered them into
22 But the rest of the acts of Ozias first and your hands: and you have butchered them cruelly,
last were written by Isaias the son of Amos, the so that your cruelty hath reached up to heaven.
prophet. 10 Moreover you have a mind to keep, upder
23 And Ozias slept with his fathers: and they the children of Juda and Jerusalem for your bond-
buried him in the field of the royal sepulchres, men and bond-women, which ought not to be
because he was a leper: and Joatham his son done: for you have sinned in this against the
reigned in his stead. Lord your God.
11 But hear ye my counsel, and release the
CHAP. XXVII. captives, that you have brought of your brethren;
Joatham's good reign. because a great indignation of the Lord hangeth
JOATHAM was five and twenty years old over you.
when he began to reign: pnd he reigned six- 12 Then some of the chief men of the sons of
teen years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother Ephraim, Azarias the son of Johanan, Barachias
was Jerusa the daughter of Sadoc. the son of Mosollamoth, Ezechias the son of Sel-
2 And he did that which was right before the lum, and Amasa the son of Adali, stood up against
Lord, according to all that Ozias his father had them that came from the war.
done; only that he entered not into the temple 13 And they said to them: You shall not bring
of the Lord; and the people still transgressed. in the captives hither, lest we sin against the Lord.
3 He built the high gate of the house of the Why will you add to our sins, and heap up upon
Lord; and on the wall of Ophel he built much. our former offences.' for the sin is great; and the
4 Moreover he built cities in the mountains of fierce anger of the Lord hangeth over Israel.
Juda, and castles and towers in the forests. 14 So the soldiers left the spoils, and all tha
5 He fought against the king of the children they had taken, before the princes and all the
of Ammon, and overcame them: and the chil- multitude.
dren of Ammon gave him at that time a hundred 15 And the men, whom we mentioned above*
talents of silver, and ten thousand measures of rose up and took the captives, and with the spoils
wheat, and as many measures of barley: so much clothed all them that were naked: and when they
did the children of Ammon give him in the had clothed and shod them, and refreshed them
second and third year. with meat and drink, and anointed them because
6 And Joatham was strengthened, because he of their labour, and had taken care of them; they
had his way directed before tne Lord his God. set such of them as could not walk, and %yere
7 Now the rest of the acts of Joatham, and all feeble, upon beasts, and brought them to Jericho
Lis wars, and his works, are written in the Book the city of palm-trees, to their brethren: and they
of the kings of Israel and Juda. returned to Samaria.
8 He was five and twenty years old when he 16 At that time king Achaz sent to the king of
began to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in the Assyrians asking help
Jerusalem. 17 And the Edomites came, and slew many of
9 And Joatham slept with his fathers: and they Juda, and took a great booty.
buried him in the city of David: and Achaz his 18 The Philistines also spread themselves
son reigned in his stead. among the cities of the plains, and to the south of
CHAP. XXVIII. Juda: and they took Bethsames, and Aialon, and
Gaderoth, and Socho, and Thamnan, and Gamzo,
The wicked and unhappy reign of Achaz. with their villages: and they dwelt in them.
ACHAZ was twenty years old when he be- 19 For the Lord had humbled Juda because of
gan reign:
to and he reigned sixteen years Achaz the king of Juda; for he had stripped it of
in Jerusalem: he did not that which was right in help,* and had contemned the liOrd.
the sight of the Lord, as David his father had 20 And he brought against him Thelgathphal-
2 But walked in the ways of the kings of Israel; * For he had stripped it of help: that is, Achaz
moreover also he cast statues for Baalim. stripped the kingdom of Juda of the divine assist-
3 It was he that burnt incense in the valley of ance by his wickedness, and by his introducing
Penennom, and consecrated his sons in the fire idolatry
2a 289
: .

casar king ot the Assyrians, who also afflicted Jahiel ; also of the sons of Asaph, Zacharies and
nim, and plundered him without any resistance. Mathanias;
21 And Achaz stripped the house of the Lord, 14 And of the sons of Heman, Jahiel and Se
and the house of the kings, and of the princes, and niei; and of the sons of Idithun, Semeias and
gave gifts to ihe king ot the Assyrians: and yet Oziel.
it availed him nothing. 15 And they gathered together their brethren,
22 Moreover also in the time of his distress he and sanctified themselves, and went in according
increased contempt against the Lord, king Achaz to the commandment of the king, and the precept
himself by himself, of the Lord, to purify the house of God.
23 Sacrificed victims to the gods of Damascus 16 And the priests went into the temple of the
that struck him: and he said: The gods of the Lord to sanctify it; and brought out all the un-
kings of S^'ria help them; and I will appease them cleanness, that they found within to the entrance
with victims; and they will help me; whereas on of the house of the Lord: and the Levites t i:k
the contrary they were the ruin of him, and of it away, and carried it out abroad to the toccjt
all Israel. Cedron.
2-i Then Achaz having taken away all the ves- 17 And they began to cleanse on the first day
sels of the house of God, and broken them, shut of the first month; and on the eiglith day cf the
up the doors of the temple of God, and made him same month they came into the porch of the tem-
self altars in all the corners of Jerusalem. ple of the Lord: and they purified the tenifle in
25 And in all the cities of Juda he built altars eight days; and on the sixteenth day of tlie same
to burn frankincense: and he provoked the Lord month they finished what they had begun.
the God of his fatliers to wrath. 18 And they went in to king Ezechias, and
26 But the rest of his acts, and all his works said to him: We
have sanctified all the house of
first and last are written in the Book of the kings the Lord, and the altar of holocaust, and the ves-
of Juda and Israel. sels thereof, and the table of proposition with all
27 And Achaz slept with his fathers: and they its vessels.
Duried him in the city of Jerusalem: for they re 19 And all the furniture of the temple whicli
ceived him not into the sepulchres of the kings king Achaz in his reign had defiled, after his trans-
of Israel. And Ezechias his son reigned in his gression; and behold, they are all set forth before
stead. the altar oi the Lord.
20 And king Ezechias rising early, assembled
CHAP. XXIX. all the rulers of the city, and went up into the
Ezechias purifieth the temple, and restoreth reli- house of the Lord
gion. 21 And they offered together seven bullocks,
NOW Ezechias began to reign, when he was and seven rams, and seven lambs, and seven he-
five and twenty years old: and he reigned goats for sin, for the kingdom, for the sanctuary,
nine and twenty years in Jerusalem: the name for Juda: and he spoke to the priests the sons of
of his mother was Abia, the daughter of Zacha- Aaron, to offer them upon the altar of the Lord.
rias. 22 Therefore they killed the bullocks; and the
2 And he did that which was pleasing in the priests took the blood, and poured it upon the al-
sight of the Lord, according to all that David his tar: they killed also the rams, and their blood
father had done. they poured also upon the altar: and they killed
3 In the first year and month of his reign he the lambs, and poured the blood upon the altar.
opened the doors of the house of the Lord, and 23 And they brought the he-goats for sin before
repaired them. the king, and the wliole multitude: and thej' laid
4 And he brought the priests and the Levites, their hands upon them:
and assembled them in the east-street. 24 And the priests immolated them, and sprin-^
5 And he said to them: Hear me, ye Levites, kled their blood before the altar for an expiation
and be sanctified; purify the house of the Lord of all Israel: for the king had commanded that
the God of your fathers; and take away all filth the holocaust and the sin-ofi"ering should be made
out of the sanctuary. for all Israel.
6 Our fathers have sinned, and done evil in the 25 And he set the Levites in the house of the
sight of the Lord God, forsaking him: they have Lord with cymbals, and psalteries, and harps ac-
turned away their faces from the tabernacle of the cording to tfie regulation of David the king, and
Lord, and turned their backs. of Gad the seer, and of Nathan the prophet: foi
7 They have shut up the doors that were in the it was the commandment of the Lord by the hand
porch, and put out the lamps, and have not burnt of his prophets.
incense, nor offered holocausts in the sanctuary 26 And the Levites stood with the instruments
of the God of Israel. of David, and the priests with trumpets.
8 Therefore the wrath of the Lord hath been 27 And Ezechias commanded that they should
stirred up against Juda and Jerusalem: and he offer holocausts upon the altar: and when the ho-
hath delivered them to trouble, and to destruction, locausts were offered, they began to sing praises
and to be hissed at, as you see with your eyes. to the Lord, and to sound with trumpets, and
9 Behold, our fatliers are fallen by the sword: divers instruments which David the king of Israel
our sons, and our daughters, and wives are led had prepared.
away captives for this wickedness. 28 And all the multitude adored: and the sing-
10 Now therefore I have a mind that we make ers, and the trumpeters were in their office, ti.
a covenant with the Txird the God of Israel; and the Jiolocaust was finished
he will turn away the wrath of his indignation 29 And when the oblation was ended, the king,
from us. and all that were witli him bowed down, and
11 My sons, be not negligent: the Lord .lath adored.
chosen you to stand before him, and to minister to 30 And Ezechias and the princes commanded
him, and to worship hirn, and to burn incense to the Levites to praise the Lord with the words of
him. I^->vid, and Asaph the seer: and tliey praised him
12 Then the Levites arose Mahath the son of Wilh great joy, and bowing the knee adored.

Amasai, and Joel the son of Azarias, of the sons 31 And Ezechias added, and said: You have
of Caath; and of the sons of Merari, Cis the son filled your hands to the Lord; come and offer
of Abdi, and Azarias the son of Jalaleel; and of victims, and praises in the house of the Lord
the sons of Gerson, Joah the son of Zemma, and And all the multitude offered victims, and praises
EMen the son of Joah; and holocausts, with a devout mind.
13 And of the sons of Elisaphan, Samri and 32 And the number of the holocausts which the


Wiultltude offered,was seventy bullocks, a hun- thatwere in Jerusalem, and took nway all thingi
•Jred rams,and two hundred lambs. inwhich incense was burnt to idols, and cast
33 And they consecrated to the Lord six hun- them into the torrent Cedron.
dred oxen, and three thousand sheep. 15 And they immolated the phase on the four-
34 But the priests were few, and were not teenth day of the second montli. And the priests
enough to flay the holocausts: wherefore the and the Levites being at length sanctified, offer-
Levites their brethren helped them, till the work ed holocausts in the house of the Lord.
was ended, and priests were sanctified; for the 16 And they stood in their order, according to
Levites are sanctified with an easier rite than the the disposition and law of Moses the man of
priests. God: but the priests received the blood which
3.5 So there were many holocausts, and the fat was to be poured out, from the hands of the Le-
of peace-offerings, and the libations of holocausts: vites,
and the service of the house of the Lord was 17 Because a great number was not sanctified,
completed. and therefore the Levites immolated the phase
36 And Ezechias and all the people rejoiced, for them that came not in lime to be sanctified to
because the ministry of the Lord was accom- the Lord.
plished. For the resolution of doing this thing 18 For a great part of the people from
was taken suddenly. Ephraim, and Manasses, and Issachar, and Zabu-
lon, that had not been sanctified, ate the phase,
CHAP. XXX. otherwise than it is written: and Ezechias pray-
ed for them, saying: The Lord who is good, will
Ezechias inviteth all. Israel to cdehraie the
show mercy
pasch: the solemnity is kept fourteen days
19 To all them, who Avith their whole heart
sent to all and Juda: seek the Lord the God of their fathers; and will
letters to Ephraim and Ma- nbt impute it to them that they are not sanc-
nasses, that they should come to the house of the tified.
Lord in Jerusalem, and keep the phase to the 20 And the Lord heard him, and was merciful
Lord the God of Israel. to the people.
2 For the king taking counsel, and the princes, And the children of Israel that were found
^nd all the assembly of Jerusalem, decreed to atJerusalem, kept the feast of unleavened bread
Keep the phase the second month. seven days with great joy, praising the Lord
3 For they could not keep it in its time: be- every day: the Levites also and the priests with
cause there were not priests enough sanctified, instruments, that agreed to their ofSce.
and the people was not as yet gathered together 22 And Ezechias spoke to the heart of all the
to Jerusalem. Levites, that had good understanding concerning
4 And the thing pleased the king, and all the the Lord: and they ate during the seven days
people. of the solemnity, immolating victims of peace-
5 And they decreed to send messengers to all offerings, and praising the Lord the God of their
Israel from Bersabee even to Dan, that they fathers.
should come, and keep the phase to the Lord the 23 And it pleased the whole multitude to keep
God of Israel in Jerusalem: for many had not other seven days; which they did with great
kept it as it is prescribed by the law. joy-
6 And the posts went with letters by com- 24 For Ezechias the king of Juda had given to
mandment of the king, and his princes, to all Is- the multitude a thousand bullocks, and seven
rael and Juda proclaiming according to the king's thousand sheep: and the princes had given the
orders: Ye children of Israel, turn again to the people a thousand bullocks, and ten thousand
Lord the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of sheep: and a great number of priests was sane
Israel: and he will return to the remnant of you lifted.
that have escaped the hand of the king of the 25 Andall the multitude of Juda with the
Assyrians. priests and Levites, and all the assembly that
7 "Be not like your fathers, and brethren, who came out of Israel; and the proselytes of the
departed from the Lord the God of their fathers; land of Israel, and that dwelt in Juda were full
and he hath given them up to destruction, as you of joy.
see. 26 And there was a great solemnity in Jerusa-
8 Harden not your necks, as your fathers did lem, such as had not been in that city since the
yield yourselves to the Lord, and come to his time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel.
sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: 27 And the priests and the Levites rose up,
serve the Lord the God of your fathers; and the and blessed the people: and their voice was
wrath of his indignation shall be turned away heard: and their prayer came to the holy dwell-
from vou. ing place of heaven.
9 I'or if you turn again to the Lord, your
brethren and children shall find mercy before CHAP. XXXI.
their masters, that have led them away captive;
Idolatry is abolished; and provisions made for
and they shall return into this land: for the Lord the ministers.
your God is merciful, and will not turn away his
face from you, if you return to him.
10 So the posts went speedily from city to city,
when these things had been duly cele-
brated, all Israel that were found in the
through the land of Ephraim, and of Manasscs, cities of Juda went out, and they broke the idols,
even to Zabulon; whilst they laughed at them, and cut down the groves, demolished the high
and mocked them. places, and destroyed the altars, not only out of
11 Nevertheless some men of Aser, and of all Juda and Benjamin, but out of Ephraim also
Manasses, and of Zabulon, yielding to the coun- and Manasses. till they had utterly destroyed
sel, came to Jerusalem them: then ail the children of Israel returned to
12 But the hand of God was in Juda, to give their possessions and cities.
tl)em one heart to do the word of the Lord, ac- 2 And Ezechias appointed companies of the
cording to the commandment of the king, and of priests, and the Levites, by their courses, every
the princes. man in his own office, to wit, both of the priests,
13 And much people were assembled to Jeru- and of the Levites, for holocausts, and for peace-
salem to celebrate the solemnity of the unleaven- offerings, to minister, and to praise, and to sing
ed bread in the second month: in the gates of the camp of the Lord.
14 And they arose, and destroyed the. altars 3 And the king's part was, that of his propei
substance the holocaust should be offered always CHAP. XXXII.
morning and evening, and on the sabbaths, and
Sennacherib invadeth Juda: his army is dibtr^
the new moons, and the other solemnities, as it ih
ed by an Angel. Ezechias recovereth from
written in the law of Moses.
his sickness: his other acts.
4 He commanded also the people that dwelt in
Jerusalem, to give to the priests and the Levites
their portion, that they might attend to the law
AFTER these things, and this truth, Senna-
cherib king of the Assyrians came and en-
of the Lord. tered into Juda, and besieged the fenced cities,
5 Which when it was noised abroad in the ears desiring to take them.
of the people, the children of Israel offered in 2 And when Ezechias k-tv that Sennacherib
abundance the first-fruits of com, wine, and oil, was come, and that the wicJe force of the war
and honey; and brought the tithe of all things was turning against Jerusalej.,
which the ground bringeth forth. 3 He took counsel with tfie princes, and the
6 Moreover the children of Israel and Juda, most valiant men, to stop up the heads of tne
that dwelt in the cities of Juda, brought in the springs, that were without the city: and as they
tilhes of oxen, and sheep, and the tithes of holy were all of this mind,
things,which they had vowed to the Lord their 4 He gathered together a very great multit.jJer
God; and carrying them all, made many heaps. and they stopped up all the springs, and the
7 In the third month they began to lay the brook, that ran through the midst of the land,
foundations of the heaps; and in the seventh saying: Lest the kings of the Assyrians should
month they finished them. come, and find abundance of water.
S And when Ezechias and his princes came in, 5 He built up also with great diligence all the
they saw the heaps; and they blessed the Lord wall that had been broken down, and built towers
and the peo[)le of Israel. , upon it, and another wall without: and he repaired
9 And Ezechias asked the priests and the Le- Mello in the city of David, and made all sort of
vites, why the heaps lay so. anns and shields:
10 Azarias the chief priest of the race of Sa- 6 And he appointed captains of the soldiers of
doc answered him, saying: Since the first-fruits the army: and he called them all together in the
began to be offered in the house of the Lord, we street of the gate of the city, and spoke to their
have eaten, and have been filled, and abundance heart, saying:
is left; because the Lord hath blessed his people; 7 Behave like men, and take courage: be not
and of that which is left is this great store which afraid nor dismayed for the king of the Assyri-
thou seest. ans, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for
11 Then Ezechias commanded to prepare there are many more with us than with him.
store-houses in the house of the Lord. And 8 For with him is an arm of flesh; with us the
when they had done so, Lord our God, who is our helper, and fighteth for
12 They brought in faithfully both the first- us. And the people were encouraged with these
fruits, and the tithes, and all they had vowed. words of Ezechias king of Juda.
And the overseer of them was Chonenias the 9 After this Sennacherib king of the Assyrians
Levite, and Semei his brother was the second. sent his servants to Jerusalem, (for he with all
13 And after him Jehiel, and Azarias. and Na- his army was besieging Lachis.) to Ezechias
hath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, and Jozabad,! king of Juda, and to all the people that were in
and Eliel, and Jesmachias, and Mahath, and Ba- the city, saying:
naias, overseers imder the hand of Chonenias, and 10 Thus saith Sennacherib king of the Assy-
Semei his brother, by the commandment of Eze- rians: In whom do you trust, that you sit still be-
chias the king, and Azarias the high priest of the sieged in Jerusalem.
house of God, to whom all things appertained. 11 Doth not Ezechias deceive you, to give you
14 But Core the son of Jemna the Levite, the up to die by hunger and thirst, afJRrming that the
porter of the east-gate, was overseer of the things Lord your God sh,-di deliver you from the hand
which were freely offered to the Lord, and of tiie of the king of the Assyrians?
first-fruits, and the things dedicated for the holies 12 Is it not this same Ezechias, that hath de-
of iiolies. stroyed his high places, and his altars, and com-
15 And under his charge were Eden, and Ben- manded Juda and Jerusalem, saying: You shall
jamin, Jesue, and Semeias, and Amarias, and Se- worship before one altar; and upon it you shall
chenias. in the cities of the priests, to distribute burn incense.'
faithfully portions to their brethren, both little 13 Know you not what I and my fathers have
and great: '
done to all the people of the lands? have the gods
16 Besides the males from three years old and of any nations and lands been able to deliver
upward, to all that went into the temple of the their country out of my hand?
Lord, and whatsoever there was need of in the 14 Who is there among all the gods o( the
ministry, and their offices according to their nations, which my fathers have destroyed, :hat
courses, day by day. could deliver his people out of my hand, lliat
17 To the priests by their families, and to the your God should be able to deliver you out of
Levites from the twentieth year and upward, by this hand ?
their classes and companies. 15 Therefore let not Ezechias deceive you,
18 And to all the multitude, both to their wives, nor delude you with a vain persuasion; and do
and to tneir children of both sexes, victuals were not believe him. For if no god of all the natiora
given faithfully out of the things that had been and kingdoms, could deliver his peojile out of n y
sanctified. hand, and out of the hand of my fathers; conse-
19 Also of the sons of Aaron who were in the quently neither shall your God be able to deliver
fields and in the suburbs of each city, there were you out of my hand.
men a])pointed, to distribute portions to all the 16 And many other things did his servants
males, among the priests and tne Levites. speak against the Lord God, and against Eze-
20 So Ezechias did all things which we have chias his servant.
said, in all Juda; and wrought that which was 17 He wrote also letters full of blas|)hemy
g;ood and right and truth before the Lord his against the Lord the God of Israel; and he spoke
God, agTinst him: As the gods of other nations could
21 In all the service of the ministry of the not delivfr their pi'ople out of my hand, so neither
house of the Lord according to the law and the c-in the Go'! of Ezechias deliver his people ou?
ceremonies, desiring to seek his God with all bis of this hin''.
heart: and he did it, and prospered. ^Toreov"! he cried out witli a loud voice, in
the Jews toiigue, to the people that sat on the and he adored all the host of heaven,* and wor
walli of Jerusalem, that he might frighten them, shipped them.
aaJ take the city. 4 He
built also altars in the house of the Lord,
19 And he spoke against the God of Jerusalem, whereof the Lord had said: In Jerusalem shall
'Sis against the gods of the people of the earth, the my name be for ever.
works of the hands of men. 5 And he built them for all the host of heaven
20 And Ezechias the king, and Isaias the pro- in the two courts of the house of the Lord.
phet the son of Anjos, prayed against this blas- 6 Andhe made his sons to pass through the
phemy, and cried out to heaven. ifire, in the valley of Benennom: he observed
21 And the Lord sent an Angel, who cut ofif dreams, followed divinations, gave himself up to
all the stout men and the warriors, and the cap- magic arts, had with him magicians, and enchant-
tains of the army of the king of the Assj'rians: ers: and he wrought many evils before the Lord,
and he returned with disgrace into his own coun- to provoke him to anger.
try. And when he was come into the house of 7 He set also a graven and a molten statue in
his god, his sons that came out of his bowels, the house of God, of which God had said to Da-
slew liim with the sword. vid, and to Solomon his son: In this house, and in
22 And the Lord saved Ezechias and the in- Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the
habitants of Jerusalem, out of the hand of Sen- tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever.
nacherib king of the Assyrians, and out of the 8 And I will not make the foot of Israel to be
hand of all; and gave them treasures on every removed out of the land which I have delivered
side- to their fathers: yet so if they will take heed to
23 Many also brought victims and sacrifices to do what I have commanded them, and all the
the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Ezechias law, and the ceremonies, and judgments, by the
king of Juda: and he was magnified thenceforth hand of Moses.
in the sight of all nations. 9 So Manasses seduced Juda, and the inhabit-
24 In those daj's Ezechias was sick even to ants of Jerusalem, to do evil beyond all the na-
death: and he prayed to the Lord: and he heard tions, which the Lord had destroyed before the
him, and gave him a sign. face of the children of Israel.
25 But he ditl not render again according to 10 And the Lord spoke to him, and to his peo
the benefits which he had received; for his heart pie: and they would not hearken.
was lifted up: and wrath was enkindled against 11 Therefore he brought upon them the cap
him, and against Juda and Jerusalem. tains of the army of the kins of the Assj'rians-.
26 And he humbled himself afterwards, be- and they took Manasses, and carried him bound
cause his heart had been lifted up, both he and with chains and fetters to Babylon.
the inhabitants of Jerusalem: and therefore the 12 And after that he was in distress, he prayed
wrath of the Lord came not upon them in the to the Lord his God; and did penance- exceed-
days of Ezechias. ingly before the God of his fathers.
27 And Ezechias was rich, and very glorious, 13 And he entreated him, and besought him
and he gathered himself great treasures of silver, earnestly: and he heard his prayer, and brought
and of gold, and of precious stones, of spices, and him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom: and
of arms of all kinds, and of vessels of great price; Manasses knew that the Lord was God.
28 Store-houses also of corn, of wine, and of oil, 14 After this he built a wall without the city
and stalls for all beasts, and folds for cattle. of David, on the west side of Gihon in the valley,
29 And he b-uilt himself cities: for he had from the entering in of the fish-gate rounrl about
flocks pf sheep, and herds without number; for to Ophel, and raised it up to a great height: and
the Lord had given him very much substance. he appointed captains of the army in ail the
30 This same Ezechias was he that stopped fenced cities of Juda:
the upper source of the waters of Gihon, and 15 And he took away the strange gods and the
turned them away underneath toward the west iidol out of the house of the Lord; the altars also
of the city of David in all his works he did pros- 'which he had made in the mount of the house of

perously what he would. the Lord, and in Jerusalem: and he cast them all
31 But yet in the embassy of the princes of out of the city.
Babylon, that were sent to him, to inquire of the 16 And he repaired the altar of the Lord, and
wonder that had happened upon the earth, God sacrificed upon it victims, and peace-ofFerings,
left him that he mignt be tempted, and all things and praise: and he commanded Juda to serve the
might be made known that were in his heart. Lord the God of Israel.
32 Now the rest of the acts of Ezechias, and 17 Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in
of his mercies, are written in the Book of the the high places to the Lord their God.
kings of Juda and Israel. 18 But the rest of the acts of Manasses, and his
33 And Ezechias slept with his fathers: and prayer to his God, and the words of the seers that
thev buried him above the sepulchres of the sons spoke to him in the name of the Lord the God ot
of David: and all Juda, and all the inhabitants of Israel, are contained in the words of the kings of
Jerusalem celebrated his funeral: and Manasses Israel.
his son reigned in his stead. 19 His prayer also, and his being heard, and all
his sins, and contempt, and places wherein he
CHAP, xxxin. built high places, and set up groves and statues,
before he did penance, are written in the words
^laiiasses far his manifold wickedness is led
captive to Babylon: he repenteth; and is re-
of Hozai.
20 And Manasses slept with his fathers: and
stored to his hins;dom; and destroyeth idola-
jthey buried him in his house: and his son Amon

try: his successor Amon is slain by his ser-

Ireisned in his stead.
I 21 Amon was two and twenty years old when
[V'l ANASSES was twelve years old when he jhe began to reign: and he reigned tvo years in
LtX began to reign: and he reigned fifty five Jerusalem.

fears in Jerusalem. 22 And he did evil in the siglil of ine Lord, as

2 And he did evil before the Lord, according 'Manasses his father had do)ie: and he sacrificed

to all the abominations of the nations, which the 'to ail the idols which Manasses his lather bad
Lord cast out before the children of Israel: Imade, and served them.
3 And he turned, and built again the high pla-
«es which Ezechias his father had destroyed: * The host of heaven. The" sun, moon, and
uid he built altars to Baalim, and made groves, stare.
23 And he did not humble himself before the 16 But he carried the book to the king, and
Lord, as Mantsses his father had humbled hin?- told him, saying: Lo, all that thou hast commit
eelf, but committed far greater sins. ted to thy servants, is accomplished.
24 And his servants conspired against him, and 17 They have gathered together the silver that
slew him in his own house. was foundin the house of the Lord: and it \a
25 But the rest of the multitude of fne people given to the overseers of the artificers, and of the
slew them that had killed Amon, and made Josias workmen, for divers works.
his son king in his stead. 18 Moreover Helcias the priest gave me this
book. And he read it before the king.
CHAP XXXIV. 19 And when he had heard the words of the
law, he rent his garments:
Josias destroy eth idolatry; repair eth the temple; 20 And he commanded Helcias, and Ahicara
and reneweth the covenant between God and the son of Saphan, and Abdon the son ot Micha,
the people.
and Saphan the scribe, and Asaa the king's ser-
JOSIAS was eight years old when he began to vant, saying:
reign: and he reigned one and thirty years in 21 Go, and pray to the Lord for me, and for
Jerusalem. the remnant of Israel, and Juda, concerning all
2 And he did that which was right in the sight the words of this book which is found for the :

of the Lord, and walked in the ways of David great wrath of the Lord hath fallen upon us, be-
his father: he declined not, neither to the right cause our fathers have not kept the words of the
hand, nor to the left. Lord, to do all things that are written in this
3 And in the eighth year of his reign, when he book.
was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of his 22 And Helcias and theythat were sent with
father David: and in the twelfth year after he him by the king, went to Olda the prophetess, the
began to reign, he cleansed Juda and Jerusalem wife of Sellum the son of Thecuath, the son of
from the high places, and the groves, and the Hasra keeper of the wardrobe, who dwelt in Je-
idols, and the graven things. rusalem in the Second part: and they spoke to
4 And they broke down before him the altars her the words above-mentioned.
of Baalim, and demohshed the idols that had been 23 And she answered them: Thus saith the
set upon them: and he cut down the groves and Lord the God of Israel: Tell the man that sent
the graven things, and broke them in pieces; and you to me:
strewed the fragments upon the graves of them 24 Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will bring
that had sacrificed to them. evils upon this place, and upon the inhabitants
5 And he burnt the bones of the priests on the thereof^ and all the curses that are written in
altars of the idols: and he cleansed Juda and Je- this book which they read before the king of
rusalem. Juda.
6 And in the cities of Manasses, and of Eph- 25 Because they have forsaken me, and have
raim, and of Simeon, even to Nephthali, he de- sacrificed to strange gods, to provoke me to
molished all. wrath with all the works of their hands, there-
7 ^^nd when he had destroyed the altars, and fore my wrath shall fall upon this place, and shall
the groves, and had broken the idols in pieces, not be quenched.
and had demolished all profane temples through- 26 But as to the king of Juda that sent yau to
out all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusa- beseech the Lord, thus shall you say to him-.
lem. Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Because
8 Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, thou hast heard the words of this book,
when he had cleansed the land, and the temple 27 And thy heart was softened, and thou hast
of the Lord, he sent Saphan the son of Eselias, humbled thyself in the sight of God for the things
and Maasias the governor of the city, Joha the that are spoken against this place, and the inha-
son of Joachaz the recorder, to repair the bouse bitants of Jerusalem, and reverencing face, my
of the Lord his God. hast rent thy garments, and wept before me: I
9 And they came to Helcias the high priest; also have heard thee, saith the Lord.
and received of him the money which had been 28 For now I will gather thee to thy fathers,
brought into the house of the Lord, and which and thou shalt be brought to thy tornb in peace:
the Levites and porters had gathered together and thy eyes sliall not see all the evil that I will
from Manasses, and Ephraim, and all the rem- bring upon this place, and the inhabitants thereof.
nant of Israel, and from all Juda, and Benjamin, They therefore reported to the king all that she
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, had said.
10 SVhich they delivered into the hands of 29 And he called together all the ancients of
them that were over the workmen in the house Juda and Jerusalem,
of the Lord, to repair the temple, and mend all 30 And went up to the house of the Lord, and
that was weak. allthe men of Juda, and the inhabitants of Jeru-
11 But they gave it to the artificers, and to the salem, the priests and the Levites, and all the
masons, to buy stones out of the quarries, and people from the least to the greatest. And the
timber for the couplings of the building, and to king read in their hearing in the house of the
rafter the houses, which the kings of Juda had Lord, all the words of the book.
destroyed. 31 standing up in his tribunal, he made a
12 And they did all faithfully. Now the over- covenant before the Lord to walk after him, and
seers of the workmen were Jahath and Abdias keep his commandments, and testimonies, and
of the sons of Merari, Zacharias and Mosollam justifications, with all his heart, and with all his
of the sons of Caath, who hastened the work; all soul, and to do the things that were written in
Ijcvites skilful to play on instruments. that book which he had read.
13 But over them that carried burdens for di- 32 And he adjured all that were found in Jeru-
vers uses, were scribes and masters, of the num- salem and Benjamin, to do the same: and the in-
oer of the Levites, and porters. habitants of Jerusalem did according to the co-
14 Now when they carried out the money that venant of the Lord the God of their fathers •
had been brought into the temple of the Lord, 33 And Josias took away all the abomination§
Helcias the priest found the book of the law of out of all the countries of the children of Israel;
the Lord, by the hand of Moses. and made all that were left in Israel, to serve the
15 And he said to Saphan the scribe: I have Lord their God. As long as he lived, they de-
found the book of the law, in the house of the )iarted not from the Lord the God of their
Lord; and he delivered it to him 11 fathers.
! :


CHAP. XXXV. 18 There was no phase like to this in Iwael.
from the days of Samuel the prophet: neither dia
Josias ctlebrateth a most solemn pasch. He is
gny of all the kings of Israel keep s-ich a phase as
slain by the ki7ig of Egypt. Josias kept, with the priests, and the Levites, and
AND Josii\s kept a phase to the Lord in Je- all Juda, and Israel that were found, and the in-
rusalem; and it was sacrificed on the four- habitants of Jerusalem.
teenth day of the first month. 19 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josias
2 And he set the priests in their offices, and was this phase celebrated.
exhorted them to mmister in the house of the 20 After that Josias had repaired the t»mple,
Lord. Nechao king of Egypt came up to fight in Chai-
3 And he spoke to the Levites, by whose in- camisby the Euphrates: and Josias wen out to
struction all Israel was sanctified to the Lord, meet him.
saying: Put the ark in the sanctuary of the tem- 21 But he sent messengers to him, saying:
ple, which Solomon the son of David king of Is- What have I to do with thee, O king of Juda? I
rael built: for you shall carry it no more: but come not against 'hee this day but I fight against

minister now to the Lord your God, and to his another house, to which God hath commanded
people Israel, me to go in haste: forbear to do against God, who

4 And prepare yourselves bj' your houses and is with" me, lest he kill thee.

families, according to your courses, as David 22 Josias would not return, but prepared to
king of Israel commanded, and Solomon his son fight against him, and hearkened not to (he words
hath written. of Nechao from the mouth of God, but went to
5 And serve ye in the sanctuary by the fami- fight in the field of Mageddo.
lies and companies of Levi: 23 And there he was wounded by the archers: ,

6 And being sanctified kill the phase, and pre- and he said to his servants: Carry me out of the
pare your brethren, that they may do according battle: for I am grievously wounded.
to the words which the Lord spoke by the hand 24 And they removed him from the chariot
of Moses. into another, that followed him after the manner
7 And Josias gave to all the people that were of kings: and they carried him away to Jerusa-
found there in the solemnity of the phase, of lem; and he died, and was buried in the monu-
lambs, and of kids of the flocks, and of other ment of his fathers: and all Juda and Jerusalem
small cattle, thirty thousand; and of oxen three mourned for him,
thousand all these were of the king's substance.
: 25 Particularly Jeremias: whose lamentations
8 And his princes willingly offered what they for Josias all the singing men and singing women
had vowed, both to the peojjle, and to the priests repeat unto this day, and it became like a law in
and the Levites. Moreover Helcias, and Za- Israel: Behold, it is found written in the Lamen-
charias, and Jahiel, rulers of the house of the tations.
Lord, gave to the priests to keep the phase, two 26 Now
the rest of the acts of Josias and of
thousand six hundred small cattle, and three hun- his mercies, according to what was commanded
dred oxen. by the law of the Lord

9 And Chonenias, and Semeias, and Nathanael,! 27 And his works first and last, are written in
his brethren, and Hasabias, and Jehiel, and Joza-1 the Book of the kings of Juda and Israel.
bad, princes of the Levites, gave to the rest of
tlie Levites to celebrate the pnase, five thousand
small cattle, and five hundred oxen. The reigns ofJoachaz, Joakim, Joachim, and Se-
10 And the ministry was prepared, and the decias: the captivity of Babylon released at
priests stood in their office; the Levites also in length by Cynis.
their companies, according to the king's com-
the people of the land took Joachaz
the son of Josias, and made him king instead
11 And the phase was immolated: and the of his father in Jerusalem.
priests sprinkled the blood with their hand: and 2 Joachaz was three and twenty years old,
the Levites flayed the holocausts: when he began to reign: and he reigned three
12 And they separated them to give them by months in Jerusalem.
the houses and families of every one, and to be 3 And the king of Egypt came to Jerusalen-,
offered to the Lord, as it is written in the book and deposed him, and condemned the land in a
of Moses: and with the oxen they did in like hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.
manner. 4 And he made Eliakim his brother king in his
13 And they roasted the phase with fire, ac- stead, over Juda and Jerusalem: and he turned
cording to that which is written in the law: but his name to Joakim: but he took Joachaz with
the victims of peace-offerings they boiled in cal- him, and carried him away into Egypt.
drons, and kettles, and pots: and they distributed 5 Joakim was five and twenty years old when
them speedily among all the people. he began to reign: and he reigned eleven years in
14 And afterwards they made readj' for them Jerusalem: and he did evil before the Lord his
selves, and for the priests: for the priests were God.
busied holocausts and the fat until
in offering of^ 6 Against him came up Nabuchodonosor king
night: wherefore the Levites prepared for them- of the Chaldeans, and led him bound in chains
selves, and for the priests the sons of Aaron last. into Babylon.
15 And the singers the sons of Asaph stood in 7 And he carried also thither the vessels of the
their order, according to the commandment of Lord, and put them in his templ^.
David, and Asaph, and Heman, and Idilhun, the 8 But the rest of the acts of Joakim, and his
projihets of the king: and the porters kept guard abominations, which he wrought, and the things
at every gate, so as not to depart one moment that were found in him, are contained in the
from their service: and therefore their brethren Book of the kings of Juda and Israel. And Joa-
the Levites prepared meats for them. chin his son reigned in his stead.
16 So all the service of the Lord was duly ac- 9 Joachin was eight years old* when he began
compli.shed that day, both in keeping the phase, to reign: and he reigned three months and ten
and offering holocausts upon the altar of the
Lord, according Co the commandment of king * Eight vears old. He was associated by his
Josiati. father to thl; kingdom, when he was but eight
17 And the children of Israel that were found years old: but after his father's death, when he
there, kept the phase at that time, and the feast reigned alone, he was eighteen years old, 4 Kirtgt
f unleavened bread seven days. ^^*^' '•
' 295
days in Jerusalem: and he did evil in the sight of sword in the house of his sahctuary: he had no
the Lord. compassion on young man, or maiden, old man,
10 And at the return of the year, king; Nabu- or even him that stooped for age; but he deliver
chodonosor sent, and brought him to ^Babylon, ed them all into his hands.
carrying away at the same time the most pre- 18 And all the vessels of the house of the Lord,
cious vessels of the house of the Lord: and he great and small, and the treasures of the temple,
made Sedecias his uncle king over Juda and Je- and of the kmg, and of the princes, he carried
rusalem. away to Babylon.
11 Sedecias was one and twenty years old 19 And the enemies set fire to the house of
when he began to reign: and he reigned eleven God, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem,
years in Jerusalem. burnt all the towers; and whatsoever was pre-
12 And he did evil in the eyes of the Lord his cious they destroyed.
God, and did not reverence the face of Jeremias 20 Whosoever escaped the sword, was led into
the prophet speaking to him from the mouth of Babylon, and there served the king and his sciie,
the Lord. till the reign of the king of Persia;

13 He also revolted from king Nabuchodono- 21 That the word of the Lord by the moutb of
8|)i -who had made him swear by God : and he Jeremias might be fulfilled, and the land might
hardened his neck and his heart, from returning keep her sabbaths: tor all the days of the desola-
to the Lord the God of Israel. tion she kept a sabbath, till the seventy years
14 Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the were expired.
people wickedly transgressed according to all tlie 22 But in the first year of Cyrus king of the
abominations of the Gentiles: and they defiied the Persians, to fulfil the word of the Lord, which he
house of the Lord, which he had sanctitied to had spoken by the mouth of Jeremias, the Lord
himself in Jerusalem. stirred up the heart of Cyrus king of the Per-
15 And the Lord the God of their fathers sent sians: who commanded it to be proclaimed
to tliem, by the hand of his messengers, rising throusih all his kingdom, and by writing also,
early, and daily admonishing them: because he saying:
spared his people and his dwelling place. 23 Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: All
16 But they mocked the messengers of God, the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord the God
and despised his words, and misused the prophets, of heaven given to me; and he hath charged me
until '.he wrath of the Lord arose against his peo- to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in
ple: and there was no remedy. Judea: who is there among you of all his people?
17 For he brought upon them the king of the The Lord his God be with him; and let him go
Chaldeans: and he slew their young men with the up.


This book taJteth its name from the ivriter: loho their hands with vessels of silver, and gold, with
was a holy priest, and doctor of the laio. He goods, and with beasts, and with furniture, be-
is called by the Hebrews Ezka. sides what they had offered on their own accord.
7 And king Cyrus brought forth the vessels of
CHAP. I. the temple of the Lord, which Nabuchodonosor
Cyrus king of Persia releasetk God'' s people from had taken from Jerusalem, and had put them in
their captivity, with license to return and build the temple of his god.
the temple in Jerusalem: and restoreth the holy 8 Now Cyrus king of Persia brought them
vessels which Nabuchodonosor had taken from forth by the hand of Mithridates the son of Gaza-
thence. bar, and numbered them to Sassabasar the prince
the first year of Cyrus king of the Persians, of Juda.
IN that the word of the Lord by the mouth of 9 And this is the number of them: thirty bowls
Jeremias might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up of gold, a thousand bowls of silver, nine and twen
the spirit of Cyrus king of the Persians: and he ty knives, thirty cups of gold,
made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, 10 Silver cups of a second sort, four hundred
and in writing also, saying: and ten: other vessels a thousand.
2 Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians The : 11 All the vessels of gold and silver, five thou-
Lord the God of heaven hath given to me all the sand four hundred; All these Sassabasar brought
kingdoms of the earth: and he haih charged me with them that came up from the captivity of
to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Babylon to Jerusalem.
3 Who is there among you of all his people .'
His God be with him. Let him go uji to Jerusa- The number of them that returned to Judea:
lem, which is in Judea, and build the house of the their oblations.
Jjord the God of Israel; he is the God that is in
OW these are the children of the province,
that went out of the captivit}', which Na-
4 And let all the rest in all places wheresoever buchodonosor king of Babylon had carried away
they dwell, help him every man from his place, to Babylon, and who returned to Jerusalem and
with silver, and gold, and goods, and cattle, be- Juda, every man to his city:
sides that which they otTer freely to the temple of 2 Who came with Zoroliabel, Josue, Nehemia,
God, which is in Jerusalem. Saraia, Rahelaia. Mardochai, Belsan, Mesphar,
5 Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Juda Beguai, Rehum. Baana. The number of the men
and Benjamin, and the priests, and Levites, and of the people of Israel:
every one whose spirit God hath raised up, to go 3 The children of Pharos two thousand one
ap to build the temple of the Lord, which was In hundred seventy two.
Jerusalem. 4 The children of Sephatia, three hundred se
6 And all they that were round about, helped venty two.


5 The children of Area, seven hundred seventy47 Tlie children of Gaddel, the children <rf

five Gaher, the children of Raaia,

6 The children of Phahath Moab, of the chil- 48 The children of Rasiii, the children of Ne-
dren of Jobue: Joab, two thousand eight hundred coda, the children of Gazam,
twelve. 49 The children of Aza, the children of Phasea,
7 T!ie children of Elain, a thousand two hun- the children of Besee,
dred lifty four. 50 The children of Asena, the children of Mu-
8 Tile children of Zethua, nine hundred forty nim, the children of Nephusim,
five. 51 The children of Bacbuc, the children of
9 The children of Zachai, seven hundred sixty. Hacu))ha, the children of Harhur,
U) The children of Bani, i<ix hundred forty two. 52 The children of Besluth, the children of
11 The ciiildren of Bebai, six hundred twenty Mahida, the children of Harsa,
three. 53 The children of Bercos, the children of Sisa-
12 The children of Azgad, a thousand two ra, the children of Theina,
hundred twenty two. 54 The children of J^Jasia, the children of Ha-
; The children of Adonicam, six hundred tipha,
ii\ty sri.Y. 55 The children of the servants of Solomon, the
14 The children of Beguai, two thousand fifty children ol Sotai, the children of Sopheret, the
six. children of Pharuda,
15 The children of Adin, four hundred fifty 56 The children of Jala, the children of Der-
four. con, the children of Geddel,
K) The children of Ather, who were of Eze- 57 The children of Saphatia, the children of
chias, ninety eight- Hatil, the children of Phochereth, which were of
17 The children of Besai, three hundred and Asebaim, the children of Ami,
twenty three. 58 All the Nathinites, and the children of the
18 The children of Jora, a hundred and twelve, servant.s of Solomon, three hundred ninety two.
la The children of Hasum, twohun Ved twen- 59 And these are they that came up from Thel-
t}' three. mela, Thelharsa, Cherub, and Adon, and Emer.
The children of Gebbar, ninety five.
20 And they could not show the house of their fa-
21 The children of Bethlehem, a hundred twen- thers and their seed, whellier they were of Israel.
ty iliree. 60 The children of Dalaia, the children of To-
22 The men of Netupha, fifty si.x. bia, the children of Necoda, six hundred fifty
23 The men of Ar.athoth, a hundred twenty two.
eight. 61 And of the children of the priests: The chil-
24 The children of Azmaveth, forty two. dren of Hobia, the children of Accos, the chil-
25 The children of Carialhiaritn, Cephira, and dren of BerzeJlai, who took a wife of the daugh-
Beroth, seven hundred forty three. ters of Berzellai the Galaadite, and was called by
26 The children of Rama and Gabaa, si.v hun- their name:
dred twenty one. 62 These sought the writing of their genealogy,
27 The men of Machmas, a hundred twenty and found it not: and they were cast out of the
two. priesthood.
28 The men of Bethel and Hai, two hundred, 63 And Athersatha said to them, that they
twenty three. should not eat of the Holy of Holies, till there
29 The children of Nebo, fifty two. arose a priest learned and perfect.
30 The children of Megbis, a hundred fifty 64 All the multitudes as one man, tvcre forty
six. two thousand* three hundred and si.xty:
31 The children of the other Elam, a thousand 65 Besides their men-servants, and women-ser-
two hundred fifty four. vants, of whom there were seven thousand three
32 The children of Harim, three hundred and hundred and thirty seven; and among them sing-
twenty. ing men, and singing women two hundred.
33 The children of LodjHadid, and One, seven tS Their horses seven hundred thirty six; their
hundred twenty five. mules two hundred forty five;
34 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty
67 Their camels four hundred thirty five; their
five. asses six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
35 The children of Senaa, three thousand six 68 And some of the chief of the fathers, when
hundred thirty. they came to the temple of the Lord, wliicn is in
3<j The priests: The children of Jadaia of the Jerusalem, offered freely to the house of the
house of Josue, nine hundred seventy three. Lord to build it in its place.
37 The children of Emmer, a thousand fifty 69 According to their ability, they gave to-
two. wards the expenses of the work, sixty one thou-
33 The children of Pheshur, a thousand two sand solids or gold, five thousand jjounds of sil-
hundrf'd forty seven. ver, and a hundred garments for the j)riests.
39 The children of Harim, a thousand and se- 70 So the priests, and the Levites, and some of
venteen. the people, and the singing men, and the jjorters,
40 The Levites: The children of Jcswe and of land the Nathinites, dwelt in their cities, and all
Cedniihel, the children of Odovia, seventy four. Israel in their cities.
41 Tlie singing men: The children of Asaph, a
hundred twenty eight. CHAP. III.

42 The children of the porters: The children An altar is built fo)' sacrifice: the feast of taber-

of Scllum, the children of Atcv. the chi'dren of vatles is solemnly celebrated: and the founda-
tions of the temple are laid.

Telmon, the children of Accub, the children of


Halita; the children of Sohaj: in all a hundred: the seventh month was come;
thirty nine. the children of Israel were in their
43 The Nathinites: The children of Siha, the rcities: and the people gathered themselves to-
chil'hen of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth, gether as one man to Jerusalem.
44 The children of Ceros, the children of Sia,
ilie children of Phar'i'-n, * Forty two thousand, 4'C. Those who are
45 The children of Lebana, the children ofHa- reckoned up above of the tribes of Juda, Benja-
jai):i the chililren of Aceuh, min, and I.revi, fail short of this number. The rest,

4'j Tlie children of HaEui), the children of Scm-;\vho must be taken in to make up the whole sum,

iai, tiie children of Hanaji, liwerc of the other tribes.

2 1* 297
2 And Josue* the son of Josedec rose up, and 3 But Zorobabel, and Josue, and the rest of th»
his brethren the priests, and Zorobabel the son chief of the fathers of Israel said to them Yoti
of Salathiel and his brethren: and they built the have nothing to do with us to build a house to our
altar of the God of Israel, that they might offer God; but we ourselves alone will build to the
liolocausts upon it, as it is written the law of Lord our God, as Cyrus king of the Persians
Moses the man of God. hath commanded us.
3 And they set the ahar of God upon its bases, 4 Then the people of the land hindered the
while the people of the lands round about put hands of the people of .luda, and troubled them
them in fear: and they offered upon it a holo- in building.
caust to the Lord morning and evening. 5 And they hired counsellors against them, to
4 And they kept the feast of tabernacles, as it frustrate their design all the days of Cyrus kin^
is written, and offered the holocaust every day of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of
orderly according to the commandment, the duty the Persians.
of the day in its day. 6 And in the reign of Assuerus,t in the begin-
5 And afterwards the continual holocaust, both ning of his reign, they wrote an accusation against
on the new-moons, and on all the solemnities of the inhabitants of Juda and Jerusalem.
the Lord, that were consecrated, and on all in 7 And in the days of Artaxerxes, Beselam,
which a free-will-offering was made to the Lord. Mithridates, and Thabeel, and the rest that were
6 From the first day of the seventh month in the council, wrote to Artaxerxes king of the
they began to offer holocausts to the Lord: but Persians: and the letter of accusation was writ-
the temple of God was not yet founded. ten in Syriac, and was read in the Syrian
7 And they gave money to hewers of stones, tongue.
and to masons: and meat and drink, and oil to 8 Reum Beelteem,and Samsai the scribe wrote
the Sidonians and Tyrians, to bring cedar-trees from Jerusalem to king Artaxerxes, in
a letter
from Libanus to the sea of Joppe, according to this manner:
tlie orders which Cyrus king ot the Persians had 9 Reum Beelteem, and Samsai the scribe, and
given them. the rest of their counsellors, the Dinites, and the
8 And in the second year of their coming to Apharsathacites, the Therphalites, the Aphar-

the temple of God in Jerusalem, the second sites, the Erchuites, the Babylonians, the Susane-
month, Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and Josue chites, the Dievites, and the Elamites,
the son of Josedec, and the rest of their brethren 10 And the rest of the nations, whom the great
the priests, and the Levitcs, and all that were and glorious Asenaphar brought over, and made
come from the captivity to Jerusalem, began; to dwell in the cities of Samaria and in the rest
and thej' appointed Levites from twenty years of the countries on this side of the river in
old and upward, to hasten forward the work of peace.
the Lord. 11 (This is the copy of the letter, which they
9 Then Josue and his sons and his brethren, sent to him) To Artaxerxes the king, thy ser-
Cedmihsl, and his sons, and the children of Juda, vants, the men that are on this side of the river,
as one man, stood to hasten them that did the send greeting.
work in the temple of God: the sons of Hena- 12 Be it known to the king, that the Jews, who
dad, and their sons, and their brethren the Le- came up from thee to us, are come to Jerusalem
vites a rebellious and wicked city, which they are
10 And when the masons laid the foundations building, setting up the ramparts thereof, and re-
of the temple of the Lord, the priests stood in pairing the walls.
their ornaments with trumpets; and the Levites 13 And now be it known to the king, that if
the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise God this city be built up, and the walls thereof re-
by Ihe hands of David king of Israel. paired, they will not pay tribute, nor toll, or
11 And they sung together hymns, and praise yearly revenues; and this loss will fall upon the
to the Lord: because ho is good, for his mercy kings.
endureth for ever towards Israel. And all the 14 But we remembering the salt that we have
people shouted with a great shout, praising the eaten in the palace, and i)ecause we count it a
Lord, because the foundations of the temple of crime to see the king wronged, have theiefore
the Lord were laid. sent and certified the king,
12 But many of the priests and the Levites, 15 That search may be made in the books of
and the chief of the fathers and the ancients, the histories of thy fathers, and thou shalt find
that had seen the former temple; when they had written in the records: and shalt know, that this
the foundation of this temple before their eyes, city is a rebellious city, and hurtful to_ the kings
wept with u loud voice: and many shouting for and provinces; and that wars were raised there-
joy, lifted up their voice. in of old time: for which ciuse also the city waa
V^ So that one could not distinguish the voice destroyed.
of the shout of joy, from the noise of the weep- 16 Wecertify the king, that if this city be
ing of the people: for one with another the peo- built, and the Walls thereof repaired, thou shalt
ple shouted with a loud shout, and the voice was have no possession on this side of the river.
heard afar off. 17 The king sent word to Reum Beelteem,
CHAP. IV. and Samsai the scribe, and to the rest that were
in their council, inhabitants of Samaria, and to
The Samaritansh^j their letter to the king hinder the rest beyond the river, sending greeting and
the building. peace.
["OW the enemies of Juda and Benjamin 18 The accusation, which you have sent to us,
heard that the children of the captivity hath been plainly read before me.
were building a temple to the Lord the God of 19 And I commanded; and search hath been
Jsrael. made; and it is found, that this city of old time
2 And they came to Zorobabel, and the chief hath rebelled against kings; and seditions and
of the fathers, and said to them: Let us build wars have been raised therein.
with you, for we seek your God as ye do: be- 20 For there have been powerful kings in Je-
hold, we have sacrificed to him, since the days rusalem, who have had dominion over all the
of Asor Haddan king of Assyria, who brought
us hither. + Assuerus. Otherwise called Cambyses, the
son and successor of Cyrus. He is also in the
* Josue: or Jesus (Jeshua,) the son of Josedec; following verse named Artaxerxes, by a name
he was the high priest, at that time. common to almost all the kings of Persia.
country that is beyond the river; and have re- Babylon, and they were delVered to one Sassa-
ceived tribute, and toll, and revenues. basar, whom also ne appointed governor:
21 Now therefore hear the sentence: Hinder 15 And said to him: Take these vessels, and
those men, that this city be not built, till further go and put them in the temple that is in Jerusa-
orders be given by me. lem; and let the house of God be built in its
22 See that you be not negligent in executing place.
this; lest by little and little tne evil grow to the 16 Then came this same Sassabasar, and laid
hurt of the "kings. the foU|[idations of the temple of God in Jerusa-
23 Now the copy of the edict of king Artax- lem; and from that time until now it is in build-
erxcs was read before Reum Beelteem, and Sam- and
not yet finished.
ing, is
sai the scribe, and their counsellors: and they 17 Now
therefore if it seem good to the king,
went up in haste to Jerusalem to the Jews, and let him search in the king's library, which is in
hindered them with arm and power. Babylon, whether it hath been decreed by Cyrus
24 Then the work of the house of the Lord in the king, that the house of God in Jerusalem
Jerusalem was interrupted, and ceased till the should be built: and let the king send his plea-
second year of the reign of Darius king of the sure to us concerning this matter.
CHAP. V. King Darius favoureth the building, and con-
J]y the exhortation of ^ggeus, and Zttcharias, tribiiteth to it.

the people proceed i7i building the temple: which

their enemies strive iii vain to hinder.
THEN king
searched in
Darius gave orders:
the library of the
and they
books that
''OW Asgeus the prophet, and Zacharias the were laid up in Babylon.
son of Addo, prophesied to the Jews, that 2 And there was found in Ecbatana, which is
were in Judea and Jerusalem, in the name of the a castle in the province of Media, a book in
God of Israel. (which this record was written.
2 Then rose up Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, 3 In the first year of Cyrus the king: Cyrus
^iid Josue the son of Josedec, and began to build the king decreed, that the house of God should
the temple of God in Jerusalem; and with them be built, which is in Jerusalem, in the place
were the prophets of God helping them. where they may offer sacrifices, and that they
3 And at the same time came to them Thatha- lay the foundations that may support the height
nai, who was governor beyond the river, and of threescore cubits, and the breadth of three-
Stharbuzanai, and their counsellors; and said score cubits,
thus to them: Who hath given you counsel to 4 Three rows of unpolished stones, and so
build this house, acd to repair the walls thereof? rows of new timber: and the charges shall be
4 In answer to which we gave them the names given out of the king's house.
of the men who were the promoters of that build 5 And also let the golden and silver vessels of
ing. the temple of God, wnich Nabuchodonosor took
5 But the eye of their God was upon the an- out of tne temple of Jerusalem, and brought to
cients of the Jews; and they could not hinder Babylon, be restored, and carried back to the
them. And it was agreed that the matter should temple of Jerusalem to their place, which also
be referred to Darius; and then they should give were placed in the temple of God.
f.atisfaction concerning that accusation. 6 Nowtherefore Thathanai governor of the
6 The copy of the letter that Thathanai gover- country, beyond the river, Stharbuzanai, and
nor of the country beyond the river, and Sthar- your counsellors the Apharsachites, who are be-
buzanai, and his counsellors the Ar])hasachites, yond the river, depart far from them:
who dwelt beyond the river, sent to Darius the 7 And let that temple of God be built by the
king. governor of the Jews, and by their ancients, that
7"The letter which they sent him, was written they may build that house of God irp its place.
thus: To Darius the king all peace. . 8 I also have commanded what must be done
8 Be it known to the king, that we went to the by those ancients of the Jews, that the house of
province of Judea, to the house of the great God, God may be built; to wit, that of the king's
which they are building with unpolished stones, chest, that is, of the tribute that is paid out of the
and timber is laid in the walls: and this work is country beyond the river, the charges be dilj
carried on diligently, and advanceth iii their gently given to those men, lest the work be hin-
hands. dered.
9 And we asked those ancients, and said to 9 And if it shall be necessary, let calves also,
them thus: "VVho hath given you authority to and lambs, and kids, for holocausts to the God of
build this house, and to repair these walls.'' heaven, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to
10 We asked also of tnem their names, that the custom of the priests that are in Jerusalem,
we might give thee notice: and we have written be given them day by day, that there be no com-
Jie names of the men that are the chief among plaint in any thing.
ihem. 10 And let them offer oblations to the God of
11 And they answered us in these words, say- heaven, and pray for the life of the king, and of
ing: We are the servants of the God of heaven his children.
and earth; and we are building a temple that was 11 And I have made a dev;ree: That if any
built these many years ago, and which a great who.^oever shall alter this commandment, a beam
kinu of Israel built and set up. be taken from his house, and set up; and he be
12 But after lliat our fallier.^ had provoked the nailed upon it; and his house be confiscated
God of lieaven to wriith, he delivered tliein into 12 And may the God, that hath caused his
the Imiuls of iNahuchodoriosor the kins; of Hnby- name to dwell there, destroy all kingdom.s, and
lon llie Clmldean : and he destroyed iliis house,; the people that shall put out their hand to resist,
and cnrried away the jioople to Jiahylon. and to destroy the house of God, that is in Jerusa-
13 But in the first year of Cyrus the king of lem I Darius have made the decree, which I
Babylon, king Cyrus set forlh a decree, that this will have diligently complied Avith.
house of God should be built. 13 So then Thathanai governor of the country
14 And the vessels also of gold and silver beyond the river, and Stharbuzanai, and his coun-
of the temple of God, which iSabuchodonosoi sellors, diligently executed what Darius the king
had taken out of the temple, that was in Jenisa- had commanded.
leBj, and had brought them lo the temple of Bu- 14 And the ancients of the Jews built, and
lylou king Cyrus brought out of the temple of prospered according to the prophecy of Aggeus
the piophet, and of Zachaiias the son of Addo: priest, the scribe instructed in the words and
and lliey built and finished, by the command- commandments of the Lord, and his ceremonies
ment of the God of Israel, and by the command- in Israel.
ment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes kings 12 Artaxerxes king of kings to Esdras the
of the Persians. priest, the most learned scribe of the law of the
15 And they were finishing this house of God, God of heaven, greeting.
until the third day of the month of Adar, which 13 It is decreed by me, that all they of the peo-
was in the sixth year of the reign of king Da- ple of Israel, and of the priests and of tlie Le-
rius. vites in my realm, that are minded to go into Je-
16 And the children of Israel, the priests and rusalem, should go with thee.
ihe .Levites, and the rest of the children of the 14 For thou art sent from W fore the king, and
captivity kept the dedication of the house of his seven counsellors, to visit Judea and Jerusa-
God with joy. lem according to the law of thy God which is in
17 And they offered at tlie dedication of the thy hand;
house of God, a hundred calves, two hundred 15 And to carry the silver and gold, which the
rams, four hundred lambs, and for a sin-offerins; king and his counsellors have freely offered to
for all Israel twelve he-goats, according to the the God of Israel, whose tabernacle is in Jeru-
number of the tribes of Israel. salem.
18 And they set the priests in their divisions, 16 And all the silver and gold that thou shalt
and the Levites in their courses over the works find in all the province of Babylon, and that the
of God in Jerusalem, as it is written in the book people is willing to offer, and that the priests shall
of Moses. offer of their own accord to the house of their
19 And the children of Israel of the captivity God, which is in Jerusalem,
kept the phase, o.) the fourteenth day of the first 17 Take freely: and buy diligently with this
month. money calves, rams, lambs, with the sacrifices
20 For all the priests and the Levites were pu- and libations of them, and offer them upon the
rified as one man: all were clean to kill the phase altar of the temple of your God, that is in Jeru-
for all the children of the captivity, and for their salem.
brethren the priests, and themselves. " 18 And if it seem good to thee, and to thy
21 And the children of Israel that were return- brethren, to do any thing with the rest of the sil-
ed from captivity, and all that had separated ver and gold, do it according to the will of youi
themselves from the filthiness of the nations of God.
the earth to them, to seek the Lord the God of 19 The vessels also, that are given thee for the
Israel, did eat. sacrifice nf the house of thy God, deliver thou
22 And they kept the feast of unleavened in the sight of God in Jerusalem.
bread seven days with joy; for the Lord had 20 And whatsoever more there shall be need
made them joyful, and had turned the heart of of fo. -lie house of thy God, how much soever
the king of Assyria to them, that he should help thou shalt have occasion to spend, it shall be giv-
their hands in the work of the house of the Lord en out of the treasury, and the king's exchequer,
the God of Israel. and liy me.
21 I Artaxerxes the king have ordered and de-
CHAP VII. creed to all the keepers of the public chest, that
bej'ond the river, that whatsoever Esdras the
Esdras goeth up to Jerusalem to teach, and as- are
priest, the scribe of the law of the God of hea-
sist the people, with a gracious decree of Ar-
ven, shall require of you, you give it -v^'ithout
NOW after these things in the reign of Artax- 22 Unto a hundred talents of silver, and unto
erxes king of the Persians, Esdras the son a hundred cores of wheat, and unto a hundred
of Saraias, the son of Azarias, the son of Hel-. bates of wine, and unto a hundred bates of oil,
cias, and salt without measure.
2 The son of Sellum, the son of Sadoc, the son 23 All that belongeth to the rites of the God of
of Adiitob, heaven, let it be given diligently in thfe house of
3 The son of Amarias, the son of Azarias, the the God of heaven; lest his wrath should be
Bon of Maraioth, enkindled against the realm of the king, and of
4 The son of Zarahias, the son of Ozi, the son his sons.
of Bocci, 24 We
give you also to understand concern-
5 The son of Abisue, the son of Phinees, the ing all the priests, and the Levites, and the sing-
son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest from ers, and the porters, and the Nathinites, and
the beginning. ministers of the house of this God, that you have
6 This Esdras went up from Babylon; and he no authority to impose toll, or tribute, or custom
was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which! upon them.
the Lord God had given to Israel: and the kingj 2-5 And thou, Esdras, according to the wisdom
granted him all his request, according to the hand of thy God, which is in thy hand, appoint judges
of the Lord his God upon him. and magistrates, that maj' judge all the people,
7 And there went up some of the children of that is beyond the river, that is, for them who
Israel, and of the "hildren of the priests, and of know the law of thy God, yea, and the ignorant
the children of the Levites, and of the singing' teach ye freely.
men, and of the porters, and of the Nathinites,! 26 And whosoever will not do the law of thy
to Jerusalem in the seventh year of Artaxerxes] God, and the law of the king diligently judg-
the king. _
ment shall be executed upon liim, either unto
8 And they came to Jerusalem in the fifth death, or unto banishment, or to the confiscation

month, in the seventh year of the king. of iroods, or at ie.^st to prison.

9 For upon the first day of the first month he 27 Blessed be the Ijord the God of our fathers,
began to go up from Babylon: and on the first who hath put this in the king's heart, to glorify
day of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem, ac- the house of the Lord, which is in Jerusalem;
cordin-i to the good hand of his God upon him. 28 And hath inclined his mercy tov/ard me be-
10 For Esdras had prepared his heart to seek fore the king and his counsellors, and all the
the law of the Lord, and to do and to teach in mighty princes of the king; and I being strength
Israel the commandments and judgment. ened by the hand of the Lord my God, which
11 And this is the copy of the letter of the was upon me, gathered together out of Israel
edict, which king Artaxerxes gavp \) Esdras the chief men to go up with me
CHAP VIII. hand of our God is. upon all them that seek him iti
goodness; and his power and strength, and wrath
The companions of Esdras. The fast which he upon all them that forsake him.
appointed. They bring the holy vessels into 23 And we fasted, and besought our
the temple.
God foi
this; and it out prosperously unto us.

NOW these are the chiefs of families, and the

genealogy of them, who came up with me
24 And I separated twelve of the chief of the
priests, Sarabias, and Hasabias, and with them ten
from Babylon in the reign of Artaxerxes the of their brethren.
king. 25 And I weighed unto them the silver and
2 Of the sons of Phinees, Geraom. Of the gold, and the vessels consecrated for the house of
sons of Ithamar, Daniel. Of the sons of David, our God, which the king and his counsellors, and
Hattus. • bis princes, and all Israel that were found, had
3 Of the sons of Sechenias, the son of Pharos, ofiered.
Zacharins, and with him were numbered a hun- 26 And I weighed to their hands six hundred
dred and fifty men. and fifty talents of silver, and a hundred vessels
4 Of the sons of Phahath Moab, Eleoenai the of silver, a hundred talents of gold,
son of Zareha, and with him two hundred men. 27 And twenty cups of gold, of a thousand
5 Of the sons of Sechenias, the son of Eze- solids,, and two vessels of the best shining brass,
chiel, and with him three hundred men. beautiful as gold.
6 Of tlie sons of Adan, Abed the son of Jona- 28 And I said to them: You are the holj' ones
than, and with him fifty men. of the Lord; and the vessels are holy, and the
7 Of the sons of Alam, Isaias the son of Atha- silver and gold, that is freely offered to the Lord
lias,and with him seventy men. the God of our fathers.
8 Of
the sons of Saphatia, Zebedia the son of 29 Watch ye, and keep them, till you deliver
Alichael, and with him eighty men. them by weight before the chief of the pf iests, and
9 Of the sons of Joab, Obedia the son of Ja- of the Levites, and the heads of the families of
hicl, and with him two hundred 'and eighteen Israel in Jerusalem, into the treasure of the house
men. of the Lord.*
10 Of the sons of Selomith, the son of Josphia, 30 And the priests and the Levites received the
and with him a hundred and sixty men. weight of the silver and gold, and the vessels, to
11 Of the sons of Bebai, Zacharias the son of carry them to Jerusalem to the house of our God.
Bebai, and with him eight and twenty men. 31 Then we set forward from the river Ahava
12 Of the sons of Azgad, Joanan the son of on the twelfth day of the first month to go to Je-
Eccetan, and with him a hundred and ten men. rusalem: and the hand of our God was upon us,
Vi Of the sons of Adonicam, who were the and delivered us from the hand of the enemy, and
hast: and these are their names: Eliphelet, and of such as lay in wait by the way.
Jehiel, and Samaias, and with them sixty men. 32 And we came to Jerusalem, and we stayed
14 Of the sons of Begui, Uthai and Zachur, there three days.
am! with them seventy men. 33 And on the fourth day the silver, and the
15 And gathered them together to the river,
I gold, and the vessels, were weighed in the house
which runneth down to Ahava, and v/e stayed of our God by the hand of Meremoth the son of
there three days: and I sought among the people Uriai the priest, and with him was Eleazar the
and among the priests, for the sons of Levi; and son of Phinees, and with* them Jozabad the son
found none there. of Josue,and Noadaiathe son of Bennoi, Levites;
16 So I sent Eliezer, and Ariel, and Semeias, 34 According to the number and weight of eve-
and Elnathan, and Jarib, and another Elnathan, ry thing: and all the weight was written at that
and Nathan, and Zacharias, and Mosollam, chief time.
men; and Joiarib and Elnathan wise men. 35 Moreover the children of them that had
17 And I sent them to Eddo. who is chief in been carried away that were come out of the
the place ot Chasphia: and I put in their mouth captivity, offered holocausts to the God of Israel,
the words that they should speak to Eddo, and twelve calves for all the people of Israel, ninety
his brethien the Natliinites in the place of Chas- six rams, seventy seven lambs, and twelve he-
phia, that they should bring us mmisters of the goats for sin; all for a holocaust to the Lord.
house of our God. 36 And they gave the king's edicts to the lords
18 And by the good hand of our God upon us, that were from the king's court, and the go-
they brought us ? most learned man of the sons vernors beyond the river, and they furthered the
of Moholi the son of Levi the son of Israel, and people and the house of God.
Sarabias and his sons, and his brethren eighteen,
19 And Hasabias, and with him Isaias of the CHAP. IX.
sons of Merari, and his brethren, and his sons Esdras mourneth for the transgression of the
twenty. people: his confession andprcnjer.
20 And of the Natliinites, whom David and the
prini-cs gave for the service of the Levites, Na-
after these things were accomplished,
the princes came to me, saving: The people
ihiniics two hundred and twenty all these were of Israel, and the priests and Levites, have not

culled by their names. separated themselves from the people of the lands,
'21 And I i)r()clainie(i there a fast* by the river
and from their abominations, namelj' of the Cha-
Ahava, that «e might afluct ourselves before the naanites, and the Hethites, and the Pherezites,
Lord our God, nrul mii;hl ask of him a right way and the Jebusites, and the Ammonites, and the
for us and for our children, and for all our sub- Moabites, and the Egyptians, and the Amorrhites-
stance. 2 For they have taken of their daughters for
22 For I was aslian)ed to ask the king for aid themselves, and for their sons: and they have
and for horsemen, to defend us from the enemy in mingled the holy seed with the people of tha
the wav oecause we had said to the king: The lands. And the hand of the princes and magis-

trates hath been first in this transgression.f

"And I proclnimrd there n fast. It is not enough
3 And when I had heard this word, I rent my
to jiart from Babylon, that is, figuratively, from mantle and
my coal, and plucked off the hairs of
sin, but we must also do works of |)enaiice and :

therefore Esdras here proclaimed on extraordina

t This shows how sinful it is to intermarry with
ry fast to those that were come from cajitivity those that the church forbids us, on account of the
This shows that fasting was commanded and prac danger of perversion, and falling off from the true
(i*cd from the earliest times. faith.
my head and my beard : anil I sat to put away all the wives, and such as are
down mourn- God,
ing. born of them, according to the will of the Lord,
4 And there were assembled to me all that fear- and of them that fear the commandment of the
ed the God of Israel, because of the transgression Lord our God: let it be dene according to the
of those, that were come from the captivity: and aw.
I sat sorrowful, until the evening sacrifice. 4 Arise; it is thy part to give orders, and we
5 And at the evening sacrifice I rose up from will be with thee: take courage, and do it.
my affliction; and having rent mj' mantle and my 5 So Esdras arose, and made the chiefs of the
garment, I fell upon my knees, and spread out my priests, and of the Levites, and all Israel, to swear
hands to the Lord my God; that they would do according to this word: and
6 And said: My God, I am confounded, and they swore.
ishamed to lift up my face to thee: for our iniqui- 6 And Esdras rose up frortTDefore the house of
ties are multiplied over our heads; and our sins God, and went to the chamber of Johanan the son
are grown up even unto heaven, of Eliasib, and entered in thither: he ate no bread,
7 From the days of our fathers: and we our- and drank no water: for he mourned for the trans-
selves also have sinned grievously unto this day: gression of them that were come out of the cap-
and for our iniquities we and our kings, and our tivity.
priests have been delivered into the hands of the 7 And proclamation was made in Juda and Je-
kings of the lands, and to the sword, and to cap- rusalem to all the children of the captivity, that
tivity, and to spoil, and to confusion of face, as it they should assemble together into Jerusalem:
is at this day. 8 And that whosoever would not come within
8 And now as a little, and for a momenthas our three days, according to the counsel of the princes
prayer been made before the Lord our God, to and the ancients, all his substance should be taken
leave us a remnant, and give us a pin* in his holy away; and he should be cast out of the company
place; and that our God would enlighten our eyes, of them that were returned from captivity. _

and would give us a little life in our bondage. 9 Then all the men of Juda and Benjamin
9 For we are bondmen: and in our bondage gathered themselves together to Jerusalern within
our God hath not forsaken us, but hath extended three daj's, in the ninth month, the twentieth day
mercy upon us before the king of the Persians, to of the month: and all the people sat in the street
give us life, and to set up the house of our God, of the house of God, trembling because of the sin,
and to rebuild the desolations thereof, and to give and the rain.
us a fence in Juda and Jerusalem. 10 And Esdras the priest stood up, and said to
10 And now, O our God, what shall we say them: You have transgressed, and taken strange
after this.' for we have forsaken thy command- wives, to add to the sins of Israel.
ments, 11 And now make confession to the Lord the
11 Which thou hast commanded by the hand of God of your fathers, and do his pleasure; and
thy servants the prophets, saying: The land which separate yourselves from the people of the land,
you go to possess, is an unclean land, according and from your strange wives.
to the uncleanness of the people, and of other 12 And all the multitude answered and said
lands, with their abominations who have filled it with a loud voice: According to thy word unto
from mouth to mouth with their filth. us, so be it done.
12 Now therefore give not your daughters to 13 But as the people are many, and it is time of
their sons; and take notlheir daughters for your rain, and we are not able to stand without, and it
sons; and seek not their peace, nor their prosperi- is not a work of one day or two (for we have
ty for ever; that you may be strengthened, and exceedingly sinned in this matter)
may eat the good things of the land, and may have 14 Let rulers be appointed in all the multitude:
your children your heirs for ever. and in all our cities, let them that have taken
13 And after all that is come upon us, for our strange wives come at the times apjiointed, and
most wicked deeds, and our great sin, seeing that with them the ancients and the judges of every
thou our God hast saved us from our iniquity, and city, until the wrath of our God be turned away
hast given us-a deliverance as at this day, from us for this sin.
14 That we should not turn away, nor break 15 Then Jonathan the son of Azahel, and Jaa-
Ihy commandments, nor join in marriage with the sia the son of Thecua were appointed over this*
people of these abominations. Art tnou angry and Mesollam and Sebethai Levites helped them:
with us unto utter destruction, not to leave us a 16 And the children of the captivity did so.
remnant to be saved .''
And Esdras the priest, and the men heads of the
15 O Lord God of Israel, thou art just: tor we families in the houses of their fathers, and all by
remain yet to be saved as at this day. Behold, their names, went and sat down in the first day of
"we are before thee in our sin; for there can be the tenth month to examine the matter.
no standing before thee in this matter. 17 And they made an end with all the men that
had taken strange wives, by the first day of the
CHAP. X. first month.
Order is taken for discharging strange ivomen: 18 And there were found among the sons of
the names of the guilty. the priests that had taken strange wives. Of the
NOW when Esdras was thus praying, and be- sons of Josue the son of Josedec, and his breth-
seeching, and weeping, and lying before the ren, Maasia, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Godo-
temple of God, there was gathered to him qf Is- lia.
rael an exceeding great assembly of men and 19 And they gave their hands to put away their
women and children: and the people wept with wives, and to offer for their offence a ram of the
much lamentation. flock.
2 And Sechenias the son of Jehiel of the sons 20 And of the sons of Emmer, Hanani, and
of Elam, answered, and said to Esdras: We
have Zebedia.
sinned against our God, and have taken strange 21 And of the sons of Harim, Maasia, and Elia,
wives of the people of the land and now, if there and Semeia, and Jehiel, and Ozias.

be repentance in Israel concerning this, 22 And of the suns of Pheshur, Ehoenai, Maa
3 Let us make a covenant with the Lord our sia, Ismael, Nathanael, Jozabed, and Elsbii
23 And of the sons of the Levites, Jozabed,
* Apin or nail, here signifies a small settlement and Semei, and Celaia, the same is Calita, Pha
or holding; which Esdras begs for, to preserve taia, Juda, and Eliezer.
even a part of the people, who, by their great in 24 And of the singing men, Eliasib: and of the
iquity, had incurred the anger of God. porters, Sellum, and Telem, and Uri
25 AnJ
of Israel, of the sons of Pharos, Re-j 32 Benjamin, Maloch, Samarias.
jaeia, and Jezia, and Melchia, and Miamin, and 33 And of the sons of Hasom, Mathanai, Ma«
Eliezer, and Melchia, and Banea. thatha, Zabad,Ehphelet,Jermai, Manasse, Stmei
2() And of the sons of Elam, Mathania, Za- 34 Of the sons of Bani, Maaddi, Amram. and
charias, and Jehiel, and Abdi, and Jerimoth, and Uel,
Elia. 35 Baneas, and Badaias, CheHau,
27 And of the sons of Zethua, Elioenai, Elia- 36 Vania, Marimuth, and Eliasib,
sib, Mathania, Jerimiith, and Zabad, and Aziza. 37 Mathanias, Mathania, and Jasi,
28 And of the sons of Bebai, Johanan, Hana- 38 And Bani, and Bennui, Semei,
nia, Zabbai, Athalai: 39 And Sahnias, and Nathan, and AdaJas,
29 And of the s^s of Bani, Mosollam, and 40 And Mechnedebai, Sisai, Sarai,
Molluch, and Adaia, Jasub, and Saal, and Ra- 41 Ezrel, and Selemiau, Semeria,
moth. 42 Sellum, Amaria, Joseph.
30 And of the sons of Phahath Moab, Edna 43 Of the sons of Nebo, Jehiel, Mathathias,
and Chalal, Banaias, and Maasias, Mathanias, Zabad, Zabina, Jeddu, and Joel, and Banaia.
Beseleel, Bennui, and Manasse. 44 All these had taken strange wives: and
31 And of the sons of Herem, Eliezer, Josue, there were among them women that had borne
RIelchias, Semeias, Simeon. children.




This booh takes ^s umnc J'roin the uriter, uho to Moses thy servant, saying: If yon shall trans
Kas cup-hearer to ArUi.itrxes (snriinmed Loii gress, I will scatter you abroad among the na-
giinanus) king of Peraifi, nnil ir/is sent by him tions:
tcitli a commission to rehnild the vails of Je- 9 But if you return to me, and keep my com-
rttsalcin. It is also called the second book of mandments, and do tlieiii. though you should be
Esdras because it is a continuation of the
; led away to the uttermost parts of the world, I
history, bcg-uu by Esdras, of the state of the will gather j'ou from thence, and bring you back
people of God after their return from cap- to the place which I have chosen for my
name to
tivity, dwell there.
10 And these are thy servants, and thy people,
whom thou hast redeemed by thy great strength,
Nehemian hearing state of his and by thy mighty hand.
the miserable
countrymen in Judea, lamenteth, fasteth, and 11 I beseech thee, O Lord, let thy ear be at-
prayeth to God for their relief. tentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the
THE words of Nehemias the son of Helchias. prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy
And it c.ime to pass in the month of Casleu, name: and direct thy servant this day, and give
in the twentieth year, as I was in the castle of him mercy before this man. For I was the king's
Susa, cup-bearer.
2 That Hanani one of my brethren came, he
and some men of Juda; and I asked them con- CHAP. n.
cerning the Jews, that remained and were left of Nehemias with commission from king Artaxer-
the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. xes Cometh to Jerusalem; and exhorteth the
3 And they said to me They that have re-
Jetcs to rebuild the loalls.
mained, and are left of the captivity there in the
province, are in great affliction, and reproach:
AND in
it came to pass in the month of Nisan,
the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the
and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down; and king, that wine was before him; and I took up
the gates thereof are burnt with fire. the wine, and gave it to the king: and I was as
4 And when 1 had heard these words, I sat one languishing away before his face.
down, aivl wept, and mourned for many days: 2 And the king said to me: Why is thy coun
and I fasted, and prayed before the face of the tenance sad, seeing thou dost not appear to be
God of heaven. sick? this is not without cause; but some evil, 1
5 And I said: I beseech thee, O Lord God of know not what, is in thy heart. And I was seiz-
heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keenest ed with an exceeding great fear:
covenant and mercy with those that love tnee, 3 And I said to the king: Oking, live for ever
and keep thy commandments: why should not my countenance be sorrowful
6 Let thj- ears be attentive, and thy eyes open, seeing the city of the place of the sepulchres of
to hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray my fathers is desolate, and the gates thereof are
before thee now, night and day, for the children burnt with fire?
of Israel thy servants: and I confess the sins of 4 Then the king said to me: For what dost
the children of Israel, by which they have sinned thou make request? And I prayed to the God of
against thee: I and my father's house have heaven;
sinned. v 5 And I said to the king: If it seem good to
7 Wehave been seduced by vanity, and have the king, and if thy servant hath found favour in
not kept thy commandments, and ceremonies, thy sight, that thou wouldst send me into Judea
end judgments, which thou hast commanded thy to the city of the sepulchre of myfather; and I
•ervant Moses. will build it.
8 Remember the word that thou commandedst 6 And the king said to me, and the queen that
eat by him: For how long sha'l thy journey be, Barachias, the son of Merezebel: and next to
and when wilt thou return? And it pleased the them built Sadoc the son of Baana.
king; and lie sent me: and I iixed him a time. 5 And next to them the Thecuites built: but
7 And I said to the kuig. If it seem good to their great men did not put their necks to the
the king, let him give me letters to the governors work of their Lord.
of the countiy beyond the river, that they con- 6 And Joiada the son of Fhasea, and Mosollam
vey me over, till I come into Judea: the son of Besodia built the old gate: they cover-
8 And a letter to Asaph the keeper of the ed it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks,
king's forest, to give me timber that I may cover and the bars.
the gates of the tower of the house, and the \yalls 7 And next to them built Meltias the Gabaon-
of iTie city, and the house that I shall enter into. ite, and Jadon the Meronathite, the rrven of Ga-

And the king gave me according to the good baon and Maspha, for the governor that was iu
hand of my God with me. the country beyond the river.
9 And I came to the governors of the country 8 And next to him built Eziel the Son of Araia
beyond the river, and gave them the king's let- the goldsmith: and next to him built Ananias the
ters. And the king had sent with me captains of son of the perfumer: and they left Jerusalem unto
soldiers, and horsemen. the wall ol the broad-street.
10 And Sanaballat the Horonite, and Tobias 9 And next to him built Raphaia the son of
the servant the Ammonite heard it: and it griev- Hur, lord of the street of Jerusalem.
ed them exceedingly, that a man was come, 10 And next to him Jedaia the son of Haro-
•who sought the prosperity of the children of maph over-against his own house: and next to
Israel. him built Hattus the son of Hasebonia.
11 And I came to Jerusalem, and was there 11 Melchias the son of Herein, and Hasub the
three days. son of Phahath Moab, built half the street, and
12 And I arose in the night, I and some few the tower of the furnaces.
men with me; and I told not any man what God 12 And next to him built Sellum the son of
had put in my heart to do in Jerusalem; and Alohes, lord of half the street of Jerusalem, he
there was no beast with me, but the beast that I and his daughters.
rode upon. 13 And the gate of the valley Hanun built, and
13 And I went out by night by the gate of the the inhabitants of Zanoe: they' built it, and set up
valley, and before the dragon-fountain, and to the the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and
dung-gate: and I viewed the wall of Jerusalem a thousand cubits in the wall unto the gate of .the
which was broken down, and the gates thereof dunghill.
which were consumed with fire. 14 And the gate of the dunghill Melchias the
14 And I passed to the gate of the fountain, son of Rechab built, lord of »he street of Betha-
and to the king's aqueduct; and there was no charam: he built it, and set up the doors thereof,
place for the beast on which I rode to pass. and the locks, and the bars.
15 And I went up in the night by the torrent,- 15 And the gate of the fountain Sellum the son
and viewed the wall, and going back I came to of Cholhoza built, lord of the street of Maspha:
the gate of the valley, and returned. he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors
16 But the magistrates knew not whither I thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and the walla
went, or what I did: neither had I as yet told anj' of the pool of Siloe unto the king's guard, and
thing to the Jews, or to the priests, or to the no- unto the steps that go down from the city of
bles, or to the magistrates, or to the rest that did David.
the work. 16 After him built Nehemias the son of Az-
17 Then I said to them: You know the afflic- boc, lord of half the street of Bethsur, as far as
tion wherein we are, because Jerusalem is deso- over-against the sepulchre of David, and to the
late, and the gates thereof are consumed with pool, that was built with great labour, and to the
tire: come, and let us build up the walls of Jeru- house of the mighty.
salem; and let us be no longer a reproach. 17 After him built the Levites, Eehum the son
18 And I showed them how the hand of my of Benni. After him built Hasebias, lord of
God was good with me, and the king's words, half the street of Ceila in his own street.
which he had spoken to me: and I said: Let us 18 After him built their brethren Bavai the
rise up and build. And their hands were strength- son of Enadad, lord of half Ceila.
ened in good. 19 And next to him Aser the son of Josue,
J9 But Sanaballat the Horonite, and Tobias lord of Maspha, built another measure, over-
the servant the Ammonite, and Gossem the Ara- against the going up of the strong corner.
bian heard of it: and they scoffed at us, and de- 20 After him in the mount Baruch the son of
spised us, and said: What is this thing that you Zachai built another measure, from the corner to
do? are you going to rebel against the king? the door of the house of J^liasib the hi^h jiriest.
20 And I answered them, and said to them: 21 After him Merimuth the son of Urias the
The God of heaven he helpeth us, and we are son of Haccus, built another measure, from the
his servants: let us rise up, and build: but you door of the house of Eliasib, to the end of the
have no part, nor justice, nor remembrance in house of Eliasib.
Jerusalem. 22 And after him built the priests, the men of
the plains of the Jordan.
CHAP. III. 23 After him built Benjamin and Hasub. over-
They begin to build the tcalls: the names and or- against their own house: and after him built Aza-
der of the builders. jrias the s^'U of Maasias the son of Ananias over-
ri"^HEN Eliasib the high priest arose, and his against his house.
i brethren the priests: and they built the 24 After him built Bennui the son of Hanadad
flock-gate: the}' sanctified it, and set up the doors another measure, from the house ofc Azarias unto
thereof, even unto the tower of a hundred cubits the bending, and unto the corner.
they sr>nctified it unto the tower of •Hananeel I 25 Phalel the son of Ozi over-against the bend-
2 And next to him the men of Jericho built: 'ing and the tower, which lieth out from the
and !• yt to them built Zachur the son of Amri. king's high house, that is, in the court of the pri-
3 "» the fish-gate the sons of Asnaa built son: after him Phadaia the son of Pharos.
th' ered it, and set up the doors thereof, and
26 And the Nathinites dwelt in Ojilvel, as far
t! s, and the bars. And next to them built as over-against the water-gate toward the east,
M. uth the son of Urias the son of Accus. I
and the tower that stood out.
4 And next to him built Mosollam the son of I 27 After him tlie Thecuites built another mea
mire over-against, frOTn the great tower that half were ready for to fight, with hpears iin<t
standeth out unto the wall of the temple. shields, and bows, and coals of mail and tne ru-
28 And upward from the hjrse-gate the priests lers were behind them in all the house of Juda.
built, every man over-against his house. 17 Of them that built on ihe wall, and that ?ar-
29 After them built Sadoc the son of Emmer ried burdens, and that laded; with one of hia
over-against his house. And after him built Sc' hands he did the work, and with the other he
maia the son of Sechenias, keeper of the east held a sword.
gate. 18 For every one of the builders was girded
30 After him built Hanania the son of Selemia, with a sword about his reins. And they built,
and Hanun the sixth son of Seleph, another mea- and sounded with a trumpet by me.
suie: after him built Mosollam the son of Bara- 19 And I said to the nobles, and to the magis-
chias, over-against his treasury. After him Mel- trates, and to the rest of the common people:
chias the goldsmith's son built unto the house of The work is great and wide; and we are separa-
the Nathinites, and of the sellers of small wares, ted on the wall one far from another:
over-against the judgment-gate, and unto the 20 In what place soever you shall hear the
chamber of the corner. sound of the trumpet, run all thither unto us: our
31 And within the chamber of the corner of God will fight for us.
the flock-gate the goldsmiths and the merchants 21 And let us do the work: and let one half
built of us hold our spears from the rising of the morn-
ing, till the stars appear.
22 At that time also I said to the people: Let
The building is carried on, notwithstanding the every one with his servant stay in the midst of
opposition of their enemies. Jerusalem: and let us take our turns in the night,

we were
to pass, thatwhen Sanaballat and by day, to work.
building the wall, he 23 Now I and my brethren, and my servants,
was angry: and being moved exceedingly, he and the watchmen, that followed me, did not put
scoffed at the Jews; off our clothes: only every man stript himself
2 And said before his brethren, and the multi- when he was to be washed.
tude of the Samaritans: What are the silly Jews
doing.' Will the Gentiles let them alone? will
they sacrifice and make an end in a day.' are Nehemias hlameth the rich, for their oppressing
they able to raise stones out of the heaps of the the poor. His exhortation, and bounty to hia
rubbish, which are burnt.' countrymen.
3 Tobias also the Ammonite who was by him
said: Let them build: if a fox go up, he will leap
NOW there was a great cry of the pebple, and
of their wives, against their brethren the
over their stone wall. Jews.
4 Hear thou our God, for we are despised: turn 2 And there were some that said: Our sons
their reproach upon their own head, and give and our daughters are very many: let us take up
them to be despised in a land of captivity. corn for the price of them; and let us eat and
5 Cover not their iniquity, and let not their sin live.
be blotted out from before thy face; because 3 And there were some that said: Let us mort-
they have mocked thy builders. gage our lands, and our vineyards, and our hous-
6 So we built the wall, and joined it all together es; and let us take corn because of the famine.
unto the half thereof: and the heart of the people 4 And others said: Let us borrow money for
was excited to work. the king's tribute; and let us give up our fields
7 And it came to pass, when Sanaballat, and and vineyards:
Tobias, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, 5 And now our flesh is as the flesh of our
and the Azotians heard that the walls of Jerusa- brethren; and our children as their children. Be-
lem were made up, and the breaches began to be hold, we bring into bondage our sons and our
closed, that they were exceedingly angry. daughters; and some of our daughters are bond-
8 And they all assembled themselves together, women already; neither have we wherewith to
to come, and to fight against Jerusalem, and to redeem them; and our fields and our vineyards
prepare ambushes. other men possess.
9 And we prayed to our God, and set watch- 6 And I was exceeding angry, when I heard
men upon the wall day and night against them. their cry according to these words.
10 And Judasaid: The strength of the bearer 7 And my heart thought with myself: and I
of burdens is decayed; and the rubbish is very rebuked the nobles and magistrates, and said to
much; and we shall not be able to build the wall them: De you every one exact usury of your
11 And our enemies said: Let them not know, brethren.' And I gathered together a great assem-
nor understand, till we come in the midst ot them; bly against them.
and kill them, and cause the work to cease. 8 And I said to them We, as you know, have

12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews redeemed according to our ability our brethren
that dwelt by them, came and told us ten times, the Jews, that were sold to the Gentiles: and will
out of all the places from whence they came you then sell your brethren, for us to redeem
ti us, them.' And they held their peace, and found not
13 I set the people in the place behind the wall what to answer.
round about in order, with their swords, and 9 And I said to them: The thing you do is not
spears, and bows. good: why walk you not in the fear of our God,
14 And I looked, and rose up: and I said to that we be not exposed to the reproaches of the
the chief men, and the magistrates, and to the Gentiles our enemies.'
rest of the common people: Be not afraid of 10 Both I and my brethren, and my servants,
them Remember the Lijrd who is great and have lent money and corn to many: let us' all
terrible; and fight for your brethren, your sons, agree not to call for it again; let us forgive the
and your daughters, and your wives, and your debt that is owing to us.
houses. 11 Restore ye to them this day their fields,
15 And it came to pass, when our enemies and their vineyards, and their olive-yards, and
heard that the thing had been told us, that God their houses: and the hundredth part of the
defeated their counsel. And we returned all of money, and of the corn, the wine, and the oil,
us to the walls every man to his work. which you were wont to exact of them, give it
16 And it came to pass from that day forward, rather for them.
that half of their young men did the work; and 12 And they said ; We will restore, and we will
2Q 305
require nothing of them: and we will do so as God mthe midst of the temple, and let us shut
thou sayest. And I called the priests, and took an the doors of the temple, for thejr will come to
oath of them, to do according to what I had said. kill thee; and in the night they will come to slay
13 Moreover I shook my lap, and said: So may thee.
God shake every man that shall not accomplish 11 And I said: Should such a man as I flee.'
this word, out of his house, and out of his la- and who is there that being as I am, would go
bours; thus may he he shaken out, and become into the temple, to save his life.' I will not go in.
empty And all the multitude said: Amen. And 12 And I understood that God had not sent
Ihey praised God. And the people did accord- him, but that he had spoken to me
as if he had
ina; to what was said. been prophesying; and Tobias and Sanaballat
14 And from the day, in which the king com- had hired him.
manded me to be governor in the land of Juda, 13 For he had taken money, that I being afraid
from the twentieth year even to the two and should do this thing, and sin, and they might have
thirtieth year of Axtaxerxes the king, for twelve some evil to upbraid me withal
years, I and my brethren did not eat the yearly 14 Remember me, O Lord, for Tobias and Sa-
allowance that was due to the governors. naballat, according to their works of this kind;
15 But the former governors that had been and Noadias the prophet, and the rest of the pro-
before me, were chargeable to the people; and phets that would ftave put me in fear.
took of them in bread, and wine, and in money 15 But the wall was finished the five and twen-
every day forty sides: and their officers also op- tieth day of the month of Elul, in two and fiftj-
pressed the people. But I did not so for the fear days.
of God. 16 And it came to pass when all our enemies
16 Moreover I built in the work of the wall; heard of it, that all nations which were round
and I bought no land; and all my servants were about us, were afraid, and were cast down within
gathered together to the work. themselves: for they perceived that this work
17 The Jews also and the magistrates to the was the work of God.
number of one hundred fifty men, were at my 17 Moreover in those days many letters wer-e
table, besides them that came to us from among sent by the principal men of the Jews to Tobias;
the nations that were round about us. and from Tobias there came letters to them.
IS And there was prepared for me day by day 18 For there were many in Judea sworn to
one ox, and six choice rams, besides fowls: and him, because he was the son-in-law of Sechenias
once in ten days I gave store of divers wines, and the son of Area; and Johanan his son had taken
many other things: yet I did not require my to wife the daughter of Musollem the son of Ba-
yearly allowance as governor: for the people rachias.
were very much impoverished. 19 And they praised him also before me; and
19 Remember me, O my God, for good ac- they related my words to him: and Tobias sent
cording to all that I have done for this people. letters to put me in fear.


The enemies seek to terrify Nehemias. He
pro- Nehemias appointeth VHitchmen in Jentsahm
ceedeth and finisheth the wall. The list of those ivho came first from Babylon.
NDit came to pass, when Sanaballat, and

Tobias, and Gossem the Arabian, and the

after the wall was built, and I had set
up the doors, and numbered the porters, and
rest of our enemies, heard that I had built the singing men, and Levites,
wall, and that there was no breach left in it 2 I commanded Hanani my brother, and Ha-
( though at that time I had not set up the doors in nanias ruler of the house of Jerusalem (for he
the gates.) seemed as a sincere man, and one that feared
2 Sanaballat and Gossem sent to me, saying: God above the rest.)
Come, and let us make a league together in the 3 And I said to them: Let not the gates of
villages, in the plain of. Ono. But ihey thought Jerusalem be opened till the sun be hot. And
to do me mischief. while they were yet standing by, the gates were
3 And I sent messengers to them, saying: I shut, and barred: and I set watchmen of the in-
am doing a great work; and I cannot come down, habitants of Jerusalem, every one by their cours-
lest it be neglected whilst I come, and go down es, and every man over-against his house.
to vou. 4 And the city was very wide and great, and
4 And they sent to me according to this word, the people few in the midst thereof; and the
four times: and I answered them after the same houses were not built
manner 5 But God had put in my heart, and I assem-
5 AndSanaballat sent his servant to me the bled the princes, and magistrates, and common
fifthtime according to the former word, and he people, to number them and I found a book of
had a letter in his hand written in this manner: the number of them who came up at the first, and
6 It is reported amongst the Gentiles, and Gos therein it was found written:
sem hath said it, that thou and the Jews think to 6 These are the children of the province, who
rebel; and therefore thou buildest the wall, and came up from the captivity of them that had
hast a mind to set thyself king over them: for been carried away, whom fs'abuchodonosor the
which end king of Babylon had carried away, and who re-
7 Thou hast also set up prophets, to preach of turned into Judea, every one hilo his own city:
thee at Jerusalem, saying: There is a king in Ju- 7 Who
came with Zorobabel, Josue, Nehe-
dea. The king will hear of these things: there- mias, Azarias, Raamias, Nahamani, INIardochai
fore come now, that we may take counsel to- Belsam, Mespharath, Begoai, Nahum, Baana
gether. The number of the men of the people of Israel:
8 And I sent to them, saying: There is no such -•»8 The children of Pharos, two thousand one
thing done as thou sayest: but thou feignest these hundred seventy two.
things out of thy own heart. 9 The children of Sephatia, three hundred se
9 For all these men thought to frighten us, venty two.
thinking that our hands would cease from the 10 The children of Area, six hundred fifty two
work, and that we would leave off. Wherefore 11 The children of Phahath Moab of the chil-
I strengthened my hands the more: dren of Josue and Joab, two thousand eight hun
10 And I went into the house of Samaia the dred eighteen.
son of Delaia the son of Metabeel privately. And 12 The children of Elam, one thoijsand two
he said: Let us consult together in the house of hundred fifty four.

13 The children of Zethua, eignt Hundred forty 54 The children of Bcsloth, <he children ol
nve. Mahida, the children of Harsa,
14 The children of Zachai, seven hundred 55 The children of Bercos, the children of Si
sixty. sara, the children of Thema,
15 The children of Bannui, six hundred forty 56 The children of Nasia, the children of Ha-
eight. tipha,
16 The children of Bebai, six hundred twenty 57 The children of the servants of Solomon,
eight. the children of Solhai. the children of Sojihereth,
17 The children of Azgad, two thousand three the children of Pharida,
hundred twenty two. 58 The children of Jahala, the children of Dar-
18 The children of Adonicam, sLx hundred con, the children of Jeddel.
sixty seven. 59 The children of Saphatia, the children of
19 The children of Beguai, two thousand sixty Hatil, the children of Phochereth, who was born
seven. of Sabaim, the son of Amon.
20 The children of Adin, six hundred fifty five. 60 All the Nathinites, and the children of the
21 The children of Ater, children of Hezecias, servants of Solomon, three hundred ninety two
ninety eight. 61 And these are they that came up from Tel-
22 The children of Hasem, three hundred mela, Thelharsa, Cherub, Addon, and Emmer;
twenty eight. and could not show the house of their fathers,
23 The children of Besai, three hundred twen- nor their seed, whether they were of Israel.
ty four. 62 The children of Dalaia, the children of To-
24 The children of Hareph, a hundred and bia, the children of Necoda, six hundred forty
twelve. two.
'^5 The
children of Gabaon, ninety five. 63 And of the priests, the children of Habia,
26 The
children of Bethlehem, and Netupha, the children of Accos, the children of Berzellai,
a hundred eighty eight. who took a wife of the daughters of Berzellai the
27 The men of Anathoth, a hundred twenty Galaadite, and he was called by their name.
eight. 64 These sought their writing in the record,
28 The men of Bethazmoth, forty two and found it not: and they were cast out of the
29 The men of Cariathiarim, Cephira, and Be- priesthood.
roth, seven hundred fort}^ three. 65 And Athersatha said to them, that they
30 The men of Rama
and Geba, six hundred should not eat of the Holies of Holies, until there
twentj' one. stood up a priest learned and skilful.
31 The men of Machmas, a hundred twenty 66 All the multitude as it were one man, forty
two. two thousand three hundred sixty,
32 The men of Bethel and Hai, a hundred 67 Beside their men-servants and women-ser
tvt'enly three. vants, who were seven thousand three hundred
33 The men of the other Nebo, fifty two. thirty seven; and among them singing men, and
34 The men of the otlier Elam, one thousand singing women, two hundred forty five.
two hundred fifty four. 68 Their horses, seven hundred thirty six:
35 The children of Harem, three hundred and their mules, two hundred forty five:
twenty. 69 Their camels, four hundred thirty five, their
36 The children of Jericho, three hundred for- asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
ty five. Hitherto is related what was written in the
37 The children of Lod, of Hadid and Ono, record. From this place forward goeth on
seven hundred twenty one. the history of Neheviias.
38 The children of Senaa, three thousand nine 70 And some of the heads of the families gave
hundred th'rty. unto the work. Athersatha* gave into the trea-
39 The ))riests: The children of Idaia in the sure a thousand drams of gold, fifty bowls, and
house of Josue, nine hundred and seventy three. five hundred and thirty garments for priests.
40 The children of Emmer, one thousand fifty 71 And some of the heads of families gave to
two. the treasure of the work, twenty thousand drams
41 The children of Phashur, on j thousand two of gold, and two thousand two hundred pounds
hundred forty seven. of silver.
42 The children of Arem, one thousand and 72 And that which the rest of the people gave,
seventeen: The Levkes: was twenty thousand drams of gold, and two
43 The children of Josue and Cedmihel, the thousand pounds of silver, and sixty seven gar-
sons ments for priests.
44 Of Oduia, seventy four: The singing men: 73 And the priests, and the Levites, and the
'15 The children of Asaph, a hundred forty porters, and the singing men, and the rest of the
eight. common people, and the Nathinites, and all Is-
46 The porters: The children of Solium, the rael, dwelt in their cities.
children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the
children of Accub, the children of Hatita, the CHAP.
children of Sobai: a hundred thirty eight. Esdras readcth the htu^ before the people. Ne-
47 The Nathinites: The children of Soha, the hemias comfortcth them. Iliey celebrate the
children of Hasupha, the children of Tebbaoth, feast of tabernacles.
48 The children of Ceros, the children of Siaa,
the children of Phadon, the children of Le-
the seventh month came: and tlie chil-
dren of Israel were in their cities. And all
bana, the children of Hagaba, the children of the people were gathered together as one man to
Selmai, the street which is before the water-gate: and
49 The children of Hanan, the children of they spoke to Esdras the scribe, to bring the
Gedilel, the children of Gaher, book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had
50 The children of Raaia, the children of Ra- commanded to Israel.
sin, the children of Necoda,
51 The children of Gezem, the children of * Athersatha. That is, Nehemias; as appears
Asa, the children of Phasea, from chap. xii. Either that he was so called at
52 The children of Besai, the children of Mu- th^ court of the king of Persia, where he was
nim, the children of Nephussim, cun-bearer: or that, as some think, this name sig-
53 The children of Bacbuc, the children of nifies governor; and he was at that time govern-
Hacupha, the children of Harhur, or of Judea
2 Then Esdras the priest brought the law be- CHAP. IX.
fore the multitude of men and women, and all
The people repent with fasting and sackcloth
those that could understand, in the first day of
The Levites confess God's benefits, and the peo-
the seventh month.
ple's ingratitude: they pray for them; and
3 And he read it plainly in the street that was
make a covenant with God.
before the water-gate, from the morning until
mid-day, before the men, and the women, and all
those that could understand: and the ears of all
AND in the four and twentieth ''ay of the
month, the children of Israel came together
the people were attentive to the book. with fasting and with sackcloth, and earth upon
4 And Esdras the scribe stood upon a step of them.
wood, which he had made to speak upon: and 2 And the seed of the children of Israel sepa-
there stood by him Mathathias, and Semeia, and rated themselves from every stranger:' and they
Ania, and Uria, and Helcia, and Maasia, on his stood, and confessed their sms, and the iniquities
right hand; and on the left, Phadaia, Misael, and of their fathers.
Melchia, and Hasum, and Hasbadana, Zacharia 3 And they rose up to stand: and they read in
and Mosollam. the book of the law of the Lord their God, lour
5 And Esdras opened the book before all the times in the day, and four times iney confessed,
people: for he was above all the people: and and adored the Lord their God.
when he had opened it, all the people stood. 4 And there stood up upon the step of the Le-
6 And Esdras blessed the Lord the great God: vites Josue, and Bani, and Cedminel, Sabania,
and all the people answered: Amen, amen, lift- Bonni, Sarebias, Bani, and Chanani: and they
ing up their hands: and they bowed down, and cried with a loud voice to the Lord their God.
adorrd God with their faces to the ground. 5 And the Levites Josue and Cedmihel, Bonni^
7Now Josue, and Bani, and Serebia, Jamin, Hasebnia, Serebia, Odaia, Sebnia, and Phathahia,
Accub, Septhai, Odia, Maasia, Celita, Azarias, said: Arise, bless the Lord your God from eter-
Jozabed, Hanan, Phalaia, the Levites, made si nity to eternity: and blessed be the high name of
lence among the people to hear the law: and the thy glory with all blessing and praise.
people stood in their place. 6 Thou thyself, O Lord, alone, thou hast made
8 And they read in the book of the law of God heaven, and the heaven of heavens, and all the
distinctly and plainly to be understood: and they host thereof; the earth and all things that are in it;
understood when it was read. the seas and all that are therein: and thou givest
9 And Nehemias (he is Athersatha) and Es- life to all these things; and the host of heaven
dras the priest and scribe, and the Levites who adoreth thee.
interpreted to all the people, said: This is a holy 7 Thou, O Lord God, art he who chosesv
day to the Lord our God: do not mourn, nor Abram, and broughtest him forth out of the fire
weep: for all the people wept, when they heard of the Chaldeans,* and gavest him the name of
the words of the law. Abraham.
10 And he said to them: Go, eat fat meats, and 8 And thou didst find his heart faithful before
drink sweet wine, and send portions to them that thee: and thou madest a covenant with him, to
have not prepared for themselves: because it is give him the land of the Chanaanite, of the He-
the holy day of the Lord, and be not sad: for the thite, and of the Amorrhite, and of the Pherezite,
joy of the Lord is our strength. and of the Jebusite, and of the Gergesite, to give
11 And the Levites stilled all the people, say it to his seed: and thou hast fulfilled thy words,
ing: Hold your peace, for the day is holy; and be because thou art just.
not sorrowful. 9 And thou sawest the affliction of our fathers
12 So all the people went to eat and drink, and in Egypt: and thou didst hear their cry by the
to send portions, and to make great mirth: be- Red Sea.
cause they understood the words that he had 10 And thou .showedst signs and wonders upon
taught them. Pharao, and upon all his servants, and upon the
13 And on the second day the chiefs of the peoi'le of his land: for thou knowest that they
families of all the people, the priests, and the Le- dealt proudly against them: and thou madest thy-
vites were gathered together to Esdras the scribe, self a name, as it is at this day.
that he should interpret to them the words of the 11 And thou didst divide the sea before them;
law. and they passed through the midst of the sea on
14 And they found written in the law, that the dry land but their persecutors thou threwest into

Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses, that the depth, as a stone into mighty waters.
the children of Israel should dwell in tabernacles, 12 And in a pillar of a cloud thou wast their
on the feast, in the seventh month: leader by day, and in a pillar of fire by night, that
15 And that they should proclaim and publish they might see thevway by which they went.
the word in all their cities, and in Jerusalem, say- 13 Thou earnest down also to mount Sinai, and
ing: Go forth to the mount, and fetch branches of didst speak with them from heaven: and thou
olive, and branches of beautiful wood, branches gavest themrisiht judgments, and the law of truth,
of myrtle, and branches of palm, and branches of ceremonies, and good precepts.
thick trees, to make tabernacles, as it is written. 14 Thou madest known to them thy holy sab-
16 And the people went forth, and brought. bath, and didst prescribe to them commandments,
And they made themselves tabernacles every and ceremonies, and the law by the hand of
man on the top of his house, and in their courts, Moses thy servant.
and in the courts of the house of God, and in the I

15 And thou gavest theui hread from heaven in

street of the water-gate, and in the street of the their hunger, and broughtest forth water for them
gate of Ei^ihraim. lout of the rock in their thirst: and thou saidst to
17 And all the assembly of them that were re- jthem that they should go in, and possess the land,
turned from the cajitivity, made tabernacles, and [upon which thou hadst lifted up thy hand to give
dwelt in tabernacles: for since the days of Josue it them.
the son of Nun, the children of Israel had not
done so, until that day: and there was exceeding * The fire of the Chaldeans. The city of Ur in
great joy. jjChaldea, the name of which signifies fire. Or
18 And he read in the book of the law of God ;out of the fire of the tribulations and temptations,
day by day, from the first day till the last: and to which he was there exposed. The ancient
ther kept the solemnity seven days, and in the Rabbins understood this literally, affirming that
eignlh day a solemn assembly according to the Abram was cast into the fire by the idolaters, and
manner. ibrouerht out by a miracle without any hurt.
16 But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and utterly consume them, nor forsake them because
hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy thou art a merciful and gracious God.
commandments. 32 Now therefore our God, great, strong, and
17 And they would not hear; and they remem- who keepest covenant and mercy, turn
bered not thy wonders which thou hadst done for notaway from thy face all the labour which hath
them. And they hardened their necks, and gav» come upon us, upon our kings, and our princes,
the head* to return to their bondage, as it were and our priests, and our prophets, and our fathers,
by contention. But thou, a forgiving God, gra- and all the people, from the days of the king of
cious, and merciful, long-sutfering and full of com-
Assur, until this day.
passion, didst not forsake them. 33 And thou art just in all things that have
18 Yea when they had made also to themselves come upon us: because thou hast done truth; but
a molten calf, and had said: This is thy God, that we have done wickedly. •

brought thee out of Egypt; and had committed 34 Our kings, our princes, our jiriests, and cur
great blasphemies: fathers have not kept thy law, and have not mind-
IS) Yet thou, in thy many mercies, didst not ed thy commandments, and thy testimonies which
leave them in the desert: the pillar of the cloud thou hast testified among them.
dejjarted not from them by day to lead them in 35 And thev have not served thee in their king
the way, and the pillar of hre by night to show doms, and in ihy manifold goodness, which thou
them the way by which they should go. gavest them, and in the large and fat land which
20 And thou gavest them thy good Spirit to thou deliveredst before them; nor did they re-
teach them; and thy manna thou didst not with- turn from their most wicked devices.
hold from their mouth; and thou gavest them 36 Behold, we ourselves this day are bondmen:
water for their thirst. and the land, which thou gavest our fathers, to eat
21 Forty years didst thou feed them in the de- the bread thereof, and the good things thereof, and
sert, and nothing was wanting to them: their gar- we ourselves are servants in it.
ments did not grow old, and their feet were not 37 And the fruits thereof grow up for the kings,
, worn. whom thou hast set over us for our sins: and
22 And thou gavest them kingdoms, and na- they have dominion over our bodies, and over our
tions, and didst divide lots for them: and they beasts, according to their will; and we are in
possessed the land of Sehon, and the land of the great tribulation.
King of Hesebon, and the land of Og king of 38 And because of all this we ourselves make
Basan. a covenant, and write it; and our princes, our
23 And thoudidst multiply their children as the Levites, and our priests sing it.
stars of heaven, and brought?st them to the land
concerning which thou hadst said to their fathers,
that they should go in and possess it The names of the subscribers to the covenant, and
24 And the children came and possessed the the contents of it.
land: and thou didst humble before them the in-
habitants of the land, the Chanaanites, and gavest
AND the subscribers were Nehemias, Ather
satha the «on of Hachelai, and Sedecias,
them into their hands, with their kings, and the 2 Saraias, Azarias, Jeremias,
people of the land, that they might do with them 3 Pheshur, Amarias, Melchias,
asjt pleased them. 4 Hattus, Sebenia, Melluch,
25 And they took strong cities and a fat land, 5 Harem Merimoth, Obdias,
and possessed houses full of all goods; cisterns 6 Daniel,* Genthon, Baruch,
made by others, vine-yards, and olive-yards, and 7 Mosollam, Abia, Miamin,
fruit-trees in abundance: and they ate, and were 8 Maazia, Belgia, Semeia: these were priests.
filled, and became fat, and abounded with delight 9 And the Levites, Josue the son of Azanias,
in thy great goodness. Bennui of the sons of Henadad, Cedmihel,
26 But they provoked thee to wrath, and de 10 And their brethren, Sebenia, Odaia, Celita,
Earted from thee, and threw thy law behind their Phalaia, Hanan,
acks: and they killed thy prophets, who admon 11 Micha, Rohob, Hasebia,
ished them earnestly to return to thee: and they 12 Zachur, Serebia, Sabania,
were guilty of great blasphemies. 13 Odaia, Bani, Baninu.
27 And thou gavest them into the hands of 14 The heads of the people. Pharos, Phahath
their enemies, and they afflicted them. And in moab, Elam, Zethu, Bani,
the time of their tribulation they cried to thee, and 15 Bonni, Azgad, Bebai,
thou heardest from heaven; and according to the 16 Adonia, Begoai, Adin,
multitude of thy tender mercies thou gavest them 17 Ater, Hezecia, Azur,
saviours, to save them from the hands of their 18 Odaia, Hasum, Besai,
enemies. 19 Hareph, Anathoth, Nebai,
28 But after they had rest, they returned to do 20 Megphias, Mosollam, Hazir,
evil in thy sight: and thou leftest them in the hand 21 Mesizabel, Sadoc, Jeddua,
of their enemies; and they had dominion over 22 Pheltia, Hanan, Anaia,
them. Then they returned, and cried to thee: 23 Osee, Hanania, Hasub,
and thou heardest from heaven, and deliveredst 24 Alohes, Phalea, Sobec,
them many times in thy mercies. 25 Rehum, Hasebna, Maasia,
29 And thou didst admonish them to return to 26 Echaia, Hanan, Anan,
thy law. But they dealt proudly, and hearkened 27 Melluch, Haran, Baana:
not to thy commandments, but sinned against thy 28 And the rest of the people, priests, Levites,
judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in porters, and sii»ging-men, Nathinites, and all that
them: and they withdrew the shoulder, and hard- nad separated themselves from the people of the
ened their neck, and would not hear. lands to the law of God, their wives, their sons,
30 And thou didst forbear with them for many and their daughters,
vears, and didst testify against them by thy spirit 29 All that could understand promising for
ny the hand of thy prophets: and they heard not, their brethren, with their chief men, and they
and thou didst deliver them into the hand of the came to promise and swear that they would walk
peojile of the lands. in the law of God, which he gave in the hand of
31 Yet in thy very many mercies thou didst not Moses the servant of God, that they would do
and keep all the commandments of the Lord our
• ^nd gave the head. That is, they set their God, and his judgments and his ceremonies:
iead or were bent to return to Egypt 30 And that we would not give our daughter!
to the people of the land, nor take their daughters son of Phadala, the son of Colaia, the son of Ma-
for our sons: sia, the son of Etheel, the son of Isaia,
31 And if the people of the land bring in things 8 And after him Gebbai, Sellai, nine hundred
to sell, or any things for use, to sell them on the twenty eight.
sabbath-daj, that we would not buy them of 9 AndJoel the son of Zechri their ruler, and
them on the sabbath, or on the holy day and that : Judas the son of Senua was second over the city.
we would leave the seventh year, and the exac- 10 And of the priests Idaia the son of Joarib,
tion of every hand. Jachin,
32 And we made ordinances' for ourselves, to 11 Saraia the son of Helcias, the son of Mosol-
give the third part of a side every year for the lam, the son of Sadoc, the son of Meraioth, the
work of the house of our God, son of Achitob the prince of the house of God,
33 For the loaves of proposition, and for the 12 And their brethren that do the works of the
continual sacrifice, and for a continual holocaust temple: eight hundred twenty two. And Adaia
on the sabbaths, on the new moons, on the set the son of Jeroham, the son of Phelelia, the scja
feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin- of Amsi, the son of Zacharias, the son of Pheshur,
offering: that atonement might be made for Is the son of Melchias,
rael, and for every use of the house of our God. 13 And his brethren the chiefs of the fathers:
34 And we cast lots among the priests, and two hundred forty two. And Amassai the son
the Levites, and the people, for the offering of of Azreel, the son of Ahazi, the son of Mosolla-
wood, that it might be brought into the house of moth, the son of Emmer,
our God by the houses of our fathers at set times, 14 And their brethren who were very mighty,
from year to year; to burn upon the altar of the a hundred twenty eight: and their ruler Zabdiel
Lord our God, as it is written in the law of son of the mighty.
Moses: 15 And of the Levites Semeia the son of Ha-
35 And that we would bring the first-fruits of sub, the son of Azaricam, the son of Hasabia,
our land, and the first-fruits of all fruit of every the son of Boni,
tree, from year to year, in the house of our Lord: 16 And Sabathai and Jozabed, who were over
36 And the first-born of our sons, and of our all the outward business of the house of God, of
cattle, as it is written in the law, and the firstlings the princes of the Levites.
of our oxen, and of our sheep, to be offered in 17 And Mathania the son of Micha, the son of
the house of our God, to the priests who minis- Zebedei, the son of Asaph was the principal man
ter in the house of our God: to praise, and to give glory in prayer, and Bec-
37 And that we would bring the first-fruits of becia the second, qne of his brethren, and Abda
our meats, and of our libations, and the fruit of the son of Samua, the son of Galal, the son of
every tree, of the vintage also, and of oil to the Idithun.
priests, to the store-house of our God, and the 18 All the Levites in the holy city were two
tithes of our ground to the Levites. The Levites hundred eighty four.
also shall receive the tithes of our works out of 19 And the porters, Accub, Telrnon, and their
all the cities. brethren, who kept the doors, a hundred seventy
"18 And the priest the son of Aaron shall be two.

with the Levites in the tithes of the Levites: and 20 And the rest of Israel, the priests and the
the Levites shall offer the tithe of their tithes Levites were in all the cities of Juda, every man
in the iiouse of our God, to the store-room into in his possession.
the treasure-house. 21 And the Nathinites, that dwelt in Ophel,
39 For the childreyi of Israel and the children and Siaha, and Gaspha of' the Nathinites.
of Levi shall carry to the treasury the first-fruits 22 And the overseer of the Levites in Jerusa-
of corn, of wine, and of oil: and the sanctified lem, was Azzi the son of Bani, the son of Hasa-
vessels shall be there, and the priests, and the bia, the son of Mathania, the son of Micha. Of
singing men, and the porters, and ministers: and the sons of Asaph, were the singing men in the
we will not forsake the house of our God. ministry of the house of God.
CHAP. XI. 23 For the king's commandment was concern-
ing them, and an order among the singing men
Who were the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the day by day.
other cities. 24 And Phathahia, the son of Mesezebel of the
the princes of the people dwelt at Jeru children of Zara the son of Juda was at the
J\. salem: but the rest of the people cast lots, hand of the king, in all matters concerning the
to take one part in ten to dwell in Jerusalem the people,
hoiy city, and nine parts in the other cities. 25 And in the houses through all their coun-
2 And the people blessed all the men that wil- tries. Of the children of Juda some dwelt at Ca-
lingly offered themselves to dwell in Jerusalem. riatharbe, and in the villages thereof; and at Di-
3 These therefore are the chief men of the bon, and in the villages thereof; and at Cabseel,
province, who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the and in the villages thereof;
cities of Juda. And every one dwelt in his pos- 26 And at Jesue, and at Molada, and at Beth-
session, in their cities: Israel, the priests, the Le- phaleth,
vites, the Nathinites, and tlie children of the ser- 27 And at Hasersual, and at Bersabee, and in
vants of Solomon. the villages thereof;
4 And in Jerusalem there dwelt some of the 28 And at Siceleg, and at Mochona, and in the
children of Juda, and some of the children of villages thereof;
Benjamin: of the children of Juda, Athaias the 29 And at Remmon, and at Saraa, and at Jeri-
son of Aziam, the son of Zacharias, the son of muth,
Amarias, the son of Saphatias, the son of Mala- SO Zanoa, Odollam, and in their villages; at
Icel of the sons of Phares,
Lachis and its dependencies; and at Azeca and
5 Maasia the son of Baruch, the son of Chol- the villages thereof. And they dwelt from Ber-
hoza, the son of Hazia, the .son of Adaia, the son sabee unto the valley of Ennom.
of Joiarib, the son of Zacharias, the son of the 31 And the children of Benjamin, from Geba,
Silonite: at Mechmas, and at Hai, and at Bethel, and in the
ti All these the sons of Phares, who dwelt in villages thereof,
Jerusalem, loere four hundred sixty eight valiant 32 At Anathoth, Nob, Anania,
men. 33 Asor, Rama, Gethaim,
7 And these are the children of Benjamin: Sel- 34 Hadid, Seboim, and Neballat, Lod,
lum the son of Mosollam, the son of Joed, the 35 And Ono the valley of craftsmen.
: ;


86 And of the Levites were portions of Juda 32 And after them went Osaias, and hilf of the
and Benjamin. princes of Juda,
CHAP. XII. 33 And Azarias, Esdras, and Mosollam, Judas,
The priests, and Levites that came up tvith Zo- and Benjamin, and Semeia, and Jeremias.
rohahel. The succession of high priests: the 34 And of the sons of the priests with trumpets,
solemnity of the dedication of the loall. Zacharias the son of Jonathan, the son of Semeia,
NOW tliese are tlip jjriests and tlie Levites, the son of Mathania, the .son of Michaia, the son
that went up with Zorobabel the son of Sa- of Zechur, the son of Asaph,
lathiel, and Josue: Saraia, Jeremias, Esdras, 35 And his breth'ren Semeia, and Azareel, Ma-
2 Amaria, Melluch, Hattus, lalai, Galalai, Maai, Nathanael, and Judas, and
3 Sebenias, Rheum, Merimuth, Hanani, with the musical instruments of David
4 Addo, Genthon, Abia, the man of God: and Esdras the scribe before
5 Miamin, Madia, Belga, them at the fountain-gate.
6 Semeia, and Joiarib, Idaia, Sellum, Amoc, 36 And they went up over-against them by the
Helcias, stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the
7 Idaia. These were the chief of the priests, wall of the house of David, and to the water-gate
and of their brethren in the days of Josue. eastward
8 And the Levites, Jesua, Bennui, Cedmihel, 37 And the second choir of them that gave
Sarebia, Juda, Mathanias, they and their breth- thanks went on the opposite side, and I after
ren were over the hymns: them, and the half of the people upon the wall,
9 And Becbecia, and Hanni and their brethren and upon the tower of the furnaces, even to the
every one in his office. broad wall,
10 And Josie begot Joacim; and Joacim be- 38 And above the gate of Ephraim, and above
got Eliasib; and Eliasib begot Joiada; the old gate, and above the fish-gate and the
11 And Joiada begot Jonathan; and Jonathan tower of Hananeel, and the tower of Emath, and
begot Jeddoa. even to the flock-gate: and they stood still in the
12 And in the days of Joacim the priests and watch-gate.
heads of the families were: Of Saraia, Maraia; 39 And the two choirs of them that gave praise
of Jeremias, Hanania; stood still at the house of God, and I and the half
13 Of Esdras, Mosollam; and of Amaria, Jo- of the magistrates with me.
nan an; 40 And'the priests, Eliachim, Maasia, Miamin,
14 Of MiUcho, Jonathan; of Sebenia, Joseph; Michea, Elioenai, Zacharia, Hanania with trum-
15 Of Haram, Edna; of Maraioth, Helci: pets,
16 Of Adaia, Zacharia; of Genthon, Mosol- 41 And Maasia, and Semeia, and Eleazar, and
larn: Azzi, and Johanan, and Melchia, and Elam, and
17 Of Abia, Zechri; of Miamin and Moadia, Ezer. And the singers sung loud; and Jezraia
Pheiti; was their overseer:
IS Of Belga, Sammua; of Semaia, Jonathan; 42 And they sacrificed on that day great sacri-
19 Of Joiarib, Mathanai; of Jodaia, Azzi; fices, and they rejoiced; for God had made them
2tt Of Sellai, Celai; of Amoc, Heber; joyful with great joy: their wives also and their
21 Of Helcias, Hasebia; of Idaia, Nathanael. children rejoiced; and the joy of Jerusalem was
22 The Levites the chiefs of the families in the heard afar off.
days of Eliasib, and Joiada, and Jolianan, and 43 They appointed also in that day men over
Jeddoa, were recorded, and the priests in the the store-houses of the treasure, for the libations,
reign of Darius the Persian. and for the first-fruits, and for the tithes, that the
23 The sons of Levi, lieads of the families were rulers of the city might bring them in by them in
written in the book of Chronicles, even unto the honour of thanksgiving, for the priests and Le-
days of Jonathan the son of Eliasib. vites: for Juda was joyful in the priests and Le-
24 Now the chief of the Levites were Hase- vites that assisted.
bia, Serebia, and Josue the son of Cedmihel: and •14 And they kept the watch of their God, and
their brethren by their courses, to praise and to the observance of expiaticn, and the singing men,
give thanks according to tlie commandment of and the porters, according to the commandment
David the man of God, and to wait equally in of David, and of Solomon his son.
order. 45 For in the days of David and Asaph frorw
25 Mathania, and Becbecia, Obedia, and IVIo- the beginning there were chief singers ajjpoini-
sollam, Telmon, Accub, were keepers of^ the ed, to praise with canticles, and give thanks to
gates and of the entrances before the gates. God.
26 These were in the days of Joacim the son 46 And all Israel, in the days of Zorooab'-l,
of Josue, the son of Jo.sedec, and in the days of and in the days of Nehemias, gave jjortions to the
Nehemias the governor, and of Esdras the priest singing men, and to the porters, day by uay: and
and scribe. they sanctified the Levites; and the Levites
27 And at the dedication of the wall of Jeru- sanctified* the sons of Aaron.
salem they sought the Levites out of all their
places, to bring them to Jerusalem, and to keep
the dedication, and to rejoice with thanksgiving, Divers abuses are reformed.
and with singing, and with c}'mbals, and psalte-
ries and harps.
AND on that day they read in the book of
Moses in the hearing of the people: and
28 And the sons of the singing men were gath- therein was found written, that the Ammonites
ered together out of the plain country about Je- and the Moabites should not come in to the
rusalem, and out of the villages of Nethuphati, church of God for ever:
29 And from the house of Galgai, and from 2 Because they met not the children of Israel
the countries of Geba and Azmaveth: for the with bread and water: and they hired against
iinging men had built themselves villages round them Balaam, to curse them: and our God turned
about Jerusalem. the curse into blessing.
30 And the priests and the Levites were puri- 3 And it came to pass, when they had heard
fied: and they purified the people, and the gates, the law, that they separated every stranger from
and the wall. Israel.
31 And I made the princes of Juda go up
upon the wall; and I appointed two great choirs * Sanctified. That is, thejr gave them that
to give praise. And thej^ went on the right hand which by the law was set aside, and sanctineJ
Bf on the wall toward the dunghill-gate. for their use.
4 And over this thing* was Eliasib the priest, 17 And
I rebuked the cliief men of JuJa, and
who was set over the treasury of the house of our them: What is this evil thing that you are
said to
God, and was near akin to Tobias. doing, profaning the sabbath-day?
5 And he made him a great store-room, wliere 18 Did not our fathers do these things, and our
before hitn they laid up gifts, and frankincense, God brought all tliis evil upon us, and upon this
and vessels, and the tithes of the corn, of the city? And you bring more wrath upon Israel by
wine, and of the oil, the portions of the Levites, violating the sabbath.
and of the singing men, and of the porters, and 19 And it came to pass, that when the gates of
the first-fruits of the priests. Jerusalem were at rest on the sabbath-day, I
6 But in all this time I was not in Jerusalem; spoke: and they shut the gates, and I command-
because in the two and thirtieth year of Artax- ed that they should not open them till after the
erxes king of Babylon 1 went to the king, and sabbath: and I set some of my servants at the
after certain days I asked the king: gates, that none should bring in burdens on the
7 And I came to Jerusalem, and I understood sabbath-day.
the evil that Eliasib had done for Tobias, to make 20 So the merchants and they that sold all
him a store-hpuse in the courts of the house of kind of wares, stayed without Jerusalem once or
God. twice
8 And it seemed to me exceeding evil. And I 21 And I charged them, and I said to them:
cast forth the vessels of the house of Tobias out Why rtaj' you before the wall? if you do so an-
of the store-house. other time, I will lay hands on you. And from
9 And I commanded, and they cleansed the that time they came no more on the sabbath.
store-houses: and I brought thither again the 22 I spoke also to the Levites, that they should
vessels of the house of God, the sacrifice, and the be purified, and should come to keep the gates,
frankincense. and to sanctify the sabbath-day: for this also re-
10 And I perceived that the portions of the member me, O my God, and spare me according
Levites had not been given them; and that the to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
Levites, and the singing men, and they that mi- 23 In those days also I saw Jews that married
nistered, were fled away every man to his own wives, women ot Azotus, and of Ammon, and of
country: Moab.
11 And I pleaded the matter against the magis- 24 And their children sjioke half in the speech
trates, and said: Why have we forsaken the of Azotus, and could not speak the Jews' lan-
house of God? And I gathered them together, guage; but they spoke according to the language
and I made them to stand in their places. of this and that people.
12 And all Juda brought the tithe of the 25 And I chid them, and laid my curse upon
corn, and the wine, and the oil into the store- them. And I beat some of tliem, and shaved ofif
houses. their hair, and made them swear by God that
13 And we set over the store-houses Selemias they would not give their daughters to their sons,
tlie jiriest, and Sadoc the scribe, and of the Le nor take their daughters for their sons, nor for
vices Phadaia, and next to them Hanan the son themselves, saying:
of Zachur, the son of Mathania: for they were 26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin in this
approved as faithful: and to them were commit kind of thing? and surely among many nations
ted the portions of tlieir brethren. there was not a king like him; and he was be-
14 Remember me, O my God, for this thing, loved of his God, and God made him king over
and wipe not out my kiutlnesses, which 1 have all Israel: and yet women of other countries
done relating to the house of my God, and his brought even him to sin.
ceremonies. 27 And shall we also be disobedient and do all
15 In tliose days I saw in Juda some treadin this great evil, to transgress against our God, and
the presses on the sabbatii, and carrying sheaves, marry strange women?
and lading asses with wine, and grapes, and figs, 28 And one of the sons of Joiada the son of
and all manner of burdens, and bringing them Eliasib the high priest, was son-in-law to Sana-
into Jerusalem on the sabbath-day. And I charg- ballat the Horonite: and I drove him from me.
ed them that they should sell on a day on which 29 Remember them, O Lord my God, that de-
it was lawful to sell. file the priesthood, and the law of priests and Le-
16 Some Tyrians also dwelt there, who brought vites.
fish, and all manner of wares: and they sold them 30* So I separated from them all strangers: and
on the sabbaths to the children of Juda in Jeru- 1 appointed the courses of t!ie priests and the Le-
salem. vites, every man in his ministry:
31 And for the offering of wood at times ap-
Over this thing, ^-c- Or, he was O
faulty in pointed, and foi- the first-fruits: remember me,
thJ'5 thing, or in this kind. my God, unto good. Amen.


Thh look taJ:es it,s name from the holy man To- destruction of Ninive, and the rebuilding of
bias, tvhose wonderful lurtxies are herein re- Jerusalem: he dies happily.
folded. It contains most excellent documents
of great piety, extraordinary patience, and of

a perfect resignation to the will of God. Hix Tobias's early piety; his works of mercy, par-
humble prayer u>as heard: and the Angel Ra- ticularly in biu^ying the dead.
phael Idas sent to relieve him. He is thankful,
and praises the Lord, calling on the children
of the tribe and city of Nephthati
(which is in the upper parts of Galilee above
of Israel to do the same. Having lived to the Naasson, beyond the way that leadelh to the
age of one hundred and two years, he exhorts west, having on the right hand tlie ty ot So
hta son and grandsons to piety; foretels the phet.i

2 When he was made captive in the days of 3 And when he had gone, returning ne told
Salmanasar king of the Assyrians, even in his him, that one of the children of Israel lay slain
captivity, forsook not the way of truth; in tlie street. And he forthwith leaped up from
3 But every day gave all he could get to his his place at the table, and left his dinner, and
brethren his fellow-captives, that were of his came fasting to the body:
kindred. 4 And taking it up, carried it privately to his
4 And when he was younger than any of the house, that after the sun was down, he might bury
tribe of Nephtliali, yet did he no childish thing in him cautiously.
his work. 5 And when he had hid the body, he ate bread
5 Moreover, when all %vent to the golden with mourning and fear,
calves which Jeroboam king of Israel had made, 6 Remembering the word which the Lord
he alone fled the company of all, spoke by Amos the prophet: Your festival days
6 And went to Jerusalem to the temple of the snail be turned into lamentation and mourning.
Lord, and there adored the Lord God of Israel, 7 So when the sun was down, he went and bu-
offering faithfully all his first-fruits and his ried him.
tithes: 8 Now all his neighbours blamed him, saymg:
7 So that in the third year he gave all his tithes Once already commandment was given for thee
to the proselytes, and strangers. to be slain because of this matter: and thou didst
8 These and such, like things did he observe scarce escape the sentence of death: and dost
when but a boy, according to the law of God. thou again Viury the dead?
9 But when he was a man, he took to wife 9 But Tobias fearing ,God more than the king,
Anna of his own tribe, and had a son by her, carried off the bodies of them that were slain,
whom he called after his own name: and hid them in his house, and at midnight buried
10 And from his infancy he taught him to fear them.
God, and to abstain from all sin. 10 Now it happened one day, that being wea-
11 And when by the captivity he with his wife ried with burying, he came to his house, and cast
and his son and all his tribe was come to the city himself down by the wall, and slept.
of iS'inive, 11 And as he was sleeping, hot dung out of a
12 (When all ate of the meats of the Gentiles) swallow's nest fell upon his eyes; and he was
he kept his soul, and never was defiled with their made blind.
meats. 12 Now this trial the Lord therefore permitted
13 And because he was mindful of the Lord to happen to him, that an example might be
with all his heart, God gave him favour in the given to posterity of his patience, as also of holy
sight of Salmanasar the king. Job.
14 And he gave him leave to go whithersoever 13 For whereas he had always feared God
he would, with liberty to do whatever he had a from his infancy, and kept his commandments,
mind. he repined not against God because the evil of
15 He therefore went to all that were in cap- blindness had befallen him;
tivity, and gave them wholesome admonitions. 14 But continued immoveable in the fear of
16 And when he was come to Rages a city of God, giving thanks to God all the days of his
the Medes, and had ten talents of silver, of that life.
with which he had been honoured by the king: 15 For as the kin^s* insulted over holy Job, so
17 And when amongst a great multitude of his relations and kinsmen mocked at his life,
his kindred, he saw Gabelus in want, who was saying:
one of his tribe, taking a note of his hand he gave 16 Where is thy hope, for which thou gavest
him the aforesaid sum of money. alms, and buriedst the dead.'
18 But after a long time, Salmanasar the king 17 But Tobias rebuked them, saying: Speak
being dead, when Sennacherib his son, who not so:
reigned in his place, had a hatred for the children 18 For we are the children of saints, and look
of Israel: for that life which God will give to those that
19 Tobias daily went among all his kindred, never change their faith from him.
and comforted them, and distributed to every 19 Now Anna weaving
his %vife went daily to
one as he was able, out of his goods: work: and she brought home what she could get
20 He fed the hungry, and gave clothes to for their living by the labour of her hands.
the naked, and was careful to bury the dead, and 20 Whereby it came to pass, that she received
they that were slain. a young kid, and brought it home:
21 And when king Sennacherib was come 21 And when it bleating, he
her husband heard
back fleeing from Judea by reason of the slaugh- said: Take heed, lest perhajis it be stolen; re-
ter that God had made about him for his blasphe- store ye it to its owners; for it is not lawful for
my, and being angry slew many of the children us either to eat or to toucli any thing that cometh
of^ Israel, Tobias baried their bodies. by theft.
22 But when it was told the king, he corn.' At these words his wife being angry an-
manded him to be slain, and took away all his swered It is evident thy hope is come to nothing,

substance. and thy alms now appear.

23 But Tobias fleeing naked away with his 23 And with these, and other such like words
son and with his wife, lay concealed; for many she upbraided him.
loved him.
2A But after forty five days, the king was kill- CHAP. III.
ed by his own sons.
25 And Tobias returned to his house; and all The
prayer of Tobias, and of Sara, in their «e-
vei-al afflictions, are heard by God: and the
his substance was restored to him.
relieve them.
Angel Raphael is sent to

To&ifl* leaveth his dinner to bury the dead: he

THEN Tobias sighed, and began to pray with
loscth his sight by God's permission, for mani- 2 Saying: Thou art jupt, O Lord; and all thy
festation of his patience. judgments are just, and all thy ways mercy, and
BUT Lord, and when
after this, was there
good dinner was prepared
a festival of truth, and judgment:
Tobias's house, * Kings. So Job's three friends are here called-
2 He said to his son: Go, and bring some of because they were princes in their respecliVe
our tribe, that fear God, to feast with us. territories.
2R 31S
, ;

3 And now, O Lord, think of me, and take CHAP. IV.
not revenge of my sins; neither remember my
Tobias thinking he shall die, giveth his son godly
olTences, nor those of my parents.
admonitions : and telleth him of money he had
4 For we have not obeyed thy commandments;
lent to a friend.
therefore are we delivered to spoil and to captiv-
ity, and death, and are made a fable, and a re- THEREFORE when Tobias thought that hia
proach to all nations, amongst wliich thou hast prayer was heard, that lie might die, he call-
scattered us. ed to him Tobias his son
5 And now, O Lord, great are thy judgments, 2 And said to him Hear, my son, the words

because we have not done according to thy pre- of my mouth, and lay them as a foundation in
cepts, and have not walked sincerely before thy heart.
thee: 3 When God shall take my soul, thou shalt
6 And now, O Lord, do with me according to bury my body: and thou shalt honour thy mother
thy will, and command my spirit to be received all the days of her life:
in" peace : for it is better for me to die, than to 4 For thou must be mindful what and how
live. great perils she suffered for thee in her womb.
7Now it liappened on the same day, that Sara 5 And when she also shall have ended the time
daughter of Raguel, in Rages* a city of the of her life, bury her by me.
Medes, received a reproach from one of her fa- 6 And all the days of thy life have God in thy
ther's servant-maids, mind: and take heed thou never consent to sin,
8 Because she had been given to seven hus- nor transgress the commandments of the Lord
bands; and a devil name"d Asmodeus had killed our God.
them, at their first going in unto her. 7 Give alms out of thy substance, and turn not
9 So when she reproved the maid for her fault, away thy face from any poor person: for so it shall
she answered her, saying: May we never see come to ])ass that the face of the Lord shall not
son, or daughter of thee upon the earth, thou be turned from thee.
murderer of thy husbands. 8 According to thy ability be merciful.
10 Wilt thou kill me also, as thou hast already 9 If thou have much, give abundantly: if thou
killed seven husbands.' At these words she went have little, take care even so to bestow willingly
into an upper chamber of her house: and for a little.
three days and three nights did neither eat nor 10 For thus thou storest up to thyself a good
drink: reward for the day of necessity.
11 But continuing in prayer with tears be- 11 For alms deliver from all sin, and from
sought God, that he would deliver her from this death, and will not suffer the soul to go into
'eproach. darkness.
12 And it came to pass on the third day, when 12 Alms shall be a great confidence before the
she was waking an end of her prayer, blessing most high God, to all them that give it.
the Lord, 13 Take heed to keep thyself, my son, from all
13 She said: Blessed is thy name, O God of fornication, and beside thy wife never endure to
our fathers; who when thou hast been angry, know a crime.
wilt_ show mercj', and in the time of tribulation 14 Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, or
forgivest the sins of them that call upon thee. in thy words: for from it all perdition took its be-
14 To thee, O Lord, I turn my face; to thee I ginning.
direct my eyes. 15 If any man' hath done any work for thee,
15 I beg, O Lord, that thou loose me from the immediately pay him his hire; and let not the
bond of this reproach, or else take me away from wages of thy hired servant stay with thee at all
the earth. 16 See thou never do to another what thou
16 Thou knowest, O Lord, that T never covet- wouldst hate to have done to thee by another.
ed a husband, and have kept my soul clean from 17 Eat thy bread with the hungry and the
all lust. needy; and with thy garments cover the naked.
17 Never have I joined myself with them that 18 Lav out thy bread and thy wine upon the
play: neither have I made myself partaker with burial of a just man; and do not eat and drink
them that walk in lightness. thereof with the wicked.
18 But a husband I consented to take, with thy 19 Seek counsel always of a wise man.
fear, not with my lust. 20 Bless God at all times: and desire of him to
19 And either I was unworthy of them, or they direct thy ways, and that all thy counsels may
Eerhaps w^ere not worthy of me: because per- abide in nim.
ans thou hast kept me for another man. 21 I tell thee also, my son, that I lent ten ta-
20 For thy counsel is not in man's power. lents of silver, while thou wast yet a child, to Ga-
21 But this every one is sure of that worship- belus, in Rages a city of the Medes, and I have
Eeth thee, that his life, if it be under trial, shall a note of his hand with me:
e crowned: and if it be under tribulation, it 22 Now therefore inquire how thou mayst go
shall be delivered: and if it be under correction, to him, and receive of him the aforesaid sum of
it shall be allowed to come to thy mercy. money, and restore to him the note of his hand.
22 For thou art not delighted in our being lost: 23 Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a poor life;
because after a storm thou makest a calm; and but we shall have many ^ood things if^ we fear
after tears and weeping thou pourest in joy- God, and depart from all sm, and do that which
fulness. is good.
23 Be thy name, O God of Israel, blessed for CHAP. V.
2'!At that time the prayers of them both were Voting Tobias seeking a guide for his journey,
heard in the sight of the glory of the most high the Angel Raphael in shape of a man, under-
God: taketh this office.
2.5 Andthe holy Angel of the Lord Raj)hael
was sent to heal them both, whose prayers at one
THEN Tobias
I will
his father, and said:
things, father, which thou hast
time were rehearsed in the sight of the Lord commanded me.
2 But how I shall get this money, I cannot tell:
* Rages. In the Greek it is Echatana, which he knoweth not me, and I know not him: what
was also called Rages. For there were two token shall I give hinri.' nor did I ever know the
cities in Media of the name of Rages. Raguel way which leadeth thither.
dwelt in one of them, and Gabelus in the other. 3 Then his father answered him, and said: I

Iiave a note of his hand with me, which when CHAP. VI.
thou shalt show him, he will presently pay it.
By the Angel's advice young Tobias takrtk nold
4 But go now, and seek thee out some faithful on a fsh that assaulteth him; reserveth the
man, to go with thee for his hire: that thou mayst heart, the gail, and the liver, for medicines
receive it, while I yet live.
They lodge at the house of JFiaguel, ivhose
5 Then Tobias goiitg forth, found a beautiful
daughter Sara Tobias is to ma^'ry; she had
young man, standing girded, and as it were, ready before been married to seven husbands, who
to walk.
were all slain by a devil.
6 And not knowing that he was an Angel of
God, he saluted him, and said: From whence art
thou, good young man.'
AND Tobias went
lowed him: and he lodged
and forward,
7 But he answered: Of the children of Israel. the river of Tigris.
And Tobias sail to him: Knowest thou the way 2 And
he went out to wash his feet; and be-
lliatleadeth to the country of the Medes? hold, a monstrous fishcame up to devour him.
8 And he answered: I know it: and I have 3 And Tobias being afraid of him, cried out
often walked through all the ways thereof: and I with a loud voice, saying: Sir, he cometh upon
have abode with Gabelus our brother, who dwell- me.
eth at Rages a city of the Medes, which is situate 4 And
the Angel said to him: Take him by the
in the mount of Lcbatana. and draw him to thee. And when he had
9 And Tobias said to him: Stay for me, I be- done so, he drew him out upon the land; and he
seech thee, till I tell these same things to my fa- began to pant before his feet.
ther. N
5 Then the Angel said to him: Take out the
10 Then Tobias going in told all these things to entrails of this fish, and lay up his heart, and his
his father. Upon which his father being in ad- gall, and his liver, for thee: for these are necessa-
miration, desired that he would come in unto him. ry for useful medicines.
11 So going in he saluted him, and said: Joy be 6 And when he had done so, he roasted the
to thee always. flesh thereof, and they took it with them in the
12 And Tobias said: "What manner of joy shall way: the rest they salted as much as might serve

be to me, who sit in darkness, and see not the them, till they came to Rages the city of the
light of heaven? Medes.
13 And the young man said to him: Be of good 7 Then Tobias asked the Angel, and said to
courage; thy cure from God is at hand. him: I beseech thee, brother Azarias, tell me
14 And Tobias said to him: Canst thou conduct what remedies are these things good for, which
my son to Gabelus at Rages a city of the Medes.' thou hast bid me keep of the fish?
and when thou shalt return, I will pay thee thy 8 And the Angel answering, said to him: If
hire. thou put a little piece of its heartf upon coals, the
15 And the Angel said to will conduct smoke thereof driveth away all kind of devils,
him: I
him thither, and bring him back to thee. either from man or from woman, so that they come
IG And Tobias said to him: I pray thee, tell no more to them.
me, of what family, or what tribe art thou? 9 And the gall is good for anointing the eyes,
17 And Raphael the Angel answered: Dost in which there is a white speck, and they shall be
thou seek the family of him thou hirest, or the cured.
hired servant himself to go with thy son? 10 And Tobias said to him "Where wilt thou :

18 But lest I should make thee uneasy, I am that we lodge ?

Azarias* the son of the great Ananias. 11 And the Angel answering, said: Here is one
19 And Tobias answered: Thou art of a great whose name is Raguel, a near kinsman of thy
family. But I pray thee be not angry that I de- tribe; and he hath a daughter named Sara; but
sired to know thy family. he hath no son nor any other daughter beside her.
20 And the Angel said to him I will lead thy: 12 All his substance is due to thee, and thou
eon safe, anii bring him to thee again safe. must take her to wife.
21 And Tobias answering, said: you haveMay 13 Ask her therefore of her father, and he will
a good journey, and God be with you in your way, give her thee to wife.
ind his Angel accompany you. 14 Then Tobias answered, and said: I hear
22 Then all things being ready, that were to be that she hath been given to seven husbands, and
carried in their journey, Tobias bid his father and they all died: moreover I have heard, that a devil
his mother farewell; and tliey set out both to- killed them.
gether. 15 Now
I am afraid, lest the same thing should
23 And when they were departed, his mother happen to me also: and whereas I am the only
began to weep, and to say: Thou hast taken child of my parents, I should bring down their
the stafif of our old age, and sent him away from old age with sorrow to hell.:):
us. 16 Then the Angel Raphael said to him: Hear
24 I wish the money for which thou hast sent me, and I will show thee who they are, over
him, had never been. whom the devil can prevail.
25 For our poverty was sufficient for us, that 17 For they who in such manner receive matri-
we might account it as riches, that we saw our mony, as to shut out God from themselves, and
eon. Ifrom their mind, and to give themselves to their
26 And Tobias said to her: Weep not; our son lust, as the horse and mule, which have notun-
will arrive thither safe, and will return safe to us; derstanding, over them the devil hath power.
18 But thou when thou shalt take her, go into

and thv eyes shall see him.

27 For I believe that the good Angel of God |the chamber, and for three days keep thyself con-

doth accompany him, and doth order all things jtinent from her, and give thyself to nothing else
well that are done about him, so that he shall re- |but to prayers with her.
turn to us with joy.
28 At these words his mother ceased weeping, t Its heart, ^-c. The liver, ver. 19. God was
and held her peace. pleased to give to these things a virtue against
those proud spirits, to make them, who affected
* Azarias. The Angel took the form of Aza- to be like the Most High, subject to such mean
rias; and therefore might call himself by the name corporeal creatures, as instruments of his power
of the man whom he personated. Azarias in i To hell. That is, to the place where the souls
Hebrew signifies the help of God, and Ananias of the good were kept before the commg of
itj gi ace of God. Christ. il

19 And on that night lay the liver of the fish] 2 And Tobias remembering the Angel's word,
on the fire; and the devil shall be driven away. I took out of his bag part of the liver, and laid it
20 But the second night thou shalt be admitted 1
upon burning coals.
into the society of the holy Patriarchs. i 3 Then the Angel Raphael took the devil, and
21 And the third night thou yhalt obtain aj bound him in the desert of upper Egypt.
blessing that sound children maj^ be born of you.j 4 Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and said to
22 And when the third night is past, thou shalt: her: Sara, arise, and let us pray to God to-day,
take the virgin with the fear of the Lorti, moved and to-morrow, and the next day: because for
rather for love of children than for lust, that in the these three nights we are joined to God: and
seed of Abraham thou mayst obtain a blessing in when the third night is over, we will be in our
children. own wedlock.
CHAP. VII. 5 For we are
the children of saints and we

lltey are kindly entertained by Raguel. Tobias must not be joined together like heathens that
demandeth Sara to wife. know not God.
AND they went in to Raguel: and Raguel re-
ceived them with joy.
6 So they both arose, and prayed earnestly both
together that health might be given them.
2 And Raguel looking upon Tobias, said to 7 And Tobias said: Lord God of our fathers,
Anna his wife: How like is this young man to may the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and
my cousin.' the fountains, and the rivers, and all thy creatures
3 And when he had spoken these words, he that are in them, bless thee.
said: Whence are ye, young men our brethren.' 8 Thou madest Adam of the slime of the earth,
4 But they said: We are of the tribe of Neph- and gavest him Eve for a helper
thali, of the captivity of Ninive. 9 And now. Lord, thou knowest, that not for
5 And Raguel said to them: Do you know fleshly lust do I take my sister to wife, but only
Tobias my brother? And they said: We know for the love of posterity, in which thy name may
him. be blessed for ever and ever.
C And when he was speaking many good things 10 Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O Lord,
of him, the Angel said to Raguel: Tobias, con-: have mercy on us; and let us grow old both to-
cerning whom thou inquirest, is this young man's, gether in health.
father. 11 And it came to pass about the cock crow-
7 And Raguel went to him, and kissed him' ing, Raguel ordered his servants to be called for;
with tears, and weeping upon his neck, said: A and they went with him together to dig a grave.
blessing be upon thee, my son, because thou art 12 For he said: Lest perhaps it may have hap-
the son of a good and most virtuous man. pened to him, in like manner as it did to the other

8 And Anna his wife, and Sara their daughter^ seven husbands, that went in unto her.
wept. 13 And when they had prepared the pit, Ra-
9 And after they had spoken, Raguel com- guel went back to his wife, and said to her:
manded a sheep to be killed, and a feast to be 14 Send one of thy maids, and let her see if he
prepared. And when he desired them to sit down be dead, that I may bury him before it be day.
to dinner, 15 So she sent one of her maid servants, who
10 Tobias said: 1 will not eat nor drink here went into the chamber, and found them safe and
this day, unless thou first grant me my petition, sound, sleeping both together.
and promise to give me Sara thy daughter. 16 And returning she brought the good news:
11 Now when Raguel heard this he was afraid, and Raguel and Anna his wife blessed the Lord:
knowing what had happened to those seven hus- 17 And said: We
bkss thee, O Lord God of
bands, that went in unto her: and he began to fear Israel, because it hath not happened as we sus-
lest it might happen to him also in like manner: pected.
and as he was in suspense, and gave no answer to 18 For thou hast shown thy mercy to us, and
bis petition, hast shut out from us the enemy that persecuted
12 The Angel said to him: Be not afraid to us.
give her to this man; for to him who feareth God is 19 And thou hast taken pity upon two only
thy daughter due to be his wife: therefore an- children. Make them, O Lord, bless thee more
other could not have her. fully; and to offer up to thee a sacrifice of thy
13 Then Raguel said I doubt not but God hath praise, and of theif- health, that all nations may

regarded my prayers and tears in his sight. know, that thou alone art God in all the earth.
14 And 1 believe he hath therefore made you 20 And immediately Raguel commanded his
come to me, that this maid might be married to servants, to fill up the pit they had made, before
one of her own kindred, according to the law of it was day.
Moses: and now doubt not but I will give her to 21 And he spoke to his wife to make ready a
thee. feast, and prepare all kind of provisions that are
15 And taking the right hand of his daughter, necessary for such as go a journey.
he gave it into the right hand of Tobias, saying: 22 He caused also two fat kine, and four weth-
The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and ers to be killed, and a banquet to be prepared lor
the God of Jacob be with you; and may he join all his neighbours, and all his friends.
you together, and fulfil his blessing in you. 23 And Raguel adjured Tobias, to abide with
16 And taking paper they made a writing of the him two weeks.
marriage. 24 And of all things which Raguel possessed,
17 And afterwards they made merry, blessln he gave one half to Tobias, and made a writing,
God. that the half that remained should after their de-
18 And Raguel called to him Anna his wife, cease come also to Tobias.
and bid her prepare another chamber. CHAP. IX.
19 And she brought Sara her daughter in thither;
and she wept. 77(6 Angel Raphael goeth to Gabelus, receiveth
20 And she said to lier: Be of good cheer, my the money, and bringeth him to the marriage.
daughter: the Lord of heaven give thee joy for
the trouble thou hast undergone.
THEN Tobias called the Angel to him, whom
he took to be a man, and said to nim: Bro-
CHAP. VIII. ther Azarias, I pray thee, hearken to my words ;
Tobiai burnetii part of the fish's liver; and Ra- 2 If I should give myself to be thy servant I
phael bindeth the devil. Tobias and Sara pray. should not make a worthy return for thy care
AND after they had supped, they brought in
the young man to her.
3 However, I beseech thee, to take with thee
bea.sts and servants, and to go to Gabelus to Ra~
pes the city of Medes; and to restore to him
tlie 13 Admonishing her to honour her fat'""r and
his note of hand, and receive of liirn the money, mother-in-law, to love her husband, to take care
and desire him to come to my
wedtling. of the family, to govern the house, and to behave
4 For thou knowest that my
father numbereth herself irreprehensibly.
the days: and if 1 stay one day more, his soul will CHAP. XI.
be afflicted.
eyes loith the fish's
5 And indeed thou scest how Raguel hath ad- Tobias anointeth his father's
jured me, whose adjuring J cannot despise. gall: and he recovereth his sight.
6 Tljen Raphael took four of Raguel's ser-
vants, Ejnd two camels, and went to Ilages the
AND as they were returning they came to
Charan, which is in the midway to JVinive,
city of the ISIedes; and finding Gabelus, gave the eleventh day.
him his note of hand, and received of him all the 2 And the Angel said: Brother Tobias, thou
money. knowest how thou didst leave thy father.
7 And he told him concerning Tobias the son 3 If it please thee therefore, let us go before,
of Tobias, all that had been done; and made him and let the family follow softly after us, together
come with him to the wedding.. with thy wife, and with the beasts.
S And when he was come into Raguel's house, 4 And as this their going pleased him, Raphael
lie found Tobias sitting at the table: and he leap- said to Tobias: Take with thee of the gall of the
ed up, and they kissed each other: and Gabelus fish, for it will be necessary. So Tobias took
wept, and blessed God, some of that gall, and departed.
9 And said: The God of Israel bless thee, be 5 But Anna sat beside the way daily, on the
cause thou art the son of a very good and just top of a hill, from whence she might see afar off.
man, and that feareth God, and doeth alms-deeds: 6 And while she watched his coming from that
10 And may a blessing come upon thy wife, place, she saw him afar off, and presently per-
and upon your parents. ceived it was her son coming: and returning
11 And may you see your children, and your she told her husband, saying: Behold, thy son
children's children, unto the third and fourth ge- comelh.
neration: and may your seed be blessed by the 7 And Raphael said to Tobias: As soon as
God of Israel, who reiiZ;neth for ever and ever. thou shah come into thy house, forthwith adore
12 And when all had said, Amen; they went the Lord thy God: and giving thanks to him, go
to the feast: but the marriage feast they celebra- to thy father, and kiss him,
ted also with the fear of the Lord. 8 And immediately anoint his eyes with this
gall of the fish, which thou carriest with thee
CHAP. X. For be assured that his eyes shall be presently
The parents lament the long absence of their son opened; and thy father shall see the light of hea-
Tobias. He sets out to i-eturn. ven, and shall rejoice in the sight of thee.
>UT as Tobias made longer stay upon occa- 9 Then the dog,* which had been with them
sion of the marriage, Tobias his father was in the way, ran before, and coming as if he had
solicitous, saying: Wh}', thinkest thou, doth my brought the news, showed his joy by his fawning
son tarry, or why is he detained there ? and wagging his tajl.
2 Is Gabelus dead, thinkest thou, and no man 10 And his father that was blind rising up, be-
will pay him the money.' gan to run stumbling with his feet; and giving a
3 And he began to be exceeding sad, both he servant his hand, went to meet his son.
and Anna his wife with him: and they began 11 And receiving him, kissed him, as did also
both to weep together; because their son did not his wife: and they began to weep for joy.
'^turn to them on the day appointed. 12 And when they had adored God, and given
4 But his mother wept, and was quite discon- him thanks, they sat down together.
•iolate, and said: Wo, wo is me, my son; why did 13 Then Tobias taking of the gall of the fish,
we send thee to go to a strange country, the light anointed his father's eyes.
of our eyes, the staff of our old age, the comfort 14 And he stayed about half an hour: and a
of our life, the hope of our posterity. white skin began to come out of his eyes, like the
5 We having all things together in thee alone, skin of an egg.
ought not to have let thee go from us. 15 And Tobias took hold of it, and drew it
6 And Tobias said to her: Hold thy peace, and from his eyes: and immediately he recovered his
he not troubled; our son is safe: that man with sight.
whom we sent him is very trusty. 16 And they glorified God, both he and his
7 But she could by no means be comforted wife, and all that knew him.
but daily running out looked round about, and 17 And Tobias said: I bless thee, O Lord God
went into all the ways by which there seemed of Israel, because thou hast chastised me, and
any hope he might return, that she might if possi thou hast saved me: and behold, I see Tobias my
blf see him coming afar otF. son.
8 Hut Raguel said to his son-in-law: Stay here, 18 And after seven days Sara his son's wife,
and 1 will send a messenger to Tobias thy father, and all the family arrived safe, and the cattle, and
that thou art in health. the camels, and an abundance of money of his
.4 And Tobias said to him: I know that my wife's; and that money also which he had receiv-
father and mother now count the days; and their ed of Gabelus:
spirit is grievously afflicted within them. 19 And he told his parents all the benefits of
10 And when Kaguel had pressed Tobias with God. which he had done to him by the man, that
many words, and he by no means would hearken conducted him.
to hiiii, he delivered Sara unto him, and half of 20 And Achior and Nabath the kinsmen of
all his substance in tnen-servants, and women- Tobias came, rejoicing for Tobias, and congratu-
servants, in cattle, in camels, and in kine, and in lating with him for all the good things, that God
:rui-li money, and sent him away safe and joyful had done for him.
from him,
11 Saying: The holy Angel of the Lord be * The Jog, <5-c. This may seem a very minute
with you in your journey, and bring you through circumstance to be recorded in sacred history
safe, .ind that you may find all things well about but as we learn from our Saviour, St. Mutt. v.
VDUi parents, and thy eyes may see your children 18. there are iotas and tittles in the word of God;
before I die. that is to say, things that appear minute, but which
12 And the parents taking their daughter, kiss- have indeed a deep and mysterious meaning ia
ed her and let her go: them.
: :

21 And for seven days they feasted and re- O
Lord, for ever, and thy kingdom is unto al!
loiced all with great joy. ages:
CHAP. XII. 2 For thou scourgest, and thou savest thou :

leadest down to hell, and bringest up again and :

Raphael makeih himself known. there is none that can escape thy hand.
I^^HEN Tobias called to him his son, and said 3 Give glory to the Lord, ye children of Israel,
to him What can we give to this holy man, and praise him in the sight of the Gentiles

that is come with thee ? 4 Because he hath therefore scattered you

2 Tobias answering, said to his father Father, among the Gentiles, who know not him, that you

what wages shall we give him ? or what can be may declare his wonderful works, and make them
worthy of his benefits '{
know that there is no other almighty God besides
3 He conducted me, and brought me saf' him.
again; he received the money of Gabelus, he 5 He hath chastised us for our iniquities and :

caused me to have my wife ; and he chased from he will save us for his own mercy.
her the evil spirit: he gave joy to her parents; 6 See then what he hath done with us, and with
myself he delivered from being devoured by the fear and trembling give ye glory to him and ex- :

fish ; thee also he hath made to see the light of tol the eternal King of worlds in your works.
heaven; and we are filled with all good thi 7 As for me, I will praise him in the land of my
through him. What can we give him sufficient captivity because he hath shown his majesty to-

for these things 1 ward a sinful nation.

4 But I beseech thee, my father, to desire him, 8 Be ye sinners, and do
converted therefore,
that he would vouchsafe to accept of one half of justice before God, believing that he will show his
all things that have been brought. mercy to you.
5 So the father and the son calling him, took 9 And I and my soul will rejoice in him.
him aside ; and began to desire him that he would 10 Bless ye the Lord, all his elect, keep days
vouchsafe to accept of half of all things that they of joy and give glory to him.
had brought. 11 Jerusalem* city of God, the Lord hath
6 Then he said to them secretly : Bless ye the chastised thee for the works of thy hands.
God of heaven; give glory to him in the sigiit of 12 Give glory to the Lord for thy good things
all that live; because he hath shown his mercy to and bless the God eternal, that he may rebuild
you. his tabernacle in thee, and may call back all the
7 For it is good to hide the secret of a king; captives to thee, and thou mayst rejoice forever
but honourable to reveal and confess the works and ever.
of God. 13 Thou shalt shine with a glorious light : and
8 Prayer is good with fasting and alms, more all the ends of the earth shall worship thee.
tlian to lay up treasures of gold : 14 Nations from afar shall come to thee : and
9 For alms delivcreth from death ; and the same shall bring gifts, and shall adore the Lord in thee,
is that which purgeth away sins, and makeih to and shall esteem thy land as holy.
find mercy and life everlasting. 15 For they shall call upop the great name ir
10 But they that commit sin and iniquity, are thee.
enemies to their own soul. 16 They shall be cursed that shall despise thee .
11 I discover then the truth unto you : and I will and they shall be condemned that shall blaspheme
not hide the secret from you. thee : and blessed shall they be that shall bulla
12 When thou didst pray with tears, and didst thee up.
bury the dead, and didst leave thy dinner, and 17 But thou shalt rejoice in thy children ; be
hide the dead by day in thy house, and bury cause they shall all be blessed, and sha'l be gath-
them by night, 1 offered thy prayer to the Lord. ered together to the Lord.
12 Ami because thou wast acceptable to God, it 18 Blessed are all they that love tbet, and that
was necessary that temptation should prove thee. rejoice in thy peace.
14 And now the Lord hath sent me to heal 19 My
soiil, bless thou the Lord ; because the
thee, and to deliver Sara thy son's wife from the Lord our God hath delivered Jerusalem his city
devil. from all her troubles.
15 For I am the Angel Raphael, one of the ^0 Happy shall I be if there shall remain of my
seven who stand before the Lord. seed, to see the glory of Jerusalem.
16 And when they had heard these things, they 21 The gates of Jerusalem shall be built of
were troubled ; and being seized with fear, they Sapphire, and of Emerald, and all the walls
fell upon the ground on their face. thereof round about of precious stones.
17 And the Angel said to them : Peace be to 22 All its streets shall be paved with white and
you ; fear not. clean stones '
and Alleluia shall be sung in its
18 For when I was with you, I was there by streets.
the will of God ; bless ye him, and sing praises 23 Blessed be the Lord, who hath exalted it
to him. and may he remain over it for ever and ever
19 I seemed indeed to eat and to drink with Amen.
you but I use an invisible meat and drink, which
cannot be seen by men. Old Tobias dieth at the age of a hundred and two
20 It is time tiierefore that I return to him, that years, after exhorting his son and grandsons to
sent me: but bless ye God, and publish all his piety, foreshowing that Ninive shall be destroy-
wonderful works. ed, and Jerusalem rebuilt. The ymmger Tobias
21 And when he had said these things, he was returncth u-ith his family in Raguel ; and dieth
taken from their sight ; and they could see him happily as he had lived.
no more.
22 Then thev lying prostrate for three hours
AND the words of Tobias were ended. And
after Tobias was restored to his sight, he
upon their face," blessed God : and rising up, they lived two and forty years, and saw the children of
told all his wonderful works. his grand-children.
CHAP. xni. * Jerusalem. What is prophetically delivered
Tobias (he father praiseih God, exhorting all here, and in the following chapter, with relation
Israel to do the same. Prophesieth the restora- to Jerusalem, is partly to be understood the re-
tior. and of Jerusalem,
better state building of the city after ihe captivity ; and partly
AND Tobias the elder opening his mouth,
blessed the Lord, and said : Thou art great,
of the spiritual Jerusalem, which is the church
of Christ, and tlie eternal Jerusalem in heaven,
2 Andafter he had lived a hundred and two 11 And command your children that they dc
years, hewas buried honourably in Nineve. justice and alms-deeds, and that they be mindful
3 For he was six and fifty years old when he of God, and bless him at all times in truth, and
lost the sight of his eyes, and sixty when he re- with all their power.
covtred it again. 12 And now, children, hear me, and do not stay
4 And the rest of his life was in joy; and with here: but as soon as you shall bury your mother
great increase of the fear of God he oeparted in by me in one sepulchre, without delay diiect
peace. your steps to depart hence:
5 And at the hour of his death he called unto IS For I see that its iniquity will bring it to de-
him his son Tobias and his children, seven young struction.
men, his grand-sons, and said to them: • 14 And it came to pass that after the death of
6 The destruction of Ninive is at hand: for his mother, Tobias departed out of Ninive with
the word of the Lord must be fulfilled: and our his wife, and children, and children's children,
brethren, that are scattered abroad from the land and returned to his father and mother-in-law.
of Israel, shall return to it. 15 And he found them in health in a good old
7 And all the land thereof that is desert shall age: and he took care of them, and he closed
be filled with people; and the house of God their eyes: and all the inheritahce of Raguel's
which is burnt in it, shall again be rebuilt: and house came to him: and he saw his children's
all that fear God shall return thither. children to the fifth generation.
8 And the Gentiles shall leave their idols, and 16 And after he had lived ninety nine years
shall come into Jerusalem, and shall dwell in it. in the fear of the Lord, with joy they buried
9 And all the kings of the earth shall rejoice in him-
t, adoring the King of Israel. ^
17 And all his kindred, and all his generation
10 Hearken therefore, my children, to your fa- continued in good life, and in holy conversation,
ther: serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the so that they were acceptable both to God, and
tilings that please him: to men, and to all that dwelt in the land


The sacred toriter of this book is generally be- fi In the great plain which is called Ragau,
lieved to be the high priest Eliachim {called al- about the Euphrates, and the Tigris, and the Ja
so Joachim.) The transactions herein related, dason, in the plain of Erioch the king of the Eli
most probably happened ni his days, and in the cians.
reign of 3Ianasses, after his repentance and 7 Then was the kingdom of Nabuchodonosor
return from captivity. It takes its name from exalted, and his heart was elevated: and he sent
that illustrious WQman, by whose virtue and to all that dwelt in Cilicia, and Damascus, and
fortitude, and armed with prayer, the chil- Libanus,
dren of Israel were preserved from the de- 8 And to the nations that are in Carmelus, and
struction threatened them by Holofernes and Cedar, and to the inhabitants of Galilee in the
his great army. It finishes ivith her canticle great plain of Esdrelon,
of thanksgiving to God. 9 And to all that were in Samaria, and beyond
the river Jordan even to Jerusalem, and all the
CHAP. I. land of Jesse till you come to the borders of
Xabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians over- Ethiopia.
cometh Arphaxad king of the Medes. 10 To all these Nabuchodonosor king of the
NOW Arphaxad* king of the Medes had Assyrians sent messengers:
brought many nations under his dominions: 11 But they all with one mind refused, and sent
and he built a very strong city, which he called them back empty, and rejected them without
Ecbatana, honour.
2 Of stones squared and hewed: he made the 12 Then king Nabuchodonosor being angry
w.ills thereof seventy cubits broad, and thirty against all that land, swore by his throne and
cubits high: and the towers thereof he made a kingdom that he would revenge himself of all
hundred cubits high. But on the square of them, those countries.
each side was extended the space of twenty feet.
3 And he made the gates thereof according to
the height of tlie towers: Nabuchodonosor sendeth Holofernes to waste the
4 And he gloried as a mighty one in the force countries of the ivest.
of his army and in the glory of his chariots. the thirteenth year of the reign of Nabu
5 iS'ow in the twelfth year of his reign, Nabu-
INchodonosor, the two and twentieth day of the
chodonosorf king of the Assyrians, who reigned first month, the word was given out in the house
ill Ninive the, great city, fought against Arphax- of Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians, that
ad, and i>vercame him. he would revenge himself
2 And he called all the ancients, and all the
* Arphaxad. He ^vas probabl}' the same as is governors, and his officers of war, and commu-
called Dcji>ces by Herodotus; to whom he attri- nicated to them the secret of his counsel:
butes the building of Ecbatana, the cajiital city 3 And he said that his thoughts were to bring
of Media. all the earth under his empire.
t Nabuchodonosor. Not the king of Babylon, 4 And when this saying pleased them all, Na-
who took and destroyed Jerusalem, but another buchodonosor the king called Holofernes the
of the same name, who reigned in Ninive; and general of his armies,
is called by profane historians Saosduchin. He 5 And said to him: Go out against all the king-
biicceeded Asarhaddon in the kingdom of the doms of the west, and against them especially
Assyrians, and was cotemporary with Manasses that despised my commandment.
king of Juda. 6 Thy eye shall not spare any kingdom; and

ftJl he strong cities thou shalt bring under my 10 And received him with garlands, and lights^
yoke. and dances, and timbrels, and flutes.
7 Then Holofernes called the captains and of- 11 And though they did these things, they
ficers of the power of the Assyrians: and he could not for all that mitigate the fierceness of
mustered men for the expedition, as the king his heart:
commanded him, a hundred and twenty thou- 12 For he both destroyed their cities, and cut
sand fighting men on foot, and twelve thousand down their groves.
archers, horsemen. 13 For Nabuchodonosor the king had com-
8 And he made all his warlike preparations to manded him to destroy all the gods of the earth,
go before with a multitude of innumerable cani- that he only might be called god by those nations
els, with all provisions sufficient for the armies which could be brought under him by the power
in abundance, and herds of oxen, and flocks of of Holofernes.
sheep, without number. 14 And when he had passed through all Syria

9 He appointed corn to be prepared out of all Sobal, and all Apfimea, and all Mesopotamia, he
Syria in his passage came to the Idumeans into the land of Gabaa:
10 But gold and silver he took out of the 15 And he took possession of their cities, and
king's house in great abundance. stayed there for thirty days, in which days he
11 And he went forth, he and all the army, commanded all the troops of his army to be
with the chariots, and horsemen, and archers, united.
who covered the face of the earth, like locusts. CHAP. IV.
12 And when he had passed through the bor-
ders of the Assyrians, he came to the great moun- The children of Israel prepare themselves to re-
sist Holofernes. They cry to the Lord for help.
tains of Ange, which are on the left of Cilicia:
and he went up to all their castles, and took all
the strong places.
THENthe children of Israel, who dwelt in
the land of Juda, hearing these things, were
'13 And he took by assault the renowned city exceedingly afraid of him.
of Melothus, and pillaged all the children of 2 Dread and horror seized upon their minds*
Tharsis, and the children of Ismahel, who were lest he should do the same to Jerusalem and to
over-against the face of the desett, and on the the temple of the Lord, that he had done to other
south of the land of Cellon. cities, and their temples.
14 And he passed over the Euphrates, and 3 And they sent into all Samaria round about,
came into Mesopotamia: and he forced all the as far as Jeric o, and seized upon all the tops of
stately cities that were there, from the torrent of the m
un tains:
Mambre, one comes to the sea:
till 4 And they compassed their towns with walls,
15 And he took the borders thereof, fr Cili- and gathered together corn for provision for war.
cia to the coasts of Japheth, which are towards 5 And Eliachim the priest wrote to all that
the south. were over-against Esdrelon, which faceth the
16 And he carried away all the children of great plain near Dothain, and to all by whom there
Madian, and stripped them of all their riches: might be a passage of way; that they should take
and all that resisted him he slew with the edge of possession of the ascents of the mountains, by
the sword. which there might be any way to Jerusalem, and
17 And after these things he went down into should keep watch where the way was narrow
the plains of Damascus in the days of the har- between the mountains.
vest; and he set all the corn on fire; and he 6 And the children of Israel did as the priest
caused all the trees and vineyards to be cut of the Lord, Eliachim, had appointed them.
down 7 And all the people cried -to the Lord with
18 And the fear of him fell upon all the inha- great earnestness and they humbled their souls

bitants of the land. in fastings, and prayers, both they and their
8 And the priests put on hair-cloths; and they
Many submit themselves to Holofernes. He de- caused the little children to lie prostrate before
st7-oyeth their cities, and their gods, that A'iz the temple of the Ijord; and tiie altar of the
buchodonosor only might be called god. Lord they covered with hair-cloth.
rilHEN the kings and the princes of all the 9 And they cried to the Lord the God of Israel
_M, and provinces of Syria, Mesopotamia, with one accord, that tlieir children might not be
and Syria Sobal, and Libya, and Cilicia, sent made a prey, and their wives carried off, and
their ambassadors, who coming to Holofernes, their cities destroyed, and their holy things pro-
said: faned; and that they might not be made a re-
2 Det thy indignation towards us cease: for it proach to the gentiles.
is better for us to live and serve Nabuchodonosor 10 Then Eliachim the high priest of the Lord
the great king, and be subject to thee, than to die went about all Israel, and spoke to them,
and to perish, or suffer the miseries of slavery. 11 Saying: Know ye that the Lord will hear
.3 All our cities and our possessions, all moun- your prayers, if you continue with perseverance
tains, and hills, and fields, and herds of oxen, and m fastings and prayers in the sight of the Lord.
flocks of sheep, and goats, and horses, and cam- 12 Remember Moses the servant of the Lord,
els, and all our goods, and families, are in thy who overcame Amalec that trusted in his own
sigl't: strength, and in his |)Ower, and in his army, and
4 Let all we have be subject to thy la^v. in his shields, and in his chariots, and in his horse-
5 Both we and our children are thy servants. men, not by fighting with the sword, but bj' holy
G Com* to us a peaceable lord, and use our prayers:
service as it shall please thee. 13 So shall all the enemies of Israel be, if you
7 Then he came down from the mountains persevere in this work which you have begun.
with horsemen in great power, and made himself 14 So they being moved b}' this exhortation of
master of every city, and all the inhabitants of his, prayed to the Lord, and continued in tlie
the land. sight of the Lord.
8 And from all the cities he took auxiliaries 15 So that even they who offered the holo-
valinnt men, and chosen for war. causts to the Lord, offered the sacrifices to the
9 And so great a fear lay upon all those pro- Lor(i sirded with hair-cloths, and with ashes upon
vinces, that the inhabitants of all the cities, both their liead.
princes and nobles, as well as the peo|)le went 16 And they all begged of God with all their
'>ut to meet him at his coming. 'heart, that he would v i-;it,his people Israel

CHAP. V. Hesebon: and they possessed their lands, and
their cities:
ichvrr gives Holofernes an account of the people 21 And as long as they sinned not in the sight
of Israel. of their God, it was well with them: for thef^
AND it was told Holofernes the pieneral of the God hateth iniquity.

army of the Assyrians, that the children of 22 And even some years ago when they had
Israel prepare<l themselves to resist, and had shut revolted from the way which God had given
up the ways of the mountains. them to walk therein, they were destroyed in
2 And he was transported with exceeding battles by many nations; and very many of them
great fury and indignation: and he called all the were led away captive into a strange land.
princes of Moah and the leaders of Ammon, 23 But of late returning to the Lord their God,
3 And he said to them: Tell me what is this from the different places wherein they were scat-
people that besetteth the mountains; or what are tered, they are come together, and are gone up
their cities, and of what sort, and how great; also into all these mountains, and possess Jerusalem
what is their power, or what is their multitude; again, where their holies are.
or who is the king over their warfare; 24 Now
therefore, my
lord, sedrcTi if there be
4 And why they above all that dwell in the any iniquity of theirs in the sight of their God;
east, have despised us, and have not come out to let us go up to them, because their God will sure-
meet us, that they might receive us with peace? ly deliver them to thee, and they shall be brought
5 Then Achior captain of under the yoke of thy power:
all the children of
Ammon answering, said: If thou vouchsafe, my2-5 But if there be no offence of this people in
the sight of their God, we cannot resist tnem; be-
lord, to hear, I will tell the truth in thy sight con-
cerning this people, that dwelleth in the moun- cause their God will defend them; and we shall
tains ; and there shall not a false word come outbe a reproach to the whole earth.
of my mouth. 26 And it came to pass, when Achior had
6 This people is of the offspring of the Chal- ceased lo speak these words, all the great men of
deans. Holofernes were angry: and they had a mind to
7 They dwelt first in Mesopotamia, because kill him, saying to each other:
they would not follow the gods of their fathers, 27 Who is this, that saith the children of Israel
who were in the land of the Chaldeans. can resist king Nabuchodonosor, and his armies,
8 Wherefore forsaking the ceremonies of their men unarmed, and without force, and without
fathers, which consisted in the worship of many skill in the art of war.'
gods, 28 That Achior therefore may know that
9 They worshipped one God of heaven, who he deceiveth us, let us go up into the mountains:
also commanded them to depart from thence, and and when the bravest of them shall be taken,
to dwell in Charan. And when there was a then shall he with them be stabbed witli the
famine over all the land, they went down into sword
Egypt; and there for four hundred years were so 29 That every nation may know that Nabu-
multiplied, that the army of them could not be chodonosor is god of the earth, and besides him
numbered. there is no other.
10 And when the king of Egypt oppressed CHAP. VI.
them, and made slaves of them to labour in clay
and brick, in the building of his cities, they cried Holofernes in great rage sendeth Achior to Be-
to their Lord; and he struck the whole land of thulia, there to be slain ivith the Israelites
Egypt with divers plagues.
11 And when the Egyptians had cast them out
AND it came to pass when they had left off

speaking, that Holofernes being in a violent

from them, and the plague had ceased from them, passion, said to Achior:
and they .lad a mind to take them again, and 2 Because thou hast prophesied unto us, say-
bring them back to their service, ing that the nation of Israel is defended by their
12 The God of heaven opened the sea to them God, to show thee that there is no God, but Na-
in iheir flight, so that the waters were made to buchodonosor:
stand firm as a wall on either side; and they 3 When we shall slay them all as one man,
walked through the bottom of the sea, and pass- then thou also shalt die wit'i them by the sword
ed it dry foot. of the Assyrians: and all Israel shall perish with
13 And when an innumerable army of the thee:
Egyptians pursued after them in that place, they 4 And thou shalt find that Nabuchodonosor is
were so overwhelmed with the waters, that lord of the whole earth: and then the sword of
there was not one left, to tell what had happened, my
soldiers shall pass through thy sides: and thou
to posterity. shalt be slabbed, and fall among the wounded of
14 And after they came out of the Red Sea, Israel; and thou shalt breathe no more till thou
they abode in the deserts of mount Sina, in which be destroyed with them.
never min could dwell, or son of man rested. 5 But if thou think thy prophecy true, let not
15 There bitter fountains were made sweet for thy countenance sink, and let the paleness that is
them to drink: and for forty years they received in thy face, depart frofn thee, if thou imaginest
food from heaven. these my words cannot be accomplished.
16 Wheresoever they went in without bow 6 And that thou mayest know that thou shalt
and arrow, and without shield and sword, their experience these things together with them, be-
God fought for them, and overcame. hold, from this hour thou shalt be associated to
17 And there was no one that triurrvphed over their people: that when they shall receive the
this people, but when they departed from the punishment they deserve from my sword, thou
worship of the Lord their God. mayst fall under the same vengeance.
18 Hut as often as beside their own God, they 7 Then Holofernes commanded his servants to
worshipped any other, they were given to spoil, take Achior, and to lead him to Bethulia, and to
and to the sword, and to reproach. deliver him into the hands of the children of Is-
19 And as often as they were penitent for hav- rael.
ing revolted from the worship of their God, the 8 And
the servants of Holofernes taking him,
God of heaven gave them power to resist. went through the plains; but when they cama
20 So they overthrew the king of the Cha- near the mountains, the slingers came out against
Uaanites, and of the Jebusites, and of the Phe- them.
rezltes, and of the Hethites, and of the Hevites, 9 Then turning out of the way by the side of
»nd of the Amorrhites, and all the mighty ones in the mountain, they tied Achior to a tree hand and
2S 321
foot, and so left him bound with ropes, and re-| way led directly between the mountams; and they
turned to their master. I
guarded them all day and night.
10 And the children of Israel coming down! 6 Now Holofernes, in going round about, found
from Bethulia, came to him. And loosing him,| that the fountain which supplied them with water,
they brought him to Bethulia, and setting nim in ran through an aqueduct without the city on the
the midst of the people, asked him what was the south side: and he commanded their aqueduct to
matter that the Assyrians had left him bound. be cut off.
11 In those days the rulers there were Ozias 7 Nevertheless there were springs not far from
the son of Micha of the tribe of Simeon, and Char- the walls, nut of which they were seen secretly to
mi, called also Gothoniel. draw water, to refresh themselves a little rather
12 And Achior related in the midst of the an- than to drink their fill.
cients, and in the presence of all the people, all 8 But the children of Amnion and Moab came
that he had said, being asked by Holofernes: and to Holofernes, saying: The children of Israel
now the people of Holofernes would have killed trust not in their spears, nor in their arrows: but
hnn for this word: the mountains are their defence, and the steep
13 And how Holofernes himself being angry hills and precipices guard them.
had commanded him to be delivered for this cause 9 Wherefore that thou mayst overcome them
to the Israelites; that when he should overcome without joining battle, set guards at the s])rings,
the children of Israel, then he might command that they may not draw water out of them; and
Achior also himself to be put to death by divers thou shalt destroy them without sword; or at least
torments, for having said: The God of heaven is being wearied out they will yield up their city,
their defender. which they suppose, because it is situate in the
14 And when Achior had declared all these mountains, to be impregnable.
things, all the people fell upon their faces, adoring 10 And these words pleased Holofernes, and
the Lord, and all of them together mourning and his officers: and he placed all round about a hun-
weeping poured out their prayers with one ac- dred !nen at every spring.
cord to the Lord, 11 And when they had kept this watch for full
15 Saying: O Lord God of heaven and earth, twenty days, the cisterns, and the reserve of wa-
behold their pride, and look on our low condition, ters failedamong all the inhabitants of Bethulia;
and have regard to the face of thy saints, and so that there was not within the city, enough to
ehow that thou forsakest not them that trust on satisfy them, no not for one day; for water was
thee, and that thou humblest them that presume daily given out to the people by measure.
of themselves, and glory in their own strength. 12 Then all the men and women, young men,
16 So when their weeping was ended, and the and children, gathering themselves together to
people's prayer, in which they continued all the Ozias, all together with one voice,
day, was concluded, they comforted Achior, 13 Said: God be judge between us and thee;
17 Saying: The God of our fathers, whose for thou hast done evil against us, in that thou
power thou hast set forth, will make this re- wouldst not speak peaceably with the Assyrians:
turn to thee, that thou rather shall see their and for this cause God hath sold us into their
destruction. hands.
18 And when the Lord our God shall give this 14 And therefore there is no one to help us,
liberty to his servants, let God be with thee also while we are cast down before their eyes in thirst,
in the midst of us: that as it shall please thee, so and sad destruction.
thou with all thine mayst converse with us. 15 And now assemble ye all that are in the city
19 Then Ozias, after the assembly was broken that we may of our own accord yield ourselves
np, received him into his house, and made him a all up to the people of Holofernes.
great supper. 16 For it is better, that being captives we should
20 And all the ancients were invited; and they live and bless the Lord, than that we should die,
refreshed themselves together after their fast was and be a reproach to all flesh, after we have
over. seen our wives and [our infants die before our
21 And afterwards all the people were called eyes.
together; and they prayed all the night long 17 We
call to witness this day heaven and
within the church,* desiring help of the God of earth, and the God of our fathers, who taketh
Israel. vengeance upon us according to our sins, conju-
ring you to deliver now the city into the hand of
the army of Holofernes, that our end may be
Holofernes besiegeth Bethulia. The distress of short by the edge of the svi'ord, which is made
the besieged. longer by the drought of thirst.
BUT Holofernes on the next day give orders
to his army to go up against Bethulia.
18 And when they had said these things, there
was great weeping and lamentation of all in the
2 Now there were in his troops a hundred and assembly; and for many hours with one voice
twenty thousand footmen, and two and twenty they cried to God, saying:
thousand horsemen, besides the preparations of 19 We
have sinned with our fathers; we have
those men who had been taken, and who had done unjustly; we have committed iniquity:
been brought away out of the provinces and cities, 20 Have thou mercy on us, because thou art
of all the youth. good; or punish our iniquities by chastising us
3 All these prepared themselves together to thyself, and deliver not them that trust in thee to
fight against the children of Israel, and they came a people that knoweth not thee,
by the hill side to the top, which looketh toward 21 Tharthey may not say among the Gentiles
Dothain, from the place which is called Beltna, Where is their God.'
unto Chelmon, which is over-against Esdrelon. 22 And when being wearied with these cries,
4 But the children of Israel, when they saw the and tired with these weepings, they neld their
multitude of them, prostrated themselves upon the peace,
ground, putting ashes upon their heads, praying 23 Ozias rising up all in tears, said: Be of good
with one accord, that the God of Israel would courage, my brethren; and let us wait these five
show his mercy upon his people. , days for mercy from the Lord.
5 And taking their arms of war, they posted 24 For perhaps he will put a stop to his indig
themselves at the places, which by a narrow path- nation, and will give glory to his own name.
25 But if after five days be past, there come no
* The church. That is, the synagogue or place aid, we will do the things which you have spo
where they met for prayer. ken.
: : :

CHAP. VIII. afflictions of our enemies: and he
will humble all
T!£ character of Judith: her discourse the nations that shall rise up against us,
to the and brine
them to disgrace.
21 And now, brethren, as you are the
NOW it came to pass, when Judith
a widow among the people of God, and their very
had heard these words, who was the daugh- resteth upon you;
comfort their hearts by your
ter of Merari, the son of Idox, the son of Joseph,
speech, that they may be m-indful how our fathers
the son of Ozias, the son of Elai, the son of Jam- were
tempted, that they might be proved, whe-
nor, the son of Gedeon, the .son of Raphaim, the ther they
worshipped their God truly.
fon of Achitob, the son of Melchias, the son of 22 They must remember how our father Abra-
Enan, the son of Nathanias, tne son of Salathiel, ham was tempted,
and being proved by many
the son of Simeon, the son of Ruben:* tribulations, was madeMhe friend of God.
2 And her husband was Manasses, who died in 23 So Isaac, so Jacob, so Moses, and all that
the time of the barley harvest: have pleased God, passed through many tribula-
3 For he was standing over them that bound tions, remaining faithful.
Bheaves in the field; and tiie heat came upon his 24 But they that did not receive the trials with
head; and he died in Bethulia his own city, and the fear
of the Lord, but uttered their impatience
was buried there with his fathers. and the reproach of their murmuring against the
4 And Judith, his relict was a widow now three Lord,
years and six months. 25 Were destroyed by the destroyer, and pe-
5 And she m.ide herself a private chamber in rished by serpents.
the upper part ot her house, in which she abode,
26 As for us therefore let us not revenge our-
ehul up with her maids. selves for these things which we suffer,
6 And she wore hair-cloth upon her loins, and 27 But esteeming these very punishments to be
fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths,
less than our sins deserve, let us believe that these
and new-moons, and the feasts cf the house of scourges
of the Lord, with which like servants
p we are chastised, have happened for our amend-
7 And she was exceedingly beautiful: and her ment, and not for our
husband left her great riches, and very many ser- 28 And Ozias and the ancients said to her*
vants, and large possessions of herds of oxen, and
All things which thou hast spoken are true; and
flocks of sheep. there is nothing to be reprehended in thy words.
8 And she was greatly renowned among all, 29 Now therefore pray for us; for thou art a
because she feared the Lord very much; neither holy woman,
and one fearing God.
was there any one that spoke an ill word of her. 30 And Judith said to them: As you know
9 therefore she had heard that Ozias had that what have
I been able to say is of God
promised that he would deliver up the city after 31 So that which I intend to do, prove ye if it
the fifth day, she sent to the ancients Chabri and
be of God, and pray that God may strengthen
Charmi. my design.
10 And they came to her; and she said to them
32 You shall stand at the gate this ni^ht, and I
What is this word, by which Ozias hath consent- will go my
out with maid servant: and pray ye,
ed to give tip the city to the Assyrians, if within that
as you have said, in five days the Lord may
five days there come no aid to us?
look down upon his people Israel.
11 And who are you that tempt the Lord .'
33 But I desire that you search not into what
12 This is not a word that may draw down
I am doing; and till I bring you word let nothing
mercy, but rather that may stir up wrath, and en- else
be done but to pray for me to the Lord our
kindle indignation.
13 You have set a time for the mercy of the
34 And Ozias the prince of Juda said to her:
Lord; and you have appointed him a day, accord- Go in
peace, and the Lord be with thee to take
ing to your pleasure.
revenge of our enemies. So returning they de-
14 But forasmuch as the Lord is patient, let us
be penitent for this same thing; and with many
tears let us beg his pardon CHAP. IX.
15 For God will not threaten like man, nor be Judith's prayer, to beg of God to
fortify her in
inflamed to anger like the son of man. her undertaking.
16 And therefore let us humble our souls be-
fore hmi; and continuing in an humble spirit,
AND when they were gone, Juelith went into
her oratory; and putting on hair-cloth, laid
his service,
ashes on her head: and falling down prostrate be-
17 Let us ask the Lord with tears, that accord- fore the Lord,
she cried to the Lord, saying:
ing to his will so he would show his mercy to us-
that as our heart is troubled by their pride, so also
2 O Lord God of my father Simeon, who ga-
vest him a swordf to execute vengeance against
we may glorify in our humility: strangers, who had defiled by their uncleanness,
18 For we have not followed the sins of our
and uncovered the virgin unto confasion:
fathers, who forsook their God, and worshipped
3 And who gavest their wives to be made a
Btrange gods.
prey, and their daughters into captivity: and all
19 For which crime they were given up to their
spoils to be divided to thy servants, who
their enemies, to the sword, and to pillage, and to
were zealous with thy zeal: as.sist, I beseech thee,
confusion: but we know no other God but him.
[0 Lord God, me a widow.
20 Let us humbly wait for his consolation; and
4 For thou hast done the things of old, and
the Lord our God will require our blood of the hast
devised one thing after another: and what
thou hast designed hath been done.
* Simeon the son of Ruben. In the Greek it is
the son of Israel. For .Simeon the patriarch,
from whom Judith descended, was not the soni + Gavest him a sword, fyc. The justice of God
is here praised, in punishing by the sword of
but the brother of Ruben. It seems more proba- Sim-
eon the crime of the Sichemites: and not the fact
ble that the Simeon and the Ruben here mention-
of Simeon, which was justly condemned by his
ed are not the patriarchs; but two of the descend-
ants of the patriarch Simeon: and that the
father. Gen. xlix. 5. Though even with regard
gene- to this fact, we may distinguish between his
nlogy of Judith, recorded in this place, is not ear- zea.
against the crime committed by the ravishers of
ned up so his:h as the patriarchs. No more than his sister, which zeal may be considered just;
tha of Elcana the father of Samuel, 1 mnes i. 1. and the manner of his punishing that crime, which
inc that of king Saul, 1 Kings ix I
was irregular and
6 For all tliy ways are preparedjand in thy 8 But they asked her no question; calf they
providence thou hast placed thy jui'gments. let her pass, saying: The God of our fathers give
C Look upon the camp of the Assyrians now, thee grace, and may he strengthen all the coun-
as thou wast pleased to look upon the camp of sel ot thy heart with his power, that Jerusalem
the Egyptians, when they pursued armed after may glory in thee, and thy name may be in the
thy servants, trusting in their chariots, and in number of the holy and just.
their horsemen, and in a multitude of warriors. 9 And they that were there said, all with one
7 But thou lookedst over their camp, and dark- voice: Sc be it, so be it.
ness wearied them. 10 But Judith praying to the Lord, passed
8 The deep held their feet, and the waters over- through the gates, she ana her maid.
whelmed them. 11 And it came to pass, when she went down
9 So may it be with these also, O Lord, who the hill, about break of day, that the watchmen
trust in their multitude, and in their chariots, and of the Assyrians met her, and stopped her, .say-
in their pikes, and in their shields, and in their ar- ing: Whence comest thou? or whither goest
rows, and glory in their spears, thou .'

10 And know not that thou art our God, who 12 And she answered: I am a daughter cf the
destroyest wars from the beginning, and the Lord Hebrews, and I am fled from them, because I
is thy name. .
knew* they would be made a prey to you, be
11 Lift up thy arm as from the beginning, and cause they despised you, and would not of their
crush their power with thy power: let their pow- own accord yield themselves, that they might
er fiill in their wrath, who nromise themselves to find mercy in your sight.
violate thy sanctuary, and defile the dwelling 13 For this reason I thought with myself, say-
place of thy name, and to beat down with their ing: I will go to the presence of the prince Ho-
sword the horn of thy altar. lofernes, that I may tell him their secrets, and
12 Bring to pass, O Lord, that his pride may be show him by what way he may take them, with-
cut off with his own sword. out the loss of one man of his army.
13 Let him be caught in the net of his own 14 And when the men had heard her words,
eyes in my regard; and do thou strike him by the thej' beheld her face, and their eyes were ama-
graces of the words of my lips. zed; for they wondered exceedingly at ner
14 Give me constancy in my mind, that I may beauty.
despise him; and fortitude that I may overthrow 15 And they said to her: Thou hast saved thy
him. life by taking this resolution, to come down to
15 For this will be a glorious monument for our lord.
thy name, when he shall fall by the hand of a 16 And be assured of this, that when thoii
h'oman. shall stand before him, he will treat thee well,
16 For thy power, O Lord, is not in a multi- and thou wilt be most accej)table to his heart.
tude, nor is thy pleasure in the strength of horses; And they brought her to the tent of Holofernes,
nor from the beginning have the proud been ac- telling him of her.
ceptable to thee: but the prayer of the humble 17 And when she was come into his presence,
and the meek hath always jileased thee. forthwith Holofernes was caught by his eyes.
17 O God of the heavens. Creator of the 18 And-his officers said to him: Who can de-
waters, and Lord of the whole creation, hear me spise the people of the Hebrews, who have such
a poor wretch, making supplication to thee, and beautiful women, that we should not think it
presuming of thy mercy. worth our while for their sakes to fight against
18 Remember, O Lord, thy covenant, and put them .'

{hou words in my mouth, and strengthen the re- 19 And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting under
solution in my heart, that thy house may continue a cano])y, which was woven of purple and gold,
in thy holiness: with emeralds and precious stones,
19 And all nations may acknowledge that thou 20 After she had looked on his face, bowed
art God, and there is no other besides thee. down to him, [>rostrating herself to the ground.
CHAP. X. And the servants of Holofernes lifted her up, by
the command of their master.
Judith goeth out toioards the camp, and is taken, CHAP. XI.
and brought to Holofernes. Judith's speech to Holofernes.
AND it came to pass, when she had" ceased

cry to the Lord, that she rose from- the

Holofernes said to her: Be of good
comfort, and fear not in thy heart: ior I
place wherein she lay prostrate before the Lord. have never hurt a man that was willing to serve
2 And she called her maid; and going down Nabuchodonosor the king.
into her house, she took off her hair-cloth, and 2 And if thy peojile had not despised me, I
put away the garments of her widowhood. would never nave lifted up my spear against
3 And she washed her body, and anointed her- them. •

self with the best ointment, and plaiteil the hair 3 But now tell me, for what cause hast thou
of her head, and put a bonnet upon her head, and left them, and why it hath pleased thee to come
clothed herself with the garments of her glad- to us? i

ness, and put sandals on her feet, and took her 4 And Judith said to him: Receive the words i'

bracelets, and lilies, and earlets. and rings, and of thy handmaid; for if thou wilt follow the words k
adorned herself with all her ornaments. of thy handmaid, the Lord will do with thee a
4 And the Lord also gave her more beauty: perfect thing. '

because all this dressing up did not proceed from 5 For as Nabuchodonosor the king of the
sensuality, but from virtue: and therefore the earth Iiveth,and his power liveth which is in thee
Lord increased this her beauty, so that she ap- for chastising of all straying souls: not only men
peared to all men's eyes incomparably lovely. serve him throu ;«i thee, but also the beasts of the
5 And she gave to her maid a bottle of wine field obey him.
to carry, and a vessel of oil, and parched corn,
and dry figs, and bread and cheese; and went * Because [ knein, ^-c. In this and the follow-
out. ing chapter, some things are related to have beea
6 An 1 when they came to the gate of the city, said by Judith, which seem hard to reconcile
they found Ozias and the ancients of the city with truth. But all thnt is related in scripture of
Waiting. the servants of God is not approved by the scrip-
7 And when they saw her, they were astonish- ture: and even the saints in their good entcrcii»
ed, and admired her beauty exceedingly ses may sometimes slip iiito venial sins.

6 For the industry of thy mind is spoken of6 And he commanded his chamberlains, that
Among allnations; and it is told thvough the she might go out and ,in, to adore her God as
whole world, that thou only art ex'cellent ar^ she pleased, for three days.
mighty in all his kingdom; and thy discipline is 7 And she went out in the nights into the val-
cried up in all provinces. ley of Bethulia, and washed herself in a fountain
7 It is known also what Achiorsaid; nor are of water.
we ignorant of what thou hast commanded to be 8 And as she came up, she prayed to the Lord
done to him. the God of Israel, that he would direct her way
8 For it is certain that our God is so offended to the deliverance of his people.
with sins, that he hath sent word by his prophets 9 And going in, she remained pure in the tent,
to the people, that he will deliver them up for until she took her own meat in the evening.
their sins. 10 And it came to pass on the fourth day, that
9 And because the children of Israel know Holofernes made a sujiper for his servants; and
they have oflended their God, thy dread is upon said to Vagao his eunuch: Go, and persuade that
thenn. Hebrew woman, to consent of her own accord
10 Moreover also a famine hath come upon to dwell with me.
them; and for drought of water they are already 11 F"'or it is looked upon shameful among the
to be counted among the dead. Assyrians, if a woman mock a man, by doing so
11 And they have a design even to kill their as to pass free from him.
cattle, and to drink the blood of them. 12 Then Vagao went in to Judith, and said:
12 And the corisecrated things of the Lord Let not my good maid be afraid to go in to my
tlieir God which God forbid them to touch, in lord, that she may be honoured before his face,
corn, wine, and oil, these have they purposed to that she may eat, with him, and drink wine, and
make use of: and they design to consume the be merry.
things which they ought not to touch with their 13 And Judith answered him: Who
am I, that
hands: therefore because they do these things, it I should gainsaj' my lord.'
is certain they will be given up to destruction. 14 All that shall be good and best before his
13 And I thy handmaid knowing this, am fled eyes, I will do. And whatsoever shall please
from them; and the Lord hath sent me to tell thee him, that shall be best to me all the da}'s of my
these very things. life.
14 For I thy handmaid worship God even now 15 And she arose, and dressed herself out with
that I am with thee; and thy handmaid will go her garments; and going in she stood before his
out, and I pray to God:
will face.
15 And he will tell me when he will repay 16 And the heart of Holofernes was smitten,
them for their sins: and I will come and tell thee, forhe was burning with the desire of her.
60 that I may bring thee through the midst of Je- 17 And Holofernes said to her: Drink now,
rusalem; and thou shalt have all the people of and sit down, and be merry; for thou hast found
Israel, as sheep that have no shepherd; and favour before me.
there shall not so much as one dog bark against 18 And Judith said: I will drink, my lord; be-
thee: cause my life is magnified this day above all my
If) Because these things are told me by the days.
providence of God. 19 And she took and ate and drank before him
17 And because God is angry with them, I am what her maid had prepared for her.
Bent to tell these very things to thee. 20 And Holofernes was made merry on her
18 And all these words pleased Holofernes, occasion, and drank exceeding much wine, so
and his servants; and they admired her wisdom; much as lie had never drunk in his life.
and they said one to another:
19 There is not such another woman upon CHAP. XIII.
earth in look, in beauty, and in sense of words.
Judith cutteth off the head of Holofernes, and
20 And Holofernes said to her: God hath done
returneth to Bethulia.-
well who sent thee before the people, that thou
mightest give them into our hands: ND when it was grown late, his servants
21 And because thy promise is good, if thy made liaste to their lodgings; and Vagao
Gol shall do this for me, he shall also be my God; shut the chamber-doors, and went his way.
and thou shalt be great in the house of Nabucho- 2 And they were all overcharged with wine;
• donosor, and thy name shall be renowned through 3 And Judith was alone in the chamber.
all the earth. 4 But Holofernes lay on his bed, fast a.i°ep,
being exceedingly drunk. ,(,

CHAP. XII. 5 And Judith spoke to her maid, to stand with-

out before the chamber, and to watch:
Judith goeth out in the ni?;ht to pray: she is in-
6 And Judith stood before vhe bed, praying
vited to a banquet loith Holofernes.
with tears, and the motion of her iips in si-
THEN he ordered
his treasures
go in where lence,
that she should
and bade her tar
laid up, 7 Saying: Strengthen me, O Lord God of Is-
ry th-^re: and he appointed what should be given rael; and in this hour look on the works of my
her from his own table. hands, that as thou hast promised, thou mayat
2 And Judith answered him, and said: Now I raise up Jerusalem thy city: and that I may
cannot eai of these things which thou command bring to pass that which I h.Tve purposed, hav-
est to be given me, lest sin coine upon me: but I ing a belief that it might be done by thee.
will eat of the things which I have brought. 8 And when she had said this, she went to the
3 And Holofernes said to her: If these things pillar that was at his bed's head, and loosed his
which thou hast brought with thee fail thee, what sword that hung tied upon it.
shall we do for thee.' 9 And when she had drawn it out, she took
4 And Judith said: As thy soul liveth. my him by the hair of his head, and said: Strengthen
lord, thy handmaid shall not spend all these things me. O Lord God, at this hour.
till Gcul do by my hand that which I have pur- 10 And she struck twice upon his neck, and cut
posed. And his servants brought her into the off his head, and took off his canopy from tii«
tent which he had commanded. pillars, and rolled away his headless body.
5 And when she was going in, she desired that 11 And after a while she went out, and delivej-
the might have liberty to go out at night and be- ed the head of Holofernes to her maid, and bade
fore day, to prayer, and to beseech the Lord her put it into her wallet.
^ 325

12 And they two went out according to their CHAP. xrv.
Custom, as if it were to prayer: and they passed X/iC Israelites assault the Assyi'ians, who,
the camp, and having compassed the valley, they
ing their general slain, are seized with a panic
came to the gate of the city.
13 And juditli from afar off cried to the
watchmen upon
God is with us,
Open the gates; for
the walls:
who hath shown his power in
Judith said^to all the people: Hear me,
brethren, hang ye up this head upon our
Israel. walls:
14 And it came to pass, when the men had 2 And as soon as the sun shall rise, let every
heard her voice, that Uiey called the ancients man take his arms, and rush ye out, not as going
of the city. down beneath, but as making an assault.
15 And all ran to meet her from the least to 3 Then the watchmen must needs run to awake
tile greatest for they had now no hopes that she their prince for the battle.

would come. 4 And when the captains of them shall run to

16 And lighting up lights they all gathered the tent ot Holofernes, and shall find him with-
round about her: and she went up to a higher out his head wallowing in his blood, fear shall fall
place, and commanded silence to be made. And upon them.
when all had held their jjeace, 5 And when you shall know that they are flee-
17 Judith said: Praise ye the Lord our God, ing, go after them securely; for the Lord will de-
who hath not forsaken them that hope in him. stroy them under your feet.
IS And by me his handmaid he hath fultilled 6 Then Achior seeing the power that the God
his mercy, which he promised to the house of Is- of Israel had wrought, leaving the religion of the
rael: and he hath killed the enemy of his people Gentiles, he believed God, anU circumcised the
by my hand this night. flesh of his foreskin, and was joined to the peo-
19 Then she brought forth the head of Holo- ple of Israel, with all the succession of his kin-
fernes out of the wallet, and showed it them, say- dred until this present day.
ing: Behold the head of Holofernes the general 7 And immediately at break of da}', they hung
of the army of the Assyrians; and behold his up the head of Holofernes upon the walls: and
canopy, wherein he lay in his drunkenness, every man took his arms, and they went out with
where the Lord our God slew him by the hand a great noise and shouting.
of a woman. 8 And the watchmen seeing this, ran to the
20 But as the same Lord liveth, his angel hath tent of Holofernes.
been my keeper both going hence, and abiding 9 And they that were in the tent came, and
there, and returning from thence hither: and made a noise before the door of the chamber to
the Lord hath not suffered me his handmaid to be awake him, endeavouring by art to break his rest,
defried; but hath brought me back to you with- that Holofernes might awake, not by their call-
out pollution of sin, rejoicing for his victory, for ing him, but by their noise.
Diy escajje, and for your deliverance. 10 For no man durst knock, or open and go into
21 Give all of you glory to him, because he is the chamber of the general of the Assyrians.
good, because his mercy endureth for ever. 11 But when his captains and tribunes were
22 And they all adored the Lord, and said to come, and all the chiefs of the army of the king
her: The Lord hath blessed thee by his power; of the Assyrians, they said to the chamberlains.
because by thee he hath brought our enemies to 12 Go in, and awake him; for the mice coming
nought. — out of their holes, have presumed to challenge
23 And Ozias the prince of the people of Is- us to fight.
rael, said to hei Blessed art thou, O daughter, by
: 13 Then Vagao going into his chamber, stood
the Lord the most high God, above all women before the curtain, and made a clapping with his
upon the earth. hands: *"or he thought that he was sleeping with
24 Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and Judith.
earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off 14 But when with hearkening, he perceived no
the head of the prince of our enemies. motion of one lying, he came near to the curtain,
25 Because he hath so magnified thy name this and lifting it up, and seeing the body of Holofer-
day, that thy praise shall not depart out of the nes. lying upon the ground, without the head,
mouth of men, who shall be mindful of the pow- weltering in his blood, he cried out with a loud
er of the Lord for ever; for that thou hast not voice, with weeping, and rent his garments.
spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tri- 15 And he went into the tent of Judith, and
bulation of thy people; but hast prevented our not finding her, he ran out to the people,
ruin 1^ the presence of our God. 16 And said: One Hebrew woman hath made
26 And all the people said: So be it, so be it. confusion in the house of king Nabuchodonosor;
27 And Achior being called for came; and Ju- for behold, Holofernes lieth upon the ground, and
dith said to him: The God of Israel, to whom his head is not upon him.
thou gavest testimony, that he revengeth himself 17 Now
when the chiefs of the army of the
of his enemies, he hath cut off the head of all the Assyrians had heard this, they all rent their gar-
unbelievers this night by my hand. ments; and an intolerable fear and dread fell up-
28 And that thou mayst find that it is so, be- on them, and their minds were troubled exceed-
hold the head of Holofernes, who in the con- in" 'y-
tempt of his pride despised the God of Israel; IS And there was a very great cry the midst m
and threatened thee with death, saying: When of their camp.
the peo))le of Israel shall be taken, I will com-
mand thy sides to be pierced with a sword. CHAP. XV.
29 Then Achior seeing the head of Holofer- The Assyrians flee: tne Hebrews pursue after
nes, being seized with a great fear, he fell on his them, and are enriched by their spoils.
face upon the earth, and his soul swooned ND
when all the army heard that Holofer-
ft way. nes was beheaded, courage and counsel fled
30 But after he had recovered his spirits he from them: and being seized with trembling and
fell down at her feet, and reverenced her, and fear, they thought only to save themselves by
said flight:
31 Blessed art thou by thy God in every taber- 2 So that no one spoke to his neighbour, bu
nacle of Jacob, for in every nation which shall hanging down the head, leaving all things be
near thy name, the God of Israel shall be mag- hind, they made haste to escape from the He-
nified on occasion of thee brews who as they heard, were coming aimW
apoa them, and fled by the ways of the fields, tall giants oppose themselves to him: bilt Judith
and the paths of the hills. the daughter of Merari weakened him with the
3 So the children of Israel seeing them fleeing, jbeauty of her face.
followed after them. And they went down i) For she put off her the garments of widow-
sounding with trumpets, and shouting after them. hood, and put on her the garments of joy, to give
4 And because the Assyrians were not united Ijoy to the children of Israel.
together, they went without order in their flight; j
10 She anointed her face with ointment, and
but the children of Israel iiursuing in one body, Ibound up her locks with a crown; she took a new
defeated all that they could find. robe to deceive him.
5 And Ozias sent messengers through all the 11 Her sandals ravished his eyes; her beauty
cities and countries of Israel. made his soul her captive; with a sword she cut
G And every countrj% and every city, sent off his head.
their chosen young men armed after them: and 12 The Persians quaked at her constancy, and
they pursued them with the edge of the sword, the Medes at her boldness.
until they came to the extremities of their con- 13 Then the camp of the Assyrians howled,
when my lowly ones appeared, parched wilh

7 And the rest that were in Bethulia went into thi^st.
the camp of the Assyrians, and took away the j
14 The sons of the damsels have pierced them
spoils, which the Assyrians in their flight had 'through; and they have killed them like children
left behind them; and they were loaden exceed- Ifleeing away: they perished in battle before the
ingly. face of the Lord my God.
fe But they that returned conquerors to Be- 15 Let us sing a hymn to the liOrd; let ms sing
thulia, brought with them all things that were a new hymn to our God.
theirs, so that there was no numbering their cat- 16 O Adonai Lord, great art thou, and glorious
tle, and beasts, and all their moveables, insomuch in thy power; and no one can overcome thee.
that from the least to the greatest all were made 17 Let all thy creatures serve thee: because
rich by their spoils. thou hast spoken, and they were made: thou didst
9 And Joachim the high priest came from send forth tlij' Siirit, and they were created; and
Jerusalem to Bethulia \%'ith all his ancients to see there is no one that can resist thy voice.
Judith. IS The mountains shall be moved from the
10 And when she was come out to him, they foundations with the waters: the rocks shall melt
all blessed her with one voice, saying: Thou art as wax before thy face.
the glory of Jerusalem; thou art the joy of Israel; 19 But they that fear thee, shall be great with
thou art the honour of our people: thee in all things.
11 For thou hast done manfully, and thy heart 20 Wo be to the nation that riseth up against
has been strengthened; because thou hast loved my people: for the Lord almighty will take re-
chastity, and after thy husband hast not known venge on them; in the day of judgment he will
any other: therefore also the hand of the Lord visit them.
hath strengthened thee, and therefore thou shah 21 For he will give fire and worms into their
be blessed for ever. flesh, that they may burn, and maj' feel for ever
12 And all the people said: So be it, so be it. 22 And it came to pass after these things, that
13 And thirty days were scarce sufficient for all the people, after the victory, came to Jerusa-
the people of Israel to gather up the spoils of the lem, to adore the Lord and as soon as they were

Assyrians. purified, they all offered holocausts, and vows,

14 But all those things that were proved to be and their promises.
the peculiar goods of Holofernes, they gave to 23 And Judith offered for an anathema of obli-
-Judith, in gold, and silver, and garments, and pre- vion* all the arms of Holofernes, which the peo-
cious stones, and all household stuff; and they all ple gave her, and the canopy that she had taken
were delivered to her by the people. away out of his chamber.
15 And all the jieople rejoiced, with the wo- 24 And the people were joyful in the sight of
men, and virgins, and j'oung men, playing on in the sanctuary; and for three months the joy of
struments and harps. this victory was celebrated with Judith.
25 And after those days every man returned to
CHAP. XVI. his house: and Judith was made great in Be-
Tlie canticle of Judith: her virtuous life and thulia, and she was most renowned in all the
death. land of Israel.
THEN saying:
Judith sung this canticle to the Lord 26 And chastity was joined to her virtue, so
that she knew no man all the days of her life, af-
2 Begin ye to the Lord with timbrels; sing ye ter the death of Manasses her husband.
to the Lord with cymbals; tune unto him a new 27 And on festival days she came forth witk
psalm; extol and call upon his name. great glory.
3 The Lord putteth an end to wars, the Lord is 28 And she abode in her husbr.nd's house a
his name. 'hundred and five years, and made her handmaid
4 He hath set his camp in the midst of his free; and she died, and was buried with her hus-
people, to deliver us from the hand of all our band in Bethulia.
enemies. 29 And all the people mourned for seven days.
5 The Assyrian came out of the mountains 30 And all the time of her life Aere was none
from the north in the multitude of his strength that troubled Israel, nor many years after her
his multitude stopped up the torrents; and their death.
horses covered the valleys. 31 But the day of the festivity of this victory-
6 He bragged that he would set my borders on is received by the Hebrews in the number of noly
fire, and kill my young men with the sword, to days, and is religiously observed by the Jews
make my infants a prey, and my virgins captives. from that time until this day.
7 But'the almighty Lord hath struck him, and
hath delivered him into the hands of a woman * An anathema of oblivion. That is, a gift or
and hath slain him. offering made to God, by way of an everlasting
y Foi their mighty one did not fall by young monument, to prevent the oblivion or forgetting
Ben; neither did the sons of Titan strike him, nor so great a benefit.

''Tiisbook takes its name from queen Esther ;\ saw the face of the king, and were used to sit first
whose nistory is here recorded. The general after hiin:)
opinion of almost all commentators on the Holy 15 What sentence ought to pass upon Vasthi
Scripture makes Mardochai the writer of it: the queen, who had relused to obey the com-
which also may be collected below from chap. mandment of king Assuerus, which he had sent
ix. ver. 20. to her by the eunuchs.'
16 And Mamuchan answered, in the hearing of
CHAP. I. the king and the princes: Queen Vasthi hath not
only injured the king, but also all people and
Kinf; Assuerus maketh a great feast. Queen
princes that are in all the provinces of king As-
Vasthi being sent for, refuseth to come: for suerus.
tohlih disobedience she is deposed.
17 For this deed of the queen will go abroad to
the days of Assuerus, who reigned from In- all women, so that they will despise their hus-
IK cia to Ethiopia over a hundred and twenty bands, and will say: King Assuerus commanded
seven provinces: that (jueen Vasthi should come in to him, and she
2 When he sat on the throne of his kingdom, the would not.
city S.isan was the capital of his kingdom. 18 And by this example all the wives of the
3 Now in the third year of liis reign he made a princes of the Persians and the Medes will slight
great feast for all the princes, and for his servants, the commandments of their husbands: wherefore
for the most mighty of the Persians, and the no- the king's indignation is just.
bles of the Medes, and the governors of the pro- 19 If it please thee, let an edict go out from thy
vinces in his sight, presence, and let it be written according to the
4 That he might show the rich*s of the glory law of the Persians and of the Medes, which
of his kingdom, and the greatness, and boasting must not be altered, that Vasthi come in no more
of his power, for a long time, to wit, for a hun- to the king; but another that is belter than her,
dred and fourscore days. be made queen in her place
5 And when the days of the feast were expired, 20 And let this be jjublished through all the
he invited all the people that were found in Susan, provinces of thy empire (which is very wide) and
from the greatest to the least: and commanded a let all wives, as well of the greater as of the lesser,
feast to be made seven days in the court of the give honour to their husbands.
garden, and of the wood, which was planted by 21 His counsel pleased the king, and the
the care and the hand of the king. princes: and the king did according to the coun-
6 And there were hung up on every side sky- sel of Mamuchan.
coloured, and green, and violet hangings, fasten- 22 And he sent letters to all the provinces of
ed with cords cf silk, and of purple, which were his kingdom, as every nation could hear and read,
put into rings of ivory, and were held up with in divers languages and characters, that the hus-
marble pillars. The beds also were of gold and bands should be rulers and masters in their houses:
silver, placed in order upon a floor paved with and that this should be published to every people.
porphyry and white marble which was embel-

lished with painting of wonderful variety. CHAP. II.

7 And they that were invited, drank in golden Esther is advanced to be queen. Mardochai
cups; and the meats were brought in divers ves- detecteth a plot against the king.
sels one after another. Wine also in abundance,
and of the best was presented, as was worthy of AFTERthis, when the wrath of king Assue-
rus was appeased, he remembered Vasthi,
a king's magnificence.
8 Neither was there any one to compel them and what she had done, and what she had suff"ered:
to drink that were not willing, but as the king had 2 And the king's servants and his officers said:
appointed, who set over every table one of his liCt young women be sought for the king, virgins
nobles, that every man might take what he and beautiful:
would- 3 And let some persons be sent through all the
9 Also Vasthi the queen made a feast for the provinces to look tor beautiful maidens and vir-
•women in the palace, where king Assuerus was gins: and let them bring them to the city of Susan,
used to dwell. and put them into the house of the women, under
10 Now on the seventh day, when the king the hand of Egeus the eunuch, who is the over-
was merry, and after very much drinking was seer and keeper of the king's women: and let
well warmed with wine, he commanded Mauman, them receive women's ornaments, and other
and Bazatha, and Harbona, and Bagatha, and things necessary for their use.
Abgatha, and Zethar, and Charcas, the seven 4 And whosoever among them all shall please
eunuchs that served in his presence, the king's eyes, let herbe queen instead of Vasthi.
11 To bring in queen Vasthi before the king, The word pleased the king: and he commanded
with the crown set upon her head, to show her it should be done as they had suggested.
beauty to all the people and the princes: for she 5 There was a man in the city of Susan, a Jew,
was exceeding beautiful. named Mardochai, the son of Jair, the son of Se-
12 But she refused, and would not come at the mei, the son of Cis, of the race of Jemini,
king's commandment, which he had signified to 6 Whohad been carried away from Jerusalem
king of Baby-
her by the eunuchs. Whereupon the king, being at the time that Nabuchodonosor
angrv, and inflamed with a very great fury, lon carried away Jechonias king of Juda,
13" Asked the wise men, who according to the 7 And he had brought up his brother's daugh-
custom of the kings, were always near his person, ter Edissa, Avho by another name was called
and all he did was by their counsel, who knew Esther: now she had lost both her parents, and
tlie laws, and judgments, of their forefathers: was exceeding fair and beautiful. And her fa-
14 (Now the chief and nearest him were, Char- ther and mother being dead, MarCochai adopted
eena, and Sethar, and Adm-atha, and Tharsis, and her for his daughter.
Mares, and Marsana, and Mamuchan, seven 8 And when the king's ordinance was noised
princes of the Persians, and of the Medes, who abroad, and according to his commandment
beautiful virgins were broup;ht fo Susan, and were CHAP. Ill
delivered to Egeus tlie eunuch: Eisther also Aman advanced by the king, is offended at Mar-
anion^ the rest of the maidens was delivered to dochai; and therefore procureth (he Idng^s de
nim to be kept in the number of the women. cree to destroy the tvhole nation of the Jews.
9 And she pleased him, and found favour in his FTER these things, king Assuerus ad vane
sight. And he commanded the eunuch to iiasten edAman the son of Amadathi, who was of
the women's ornaments, and to deliver to her her the race of Agag: and he set his throne above all
part, ami seven of the most beautiful maidens of the princes that were with him.
the lvin;?'s house, anil to ailorn and deck out both 2 And all the king's servants, that were at the
her :\m\ her waiting-maids. doors of the palace, bent their knees, and wor-
10 And she would not tell him her people nor shipped Aman: for so the emperor had command-
her country: for Mardochai had charged her to ed them; only Mardochai did not bend his knee,
say nothing at all of that. nor worship him.
11 Anil he walked every day before the court 3 And the king's servants that were chief at
of tilt! house, in wliich the chosen virgins were the doors of the palace, said to him: Why dost
kept having a care for Esther's welfare, and de- thou alone not observe the king's commandment.'
siring to know what would befall her. 4 And when they were saying this often, and
12 Now when every virgin's turn came to go he would not hearken to them, they told Aman,
in to the king, after all had been done for setting desirous to know whether he would continue in
them o!i" to atlvantage, it was the twelfth month: his resolution: for he had told them that he was a
so that for six months they were anointed with Jew.
oil of myrrh: and for other six months they used 5 Now when Aman had heard this, and had
certain perfumes and sweet spices. proved by e.-vperience that Mardochai did not
13 And when they were going in to the king, bend his knee to him, nor worship him, he was
A'hatsoever they asked to adorn themselves they exceedingly angry.
received: and being decked out, as it (ileased 6 And he counted it as nothing to lay his hands
them, they passed from the chamber of the wo- upon Mardochai alone: for he had heard that he
men lo die king's chamber. was of the nation of the Jews; and he chose
14 And she that went in at evening, came out rather lo destroy all the nation of the Jews that
in the morning; and from thence she was conduct- were in the kingdom of Assuerus.
ed to the second house, that was under the hand 7 In the first month (which is called Nisan) in
of Susagaz the eunuch, who had the charge over the twelfth year of the reign of Assuerus, the lot
the king's concubines: neither could she return was cast into an urn, which in Hebrew is called
any more to the king, unless the king desired it, Phur, before Aman, on what day and what
and haii ordered her by name to come. month the nation of the Jews should be destroy-
15 And as the time came orderly about, the ed: and there came out the twelfth month, which
day was at hand, when Esther the daughter of is called Adar.
Ahihail the brother of Mardochai, whom he had 8 And Aman said to king Assuerus: There is
adopted for his daughter, was to go in to the king. a people scattered through all the provinces of thy
But she sought not women's ornaments, but kingdom, and separated one from another, lliat
whatsoever Egeus the eunucli the keeper, of the use new laws and ceremonies, and moreover
virgins had a mind, he gave her to adorn lier. For despise the king's ordinances: and thou knowest
she was exceeding fair, and her incredible beauty very well that it is not expedient for thy kingdom
made her appear agreeable and amiable in the that they should grow insolent by impunity.
eyes of all. 9 If it please thee, decree that they may be
l(i So she was brought to the chamber of king destroyed.; and I will pay ten thousand talents to

Assuerus the tenth month, which is called Te- thy treasurers.

beth, in the seventh year of his reign. 10 And the king took the ring that he used,
17 And the king loved her more than all the from his own hand, and gave it to Aman the son
women: and she had favour and kindness before of Amadathi of the race of Agag, the enemy of
hini above all the women: and he set the royal the Jews.
crown on her head, and ntade her queen instead 11 And he said to him: As to the money
of Vasthi. which thou promisest, keep it for thyself: and as to
, 18 And he commanded a magnificent feast to the people, do with them as seemeth good to thee.
De prepared for all the princes, and for his ser- 12 AntI the king's scribes were called in the
vants, for the marriage an<l wedding of Esther. first month Nisan, on the thirteenth day of the
And he gave rest to all the provinces, and bestow- same month: and they wrote, as Aman had com-
ed gifts according fo princely magnificence. manded, to all the king's lieutenants, and to the
19 And when the virgins were .'ought the judges of the provinces, and of divers nations, as
second time, and gathered together, Mardochai every nation could read and hear according to
stayed at the king's gate: their difTercnt languages, in the name of king As-
20 Neither had Esther as yet declared her su<'rus: and the letters sealed with his ring
country, and people, according to his command- 13 Were sent by the king's mes.sengers to all
ment. F^or whatsoever he commanded, Esther provinces, to kill and destroy all the Jews, both
observed and she ilid all things in the s.nme man- young and old, little children and women, lu one

ner as she was wont at that time when he brought day, that is, on the thirteenth of the twt.fth
lier up a little one. month, which is called Adar, and to make a spoil
21 At that time therefore, when Mardochai of their goods.
abode at the king's gate, Bagathan and Thares, 14 And the contents of the letters were to this
two of the king's eunuchs, who were porters, effect, that all provinces might know, and be
and presided in the first entry of the palace, were ready against that day.
angry: and thfy designed to rise iij) against the 15 The couriers that were sent made haste to
kinn, and to kill him. fulfil the king's commandment. And immediate-
22 And Mardochai had notice of ii, and imme- ly th-e edict was hung up in Susan, the king and
diately he told it to queen Esther; and she to the Aman feasting together, and all the Jews that
king in Mardochai's name, who had reported the were in the city weenina:.
tljuii unto her. CHAP. IV.
23 It was innuired into, and found out; and M'irdoehai desireih Esther to pention 'he hing
tbey were both lianged on a gibbet. And it was for thrji')i:t. 7'hry join in fasting and prayer.
put in the histories, and recorded in the chroni-
cles before the k'ng
NOW when Marilochai had heard these
things, he rent his garme.nts, and otit on
2T 829
gackcloth, strewing ashes on his head: and he queen Esther? what is thv request? it thcu
^ried with a loud voice in the street in tlie midst shouldst even ask one half If of the kingdom, it

of the city, s'hewing the anguish of his mind. shall be given to thee-
2 And he came lamenting in this manner even 4 But she answered: If it please the king, 1
to the gate of tlie palace for no one clothed with
beseech thee to come to me this day, and Aman
sackcloth might enter the king's court. with thee, to the banquet which I have prepared.
3 And in all provinces, towns, and places, to 5 And the king said forthwith: Call ye Aman
which the king's cruel edict was come, there was quickly, that he may obey Esther's will. So the
great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, king and Aman came to the banquet which the
wailing, and weeping, many using sackcloth and queen had prepared for them.
ashes lor their bed. 'a And the king said to her, after he had drunk

4 Then Esther's maids and her eunuchs went wine plentifully: What dost thou desire should
in. and told her. And when she heard it she was be given thee? and for what thing askest thou?
jii a consternation: and she sent a garment to although thou shouldst ask the half of nij' king-
clothe him, and to take away the sackcloth: but dom, thou shalt have it.
he would not receive it. 7 And Esther answered: My petition and re-
5 And she called for Athach the eunuch, whom quest is this:
the king had appointed to attend upon her: and 8 If I have found favour in the king's sight, and
she commanded him to go to Mardochai, and to if it please the king to give me what I ask, and to

learn of him, why he did this. fulfil my petition; let the king and Aman come
6 And Athach going out went to Mardochai to the banquet which I have prepared them; and
who was standing in the street of the city, before to-morrow I will open my mind to the king.
the palace-gate: i) So Aman went out that day joyfi.l and mer-

7 And Mardochai told him all that had happen- ry. And when he saw Mardochai 'jitting before
ed, how Aman had promised to pay money into the gate of the palace, and that he not only did
the king's treasures, to have the Jews destroyed. not rise up to honour him, but did not so much as
8 He gave him also a copy of the edict which move from the place where he sat, he was eX'
was hanging up in Susan, that he should show it ceedingly angry:
to the queen, and admonish her to go in to the 10 But dissembling his anger, and returning into
king, and to entreat him for her people. his house, he called together to him his friends,
9 And Athach went back, and told Esther all and Zares his wife:
that Mardochai had said. 11 And he declared to them the greatness of
10 She answered him, and bade him say to [his riches, and the multitude of his children, and
Mardochai: with how great glory the king had advanced him
11 All the king's servants, and all the provin- above all his princes and servants.
ces that are under his dominion, know, that who- 12 And after th.s he said: Queen Esther also
soever, whether man or woman, cometh into the hath invited no other to the banquet with the
king's inner court, who is not called for, is imme- king, but me: and with her I am also to dine to-
diately to be put to death without any delay: ex- morrow with the king.
cejit the king shall hold out the golden sceptre to 13 And whereas I have all these things, I think
him, in token of clemency, that so he may live. I have nothing, so long as I see Mardochai the

How then can I go in to the king, who for these Jew sitting before the kind's gate.
thirty days now have not been called unto him? 14 Then Zares his wife, and the rest of his
12 And when Mardochai had heard this, friends answered him: Order a great beam to be
13 He sent word to Esther again, saying: prepared, fifty cubits high; and in the morning
Think not that thou mayst save thy life only, be- speak to the king, that Mardochai may be hang-
cause thou art in the king's house, more than all ed upon it; and so thou shalt go full of joy with
the Jews: the king to the banquet. The counsel pleased
11 For if thou wilt now hold thy peace, the him; and he commanded a high gibbet to be pre-
Jews shall be delivered by some other occasion: pared.
and thou and thy father's house shall perish. And CHAP. VT.
who knoweth whether thou art not therefore
come to the kingdom, that thou mightest be ready The king hearing of the good service done him
in such a time as this.'
by Mardochai, commandcth Aman to honour
15 And again Esther sent to Mardochai in him next to the king, which he performeih.
these words:
16 Go, and gather together all the Jews whom
THAT night the king passed without sleep:
and he commanded the histories and chroni-
thou shalt find in Susan, and pray ye for me. cles of former times to be brought him. And
Neither eat, nor drink for three days and three when they were reading them before him,
nights: and I with my handmaids will fast in like 2 They came to that place where it was writ-
manner: and then I will go in to the king, against ten, how Mardochai had discovered the treason
the law, not being called, and expose myself to of Bagathan and Thares the eunuchs, who sought
death and to danger. to kill king Assuerus.
17 So Mardochai went, and did all that Esther 3 And when the king heard this, he said: What
had commanded him. honour and reward hath Mardochai received foi
this fidelity? His servants and ministers said to
CHAP. V. him: He hath received no reward at all.*
Usther is graciously received: she inviteth the 4 And the king said immediately: Who
is in
king and Amun to dinner. Aman prepareth a the court? for Aman was coming in to the iimer
gibbet for Mardochai. court of the king's house, to speak to the king,
AND on the third day Esthfer put on herj that he might order Mardochai to be hanged upon
royal apparel, and stood in the inner court the gibbet which was prepared for him.
of the king's house, over-against the king's hall: 5 The servants answered: Aman standeth in
now he sat upon his throne in the hall of the the court. And the king said: Let him come in.
palace, over-against the door of the house. 6 And when he was come in, he said to him;
2 And when he saw Esther the queen standing, What ought to be done to the man whom the
ehe pleased his eyes, and he held out toward her
the golden sceptre, which he held in his hand: * No reward at all. He received some pre-
and she d/ew near, and kissed the top of his sents from the king, chap. xii. 5. but these were
iceptre so inconsiderable m
the opinion of the courtiers*
* 3 And the king said to her What wilt thou, that they esteemed them as nothing at all.

«ing is 1i) honour? But Aman thinking in spoke for the king, standeth m Aman's house, be-
his heart, and supposing that the king would ing fifty cubits high. And the king said to him:
honour no other hut himself, Hang him upon it
7 Answered: The man whom the king desir- 10 So Aman was hanged on the gibbet which
elh to honour, he had prepared for Mardoclidi: and the king's
8 Ought to be clothed with the king's apfiarel, wrath ceased.
and to be set upon the horse that the king rideth CHAP. VIII.
upon, and to have the royal crown upon his head.
9 And let the first of the king's princes and Mardochai is advanced: Aman'' s letters are re
nobles hold his horse, and going through the versed.
stri^et of the city, proclaim before him, and say:
Thus shall he be honoured, whom the king hath ON that day king Assuerus gave the house ot
Aman, the Jews' enemy, to queen Esther:
a mind to honour. and Mardochai came in before the king. Foi
10 And the king said to him: Make haste, and Esther had confessed to him that he was hei
take the robe, and the horse; and do as thou hast uncle.
spoken to Mardochai the Jew, who sitteth before 2 And the king took the ring which he had
txiR gates of the palace. Beware thou pass over commanded to be taken again from Aman, and
any of those things which thou hast spoken. gave it to Mardochai. And Esther set Mardo-
11 So Aman took the robe, and the horse, and chai over her house.
arraying Mardochai in the street of the city, and 3 And not content with these things, she fell
setting him on the horse, went before him, and down at the king's feet and wept; and speaking
proclaimed: This honour is he worthy of, whom to him besought him, that he would give orders
the king hath a mind to honour. that the malice of Aman the Agagite, and his
12 And Mardochai relumed to the palace gate: most wicked devices which he had invented
and Aman made haste to go to his house, mourn- against the Jews, should be of no effect.
ing and having his head covered: 4 But he, as the manner was, held out the gold-
13 And he told Zares his wife, and his friends en sceptre with his hand, which was the sign of
all that had befallen him. And the wise men clemency and she arose up, and stood before him,

whom he had in counsel, and his wife answer- 5 And said: If it please the king, and if I have
ed him: If Mardochai be of the seed of the Jews, found favour in his sight, and my request be not
before whom thou hast begun to fall, thou canst disagreeable to him, I beseech thee, that the for-
not resist him, but thou shall fall in his sight. mer letters of Aman the traitor and enemy of the
14 As they were yet speaking, the king's Jews, by which he commanded that they should
eunuchs came, and compelled him to go quickly be destroyed in all the king's provinces, may be
to the banquet which the queen had prepared. reversed by new letters.
CHAP. VII. 6 For how can I endure the murdering and
laughter of my people?
Esther's petition for herself and her people: 7 And king Assuerus answered Esther the
Aman is hanged upon the gibbet he had pre- queen, and Mardochai the Jew: I have given
pared for Mardochai. Aman's house to Esther; and I have commanded
the king and Aman went in, to drink with him to be hanged on a gibbet, because he durst
SO the queen. lay hands on the Jews.
2 And the king said to her again the second 8 Write ye therefore to the Jews, as it pleaseth
day, after he was warm with wine: What is thy you, in the king's name, and seal the letters with
petition, Esther, that it may be granted thee? my ring. For this was the custom, that no man
and what wilt thou have done? although thou ask durst gainsay the letters 'vvhich were sent in the
the half of my kingdom, thou shall have it. king's name, and were sealed with his ring.
3 Then she answered: If I have found favour 9 Then the king's scribes and secretaries were
in thy sight, O king, and if it please thee, give me called for (now it was the time of the third month
my life for which I ask, and my people for which which is called Siban) the three and twentieth
I request. day of the month; and letters were written, as
4 For we are given up, I and my people, to be Mardochai had a mind, to the Jews, and to the
destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. And would governors, and to the deputies, and to the judges,
God we were sold for bondmen and bondwomen: who were rulers over the hundred and twenty
the evil might be borne with, and I would have seven provinces, from India even to Ethiopia; to
mourned in silence: but now we have an enemy, province and province, to people and peo|)le, ac-
whose cruelty redoundeth upon the king. cording to their languages and characters, and to
5 And king Assuerus answered, and said: the Jevrs, according as they could read and hear.
Who is this, and of what p-.wer, that he should 10 And these letters which were sent in the
do these things? king's name, were sealed with his ring, and sent
6 And Esther said: It is this Aman that is our by posts, who were to run through all the pro-
adversary and most wicked enemy. Aman hear vmces, to prevent the former letters with new
ing this was forthwith astonished, not being able messages.
to bear the countenance of the king and of the 11 And the king gave orders to them, to speak
queen. to the Jews in every city, and to command them
7 But the king being angry rose up, and went to gather themselves together, and to stand for
from the place of the banquet into the garden set their lives, and to kill and destroy all their ene-
•w-ith trees. Aman also rose up to entreat Esther mies with their wives and children and all their
the queen for his life; for he understood that evi houses, and to take their spoil.
was prepared for him by the king. 12 And one day of revenge was appointed
8 And when the king came back out of the through all the provinces, to wit, the thirteenth
garden set with trees, and entered into the place of the twelfth month Adar.
of the banquet, he found Aman was fallen upon 13 And this was the content of the letter, that
the bed vn which Esther lay: and he said: He it should be notified in all lands and peoples that
will force the queen also in my ])resence, in my were subject to the empire of king Assuerus. that
own house. The word was not yet gone out of the Jews were ready to be revenged of their ene-
the king's mouth, and immediately they covered mies.
his face. 14 So the swift posts went out, carrying the
9 And Harbona, one of the eunuchs that stood messages; and the king's edict was hung up ia
waiting on the king, said: Bcholri, the gibbet Susan.
lihicli he hath prepared for Mardochai who 15 And Mardochai Koing forth out of tb*

palace, and from the king's presence, shone in' that were killed amounted to seventy-five Iho"-
royal apparel, to wit, of violet and sky colour, sand, and no man took any of their good*.
wearinjr a golden crown on his head, and clothed! 17Now the thirteenth day of the month Adar
with a cloke of silk and purple. And all the city was the first day with them all of the slaughter;
fejoiced, and was glad. and on the fourteenth day they left olf. Which
16 But to the .Jews a new light seemed to rise, they ordained to be kept holy-day, so that alj
joy, honour, and dancing. times hereafter they should celebrate it with feast-
17 And in all peoi'les, cities, and provinces, ing, joy, and banquets.
whithersoever the king's commandments came, is But they that were killing in the city of Su
there was wonderful rejoicing, feasts and ban- san, were employed in the slaughter on the thir
quets, and keeping holy-day insomuch that many
: teenth and fourteenth day of the same month: and
of other nations and religion, joined themselves oti the fifteenth day they tested. And iherefoie
to their worship and ceremonjes. For a great they api'ointed that day to be a holy -day ol (tast-
dread of the name of the Jews had fallen upon all. ing and gladness.
19 But those Jews that dwelt in towns net
CHAP. IX. walled, and in villages, appointed the fourteentli
would have kill-
37te Jeivs kill their enemies that day of the month Adar for banquets and gladness,
ed them. The days of Phurim are appointed so as to rejoice on that day, and send one another
to be kept holy. portions of their banquets and meats.
JO on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, 20 And Mardochai wrote all these things, and
which as we have said above is called Adar, sent them comprised in letters to the Jews that
when all the Jews were designed to be massa- abode in all the king's provinces, both those that
cred, and their enemies were greedy after their lay near and those afar oflf,
blood, the case being altered, the Jews began to 21 That they should receive the fourteenth and
have the upper hand, and to revenge* themselves fifteenth day of the month Adar for holy-daj's,
of their adversaries. and always at the return of the year should cele-
2 And they gathered themselves together in brate them with solenm honour:
every city, and town, and place, to lay their 22 Because on those days the Jews revenged
hands on their enemies, and their persecutors. themselves of their enemies, and their mourning
And no one durst withstand them; for the fear of and sorrow were turned into mirth and joy. and
their power had gone through every people. that these should be days of feasting atid gladness,
3 And the judges of the jirovinces, and the in which they should send one to another portions
£;oveinors, and lieutenants, and every one in dig- ot meats, and should give gifts to the poor.
nity, that presided over every place and work, 23 And the Jews undertook to observe with
extolled the Jews for fear of Mardochai: solemnity all they had begun to do at that time,
4 For they knew him to be prince of the which Mardochai by letters had commanded to
palace, and to have great fower: and the fame be done.
of his name increased daily, and was spread 24 For Aman, the son of Amadathi of the race
abroad through all men's mouths. of Agag, the enemy and adversary of the Jews,
5 So the Jews made a great slaughter of their had devised evil against them, to kill them and
enemies, and killed them, repaying according to destroy them: and had cast Phur, that is, the
what they had firepared to do to them: lot.
6 Insomuch that even in Susan they killed five 25 And a.''terwards Esther went in to the king,
hundred men, besides the ten sons of Aman the beseeching him that his endeavours might be
Agagite, the enemy of the Jews: whose names made void by the king's letters: and the evil that
are these: he had intended against tlie Jews, might return
7 Pharsandatha, and Delphon, and Esphatha, upon his own head. And so both he and his sons
8 And Phoratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha, were hanged upon gibbets.
9 And Phermesta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and 26 And since that time these days are called
Jezatha. Phurim, that is, of Lots: because Phur, that is,
10 And when they had slain them, they would the lot, was cast into the urn. And all things that
not touch the spoils of their goods. were done, are contained in the volume of this
11 And presently the number of them that epistle, that is, of this book:
were killed in Susan was brought to the king. 27 And the things that they suffered, and that
12 And he said to the queen: The Jews have were afterwards changed, the Jews took upon
killed five hundred men in the city of Susan, be- themselves and their seed, and upon all that had a
sides the ten sons of Aman: how many dost thou mind to be joined to their religion, so that it should
think they have slain in all the provinces.' What be lawful for none to pass these days without
askest thou more, and what wilt thou have me to solemnity: which the writing testifieth, and cer-
command to be done? tain times require, as the years continually suc-
13 And she answered: If it please the king, let ceed one another.
it be granted to the Jews, to do to-morrow in 28 These are the days which shall never be
Susan as they have done to-day, and that the ten forgot: and which all provinces in the whole
sons of Aman may be hanged upon gibbets. world shall celebrate throughout all generations:
14 And the king commanded that it should be neither is there any city wherein the days of
6o done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Phurim, that is, of lots, must not be observed by
Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged. the Jews, and by their posterity, which is bound
15 And on the fourteenth day of the month to these ceremonies.
Adar, tlie Jews gathered themselves together, and 29 And Esther the queen the daughter of Ab^-
they killed in Susan three hundred men: but they hail, and Mardochai the Jew wrote also a second
took not their substance. ejiistle, that with all diligence this day should be

16" Moreover through all the provinces which! established a festival for the time to come.

Were subject to the king's dominion the Jews! 30 And they sent to all the Jews that were in
stood for their lives, and slew their enemies and! the hundred and twenty seven provinces of
persecutors: insomuch that the number of themi king Assuerus, that they should have peace, and
receive truth,
* To revenue, &c. The.lews on this occasionj 31 And observe the days of lots, and celebrate
by authority from the king, were made execu-| them with joy in their proper time, as Mardochai
tioners of the public justice, for punishini; by and Esther had appointed: and they undertook
dfiath a crime worthy of death, viz. A malicious' them to be observed by themselves and by thelf
conspiracy for extirpating their whole nation. '
seed, fasts, and ciies, and the days of lots,


32 And all things which are contained in the voices, and tumults, and munders, and e»rtlt<
history of this book, wliich is called Esther. quakes, and a disturbance upon the earth.
6 And behold, two great dragons came forth
CHAP. X. ready to fight one against another.
jlssuerits's greatness. MardochaV s dignity. 7 And at their qry all nations were stirred up
AND king Assuerus made all the land, and to fight against the nation of the just.
all the islands of the sea tributary. 8 And that was a day of darkness and dange',
2 And his strength and his empire, and the dig-i of tribulation and distress, and great fear upon the
nity and greatness wherewith he exalted Mardo-I earth.
chai, are written in the books of the Medes, and! 9 And the nation of the just was troubled,
of the Persians: fearing their own evils, and was prepared for

o And how Mardochai of the race of the Jews, death.

was next after king Assuerus: and great among; 10 And they cried to God: and as they were
the Jews, and acceptable to the people of his! crying, a little fountain grew into a very great
bretliren, seeking the good of his people, and river, and abounded into many waters.
gpeaking those things which were for the welfare 11 The light and the sun rose up, and the hum-
of his seed. ble were exalted, and they devoured the glorious.
4 Then Mardochai* said: God hath done these 12 And when Mardochai had seen this, and
things. arose out of his bed, he was thinking what God
6 I remember a dream that I saw, which signifi- would do: and he kept it fixed in his mind, de-
ed these same things: and nothing thereof hath sirous to know what the dream should signify?
5 The little fountain which grew into a river,
and was turned into a light, and into the sun, and 3Iardochai detects the conspiracy of the two
abounded into many waters, is Esther, whom the eunuchs.
king married, and made queen.
7 But the two dragons: are I, and Aman.
he abode at that time in the king's court
with Bagatha and Thara the king's eunuchs,
8 The nations that were assembled: are they who were porters of the palace.
•hat endeavoured to destroy the name of the 2 And when he understood their designs, and
fews. had diligently searched into their projects, he
9 And my nation: is Israel, who cried to the learned that they went about to lay violent hands
Jjord, and the Lord saved his people: and he de- on king Artaxerxes, and he told the king thereof.
livered us from all evils, and hath wrought great 3 Then the king had them both examined, and
signs and wonders among the nations: after they had confessed, commanded them to be
10 And he commanded that there should be put to death.
wo lots, one of the people of God, and the other 4 But the king made a record of what was
.ii ail the nations. done: and Mardochai also committed the memo-
11 And both lots came to the day appointed ry of the thing; to writing.
already from that time before God to all nations: 5 And the king commanded him to abid* in the
12 And the Lord remembered his people, and court of the palace, and gave him presents for the
had mercy on his inheritance. information.
13 And these days shall be observed in the 6 But Aman the son of Amadathi the Bugite
month of Adar on the fourteenth, and fifteenth was in great honour with the king, and sought to
day of the same month, with all diligence, and joy hurt Mardochai and his people, because of the two
of the people gathered into one assembly, through- eunuchs of the king who were put to death.
out all the generations hereafter of the people of
A copy of a letter sent by Aman to destroy the
CHAP. XI. Jews. Mardochai's prayer for the people.
Tliedream of Mardochai which in the ancient
Greek and Latin bibles was in the beginning
AND this was the copy of the letter.
erxes the great king who reigneth from In-

of the book, but was detached by St. Jerome, dia to Ethiopia, to the princes and governors of
and put in this place. the hundred and twenty seven provinces, that are
N the fourth year of the reign of Ptolemy and subject to his empire, greeting.
Cleopatra, Dositheus, who said he was a priest, 2 "Whereas I reigned over many nations, and
and of the Levitical race, and Ptolemy his son had brought all the Avorld under my dominion,
brf)Ught this epistle of Phurim, which they said I was not willing to abuse the greatness ot my

Lysiniachus the son of Ptolemy had interpreted power, but to govern my subjects with clemency
in Jerusalem. and lenity, that they might live quietly without
2 In the second year of the reign of Artaxerxes any terror, and might enjoy peace, which is de-
the great, in the first day of the month Nisan, sired by all men.
Marciochai the son of Jair, the son of Semei, the 3 But when I asked my counsellors how this
son of Cis, of the tribe of Benjamin: might be accomplished, one that excelled the rest
3 AJew who dwelt in the city of Susan, a in wisdom and fidelity, and was second alter the
great man and among the first of the king's court, king, Aman by name,
had a dream. 4 Told me that there was a people scattered
4 Now he was of the number of the captives, through the whole world, which used new laws,
whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had and acted against the customs of all nations, de-
carried away from Jerusalem with Jechonias king spised the commandments of kings, and violated
of Juda: by their opposition the concord of all nations.
5 And this was his dream :t Behold, there were 5 Wherefore having learned this, and seeing
one nation in oi)position to all mankind using per-
* Then Mardochai, ^-c. Here St. Jerome ad- verse laws, an<l going against our commandments,
vertiseth the reader, that what follows is not in and disturbing the peace and concord of the pro-
the Hebrew: but is found in tiie septuagint Greek vinces subject to us,
edition, which the 72 interpreters translated out () Wehave commanded that all whom Aman
of the Hebrew, or added by the insj^iration of shall mark out, who is chief over all the provin-
the Holy Ghost. ces, and second aftfr the king, and whom we
+ A
dream. This dream was prophetical and honour as a father, sha'l be utterly destroyed by
extraordinary: otherwise the genera! rule is not their cnenii's, with thi ir wives and children, and
U> observe dreams. that none shall have j itv on them, on the foui
leenth day c cije iwelftli month Adai of this us m the time of our tribulation, and give me
present year: boldness,O Lord, King of gods, and of all power:
7 That these wicked men going down to hell 13 Give me a well ordered speech in my mou'i;
in one day, may restore to our empire the peace in the presence of the lion, and turn his heart to
which they had disturbed. the hatred of our enemy, that both he himself
8 But Mardochai besought' the Lord, remem- may perish, and the rest that consent to him.
bering all his works, 14 But deliver us by thy hand, and help me,
9 And said : O Ivord, Lord, almighty King, for who have no other helper, but thee, O Lord,
all things are in thy power, and there is none that who hast the knowledge of all things.
can resist thy will, if thou determine to save Is- 15 And thou knowest that I hate the glory of
rael. the wicked, and abhor the bed of the uncircum
10 Thou hast made heaven and earth, and all ci.sed, and of every stranger.
things that are under the cope of heaven. 16 Thou knowest my necessity, that I abomi-
11 Thou art Lord of all, and there is none that nate the sign of my pride and glory, which Li
can resist thy majesty. upon my head in the days of my public appear-
12 Thou fcnowest all things, and thou knowest ance, and detest it as a inenstruous rag, and wear
that it was not out of pride and contempt, or any it not in the days of my silence.

t'esire of glory that I refused to worship the proud 17 And that I have not eaten at Aman's table,
Aman, nor hath the king's banquet pleased me, and that
13 (For I would willingly and readily for the I have not drunk the wine oi the drink-offerings:
ealvation of Israel have kissed even the steps of 18 And that thy handmaid hath never rejoiced,
his feet,) since I was brought hither unto this day, but in
14 But I feared lest I should transfer the honour thee, O Lord, the God of Abraham.
of my God to a man, and lest 1 should adore any 19 O God, who art mighty above all, hear the
one except my God. voice of them that have no other hope, and de-
15 Lord, O King, O God of Abra-
And now, O liver us from the hand of the wicked, and deliver
ham, have mercy on thy people, because our me from my fear.
enemies resolve to destroy us, and extinguish
thy inheritance.
l(j Despise not thy portion, which thou hast Esther comes into the king's presence: she is
redeemed for thyself out of Egypt. rified, but God turns his heart.
17 Hear my supplication, and be merciful to
thy lot and inheritance, and turn our mourning
he commanded her (no doubt but he
was Mardochai) to go to the king, and peti-
into joy, that we may live and praise thy name, tion for her people, and for her country.
O Lord, and shut not the mouths of them that 2 Remember (said he) the days of thy low es-
sing to thee. tate, how thou wast brought up by my hand, be-
18 And all Israel with like mind and supplica- cause Aman the second after the king hath spo-
tion cried to the Lord, because they saw certain ken against us unto death.
death hanging over their heads. 3 And do thou call upon the Lord, and speak
to the king for us, and deliver us from death.
CHAP. xrv. 4 And on the third day she laid away the gar
The prayer of Esther for herself and her people. ments she wore, and put on her glorious ap
QUEEN Esther also, fearing the danger that parel.
5 And glittering in royal robes, after she had
was at hand, had recourse to the Lord.
2 And when she had laid away her royal ap- called upon God the ruler and saviour of all, she
parel, she put on garments suitable for weeping took two maids with her,
and mourning, instead of divers precious oint- 6 And upon one of them she leaned, as if for
ments, she covered her head with ashes and dung, delicateness and overmuch tenderness, she were
and she humbled her body with fasts: and all the notable to bear up her own body:
places in which before she was accustomed to 7 And the other maid followed her lady, bear-
rejoice, she filled with her torn hair. ing up her train flowing on the ground.
3 And she prayed to the Lord the God of Is- 8 But she with a rosy colour in her face, and
rael, saying: my Lord, who alone art our king, with gracious and bright eyes, hid a mind full of
help me a desolate woman, and who have no anguish, and exceeding great fear.
other helper but thee. 9 So going in she passed through all the door*
4 My
danger is in my hands. in order, and stood before the king, where he sat
5 I have heard of my father that thou, O Lord, upon his royal throne, clothed with his royal
didst take Israel from among all nations, ar.d our robes, and glittering with gold, and precious
fathers from all their predecessors, to possess stones, and he was terrible to behold.
them as an everlasting inheritance, and thou hast 10 And when he had lifted up his countenance,
done to them as thou hast promised. and with burning eyes had shown the wrath ot
6 We
have sinned in thy sight, and therefore his heart, the queen sunk down, and her colour
thou hast delivered us into the hands of our ene- turned pale, and she rested her weary head upon
mies: her handmaid.
7 For we have worshipped their gods. Thou 11 And God changed the king's spirit into
art just, O Lord. mildness, and all in haste and in fear he leaped
8 And now they are not content to oppress from his throne, and holding her up in his arms,
us with most hard bondage, but attributing the till she came to herself, caressed her with these
etreneth of their hands to the power of their idols, words:
9 They design to change thy promises, and de- 12 What is the matter, Esther.' I am thy broth-
stroy thy inheritance, and shut the mouths of er, fear not.
them that praise thee, and extinguish the glory 13 Thou shalt not die: for this law is not made
of thy temple and altar, for thee, but for all others.
10 That they may open the mouths of Gen- 14 Come near then, and touch the sceptre.
tiles, and praise the strength of idols, and magnify 15 And as she held her peace, he took the
for ever a carnal king. golden sceptre, and laid it upon her neck, and
11 Give not, O Lord, thy sceptre to them that kissed her, and said: Why dost thou not speak
are not, lest they laugh at our ruin: but turn their to me ?
counsel upon themselves, and destroy him that 16 She answered: I saw thee, my loni, >
hath begun to rage against us. an Angel of God, and my heart was troubled for
12 Remember, O Lord, and show thyself to fear of thy majesty.
^ For my lord, art very admirable, and 11 And found our humanity so great tr-warit
thy tace of graces.
is full him, that he was called our father, and was wor-
18 And wliile she was speaking, she fell down hipped by all as the next man after the king
again, and was almost in a swoon. 12 But h(e was so far putted up with arrogancy.
19 But the king was troubled, and all his ser- as to go about deprive us of our kingdom aad
tout to depriv

vants comforted her. life,

13 For with certain new and unheard-of devi-
XVI. ces he hath sought the destruction of Mardochai,
A copy of the IdiJg^s letter in favour of the by whose fidelity and good services our life was
Jetus. saved, and of Esther the partner of our kingdorn,
THE great king Artaxerxes, from India to with all their nation:
Ethiopia,* to the governors and princes of a 14 Thinking that after they were slain, he
hundred and twenty seven provinces, which obey might work treason against us left alone without
our command, scndeth greeting. friends, and might transfer the kingdom of the
2 Many have abused unto pride the goodness Persians to the Macedonians.
of princes, and the honour that hath been bestow- 15 But we have found that the Jews, who
ed upon them: were by that most wicked man appointed to be
3 And not only endeavour to oppress the king's slain, are m
no fault at all, but cpntrarywise use
subjects, but not bearing the glory that is given just laws,
them, take in hand to practise also against them 16 And are the children of the highest and the
that gave it. greatest, and the ever-living God, by whose be-
4 Neither are they content not to return nefit the kingdom was given both to our fathers
thanks for benefits received, and to violate in and to us, and is kept unto this day.
themselves the laws of humanity, but they think 17 Wherefore know ye that those letters
the}- can also escape the justice of God who seeth which be sent in our name, are void and of no
all things. effect.
5 And they break out into so great madness, as IS For which crime both he himself that de-
to endeavour to undermine by lies such as ob- vised it, and all his kindrer' hang on gibbets, be-
serve diligently the offices committed to them, fore the gates of this city Susan: not we, but
and do all things in such manner as to be wor- God repaying him as he deserved.
thy of all men's praise, 19 But this edict, which we now send, shall be
o While with crafty fraud they deceive the published in all cities, that the Jews may freely
ears of princes that are well-meaning, and judge follow their own laws.
of others by their own nature. 20 And you shall aid them that they may kill
7 Now this is proved both from ancient histo- those who nad prepared themselves to kill them,
ries, and by the things which are done daily, how on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which
the good designs of kings are depraved by the is called Adar.
evil suggestions of certain men. 21 For the almighty God hath turned this day
8 Wherefore we must provide for the peace of of sadness and mourning into joy to them.
all provinces. 22 Wherefore you shall also count this day
9 Neither must you think, if we command dif- among other festival days, and celebrate it with
ferent things, that it cometh of the levity of our all joy, that it may be known also in times to
mind, but that we give sentence according to the come.
quality and necessity of times, as the profit of 23 That all they who faithfully obey the Per-
the commonwealth requireth. sians, receive a worthy reward for their fidelity:
10 Now
that you may more plainly understand but they that are traitors to their kingdom, are
what we say, Aman the son of Amadathi, a Ma- destroyed for their wickedness.
cedonian both in mind and country, and having 24 And let every province and eity, that will
nothing of the Persian blood, but with his cruelty not be partaker of this solemnity, perish by the
staining our goodness, was received being a stran- sword and by fire, and be destroyed in such man-
ger by us: ner as to be made unpassable both to men and
jbeasts, for an example of contempt, and diso-
* From India to Ethiopia. That 18, who ! bedience.
reigneth from India to P^thiopia. U 335


This book takes its name from the holy man of\ 10 Hast thou not made a fence for hfai and hia
u-hom it treats: nho, according to the more house, and all his substance round about, blessed
jnohable opinion, uas of the race of Esau; and the works of his hands, and his possession nath
the same as Jobab, king of Edam, mentioned^ increased on tlie earth ?
Gen. xxxvi. 33. It is uncertain nho uas ike 11 But stretch forth thy handa little, and touch
writer of it. Some attribute it to Job himself; all that he hath, and see if he blesseth thee not to
others to Moses, or some one ofthejirophets. In thy face.
the Hebrew it is u-ritlen in veise, from the be- 12 Then the Lord said to Satan: Behold, all
ginning of the third chapter to Uie forty-second that he hath is in thy hand only put not fbilh

chapter. thy hand upon his person. And Satan went forth
from the presence of the Lord.
CHAP. I. 13 Now upon a certain day when his sons and
JoVs virtue and riches. Satan, by permission daughters were eating and drinking wine in the
from God, strippeth him of all his substance. house of their eldest brother,
His patience. 14 There came a messenger to Job, and said;
THERE was a man in the land of Hus,* whose The oxen were ploughing, and the asses feeding
name was Job, and that man was siiiiplef beside them,
and iiprii^ht, in fearing God, and avoiding evil. 15 And the Sabeans rushed in, and took all
2 And there were born to liim seven sons and away, and slew the servants with the sword, and
three daughters. I alone have escaped to tell thee.

3 And his possession was seven thousand 16 And wliile he was yet speaking, another
sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hun- came, and said The fire of God fell from heaven,

dred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and striking the sheep and the servants, hath con
and a family exceeding great and this man was sumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell thee.

great among all the people of the east. 17 And while he also was yet speaking, there
4 And his sons went, and made a feast by came another, and said Tl)e Chaldeans made

houses,t every one in his day. And sending three troops, and have fallen upon the camels,
tliev called their three sisters, to eat and drink and taken them, moreover they have slain the
with them. servants witli the sword, and I alone have escap-
5 And when the days of their feasting were ed to tell thee.
gone about, Job sent to them, and sanctified them : 18 He was yet speaking, and behold another
and rising up early offered holocausts for every came in, and said Thy sons and daughters were

one of them. For he said: Lest perhaps my eating and drinking wine in the house of their
sons have sinned, arid have blessed|| God in their elder brother,
nearts. So did Job all days. 19 A violent wind came on a sudden from the
6 Now on a certain day when the sons of God§ side of the desert, and shook the four corners o/
came to stand tefore the Lord, Satan alsoU was the house, and it fell upon thy children, and the.v
present among them. are dead, and J alone have escaped to tell thee.
7 And the Lord said to him: Whence comest 20 Then Job rose up, and rent his garments,
thou ? And he answered and said : I liave gone and having shaven liis head, fell down upon the

round about the earth, and walked through it. ground, and worshipped.
8 And the Lord said to him: Hast thou con- 21 And said: Naked come I out of my mo-
sidered my servant Job, that there is none like tlier's wond), and naked shall I return thither:
him inllie earth, a simple and upright man, and the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away :
fearln;^ God, and RvoiHuiireviJ ? as it hath pleased the Lord, so it is done blessed

y And >>n tan answering, said: Doth Job frar be the name of the Lord.
God m vam 'i
22 111 ail these things Job sinned not by ma
lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing against
* Hvs. The land of Hus was a part of Edom God.
"as appears from iMmfrii. iv. 2L_ CHAP. n.
t Simple. Thatis,innocent, sincere, and with-
Satan, by God's permission, striketh Job iciik
out guiie.
That is, each V leers fram head to foot: his patience is still
I And mnd.e a feast by houses.
made a feast in his own house and had his day,
invitins the otiiers and their sisters.
Blessed. For greater horror of the very
AND it came to pass whe:i on a certain day

the sons of God came, and stood before


thought of blasphemy, tlie scripture both here the Lord, and Satan came among them, and sjood
and ver. 11. and in tlie following chapter, ver. 5. in his sight,
and fl. uses the word bless to signify its contrary. 2 That the Lord sai \ to Satan : Wlirnre
^ The sons of God. The angels. comest thou? and he answered, and snid: I
'il Satan also, &x. This passage represents have gone round about the earth, and walked
to US in a fisrure, accommodated to the ways and through it.
nnderstnndines of men, 1. The restless endea- 3 And the Lord said to Satan : Hast thou con-
vours of Satan against the servants of God; sidered my servant Job, that there is none like
2. That he can do nothing without God's per- him in the'earth, a man simple and upright, and
mission: 3. That God doth not permit him toat- fearing God, and avoiding evil, and still keeping
tempt them above their strens:lh : but assists his innocence ? But thou hast moved me against
them bv his divine grace in such manner, that the him, that I should afflict him without cause.
vain ef'orts of the enemy only serve to illustrate 4 And Satan answered, and said : Skin forsVin.
their virtue and increase their merit and all that a man hath he will give for his Jiffl.
: : : :


5 But put forth thy hand, and touch his bone 17 There the wicked cease from tumult, and
and his ffesh, and then thou shalt see that he will there the wearied in strength are at rest.
bless thee to thy facp. 18 And they sometime bound together without
6 And the Lord said to Satan Behold he is in disquiet, have not heard the voice of the oppres-

tliy hand, but yet save his life. sor.

7 So Satan went forth from the presence of the 19 The small and great are there, and the ser-
Lord, and struck Job with a very grievous ulcer, vant is free from his master.
from the sole of the foot even to the top of his head: 20 Why is light given to him that is in npisery,
8 And he took a potsherd and scraped the cor- and life them that are in bitterness of soul ?
rupt matter, sitting on a dunghill. 21 That look for death, and it cometli not, aa
9 And his wife said to him: Dost thou still they that dig for a treasure.
continue in thy simplicity ? bless God and die 22 And they rejoice exceedingly when they
10 And he said to her : Thou hast spoken like have found the grave.
one of the foolish women if we have received
: 23 To a man whose ways are hidden, and Gr»d
good things at the hand of God, why should we hath surrounded him with darkness?
not receive evil ? In all these tilings Job did not 24 Before I eat I sigh : and as overflowing
sin with his lips. waters, so is my roaring:
11 Now when Job's three friends heard all the 25 For the fear which I feared, hath come upon
evil, that had befallen him", they came every one me; and that whichlwas afraid of,hath befallen me.
from his own place, Eliphaz the Themanitn, and 26 Have I not dissembled ? have I not kept
Baldad the Suhite, and Sophar the Naamatliite. silence? have I not been quiet? and indignation
For they had made an appointment to come to is come upon me.
{jether and visit him, and comfort him.
12 And when they had lift up their eyes afar
Eliphaz charges Job -with impatience, and pre
off, they knew him not, and crying out they wept,
and rending their garments they sprinkled dust tends that God never afflicts the innocent.
upon their heads toward heaven.
13 And they sat with him on tlie ground seven
Eliphaz the Themanite answered, and

days and seven nights, and no man spoke to him 2 If we begin to speak to thee, perhaps thou
a word : for they saw that his grief was very great, wilt take it ill, but who can witlihold the words
CHAP. III. he hath conceived ?
3 Behold, thou hast taught many, and thou
Job expresseth his sense of the miseries of man's hast strengthened the weary hands :
life, by cursing the day of his birth.
4 Thy words have confirmed them that were
AFTER this Job opened his mouth, and staggering, and thou hast strengthened the trem-
cursed his day,* bling knees
2 And he said : 5 But now the scourge is come upon thee,
3 Let the day perish wherein I was bom, and and thou faintest: it hath touched thee, and thou
the ni^ht in which it was said: a man child is art troubled.
conceived. 6 Where is thy fear, thy fortitude, thy pati-
4 Let that day be turned into darkness, let not ence, and tlie perfection of thy ways ?
God regard it from above, and let not the light 7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished
Rhine upon it. being innocent? or when were the just de-
5 Let darkness, and the shadow of death cover stroyed ?
it, let a mist overspread it, and let it be wrapped 8 On the contrary I have seen those who work
up in bitterness. iniquity, and sow sorrows, and reap them,
6 Let a darksome wliirlwind seize upon that 9 Perishing by the blast of God, and consum
night, let itnotbe counted in the days of the year, ed by the spirit of his wrath.
nor numbered in the months. 10 The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the
7 Let that njghtbe solitarj', and not worthy of lioness, and the teeth of the whelps of lions are
praise. broken
8 Let them curse it who curse the day, who 11 The tiger hath perished for want of prey,
(ire ready to raise up a Leviathan. and the young lions are scattered abroad.
9 Let the stars be darkened with the mist 12 Now there was a word spoken to me in pri-
thereof: let it expect light and not see it, nor the vate, dnd my ears by stealth as it were received
rising of the dawning of the day : the veins of its whisper.
10 Because it shut not up the doors of the 13 In the horror of a vision by night, when
womb that bore me, nor took away evils from my deep sleep is wont to hold men,
eyes. 14 Fear seized upon me, and trembling, and
11 Why did I not die in the womb, why did I all my bones were affrighted :

not perish when I came out of the belly? 15 And when a spirit passed before me, the
12 Why received upon the knees ? why suck- hair of my flesh stooa up.
led at the breasts ? 16 There stood one whose countenance I knew
13 For now I should have been asleep and not, an hnage before my eyes, and I heard the
still and should have rest in my sleep: voice as it were of a gentle wind.
14 With kings and consuls of the earth, who 17 Shall man be justified in comparison of
build themselves solitudes God,* or shall n man be more pure than hfe
15 Or with princes, that possess gold, and fill maker ?
their houses with silver 18 Behold, they that serve him are not sted-
16 Oras a hidden untimely birth I should not fast, and in his angels he found wickedness :
be, or as they that being conceived have not seen 19 How
much more shall they that dwell in
the light. houses of clay, who have an eaithly foundation,
be consumed as with the moth ?
* Cursed his day. Job airsed the day of his
birth, not by way of wishing evil to any thing of * Shall man hejuslified in comparison of God,
God's creation ; but only to express in a stronger (fee. These are the words which Eliphaz had
manner his sense of human miseries in general, heard from an Angel, which, ver. 15, he calb a
ind of his own calamities in particular. \spirit.
2U 337 .
: :

20 From morning till evening tliey shall be UT
Job sinrwoicd, and said :
cut clown: and because no one understandeth, 2 O that iny sins,* whereby 1 have deaer-
they shall perish forever. ed wiath, and the calamity that 1 suffer, were
21 And they that shall be left, shall be taken weighed in a balance.
away from them : they shall die, and not in wis- 3 As the sand of the sea this would appear
dom. heavier; therefore my words are full of sorrow:
CHAP. V. 4 For the arrows of the Lord are in me, the
rage whereof drinketh up my spirit, and the ter-
Dhphaz proceeds in his charge, and exhorts Job rors of the Lord war against me.
to acknowledge his sins, 5 Will the wild ass bray when he hath grass?
I ALL now if there be any that will answer or will the ox low when he standeth before a full
^J thee, and turn to some of the saints. manger ?
2 Anger indeed killeth the foolish, and envy 6 Or can an unsavoury thing be eaten, that ia
slaycth the little one. not seasoned with salt? or can a man taste that
3 I have seen a fool witli a strong root, and I which when tasted bringetli death ?
cursed his beauty immediately. 7 The things which before my soul would not
4 His children shall be far from safety, and touch, now through anguish are my meats.
shall be destroyed in the gate, and there shall be 8 Who will grant that my request may come:
none to deliver them. and that God may give me what I look for 1
5 Whose harvest the hungry shall cat, and 9 And that he that hath begun may destroy
the armed man shall take him by violence, and me, that he may let loose his hand, and cut me off?
the thirsty shall drink up his riches. 10 And that this may be my comfort, that
6 Nothing upon earth is done without a cause, afHicting me with sorrow, he spare not, nor I
and sorrow doth not spring out of the ground. contradict the words of the Holy one.
7 Man is born to labour, and ihe bird to fly. 11 For what is my strength, that I can hold
8 Wherefore I will pray to the Lord, and ad- out? or what is my end that I should keep pa-
dress my speech to God tience ?
9 Who doeth great things, and unsearchable 12 My
strength is not the strength of stones,
and wonderful things without number: nor is my flesh of brass.
10 Who giveth rain upon the face of the earth, 13 Behold, there is no help for me in myself,
and watereth all things with waters : and my familiar friends also are departed from
—- a
11 Who setteth up the humble on high, and
i»omforteth with health those that mourn. 14 He that taketh away mercy from his friend,
12 Who bringeth to nought the designs of the forsaketh the fear of the Lord.
malignant, so that their hands cannot accomplish 15 My brethren have passed by me, as the tor-
what they had begun : . rent that passeth swiftly in the valleys.
13 Who catcheth the wise in their craftiness, 16 They that fear the hoary frost, the snow
and disappointoth the counsel of* the wicked : shall fall upon them.
14 They shall meet with darkness in tlie day, 17 At the time when they shall be scattered
and grope at noon-day as in the night. they shall perish : and after it groweth hot they
15 But he shall save the needy from the sword shall be molted out of their place.
of their mouth, and the poor from the hand of the 18 The paths of their steps are intangled:
violent. they shall walk in vain, and shall perish.
16 And to the needy there shall be hope, but 19 Consider the paths of Thenia, the ways of
iniquity shall draw in her mouth. Saba, and wait a little while.
17 Blessed is the man whom God correcteth : 20 They are confounded, because I have
refuse not therefore the chastising of tlie Lord : hoped : they are come also even unto me, and
18 For he woundeth, and cureth, he striketh are covered with shame.
and his hands shall heal. 21 Now you are come : and now seeing my
19 In six troubles he shall deliver thee, and in affliction you are afraid.
the seventh, evil shall not touch thee. 22 Did I say : Bring to me, and give me of
20 In famine he shall deliver thee from death : your substance ?
and in battle from the hand of the sword. 23 Or deliver mc from the hand of the enemy,
21 Thou shalt be hidden from the scourge of and rescue me out of the hand of the mighty ?
thfe tongue and thou shalt not fear calamity
: 24 Teach me, and I will hold my peace: and
when it cometh. f I have been ignorant in any thing, instruct me.
22 In destruction and famine thou shalt laugh : 25 Whyhave you detracted the words of
and thou shalt not be afraid of the beasts of the truth, whereas there is none of you that can re-
earth. prove me ?
23 But thou shalt have a covenant with the 26 You dress up speeches only to rebuke, and
stones of the lands, and the beasts of the earth you utter words to the wind.
shall be at peace with thee. 27 You rush in upon the fatherless, and you
24 And thou shalt know that thy tabernacle endeavour to overthrow your friend.
is in peace, and visiting thy beauty thou shalt 28 However, finish what you have begun:
not sin. give eaV and see whether I lie.
25 Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall 29 Answer, I beseech you, without contention
be multiplied, and thy offspring like the grass of and pjieaking that which is just, judge ye,
the earth. 30 And you shall not find iniquity in my
26 shalt enter into the grave in abund- tongue, neither shall folly sound in my mouth.
ance, as a heap of wheat is brought in its sea-
son. * Mt/ sins, &c. He does not mean to com-
27 Behold, this is even bo, as we have search- pare his sufferings with his real sins; but th»
ed out: which thou having heard, consider it imaginary crimes which his friends imputed to
thoroughly in thy mind. him and especially with his wrath, or grief, ex

pressed in the third chapter, which they so much

CHAP. VI. accused. Though, as he tells them here, it bore
tli^ maintains his innocence w i complains of his no proportion with the greatness of his cala

friends. mity.
: : : :

CHAP. Yii. vm. IX.

CHAP. VH. 8 For inquire of the foimer generation, anti

search diligently into the memory of the fathers:

Job declares the miseries of marCs life : and ad-

9 For we are but of yesterday, and are
dresses fiiinsclf to God.
s-norant that our days upon earth are but a
rWMlE life of man upon earth is a warfare, and sliadow :)
X Ilia clays are like the days of an hireling. 10 Ana they shall teach thee :tney shall
2 As a servant longeth for the shade, as tlie speak to thee, and utter words out of their hearts.
hireling looketh for tlie end of his work, 11 Can the rush be green without moisture 1
3 So I also have had empty montlis, and have or a sedge-bush grow without water?
numhered to myself wearisome nights. 12 Wlien it is yet in flower, and, is not pluck
4 If I lie down to sleep, I shall say : VVlien
ed up with the hand, itwithereth before all herbs
shall I arise ? and again I shall look for the even- 13 Even so are the ways of all that forget
ing, and shall be filled with sorrows even till God, and the hope of the hypocrite shall perish :

darkness. 14 His folly shall not please him, and his trust
5 My flesn is clothed with rottenness and the shall be like the spider's web.
filtli of dust, my skin is withered and drawn to
15 He shall lean upon his house, and it shall
getlier. , not stand ; he shall prop it up, and it shall not
6 My days have passed more swiftly than tlie rise :
web is cut by the weaver, and are consumed 16 He seemeth to have moisture before the
without any hope. sun Cometh, and at his rising his blossom shall
7 Remember that my life is but wind, and my shoot forth.
eye shall not return to see good things. 17 His root shallbe thipk upon aheap of sti nes,
8 Nor shall the sight of man behold me thy and among the stones he shall abide.

eyes are upon me, and I shall be no more. 18 If one swallow him up out of his place,
9 As a cloud is consumed, and passeth away he shall deny him, and shall say : I know thee

80 he that shall go down to hell shall not come up not.

10 Nor shall he return any more into his 19 For this is tlie joy of his way, that others
house, neitlier shall his place know him any more may spring again out of the earth.
11 Wherefore I will not spare my mouth, I 20 God' will not cast away the simple, nor
will speak in the affliction of my spirit I will
reach out his hand to the evil doer
talk with the bitterness of my soul. 21 Until thy mouth be filled with laughter, and
12 Am 1 a sea, or a whale, that thou hast en-
thv lips with rejoicing.
closed me in a prison ? 22 They that hate thee, shall be clothed with
13 If I say My bed shall comfort me, and I confusion and the dwelling of the wicked shall

shall be relieved speaking witli myself on my not stand.

14 Thou wilt frighten me with dreams, and CHAP. IX.
terrify me with visions. Job acknowledges God's justice ; although he
15 So th,it my soul rather chooseth hanging, often afflicts the innocent.
and mv bones death.
16 r have done with hope, I shall now live
Job answered, and said :
2 Indeed I know it is so, and that man
no longer : spare me, for my days are nothing. cannot be justified, compared with God.
17 What is a man tliat thou shouldst magnify 3 If he will contend with him, he cannot an
him ? or why dost thou set thy heart upon him 1 swer him one for a thousand.
18 Thou visitest him early in the morning, and 4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength
thou provest him suddenly. who hath resisted him, and hath had peace ?
19 How long wilt thou not spare me, nor suffer 5 Who hath removed mountains, and they
me to swallow down my spittle ? whom he overthrew in his wrath, knew it not.
20 I have sinned, what shall I do to thee, Oj 6 Who shaketh tlie earth out of her place, and
keeper of men ? why hast thou set me opposite' the pillars thereof tremble.
to inee,and I am become burdensome to myself? 7 Who commandeth the sun and it riseth
21 Whydost thou not remove my sin, and why not : and shutteth up the stars as it were under
dost tho-a not take away mine iniquity ? Behold a seal.
now, I shall sleep in the dust : and if thou seek 8 Who
alone spreadeth out the heavens, and
me in the morning, I shall not be. walketh upon the waves of the sea.
9 Who maketh Arcturus,* and Orion, and
Hyades, and the inner parts of the south.
Baldad under pretence of defendinir the justice 10 Who
doeth things great and incompre-
of God, accuses Job, and exhorts him to return hensible, and wonderful, of which tliere is no
to God. number.
said :
Baldad the Suhite answered, 11 If he come to me, I shall not see him: ifhe
depart I shall not understand.

2 How long wilt thou speak these things, and 12 If he examine on a sudden, who shall
how long shall the words of thy mouth be like a answer him ? or who can say : Why doest
Btrong wind ? thou so ?
3 Doth God pervert judgment, or dotli theAI- 13 God, whose wrath no man can resist, and
mighty overthrow that which is just ? under whom thev stoop that bear up the world.
4 Although thy children have sinned against 14 What am I thes, that I should answer him,
hira, and he hath left them in the hand of their in- and Irave words witli him ?
iquity : 15 I, who although I should have any just
5 Yet if thou wilt arise early to God, and wilt thing, would not answer, but would make sup
beseech the Almighty plication to my judge.
6 If thou wilt walk clean and upriirht, he will 16 And ifhe should hear me when I call, I
presently awake unto thee, and will make the should not believe tliat he had heard my voice.
dwelling of thy justice peaceable :

7 In so much, that if thy former things were * Arcturus, &c. These are names of stars oi
small, thy latter things would be multiplied ex- constellations. In Hebrew, Ash, Cec'i and
ceedingly. Ciuiah. See note ch. xxxviii. ver31.
:: : :

17 For he shall crush me in a -whirhvind, and 12 Thou hast granted me life and mercy, and
multiply my wouniis even without cause.* thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.
18 He alloweth not my spirit to rest, and he 13 Although thou conceal these things in thy
filleth n)e witii bitterness. heart, yet I know that thou rememberest all
19 If strength be demanded, he is most strong things.
if equity of judgment, no man dare bear witness 14 If I have sinned and thou hast spared me
for me. ,
for an hour why dost diou not sufler me to be

20 \{ I would justify myself, my own mouth clean from my iniquity ?

shall condemn me : if I would shew myself in 15 And if I be wicked, wo unto me : and if
nocent, he shall prove me wicked. just, I shall not lift up my head, being filled with
21 Although I should be simple, even this my afl3iction and misery.
soul shall be ignorant of, and I shall be weary of 16 And for pride thou wilt take me as a
my life. lioness, and returning thou tormentest me won-
22 One thing there is that 1 have spoken, both derfully.
the innocent and the wicked he consumeth. 17 Thou renewest thy witnesses against me, and
23 If he scourge, let him kill at once, and not multipliest thy wrath upon me, and pains war
laugli at the pains of the innocent. against me.
24 The earth is given into the hand of the wick 18 Why didst tliou bring me forth out of the
ed,Jie covereth the face of the judges thereof womb ? O that I had been consumed, that eye
and if it be not he, who is it then ? might not see me !

25 My days have been swiftftr than a post: 19 1 should have been as if I had not been,
they have fled away and have not seen good. carried from the womb to the grave.
26 They have passed by as snijis carrying 20 Shall not the fewness of my days be ended
fruits, as an eagle flying to the prey. shortly ? suffer me, therefore, that I may lament
27 If I say I will not speak so I cliange my my sorrow a little :
: :

fa<;e and am tormented with sorrow. 21 Before I go and return no more, to aland
28 I feared all my works, knowing that thou that is dark and covered with the mist of death :
didst not spare the offender. 22 A land of misery and darkness, wherj the
29 But if so also I am wicked, why have I la- shadow of death, and no order, but ever'* sting
boured in vain ? horror dwelleth.
30 If I be washed as it were with snow-waters, CHAP. XI.
and m> hands shall shine ever so clean: Sophar reproveih Job for justifying himself and
3J Yet thou shah plunge me in filth, and fay
invitcth him to rejJentance.
garments shall abhor mfr.
32 For I shall not answer a man that is like THEN
Sophar the Naamathite answered, and
myself nor one that may be heard with me

equally in judgment.
' 2 Shall not he that speaketh much, hear also?
33 There is none that may be able to reprove or shall a man full of talk be justified 1
both, and to put his hand between both. 3 Shall men hold their peace to thee'only ? and
34 Let him take his rod away from me, and when thou hast mocked others, shall no man con
fute thee?
let not his fear terrify me.
35 I will speak, and will not fear him : for 1 4 For thou hast said : My word is pure, and 1
cannot answer while I am in fear. am clean in thy sight.
5 And I wish that God would speak with thee,
CHAP. X. and would open his lips to thee,
Job laments Ms affiictimis, and begs to be de- 6 That he might shew thee the secrets of wis-
livered. dom and that his law is manifold, and thou might*
MY soul is weary of my life, I will let go my est understand that he exacteth much less of thee,
speech against myself, I will speak in the than thy iniquity deserveth.
bitterness of my soul. 7 Peradventure thou wilt comprehend the steps
2 I will say to God : Do not condemn me of God, and wilt find out the Almighty perfectly ?
tell me why thoujudgest me so. He is higher than heaven, and what wilt thou
3 Doth it seem good to thee that thou shouldst He is deeper tlian hell, and how wilt thou
calumniate me, and oppress me, the work of thy^ .w?
own hands, and help the counsel of the wicked. B The measure of him is longer thdn the earth
4 Hast thou eyes of flesh or shalt thou see and broader than the sea.

as man seeth ? 10 If he shall overturn all things, or shall press

5 Are thy days as the days of man, and are thy tliem together, who shall contradict him ?
years as the times of men : 11 For he knoweth the vanity of men, and when
6 That thou shouldst inquire after my iniquity he seeth iniquit3',doth he not consider it ?
and search after my sin ? 12 A vain mania lifted up into pride, and think-
7 And shouldst know that I have done no eth himself born tVee like a wild ass's colt.
wicked thing, whereas there is no man that can 13 But thou hast hardened thy heart, and hast
deliver out of thy hand. spread thy hands to him.
8 Thy hands have made me, and fashioned 14 If thou wilt put away from thee the iniqui-
me wholly round about, and dost thou thus cast ty that is in thy hand, and let not injustice remain
me down headlong on a sudden ? in thy tabernacle
9 Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast 15 Then mayst thou lift up thy face without
made me as the clay, and thou wilt bring me spot, and thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear.
into dust again. 16 Thou shalt also forget miser}', and remem-
10 Hast thou not milked me as milk, and ber it only as wafers that are passed away.
curdled me like cheese ? 17 And brightness like that of the noon day,
11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh: shall arise to thee at evening; and when thou
thou hast put me together with bones and sin- sh.alt think thyself consumed, thou shalt rise as
ews : the day-star.
18 And thou shalt hove confidence, hope beinj;
* Withovt cause. Thatis, without my know- set before thee; and being buried thou shalt sleep
ing the cause : or without any crime of mine. secure.
: : : :


19 Thou shall rest, and there sh.iU ho none to 4 Having first shewn that you are forgers ol
.nake tliee afraid: and nuiiiy sh:ill inlroat thy lies,and maintainers of perverse opinions.
5 And I wish you would hold yonr peace, that
20 But the eyes of the wicked shall decay, and you might be thought to be wise men.
tlie way to escape shall fail iheui, and their hope 6 Hear ye therefore my reproof, and attend lo
tlie abomination of the soul.
the judgment of my lips.
7 Hath God any need of your lie, that you
should speak deceitfully for him ?
Job's reply to Sophar. He extols God's power 8 Do you accept his person, and do you endeav-
and wisdom. our to judge for God ?
THEN Job answered, and,said
2 Are you then men alone, and shall wis-
9 Or shall it please him, from whom nothing
can be concealed? or shall he be deceived as a
dom die with you? man, with your deceitful dealings ?
3 I also have a heart as well as you for who
: 10 He shall reprove you, because in secret you
13 ignorant of these things, which you know? accept his person.
4 He that is mocked by his friend as I, shall 11 As soon as he shall move himself, he shall
ct.ll upon God atfd he will hear him : for the sim- trouble you and his dread shall fall upon you.

plicity of the just man is laughed to scorn. 12 Your remembrance shall be compared to
5 The lamp despised in the thoughts of the ashes, and your necks shall be brought to clay.
rich, is ready for the time aj)pointed. 13 Hold your peace a little while, that I may
6 The tabernacles o( robbers abound, and they speak whatsoever my mind shall suggest to me.
provoke God boldly, whereas it is he that hath 14 Why do I tear my flesh with my teeth, and
given all into their hands: carry my soul in my hands ?
7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teacl 15" Although he should kill me, I will trust in

tliee: and the birds of the air and they shall tell him but yet I will reprove my ways in his sight.

tliee. 16 And he shall be my savic.r: for no hypo-

8 Speak to the earth and it shall answer thee crite shall come before his presence.

and the fishes of the sea shall tell. 17 Hear ye my speech, and receive with your
9 Who is ignorant that tlie hand of the Lord ears hidden truths.
hath made all these things ? 18 If I shall be judged, I know that I shall be
10 In whose hand is the soul of every living found just.
thing, and the spirit of all flesh of man. 19 Who is he that will plead against me ? let
11 Doth not the ear discern words, and the pa- him come: why am I consumed holding my
late of him that eatelh, the taste ? peace ?
12 In the ancient is wisdom, and in length of 20 Two things only do not to me, and then
days prudence. from thv face I shall not be hid
13 With him is wisdom and strength, he hath 21 Withdraw thy hand far from me, and let not
counsel and understanding. thy dread teri-ify me.
14 If he pull down, there is no man that can 22 Call me, and I will answer thee: or else I
build up if he shut up a man, tliere is none that will speak, and do thou answer me.

can open. 23 How many are my iniquities and sins'

15 If he withhold the waters, all things shall make me know my crimes and offences.
be dried up: and if he send them out they shall 24 Why hidest thou thy face, and thinkest me
overturn the earth. thy enemy ?
16 With him is strength and wisdom he know-
25 Against a leaf, that is carried away with the
eth both the deceiver, and him that is deceived. wind, thou she west thy power; and thou pursu-
17 He bringeth counsellors to a foolish end, est a dry straw.
and judges to insensibility. 26 For thou writesl bitter things against me,
18 He looseth the belt of kings, and girdeth and wilt consume me for the sins of my youth.
their loins with a cord. 27 Thou hast put my feet in the stocks, and
] 9 He leadeth away priests without glory, and hast observed all my patlis, and hast considered
overthroweth nobles. the steps of my feet
20 He changeth the speech of the true speak- 28 Who amto be consumed as rottenness, and
ers, and taketh away the doctrine of the aged. as a garment that is moth-eaten.
21 He poureth contempt upon princes, and re- CUAP. XIV.
lieveth them that were oppressed.
Job declares the shortness of man's days; and
22 He di?coverethdeep things out of darkness,
professes his belief of a resurrection.
and bringeth'np to light the shadow of death.
23 He multiplieth nations, and destroyeth them, MAN born of a woman, living for a short time.
is filled with many misenes.
and restoreth tliem again after they were over-
thrown. 2 Who Cometh forth like a flower, and is des-
24 He changeth the heart of the princes of the troyed, and flecth as a shadow, and never continu-
people of the eartli, and deceiveth them that they eth in the same state.
3 And dost thou think it meet to open thy eyes
walk in vain where there is no way.
to bring him into judgment
25 They shall grope as in the dark, and not in upon such a one, and
with thee 7
tlie lisht:'an(l he shall make them stagger like
men that are drunk. 4 Who can make him clean that is conceived
of unclean seed ? is it not thou who only art ?
CHAP. XIII. 5 The davs of man are short, and tlie number
Job persists in maintnininsr his innocence ; and of his months is with thee thou hast appointed :

reproves Ins friends. his bounds which cannot be passed.

BEHOLD, my eye hath seen all these things, 6 Dei)art a little from him, that he may test,
and my ear hath heard them, and I have un- until his wished for day come, as that of the hirc-
derstood them all.
2 According to your knowledge I also know 7 A tree liatli hope if it be cut, it groweth

neither am I inferior to you. green again, and ihr boucrhs thereof sprout.
3 But yet I will speak to the Almighty, and I 8 If its root be old in the earth, and its stock be
desire to reasou with God. dead in the dust,
" : : : ;


9 At the»cent of water it shall spring, and bring 15 Behold, among his saints, none is unchange
forth leaves, aswhen it was first planted. able and the heavens are not pure in his sight.

10 But man when he shall be dead, and strip- 16 How much more is man abominable, and
ped and consumed, I pray you where is he 7 unprofitable, who drinketli iniquity like water ?
11 As if the waters should depart out of tlie 17 I will shew thee, hear me and I will tell

sea, and an emptied river should be dried up thee what I have seen.
12 So man wh^n he is fallen asleep shall not 18 Wise men confess, and hide not their fa-
riseagain till the heavens be broken: ho shall tliers :i
not awake, nor rise up out of his sleep, 19 To whom alone the earth was given, and no
13 Who will grant me this, that tnou mayst stranger hath passed among them.
protect me in hell,* and hide me till tliy wrath 20 The wicked man is proud all his days : and
pass, and appoint me a time when thou wilt re the number of the years of his tyranny is uncer-
member me 7 tain.
14 Shall man that is dead, thinkest thou, live 21 The sound of dread is always in his ears
again ? all the days, in which I am now in war^ and when there is peace, he always suspecteth
fare, I expect until my change come. treason.
15 Thou shalt call me, and I will answer tliee 22 He believeth not that he may return from
to the work of thy hands thou shalt reach out darkness to light, looking round about for the
thy richt hand. sword on every side.
16 Thou indeed hast numbered my steps, but 23 When he moveth himself to seek bread, he
spare my sins. knowetli that the day of darkness is ready at his
17 Thou hast sealed up my offences as it were hand.
in a bag, but hast cured my iniquity. 24 Tribulation shall terrify him ; and distress
18 A mountain falling cometh to nought, and i shall surround him, as a king that is prepared for
rock is removed out of its place. the battle.
19 Waters wear away the stones, and with in 25 For he hath stretched out his hand against
undation the ground by little and little is washed God, and hath strengthened himself against tlie
away so in like manner thou shalt destroy man.
: Almighty.
20 Thou hast strengthened him for a little 26 He hath run against him with his neck rai-
while, tliat he may pass away for ever thou:
sed up, and is armed with a fat neck.
shalt change his face, and shalt send him away 27 Fatness hath covered his face ; and the fat
21 Whether his children come to honour or hangeth down on his sides.
dishonour, he shall not understand. 28 He hath dwelt in desolate cities, and in de-
22 But yet his flesh, while he shall live, shall sert houses that are reduced into heaps.
have pain, and his soul shall mourn over him. 29 He shall not be enriched ; neither shall his
CHAP. XV. substance continue ;neither8hall he push his root
in the earth.
Eliphaz returns to the charge against Job, and 30 He shall not depart out of darkness: the
describes the wretched state ofthe wicked.
flame shall dry up his branches, and he shall be
AND Eliphaz
the Themanite answered, and taken away by the breath of his own mouth.
31 He shall not believe, being vainly deceived
2 Will a wise man answer as if he were speak by error, that he may be redeemed with any price.
ing in the wind, and fill his stomach with burning 32 Before his days be full, he shall perish
heat? and his hands shall wither away.
3 Thou reprovest him by words, who is not 33 He shall be blasted as a vine when its
equal to thee, and thou speakest that which is grapes are in the first flower, and as an olive-tree
not good for thee. that casteth its flower.
4 As much as is in thee, thou hast made void 34 For the congregation of the hypocrite is
fear,tand hast taken away prayers from before barren, and fire shall devour their tabernacles,
God. who love to take bribes.
5 For thy iniquity hath taught thy mouth, and 35 He hath conceived sorrow, and hath brought
thou imitatest the tongue of blasphemers. forth iniquity, and his womb prepareth deceits.
6 Thy own mouth shall condemn thee, and not
I : and thy own lips shall answer thee.
7 Art thou the first man that was bom, or wast Job expostulates with hisfriends ; and appeals to
thou made before the hills ? the judgment of. God.
8 Hast thouheard God'scounsel, and shall his
wisdom be inferior to thee ?
Job answered, and said
'21 have often heard such things as these
9 What knowest thou that we are ignorant of ? you are all troublesome comforters.
what dost thou understand that we know not? 3 Shall windy words have no end ? or is it any
10 There are with us also aged and ancient trouble to thee to speak ?
men, much elder than thy fathers. 4 I also could speak like you : and would God
11 Is it a great matter that God should comfort your soul were for my soul.
thee ? but thy wicked words hinder this. 5 I would comfort you also with words, and
12 Why doth thy heart elevate thee, and why would wag my head over you.
dost thou stare with thy eyes, as if thou wert 6 I would strengthen you with my mouth, and
thinking great things? would move my lips as sparing you.
13 Why doth tliy spirit swell against God, to 7 But what shall I do ? If I speak, my pain
utter such words out of thy mouth. will not rest: and if I hold my peace, it will not
14 What is man that he should be without spot, depart from me.
and he that is bom of a woman that he should 8 But now my sorrow hath oppressed me, and
appear just ? all my limbs are brought to nothing.
9 My wrinkles bear witness against me, and a
* That thou mayst protect me in hell. That
is, in the state of the dead, and in the place where
X Wise men confuss, and hide not theirfathers.
the souls are kept waiting for their Redeemer. That is, the knowledge and documents tliey have
t TTum hast made void fear. That is, cast off received from their fathers they ar<* not ashamed
the fear of offending God. to own.
; :;


false speaker risetli up against my face,

contra- deepest pit :t thinkest tliat there at least
'^ '
[ shali
dieting me. have rest?
10 He hatli gdthered together his furv against
me, and tlireatening nie hath gnashed with his Baldad again reproves Job ; and describes the

teetli npon ine : my enemy hath

beheld nie witli miseries of the wicked.
terrible eyes.
11 They have opened tlieir mouths upon me,
Baldad the Suhite answered, and said:
2 How long will ye throw out words?
and reproaching me they-liave struck me on the understand first, and so let us speak.
cheek they are filled with my pains.
: 3 Why are we reputed as beasts, and counted
12 God liath shut me up with the unjust man, vile before you ?
and hath delivered me into hands of the wicked. 4 Thou that destroyest thy soul in thy fury,
13 I that was formerly so wealthy, am all on a shall the earth be forsaken for thee, and shall
sudden broken to pieces he hatli taken me by rocks be removed out of their place 7

my neck; he hath broken me, and hath set me 5 Shall not the light of the wicked be extin-
up to be his mark. guished, and tlie flame of his fire not shine ?
14 He hath compassed me round about with 6 The light shall be dark in his tabeniacle
his lances ; he hath wounded my loins he hatli and the lamp that is over him, shall be put out.

not spared, and hath poured out my bowels on 7 The step of his strength shall be straitened
tlie eartli. and his own counsel shall cast him down head-
15 He hatlr torn me with wound upon wound: long.
he hath rushed in upon me like a giant. For he hath thrust his feet into a net, and
16 1 have sowed sackcloth upon my skin, and walketh in its meshes.
have covered my flesh with aslies. 9 The sole of his foot shall be held in a snare
17 My face is swoln with weeping, and my and thirst shall burn against him.
eyelids are dim. 10 A gin is hidden for him in the earth, and his
18 These things have I suiTered without the trap upon the path.
iniquity of my hand, when I offered pure prayers 11 Fears shall terrify him on every side, and
to God. shall entangle his feet.
19 O earth, cover not thou my blood, neither 12 Let his strength be wasted with famine,
let my cry find a hiding place in thee. and let hunger invade his ribs. '

20 For behold, my witness is in heaven, and 13 Let it devour tlie beauty of his skin, let the
he that knoweth my conscience is on high. first-bom death consume his arms.
21 My friends are full of words : my eye pour- 14 Let his confidence be rooted out of his ta-
cth out tears to God. bernacle, and let destruction tread upon him like
22 And O that a man might so be judged with a king.
God, as tlie son of man is jwdged witli his com- 15 Let the companionsof him that is not, dwell
panion! in his tabernacle let brimstone be sprinkled in :

23 For behold, short years pass awaj', and I his tent.

am walking in a path by which I shall not return. 16 Let his roots be dried up beneath, and hi»
CHAP. XVII. hai-vest destroyed above.
Job's hope in God: he expects rest in death. 17 Let the memory of him perish from the

MY spirit shall be wasted my days shall earth : and let not his name be renowned IR

be shortened and only the grave remain- tlie streets.


etli for me 18 He shall drive him out of light into dark-

2 I have not sinned,* and my eye abideth in ness, and shall remove him oul of the world.
bitterness. 19 His seed shall not subsist, nor his offspring
3 Deliver me, O Lord, and set me beside thee, among his people, nor any remnants in his
and let any man's hand fight against me. country.
4 Thou hast set their heart far from under- 20 Thev that come after him shall be aston-
standing; therefore they shall not be exalted. ished athis day and horror shall fall upon them :

5 He promiseth a prey to his companions that went before.

and the eyes of his children shall fail. 21 These then are the tabernacles of tlie
6 He hath made me as it were a hy-word of wicked, and this the place of him that knoweth
the people ; and I am an example before them. not God.
7 My eye is dim through indignation; and my CHAP. XIX.
limbs are brought as it were to nothing Job complains of the crnelty of his friends: he
8 The just shall be astonished at this and the describes hisomi sufferings, and his belief of a

innocent shall be raised up airainst the hypocrite future resurrection.

9 And the just man shall hold on his way
trxl he that hath clean hands shall be stronger
Job answered, and said :

2 How long do you afflict my soul, and
and sui-:;j^er. break me in pieces with words 1
10 Whcretoicbe you all converted, and come, 3 Behold, these ten times you confound me,
and I shall not find ainonf* you any wise man. and are not ashamed to oppress me.
11 My days have passed away; my thoughts 4 For if I have been ignorant, my ignorance
are dissipated, tormenting my heart. shall be with me.
12 They have turned night into day ; and after 5 But you set yourselves up against me, and
darkness I hope for light again. reprove me with my
13 If I wait, hellt is my house; and I have 6 At understand, that God hath not
least now
made mv bed in darkness. afflicted me with an equal judgment,]! anO com-
14 I have said Thou art my
to rottenness: passed m.e with his scourges^
fatlier wonns my mother and my sister.
; to :

Literally, ITell.
15 Wliere is now tlien my expectation, and t Deepest pit.
With an equal. judament. St. Gregory ex-
who considereth my patience ? II

16 AH that I have shall go down into the plains these words thu=: Job being a just man,
and truly considering his own life, thought that
* Not sinned. That is, I am not guilty of such his affliction was greater than his sins deserved;
gins as they charge me wjth. land in that iei-pp<t. that the punishment was not
t Hell. "SeoL The region of the dead. canal yet it was just, as coming from God,who :
: ; : : :

7 Behold, I shall cry suffering violence, and another in me ; and my niind is hurried awajr
no one will hear: I shall cry oloud, and there is to different things.
none to judge. 3 The doctrine with which thou reproveat
8 He hath hedged in my path round about, me, I will hear; and tlie spirit of my under-
and I cannot pass : and in my way he hath set standing shall answer for me.
darkness. 4 This I know from the beginning, since man
9 He hath stript m^ of my glory, and hath was placed upon the earth.
taken the crown from my head. 5 That the praise of the wicked is short, and
10 He hath destroyed me on every side, and I the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment.
am lost and he hath taken away my hope, as 6 If his pride mount up even to heaven, and

from a tree that is plucked up. his head touch the clouds
11 His wrath is kindled against me and he 7 In the end he shall be destroyed like a

hath counted me as his enemy. dunghill : and they that had seen him, shall say
12 His troops have come together, and have Where is he?
made themselves a way by me, and have be- 8 As a dream that fleeth away he shall not be
sieged my tabernacle round about. found ; he shall pass as a vision of the night
13 He hath put my brethren far from me and 9 The eyes that had seen him, shall see him

my acquaintance like strangers have departed no more ; neither shall his place any more be-
from me. hold him.
14 My kinsmen have forsaken me; and tliey 10 His children shall be oppressed with
that knew me have forgotten me. want ; and his hands shall render to him his
15 They that dwell in my house, and my maid- sorrow.
servants have counted me as a stranger; and I 11 His bones shall be filled with the vices of
have been like an alien in their eyes. his youth; and they shall sleep with him in the
16 I called my servant, and he gave me no dust.
answer: I entreated him with my own mouth. 12 For when evil shall be sweet in his mouth,
17 My wife hath abhorred my breath : and I he will hide it under his tongue.
entreated the children of my womb. 13 He will spare it, and not leave it; and wiP
18 Even fools despised me and when I was hide it in his throat.

gone from them, they spoke against me. 14 His bread in his belly shall be turned into
19 They that \yere some lime my counsellors, tlie gall of asps within him.
liave abhorred me : and he whom I loved most, 15 The riclies which he hath swallowed, he
la tunied against me, shall vomit up : and God shall draw them out
20 The flesh being consumed, my bone hath of his belly.
cleaved to my skin : and notliing but lips are 16 He shall suck the head of asps; and the
left about my teeth. viper's tongue shall kill him.
21 Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least 17 (Let him not see the streams of the river,
you my friends ; because the hand of the Lord the brooks 6f honey and of butter.)
hath touched me. 18 He shall be punished for alJ that he did,
22 Why do you persecute me as God, and glut and yet shall not be consumed: according to
vourselves with my flesh? the multitude of his devices,! so also shall he
23 Who will grant me that my words may be sufl^er.
vritten ? who will grant me that they may be 19 Because he broke in and stripped the poor:
marked down in a book, he hath violently taken away a house which ho
24 With an iron pen, and in a plate of lead, or did not build.
else be graven with anjnstrument in flint stone ? 20 And yet his belly was not filled and when :

25 * For I know that my Redeemer liveth; and he hath the things he coveted, he shall not be
in the last day I shall rise out of the earth able to possess them.

26 And I shall be clothed again with my skin, 21 There was nothing left of his meat and :

and" in my flesh I shall see my God therefore nothing shall continue of his goods:
27 Whom I myself shall see, and my eyes 22 When he shall be filled, he shall be straiten
shall behold, and not another this my hope is ed, he shall burn, and every sorrow shall fall

laid up in my bosom. upon him.

28 Why then do you say now : Let us perse- 23 May his belly be filled, that God may send
cute hjm ; and let us find occasion of word forth the wrath of his indignation upon him,
against him ? and rain down his war upon him.
29 Flee then from the face of the sword, for 24 He shall flee from weapons of iron, and
[he sword is the revenger of iniquities: and shall fall upon a bow of brass.
know ye that there is a judgment. 25 The sword is drawn out, and cometh forth
CHAP. XX. from its scabbard, and glittereth in his bitter-
Sophar declares the shortness of the prosperity ness the terrible ones 'shall go and come upon

of the wicked, and their sudden doxnifall. him.

THEN said
Sophar the Naamathite answered, and 26 All darkness is hid in his secret places : a
fire that is not kindled shall devour him : he

2 Therefore various thoughts succeeded one shall be afllicted when left in his tabernacle.
27 The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, ana
gives a crown of justice to those who suffer for the earth shall rise up against him.
Righteousness' sake, and proves the just with tri- 28 The oflspring of his house shall be ex
bulations, as gold is tried by fire. posed, he shall be pulled down in the day of
* Ver. 25, 26, and 27, shew Job's explicit be- God's wrath.
lief in his Redeemer, and also of the resurrection 29 This is the portion of a wicked man from
of the flesh; not as one tree riseth in place of God, and the inheritance of his doings from the
another, but that the self-same flesh shall rise Lord.
at the last day, by the power of God, changed in
Quality but not in substance, every one to re- t According to the multitude of his devices
ceive sentence according to his works in this That is, his stratagems to gratify his passious
»ife. and to oppress and destroy the poor.
: : : : : : : : :


CHAP. XXI. 33 He hath been* acceptable to the gravel of
Cocy tus ; and he shall draw every man after him,
Job thews that the wicked often prosper in this
world, even to the end of their life; but that
and there are innumerable before him.
34 How tlien do ye comfort me in vain, where-
their judgment is in another world.
as your answer is shewn to be repugnant to truth 7
THEN Job answered, and said :

2 Hear, I beseech you, my words, and do CHAP. XXII.

3 Sufler me, and I will speak; and after, if Eliphaz falsely imputes many crimes to Job ; but
you please, laugh at my words. promises him prosperity if lie will repent,
4 is my debate against man, tliat I should not THEN
Eliphaz the Themanite answered, and
have just reason to oe troubled ?
5 Hearken to me and be astonished ; and lay 2 Can man be compared with God, even though
your finger on your moutli. he were of perfect knowledge ?
6 As for me, when I remember, I am afraid, 3 What doth it profit God if thou be just? rr
and trembling takelh hold on my flesli. what dost thou give him if tliy way be unspotted 7
7 Why then do the wicked live, are thpy ad- 4 Shall he reprove tliee for fear, and come with
vanced, and strengthened with riches? thee into judgment
8 Their seed continueth before them, a multi- 5 And not for thy manifold wickedness, cud
tude of kinsmen, and of children's children in thy infinite iniquities ?
their sight. 6 For thou hast taken away the pledge of thy
9 Their houses are secure and peaceable brethren without cause, and stript the naked of
and the rod of God is not upon them. their clothing.
10 Their cattle have conceived, and failed 7 Thou hast not given water to the weary
not tlieir cow hath calved, and is not deprived thou hast withdrawn bread from the hungry.

of her fruit. 8 In the strengtli of thy arm thou didst pos-

11 Their little ones go out like a flock; and sess the land and being the most mighty thou

their children dance and play. holdedst it.

12 They take the tunbrel, and the harp, and 9 Thou hast sent widows away empty, and
rejoice at the sound of the organ. the arms of the fatherless thou hast broken in
13 They spend their days in wealtli, and in a pieces.
moment tfiey go down to hell 10 Therefore art thou surrounded with snares,
14 Wlio have said to God Depart from us, and sudden fear troubleth thee.

we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. 11 And didst thou think tliat thou shouldst
15 Who is the Almighty, that we should serve not see darkness, and that thou shouldst not be
"lira ? and what doth it profit us if we pray to covered with tlie violence of overflowing waters?
him? 12 Dost not thou think that God is higher tliau
16 Yet because their good things are not in heaven, and is elevated above the height of the
their hand, may the counsel of tlie wicked be far stars ?
from me. 13 And thou sayst: Wliat doth God know,
17 How often shall the lamp of the wicked and he judgeth as it were through a mist.
be put (?ut, and a deluge come upon them, and 14 The clouds are his covert; and he doth a.a\
he shall distribute the sorrows of his wrath ? consider our tilings ; and he walketh about the
18 They shall be as chaff before the face of poles of heaven.
the wind, and as ashes which tlie whirlwind 15 Dost thou desire to keep the patli of ages,
scQttereth. which wicked men have trodden ?
19 God shall lay up the sorrow of the fatlier 16 Who were taken away before their time, ana
for ly 3 children and when he shall repay, tlien a flood hath overthrown Uieir foundation

shall he know. 17 Who said to God: Depart Trom us; and

20 His eyes shall see his own destruction, and looked upon the Almighty as if he could do
he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty. nothing
21 For what is it to him what befalleth his 18 Whereas he had filled their houses with
house after him and if the number of his montlis good things ; whose way of thinking be far from

be diminished by one half? me.

22 Shall any one teach God knowledge, who 19 The just shall see, and shall rejoice: and
judgeth those that are high 1 the innocent shall laugh them to scorn.
23 One man dieih strong and hale, rich and 20 Is not their exaltation cut down, and hath
nappy not fire devoured the remnants of them ?
24 His bowels are full of fat, and his bones are 21 Submit thyself then to him, and be at peace
moistened with marrow. and thereby thou shalt have the best fruits.
25 But another dieth in bitterness of soul with- 22 Receive the law of his mouth ; and lay up
out any riches ,
his words in thy heart.
26 And yet they shall sleep together in the 23 If thou vvilt return to the Almighty, thou
dust, and wonns shall cover them. shalt be built up, and shall put away iniquity far
27 Surely I know your thoughts, and your un- from thy tabernacle.
just judgments against me. 24 He shall give for earth flint, and for flint tor-
28 For you say: Where is the house of the rents of gold.
prince ? and where are the dwelling-places of tlie 25 And the Almighty shall be against thy ene-
wicked ?
29 Ask any one of them that go by the way, * Acceptable to the gravel of Cocytus. The He-
and you shall perceive that he knoweth these brew word, which St. Jerome has here rendered
same things. by the name Cocytus (which the poets represent
30 Because the wicked man is reserved to the as a river in hell,) signifies a valley or a torrent;
day of destruction, and he shall be brought to the and in this place, is taken for the low region of
day of wrath. death and hall which willingly, as it were, re-

31 Who shall reprove his way to his face 7 and ceives the wicked nt their death ; who are ush-
who sliall repay him what he hath done ? ered in by innumerable others that have gone be-
32 He shall be brought to the graves, and shall fore them, and are followed by multitudefc above
watch in the heap of the dead. number.
2W 345
: ::

mies ; and silver shall be heaped together for thee. 7 They send men away naked, taking awaj
26 Then shalt thou abound in delights in the their clothes who have no coveringin the cold :
Almighty, and sliajt lift up thy face to God. 8 Who are wet with the showers of the
27 I'hou shalt pray to him, and he will hear mountains, and having no covering embrace the
thee and thou shalt pay vows.
28 Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall come 9 They have violently robbed the fatherless,
.o thee and light shall shine in tliy ways.
and stript the common people.
29 For he that hath been humbled shall bo in 10 From the naked and them that go without
glory and he tlaat shall bow down his eyes,
: clothing, and from tlie hungry they have taken
shall be saved. away the ears of corn.
30 The innocent shall be saved ; and he shall 11 They have taken their rest at noon among
be saved by the cleanness of his hands. the stores of them, who after having trodden the
wine-presses suffer thirst.
CHAP. XXIII. 12 Out of the cities they have made men to
Job icishes to be tried at God's tribunal. groan; and the soul of the wounded hath cried
IHEN .lob answered, and said : out; and God dotli not sufler it to pass unre-
2 Now also my words are in bitterness : venged.
and tlie hand of my scourge is more grievous 13 They have been rebellious to the light;
than my mourning. they have not known his ways ; neither have
3 Who will grant me that I might know and they returned by his paths.
find him, and come even to his throne ? 14 The murderer riselh at the very break of
4 1would set judgment before him, and would day : he killeth the needy, and the poor man
fill my mouth witli complaints. but in the night he will be as a thief.
5 That 1 might know the words that he would 15 The eye of the adulterer observeth dark-
answer me, and understand what he would say ness, saying: No eye shall see me: and he will
to me. cover his face.
G I would not that he should contend with me 16 He diggeth through houses in the dark as
with much strength, nor overwhelm me with in the day they had appointed for themselves,
the weight of his greatness. and they have not known the light.
7 Let him propose equity against me, and let 17 If the morning suddenly appear, it is to
my judgment come to victory. them the shadow of death : anci they walk in
8 But if I go to the east, he appeareth not; if darkness as if it were in light.
to the we?t, I shall not understand him. 18 He is light upon the face of the water
9 If to the left hand, wliat shall I do ? I shall cursed be his portion on the earth : let him not
not take hold on him : if I turn myself to the walk by the way of the vineyards.
^ht hand, 1 shall not see him. 19 Let him pass from the snow waters to ex-
10 But he knoweth my way, and has tried me cessive lieit, and his sin even to hell.
gald that passeth through the fire 20 Let mercy forget him : may worms be his
11 My foot hath followed his steps. I have sweetness ; let him be remembered no more, but
kept his way, and have not declined from it. be broken in pieces as an unfruitful tree.
12 I have not departed fr(*m the command- 21 For he hath fed the barren that beareth not
ments of his lips: and the words of his mouth I and to the widow he hath done no good.
have hid in my bosom. 22 He hath pulled down the strong by his
13 For he is alone, and no man can turn away might and when he standeth up, he shall not

liis thought : and whatsoever his soul hath de- trust to his life.
sired, that hath he done. 23 God hatli given him place for penance, and
14 And when he shall have fulfilled his will he abusetli it unto pride but his eyes are upon

in me, many other like tilings are also at hand his ways.
with him. 24 They are lifted up for little while, and shall
15 And therefore I am troubled at his pre- not stand, and shall be brought down as all
sence; and when I consider him I am made things, and shall be taken away and as the tops

pensive with fear. of the ears of com they shall be broken.

16 God hath softened my heart, and the Al- 25 And if it be not so, who can convince me
mighty hath troubled me. that I have lied, and set my words before God 1
17 For I have not perished because of the
darkness that hangs over me, neither hath the
mist covered my face. : Baldad represents the justice of God, before tehoir.
no man can be justified.
Gocfs praeidence often suffers the wicked to go
Baldad the Suhitc answered, and said:
2 Power and terror are with him, who
on a long time in their sins ; but puniaheth maketh peace in his high places.
them in another life. 3 Is there any numbering of his soldiers ? and
TIMES are not hid from the Almighty bu upon whom shall not his light arise?

they that know him, know not his days. 4 Can man be justified compared with God, oi
2 Some have removed land-marks, have taken he that is bom of a woman appear clean ?
away flocks by force, and fed them. 5 Behold, even the moon doth not shine, and
3 They have driven away the ass of the fa- the stars are not pure in his sight.
therless, and have taken away the widow's ox 6 How much less man that is rottenness, and
for a pledge. the son of man who is a worm?
4 They have overturned the way of the poor,
and have oppressed together the meek of die
earth. Job declares his sentiments of the wisdom and
5 Others like wild asses in the desert go forth power of God.
to their work by watching for a prey, they get

treal for their children.

Job answered, and said
2 Whose helper art thou ? is it of him that

6 They reap the field that is not their own, is weak ? and dost thou hold up the arm of hira
and gather the vintage of his vineyard whom by that has no strensth ?
riolence they have oppressed. 3 To whom has^t thou given counsel ? peihapa
: : :


(O him that hath no wisdom; and tliou hast shewn 17 He shall prepare indeed : but the just man
thy very great prudence. shall be clothed with it, and the innocent shall
4 Wlioni hast thou desired to teach was it not
divide tlie silver.

liiiiithat made Ijfe? 18 He hath built his house as a motli ; and as

5 liehohl, the giants groan under the waters, a keeper he hath made a booUi.
and they that dwell with them. 19 The rich man when he shall sleep shall
6 Hell is naked before him, and there is no take away nothing with him : he shall open his
covering for dcBtruction. eyes, and find notJiing.
7 He stretched out the north over the empty 20 Poverty like water shall take hold on hix,
space, and haugeth the earth upon nothing. a tempest shall oppress him in the night
8 He bindeth up the waters in his clouds, so 21 A burning wind shall fake him up, ate"
fiiat they break not out and fall down together. carry him away, and as a whirlwind shall snatcn
9 He witiiholdeth the face of his tlirone, andhim from his place.
spreadeth his cloud over it. 22 And he shall cast upon him, and shall not
10 He hath set bounds about the waters, tiU spare : out of his hand he would willingly flee.
lijht and darkness come to an end. 23 He shall clasp his hands upon him, and
11 Thi pillars of heaven tremble, and dread at shall hiss at him, beholding his place.
Lis beck.
12 By his power the seas are suddenly ga-
thered togetlier, and his wisdom has struck the Man's industry searcheih out many things ; true
proud one. wisdom is taught by God alone.
13 His spirit hath adorned tlie heavens, and ILVER
hatli beginnings of its veins ; and
hi? obstetric hand brought forth the winding ser- S' gold
hath a place wherein it is melted.
l)eiit.* 2 Iron is taken out of the earth ; and stone
!4 Lo, these things are said in part of his melted with heat is turned into brass.
ways and seeing we have heard scarce a little
: 3 He hath set a time for darkness, and the end
drop of his word, who shall be able to behold the of all things he considereth, the stone also that is
thunder of his greatness ? in the dark, and the shadow of death.
4 The flood divideth from the people that are
CHAP. XXVII. on their journe}', those whom the foot of the needy
Job persists in asseriins^ his own innocence, and 'man hath forgotten, and who cannot be come at.
that hypocrites will he punished in the end. 5 The land out of which bread grew in its
'OB also added, taking up his parable, and said: place, hath been overturned with fire.
2 As God liveth, who hath taken away my 6 The stones of it are the place of sapphires,

judgment, and the Almighty, who hath brouglit |and the clod's of it are gold.
my soul to bitterness : 7 The bird hath not known the path, neither

3 As long as breatli remaineth in me, and the jhath the eye of the vulture beheld it.
.Spirit of God in my nostrils, 8 The children of the merchants have not trod

4 My lips shall not speak iniquity, neither jden it neither hath the lioness passed by it.

shall my tongue contrive lying. 9 He hath stretched forth his hand to the flint

5 God forbid that I should judge you to be he hath overturned mountains from the roots.
just till I die I will not depart from my inno-
: 10 In the rocks he hath cut out rivers, and his

cence. leye hath seen every precious thing.

6 My justification, which I have begun to hold, 11 The depths also of rivers he hath searched :

for my heart doth not repre- and hidden things he hath brought forth to light.

I will not forsake :

hend me in all my life. 12 But where is wisdom to be found, and


7 Let my enemy be as the ungodly, and my ad- iwhere is the place of understanding ?
versary as the Vicked one. 13 Man knoweth not the price tliereof? neither

8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite, if is it found in the land of them that live in delights.
through covetousness he take by violence, and 14 The depth saith
It is not in me and tha
: :

God deliver not his soul. Jsea saith It is not with me. :

9 Will God hear his cry, when distress shall 15 The finest gold shall-not purchase it nei :

come upon him ? ,ther shall silver be weighed in exchansre for it.
10 Or can he delight himself in the Almightji, 16 It shall not be compared with the dyed
and f;ill upon God at all times?

[colours of India, or with the most precious stone

11 1 will teach you by the hand of God, what sardonyx, or the sapphire.
the Almighty hath ; and I will not conceal it. 17 Gold or crystal cannot equal it; neither
12 Behold you all know it: and why do yon shall any vessels of gold be changed for it.
speak vain things without cause ? 18 High and eminent things shall not be men-
13 This is the portion of a wicked man with tioned in comparison of it: but wisdom is drawn
God, and the inheritance of tlie violent, which out of secret ))laces.
they shall receive of the Almighty. 19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be equal
14 If his sons be multiplied, they shall be for to it neither shall it be compared to the cleanest

the sword, and his grandsons shall not be filled dying.

with bread. 20 Whence then cometh wisdom ? and where
15 They that shall remain of him, shall be bu- is the place of understanding ?
ried in death, and his widows shall not weep. 21 It is hid from the eyes of all living, and the
16 If he shall heap together silver as eartli, fowls of the air know it not.
and prepare raiment as clay : 22 Destruction and death have said: With our
ears we have heard the fame thereof.
* His obstetric hand brought forth the tvindin^ 23 God understandeth the way of it; and he
serpent. That is, the omnipotent power of God, knoweth the place thereof.
which brought forth all things created in time, 24 For he beholdcth the ends of the world

but conceived in the divine mind from all eternity. and looketh on all things that are under heaven.
The winding serpent, a constellation of fixed 25 Who made a weight for the winds, and
stars winding round tlie north pole, called Dra- weighed the waters by measure.
co. This appears from the foregoing part of the 26 ^V^len he gave a law for the rain, and a way

Bame verse: His spirithath adorned the heavens.] hr the sounding storms.

27 Then he stiw it, and declared, and prepared, 2 The strength of whose hands wa« to mn ps
and searched it. nothing ; and they were thought unwoirliy o(
28 And lie said to man: Behold the fear of the life itself.
Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is 3 Barren with want and hunger, who gnawed
understanding. in the wilderness, disfigured with calamity and
CHAP. XXIX. 4 And they ate grass, and barks of trees : end
Job relates his former happiness, and the respect the root of junipers was their food.
that all men shewed him, 5 Who snatched up these things out of the
valleys : and when they had found any ofthem
JOB also added, talcing up his parable, and said:
2 Who will grant me, that might be accord-
they ran to them with a cry.
ing to the months past, according to the days in 6 They dwelt in the desert places of torrents,
which God kept me 1 and in caves of the earth, or upon the gravel.
3 When his lamp shined over my head, and I 7 They pleased themselves among these kind
walked by his light in darkness 1 of things, and counted it delightful to be uncer
the briars.
4 As I was
in the days of my
youth, when
God was secretly in my tabernacle ? 8 The children vof foolish and base men, and
5 When the Almighty was with me, and not appearing at all upon the earth :
servants round about me ? 9 Now I am turned into their song, and am be-
6 When I washed my feet with butter, and tlie come their bye-word.
rock poured me put rivers of oil ? 10 They abhor me, and flee far from me, and
7 When I went out to the gate of the city, and are not afi-aid to spit in my face.
in the street they prepared me a chair? 11 For he hath opened his quiver, and
8 The young men saw me, and hid themselves hath afflicted me, and hath put a bridle into my
and the old men rose up and stood. mouth.
9 The princes ceased to speak, and laid 12 At the right hand of my rising, my calami-
finger on their mouth. arose : they have overthrown my
ties forthwitli

10 The rulers held their peace, and their feet, and have overwhelmed me with their paths
tongue cleaved to their tliroat. as with waves.
11 The ear that heard me blessed me ; and the 13 They have destroyed my ways ; they have
eye that saw me gave witness to me : Iain in wait against me ; and they have prevail-
12 Because I had delivered the poor man that ed : and there was none to help.
cried out, and the fatherless that had no helper. 14 They have rushed in upon me, as when a
13 The blessing of him that was ready to pe- wall is broken, and a gate opened, and have roll-
rish came upon me : and I comforted the heart
ed themselves down to my miseries.
of the widow. 15 I am brought to nothing : as a wind thou
14 1 was clad with justice : and I clothed my- hast taken away my desire : and my prosperity
self with my judgment, as with a robe and a hath passed away like a cloud.
diadem. 16 And now my soul fadeth within myself
15 I was an eye to the blind, and a foot to the and the days of affliction possess me.

lame. 17 In the night my bone is pierced with

16 I was the father of the poor : and the cause sorrows : and they that feed upon me, do not sleep.
which I knew not, I searched out most diligently. 18 With the multitude ofthem my garment is
17 I broke the jaws of the wicked man : and consumed : and they have girded me about, aa
out of his teeth I took away the prey. with the collar of my coat.
18 And I said : I shall die in my nest, and as 19 I am compared to du't, and am likened t(
a palm-tree shall multiply my days.
embers and ashes.
19 My root is opened beside the waters ; and 20 I cry to thee, and thou hearest me not : 1
dew" shall continue in my hai-vest. stand up, and thou dost not regard me.
20 My glory shall always be renewed : and 21 Thou art changed to be cruel toward me,
my bow in my hand shall be repaired. and in the hardness of thy hand thou art against
21 They that heard me, waited for sen- my me.
tence, and. being attentive held their peace at my 22 Thou hast lifted me up, and set me as it
counsel. were upon the wind : and thou hast mightily
22 To my words they durst add nothing : and dashed me.
23 I know that thou wilt deliver me to death,
my speech dropped upon them.
23 They waited for me as for rain and thev where a house is appointed for every one thai

opened their mouth as for a latter shower.
24 If at any time I laughed on them, they be- 24 But yet thou stretchest not forth thy hand
lieved not and the light of my countenance fell to their consumption and if they shall fall down,

not on the earth thou wilt save.

25 If I had a mind to goto them, I sat first: 25 I wept heretofore for him that was afflict-
and when I sat as a king, with his army standing ed ; and my soul had compassion on the poor.
about him, yet I was a comforter of them that 26 I expected good things, and evils are come
mourned. upon me I waited for light, and darkness broke

inner parts have boiled withoirt any
Job shews the wonderful change of his the days of affliction have prevented me.
temporal], rest :

estate from welfare to great calamity. 28 I went mourning without indignation ; I

rose up and cried in the crowd.
now the younger in time* scorn me whose
29 I was the brother of dragons.t and compan-
fathers I would not have set with the dogs
ion of ostriches.
of my flock:
30 My
skin is become black upon me, and my
* But the younger in time : that is, younger
bones are dried up with heat.

flian I am, and is as it were obscure, when I was

conspicuous and in magnificence ; they how look t Brother of Dragons, &c. Imitating theae
down on me. creatures in tlieir lamentable noiso.
: : : : : :


31 Jly harp is turned to mouniiu^, and my 27 And my heart in secret hath rejoiced, and 1
srgan into the voice of tliose that weep. have kissed my hand with my moutli.
28 Which is a very great iniquity, and a denial
CHAP. XXXI. against the most high God ;

29 If I have been glad at the downfall of him

Job, to defend himself from the unjust judpnents
own that hated me, and have rejoiced tliat evil had
of his friends, gives a sincere account oj his
found him.
30 For I have not given my mouth to sin, by
MADE a covenant with my eyes, that I
wishing a curse to his soul..
J would not so much as think upon a virgin 31 If the men of my tabernacle have not said:
2 For what part should God from above have Who will give us of his flesh that we may be
in mc, and what inheritance the Almighty from
filled? .
on high \
32 The stranger did not stay witliout ; my
3 is not destruction to the wicked, and aver-
door was open to the traveller.
sion to them that work iniquity I 33 If as a man I have hid my sin, and have
4 Doth not he consider my ways, and number concealed my iniquity in my bosom
all my steps ?
34 If I have been afraid at a very great mul-
5 If I have walked in vanity, and my footbath titude, and the contempt of kinsmen hath terri-
made haste to deceit fied me : and I have not rather held my peace,
6 Let him weigh me in a just balance: and let and not gone out of the door
Grod know my simplicity. 35 Svho would grant me a hearer, that the
7 If my step hath turned out of the way, and Almighty may hear my desire : and that he
if my heart hath followed my eyes, and if a spot
himselfthatju'dgeth would write a book:
hath cleaved to my hands : 36 That I may carry it on my shoulder, and
8 Then let me sow, and let anotlier eat : and put it about me as a crown ?
let mv offspring be rooted out.
37 At every step of mine, I would pronounce
9 If my heart hath been deceived upon a
it, and offer it as to a prince.
woman, and if I have laid wait at my friend's
38 If my land cry against me, and with it the
door :
furrows thereof mourn
10 Let my wife be the harlot of another, and let 39 If I have eaten the fruits thereof without
other men lie with her. money, and have afflicted the soul of tlie tillers
11 For this is a heinous crime, and a most grie-
vous iniquity. 40 Let thistles grow up to me, instead of
12 It is a 'fire that devoureth even to destruc- wheat, and thorns instead of barley.
tion, and rooteth up all things that spring.
13 If I have despised to abide judgment with
The icards of Job are ended.
my man-servant, or my maid-servant, when they CHAP. XXXII.
had any controversy against me. Eliu is angry both vith Job and his friends.
14 For what shall I do when God shall rise to] He boasts of himself.
judge ? and when he shall examine, what shall these three men ceased to answer Job,
1 answer him ?
SO because he seemed just to himself.
15 Did not he that made me in the womb make 2 And Eliu the son of Barachel the Buzite,
him also and did not one and the same fonn me of the kindred of Ram, was angry and was niov-

in the womb ? ed to indignation: now he was angry against

16 If I have denied to the poor what they de- Job, because he said he wasjust before God. "

sired, and have made the eyes of the widow wait : 3 And he was angry with his friends, because
17 If I have eaten my morsel alone, and the they had not found a reasonable answer, but
fatherless hath not eaten thereof: only had condemned Job.
18 (For from my infancy mercy grew up with 4 So Eliu waited while Job was speaking,
me and it came out with me from my mother's because they were his elders that were speaking,

womb:) 5 But when he saw that the three were not

19 If I have despised him that was perishini able to answer, he was exceedinglv angry.
for want of clothing, and the poor man that ha 6 Then Eliu the son of Bara«he! the'Buzito
no covering. answered, and said : I am younger in days,
20 If his sides have not blessed me, and and you are more ancient ; therefore hanging
if he were not warmed with the fleece of my down my head, I was afraid to shew you my
sheep. opinion.
21 If I have lifted up my hand against the fa- 7 For I hoped that greater age would speak,
therless, even when I saw myself superior in the and that a multitude of years would teach wis-
gate : dom.
22 Let mv shoulder fall from its joint : and let 8 But, as I see, there is a spirit in men, and
my arm with its bones be broken. the inspiration of the Almighty givcth under
23 For I nave always feared God as waves standing.
swelling over me, and his weight I was not able 9 They that are aged are not the wise men ,
to bear. neither do the ancients understand judgment.
24 If I have thought gold my strength, and have 10 Thereforel will speak: Hearken to me: I
said to fine gold My confidence :
: also will shew you mv wisdom.
25 If I have rejoiced over my great riches, and 11 For I have waited for your words : I have
because my hand had gotten much given ear to your wisdom, as long as you were
26 If I beheld the sun* when it shined, and the disputing in words.
moon going in brightness 12 And as lonsr as I thought you said some
thing, I considered: but, as I see, there is none
* If I beheld the sun, &c. If I behold the of you that can convince Job and answer hia
sun and moon with admiration, knowing them to words.
be created and governed by the power of God, I 13 Lest von should say We have found wis

call on my adversaries to produce any thing dom : God hath cast him down, not man.
against me, whereby I could be charged with 14 He hath spoken nothing to me, and I will
worshipping the sun or moon. not answer hijn according to your words.
6 : :

15 They were afraid, and answered no more, one among thousands, to declare man's uprigat
tnd tliev loft off speaking. ness,
16 Therefore because I liave waited, and they 24 He shall have mercy on him, and shall say
have not spoken they stood and answered no Deliver him, that he may not go down to corrup-

more. tion : I have found wherein I may be merciful to

17 I also will answer my part, and will shew him.
my knowledge. 25 His flesh is consumed with punishmentB,
18 For I am full of matter to speak of, and the let it return to the days of his youth.
, spirit of my bowels atraiteneth me. 26 He shall pray to God, aiid he will be gra-
19 Behold, my belly is as new wine which cious to him and he shall see his face with

wanteth vent, which bursteth the new vessels. joy, and he will render to man hisju&t-ce.
20 I will speak, and take breath a little I will :27 He shall look upon men, and shall say : I
open my lips, and will answer have sinned, and indeed I have offended : and I
21 I will not accept the person of man; and 1 have not received what I have deserved.
will not level God with man.* 28 He hath delivered his soul from going into
22 For I know not how long I shall continue, destruction, that it may live and see the light.
and whether after a while my maker may take 29 Behold, all these things God worketh three
me away. times within every one.
CHAP. XXXIII. 30 That he may withdraw their souls from
Eliu blames Job for asserting his own innocence. corruption, and enlighten them with the light of
the living.
to all
my speeches, and 31 Attend, Job, and hearken to me : and hold
thy peace, whilst I speak.
2 Behold, now I have opened my mouth let 32 But if thou hast any thing to say, answer
my tongue speak within my jaws. me, speak for I would have theei to appear just.
3 My words are from my upright heart, and my

33 And if thou have not, hear me : hold thy
lips shall speak a pure sentence.
peace, and I will teach thee wisdom.
4 The spirit of God made me, and the breath
of the almighty gave me life. CHAP. XXXIV.
5 If thou canst, answer me, and stand up Eliu charges Job with blasphemy ; and setsforik
against my face. the poicer and justice of God.
6 Behold, God hath made me as well as thee;
and of the same clay I also was formed.
Eliu condcued his discourse, and said
2 Hear, ye wise men, my words and ye :

7 But yet let not my wonder terrify tliee, and learned, hearken to me :

let not my eloquence be burdensome to thee. 3 For the ear trieth word^ and the mouth dis-
8 Now thou hast said in my hearing, and I cerneth meats by the taste.
have heard the voice of thy words : 4 Let us choose to us judgment, and let us see
9 I am clean, and without sin: I am unspot- among ourselves what is the best.
ted, and there is no iniquity in me. 5 For Job hath said I am just ; and God hath

10 Because he hath found complaints against overthrown my judgment.

me, therefore he hath counted me for his enemy. 6 For in judging me, there is a lie : my arrow
11 He hath put my feet in the stocks, he hath is violent without any sin.
observed all my paths. 7 What man is there like Job, who drinketh
12 Now this is the thing in which thou art not up scorning like water 1
justified : I will answer thee, that God is greater 8 Who goeth in company with them that work
than man. iniquity, and walketh with wicked men ?
13 Dost thou strive against him, because he 9 For he hath said Man shall not please God,

hath not answered thee to all words ? although he run with him.
14 God speaketh once and repeateth not the 10 Therefore, ye men of understanding, hear
selfsame thing the second time. me far from God be wickedness, and iniquity

15 By a dream in a vision by night, when deep from the Almighty.

sleep foJleth upon men, and they are sleeping in 11 For he will render to a man his work : and
their beds according to the ways of every one he will re-
1 Then he openeth the ears of men, and teach- ward them.
ing instructeth them in what they are to learn. 12 For in very deed God will not condemn
17 That he may withdraw a man from the without cause neither will the Almighty per:

things he is doing, and may deliver him from vert judgment.

pride. 13 what other hath he appointed over the
18 Rescuing his soul from corruption: and his earth ? or whom hath he set over the world which
life from passing to the sword. he made ?
19 He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed, and 14 If he turn his heart to him, he shall draw
he maketh all his bones to wither. his spirit and breath unto himself.
20 Bread becometh abominable to him in his 15 All flesh shall perish together : and man
life, and to his soul the meat which before he shall return into ashes.
desired. 16 If then thou hast understanding, hear what
21 His flesh shall be consumed away, and his is said, and hearken to the voice of my words.
bones that were covered, shall be made bare. 17 Can he be healed that loveth not judgment?
22 His soul hath drawn near to corruption, and how dost thou so far condemn him that is
and his life to the destroyers. just ?
23 If there shall be an Angel speaking fof him, 18 Who saith to the king Thhu art an apos-:

tate : who calleth rulers ungodly :

* I will not level God with man. Here Eliu 19 Who accepteth not the persons of princes
considers that Job hath put himself on a level nor hath regarded tlie tyrant, when he contended
with God, by the manner he assumed to justify against the poor man for oil are the work of his

his own life In speaking to God as if he spoke to hands.

an equal: Eliu expresses in the followmg ver. 20 They shall suddenly die, and the people
22, his fear of punishment hereafter for such an shall be troubled at midnight and they shall :

attempt. pass, and take away the violent without hand.

, :


21 For his eyes are upon tlie ways of men, 14 Yea when thou shalt say He con.-idcrcth :

and he considereth all fheir steps. not be judged before him, aad expect b.iui.

22 There is no darkness, and there is no sha- 15 For he doth not now bring on his furv :
llow of death, where they may be hid who work neither doth he revenge wickedness exceedingly.
iniquity. 16 Therefore Job openeih his mouth in vain,
23 For it is no longer in the power of man to and multiplieth words without knowledge.
enter into judgment with God.
24 He shall break in pieces many and innu- CHAP. XXXVL
merable; and shall make others to stand in tlieir Elm "proceeds in setting forth the justice
etead. power of God.
25 For he knoweth their works and therefore

he shall br'.ng night on them ; and tiiey shall be ELIU also proceeded, and said
2 Suffer me a and will shew thee
little, I

destroyed. '

He hath struck them as being wicked, for I have yet somewhat to speak in God's be-
26 in
open sight.
3 I will repeat my knowledge from the begin-
27 Who as it were on purpose have revolted
ning, and I will prove my maker just.
from him, and would nOt understand all his ways:
2a So that they caused the cry of the needy to 4 For indeed my words are without a i'x sjT'd •

perfect knowledge shall be proved to thee.

come to him, and he heard the voice of the poor.
29 For when he granteth peace who is there 5 God doth not cast away tlie mighi; t \ ereas
that can condenm When he liideth liis coun- ho himself also is mighty.

tenance, who is there that can behold him, whe- 6 But he saveth not the wicked and he giveth :

ther regard nations, or all men

judgment to the poor.

30 Who maketh a man that is a hypocrite to 7 He will not take away his eyes from tho
just: and he j)laceth kings on the throne forever,
reign for the sins of the people ?
31 Seeing then I have spoken of God, I will and they are exalted.
not hinder thee in thy turn. 8 And if they shall be in'chains, and be bound
32 If I have erred, teach thou me: if I have with the cords of poverty,
spoken ini(|aitv, I will add no more. 9 He shall shew them their works, and their
33 Doth God require it of thee, because it hath wicked deeds, because they have been violent.
displeased thee ? for thou begannest to speak, 10 He also shall open their ear, to correct
ana not 1 but if thou know any thing better, them ; and shall speak, that they may return from

speak. iniquity.
34 Let men of understanding speak to me 11 if they shall hear and observe, they shall
and let a wise man hearken to me. accomplish their days in good, and their years in
35 But Job bath spoken foolishly, and his glory.

words sound not discipline. 12 But if they hear not, they shall pass by the
36 3Iy father, lot Job be tried even to the end ^v/ord, and shall be consumed in folly.

cease not from tlie man of iniquity. 13 Dissemblers and crafty men prove the wrath
37 Because he addeth blasphemy upon his of God neither shall they cry when they are

sins, let him be tied fast in the mean time among

us: and then let him provoke God to judgment 14 Their soul shall die in a stsrm, and their
with his speeches. life among the
15 He
shall deliver the poor out of his distress,
CHAP. XXXV. and shall oi)en his ear in affliction.
16 Therefore he shall set thee at large out ol
Eliu declares that the good or evil done hy man
the narrow mouth,* and which hath no founda-
cannot reach God.
tion under it : and the rest of thy table shall be
MOREOVER, Eliu spoke these words : full of fatness.
2 Doth thy thouglit seem right to thee, 17 Thy cause hath been judged as that of the
that tliou shouldst sav : I am more just tlian wicked cause and judgment thou shalt recover.

God? 18 Therefore let not anger overcome thee, to

3 For thou saidst : That which is right doth oppress any man : neither let multitude of gifts
not please thee: or what will it profit thee if I turn thee aside.
sin 7 19 Lay down thy
greatness without tribulation,
4 Therefore I will answer thy words, and thy and the mighty of strength.
friends with thee. 20 Prolong not the night, that people may
5 Look up to heaven, and see, and behold the conic up for them.
sky, that it is higher than thee. 21 Beware thou turn not aside to iniquity : for
6 If thou sin, what shalt thou hurt him ? and this thou hast begun to follow after misery .t
if thy iniquities be multiplied, what shalt thou
22 Behold, God is high in his strength : and
do against liim ? none is like him among the lawgivers.
7 And if thou do justly, what shalt thou give 23 Who
can search out his ways? or who can
him, or wiiat shall he receive of thy hand ? say to him : Thou hast wrought iniquity ?
3 Thy wickedness may hnrt a man that is like 24 Remember that thou knowest not his work,
thee: and thy justice may help the son of man concerning which men have sung.
9 Bv reason of the multitude of oppressors 25 All men see him : every one beholdeth afar
they shall cry out; and sliall wail for the vio off.
lence of the arm of tyrants.
10 And he hath not said : Where is God, who * Out of the narrow month. That is, out of
made me, who hath given songs in the night? hell, whose entrance is narrow, and its depth
11 Who teachcth us more than the beasts of bottomless, but figuratively meant here, that is,
the earth, and instructeth us more than the fowls 'from his miseries and calamity to be restored to
» of the air. his former state of happiness.
12 There shall they cry, and he will not hear, t For this thou hast begun to follow after mise'
because of the pride of evil men. ry. Eliu charges Job, that notwithstanding his
13 God therefore will not hear in vain: and the misery, he does not fear God as he ought; but in
Ajcifhty will look into the causes of every one. his judgment, falls into iniquity.
1 : ; : : :


JJG God is great, exceeding our know-

Behold, 21 But now they see not the light the air on :

ledge :number
the of his years is inestimable. a sudden shall be thickened into clouds, and the
•27 He litteih up the drops of rain, and poureth wind shall pass and drive them away.

out showers like Hoods; 22 Gold cometh out of Uie north, and to God
23 Which flow from the clouds that cover all praise witli fear.
above. 23 We cannot find him worthily he is great:

29 If he will spread out clouds as his tent, in strength, and in judgment, and injustice, and
30 And lighten with his light from above, he he is ineffable.
shall cover also the ends of the sea. 24 Therefore men shall fear him : and all that
31 For by these he judgeth people, and giveth seem to themselves to be wise, shall not dare to

food to manv mortals. behold him.

32 In his 'hands he hideth the light, and com- CHAP. XXXVIII.
mandeth it to come again. _

33 He sheweth his friend concerningit,thatiti9

God interposes ; and shewsfrom the things he hath
and that he may come up to it made, that man cannot comprehend his power
his possession,
and wisdom.
Eliu goes oil ill his discourse, shewing God's
THEN the Lordt answered Job out of a whirl
wind, and said:
wisdom and power, by his wonderful works. 2 Who is this that wrappeth up sentences in
AT this my heart trembleth, and is moved out unskilful words ?
of its place. 3 Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask
2 Hear ye attentively the terror of his voice, thee, and answer thou me.
and the sound that cometh out of his mouth. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations
3 beholdeth under all the heavens; and his
He of the earth? tell me if thou hast understanding.
light upon the ends of the earth.
is 5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if tliou
4 After it a noise sliall roar he shall thunder
: knowest ? or who hath stretched the line ui)on it ?
with the voice of his majesty, and shall not be 6 Upon what are its bases grounded? or who
found out, when his voice shall be heard. laid the cornerstone tliereof,
5 God shall thunder wonderfully with his voice, 7 When the morning stars praised me together,
he that doeth great and unsearchable things. and all the sons of God made a joyful melody ?

6 He commandeth go down upon

the snow 8 Who shut up the sea with doors when it
the earth, and the winter rain, and the shower of broke forth as issuing out of the womb
his strength. 9 When I made a cloud the garment thereof,
7 He sealeth up* the hand of all men, that every and wrapped it in a mist as in swaddling bands ?
one may know his works. 10 I set my bounds around it, and made it bars
8 Then the beast shall go into his covert, and and doors
shall abide in his den. 11 And I said Hitherto thou shalt come, and :

9 Out of the inner parts shall a tempest come, shalt go no further and here thou shalt break :

and cold out of the north. thy swelling waves.

10 When God bloweth, there cometh frost; 12 Didst thou since thy birth command the
and again the waters are poured out abundantly morning, and shew the dawning of the day its
1 Corn desireth clouds, and the clouds spread place ?
their light 13 And didst thou hold the extremities of the
12 Which go round about, whithersoever the earth shaking them, and hast thou shaken the
will of him that govemeth them shall lead them, ungodlv out of it ?
to whatsoever he shall command them upon the 14 The seal shall be restored as clay, apd shall
face of the whole earth : stand as a garment
13 Whether in one tribe, or in his own land, or 15 From the wicked their light shall be taken
in what place soever of his mercy he shall com- away, and the high arm shall be broken.
mand them to be found. 16 Hast thou entered into the depths of the
14 Hearken to these things. Job: Stand, and sea, and walked in the lowest parts of the deep ?
consider the wondrous works of God. 17 Have the gates of death been opened to
15 Dost thou know when God commanded the thee, and hast thou seen the darksome doors ?
rains, to shew the light of his clouds ? 18 Hast thou considered the breadth of the
16 Knowest thou the great paths of the clouds, earth ? tell me, if thou knowest all things?
and the perfect knowledges? 19 Where is the way where light dwelleth,
17 Are not thy garments hot, when the south and where is the place of darkness :
wind blows upon the earth ? 20 That thou mayst bring every thing to its
18 Thou perhaps hast made the heavens with own bounds, and understand the paths of the
him, which are most stroiig, as if they were of house thereof.
molten brass. 21 Didst thou know then that thou shouldst
19 Shew us what we may say to him : for we be bom ? and didst thou know the number of thy
are wrapped up in darkness : days ?
20 Who shall tell him the things I speak ? even 22 Hast thou entered into the storehouses of the
if a man shall speak, he shall be swallowed up.t snow, or hast thou beheld the treasures of the
23 Which I have prepared for the time of the
* He sealeth up, &c. When he sends those enemv, against the day of battle and war?
showers of his strength, that is, those storms of 24 By what way is the light spread, and heat
rain, he seals tip, that is, he shuts up the hands of divided upon the earth?
men from their usual works abroad, and confines 25 Who cave a course to violent showers, or a
them within doors, to consider ftis works; or to way for noisv thunder
forecast their works, that is, what they themselves 26 That it should rain on the earth without
are to do. man in the wilderness, where no mortal dwelleth:
t He shall he swallowed up. All thatman can _
27 That it should fill the desert, and desolate-
Eay when he speaks of God, is so little and incon-ilianj^ ^nd should bring forth green grass?
eiderable in comparison with the subject, thatj — ,

man is lost, and as it were swallowed up in so J X The Lord. That i?, an angel speaking in
immense an ocoan. ilthe name of the Lord.
28 WTio is the father of rain ? or who begot the 14 Wlien she leaveth her eggs on tlio earth,
ops of dew
thou perhaps wilt warm them in tjie dust.
29 Out of whose womb came the ice ? and the 15 She forgetteth that the foot may tread upon
fmst from heaven who hath gendered it? them, or that the beast of the field may break
30 The waters are hardened like a stone, and them.
the surface of the deep is congealed. 16 She is hardened against her young ones, as
3J Shalt thou be al)le to join togetlier the tliough they were not hers she hath laboured

shining stars the Pleiades,* or canst tliou stop the in vain, no fear constraining her.
turning about of Arcturus ? 17 For God hath deprived her of wisdom,
32 Canst thou bring forth the day-star in its neither hath he given her understaudins:.
time, and make the evening-star to rise upon the 18 When time shall be, she setlcth up hfr wings
children of the earth ? on high: she scometh the horse and liis r.dcr.
33 Dost thou know tlie order of heaven and 19 Wilt thou give strentrth to the horse, or
canst thou set down tlie reason thereof on tlie clothe his neck with neighing ?
earth? 20 Wiltthou lift him up like the locusts ? the
34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, glory of his nostrils is terror.
that an abundance of waters may cover thee ? 21 He breaketh up the earth with his hoof, he
35 Canst thou send lightnings, and will they pranceth boldly, he goeth forward to meet armed
go, and will thej' retuni, and say to tliee : Here men. '

v.^e are ? 22 He despiseth fear, he turneth not his back

36 Who hatli
put wisdom in the heart of man, to the sword.
or who gave the cock understanding ? t 23 Above him shall the quiver rattle, the spear
37 Who
can declare the order of the hea and shield shall glitter.
vens, or who can make the harmony of heaven to 24 Chasina: and raging he swalloweth the
sleep ? ground neitlier doth he make account when the

38 When was the dust poured on the earth, and noise of the trumpet soundeth.
the clods fastened together ? 25 When he heareth the trumpet, he saith;
39 Wilt thou take the prey forthe lioness, and Ha, ha he smelleth the battle afar oflT, the en-

satisfy the apjjetite of her whelps, couraging of the captains, and the shouting o(
40 When they couch in the dens, and lie in the army.
wait in holes ? 26 Doth the hawk wax feathered by thy wis-
41 Who
provideth food for the raven, when dom, spreading her wings to the south' ?
her young ones cry to God, wandering about, be 27 Will the eagle mount up at thy command
cause they have no meat ? and make her nest in high places ?
28 She abideth among the rocks, and dwelleth
CHAP. XXXIX. among cragged flints, and stony hills, where
tconders of the poorer and providence of God there is no access.
in many of his creatures.
29 From thence she looketh for the prey, and
her eyes behold afar ofl^.
KNOWEST thou the time when the wild 30 Her young ones shall suck up blood : and
goats bring forth among the rocks, or hast wheresoever the carcass shall be, she is immedi-
tliou observed the hinds when they fawn ? ately there.
2 Hast thou numbered the months of their con- 31 And the Lord went on, and said to Job :
ceiving, or knowest thou the time when they 32 Shall he that contendetli with God be so
bring forth ? easily silenced ? surely he that reproveth God
3 They bow themselves to bring forth young ought to answer him.
and they cast them, and send forth roarings. 33 Then Job answered the Lord, and said :
4 Their young are weaned, and go to feed 34 WTiat can I answer, who have spoken in-

they go forth, and return not to them. considerately ''I I will lay my hand upon my
5 Who hath sent out the wild-ass free and mouth.
who hath loosed his bonds ? 35 One thing I have spoken, which I wish I
6 To whom I have given a house in the wilder- had not said and another, to which I will add

ness, and his dwellings in the barren land.

no more.
7 He scometh the multitude of the city, he
heareth not the crv' of the driver. CHAP. XL.
8 He looketh round about the moimtains of Of the pmrer of God in the behemoth and the le-
his pasture, and seeketh for every green thing. viathan.
9 Shall the rhinoceros be willing to serve thee
or will he stay at thy crib ? wind, said
the Lord answering Job out of the whirl-

10 Canst thou -bind the rhinoceros with thy 2 Gird up thy loins like a man: I will ask
thong to plough, or will he break the clods of the thee, and do thou tell me.
valleys after thee ? 3 Wilt thou make void my judgment: and
11 Wilt thou have confidence in his great condemn me, that thou mayst be justified ?
etrens:th, and leave thy labours to him ? 4 And hast thou an arm' like God, and canst
12 Wilt thou trust him that he will render thou thunder with a voice like him ?
thee the seed, and gather it into thy barn floor 5 Clothe thyself with beauty, and set thyself
13 The wing of the ostrich is like the wings of up on high, and be glorious, and put on goodly
the heron, and of the hawk. garments.
* Pleiades. Hebrew, Cin^ph. A cluster of t Spo/cen inconsiderately. If we discuss all
seven stars in the constellation Tatinis, or the Job's words {saith St. Gregory,) we shall find
Sull. Arctiints a bright star in the constellation nothing impiously spoken as may be gathered ;

Bootes. The Hebrew name Cesil is variously from the words of the Lord himself, chap. xlii.
interpreted; by some Orion; hy others the great ver. 7. &. 8. but what was reprehensible in him
Bear is understood. was the manner of expressing himself at times,
t Understanding. That instinct by which spcakintr too much of his own affliction, and to«
he distinguishes the times of crowing in the little of God's goodness towards him which here
Bight. he acknowledges as viconsidaate.
2X 353
t :


6 Scatter the proud in thy indignation, and be- 8 They stick one to another, and they hold one
hold every arroEfant man, and humble him. another fast, and shall not be separated.
7 Look on all lliat are proud, and confound them, 9 His sneezing is like the shining of fire, and
and crush the wicked in their place. his eyes like the eye-lids of the morning.
8 Hide theui in the dust togetlier, and plunge 10 Out of his mouth go forth lamps, like torch-
tkeir faces into the pit. es of lighted fire.
9 Then I will confess that tliy right hand is 11 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, like that of
able to save thee. a pot heated and boiling.
10 Behold behemoth* whom I made with thee, 12 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame coii-
he eateth grass like an ox. eth forth out of Iiis mouth.
11 His strength is in his loins, and his force in 13 In his neck strength shall dwell, and want
the navel of his belly. goeth before his face.
12 He setteth up his tail like a cedar, the 14 The members of his flesh cleave one to
sinews ot his testicles are wrapped together. another : he shall send lightnings against him,
13 His bones are like pipes of brass, his gristle and they shall not be carried to another place.
like plates of iron. 15 His heart shall be as hard as a stone, and
14 He is the beginning of the ways of God, who as firm as a smith's anvil.
made liim : he will apply his sword. 16 When he shall raise him up, the angelsj]
15 To him the mountains bring forth grass: shall fear, and being affrighted shall purify them-
there all the beasts of the field shall play. selves.
16 He sleepeth under the shadow, in the covert 17 Wlien a sword shall lay at him, it shall not
of the reed, and in moist places. be able to hold, nor a spear, nor a breast-plate.
17 The shades cover his shadow, the willows 18 For he shall esteem iron as straw, and brass
of the brook shall compass him about. as rotten wood.
18 Behold, he will drink up a river, and not 19 The archer shall not put him to flight, the
wonder: and he trusteth that the Jordan may run stones of the sling to him are like stubble.
into his mouth. 20 As stubble will he esteem the hammer, and
19 In his eyes as with a hook he shall take he will laugh him to scorn who shaketh the
him, and bore tlirough his nostrils with stakes. spear.
20 CansE' thou draw out the leviathant with 21 The beams of the sun shall be under him,5
a hook, or canst thou tie his tongue with a cord ? and he shall strew gold under him like mire.
21 Canst thou put a ring in his nose, or bore 22 He shall make the deep sea to boil like a
through his jaw with a buckle ? pot, and shall make it as when ointments boil.
22 Will he make many supplications to thee, 23 A path shall shine after him, he shall es-
or speak soft words to thee ? teem the deep as gi-owing old.**
23 Will he make a covenant with thee, and 24 There is no power upon earth that can be
wilt tliou take him to be a servant for ever ? compared with him who is made to fear no one.
24 Shalt thou play with him as with a bird, or 25 He beholdeth every high thing, he is kingtt
tie him up for thy handmaids ? over all the children of pride. ••

25 Shall friends cut him in pieces, shall mer-

chants divide him ? CHAP. XLII.
26 Wilt theu fdl nets with his skin, and the ca- Job suhmits himself. God pronounces in his fa-
bins of fishes with his head ? vour. Job offers sacrifice for his friends. He
27 Lay thy hand upon him : remember the bat- is blessed with riches and children, and dies
tle, and speak no more. happily.
28 Behold his hope shall fail him, and in the
sight of all he shall be cast down. THENJob answered the Lord, and said :
2 I know that thou canst do all things, and
CHAP. XLL no thought is hid from thee.
A further description of the lemathan. 3 Who is this that hideth counsel without
him one is cruel knowledge ? Therefore I have spoken unwisely,
IWill not stir up, like that
and things that above measure exceeded my
for who can resist my countenance?
2 hath given nie before that I should re- knowledge.
4 Hear," and T will speak I will ask thee, and
pay him All things that are under heaven are

mine. do thou tell me.

3 I will not spare him, nor his mighty words, 5 With the hearing of the ear I have heard
thee, but no\v my eye seeth tliee.
and framed to make supplication.
4 Who can discover the face of his garment? 6 Therefore I reprehend myself, and do pe
or who can go into the midst of bis mouth ? nance in du?t and ashes.
5 Who can open the doors of his face ? his 7 And after the Lord had spoken these words
teeth are terrible round about. to Job, he s-aid to Eliphaz the Thenianite : My
thee, and against thy
6 His body is like molten shields, shut close wrath is kindled against
up with scales pressing upon one another. two friends, because you have not spoken the
7 One is joined to another, and not so much as
any air can come between them :
Angels. Elim, Hebrew: which signifies
here, the mighty, the most valiant, shall fear this
* Behemoth, in Hebrew behema, which signi- monstrous fish, and in their fear shall Ecek to bo
fies ingeneral an animal : but many authors ex- purified.
plain, that here it is put for the Elephant. § Under him. He shall not value the beams
t He will apply his sword. This text is va- of the sun; and gold to him shall be like mire.
riously explained : some explain the sicord, the ** The deep as grotcing old. Growing hoary
horn given to the animal for his defence : others as it were, with the froth which he leaves behind
the power that God hath given to man to him.
slay him, notwithstanding his great size and tt He
IS king, Sec. He
is superior in strength

strength. to all that are great and strong among living

t Lemathan. The whale, or some sea mon- creatures : j^ystically it is understood of the
fiter. devil, who is king over all the proud.
: ;

PSALM I. 11. rii.

thing tim: is right before me, ns my servaut Jvb evil tliat God had brousht upon him. And every
hath. man gave him one ewe, and one ear-ring oi

8 Take unto you therefore seven oxen, und] sold.

seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and ofierj 12 And the Lord blessed the latter end of Job
for yourselves a holocaust : and my servant Job more tlian liis beginning. And he had fourteen
shall pray for you : his face 1 will accept, that lliousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and
folly be not imputed to 30U : for you have not a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand sho-
spoken right things before me, as my servant Job asses.
hath. 13 And he had seven sons and three daiirh*
9 So Eliphaz the Themanite, and Baldad the ters.
Suhite, and tSophar the Naaniatliite, went, and 14 And he called the name of one Dies, and
did as the Lord had spoken to them : and the the name of the second Cassia, and the name of
Lord accepted the face of Job. the third Cornustibij.
10 The Lord also was turned at the penance 15 And there were not found in all the earth
of Job, when he prayed for his friends. And women so beautiful as the daughters of Job : and
ths Lord gave Job twice as much as he had be- their father gave them inheritance among their
fore. brethren.
11 And all his brethren came to him, and all 16 And Job lived after these things, a hundred
his sisters, and all that knew him before, and and forty years, and he saw his children, and hia
they eat bread with him in his house: and be- children's children, unto tlie fourth generatioa
moaned him, and comforted him upon all the and he died an old man, and full of days.


The Psalms are by the Hebrews te-
called 5 Then shall he speak to them in his anger,,thatis, hymns ofpraise. The author of and trouble them in his rage.
a great part of them at least, teas Icing David 6 But I am appointed king by him over Sion
but many are of opinion that some of Ihemtcere his holy mountain, preachmg his command-
made by Asaph, and others, whose names are ment.
prefixed in the titles. 7 The Lord hath said to me : Thou art my
PSALM I. son, this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I will give thee the gentiles
Beatus vir.
for thy inheritance, and tlie utmost parts of the
The happiness of the just : and the evil state of earth for thy possession.
the wicked,
9 Thou shah rule them with a rod of iron
BLESSED is the not walked and shalt break them in pieces like a potter's'
man who hath
in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in vessel.
the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pesti- 10 And now, O
ye kings, understand: receive
lence. instruction you that judge the earth.
2 But his will is in the law of the Lord, and 11 Serve ye the Lord with fear: and rejoice
on his law he shall meditate day and night. unto him with trembling.
3 And he shall be like a tree which is plant 12 Embrace discipline, lest at any time the
ed near the running waters, wliich shall bring Lord be angry, and you perish from the just
forth its fruit, in due season. way.
And his leaf shall not fall off: and all wliatso- 13 When his wrath shall be kindled in a short
ever he shall do shall prosper. time, blessed are all they that trust in him.
4 Not so the wicked, not so: but like the dust PSALM
which tlie wind driveth from the face of tlie
Domine, quid multiplicati.
5 Therefore tlie wicked shall not rise again The prophet's danger and delivery from his son
in judgment: nor sinners in the council of the Absalom: mystically the passion and resur
just. rcction of Christ.
6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the just 1 The psalm of David when he fled from the
and the wav of the wicked shall perish. face of his son Absalom. [2 Kings xv.]
PSALM II. 2 V¥/'Hy, O Lord, are they multiplied that
Quare fremuerunt. » T afflict me ? many are they who rise up

against me.
The rain efforts of persecutors against Christ
3 Many say to
my soul There is no salvation :
and his church.
him in his God."
WHY have the gentiles raged, and the people
devised vain things?
4 But thou, O Lord, art my protector, my
glory, and the lifter iiji of my head.
2 The kings of the earth stood up, and the 5 I have cried to the Lord witli my voice and :

princes met togetlier, against the Lord, and lie hath heard me from Ills' holy hill.
against his Christ. G I have slept atid iiave taken my rest and I :

3 Let us break their bonds asunder and let! have risen up, because the Lord hath protected

U8 cast away their yoke from us. me.

4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh at 7 I will not fear thousands of the people, sur
'bpin and the Lord shall deride them.
roundinir me ai-isc, O Lord save me, Omy God
: ;


8 For thou hast struck all them who are my 9 Conductme.O Lord, in thy justice: becaiie*
adversaries without cause : thou hast broken of my enemies, direct my way in thy sight.
the teeth of sinners. 10 For there is no truth in tlieir mouth : their
9 Salvation is of the Lord : and thy blessing is heart is vain.
upon thy people. 11 Their throat is an open sepulchre: they
dealt deceitfully with their tongues : judge them,
OGod. •
Cum invocarem.
Let them fall from their devices : according to

The prophet teacheth vs to flee to God in tribu- the multitude of their wickednesses cast them
lation, with confidence in him. out: for they have provoked thee, OLord.
1 Unto the end,* in verses. A psalm for David. 12 But let all tliem be glad that hope in thee :
2 iri/"HEN 1 called upon him, the God of my they shall rejoice for ever, and thou shalt dwell
» » justice heard me; when I was in dis- in them.
tress, thou hast enlarged me. And all tliey that love thy name shall glory jn
Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer. Skee:
3 O ye sons of men, how long will ye bo dull 13 For thou wilt bless the just.
of heart why do you love vanity, and seek after
O Lord, thou hast crowned us, as with a shieJd
lying ? of thy good will.
4 Know ye also that the Lord hath made his PSALM VI.
holy one wonderful the Lord will hear me when

I shall cry unto him.

Domine, ne in furore.
5 Be ye angry, and sin not the things you say Aprayerofa penitent sinner, nnder the scourge

in your hearts, be sorry for them upon your of God. The first penitential Psalm.
beds. 1 Unto the end, in verses, a psalm for David, for
6 Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and trust in the octave.l
the Lord : many say, Who
slieweth us good 2 /^ LORD, me not in thy indigiia
tilings? \J tion, nor chastise me in thy wrath.
7 The light of thy countenance, O
Lord, is 3 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak :
signed upon us : thou hast given gladness in my
heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.
heart. 4 And my soul is troubled exceedingly : but
8 By the fruit of their corn, their wine, and oil, thou, O Lord, how long ?
they are multiplied. 5 Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver my soul : O
9 Li peace in the selfsame I will sleep, and I save me for thy mercy's sake.
will rest 6 For there is no one in death, that is mindful
10 For thou, O Lord, singularly hast settled of thee : and who shall confess to thee in hell ? '

ne in hope. 7 I have laboured in my groanings, every night

I will wash my bed : I will water my couch with
my tears.
Verba mea auribus. My eye is troubled through indignation: 1
A prayer to have grown old amongst all my enemies.
God against the iniquities of men.
1 Unto the end, for her that obtaineth the inherit- 9 Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity for :

ance.! A psalm for David. the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.
2 f~^ I VE ear, O Lord, to my words, understand 10 The Lord hath heard my supplication the :

VX my cry. Lord hath received my prayer.

3 Hearken to the voice of my prayer, O my 11 Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be very
King and my God. much troubled let them be turned back, and bo

4 For to thee will I pray O Lord, in the
ashamed very speedily.
morning thou shall hear mv voice; PSALM VII.
5 In the morning I will stand before thee, and
Domine Deus mens.
will see: because thou art not a God that wili-
est iniquity. David trusting in the justice of his cavse, pray
6 Neither shall the wicked dwell near thee: cthfor God's help against his enemies.
nor shall the unjust abide before thy eyes. 1 The psalm of David which he sung to the Lord,
7 Thou hatest all the workers of iniquity : thou for the words of Chusi the son of Jemini. [2
wilt destroy all that speak a lie. Kings, XVI.]
The bloody and the deceitful man the Lord 2 ^~\ LORD my God, in thee have I put my
»yill abhor. \Jtrust : save me from all them that per
8 But as for me in the multitude of thy mercy, seculeme, and deliver me.
I will come into thy house; I will worship to- 3 Lest at any time he seize upon my soul like
wards thy holy temple, in thy fear. a lion, while there is no one to redeem me, nor to
* Unto the end. Or, as St. .Teroine renders it 4 O Lord my God, if I have done this thing, if
victori, to him thai overcometh : which so'ne un- there be iniquity in my hands :
derstand of the chief musician; to whom they 5 If I have rendered'to them that repaid meevilS;
suppose the psalms, which bnar that title, were let me deservedly fall empty before my enemies.
given to be sung: we rather understand the 6 Let the enemy pursue my soul, and take it,
psalms thus inscribed to refer to Christ, who is and tread down my life on the earth, and bring
the e7id of the laic, and the great conqueror of down my glory to the dust.
death and hell, and to the New Tcstuiiient.
Ibid. In verses, in carminihus. In the He I For the octave.
That is, to lie sung on an in-
brew it is neghinoUi, supposed by some to be strument of eight strings. St. Augustme under-
a musical instrument, with which this psalm stands it mystically, of the last resuiTection, and
was to be sung. the world to come ; which is, as it were, the
Ibid. For David, or to David, that is, in- or eighth da}', after the seven days of this TTiortal
spired to David himself, or to be sung. and for this octave, sinners must dispose
t For her
that obtaineth the inheritance. That themselves like David, by bewailing their sins,
U, for the church of Christ. whilst they are here upon earth.


7 Rise up, O Lord, in thy anger ; and be thou 3 I will be glad to rejoice in thee : 1 will sing
eKalted in the borders of iny enemies. to thy name, O thou most high.
And arise, O Lord my God in the precept which 4 When my enemy shall be turned back : they
U»ou hast commanded 8 And a congregation shall be weakened, and perish before thy face.

oi people shall surround thee. 5 For thou hast maintained my judgment and
And tor their sakes return thou on high. 9 The my cause : thou hast sat on the throne, whojudg-
Lord iudgeth the people. estjustice.
J uilge me, O
Lord, according to my justice, and 6 Thou hast rebuked the gentiles, and the
according to my innocence in me. wicked one hath perished thou hast blotted out :

10 The wickedness of sinners shall be brought their name for ever and ever.
to nought; and thou shalt direct the just: the 7 The swords of the enemy have failed unto the
searcher of hearts and reins is God. end: and their cities thou hast destroyed.
11 Just is my help from tlie Lord : who saveth Their memory hath perished with a noise: 8
the upright of heart. But the Lord remaineth forever.
12 God is a just judge, strong and patient: is He hath prepared his throne in judgment: 9
he angry every day ? and he shall judge the world inequity, he shall
13 Except you will be converted, he will bran- judge the people in justice.
dish his sword : he hath bent his bow, and made 10 And the Lord is become a refuge for the
it ready. poor: ahelperin due time in tribulation.
14 And in it he hath prepared the instruments 11 And let them trust in thee who know thv
of death, he hath made ready his arrows for diera name : for thou hast not forsaken them that seek
tliat burn.* thee, O Lord.
15 Behold, he hatli been in labour with injus- 12 Sing ye to the Lord, who dwelleth in Sion:
tice : he hath conceived sorrow, and brought declare his ways among the gentiles
forth iniquity. 13 For requiring their blood he hath remem-
16 He hath opened a pit and dug it: and he is bered them : he hath not forgotten the cry of the
fallen into the hole ho made. poor.
17 His sorrow shall be turned on his own head: 14 Have mercy on me, Lord : see my hu- O
and his iniquity shall come down upon his crown. miliation which I suffer from my enemies.
18 I will give glory to the Lord according to 15 Thou that liftest me up from the gates of
his justice : and will sing to tlie name of the Lord death, that I may declare all thy praises in the
tlie most high. gates of the daughter of Sion.
vin. 16 I will rejoice in thy salvation : the gentiles
Doniiue Dominus noster. have stuck fast in the destruction which they
God is -eoiiderful in his works : especially in man- prepared.
kind, singularly exalted by the incarnation oJ\ I'heir foot hath been taken in the very snare
Christ. which they hid.
I Unto tlie 17 The Lord shall be known when he exe-
end, for the presses:! a psalm for
David. cuteth judgments the sinner hath been caught:

2^~^ LORD our Lord, how admirable is thy in the works of his own hands.
\Jname in the whole earth !
18 The wicked shall be turned into hell, alj
For thy magnificence is elevated above the' the nations that forget God.
heavens. 19 For the poor man shall not be forgotten to
3 Out of the mouth of infants and of sucklings the end the patience of the poor shall not perish

thou hast perfected praise, because of thy ene- for ever.

mies, that thou mayst destroy the enemy and the 20 Arise, O
Lord, let not man be strengthen
avenger. ed : be judged in thy sight.
let the gentiles
4 For I will behold thy heavens, the works of 21 Appoint, O Lord, a law-giver over them,
thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou
that the gentiles may know themselves to be but
liast founded. men.§
5 What is man that thou art mindful of him ?
or the son of man that thou visitest him 1 Psalm X. according to the Hebrews.
6 Thou hast made him a little less than the An-
gels, thou hast crowned him with glory and hon- 1 Why, O
Lord, hast thou retired afar off?
our 7 and hast set him over the worlds of thy
dost thou slight us in our wants, in the time
q/" trouble ?
8 Thou hast subjected all things under his feet, 2 Whilst the wicked man is proud, the poor
all sheep and oxen : moreover tlie beasts also of
is set on fire ; they are caught the counsels m
tlie fields.
which they devise.
is praised in the desires of
3 For the sinner
9 The birds
of the air and the fishes of the sea,
pass through the paths of the sea.
his soul and the unjust man is blessed.

10 O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy 4 The sinner hath provoked the Lord : ac-
name in all the earth !
cording to the multitude of his wrath he will not
seek him :
Confitebor tihi, Domine.
TTie church praiseth God for his protection and sufferings of Christ, the Son of God and of :

against her enemies. good christians, who are his sons by ado])tion ;
1 Unto the end, for the hidden things of the Bon.| are called hidden things, with regard to the chil-
A psalm for David. dren of this world, who know not the value and
2 TWILL give praise to thee, O Lord, with my merit of them.
Xwhole heart: I will relate all thy wonders, 5 Herethe late Hebrew doctors divide this
psalm into two, making ver. 22 the beginning of
* For them that hum. That is, against the psnlm X. And again they join the psalms cxlvi.
persecutors of his Saints. & cxlvii. into one, in order that the whole num-
t The presses. In Hebrew Gittitk, supposed ber of psalms should not exceed 150. And ia
lobe a musical instrument. this manner the psalms are numbered in thepr*-
} Tk£ hidden things of ike son. The humility testant bible.
357 .

5 God is not before his eyes : his ways are 2 (^AVE me, O Lord, for there is now no
filthy at all limes. k!5 Saint; truths are decayed from among
Thy judgments are removed from his sight; the children of men.
ne shall rule over all his enemies. 3 They have spoken vain things every one to
6 For he hath said in his heart I shall not be : his nei^libour: nith deceitful lips, and with a
moved from generation to generation, and shall double heart have they spoken.
be without evil. 4 May the Lord destroy all deceitful lips, and
7 His mouth is full of cursing, and of bitter- the tongue that speaketh proud things.
ness, and of deceit: under his tongue are labour 5 Who have said we will magnify our tongue;

and sorrow. our lips are our own ; who is Lord over us ?
8 He sitteth in ambush with tlie rich in private 6 By reason of the misery of the needy, and
places, that he may kill the innocent. the groans of tlie poor, now will I arise, saith the
9 His eyes are upon the poor man he lieth in : Lord.
wait in secret like a lion in his den. 1 will set him in safety ; I will deal confident-
He lieth in ambush that he may catch the ly in his regard.
Eoor man to catch the poor, whilst he draweth
: 7 The words of the Lord are pure words : as
im to him. silver tried by the fire, purged from the earth re-
10 In his net he will bring him down : he will fined seven times.
crouch and fall, when he shall have power over 8 Thou, O Lord, wilt preserve us and keep UB
the poor. from this generation for ever.
11 For he hath said in his heart : God hath 9 The wicked walk round about ; according to
forgotten, he hath turned away his face not to thy highness, thou hast'multiplied the children
see to the end. of men.
12 Arise, O
Lord God, let thy hand be exalt-
ed : forget not the poor.
13 Wiierefore hath the wicked provoked God ? Usquequo, Domine.
for he hath said in his heart : He will not re A prayer in tribulation.
quire it. 1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.
14 Thou seest it, for thou considerest labour
and sorrow : that thou mayest deliver them into HOW long, O
Lord, wilt tliou forget me unto
the end ? how long dost thou turn away
thy hands. thy face from me ?
To thee is the poor man left : thou wilt be a 2 How long shall I take counsels in my soul,
helper to the orphan. sorrow in my heart all the day?
15 Break thou tlie arm of the sinner and of 3 How long shall my enemy be exalted over
the malignant : his sin shall be sought, and shall me ? 4 Consider, and hear nie, O
Lord my God.
not be found. Enlighten my eyes, that I never sleep in death
16 The Lord shall reign to eternity, yea for 5 lest at any time my enemy say : I have prevail-
ever and ever ye gentiles shall perish from his
ed against him.
land. They that trouble me will rejoice when I am
17 The Lord hath heard the desire of the moved : 6 but I have trusted in thy mercy.
poor : thy ear hath heard the preparation of My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation : I will
their heart, sing to the Lord, who giveth me good things : yea
18 To judge for the fatherless and for the
I will sing to the name of the Lord the most high
humble, that man may no more presume to mag-
nify himself upon earth. PSALM XIII.
PSALM X. Dixit insipiens. 1.

In Domino confido. The general corruption of vxan before cmr re

God demption by Christ.
The just man's conjideiu-e in in the midst
of persecution. 1 Unto the end, a psalrn for David.

2 XN
Unto the end. A psalm for David.
the Lord I put my trust how then do
fool hath said in his heart
God. :
There is no THE :

JL you say to my soul Get thee away from : They are corrupt, and are become abominable
hence to the mountain like a sparrow ? in their ways there is none that doeth good, no :

3 For lo, the wicked have bent their bow; not one.
they have prepared their arrows in the quiver; 2 The Lord hath looked down from heaven up-
to shoot in the dark the upright of heart. on the children of men, to see if there be any that
4 For they have destroyed the things which understand and seek God.
thou hast made but what has the just man
: 3 They are all gone aside, they are become
done ? unprofitable together there is none that doeth

5 The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord's good, no not one.
throne is in heaven. Their throat is on open sepulchre ; with their

His eyes look on the poor man: his eyelids tongues they acted deceitfully ; the poison of asps
examine the sons of men. is under their lips.
6 The Lord trieth the just and the wicked: Their m.outh is full of cursing and bitterness;
but he that loveth iniquity hateth his own soul. their feet are swift to shed blood.
7 He shall rain snares upon sinners fire and Destruction and unhapbiness in their ways*

brimstone and storms of winds shall be the por- and tbe way of peace they have not known : there
tion of their cup. is no fear of God before their eyes.

8 For the Lord is just, and hath loved jus- 4 Shall not all they know that work iniquity,
tice : his countenance hath beheld righteousness. who devour my people as they eat bread ?
PSALM 5 They have not called upon the Lord : there
have they trembled for fear, where there was no
Salvum me fac.
Tke prophet coils for God^s help against the 6 For the Lord is in the just generation : you
have confounded the counsel of the poor man,
1 Unto the end ; for the octave, a psahn for but the Lord is his hope.
David. 7 Who shall give out of Sion the salvation of


Israel f when the Lord shall have turned a\vay tenancc : let thy eyes behold the things that aru
tlie captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice,
and Israel shall be glad. 3 Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by
night : thou hast tried me by fire and iniquity

hath not been found in me :

Domine, quis hubitabit.

4 That my mouth may not speak the works of
What kind of men shall dwell in the heavenly men : for the sake of the words of thy lips, I
Sion. have kept hard ways.
1 A psalm
David. for 5 Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that
LORD, who shall dwell in tliy tabernacle ? or my footsteps be not moved.
who shall rest in tliy holy hill ? 6 I have cried to thee, for thou, O God, hast

2 He that walketh without blemish, and work- heard me O incline thy ear unto mc, and hear :

etli justice : mv words.

3 He that spcaketh truth in his heart, who 7 Shew forth thj' wonderful mercies ; thou who
hath not used deceit in his tongue savest them that trust in thee.
Nor hatii done evil to his neighbour nor taken 8 From them that resist thy right hand keep

up a reproach against liis neighbours. me, as the apple of thy eye.

4 In his sight the malignant is brought to no- Protect mc under the shadow of thy wings. 9
thing: but he glorifielh them that fear Uie Lord. From the face of the wicked who have afflict-
He that sweardth to his neighbour, and deceiv- ed me.
«th not, 5 he that hath not put out his money to My enemies have surrounded my soul 10 :

usury, nor taken bri!)es against tlie innocent: they have shut up their fat :t their mouth hath
He that doeth these things shall not be moved spoken proudly.
Cor ever. 11 They have cast me forth, and now they
have surrounded me they have set their eyes
PSALM XV. bowing down to the earth.

Consci-va me, Domine. 12 They have taken me, as a lion prepared for
Christ's future victory and triumph over the the prey; and as a young lion dwelling in secret
world, and death. places.
1 The inscription of a title* to David himself. 13 Arise, Lord, disappoint him, and supplant O
PRESERVE me, Lord, for I have put my him; deliver niysoul from the wicked one; thy
trust in thee. 2 I have said to the Lord, sword 14 from the enemies of thy hand.
thou art my God, for thou hast no need of my O
Lord, divide them from the fcwj; of the earth
goods. in their life : their belly is filled from ttiy hidden
3 To the saints who
are 'n\ his land, he liath stares.^
made wonderful my
desires in theui.
all They are full of children: and they have left
4 Their infirmities were multiplied afterwards to their little ones the vest of their substance.

they made haste. 15 But as for me, I will appearbefore thy sight
1 will not gather together their meetings for in justice I shall be satisfied when thy glory :

blond-offerings : noi> will I be mindful of their shall appear.

names tiy my lips.
.5 The Lord is the portion of my inheritance
Diligam te, Domine.
and of my cup: it is thou that vvik restore my

inheritance to me. David's thanks to God for his delivery from all
6 The lines are fallen unto me in goodl}' pla- his enemies.
:es for my inheritance is goodly to me.
Unto the end, for Davirl the servant of the
7 I will bless the Lonl, who hath given me un- Lord, who spoke to the Lord the words of this
derstanding : moreover my reins also have cor- canticle, in the day that the Lord delivered him
rected me even till night. from the baud of all his enemies, and from the
8 I set the Lord always in my sight ; for he is hand of Saul. [2 ivi?j^s xxii.]
at my right hand, that 1 be not moved. Will love thee, OLord, my strength :
9 Therefore my heart hath been glad," and my 3 The Lord is my firmament, my refuge,
tongue hath rejoiced : moreover my flesh also and my deliverer.
shall rest in hope. My God is my helper, and in him will I put my
10 Because thou wilt not leave my soiil in trust.
hell ; nor wilt thou give thy holy one to see cor- My protector and the horn of my salvation,
ruption. and my support.
11 Thou hast made known to me the ways of 4 Praising I will call upon the Lord: and I
life, thou shalt fill mc with joy with thy counte- shall be saved from my enemies.
nance : at thy right hand are delights even to the
t Their fat. That is, their bowels of com-
PSALM XVL passion : for they have none forme.
Exaudi, Domine, justitiam. X Divide them from the few, itc. That is cut
them off from the earth, and the/c//^ trifling things
A just man's prayer in trihnlalion against the thereof; wliich they are so pror.d of, or di-
malice of his enemies.
vide them from the few;\\\?it is from thy elect;
1 The prayer of David. who are but few ; that they may no longer have
HEAR, O Lord, my justice: attend to inyi it in their power to oppress them. It is not
supplication. meant by wav of a curse or imprecation but, as ;

Give ear unto my prayci-, tchich proceedeth noti many other the like passages in the psalms, by
from deceitful lips. way of a prediction, or prophecy of what should
2 Let my judgment come forth from thy coun-| come upon them, in pimishment of their wicked-
* The inscription of a of a pil-
title. That y/;;/ 7//fZrZe« stores: thy secret treasures, out
is, i


lar or monument, i-j/Xoyoii'/n'i : wlijrh is as much of which thou funiisliest those earthly goods
as to sny, that thi^ psalm i-- most worthy to be which with a bountiful hand thou hast digtribu
engraved on an everlastinsr monument. led both to the good and the bad.
: ;:

6 The sorrows of death surrounded me : and And thy discipline hath corrected me unto tha
the torrents of iniquity tj'oubled me. end : and tliy discipline the same shall teach me.
6 The sorrows of lifeil encompassed me : and 37 Thou
hast enlarged my steps under me
the snares of death prevented me. and my feet are not weakened.
7 In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and 38 I will pursue after my enemies, and over-
I cried to my God : take them : and 1 will not turn again till thev
And he heard my voice from his holy temple : are consumed.
and my cry before him came into hiseara. 39 I will break them, and they shall not be
8 The earth shook and trembled the founda- :able to stand : lliey shall fall under my feet.
tions of the mountains were troubled and were 40 And thou hast girded me witli strength unto
moved, because he was angry with them. battle ; and hast subdued under me them that
9 There went up a smoke in his wrath : and a ose up against me.
fire flamed from his face coals were kindled
: 41 And thou bast made my enemies turn their
by it. back upon me, and bast destroyed them that ha-
10 He bowed the heavens, and came down : and ted me.
darkness was under his feet. 42 They cried, but there was none to save
11 And he ascended upon the cherubim, and them: to the Lord, but lu' heard tJiem net.
he flew upon the wings of the winds. 43 And I shall beat them as small as the dust
12 And he made darkness his covert, his pavi- before the \«ind; I shall bring them to nought,
lion round about him : dark waters in the clouds like the dirt in tlie streets.
of the air. 44 Thou wilt deliver me from the contradic-
13 At the brightness that u-ns before him the tions of the people: thou wilt make me head of
clouds passed, hail and coals of fire. the gentiles.
14 And the Lord thundered from heaven, and 45 A people, which 1 knew not, hath served
the highest gave his voice hail and coals of fire. me : at the hearing of the ear ibey have obeyed me.

15 And he sent forth his arrows, and he scat- 46 The children that are strangers have lied to
tered them: he multiplied lightnings, and troub- me: strange children have faded away, and have
led them. halted from their paths.
16 Then the fountains of waters appeared, and 47 The Lord liveth, and blessed be my God
the foundations of the world were discovered and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
At thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the spirit 48 O God, who avengest me, and subduest the
of thy wrath. people under me, my deliverer tiom my enemies.
17 He sent from on high, and took nie : and re 49 And thou wilt lift me up above them that
ceived me out of many waters. rise up against nie from the unjust man thou :

18 Hedelivcred me from my strongest enemies, wilt deliver me.

and from them that hated me for they were too
: 50 Therefore will I give glory to thee, O Lord,
strong for me. among the nations, and I will sing a psalm to thy
19 They prevented me in the day of my afflic- name.
tion: and the l,.ord became my protector. 51 Giving great deliverance to his king-, and
20 And he brought me forth into a large place shewing mercy to David his anointed : and to his

be saved mc, because he was well pleased with seed for ever.
21 And the Lord will reward me according to
Coeli ennrrant.
Tiy justice; and will repay me according to the
cleanness of my hands The works of God shew forth his glory: his late
22 Because I have kept the ways of "the Lord; is greatly to be esteemed and loved.
and have not done wicr.edly against my God. 1 Unto the end. A psalm for David.
23 For all judgments are in my sight and
his ^HE heavens shew forth the glory of God,

his justices I have not put away from me. and the firmament declareth the work of
24 And I shall be spotless with him and shall his hands.

keep myself from my iniquity. . 3 Day to day uttereth speech, and night to
25 And the Lord will reward me according to night sheweth knowledge.
my justice ; and according to the cleanness of my 4 There are no speeches nor languages where
hands before his eyes. their voices are not heard.
26 With the holy, thou wilt be holy; and with 5 Their sound bath gone forth into all the
the innocent man tiiou wilt be innocent: earth and their words unto the ends of the world.

27 And with the elect thou wilt be elect: and 6 He hath set his tabernacle in the sun and :

with the perverse thou wilt be perverted. he as a bridegroom coming out of his bride
28 For thou wilt save the humble people ; but chatnber.
wilt bring down the eyes of the prout|fc Hath rejoiced as a giant to run the way :

29 For thou lightest my lamp. O Lord O my 7 His going out is from the end of heaven,

God, enlighten mv darkness. And his circuit even to the end thereof: and
30 For by thee 1 snail be delivered from temp- there is no one that can hide himself from hia
tation :and through my God I shall go over a heat.
wall. 8 The law of the Lord is unspotted, convert-
31 As for my God, his way is undcfiled the ing souls the testimony of the Lord is faithful,
: :

words of the Lord are fire-tried : he is the pro- giving wisdom to little ones.
tector of all that trust in him. 9 The justices of the Lord are right, rejoicing
32 For who is God but the Lord ? or who is hearts the conunandinent of the Lord is light- :

God but our God ? jsome, enlightening the eyes.

33 God who hath girt me with strength and ; 10 The fear of the Lord is holy, enduring for
nmde mv way blameless. ever and ever the judgments of the Lord are :

34 Who liath made my feet like the feet of itru, justified in themselves.
narts: and who setteth me upon high places 11 More to be desired than gold and many
35 Who teacheth my hands to war: and thou iprecious stones: and sweeter than honey and
hast made my arms a brazen bow.
like jthe honey-comb.
36 And thou hast given me the protection of I
12 For thy servant keepeth them, and in keep
thy salvation: and tliy right hand hath held me up: ;ing them there is a great reward


13 Who can understand sins ? from my secreti 13 For thou shalt make them turn their back ;
ones cleanse nie, O Lord: 14 and iVoni Uiose of in thy remnants thou shalt prepare their face.f
others spare thy servant. 14 Be thou exalted, O Lord, in thy own
If they shall have no dominion over me, then strength we will sing and praise thy power. :

shall I be without spot and I shall be cleansed

from the s^reatest sin.
15And the words of my mouth shall be such Deus Deus meus.
as may please and : the meditation of my heart Chrisfs passion
: and the conversion of the
always in thy sight. Gentiles.
Lord, my helper, and my redeemer.
1 Unto the end for tho morning protection, a

psalm for David.

Exaudiat te Dominus. 2 ^~\ God, my God, look upon me why haat:

A prayer for the King. \-r thou forsaken me ?

1 Unto the end. A psalm for David. Far from my salvation are the words of my
2 1%'¥AY
tho Lord hear thee in the day of tri
bulation: may the name* of the God of 3 O my God, I shall cry by day, and thou wilt
Jacob protect thee. not hear : and by night, and it shall not be repu-
3 May he send thee help from the sanctuary: ted as folly in me.
4. But thou dwellest in tlie holy place, the
and defend thee out of Sion.
4 iMay he be mindful of all thy sacrifices : and praise of Israel.
may thy whole burnt-otVering be made fat. 5 In thee have our fathers hoped ; they have
5 May he give thee according to thy own hoped, and thou hast delivered them.
heart; and confirm all thy counsels. 6 They cried to thee, and they were saved :
6 We
will rejoice in thy salvation and in the ;.
they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.
name of our God we shall be exalted. 7 But I am a worm, and no man: the reproach
7 The Lord fulfil all thy petitions : now have of men, find the outcast of the people.
I known that tiie Lord hath saved his anointed.
8 All they that saw me have laughed me to
He will hear him from his holy heaven: the scorn they have spoken with the lips, and wag

salvation of his right hand is in powers." ged the head.

8 Some irtist in chariots, and some in horses :
9 He hoped in the Lord, let him deliver him :
let him save him, seeing he delighteth in him.
but we will call upon the name of the Lord our
God. 10 For thou art he that hast drawn me out of
9 They are bound, and have fejlen: but we the womb : my hope from the breasts of my mo-
are risen, and are set ujiright. ther. 11 I was cast upon thee from the womb.
Lord, save the king ; and hear us in the From my mother's womb thou art my God,
day that we shall call upon thee. 12 depart not from me.
For tribulation is very near: for there is none
PSALM XX. to help me.
Domine, in vertute. 13 Many calves have surrounded me: fatbulls
Praise to God for Christ's exaltation after his have besieged me.
passion. 14 They have opened their mouths against

1 Unto the end, A psalm for David. me, as a lion ravening and roaring.
15 I am poured out like water; and all my
2 XN thy strength, O
Lord, the king shall I

bones are scattered.

-fl- joy ; and in thy salvation he shall rejoice
exceedingly. My heart is become like wax melting in the
3 Thou hast given him his heart's desire :
midst of my bowels.
and hast not withholden from him the will of his 16 My strength is Aned up like a potsherd, and
my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws and thou

For thou hast prevented him with blessings

4 hast brought me down into the dust of death.
of sweetness thou hast set on his head a
17 Formanvdosrs have encompassed me; the
crown of precious stones. council of the malignant hath besieged me.
5 He asked life of thee and thou hast given
They have dug my hands and feet. 18 They
him length of days for ever and ever. have numbered all my bones.
6 His glory is great in thy salvation glory :
And they have looked and stared upon me. 19
and ereat beauty shall thou lay upon him. They i)arted my garments arriongst them; and
7 For thou shalt give him to be a blessing for upon my vesture they cast lots.
ever and ever: thou shalt make him joyful in 20 But thou, O Lord, remove not thy help to a
gladness with thy countenance. distance from me; look towards my defence.
8 For tlie king hopeth in the Lord and :
21 Deliver, O God, my soul from the sword
tl)rou<rli the mercy of the most High he shall not
only one from theJiand of the dog.
be moved. Save me from the lion's riiouth and my
'22 ;

9 Let thv hand be found by all thy enemies lowness hnnx the horns of the unicorns.

let thv right hand find out all them that hate
23 T will declare tiiv name to my brethren in :

thee. the midst of the church will I praise tliee.

10 Tiiou shalt make them as an oven of fire,
in tiie timeoftiiv anger: the Lord shall trouble t In thy remnants thou shalt prepare their
them in iiis wrath, and fire shall devour them. face: or thou shalt set thy remnants against
11 Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the [their faces. That is, thou shalt make them see
earth and their seed from among the children jwhat punishments remain for them hereafter from

of men.! jthv justice. Instead of remnants, St. .Teiome

1? For thev have intended evils against thee renders it fumes, that is rords or strings, viz. of

they have devised counsels which they have the /yowof divine justice, from which God directs
oot been aolc to establish. his arroics asrainst the faces of his enemies.
t The words of my sins. Tiiat is, the sins
* The salvation of his in powers. of the world, which I have taken upon mvself,
right hand is
Tl.-it is, in strength. His right hand is strong cry cut against me, and are the cause of nil my
mJ mighty to save them that trust in him. sufferings.
^ ^
2Y 361
: _

24 Ye that fear the Lord praise him : all ye 8 Wlio is this King of Glory ? the Lord
Ihe seed of Jacob glorify him. who is strong and mighty : the Lord mighty in
25 Let all the seed of Israel fear him : because battle.
he hath not slighted nor despised the supplica- 9 Lift up your gates, ye princes, and be ye O
tion of the poor man. lifted up, O
eternal gates : ana the King of Glory
Neither hath he turned away his face from me: shall enter in.
and when I cried to him he heard me. 10 Who
is this King of Glory 1 the Lord of

26 With thee is my praise in a great church 1 hosts he is the King of Glory.


will pay my vows in the sight of them that fear PSALM XXIV
Ad te, Domine, levavi.
27 The poor shall eat and shall be filled; and
they shall praise the Lord that seek him their : A prayerfor grace, mercy, and protec:t.9na^M*ii
hearts shall live forever and ever. our enemies.
28 All the endsof the earth shall remember, 1 Unto the end, apsalm for David,
and shall be converted to the Lord O thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul.
And all the kindreds of the Gentiles shall adore 2 In thee, O my God, I put my trust let :

in his sight. me not be ashalned.

29 For the kingdom is the Lord's ; and he shall 3 Neither let my enemies laugh at me : for
have dominion over the nations. none of them that wait on thee shall be con-
30 All the fat ones of the earth have eaten and founded.
have adored all tlipy that go down to Oie earth
: 4 Let all them be confounded that act unjust
shall fall before him. things without cause.
31 And to him my soul shall live : and my Shew, O Lord, thy ways to me, and teach me
seed sliall serve him. thy paths.
32 There shall be declared to the Lord a gen- 5 Direct me in thy truth, and teach me ; for
eration to come : and the heavens shall shew thou art God my Saviour ; and on thee have I
forth his justice to a people that shall be born, waited all the day long.
which the Lord hath made. 6 Remember, O Lord, thy bowels of compas
PSALM XXII. sion; and thy mercies that are from the beginning
Domiuus regit me. of the world.
God'' s spiritual benefits to faithful souh. 7 The sins of my youth and my ignorances do
not remember.
A psalm for David.
According to thy mercy remember thou me :

THE Lord
rulcth me:* and I shall want noth-
for thy goodness' sake, O Lord.
8 The Lord Ls sweet and righteous therefore :

2He hath set me in a place of pasture. he will give a law to sinners in the way.
He hath brought me up, on the water of re- 9 He will guide the mild, in judgment he will
freshment: 3 he hath converted my soul.

teach the meek his ways.

He hath led me on the paths of Justice, for his 10 All the ways of the Lord are mercy and
own name's sake. truth, to them that seek after his covenant and hia
4 For though I should walk in the midst of the
thou art testimonies.
shadow of death, will fearno evils, for
11 For thy name's sake, Lord, thou will par- O
with me.
Tliv rod and tliy staff, they have comfortedme don sin : for it is
12 Who is the man that feareth the Lord '.'

5 Thou hast prepared a tablebefore me, against

hath appointed him a law in the way he hath
them thiit afflict me.
my chosen.
Thou hast anointed my head with oil ; and ,

13 His soul shall dwell m good thmgs : and his

, ,
, . .

chalice which inebriateth we how goodly is it !

seed shall inherit the land.

6 And thy mercy will follow me all the days
14 The Lord is a firmament to them that fear
of mv life.

him and his covenant shall be made manifest to

And that I may dwell in the house of
the Lord,
them. u
unto length of days. , , I J r
15 My eyes are ever towards the Lord : for he
XXIII. shall pliick mv feet out of the snare.
Domini est terra. 16 Look thou upon me ; and have mercy on
Who are theij that shall ascend to heaven; me; for I am alone and poor. , ,. j .

17 The troubles of my heart are multiplied

Christ s trivmphant ascension thither.
deliver me from mv necessities.
I On the firstday oftheweek, apsalm for David. 18 See my abjection and my labour: and tor-
THE earth is the Lord's and the fulness
thereof: the world and all they that dwell
give me all mv sins.
are multi-

19 Consider mv enemies, for they

tlierein. hated me with an unjust hatred.
plied, and have
2 For he hath founded it upon the seas; and 20 Keep, thou my soul, and deliver me :
hath prepared it upon the rivers. shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped
in thee
3 Who shall ascend into the mountain of the 21 The innocent and the upright have
Lord or who shall stand in his holy place ?
ed to me because I have waited on thee. :

4 The innocent in hands, and clean of heart,

22 Deliver Israel, O God, from all his tribula-
who luith not taken his soul in vain, nor sworn tions.
deceitfully to his neighbour.
5 He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, PSALM XXV.
and mercv from God his Saviour. Judica me, Domine.
6 This"is the generation of them that seek him, ta be de-
David's prayer to God in his distress
of tliem that seek the face of the God of Jacob. m

that he may

come to rcorshtp htm tits

7 Lift up your gates, ye O
princes, and be ye livered,
lifted up, eternal gates : and the King of Glory
1 Unto the end, a psalm for
me, O Lord, for I have walked m
shall enter in. my _

innocence and I have put my trust m
*Ruleth me. In Hebrew, Is my shepherd, viz. :

to feed, guide, and govern me. iLord, and shall not be weakened.
: :


2 Prove me, O Lord, and try me ; burn my 1 A psalm for David himself.
reins and my heart.
3 For thy mercy is before my eyes : and I am
UNTO thee
not thou
will I cry, Lord : O O my
God. b6
silent to me: lest if thou be silent
well pleased with thy truth. to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
4 I have not sat with the council of vanity : 2 Hear, O
Lord, the voice of my supplication
neither will I go in with tlie doers of unjust when I pray to thee ; when I lift up my hands to
things. tliy holy temple.
5 I have hated the assembly of the malignant 3 Draw me not away together with the wick-
and with the wicked I will not sit. ed and with the workers of iniquity destroy me

6 I will wash my hands among the innocent not:

and will compass thy altar, O Lord, Who speak peace with their neighbour, but
7 That I may hearthe voice of lliy praise: and evils are m their hearts.
tell of all thy wondrous works. 4 Give them according to their works, and ac-
8 I have loved, O Lord, the beauty of thy cording to the wickedness of their inventions.
house ; and the place where thy glory dwelleth. According to the works of their hands give tliou
9 Take not away my soul, O God, with the to them render to them tlieir reward.

wicked nor my life with bloody men.

5 Because they have not understood the works
10 In whose hands are iniquities their right
of the Lord, and the operations of his hands thou ;
hand is filled with gifts. shalt destroy them and shall not build them up.
11 But as for me, I have walked in my inno- 6 Blessed be the Lord, for he hath heard the
cence redeem me, and have mercy on me.
voice of my supplication.
12 My foot hath stood in the direct way : in 7 The Lord ismy helper and my protector in :

the churches I will bless thee, O Lord. him hath my heart confided, and I have been
PSALM XXVI. helped.
Dominus illuminatio.
And my flesh hath flourished again, and with
my will I will give praise to him.
David's faith and hope in God. 8 The Lord is the strength of his people, and
1 The psalm of David before he was anointed. the protector of the salvation of his anointed.
THE Lord is my light and my salvation,whom
shall I fear f
9 Save, O Lord, thy people, and bless thy in-
heritance ; and rule them and exalt them for ever.
The Lord is the protector of my life ; of whom XXVIII. PSALM
shall I be afraid ?
Afferte Domino.
2 Whilst the wicked draw near against me, to
eat my flesh.
An invitation to glorify God, with a commemora-
tion of his mighty works,
My enemies that trouble me, have themselves
been weakened, and have fallen. 1 A psalm for David, at the finishing of the ta-

3 If armies in camp should stand together bernacle.

against me, my heart shall not fear. BRING
to the Lord, O ye children of God
If a battle should i-ise up against me, in this bring to the Lord the offspring of rams.
will I be confident. 2 Bring to the Lord glory and honour; bring
4 One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will to the Lord glory to his name; adore ye tlie Lord
I seek after ; that I may dwell in the house of the in his holy court.

Lord, all the days of my life. 3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters,
That I may see the delight of the Lord, and the God of majesty hath thundered, the Lord up-
may visit his temple. on many waters.
5 For he hath hidden me in his tabemacle; in 4 The voice of the Lord is in power; the voice
the day of evils, he hath protected me in the se of the Lord in magnificence.
cret place of his tabernacle. 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars:
6 He hath exalted me upon a rock : and now yea, the Lord shall break the cedars of Libanus.
he hath lifted up my head above my enemies. 6 And shall reduce them to pieces,* as a calf
I have gone round, and have offered up in his of Libanus, and as the beloved son of unicorns.
tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation : I will sing, 7 The voice of the Lord divideth the flame of
and recite a psalm to the Lord. fire : 8 The voice of the Lord shakcth the desert

7 Hear, O Lord, my voice, with which I have and the Lord shall shake the desert of Cades.
cried to thee : have mercy on me, and hear me 9 The voice of the Lord prepareth the stags :
8 My heart hath said to thee : 3Iy face hath and he will discover the thick woods: and in his
soueht thee : thy face, O Lord, will I still seek. temple all shall speak his glory.
9 Turn not away thy face from me: decline 10 The Lord maketh the flood to dwell : and
not in thy wrath from thy servant. the Lord shall sit king for ever.
Be thou my helper, forsake me not do not ;
The Lord will give strength to his people : the
thou despise me, O God my Saviour. Lord will bless his people with peace.
10 For my father and my mother have left me XXIX. PSALM
but the Lord hath taken me up. Exaltabo te, Domine.
11 Set me, O Lord, a law in my way, and guide
tt.f in the right path, because of mv enemies.
David praiseth God for his deliverance, andhii
12 Deliver me not over to the will of them that merciful dealings with him.
trouble me: for imjust witnesses have risen up * t^hall reduce them to pieces, Si.c. In Hebrew,
against me; and iniquity Imtti lied to itself. Shall mal:c them to skip like a calf. The psalm-
13 I believe to see the good things of the Lord ist here describes the effects of thunder (which
in the land of the livin?.
he calls the voice of the Lord) which sometimea
14 Expect the Lord, do manfully, and let thy breaks down the tallest and strongest trees and
heart take courasre, and wait thou for the Lord makes their broken branches skip, &,c. All this

PSALM XXVII. is to be understood mystically, of the powerful

voice of God's w ord in his chundi which had ;

Ad te, Domine, clamabo. broke the pride of the great ones of this world,
Dattid'' s prayer that hia enemies may not prevail] and brought many of them meekly and joyfully
over him. to submit their necks to the sweet voke of Christ
1 ; ! ;

I am become as a
vessel that is destroyed
of Da-j
1 Apsaliii ofacanticle, at the dedication
14 VoY I have heard the blame of many that
vid's house.
Lord, for thou hast| dwell roimd

2 extol thee, O While they assendiled together against me

iupheld me: and hast not made ene-| my
Ithev consulte'd to take away life. my
mies to rejoice over nie. have put trust in thee, Lord : my O
and I'd But I
3 O
Lord my God, I have cried to tliee,
I said: Thou art my God. 16 lots are in My
thou hast healed nie.
4 Thou hast brought forth, Lord, my soul thv hands.
from them that "Dehver me out of the liands of my enemies ;
from hell : thou hast saved nie
and from them tliat persecute me.
eo down into the pit.
give 17 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant;
5 Sing to the Lord, O ye his saints : and
save me in thy mercy.
praise to the memory of his holiness.
13 Let me not be confounded, O Lord, foi 1

6 For wrath is in his indignation; and lite in

have called upon tliee.
his ffood will.
Let the wicked be ashamed, and be brought

In the evening weeping shall have place,

down to hell. 10 Let deceitful lips be made
in the morning gladness.
shall never dumb.
7 And in my abundance I said I . .

Wiiich speak iniquity against the just, with

be moved.
pride and abuse. ,

8 Lord, in thy favour, thou gavest strengtu

O 20 how great is tlie multitude of thy swtet- O
to mv beamv. hast hidden for them
Thou turnedst away thy face from me, and 1 ness, I .ord, which thou O
that fear thee
became troubled. ^ , , ,

9 To thee, Lord, will I cry ; and I will make

O Which thou hast wrought for them that hope
in thee, in the sight of the sons of men.
supplication to mv God. , •

10 What profit is there in my blood, whdst 1

21 Thou shalt hide them in the secret of tin
face, from the disturbance of men.
go down to corruption ?
Shall dust confess to thee, or declare thy
Thou shalt protect them in thy tabernacle
triith ?
from the contradiction of tongues.
1 The Lord hath heard, and
mercy 22 Blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewn :ja
, ,

wonderful mercy to me in a fortified city.

on me the Lord became mv helper. I am mmd
23 But I said" in the excess of my

12 Thou hast turned for me my mournmg


hast cut my sack-cloth, and hast cast awav from before thy eyes.
into joy : thou
compassed me with srladness: Therefore thou iiast heard the voice of my
13 To the end that my glory may smg to praver, when
I cried to thee.
for the
thee, and I may not regret O Lord my God, I 24 O
love the Lord, all ye his saints :

Lord will require truth, and will repay

will give praise to thee for ever.
abundanllv that act proudly.
PSALM XXX. 25 Do ve manfully, and let your heart be
/ In te, Domine, speravi. strengthened, all ye that hope in the Lord.
A prayer of a just man nniler affliction. PSALM XXXI.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David, in an ex- Beati quorum.
2 TN thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me ne- The second penitential psalm.
J_ ver be confounded: deliver me in thy justice. 1 To David himself, understanding.
3 Row down tiiy ear tome: make haste to
deliver me
BLESSED are they sins
whose iniquities are for
given, and whose are covered.
Be thou unto God, a protector, and a
nie a
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord hath
house of refuge to save me. not imputed sin, and in whose spirit there is no
4 For thou art my strength and my refuge guile.
and for thy name's sake thou wilt lead me, and
, 3 Because I was silent,* my bones grew old
nourish me. whilst I cried out all the day long.
5 Thou wilt bring me out of this snare, which 4 For dav and night thy hand was heavy upon
they have hidden for me for thou art my pro me I am tiimedt in iny anguish, whilst the thorn

lector. fastened.
6 Into thy hands I commend my spirit thou :
5have acknowledged my sin to thee, and my
hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth. I have not concealed.
7 Thou hast hated them that regard vanities, I will confess against myself my injus
I said
to no purpose.
tice to the Lord; and thou hast forgiven the wick
But I liave hoped in the Lord 8 I will be glad :
edness of mv sin.
and rejoice in thy mercy. 6 For this shall every one that is holy pray to
For tliou hast "regarded my humility, thou hast thee, in a seasonable time.
saved mv soul out of distresses. And yet in a flood of many waters, they shall
9 And thou hast notshutmeup in the hands
not come nigh unto him.
of the enemy : thou hast set my feet in a spa-
7 Thou art my refuge from the trouble which
cious place.
10 Have niercv on me, O Lord, for I am afflict-
That is, whilst I
ed my eye is "troubled with wrath, my soul, * Because T teas silent, &c. refusing
to confes.s
and mv bell v. ikept silence, bv concealing, or
and my mv thv hand was lieavv upon me, &c.
11 For mv life is wasted with grief: sins,

years in sisrhs. lam turned, fee. That is, I turn and roll "t

for ease in my pain,


Mv strength is weakened through poverty about in mv bed, to seek :

and mv hones are disturbed. whilst the thorn of thy justice p'erces my flesh,
12 I am become a reproach among all my and sticks fast in me. Or,
/ am turned ; that is,
enemies, and very much to my neighbours and I am converted to thee, my;
God, by being brought
a fear to my acquaintance. to a bettor understanding by thy chastisements.
They that saw me without fled from me. In the Hebrew it
turned into is, my moisture is

13 I am forgotten as one dead from the heart, the droughts of th ummer.

364 I


nath encompassed me: my joy, 3 In the Lord shall my soul be praised ; let
deliver me from
diem tliat surround me. the meek hear and rejoice.
8 I will give tliee understandiiiE^, and I will 4 O
magnify the Lord witli mc ; and let us ex-
instruct thee in this way, in which thou shalt go: tol his name together.
I will fix my eyes upon thee. 5 I sought the Lord, and he heard me ; and ho
9 Do not become like the horse and the mule, delivered me from all my troubles.
who have no understanding. 6 Come ye to him and be enlightened : and
With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws, who your faces shall not be confounded.
come not near unto thee. 7 This poor man cried : and the Lord heard

10 Many are the scourges of tire sinner, but mer him, and saved him out of all
his troubles.
cy shall encompass him that hopeth in the Lord. 8 The angel of the Lord shall encamp round
shall deliver them.
11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice ye just, and about them that fear him, and
glory all ye risht of heart. 9 O
taste, and see that the Lord is sweet : bless-
ed is the man tliat hopeth in him.
10 Fear the Lord, all ye his saints : for there
Exultatejusti. want to them tliat fear him.
is no
An exhortation to praise God, and to trust in him.have wanted, and have suffered
11 The rich
1 A psalm for David. that seek the Lord shall act
hunger : But they
REJOICE in the Lord, O ye just: praise be- be deprived of any good.
cometh the upright. 12 Come, children, hearken to me : I will
2 Give praise to the Lord on the harp; sing to teach vou the fear of the Lord.
him with tlie psaltery, tlie instrument of ten
13 is the man that desiretli life ; who
strings. loveth to see good days ?
3 Sing to him a new canticle, sing well unto 14 Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lipa
him with a loud noise. from speaking guile.
4 For the word of the Lord is right, and all his 15 Turn away from evil, and do good seek :

works are do?ie with faithfulness. after peace, and pursue it.
5 He lovetli mercy and judgment; tlie earth is 16 The eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and
full of the mercy of the Lord. his ears unto their prayers.
6 By the word of the Lord, the heavens were 17 But the countenance of the Lord is againsi
established and all the power of them by the them that do evil things
: to cut off the remem- ;

spirit of his mouth: brance of them from the earth.

7 Gathering together the waters of the sea, as 18 The just cried and the Lord heard them, ;

in a vessel- laying up the depths in store-houses. and delivered them out of all their troubles.
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord, and let all 19 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a
the inhabitants of the world be in awe of him. contrite heart and he will save the humble of

9 For he spoke, and they were made he com- spirit. :

manded, and they were created. 20 Many are the afflictions of the just; but out
10 The Lord bringeth to nought the counsels of them all will the Lord deliver them.
of nations ; and he rejecteth the devices of people, 21 The Lord keepeth all their bones not one :

and casteth away the counsels of princes. of them shall be broken.

11 But the counsel of the Lord standeth forev- 22 The death of the wicked is very evil : and
er: the thoughts of his heart to all generations. they that hate the just shall be guilty.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the 23 The Lord will redeem the souls of his ser-
Lord : the people whom he hath chosen for his vants ; and none of them that trust in him shall
inheritance. offend.
13 The Lord hath looked from heaven: he PSALM XXXIV.
hath beheld all the sons of men.
14 From h's habitation which he hath prepa- Judica, Domine, nocentes me.
red, he hath looked upon all that dwell on the David, in the person of Christ, prnyelh against
earth. his persecutors ; prophetically foresheicing th^
15 He who hath made the hearts of every one punishments that shall fall upon them.
of them who understandeth all their works.
1 For David himself.
16 The king is not saved by a great army : nor
shall the giant be saved by his own great
thou, O Lord, them that wrong me
overthrow them that fight against me :
2 Take hold of arms and shield; and rise up
17 Vain is the horse for safety neither shall:

to help me.
he be saved by the abundance of his strength.
18 Beholil, the eyes of the Lord are on them 3 Bring out the sword, and shut up the way
say to my soul
that fear him and on them that hope In his against them that persecute me

I am thy salvation.
4 Let them be confounded and ashamed that
19 To deliver their souls from death : and feed
seek after my soul.
fhem in famine.
20 Our soul waiteth for the Lord : for he is our Let them "be turned back, and be confounded
that devise evil against me.
helper and protector.
5 Let them become as dust before the wind :
21 For in him our heart shall rejoice : and in them.
and let the Angel of the Lord straiten
his holv name wo have trusted.
22 Let thv mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we 6 Let their way become dark and slippery;
have hoped in thee. and let the Angel of the Lord pursue them.
7 For without cause they have hidden their
PSALM XXXIII. net for me unto destruction without cause they :

Benedicam Dominum. have upbraided mv soui.

An exhortation to ike praise, and service of God. 8 Let the snare which he knoweth not come
1 For David when he changed hi? countenance upon him and let the net which he hath hid-

before Achimelcch, who dismissed him, and he den catch him and into that very snare let him :

went his wav. [\ Kings \y.\.'\ fnll.

2T Will bless the Lord at all times, his praise 9 But my soul shall rejoice m the Lord ; end
, . , ,

J shallbe nlways in my mou'.h shall be delighted in his salvation.

: ::;;:

10 All my bones shall say : Lord, who is like 8 O how hast thou multiplied thy mercy, God O
to thee ? But the children of men shall put their trust
Who deliverest the poor from the hand of them under the covert of thy wings.
thill are stronger than he ; the needy and the 9 They shall be inebriated with the plenty of
poor from them that strip him. thy house : and thou shall make them drink of
11 Unjiist witnesses rising up have asked me the torrent of thy pleasure.
tilings I knew not. 10 For with thee is the fountain of life : and hi
12 They repaid me evil for good: to the depri- thy lieht we shall see light.
ving me of my soul. 11 Extend thy mercy to them that know thee,
13 But as for uie when they were troublesome and thy justice "to them that are right in heart.
to me, I was chvth.'d with hair cloth. 12 Let not the foot of priile come to me : and
I humbled m3' soul with fasting and my ; let not the hand of the sinner move me.
prayer sliallbe tiirn°d into my bosom. |
13 Tiiere the workers of iniquity are fallen;
14 Asa ncighboiir and as an own brother, so they are cast out, and could not stand.
did I please as one mcurning and sorrowful, so
was I humbled.
15 But tliey rejoiced against me, and came to- Noli ffimulari.
getlier : scourges were gathered together upon An exhortation to despise this world, and the
me, and I knew not. short prosperity of the wicked; and to trust in
16 They were separated, and repented providence.
not ; they tempted me, they scoffed at me with I A psalm for David himself.
scorn : they gnashed upi me with their teeth.
. E not emulous of evil doers; nor envy them
17 Lord, when wilt tlic.i look upon me ? res that work iniquity.
cue thou my soul from rheir malice ; my only 2 For they shall shortly wither away as grass :
one from the lions. and as the green herbs shall quickly fall.
13 I will give thanks to thee in a great church; 3 Trust in the Lord, and do good, and dwell in
I will praise thee in a strong people. the land, and thou shalt be fed with its riches.
19 Let notthem that are my enemies wrongful 4 Delight in the Lord, and he will give thee
ly rejoice over me ; who have hated me without the requests of thy heart.
cause, and wink with the eyes. 5 Commit tliv way to the Lord, and trust in
20 For tliey spoke indeed peaceably to me : him, and he will do it.
and speaking in the anger of the earth they de- 6 And he will bring forth thy justice as the
vised guile. ligiit, and thy judgment as the noon day.
21 And they opened their mouth wide against 7 Be subject to the Lord, and pray to him.
me; they saidr Well done, well done, our eyes Envy not the man who prospereth in his way
have seen it. the man who doeth unjust things.
22 Thou Iiast seen, O Lord, be not thou silent 8 Cease from anger, and leave rage ; have no
Lord, depart not from me. emulation to do evil.
23 Arise, and be attentive to my judgment ; to 9 For evil doers shall be cut off: but they that
my cause,jny God and my Lord. wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the land.
24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to 10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall
thy justice ; and let them not rejoice over me. not be and thou shalt seek his place, and shalt

25 Let them not say in their hearts: It is well, not find it.
his well, toour mind neitherlet them sav:
: We
11 But the meek shall inherit the land, and
have swallowed them up. shall delight in abundance of peace.
26 Let them blush, and be ashamed together, 12 The sinner shall watch the just man ; and
who rejoice at mv evils. shall gnash upon him with his teeth.
Let them be clothed with confusion and shame, 13 But the Lord shall laugh at him for he for- :

w^ho speak great things against me. seeth that his day shall come.
27 Let them rejoice and be glad, who are well 14 The wicked have drawn out the sword:
pleased with mv justice and let them say al- they have bent their bow,

ways The Lord be magnified, who delight in the

: To cast down the poor and needy, to kill the
peace of his servaut. upright of heart.
28 And my tonsue shall meditate thy justice, 15 Let their sword enter into their own hearts
thy praise all the day long. and let their bow be broken.
PSALM XXXV. 16 Better is a little to the just, than the great
Dixit injustus. riches of the wicked, f
The mnUce of ninners, and the goodness of God. 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken
1 Unto the end, for the servant of God David in pieces; but the Lord
strengtheneth the just.
himself 18 The Lord knoweth the days of the undefiled
2 rilHE unjust hath said within himself, that and their inheritance shall be for ever.
-1- he would sin there is no fear of God be-
19 Thev shall not be confounded in the evil
fore his eyes. time; and in the days of famine they shall be fil-
3 For in his sight he hath done deceitfully, led 20 because the wicked shall perish. :

that his iniquity mnv lie found unto hatred.* And the enemies of the Lord, presently after
shall come
4 The words of his mouth are iniquitv and they shall be honoured and exalted,
guile : he would not understand that he miglit do to nothing, and vanish like smoke.
jrell. 21 The sinner siiall borrow, and not pa- again
he but the just sheweth mercy, and
shall give.
5 He hath devised iniquity on his bed :

hath set himself on every way that is not good, 22 For such as bless him shall inherit the land
but evd he hath not hated. but such as curse him shall perish.
6 O Lord, thy mercy is in heaven and thy 23 With the Lord shall the steps of a man b«

truth reachetk even to the clouds. directed, and he shall like well his way;'
7 Thy justice is as the mountains of God: thy 24 When he shall fall, he shall not be bruised;
judgments are a great deep. for the Lord puttethhis hand under him.
Men and beasts thou wilt preserve, O Lord 25 I have been young, and now aiii old : and I

have not seen the just forsaken, nor his seed seek
UtUo hatred. That is, hateful to God. ing hread. '


26 He sheweth mercy, and leiulctli all the day 15 And I became as a man that heareth not,
lonp: and his seed shall be in blessing. and that hath no reproofs in his mouth.
'2T Decline iVoui evil, and do good, and dwell 16 For in thee, O Lord, have I hoped : thou
for ever and ever. wilt hear me, O Lord my God.
28 For the Lord luvetli judgment, and will not 17 For I said: Lest at any time my enemies
forsake his saints they shall be preserved for rejoice over me ; and whilst my feet are moved,

ever. they speak great things against me.

The unjust shall be punished, and the seed of 18 For I am ready for scourges: and my sor-
tlie wicked shall perish. row is continually before me.
29 But the just shall inherit the land, and shall 19 Fori will declare my iniquity: and I will
dwell therein for evermore. think for my sin.
30 The nioutli of the just shall meditate wis- 20 But my enemies live, and are stronger than
dom; and his tongue shall speak judgment. I and they that hate me wrongfully are multi-

31 The law of his God is in his heart, and his plied.

steps shall not l)e supplanted. 21 They that render evil for good, have de-
32 The wicked watcheth the just man, and tracted me, because I followed goodness.
eeeketh to put him to death. 22 Forsake me not, Lord my God : do not O
33 But the Lord will not leave him in his thou depart from me.
hands: nor condemn him when he shall be 23 Attend unto help, Lofd, the God oi my O
judged. my salvation.
34 Expect the Lord, and keep his way : and XXXVIII. PSALM
he will exalt thee to inherit the land: when the
Dixi, custodiam.
sinners sliall perish thou shall see.
35 I have seen the wicked highly exalted, and A
Just man's peace and patience in hvs suffer-
lifted up like the cedars of Libanus.
ings ; considering the vanity of the world, and
36 And I passed by, and lo, he was not: and the providence of God.
1 sought him, and his place was not found. 1 Unto the end, for Idithun himself, a canticle
37 Keep innocence, and behold justice; for oi David.
there are remnants for the peaceable man. SAID : I will take heed to my ways, that
38 But the unjust shall be destroyed together sin not with
I tongue. my
the remnants of the wicked shall perish. I my when the
have set a guard to mouth,
39 But the salvation of the just is from the sinner stood against me.
Lord and he is t'.ieir protector in the time of
3 I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept si-
trouble. lence from good things : and my sorrow was re
40 And the Lord will help them and deliver newed.
them: and he will rescue them from the wicked, 4 My heart grew hot within me, and in my
and save them, because thev liave hoped in him. meditation a fire shall flame out.
PSALM XXXVII. 5 I spoke with my tongue O tord, make mo :

know my end.
Domine, ne in furore.
And what is the number of my days: that I
A j>rat/er of the penitent for the remission of his may know what is wanting to me.
sins. The third penitential psalm. 6 Behold, thou hast made my days measur-
1 A psalm for David, for a remembrance* of the able : and my substance is as nothing before
sabbath. thee.
2 ¥3EBUKE me not, O Lord, in tliy indigna- And indeed all things are vanity, every man
AV nor cliastise me in thy wrath.
7 Surely man passeth as an image : yea, and
3 For thy arrows are fastened in me and thy :

hand hath been strong upon me. he is disquieted in vain.

4 There is no health in my flesh, because of He storeth up : and he knoweth not for whom
thy wrath there is no peace for my bones, be-
he shall gather these things.
cause of my sins. 8 And now what is my hope ? is it not the
5 For my iniquities are gone over my head; Lord ? and my substance is with thee.
and as a heavyburden are become heav\ upon me. 9 Deliver tliou me from all my iniquities:
6 My sores are putrefied and corrupted, be- thou hast made me a reproach to the fool.
cause of mv foolishness. 10 I was dumb, and I opened not my mouth,
7 I am become miserable, and am bowed because thou hast done it. 11 Remove thy
down even to the end I walked sorrowful all
scourges from me.
the day Ion?. The strength of thy hand hath made me faint
8 For my loins are filled with illusions; and in rebukes 12 tliou hast corrected man for ini-

there is no health in my flesh. quity.

9 I am aillicted, and humbled exceedingly : I And thou hast made his soul to waste away
roared witli the srroaning of my heart. like a spider: surely in vain is any man dis-
10 Lord, all mv desire is before thee : and my quieted.
groanin? is not hidden from thee. 13 Hear my prayer, Lord, and my suppli-O
11 My heart is troul)lcd,.my strength hath left cation give ear to my tears.

tne : and tlie light of my eyes itself is not with Be not silent; for 1 am a stranger with thee,
and a sojourner as all my fathers were.
me. ~ '

12 My friends and my neighbours have drawn 14 Oforgive me, that I may be refreshed, be-
near, and stood against mc. fore I go hence, and be no more.
And they that were near me stood afar ofl"*: PSALM XXXIX.
13 and tliey that sought my soul used violence.
Expcctana expectavi,
-And they that sought evils to me spoke vain
tiling?;, and studied deceits all the day long.
Ckrisfs cominL,'-, and redeeming tnankind,
14 But I, as a deaf man, heard not: and as a 1 Unto the end, a p^nlm for David him>?elf.

dumb man not opening his mouth. WITH

pxpectntion I have waited for tha
Lord; find he. wni attentive to me.
* For a remembrance, VIZ. of our miseries and 3 And he beard my prayers, and brought me
•iaa ; and to be sung on the sabhath-day. out of the pit of miscrv and the mire of drees.
::; :

And he set my feet upon a rock, and directed 7 And if he came in to see vie, he spoke rain
my steps. things, his heart gathered together iniquity to
4 And he put a new canticle into my mouth, itself.
a song to our God. He went out, and spoke to the same pu/pose.
Many shall see, and shall 8 All my enemies whispered together against
fear: and they shall
hope in the Lord. me : they devised evils to me.
5 Blessed is tlie man whose trust is in the 9 They determined against me an unjust
name of tlie Lord ; and who hath not had regard word : shall he that sleepeth rise again no
to vanities, and lying follies. more ?
6 Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful works, 10 For even the man of my peace, in whom I
O Lord my God : and in thy thoughts there is trusted, who ate my bread, hath greatly sup-
no one like to thee. planted me.
I have declared, and I have spoken : they are 11 But thou, Lord, have mercy on me, and O
multiplied above number. raise me up again : and I will requite them.
7 Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not desire 12 By this I know that thou hast had a good
but thou hast pierced ears for me. will for me : because my enemy shall not rejoice
Burnt-offering and sin-offering thou didst not over me.
require : 8 then said I : Behold, I come. 13 But thou hast upheld me by reason of my
, In the head of the book it is written of me innocence ; and hast established me in thy sight
9 that should do thy will O my God, I have for ever.
I :

desired and thy law in the midst of my heart.

it, 14 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
10 I have declared thy justice in a great from eternity to eteniity. So be it. So be it.
church : lo, I vvill not res'train my lips : O Lord PSALM XLI.
tliou knowest it. .
Quemadmodum desiderat.
II I have not' hid thy justice within my
The fervent desire of the just after God: hope
heart : I have declared thy ti-uth and thy sal-
in afflictions,
I have not concealed thy mercy and thy truth 1 Unto the end, understanding for the sons of
from a great council. Core.
12 Withhold not thou, Lord, thy tender 2 A S the hart panteth after the fountains of
mercies from me : thy mercy and thy truth have XjL waters ; so my soul panteth after thee,
always upheld me. OGod.
13 For evils without number have surrounded 3 My soul hath thirsted after the strong liv-
me my iniquities* have overtaken me, and I ing God ; wtien shall I come, and appear before

was not able to ses. the face of God ?

Theyare multiplied above the hairs of my 4 tears have been my bread day and night,My
aead : and my heart hath forsaken me. whilst it is said to me daily : Where is thy God 1
14 Be pleased, O
Lord, to deliver me : look 5 These things I remembered, and poured out
down, O
Lord, to help me. my soul in me for I shall go over into the place :

15 Let them be confounded and ashamed to- of the wonderful tabernacle, even to the house of
gether, that seek after my soul to take it away. God,
Let them be turned backward, and be asham- With the voice of joy and praise ; the noise of
ed that desire evils to me. one feasting.
16 Let tliem immediately bear tlieir confusion, 6 Why art thou sad, O my soul ? and why dost
tliat say to me 'Tis well, 'tis well.t
thou trouble me ?

17 Let all that seek thee rejojce and be glad

Hope in God, for I will still give praise to him
the salvation of my countenance, 7 and my God.
in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say
always TheLord be magnified.
My soul is troubled within myself: therefore
will I remember thee from the land of Jordan and
18 But I am a beggar and poor; the Lord is
careful for me.
Hermoniim, from the little hill.
my helper my O my 8 Deep calleth on deep, at the noise of thy
Thou art and protector ;

God, be not slack.
All thy heights and thy billows have passed
PSALM XL. overmc.
Beatus qui intelligit. 9 In the day time the Lord hath commanded
The happiness of him that shall believe in Christ; his mercy ; and a canticle to him in the night.
votv:ithstandi7ig the humility and poverty in With me is jirayer to the God of my life, 10 I
ichick he shall come : the malice of his enemies, will say to God : Thou art my support.
especially of the traitor Judas. Why hast thou forgotten me ? and why go I
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David himself. mourninir, whilst my enemy afflicteth me ?
2 TJLESSED is he that understandeth con-
11 Whilst my bones are broken, my enemies
J3 rerning the needy and tlie poor : die who trouble me have reproached me.
Whilst they say to me day by day : Where is
Lord will deliver him in the evil day.
3 The Lord preserve him and give him life, thy God ?
and make him blessed upon the earth : and de- 12 Why art thou cast down, O my soul 1 and
liver him not up to the will of his enemies. why dost thou disquiet me?
4 The Lord help him on his bed of sorrow Hope thou in God, for I will still give praise to
thou hast turned all his covich in liis sickness. him the salvation of my countenance, and my

5 I said : Lord, be thou merciful to me : heal

O God.
my soul, for I have sinned against thee. PSALM XLII.
6 My
enemies have spoken evils against me Judica me, Deus.
when shall he die, and his name perish ?
The prophet aspireth after the temple altar
* My iniquities. That is, the sins of all man of God.
kind, which I have taken upon me. 1 A psalm for David.
t Tis veil. The Hebrew here is an interjec-
JUDGE me, O God, and distinguish mycanse '

tion of insult and defision, like the Vah. 3iati from the nation tliat is not holy: delivei ma
xxvii. 43. from the unjust and deceitful man.
t : ::


2 For thou art God my

strength : why hast 22 Shall not God search ont tliese things 7 fol
tlioiicast me olV? and why do I go sorrowful he knoweth the secrets of the heart.
whilst the cnciny alllictcthnie ? Because for thy sake we are killed all the day
3 Send forth thy light and thy truth they have long we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.

conducted uie, and brought nic unto thy holy hill, 23 Arise, why sleepest thou, Lord ? arise, O
iind into thy taljernacles. and cast us not ofl' to t''e end.
4 And I will go in to tlic altar of God : to God 24 Why
tu.'-ncst'thou thy face away ? and for-
who crivoth joy to my youth. gettest our want and our trouble ?
5 To thee, O
God my God, I will givt: praise 25 For our soul is humbled down to the dust:
upon the harp why art thou sad,: O
my soul our belly cleavelh to the earth..'

and why dost thou di^^quict mc ? 26 Arise, O Lord, help us: and redeem us for
6 H6pe in God, for I will still give praise to thy name's sake.
him the salvation of
: my countenance, and mv PSALM XLIV.
God. Eructavit cor meuni.
The excellence of Chrisfs kingdom, and the at'
PSALM XLIIL dowments of liis church.
Deus, auribua nqstris. 1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed,*
sons of Core, for understanding: A can-
for the
The church commemorates former favours, and beloved. ticle for the
present afflictions ; under ichich she prays for
2 TVTY heart hath uttered a good word: I
ITJL speak mv works to the king
1 Unto the end, for the sons of Core to 0ve un- My tongue is tfie pen of a scrivener that writeth
derstanding-, swiftly.
2 "V^TE have heard, O God, with our ears our 3 Thou art beautiful above the sons of men

TT fathers have declared to us, grace is poured abroad in thy lips ; therefore hath
The work thou hast wrought in their days, and God blessed thee for ever.
in the days of old. 4 Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most
3 Thy h.and destroyed the gentiles, and thou mighty.
plRKtedst tlieni thou didst afflict the people and
: 5 With thy comeliness and thy beauty set out,
cast them out. proceed prosperously, and reign.
4 For they got not the possession of the land Because ol truth and meekness and justice:
by their own sword: neither did their own arm and thy right hand shall conduct thee wonder-
save them, fully.
But thy right hand and thy arm, and the light 6 Thy arrows are sharp: under thee shall people
of thy countenance because thou wast pleased fall, into the hearts of the king's enemies.

with them. 7 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the
5 Thou art thyself my king and my God ; who sceptre of thy kingdom is a sceptre of upright-
commandest the saving of Jacob. ness.
6 Through tliee we will push down our ene- 8 Thou hast loved justice, and hatedst iniquity
mies with the horn and through thy name we therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee with

will despise them that rise up against us. the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
7 For I will not trust in my bow neither shall 9. Myrrh and
: stacte and cassia perfume thv
my sword save me. garments, from tlie ivory houses out of which :

8 But thou hast saved us from them that af- 10 the daughters of kings have delighted thee in
flict us; and hast put them to shame that hate us. thv glory.
God shall we glory all the day long: and
9 In The queen stood cm thy right hand, in gilded
in thy name we will give praise for ever. clothing surrounded with variety.

10 But now thou hast cast us off, and put us 11 Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline
to shame: and thou, O God, wilt not go out with thy ear : and forget thy people and thy father's
ourannies. house.
11 Thou hast made us turn our back to our 12 And the king shall greatly desire thy beau
enemies and they that hated us plundered for
: ty: for he is the Lord thy God, and him they
themselves. shall adore.
12 Thou hast given us up like sheep to be 13 And the daughters of Tyre with gifts, yea
eaten thou hast scattered us among the nations.
: all the rich among the people, shall entreat thy
13 Thou hast sold thy people for no price: and countenance.
there was no reckoning in the exchange of them. 14 All the glory of the king's daughter is with-
14 Thou hast made us a reproach to our in in golden borders, 15 clothed round about with
neighbours, a scoff and derision to them that are varieties.
roundabout us. After her shall virgins be brought to the king :

1.5 Thou hastmade us a by-word among the her neighbours shali be brought to thee.
gentiles ; a shaking of the head among the peo- 16 They shall, be brought with gladness and
ples. rejoicing :" they sliall be brought into the temple
16 All the day long my shame is before me: of the kmg.
and the confusion of my face hath covered me, 17 Instead of thv fathers, sons are bom to thee
17 At the voice of him that reproacheth and de- thou shah make them princes over all the earth.
tracteth me ; at the face of the enemy and perse- 18 They shall remember thy name throughout
cutor. all generations.
18 All these things have come upon us, yet we praise thee for ever,
Therefore shall people
have not thee :
for!rT)tten and we have not done yea for ever and ever.
wickedly in thv covenant. XLV. PSALM
19 And our heart hath not turned back : neither Deus noster refugium.
hast thou turned aside our steps from thy wav.
The church in persecution trusteth in the protee-
20 For thou hast humbled us in tlie place of af- Hon of God,
fliction and the shadow of death hath covered us.

21 If we have forgotten the name of our God, * For them that shall be changed, i.e. For
and if we have spread forth our hands to a strange souls happilv changed by beins: converted to God.
+ The bei</ved, viz. Our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Unto tlio end, for tlic sons of Core, for the] 9 As we have heard, so have we seen, in tha
liidden. city of the l<ord of hosts, in the city of our God:
2 rf~^UR God is our refuge and strength : a iGod hath founded it for ever.
\y helper in troubles, which have found us 10 We have received thy mercy, O God, in the
exceedingly. midslof thy temple.
3 Therefore we will not f^ar, when the earth 11 According to thy name, O God, so also is
shall be troubled and the mountains shall be re-
: thy praise unto the ends of the earth thy right :

moved into the heart of the sea. 'land is full of justice.

4 Their waters roared, and were troubled the : 12 I>et Jlount Sion rejoice, and the daughters
mountains were troubled with his strength. of Jiida be glad; because of thy judgments, O
5 The stream of the river maketh the city of Lord.
God joyful the most high hath sanctified his
; 13 Surround Sion, and encompass her : tell ye
own tabernacle. in her towers.
6 God is in the midst thereof, it shall no), be 14 Set your hearts on her strength; and dis-
moved God will help it in the morning early.
: tribute her houses, that ye may relate it in ano-
7 Nations were troubled, and kingdoms were ther generation.
bowed down: he uttered his voice; the earth 15 For this is. God our God unto eternity,
trembled. and for ever and ever : he shall rule us for ever-
8 The Lord of armies is with us : the God of more.
Jacob is our protector. PSALM XLVni.
9 Come, and behold ye the works of the Lord :

what wonders he hath done upon earth, 10 ma- Audite haic, omnes gentes.
king wars to cease even to the end of the earth. The folly ofuorldings who live on in sin, without
He shall destroy the bow, and break the wea- thinking of death or hell.
pons ; and the. shield he shall burn in the fire. 1 Unto the end, a psalm for the sons of Core.
11 Be still and seS that I am God; I will be
exalted among the nations, and I will be exalted
2 XT EAR these things, all ye nations give :

JUL ye inhabitants of the world.

ear, all
in the earth. 3 All you tjiat are earth born, and you sons of
12 The Lord of armies is with us the God of :
men both rich and i)oor together.

Jacob is our protector. 4 My mouth shall speak wisdom and the ;

PSALM XLVI. meditation of my heart understanding.

Omnes gentes, plaudite. 5 I will incline my ear to a parable ; I will
The gentiles are invited to praise Godfor the es- open my proposition on the psaltery.
tablishment of the kingdom of Christ. 6 Why
shall I fear in the evil day 7 the in-
iquity of my heel* shall encompass me.
Unto the end, for the sons of Core.
7 They that trustt in their own strength, and
2 /"^ CLAP your hands, all ye nations shout
glory in the nmltitude of their riches.
VJ^ unto God with the voice ofjoy.
3 For the Lord is high, terrible ; a great king
No brother can redeem, nor shall man
redeem : he shall not give to God hie ransom.
overall the earth.
9 Nor the price of the redemption of his soul
4 He hath subdued the people under us, and
and shall labour forever,| 10 and shall still live
the nations under our feet.
unto the end.
5 He hath cho.^en for us his inheritance, the
11 He shall not see destruction,^ when ho
beauty of Japol) which he hath loved.
shall see the wise dying : the senseless and the
6 God is ascended with jubilee, and the Lord
fool shall perish together :
with the sound of trumpet.
7 Singpraises to our God, singye : sing prais-
* Theiniquityofmyheel. That is the iniquity
es to our king, sing ye.
8 For God is the king of all the earth : singye of my
steps or ways ; or the iniquity of my
wisely. [pride, with which, as with the heel, 1 have spurn-
9 God shall reign over the nations : God sitteth ed and kicked at my neighbours or
the iniquity ;

on hie holy throne. of my heel, that is, the iniquity in which I shall
10 The princes of the people are gathered to- be found in death. The meaning of this verse i.s,
gether, with the God of Abraham : for the strong why should I now indulge those passions and
gods of the earth are exceedingly exalted. sinful affections, or commit now those sins,
v.hich will cause me so much fear ajpd anguish
in the e\ il day : when the sorrows of death shall
Blagnus Dominus. compass me, and the perils of hell shall find
God is greatly to be praixrdfor the establishment me ?
of his church. t They that trust. Sec. As much as to say, let
1 Apsalm of a canticle for the sons of Core, on them fear, that trust in their strength or riches ;
the second day of the week. for they have great reason to fear ; seeing no
is the Lord, and exceedingly tp be brother or other man, how much a friend
2 /~1 soever,
\Jf praised in the city of our God, in his holy can by any price or labour rescue them from
mountain. death.
3 With the joy of the whole earth is mount t And shall labour for ever,
&c. This seems

Sion founded on the sides of the north, the city to be a continuation of the foregoing sentence
of the great king. as much as to say, no man can by any price or
4 In her houses shall God be known, when he ransom prolong liis life, that so he may still con-
shallprotect her. tinue to labour here and live to The end of the
5 For behold, the kings of the earth assembled world. Others imderstand it of the eternal sor-
themselves tbey gathered together.
rows and dying Z«/e of hell which is the dreadful
6 So they saw, and they wondered they were ;
consequence of dying in sin.
troubled they were moved 7 trembling took
: : ^ He shall not see destruction, &c. or, shall he
hold of them. not see destruction ? As much a? to say, how-
There were pains as of a woman in labour. ever thoughtless he may be of his death, he must
8 With a vehement wind thou shal?, break in not expect to escape : when even tiie wise and
pieces the ships of Tharsis. the good are not exempt from dying.
§ :


And they shall leave their riches to strangers : 12 If I should be hungry, I would not tell thee t
!2 and their sepulchres shall be their houses for for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.
ever. 13 Shall I eat the flesh of bullocks 7 or shall I
Their dwelling places to all generations : they drink the blood of goats ?
have called* their lands by their names. 14 Offer to God the sacrifice of praise : and
13 And man when he wag in honour did not pay thy vows to the most High.
understand ; he is compared to senseless beasts, 15 And call upon me in the day of trouble : I
and is become like to tnem. will deliver thee, and thou slialt glorify me.
14 This way of theirs is a stumbling-block to 16 But to the sinner God hath said : Whydost
them ; and aftervi-ards they shall delight in their thou declare my justices, and take my covenant
moulh.t thy mouth ?
15 They are laid in hell like sheep: death 17 Seeing thou hast hated discipline, and ha&t
shall feed upon them. cast my words behind thee.
And the just shall have dominion over them in 18 If thou didst see a thief, thou didst run with
the morning:]; and their help shall decay in hell him : and with adulterers thou hast been a par-
from their glory. taker.
16 But God will redeem my soul from the 19 Thy mouth hath abounded with evil, an J
hand of hell, when he shall receive me. thy tongue framed deceits.
17 Be not thou afraid, when a man shall be 20 Sitting thou didst speak against thy bro-
made rich, and when the glory of his house shall ther, and didst lay a scandal against tby mother's
bn increased. son: 21 these things hast rtiou done, and I was
18 For when he shall die he shall take nothing silent.
away 'nor shall his glory descend with him. Thou thoughtest unjustly that I shall be like
19 For in his life-time his soul will be blessed ; to thee : hut I will reprove thee, and set before
and he will praise thee when thou shall do well thy face.
to him. 22 Understand these things you that forget
20 He shall go in to the generations of his God ; lest he snatch you away, and there be none
fatiiers : and he shall never see light. to deliver you.
21 I\Ian when he was in honour did not under- 23 The sacrifice of praise shall glorify me
stand : he hath been compared to senseless and there is the way by which I will shew him
beasts, and ma(Je like to tliem. the salvation of God.


Deus deorum.
The repentance and confession of Davidafler his
The coming of Christ : u-ho prefers tirtue and in- sin. The fourth penitential psalm.
ward purity before the blood of victims.
1 Unto the end, a psalm of David, 2 when Na-
1 A psalm for Asaph. than the prophet came to him, after he had sin-
THE God of gods, the Lord hath spoken: and ned with Bethsabee. [2 Kings xii.]
he hath called the earth,
From the rising of the sun to the going down
thereof: 2 out of Sion the loveliness of his
HAVE mercy. OH me, O God, according to
thy great mercy.
And according to the multitude of thy tender
beauty. mercies, blot out my iniquity.
3 God shall come manifestly : our God shall 4 Wash me yet "more from my iniquity, and
come, and shall not keep silence. cleanse me from my sin.
A fire shall burn before him and a mighty tem- 5 For I know my iniquity, and my sin is al-

pest shall be round about him. ways before me.

4 He shall call heaven from above, and the 6 To thee only have I sinned, and have done
earth to judge his people. evil before thee; that thou mayst be justified in thy
5 Gather ye together his saints to him, who words, and mayst overcome when thou art
set his covenant before sacrifices. judged.
6 And the heavens shall declare his justice 7 For behold, I was conceived in iniquities:
for God is judge. and in sins did my mother conceive me.
7 Hear, O mv people, and I will speak O Is- :
8 For behold, thou hast loved truth the un-

mel, and I will testify to thee I am God thv certain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou

God. ,. hast made manifest to me.

8 I will not reprove thee for thy saprifices :
9 Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I
and thy bumt-offerings are always in my sight. shall be cleansed : thou ehalt wash me, and I
9 I will not take calves out of tliy house : nor shall be made whiter than snow.
he-goats out of thy flocks. 10 To my hearing thou shalt give joy and
10 For all the beasts of the woods are mine gladness; and the bones that have been hum-
the cattle on the hills, and the oxen. bled shall rejoice.
11 I know all the fowls of the air; and with 11 Turn away thy face from my sins, and blot
me is the beautv of the field. out all mv iniquities.
12 Create a clean heart in me, O God and :

* They have called, Sic. That is, they Imve renew a right spirit within my bowels.
left their names on their graves, which alone re- 13 Cast me not away from thy face and take

main of their lands. not thy holy spirit from me.

t They shall delight in their mouth. Notwith- 14 Restore unto me the joy of thy_ salvation,
standing the wretched way in which they walk, and strengthen me with a perfect spirit.
thev shall applaud themselves with their mouths, 15 I will teach the unjust thy ways: and the
and jlory in their doinps. wicked shall be converted to thee.
} In the morning. That is, in the resurrection 16 Deliver me from blood, O God, thou God
to a new life when the just shall judge and con- of my salvation: and my tongue shall extol thy

demn the wicked. justice.

Lord, tliou wilt open lips: and my
§ From their glory. That is, when their short- 17
lived glory in this world shall be past, and be no mouth sliiill doclMre thy praise.
more. 18 Fo- if !hoii hadst desired sacrifice, I would
please men they have been confounded,
indeed have given it : with burnt-offerings thou that

wilt not be delighted.

because God hath despised them.
7 Who will give out of Sion the salvation of
19 A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit a :

contrite and humble heart, God, thou wilt not Israel 1 when God shall bring back the captivity
of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel
20 Deal Tavourably, O Lord, in thy good-will shall be
with Sion; that the walls of Jerusalem may be PSALM LIII.
built up.
21 shall thou accept the sacrifice of jus-
... Deus, in nomine tuo.

tice, oblations and whole bumt-offeringa : then

A prayer for help in distress.
shall they lay calves upon thy altar.
Unto the end, verses, understanding for
David. 2 When
the men of Ziph had come,
PSALM LL and said to Saul : Is not David hidden with
Quid gloriaris. us ? [1 Kings xxiii. 19.]

David condemneth the wickedness of Doeg, and AVE me, O God, by thy name, and judga
forielleth his destruction.
S' me in thy strength.
4 O God hear my prayer: give ear to the ,

1 Unto the end, understanding for David, 2 when words of my mouth.

Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul Da- 5 For strangers have risen up against me

vid went to tlie house of Achimelech. [1 Kine:s and the mighty have sought after my soul ; and
they have not set God before their eyes.

xxii. 9.]
3 "VSTHY dost thou glory in malice, thou that 6 For behold, God is my helper: and the
T T art mighty in iniquity ? Lord is the protector of my soul.
4 All the day long thy tongue hath devised 7 Turn back the evils upon my enemies : and
injustice : as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought cut them off in thy truth.
deceit. 8 I will freely sacrifice to thee, and will give
5 Thou hast loved malice, more than good praise, O
God, to thy name: because it is good:
ness; and iniquity rather than to speak righte 9 For thou hast delivered me out of all trou-
outness. ble and my eye hath looked down upon my

6 hast loved all the words of ruin, O enemies.

deceitful tongue. LIV. PSALM
7 Therefore will God destroy thee for ever
Exaudi, Deus.
he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from
persecution from
thy dwelling place ; and thy root out of the land A prayer of a just man under
of the living. the wicked. It agrees to Christ persecuted by
8 The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh the Jeics, and betrayed by Judas.
at him, and say : 9 Behold the man that made 1 Unto the end, in verses, understanding for
not God his helper; David.
But trusted m
the abundance of his riches, EAR, (J God, my prayer, and despise not
and prevailed in his vanity. ,. my supplication: 3 be attentive to me,
10 But I, as a fruitful olive-tree in the house and hear me.
of God, have hoped in the mercy of God forever, I am grieved in my exercise and am troubled, •

yea for ever and ever. 4 at the voice of the enemy, and at the tribulation
11 I will praise thee for ever, because thou of the sinner.
hast done it : and I will wait on thy name, for it For they have cast iniquities upon me and in :

ia good in the sight of thy saints. wrath they were troublesome to me.
5 My heart is troubled within me and the fear :

LII. \ of death is fallen upon me,
Dixit insipiens. 6 Fear and trembling are come upon me; and
Tlie general corruption of man hefore the coming darkness hath covered me.
of Christ. 7 And I said: Who will give me wings like a
at rest ?
1 Unto the end, for Maeleth*
understandings to dove, and I will fly, and be
8 Lo, I have gone far off flying away ; and I
There is no God. abode in the wilderness.
THE fool said in his heart
2 They are corrupted, and become abomi-
9 I waited for him that hath saved me from
pusillanimity of spirit, and a storm.
nable in iniquities: there is none that doeth
la Cast down,OLord, rtnfZdivide their tongues;
for I have seen iniquity and contradiction in the
3 God looked down from heaven on the chil
dren of men, to see if there were any that did
, .

il Day and night shall iniouity surround it

understand, or did seek God.
its walls : and in the midst thereof are
upon la-
4 All have gone aside, they are become un-
doeth bour, 12 and injustice.
profitable together: there is none that
And usury and deceit have not departed from
good, no not one.
5 Shall not all the workers of miquity know,

bread 13 For if my enemy had reviled me, I would

who eat up mv people as they eat ?
verily have home with it
6 They have not called upon God there have :

fear, where there was no And if he that hated me had spoken great things
they trembled for
I would perhaps have
hidden my-
asrainst me :

fear. , . /. ,
self from him.
For God hath scattered the bonest of them man of one mind, my guide, and
14 But thou a
mv familiar. . ,

* Maeleth, or Machalath. A musical instru- "15 take sweet meats together wUh
Who didst
ment, or a chorus of musicians : for St. Jerome me in the house of God we walked with consent.

renders it, per chonim. 16 Let deatht come upon them, and let them
t God hath scattered the
banes, &c. That is fro down alive into hell.
God has brought to nothing the strength of all
those that seek to please men, to the prejudice I Let death, &c. This, and such like iiiipre
of their dutv to their maker. Ications, which occur in the psalms, are delivered
: :

PSaLM lv. lvi. lvii.

For there wickedness in their dwellings in'

is As also in thy promise. 10 Then shall my
llie midstthem.
ol' icneuiies be turned back.
17 But I have cried to God : and the Lord will In what day soevei; I shall call upon thee, be-
save me. Ihold, I know thou art my God.
18 Evening and morning, and at noon I will 11 In God will I praise the word ; in the Lord

speak and declare ; and he shall hear my voice. will I praise his speech. In God have I hoped:
I'J He shall redeem my soul in peace from I will not fear what man can do to me.
tlicm tiiat draw near to me: for among many* 12 In me, O God, are vows to thee, which I
they were with me. will pay, praises to thee.
20 God shall hear, and the Eternal shall hum- 13 Because thou hast delivered my sou! from
ble them. death, my feet from falling that I may please in :

For there is no change with tliem, and tliey the sighCof God, in the light of the living.
have not feared God ; 21 he hath stretched forth PSALM LVI.
his hand repay.
to Miserere mei, Deus.
Thev have denied his covenant: 22 they are
The prophet prays in his affliction, and praisex
divided! by the wrath of his countenance ; and his
heart hath drawn near.
God for his delivery.
His words are smoother thanoil,and the same 1 Unto the end, destroy not,lI for David, for an
are darts. inscription of a title, when he fled from Saul
23 Cast tliy care upon the Lord, and he shall into the cave. [1 Kings xxiv.]
sustain thee; he shall not suffer tlie just to waver 2 TTAVE
mercy on me, O God, have mercy
for ever. iJ. on me : for my soul trusteth in thee.
24 Rut thou, O God, shall bring them down And in the shadow of thy wings will I hope,
into the pit of destruction. until iniquity pass away.
Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out 3 I will cry to God the most High ; to God
half their days : but I will trust in thee, O Lord. who hath done good to me.
4 He hath sent from heaven, and delivered
LV. me : he hath made them a reproach that trod
Miserere mei Deus. upon me.
God hath sent his mercy and his truth 5 and :

prayer of David in danger arid distress. he hatii delivered my soul from the midst of the
1 Unto the end, for a people that is removed at a young lions. I slept troubled.
distance from tlie sanctuary for Davifl, for an
: The sons of men, whose teeth are weapons and
inscription of a title (or pillar) when the Phil- arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword.
istines held him in Geth. G Be then exalted, O God, above the heavens,
2 TT
AVE mercy on me, O God, for man hath and thy glory above all the earth.
M.R. trodden me under foot: all the day long 7 They prepared a snare for my feet; and
he hath afflicted me fighting against me. they bowed down my soul.
3 My enemies have trod<len on me all the day They dug a pit before my face, and they are
long ; for they are muny that make war
against fallen into it.
me. 8 My heart is ready, O
God, my heart is ready
4 From the height of the dayt I shall fear : but I will sing, and rehearse a psalm.
I will trust in thee. 9 Arise, O my glory ; arise, psaltery and
5 In God I will praise my words ;§ in God I harp : I will arise early.
have put my trust: I will not fear what flesh can 10 I will give praise to thee, O Lord, among
do against me. the people : I will sing a psalm to thee among
t) All the day long they detested my words the nations.
all their thouirhts were against me unto. evil. 11 For thy mercy is magnified even to the
7 They will dwell and hide themselves : they heavens ; and thy truth unto the clouds.
will watch my heel. 12 Be thou exalted, O
God, above the hea-
As they have waited for my soul, 8 for nothing vens; and thy glory above all the earth.
shaltthou save them:]] in thy anger thou shalt
break the people in pieces.
O God, 9 I have declared to thee my life : thou Si vere utique.
hast set my tears in thy sight, David reproveth the wicked, and foretelleth their
prophetically; that by way of foretelling the
is, 1 Unto the end, destroy not, IT for David, for an
punishments which shall fall upon the wicked inscription of a title.
from divine justice, and approving the righteous F in very deed you speak justice : jadgo
ways of God: but not by way of ill will, or un right things, ye sons of men.
charitable curses, wliich the law of God disal- 3 For in your heart you work iniquity : your
lows. hands forge injustice in the earth.
* Among many, &c. That is, they thatfirew 4 Tlic wicked are alienated from the womb
near to attack me were inany in company, all they have gone astray from the womb: they
coiiibinmg to fi^ht anainst me. have spoken false things.
t They are divid<:d, itc. Dispersed, scatter- 5 Their madness is according to the likeness
ed, and brought to notliinj, by the wrath of God : of a serpent ; like the deaf asp that stoppeth her
who looks with indignation on their wicked and ears :

deceitful ways. (^ Which will not hear the voice of the charm-

t The height of the day. That is, even at noon ers; nor of the wizard that charmeth wisely.
day, when the sim is the highest, I am still in 7 God shall break in pio«es their teeth in their
danger. mouth: the Lord shall break the grinders of the
i My leords. The words or promises God has lions.
made in my favour. 8 Thf'v shall come to nothincr, like water run-
For nof.hinif shaltthou save them. That is, ning down he hath bent his bow till they be
|] :

since they lie in wait to ruin my soul, thou shalt weakened.

for no consideration favour or assist them, but
asecute tliy justice upon them- % Destroy jiol. Suffer me not to be destroyed
: ; :

9 Like wax that melteth they shall be taken 18 Unto thee, O my helper, will I siiig; for
away : fire hath fallen on tliem, and they shall thou art God my defence ; my God my mercy
not see the siiu. LIX. PSALM
10 Before your thorns* could know the briar; Deus, repulisti nos.
he swalloweth them up, as alive, in his wrath.
After many afflictions, the church of Christ shall
11 The just shall rejoice when he shall see
the revenge : he shall wash his handst in the
blood of the sinner. 1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed,

12 And man shall say : If indeed there be fruit for the uiscription of a title, to David hhusclf,
to the just; there is indeed a God that judgeth for doctrine, 2 when he set fire to Mesoriota-
them on the earth. mia of Syria and Sobal", and Joab returned and
slew of Edom, in the vale of the salt-pits, twelve
PSALM LVIIL thousand men.
Eripe me. GOD, thou hast cast us off, and hastde-
3 £^
A prayer to be delivered from the wicked^ with \y stroyed us; thou hast been angry, and
confidence in God^s help and proteciion. It hast had mercy on us.
agrees to Christ and his enemies the Jews. 4 Thou hast moved the earth, and hast trou-
bled it: heal thou the breaches thereof; for it ha3
1 Unto the end, destroy not, for David, for an in-
been moved.
scription of a title, when Saul sent and watch- 5 Thou hast shewn thy people hard things,
ed his bouse to kill him. [1 Kings xix.] thou liast made us drink the wine of sorrow.
2 T^ELIVER me from my enemies, O my 6 Thou hast given a warning to them that fear
A^ and defend me from them that
God ; rise
thee ; that they may flee from before the bow
up against me. That thy beloved may be delivered. 7 Save
3 Deliver me from them that work iniquity, me with thy right hand, and hear me.
and save me from bloody men. 8 God hath spoken in his holy place : I will
4 For beliold, they liave caught my soul the :
rejoice, and I will divide Sichem ; and will mete
mighty have rushed in upon me out the vale of tabernacles.
5 Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin, O 9 Galaad is mine, and 3Ianasses is mine : anu
Lord; without iniquity have 1 run, and directed Ephraim is the strength of my head.
mi/ steps. my
meet me, and behold: even
Juda is my king: 10 Moab is the pot of
6 Rise up thou to
thou, O
Lord the God of hosts, the God of
Into Edom will I stretch out my shoe: to me
the foreigners^ are made subject.
Attend to visit all the nations : have no mercy 11 Wlio will bring me into the strong city 7
on all them tliat work iniquity. who will lead me into Edom ?
7 They shall return at evening, and shall suf- 12 Wilt not thou, O
God, who hast cast us off?
fer hunger like dogs; and shall go round about
and wilt not thou, O
God, go out witli our ar
the city. mies ?
8 Behold, they shall speak with their mouth, 13 Give us help from trouble : for vain is the
and a sword is in their lips : for who, say they, salvation of man.
hath heard us ?
14 Through God we shall do mightily : and
9 But thou, O Lord, shall laugh at them : thou he shall bring to nothing them that afflict us.
shah brin? all the nations to nothing.
10 Twill keep my strength to thee: for thou LX. PSALM
art my protector: 11 My
God, his mercy shall Exaudi, Deus.
prevent me. A
prayerfor the coming of ihcMngdom of Christ,
12 God shall let me see over my enemies : slay which shall have no end.
them not, lest at any time my people forget. 1 Unto the end, in hymns, for David.
Scatter them by thy power; and bring them
EAR, O God, my supplication : be atten-
down, O Lord my protector : ,
tive to my prayer.
13 Forx\\Q sin of their mouth, and the word of
3 To tliee have I cried from the ends of the
their lips : and let them be taken in their pride.
earth ; when my heart was in anguish, thou hast
And for their cursing and lying they shall be exalted me on a rock.
talked of, 14 when tbev are consumed; when
Thou hast conducted me ; 4 for thou hast been
they are consumed by thy wrath, and they shall
my hope , a tower of strength against tlie face oi
be no more. the enemy.
And they shall know that God will rule Jacob, 5 In thy tabernacle I shall dwell for ever: I
and all the ends of tlie earth. [shall be protected under the covert of thy wings.
15 They shall return at evening, and shall suf-
G For thou, my God, hast heard my pra3'er
fer hunger like dogs : and shall go round about
thou hast given an inheritance to them that fear
the city.
thy name.
16 They shall be scattered abroad to eat, andjj
7 Thou wilt add days to the days of the king ;
shall nuirmurifthey be not filled.
his years even to generation and generation.
17 Brit I will sing thy strength ; and will extol
8 He abideth for ever hi the siffht of God : his
thy !ncrcy in the morning. mercy and truth who shall search ?
For thou art become my support, and my re- 9 So will I sing a psalm to thy name for ever
fuge, in the day of my trouble.
and ever : that I may pay my vows from day to
* Before your thorns, &c. That is, before
vour thorns grow ly), so as to become strong t The pot of my hope; fir, my naiering pot.
briars, they shall bo overtaken and consumed by That is, a vessel for meaner uses, by being redu-
divine justice, swallowing them up, as it were ced to serve me, even in the meanest employ-
alive in his irrath. ments.
t S-hall u-ash his hands, &,c. Shall applaud $ Forei^ers. So the Philistmes are called
thp ju'itice of God, and take occasion from the who had no kindred witli the Israelites ; whereas
consldcrntion of the punishment of the wicked to the Edomites, Moabites, &c, were originally W
wash and cleanse his bands from sin. the same family.


Nonue Deo. Exaudi, Deus, orationem.
The prophet encourageth himself and all others A m-ayer in affliction, with confidence in Got' thai
to trust in Ood, and serve him. he will bring to nought the machinations ofper-
1 Unto the end, for Idithiin, a psalm of David.
2 C< HALL not my
soul be subject to God 1 for 1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.
l>3 from him is my salvation. 2 TTEAR, O God, my
prayer, when I make
3 For he is my God and my saviour : ^etsmy Ai supplication to thee : deliver my soul
protector; I shall be moved no more. from the fear of the enemy.
4 How
lon^ do you rush in upon a man ? you 3 Thou hast protected me from the assembly
all kill,as if you uere thrusting dowti a leaning of the malignant ; from the multitude of the work-
wall, and a tottering fence. ers of iniquity.
5 But they have thought to cast away my 4 For they have whetted their tongues like a
price: I ran in thirst: they blessed with their sword ; they have bent their bow a bitter thing,
mouth, but cursed with their heart. 5 to shoot in secret the undefiled.
(3 But be thou, Omy soul, subject to God: for 6 They will shoot at him on a sudden, and will
from him is my patience. not fear : they are resolute in wickedness.
7 For lie is my God and my saviour : he is my They have talked of hiding snares; they have
helper, I shall not be moved. said : Whoshall see them?
' 8 In God is my
salvation and my glory : he is 7 They have searched after iniquities : they
the God of my
help, and my
hope is in God. have failed in their search.
9 Trust in him all ye congregation of people Man shall come to a deep heart :t 8 and God
pour out your hearts before him: God is our shall be exalted.
helper for ever. Tiie arrows of children are their wounds :t 9
10 But vain are the sons of >men, the sons of and their tongues against tljem are made weak.
men are liars in the balances :* that by vanity All that saw them were troubled ; 10 and every
they may together deceive. man was afraid.
11 Trust not in iniquity, and cover not robber- And they declared the works of God: and tin
ies : if riches abound, set not your heart upon derstood his doings.
them. 11 The just shall rejoice in the Lord, and shal
12 God hath spoken once, these two things hope in him and all the upright in heart shal) :

have I heard, that power belongeth to God, 13 be praised.

and mercy to thee, O Lord ; for thou wilt render PSALM LXIV.
to every man according to his works.
Te decet.
PSALM LXH. God is to be praised in his church, to which ah
Deus Deus mens, ad nations shall be called.
the end, a psalm of David.
1 ToThe canticle
The prophet aspireth after God.
of Jeremias and Ezechiel to the people of the
1 A psalm of David when he was in the desert of captivitv,S when thev began to eo out.

2 /^ GOD
my God, to thee do I watch at break
of day. salem.
HYMN, O God, becometh thee in Sion
and a vow shall be paid to thee in Jeru

For thee my soul hath thirsted ; for thee my 3 O hear my prayer : all flesh shall come tf
flesh, O how many ways ! thee.
3 In a desert land, and where there is no way, 4 The words of the wicked have prevailea
and no water: so in the sanctuary have I come over us ind thou wilt pardon our transgres- :

before thee, to see thy power and tliy glory. sions.

4 For thy mercy is better than lives thee my 5 Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen, and

lips shall praise. taken to thee he shall dwell in thy courts. :

5 Thus will I bless thee all my life long: and We

shall be filled with the good thinsrs o\
in thy name I will lift up my hands. thy house holy is thy temple, 6 wonderful ir

6 Let my soul be filled as with marrow and fat- ustice.

ness and my mouth shall praise thee with joy-
: Hear us, O
God our saviour, tchoart the hope
ful lips. of all the ends of the earth, and in the sea afar
J If I have remembered thee upon my bed, I off.
will meditate on thee in the morning: 8 because 7 Thou who preparest the mountains by thy
thou hast been my helper. strenE:th, being girded with power 8 who :

And I will rejoice under the covert of thy troublest the depth of the sea, the noise of its
wings 9 my soul hath stuck close to thee tliy waves.
: :

riglu hand hath received me. The gentiles shall be troubled, 9 and they
10 But thcv have soutrht njy soul in vain, they that dwell in the uttermost borders shall be
shall so into the lower parts of the earth :

11 Thev shall be delivered into the hands of t A. deep heart. That is, crafty, subtle, deep
the swoid, they shall be the portions of foxes. projects anddesijns; wliich nevertheless shall
12 But the kinsr shall rejoice in God, all they not succeed; for God shall he fed in bunging
shall be praised that swear by him because the them to none:lit by his wisdom and j)ower.

mouth is stopped of them that speak wicked t The arrows of children are their wounds.
things. That is, llie wounds, stripes, or l)]ows, they seek
to inflict upon the just, are but like the weak ef-
* Are liars in the balances, &c. They are so forts of cliildren's anows, which can do ao exe-
vain and lijht, that if they are put into the scales, cution and their tongues, that is, their speeches

they will be found to be of no weight au'I to be a^-tiinst them, come to nothing.


mere lies, deceit, on<l vanity. Or, They are liars $ Of the captivity. That is, the people of the
in their balances, by weighing things by false cn])tivity of Babylon. This is not in the He-
weights, and preferring the temporal before the brew, but is found in the ancient translation of
•tsrhal. Ithe Septuagint.
: :

afraid at thy signs thou shalt make the out- 1 Unto the end, in hymns, a psalm of a canticle

goings of the morning and of the evening to be for David.

joyful 2 1%/ff God have mercy on us, and bless us; AY
10 Thou hast visited the earth, and hast plen- ItX may he cause the light of his counte-
tifully watered it ; thou hast many ways enrich- nance to shine upon us, and may he have mercj'
ed it. on us:
The river of God is filled with water, thou 3 That we may know thy way upon earth: thy
nast prepared their food : for so is its prepara- salvation in all nations.
tion. 4 Let people confess to thee, O God let all :

11 Fill up plentifully the streams thereof, people give praise to thee.

multiply its fruits ; it shall spring up and rejoice 5 Let the nations be glad and rejoice for :

in its showers. thou judgpst the people with justice, and di-
12 Thou shalt bless tlie crown of the year of rectest the nations upon earth.

tliy goodness and thy fields shall be filled witli

: 6 Let the people, O God, confess to thee let :

plenty. all the people give praise to thee : 7 the earth

13 The beautiful places of the wilderness shall hath yielded her fruit.
grow fat and the hills shall be girded about with
: May God our God bless us, 8 may God bless
joy. us : and all the ends of the earth fear him.
14 The rams of the flock are clothed, and the
vales sliall abound with corn: they shall shout, PSALM LXVII.
yea, they shall sing a hymn. Exurgat Deus.
PSALM LXV. The glorious establishment of the church of the
7iew Testament, prefigured by the bevefils be-
Jubilate Deo. stowed on the people of Israel.
An invitation to praise God. Unto the end, a psalm of a canticle for David
1 Unto the end, a canticle of a psalm of the himself.
resurrection. 2T ET God arise, and let his enemies be
HOUT with joy to God, all the earth, 2 sing

I A scattered: and let tliein that hate him

S' ye a psalm to name give glory to his
liis ; flee from before his face.
praise, i
3 As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanisn
! Say unto God, How thy works, away as wax melteth before the fire, so let the
terrible are
Lord! in the multitude of thy strength thy wicked perish at the presence of God.
enemies shall lie to thee. 4 And let the just feast, and rejoice before
4 Let all the earth adore thee, and sing to thee
God and be delighted with gladness.
let it sing a psalm to tliy name.
5 Sing ye to God, sing a psalm to his name:
5 Come and see the works of God who is ter- make a way for him who ascendeth upon the

rible in his counsels over the sons of men.

west :* the Lord is his name.
6 Who tL'rnetli tlie sea into dry land, in the Rejoice ye before him but the wicked shall :

river vliey shall pass on foot: there shall we re-

be troubled at his presence, 6 who is the father
joice in him.
of orphans, and the judge of^ widows.
7 Who bj' his power ruleth for ever: his eyes God in his holy place: 7 God who maketh
behold the nations ; let not them that provoke him me?i of one mannert to dwell in a house :

be exalted in themselves. Who bringeth out them that were boundl in

8 O bless our God, ye gentiles; and make the strength; in like manner them that provoke, that
voice of his praise to be heard. dwell in sepulchres.
9 Who hath set my soul to live : and hath not 8 O God, when thou didst go forth in the
suffered my feet to be moved. fight of thy people, when thou didst pass
10 For thou, O God, hast proved us : thou through the desert
hast tried us by fire, as silver is tried. 9 The earth was moved, and the heavens
II Thou hast brought us into a net, thou hast
dropped at the presence of the God of Sina, at
laid afflictions on our back : 12 thou hast set men
the presence of the God of Israel.
over our heads. 10 Thou shalt set aside for thy inheritance a
We have passed through fire and water, and free rain,^ O God : and it was weakened, but
thou hast brought us out into a refreshment. thou hast made it perfect.
13 I will go into thy house with burnt-ofier-
ings : I will pay thee my vows, 14 which my * lllio ascendeth upon the west. Super oc-
lips have uttered. casum. St. Gregory understands it of Christ,
And my mouth hath spoken, when I was in who
down, like the sun, in the
after his going
Jrouble. west, by his passion and death, ascended more
15 I will oflTpr up to thee holocausts full of glorious, and carried all before hiin. St. Jerome
-marrow, with burnt offerings of rams: I will renders it^ who ascendeth or cometh up throitgh
^ offer to thee bullocks with goats. the deserts.
16 Come and ye that fear God: and
hear, all t Of one manner. That is, agreeing in faith,
1 will tell you what great things he hath done for unanimous in love, and following the same
my soul. manner of discipline. It is verified in the ser-
17 I cried to him with my mouth : and extol- vants of God living together in his house, which
led him with my tongue. is the church. 1 Tim. iii. 1.5.
18 If I have looked at iniquity in my heart, the Them that were bound, &,c. The power and
Lord will not hear mo. mercy of God appears, in his bringing out of tlieir
19 Therefore hath God heard me, and hath captivity those that were strongly hound in their
Bttended to the voice of my supplication. sins : and in restoring to his crace those whose
20 Blessed be God, who hath not turned away behaviour had been most proiwking; and who
my prayer, nor his mercy from me. by thoir evil habits were not only dead, but buried
PSALM LXVL [in their sepulchres.

Deus misereatur § A free rain. The manna, which rained

Iplentifully from heaven, in favour of God's in
A prayer far the propagation of the church, Iheritance, that is, of his people Israel : which

11 In it* shall iliy animals dwell; in thy A mountain in which God is well pleased tg
Bweelne?s, O God, thou hast [iiovided for the poor. dwell : for there the Lord shall dwell unto the
12 The Lord simll give the word to them that end:
preachy good tidingst with great power. The
chariot of Godtt is attended by ten
13 'J"he king of powers} is of the beloved, of thousands
tliousands of them that rejoice : the

the beloved ; and the beauty of the house shall Lord is among them in Siua, in the holy place.
divide spoils. 19 Thou hast ascended on high, tliou hast led
11 If you sleep among the midst of Iots;§ captivity captive ;tt thou hast received gifts -a
you shall be as the wings of a dove covered witli men.
silver, and the hinder parts of her back with the Yea for those also that do not believe, the
paleness of gold. dwelling of the Lord God.
15 When he tliat is in heaven appointeth 20 Blessed be the Lord day by day: the God
kings over her,|| they shall be wiiited with of our salvation will make our journey prosper-
snow in Selmon, 16 The mountain ofGod,1I is ous to us.
a fat mountain. 21 Our God is the God of salvation: and
A curdled mountain, a fat mountain. 17 Why
of the Lord, of tlie Lord are the issues from
Duspect ye curdled mountains ?** death.
22 but God shall break the, heads of his ene-
uas ueakened indeed under a variety of afflic- mies : the hairy crown of them that walk on in
tions, but was made perfect by God, that is, was their sins.
still sujjported by divine providence, and brought 23 The l>ord said : I will turn them, from Ba-
on to tlie promised land. It agrees particularly san,|||| I will turn them into the depth of the
to tlie eliurch of Christ, his true inheritance, sea
which is idcntifully watered with the free rain 24 That thy foot inay be dipped in the blood
of hcaveidy grace; and through many z/j^t-to/- of thy enemies; the tongue of thy dogs be red
ties, tliat is, crosses and tribulations, is made with the same.
pivfect, and fitted for eternal glory. 25 They have seen thy goings,1[ir God, the O
Ill it, &c. Thatchurch, which goings of my God of my king who is in his
is, in this ;

is thy fold and thy inheritance, shall thy animals, sanctuary.

thy sheep, (/«<>// ; where thou hast plentifully 26 Princes*** went before joined with singers,
provided for them. in the midst of young damsejs playing on tim-
t To Ihein that preach good tidings. Evan- brels.
gelizantibus. That is, to the preachers of the 27 In the churches bless ye God the Lord,
gosjiel who receiving the vord from tlie Lord, from the fountains of Israel. ttt

shall witii great jiower and etlicacy preach 28 There is Benjamin a youth, in ecstasy of
throughout the world the glad tidings of a Sa- mind.
viour, and of eternal salvation tlirougli him. The princes of Juda are their leaders : the
} The king of powers. Tliat is, the mighty princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nephlali.
King, the Lord of hosts, is of the beloved, of the
beloved: that is, is on the side of Christ Ajs most tt The chariot of God, descending to give his
beloved son and his beautiful house, viz. the law on Mount Sina; as also of Jesus Christ his

church in which God dwells for ever, shall Son, ascending into heaven, to send from thence
by her spiritual conquests divide the spoils of the Holy Ghost, to publish his new law, is at-
many nations. The Hebrew (as it now standsi tended with ten thousands, that is, with an innu-
pointed) is thus rendered. The kings of armies', merable multitude of joyful angels.
nave Jled, they have fled, and she that dwells at ft Led captivity captive. Carrying away with
home for the beauty ofthe house) shall divide the thee to heaven those who before had been the
spoils. captives of Satan; aiid receiving from God the
^ If you sleep among the midst of lots, (inter Father, gifts to he distributed to men even to ;

medios cleros, SfC.) viz. Li such dangers and those who were before unbelievers.
[lersccutions, as if vour enemies were casting $$ The issues from death. The Lord alone is
lots for your goods and persons or in the midst; : master of the issues, by which wa may escape
of the lots (inter medios terminos,ixs St. Jerome from death.
renders it) that is, upon tiie very bounds or; nil
ficill turn them from Basan, &c. I will
borders of the dominions of your enemies youj : cast out my enemies
from their rich possessions,
shall be secure nevertheless under the divinej signified liy Basan, a fruitful country and I will :

protection and shall be enabled to fly away,|

; drive them into the depth of the sea: and make
like a dove, with glittering wings and feathers; such a slaughter of them, that the feet of my ser-
shining like the palest and most precious gold vants may bedyed in their blood, &c.

tliat is, with great increase of virtue, and glow- nil Thy goings. Thy ways, tliy proceedings,
ing with the fervour of charity. by which thou dulst formerly take jiossession of

Kings over her. That is, pastors and the promised land in favour of thy people and :

rulers over his church, viz. the apostles and their slialt afterwards of the whole world, which thou
successors. Then bv their minisli-v shall men shalt sub<lue to tiiy Son.
*'* Princes. The apostles, the first converters
be made whiter tiian the snow which lies on the
top of the high mountain Selmon. of nations attended by numbers of perfect souls,

^ The mountain of God. The church, which singing the divine praises, and virgins consecra-
Isaiah ii. 2. is called The mountain of the house ted to God.
of the Lard upon the top of mouidains. It is ttt Fromthefottntains of Israel. From whom
here called a fat and a curdled mountain ; that both Christ and his apostles sprung. By Ben-
is to say, most fruitful, and enriched by the spi- jamin, the holy fathers on this place understand
ritual c^ifts and craces of the Holv Giiost. St. Paul, who was of that tribe, named here a

** Why suspect ye curdled, mountains? Why! youth, because he was the last called to the npos-
do you suppose or ima>rine there may be uny( tleship. By the princes of Juda, Zabulon, and
other such curdled mountains ? You are mis- Nejihtali, we may understand the other apostles,
taken: the mountain thus favoured by God is who were of the tribe of Juda or of the tribes of ;

but one; and this same he has chosen for liisi Zabulon and Nephtali, where our Lord began to
dwelling for ever. preach,
*^ Matt. iv. 13, &c.

3 A 377
: ;:

29 Cominand thy ritrengih*, O God : confirm, 6 O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and
God, what thou hast wrought m us. my offences|4 are not hidden from thee :

30 From thy tea-.ple in Jerusalem, kings shall 7 Let not them be ashamed for me, who look
offer presents to thee. for thee, O
Lord the Lord of hosts.
31 Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds,t the Let them not be confounded on my account,
congregation otbulls with the kine of the people; who seek thee, O God of Israel.
who seek to exclude them who are tried witli sil- 8 Because for thy sake I have borne reproach
ver. shame hath covered my face.
Scatter thou the nations that delight in wars : 9 I am become a stranger to my Drethren, and
32 embassadors shall come|: out of Egypt an alien to the sons of my mother.
Etliiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God. 10 For the zeal of thy house hath eaten me up
33 Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the earth : and the reproaches of them that reproached tliee
sing ye to the Lord ; are fallen upon me.
Sing ye to God, 34 who mounteth above the 11 And I covered my soul in fasting; and it
heaven of heavens, to the east.$ was made a reproach to me.
Bcihold, he will give to his voice the voice of 12 And I made haircloth my gannent and I :

power,|| 35 give ye glory to God for Israel, his became a by-word to them.
magniricence, and his power is in the clouds. 13 They that sat in the gate spoke against me
36 God is wonderful in his saints: the God of and they that drank wine made me their song.
Israel is he who will give power and strength to 14 But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O
his people. Blessed be God. Lord ;/or the time of thy good pleasure, O God.
In the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in tho
PSALM LXVin. truth of thy salvation.
Salvum me fac, Deus. 15 Draw me out of the mire, that I may not

Christ in his passion dedareih the greatness of stick fast: deliver me trom them that hale me,
his sufferings, and the ma/ice of his persecutors and out of the deep waters.
the Jews ; and foreielleih their reprobation. 16 Let not the tempest of water drown me, nor
1Unto the end, for them that shall be changed the deep swallow me up : and let riot the pit shut
for David. her mouth upon me.
~ ^ AVEeven
me, O God
in unto my
: for the
waters** are come 17 Hear me, O Lord,
look upon me according
for thy mercy is kind;
to the multitude of thy
3 I stick fast in tlie mire of the deep : and tender mercies.
there is no sure standing. 18 And turn not away thy face from thy ser-
I am come into the depth of the sea : and a vant : for I am in trouble,
hear me speedily.
tempest liath overwhelmed me. 19 Attend to my soul, and deliver it : save me
4 I have laboured with crying; my jaws are because of my enemies.
become lioarse my eyes have failed, whilst I
20 Thou knowest my reproach, and my confu-
hope in my God. sion, and my shame.
5 They are multiplied above the hairs of my 21 In thy sigh-t are all they that afflict me : my
head, who hate me without cause. heart hatli expected leproach and misery.
My enemies are grown strong who have wrong- And I looked for one that would grieve togeth
fully persecuted ine then did I pay that which er with me, but there \\as none and for one that

I took not would comfort nie, and I found none.

2"^ And they gave me gall for my food: and in
* Coiiiinand thy strength. Give orders that my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
thy strenatli may be always with us. 23 Let their table^^ become as a snare before
t Rebuke the irild beasis of the reeds: or the ihciii, and a recompense, and a stumbling-block.
wild beasts, wliich lie bid in the leeds. That is, 24 Let their eyes be darkened that they see
the devils, who hide themselves in order to sur- not; and their back bend thou down always.
prise their prey. Or by uild beasts, are bore im- 2.5 Pour out thy iiidi<rnation upon them: and
derslood persecutors, who, for all their attempts let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.
against the Church, are but asw'e^^- reeds, which 26 Let their habitation lie made desolate and ;

cannot prevail against them who are supported let there be none to dwell in their taliernacles.
by the strength of the Almighty. The .same are 27 Because they have persecuted him whom
also called the cmtgi-eication of bulls (from their thou hast smitten and they have added to the;

rage acrainst the Cburcb) who assemble together grief of my wounds.

ali their kine, that is, tbe people, their subjects, 28 Add tliou iniquity upon their iniquity and :

to exclude, if tbej- can, fnnn Christ and his in- let them not come into thy justice.
heritance, Iiis constant confessors, who are like 29 Let them be blotted out of the book of the
silver tried by fire. living and with the just let them not be written.

I Embassadors shall 30 But I am poor and sorrowful thy salvation,

come, Sec. It is a pro- :

phecy of the conversion of the gentiles, and by O God, bath set me up.
name of tbe Esypiians and Ethiopians. 31 I will praise the name of God with a can-
^ To the east. From Mount Olivet, which is ticle and I v\ill magnify him with praise.

on tbe east side of Jerusalem. 32 And it shall please' God better than a young
The voice of power. That is, he will make calf, that bringeth forth horns and hoofs.
his voice to he a pou-erful voice : by calling from 33 Let the poor see and rejoice ; seek ye God,
death to life, such as were dead in mortal sin as and your soul shall live.

at the last day he will by the power of his voice

call all the dead from their graves. our sins, and so repairhig the injury we had done
II For them (hat shall be changed. A psalni for to God. \

Christian converts, to remember the passion of tt My foolishness and my offences ;

which my
Christ. enemies impute to me: or the follies and sins of
** The voters ; of afflictions and sorrows. 3Iy men, which I have taken upon myself.
soil? is sorrowful even unto death. Mat. xxvi Let their table, &c. What here follows in
I ^
tt I pay that vhick I took not away. Christ in the style of an imprecation, is a prophecy of the
bis passion made restitution of what be had not 'wretched state to which tbe Jews should be ro
Eftken away, by suffering the punishment due to Iducod in punishment of their wilful ohstina«y.
: ; : : ::


34 For the Lord hath heard the poor, aud hatli 11 Saying: God hath forsaken him; pursue
not despised his prisoners, and take him, for diere is none to deliver him.
33 Let he heavens and tlie earlli praise him;
I 12 O
God, be not thou far from me : my God, O
the sea, and every thing that creepeth tlierein. make haste to my help.
36 For God will save Sion,* and tlie cities of 13 Let tbeu!» be confounded, and come to no-
Juda shall be built up. thing Uiat cetract my soul ; let them be covered
And they shall dwell there, and acquire it by with confusion and shame that seek my hurt.
inhentunce. 14 But I will always hope ; and will add to all
37 And the seed of his servants shall possess thypraise.
it : ond the}' that love his name shall dwell therein. 15 My
mouth shall shew forth thy justice; tliy
salvation all the day long.
Because I have not known learning,^ 161 will
Deus, in adjulorium.
enter into the powers of the Lord : Lord, I will O
A -prayer in persecution. be mindful of thy justice alone.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David, to bring to 17 Thou hast taught me, God, from my O
remembrance that the Lord saved him. youth : and till now I will declare tliy wonderfi'l
C /^ GOD, come to my assistance; O Lord, works,
\y make haste to help me. 18 And unto old age and grey hairs : God, O
3 Let them be confounded and ashamed that forsake me not.
seek my soul Until I shew forth thy arm to all the genera-
4 Let them be turned backward, and blush for tion that is to come
shame that de?ire evils to me: Thy power, 19 and thy justice, God, even O
Let them be presently turned away blushing to the highest great things thou hast done : O
for shame that say to me : 'Tis well, 'tis well.t God, who is like to theo?
5 Let all that seek thee rejoice, and be glad in 20 How great troubles hast thou shewn me,
thee ; and let such as love thy salvation say al many and grievous: and turning thou hast
ways : The Lord be magnified. brought to life, and hast brought me back again
6 But I am needy and poor; O God, help me. from the depths of tlie earth:
Thou art my helper and my deliverer: OLord, 21 Thou hast multiplied thy magnificence:
make no delay. and turning to me thou liast comforted me.
22 For I will also confess to thee thy truth
PSALM LXX. with the instruments of psaltery: Goti, I will O
Li te Domine. sing to theewith the harp, thou holy one of Israel.
Aprayerfor perseverance. 23 3Iy lips shall greatly rejoice, when I shall
IA psalm for David. Of the sons of Jonadab,^ sing to thee : and my soul which thou hast re-
and the former captives. deemed.
O Lord,
I have hoped, let me never be 24 Yea, and mv
tongue shall meditate on thy
JN thee,
put to confusion: 2 deliver me in thy justice, justice all when they shall be con-
the cfay :

and rescue me. founded and put to shame that seek evils to me.
Incline thy ear unto me, and save me. PSALM LXXI.
3 Be thou unto me a God, a protector, and a
Deus, judicium tuum.
place of strength that thou mayst make me safe.

For thou art my firmament and my refuge. A prophecy of the coming of Christ, and of his
4 Deliver me, "O my God, our of the hand of Kingdoin : prefigured by Solomon and his
the sinner, and out of the hand of the transgressor happy reign.
of the law and of the unjust. 1 A psalm on Solomon.
5 For thou art my patience, OLord: my hope, IVE tothe king thy judgment, God O
O Loid, Irom my youth. and to the king's son thy justice
6 By thee have I been confirmed from the To jndfre thy people with justice, and thy
womb from my mother's womb thou art my pro
poor with judgment.
tector. 3 Let the mountains receive peace for the
Of thee shall I continually sing 7 I am become people, and the hills justice.

unto many as a wonder, but thou art a strong 4 He shall judge the poor of the people : and
helper. he shall save the children of the poor and he :

8 Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I shall humble the oppressor.
may sing thy glory; tliy greatness all the day 5 And he shall continue with the sun, and
long. before the moon, throughout all generations.
9 Cast me not off in the time of old age when
6 He shall come down like rain upon the
my strength shall fail, do not thou forsake me. fleece and as showers falling gently upon the

10 For my enemies have spoken against me earth.

and they that watched my soul have consulted In his days shall justice spring up, and
togetlier, abundance of peace, till the moon be taken
* Sion. The catholic church. The cities of 8 "And he shall rule from sea to sea, and from
Jtsdah, ifcc. her places of worship, which =liall be the river unto the ends of the earth.
established throusrhout the world. And there h Before him the Ethiopians shall fall down
viz. in tins church of Christ, shall his ser^'ants and his enemies shall lick the ground.
dwell. Sec. 10 The kin^sof Tharsis and the islands shall
t ' 7'is veil, Vis well. E?ig-e, euge. St. .Jerome offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of
renders it, rnh, vah which is the voice bf one in- Sal)a shall brin? gifts

pulting and deridin;:. Some understand it as a 11 And all kinsrs of the earth shall adore
detestation of deceitful flntterci*. hitn all nations slinl! serve liim.

t Of the sons of .Jonndnh. The Recbabites. of 12 For lie shall deliver the poor from the
whom see Jeremias xxxv. By this addition of liigF ty, and the needy that had no helper.
the p^venty-two interpreters, we gnther that tliii=
psalm was usually sunjr in the synairocue, in the ^ frrrrnincr. As much as to say, I build not
person of the Recbabites, and of those who were 'npr 1 h'Mvi'i learning, but oidy on the power and
Srst curried away into captivity. justice of God.


13 He shall spare the poor and needy and my heart, and washed my hands among the in-

he shall save the souls of tiie |)oor. noceni.

14 He shall redeciii thi'lf souls fmni usuries I-l And I have been scourged all the day:
K,nd inicjuity and iheir name shall he houourahle and my chastisement bath been in (he mornings.

in his sight, lo If I said:|| I will speak thus; behold, I

15 And he shall live, and to him shall he given should coinlenui the generation of thy children.
ai' the gold of Arahia; for him they shajjl always ll) I studied that I might know this thing, it la
adore, the^' shall hloss hiui all the day. a labour in my sight :

10 And there shall he a firmament on the 17 Until I go into the sanctuarj of God, and
earth,* on the tops of mountains; above Li- understand concerning their last ends.
banus shall the fruit thereof he exalted: and 18 But indeed for deceits thou hast put it to
the^ of the city shall flourish like tlie grass of them :*]] when they were lifted up, thou hast cast
the earth. them down.
17 Let his name he
blessed for evermore : his 19 How are they brought to desolation! they
name continueth before the stm. have suddenly ceased to be they have perished

And in him shall all the tribes of the earth be by reason of their iniquity.
blessed all nations shall magnify him.
: 20 As the dreani of them that awake, O Lord'
18 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel so in thy city thou shalt bring their image to
who alone doeth wonderful things. nothing.
19 And blessed be the name of his majesty 21 For my heart hath been inflamed, and my
foi ever: and the wiiole earth shall be filled have been changed 22 and I am brought
reins :

with his majesty. So he it. So he it. and I knew not.

to nothing,
23 The praises of David the son of Jesse are 23 I am become as a beast before th-ie and 1 :

ended, t a»! always with thee.

PSALM LXXH. 24 Thou hast held me by my right hand ;• and
Quam bonus Israel Detis. by thy will tliou hast conducted me, and with
The temptation nf the weak, ii-pon scehi'j; the thy glory thou hast received me.
prosperity of the nicked, is overcome liy the 25 For what have I in heaven? and besides
consideration of the justice of God, n-ho irill thee what do I desire upon earth ?
quickly render to every one accordini,'- to his 26 For thee uiy llesh and my heart hath fainted
works. away thou art the God of my heart and tlie God

1 A psalm for Asaph. that is uiv portion for ever.

"OW good is God to Israel, to them that are 27 For heliold, they that go far from thee shall
of a right heart perish thou hast destroyed all them that are

o But my feet
were almost moved; my steps disloyal to thee.
had well nigh sli|n. 28 But it is good for me to adhere to my God,
3 Because I had a zeal on occasion of the to put mv hope in the Lord God:
wicke<l, seeing the prosperity of sinnersi That i may declare all thy praises, in the
4 For there is no regard to their death nor gates of the daughter of Sion.
is there strength in their stripes.
^5 They are not in the labour of men: neither
shall they he scourged like other men.
Ut quid, Deus.
C Therefore pride hath held them fast they :
A prayer of the church tinder grievous pti mecu
ore covered with their iniquity and their wicked- tions.
ness. 1 Understanding for Asaph.
7 Their iniquity hath come forth, as it were
frotii fatness :| they have passed into the affection
of the heart.
o GOT), why hast thou cast us ofl" unto the
end ? why is thy wrath enkindled against
the sheep of thy pasture ?
8 They have thought and spoken wickedness: 2 Remember thy congregation, which thou
they have spoken iniquity on high. hast possessed from the beginning ;
!> They have set their mouth against heaven :
'J'he sceptre of thy inheritance which thou hast
and their tongue hath passed through the earth. redeemed ; mount Sion in which thou hast
10 Therefore will my people return here :^ dwelt. full days shall be fi)und in them. 3 Lift up thy hands against their pride unto
11 And they said : How doth God know ? and the end see what things the enemy hath done

isthere knowledge in the Most High ? wickedly in the sanctuary.

12 Behold, the^e are sinners ; and yet abound- 4 And they that hate thee have made their
ing in the world they have obtained riches. boasts, in the midst of thy solemnity.
13 And I said : Then have I in vain justified They have set up their ensigns** for signs: 5
and they knew not both in the going out, and on
* Afirmamenton the earth, &LC. This may be the highest top.
understood of the church of Christ, ever firm and As with axes in a wood of trees, 6 They have
isible ; and of the flourishing condition of its cut down at once the gates thereof: with axe
congregation. and hatchet they have brought it down.
_t Are ended. By this it appears that this
psalm, though placed here, was in order of time
If I said, &c. That is, if I should indulge
the last of those which David composed. such thoughts as these.
X Fatness. Abundance, and tempc.ral pros- U Thou hast put it to them. In punishment of
perity, which hath encouraged them in their their deceits, or for deceiving theni, thou hast
iniquity; and made them give themselves up to brought evils upon them in their last end, which
their irregular aflfections. in their prosperity they never apprehended.
§ Return here; or hither. The weak among ** Their ensiifns, &c. They have fixed their
the servants of God, will be apt often to return colours for signs and trophies,
both on the gates,
to this thought, and will be shocked when they
and on the highest top of the temple : and they
consider x\\c full days, that is, the long and pros'- kni'if not, that is. they regarded not the sanctity
perous life of the wicked ; anil will be tenuned; oftlie place. This psalm manifestly foretelsthe
to make tlie reflections against providence wliich'
tniip of the IMachabees, and the profanation o<
are set down in the following verses. the temple by Antiochus.


;: :


7 They have set fire to thy sanctuary they : We will relate thy wondrous works 3 »\hta :

have defiled the dwt.lling-place of tliy name on I shall take a time,!] I will judge justices.
the earth. 4 The
earth is melted, and all that dwell there-
8 They said in their heart, tlie whole kindred in have established the pillars thereof.
: I
of them together: Let us abolish all the festival 5 I said to the wicked Do not act wickedly :

days of God from the land. and to the sinners Lift not up the horn.

9 Our signs we have not seen, there is now no 6 Lift not up your horn on high speak not :

prophet and he will know us no more.

: iniquity against God.
10 Howlong, O
God, shall tlie enemy re 7 For neither from the east, nor from the west,
proach ? is the adversary to provoke thy name nor from the desert hills: .8 for God is the judge.
for ever ? One he putteth down, and another he lifteth
11 Why dost thou turn awaj thy hand? and up: 9 for. in the hand of the Lord there is a cup
thy right hand out of the midst of tliy bosom for of strong wine full of mixture.
ever ? And he hath poured it out from this to that:
12 But God is our king before ages ; he hath but the dregs thereof are not emptied all the :

wrought salvation midst of the earth.

in the sinners of the earth shall drink.
13 Thou by thy strength didst make the sea 10 But I will declare for ever: I will sing to
firm :' thou didst crush the heads of the dragons the God of Jacob.
in the waters. 11 And I will break all the horns of sinners:
IJ Thou hast broken the heads of the dragon but the horns of the just shall be exalted.
thou linst given Iiim to be meat for the people of
tlie Ethiopians. PSALM LXXV.
15 'I'hou hast broken up the fountains and the Notus in Judaea.
torrents thou hast dried up the Ethan rivers.t
God is known in his church : and exerts his power
16 Thine is the day, and thine is the night in protecting it. It alludes to the slaughter oj
tliou hast made the morning light and the sun. the Assyrians, in the days of king Ezechias.
17 Thou hast made all the borders of the
1 Unto the end, in praises, a psalm for Asaph : a
earth the summer and the spring were formed

by thee. canticle to the Assyrians.

18 Remember this, the enemy hatli reproached 2 XN Judea God is known : his name is great
JL in Israel;
tlie Lord: and a foolish people hath provoked
thy name. 3 And his place is in peace and his abode in :

19 Deliver not up to beasts the souls that con- Sion


fess to thee and forget not to the end the souls of

4 There hath he broken the powers of bows,

the shield, the sword, and the battle.

thy poor.
120 Have regard to thy covenant: for they that
5 Thou enlightenest wonderfully from the ev-
are the obscure of the eartht have been filled with
erlasting hills 6 All the foolish of heart were

dwellings ofiniquity.
21 Let not the humble be turned away with
They have slept their sleep and all the men :

and needy of riches h.ive found nothing in their hands.

confusion: the poor shall praise thy
7 At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, they have
22 Arise, O God, judge thy own cause : re- all slumbered that mounted on horseback.
member thy reproaches with which the foolish 8 Thou art terrible, and who shall resist thee :

man hath reproached thee all the day. from that time^ thy wrath.
23 Forget not the voices of thy enemies the 9 Thou hast caused judgment to be heard from

pride of them that hate thee asccndeth continu-

: the earth trembled, and was still,

10 When God arose in judgment, to save all

the meek of the earth.
LXXIV 11 For the thought of man shall give praise to
Confitebimur tibi. thee and the remainders of the thoughts shall

There is <i just judgment to come : therefore let keep holiday to thee.
the wicked take care. 12 Vow ye, and pay to the Lord your God:
all you that round about him bring presents.
1 Unto the end, corrupt not,^ a psalm of a can-
ticle for Asaph.
To him that is terrible, 13 even to him who ta-
2 "\i^''"E will praise thee, O God : we will keth away the spirit of princes : to the terrible
V praise, and we will call upon thy name. with the kings of the earth.
* The sea firm. By making the waters of the PSALM LXXVI.
Red sea stand like firm walls, whilst Israel pass- Voce mea.
ed through ; and destroying the Egyptians, called The faithful have
recourse to God in trouble of
here dragons from their cruelty, in the same wa- mind, with confidence in his mercy and power.
ters, with their king; casting up their bodies on 1 Unto the end, for Idithun, a psalm of Asaph.
the shore to be stript by the Ethiopians, inhabit- 2 T
Cried to the Lord with my voice ; to God
ing in tliose days the coast of Arabia.
t Ethan rivers.
with my voice and he gave ear to me. ;

That la, rivers which ninwitk 3 In the day of my trouble I sought God, with
strong streams. This was verified in Jordan, my hands lifted up to him in the night : and I
Josue iii. and in Arnon, Numb. xxi. 14. was not deceived.
t The ohscurc of the earth. Mean and igno- My soul refused to be comforted: 4 I remeni
ble wretches have been filled, that is, enriched,
whh houses of iniquity, that is, with our estates God will not fail in his due time to render to every
and possessions, which they have unjustly ac- man according to his works.
quired. When I shall take a time. In proper times .

$ Conmtpt not. 'Tis believed to have been the particularly at the last day, when the earth shall
beginning of some ode or hymn, to the tune of melt away at the presence of the great judge
which this psalm was to be sung. St. Augustine the same who originally laid the foundations of
and other fathers take it to be an admonition of it, and as it were established its pillars.
the spirit of God, not to faint or fail in our hope
If From that time, &c. From the time that thy
but to persevere with constancy in good ; becaiise wrath shall break out.
381 ^
: ;:

bered Qod, and was delighted, and was exerci- 9 The sons of Ephraim who bend and shoot
sed and my spirit swooned away.
: with the bow they have turned back in the

5 My eyes prevented tlie watches I was troub- day of battle.


led, and I spoke not. 10 They kept not the covenant of God : and
6 I thought upon tlie days of old and I had in his law they would not walk.

in my mind the eternal years. 11 And they forgot his benefits, and his won-
7 And I meditated in the night with my ovvn ders that he had shewn them.
neart and I was exercised, and I sweptmy spirit.
: 12 Wonderful things did he do in the sight of
8 Will God then cast ofT for ever ? or will he, their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of
never be more favourable again? Tan is.
9 Or will he cut off his mercy for ever, from 13 He divided the sea, and brought them
generation to generation 'I through and he made the waters to stand aa in

10 Or will (jod forget to shew mercy? or will a vessel.

he in his anger shut up his mercies ? 14 And he conducted them with a cloud by
11 And I said, Now have I begun; this isthei day, and all the night with a light of fire.

change of the right hand of the most High. 3.5 He struck the rock in the wilderness: and

12 I remembered the works of the Lord for] gave them to drink, as out of the great deep.

I will be mindful of thy wonders from the begin- 16 He brought forth water out of the rock:
ning. and made streams run down as rivers.
13 And I will (neditate on all thy works: and 17 And they added yet more sin against him :
will be employed in thy inventions. they provoked the most High to wrath in tlw
14 Thy way, O God, is in the holy place : who place without water.
is the great God like our God ? 15 Thou art 18 And they tempted God in their hearts, by
the God that doest wonders. asking meat for their desires.
Thou hast made thy power known among the 19 And they spoke ill of God tliey said Can : :

nation 16 with thy arm thou hast redeemed God furnish a table in the wilderness?

thy people the children of .I acob and of Joseph. 20 Because he struck the rock, and the waters
17 The waters saw thee, O God the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed.

saw thee and they were afraid, and the depths

: Can he also give bread, or provide a table for
were troubled. his people ? j

18 Great was the noise of the waters: the 21 Therefore the Lord heard, and was angry
clouds sent out a sound. and a fire was kindled against Jacob, and wrath
For thy arrows pass ; 19 the voice of thy thun- came up against Israel.
der in a wheel. 22 Because they believed not in God, and
Thy lightnings enlightened the world : the trusted not in his salvation.
earth shook and trembled. 23 And he had commanded the clouds from
20 Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths in above, and had opened the doors of heaven.
many waters: and thy foot-steps shall not be 24 And had rained down manna upon them to
known. eat, and had given them the bread of heaven.
21 Thou hast conducted thy ])eople like sheep, 25 IMan ate the bread of angels: he sent them
by the hand of Moses and Aaron. provisions in abundance.
PSALM LXXVIL 26 He removed the south-wind from heaven
Attendite. and by his power brought in the south-west wind.
God's great benefits to the -people of Israel, not- 27 And he rained upon them flesh as dust;
ipithstandhig- their ingratitude. and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea.
1 Understanding for Asaph. 28 And they fell in the midst of their camp,
ATTEND, O my people, to my law incline round about their pavilions.

29 So they did eat, and were filled exceed-

your ears to the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my month in parables I will
ingly, and he gave them their desire
30 they :

Utter propositions* from the beginning. were not defrauded of that which they craved.
3 How great things have we heard and known, As yet tlieir meat was in their mouth: 31 and
and our fathers have told us. the wrath of God came upon them.
4 They have not been hidden from their chil-i And he slew the fat ones amongst them, and
dren, in another generation. brought down the chosen men of Israel.
Declaring the praises of the Lord, and his pow- 32 In all these things they sinned still : and
ers, and his wonders which he hath done. they believed not for his wondrous works.
.5 And he set up a testimony in Jacob and 33 And their days were consumed in vanity,

made a law in Israel. and their years in haste.

How great things he commanded our fathers, 34 When he slew them, then they sought him
that they should make the same known to their and they returned, and came to him early in thf
children: 6 that another generation might know morning.
them. 35 And they remembered that God was their
The children that should be born, and should helper and the most high God their redeemer.

rise lip, and declare them to their children; 36 And they loved him with their mouth: and
7 They that may ptit their hope in God, and with their tongue they lied unto him.
may not forget the works of God and may seek :
37 But their heart was not right with him:
his commandments. nor'were they counted faithful in his covenant.
8 That they may not become like their fathers, 38 But he is merciful, and will forgive Uieir
a perverse and exasperating generation. sins ; and will not destroy them.
A generation that set not their heart aright; And many a time did he turn away his anger;
and wliose spirit was not faithful to God. and did not kindle all his wrath.
39 And he remembered that they are flesh;
Propositions. Deep and mysterious say- a wind that goeth and rotumeth not.
ings. By appears that the historical facts
this it 40 How often did they provoke him in tlie
of ancient times, commemorated in this psalm, desert; and move him to wrath in the place
were deen and mysterioits ; as being fiffures of without water?
great tj-utlis appertaining to the time of the new 41 And they turned back and tempted God
testament. and grieved the holy one of Israel.
: :


42 They rcmonibered not his hand in the duyi him from the flocks of sheep Iio biouglit liiin :

that he redeemed them from

tlie hand of him from following 'he ewes great witli young,
diat allhcted them 71 To feed Jacob his servant, and Israel hia
43 How he wrought his signs in Egypt, and inheritance.
his wonders in the field of Tanis. 72 And he fed tliem in the innocence of his
44 And he turned their rivers into blood, and heart ; and conducted them by the Hkilfulness of
tlieir showers that they might not drink. his hands.
45 He sent amongst tliem divers sorts of flies,
wliicii devoured tliem ; and frogs which destroy-
ed tliem. Deus, venerunt gentes.
46 And he gave up their fruits to the blast, and The church in time of persecution prayeth for
their labours to the locust. relief. It seems to belong to the tinte of the
47 And he destro_ved their vineyards with hail, Maccabees.
and their niulbcrry-trees with hoar frost. 1 A psalm for Asaph.
48 And he gave up their cattle to the hail,
and their stock to the fire.
OGOD, the heathens are
heritance, they have
come into tliy in-
defiled thy holy
49 And he seflt upon them the wratli of his temple they have made Jerusalem as a place

inthgnation : indignation and wrath and trouble, to keep fruit.

which he sent by evil angels. 2 They have given the dead bodies of thy
•5(J He made a way for a path to his anger : he servants to be meat for the fowls of the air; the
spared not their souls from death ; and tlieir flesh of thy saints for the beasts of the earth.
cattle he shut up in death. 3 They have poured out their blood as water,
.51 And he killed all the first-bom in the land
round about Jerusalem ; and there was none to
of Egypt : the first-fruits of all their labour in the bury them.
tabernacles of Cham. 4 We are become a reproach to our neigh-
52 And ha took away his own people as sheep; bours a scorn and derision to them that are
nnd guided them in the wilderness like a flock. round about us.
53 And he brought them out in hope, and 5 How long, O Lord, wilt thou be angry for
they feared not: and the sea overwhelmed their ever" shall thy 7,cal be kindled like a fire ?
enemies. 6 Four out tliy wrath upon the nations that
54 And he brought them into the mountain of have not known thee ; and upon the kingdoms
his sanctuary the mountain which his right
that have not called upon thy name.
hand had purchased. 7 Because they have devoured Jacob; and
And he cast out the gentiles before them and :
have laid waste his place.
by lot divided to them their land by a line of 8 Remember not our former iniquities: let thy
distribution. [mercies speedily prevent us, for we are become
55 And he made the tribes of Israel to dwell in I
exceeding poor.
their tabernacles.
9 Help us, O God our Saviour: and for the
56 Yet they tempted, and provoked the most

glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us and for- :

high God and they kept not his testimonies.

give us our sins for thy name's sake
57 And they turned away, and kept not the to Lest they should say amongst the gentiles :
covenant even like their fathers they were
Where is their God ? And let him be niadn
turned aside as a crooked bow. known among die nations before our eyes,
58 They provoked him to anger on their hills ; Dy the revenging the blood of thy servants,
and moved him to jealousy with their graven which hath been shed 11 let the sighing of the

prisoners come in before thee.
59 God heard, and despised them : nnd he re-
According to the greatness of thy arm, take
duced Israel exceedingly as it were to nothing.
possession of the children of them that have been
60 And he put away the tabernacle of Silo, "
put to death.
his tabernacle where he dwelt anion? men.
12 And render to our neighbours sevenfold in
61 And he delivered tlieir strength into cap-
their bosom, the reproach wherewith they have
tivity, and their beauty into the hands of the
reproached thee, O Lord.
enemy. 13 But we thy people, and the sheep of thy
62 And he shut up his people under the sword
pasture, will give thanks to thee for ever.

and he despised his inheritance. We will shew forth thy praise, unto genera-
63 Fire consumed their young men: and their
tion and generation.
maidens were not lamented.
64 Their priests fell by the sword and their :
widows did not mourn. Qui regis Israel.
65 And the Lord was awaked as one out of A prayer for the chnrch in trihidation, com-
sleep, and like a mighty man that hath been sur- memorating God's former favours.
feited with wine.
1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed,
66 And ho smote his enemies on tlie hinder
a testimony for Asaph, a psalm.
]iarts: he put them to an everlasting reproach.
2 /^IVEeaV, O thou that rulest Israel ; thou
67 And he rejected the tabernncle of Joseph; v^ that leadest Joseph like a sheep.
and chose not the tribe of Ephraim :
Thou that sittest upon the cherubiins, shine
68 Buthe chose the tribe of Juda, mount Sion forth 3 before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasses.
which he loved. .Stir up thv might, and come to save us.
39 And he built his sanctuary as of unicorns,*
4 Convert" us, O God and shew us thy face, :

m the land which !ie founded for ever. and we shall be saved.
70 And he chose his servant David, and took
5 O Lord God of hosts, how long wilt thou be
angrv against the praier of thy servant 7
* Ax of Unicorns. That is, firm and strong, 6 How long wilt thou feed us with the bread

like the horn of the iniicorn. This is one of the of tears and give us for our drink tears in mea-

chiefest of the 7>ro/7o,??7/o7W of this psalm, fore- jsure ?

shewing the firm establishment of the one, 7 Thou hast made us to be a contradiction to
true, and evei lasting sanctuary of God and his jour neighbours and our enemies have scofled
church. at us.
: :: : :

8 O God of hosts, convert us : and shew thy 13 So I let them go according to the desires of
Pace, and we shall be saved. their heart : they shall walk in their own inven-
9 Thou hast brought a vineyard out of Egypt tions.
thou hast cast out the gentiles, and planted it. 14 If my people had heard me; if Israel had
10 Thou wast theguideof its journey in its walked in my ways:
sight :thou plantedst the roots tliereof, and it 15 I should soon have humbled their enemies,
filled the land. and laid my hand on them that troubled them.
11 The shadow of it covered the hills : and the 16 The enemies of the Lord have lied to him :
branches tliereof the cedars of God. and their time shall be for ever.||
12 It stretched forth its branches unto the sea, 17 And he fed them with the fat of wheat, and
and its boughs unto the river filled them with honey out of the rock.
13 Why hast thou broken down the hedge
thereof; so that all they who pass by the way
Deus stetit.
do pluck it?
14 The boar out of the wood hath laid it
An exhortation to judges and men in power.
waste and a singular wild beast hath devour- 1 A psalm for Asaph.
ed it. OD
hath stood in the congregation of gods :
15 Turn again, O
God of hosts ; look down and being in the midst of them, he judgeth
from heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard gods.
16 And perfect the same which thy right hand 2 How long will you judge unjustly ; and ac
hath planted ; and upon the son of man whom cept the persons of the wicked ?
thou hast confirmed for thyself. 3 Judge for the needy and fatherless: do jus
17 Things set on fire* and dug down shall tice to the humble and the poor.
perish at the rebuke of thy countenance. 4 Rescue the poor; and deliver the needy out
18 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right of the hand of the sinner.
hand;t and upon the son of man whom thou hast 5 They have not known nor understood ; they
confirmed for thyself. walk on in darkness all the foundations of the :

19 And we depart not from thee, thou ahalt earth shall be moved.
quicken us and we will call upon thy name.
: 6 I have said you are gods, and all of you

20 O Lord God of hosts, convert us and the sons of the most High.

shew thy face, and we shall be saved. 7 But you like men shall die; and shall fall
like one of the princes.
PSALM LXXX. 8 Arise, O God, judge thou the earth : for '

Exultate Deo. thou shalt inherit among all the nations.

An tnviiation to a solemn praisin rr of God. '
1 Unto the end, for thewine-presses,! a psalm
Deus, quis similis.
for Asaph himself.
2 TJEJOICE to God our helper: sing aloud A prayer against the enemies of God's church
JtV to the God of Jacob. \ A canticle of a psalm ^or Asaph.
3 Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel 2 GOD, who shall be like to thee ? hold
the pleasant psaltery with the harp. f\
not thv peace ; neither be thou still, O
•4 Blow up the trumpet on the new moon, on
the noted day of your solemnity 3 For lo, thy enemies have made a noise : and
5 For it is a commandnipnt in Israel, and a they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
jiirl^ment to the God of .lacob
4 Thev have taken a malicious counsel
n He ordained it for a testimony in Joseph,
against thy people, and have consulted against
when he came out of the land of Egypt; he thy saints.
heard a tong\ie which he knew not. 5 They have said : Come and let us destroy
7 lie removeil his back from the burdens : his them, so that they
be not a nation : and let the
hands had served in baskets. name of Israel be remembered no more.
?> Thou calledst upon me in affliction, and I 6 For they have contrived with one consent
delivered thee : I heard thee in the secret place
they have made a covenant together against
of tempest :§ 1 proved tlice at the waters of con- thee, 7 the
tabernacles of the Edomites, and the
9 Hear, O my people, and I will testify to thee Moab, and the Agarens, 8 Gebal, and Amnion,
O Israel, if thou wilt hearken to me, 10 there and Amalec : the Philistines, with the inhabit-
"hnW be no new god in thee : neither shalt thou ants of Tyre.
adore a strange god 9 Yea, and the Assyrian also is joined with
11 For I am the Lord thy God, who brought
them : they are come to the aid of the sons of
thee out of the land of Egvpt : open thy mouth Lot.
wide, and I will fill it. 10 Do to them as thou didst to Madian and to
12 But my people heard not my voice : and Is- Sisara as
; to Jabin at the brook of Cisson.
rael hearkened not to me.
11 iVho perished at Endor : and became as
* Things set on fire, &ic. So this vineyard of dung for the earth.
12 Make their princes likoOreb, and Zeb, and

thine, almost consumed already, must perish ifj

thou continue thy rebukes.
Zebee, and Salmana.
All their princes, 13 who have said : Let us

t The man ofthy right hand. Christ.

possess the sanctuary of God for an inheritance,
X For the irine-presses, &c. iorcularihus. It
either siarnifies a musical instrument, or that
14 O mv God, make them like a wheel ; and
as stubble before the wind
this psalm was to be sung at the feast of the
15 As fire which burneth the wood ; and as a
tabernacles after the gathering in of the vin-
flame buming mountains :
Heb. Of* 16 So shalt thou pursue them with thy tem-
§ In the secret place of tempest.
shalt-frouble them in thy wrath.
thunder. When thou souirhtest to hide thyself pest ; and
from the tempest: or, when I came down to
mount Sina, hidden from thy eyes in a storm of Their time shall be for ever. Impenitent siB

ihunder. ners shall suffer for ever.




17 Fill tlieii faces with shame and they shall
: 7 Thou wilt turn, O God, nno
bring us to lifes
Beck thy name, O Lord. and thy people shall rejoice in thee.
18 Let iheni be ashamed and trouhled for ever 8 Shew us, O Lord, thy mercy ; and grant ufl
and ever; and let them be confounded and thy salvation.
perish. 9 1 will hear what the Lord God will speak in
19 And let them know that the Lord is thy me for he will speak peace unto his people: :

nanic: thou alone art the most High over all the And unto his saints : and unto tliem tnat ore
earth. converted to the heart.
10 Surely his salvation is near to them that
PSALM LXXXIIL fear him that glory may dwell in our land. :

Quam dilecta. 11 Mercy and truth have met each other: jus-
The soul nspireth after heaven ; rejoicing' in the lice and peace have kissed.
mean lime, in bein^ in the communion of God's 12 Truth is sprung out of the earth: and jus-
church upon earth. tice hath looked down from heaven.

1 Unto tlie end, for the wine-presses, a psalm for

13 For the Lord will give goodness and our :

the sons of Core. earth shall yield her fruit.

2 TTOW lovely are thy tabernacles, O Lord of 14 Justice shall walk before him; and shall
XX hosts ! 3 my soul longeth and fainteth set his steps in the way.
for the courts of the Lord. PSALM LXXXV.
My heart and my
flesh have rejoiced in tlie
Inclina, Domine.
living God.
4 For the sparrow hath found herself a house, A prayer for God's grace to assist us to the end,
and the turtle a nest for herself where she may 1 A prayer for David himself.
lay her young ones : INCLINE thy ear, O Lord, and hear me for I :

Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king and my am needy and poor.

God. 2 Preserve my soul, for I am holy :t save thy
5 Blessed are tliey that dwell thy house, servant, O my God, that trusteth in thee.
O Lord : tliey shall praise thee for ever and 3 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried
ever. to thee all the day. 4 Give joy to the soul of
6 Blessed is the man whose help is from thee thy servant, for to' thee, O Lord, I have lifted up

in his heart he hath disposed to ascend bv my soul.

steps,* 7 in the vale of tears, in the place which 5 For thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild ; and
he nath set. plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee.
8 For the lawgiver shall give a blessing ; they 6 Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer and attend :

shall go from virtue to virtue: the God of gods to the voice of my petition.
shall be seen in Sion. 7 I have called upon thee in the day of my
9 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer : give trouble ; because thou hast heard me.
ear, O God of Jacob. 8 There is none among the gods like unto thee,
10 Behold, O God, ourprotector ; and look on O Lord and there is none according to thy :
tlie face of thy Christ. works.
11 For better is one day in thy courts above 9 All the nations thou hast made shall come
tnousauds. and adore before thee, O Lord and they shall :

I have chosen to be an abject in the house of glorify thy name.

my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles 10 "For thou art great, and doest wonderful
of sinners. things thou art God alone. :

12 For God loveth mercy and truth : the Lord 11 Conduct me, O Lord, in thy way, and I will
will give grace and glory. walk in thy truth let my heart rejoice that it :

13 He will not deprive of good things them that may fear thy name.
walk in innocence O Lord of hosts, blessed is
: 12 I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my
the man that trusteth in thee. whole heart and I will glorify thy name forever: :

13 For thy mercy is great towards me and


thou hast delivered my soul out of the lower hell.

Benedixisti, Domine.
14 O God, the wicked are risen up against me;
The loming- of Christ to bring peace and salva- and the assembly of the mighty have sought my
tion to man. soul: and they "have not set thee before their
I Unto the end, for the sons of Core, a nsalm, eyes.
2 X ORD, tViou hast blessed thy land thou 15 And thou, O Lord, art a God ofcompassion,

M-J hast turned away the captivity of Jacob and merciful, patient, and of much mercy, and
3 I'hou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy peo- true.
ple thou hast covered all their sins.
: 16 O look upon me, and have mercv on me:
4 Thou hast mitigated all thy anger: thou hast give thy command to thy servant, and
save the
turned away from the wrnlh of thy indignation son of thy handmaid.
5 Convert us, O God our saviour: and turn 17 Shew me a token for good that they who :

ofTthv nnger from us. hate me may see, and be confounded, because
G Wilt thou be angry with us forever: or wilt thou, O Lord, hast helped me, and hast comfort-
ihou extend thy wrath from' generation to gene- ed me.
rtillon / PSALM LXXXVI.
* In his heart he hath disposed to ascend by Fundamenta ejus.
stepn, SfC.ascensiones incoracsuodisposiiit. As The glory of the church of Christ.
by steps men ascended to the temple of God, sit- 1 For the sons of Core, a psalm of a canticle.
uated on a hill : so the jood christian ascends rp, HEfoundations thereof are in the holy
towards the eternal temple by rrrtain steps ofj mountains
virtue disposed or ordered within the heart and :

this whilst he lives as yet in the body, in tliis vale t Tarn holy. lam by my office and profes
of tears, the place which man hath set; that is. sion dedicated to thy service.
which he hath brought himself to being cas/ out t The holy mountains.
The apostles and pro
of paradise for his sin. phets.
^ ii. 20.
3B 385

2 The Lord loveth the gates of Sion above all and being exalted have been humbled and
the tabernacles of Jacob. troubled.
3 Glorious things are said of thee, city ofO 17 Thy wrath hath come upon me : and thy
God. terrors have troubled me.
4 I will be mindful of Rahab* and of Babylon 18 They have come ronnd about me like water
knowing me. all the day : they have compassed me about to-
Behold the foreigners and Tyre, and the people gether. V
of the Ethiopians, these were there. 19 Friend and neighbour thou hast put far
5 Shall not Sion say:t This man and ihnt from me; and my acquaintance, because of
man is born in her 1 and the Highest himself misery.
hath founded her.
6 shall tell in his writings of peoples
and of princes, of them that have been in her. Misericordias Donsni.
7 Tlie dwelling in thee is as it were of all re- The perpetuity of the church of Christ, in conr
joicing. sequence of the promises of God : which notf
PSALM LXXXVII. . tcithstanding, Ood permits her to suffer some-
Domine Deus times most grievous afflictions.
1 Of understanding, for Ethan the Ezrahite.
A prayer of one under grievous affliction : it
2 rriHE mercies of the Lord I will sing for
agrees to Christ in his passion, and alludes
to his death and burial.
I will shew forth thy truth with my mouth to
1 A canticle of a psalm for the sons of Core: generation and generation.
unto the end, for Maheleth,| to answer, under- 3 For thou hast said : Mercy shall be built up
standing^ of Eman the Ezrahite. for ever in the heavens: thy truth shall be pre-
2 £^ LORD the God of my salvation : I have pared in them.
\y cried in the day, and in the night before 4 I have made a covenant with my elect : I
thee. have sworn to David my servant; 5 Thy seed
3 Let my prayer come in before thee : incline will I settle for ever.
thy ear to my petition. And I will build up thy throne unto gifneration
4 For my soul is filled
with evils; and my life and generation.
hath drawn nigh to hell. 6 The heavens shall confess thy wonders, O
5 I am counted among them that go down to Lord and thy truth in the church of the saints.

the pit: I am become as a man without help, 6 7 For who in the clouds can be compared to
free among the dead. the Lord or who among the sons of God shall

Like the slain sleeping in the sepulchres, be like to God ?

whom thou rememberest no more and they : 8 God who is glorified in the assembly of the
are cast off from thv hand. saints great and terrible above all them that

7 They have laid me in the lower pit; in the are about him.
dark places, and in the shadow of death. 9 O
Lord God of hosts, who is like to thee ?
8 Thy wrath is strong over me and all thy
: thou art mighty, O
Lord, and thy truth is round
waves thou hast brought in upon me. about thee.
9 Thou hast put away my acquaintance far 10 Thou rulest the power of the sea: and ap-
from me they have set me an abomination to
: peasestthe motion of the waves thereof.
themselves. II Thou hast humbled the proud one, as one
I was delivered up, and came not forth 10 that is slain
: with the arm of thy strength thou :

my eyes languished through poverty. hast scattered thy enemies.

All the day I cried to thee, O Lord : I stretch- 12 Thine are the heavens, and thine is the
ed out my hands to thee. earth the world and the fulness thereof thou

II Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead ? or hast founded 13 the north and the seai thou hast :

shall physicians raise to life, and give praise to created.

thee? Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name :
12 Shall any one in the sepulchre declare thy 14 thy arm is with might.
mercy, and thy truth in destruction ? Let thy hand be strengthened, and thy right
13 Shall thy wonders be known in the dark hand exalted 15 justice and judgment are the :

and tliy justice in the land of forgetfulness ? preparation of thy throne.

14 But I, O Lord, have cried to thee and in ; Mercy and truth shall go before thy face 16 :

the morning my prayer shall prevent thee. blessed is the people tliat knoweth jubilation.
15 Lord, why casteth tliou off my prayer why They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy

turnest thou away thy face from me ? countenance: 17 and in thy name they shall re-
16 I am poor, and in labours from my youth joice all the day and in thy justice they shall ;

be exalted.
* Rahab. Egypt, &c. To this Sion, which is 18 For thdti art the glor}' of their strength and :

the church of God, many shall resort from all in thy good pleasure shall our horn be exalted.
nations. 19 For our protection is of the Lord, and ofouj
t Shall not Sion say, &.c. The meaning is, king the holy one of Israel.
that Sion, viz. the church, shall not only be able 20 Then thou spokest in a vision to thy saints,
to commemorate this or that particular person and saidst I have laid help ii^on one that is :

of renown born in her, but also to glory in great mighty, and have exalted one chosen out of my
.multitudes of people and princes, of her com- people.
munion; who have been foretold in the writings 21 I have found David my servant: with my
of the prophets, and registered in the writings of holy oil I have anointed him.
tlie apostles. 22 For my hand shall help him and my arm :

i Maheleth. A musical instrument, or chorus shall strengthen him.

of musicians, to answer one another. 23 The enemy shall have no advantage over
$ Understanding. Or a psalm of instruction him : nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt j

composed by Eman the Ezrahite, or by David, in him.

bia name. 24 And I will cut down his enemies before

; : ;:

his face and JluMi thai liute liiiii I will put to 1 A prayer of Moscs, the man of God.
flight. .
LORD, tliou hast been our refuge from gen-
25 truth and my mercy shall be witl
And my eration to generation.
hint ; and in my name
shall liis horn be exalted 2 Before the mountains were made, or the
2H And 1 will set his hand in the sea; and his earth and tlie world was formed ; from eternity
right liand in the rivers. and to eternity thou art God.
"27 lie shall cry out to me : Thou art my fa 3 Turn not man awayt to be brought low:
ther; my God, and the support of my salvation. and thou hast said : Be converted, O ye sons of
28 And I will make him my first-born, high men.
above tlie kings of tlie earth 4 For a thousand years in tliy sight are as
29 I will keep my mercy for him for ever : and
yesterday, which is past.
my covenant faithful to him. And as a watch in the night, 5 things that are
30 And I will make his seed to endure for ev counted nothing, shall their years be.
ermore and his throne as tlie days of heaven.
6 In the morning man shall grow up like grass,
31 And if his children forsake my law, and in the morning he shall flourish and pass away
walk not in my judgments ; in the evening he shall fall, grow dry and wither.
32 If they profane my justices: and keep not 7 Fer in thy wrath we have fainted away and ;

my commandments are troubled in thy indignation.

33 I will visit their iniquities witli a rod; and 8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thy eyes;
their sins with stripes our life in the light of thy countenance.
34 But my mercy I will not take away from 9 For all our days are spent ; and in lliy wrath
him : nor will I suffer my truth to fail. we have fainted away.
35 Neither will I profane my covenant: and Our years shall be considered as a spider :| 10
the words that proceed from my moutli I will not the days of our years in them are threescore and
make void. ten years.
36 Once have I sworn by my
holiness : I will not But if in the strong they he fourscore years
lie unto David: 37 his seed shall endure forever and what is more of them is labour and sorrow.
38. And his throne as the sun before me ; and as For mildness is come upon us :§ and we shall
the moon perfect for ever, and a faitliful witness be corrected.
in heaven. 11 Who knoweth the power of thy anger, and
39 But thou hast rejected and despised : thou for thy fear 12 can number thy wrath ?
hast been angry with thy anointed. So make thy right hand known, and men learn-
40 Thou hast overthrown tlfe covenant* of thy ed in heart in wisdom.
senant thou hast profaned his sanctuary on the
: 13 Return, O Lord, how long? and be intieat-
earth. ed in favour of thy servants.
41 Thou hast broken down all his hedges: 14 We
are filled in the morning with thy mercy :

thou hast made his strength fear, and we have rejoiced, and are delighted all our
42 All that pass by the way have robbed him days. :

he is become a reproach to his neighbours. 15 We

have rejoiced for the days in which
43 Thou hast set up the right hand of them thou hast humbled us ; for the years in which we
that oppress him: thou hast made all his ene- have seen evils.
mies to rejoice. 16 Look upon thy servants and upon their
44 Thou hast turned away the help of his works ; and direct their ciiildren.
sword and hast not assisted him in battle
; 17 And let the brightness of the Lord our God
45 Thou hast made his purification to cease be upon us and direct thou the works of our :

and thou hast cast his throne down to the hands over us yea the work of our hands do thou ;

ground. direct.
46 Thou hast shortened the days of his lime :
thou hast covered him with confusion.
47 How long, O Lord, turnest thou away unto Qui habitat.
tlie end ? shall thy anger burn like fire ? Tlie just is secure under the protection of God.
48 Remember what my substance is for hast :
I The praise of a canticle for Davitl.
thou made all the children of men in vain?
4'J Who is the man that shall live, and not see
that clwelleth in the aid of the Most High,
shall abide under the protection of the God
death; that shall deliver his soul from the hand of Jacob.
of hell 1 2 He shall say to the Lord: Thou art my pro-
50 Lord, where are thy ancient mercies, nc tector, and my refuge: my God, in him will I

cording to what tliou didst swear to David in trust.

ihv truth 7 3 For he hath delivered me from the snaro ol
51 Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach of thy the hunters, and from the sharp word.
servants (which I have held in my bosom) of ma- 4 He will overshadow thee with his shoulders :
ny nations and under his wings thou shall irupt.
'52 Wherewith thy enemies have reproached, 5 His truth shall compass thee with a shirld :

O Lord; wherewith they have reproached the thou shall not be afraid of the terror of the night;
change of thy anointed 6 Of the airow that flieth in the day; of tiie
.53 Blessed be the Lord for evermore. So be
it, BO be it. t Turn not man atray, &c. Suffer him not
PSALM LXXXIX. quite to perish from thee, since thou art plrasod
to call upon him to bfe converted to thee.
Domine, refugium. weak as a spitlrr\
I .4s a spider. As frail and
A prayer for the mercy of God : recounting the web; and miserable wiilial, whilst, like a spider
shortness aitd miseries *of the days of man. we spend our bowels in weaving webs to catch
• Ocerthrotcn the covenant, &c. All this § Mildness is come upon us, &c. God's mildness
Bccms to relate to the time of the captivity of corrects us ; inasmucli as he deals kindly with
Babylon, in which, for the sins of the people and us, in shortening the days of this miserable life;
their prmces, God seemed to have set aside for a and so weaning our affections from all its tron-
while tlie covenant he made with David. sitory enjoyments, and teaching us true tcisdom.

business that walketh about in the dark; of in- For he hath established the wofld which snail
vasion, or of the noon-dny devil. not be moved.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten 2 Thy throne is prepared from of old : thou art
thousand at thy right hand : but it shall not come from everlasting.
nigh thee 3 The floods have lifted up, O Lord; the floods
8 But thou shalt consider with thy eyes; and have lifted up their voice.
ehalt see the reward of the wicked The floods have lifted up tlieir waves, 4 with
9 Because thou, O Lord, art my hope : thou the noise of many waters.
hast made the Most High tliy refu£^e. Wonderful are the surges of the sea: wonder-
10 There shall no evil come to thee : nor shall ful is the Lord on high.
the scourge come near thy dwelling. 5 Thy
testimonies are become exceedingly
11 For lie hath given his Angels charge over credible holiness becometh thy house,
: Lord, O
Uiec ; to keep thee in all thy ways unto length of days.
12 In their hands they sliall bear thee up ; lest PSALM XCHL
thou dash thy foot against a stone. Deus ultionum.
13 Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the ba- God shall judge and punish the oppressors ofhia
silisk : and thou shalt trample under foot the lion people.
and the dragon. A psalm David himself, on th? fourth day of
14 Because he hoped in me, I will deliver him :
the week.
I will jjrotect liim, because he hath known my 1 ^1^ HE Lord is the God to whom revenge be-
name. M. longeth : the God of revenge hath acted
He shall cry to me, and I will hear him freely.
1 am
with him in tribulation I will deliver him,
: 2 Lift up thyself, thou that judgest the earth:
and I will glorify him. render a reward to the proud.
16 I will fill him with length of days: and I 3 How long shall sinners, O Lord, how long
will shew him my salvation. shall sinners glory ?
4 Shall they utter, and speak iniquity : shall
all sjieak who work injustice?
Bonum est confiteri.
5 I'hy people, O Lord, they have brought low:
God is to be praised for his tvondrous works, and they have afflicted thy inheritance.
psalm of a canticle on the sabbath-day, 6 They have slain the widow and the stran
2 TT is good to give praise to the Lord and to ger: and they have murdered the fatherless.

JL sing to thy name, O Most High 7 And they have said

: The Lord shall not :

3 To shew forth thy mercy in the morning, and see: neither shall the God of Jacob understand.
thy truth in the night: 8 Understand, ye senseless among the people
4 Upon an instrument often strings, upon the and you fools, be wise at last. *
psaltery; with a canticle upon the liarp. 9 Ho that planted the ear, shall he not hear?
5 For thou hast given me, O Lord, a delight in or he tliat formed the eye, doth he not consider?
thy doings and in the works of thy hands I shall
: 10 He that chastiscth nations, shall he not re-
rejoice. buke: he that teaclieth man knowledge?
6 O Lord, how great are thy works thy 11 The Lord'knoweth the thoughts of men,

thoughts are exceeding deep. thai they are vain.

7 The man
shall not know : nor will
senseless 12 Blessed is the man whom thou shalt in-
the fool understand these things. struct,© Lord; and shalt teach him out of thy law.
8 When the wicked shall spring up as grass 13 That thou mayst give hun rest from the
and all the workers of iniquity shall appear. evil days:* till a pit be dug for the wicked.
That they may perish for ever and ever : 9 but 14 For the Lord will not cast ofl* his people:
thou, O
Lord, art Most High for evennore. neither will he forsake his own inheritance.
10 For behold, thy enemies, O
Lord, for behold 15 Until justice be turned into judgment:!
thv enemies shall perish : and all the workers of and they that are near it are all the upright in
iniquity shall be scattered. 'leart.
II But my horn shall be exalted like that of 16 Who
shall rise up for me against tlie evil
the unicorn : and my old age in plentiful mercy. doers? or who shall stand with me against the
12 My
eye also hath looked down upon niv workers of iniquity ?
enemies : and my ear shall hear of the downfil 17 Unless the Lord had been my helper; my
of the nraliffnant that rise up against me. soul had almost dwelt in hell.
13 The just shall flourish like the palm-tree 18 If I said: foot is moved; thy mercy, My O
he shall grow up like the cedar of Libaniis. Lord, assisted me.
14 They that are planted in the house of the 19 According to the multitude of my sorrows
Lord, shall flourish in the courts of the house of in my heart, thy comforts have given joy to my
our God. ^oul.
15 They shall still increase in a fruitful old 20 Doth the seat of iniquity stick tothee^'t who
age and ; shall be well treated,' 16 that they mav framest labour in commandment?
That the Lord our God is righteous, and there Rest from the evil days. That thou niaysl
is no iniquity in him. mitiirate the sorrows, to which he is exposed,
lurin? the short and evil davs of his mortality.
PSALM XCII. t Until justice he turned into jiidi'went, <fcc.
Dominus resrnavit. Bv being put in execution; which will be agree-
The glory and stnlnlity of the kinsrdom, that is of able to nil the iiprii^ht in heart.
the church of Christ. \ Doth the sent of iniqiiitr/ slick to thee, &c.
Praise in the rfrt^of a canticle, for David himself
That is, wilt ihou. tiod, who art ahvavs just, O
admit of the sent of imqnity ; that is, of injustice.
on tlie day before the sabbath, when the eartli
or unjusc judges, to have any partnership with
was foiuided.
thee ? Thou tclio frnmest, or mukest, hioour in
1 npHE Lord hath reigned: he is clothed withl cnnimandmi'nt, that is, thou who obliffest us to
JL beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength, lAr/wfr with all diligence to keep thy command'
Wid hoth girded himself. llmc/tte.
1 : :

PSALa aciv. xcv. xcvi. xcvii.

21 They will hunt after the soul of the just, be glad let the sea be moved, and the fulnesi

and will condemn innocent blood. thereof: 12 the fields and all things that are io
22 But the Lord is my refuge; and my God them shall be joyful.
the help of my hope. Then shall all the trees of the woods rejoice

23 And
he .will render them tlieir iniquity: and 13 before the face of the Lord, because he com-
ia their malice he will destroy them: llie Lord elli; because he cometh to judge the earth.
our Go'd will destroy tliem. He shall judge the world with justice, and the
PSALM XCIV. people witli his truth.
Venite, exultemus. PSALM XCVI.
An invilation to adore and serve God, and to hearregnavit. Dominus
his voice All are invited to rejoice at the glorious com ing
Praise of a canticle for David himself.
and reign of Christ.
1 /^OME, let us praise the Lord with joy: let
1 For tlie same David, when his land was re-
V^ us joyfully sing to (Jod our Saviour.
stored again to him.
2 Let us come before his presence with thanks-
giving ; and make a joyful noise to him with THE
Lord hath reigned ; let the earth rejoice:
let many islands be glad.
3 For tlie Lord is a great God, and a 2 Clouds and darknesst are round about him:
justice and judgment are the establishment of
King above all gods.
his throne.
4 For in his hand are all tlie ends of the eartli
and the heights of the mountains are his. 3 A fire shall go before him, and shall bum
his enemies round about.
5 For the sea is Iiis, and he made it and his :

hands formed the dry land. 4 His lightnings have shone forth to the world:
the earth saw, and trembled.
6 Come, let us adore and fall down, and weep
before the Lord that made us. 5 The mountains melted like wax, at the pre
sence of the Lord; at the presence of the Lord,
7 For he is the Lord our God and we are :
all the earth.
the people of his pasture and the sheep b( his
hand. 6 The heavens declared his justice and all :

people saw his glory.

8 To-day if you shall hear his voice, harden
not your hearts 7 Let them be all confounded that adore

9 As in the provocation, according to the day

graven things, and that glory in their idols.
of temptation in the wilderness : where your fa- Adore him, all you his Angels 8 Sion heard, :

thers tempted me, they proved me, and saw my and was glad.
works. And the daughters of Juda rejoiced, because
10 Forty years long was I offended with that of thy judgments, O Lord.
Feneration, and said These always err 9 For thou art the most high Lord over all the
I : in
heart earth thou art exalted exceedii^gly above all

And ods.
1 these men have not known my ways
10 You that love the Lord, hate evil:
BO I swore in my wrath that tliey shall not enter the
into my resL Lord preserveth the souls of his saints : he will
deliver them out of tlie hand of the sinner.
PSALM XCV. 11 Light is risen to the just, and joy to the
Cantate Domino. right of heart.
An exhortation to praise God for the coming- of 12 Rejoice, ye just, in the Lord: and give
Christ and his kingdom. praise to tlie remembrance of his holiness.
1 A
canticle for David himself, when the house PSALM XCVII.
was built* after the captivity.
Cantate Domino.
SING ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to
All are again invited praise the Lord, for the
the llord, all the earth.
2 Sing ye to die Lord, and bless hia name of Christ.
shew forth his salvation from day to day. 1 A psalm for David himself.
3 Declare his glory among the gentiles ; his SING ye to the Lord a new canticle : because
wonders among all people. he hath done wonderful things.
4 For the Lord is great, and exceedingly to His right hand hath wrought for him salva-
be praised : he is to be feared above all gods. tion, and his arm is holy.
5 For all the pods of the gentiles are devils : 2 The Lord hath made known his salvation
but the Lord made the jieavens. he hath revealed his justice in the sight of the
6 Praise and beauty are before him ; holiness gentiles.
and majesty in his sanctuary. 3 He hath remembered his mercy and hia

7 I?riiig ye to the Lord, O

ye kindreds of the truth towards the house of Israel.
gentiles, bring ye to the Lord glory and honour : All the ends of the earth have seen the salva-
8 brill!! to the Lord clory unto his name, tion of God.
Bring up sacrifices, and come into his courts : 4 Sing joyfully to God, all the earth make :

H adore ye the Lord in his holy court. melody, rejoice and sing.
Let all the earth be moved at iiis presence. 5 Sing praise to the Lord on the harp, on the
10 Say ye among the gentiles : The Lord hath harp, and with the voireof a psalm 6 with long :

reiencd. trumpets, and sound of cornet.

For he hath corrected the world, wliicli shall Make a joyful noise before the Lord our king:
not be moved: he will ju<lge the people with 7 let the sea be moved, and the fulness thereof;
justice. the world, and they that dwell therein.
1 1 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth 8 The rivers shall clap their hands, the moun-
tains shall rejoice totrcther 9 at the presence of
* When the house was built, &c. Alluding the Lord because he cotneth to judge the earth.

lothat time, and then ordered to be sung: but

principally relating to the building of the church t Clouds and darkness. The coming of Christ
of Christ, a(\er our redemption from the capti- 'in the clouds with irreat terror and majesty to
rily of satan. judge the ivorki, is here propliested..
: : ::

He shall judge the world with justice, and tlie PSALM C.
people with equity. Mi»ericordiam judicium. &
PSALM XCVIIL The prophet exhorteth all by his example, to fol-
Dominus regnavit. low mercy and justice.
The reign of the Lord in Sion; that is, of Christ 1 A psalm for David iiimself.
in his Church.
and judgment I will sing to thee, O
1 A
psalin for David himself.
THE Lord hath reigned, let the people be an- I will sing, 2 and I will understand** in the

gry :* he that sitteth on the cherubims : let unspotted way, when thou shalt come to me.
I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the
the earth be moved.
2 The Lord is great in Sion, and high above midst of my house.
all people.
3 I did not set before eyes any unjust my
3 Let tliem give praise to thy great name : for thing: I hated the workers of iniquities.
terrible and holy : 4 and the king's honour
4 The perverse heart did not cleave to me
it is
ioveth judgment.! and the malignant, that turned aside from me,
Thou hast prepared directions :{ thou hast would not know.
done judgment and justice in Jacob. 5 The man that in private detracted his neigh-
5 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore his bour, him did I persecute.
foot-stool,^ for it is holy. Willi him that had a proud eye, and an unsa-
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests :|| and tiable heart, I would not eat.
Samuel among them thaf ".all upon his name. 6 My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth,
They called upon the L ./d, and he heard tliem to sit with ine : the man that walked in the per-
7 he spoke to them in the pillar of the cloud. fect way, Jie served me.

They kept his testimonies, and the command 7 He that worketh pride shall not dwell in the
ment which he gave them. midst of my house : he that ppeaketh unjust
8 Thou didst hear them, Lord our God tilings did not prosper before my eyes.
thou wast a merciful God to them, and taking 8 In the morning I put to death all the wicked
vengeance on all their inventions. 1[ of the land that I might cut off all the workers :

9 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore at of iniquity from the city of the Lord.
his holy mountain : for the Lord our God is holy. PSALM CI.
PSALM XCIX. Domine, exaudi.
Jubilate Deo. A prayer for one in oj/liction ; the fifth peniten-
God the creator of all. tial ^ salm.
All are invited to rejoice in
psalm of praise.
1 1 The prayer of the poor man, when he was anx-
2 ^JLNG joyfully to God, all the earth: serve poured out his supplication before the
ious, andi
1^ ye tlie Lord witli gladness. Lord.
Come in before his presence with exceeding HEAR,0 Lord, my prayer: and let*iny cry
great joy. come to thee.
3 Know ye that the Lord he is God he made
3 Turn not away thy face from me : in the day
us, and not we ourselves. when I am in trouble, incline thy ear to ine.
We are his people and the sheep of his pas In what day soever I shall call upon thee, hear
lure. 4 Go yo into his gates with praise, into me speedily.
his courts with hymns and give glory to him
4 For my days are vanished like smoke, and
Praise ye his name : 5 for the Lord is sweet, my bones are grown dry like fuel for the fire.
his mercy endureth for ever, and his truth to 5 I am smitten as grass, and my heart is with-
generation and generation. ered because I forgot to eat my bread. :

6 Through the voice of my groaning, my bone

* Let the people he on^ry. Though many ene hath cleaved to my flesh.
mies rage, and the whole earth be stirred up to 7 I am become like toa pelicantt of the wilder
oppose the reign of Christ, he shall still prevail. ness : I am like a night-raven in the house.
f Loveih jiidg-ment. Requireth discretion. 8 I have watched, and am become as a spar •

i Directions. Most right and just laws to di row, all alone on the house-top.
red men. 9 All the day long my enemies reproached me
$ Adore his foot-stool. The ark of the cove- and they that praised me did swear against me.
nant wus called, in the old testament, God'sybo^- 10 For I did eat ashes like bread, and mingled
stool : over which he was understood to sit, on ni}' drink with weeping.
his propitiatory, or mercy-seat, as on a throne, 11 Because of thy anger and indignation: for
between the wings of the cherubims, in the sanc- having lifted me up thou hast thrown me down.
tuary to which the children of Israel paid a
: 12 My days have declined like a shadow, and
great veneration. But as this psalm evidently I am withered like grass.
relates to Christ, and the new testament, where 13 But thou, O Lord, cndurest for ever; and
the ark has no place, the holy fatliers understand tliv memorial to all generations.
"14 Thou shalt arise, and have mercy on Sion :
this text, of the worship paid by the church to
the body and blood of Christ in the sacred mys for it is time to have mercy on it ; for the time is
teries "inasmuch as the luimanity of Christ is, come.

as it were, the footstool of the divinity. So St. 15 For the stones thereof have pleased thv
Ambrose, L. 3. de Spiritu Sancto, c. 12; and St. servants : and they shall have pity on the earth
Augustine upon this psalm. thereof.
Moses and Aaron among his jjriests. By
16 And the Gentiles shall fear thy name, O
this it is evident, that Moses also was a priest,

and indeed the chief priest, inasmuch as he con-

will understand, «fec.
I That is, I will ap-
eecraled Aaron, and offered sacrifipe for him ply my
mind, I will do endeavour, to know
Leviticn* viii. So that his pre-eminence over and to follow the perfect way of thy command
Aaron makes nothing for lav-church headship. ments not trusting to
own strength, but re-
H All their inventions. That is, all the enter- lying on thv coming to me by thy grace.
prises of their enemies against them, as in tlie tt A pelican, &c I am become, through grief,,

case of Core, Dathan, and Abiron. like birds that affect solitude and darkness.
: : : : :

PSALM cii. cm.

Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glorj-. 16 For the Bpirit shall pass in him, and bo shall
17 For tlie Lord halli built up Sion : and he not be: and he shall know his place no more.
shall be seen in his glory. 17 But the mercy of the Lord is tVom eternity
18 He hath had regard to the prayer of the and unto eternity upon them that fear him :
humble and he hath not despised their petition.
: And his justice unto children's children, 18 to
19 Let these things be written unto another such as keep his covenant.
generation and the people that shall be created
: And are mindful of his commandments to do
Bhall praise the Lord : them.
20 Because he hath looked forth from his high 19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in hea-
sanctuary from heaven the Lord hath looked ven: and his kingdom shall rule overall.

upon the eartii: 20 Bless the Lord, all ye his angels you that :

21 That he might hear the groans of them that are mighty in strength, and execute his word,
are in fetters that he might release the children hearkening to the voice of his orders.

of the slain 21 Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts you min- :

22 That they may declare the name of the isters of his that do his will.
liOnl in Sion, and his praise in Jerusalem. 22 Bless the Lord, all his works: in' every
23 Wlien the people assembled together, and' place of his dominion, my soul, bless thou the O
kings to serve the Lord, Lord.
24 He answered hini in the way of his strength:*
Declare nnio me the fewness of my days.
25 Call me not away in the midst of my days: Benedic, anima.
th}' years are unto generation and generation. God is to he praised for his mighty works, and
26 In the beginning, O Lord, thou foundedsti wonderful providence.
<he earth : and the heavens are the works of tiiy 1 For David himself.
27 They sh.all perish, hut thou remainest and
BLESS the Lord, O my soul : O Lord my
God, thou art exceedingly great.
all of them shall grow old like a garment: Thou hast put on praise and beauty : 2 and art
.And as a vesture thou shalt change them, and clothed with light as with a garment.
they shall be changed. 28 But thou art always Who
stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion :
the self-same, and thy years shall not fail. 3 who coverest the higher rooms thereof with
29 The children of the servants shall continue water
ind their seed shall be directed forever. Who
makest the clouds thy chariot : who
CH. PSALM walkest upon the wings of the winds.
Benedic, anima. 4 makest thy Angels epirita ; and thy Who
ministers a burning fire :
Thaitksgivin^ to God for his tnercies. 5 hast founded the earth upon its own Who
1 For David himself. bases: it shall not be moved for ever and ever.
BLESS the Lord, O
my soul : and let all that 6 The deep like, a garment is its clothing:
is within me bless his holy name. above the mountains shall the waters stand.
'2 Bless the Lord, O
my soul, and never forget 7 At thy rebuke they shall flee: at the voice
all he hath done for thee. of thy thunder they shall fear.
3 Who forgiveth all thy iniquities : who heal- 8 The mountains ascend, and the plains de-
eth thy diseases :
all scend into the place which thou hast founded
4 Who redeeineth thy life from destruction for them.
who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion : 9 Thou has set a bound which they shall not
5 Who satisfieth thy desire with good things : pass over neither shall they return to cover the

ihy youth shall be renewed like the eagle's. earth.

6 The Lord doeth mercies and judgment for all 10 Thou sendest forth springs in the vales be- :

that suffer wrong. tween the midst of the hills the waters shall pass
7 He hath made his ways known to Moses 11 All the beasts of the field shall drink: tlio

his wills to the children of Israel. wild asses shall expect in their thirst.

8 The Lord is coinpassionate and merciful; 12 Over them the birds of the air shall dsvell
long suffering and plenteous in mercy. from the midst of the rocks they shall give forth
9 He will not always be angry nor will he their voices.

threaten for ever. 13 Thou w^terest the hills from thy upper
10 He hath not dealt with us according to our rooms the earth shall be filled with the fruit of :

?ins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. thy works


11 For according to the height of the heaven 14 Bringing forth grass for cattle, and herb for
above the earth ; he hath strengthened his mercy the service of men.
towards them that fear him. That thou mayst bring bread oat of the earth :
12 As far as the east is from the west, so far 15 and that wine may cheer the heart of man.
nath he removed our iniquities from us. That he may make the face cheerful with oil
13 As a father hath compassion on his chil- and that bread may strengthen man's heart.
dren, so hath the Lord compassion on them that 16 The trees of "the field shall be filled, and thff
fear him 14 for he knoweth our frame.
: cedars of Libanus which he hath planted: 17
He remembereth that we are dust 15 man's there the sparrows shall make tlieir nesta.

days are as grass, as the flower of the field so The highest of them is the house of the heron.
shnll he flourish. 18 The high hills are a refuge for the harts, the
rock for the irchins.
* He answered him in the tray
of his strength. 19 He hath made the moon for seasons: the
That is, the people mentioned in the foregomg sun knoweth hi? going down.
verse, or the penitent, in whose person this psilm 20 Thou hast appointed darkness, and it is
is delivered, answered the Lord in the way of his night in it shall all the beasts of the woods go

ttrength; that is, according to the best of his aboiit.

power and strength ; or when he was in the flow- 21 The youne lions roaring after their prey,
er of his aee and strength; inquiring after the and seeking their meat from God.
fewness ofhisdays ; to know if he should live long 22 The sun ariselh, and they are gatnered to
caough to see the happy restoration of Sion, &cv gether : and they shall lie down in their dens.
: t :

23 Man sUall go forth to his work, and 18 They humbled his feet in fetters : the iron
to his
labour until the evening. pierced his soul, 19 until his word came.
24 How great are thy works, O Lord thou The word of the Lord inflamed him. 20 The

hast made all things in wisdom ; the earth is fill king sent, and he released him ; the ruler of the
od with thy riches. people, and he set him at liberty.
25 So is this great sea, which stretcheth wide 21 He made him master of his house, and ruler
Its arms : there are creeping tilings without nuni' of all his possession.
ber: 22 That he might instruct his princes as him-
Creatures little and great. 26 There the ships self, and teach his ancients wisdom.
shall go. 23 And Israel went into Egypt ; and Jacob
This sea-Dragon which thou hast formed to was a sojourner in the land of Cham.
play therein. 27 All expect of thee that thou 24 And he increased his people exceedingly;
give them food in season. and strengthened them over their enemies.
28 What thou givest to them they shall gather 25 He turned their heart* to hate his people ,
up : when thou openest thy hand, they shall all and to deal deceitfully with his servants.
be filled with good. 26 He sent Moses his sei-vant; Aaron the
29 But if thou turnest away thy face, they man whom he had chosen.
shall be troubled thou shalt take away their
; 27 He gave them power to shew his signs,
breath, and they shall fail, and shall return to and his wonders in the land of Cham.
their dust. 28 He sent darkness, and made it obscure :
30 Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and they and grieved not his words.
shall be created: and thou shalt renew the face 29 He turned their waters into blood, and de-
of the earth. stroyed their fish.
31 May the glory of the Lord endure for ever; 3d Their land brought forth frogs, in llie inner
the Lord shall rejoice in his works. j
chambers of their kings.
32 He looketh upon the earth, and maketh it 31 He sj)()ke, and there came divers sorts of
tremble : he touchelh the mountains, and they flies, and ciiiifes| iu ail their coasts.
smoke. 32 He gave them hail for rain, a burning fire

33 will sing to the

I Lord as long as I live : in their land.
I will sing praise to my God while I have my 33 And he destroyed their vineyanls and their
being. fig-trees: and he broke in pieces the trees of
34 Let my speech be acceptable to him: but I their coasts.
will takedelisjht in the Lord. 34 He spoke, and the locust came, and the
35 Let sinners be consumed out of the earth, bruchu.s,^ of which there was no number.
and the unjust, so ihat they be no more O my 35 And thcv devoured all tlie grass in their

soul, bless thou the Lord. land, and consumed all tjie fruit of their crround
PSALM CIV. 36 And lie slew all the firsl-hnru in thoirhinil;
the first-fruits of all their labour.
Confitemini Domino. and
37 And he brought them out with silver
A thanksgiving to God for his benefiis to his gold : and there was? not among their tribes one
people Israel. thatwas feeble.
Alleluia. 38 Egypt was glad when they departed : for

GIVE glory to the Lord, and call upon his the fear of them lay upon them.
name; declare liis deeds among the gentiles. 39 He spread a cloud for their protection, and
2 Sing to him, yea sing praises to him : relate fire to srive them lisrht in the night.
all his wondrous works. 40 They aske(l,"and the quail came : and he
3 Glory ye in his holy name : let the heart of filled them with the bread of heaven.
them rejoice, that seek the Lord. 41 He opened the rock, and waters flowed
4 Seek ye the Lord, and be strengthened : rivers ran down in the dry land.
seek his face evermore. 42 Because he remembered his holy word,
5 Remember his marvellous works which he which he had spoken to his servant Abraham.
hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of 43 And he brought forth his people with joy,
his mouth. and his chosen with gladness.
6 O
ye seed of Abraham his servant ; ye sons 44 And he gave them the lands of the gen-
of Jacob his chosen. tiles and they possessed the labours of the :

7 He is the Lord our God; his judgpients are people :

in all the earth. 45 That they might observe his

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever : and seek after his law.
the word which ha commanded to a thousand ge-
nerations :
9 Which he made to Abraham ;
turned their heart, &c. Not that God
and his oath * He
to Isaac :
never the author of sin) moved the Egyp-
,who is
people but that
10 And he appointed the same to Jacob for a tians to hate and persecute his ;

everlasting testament the Egyptians took occasion of hating and envy

law, and to Israel for an
11 Saying To thee will I give the land of iuL^ them, from the sight of the benefits which

Chanaan, the lot of your inheritance. God bestowed upon tliem.

is, he was not
12 When they were but a small number, yea t Grieved not his icords : That
wantinsj to fuUil his words or he did not grieve
very few and sojourners therein :

children of Israel,
13 And they passed from nation to nation, and his tvords, that is, his sons, the
from one kingdom to another people. who enjoved U^ht whilst the Egyptians were
14 He suffered no man to hurt them : and he oppressed with darkness.
reproved kings for their sakes. I Cinifes. See the annotation, Exod. viii. 16.
15 Touch ye not my anointed and do no evil : (5 Briichus. an insect of the locust kind.
to ny prophets. His justifications. That is, his command-

16 And he called a famine upon the land: ments; which here and in many other
places of
support of bread. the scripture, are called justifications, because
and he broke in pieces all the |l

17 He sent a man before them; Joseph, who\ the keeping of them makes man just.
The Pro-
»'u sold for a slave. testants render it by the word statutes, in favouf

; : ;


PSALM CV. 29 And they provoked him with llieir inven.

Confiteinitii Domino. tions : and destiuction was oiultiplied among
/Icoi^esswn of the manifold sins and ingraiiudes them.
of the Israelites. 30 Then I'hinees stood up, and pacified him:
Alleluia. and the slaughter ceased.
CIr IVE gloiV to the Lord, for he
his mere V endureth forever.
is good; for . 31 And it was reputed to him unto justice, to
generation and generation for evermore.
12 Who shall declare the ])ov/ers of the Lord? 32 They provoked him also at the waters of
who shall set forth all his praises ! contradiction : and Moses was afflicted for their
3 Blessed are they that keep judgment, and sakes ; 33 because they exasperated his spirit.
lio justice at all times. And he distinguished with his lips.t 34 They
4 Remember us, O Lord, in the favour of thy did not destroy the nations of which the Lord
people visit us with thy salvation.
: sj)okc unto them.
5 'I'hat we may see the good of thy chosen, 35 And they were mingled among the heath-
that we way rejoice in the joy of thy nation: ens, and learned their works ; 3G and served
that thou mayst he praised with thy inheritance. their idols : and it became a stumbling-block to
6 Wehave sinned with our fathers; we have them
acted unjustly : we have wrought iniquity. 37 And they sacrificed their sons and their
7 Our fathers understood not thy wonders in daughters to devils.
Egyj)! they remembered not the multitude of
: 38 And they shed innocent blood ; the blood
thy mercies : of tiieir sons and of their daughters which they
And they provoked to wrath going up to the sacrificed to the idols of Chanaan.
sea, even the Red sea. And the land was polluted with blood, 39 and
8 And he saved them for his own name's sake, was defiled with their works : and they went
that he might make his power known. aside after their own inventions.
9 And he rebuked the Red sea, and it was was exceedingly angry with
40 And the Lord
dried u|) ; and he led tliein through the depths and he abhorred his inheritance.
his peoiile :

as in a wilderness. 41 And he delivered them into the hands ot

10 And he saved them from the hand of them the nations and they that hated them had do- :

that hated them and he redeemed them from

: minion over them.
the hand of the enemy. 42 And their enemies afflicted them: and they
11 And the water covered them that afflicted were humbled under their hands: 43 many
them: there was not one of them left. times did he deliver them.
12 And they believed his words: and they But they provoked him with their counsel:
sang his praises. and they were brought low by their iniquities.
13 'I'hey had quickly done: they forgot his 44 And he saw when they were in tribulation:
works and they waited not for his counsel.
and he heard their prayer.
!! And they coveted their desire in the 45 And he was minclful of his covenant ; and
desert: and they tempted God in the place with- repented according to the multitude of his
out watqr. mercies.
15 And he gave them their request : and sent 46 And he gave them unto mercies, in the
fulness into their souls. sight of all those that had made them captives.
l(i And they provoked Moses in the camp, 47 Save us, O Lord, our God : and gather us
Aaron the holy one of the Lord. from among the nations
17 The earth ojiened and swallowed up Da- That we may give thanks to thy holy name,
than ; and covered the congregation of Abiron. and may glory in thy praise.
18 And a fire was kindled in their congrega- 48 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel,
tion : the flame burned the wicked. from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the
19 They made also a calf in Horeb : and ihey people say : So be it, so be it.
adored the graven thing.
20 And thev changed their glory into the like-
Confitemini Domino.
ness of a calf that eateth grass.
21 They forgot God, who saved them, who All areineiled to give thanks to God for his ptf-
had done ifreat things in Egyjit, 22 wondrous pctual providence over men.
works in the land of Cham : terrible things iii Alleluia.
the Red sea. GIVE glory to the Lord, for he
his mercy endureth forever.
is good: for
2^} .4 nd he said that he would destroy them;
had not Moses his chosen stood before him in 2 Let tliem say so that have been redeemed
the breach, by the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the
To turn away his wrath lest he should destroy hand of the enemy, and gathered out of the coun-
theni. 21 And they set at nought the desirable tries.
_ ^
land. 3 From the rising and from the setting of the
They believed not his word : 25 and they mur- sun, from the north and from the sea.
mured in their tents they hearkened not to the
: 4 Thev wandered in a wilderness, in a place
voice (if tiie Lord. without water: they found not the way of a city
20" And he lifted uj^hi? hand over them, to for tiieir habitation.
overthrow them in the desert 5 They were hungry and thirsty : their soul
27 And to cast down among
the fainted in them.
their seed
nation*, and to scatter them in the countries.
28 Thev also were initiated* to Beelphegor; Ibid. Thi- dead, viz. idols without life.
t He distinirnished with his lips. Moses, by
and ate the sacrifices of the dead.
occasion of the people's rebellion and incredulity,
uifh his lips ; when,
of tiieir doctrine, which does not allow good was guiltv uidistingvishinsr
works to justifv. instead speaking to the rock, as (iod had com-
* Initialed. ' That is, they dedicated, or con- manded, he said to the people, with a certain
lecrntnl tliemselves to tlie idol of the Moabites hesitation in his faith, Hear, ye rebellious and
and Madianites, called Beelphegor, or Baal-Peor. incredulous : Can ire from this rock bring out
Nvmb. XXV. 3. water for you? Numb. xx. 10.
: :

6 And they cried to the Lord in their tribula- 37 And they sowed fieldsj and planted t ine-
liou and he delivered tliem out of their dis- yards and they yielded fruit of birth.
: :

ucsscs. . 38 And he blessed them, and they were mul-

7 And lie led tlieip into the right way, tliat tiplied exceedingly and their cattle he budered :

tliey iiiiglit go to a city of halntation. not to decrease.

8 Let liie mercies of the Lord give glory to 39 Then they were brought to be few: and
him; and his wonderful works to the children oT thev were afflicted through the trouble of evila
mec. and sorrow.
For he hath satisfied tlie empty soul and 40 Contempt was poured forth upon their prin-

hath filled the hungry soul with good things. ces and he caused them to wander where there

10 Such as sat in darkness and in the phadow was no passing, and out of the way.
of death, hound in want and in iron. 41 And he helped the poor out of poverty ; and
11 Hecause they had exasperated tlie words made him families like a Jiock q/" sheep.
of God : and provoked the counsel of the- Most 42 The just shall see, and shall rejoice and :

High all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

12 And theirheart was humbled with labours: 43 Who is wise, and will keep these thingd,
they were weakened, and there was none to help and will understand the mercies of the Lord ?
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their afflic-
Paratum cor nieura.
tion and he delivered them out of their dis-

tresses. The prophet praiseth Godfor benejits received.

14 And he brought them out of darkness, and 1 A
canticle of a psalm for David himself.
the shadow of death; and broke tiieir bonds 1
"l^/I Y heart is ready, O
God, my heart is ready:
sunder*- I will sing, and will give praise, with my
1.5 Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to glory.
hiin, and his wonderful works to the children of 3 Arise, my glory; arise, psaltery and hai-p: I
men. will arise in the morning early.
16 l>ooause he hath broken gates of bras?.anil 4 1 will praise thee, O
l.ord, among the people .
burst iron bars. and I will sing unto thee among the nations.
17 He took them out of tlie way of their ini- 5 For thy mercy is great above the heavens
quity : for they were brought low for their in- and thy truth even unto the clouds.
ju.sli<;ps. G lie thou exalted, O
God, above the heavens,
18 Their soul abliorred all manner of meat: and thy glory over all the earth : 7 that thy be-
and they drew nigh even to the Rates of death loved may be delivered.
19 ,Aii(l they cried to llie Lord in their afflic- Savew'ith thy right hand, and hearnie. 8<God
tion : and he delivered theui otit of their dis hath spoken in hi.s holiness :
tresses. I will rejoice, and I will divide Sichem: and I
20 He
sent his word, and healed them: and will mete out the vale of tabernacles.
from their destructions.
delivereil tlieni 9 Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine: and
21 Let the mercies of tiie Lord give glory to Ephraim the protection of my head.
him, and his wonderful works to the children of Juda is my king: 10 Moab'the pot of my hope.
men. Over Edoni I will stretch out my shoe iho :

22 And them sacrifice the sacrifice of praise:

let aliens are become my friends.
and declare liis works with joy. II Who will bring me into the strong city?
23 They tliat sro down to the sea in ships, who will lead me into Edom?
doing business in the great waters : 12 Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast
us off,
21 Tliese liave seen the works of the Lord, and and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our ar-
his wonders in tlie deep. mies?
2.'j He said the word, and there arose a storm 13 O grant us help from trouble : for vain is
of wind and t!ie waves thereof were lifted uji.
: the help of man.
26 'I'iiey rriount up to tlie heavens, and they 14 Through God we shall do mightily : and he
go down to the deptlis : their soul pined away will bring our enemies to nothing.
with evils. PSALM CVIII.
27 'I'liey were troubled, ami reeled like a
Deus laudem meam.
drunken man and all their wisdom was swal-

lowed up. David in the person of Christ prayelh against

28 And Lord
they cried to the in their afflic' his persecutors ; more especially the traitor Ju-
tion : and he brought them out of their dis das : foretelling and approving his just pint'
tresses. ishmentfor his obstinacy in sift, and final im-
29 And he turned the storm into a breeze penitence.
and its waves were still. 1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.
30 ^nd they rejoiced because they were still not thou silent in my praise : for
GOD, be
and he brought tlieni to the haven which tliey the mouth of the wicked and tlie mouth
wished for. of the deceitful man is opened against me.
31 Let the mercies of the Lord give glory to 3 They have spoken against me with deceitful
him, and his wonderful works to the children of tongues ; and they have campassed ine about with
men. words of hatred; and have fought against me
32 And let them exalt him in the church of without cause.
the people : and praise him in the chair of the 4 Instead of making me a return of love, they
ancients. detracted me: but I gave myself to prayer.
33 He hath turned rivers into a wilderness, 5 And they repaid me evil for good, and ha-
and the sources of waters into dry ground tred : for mv love.
34 A fruitful land into barrenness, for the 6 Set thou the sinner over him :* and may the
wickedness of them that dwell therein. devil stand at his right hand.
3.5 He hath turned a wilderness into pools of
waters, and a dry land into water springs. * Set thou the sinner over him, &c. Give to
30 And hath placed there the hungry and the devil, tliat arch-sinner, power over him : let

tliey made a city for their habitation. him enter into him, and possess him. The im
: : :


ned; and
When ho
is judged, may he go out condem-
his prayer be turned to sin.
THE Lord
said to my
Lord : Sit tliou at mj

8 May his days be : kw

and his bishopric let Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.
another take. 2 The Lord will send forth the sceptre of thy
9 May his children be fatherless, and liis wife a power out of Sion : rule lliou in the midst of thy
widow. enemies.
10 Let his children be carried about vagabonds, 3 With thee is the principality in the day
and beg: and let theui be cast out of their dwell of thy strength ; in the brightness of the saints:
ings. from the womb before tlie day-star I begot
11 May the usurer search all his substance tliee.
dnd let strangers plunder his labours. 4 The Lord hath sworn, and he will not re-
12 May there be none to help him nor none to pent Thou art a priest for ever according to Uie

pity his fatherless oflspring., order of Melchisedech.

13 May his posterity be cut off; in one genera- 5 The Lord at thy right hand hath broken
tion may his name be blotted out. kings in the day of his wrath.
14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remem- 6 He shall judge among nations ; he shall
bered in the sight of the Lord and let not the sin fill ruins he shall crush the heads in the land of
: :

of his mother be bh)tted out. many.

15 May they be before the Lord continually, 7 He shall drink of the torrent in the way
and let the memory of them perish from tiie therefore shall he lift up the head.
eartli 16 because he remembered not to shew

17 But persecuted the poor man and the Confitebor tibi, Domine.
beggar, and the broken in heart to put him to God is to be praised for his graces, and benefits
death. to his church.
18 And he loved cursing, and it shall come un- Alleluia.
to him : and he would not have blessing, and it WILL praise thee, O
Lord, with my whole
shall be far from him. heart ;
And he put on cursing like a garment: and it congregation.
I in the council of the just, and in the

went in like water into his entrails, ftnd like oil in 2 Great are the works of the Lord ;^sought out
his bones. according to all his wills.
19 May it be unto him like a garment which 3 His work is praise and magnificence: and
covereth him ; and like a girdle with which he is his justice continueth for ever and ever.
girded continually. 4 He hath made a remembrance of his won-
20 This is the work of them who detract me derful works, being a merciful and gracious
before the Lord, and who speak evils against ray Lord : 5 He hath given food to them that fear
soul. him.
21 B ut thou, O Lord, do with me for thy name's He will be mindful for everof liis covenant : 6
sake because thy mercy is sweet.
he will shew forth to his people the power of his
Do thou deliver me, 22 for I am poor and needy, works
and my heart is troubled within me. 7 That he may give them the inheritance of
23 I am taken awav like the shadow when it the gentiles : the works of his hands are truth and
declineth; and I am shaken off as locusts. judgment.
24 IMy knees are weakened through fasting 8 All his commandments are faithful : con-
and my flesh is changed for oil.* firmed for ever and ever, made in truth and
25 And I am become a reproach to them : they equity.
saw me, and they shaked their heads. 9 He hath sent redemption to his people : he
26 Help me, O Lord my God : save me ac- hath commanded his covenant for ever.
cording to thy mercy. Holy and terrible is his name: 10 the fear of
27 And let them know that this is thy hand; the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
and thoi thou, O Lord, hast done it. A good understanding to all that do it : liis
23 They will curse, and thou wilt bless let :
praise continueth for ever and ever.
them that rise up against me be confounded but :

thy servant shall rejoice. PSALM CXI.

29 Let them that detract me be clothed with Beatus vir,
shame and let them be covered with their
: con- y^e g-ood man is happy.
fusion as with a double cloak.
30 I will give great tlianks to the Lord with Alleluia, of the returningtof Aggeus and Zach-
my mouth ; and in the midst of many I will
praise liim. BLESSED is the man that feareth the Lord:

31 Because he hath Stood at the right hand of he shall delight exceedingly in his com-
the poor, to save my soul from persecutors.
2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth : the
PSALM CIX. generation of the ridueous shall be blessed.
Dixit Dominus. 3 Glory and wealth shall be in bis house : and
his justice remaineth for ever and ever.
Christ s exaltation, and everlasting priesthood.
4 To the righteous a light is risen up in dark-
1 A psalm of David. ness : he is merciful, and compassionate and
precations, contained in the thirty verses of this 5 Acceptable isthe man that sheweth mer-
psalm, are opposed to the thirty pieces of silver cy and lendeth : he shall order his words with
for which Judas betrayed our Lord; and are to
be taken as prophetic denunciations of the evils t Of the returning, &-C. This is in the Greek
that should befal the traitor and his accomplices and Latin, but not in the Hebrew. It signifies
tlie Jews ; and not properly as curses. that this psalm was proper to be sung at the time
* For oil,propter oleum. The meaning is, my of the return of the people from their captivitj • to
flesh is changed, being perfectly emaciated and inculcate to them, how happy they might be, if
dried up, aa having lost all its oil or fatness. they would be constant in the service c<"God
: :: : .

judgment : 6 he shall not be moved for 8 Let them
that make them become like UKto
ever. them, and such as trust in them.
7 The just shall be in everlasting remein- 9 The house of Israel hath hoped in the Lord:
Drnnce : he shall not fear the evil hearing. he is their helper and their protector.
His heart is ready to hone in the Lord: 8 his 10 The house of Aarori hath hoped in the
heart is strengthened, lie snail not be moved un- Lord he is their helper and their protector.

til he look over his enemies. 11 They that fear the Lord have hoped in the
9 He hath distributed, he hath given to the Lord he is their helper and their protector.

poor : his justice reniaineth for ever .md ever his : 12 The Lord hath been mindful of us, and hath
liorn shall be exalted in glory. blessed us.
10 The wicked shall see, and shall be angry: He hath blessed the house of Israel: he hath
he shall gnash with his teeth, and pine away : the blessed the house of Aaron.
desire of the wicked shall perish. 13 He hath blessed all that fear the Lord, both
PSALM CXH. little and great.
Laudate, pueri. 14May the Lord add blessings upon you;
upon you, and upon your children.
God is to be. praised, for his regard to the poor
15 Blessed be you of the Lord, who made
and humble. heaven and earth.
Alleluia. 16 The heaven of heaven is the Lord's: but the
PRAISE the Lord, ye children praise ye the earth he hath given to the children of men.

name of the Lord. 17 The dead shall not praise thee, O Lord;
2 Blessed be the name of the Lord, from hence- nor any of them that go down to hell.
forth now and forever. 18 But we tiiat live bless the Lord, from thia
3 From the rising of the sun unto the going time now and for ever.
down of the same, the name of the Lord is worthy
of praise. PSALIM CXIV.
4 The Lord is high above all nations : and his Dilexi.
glory above the heavens. The prayer of a just man in affliction, tciih a
•5 Who is as the Lord our God, who dwelletli lively confidence in God.
on high, 6 and looketh down on the low things in Alleluia.
heaven and in earth? HAVE
loved, because the Lord will hear
7 Raising up the needy froin the earth, and
lifting up the poor out of the dunghill:
the voice of my prayer.
2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me :
8 That. he may place him with princes, with and in my days I will call upon him.
the princes of his people. 3 The sorrows of death have compassed me:
9 Who maketh a barren woman to dwell in a and the perils of hell have found me.
house, the joyful mother of diildreii. I met with trouble and sorrow : 4 and I called

PSALM CXHL upon the name of the Lord.

In exitu Israel.
O Lord, deliver iny soul. 5 The Lord is mer-
ciful and just, and our God shewelh mercy.
God halh shewn his power in delivering his peo C The Lord is the keeper of little ones : I -was
pie: idols are vain. The Hebrews divide this humbled, and he delivered me.
into two Psalms. 7 Turn, O my soul, into thy rest : for tlie
Alleluia. Lord hath been bountiful to ihee.
WHEN Israel went out of Egypt, the house
of Jacob from a barbarous people :
8 For he bath delivered my soul from death;
my eyes from tears my feet from falling.
2 Judea was made his sanctuary, Israel his
9 I will please the Lord in the land of the
3 The sea saw, and fled : Jordan was turned PSALM
4 The mountains skipped like rams, and the
hills like tiie lambs of the flock. This in the Hebrein is joined with the joregoing
5 What aileth thee, Otliou sea, that thou didst Psalm, and to express the faith arid
flee ; and thou, O Jordan, that thou wast turned gratitude of the Psalmist.
back? Alleluia.
6 Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams, and 10 IT HAVE
believed, therefore have I spoken:
ye hills, like lambs of the flock ?* JL but I have been humbled exceedingly.
7 At the presence of the Lord the earth was II I said in my excess: Every man is a liar.
moved, at the presence of the God of Jacob: 12 What shalfl render to the Lord, for all the
8 Who turned the rock into pools of water, things that be bath rendered to me ?
and the stony hill into fountains of water. 13 I will take the chalice of salvation: and I
will call upon the name of the Lord.
1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to thy 14 1 will pay ijiy vows to the Lord, before all
name give glory. bis people: 15 precious in the sight of the Lord
2 For thy mercy, and for thy truth's sake is the death of his saints. ^
lest the gentiles should say Where is their
: 16 O Lord, for I am thy senant I am thy :

God? servant, and the son of thy handmaid.

3 But our God is in heaven he hath done all
: Thou hast broken my bonds: 17 I will sacri-
tilings whatsoever he would. fice to thee the sacrifice of praise, and I will call
4 The idols of the cent iles are silver and gold upon the name of the Lord.
the works of the hands of men. 18 I will pay my vows to the Lord in the sight
5 They have mouths and speak not : they have of all his people 19 in the courts of the house of

eyes, and see not the Lord, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem.
6 They have ears, and hear not : they have
noses, and smell not
7 They have hands, and feel not : they have Laudate Dominum.
feet, and walk not ; neither shall they cry out All nations are called -upon to praise God for his
tlirough their tliroat mercy and trutf.
: : :


Alleluia. 29 O praise ve the Lord, for he ia good : for Hi

mercy endureth
O PRAISE the Lord, all ye nations: praise
liiin, all ye people.
2 For his mercy is confinned upon us : and the
for ever.

Beati immaculati.
truth of the Lord remaineth for ever.

PSALM CXVIL Of the excellence of virtue consisting in the

love and observance of the commandments of
Confitemini Domino. God.
Tlie psalmist praisefh God for his delivery from • Alleluia.
eeil ; putteth his whole trust in him ; andforp- ALEPH.*
telletk the coming of Christ. BLESSED are the undefiled in the way, who
Alleluia. walk in the law of the Lord.
2 Blessed are they that search his testimonies ;t
GIVE praise to the Lord, for he
his mercy ^ndurelh for ever.
is good : for
that seek him with their whole heart.
2 Let Israel now say, that he is good ; that his 3 For they that work iniquity, have not walk-
mercy endureth for ever. ed in his ways.
3 L3t the house of Aaron now say, tliat his 4 Thou hast commanded thy commandments
mercy endureth for ever. to be kept most diligently.

4 Let them that fear the Lord now say, that his 5 O that my ways may be directed to keep

mercy endureth for ever. thy justifications.

5 In my trouble I called upon the Lord and 6 Then shall I not be confounded, when I

the Lord neard me, and enlarged me. shall look into all thy commandments.
6 The Lord is my helper t will not fear what
7 I will praise thee with uprightness of heart,
man can do unto me. * when I shall have learned the judgments of thy
7 The Lord is my helper and I will look ovei justice.

my enemies. 8 I will keep thy justifications O! do not thou :

8 It is good to confide in the Lord, rather than utterly forsake me.

to have confidence in man.
9 It is good to trust in the Lord, rather tlian to ,9 By what doth a young man correct his way t

trust in princes. by observing thy words.

10 All nations compassed me about: and in 10 With my whole heart have I sought after
the name of the Lord I have been revenged on thee let me not stray from thy command

them. ments.
11 Surrounding me, they compassed me about 11 Thy words have I hidden in my heart, that I
and in tlie name of the Lord I have been revenged may not sin against thee.
on them. 12 Blessed art thou, O Lord teach me thy :

12 They surrounded me like bees, and they justifications.

burned like fire among thorns and in the name
13 With my lips I have pronounced all the
of the Lord I was revenged on them. judgments of thy mouth.
13 Being pushed, I was overturned that I might 14 I havebeen delighted in the way of thy tes-
fall: but the Lord supported me. timonies, as in all riches.
14 The Lord is my strength and my praise: 15 I will meditate on thy commandments : and
and he is become my salvation. I will consider thy ways.

15 The voice of rejoicing and of salvation is in 16 I will think of thy justifications: I will not
the tabernacles of the just. forget thy words.
16 The right hand of the Lord hath wrought GIMEL.
strength : the right hand of the Lord hath exalt 17 Give bountifully to thy servant; enliven
ed me : the right hand of the Lord hath wrought me, and I shall keep thy words.
strength. 18 Open thou my eye's : and I will consider the
17 I shall not die, but live: and shall declare wondrous things of tfiy law.
the works of the Lord. 19 lama sojourner on the earth : hide not thy
18 The Lord chastising hath chastised me commandments from me.
but he hath not delivered me over to death. 20 My soul hath coveted to long for thy justi-
19 Open ye to me the gates of justice : I will fications, at all times.
eo in to them, and give praise to the Lord. 20 21 Thou hast rebuked the proud : tjiey are
*rhis is the gate of the Lord, the just shall enter cursed who decline from thy
into it.

21 I will give glory to thee, because thou hast Aleph. The first eieht verses of this psalm

heard me, nnJ art become my salvation. inthe orieinal begin with, which is the
22 The stone which the bniklers rejected ; the name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
same is become the head of the comer. The second eight verses besrin with Bkth, the
23 This is the Lord's doing and it is wonder
nameof the second letter of the Helirew nlphnbet
ful in our eyes. and so to the end of the whole alphabet, all m
24 This is the day which the Lord hath made twentv-two letters, each letter having ciglit ver-
let us be erlad, and rejoice therein. s. "This order is variously expounded by the
25 O Lor.1, save me O Lord, give good sue
: holy fathers; which shews the difficulty of un-
cess. 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name lerstanding the holv scri])turcs, and consequent-
of the Lord. what humility, and submission to the
ly with
We have blessed vou out of the house of the Church they are to be read.
t His testimonies. Tlie commandments of
Lord. 27 The Lord is God, and he hath shone
God are called his testimonies, because they tes-
upon us.
Note here, that in al-
Appoint a solemn day, witli shady boughs, even tify his holv will unto us.
to the horn of the altar. imost every verse of this psnlm (which in number
28 Thou art my God, and I will praise thee are 176) the word nnrl law of
God, and the love
and observance of it, is pprpotually inculcated,
thou art my God, and I will exalt lliee.

I because thou hast heard me, under a variety of denominations, all signifying
will priaise thee,
Bud ait become my salvation. the same thing.
:: : :

22 Remove from me repronch and conf^iiipt HETH.
because I Imve sought after thy testimonies. 57 O Lord, my portion, I have said, I woQ*d
23 For jirinces sat, and spoiic aijainst inc keep tliy law.

but thy servant was eaiployed in tliy justifica- 58 1 entreated thy face with all my heart:
tions. have mercy on me according to thy word.
'2'1 Forthy testimonies are my meditation : and 59 I have thought on my ways; and turued
thy justifications lav counsel. my feet unto thy testimonies.
DALETH. CO I am ready, and am not troubled ; that I may
25 My soul hath cleaved to the pavement keep thy commandments.
quicken tliou me according to thy word. 61 Tlie cords of the wicked have encompassed
2G I liave declared my ways, and thou hast me but I have not forgotten thy law.

heard me: teadi me thy justifications. 62 I rose at midnight to give praise to thee, for
27 Make me to understand the way of thy jus- the judgments of thy justification.
tifications: and I shall be exercised in thy won 63 I om a partaker with all them that fear thee,
drous works. an.l that keep thy commandments.
28 My soul hath slumbered through heaviness CI The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy
Btrengtlien thou me in tliy words. teacfl me thy justifications. f
29 Remove from me tlie way of iniquity : and TETH.
out of thy law have mercy on ine. 65 Thou hast done well with thy servant, O
30 I iiave chosen the way of truth : thy judg- Lord, according to thy word.
ments I liave not forgotten. 66 Teach me goodness and discipline and
31 I have stuck to thy testimonies, O Lord-: knowledge ; for I have believed thy command-
put me not to shame. ments.
32 I have run the way of thy commandments, 67 Before I was humbled, I offended ; there-
when tliou didst enlarge my heart. fore have I kept thy word.
68 Thou art good ; and in thy goodness teach
33 Set before me for a law the way of thy justi- me thy justifications.
fications, O Lord : and I will always seek after it. 69 The iniquity of the proud hath been multi-
34 Give me understanding, and I will search plied over me but I will seek thy command-

thy law; and I will keep it with my whole heart. ments with my whole heart.
35 Lead me into the path of thy command- 70 Their heart is curdled like milk: but I have
ments: for this same I have desired. meditated on thy law.
36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and 71 It is good for me that thou hast humbled
not to covetousness. me, that I may learn thy justifications.
37 Turn away my eyes that they may not be- 72 The law" of thy mouth is good to me, above
hold vanity : quicken me in thy way. thousands of gold and silver.
38 Establish thy word to tliy servant, in thy JOD.
fear. 73 Thy hands have made me and formed me
39 Turn away my reproach, which I have ap- ive me understanding, and I will learn thy com-
prehended: for tliy judgments are delightful. mandments.
40 Behold, I have longed after thy precepts : 74 They that fear thee shall see me, and shall
quicken me in thy justice. be glad ; because I have greatly hoped in thy
VAU. words.
41 Let thy mercy also come upon me, O Lord 75 I know, O Lord, that thy judgments are
thy salvation according to thy word. equity : and in thy truth thou hast humbled me.
42 So shall I answer them that reproach me in 76 O let thy mercy be for my comfort, accord-

any thing; that I have trusted in thy words. m? to thy word unto thy servant.
43 And take not thou the word of truth utter- 7 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, and
ly out of my mouth for in thy words I have ho- I shall live for thy law is my meditation.
: :

ped exceetiin^ly. 78 Let the proud be ashamed, because they

44 So shall I always keep thy law, for ever have done unjustly towards me : but I will be
and ever. employed in thy commandments.
45 And I walked at large, because I have 79 Let them tliat fear thee, turn to me, and they
sought after thy commandments. that know thy testimonies.
46 And I spoke of thy testimonies before kings ; 80 Let my heart be undefiled in thy justifica-
and I was not ashamed. tions, that I may not be confounded.
47 I meditated also on thy commandments, CAPH.
which I loved. 81 My soul hath fainted after thy salvation:
48 And I lifted up my hands to thy command- and in thy word I have very much hoped.
ments, which I loved and I was exercised in
: 82 31y eyes have failed for thy word, sayinf
thy justification. When wilt thou comfort me?
ZAIN. 83 For I am become like a bottle in the frost:
49 Re thoji mindful of thy word to thy ser- I have not forgotten thy justifications.
vant, in whicli thou hast given me hope. 84 How many are the days of thy servant:
50 This hath comforted me in my humiliation when wilt thouexecute judgment on them that
because thy word hath enlivened me. persecute me ?
51 The proud did iniquitously altogether: but 85 The wicked have told me fables, but not as
I declined not from thy law. thy law.
52 1 remembered, O Lord, thy judgments of 86 All thy statutes are truth they have perse-

old : and I was comforted. cuted me imjustly: do thou help me.

53 A faintin? hath taken hold of me, because 87 They had almost made an end of me upon
of the wicked that forsake thy law. car'.h : but I have not forsaken thy command-
54 Thy justifications were the subject of my ments.
Bong, in ihe place of ray pilgrimage. 8S Quicken thou me according to thy mercy:
55 In the night I have remembered thy name, and I shall keep the testimonies of thy mouth.
O Lord; and have kept thy law. LAMED.
56 This happened to me, because I sought af- 89 For ever, O Lord, thy word standeth firm Is
ter lliy justifications. heaven


90 Thy truth unto all generations: thuu hast; 125 I am thy servant: give me understanding
founJellt the earili, and it continueth. tliut 1 may know thy testimonies.
91 By tliy ordinance tlie day goetli on for all
: 1-26 It is time, OLord, to do : they have diasi-
things serve thee. I
atcd thy law.
92 Unless thy law had been my meditation, I 127 Tlter'efore have I loved thy command-
had then perhaps perished in my abjection. ments above gold and the topaz.
93 Tliy justilications I will never forget; for by 128 Therefore was I directed to all thy com-
them thou hast given me life. niandments : I have hated all wicked ways.
94 1 am thine, save thou me : for I have sought PHE.
thy justifications. 129 Thy testimonies are wonderful : tliereforo
'95 The wicked have waited for me, to destroy my soul hath sought them.

me bid I have understood thy testimonies.

: 130 The declaration of thy words giveth light:
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: thy and giveth understanding to little ones.
commandment is exceeding broaa. 131 I opened my mouth, and panted : because
MEAL I longed for thy commandments.

97 O how have I loved thy law, O Lord it is ! 132 Look tliou upon me, and have mercy on
xy meditation all the day. me, according to the judgment of them that love
9B Through thy commandment, thou hast made thy name,
me wiser than my enemies : for it is ever with me. 133 Direct my steps according to thy word :
99 I have understood more than all my teach and let no iniquity have dominion over me.
ers ; because thy testimonies are my meditation. 134 Redeem me fi-om the calumnies of men:
100 I have had understanding above ancients ; that I may keep thy commandments.
because I have sought thy commandments 135 Make thy face to shine upon thy servant:
101 I have restrained my feet from every evil and teach me thyjustifications.
way ; that I may keep thy words 136 My eyes have sent forth springs of water:
102 I have not declined from thy judgments; because they have not kept thy law.
because thou hast set me a law. SADE.
103 How sweet are thy words to my palate 137 Thouart just, O Lord : and thy judgment
more than honey to my mouth is right.
104 By thy commandments I have had under- 138 Thou hast commanded justice thy testi-
standing : therefore have I hated every way of monies, and thy truth exceedingly.
iniquitv. .139 My zeal hath made me pine away; bo
NUN, cause my enemies forgot thy words.
105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light 140 Thy word is exceedingly refined, and thy
to my paths. servant hath loved it.
106 1 have sworn, and am determined to keep 141 I am very young and despised; but I
the judgments of tliy justice forgot not thy justifications. |

107 I have been humbled, Ol.ord; exceeding- 142 Thy justice is justice forever: and thy
ly ; quicken thou me according to thy word. law is the truth. '

108 Tiie free ofl'erings of my mouth make ac- 143 Trouble and anguish have found me ; thy
ceptable, O Lord: and teach me thy judgments commandments are my meditation.
109 My soul is continually in my hands: And 144 Thy testimonies are justice for ever; give
I have not forgotten thy law me understanding, and I shall live.
110 Sinners have laid a snare forme; but I COPH. '

have not erred from thy precepts 145 I cried with my whole heart, hear me, O
111 I have purchased thy testimonies for an Lord: I will seek thy justifications.
inheritance for ever; because they are the joy of 146 I cried unto thee, save me : that I may
my heart. keep thy commandments.
112 I have inclined my heart to do thy justi- 147 I prevented the dawning of the day, and
fications for ever, for tiie reward. cried ; because in thy words I very much
SAMECH. hoped.
113 I have hated the unjust; and have loved 148 My eyes to thee have prevented the mom
thy law. ing : that I iniglit meditate on thy words.
114 Thou art my helper and my protector; 149 Hear thou my voice, O Lord, according to
and in thy word I have greatly hoped. thy mercy; and quicken me according to thy
115 De|)art from me, ye malignant : and I will judgment.
search the commandments of my God. 150 They that persecute me have drawn nigh
116 Uphold nie according to thy word, and I to iniquity; but they are gone far off from thy
shall live: and let me not be confounded in mv law.
exjiectation. 151 Thou art near, O Lord : and all thy waya
117 Help me and I hall be saved : and I will are truth.
meditate always on thy justifications. 152 I have known from the beginning con-
118 Thou hast despised all tiiem that fall ofTJ cerning thy testimonies ; that thou hast founded
from thy judgments; for their thought is unjust. them for ever.
119 I have accounted all the sinners of the RES.
earth prevaricators : therefore have I loved thy 153 See my humiliation, and deliver me: for
testimonies. I have not fiirgotten thy law.
120 Pierce thou my flesh with thy fear : for I 154 Judge my judgment and redeem mo:
am afraid of thv judgments. quicken tliou me for thv word's sake.
AI\. 155 Salvation is far from siniiers; beranse
121 I have done juflErnient and justice; give thev have not sought tliy justifications.
me not up to them that slander me. 156 Manv, O Lord, are thy mercies: quicken
122 Uphold thy servant unto good : let not me according to thv judgment.
the jiroud calumniate mo. 157 Manv arc they that persecute me, and af-
123 Mv eyes have faiiitfd after thy salvation, flict me; hilt I have not declined from thy testi-
and for the word of thy justic'C. monies.
124 Deal with thy servant according to thy 158 I beheld the transsressors, and I pined
mercy: and teach nic tliy justifications. awav ; because thev kept not thv word.
:;! :

159 Behold, I have loved thy commandments, PSALM CXX.
Lord : quicken me thou in thy mercy. Levavi oculos.
160 The beginning of thy words is truth: all God keeper of his servants.
is the
die judgments of tliy justice are for ever.
A gradual canticle.
161 Princes have persecuted me without
HAVE lifted up my eyes to the mountains,
cause: and my heart ^hath been in aweoftliy
I from whence help shall corae to me.
2 My help is from the Lord, who made heavien
and earth.
162 1 will rejoice at thy words, as one that
3 May he not suffer thy foot to be moved
hath found great spoil.
neither let him slumber that keepeth thee.
163 I have hated and abhorred iniquity : but
4 Behold, he shall neither slumber nor sleep,
1 have loved thy law.
that keepeth Israel.
164 Seven times a day I have given praise to
5 The Lord is thy keeper : the Lord is thy
thee, for the judgments of ihy justice.
protection upon thy right hand.
165 Much peace have they that love thy law:
6 The sun shall not burn thee by day; nor
and to them there is no stumbling-block.
the moon by night.
166 I looked for thy salvation, O Lord : and I
7 The Lord keepeth thee from all evil : may
loved thy commandments.
the Lord keep thy soul.
167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies, and
8 May the Lord keep thy coming in and thy
hath loved them exceedingly.
going out ; from henceforth now and for ever.
168 I have kept thy commandments and thy
testimonies; because all my ways are in thy PSALM CXXI.
^ Laetatus sum in his.
TAU. The desire and hope of the jvst for the coming
169 Let mysupplication, O
Lord, come near of the kingdom of God, and the peace of hit
in thy sight; give me understanding according cliurch.
to thy word. A gradual canticle.
170 Let my request come in before thee de- :
REJOICED at tiie things that were said to
liver thou me according to thy word. me I We
shall go into the house of tlie Lord.

171 My lips shall utter a hymn, when thou 2 Our feet were standing in thy courts, O
shalt teach me thy justifications. Jerusalem.
172 My tongue shall pronounce thy word 3 Jerusalem, which ia built as a city, which is
because all thy commandments are justice. compact together.
173 Let thy'hand be with me to save me ; for 4 For thither did the tribes go up, the tribes of
I have chosen thy precepts. the Lord ; the testimony of Israel, to praise the
174 1 have longed for thy salvation, O Lord name of the Lord.
and thy law is my meditation. 5 Because their seats have sat in judgment,
175 My soul shall live, and shall praise thee seats upon the house of David.
and thy judgments shall help me. 6 Pray ye for the things that are for t^ie peace
176 I have gone astray like a sheep that is of Jerusalem ; and abundance for them that lova
lost ; seek thy servant, because I have not for- thee.
gotten thy commandments. 7 Let peace be in thy strength: and abun
PSALM CXIX. dtnce in thy towers.
Ad Dominum. 8 For the sake of my brethren and of my
neighbours, I spoke peace of thee.
A prayer in tribulation. 9 Because of the house of the Lord our God,
A gradual canticle.* 1 have sought good things for thee.

JN my trouble I cried to the Lord; and he PSALM CXXII.

heard me.
2 O Lord, deliver my soul from wicked lips,
Ad te levavi.
and a deceitful tongue. A
prayer in affliction with confidence in God.
3 What shall be given to thee, or what shall A gradual canticle.
be added to thee, to a deceitful tongue ?_
4 The sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals TO thee have I lifted up
est in heaven.
my eyes, who dwell
that lav waste. 2 Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the
5 Wois me, that my sojourning is prolonged hands of their masters.
I have dwelt with the inhabitants of Cedar : 6 As the eyes of the hand-maid are on the hands
mv soul hath been long a sojourner. of her mistress : so are our eyes unto the Lord
With them that hated peace 1 was peace our God, until he have mercy upon us.
able when I spoke to them they fought against
: 3 Have mercy on us, O
Lord, have mercy on
me without cause. us ; for we are greatly filled with contempt.
4 For our soul is greatly filled ice are a re- :

* Thefollowing psalms, in number fifteen, are proach to the rich, and contempt to the proud.
called gradual psalms or canticles, from the CXXIII. PSALM
word g^radus, signifying steps, ascensions, or de- Nisi quia Dominus.
grees : either because they were appointed to be
church giveth glory to God for her deliver'
siMg on the fifteen steps, by which the people The
ascended to the temple ; or that in the singing of
ancefrom the hands of her enemies.
them the voice was to be raised by certain steps A gradual canticle.
or ascensions ; or that they were to be sung by it had not been that the Lord was with ue,

the people returning from their captivity and as-

let Israel now say : 2 If it had not been that
cendinsr to Jerusalem which was seated amongst the Lord was with us,
mountains. The holy fathers, in a mystical Wlien men rose up against us, 3 perhaps
sense, understand these steps, or ascensions, of thev had swallowed ns up alive.
the degrees by which christians spiritually as- When their fury was enkindled against us, 4
cend to virtue and perfection; and to the true pnrhaps the water had swallowed us up.
temple of Gr 1 in the heavenly Jerusalem. 5 Our soul hath passed through a torrent i
: : :::;


pprhaps our soul had passed through a water PSALM CXXVII.
iiisiipporlable. Beati Omnes.
6 Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us The fear of God is the way to happineiB,
to be a prey to their teeth.
7 Our soul hath been delivered, as a sparrow
gradual canticle. A
out of the snare of the fowlers. BLESSED
are all they that fear the Lord
that walk in his ways.
The snare is broken, and we are deliverejj.
3 For tliou shalt eat the labours of thy hands
8 Our help is in the naine of the Lord, who
blessed art thou, and it shall be well with thee.
made heaven and earth.
3 Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the sides of
PSALM CXXIV. thy house.
Qui confidunt. Thy children as olive plants, round about
The just are always under God's protection. thy table.
4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed that
A gradual canticle. feareth the Lord.
THEY that trust in the Lord shall be as 5 May the Lord bless thee out of Sion : and
mount Sion he shall not be moved for mayst thou see the good things of Jerusalem ail

aver that dwelleth 2 in Jerusalem. tlie days of thy life.

Mountains are round about it so the Lord is
: 6 And mayst thou see thy children's childroa
round about his people from henceforth now and peace upon Israel. -

for ever.
3 For the Lord will not leave the rod of sin-

ners upon the lot of the just; that tlie just may Ssepe expugnaverunt.
not stretch forth their hands to iniquity. The church of God is invincible ; her perseeutora
4 Do good, O Lord, to those that are good, come to nothing.
and to the upright of heart. A gradual canticle.
5 But such as turn aside into bonds, the Lord
shall lead out with the workers of iniquity
OFTEN have they fought against me from my
youth, let Israel now say.
peace upon Israel. 2 Often have they fought against me from my
PSALM CXXV. youth but they could not prevail over me.

3 The wicked have wrought upon my back

In convertendo.
they have lengthened their iniquity.
TTie people of God rejoice at their delivery from 4 The Lord w^o is just, will cut the necks of
captivity. sinners 5 Let them all be confounded and turned

gradual canticle. back, that hate Sion.
WHEN the Lord brought back the captivity 6 Let them be as grass upon the tops of hou-
of Sion, we became like men comforted. ses, which witliereth before it be plucked up :

2 Then was our mouth filled with gladness; 7 Wherewith the mower filletn not his hand
and our tongue with joy. nor he that gathereth sheaves, his bosom.
Tlien shall they say among the gentiles : The 8 And they that passed by have not said: The
Lord hath done great things for them. blessing of the Lord be upon you we have :

3 The Lord hath done great things for us we blessed you in the name of the Lord.

are become joyful.

4 Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as a
stream in the south. De profundis.
5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. A prayer of a sinner, trusting in the mercies of
6 Going they went and wept, casting their God. The Qth penitential psalm.
seeds. A
gradual canticle.
7 But coming, they shall come with 1 have cried to thee, O
ness, carrying their sheaves.
OUT of
Lord 2
the depths
Lord, hear my voice.

PSALM CXXVI. Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my

3 If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities. Lord,
Nothing can be done without God's grace and who shall stand it ?
blessing. 4 For witli thee there is merciful forgiveness
A gradual canticle of Solomon. and by reason of thy law, I have waited for thee,
UNLES.^ the Lord build the house, they la- O My Lord.
soul hatli relied on his word 5 My soul
bour in vain that build it. :

Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in hath hoped in the Lord.
rain that keepeth it. 6 From the moming watch even until night,
2 It is vain for you to rise before light :* let Israel hope in the Lord.
rise ye after you have sitten, you that eat the 7 Because with the Lord there is mercy ; and
bread of sorrow. with him plentiful redemption.
When he shall give sleep to his beloved 3 8 And he shall redeem Israel from all his

Behold, the inheritance of l!ic Lord are children; iniquities.

the reward, the fruit of the womb. PSALM CXXX.
4 As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so the Domine, non est.
children of them that have been shaken. The propheCs humility.
5 Blessed is the man that hath filled his de-
sire with them ; he shall not be confotmded
A gradual canticle of David.
LORD, mv heart is not exalted nor are
: my
when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate.
eyes loftv.
Neither liav'e I walked in great matters, nor ia
* It is vain for you to rise before light. wonderful things above me.
That is, your early rising, your labour, and 2 If I was not humbly minded, but exalted in
worldly solicitude, will be vain, that is, will avail mv soul
you nothing, without the light, grace, and bless- As a child that is weaned is towards hia mo-
ing of God. ithcr, so reward in my soul.
3D 401
: ::: : :

3 Let Israel hope in tlieLord, from henceforth EHOLD,now, bless ye the Lord, all ye
aow and for ever. servants of tlie Lord,
PSALM CXXXL Who stand in the liouse of the Lord, in the
courts of the house of our God.
Memento, Domine. 2 In tlie nights lift up your hands to the holy
A prayer far the fulfilling of the promise made to places, and bless ye the Lord.
David. 3 May die LorJoutof Sion bless thee, he that
A gradual canticle. made heaven and earth.
OLORD, remember David, and all his meek PSALftI CXXXIV.
ness Laudato nomen.
2 How he swore to the Lord: he vowed a vow
to the God of Jacob.
An exhortation to praise God : the vanity ofidols
3 If I shall enter into the tabernacle of my Alleluia, 1
house; if I shall go up into the bed wherein I PRAISE
ye the name of the Lord : you ki: O
lie; sen/ants, praise the Lord.
4 If I shall give sleep to my
eyes, or slumber 2 You that stand in the house of the Lord, in
tomy eye-lids, the courts of the house of our God,
5 Or rest to my
temples ; until I find out a 3 Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is good : sing
place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of ye to his name, for it is sweet.
Jacob. 4 For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto him-
6 Behold, we have h'^ard of it in Ephrata :* we self: Israel for his own possession.
*have found it in the fields of the wood. 5 For I have known that the Lord is great, and
7 We will go into his tabernacle : we will ourGod is above all gods,
adore in the place where his feet stood. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased he hath done,
8 Arise, O
Lord, into thy resting place ; thou in heaven, in earth, in the sea, and in all die
and the ark, which thou hast sanctified. deeps.
9 Let thy priests be clothed with justice: and 7 He bringeth up clouds from the end of the
let thy saints rejoice. earth : he hath made lightnings for the rain.
10 For thy servant David's sake, turn not He bringeth forth winds out of his stores. 8
away the face of thy anointed. He slew the first-bom of Egypt, from man even
11 The Lord hath sworn truth to David; and unto beast.
he will not make it void : of the fruit of thy 9 He sent forth signs and wonders in the midst
womb I will set upon thy throne. of thee, O
Egypt ; upon Pliarao, and upon all his
12 If thy children will keep my covenant, and ser\'ants,
these my testimonies which I shall teach them: 1 He smote many nations ; and slew mighty
Their children also forevennore shall sit upon kings
thy throne. 11 Sehon, king of the Amorrhites, and Og, king
13 For the Lord hath chosen Sion : he hath of Basan, and all the kingdoms of Chanaan :
chosen it for his dwelling, 12 And gave their land for an inheritance, for
14 This is my rest for ever and ever : here an inheritance to his people Israel.
will I dwell, for I have chosen it. 13 Thy name, O Lord, is for ever : thy memo-'
15 Blessing I will bless her widow; I will rial, O Lord, unto all generations.
satisfy her poor with bread. 14 For the Lord will judge his people, and will
16 I will clothe her priests with salvation be intreated in favour of his servants.
and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great 15 The idols of the gentiles are silver and gold,
joy. the works of men's hands.
17 There will I bring forth a horn to David 16 They have a mouth, but they speak not
I have prepared a lamp for my anointed. they have eyes, but they see not.
18 His enemies I will clothe with confusion 17 They have ears, but they hear not : neither
but upon him shall my sanctification flourish. is there any breath in their mouths.

PSALMCXXXII. 18 Let them that make them'be like to them:

and every one that trusteth in them.
Ecce, quam bonum.
19 Bless die Lord, O house of Israel : bless the
The happiness of brotherli/ love and concord. Lord, O house of Aaron,
A gradual canticle of David. 20 Bless the Lord, O house of Levi : you that
BEHOLD, how good and how pleasant it is fear the Lord, bless the Lord.
for brethren to dwell together in unity: 21 Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, who dwell-
2 Like the precious ointment on the head, eth in Jerusalem.
that ran down upon the beard, the beard of CXXXV. PSALM
Confitemini Domino.
Which ran down to the skirt of his garment
3 as the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon God is to be praisedfor his wonderful works.
mount Sion. Alleluia.
For there the Lord hath
and life for evermore.
commanded blessing, PRAISE
the Lord,* for he is good : for hia
mercy endureth for ever.
CXXXIII. 2 Praise ye the God of gods : for his mercy en-
Ecce, nunc benedicite. dureth forever,
3 Praise ye the Lord of lords : for his mercy
An exhortation to praise God continually.
endureth for ever.
gradual canticle.
4 Who
alone doeth great wonders : for his mer-
cy endureth for ever.
* We have heard of it in Ephrata. When I 5 Who
made the heavens in understanding: for
was young, and lived in Betnelem, otherwise his mercv endureth for ever.
called Ephrata, I heard of God's tabernacle and
ark, ana had a devout desire of seeking it ; and * Praise the Lord. By this invitation to praise
accordingly I found it, at Cariathiarim, the city the Lord, thrice repeated, we profess the Blessed
of the woods : where it was till it was removed Trinity, One God in diree distinct Persons, the
to Jerusalem. See 1 Paralipom. ziii. Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghtst.
: ;: : :::

PSALM cxxxvi. cxxxvri. CXXXVIII.

6 Wlio established the earlli above the waters PSALM CXXXVII.
ftr his mercy endureth forever. Confitebor tibi.
7 Who made the great lights : foi his mercy en' Thank$giving to God for hi* ben^fita.
dureth for ever.
8 The sun to rule the day : for his mercy en For David himself.
WILL praise thee, O Lord, with my whole
dureth for ever.
9 The moon and stars to rule the night : for
I lieart : for tliou hast heard the words of my
his mercy enduretli for ever.
I will sing praise to thee in the sight ofthe An-
10 Who smote Egypt with their first-born : for
gels :will worship towards thy holy temple,
2 I
his mercy endureth for ever.
11 Who brought out Israel from among tliem and I will give glory to thy name
for his mercy endureth for ever
For thy mercy, and for thy truth : for thou hast
magnified thy holy name above all.
12 With a mighty liand and with a strctched-
3 In what day soever I shall call upon thee,
outarm : for his mercy endureth for ever.
Who divided the Red sea into parts : for his
hear me thou shall multiply strength in my soul.
4 May all the kings ofthe earth give glory to
mercy endureth for ever.
thee : for they have heard all the words of thy
14 And brought out Israel through the midst
thereof: for his mercy enduretli forever:
15 And overtlirew Pharao and his host in the
5 And let them sing in the ways of the Lord
Red sea : for his mercy endureth for ever. for great is the glorv of the Lord.
6 For the Lord is fiigh, and looketh on the low
16 Who led his people through the desert : for
and the higli he knoweth afar off.
his mercy endureth for ever.
7 If I shall walk in the midst of tribulation,
17 Who smote great kings : for his mercy en
dureth for ever.
thou wilt quicken me and thou hast stretched

18 And slew strong kings : for his mercy endu- hand against tlie wrath of my enemies
forth thy

reth for ever.

and thy right hand hath saved me.
19 Sehon king ofthe Amorrhites: forhismer' 8 The Lord will repay for me thy mercy, O :

Lord, endureth for ever O despise not the works :

cy endureth for ever.
20 AndOgkingofBasan for his mercy endu- of thy hands.

reth for ever. PSALM CXXXVIII.

21 And he gave their land for an inheritance : Domine, probasti.
for his mercy endureth for ever. God's special providence over his servants.
22 For an inheritance to his servant Israel for :

1 Unto the end, a psalm of David.

his mercy endureth for ever.
23 For he was mindful of us in our afffiction : LORD, thou hast proved me, and known me
for his mercy endureth for ever.
2 thou hast known my sitting down, and my
rising up. •
24 And he redeemed us from our enemies for :

his mercy endureth for ever.

3 Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off:
25 Who giveth food to all flesh for his mercy my path and my line thou hast searched out.

endureth for ever. 4 And thou hast foreseen all my ways : for
26 Give glory to the God of Heaven : for his there is no speechi in my tongue.
5 Behold, O Lord, thou hast known all things,
mercy endureth for ever.
27 Give glory to the Lord of lords : for his the last and those of old : thou hast formed
mercy endureth for ^ver. and hast laid ihy hand upon me.
6 Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me ;
PSALM CXXXVL it is hisfh, and I cannot reach to it.
Super flumina. 7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whith-
The lamentation of the people of God in their er shall I flee from thy face ?
captivity in Babylon. 8 If I ascend into heaven, thou art there : if 1
A psalm of David, for Jeremias.* descend into hell, thou art present.
9 If I take ray wings early in the morning, and
UPON tne rivers of Babylon, there we sal and
wept when we remembered Sion :
dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
2 On the willows in the midst thereof we hung 10 Even there also shall thy hand lend me;
up our instruments. 3 For there they that led us and thv risrht hand shall hold me.
into captivity, required of us the words of songs. II And 1 said: Perhaps darkness shall cover

And they that carried us away, said Sing ye me and night shall be my light in my pleasures.

to us a hymn of the songs of Sion. 12 But darkness shall not be dark to thee and ;

4 How shall we sing the song of the Lord in night shall be light as the day: the darkness
a strange land ? thereof, and the light thereof, are alike to thee.
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right 13 For thou hast possessed my reins : thou
hand be forgotten. hast protected me from mv mother's womb.
6 Let my tongue cleave to my jaws, if I do not 14 1 will praise thee, "for thou art fearfully
remember thee: magnified : wonderful are thy works, and my
If I make not Jerusalem the beginning of myjoj'. soul knoweth right well.
7 Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom, 15 My bone is not hidden from thee, which
the day of Jerusalem. thou hast made in secret ; and my substance in
Who say Rase it, rase it, even to the founda- the lower parts of the earth.

tion thereof. 16 Thy eves did see my imperfect being, and

8 O daughter of Babylon miserable blessed in thy book' all shall be written : days shall be

thall he he who shall repay thee thy payment formed, and no one in them.
which thou hast paid us.
9 Blessed he that shall take and dash thy the rock, when we mortify our passions, and stifle

onest against the rock. the first motions of them, by a speedy recourse to
the rock, which is Christ.
• For Jeremiad. For the time of Jeremiaa,and t There is no speech, &c.
viz. unknown to thee:

tke captivity of Babylon. or when there is no speech in my tongue ; yet my

t Dash thy little ones, &c. In the spiritm;! whole iiitorior and my most secret thoughts at*
sense we dash the little ones of Babylon agnii;5t kno'vn t(> tlioc.
. :;

17 But to me thy friends, O God, are made ex- 3 Set a watch, O Lord, beforf; my mouth oB
oeedingly honourable their principality is ex-
: a door round about my lips.
ceedingly strengthened. 4 Incline not my heart to evil words ; to make
18 I will number them, and tliey shall be mul- excuses in sins,
tiplied above the sand I rose up, and am still
: With men that work iniquity : and I will not
with thee. communicate with the choicest of them.
19 If thou wilt kill the wicked, O God ye men
: 5 The just man shall correct me in mercy, and
of blood, depart from me : shall reprove me : but let not tiie oil of the sin-
20 Because you say in thought:* They shall nert fatten my
receive thy cities in vain. For my prayer^ also shall still be against the
21 Have I not hated them, O Lord, that hated things with which they are well pleased : 6 theur
thee ; and pined away because of thy enemies 1 judgesll falling upon the rock have been swal
22 I have hated themt with a perfect hatred lowed up.
and they are become enemies to me. They shall hear my words, for they have pre-
23 Prove me, O God, and know my heart vailed : 7 as when tlie thickness of the earth is
examine me, and know my paths. broken up upon the ground:
24 And see if there be in me the way of ini- Our bones are scattered by the side of hell,
quity and lead me in the eternal way.
: 8 But to thee, O Lord, Lord, are my eyes io :

PSALM CXXXIX. thee have I put my trust, take not away my

Eripe me, Domine.
9 Keep me from the .snare, which they have
A prayer to be delivered from the wicked. laid for me, and from the stumbling-blocks of
1 Unto the end, a psalm of David. them that work iniquity.
2 pvELI VER me, O Lord, from the evil man 10 The wicked shall fall in his net: I am
JLr rescue me from the unjust man. alone1[ until 1 pass.
3 Who have devised iniquities in their hearts :
all the day long they designed battles.
Voce mea.
4 They have sharpened their tongues like a
serpent the venom of asps is under tlieir lips.
A prayer of David in extremity of danger.
5 Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the 1 Of understanding for David. A prayer when
wicked: and from unjust men deliver me. he was in the cave. 1 Kings xxiv.
Who have proposed to supplant my steps : 6 2 J" CRIED to the Lprd with my voice : with
the proud have hidden a net for me. -1 mv voice I made supplication to the Lord.
And they have stretched out cords for a snare 3 In his sight I pour out my prayer; and be-
they have laid for me a stumbling-block by the fore him I declare jny trouble.
way side. 4 When my spirit failed me, then thou knewest
7 I said to the Lord : Thou art my God my paths.
hear, Lord, the voice of my supplication.
O In this way wherein I walked, they have
8 O
Lord, Lord, the strength of my salvation, hidden a snare for me.
thou hast overshadowed my head in the day of 5 I looked on my right hand, and beheld and :

battle. there was no one that would know me.

9 Give me not up, O
Lord, from my desire to Flight hath failed me : and there is no one that
the wicked : they have plotted against me hath regard to my soul. i

do not thou forsake me, lest they should triumph. 6 I cried to thee, O
Lord ; I said : Thou art
10 The head of them compassing me about: my hope, my portion in the land of the living.
the labour of their lips shall overwhelm them. 7 Attend to my supplication for I am brought :

11 Burning coals shall fall upon them: thou very low.

wilt cast them down into the fire : in miseries Deliver me from my persecutors ; for they are
tliey shall not he able to stand. stronger than I.
12 A man full of tongue shall not be establish 8 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may
ed in the earth : evils shall catch the unjust man praise thy name the just wait for me, until thoa

unto destruction. reward me.

13 I know that the Lord will do justice to the CXLII. PSALM
needy, and will revenge the poor. Domine, exaudi.
14 But as for the just, they shall give glory to The psalmist in tribulation calleth upon God for
thy name : and the upright shall dwell will) thy his delivery. The seventh penitential psalm.
countenance. 1 A psalm of David, when his son Absalom pur-
PSALMCXL. sued him. 2 Kings xvii.
Domine, clamavi. HEAR, O
Lord, my prayer : give ear to ni}'
supplication in thy truth hear me in thy
A prayer against sinfid words, and deceiijul :

flatterers. justice,
A psalm of David.
HAVE criedto thee, O Lord, hear me: \ Let not the oil of the sinner, &c. That is,
I hearken to my voice, when I cry to thee. the flattery, or deceitful jirnisc.

2 Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy § For my prayer, &c. So far from coveting
sight the lifting up of my hands, as evening their praises, who are never well pleased hnt

sacrifice. with things that are evil, I shall continually pray

to be preserved from such things as they are
* Became yoit say in thought, &c. Depart delighted with.
from me you wicked, who plot against the ser- Their judges, &c. Their rulers, or chiefs

vants of God, and think to cast them out of tlie quickly vanish anil perish, like ships dashed
f ities of their habitation ; as if they have received against the rocks, and swallowed up by the
them in vain, and to no purpose. _
waves. Let them then hear my words, for they
t / have hated them. Not with a hatred of are powerful and will prevail or, as it is in the ;

malice, but a zeal for the observance of God's Hebrew, yiTT they are sweet.
commandments; which he saw were despised by II / am alone, &c. Singularly protected by
the wicked, who are to be considered enemies to the Almighty, vntil I pass all their nets and
God. snares. I

: ; : : ::


2 And enter not into jiulgineiit witli thy ser- There is no breach of wall, nor passage, Mr
vant: for in tliy sight no niaii living shall be crying out in their streets.
ustificd. 15 They have called the people happy, that
8 For the enemy hatli persecuted my soul he hath tliese tilings :
bui happy is tliat people :

hath brought down my life to the earth. whose God is the Lord.
He hath made nie to dwell in darkness as PSALM CXLIV.
those that have been dead of old 4 and my spi- :
Exaltabo te, Deus.
rit is in anguish within me my heart witliin me :

is troubled. A psalm of praise, to the infinite majesty of God.

5 I remembered tlie days of old : I meditated Praise, for David himself.
on all thy works I meditated upon tlie works of
WILL extol thee, O God my king and I :

thy hands. will bless thy name for ever, yea forever and
6 I stretched forth my hands to thee my soul ever. :

is as eartli without water unto thee. 2 Every day will I bless thee and I will :

7 Hear me speedily, O Lord : my spirit hatli praise thy name for ever, yea for ever and ever.
fainted away. 3 Great is the Lfird, and greatly to be praised :

Turn not away thy face from me, lest I be like and of his greatness there is no end.
unto them that go down into the pit. 4 Generation and generation shall praise thy
8 Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morn- works and they shall declare thy power. :

ing ; for in thee have I hoped. 5 They shall speak of the magnificence of the
Make the way known to uie, wherein I should glory of thy holiness; and shall tell thy won-
walk for I have lifted up tny soul to thee.
drous works.
9 Deliver me from mv enemies, O Lord, to 6 And they shall speak of the might of thy
thee have I fled: 10 teach me to do tliy will, for
terrible acts and shall declare thy greatness.

thou art my God. 7 They shall publish the memory of the abun-
Thy gor4 spirit shall lead me into tlie right dance of thy sweetness ; and shall rejoice in thy
land 15 ror tliy name's sake, O Lord, tliou wilt justice.

quicken me in "thy justice. 8 The Lord is gracious and merciful; patient

Thou wilt bring my
soul out of trouble : 12 and plenteous in mercy.
and in thy mercy thou wii t destroy my enemies, 9 The Lord is sweet to all : and his tender
And thou wilt cut oft' all tliem diat aiflaiet my mercies are over all his works.
Boul : for I am thv sei-vant. 10 Let all tliy works, O Lord, praise thee
CXLIIL PSALM and let thy saints bless tliee.
Benedictus Dominus. 11 They shall speak of the glory of thy king-
The prophet prai.ieih God, and prayeth la be de- dom ; and shall tell of thy power :
No worldly hap- 12 To make thy might known to the sons of
livered from his enemies.


be the Lord
piness is to be cotripared with thai of serving men ; and the glory of the magnificence of thy

psalm of David against Goliath.

my God, who teach
13 Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all ages
and thy dominion endureth throughout all gene-
eth my hands to fight, and my fingers to rations.
war. The Lord is faithful in all his words: and
2 My mercy, and my refuge; ray support, and holy in all his works.
my deliverer Lord lifteth up all that fall ; and set-_
M V protector, and I have hoped in him ; who teth14 upThe all that are cast down.
subduetli my people under me. 15 The eyes of all hope in thee, O Lord and :

3 Lord, what is man, that thou art made known thou givest them meat in due season.
to him ? or the son of man, that thou makest ac-
16 Thou openest thy hand, and fillest with
count of him ? blessing every living creature.
4 Man is like to vanity : his days pass away 17 The Lord is just in all his ways, and holy
like a shadow.
in all his works.
5 Lord, bow dawn thy heavens, and descend : 13 The Lord is nigh .unto all them that call
touch the mountains, and they shall smoke. upon him ; to all that call upon him in truth.
6 Send forth lightnmg, and tliou shalt scatter
19 He will do tlie will of them that fear him:
tliem shoot out thy arrows, and thou shalt
and he will hear their praver, and save them.
trouble them. 20 The Lord keepeth all them that love him :
7 Put forth thy hand from on high ; take me
but all the wicked he will destroy.
out, and deliver nie from many waters : from the
21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the
nand of strange children :
Lord and let all flesh bless his holy name for

8 AVhose mouth hath spoken vanity : and their

ever, yea for ever and ever.
right hand is the right hand of iniquity.
9 To thee, O God, I will sing a new canticle: PSALM CXLV.
on the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings Lauda, aniraa.
1 will sing praises to thee
We are not to trust in men, but in God alone.
10 Who givest salvation to kings who hast :
1 Alleluia, of Aggeus and
redeemed thy servant David from the malicious in my life
2 T>RA1SE the Lord, O my soul :
Bword: 11 deliver me, I will smg to my
And rescue me out of the hand of strange I will praise the X Lord :

children whose mouth hath spoken vanity and

God as long as I shall be.

Put not your trust in princes, 3 in the children


dieir right hand is the right hand of iniquity

12 Whose sons are as new plants in their of men, in whom there is no salvation.
4 His spirit shall go forth and he
shall re- ;
youth , in that day all their thoughts
his earth: ,

Their daughters decked out, adorned round turn into

shall perish. <-../•?
about after the similitude of a temple : v
5 Blessed is he who hath the God of Jacob
, , , ,

13 Their storehouses full, flowing out of this in the Lord his God:
for his helper, whose hone is
into thaU and all
sheep young, abounding in] 6 who made heaven and earth, the sea,
Their fruitful in
oxen fat- llthings that are in them :
tfioir goings forth 14 tlieir :
405 »
;:: : : : : : :: :

7 Who keepeth truth for ever; whoexecuteth PSALM CXLVIIL
judgment for them that suffer wrong ; who giveth Laudate Dominum de coelis.
food to the hungry.
All creatures are invited to praise their creator.
The Lord looseth them that are fettered : 8 the
Lord enlighteneth the blind. Alleluia.
The Lord lifteth up them that are cast down PRAISE
ye the Lord from the heavens:
the Lord loveth the just. praise ye him in the high places.
9 The Lord keepeth the strangers: he will 2 Praise ye him, all his Angels : praise ye him,
support the fallierless and the widow : and the all his hosts.
ways of sinners he will destroy. 3 Praise ye him, sun and moon : praise him, O
10 The Lord shall reign for ever ; thy God, all ye stai-s and light.
O Sion, unto generation and generation. 4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens : and let
all the waters that are above the heavens, 5
CXLVI. praise tlie name of the Lord.
Laudate Dominum. For he spoke, and they were made : he com-
manded, aiid they were created. '

An exhortation to pratxe God for his benefits. 6 He hath established them for ever, and for
ages of ages : he hath made a decree, and it shall
not pass away.
PRAISE ye the Lord, because psalm is 7 Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons,
good : to our God be joyful and comely and all ye deeps
praise. 8 Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds, which
2 The Lord buildeth up Jerusalem : he will fulfil his word
gather together the dispersed of Israel. 9 Mountains, and all hills, fruitful trees, and
3 Who healeth the broken of heart, and bind- cedars all
eth up their bruises. 10 Beasts, and all cattle: serpents, and fea-
4 Who telleth the number of the stars ; and thered fowls
calleth them all by their names. 11 Kings of the earth, and all people : princes
1 5 Great is our Lord, and great is his power and all judges of the earth :
i and of his wisdom there is no number. 12 Young men, and maidens let the old with :

6 The Lord lifteth up the meek ; and bringeth tlie younger praise the name of the Lord : 13
the wicked down even to the ground. his name alone is exalted.
7 Sing ye to the Lord with praise : sing to our 14 The praise of him is above heaven and
God upon the harp. earth: and he hath exalted the horn of his
8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds ; and people.
prepareth rain for the earth. A hymn to all his saints ; to the children of
Who maketh grass to grow on the mountains, Israel, a people approaching to him. Alleluia.
and herbs for the service of men.
9 Who giveth
to beasts their food ; and to the
young ravens that call upon him. Cantate Domino.
10 He shall not delight in the strength of the The church is particularly bound to praise God.
horse: nor take pleasure in the legs of a man. Alleluia.
11 The Lord taketh pleasure in them that
''car him ; and in them that hope in his mercy.
SING yeLord a new canticle: let his
to the
praise be in the church of the saints.
PSALM CXLVII. 2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him:
and let the children of Sion be joyful in their
Lauda, Jerusalem. king.
Tfie church is caUed upon h. praise God for 3 Let them praise his name in choir let them :

his peculiar graces and favours to his people sing to him with the timbrel and the psaltery.
In the Hebrew this psalm is joined to ine fore- 4 For the Lord is well pleased with his people
going. and he will exalt the meek unto salvation.
Alleluia. 5 The saints shall rejoice in glory : they shall
be joyful in their beds.
12 T>RAISE the Lord, O Jerusalem : praise
X thy God, O Sion. 6 The high praises of God shall be in their
13 Because he hath strengthened the bolts of mouth and two-edged swords in their hands

thy gates he hath blessed thy children within

7 To execute vengeance upon the nations,
thee. chastisements among the people :
14 Who hath placed peace on thy borders 8 To bind their kings with fetters, and their
and filleththee with the fat of corn. nobles with manacles of iron.
15 Who sendeth forth his speech to the eartli: 9 To execute upon them the judgment that is
his word runneth swiftly. written this glory is to all his saints. Alleluia.

16 Who giveth snow like wool ; scattereth PSALM CL.

mist like ashes. Laudate Dominum in Sanctis.
17 He sendeth his crystal* like morsels : who An exhortation to praise God with all sorts of
shall stand before the face of his cold 1
18 He shall send out his word, and shall melt
them his wind shall blow, and the waters shall Alleluia.

PRAISE ye the Lord in his holy places

praise ye him in the finnainent of his power.
Who declareth his word to Jacob ; his jus-
2 Praise ye him for his mighty acts: praise ya
ticesand his judgments to Israel.
20 He hath not done in like manner to every
him according to the multitude of his greatness.
3 Praise him with sound of trumpet: praise
nati3n and his judgments he hath not made

manifest to them. Alleluia.

him with psaltery and harp.
4 Praise him with timbrel and choir praisd :

him with strings and organs.

• He
sendeth his crystal. That is his ice. 5 Praise him on high-sounding cymbals
Some_ understand it of hail, which is as it were praise him on cymbals of joy : let every spirit
fee, divided into particles or morsels. praise the Lord. Alleluia.
: : : : :


Fhis book is so called, because it consists of wise 25 You have despised all my counsel, utti
and weighty sentences, regulating the morals have neglected my reprehensions.
m]' men, and directing them to wisdom and vir- 26 I also will laugti in your destruction: sud
tue. And these sentences are also called para- will mock when that shall come to you which
bles because great truths are often couched in you feared.

them under certain figures and similitudes. 27 When sudden calamity shall full on you,
and destruction, as a tempest, shall be at hand;
CHAP. I. when tribulation and distress shall come upon
The use and end ofthe proverbs. An exhortation you ;

toflee the company ofthe wicked : and to hearken

28 Then shall they call upon me, and I will not
hear tliey shall rise in the morning, and shall
to the voice of wisdom.
not find me
THE parables of Solomon,
king of Israel,
the son of David, 29 Because they have hated instruction, and
received not the fear of the Lord,
2 To know wisdom, and instruction 30 Nor consented to my counsel, but despised
3 To understand the words of prudence, and to all my reproof.
receive the instruction of doctrine, justice, and 31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their
judgment, and equity: own way, and shall be filled with their own de
+ To give subtilty to little ones, to the young vices.
man knowledge and understanding. 32 The turning away of little ones shall kill
5 A wise man shall hear, and shall be wiser them ; and the prosperity of fools shall destroy

and he that understandetli, shall possess govern- them.

ments. 33 But he that shall hear me, shall rest without
6 He shall understand a parable, and the inter- terror, and shall enjoy abundance, without fear
pretation, the words of the wise, and tlieir myste- of evils.
rious sayings.
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis-
dom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. The advantages of wisdom ; and the evils from
8 My son, hear the instruction of thy father, which it delivers.
and forsake not the law of thy mother:
9, That grace may be added to thy head, ai
son, if thou wilt receive my words, and
wilt hide my conunandments with thee,
chain of gold to thy neck. 2 That thy ear may hearken to wisdom : in
10 My son, if sinner^ shall entice thee, consent cline thy heart to know prudence.
not to them. 3 For if thou shah call for wisdom, and incline
11 Iftliey shall say: Come with us ; let us lie thy heart to prudence ;
in wait for blood ; let us hide snares for the inno- 4 If thou shalt seek her as money, and shalt
cent without cause dig for her as for a treasure ;
12 I,et us swallow hilfi up alive like hell, and 5 Then shalt thou understand the fear of the
whole as one tliat goeth down into the pit. Lord, and shalt find the knowledge of God:
13 We shall finil all precious substance; we 6 Because the Lord giveth wisdom : and out
ehall fill our houses with spoils. of his mouth cometh prudence and knowledge.
14 Cast in thy lot with us ; let us all have 7 He will keep the salvation of the righteous,
one purse. and protect them that walk in simplicity :
15 My son, walk not thou with them : restrain 8 Keeping the paths of justice, and guarding
thy foot from their paths. the ways of saints.
16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to 9 Then shalt thou understand justice, and
shed biood. judgment, and equity, and every ^od path.
17 But a net is spread in vain before the eyes 10 If wisdom shall enter into thy neart, and
of them that have wings. knowledge please thy soul
18 And they themselves lie in w(<.it for their 11 Counsel shall keep thee, and prudence
own blood, and practise deceits against their shall preserve thee,
own souls. 12 That thou mayst be delivered from the evil
19 So the ways of every covetous man destroy way, and from the man that speaketh perversa
the souls of the possessors. tilings :
20 Wisdom preacheth abroad : she uttered her 13 Who^eave the right way, and walk by dark
voice in the streets : ways
21 At the head of miiltitudes she crieth out: 14 Who
are glad when they have done evil,
in the entrance of thi; ijates of the city she utter- and rejoice inmost wicked things:
eth her words, saying : 15 Whose ways are perverse, and their steps
22 O children, how lone will you love child- infamous.
ishness, and fools covet those things which are 16 That thou mayst be delivered from the
hurtful to themselves, and the unwise hate know- strange woman, and from the stranger, who soft-
eneth her words ;

SQ Turn ye at my reproof: behold, 17 And forsokeththe guide of her youth,

I will
utter my spirit to you, and will shew you my 18 And liath forgotten the covenant of her
words. God: for her house inclincth unto death, and her
24 Because I called, and you refused I paths to hell.

stretched out my hand ; and there was none that 19 None tliiit go in unto her, shall return a?aia,
le gn rded. neither shall thev take hold of the paths of life.
: ; : : : : : :

20 That thou mayst walk in a good way, and 32 For every mocker is an abomination to the
maystkeep the paths of the just. Lord; and his communication is with the
21 For they that are upright, shall dwell in simple.
the earth :.and the simple shall continue in it. 33 Want is from the Lord in the house of the
<^2 But the wicked shall be destroyed from the wicked: but the habitations of the just shall be
earth: and tliey that do unjustly shall be taken blessed.
away from it. 34 He shall scorn the scomers; and to the
meek he will give grace.
CHAP. III. 35 The wise shall possess glory : the promo-
An exhortation to the practice of virtue. tion of fools is disgrace.

MY son, forget not my law, and let thy heart

keep my commandments. CHAP. IV.
2 For they shall add to tliee length of days,
and years of life, and peace.
A further exhortation to seek after wisdom.
3 Let not mercy and trutli leave thee put then
about thy neck, and write them in the tables of
thy heart

H EAR, ye children, the instruction of a fa»
ther; and attend that you may know pru*

4 And thou shall find grace, and good under- 2 I will give you a good gift ; forsake not, my
standing before God and men. law.
.5 Have confidence in the Lord with all ihy 3 For I also was my father's son, tender and
heart and lean not upon thy own prudence.
; as an only son in the sight of my mother :
6 In all thy ways tliiuk on him, and he uil! 4 And he taught me, and said : Let thy heart
direct thy steps. receive my words ; keej) my commandments, and
7 Be not wise in thy own conceit: fear God, thou shalt live.
nnd depart from evil 5 Get wisdom ; get prudence : forget not,
8 For it shall be health to thy navel, and moist- neither decline from the words of my mouth.
ening to thy bones. 6 Forsake her not and shi^ shall keep thee

9 Honour the Lord with thy substance, and love her; and she shall preserve tliee.
give him of the first of all thy fruits 7 The beginning of wisdom, get wisdom ; and
10 And thy barns shall be filled witli abund- with thy possession purchase prudence.
ance; and thy presses shall run over with wine. 8 Take hold on
her, and she shall exalt thee :
11 My son, reject not the correction of the thou shalt be glorified by her, when thou shalt
Lord and do not faint when thou art chastised
: embrace her.
by him 9 She shall give to thy head increase of gra-
12 For whom the Lord loveth he chastiseth ces, and protect thee with a noble crown.
and as a father in the son he pleaseth himself. 10 Hear, O my son, and receive mv words,
13_ Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom, that years of lifeliiay be multiplied to thee.
and is rich in prudence. 11. I will shew thee the way of wisdom; I will
14 The purchasing thereof is better than the lead thee by the paths of equity :

merchandise of silver, and her fruit tlian the chief- 12 Which when thou shalt have entered, thy
est and purest gold : steps shall not be straitened and when thou run-

15 She is more precious than all riches : and nest thou shalt not meet a stumbling-block.
all the things that are desired, are not to be com 13 Take hold on instruction; leave it not:
pared with her. keep it, because it is thy life.
16 Length of days is in her right hand and in : ] 4 Be not delighted in the paths of the wicked:

her left hand riches and glory. neither let tlie way of the evil men please thee.
. 17 Her ways are beautiful ways ; and all her 15 Flee from it; passfiot by it: go aside, and
paths are peaceable. forsake it.
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay hold 16 For they sleep not, except they have done
on her: and he that shall retain her is blessed. evil and their sleep is taken away unless they

19 The Lord by wisdom hath founded the have, made some to fall.
earth; hath established the heavens by pru 17 They eat the bread of wickedness, and drink
dance: the wine of iniquity.
20 By his wisdom the depths have broken out; 18 But the path of the just, as a shining light,
and the clouds grow thick with dew. goeth forwards, and increaseth even to perfect
21 My son, let not these things depart from thy day. » .

_ _
eyes ; keep the law and council 19 The way of the wicked is darksome : they
22 And there shall be life to thy soul, and know not where they fall.
grace to thy mouth. 20 My
S05, hearken to my words; and incline
23 Then shalt thou walk confidently in thy thy ear to my sayings.
way; and thy foot shall not stumble ; 21 Let them not tlepart from thy eyes ; keep
24 If thou sleep, thou shalt not fear thou shalt
: them in the midst of thy heart:
rest, and thy sleep shall be sweet. 22 For they are life to those that find them, and
25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, nor of the health to all flesh.
power of the wicked falling upon thee. 23 With all watchfulness keep thy heart, be-
26 For the Lord will be at thy side, and « 11cause life issuetl) out from it,
keep thy foot that thou be not taken. 24 Remove from thee a froward mouth :, and
27 Do not withhold him from doing good, who let detracting lips be far from thee.
is able if thou art able, do good thyself also.
: 25 Let thy eyes look straight on and let thy :

28 Say not to thy friend Go, and come again

: eye-lids go before thy steps.

and to-morrow I will give to thee when thou

: 26 Make strait the'path for thy feet; and all
canst, give at present. thy ways shall be established.
29 Practice not evil against thy friend, when 27 Decline not to the right haod, nor to the
he hath confidence in thee. left turn away thy foot from evil. For the Lord

30 Strive not against a man with6ut cause knoweth the ways that are on the right hand:
when he hath done thee no evil. but those are perverse which are on the left hand.
31 Envy not the unjust man, and do not follow But he will make thy courses straigb* * he fill
hia ways bring forward thy ways in peace.
: : : : :


CHAP. V. 8 Provideth her meat foi herself in the iuiB'

and gathereth her food in the harvest.
Ah exhortation to fly unlaicful lust, and the. oc-
9 How long wilt Uiou sleep, O sluggard? when
casions of it.
wilt thou rise out of thy sleep 1
son, attend to my wisdom, and incline
thy ear to my prudence,
That tliou mayst keep thoughts, and tliy
10 Thou wilt sleep a little, thou wilt slum-
ber a little, thou wilt fold thy hands a little to
lips may preserve instruction. Mind not the de-
11 And want shall come upon thee, as a tra-
ceit of a woman.
veller, and poverty as a man armed. But if thou
3 For the lips of a harlot are like a honey
smoother be diligent, thy harvest shall come as a foun
coinl) dropping and her throat is
tain; and want shall flee far from thee.
than oil.
12 A man that is an apostate, an unprofitable
4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, and
sharp as a two-edged sword. man walkcth with a perverse moutli.
13 He wiuketh with the eyes; presseili with
5 Her feet go down into death ; and her
the foot; speaketh witli the finger.
steps go in asfaras hell.
6 Thev walk not by the path of life her steps
14 Witha wicked heart liedevisetli evil: and

are wandering, and unaccountable. at all times he sowetli discord.

15 To such a one his destruction shall pre-
7 Xow therefore, my
son, hear me ; and de-
sently come : and he shall suddenly be destroy-
pa) t not from the words of mouth. my
ed, and shall no longer have any remedy.
3 Remove thy way far from her; and come
not nigh the doors of her house. 16 Six things there are, which the Lord hateth.
9 Give not thy honour to strangers, and thy and the seventli his soul detesteth :
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that
years to the cruel.
10 Lest strangers be filled wath thy strength, shed innocent blood,
and thy labours be in another man's house. 18 A heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that
are swift to run into mischief,
11 And thou mourn at the last, when thou
19 A deceitful witness tliat uttereth lies, and*
shalt have spent tliy flesh and thy body, and
say him that sowetli discord among brethren.
12 Why have I hated instruction, and my 20 Mv son, keep the commandments of Uiy
father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.
heart consented not to reproof;
13 And have not heard the voice of them 21 Bind them in thy heart continually, and put
that taught me, and have not inclined my ear to
them about thy neck.
22 When thou walkest, let them go with thee:
masters 7
14 I have almost been in all evil, in the midst
when thou sleepest, let them keep thee : and
of the church and of the congregation.
when thou awakest, talk with tliem.
23 Because the commandment is a lainp, and
15 Drink water out of thy own cistern, and
the sti-eams of thy own well.
the law a light, and reproofs of instruction are
16 Let thy fountains be conveyed abroad: and theway of life :
in the streets divide thy waters.
24 That they may keep thee from the evil
woman, and from the flattering tongue of the
17 Keep them to tliyself alone : neither let
strangers be partakers with thee.
18 Let thv vein be blessed; and rejoice with
25 Let not thy heart covet her beauty ; be not
caught with her winks
tlie wife of thy youth.
19 Let her be thy dearest hind, and most
26 For the price of a harlot, is scarce one loaf:
but the woman catcheth the precious soul of a
agreeable fawn: let her breasts inebriate thee
at all times : be thou delighted continually with
27 Can a man hide fire in his bosom, and his
her love.
20 Why art thou seduced, my son, by a strange gannents not bum ?
28 Or can he walk upon hot coals, and his feet
woman, and art cherished in the bosom of
not be burnt?
enother ?
21 The Lord beholdeth the ways of man, and 29 So he that goeth into his neighbour's wife,
shall not be clean when he shall touch her.
considereth all his steps.
22 His own wicked;
iniquities catch the aiK^ 30 The fault is not so great* whm a man
hatli stolen for he stealeth to fill his hungry
he is fast bound with the ropes of his own :

31 And if he be taken, he shall restore seven-
23 He
shall die, because he hath not received
fold, and shall give up all the substance of his
instruction ; and in the multitude of hi.s folly he
shall be deceived.
32 But he that is an adulterer, for the folly of
VI. CHAP, his heart shall destroy his owti soul
Documents on several heads. 33 gathereth to himself shame and dis
MY son, if thou be surety for thy friend honour : and his reproach shall not be blotted
thou -hast engaged fast thy hand to a out.
34 Because the jealousy and rage of the hus-
2 Thou art ensnared with the words of thy band will not spare in the 'dav of revenge.
tiouth, and caught with thy own words. 35 Nor will he vield to any man's prayers'
3 Do therefore, my son, what I say, and de nor will he accept'for satisfaction ever so many
liver thvself: because thou art fallen into the gifts.
hand of thy neighbour. Run about, make haste,
stir up thy friend : The fault is not so great, &c. The sin of
4 Give not sleep to thy eyes, neither let thy theft is not so great as tobe compared with adul-
eye-lids slumber. tery especially when a person pressed with

5 Deliver thyself as a doe from the hand, and hunger (which is the case here spoken oO steals
as a bird from the hand of the fowler. to satisfy nature. Moreover the damage done by
6 Go to the ant, O
sluggard, and consider her theft may much more easily be repaired, than the
wavs, and learn wisdom : wrong done by .Tdultery. But this docs not hin-
7 Which, although she hath no guide, nor ler but that theft al?o is a mortal sin, forbiddea
Master, nor captain, v one of tlie ten commandments.
3E 409
:: : ; :: : : :

CHAP. VII. G Hear, for I will speak of great things: and
The love of wisdom is the best preservative from my
lips shall be opened to preach right things.
being led astray by temptation. 7 My mouth shall meditate truth; and my lips

MY son, keep my words, and lay up my pre- shall hate wickedness.

cepts with thee. Son, 8 All my words are just : there is nothing wick-
2 Keep my commandments, and thou shah ed, nor perverse in them,
live ; ana my law as tlie apple of thy eye : 9 They are right to them that understand, and
3 Bind it upon thy fingers : write it upon the just to them that find knowledge.
tables of thy heart. 10 Receive my instruction, and not money
4 Say to wisdom: Thou art my sister: and choose knowledge rather than gold,
call pi-udence thy friend. 11 For wisdom is better than all the most pre-
5 That she may keep thee from the woman cious things : and whatsoever may be desired can-
that is not thine, and from the stranger who not be compared to it.
.sweeteneth her words. 12 I wisdom dwell in counsel, and am presecl
6 For I looked out of the window of my house in learned thoughts.
through the lattice, 13 The fear of the Lord hateth evil : 1 re te a--
7 And I see little ones, I behold a foolish rogance, and pride, and every wicked waj' mA^
young man, mouth with a double tongue.
8 Who passeth through the street by the cor- 14 Counsel and equity is mine ; prudence ia
ner, and goeth nigii the way of her house, mine ; strength is mine.
9 In the dark, when it grows late, in the dark- 15 By me kings reign, and lawgivers decree
ness and obscurity of the night. just things.
10 And behold, a woman meetetli him in har- 16 By me princes rule, and the mighty decree
lot's attire, prepared to deceive souls; talkative justice.
and wandering, 17 I love them that love me : and they that in
11 Not bearing to be quiet, not able to abide the morning early watch for me, shall find me.
' still at home, 18 With me are riches and glory, glorious rich-
1:2Now abroad, now in the streets, es and justice.
now lying
in wait near tiie corners. 19 For ray fruit is better than gold and the pre-
13 And catching the young man she kisS' cious stone, and my blossoms than choice silver.
eth him ; and witlj an impudent face, flaitereth, 20 I walk in the way of justice, in the midst of
saying the paths of judgment,
14 I vowed victims for prosperity ; this day T 21 That I inay enrich them that love me, and
have paid my vows. may fill their treasures.
15 Therefore I am come out to meet thee, de- 22 The Lord possessed me in the beginning of
sirous to see thee, and I have found thee. his ways, before he made any thing from tlie be-
16 I have woven my bed with cords: I have ginning.
covered it with painted tapestry, brought from 23 was set up from eternity, and of old before
Egypt. was made,
the eartli
17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, 24 The depths were not as yet, and I was al-
and cinnamon. ready conceived neither had the fountains of

18 Come, let us be inebriated with the breasts :

waters as yet sprung out
and let us enjoy the desired embraces, till the day 25 Tiie mountains with their huge bulk had
appear not as yet been established before the hills I

19 For my husband is not at home : he is gone was brought forth

a very long journey. 26 He had not yet made the cartli, nor the ri-
20 He took with him a bag of money he will :
vers, nor the poles of the world,
return home the day of the full moon. 27 When he prepared the heavens, I was pre-
21 She intangled him with many words; and sent; wl^Jn with a certain law and compass he en-
drew him away with the flattery of her lips. closed the depths
22 Immediately he followeth her as an ox led 28 When he established the sky above, and
to be a victim, and as a lamb playing the wan- poised the fountains of waters
ton, and not knowing that he is drawn like a fool 29 When he compassed the sea with its bounds,
to bonds, and set a law to the waters that they should not
23 Till the arrow pierce his liver: as if a bird pass their limits when he balanced the founda-

should make haste to the snare, and knoweth not tions of the earth:
that his life is in danger. 30 I was with him forming all things ; and was
24 Now therefore, my son, hear me, and attend delighted every day, playing before him at all
to the words of my mouth. times
25 Let not tliy mind be drawn away in her 31 Playing in tlie world : and my delights were
ways : neither be thou deceived with her paths to be with the children of men,
26 For she hath cast down many wounded 32 Now therefore, ye children, hear me : Bless-
and the strongest have been slain bv her. ed are they that keep my ways,
27 Her house is the way to hell, reaching even 33 Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it
to the inner chambers of death. not.
CHAP. VIII. 34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, and
The preaching of wisdom. that watcheth daily at my
gates, and waiteth at
Her excellence. the posts of mvdoors.
not wisdom cry aloud, and prudence 35 He that "shall find me, shall find life, and
her forth voice ? shall have salvation from the Lord :
2 Standing in the top of the highest places by 36 But he that shall sin against me, shall hurj
the way, in the midst of the paths, his own soul, that hate me love death.
3 Beside the gates of the city, in the very doors,
she speaketh, saying CHAP. IX.
4 O ye men, to you I call, and my voice is to Wisdom invites all to her feast. Folly coils
the sons of men. another way.
5 O little ones, understand eubtilty ; and ye un-
WISDOM hath herself a house:
built she
wise, take notice. hath hewn her out seven pillars.
: : : ::: 1 ::;

2 She hatn slain her victims, mingled her wine, of his strength : the fear of the poor u (heir
and set forth her table. poverty.
3 She hath sent lier n\aids to invite to the tower, 16 The work of the just is unto life but the :

and to the walls of the city fruit of the vi-icked unto sin.
4 Whosoever is a little one, let him come to 17 The way of life to him that observeth cor-
me. And to the unwise she said rection but he tliat forsaketh reproofs goeth

5 Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine astray.

which I have mingled for you. 18 Lying lips hide hatred : he that uttereth re-
G Forsake childishness, and live, and walk by proach is foolish.
U\e ways of prudence. 19 In the multituae of words there shall not
7 He that teacheth a scorner, doeth an injury want sin but he that refraineth his lips is most

to himself, and he that rebuketh a wicked man, wise.

getteth himself a blot. 20 The tongue of the just is as choice silver
8 Rebuke not a scorner, lest he hate thee. Re- but tlie heart of die wicked is nothing worth.
buke a wise man, and he \vill love thee. 21 The lips of the just teach many : but they
9 Give an occasion to a wise man, and wisdom that are ignorant, shall die in the want of under-
sliall be added to him. Teach a just man, and standing.
he shall make haste to receive it. 22 The blessing of the Lord maketh men
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of rich : neither shall affliction be joined to them.
wisdom : and the knowledge of the holy is pru- 23 A fool worketh mischief as it were for sport:
dence, but wisdom is prudence to a man.
11 For by me days be multiplied;
shall thy 24 That which the wicked feareth, shall come
and years of life sliall be added to thee. upon him to the just their desire shall be given.

12 If thou be wise, thou shalt be so to thyself; 25 As a tempest that passeth, so the wicked
and if a scorner, thou alone shalt bear tlie evil. shall be no more : but tlie just is as an everlast-
13 A foolish woman and clamorous, and full ing foundation.
of allurements, and knowing notliing at all, 26 As vinegar to the teeth, and smoke to the
14 Sat at the door of her house, upon a seat, in eyes, so is the sluggard to them that sent him.
a high place of tlie city, 27 The fear of the Lord shall prolong days
1.5 To call them that pass by the way, and go and tlie years of the wicked shall be shortened.

on their journey : 28 The expectation of the just is joy : but tlie

It) He that is a little one, let him turn to me. hope of the wicked shall perish.

And to the fool she said 29 The strength of the upright is die way of
17 Stolen waters are sweeter, and hidden bread the Lord ; and fear to them that work evil.
is more pleasant. • 30 The just shall never be moved: but tho
18 And he did not know that giants are there, wicked shall not dwell on the earth.
and that her guests are in the depths of hell. 31 The mouth of the just shall bring forth wis-
THE PARABLES OF SOLOMOIN. dom : the tongue of the perverse shall perish.
32 The lips of the just consider what is accept-
CHAP. X. able and the mouth of the wicked uttereth per-

[n (he ttcenty following chapters are cmitained verse things.

vinny rrise unyings and axioms, relating to
tpisdom and folly, virtue and vice. CHAP. XL

A WISE son maketh the father glad : but a

foolish son is the sorrow of his mother.
2 Treasures of vv ickedncss shall profit nothmg
before the Lord
balance is an abomination
: and a just weight is his

but justice shall deliver from death. 2 Where pride is, there also shall be reproach
3 The Lord will not afflict the soul of the just but where humility is, there also is wisdom.
with famine : and he will disappoint the deceitful 3 The simplicity of the just shall guide them:
practices of the wicked. and the deceitfulness of die wicked shall destroy
4 The slothful hand hath wrought poverty them.
but the hand of the industrious getteth riches. 4 Riches shall not profit in the day of revenge
He that trust^th to lies feedeth the winds : and but justice shall deliver from death.
the same runneth after birds, that fly away. 5 The justice of the upright shall make his
5 He that gathereth in the harvest, is a wise way prosperous and the wicked man shall fall

eon : but he that snorteth in the summer, is the by his own wickedness.
son of confusion. 6 The justice of the righteous shall deliver
6 The blessing of the Lord is upon the head of them : and the unjust shall be caught in their

the just but iniquity covereth the mouth of the

: own snares.
wicked. 7 wicked man is dead, there shall bo
When the
7 The memory of the just is with praises: and no hope any more and the expectation of the :

the name of the wicked shall rot. solicitous shall perish.

8 The wise of heart receiveth precepts : a fool 8 Tlie just is delivered out of distress: and the
is beaten with lips. wicked shall be given up for him.
9 He that walketh sincerely, walketh confi 9 The dissembler with his mouth deceiveth
dently : but he that pcr^ erteth his ways, shall be his friend but the just shall be delivered by

manifest. knowledge.
10 Hethat winketh with the eye shall cause 10 When it goeth well with the just the city
Borrow and the foolif;li in lips shall be beaten.
: shall rejoice and when the wicked perish there

11 The mouth of the just is a vein of life: and shall be praise.

die mouth of the wicked covereth iiiitjuity. 1 By the blessins of the just the city shall be
12 Hatred stirreth up strifes and charity co- exalted': and by fhe'mouth of the wicked it shall

vereth all sins. be overthrown. ...

13 In the lips of the wise is wisdom found 12 lie that dospiseth his friend, is mean of
and a rod on the f^ick of him that wuntelh sense. leart but the wise man will hold his peace.

14 Wise men lay up knowledffc l)ut the

: 13 He that walketh deceitfully, revealeth se-
aiouth of the fool is next to confusion. crets i)ut he tliat is faithful, concealeth the thiog

15 The substanco of a rich man, is the city committed to him by his friend

14 Where there is no
governor, the people shall He that is delighted in passing his time OTor
fkll : but there is where there is much wine, leaveth a reproach in his strongholds.
counsel. 12 The desire of the wicked is the fortification
15 He shall be afflicted with evil, that is of evil men : but the root of the just shall
surety for a stranger : but he that is aware of the prosper.
Rnares, shall be secure. 13 For the sins of the lips ruin draweth nigh
16 A gracious woman shall find glory : and to the evil man but the just shall escape out of

the strong shall have riches. distress.

17 merciful man doeth good to his own
A 14 By the fruit of his own mouth shall a man
soul : but he tliat is cruel casteth off even his be filled with good things : and according to the
own kindred. works of his liands it shall be repaid him.
18 The wicked maketh an unsteady work : but 15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes :
to him that soweth justice, there is a faithful re- but he that is wise hearkeneth unto counsels.
ward. A
16 fool immediately sheweth his anger : but
19 Clemency prepareth life ; and the pursuing he that dissembleth injuries is wise.
of evils death. 17 He that speaketh that which he knoweth,
20 A
perverse heart is abominable to the sheweth forth justice : but he that lieth, it- a de-
Lord : and his will is in them that walk sin- ceitful witness.
cerely. 18 There is that promiseth, and is pricked as
21 Hand in hand the evil man shall not be it were with a sword of conscience : but the
innocent: but the seed of the just shall be tongue of the wise is health.
saved. 19 The lip of truth shall be stedfast for ever;
22 As a golden ring in a swine's snout, so is a but he that is a hasty witness, frameth a lying
woman fair and foolish. tongue.
23 The desire of the just is all ^ood: the ex- 20 Deceit is in the heart of them that think
pectation of the wicked is indignation. evil things : but joy foUoweth them that take
24 Some distribute their own goods, and grow counsels of peace.
richer : others take away what is not tlieir own, 21 Whatsoever shall befal the just man, it shall
and are always in want. not make him sad : but the wicked shall be filled
25 The soul which blesseth, shall be made with mischief.
fat : and he that inebriateth, shall be inebriated 22 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord:
also himself. but they that deal faithfully please him.
26 He that hideth up com, shall be cursed 23 A' cautious man concealeth knowledge:
among tlie people: but a blessing upon the head and the heart of fools publisheth folly.
of them that sell. 24 The hand of the valiant shall bear rule : but
27 Well doth he rise early who seeketh good that which is slothful, shall be under tribute.
things : but he that seeketh after evil things shall 25 Grief in the heart of a man shall bring him
be oppressed by them. low : but with a good word he shall be made
28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall : but glad.
the just shall spring up as a green leaf. 26 He that neglecteth a loss for the sake of a
29 He that troubleth his own house, shall friend, is just : but the way of the wicked shall
inherit the winds : and the fool shall serve the deceive them.
wise. 27 The deceitful man shall not find gain : but
30 The fruit of the just man is a tree of life the substance of a just man shall be precious gold.
and he that gaineth souls, is Svise. 28 In the path of justice is life : but the by
31 If the just man receive in the earth, how way leadeth to death.
much more tlie wicked and the sinner? CHAP. xin.

that loveth correction, loveth knowledge:

but he that hateth reproof is foolish.
A WISE son heareth the doctrine of his
father: but he that is a scorner, heareth
not when he is reproved.
2 He that is good, shall draw grace from the 2 Of the fruit of his own mouth shall a man
Lord : but he that trusteth in his own devices, be filled with good things : but tlie soul of trans-
doeth wickedly. gressors is wicked.
3 Man shall not be strengthened by wicked- 3 He that keepeth his mouth, keepe'.h his
ness and the root of the just shall not be soul but he that hath no guard on his speech

moved. shall meet with evils.

4 A diligent woman is a crown to her hus- 4 The sluggard willeth and willeth not : but
band and she that doeth things worthy of con- the soul of them that work, shall be made fat.

fusion, is as rottenness in his bones. 5 The just shall hate a lying word but the :

5 The thoughts of the just are judgments and wicked confoundeth, and shall be confounded.

the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. 6 Justice keepeth the way of the innocent but :

6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for wickedness overthroweth the sinner.
blood: the mouth of the just shall deliver 7 One is as it were rich, when he hath nothing:
them. and another is as it were poor, when he hath
7 Turn the wicked, and they shall not be: great riches.
but the house of the just shall stand firm. 8 The ransom of a man's life are his riches:
8 A man shall be known by his learning but but he that is poor, beareth not reprehension.

he that is vain and foolish, shall be exposed to 9 T'he light of the just giveth joy : but the
contempt. lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
9 Better is the poor man that provideth for 10 Among the proud there are always conten-
himself, than he that is glorious and wanteth tions but they that do all things with counsel,

bread. are ruled by wisdom.

10 The just regardeth the lives of his beasts 11 Substance got in haste shall be diminished:
but the bowels of the wicked are cruel. but that which by little and little is gathered with
11 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied the hand shall increase.
with bread but he that pursueth idleness is
: 12 Hope that is deferred afflicteth the soul '.

vary foolish. desire when itcometh, is a tree of life.

: :

13 Whosoever speaketh ill of any thing, bind- 19 The evil shall fall down before tne good
eln himself for the time to come : hut he tliatfear- and the wicked before tlie gates of the just.
eth the commandment, shall dwell in peace. 20 The poor man shall be hateful even to
Deceitful souls go astrav in sins : the just are his own neighbdur but the friends of the rich

merciful, and shew mercy." are many.

14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, tliat 21 He that despiseth his neighbour, sinnethr
bo may decHne from the ruin of death. but he that sheweth mercy to the poor, shall be
' 15 Good instruction sliall give grace : in tlie blessed.
way of ficomers is a deep pit. He thatbelieveth in the Lord, loveth mercy.
16 The prudent man doeth all tilings with 22 They err that work evil : but mercy and
counsel : but he that is a fool, layeth open his folly. truth prepare good things.
17 The messenger of the wicked shall fall into 23 In much work there shall be abundance
mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health. but where there are niatiy words, there is often-
18 Poverty and sliame to him that refuseth in- times want.
Btniction : but he that yicldeth to reproof, shall 24 The crown of the wise is their riches : the
be gforified. folly of fools, imprudence.
19 The desire that is accomplished, delighteth 25 A faithful witness delivereth souls: and the
the soul : fools hate them that llee from evil double dealer uttereth lies.
ihings. 26 In the fear of the Lord is confidence of
20 He tliat walketh with the wise, shall be strength ; and there shall be hope for his chil-
wise : a friend of fools shall become like to them. dren.
21 Evil pursueth sinners and to the just good
: 27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to
shall be repaid. decline from the ruin of death.
22 The good man Icaveth heirs, sons, and 28 In the multitude of people is the dignity o<
giandsons: and the substance of the sinner is the king : and in the small number of people the
kept for the just. dishonour of the prince.
23 3Iuch food is in the tillage of fathers: but 29 He that is patient, is governed with much
for others it is gathered without judgment. wisdom: but he that is impatient, exalteth his
24 He that spareih the rod hatethhis son: but folly.
he that loveth him correcteth him betimes. 30 Soundness of heart is the life of the flesh :
25 The justeateth and filleth his soul but the but envy is tlie rottenness of the bones.

belly of the wicked is never to be filled. 31 He that oppresselh the poor, upbraideth his
maker : but he that hath pity on the poor, lionour-
CHAP. XIV. eth him. ,
A WISE woman buildeth her house : but the 32 The wicked man shall be driven out in
J\. foolish will pull down with her hands that his wickedness: but the just hath hope in his
also which is built. death.
2 He that walketh in the right way, and foar- .33 In the heart of the prudent resteth wisdom ;
cth God, is despised by him that goeth bv' an in- and it shall instruct all the ignorant.
famous way. 34 Justice exalteth a nation: but sin maketh
3 In the mouth of a fool is the rod of pride nations miserable.
but the lips of the wise preserve them. 35 A
wise servant is acceptable to the king
4 Where there are no oxen, the crib is empty :
he that is good for nothing shall feel his anger.
but where there is much com, there the strength
of the ox is manifest. CHAP. XV.
5A faithful witness will not lie : but a deceit-
ful witness uttereth a lie.
6A scomer seeketh wisdom, and findeth it
A MILD answer breaketh wrath : but a harsh
word stirreth up fury.
2 The tongue of the wise adometh knowledge:
not : the learning of the wise is easy. b7Uihe mouth of fools bubbleth out folly.
7 Go against a foolish man, and he knoweth 3 The eyes of the Lord in every place behold
not the lips of prudence. the good and the evil.
8 The wisdom of a discreet man is to under- 4 A
peaceable tongue is a tree of life : but
stand his way : and the imprudence of fools that which is immoderate, shall crush the spirit.
erreth. 5 A
fool laugheth at the instruction of his
9 A fool will laugh at sin, but among the just father but he that regardeth reproofs shall be-

• grace shall abide. come prudent.

10 The heart that knoweth the bitterness of In abundant justice there is the greatest
his own soul, in his joy the stranger shall not in- strength: but the devices of the wicked shall be
termeddle. rooted out.
11 The house of the wicked shall be destroy- 6 The house of the just is very much strength :
ed : but the tabernacles of, the just shall flourish. and in the fruits of the wicked is trouble.
12 There is a way which seemeth just to a 7 The lips of the wise shall disperse know-
man : hut the ends thereof lead to death. ledge the heart of fools shall be unlike.

13 Laughter shall be mingled with sorrow : 8 The victims of the wicked are abominable
and mourning takcth hold of the end of joy. to the Lord : the vows of the just are accept-
14 A fool shall be filled with his own ways able.
and the pood man shall be above him. 9 The way of the wicked is an abomination
15 The innocent believetn every word the
: to the Lord : he that followeth justice is beloved
discreet man considereth his steps. by him. '

No good shall come to the deceitful son but : 10 Instruction is grievous to him that for-
the ivise servant shall prosper in his dealings, saketh the way of life : he that hateth reproof
and his wny shall be made straiirht. shall die.
16 A wise man feareth and declinclh from evil 11 Hell and destruction are before the Lord :

the (bol leapeth over, and is confident. how much more the hearts of the children ol
17 The impatient man shall work folly and
: men ?
the crafty manhateful.
is 12 A corrupt man loveth not one that reprov-
18 Tlie childish shall possess follv and the eth him nor will he go to the wise.

prudent shall look for knowledge. 13 A glad heart maketh a cheerful coanto
:: ::

nance : but by grief of mind the spirit is cast 7 When the ways of man shall please the Lord,
down. he will convert even his enemies to peace.
14 The
heart of the wise seeketli instruction 8 Better is a little with justice, than great re-
and tlie mouth
of fools feedeth on foolishness. venues with iniquity.
15 All the days of the poor are evil : a secure 9 The heart of man disposeth his way : but
inind is like a continual feast. the Lord must direct his steps.
16 Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, 10 Divination is in the lips of the king : hia
than great treasures without content. mouth shall not err in judgment.
17 It is better to be invited to herbs with love, 11 Weight and balance are judgments of tho
than to a fatted calf with haired. Lord and his work all the weights ot the bag.

18 A
passionate man stirreth up strifes : he 12 They that act wickedly are abominable to
that is patient appeaselli those that are stir the king for the throne is established by justice.

red up. 13 Just lips are the delight of kings: he tliat

19 The way of the slothful is as a hedge of speaketh right things shall be loved.
thorns the way of the just is without offence.
: 14 The wratli of a king is as messengers of
20 A
wise son inaketh a father joyful but the : death : and the wise man will pacify it.
fooliph man despiseth his mother. 15 In the cheerfulness of the king's counte-
21 Folly is joy to the fool : and the wise man nance is life : and his clemency is like the lattei
maketh straight his steps. rain.
22 Designs are brought to nothing where there 16 Get wisdom, because it is better tnan gold'
is no counsel but wher*" there are many coun-
: and purchase prudence, for it is more precious
sellors, tliey are establisl' J. than silver.
23 A man rejoiceth in the sentence of his 17 The path of the just departeth from evils:
mouth: and a word in due time is best. he that keepeth his soul keepeth his way.
24 The path of life is above for the wise, that 18 Pride goeth before destruction and the :

he may decline from the lowest hell. spirit is lifted up before a fall.
25 The Lord will destroy the house of the 19 It is better to be humbled with the moek,
proud ; and will strengthen tlie borders of the than to divide spoils with the proud.
widow. 20 The learned in word shall find good things :
26 Evil thoughts are an abomination to the and he that trusteth in the Lord is blessed.
Lord and pure words most beautiful shall be
: 21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent
confirmed by him. and he that is sweet in words shall attain to great-
27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own er things.
house : but he that hnteth brijies shall live. 22 Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that
By mercy and faith sins are purged away and possesseth it : the instruction of fools is foolish-

by the fear of the Lord every one declineth from ness.

evil. 23 The heart of the wise shall instruct his
28 The mind of the just studieth obedience mouth and shall add grace to his lips, :

the mouthof the wicked overfloweth with evils. 24 Well-ordered words are as a honey-comb,
29 The Lord is far from the wicked and he sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

will hear the prayers of the just. 25 There is a way that seemeth to a man right:
30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the soul a and the ends thereof lead to death.

good name maketh the bones fat. 26 The soul of him that laboureth, laboureth
31 The ear that heareth the reproofs of life, for himself, because his mouth hath obliged him
shall abide in the midst of the wise. to it.
32 He that rejecteth instruction, despiseth his 27 The wicked man diggeth evil, and in hia
own soul: but he that yieldeth to reproof possess- lips is a burning fire.
©th understanding. 28 A perverse man stirreth up quarrels : and
33 The fear of the Lord is the lesson of wis- one full of words separateth princes.
dom : and humility goeth before glory. 29 An unjust man allureth his friend and :

leadeth him into a way that is not good.

CHAP. XVL 30 He that with fixed eyes deviseth wicked
is the part of man* to prepare the soul : and tilings, biting liis lips bringeth evil to pass.
TT of the Lord to govern the tongue. 31 Old age is a crown of dignity, when it ii
2 All the ways of a man are open to his eyes found in the ways of justice.
the Lord is the weigher of spirits. 32 The patient man is better than the valiant
3 Lay open thy works to the Lord : and thy and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh
thoughts shall be directed. cities.
4 The Lord hath made all things for himself: 33 Lots are cast into the lap ; but they are dis-
the wicked also for the evil day. posed of by the Lord.
5 Every proud man is an abomination to the
Lord though hand should be joined to hand, he

is not innocent. is ETTER

a dry morsel with joy, than a
The beginning of a good way, is to do justice: hoiise full of victims with strife.
and this is more acceptable with God, than to 2 A wise servant shall rule over foolish sons,
oflTer sacrifices. and shall divide the inheritance among the
6 By mercy and truth iniquity is redeemed brethren. :

and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. 3 As silver is tried by fire, and gold in the fur-
nace ; so the Lord trieth the hearts.
* Ti is the part of man, fee. That is, a man 4 The evil man obeyeth an unjust tongue : and
should prepare in his heart and soul what he is the deceitful hearkeneth to lying lips.
to say but after all it must be tlie Lord that must
: 5 He that despiseth the poor, reproacheth his
govern his tongue, to speak to the purpose. Not maker: and he that rejoiceth at another man's
that we can think any thing of good without ruii!, shall not be unpunished.
God's grace; but that after we have (with God's G Children's children are the crown of old men ;
grace) thought and prepared within our souls and llie glory of children are their fathers.
what we conld speak ; if God does not govern our 7 Eloquent words do not become u fool, nor
tongue, we shall not succeed in what we speak. lying lips a prince


'6 Tlie eij)ectation of him that expectetli, is a He tliat is loose and slack in hia ^ork,
tnost acceptable jewel whitliersoevor he turneth is the brother of him that wasletli his own

himaelf, he understaiuieth wisely. works.

9 He that concealeih a transgression, seeketh ip The name of the Lord is a strong tower
friendships. he that repeatetli it again, separateth the just runneth to it, and shall be exalted.
friends. 11 The substance of the rich man is the city
10 A reproof availeth more with a wise man, of his strength, and as a strong wall compassing
than a hundred stripes with a fool. him about.
11 An evil man always seeketli Quarrels : but 12 Before destruction, the heart of a man is
n cruel angel shall be sent against liim. exalted: and before he be glorified, it is nuni-
12 It is better to meet a bear robbed of her bled.
whelps, than a fool trusting in his own folly. 13 He that answereth before he heareth,
13 He that rendereth evil for good, evil shall sheweth himself to be a fool, and worthy of con-
not depart from his house. fusion.
14 The beginning of quarrels is as when one 14 The spirit of a man upholdeth his infir-
lettelh out water: before he sufleretli reproach, mity : but a spirit that is easily angered, who
lie forsaketh judgment. can bear ?
15 He tliat justifieth the wicked, and he that 15 A wise heart shall acquire knowledge : and
condemnetli the just, both are abominable before the ear of the wise seeketh instruction :
God. 16 A man's gift enlargeth his way, and maketh
16 What doth it avail a fool to have riches, him room before princes.
seeing he cannot buy wisdom ? 17 The just is first accuser of himself: his
He that niaketh his house high, seeketh a friend cometh, and shall search him.
downfall • and he that refuseth to learn, shall fall 18 The lot suppresseth contentions, and de-
Into evil. termineth even between the mighty.
17 He that is a friend loveth at all times : and 19 A brother that is helped by his brother ia
a brother is proved in distress. like a strong city : and judgments are like the
18 A foolisli man will clap hands, when he is bars of cities.
surety for his friend. 20 Of the fruit of a man's mouth shall his
19 He that studieth discords, loveth quarrels : belly be satisfied : and the ofl'spring of his lips
and he that exalteth his door, seeketh luin. shall fill him.
20 He that is of a perverse heart, shall not find: 21 Death a:id life are in the power of the
good; and he tliat perverteth his tonguo, shall tongue : they tliat love it shall eat the fruits
fall into evil. thereof.
21 A fool is born to his own disgrai.e : and 22 He that hath found a good wife, hath found
even his father shall not rejoice in a fool. a good thing, and shall receive a pleasure from
22 A joyful mind makcth age flourishing : a the Lord. He that driveth away a good wife,
sorrowful spirit drieth up the bones. driveth away a good thing : but he that keepeth
23 The wicked man taketh gifts out of the an adulteress, is foolish and wicked.
bosom, tliat he may pervert the patlis of judg- 23 The poor will speak with supplications;
ment. and the rich will speak roughly.
24 Wisdom shine th in the face of the wise : 24 A man amiable m society, shall be more
the eyes of fools are in the ends of the earth. friendly than a brother.
25 A foolish son is the anger of the father, and
the sorrow of the mother that bore him. CHAP. XIX.
26 It is no good thing to do hurt to the just;
nor to strike the prince, who judgeth right. BETTER is the poor man. that walketh in his
27 He that setteth bounds to his words, is simplicity, tlian a rich man that is perverse
knowing and wise and the man of understand-
: in his lips, and unwise.
ing is of a precious spirit. 2 Where there is no knowledge of the soul;
28 Even a fool, if he will hold his peace, shall there is no good and he that is hasty with his

be counted wise; and if he close his lips, a man feet shall stumble.
of understanding. 3 The folly of a man supplanteth his steps
and he fretteth in his mind against God.
CHAP. XVIII. 4 Riches make many friends but from the :

HE that hath a mind to depart from a friend poor man, even they whom he had, depart.
seeketh occasions he shall ever be sub-
: 5 A false witness shall not be unpunished:
ject to reproach. and he that speaketh lies, shall not escape.
2 A fool receiveth not the words of prudence 6 Many honour the person of him that is

unless thou say those things which are in his mightv, and- are friends of him that giveth gifts.
heart. 7 "the brethren of the poor man hate him
3 The wicked man when he is come into the moreover also his friends have departed far from
depth of sins, contemneth but ignominy and him.

reproach follow him. He that followeth after words only, shall have
4 Words fron) the mouth of a man are as deep nothing.
water; and the fountain of wisdom as an over- 8 But he that possesseth a mind, loveth his
flowing stream. own soul; and he that keepeth prudence shall
5 It is not good to accept the person of the find eood things.
wicked, to decline from the truth of judgment. 9 A false witness shall not be unpunished
6 The lips of a fool intermeddle with strife and he that speaketh lies, shall perish.

and his mouth provoketh quarrels. 10 Delicacies are not seemly for a fool ; nor
7 The mouth of a fool is his destruction and for a servant to have rule over prjices.

his lips are the ruin of his soul. 11 The learning of a man is known by pa.
8 The words of the double-tongued are as if tience : and his glorj' is to pass over wrongs.
they were harmless ; and they reach even to the 12 As the roaringof a lion, so also is the anger
inner parts of the bowels. of a king : and his cheerfulness as the dew upon
Fear casteth down the slothful and the souls the grass.

<tf t].". effemmate shall be hungry. 13 A foolish son is the grief of his father: and
, :;

a wrangling wife is like a roof continually drop 16 Take away the garment of him that is
ping through. surety for a stranger; and take a pledge from
14 House and riches are given by parents him for strangers.
but a prudent wife is properly from tlie Lord. 17 The bread of lying is sweet to a man: but
15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep and : afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
an idle soul shall suffer hunger. 18 Designs are strengthened by counsels ; and
16 He that keepeth the commandment, keep wars are to be managed by governments.
eth his own soul but he that neglecteth his own
: 19 Meddle not with him that revealeth Be-
way, shall dio. crets and walketh deceitfully, and openeth wide
17 He that hath mercy on the poor, lendeth to his lips.
the Lord : and he will repay him. 20 He that curseth his father and motlier, his
18 Chastise thy son, despair not: but to the lamp shall be put out in tlie midst of darkness.
killing of him set not thy soul. 21 The inheritance gotten hastily in the be-
19 He that is impatient, shall suffer damage ginning, in the end shall be without'a blessing.

and when he shall take away he shall add 22 Say not: I will return evil: wait for the
another thing. Lord, and he will deliver thee.
20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that 23 Diverse weights are an abomination before
thou mayst be wise in thy latter end. the Lord : a deceitful balance is not good.
21 There are many thoughts in the heart of 24 The steps of man are guided by the Lord
a man : but the will of the Lord shall stand but who is the man that can understand his owii
firm. way ?
22 A needy man is merciful and better is the
: 25 It is ruin to a man to devour holy ones, and
poor than the lying man. after vows to retract.
23 The fear of the Lord is unto life and he
: 26 A wise king scattereth the wicked, and
shall abide in fulness without being visited with bringelh over them the wheel.
evil. 27 The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord,
24 The slothful hideth his hand under his arm which searcheth all the hidden things of the
pit, and will not so much as bring it to his bowels.
mouth. 28 Mercy and truth preserve the king: and
25 The wicked man being scourged, the fool his throne is strengthened by clemency.
shall be wiser: but if thou rebuke a wise man he 29 The joy of young men is their strength
will understand discipline. and the dignity of old men, their grey hairs.
26 He that afflicteth his father, and chaselh 30 The blueness of a wound shall wipe away
away his mother, is infamous and unhappy. evils ; and stripes in the more inward parts of the
27 Cease not, O my son, to hear instruction, belly.
and be not ignorant of the words of knowledge. CHAP. XXL
28 An unjust witness scorneth judgment and :

the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity.

29 Judgments are prepared for scomers: and
AS the divisions of waters, so the heart of the
king is in the liand of the Lord wliitherso-

striking hammers for the bodies of fools. ever he will he shall turn it.
2 Every way of a man seemeth right to him-
CHAP. XX. self but the Lord weigheth the hearts.

WINE is a luxurious thing, and drunkenness

3 To do mercy and judgment, pleaseth the
whosoever is delighted there Lord more than victims.
with shall not be wise. 4 Haughtiness of the eyes is the enlarging of
2 As the roaring of a lion, so also is the dread the heart the lamp of the wicked is sin.

of a king he that provoketh him, sinnetli against

: 5 The tlioughts of the industrious always
his own soul. bring forth abundance : but every sluggard is al
3 It is an honour for a man, to separate him ways in want.
self from quarrels but all fools are meddling
: 6 He that gathereth treasures by a lying
with reproaches. tongue, is vain and foolish, and shall stumble
4 Because of the cold the sluggard would not upon the snares of death.
plough: lie shall beg therefore in the summer, 7 The robberies of the wicked shall be their
and it shall not be given him. downftll because they would not do judgment

5 Council in the heart of a man is like deep 8 The perverse way of a man is strange bij :

water: but a wise man will diaw it out. as for him that is pure, his work is right.
6 Many men are called merciful : but who 9 It is bettertosit in the corner of the house-top,
shall find a faithful man ? than with a brawling woman, and in a common
7 The just that walketh in his simplicity shall house.
leave behind him blessed children. 10 The soul of the wicked desireth evil : he
8 The king that sitteth on the throne of judg- will not have pity on his neighbour.
ment, sL-attereth away all evil with his look. 11 When a pfestilent man is punishedjthe little
9 Who can say My heart is clean, I am pure one will be wiser : and if he follow the wise, he

from sin ? will receive knowledge.

10 Diverse weights and diverse measures, both 12 The just considereth seriously the house of
are abominable before God. the vicked, that he may withdraw the wicked
11 By his inclinations a child is known, if his from evil.
works be clean and right. 13 He that stoppeth his ear against the cry of
12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, !he the poor, shall also cry himself, and shall not be
Lord hath made them both. heard.
13 Love not sleep, lest poverty oppress thee 14 A secret present quencheth anger; and a
open thy eyes, and be filled with bread. gift in the bosom the greatest wrath.
14 It is naught, it is naught, saith every 15 It is joy to the just to do judgment; and
buyer : and when he is gone away then he will dread to them that work iniquity.
boast. 16 A man tlmt sliall wander out of the way
15 There is gold and a multitude of jew- of doctrine, sh;il! abide in the company of tho
but the lips of knowledge are a precious g'iants.
vessel. ^ 17 Hethatloveth srood cheer, shall be in want:
1 : : ; : : :


he that loveth wine, and fat tilings, shall not be 18 Which

shall be beautiful for thee, if thoa
rich. thy bowels, and it shall flow in thy lipa:
keep it in
18 The wicked is delivered up for the just 19 That thy trust may be in the Lord, where-
and the unjust for tlie righteous. fore I have also shewn it to thee this day.
19 It is better to dwell in a wilderness, than 20 Behold, 1 have described it to thee three
with a quarrelsome and passionate woman. manner of ways, in thoughts and knowledge :

20 There is a treasure to be desired, and oil in 21 That I might shew thee the certainty and
the dwelling of the just : and the foolish man the words of truth, to answer out of these to them
shall spend it. that sent thee.
21 He that foUoweth justice and mercy, shall 22 Do no violence to the poor, because he is
find life, justice, and glory. poor; and do not oppress the needy in the gate :
22 The wise man hath scaled the city of the 23 Because the Lord will judge his cause and :

strorig, and hath cast down the strengtli of the will afflict them that have afflicted his soul.
confidence thereof. 24 Be not a friend to an angry man and do ;

23 He that keepeth his mouth and his tongue, not walk with a furious man
keepeth his soul from distress. 25 Lest perhaps thou learn his ways, and take
24 The proud and the arrogant is called igno scandal to thy soul.
'ant, who in anger worketh pride. 26 Be not with them that fasten down their
25 Desires kill the slothful for his hands hands, and that offer themselves sureties for debts

li;ive refused to work at all. 27 For if thou have not wherewith to restore,
26 He longeth and desireth all the day : but what cause is there, that he should take the cov-
he that is jusl, will give, and will not cease. ering from thy bed ?
27 The sacrifices of the wicked are abomi- 28 Pass not beyond the ancient bounds which
nable because they are offered of wickedness.
; thy fathers have set.
28 A lying witness shall perish: an obedient 29 Hast thou seen a man swift in his work 7
man shall speak of victory. he shall stand before kings, and shall not be be-
29 The wicked man impudently hardeneth his fore those that are obscure.
face :but he tliat is righteous, correcteth his
30 There is no wisdom, there is no prudence,
there is no counsel against the Lord.
thou shalt sit to eat with a prince,
consider diligently what is set before thy
31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle face ;

but the Lord giveth safety. 2 And put a knife to thy throat, if it be so that
thou have thy soul in thy own power.
CHAP. XXIL 3 Be not desirous of his meats, in which is the

A GOOD name is better than great riches bread of deceit.

and good favour is above silver and gold.
2 The rich and poor have met one another: prudence.
4 Labour not to be rich ; but set bounds to thy

the Lord is the maker of them both. 5 Lift not up thy eyes to riches which thou
3 The prudent man saw the evil, and hid him- canst not have ; because they shall make them-
Belf: the simple passed on and suffered loss. selves wings like those of an eagle, and shall fly
4 The fruit of humility is the fear of tlie Lord towards heaven.
riches and glory and life. 6 Eat not with an envious man, and desire not
5 Arms and swords are in tlie way of the per- his meats ;

verse but he that keepeth his own soul departeth

: 7 Because like a soothsayer, and diviner, he
far from them. thinketh that which he knoweth not. Eat and
6 It is a proverb A young man according to drink, will he say to thee : and his mind is not

his way, even when he is old, he will not depart with thee.
from it. 8 The meats which thou hadst eaten, thon
7 The rich ruleth over the poor and the bor- shalt vomit up : and shalt lose thy beautiful

rower is servant to him that lendeth. words.

8 He that soweth iniquity, shall reap evils 9 Speak not in the ears of fools : because they

and with the rod of his anger he shall be con- will despise the instruction of thy speech.
sumed. 10 Touch not the bounds of little ones : and
9 He tliat is inclined to mercy, shall be blessed enter not into the field of the fatherless.

for of his bread he hath given to the poor. ] 1 For their near kinsman is strong and he ;

He that maketh presents shall purchase victory will judge their cause against thee.
and honour: but he carrieth away the souls of 12 Let thy heart apply itself to instruction:
the receivers. and thy pars to words of knowledge.
10 Cast out the scoffer, and contention shall 13 Withhold not correction from a child : for if
go out with hiin and quarrels and reproaches thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die.

shall cease. 14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and de-
1 He that loveth cleanness of heart, for the liver his soul from hell.
grace of his lips shall have the king for his friend. 15 My son,.if thy mind be wise, my heart shall
12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge rejoice with thee

and the words of the unjust are overthrown. 16 And my reins shall rejoice, when thy lipa
13 The slothful man saith: There is a lion shall speak what is right.
without: I shall be slain in the midst of the streets. 17 Let not thy heart envy sinners but be thou :

14 Tlie mouth of a strasge woman is a deep in the fear of the Lord all the day long:
pit: he whom the Lord is angry with shall fall 18_ Because thou shalt have hope in the latter
into it. end; and thy expectation shall not be taken away.
15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child: 19 Hear thou, my son, and be wise: and guide
and the rod of correction shall drive it away. thy mind in the way.
16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase his 20 Be not in the feasts of great drinkers, nor in
own riches, shall himself give to one that is richer, their revellings, who contribute flesh to eat:
and shall be in need. 21 Because they that trive themselves to drink-
17 Incline thy ear, and hear the words of the ing, and that club together, shall be consumed,
wise and apply thy heart to my doctrine
: and drowsinc-s slial! be clothed with raffs.
3 F 417
: : : : : : : «::

22 Hearken to thy father, that begot thee : and, 17 When thy enemyshall fall, be not glu«l
despise not thy mother when she is old. and in his ruin let not thy heart rejoice ;
23 Buy truth; and do not sell wisdom, and 18 Lest Uie Lord see, and it displease liiii^
struction, and understanding. and he turn away his wrath from him.
24 The fathorof the just rejoiceth greatly: he 19 Contend not with the wicked, nor seek to
that hath begotten a wise sou, shall have joy in be like the ungodly :
Ixim. 20 For evil men have no hope of things to
25 Let thy father and thy motherbe joyful; and come : and the lamp of the wicked shall be put
let her rejoice that boro thee. out.
26 My son, give nie thy heart and let tliy eyes
: 21 My son, fear the Lord, and the king ; and
keep my ways. have nothing to do with detractors.
27 For a harlot is a disep ditch ; and a strange 22 For their destruction shall rise suddenly :
woman is a narrow pit. and who knoweth the ruin of both ?
28 Siie lieth in wait in the way as a robber: 23 These tilings also to the wise It is not :

and liim whom she shall see unwary, she will good to have respect to persons ui judgment.
kill. 24 They that say to the wicked man Thou :

29 Who hath wo? whose father hath wo? art just; shall be cursed by the people; and the
who hath contentions ? who falls into pits ? who tribes shall abhor them.
hath wounds without cause? who bath redness 25 They that rebuke him, shall be praised
of eyes ? and a blessing shall come upon them.
30 Surely they that pass their time in wine, 26 He shall kiss the lips, who ans were th right
and study to drink off tlieir cups. words.
31 Look not upon the wine when it is yell'>w, 27 Prepare thy work without, and diligently
when the colour thereof shineth in the gfas^ ; it till thy ground, that afterward thou mayst
goeth in pleasantly build thy house.
32 But hi the end, it will bite like a snake, 28 Be not witness without cause against thr
and will spread abroad poison like a basilisk. neighbour; and -deceive not any man with thy
33 Thy eyes shall behold strange women lips.
and thy heart shall utter perverse things 29 Say not : I will do to him as he hath doue

34 And thou shalt be as one sleeping in the to me : I will render to every one according to
midst of the sea, and as a pilot fast asleep, when his work.
the stern is lost. 30 I passed by the field of the slothful man,
35 And thou shalt say : They have beaten and by the vineyard of the foolish man :
me, but I was not sensible of pain : tliey drew 31 And behold, it was all filled with nettles,
me, and I felt not: when shall I awake, and find and thorns had covered the face thereof: and
wine again? the stone wall was broken down.
32 Which, when I had seen, I laid it up in my
CHAP. XXIV. heart : and by the example I received instruc-
SEEK not to be like
to be with them
evil men; neither desire tion.
33 Thou wilt sleep a little, said I thou wilt :

2 Because their mind studietli robberies ; and slumber a little; thou wilt fold thv hands a lit-
their lips speak deceits. tle to rest

3 By wisdom the house shall be built : and by 34 And poverty shall come to thee as a run*
prudence it shall be strengthened. ner, and beggary as an armed man.
4 By instruction the store-rooms shall be filled
with all precious and most beautiful wealth.
5 A wise man is strong and a knowing man
are also parables of Solomon, which
stout and valiant. the men of Ezechias king of Juda copied
6 Because war is managed by due ordering out :

and there shall be safety where there are many 2 It is the glory of God to conceal the word,
counsels. and ihe glory of kings to search out the speech.
7 Wisdom is too high for a fool in the gate : 3 The heaven above, and the earth beneath,
he shall not open his mouth. and the heart of kings is unsearchable.
8 He that deviseth to do evils, shall bo called 4 Take away the rust from silver, and there
a fool. shall come forth a most pure vessel
9 The thought of a fool is sin ami the de- : 5 Take away wickedness from the face of the
tractor is the abomination of men. king; and his throne shall be established with
10 If thou lose hope being weary in the day justice.
of distress, thy strength shall be diminished. 6 Appear not glorious before tlie king; and
11 Deliver them that are led to death and stand not in the place of great men.

those tliat are drawn to death forbear not to de 7 For it is better that it should be said to thee
Jiver. Come up hither; than that thou shouldst be
12 If thou say ; I have not strength enough humbled before the prince.
he that seeth into the heart, he understandelh, 8 The things which thy eyes have seen, utter
and nothing deceiveth the keeper of thy soul, not hastily in a quarrel: lest afterward thou
and he shall render to a man according to his mayst not be able to make amends, when LidU
works. hast dishonoured thy friend.
13 Eat honey, my son, because it is good, and 9 Treat thy cause with thy friend ; and dis-
the honey -comb most sweet to thy throat cover not the secret to a stranger;
J4 So also is the doctrine of wisdom to thy 10 Lest he insult over thee, when he hath
woul: which when thou hast found, thou shalt heard it, and cease not to upbrajd thee.
have hope in the end, and thy hope shall not Grace and friendship deliver a man : keep
perish. these for thyself, lest thou fall under reproach.
15 Lie not in wait, nor seek after wickedness 11 To speak a word in due lime, is like apples
in the house of the just, nor spoil his rest. of gold on beds of silver.
16 For a just man shall fall seven times and 12 As an ear-ring of gold and a bright pearl, so
(riiall rise again : but the wicked shall fall down is he that reproveth the wise, and the obedient
iato eviL ear. /


13As ihe cold of snow in the time of harvest, 9 As if a thorn should grow in the of
80 isa faithful inosscnger to liiin that sent him a drunkard ; so is a jjorable in the mouth of
for he refresheth his soul. fools.
M As clouds, and wind, when no rain follow 10 Judgment delermineth causes : and hethot
etli, so is the niun that boasteth, and doth not pulteth a fool to silence, appeaseth anger.
fulfil his promises. 11 As a dog that roturncili to his vomit; so is
15 By patience a prince shall be appeased; tlie fool that repeatuth his folly.
and a soft tongue shall break hardness. 12 Hast thou seen a man wise in his own con-
16 Thcu hast found honey ; eat what is suffi- ceit? there shall be more hope of a fool than of
cient for thee, lest being glutted therewith, thou him.
vomit It up. 13 The slothful man saith : There is a lion in
17 Withdraw thy foot from the house of thy the way, and a lioness in the roads.
neighbour, lest having his fill, he hate thee. 14 As the door turneth upon its hinges, so
18 A man that beareth false witness against doth the slothful upon his led.
his neighbour, is like a dart and a sword and a 15 The slothful hideth his hand under his arm-
sharp arrow. pit ; and it grieveth him to turn it to his mouth.
19 To trust to an unfaithful man in the time 16 The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit,
of trouble, is like a rotten tooth, and weary foot, than seven men that speak sentences.
20 And one that loseth his garment in cold 17 As he that takctli a dog by the ears, so is
weather. he that passcth by in anjjer, and meddleth with
As vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth another man's quarrel.
songs to a very evil heart. As a moth doeth bv 18 As he is guilty tiiai shooteth arrows and
a garment, and a worm by the wood ; so the sad- lances unto death
ness of a man consumeth the heart. 19 So is the man, that hurteth his friend de-
21 If tliy enemy be hungry, give him to eat ceitfully; and when he is taken, saith: I did it
if he thirst, give him water to drink : in jest.
22 For thou shalt heap hot coals upon liis 20 When the wood faileth, the fire shall go
head ; Lord will reward thee.
and tlie out: and when the tule-bearer is taken away,
23 The north wind driveth away rain, as doth contentions shall cease.
a sad countenance a backbiting tongue. 21 As coals are to burning coals, and wood to
24 It is better to sit in a comer of the house- fire, so an angry man stirreth up strife.
top, than with a brawling woman, and in a com- 22 The words of a tale-bearer are as it were
mon house. simple ; but they reach to the innermost parts o.
2o As
cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good the belly.
tidings from a far country. 23 Swelling lips joined with a corrupt heart,
26 A just man falling down before the wicked, are like an earthen vessel adorned with silver
IS as a fountain troubled with the foot, and a cor- dross.
rupted spring. 24 An enemy is known by his lips, when in hig
27 As it is not good for a man to eat much heart he entertaineth deceit. ,

honey, so he that is a searcher of majesty,* shall 25 When he shall speak low, trust him not :
be overwhelmed by glory. because there are seven mischiefs in his heart.
28 As a city that lielh open, and is not com- 26 He that covcreth hatred deceitfull}', his
passed with walls, so is a man tliat cannot refrain malice shall be laid open in the public assem-
liis own spirit in speaking. bly.
27 He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into it : and
CHAP. XXVI. he that rolleth a stone, it shall return to him.
28 A deceitful tongue loveth not truth : and a
AS snow
summer, and rain in harvest
glory is not seemly for a fool.
; so
slippery mouth workcth ruin,
2 As a birdt flying to other places, and a spar- CHAP. XXVII.
row going here or there so a curse uttered with-
out cause shall come upon a man.
BOAST not for to-morrow for thou knowest

not what the day fb come may bring forth.

3 A whip for a horse, and a snaffle for an ass,
2 Let another praise lliee, and not thy own
and a rod for the back of fools.
mouth a stranger and not thy own lips.
4 Answer not a foolt according to his folly,

3 A stone is heavy, and sand weighty but the :

lest thou be made like him.
anger of a fool isheavier than them both.
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he
4 Anger hath no mercy, nor fury when it
imagine himself to be wise.
breaketh forth: and who can bear the violence
6 He that sendeth words by a foolish messen-
of one provoked 1
ger, is lame of feet, and drinketh iniquity.
5 Open rebuke is better than hidden love.
7 As a lame man hath fair legs in vain so a
6 Better are the wounds of a friend, than the
parable is unseemly in the mouth of fools.
deceitful kisses of an enemv.
8 As he tliat casteth a stone into the heap of
7 A soul that is full shall tread upon the ho-
Mercury so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
ney-conib; and a soul that is hungry shall take
even bitter for sweet.
* Majesty, viz. of God. For to search into 8 As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is
that incomprehensible Majesty, and to pretend a man thatleaveth his place.
to sound the depths of the wisdom of God, is ex- 9 Ointment and perfumes rejoice the heart*.
posing our weak understanding to be blinded and the good counsels of a friend are sweet to the
with an excess of light and glory, which it cannot soul.
comprehend. 10 Thy own friend, and thy father's friend %>r-
\ As a bird, &c. The meaning is, that a sake not: and go not into thy brother's house in
curso uttered without cause shall do no harm to the dav of thv affliction.
the person that is cursed, but will return upon Better is a neighbour that is near, than a bro-
him that curseth; as, whithersoever a bird flies, ther afar off".
it returns to its own nest. 11 Study wisdom, my son, and make my heut
X Anstrernot a fool, &.c. Viz. so as to imitate joyful, that thou mayst give an answer to him
Mm, but only so as to reproTe his folly. 'that reproacheth.
1 ; 1 :

12 The prudent man seeing evil hidetli him- 13 He that hideth his sins, sliall not prosper ;

•elf: littleones passing on have suH'ered losses but he that shall confess, and forsake them, shal^
13 Take away his garment tiiat hath been obtaiif mercy.
surety for a stranger : and take from him a pledge 14 Blessed is the man that is always fearfulj,
for strangers. but he that is hardened in mind, shall fall into evil.
14 He that blesseth his neighbour with a loud 15 A.1 a roaring lion, and a hungry bear, so is
voice, rising in the night, shall be like to him tliat a wicked prince over the poor people.
curseth. 16 A prince void of prudence shall oppress
15 Roofs dropping through in a cold day, and many by calumny but he tliat hateth covetous-

a contentious woman, are alike. ness, shall prolong his days.

16 He that retuineth her, is as he that would 17 A man that doeih violence to the blood of
hold the wind, and shall call in the oil of his right a person, if he flee even to the pit, no man will
band. stay him.
17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpcnetli 18 He thatwalketh uprightly, shall be saved;
the countenance of his friend. he that is perverse in his ways, shall fall at once.
18 He that keepeth the fig-tree, sliall eat the 19 He- that tilleth his ground, shall be filleu
fruit thereof: and he that is the keeper of his with bread but he that followeth idleness, shall

master, shall be glorified. be filled with poverty.

19 As the faces of them that look therein, 20 A faithful man shall be much praised but :

shine in the water; so the heart.-: of men are laid he that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be in-
open to the wise. nocent.
20 Hell and destruction are never filled ; 21 He that hath respect to a person in judg-
so the
eyes of men are never satisfied. ment, doeth not well : such a man even for a mor-
21 As silver is tried in a fining-pot, and gold in sel of bread forsakcth the truth.
the.fiirnace ; so a man is tried by the mouth of him 22 A
man, that maketh haste to be rich, and en-
tliut jiraiseth. vieth others, is ignorant that poverty shall come
Tiie heart of the wicked seeketh after evils upon him.
but the rigliteous heart seeketh after knowledge. 23 He that rebuketh a man, shall afterward
22 Though thou shouldst bray a fool in the find favour with him,, more than he that by a flat-
mortar, as when a pestle siriketh upon sodden tering tongue deceiveth him.
barley, his folly would not be taken from him. 24 He that stealeth any thing from his father,
23 Be diligent to know the countenance of thy or from his mother, and saith: This is no sin, ii
cattle ; and consider thy own flocks : the partner of a murderer.
24 For thou shah not always have power : but 25 He that boasteth, and puflfeth up himself,
a crown shall be given to generation and genera- stirreth up quarrels but he that irusteth in the

tion. Lord, shall be healed.

25 The meadows are open, and the green 26 He that trusteth in his own heart, is a
herbs have appeared, and the hay is gathered out fool: but he that walketh wisely, he shall be
of the mountains. saved.
26 Lambs are for thy clothing; and kids for 27 He that giveth to the poor, shall not want
the price of the field. he that despiseth his entreaty, shall suffer indi-
27 Let the milk of the goats be enough for thy gence.
food, and for the necessities of thy house, and for 28 When the wicked rise up, men shall hide
maintenance for thy handmaids. themselves : when they perish, the just shall be,
wicked man fleeth, when no man pnr-
but the just, bold as a lion, shall be
: rjIHE man that with a stiff neck despiseth hitn
without dread. 1. that rcproveth him, shall suddenly be de-
2 For the sins of the land many are the princes stroyed : and health shall not follow him.
thereof: and for the wi^lom of a man, and the 2 When just men increase, the people shall
knowledge of those things that are said, the life rejoice : when the wicked shall bear rule, the
of the pnnce shall be prolonged. people shall mourn.
3 A poor man that oppresseth the poor, is like 3 A man that loveth wisdom, rejoiceth his fa-
a violent shower, which bringeth a famine. ther: but he that maintaineth harlots, shall
4 They that forsake the law, praise the wicked squander away his substance.
man : they that keep .it, are incensed against 4 A just king setteth up the land : a covetous
him. man shall destroy it.
5 Evil men think not on judgment but they : 5 A man that speakcth to his friend with flat-
that seek after the Lord, take notice of all ten iig and dissembling words, spreadcth a net
things. for (lis feet.
6 Better the poor man walking in his sim-
is 6 A snare shall entangle the wicked man wlien
plicity, than the rich in crooked ways. he sinneth and the just shall praise and rejoice.

7 He that keepsth the law, is a wise .=on ; but 7 The just taketh notice of the cause of the
he thatfeedeth gluttons, shameth his father. poor : the wicked is void of knowledge.
8 He that heapeth together riches by usury 8 Corrupt men bring a city to ruin : but wise
and loan, guthereth them for him that will be men turn away wrath.
bountiful to the poor. If a wise man contend with a fool, whether
9 He that turneth away his ears from hearing he be ansrrv, or laugh, he shall find no rest.
the law, his prayer shall be an abomination. 10 Blood-thirsty men hate the upright : but
10 He that deceiveth the just in a wicked way, just men seek his soul.
shall full in his own destruction : and the upright 1 A fool uttereth all his mind : a wise man
shall possess his goods. deferreth, and keepeth it till afterwards.
1 The rich man seemeth to himself wise but 12 A prince that gladly heareth lying words

the poor man that is prudent shall search him hath all his servants wicked.
out. 13 The poor man and the creditor hare mel
12 In the joy of the just there is great glory one another : the Lord is the enlightenerof theoa
when the wicked reign, men are ruined. both. /

: ;

14 The king that judgeth tlie poor in truth, hisr| 8 Remove far from me vanity and lying worth.
throne shall be established for ever. Give me neitlier beggary, nor riches: give me
15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but the only the necessaries of life :
child that is left to his own will bringeih his mo- 9 Lest perhaps being fdled, I should be tempt-
ther to shame. ed to deny, and say : Who ie the Lord ? or being
16 When the wicked are multiplied, crimes compelled by poverty, 1 should steal, and for-
shall be multiplied : but the just shall see their swear the name of my God.
downfall. 10 Accuse not a servant to his master, lest he
17 Instruct thy son : and he shall refresh thee, curse thee, and thou fall.
and siiall give deliglit to thy soul. 11 There is a generation that curseth their
18 When prophecy shall fail, the people shall father, and doth not bless their mother.
be scattered abroad : but he that keepeih the 12 A generation, that arc pure in their own
law, is blessed. eyes, and yet are not washed troin their fil-
19 A slave will not be corrected by words tliiness.
because he understandeth what thou sayest, and 13 A generntion whose eyes are lofty, and
will not answer. their eye-lids lifted up on high.
20 Hast thou seen a man hasty to speak? 14 A generation, that for teeth hath swords,
folly is radier to be looked for, than his amend- and grindelh with their jaw-teeth, to devour the
ment. needy from off the earth, and the poof from
21 He that nourisheth his servant delicately among men.
from his childhood, afterwards shall fiml him 15 The horse-leecht hath two daughters that
Btubboni. say Bring, bring. :

22 A passionate man provoketh quarrels and : There are three things that never are satisfied :
he that is easily stirred up to wrath, shall be and the fourth never saith : It is enough.
more prone to sin. 16 Hell, and the mouth of the womb, and the
23 Humiliation foUoweth the proud : and glory earth whicli is not satisfied with water: and the
shall uphold the humble of spirit. Ifire never saith It is enough.

24 He that is partaker with a thief, hateth his 17 The eye that mocketh at his father, and
own soul : he heareth one putting him to iiis that despiseth the labour of his mother in bearing
oath, and discovereth not. him, let the ravens of the brooks pick it out,
25 He that feareth man, shall ouickly fall: and the young eagles eat it.
he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be set on 18 Tliree things are hard to me ; and the
high. fourth I am utterly ignorant of.
26 Many seek the face of the prince : but the 19 The way of an eagle in the air, the way of
I'udgment of every one cometh forth from the a serpent upon a rock, the way of a ship in the
^rd. midst of the sea, and the way of a man in youth.
27 The just abhor a wicked man and the
: 20 Such is also the way of an adulterous wo-
wicked loath them that are in the right way. man, who cateth, and wipeth her mouth, and
The son that keepeth the word, shall be free saith: I have done no evil.
from destruction. 21 By three things the earth is disturbed : and
CHAP. XXX. the fourth it cannot bear:
22 By a slave wlien he reigneth ; by a fool
The tcise man thinketh humbly oj himself His when he is filled with meat

prayer, and sentiments npon certain virtues 23 'By an odious woman when she is married
and vices, and by a bond-woman when she is heir to her
THE words of Gatherer* the son of Vomiter. mistress.
The vision which the man spoke, with 24 There are four very little things of the
whom God is, and who being strengtliened by earth; and they are wiser than the wise :
God, abiding with him, said : 25 The ants, a feeble people, which provide
2 I am the most foolish of men : and the wis- themselves food in the harvest:
dom of men is not with me. 26 The rabbit, a weak people, which maketh
3 I have not learned wisdom, and have not its bed in the rock :
known ihe science of saints. 27 The locust hath no king, yet they all go
4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, and out by their bands :
descended ? who hath held the wind in his hands? 28 The stellio§ supporteth itself on hands,and
who hath bound up the waters together as in a gar- dwelleth in kings' houses.
ment ? who hath raised up all the borders of the 29 There are three things, which go well, and
earth ? what is his name, and what is the name the fourth that walketh happily :
of iiis son, if thou knowest ? 30 A lion, the strongest of beasts, who hath no
5 "^very word of God is fire-tried :t he is aj fear of any thing he meeteth
buckler to them that hope in him. 31 A cock girded about the loins; and a ram;

6 Add not any thinff to his words, lest thou be and a king, whom none can resist.
reproved, and found a liar: 32 There is that hath appeared a fool after
7 Two things I have asked of thee ; deny he was lifted up on high for if he had under-

them not to me before I die. stood, he would have laid his hand upon his
* Gatherer, &c. or, as it is in the Latin, Con- 32 And he that strongly squeezeth the pans
gre'^aiis the son of Vomciis. The Latin inter- to bring out milk, straineth out butter: and he
preter has given us in tills place the signification that violently bloweth his nose, bringeth out
of the Hebrew names, instead of the names blood : and he thai provoketh wrath, bringeth
tliemselves, which are in the Hebrew, Agur the forth strife.
eon of Jakeh. But whether this Agur be the
tame person as Solomon, as many think, or a dif- t The horse leech. Concupiscence, which
ferent person, whose doctrine was adopted by hath two dauffhters that are never satisfied, viz.
Solomon, and inserted among his parables or [lust and avarice.
$ The steflio. A kind of house-lizard marked
proverbs, is uncertain. 1

\ Is fire-tried : that is, most pure, like gold iwith spots like stars, from whence it has its
pnrified by fire. name.
: : :

CHAP. XXXI. a prey to her household, and victuals to hei
dn exhortation to cluistUy, temperance, and works 16 She hath considered a field, and bought it:
of mercy ; with the praise of a wise woman.
with tlie fruit of her hands she hatli planted a
THE words of
wherewith his
king Lamuel.*
The vision vineyard.
insti-ucted him. 17 She hath girded her loins with strengtn, and
2 What, O my beloved ; what, O the beloved hath strengthened her arm.
of my womb ; what, O the beloved Of my vows? 18 She hatli tasted and seen that hertraflSc ia
3 Give not thy substance to women, and thy good: her lamp shall not be put out in the night.
riches to destroy kings. 19 Shehathpul out her liahd to strong tilings:
4 Give not to kings, O Lamuel, give not wine and her fingers have taken hold of the spindle.
to kings : because there is no secret where drunk- 20 She hath opened her hand to the needy,
enness reigneth; and stretched out her hands to the poor.
5 And lest they drink and forget judgments, 21 She shall not fear for her house in the cold
and pervert the cause of the children of the of snow for all her domesticks are clothed with

poor. double garments

6 Give strong drink to them that are sad, and 22 She hath made for herself clothing of ta-
wine to them that are grieved in mind pestry fine linen and purple is her covering.

7 Let them drink, and forget their want, and 23 Her husband is honourable in the gates,
remember tlieir sorrow no more. when he sitteth among the senators of the land.
8 Open thy mouth for the dumb, and for the 24 She made fine linen, and sold it ; and deliv-
causes of all the children tliat pass. ered a girdle to the Chananite.t
9 Open thy mouth; decree that which is just; 25 Strength and beauty are her clothing : and
and do justice to the needy and poor. she shall laugh in the latter day.
10 Who shall find a valiant woman ? far, and 26 She hath opened her mouth to wisdom, and
from the uttermost coasts is the price of her. the law of clemency is on her tongue.
11 The heart of her husband trustetli in her; 27 She hath looked well to the paths of her
and he shall have no need of spoils. house, and hatli not eaten her bread idle.
12 She will render him good, and not evil, all 28 Her children rose up, and called her bless
the days of her life. ed her husband, and he praised her.

13 She hath sought wool and flax, and hath 29 Many daughters have gathered togethei
wrought by the counsel of her hands. riches thou hast surpassed them all.

14 She is like the merchant's ship; she bring- 30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty ia vain : the
oth her bread from afar. woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
15 And she hath risen in the night, and given 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands : and let
her works praise her in the gates.
* Lamuel. This name signifies God with him,
and is supposed to have been one of the names t The Chananite, the merchant: for Chana-
of Solomon. nite in Hebrew signifies a merchant.

Thts hook is called Ecclesiastes,or the Preach- 9 What is it that hath been ? the same thing
er, (in Hebrew, Coheleth,^ because in it that shall be. What is it that hath been done t
Solomon, as an excellent preacher, setteth forth the same that shall be done.
the vanity of the thing's oj this world ; to with- 10 Nothing under the sun is new : neither is
draw the hearts and affections ofmen from such any man able to say : Behold, this is new : for
empty toys. it hath already gone before, in the ages that
CHAP. I. were before us.
The vanity ^
all temporal things. 11 There is no remembrance of former things
THE words of Ecclesiastes, the son of David, nor indeed of those things which hereafter are to
king of Jerusalem. come, shall there be any remembrance with them
2 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes : vanity that shall be in the latter end.
of vanities, and all is vanity. 12 I Ecclesiastes was king over Israel in Je-
3 What hatli a man more of all his labour, rusalem :
that he taketh under the sun ? 13 And I proposed in my mind to seek and
4 One generation passeth away, and another search out wisely concerning all things that are
generation cometh : but the earth standeth for done under the sun. This painful occupation
ever. hath God given to the children of men, to be ex-
5 The sun riseth, and goeth down, and return ercised therein.
eth to his place : and there rising again, 14 I have seen all things that are done under
6 Maketh his round by the South, and tumeth the sun and Ijehold, all is vanity, and vexation

again to the North : the spirit goeth forward sur- of spirit.

veying all places round about, and retumeth to 15 The perverse are hard to be corrected:
his circuits. and the number of fools is infinite.
7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea 16 I have spoken in my heart, saying: Be-
doth not overflow unto the place from whence hold, I am become great, and have gone beyond

the rivers come, they return, to flow again. nil in wisdom, that were before me in Jerusa-
8 All things are hard : man cannot explain lem and my mind hath contemplated many

them by word. The eye is not filled with see- things wisely, and I have learned.
ing, neither is the ear filled with hearing. 17 And I have given my heart to know pru-

^hap: II. III.

^nce, and learning, and errors, and folly and 20 Wherefore I left oflT, and my heart re

I have perceived that in these also there was la- nounced labouring any more under the sun.
bour, and vexation of spirit 21 For when a man labouretli in wisdom, and
18 Because in much wisdom there is much in- knowledge, and carefulness, he leaveth what be
dignation and he tliat addeth knowledge, ad- hath gotten to an idle man so this also is vanity,

deth also labour. and a great evil.

CHAP. II. 22 For what profit shall a man have of all bia
labour, and vexation of spirit, with which ba
TTie vanity of pleasures, riches, and worldly la-
hath been tormented under the sun ?
23 All his
SAID in my lieart: I will go, and abound ries : even in days
are full of sorrows and mis»

tlie night he doth not rest in mind

I with delights, and enjoy good things. And
and is not this vanity ?

saw that this also was vanity. 24 Is it not better to eat and drink, u.d lo
2 Laughter I counted error: and to mirth I shew his soul good things of his
labours &id
said: Why art tliou vainly deceived ? this is from the hand of God.

3 I thought in my heart, to withdraw my flesh 25 Who shall so feast and abound with de-
from wiiie, that I might turn my mind to wis- lights as I ?
dom, and might avoid folly, till I might see what; 26 God hath given to a man that is good in hia
was profitable for the children of men: andl sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy : but
wliat thev ought to do under the sun, all thel the sinner he
hatii given vexation, and super-
days of tlieir life. fluous care, to heap up and to gather togetJier,

4 I made me great works : I built me houses,j and

to give it to him that hath pleased God : but
and planted vineyards : this also is vanity, and a fruitless solicitude of the

5 I made gardens and orchards, and set them! mind.

with trees of all kinds :


6 And I made me ponds of water, to water!

therewitli the wood of the young trees :
All huinan things are liable to perpetual changet.
7 I got me men servants, and maid servants ;i We are to rest on GoiTs providence, and cast
and had a great family, and lierds of oxen, and away fruitless cares.
great flocks of sheep, above all that were bcforei
nie in Jerusalem :
things have their season: and in their
times all things pass under heaven.

8 I heaped together for myself silver and gold,' 2 A time to be born, and a time to die. A
and the wealth of kings, and provinces I' time to plant, and a thne to pluck up that which

made me singinir men, and singing women, and is planted.

the delights of the sons of men, cups and vessels] 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time
to serve to pour out wine: to destroy, and a time to build.
9 And I surpassed in riches all that were be- 4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A
fore me in Jerusalem my wisdom also re- time to mourn, and a time to dance.

mained with me. 5 A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather.

10 And whatsoever my eyes desired, I re- A time to embrace, and a time lo be far from em-
fused them not: and I withheld not my heart braces.
from enjoying every pleasure, and delighting it- 6 A time to get, and a time to lose. A time
self in the things which I iiad prepared ; and to keep, and a time to cast away.
esteemed this my portion, to make use of my 7 A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time
own labour. to keep silence, and a time to speak.
11 And when I turned myself to all the works 8 A time of love, and a time of hatred. A time
which my hands had wrought, and to the la- of war, and a time of peace.
bours wherein I had laboured in vain, I saw in 9 What hath man more of his labour?
all things vanity, and vexation of mind, and diat 10 I have seen the trouble, which God hath
nothing was lasting under the sun. given the sons of men, to be exercised in it.
12 r passed further to behold wisdom, and er-j 11 He hath made all things good in their
rors, and folly (What Is man, said I, that he time, and hadi delivered the world to their con-

can follow the king his master?) sideration; so that man cannot find out the work
13 And I saw that wisdom excelled folly, as which God hath made ffom the beginning to
much as light differedi from darkness. the end.
14 The eyes of a wise man are in his head 12 And I have known that there was no

tlie fool walketh in darkness and I learned that better thing dian to rejoice, and to do well in

they were to die both alike. his life.

15 And I said in my heart If the death of tlie
: 13 For every man that eateth and drinketh,
fool and mine shall be one, what doth it avail and seeth good of his labour, this is the gift o(
me, that I have applied myself more to the study God.
of wisdom ? And speaking with my own mind, 14 I have learned that all the works which
I percei> ed that this also was vanity. God hath made, continue for ever: we cannot
16 For there shall be no remembrance of the add any thing, nor take away from those thinga
wise no more than of the fool for ever and the which God hath made that he may be feared,

times to come shall cover all things together 15 That which hath been made, the same con-
with oblivion : the learned dielh in like manner tinueth the things that shall be, have already

as the unlfarned. been: and God restoreth that which is past.

17 And therefore I was weary of my life, 16 I saw under the sun in the place of judg-
when I saw that all things under the sun are ment wickedness, and in tlie place of justice
evil, ^nd all vanity and vexation of spirit. iniquity.
18 Affain 1 hated all my application where- 17 And I said in my heart: God shall judge
with I had earnestly laboured under the sun; both ihe just and the wicked, and tlien shall be
being like to have an heir after nic, the time of every thing.
19 Whom I know not whotlier he will be a 18 I said in my heart concerning the sons of
wise man or a fool : and be shnll have rule over men, that God would prove them, and shew them
all my labours with whi'h I have laboured and to be like beasts.
been solicitous and is there any thing so vain ?i
: 19 Therefore the death of man, and of beasts it
: : : : : :

one; and the condition of them both is equal as' : 17 Keep thy foot, when thou goest into th«
man dieth, so they also die: all things breathe house of God, and draw nigh to hear. For much
alike ; and man hath nothing more* than beast better is obedience, than the victims of fools, who
all things are subject to vanity, know not what evil they do.
20 And all things go to one place : of earth CHAP. V.
they were made, and into eartli tliey return to-
Caution in words. Vows are to be paid. Riches
are often pernicious : the moderate use of them
21 Who knowetht if the spirit of the children
is the gift of God.
of Adam ascend upward, and if the spirit of the
beasts descend downward t
not any thing rashly, and let not thy
heart be hasty to utter a word before Goi
22 And 1 have found that nothing is better
than for a man to rejoice in his work and that

For God is in heaven, and thou upon earth
this is his portion. For who shall brmg him, to therefore let thy words be few.
know the things that shall be after him ? 2 Dreams follow many cares : and in many
words shall be found folly.
CHAP. IV. 3 If thou hast vowed any thing to God, defer
not to pay it for an unfaithful and foolish pro-
Other instances of human miseries, :

mise displeaseth Inm but whatsoever thou nast


TURNED myself to other things; and I sav/ vowed, pay it

I tlie oppressions that are done under the sun, 4 And it is much better not to vow, than after
and the tears of the innocent: and they had no a vow not to perform the thhigs proiTiised.
comforter: and they were not able to resist their 5 Give not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin:
violence, being destitute of help from any. and say not before the angel There is no provi- :

2 And I praised the dead rather than the dence lest God be angry at thy words, and de-

living. stroy all the works of thy hands.

3 And I. judged him happier than them both 6 Where there are many dreams, there are
that is not yet born, nor hatli seen the evils that many vanities, and words without number but :

are done under the sun. do thou fear God.

4 Again 1 considered all the labours of men 7 If thou shalt see the oppressions of the poor,
and 1 remarked that their industries are exposed and violent judgments, and justice perverted in
to the envy of their neighbour: so in this also the province, wonder not at this matter for he :

there is vanity and fruitless care. that is high hath another higher: and there are
5 The fool foldeth his hands together, and eat- others still higher than these.
cth his own flesh, saying 8 Moreover there is the king that reigneth over
6 Better is a handful with rest, than both hands all the land subject to him.
fall with labour, and vexation of mind. 9 A covetous man shall not be satisfied with
7 Considering I found also another vanity un- money and he that loveth riches shall reap no

der the sun fruit from them so this also i-s vanity.

8 There is but one, and he hath not a second, 1 Where there are great riches, there are also
no child, no brother: ^nd yet he ceaseth not to many to eat them. And what doth it profit the
labour; neither are his eyes satisfied with riches; owner, but that he seeth the riches with his
neither doth he reflect, saying For whom do I eyes ?

labour, and defraud my soul of good things? in 11 Sleep is sweet to a labouring man, whether
tliis also is vanity, 'and a grievous vexation. he eaf little or much but the fulness of the rich

9 It is better therefore that two should be to- will"ot suffer him to sleep.
gether, than one : for they have the advantage of 12 There is also another grievous evil which

their society I have seen under the sun riches kept to the

10 If one fall, he shall be supported by the hurt of the owner.

other wo to him that is alone ; for when he fall-
: 13 For they are lost with very great affliction :
eth, he hath none to lift him up. he hath begotten a son, who shall be in extremity
11 And if two lie together, they shall warm of want.
one another how shall one alone be warmed ?
: 14 As he came forth naked from his mother's
12 And if a man prevail against one, two shall womb, so shall he return, and shall take nothing
withstand him : a threefold cord is not easily away with him of his labour.
broken. 15 A most deplorable evil as he came, so :

13 Better is a child that is poor and wise, than shall he return. What then doth it profit him
a king that is old and foolish, who knoweth not that he hath laboured for the wind ?
to foresee for hereafter. 16 All the days of his life he eateth in dark-
14 Because out of prison and chains some- ness, and in many cares, and in misery, and
times a man cometh forth to a kingdom and sorrow.

another born king is consumed with poverty. n

This therefore hatli seemed good to me,
15 I saw all men living, that walk under the that a man should eat, and drink, and enjoy the
Pun with the second young man, who shall rise fruit of his labour, wherewith he hath laboured
np in his place. under the sun, all the days of his life, which God
16 The number of the people, of all that were hath given him and this is his portion.

befoie him is infinite: and they that shall come 18 And every man to whom God hath given
afterwards, shall not rejoice in him but this also riches, and substance, and hath given him power

is vanity, and vexation cf spirit. to eat thereof, and to enjoy his portion, and to
rejoice of his labour this is the gift of God.

* Man hath nothing more, &c. viz. as to the 19 For he shall not much remember the days
life of the body. of his life, because God entertaineth his heart
t Wlio knoweth, &c. viz. experimentalli/ ; since
with delight.
no one in this life can see a spirit. But as to CHAP. VI.
the spirit of the beasts which is merely animal,
The misery of the covetous man.
and becomes extinct by the death of the beast,
who can tell the manner it acts so as to give life THERE
is also another evil, which I have
seen under the sun, and that frequent among
and motion, and by death to descend downward.
tbatis, to')*' no more ? men.
; : : :;


2 A man to whom God hath given riches, and a defence but learning and wisdom excel te

substance, and honour, and his soul wanteth this, that they give life to him that posseeseth
notliing of all that he desireth : vet God dotlinot them.
give him power to eat thereof, but a stranger 14 Consider the works of God, that no man
shall eat it uj). This is vanity and a great can correct whom he hath despised.
misery. 15 In the good day enjoy good things, and
3 l( a man beget a hundred children, and live beware beforehand of the evil day : for God hath
many years, and attain to a great age, and his made bolh the one and the other, that man may
soul make no use of the goods of his substance, not find against him any just complaint.
and he be without burial; of this man I pro- 1() These things also I saw in the days of my
nounce, that the untimely born is better Uian he. vanity: A just man perisheth it his justice;
4 For he came in vain, and goeth in darkness and a wicked man liveth a long time in his wick-
and his name shall be wholly forgotten. edness.
5 He hath not seen the sun, nor known the 17 Be not over just :t and be not more wise
distance of good and evil: than is necessary, lest thou become stupid.
6 Although he lived two thousand years, and 18 Be not overmuch wicked :t and be not
hath not enjoyed good tilings : do not all make foolish, lest thou die before thy time.
haste to one place ? 19 It is good that thou shouldst hold up the
7 All the labour of man is for hi^ mouth : but just, yea and from him withdraw not thy hand
his soul shall not be tilled. for he that feareth God, neglecteth nothing.
8 What liath the wise man more than tlie fool ? 20 Wisdom hath strengthened the wise more
and what the poor man, but to go thither, where than ten princes of the city.
there is life ? 21 For there is no just man upon earth, that
9 Better it is to see what thou mayst desire, doeth good, and sumeth not.
than to desire that which thou canst not know. 22 But do not apply thy heart to all words that
But this also is vanity, and presumption of are spoken : lest perhaps thou hear thy servant
spirit. reviling thee.
10 He that shall be, his name is already call 23 For thy conscience knoweth, that thou also
ed: and it is known, that he is man, and cannot hast often spoken evil of others.
contend in judgment with him that is stronger 24 I have tried all things in wisdom. I have
than himself. said : I will be wise : and it departed farther
11 There are many words that have much va from me.
nity in disputing. 25 Much more than it was; it fs a great depth
CHAP. VII. who shall find it out?
26 I have surveyed all things with my mind,
Prescriptions against worldly vanities : morti-
to know, and consider, and seek out wisdom, and
fication, paiience, and seeking wisdom.
reason ; and to know the wickedness of the fool,
WHAT needeth a man to seek things tlint and the error of the imprudent
are above him, whereas he knoweth not, 27 And I have found a woman more bitter
what is profitable for him in his life, in all the than death, who is the hunter's snare, and her
days of liis pilgrimage, and the time that passeth heart is a net, and her hands are bands. He that
like a shadow ? Or who can tell him what shall pleaseth God shall escape from her: but he
be after him under the sun? that is a sinner shall be caught by her.
2 A good name is belter than precious oint- 28 Lo this have I found, said Ecclesiastes,
ments ; and tlie day of death than the day of weighing one thing after another, that 1 might
one's birth. find out the account,
3 It is better to go to the house of monminff,! 29 Which yet my soul seeketh, and I have
than to the house of feastin? for in that we are not found it. One man among a thousand 1

piit in mind of the end of all and the living have found a woman among them all I have
; :

thinketh what is to come. not found.

4 Anger* is better than laughter: because by 30 Only this I have found, that God made
the sadness of the countenance the mind of the man right and he hath intangled himself with

oflendi'r is corrected. an infinity of questions. Who is as tlie wise

5 The heart of the wise is where there is man ? and who hath known the resolution of the
mourning, and the heart of fools where there is word ?$
6 It isbetter to be rebuked by a wise man,
than to be deceived with the flattery of fools. True wisdom is to observe God\s commandments.
7 For as the crackling of tliorns burning under The ways of God are unsearchable.
a pot, so is the laughter of a fool; now this also is
vanitv. THEwisdom of a man .«hineth in his coun-
tenance, and the most mighty will change
8 Oppression troubleth the wise, and shall de- his face.
etrov the strensTth of his heart. 2 1 observe the mouth of the king, and the com-
rf Better is the end of a speech than the begin-
mandments of the oath of God.
ning. Better is the patient man than the pre- 3 Be not depart from his face, and do
hasty to
sumptuous. not continue in'an evil work : for he will do all
10 He not quickly angry : for anger resteth in
that pleaseth him
the bosom of a fool.
4 And his word is full of power: neither can
11 Sav not : What thinkest thou is the cause
any man say to him : doest thou so ?Why
that former times were better than they are now?
for tlii« manner of question is foolish. Bv an excessive rigour in
t Over just, viz.
12 Wisdom with riches is more profitable, and censuring Uie ways of God in bearing with the
bringeth more advantage to them that sec the wicked.
aun. \ Be not overmuch wicked.
That is, lest by
13 For as wisdom is a defence, so monev is the greatness of your sin you leave no room for
mere v.
Answer. That is, correction, or just wrath (i Of the word. That is, of this obscure aad
and zeal against evil. ditificnit matter.
3G 425
: : ;
: : :

5 He that keepeth the commandment, shall time to come ; because all things equally hap
flnd no The heart of a wise man under- pen to the just and to the wicked, to the good
Btandeth time and answer. and to the evil, to the clean and to the unclean,
6 There is a time and opportunity for every to him that offereth victims, and to him tliat de-
business, and great affliction for man spiseth sacrifices. As the good is, so also is tlie
7 Because he is ignorant of things past: and sinner ; as the perjured, so he also tliat sweareth
things to come he cannot know by any raes- truth.
aenger. 3 This is a very great evil among all things
8 It is not in man's power to stop the spirit that are done under Uie sun, that the same things
neither hath ht; power in the day of deatli ; neither happen to all men whereby also the hearts of

is he suffered to rest when war is at hand; neitlier the children of men are filled with evil, and with
shall wickedness save the wicked. contempt while they live : and afterwards they
9 All these things I have considered, and ap- shall be brought down to hell.
plied my heart to all the works that are done un- 4 There is no man that liveth always, sr thttt
der the sun. Sometimes one man ruleth over hopeth for this : a living dog is better tlian a
another to his own hurt. dead lion.
10 I saw the wicked buried; who also when 5 For the living know that they shall die : but
they were yet living were in the holy place, and the dead know nothing more,t neither have they
were praised in the city as men of just works a reward any more : for the memory of them is
but this also is vanity. forgotten.
11 For because sentence is not speedily pro- 6 Their love also, and their hatred, and their
nounced against the evil, the children of men envy are all perislied ; ueitlier have they any part
commit evils without any fear. in this world, and in the work that is done under
12 Hut though a sinner do evil a hundred the sun.
times, and by patience be borne withal, I know 7 Go tlien, and eat thy bread with joy, and
from thence that it shall be well with tliem that drink thy wine with gladness because thy works

fear God, who dread his face. please God.

13 But let it not be well with the wicked, 8 At all times let thy garments be white ; and
neither let his days be prolonged: but as a sha- let not oil depart from thy head.
dow let them pass away that fear not the face of 9 Live joyfully with the wife whom thou
the Lord. lovest, all the days of thy unsteady life, which
14 There is also another vanity, which is done are given to thee under the sun, all the time of
wpon the earth. There are just men to whom thy vanity : for this is thy portion in life, and in
evils happen, as though they had done the works thy labour wherewith thou labourest under the
of the wicked; and there are wicked men, who sun.
are as secure, as though they had the deeds of 10 Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it
the just: but this also I judge most vain. earnestly : for neither work, nor reason, nor
15 Therefore I commended mirth, because wisdom, nor knowledge, shall be in hell, whither
here was no good for a u)au* under the sun, but thou art hastening.
to eat and drink, and be inerry and that he
: 11 I turned me to another thing; and I saw
should take nothing else with him of his labour in that under the sun, the race is not to the swift,
the days of his life, which God hath given him nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the
under the sun. wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the
16 And I applied my heart to know wisdom, kilful : but time and chance in all.
and to understand the distraction that is upon 12 Man knoweth not his own end but as

earth :for there are some that day and night take fishes are taken with the hook, and as birds are
no sleep with their eyes. caught with the snare, so men are takci in the

17 And I understood that man can find no rea- evil time, when it shall suddenly co;ne upon
son of all those works of God that are done und«r tliem.
the sun : aiul the more he shall labour to seek, 13 This wisdom also I have seen under the
so much the less shall he find : yea though the sun, and it seemed to me to be very great
wise man shoulil say, that heknoweth i<, he shall 14 A
little city, and few men in it : there came
not be able to find it. against it a great king, and invested it, and built
CHAP. IX. bulwarks round about it; and tlie siege was
Man knaws not certainly that he is in God's 15 Now there was found in it a man poor and
grace. After death no more work or merit. wise, and he delivered the city by his wisdom

ALL these things have I considered in my and no man afterwards remembered that poor
heart, that I might carefully understand man.
them There are just men and wise men, and
: 16 And I said that wisdom is better than
their works are in the hand of God and yet man strength
: how then is the wisdom of the poor

knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or man slighted, and his words not heard ?
hatred 17 The words of the wise are heard in si-
2 But all things are kept uncertain for the lence, more than the cry of a prince among
18 Better is wisdom, than weapons of war
* No good for a man, &c. Some commenta-
and he that shall offend in one, shall lose many
tors think the wise man
here speaks in the per-
!good thing?.
son of the libertine representing the objections

of these men against divi-ne providence, and the

inferences they draw from thence, which he t KnoiB nothing more, viz. As to the transac
takes care afterwards to refute. But it may also tions of this world, in which they have now no
be said, that his meaning is to commend the mo- part, unless it be revealed to them ; neither havo
"Jerate use of the goods of this world, preferably they any knowledge or power now of doing any
to the cares and solicitudes of worldlings, their thing to secure their eternal state, (if they have
attachment to vanity and curiosity, and presump not taken care of it in their life time ;) nor can
tuoualy diving into the unsearchable ways of di- they now procure themselves any good, as the
vine providence. living always may do. by the grace of God.
: ;: : :

Chap. x. xt. xtt.

CHAP. X. , ,
to the north, in what place sqever it shall fallp
there shall it be.
Obteroations on wisdom atid folly, anuhnoh and
4 He that observeth the wind, shall not sow
and he that considereth the clouds, shall never
the sweetness
flies spoil of the oint-
glory is more pre-
Wisdom and reap.
5 As thou knowest not whatis the way of the
cious than a small and short-lived folly. how
the bones are joined together ia
spirit, nor
2 The heart of a wise man is in his right
the womb of her that is with child : so thou know-
hand and the heart of a fool is in his left hand
est not the works of God, who ia the maker of

3 Yea and the fool when he walketli in tlie

way, whereas he himself is a fool, esteemeth all
6 In the morning sow thy seed, and mthe even-
men fools.
let not thy hand cease : for thou knowest not
4 If the spirit of him that hath power, ascend
which may rather spring up, this or that : and if
upon thee, leave not thy place : because care
both together, it shall be the better.
will make the greatest sins to cease.
7 Thfe light is sweet, and it is delightful for
5 There is an evil that I have seen under the
the eyes to see the sun.
sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the
8 If a man live many years, and have rejoiced
.'ace of the prince :
in them all, he must remember the darksome time,
6 A fool set in high dignity, and the rich sit-
and the many days : which when they shall come,
dng beneath.
the things passed shall be accused of vanity.
7 I have seen servants upon horses; and
9 Rejoice tlierefore, Oyoung man, in thy youth:
princes walking on the ground as servants.
and let thy heart be in that which is good in the
8 He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into it:
days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy
and he that breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall
heart, and in the sight of thy eyes : and know that
bite him.
for all these God will bring thee into judgment.
9 He that removeth stones, shall be hurt by
be 10 Remove anger from thy heart, and put away
them : and he that cutteth trees, shall
evil from thy flesh. For youth and pleasure are
wounded by them.
10 If the iron be blunt, and be not as before,
but be made blunt, with much labour it shall be CHAP. XII.
sharpened : and after industry shall follow wis-
TTie Creator is to be remembered in the days of
11 If a serpent bite in silence, he is nothing our youth : all worldly things are vain : we
better that backbiteth secretly. should fear God. and keep his commandments.
12 The words of the mouth of a wise man are REMEMBER thy Creator
in the days of thy
grace : but the lips of a fool shall throw him youth, before the time of affliction come,
down headlong. and the years draw nigh of which thou shalt say:
13 The begirming of his words is folly : and They please me not;
the end of his talk is a mischievous error. 2 Before the sun,t and the light, and the moon,
14 A fool multiplieth words. A man cannot and the stars be darkened, and the clouds return
tell what hath been before him : and what shall after the ruin
be after him, who can tell him ? 3 When the keepers of the house shall tremble,
15 The labour of fools shall afflict them tliat and the strong men shall stagger, and the grind-
know not how to go to the city. ers shall be idle in a small number, and they that
16 Wo to thee, O land, when thy king is a look through the holes shall be darkened :

child, and when thy princes eat in the morning 4 And they shall shut the doors in the street,
17 Blessed is the land, whose king is noble, when the grinder's voice shall be low, and they
and whose princes eat in due season for refresh- shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the
ment, and not for riotousness. daughters of music shall grow deaf.
18 By slothfulness a building shall be brought 5 And they shall fear high things, and they
down and through the weakness of hands, the shall be afraid in the way the almond-tree shall
: ;

house shall drop through. flourish; the locust shall be made fat; and the
19 For laughter they make bread, and wine caper-tree shall be destroyed because man shall :

that the living may feast and all things obey go into the house of his eternity, and the mourn-

money. ers shall go round about in the street.

20 Detract not the king, no not in thy thought 6 Before the silver cord be broken, and the
and speak not evil of the rich man in thy private .^olden fillet shrink back, and the pitcher be
chnmber: because even the birds of the air will crushed at the fountain, and the wheel be broken
carry thy voice, and he that hath wings will tell upon the cistern,
what thou hast said. 7 And the dust return into its earth, from
CHAP. XI. whence it was, and the spirit return to God, who
Exhortation to works oj mercy, while we have gave it.
8 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, and all
time, to diligence in good, and to the remem-
hrnnce of death and judgment things are vanity.
9 And whereiis Ecclesiastes was very wise, he
rIASTthv bread upon the running waters taught the people, and declared the things that
J for after a long time thou shall find it again.
2 Give a portion to seven, and also to eight he had done: and seeking out, he set forth many
for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon
tne earth.
3 If the clouds be full, they will pour out rain not exclude a place of temporal punishments for
upon the earth. If the tree fall* to the south or such souls as die in the state of grace ; yet not
80 as to be entirely pure : and therefore they
• If the tree fall, SfC. The state of the soul is shall be sored, indeed, yet so as by fire. J Cor.
tinchangeable when once she comes to heaven liii. 13, 14, 1.5.
or hell and^a soul that departs this life
: t Before the .<(««, &C. That is, before old age:

state of erace, shall never fall from ernce; as ilhe effects of whicli upon all the senses and facnl-'
on the other side, a soul that dit-s out of the siatej ties ore described in the following verses, under
of ^race, shall never come tn it. Hut this doesim vari tv of figures.


10 He sought profitable words, and wrote the discourse. Fear God, and keep his com-
words most right, and full of truth. mandments : man.*
for this is all
1 The words of the wise are as goads, and as 14 And all things that are done, God will
nails deeply fastened in, which by the counsel of bring into judgment for every error.t whether it
masters are given from one shepherd. be good or evil.
12 More than these, my son, require not. Of
malting many books there is no end; and much All man. The whole business and duty of
Btudy is an affliction of the flesh. man.
13 Let us all hear together the conclusion of t Error. Or hidden and secret thing

This book is called the Canticle of Can day, lest I begin to wander after the flocks of thy
TICLES, that is to say, the most excellent of all companions.
Canticles : because it is full of highmysteries, 7 If thou know not thyself,^ O fairest among
relating to the happy union of Christ and his women, go forth, and follow after the steps of the
spouse : which is here begun by love, and is to flocks, and feed thy kids beside the tents of the
be eternal in heaven. The spouse of Christ shepherds.
is the church : mare especially as to the happi 8 To my company of horsemen, in Pharao's
est part of it, viz. perfect souls, every one of chariots, have I likened thee, my love.O
ichich is his beloved ; hut, above all others, the 9 Thy cheeks are beautiful as the turtle dove's;
immaculate and ever-blessed virgin mother. thy neck as jewels.
10 We will make thee chains of gold, inlaid
with silver.
The spouse aspires to an union with Christ:
11 While the king was at his repose, my spike-
their mutual love for one another.
nard sent forth the odour thereof.
LET him kiss me* with the kiss of his mouth:
for thy breasts are better than wine,
12 A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me : he
shall abide between my breasts.
2 Smelling sweet of the best ointments. Thy 13 A cluster of cypress my love is to me, in the
name is as oil poured out; therefore young vineyards of Engaddi.
maidens have loved thee. 14 Behold, thou art fair, O my love behold, :

3 Draw me :t we will run after thee to the thou art fair thy eyes are as those of doves.

odour of thy ointments. The king hath broi\ght 15 Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, and
me into his store-rooms: we will be glad and re- comely. Our bed is flourishing.
joice in thee, remembering thy breasts more than 16 The beams of our houses are of cedar, our
wine the righteous love thee.
rafters of cypress-trees.
4 I am black but beautiful,}: O ye daughters of
Jerusalem, as the tents of Cedar, as the curtains
of Solomon. Christ caresses his spouse : he invites her to him.
5 Do not consider me that I am brown, because
the sun hath altered my colour: the sons of my
JAM the flower of the field,|| and the lily of the
mother have fought asainst me : they have made 2 As the lily among thorns, so is my love
me the keeper in the vineyards : my vineyard among the daughters.
I have not kept. 3 As the apple-tree among the trees of the
6 Shew me, O
thou whom my soul loveth, woods, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat
where thou feedest, where thou liest in the mid down under his shadow, whom I desired : and his
fruit was sweet to my palate.
• Let him kiss me. The Church the spouse 4 He brought me into the cellar of wine : he set
of Christ prays, that he may love and have peace in order charity in me.
with her, which the spouse prefers to every thing 5 Stay me up with flowers; compass me
howsoever delicious : and therefore expresses about with apples: because I languish with
(ver. 2) that young maidens, that is, the souls of
the faithful, nave loved thee. 6 His left hand is under my head ; and his right
t Draw me. That iw, with thy grace ; other- hand shall embrace me.
wise should not be able to come to thee. This
metaphor shews that we cannot of ourselves § Tf thou know not thyself, &c. Christ en-
come to Christ our Lord, unless he draws us by courages his spouse to follow and watch her
his grace, which is laid up in his store-rooms : flock, and though she know not entirely the
that is, in the mysteries of^ Faith, which God in power at hand to assist her, he tells her, ver. 8.
his goodness and love for mankind hath revealed my cnmpnuy of horsemen, that is. his Angels, are
first by his servant Moses, in the Old Law in always watching and protectine her. And in the
figure onlv, and afterwards in reality by his onlv following verses he reminds her of the virtues
begotten Son .lesus Christ. and gifts with which he has endowed her.
i I am black but beautiful. That is, the Church I am the flower of the field. Christ professes

of Christ, founded in humility, appearing out- himself the flower of mankind, yea, the Lord of
wardlv afflicted and ns it were black and con- nil creatures and ver. 2. declares'the excellence

temptible; but inwardly, that is, in its doctrine nf his spouse, the true Church, above all other
and morality, fair and beautiful. societies, which are to be considered as tbornSa


7 1 adjure you, O ve daugliters of Jerusulein, and frankincense, and of all the powders of the
by the roes, and the hurts of the fields, that you perfumer ?
Btir not up, nor make the beloved to awake, till 7 Behold, threescore valiant ones of the
she pleuHe. most valiant of Israel, surround the bed of So
8 The voice of my beloved ;* behold, he coni- loinon.
eth leaping upon the mountains, skipping over 8 All holding swords, and most expert in war
the hills. everv inaii's sword upon his thigh, becaiise of
9 Mv beloved is like a roe, or a young' hart. fears in the night.
Behold, he standeth behind our wall, looking 9 King Solomon hath made him a litter of the
through the windows, looking through the lat wood of Libanus :

tices. 10 The pillars thereof he made of silver, the

10 Behold, my beloved speaketh to me Arise, scat of gold, the going up of purple: the midst

make haste, my love, my dove, my beautiful one, he covered with charity for the daughters of Je-
and come. rusalem.
K For winter is now past : the rain is over and 11 Go forth, ye daughters of Sion ; and see
gon?. king Solomon in the diadem, wherewith his
12 The! flowers have appeared in our land mother crowned him in the day of his espousals,

tlie time of pruning is come: the voice of the tur- and in the day of the joy of his heart.
tle is heard in our land :

13 The fig-tree hath put forth her green figs CHAP. IV.
the vines in flower yield their sweet smell. Arise, Christ sets forth the graces of his spouse: and
my love, my beautiful one, and come : declares his love far her,
14 My dove in the clifts of the rock, in the hol-
low places of the wall, shew me thy face ; let thy beautiful art thou
beautiful art thou,$ my love, how
thy eyes are doves'
. !

voice sound in my ears for thy voice is sweei eyos, besides what
is hid within. Thy hair is
and thy face comely. as flocks of goats, which come up from mount
15 Catch us the little foxest that destroy the Galaad.
vines for our vineyard hath flourished.
2 Thy teeth as flocks of sheep, that are shorn,
16 My beloved to me, and I to him, who feed- which come up from the
washing, all with twins;
eth among tlie lilies,
and there is none barren among them.
17 Till the day break, and the shadows retire
3 Thy lips are as a scarlet lace and thy speech ;
Return be like, my beloved, to a roe, or to a sweet. Thy cheeks are as a piece
of a pomegra-
young hart upon the mountains of BMlier. nate, besides that which lieth hid within.
CHAP. ni. 4 Thy neck as the tower of David, which is
built with bulwarks
: a thousand bucklers hang
The spouse seeks Christ. The glory of his hu- upon it, all the armour of valiant men.
manity. 5 Thy two breastsll like two young roes that
JNsoul bed by nightl I sought him whom my are twins, which feed among the lilies.
loveth" I sought him, and found him
: 6 Till the day break, and the shadows retire, I
not. will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill
2 I will rise, and will go about the city : in of frankincense.
the streets and the broad ways I will seek him 7 Thou art all fair, O my
love; and there is
whom my soul loveth : I sought him and I found not a spot in thee.
him not. 8 Come from Libanus, my spouse ; come from
3The watchmen who keep the city, found Libanus, come: thou shalt be crowned from the
me Have you seen, him whom my soul loveth ?
: top of Amana, from the top of Sanir, and Her-
4 When I had a little passed by them, I found mon, from the dens of the lions, from the moun-
him whom my soul loveth I held him ; : and I tains of the leopards.
will not let him go, till I bring him into mo- my 9 Thou hast wounded my heSrt, my sister,
ther's house, and into the chamber of her that 7ny spouse thou iiast wounded my heart with

bore me. one of thy eyes, and with one hair of thy neck.
5 I adjure vou, O daughters of Jerusalem, by 10 How
beautiful are thy breasts, my sister,
tlie roes and the harts of the fields, that you my spouse thy breasts are more beautiful than

Btir not up, nor awake my beloved, till she wine, and the sweet smell of thy ointments above
please. all aromatical spices.
6 Who
is she that goeth up by the desert, as 11 Thy lips, my spouse, are as a dropping
a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, of myrrh, loney-comb honey and milk are under thy

tongue ; and the smell of thy garments, as the

* The voice of my beloved: that is, the smell of frankincense.
preaching of the Gospel surmounting difficul- 12 My sister, my spouse, is a garden inclosed,ir
ties, fio-urntively here expressed by mountains
a garden inclosed, a fountain sealed up.
and Ijtt/e hills.
t Catch us the little foxes. Christ commands $ Hoip beautiful art thou. Christ aeain praises
his pastors to catch false teachers, by holdin? the beauties of his Church, which through the
forth their fallacv and erroneous doctrine, which whole of this chapter are exemplified by a va-
•ike foxes wouhl bite and destroy the vines. riety of metaphors, setting forth her purity, her
t In my bed by nisht, &c. The Gentiles as simplicity, and her stnbility.
in the dark, and seekin? in heathen delusion II
Thy tiro Irrensts. &c. Mystically to be un-
what they could not find, the true God, until| derstood the love of God and the love of our

Christ revealed his doctrine to them hyh\^watrh-\ neighbour, which are souniied as twins irhich feed
men (ver. 3.), that is, by the Apostles, and teach-i among the lilies ; that is, the love of God and of
crs, by whom they were converted to the true| our neighbour, feeds on the divine mysteries and
faith; and holding that faith firmly, the spouse the holy sncraments, left bv Christ to his spouse,
the Catholic church declares, ver. 4. That she to feed and nourish her children.
will not let him go, till she hrin^ him into her| If Mt/ sister, &c. a garden inclosed. Figu-
mother'' s house, tVc. that is, till at last, the Jews' ratively the Church is inclosed, containing only
also shall find him. I the faithful. A fonntain sealed up. That none


13 Tliy plants are a paradise of pomegranates 11 His head is as the finest gold: his locke

with the fruits of the orchard. Cyprus with as branches of palm-trees, black as a raven.
Bpikenard. 12 His eyes as doves upon brooks of waters,
14 Spikenard and saffron, sweet cane and which are washed with milk, and sit beside the
cinnamon, with all the trees of Libanus, myrrh plentiful streams.
and aloes, with all the chief perfiuues. 13 His cheeks are asbedsofaromatical spices
15 The fountain of gardens: the well of living set by the perfumers. His lips are as lilie«
waters, which run with a strong stream from dropping choice myrrh.
Libanus. 14 His hands are turned and as of gold, full
16 Arise, O north wind, and come, O south of hyacinths. His belly as of ivory, set with

wind; blow through my garden; and let the sapphires. I

aromatical spices thereof flow. 15 His legs as pillars of marble, that are set
upon bases of gold. His form as of Libanus,
CHAP. V. excellent as the cedars.
Christ calls his spouse: she languishes with 1 6 His throat most sweet, and he is all lovely

love : and describes him by his graces. such is my beloved, and he is my friend, O ye
daughters of Jerusalem.
LET my beloved come into his garden,* and 17 Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou most
eat the fruit of his apple-trees. I am come
beautiful among women ? whither is thy be-
into my garden, O ray sister, my spouse I have
loved turned aside, and we will seek him with

fathered my myrrh, with my aroniatical spices thee ? :

have eaten the honey-comb with my honey I :

have drunk my wine with my milk eat, O : CHAP. VI.

friends, and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly The spouse of Christ is but one : she is fair anA
beloved. tei~rible.

I sleep,
of my beloved knocking
my love,

my dove,
Heart watcheth
: Open

the voice

beloved is gone down into his gardeiijj
bed of aromatical spices, to feed in
to the
the gardens, and to gather lilies.
head is full of dew, and my locks of the drops 2 I to my beloved, and my beloved to me, who
of the nights. feedeth among the lilies.
3 I have put off my garment how shall I put
3 Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and

it on ? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile

comely as Jerusalem ; terrible as an army set in
them? array.
4 My beloved
put his hand through the key- 4 "Turn
away thy eyes from me ; for they have
hole,t and my bowels were moved at his touch.
made me away. Thy hair
flee is as a flock of
5 I arose up to open to my beloved my :
goats, that appear from Galaad.
hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers were 5 Thy teeth as a flock of sheep, which come
full of the choicest myrrh.
up from the washing, all with twins, and there ia
6 I opened the bolt of my door to my be-
none barren among them.
loved but he had turned aside, and was gone
6 Thy cheeks are as the bark of a pome-
My soul melted, when he spoke I sought him, :
granate, beside what is hidden within thee.
and found him not: I called, and he did not 7 There are threescore queens, and fourscore
answer me. concubines, and young maidens without num-
7 The keepers that go about the city found ber.
mc they struck me, and wounded me the
One is my dove ;|| my perfect one is but one ;
keepers of the walls took away my veil from me she is the only one of her mother, the chosen of
8 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if her that bore_ her. The daughters saw her, and
you find my beloved, that you tell him that I declared her most blessed ; the queens and con-
languish with love.
cubines, and they praised her.
9 What manner of one is thy beloved of the
9 Who is she'd that cometh forth as the morn-
beloved, O thou most beautiful among women 1
ing rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun,
what manner of one is thy beloved of the be- terrible as an army set in array 7
loved, that thou hast so adjured us ?
10 I went down into the garden of nuts, to see
10 My beloved}: is white and ruddy, chosen out
the fruits of the vallies, and to look if the vine-
of thousands.
yard had flourished, and the pomegranates
can drink of its waters, that is, 11 I knew not:
the graces soul troubled me for the
and my
spiritual benefits of the holy sacraments, but chariots of Aminadab.
those who are within its walls. 12 Return, return, Sulamitess: return, re- O
* Let my
beloved come into his garden, &c. turn, that we may behold thee.
Oarden, mystically the Church of Christ,
abounding \\\ih fruit, that is, the good works of $ beloved is gone dawn into his garden, My
the elect. Christ, pleased with the good works- of his hol^
t My
beloved put his hand through the key- and devout servants labouring in his garden, is
hole, &c. The spouse of Christ, his Church, at always present with them ; but the words is gone
times as it were penned up by its persecutors, down are to be understood that after trying hia
and in fears, expecting the divine assistance, Church by permitting persecution, he comes to
here signified by his hand: and ver 6. but he had her assistance, and she rejoiceth at his coming.
turned aside and was gone, that is, Christ per- One is my dove, &c. That is, Church is
mitting a further trial of suffering : And again, one, and she only is perfect and blessed.
ver. 7. The keepers, &c. signifying the violent U is she, &c.. Here is a beautiful meta-Who
and cruel persecutors of the Church taking her phor describing the Church from the beginning'.
veil, despoiling the Church of its places of wor- As, the morning rising, signifying the Church
ship and ornaments for the divine service. before the written Law ; fair as the moor*, shew-
X My
beloved, &c. In this and the following ing her under the written law of Moses ) bright aa
verses the Church mystically describes Christ to the sun, under the light of the gospel; and terri-
those who know him not, that is, to infidels, in ble as an army, the power of Cnrist's Churcb
•rder to convert tliem to the true faith. iagainsl its enemies.


CHAP. VII. 4 Iadjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that

A further description of the e races of the church you not up, nor awake my love till she
the spouse of Christ. please.
WHAT shall thou see in the Sulamiless but
the companies of camps ? How beautiful
5 \Vlio is thisj that cometh up from the desert,
flowing with dfciights, leaning upon her beloved 1
are thy steps* in shoes, O
prince's daughter! Under the apple-tree I raised thee up : there thy
The joints o( thy tliighs are like jewels, tliat are mother was corrupted • lliere she was defloured
made by the hand of a skilful workman. that bore thee.
2 Thy navel is like a round bowl never want- 6 Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal
ing cups. Thy belly is like a heap of wheat, set upon thy arm: for love is etrcng as death : jea-
about with hlies. lousy as hard as hell; the lamps thereof ore fire
3 Thy two breasts are like two young roes and flames.
that are twins. 7 Many waters cannot quench charity ; neither
4 Thy neck as a tower of ivory. Thy eyes like can the floods drown it: if a man should give
the fish-pools in Hesebon, which are in the gate of all tlie substance of his house for love, he enaU
the daughter of the multitude. Thy nose 7sas the despise it as notliing.
tower of Libanus, that looketh towards Damascus. 8 Our sister is Iittle,|| and hath no breasts.
5 Thy head is like Carmel ;t and tlie hairs of What shall we do to our sister, in the day when
thy head as the purple of the king bound in the she is to be spoken to ?
channel. 9 If she be a wall, let us build upon it bul-
6 How beautiful art thou, and how comely, warks of silver: if she be a door, let us join itto-
my dearest, in delights I getlier with boards of cedar.
7 Thy stature is like to a palm-tree, and thy 10 I am a wall and my breasts are as a tower,

breasts to clusters of grapes. since I am become In his presence, as one finding

8 I said: I will go up into the palm-tree, and peace.
will take hold of the fruit thereof: and thy breasts 11 The peaceable had a vineyard, in that
shall be as the clusters of tlie vine j and the odour which hath people: he let out the same to
of thy mouth like apples. keepers, every man bringeth, for the fruit thereof,
9 i'hy throat like the best wine, worthy for a thousand pieces of silver.
my beloved to drink, and for his lips and his 12 My
vineyard is before me. thousi nd are A
teeth to ruminate. for thee, the peaceable; and two hundred for
10 I to ray beloved, and his turning is towards me. them that keep the fruit thereof.
11 Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the
field; let us abide in the villages. friends hearken : make me hear thy voice.
12 Let us get up early to the vineyards: let us 14 Flee away, O my
beloved ; and be like to
see if the vmeyard flourish, if the flowers be the roe, and to the young hart upon the moun-
ready to bring forth fruits, if the pomegranates tains of aromatical spices.
flourish : there will I give thee my breasts.
13 The mandrakes give a smell. In our gates Christ. His left hand signifying the Old Testa-
are all fruits : the new and the old, my beloved, I ment, and hLs right hand the New.
have kept for thee. § Who is this, &c. The Angels with admi-
CHAP. VIII. ration behold the Gentiles converted to the faith :
The love of the church to Christ : his love to her. coming vpfrom the desert, that is, coming from
WHO shall give thee to me for my brother,
sucking the breasts of my mother, that I
Heathenism and false worship ; flowing with de-
lights, that is, abounding with good works which
may find thee without, and kisstnee, and now no are pleasing to God : leaning on her beloved, on
man may despise me ? the promise of Christ to his Church, that the
2 I will take hold of thee, and bring thee into gates of hell should not prevail against it ; and
my mother's house there thou shalt teach me,
: supported by his grace, conferred by the sacra-
and I will give thee a cup of spiced wine, and ments. Under the apple-tree I raised thee up
new wine of my pomegranates. that is, that Christ redeemed the Gentiles at tne
3 His left hand} under my head, and his right foot of the cross, where the synagogue of the
hand shall embrace me. Jews (the mother Church} teat corrupted by
their denying him, and crucifying him.
• How beautiful are thy steps, <fec. By these Our sister is little, &c. Mystically signifies

metaphors are sig^nified the power and mission of the Jews, who are to be spoken to ; that is, con-
the Cfhurch in propagating the true faith. verted towards the end of the world and then ;

t Thy head is like Carmel. Christ the invisi- shall become a wall, that is, a part of the build-

We head of his Church is here signified. ing, the Church of Christ.

t His left hand,&.c. Words of the Church to


This book is so called, because it treats of the ex-\ to kings and all magistrates to minister jut-
cellence Wisdom, the means to obtain it, and
q/" commonwealth, teaching all kinds ef
tice in the
<fee happy fruits it produces. It is written in virtues under the general names ofjustice ami
the person of Solomon, and contains his senti-\ wisdom. It contains also many prophecies of
ments. But it is uncertain who was the writer.] Chrisfs coming, passion, resurrection, arid
It abound* letth instructions and exhortations other christian mysteries. The whole may be
: : :: : : :;

divided into three parts : In the six first chap- ; and our life shall pass away as the trace
|soft air
ters, ike author admonishes all superiors to of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist,
love and exercise justice and wisdom. 'which is driven away by the beams of the sun,
In the
and overpo^vered with the heat thereof:
next three, he teaciieth that wisdom proceedeth
orUy from God, and is procured by prayer and 4 And our name in ivr-e shall be forgotten:
a good life. In the other ten chapters, he and no man shall have aivy remembrance of our
sheweth the excellent effects and utility oftvis-
dom and justice. 5 For our tiA.e is as the passing of a shadow
CHAP. I. and there is no going back of our end : for it is
fast sealed, and no man returneth.
4» exhortation to seek God sincerely, who cannot 6 Come therefore, and let us enjoy the good
be deceived, and desireth not our death. things that are present, and let us speedily usa
LOVE justice, you that are the judges of the the creatures as in youth.
earth. Think of the Lord in goodness, and 7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine, and
seek him in simplicity of heart: ointments : and let not the flower of the time pass
2 For he is found by them that tempt him not: by us.
and he sheweth himself to them that have faith 8 Let us crown ourselves with roses, before
in him. they be withered : let no meadow escape our
3 For perverse thoughts separate from God riot.
and his power, when it is tried, reproveth the 9 Let none of us go without his part in luxury:
unwise let us every where leave tokens of joy : for this
4 For wisdom will not enter into a malicious is our portion, and this our lot.
soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins. 10 Let us oppress the poor just man, and not
5 For the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee spare the widow, nor honour the ancient grey
from the deceitful, and will withdraw himself hairs of the aged.
from thoughts that are without understanding ; 11 But let our strength be the law of justice:
and he shall not abide when iniquity cometh in. for that which is feeble, is found to be nothing
6 For the spirit of wisdom is benevolent, and worth.
will not acquit the evil speaker <rom his lips 12 Let us therefore lie in wait for the just,
for God is witness of his reins ; and he is a true because he is not for our turn ; and he is contrary
searcher of his heart, and a hearer of his to our doings, an-d upbraideth us with transgres-
tongue. sions of the law, and divulgeth against us the sins
7 For the Spirit of the Lord hath filled the ofourwav of life.
whole world: and that, which contiiineth all 13 Helboasteth that he hath the knowledge of
things, hath knowledge of the voice. God, and calleth himself the son of God.
8 Therefore he tliat speaketh unjust things, 14 He is become a censurer of our thoughts.
cannot be hid neither shall the chastising judg-
: 15 He is grievous unto us, even to behold for :

ment pass him by. his life is not like other men's, and his ways are
9 For inquisition shall be made into the very different.
thoughts of the ungodly : and the hearing of his 16 We are esteemed by him as triflers; and ha
words shall come to God, to the chastising of his abstaineth from our ways as from filtliiness ; and
iniquities. he preferreth the latter end of the just, and glori-
10 P^or the ear of jealousy heareth all things : eth that he hath God for his father.
and the tumult of murmuring shall not be hid. 17 Let us see then if his words be true; and let
11 Keep yourselves therefore from murmur- us prove what shall happen to him; and we shall
ing, which profiteth nothing and refrain your know what his end shall be.

tongue from detraction; for an obscure speech 18 For if he be the true son of God, he will de-
shall not go for nought; and the mouth that be- fend him, and will deliver him from the hands of
lieth, killeth the soul. his enemies.
12 Seek not death in the error of your life 19 Let us examine him by outrages and tor-
neither procure ye destruction by the works of tures, that we may know his meekness and try his
your hands. patience.
13 For God made not death, neither hath he 20 Let us condemn him to a most shameful
pleasure in the destruction of the living. death: for there shall be respect had unto him by
14 For he created all things that they might his words.
be :and he made the nations of the earth for 21 These things they thought, and were de-
health :and there is no poison of destruction in eived for tlieir own malice blinded them.

them, nor kingdom of hell upon the earth. 22 And they knew not the secrets of God, not
15 For justice is perpetual and immortal. hoped for the wages of justice, nor esteemed the
16 But the wicked with works and words have honour of holy souls.
called it to them and esteeming it a friend, have
: 23 For God created man incorruptible, and to
fallen away, and have made a covenant with it: the image ofhis own likenesshe made him.
because thev are worthv to be of the part thereof. 24 But by the envy of the devil, death came into
CHAP. H. the world
The vain reasonings of the wicked : their perse- 25 And they follow him that are ofhis side.
cuting the just, especially the Son of God. CHAP. in.
FOR they have said, reasoning with them- The happiness of the just: and the rmhappitieta
selves, but not right: The time of our life of the wicked.
IS short and tedious; and in the end of a man
there is no remedy and no man hath been known
the souls of the just are in the hand of
God; and the torment of death shall not
to have returned from hell touch them.
2 For we are bom of nothing and after this , 2 In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die
we shall be as if we had not been: for the breath and their departure was taken for misery
of our nostrils is smoke : and speech a spark to 3 And their going away from us, for utter d^
move our heart, struction : but they are in peace.
3 Which being put out, our body shall be 4 And though iti the sight of men they suffered
ashes ; and our spirit shall be poured abroad as torments, their hope is full of immortality.
; : : :


5 Afflicted in few things, in many they shall be 11 He was taken away lest wickedness should
well rewarded : because God liiuh triedthem, alter his understanding, or deceit beguile his
and (bund them wortliy of himself. Roul.
6 As gold he hath proved them;
in the furnace 12 For the bewitching of vanity obscureth
and as a victim of a holocaust, he hath received good things and the wandering of concupis- ;

them and in time there shall be respect had to cence overturneth the innocent mind.

them. 13 Being made perfect in a short space, he

7 The just shall shine, and shall run to and fro fulfilled a long time :

like sparks an)ong the reeds. 14 For his soul pleased God therefore ho :

8 They shall judge nations, and rule over peo- hastened to bring him out of the midst of ini-
ple ; and their Lord shall reign for ever. quities : but the people see this, and understand
9 They that trust in him, shall understand the not, nor lay up such things in their hearts:
truth : and ihey that are faithful in love shall 15 That the grace of God, and his mercy is
rest in liim for grace and peace is to his elect with his saints, and that he hath respect to his

10 But the wicked shall be punished accord' chosen.

inc to their own devices who have neglected the
16 I?ut the just that is dead, condemneth the
just, and have revolted from the Lord. wicked that are living and youth soon ended, ;

11 For lie that rejecleth wisdom and discipline, the long life of the unjust.
is unhappy: and their hope is vain, and their 17 For they shall see the end of the wise man,
labours without fruit, and their works unprofit- and shall not understand what Go<l hath de-
able. signed for him, and why the Lord hatli set him in
12 Their wives are foolish, and their children safety.
wicked. IBThey shall see him, and shall despise him:
13 Their offspring is cursed for happy is the but the Lord shall laugh them to scorn

barren ; and the undefiled, that hath not known 19 And they shall fall after this without ho-
bed in sin she shall have fruit in the visitation nour, and be a reproach among the deiul for

of holy souls. ever for he shall burst them pufl'ed up and


14 And the eunuch, that hath not wrought ini speechless, and shall shake ihein from the foun-
quitv with his hands, nor thought wicked things dations and they shall be utterly laid waste

against God for the precious gift of faith shall they shall be in sorrow ; and their memory shall

be given to him, and a most acceptable lot in the perish.

temple of God. 20 They sliall come with fear at the thought
15 For the fruit of good labours is glorious of their sins and their iniquities shall stand :

and the root of wisdom never faileth. against them to convict them.
16 But the children of adultererf< shall not CHAP. V.
come and the seed of the unlawful
to perfection •

TTte fruitless repentance of the wicked in another

bed shnli he rooted out.
•world : the reward of the just.
17 And if they live long, they shall be nothing
regarded and their last old age shall be without
shall the just stand with great con-
against those that have afflicted
18 And if they die quickly, they shall have them, and taken away their labours.
no hope, nor speech of conifort in the day of trial. 2 'i'hese secin? it, shall be troubled with ter-
19 For dreadful are the ends of a wic ked rible fear, and shall he amazed at the suddenness
race. of their unexpected salvation,
3 Saylne within themselves, repenting ana
groaning for anguish of spirit These are they, :

The difference between the chaste and the adul- \/hom we had sometime in derision, and for a
terous generations ; and between the death of laralile of reproach.
the just, and the wicked. 4 We fools esteemed their life madness, and
OHOW the chaste generation their end without honour.
with glory for the memory thereof is im-
.5 Behold, how they are numbered among the
mortal because it is known both with God and children of God, and their lot is
: among the
with men. saints.
2 When it is present, they imitate it: and G Therefore we have erred from the way of
thev desire it when it hath withdrawn itself truth; and the light of justice hath not sliined
and it triumpheth crowned for ever, winning the unto us ; and the sun of understanding liath not
reward of undefiled conflicts. risen upon us.
3 But the multiplied brood of the wicked shall 7 We wearied ourselves in the way of iniquity
not thrive and bastard s'ips shall not take deep
: and destruction, and have walked throiisrii hard
root, nor any fast foundation. ways: but the way of the Lord we have not
4 And if they flounsh in branches for a time, known.
yet st.inding not fast, they shall be shaken witli 8 What hath pride profited us; or what ad-
the wind ; and through the force of winds they vantage hath the boasting of riches brotight
8hall be rooted out. us?
5 For the branches not being perfect, shall 9 All those things are passed away like a sha-
be broken and their fruits shall be unprofitable,
: dow, and like a post that runneth on,
and sour to eat, and fit for nothing. 10 And as a ship that j>asscth thronah the
6 For the children that are bom of unlawful waves; whereof when it is o:one by, the trace
beds, are witnesses of wickedness against their cannot be found, nor the path of its keel in the
parents in their trial. waters :

7 But the just man, if he be prevented with 11 Or as when a bird flieth thronsh the nir;
death, shall be in rest. jof the passage of which no mark can he found,
8 For venerable old age is not that of long but onlv the sound of the winrs l»e»tin? the li^ht
time, nor counted by the number of years but : 'air, and pnrtinjr it by the force of her flisfht;

the understanding of a man is grey hairs; she moved her wings, nnd hath flown tlironih;
9 And a spotless life is old age. and there is no mark found afterwards of her
10 He pleased God, and was beloved, and way
living among sinners, he was translated. 12 Or as when an arrow is shot at a mark, the
3 H 433
:; : :

divided air presently cometh together again, so 15 He that awaketh early to seek her, shall no»
that the passage thereof is not known : labour: for he shall find her silting at liis door.
13 So we akso being born, forlliwiih ceased to 16 To tliink tlierefore upon her, is perfect un-
be ; and have been able to shew no mark of vir- derstanding: and he that watcheth for her, shall
tue ; but are consumed in our wickedi.ess. quickly be secure.
14 Such things as these the sinners said in hell 17 For she goeth about seeking such as an
15 For the hope of liie wicked is as dust, which woriliy of her and she shevveth herself to them

is blown away with the wind; and as a tliin froth cheerfully in the ways, and meeteth them with
v/hich is dispersed by the storm; and as smoke all providence.
that is scattered abroad by the wind; and as the 18 For the hegimiing of her is the most true
remembrance ofaguesiofone day that passeth by. desire of discipline
16 But the just shall live for evermore: and 19 And the care of discipline is love: and love
their reward is with the Lord, and the care of is the keeping of her laws and the keeping of :

them with the most High. her laws is the firm foundation of incorrupticn:
17 Tlierefore sliall ihey receive a kingdom of 20 And incorruption hringeth near to God.
flory, and a crown of beauty at the hand of the 21 Therefore the desire of wisdom bringcth to
lOrd : for with his right hand he will cover thenr; the everlasting kingdom.
and with holy arm he will defend them.
liis 22 If then your delight be in thrones and
18 And his zeal will take armour: and he will sceptres, Oyc kings of the people, love wisdom,
arm the creature for the revenge of his enemies. that you may reign for ever.
19 He will put on justice as a breast-plate: 23 Love the light of wisdom, all yc that bear
and will take true judgment instead of a helmet: rule over peoples.
20 He will take equity for an invincible shield 24 Now what wisdom is, and what was her
21 And he will sharpen his severe wrath for a origin, I will declare : and I will not hide from
apear; and the whole world shall fight with him youtlie mvsteries of God, but will seek her out
against the unwise. from the beginning of her birth, and bring the
22 Then shafts of lightning shall go directly knowledge of her to light, and will not pass over
from the clouds; as from a bow well -bent, they the truth:
shall be shot out, and shall fly to the mark. 25 Neither will I go with consuming envy:
23 And thick hail shall be cast upon them from for such a man shall not be partaker of wisdom.
the stone-casting wrath : the water of the sea shall 26 Now the multitude of the wise is the wel
rage against them ; and the rivers shall run to- fare of the whole world and a wise king is the

gether in a terrible manner. upholding of the people.

24 A mighty wind shall stand up against them, 27 Receive therefore instruction by my words,
and as a whirlwind shall divide them; and their and it shall be profitable to you.
iniquity shall bring all the earth to a desert; and
wickedness shall overthrow the thrones of the!
•nighty. ' The excellence oftinsdom. : how she is to be fauna,
also am a mortal man, like all
CHAP. VI. T and of the race of him, that was first
An address princes to seek after wisdom :
to she made of the earth and in the womb of my mo-

is easily found by those thai seek her. ther I was fashioned

to be flesh,

WISDOM is better than strength

man is better than a strong man.
:and a wise 2 In the time of ten months I was compacted
in blood, of the seed of man, and the pleasure of
2 Hear therefore ye kings, and understand sleep con(uirring.
learn ye that are judges of the ends of the eart^i; 3 And being born I drew in the common air,
3 Give ear, yoii that rule the people, and that and fell upon the earth, that is made alike : and
please yourselves in multitudes of nations: the first voice which I uttered was crying, as
4 For power is given you by the Lord, and all others Ao,

strength by the most High, who will examine 4 I was nursed in swaddling clothes, and with
your works, and search out your thoughts; great cares.
5 Because being ministers of his kingdom, you 5 For none of the kings had any other begin-
have not judged rightly, nor kept the law of jus- ning of birth.
tice, nor walked according to the will of God. 6 For all men have one entrance into life, and
6 Horribly and speedily will he appear to you the like going out.
for a most severe judgment shall be for them that 7 Wherefore I wished and understanding was
bear rule. given me and I called upon God, and the spirit

7 For to him that is little, mercy is granted ot" wisdom came upon me :

but the mighty shall be miglitily tormented. 8 And I preferred her before kingdoms and
8 For God will not accept any man's person; thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in compa-
neither will he stand in awe of any man's great- rison of her.
ness: for he made the little and the great; and 9 Neither did I compare unto her any pre-
he hath equally care of all. cious stone : for all gold in comparison of her, is
9 But a greater punishment is ready for the as a little sand : and silver in respect to her shall
more mighty. be counted as clav.
10 To you therefore, O kings, are these my 10 I loved her above health and beauty, and
words, that you may learn wisdom, and not fall chose to have her instead of light : for her light
from it. cannot be put out.
11 For they that have kept just things justly, 11 Now all good things came to me together
shall be justified: and they that have learned with her, and innumerable riches through her
these things, shall find what to answer. hands.
12 Covet ye therefore my words, and love them, 12 And I rejoiced in all these : for this wis-
nnd you shall have instruction. dom went before me, and 1 knew not that she
13 Wisdom is glorious, and never fadeth away, was the mother of them all
ond is easily seen by them that love her, and is 13 Which I have learned without guile, and
found by them that seek her. communicate without envy; and her riches I
14 She preventeth them that covet her, so that hide not.
she first shewetli herself unto them. 14 for she is an infinite treasure to men;
: ; : :


which they that use become the friends of God, and the solutions of arguments: she knoweln
being coiiiiiiended for the gift of discipline. signs and wonders befoie they be done, and tha
l/i And God hath given to me to speak as I events of times and ages.
would, and to conceive thoughts worthy of those 9 I purposed therefore to take her to me to live
things that are given me ; because he is the guide with me ; knowing that she will communicate \o
of wisdom, and liie director of tlie wise. me of her good things, and will be a comfort in
16 For in his hands are both we, and our my cares and grief.
words, and ail wisdom, and the knowledge and 10 For her sake I shall have glory among the
skill of works. multitude, and honour witli the ancients though
17 For he hath given me the true knowledge I be young:

of the things that are; to know the disposition of 11 And I shall be found of a quick conceit in
the whole world, and the virtues of the elements, judgment, and siiall be admired in the sight of
18 The beginning, and ending, and midst of the niiglity : and the faces of princes shall won-
the times, the alterations of tlieir courses, and der at me.
die changes of seasons, 12 They shall wait for mc when I hold my
19 The revolutions of the year, and the dispo- peace; and they shall look upon me when J
sitions of the stars, speak : and if 1 talk much they shall lay their
20 The natures of living creatures, and rage hands on their mouth.
of wild beasts, the force of winds, and reasonings 13 Moreover by the means of her I shall have
of men, the diversities of plants, and the virtues immortality ; and shall leave behind me an ever-
of roots lasting memory to them that come after me.
21 And all such things as are hid and not fore- 14 people in order and nations
I shall set the :

seen, I have learned : for wisdom, which is the shall be subject to me.
worker of all things, taught me. 15 Terrible kings hearing shall be afraid of
22 For in her is the spirit of understanding me among the multitude I shall be found good,

holy, one, manifold, subtile, eloquent, active, and valiant in war.

undefiled, sure, sweet, loving that which is good, 16 When I go into my house, I shall repose
quick, which nothing hindereth, beneficent, myself with her: for her conversation hath no
23 Gentle, kind, stedfast, assured, secure, hav bitterness, nor her company any tediousness, but
}ng all power, overseeing all things, and contain- joy and gladness.
ing all spirits : intelligible, pure, subtile. 17 Thinking these things with myself, and
24 For wisdom is more active than all active pondering them in my heart, that to be allied to
things ; and reacheth every where by reason of wisdom immortality,
her purity. 18 And that
there is great delight in her friend-
25 For she is a vapour of the power of God, ship, and inexhaustible riches in the works of
and a certain pure emanation of the glory of the her hands, and in the exercise of conference with
Almiglity God and therefore no defiled thing
; her wisdom, and glory in the communication of
Cometh mto her. her words: I went about seeking, that I might
26 For she is the brightness of eternal light, take her to myself.
and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and 19 And I was a witty child, and had received a
the image of his goodness. good soul.
27 And being but one, she can do all things 20 And whereas I was more good, I came to a
and remaining in herself the same, she reneweth body undefiled.
all things, and through nations conveyeth herself 21 And as I knew that I could not otherwise
into holy souls, she maketh the friends of God be continent, except God gave it, and this also
and prophets. was a point of wisdom, to know whose gift it was:
28 For God loveth none but him tliat dwelleth I went to the Lord, and besought him, and saia
with wisdom. with my whole heart
29 For she is more beautiful than the sun, and CHAP. IX.
above all the order of the stars: being compared
Solomon'' s prayer for wisdom,
with the light, she is found before it.
30 For after this cometh night ; but no evil can GOD of my fathers, and Lord of mercy, who
hast made all tilings with thy word,
overcome wisdom.
2 And by thy wisdom hast appointed man,
CHAP. VIII. that he should have dominion over tlie creature
Further praises ofwisdmn; and her fruits. that was made by thee,
3 That he should order the world according to
SHE reacheth therefore
mightily, and ordereth
from end to end
all things sweetly. equity and justice, and execute justice with an
2 Her have I loved, and have sought her out upright heart
from my youth, and have desired to take her for 4 Give me wisdom, that sitteth by thy throne,
my spoupe: and I became a lover of her beauty and cast me not off from among thy children :
'3 She glorifieth her nobility by being versant 5 For I am thy servant, and the son of thy
with God : yea, and the Lord of all things hath handmaid, a weak man, and of short time, and
loved her. falling short of the understanding of judgment
4 For it she that teacheth the knowledge of and laws.
God, and is the chooser of his works. 6 For if one be perfect among the children of
5 And if riches be desired in life, what is men, yet if thy wisdom be not with him, he shall
richer than wisdom, which maketh all things ? be nothing regarded.
6 And if sense do work, who is a more artful[ 7 Thou hast chosen me to be king of thy peo-
worker than she of those things that are ? ple, and a judge of thy sons and daughters :

7 And if a man love justice, her labours have 8 And hast commanded me to build a temple
in the city of thy
great virtues for she teacheth temperance, and on thy holv mount, and (in altar

prudence, and justice, and fortitude, which are dwelling-place, a resemblance of thy holy taber-
such things as men can have nothing more pro nacle, which thou hast prepared from the begin-
Stable in life. ning:
8 And if desire much knowledge, she
a man 9 And thy wisdom with thee, which knoweth
knoweth tilings past, and judgeth of things to thy works, which then also was present when
come she knoweth the subtilties of speeches. thou madcst the world, and knew wh»» vrM

: : :

agreeable to thy eyes, and what was right in thy of their folly, so that in the things in which they
commandments. sinned, they could not so much as lie hid.
10 Send her out of thy holy heaven, and from 9 But wisdom Imth delivered from sorrow
the throne of thy majesty, that she niay be witli them that attend upon her.
n.e, and may labour wiili me, that I may know 10 She conducted the just,tt when he fled from
what is acceptable with thee : his brother's wrath, through the right ways and ;

11 For slie knoweth and understandeth all shewed him the kingdom of God, and gave him
things, and shall lead me soberly in my wtrks, the knowledge of the holy things made him ho ;

and shall preserve me by her power. nourable in his labours, and accomplished his
12 So shall my works be acceptable, and I shall labours.
govern thy people justly, and shall be worthy of 11 In the deceit of them that over-reached
the throne of my father. him, she stood by him, and made him honourable.
Vi For who among men is he that can know 12 She kept him safe from his enemies and :

the counsel of God? or wlio can think what the she defended him from seducers, and gave him
will of God is ? a strong he might overcome-,
conflict,tt that
M For the thoughts of mortal men are fearful, and know that wisdom mightier than all.

and our counsels uncertain. 13 She forsook not the just when he was sold,§ J
15 For the corruptible body is a load upon the but delivered him from sinners she went down

Boul, and the earthly habitation presseth down with him into the pit.
the mind that museth upon many things. 14 And in bands she left him not, till she
16 And hardly do we guess aright at things brought him the sceptre of the kingdom, and
that are upon earth: and with labour do we find power against those that oppressed him: and
the things that are before us. But the things shewed them to be liars that had accused hiro,
that are in heaven, who shall search out ? and gave him everlasting glory.
17 And who shall know thy thought, except 15 She delivered the just people and blame-
thou give wisdom, and send thy holy Spirit from less seed, from the nations that oppressed iheni
above 16 She entered into the soul of the servant of
18 And so the ways of them that are upon God ;|||| and stood against dreadful kings in won
earth may be corrected, and men may learn the ders and signs.
things that please thee ? 17 And she rendered to the just the wages of
19 For by wisdom they were healed, whoso- their labours, and conducted them in a wonderful
ever have pleased thee, O
Lord, from the begin- way : and she was to them for a covert by day,
ning. and for the light of stars l3y night:
CHAP. X. 18 And she brought them through the Red
sea, and carried tliem over tlirough a great
}Vhat wisdom didfor Adam, Noe, AJrrnhnm, Lot,
Jacob, Joseph, and the people of Israel.
19 But their enemies she drowned in the sea
SHE preserved him, that was formed bv
God, the father of the world, when he was
first and from the depth of hell she brought them
Tlierefore the just took the spoils of the
created alone wicked.
2 And she brought him out of his sin, and gave 20 And they sung to thy holy name, O Lord,
him power to govern all things. and they praised with one accord thy victorious
3 But when the unjust* went nwav from her in "land.
his anger, he perished by the fury wherewith he 21 For wisdom opened the mouth of the dumb,
murdered his brother. and made the tongues of infants eloquent.
A For whose cnuse,t when water destroyed the CHAP. XL
earth, wisdom healed it again, directing the
Other benefits of wisdom to the people of God.
course of the justt by contemptible wood.
5 Moreover, when the nations had conspired
prospered their works in the hands of the
prophet. my
together to consent to wickedness, she knew the
iust,$ and preserved him without blame to God,
2 They went through wildernesses that were
and kept him strong|| against the compassion for not inhabited and in desert places they pitched

their tents.
his son.
6 She delivered the just man^ who fled from
3 They stood against their enemies,*** and
the wicked that were perishing, when the fire
revensed themselves of their adversaries.
came down \\\wn Pentapolis :** 4 They were thirsty, and they called upon
thee and water was given them out of the high
7 Whose land, for a testimony of their wick- :

edness, is desolate, and sinoketh to this day ; and rock, and a refreshment of their thirst out of the
the trees bear fruits that ripen not, and a stand-
hard stone.
ing pillar of salt is a monument of an incredulous 5 For by what thingsttt their enemies were
punished, when their drink failed them, while the
8 For regarding not wisdom, they did not only children of Israel abounded therewith and re-
slip in this, that they were ignorant of good
joiced :

things, but they left also unto men a memorial

tt The just. Jacob.
* The unjust. Cain. tt With the Angel.
Co/i/iict, viz.
t For whose cause, viz. For the wickedness SJ The just when he was sold, viz. Joseph.
of the race of Cain. |jl The servant of God, viz. Moses.
X The just. Noe. itil The holy projjhet. Moses.
She found out and ap *** Their enemies. The Amalecitea.
§ She knew the just.
proved Abraham. ttt By what thing's, &c. The meaning is, that
And kept him strong, &LC. Gave him strength God, wlio wrought a miracle to punish the
to stand firm against the efforts of his natural Egyptians by thirst, when he turned all their
tenderness, when he was ordered to sacrifice his 'waters into blood, (at which time the Israelites,
son. who were exempt from those plagues, had plenty
y, Thejvst man. Lot. of water) wrought another miracle in favour of
** Pentapolis. The Ian d of the five cities, his own people in their thirst, by giving them
Sodom, Gomorrha, &c. water out of the rock

6 By tlie same thirtgs they in their need were CHAP. xir.

benefited. God's wisdom end mercy in his proceedings teitk
7 For insiead of a fountain of an ever-running tlie Chaiuinites.
river, tliou guvesi human bUxHl to the unjust.
8 And whilst they were diuiinishod for a mani-
OHOW good and
in all things!
sweet is thy Spirit, O Lord,

fest re|)r(>of of their uiurdering the infants, tliou 2 And them that err,
therefore thou chastisest
gavesi to tiiine abunihnit water unlookod for: by little and little; and admonishcst then!, and
9 Siiewing by the thirst tiiat was then, how speakest to them, concerning the things wherein
thou didst exalt thine, and didsl kill tlicir ad- they olTend ; that leaving their wickedness!, they
versaries. may Indieve in thee, O Lord.
10 For when they were tried, and chastised 3"
For, those ancient inhabitants of thy holy
with mercy, they knew how the wicked were land, whom thou didsl abhor,
judged with wrath, and tormented. 4 Because they did works hateful to thee by
11 For thou didst admonish and try them as a! their sorceries, and wicked sacrifices,
father ; but tiie others as a severe king, thou didsl 5 And those merciless murderers of their own
examine and condeiini. children, and eaters of men's bowels, and devour-
12 For whether absent or present, they were ers of blood from the midst of thy consecration,!
tormented alike. 6 And those parents sacrificing with their own
13 For a double affliction came upon them, and hands helpless souls, it was thy will to destroy
a groaning for the remembrance of things past. by the hands of our parents,
1-1 For when they heard that by their punish-
7 That the land, which of all is most dear to
ments* the others were benefited, they remem- thee, might receive a worthy colony of the chil--
bered the Lord, wondering at the end of what dren of God.
was come to pass. 8 Yet even those thou sparedst as men, and
15 Far whom they scorned before, when he didst send wasps forerunners of thy host, to de-
was thrown out at the time of his being wickedly stroy them by little and little.
exposed to perish, him they admired in the end, 9 Not that thou wast unable to bring the wick
when tliey saw the event; their thirsting being ed under the just by war, or by cruel beasts, or
unlike to that of the just. with one rough word to destroy them at once:
It) But for the foolish devices of their iniquity,
10 But executing thy judgments by degrees
because some being deceived worshipped dumb thou gavest them place of re]>entance, not being
Berjients, and worthless beasts, thou didst send
ignorant that they were a wicked generation, and
upon them a multitude of dumb beastst for ven their malice natural, and that their thought
geanee: could never be changed.
17 Tiiat they mishtknow that by what things
11 For it was a cursed seed from the begin-
a man sinneth, by the same also lie is tormented
ning: neitlier didst thou for fear of any one give
18 For thy almighty hand, which made the pardon
to their sins.
world of matter without form, was not unable to 12 For who shall say to thee : What hast thou
send upon them a multitude of bears, or fierce
done ? or who shall withstand thy judgment? or
who shall come before thee to be a. revenger of
19 Or unknown beasts of a new kind, full of wicked men? or who shall accuse thee, if the
rage ; either breathing out a fiery vapour, or send- nations perish, which thou hast made?
ing forth a stinking smoke, or shooting horrible 13 For there is no other God but thou, who
eparks'out of their eyes: hast cnre of all, that thou shouldst shew that
20 Whereof not oiily the hurt mi^ht be able to thou dost not give judgment unjustly.
destroy them, but also the very sight might kill 14 Neither shall king nor tyrant in thy sight
them through fear. inquire about them whom thou hast destroyed.
21 Yea and without these, they might have 15 For so much then as tliou art just, thou
been slain with one blast, persecuted by their orderest all things justly thinking knot agree-
own deeds, and scattered by the breath of thy
able to thy power, to condemn him who de-
power : but thou hast ordered all things in meas- serveth not to be punished.
ure and number, and weight. 16 For thy power is the beginning of justice:
22 For great power always belonged to thee and because" tliou art Lord of all, thou makest
alone: and who shall resist the strength of thy
thvself gracious to all.
arm ? 17 For thou she west thy power, when men
23 For the whole world before thee is as the
will not believe thee to be" absolute in power:
least grain of the balance, and as a drop of
and thou convincest the boldness of them that
the morning dew, that falleth down upon the know
thee not.
18 But thou being master of power, judgcst
24 Rut thou hast mercy upon all, because thou with
tranquillity, and with great favour disposest
canst do all things, and overlookest the sins of
of us : for tliv power is at hand when thou wilt.
men for the sake of re|)entance.
19 But th'ou hast taught thy people by such
25 For thou lovest all things that are, and ha- works,
that thev must be^just and humane, and
test none of the things which thou iiast inade:
hast made thv children to lie of a good hope:
for thou didst not appoint or make any thing, ha-
because in judging thou givest place for repent-
tins it.
ance for sins.
2G And how could any thing endure, if tliou
20 For if thou didst punish the enemies of thy
wonld.-!t not? or be preserved, if not called by
servants, and that deserved to die, with so great
thee ?
f)ecause they are delil)eralion,
giving them time and i>lace wliere-
27 Rut thou sparest all
by they might be changed from their wicked-

thine, O Lord, who lovest souls.

n6ss *

21 With what circumspection hast thou judg-

• ByOieir pitnishmeitt-g, &c. That is, that the;
Israelites had been benefited and miraculously
Ihtj consecration. Literally,
'avoured in the same kind, in which they had } From the mid.ft of

aeen punished. sacrament. That is, the land <=::<ir(l to thee, in

t Dumb beasts, \\7.. Frogs, sciniphs, flies, and which thy temple was to be established, and man's
aocusts. redemption to be wrought.
: 1 :

ej thy own children, to whose parents thou hast' good for nothing, being a crooked piece of wood,
sv^orn,and made covenants of good promises ? I and full of knots, carveth it diligently when he
22 Tlierefore whereas thou chastisest us, hath nothing else to do, and by the skill of his
thou scourgest our enemies very many ways, to art fashioneth it, and maketh it like the image of
the end that when we judge we may think on a man;
thy goodness and when we are judged, we
: 14 Or the resemblance of some beast, laying
may hone for thy mercy. it over with vermilion, and painting it red, ana
23 Wherefore thou hast also gjeatly torment covering every spot that ia in it:
ed them who in their Hfe have lived foolishly and 15 And Inaketh a convenient dwelling-place
unjustly, by the same things which they wor for it, and setieth it in a wall, and fastenmg it
shipped. with iron,
24 For they went astray for a long time in the 16 Providing for it, lest it should fall, knowing
ways of error, holding those things for gods that it is unable to help itself: for it is an image,
which are the most worthless among beasts, and hath need of help.
living after the manner of children without un 17 And then maketh prayer to it, inquiring
derstanding. concerning his substance, and his children, orhia
25 Therefore thou hast sent a judgment upon marriage. And he is not ashamed to speak to
them as senseless children to mock them. that which hath no life
26 But they that were not amended by mocke 18 And for health he maketh supplication to
ries and reprehensions, experienced the worthy the weak; and for life prayeth to that which is
judgment of God. dead and for help calleth upon that which is un-

27 Foi" seeing with inc :,mation that they suf- profitable :

fered by those very things which they took for 19 And

for a good journey he petitioneth him
gods, when they were destroyed by tlie same, that cannot walk: and forgetting, and for work-
they acknowledged him the true God, whom in ing, and for the event of all things, he asketh
time past they denied that they knew ; for which him that is unable to do any tiling.
cause the end also of their condemnation came
upon them. / CHAP. XIV.
CHAP. XIII. The beginning of tcorshipping idols ; and the
Idolniers are inexcusable: and those most of aU effects thereof.
that worship for gods the works of the hands
of men.
another designing to sail, and begin-
ning to make his voyage through the raging
BUT all men are vain, in whom there is not waves, calleth upon a piece of wood, more frail
the knowledge of God; and who by these tlian the wood that carrieth him.
good tilings that are seen, could not understand 2 For this the desire of gain devised ; and the
him th;it is, neither by attending to the works workman built it by his skill.
have acknowledged wlio was the workman; 3 But thy providence, O Father, governethit:
2 But have imagined either the fire, or the for thou hast made a way even in the sea, and a
wind, or the swift air, or the circle of the stars, most sure path among the waves,
or the great water, or the sun and moon, to be 4 Shewing that thou art able to save out of all
the gods that rule the world : things, yea though a man went to sea without
3 With whose beauty if they being delighted, art.
took them to the gods ; let them know how 5 But that the works of thy wisdom m^ht not
much the Lord of tliem is more beautiful than be idle : therefore men also trust their lives even
they for the first author of beauty made all those to a little wood, and passing over the sea by ship

tilings. ai-e saved.

4 Or if they admired their power and their 6 And from the beginning also when the proud
effects, let them understand by them, that he that giants perished, the hojie of the world fleeing to
made tliem, is mightier than tliey : a vessel, which was governed by thy hand, lef^
5 For by the greatness of the beauty, and of to the world seed of generation.
tlie creature, the creator of them may be seen 7 For blessed is the wood, by which justice
so as to be known tliereby. Cometh.
6 But yet as to these they are less to be blam- 8 But the idol that is made by hands, is
ed. For they perhaps err, seeking God, and de- cursed, as well it, as he that made it: he, be
sirous to find him. cause he made it; and it, because being frail, it
7 For being conversant among his works, they is called a god.
search and the}' are persuaded that the tilings
: 9 But to God the wicked and his wickedness
are good which are seen. are hateful alike.
8 But then again they are not to be par- 10 F»)r that which is made, together with him
doned. that made
shall ?:ufler torments. it,

9 For if they were able to know so much, as 1 Therefore there shall be no respect bad even
to make a judgment of the world ; how did they to the idols of the gentiles because the crea- :

not more easily find out the Lord tliereof ? tures of God are turned to an abomination, and a
10 But unhappy are they, and their hope is temptation to the souls of men, and a snare to
among the dead, who have called eods the works the feet of the imwise.
of the hands of men, gold and silver, the inven 12 For the beginning of fornication is the de-
tions of art, and the resemblances of beasts, or vising of idols : and the invention of them is the
an unprofitable stone, the work of an ancient corruption of life.
hand. 13 For neither were they from the beginning.
11 Or if ana carpenter hath cut down a rneither shall they be for ever.
tree proper for his use in the wood, and skilfully 14 For bv the'vanity of men they came into the
taken off all the bark thereof, and with bis art, world ; and therefore they shall be found to come
diligently fornieth a vessel profitable for the com shorth- to an end.
nion uses of life, 15 For a father beincrafllicted with bitter grief,
12 And useth the chips of his work to dress jmade to himself the image of his son who vvas
bJs meat .quicklv taken away : and him who then had died
13 And taking what was left thereof, which is; ;as amau- Ue began now to worship as a god, and
; : :


appointed him rites and sacrifices among hisser- no better things to trust in both they thht make
VUlitS. them, and they that love tliem, and they that
16 Tlien in process of time, wicked custom worship them.
prevailing, this error was kept as u law- and 7 The potter also tempering soft earth, with
statues were worshipped hy the commandment labour fashioneth every vessel for our ser-
of tyrants. vice : and of the same clay he maketh both ves-
17 And those whom men could nut honour in sels that are for clean uses, and likewise such us
presence, because tliey dwelt far oft", theybrought serve to the contrary but what is the use of

their resemblance from afar, and made au express these vessels, the potter is the judge.
•mage of the king whom they had a mind to ho- 8 And of the same clay by a vain labour he
nour: that by tliis dieir diligence, they might inaketh a god he wlio a little before was made

honour as present, hiii^that was absent. of earth hiniself, and a little after rcturneth to
18 And totiie worshipping of diese, the singu- the same out of wiiich he was taken, when
lar dllii^ence also of the artificer helped to set for- his life which was lent him shall be called for
ward the ignorant. again.
J 9 For he being willing to please him that em- 9 But his care is, not that he shall labour, nor
ployed him, laboured with all his art to make the that his life is short ; but he striveth with the
resemblance in the best manner. goldsmiths and silversmiths : and he endeavour-
20 And the multitude of men, carried away by eth to do like the workers in brass ; and count-
the beauty of the work, took him now for a god, eth it a glory to make vain things.
tliat a little before was but honoured as a man. 10 For his heart is ashes, and his hope vain
21 And this was the occasion of deceiving hu- earth, and his life more base than clay :
man life: for men serving either tlieiraflection, or 11 Forasmuch as he knew not his maker, and
their kings, gave the incommunicable name to him that inspired into him the soul dia„t worketh,
stones and wood. and that breathed into him a living spirit.
22 And it was not enough for them to err about 12 Yea, and they have counted our life a pas-
tlie knowledge of God; but whereas they live in time, and the business of life to be gain, and that
a great war of ignorance, •they call so many and so we must be getting every way, even out of evil.
great evils peace. 13 For that man knoweth that he offendeth
23 For eitlier they sacrifice their own children above all others, who of earthly matter maketh
or use hidden sacrifices, or keep watches full of brittle vessels, and graven gods.
madness 14 But all the enemies of thy people that hold
21 So that now they neither keep life, normar- them in subjection, are foolish, and unhappy,
riage uridefiled : but one killeth another through and proud beyond measure
envy, or grieveth him by adultery 15 For they have esteemed all the idols of the
2o And all things are mingled together, blood, heathens for gods, which neither have the use of
murder, theft, and dissimulation, corruption and eyes to see, nor noses to draw breath, nor ears to
unfaithfulness, tumults and perjury, disquieting lear, nor fingers of hands to handle, and as for
of the good, their feet, they are slow lo walk.
26 JForgetfulness of God, defiling of souls, 16 For man made them : and he tliat borroweth
changing of nature, disorder in marrfage, and the his own breath, fashioned thom. For no man
irregularity of adultery and uncleanness. can make a god like to himself.
27 For the worship of abominable idols is the 17 For being mortal himself, he formeth a dead
cause, and the beginning and end of all evil. thing with his wicked hands. For he is bet-
28 For either they are mad when they aj-e ter than they whom he worshippeth ; because he
merry or they prophesy lies or they live unjust- indeed hath lived, though he were mortal, but

ly, or easily forswear themselves. they never.

29 For whilst they trust in idols, which are 18 Moreover, they worship also the vilest
without life, though they swear amiss, they look creatures: but things without sense compared
not to be hurt. to these, are worse than they.
30 But for two things they shall be justly 19 Yea, neither by sight can any man see good
punished, because they have thought not well of these beasts. But they have fled from die
of God, giving heed to idols, and have sworn praise of God, and from his blessing.
unjustly, in guile despising justice.
31 For it is not the power of them, by whom
ilicy swear; but thejust vengeance of sinners al- the Egyptians, and
God's different dealings iciih
ways punisheth the transgression of die unjust. with his oicn people.


these things, and by the like things to
those, diey were worthily punished, and
The servariis of God praise him who hath deliv- were destroyed bv a multitude of beasts.
ered them from idolatry; condemning both the 2 Instead of which punishment, dealing well
maJcerx arid the icorshippers of idols. with thy people, thou gavcst them their desire of
BUT thou, our God, art erracious and true, delicious food, of a new taste, preparing for them
patient, and ordering all things in mercy. quails for their meat :

2 For if we sin, we are thine, knowing thy 3 To the end that diev indeed desiring food,"
greatness and if we sin not, we know that we by means of those things that were shewn and

are counted with thee. sent among them, mi$:ht loath even that v/hich
3 For to know thee, is perfect justice and to was necessarv to satisfy their desire. But tliese,t

know thv justice, and thy power, is the root of after suffering want for a short time, tasted a
immortality. new meat.
4 For the invention of mischievous men hath 4 For it was requisite that inevitable destruc-
not deceived us, nor the shadow of a picture,
a fruitless labour, a graven figure widi divers * They indeed desiring food, &c. He means

colours, the Eg-yptians: who were restrained even from

5 The sight whereof enticeth the fool to lust that toon which was necessary, by the frogs and
after it and he loveth the lifeless figure of a the flics that were sent amongst tliem, and spoiled

dead image. all their meats.

6 The lovers of evil things deserve to have t But these, viz. The Israelites.
; :

don should come upon them tliat exercised ty- nourisheth all, according to the will of them that
ranny but to these it should only be shewn how desired it of thee
: :

Uieir enemies were destroyed. 26 That thy children, O Lord, whom thou
5 For wiien the fierce rage of beasts came up- lovedst, might know that it is not the growing
on these, they were destroyed with the bitings of of fruits that nourisheili men, but thy word pre-
crooked serpents. serveili them that believe in thee.
6 But thy wrath endured not for ever but they
; 27 For that whicli could not be destroyed bf
\yere troubled for a short time for their correc- fire, l>eing warmed with a little sun-beam pf«-
tion, having a sign of salvation* to put them in sently melted away :

remembrance of the commandment of thy law. 28 That it might be known to all, that wo
^ For he that turned to it, was not healed ought to prevent the sun to bless thee, and adore
bv that which he saw, but by thee tha Saviour of| thee at the dawning of thee light.
all. 29 For the hope of the unthankful shall melt
8 And in this thou didst shew to our enemies, away as the winter's ice, and shall run 00* as un-
that thou art he who deliverest from all evil. profitable water.
9 For t||e bitings of locusts, and of flies killed CHAP. XVII.
them: and there was found no remedy for their The Egyptia7i darkness.
: because they were worthy to be desti'oyed by
Buch things.
FOR thy judgments, O Lord, are great ; and
lliy words cannot be expressed tlierefore

, JO But not even the teeth of venemous ser- undisciplined souls have erred.
pents overcame thy children : for thy mercy 2 For while the wicked thought to be able
came, and healed them. to have dominion over the holy nation, they
11 For they were examined for the remeni themselves being fettered with the bonds of dark-
brance of thy words, and were quickly healed, ness, and a long night, shut u|) iu their houses,
lest falling into deep forgetfulness, they might lay there exiled from the eternal providence.
not be able to use 'hy help. 3 And while they thought to lie hid in theii
12 For it was neither herb, nor mollifying obscure sins, they were scattered under a dark
plaster that healed ihem, but thy word, O Lord, veil of forg^etfulness, being horribly afraid, and
wh'ch healeth all things. troubled with exceeding great astonishmeni.
13 For it is thou, O Lord, that hast power of 4 For neither did the den that held them, keej.
life and death, and leadest down to the gates of them from fear : for noises coming down troubled
death, and bringest back again them and sad visions appearing to them, afi'right-

14 A man indeed killeth through malice; and ed them.

when the spirit is gone forth, it siiaM not return 5 And no power of fire could give them light,
neither shall he call back the soul that is re- neither could the bright flames of the stars en-
ceived : lighten that horrible night.
15 But it is impossible to escape thy hand. 6 But there appeared to them a sudden fire,
16 For the wicked that denied to know thee, very dreadful : and being struck with the fear of
were scourged by the strength of thy arm, being that face, which was not seen, they thought the
persecuted by strange waters, and hail, and rain, things which they saw to be worse
and consumed by fire. 7 And the delusions of their magic art were
17 And which was wonderful, in water, which put down ; and their boasting of wisdom was re-
cxtinguishcth all things, the fire had more force :t proachfully rebuked.
for the world fighteth for the just. 8 For they who promised to drive away fears
18 For at one time, the fire was mitigated, that and troubles from a sick soul, were sick them-
the beasts which were sent against the wicked selves of a fear worthy to be laughed at.
might not be burnt, bui that they might see and 9 For though no terrible thing disturbed them;
perceive that they were persecuted by the judg- yet being scared with the passing by of beasts,
ment of God. and hissing of serpents, they died for fear and

19 And at another time the fire, above its own denying that they saw the air, which could by i^o
power, burnt in the midst of water, to destroy the means be avoided.
fruits of a wicked land. 10 For whereas wickedness is fearful, it bear-
20 Instead of which things thou didst feed thy eth witness of its condemnation for a troubled

people with the food of Angels, and gavest them conscierice always forecasteth grievous things.
Dread from heaven prepared without labour; 11 For fear is nothing else but a yielding up
having in it all that is delicious, and the sweet- of the succours from thought.
ness of every taste. 12 And while there is less expectation from
21 For thy sustenance shewed thy sweetness within, the greater doth it count the ignorance
to thy children, and serving every man's will, it of that cause which bringeth tlie torment.
was turned to what every man liked. 13 But they that during that night, in which
22 But snow and ice endured the force of fire, nothing could be done, and, which came upon
and melted not: that they might know that fire] them from the lowest and deepest hell, slept tlie
burniii!: in the hail and flashing in the rain de- same sleep,
Btroved the fruits of the enemies. 14 Were sometimes molested with the fear of
23 But this same again, that the just might be monsters, sometimes fainted away, their soul
nourished, did ^^ven forget its own strength. failing them for a sudden and unlooked-for fear

21 For the creature serving thee the Creator, was come upon them.
is made fierce against the unjust for their punish- 15 Moreover, if any of them had fallen down,
ment and abateih its strength for the benefit of he was kept shut up in prison without irons.

ihem tliat trust in thee. 16 For if any one were a husbandman, or a

25 Therefore even then it was transformed into shepherd, or a labourer in the field, ami was
all things, and was obedient to thy grace that suddenly overtaken, he endured a necessity
from which he could not fly.
* Sis;n. of salvation. The brazen serpent, an 17 For they were all bound together with one
€aablem of Christ our Saviour. chain of darkness. Whether it were a whistling
t The fire had more force, viz. When the wind, or the melodious voice of birds, among the
fire and hail mmgled together laid waste Uie land spreading branches of trees,
or a fall of water
of Egypt. Exod.ix. running down with violence.
: :


18 Or the miglUy noise of stones tumbling first upon the destruction of the first-bom, thej
iown, or the running tliut could not be seen of acknowledged the people to be of God.
beast!! playing togetlier, or tiie roaring voice of 14 For while all thmgs were in quiet silence,
wild beasts, ora rebounding echo from the highest and the night was in the midst of her course,
inountains; these tilings made them to swoon 15 Thy almighty word leapt down from heav-
for fear. en from thy royal throne, as a fierce conqueror
19 For the whole world was enlightened with into the midst of the land of destruction,
a clear light; and none were hindered in their 16 With a sharp sword carrying thy unfeigned
labours. commandment and he stood and filled all things

20 But over them only was spread a heavy with death, and standing on the earth reached
night, an imago of that darkness which was to even to heaven.
come upon them. But they were to themselves 17 Then suddenly visions of evil dreams troub-
more grievous than the darkness. led them, and fears unlooked-for came upon them.
18 And one thrown here, another there, half
CHAP. XVIII. dead, shewed the cause of his death.
The slaughter of the firsi-hom in 'Egypt: the 19 For the visions that troubled them fore-
efficacy of Aaroii'sin'crcession, in the sedition shewed these things, lest they should perish, and
on occasion of Core. not know why they suffered these evils.
20 But the just also were afterwards touch&l
BUT thy saints had a very great light and ;

tliey heard their voice indeed, but did not

by an assault of death and there was a disturb-

see their shape. And because they also did not ance of the multitude in the wilderness but thy :

suffer the same <hinffs, they glorified thee wrath did not long continue.
2 And they that before had been wronged, 21 For a blameless man made haste to pray
gave thanks, because they were not hurt now; for the people, bringing forth the shield of his
and asked this gift, that there might be a differ ministry, prayer, and by incense niaKing suppli-
ence. • cation, withstood the wrath, and put an end to^
3 Therefore they received a burning pillar of the calamity, shew ing that he was thy servant.
fire for a guide of the way which they knew not;
22 And he overcame tlie disturbance, not by
and thou gavest them a harmless sun* of a good strength of body, nor with force of arms: but
entertainment. with a word he subdued him that punished them,
4 The otiiers indeed were worthy to be de- alleging the oaths and covenant made with the
prived of light, and imprisoned in darkness, fathers.
who kept lliy children shut up, by whom the 23 For when they were now fallen down dead
pure light of the law was to be given to the by heaps one upon another, he stood between,
world. and stayed the assault, and cut off the way to
5 And whereas they thought to kill the babes the living.
of the just; one childt being cast forth, and 24 For in the priestly robe which he wore, was
saved, to reprove them, thou tookest away a the whole world and in the four rows of the

multitude oftheir children, and destroyedst them stones the glory of the fathers was graven : and
altogether in a mighty water, thy majesty was written upon tlie diadem of his
6 For that night was known before by our fa- head.
thers, that assuredly knowing what oaths they
25 And to these the destroyer gave place, and
had trusted to, they might be of better courage. was afraid of them: for the proof only of wrath
7 So thy people received the salvation of the was enough.
just, and destruction of the unjust. CHAP. XIX.
8 For as thou didst punish the adversaries; Why God shewed no mercy to the Egyptians.
BO thou didst also encourage and glorify us. His favour the Israelites.
to All creatures
9 For the just children of good menj were of- obey God's orders far the service of the good,
fering sacrifice secretly : and they unanimously and the punishment of the wicked,
ordered a law of justice that the just should re-

ceive both good and evil alike, .singing now the BUT wicked, even
as to the end
to the
came upon them wrath without mercy.
praises of the fathers. he knew before also what they would do
10 But on the other side there sounded an ill- 2 For when they had given them leave to de-
according cry of the enemies: and a lamentable part, and had sent them away with great care,
mourning was heard for the children that were they repented and pursued after them.
bewailed. 3 For whilst they were yet mourning, and la-
11 And the servant suffered the same punish
menting at the graves of the dead, they took up
mcnt as the master; and a common man suffered another foolish device : and pursued them as fu-
in like manner as the king. gitives whom they haa pressed to be gone :
12 So all alike had innumerable dead, with one 4 For a necessity, of which they were worthy,
kinil of ileath. Neither were the living sufficient brought
them to this end: and they lost the re-
to bury them: for in one moment the noblest off-
membrance of those things which had happened,
spritisi of them was destroyed. that their punishment might fill up what was
13 For whereas they would not believe any wanting to
their torments:
thing before by reason of the enchantments, then 5 And that thy people might wonderfully pass
through, but they might find a new death.
* A harmless sun. A light that should not 6 For every creature according to its kind was
hart or molest them; but that should be an fashioned again as from the beginning, obeying
agreeable cuest to them. thy commandments, that thy children might be
t One child, viz. Moses. kept without hurt.
\ Of good men, y'n. of the patriarchs. Their 7 For a cloud overshadowed their comp; and
children, '.he Israelites, offered in private the sa- where water was before, dry land appeared ; and
crifice of the Paschal lamt); and were regulating in the Red sea a way without liinderance, and
what they were to do in their journey, when that out of the great deep a sjiringing field :

last and most dreadful plague was coming upon 8 Through which all the nation passed which
their enemies. was protected with thy hand, seeing thy mimcle*
^ The noblest offspring. That is, the first-boni and wonders.
31 441
9 For they fed on their food like horses; and 16 But they were struck with blindness: a*
Hiey ski|)j)ed like laiuljs, praising thee, O Lord, those others were at the doors of the just man,
who liadst delivered tliein. when thfy were covered with sudden darkness,
10 For tliey w'ere yet mindful of those things and every one sought the passage of his own door.
which had been done in the time of their sojourn- 17 For while the elements are changed in
ing, how tlie ground brought forth flies instead themselves * as in an instrument the sound of the
of cattle, and how tlie river cast up a multitude quality is changad, yet all keep their sound:
of frogs instead of fishes. which may clearly be perceived by the very
11 And at length they saw anew generation of sight.
birds, wlieii being led by their appetite they ask- 18 For the things of the land were turned into
ed for delicate meats. things of the water: and the things that before
12 For to satisfy their desire, the quail came jswam i)i the water passed ujion the land.
up to lliem from tlie sea: and punishments came 20 (ire had power in water above its own
upon the sinners, not without Ibregoing signs by and the water Ibrgot its quenching nature.
Ivirtue ;

the force of thunders: for they sufl'ered justly 20 On the other side, the flames wasted not the

according to their own wickedness. [flesh of corruptible animals walking therein;

13 For iliey exercised a more detestable in- jneither did they melt tbat good food,t which wiis
liosjtitality tluin any: others indeed received not apt to melt as ice. Fpr in all things thou didst
Btrangers unknown to them, but these brought mtignify thy people, O Lord, and didst honoul
their guests into bondage that had deserved well them, and ciidstnot despise them, but didst assist
of diem. them at all times, and in every place.
14 And not only so, but in another respect al-
so, they were worse for the others against their
* Elements are changed, &c. The meaning is,
will received the strangers. that whatever changes God wrought in the ele
15 But these grievously afllicted them whom nients by niiraelos in favour of his people, thejr
they had received with joy, and who lived under s^ill kept their harmony by obeying his will.
the same laws. t That good food. The ManniU

Thin hook is so called from a Greek icord that coming into Egypt, when Ptolemy Evergeies was
signifies a Preacher : liecattse, like an excel- king, and continuing there a long time, I found
lent prea^^her, it gives adinirahle lessons of nil there books left, of no small nor contemptible
virtues. The author was .lesiis the son of N?'- learning. 'I'herefore I thought it good, and ne
rach of Jerusalem, who flourished ahoyt tiro cessary for me to bestow some diligence and la-
hundred years before Christ. As it iras writ bour to interpret this book and with much

ten after the time of Esdras, it is not in the Jew watching and study in some space of time, 1
ish Canon : hut is reeeiiied as canonical and brought the bonk to an end, and set it forth for the
divine hy the catholic church, instructed hy apos- service of them that are willing to apply their
tolical tradition, and directed hy the Spirit of mind, and to learn how they ought to conduct
God. It was first wrote in the Hebrew, hut af- themselves, who purpose to lead their life ac-
terwards translated i/i/o Greek by another Je- cording to tiie law of the Lord.
sus, the grandson of the author ; whose pro- CHAP.
logue to this book is the following :
All rcisdom is from God, and is given to them that
THE PROLOGUE. fear and love God.
THE knowledge of many and great things
hath been shewn us by the law, and the
wisdom is from the Lord God, and hath
been always with him, and is before all
prophets, and others that have followed them :lime.
for which things Israel is to be commended for 2 Who hath numbered the sand of the sea,
doctrine and wisdom :because not only ihev and the drops of rain, and the days of the world ?
that speak must needs be skilful, but strangers Who hath measured the height of heaven, and
also both speaking and writing, may by their the breadth of the earth, and the dcjith of the
means become most learned. My grandfather abyss ?
Jesus, after he had much given himself to a dili- 3 Who hath seandicd out the wisdom of God
gent reading of the law, and the prophets, and that eoeth before all things?
other books, that were delivered to us from 4 Wisdom hath been created before all things,
our fathers, had a mind, also to write some- and the understanding of prudence fro^^ ever-
thing himself, pertaining to doctrine and wisdom ;
that such as are desirous to learn, and are made 5 The word of God on high is the /ountain
knowing in these things, nniy be more and more of wisdom; and her ways are everlasting com-
attentive in mind, and be strengthened to live mandments.
accordinsr to the law. I entreat you therefore to 6 To whom hath the root of wisdom been re-
come with benevolence, and to read with atten- vealed, and who hath known her wise counsels ?
tion, and to pardon us for those things wherein 7 To whom hath the discipline of wisdom been
we may seem, while we follow the imasre of wis- revealed and made manifest ? and who hath un-
dom, to come short in the composition of words derstood the multiplicity of her steps ?

for ike Hebrew words have not the sntne force in 8 There is one most high Creator AImight_v,
them when translated into another tongue. And and a powerful King, and greatlyto be feared,
cot only these, bnt the law also itself, and the who sitteth upon his throne, and is the God of
Srophets, and the rest of the books, have no small; dominion.
iflerence, when thev are spoken in their own] 9 He created her in the Holy Ghost, and sai*
iftnguage. For in the eighth and thirtieth year), her, and numbered her, and measured her
: ;
: ;


10 And he poured her out upon all his works,' 2 Humble thy heart, and endure incline thy :

and upon according to his gift, and hath

all llesh car, and receive the words of understanding: and
given her to them that love him. I
make not haste in the time of clouds.
11 'I'lio fear of the Lord is honour, and glory,! 3 Wait on God with patience join : thyself to
and gla(hipss, and a crown ofjoy. God, and endure, that thy life may be increased in
12 The fear of the Lord shall delight the the latter end.
heart, and shall give joy, and gladness, and 4 Take all that shall be brought upon diee:
lengtli of days. and in thy sorrow endure, and in thy humiliation
i;j With him that feareth the Lord, it shall go keep patience ,
w..;i in the latter end, and in the day of his 5 For gold and silver are tried in the fire, but he sliall be blessed. acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation.
14 Tlie love of God is honourable wisdom. 6 Believe God, and he will recover thee and :

1.5 And tliev to whom she sliall sliew iierself, direct thy way, and trust in him\ Keep his fear,
love her by the sight, and by the knowledge of and grow old therein.
her great w orks. 7 Ye that fear the Lord, wait for his mercy and :

16 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of go not aside from him, lest ye fall.

wisdom, and was created with the faitlifiil in the 8 Ye that fear the Lord, believe him : and your
womb: it walketh with chosen women, and is reward shall not be made void.
known with the just and faithful. 9 Ye that fear the Lord, hope in him and mercy :

17 The fear of the Lord is the religiousness of shall come to vou for your delight.
knowledge. 10 Ye that fear the Lord, love him and your :

18 Religiousness shall keep and justify the hearts shall be enlightened.

hear^: it shall give joy and gladness. 11 My children, behold the generationsof men:
19 h shall go well with him that feareth the and know ye that no one hath hoped in the'Lord,
Lord rtnd in the days of his end he shall be and hath been confounded.

blessed. 12 For who hath continued in his command-

20 To fear God is the fulness of wisdom : and ment, and hath been forsaken ? or who hath called
fulness is from the fruits thereof. upon him, and he despised him ?
21 She shall fill all her house with her in- 13 For God is compassionate and merciful, and
crease, and the storehouses with her treasures. will forgive sins in the day of tribulation and he :

22 The fear of tli^ Lord is a crown of wisdom, is a protector to all that seek him in truth.
filling up peace and tiie fruit of salvation: 14 Wo to them that are of a double heart, and
23 And it hath seen, and numbered her: but to wicked lips, and to the hands thiit do evil,
both are the gifts of God. and to the sinner that goeth on the earth two ways.
24 Wisdom shall distribute knowledge, and un- 15 VVo to them that are faint-hearted, who bo
derstanding of prudence; and exalteth the glory lieve not God: and therefore they shall nal ba
of them that hold her. protected by him.
25 Tlie root of wisdom is to fear the Lord 16 Wo to them that have lost patience, and
and the branches thereof are long lived. that have forsaken the right ways, and have gone
26 In the treasures of wisdom is understand- aside into crooked ways.
insT, and religiousness of knowledge: but to sin- 17 And what will they do, when the Lord shall
ners wisdom is an abomination. begin to examine ?
27 The fear of the Lord driveth out sin :18 They that fear the Lord, will not be incredu
28 For he that is without fear cannot be justi- lous to hisvvord and they that love him, will keep

fied for the wrath of his high spirits is his ruin. his wav.

29 A patient man shall bear for a time: and 19 They that fear the Lord, will seek after the
afterwards joy sliall be restored to him. tilings that are well pleasins to him and they that :

30 A good understanding will hide his words' love him, shall be filled with his law.
for a time and the lips of many shall declare his
: 20 They that fear the Lord, will prepare their
wisdom. hearts, and in his sight will sanctify their souls.
31 In the treasures of wisdom is the significa- 21 ,Tliey that fear the Lord, keep his com-
tion of discipline : mandments, and will have patience even until his
32 But the worship of God is an abomination visitation,
to a sinner. 22 Saying : If we do not penance, we shall fall
33 Son, if thou desire wisdom, keep justice, into the liands of the Lord, and not into the hands
and God \vill give her to thee. of men,
34 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and dis- 23 For according to his greatness, so also is
cipline and that which is agreeable to him,
: his mercy with him.
35 Is faith, and meekness: and he will fill up CHAP. III.
his treasures.
Lessons concerning the honour of parents, and
36 Be not incredulous to the fear of the Lord
humility, and avoiding curiosity.
and come not to him with a double heart.
37 Be not a hypocrite in the sight of men:
and let not thv lips be astumblirig-block to thee.
THE sons of wisdom are the church of th«
just; and their generation, obedience ami
38 Watch over them, lest thou fall, and bring love.
dishonour upon thy soul, 2 Children, hear the judgment of your father,
39 And God discover thy secrets, and cast thee and so do that vou mav be saved.
down in the midst of the congregation : 3 For God hath made the father honourable to
40 Because thou earnest to the Lord wickedly the children and seeking the judgment of the

and thy heart is full of guile and deceit. mothers, hath confirmed it upon the children.
4 He that loveth God sliall obtain pardon for
CHAP. H. his sins bv praver, and shall refrain himself from
God's servants must look for teinpfntion.i : and them, and shall be heard in the prayer of days.
must arm themselves with patience and confi- 5 And he that bonoureth his mother is as one
dence in God. that laveth up a treasure.
CJON, when thou comest to the service of God, 6 He that bonoureth his father shall have joy
^^ stand in justice and in fear, and prepare thy in his own children and in the day of hia prayer

Jioul for temptation. he shall be heard.

: : : :

7 Ha that hououieth his father shall enjoy a CHAP. IV.
loiig iife iir.c he that obeyeth tlie father shall
An exhortation to works of mercy, and to the love
be a Of/infoit to liis mother.
of wisdom.
8 Hethat feaieth tlie Lord honoureth his pa
rents, iiiul will serve them as his masters tliat SON,
defraud not tlie poor of alms; and turn
brouglit him into the world. not away thy eyes from the poor.
'J Honour tliy father, in work aad word, and 2 Despise not the hungry soul : and provoke
all patience, not the poor in his want.
lU 'I'iiat a blessing ma-}' come upon thee from 3 Afflict not the heart of the needy and defer :

him, and his blessing may remain in the latter not to give to him that is in distress.
end. 4 Reject not the petition of the afflicted: and
11 The fatlier's blessin* establisheth the turn not away thy face from the needy.
houses of the children: but the mother's curse 5 Turn not away thy eyes from the poor for
rooteth up the foundation. fear of anger : and leave not to them that ask of
12 Glory not in the dishonour of thy father: ihec to curse thee behind thy back.
for his shame is no glory to thee. fi For the prayer of him that curseth thee in
13 For the glory of a man is from the honour the bitterness of his soul, shall be heard : for bo
of his father : and a father without honour is the that made himswill hear him.
disgrace of the son. 7 Make thyself affable to the congregation of

14 Sou, support the old age of thy father; the poor; and humble thy soul to the ancient;
and grieve iiim not in his life: and bow thy head to a great man.
15 And if his understanding fail, have patience 8 Bow down thy ear cheerfully to the poor;
with him, and despise him not when thou art in and pay what thou owest ; and answer him
thy strengtii : for the relieving of the father shall peaceable words with mildness.
not be forgotten. 9 Deliver him that suffereth wrong out of the
1(5 For good shall be repaid to thee for the sin hand of the proud; and be not faint-hearted in
of thy niother thy soul.
17 And in justice tiiou ahalt be built up, and 10 In judging be merciful to the fatherless as
in th« day of affliction thou shalt be remem a father, and as a husband to their nioiher:
bered :and thv sins shall melt away as the ice 11 And thou shalt be as the obedient son of
in the fair warm weather. the most High, and he will have mercy on thee
18 Of what an evil fame is he that forsaketh more than a mother.
his father ? and he is cursed of God that anger- 12 Wisdom inspireth life into her children, and
eth his mother. proiecteih them tliat seek after her, and will go
19 My son, do thy works in meekness, and before them in the way of justice.
thou shalt be beloved above the glory of men. 13 And he that loveth her, loveth life: and
2l) Tiie greater thou art, the more humble thy they that watch for her, shall embrace hers\yeet-
self in all things; and thou shalt find grace be ness.
fore God They that hold her fast, shall inherit life:
21 For great the power of God alone: and and whithersoever she entereth, God will give a
he is honoured by the liumble. blessing.
22 Seek not the things that are too high for 15 They that serve her, shall be servants to
thee, and search not into things above thy abi- the holy one and God loveth them that love her.

lity: but the things that God hath commanded 16 He that hearkeneth to her, shall judge na
ihee, think on them always: and in many of hi tioiis : and he thatlooketh upon lier, shall remain

works be not curious. secure.

23 For it is not necessary for thee to see with 17 If he trust lo her, he shall inherit her, and
thy eyes those things that are hid. lis generation shall be in assurance.

24 In unnecessary matters be not o.ver-curi 13 For she walketh with him in temptation,*
ous ; and in many of his works thou shalt not be and at the first she chooseth him.
inquisitive. 19 She will bring upon him fear, and dread, and
25 For many things are shewn to thee above trial : and she will scourge him with the afflic-
the understanding of men. tion of her discipline, till she try him by her laws.
26 And the Busi)ici()n of them hath deceived and trust his soul.
many, and hath detained their minds in va- 20 Then she will strengthen him, and make
nity." a straight way to him, and give him joy.
27 A hard heart shall fare evil at the last : and 21 And will disclose her secrets to him, and
he that loveth danger shall perish in it. will heap upon him treasures of knowledge and
28 A heart that goeth two ways siiall not have understanding of justice.
success ; and the perverse of heart shall be 22 But if he go astray, she will forsake him,
scandalized therein. and deliver him into the" hands of his enemy.
'^9 A wicked heart shall be laden with sor- 23 Son, observe the time, and fly from evil,
rows, and liie sinner will add sin to sin. 24 For thy soul be not ashamed to say tlie
30 The congregation of the proud shall not be truth.
healed for the plant of wickedness shall take
25 For there is a shame that bringeth sin
root in them, and it shall not be perceived. and there is a shame that bringeth glory and
31 The heart of the wise is understood in wis- grace.
dom: and a good ear will hear 26 Accept no person against thy own person,
wisdom with all
desire. nor against thy soul a lie.
32 A wise heart, and which hath understand 27 Reverence not thy neighbour in his fall
ing, will al>stain from sins, and in the works of 28 And icfrain not to speak in the time of sal-
justice shall have success. vation. Hide not thy wisdom in her beauty.
33 Water quencheth a flaming fire : and alms
resisteth sins Tn templntion, fee. The meaning is, that
34 And (iod provideth for him that sheweth before wisdom will choose any for her favourite,
favour: he remeinberefh him afterwards: and she will try them by leading ihem through
in the tiire of his full he shall find a sure tradictions, afflictions, and temptations,
the UBUtil
•tay. Unoviceship of the children of God.
: : : :


29 For by tho tongue wisdom is discerned; INSTEAD

of a friend become not an enemy to
nnd understanding, and knowledge, and learning, thy neighbour for an evil man shall inherit :

by tlje word of Uie wise, and stedfaslness in the reproach and shame so shall every sinner that :

works of justice. is envious and double-tongued.

30 In no wise speak against the truth : but be 2 Extol not thyself in the thoughts of thy soul
ashamed of the lie of thy ignorance. like a bull ; lest thy strength be quashed by folly.
31 Be not ashamed to confess thy sinsj but 3 And it eat up thy leaves and destroy tliy fruit,
Bubmit not thyself to every man for sin. and thou be left as a dry tree in the wilderness.
32 Resist not against the face of the mighty, 4 For a wicked soul shall destroy him that
and do not strive against the stream of the river. hath it, and maketh him to be a joy to his ene-
33 Strive for justice for thy soul ; and even mies, and shall lead him into the lot of the wicked.
unto deatli fight for justice, and God will over 5 A sweet word multiplieth friends, and ap-
tlirow thy enemies for thee. peaseth enemies and a gracious tongue in a :

31 Be not hasty in thy tongue : and slack, and good man aboundeth.
remiss in thy works. 6 Be in peace with many but let one of a. :

35 Be not as a lion in thy house, terrifying thousand be thy counsellor.

them of thy household, and oppressing them that 7 If thou wouldst get a friend, try him before
are under thee. thou fakest him, and do not credit him easily.
3G Let not thy hand be stretched out to receive, 8 For there is a friend for his owji occasion:
and shut when thou shouldst give. and he will not abide in the day of thy trouble.
9 And there is a. friend that turneth to enmity:
CHAP. V. and there is a friend that will disclose hatred, and
ffe must not presume on our wealth or strength ; strife, and reproaches.
nor on the mercy of God to go on in sin : we 10 And there is a friend a companion at tho
must be stedfast in virtue and truth. table; and he will not abide in the day of dis-

SET not thy heart upon unjust

and say not have enough ; I
possessions; tress.
to liveon for :
11 A friend if he continue stedfast, shall be to
it shall be of no service in the time of vengeance thee as thyself, and shalt act with confidence
and darkness. amon^ them of thy household.
2 Follow not in thy strength the desires of 12jff he humble himself before thee, and hide
thy heart himself from thy face, thou shalt have unanimous
And say not How mighty am I ? and who
friendship for good.
shall bring me under for my deeds? for God will 13 Separate tbvself from thy enemies, and take
surely take revenge. heed of thy friends.
4 Say not I have sinned, and what harm hath
14 A faithful friend is a strong defence: and
befallen me ? for the most High is a patient re- he that hath found him, halh found a treasure.
warder. 15 Nothing can be compared to a faithful
5 Be not without fear about sin forgiven; and friend and no weight of gold and silver is able

add not sin upon sin to countervail tlie goodness of his fidelity.
6 And say not: The mercy of the Lord is 16 A faithful friend is the medicine of life and
great he will have mercy on the multitude of
immortality: and they that fear the Lord, shall
my sina. find him.
For mercy and wrath quickly corhe from
7 17 He that feareth God, shall likewise have
him and his wrath looketh upon sinners.
good friendship because according to him shall

8 Delay not to be convertea to the Lord, and his friend be.

defer it not from day to day. son, from thy youth up receive instruc-
18 My
9 For his wrath shall come on a sudden nnd and even to thy grey hairs thou shall fiad
tion ;

in the time of vengeance he will destroy thee. wisdom.

10 Be not anxious for goods unjustly gotten: 19 Come to her as one that plougheth, and
for they shall not profit tliee in the day of ca- soweth, nnd wait for her good fruits.
lamity and revenge. 20 Fo» in working about her thou shalt labour
11 Winnow not with every wind, and go not a little, and shalt quickly eat of her fruits.
Vito every way for so is every sinner proved by
21 How very unpleasant is wisdom to the un-
a douhle to.'igr.e. learned ? and the unwise will not continue with
12 Be stedfast in the way of the Lord, nnd in her.
the truth of thy judgment, nnd in knowledge 22 She shall be to them as a mighty stone of

and let the word of peace and justice keep with trial and they will cast her from them before it :

thee. be long.
13 Be meek to hear the word, that thou mayst 23 For the wisdom of doctrine is according to
understand nnd return a true answer with wis- her name; and she is not manifest unto many;

dom. but with them to whom she is known, she con-

14 If thou have understanding, answer thy tinueth even to the sight of God.
neighbour: but if not, let thy hand be upon thy 24 Give ear, my son, nnd take wise counsel,
mouth, le«t thou be surprised in an unskilful and cast not awav mv advice.
word, and be confounded. 25 Put thy feet into her fetters, and thy neck
15 Honour nnd glory is in the word of the into her chains
wise, but the tongue of the fool is his ruin. * 26 Bow down thy shoulder, nnd bear her; arid
16 Be not called a whisperer and be not taken be not grieved with her bnnds.

in thy tongue and confounded 27 Come to her with all thy mind ; and keep

17 For confusion and repentance is upon o her wavs with all tliv power.
thief, and an evil mark of disgrace upon the 28 Search for her, and she shall be mnde known
double-tons ned, but to the whisperer hatred and to thee ; and when thou hast gotten her, let her
enmity, and reproach. not go:
18 justify alike the small and the great. 29 For in the latter end thou shalt find rest in
her, nnd she shall be turned to thy joy.
CHAP. VI. 30 Tlien shall her fetters be a strong defence
Cftrue and false friends : and of the fruits of for thee, and a firm founduTion, and her chain a
wisdom. robe of glory
: ;

31 For in her is the beauty of liff,, and her 22 Hurt not the servant that worketh faithful
oaiids ore a healthful biniiing. ly, nor the hired man that giveth th-^e his life.
32 Thou shult put her on ns a robe of glory : 23 Let a wise servant be dear to thee as th)
and thou slialt set her upon thee as a crown of own soul : defraud him not of liberty, nor leave
joy. him needy.
33 My thou wilt attend to me, thou shalt
son, if 24 Hast thou cattle ? have an eye to them ;
learn and if thou wilt apply thy mind, thou shalt and if they be for thy profit, keep thein with thee.

be wise. 25 Hast thou children T instruct them, and

34 if thou wilt incline thy ear, thou shalt re- bow down their neck from their childhood.
ceive instruction: and if thou love to hear, thou 26 Hast thou daughters ? have a care of their
ehalt be wise. body and shew not thy countenance gay to-

35 Stand in the multitude of ancients that are wards them.

wise, and join thyself from thy heart to their wis- 27 Marry thy daughter we//; and thou shalt
dom, that thou mayst hear every discourse of do a great work, and give her to a wise mac.
God, and the sayings of praise may not escape 28 if thou hast a wife according to thy soul,
tliee. cast her not off: and to her that is hateful, trust
36 And if thou see a man of understanding, go not thyself. With thy whole heart,
to him early in the morning; and let thy foot wear 29 Honour thy father, and forget not the
the steps of his doors. groanings of thy mother
37 Let thy thoughts be upon the precepts of 30 Remember that tlioii hadst not been bom
God, and meditate continually on his command- but through them and make a return to them :

ments and he will give thee a heart, and the as they have done for thee.

desire of wisdom shall be given to thee. 31 With all thy soul fear the Lord ; and reve-
rence his priests.
CHAP. VII. 32 With all thy strength love him that mada
Religious and moral duties, thee : and forsake not his ministers.
33 Honour God with all thy soul; and give
DO no evils, and no evils shall lay hold of
thee. honour to the priests, and purify thyself with thy
2 Depart from the unjust : and evils shall de- arms.t
part from thee. 34 Give them their portion, as it is com-
3 My son, sow not evils in the furrows of in- manded thee, of the first-fruits and of purifica-
justice: and thou shalt not reap them sevenfold. tions: and for thy
negligences purify thyself
4 Seek not of the Lord a pre-eminence, nor of with a few.
the king the seat of honour. 35 Offer to the Lord the gift of thy shouldeib,
5 Justify not thyself before God, for he know- and the sacrifice of sanctification, and the first-
e.tli the heart and desire not to appear wise be- fruits of the holy things:

fore the king.

36 And stretch out thy hand to the poor, that
6 Seek not to be made a judge, unn<i(s thou thy expiation and thy blessing may be perfected.
'37 A gift hath grace in the sight of all the
have strength enough to extirpate iniquities;
lest thou fear the person of the powerful, and lay
living: and restrain not grace from the dead4
a stumbling-block for thy integrity. 38 Be not wanting in comforting them thai
7 Offend not against the multitude of a city, weep* and
walk with them that mourn.
neither cast thyself in upon the people, 39 Be not slow to visit the sick for by these :

8 Nor bind sin to sin: for even in one thou things thou shalt
be confirmed in love.
ehalt not be unpunished. i
40 In all thy works remember thy last end
9 Be not faint-hearted in thy mindfe and thou shalt never sin.
10 Neglect not to pray, and to givrtahns. CHAP. VIH.
11 Say not: God will have respect to the mul-
titude of my gifts, and when I offer to the most
Other lessons of wisdom and fririue
high God, lie will accept my offerings. STRIVE not with a powerful man ; lest thou
12 Laugh no man to sconi in the bitterness of fall into his hands.
his soul : for there is 2 Contend not with a rich man ; lest he bring
one that humbleth and ex-
ttlteth, God who seeth all. an action against thee.
13 Devise not a lie against thy brother: nei- 3 For gold and silver hath destroyed many,
ther do the like against tliy friend. and hath reached even to the heart of kings, and
14 Be not willing to make any manner of lie : perverted them.
for the custom thereof is not good. 4 Strive not with a man that is full of tongue;
15 Be not full of words in a multitude of an- and heap not wood upon his fire.
cients : and repeat not* the word in thy prayer. 5 Communicate not with an ignorant man;
16 Hate not laborious works, nor husbandry lest he speak ill of thy family.
ordained by the most Hig-h. 6 Despise not a man that turneth away from
17 Num.ber not thyself among the multitude of sin, nor reproach him therewith remember that ;

the disorderly. we are all worthy of reproof,

18 Remember wrath ; for it will not tarry 7 Despise not a man in his old age fpr we .

long. also shall become old.

19 Humble thy spirit very much : for the
vengeance on the 'flesh of the ungodly is fire and
Thi) arms. That is, with all thy power:
or else, by arms fbrnchiis) are here signified the
20 Do not transgress against thy friend defer-
ris'hi shoulder's of the victims, which by the law
ring money; nor despise thy dear brother for the See ver. 35.
fell to the share of the priests.
Bake of gold. That
and good wife, t And restrain not grace fi'om the dead.
21 Depart not from a wise
i=, withhold not from tWem the benefit of alms,
•whom thou hast gotten in the fear of the Lord j)iavcrs, :

and sacrifices. Such was the doctrine

fcrthe grace of her modesty is above gold.
and piaciice of the church of God, even in the
* Repeat nof, kc. IMake not much babbling liiiio of the old lestument. And the same has al-
by repetition of words: but aim more at fervour ways been continued from the days of the apcj-
ties in th'j churcli of the new testament.
«f heart.
1 : :; : :::


8 Rejoice not at the death of thy enemy:'! 15 A new friend is as new wine : it shall grow
knowiiiir thut we and arc not willing thot old; and tliou shall drink it with pleasure.
all die,
others should rejoice at our death. Ifi Envy not the glory and riches of u sinner:

9 Despise not the discourse of them that are for thou knowest not what his ruin shall lie.
ancient and wise; but acquaint thyself with their 17 Be not pleased with th^ wrong done by the
proverbs. unjust, knowing that even to hell the wicked
10 For of' them thou shall leani wisdom, and hall not please.
instruction of understanding, and to serve great 18 Keep thee far from the man that hath power
men without blame. to kill ; so thou shalt not suspect the fear of
1 Let not the discourse of the ancients escape death.
thee; lor they have learned of their fatliers: 19 And if thou come to him, commit no fault;
12 For of them thou shalt learn understand- lest he take away thy life.
ing, and to give an aaswer in time of need. 20 Know it to be a communication with death
13 Kindle not the coals of sinners by rebuking for thou art going in the midst of snares, and
them lest thou be burnt with the flame of the walking upon the arms of them that are grieved.

lire of their sins. 21 According to thy power beware of thy

14 Stand not against the face of an injurious neighbour and treat with the wise and prudent.

person lest he sit as a spy to entrap thee in thy

; 22 Let just men be thy guests: ana let thy
words. glory be in the fear of God.
15 Lend not to a man that is mightier than thy 23 And let the thought of God be in thy mind,
self: and if thou lendest, count ii as lost. and all thy discourse on the commandments of
16 Be not surety above tliy power and if thou the Higliest.

be surety, think as if thou wert to p:n' it. 24 Works shall be praised for the hand of the
17 .Fud^e not against a judge; for he judgeth artificers, and tlie prince of the people for the
according to that which is just. wisdom of his speech ; but the word of tlie an-
18 Go not on the way with a bold man, lest he cients for the sense.
burden thee with his evils for he goetli accord-
: 5 A man full of tongue is terrible in his
ing to his own will; and thou shalt perish to city and he that is rash in his word shall be

gether with his folly. hateful.

19 Quarrel not with a passionate man, and go
not into the desert with a bold man : for blood is
as nothing in his sight and w here there is no
; The virtues and vices of men in power: the great
help he will overthrow thee. evil of pride.
20 Advise not with fools; for they cannot love WISE judge shall judge his people :* and
but such things as please them. the government of a prudent man shall be
21 Before a stranger do no matter of counsel steady.
for thou knowest not what he will bring forth 2 As the judge of the people is himself, so
22 Open not thy heart to every man lest he also are his ministers : and what manner of man

repay thee with an evil turn, and speak reproach the ruler of a city is, such also are they that
fully to thee. dwell therein.
CHAP. IX. 3 An unwise king shall be the ruin of his peo-
ple : and cities shall be inliabited through the
Cautions tcith regard to women, and dangerous
prudence of the rulers.
4 The power of the earth is in the hand of
BE not jealous over the wife of thy bosom ; God : and in his time he will raise up a profit-
lest she shew in thy regard tlie malice of a
able ruler over it.
wicked lesson. 5 The prosperity of man is in the hand of God
2 Give not the power of thy soul to a woman and upon the person of the scribet he shall lay
test she enter upon thy strength, and thou be
his honoCir.
confounded. 6 Remember not any injury done thee by thy
3 Look not upon a woman
that hath a mind neighbour; and
do thou nothing by deeds of
for many ; lest thou fall into her snares.
4 Use not much the company of her that is a
7 Pride is hateful before God and men: and bU
dancer, and hearken not to her; lest thou peiish iniquity of nations is execrable.
by the force of her charms, 8 A
kingdom is translated from one people to
5 Giize not upon a maiden; lest her beauty be another, because of injustices, and wrongs, and
a stumbling-block to thee. injuries, and divers deceits.
6 Give not thy soul to harlots in any point;
9 But nothing is more wicked than the covet-
lest thou destroy thyself and thy inheritance.
ous man. Why
is earth and ashes proud ?
7 J^ook not round about thee in the ways of 10 There is not a more wicked thing than to
the city, nor wander up and down in the streets love money : for such a one setteth even his own
soul to sale : because while he liveth he hath cast
8 Turn away thy face from a woman dressed
away his bowels.
Hp ; and gaze not about upon another's beauty- 11 All power is of short life. long sickness A
9 For niativ have perished by the beaiity of* a
is troublesome to the physician.
woman ; and hereby (ust is enkindled as a fire. 12 The physician cutteth offa short sickness
10 Every woman that is a harlot, shall be trod-
so also a king is to-day ; and to-morrow he shall
den upon as dung in the way.
11 Many by
admiring the beauty of another
13 For when a man shall die, he shall inherit
man's have become reprobate; for her con
serpents, and beasts, and worms.
versation bunieth as fire.
14 The beginning of the pride of man, is to fall
12 Sit not at all with another man's wife, nor
off from God
repose upon the bed with her
13 And strive not with her over wine ; lost thy
heart decline towards her, and by tliy blood thou * Judge his people. In the Greek it is, »n«<r«c<
fal! intodestruction.
14 Forsake not an old friend ; for the new will
his people.
t The scribe. That is, the man
that is wis*
Bot b« like to him. land learned in the law.
: :

15 Because his heaVt is 7 Before thou inquire, blame no man : and
departed from him that
made him ; for pride is the beginning of ail sin :, when thou
hast inquired, reprove justly.
he that hohieth it, 8 Before thou hear, answer not a word : and
shall be filled with n->.aledic-'
tions : and it shall ruin him in the end. interrupt not others in the midst of their dis-
16 Therefore hath the Lord disgraced the as-| course.
Bembliesof the wicked, and hath utterly destroyed, 9 Strive not in a matter which doth not con-
them. cern thee; and sit not in judgmeht with sin^

17 God hath overturned the thrones of proud ners.

princes, and hath set up the meek in their stead 10 My son, meddle not with many matters : and
18 God hath made the roots of proud nations if thou be rich, thou shalt not be free from sin:
to wither, and hath planted the humble of these for if thou pursue after, thou shalt not overtake :
nations. and if thou run before, thou shalt not escape.
19 The Lord hath overthrown the lands of the 11 There is an ungodly man that laboureth,
gentiles, and hath destroyed them even to the and maketh haste, and is in sorrow, and is so
foundation. much the more in want.
20 He hath made some of them to withe 12 Again, there is an unactive man that want-
away, and hath destroyed them, and hath made eth help, is very weak in ability, and full of
the memory of them to cease from the earth. poverty
21 God hath abolished the memory of the 13 Yet the eye of God hath looked upon hiip
proud, and hath preserved the memory of them for good, and hath lifted him up from his low

that are humble in mind. estate, and hath exalted his head : and many
22 Pride was not made for men ; nor wrath for have wondered at him, and have glorified God.
the race of women. 14 Good things and evil, life and death, poverty
23 That seed of men shall be honoured, which and riches, are from God.
feareth God but that seed shall be dishonoured,
: 15 Wisdom and discipline, and the knowledge
which transgresseth the commandments of the of the law are with God. Love and the ways of
Lord. good things are with him.
2-1 In the midst of brethren their chief is ho- 16 Error and darkness are created with sin-
nourable: so shall they that fear the Lord, be in ners : and they that glory in evil things, grow old
his eyes. in evil.
25 "The fear of God is the glory of the rich, 17 The gift of God abideth with the just : ana
and of the honorable, and of the poor : his advanceuient shall have success for ever.
26 Despise not a just man that is poor and do 18 There is one that is enriched by living spa-
not magmfy a sinful man that is rich. ringly : and this is the portion of his reward,
27 The groat man, and the judge, and the 19 In that he saith : I have found me rest, and
mighty is in honour : and there is none greater now I will eat of my goods alone :
than he that feareth God. , 20 And he knoweth not what time shall pass,
28 They that are free shall serve a servant that and that death approacheth, and that he must
is wise : and a man that is prudent and well in leave all to others, and shall die.
structed will not murmur when he is reproved 21 Be stedfast in thy covenant ; and he con-
and he that is ignorant, shall not be honoured. versant therein; and grow old in the work of thy
29 Extol not thyself in doing thy work : and conuiiandments.
linger not in the time of distress: 22 Abide not in the works of sinners. But
30 Better is he that laboureth, and aboundeth trust in God, and stay in thy place.
in nil things, than he that boasteth himself, and 23 For it is easy in the eyes of God on a sud-
wanteth bread. den to make the poor man rich.
31 My son, keep thy soul in meekness, and 24 The blessing of God maketh haste to reward
give it honour according to its desert. the just: and in a swift hour his blessing beareth
32 Who will justify him that siuneth against fruit.
his own soul ? and who will honour him that 25 Say not : What need I, and what good shall
dishonoureth his own soul? I have by thjs ?
33 The poor man is glorified by his discipline 26 Say not: lam sufficient for myself: and
and fear and there is a man that is honoured for what shall I be made worse by this ?

his wealth. 27 In the day of good things bo not unmindful

31 But he that is glorifie! in poverty, how- of evils and iii the clay of evils be not unmindful

much more in wealth ? and he that is glorified in of good things

wealth, let him fear poverty. 23 For it is easy before God in the day of death
to reward every one according to his Vays.
CHAP. XL 29 The aflHction of an hour maketh one forget
Lessons of humility nnd moderation in all irreat delights ; and in the end of a man is the
disclosing of his works.
THE wisdom of the humble shall exalt his] 30 Praise not any man before death for a man ;

head, and shall make him sit in the midst ofis known by his children.
great men. 31 Bring not every man into thy house; for
2 Praise not a man for his beauty ; neither many are the snares of the deceitful.
despise a man for his look. 32 For as corrupted bowels send forth stink
3 The bee is small among flying things ; but ?ng breath, and as the partridge is brouirlit into
her fruit hath the cliiefest sweetness. the cage, and as the roc into the snare so also is ;

4 Glory not in apparel at any time, and be not the heart of the proud, and as a spy that looketh
exalted in tlie day of thy honour: for the works on the fall of his neighbour.
of the Hiarbest only are wonderful and his: 33 For he lieth in wait, and tumeth good into
work* are glorious, and secret, and hidden. evil and on the elect he will lay a blot.

5 IMany tyrants have sat on the throne anil 34 Of one spark cometh a great fire, and of

he whom no man would think on, hath worn the one deceitful man much blood: and a sinful man
crown. lieth inwait for blood.
6 Manv mighty men have been greatly brought 35 Take heed to thyself of a mischievous man ;
down nnd the glorious have been delivered into
: for he worketh eAils;'lest he bring upon thep r«-
the hand of others. iproach for ever.
: : :


36 Receive a stranger in: and he shall over-' 5 If thou give, he will make use of thee : and
throw thee with a whirlwind, and shall turn thee ifthou have nothing, he will forsake thee.
out of ihy own. 6 If thou have any thing, he will live with thee,
and will make tliee bare ; and he will not be sor-
ry for thee.
We are to he liberal to the just : and iwt to trust 7 If he have need of thee, he will deceive thee,
the wicked. and smiling upon thee will put thee in hope : he
will speak thee fair, and will say : What wantest
to whom thou
IFand there shall know
thou do good,
be much thanks for
good thou ?

deeds. 8 And
he will shame thee by his meats, till he
2 Do good to the just; and thou shalt find great have drawn tliee dry twice or thrice, and at last
recoinpence : aiid if not of him, assuredly of the he will laugh at thee and afterward when he

Lord. seeth thee, he will forsake thee, and shake his

3 For there is no good for him that is always head at thee.
occupied in evil, and that giveth no alms for the :
9 Humble thyself to God, and wait for his
Higiiest hateth sinners, and hath mercy on tlie hands.
penitent. 10 Beware that thou be not deceived into fol-
4 Give to the merciful; and uphold not the ly, and be humbled.
sinner: God will repay vengeance to the ungod- 11 Be not lowly in thy wisdom; lest beiag
• ly and to sinners, and keep tliem against the day humbled tliou be deceived into folly.
of vengeance. 12 If thou be invited by one that is mightier
5 Give to the good ; and receive not a sinner. withdraw thyself: for so he will invite thee the
6 Do good to the humble; and give not to ihe more.
ungodly ; hold back thy bread, and give it not to 13 Be not troublesome to him; lest thou be
him lest thereby he over-master thee. put back and keep not far from him ; lest thou

7 For thou shalt receive twice as much evil for be forgotten.

all the good thou shalt have done to him: for the
14 Affect not to speak with him as an equal
Highest also hateth sinners, and will repay ven- and believe not his many words : for by much
geance to the ungodly. talk he will sift thee, and smiling will examine
8 A friend shall not be known in prosperity thee concerning thy secrets.
and an enemy shall not be hidden in adversity. 15 His cruel mind will lay up thy words : and
9 In the prosperity of a man, his enemies are he will not spare to do thee hurt, and to cast thee
grieved : and a friend is known in his adversity. into prison.
10 Never trust thy enemy ; for as a brass pot 16Take heed to thyself, and attend dilie:ently
his wickedness rusteth to what thou hearest for thou walkesi iii dan-

11 Tliough he humble himself, and go orouch-

ger of thy ruin.
mg, yet take good heed, and Ceware of him. 17 When thou hearest those things, see as it

12 Set him not by thee ; neither let him sit on were and thou shalt awake.
in sleep,

thy right hand; lest he turn into thy place, and 18 Love God all thy life, and call upon him
seek to take thy seat: and at the last thou ac- thy salvation. for
19 Every beast loveth its like : so also every
knowledge my my man
words, and be pricked with
sayines. him that is nearest to himself.
13 \Vlio will pity an inchanter struck by a ser- 20 All flesh shall consort with the like to it-
pent, or any that come near wild beasts ? so is it self: and every man shall associate himself to
with him that keepeth company with a wicked his like.
man, and is involved in his sins. 21 If the wolf shall at any time have fellowship
14 For an hour he will abide with thee : but if
with the lamb, so the sinner with the just.
thou begin to decline, he will not endure it. 22 What fellowship hath a holy man witli
15 An enemy speaketh sweetly with his lips: a dog; or what part hath the rich with the poor?
out in his heart he lieth in wait, to throw thee in- 23 The wild ass is the lion's prey in the de-
sert : so also the poor are devoured by the
to a pit.
16 An enemy weepeth with his eyes: but if
he find an opportunity, he will not be satisfied 24 And as humility is an abomination to the
with blood: proud: so also the rich man abhorreth the poor.
17 A nd if evils come upon thee, thou shalt 25 When a rich man is shaken, he is kej)! up
him there first. by his friends but when a poor man is fallen :

18 An enemy hath tears in his eyes and while down, he is tlirust away even by his acquaint-

he pretendeth to help thee, will undermine thy ance.

26 When a rich man hath been deceived, he
19 He will shake his head, and clap his hands, hath many helpers: he hath spoken proud things,
and whisper much, and change his countenance. and thev have'justified him.
27 The poor man was deceived, and he is re-
CHAP. XIII. buked also he hath spoken wisely, and could :

Cautions in the choice of company. have no place.

28 The rich man spoke; and nil held their
HE it
that toucheth pitch, shall be defiled with peace
and lie that hath fellowship with the clouds.
and what he said they extol even lo the

prou<l, shall nut on pride. 29 The poor man spoke, and they say : Who
2 He shall take a burden upon him that hath is this ? and if he stumble, they will overthrow
fellowship with one more hononrnbic than him-j him.
self. And have no fellov/ship with one that is 30 Riches are good to him that hath no sin in
richer than thyself. his conscience and poverty is very wicked in

3 What agreement sliaJl the earthen pot have the mouth of the ungodly.
with the kettle ? for if ihey knock one against the| 31 The heart of a man changeth his counte-
other, shall be broken.
it * nance, sither for good, or for evil.
4 The
rich min hath done wrong, and yet hej 32 The token of a good neart, and a good
v^ill fume: but the poor is wronged, and must! countenance thou shalt hardly finr, and
hold his ppice. labour.
3K 449
: : : : :: :

rhe evil of avaricewarks of mercy are recovi'
: WiscU/membraceih them that fear God. God ts
mended,.and the love ofwisdam. twt the author of sin.
BLESSED is the man that hath not siipt by
a word out of his mouth, and is not pricked HE that feareth God, will do good : and he
that possesBeth justice, shall lay hold on
with the remorse of sin. her
2 Happy is he thai hath had no sadness of his 2 And she will meet him as an honourable
mind, and who is not fallen from his hope. mother, and will receive him as a wile, married
3 Riches are not comely for a covetous of a virgin.
and a niggard and what should an envious man
: 3 With the bread of life and understanding,
do with gold 1 she shall feed him, and give him the water of
4 He that gathereth together by wronging his wholesome wisdom to drmk : and she shall be
own soul, gathereili for others and another will
made strong in him ; and he shall not be moved
squander away his goods in rioting. 4 And she shall hold him fast and he shall :

5 He tliat is evil to himself, to whom will he not be confounded : and she shall exalt him
be good 1 and he shall not take pleasure in liis among his neighbours.
goods. 5 And in the midst of the church she shall
6 There is none worse than he that envieth open his mouth ; and shall fill him with the spi
himself: and this is the reward of his wicked rit of wisdom and understanding; and shall
nesB clothe him with a robe of glory.
7 And if he do good, he doeth it ignorantly, 6 She sliall heap upon him a treasure of joy
and unwillingly : and at the last he discovereth and gladness ; and shall cause him to inherit an
his wickedness. everlasting name.
8 The eye of the envious is wicked and 7 But foolish men shall not obtain her and

he tumeth away his face, and despiseth his own wise men shall meet her; foolish men shall not
soul. see her : for she is far from pride and deceit.
9 The eye of the covetous man is insatiable 8 Lying men shall not be mindful of her : but
in his portion of iniquity : he will not be satis- men that speak truth shall be found with her,
fied till he consume his own soul, drying it up. and shall advance, even till they come to the
10 An evil eve is towards evil things and he sight of God.

shall not have Iiis fill of bread, but shall be needy 9 Praise is not seemly in the mouth of a sin-
and pensive at his own table. ner:
] 1 My son, if thou have any thing, do good to 10 For wisdom came forth from God: For
thyself, and offer to God worthy offerings. praise shall be with the wisdom of God, and
12 Remember that death is not slow, and that shall abound in a faithful mouth : and the sove-
the covenant of hell* hath been shewn to thee reign Lord will give praise unto it.

for the covenant of this world shall surely die. 11 Say not: It is through God, that she is not
13 Do good to thy friend before thou die: and with me : for do not thou the things that he
according to thy abilitj' stretching out thy hand hateth.
give to the poor. 12 Say not: He hath caused me to err; for
14 Defraud not thyself of the good day : and he hath no need of wicked men.
let not the part of a good gift overpass thee. 13 The Lord hateth all abomination of error:
15 Shalt thou not leave to others to divide by and they that fear him shall not love it.
lot thy sorrows and labours ? 14 God made man fro:n the beginning, anuleA
16 Give and take, and justify thy soul. him in the hand of his own counsel.
17 Before thy death work justice for in hell
15 He added his commandments and pre-
there is no finding food. cepts.
18 All flesh shall fade as grass, and as the leaf 16 If thou wilt keep the commandments and
that springeth out on a green tree. perfonn acceptable fidelity for ever, they shall
19 Some grow and some fall off: so is the ge- preserve thee.
neration of flesh and blood one coineth to an
17 He hath set water and fire before thee:
end, and another is born. stretch fi)rth thy hand to which thou wilt.
20 Every work that is corruptible shall fail in 18 Before man is life and death, good and
the end : and the worker thereof shall go witli it. evil : that which he shall choose shall be given
21 And every excellent work shall bo jus-; him
tified : and the worker thereof shall be honoured 10 For the wisdom of God is great : and he is
therein. strong in power, seeing all men without ceasing.

22 Blessed is the man that shall continue in 20 The eyes of the Lord are towards them
wisdom, and that shall meditate in his justice,! that fear him, and he kuoweth all the work of
and in his mind shall think of the^ll-seeiiig evej man.
of God. 21 He hath commanded no man to do wick-

23 He that considereth her ways in his heart,' edly ; and he hath given no man licence to sin.
and hath understanding in her secrets, who goeih 22 For he desireth not a multitude of faithless
after her as one that traceth, and stayeth in her and unprofitable children.
ways . . 1
24 He who looketh in at her windows, and!
It is better to have none than many iriclced chil-
hearkeneth at her door
Of the justice and mercy of God. His

25 He that lodgeth near her house, and fast-'
shall set up trays are unsearchable.
ening a pin in her walls liis tent nitrh
unto her, where good things shall rest in his REJOICE
not in ungodly children, if they be
lodging for ever multiplied neither be delighted in them, if

26 He shall set his children under her shel- ithe fear of God be not with them.
ter, and shall lodge under her branches :
2 Trust not to their life ; and respect not their
27 He shall be protected under her covering;|labours
from the heat, and shall rest in her glory, 3 For better is one. that feareth God, than a
thousand ungodly children.
* TTie covenant of hell. The decree by which 4 And it is better to die without children, than
all ore to eo down to the regions of death. lito leave ungodly children.
; :

5 By one that is wise, a country shall be in- 30 After this God looked upon the earth, and
habited : the tribe of the ungodly shall become it with his goods.
desolate. 31 The soul of every living thing hath shewn
C Many such things hath my eyes seen : and fortht before the face thereof; and into it they re-
greater tilings than these, my ear hath heard. turn again.
7 In the congregation of sinners, a fire shall
be kindled, and in an unbelieving nation wrath
ehall flame out. The creation anifavour of God to man. An ex-
8 The ancient giants did not obtain pardon for hortation to turn to God.
tliejrsins; wlio were destroyed, trusting to their
own strengtli.
created man of the earth ; and made him
after his own image.
9 And he spared not the place where Lot so- 2 And he turned him into it again; and cloth-
journed ; but abhorred them for the pride of their ed him with strength according to himself.
word. 3 He gave him the number of his days and
10 He had not pity on them, destroying the time ; and gave him power over all things that
whole nation, that extolled themselves in their are upon the earth.
Bins. 4 He put tlie fear of him upon all flesh : and he
11 So did he with the six hundred thousand had dominion over beasts and fowls.
footmen,* who were gathered together in the 5 He created of him a helpmate like to himself:
hardness of their heart and if one liad been stitT- he gave them counsel, and a tongue, and eyes,

necked, it is a wonder ifhe had escaped unpunish- and ears, and a heart to devise and he Slled

ed : them with the knowledge of understanding.

12 For mercy and wrath are with him. He 6 He created in them the science of the spirit:
t« mighty to forgive, and to pour out indignation he filled their heart with wisdom, and shewed them

13 According as his mercy is, so his correction both good and evil.
jndgeth a man according to his works. 7 He set his eye upon their hearts to shew
14 The sinner shall not escape in his rapines : them the greatness of his works :
and the patience of him, that sl\eweth mercy, shall 8 That they might praise the name which he
not be put off. hath sanctified and glory in his wondrous acts,

15 All mercy shall make a place for every man, that they might declare the glorious things ot
according to the merit of his works, and according his works.
to the wisdom of his sojournment. 9 Moreover, he gave them instructions and
16 Say not I shall be hidden from God
: am: the law of life for an inheritance.-

who shall remember me from on high ? 10 He made an everlasting covenant with

17 In such a multitude I shall not be known them: and' he shewed them his justice and

for what is my soul in such an immense creation ? judgments.

18 Behold, the heaven, and the heavens of 11 And their eye sawjthe majesty of his glory;
heavens, the deep, and all the earth, and the and their ears heard his glorious voice ; and he
things that are in them, shall be moved in his said to them Beware of all iniquity.

sight 12 And he gave to every oifl of them command

19 The mountains also, and the hills, and the ment concerning his neighbout.
foundations of the earth when God shall look
: 13 Their ways are always before him : they
upon tliem, tliey shall be shaken with trembling. are not hidden from his eyes.
20 And in all these things, the heart is sense- 14 Over every nation he set a ruler.
less : and every heart is understood by him : 15 And Israel was made the manifest portion
21 And his ways who shall understand, and the of God.
stonn, which no eye of man shall see ? 16 And all their works are as the sun in the
22 For many of his works are hidden : but sight of God : and his eyes are continually upon
the works of his justice, who shall declare ? their ways.
or who shall endure 1 for the testament is far 17 Their covenants were not hid by their ini-
from some ; and the examination of all is in the qiiity and all their iniquities are in the sight of

end. God.
23 He that wanteth understanding, 'hinketh 18 The alms of a man is as a signet with him;
vain things : and the foolish, and erring man, and shall preserve the grace of a man as the ap-
thinketh foolish things. ple of the eye
24 Hearken to me, my son, and Icam the dis- 19 And afterward he shall rise up, and shall
cipline of understanding, and attend to my words render them their reward, to every one upon their
in thy heart. own head, and shall turn them down into the bow^
25 And I will shew forth good doctrine in els of the earth.
equity, and will seek to declare wisdom : and at- 20 But to the penitent he hath given the way
tend to my words in thy heart, whilst with equity of justice and he hath strengthened them that

of spirit I tell tliee the virtues that God liath put were fainting in patience, and hath appointed to
upon his works from the beginning, and I shew them the lot of truth.
forth in truth his knowledge. 21 Turn to the Lord, and forsake thy sins :
26 The works of God are done in judgment 22 Make thv -prayer before the face of the
from the beErinnins' and from the making of them
: Lord, and oflTcnd less.'S
ke distinguished their parts, and their beginnings 23 Return to the Lord, and turn away from
in their generations. thy injustice, and ereatly hate abomination.
27 He beautified their works for ever: they 2} And know the justices and judgments of
have neither hungered, nor laboured, and they [God : ^ind stand firm in the lot set before thee,
have not ceased from their works. and in prayer to the most high God.
28 Nor shall any of them straiten his neighbour
at any time. t Shewnforth, viz. the glory and powerof God
29 Be not thou incredulous to his word. upon the earth.
t Their eye saw, viz. when he gave the law on
* f?i,c hundred thousand footmen, ifec. viz. the mount Sinai. •
children of Israel, whom he sentenced to die in $ Offend less: minue offendienla. That is.
jie wilderness. Numb. xiv. Hremove sins and the occasions of sins.

25 to the side* of the holy age, with them
Go 18 A fool will upbraid bitterly: and a gift of
that liveand give praise to God. one ill taught consumeth the eyes.
26 Tarry not in the error of the ungodly : give 19 Before judgment prepare thee justice and :

glory before death. Praise perisheih from tiie learn before thou speak.
dead as nothing. 20 Before sickness take a medicine: and be-
27 Give tiiunks thou art living : whilst fore judgment examine thyself; and thou shalt
thou art alive and in health thou shalt give find mercy in the sight of God.
thanks, and shalt praise God, and shalt glory in 21 Humble thyself before thou art sick and :

his mercies. in the time of sickness shew thy conversation.

28 Howgreat is the the Lord, and
mercy of 22 Let nothing hinder thee from praying ai
his forgiveness of them turn to him tliat ! ways; and be not afraid to be justified even to
29 For all things cannot be in men; because death: for the reward of Godcontinueth forever.
the son of man is not immortal ; and they are de- 23 Before prayer prepare thy soul : and be not
lighted with the vanitvofevil. as a man that tempteth God.
30 \Vha,t is brighter than the sun ? yet it shall 24 Remember the wrath that shall be at the
be eclipsed. Or what is more wicked than that last day, and the time of repaying when he shall
which flesh and blood hath invented ? and tlii? turn away his face.
ehaii be reproved. 25 Remember poverty in the time of abund-
31 He behoideth the power of the height of ance, and the necessities of poverty in the day of
heaven : and all men are earth and ashes. riches.
26 From the morning until the evening the
CHAP. XVHI. time shall be changed; and all these are swift ic
God's warks are wonderful : we must serve him, the eyes of God.
and not our lusts. 27 A wise man will fear in every thing, and in
the davs of sins will beware of sloth.
HE that liveth for ever created all things to-
28 Every man "f understanding knoweth wis-
God only shall be justified : and dom, and will give praise to him that fiiideth her.
he remaineth an invincible king for ever. 29 They that were of good understanding in
2 Who is able to declare his works ? words, have also done wisely themselves; and
3 For who shall search out his glorious acta ?
have uiiderstoo<l truth and justice, and have pour
4 And who shall shew forth the power of his
ed forth proverbs and judgments.
majesty? or who shall be able to declare his
30 Go not after thy lusts : but turn away from
mercy ? «
thy own will.
5 Nothing may be taken away, nor added
31 If thou give tothy soul her desires, she
neither is it possible to find out the glorious
willmake thee a joy to thy eremies.
works of God: 32 Take no pleasure in riotous assemblies, be
6 When a man hath done, then shall he be
they ever so small : for their concertation is con-
gin:t and when he leaveth off, he shall be at
a loss. .33 Make not thyself poor by borrowing to con-
7 What iswhat is his grace ? and
man, «ind
tribute to feasts when thou hast nothing in thy
what is his good, or what is his evil ?
purse for thou shalt be an enemy lo thy own:
8 The numijer of the days of men at the most
are a hundred years; as a drop of water of the
sea are they esteemed and as a pebble of the
sand, so are a few vears compared to eternity. Admonitions against sundry vices.
9 Therpfore God is patient in them, and pour A WORKMAN
that is a drunkard shall not
eth forth his mercy upon them. J.\- be rich and he that conteumeih small :

10 He hath seen the presumption of their things, shall fall by little and little.,
heart, that it is wicked, and hath known their 2 Wine and women make wise men fall off, and
end, that it is evil. shall rebuke the prudent:
11 Therefore hath he filled up his mercy in 3 And he that joineth himself to harlots, will
their favour, and hath shewn them the way of he wicked. Rottenness and worms shall inherit
justice. him and he shall be lifted up for a greater ex-

12 The compassion of man is toward his ample and his soul shall be taken away out of ;

neis;hbour: but the mercy of God is upon all the number.

flesh. 4 He that is hasty to give credit, is liirht of
13 hath mercy, and teacheth, and correct- heart, and shall be lessened: and he that siiineth
eth, as a shepherd doth his flock. against his own soul, shall he despised.
14 He hath mercy on him that receiveth the 5 He that rejoiceth in iniijuity, shall be cen
discipline of mercy, and that maketh haste in his
sured; and he that hatelh chastisement, shall
judgments. have less life: and he that liateth babbling, ex-
15 Mv son, in thy good deeds, make no com tinguisheth evil.
plaint "and when thou givest any thing, add not
6 He that sinneih against his own soul, shall
grief bv an evil word. „ , repent and he that is delighted with wickednn=s,
, :

16 Shall not the dew assuage the heat I so also

shall be condemned.
the good word is better than the gift. 7 Rehearse not again a wicked and liursh
17 Lo, is not a word better than a gift? but word ; and thou shalt not fare tlie worse.
both are with a justified man.
8 Tell not thy mind to friend or foe. i,id if
there be a sin with thco, disclose it not.
* Goto the side, &c. FIv from the side of Sa- 9 For he will hearken to thee, and will watch
ones, that fol- lliee and as it were defending thy An he will hate
tan and sin. and join with the holy

thee, and so will he be with ihee always.

low Go'l and £ro<lliness.
Then shall he he^in. God is so great and 10 Hast thou lipiird a word asainst thy neieh-
incomprehensible, that when man has done all hoiir? let it die within thee, trusting that it will
jjreiitness and bound- not burst ihee.
that he caiUo find out his
beein: for what he 11 At the hearing of a word the fool is in tm-
less perfections, he is still to
has found out, is but a mere nothing in compari- vail, as a woman groaning in the bri:igiiig forth
son with his infinity.
: ; ::


12 As an arrow that siicketli in a man's thigh 9 There is success in evil thmgg to a man
BO is a word in (lie heart of a fool. without discipline; and there is a finding that
13 Reprove a friend, lest he may not have un- turneth to loss.
derstood, and say, I did it not: or if he did it, 10 There is a gift that is not profitable : and
that he may do it no more. there is a gift, the recompence of which is
14 Reprove thy neit^hbour, for it may ue he double.
hatii not said it : and if he hath said it, that he 11 There is an abasement because of glorv
may. not sa}' it again. and there is one that shall lift up his head from a
lt> Admonish thy friend: for there is often a low estate.
fault committed. 12 There is that buyeth much for a small price
16 And believe not every word. There is one, and restoreth the same sevenfold.
that slippetli witli the tongue, but not from his 13 A man wise in words shall make himself
heart. beloved : but the graces of fools shall be poured
17 For who is there that hath not offended with out.
his tongue ? Admonish thy neighbour before 14 The gift of the fool shall do thee no good
thou threaten him. for his eyes are sevenfold.
18 And give place to the fearof the most High: 15 He will give a few things, and upbraid
for the fear of God is ail wisdom, and therein is much : and the opening of his mouth is the
to fear God, and the disposition of tlie law is in kindling of a fire.
all wisdom. 16 To-day a man lendeth ; and to-morrow he
19 But the leai-ning of wickedness is not wis- asketh it again : such a man as this is hateful.
dom : and the device of sinners is not prudence. 17 A fool shall have no friend ; and there shall
20 There is a subtle wickedness, and the same be no thanks for his good deeds.
is detestable : and there is a man »hat is foolish, 18 For they that eat his bread are of a false
wanting in wisdom. . tongue. How often, and how many will laugh
21 Better is a man that hath less wisdom, and him to scorn ?
wanteth understanding, with the fear of God, than 19 For he doth not distribute with right under-
he that aboundeth in understanding, and trans- standing that which was to be had: in like man-
gresseth the law of the most High. ner also that which was not to be had.
22 There is an exquisite subtilty, emd the same 20 The slipping of a false tongue is as one that
is unjust. falleth on the pavement : so the fall of the wicked
23 And there is one that uttereth an exact shall come speedily.
word telling the truth. There is one that hum- 21 A man without grace is as a vain fable
bleth himself wickedly, and his interior is full of it shall be continually in the mouth of the un-
deceit. wise.
24 And there is one that submitteth himself 22 A parable coming out of a fool's mouth
exceedingly with a great lowliness : and there is shall be rejected : for he doth not speak it in due
one that casteth down his countenance, and ma- season.
keth as if he did not see that which is unknown: 23 There is that is hindered from sinning
25 And if he be hindered from sinning for want through want ; and in his rest he shall be
of power, if he shall find opportunity to do evil, pricked.
he will do it. 24 There is that will destroy his own sotil
26 A man is known by his look : and a wise through shamefacednSss : and by occasion of an
man, when thou meetest him, is known by his unwise person he will destroy it and by respect :

countenance. of person he will destroy himself.

27 The attire of the body, and the laughter of 25 There is that for bashfulness promiseth to
the teeth, and the gait of the man, shew what he is. his friend, and maketli him his enemy for
28 There is a lying rebuke in the anger of an nothing.
injurious man: and there is a judgment that is 26 A lie is a foul blot in a man : and yet it will
not allowed to be good : and there is one that be continually in the mouth of men without dis-
holdeth his peace ; he is wise. cipline.
27 A thief is better than a man that is always
CHAP. XX. lying but both of them shall inherit destructiori,

Rules Kith regard to correction, discretion, and 28 The manners of lying men are witliout ho-
avoiding lies. nour : and their confusion is with them without
HOW much better is it to reprove, than to be ceasing.
angry, and not to hinder him that confess- 29 A wise man shall advance himself with his
eth in pniyer ? words : and a prudent man shall please the great
2 The lust of an eunuch shall deflour a young ones.
maiden 30 He that tilleth his land shall make a high
3 So is he that by violence executeth unjust heap of corn : and he that worketh justice shall
judgment. be exalted ; and he that pleaseth great men shall
4 How good is it, when thou art reproved, to escape iniquity.
shew repentance for so thou shalt escape wilfulj 31 Presents' and gifts blind the eyes of judges,

ein. and make them dumb in the mouth, so that they

5 There is one that holdeth his peace, that is cannot correct.
found wise : and there is another that is hateful, 32 Wisdom that is hid, and treasure that is
that is bold in speech. not seen ; what profit is there in them both ?
G There is one that holdeth his peace, because 33 Better is he that hideth his folly, than the
he knowetli not what to say: and there is an- man that hideth his wisdom.
other that holdeth his peace, knowing the proper
7 A wise man will hold his peace till he see Cautions against sin in general, and some sins
opportunity : but ababbler, and a fool, will rcgardj in particular.
no time.
8 He that useth manv words shall hurt his
son, hast thou sinned ? do so no more;
but for thy former sins also pray that they
own soul : and he that takcth authority to himself may be forgiven thee.

Bnjustly, shall be hated. 2 Flee from sins as from the face of a serpflol

for if thou comest near tliem, they will take hold 31 The tale-bearer shrill do file his own soul,
of thee. and shall be hated by all: and he that shall abide
3 The teeth thereof are the teeth of a lion, with him sludl be hateful : the silent and wise
Ailling the souls of men. man shall be honoured.

/, 4 All iniquity is like a two-edged sword; there'

is no remedy for the wound thereof. !
5 Injuries and wrongs will waste riches : and Wife sayinss on diver.s tmhjecls.

the house that is very rich shall be brought to

nothing by pride: so the substance of the proud
sluggard ispelted with a dirty stone; and
all men will speak of his disgrace.*
sijall be rooted out. 2 The sluggard is pelted wiih the dung of oxen:
6 The prayer out of the mouth of the poor and every one that toucheth him will shake hu
ehall reach the ears of God ; and judgment shall hands. |
come for him speedily. 3 A son ill taught is the confusion of the
7 He that hateth to be reproved walkeih in father and a foolish daughter shall be to hi»

the trace of a sinner: and he that feareth God loss.

will turn to his own heart. 4 A wise daughter shall bring an inheritance
8 He that is mighty by a bold tongue is known to lier husband but she that confoundeth, bi-

afar off: but a wise man knoweth to slip by him. cometh a disgrace to her father.
9 He that buildeth his house at other men's 5 She that is bold shanieth botli her father and
charges, is as he that gathereth himself stones to husband, and will not be inferior to the ungodly,
build in the winter. and shall be disgraced by them both.
10 The congregation of sinners is like tow 6 A tale out of time is like music in mourning :
heaped together; and the end of them is a flame but the stripes and instruction of wisdom are
of fire. never out of time.
11 The way of sinners is made plain with 7 He that tea. iieth a fool, is like one tliat
stones and in their end is hell and darkness, and glueth a potsherd together.

pains. 8 He that telleth a word to him that hearethnot,

12 He that keepeth justice shall get the un- is like one that waketh a man out of a deep sleep.
derstanding thereof. 9 He speaketh with one that is asleep, who ut-
13 The perfection of the fear of God is wisdom tereth wisdom to a fool and in the end of the :

and understanding. discourse he saith Who is this ? :

14 He that is not wise in good, will not be 10 Weep for the dead, for his light hath failed :
taught. and weep for the fool,t for his understanding
15 But there is a wisdom that aboundeth in faileth.
evil and there is no understanding where there
: 11 Weep but a little for the dead, for he is at
is bitterness. rest.
16 ofa wise man shall abound
The knowledge 12 For the wicked life of a wicked fool is
like a flood and his counsel continueth like a worse than death.

fountain of life. 13 The mourning for the dead is seven days:

17 The heart of a fool is like a broken vessel; but for a fool and an ungodly man all the days of
and no wisdom at all shall it hold. their life.
18 A man
of sense will praise every wise word 14 Talk not much with a fool; and go not
he shall hear, and will" apply it to himself: the with him that hath no sense.
luxurious man hath heard it, and it shall dis- 15 Keep thyself from him, that thou mayst not
please him ; and he will cast it behind his back. have trouble ; and thou shalt not be defiled with
19 The talking of a fool is like a burden in the his sin.
way : but in the lips of the wise, grace shall be Turn away from him, and thou shalt find
found. and shalt not be wearied out with his folly.
20 The mouth of the prudent is sought after in 17 What is heavier than lead ? and what other
the church : and they will think upon his words name hath he but fool ?
in their hearts. 18 Sand and salt and a mass of iron is easier
21 As a house that is destroyed, so is wisdom to bear, than a man without sense, that is both
to a fool and the knowledge of the unwise is as foolish and wicked.

words without sense. 19 A frame of wood bound together in the foun-

22 Doctrine to a fool is as fetters on the feet, dation of a building, shall not be loosed : so
and like manacles on the risrht hand. neither shall the heart that is established by ad-
23 A fool liftelh up his voice in laughter: but vised counsel.
a wise man will scarce laugh low to himself. 20 The thought of him that is wise at all
24 Leaniing to the prudent is as an ornament times, shall not be depraved by fear.
of gold, and like a bracelet upon his right arm. 21 As pales set in high places, and plasteringB
25 The foot of a fool is soon in his neighbour's made without cost, will not stand against the
house but a man of experience will be abashed face of the wind :

at the person of the mighty. 22 So also a fearful heart in the imagination

26 A fool will peep through the window into of a fool shall not resist against the violence of
the house but he that is well taught, will stand fear.

without. 23 As a fearful heart in the thought of a fool
27 It is the folly of a man to hearken at the at all times will not fear, so neither shall he that
door: and a wise man will be grieved with the continueth alwavs in the commandments of God.
disgrace. 24 He thatpricketh the eye,bringeth out tears:
28 The lips of the unwise will be telling fool-
ish thing-s but the words of the wise shall be and curseth himself; in as much as by sin he

weighed in a balance. takes part with the devil, and is, as it were, hia
29 The heart of fools is in their mouth and member and subject.

the mouth of wise men is in their heart. t For the fool. In the language of the Holy s
30 While the ungodly* curseth the devil, he Ghost, he is styled a fool, that turns away from
cnrseth his own soul. God to follow vanity and ain. And what is said
by the wise man against fools is meant of sncll
• While the ungodly, &c. He condfmneth fools as these.
; 4 :

and he that pricketh the heart bringeth forth re- with iniquity; and a scourge shall not depart
Bentment. from his nouse.
25 He that flingeth a stone at birds, shall drive 13 And if he make it void, his ein shall be up-
them away : so he that upbraidetli his friend, on him: and if he dissemble it, he ofiendelh
breaketli friendship. double
26 Although thou hast drawn a sword at a 1 And if he swear in vain, he shall not be jus-
friend, despair not : for tliere may be a returning tified : for his house shall be filled with his pun-
Tk> a friend ishment.
27 If thou hast opened a sad mouth, fear not, 15 There is also another speech opposite to
for there may be a reconciliation except up- death; let it not be found in the inheritance of

braiding, and reproach, and pride, and disclosing Jacob.

of secrets, or a treacherous wound: for in all 16 For from the merciful all these things shcJl
these cases a friend will flee away. be taken away and they shall not wallow in sins. •

28 Keep fidelity with a friend in his poverty, 17 Let not tny mouth be accustomed to indis-
that in his prosperity also thou mayst rejoice. creet speech for therein is the word of sin. :

29 In the time of his trouble continue faithful 18 Remember thy father and thy mother ; for
to him, that thou mayst also be heir witli him in thou sittest in the midst of great men :

his inheritance. 19 Lest God forget thee in their sight, and

30 As the vapour of a chimney, and the smoke thou, by tliy daily custom, be infatuated, and su*"-
of the fire goeth up before the fire ; so also inju- fer reproach and wish that thou hadst not beea ;

rious words, and reproaches, and threats, before born, and curse the day of thy nativity.
blood. 20 The man that is accustomed to opprobrioua
31 I will not be ashamed to salute a friend words, will never be corrected all the days of his
neither will I hide myself from his face and if life. :

anv evil happen to me by him, I will bear it. 21 Two sorts of men multiply sins : and the
52 But every one that shall hear it, will be- third bringeth wrath and destruction.
ware of him. 22 A hot soul is a burning fire it will never :

33 Who will set a guard before my mouth, and be quenched, till it devour something.
a sure seal upon my lips, that I fall not by them, 23 And a man thai is wicked in the mouth of
and that my tongue destroy me not ? his flesh, will hot leave ofi" till he hath kindled a
CHAP. XXIII. 24 To a man that is a fornicator all bread ia
A prayer for grace to flee sin .
sweet he will not be weary of sinning unto the

-profane swearing and other vices. end.

25 Every man that passeth beyond his 'own
leave me not
sovereign ruler of my bed, despising his own soul, and saying: Who
to their counsel nor suf- seeth mo ?

fer me to fall by them.*

26 Darkness compasseth me about ; and the
2 Who will set scourges over my thoughts, and walls cover me and no man seeth me whom do :
the discipline of wisdom over my heart, that they I fear the most High will not remembew my .'

spare me not in their ignorances,! and that their sins.

sins may not appear :
27 And he understandeth not that his eye
3 Lest my ignorances increase, and my offen seeth all things ; for such a man's fear driveth
ces be multiplied, and my sins abound, and I fall from him the fear of God, and the eyes of men
before my adversaries, and my
enemies rejoice fearing him :

over me ? 28 And he knoweth not that the eyes of the

4 O Lord father, and God of my life, leave me Lord are far brighter than the sun, beholding
not to their devices. round about all the ways of men, and the bottom
5 Give me not haughtiness of my eyes ; and of the deep, and looking into the hearts of men,
turn away from me all coveting.
into the most hidden parts.
6 Take from me the greediness of the belly
29 For all things were known to the Lord God,
and let not the lusts of the flesh take hold of me: before they were created so also after they were :

and give me not over to a shameless and foolish perfected, he beholdeth all things.
mind. 30 This man shall be punished in the streets
7 Hear, O ye children, the discipline of tlif
of the city; and he shall be chased as a colt:
mouth: and he that will keep it, shall not perish and where he suspected not, he shall be taken.
by his lips, nor be brought to fall into most wick- 31 And he shall be in disgrace'with all men,
ed works. because he understood not the fear of the Lord.
8 A sinner is caught in his own vanitv and 32 So every woman also that leaveth her hus-

the proud and the evil speakers shall fall tiiereby.

band, and bringeth in an heir bv another:
9 Let not thy mouth be accustomed to swear 33 For first she hath been 'unfaithful to the
ing : for in it there are many falls. law of the most High and secondly, she hath :

10 And let not the naming of God be usual in thirdly, she hath
offended against her husband :

thy month and meddle not witli the names of fornicated in adultery, and hath gotten her chil-

saints for thou shalt not esrapo free from them.

dren of another man.
11 For as a slave daily put to the question, is
34 This woman shall be brought into the as-
never without a blue mark: so every one that sembly
; and inquisition shall be made of her
sweareth, and nameih, shall not be wholly pure
from sin. 35 Her children shall not take root; and her
12 A man that sweareth much, shall be filled
branches shall brine; forth no fruit.
36 She shall leave her memory to be cursed,
" Bij them, viz. The tonpue and the lips, men- and her infamv shall not be blotted out.

tioned in the last verse of the foregoing chapter, 37 And they that remain shall know, that
t TTiat they npnre me not in their i'fnornnres, there is nothing better than the fear of God: and
&c. That is, that the scourires and discipline that tli^re is nothing ^weeterthan to have regard

of wisdom may restrain the ignorances, that is,t to the commandments of the Lord.
the slips and oflences wiuch are usually coin-l 38 It is ^rent frlory to follow the Lord; for
mitted by the tongue and the lips. lenEth of davs shall be roceived from him.

: : : : ; : : ::

CHAP. XXIV. 23 My memory is unto everlasting genera-
rt^tsiio/n praiscih herself: her oritrin, her dwell
29 They that eat me, shall yet hunger: and
iiig, her dignity, and herjruiti.
they that drink me, shall yet thirst.
WISDOM shall praise her own self, and 30 He that hearkeneth to me, shall not ba
shall be honoured in God, and sliall glory confounded: and they that work by me, shall
in the midstof her people; not sin.
2 And shall open her mouth in the churches 31 They that explain me, shall have life eveV-
of the most High ; and shall glorify herself in the lasting.
Bight of his power : 32 AH these things are the book of life, and
3 And in the midst of her own people she the covenant of the most High, and the know-
shall be exalted, and shall be admired in the holy ledge of truth.
assembly 33 Moses commanded a law in the precepts
4 And in the multitude of the elect she shall of justices, and an inheritance to the house of
have praise and among the blessed, she shall be Jacob, and the promises to Israel.

blessed, saying 34 He appointed to David his servant to raise

5 I came out of the mouth of the most High up of him a most mighty king," and sitting on
the first-born before all creatures : the throne of glory for ever :

6 I made that in the heavens there should rise 35 Who fiUeth up wisdom as the Phison, and
light that never faileth ; and as a cloud I covered as the Tigris in the days of the new fruits :

all the earth 36 Who maketh understanding to abound aa

7 1 dwelt in the highest places : and my throne the Euphrates, who multiplieth it as the\ Jordan
is in a pillar of a cloud. in the time of harvest
8 I alone have compassed the circuit of heaven,! 37 Who sendeth knowledge as the light, and
and have penetrated into the bottom of the riseth up as Gehon in the time of the vintage:
deep, and have walked in the waves of the sea, 38 Who first hath perfect knowledge of her :t
9 And have stood in all the earth: and in every and a weaker shall not search her out
people, 39 For her thoughts are more vast than the
10 And in every nation I have had the chief sea, and her counsels more deep than the great
rule ocean.
11 And by my power I have trodden under my 40 I wisdom have poured out rivers.
feet the hearts of all the high and low and in all : 41 I like a brook out of a river of a mighty
these I sought rest, and I shall abide in the in- water, I like a channel of a river, and like an
heritance of the Lord. aqueduct, came out of paradise.
12 Then the creator of all things commanded, 42 I said ; I will water my garden of plants
and said to me and he that made me, rested in and I will water abundantly the fruits of my

my tab* made. meadow.

13 And he said to me
Let thv dwelling be in
: 43 And behold, my brook became a great
Jacob, and thy inheritance in Israel, and take river; and my river came near to a sea :

root in my elect. 44 For I make doctrine to shine forth to all

14 From tlie beginning, and before the world, as the morning light : and I will declare it afar
was I created; and unto the world to come I off.
ehall not cease to be ; and in the holy dwelling- 45 I will penetrate to all the lower parts of the
place I have ministered before him. earth; and will behold nil that sleep, and will
15 And so was I established in Sion, and in enlighten all that hope in the Lord.
the holv city likewise I rested : and my power 46 1 will yet pour out doctrine as prophecy
was in Jerusalem. and will leave it to them that seek wisdom ; nnu
16 And I took root in an honourable people, will not cease to instruct their offspring even to
and in the portion of my God his inheritance: the holy age.
and my abode is in the full assembly of saints. 47 See ye that I have not laboured for my-
17 I was exalted like a cedar in Libahus, and self only, but for all that seek out the truth.
as a cypress-tree on mount Sion.
18 I was exalted like a palm-tree in Cades,
and as a rose-iilant in Jericho. Documents of wisdom on several subjects.
19 As a fair olive-tree in the plains, and as a
plane-tree by the water in the streets, was I ex WITH
three things my spirit is pleased,
which are approved before God and men :
2 The concord of brethren, and the love of
20 I gave a sweet smell like cinnamon, and
neighbours, and man and wife that agree well
aromatical balm : I yielded a sweet odour like
the best myrrh
my and 3 Three sorts my soul hateth, and I am greatly
21 And I perfumed dwelling as storax,
grieved at their life :
galbanum, and onyx, and aloes, and as the frank-
4 A poor man that is proud ; a rich man that
incense not cut: and my odour is as the purest
is a liar; an old man that is a fool, and doting.
5 The things that thou hast not gathered in
22 I have stretched out my branches as the
thy youth, how shall thou find them in thy old
luipcntine-tree, and my branches are of honour
age ?
and grace.
23" As the vine I have brought forth a pleasant
6 O
how comely is judgment for a grey head,
and forancienis to know counsel!
odour and my flowers are the fruit of honour
and riches.
7 O
how comely is wisdom for the aered, and
understanding and counsel to men of honour!
24 I the mother of fair love, and of fear,
and of knowledge, and of holy hope.
25 In me is all trrace of the way, and of the * A most migh'yhing. viz. Christ, who by hiu
troth ; in me is all hope of life and of virtue. irosjiel, like an overflowing river, has enriched
26 Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and the ('nrth wilh Iicavenly wisdom.
be filled with my fruits. t Who firat hnih perfect knowledge of her.

27 For mv spirit is sweet above honey, and Christ wns the first that had perfect knowledge
Diy inheritance above honey and the honey-comb. of heavenly wisdom.
: ; ; ; ' ;

CHAP. xxvr. XXVIl.

8 Much experionce is the crown of oIJ lucu given hi the portion oi them that fear God, to a

and the fear of Goil is their glory. man for his good deeds :

9 Nine things tliat ure not to he imagined hyi 4 Rich or poor, if his heart is good, his coun-
tlie heart iiiive I nuignificil and the tenth I will! tenance .shall be cheerful at all times.

utter to men wiili ni_\' tongue. 5 Of three things my heart hath been afraid

10 A man that liatli joy of his chiidron and and at the fourth my face hath trembled:

ho tiiat liveth, and scelh the fall of his enemies, 6 The accusation of a city, and the gatheriug

11 Blessed is he that dwelleth with a wisej together of the people,

woman, and that hath not slipped with his| 7 And a false calumny, all are more grievous
tongue, and that hath not served such as are iin-| than death.
worthy of him. 8 A jealous woman is tlie grief and mourning
12 iilessed is li^ that findeth a true friend of the heart. ;

ami that declareth justice to an ear that heureth. 9 With a jealous woman is a scourge of the
13 How great is he that findeth wisdom and tongue which communicateth with all.
knowledge hut there is none above him that
! 10 As a yoke of oxen that is moved to and fro,
feareth the Lord. so also is a wicked woman: he that hath hold of
14 The fear of God hath set itself above all her, is as he that taketh hold of a scorpion.
things 11 A drunken woman is a great wrath : and her
15 Blessed is the man, to whom it is given to reproach and shame shall not be hid.
have the fear of God he that holdeth it, to
: 12 The fornication of a woman shall be known
whom shall he be likened ? bv the haughtiness of her eyes, and by her eye-
16 The fear of God is the beginning of his lids.
love :and the beginning of faith is to be fast 13 On a daughter that tumeth not away her-
joined unto it. self, set a strict watch lest finding an opportu- :

17 The sadness of the heart is every plague nity, she abuse herself.

and the wickedness of a woman is al) evil. 14 Take heed of the impudence of her eyes,
18 And a man will choose any plague, but and wonder not if she slight thee.
the plague of the heart 15 She will open her mouth as a thirsty tra-
19 And any wickedness, but the wickedness veller to the fountain, and will drink of every
of a woman water near her; and will sit down by every
20 And any affliction, but the affliction from hedge, and open her quiver against every arrow,
them that hate him ;
until she fail.
21 And any revenge, but the revenge of ene- 16 The grace of a diligent jvoman shall delight
mies. her husband, and shall fat his bones.
22 There is no head worse than the head of a 17 Her discipline is the gift of God.
serpent 18 Surh is a wise and silent woman: and there
23 And there is no anger above the anger of a is nothing so much worth as a well instructed
woman. It will be more agreeai)le to abide with soul.
a lion and a dragon, ihati to dwell with a wicked 19 A holy and shamefaced woman is grace
woman. upon grace.
24 The wickedness changeth her
of a woman20 And no price is worthy of a continent soul.
face : and she darkeneth her countenance as a 21 As the sun when it riselh to the world in
bear, and shewelh it like sackcloth. In the the high places of God, so is the beauty of a good
miilst of her neighbours, wife for the ornament of her house.
25 Her husband groaned; and hearing he 22 As the lamp shining upon the holy candle-
sighed a little. stick, so is the beauty of the face in a ripe age.
'26 AH malice is short to the malice of a wo- 23 As golden pillars upon bases of silver, so
man ; let the lot of sinners fall upon her. arc the firm feet upon the soles of a steady woman.
27 As the climbing of a sandy way is to the 24 As everlasting foundations upon a solid
feet of the aged, so is a wife full of tongue to a rock, so the commandments of God in the heart
quiet man. of a holy woman.
28 Look not upon a woman's beauty ; and de- 25 At two things my heart is grieved, and tlie
sire not a woman for beauty. third bringcth anger upon me:
29 A woman's anger, and impudence, and 26 A man of war fainting through poverty;
cont'usion is great. and a man of sense despised ;
30 A woman, if she have superiority, is con- 27 AnrI he that passeth over from justice to
trary to her husband. ^ sin: God hath prepared such an one for the
3i A wicked woman abateth the courage, and sword.
makcth a heavv countenance, and a wounded 23 Two sorts of caf lings have appeared to me
heart. hard and dangerous a merchant is hardly free :

33 Feeble hand^, and disjointed knees, a wo- from neffligeiice :* and a huckstert shall not be
man th:it doth not make her husband happy. justified from the sins of the lips.
33 Fro:n the woman came the beginning of CHAP. XXVH.
sin: and bv her we all die.
water, no not a Dangers of sin from several heads : the fear of
34 Give no issue to ttiv little
God is the best preservative. He that diggeth
nor to a wicked woman liberty to gad abroad.
n pit, shall fall into it.
35 If she walk not at thv hand, she will con
found tlu'P in the sight of thv enemies.
3fi Cut her off from thy flesh, lest she always
* From 7u'gligence. That is, from the neglect
abuse thee. of tlie service of God: liccaiise the eager pursuit
of tlie inanniion of this world, is apt to make men
CHAP. XXVI. of thatcalling forget the great duties of loving God
Of good and bad icomen, above all things, and their neighbours as fheni-
the husband of a pood wife:
of years
double. his is
for selvea.
t A huckster ; or a retailer of wine. Men of
2 A virtuous woman
rejoioeth her husban that profession ore both greatly exposed to dan-
and shall fulfd the years of his life in peace. ger of sin themselves, and are too often accessary
3 A rood wife is a ^ood portion ; she shall be to the sins of others.
3 L 457
1 : ;:

f I^HROUGH poverty many have sinned and stunjl>!o upon it: and he
that layeth a snare foi
M. hethatseeketh to be enriched, turneth awav another, shall perish in it.
his eye. 30 A mischievous counsel shall be rolled
2 As a stake sticketh fast in the midst of the upon the author and he shall
not know from :

joining of stones, so also in the midst of selling whence it cometh to him.

and buying, sin shall stick fast. 31 Mockery and reproach are of the
3 Sin shall be destroyed with the sinner. and vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for him.
4 Unless thou hold thyself diligently in the 32 They shall perish in a snare, that
are de-
fear of the Lord, thy house shall quickly be over- lighted with
the fall of the just and sorrow shall :
thrown. consume them before they die.
5 As when one sifteth with a sieve, the dust will 33 Anger and fury are both of them abomina.
remain: so will the perplexity of a man in his ble and the sinful man
: shal^be subject to them.
6 The furnace trieth the potter's vessels, and CHAP. XXVIII.
the trial of affliction just men. Lessons against revenge and quarrels. The evils
7 As the dressing of a tree sheweth the fruit
of the tongue.
thereof; so a word out of the thought of the heart
of man.
8 Praise not a man before he speaketh ; for
HE that seeketh to revenge himself, shall find
vengeance from the Lord and he will sure-

this is the trial of men. ly keep Iiis sins in remembi-ance.

9 If thou followest justice, thoushaltobtain her, 2 Forgive thy neighbour if he hath hurt thee:
and shall put her on as a long robe of honour: and then shall thy sins be forgiven to thee when
and thou shalt dwell with her: and she shall thou prayest.
protect thee for ever and in the day of acknow-
3 Man to man reserveth anger; and dotli he
ledgmont thou siialt find a strong foundation. seek remedy of God?
10 Birds resort unto their like: so truth will 4 He hath no mercy on a man like himself;
return to them that practise her. and doth he intreat for his own sins?
1 The lion always lieth in wait for prey : so 5 He that is but flesh nourisheth anger; and
do sins for them that work iniquities. doth he ask forgiveness of God ? who shall ob-
12 A holy continueth m wisdom as the tain pardon for his sins ?
sun but a fool is clianged as the moon.
6 Remember thy last things, and let enmity
13 In the midst of the unwise keep in the word cease
till its time but be continually among men that
: 7 For corruption and death hang over in his
think. • commandments.!
14 The discourse of sinners is hateful 8 Remember the fear of Gad ; and be not an-
; and
their laughter is at the pleasures of sin. gry with thy neighbour.
15 The speech thatsweareth much shall make 9 Remember the covenant of the most High,
the hair of the head stand upiight: and its irrev- and overlook the ignorance of thy neiglibour.
erence shall make one stop his ears. 10 Refrain from strife ; and thou shalt diminish
16 In the nuarrels of the proud is the shedding thy sins :
of blood ana their cursing is a grievous hearing.
11 For a passionate man kindleth strife and :

17 He that discloseth the secret of a friend, a sinful man will trouble his friends, and bring in
loseth his credit, and shall never find a friend to debate in the midst of them that are at peace.
his mind. 12 For as the wood of the forest is, so the fire
18 Love tliy neighbour, and be joined to him bumeth and as a man's strength is, so shall his

with fidelity. anger be: and according to his Viches he shall in-
19 But if thou discover his secrets, follow no crease his anger.
more after him. 13 A hasty contention kindleth a fire and a :

20 For as a man that destroyeth his friend, so hasty quarrel sheddeth blood and a tongue that :

also is he that destroyeth the friendship of his bearetli witness bringeth death.
neighbour. 14 If thou blow the spark, it shall burn as a
21 And as one that letteth a bird go out of his fire and if thou spit upon it, it shall be quench-

hand, so hast thou let thy neighbour go, and ed both come out of the mouth. :

thou shalt not pet him again. 15 The whisperer and the double-tongued is
22 Follow after him no more, for he is gone accursed for he hath troubled many that were :

afar off: he is fled, as a roe escaped out of the at f)eace.

snare : because his soul is wounded. 16 The tongue of a third person hath dis-
23 Thou canst no more bind him up. And of quieted many, and scattered them from nation to
a curse there is reconciliation :* nation.
24 But to disclose the secrets of a friend, leav 17 It hath destroyed the strong cities of tho
eth no hope to an nnhappv soul. rich, and hath overthrown the houses of great
25 He that winketh with the eye, forgeth wick- men.
ed things; and no man will cast him off: 18 It hath cut in pieces the fences of people,
26 In the sight of thy eyes he will sweeten his and undone strong nations.
mouth, and will admire thy words : but at the 1_9 The tongue of a third person hath cast out

last he will writhe his mouth; and on thy words ;valiant women, and deprived them of their 1«-
he will lay a stumbling-block. ibours.
27 I have hated many things, but not like him ; 20 He that hearkeneth to it, shall never have
and the Lord will hate him. rest; neither shall he have a friend in whom he
28 If one cast a stone on high, it will fall up- may repose.
on his own head and the deceitful stroke will
21 The stroke of a whip maketh a blue mark :
wound the deceitful. but the stroke of the tongue will break the
29 He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into it and bones. :

he that setteth a stone for his neighbour, shall 22 Many have fallen by the edge of the sword

*Attd of a curse there is reconciliation. That t In his commandments. Supply the sentence
ifi, it iseasier to obtain a reconciliation after a out of the Greek tnua: Remember corruption
Bant, than after disclosing a secret. land death, and abide in the commandments.
: : : : ; ;


but not so many as have perished by their own 16 Better than the shield of the mighty, and
tongue. better than the spear
23 Blessed is he that is defended from a 17 It shall fight for thee against thy enemy.
wicked tongue, that halh not passed into the 18 A good man is surety for his neighbour :
wrath thereof, and that hatli not drawn the yoke and he that hath lost shame, will leave him to
thereof, and hatli not been bound in its bands himself.
24 For its yoke is a yoke of iron: and its 19 Forget not the kindness of thy surety for :

bands are bands of brass. he hath given his life for tliee.
25 The death thereof is a most evil death; 20 The sinner and the unclean fleeth from his
and hell is preferable to it. surety.
26 Its continuance shall not be for21 A sinner attributeth to himself the goods
a long
time; but it shall possess tlie ways of tlie un- of his surety : and he that is of an unthankful
just: and the just shall not be burnt with its mind will leave him that delivered him.
flame. 22 A man is surely for his neighbour: and
27 They that forsake God shall fall into it when he hath lost all shame, he shall forsake
and it shall burn in them, and shall not be him.
quenched : and it shall be sent upon them as a 23 Evil suretyship hath undone many of good
lion ; and as a leopard it shall tear them. estate, and hath tossed them as a wave of the
28 Hedge in thy ears with thorns ; hear not a sea.
wicked tongue : and make doors and bars to thy 24 It hath made powerful men to go from
mouth. place to place round about; and they have
29 Melt down thy gold and silver, and make wandered in strange countries.
a balance for thy words, and a just bridle for thy 25 A
sinner that ti-ansgresseth the command-
mouth: ment of the Lord, shall fall into an evil surety-
30 And take heed lest thou slip with thy ship : and he that undertaketh many things shall
tongue, and fall in the sight of thy enemies who fall into judgment.
lie in wait for thee, and tliy fall be incurable unto 26 Recover thy neighbour according to thy
death. power and take heed to thyself that thou fall

CHAP. XXIX. not.

27 The chief thing for man's life is water
Of charity in lending money, and justice in re
and bread, and clothing, and a house to cover
paying. Of alms, and of being surety. shame.
HE that sheweth mercy, lendeth to his 28 Better is the poor man's fare under a roof
neighbour and he that is stronger in of boards, than sumptuous cheer abroad in

hand,* keepeth the commandments. another man's house.

2 Lend to thy neighbour in the time of his 29 Be contented with little instead of much
need; and pay thou thy neighbour again in due and thou shalt not hear the reproach of going
time. r abroad.
3 Keep thy word, and deal faithfully with 30 It is a miserable life to go as a guest from
him and thou shalt always find that which is louse to house for where a man is a stranger,

necessary for thee. he shall not deal confidently, nor open his
4 Many have looked upon a thing lent as n mouth.
thing found, and have given trouble to tliem thai 31 He shall entertain and feed, and give drink
helped them. to the unthankful : and moreover he shall hear
5 Till they receive, they kiss the hands of the bitter words.
lender; and in promises they humble theii 32 Go, sti'anger, and furnish the table : and
voice give others to eat what thou hast in thy hand.
6 But when they should repay, they will ask 33 Give place to the honourable presence of
time, and will return tedious and murmurina: rav friends for I want my house, my brother

words, and will complain of the time being to be lodged with me.
7 And if he be able to pay, he will stand off'. 34 These things are grievous to a man of un-
he will scarce pay one half, and will count it as erstandinj: the upbraiding of house-room, and
if he had found it the reproaching of the lender.
8 But if not. he will defraud him of his mo
ney, and he shall get liim for an enemy without CHAP. XXX.
cause: Of correction of children. HeaJthis better than
9 And he will pay him with reproaches and wealth. Excessive grief is hurtful.
curses and instead of honour and good turn

will repay him injuries. HE

that loveth his son, frequently chastiseth
him, that he may rejoice in his latter end,
10 Many have refused to lend, not out of wick- and not grope after the" doors of his neighboiirs.
edness, but they were afraid to be defrauded 2 He that instructeth his son shall be praised
without cause. in him, and shall glory in him in the midst of
11 But yet towards the poor be thou more them of his household.
hearty and delay not to shew him mercy.
3 He that teacheth his son, maketh his enemy
12 Help the poor because of the command- jealous: and in the midst of his friends he shall
ment and send him not away emj)ty-haudLd glorv in him.

because of his poverty. 4 "His father is dead, and he is as if he were

13 Lose thy money for thy brother and thy not dead for he hath left one behind him that is

friend and bide it not under a stone to be lost.

ke himself.
14 Place thy treasure in the commandments '5 While he lived he saw and rejoiced in hiin :
of the most High: and it shall bring thee more and when he died he was not sorrowful neither :

profit than gold. was he confounded before his enemies.

15 Shut up alms in the heart of the poor, and ^ For lie left behind him a defender of his
it shall obtain help for thee against all evil.
house against his enemies, and one that will re-
quite kindness to his friends.
* And he that is stronger in hand. That is, 7 For the souls of his sons lie shall bind up his
he that is hearty and bountiful in lending to his wonnds; and at every cry his bowels shall b«
neighbour in his necessity. troubled.
1 : ; :

8 A
horse not LrokiMi lipcom.^th st:iV.bntn and'
: 10 Who hath been tiicd thereby, and made

ft becouu' he;i(!.-lion;r.
Jliild left to liiinselt' will •pcvfoil, he shall luive glory everlasting.
He that
9 Give ihy son liis way, and lie shall make' could iiave iransgiessed, and hath not trans-
tliee iifiaid; jilay with liini, and he shall nuikci igressed: and could do evil things, and hath not
ihee soirowrnl. done then]

10 Langh not with him, lest thou have sor- 11 Therefore are his goods established in the
row, and at the last thv teeth be set on edfje. Lord and all the church of the saints shall de-

1 Give hiiii not liberty in his youth ; and wink clare his alms.
not at his devices. 12 Art thou set at a great table ? be not the
12 Bow down his neck while he is young, and first to open thy mouth upon it.
beat his sides while he is a child, lest he grow 13 Say not There are many things which are

Ptubliorn, and regard thee not, and so be a sorrow upon it.

of heart to thee. 14 Remember that a wicked eye is evil.
13 Instruct thy son, ancj labour about him, 15 What is created more wicked than an eye 1
lest his lewd behaviour be an ofTence to thee. therefore shall it weep over all the face when it
14 Better is a poor man who is sound, and shall see,
strong of constitution, than a rich man who is 16 Stretch not out thy hand first, lest being
weak, and afflicted with evils. disgraced with envy thou be put to confusion.
15 Health of the soul in holiness of justice, is 17 Be not hasty in a feast.
better than all gold and silver ; and a sound body, 18 Judge of the disposition of thy neighbour
than inunense revenues. by thyself.
Ifi There is no riches above the riches of the 19 Use as a frugal man the things are set
health of the body : and there is no pleasure before thee lest if thou eatest much, thou be

above the joy of the heart. hated.

17 Belter is death than a bitter life; and ever- 20 Leave off first, for manners' sake ; and ex-
lasting rest, than continual sickness. ceed not, lest thou ofiend.
18 Good things that are hidden in a mouth 21 And if thou siltest amongst many, reach not
that is shut, are as messes of meat set about a thy hand out first of all : and be not the first to
grave. ask for drink.
19 What eood shall an offering do to an idol ? 22 How sufficient is a little wine for a man well
for it can neither eat nor smell taught : and in sleeping thou shalt not be uneasy
20 So is he that is persecuted by the Lord, with it ; and thou shalt feel no pain.
bearing the reward of his ini(|uity: 23 Watching, and choler, and gripes, are with
21 He seeth with his eyes, and groaneth, as an intemperate man
an eunuch embracing a virgin and sighing. 24 Sound and wholesome sleep with a mode-
22 Give not up thy soul to sadness; and af- rate man: he shall sleep till morning; and his
flict not thyself in thy own counsel. soul shall be delighted with him.
2.3 The joyfuhiess of the heart is the life of a 25 And if thou hast been forced to eat much,
man, and a never-failing treasure of holiness :] arise, go out, and vomit and it shall refresh

and the joy of a man is length of life. thee ; and thou shalt not bring sickness upon thy
24 Have pity on thy own soul, pleasing God, body.
and contain thyself gather up thy heart in his
: 26 Hear me, my son, and despise me not: and
holiness : and drive away sadness far from thee. in the end thou shalt find my words.
25 For sadness hath killed many ; and there 27 In all thy works be quick; and no infirmity
is no profit in it. shall come to thee.
26 Envy and anger shorten a man's days : and 28 The lips of many shall bless him that is
pensiveness will bring old age before the time. liberal of his bread : and the testimony of his
27 A cheerful and good heart is always feast- truth is faithful.
ing for his banquets are prepared with dili-
: 29 Against him that is nig-gardly of his bread,
gence. the city will murmur; and the testimony of his
nicaardliness is true.
CHAP. XXXI. 30 Challenge not them that love wine : for
Of the desire of riches, and of moderttiion in eat- wine hath destroyed very inany.
ini^ ami drinhbig. 31 Fire trieth hard iron : so wine drunk to ex-
WATCHING for riches consumeth the cess shall rebuke the hearts of the proud.
flesh : and the thought thereof driveth 32 Wine taken with sobriety is equal life to
away sleep. men : if thou drink it moderately, thou shalt be
2 The thinking beforehand turneth away the sober.
understanding : and a grievous sickness makcth 33 What is his life, who is diminished with
the soul sober. wine ?
3 The rich man hath laboured in gathering 34 What taketh away life ? death.
riches tojether: and when he resteth he shall be 35 Wine was created from the beginning to
filled with his goods. make men joyful, and not to make them drunk.
4 The poor man hath laboured in his low way 36 Wine drtinken with moderation is the joy
of life : an<l in the end he is still poor. of the soul and the heart.
5 He that loveth gold, shall not be justified: 37 Sober drinking is health to soul and body.
and he that foUoweth after corruption, shall be 38 Wine drunken with excess raiseth quarrels,
filled with it. and wrath, and many ruins.
fl Many have been brought to fall for gold 39 Wine drunken with excess is bitterness of
and the beauty thereof hath been their ruin. the soul.
7 Gold is a stumbling-block to them that sacri 40 The heat of drunkenness is the stumbling-
fice to it : wo to them that eagerly follow after block of the fool, lessening strength and causing
it ; and every fool shall perish by it. wounds.
8 Blessed is the rich man that is found with- 41 Rebuke not thy neighbour in a ban-
out blemish ; and that hath not gone after gold, quet of wine : and despise him not in hii
nor put his trust in money nor in treasures. mirth.
9 Who is he, and we will praise him ? for he 42 Speak not to him words of reproach: and
hath done wonderful things in his life. press him not in demanding again.
: :: 1 :


CHAP. XXXII. commandments and he that trusteth in htin :

Lensonf for superiors and inferiors. Advanta- shall fare never the worse.
ges offearing God, and doing nothing without CHAP. XXXIII.
The fear of God is the best security. Times and
HAVE they made thee ruler? be not
be among them as one of tliem.
lifted up men are in the hands of God. Take care of
thyself as long as thou livest, and look to thy
2 Have care of them, and so sit down : and servants,
when thou hast acquitted thyself of all tliy
charge, take thy place :

3 That thou mayst rejoice for them, and re- Lord

evils shall happen to him that feareth the
but in temptation God will keep him, :

deliver him from evils.

ceive a crown as an ornament of grace, and get and
tlie honour of tlie contribution.
2 A wise man liateth not the commandments
4 Speak, thou that art elder
and justices and he shall not be dashed in pieces :
for it becometh

thee, as a ship in a storm.

5 To speak the first word with careful know- 3 A man of understanding is faithful to the law
ledge, and hinder not music. of God and the law is faithful to him. :

6 Where tlieM| is no hearing, pour not out 4 He that cleareth up a question, shall prepare
words ; and be mi lifted up out of season with what to say: and so having prayed he shall be
thy wisdom. heard, and shall keep discipline ; and then he shall
7 A concert of music in a banquet of wine is answer.
as a carbuncle set in gold. 5 The heart of a fool is as a wheel of a cart
8 As a signet of an emerald in a work of gold: and his thoughts are like a rolling axle-tree.
so is the melody of music with pleasant and mo- 6 A friend that is a mocker, is like a stallion-
derate wine. horse he neigheth under every one that sitteth

9 Hear in silence ; and for thy reverence good upon him.

grace shall come to thee. 7 Why doth one day excel another, and one
10 Young man, scarcely speak in thy own light another, and one year another year, when all
cause. come of the sun ?
11 If thou be asked twice, let thy answer be 8 I?y the knowledge of the Lord they were dis-
short. tinguished, the sun being made, and keeping his
12 In many
things be as if thou wert ignorant; commandment.
and hear and withal seeking.
in silence, 9 And he ordered the seasons, and holidays of
13 In the company of great men take not upon them : and in them they celebrated festivals at
thee and when the ancients are present, speak
an hour.
not mucii. 10 Some of them God made high and great
IJ Before a storm goeth lightning: and before davs : and some of them he put in the number of
shamefucedness goeth favour : and for thy reve- ordinary days. And all men are from the ground,
rence good grace shall come to thee. and out of the earth, from whence Adam was cre-
15 And at the time of rising be not slack but :
be first to run home to thy house and there with-;
1 With much knowledge the Lord hath divi-
draw thyself; and ihere take thy pastime. ded them, and diversified their ways.
16 And do what thou hast a mind, but not in 12 Some of them hath he blessed, and exalted :
sins or proud speech. and some of them hath he sanctified, and set near
17 And for all these things bless the Lord, that Jiimself: and some of them hath he cursed, and
made thee, and that replenisheth thee with all jbrought low, and turned them from their station :
his good things. 13 As the potter's clay is in his hand, to fashion

18 He
that feareth the Lord, will receive his (and order it.
discipline: and they that will seek him early [
14 All his ways are according to his ordering :
shall find a blessing. so man is in the hand of him that made him and ;

19 He that sceketh the law, shall be filled with he will render to him according to his judg-
it: and lie that denleth deceitfully, shall meet ment.
witli a slumbling-lilock therein. 15 Good is and lite against
set against evil,
20 They ihnt fear the Lord, shall find just death: so also the sinner against a just man.

judgment, and shall kindle justice as a light. And so look upon all the worksof the most High.
21 sinful man will flee reproof, and will find
A Two and two, and one against another.
an excuse according to his will. If) And I awaked last of nil, and as one that

22 A man of counsel will not neglect under- gathereth after the grape-gatherers.
standing : a strange and proud man will not dread 17 In the blessing of God I also have hoped:
fear and as one that gathereth grapes, have I filled the
23 Even after he hath done with fear without wine-press.
counsel, lie shall be controlled by the things of 18 See that T have not laboured for myself
his own seeking. onlv, l)ui for all that seek discipline.
24 My son, do thou nothing without counsel 19 Hear me, ye great men, and all ye people:
and thou shall not rejient when thou hast done. and hearken with your ears, ye rulers of the
25 Go not in the way of ruin, and thou shah church.
not stumble against the stones trust not tlivself
: 20 Give not to son or wife, brother or friend.
IJ a ruggeil way, lest thou set a stumbling-block power over thee while thou livest; and give not
to v.\y soul. jtliy estate to another: lest thou repent, and thou

26 And beware of thy own children; and take entreat for the same.
heed of them of thv household. 21 As long as thou livest, and host breath in
27 In everv work of tiiine regard thy soul in thee, let no man chunge ihee.t
faith:* for this is the keeping of the command- 22 For it is b»!tterthnt thy children should ask
ments. of thee, than that thou look toward tlie hands of
28 He that believeth God, taketh heed to the thv children.

.* Infnith. That is, follow sincerely thy sonl t Chnns^e thee. That is, eo as to have this
BD her faith and conscience. power over thee.
23 In all thy works keep tlie pro-eminence.* 17 The soul of him that feareth the Lord

24 Let no stain sully thy glory. In the time! blessed.
when thou shalt end the days of thy life, and in' lo To whom doth he look,
the time of thy decease, distribute thy inheritance.! strength.
and who is his
25 Fodder, and a wand, and a burden are foil 19 The eyes of the Lord are upon them
an ass ; bread, and correction, and work for a' fear him : he is their powerful
protector, and
slave. strong stay, a defence from the heat, and a

26 He worketh under correction, and seeketiij from the sun at noon,

to rest : let his hands be idle, and he seeketh li-i 20 A preservation from stumbling, and a help
berty. from falling : he raiseth up the souf, and enlight-

27 The yoke and the thong bend a stiff neck eneth the eyes, and giveth
;| health, and life, and
and continual labours bow a slave. blessing.
28 Torture and fetters are for a malicious 21 The offering of him that sacrificeth
of a
slave : send him to work, that he be not idle : thing wrongfully gotten, is stained : and the
29 For idleness hath taught much evil. mockeries of the unjust are not acceptable.
30 Set him to work : for so it is fit for him. 22 The Lord is only for them that
And if he be not obedient, bring him down with him in the way of truth and justice. wait upon
fetters ; but be not excessive towards any one 23 The most High approvetlMiot the gifts of
and do no grievous thing without judgment. the wicked : neitlier hath he respect to the obla-
31 If thou have a faithful servant, let him be tions of the
unjust : nor will he be pacified for
to thee as thy own soul ; treat him as a brotlier : sins by the
multitude of their sacrifices.
because in the blood of iv soul thou hast got- 24 He that offereth sacrifice of the goods of the
ten him. poor, is as one that sacrificeth the sonin the pre-
32 If thou hurt him unjustly, he will run sence of his father.
away: 25 The bread of the needy is the life of the
33 And if he rise up and
depart, thou knowest poor : he that defraudeth them
thereof, is a man
not whom to ask, and in wiiat way to seek him. ofblood.
CHAP. XXXIV 26 He that taketh away the bread gotten
The vanity of dreams. The advantage of expe- by sweat, is like him that killeth his neigh-
rience, and of the fear if God. bour.
rilHE hopes of a man that is void of under- 27 He that sheddeth blood, and he that
standing, are vain and deceitful defraudeth the labourer of his
hire, are bro-
,.-*- and dreams thers.
lift up fools.
28 When one buildeth up, and another pull-
2 llie man ..that giveth heed to Iving visions,
19 like to him that catcheth at a shadow,
eth down ; what profit have they but the la
and fol- hour ?
loweth after the wind.
3 The vision of dreams is the resemblance of 29 When one prayeth, and another cursetb
one thing to another as when a man's likeness whose voice will God hear ?

18 before the face of a man.

30 He thatwasheth himself after touching the
dead, if he touchetli him again, what doth his
4 What can be made clean by the unclean ?
and what truth can come from that which is washing avail ?
false ? 31 So a man that fastethfor his sins, and doeth
5 Deceitful divinations and Iving- omens, and the same again, what doth his humbling himself
the dreams of evil doers, we vaiiity. profit him 1 who will hear his prayer ?

6 And the heart fancieth as that of a woman CHAP. XXXV.
in travail : except it be a vision sent forth from What sacrifices are pleasing
the most High, set not thy heart upon them. to God.
7 Forcft-eams have deceived manv : and thev
have failed that put their trust in them.
HE that keepeth
the law, multiplieth offer-

8 The word of the law shall be fulfilled with- 2 It is a wholesome sacrifice to take fceed to
out a lie: and wisdom shall be made plain in the the commandments, and to depart from all ini-
inouth of the faithful. quity.
9^'hat doth he know, that hath not been 3 And to depart from injustice, is to offer a
tried ? A man that Imth much experience, shall propitiatory sacrifice for injustices, and a begging
think of many things : and he that hath learned of pardon for sins,
many things, shall shew forth understanding. 4 He shall return thanks, that offereth fine
10 He that hath no experience, knoweth little : flour : and he that doeth mercy, offereth sacrifice.
and he that hath been experienced in many 5 To depart from iniquity is that which
things, multiplieth prudence. pleaseth the Lord ; and to depart from injustice,
^1 He that hath not been tried, what manner IS an entreaty for sins,
of things doth he know ? he that hath been sur 6 Thou shalt not appear empty in the eight of
prised, shall abound with subtlety. the Lord.
12 I have seen many things bv travelling, and 7 For all these things are to be done because
many customs of things. of the commandment of God.
13 Sometimes I have been in danger of death 8 The oblation of the just maketh the altar
for theSe things : and I have been delivered fat, and is an odour of sweetness in the sight of
the grace of God. tlie most High.

14 The spirit of those that fear God, is sought 9 The sacrifice of the just is acceptable : and
alter, and by his regard shall be blessed. the Lord will not forget the memorial thereof.
15 For their hope is on him that saveth 10 Give glory to God with a good heart: and
them : and the eves of God are upon them that diminish not the first-fruits of thv hands.
love him. 11 In every gift shew a cheerfnl countenance;
V(} He that feareth the Lord shall tremble at
and sanctify thy tithes with joy.
nothing, and shall not be afraid : for he is his 12 Give to the most High according to what
hope. he hath given to thee : and with a good eye do
according to the ability of thy hands:
* The pre-eminence. That
is, be master in thy 13 For the Lordmaketh recompense,and will
own house, and part not with thy authority. give thee seven times as much.
; : : ::


14 Do not offer wicked gifts; for sucli lie will 15 Have mercy on Jerusalem, /he city wfalcl)
not receive, tliat Imsi sanctified, the city of thy >-egt.

15 And look not upon an unjust sacrifii;e for J() Fill Siou with thy unsjieanable words, and

the Lord is judge: and there is not with him re- ll;y people witli thy glory.
spect of person. 17 Give testimony to them that are thy crea-
16 The Lord will not accept any per.son againsti tures from the beginning and raise up tlie pro- ,

a poor man and he will hear die prayer of himp phecies which the former prophets spoke in thy

that is wronged. name. (^'

17 He will not despise the prayers of the fnthpr-| 18 Reward them that patiently wait for thee,
less ; nor the widow, when she pourelh out herj that thy prophets may hif found faithful : and
complaint. hear the prayers of thy servants,
18 Do not the widow's tears run down the| 19 According to the blessing of Aaron over
cheek, and her cry against him that causeth tliem thy people, and direct us into the way of justice
to fall ? and let all know that dwell upon the earth, that
19 For from the cheek they go up even to thou art God the beholder of all ages.
heaven and the Lord that heareth will not be
: 20 The belly will devour all meat: yet one is
delighted with them. better than another.
'20 He that adoreth God with joy, shall be ac- 21 The palate tasteth venison : and the wise
cepted ; and his prayer shall approach even to heart false speeches.
the clouds. 22 A
perverse heart will cause grief: and a
21 The prayer of him that humbleth himself, man of experience
will resist it.
shall pierce the clouds ; and till it come nigh he 23 A woman will receive every man :*yet one
will not be comforted and he will not depart till daughter is belter than another.

the most High behold. 24 The beauty of a woman cheereth the coun-
22 And the Lord will not be slack, but will tenance of her husband and a man desireth

judge for the just, and will do judgment: and nothing more.
the Almighty will not have patience with them, 25 If she have a tongue that can cure, and
that he may crush their back : likewise mitigate and shew mercy; her husband
23 And he will repay vengeance to the gentiles, is not like other men.
till he have taken away the multitude of the 26 He that possesseth a good wife, beginneth a
proud, and broken the sceptres of the unjust possession : she is a help like to himself, and a
24 Till he have rendered to men according to pillar of rest.
their deeds: and according to the works of Adam,i 27 Where there is no hedge, the possession
and according to his preaumpiron; shall be spoiled and where there is no wife, he

25 Till he have judged the cause of his, mourneth that is in want.

people, and he shall delight the just with his 28 Who will trust him that hath no rest, and
mercy. that lodgeth wheresoever the night taketh him,
26 The mercy of God is beautiful in the time as a robber well appointed, that skippeth from
of affliction, as a cloud of rain in the time of city to city 1
CHAP. XXXVI. Of the choice offriends and counsellors.
A prayer fof the church of God. Of a good EVERY friend will say I also am his friend :

heart, and a good wife. a friend that is only a friend in

but there is

HAVE mercy upon us, O

God of all; and name. Is not this a grief even to death?
behold us, and shew us the light of thy 2 But a companion and a friend shall be turned
mercies. to an enemy.
2 And send thy fear upon the nations, that 3 O wicked presumption, whence earnest thou
have not sought after thee that they may know to cover the earth with thy malice and deceitful-

that there is no God beside thee, and that they ness ?

may shew forth thy wonders. 4 There is a companion who rejoiceth with his
3 Lift up thy hand over the strange nations, friend in his joys but in the time of trouble, he :

that they may see thy power. will be against him.

4 For as thou hast been sanctified in us in 5 There is a companion who condoleth with
their sight, so thou shalt be magnified among his friend for his belly's sake and he will take :

them in our presence, up a shield against the enemy.

5 That they may know thee, as we also have 6 Forget not thy friend in thy mind : and be
known thee, that there is no God beside thee, Oj not unmindful of him in thy riches.
Lord. 7 Consult not with him that layeth a snare for
6 Renew thy signs, and work new miracles. thee: and hide thy counsel from them that envy
7 Glorify thy hand, and thy right arm. thee.
8 Raise up indignation, and pour out wrath. 8 Every counsellor giveth out counsel: but
9 Take away the adversary, and crush the there is one that is a counsellor for himself.
enemy. 9 Beware of a counsellor. And know before
10 Hasten the time, and remember the end, what need he hath for he will devise to his own

that they may

declare thy wonderful works. j mind
11 Let him that escapeth be consumed by the 10 Lest he thrust a stake into the ground, and
rage of the fire : and let them perish that oppress sav to thee
thy people. 11 Thy way is good; and then stand on the
12 Crush the head of the princes of the ene- other side to see what shall befal thee.
mies that say : There is no other beside us. 12 Treat not with a man without religion con-
13 Gather together all tlie tribes of Jacob ; cerning holiness ; nor with an unjust man con-
that they mav know that there is no God besides cerning justice; nor with a woman touching her
thee, and may declare ihy great works : and thou
shalt inherit them as from the beginning. * A iconuin will receive every man. That is,
14 Have mercy on thy people, upon whom thy any man that her parents propose to her to marry,
name is invoked; and upon Israel, whom thou though she does not like him, but marries in obe-
hast raised up to be thy first-bom. Idience to her parents who make the choice for her

of whom she is jealous; nor with a coward con- knowledge to men, that he may be honoured i&
cerning war; nor with a merchant about iraflSc ;
his wonders.
nor with a buyer of selhng ; nor with an envious 7 By these he shall cure, and shall allay their
man of giving thanks, pains: and of these the apothecary shall make
13 Nor with the ungodly of piety ; nor with tlie sweet confections, and shall make up omtnients
dishonest of lionesty ; nor with the field labourer of health and of his works there shall be no end.

of every work; 8 For the peace of God is over all the face of
14 iNor with him that worketh by the year of the earth.
the finishing of tlie yedr; nor with an idle ser- 9 My son, in thy sickness neglect not thyself;
vant of much business: give no heed to these in but pray to the Lord, and he shall heal thee.
any matter of counsel. 10 Turn away from sin, and order thy hands
15 But be continually with a holy man, whom- aright, and cleanse thy heart from all otlence.
soever thou shalt know to observe the fear of God 11 Give a sweet savour, and a memorial of fine
16 Whose soul is according to thy own soul flour; and make a fat ofiering, and then give place
and who, when thou shalt stumble in the dark, to the physician.
will be sorry for thee. 12 For the Lord created him : and let him not
17 And establish within thyself a heart of good depart from thee, for his works are necessary.
counsel for there is no other thing of more worth
: 13 For there is a time when thou must fall in-
to tl^e than it. to their hands:
18 The soul of a holy man discovereth some- 14 And they shall beseech the Lord, that he
times true things, more than seven watchmen would prosper what they give for ease and re
that sit in a high place to watch. medy, for their conversation.
19 But above all these things pray to the most 15 He that sinneth in the sight of his Maker,
Hiiijh, that he may direct thy way in truth. shall fall into the hands of the physician.
20 In all thy works let the true word go be- 16 My son, shed tears over the dead; and be-
fore thee, and steady counsel before every action. gin to lament as if thou hadst suflTered some great
21 A wicked word shall change the heart out : harm, o:;u according to judgment cover his body,
of which four manner of things arise, good and and neglect not his burial.
evil, life and death and the tongue is continually
: 17 And for fear of being ill spoken of, weep
tlie ruler of them. There is a man that is subtle bitterly for a day; and then comfort thyself in
and a teacher of many, and yet is unprofitable to thy sadness.
his own soul. 18 And make mourning for him according to
22 A skilful man hath taught many, and is his merit for a day, or two, for fear of detraction.
sweet to his own soul. 19 For of sadness cometh death and it over- ;

23 He that speaketh sophistically, is hateful whelmeth the strength: and the sorrow of the
he shall be destitute of every thing. heart boweth down the neck.
24 Grace is not given him from the Lord: for 20 In withdrawing aside sorrow remaineth;
he is deprived of all wisdom. and the substance of the poor is according to hia
25 Tiiere is a wise man that is wise to his own heart.
soul and the fruit of his understanding is com-
: 21 Give not up thy heart to sadness, but drive
mendable. it from thee : and remepiber the latter end.

26 A wise man instructeth his own people: 22 Forget it not; for there is no returning:
and the fruits of his understanding are faithful. and thou shalt do him no good, and shalt hurt
27 A wise man shall be filled with blessings: thyself.
and thev that see shall praise him. 23 Remember my judgment: for thine also
28 The life of a man is in the number of his shall be so: yesterday forme, and to-day for thee.
davs: but the days of Israel are iniuinierable. 24 When the dead is at rest, let his remem -
29 A wise man shall inherit honour among his brance rest, and comfort him in the departing of
people: and his name shall live for ever. his spirit.
30 My son, prove thy soul in thy life: and if it 25 The wisdom of a scribe* cometh by his time
be wicked, give it no power: . of leisure : and he that is less in action, shall re-
31 For all things are not expedient for all : and ceive wisdom.
every kind pleaselh not every soul. 26 With what wisdom shall he be furnished
32 Be not greedy in any feasting, and pour not that holdeih the plough, and that glorieth in the
out ihvselfu])on any meat: goad, that driveth the oxen therewith, and is oc-
33 For in manv meats there will be sickness ;
cupied in their labours, and his whole talk ia
and greediness will turn to choler. about the offspring of bulls?
34 Bv surfeiting many have perished: but he 27 He shall give his mind to turn up furrows ;
that is temperate, shall prolong life. and his care is to give the kine fodder.
28 So every craftsman and workmaster that
CHAP. XXXVIII. laboureth night and day, he who maketh graven
Of pht/airiniis and medicines : ichat is to he done, seals, and by his continual diligence varicih the
in sic/ctiess ; and how ice are to mourn for the\ figure he shall give his mind to the resemblance

dead. Of the employments of lahottrers andi of the picture, and by his watching shall finish
artificers. the work.
the physician for the need thou 29 So doeth the smith sitting by the anv:"l
hast of him ; for the most High hath created and considering the iron work. The vapour o.*
liim. the fire wasteth his flesh : and he fighteth with
2 For all healing is from God : and he shall the heat of the furnace :
receive gifts of the king. 30 The noise of the hammer is always in hia
3 The skill of the physician shall lift up his ears: and liis eye is upon the pattern of the ves-
head : and in men he
shall be sel he maketh.
the sight of great
praised. 31 He setteth his mind to finish his work, and
4 The most High hath created medicines out his watching to polish them to perfection.
of the earth and a wise man will not ablinr them.
: 32 So doth the potter shtinj at his work, tum-
5 Was
not l)itter water made sweet wiili wood ?
C) The virtue of these tliinars is rome to the * A scribe. That is. a doctor of the law or *
knowledge of men : and the most High liatli given learned man.
: : : :
: :


iiigthe wheel about with his feet, who is always with the voice of your lips, and with the cantirle.1
carefully set to his work, and niaketh all his of your mouths, and with harps : and in praising
work by number him, you shall say in this manner :
33 He fasliioneth the clay with his arm, and 21 All the works of the Lord are exceeding
bowetli down his strength before his feet good.
31 He shall £:ive his mind to finish the glazing, 22 At his word the waters stood as a heap:
and his watching to make clean the furnace.*^ and at the words of his mouth the receptacles of
•io All these trust to their hands: and every waters
one is wise in his own lieart. 23 For at his commandment favour is shewn
3() Without these a city is not built. and there is no diminishing of his salvation.
37 And tlioy shall not dwell, nor walk about 24 The works of all flesh are before him; and
therein and the}- shall not go up into the assem-
: there is nothing hid from his eyes.
bly. 25 He seeth from eternity to eternity , and
38 Upon the judge's seat they shall not sit; there is nothing wonderful before him.
and the ordinance of judgment they shall not un- 26 There is no saying : What is this, or what
derstand ; neither shall they declare discipline is that ? for all things shall be sought in their
and judgment: and they shall not be found where time.
parables are spoken: 2/ His blessing hath overflowed like a river. '
39 But they shall strengthen the state of the 28 And as a flood hath watered the earth ; so
world and their prayer shall be in the work of shall his wrath inherit the nations, that have not

their craft, applying their soul, and searching in sought after him :

the law of the most High. 29 Even as he turned the waters into a dry
land, and the earth was made dry, and his ways
CHAP. XXXIX. were made plain for their journey ; so to sinners
The exercises of the wise man. The Lord is to be tkei/ are stumbling-blocks in his wrath.
glorified for his works. 30 Good things were created for the good from
THE wise man will seek out the wisdom of the beginning ; so for the wicked, good and evil
all the ancients, and will be occupied in the things.
prophets. 31 The principal things necessary for the life
2 He will keep the sayings of renowned men, of men, are water, fire, and iron, salt, milk, and
and will enter withal into the subtilties of para- bread of flour, and honey, and the cluster of the
bles. grape, and oil, and clothing.
3 He will search out the hidden meanings of 32 All these things shall be for good to the
proverbs, and will be conversant'in the secrets holy ; so to the sinners and the ungodly they shall
of parables. be turned into evil.
4 He shall serve among great men, and appear 33 There are spirits that are created for ven-
before the governor. geance, and in their fury they lay on grievous
.5 He shall pass into strange countries ; for he torments
shall try good and evil among men. 34 In the time of destruction they shall pour
6 He will give his heart to resort early to the out their force and they shall appease the wrath

Lord, that made him : and he will pray in the sight of him that made them.>
of the most High. 35 Fire, hail, famine, and death, all these were
7 He will open his mouth in prayer, and will created for vengeance.
make supplication for his sins. 36 The teeth of beasts, and scorpions, and ser-
8 For if it shall please the great Lord, he will pents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the
fill him with the spirit of understanding : imgodly unto destruction.
9 And he will pour forth the words of his wis- 37 In his commandments they shall feast and ;

dom as showers : and in his prayer he will confess they shall be ready upon earth when need is :

to the Lord. and when their time is come they shall not trans-
10 And he shall direct his counsel, and his gress his word.
knowledge : and in his secrets shall he meditate. 38 Therefore from the beginning I was re-
11 He shall shew forth the discipline he hath solved and I have meditated, and thought on

learned, and shall glory in the law of the covenant these things, and left them in writing.
of the Lord. 39 All the works of the Lord are good and he :

12 Many shall praise his wisdom ; and it shall will furnish every work in due titne.
never be forgotten. 40 It is not to be said : This is worse than
13 The memory of him shall not depart away : that : for all shall be well approved in their
and his name shall be in request from generation time.
to generation. 41 Now therefore with the whole heart and
14 Nations shall declare his wisdom ; and the mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the
church shall shew forth his praise. Lord.
15 If he continue, he shall leave a name above
a thousand : and if he rest, it shall be to his ad CHAP. XL.
16 I will vet meditate that I may declare : for The miseries of the life of man are relieved by
I am filled as with a holi/ transport.
the grace of God and his fear.
Hear me, ye divme
17 Bv a voice he saith :

offspring;* and bud forth as the rose planted by

GREAT labour
heavy yoke
is created for
upon the children of Adam,
all men, and a

the brooks of waters. from the day of their coming out of theirmother'fe
18 Give ye a sweet odour as frankincense. womb, until the day of their burial into the mo-
19 Send 'forth flowers, as the lily, and yield a ther of all.
smell, and bring forth leaves in grace, and praise 2 Their thoughts, and fears of the heart, their
with canticles, and bless the Lord in his works. imagination of things to come, and the day of
20 Magnify his name, and give glory to him their end
3 that sitteth on a glorious tJirone,
From him
* divine offsprinsr- He speaks to the chil- unto him that is humbled in earth and ashes
Ye .-

dren of Israel, the people of God ; whom he ex 4 From him that weareth purple, and beareth
hortB to bud forth and flourish with virtue. the crown, even to him that is covered with rough
.3M 465
: : ! ! :

Knen: wrath, envy, trouble, unquietness, and DEATH, how bitter is the remembranc*
ihe fear of death, coiiiinual anger, and strife: of thee to a man that hath peace in his pos-
5 And in the time of rest upon his bed, the sessions.
elepp of the night changeth his knowledge. 2 To a man that is at rest, and whose ways
6 A little and as nothing is his rest, and after- are prosperous in all things, and that is yet able
ward in sleep, as in the day of keeping watch. to take meat
7 He is troubled in the vision of his heart, as if 3 O
death, thy sentence is welcome to the
he had escaped in the day of battle. In the time man that is in need, and to him whose strenslh "
of his safety he rose up, and wondereth that faileth,
there is no fear 4 is in a Who
decrepit age, and that is in care
8 Such things happen to all flesh, from man about all things, and to the distrustful that loseth
eren to beast ; and upon sinners arc sevenfold patience
Kiore. 5 Fear not the sentence of death. Remember
9 Moreover, death, and bloodshed, strife, and what things have been before thee, and what shall
sword, oppressions, famine, and affliction, and come after thee : this sentence is from the Lord
scourges : upon all flesh.
10 All these things are created forthe wicked : And what
shall come upon thee by the good
and for their sakes came the flood. pleasure of the most High ? whether ten, or a
11 All things that are of the earth, shall tuni hundred, or a thousand years.
to the earth again, and all waters shall return to 7 For among the dead there is no accusing of
the sea. life.
12 All bribery and injustice shall be blotted 8 The children of sinners become children of
out : and fidelity shall stand for ever. abominations, and they that converse near the
13 The riches of the unjust shall be dried up houses of the ungodly.
like a river, and shall pass away with a noise 9 The inheriinnce of the children of sinners
like a great thunder in rain. shall perish and with their posterity shall be a

14 While he openeth his hands he shall re- perpetual reproach.

joice : but transgressors shall pine away in the 10 The children will complain of an ungodly
end. fiither; because fqc his sake they are in re-
15 The oflfspringof the ungodly shall not bring proach.
forth many branches, and make a noise as unclean 11 Wo to you ungodly men, who have forsa-
roots upon the top of a rock. ken the law of the most high Lord.
16 The weed growing over every water, and 12 A^d if you be born, you shall be bom in
at the bank of the river, shall be pulled up before malediction and if you die, in malediction shall

all grass. be your portion.

17 Grace is like a paradise in blessings ; and 13 All things that are of the earth, shall return
inercy remaineth for ever. into the eailh ; so tlie ungodly shall from male-
18 The life of a labourer that is content with diction to destruction.
what he hath, shall be sweet; and in it tliou shah 14 The mourning of men is about their body:
find a treasure. but the name of the ungodly shall be blotted out.
19 Children, and the^ building of a city shall 15 Take care of a good name; for this shall
establish a name : but a' blameless wife shall be continue with thee, more than a thousand treas-
counted above them both. ures precious and great.
20 Wine and music rejoice the heart : but the 16 A good life hath its number of days : but
love of wisdom is above them both. a good name shall continue for ever.
21 The flute and the psaltery make a sweet 17 My children, keep discipline in peace: for
melody: but a pleasant tongue is above them wisdom that is hid, and a treasure thatis not seen,
both. what profit is there in them both ?
22 Thy eve desireth favour and beauty, but 18 Better is the man that hideth his folly, than
more than these green sown fields. the man that hideth his wisdom.
23 A friend and companion meeting together 19 Wherefore have a shame* of these things I
in season; but above them both is a wife with am now going to speak of.
her husband. 20 For it is not good to keep all shamefaced-
24 Brethren are a help in the time of trouble ness and all tilings do not please all men in

but mercy shall deliver more than they. opinion.

25 Gold and silver make the feet stand sure 21 Be ashamed of fornication before father and
bnt wise counsel is above them both. mother: and of a lie before a governor and a man
26 Riches and strength lift up the heart but in power;

above these is the fear of the Lord. 22 Of an offence before a prince, and a judge ;

27 There is no want in the fear of the Lord of iniquity before a conffregation and a people ;
and it needeth not to seek for help, v^ 23 Of injustice before companion and friend;
28 The fear of the Lord is like a paradise of and in regard to the place where thou dwellest,
blessing and they have covered it above all
: 24 Of theft, and of the truth of God, and the
glory. covenant; of leaning with thy elbow over meat
29 My son in thy life-time be not indigent for and of deceit in giving and taking;

it is better to die than to

want. 25 Of silence before them that salute thee of ;

30 The life of him that looketh toward another looking upon a harlot and of turning away thy ;

man's table is not to be counted a life for he face from thy kinsman.

feedeth his soul with another man's meat. 26 Turn not away thy face from thy neigh-
31 But a man well instructed and taught, will bour, and of taking away a portion and not re-
look to himself. , r , storing.
32 Begging will be sweet in the mouth of the
* Have a shame, &c. That is to py, Be
uowise : but in his belly there shall burn a fire.
ashamed of doing any of these things which f am
CHAP. XLl. now going to mention for though sometimes :

Of the remembrance of death : of an evil and of a shamefacedness is not to be indulged, yet it is

good name: of what things tee ougU to be often good and necessary ; as in the following
sahamed. cases.
: ;


^7 Ga/.r not upon an anotlu-r tiinii's wife and •ATP to come, and revealeth the traces of hidden

bo not iiiquisltivR alter his huiidniaicl, and ap- things.

proach not hprbed. 20 No thought escajioth him and no word:

28 B ashamed of uphraidiiifj speeches before can hide itself from him.

friends: and after thou hast given, upbraid not. 21 He biitli beautified the glorious works of his

CHAP. XLII. wisdom and he is from eternity to eternit}' ; and


to him nothing niuy bo added,

Of what things ice ought not to be ashamed. 22 Nor can he be diminished and he bsth no :
Cautions toit}i regard to womeiu Tlie works need of any coimsellor.
and greatness of God. 23 O bow desirable are all his work* • and
REPEAT not tlie word which thou hast what we can know is but as a si>ark!
lieard; and disclose not the tiling that is 24 AH these things live, and remain for ever
secret; so shall thou be truly without confusion, and for every use all tilings obey him.
and shall find favour before all men: be not 25 All things are double, one against another
ashamed of any of these things; and accept no and he bath made nothing defective.
person to sin thereby. 26 He hath established the good things of
2 Of the law of the most High, and of his co- every one. And who shall be filled with benold-
venant, and of judgment to justify the ungodly :ing his glory ?
3 Of the affair of companions and traveller;
and of the gift of the inheritance of friends :
4 Of exactness of balance and weights, and of The works of God are exceedingly glorious and
getting much or little : xcomierful : no man is able sufficiently to praise
5 Of the corruption of buying, and of mer him.
chants, and of much correction of children, and
to make the side of a wicked slave to bleed.
THE firmament on
the beauty of heaven with
high is his
6 Sure keeping good over a wicked wife.
is shew.
7_ Where up and
there are inany hands, shut 2 The sun when he appeareth shewing forth
"deliver all tilings in number, and weight: and at his rising, an admirable instrument, the work
putuU in writing that thou givest out or receiv- of the most High.
est in. 3 At noon he bumeth the earth ; and who can
8 Be not ashamed to inform the unwise and abide his burning heat? ,4s one keeping a fur-
foolish, and the aged, that are judged by young nace in works of heat
men and thou shalt be well instructed in all
: 4 The sun ihree times as much, bumeth the
things, and well approved in the sight of all men mountains, breathing out fiery vapours, and
living. shining with his beams, he blindeth the eyes.
9 The father waketh for the daughter when no 5 Great is the Lord that made him ; anci athis
man knoweth and the care for her taketh away words he hath hastened his course.

his sleep when she

is j'oung, lest she pass away 6 And the moon in all in her season, is for
the flower of her age ; and when she is married, a declaration of times and a sign of the world.
lest she should be hateful : 7 From the moon is the sign of the festi-
10 In her virginity, lest she should be corrupt- val day, a light that decreaseth in her perfec
ed, and be found with child in her father's house : tion.
and having a husband, lest she should misbe- 8 The month is called after her name, increas-
have herself, or at the least become barren. ing wonderfully in her perfection.
11 Keep a sure watch over a shameless daugh- 9 Being an instrument of the armies on
ter; lest at any time she make thee become a high, shining gloriously in the firmament o'
laughing stock to thy enemies, and a by-word in heaven.
the city, and a reproach among the people, and 1 The glory of the stars is the beauty of
she make thee ashamed Ijefore all the multitude. heaven : the Lord enlighleneth tho world on
12 Behold not every body's beauty : and tarry high.
not among women. il By the words of the holy one they shall
13 For from garments cometh a moth, and stand in judgment, and shall never fail in their
from a woman the iniquity of a man. watches.
14 For better is the iniquity* of a man, than a 12 Look upon the rainbow, and bless him
woman doing a good turn, and a woman bringing tliat made il : it is very beautiful in its bright-
shame and rejiroach. ness.
15 I will now remember the works of the Lord; 13 It encompasscth the heaven about with the
and I will declare the things I have seen. By circle of its glory : the hands of tlie most High
the words of the Lord are hia works. have displayed it.
16 The sun giving light hath looked upon all 14 By his commandment he maketh the snow
things: and full of the glory of the Lord is his to fall apace, and sendeth forth swiftly the light-
•work. nings of his judgment.
17 Hath not the Lord made the saints to de- l."! Through this are the treasures opened, and

clare all his wonderful works, which the Lord the clouds fly out like birds.
Almighty hath firmly settled to be established for 16 By his greatness be hath fixed the clouds-
his glory ? and the hailstones are broken.
18 He hath searched out the deep, and the 17 At his sight shall the mountains be
heart of men ; and considered their crafty de- shaken : and at his will the south wind shall
vices. blow.
19 For the Lord knoweth all knowledge, and 18 The noise of his thunder shall strike the
hath beheld the signs of the world : he declar- earth, so doth the northern storm, and the whirl-
eth the things that are past, and the things that wind :
19 And as the birds lighting upon the earth, he
• Better is the iniquity, &c. That is, there is, scatteretb snow: and the falling thereof, is as the
commonly speaking, less danger to be apprehend- cominrr down of locusts.
ed to the soul from the churlishness, or injuries 20 Thopveadniireth at the beauty of the white-
we receive from men, than from the flattering fa- ness thereof : and the heart is astonished at the
vours and familiarity of women. shower thereof.
: :

21 He shall pour frost t-t salt upon the earth : 11Good things continue with their seed,
and when it freezeth, it shall become like tlie 12 Their posterity are a holy inheritance : and
tops of thistles. their seed hath stood in the covenants
22 The cold north wind bloweth ; and the 13 And their children for their sakes remain
water is congealed into crystal : upon every for ever : their seed and their glory shall not be
gathering together of waters it shall rest, and forsaken.
shall clothe the waters as a breast-plate. 14 Their bodies are buried in peace : and
23 And it sliall devour the mountains, and their name liveth unto generation and genera-
burn the wilderness, and consume all tliat is green tion.
as with fire. 15 Let the people shew forth their wisdom,
24 A present remedy of all is the speedy com- and the church declare their praise.
ing of a cloud ; and a dew that meeteth it, by the 16 Henoch pleased God, and was translated
heat that cometli, shall overpower it. into paradise, that he may give repentance to the
25 At his word die wind is still ; and with his nations.
thought he appeaseth the deep, and the Lord hath 17 Noe was found perfect, jiJst; and in the
planted islands therein. lime of wrath he was made a reconciliation.
26 Let them that sail on the sea, tell the dan 18 Therefore was there a remnant left to tlie
gers thereof: and when we hear with our ears, earth, when the flood came.
we sliall admire. 19 The covenants of the world were made with
27 Tliere are great and wonderful works ; a him, that all flesh should no more be destroyed
variety of beasts, and of all living things, and the with the flood.
monstrous creatures of whales. 20 Abraham u-as the great father of a multi
28 'J'hrough him is established the end of tude of nations : and there was not found the like
their journey : and by his word all things are re to him in glory, who kept the law of the most
gulated. High, and was in covenant with him.
29 We
shall say much, and yet shall want 21 In his flesh he establiehed the covenant
words : but the sum of our words is. He is all. and in temptation he was found faithful.
30 Wliat shall we Ije able to do to glorify 22 Therefore by an oath he gave him glory in
him ? for the Almighty himself is above all his his posteritj', that he should increase as the dust
works. of the earth,
31 The Lord is terrible, and e.xceedlng great, 23 And that he would exalt his seed as the
and his power is admirable. stars; and they should inherit from sea to sea,
32 Glorify the Lord as much as 'ever you, can and from the river to the ends of the earth.
for he will yet far exceed, and his magnificence is 24 And he did in like manner with Isaac for
wonderful. the sake of Abraham his father.
33 Blessing the Lord, exalt him as much as 25 The Lord gave him the blessing of all na-
you can for he is above all praise.
: tions, and confirmed his covenant upon the head
34 When you exalt him, put forth all your of Jacob.
strength, and be not weary for you can never
: 26 He acknowledged him in his blessings, and
go forenough. gave him an inheritance, and divided him his por-
35 Who shall see him, and declare him ? tion in twelve tribes.
and who shall magnify him as he is from the be 27 And he preserved for him men of mercy,
ginning? that found grace in the eyes of all flesh.
3G There are many things hidden from us that CHAP. XLV.
are greater than these:, for we have seen but a
few of his works. The praises of Moses, of Aaron, and of Phinees,
37 But tiie Lord hath made all things and to: MOSES
K'rts beloved of God, and men ; whose
memory is in benediction.
the godly he hath given wisdom.
2 He made him like the saints in glory, and mag-
nified him in the fear of his enemies and with :

The praises of (he holy fathers ; inpartieulnr of his words he made prodigies to cease.
Enoch, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 3 He glorified him in the sight of kings, and
LET us now praise men of renown, and our gave him commandments in the sight of his peo-
fathers in their generation. ple, and shewed him his glory.
2 The Lord hath wrought great glory through 4 He sanctified him in his faith and meekness,
his magnificence from the beginning. and chose him out of all flesh.
3 Such as have borne rule in their dominions, 5 For he heard him, and his voice, and brought
men of great power, and endued with their wis him into a cloud.
dom, shewing fortli in theprophets the dignity of 6 And he gave him commandments before iiia
prophets, face, and a law of life and instruction, that he
4 And ruling over the present people, and by might teach Jacob his covenant, and Israel his
the strength of wisdom instructing the people in judgments.
most holy words. 7 He exalted Aaron his brother, and like to
5 Such as by their skill sought out musical himselfof the tribe of Levi:
tunes, and published canticles of the scriptures. 8 He made an everlasting covenant with him
6 Rich men in virtue, studying beautifulness ; and gave him the priesthood of the nation, and
'iving at peace in their houses. made him blessed in glory.
7 All these have gained glory in their genera 9 And he girded him about with a glorious
tions, and were praised in their days. girdle, and clothed him with a robe of glory, and
8 Thev that were born of them have left a crowned him with majestic attire.
name behind them, that tlieir praises might be 10 He put upon him a garment to the feet, and
related : breeches, and an ephod and he compassed hire

9 And there are some, of whom there is no with many little bells of gold all rouncl about,
memorial; who are perished, as if they had ne- 11 That as he went there miffht be a sound,
ver been ; and are born, as if they had never and a noise made, that might oe heard in the
been bom, and their children with them. temple, for a memorial to the children of his
10 were men of mercy, whose godly people.
deeds ha-e not failed : 12 He gave him a holy robe of gold, and blue

: : : :

Bud purple, a woven work, of a wise man, endued 2 \ery great for the saving the elect of God,
with judgment and trjutli to overthrow the enemies that rose up against
13 Of twisted scarlet, the work of an artist, them, that he might get the inheritance for
with precious stones cut and set in gold, and Israel.
graven by the work of a lapidary for a niemo- 3 How great glory did he gain when he lifted
«ial, according to tlie number of tlie tribes of up his hands, and stretched out swords against
Israel. the cities ?
14 And
a crown of^old upon his mitre, where- 4 Who him hath so resisted 1 for the
in was engraved Hohness, an ornament of ho- Lord himself brought the enemies.
nour, a work of power, and delightful to tlie eyes 5 Was not the sun stopped in his anger, and
for its beauty. one day made as two ?
15 Before him there were none so beautiful, 6 He called upon the most High sovereign
even from the beginning. when the enemies assaulted him on every side
16 No stranger was ever clothed with them, and the great and holy God heard him by hail-
but only his children alone, and his grand chil stones of exceeding great force.
dren for ever. 7 He made a violent assault against the nation
17 His sacrifices were consumed with fire of his enemies : and in the descentt he destroyed
every day. the adversaries,
18 Moses filled his hands, and anointed him 8 That the nations might know his power, that
with holy oil. it is not easy to fight against God. And he fol-
19 This was made to him for an everlasting lowed the mighty one
testament, and to his seed as tlie days of heaven, 9 And in the days of Moses he did a work of
to execute the office of the priesthood, and to mer(;y, he and Caleb the son of Jephone, ia
have praise, and to glorify his people in his name standing against the enemy, and withholding
20 He chose him out of all men living, to offer the people from sins, and appeasing the wicked
sacrifice to God, incense, and a good savour, for murmuring.
a memorial to make rccoijciliation for his people : 10 And they two being appointed, were de-
21 And he gave him power in his command- livered out of the danger from among the number
ments, in the covenants of his judgments, that he of six hundred thousand men on foot, to bring
should teach Jacob his testimonies, and give light them into their inheritance, into the land that
to Israel in his law. floweth with milk and honey.
22 And strangers stood up against him and : 11 And the Lord gave strength also to Caleb:
through envy the men that were with Dathan and his strength continued even to his old age, so
and Abiron, compassed him about in the wilder- that, he went up to the high places of the land:
ness, and the congregation of Core in their and his seed obtained it for an inheritance :
wrath. 12 That all the (Children of Israel might see,
23 The Lord God saw, and it pleased him that it is good to obey the holy God.
not and they were consumed in his wrathful in
: ,13 Then all the judges, every one by name,
dignation. whose heart was not corrupted ; who turned not
24 He wrought wonders upon them, and con- away from the Lord,
Eumed them with a flame of fire. 14 That their memory might be blessed, and
25 And he added glory to Aaron, and gave their bones spring up out of their place,
him an inheritance, and divided unto him the 15 And their name continue for ever, the
first-fruits of the increase of the earth. srlorv of the holy men remaining unto their
26 He prepared them bread in the first place children.
unto fulness for the sacrifices also of the Lord
: 16 Samuel the prophet of the Lord, the beloved
they shall eat, which he gave to him, and to his of the Lord his God, established a new govern-
seed. ment, and anointed princes over his people.
27 But he shall not inherit among the people 17 By the law of the Lord he judged the con-
in the land, and he hath no portion among the C-regation : and the God of Jacob beheld ; and by
people : for he himself is his portion and in his fidelity he was proved a prophet.
neritance. 18 And he was known to be faithful in his
28 Phinees the son of Eleazar is the third words, because he saw the God of light
in glory, by imitating him in the fear of the 19 And called upon the name of the Lord Al-
Lord : mischty, in fighting against the enemies who beset
29 And he stood up in the shameful fall of the him on every side, when he offered a lamb with-
people : in the goodness and readiness of his soul out blemish.
ne appeased God for Israel. 20 And the I>ord thundered from heaven ; and
30 Therefore he made to him a covenant of with-a great noise, made his voice to be heard :
peace, to be the prince of the sanctuary, and of 21 And he crushed the princes of the Tyrians,
nis people, that the dignity of priesthood should and all the lords of the Philistines:
be to him and to his seed for ever. 22 And before the time of the end of his life in
31 And a covenant to David the king, the son the world, he protested before the Lord, and his
of Jesse of the tribe of Juda, an inheritance to anointed : money or any thing else, even to his
him and to his seed, that he miarht give wisdom shoe, he had not taken of any man and no man

into our heart to jud?e his people in justice, that did accuse him.
their good things might not ne abolished and he : 23 And after this he slept : and he made known
made their glory in their nation everlasting. to the king, and shewed him the end of bis life ;
CHAP. XLVI. and he lifted up his voice from the earth in pro-
and Samuel. phecy to blot out the wickedness of the nation.
The praise ofjosue, of Caleb, of
VALIANT in war was Jesus the son of Nave, CHAP. XLVII.
who was successor of Moses among the The praise of Nathan, of David, and of Solo
prophets, who was great according to his name, mon : of his fall and punishment.
* Jexux the son of Nave. So Josue is named
THEN Nathan the prophet arose
of David.
in the days

'm the Greek bibles. For Josue and Jes7ts signify

the same thing, viz. a Saviour. t Andinthedeicentoi'Rel\\OTon (Josue, ch. x.l
2 And as the fat taken away from the flesh, Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of siiv
ao was David cKjseti from among the children of and their sins were multiplied exceedingly.
Israel. 30 They removed iheui far away from their
3 He played with lions as with lambs and and. ;

with bears he did in like manner as with the 31 And they sought out all iniquities, till ven-
lambs of the flock, in his youth. geace came upon them, and put an end to al!
4 Did not he kill the giant, and take away re- their sins.
proach from his people ?
5 Jn lifting up his hand, with the stone in the CHAP. XLVIII.
sling he beat down the boasting of Goliah : The praise of Elias, ofEliseus, ofEzechias, and
6 For he called upon the Lord the Almighty: of Isaias.
and he gave strength in his right hand, to take
away the mighty warrior, and to set up the horn
Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and
his word burnt like a torch.
of his nation. 2 He brought a famine upon them, and they
7 So in ten thousand did he glorify him, and that provoked him in their envy, were reduced to
praised him in the blessings of the Lord, in oifer- a small number, for they could not endure tiio
ing to him a crown of glory : commandments of the Lord.
8 For he destroyed the enemies on every side, 3 By the v/orUt of the Lord he shut up the
and extirpated the Philistines the adversaries unto heaven, and he brought down fire from heaven
this day :he broke their horn for ever. thrice.
9 In all his works he gave thanks to the holy 4 Thus was Elias magnified in his wondrous
One, and to the most High, with words of glory. wo^s. And who can glory like to thee ?
10 With his whole heart he praised the Lord, 5 Who raisedst up a dead man from below,
and loved God that made him : and he gave him from the lot of death, by the word of the Lord
power against his enemies : God.
11 And he set singers before the altar : and by
6 Who
broughtest down kings to destruction,
tlieir voices he made sweet melody. and brokest easily their power in pieces, and the
12 And to the festivals he added beauty, and glorious from their bed.
set in order the solemn times even to the end of 7 Who hearest judgment in Sina, and in Ho-
his life, that they should praise the holy name of reb the judgments of vengeance.
the Lord, and magnify the holiness of God in the 8 Who
anointest kings to penance, and makeai
morning. prophets successors after thee.
13 The Lord took away his sins, and exalted 9 Who was taken up in a whirlwind of fire, in
his horn for ever and he gave him a covenant a chariot of fiery horses.

of tiie kingdom, and a throne of glory in Israel. 10 Who art registered in the judgments of
14 After him arose up a wise son, and for times to appease the wrath of the Lord, to re-
his sake he cast down all the power of the concile the heart of the father to the Son, and to
enemies. restore the tribes of Jacob.
15 Solomon reigned in days of peace, and 11 Blessed are they that saw thee, and were
God brought all his enemies under him, that he honoured with thy friendship.
might build a house in his name, and prepare a 12 For we live only in our life, but after death
sanctuary forever: O how wise wast thou in tliy our name shall not be such.
youth. 13 Elias was indeed covered with the whirl-
16 And thou wast filled as a river with wis- wind, and his spirit was filled up in Eliseus in :

dom, and thy soul covered the earth. his days he feared not the prince, and no man
17 And thou didst multiply riddles in parables was more powerful than he.

thy name wert abroad to the islands far off, and 14 No word could overcome him, and after
thou wast beloved in thy peace. death his body prophesied.
13 The countries wondered at thee for thy 15 In his life he did great wonders, and in death
canticles, and proverbs, and parables, and inter he wrought miracles.
pretations, 16 For all this the people repented not, nei-
19 And at the name of the Lord God, whose ther did they depart from their sins, till they were
surname is, God of Israel. cast out of their land, and were scattered through
20 Thou didst gather gold as copper, and didst all the earth.
multiply silver as lead, 17 And there was left but a small people, and
21 And thou didst bow thyself to women a prince in the house of David.
and bv thy body thou wast brought under sub- 18 Some of these did that which pleased God :
jection, but others committed many sins.
22 Thou hast stained thy glory, and defiled thy 19 Ezechias fortified his city, and brought in
seed, so as to bring wrath upon thy children, and water into the midst thereof, and he digged a
to have thy folly kindled, rock with iron, and made a well lor water.
23 That thou shouldst make the kingdom to 20 In his days Sennacherib came up, and sent
be divided, and out of Ephraim a rebellious king Rabsaces, and lifted up his hand against them,
dom to rule. and he stretched out his hand against Sion, and
24 But God will not leave off his mercy, and became proud through his power.
he will not destroy nor abolish his own works, 21 Then their hearts and hands trembled : and
neither will he cut up bv the roots the offspring they were in pain as women in travail.
of his elect: and he will not utterly take away 22 And they called upon the Lord who is mer-
the seed of him ihatloveth the Lord. ciful, and spreading their hands, they lifted them
25 Wherefore he gave a remnant to Jacob, up to heaven: and the holy Lord God quickly
and to David of the same stock. heard their voice.
26 And Solomon had an end with his fa- 23 He was not mindful of their sins, neither
thers. did he deliver them up to their enemies, but he
27 And he left behind him of his seed, the folly purified them by tlie hand of Isaias the holy
of the nation, prophet.
28 Even Roboam that had little wisdom, who 24 He overthrew the army of the Assyrians,
turned away the people fhroueh his counsel and the Ansrel of the Lord destroved rlietn.

29 \nd Jeroboam tne son of Nabat, who caused 25 For Ezechias did that which.pleased God,
: :


and walked valiantly in wav of DaviJ his i^IMON tlie high priest, the son of OniaSj who
father, which Isaias, the great prophet, and k3 in his life propped up the house, and in hia
faithful in tlie sight of God, had coiiiinanded days fortified the temple.
him. 2 Uy him also the height of the temple waa
26 In his days the sun went backward, and he founded, the double building and the high walla
lengthened the king's life. of the temple.
27 With a great spirit he saw tlie tilings that 3 In his days the wells of water flowed out,
are come to pass at last, and comforted the and they were filled as the sea above measure.
mourners in Sion. 4 He look care of his nation, and delivered it
28 He shewed what should come to pass for from destruction.
even and secret things before they came. 5 He prevailed to enlarge the city, and obtain-
ed glory in his conversation with the people
CHAP. XLIX. and enlarged the entrance of the bouse, and tli8
The praise ofJosias, of Jeremias, Ezechiel, and court.
the twelve prophets. Also of Zorobabtl, Jesus 6 He shone in his days as the morning star in
the son of Josedech, Nehemias, Enoch, Joseph, ihe-midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full.
Setli, Sen, and Adam. 7 And as the sun when .it shineth, so did he
THE memory of Josias is like the composi- shine in the temple of God.
tion of a sweet smell made by the art of a 8 And as the rainbow giving light in the bright
perfumer. clouds, and as the flower of roses in the days of
2 His remembrance shall be sweet as honey the spring, and as the lilies that are on the
in every mouth, and as music at a banquet of brink of the water, and as the sweet smelling
wine. frankincense in the lime of summer.
3 He was directed by God unto the repent- 9 As a bright fire, and frankincense burningin
ance of the nation, and he took away the abo- the fire.
minations of wickedness. 10 As a massy vessel of gold, adorned with
4 And he directed his heart towards the Lord, every precious stone.
and in the days of sinners he strengthened god- 11 As an olive-tree budding forth, and a cy-
liness. press-tree rearing itself on hi^h, when he put on
5 Except David, and Ezechias, and Josias, the robe of glory, and was clothed with the per-
all comniitted sin. fection of power.t
6 For the kings of Juda forsook the law of 12 When he went up to the holy altar, he ho-
the most High, and despised the fear of God. noured the vesture of holiness,
7 So they gave their kingdom to others, and 13 And when he took the portions out of the
their glory to a strange nation. hands of the priests, he himself stood by the al-
8 They burnt the chosen city of holiness, and tar. Andaboiit him wasthe ring of his brethren:
made the streets thereof desolate according to and as tlie cedar planted in mount Libanus,
the prediction of Jeremias. i
14 And as branches of palm-trees, they stood
9 For they treated iiim evil, who was conse- round about him, and all the sons of Aaron in
crated a prophet from his mother's womb, tol their glory.
overthrow, and pluck up, and destroy, and to 15 And the oblation of the Lord was in their
build again, and renew. hands, before all the congregation of Israel : and
10 It was Ezechiel who saw the glorious vi- finishing his service, on the altar, to honour the
sion, which was shewn hiui upon tlie chariot of offering of the most High king,
cherubims. 16 He stretched forth his hand to make a liba-
11 For he made mention of the enemies under tion, and offered of the blood of the grape.
the figure of rain, and of doing good to them that 17 He poured out at the foot of the altar a
shewed right ways. divine odour to the most high Prince.
12 And may the bones of the twelve prophets 18 Then the sons of Aaron shouted, they
eprins: up out of tlifir place :for they strength- sounded with beaten trumpets, and made a great
ened Jacob, and redeemed themselves by strong noise to be heard for a remembrance before God.
faith. 19 Then all the people together made haste,
13 How shall we magnify Zorobabel? for he and fell down to the earth upon their faces, to
was as a signet on the riglit hand ; adore the Lord their God, and to pray to the Al-
14 In like manner Jesus the son of Josedech ? mighty God the most High.
who in tlieir days built the house, and set up a 20 And the singers lifted up their voices, and
holy temple to the Lord, prepared for everlast- in the great house the sound of sweet melody
ing glory. was increased.
15 And let Nehemias be a long time remem- 21 And the people in prayer besought the
bered, who raised up for us our walls that were Lord the most High, until the worship of the
east down, and set up the gates and the bars, Lord was perfected, and they had finished their
who rebuilt our houses. office.
16 No man was bom upon earth like Henoch: 22 Then coming down, he lifted up his hands
for he also was taken up from the earth. over all the congregation of the children of Israel,
17 Nor as Joseph, who was a man born prince] jlo give glory to God with his lips, and to glory in
of his brethren, the support of his family, the his name
ruler of his bretliren, the stay of the people : 23 And he repeated his prayer, willing to shew
13 And his bones were visited, and after death the power of God.
thev prophesied.* 24 And now pray ye to the God of all, who
19 Seth, and Sem obtained glory among men hath done great things in all the earth, who hath

and above every soul Adam in the beginning. increased our days from our mother's womb, and
CHAP. L. bath done with lis according to his me icy :
The praises of Simon the high priest. The 25 IMav he grant us joyfulness of heart, and
conclusion. that there be peace in our days in Israel forever.

* They prophesied. That is, by their being t Clothed mith the perfection of power. That
carried lut of Egypt they verified the prophetic is, with all the vestments denoting his dignity and
|.rediction of Joseph, Gen. 1. authority.
: :


26 That Israel may

believe that the iiit;rcy of the earth, and I have prayed for death to pasa
God is with us, to deliver us
in his days. away.
27 There are two nations which my soul ab- 14 I called upon the Lord, the father of ray
horreth:* and the third is no nation, whiuh I Lord, that he would not leave me in the day of
hate my trouble, and in the time of the proud, without
28 They that sit on mount Seir, and the Phi- lielp.
listines, and the foolish people that dwell in Si- 15 I will praise thy name continually, and will
chem. praise it with thanksgivhig, and my prayer was
29 Jesus the son of Sirach, of Jerusalem, hath heard.
written in this book the doctrine of wisdom and 1(3 And thou hast saved me from destruction,

instruction, who renewed wisdom from his lieart. and hast delivered me from the evil time.
30 Blessed is he that is conversant in these 17 Therefore I will give thanks, and prai38
good things : and he that layeth them up in his thee, and bless the name of tiie Lord.
heart, shall be wise always. 18 When I was yet young, before I wandered
31 For if he do them, he shall be strong to dr) about, I sought for wisdom openly in my prayer.
all things : because the light of God guideth'liis 19 I prayed for her before the temple, and unto
steps. the very end I will seek after her, and she flour-
ished as a grape soon ripe.
CHAP. LI. 20 My
heart delighted in her, my foot walked
prayer of praise and thanksgiving, in the right way, from my youth up I sought af-

A PRAYER of Jesus the son of Sirach. I ter her.

will give glorv to thee,
I will praise thee, O
God my saviour.
king, and 21 I bowed down my ear a little, and received
her. i
2 I will give glory to thy name for thou hast
: 22 I found much wisdom in myself, and I pro-
been a helper and protector to me. fited much therein.
3 And hast preserved my body from deetruc- 23 To him that givetli me wisdom, will I give
lion, from the snare of an unjust tongue, and from glory.
tlie lips of them that forge lies, and in the sight 24 For I have determined to follow her : I have
of them that stood by, thou bast been my helper. had a zeal for good, and sliall not be confounded.
4 And thou hast delivered me, according to 25 My
soul hath wrestled for her, and "n doing
the multitude of the mercy of thy name, from it I have been confirmed.
them that did f-oar, prepared to devour. 26 I stretched forth my hands on iiigh, and I
5 Out of the hands of them that sought my bewailed my ignorance of her.
life and from the gates of afflictions, which com- 27 I directed my soul to her, and in knowledge
panried me about: I found her.
6 From the oppression of the flame which sur- 28 I possessed mv heart with her from the be-
rounded me, and in the midst of the fire I was not ginning therefore I shall not be forsaken.

bunit. 29 My
entrails were troubled in seeking her:
7 From the depth of the belly of hell, and from therefore shall I possess a good possession.
an unclean tongue, and from lying words, from 30 The Lord haili given me a tongue for my
an unjust king, and from a slanderous tongue : reward : and with it I will praise him.
8 RIy soul shall praise tlie Lord even to death. 31 Draw near to me, ye unlearned, and gatlier
9 And my life was drawing near to hell beneath. yourselves together into the house of discipline.
10 They compassed me on every side, and there 32 Why are ye. slow ? and what do you say
was no one that would help me. I looked for the of these things ? your souls are exceeding
succour of men, and there was none. thirsty.
11 I remembered thy mercy, O Lord, and thy 33 I have opened my mouth, and have spoken
works, which are from the beginning of the world. buy yoiuselves without silver,
lier for i

12 How thou deliverest them that wait for tliee, 34 And submit your neck to the yoke, and let
O Lord, and savest them out of the hands of the 3'our soul receive discipline f for she is near at
nations. hand to be found.
13 Thou hast exalted my dwelling-place upon 35 Behold with j'our eves how I have labour-
ed a littl", and have found much rest to myself.
* Abhorreih, viz. With a holy indignation, as 36 Receive ye discipline as a great sum of
enemies of God and persecutors of his people. money, and possess abundance of gold by her.
Such were then the Edomites who abode in 37 Let your soul rejoice in his mercy, and you
mount Seir, the Philistines, and the Samaritans shall not be confounded in his praise.
who dwelt in Sichem, and had their schismatical 38 Work your work before the time, and he
temple in that neighbourhood. will give you your reward in his time.


This inspired icrifer, is called by the Holy Ghost, he may seem to hare been rather an evangelist
Ecclesiastic xlviii. 25. the great prophet -yfrom than a prophet. Hi.': very name is not without
{he greatness oj his prophetic spirit, byvhich he mystery : for Isaias in Hebrew signifies the sal-
ham foretold, so long before, and in so clear a vation of the Lord, w, Jesus is tlie Lord. He
manner, the coming of Christ, the mysteries of was, according 1o the trndiiion of the Hebrews,
our redemption, the calling of the Gentiles, and of the blood royal of the /{irigs ofJuda : and af-
ihj glorious establishment, and perfeiualfiou- ter a most holy life, ended his ilays by a glo'
risning of the church of Christ: insoirmch thai rious martyrdom ; being sawed in two, ai the

CHAP. I. ri.

command of his wicked son-in-law, king Ma-\ judgment, become a harlot? Justice dwelt in it,
tiasses, for reproving his evil ways. but now murderers.
22 Thy silver is turned into dross thy wine
is mingled with water.

The prophet complains of the sins of Juda and 23 Thy princes are faithless, companions of
Jerusalem : and cxhurts them to a sincere von- thieves they all love bribes, they run after re-

version. wards. They judge not for the fatherless: and

rB"^HE vision of Isaias the son of Amos, which die widow's cause cometh not in to them.
X he saw concerning Jutla and Jerusalem in 24 Therefore saith the Lord the God of hoete,
the days ofOzias, Joathaii, Achaz, and Ezechias, the mighty one of Israel: Ah! I will comfert
kings of Juda. myself over my adversaries : and I will be re-
2 Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth, venged of my enemies.
for the Lord liath spoken. I nave brouglit up 2o And I will turn my hand to thee, and I will
children, and exalted tliem: but tliey have de- clean purge away thy dross, and I will take
spised ine. away all thy tin.
3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his' 26 And 1 will restore thy judges as they were
master's crib : but Israel hath not known nie, before, and thy counsellors as of old. After this
and my people hath not understood. thou shall be called the city of the just, a faithful
4 Wo to the sinful nation, a people laden with! city.
iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children:! 27 Sion shall be redeemed in judgment, and
tliey have forsaken the Lord, they have blas- they shall bring her back injustice.
phemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gonej 28 And he shall destroy tlie wicked, and the
away backwards. sinners together : and they that have forsaken the
5 For what shall I strike you any more, you Lord, shall be consumed.
tljat increase transgression ? the whole head is 29 For they shall be confounded for the idols,
sick, and the whole heart is sad. to which they have sacrificed: and you shall be
6 From the sole of the foot unto the top of the ashamed of the gardens which you had chosen.
head, tliere is no soundness therein : wounds and 30 When you shall be as an oak with the
bruises and swelling sores : they are not bound leaves falling off: and as a garden without water.
up, nor dressed, nor fomented with oil. 31 And your strength shall be as the ashes of
7 Your land is desolate, your cities are burnt tow, and your work as a spark : and both shall
with fire: your country strangers devour before bum together, and there shall be none to quench
vour face, and it shall be desolate as when wasted it.
hy enemies, CHAP. IL
8 Andthe daughter of Sion shall be left as a
All nations shallflow to the church of Christ. The
covert in a vineyard, and as a lodge in a garden
Jews shall be rejected for their sins. Idolatry
of cucumbers, and as a city that is laid waste
shall be destroyed.
9 Except the Lord of hosts had left us seed,
we had been as Sodom, and we should have been THE
word that Isaias the son of Amos saw
concerning Juda and Jerusalem.
like to Gomorrha.
10 Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of 2 And in the last days* the mountain of the
Sodom, give ear to the law of our God, ye people house of the Lord shall be prepared, on the top
of Gomorrha. of mountains,! and it shall be exalted above die
11 To what purpose do you offer me the multi- hills: and all nations shall flow unto it.
tude of your victims, sailh the Lord ? I am full, 3 And many people shall go, and say: Come
I desire not holocausts of rams, and fat of fal-
and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
lings, and blood of calves, and lambs, and buck- and to the house of the God of Jacob, and he
goats. will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his
12 When you came to appear before me, who paths for the law shall come forth from Sion,

required these things at your hands, that you and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
should walk in my courts ? 4 And he shall judge the gentiles, &nd rebuke
13 Offer sacrifice no more in vain: incense is many people and they shall turn their swords

an abomination to me. The new moons, and the into ploughshares, and their spears into sickles :
sabbaths, and other festivals, I will not abide, nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
your assemblies are wicked. neither shall they be exercised any more to war.
14 My soul hateth your new moons, and your 5 O. house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk
solemnities : they are become troublesome to in the light of the Lord.
me, I am weary of bearing them. 6 For thou hast cast off thy people, the house
15 And when you stretch forth your hands, I of Jacob because they are filled as in times

will turn away my eyes from you : and when you past, and have had soothsayers as the Philis-
tr.-'ltiply prayer, I will not hear: for your hands dnes, and have adhered to strange children.
an: full of blood. 7 Their land is filled with silver and gold:
16 Wash yourselves, be clean, takeaway the and there is no end of their treasures.
evil of your devices from my eyes : cease to do 8 And their land is filled with horses: and
perversely, their chariots are innumerable. Their land
17 Learn to do well : seek judgment, relieve also is full of idol? they have adored the work

the oppressed, judge for the fatherless, defend the of dieirown hands, which their own fingers have
widow. made.
18 And then come, and accuse me, saith the
Lord if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be
* The last days. The whole dme of the new

made as white as snow: and if they be red as law from 'he coming of Christ dll the end of the
crimson, they shall be white as wool. world, i? called in the scripture the last days
19 If you be willing, and will hearken to me, because no other age or dme shall come after it,
you shall eat the good things of the land. but only eternity.
20 But if you will not, and will [irovoke me f On the top of mountains, &c. This shews
to wrath the sword shall devour you, because tho perpetual visibility of the church of Christ

tlie mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. for a mountain upon the top of mountaioB CUH
21 Hjw is the faithful city, that was fulf of not be hid.
3N 473

9 And man hath bowed himself down, and because their tongue,
man hath been debased thereCore for£:;ive them agamst the and their devices «yt»
Lord, to promke the eyes of
not. his ma.
10 Enter thou into the rock, and hide thee in
the pit. from the face of the fear of the Lord, and p-i^hT''
?'' ' 'countenance hath answer-
from liie glory of his majesty. !%;^ ""-^ '?'" poclaimed abroad their
s n as bodom, and they
liave not hid it wo to
11 The lofty eyes of man are humbled, and the.r :
soul, for are rendered
the haughtiness of men shall be made to stoop to them.
^^/° ^J^^- J""" '"'^" that it is well, for he
and the Lord alone shall he exalted in that dav. shall eat 1 I
the fruit of h.s doings.
li! Because the day of the Lord of hosts
be upon every one that is proud and high-mind- ofJh- ^\^ y°
VZ^^^. ""'° •'^'^ for the reward
his hands shall be given

ed, and upon every one that is arrogant, and he him.

12 As for my neople, their
shall be humbled. "oppressors have
stripped them, and women have
13 And upon all the tall and lofty cedars of O my ruled over them.
people, [hey that call thee
Libanus, and upon all the oaks of Basan. blessed, the
"^^^"^ ^''^•'' ^'^^ destroy the
]•! And upon all the high mountains,
and upon s^e"s way of thy
dl the elevated hills. 13 The Lord standeth up
15 And npon every high tower, and everv standeth to judge,
" and he
to judffe the people.
fenced wall. 14 The Lord will enter into
16 And upon all the shins of Tharsis, and anc judgment with the
icients of his people, and its
upon all that is fair to behold. princes for vou ;
have devoured the vineyard, and
17 And the loftiness of men shall be bowed the spoil of the
poor IS in your house.
down, and the haughtiness of men shall be 15 Why do you consume
humbled, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in mv people, and
.^nnd the faces of the poor, saith
that day. the Lord God of
aosts ?
18 And
idols shall be utterly destroyed.*
16 And
the Lord said: Because the
19 And
they shall go into the holes of rocks, daughters
ot feion
are haughty, and have walked
and Mito the caves of the earth, from the face of with
stretched-out necks, and wanton glances
the fear of the Lord, and from the glory of his of their
eyes, and made a noise as they
niajpsty, when he shall rise up to strike tlie walked with their
and moved in a set pace :
'^, '^he Lord will make bald the crown of the
20 In that day a man shall cast away his idols ,

head of the daughters of Sion, and the

of silver, and his idols of gold, which he had Lord will
discover their hair.
made for himself to adore, moles and bats.
18 In that day the Lord will take
21 And he shall go into the clifts of rocks,
and ornaments of shoes, and little
away the
into the holes of stones, from the face of moons,
the fear 19 And chains and necklaces, and
of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, bracelets,
and bonnets,
when he shall rise up to strike "the earth.
j*^ hodkins, and ornaments of the legs,
22 Cease ye therefore, from the man whose 't?*'
and tablets, and sweet balls, and ear-rings,
breath is in his nostrils, for he is reputed high.
21 And rings, and jewels hanging
on the fore-
CHAP. III. head,
The conlnsion and other evils that shall canie 22 And changes of apparel, and short cloaks,
npon (he Jews for their sins. The pride of and fine linen, and crisping pins,
their women shall be punished. 2.3 And looking-glasses, and lawns,
and head-
FOR !)ehold the sovereign the Lord of hosts bands, and fine veils.
shall take away from Jerusalem, and from 24 And instead of a sweet smell there shall
.liida the valiant and the strong, the stench, and instead of a girdle a cord, and
whole instead
strength of bread, and the whole strength of o( curled hair baldness, and instead ofastomacher
water. hair-cloth.
2 The strong nian, and the man of war, the 25 Thy fairest men also shall fall by the sword,
judge, and the prophet, and the cunning man, and thy valiant ones in battle.
and the ancient. 26 And her gates shall lament and mourn,
3 The captain over fifty, and the she shall sit desolate on the ground.
m countenance, and the counsellor, and the ar-
chitect, and the skilful in eloqu-nt s-.ieech.
4 And I will give children to be tlieir princes,
4/W an extremity of evils that shall fall upon
and the effeminate shall rule over them.
the Jews, a remnant shall he comforted' bv
5 And the people shall rush one upon another,
and every man against his neighbour the child A ND in day seven women shall take hold
-^ of one

shall make a tumult against the ancient, man, saying : We will eat our own
and the bread,
base against the honourable. and wear our own apparel only let us be:

called by thy name, take away our

6 For a man shall lake hold of his brother, one reproach.
of the house of his father, saijing : Thou hast ^ In that day the bud of the Lordt shall be in
garment, be thou our ruler, and let this ^uin niagnificenceand glory, and the fruit of the earth
be skatl be high, and a great joy to them
under thy hand. that shall
7 In tliat day he shall answer, saying: I am nave escaped of Israel.
no healer, and in my house there is no bread, nor 3 And it shall come to pass, that every one
clothing: make me" not ruler of the people. that shall be left in Sion, and that shall remain
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda is fallen Jerusalem, shall be called holy, every one that is
written in life in Jerusalem.
Idols shall he utterly destroyed ; or utterly 4 If the Lord shall wash away the filth of the
pass a-j-ay. This was verified bv the establish- daughters of Sion, and shall "wash away the
blood of Jerusalem out of the midst thereof, by
ment of Christianity. And by "this and other
|the spirit of judgment, and by
texts of the like nature, the wihl system of the spirit of
some burning.
modern sectaries is abundantly confuted, wtio
charge the whole christian church wilh worship- 5 And the Lord will create upon every place
pmg idols, for many a?"s.
t The bud of the Lord. That is, Christ.


of mount S.on, and where he is called upon, a 'judgment: and the holy God shall
be eanclified
cloud by day and a smoke and the biiglitness of in justice.

a flaming fire in tlie night: for o^er all the glory 17 And the lambs shall feed according to their
shall be a protection. order; and strangers shall eat the deserts turned
6 And there shall be a tabernaole for a shade! into fruitfuhiess.
in the day-time from the heat, and for i security 18 Wo
to ^ou thai draw iniquity witli corda of
and covert from the whirlwind, and fiom rain. vanity, and sm as the rope of a cart.
19 That say Lei him make haste, and let hiti
CHAP. V. :

work come quickly, that we may see it: and let

The reprobation of the Jeicsforeshewn under thei the counsel of the holy one of Israel come, tliat
parable of a vineyard. A wo is pronatt7iced\ we may know it.
against sinners : the army God shall send 20 Wo
to you that call evil good, and good
against them. evil; that put darkness /or light, and li^ht /or
1WILL sing to my beloved the canticle of my darkness; tliat put bitter for sweet, and sweet
cousin* concprning his vineyard. My be- for bitter.
loved had a vineyard on a hillt in a fruitful 21 Wo
to 3'ou that are wise in your own eyes,
place. anjj prudent in your own conceits.
2 And he fenced it in, and nicked the stones 22 Wo
to you that are mighty to drink wine,
out of it, and planted it with the choicest vines, and stout men at drunkenness;
and built a tower in the midst thereof, and set up 23 That justify the wicked for gifts, and take
a wine-press therein : and he looked that it away the justice of the just from him.
should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth 24 Therefore as the tongue ofihe fire devour-
wild crapes. eth the stubble, and the heat of the flame consu-
3 And now, O ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and meth it; so shall their root be as ashes, and their
ye men of Juda, judge between me and my vine- bud shall go up as dust: for they have cast away
yard. the law of the Lord of hosts, and have blasphe
4 What is there that I ought to do more to my med the word of the holy one of Israel.
vineyard that I have not done to it ? was it that 25 Therefore is the wrath of the Lord kindled
I looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it against his people: and he hath stretched out his
hath brought forth wild grapes ? band upon them, and struck them and the moun- :

5 And now I will show you wliat I will do to tains were troubled, and tiieir carcases became aa
my vineyard. I will take away the hedge there- dung in the midst of the streets. For all this his
ofi and it shall be wasted : I will break down the anger is nol turned away but his hand is stretch-

wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down. ed out still.

6 And I will make it desolate it shall not be
: 215 And he will lift up a sign to the nations afar
pruned, and it shall not be digged but briers and off, and will whistle to them from the ends of the

thorns siiall come up ; and I will command the enrtb and behold, they shall come with speed

clouds to rain no rain upon it. swiftly.

7 For the vineyard of tlie Lord of hosts is the 27 There is none that shall faint, nor labour
house of Israel: and the man of Juda, his pleas- among them they shall not slumber, nor sleep;

ant plant: and I looked that he should do judg- neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed,
ment, and behold iniquity and do justice, and nor the latchet of their shoes be broken.

behohl a cry. 28 Their arrows are sharp ; and all their bowa
8 Wo to you that join house to house, and lav are bent. The hoofs of their horses shall be like
field to field, even to the end of the place shall the flint, and their wheels like the violence of a

you alone dwell in the midst of the earth ? tempest.

9 These tilings are in my ears, saith the Lord 29 Their roaring like that of a lion; they shall
of hosts; Unless many great and fair houses shall roar like young lions: yea they shall roar, and
become desolate, without an inhabitant. take hold of the prey; and they siiali keep fast
10 For ten acres of vineyard shall yield one hold of it; and there shall be none tc deliver it.
litlle measure: and thirty bushels of seed shall 30 And they shall make a noise against them
yield three Inishels. that day, like the roaring of the sea: we shall
11Wo to you that rise up early in the morn- "ook towards the land, and behold, darkness ot
ing to follow drun1\ennoss, and to drink till the tribulation and the light is darkened with the

evenlnir, to be inflamed with wine. mist thereof.

12 The harp, and the lyre, and the timbrel, and
the pipe, and wine are in your feasts: and the
work of the Lord you regard not nor do you A glorio7is vision, in which the prophets lips are

consider the works of his hands. cleansed: he foretelleththe obstinacy of the Jeirs.
13 Therefore is my people led away captive, the year that kin? Ozias died, I saw the
because they had not knowlijdge and their no-' ;
Lord siitin? upon a throne high and elevated
bles have perished w iih famine and their multi-i and his train filled the teniple.

tude were diied up witii thirst. 2 Upon it stood the Seraphims: the one had
14 Therefore hath hell enlarged her soul, and six wings and the other had six wings with :
opened her mouth without any bounds and their two thev covered bis face; and with two they

stronirones, and their people, and their high and covered his feet; and with two they flew.
g.oricuis ones shall sro down into it. 3 And thev cried one to another, and said:
15 And man shall be brought down, and manl Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God of hosts; all iho
shall be humbled and the eyes of the lofty shall eariii is full of bis jrlorv.

be broupht low. 4 And the lintels of the doors were mc»ed at

IG And the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in the voice of him that cried and the house was ;

filled with smoke.

• My cousin. So the prophet calls Christ, as 5 A m\ I said : Wo
is mo, because I have held

being of his family and kindred, by descending my peace; because 1 am a man of imclean lips;
from the house of I)avid. and I dwell in the midst of a people thai hiilh un-
t On a hill, Ate. Liti^rally, in the horn, the son cloiin lips; and I have seei with my eyes tIM
King of the Lord of hosts.
^f oil.

5 And one of the Seraphims flew to me and in ous : to men, that you are grievous to my God
his hand was a live coal, which he' had taken also ?
with the tongs off the altar, 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you
7 And he touched my mouth, and said Be- a sign. : Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and
hold, tliis hath touched thy lips and thy iniqui- bear a son ; and his name shall be called Em-

ties shall be taken away, and thy sin shall be manuel.

cleansed. 15 He shall eat butter and honey, that he may
8 And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: know to refuse the evil, and to choose the good.
Whom shall I senc^ 3 and who shall go for us 1 16 For before the child know to refuse the
And I said, Lo, here am 1 send me. ; evil, and to choose the good, the land which thou
9 And he said Go, and tliou shall say to this abhorrest shall be forsaken of the face of her two

people Hearing hear, and understand not and kings.

: :

see the vision, and know it not. 17 The Lord shall bring upon thee, and upon
10 Blind the heart of this people, and make thy people, and upon the house of thy father,
their ears heavy, and shut their eyes ; lest they days that have not come since the time of the
see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and separation of Ephraim from Juda, witii the king^
understand with their heart, and be converted, of the Assyrians.
and I heal them. 18 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
11 And I said How long, O Lord? And he the Lord shall hiss for the fly, that is in the ut-

said : Until tlie cities be wasted without inhabit termost parts of the rivers of Egypt, and for the
ant, and the houses without man, and the land bee that is in the land of Assyria.
shall be left desolate. 19 And they shall come, and shall all of them
12 And the Lord shall remove men far away rest in the torrents of the valleys, and in the holes
and she shall be multiplied that was left in the of the rocks, and upon all places set with shrubs,
midst of the earth. and in all hollow places.
13 And there shall be still a tithing therein 20 In that day the Lord shall shave with a
and she shall turn, and shall be made a shew as razor that is hired by them that are beyond the
a turpentine-tree, and as an oak that spread river, by the king of the Assyrians, the head and
its branches :that which shall stand therein, the hairs of the feet, and the whole beard.
shall be a holy seed. 21 And it shall come to pass in tliat day,
that a man shall nourish a young cow, and two
CHAP. VII. slieep,
22 And for the abundance of milk he shall eat
2'ke prophet assures kitig Achaz that the two
butter for butter and honey shall every one eat,
kings his enemies shall not take Jerusalem. A

that shall be left in the midst of the land.

virgin shall conceive and bear a son.
23 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
AND it came to pass in the days of Achaz the every place where there were a thousand vines,

son of Joathan, the son of Ozias king of at a thousand pieces of silver, shall become
Juda, that Rasin king of Syria, and Phacee the thorns and briers.
eon of Romelia king of Israel, came up to Jeru 24 With arrows and with bows they shall go
salem, to fight against it: but they could not in thither for briers and thorns shall be in all

prevail over it. the land.

2 And they told the house of David, sayin^ 25 And as for all the hills that shall be rakel
Syria hath rested upon Ephraini and his heart with a rake, the fear of thorns and briers shaL

was moved, and the heart of his people, as the not come thither but they shall be for the ox to

trees of the woods are moved with the wind. feed on, and the lesser cattle to tread upon.
3 And the Lord said to Isaias Go forth to
meet Achaz, thou and Jasub thy son that is left,
to the conduit of the upper pool, in the way of The
name of a child that is to be born : many evih
the Fullers field. shall come upon (he Jews for their sins.
4 And thou shalt say to him See thou be

quiet: fear not, and let not tliy hearts be afraid

the Lord said to me Take thee a great
book, and write in it with a man's pen.

of the two tails of these firebrands, smoking with Take away the spoils with speed; quickly take
the wrath of the fury of Rasin king of Syria, and the prey.
of the son of Romelia. 2 And I took unto me faithful witnesses, Urias
5 Because Syria hath taken counsel against the priest, and Zacharias the son of Barachias.
thee, imto the evil of Ephraim and the son of Ro- 3 And I went to the prophetess and she con- ;

melia, saying: ceived, and bore a son. And the Lord said to
6 Let us go up to Juda, and rouse it up, an( me Call his name. Hasten to take away the

draw it away to us, and make the son of Tabeel spoils: Make haste to take away the prey.
king in the midst thereof. 4 For before the child know to call his father
7 Thus saith the Lord God It shall not and his mother, the strength of Damascus, and

stand, and this shall not be. the spoils of Samaria shall be taken away before
8 But the head of Syria is Damascus, and the the king of the Assyrians.
head of Damascus is Rasin and within three
: 5 And the Lord spoke to me again, saying :

score and five years, Ephraim shall cease to be 6 Forasmuch as this people hath cast away

people the waters of Siloe, that go with silence, and

9 And the head of Ephraim is Samaria, and hath rather taken Rasin, and the sen of Ro-
the head of Samaria the son of Romelia. If you melia :

will not believe, you shall not continue. 7 Therefore behold, the Lord will bring upon
10 And the Lord spoke again to Achaz, them the waters of the river strong and many,
saving the king of the Assyrians, and all his glory and :

11 Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God, either he shall come up over all his channels, and shall
nnto the depth of hell, or unto the height above. overflow all his banks,
12 And Achaz said I will not ask : and I will
: 8 And shall pass through Juda, overflowing ;

not tempt tlie Lord. and going over, shall reach even to the neck.
13 And he said: Hear ye therefore, O house And the stretching out of Ids winsrs shall fill tho
of David: Is it a small thing for vou to be griev-i breadth of thy land, O Emmanuel.

9 Gather yourselves together, O ye people,| 6 For a child is born to us; and a son is
and be overcome and give ear, all ye lands afar
: given to us; and the government is upon hia
off: strengthen yourselves, and be overcome; shoulder: and his name shall be callei^ Won-
gird yourselves, and be overcome. derful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father
10 Take counsel together, and it shall be de- of tiie world to come, the Prince of jjeace.
feated : speak a word, and it shall not be done : 7 His empire shall be multii)lied ; and there
because God is with us: shall be no end of peace he sliall sit upon the

11 For tlius saith the Lord to me As he hath

: throne of David, and upon his kingdom ; to es-
taught me, with a strong arm, that I should not tablish it and strengthen it with judgment and
walk in the way of this people, saving : with justice, from lienceforth and forever: tfco
12 Say ve not A conspiracy
: for all that this
: zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
people speaketh, is a conspiracy nf;ilhrr fear ye
; 8 The Lord sent a word into Jacob; and it
tbeir fear, nor be afraid. hath lighted upon Israel.
13 Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself: and 9 And all the people of Ephraim shall know,
Ist him l>e jour fear, and let him be your dread. and the inhabitants of Samaria that say in the
14 And he shall be a sanctification toyou but : pride and hauglitiuess of their heart:
for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of offence 10 The bricks are fallen down but we will :

to the two houses of Israel, for a snare and a ruin build with square stones they have cut down

to the inhabitants of Jenisalem. the sycamores, but we will change them for
15 And very many of them shall stumble and cedars.
fall, and shall be broken in pieces, and shall be 11 And the Lord shall set up the enemies of
snared, and taken. Rasin over him, and shall bring on his enemies
16 Bind up the testimony: seal the law among in a crowd :

my disciples. 12 The Syrians from

the east, and the Philis-
17 And will wait for the Lord, who hath hid tines from the west : and they shall devour Is-

his face from the house of Jacob and I will look rael with open mouth. For all this his indigna-

for him. tion is not turned away ; but his hand is stretched
18 Behold, I and my children, whom the Lord out still.
hath given me for a sign, and for a wonder in 13 And the people are not returned to him who
Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwelleth in hath struck them, and have not sought after the
moujt Sion. Lord of hosts.
19 And when they shall say to you : Seek of 14 And the Lord shall destroy out of Israel
pythons,* and of diviners, who mutter in their, the head and the tail, him that bendeth down, and'
inchantments should not the people seek of him that lioldeth back, in one day.

their God, for the living of the dead ? 15 The aged and honourable, he is the head :
20 To the law rather, and to the testimony and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.
And if they speak not according to this word, 16 And they that call this people blessed, shall
they shall not nave the morning light. cause them to err: and they that are^ called
21 And they shall pass by if. they shall fall, blessed, shall be thrown down headlong.
and be hungry and when they shall be hungry,
: 17 Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in
they will be angry, and curse their king, and their young men neither shall he have mercy on:

their God, and look upwards. 4 tlieir fatherless and widows for every one is a :

22 And they shall look to the earth and be hypocrite and wicked, and every mouth hath spo-

hold, trouble and darkness, weakness and dis- ken folly. For all this his indignation is not
tiess, and a mist following them and they can turned away but his hand is stretched out still.
: ;

not fly away from their distress. 18 For wickedness is kindled as a fire, it shall
devour the brier and the thorn and shall kindle

in the thicket of the forest and it shall be wrap :

What jo;/ shall come after affiictionsby the birth ped up in smoke ascending on high.
and kingdom of Christ: irhich shall flourish 19 By the wrath of the Lord of hosts tlie land
for ever. Jiidg'menis upon Israelfor their sins. is troubled, and the people shall be as fuel forthe
\ T the first time the land of Zabulon, and the fire no man shall spare his brother.

c\. land of Nephthalia was lightly touched: 20 And he shall turn to the right hand, and
and at the last the way of the sea beyond the shall be hungry and shall eat on the left hand,

Jordan of the Galilee of the gentiles was hea- and shall not be filled every one shall eat the :

vily loaded. flesh of his own arm Manasses Ephraim, and


2 The people that walked in darkness, have Ephraim Manasses, and they together shall be
seen a great light to them that dwelt in the re- against Juda.

gion of the shadow of death, light is risen. 21 After all these things his indignation is
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, and hast not turned away, but his hand is stretched out
not increased the joy. They shall rejoice before still.
thee, as they tliat rejoice in the harvest, as con-
querors rejoice after taking a prey, when they CHAP. X.
divide the spoils. Wo makers of tricked laws. The Assy-
to the
4 For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of rians shall be a rodfor^ punishing Israel : but
their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor for their pride they shall be destroyed : and a
thou hast overcome, as in the day of Madian. remnant of Israel saved.
5 For every violent taking of spoils, with tu-
mult, and garment mingled with blood, shall be
to them that make wicked laws; and
when they write, write injustice:
burnt, and be fuel for the fire. 2 To oppress the poor in judgment, and do
violence to the cause of the humble of my people :
* Seek ofpythons. That is, people pretending that widows might be their prey, and that they
to tell future things by a propiiesymg spirit. might rob .the fatherless.
Should not the people seek of their God, for the 8 What will you do in the day of visitation,
living of ike dead 7 Here is signified, that it is to and of the calamity which cometh from afar'' to
God we should pray to be directed, and not to whom will you flee for help ? and where will ye
seek of the dead, (that is, of fortune-tellers dead leave your glory ?
in sin,) for the health of tlie living. 4 That you be not bo\#fed down under the
: :

bond, and full with the slain ? In .-til these things 23 For the Lord God of hosts shall make a
his a'i!;i;i id n(itturned away, but liis hand is consumption, and an abridgment in the midst of
Bti'etchtul out still. all the land.
5 Wo ti) the Assyrian, rod and the
lie 24 Therefbre, thus saith the Lord the God of
is tlie
start" of my anger, and my indignation is in their hosts : O
my people that dwellest in Sion, be
hands. not afraid of the Assyrian : he shall strike thee

6 I will spnd him to a deceitful nation, and I with his rod, and he shall lift up his staff over
will (live him acliaige against llie peojde of myl thee in the way of Egypt.
wrati), to take away liie spoils, and to lay hold on: 25 For yet a little and a very little while, and
the prey, and to tread them down like the mirej my indignation shall cease, and my wrath shall
of the streets. be ujion their wickedness.
7 ]iut he shall not take it so, and his heart 26 And the Lord of hosts shall raise up a
shall not think so: but his heart shall be set to scourge against him, according to the slaughter
destroy, and to cut otfnations not a few. of Madian in the rock of Oreb, and his rod over

8 For he shall say : the sea, and he shall lift it up in tar, <\t.y o<
9 Are not my princes as so many kings ? is not] Egypt.
Calano us Ghareainis : and Emath as Arphad ?! 27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
IS not Samaria as Damascus? his burden shall be taken away from oflT thy

10 As my hand hath found the kingdoms of! shoulder, and his yoke from ofl!" thy neck, and
the idol, so also their idols of Jerusalem, and of the yoke shall putrify at the presence of the oil.|
Samaria. 28 He shall come into Aiath,§ he shall pass

11 Shall I not, as I have done to Samaria and into Magron: at Machmas he shall lay up his
her idols, so do to Jerusalem and her idols ? carriages.
12 And it shall come to pass, that when the 29 They have passed in haste, Gaba is our
Lord shall have performed all his works in mount lodging : Rama was astonished, Gabaath of Saul
Sion, and in Jerusalem, I will visit the fruit of fled away.
the proud heart of the king of Assyria, and the 30 Lift up thy voice, O
daughter of Gallim,
glory of the haughtiness of his eyes. attend, O
Laisa, poor Anathorth.
13 For he hath said By the strength of my
: 31 Medemena is removed : ye inhabitants of
own hand I have done it, and by my own wis- Gabim, take courage.
dom I have understood : and I have removed the 32 It is yet day enough, to remain in Nobe
bounds of the people, and have taken the spoils he shall shake his hand against the mountain of
of their princes, and as a mighty man have pulled the daughter of Sion, the hill of Jerusalem.
down them that sat on higli. 33 Behold the sovereign Lord of hosts shall
14 And my hand hath found the strength of the break the earthen vessel with terror, and the tall
people as a nest: and as eggs are gathered, that of stature shall be cut down, and the lofty shall
are left, so have I gathered all the earth: and! be humbled.
there was none that moved the wing, or opened! 34 And the thickets of the forest shall be cut
the mouth, or made the least noise. down with iron, and Libanus with its high ones

15 Shall the axe boast itself against him that' shall fall.
cutteth with it? or sliall the saw exalt itselfj CHAP. XI.
against him by whom it is drawn? as if a rod the spiritual kingdom of Christ, to which all
should lift itself up against him that lifteth it up,
nations shall repair.
and a stalTexalt itself, which is but wood.
16 Therefore the sovereign Lord the Lord of AND
there shall come forth a rod out of the
root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out
hosts shall send leanness among his fat ones
of his root.
and under his glory shall be kindled a burning'
2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon
as it were the hurning of a fire.
him the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding,

17 And the light of Israel shall he as a fire, and


the spirit of counsel, and of fortitude, the spirit of

the holy One thereof as a flame and his thorns :

knowledge, and of godliness,

and his briers shall be set on fire, and shall be
3 And he shall be filled with the spirit of the
devoured in one day.
18 And the glory of his fi)rest, and of his beau-
fear of the Lord. He shall not judge according
to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to
tiful hill shall be consumed from the soul even to
the hearing of the ears.
the flesh, and he shall run away through fear.
4 But he shall judge the poor with justice, and
19 And they that remain of the trees of his
shall reprove with equity for the meek of the
forest sliall be so few, that they shall easily be
earth : and he shall strike the earth with the rod
numbered, and a child shall write them down.
of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
shall slay the wicked.
the remnant of Israel, and they that shall escape
5 And justice shall be the girdle of his loins :
of the house of Jacob, shall lean no more upon
and faith the girdle of his reins.
him that striketh them : but they shall lean upon
6 The wolf shall dwell with the Iamb: pnd
the Lord the holy one of Israel, in truth.
the leopard shall lie down with thp kid : the calf
21 The remnant shall be converted, the rem-
nant, I say, of Jacob, to the mighty God.
and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together,
shall lead them.
22 For if thy people, O Israel, shall be as the and a little child
7 Thecalf, and the bear shall feed: their young
sand of the sea, a remnant of them shall be con-
verted,* the consumption abridgedt shall over-
ones shall rest together : and the lion shall eat
straw like the ox.
flow with justice.

number of them cut short, and reduced to few,

* A remnant of them shall be converted. Thin shall flourish in abundance of justice.
^vas partly verified in the children of Israel, wliol t At the presence of the oil. That is, by the
remained after the devastations of the Assyrians,! sweet unction of divine mercy.
in the time of king Ezechias atid partly in the!
^ Into Aialh,Sic. Here the prophet describes
conversion of a remnant of the Jews to the fuitlil the march of the Assyrians under Sennacherib;
•f Christ. and the terror they should carrv with theai; and
t The consumption abridged, ti,c, I'hatis, the! how they should suddenly be destroyed.


8 And sucking child shall play on the hole of kings, of nations gathered together; the Lord
of tli« and the weaned child sliall thrust his of iiosts hath given charge to the troops of war,
asp :

iiand into the den of the hasilisk. b To them that come from a couiitrv afar off,
9 Thev shall not hurt, nur shall thrv kill in all from the end of heaven the Lord and the instru-

my holy mountaiii, for the earth is 'Med with '.he ments of his wrath, to destroy the whole land.
knowledge of the Lord, as the covering waters 6 Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is near: it
of the sea. shall come as a destruction from the Lord.
10 In that day the root of Jesse, who .standeth 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and every
for an ensign of people, him the gentiles shall heart of man shall melt,
beseech, and his sepnlchre shall be glorious. 8 And shall be broken. Gripings and p&inc
11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that shall take hold of them, they shall be in pain aa
the Lord shall set his hand the second lime to a woman in labour. Every one shal be amazed
possess the remnant of his peonle, which shall at his neighbour, their countenances shall be aa
be left front the Assyrians, and troni Egypt and faces burnt.
from I'hetros, and from Ethiopia, and from Elam, 9 Behold, the day of the Lord shall come, a
and from Sennaur and from Emath, and from the cruel day, and full of indignation, and of wrath,
islands of the sea. and fury, to lay the land desolate, and to destroy
12 And he shall set up a standard unto the na the sinners thereof out of it.
tions, and shall assemble the fugitives of Israel, 10 For the stars of heaven, and their brightnesa
and shall gather together the dispersed of Juda shall not display their light: the sun shall be
•from the four quarters of the earth. darkened in his rising, and the moon shall not
13 And the envy of Ephraim' shall be taken shine with her light.
away, and the enemies of Juda shall perish: 11 And I will visit the evils of the world, and
Ephraim shall not envy Juda, and Juda shall not against the wicked for their iniquity, and I will
fight against Ephraim. make the pride of infidels to cease, and will bring
14 But they sliall fly upon the shoulders of the down the arrogancy of the mighty.
Philistines by the sen, they together shall spoil 12 A man shall be more precious than gold,
the children of the east: Edoni, and Moab shall yea a man than the finest of gold.
be under the rule of their hand, and the children 13 For this I will trouble the heaven: and the
of Amnion shall be obedient. earth shall be moved out of her place, for the in-
15 And the Lord shall lay waste the tongue dignation of the Lord of hosts, and for the day of
of the sea of Egypt, and shall lift up his hand his fierce wrath.
over the river in the strength of his spirit: and 14 And they shall be as a doe fleeing away,
he shall strike it in the seven streams, so that and as a sheep : and there shall be none to gather
men may pass through it in their shoes. them together: every man shall turn to his own
16 And diere shall be a high-way for the rem people, and every one shall flee to his own land.
nant of my people, which shall be left from the 15 Every one that shall be found, shall be
Assyrians: as there was for Israel in the day slain and every one that shall come to their aid,

that he came up out of the land of Egypt. shall fall by the sword.
16 Their infants shall be dashed in pieces be-
CHAP. XH. fore their eyes : their houses shall be pillaged,
A canticle of ikanksg-iving far the benefits of and their wives shall be ravished.
Christ. 17 Behold I will stir up the Medes against
AND thou shall say in that day : I will give them, who shall not seek silver, nor desire gold :
thanks to thee, O
Lord, for thou wast angr 18 But with their arrows they shall kill the
with me thy wrath is turned away, and thou children, and shall have no pity upon the suck-

hast comforted me. linss of the womb, and their eye shall not spare
2 Behold, God is my saviour, I will deal con their sdns.
fidently, and will not fear; because the Lord is 19 And that Babylon, glorious among king-
my strength, and my
praise, and he is become my
doms, the famous pride of the Chaldeans, shall
salvation. be even as the Lord destroyed Sodom and Go-
3 You shall draw waters with joy out of the morrha.
saviourV fountains: 20 It shall no more be inhabited for ever, and
4 And you shall say in that day : Praise ye it shall not be founded unto generation and gene-
the Lord, and call upon his name: make his ration: neither shall the Arabian pitch his tents
works known among the people remember that there, nor shall shepherds rest there.

his name is high. 21 But wild beasts shall rest there, and their
5 Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath done great houses shall be filled with serpents, and ostrich-
tilings : shew this forth in all tlie earth. es shall dwell there, and the hairy ones shall
6 Rejoice, and praise, O lliou habitation of dance there
Sion : for great is he that is in the midst of thee, 22 And owls shall answer one another there, in
the holy one of Israel. the houses thereof, and sirens in the temples of
desolation of Bnhijlon.
after their eaptivttp.
ri^HE burden of Babylon,* which Isaias the The restoration of Israel
X son of Amos saw. The parable or song ins'tllinsr over the kin^
9 Upon the dark mountain lift ye up a banner, of Babylon. A
pi-ophecy against the Phi-
f the voice, lift up the hand, and let the rti
lers go into the eatcs.
3 I have conmianded tny sanctified ones, and
time is nearat hand, and her -'ays shah
not be prolonsred. For the Lord will have
have called my stronir ones in my wrath, them mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose out of Is-
tliat rejoice in my glory. rael, "and will make thorn rest upon their own
4 Tiie noise of a mulliuide in the mountains ground : and the strangers shall be joined with
as it were of many people, the noise of the sound them, and shall adhere to the house of Jacob.
2 And the people shall take titem, and bring
* TTie hur(>en of Babylori. That is, aprophc them into their place and the house of Israel

ty a^ainat Babylon. shall possess them in the land of the Lord for
: : t :

servants and handmaids and they shall make
: 24 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying
them captives that had taken them, and shall Surely as I have thought, so
subdue tneir oppressors.
shall it be And as :

1 have purposed,
And it shall come to pass in that day, that
3 25 So shall it fall out That I will
: destroy the
when God shall give thee rest from thy labour, Assyrian m
my land, and upon my nountains
and from thy vexation, and from the hard bond- tread lum under foot: and
his yoke shall be taken
age wherewith thou didst serve before, away from them, and his burden shall be taken
4 Thou shalt take up this parable against the off their shoulder.
king of Babylon, and shalt say: How is the 26 This is the counsel that I have purposed
oppressor come to nothing, the tribute hath upon all the earth,
and this is the hand that is
ceased stretched out upon all nations.
5 The Lord hath broken the staff of the wick- 27 For the Lord of hosts hath decreed, and
ed, the rod of the rulers, who can disannul it ? and his hand is stretched
6 That struck the people in wrath with an un- out: and who shall
turn it away ?
curable wound, that brought nations under in 28 In the year that king Achaz died, was this
fury, that persecuted in a cruel manner. burden
7 The whole earth is quiet aud still, it is glad 29 Rejoice not thou, whole Philistia, that the
and hath rejoiced. rod of him that struck thee is broken in pieces :
8 The fir-trees also have rejoiced over thee, for out of the
root of the serpent shall come
and the cedars of Libanus, saying : Since thou fortli a basilisk,
and his seed shall swallow the
hast slept, there hath none come up to cut us bird.
down. 30 And thefirst-born of the poor shall be fed,
9 Hell below was in an uproar to meet thee at and the poor shall
rest with confidence and I :
thy coming, it stirred up the giants for thee. All will make
thy root perish with famine, aud I will
the princes of the earth are risen up from their kill
thy remnant.
thrones, all the princes of nations. 31 Howl, O gate, cry, O city: all Philistia is
10 All shall answer, and say to thee: Thou thrown
down for a smoke shall come from the
also art wounded as well as we, thou art become
north, and there is none that shall escape his
like unto us.
] 1 Thy brought down to hell, thy car-
pride is 32 And what shall be answered to the mes-
cass is fallen down under thee shall the moth sengers
of the nations ? That the Lord hath
be strewed, and worms shall be ihv covering.
founded Sion, and the poor of his people shall
12 How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Luci- hope
in him.
fer,* who didst rise in the morning ? how art
thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the na- CHAP. XV.
tions ?
prophecy of the desolatimt of the Moabites.
13 And thou
saidst in thy heart: I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars rjpiIE burden of Moah. Because in the night
of God, I will sit in the "mountain of the cove- A Ar of Moab is laid waste, it is silent : be-
nant, in the sides of the north. cause the wall of Moab is destroyed in the night,
14 I will ascend above tiie height of the it is silent.
clouds, I will be like the most High. 2 The house is gone up, and Dibon to the high
15 But yet ihou shalt be brought down to hell, places to mourn over Nabo, and over Medaba,
into the df]ithofthe pit. Moab hath howled : on all their heads shall be
16 They that shall see thee, shall turn toward baldness, and every beard shall be shaven.
thee, and behold thee Is this the man that trou-
3 In their streets they are girded with sack
bled the earth, that shook kingdoms, cloth: on the tops of their houses, and in theii
17 That made the world a wildeniess, and de- streets, all shall howl and come down weeping :
stroyed the cities thereof, that opened not the 4 Hesebon shall cry, and Eleale, their voiceJ^ia
prison to his prisoners ? heard even to Jasa. For this shall the well ap
18 All the kings of the nations have all of pointed men of iMoab howl, his soul shall howl
them slept in glory, every one in his own house. to itself.
19 But thou art cast out of thy grave, as an 5 My heart shall cry to Moab, the bars thereof
unprofitable branch defiled, and" wrapped up shall flee unto Segor, a heifer of three (-ears old;
among them that were slain by the sword, and for by the ascent of Luith they shall go up weep
are gone down to the bottom of the pit, as a rot- ing : and in the way of Orona"im the v shall lift up
ten carcass. a cry of destruction.
20 Thou shalt not keep company with them, 6 For the waters of Nemrim shall be desolate
even in burial : for thou hast destroyed thy land, for the grass is withered away, the spring is
thou hast slain thy people : the seed of the wick- faded, all the greenness is perislied.
ed shall not be named for ever. 7 According to the greatness of their work, in
21 Prepare his children for slaughter fbr the their visitation also : ttiey shall lead them to the
iniquity of their fathers : they shall not rise up, torrent of the willows.
not inherit the land, nor fill the face of the world 8 For the cry is gone round about the border
with cities. of Moab : the howling thereof unto Gallim, and
22 And 1 will rise up against them, saith the unto the well of Elim the cry thereof
Lord of hosts and I will destroy the name of
: 9 For the waters of Dibon are filled with
Babylon, and the remains, and the bud, and the blood : for I will bring more upon Dibon the :

offspring, saith the Lord. lion upon them that >hall flee of Moab, and upon
23 And I will make it a possession for the the remnant of the land.
cricius and pools of waters, and I will sweep it
and wear it out with a besom, saith the Lord of
hosts. The prophet praycih for Christ' s coming. The
nffliction of the Moabites fur their pride.
* OLucifer. O
day-star. All this, ncrord-
ing to the letter, is spoken of the king of Baby-
t Torrent of the willoics. That is, as some
lon : but it may also be applied, in a
spiritual say, the waters of Babylon: others
sense, to Lu-iifer the prince of devils. render it a
.valley of the Arabians.

SEND forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler of the harvest fhat which remaineth, and his arm slmll
earth, from Petraof the desert, to mount tlie gather the ears of com : and it shall be as he that
of the diiugliter of Sion. seeketh ears in the vale of Raphaim.
2 And it shall come to pass, that as a bird flee- 6 And tikc fruit thereof that shall be left ujion
h\g away, and as young ones flying out of the it, shall be as one cluster of grapes, and as tl»8
nest, so shall the daughters of Mcab be in the shaking of the olive-tree, two or three berries in
passasre of Arnon. the top of a bough, or four or five uj)on the top
3 Take counsel, gather a council : make thy of tlie tree, saith the Lord the God of Israel.
shadow as the night in the mid-day : liide them 7 In that dav man shall bow down himself to
that flee, and betray not them that wander about. his Maker, and his eyes shall look to the Holy
•1 iVIy fugitives shall dwell with thee : Moab, O One of Israel.
be tliou a covert to them from the face of the de- 8 And he shall not look to the altars which his
Etroyer : for the dust is at an end, the wretch is hands made : and lie shall not have respect to the
come to naught : he hath failed, that trod the things that his lingers wrought, such as groves
c:\rth under foot. and temples ofidoU.
-J And a throne shall be prepared in mercy, 9 In that day his strong cities shall be forsa-
! one shall sit upon it, in truth in tiie taber- ken, as the ploughs, and the corn that were leftt
nacle of David, judging and seeking judgment, before the face of the children of Israel, and thou
anil quickly rendering that whicli is just. sbalt be desolate.
(j We
have heard of the pride of iMoal), he is 10 Because thou hast forgotten God thy Sa-
cxcfcdingiy proud his pride and his arrogancy
: viour, and hast not remembered thy strong he per:

and his indignation is more than his strength. therefore shalt thou plant good plants, and shall
7 Therefore shall Moab howl to Moab, every- sow strange seed.
one shall howl: to them that rejoice upon the 11 In the day of thy planting shall be the wild
brick walls, tell ye their stripes. grape, and in the morning thy seed shall flourish :
8 For the suburbs of Hesebon are desHate, and the harvest is taken away in the day of inherit-
the lords of tlie nations have destroyed the vine- ance, and shall grieve thee much.
yard of Sabama: the branches thereof have 12 Wo to the multitudel of many people, like
reached even to Jazer they have wandered in : the multitude of the roaring sea: and the tumult
the wilderness, the branches thereof are left, they of crowds, like the noise of many waters.
are gone over the sea. 13 Nations shall make a noise like the noise
9 Therefore I will lament with the weeping of of waters overflowing, but he shall rebuke him,
Jazer the vineyard of Sabama: I will water thee and he shall flee far off: and he shall be carried
with my tears, O Hesebon, and Eleale for the : away as the dust of the mountains before the
voice of the treaders hath rushed in upon thy vint- wind, and as a whirlwind before a tempest.
age, and upon thy harvest. 14 In the time of the evening, behold there
10 And gladness and joy shall be taken away shall be trouble : the morning shall come, and
from Carmel,* and there shall be no rejoicing nor he shall not be : this is the portion of them that
shouting in the vineyards. He shall not tread have wasted us, and the lot of them that sooil
out wine in the press that was wont to tread it ed us.
out the voice of the treaders I have taken away.

11 Wherefore my bowels shall sound like a CHAP. XVIIL

harp for Moab, and my inward parts for the brick A wo to the Ethiopians, who fed Israel with vatn
wall. hopes ; their future conversion.
12 And it shall come to pass, when it is seen
that Moab is wearied on his high places, that he
shall go into his sanctuaries to pray, and shall not
to the land the winged cymbal, which is
beyond the rivers of (Ethiopia,
2 That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, and in
vessels of bulrushes upon the waters. Go, ye
13 This is the word that the Lord spoke to swift
angels,§to a nation rent and torn in pieces :
Moab from that time :
to a terrible people, after which there is no other :
14 And now the Lord hath spoken, saying: In
to a nation expecting and trodden under foot,
three years, as the years of a hireling, the glory of
whose land the rivers have spoiled :
Moab shall be taken away for all the multitude
3 All ye inhabitants of the world, who dwell
of the people, and it shall be left small and feeble,
on the earth, when the sign shall be lifted up on
not many. ,
the mountains, you shall see, and you shall hear
the sound of the trumpet:
4 For thus saith the Lord to me I will take :

Judgments iipmi Damancus and Samaria. Tlie my rest, and consider in my place, as the noon
overthrow of the Assyrians. light is clear, and as a cloud of dew in the day

THE burden of Damascus. Behold Damas- of harvest.

cus shall cease to be a city, and shall be as a 5 For before the harvest it was all flourishing',
ruinous heap of stones. and it shall bud without perfect ripeness, and the
2 The citiesof A roer shall be left for flocks, and sprigs thereof shall be cut offwith pruning hooks:
they shall rest there, and there shall be none to 'and what is left shall be cut away and shaken
make them afraid. jout.
3 And aid shall cease from Ephraim, and the 6 And they shall be left together to the birds
kingdom from Damascus and the remnant of :
of the mountains, and the beasts of the earth :
Syria shall be as the ijlory of the children of Is- 'and the fowls shall be upon them all the sum-
rael saith the Lord of hosts.
mer, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter
4 And it shall come to pass in that day, that upon them.
the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the
fatness of his flesh shall grow lean. t That were left, viz. By the Chananites,
5 And it shall be as when one gathereth in the when the children of Israel came into their land,
X The muUitude, &c. This and all that fol-
" Carmel. This name is often taken to signify lows, to the end of the chapter, relates to the A»-
a fair and fruitful hill or field, such as mount Car- Syrian army under Sennacherib.
mel is. 4 Aneels. Or messengers,
SO 481


7 At that time sliall a present be brought to they shall cry to the Lord because of the oppres-
Hie Lonl-nfho.Jts, from a people rent omil torn in sor, and he shall send them a saviour and a de-
pieces : from a terrible people, after which there fender to deliver them.
liaih been no other, from a nation expecting, ex- 21 And the Lord shall be known by Egypt, and
pecting and trodden under foot, whose land the the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day,
rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name of and sliall worship him with sacrifices and offer-
the Lord of hosts, to mount Sion. ings and they shall make vows to the Lord, and

perform them.
CHAP. XIX. 22 And the Lord shall strike Egypt with a
The punishment of Egypt ; their call to the church. scourge, and shall heal it, and they shall return
r jlHE burden of Egypt: Behold the Lord will to the Lord, and he shall be pacified towards
jL ascend upon a swift cloud, and will enter them, and heal them.
into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt shall be mo- 23 In tliat day there shall be a way from Egypt
ved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall to the Assyrians, and the Assyrian shall enter
melt in the midst thereof. into Egypt, and the Egyptian to the Assyrians,
2 And I will set the Egyptians to fight against and the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrian.
the Egyptians: and they shall light brother 24 In that dav shall Israel be the third to tho
against brother, and friend against friend, city Egyptian and the Assyrian : a blessing in tho
against city, kingdom against kingdom. midst of the land,
'i And the spirit of Eg3-pt shall be broken in 2.5Which the Lord of hosts hath blessed, say-
the bowels thereof, and I will cast down their ing Blessed be my people of Egypt, and the

counsel ; and they shall consult their idols, and work of my liands to the Assyrian but Israel is :

their diviners, and their wizards, and sooth my inheritance.

4 And I will deliver Egypt
into the hand of
cruel masters, and a strong king shall rule over The ignominious captivity of the Egyptians, and
them, saith the Lord the God of hosts. the Ethiopians,
.5 And the water of the sea shall be dried up, the year that Tharthan entered into Azotus,
and the river shall be wasted and dry.
INwhen Sargon the king of the Assyrians had
6 And the rivers shall fail : the streams of the sent him, and he had fought against Azotus, and
banks shall be diminished, and be dried up. The had taken it

teed and the bulrush shall wither away. 2 At that same time the Lord spoke by the
7 The channel of the river shall be laid bare hand of Isaias the son of Amos, saying: Go, and
from its fountain, and every thing sown by the loose the sackcloth froin off thy loins, and take
water shall be dried up, it shall wither away, off thy shoes from thy feet. And he did so, and
and shall be no more. went naked, and bare-foot.
8 The fishers also shall mourn, and "all that 3 And the Lord said: As my servant Isaias
east a hook into the river shall lament, and they hath walked naked and bare-foot, it shall be a
that spread nets upon the waters shall languish sign and a wonder of three years upon Egypt,
away. and upon Ethiopia.
n They confounded that wrought in
shall be 4 So shall the king of the Assyrians lead away
(lax, combing and weaving fine linen. the prisoners of Egypt, and the captivity of Ethi-
10 And its watery places shall be dry, all tliey opia, young and old, naked and bare-foot, with
xhall mourn that made pools to take fishes. their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egyi>t.
11 The princes of Tanis are become fools, the 5 And they shall be afraid, and ashamed of
wise counsellors of Pharao have given foolish Ethiopia their hope, and of Egypt their glory.
counsel; how will you say to Pharao I am the
: 6 And the inhabitdnts of this isle shall say in
son of the wise, the son of ancient kings: that day Lo this was our hope, to whom we fled

12 Where are now thy wise men ? let them for help, to deliver us from the face of the king
tell thee, and shew what the Lord of hosts hath of the Assyrians: and how shall we be able to
purposed upon Egypt. escape ?
r-3 Tlie princes of Tanis are become fools, the

princes of Memphis are gone astray, they have

.icceived Egypt, the stay of the people thereof. The destniction of Babylon by the Medes and
It: The Lord hath mingled in the midst there- Persians ; a prophecy against the Edomites^
of the spirit of giddiness and they have caused
: and the Arabians.
Egypt to err in all its works, as a drunken man
slriggereth and vomiteth.
THE burden of the desert of the sea.'^ As
whirlwinds come from the south, it cometh
15' And there shall be no work for Egypt, to from the desert, from a terrible land.
make head or tail, him that bendeth down, or that 2 A grievous vision is told me he that is un-:

lioldelhback. faithful dealeth unfaithfully: and he that is a

16 In that day Egypt shall be like unto wo- spoiler, spoileth. Go up, O Elam,t besiege, O
men, and they shall be amazed, and afraid, be Mede T have made all the mourning thereof to

cause of the moving of the hand of the Lord of cease.

hosln, wliich he shall move over it. 3 Therefore are my loins filled with pain, an-
17 And the land of Juda shall be a terror to guish hath taken hold of me, aa the anguish of a
Egypt every one that shall remember it shall woman in labour: I fell down at the hearing of

tremble, because of the counsel of the Lord of it, I was troubled ^ the seeing of it.
hosts, which he hath determined conceniing it. 4 My heart failed, darkness amazed nie: Baby-
13 In that day there shall be five cities in the Ion my beloved is become a wonder to me.
land of Egypt, speaking the language of Chana- 5 Prepare the table, behold in the watch-towei
an, and swearing by the Lord of hosts : one shall them that eat and drink : arise, ye princes, take
be called the city of the sun. up the shield.
19 In that day there shall be an altar of the
Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a * The desert of the sea. So Babylon is here
monument of the Lord at the borders thereof: called, because, from a city as full of people as
20 It shall be for a sign, and for a testimony, the sea is with water, it was become a desert
10 the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. For t OElam. That is, O Persia.
1 :


6 For tlius hath the Lord said to nie Go, and : Iriots, and t le horsemen shall place themselves
pet a watchman : and whatsoever he shall see, in tlie gate.
let him tell. 8 And liie covering of Juda shall be disco-
7 And
saw a chariot with two horsemen, a vered, and thou shah see in that day the armoury
rider upon an ass,* nnd a riiler upon a camel of the house of the forest.
and he beheld tlieni diligently with much heed. 9 And you shall see the breaches of the citv
8 And as a lion, he cried out 1 am upon the of David, that they are many
: and you have :

watch-tower of the Lord standing continually by gathered together the waters of the lower pool,
day and I am upon my ward, standing whole
: 10 And have numbered the houses of Jeru-
nights. salom, and broken down houses to fortify t!ie
9 Behold this man cometli, the rider upon the wall.
chariot with two horsemen, and he answered, 11 And you made a ditch between the t«o
and said Babylon is fallen, she is fallen, and walls for the water of the old pool and you have
: :

all the graven gods thereof are broken unto the not looked up to the maker thereof, nor regarded
ground. him even at a distance, that wrought it long ago.
10 O my threshing, and the children of my 12 And the Lord tlie God of hosts in that day
floor, that which I have heard of the Lord of shall call to weeping, and to mourning, to Hald-
hosts the God of Israel, I have declared unto ness, and to girding with sackclotli.:
you. 13 And behold, joy and gladness, 'billing
1 The burden of Duniat calleth to me out of calves, and slaying rams, eating flesh, and drink
Seir: Watchman, what of the night? watch- ing wine Let us eat, and drink ; for to-morrou :

man, what of the night ? we shall die.

12 The watchman said : The mommg 14 And the voice of the Lord of hosts was re ,

corneth, also the night : if you seek, seek: vea'ed iji my en>-' Surely this iniquity shall

turn, come. not XiK. forgiven '•' till you die, sailh the Lord
13 The burden
in Arahia. In the forest at God of hosts.
evening you shall sleep, in the patlis of Dedanim 15 Thus saith Uie Lord God of hosts : Go, geil*^
14 Meeting the thirsty bring him water, you thee in to him that dwelleth in the tabernacle,
that inhabit the land of the south, meet with to Sobna who is over the temple : and thou shalt
bread him that fleeth. say to him :
15 For they are fled from before the swords, 16 What dost thou here, or as if thou werl
from the sword that hung over them, from the somebody here ? for thou hast hewed thee out
bent bow, from the face of a grievous battle. a sepulchre here, thou hast hewed out a monu-
16 For thus saith the Lord to me: Within a ment carefully in a high place, a dwelling for
year, according to the years of a hireling, all the thyself in a rock.
glory of Cedar; shall be taken away. 17 Behold, the Lord will cause thee to be car-
27 And the residue of the number of strong ried away, as a cock is carried away, and he will
archers of the children of Cedar shall be dimi- lift thee up as a garment.

nished for the Lord the God of Israel hatl

: 18 He will crown thee with a crown of tribu
spoken it. lation, he will toss thee like a ball into a large
and spacious country : there shalt thou die, and
CHAP. XXII. there shall the chariot of tliy glory be, the shame
of the house of thy Lord.
The prophet lamenis the devasf/tiion ofJuda. He 19 And I will drive tliee out from thy station,
foretels the deprivation of Sobnn, nnd the sub-
and depose thee from thy ministry.
stitution of Eliacim, a figure of Christ.
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that
THE burden of the valley of vision. §
aileth thee also, that thou too art
I will call my servant Eliacim the son of Helcias,
21 And I will clothe him with thy robe, and will
gone up to the house-tops ? strengthen him with thy girdle, and will give thy
2 Full of clamour, a populous city, a jo^'ous power into his hand : and he sliall be as a father to
city thy slain are not slain by the sword, nor
the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of
dead in battle. Juda.
3 All thv princes are fled together, and are 22 And I will lay the key of the house of David
bound hard all that were found, are bound to-
upon his shoulder: and he shall open, and none
gether they are fled far off.
shall shut: and he shall shut, and none shall
4 Therefore have I said Depart from me; I :
will weep bitterly labour not to comfort me,
23 And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure
for the devastation of the daughter of my people.! place, and he shall be for a throne of glc ry to
5 For it is a day of slaughter, and of treadingj the house of his father.
down, and of weeping to the Lord the God of i
24 And they shall hang upon.him all the t,lory
hosts in the valley of vision, searching the wall,] of his father's house, divers kinds of vessels .very
and magnificent upon the mountain. little vessel, from the vessels of cups even to every

6 And Elam took the quiver, the chariot of instrument of music.

the horseman, and the shield was taken down 25 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the
from the wall. peg be removed, that was fastened in the sure
7 And thv choice vallevs shall be full of cha- place and it shall be broken and shall fall and
: :

that which hung thereon, shall perish, because tlie

Lord hath spoken it.
* A
rider upon an ass, &c. These two riders
are the kings of the Persians and Medes. CHAP. XXIII.
t Duma. That is, Idumca, or Edom. The destruction oj Tyre. It shall be repaired
t Cedar. Arabia. again after seventy years.
$ The valley of vision. Jerusalem. The
temple of Jenisalcm was built upon mownX Mo-
ria, or the mountain of vision. But the city is
burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of the
sen, for the house is destroyed, from -whence
here called the raUey of vision ; either because it they were wont to come : from the land of Cethim
vas lower than the temple, orjiecause of the low it is revealed to them.
•iondition to which it was to be reduced. 2 Be silent, vou that dwell in the island : the
: ;


merchants of Sidoii psasing over the sea, have 3 With desolation shall the earth be laid w aate
filled ihee. and it shall be utterly spoiled; for the Lord hath
3 The seed of the Nile in many waters, the har- spoken this word.
vest of the river is her revenue : and she is become 4 The earth mourned, and faded away, and is
the mart of the nations. weakened the world faded away ; the height of

4 Be thou ashamed, O Sidon : for the sea the people of the earth is weakened.
speaketh, even the strength of the sea, saying I : 5 And the earth is infected by the inhabitants
have not been in labour, nor have I brought forth, thereof: because they have transgressed the
nor have I nourished up young men, nor brought laws they have changed the ordinance ; they

up virgins. have broken the everlasting covenant.

5 \Vhen it shall be heard in Egypt, they will be 6 Therefore shall a curse devour the earth ;
sorry when they shall hear of Tyre : and the inhabitants thereof shall sin : and there-
6 Pass over the seas, howl, ye inhabitants of fore they that dwell therein shall be mad: and
the island. ^ few men shall be left.
7 Is not this your city, which gloried from of 7 The vintage hath iiioumed; the vine hath
old in her antiquity ? her feet shall carry her afar languished away all the merry-hearted have

off to sojourn. sighed.

8 Who hath taken this cruu.-"! against Tyre 8 The mirth of timbrels hath ceased : the
that was formerly crowned, wnose merchants noise of them that rejoice is ended ; the melody
were princes, and her traders <he nobles of the of the harp is silent.
earth ? 9 They shall not drink wine with a song: the
9 The Lord of hosts hath designed it, to pull drink shall be bitter to them that drink it.
down the pride of all glory, and bring to disgrace 10 The city of vanity is broken down ; every
all the glorious ones of the earth. house is shut up ; no man cometh in.
10 Pass thy land as a river, O daughter of the 11 There shall be a crying for wine in the
sea, thou hast a girdle no more. streets : all mirth is forsaken : the joy of the
11 He stretched out his hand over the sea, he earth is gone away.
troubled kingdoms: tlie Lord hath given a charge 12 Desolation is left in the city ; and calamity
against Chanaan, to destroy the strong one; shall oppress the gates.
thereof, 13 For it shall be thus in the midst of the
12 And hesaid : Thou shall glory no more, earth, in the midst of the people, as if a few
O virgindaughter of Sidon, who art oppressed : olives, that remain, should be shaken out of the
arise, and sail over to Cethim, there also thou olive-tree; or grapes, when the vintage is ended.
shalt have no rest. 14 These shall lift up their voice, and shall
13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans ; there give praise ; when tlie Lord shall be glorified,
was not such a people ; the Assyrian founded it they shall make a joyful noise from the sea.
they have led away the strong ones thereof into 15 Therefore glorify ye the Lord in instruc-
Ciiptivity they have destroyed the houses there
; tion ; the name of the Lord God of Israel in the
of; they have brought it to ruin. islands of the sea.
14 Howl, O ye ships of the sea; for your 16 From the ends of the earth we have heard
strength is laid waste. praises, the glory of the just one. And I said :
15 And it shall come to pass in that day, that Mv secret to myself, my secret to myself, wo is
thou, O Tyre, shalt be forgotten, seventy years me : the prevaricators have prevaricated ; and
according to the days of one king : but after with the prevarication of transgressors they have
seventy years, there shall be unto Tyre as the prevaricated.
song of a harlot. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon
16 Take a harp ; go about the city, thou har- thee, O thou iidiabitant of the earth.
lot that hast been forgotten: sing well, sing 18 And it shall come to pass, that he that shall
many a song, that thou mayst be remembered. flee from the noise of the fear, shall fall into the
17 And it shall come to pass after seventy pit: and he that shall rid himself out of the pit,
years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, and will bring shall be taken in the snare: for the flood-gates
her back again to her traffic ; and she sliall com- from on high are opened ; and the foundations of
mit fornication again with all the kingdoms of the the earth shall be shaken.
world upon the face of the earth. 19 With breaking shall the earth be broken;
18 And her merchandise and her hire shall be with crushing shall the earth be crushed ; with
sanctified to the Lord :* they shall not be kept in trembling shall the earth be moved,
store, nor laid up: for her merchandise shall be 20 AV'ith shaking shall the earth he shaken as
for them that shall dwell before the Lord, that a drunken man, and shall be removed as the tet^t
diev may eat unto fulness, and be clothed for a of one night : and the iniquity thereof shall he
continuance. heavy upon it; and it shall fall and not riae
CHAP. XXIV. again.
21 And it shall come to pass, that in that day
The judgments of God upon all the sinners of the the Lord shall visit upon the host of heaven
irorhl. A rcmnnni shall joyfully j/raise him, on hitrh,t and upon the kings of the earth, on
F.HOLD, the Lord shall lay waste the the earth.
earth, and shall strip it, and shall afflict the 22 Anil thev shall be gathered together ns in
face thereof, and scatter abroad the inhabitants the gathering of one l)nn(ile into the pit: and
tlipronf. they shall be shut up there in prison: and after
2 And it shall be as with the people, so with many days they shall be visited.
the |)riest; and as with the servant, so with hi 23 And the tnoon shall blush, and the sun
master: as with the handmaid, so with her mis- shall be ashamed, when the Lord of lio-ts shall
tiTss; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as reign in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem, iiiid shall
with the lender, so with the borrower; as wit! be glorified in the sight of his ancients.
him that calleth for his money, so with him that
oweth. t The host of heaven on high. Tlie stars,
which in many places of the Scripture are so
Sanc/ijied to the Lord. This alludes to the called. Some connnentators exj)lnin that tliesfl
eotiversion of the Gentiles. words here signify the demons of the air


CHAP. XXV. 8 And in the way of thy judgn.ents, Lord, O
we have patiently waited for thee thy name and :

A canticle of thatJiSf^iving for God's judgmenti

thy remembrance are the desire of the soul.
aiui beruffits.
9 My
soul hath desired thee in the night yea, :

OLORD, thou art my God; I will exalt and with my spirit within me in the morning,
thee, and give glory to thy name ; for thou early I will watch to thee. When thou shalt do thy
hast done wonderful things, thy designs of old, judgments on the earth, the inhabitants of the
faithful, amen. world shall learnjustice.
2 For thou hast reduced tlie city to a heap, 10 Let us have pity on the wicked, but he will
the strong city to ruin, the house of strangers: not learn justice in the land of the saints he

to be no city, and to be no more built up for hath done wicked things ; and he shall not see
ever: the glory ol the Lord.
3 Therefore shall a strong people praise thee 11 Lord, let thy hand be exalted, and let them
the city of mighty nations shall fear thee. not see let the envious people see, and be cori»

4 Because thou hast been a strength to the founded : and let fire devour lliy enemies.
poor, a strength to the needy in his distress ; a 12 Lord, thou wilt give us peace : for thou
refuge from the whirlwind, a shadow from the hast wrought all our works for us.
heat. For the blast of the mighty is like a whirl 13 O Lord our God, other lords besides
wind beating against a wall. have had dominion over us ; only in thee let us
5 Thou shah bring down the tumult of remember tliy name.
strangers, as heat in thirst and as with heat
: 14 Let not the dead live; let not the giants rise
under a burning cloud, thou shalt make the again therefore hast thou visited and destroyed

branch of the mighty to wither away. them, and hast destroyed all their memory.
6 And the Lord of hosts shall make unto all 1.5 Thou hast been favourable to the nation, O
people in this mountain, a feast of fat things, Lord; thou hast been favourable to the naiion:
feast of wine, of fat things full of marrow, of wine art thou glorified ? thou hast removed all the
purified from the lees. ends of the earth far off.
7 And he shall destroy in this mountain the 16 Lord, they have sought after thee in dis-
face of the bond with which all people were tress; in the tribulation of murmuring thy in-
tied, and the web that he began over all nations struction was with them.
8 He shall cast death down headlong fo 17 As a woman with child, when she draweth
ever : and the Lord God shall wipe awav tear; near the time of her delivery, is in paiu, and
from every face : and the reproach of his people Icrieth out in her pangs : so are we become in thy
he shall take away from off the whole earth? for [iresence, O Lord.
the Lord hath spoken it. I 18 We have conceived, and been as it were in
9 And they shall say in that day : Lo, this is nbour, and have brought forth wind : we have
our God we have waited for him, and he will
not wrought salvation on the earth; therefore the
save us: this is the Lord: we have patiently inhabitants of the earth have not fallen.
waited for liim; we shall rejoice and be joyful in 19 Thy dead men shall live ; my slain shall
Jiis salvation. e again awake and give praise, ye that dwell

10 For the hand of the Lord shall rest in this iu the dust for thy dew is the dew of the light

mountain: and Moab* shall be trodden down and the land of the giants thou shalt pull down
under him as straw is broken in pieces with the into ruin.
wain. j
20 Go, my
people, enter into thy chambers:
11 And he
shall stretch forth his hands undei shut thvi doors upon thee hide thyself a little for

him. as he that swimmeth stretcheth forth his a moment, until the indignation pass away.
hands to swim : and he shall bring down his 21 For liehold, the Lord will come out of his
glory with the dashing of his hands. place, to visit tlie iniquity of the inhabitant of the
12 And the bulwarks of thy high walls shall earth against him; and the earth shall disclose
fall and be brought low, and shall be pulled her blood, and shall cover her slain no more.t
<lown to the ground, even to the dust.
CHAP. XXVL The punishment of the oppressors of Gods peo-
A canticle of thnnks for the deliverance of God's ple. The Lord s favour to his church.
that day the Lord with his hard, and ereat,
that day shall this canticle be sung in the IN
tNland of Juda. Sion the city of our strength
and strong sword shall visit Leviathan^ tho
bar serpent, and Leviathan the crooked serpent;
a saviour, a wall and a bulwark shall be seti
and shall slay the whale that is in the sea.
In that day there shall be singing to the
2 Open ye the gates; and let the just nation vinevardij
of pure wine.
that keeppth the l -uth enter in.
3 I am the Lord that keep it; I will sudden y
3 The old error is passed away: thou wilt
give it drink :|| lest any hurt- come to it, I keep it
keep peace peace because we have hoped in
nieht and dav.
4 You have hoped in the Lord for evermore, iu t Shall cover her slain no more. This is said
the Lord God mighty for ever. with relation to the martyrs, and their happy re-
5 For he sliall bring down them that dwell on surrection.
high the high city he shall lay low.
: He slinli t Leviathan. That is, the devil, the great ene-
bring it down even to the ground; he shall pull niv of the jieople of God. He is called the bar
it Jown even to the dust. serpent from his strength ; and the crooked serpent
6 The foot shall tread it down, the feet of the from his wiles ; and the rrha/e of the sea, from the
poor, the steps of the needy. tvraimv he exercises in the sea of this world.
7 The way of the just is right; the path of the He was spiritually slain by the death of Christ,
just is right to walk in. when his [xiwer was destroyed.
il A The virwi/ard, fic. 'V\ic church of Cbrint.
* Moab. That is, the reprobate, whosesuddenly give 77 (/rtVc. Or, as the He-
eter- I n-ill
Dal iniiiishnieut, from which they can no way brew may also be rendered, I will continually
ettspe, is described under these figures. Hwater it.


4 There is no indignation in me;* who shalll| 2 Behold, the Lord is mighty and strong, a» «
uake me a thorn and a brier in battle ; shall I storm of hail; a destroying whirlwind, as Uie vio-
march against it, shall I set it on fire together ? lence of many waters overflowing, and sent forth
5 Or rather shall it take hold of my strength, upon a spacious land.
shall it make peace with me, shall it make peace 3 The crown of pride of the drunkard^ of
with me ? Ephraim shall be trodden under feet.
6 When they shall rush int unto Jacob, Israel 4 Andthe fading flower the glory of his joy,
shall blossom and bud; and they shall fill the who is on the head of the fat valley, shall be aa
face of the world with seed. a hasty fruit before the ri))eness of autumn ; which
7 Hath he struck him+ according to the stroke when he that seeth it shall behold, as soon as he
of him that struck him? oris he slain, as he kill- taketh it in his hand, he will eat it up.
ed them that were slain by him? 5 In that day the Lord of hosts shall be a
8 In measure against measure, when it shall crown of glory, and a garland of joy to the resi-
be cast off,^ tiiou shalt judge it. He hath medi- due of his people ;
tated|| with his severe spirit in the day of heat. 6 And a spirit of judgment to him that sittetc.
9 Therefore iipou this shall the iniquity of the in judgment, and strength to them that return out
house of Jacoblt be forgiven; and this is all the o{ the battle to the gate.
fruit, that the sin thereof should be taken away, 7 But these also|||| have been ignorant through
%vhen he shall have made all the stones of the al- wine, and through drunkenness have en-ed : the
tar, as burnt stones broken in pieces, the groves priestand the prophet have been ignorant through
and temples shall not star''.. drvmkenness : they are swallowed up \v ith wine ;
10 For the strong city* shall be desolate; the they have gone astray in drunkenhess ; they have
beautiful city shall be for..aken, and shall be left not known him that seeth ; they have been igno-
as a wilderness there the calf shall feed : and
: rant of judgment.
there shall he lie down, and shall consume its 8 Forajl tables were full of vomit and filth, so
branches. that there was no more place*
11 Its harvest shall be destroyed with drought, Whom
9 shall he teach knowledge ? and whom
women sliall come and leach it: for it is not a shall he make to understand the hearing ? them
wise people ; therefore he that made it shall not that are weaned from the milk, that are drawn
have mercy on it and he that formed it, shall not away from the breasts.

Bpare it. 10 Forcommand,conimand again,1I1[command,

12 And it shall come to pass, that in that day command again; expect, expect again ; expect,
the Lord will strike from the channel of tlie river expect again; a little there, a little tliere.
even to the torrent of Egypt; and you shall be 11 For witii the speech of lips, and with anoth
gathered together one by one, O ye children of er tongue he will speak to this people.
Israel. 12 To whom he said: This is my rest, refresh
13 And it shall come to pass, that in that day the weary, and this is my refreshing and diey :

a noise shall be made with a great trumpet ;tt and would not hear.
they that were lost, shall come from the land of 13 And the word of the Lord shall be to them:
the Assyrians, and they that were out-casts in Command, command again, command, command
the land of Egypt ; and they shall adore the Lord again expect, expect again, expect, expect again;

in the holy mount in Jerusalem. a little there, a little there that they may go,

and fall backward, and be broken, and snared and

CHAP. XXVIII. taken.
T7i€ punishment of the Israelites, far their pride, 14 Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye
intemperance, mid contempt of religion. Christ scornful men, who rule over my
people that is in
the comer stone. Jerusalem.
WO to the crown of pride, to the drunkards 15 For you have said : We
have entered into
of Ephraim,|t and to the fading flower the a league with death ; and we have made a cove-
glory of his joy, who were on the head of the fat nant with hell. When the overflowing scourge
valley ,§^ staggering with wine. shall pass through, it shall not come upon us :
for we have placed our hope in lies and by

* No indignation in me, &c. viz. against the falsehood we are protected.

church : nor shall I become as a thorn w
brier 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be-
in its regard or march against it, or set it onjire
; hold, I will lay a stone in the foundations*** of
but it shall always take fa^t hold of me, and keep Sion, a tried stone, a comer stone, a precious
p.n everlasting peace with me. stone, founded in the foundation. He that be-
t When they shall rush in, &c. Some under- lieve th, let -him not hasten.ttt
stand this of the enemies of the true Israel, that 17 And I will set judgment in weight, and jus-
shall invade it in vain. Others of the spiritual tice in measure and hail shall overturn the hope

invasion made by the apostles of Christ. of falsehood: and waters shall overflow its pro-
t Hath he struck.him, &c. Hath God pu- tection.
nished the carnal persecuting Jews, in proportion 18 And your league with death shall be abo-
to their doings against Christ and his saints ? lished ; and your covenant with hell shall not
§ When it shall be cast off, &c. When the stand when the overflowing scourge shall pass,

synagogue shall be cast olT, thou shah judge it you shall be trodden down by it.
in measure, and in proportion to its crimes. 19 Whensoever it shall pass through, it shall
He hath meditated, <fec. God hath designed take you away because in the morning early it

severe punishments in the day of his wrath. shall pass through, in the day and in the night
IT OJ the house of Jacob, viz. of such of them
as shall be converted. nil These also. The kingdom of Juda.
*" The strong city. Jerusalem.
iriT Command, command again, <fec. This is
tt A great trumpet. The preaching of the said in the person, of the Jews, resisting the re-
gospel for the conversion of the Jews. peated commands of God, and still putting him
tt Ephraim. That is, the kingdom of the ten off.
tribes. *** A stone in the foundations, viz. Christ.
$5 The head of the fat valley. Samaria, situ- ttt Arf him not hasten, &.c. Let him expect
ate on a hill, having under it a most fertile valley. his coming with patience.
: :


and vexation alone shall make you understand fought against Ariel, shall be as the dream of a
what you hear. vision by night ; and all tliat have fought, and
20 For the bed is straitened* fo that one besieged, and prevailed against it.
must fall out: and a short covering cannot cover 8 And as he that is hungry dreameth, and eat-
both. eth, but when he is awake, his soul is empty;
21 For the Lord shall stand up as in the moun and as lie that is thirsty dreameth, and drinkethj
taint of divisions he shall be angry as in the and after he is awake, is yet faint with thirst, and

valley which is in Gabaon that he may do his his soul is empty

; so shall be the multitude of

woik, his strange work that he may perform his all the gentiles that have fought against mount

work; his work is strange to him. Sion. ,

22 And now do not mock, lest your bonds be 9 Be astonished, and wonder, waver, and stag-
tied strait. For I have heard of the Lord the God ger be drunk, and not with wine ; stagger, and

of liosts a consumption and a cutting short upon not with drunkenness.

all the earth. 10 For tlie Lord hath mingled for you the spi-
23 Give ear, and hear my voice; hearken, and rit of a deep sleep he will shut up your eyesj ;

hear my speech. he will cover your prophets and princes, that see
24 Shall the ploughman plough all the day to visions.
BOW ; shall he open and harrow his ground ? 11 And the vision of all shall be unto you as
25 Will he not, when he hath made plain tlie tiie words of a Ijook that is scaled, which when
surface thereof, sow gith, and scatter cummin they sliall deliver to one that is learned, they
and put wheat in order, and barley, and millet, shall say Read this and he shall answer I
: : :

and vetches in their bounds ? cannot for it is sealed. ;

2G For he will instruct him in judgment his 12 And the book shall be given to one that

God will teach him. knoweth no letters and it shall be said to him : •

27 For gith shall not be threshed with saws Read and he shall answer I know no letters.
; :

neither shall the cart-wheel turn about upon 13 And the Lord said: Forasmuch as this
cununin but gith shall be beaten out with
': people draw near me with their mouth, and with
rod, and cunxmin with a staff. their lips glorify me, but their heart is far from
28 But bread-corn shall be broken small but me, and they have feared me with the command-

the thresher shall not tlu-esh it for ever; neither ment and doctrines of men :

shall the cart-wheel hurt it, nor break it with its 14 Therefore behold, I will proceed to cause
teeth. an admiration in this people, by a great and won-
29 This alsot is come forth from the Lord God derful miracle for wisdom shall perish from

of hosts, to make his counsel wonderful, and their wise men and the understanding of their ;

magnify justice. prudent men shall be hid.

CHAP. XXIX. 15 Wo to you that are deep of heart, to hide
your counsel from the Lord and their works :
God's heavy judgmenis vpon Jerusalem, Jor their
are in the dark and they say : Who seeth us,
blind obstinacy : mth a prophecy of the con-

version of the Gentiles.

and who knoweth us?

WO 16 This thought of yours is perverse as if the

to Ariel,^ to Ariel the city which David clay should think against the potter, and the
took year is added to year the solemni- work should say to the maker thereof: Thou
: :

ties are at an end. madest me not ; or the thing framed should say to
2 And I will make a trench about Ariel and
him that fashioned it Thou understandest not.

it shall be in sorrow and mourning; and it shall

17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Liba-
De to me as Ariel. nus shall be turned into charmel,|| and charmel
3 And I will make a circle round about thee,
shall be esteemed as a forest?
and will cast up a rampart against thee, and raise 18 And in that day the deaf shall hear the
up bulwarks to besiege thee. words of the book and out of darkness and ob- ;
4 Thou shah be brougiit down ; thou shalt
scurity the eyes of the blind shall see.
epeak out of the earth and thy speech shall be
19 And the meek shall increase their joy in
heard out of the ground and thy voice shall be the Loiti and the poor men shall rejoice in the

from the earth like that of the Python; and out holv One of Israel.
of the ground thv speech shall mutter. 20 For he that did prevail hath failed; the
5 And the multitude of them that fan thee, scorner is consumed ; and they are all cut off
shall be like small dust ; and as ashes passincr
lliat wnfched for iniquity :
away, the multitude of them that have prevailed 21 That made men sin by word, and supplanted
against thee.
him that reproved them in the gate, and declined
6 And it shall be at an instant suddenly. A
in vain from the just.
visitation shall come from the Lord of hosts in
22 Therefore thus saith the Lord to the house
thunder, and with earthquake, and with a great of Jacob, he that redeemed Abraham ; Jacob
noise of whirlwind and tempest, and with the shall not now
be confounded; neither shall his
flame of devouring fire. countenance now be ashamed :
7 And the multitude of all nations that have 23 But when he shall see his children, the
work of my hands in the midst of him sanctifying^
* The bed is straitened, &c. It is too narrow mv name, and thev shall sanctifv the holy One
to hold two : God will have the bed of our heart of Jacob, and shall glorify the God of Israel
all to himself. 24 And they that erred in spirit, shall know
1 As in the mountain, &c. As the Lord fought understanding, and they that murmured, shall
against the Philistines in Baal Pharasim,2 Kinsrs learn the law.
V. and against the Chananites, in the valley of
Gabaon. Jostiex. CHAP. XXX.
t This also, fee. Such also is the proceeding The people are blamed for their confidence in
of the Lord with his land, and the divers seeds Egypt. God's mercies totcards his church
he sows therein. the p^mishment of sinners.
§ Ariel. This word sisnifies, the lion of God,
and here is taken for the strong city of Jeru- Charmel. This word signifies a frvi^vl

salem. field.
: : : :


WO you apostate children, saith the Lord

to 21 And thy ears shall hear the word '
you would take counsel, and not of admonishing thee behind thy back This is the
that :

me; and would begin a web, and not by my! way; walk ye in it; and go not aside neither to
spirit, that you might add sin upon sin: the right hand nor to the left.
2 Who walk to go down into Egypt, and have 22 And thou shalt defile the plates of thy gra-
not asked at in/ nioulli, hoi)ing for help in the ven things of silver, and tlie garment of thy mol-
strength of Pharuo, and trusting in the shadow ten things of gold, and shalt cast them away as
of Egypt. the uncleanness of a menstruous woman. Thou
3 And the str« igth of Pharao shall be to your shalt say to it Get thee hence.

confusion, and the confidence of the shadow of 23 And ram shall be given to thy seed, where-
Egypt to your shame. soever thou shalt sow in the land: and the bread
4 For thy princes were in Tanis, and thy mes- of the corn of the land shall be most plentiful auii
sengers came even to Hanes. fat. The lamb in that day shall feed at large in.
5 They were all confounded at a people that thy possession
could not profit them they were no help, nor to
: 24 And thy oxen, and the ass-colts tliat till the
any profit, but to confusion and to reproach. ground, shall eat mingled provender as it was
6 The burden of the beasts of the south. Inal winnowed in the floor.
land of trouble and distress, from whence come 25 And there shall be upon every high moun-
the lioness, and the lion, the viper and t!ie flying! tain, and upon every elevated hill, rivers of run-
basilisk, they carry their riches upon the shoul- ning waters in the day of the slaughter of many,
ders of beasts, and their treasures upon the when the towers shall fall.
bunches of camels to a people that shall not be 26 And the light ol' the moon shall be as the
able to profit them. light of the sun ; and the light of the sun shall be
7 For Egypt shall help in vnin, and to no pur- seven-fold, as the light of seven days, in the day
pose therefore have I cried concerning this It when the Lord shall bind up the wound of his
: :

is pride only sit still. ; people, and sliall heal the stroke of their wound.
8 Now therefore go in and write for them upon 27 Behold the name of the Lord cometh from
box, and note it diligently in a book and it shall afar; his wrath burneth, and is heavy to bear:

be in the latter days for a testimony for ever. his lips are filled with indignation, and his tongue
9 For it is a people that provoketh to wrath, as a devouring fire. •
and lying children, children that will not hear 28 His breath as a torrent overflowing even to
the law of God ; the midst of the neck, to destroy the nations unto
10 Who say to the seers See not and to them nothing, and the bridle of error that was in the
: :

that behold Beliold not for us those things that jaws of the peojile.

are right speak unto us pleasant things ; see er-

: 29 You shall have a song as in the night of the
rors for us. sanctified solemnity, and joy of heart, as when
11 Take away from me the way; turn away! one goeth with a jiipe, lo come into the mountain
the path from me; let the holy One of Israel of the Lord, to the mighty One of Israel.
cease from before us. 30 And the Lord sliall make the glory of his

12 Therefore thus saith the holy One of Israel voice to be heard, and shall shew the terror of
: I

Because you have rejected this word, and have! his arm, in the tlireatoning of wrath, and the
trusted in oppression and tumult, and have leaned flame of devouring fire he shall crush to pieces :

upon it with whirlwind and hail-stones.

13 Therefore shall this iniquity be to you as a 31 For at the voice of the Lord the Assyrian
breach that falletii, and is found wanting in a shall fear, being struck with the rod.
high wall for the destruction thereof shall come
; 32 And the passage of the rod shall be strong-
on a sudden, wiicn it is not looked for. ly grounded, which the Lord shall make to rest
14 And it shall he broken small, as the potter's upon him with timbnls and haips; and in great
vessel is broken all to pieces with mighty break- battles he shall overthrow them.
ing and there shall not a sherd be found of the
33 For Topheth* is prepared from yesterday,
pieces thereof, wherein a little fire maybe carried! prepared by the king, deep and wide. The nour-
from the hearth, or a little water be 'drawn out of ishments thereof are fire and much wood; the
the pit. breath of the Lord as a torrent of brimstone kind-
15 For thus saith the Lord God the holy One ling it.
of Israel: If you return, and be quiet, you shall;
be saved in silence and in hope shall your
strength be. And you woulil not The folly oftrustins^ to Egypt, and forgetting
16 But have said No, but we will flee to hor-
: God. He icill fightfor his people against the
ses : therefore shall you flee. And we will Assyrians.
mount upon swift ones therefore shall they be
swifter that shall pursue after you.

17 A thousand iiion shall flee for fear of one

to them that go down to Egypt for help,
trusting in horses, and putting their con-
fidence in chariots, because they are many ; and
and for fear of five siiall you flee, till yon be left in horsemen, because they are very strong' and
as tlio mast of a ship on the top of a mountain, have
not trusted in the holy One of Israe., and
jjnd as an ensign upon a hill.
have not sought after the Lord.
18 Therefore the Lord waiteth that he may 2 But he that is the wise one hath brought
have mercy on you and therefore shall he be evil, and hath not removed his words and he will

.exal ted sparing you because the Lord is the God

rise up against the house of tlie wicked, and

of judgment blessed are all tlie^ that wait for against the aid of them that work iniquity.

him. 3 Egypt is man, and not God and their horses, ;

19 For the people of Sion shall dwell in Jeru- flesh,
and not spirit and the Lord shall put down :
salem: weeping thou shalt not weep, he will his hand fall; and he that in
; and tlie helper shall
surely have pity on thee at the voice of thy cry, heljied
shall fall ; and they shall all be confound-

as soon as he shall hear, he will answer thee. ed together.

20 And the Lord will give you spare bread, 4 For thus saith the Lord to me: Like as the
and short water; and will not cause thy teacher
to flee away from thee any more: and thy eyes * Topheth. 'Tis the same as Gehenna, and it

ball see thy teacher. taken for hell. I

: ; :


Hon roaretli, and the lion's whelp upon his prsy, 18 And iny people shall sit in tlie beauty of
and when a multitufle ofshepiierds sinill come peace, and in the tabernacles of confidence, and
against liim, he will not fear ui tiieir voice, nor be ni wealthy rest.
afraid of their multitude: so sliall tlic Lord of 19 But hail shall be in the descent of the
hosts couie down to fight upon mount Sion, and forest : and the city shall be made very low.
upon the hill thereof. 20 Blessed are ye that sow upon all waters,
5 As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts pro- sending thither the foot of the ox and the ass.
tect Jerusalem, protecting and delivering, pass- CHAP. XXXIII.
ing over and saving.
God's revenge against the enemies of his church.
6 Return as you had deeply revolted, O chil-
The happiness of Hie heavenly Jerusalem.
dren of Israel.
7 For in that day a man shall cast away his
idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your
WO to thee that spoilest;* shalt not thou
thyself also be spoiled ? and thou that de«»
jpisest, shall not thyself also be despised ? when
hands have made for you to sin.
8 And the Assyrian shall full by the sword, thou shalt have made an end of spc'Jing, thou
not of a man: and the sword not of a man shall shalt be spoiled ; when being wearied, thou shalt
devour iiim; and he shall flee not at the face of cease to despise, thou shalt be despised.
the sword : and his young men shall be liibutaries: 2 O
Lord, have mercy on us ; for we have
9 And his strengtli shall pass away with dread: waited for thee : he thou our arm in the morn-
and his princes fleeing shall be afraid the Lord ing, and our salvation in the time of trouble.

hath said it, whose fire is in Sion, and his furnace 3 At the voice of the Angel the people fled:
in Jerusalem.
and at the lifting up thyself the nations are scat*
your spoils shall be gathered together
The blesshitcs of thereign of Christ. The deso- as the locust is gathered, as when the ditches
lation of the Jews, and prosperity of the church are full of them.
of Christ. 5 The Lord is magnified for he hath dwelt ;

on high he hath filled Sion with judgment and


BEHOLD, a king shall reign injustice; and justice.

princes shall rule in judgment. 6 And there shall be faith in thy times; riches
2 And a num shall be as when one is hid from of salvation, wisdom and knowledge the fear :

the -wind, and hideth himself from a storm, as

of the Lord is his treasure.
rivers of waters in drougiit, and the shadow of a
7 Behold, they that see shall cry without:
rock that slandeth out in a desert land. tlie angels of peacet shall weep bitterly.
3 The eyes of them that see shall not be dim 8 The ways are made desolate; no one
and the ears of them that hear shall hearken di- passeth by the road the covenant is made void :
ligently. lie hath rejected the cities ; he hath not regarded
4 And the heart of fools shall understand know-
the men.
ledge : and tlie tongue of stammerers shall speak 9 The land hath mourned, and languished:
readily and plain. Libanus is confounded, and become foul: and
5 The fool shall no more be called prince : nei- Saron is become as a desert and Basan and Car-

ther shall the deceitful be called great mel are shaken.

6 For the fool will speak foolish things : and 10 Now will I rise up, saith the Lord: now
his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypo- will I now will I lift up myself.
be exalted,
crisy, and speak to the Lord deceitfully, and to
11 You
shall conceive heat; you shall bring
make empty the soul of the hungry, and take forth stubble: your breath as fire shall devour
away drink from the thirsty. you.
7 The vessels of the deceitful are most wick- 12 And the people shall be as ashes after a
ed for he hath framed devices to destroy the
fire : as a bundle of thorns they shall be burnt
meek, with lying words, when the poor man with fire.
speaketh judgment. you that are far oflT, what I have
13 Hear,
8 But the prince will devise such things as are done and you that are near, know my strength.
worthy of a prince and he shall stand above
14 The sinners in Sion are afraid; trembling
the rulers. hath seized upon the hypocrites. Which of you
9 Rise up, ye rich women, and hear my voice can dwell with devouring fire? which of you

ye confident daughters, give ear to my speech. shall dwell with everlasting burnings ?
10 For after days and a year, j'ou that are 13 He that walketh in justices, and speaketh
confident shall be troubled for the vintage is at truth,
that casteth away avarice by oppression,
an end, the gathering shall come no more. and shaketh his hands from all bribes, thatsto^-
11 Be astonished, ye rich women ; be troubled, peth
his ears lest he hear blood, and shutteth hia
ye confident ones strip you, and be confounded jeyes that he may see no evil

gird your loins. 16 He shall dwell on high the fortifications


12 .Mourn for your breasts, for the delightful of rocks shall be his highness; bread is given
country, for the fruitful vineyard. him;
his waters are sure.
13 Upon the land of my people shall thorns
17 His eyes shall see the king in his beauty;
and briers come up: how mucn more upon all thev shall see the land far off.
the houses of joy, of the city that rejoiced ? 18 Thv heart shall meditate fear: where is
II For the house is forsaken, the multitude of the learned ? where is he that pondereth the
the citv is left, darkness and obscurity are come words of the law ? where is the teacher of little
upon its dens for ever. A joy of wild asses, the ones?
pastures of flocks, 19 The shameless people thou shalt not see,
15 Until the spirit be poured upon us from on the people of profound speech : so that thou canst
high: and the desert shall be as a charmel ; and not understand the eloquence of his tongue, in
charmel shall be counted for n forest. whom there is no wisdom.
Ifi And judgment shall dwell in the wilder-

ness ; and justice shall sit in charmel. 'ThaTspoilest, &c. This is particularly di-
-'7 And the work ofjustice shall be peace, and rected to Sennacherib.
tJu*ser'ice of justice quietness, and security for t The angels of peace. The messengers ot
•ver. deputies sent to negociate a peace
3 P 489
:: :


for they were not gods, but the works of men's went oat, and departed, and returned, and dwelt
hands, wood and stone and they broke them in in Ninive.

pieces. 38 And it came to pass, as he was worship-

20 And now, O Lord our God. save us out of ping in the tem|ole of Nesroch his god, that
his hand and let all the kingdoms of the earth Adramelech and Sarasar his sons slew him with

know, that thou only art the Lord. the sword and they fled into the land of Ara- :

21 And Isaias the son of Amos sent to Eze rat and Asarhaddon his son reigned in his

chias, Thus saith the Lord the God of stead.


Israel For the prayer thou hast made to me

concerning Sennacherib the king of the As- Ezechias being- advertised
thai he shall die, ob-
syrians :
tains by prayer a prolongation of his life : in
22 This is the word which the Lord hath spo- confirmation of rchich the sun goes back. The
ken of him The virgin the daughter of Sion
canticle of Ezechias.
hath despised thee, and laughed thee to scorn
those days Ezechias was sick even to
the daughter of Jerusalem hath wagged the head JN
death and Isaias the son of Amos the :
after thee.
23 Whom hast thou reproached, and whom
prophet came unto him, and said to him Thun :

hast thou blasphemed, and against whom hast

saith the Lord Take order with thy house ; for :

thou exalted thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes on

thou shalt die, and not live.
higli ' Against the holy One of Israel.
2 And Ezechias turned his face toward thb
24 By the hand of thy servants thou hast re- and prayed to the Lord; wall,
3 And said I beseech thee, O Lord, remem.
proached the Lord ; and hast said With the :

ber how I have walked before thee in truth, and

multitude of my chariots ] have gone up to the
height of the mountains, to the top of Libanus with a perfect heart, and have done that which is
and 1 will cut down its tall cedars, and its choice good in thy sight. And Ezechais wept with great
fir-trees, and will enter to tlie top of its height, to

the forest of its Carmel.* 4 And the word of the Lord came to Isaias,
25 I have digged, and drunk water, and have saying
dried up with the sole of my foot all the rivers shut
5 Go and say to Ezechias : Thus saith the Lord
the God of David thy father : I have heard thy
up in banks. \

26 Hast thou not heard what I have done to hhn prayer, and I have seen thy tears : behold, I v/ill
of old ? from the days of old I have formed it and add to thy days fifteen years
\ :

now I have brought it to effect and it hath come :

6 And I will deliver thee and this city out of
to pass that hills fighting together, and fenced ci-
the hand of the king of the Assyrians : and I will
ties sliould be destroyed.
protect it.
27 The inhabitants of them were weak of hand; 7 And this shall be a sign to thee from the
they trembled, and were confounded they be- Lord, that the Lord will do this
word which he
came like the grass of the field, and the herb of the hath spoken :

8 Behold, I will bring again the shadow oftlie

pasture, and like the grass of the house-tops,
lines, by which it is now gone down in the sun-
which withered before it was ripe.
28 I know thy dwelling, and thy going out, and dial of Achaz with the sun, ten
lines backward.

thy commg in, and thy rage against me.

And the sun returned ten lines by the degrees by
29 When mad against me, thy pride
thou wast which it was gone down.
came up my
ears: therefore I will put a ring
9 The
writing of Ezechias king of Juda, when
ill t!iy nose, and a bit between thy lips and I will :
he had been sick, and was recovered of his sick-
turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.
30 But to thee this shall be a sign : Eat this 10 I said: In the midst of my days I shall go
year the things that spring of themselves ; and to the gates of hell :t I sought for the residue of

ill the second year eat fruits : but in the third my years.
year sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat Ill said : I shall not see the Lord God in the
the fruit of them.
land of the living. I shall behold man no more,
31 And that which shall be saved of the house nor the inhabitant of rest.
of Juda, and which is left, shall take root down- 12 My
generation is at an end ; and it is rolled
ward, and shall bear fruit upward:
away from me, as a shepherd's tent. My life is
32 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a rem- cut off, as by a weaver : whilst I was yet but be-
ginning, he cut me off: from morning even to
nant, and salvation from mount Sion the zeal of :

the Lord of hosts shall do this.

night thou wilt make an end of me.
33 Wherefore thus saith the Lord concerning 13 I hoped till morning ; as a lion so hath he
the king of the Assyrians He shall not come
broken all my bones from morning even to nis:lit

into this city, nor shoot an arrow into it, nor

thou wilt make an end of mo.
14 I will cry like a young swallow; I will
come before it with shield, nor cast a trench
about it. ' meditate like a dove : my eyes are weakened
way looking upward: Lord, 1 suffer violence: an-
34 By the that he came, he shall return
and mto this city he shall not come, saith the
swer thou for me.
Lord. 15 What shall I say, or wliat shall he answei
35 And I will protect this city, and will save forme, whereas he himself hafh done it ? I will
it for my own sake, and for the sake of David my recount to thee all my years in tlie bitterness of
servant. mv souL
36 And the angel of the Lord went out, and 16 O Lord, if man's life be such, and the life of
slew in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred my spirit be in such things
as these, thou shalt
and eighty-five thousand. And they arose in correct me, and make me to live.

the morning, and behold, they were all dead 17 Behold, in peace is my bitterness most bit-
ter: but thou hast delivered my soul that it
hast cast all my sins be-
37 And Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians should not perish ; thou
hind thy back.
" Carmel, See these figurative expressions
explained in the annotations on the xixth chapter t Hell. Sheol, or Hades, the region of the
of the Fourtlj Book of Kings, dead.
18 For hell shall not confess to thee; neitlier 7 The grass is withered, and the flower is fall-

shall (lentil i)ruise thee nor sliuU they that go |en, because the Spirit of the Lord hath blown

down into the \)h, lo(jk for thy Uuth. upon it. Indeed the people is grass :
19 Tlie living, the living, he shall give praise 8 The grass is withered, and the flower is fall-
to thee, as 1 do this day the fatiier shall make
: en: but the word of our Lord endureth for ever.
thy truth known to the children. 9 Get thee up upon a high mountain, thou that
'20 O
Lord, save me, and we will sing out bringest good tidings to Sion lift up thy voice

p?alins all the days of our life in the house of with strength, ihou that bringest good tidings to
the Lord. Jerusalem lift it up fear not. Say to the citiea
: ;

i!l Now Isaias had ordered that they should of Juda: Behold your God :

take a lump of figs, and lay it as a plaster upon 10 Behold, the Lord God shall come with
the wound, and that he should be healed. trength; and his arm shall rule behold, his re-

22 And Ezechias had said What shall he the : ward is with him, and his work is before him.
bign that I siiall go up to the house of the Lord 11 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd :he
shall gather together the lambs with his ami, and
CHAP. XXXIX. shall take them up in his bosom and he himself

Ezechias shcvx all his treasures to theamhassa shall carry them that are with joung.
ders of Babylon : upon wliich Isaias foretels 12 Who hath measured the waters in the hollow
the Babylonish captivity. of his hand, and weighed the heavens with his

AT that time Merodach Baladan, the son of

Baladan king of Babylon, sent letters and
palm ? who has poised with three fingers the
bulk of the earth, and weighec tlie mountains is
jiresents to Ezechias: for he had heard that he scales, and the hills in a balance?
had been sick, and was recovered. 13 Who hath forwarded the Spirit of the Lord ?
2 And Ezechias rejoiced at their coming: and or who hath been his counsellor, and hath taught
he shewed tliem the storehouse of his aroniatical him ?
spices, and of the silver, and of the gold, and of 14 With whom hath he consulted? and who
tiie sweet odours, and of the precious ointment, hath instructed him, and taught him the jiath of
and all the storehouses of his furniture, and all justice, and taught him knowledge, and shewed
things that were found in his treasures. There him the way of understanding ?
was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion 15 Behold, the irentiles are as a drop of a buck-
that Ezechias shewed them not. et, and are counted -is the smallest grain of a ba-
3 Thcyi Isaias the prophet came to king Eze- lance behold, the islands are as a little dust.

chias, and said to him What said these men, and

: 16 And Libanus shall not be enough to burn,
from whence came tiiey to thee ? And Ezechias nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt-ofler-
said : From a far country they came to me, from ing.
Babylon. 17 All nations are before him as if they had no
4 And he said: What saw thev in thy house ? being at all, and are counted to hiin as nothins:,
And Ezechias said All things that are in mv
: and vanity.
house have they seen there was not any thing
: 18 To whom then have you likened God? or
wliich I have not shewn tiiem in my treasures. what image will you make for him ?
5 And Isaias said to Ezechias Hear the word : 19 Hath the workman cast a graven statue? or
3f the Lord of hosts. hath the goldsmith formed it v\ith gold, or the
6 Beiiold, the days shall come, that all that is silversmith with plates of silver?
;n thy house, and that thy fathers have laid up 20 He hath chosen strong wood, and that will
in store until this day, shall he carried away into not rot the skilful workman seeketh how he

Babylon : there shall not any thing be left, saith may set up an idol that niav not be nlov(^d.
the Lord. 21 Do yon not know ? hath it not been heard ?
7 And of thy children, that shall issue from hath it not been told you from the beginning?
thee, whomthou shalt beget, they shall takei have you not understood the foundations of the
away : and they shall be eunuchs in the palace earth ?

of the king of Babylon. 22 he that sitteth upon the globe of the

It is
8 And Ezechias said to Isaias : The word of earth; and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts:
tiie Lord, which he hath spoken, is good. And he that stretcheth out the heavens as nothing, and
he said : Only let peace and truth be in my days. spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.
23 He that bringeth the searchers of secrets to
CHAP. XL. nothing, that hath made the judges of the earth
The prophet comforts thepeople with the promise as vanity.
of the coming of Christ to forgice their sins 24 And surely their stock was neither planted,
God's almighty power and majesty. nor sown, nor rooted in the earth: suddenly he
BE comforted, be comforted,
your God.
my people, saith hath blown upon them; and they are withered,
and a whirlwind shall take them away as stubble.
2 Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem, and call 25 And to whom have ye likened me, or made
to her for her evil is come to an end her iniqui-
: ; me equal, saith the holy One ?
ty is forgiven she hath received of the hand of
: 26 Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath
the Lord double for all her sins. created these thines ; who bringeth out their host
3 The voice of one crying in the desert : Pre- by number, and calleth them all bv their names :
pare ye the way of the Lord make straight in ; by the greatness of his misriit, and strength, and
the wilderness the paths ofour God. power, not one of them was missing.
4 Every valley shall be exalted : and every 27 Why
sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest,
mountain and hill shall be made low: and the OIsrael : My way is hid from the Lord : and ray
crooked shall become straight, and the rough judgment is passed over from my God ?
ways plain. 28 Knowest thou not, or hast ihou not heard?
b And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed: the Lord is the everlasting God, who hath crea-
iind all flesh together shall sec, that the mouth ted the ends of the earth he shall not faint, nor :

of the Lord hath spoken. labour; neither is there any searching out of his

6 The voice of one, saying: Cry. And I said 'wisdom. I

What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the 29 It is he that sriveth streneth to the weary,
^lory thereof as the flower of the field. and increaseth force and might to thetntliat are not.

: ::


30 Youths shall faint and labour ; and young. tree I « ill set in the desert' the fir-tree, the elm,

men shall fall bv infirmity. and the box-tree together

31 But they that hope in the Lord shall renew 20 That they may see and know, and consider
their strength; they shall take wings as eagles; and understand together that the hand of the
they shall run, and not be weary ; they shall Lord hath done this, and the holy One of Israel
"vafk- and not faint.' hath created it.
21 Bring your cause near, saith the Lord
CHAP. XLI. bring hither, if you have any \\ringto allege, saith
The reign of the just one: the vanity of idols. the king of Jacob.
LET the islands keep silence before me, and 22 Let them come, and tell us all things that
the nations take new strength : let them are to come : tell us the former things what they
come near, and then speak : let us come near to were : and we will set our heart vpon them, and
judgment together. shall know the latter end of them, and tell us the
2 Who hath raised up the just One from the things that are to come.
east, hath called him to follow him ? he shall 23 Shew the things that are to come hereaf-
give the nations in his sight, and he shall rule ter ; and we shall know that ye are gods. Do
over kings : he shall give them as tlie dust to his ye also good or evil, if you can: and let us speak
sword, as stubble driven by the wind to his bow. and see together.
3 He shall pursue them ; he shall pass in 24 Behold, you are of nothing, and your work
peace : no path shall appear after his feet. of that which hath no being : he that hath cho-
4 Who hath wrought and done these things, sen you is an abomination.
calling the generations from the beginning? I tne 25 I have raised up orae from the north : and
Lord ; I am the first and the last. he shall come from the rising of the sun : he
5 The islands saw it and feared ; the ends shall call upon my
name ; and he shall make
of the earth were astonished ; they drew near, and princes to be as dirt, and as the potter tread-
came. ing clay.
6 Every one shall help his neighbour, and 26 Who
hath declared from the beginning,
shall say to his brother: Be of good courage that we may know ; and from time- of old, that
7 The coppersmith striking with the hammer we, may say: Thou art just? There is none
encouraged him that forged at that time, say that sheweth, nor that foretelleth, nor that hear-
ing : It is ready for soldering : and he strength- eth your words.
ened it with nails, that it should not be moved. 27 The first shall say to Sion : Behold,they are
8 But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom here, and to Jerusalem I will give an evangelist.
I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend. 28 And I saw, and there was no one even
9 In whom I have taken thee from the ends of among them to consult, or who, when I asked,
the earth, and from the remote parts thereof have could answer a word.
called thee, and said to thee : Thou art my ser 29 Behold, they are all in the wrong, and
vant : I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee their works are vain : their idols are wind and
away. vanity.
10 Fearnot, for I am with thee turn not aside,

for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and

have helped thee ; and the right hand of my just The office of Christ. The preaching of the
One hath upheld thee. gospel to the Gentiles. The blindnSs and
11 Behold all that fight against thee shall reprobation of the Jews.
confounded and ashamed they shall be as

nothing; and the men shall perish that strive

against thee.
have given
my servant ;t I will uphold him
my soul delighteth in him I
my spirit upoig hun he shall bring

12 Thou shalt seek them, and shall not find, forth judgment
to the gentiles.
the men that resist thee : they shall be as no He shall not cry, nor have respect to per-
thing; and as a thing consumed the men that war sons ; neither shall his voice be heard abroad.
against thee. 3 The bruised reed he shall not break : and
13 For I am the Lord thy God, who take thee smoking flax he shall not quench: he shall
by the hand, and say to thee : Fear not, I have bring forth judgment unto truth.
helped thee. 4 He shall not be sad, nor troublesome, till
14 Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, you that he set judgment in the earth : and the islands
are dead of Israel I have helped thee, saith the
: shall wait for his law.
Lord, and thy redeemer the holy One of Israel 5 Thus saith the Lord God that created the
15 I have made thee as a new threshing wain, heavens, and stretched them out : that establish-
with teeth like a saw thou shalt thresh the
: ed the earth, waft the things that spring out of
mountains, and break them in pieces and shalt
; that giveth breath to the people upon it, and
make the hills as chaff. sjjirit to them that tread thereon.
16 Thou shalt fan them : and the wind shall 6 I tiie Lord have called thee in justice, and
carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter taken thee by the hand, and preserved thee. And
them : and thou shalt rejoice in the Lord ; in the I have given thee for a covenant of the people,
holy One of Israel thou shalt be joyful. for a light of the gentiles :
17 The needy and the poor seek for waters, 7 That thou mightest open the eyes of the
and there are none : their tongue hath been dry blind, and bring forth the prisoner out of prison,
with thirst. I the Lord will hear them : I the and them that sit in darkness out of the prison
God of Israel will not forsake them. house.
18 I will open rivers in the high hills, and I the Lord, this is my name : I will not
fountains in the midst of the plains: I will turn give my glory to another, nor my praise to gra-
the desert into pools of waters, and the impassa- ven thing's.
ble land into streams of waters. 9 Thethings that were first, behold, they are
19 I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, cnme and new things do I declare : before they

and the thorn,* and the myrtle, and the olive. spring forth, I will make you hear them.

The thorn. In Hebrew, the shitta, or setim, i t My servant. Christ, who, according tf
Oto resembling the white thorn. his humanity, is the servant of God.
; : ::


10 Sing ye to the Lord a new song his ; 4 Since thou becamest honourable in my eye*
praise from the ends of tlic earth you that
is : thou art glorious: I have loved thee, and I will
go down to the sea, and all that are tlierein ye : give men for thee, and peopHe for thy life.
islands, and ye inhahitants of them. 5 Fear not, for I am with thee 1 will bring thy :

11 Let tlie desert and the cities thereof be ex- seed from the east, and gather thee from the west.
alted Cedar shall dwell in houses ye inhabit-
: : 6 I will say to the north Give up and lo the : :

ants of Petra,* give praise ; thby shall cry from south Keep not back bring my sons from afar,
: :

the top of the mountains. and my daughters from the ends of the earth.
12 They shall give glory to the Lord, and 7 And every one that calleth upon my name, I
shall-declare his praise in tlie islands. have created him for my glory : I have formed
13 The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man : him and made him.
as a man of war shall he stir up zeal : he shall 8 Bring forth the people that are blind, and
shout and cry : he shall prevail against his ene- have eyes ; that arc deaf, and have ears.
mies. 9 All the nations are assembled together, and
14 I have always held my peace ; I have kept the tribes are gathered who among you can de-

silence; I have been patient; I will speak now clare this, and shall make us hear the former
as a woman in labour; I will destroy, and swal- things ? let them bring forth their witnesses let :

low up at once. them be justified, and hear, and say It is truth. :

15 1 will lay waste tlie mountains and hills, 10 You are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and
and will make all their grass to wither : and I will my servant whom I have chosen ; that you may
turn rivers into islands, and will dry up the stand- know, and believe me, and understand that I my-
ing pools. self am. Before me there was no God formed,
16 And 1 will lead the blind into the way and after me there shall be none.
which they know not : and in the paths which 11 I am, I am the Lord and there is no saviour

they were ignorant of, I will make them walk besides me.
I will make darkness light before them, and 12 I have declared, and have saved: I have
crooked things straight those things have I done
: made it heard; and there was no strange one
tothem, and have not forsaken them. among you. You are my witnesses, saith the
17 They are turned back let them be greatly : Lord, and I am God.
confounded, that trust in a graven thing, that say 13 And from the beginning I am the same
to a molten tiling You are our gods.
: and there is none that can deliver out of my hand
18 Hear, ye deaf: and ye blind, behold, that I will work, and who shall turn it away 7
you mav see. 14 Thus saith the Lord your redeemer, the
19 Who is but my servant? or deaf, but
blind, holy One of Israel For your sake I sent to Ba-

he to whom I have sent my messengers ? Who bylon, and have brought down all their bars, and
isblind but he that is sold ? or who is blind, but the Chaldeans glorying in their ships.
the servant of the Lord. 15 I ainihe Lord your holy One, the Creator
20 Thou that seest many things, wilt thou not of Israel, 3'our King.
obsene them ? thou that hast ears open, will 16 Thus saith the Lord, who made a way in
tliou not hear ? the sea, and a path in the mighty waters
21 And
Lord was willing to sanctify him,
the 17 Who brought forth the chariot and the
and to magnify the law, and exalt it. horse, the army and the strong they lay down :

22 But this is a people that is robbed and to sleep together, and they shall not rise again
wa?:ted : they are all the snare of young men : they are broken as flax, and are extinct.
and thev are hid in the houses of prisons they : 18 Remember not former things, and look not
are made a prey ; and there is none to deliver on things of old.
them a spoil, and there is none tliat saith : Re-
: 19 Behold, I do new things; and now they
^store. shall spring forth ; verily you shall know them
23 Who is there among you that will give ear I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers
10 tliis, that will attend and hearken for times to in the desert.
come ? 20 The beast of the field shall glorify me, the
24 Who
hath given Jacob for a spoil, and Is- dragons and the ostriches because I have given :

rael to robbers ? hath not the Lord himself, waters in the wilderness rivers in the desert, to

against whom we have sinned ? And they give drink to my people, to my chosen.
would not walk in his ways : and they have not 21 This people have I formed for myself: -Aey
hearkened to his law. shall shew forth my praise.
25 And he hath poured out upon him the in- 22 Bvt thou hast not called upon me, O Ja-
dignation of his fury, and a strong battle, and cob neither hast thou laboured about me, O

hath burnt him round about; and he knew not Israel.

and set him on fire and he understood not.
; 23 Thou hast not ofTered me the ram of thy
CHAP. XLIIL holocaust, nor hast thou glorified me with thy
God comforts his church, promising' to -protect victims I have not caused thee to serve with ob- :

her for ever : he expostulates trith the Jews for lations, nor wearied thee with incense.
tlieir ing-rntitiide. 24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with
AND now thus saith the Lord that created money ; neither hast thou filled me with the fat
thee, O Jacob, and formed thee, O Israel of thy victims. But thou hast made me to serve
Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, and called with thy sins ; thou hast wearied me with thy ini-
thee bv thy name : thou art mine. !quities.
2 AMicii thou slialt pass through the waters I 25 I am, I am he that blot out thy iniquities for
will be with thee: and the rivers sliall not cover my own sake ; and I will not remember thy sins.

thee when thou shnlt walk in ihe fire, thou shalt

26 Put me in remembrance, and let us plead

not be burnt; and the flames shall not bum in thee: together; tell if thou hast any thing to justify
I am the Lord thy God, the holy One of
3 For thyself.
"27 Thy first father sinned : and thy teachers
Israel, thy Saviour I havp sriven F,H:ypt for thy

atonement, Ethiopia, and Saba for thee. have transgressed against me.
28 And I have profaned the holy princes: I
* Petra. A city that gives name to Arabia have given Jacob to slaughter, and Israel to re-
Petrasa. proach.
: : ;


CHAP. XLIV. part of it in the fire, and I have baked bread upon
the coals thereof: I have broiled flesh, and have
God's favour to his church. The
folly of idola-
eaten; and of the residue thereof shall I make
try. The people shall be delivered from cap-
an idol 1 shall I fall down before the stock of a
AND el whom I have chosen.
now hear, Jacob my servant, and Isra- 20 Part thereof is ashes : his foolish heart
adoreth it : and he will not save his soul, nor
2 Thus saith the Lord that made and formed say : Perhaps there is a lie in my right hand.
thee, thy helper from the womb : Fear not, O
21 Remember these things, Jacob, and Is- O
my servant Jacob, and thou most righteous whom rael ; for thou art my servant. I have formed
I nave chosen. thee ; thou art my servant, Israel ; forget me O
3 For I will pour out waters upon the thirsty not.
ground, and streams upon the dry land : I will 22 I have blotted out thy iniquities as a cloud,
pour out my spirit upon thy seed, and my bless- and thy sins as a mist : return to me, for I have
ing upon thy stock. redeemed thee.
. 4 And they shall spring up among the herbs, 23 Give praise, O
ye heavens, for the Lord hath
as willows beside the running waters. shewn mercy: shout with joy, ye ends of the
5 One shall say : I am the Lord's ; and anoth earth : ye mountains, resound with praise
er shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and thou, O
forest, and every tree therein : for the
another shall subscribe with his hand, To the Lord hath redeemed Jacob ; and Israel shall be
Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel glorified.
6 Thus saith the Lord the king of Israel, and 24 Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer, and thy
his redeemer the Lord of hosts : I am the first and maker, from the womb : I am the Lord, that
I am the last ; and besides me there is no god. make all things, that alone stretch out the hea-
7 Who is like to me ? let him call and declare : vens, that establish the earth : and there is none
and let him set before me the order since I ap- with me
pointed the ancient people : and the things to 25 That make void the tokens of diviners, and
come, and that shall be hereafter, let them shew make the soothsayers mad: that turn the wise
unto them. backward, and that make their knowledge fool-
8 Fear ye not; neither be ye troubled, from ish :

that time I have made thee to hear, and have de- 26 That raise up the word of my servant, and
clared you are my witnesses.
Is there a God perform the counsel of my messengers, who say
besides me, a maker, whom I have not known ? to Jerusalem Thou shalt be inhabited and to
: :

9 The makers of idols are all of them nothing the cities of Juda: You shall be built ; and I will
and their best beloved things shall not profit raise up the wastes thereof:
them. They are their witnesses,' that they do 27 Who say to the deep Be thou desolate,

not see, nor understand, that they may be and I will dry up thy rivers:
ashamed. 28 Who say to Cyrus Thou art my shep-

LO Who hath formed a god, and made a graven herd, and thou shalt perform all my pleasure :
thing that is profitable for nothing ? Who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt be built:
11 Behold, all the partakers thereof shall be and to the temple Thy foundations shall be

confounded for the makers are men: they shall

: laid.
all assemble together they shall staiid and fear,

and shall be confounded together. CHAP. XLV.

12 The smith hath wrought with his file: with A prophecy of Cyrus, as a figure of Christ, th£
coals and with hammers he hath formed it, and great deliverer of God's people.
hath wrought with the strength of his arm he :

shall hunger and feint: he shall drink no water, THUS

saith the Lord to my
anointed Cyrus,
right hanil I have taken hold of, to
and shall be wearv.
13 The carpenter hath stretched out his rule ; subdue nations before his face, and to turn the
he hath formed it with a plane he hath made it
: backs of kings, and to open the doors before
with corners, and hath fashioned it round with him; and the gates shall not be shut.
the compass: and he hath made the image of a 2 I will go before thee, and will humble the
man as it were a beautiful man dwelling in a great ones of the earth : I will break in pieces
house. the gates of brass, and will burst the bars of
, , ,

14 He hath cut down cedars, taken the holm, iron.

and the oak that stood among the trees of the 3 And I will jrive thee hidden'treasuies, and
forest he hath planted the pine-tree, which the
: the concealed riches of secret places: that thou
rain hath nourished. mayst know that I am the Lord who call thee by
15 And it hath served inen for fuel he took
thv name, the God of Israel.
thereof, and warmed himself: and he kindled it, 4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, and Israel
anri baked bread but of the rest he made a god,
: iinv elect, I have even called thee by thy name:
and adored it: he made a graven thing, and ll have made a likeness of thee; and thou hasl
bowed down before it. not known me.
16 Part of it he burnt with fire; and with part I am the Lord, and there is none else
5 there :

of ith"* dressed his meat: he boiled iioltase, and no God besides ine I girded thee; and thou
jis :

was filled, and was warmed, and said Aha, I [hast not nie
: :

am warm I have seen the fire.

; 6 That thev mav know who are from the

17 But the residue thereof he made a

gori, and rising of the sun, and they who are from the

a srravpn thing for himself: he boweth down west, that there is none besides me. 1 am the
before it, and adoreth it, and prayeth
unto it, say- ILord, and there is none else:
in" : Deliver me; for thou art my God. 7 I form the light, and create darkness. I

18 Thev have not known, nor undcrstoo.l 'make [leace, and create evil:* 1 the Lord that

for their eyes are covered that

they may not see, do all these things.
and that they may not understand with their
heart. ,

not consider
. , .
their mind, nor
' Create evil. fi.c. The evils of afflictions and
They do

say have burnt jpunishinents, but not the evil of sin.
know, nor have thev thought to : I

1 : :


8 Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, 2 They are consumed, and are broken to-
*nd tne clouds rain the just
let :let the earth be gether: they could not save him that carried
opened, and bud forth a savioui : and let justice them ; and they themselves shall go into cap-
spring up together: I the Lord have created tivity.
him. 3 Hearken unto me, O
house of Jacob, all the
9 Wo to him that gainsayeth his Maker, remnant of the house of Israel, who are carried
sherd of the earthen pots shall thi? clay say to by my bowels, are bom up by my womb.

himthnt fashioneth it: What art thou making; 4 Even to your old age I am the same ; and to
and thy work is without hands? your grey hairs I will carry you : I have made
10 Wo
to him that saith to his father: Why i/oit, and I will bear: I will carry, and will save.

begettest thou ? and to the woman: Why dost 5 To whom have you likened me, and made
thou bring forth ? me equal, and compared me, and made me like?
1 Thussaith the Lord the holy One of Israel, 6 You that contribute gold out of the bag, and
his maker : Ask me of things to come, concern- weigh out silver in the scales; and hire a gold-
ing my children, and concerning the work of my smith to make a god: and they fall down, and
hanris give ve charge to me. vforship.
12 I made the earth : and I created man upon 7 They bear him on their shoulders, and carry
it : my liand stretched forth the heavens ; and I him, and set him in his place and he shall stand,

have commanded all their host. and shall not stir out of his place. Yea, wlien
13 I have raised him up to justice, and I will they shall cry also unto him, he shall not hear
direct all liis ways : he shall build my city, and he shall not save them from tribulation.
let go my captives, not for ransom, nor for pre 8 Remember this, and be ashamed: return,ye
sents, saith the Lord the God of hosts. transgressors, to the heart.
14 Thus saith the Lord : The labour of Egypt, 9 Remendier the former age ; for I am God,
and tlie merchandise of Ethiopia, andof Sabaim, and there is no God beside, neither is there the
men of stature shall come over to thee, and shall like to me
be tliinc they shall walk after tbee ; they shall
: 10 Whoshew from the beginning the things
go bound with manacles : and they shall worship that shall be at last, and from ancient times the
thee, and shall make supplication to thee only things that as yet are not done, saying:
: My
in thee is God ; and there is no God besides thee. counsel shall stand : and all my will shall be done ',

15 Verily thou art a hidden God, the God of 11 Who

call a bird froin the east, and from a
Israel the saviour. far country the man of my own will ; and I have
16 They are all confounded, and ashamed: spoken, and will bring it to pass I have created, :

the forgers of errors are gone together into con and I will do it. Hear rae, O
ye hard-hearted,
fusion. who are far from justice.
17 Israel is saved in the Lord with an eternal 12 I have brought my justice near: it shall
salvation : you shall not be confounded ; and you not be far off: and my salvation shall not tarry.
shall not be ashamed for ever and ever. I will give salvation in Sion, and my glory in
18 For thus saith the Lord that created the Israel.
heavens, God himself that formed the earth, and
made it, the very maker thereof: he did not
CHAP. XLyit.
create it in vain : he formed it to be inhabited. I God's judg-ment upon Babylon.
am the Lord, and there is no other. COME O
down ; sit in the dust, Virgin daugh-
19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place ter of Babylon, sit on the ground there is

of the earth : I have not said to the seed of Jacob no throne for the daughter of the Chaldeans:
Seek ma in vain. I am the Lord that speak jus- for thou shalt no more be called delicate ana
lice, that declare right things. tender.
20 Assemble yourselves, and come, and draw 2 Take a mill-stone, and grind meal ; uncover
near together, ve that are saved of the gentiles thy shame, strip thy shoulder, make bare thy

they have no knowledge that set up the wood of legs, pass over the rivers.
their graven work, and pray to a god that cannot 3 Thy nakedness shall be discovered and tiiy :

save. shame shall be seen I will take vengeance, and


21 Tell ye, and come, and consult together: no man shall resist me.
who hath declared this from the beginning, who 4 Our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his natne,
hath foretold this from that time ? Have not I the holy One of Israel.
the Lord, and there is no God else besides me? 5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness, O
A just God and a Saviour; there is none be- aughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no
sides me. more be called the lady of king'rloms.
22 Be converted to me, and you shall be sa- 6 I was an^ry with my people I have pol- :

ved, all ye ends of the earth for I tyn God, and luted my inheritance, and have given theiii into

there is no other. thy hand thou hast shewn no mercy to iliem


23 I have sworn by myself, the word of jus- upon the ancient thou hast laid thy yoke exceed-
tice shall go out of my mouth, and shall not re- ne heavy.
turn :
7 And" thou hast said: I shall be a hidy for
24 For every knee shall be bowed to me, and ever: thou hast not laid these things to thy
everv Inn^rue shall s'Nvear. heart; neither hast thou remembered thy latter
25 Therefore shall he say In the Lord are my end.

justices and empire: tbev shall come to him 8 And now hear these thinsrs, thou that art
and nil that resist him, shall be confounded. delicate, and dwellest confidently, that sayest m
26 In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be thy heart I am, and there is none else besides

justified and praised. me I shall not sit as a widow, and I shall not

CHAP. XLVI. know barrenness.

9 These two things shall come upon tlice snd-
The idols of Babylon shall hr desfrm/e<J. Salra Iriily in one dav, barrenness and widowhood.
lion is promised through Christ upon tbee, because iif
All ihiniTs are come the
KELL broken; Nabo is destroyed; their tuultitiide of thy sorceries, and for the great hard-
idols are put upon beasts and cattle : your ness of thy inchanters.
burdens of heavy weight even unto weariness, 10 And thou hast trusted in thv wickedness,
3Q 497
: ;
. :


and liaet said There is none tliat seetli me

: who among tliem hath declared these
Thy wisdom, and thy knowledge, this liuth de- things ? the Lord hath loved him : he will do hii
ceived thee. And thou hast said in tliy lieaii: pleasure in Babylon, and his arm shall he on

uni and hesides me llieie is no other.

; the Chaldeans.
11 Evil shall come upon thee : and thou shalt 15 I, even I have spoken, and called him 1 :

not know the rising thereof: -and calamity siiall have brought him, and his way is made prosper-
fall violently upon thee, which thou canst not ous.
keep ofl': misery shall come upon tliee suddenly, IG Come ye near unto me, and hear this 1 :

which thou shalt not know. have not spoken in secret from the beginning :
12 Stand now with tliy inchanters, and with from the time before it was done, I was there':
the nmltitude of thy sorceries, in which thou and now the Lord God hatli sent me,an(l his spirit.
hast lahoured from thy youth, if so be it may pro- 17 Thus saitli the Lord thy redeemer, the holy
fit thee any thing, or if thou mayst become One of Israel I am the Lord thy God, that teach

stronger. thee profitable things, that govern thee in the

13 Thou hast failed in the multitude of thy way that thou walkest.
counsels : let now the astrologers stand and save 18 O that thou hadst hearkened to my com-
thee, they tliat gazed at the stars, and counted mandments thy peace had been as a river, and

the montlis, that from them they might tell the thy justice as the wifves of the sea;
things that shall come to thee. 19 And thy seed had been as the sand, and the
14 Behold, they are as stubble ; fire hath burnt offspring of thy bowels like the gravel thereof:
them ; they shall not deliver themselves from the his name should not have perished, nor have been
power of the flames there are no coals where-
: destroyed from before my face.
with they may be warmed, nor fire that they may 20 Come forth out of Babylon ; flee ye from
sit thereat. the Chaldeans
declare it with the voice of joy :

15 Such are all the things become to thee, in make this to be heard, and speak it out even to
which thou hast laboured : thy merchants from the ends of the earth. Say : The Lord hath ra
thy youth, every one hath erred in his own way; deemed his servant Jacob.
there is none that can save thee. 21 They thirsted not in the desert, when he
led them out : he brought forth water out of the
CHAP. XLVIII. rock for them : and he clove the rock, and the
He reproaches the Jetos far their obstinacy : he waters gushed out.
tcill deliver them out of their captivity, Jor his
22 There is no peace to the wicked, saith the
otcji name^s sake.
HEAR ye these things, O house of Jacob,
you that are called by the name of Israel, CHAP. XLIX.
and are come forth out of the waters of Juda, hrist shall bring' the Gentiles to salvation.
you who swear by the name of the Lord, and God^s love to his church is perpetual.
make mention of the God of Israel, but not in
truth, nor injustice. GIVE ear, ye islands ; and hearken, ye people
from afar. The Lord hath called me from
2 For they are called of the holy city, and are
established upon the God of Israel: the Lord of the womb from the bowels of my mother ho

hosts is his name. hath been mindful of my name.

3 The former things of old I have declared 2 And he hath made my mouth like a sharp
and they went forth out of my mouth ; and I have sword in the shadow of his hand he hath pro-

made them to be heard I did them suddenly, and tected me, and hath made me as a chosen arrow

they came to pass. in his quiver he hath hidden me.

4 For I knew that thou art stubborn, and thy 3 And he said to me Thou art my servant

neck is an iron sinew, and thy forehead of brass. Israel ; for in thee will I glory.
5 I foretold thee of old before they came to
: 4 And I said I have laboured in vain : I have

pass I told thee ; lest thou shouldst say : My spent my strength without cause and in vain
idols have done these things : and my graven therefore my judgment is with the Lord, and my
and molten things have commanded them. work with my God.
6 See now all the things which thou hast 5 And now, saith the Lord, that formed me
heard: but have you declared them? I have from the womb to be his servant, that I may bring
shewn thee new things from that time ; and things back Jacob unto him, and Israel will not be gath-
are kept which thou knowest not ered together and I am glorified in the eyes of

7 Tney are created now, and not of old : and the Lord and my God is made my strength.

before the day, when thou heardest tliem not G And he said: It is a small thing that thou
lest thou shouldst say ;Behold, I knew them. shouldst be my servant to raise up tiie tribes of
8 Thou hast neither heard, nor known, neither Jacob, and ^p convert the dregs of Israel. Behold,
was thy ear opened of old. For I know that I have given thee to be the light of the gentiles,
transgressing thou wilt transgress ; and I have that thou mayst be my salvation even to the far-
called thee a transgressor from the womb. thest part of the earth.
9 For my name's sake I will remove my wrath 7 Thus saith the Lord, the redeemer of Israel,
far oflT: and for my praise I will bridle thee, lest his holy One, to the soul that is despised, to the
thou shouldst perish. nation that is abhorred, to the servant of rulers:
10 Behold, I have refined thee, but not as sil- Kings shall see, and princes shall rise up, and
ver I have chosen thee in the furnace of poverty adore for the Lord's sake; because he is faithful,

11 For my own sake, for my own sake will I and for the holy One of Israel, who hath chosen
do it, that I may not be blasphemed and I will thee.

not give my glory to another. 8 Thus saith the Lord : In an acceptable time
12 Hearken to me, () Jacob, and thou Israel, I have heard thee; and in the day of salvation I
whom I call : I am he ; I am the first, and I am have helped thee: and I have preserved thee, and
the last. given thee to be a Covenant of the people, that
13 My hand also hath founded the earth, and thou mightest raise up the earth, and possess the
my right hand hath measured the heavens: I inheritances that were destroyed :
uball call them, and they shall stand together. 9 That thou mightest say to them that aw
14 Assemble yourselves together, all you, and bound Come forth and to them that ate in dark
: :

:; ::


aess Shew yourselves. Tficy shall feed in the 2 I came, and there was not a man

ways; and their pastures shall be in every plain. 1 called, and there was none that would hear. Is
10 rhcy shall not hunger, nor thirst neither my hand shortened and become little, tliat I can-

shall the heat nor the sun strike them (or he not redeem ? or is there no strength in me to (de-

that merciful to them, shall be their sheijjierd : liver? Behold, at my relnike I will make the
and at the fountains of waters he shall give ihem sea a desert; I will turn the rivers into dry land:
drink. the fishes shall rot for want of water, and shall
11 And I will make all my mountains a way, die for tiiirst.
and my paths shall be exalted. 3 I will clothe tlie heavens with darkness, and
12 Beliold, these shall come from afar, and be will make sackcloth their covering.
hold, these from the north and from the sea, and 4 The Lord hath given me a learned tongue,
these from the south country. that I should know how to uphold by word I'.im
13 Give praise, O ye heavens, and rejoice, O that is weary: he wakeneth in tlie morning; in
earth: ye mountains give praise witii jubilation the morning he wakeneth my ear, that I may
because the Lord hath comforted his people, and hear him as a master.
will have mercy on his poor ones. 5 The Lord God hath opened my ear, and I
14 And Sion said: The Lord hath forsaken do not resist:have not gone back.
me, and the Lord hath forgotten me. 6 I have given my body to the strikers, and
15 Can a woman forget her infant, so as not. to my cheeks to them that plucked them I have :

have pity on the son of her womb ? and if she not turned away my face from them that rebuked
Bhould forget, yet will not I forget thee. me, and spit upon me.
16 Behold, I have graven thee in my hands: 7 The Lord God is my helper, therefore am 1
thy walls are always before my eyes. not confounded : therefore have I set my face as
17 Thy builders are come: they that destroy a most hard rock ; and 1 know that I shall not
thee, and make thee waste shall go out of thee. be confounded.
18 Lift up thy eyes round about, and see all 8 He is nearthat justifielh me : who will con-
these arc gathered together; they are come to lend with me? let us stand together: who is my
thee : I live, saith the Lord, thou shall be clothed adversary ? let him come near to me.
with all these as with an ornament; and as a 9 Behold, the Lord God is my helper whr is :

bride thou shall pal them about thee. he that shall condemn me? Lo, they shall all
19 For thy deserts, and thy desolate places, be destroyed as a garment : die moth shall eat
and the land of thy destruction shall now be too them up.
narrow by reason of the inliabitants and they 10 Who is there among you that feareth the

tliat swallowed thee up shall be chased far away. Lord, that heareth the voite of his servant, that
20 The children of thy barrenness shall still say hatli walked in darkness, and hath no light? let
in tliy ears The place is too strait for me him hope in the name of the Lord, and lean upon

make me room to dwell in. his God.

21 And thou shall say in thy heart : Who hath 11 Behold, all you that kindle a fire, encom-
begotten these? 1 was barren, and brought not passed with flames, walk in the light of your
forth, led away, and captive: and who liath fire, and in the flames which you have kindled
wrought up these ? I teas destitute and alone this is done to you by my hand ; you shall sleep
Lnd these where were they 7 in sorrows.
22 Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will CHAP. LL
lift up my hand to the gentiles, and will set up An exhortation to trust in Christ. He shall pro-
my standard to the people. And they shall bring
tect the children of his church.
thy sons in their arms, and carry thy daughters
upon their shoulders. GIVEjust,
ear to me, you that follow that which
2.3 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and isand you that seek the Lord look :

lueens thy nurses they shall worship thee with

: unto the rock whence you are hewn, and to the
their face toward the earth and they shall lick;
hole of the pit from which you are'dug out.
.up the dust of thy feet. And thou shall know 2 Look unto Abraham your fatlier, and to Sara
that I am the Lord for they shall not be con-
; that bore you for I called him alone, and

founded that wait for him. blessed him, and multiplied him.
24 Shall the prey be taken from the strong ? 3 The Lord therefore will comfort Sion, and
or can that which was taken by the mighty be will comfort all the ruins thereof: and he will
delivered ? make her desert as a place of pleasure, and her
2.5 For thus saith the Lord: Yea, verily, even wilderness as the garden of the Lord. Joy and
the captivity shall be taken away from the gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving,
etrong : and that Vifhich was taken by the and the voice of praise.
mighty, shall be delivered. But I will judge 4 Hearken unto nie, O
my people ; and give
tliose that have judged thee; and tliy children I ear to me, O my tribes : for a law shall go forth
will save. from nie; and "my judgment shall rest lo be a
26 And I will feed thy enemies with their own light of the nations.
flesh : and they shall be made drunk with their 5 My
just one is near at hand ; my Saviour is
own blood, as witli new wine : and all flesh shall gone forth., and my arms shall judge the people:
know, that I am the Lord that save thee, and thy the islands shall look forme, and shall patiently
Redeemer the mighty One of Jacob. wait for my arm.
6 Lift up your eyes lo heaven, and look down
CHAP. L. lo the earth beneath ; for the heavens shall va-
Hie synn^os^ue xhaJl he divorced for her iniqui- nish like smoke ; and the earth shall be worn
ties. Christ, for her saJce will endure ignomt- away like a garment; and the inhabitants there-
nioiis afflictions. of shall perish in like manner: but my salva-
THUS saith the Lord: What is this bill of tion shall be for ever, and my justice shall not
the divorce of your mother, with which I fail.
have put her away? or who is my creditor, to 7 Hearken to me, you that knowr what is just,
whom I sold you ? behold, you are sold for your my people who have mv law in your heart
iniquities: and for your wicked deeds have I put fear ye not the reproach of'men; and be not afnid
jonr mother away. of their blasphemies.
: : :


8 For the wonn shall eat them up as a gar-| 2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit up,0
ment: and tlie moth shall consume them as wool Jerusalem: loose the bonds from oil" thy neck, O
but my «ulvalion shall be for ever, and my justice captive daughter of Sion.
from generation to generation. 3 For thus saith the Lord You were soH :

9 Arise, arise, put on strength, O thou arm of gratis ; and you shall be redeemed without
the Lord arise as in the days of old, in the an- money.

cient generations. Hast not thou struck the -1 For thus snith the Lord God: My people
proud one, and wounded the dragon? went down into Egypt at the beginning to sojourn
10 Hast not thou dried up the sea, the water there and the Assyrian hath oppressed theiK

of the niiglity deep, who madest the depth of the without any cause at all.
sea a way, that the delivered might pass over? 5 And now what have I here, saith the Lord ;
J 1 Anil now they tlial are redeemed by the for my people is taken away gratis ? 'l"he_\ that
Lord, shall return, and shall come into Sion sing rule over them treat them unjustly, saith the Lord
ing ])rf''ses and joy everlasting shall be U])on and my name is continually bla^jihemed all the

their heads: tiiey shall obtain joy and gladness; day long.
sorrow and mouruing shall flee awaj'. 6 Therefore my people shall know my name
12 i, I myself will comfort you who art thou, in that day
: for I myself that spoke, behold, I

that thou shouldst be afraid of a mortal man, and am here.

of the son of man, who shall wither away like 7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the
grass 1 feet of him that bringeth good tidings, and that
13 And thou hast forgotten the Lord thy preacheth peace ; of him that sheweth forth good,
maker, who stretched out the heavens, and that preacheth salvation, that saith to Sion Thy :

founded the earth and thou hast been afraid God shall reign!

continually all the day at the presence of his 8 The voice of thy watchmen: they have lifted
fury who afflicted thee, and had prepared him- up their voice, they shall praise together for :

self to destroy thee : where is now the fury of the they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall
oppressor? convert Sion.
14 He shall quickly come that is going to open 9 Rejoice, and give praise together, ye de- O
unto you : and he shall not kill unto utter de- serts of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted
struction : neither shall his bread fail. his people : he hath redeemed Jerusalem.
15 But I am the Lord thy God, who trouble 10 The Lord hath prepared his holy arm in
the sea, and the waves thereof swell the Lord of the sight of ail the gentiles : and all the ends of

hosts is my name. the earth shall seethe salvation of our God.

16 I have put my words in thy mouth, and 11 Depart, depart, go ye out from thence;
have protected thee in the shadow of my hand, touch no unclean thing: go out of the midst of
that thou mightest plant the heavens; and found her ; be ye clean, you that carry the vessels of
the earth; and mightest say to Sion: Thou art the Lord.
my people. 12 For you shall not go out in a tumult; neither
17 Arise, arise, stand up, O Jerusalem, which shall you make haste by flight : for the Lord will
hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his go before you ; and the God of Israel will gather
wrath : tliou hast drunk even to the bottom of you together.
the cup of dead sleep; and thou hast drunk even 13 Behold, my servant shall understand : he
to the dregs. shall be exalted, and extolled, and shall be ex-
18 There is none that can uphold her amone ceeding high.
all the children that she has brought forth : and 14 As many have been astonished at thee, so
there is none that taketh her by the hand among: shall his visage be inglorious among men, and his
all^the children that she hath brought up. form among the sous of men.
19 There are two things that have happened 15 He shall sprinkle many nations : kings slwll
to thee : who shall be sorry for thee ? desolation, shut their mouth at him for they to whom it was

and destruction, and the famine, and the sword not told of him, have seen: and they that heard

who shall comfort thee ? not, have beheld.

20 Thy children are cast forth ; tliey have
slept at the head of all the ways, as the wild ox
that is snared ; full of the indignation of the Lord, A
prophecy of the passion of Christ.
of the rebuke of thy God.
21 Therefore hear this, thou poor little one,
WHO hath believed our report ? and to whom
is the arm of the Lord revealed ?
and thou that art <lrunk but not with wine. 2 And he shall grow up as a tender plant before
22 Thus saith thy Sovereign the Lord, and thv him, and as a root out of a thirsty ground ; there
God, who will fight for his people: Behold, I is no beautv in him, nor comeliness: and we have
have taken out of thy hand the cup of dead sleep, seen him, and there was no sightliness, that we
the dregs of the cup of my indignation, thou shalt should be desirous of him :
not drink it again any more. 3 Despised, and the most abject of men, a man
23 And I will put it in the hand of them that of sorrows and acquainted with infirmity and his :

have oppressed thee, and have said to thy soul look irns as it were hidden and despised ; where
Bow down, that we may go over : and thou hast upon we esteemed him not.
laid thy body as the ground, and as a way to them 4 Surely he hath borne our infirmities, nnj
that went over. carried our sorrows: and we have thought him
CHAP. LH. as it were a leper, and as one struck by Gc>c and
Under diefissure of the deliverance from the Baby- was wounded our he
5 But he for iniquities,
loninh captivity, the church is invited to rejoice
was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our
for her redemption from sin. ChrisVs king-
peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are
dom shall be exalted.
ARISE, arise, put on thy strength, O Sion; 6 All we like sheep have gone astray, every
put on the srannents (iif thy glory, O Jeru- one hath turned aside into his own way: and the
salem, the city of the holy One : for henceforth Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us nil.
the unoircumcised and unclean shall no more 7 He was offeretl because it was his own will,
'M8B through thee. and he opened not his mouth : he shall be led af
: :


% sheep to the slaughter, and shall be dumb as a part far from oppression, for thou shalt r.ot few
lamb before iiis shearer, and he shall not open his and from terror, for it shall not come near tliee.
mouth. 15 Behold, an inhabitant shall come, who was
8 He was taken away from distress, and from not with me, he that was a stranger to thee before,
judgment who shall declare his eeneralion ? be-
: shall be joined to thee.
cause he is cut off oul of the laud of the living^ 16 Behold, 1 have created the smith that blow-
for the wickedness of my people have I struck eth the coals in the fire, and bringeth forth an in-
him. strument for his work : and I have created thfl
9 And he shall give the ungodly forhia burial, killer to destroy.
and the rich for his death because he hath done
; 17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall
no iniquity, neither was there deceit in his mouth. prosper: and every tongue that resisteth thee in
10 And the Lord was pleased to bruise him in judgment, thou shall condemn. This is the in-
infirmity : if he shall lay down his life for siu, he heritance of the servants of the Lord, and their
shall see a long-lived seed, and the will of the justice with me, sailh the Lord.
Lord shall be prosperous iu his hand.
11 Because his soul hath laboured, he shall
Bee and be filled by his knowledge shall this my
God promises abundance of spiritual grace* t»
just servant justify many, and he shall bear tlieir the faithful, that shall believe in Christ out of
iniqiiities. all nations, and sincerely serve him,

12 Tiierefore will I distribute to him very many,

and he shall divide the spoils of the strong, be-
you that thirst, come to the waters and
you that have no money, make haste, buy,

cause he hath delivered his soul unto death, and and eat: come ye, buy wine and milk without
was reputed with the wicked and he hath borne money, and without any price.

the sins of many, and hath prayed for the trans- 2 Why do you spend money for that which is
gressors. not bread, and your labour for that which doth
not satisfy you ? Hearken diligently to me, and
CHAP. LIV. eat that which is good, and your soul shall be
The gentiles, who were barren before, shnll multi- delighted in fatness.
ply in the church of Christ: from which God's 3 Incline your ear, and come to me : hear, and
mercy shall never depart. your soul shall live, and I will make an ever-
GIVE praise, O thou barren that bearest not;
sing forth praise, and make a joyful noise,
lasting covenant with you, the faithful mercies of
tliou that diilst not travail with child : for many 4 Behold, I have given him for a witness to
are the children of the desolate, more than of her the people, for a leader and a master to the gen-
that hath a husband, saith the Lord. tiles.
2 Enlarije the place of thy tent, and stretch 5 Behold, thou shah call a nation, which thou
out the skins of thy tabernacles, spare not knewest not: and the nations that knew not
lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes. thee shall run to thee, because of the Lord thy
3 For tliou shaltpasson to the right hand, and God, and for the holy One of Israel, for he hath
to the left : and thy seed shall inherit the gen- glorified thee.
tiles, and shall inhabit the desolate cities. 6 Seek ye the Lonl, while he may be found'
•1 Fear not, for thou shalt not be confounded,! upon him, while he is near.
nor blush: for thou shall not be put to shame,! 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the un
because thou shaltforget the shame of thy yotith,| just man his thoughts, and let him return to the
and shalt remember no more the reproach of th}' Lord, and he will have mercy on hira, and to our
widowhood. God : for he is bountiful to forgive.
5 For he that made thee shall rule over thee, 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts : nor
the Lord of hosts is his name and thy Redeem- your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

er, the holy One of Israel, shall be called the God 9 For as the heavens are exalted above the
of all the earth. r earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways,
6 For the Lord hath called thee as a woman and my thoughts above your thoughts.
forsaken, and mourning in spirit, and as a wife 10 And as the rain and the snow come down
cast off from her youth, said thy God. from heaven, and return no more thither, but
7 For a small moment have I forsaken thee, soak the earth, and water it, and make it to
but with great mercies will I gather thee. spring, and give seed to the sower, and bread to
8 In a moment of indignation have I hid my the eater:
face a little while from thee, hut with everlasting 11 So shall my word be, which shall ^o forth
kindness have I had mercy on thee, said the Lord from my mouth: it shall not return to me void,
tliy Redeemer. but it shall do whatsoever I please, and shall
9 This thing is to me as in the days of Noe, to prosper in the thinffs for which I sent it.
whom I swore, that I would no more bring in the 12 For you shall go out with joy, and be led
waters of Noe upon the earth so have I sworn forth with peace : the mountains and the hills

not to be angry with thee, and not to rebuke thee. shall sing praise before you, and all the trees of
10 For the mountains shall be moved, and the the country shall clap their hands.
hills shall tremble but my mercy shall not de-
13 Insteadof the shrub shall come up the fir-
part from thee, and the covenant of my peace tree, and instead of the nettle, shall come up the
shall not be moved : said the Lord that hath iner myrtle-tree: and the Lord shall be named for an
cy on thee. everlasting sign, that shall not be taken away.
11 O poorliltle one, tossed with tempest, with-
out all comfort, behold, I will lay thy stones in CHAP. LVL
order, and will lay thy foundations with sap- God invites all to keep his commandment* : ih$
phires, gentiles that keep them shnll be the people f
12 And I will make thy bulwarks of jasper: God : Oie Jewish pastors are reproved.
and tliy gates of graven stones, and all thy bor- HUS saith the Lord: Keep ye judgment,
ders of desirable stones. T"
and do justice; for my salvation is near to
13 All thv chililreu skaH he taught of the Lord come, and mv justice to be revealed.

isA great shall \)e the p'^ace of thv children. 2 BU'ssed is the man that doeth this, and the
lA And thou shalt be fbuB led i.i justice: de-i son of man that shall lav hold on this: that keep
: :


etli the sabbath from profaning it, tliat keepeth 10 Thou hast been wearied in the multitude ol
Lis hands from doing any evil. thy ways : yet tliou saidst not : I \nll re «t : thoo
3 And let not the son of tlie stranger, that ad- hast found life of thy hand, therefore thju ha>t
bereth to the Lord, speak, saying : The Lord will not asked.
divide and separate me from his people. And 11 For whom hast thou been solicit »us and
let not the eunuch say : Behold, I am a dry tree. afraid, that thou hast lied, and hast e Dt been
4 For thus saith the Lord to the eunuchs : mindful of me, nor thought on me in thy heart 7
They that shall keep my sabbaths, and shall for I am silent, and as one that seeth not, and
choose the things that please me, and shall hold thou hast forgotten me.
fas*, my covenant 12 I will declare thy justice, and thy works
5 give to them in my house, and within
I will shall not profit thee.
my walls, a place, and a name better than sons 13 When thou shalt cry, let thy companies
»nd daugliters : I will give them an everlasting deliver thee, but the winds shall cany them all
name, which shall never perish. off,a breeze shall take them away : but ho that
6 And the children of the stranger that adhere pulteth his trust in me, shall inherit the land,
to the Lord, to worship him, and to love his name, and shall possess my holy mount.
to be his servants ; every one tliat keepeth the 14 And I will say : Make a way : give free pas-
sabbath from profaning it, and that holdetli fast sage, turn out of the path, lake away the stum-
my covenant bling-blocks out of the way of my people.
I will bring them into
7 my
holy mount, and 15 For thus saith the High and the Eminent
will make them joyful in my
house of prayer; that inhabiteth eternity : and his name is Holy,
their holocausts, and their victims shall please who dwelleth in the high and holy place, and
me upon my altar : for my
house shall be called with a contrite and humble spirit : to revive the
the house of prayer for all nations. spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of
8 The Lord God, who gathereth the scattered the contrite.
of Israel, saith I will still gather unto him his
: 16 Fori will not contend forever, neither will
congregation. I be angry unto the end : because the spirit shall
9 All ye beasts of the field come to devour, all go forth from my face, and breathings I will
ye beasts of the forest. make.
10 His watchmen are all blind, they are all 17 For the iniquity of his covetousness I was
ignorant : dumb dogs not able to bark, seeing vain angry, and I struck him I hid my face from

things, sleeping and loving dreams. thee, and was angry and he went away wan-

11 And most impudent dogs, they never had dering in his own heart.
enough : the shepherds themselves knew no un- 18 I saw his ways, and I healed him, and
derstanding : all have turned aside into their brought him back, and restored comforts to him,
own way, every one after his own gain, from the and to them that mourn for him.
first even to the last. 19 I created the fruit of the lips, peace, peace
12 let us take wine, and be filled with to him that is far off, and to him that is near, said
drunkenness: and it shall be as to-day, so also the Lord, and I healed him.
to-morrow, and much more. 20 But the wicked are like the raging sea,
which cannot rest, and the waves thereof cast up
CHAP. LVH. dirt and mire.
The infidcliti/ of the Jews : their idolatry, Pro- 21 There is no peace to the wicked, saith tha
mises to humble penitents. Lord God.
THE just perisheth, and no man layeth it to
heart, and men of mercy are taken away, CHAP. LVIII.
oecause there is none that understandeth, for the
God rejects ike hypocriticalfasts of the Jews : ie
just man is taken away from before the face of
commends works of mercy, aiid sincere god
2 Let peace come, let him rest in his bed that
nath walked in his uprightness.
3 But draw near hither, you sons of the
CRY, cease not,
pet, and shew

up thy voice
like a trum
people their wicked do
sorceress, the seed of the adulterer, and of the ings, and the house of Jacob their sins.
narlot. 2 For they seek me from day to day, and de
4 Upon whom have you jested ? upon whom sire to know my ways, as a nation that hath done
have you opened your mouth wide, and put out justice, and hath not forsaken the judgment of
your tongue ? are not you wicked children, a their God :they ask of me the judgments of jus-
false seed : tice : they are willing to approach to God.
5 Who seek your comfort in idols under every 3 Why have we fasted, and thou hast not re-
green tree, sacrificing children in the torrents, garded ; have we humbled our souls, and thou
under the high rocks? hast not taken notice ? Behold, in the day of
6 In the parts of the torrent is thy portion, this your fast your own will is found and you exact

is thy lot : and thou hast poured out libations to of all your debtors.
them, thou hast offered sacrifice. Shall I not be 4 Behold, you fast for debates and strife, and
nngry at these things ? strike with the fist wickedly. Do not fast as you
7 Upon a high and lofty mountain thou hast have done until this day, to make your cry to b«
laid thy bed, and hast gone up thither to offer heard on high.
victims. 5 Is this such a fast as I have chosen ; for a
8 And behind the door, and behind the post man to afflict his soul for a day ? is this it, to
riiou hast set up thy remembrance : for thou l)ast wind his head about like a circle, and to spread
discovered thyself near me, and hast receiwd an sackcloth and ashes ? wilt thou call this a fast,
adulterer : thou hast enlarged thy bed, and made and a day acceptable to the Lord ?
a covenant with them: thou hast loved their bed 6 Is not this rather the fast that I have chosen T
with open hand. loose the bands of wickedness; undo the bundles
9 And thou hast adorned thyself for the king that oppress; let them that are broken, go free,
with ointment, and hast multiplied thy perfumes. and break asunder every burden.
Thou hast sent thy messengers far off, and wast 7 Deal thy bread to the hungry ; and bring th«
debased even to hell. ineedy and the harbourless into thy house : whea


thou shall see one naked, cover him and despise have stumbled at noon-day as in durknesB* wean
not lliy own flosh. in dark places as dead men.
8 'I lion slmll thy light break forth as the 11 VVe shall roar all of us like bears, and shall
morning; and thy iiealth shall speedily arise; lament as mournful doves. We have looked for
and thy justice sIkiU go before thy face; and the judgment, and there is none; for salvation and it
glory of the Lord shall gulher thee up. is far from us.
9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall 12 For our iniquities are multiplied before

hear tliou shalt cry, and he slmll say

: Here I thee and our sins have testified against us for
: ; :

am. If thou wilt take away the chain out of the our wicked doings are with us, and we have
midst of thee, and cease to stretch out tlie finger, known our iniquities,
and to speak that which profiteth not. 13 In sinning and lying against the Lord : and
10 When thou shalt pour out thy soul to the we have turned away, so that we went away not
hungry, and shalt satisfy the afflicted soul, then after our God, but spoke calumny and transgres-
Bhall thy light rise up in darkness, and thy dark- sion we have conceived, and uttered from the

ness shall be as the noon-day. heart, words of falsehood.

11 And the Lord will give thee rest continually, 14 And judgment is turned away backward
and will fill thy soul witii brightness, and deliver and justice hath stood far oflf: because truth hatli
thy bones and thou shalt be like a watered gar- fallen down in the street, and equity could not

den, and like a fountain of water, whose waters come in.

glial not fail.
1 15 And truth hath been forgotten : and he that
12 Ami the places that have been desolate for departed from evil, lay open to be a prey: and
ages, shall be built in thee thou shalt raise up the Lord saw, and it appeared evil in his eyes,

the foundations of generation and generation because there is no judgment.


and thou shalt be called the repairer of the fences, 16 And he saw tliat there is not a man: and he
turning the paths into rest. stood astonished, because there is none to oppose
13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sab- himself: and his own arm brought salvation to
bath, from doing thy own will in my holy day, him, and his own justice supported him.
luid call the sabbath delightful, and the holy of 17 He put on justice as a breast-plate, and a
the Lord glorious, and glorify him, while thou helmet of salvation upon his head: he put on tho
dost not thy own ways, and thy own will is not garments of vengeance, and was clad with zeal as
found, to speak a word : with a cloak.
14 Then shalt thou be delighted in the Lord 18 As unto revenge, as it were to repay wrath

and I will lift thee up above the high places of to his adversaries and a reward to his enemies:

tlie earth, and will feed thee with the inheritance he will repay the like to the islands.
of Jacob thy father. For the mouth of t*'e Lord 19 And they from the west, shall fear the name
hath spoken it. of the Lord; and they from the rising of the sun,
CHAP. LIX. his glory I
when he shall come a.s a violent

[Stream, which the spirit of the Lord driveth on :

The dreadful evil of sin is dixplayed, as the great 20 And there shall come a redeemer to Sion,
obstnrle to all i^ood froni God : yet he will send I

and to them that return from iniquity in Jacob,

a Redeemer, and make an everlasting doveruiTil isaith the Lord.
vithhis rhureh.
21 This is my covenant* with them, saith the

BEHOLD, the hand of the ton! is not short [Lord: My spirit that is in thee, and my words
ened, that it cannot save; neither is his ear ;that I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart
heavy, that it cannot hear. jout of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy
2 But your iniquities have divided between jseed nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith
you and your God and your sins have hid his [the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.

{ace from you, that he should not hear.

3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and !
your fingers with iniquity: your lips have spoken The light of true faith shall shine forth in the
lies, and your tongue uttereth iniquity. church of Christ, arid shall be spread through
4 There is none who calleth upon justice all nations, and continue through all ages.
neither is there any one, who judgeth truly but
A RISE, be enlightened, O Jerusalem: for thy
they trust in a mere nothing, and speak vanities jIjL light is come, and the glory of the Lord is

they have conceived labour, and brought forth risen upon thee.
iniquity. 2 For behold darkness shall cover the earth,
5 They have broken the eggs of asps, and have and a mist the people but the Lord shall arise

woven the wel)s of spiders: he who shall eat of upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
their e^js slmll die :and that which is brought 3 And the gentiles shall walk in thy light, and
out shall be hatched into a basilisk. kings in the brightness of thy rising.
fi Their webs shall not be for clothin?; neither 4 Lift up thy eyes round about, and see: all
shall thev cover themselves with their works these are gntliere'd together, they are come to

their works are unprofitable work9,^nd the work thee thy sons shall come from afar, and thj

of iniquity is in their hands. daughters shall rise up at thy side.

7 Their feet run to evil, and make haste to 5 Then shalt thou see, and abound, and thy
shed innocent blood: their thoughts are unpro- heart shall wonder and be enlarged, when the
fitable thoughts : wasting and destruction are in multitude of the sea shall be converted to thee
their ways the strength of the gentiles shall come to thee.
8 They Viave not known the way of peace 6 The multitude of camels shall cover thee,
and there is no jiidsmpnt in their steps: their the dromedaries of Madian and Epha: all they
pntlis are become crooked to them: everyone from Saba shall come, bringing gold and frankin-
that treadeth in them, knoweth no peace. cense, and shewine forth praise to the Lord.
9 Therefore is judgment far from us, and jus- 7 All the flocks of Cedar shall be gathered to-
tice shall not overtake us. We
looked for light, gether unto thee; the rams of Nabaioth shall
and behold, darkness; brightness and we have
walked in tlie dark. * This is my covenant, &c. Note here a clear
10 We have groped for the wall and like the promise of perpetual orthodoxy to the church of

klied we have groped, as if we had no eyes wc Christ. :

: :

niinister to thee they shall be offered upon my
: and the day of vengeance of our God^ to com
acceptable altar, and I will glorify tlie house of fort all that mourn.
my majesty. 3 To appoint to the mourners of Sion, and to
8 Wlio are these, that fly as clouds, and as give them a crown for ashes, the oil of joy for
doves to their windows ? mourning, a garment of praise for the spirit of
9 For, the islands wait for me, and the ships of grief: and they shall be called in it the mighty
the sea in the beginning ; that I may bring thy ones of justice, the planting of the Lord to glori-
sons from afar; their silver, and their gold with fy him.
them, to the name of the Lord thy God, and to the And they shall build the places that have
holy One of Israel, because he hatli glorified thee been waste from of old, and shall raise up ancient
10 And tlie children of strangers shall build up ruins, and shall repair the desolate cities, that
thy walls ; and their kings shall minister to thee : were destroyed for generation and generation.
for in my wrath have 1 struck thee, and in my 5 And strangers shall stand and shall feed ytxir
reconciliation have 1 had mercy upon thee. flocks and the sons of strangers shall be your

11 And thy gates shall be open continually husbandmen, and the dressers of your vines
they shall not be shut day nor night, tliat the 6 But you shall be called the priests of the
strength of the gentiles may be brought to tliee, Lord to you it shall be said: Ye ministers of

and their kings may be brought. our God: you shall eat the riches of the gentiles,
12 For the natiofi and the kingdom that will and you shall pride yourselves in their glory.
not serve thee, shall perish : and the gentiles shall 7 For your double confusion and shame, they
be wasted with desolation. shall praise their part : therefore shall they re-
13 The glory of Libanus shall come to thee, ceive double in their land, everlasting joy shall
the firs-tree, and the box-tree, and the pine-tree to be unto them.
gether, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; 8 For I am the Lord that love judgment, and
and I will glorify the place of my feet. hate robbery in a holocaust : and I will make
14 And the children of tliem that afflict thee, their work in truth, and I will make a perpetual
shall come bowing down to thee, and all that slan covenant with them.
der<^d, shall worship the steps of thy feet, and 9 And they shall know their seed among the
shall call thee the city of the Lord, the Sion of the gentiles, and their oflspring in the midst of peo-
holy One of Israel. ples ; all that sliall see tliem, shall know them,
15 Because thou wast forsaken, and hated, and that these are the seed which the Lord hath
there was none that passed through thee, I will blessed.
make thee to be an everlasting glory, a joy unto 10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, and my
generation and generation soul shall be joyful in my God: for he hath clo-
16 And thou shall suck the milk of the gentiles, thed me with the garments of salvation: and
and thou shall be nursed with the breasts of with the robe ofjuslice he hijth covered me, as a
kings and thou shall know that I am the Lord
: bridegroom decked with a crown, and as a bride
thy Saviour, and thy Redeemer, the mighty One adorned with her jewels.
of Jacob. 11 For as the earth bringeth forth herbud, and
17 For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I as the garden causeth her seed to shoot forth ; so
will bring silver and for wood brass, and for
; shall the Lord God make justice to spring forth,
stones iron: and I will make thy visitation peace, and praise before all ihe nations.
and thy overseers justice. fcHAP. LXII.
18 Iniquity shall no more be heard in thy land,
wasting nor destruction in thy borders ; and sal-
The prophet trill not cease from preaching
Christ : to whom all naiimis shall be converted :
vation shall possess ihy walls, and praise thy
and ttkose church shall continuefor ever.
Thou shall no more* have the sun for thy
by day, neither shall the brightness of the
Sion's sake, I will not hold my peace,
and for the sake of Jerusalem, I will not rest,
moon enlighten thee but the Lord shall be unto till her just One come forth as brightness, and

thee for an everlasting light, and thy God for thy her saviour be lighted as a lamp.
glory. 2 And the gentiles shall see thy just One, and
20 Thy sun shall go down no more, and thy all kings thy glorious One ; and thou shall be
moon shall not decrease for the Lord shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the

unto thee for an everlasting light, and the days Lord shall name.
of thy mourning shall be ended. 3 And thou shall be a crown of glory in the
21 And thy people sliall he all just they shall hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in me hand

inherit the land for ever, the branch of my plant- of thy God.
ing, the work of my hand to glorify me. 4 Thou shalt no more be called Forsaken and :

22 The least shall become a thousand, and a thy land shall no more be called Desolate but :

little one a most strong nation I the Lord will thou shalt be called My pleasure in her, and thy

suddenly do this thing in its time. 'and inhabited. Because tlie Lord hath been
well pleased ^viih thee, and thy land shall be in-
CHAP LXI. habited.
The office of Christ mission of ike Apostles:
: the 5 For the young man shall dwell with the vir-
the happiness of (heir converts. and thy children shall dwell in thee. And

THE Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because

the Lord hath anointed me he hath sent
the bridegroom shall rejoice over the bride, and
thy God shall rejoice over thee.

me to preach to the meek, to heal the contrite 6 Upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, I have ap-
of heart, and to preach a release to the captives,pointed watchmen all the day, and all the night
and deliverance to them that are shut up they shall never hold their peace. You that are

2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, mindful of the Lord, hold not your peace,
7 And eive him no silence till he establish,
* Tkoii shalt no more, &,c. In this latter part and till he make Jerusalem a praise in Ihe
of the chapter, the prophet passes from the illus earth.
trious promises made to ti)e church militant on 8 The Lord hath sworn by his right hand, and
earth, to the glory of the church triumphant in by the arm of his strength surely I will no more :

heaven. give thy corn to be meat for thy enemies and :

: ;


ibe sons of the straneer shall not drluk tliy wine.f thou lead thy people to make thyself a glorioo*
for wliich thou hast laboureil. name.
9 For ihey that gather it shall eat it, and shall 15 Look down from heaven, and behold from
praise the Lord and they that bring it together,
: thy holy habitation and the place of thy glory :
aliall drink it in my holy courts. where is thy zeal, and thy strength, the multitude
10 Go through, go through the gates, prepare of thy bowels, and of thy mercies ? They have
the way for the people, make the road plain, held'backt themselves from me.
pick out the stoues, and lift up tlie standard to 16 For thou art our father, and Abraham luth
the people. not known us,| and Israel hath been ignorant of
11 Behold, the Lord hath made it to be heard us: tliou, O Lord, art our father, our redeemer,
in theends of the earth, tell the daughter of Sion from everlasting is thy name.
Behold, thy Saviour cometh behold, his reward : 17 Why hast thou made us to err,5 OLord,
b with liiui, and his work before him. from thy ways ? why hast thou hardened our
12 And they shall call tlieni The holy people. : heart, that we should not fear thee? return for
The redeemed of the Lord. But thou shalt be the sake of thy servants, the tribes of thy inherit-
called A city sought after, and not forsaken.
: ance.
18 They have possessed thy holy people as
CHAP. LXHL nothing our enemies have trodden down thy

ChrisCs victory over his enemies: his mercies sanctuary.

to his people : their complaint. 19 We are become as in the beginning, when
WHO is this tliat cometh from Edom,* with
dyed garment? from Bosra, this beautiful
thou didst not rule over us, and when we were
not called by thy name.
one walking in the greatness of his
in his robe,
strength ? I, that speak justice, and am a de- CHAP. LXIV.
fender to save. The jy)-ophet prays for the release of his people,
2 Why then is thy apparel red, and thy gar- and for the remission of their sins.
ments like theirs that tread in the wine-press ?
3 I have trodden the wine-press alone, and of
OTHAT thou wouldst rend heavens, and
wouldst come down the mountains would

the gentiles there is not a man with me : I have

melt away at thy presence.
trampled on them in my indignation, and have 2 They would melt as at the burning of fire,
trodden them down in my wrath, and their blood the waters would burn with fire, that thy name
is sprinkled upon my garments, and I have might be made known to thy enemies ; that the
stained all my apparel.
nations might tremble at thy presence.
4 For the day of vengeance is in my heart: the 3 Wiien" thou shalt do wonderful things, we
year of my redemption is come. shall not bear ihem thou didst come down, and

5 I looked about, and there was none to help :

at thy presence the mountains melted away.
I sought, and there was none to give aid anc
4 From the beginning of the world they have

my own arm hath saved for me, and my indigna not heard, nor perceived with the ears tlie eye

tion itself hath helped me. hath not seen, O God, besides thee, what things
6 And I have trodden down the people in my thou hast prepared for them that wait for thee.
wrath, and have made them drunk in my indig- 5 Thou hast met him that rejoiceth, anddoeth
nation, and have brought down their strength to
justice in thy ways they shall remember thee :

the earth
behold, thou art angry, and we have siimed in

7 I will remember the tender mercies of the

them we have been always, and we shall be
Lord, the praise of the Lord for all the things
that the Lord hath bestowed upon us, and for the
6 And we are all become as one unclean, and
multitude of his good things to the house of Is-
all our justicesll as the rag of a menstruous wo-
rael, which he hath given them according to his
man: and we have all fallen as a leaf, and our
kindness, and according to the multitude of his
iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
7 There is none that calleth upon thy name
8 And he said: Surely they are my people,
that riseth up, and taketh hold of thee thou hast

children that will not deny so he became their

hid thy face from us, and hast crushed us in tlie
hand of our iniquity.
9 In all their affliction he was not troubled,
8 And now, O Lord, thou art our father, and
and the angel of his presence saved them : in
tiis love, and in his mercy, he redeemed them,

and he carried them and lifted them up all the t They have held hack, (fee. This is spoken
days of old. by the prophet in the person of the Jews at the
iO But they provoked to wrath, and afflicted time when for dieir sins they were given up to
the spirit of his holy One : and he was turned to their enemies.
be their enemy, and he fought against them. X Abraham hath not knmcn us, &c. That is,
11 And he remembered the days of old of Abraham will not now acknowledge us for his
Moses, and of his people Where is he that children, by reason of our degeneracy : but thou,

brought them up out of tlie sea, with the shep O Lord, art our true father and our redeemer,
herds of his flock ? where is he that put in the and no otiier can be called our parent in compa-
midst of them the spirit of his holy One ? rison with thee.
12 He that hrousht out Moses by the right $ Made vs to err, &c. hardened onr heart, &,c.
hand, bv th ^ arm of his majestv : that divided the The meanins is, that God in punishment of their
waters before them, to make himself an everlast- jreat and njaiiiroUi crimes, and their lonsr abuse
ing name. of his mercy and grace, had withdrawn his srra-
13 He that led them out throncrh thedeep, as a '•es from tliem, and so given them up to error and
horse in the wilderness thnt stumbleth not. hardness of heart.
14 As a b^ast tliat gocth down in the field, Oi(r justices, &c. That is, the works by

the spirit of tlie Lord was their leader: bo didst which we pretended to make ourselves just.
This is spoken parlicidariy of the sacrifices,
• Edam. Edom and Bosra (a strong i-ity of '•iicraments, and ceremonies of the Jews after the
EdoDi) are here taken in a mystical sense for :h death of Christ, and the promulgation of the n«w
«aeinies of Christ and his church. law.
3 R 909


we are clay : and thou art our maker, and we all swearetli in the earth, shall swear by God,aineni
»re the works of thy liandi?. because the former distresses are forgotten, and
9 Be not very angry, O Lord, and remember because they are hid from my eyes.
no longer our iniquity : behold, see we are all thy 17 For behold, I create new heavens, and a
people. new earth : and the former things shall not be in
10 The city of thy sanctuary is become a de- remembrance, and they shall not come upon tlio
sert; Sion is made a desert; Jerusalem is de- heart.
solate. 18 But you shall be glad and rejoice for ever
11 The house, of our holiness, and of our glory, m
these things, which I create : for behold, I
where our fathers praised thee, is burnt with fire, create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and Uie people
and all our lovely things are turned into ruins thereof joy.
12 Wilt thou refrain thyself, O
Lord, upon 19 And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy :c
these things ? wilt thou hold thy peace, and af- my people ; and the voice of weeping shall no
flict us vehemently 7 more be heard in her, nor the voice ol crying.
20 There shall no more be an infant of days
CHAP. LXV. there, nor an old man that shall not fill up hia
The gentiles shall seek and find Christ : but the days: for the child shall die a hundred years old,
Jews Kill persecute him, and be rejected : only and the sinner being a hundred years old shall be
a remnant shall be reserved. The church shall accursed.
multiply, and abound with, graces. 21 And they shall build houses, and inhabit
THEY have sought me that before asked not them
for me, have found me, that sought me the
and they shall plant vineyards, and eat

fruits of
not. I said: Behold me, behold me, to a nation 22 They shall not build and another inhabit:
that did not call upon my name. they shall not plant, and another eat : for as the
2 I iiave spread forth my hands all the day to days of a tree, so aliall be the days of my people,
an unbelieving people, who walk in a way that and the works of their hands shall be of long con-
isnot good, after their own thoughts ; tinuance.
3 A people that continually provoke me to an- 23 My
elect shall not labour in vain, nor bring
ger before my face ; that immolate in gardens, forth trouble : for thev are the seed of the
and sacrifice upon bricks; blessed of the Lord, atid their posterity with
4 That dwell in sepulchres, and sleep in the them.
temple of idols ; that eat swine's flesh, and profane , 24 And it shall come to pass, that before they
broth is in their vessels; call, I will hear : as they are yet speaking, I will
5 That say : Depart from me, come not near hear.
me, because thou art unclean these shall be
: 25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together:
smoke in my anger, a fire burning all the day the lion and the ox shall eat straw and dust :

6 Behold, it is written before me : I will not shall be the serpent's food they shall not hurt,

be silent, but I will render and repay into their nor kill in all mv holv mountain, saith the Lord.
bosom, CHAP. LXVI.
7 Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your
More of the reprobation of the Jews, and of the
fathers together, saith the Lord, who have sacri-
call of the gentiles,
ficed upon the mountains, and have reproached
me upon tlie hills; and I will measure back their THUS saith the Lord : Heaven is my throne,
and the earth my footstool : what is this
first work in their i)osom.
8 Thus saith the Lord : As if a grain be found house* that you will build to me ? and what ia
in a cluster, and it be said : Destroy it not, be- this place of my rest?
cause it is a blessing : so will I do for the sake 2 My
hand made all these things, and all these
of my servants, that I may not destroy the whole. things were made, saith the Lord. But to whom
9 And I will bring forth a seed out of Ja- shall I have respect, but to him that is poor and
cob, and out of Juda a possessor of my moun- little, and of a contrite spirit,
and that trembleth
tains: and my elect shall inherit it, and my ser at my words ?
3 He that sacrificeth an ox,t is as if he sicw a
vants sIimH dwell there.
10 And the plains shall be turned to folds of man : he that killeth a sheep in
sacrifice, as if he

Achor should brain a dog: he that oflereth an oblation,

flocks, and the valley of into a place for
the herds to lie down in, for my people that have as if he should offer
swine's blood he that re- :

sought me. niembereth inccnse,t as if he should bless an

11 And you, that have forsaken the Lord, that idol. All these things have they chosen in their
have forgotten my holy mount, that set a table ways, and their soul is delighted in their abomi-
for fortune, and oflier libations upon it
12 I will number you in the sword, and you 4 Wherefore I also will choose their mock-
shall all fall by slaughter: because I called, and eries ;^ and will bring
upon them the things they
you did not answer : I spoke, and you did not feared because I called, and there was none

hear: and yon did evil in my eyes, and you have that would answer : I have spoken, and they
chosen the things tliat displease me. heard not : and they have done evil in my eyes,
13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold, and have chosen the things that displease me.
my servants shall eat, and you shall be huns:ry 5 Hear the word of the Lord, you that tremble
behold, my servants shall drink, and you shall be
thirsty. * What is this house, &c. This is a prophecy
14 Behold, my servants shall rejoice, and you that the temple should be cast ofT.
shall be confounded : behold, my servants shall t He that sacrificeth an ox, &c. This is a pro-
praise for joyfulness of heart, and you shall cry phecy, that the sacrifices vhich were offered in
for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for grief of the old law should he abolished in the new ; and
spirit. that the offering of them should be a crime.
15 And you shall leave your name for an exe t Remembereth incense, viz. To offer it in the
cration to mv elect: and the Lord Rod shall slay wav of a sacrifice.
thee, and call his servants by another name: 6 I will choose their mockeries. I will turn
16 In which he that is blessed upon the earth their mockeries upon themselves ; and will caus6
•hall be blessed in God, amen: and he that them to be mocked by their enemies.


at liis word : Your brethren that hate you, and 15 For behold, tlie Lord w.ll come with fira,
coat you out for my name's sake, liave said : Let and his chariots are like a whirlwind, to render
the Lord be glorified, and we siiall see in your his wrath in indignation, and his rebuke witli
joy: but tJiey shall be confoundod. flames «f fire.
6 A voice of me peoiile from the city, a voice 16 For the Lord shall judge by fire, and by his
from the temi)le, the voice of the Lord that ren- sword unto all flesh : and tlie slain of the Lord
deretli recompence to his enemies. shall be many.
7 Before she was in labour,* she brought forth : 17 They that were sanctified, and thought
before her time came to be delivered she brought themselves clean in the gardens behind the gate
forth a man-child. within, they that did eat swine's flesh, and the
8 Who hath ever heard such a thing? and who abomination, and the mouse : they shall be con-
hath seen the like to this ? shall the earth i)ring sumed together, saith the Lord.
fortli iu one day? or shall a nation be brought 18 But I kiiow their works, and their thoughts
feirth Dt once, because Sioii hatli been in labour, I come that I may gather them together with all
tnd h.ith iirouglit forth her children ? nations and tongues : and they shall come, and
9 .Shall not I that make others to bring forth shall see my glory.
children, myself bring forth, suith the Lord? shall 19 And I will set a sign among them, and I
I, that give generation to others, be barren, sailh will send of them, that shall be saved, to the gen-

the Lord thy God? tiles into the sea, into Africa, and Lydia, them
10 Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with that draw the bow; into Italy, and Greece, to
her, all you that love her rejoice for joy with the islands afar off, to them that have not heard

her, nil you that mourn for her. of me, and have not seen my glory. And they
11 Tliat you may suck, and be filled with the shall declare my glory to the gentiles :
breasts of her consolations : that you may milk 20 And they shall bring all your brethren out
out, and flow with delights from the abundance of all nations for a gift to the Lord, upon horses,
of her glory. and in chariots, and iu litters, and on mules, and
12 For thus saith the Lord : Behold, I will in coaches, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith
bring upon her as it were a river of peace, and as the Lord, as if the children of Israel should bring
an overflowing torrent the glory of the gentiles, an oflTering in a clean vessel into the house of the
which you shall suck: you shall be carried at Lord.
the breasts, and upon the knees they shall ca- 21 And I will take of them to be priests and
ress you. Levites, saith the Lord.
13 As one whom the mother caresseth, so will 22 For as the new heavens, and the new earth,
I comfort you, and you shall be comforted in Je- which I make to stand before me, saith the Lord;
rusalem. so shall your seed stand, and your name.
14 You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice, 23 And there shall be month after month, and
and your bones shall flourish like an herb; and sabbath after sabbath ; and all flesh shall come
die hand of the Lord shall be known to his ser- to adore before my face, saith the Lord.
vamij : and he shall be angry with his enemies. 24 And they shall go out, and see the carcass-
es of the men that have transgressed against me
" Before she was in labour, &c. This relates their worm shall not die, and their fire shall not
to the conversion of the gentiles, who were born, be quenched : and they shall be a loathsome sight
as it were all on a sudden to the church of God. to all flesh.


Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoih, a 3 And which came to him in the days of Joa-
priestly city in the tribe of Benjamin, and vas kini the son of Josian king of Juda, unto the end
ganctified from his mother's uomb, to he a pro- of the eleventh year of Sedecias the son of Josiaa
phet of God ; ichick ofpce he began to execute king of Juda, even unto the carrying away of Je-
when he was yet a child in age. He teas in rusalem captive, in the fifth month.
his whole life, according to the signification of 4 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
his name, great before the Lord and a special
; ing:
figure of Jesus Christ, in 'he persecutions he 5 Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mo-
vnilerirent for dischargin r his duty ; in his ther, I knew thee, and before thou earnest forth
charity for his persecutors : and in the violent out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee
death he suffered at their hands: it being an a projjliet unto the nations.
ancient tradition of the Hcliretrs, that lie was 6 And I said: Ah, ah, ah. Lord God : behold,
stoned to death by the remnant of the Jews who I cannot sneak, for I am a child.
had retired mlo Egypt. 7 And tlie Lord said to me Say not I am a
: :

child for thou shalt co to all that I shall send


thee and whatsoever I shall command thee, thou


The time, and the

callimr, of Jeremias ; his pro- shalt speak.
phetical visions. God encourages him. 8 He not afraid at their presence: fori am
THE words of Jeremias
of the priests that
the son of Helcias,
in Anathoth, in the
with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.
9 And the Lord put forth his hand, and touched
land of Henjamin. my mouth and the Lord said to nie Behold, I
: :

2 The word of the Lord wliich came to him in have given my words in thy mouth :

the days of Jnsias the son of Atnon king of Juda, 10 Lo, 1 have set thee this day over ihe nations,
ill the tliirteenth vearof his reign. and over kingdoms, to root up, and to pull down»

and to waste, aad to destroy, and
and with you, saith the Lord, and I will
" to build,
to pldllt. plead wids
your chddren.
• ^r",'^
Lord came to me, say-
^'^^ "'"''^ '''"'^^
10 Pass over to the isles of Ceiliim;
ing: What seest thou, Jeremias? And and see :
I*aid: I and send mto Cedar, and
see a rod watching. consider diliffentlv •

and see if there hath been done any

''"^ ^°'''' ^*^'^ thing lika
Vt* ^r"''
'° "'^ • "^'^ou hast seen
well: for I will watch over my word to perform 11 If a nation hath changed their
gods, and in-
deed they are not gods: but my
13 And the word of the Lord came to people have
me a changed their glory into an idol. '^

second tmie, saying What seest thou ? And I :

12 Be astonished, O ye heavens,
said I see a boiling caldron, at this and :
and the face ye gates thereof, be very desolate, sahh
tliereof from the face of the north. the Lord
1.3 !> or my people have done
14 And the Lord said to me : From two evils. The v
tlie north have forsaken me, the fountain
shall an evil break forth upon all the of living water
inhabitants and have digged to themselves
of the land. cisterns, broken
ciistorns, that can hold no water.
15 For behold, I will call together all tlie
fa- 14 Is Israel a bondman, or a
milies of the kmgdoms of the north, saith home-born slave '
the why then is he become a prey ?
Lord and they shall come, and shall set everv
15 The lions have roared upon

one ills throne in the entrance of the gates of Je' him, and have
made a noise they have made his land
rusalem, and upon all the walls the'reof rou"nd :
a wil-
derness his cities are burnt down,
about, and upon all the cities of Juda. :
and there is
none to dwell in them.
If) And
pronounce mv judgments
I will
16 The children also of Memphis
against them, touching all their wickedness, who and of Taph-
nes have defloured thee, even
have forsaken me, and have sacrificed to strange to the crown of
the head.
gods, and have adored the work of their own
17 Hath not this been done
hands. to thee, because
thou hast forsaken the Lord thy
17 Thou tiierefore gird up thy loins, and
arise, when he led thee by
God at that time,
and speak to them all that I command thee. the way 1
Be 18 And now what hast thou to
not afraid at their presence: fori will do in the wav
make tiiee of i.gvpt, to drink the troubled water?
not to fear their countenance. And what
hast thou to do with the way of ,

18 For behold, I have made thee the Assyrians, to

this dav a' drink the water of
fortified city, and a pillar of iron,
the river ?
and a wall ofl 19 Thy own wickedness shall
brass, over all the land, to the kings of reprove thee-
Juda, to and thy apostacy shall rebuke
the princes tliereof, and to the priests, and
to the and see, that it
thee. Know thou'
people of the land. is'an evil and a bitter thin^ for
tliee, to have left the Lord
If) And they shall fight against thy God, and (hat my
thee, and shall ear is
not with thee, saith the Lord the
not prevail for I am with thee, saith the Lord,
God of
to deliver thee.
20 Of old time thou hast broken my
yoke, thou
hast burst my bands, and thou saidst:"l
will nut
For on every high
every hill, and under
God expostulates with the Jews for their ingrati- green tree thou didst
prostitute thyself.
tude and infidelity. 21 Yet I planted thee a chosen
vineyard, all
AND the word of the Lord came to me, say- true seed : how then art thou turned unto me into
ing : '^ '"°''
"°^'""&' O strange vine-
2 Go, and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, sav-
ing Thus saith the Lord: I have remembered 22 Though thou wash thyself with
: nitre, and
thee, pitying thy youth, and the love of multiply to thyself the herb
thy es- borith,t thou art
pousals, when thou followedst me in the
stained m
thy iniquity before me, saith
the Lord
m a land that is not sown.
3 Israel is holy to the Lord, the first-fruits of 23 How canst thou say I am
not polluted, I

his increase: all they that devour him have not walked after Baalim ? see
offend the ways in
evils shall come upon them, saith the Lord. the valley, know what thou hast
done as a swift :

4 Hear ye the word of the Lord, O house of

runner pursuing his course.
Jacob, and all ye families of the house of Israel 21 A wild ass accustomed to the wilderness
i> Thus saith
in the desire of his heart,
the Lord What iniquity have : snuffed up the wind of
your fathers found in me, that they are gone far his love: none sihall turn her away
all that seek

from me, and have walked after vanity, and are her .shall not fail : in her monthly
filth they shall
become vain find her.

A nd they have not said : Where is the 25 Keep thy foot from being bare,
and thv
Lord, ihat made us come up out of ihe land throat from thirst. But thou saidst I have lost
of all hope I will not do it: for

Egypt ? that led us throue:h the desert, through I have loved stran-
a land uninhabited and unpassable, through gers, and I will walk after them.
land of drought, and the image of death, thro^igh 26 As the thief is confounded when
he is ta-
a Innd, wherein no man walked, nor any ken, so is the house of Israel
man confounded, they
dwelt? and their kings, their princes and their
7 And
brought yon into the land of Carmel,*
and their prophets,
to eat the fruit thereof,
and the best things there- 27 Saying to a stock : Thou art my
father :

of and when ye entered in, yon defiled mv land and to a stone: Thou hast beffotten me:
: they
and made my inheritance an abomination.' have turned their back to me, and not their
8 Tlie and m the time of their affliction they
nriests did not say: Where is the will say
Lord and they that held the law knew me not,
Arise, and deliver us.
and the pastors transgressed against me and 28 Where are the gods, whom thou
: hast made
the pvophets prophesied in Baal, and followed tnee ! let them arise and deliver thee
in the time
idols. of thy affliction for according to
the number of
9 Therefore will I yet contend in judgment
tliy cities were thy gods,
O Juda.

Carmel. That '^" "'^'^ '« <=^*"^n 'Clothes, and

is, a fruitful, plentiful land, t.L^Z'^''- 'f j^
take out spots and dirt.


21) Why will in juilg- Juda hath not returned to me with her wholA
you contend with me
ment ? Vou have
forsaken me, saith the Lord. heart, but with falsehood, saith the Lord.
30 In vain have I struck your children, llicy 11 And the Lord said to me: Tl.e rebellious
have not received correction: your sword liuih de- Israel hath justified her soul, in comparison of
voured your prophets, your generation is like a the treacherous Juda.
ravaging lion. 12 Go, and proclaim these words towards the
31 See ye the word of the Lord: Am
I be- north, and thou shah say : Return, O rebellious
come a wilderness to Israel, or a lateward Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not turn away
springing land why then have my people said mv tace from you : for i am holy, sai'ih the Lord,
.' :

We are revolted, we will come to diee no and 1 will not be angry for ever.
more ? 13 But yet acknowledge thy iniouity, that thou
32 Will a virgin forget her ornament, or abride has transgressed against the Lord thy God and :

her stoumcher but my people have forgotten thou hast scattered thy ways to strangers under

me days without number. every green tree, and hast not heard my voice,
33 Why dost thou eudeavour to shew thy way sxit.'i Jie Lord.
good to seek my love, thou who hast also taught 14 Return, O
ye revolting children, saith the
thy malices to lie thy ways, Lord, for I am your husband: and I will take
34 And in thy skirts is found the blood of the you, one of a city, and two of a kindred, and will
Boulsofthe poor and innocent? not iti ditches liiin^ you into Sion.
have 1 found them, but in all places, which I men- 15 And I will give you pastors according to
tioned before. my own heart, and they shall feed you with
35 And thou hast said : I am without sin, an( knowledge and doctrine.
am innocent : and therefore let thy anger be It; Aiui when you shall be multiplied, and in-

turimd away from me. Behold, I will contend crease in the land in those days, saith the Lord,
with thee in judgment, because thou hast said I they shall say no more The ark of the cove- :

have not sinned. nant of the Lord : neither shall it come upon the
36 How exceeding base art thou become, going liearl, neither shall they I'emeinber it, neither
the same ways over again and thou shah be shall it be visited, neither shall that be done any

ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of As more.

Byria. 17 At that time Jerusalem shall be called the
37 For from thence thou shall go, and thy throne of the Lord: and all the nations shall be
hand shall be npon thy head : for the Lord hatl gathered together to it, in the name of the Lord
destroyed thy trust, and thou shall have nothing to Jerusalem, and they shall not walk after the
prosperous therein. perversity of their most wicked heart.
18 In those days the house of Juda shall go to
the house of Israel, and they shall come together
God invites the rebel Jewx to return to him, with out of the land of the north to the land which I
a promise to receive them: heforetels the con gave to your fathers.
version of the gentiles. 19 But said: How shall I put thee among

is said If a man put away his
and she go from him,anrl marry another
the children, and give thee a lovely land, the
goodly inheritance of the armies of the gentiles ?
man, shall he return to her any more ? shall not And I said Thou shah call me lather, and shall

that womanbe polluted, and defiled? but thou not cease to walk after me.
hast prostituted thyself to many lovers never- : 20 But as a woman that despiseth her lover,
tneless return to me, saith the Lord, and I will so hath the house of Israel despised ine, saith the
receive thee. Lord.
2 Lift up thy eyes on high: and see where 21 A voice was heard in the highways, weep-
thou ha'!t not prostituted thyself: thou didst sit ing and howling of the children of Israel because

in the ways, waiting for them as a robber in the they have made their way wicked, they have for
wilderness : and thou hast polluted the lanrl gotten the Lord their God.
with thy fornications, and with thy wicked- 22 Return, you rebellious children, and I will
ness. heal your rebellions. Behold, we come to thee:
3 Therefore the showers were withholden, and for thou art the Lord our God.
there was no lateward rain : thouhadst a harlot's 23 In very deed the bills were liars, and thn
foreliead, thou wouldst not blush. multitude of the mountains: truly in the Lord our
4 Therefore at the least from this time call to God is the salvation of Israel.
me : Thou art my father, the guide of my vir- 24 Confusion hath devoured the labour of our
ginitv fathers from our youth, their flocks and their
5 Wilt thou be anerv for ever, or wilt thou con herds, their sons and their daughters.
tinue unto the end ? i3ehold, thou hast spoken, 2,5 We shall sleep in our confusion, and our
and hast done evil things, and hast been able. shame shall cover us, because we have sinned
6 And the Lord said to me in the days of king against the Lord our God, we and our fathers
Josias: Hast thou seen what rebellious Israel from our youth even to this day : and we have
hath done ? she hath gone of herself upon every not hearkened to the voice of the Lord our God.
high mountain, and under every green tree, and
hath plaved the harlot there. CHAP. IV.
7 And when she had done all these things, I An admonition to sincere repent/ince, and ciratm-
said Return to me
: and she did not return.
ciJiion of the heart, icilh threats of grievous
And her treacherous sister Juda saw, punishment to those that persist in sin.
3 That because the rebellious Israel had played thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord,
the harlot, I had put her away, and given her a
rFreturn to me: if thou wilt take away thy
bill of divorce: yet her treacherous sister Juda stumbling-blocks out of my sight, thou shall not
was not afraid, but went and played the harlot be moved.
also herself. 2 And thou shall swear: As the Lord liveth,
9 And bv the facility of her fornication she de- in truth, and in iudsrinent, and in justice and :

filed the laud, and played the harlot with stones the gentiles shall bless him, and shall praisa
tnd with stocks. him.
10 And after all this, her treacherous sister 3 For thus saith the Lord to the men of Judo,

and Jerusalem :Break up anew your fallow 25 I beheld, and lo there was no man : and all
ground, und sow not upon thorns : the birds of the air were gone.
4 Be circumcised to the Lord, and take away 26 I looked, and behold Carmel was a wilder-
the foreskins of your hearts, ye men of Juda, and ness : and all were destroyed at the
its cities
ye inhahitants of Jerusalem lest my indignation
: presence of the Lord, and at the presence of the
come forth hke fire, and burn, and tliere he none wrath of his indignation.
that can quench it: because of the wickedness 27 For thus saith the Lord All the land shall:

of your thoughts. be desolate, but yet I will not utterly destroy.

5 Declare ye in Juda, and make it heard in 28 The earth shall mourn, and tiie heavens
Jerusalem: speak, and sound with the trumpet shall lament from above because I have spoken,

in the land : cry aloud, and say : Asselnble I have purposed, and I have not repented, nei-

yourselves, and let us go into strong cities. ther am I turned away from it.
6 Set up the standard in Sion. Strengthen 29 At the voice of the horsemen, and the
yourselves, stay not; for I hrmg evil from the archer, all the city is fled away : they have en-
north and great destruction. tered into thickets and have climbed up the
7 The lion is come up out of his den, and the rocks : all the cities are forsaken, and there
robber of nations hath roused himself: lie is come dwelleth not a man in them.
forth out of his place, to make thy land desolate: 30 But when thou art spoiled what wilt thou
thy cities shall be laid waste, remaining without do? though thou clothest thyself with scarlet,
an inhabitant. though thou deckest thee with ornaments of gold,
8 For this gird yourse'ves with hair-cloth, la and paintest thy eyes with etibick-stone, thou
ment and howl for the .erce anger of the Lord
: shalt dress thyself out in vain: thy lovers have
is not turned away from i.g. despised thee, they will seek thy life.
9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith 31 For I have heard the voice as of a woman
the Lord : That the heart of the king shall perish, in travail, anguishes as of a woman in labour of
and the heart of the princes : and the priests a child. The voice of the daughter of Sion, dy-
shall be astonished, and the prophet? shall be ing away, spreading her hands : is me, for Wo
amazed. my soul hath fainted because of them that are
10 And I said : Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God, slain.
hast thou then deceived this people and Jerusa-
CHAP. V. •

lem, saying : You shall have peace : and behold

the sword reacheth even to the soul ? The judgments of God shall fall upon, the Jewa
11 At that time it shall be said to this people, for their manifold sins.
and to Jerusalem: A burning wind is in the
ways that are in the desert of the way of the
about through the streets of Jerusalem,
and see, and consider, and seek in the broad
daughter of my people, not to fan, nor to cleanse. places thereof, if you can find a man that exe-
12 A fuli wind from these places shall come cuteth judgment, and seeketh faith : and I will
to me: uid now I vi'ill speak my judgments with be merciful unto it.
them. 2 And though they say: The Lord liveth;
13 Behold, he shall come up as a cloud, and this alsothey will swear falsely.
nis chariots as a tempest : his horses are swifter 3 O Lord, thy eyes are upon truth : thou hast
than eagles : wo unto us, for we are laid waste. struck them, and they have not grieved,: thou
14 Wash thy heart from wickedness, O Jeru- hast bruised them, and they have refused to re-
Balem, that thou mayst be saved : how long shall ceive correction they have made their faces

hurtful thoughts abide in thee ? harder than the rock, and they have refused to
15 For a voice of one declaring from Dan, return.
and giving notice of the idol from mount 4 But I said: Perhaps these are poor and
Ephraim. foolish, that know not the way of the Lord, the
16 Saj' ye to the nations : Behold, it is heard judgment of iheirGod.
in Jerusalem, that guards are coming from a far 5 I will go therefore to the great men, and will
country, and give out their voice against the speak to them: for they have known the way ot
cities of Juda. the Lord, the judgment of their God and behold :

17 They are set round about her, as keepers these have altogether broken the yoke more, aTid
of fields: because she hath provoked me to have burst the bonds.
wrath, saith the Lord. 6 Wherefore a lion out of the wood hath slain
18 Thy ways, and thy devices have brought them, a wolf in the evening hath spoiled them, a
these things upon thee: this is thy wickedness, leopard watcheth for their cities every one :

because it is bitter, because it hath touched thy that shall go out thence shall be taken, because
heart. their transgressions are multiplied, their rebel-
19 My bowels, my bowels are in pain, the lions are strengthened.
senses of my heart are troubled within mc, I will 7 How can I be merciful to thee ? thy chil-

not hold my peace, for my soul hath heard the dren have forsaken me, and swear by them that
60und of the trumpet, the cry of battle. are not gods I fed them to the full, and they

20 Destruction upon destruction is called for, committed adultery, and rioted in the harlot's
and all the earth is laid waste mv tents are de-
: house.
stroyed on a sudden, and my pavilions in a mo- 8 Tfiey are become as amorous horses, and
ment. stallions every one neighed after his neigh-

21 How long shill I sec \nr-n fleeing away bour's wife.

how long shall I hear the sound of the trumpet ? 9 Shall 1 not visit for these things, saith the
22 F'or mv foolisii peopl" huve not known ine Lord ? and shall not my soul take revenge oi

they are foolish and senseless cliildren they are such a nation ?

wise to do evils, but to do good they have no 10 Scale the walls thereof, and throw them
knowledge. down, hut do not utterly destroy take away :

23 I beheld the earth, and lo it was void, and the branches thereof, because they are not the
nothing and the heavens, and there was no light Lord's.
: I

ill them. 1 For the house of Israel and the house of

24 I looked upon the moimtains, and behold Juda have greatly transgressed against ine, saith
ehey trembled and all the hills were troubled. the Lord.


1? They have denied the Lord, and said, It is STRENGTHEN yourselves, ye sons of Ben ~

not ho : niid the evil shall not come upon us : we -^ jamin, in the midst of Jerusalem, and sound
•hall not see the sword and famine. the trumjiet in Thecua, and set up the standard
13 The prophets have spoken in the wind, and (5ver Betiiacarem : for evil is seen out of the
there was no word of God in them : these things north, and a great destruction.
therefore shall befal them. 2 I have Hkened the daughter of Sion to a
14 Thussaith the Lord the God of hosts: Be- beautiful and delicate woman.
cause you have spoken this word behold, I will
: 3 The shepherds shall come to her with their
make my words in thy mouth as fire, and tliis flocks : they have pitched their tents against her
people as wood, and it shall devour them. round about every one shall feed them that are

1.5 Behold, I will bring upon you a nation from under his hand.
afar, O house of Israel, saith the Lord : a slrons: 4 Prepare ye war against her: arise, and let us
nation, an ancient nation, a nation whose lan- go up at mid-day wo unto us, for the day is de- :

guage thou shalt not know, nor understand what clined, for the shadows of the evening are grown
they say. longer.
IG Their quiver is as an open sepulchre, they 5 Arise, and let us go up in the night, and de-
are all valiant. stroy her houses.
17 And they shall eat up thy com, and thy 6 For thus saith the Lord of hosts : down Hew
bread : they shall devour thy sons, and thy her trees, cast up a trench about Jerusalem: this
daughters : they shall eat up thy flocks, and tiiy is the city to be visited, all oppression is in the
herds : they shall eat thy vineyards, and thy figs midst of her.

and with the sword they shall destroy thy strong 7 As a cistern maketh its water cold, bo hath
cities, wherein thou trustest. she made her wickedness cold : violence and
18 Nevertheless, in those days, saith the Lord, spoil shall be heard in her, infirmity and stripea
I will not bring you to utter destruction. are continually before me.
19 And if you shall say: Why hath the Lord 8 Be thou instructed, Jerusalem, lest O my
our God done all these things to us? thou shalt soul depart from tliee, lest I make thee desolate,
say to them As you have forsaken me, and
: a land uninhabited.
served a strange god in your own land, so shall 9 Thus saith tlie Lord of hosts They shall :

you serve strangers in a land that is not your own. gather the remains of Israel, as in a vine, even to
20 Declare ye this to the liouse of Jacob, and one cluster turn back thy hand, as a grape-

publish it in Juda, saying : gatherer into the basket.

21 Hear, O foolish people, and without under- 10 To whom shall I speak ? and to whom shall
standing who have eyes, and see not and ears,
: : I testify, that he may hear ?' behold, their ears
and hear not. are uncircumcised, and they cannot hear ; behold,
22 Will not you then fear me, saith the Lord : the word of the Lord is become unto them a re-
and will yon not repent at my presence ? I have proach : and they will not receive it.
set the sand a boiuid for the sea, an everlasting 11 Therefore am I full of the fury of the Lord,
ordinance, which it shall not pass over and the : I am weary with holding in : pour it out upon
waves thereof shall toss themselves, and shall the child abroad, and upon the council of the
not prevail: they shall swell, and shall not pass young men together: for man and woman shall
over it. be taken, the ancient and he that is full of days.
23 But the heart of this people is become hard 12 And their houses shall be turned over to
of belief and provoking, they are revolted and others, with their lands and their wiv^s together:
gone away. fori will stretch forth my hand upon the inhabit-
24 And they have not said in their heart Let : ants of the land, saith the Lord.
us fear the Lord our God, who giveth us the early 13 For from the least of them even to the great-
and the latter rain in due season who pre-: est, all are given to covetousness : and from the
serveth for us the fulness of the yearly harvest. prophet even to the priest, all are guilty of deceit.
25 Your iniquities have turned these things 14 And thev healed the breach of the daughter
nway, and your sins have withholden good of my people disgracefully, saying : Peace, peace:
things from you. and there was no peace.
26 For among my people are found wicked 15 They v/ere confounded, because the}' com-
men, that lie in wait as fowlers, setting snares mitted abomination: yea, rather they were not
and traps to catch men. confounded with confusion, and they knew not
27 As a net is full of birds, so their houses are how to blush : wherefore they shall fall among
full of deceit: therefore are they become great them that fall : in the time of their visitation they
and enriched. shall falldown, saith the Lord.
28 Theji' are grown gross and fat and have : 16 Thussaith the Lord Stand ye on the ways, :

most wickedly transgressed my words. They and see, and ask for the old paths, which is the
have not judged the cause of the widow, they good way, and walk ye in it and you shall find :

have not managed the cause of the fatherless, refreshment for your souls. And tliey said We :

and they have not judged the judgment of the will not walk.
poor. 17 appointed watchmen over you, say-
And I

29 Shall not visit for these things, saith the

I ling : to the sound of the trumpet.
Hearken ye
Lord ? or shall not my soul take revenge on such lAnd thev said We will not hearken. :

a nation ? j
18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and knc". O
30 Astonishing and wonderful things have 'congregation, what great things I will do to Uiem.
been done in the land. 19 Hear, O earth Behold^ I will bring evils:

31 The prophets prophesied falsehood, and the 'upon this people, the fruits of their own thoughts:
priests clapped their hands : and my people loved because they have not heard my words, and they
Buch things : what then shall be clone in the end jhave cast away my law.
thereof? 20 To what purpose do you bring me frankin-

cense from Saba, and the sweet-smelling cane

CHAP. VL from a far country ? your holocausts are not ac-
The evils that threaten Jerusalem. She is invi- ceptable, nor arc your sacrifices pleasing to me.
ted to return, and trail: in (he/^ood iray, and not 21 Therefore thus saith ttie Lord
Behold, I :

to rehjon sacrifices wilh.oiil obedicjice. will bring destruction upon this people, by whick

: : :

fathers and sons together shall fall, neighbour' heard : and I have called you, and you have not
and kinsman shall perish. answered:
22 Thus saith the Lord : Behold, a people 14 I will do to this house, in which my name
Cometh from the land of the north, and a great is called upon, and in which you trust, and to the
nation shall rise up from the ends of the earth. place which I have given you and 3'our fathers,
23 They sliall lay hold on arrow and shield : as 1 did to Silo.
they are cruel and will have no mercy. Their 15 And I will cast you away from before my
voice shall roar like the sea; and they shall face, as I have cast away all your brethren, wa
mount upon horses, prepared as men for war, whole seed of Ephraim.
against thee,O daughter of Sion. 16 Therefore do not thou pray for this pecple,
24 We have heard the fame thereof, our hands nor take to thee praise and supplication for them,
grow feeble : anguish hath taken hold of us, as and do not withstand me : for I will not hear thee.
a woman in labour. 17 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of
25 Go not out into the fields, nor walk in the Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem ?
highway: for the sword of the enemy, and fear 18 The children gather wood, and the fathers
is on every side. kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough,
26 Gird thee with sackcloth, O
daughter of my to make cakes to the queen of heaven,* and to
people, and sprinkle thee with ashes : make thee offer libations to strange gods, and to provoke
mourning as for an only son, a bitter lamentation, me to anger.
because the destroyer shall suddenly come upon 19 Do they provoke me to anger, saith the
us. Lord ? is it not themselves to the confusion of
27 I have set thee for a strong trier among my their own countenance?
people: and thou shalt know, and prove their 20 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be-
way. hold, my wrath, and my indignation is enkindled
28 All these princes go out of the way, they against this place, upon men and upon beasts,
walk deceitfully, iAey are brass and iron; they and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruits
are all corrupted. of the land, and it shall bum, and shall not be
29 The bellows have failed, the lead is consu- quenched.
med in tlie fire, the founder hath melted in vain 21 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Is-
for their wicked deeds are not consumed. rael : Add your burnt-ofierings to your sacrifices,
30 Call them reprobate silver, for the Lord and eat ye the flesh.
hath rejected them. 22 For I spoke not to your fathers, and I com-
CHAP. vn. manded them! not, in the day that I brought them
The temple of God shall not protect a sinful peo- out of the Innd of E?ypt, concerning the matter
ple, without a sincere conversion. The Lord of burnt-offerings and sacrifices.
will not receive the prayers of the prophet for 23 But this thing I commanded them, saying :
them ; because they are obstinate in their sins. Hearken to my voice, and I will be your God,
THE word that came to Jeremias from the and you shall be my people : and walk ye in all
Lord, saying the way, that I have commanded you, that it may
2 Stand in the gate of the house of the Lord, be well with you.
and proclaim there this word, and say : Hear ye 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their
the word of the Lord, all ye men of Juda, that ear but walked in their own will, and in the per-

enter in at these gates, to adore the Lord. versity of their wickeil heart ; and went'backward
3 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Is- and not forward,
rael: Miike your ways and your doings good : 25 From the day that their fathers came out of
and I will dwell with you in this place. the land of Egypt, even to this day. And I have
4 Trust not in lying words, saying : The tem- sent to you all my servants the prophets from day
ple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, it is the to day, rising up early, and sending.
temple of the Lord. 26 And they have not hearkened to me, nor in-
5 For K you will order well your ways, and clined their ear : but have hardened their neck,
your doings; if vou will execute judgment be- and have done worse than their fathers.
tween a man and his neighbour; 27 And thou shalt speak to them all these
6 If you oppress not the stranger, the father- words, but they will not hearken to thee : and
less, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood thou shalt call them, but they will not answer
in this place, and walk not after strange gods to jthee. '

your own hurt; 28 And thou shalt say to them : This is a na-
7 I will dwell with you in this place : in the tion which hath not hearkened to the voice of the
land, which I gave to your fathers from the be- Lord their God, nor received instruction ; faith is
ginning and for evermore. and is taken away out of their mouth.
8 Behold, you put your trust in lying words, 29 Cut off thy hair, and cast it away : and take
which shall not profit you.: up a lamentation on high for the Lord hath re-

9 To steal, to murder, to commit adultery, to jected, and forsaken the generation of his wrath,
swear falsely, to offer to Baalim, and to go after 30 Because the children of Juda have done
strange ffods, which you know not. evil in my eyes, saith the Lord. They have set
10 And you have come and stood before me in their abominations in the house in which my
this house,' in which my name is called upon, and name is called upon, to pollute it
have SL d : We are delivered, because we have 31 And they have built the high places of To-
done all these abominations. phelh, which Is in the valley of the son of Ennor^.
11 Is this house then, in which my name hath to burn their sons, and their daughters in the firej
been called upon, in your eyes become a den of
robbers ? I, I am he I have seen it, saith the
* The queen of heaven. That is, the moon,
Lord. which they worshipped under that name.
12 Go ye to my place in Silo, where my name t I commanded them not, VIZ. Such sacrifices
dwfjt from the beginning and see what I did to as the Jews at this time oflfered, without obedi-

it (^ST the wickedness of my people Israel ence ; which was the thing principally command-
13 And now, because you have done all these ed: so that in comparison with it, the offering of
works, saith the Lord : and I have spoken to you the holocausts and sacrifices was of small ae
rising up early, and speaking," and you have not count.

which I commanded not, nor thought on in my 14 Why do we sit still? assemble youraelrM,
Heart. and us enter into the fenced city, and let ua b«
32 Therefore behold tlie days shall come, saith silent there for the Lord our God hath put us

the Lord, and it shall no more be called Topheth, to silence, and hath given us water of gall to
nor the Valley of the son of Ennom but the : drink for we have sinned against the Lord.

Valley of slaughter: and they shall bury in To- 15 We looked for peace, and no good came:
pheth, because there is no place. for a time of healing, and behold fear.
33 And the carcasses of this people shall be 16 The snorting of his horses was heard from
meat for the fowls of the air, and for the beasts Dan, all the land was moved at the sound of the
of the earth, and there shall be none to drive them neighing of his warriors and they came and de-

away. voured the land, and all that was in it; the city
34 And I will cause to cease out of the cities and its inhabitants.
of Juda, and out of the streets of Jerusalem, the 17 For behold I will send among you serpents,
voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice basilisks, against which there is no charm and :

of ifie bridegroom, and the voice of the bride : for they shall bite you, saith the Lord.
the land shall be desolate. 18 My sorrow is above sorrow, my heart
mourneth within me.
19 Behold the voice of the daughter of my peo-
Other evils that shall fall npon the Jews for their ple from a far country Is not the Lord in Sion,

impenitence. oris not her king in her? why then have they
AT that time, saith the Lord, they shall cast
out the bones of the kings of Juda, and the
provoked me to wrath with their idols and strange
vanities ?
bones of the princes thereof, and the bones of the 20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended,
priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the and we are not saved.
bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their 21 For the affliction of the daughter of my
graves. '
people I am afflicted, and made sorrowful, as-
2 And they shall spread them abroad to the tonishment hath taken hold on me.
sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, 22 Is there no balm in Galaad ? or is there no
whom they have loved and whom they have serv physician there ? Why then is not the wound o£
ed, and after whom they have walked, and whom the daughter of my people closed ?
thev have sought, and adored they shall not be :

gathered, and they shall not be buried they shall :

be as dung upon the face of the earth. The prophet laments the miseries of his people,
3 And death shall be chosen rather than life, and their sins, u-hich are the cause of them. He
by all that shall remain of this wicked kindred in exhorts them to repentance.
which are left, to which I have cast
Lord of hosts.
out, saith the
will give water to my head, and a foun-
tain of tears to my eyes ? and I will weep
4 And thou shalt say to them Thus saith the day and night for the slain of the daughter of my

Lord Shall not he that falleth, rise again 1 and people.


he that turned away shall he not turn again ?

is 2 Who will give me in the wilderness a lodg-
5 Why then is this people in Jerusalem turn ing-place of wayfaring men, and I will leave my
ed away with a stubborn revolting ? they have people, and depart from them ? because they are
laid hold on lying, and have refused to return. all adulterers, an assembly of transgressors.
6 I attended and hearkened : no man speaketh 3 And they have bent their tongue, as a bow,
what is good, there is none that doeth penance for lies, ancf not for truth : they have strength-
for his sin, saying AVhat have I done ? They are
: ened themselves upon the earth, for they have
all turned to their own course, as a horse rushing proceeded from evil to evil, and me tliey have not
to the battle. known, saith the Lord.
7 The kite in the air hath known her time the : 4 Let every man take heed of his neighbour,
turtle, and the swallow, and the stork have oh and let him not trust in any brother of his : for
served the time of their coming but my people : every brother will utterly supplant, and every
have not known the judgment of the Lord. friend will walk deceitfully.
8 How do you say We
are wise, and the law
: 5 And man shall mock his brother, and they
of the Lord is with us ? Indeed the lying pen of will not speak the truth : for they have taught
the scribes hath wrought falsehood. their tongue to speak lies : they have laboured
9 The wise men are confounded, they are dis to commit iniquity.
mayed, and taken for they have cast away the
: 6 Thy habitation is in the midst of decdit:
word of the Lord, and there is no wisdom in through deceit they have refused to know me,
them. saith the Lord.
10 Therefore will I give their women to stran- 7 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts: Be-
gers, their fields to others for an inheritance be- : hold I will melt, and try them for what else :

cause from the least even to the greatest all fol- shall I do before the daughter of my people ?
low covetousnesa from the prophet even to the
: 8 Their tongue is a piercing arrow, it hath
priest all deal deceitfully. spoken deceit: with his mouth one speaketh
11 And they healed the breach of the daughter peace With his friend, and secretly he lieth in wak
of my
people dissrraccfuUy, saving Peace, peace; : for him.
when there was no peace. 9 Shall I not visit them for these things, saith
12 They are confounded, because they have the Lord ? or shall not my soul be revenged on
committed abomination yea rather they are not
: such a nation ?
confounded with confusion, and they have not 10 For the mountains I will take up weeping
known how to therefore shall they fall
blush : and lamentation, and for the beautiful placea of
among them that the time of their visita-
fall, in the desert, mourning because they are burnt up,

tion they shall fall, saith the Lord. for that there is not a man that passeth through
13 Gathering I will gather them together, sailh them and they have not heard the voice of the

die Lord, there is no grape on the vines, and owner from the fowl of the air to the beasts they

there are no fi?s on the fig-tree, the leaf \h fallen : arc gone away and departed.
and I have given them the things that are passed 11 And I will make Jerusalem to be heaps
away. of sand, and dens of dragons: and I will maice
3S 513

the cities of Juda desolate, for want of an in 5 They are framed after the likeness of a
habitant. palm-tree, and shall not speak: they must be
12Who is the wise man, that may understand carried to be removed, because they cannot go.
this, and to whom the word of the mouth of the Therefore fear them not, for they can neither do
Lord may come that he may declare this, why evil nor good.
the land hath perished, and is burnt up like a 6 There is none like to thee, O Lord : thou art
wilderness, which none passeth through 1 great, and great is thy name in might.
13 And the Lord said : Because they have 7Who O
shall not fear tliee, king of nations T
forsaken my law, which I gave them, and have for thine is the glory : among all the wise men of
not heard my voice, and have not walked in it the nations, and in all their kingdoms there is
14 But they have gone after the perverseness none like unto thee.
of their own heart, and after Baalim, which tlieir 8 They shall be all proved together to be sense-
fathers taught them. less and foolish : the doctrine of their vanity is
15 Therefore thus eaith the Lord of hosts the wood.
God of Israel : Behold, I will feed this people 9 Silver spread into plates is brought from
with wormwood, and give them water of gall to Tharsis, and gold from 0])haz :" the work of the
drink. artificer, and of the hand of the coppersmith vio-

16 And I will scatter them among the nations let and purple is their clothing ; all these things
which they and their fathers have not known are the work of artificers.

and I will send the sword after them, till they be 10 But the Lord is the true God : he is the
consumed. living God, and the everlasting king : at his
17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations
Israel : Consider ye, and call for the mourning shall not be able to abide his threatening.
women, and let them come : and send to them 11 Thus then shall you say to them : The
that are wise women, and let them make haste gods that have not made heaven and „earth, let
18 Let them hasten and take up a lamentation them perish from the earth, and from among those
for us : let our eyes shed tears, and our eyelids places that are under heaven.
run down with waters. 12 He that maketh the earth by his power,
19 For a voice of wailing is heard out of Sion that prepareth the world by his wisdom, and
How are we wasted and greatly confounded ? stretcheth out the heavens by his knowledge.
because we have left the land, because our dwell 13 At his voice he giveth a multitude of wa-
ings are cast down. ters in the heaven, and lifteth up the clouds from
20 Hear therefore, ye women, the word of the the ends of the earth : he maketh lightnings for
Lord : and let your ears receive the word of his rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his trea
mouth : and teach your daughters wailing ; and sures.
every one her neighbour mourning. 14 Every man is become a fool for knowledge,
21 For death is come up through our win every artist is confounded in his graven idol: for
dews: it is entered into our houses, to destroy what he hath cast is false, and there is no spirit
the children from without, the young men from in them.
the streets. 15 They are vain things, and a ridiculous
22 Speak : Thus saith the Lord : Even the work : in the time of their visitation they shall
carcass of man shall fall as dung upon the face perish.
of the country, and as grass behind the back of 16 The portion of Jacob is not like these: for
the mower, and there is none to gather it. it is he who formed all things : and Israel is the

23 Thus saith the Lord : Let not the wise man rod of his inheritance : the Lord of hosts is his
glory in his wisdom, and let not the strong man name.
glory in his strength, and let not the rich man 17 Gather up thy shame out of the land, thou
glory in his riches : that dwellest in a siege.
24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that 18 For thus saith the Lord: Behold, 1 will
he understandeth and knoweth me, for I am the cast away far off the inhabitants of the land at
Lord that exercise mercy, and judgment, and jus- this time : and I will afflict them so, that they
tice in the earth for these things please me, saith may be found.

the Lord. 19Wo is me for my destruction, my wound is

25 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, and very grievous. But I said: Truly this is my
I will visit upon everyone that hath the foreskin own evil, and I will bear it.
circumcised, 20 My tabernacle is laid waste, all my corda
26 Upon Egypt, and upon Juda, and upon are broken : my children are gone out from me
Edom, and upon the children of Amnion, and and they are not : there is none to stretch forth
upon Moab, and upon all that have their hair my tent any more, and to set up my curtains.
polled round, that dwell in the desert: for all tlie 21 Because the pastors have done foolishly
nations are uncircumcised in the flesh : but all and have not sought the Lord: therefore have they
the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the not understood, and all their flock is scattered.
heart. 22 Behold, the sound of a noise cometh, e
CHAP. X. great commotion out of the land of the north : to
Neither stars nor idols are to he feared, but the make the cities of Juda a desert, and a dwelling
great Creator of all things. The chastise for dragons.
meni of Jerusalem for her sins. 23 I know, O Lord, that the way of a man is
HEAR ye the word which the Lord hath not his :* neither is it in a man to walk, and to
spoken concerning you, O house of Israel. direct his steps.
2 Thus saith the Lord Learn not according

to the ways of the gentiles : and be not afraid

of the signs of heaven, which the heathens fear * The ipay of a man is not his. The meaning
3 For the laws of people are vain : for the is, that notwithstanding man's free will, yet he
works of the hand of the workman hath cut a can do no good without God's help, nor evil
tree out of the forefet with an axe. without his permission. So that, in the present
4 He hath decked it with silver and gold : he case, all the evils which Nabuchodonosor was
hath put it together with nails and hammers, that about to bring upon Jerusalem, could not have
il mar not fall asander. come but by the will of God.
: ; ::


24 Correct ni-, O Lord, but yet with judg- 16 The Lord called thy name, a plentiful olive
ment : and not in thy fury, lest thou bring me to and beautiful : at the noise of
tree, fair, fruitful,
nothing. a word, a great fire was kindled in it, and the
25 Pour out thy indignation upon the nations branches thereof are burnt.
that have not known thee, and upon the pro- 17 And the Lord of hosts that planted thea
vinces that have not called upon thy name : be- hath pronounced evil against thee : for the evils
cause they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured of the house of Israel, and of the house of Juda,
him, and consumed him, and have destroyed his which they have done to themselves, to provoke
glory. me, offering sacrifice to Baalim.
CHAP. XL 18 But thou, O Lord, hast shewn me, and I
have known : then thou shewedst me their
The prophet proclaims the covenant of God; doings.
and denounces evils to the obstinate trans- 19 And I teas as a meek lamb, that is carried
gressors of it. The conspiracy of the Jews to be a victim : and I knew not that they had
against him, a figure oj their conspiracy devised counsels against me, saying : Let us put
against Christ. wood on his bread, and cut him off" from the land
THE word that came from the Lord to Jere of the living, and let his name be remembered no
mias, saying more.
2 Hear ye the words of this covenant, and 20 But thou, O
Lord of Sabaoth,* who judgest
speak-to the men of Juda, and to the inhabitants justly, and triest the reins and the hearts, let me *

of Jerusalem, see thy revenget on them : for to thee have I re-

3 And thou shalt say to them : Thus saith vealed my cause.
the Lord the God of Israel : Cursed is the man 21 Therefore thus saith the Lord to the men
that shall not hearken to the words of this cove of Anathotli, who seek thy life, and say : Thou
nant, shalt not prophesy in the name of the Lord, and
4 Which I commanded your fathers in the thou shalt not die in our hands.
day that I brought them out of the land of 22 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts:
Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying Hear Behold I will visit upon them : their young men

ye my voice, and do all things that I command shall die by the sword, their sons and their daugh-
you : and you shall be my people, and I will ters shall die by famine.
be your God: 23 And there shall be no remains of them : for
5 That I may accomplish the oath which I I will bring in evil upon the men of Anathoth,
Bwore to your fathers, to give them a land flow- the year of their visitation.
ing with milk and honey, as it is this day. And CHAP. XII.
I answered, and said : Amen, O Lord.
The prosperity 'of the wicked shall be bvt for a
6 And the Lord said to me : Proclaim aloud
short time. The desolation of the Jercs for
all these words in the cities of Juda, and in the
their sins. Their return from their captivity.
streetsof Jerusalem, saying: Hear ye the words
of this covenant, and do them : THOU
indeed, O
Lord, art just, if I plead
thee, but yet I will speak what is just
7 For protesting I conjured your fathers in the
day that 1 brought them out of the land of Egypt to thee ; Why
doth the way of the wicked pros-
even to this day : rising early I conjured them, per: why is it well with all them that transgress,
and said : Hearken ye to my voice : and do wickedly?
8 And they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear 2 Thou hast planted them, and they have
but walked every one in the perverseness of his taken root : they prosper and bring
forth fruit

own wicked heart : and I brought upon them all thou art near in their mouth and far from their
the words of this covenant, which I commanded
them to do, but they did them not. 3 And thou,0 Lord, hast known me, thou hast
9 And the Lord said to me : A conspiracy is seen me, and proved my
heart with thee : gather
and pre-
found among the men of Juda, and among the them together as sheep for a sacrifice,
pare them for the day of slaughter.
inhabitants of Jerusalem.
10 They are returned to the fonner iniquities 4 How
long shall the land mourn, and tTie
wickedness of
of their fathers, who refused to hear my words: herb of every field wither for the
them that dwell therein ? The beasts and the
so these likewise have gone after strange gods,
birds are consumed : because they have said
to serve them : the house of Israel, and the
house of Juda have made void my covenar* He shall not see our last end.
which made with their fathers. 5 If thou hast been wearied with running with
11 Wherefore thus saith the Lord: Behold, I
footmen, how canst thou contend with horses?
in a land of peace,
will bring in evils upon them, which they shall and if thou hast been secure
of the Jordan?
not be able to escape : and they shall cry to me, what wilt thou do in the swelling
6 For even thy brethren, and the house of
and I will not hearken to them.
against thee,
12 And the cities of Juda, and the inhabitants thy father, even they have fought
full voice: be-
of Jerusalem shall go, and cry to the gods to and have cried after thee with
whom they offer sacrifice, and they shall not save lieve them not when they speak good things to
them in the time of their affliction. thee.
13 For according to the number of thy cities 7 I have forsaken my house, I have left my m-
were thy gods, O Juda: and according to the heritance : I have given my dear soul into the
number of the streets of Jerusalem thou hast set hand of her enemies.
up altars of confusion, altars to offer sacrifice to 8 inheritance is become to me as a lion in
the wood : it hath cried out against me, therefore
14 Therefore do not thou pray for this people have I hated it.

and do not take up praise and prayer for them 9 Is my inheritance to me as a speckled bird 7

for I will not hear them in the time of their cry

• Sabaoth. That is, of hosts or armies, a
to me, in the time of their affliction.
15 What is the meaning that my beloved hath name frequently given to God in the Scriptures.
wrought much wickedness in my house J shall t Thy revenge. This was rather a prediction
tha holy flesh take away from thee thy crimes in of what was to happen, with an approbation of
which thou hast boaBted 1 the divine justice, tlian an imprecation.

as a bird dyed throughout? come ye, assem-
18 it word; Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel:
ble yourselves, all ye beasts of the earth,-make Every bottle shall be filled with wine. And they
haste to devour. shall say to thee: Do we not know that every
10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, bottle shall be filled with wine ?
they have trodden my portion under foot : they 13 And thou shalt say to them : Thus saith
have changed my delightful portion into a deso- the Lord ; Behold, I will fill all the inhabitants
late vifilderness. of this land, and the kings of the race of David
11 They have laid it waste, and it hath mourn- that sit upon his throne, and the priests, and the
ed for me. With desolation is all the land made prophets, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
desolate because there is none that considereth with drunkenness.

in the heart. 14 And I will scatter them every man from his
12 The spoilers are come upon all the ways brother, and fathers and sons in like manner, saith
of the wilderness, for the sword of the Lord the Lord I will not spare, and I will not pardcn :

shall devour from one end of the land to the nor will I have mercy, but to destroy them.
other end thereof: there is no peace for all flesh. 15 Hear ye, and give ear. Be not proud, for
13 They have sown wheat, and reaped thorns: the Lord hath spoken.
they have received an inheritance, and it shall 16 Give ye glory to the Lord your God, before
not profit them : you shall be ashamed of your it be dark, and before your feet stumble upon the
fruits, because of the fierce wrath of the Lord. dark mountains: you shall look for light, and he
14 Thus saith the Lord against all my wicked will turn it into the shadow of death, and into
neighbours, that touch the inheritance that I darkness.
have shared out to my people Israel: Behold, 17 But if you w:'l not hear this, my soul shall
I will pluck them out oi their land, and I will weep in secret for your pride : weeping it shall
pluck the house of Juda out of the midst of weep, and my eyes shall run down with tears, be
them. cause the flock of the Lord is carried away cap-
15 And when I shall have plucked them out, tive.
I will return, and have mercy on them; and I 18 Say to the king, and to the queen ; Humble
will brine iliein back, every man to his inherit- yourselves, sit down : for the crown of your glo-
ance. HDil every man into his land. ry is come down from your head.
]t And it shall come to pass, if they will be 19 The cities of the south are shut up, and
iaug'it,and will learn the ways of my people, to there is none to open them : all Juda is earned
swear by my name : The Lord livelh, as they away captive with an entire captivity.
have taught my people to swear by Baal : that 20 Lift up your eyes, and see, you that come
they shalt be built up in the midst of my people from the north: where is the flock that is given
17 But if they will not hear, I will utterly thee, thy beautiful cattle ?
pluck out and destroy that nation, saith the 21 What wilt thou say when he shall visit thee?
Lord. for thou hast taught them against thee, and in-

CHAP. XIIL structed them against thy own head : shall not
sorrows lay hold on thee, as a woman in labour?
Under thefigvre of a linen girdle is foretold the
destruction of the Jews. Their obstinacy in
22 And if thou shalt say in thy heart: Why
are these things come upon me 7 For the great-
sin brings all miseries upon them.
ness of thy iniquity, thy nakedness is discovered,
THUS saith the Lord to me : Go and get thee the soles of thy feet are defiled.
a linen girdle, and thou shalt put it about 23 If the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the
thy loins, andshalt not put it into water. leopard his spots ; you also may do well, when
2 And I got a girdle according to the word of you have learned evil."
the Lord, and put it about my loins. 24 And I will scatter them as stubble, which
3 And the word of the Lord came to me the is carried away by the wind in the desert.
second time, saying 25 This is thy lot, and the portion of thy
4 Take the girdle which thou hast got, which measure from me, saith the Lord, because thou
is about thy loins, and arise, go to the Euphrates, hast forgotten me, and hast trusted in falsehood.
and hide it there in a hole of the rock. 26 Wherefore I have also bared thy thighs
5 And I went, and hid it by the Euphrates, as against thy face, and thy shame hath appeared.
the Lord had commanded me. 27 I have seen thy adulteries, and tny neigh-
6 And it came to pass after many days that the ing, the wickedness of thy fornication, and thy
Lord said to me : Arise, go to the Euphrates, and abominations, upon the hills in the field. Wo to
take from thence the girdle which I commanded thee, Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean af-
thee to hide there. ter me ? how long yet?
7 And I went to the Euphrates, and digged and
took the girdle out of the place where I had hid
it : and behold the girdle was rotten so that it was A grievmis famine : and the prophet's prayer on

fit for no use.

that occasion. Evils denounced to false pro-
8 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: phets. Theprophet mourns for his people.

9 Thus saith the Lord After this manner will

make the pride of Juda, and the great pride of

THE word of
the Lord that came to Jeremias
the words of the drought.
Jerusalem to rot. 2 Judea hath mourned, and the gates thereof
10 This wicked people that will not hear my are fallen, and are become obscure on the ground,
words, and that walk in the perverseness of their and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.
heart, and have gone after strange gods to serve 3 The great ones sent their inferiors to the
them, and to adore them and they shall be as
: water : they came to draw, they found no water,
this girdle, which is fit for no use. they carried back their vessels empty : they were
11 For as the girdle sticketh close to the loins confounded and afflicted, and covered their heads.
of a man, so have I brought close to me all the 4 For the destruction of the land, because there
house of Israel, and all the house of Juda, saith came no rain upon the earth, the husbandmen
the Lord : that they might be my people, and for were confounded, they covered their heads.
a name, and for a praise, and for a glory : but 5 Yea the hind also brought forth in the field,
they would not hear. and left it : because there was no grass.
12 Thou shalt speak therefore to them this 6 And the wild asses stood upon the rocks
they snuffed up the wind like dragona their : towards this people : cast them out frt.m my
eyes failed, because there was no grass. sight, and let them go forth.
7 If our iniquities liave testified against us, O 2 And if they shall say unto thee Whither :

Lord, do thou it for thy name's sake; for our re shall we go forth ? thou shalt say to them Thua :

hellions are many, we have sinned againit thee saith the Lord: Such as are for death, to death :
8 O expectation of Israel, the Saviour thereof and such as are for the sword, to the sword and :

in time of trouble: why wilt thou be as a stran- such as are for famine, to famine and such as :

ger in the laud, and as a wayfaring man turning are for ca])tivity, to captivity.
in to lodge? 3 And I will visit them with four kinds, saith
9 Why wilt thou be as a wandering man, as a the Lord The sword to kill, and the dogs to

mighty man that cannot save ? But thou, O Lord, tear,and the fowls of the air, and the beasts of the
art among us, and thy name is called upon us earth to devour and to destroy.
forsake us not. 4 And I will give them up to the rage of all the
10 Thus saith the Lord to this people, that kingdoms of the earth: because of Manasses the
have loved to move their feet, and have not rested, son of Ezechias the king Juda, for all that he did
and have not pleased the Lord He will now re : in Jerusalem.
member their iniquities, andf visit their sins. who shall have pity on thee, O Jerusa-
5 For
11 And the Lord said to me Pray not for lem? or who shall bemoan theo ? or who shall go
: this
people for their good. to pray for thy peace ?
12 When they fast I will not hear their pray 6 Thou hast forsaken me, saith the Lord, thou
ers: and if they offer holocausts and victims, I art gone backward and I will stretch out my :

will not receive them for I will consume them hand against thee, and I will destroy thee; I am

by the sword, and by famine, and by the pes weary of intreating thee.
tilence. 7 And I will scatter them with a fan in the
13 And I said Ah, ah, ah, O Lord God the gates of the land I have killed and destroyed my
: : :

prophets say to them You shall not see the people, and yet they are not returned from their

sword, and there shall be no famine among you; ways.

but he will give yon true peace in this place. 8"
Their widows are multiplied unto me above
14 And the Lord said to me The prophets the sand of the sea I have brought upon them
: :

prophesy falsely in my name I sent them not, against the mother of the young man a spoiler at

neither have I commanded them, nor have I spo- noon-day I have cast a terror on a sudden upon :

ken to them they prophesy unto you a lying the cities.


vision, and divination and deceit, and the seduc 9 She that hath borne seven is become weak,
tion of their own heart. her soul hath fainted away: her sun is gone
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning down, while it was yet day she is confounded, :

the prophets that prophesy in my name, whom I and ashamed and the residue of them I will :

did not send, that say: Sword and famine shall give up to-the sword in the sight of their enemies,
not be in this land By sword and famine shall saith the Lord.

those prophets be consumed. 1 Wo is me, my mother why hast thou borne :

16 And the people to whom they prophesy, me a man of strife, a man of contention to all the
shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem be- earth ? I have not lent on usury, neither hath any
cause of the famine and the sword, and there man lent to me on usury, yet all curse me.
shall be none to bury them they and their wives,
: 11 The Lord saith to me : Assuredly it shall
their sons and their daughters, and I will pour be well with my remnant, assuredly I shall help
out their own wickedness upon them. thee in the time of affliction, and in the lime of
17 And thou shah speak this word to them tribulation against the enemy.

Let my e}es shed down tears night and day, and 12 Shall iron be allied* with the iron from the
let them not cease, because the virgin daughter north, and the brass ?
of my people is afflicted with a great affliction, 13 Thy riches and thy treasures I will give
with an exceeding grievous evil. unto spoil for nothing, because of all thy sins,
18 If I go forth into the fields, behold the slain even in all thy borders.
with the sword and if I enter into the city, be-
: 14 And I will bring thy enemies out of a larid
hold them that are consumed with famine. The which thou knowest not for afire is kindled in :

prophet also and the priest are gone into a land my rage, it shall burn upon you.
which they knew not. 15 Lord, thou knowest, remember me, and
19 Hast thou utterly cast away Juda, or hath isit me, and defend me from them that perse-
thy soul abhorred Sion ? why then hast thou cute me, do not defend me in thy patience :t
struck us, so that there is no healing for us ? we know that for thy sake I have suffered reproach.
have looked for peace, and there is no good and 16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them,

for the time of healing, and behold trouble. and thy word was to me a joy and gladness of
20 We acknowledge, OLord, our wickedness, my heart for thy name is called upon me, O :

the iniquities of our fathers, because we have sin- Lord God of hosts.
ned against thee. 17 I sat not in the assembly of jesters, nor
21 Give us not to be a reproach, for thy did I make a boast of the presence of thy hand:
name's sake, and do not disgrace in us the throne I sat alone, because thou hast filled me with
of thy glory remember, break not thy covenant threats.

with us. 18 Why is my sorrow become perpetual, and

22 Are there any among the graven things of my wound desperate so as to refuse to be heal-
the gentiles that can send rain? or can the hea-
vens give showers? Art not thou the Lord our * SJiall iron be allied, &.c. Shall the iron,
God, whom we have looked for ? for thou hast that is, the strength of Judea, stand acainst the

made all these things, stronger iron of the north, that is, of Babylon or :

CHAP. XV. enter into an alliance uponequal footing with it?

Ood is determined to punish the Jews for their no certainly but it must be broken by it. :

sins. The prophet's complaint, and God's pro t Do not defend me in thy patience. That is,
mise to him. let not thy patience and long-suffering, which
ND the Lord said to me If Moses and Sa thou uscst towards sinners, keep thee from mak

muel shall stand before me, my soul is not ing haste to my assistance.

eu ? is become to me as the falsehood of de-
it day and night, which shall not g^ve you any
ceitfulwaters that cannot be trusted. rest.
19 Therefore thus saith the Lord: If thou 14 Therefore behold, the days come, saith the
wilt be converted, I will convert thee, and thou Lord, when it shall be said no more : The Lord
shalt stand before my face and if thou wilt se- : liveth, that brought forth the children of Israel
parate the precious from the vile, thou shalt be out of the land of Egypt
as my mouth they shall be turned to thee, and
: 15 But, the Lord liveth, that brought the
thou shalt not be turned to them. children of Israel out of the land of the north,
20 And I will make thee to this people as a and out of all the lands to which I cast them
strong wall of brass and they shall fight against
: out and I will bring them again into their land,

thee, and shall not prevail for I am with thee : which I gave to their fathers.
to save thee, and to deliver thee, saith the Lord. 16 Behold, I will send many fishers, saith the
21 And I will deliver thee out of the hand of Lord, and they shall fish them : and after this I
tlie wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the will send them many hunters, and they shall
hand of the mighty. hunt tliem from every mountaui, and from every
hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
CHAP. XVL i.7 For my eyes are upon all their ways : they

The prophet is forbid to marry. The Jews shall are not hid from my face, and their iniquity
he utterly ruined for their idolatry : but shall hath not been hid from my eyes.
at length be released from their captivity, and 18 And I will repay first their double iniqui-
the gentiles shall be converted. ties, and their sins ; because they have defiled
my land with the carcasses of their idols, and
AND ing
word of the Lord came to me, say- they have filled my inheritance with their abo-
2 Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither 19 O Lord, my might, and my strength, and
shalt thou have sons, and daughters in this my refuge in the day of tribulation : to thee the
place. gentiles shall come from the ends of the earth,
3 For thus saith the Lord concerning the sons and shall say Surely our fathers have possessed

arid daughters, that are born in this place, and lies, a vanity which hath not profited them.
concerning their mothers that bore them and : 20 Shall a man make gods unto himself, and
concerning their fathers, of whom they were they are no gods ?
born in this land : 21 Therefore behold, I will this once cause
4 They shall die by the death of grievous ill- them to know, I will shew them my hand and my
nesses ; they shall not be lamented, and they power and they shall kndw that my name is the :

shall not be buried, they shall be aa dung upon Lord.

the face of the earth and they shall be con- :

sumed with the sword, and with famine and CHAP. XVII. :

their carcasses shall be meat for tlie fowls of the For their obstinacy in sin the Jews shall be led
air, and for the beasts of the earth. captive. He is cursed that trusteth in flesh :
.5 For thus saith the Lord Enter not into the God alone searcheth the heart, giving to every

house of feasting, neither go thou to mourn, nor one as he deserves. The prophet prayeth to
to comfort them because I have taken away my
: be delivered from his enemies : and preacheth
peace from this people, saitli the Lord, my mercy up the observance of the sabbath.
and commiserations.
6 Both the great and the little shall die in this THE
sin of Juda is written with a pen of iron,
with the point of a diamond, it is graven
land they shall not be buried nor lamented,

and men shall not cut themselves, nor make upon the table of their heart, upon the horns of
their altars.
themselves bald for them.
7 And they shall not break bread among them
2 When their children shall remember their
to him that mourneth, to comfort him for the
altars,and their groves, and their green trees
dead neither shall they give them to drink of
upon the high mountains,
3 Sacrificing in the field I will give thy
the cup, to comfort them for their father and :

strength, and all thy treasures to the spoil, arid

8 And do not thou go into the house of feast- thy high places for sin in all thy borders.
ing, to sit with them, and to eat and drink :
4 And thou shalt be left stript of thy inherit-
9 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of ance, which I gave thee: and I will make thee
fsrael Behold, I will take away out of this serve thy enemies in a land which thou knowest

place in your sight, and in your days the voice not: because thou hast kindled a fire in my
of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of wrath, it shall burn for ever.
the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride. 5 Thus saith the Lord : Cursed be the man
10 And when thou shalt tell this people all that trusteth in man, and niaketh flesh his arm,
these words, and they shall say to thee ; Where- and whose heart departelh from the Lord.
fore hath the Lord pronounced against us all 6 For he shall be like tamaric* in the desert,
this great evil? what is our iniquity? and what and he shall not see when good shall come : but
is our sin, that we have sinned against the Lord
he shall dwell in dryness in the desert, in a salt
our God ? land, and not inhabited.
11 Thou shalt say to them: Because your
7 Blessed be the man that trusteth in the
fathers forsook me, saith the Lord and went :
Lord, and the Lord shall be his confidence.
after strange gods, and served them, and adored 8 And he shall be as a tree that is planted by
the waters, that spreadeth out its roots towards
Ihem and they forsook me, and kept not my

hiw. moisture : and it shall not fear when the beat

12 And you also have done worse than your Cometh. And the leaf thereof shall be green,
fathers for behold every one of you walketh
and in the time of drought it shall not be soli-
citous, neither shall it cease at any time to bring
after the perverseness of his-evil heart, so as not
to hearken to me. forth fruit.
13 So I will cast you forth out of this land,
into a land which you know not, nor your fa- * Tamaric. A barren shrub that grows in the
thers: and there you shall serve strange gods driest parts of the wilderness^
: : :


9 The heart is perverse above all things, and 27 But if you will not hearken to me, to sane
unsearchable, who can know it? tify the sabbath-dav, and not to carry burdens,
10 I am tlie Lord who search the heart, and and not to bring them in by the gates of Jerusa-
prove the reins : who give to every one accord- lem on the sabbath-day, I will kindle a fire in
ing to his way, and according to tlie fruit of his the gates thereof, and it shall devour the houses
devices. of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.
\\ As the partridge hath hatched eggs which
she did not lay : so is he that hath gathered riches, CHAP. XVIII.
and not by right : in the midst of his days he
shall leave them, and in his latter end he shall
As clay in the hand of the potter, so is Israel m
God's hand. He pardoneth penitents, and pun-
be a fool.
isheth the obstinate. They conspire against
12 A high and glorious throne from the begin-
Jeremias, for which he denounceth to them the
ning is the place of our sanctification
miseries that hang over them.
13 O Lord, the hope of Israel : all that forsake
thee shall be confounded: they that depart from
thee, shall be written in the earth :because they
THE word that came to Jeremias from the
Lord, saying
have forsaken the Lord the vein of living waters. 2 Arise, and go down into the potter's house,
14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed and there thou shall hear my words.
save me, and I shall be saved : for thou art my 3 And I went down into the potter's house, and
praise. behold he was doing a work on the wheel.
15 Behold they say to me : Where is the word 4 And the vessel was broken which he was
of the Lord ? let it come. making of cljy with his hands : and turning he
16 And I am not troubled, following thee for made another vessel, as it seemed good in his
my pastor, and I have not desired the day of eyes to make it.
man, thou knowest. That which went out of my 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me,
lips, hath been right in thy sight. saying :

17 Be not thou a terror unto me, thou art my 6 Cannot I do with you, as this potter,0 house
hope in the day of affliction. of Israel, saith the Lord? behold, as clay is in
18 Let them be confounded* that persecute! the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O
ms, and let not me be confounded let them be house of Israel.

afraid, and let not me be afraid bring upon them

: 7 I will suddenly speak against a nation, and
the day of affliction, and with a double destruc- against a kingdom, to root out, and to pull down,
tion, destroy them. and to destroy it.
19 Thus saith the Lord to me: Go, and stand 8 If that nation against which I have spoken,
in the gate of the children of the people, by which: shall repent of their evil, I also will repent of the
the kings of Juda come in, and go out, and in all evil that I have lliouglit to do to theiu.
the gates of Jerusalem : 9 And I will suddenly speak of a nation and
20 And tliou shall say to them : Hear the of a kingdom, to build up and plant it.
10 If it sliall do evil in my sight, that it obey

word of the Lord, ye kings of Juda, and all Juda,

and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that enter in not my voice : I will repent of the good that I
by these gates. have spoken to do unto it.
21 Thus saith the Lord : Take heed to your 11 Now therefore tell the men of Juda, and the
souls, and carry no burdens on the sabbath- inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying Thus saith the :

day and bring them not iu by the gates of Jeru- Lord Behold, I frame evil against you, and de-
: :

salem. vise a device against you : let every man of you

22 And do not bring burdens out of your return from his evil way, and make ye your ways
houses on the sabbath-day, neither do ye any and your doings good.
work : sanctify the sabbath-day, as I commanded 12 And they said: We
have no hopes : for we
your fathers. will go after our own thoughts, and we will do
2.3 But tlipy did not Iiear, nor inclined their every one according to the perverseness of his
ear: but hardened their neck, that ihey might not evil heart.
hear me, and might not receive instruction. 13 Therefore thus saith the Lord: Askamon^
24 And it shall come to pass : if you will the nations who hath heard such horrible

hearken to me, saith tlie Lord, to bring in no things, as the virgin of Israel hath done to ex
burdens by the gates of tliis city on tlie sabbath cess ?
day : and if you will sanctify the sabbath-day, to 14 Shall the snow of Libanus fail from the
do no work therein : rock of the field ? or can the cold waters that gush
25 Then shall there enter in by the sates of out and run down, be taken away ?
this city kings and princes, sitting upon the throne 15 Because my people have forgotten me,
of David, anil riding in chariots and on horses,! sacrificing in vain, and stumbling in their ways,
they and their princes, the men of Juda, and the in ancient paths, to walk by them in a way not
inhabitants of Jerusalem : and this city shall be trodden :

inhabited for ever. 16 That their land might be ffiven up to deso-

26 And they shall come from the cities of Juda,; lation, and to a perpetual hissing : every one
and from the places round about Jcrusulein, ami that sliall pass by it, shall be astonished, and wag
from the land of Benjamin, and from ihe plain*:, his head.
and from the mountains, and from the south, 17 As a burning wind will I scatter them be-
brinffins holocausts, and victims, and sacrifices, fore the enemy I will shew them the back, and

and frankincense, and tliey shull bring in an of- not the face in the day of their destruction.
fering into the house of the Lord. 18 And thev said Come, and let us invent

devices against Jeremias: for the law shall noj

* Let them be confounded, iScc. Such exprf s- perish from tlie priest, nor counsel from the wise,
sions as these in the writings of the prophets, are nor the word f'oiii the prophet: come, and let U8
not to be understood as imprecations proceeding strike him with the tongue, and let us give no
from malice or desire of revemre ; but as prophetic heed to all his words.
predictions of evils that were about to fall upon 19 Gi c iieed to me, O
Lord, and hear the voice
impenitent sinners, and approbations of the ways of mv adversaries.
of d.vine jusiice. 20 Sliall evil be rendered for good, becanaa

tlieyhave digged a pit for my soul ? Remember* broken, which cannot be made whole again and :

that I have stood in thy sight, to speak good they shall be buried in Topheth, because there
for them, and to turn away thy indignation from is no other place to bury in.

them. 12 Thus will I do to this place, saith the Lord,

21 Therefore deliver up their children to fa- and I will mako and to the inhabitants thereof:
mine, and bring them into the hands of the Topheth. this city as
sword : kt their wives be bereaved of children, 13 And the houses of Jerusalem, and the
and widows and let their husbands be slain by
: houses of the kings of Juda shall be unclean aa
death: let their young men be stabbed with the the place of Topheth all the houses upon :

sword in battle. whose roofs they have sacrificed to all the host
22 Let a cry be heard out of their houses for of heaven, and have poured out drink-ofterings

thou shall bring the robber upon them suddenly to strange gods. :

because they have digged a pit to take me, and 14 Then Jeremias came from Topheth, whi-
have hid snares for my feet. ther the Lord had sent him to prophesy, and he
23 But thou,0 Lord, knowest all their counsel stood in the court of the house of the Lord, and
against me unto death forgive not their ini- said to all the people :

quity, and let not their sin be blotted out from 15 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of
thy sight let them be overthrown before thy Israel : Behold I will bring in upon this city, and

eyes, in the time of thy wrath do thou destroy upon all the cities thereof all the evils that I
them. have spoken against it: because they have har-
dened their necks, that they might not hear my
CHAP. XIX. words.
Under the type of breaking- a potter's vessel, the
prophet foreshetceth the desolation of the Jews CHAP. XX.
for their sins. The prophet is persecuted : he denounces capti-
and bemoans
THUS saith tlie Lord : Go, and take a potter's vity to his persecutors, himself,
earthen bottle, and take of
the people, and of the ancients of tlie priests
Phassur the son of Emmer the priest,
the ancients of
who was appointed chief in the house of the

2 And go forth into the valley of the son of Lord, heard Jeremias prophesying these words.
Ennom, which is by the entry of the earthen gate 2 And Phassur struck Jeremias the prophet,
and there thou shah proclaim the words, that I and put him in the stocks, that were in the upper
shall tell thee. gate of Benjamin, in the house of the Lord.
3 And thou shalt say: Hear the word of the 3 And when it was liglit the next day, Phas-
Lord, O ye khigs of Jada, and ye inhabitants of sur brought Jeiemias out of the stocks. And
Jerusalem Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the Jeremias said to him The Lord hath not called
: :

God of Israel : Behold I will bring an affliction thy name I'hassur,t but Fear on every side.
upon this place: so that whosoever shall hear 4 For thus saith the Lord Behold, I will de- :

it, his ears shall tingle : liver thee up to fear, thee and all thy friends :
4 Because they have forsaken me, and have and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies,
profaned this place and have sacrificed therein and thy eyes shall see it, and I will give all Ju-

to strange gods, whom neither they, nor their da into tlie hand of the king of Babylon and he :

fathers knew, nor the kings of Juda: and they shall carry them away to Babylon, and shall
have filled this place with the blood of inno- strike them with the sword.
cents. 5 And give all the substance of this city,
I will
5 they have built the high places of Baa-
And and all labour, and every precious thing
lim, to burn their children with fire for a holo- thereof, and all the treasures of the kings of Juda
caust to Baalim which I did not command, nor
: will I give into the hands of their enemies and :

speak of, neither did it once come into my mind. they shall pillage them, and take them away,
6 Therefore behold the days come, sailh the and carry them to Babylon.
Lord, that this place shall no more be called 6 But thou, Phassur, and all that dwell in thy
Topheth, nor the valley of the son of Ennom, but house, shall go into captivity, and thou shalt go
the vallev of slaughter. to Babylon, and there thou shalt die, and there
7 And I will defeat the counsel of Juda and of thou shalt be buried, thou and all thy friends, to
Jerusalem in this place : and I will destroy them whom thou hast prophesied a lie.
with the sword in the sight of their enemies, and 7 Thou hast deceived me,t O Lord, and 1 am
by tiie hands of them that seek their lives : and; deceived thou hast been stronger than I, and

I will give their carcasses to be meat for the thou hast prevailed I am become a laughing-

fowls of the air, and for the beasts of the earth. stock all the day, all scoff'at me.
8 And I will this city an astonishment,
make 8 For I am speaking now this long time, cry-
And a hissing every one that shall pass by it,
: ing out against iniquity, and I often proclaim
shall be astonished, and shall hiss because of all^ devestation: and the word of the Lord is made a
the plagues thereof. |
reproach to me, and a derision all the da}'.
9 And I will feed them with the flesh of their| 9 Then 1 said I will not make mention of

eons, and with the flesh of their daughters : and him, nor speak any more in his name: and there
they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in came in my heart as a burning fire, shut up in
the" siege, and in the distress wherewith their
enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall t Phassur. This name signifies increase and
straiten them. principality: and therefore is here changed to
10 And thou shalt break the bottle m the Magor-Missabih, or Fear on every side: to de-
sight of the men that shall go with thee. note the evils that should <Jome upon him in
11 And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith punii^hment of his opposing the word of God.
the Lord of hosts Even so : will I break this !
X Thou hast deceived, &lc. The meaning of
people, and this city, as the potter's vessel is the prophet, is not to charge God with any un-
itruth but what he calls deceiving, was only

• Remember, &c. This is spoken in the per- the concealing from him, when he accepted, of
Bon of Christ, persecuted by the Jews, and pro- the prophetical commission, the greatness of (he
phetically denouncing the evils thatshould fall evils which the execution of that coinmissLoB
upon them in punishment of their crimes. was to bring upon him.
. 520
: : :


my bonea, and I was wearied, not being able tol Ion, and into the hand of their enemies, and intc
bear it. the hand of tliem that seek their life, and he
10 For I heard the reproaches of many, and ter- shall strike them with the edge of the sword, and
ror on every side Persecute him, and let us
: he shall not be moved to pity, nor spare them, nor
persecute him from all the men, that were my
: shew mercy to them.
familiars, and continued at my side if by any : 8 And to this people thou shalt say Thus :

means he may be deceived, and we may prevail saith the Lord Behold, I set before you the wty

aa;ainst him, and be revenged on him. of life, and the way of death.
11 But the Lord is with me as a strong war- 9 He that shall abide in this city, shall die by
rior; therefore tliey that persecute me shall fall, the sword, and by the famine, and by the pesti-
and shall be weak they shall be greatly con-
: lence : but he that shall go out, and flee over to
founded, because they have not understood the the Chaldeans, that besiege you, shall live, and
everlasting reproach, which never shall be ef- his life shall be to him as a spoil.
faced. 10 For I have set my face against this city for
12 And thou, O Lord of hosts, prover of the evil, and not for good, saith the Lord it shall be :

just, who seest the reins and the heart: let me given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and
see,* beseech thee, thy vengeance on them for
I : he shall burn it with fire.
to thee I have laid open my cause. 11 And to the house of the king of Juda Hear ;

13 Sing ye to the Lord, praise the Lord be : ye the word of the Lord,
cause lie hath delivered the soul of the poor out 12 O house of David, thus saith the Lord
of the hand of the wicked. Judge ye judgment in die morning, and deliver
14 Cursed be the day,t wherein I was bom: him that is oppressed by violence out of the hand
let not the day in which my mother bore me, be of the oppressor lest my indignation go forth

blessed. like a fire, and be kindled, and there be none to

1.5 Cursed be the man that brought the tidings quench it, because of the evil of your ways.
to my fatlier, saying : A man-child is born to 13 Behold I come to thee that dwellestt in a
thee : and made hiin greatly rejoice. valley upon a rock above a plain, saith the Lord :
16 Let that man bo as the cities which the and vou say Who shall strike us ? and who shall

Lord h;itii overthrown, and hath not repented : enter into our houses ?
let him hear a cry in the morning, and liowliiig 14 But I will visit upon you according to the
at noon-tide : fruit of your doings, saith the Lord : and 1 will
17 Who slew me not from the womb, that my kindle a fire in the forest thereof .and it sliall :

mother might have been ray grave, and her womo devour all things round about it.-
an everlasting conception.
15 Wliy came I out of the womb, to see labour
An exhortation both to king and people to return
and sorrow, and that my days should be spent in
confusion ? to God. The sentence of God nponJoachaz,
Jofikim, and Jechonias.
CHAP. XXI. saith the Lord : Go down§ to the house HUS
The prophet's answer to the messengers of Sede- of the king of Juda, and there thou shalt
when Jerusalem was besieg'ed.
speak this word.
Lord, when
word that came to Jeremias fiom 2 And thou shalt sav: Hear the word of tlie
king Sedecias sent unto him Lord, O king of Juda, that sittest upon the throne
Phassurthe son of Melchias, and Sophonias th of David thou and thy servants; and thy peo- :

son of Maasias the priest, saying ple, who enter in by these eates.
2 Inquire of the Lord for us, forNabuchodono- 3 Thus saith the Lord": Execute judgment
sor, king cf Babylon maketh war against us if and justice, and deliver him that is oppressed out

so be the Lord will deal with us accordiiiir t' of the hand of the oppressor and afflict not the :

nil his wonderful works, that he may dopari stranger, tiv* fatherless, and the widow, nor op-
from us. Ipress them unjustly, and shed not innocent blood
3 And Jeremias said to them : Thus shall you in this place.
say to Sedecias 4 For if you will do this thing indeed, then
4 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel : Be shall there e'nter in by the gates of this house,
hold, I will turn buck the weapons of war tliat kings of the race of David sitting upon his throne,
tre in jonr hands, and with which you fight and' riding in chariots and on horses, they and
against the king of Babylon, and the Chal- their servants, and their people. _

deans, that besicfre you round about the walls 5 But if you will not hearken to these words
and I will gather them together in the midst of I swear by myself, saith the Lord, that this
this city. house shall become a desolation.
.5 And I myself will fight against you with an G For thus saith the Lord to the house of the
outstretched hand, and with a strong arm, and king of Juda: Thou art to me Galaad the head
iti fury, and in indignation, and in great wrath of Libanus:|| yet surely I will make thee a wil-
And I will strike the inhabitants of thia derness, and cities not habitable.
eity, men and beasts shall die of a great pes- 7 And I will prepared against thee the des troy-
7 And after this, saith the Lord, I will give Se- { To thee that dwellest,&i.c.
He speaks to Je-
decias the kin<r of Juda, and his servants, and rusalem, confidin? in the strength of her situ a-
his people, and such as are left in this city from tion upon rocks, surrounded with a deep valley.
of this chapter
the [)estilence, and the sword, and the famine, into $ Go down, &c. The contents
the hand of Nabuchodonosor the king of Baliy ...e of a more ancient date than those ofthefore-
going chapter ; for the order of time is not always
• Let tne see, &c. This prayer proceeded
not observed in the writings of the
from hatred or ill-will, but zeal ofjustice. Galaad the head of Libanus. By GnlHa'l- a
t Cnr.sed be the dxij, &c. In these and the rich and fruitful country, is here signified words of the prophet, there is a certain roval pakcc of the kings of the house of David

figure of speech to express with more energy th bv Libanus, a high mountain abounding in cedar
greatness of the evils to which his birth had ex-] trees, the populous city of Jerusalem.
posed him. - Prepare. Literally, sanctify,
^ I

: :

er and his weapons : and they shall cut down thy,' 27 And they shall not return into the land,
chosen cedars, and shall cast them headlong into whereunto they lift up their mind to return thither.
the fire. 28 Is tiiis man Jechonias an earthen and a

8 And many nations shall pass by this city broken vessel ? is he a vessel wherein is xw
and they shall say every man to his neighbour pleasure ? why are they cast out, he and his seed,

Why liath the Lord done so to this great city ? and are cast into a land which they know not?
9 'And they shall answer Because they have
: 29 O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of th*
forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God, and Lord.
have adored strange gods, and served tlieni. 30 Thus saith the Lord: Write this man bar-
10 Weep not for him that is dead,* nor bemoan reii,t a man that shall not prosper in his days
him with your tears; lament him that goetii for there shall nofbe a man of his seed that shall
away,t for he shall return no more, nor see his sit upon the throne of David, and have power anv
native country. more in J uda.
11 For thus saith the Lord to Sellum tlie son CHAP. XXHL
of Josias the king of Juda, who reigned instead
of his father, who went forth out of this place : God reproves evil governors ; and promises ta
He sliall return hither no more : send good pastors ; aiid Christ himself the
12 But in the place to which I have removed prince of llie pastors. He inveighs agavisi
him, there shall he die, and he shall not see this faliie prophets preaching tcilhout being se/U.
land any more. O destroy and tear the
to the pastors, that
13 Wo
to him that buildeth up his house by sheep of my
pasture, saith the Lord.
injustice, and his chambers not in judgment that :
2 Tlierefore tlius saitli the Lord the God of Is-
will oppress his friend without cause, and will rael to the pastors that feed my people You :

not pay him his wages. have scattered my flock, and driven them away,
14 Who saith I will build me a wi<le house,
and have not visited them : behold I will visit
and large chambers : who openeth to himself upon you for the evil of your doings, saith the
windows, and maketh roofs of cedar, and paint Lord.
eth them with vermilion. 3 And I will gather together the remnant of my
15 Shalt thou reign, because thou comparestl flock, out of all the lands into which I have cast
thyself to the cedar? did not thy father eat and them out: and I will make them return to their
drink, and do judgment and justice, and it was own fields, and they shall increase and be multi-
then well with him ? plied.
16 He judged tlio cause of the poor and needy 4 And I will set up pastors over them, and they
for his own good was it not therefore because
shall feed them: they shall fear no more, and
he knew me, saith the Lord 1 they shall not be dismayed and none shall be

17 But thy eyes and thy heart are set upon wanting of their number, saith the Lord.
covetousness, and upon shedding innocent blood, 5 Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I
and upon oppression, and running after evil works. will raise up to David a just branch; and a king
18 Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning shall reign, and shall be wise : and shall execute
Joakim, the son of Josias king of .luda; They judgment and justice in the earth.
shall not mourn for him, Ala.->, my brother, and 6 In those days shall Juda be saved, and Isra-
alas, sister: tiiey shall not lament for him, Alas, el shall dwell confidently and this is the name

my lord, or alas, the noble one. that they shall call hiin "The Lord our just one

19 He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, 7 Therefore behold the days come, saith the
rotten and cast forth without the gates of Jerusa- Lord, and they shall say no more : The Lord
lem. iveth, who brought up the children of Israel out
20 Go up to Libanus, andcry and lift up thy
of the land of Egypt:
voice in Basan, and cry to them that pass by, for 8 But, the Lord liveth, who hath brought out
all thy lovers are destroyed. and brought hither, the seed of the house of Is-
21 I spoke to thee in thy prosperity and thou
rael from the land of the north, and out of all thf
saidst I will not hear
: this hath been thy way
lands, to which I had cast them forth : and they
from thy youth, because thou hast not heard my hall dwell in their own land.
voice. 9 To the prophets : My heart is broken within
22 shall feed all thy pastors, and thy
The wind me, all my bones tremble: I am become as a
lovers shallgo into captivity and then shall
drunken man, and as a man full of wine, at the
thou be confounded, and ashamed of all thy presence of the Lord, and at the presence of hia
wickedness. linlv words.
23 Thou that sittest in Libanus, and makest lb Because the land is full of adulterers, be-
how hast thou mourned
thy nest in the cedars, cause the land hath mourned by reason of curs-
when sorrows came upon thee, as the pains of a ins:, the fields of the desert are dried up : and
woman in labour ? their course is become evil, and their strength
24 As I live, saith tlie Lord, if Jechoinas the unlike.
son of Joakim the king of Juda were a ring on 11 For the prophet and the priest are defiled:
my right hand, I would pluck him thence. and in my house I have found their wickedness,
25 And I will give thee into the hand of them saith the Lord.
that seek thv life, and into the hand \)f them 12 Therefore their way shall be as a slippery
whose face thou fearest, and into the hand ofNa- wav in the dark: for they shall be driven on, and
buchodonosor king of Babylon, and into the hand fall therein : for I will bring evils upon them, the
of the Chaldeans. vear of their visitation, saith the Lord.
26 And I will send thee and tliy mother that 13 And I have seen folly in the prophets of
bore thee, into a strange country, in whicli you Samaria they prophesied in Baal, and deceived

were not bom, and there you shall die :

mv people Israel.
* Weep not for him thai is dead, &c. He 14 And I have seen the likeness of adulterers,
means the good king Josias, who by death was and the way of lying in the prophets of Jerusa-
taken away, so as not to see the miseries of his
country. t Write this
man barren. That is, childless .
not that he had no children, but that his children
t Him that goeth away, viz. Sellum, alias Jo-
uhaz, who was carried captive into Egypt. should never sit on the throne of Juda.
: :

lem: and they strengthened the hands of the r .35 Thus shall you saj erery «ne to bis neigh*
wicked, that no man should return from his evil hour and to his brother What hatli the Lord :

doings; they are all become unto mc as 8odom, answered 1 and what hath the Lord spoken?
and the inhabitants tliereof as Goniorrha. 36 And the burden of the Lord shall be men-
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts to tioned no more, for every man's word shall be
the prophets: Behold, I will feed them with his burden for you have perverted the words

wormwood, and will give them gall to drink for : of the living God, of the Lord of hosts our
from the prophets of Jerusalem corruption is gone God.
forth into all the land. 37 Thus shalt thou sav to the prophet What :

16 Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Hearken not to hatli the Lord answeredi thee ? ana what hath
the words of the prophets that prophesy to you, tlie Lord spoken ?
and deceive you : they speak a vision of their own 38 But if you shall say : The burden of the
heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. Lord therefore thus saith the Lord : Because

17 They say them that blaspheme me: The

to you have said this word The burden of the Lord:

I^ord hath said You shall have peace and to

: ; and I have sent to you, saying : Say not. The
every one that walketh iu the perversenessof his burden of the Lord:
own heart, they have said No evil shall come: 39 Therefore behold, I will take you away
upon you. carrying you, and will forsake you, and the city
18 For who hath stood in the counsel of the which I gave to you, and to your fathers, out of
Lord, and hath seen and heard his word : Who my presence.!
hath considered his word and heard it. And I will bring an everlasting reproach
19 Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord's indig- upon you, and a perpetual shame, which shall
nation shall come forth, and a tempest shall break never be forgotten.
out and come upon the head of the wicked.
'JO The wrath of the Lord shall not return till
he execute it, and till he accomplish the thought Under the type of good and bad Jigs, heforetels
of his heart: in the latter days you shall under- the restoration of the Jews that had been car-
stand his counsel. ried away captive with Jechonias, and the de-
21 I (lid not send prophets yet they ran : I have solation of those that were left behind.
not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
22 If they had stood in my counsel, and had
THE Lord shewed me : and behold, two bas-
kets full of figs, set before the temple of the
made my words known to my people, 1 should Lord : after that Nabuchodonosor king of Baby-
iiave turned them from their evil way, and from lon had carried away Jechonias the son of Joa-
thoir wicked doings. kimthe king of Juda, and his chief men, and the
23 Am I, think ye, a God at hand, saith the craftsmen, and engravers of Jerusalem, and had
Lord, and not a God afar off? brought them to Babylon.
24 Shall a man be hid in secret places, and I 2 One basket had very good figs, like the figs
not see him, saith the Lord ? do not I fill heaven of the first season and the other basket had very

and earth, saith the Lord ? bad figs, which could not be eaten, because they
2.5 I have heard what the prophets said, that were bad.
prophesy lies in my name, and say: I have 3 And the Lord said to me : What seest thou,
dreamed, J have dreamed. Jeremias ? And I said Figs, the good figs, very

26 How long shall this be in the heart of the good and the bad figs, very bad, which cannot

prophets that prophesy lies, and that prophesy be eaten because they are bad.
the delusions of their own heart ? 4 And the word of the Lord came to me,
27 Who seek to forget my
make my people saying
name tliroueh their dreams, which they tell every 5 Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel Like :

man to his neighbour: as their fathers forgot my these good figs, so will I regard the captives of
name for Baal. Juda, whom I have sent forth out of this
28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell place into the land of the Chaldeans, for their
a dream : ana he that hath my word, let him good.
speak my word with truth what hath the chaff
: I will set my eyes upon them to be
6 And
to do wiih the wheat, saith the Lord. pacified, and I will bring them again into this
29 Are not my words as a fire, saith the Lord land : and I will build them up, and not pull

and as a hammer that breaketh the rock in them down and I will plant them, and not pluck :

pieces ? them up.

'{0 Therefore behold, I am against the pro- 7 And I will give them a heart to know me,
phets, saith the Lord who steal my words every that I am the Lord and they shall be my people,
: :

jne from his neighbour. and I will be their God because they shall re :

31 Behold, / am against the prophets, saith turn to me with their whole heart.
the Lord who use their tongues, and say : The
: 8 And as the very bad figs, that cannot be eaten
Lord ^!aith it. because they are bad: thus saith the Lord: So
32 Behold, I am against the prophets that will I give Sedecias the king of Juda, and his
have Ivin? dreams, saith the Lord and tell them, princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that have

and cause my people to err by their lying, and remained in this city, and that dwell in the land
bv their wonders when I sent them not, nor of Egypt.

commanded them, who have not profited this 9 And I will deliver them up to vexation, and
people at all, saith the Lord. affliction, to all the kingdoms of the earth : to
33 If therefore this people, or the prophet, or — —
*• ' • ««

the priest shall ask thee, saving: What is the and disallowed, at least for those times
buiden of the Lord T thou shah say to them : You because if was then used in mockery and con
are the burden : for I will cast you away, saith tempt by the false prophets, and unbelieving
the Lord. people, who ridiculed the repeated threats of Je-
34 And as for the prophet, and the priest, and remias under the name of his burdens.
the people that shall say The burden of the :
t Otit of my presence. That is, the Lord de-
Lord :' I will visit upon that man, and upon his clares that out of his presence he will cast them,
house. and bring them to captivity for their trarisgres-
• Burden of the Lord. This expression is here sions.
: :

be a reproach, and a by-worJ, aiul a proverli, iinJ niy hand: and thou shalt maki' all tie nations
fo be a curse in all places to which 1 have cast to drink thereof, unto which 1 shall send thee.
them out. 16 And they .shall drink, and be troubled, and
10 Anil I will send among thcni the sword, and be mad because of the sword, which I shall send
llie famine, and the pestilence till tliey be con- among them.

sumed out of the land which I gave to them, and 17 And I took the cup at the hand of Uie Lord,
tlieir fathers. and I presented it to all the nations to drink of
it,to which the Lord sent me :
CHAP. XXV. 18 To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Juda,
The prophet foretels the seventy years captivity : and the kings tliereof, and the princes thereof: to
and after that the destruction of Baby/on, and make them a desolation, and an astonishment,
other nations. and a hissing, and a curse, as it is at this day.
19 Pharao the king of Egypt, and his servants,
THE wordpeople came
all theJuda,
Jeremias concerning
year in the fourtli of and his princes, and all his people,
20 And all in general: all the kingf of the
Joakim, the sonof Josias, king of Juda (tliesame
land of Ausitis, and all the kings o( the land of
is the first year of Nabuchodonosor king of Ba-
the Philistines, and Ascalon, and Gaza, and Ac-
caron, and the remnant of Azotus,
2 Which Jeremias die prophet spoke to all the
21 And Edom, and Moab, and the children of
people of Juda, and to all the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, saying AmmoB,
3 From
the thirteenth year of Josias the son of
22 And all the kings of Tyre, and all the kings
Amnion, king of Juda, until this day : this is the of Sidon and the kings of tlie land of the islands

that are beyond the sea.

three and twentieth year, the word, of the Lord
hath come me, and I have spoken to you rising 23 And Dedan, and Thema, and Buz, and all
Jbefore day, and speaking, and you have not that have their hair cut round.
24 And all the kings of Arabia, and all tho
kings of the west, that dwell in the desert.
4 the Lord hath sent to you all his ser
vants the prophets, rising early, and sending, and
25 And all the .kings of Zambri, and all the
kings of Elam, and all the kings of tlie Medes
you have not hearkened, nor inclined your ears
to hear.
26 And all the kings of the north far and near,
5 When he said : Return ye, every one from every one against his brother : and all the king-
his evil way, and from your wicked devices, and
doms of the earth, which are upon the face
thereof: and the king of SesacJ: shall drink after
you shall dwell in the land which the Lord hath
given to you, and your fathers for ever and ever. them.
27 And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith
6 And go not after strange gods to serve them,
me wrath by the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Drink ye,
and adore them ; nor provoke to
the works of your hands, and I will not afflict
and be drunken, and vomit : and fall, and rise no
you. more, because of the sword, which I shall send
7 And you have not heard me, saith the Lord, among you.
28 And if they refuse to take the cup at thy
thatyou might provoke me to anger with the
works of your hands, to your own hurt. hand to drink, thou shalt say to them Thus :

saith the Lord of hosts: Drinking you shall

8 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts: Be
drink :
cause you have not heard my words :

29 For behold, I begin to bring evil on the

9 Behold, I will send, and take all the kin-
city wherein my name is called upon, and shall
dreds of the north, saith the Lord, and Nabucho-
donosor the king of Babylon my servant :* and
you be as innocent and escape free ? you shall
not escape free, for I will call for the sword upon
I will bring them against this land, and against
all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of
the inhabitants thereof, and against all the nations
that are around about it: and I will destroy
30 And thou shalt prophesy unto tV em all
them, and make them an astonishment and a
these word», and thou shalt say to them : The
hissing, and perpetual desolations.
10 And I will take away from them the voice of
Lord shall roar from on high, and shall utter his
voice from his holy habitation : roaring he shall
mirth, and the voice of gfadness, the voice of the
roar upon the place of his beauty : the shout as
bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound
it were of them that tread srapes shall be given
of the mill, and the light of the lamp.
out against all the inhabitants of the earlh.
11 And all this land shall be a desolation, and
31 The noise is come even to the ends of the
an astonishment: and all these nations shall
earth: for the Lord entereth into judgment with
serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
the nations: he entereth into judgment with all
12 And when the seventy years shall be ex-
flesh, the wicked I have delivered up to the
pired, I will punisht the king of Babylon, and
sword, saith the Lord.
that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity, and
32 Thus saith the Lord of hosts: Behold, evil
the land of the Chaldeans : and I will make it
shall go forth from nation to nation : and a
perpetual desolations.
great whirlwind shall go forth from the ends cf
13 And I will bring upon that land all my
the earth.
words, that I have spoken against it, all that is
33 And the slain of the Lord shall be at that
written in this book, all that Jeremias hath pro-
phesied against all nations :
day from one end of the earth even to the t ther
end thereof: they shall not be lamented, and
14 For they have served them, whereas they
they shall not be gathered up, nor buried : they
were many nations, and great kings and I will :

shall lie as dung upon the face of the earth.

repay them according to their deeds, and accord-
34 Howl, ye shepherds, and cry ; and sprinkle
ing to the works of their hands.
yourselves with ashes, ye leaders of the flock:
15 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God
for the days of your slaughter and your disper-
of Israel : Take the cup of wine of this fury at
sion are accomplished, and you shall fall like
* My servant. So this wicked king is here precious vessels.
called: because God made him his instrument in X Sesac. That is Babel, or Babylon : which
punishing the sins of his people. after bringing all these people under her voko.
t Pvnith. Literally, visit upon. should quickly fall and be destroyed herself


S5 And the shepherds shall have no way to God and the Lord will repent him ot the evil

flee, nor the leaders of the flock to save them- that he hath spoken against vou.
Belvea. 14 But as for me, behold, t am in your hands
36 A voice of the cry of tlie shepherds, and a do with me what is good and right in your eyes.
howling of the principal of the flock because : 15 But know ye, and understand, that if you
the Lord hath wasted their pastures. Jput me to death, you will she.-J innocent blood
?? And the' fields of peace have beea sii'em against your ownselves, and ngainst this city,
because of tlie fierce anger of the Lord. and the inhabitants thereof. For in truth the
33 He liath forsaken his covert as the lion, for Lord sent me to you, to speak all these words in
their land is laid waste because of the wrath of your hearing.
the dove,* and because of the fierce anger of 16 Then the princes, and all the people said
the Lord. to the priests, and to the prophets There is no

judgment of death for this man: for he hath

CHAP. XXVL spoken to us in the name of the Lord our God.
The prophet is apprehended and accused hy the 17 And some of the ancients of the land rose
priests: but discharged by the princes. up and they spoke to all the assembly of the

people, saying:
tlie beginning of the reign of Joakim the
IN 18 Micheas of Morasthi was a prophet in the
son of Josias king of Juda, caipe this word days of Ezechias king of Jui'a, and he spoke to
from the Lord, saying :
all the people of Juda, saying Thus saith the

2 Thus saiih the Lord Stand in the court of Lord of hosts

Sion shall be ploughed like a

the house of the Lord, and speak to all the cities field, and Jerusalem shall be
a heap of stones
of Juda, out of which they come, to adore in the and the mountain of the house the high places
house of the Lord, all the words which I have of woods.
commanded thee to speak unto them j leave not 19 Did Ezechias king of Juda, and all Juda,
out one word. condemn him to death? did they not fear the
3 If so be they will hearken and be converted Lord, and beseech the face of the Lord : and the
every one from his evil way ; that I may repent Lord repented of the evil that he had spoken
me of the evil that I think to do unto them for against them 1 therefore we are doing a great evil
the wickedness of their doings. against our souls.
4 A id thou shall say to them Thus saith the
20 There was also a man that prophesied in
Lord If you will not hearken to me to walk in the name of the Lord, Urias the son of Semei of

my law, which I have given you, Cariathiarim and he prophesied against this city,

5 To give ear to the words of my servants the 'and against this land, according to all the words
prophets, whom I sent to you rising up early, of Jeremias.
and sending, and you have not hearkened 21 And Joakim, and all his men in power,

6 I will make this house like Silo, and I will and his princes heard these words and the

make this city a curse to all the nations of the king sought to put him to death. And Urias
earth. heard it, and was afraid, and fled, and went into

7 And the priests, and the prophets, and all

the people heard Jeremias speaking these words 22 And king Joakim sent men into Egypt, El-
in the house of the Lord. nathan the son of Achobor, and men with him in-
8 And when Jeremias had made an end of to Egypt.
speaking all that the Lord had commanded him 23 And they brought Urias out of Egypt, and
to speak to all the people the priests, and the brought him to king Joakim
and he slew him

prophets, and all the people, laid hold on him, with the sword ; and he cast his dead body into
saying Let him be put to death.
the graves of the common people.
9 Why hath he prophesied in the name of the 24 So the hand of Ahicam the son of Saphan
Lord, saying This house shall be like Silo
was with Jeremias, that he should not be deli-

and this city shall be made desolate, without an vered into the hands of the people, to put him to
inhabitant ? And all the people were gathered death.
togetlier against Jeremias in the house of the
10 And the princes of Juda heard these words:
and they went up from the king's house into the T^e prophet sends chains to divers kings, signi
house of the Lord, and sat in the entry of the new fying that they must bend their necks binder the
gate of the house of the Lord. yoke of the king of Babylon. The vessels of
the temple shall not be brought back till all the
11 And the priests and the prophets spoke to
The rest are carried away.
the princes, and to all the people, saying :

judgment of death man: because he the beginning of the reign of Joakimt the
is for
hath prophesied against this
city, as you have
son of Josias king of Juda, this word came to
heard with your ears. Jeremias from the Lord, saving :
12 Then Jeiemias spoke to all the princes, 2 Thus saith the Lord" to me : Make thee
and to all the people, saying The Lord sent bands, and chains and thou shall put thera on
: :

me, to prophesy concerning this house, and con ihv neck.

ceming this city all the words that you have 3 And thou shall send them to the king of
heard. Edom, and to the king of Moab, and to the king
13 Now therefore amend your ways, and your of the children of Ammon, and to the king cf
doings, and hearken to the voice of the Lord your Tyre, and to the king of Sidon, by the hand tf
the messengers that are come to Jerusalem to
* The dove. This is commonly understood Sedecias the king of
4 And thou shall command them to speak to
of Nabuchodonosor, whose military standard,
their masters Thus sailh the Lord of hosts
thev say, was a dove. But the Hebrew word

Jonah, which is here rendered a dove, may also

signify a waster or oppressor, which name bet- t Joakim. This revelation was made to the
ter agrees to that unmerciful prince or by com- proplict in the beginning of the reign of Joakim i

parison, as a dove's flight is the swiftest, so would but the bunds were not sent, to the princeg hero
their destruction come upon them. linamed, before tlie reign of Sedecias, v. 3
: : : :

ihe God of Israel : Thus shall you say to your 21 For thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
masters : Israel, to the vessels that are left in the house of
5 I made the earth, and the men, and the the Lord, and in the house of the king of Juda
beasts that are upon the face of the earth, by my and Jerusalem
22 They shall be carried to Babylon ; and there
freat power, and by my stretched-out arm : and
have given it to whom it seemed good in my they shall be until the day of their visitation
eyes. saith the Lord: and I will cause them to be
6 And now I have given all these lands into brought, and to be restored in this place.
the hand of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon CHAP. XXVIII,
my servant : moreover also the beasts of the field
I have e:iven him to serve hiro.
The false prophecy of Haiianias : he dies that
7 And all nations shall serve him, and hi?
same year, as Jeremias foretold.
Bon,* and his son's son, till the time come for his
land and himself: and many nations and great
AND came
it to pass in that year, in the be-
of the reign of Sedecias king of
kings shall serve him. Juda, in the fourth year, in the fifth month, that
8 But the nation and kingdom that will not Hananias the son of Azur a prophet of Gabaon
serve Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and spoke to me, in the house of the Lord before the
whosoever will not bend his neck under the yoke priests, and all the people, saying
of the king of Babylon; I will visit upon that na 2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Is-
lion with the sword, and with famine, and with rael : I have broken the yoke of the king of Baby-
pe^stilence, saith the Lord; till I consume them by lon.
his hand. 3 As yet two years of days, and I will cause all
9 Therefore hearken not to your prophets, and the vessels of the house of the Lord to be brought
diviners, and dreamers, and soothsayers, and sor back into this place, which Nabuchodonosor
cerers, that say to you : You shall not serve the king of Babylon took away fiom this place, and
king of Babylon. carried them to Babylon.
10 For they prophesy lies to you, to remove 4 And I will bring back to this place Jechoni-
you far from your country, and cast you out, and as the son of Joakim king of Juda, and all the
to make you perish. captives of Juda, that are gone to Babylon, saith
11 But the nation that shall bend down their llie Lord for I will break the yoke of the king of

neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and Babylon.

shall serve him ; I will let them remain in their 5 And Jeremias the prophet said to Hananias
own land, saith the Lord : and they shall till it, the prophet in the presence of the priests, and in
and dwell in it. the presence of all the people that stood in the
12 And I spoke to Sedecias the king of Juda house of the Lord :
according to all these words, saying : Bend down 6 And Jeremias the prophet said : Amen, the
your necks under the yoke of the king of Ba- Lord do so : the Lord perform thy words, which
bylon, and serve him, and his people ; and you thou hast prophesied : that the vessels may be
shall live. brought again into the house of the Lord, and all
13 Whywill you die, thou and thy people by the captives may return out of Babylon to this
the sword, and by famine, and by the pestilence, place.
as the Lord hath spoke against the nation that 7 Nevertheless hear this word, that I speak in
will not serve the king of Babylon ? thy ears, and in the ears of all the people :
14 Hearken not to the words of the prophets 8 The prophets that have been before me, and
that say to you You shall not serve the king of before thee from the beginning, and have prophe-

Babylon for they tell you a lie.

: sied concerning many countries, and concerning
15 For I have not sent them, saith the Lord great kingdoms, of war, and of affliction, and of

and they prophesy in my name falsely, to drive famine.

you out, and that you may perish, both you, and 9 The prophet that prophesied peace : when
the prophets that prophesy to you. his word shall come to pass, the prophet shall
16 I spoke also to the priests, and to this peo- be known, whom the Lord hath sent in truth.
ple, saying : Thus sahh the Lord : Hearkeu not 10 And Hananias the prophet took the chain
to the words of your prophets, that prophesy to from the neck of Jeremias the prophet, and broke
you, saying : Behold, the vessels of the Lord it.
shall now in a short time be brought again from 11 And Hananias spoke in the presence of all
Babylon : for they prophesy a lie unto you. the people, saying : Thus saith the Lord : Even
17 Therefore hearken not to them, but serve so will I break the yoke of Nabuchodonosor the
the king of Babylon, that you may live. Why
king of Babylon after two full years from off the
should this city be given up to desolation ? neck of all the nations.
18 But if they be prophets, and the word of 12 And Jeremias the prophet went his way.
the Lord be in them, let them interpose them- And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, af-
selves before the Lord of hosts, that the vessels ter that Hananias the prophet had broken the
which were left in the house of the Lord, and in chain from off the neck of Jeremias the prophet,
the house of the king of Juda, and in Jerusalem, sayine
mav not go to Babylon. 13 Go, and tell Hananias: Thus saith the
19 For thus saith the Lord of hosts to the pil Lord : Thou hast broken chains of wood, and
lars, and to the sea, and to the bases, and to the thou shalt make for them chains of iron.
rest of the vessels that remain in this city : 14 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God
20 Which Nabuchodonosor the king of Baby- of Israel: I have put a yoke of iron upon the
lon did not take, when he carried away Jechoni- neck of all these nations, to serve Nabuchodono-
as the son of Joakim the king of Juda, from Je sor king of Babylon ; and they shall serve him :
rusalem to Babylon, and all the great men of Ju moreover also I have given him the beasts of the
da and Jerusalem earth.
15 And Jeremias the prophet said to Hananias
* His Evil Merodach ; and his son's the prophet: Hear now, Hananias: the Lord
son, viz.
son, viz. Nahonvdus, or Nabonadius, t)\e Baltas- hath not sent thee, and thou hast made this peo-
sar of Daniel, chap. v. and the last of the Chal- ple to trust in a lie.
dean kings. 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord: Behold, I
: : : : : : : :


will send thee away from off the face of the earth :] 17 Thus saith the Lprd of hosts: BenolJ, I
this year shah thou tlie for thou hast spoken
: will send upon them the sword, and the famine,
against the Lord. and the pestilence: and I will make thcn\ like
1 7 And Hananias the prophet died in that year, bad tigs that cannot be eaten, because they are
in the seventh month. very bad.
18 And I will persecute them with the sword,
and with famine, and with the pestilence and I :

Jeremins irriteth to the captives in Babylon, ex- will give them up unto affliction to all the king-
horting them to be easy there, and not to hear- doms of the earth ; to be a curse, and an asto-
ken to false prophets : that they sh/ill be deliv- nishment, and a hissing, and a rejiroach to all
ered after seventy years. But those that re- the nations to which I have driven them out
main in Jerusalem shall perish by the sword, 19 Because they have not hearkened to my
'amine, and pestilence. And that Achah, Se- words, saith the Lord; which I sent to them by
de.-i/is, and Setneias, false prophets, shall die
my servants the prophets rising by night, £ n'd
miserably. sending and you have not heard, saith the

these are the words of the letter which
the prophet sent from Jerusalem
20 Hear ye therefore the word of the Lord, all
to the residue of the ancients that were carried in- ye of the captivity, whom I have sent out from
to captivity and to the priests, and to the prophets, Jerusalem to Babylon.

and to all tlic people whom Nabuchodonosor had 21 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon : Israel, to Achab the son of Colias, and to Sede-
2 After that Jechonias the king, and the queen, cias the son of Maasias, who prophesy unto you
and the eunuchs, and the princes of Juda, and of in my name falsely : Behold, I will deliver them
Jerusalem, and the craftsmen, and the engravers up into the hands of Nabuchodonosor the kifig
were departed out of Jerusalem : of Babylon : and he shall kill them before your
3 By the hand of Elasa the son of Saphan, and eyes.
Gamarias the son of Helcias, whom Sedecias 22 And of them shall be taken up a curse by
king of Juda sent to Babylon to Nabuchodonosor all the captivity of Juda, that are in Babylon,
kins; of Babylon, saying : saying : The Lord make thee like Sedecias, and
4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Is- like Achab, whom the king of Babylon fried in
rael, to all that are carried away captives, whom the fire
I have caused to be carried away from Jerusa- 23 Because they have acted folly in Israel,
lem to Babylon. and have committed adultery with the wives of
.5 Build ye houses, and dwell in them: and their friends, and have spoken lying words in my
plant orchards, and eat the fruit of them. name, which I commanded them not: I am the
6 Take ye wives, and beget sons and daugh- Judge and the witness, saith the Lord.
ters and take wives for your sons, and give your
: 24 And to Semeias the Nehelamite thou shah
daughters to husbands, and let them bear sons say
and daughters and be ye multiplied there, and
: 25 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
be not few in number. Israel Because thou hast sent letters in thy

7 And seek the peace of the city, to which I name to all the people that are in Jerusalem,
have caused you to be carried away captives: and to Sophonias the son of Maasias the priest,
and pray to the Lord for it for in the peace
: and to all the priests, saying
thereof shall be your peace. 26 The Lord hath made thee priest instead of
8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Joiada the priest, that thou shouldst be ruler in
Israel: Let not your prophets that are in the the house of the Lord, over every man that rav-
midst of you, and your diviners deceive you :
eth and prophesieth, to put him in the stocks,
and give no heed to your dreams which you and into prison.
dream 27 And now why hast thou not rebuked Jere
9 For they prophesy falsely to you in my mias the Anathothite, who prophesieth to you ?
name and I have not sent them, saith the Lord.
: 28 For he hath also sent to us in Babylon, say-
10 For thus saith the Lord When the seven-
: ing It is a long time: build ye houses, and

ty years shall begin to be accomplished in Ba- dwell in them and plant gardens, and eat the

bylon, I will visit you and I will perforni my

: fruits of them.
good word in your favour, to bring you again to 29 So Sophonias the priest read this letter in
this place. the hearing of Jeremias the prophet.
11 For I know the thoughts that I think to- 30 And the word of the Lord came to Jere-
wards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, mias, saying
and not of affliction, to give you an end and pa 31 Send to all them of the captivity, saying
tience. Thus saith the Lord to Semeias the Nehelamite :
12 And you shall call upon me, and you shall Because Semeias hath prophesied to you, and
go: and you shall pray to me, and I will hear I sent him not, and hath caused you to trust in
you. a lie
13 You and shall find me, when
shall seek me, 32 Therefore thus saith the Lord Behold, I :

you shall seek me with all your heart. will visitupon Semeias the Nehelamite, and up-
14 And I will be found by you, saith the Lord :
on his seed he shall not have a man to sit in

and I will bring hack your captivity, and I will the midst of this people and he shall not see the

gather you out of all nations, and from all the good that I will do to my people, saith the Lord
to which 1 have driven you out, saith the because he hath spoken treason against the
,ord and I will bring you back from the place
: Lord.
to which I caused you to be carried away cap- CHAP. XXX.
God mil deliver his people from their captivity :
15 Because you have said : The Lord hath
Christ shall be their king: and his church shali
raised us up prophets in Bahykm :
be glorious for ever.
16 For thus saith the Lord to the king that
eitteth upon the throne of David, and to all the THIS is the word that
from the Lord, saying
came to Jeremiaa
people that dwell in this city, to your brethren :

Aat are riot gone forth with you into captivity

2 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, aa»
: :

in^ : Write thee all the words that I have spoken and their prince shall come forth from the mids*
to thee, in a book. of them and I will bring him near, and he shall

3 For, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, come to me : for who is this thatsetteth his heart
and I will bring again the captivity of my people approach lo me, saith the Lord ?to
Israel and Juda, saith the Lord and I will cause 22 And you shall be my people and 1 will be
: :

them to return lo the land which I gave to their your God.

fathers : and they shall possess it. 23 Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord, his fury
4 And these are the words that the Lord hath going forth, a violent storm, it shall rest upon the
spoken to Israel and to Juda: head of the wicked.
5 For thus saith the Lord We have heard a : 24 The Lord will not turn away the wrath of
voice of terror there is fear, and no peace.
: his indignation, till he have executed and per-
6 Ask ye, and see if a man bear children? why formed the thought of his heart: in the latter days
then have I seen every man with his hands on you shall understand these things.
his loins, like a woman in labour, and all faces
arc turned yellow ? CHAP. XXXL
7 Alas, for that day is great, neither is there
The restoration of Israel. Rachel shall cease
the like to it: and it is the time of tribulation to
Jacob, but he shall be saved out of it.
from mourning'. The new covenant. The
church shall never fail.
8 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith
the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from that time, saith the Lord, I will be the
off thy neck, and will burst his bands and stran- 1'%- God of all the families of Israel
: AJo and they :

gers shall no more rule over him shall be my people.

9 But they shall serve the Lord their God, 2 Thus saith the Lord The people that were :

and David* their king, whom I shall raise up to left and escaped from the sword, found grace in
them. the desert Israel shall go to his rest. :

10 Therefore fear thou not, my servant Jacob, 3 The Lord hath appeared from afar to me.
saith the Lord ; neither be dismayed, O Israel Yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love;
for behold, I will save thee from a country afar therefore have I drawn thee, taking pity on thee.
off, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; 4 And I will build thee again, and thou shall
and Jacob shall return, and be at rest, and abound be built, O virgin of Israel thou shall again be :

with all good things: and there shall be none adorned with thy limbrels, and shall go forth in
whom he may fear the dances of them that make merry.
11 For I am with thee, saith the Lord, to save 5 Thou shall yet plant vineyards in the moun-
thee for I will utterly consume all the nations, tains of Samaria the planters shall plant, and
: :

among which I have scattered thee but I will they shall not gather the vintage before the lime:

not utterly consume thee but I will chastise

For there shall be a day, in which the watch-
thee in judgment, that thou mayst not seem to men on mount Ephraim shall cry : Arise, and let
thyself innocent. us go up to Sion lo the Lord our God.
12 For thus saith the Lord Thy bruise is in : 7 For thus saith the Lord Rejoice ye in the :

curable, thy wound is very grievous. joy of Jacob, and neigh before the head of the
13 There is none to judge thy judgment to gentiles shout ye, and sing, and say Save, O : :

bind it up thou hast no healing medicines.

: Lord, thy people, the remnant of Israel.
14 All thy lovers have forgotten thee, and will 8 Behold, I will bring ihem from the north
not seek after thee for I have wounded thee with country, and will gather them from the ends of

the wound of an enemy, with a cruel chastise the earth and among them shall be the blind :

ment: by reason of the multitudeof thy iniquities, and the lame, the woman with child, and she
thy sins are hardened*. that is bringing forth together, a great company
15 Why criest thou for thy affliction ? thy sor- of them reluming hither.
row is incurable for the multitude of thy iniqui
: 9 They shall come with weeping and I will :

ty, and for thy hardened sins I have done these bring them back in mercy and I will bring them :

things to thee. through the torrents of walers in a right way,

16 Therefore all they that devour thee, shall and they shall not stumble in it for I am a fa- :

be devoured and all thy enemies shall be car ther to Israel, and Ephraim is my first-born.

ried into captivity and tliey that waste thee shall

: 10 Hear the word of-the Lord, O yc nations,
be wasted and all that prey upon thee will 1 and declare it in the islands that are afar off, and

give for a prey. say He that scattered Israel will gather him

17 For I will close up thy scar, and will heal and he will keep him as the shepherd doih his
thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. Because flock.
they have called thee, O Sion, an outcast This 11 For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, andde

is she that hath none to seek after her. ivered him out of the hand of one that was migh
18 Thus saith the Lord Behold, 1 will bring tier than he.

back the captivity of the pavilions of Jacob, and 12 And they shall come, and shall give praise
will have pity on his houses and tlie city shall in mount Sioii and they shall flow togetiier lo
: :

be built in her high place; and the temple shall the good things of the Lord, for the corn, and wine,
be founded according to the order thereof. rind oil, and the increase of cattle and herds and :

19 And out of them shall come forth praise, their soul shall be as a watered garden ; and they
and the voice of them that play and 1 will mul- shall be hungrv no more.

tiply them, and they shall not be made few 13 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance,

and I will glorify them, and they shall not be the young men and old men together and I will :

lessened. turn their mournins into joy, and will comfort

20 And their children shall be as from the be them, and make them joyful after their sor-
ginning and their assembly shall be permanent row.

before me and I will visit against all that afflict

: 14 And I will fill the soul of the priests with
them. Q fatness and my people shall be filled with my :

21 And their leaders shall be of themselves good things, saith the Lord.
15 Thus saith the Lord A voice was heard :

* David. That is, Christ, of the house of on hiffh of lamentation, of mourning, and weep
David ing, nf Rachel weeping for her children, and refu-
: :::

sing to be comforted for them, because they are the light of the day, the order of the moon and of
not. tlie stars, for the light of the night ; who stirreth
16 Thus saith the Lord : Let thy voice cease up the sea, and the waves thereof roar ; the Lord
from weeping, and thy eyes from tears for there of hosts is his name.

is a reward for thy work, saitli the Lord and 36 If these ordinances shall fail before me, saith

they shall return out of the land of the enemy. the Lord; then also the seed of Israel shall fail,
17 And there is hope for thy last end, saiththe so as not to be a nation oefore me for ever.
Lord and the children shall "return to iJieir own
: 37 Thus saith the Lord If tlie heavens above :

borders. can be measured, and the foundations of the earth

18 Hearing I heard Ephraim when he went searched out beneath; I also will cast away ai]
into captivity : Thou hast chastised me, and I the seed of Israel, for all that tliey have done,
was instructed, as a j'oung bullock unaccustomed saith the Lord.
to tlie yoke. Convert me, and I shall be cou- 38 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord :
yerted : for thou art the Lord my God. that the city shall be built to the Lord from the
19 For after thou didst convert me, I did pen- tower of Hanameel even to the gate of the comer.
ance : and after thou didst shew unto me, 1 struck 39 And the measuring line shall go out far-
my thiirh : I am confounded and ashamed, be ther in his sight upon llie hill Gareb : and it
cause 1 have borne the reproach of my youth. sliall compass Goatha,
20 S-irely Ephraim is an honourable son to 40 And the whole valley of dead bodies, and
me, surely lie is a tender child for since I spoke of ashes, and all the country of death, even to

of him, I will still remember him. Therefore are the torrent Cedron, and to the corner of the
my bowels troubled for him : pitying I will pity horse-gate towards the east, the Holy of the
him, saith the Lord. Lord : it shall not be plucked up, and it shall not
21 Set thee up a a watch-tower, make to thee be destroyed any more for ever.
bitterness : direct thy heart into the right way
wherein thou hast walked : return, O virgin of CH.4P. XXXII.
Israel, return to these thy cities. Jeremias, by God's commandment, purchases a
22 How long wilt thou bo dissolute in deli field of his kinsman; and prophesies the re-
ciousness, O wandering daughter ? for the Lord turn of the people out of captivity, and the
hath created a new thing upon the earth ; a wo everlasting covenant God will make with his

23Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Is-
As yet shall they say this word in the land
word that came to Jeremias from the
Lord in the tenth year of Sedecias king of
of Juda, and in the cities thereof, when I shall Juda; the same is the eighteenth year of Nabu-
bring back their captivity The Lord bless thee, chodonosor.

the beauty of justice, the holy mountain. 2 A t that time the army of the king of Baby-
24 And Juda and all his cities shall dwell lon besieged Jerusalem and Jeremias the pro- :

therein together ; the liusbandmen and they that phet was shut up in the court of the prison,
drive the flocks. which was in the house of the king of Juda.
25 For I have inebriated the weary soul : and 3 For Sedecias king of Juda had shut him up,
I have filled every hungry soul. saying : Why dost thou prophesy, saying
26 LTpon this I was as it were awaked out of Thus saith the Lord : Behold, I will give this
ii sleep and I saw, and my sleep was sweet
: city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he
to me. shall take it ?
27 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord and : 4 And Sedecias king of Juda shall not escape
I will sow the house of Israel and the house of out of the hand of the Chaldeans : but he shall
Juda with the seed of men, and with the seed of be delivered into the hands of the king of Baby-
beasts. lon : and he shall speak to him mouth to moutli,
28 And as I have watched over them, to pluck and his eyes shall see his eyes.
up and to throw down, and to scatter, and destroy, 5 And he shall lead Sedecias to Babylon
and afflict so will I watch over them, to build
: and he shall be there till I visit him, saith tlie
up. and to plant them, saith t!ie Lord. Lord. But if you will fight against the Chalde-
29 In those days they shall say no more The : ans, you shall have no success.
father? have eaten a sour ffrape, and the teeth of 6 And Jeremias said The word of the Lord

ths children are set on edze. came to me, saying :

30 But every one shall die for his own iniquity : 7 Behold, Hanameel the son of Sell urn thy
every man that shall eat tlie sour grape, his teeth cousin shall come to thee, saying Buy thee my :

shnli he set on edge. field, which is in Anathoth "for it is thy right to:

31 Behold, the days shall come, saith the Lord, buy it, being next akin.
and I will make a new covenant with the house 8 And Hanameel myuncle's son came to me,
of [srad, and without the house of Juda : according to the word of the Lord, to the entry
.32 Not according to the covenant which I made of the prison, and said to me Buy my field, :

with their fathers, in the day that I took them by which is m Anathoth in the land of Benjamin
the hand to brine them o:it of the land of Egypt for the rieht of inheritance is thine, and thou art
the covenant which thov made void, and I had next of kin to possess it. And I understood ibut
donvinion over them, saith the Lord. this was the word of the Lord.
33 But this shall ho th'5 covenant, that [ will 9 .And I hous-ht the field of Hanameel my
make with the house of Israel after those days, uncle's son, that is in Anathoth: and I weighed
«ailh the Lord I will eive luy law in their bowels,
: im the nione_v, seven staters, and ten pieces of
and I will write it in their heart : and I will be silver.
their God, and they shall be my people. 10 And I wrote it in a book and sealed it ; an&
34 And thev shall teach no more every man took witnesses and I weighed him the nioney

bis neighbour, and every man his brother, saying:| in the bnlanccs.
Know the Lord: for all shall know me from thaj 11 And I took the deed of the purchase
least of them even to the greatest, saith the Lord :i that was sealed, and the stipulations, and the ra-
for will forgive their iniquity, and I will re- tifications with the seals that were on the out
member their sin no more. side.
35 Thus saith the Lord, whoffiveth the sun for 12 And I gave the deed of the purchase to Ba-
3U 529
: : :

rach tho son of Ncri the son of Maasias in tlic until this day, in which it nhall be taken out 9
sight of Ilunaiucel my uncle's son, in the pio- my sight.
eeiice of tlic witnesHOs that BuhRcrihod the liook '32 iiecause of all the evil of the children of Is-
of jmiclmso, and hi'fore all tlic Jews that siit rael, and of ihe children of Juda, which they
in tho court of the j)riHon. have done, provoking me to wrath, tli(!y and their
13 And I (diarged Baruch before them, aay- kings, their princes, and their priests, and their
projdiets, the men of Juda, and the inhubitanla of
11 Thus Huith the Lord of hosts the (iiod of Is- Jerusalem.
nicl 'l'ak(! these wiitin{;s, this deed of the jinr-
: 33 And they liavc turned their backs to me,
chasi^ that is sealed up, and this deed that is and not their faces when 1 taught them early in :

open and put them in an eurlluni vessel, that the morning, and instructed them, and they would

they may edutiiiue many days. not hearken to receive instruction.

15 For thus saith tiie Lord of hosts the God 31 And they have set their idols in the house,
of Israel: Houses, and fields, and vineyards in which my name is called upon, to delile it.
Khali he. i)oss('ssed ac:ain in this hind. 3.') And they have built the high plaeea of
1() And after I had delivered the deed of pur- Baal,*vlii<;h are in the valley of the son of Kn-

chase lo Itarueh the son of Neri, I prayed to tin nom, to consecrate their sons and their daughtera
l,ord, saying- to Moloch : which I ((iiiiiiianded tiiein not, nei-
17 Alas, alas, Lord God, hehold, thouala;-i, O tiier entered il into my heart, tliat they should do
hast made heaven and earth hy thy threat jiower this ahominalion, and cause Juda to sin.
and thy slretelj(;d-out arm no word shall lu : 3() And now llierefon^ thus sailh the Lord tho

hard lo tjiee : (lod of Israel to this city, wh(>reof you say that it
lit 'I'liou shewest nierey unto thousnnds, and shall he deliven^l into the hands of the king of
nHiiruest the iuiqiiity of the fathers into the lio- Babylon by tho sword, and by famine, and by
som of their children after them most mighty, : O pestilence :

great, and powerful, the Lord of hosts is thy 37 Behold, I will gather them together out of
nunip all the lands to which 1 have cast them out in
li) (Jreat in counsel, and incomprehensihle in my anger, and in my wrath, and in my great in-
thouf^ht: whose eyes are open u])oii all the ways dignation: and I will bring them again into this
of the children of Adam, to render unto every place, and will cause them to dwell securely.
one aeeordiiif; to hia ways, and according to the 3!) And they shall be my jicoplc, and 1 will be
fruit of his devices ; their God.
~0 Who hast set and wonders in the land 3;) And
siEjns I will give them one lieart, anil one
of the Kgyjit even until this day, and in Israel, way, that they may fear me all days and that it ;

and amongst men, and hast made thee a name as may bo well with them, and with their children
at this day ;
afliM- tluun.
'Jl And hast hrought forth thy people Israe '10 And I will make an everlasting covenant
OHt of the land of Egypt, with signs, and with with them, and will not cease to do them good:
wonders, and with a strong hand, and a stretched- and I will give my fi-ar in their heart, tinU they
OHt arm, and with great terror may not revolt from me.

112 And hast given them this land which thon -11 And will rejoice over them, when I shall I

didst swear to heir fatlu'rs to give them, a land do them good and 1 will plant them in this land
I :

flowing with milk and honey. in truth, with my whole iieart, and with all my
21? And they eame in, and possessed it: hut soul.
they oheyed not thy voice and they walked not •12 For thus sailh the Lord
As I have brought :

in thy law: and they did not any of those things upon this j)eople all this great evil so will I :

that thou didst eonnnand them to do; and all bring u[)on them all the good that I now sjjcak
these evils are come upon them. to them.
24 Ih'liold, wmks are huilt U|) against the city '13 And fields shall be purchased in this land :

to take it and the city is given into the hand of whereof von say that it is desolate, because there

the (^haldeaiiLi, who fight against it, hy the remainelli neither man nor beast, and it is given
Bword, and the famine, and the pestilence and into the hands of the Ghaldeans. :

what thou hast s|)oken, is all come to pass, as 11 Fields shall be bouuht fiir money, and deeds
thou thyself sees!. shall be written, and sealed, and witnesses shall
1!> And sayest thou to me, (") Lord God: Buy be taken in the land of Benjamin, and round about
a field for money, and take witnesses, whereas Jerusalem, in the cities of Juda, and in iheeilieg
the city is given into the hands of the Clinl- on the mountains, and in the cities of the ])lains,
deans f and in the cities that are towards the south: for
2(! And the word of the Lord eame to .leremias, I will bring back their captivity, saith the Lord.
saying CIIAB. XXXUI.
57 l?ehold, I am the Lord the God ofnll (lesh :

hIuiII any thing he hard forme !

God promixes irdiicfii/ii finm nnd other

2!! Therefore thus saith the Lord: l^ehold I

h/rssiui^^s : tsprriiil/i/ flic coming of Cliris/,
wdl deliver this eitv into the hands ef the (^lial- irliouc rci^'n in his church shall be glofious mid
deans, and into the hands of the king of Babyism ; perpetual.
and they shall take it.
2".) Aiid the Chaldeans that fight against this
AND the word of the Lord came to Jcreiniaa
the second time, while he was y(,t shut up
city, shall come and set it mi fire, and hurn it. in the court of the prison, saving :
with the houses upon whose roofs they offered 2 Thus saith the Loril, who will do, and will
Faerifiee to Baal, and poured out drink-otTerings form it, and prepare it ; The Lord is bis name.
lo Btrango gods, to provoke me to wrath. 3 Cry to me, and I will hear thee : and I will
30 For the children of Israel, and the children shew thee great things, and sure tlihigs which
o." .luda, have continually done evil in my eyes thou knowest not.
from their youth: the children of Israel whoeven A Fm- thus sailh the Lord the God of Israel to
till now jirovoke ine with the work of their hands, the houses of this city, and to the bouses of the

saith the Lord. king of Juda, which are destroyed, and to the
31 I'm- this city hath been to me a provocation bulwarks, ond to the sword.
«nd indignation from the day that they built it, 5 Of them that come to fight with the Chal-
: :

deans, and to fill them wiih tlu' doiul lioilics of (lie 19 And the word of the Lord caine to JflirmiM^
men wlioin I liavp slain in niv wraili, nnd in niv saying
indiffniition liidintc my fiu-e from tliis city, bocmisc 'JO M'hus snith the Lord: If my covennnt with
of Hll their wiokednoss. he day can he made void, and my coveinint with
(! liohold, 1 will closo tlioir wounds iiiul fjivc he night, that there should not be day nn<i night in
tlioni liciiltli, nnd will curellinn: and
I I will iv- heir season
vciil to tliiMn llio prayor ofpoaco" and Iriilli. 'Jl Also my covennnt with David my servant
7 And I will bring hack llic captivity of Juda, may bo made void, ihnt he should not have a son
nnd the captivity of jornsalcm and 1 will build ()
: reign iipmi his throne, and letlli the Levites
tlioni us from tho boijinnint:. and priests my ministers.
8 And I will cleanse them from all their ini- 'J'J As the stars of heaven cannot be numbered,

quity, wlioreby thev have sinned ac;ainstnie and nor the sand of the sea be measured
: so will I :

I will forjiive all tlieir iniquities, whereby ihey multiiily the seed of David my servant, and the

have sinned ajrainst me, and despised mo. Levitos my ministers.

9 And it shall he to me a name, nnd a j(M', ami 'J!) And the word of the Lord came to Jerenii-
a praise, ami a f::ladness before all the nations of as, saving :

the earth, that shall hear of all the i;<)od tiiin;;s 'J'l what this [leople hnth
ilast thou not seen
wliU'h I will do lo thi-m: and they shall fear and spoken, saying: two families^\ which llio
'i'hc .

be troubled for all the pood thing's, and for all Lord had cIiosimi, are cast off: and they have de-
the peace, that 1 will make for them. -])ised my peo|>le, so that it is no more a nation
10 Thus saith the Lord There shall he heard
: lefore them ?
again in this place (which yon say is desolate, 'jri Thus saith tho Lord: If I have not set my
because ihero is neither man nor beast, in the ovenanf between day nnd night nnd laws to
cities of Juda, and without .leriisaltMu, which are heaven and earth :

desolate without man, and without inhabitant, Surelv I will also cast o(V the seed of Ja-

nnd without beastj i"oh, nnd of David my servant, so as not to take

11 The voice of joy and the voice of "ladness, nny of hi.'-*".»ecd to be rulers of the seed of Abra-
llic voice of the hridei:;room and the voice of the ham, Isaac, and Jacob for I will bring back :

bride, the voice of them that shall say : (iivc yo their captivity, and will have mercy on them.
pjlory to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good,
CHAP, xxxiv.
for his mere V endiireth for e^or and of them that

shall bring flieir vows into the house of the Lord: The prophet foretells that Seiteeins shall full into
for I will bring back the captivity of llio land as thehands <f Nahuehodonosor : (t'od's sentence
nt the first, saith the Lord. upon the princes and people that had broken his
I'J Thus saith the Lord of hosts: There shall
he again in this place that is desolate without
man, and without Insist, and in all the cities
thereof, an habitation of slie|)herds causing their
T' Lord (when rVabiichodonosor kiiie of liatn -
Ion, his army, and nil the kingdoms of
nnd all
flocks to lie down. the earth that v\ere under the povv(>r of his hand,
13 And in the cities on the mountains, nnd in and all the people fought against Jcrnsalcni and
the cities of the plains, and in the cities ihnt are against all the cities theicoi,) saying:
towards the south and in tlu' hind of ncnjamin,
: '2 Thus saith the Lord, the (>od of Israel : Go,

nnd round about .lernsalem, nnd in the cities of ind speak to Sedccias kinc: of Juda, and snv lo
Juda shall the (locks ]>ass again under the hand him : Thus sailh the Lord: Iteiiohl, 1 will deliver
of him that mimbcreth them, saith the Lord. this city into the liniids of ibe king of Itnbylon,
II Uchold, the days come, saith the Lord, and he shall burn it with lire.
that I will i)erform llie good word that 1 have '••>
And thou not escniie out of his hand
.'halt :

Bpoken to tlie house of Israel, and to the house but tlion shalt surely be taki>u,and ihoii slialt ho
of Juda. delivered into his hand and ihv eyes shiill see

L") In those dnys, and nt that tiino, 1 will niaki^ the eyes of the king of T^nbylon, nnd his month
the bud of justice, to spring forth nnto David: hall speak with thy numtli, and thou shult go to
and he shall do judgment and justice in the Hahylon.
earth. V'«>t bear the word of the Lord, O Sedccins

If) In those days shall Juda be saved, and king of Jnda Thus saith the LonI lo thee Thou
: :

Jerusalem shall dwell securely and this is the

bait not die by the sword:
name that they shall call him, Tho Lord our 5 Hut thou shall die in i)eMce,l| and according
just one. ) the burnings of thy falliers, tlie Ibinicr kings
17 For thus saith the Lord: There shall not that were before thee, so shall tln\v huiu thee :

be cut off from Dnvidt a man to sit upon tin and they shnll mourn for thee, saying: AIns,
throne of the house of Israel. Lord: for I have spoken the word, saith the
18 Neither shall there be cut off from the Lord.
priests^ nnd Levites a man before my face, to of- .And Jereniins the prophet spoke all thesw

fer holocausts, and to burn sacrifice, and to kill to Sedecias the kiiii;of J iida in Jerusalem.
victims conlinunlly. And the nriiiy of the kimj of Hahvhm fought
* The prai/cr of peace. That is, the pence against Jerusalem, nnd nsraiiist all tlie cities of
and welfnre which they pray for. Jmla that wen; left, against Lachins, nnd ngninst
t There shall not. he etit off from Dnvid^ fee.
.\7.echn : for ilieso remained of tho cities of Juda,
This wns verified in f^hrist, who is of the house fenced cities.
of Dnvid ; and whose kingdom in his church shall 8 The word that came to Jeremiiis fnnn tho
have no end. Lord, after that king Sedccias had made a cove-
X Neither shall there be ad offfrom the. rtriests, nant with all the people in Jerusalem, making a
fee. This promise relates to the Cliristian jiroclnmation :

priesthooil ; which shnll also continue for ever; Thnt every ninn should let his ninn-servnnt,
the functions of which, (more esjiecially the great nnd every man bis mnid-servnnt, being a Hebrew
Baerifice of the nitnr) are here expressed by the
»lf»me of holocausts, and other offerings of the { Two families, <kc. viz. The fainiiics of the
law, which were so many figures of the Christian kings and priests.
vacriflce. Die in peace. That is, by a natural death.

: : : :

man or a Hebrew womarij go
free and that tlipy speak to them, and bring them into the house

Bhoukl not lord over them, to wit, over the of the Lord, into one of the chambers of the
Jevts their brethren. treasures, and thou shall give them wine to
10 And all the princes, and all the people who drink.
entered into the covenant, heard that every man 3 And I took Jezonias the son of Jeremias the
should let his man- servant, and every man his son of Habsanias, and his brethren, and all his
maid-servant go free, and should no more liave sons, and the whole house of the Rechabites.
dominion over them and they obeyed, and let
: 4 And I brought them into the house of the
them go free. Lord, to the treasure-house of the sons of Hanan,
11 But afterwards they turned; and brought the son of Jegedelias the man of God, which waa
back again their servants and tlieir handmaids, by the treasure-house of the princes, above the
whom they had let go free, and brought them into treasure of Maasias the son of Sellum, who was
subjection as men-servants, and maid-servants. Iceeper of the entry.
\2 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias 5 And I set before the sons of the house of the
from the Lord, saying : Rechabites pots full of wine, and cups and 1 :

13 Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel I said to them

: Drink ye wine. :

made a covenant with your fathers in the daj' 6 And they answered will not drink wine : We
that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out because Jonadub the son of Rechab, our father,
of the house of bondage, saying: commanded us, saying: You shall drink no
14 At the end of seven years, let ye go every wine, neither you, nor your children, for ever :

man his brother being a Hebrew, who hath been 7 Neither shall ye build houses, nor sow seed,
sold to thee, so he shall serve thee six years nor plant vineyards, nor have any but you shall
: :

and thou shah let him go free from thee and dwell in tents all your days, that you may live

your fathers did not hearken to me, nor did they many days upon the face of the earth, in which
incline their ear. you are strangers.
15 And you turned to-day, and did that which 8 Therefore we have obeyed the voice of Joiia-
was right in niy eyes, in proclaiming liberty dab the son of Rechab, our father, in all things
every cn^ to his brother: and you made a cove- that he commanded us, so as to drink no wine all
nant in i,iy sight, in the house upon which my our days, neither we, nor oiw wives, nor our sons,
name is invocated. nor our daughters:
IG And you are fallen back, and have defiled 9 Nor to build houses to dwell in, nor to have
•uy name and you have brought back again .vineyard, or field, or seed
: :

every man his man-servant, and every man his 10 But we have dwelt in tents, and have been
maid-servant, whom you had let go free, and set obedient according to all that Jonadab our father
at liberty and you have brought them into sub- commanded us.

jection to be your servants and handmaids. 11 But when Nabuchodonosor king of Baby-
17 Therefore thus saith the Lord: You have lon came up to our land, we said Come, let ua :

not hearkened to me, in proclaiming liberty every go into Jerusalem from the face of the army of
man to his brother, and every man to his friend the Chaldeans, and from the face of the army of

behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the Syria: and we have remained in Jerusalem.
Lord, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the 12 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias,
famine and I will cause you to be removed to saying

all kingdoms of the earth. 13 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
18 And I will give the men that have trans- Israel Go, and say to the men of Juda, and to

gressed my covenant, and have not performed the the i;ihabitants of Jerusalem: Will you not receive
words of the covenant which they agreed to in instruction, to obey my words, saith the Lord ?
my presence, when they cut the calf in two, and 14 The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab,
passed between the parts thereof: by which he commanded his sons not to drink
19 The princes of Juda, and the princes of wine, have prevailed and they have drunk none :

Jerusalem, the eunuchs, and the priests, and all to this day, because they have obeyed the com-
the people of the land that passed between the mandment of their father but I have spoken to :

parts of the calf: you, rising early and speaking, and you have not
20 And I will give them into the hands of their obeyed me.
enemies, and into the hands of them that seek 15 And 1 have sent to you all my servants the
their life and their dead bodies shall be for meat prophets, rising early, and sending, and saying:

to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the Return ye every man from his wicked way, and
earth. make your ways good and follow not strange :

21 And Sedecias the king of Juda, and his gods, nor worship them and you shall dwell in :

princes, I will give into the hands of theirenemies, the land, which I eave you and your fathers and :

and into the hands of them that seek their lives, you have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened to
and into the hands of the armies of the king of me.
Babylon, which are gone from you. 16 So the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab
22 Behold, I will command, saith the Lord, have constantly kept the commandment of their
and I will bring them agaic 'o this city and they father, which he commanded them
; but this :

shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it people hath not obeyed me.
with fire and I will make the cities of Juda a
: 17 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts the
desolation, without an inhabitant. God of Israel Behold, I will bring upon Juda,

CHAP. xxxy. and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the
The obedience of the Rechabites condemns the evil that I have pronounced against them, be-
disobedience of the Jews. The reward of the cause I have spoken to ihem, and they have not
Rechabites. heard I have called to them, and they have not

THE word
that came to Jeremias from the answered me.
in the days of Joakim the son of Josi- 18 And Jeremias said to the house of the Re-
as king of Juda, saying chabites Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God

2 Go to the house of the Rechabites :* and of Israel : Because you have obeyed the com-
mandment of Jonadab your father, and have kept
* Rechabites. These were of the race of all his precepts, and have done all that he com
Jethro, father-in-law to Moses. manded you
1 :

19 Therefore thus saith tlie Lord of hosts the of Nathanias, the son of Selemias, the son of
God of Israel : There shall not be wanting a man Chusi, to Baruch, saying : Take in tliy hand tha
of the race of Jonadab the son of Rechab, stand- volume in which thou hast read in the hearing
ing before me for ever. of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of
CHAP. XXXVI. Nerias took the volume in his hand, and came to
Jeremias sends Baruch read his prophecies in\
15 And they said to him: Sit down, and read
the temple: the book is brought tokiugJoakim,
these things in our hearing. And Baruch read
who burns it. The prophet denounces his'
in their hearing.
judgment : and causes Baruch to write a new
16 And when they had heard all the words,
they looked upon one another with astonishment,

AND it came to pass in the fourth year of

and they said to Baruch
Joakim the son of Josias king of JudaJ all these words.^
must tell the king
: We
that this word came to Jeremias by the Lord,!
17 And they asked him, saying: Tell us how
Baying- didst thou write all these words from his mouth.

2 Take thee a roll of a book, and thou shalti 18 And Baruch said to^hem With his mouth :

write in it all the words that I have spoken tol he pronounced all these
words as if he were read-
thee against Israel and Juda, and against all the
ing to me and I wrote in a volume with ink.

nations from the day that I spoke to thee, from the 19 And the princes said to Baruch, Go, and
days of Josias even to this day. hide thee, both tliou and Jeremias, and let no
3 If so be, when the house of Juda shall hear man know where
you are.
all the evils that I purpose to do unto them, that
20 And they went in to the king into the court:
they may return every man from his wicked but they laid
up the volume in the chamber of
way : and I will forgive their iniquity, and their Elisama the scribe : and they told the all words
hearing of the king.
in the
4 So Jeremias called Baruch the son of Neri- 21 And the king sent Judi that he should take
as and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jere- the volume; who bringing
it out of the chamber

mias all the words of the Lord, which he spoke to of Elisama the scribe, read it
in tlie hearing of the
him, upon the roll of a book. king, and of all the princes that stood about the
5 And Jeremias commanded Baruch, saying: king.
I am shut up,* and cannot go into the house of
22 Now the king sat in the winter-house, in tha
the Lord. ninth month: and there was a hearth before him
6 Go thou in therefore, and read out of the vo- full of burning coals.
lume, which thou hast written from my mouth, 23 And when Judi had read three or four pages,
the words of the Lord, in the hearing of all the he cut it with the penknife, and he cast
it into the
peo -le in the house of the Lord on the fasting fire, that was upon (he hearth, till all the volume
day and also thou shalt read them in the hear- was consumed with the fire that was on the hearth.

ing of all Juda that come out of their cities 24 And the king and all his servants that heard

7 If so be they may present their supplication all these words were not afraid, nor did they rena
before the Lord, and may return every one from their garments.
his wicked way: for great is the wrath and indig- 25 But yet Elnathan, and Dalaias, and Gama-
nation which the Lord hath pronounced against rias spoke to the king, not to burn the hook and :

this people. he heard them not.

8 And Baruch the son of Nerias did according 26 And the king commanded Jeremiel the son
to all that Jeremias the prophet had commanded of Amelech, and Saraias the son of Ezriel, and
him, reading out of the volume the words of the Selemias the son of Abdeel, to take up Baruch
Lord in the house of the Lord. the scribe, and Jeremias the prophet: but the
9 And it came to pass in the^ fifth year of Lord hid them.
Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda, in the 27 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias
ninth month, that they proclaimed a fast before' the prophet, after that the king had burnt the
the Lord to all the people in Jerusalem, and toj volume, and the words that Baruch had written
all the people ^at were come together out of the from the mouth of Jeremias, saying:
cities of Juda to Jerusalem. 28 Take thee again another volume and write :

10 And Baruch read out of the volume the in it all the former words that were in the first
words of Jeremias in the house of the Lord, in volume which Joakim the king of Juda hath
the treasury of Gamarias the son of Saphan the burnt.
scribe, in the upper court, in the entry of the new And thou
29 shalt say to Joakim the king of
gate of the house of the Lord, in the hearing of Juda: Thus saith the Lord : Thou hast burnt
all the people. that volume, saying: Why
hast thou written
1 And when Micheas the son of Gamarias the therein, and said: The king of Babylon shall
eon of Saphan had heard out of the book all the come speedily, and shall lay waste this land:
words of the Lord, and shall cause to cease from thence man ancl
12 He went down into the kind's house to the beast?
Becretary's chamber: and beholct, all the princes 30 Therefore thus saith the Lord against Joa-
Bat there, Elisama, the scribe, and Dalaias the kim the king of Juda: He shall have nonet to
son of Semeias, and Elnathan the son of Acho- sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body
bor, and Gamarias the son of Saphan, and Sede- shall be cast out to the heat by day, and to the
cias the son of Hananias, and all the princes. frost by nisrht.
13 And Micheas told them all the words that 31 And I will punish him, and his seed, and
he had heard, when Baruch read out of the vo his servants, for their iniquities : and I will bring
lume in the hearing of the people. upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusa-
14 Therefore all the princes sent J ndi the son! lem, and upon the men of Juda all the evil that I

* Shut up. Not that the prophet was now ini t He shall have none, ikc. Because his son
prison; for the contrary appears from v. 19. buti Joachin or Jochonias, within three months after
that he kept himself shut up, by reason of the' the death- of his father, was earned away to Ba-
persecutions he had lately met with. See chap. bylon, so that his reign is not worthy to be taken
cxfL notice of.
:; : : ::

have pronounced agamst them, but they have 17 And Jeremias said to king Sedecias: Id
not heard. what have I offended against thee, or thy servants,
32 And Jeremias took another volume, and or thy people, that thou hast cast me into prison?
gave it to Baruch the son of Nerias the scribe 18 Where are your prophets that prophesied
who wrote in it from the mouth of Jereinias all to you, and said The king of Babylon shall not

the words of the book which Joakim the king of come against you, and against this land ?
Juda had burnt with fire and there were added
: 19 Now therefore hear, I beseech thee, my lord
besides many more words than had been before. the king ; let my petition be accepted in thy sight
and send me not back into the house of Jonathan
CHAP. XXXVII. tlie scribe, lest I die there.
Jeremias prophecies that the Chaldeans, who had 20 Then king Sedecias commanded that Jere-
departed from Jerusalem, would return and mias should be committed into the entry of the
burn the city. He is cast into prison. His prison; and that they should give him daily a
conference with Sedecias. piece of bread, beside broth, till all tlie bread in
[OW king Sedecias the son of Josias reigned the city were spent : and Jeremias remained in
instead of Jechonias, the son of Joakim; tlie entry of the prison.
whom Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon made
king in the land of Juda. CHAP, xxxvin.
2 But neither he, nor his servants, nor the peo- The prophet at the instance of the great men is
ple of the land did obey the words of the Lord, cast into a filthy dungeon: he is drawn out by
that he spoke in the hand of Jeremias the prophet. Abdemelech, and has another conference with
3 And king Sedecias sent Juchal the son of the king,
Selemias, and Sophonias the son of Maasias the
priest to Jeremias the prophet, saying : Pray to
NOW Saphatias tlie son of Mathan, and Gede-
lias the sonof Phassur, and Juchal the son
the Lord our God for us. of Selemias, and Phassur the son of Melchias,
4 Now Jeremias walked freely in the midst of heard the words that Jeremias spoke to all the
the people for they had not as yet cast him into people, saying

prison. And the army of Pharao was come out 2 Thus saith the Lord : Whosoever shall re-
of Egypt and the Chaldeans that besieged Je- main in this city, shall die by the sword, and by

rusalem, hearing these tidings, departed from famine, and by pestilence : but he that shall go
Jerusalem. forth to the Chaldeans, shall live, and his life
5 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias shall be safe, and he shall live.
the prophet, saying : 3 Thus saith the Lord : This city shall surely
6 Tlius saith the Lord the God of Israel : Thus be delivered into the hand of the army of tho
shall you say to the king of Juda, who sent you king of Babylon, and he shall take it.
to inquire of me: Behold, the army of Pharao, 4 And the princes said to the king : We
which is come forth to help you, shall return into seech thee that this man may be put to death
their own land into Egypt. for on purpose he weakeneth the hands of the
7 And the Chaldeans shall come again, and men of war that remain in this city, and the
fight against this city, and take it, and burn it hands of the people, speaking to them according
with fire. to these words : for this man seeketh not peace
8 Thus saith the Lord : Deceive not your souls, to this people, but evil.
saying : The Chaldeans shall surely depart and 5 And king Sedecias said : Behold, he is in
go away from us for they shall not go away.
: your hands : for it is not lawful for the king to
9 But if you should even beat all the army of deny you any thing.
the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there 6 Then thej took Jeremias, and cast him into
should be left of them some wounded men; they the dungeon of Melchias the son of Araelech,
shall rise up, every man from his tent, and burn which was in the entry of the prison : and they
this city with fire. let down Jeremias by ropes into the dungeon,
10 Now when the anny of the Chaldeans was wherein there was no water, but mire. And Jere-
gone away from Jerusalem, because of Pharao's mias sunk into the mire.
army, 7 Now Abdemelech the Ethiopian, an eunuch
11 Jeremias went forth out of Jerusalem to go that was in the king's house, heard that they had
into tlie land of Benjamin, and to divide a pos- put Jeremias in the dungeon : but the king was
session there in the presence of the citizens. sitting in the gate of Benjamin.
12 And when he was come to the gate of Ben- 8 And Abdemelech went out of llie king's
jamin, the captain of the gate, who was there in house, and spoke to the king, saying
his turn, was one named Jerias, the son of Sele- 9 My lord the king, these men have done evil
mias, the son of Hananias and he took hold of in all that they have done against Jeremias the

Jeremias the prophet, saying: Thou art fleeing prophet, casting him into the dungeon to die
to tlie Chaldeans. there with hunger; for there is no more bread ia
13 And Jeremias answered : It is not so; I am the city.
not fleeing to the Ciialdeans. But he hearkened 10 Then the king commanded Abdemelech the
not to him : so Jerias took Jeremias, and brought Ethiopian, saying : Take from hence thirty men
him to the princes. with thee, and draw up Jeremias the prophet out
14 Wherefore the princes were angry with of the dungeon, before he die.
Jeremias; and they beat him, and cast him into 11 So Abdemelech taking the men with him,
the prison that was in the house of Jonathan the went into the king's house that was under the
scribe : for he was chief over the prison. storehouse : and he took from thence old rags,
15 So Jeremias went into the house of the and old rotten things, and he let them down by
prison, and into the dungeon : and Jeremias re- cords to Jeremias into the duugeon.
mained there manv days. 12 And Abdemelech the Ethiopian said to
16 Then Sedecias the king sending, took him, Jeremias Put these old rags, and these rent

and asked him secretly in his house, and said: and rotten things under thy arms, and upon tho
Is there, thinkest thou, any word from the Lord? cords : and Jeremias did so.
And Jeremias said : There is. And he said 13 And they drew up Jeremias with the cord%
Thou shalt be delivered into the hands of the and brought him forth ou of the dungeon. And
king of Babylon. Jeremias remained in the entry of the prison.
: : ;


14 And king; Sedecias sent, and took Jere- king of Babylon, and all his army to Jerosalem,
mias the propnet to him to the third gate, that and they besieged it.
was in tho house of the Lord and the king
: 2 And in the eleventh year of Sedecias, intha
said to Jereinias 1 will ask thee a thing, hide
: fourth month, the fifth day of the month, the
nothing from me. city was opened.
15 Tlien Jeremias said to Sedecias If I
: 3 Andthe princes of the king of Babylon
shall declare it to thee, wilt thou not put me to came and sat in the middle gate Neregel,
in, :

death ? and if I give thee counsel, thou wilt Sereser, Semegarnabu, Sarsachim, Rabsarea,
not hearken to me. Neregel, .Sereser, Rebmag, and all the rest of
16 Tlien king Sedecias swore to Jeremias, in the princes of the king of Babylon.
private, saying As the Lord liveth, tliat made
: 4 And when Sedecias the king of Juda, and
us this soul, I will not put thee to death, nor all the men of war saw them, they fled and :

will 1 deliver thee into the hands of these men they went forth in the night out of the city by
tliat seek thy life. the way of the king's garden, and by the gate
17 And Jeremias
said to Sedecias : Thus that was between the two walls ; and they went
saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel : If out to the way of the desert.
thou wilt take a resolution, and go out to the 5 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued
princes of the king of Babylon, thy soul shall after them : and they took Sedecias in the plain
live, and this city shall not be burnt with fire of the desert of Jericho : and when they had
and thou shalt be safe, and thy house. taken him, they brought him to Nabuchodonosor
18 But if thou wilt not go out to the princes king of Babylon to Reblalha, which is in the
of the king of Babylon, this city shall be de- land of Emath : and he gave judgment upon
livered into the hand» of the Chaldeans, and him.
they shall bum it with fire and thou shalt
: 6 And the king of Babylon slew the sons of
not escape out of their hands. Sedecias in Reblatha, before his eyes : and
19 And king Sedecias said to Jeremias: I the king of Babylon slev.' all the nobles of Juda.
am afraid because of the Jews that are fled over 7 He also put out the eyes of Sedecias; and
to the Cnaldeans : lest I should be delivered bound him with fetters, to bo carried to Baby-
into their hands, and they should abuse me. lon.
20 But Jeremias answered: They shall not 8 And the Chaldeans burnt the king's house,
deliver : hearken, I beseech thee, to the and the houses of the people with fire : and
word of the Lord, which I speak to thee, and it they threw down the wall of Jerusalem.
shall be well with thee, and thy soul shall live. 9 And Nabuzardan the general of the army
21 But if tliou wilt not go forth, this is the carried away captive to Babylon the remnant of
word wliich the Lord hath shewn me : the people that remained in the city, and the fugi
22 Behold, all the women that are left in the tives that had gone over to him, and the rest of
house of the king of Juda, shall be brought out the people that remained.
to the princes of the king of Babylon and they
: 10 But Nabuzardan the general left some of
'shall say: Thy men of peace* have deceived the poor people that had nothing at all, in the
thee, and have prevailed against thee; they have land of Juda: and he gave them vineyards, and
plunged thy feet in the mire, and in a slippery cisterns at that time.
place ; and they have departed from thee. 11 Now Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had
23 And all thy wives, and thy children shall given charge to Nabuzardan the general con-
be brought out to the Chaldeans, and thou shalt cerning Jeremias, saying
not escape their hands ; but thou shalt be taken 12 Take him, and set thy eyes upon him, and
by the hand of the king of Babylon : and he do him no harm: but as he hath a mind, so do
shall burn this city with fire. with him.
24 Then Sedecias said to Jeremias : Let no 13 Therefore Nabuzardan the general sent,
man know these words, and thou shalt not die. and Nabusezban, and Rabsares, and Neregel,
25 But if the princes shall hear that I have and Sereser, and Rebmag, and all the nobles of
spoken with thee, and shall come to thee, and the king of Babylon,
say to thee Tell us what thou hast said to the
: 14 Sent, and took Jeremias out of the court
king; hide it not from us, and we will not kill of the prison, and committed him to Godolias
thee and also what the king said to thee :
the son of Aliicam the son of .Saplian, that he
26 Thou shalt say to them : I presented mv might go home, and dwell a«iong the people.
supplication before the king, and he would not 15 But the word of the Lord came to Jere-
command me to be carried back into the house mias, when he was yet shut up in the court of
of Jonatlian, to die there. the prison, saying Go, and tell Abderaelech

27 So all the princes came to Jeremias, and the Ethiopian, saying :

asked him : and he spoke to them according to 16 Thus saith theLord of hosts the God of
all the words that the king had commanded him; Israel Behold, I will brin? my words upon this

and they left him ; for nothing had been heard. city unto evil, and not unto good and they shall :

23 But Jeremias remained in tlie entry of the be accomplished in thv sijrht in that day.
prison, until the day that Jerusalem was taken 17 And I will deliver thee in that day, saith

and it came to pass that Jerusalem was taken. the Lord : and thou shalt not be given mto the
hands of the men whom thou fearest
CHAP. XXXIX. 18 But delivering, I will deliver thee, and
After two years siege Jerusalem, is taken. Se- thou shalt not fall by tlie sword : but thy life
decias is carried bffore \abuchodonosor, who shall be saved for thee, because thou hast put
kills kis sons in his sigh/, and then puts out thy trust in me, saith the Lord.
his eyes. Jeremias is set at liberty.
N the ninth year of Sedecias king of Juda, in
the tenth month, came Nabuchodonosor Jeremias remains with Godolias the governor
who receives all the Jcics that resort to him.
Thy men ofpeace. Viri pncifci tui. That

thy false friends, promising thee peace and THE
word that came to Jeremias from the
Lord, after that Nabuzardan the general
happiness, and by their evil counsels involving had let him go from Rama, when he had taXea
thee ia misery. him, being bound with chains, among all them
: ;

ibat were earned away from Jerusalem and Johanan the sonof Caree: Do not this thing:
Juda, and were carried to Babylon. for what thou sayest of Ismahel is false.
2 And tlie general of the army taking Jere-
mias, said to him :The Lord thy God hath pro- CHAP. XLI.
nounced this evil upon this place, Godolias is slain : the Jews that were with him
3 And he hath brought it: and the Lord hath are ap2)reliensive of the Chaldeans.
done as he hath said because you have sinned
Nl) it came to pass in the seventh month,
against the Lord, and have not hearkened to his that Ismahel the soni of Nathanias, the son
voice, and this word is come upon you. of Elisama, of the royal blood, and the nobles of
4 Now then behold, I have loosed thee this the king, and ten men with him, came
to Godo-
day from the cliains which were upon thy hands lias the son of Ahicam into Masphath and they

if it please thee to come with me to Babylon, ate bread there

together in Masphath.
come and I will set my eyes upon thee but if
: :
2 And Ismahel the son of Nathanias arose, and
it do not please thee to come with me to Baby the ten men that were with him and they struck

Ion, stay here l)ehoId, all the land is before Godolias the son of Ahicam the son of
thee, as thou shalt choose, and whither it shall with the sword, and slew
him whom the king of
please thee to go, thither go, Babylon had made governor over the land.
5 And come not with me but dwell with
3 Ismahel slew also all the Jews that were
Godolias tlie son of Ahicam the son of Saphaii, with Godolias in Masphath, and the Chaldeans
whom the king of Babylon hath made governor that were found there, and the soldiers.
over the citiesof Juda dwell therefore with him
4 And on the second day after ho had killed
in the midst of the people: or whithersoever it Godolias, no man
yet knowing it,-
shall please thee to go, go. And the general of 5 Tliere came some from Sichem, and from
the army gave him victuals and presents, and let Silo, and from Samaria, fourscore men, with
him go. their beards shaven, and their clothes rent, and
6 And Jeremias went to Godolias the son of mourning and they had ofierings and incense in

Ahicam to Masphath; and dwelt with him in the their hand, to offer in the house of the Lord.
midst of the people that were left in the land. 6 And Ismahel the son of Nathanias went forth
7 And when all the captains of the army that from Masphath to meet Ihem, weeping all along
were scattered through the countries, they and as he went: and when he had met tiiem, he said
their companions, had heard that the king of to them Come to Godolias the son of Ahicam.

Babylon had made Godolias the son of Ahicam 7 And when they were come to the midst of
governor of tlie country, and that he had com- the city, Ismahel the sonof Nathanias slew them,
mitted unto him men, and women, and children, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he and
and of the poor of the land, tliem that had not the men that were with him.
been carried away captive to Babylon : 8 But ten men were found among them, that
8 They came to Godolias to 3iasphath and said to Ismahel: Kill us not: for we have stores

Ismahel the son of Nathanias, and Johanan, and in the field, of wheat, and barley, and oil, and
Jonathan, the sons of Caree, and Sareas the son honey. And he forbore, and slew them not with
of Thanehumeth, and the children of Ophi, that their brethren.
were of Netophathi, and Jezonias the son of 9 And the pit into which Ismahel cast all the
Maachati, they and their men. dead bodies of the men whom he slew because
9 And Godolias the son of Ahicam the son of of Godolias, is the same that king Asa made, for
Saphan swore to them, and to their companions, fear of Baasa the king of Israel the same did :

saying Fear not to serve the Chaldeans dwell Ismahel the son of Nathanias fdl with them that
: :

in the land, and serve the king of Babylon, and were slain.
it shall be well with you. 10 Then Ismahel carried away captive jill tlie
10 Behold, I dwell in Masphath, that I may remnant of the people that were in Masphath
answer the connnandmeut of the Chaldeans that the king's daughters, and all the people that re-
are sent to us : but as for you, gather ye the mained in Masphath whom Nabuzardan the

vintage, and the harvest, and the oil, and lay it general of the army had committed to Godolias
up in your vessels, and abide in your cities which the son of Ahicam. And Ismahel the son of
you hold. Nathanias took them, and he departed, to go over
11 Moreover all the Jews that were in Moab, to the children of Ammon.
and among the children of Ammon, and in Edom, 11 But Johanan the son of Caree, and all the
and in all the countries, when they heard that captains of the fighting men that were with him,
the king of Babylon had left a remnant in Judea, heard of the evil that Ismahel the son of Natha-
and that he had made Godolias the son of Ahi- nias had done
cam the son of Saphan ruler over them : 12 And taking all the men, they went out to
12 All the Jews, I say, returned out of all the fight against Ismahel the son of Nathanias, and
places to which ihey had fled : and they came they found him by the great waters that are in
into the land of Juda to Godolias to Masphath Gabaon. :

and they gathered wine, and a very great harvest. 13 And when all the people that were with
13 Then Johanan the sonof Caree, and all the Ismahel, had seen Johanan the son of Caree, and
captains of the army, that had been scattered all the captains of the fighting men that were with
about in the countries, came to Godolias to Mas- him, they rejoiced.
phath, 14 And all the people whom Ismahel had
14 And they said to him: Know that Baalis aken, went back to Masphath: and they return-
the king of the children of Ammon hath sent Is- ed and went to Johanan the son of Caree.
mahel the son of Nathanias to kill thee. And 15 But Ismahel the son of Nathanias fled with
Godolias the son of Ahicam believed them not. eight men, from the face of Johanan, and went to
15 But Johanan, the son of Caree, spoke lo the children of Ammon.
Godolias privately in Masphath, saying I will : IG Then Johanan the sonof Caree, and all the
go, and I will kill Ismahel the son of Nathanias; captains of the soldiers that were >yith him, took
and no man shall know it; lest he kill thee, and all the remnant of the people whom they had
all the Jews be scattered, that are gathered unto recovered from Ismahel the son of Nathanias,
thee, and the remnant of Juda perish. from Masphath, after that he had slain Godolias

16 And Godolias the son of Ahicam said to| the son of Ahicam: valiant men for war, and the
: : : :


women, and the eliildicn, and the eunuchs, whom the God
of Israel: If you set your faces to go
he brought back from Gabaon
hail into Egypt, and enter in to dwell there :
17 And ihey departed, and sat as sojourners 16 The sword which you fear, shall overtake
in Cliamaam, which is near Bethleliem in or- : you there in the land of Egypt : and the famine,
der to go forward, and enter into Egypt, whereof you are afraid, shall cleave to )ou in
18 From tlie face of the Chaldeans for they : Egyi)t: and there you shall die.
were afraid of them, because Ismahel the son of 17 And all the men that set their faces to go
Nathanias had slain (iodolias the son of Ahicam, into Egypt, to dwell there, shall die by the sword,
whom the king of Babylon had made governor in and by famine, and by pestilence : none of them
the land of Juda. shall remain, nor escape from the face of ilie evil
that 1 will bring u])on them.
CHAP. XLH. 18 For thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
Jeremias assures the remnant of the peoplet Israel As my anger and my indignation hath

that if they will stay in Juda, they sliall be been kindled against tiie inhabitants of Jerusa-
safe : but if they go down into Egypt, they lem : so sliall my indignation be kindled against
shall perish. you, when you shall enter into Egypt: and you

THEN captains of the

all the
Johanan the son of Caree, and Jezonias
and warriors,
shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and
a curse, and a reproach : and you shall see this
so" of Osaias, and the rest of the people from the place no more.
least to the greatest came near. 19 This is the word of the Lord conceniing
2 And they said to Jeremias you, O ye remnant of Juda: Go ye not into
the prophet
Let our supplication fall before thee and pray :
Egypt: know certainly that 1 have adjured you
thou for us to the Lord thy God for all this rem this day.

nant, for we are left but a {evf of many, as thy 20 For you have deceived your own souls :
for you sent me to the Lord our God, saving
eyes do behold us.
3 And let the Lord thy God shew us the way Pray for us to the Lord our God, and according
to all that the Lord our God shall say to thee, so
b}' which we may walk, and the thing that we
must do. declare unto us, and we will do it.
4 And Jeremias
the prophet said to them : I 21 And now I have declared it to you this day ;
have heard you behold, I will pray to the Lord
and you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord
your God accordinj: to your words: and what- your God, with regard to all the things for which
soever thing he shall answer me, I will declare he hath sent me to you.
it to you : and I will hide nothing from > ou.
22 Now therefore know certainly that you
sliall die by the sword, and by famine, and by
5 And they said to Jeiemias The Lord be wit :

ness between us of truth and faithfulness, if we l)estilence in the place to which you desire to go
10 dwell there.
do not according to every thing for which the
Lord thy God shall send thee to us. CHAP. XLIII.
6 Whether it be for good or evil,* we will
The Jews, contrary to the orders of God by th}
obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we
prophet, go into Egypt, carrying Jeremias
send ihee : that it may be well with us when we
with litem. Heforetells the devastation oftliat
shall hearken to the voice of the Lord our God
land by the king of Babylon.
7 Now afrer ten days, the word of the Lord
came to Jeremias. ND it came to pass, that when Jeremias had

8 And he called Johanan the son of Caree, made an end of speaking to the people all
and all the captains of the fighting men that were the words the Lord their God, for which the
with him. and all the people from the least to Loi-d their God had sent him to them, all these
the greatest,
9 And he said to them : Thus saith the Lord 2 Azarias the son Osaias, and Johanan the
the God of Israel, to whom yon sent me, to pre- son of Caree, and all the proud men, made an
sent your Bupplication before him: swer, saying to Jeremias Thou tellest a lie

10 If you will bequiet and remain in this land, (he Lord our God hath not sent thee, saying
[ will build you up, and not pull you down I :
Go not into Egypt, to dwell there.
will plant you, and not pluck you up for now I :
3 But Baruch the son of Nerias selteth thee
am appeased for the evil that I have done to on against us, to deliver us into the hands of the
you.t Chaldeans, to kill us, and to cause us to be carried
i Fear not because of the kin? of Babylon,
away captives to Babylon.
of whom you arc are greatly afraid fear him :
4 So Johanan the son of Caree, and all the cap-
tains of the soldiers, and all the people, obeyed not
not, saitli the Lord: for I am with you, to save
yon, and to deliver vou from his hand. the voice of the Lord,to remain in the land of Juda.
!•} And I shew mercies
to you, and will
will 5 But Johanan the son of Caree, and all the
take pity on you, and will cause you to dwell in captains of the soldiers took all the remnant of
your own land. Juda, that were returned out of all nations, to
Vi But yon say: if We
will not dwell in this which they had before been scattered, to dwell
in the land of Juda
land, neither will \vS hearken to the voice of the :

Lord our God, 6 Men, and women, and children, and the
Saving No, but wc will go into the land of
king's daughters, and every soul, which Nabu-
Egypt; where we shall see no war, nor hear zardan the general had left with Godolias the son
the sound of the trumpet, nor suffer hunger and :
of Ahicam the son of Saphan, and Jeremias the
there we will dwell. prophet, and Baruch the son of Nerias.
15 For this now hear the word of the Lord, ye 7 And they went into the land of Esrypt; for
remnant of Juda: Thus saith the Lord of hosts they obeyed not the voice of the Lord and they

came as far as Taphnis.

* Good or evil. That is agreeable or disagree 8 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias
o\e. in Taphnis, saying:
t / am appeased for the evil I have done to 9 Take ?reat stones in thy hand; and thou
you. That is, I am anpea?:pd, as 1 have sutfici- shall hide them in the vault that is under the
isntly punished you, and now I am reconciled brick wall at the irate of Pharao's house in Tuph
villi you. nis, in the sight of the men of Juda:
3 V 537
: : :

10 And thou shah say to them: Thus saithj consumed from the least even to the greatest
tlieLord of hosts the God of Israel Beliohl, I
: by the sword, and by the famine shall they die
will cjeiid, and take Nabuchodonosor the king of and they shall be for an execration, and for a
Babylon ray servant and I will set his throne
: wonder, and for a curse, and for a reproach.
over these stones which I have hid ; and he shall 13 And I will visit them that dwell in the land
set his throne over them. of Egypt, as I have visited Jerusalem, by the
11 And he shall come and strike the land of sword, and by famine, and by pestilence.
Egypt; such as are for death, to death; and such 14 And there shall be none that shall escape
as are for captivity, to captivity ; and such as and remain of the remnant of the Jews that are
are for the sword, to the sword. gone to sojourn in tlie land of Egypt, and that
12 And he shall kindle a fire in the temples of shall return into the land of Juda, to which they
the gods of Egypt : and he shall burn them, and have a desire to return to dwell there : there shall
he shall carry them away captives: and he shall none return but they that shall flee.
array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shep- 15 Then all the men that knew that their
herd putteth on his garment: and he shall go wives sacrificed to other gods, and all the women
forth from thence in peace. of whom there stood by a great multitude, and
13 And he shall break the statues of the house all the people of them that dwelt in the land. of
of the sun, that are in the land of Egypt : and the Egypt in Phatures, answered Jeremias, saying:
temples of the gods of Egypt he shall burn with 16 As for the word which thou hast spoken to
fire. us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken
to thee
CHAP. XLIV. 17 But we will certainly do every word that
The prophefs admonition to the Jews in Es^ypt shall proceed out of our own mouth, to sacrifice
against idolatry is not regarded : he denounces to the queen of heaven,* and to pour out drink-
to them their destruction. offerings to her, as we and our fathers have done,

THE word that came to Jeremias, concernmg our kings, and our princes in the cities of Juda,
all the Jews that dwelt in the land of and in the streets of Jerusalem: and we were
Egypt, dwelling in Magdal, and in Taphnis, and filled with bread, and it was well with us, and
in Memphis, and in the land of Pliatures, saying we saw no evil.

2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of 18 But since we left off to offer sacrifice to the
Israel: You have seen all this evil that I have queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-oflerings
brought upon Jerusalem, and upon all the cities to her, we have wanted all things, and have been
of Juda: and behold, they are desolate this consumed by the sword, and by famine.
day and there is not an inhabitant in them
; 19 And if we offer sacrifice to the queen of

3 Because of the wickedness which they have heaven, and pour out drink-ofierings to her; did
committed to provoke me to wrath, and to go and we make cakes to worship her, to pour out
offer sacrifice, and worship other gods, which drink-ofierings to her, without our husbands ?
neither they, nor you, nor your fathers knew. 20 And Jeremias spoke to all the people, to the
4 And I sent to you all my servants the pro- men, and to the women, and to all the people
phets, rising early, and sending, and saying Do which had given him that answer, saying:

not commit this abominable thing, whicli I hate. 21 Was it not the sacrifice that you offeied in
5 But they heard not, nor inclined their ear to the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jeru-
turn from their evil ways, and not to sacrifice to salem, you and your fathers, your kings, and
stransfe gods. your princes, and the people of the land, which
6 Wherefore my indignation and my fury was the Lord hath remembered, and hath it not en
poured forth, and was kindled in the cities of tered into his heart ?
Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem and they
: 22 So that the Lord could no longer bear, be-
are turned to desolation and waste, as at this cause of the evil of your doings, and because of
day. the abominations which you have committed:
7 And now thus saith the Lord of hosts the therefore your land is become a desolation, and
God of Israel: Why do j'ou commit this great an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabit-
evil against your own souls, that there should ant, as at this day.
die of you man and woman, child and suckling 23 Because you have sacrificed to idols, and
out of the midst of Juda, and no remnant should have sinned against the Lord, and have not obey-
be left you ed the voice of the Lord, and have not walked in
8 In that you provoke me to wrath with the his law, and in his commandments, and in his
works of your hands, by sacrificing to other gods testimonies therefore are these evils come upon

in the land of Egypt, into which you are come you, as at this day.
to dwell there and that you should perish, and
: 24 And Jeremias said to all the people, and
be a curse, and a reproach to all the nations of to all the women Hear ye the word of the Lord,

the earth ? all Juda, you that dwell in the land of Egypt:
9 Have you forgotten the evils of your fathers, 25 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
and the evils of the kings of Juda, and the evils Israel, saying You and your wives have spoken

of their wives, and your evils, and the evils of with your mouth, and fulfiHed with your bands,
your wives, that they have done in the land of saying Let us perform our vows which we have

Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem ? made to offer sacrifice to the queen of heaven,
10 They are not cleansed even to this day and to pour out drink-offerings to her: you have

neither have they feared, nor walked in the law fulfilled your vows, and have performed them
of the Lord, nor in my commandments, which I indeed.
set before you and your fathers. 26 Therefore hear ye the word of the Lord, all
11 Therefore thus saith ihe Lord of hosts the Juda, you that dwell in the land of Egypt Be- :

God of Israel Behold, I will set my face upon hold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the

you for evil and I will destroy all Juda.

: Lord ; that my name shall no more be named in
12 And I will lake the remnant of Juda that the mouth of any man of Juda, in the land of
have set their faces to go into the land of Egypt, Egypt, saying : The Lord God liveth.
and to dwell there and they shall be all, con-

sumed in the land of Egypt they shall fall by

; * The mieen of heaven. The moon, w hich
the sword, and by the famine anil they shall be they worsnipped under this name.

: :


27 Behold, I will watch over them for evil, 10 For this is the day of the Lord the God jf
and not for good: and all the men of Juda that hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may revenge
are in the land of Egypt, shall be consumed, by himself of his enemies the sword shall devour,

the sword, and by famine, till there be an end of and shall be filled, and shall be drunk with their
them. blood for there is a sacrifice of the Lord God

-28 And a few men that shall flee from the of iiosta in the north country, by the river Eu-
sword, shall return out of the land of Egypt into phrates.
the land of Juda: and all the renmant of Juda 11 Go up into Galaad, and take balm, virgin O
vain dost thou multiply
that are gone into the land of Egypt to dwell daughter of Egypt : in
there, shall know whose word shall stand, mine, medicines ; there
shall be no cure for thee.
or theirs. 12 The nations have heard of thy disgrace,
and thy howling hath filled the land for the
29 And this shall be a sign to you, saith the :

the strong, and

Lord, that I will punish you in this place; that strong "hath stumbled against
you niav know that my words shall be accom both are fallen together.
"plislied indeed against yon for evil. 13 The word that the Lord spoke to Jeremias
of Baby-
30 Thus saith tiie Lord: Behold, I will de tlie prophet, how Nabuchodonosor king
liver Ephree king of Egypt into the hand lon should come and strike the land of Egypt:
of his enemies, and into the hand of tliem that 14 Declare ye to Egypt, and publish it in
geek his life; as I delivered Sedecias king of Magdal, and let it be known in Memphis, and in
Juda into the hand of Nabuchodonosor the king Taphnis : say ye : Stand up, and prepare thy-
all round about
of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life. self: for the sword shall devour
CHAP. XLV. 15 Why
are thy valiant men come to nothmg i

The prophet comforts Baruch in his affliction. they stood not: because the Lord hath over-
thrown them.
THE word that Jeremias the prophet spoke 16 He hath multiplied them that fall, and one
to Baruch the son of Ncrias, when he had hath fallen upon another, and they shall say
written these words in a book, out of the mouth Arise, and let us return to our own people, and
of Jeremias, in the fourth yearof Joakim the son to the land of our nativity, from the sword of the
of Josias king of Juda, saying: dove.*
2 Thus saith the Lord' the God of Israel to 17 Call ye the name of Pharao kmg of Egypt,
thee, Baruch:
a tumult time liath brought.
3 Thou hast said : Wo
is me, wretch that I
18 As I live (saith the king, whose name is
am for the Lord hath added sorrow to my sor the Lord of hosts) as Thabor is among the

row I am wearied with my groans, and I find mountains, and as Carmel by the sea, so shall

no rest.
he come.
4 Thus Lord Thus shalt thou say
saith the :
19 Furnish thyself to go into captivity, thou
to him Behold, them
: whom I have built, I do daughter inhabitant of Egypt for aiemphis shall :

destroy and them whom I have planted, I do be made desolate, and shall be forsaken and un-

pluck up, and all this land. inhabited.

5 And dost thou seek great things for thyself? 20 Egypt is like a fair and beautiful heifer:
Seek not for behold, I will bring
: evil upon all
there shall come from the north one that shall
flesh, saith the Lord but I will give thee thy goad her.

life, and save thee in all places whithersoever

21 Her hirelings also that lived in the midst of
thou shalt go. her, like fatted calves are turned back, and are
CHAP. XLVL fled away together, and they could not stand:
for the day of their slaughter is come upon them,
A prophecy against Egypt : the Jews shall re- the time of their visitation.
turn from captivity. 22 Her voice shall sound like brass; for they
rriHE word of the Lord that came to Jeremias shall hasten with an army ; and with axes they
JL the prophet against tiie Gentiles, shall come against her, as hewers of wood.
2 Against Egypt, against the army of Pharao 23 They have cut down her forest, saith the
Necliao king of Egypt, which was by the river Lord, which cannot be counted they are multi- :

Euphrates in Charcamis, whom Nabuchodono- plied above locusts, and are without number.
sor the king of Babylon defeated, in the fourth 24 The daughter of Egypt is confounded,
year of Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda. and delivered into the hand of the people of the
3 Prepare ye the shield and buckler, and go north. 1 i_ ,

forth to battle. 2.') The Lord of hosts the God of Israel

4 Harness the horses, and get up, ye horse- said: Behold, I will visit upont tne tumult of
men stand forth with helmets, furbish the Alexandria, and upon Pharao, and upon Egypt,

spears, put on coats of mail. and upon her gods, and upon her km^s, and
5 What then ? I have seen them dismayed, upon Pharao, and upon them that trust in him.
and turning their backs, their valiant ones slain: 26 And I will deliver them into the hand of
they fled apace, and they looked not back ter- them that seek their lives, and into the hand of

ror'was round about, saith the Lord. Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and mto the
6 Let not the swift flee away, nor the strong hand of his servants and afterwards it shall be

think to escape they are overthrown, and fallen inhabited as in the davs of old, saith the Lord.

down, towanls the north by the river Euphrates 27 And thou, mv servant Jacob, feor not, and
J Who is this that cometh uprivers?
as a flood and be not thou dism'aved, O Israel
for behold, I :

'his streams swell like those of will save thee from afar ofl", and thy seed out of
8 Effvpt riselh up like a flood, and the waves the land of thy captivity and Jacob shall re- :

thereof shall be moved as rivers, and he shall

* The dove. See the annotation on chap. xxv.
say I will
: go up, and will cover the earth 1 :

ivill destroy the city and its inhabitants. ver. 35.

9 Get ye' up on horses, and glory in chariots t Visit upon. That is, punish.
and let the valiant men come forth, tlie Ethio- Ibid. Alexandria. In the Hebrew, No, which
pians, and the Lybians that hold the shield, and was the ancient name
of the city, to which Alex
the Lydians that take and shoot arrows. ander ^ save afterwards the name of Alexandria.
: : : :

and be at rest, and prospni : and there shall
turn, go out: and the cities thereof shall be jeso
be none to terrify him. and uninhabited. late,
28 And thou, my servant Jacob, fear not, saith 10 Cursed be he that doeth the work of tlie
the Lord: because I am with thee; for I will Lord deceitfully :t and cursed be he that with-
consume all the nations to which 1 have cast holdetli his sword from blood.
thee out: but thee I will not consume; but I 11 Moab hath been fruitfuU from his youth,
will correct thee in judgment, neither will I spare and hath rested upon his lees; and hath not been
thee as if thou wert innocent. poured out from vessel to vessel, nor hath gone
into captivity therefore his taste hath remained

CHAP. XLVII. in him, and his scent is not changed.

A prophecy of Hie desolation of the Philistines, 12 Therefore behold, the days come, saith the
of Tyre, Sidou, Gaza, and Ascalon. Lord, and I will send him men that shall order

THE word of the Lord that came to Jeremias and overturn his bottles: and they shall cast
the prophet against the people of Palestine,' him down, and shall empty his vessels, and break
before Pharao took Gaza their bottles one against another.
2 Thus saith the Lord Behold, there come up :
13 And Moab shall be ashamed of Chamos, as
waters out of tiie north, and they shall be as an the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel,§ in
overflowing torrent, and they shall cover the which they trusted.
land, and all that is therein, the city and the in- 14 How do you say We are valiant, and stout :

habitants thereof: then the men shall cry, and men in battle?

all the inhabitants of the land shall howl, 15 Moab is laid waste, and they have cast down
3 At the noise of the marching of arms, and of her cities ; and her choice young men are gone
his soldiers, at the rushing of his chariots, and down to the slaughter ; saith the king, whose
tlie multitude of his wheels. The fathers have name the Lord of hosts.

not looked back to the children, for feebleness of 16 destruction of Moab is near to come
The :

hands, the calamity thereof shall come on exceeding

4 Because of the coming of the day, in which swiftly.
all the Philistines shall be laid waste, and Tyre, 17 Comfort him, all you that are round about
and Siflon shall be destroyed with all the rest him, and all you that know his name, say: How
is the strong slaif broken, the beautiful rod?
of their helpers. For the Lord hath wasted the
Philistines, the remnant of the isle of Cappado- 18 Come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst,
cia O dwelling of the daughter of Dibon because :

5 Baldness is come upon Gaza: Ascalon hath the spoiler of Moab is come up to thee; he hath
held her peace, with the remnant of their valley destroyed thy bulwarks.
how long shalt thou cut thyself? 19 Stand in the way, and look out, O habitation
6 O thou Bword of the Lord, how long wilt of Aroer: inquire of him that fleeth and say to :

thou not be quiet? Go into thy scabbard, rest, him that hath escaped What is done 1

and be still. 20 Moab is confounded, because he is over-

7 How shall it be quiet, when the Lord l)ath thrown howl ye, and cry tell ye it in Arnon,
: :

given it a charge against Ascalon, and against that Moab is wasted.

the countries thereof by the sea-side, and there 21 And judgment is come upon the plain coun-
hath made an appointment for try, upon Helon, and upon Jasa, and upon Me-
it ?
CHAP. XLVHL 22 And upon Dibon, and upon Nabo, and upon
A prophecy of the desolation of Moab for their the house of Deblathaim.
pride : but their captivity shall at last be re- 23 And upon Cariathaim, and upon Bethgamul,
\ leaded. and upon Bethmaon.
AGAINST Moab thus saith thei^ord of hosts 24 And upon Carioth, and upon Bosra, and
the God of Israel : Wo
Nabo, for it is upon all the cities of the land of Moab, far or
laid waste, and confounded: Cariathaim is ta- near.
ken: the strong city is confounded, and hath 25 The horn of Moab is cut ofl",]! and his arm
trembled. is broken, saith the Lord.
2 There no more rejoicing in Moab over
is 26 Make him drunk, because he lifted up him
Hesebon they have devised evil. Come, and self against the Lord and Moab shall dash his
: :

let us cut it off from being a nation. Therefore hand m his own vomit and he also shall be in :

shalt thou in silence hold thy peace, ^nd the derision.

Bword shall follow thee. 27 For Israel hath been a derision unto thee,
3 A voice of crying from Oronaim : waste, and as though thou hadst found him amongst thieves:
great destruction. for thy words therefore, which thou hast spoken
4 Moab is destroyed : proclaim a cry for her against him, thou shalt be led away captive.
htlle ones. 28 Leave the cities, and dwell in the rock, you
5 For by the ascent of Luith shall the mourner that dwell in Moab: and be ye like the dove that
go up with weeping for in the descent of Oro- maketh her nest in the mouth of the hole in the

naim the enemies have heard a howling of de- highest place.

struction : 29 We have heard the pride of Moab he is :

6 Flee, save your lives and be as heath in the


wilderness. t Deceitfully. In the Greek, negligently. The

7 For because thou hast trusted in thy bul- work of God here spoken of is the punishment
warks, and in thy treasures, thou also shalt be of the Moabites.
taken and Chamos* shall go into captivity, his
X Moab hath been fruitful.
That is, rich and
priests, and his princes together. flourishing. And hath rested upon his lees : That
8 And the spoiler shall come upon every city; is, remained in its bad morals as wine not de- :

and no city shall escape and the valleys shall canted has its lees mixt, and remains muddy.

is, of their golden calf, which

Eerish, and the plains shall be destroyed; for the I Of Bethel. That
ord hath spoken thev worshipped in Bethel.
9 Give a flower to Moab, for in its flower it The horn of Moab is cut off. That is, th"

strength of Moab is cut off. A metaphor drawa

* Chamos. The idol of the Moabites. from "animals whose strength is in their horns.

exceeding proiid; his haughtiness, and his arro the Syrian.% of the Agarena, and of the
gancy, and his pride, and the loftiness of his Elamites.
30 I know, saith the Lord, his boasting; and
AGAINST the children of Ammon. Thua
saith the Lord : Hath Israel no sons 1 or
that strengtli thereof is not according to it;
hath he no heir? Why
then hath Me.chomt
neitlier hath endeavoured to do according as
was able.
it it
inherited Gad, and his people dwelt his m
cities ?
31 Therefore will I lament for 3Ioab, and I
2 Therefore behold, the days come, saith the
will cry out to all Moab, for the men of the brick Lord, and I will cause the nois*? of war to be
wall thtu mourn.
heard in Rabbath of the children of Ammon :
;iJ O vineyard of Sabama, I will weep for thee,
and it shall be destroyed into a heap ; and her
with the mourning of .lazer: thy branches are
daughters shall be burnt with fire ; and Israel
gone over the sea: they are come even to the sea shall possess them that have possessed him,
of Jazer: the robber hath rushed in upon thy
saith the Lord.
harvest and thy vintage.
3 Howl, O Hesebon, for Hai is wasted. Cry,
33 Joy and gladness is taken away from Car
ye daughters of Rabbath, gird yourselves with
me!, and from the land of Moab and I have :
haircloth mourn and go about by tne hedges
: :
taken away the wine out of the presses : the
for Melchom shall be carried into captivity, his
treader of the grapes shall not sing the accus
priests, and his princes together.
tomed cheerful tune. 4 Why gloriest thou in the valleys ? thy val-
34 From the cry of Hesebon even to Eleale,
ley hath flowed away, O delicate daughter, that
and to Jasa, they have uttered their voice; from
hast trusted in thy treasures, and hast said
Segor to Oronaim as a heifer of three years old: Who shall come to me !
the waters also of Nemrim shall be very bad.
5 Behold, will bring a fear upon thee, saith
35 And 1 will take away from Moab, saith the
the Lord God of hosts, from all that are round
Lord, him that offereth in the high places, and
about thee : and you shall be scattered every one
llial sacrificeth to his gods.
out of one another's sight : neither shall there
36 Therefore my heart shall sound for Moab be any to gather together them that flee.
like pipes : and my heart shall sound like pipes
6 And afterwards I will cause the captives of
for the men of the brick wall : because he hath
done more than he could, therefore they have
the children of Ammon
to return, saith the Lord.
7 Against Edom. Thus saith the Lord of
perished. hosts : Is wisdom no more in Theman ? counsel
37 For every head shall be bald, and every
is perished from her children : their wisdom is
beard shall be shaven : all hands shall be tied become unprofitable.
together, and upon every back tliere shall be
8 Flee and turn your backs : go down intn
the deep hole, ye inhabitants of Dedan : for 1
38 Upon all the house-tops of Moab, and in have brought the destruction of Esau upon him,
the streets thereof general mourning: because I
die time of his visitation.
have broken Moab as an useless vessel, saith the 9 If grape-gatherers had come to thee, would
Lord. they not have left a bunch 1 if thieves in the
39 How is it overthrown, and they have howled?
night, they would have taken what was encugh
How hath Moab bovv'ed down the neck, and is for them.
confounded ? And Moab shall be a derision and 10 But I have made Esau bare; I have re-
an example round about him.
to all
vealed bis secrets, and he cannot be hid : his
40 Thus saith the Lord Beho(d, he shall fly :
seed is laid waste, and his brethren, and his
as an eagle, and shall stretch forth his wings to
neighbours, and he shall not be.
Moab. 11 Leave thy fatherless children : I will make
41 Carioth is taken, and the strong-holds are them live and thy widows shall hope in me.

won and the heart of the valiant men of Moab

12 For thus saith the Lord: Behold, they
in that day shall be as the heart of a woman in
whose judgment was not to drink of the cup
shall certainly drink : and shalt thou come off
42 And Moab shall cease to be a people ; be- as innocent ? thou shalt not come off as inno-
cause he hath gloried against the Lord. cent, but drinking thou shalt drink.
43 Fear,* and the pit, and the snare come 13 For I have sworn by myself, saith the
upon thee, O inhabitant of Moab, saith the Lord. Lord, that Bosra shall become a desolation, and
44 He that shall flee from the fear, shall fall a reproach, and a desert, and a curse : and all
into the pit: and he that shall get up out of the her cities shall be everlasting wastes.
pit, shall be taken in the snare for I will bring :
14 I have heard a rumour from the Lord, and
upon Moab the year of their visitation, saith the an ambassador is sent to the nations Gather :

Lord. yourselves together, and come against her; and

45 Thev that fled from the snare stood in the let us rise up to battle.
shadow of Hesebon but there came a fire out
15 For behold, I have made thee a little one
of Hesebon, and a flame out of the midst of among the nations, despicable among men.
Seon: and it shall devour part of Moab, and 16 Thy arrogancy hath deceived thee, and
the crown of the head of the children of tumult the pride of thy heart : O thou that dwellest in
46 to thee, Moab ; thou hast perished, O
Wo the clifts of the rock, and endeavourest to lay
people of Chamos for thy sons and thy daugh
hold on the height of the hill : but though thou
ters are taken captives.
shouldest make thy nest as high as an eagle, I
47 And I will bring back the captivity of will bring thee down from thence, saith the
Moab in the last days, saith the Lord. Hith- Lord.
erto the judgments of Moab.
17 And Edom shall be desolate : every one
CHAP. XLIX. that shall pass by it, shall be astonished, and
shall hiss at all its plagues.
The like desolation of Ammon, of Idnmea, of 18 As Sodom was overthrown, and Gomorrha,
laud the neiirhbours thereof, saith the Lord
• Fear. That the sword of the enemy. Tlte

pit. That is, The snare.

unforeseen calaniities.
That is. the ambushes laid by the enemy. t Melchom. The idol of the Ammonites.
: :: :

there shall not a man dwall there, and there from the four quarters of heaven and I will :

Bhail no son of man inhabit it. scatter them into all these winds, and there
19 Behold, one shall come up as a lion from shall be no nation, to which tlie fugitives of
the swelling of the Jordan, against the strong and Elam shall not com*.
beautiful ; for I will make him run suddenly 37 And I will cause Elam to be afraid before
upon her: and who shall be the chosen one their enemies, and in the sight of them that
whom I may appoint over her ? for who is like seek their life and 1 will bring evil upon them,

to me ? and shall abide me ? and who is that my fierce wrath, saith the Lord ahd I will send

8hei)herd that can withstand my countenance ? the sword after them, till I consume them.
20 Therefore hear ye the counsel of th» Lord, 38 And I will set my throne in Elam, and
which he hath taken concerning Edom ; and bis destroy kings and princes from thence, saith the
thoughts, which he hath thought concerning the Lord.
inhabitants of Theman : surely the little ones 39 But in the latter days I will cause the
of tlie flock shall cast them down ; of a truth captives of Elam to return, saith the Lord.
they shall destroy them with their habitation. CHAP. L.
21 The earth is moved at the noise of their
fall : the cry of their voice is heard in the Red
Babylon, which hath afflicted the Israelites, after
eea. their restoration, shall be utterly destroyed.

22 Behold, he shall come up as an eagle, and
:and he shall spread his wings over Bosra
THE word that the Lord hath spoken against
Babylon, and against the land of the Chal-
and in that day the heart of the valiant ones of deans, in the hand of Jeremias the prophet.
Edom shall be as the heart of a woman in la^ 2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish
bour. it, lift up a standard proclaim, and conceal it

23 Against Damascus. Emathiscpnfounded, not say Babylon is taken. Belt is confounded,

: :

and Arphad: for they have heard very bad Merodach is overthrown, their graven things are
tidings, they are troubled as in the sea: through confounded, their idols are overthrown.
care they could not rest. 3 For a nation^ is come up against her out
24 Damascus is undone : she is put to flight of the north, which shall make her land deso-
trembling hath seized on her anguish and sor late and there shall be none to dwell therein,
: :

rows have taken her as a woman in labour. from man even to beast yea they are removed,

25 How have they forsaken the city of re^ and gone away.
nown, the city of joy ? 4 In those days, and at that time, saith the
26 Therefore her young men shall fall in her Lord, the children of Israel shall come, they and
streets and all the men of war shall be silent the children of Juda together: going and weep-

in that day, saith the Lord of hosts. ing they shall make haste, and shall seek the
27 And' I will kindle a fire in the wall of Lord their God.
Damascus, and it shall devour the strong-holds 5 They shall ask the way to Sion, their faces
of Benadad. are hitherward. They shall come, and shall be
28 Against Cedar,* and against the kingdoms joined to the Lord by an everlasting covenant,
of Asor, which Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon which shall never be forgotten.
destroyed. Thus saith the Lord : Arise, and 6 My people hath been a lost flock: their shep-
go ye up to Cedar, and waste the children of herds have caused them to go astray, and have
8ie east. made them wander in the mountains they have :

29 They shall take their tents, and their gone from mountain to hill they have forgotten :

flocks and shall carry off for themselves their their resting-place.

curtains, and all their vessels, and their camels : 7 All that found them, have devoured them
and they shall call fear upon them round and their enemies said We have not sinned in

about. so doing : because they have sinned against the

30 Flee ye, get away speedily, sit in deep Lord the beauty of justice, and against the Lord
holes, you that inhabit Asor, saith the Lord: for the hope of their fathers.
Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon hath taken 8 Remove out of the midst of Babylon; and
counsel against you, and hath conceived designs go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans : and
against you. be ye as kids at the head of the flock.
31 Arise, and go up to a nation that is at ease- 9'
For behold, I raise up, and will bring against
and that dwelleth securely, saith the Lord : they Babylon an assembly of great nations from the
have neither gates, nor bars they dwell alone land of the north and they shall be prepared
: :

32 And their camels shall be for a spoil, and against her ; and from thence she shall be taken :
the multitude of their cattle for a booty : and I their arrows, like those of a mighty man, a de-
will scatter into every wind them that have stroyer, shall not return in vain.
their hair cut round, and I will bring destruc- 10 And Chaldea shall be made a prey : all
tion upon them from all their confines, saith the that waste her shall be filled, saith the Lord.
Lord. 11 Because you rejoice, and speak great
33 And Asor shall be a habitation for dragons, things, pillaging my inheritance because you :

desolate for ever no man shall abide there, nor are spread abroad as calves upon the grass, and

son of man inhabit it. have bellowed as bulls.

34 The word of the Lord that came to .Tere- 12 Your mother is confounded exceedingly;
mias the prophet against Elam,t in the begin- and she that bore you is made even with the
ning of the reign of Sedecias king of Juda, dust behold, she shall be the last among the

savin? nations, a wilderness unpassable, and dry.

'35 Thus saith the Lord of hosts : Behold, I 13 Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall
will break the bow of Elam, and their chief not be inhabited, but shall be wholly desolate,
strength. every one that shall pass by Babylon, shall be
36 And I will bring upon Elam the fourwinds astonished, and shall hiss at all her plagues.
14 Prepare yourselves against Babylon round
* Cedar and Asm- were parts of Arabia:
which with Moab, Ammon, Edom, &c. were all \ Bel, &c. Bel and Merodach were worship-
brought under the yoke of Nabuchodonosor. ped for gods by the men of Babylon.
^ Elam A part of Persia. 5 A nation, &c. The Medes.
: :


K^out, all you that bend the bow :figlit agaiust 1 will kindle a fire in his cities, and it shail de
her; spare not arrows: because she hath sinned vour all round about him.
against the Lord. 33 Thus saith the Lord of hosts The children

15 Shout against her; she hath every where of Israel, and'the children of Juda are oppressed
given her hand her foundations are fallen, her
together all that have taken them captives, hola

walls are tiirovvn down ; for it is the vengeance them ; they will not let them go.
of the Lord. Take vengeance upon her: as she 34 Their Redeemer is strong, the Lord of hosts
hath done, so do to her. is his name: he will defend their cause in judg-
IG Destroy the sower out of Babylon, and him ment, to terrify the land, and to disquiet the in-
that holdeth the sickle in the time of harvest habitants of Babylon.
for fear of the sword of the dove * every man 35 A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the
shall return to liis people, and every one shall Lord, and upon the inhabitants of Babylon, and.
flee to his own land. upon her princes, and upon her wise men.
17 Israel is a scattered flock, the lions have 36 A sword upon her diviners, and they shall
diiven liim away: first the king of Assyria de- be foolish : a sword upon her valiant ones, and
vt ured him : and last this Nabuchodonosor king; they shall be dismayed.
of Babvlon hath broken his bones. 37 A sword upon their horses, and upon their
18 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts the chariots, and upon all the people that are in the
God of Israel : Behold, I will visit the king of midst of her: and they shall become as women:
Babylon and his land, as I have visited the king a sword upon her treasures, and they shall be
of Assyria. made a spoil.
19 And I will bring Israel again to his habita 38 A drought upon her waters, and they shall
tion : and he shall feed on Carmel, and Bason be dried up ; because it is a land of idols, and

and his soul shall be satisfied in Mount EphraimJ they glory in monstrous things.
and Galaad. 39 Therefore shall dragons dwell there with
20 In those days and at that time, saith the the fig-fauns : \ and ostriches shall dwell there-
Lord, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, in and it shall be no more inhabited for ever,

and there shall be none; and the sin of Juda, and neither shall it be built up from generation to
there shall none be found : for I will be merci- generation.
ful to them, whom I shall leave. 40 As the Lord overthrew Sodom and Go-
21 Go up against the land of the rulers, and morrha, and their neighbour cities, saith the
punish the inhabitants thereof; waste, and de- Lord : No man shall dwell there ; neither shall
stroy all behind them, saith the Lord ; and do the son of man inhabit it.
according to all that I have commanded thee. 41 Behold, a people cometh from the north,
22 A noise of war in the land, and a great de- and a great nation; and many kings shall rise
struction. up from tlie ends of the earth.
23 How is the hammer of the whole earth 42 They shall take the bow, and the shield
broken, and destroyed ? how is Babylon turned they are cruel and unmerciful : their voice shall
into a desert among the nations ? roar like the sea: and they shall ride upon
24 I have caused thee to fall into a snare, and horses, like a man prepared for battle against
thou art taken, O Babylon ; and thou wast not thee, O
daughter of Babylon.
aware of it: thou art found and caught, because 43 The king of Babylon hath heard the report
thou hast provoked the Lord. of them, and his hands are grown feeble: an-
25 The Lord hath opened his armoury, and guish hath taken hold of him, pangs as of a
hath brought forth the weapons of his wrath woman in labour.

for the Lord the God of hosts hath a work to be 44 Behold, he shall come up like a lion from
done in the land of the Chaldeans. the swelling of the Jordan to the strong and
26 Come ye against her from the uttermost beautiful : for I will make him run suddenly
borders : open that they may go forth that shall upon her : and who shall be the chosen one
tread her down : take the stones out of the way whom I may appoint over her ? for who is like
and make heaps, and destroy her: and let to me? and who shall bear up against me ? and
nothing of her be left. who is that shepherd that can withstand my
27 Destroy all her valiant men ; let them go countenance ?
down to the slaughter : wo to them, for their day 45 Therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord,
is come, the time of their visitation. which he hath taken against Babylon ; and hia
28 The voice of them that flee, and of them thoughts which he hath thought against the land
that have escaped out of the land of Babylon ; to of the Chaldeans : surely the little ones of the
declare in Sion the revenge of the Lord our God, flocks shall pull them down ; of a truth their
the revenge of his temple. habitation shall be destroyed with them.
29 Declare to many against Babylon, to all 46 At the noise of the taking of Babylon the
that bend the bow : stand together against her earth is moved, and the cry is heard amongst
round about, and let none escape : pay her ac- the nations.
cording to her work : according to all that she
hath done, do ye to her : for she hath lifted up CHAP. LI.
herself against the Lord, against the holy One 7%e miseries that shall fall vpon Babylon from
of Israel. the Medes : the destruction of her idols.
30 Therefore shall her young men fall in her
streets : and all her men of war shall hold their
THUS saith the Lord : Behold, I will raise
up as it were a pestilential wind against
peace in that day, saith the Lord. Babylon and against the inhabitants thereof,
31 Behold, I come against thee, O proud one, who have lifted up their heart against me.
saith the Lord the Gotl of hosts : for thy day is 2 And 1 will send to Babylon fanners, and
come, the time of thy visitation. they shall fan her, and shall destroy her land :
32 And the proud one shall fall, he shall fall
down, and there shall be none to lift him up : and t Monsters of the desert, or de-
mons monstrous shapes ; such as the ancients
called Fauns and Satyrs : and as they imagined
* TTie Dove, or the destroyer for the Hebrew them to live upon wild figs thev called them
Word signifies either the one or the other. Faunifitarii, or Fig-fauns.
: : : :

&r they ore cowp upon her on every side in the horse, and his rider : and with thee I will break
day of her affliction. in pieces the chariot, and him that getteth up into
3 Let not him that bendeth, bend his bow, and it:
let not him go up that is armed with a coat of 22 And with thee 1 will break in pieces man
mail : spare not her young men ; destroy all her and woman; and with thee I will break in pieces
army. the old man and the child ; and with thee I will
4 And the slain shall fall in the land of the break in pieces the young man and the virgin
Chaldeans, and the wounded in the regions 23 And with thee I will break in pieces the
thereof. shepherd and his flock, and with thee I will
5 For Israel and Juda have not been forsaken break in pieces the husbandman and his yoke of
by their God the Lord of hosts but their land oxen ; and with thee I will break in pieces cap

hath been filled with sin against the holy One tains and rulers.
of Israel. 24 And I will render to Babylon, and to all
6 Flee ye from the midst of Babylon, and let the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil, that
every one save his own life be not silent upon they have done in Sion, before your eyes, saith

her iniquity for it is the time of revenge from the Lord.


the Lord; he will render unto her what she hath 25 Behold, I come against thee, thou destroy-
deserved. ing mountain, saith the Lord, which corruptest
7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the the whole earth and I will stretch out my hand :

hand of the Lord, that made all the earth drunk: upon thee, and will roll thee down from the rocks,
the nations have drunk of her wine, and there- and will make thee a burnt mountain.
fore they have staggered. 26 And they shall not take of thee a stone for
8 Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed the comer, nor a stone for foundations; but thou
howl for her, take balm for her pain, if so she shalt be destroyed for ever, saiOi the Lord.
may be healed. 27 Set ye up a standard in the land sound :

9 We would have cured Babylon, but she is with the trumpet among the nations prepare :

not healed let us forsake her, and let us go the nations against her: call together against her

every man to his own land because her judg- the kings of Ararat, Menni, and Ascenez num-
: :

ment liath reached even to the heavens, and is ber Taphsar against her; bring the horse as the
lifted up to the clouds. stinging locust.
10 The Lord hath brought forth our justices: 28 Prepare the nations against her, the kings
come, and let us declare in Sion the work of tlie of Media, their captains, and all their rulers, and
Lord our God. all the land of their dominion.
11 Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers the : 29 And the land shall be in a commotion, and
Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the shall be troubled : for the design of the Lord
Medes and his mmd is against Babylon to de-
: against Babylon shall awake, to make the land
stroy it, because it is the vengeance of the Lord, of Babylon desert and uninhabitable.
the vengeance of his temple. 30 The valiant men of Babylon have forborne
12 Upon the walls of Babylon set up the to fight, they have dwelt in holds : their strength
standard, strengthen the watch : set up the hath failed, and they are become as women : her
watchman, prepare the ambushes : for the Lord dwelling-places are burnt, her bars are broken.
hath both purposed, and done all that he spoke 31 One running post shall meet another, and
against the inhabitants of Babylon. messenger shall m.eet messenger, to tell the king
13 O
thou that dwellest upon many waters, of Babylon that his city is taken from one end to
rich in treasures, thy end is come for thy entire the other
destruction. 32 And that the fords are taken, and the marshes
14 The Lord of hosts hath sworn by himself, are burnt with fire, and the men of war are af-
saying I will fill thee with men as with locusts, frighted.

and they shall lift up a joyful shout against 33 For thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of
thee. Israel The daughter of Babylon is like a thresh-

15 He that made the earth by his power; that ing-floor; this is the time of her threshing yet :

hath prepared the world by his wisdom, and a little while, and the time of her harvest shall
stretched out the heavens by his understanding. come.
16 When he uttereth his voice the waters are 34 Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon hath eat-
multiplied in heaven: he lifteth up the clouds en me up ; he hath devoured me he hath made :

froju the ends of the earth: he hath turned light- me as an empty vessel he hath swallowed me

ning into rain, and hath brought forth the wind up like a dragon he hath filled his belly with

out of his treasures. my delicate meats, and he hath cast me out.

17 Every man* is become foolish by his know- 35 The wrong done to me, and my flesh be
ledge: every founder is confounded by his idol; upon Babylon, saitli the habitation of Sion and ;

for what he hath cast is a lie, and there is no my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea, saith
breath in them. Jerusalem.
18 They are vain works, and worthy to be 36 Therefore thus saith the Lord Behold, I :

laughed at in the time of their visitation they will judge thy cause, and will take vengeance for

shall perish. thee, and I will make her sea desolate, and will
19 The portion of Jacob is not like them: for dry up her spring.
ne that made all things he it is, and Israel is the 37 And Babylon shall be reduced to heaps, a
sceptre of his inheritance : The Lord of hosts is dwelling-place for dragons, an astonishment, and
his name. a hissing, because there is no inhabitant.
20 Thou dashest together for me the weapons 38 They shall roar together like lions they :

of war; and with thee I will dash nations to- shall shake their manes like young lions.
gether, and with thee I will destroy kingdoms 39 In their heat I will set them drink ; and I
21 And with thee I will break in pieces the will make thom drunk, that they may slumber,
and sleep an everlasting sleep, and awake no
* Every man, &c. That is, every maker of idols, more, saith the Lord.
however he boasts of his knowledge and skill, 40 I will bring them down like lambs to the
does but shew himself a fool in pretending to slaughter, and like rams with kids.
make a god. 41 How is Sesach taken, and the renowned

one ofall the earth surprised ? How is Babylon against this place to destroy it: so that them
become an astonisliment among the nations? should be neither man nor beast to dwell thereiti,
42 The sea is come up over Bat)_vlon: she is and that it should be desolate for ever.
covered witli the multitude of the waves thereof. 63 And when thou shalt have made an end of
43 Her cities are become an astonishment, a reading this book, thou shalt tie a stone to it, and
hind uninhal)ited and desolate, a land wherein shalt throw it into the midst of the Euphrates:
none can dwell, nor son of man pass through it. 64 And thou shalt say : Thus shall Babylon
44 And I will visit; against Bel in Babylon, and sink ; and she shall not rise up from the affliction
I will bring forlii out of his mouth that which he that I will bring upon her; and she shall be ut-
had swallowed down and the nations shall no
: terly destroyed. Thus far are the words of Jere-
more flow together to him, for the wall also of mias.
Babylon sliall fall.
45 Go out of the midst of her, my people, that
every man may save his life from the fierce wrath A rccapitnlation of the reign of Sedecias, and
of the Lord. the destruction of Jerusalem. The number of
46 And lest your liearts faint, and ye fear for the captives.
the rumour that shall be heard in the land: and SEDECIAS was one and twenty years old
a rumiuir shall come in one year, and after this when he began to reign and he reigned

year another rumour: and iniquity in the land, eleven years in Jerusalem: and the name of his
and ruler ujion ruler. mother was Amital, the daughter of Jeremias of
47 Therefore behold, the days come, and I will Lobna.
visit the idols of Babylon: and her whole land 2 And he did that which was evil in the eyes
shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall of the Lord, according to all that Joakini had
in the midst of her. done.
48 And the heavens and the earth, and all 3 For the wrath of the Lord was against Jeru-
things that are in them shall give praise for Baby- salem, and against Juda, till he cast them out
lon for spoilers shall come to her from the north, from his presence
: and Sedecias revolted from

saith the Lord. the king of Babylon.

49 And as Babylon caused that there should 4 And it came to pass in the ninth year of his
fall slain in Israel: so of Babylon there shall fall! reign, in the tenth month, the tenth day of the
elain in all the earth. |
mouth, that Nabuchodonosor the king of Baby-
50 You tliat have escaped the sword, come lon came, he and all his army against Jerusalem
away, stand not still remember the Lord afar and they Besieged it, and built forts against it

off, antl let Jerusalem come into your mind. round about.
51 We are confounded, because we have heard 5 And the city was besieged until the eleventh
reproach: shame hath covered our faces: because year of king Sedecias.
strangers are come upon the sanctuaries of the 6 And in the fourth month, the ninth day of the
house of the Lord. month, a famine overpowered the city and there

52 Therefore behold, the days come, saith the was no food for the people of the land.
Lord, and I will visit her graven things, and in 7 And the city was broken up; and the men
all her land the wounded shall groan. of war fled, and went out of the city in the night
53 If Babylon should mount up to heaven, and by the way of the gate thai is between the two
establish her strength on high from me there walls, and leadeth to the king's garden (the

should come spoilers upon her, saith the Lord. Chaldeans besieging the city round about), and
54 The noise of a cry from Babylon, and great they went by the way that leadeth to the wilder-
destruction from the land of the Chaldeans: ness.
55 Because the Lord hath laid Babylon waste, 8 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after
and destroyed out of her the great voice and the king and they overtook Sedecias in the de-
: :

their waves shall roar like many waters: their sert which is near Jericho: and all his compan-
voice hath made a noise : ions were scattered from him.
56 Because the spoiler is cc^ne upon her, that 9 And when they had taken the king, they
is, upon Babylon, and h^r valiant men are taken, carried him to the king of Babylon to Reblatha,

and their bow is weakened, because the Lord which is in the land of Eniath and he gave :

who is a strong revenger will surely repay. judgment upon him.

57 And 1 will make her princes drunk, and 10 And the king of Babylon slew the sons of
her wise men, and her captains, and her rulers, Sedecias before his eyes and he slew all the

and her valiant men and they shall sleep an princes of Juda in Reblatha.

everlasting sleep, and shall awake no more, saith 11 And he put out the eyes of Sedecias, and
the King, wiiose name is Lord of hosts. bound him with fetters and the kiiigof Babylon

58 Thus saith the Lord of hosts: That broad brought him to Babylon, and he put him in pri-
wall of Babylon shall be utterly broken down; son till the day of his death.
and her high gates shall be burnt with fire; and 12 And in the fifth month, the tenth day of
the labours of the people shall come to nothing; the month, the same is the nineteenth year of
and of the nations shall go to the fire, and shall Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, came IVabu-
perish. zardan the general of the army, who stood be-
59 The word that Jeremias the prophet com- fore the king of Babylon in Jerusalem.
manded Saraias the son of Nerias, the son of 13 And he burnt the house of the Lord, and
Maasias, when he went with king Sedecias to the king's house, and all the houses of Jerusa-
Babylon, in the fourth year of his reign: now lem, and every great house he burnt with fire.
Saraias was chief over the prophecy. 14 And all' the army of the Chaldeans that
GO And .leremias wrote in one book all the evil were with the general broke down all the wall of
diat was tocoine u[)on Babvlon; all these words Jerusalem round about.
that are written against Babylon. 15 But Nabuznrdan the general cafried away
61 And Jeremias said to Saraias: When thou captives some of the poor peo[)le, and of the rest
shah come into Babylon, and shalt see, and shall of the common sort who remained in the city
read all these words, and of the fugitives that were fled over to toe
62 Thou shalt say: O Lord, thou hast spoken king of Babylon, and the rest of the multitude. .

3 W .545 l
! : ,

16 But of tho poor of the land, Nabiizardan that were found in the city ; an<l a scribe an offi
the general left some for vine-dressers, and for cer of the army, who exercised the young sol-
husbandmen. diers and three-score men of the people of tho

17 The Chaldeans also broke in pieces the land, that were found in the midst of the cit_v.
Wrazen pillars that were in the house of the Lord, 26 And Nabuzardan the general took them,
and the bases, and the sea of brass that was in and brought them to the king of Babylon to Reb-
the house of the Lord and they carried all the latha.

brass of them to Babylon. 27 And the king of Babylon struck theui, and
If! And they look the caldrons, and tiie flesh- put them to death in Reblatlia in the land of
hooks, and the psalteries, and the bowls, and the Emath and Juda was carried away captive ou!

little mortars, and all the brazen vessels that had of his land.
been used in the ministry ajid : 28 This is the people whom Nabuchodonosor
19 The general took away the pitclicrs, and carried away captive: In the seventh year, thrca
the censers, and the pots, and the basons, and the tliousand and twenty-three Jews.
candlesticks, and the mortars, and the cups as 29 In the eighteen year of Nabuchodonoscr,

many as were of gold, in gold ; and as many as eight hundred and thirty-two souls from Jeru-
were of silver, in silver: salem.
20 And the two pillars, and one sea, and twelve 30 In the three and twentieth year of Nabu-
oxen of brass that were under the bases, which chodonosor, Nabuzardan the general carried
king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord away of the Jews seven hundred and forty-five
there was no weight of the brass of all these souls. So all the souls were four thousand six
vessels. hundred.
2\ And concerning the pillars, one pillar was 31 And it came to pass in the seven and thir-
eighteen cubits high and a cord of twelve cu- tietli year of the captivity of Joachin king of

bits compassed it about but the thickness there- Juda, in the twelfth month, the five and twentieth

of was four finders, and it was hollow within. day of the month, tliat Evil-Merodach king of
22 And chapiters of brass were upon both the Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up

height of one chapiter was five cubits: and net- the iiead of Joachin king of Juda, and brought
work, and pomegranates were upon the chapiters him forth out of prison.
round about, all of brass. The same of the se- 32 And he spoke kindly to him, and he set his
cond pillar and the pomegranates. throne above the thrones of the kings that were
23 And there were ninety-six pomegranates with him in Babylon.
hanging down and the pomegranates being a
: 33 And he changed his prison-garments ; and
hundred in all, were comjiassed with net-work. he ate bread before him always all the days of
24 And the general took Saraias the chief his life.
priest, and Sophonias the second priest, and the 34 And for his diet a continual provision was
three keepers of the entry. allowed him by the king of Babylon, every day
25 He also took out of the city one eunuch a portion, until the day of his death, all the daya
that was chief over the men of war ; and seven of his life.
men of them that were near the king's person.


In these Jeremias laments m a most pathetical her : all
become her enemies.
her friends have despised her, and ars
manner the miseries of his peo-ple, and the de-
struction q/" Jerusalem and the temple, in He- 3 Ghimel. Juda hath removed herdwellinjr-
hreiB verses, beginning trith different letters place, because of her afHiction, and the greatness
dwelt among the na-
according to the order of the Hebrew alphabet. of her bondage she hath :

tions, and she hath fonnd no rest all her perse- :

• And it came to pass, after Israel was carried
cutors have taken her in the midst of straits.
into captivity, and Jerusalem was desolate, that
4 Daleth. The w:\ys of Sicn mourn, because
Jeremias the prophet sat weeping, and mourned
there are none that come to the solemn feast:
with this lamentation over Jerusalem, and with
all her gates are broken down her priests sigh : :

a sorrowful mind, sighing and moaning, he said :

her virgins are inafiliction, and she is oppressed

with bitterness.
5 He. Her adversaries are become her lords :

Akph.TTOW doth the city sit solitary that her enemies are enriched because the Lord :

JLXwas full of people! how is the mis- hath spoken against her for the multitude of her
tress of the gentiles become as a widow : the iniquities: her children are led into captivity,
princess of provinces made tributary before the face of the oppressor.
2 Beth. Weeping she hath wept in the night, 6 Van. And from the daughter of Sion all h«
and her tears are on her cheeks : there is none beauty is departed : her princes are become like
to comfort her among all them thai were dear to rams "that find no pastures : and they are gone
away "without strength lefire the face of the
• This preface was not written by Jeremias, pursuer.
but added by the seventy interpreters, to give 7 Zain. Jerusalem hath remembered the daye
all her rte-
the reader to understand upon what occasion the of her affliction, and prevarication of
Lunenialions were published. sirable things which she had from the daya of
1 ;
: :


old. when her people fell in the enemy's hand, not remembered his footstool in the day of his
and there was no helper the enemies have seen anger.

her, and have mocked at her sabhatjis. 2 Beth. The Lord hath cast down headlong,
8 Heih. Jerusalem hath grievously sinned and hath not spared, all that was beautiful in
therefore is she become unstable all that ho- Jacob
he hath destroyed in his wrath the

noured her, have despised her, because they have strong-holds of the virgin of Juda, and brought
seen her shame : but she sighed, and turned them down to the ground he hath made the :

backward. kingdom unclean, and the princes thereof.

9 Teth. Her filthiness is on her feet ; and she 3 Ghimel. He hath broken in his fierce anger
hath not remembered her end she is wonder- all the horn of Israel he hath drawn back his
: :

fully cast down, not having a comforter: beiiold, right hand from before the enemy and he hath :

O Lord, my affliction, because the enemy is lift kindled in Jacob as it were a flaming fire de
ed up. vouring round about.
10 Jod. The enemy hath put out his hand to 4 Daleth. He hath bent his bow as an enemy :
all her desirable things ; for she hath seen the he hath fixed his right hand as an adversary :

gentiles enter into her sanctuary, of whom thou and he hath killed all that was fair to behold in
gavest commandment that tliey should not enter the tabernacle of the daughter of Sion ; he hath
mto thy church. poured out his indignation like fire.
1 Caph. All her people sigh, they seek bread 5 He. The Lord is become as an enemy he :

they have given !;ill their precious things for food hath cast down Israel headlong he hath over- ;

to relieve the soul see, O Lord, and consider, thrown all the walls thereof: he hatli destroyed

for I am become vile. his strong-holds, and hath multiplied in the

12 Lamed. O all ye that pass by the way, at daughter of Juda the afflicted both men and
tend, and see if there be any sorrow like to my women.
sorrow ; for he hath made a vintage of me, as 6 Van. And he hath destroyed his tent as a
the Lord spoke in the day of his fierce anger. garden, he hath thrown down his tabernacle
13 Mem. From above he hath sent fire into tny the Lord hath caused feasts and sabbaths to be
bones, and hath chastised me : he hath spread a forgotten in Sion; and hath delivered up king
net for my feet ; he hath turned me back he and priest to reproach, and to the indignation of

hath made me desolate, wasted with sorrow all] his wrath.

the day long. 7 Zain. The Lord hath cast oflT his altar ; he
14 Nun. The yoke of my iniquities hath hath cursed his sanctuary :* he hath delivered
watched they are folded together in his hand, the walls of the towers thereof into the hand of

and put npon my neck my strength is weaken- the enemy they have made a noise in the house
: :

ed the Lord hath delivered me into a hand, out of the Lord, as in the day of a solemn feast.

of which I am not able to rise. 8 Heth. The Lord hath purposed to destroy
15 Samech. The Lord hath taken away all my the wall of the daughter of Sion he hath :

mighty men out of the midst of me: he hath call- stretched out his line, and hath not withdrawn
ed against me the time, to destroy my chosen his hand from destroying and the bulwark hath :

men : the Lord hath trodden the wine-press for mourned, and the wall hath been destroyed
the virgin daughter of Juda. together.
16 Ain. Therefore do I weep, and my eyes run 9 Teth. Her gates are sunk into the ground :

down with water : because the comforter, the he hath destroyed, and broken her bars her :

relief of my soul, is far from me my children king and her princes are among the gentiles
: :

are desolate, because the enemy hath prevailed. the law is no more, and her prophets have found
17 Phe. Sion hath spread forth her hands; no vision from the Lord.
there is none to comfort her the Lord hath com-
: 10 Jod. The ancients of the daughter of Sion
manded against Jacob, his enemies are round sit upon the ground they have held their peace :

about him Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman they have sprinkled their heads with dust; they

am o*^ them. are girded with hair-cloth, tlie virgins of Jeru-

18 ^ade. The Lord is just, for T have provoked salem hang down their heads to the ground.
his mouth to wrath : hear, I pray you, all ye 11 Caph. My
eyes have failed with weeping;
people, and see my sorrow: my virgins and my my bowels are troubled : my liver is poured out
young men are gone into captivity. upon the earth, for the destruction of the daugh-
19 Coph. I called for my friends, but they de- ter of my people, when the children, and the
ceived me : my priests and my ancients pined suckhngs, fainted away in the streets of the
away in the city ; while they sought their food, city.
to relieve their souls. 12 Lamed. They said to their mothers
20 Res. Behold, O
Lord, for I am in distress, Where is com and wine ? when they fointed
my bowels are troubled : my heart is turned away as the wounded in the streets of the city
within mc, for I am full of bitterness : abroad when they breathed out their souls in the bosoms
the sword destroyeth, and at home there is of their mothers.
death alike. 13 Mem. To what shall I compare thee, or to
21 Sin. They have heard that I sigh, and what shall I liken thee, O
daughter of Jerusa-
there is none to comfort me : all my enemies lem ? to what shall I equal thee, that I may
have heard of my evil ; they have rejoiced that comfort thee, O
virgin daughter of Sion? for
thou liast done it thou hast brought a day of great as the sea is thy destruction : wlio shall

consolation, and they shall be like unto me. heal thee ?

22 Thau. Let all their evil be present before 14 Nun. Thy prophets have seen false and
thee : and make vintage of them, as thou hast foolish things for thee and they have not laid:

made vintage of me for all my iniquities : for open thy iniquity, to excite thee to penance:
my sighs are many and my heart is sorrowful. but they have seen for thee false revelations and
15 Samech. All they that passed by the way
Jleph.T^ OW
hath the Lord covered vrith
jOL obscurity the daughter of Sion in * He hath cursed his sanctuary. That is, he
his wrath how hath he cast down from heaven Eermitted his sanctuary to be destroyed, as if it

In the earth the glorious one of Israel, and hath ad not been consecrated, but execrable.
: :

have clapped their hands at thee they have
: 16 Vau, And he hath broken my teeth one by
hissed, and wagged their heads at the daughter one he hath fed me with ashes.

of Jerusalem, saying : Is this the city of per- 17 Vau. And my soul is removed far oflf from
fect beauty, the joy of all the earth ? peace I have forgotten good things.

16 Phe. All thy enemies have opened their 18 Vau. And I said My end and my hope is

mouth against thee they have hissed, and gnash- l)erished from the Lord.

ed with the teeth, and have said We will swallow

: 19 Zain. Remember my poverty, and trans-
her up lo, tliis is the day wiiieli we looked for gression, the wormwood, and tlie gall.
: :

we have found it; we have seen it. 20 Zain. I will be mindful and remember; and
17 Ain. The Lord hath done that which he my soul shall languish within me.
purposed ; he hath fulfilled his word, which he 21 Zain. These things I shall think over in
commanded in the days of old: he hath des- my heart, therefore will I hope.
troyed, and hath not spared and he hath caused
: 22 Helh. The mercies of the Lord that we are
the enemy to rejoice over thee, and hath set up not consumed because his commiserations have

the horn of thy adversaries. not failed.

18 Sade. Their heart cried to the Lord 23 Heih. They are new every morning : great
upon the walls of the daughter of Sion : Let is thy faithfulness.
tears run down like a torrent day and night 24 Heth. The Lord is my portion, sai<l my
give thyself no rest, and let not the apple of thy soul: therefore will I wait for him.
eye cease. 25 Teth. The Lord is good to iheui thnt liopa
19 Coph. Arise, give praise in the night, in in him, to the soul that seeketh liini.
the beginning of the watches: pour out thy 26 Tclh. It is good to wait in silcnc? for the
lieart like water before the face of the Lord': salvation of God.
lift up thy hands to him for the life of thy little 27 Teth. It is good for a man, when he hath
children, that have fainted for hunger at the top borne tlie yoke from his youth.
of all the streets. 28 Jod. He shall sit solijary, and hold hia
20 Res. Hehold, O Lord, and consider whom peace : because he hatii taken it up upon himself.
thou hMst thus dealt with : shall women then cat 29 Jod. He' shall put his mouth in tlie dust,
their own fruit, their children of a span long ? if so be there may be hope.
shall tlie priest, and the prophet be slain in the 30 Jod. He shall give his cheek to him that
house of the Lord ? striketli him :lie shall be filled with reiiroaclies.
ai Sin. The child and the old man lie with 31 Caph. For the Lord will not cast off for
out on the ground : my virgins and my young ever.
men are fallen by the sword : thou hast slain 32 Caph. For if he liatli cast off, he will also
them in the day of thy wrath : thou hast killed, have mercy, according to the multitude of his
and shewn them no pity. mercies.
22 Thnu. Thou hast called, as to a festival, 33 Caph. For he hath not willingly afflict-
those that should terrify me round about: and ed, nor cast ofl^ the children of men,
there was none in the day of the wrath of the 34 Lamed. To crush under his feet all the
Lord that escaped and was left : those that I prisoners of the land.
brought up, and nourished, my enemy hath con- 35 Lamed. To turn aside the judgment of a
sumed them. man before the face of the most High.
36 Lamed. To destroy a man wrongfully in
CHAP. IIL his judgment, the Lord hath not approved.
37 Mem. Who is he that hath commanded a
Am the man that see my poverty by thing to be done, when the Lord commandeth it
Athe rod of his indignation. not?
2 Aleph. He hath led me, and brought me into 38 Mem. Shall not both evil and good proceed
darkness, and not into light. out of the mouth of the Highest?
3 Aleph. Only against me h," hath turned, and 39 Mem. Why hath a living man murmured,
turned again his hand all thf da;f. man suffering for his sins?
4 Beth. My skin and my flesh he hath made 40 Nun. Let ns search our ways, and seek,
old he hath broken my bones.
: and return to the Lord.
5 Beth. He hath built round about me, and he 41 Nun. Let us lift up our hearts with our
hath compassed me with gall, and labour. hands to the Lord in the heavens.
6 Beth. He hath set me in dark places, aa 42 Nun. We have done wickedly, and pro
those that are dead for ever. vokeA ihee lo wrath: therefore thou art inexo-
7 Ghimel. He hath built against me round rable.
about, that I may not get out : he hath made my 43 Samech. Thou hast covered in thy wrath,
fetters heavy. and hast struck us thou hast killed, and hast

8 Ghimel. Yea, and when I cry, and entreat, not spared.

he hath shut otit my prayer. 44 Samech. Thou hast set a cloud before thee,
9 Ghimel, He hath shut irp my ways with that our prayer may not pass through.
square stones : he hath turned my paths upside 45 Samech. Thou hast made me as an out-
down. cast, and refuse in the midst of the people.
10 Daleth. He is become to me as a bear lying 46 Phe. All 07tr enemies have opened their
in wait: as a lion in secret places. mouths against us.
11 Daleth. He hath turned aside my paths, 47 Phe. Prophecy is become to us a fear, and
and hath broken me in pieces: he hath made me a snare, and destruction.
desolate. 48 Phe. My eye hath run down with streams
12 Daleth. He hath bent his bow, and set me of water, for the destruction of the daughter of
as a mark for his arrows. my people.
13* He. He hath shot into my reins the daugh 49 Ain. My eye is afflicted, and hath not be'n
ters of his quiver. quiet, because there was no rest
14 He, I am made a derision to all my people, 50 Ain. Till the Lord regarded and looked
their song all the day long. down from the heavens.
15 He. He hath filled me with bitterness : he 51 Ain. My eye hath wasted my soul because
hath inebriated me with ^^•ormwood. of all the daughters of my city.
1 ;:


' 52 Bade. My enemies have chased me and 13 Meni. For the sins of her prophets, and the
causht me like a bird, witliout cause. minuities of her priests, that have shed the blood
53 Sad-e- My life is fallen into the pit, and they of the just in the midst of her.
have laid a stone over me. 14 Nun. They have wandered as blind men
54 Sade. Waters have flowed over my head: in the streets, they were defiled with blood and :

1 eaid 1 am cilt ofl".

: when they could not help walking in it they held
55 Coph. I have called upon thy name, O up their skirts.
Lord, from the lowest pit, 15 Saincch. Depart, you that are defiled, they
56 Coph. Thou hast heard my »oice turn not cried out to them: Depart, get ye hence, touch

away thy ear from my sighs, and cries. inot: for they quarrelled, and being removed,
57 Coph. Thou drewestnear in the day, when they^aid among the gentiles: He will no more
I called upon thee: thou saidst Fear not.
: dwell among them.
58 Res. Thou hast judged, O Lord, the cause 16 Fhe. The face of the Lord hath divided
of ni}' soul, thou the Redeemer of my li.'e. them, he will no more regard them they re- :

59 Res. Thou hast seen, O Lord, their iniquity spected not the persons of the priests, neither
against me judge thou my judgment.
: had they pity on the ancient.
60 Res. Thou hast seen all their fury, a/id all 17 Ain. While we were yet standing, our eyes
their thoughts against me. failed, expec'ing help for us in vain, when we
61 i^in. Thou hast heard their reproach, O looked attentively towards a nation that was not
Lord, all their imaginations against me. able to save.
62 Sin. The lips of them that rise up against 18 Sade. Our steps have slipped in the way
me and their devices against me all the day.
: of our streets, our end drawetli near: our dajs
63 Sin. Behold their sitting down, and their are fulfilled, for our end is come.
rising up, I am their song. 19 Coph. Our persecutors were swifter than
64 Thau. Thou shalt render them a recom the eagles of the air they pursued us upon tlie

Eence, O Lord, according to tlie works of their mountains, they lay in wait for us in the wilder-
ands. ness.
65 Thau. Thou shall give tliem a buckler of 20 Res. The breath of our mouth Christ* the
heart thy labour. Lord is taken in our sins : to whom we said ;
66 Thau. Thou shalt persecute them in an- Under thy shadow we shall live among the gen
ger, and shalt destroy them from under the hea- tiles.
vens, O
Lord. 21 Sin. Rrjoice, and be glad, O daughter of
CHAP. IV. Edom, that dwellest in the land of Hus to tlice
Aleph.'WJSO'W is the gold become dim, the also shall the cup come, thou shalt be made
jl. finest colour is changed, the stones drunk and naked.

of the sanctuary are scattered in the top of every 22 Thau. Thy iniquity is accomplished, O
street ? daughter of Sion, he will no more carry thee
2 BeOi. The noble sons of Sion, and they that away into captivity: he hath visited thy iniqui-
were clothed with the best gold : how are they ty, O daughter of Edom, he hath discovered tl)v
esteemed as earthen vessels, the work of tlie pot- sins.
3 Ghimel. Even the sea-monsters have drawn PROPHET.
but the breast, they have given suck to their
J'oung, the daughter of my people is cruel, like
the ostrich in the desert. REMEMBER, O Lord, what is come upoi.
4 Dfilelh. The tongue of the suckling child us : consider and behold our reproach.
hatli stuck to the roof of his mouth for thirst: 2 Our inheritance is turned to aliens :our
the little ones have asked for bread, and there houses to strangers.
was none to break it unto them. 3 We
are become orphans without a father
5 He. They that were fed delicately have died our mothers are as widows.
in the streets : they that were brought up in scar- 4 We
have drunk our water for money : we
let, have embraced the dung. have bought our wood.
6 Vau. And the iniquity of the daughter of 5 We were dragged by fhe necks, we were
mv people is made greater than the sin of Sodom, weary, and no rest was given us.
which was overthrown in a moment, and hands 6 W'e have given our hand to Egypt, and to
took nothing' in her. the Assyrians, that we might be satisfied with
7 Znin. Her Nazarites were whiter than snow, Ibread.
purer than milk, more ruddy than the old ivory, 7 Our fathers have sinned, and are not and :

fairer tlian the sapphire. we have borne their iniquities.

8 Hcth. Their face is time made blacker than 8 Servants have ruled over us there was:

coals, and they are not known in the streets: none to redeem us out of their hand.
their skin hath stuck to their bones, it is wither- 9 We fetched our bread at the peril of our
ed, and is become like wood. lives, because of the sword in the desert.
9 Teth. It was better with them that were 10 Our skin was burnt as an oven, by reason
plain by the sword, than with them that died with of the violence of the famine.
himger: for these pined away being consumed 11 They oppressed the women in Sion, and
for want of the fruits of the earth. the virtrins in the cities of Juda.
10 Jod. The hands of the pitiful women have 12 The princes were hanged up by their
sodden their own children they were their meat hand they did not respect the persons of tho
: :

in the destruction of the dauehterof my people. ancient.

1 Cnph. The Lord hath accomplished his 13 They abused the young men indecently
wrath, he hath poured out his fierce anger: and and the children fell under the wood.
he hath kindled a fire in Sion, and it hath de-
voured the foundations thereof. * Christ, &c. This, according to the letter, ig
12 Iximed. The kings of the earth, and all the spoken of their king, who is called the Christ
inliahitiints of fbc world would not have believ- that is, the Anointed of the Lord. Bat it also
ed, that tlie adversary and the enemy should relates, in the spiritual sense, to Christ oai I ord,
eater in by the g-ates of Jerusalem. leuffering for our sins.
: : : :

1 1The ancients have ceased from the gates : 19 But thou, O Lord, shnlt reiTiiiin for ever,
!he. young men from the quire of the singers. thy throne from generation to generation.
15 The jov of our heart is ceased, our dancing 20 Why wilt thou forget us forever? why wilt
is turned into mourning. thou forsake us for a long lime ?
16 The crown is fallen from our head: wo to . 21 Convert us, O Lord, to thee ; and we shall
lis, because we have tinned. be converted: renew our days,^s from the be-
17 Therefore is our heart sorrowful ; therefore ginning.
are our eyes become dim, 22 But thou hast utterly rejected us: thou
18 For Mount Sion, because it is destroyed, art exceedingly angry against us.
foxes have walked upon it.


Biiruch iras a man of noble extraction, and learn-l and enlighten our eyes, that we may live under
ed in the law, secretary and disciple to the the shadow of Nabuchodonosor the king of Baby-
prophet Jcrem'ias, and a sharer in his labours lon, and under the shadow of Balthassar his son;
and persecutions : which is the reason why the and may serve them many days, and may find
ancient fa/hers hare considered this book as a favour in their sight.
part of the prophecy of Jeremias, and have 13 And pray ye for us to the Lord our God
usually quoted it under his name. for we have sinned against the Lord our God
CHAP. L and his wrath is not turned away from hs even
VheJews of Babylon send the book of Baruch,\ to this day.
with money to Jerusalem, requesting their\ 14 And read ye this book, which. we have sent
brethren there to offer sacrifice, and to pray to you to be read in the temple of the Lord, on
for the king and for them, acknowledging their feasts and proper days.
manifold sins. 15 And you shall say : To the Lord our God
A ND these are the words of the book which belongeih justice, but to us confusion of our face,
/"i. Baruch the son of Nerias, the son of Maa- as it is come to pass at this day to all Juda, ana
eias, the son of Sedecias, the son of Sedei, the to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
son of Helcias, wrote in Babylonia, 16 To cur kings, and to our princes, and te
2 In the fifth year, in the" seventh day of the our priests, and to our prophets, and to oui
montli, at the time that the Chaldeans took Je- fatiiers.

rusalem, and burnt it with fire. 17 We have sinned before the Lord our God
3 And Baruch read the words of this book in and have not believed in him, nor put our trust
the hearing of Jechonias the son of Joakim king in him :

of Juda, and in the hearing of all the people that 18 And we were not obedient to him, and we
came to hear the book, have not hearkened to the voice of the Lord oui
4 And in the hearing of the nobles, the sons God, to walk in his commandments, which ha
of the kings, and in the hearing of the ancients, hath gi\en us.
and in the hearing of the people, from the least 19 From the day that he brought our fathers
even to the greatest of them, that dwelt in Baby out of tlie land of Egypt, even to this day, we
Ionia, by the river Sodi. v/cre disobedient to the Lord our God and go-

5 And when they heard it, they wept, and ing astray we turned away from hearing his
fasted, and prayed before the Lord. voice.
6 And they made a collection of money, ac 20 And many evils have cleaved tons, and the
cording to every man's power. curses which the Lord foretold by 3Ioses his
7 And they sent it to Jerusalem to Joakim servant: who broUght our fathers out of the land
the priest, the son of Helcias, the son of Salom, of Egypt, to give us a land flowing with milk and
and- to the priests, and to all the people, that honey, as at this day.
were found with him in Jerusalem :
21 And we have not hearkened to the voice of
8 At the time when he received the vessels of the Lord our God according to all the words of
the temple of the Lord, which had been taken the prophets whom he sent to us
away out of the temple, to return them into the 22 And we have gone away every man after
land of Juda the tenth day of the month Sivan, the inclinations of his own wicked heart, to serva
the silver vessels, which Sedecias the son of Jo- strange gods, and to do evil in the sight of the
sias king of Juda had made, Lord our God.
9 After that Nabuchodonosor the king of Ba- CHAP. H.
bylon had carried away Jechonias, and the A further confession of the sins of the people, mid
princes, and all the powerful men, and the, peo- of the justice of God.
ple of the land, from Jerusalem, and brought
them bound to Babylon.
WHEREFORE the Lord our God hath made
good his word, that he spoke to us. and
10 And they said: Behold, we have sent vou to our judges that have judged Israel, and to our
money buy with it holocausts, and frankin-
: \ kings, and to our princes, and to all Israel and
cense, and make meat-offerings and offerings for Juda
sin at the altar of the Lord our God : 2 That the Lord would bring upon us great
11 And pray ye for the life of Nabuchodonosor evils, such as never happened under heaven, aa
the king of Babylon, and for the life of Balthas- they have come to pass in Jerusalem, according
ear his son. that their days may be upon earth as to the things that are written in the law of Moses;
the davs of heaven 3 That a man ishouid cat the flesh of his owa
19 And that the Lord may give us strength, son, and the flesh of his own daughter.
: : : :


4 And he hath ilolivered lliem up to be under of thy servants the prophetsj that the bones of
riie liand of all the kings that are round about our kings, and the bones of our fathers should ba
us, to be a reproach, and tlesohition among nil removed out of their place :
the people, among whom tlie Lord hath scattered 25 And behold, they are cast out to the heat
us. of the sun, and to the frost of the night : and they
5 And we are brought under, and are not up- have died' in grievous pains, by famine and by
Eermost: because we have sinned against the the sword, and in banisliiuent.
ord our God, by not obeying his voice. 26 And thou hast made the temple, in which
6 To the Lord our God belonj^eth justice: but thy name was called upon, as it is at this day,
to UP, and to our fatiiers confusion of face, as at for the iniquity of the house of Israel, and of the
this day. house of Juda.
7 For the Lord hath pronounced against us all 27 And thou hast dealt with us, OLord cur
these evils that are come upon us God, .-iccording to all thy goodness, and accord-
8 And we have not entreated the face of the ing to all that great mercy of thine :
Lord our God, that we might return every one of 28 As thou spokest by the hand of thy servant
us from our most wicked ways. Moses, in the day when ihou didst command him
9 And the Lord hath watched over us for evil, to write tliy law before the children of Israel,
and hath brought it upon us: for the Lord is 29 Saying : If you will not hear my voice,
just in all his works which ho hath commanded this great multitude shall be turned into a very
ub: small number among the nations, where I will
10 And we have not hearkened to his voice, to scatter them
walk in the commandments of the Lord which he 30 For I know that the people will not heai
hath set before us. me, for they are a people of a stiff neck : but they
11 And now, O Lord God of Israel, who hast shall turn to their heart in the land of their cap-
brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with tivity :
a strong hand, and with signs, and with wonders, 31 And they shall know that I am the Lord
and with thy great power, and with a mighty their God : and I will give them a heart, and
arm, and hast made thee a name as at this day they shall understand : and ears, and they shall
12 We have sinned, we have done wickedly, hear.
we have acted unjustly, O Lord our God, against 32 And they shall praise me in the land of
all thy justices. their captivity, and shall be mindful of my name.
13 Let thy wrath be turned away from us 33 And they shall turn away themselves from
for we are left a few among the nations, where their stiff neck, and from their wicked deeds : for
thou hast scattered us. they shall remember the way of their fathera,
14 Hear, O Lord, our prayere, and our peti that sinned against me.
tions, and deliver us for thy own sake: and grant 34 And I will bring them back again in to the
that we may find favour in the sight of them that land which I promised with an oath to their fa-
have led us away; thers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and they shall
15 That all the earth may know that thou art be masters thereof: and I will multiply them,
the Lord our God, and that thy name is called and they shall not be diminished.
upon Israel, and upon his posterity. 35 And I will make with them another cove-
16 Look down upon us, O Lord, from thy holy nant that shall be everlasting, to be their God,
bouse, and incline thy ear, and hear us. nd they shall be my people and I will no more

17 Open thy eyes, and behold : for the dead remove my people, the children of Israel, out of
that are in hell, whose spirit is taken away from the land that I have given them.
their bowels, shall not'give glory and justice* to
die Lord
18 But the soul that is sorrowful for the great They pray for mercy, ackrioicledgiiig that they
ness of evil she hath done, and goeth bowed down, are jnsily punished for forsaking true wisdom.
and feeble, and the eyes that fail, and the~hungry A
prophecy of Christ.
soul giveth glory and justice to thee the Lord.
19 For it is not for the justices of our fathers
AND now, O
Lord almighty, the God of Is-
rael, the soul in anguish, and the troubled
that we pour out our prayers, and beg mercy in spirit crieth to thee:
thy sight, O
Lord our God : 2 Hear, O Lord, and have mercy, for thou art
20 But because thou bast sent out thy wrath, merciful God, and have pity on us : for we
and thy indignation upon us, as thou hast spoken have sinned before thee.
by the hand of thy servants the prophets, saying :
3 For thou remainest for ever, and shall we
21 Thus saith the Lord: Bow down your perish everlastingly?
Khoulder, and your neck, and serve the king of 4 O
Lord almighty, the God of Israel, hear
Babylon : and you shall remain in the land which now the prayer of the dead of Israel, and of their
I have given to your fathers.
children, that have sinned before thee, and have
22 But if you will not hearken to the voice of not hearkened to the voice of the Lord their God,
fast to us.
the Lord your God, to serve the king of Babylon : wherefore evils have cleaved
I will cause you to depart out of the cities of
5 Remember not the iniquities of our fathers,
Juda, and from without Jerusalem. but think upon thy hand, and upon thy name at
23 And I will take away from you the voice this time
of mirth, and the voice of joy, and the voice of 6 For thou art the Lord our God, and we will
the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, and praise thee, O Lord :

all the land shall be without any footstep of in- 7 Because for this end thou hast put thy fear
iin our hearts, to the intent that we should call
thee in our captivity;
24 And they hearkened not to thy voice, to 'upon thv name, and praise
hast made we arc converted from the iniquity of our
serve theking of Babylon: and tliou jfor

good thy words, which thou spokest by the hands fathers, who sinned before thee.
8 And behold, we are at this day in our cap-
* Justice, &c. They that are in hell shall not tivity, whereby thou hast scattered us to be a
give justice to God; that is, they shall not ac rejiroach, and a curse, and an
offence, acccrdinr

knowledge and glorify his justice, as penitery lo all the iniquities of our fathers, who departed
vipoers do upon earth. awin thee, O
Lord our God.
: : : : : : :

9 Hear, O
Israel, the commandments of life 37 He found out all the way of knowledge,

give ear that thou mayst learn wisdom. and gave it to Jacob his servant, and to Israel
10 How happeneth it, O Israel, that thou art his beloved.
in thy enemies' land '.'
38 Afterwards he was seen upon earth,{ and
11 Thou art grown old in a strange country; conversed with men.
thou art defiled with the dead thou art counted
with them that go down into hell.
12 Thou hast forsaken the fountain of wis- The prophet exlwrts to the keeping of the late of
dom: wisdom: and encourages the people to be pa-
tient, and to hope for their deliverance.
13 For if thou hadst walked in the way of
God, thou hadst surely dwelt in peace for ever. THIS is the book of the commandments of

14 Learn where is wisdom, where is strength, God, and the law, that is for ever all they :

where is understanding that thou mayst know that keep it shall come to life; but they that
have forsaken it, to death.
also where is length of days and life, where is
the light of the eyes, and peace. 2 Return, O Jacob, and take hold of it: walk
15 Who hath found out her place? and who in the way by its brightness, in the presence of
the li|ht thereof.
halh gone into her treasures ?
16 Where are the princes of the nations, andj 3 Give not thy honour to another, nor thy dig
nily to a strange nation.
they that rule over the beasts that are upon the
earth. 4 We
are happy, O
Israel because the things

that are pleasing to God, are made known to us.

17 That take their diversion with the birds of
the air, 5 Be of good comfort, O people of God, the
18 That hoarded up silver and gold, wherein memorial of Israel
men trust, and there is no end of their getting ? 6 You have been sold to the gentiles, not for
who work in silver and are solicitous, and their your destruction but because you provoked

works are unsearchable ? God to wrath, you are delivered to your adver-
19 They are cut off, and are gone down to
hell : and others are risen up in their place. 7 For you have provoked him who made you,
20 Young men have seen the light, and dwelt the eternal God, offering sacrifices to devils,'and
upon the earth but the way of knowledge they not to God.

have not known 8 For you have forgotten God, who brought
21 Nor have they understood the paths there- you up, and you have grieved Jerusalem that
of; neither have their children received it : it is nursed you.
far from their face. 9 For she saw the wrath of God coming upon
22 It hath not been heard of in' the land of you, and she said Give ear, all you that dwell

Chanaan, neither hath it been seen in Theman. * near Sion, for God hath brought upon me great
2.3 The children of Agar f also, that search
after the wisdom that is of the earth, the mer- 10 For I have seen the captivity of my people,
chants of Merrha, and of Theman, and tlie tellers of my sons, and my daughters, which the Eternal
of fables, and searchers of prudence and under- hath brought upon them.
standing; but the way of wisdom they have notl 11 For I nourished them with joy but I sent

known; neither have they remembered herj them away with weeping and mourning.
paths. 12 Let no man rejoice over me a widow, and
I am forsaken of many for the sins of
24 O Israel, how great is the house of God,
and how vast is the place of his possession! my children, because thev departed from the law
25 It is great, and hath no end: it is high and of God.
immense. 13 And they have not known his justices, nor
26 There were the giants, those renowned walked by the ways of God's commandments,
inen that were from the beginning, of great sta neither have they entered by the paths of hia
ture, expert in war. truth and justice.
27 The Lord chose not them, neither did they 14 Let them that dwell about Sion come, and
find the way of knowledge therefore did they
remember the captivity of my sons and daughters,
perish. which the Eternal hath brought upon them.
28 And because they had not wisdom, they 15 For he hath brought a nation upon them
perished through their folly. from afar, a wicked nation, and of a strange
29 Who hath gone up into heaven, and taken tongue
her, and brought her down from the clouds ? 16 Who have neither reverenced the ancient,
30 Who hath passed over the sea, and found nor pitied children, and have carried awav the
her, and brought her preferably to chosen gold ?
beloved of the widow, and have left me all "alone
31 There is none that is able to know her without children.
ways, nor that can search out her paths 17 But as for me, what help can I give you?

32 But he that knoweth all things, knoweth 18 But he that hath brought the evils upon
her, and hath found her out with his under
you, he will deliver you out of the hands of your
Standing he that prepared the earth for ever enemies.

more, and filled it with cattle and four-footed 19 Go your way, my children, go your way
beasts for I am left alone.
33 He that sendeth forth light, and it goeth 20 I have put off the robe of peace, and have
put upon me the sackcloth of supplication: and
and hath called it, and it obeyeth him with trem
I will cry to the most High in my days.
34 And the stars have given light in their 21 Be of good comfort, my children cry to :

watches, and rejoiced the Lord, and he will deliver you out of the hand
35 They were called, and they said: Here we of the princes your enemies.
are and with cheerfulness they have shined
X Was seen upon earth, ikc. viz. By the mvs-

forth to him that made them.

tery of the incarnation, by means of which the
36 This is our God and there shall no other Son
of God came visibly amongst us, and con-

be accounted of in comparison to him. versed with men. The prophets often speak of
* Theman. The capital city of Edom. things to come as if they were past, to express
t Agar. The mother of the Ismaelites. the certainty of the event of the things foretold.^

22 For my hope I3 in the Eternal that he will thee exalted with honour as children of the king^
Buve you: and joy is come upon me from the dom.
holy One, because of the mercy which shall come 7 For God hath appointed to bring down every
to you from our everlasting Saviour. high mountain, and the everlasting rocks, and to
23 For I sent you forth with mourning and fill up the valleys to make them even with the

weeping: but the Lord will bring you back to ground; that Israel may walk diligently to the
me with joy and gladness for ever. honour of God.
24 For as the neighbours of Sion have now 8 Moreover the woods and every swefct smell-
seen your captivity from God; so shall they also ing tree have overshadowed Israel by the com-
shortly see your salvation from God, which shall mandment of God.
come upon you with great honour, and everlast- 9 For God will bring Israel with joy in the
ing glory. light of his majesty, with mercy and justice, that
25 My children, sutTer patiently the wratli that cometh from him.
iscoine upon you; for thy enemy hath persecuted
thee: but thou shalt quickly see his destruction;
and thou shalt get up upon his neck. The epistle of Jeremias to the captives, as a pre
26 My delicate ones have walked rough ways; servative against idolatry.
for they were taken away as a flock made a prey
by the enemies.
2? Be of good comfort, my children, and cry
A COPY them
of the epistle that Jeremias sent to
that were to be led away captives into
Babylon, by the king of Babylon, to declare to
to the Lord for you shall be remembered by
them according to what was commanded him by
him that hath led you away. God.
28 For us it was your mind to go astray from 1 For the sins that you have committed be

God so wlien you return again, you shall seek

fore God, you shall be carried away captives
him ten times as much. into Babylon by Nabuchodonosor the king of
29 For he that hath brought evils upon you, Babylon.
shall bring you everlasting joy again with your 2 And when you are come into Babylon, 30U
salvation. shall be there many years, and for a long time,
30 Be of good heart, O Jerusalem for he ex- even to seven generationst: and after that I will

horteth thee, that named thee. bring you away from thence with peace.
31 The wicked that have afflicted thee, shall 3 But now, you shall see in Babylon gods of
perish and they that have rejoiced at thy ruin, gold, and of silver, and of stone, and of wood

shall i)e punished. borne upon shoulders, causing fear to the Gen-
32 Tlie cities which thy children have served, tiles.
shall be planished ; and she that received* thy * 4 Beware therefore that you imitate not the
sons. doings of other^and be afraid, and llie fear of
33 For as she rejoiced at thy ruin, and was them should seize upon you.
glad of thy fall; so shall she be grieved for her 5 But when you see the multitude behind
own desolation. and before, adoring them, say you in your
34 And the joy of her multitude shall be cut hearts ; oughtest to be adored, O Lord.
ofT; and her gladness shall be turned to mourn- 6 For my
angel is with you and I myself

ing. will demand an account of your souls.

35 For fire shall come upon her from the Eter- 7 For their tongue that is polished by the
nal, long to endure : and she shall be inhabited craftsman, and themselves laid over with gold
by devils for a great time. and silver, are false things ; and they cannot
36 Li^ok about thee, O Jerusalem, towards the speak.
east, and behold the joy that cometh to thee from 8 And as if it were for a maiden that loveth to
God. go gay so do they take gold, and make

37 For behold, thy children come, whom thou them up.

eenlest away scattered they come gathered to
: 9 Their gods have golden crowns upon their
gether from the east even to the west, at the heads : whereof the priests secretly convey
word of the holv One, rejoicing for the honour of away from them gold, and silver, and bestow it
God. on themselves.
10 Yea and they give tliereof to prostitutes,
CHAP. V. and they dress out harlots: and again when
Jerusnlem is invited to rejoice and behold the re- they receive it of the harlots, they adorn their
turn of her children out of their captivity. gods.
PUT oft", O Jerusalem, the garment of thy 11 And these gods cannot defend themselves
mourning and affliction: and put on the from the rust and the moth.
beauty, and honour of that everlasting glory 12 But when they have covered them with a
which tliou hast from God. purple garment, they wipe their face because of
2 God will clothe thee with the double gar- the dust of the house, which is very much
ment of justice, and will set a crown on thy head, among them.
of everlasting honour. 13 This holdeth a sceptre as a man, as a
3 For God will shew his brightness in thee, to judge of the country, but cannot put to death
eterv one under heaven. one that offendeth him.
4 For thy name shall be named to thee by 14 And this hath in his hand a cword, or an
God for ever the peace of justice, and honour axe, but cannot save himself from war, or from

of piety. robbers, whereby be it known to you, that they

5 Arise, O Jerusalem, and stand on high: and are not gods.
look about towards the east, and behold thy chil- 15 Therefore fear them not. For as a vessel
dren gathered together from the rising to the that a man uses when it is broken becometh
seaingsun, by the word of the holy One, rejoicifig useless, even so are their gods :

IE the remembrance of God. 16 When they are placed in the house, their
6 For they went out from thee on foot, led by eyes are full of dust by the feet of them that
4h6 enemies: but the Lord will bring them to go in.

* She that received, &.c. viz. Babylon. t Seven generations. That is, seventy ye&rt.

17 And as the gates are made sure on every 42 The women also with cords about them, eit
side upon one that hath ofi'ended the king, or in the ways burning olive-stones.
like a dead man carried to the grave ; so do the 43 And when any one of them, drawn away by
priests secure the doors witli and locks, some passenger, lietli with him, she upbraideth
lest they be stripped by thieves. her neighbour, that she was not thought as
18 They light candles to them, and in great worthy as herself, nor her cord broken.
number, of which they cannot see one but: 44 But all things that are done about them, are
they are like beams in the house. false how is it then to be tliought, or to be said,

19 And tliey say that the creeping things tliat they are gods ?
which are of the earth, gnaw their hearts, while 45 And they are made by workmen, and by
they eat them and their garments, and they feel goldsmiths. They shall be nothing else but
it not. what the priests will have tliem to be.
20 Their faces are black with the smoke that 46 For the artificers themselves that make
is made in the house. them, are of no longer continuance. Can thoM
21 Owls, and swallows, and other birds fly things then that are made by them, be gods?
upon their bodies, and upon their heads ; and 47 But they have left false things and reproaofc
cats in like manner. to them that come after.
22 Whereby you may know that they are no 48 For when war cometh upon tbem, or evils,
gods. Therefore fear them not. the priests consult with themselves where they
23 The gold also which they have, is for may hide themselves with tliem.
shew, but except a man wipe off the rust, they 49 How then can they be thought to be gods,
will not shine for neither when they were
: that can neither deliver themselves from war, nor
molten, did they feel it. save themselves from evils ?
24 Men buy them at a high price, whereas 50 For seeing they are but of wood, and laid
there is no breath in them. over with gold, and with silver, it shall be known
2.5 And having not the use of feet they are hereafter that they are false things, by all nations,
carried upon shoulders, declaring to men how and kings and it shall be manifest that they are

vile they are. Be they confounded also that no gods, but the work of men's hands, and that
worship tliem'. there is no work of God in them.
26 Tlierefore if they fall to the ground, they 51 Whence therefore is it known that they are
rise not up again of themselves; nor if a man not gods but the work of men's hands, and no
set them upright will they stand by tliemselves, work of God is in them ?
but their gifts shall be set before them, as to the 52 They cannot set up a king over the land,
dead. nor give rain to men.
27 The things that are sacrificed to tliem, their 53' They determine no causes, nor deliver
priests sell and abuse; in like planner also their countries from oppression because they can do

wives takf; part of them, but give nothing of it nothing, and are as daws between heaven and
either to the sick, or to the poor. earth.
28 The chihl-bearing ana menstruous women 54 For when fire shall fall upon the house of
touch their sacrifices; knowing therefore by ihese gods of wood, and of silver, and of gold,
these things that they are not gods, fear them not. their priest indeed will flee away, and be saved:
2!) For how can they be called gods? because but tliey themselves shall be burnt in the midst
Women set oft'erings before the gods of silver, and like beams.
of gold, and of wood : 55 And
they cannot withstand a king and war.
30 Ahd priests sit in their temples, having How then can it be supposed or admitted that
their garments rent, and their heads and beards they are gods ?
shaven, and nothing upon iheir lieads. 56 Neither are these gods of wood, and of stone
31 And they roar and cry before their gods, as and laid over with gold, and with silver, able to
men do at the feast when one is dead. deliver themselves from thieves or robbers they

32 Tlie priests take away their garments, and that are stronefer than them,*
clotiie their wives and their ciiildren. 57 Shall take from them the gold, and silver,
33 And wiiether it be evil that one doeth imto and the raiment wherewith they are clothed, and
them, or good, they are not able to recompense shall go their way: neither shall they help tliem-
it: neither can they set up a king, nor put him selves.
dowii 58 Therefore it is better to be a king that
34 In like manner they can neither give riches, sheweth his power; or else a profitable vessel
nor requite evil. If a man make a vow to them, in the house with which the owner thereof will
and perform it not they cannot require it.
: be well satisfied; or a door in the house to keep
35 They cannot deliver a man from death, nor things safe that are therein, than such false gods.
save the weak from tlie mighty. 59 The sun, and the moon, and the stars being
36 They cannot restore the blind man to his bright, and sent forth for profitable uses, are obe-
eight, nor deliver a man from distress. dient.
37 They shall not pity the widow, nor do good 60 In like manner the lightning when itbreak-
to the fatherless. eth forth is easy to be seen : and after the same
38 Their gods, of wood, and .intone, and of gold, manner the wind bloweth in every country.
and of silver, are like the stones that are hewn 61 And the clouds, when God commandetk
out of the mountains : and they that worship them to go over the whole world, do that which
them shall be confounded. is commanded them.
39 How
then is it to be supposed, or to be 62 The fire also being sent from above to con-
said, that they are gods ? sume mountains, and woods, doeth as it is com-
40 Even the Clialdeans themselves dishonour manded. But these neither in shew nor in pow-
them: who when t;iey hear of one dumb that er, are like to any one of them.
cannot speak, they present him to Bel, entreating ^ 63 Wherefore it is neither to be thought, nor
him, that he may speak.
41 As though thev could be sensible that have * They that are stronger thnn them. That is,
no motion thiMnselves: and they, when they shall robbers, and thieves are strongrertlian these idols,
perceive thi^, will leave them: for their gods |being things without life or motion.
d^mselves have no sense. d54
: : :

CHAP. 11.

to be said, that they are gods : since tliey are bers keepeth nothing; so are their gods of wood,
neither able to judge causes, nor to do any good and of silver, and laid over with gold.
to men. 70 They are no better than a white thorn in a
64 Knowing therefore that they are not gods, garden upon which every bird silleth. In like
fear tljein not. manner also their gods of wood, and laid over
65 For neither can they curse kings, nor bless with gold, and with silver, are like to a dead body
them. cast forth in the dark.
66 Neither do they shew signs in the heaven 71 By the purple also and the scarlet which
to the nations, nor shine as the sun, nor give are moth-eaten upon them, you shall know that
light as the moon. they are not gods. And they themselves at last
67 Beasts are better than they, which can fly are consumed, and shall be a reproach in the
under a covert, and help tliemselves. country.
68 Therefore there is no manner of appear- 72 Better therefore is the just man that hath
ajice tliat they are gods : so fear them not. no idols : for he shall be far from reproach.
69 For as a scarecrow in a garden of cucum-


Ezechiel, whose name signifies the strength of 9 And the wings of one were joined to the
God, teasof the priestly race : and of ilie num- wings of another. They turned not when they
ber of the captives that were carried away to went but every one went straight forward.

Babylon with king Joacliin. He was cotem- 10 And

as for the likeness of their faces
porary with Jeremias, and prophesied to the was
the face of a man, and the face of a
same effect'in Babylon, as Jereinias-dzd in Je lion on the nght side of all the four ; and the
rusalem; and is said to hnve ended his days face of an ox, on the left side of all the four ; and
in like manner, by martyrdom, the face of an eagle over all the four.
11 And their faces, and their wings were
CHAP. I. stretched upward : two wings of every one wer8
7 he time of Ezechiel's prophecy: he sees a joined, and two covered their bodies
glorious vision. 12 And every one of them went straight for-
1%rOW it came to pass in the thirtieth year," in
ward : whither the impulse of the spirit was to
i 1 tlie fourth month, on the fifth day of the go, thither they went : and they turned not when
month, when I was in the midst of the captives they went.
by the river Chobar, the heavens were opened, 13 And as for the likeness of the living crea-
and I saw the visions of God. tures, their appearance was like that of burning
2 On the fifth day of the month, the same was coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps.
the fifth year of the captivity of king Joachin, This was the vision running to and fro in the
3 The word of the Lord came to Ezechiel the midst of the living creatures, a bright fire, and
priest the son of Buz. "n the land of the Chal lightning going forth from the fire.
deans, by the river Ciiobar: and the hand of the 14 And the living creatures ran and returned
^.ord was there upon him. like flashes of lightning.
4 And I saw, and behold, a whirlwind came 15 Now as I belield the living creatures, there
out of the north and a great cloud, and a fire appeared upon the earth by the living creatures

infolding it, ;ind brightness was about it : am' one wheel with four faces.
out of the midst thereof, that is, out of the midst 16 And the appearance of the wheels, and the
of the fire, as it were the resemblance of amber : work of them, was like the appearance of the
5 And in the midst thereof the likeness of four sea and the four had all one likeness : and their

living creatures : t and this was tiieir appear- appearance and their work was as it were a
ance there was the likeness of a man in them. wheel in the midst of a wheel.

6 Every one had four faces, and every one 17 When they went, they went by their four
four wings. parts: \ and they turned not' when tliey went.
7 Their feet were straight feet; and the sole 18 The wheels had also a size, and a height,
of their foot was like the sole of a calPs foot and a dreadful appearance : and the whole body
and they sparkled like the appearance of glow- was full of eves round about all the four.
ing brass. 19 And when the living creatures went, the
8 And they had the hands of a man under their wheels also went together by them: and when
wings on their four sides : and they had faces the living creatures were lifted up from the earth,
and wings on the four sides. the wheels also were lifted up with them.
* The thirtieth year.
20 Whithersoever the spirit went, thither as
Either of the age of
the spirit went the wheels also were lifted withal,
Ezechiel ; or, as others will have it, from the and followed it : for the spirit of life was in the
solemn covenant made in the eiehteenth year of wheels.
the reign of Josias. 4 Kiiizs xxiii. 21 When those went, these went ; and when
t Living creatures. Cherubims (as api)ears and when those were
those stood, these stood :

from Ecclesiasticus xiix. 10.) represented to the lifted up from the earth, the wheels also were
prophet under these mysterious shapes, as sup
lifted up togetlier, and followed them: for the
porting the throne of God, and as it were draw- spirit of life was in the wheels.
ing his chariot. All this chapter appeared so
obscure, and full of mysteries, to tlie ancient X \Vhen they went, they went by their fovr
Hebrews, that, as we learn from St. Jerom, (Ep. parts. That is, indifTerentfv to any of their sides
ad PauHn.) they suflTered none to read it, before either forward or backward : to the right or to
ihey were thirty years old. the left.
: : :

22 And over the heads of the living- creatures
was tlie likeness of the firmament, as tlie ap|)ear-
AND he
said to me: Son of man, eat all that
shalt find ; eat this book, and go speak
anoe of crystal terrible to behold, and stretched to the children of Israel."
out over their heads above. 2 And I opened my mouth, and he caused me
23 And under the firmament were their wings to eat that book :

straight the one toward the other: every one 3 And he said to me: Son of man, thy belly
with two wings covered his body; and the other shall eat, and thy bowels shall be filled with this
was covered in like manner. book, vvhich I give thee. And I did eat it and :

24 And I heard the noise of their wings, like it was sweet as honey in my mouth.
the noise of many waters, as it were the voice of 4 And he said to me Son of man go to the :

the most high God when they walked, it was house of Israel, and thou shalt speak my words

h'ke the voice of a multitude, like the noise of an to them.

army and when they stood, their wings were
: 5 For thou art not sent to a people of a pro-
let down. found speech, and of an unknown tongue, but to
25 Foi when a voice came from above the fir- the house of Israel
mament, ihat was over their heads, they stood, 6 Nor to many nations of a strange speech,
and let down their wings. and of an unknown tongue, whose words thou
26 And above the firmament, that was over canst not understand and if thou werl sent to :

their heads, was the likeness of a throne, as the them, they would hearken unto thee.
appearance of a sapphire-stone and upon the : 7 But the house of Israel will not hearken to
likeness of the throne, was a likeness as of the thee because they will not hearken to me

appearance of a man above upon it. for all the house of Israel are of a hard forehead
27 And I saw as it were the resemblance of and an obstinate heart.
amber, as the appearance of fire within it round 8 Behold, I have made thy face stronger than
about from his loins and upward, and from his their faces, and thy forehead harder than their

loins downward, I saw as it were tlie resem foreheads.

blance of fire shining round about. 9 I have made thy face like an adamant, and
28 As the appearance of the rainbow when it like flint fear them not, neither be thou dis-

is in a cloud on a rainy day this was the ap mayed at their presence

; for they are a provok- :

pearance of the brightness round about. ing house.

10 And he said to me Son of man, receive in :

thy heart, and hear with thy ears, all the words
that I speak to thee :
The prophet revives his commission. 11 And go get thee into them of the captivity,

THIS was the vision of the likeness of the to the children of thy people : and thou shalt
jspeak to them, and shall say to them: Thug
glory of the Lord. And I saw, and I fell
upon my face andheard the voice of one that 'saith the Lord : If so be they will hear, and will
; \
spoke. And he said to me Son of man, stand
upon thy feet, and I will speak to thee: 12 And the spirit took me up; and I heard be-
2 And the spirit entered into me after that he hind me the voice of a great commotion, saying:
epoke to me, and he set me upon my feet and :
Blessed be the glory of the Lord, from his place.
I heard him speaking to me, 13 And the noise of the wings of the living
3 And saying Son of man, I send thee to the
creatures striking one against another, and the
children of Israel, to a rebellious people that noise of the wheels following the living creatures,
hath revolted from me: they and their fathers and the noise of a great commotion.
have transgressed my covenant even unto this 14 The spirit also lifted me, and took me up:
day. and I went away in bitterness in the indignation
4 And they to whom I send thee are children of my spirit : for the hand of the Lord was with
of a hard face, and of an obstinate heart; and me, strengthening me.
thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord 15 And I came to them of the captivity, to the
God: heap of new corn,* to them that dwelt by the
5 If so be they at least will hear, and if so be river Chobar, and I sat where they sat and I ;

they will forbear, for they are a provoking house remained there seven days mourning in the midst

and they shall know that there hath been a of them.

prophet in the midst of them. 16 And at the end of seven days the word of
6 And thou, O son of man, fear not, neither be the Lord came to me, saying
thou afraid of their words for thou art among
17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman
unbelievers and destroyers, and thou dwellest to the house of Israel and thou shalt hear the :

with scorpions. Fear not their words; neither word out of my mouth, and shalt tell it them from
be thou dismayed at their looks for they are a me.

provoking house. 18 If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt

7 And thou shalt speak my words to them, if surely die thou declare it not to him, nor speak

perhaps they will hear, and forbear; for they to him, that he may be converted from his wicked
provoke me to anger. way,and live: the same wicked man shall die in his
8 But thou, O
son of man, hear all that I say iniquity ; but I will require his blood at thy hand,
to thee: and do not thou provoke me, as that 19 But if thou give warning to the Avicked,
house provoketh me: open thy mouth, and eat and he be not converted from his wickedness,
what I give thee. and from his evil way ; he indeed shall die in his
9 And I looked, and behold, a hand was sent iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.
to me, wherein was a book rolled up and he :

spread it before me, and it was written within * Eat this book, and go speak to the children
and without : and there were written in it la- of Israel. By this eating of the book was signi-
mentations, and canticles, and wo. the diligent attention and affection, with
which we are to receive and embrace the word
of God ; and to let it, as it were, sink into our in-
terior by devout meditation.
The prophet eats the hook, and receives further t The heap of new corn. It was the name of a
insirttctions ; the office of a watchman. place; in Hebrew, Tehnbib.


20 Moreover if the just man shall turn away in weight twenty staters a day from tinx: to tima

Trom his justice, and shall coniinit ini(iuily 1 ;

thou shalt eat it.
will lay a stunibling-block before liiin; lie shall 11 And thou shalt drink water by measure, rlie
die, because thou hast not given iiini warnin sixth part of a hin:* from time to time,thou shalt
he shall die in his sin, and Ins justices which he drink it.

hath done, shall not be remembered: but I will 12 And

thou shalt eat it as barley -bread
require his blood at thy hand. baked under the ashes and thou shalt cover it, :

'il But if thou warn the just man, that the just in their sight, with the dung that cometh out of
may not sin, and he doth not sin living he shall a man.

live, be(!ause thou hast warned him, and thou 13 And the Lord said: So shall the children
hast delivered thy soul. of Israel eat their bread all filthy among the na-
22 And the hand of the Lord was upon me; tions whither I will cast them out.
and he said to me : Rise, and go forth into the H And I said : Ah, ah, ah, Lord God, be- O
plain, and there I will speak to thee. hold, my soul hath not been defiled, and from
23 And I rose up, and went forth into the plain my infancy even till now, I have not eaten an}-
and beiiold, the glory of the Lord stood there, like tiling that died of itself, or was torn by beasts,
the Ejlory which I saw by the river Chobar: and md no unclean flesh hath entered into my
I fell upon my face. mouth.
2-1 And
the spirit entered into me, and set me 15 And he said unto me : Behold, I have
upon my feet: and he spoke to me, and said to given thee neat's dung for man's dung, and thou
nie ; Go in, and shut thyself up in the midst of shalt make thy bread therewith.
thy house. 16 And he said to me : Son of man; Behold,
25 And thou, O
son of man, behold ; they shall I will break in pieces the staff of bread in Jeru-
put bands upon thee; and they shall bind thee salem : an8 they shall eat bread by weight, and
with them : and thou shalt not go forth from tlie with care and they shall drink water by mea-

midst of them. sure, and in distress.

26 And I will make thy tongue stick fast to 17 So that when bread and water fail, B\ery
the roof of thy mouth ; and thou shalt be dumb, man may fall against his brother, and they may
and not as a man that reproveth : because they pine away in their iniquities.
are a provoking house.
27 But when I shall speak to thee, 1 will open
thy mouth, and thou shalt say to them Thus :
The judgments of Gods upon the Jews are fore-
saith the Lord God: He that heareth, let him shewn under the type of the propheVs hair.
hear and he that forbeareth, let him forbear
: ND thoii, son of man, take tbee a sharp
for they aro a provoking house. knife that shaveth the hairand cause it to :

pass over thy head, and over thy beard and

take thee a balance to weigh in, and divide the

Aprophetie descriptian of the siege of Jerusalem, hair. '

and the famine that shall reign there. 2 A third part thou shalt bum with fire in the
AND thou, O son of man, take thee a tile, and midst of the city, according to the fulfilling of
lay it before thee and draw upon it the the days of the siege
: and thou shalt take a :

plan of the city of Jerusalem. third part, and cut it in pieces with the knife all
2 And lay siege against it, and build forts, and^ round about and the other third part thou shalt

cast up a mount, and set a camp against it, and scatter in the wind and I will draw out the :

place battering rams round about it. sword after them.


3 And take unto thee an iron pan, and set it 3 And thou shalt take thereof a small num-
for a wall of iron between thee and the city : and ber ; and shalt bind them in the skirt of thy
set tliy face resolutely against it, and it shall be cloak.
besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it: it; 4 And thou shalt take of them again, and shalt
is a sign to the house of Israel. cast them in the midst of the fire, and shalt bum
4 And thou shalt sleep upon thy left side, and them with fire and out of it shall come forth a

shalt lay the iniquities of the house of Israel fire into all the house of Israel.
upon it, according to the number of the days that 5 Thus saith the Lord God This is Jeru- :

thou shalt sleep upon it; and thou shalt take salem ; I have set her in the midst of the na-
upon thee their iniquity. tions, and the countries round about her.
5 And I have laid upon thee the years of their 6 And she hath despised my judgments, so
iniquity, according to the number of the days' as to be more wicked than the gentiles and my ;

three hundred and ninety days; and thou shalt! commandments, more than the countries that
bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. are round about her for they have cast off my:

6 And when thou hast accomplished this, thou judgments, and have not walked in my com-
shalt sleep again upon thy right side and thou mandments.

shalt take upon thee the iniquity of the house of 7 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Be- :

Juda forty days a day for a year, yea, a day for cause you have surpassed the gentiles that are

a year I have appointed to thee. round about you, and have not walked in my
7 And tliou shalt turn thy face to the siege of commandments, and have not kept my judg-
Jerusalem, and thy arm shall be stretched out: ments, and have not done accordinsr to the judg-
and thou shalt prophesy against it. ments of the nations that are round about you:
8 Behold, I have encompassed thee with bands 8 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be-
and ihou shalt not turn thyself from tsne side to hold, I come against thee ; and I myself will
the other, till thou hast ended the days of thy execute judgments in the midst of thee in the
siege. sight of the gentiles.
9 And take to thee wheat and barley, and 9 And I will do in thee that which I have not
beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches: and done; and the like to which I will do no more,
put them in one vessel, and make thee bread because of all thv abominations.
thereof according to the number of the days thai 10 Therefore the fathers shall eat the sons in
thou shalt lie upon thy side: three hundred and
tiinety days shalt thou eat thereof. * Hin. That is, a measure of liquids rortaining
10 And thy meat that thou shalt eat, shall be about ten pints.
; ;;
: :

the midst of thee; and the sons shall eat their! idols : and they shall be displeased with theni'
fathers: and I will execute judgments in thee : selves because of the evils which they have conn
and I will scatter thy whole remnant into every mitted in all their abominations.
wind. 10 And they shall know that I the Lord have
11 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God not spoken in vain that I would do this evil to

Because thou hast violated my sanctuary with them.

all thy offences, and with all thy abominations 11 Thus saith the Lord God: Strike, with thy
I will also break thee in pieces; and my eye hand, and stamp with thy foot, and say : Alas,
shall not spare, and I will not have, any pity. for all the abominations of the evils of the house
12 A third part of thee shall die with pesti- of Israel : for they shall fall by the sword, by tha
lence, and shall be consumed with famine m
the famine, and by the pestilence.
midst of thee; and a third part of thee shall fall 12 He that is far off shall die of the pestilence •
by the sword round about thee : and a third and he that is near, shall fall by the sword : and
part of thee will I scatter into every wind : and he that remaineth, and is besieged, shall die by
I will draw out a sword after them. the famine : and I will accomplish my indigna-
13 And I will accomplish my fury, and will tion upon them.
cause my indignation to rest upon them, and I 13 And you shall know that I am the Lord,
will be comforted and they shall know that I
: when your slain shall be amongst your idols,
the Lord have spoken it in my zeal, when I round about your altars, in ever}' high hill, and
shall have accomplished my indignation in on all the tops of mountains, and under every
them. woody tree, and under every thick oak, the place
14 And I will make thee desolate, and a where they burnt sweet-smelling frankincense to
reproach among the nations that are round all their idols.
about thee, in the sight of every one that pas- 14 And I will stretch forth my hand upon
seth by. them and I will make the land desolate, and

15 And thou shalt be a reproach, and a scoff, abandoned from the desert of Deblatha in all
an example, and an astonishment amongst the their dwelling places and they shall know that :

nations that are round about thee, when I shall I am the Lord.
have executed judgments in thee in anger, and
in indignation, and m wrathful rebukes.
16 I the Lord have spoken it : When I shall Tlie final desolation of Israel : from which few ,

send upon them the grievous arrows of famine, shall escape.

which shall bring death, and which I will send
to destroy you and I will gather together
: saying
the word of the Lord came to me,

famine against you, and I will break among you 2 And thou son of man, thus saith the Lord
the staff of bread. God, to the land of Israel The end is come, the :

17 And I will sen^l in upon you famine, and end is come upon the four quarters of the land.
evil beasts unto utter destruction and pesti-: 3 Now is an end come upon thee, and I will
lence and blood shall pass through thee, and I send my wrath upon thee and I will judge thee :

will bring in the sword upon thee. I the Lord according to thy ways and I will set all thy :

have spoken it. abominations against thee.

4 And my eye shall not spare thee, and I will
shew thee no pity but I will lay thy ways upon:
lite punishment of Israel for their idolatry :
thee and thy abominations shall be in the midst
a remnant shall be blessed. of thee and you shall know that I am the Lord.

AND ing
the word of the Lord came to me, say-
5 Thus saith the Lord God One affliction,
behold, an affliction come.

2 Son of man, set thy face towards the moun- 6 An end is come, the end
is come, it hath
tains of Israel,and prophesy against them : awaked against thee behold, it is come. :

3 And say Ye mountains of Israel, hear the

: 7 Destruction is come upon thee that dwellest
word of the Lord God Thus saith the Lord God in the land the time is come, the day of slaugh-
: :

to the mountains and to the hills, and to the ter is near, and not of the joy of mountains.
rocks, and the valleys: Behold, I will bring up- 8 Now very shortly I will pour out my wrath
on you the sword, and I will destroy your high upon thee, and I will accomplish my anger in
places, thee and I will judge thee according to thy

4 And I will throw down your altars, and your ways; and I will lay upon thee all thy crimes.
idols shall be broken in pieces: and I will cast 9 And my eyes shall not spare, neither will I
down your slain before your idols. shew mercy but I will lay thy wa3's upon thee,

5 And I will lay the dead carcases of the chil- and thy abominations shall be in the midst of
dren of Israel before vour idols and I will scat- thee and you shall know that I am the Lord
: :

ter your bones round about your altars that strike.

6 In all your dwelling-places. The cities 10 Behold, the day, behold, it is come de :

chall be laid waste, and the high places shall be struction is gone forth; the rod hath blossomed
thrown down, and destroyed and your altars pride hath budded.

shall be abolished, and shall be broken in pieces 11 Iniquity is risen up into a rod of impiety :

and your idols shall be no more; and your tem- nothing of them shall remain, nor of their people,
ples shall be destroyed; and your works shall be nor of the noise of them: and there shall he no
defaced. rest among them.
7 And the slain shall fall in the midst of you 12 The time is come, the day is at hand let ;

and you shall know that I am the Lord. not the buyer rejoice; nor the seller mourn: for
8 And I will leave in you some that shall es- wrath is upon all the people thereof.
cape the sword among the nations, when I shall 13 For the seller shall not return to that which
have scattered vou through the countries. he hath sold, although their life be yet among
9 And they that are yaved of you shall remem- the living. For the vision which regardeth all
ber me amongst the nations to which they are the multitude thereof, shall not go back neither :

carried captives: because I have broken their shall man be strengthened in the iniquity of hia
heart that was faithless, and revolted from me life.
«nd their eyes that went fornicating after their 14 Blow the tn'tnpet; let all be made ready ;

yet there is none to go to the battle; for iny north, where was set the idol of jealousy to pro<
wrath shall be upon all the people thereof. voke to jealousy.
15 The sword without, and the pestilence and 4 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel
the famine witliin he that is in the field shall
: was there, according to the vision which I had
die by the sword :and they that are in the city, seen in the plain.
shall be devoured by the pestilence and the 5 And he said to me Son of man, lift up thy :

famine. eyes towards the way of the north. And I lifted

16 And such of them as shall flee shall es- up my eyes towards the way of the north and :

cape : and they shall be in the mountains like behold, on the north side of the gate of the altar
doves of the valleys, all of them trembling, the idol of jealousy in the very entry.
every one for his iniquity. 6 And he said to me Son of man, dost thou :

17 All hands shall be made feeble; and all see, thinkest thou, what these are doing, the
knees shall run willi water. abominations that .the house of Israel
IS And they shall gird themselves with hair committeth here, that I should depart far off from
elcth; and fear shall cover them, and shanie my sanctuary ? and turn thee yet again, and
shall be npon every face, and baldness upon thou shalt see greater abominations.
all their heads. 7 And he brought me into the door of the
19 Their silver shall be cast forth, and their court : and I saw, and behold, a hole in the wall.
sold shall become a dunghill. Their silver and And he said to me: Son of man, dig in the
their gold shall not be able to deliver them in wall. And when I had digged in the wall, be-
the da}' of the wrath of the Lord. They shall hold, a door.
not satisfy iheii soul, and their bellies shall not 9 And he said to me Go in, and see the wick-

be filled: because it hath been the stumbling- ed abominations which they commit here.
block of their iniquity. 10 And I went "in and saw, and behold, every
20 And they have turned the ornament of their form of creeping things, and of living creatures,
jewels into pride, and have made of it the images the abomination, and all the idols of the house
of their abominations and idols therefore I have of Israel were painted on the wall all round

made it an uncleanness to them. about.

21 And I will give it into the hands of strang- 11 And seventy men of the ancients of the
ers for spoil, and to the wicked of the earth for a house of Israel, and Jezonias the son of Saaphan
prey and they shall defile it.
: stood in the midst of them, that stood before the
22 And I will turn away my face from them, pictures and every one had a censor in hia

and they shall violate my secret place : * and hand and a cloud of smoke went up from the

robbers shall enter into it, and defile it. incense.

23 Make a shutting up t for the land is full
: 12 And he said to me Surely thou seest, O :

of the judgment of blood, and the city is full of son of man, what the ancients of the house of
iniquity. Israel do in the dark, every one in private in hia
24 And I will bring the worst of the nations, chamber for they say The Lord seeth us not:
: :

and they shall possess their houses : and I will the Lord hath forsaken the earth.
make the pride of the mighty to cease, and they 13 And he said to me: If thou turn thee
shall possess their sanctuary. again, thdu shalt see greater abominations which
25 When distress cometh upon them, they these commit.
will seek for peace, and there shall be none. 14 And he brought me in by the door of the
26 Trouble shall come upon trouble, and gate of the Lord's house, which looked to the
rumour upon rumour: and they shall seek a north and behold, women sat there mourning

vision of the prophet and the law shall perish for Adonis, t

from the priest, and counsel from the ancients. 15 And he said to me: Surely thou hast seen,
27 The king shall mouni. and the prince shall O son of man but turn thee again, and thou

be clothed with sorrow, acd the hands of the shalt see greater abominations than these.
people of the land shall be troubled. I will do 16 And he brought me into the inner court of
to them according to their way, and will judge the house of the Lord and behold, at the door :

them accordmg to their judgments and they of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and

shall know that I am the Lord. the altar, were about five and twenty men having
their backs towards the temple of the Lord, and
CHAP. VIH. their faces to the east and they adored towards

The prophet sees in a vision the ahominations the rising of the sun.
committed in Jerusalem : which determine the 17 And he said to me: Surely thou hast seen,
Lord to spare them no longer. O son of man is this a light thing to the house

AND it came to pass in the sixth year, in the of Juda, that they should commit these abomi

sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, nations which they have committed here: be-
as I sat in my house, and the ancients of J uda cause they have filled the land with iniquity.
Bat before me, that the hand of the Lord God fell and have turned to provoke me to anger? and
there upon me. behold, thev put a branch to their nose.
2 And I saw, and behold, a likeness as the 18 Therefore I also will deal with them iri my
appeaiance of fire: from the appearance of his wrath my eyes shall not spare them, neither

loins, and downward, fire and from his loins, will I shew mercy: and when they shall cry to

and upward, as the appearance of brightness, as my ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them.
the appearance of amber.
3 And the likeness of a hand was put forth,
and took me by a lock of my head ami the spirit
All are ordered to be destroyed that are not
lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, marked in their foreheads. God tcill not be
and brought me in the vision of God into Jerusa entreated for them.
lem, near the inner gate, that looked toward ihe
t Adonis. The favourite of Venus, slain by a
' Secret place, &c. viz. The inward sanctuary, wild boar, as feigned by the Heathen poets, and
the holy of holies. which being here represented by an idol, ia
t Making' a shutting up. In Hebrew, a chain,l lamented by the female worshippers of that god'
fiz. for imprisonment and captivity, dess.
In the Hebrew the name is Tammuz.
: :


ANU he
cried in
• The
my 4 And the glory of the Lord was lifted up from
ears with a loufl voice,
above the cherub to the threshold of the house
visitations of the city are at
hand and every one hath a destroying weapon and the house was filled with the cloud, and the

"n liis band. court was filled with the brightness of the glory
2 And behold, six men came from the way of of the Lord.
the upper gate, which looketh to the north and 5 And the sound of the wings of the cheni-

each one had his weapon of destruction in his bims was heard even to the outward court as the
hand and there was one man in the midst of voice of God Almighty speaking.

them clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn 6 And when he had commanded the man that
at his reins and they went in, and stood by the was clothed with linen, saying : Take fire from

brazen altar. ,
the midst cf the wheels that are between the
3 And the glory of the Lord of Israel went up cherubims; he went in and stood beside iImj
from the cherub, upon which he was, to the wheel.
threshold of the house: and he called to the man 7 And one cherub stretched out his arm from
that was clothed with linen, and had a writer's the midst of the cherubims to the fire that was
inkhorn at his loins. between the cherubims : and he took, and put it
4 And the Lord said to him : Go through the into the hands of him that was clothed with
midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem linen: who took it, and went forth.
and mark Thau* upon the foreheads of the men 8 And there appeared in the cherubims the
that sigh and mourn, for all the abominations that likeness of a man's hand under their wings.
are committed in the midst thereof. 9 And I saw, and behold, ^^erejrere four wheels
5 And to the others he said in my hearing by the cherubims: one wheel by one cherub, and
Go ye after him through the city, and strike another wheel by another cherub; and the ap
let not your eye spare, nor be ye moved with pearance of the wheels was to the sight like the
pity. chrysolite-stone:
6 Utterly destroy old and young, maidens, 10 And as to their appearance, all four were
children and women: but upon whomsoever you alike; as if a wheel were in the midst of a
shall see Thau, kill him not; and begin ye at my wheel.
sanctuary. So they began at the ancient men, 11 And when they went, they went by four
who were before the house. ways:* and they turned not when they went:
7 And he said to them Defile the house, and
: but to the place, whither they first turned, the
fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And rest also followed,and did not turn back.
they went forth, and slew them that were in the 12 And their whole body, and their necks, and
city. their hands, and their wings, and the circles
8 And
the slaughter being ended, I was left: were full of eyes round about the four wheels.
and I upon mj' face, and crying, I said :
fell 13 And these wheels he called voluble,t in my
Alas, alas, alas, O
Lord God, wilt thou then de- hearing.
stroy all the remnant of Israel, by pouring out 14 And every one had four faces : one face
thj fury upon Jerusalem? was the face of a cherub ; and the second face,
9 And he said to me: The iniquity of the the face of a man ; and in the third was the face
house of Israel and of Juda is exceeding great; of a lion; and in the fourth the face of an eagle.
and the land is filled with blood ; and the city is 15 And the cherubims were lifted up this is :

filled with perverseness : for they have said the living creature that I had seen by the river
The Lord hath forsaken the earth : and the Lord Chobar.
seeth not. And when the cherubims went, the wheels
10 Therefore neither shall my eye spare, nor went by them and when the cherubims
also :

will I have pity: I will requite their way upon lifted up their wings, to mount up from the earth,
their head. the wheels staid not behind, but were by them.
11 And behold, the man that was clothed with 17 When they stood, these stood ; and when
linen, that had the inkhorn at his back, returned they -were lifted up, these were lifted up for the :

the word, saying: I have done as thou hast com- spirit of life was in them.
manded me. 18 And the glory of the Lord went forth from
the threshold of the temple; and stood over the
CHAP. X. cherubims.
Fire taken from the midst of the wheels under
is 19 And the cherubims lifting up their vikings,
the cherubims, and scattered over the city. A were raised from the earth before me and as :

description of the cherubims. they went out, the wheels also followed and it :

AND I saw, and behold, in the firmament that stood in the entry of the east gate of the house
was over the heads of the cherubims, there of the Lord and the glory of the God of Israel

appeared over them as it were the sappiiire-stone, was over them.

as the appearance of the likeness of a throne. 20 This is the living creature, which I saw
2 And he spoke to the man, that was clothed under the God of Israel by the river Chobar:
with linen, and said: Go in between the wheels and I understood tliat they were cherubims.
that are under the cherubims, and fill thy hand 21 Each one had four faces, and each one had
with the coals of fire that are between the cheru- four wings: and the likeness of a man's hand
bims, and pour them out upon the city. And he was under their wings.
went in, in my sight: 22 And as to the likeness of their faces, they
3 And the cherubims stood on the right side were the same faces which I had seen by the
of the house, when the man went in; and a cloud river Chobar, and their looks, and the impulse
filled the inner court. of every one to go straight forward.
* Mark Thau. Thau or Tau, is the last letter A prophecy against the presumptuous assurance
in the Hebrew alphabet, and signifies a sign, or of the great ones. A remnant shall be saved,
a mark: which is the reason why some transla- and receive a new spirit, and a new heart.
tors render this place set a mark, or mark a mark,
without specifying what this mark was. But St. t By four ways. That is, by any of the four
Jerom, and other interpreters, conclude it was ways, forward, backward, to the right, or to the
the form of the letter Thau, which, in the ancient left.
Hebrew character, was the form of a cross. % Voluble, that is, rolling wheels, galgal.
1 : j


AND up, and brouglit me

the spir'f lifted me
house of the Lord,
into the east gate of the
cause have removed them far ofT among th»
and because ! have scattered them
whicii h)okcth towards the rising of the sun: among the countries: I will be to them a little
an.'' I'ehold, in the entry of the gate five and sanctuary in tlie countries whither they ara
twenty men : and I saw in the midst of tlieni come.
Jezonias the son of Azur, and Piieltias the son 17 Therefore speak to them : Thus saith the
of IJanaias, princes of the people. Lord God I will gather you from among the

2 And he said to me : Son of man, these are peoples, and assemble you out of the countries
the men that study iniquity, and frame a wicked wherein you are scattered, and I will give you
counsel in this city, the land of Israel.
3 Saying: Were
not houses lately built?* 18 And
they shall go in thither, and shall take
Tlii? city is the cauldron, and we the flesh. away scandals, and all the abominations
all the
4 Tlierefore prophesy against them prophesy, ;
thereof from thence.
thou son of man. 19 And I will give them one heart, and will
5 And the spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and put a new spirit in their bowels: and I will take
said tome: Speak, thus saith the Lord: Thus away the stony hsart out of their flesh, and wili
have you spoken, O house of Israel ; for I know eive them a heart of flesh :
the thougiits of your heart. 20 That they may walk in my commandments
6 Vou have killed a great many in this city: and keep my judgments, and do them : and tha^-
and yon have filled the streets thereof with the they may be my people, and I may be their Go^,
sl.'iin. 21 But as for them whose heart walketh aftej
7 Therefore thus saith the Lord God : Your their scandals and abominations, I will lay thek
filain, whom you have midst thereof,
laid in the way upon their head, saith the Lord God.
they are tiie flesh, and
this is the cauldron and : 22 And the cherubims lifted up their wings,
I will bring you forth out of the midst thereof. and the wheels with them : and the glory of the
8 Vou have feared the sword; and I will (lod of Israel was over them.
bring th" sword upon you, saith the Lord God. 23 And the glory of the Lord went up from
9 And I will cast you out of the midst thereof; the midst of the city, and stood over the mount
and I will deliver you into the hand of the ene- that is on the east side of the city.
n)ii's; and 1 will execute judgments upon you. 24 And the spirit lifted nie up, and brought
1(1 Vou shall fall by the sword: I will judge me into Chaldea to them of the captivity, in

you in the borders of Israel ;t and you shall vision, by the spirit of God and the vision which :

know that I am the Lord. I had seen was taken up from me.
1 Tills shall not be as a cauldron to you, and 25 And I spoke to them of the captivity all the
_vou shall not be as flesh in the midst thereof: I words of the Lord, which he had shewn me.
will judge you in the borders of Israel.
12 And you shall know that I am the Lord ;
because you have not walked in my command- The prophet foreshetreth, by sig'ns, the capiivUf
ments, and have not done my judgments but of Sedecins, and the desolation of the people :

you have done accordins: to the judgments of the all which shall quickly come to pass.
nations that are round about you.
13 And it came when
to pass, I ing:
the word of the Lord came to me, say

that Pheltias the son of Banaias died and I 2 Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a

fell down upon my face, and cried with a loud provoking house who have eyes to see, and see •

voice: and said Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God: not ; and ears to hear, and hear not : for they are

wilt thou make an end of all the remnant of Is- a provoking house.
rael ? 3 Thou therefore,© son of man, prepare thee
14 And the word of the Lord came to me, all necessaries for removing, and remove by day
saying in their sight: and thou shalt remove out of thy
15 Son of man, thy brethren, thy brethren.^ place to another place in their sight, if so be
thy kinsmen, and all the house of Israel, all they they will regard it: for they are a provoking
to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said: house.
Get ye far from the Lord; the land is given in! 4 And thou shalt bring forth thy furniture as
possession to us. the furniture of one that is removing by day in

IC Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be-| their sight: and thou shalt go forth in the even-
ing in their presence, as one goeth forth that re-
* Were not houses lately /milt, &c. These! moveth his dwelling.
men despised the predictions and threats of thci 5 Dig thee a way through the wall before their
prophets; who declared to them from God, that eyes, and thou shalt go forth through it.
the city should be destroyed, and the inhabitants 6 In their sight thou shalt be carried out upon
carried into captivity; and they made use of this' men's shoulders; thou shalt be carried out in
kind of argument against the prophets, that the| the dark thou shalt cover thy face, and shalt

citv, so far from being like to b*^ destroyed, had not see the ground for I have set thee for a sign :

lately been augmented by the building of new of things to come to the house of Israel.
houses from whence they further inferred, by
7 I did therefore as he had commanded me: I
way of a proverb, using the similitude of a caul- brought forth my goods by day, as the goods of
dron, out of which the flesh is not taken, till it is one tnat removeth and in the evening I digged :

thoroughly boiled and fit to be eaten, that they through the wall with my hand and I went :

should not he carried away out of their city, but forth in the dark ; and was carried on men's
there end their days m peace. shoulders in their sight.
t In the borders of Israel. They pretended
that they should die in peace in Jerusalem God t Thy brethren, &c.
: He speaks of them that
«^lls them it should not be so: but that they had been carried away captives before; who
should be judged and condemned, and fall by were despised by them that remained in Jerusa-
*ie sword in the borders of Israel: viz. in Rcb- lem but, as the prophet here declares to them

latha in the land of Emath, where all their chicfi from God, should be in a more iiappy condition
. len were put to death by order of Nabuchodo than they, and after «ome time return from their
.>08or, 4 Kings xxv. arid Jeremias Hi. 10, 27. captivity.
3Y J61
1 :: : : : ;

8 And tlis word of the Lord came to me in the longed any more: the word that I sljall »;i -ax
moiiiinc;, payiuf;^ shall be accomplished, saith the Lord God.
it 8on of man, hath not the house of Israel, CHAP. XIIL
the provoking iiouse, said to thee : What art
God declares a^ai/isi false prophets and pro-/
thou doing '.'

plietesses, that deceive the people with lies.

10 Say totliem: Thus saith the Lord God:
niis burden concerneth the prince that is in Je-| AND ing
word of the Lord came to me, say-
rusalem, and all the iiouse of Israel that are
2 Son of man, prophesy thou against the
among them.
prophets of Israel that prophesy; and thou
1 Sav : I am a sign of things to come to you
shall say to tliem that prophesy out of their own
as I liave done, so shall it be done to them they :

shall be removed from their dwellings, and go

heart Hear ye the word of the Lord : :

into captivity.
3 Thus saith the Lord God ; to the fool- Wo
]'2 And the prince that is in the midst of them,
ish prophets that follow their own spirit, and
see nothing.
shall be carried on shoulders; he shall go forth
in ihe dark: they shall dig through the wall to
4 Thy prophets, Israel, were like foxes in O
the deserts.
bring him out : his face shall he covered, that he
5 You have not gone up to face the enemy
may not see the ground with his eyes.
13 And I will spread my net over him, and he nor have you set up a wall for the house of
Israel, to stand in battle in the day of the Lord.
shall be taken in my net: and I will bring him
G They see vain things and they forelel lies,
into Babylon, into the land of the Chaldeans;
! :

and he sliall not see it:* and there he shall die. saying : The Lord saith : whereas the Lord
14 And all that are about him, his guards, and
hath not sent them: and^they have persisted to
his troops I will scatter into every wind and I confirm what they have said. :

7 Have you not seen a vain vision, and spoken

will draw out the sword after them.

15 And they shall know that I am the Lord, a lying divination: and you say: The Lord
when I shall have dispersed them among the saith: whereas I have not spoken.
8 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be-
nations, and scattered them in the countries. ,

. , .

16 And I will leave a few men of them from|cause you have spoken vain thmgs and
havo ,

the sword, and from the famine,, and from the

seen lies; therefore behold, 1 come agamst you,

pestilence ; that they may declare nil theirj saith the Lord God.
wicked deeds among the nations whither they| 9 And my hand shall be upon the propheta
shall go: and they shall know that I am the that see vain things, and that
divine lies tiiey :

Lord. shall not be in the council of people, nor

17 And the word of the Lord came to me, shall they be written in the writing of the
saymg of Israel ; neither shall they enter into the land
18 Son of man, eat thy bread in trouble : and of Israel and you shall know that I am the :

drink thy water in hurry and sorrow. Lord God.

10' Because they have deceived my people,
19 And say to the people of the land ; Thus
naith the Lord God to them that dwell in Jeru saving Peace and there is no jieace and the
: ; :

salem in the land of Israel They shall eat :

P!^"Ple built up a wall, and they daubed It Wl th
their broad in care, and drink their water in din without straw.
, ^
desolation; that the land may become desolate
H.^ay , ,
to them that daub without tempenng,
, ,

it shall fall for there

tl shall be an overflow-
from the multitude that is therein, for the ini- F^"^ :

quitv of all thnt dwell therein. shower, and I will cause great hail stones to
now inhabited, shall '*'" violently from above, and a stormy wind to
'And the cities that are
be laid waste ; and the land shall be desolate ;
'"'ow it down.
and you shall know that I am the Lord. 12 Behold, when the wall is fallen: shall it

21 And the word of the Lord came to me, not be said to you Where : is the daubing
saying wherewith you have daubed it.
22 Son of man, what is this proverb that you 13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Lo, I
have in the land of Israel ? saying The clays will cause a stormy wind to break forth in my

shall be prolonged, and every vision shall fail, indignation and there shall be an overflowing ;

23 Say to them therefore: Thus saith the shower in my anger and great hail-stones in

Lord God I will make lliia proverb to cease my wrath to consume.

: ;

ii-iiiior shall it be any more a common Baving

14 And I will break dovifn the wall that y im
;. \<n\'A •'"an i" tell tliem"ihiT"th'e'davs~are allt^^aye daubed with untempered mortar: aiid 1
hand, and the eflect of every vision. '
ti"il^e it even with the ground ; and the w"
24 For there shall be no more any vain foundation thereof shall be laid ba e and it :

visions, nor doubtful divination in the midst of shall fall, and shall be consumed in the midst
the children of Israel. thereof; and you shall knew that I am the
25 For I the Lord will speak and what word Lord. :

soever I shall speak, it shall come to pass, and 15 And I will acomplish my wrath uj)on tlie
shall not be prolonged any more but in your wall, and upon them that daub it without teu»-

days, ye provoking house, I will speak the word, pering the mortar; and I will say to you The :

and will do it, saith the Lord God. wall is no more, and they that daub it are no
26 And the word of the Lord came to me, more.
saying 16 Even the prophets of Israel that prophesy
27 Son of man, behold the house of Israel, to Jerusalem, and that see visions of peace for
they that say The vision that this man seeth, her: and there is no peace, saith the Lord Go,!.

is for many days to come and this man prophe :

17 And thou, son of man, set thy face against
eietli of times afar off. the daughters of thy people that prophesy out of
28 Therefore say to them thus saith the their own heart, and do thou prophesy ngaiiist

Lord God Not one word of mine shall be pro- them.


18 And say : Thus saith the Lord God :

to them that sew cushions under every elbow ;
* He shall not see it. Because hi3 eyes shall * Sew cushii.ns, &c. viz. by making people
Da put out by Nabuchodonosor. leasy in their sins, and promising them impunity
: : ::

and nidke pillows for the heads of persons of 8 And I will set my face against that man,
every asre to catch souls and when they caught and will make him an example, and a proverb'

the souls of my people, they gave life to their and will cut him ofl' from the midst of my people

Bouls. and you shall know that I am the Lord.
19 And they violated me among mv people,t 9 And when the prophet shall err,** and
for a handful of barley, and a piece of hread, to speak a word I the Lord have deceived that

kill souls § which should not die, and to save prophet tt and I will stretcli forth my hand

souls alive which should not live, telling lies to upon him, and will cut him off from the midst of
my people that believe lies. my people Israel.
20 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be 10 And they shall bear their ini(^uity ^'.ccord- :

hold, I declare af;ainst your cushions, where- ing to the iniquity of him that inquirelh, so shall
with you catch flying souls and I will tear the iniquity of the prophet be.

them off from your arms and I will let go the 11 That the house of Israel may go no more
souls that you catch, the souls that should fly. hstray from me, nor be polluted with all their
21 And I will tear your pillows, and will de transgressions: but may be my people, and I
liver my people out of your hand: neither shall may be their God, saith the Lord of hosts.
they be any more in your hands to be a prey 12 And the word of the Lord came to me,
and you shall know that I am the Lord. saying
22 Because with lies you have made the 13 Son ol man, when a land shall sin against
heart of the just to mourn, whom I have not me, so as to transgress grievously, I will stretch
made sorrowful and have strengthened the forth my hand upon it, and will break the staff

hands of the wicked, that he should not return of the bread thereof: and I will send famine upon
from his evil way, and live. it, and will destroy man and beast out of it.

23 Therefore you shall not see vain things, 14 And if these three men, Noe, Daniel, and
nor divine divinations any more and I will de Job, shall be in it: they shall deliver their own

liver ray people out of your hand and you shall souls by their justice, saith the Lord of hosts.

know that I am the Lord. 15 And if I shall bring mischievous beasts also
CHAP. XIV. upon the land to waste it; and it be desolate, bo
God suffers the tcicked to be deceived in punish- that there is none that can pass because of the
ment of their wickedness. The evils that shall beasts
. come upon them for their sins : from tchich they 16 If these three men shall be in it, as I live,
shall not be delivered by the prayers of Noe, saith the Lord, they shall deliver neither sons
Daniel, and Job. But a remnant shall be pre- nor daughters: but they only shall be delivered;
served. and the land shall be made desolate.
AND some of tlie ancients of Israel came to
me, and sat before me.
17 Orif 1 bring the sword upon that land, and
say to the sword Pass through the land ; and I :

2 And the word of the Lord came to me, say- destroy man and beast out of it;
ing: 18 And these three men be in the midst there
3 Son of man, these men have placed their of; as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall de
imcleannesses in their hearts, and have set up liver neither sons nor daughters: but they them

before their face the stumbling-blotk of their selves alone shall be delivered.
iniquity and shall I answer when they enquire
: 19 Or if I also send the pestilence upon that
of me? land, and pour out my imiignation upon it in
4 Therefore speak to them, and say to them blood, to cut off from it man and beast:
Thus saith the Lord God: Man, man1[ of the 20 And Noe, and Daniel, and Job be in the
house of Israel, that shall place his unclean- midst thereof; as I live, saith the Lord God, they
nesses in his heart, and set up the stumbling shall deliver neither son nor daughter; but they
Mock of his iniquity before his face, and shall shall only deliver their own souls by their jus-
come to the prophet inquiring of me by him I lice. :

the Lord will answer him according to the mul- 21 For thus saith the Lord Although I shall :

titude of his uncleannesses : send in upon Jerusalem my four grievous judg

5 That the house of Israel maybe caught in ments, the sword, and the famine, and the mis-
their own heart, with which they have departed chievous beasts, and the pestilence, to destroy
from me through all their idols. out of it man and beast:
6 Therefore say to the house of Israel Thus 22 Yet there shall be left in it some that shall

saith the Lord God Be converted, and depart be saved, who shall bring away their sons and

from your idols, and turn away your faces from daughters: behold, they shall come among you,
nil your abominations. and you shall see their way, and tlieir doings
7 For every man of the house of Israel, and and you shall be comforted concerning the evil
every stranger anion? the proselytes in Israel, that I have brought upon Jerusalem, in all things
if he separate himself from me, and place his that I have brought upon it.
idols in his heart, and set the stumbling-block 23 And they shall comfort you, when you shall
of his iniquity before his face, and come to the see their ways, and their doings and you shall :

prophet to enquire of me by him I the Lord know that 1 have not done without cause all that

will answer him by myself. I have done in it, saith the Lord God.

* They gave life to their souls. That is, they

flattered them with promises of life, peace and ** The prophet shall err, &c. He speaks of
Bccurity. false prophets, answering out of their own headq,
t Violated me. That is, and according to their own corrupt inclinations.
dishonoured and dis
credited me. tt I have deceived (hat prophet. God almighty

5 To kill souls, &c. That is, to sentence deceives false prophets, partly by withdrawing
souls to death, which are not to die and to pro- his light from them: and abandoning them to

mise life to them who are not to live. their own corrupt inclinations, which push theai
B Uncleannesses. That is, their filthy idols, on to prophesy such things as are agreeable to
upon which they have set their hearts : and those that consult them ; and partly by disap-
which are a slunobling-block to their souls. ^ them, and causing_ all things to happen
pointing . .

U Man, man. That is, every man, an HebrewJJcontrary to what they liave ^
expression. 563
; :

CHAP. XV. 11 I decked thee also with ornaments,* and
put bracelets on thy hands, and a chain about
Aa a vine cut down is fit for nothing but the fire
thy neck.
so it shall be with Jerusalem for her sins.
12 And I put a jewel upon thy forehead, and
AND ing:
the word of the Lord came to me, say- ear-rings in thy ears, and a beautiful crown upon
thy head.
2 Son of man, what shall be made of the wood 18 And thou wast adorned with gold, and sil-
of the vine, out of all the trees of the woods that
ver, and wast clothed with fine linen, and em-
are among the trees of the forests ?- broidered work, and many colours thou didst :

3 Shall wood be taken of it, to do any work, eat fine flour, and honey, and oil, and wast made
or shall a pin be made of it, for any vessel to exceeding beautiful ; and wasl advanced to be a
hans; thereon ? queen.
"Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel: the 14 And thy renown went forth among the
fire hath consumed both ends thereof: and the
for thou wast perfect
nations for thy beauty :

midst thereof is reduced to ashes: shall it be through my beauty, which I had put upon thee,
useful for any work? saith the Lord God.
5 Even when it was whole, it was not fit for 15 But trusting in thy beauty, thou hast played
work; how much less, when the fire hath de
the harlot because of thy renown, and thou hast
v^oured, and consumed it, shall any work be made prostituted th'vself to every passenger, to be his.
of it? 16 And taking of thy garments thou hast made
6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: As the thee high places sowed together on each fide:
vine-tree among the trees of the forests whicli I and hast played the harlot on them, as hath not
have given to the fire to be consumed, so will I been done before, nor shall be hereafter.
deliver up the inhabitants of Jerusalem, 17 And thou tookest thy beautiful vessels, ol
7 And I will set my face against them : they gold, and my silver,
my which I gave thee, and
shall £10 out from fiVe, and fire shall consume thou madest thee images of men, and hast coju-
them :''and vou shall know that I am the Lord,
initted fornication with them.
when I shal'l have set my
face against them :
18 And thou tookest thy garments of divers
8 And I shall have made their land a wilder- colours, and coveredst them: and settest my oil
ness, !ind desolate, because they have been trans- and my sweet incense before them.
gressors, saith the Lord God. And my bread which I gave thee, the fine
CHAP. XVL and oil', an<l honey, wherewith I fed thee,
Under of an unfaithful wife, Gad up thou hast set before them for a sweet odour and
the figure ;

braids Jerusalem with her ingratitude and it was done, saith the Lord God.
manifold disloyalties : hut pramiseth mercy by 20 And thou hast taken thy sons and thy
a new covenant. daughters, whom thou hast borne to me; and
AND ing:
the word of the Lord came to me, say- hast sacrificed the same to them to be devoured.
Is thy fornication small?
2 Son of man, make known to Jerusalem* her 21 'Thou hast sacrificedt and given my chil-
abominations : dren to them, consecrating them by fire.
3 And thou shall sav Thus saith the Lord
: 22 And after all thy abominations, and form-
God to Jerusalem: Thy root, and thy nativity cations, thou hast not remembered the days of
is of the land of Chanaan ; thy father was an thy youth, when thou
wast naked, and full of
Amorrhite, and thy mother a Cethite. confusion, trodden under foot in thy own blood.
4 And when thou wast born, in the day of thy 23 And it came to pass after all thy wicked-
nativity thy navel was not cut; neither wast thou ness (wo, wo to thee, saith the Lord God)
washed with water for thy health, nor salted with 24 That thou didst also build thee a common
salt, nor swaddled with clouts. stew, and madest thee a brothel house in every
5 No eye had pity on thee to do any of these St5"G6t.
things for thee out of compassion to thee but
: 25 At every head of the way thou hast set up
thou wast cast out upon the face of the earth in a si^n of thy prostitution ; and hast made
the day that thou beauty be abominable and hast prostituted
the al)jection of thy soul, in to ;

wast born. thyself to every one that passed by ; and hast

6 And passing by thee, I saw that thou wast multiplied thy fornications.
trodden under foot in thy own blood and I said
: 26 And thou hast committed fornication with
to thee when thou wast in thy blood : Live I the Egyptians thy neifijlibours, men of large

have said to thee Live in thy blood.

: bodies; and hast multiplied thy fornications to
7 I caused thee to multiply as the bud of the provoke me.
field and thou didst increase and grow great,
: 27 Behold, I will stretch out. my hand upoti
and advancedst, and earnest to woman's oriia thee, and I will take away thy justification :

ment: thy breasts were fashioned, and thy hair I will deliver thee up to the will of the daugh-
grew : and thou wast naked, and full of confu- ters of the Philistines that hate thee, that are
sion. ashamedof thy wicked way.
8 And I passed by thee, and saw thee : and 28 Thou hast also committed fornication with
yet satis-
behold, thy time was the time of lovers : and I the Assyrians, because thou wnst not
the liarlot
spread my garment over thee, and covered thy fied : and after thou hadst played
ignominy.' A nd I swore to thee ; and I entered with them, even so thou wast not
into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord God 29 Thou hast also multiplied thy fornications
and thou becaniest mine.
9 And I washed thee with water, and cleansed * I decked thee also with ornaments, Si-c. That
a^Vay thy blood from thee : and I anointed thee IS with spiritual benefits, giving you a law with
sacrifices, sacraments, and other holy
with oil. rites.

10 And I clothed thee with embroidery, and t Thou haM sacrificed,

&c. As there is no-
shod thee with violet-coloured shoes: and I thing more base and abominable than the crimes
girded thee about with fine linen, and clothed mentioned throus^iout this chapter; so the infi-
thee with garments. delities of the Israelites in forsaking
God, and
sacrificing even their children to idols, are
* Make known to Jerusalem. That is, by let-
ly figured by these allegories.
ters for the Drophet was then in Babj'lon.
: :

m the land of Chanaan with the Chaldeans : and So<loni herself, and her daughters, have not done
neither so wast thou satisfied. as thou hast done, and thy daughters.
30 Wlieroin shall I cleanse thy heart, saith 49 Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom* tny
the Lord God: seeing thou doest all these the sister, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance, and
works of a shameless prostitute ? the idleness of her, and of her daughters : and
31 Because thou hast built thy brothel-house they did not put forth their hand to the needy,
at the head of every way, and thou hast made and to tiie poor.
thy hiph place in tvery street ; and wast not as And they were lifted up, and committed
a harlot by disdain enhanceth her price,
tiiat abominations before me: and I took them away
32 Hut as an adulteress, that bringeth as thou hast seen.
strangers over her husband. 51 And Samaria committed not half thy sina
33 Gifts are given to all harlots: but thou but thou hast surpassed them with thy crimes,
hast given hire to all thy lovers : and thou hast and hast justified thy sisters by all thy abomina-
given them eifts to come to thee from every tions which thou hast done.
side, to commit fornication with thee. 52 Therefore do thou also bear thy coiifusion,
34 And it hath happened in thee contrary to thou that hast surpassed thy sisters with thy
the custom of women in thy fornications, and sins, doing more wickedly than they: for they
after thee there shall be no such fornication are justified above thee: 'therefore be thou also
for in that thou gavest rewards, and didst not confounded, and bear thy shame, thou that hast
take rewards, the contrary hath been done in justified thv sisters.
thee. ' 53 And I will bring backt and restore them by
35 Therefore, O harlot, hear the word of the bringing back Sodom with her daughters, and by
Lord. bringing back Samaria, and her daughters: and
36 Thus saith the Lord God: Because thy I will bring those that return of thee in the midst
itionev hath been poured out, and lliy shame of them,
discovered through thy fornications with thy 54 That thou mavst bear thy shame, and mayst
lovers, and with the idols of thy abominations be confounded in all that thou hast done, com-
bv the blood of thy children whom thou gavest jforlins them.
them : 55 And thv si-ler Sodom and her daughters
37 Behold, I will £:ather tosretlier all thy shall return to their ancient state and Samaria :

lovers with whom thou hast taken pleasure, and 'and iier dauirhters shall return to their ancient
nil whom thou iiast loved, with all whom thou jstate.! and ihoy and thy daughters
shall return
hast l\ated : and I will eatlier 'hem together ]to vour ancient state.
against thee on every side, and will rliscover .i6 And Sodom thy sister was not heard of in

thy shame in tiieir sight; and they shall see all thy luoutli, in the day of thy pride,
thy nakedness. 57 Before thy malice was laid open : as it is
38 And I Vv-ill judee thee as adulteresses, and at this time, making thee a reproach of the
thev that shed blood are judared : and 1 will daurhters of Sviia, and of all the daughters of
give thee blood in t'urv and jealousy. Palestine round about thee, that encompass thee
39 And I will deliver thee into their hands on all sides.
and thev shall destroy thv brothel-house, and 58 Thou hast borne thy wickedness, and thy
throw down thv stews: and they shall strip thee disgrace, saitli the Lord God.
of thv rrarments; and shall take away the vessels 59 For thus saith the Lord God : I will deal
of thv beauty, and leave thee naked, and full of with thee, as thou hast despised the oath, in
disgrace. breaking the covenant
40 And they shall bring upon thee a multi- 60 And I will remembeV covenant with my
tude : and thev shall stone thee with stones, and thee in the days of thy youth : and I will estab-
ehall slav thee with their swords. lish with thee an everlasting covenant.
41 And thev shall burn thy houses with fire, 61 And thou shalt remember thy ways, and
and shall execute judsments upon thee in the be ashamed ; when thou shalt receive thv sis-
Pisht of man\' women : and thou sbalt cease from ters thv elder and thv younser: and I will give
fornication, and shalt eive no hire anv more. them to thee for daughters, but not by thy cove-
42 And mv indisrnation shall rest in thee; and nant. .

my lealousv shall depart from thee; and I will 62 And I will establish my covenant with thee:
cease and be ansrry no more. and thou shalt know that I am the Lord
43 Because thou hast not remembered the 63 That thou mayst remember, and be con-
davs of thv youth, but hast provoked me in all founded, and mavst' no more open thy mouth
these thinirs: wherefore I also have turned thy because of thv confusion, when I shall be pacified
wavs upon thv head, saith the Lord God and I
: toward thee for all that thou hast done, saith the
have not done according to thy wicked deeds in Lord God.
all thv abominations. CHAP. XVH.
44 I5ehold, every one that useth a common The parable of the tiro ens'/en and the vine. A
proverb, shall use this asrainst thee, saying: As
the mother w/js, so also ix her dausrhter. This was the iniquiiy of Sodom, &c. That

4o Thou art thv mother's daughter, that cast IS, these were the steps by which the Sodomites
oflT her husband, and her children : and thou art came to fall into those abominations for which
Jie sister of thv si = ters, who cast off their hus- thev were destroved. For pride, ffluttonv, and
bai.ils, and their children : your mother was a dleness are the hi^h road to all kinds of lust;
Cetnite, an'l vour father a Amorrhite. especially when they are accompanied with a
46 And thv elder si-fer i.t Samaria, she and ncfflect of the works of mercv.
her daughters that dwell at thv left hand; and t I will hrin? hack, &c. This relates to the
thv vounsrer sister that dwelleth at thy right conversion of the gentiles out of all nations, and
hand ix Sodom, and her daughters. of man v of the Jews, to the r-hurch of Christ.
47 But neither hast thou walked in their wavs { Anrient stnte. That is, to their former state
nor ha-t thou don" a little less (hnn ihej/ accord- of libertv, and their ancient possessions. In the
ing to th"ir wickednesses: thou bast done almost spiritual sense, to the true liberty, and the happy
wore wicked ihines than thev in all thv wavs inheritance of the children of God, through faith
48 At I live, saith the Lord God, thy sister in Christ.
: ;

promise of the cedar of Christ and his church shall cast up mounts, and build forts, to cut of?
many souls.
AND the word of the Lord came to me, saying
2 Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak 18 For he had despised the oath, breaking hia
a parable to the house of Israel, covenant and behold, he hath given his hand :

3 And say: Thus saith the Lord God: A and having done all these things, he shall not
large eagle* with great wings, long-lfmhed, full escape.
19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God : As I
of feathers, and of variety, came to Libanus, and
live, I will lay upon his head the oath he hath
took away the marrow of the cedar.
despised, and the covenant he hath broken.
4 He cropt off the top of the twigs thereof,
and carried it away into the land of Chanaan:t 20 And I will spread my net over him, and he
shall be taken in mv net : and I will bring him
and he set it in a city of merchants.
into Babylon, and will judge him there for the
5 And he took of the seed of the land,| and
transgression by which he hath despised me.
put it in the ground for seed, that it might take a
21 And all his fugitives with all his bands
firm root over many waters : he planted it on the
shall fall by the sword : and the residue shall
surface of the earth.
6 And it sprung up, and grew into a spreading be scattered into every wind : and you shall
vine of low stature : and tlie b.ranches thereof
know that I the Lord have spoken.
looked towards him : $ and tlie roots thereof 22 Thus saith the Lord God ; I myself will
were under him. So it became a vine, and grew take of the marrow of the high cedar, ** and will
set it : I will crop off a tender twi;» from the top
iuto branches, and shot forth sprigs.
7 And there was another large eagle, with of the branches thereof: and I will plant it on a

great wings, and many feathers : and behold, mountain high and eminent.
thiis vine, bending as it were her roots toward
23 On the high mountains of Israel will I
plant if : and it shall shoot forth into branches,
him, stretched forth her branches to him, tliat he
might water it by the furrows of her plantation and shall bear fruit, and it shall become a great
8 It was planted in a good ground upon many
cedar: and all birds shall dwell imder it; and
waters, that it might bring forth branches, and every fowl shall make its nest under the shadow
of the branches thereof.
bear fruit, that it might become a large vine.
24 And all the trees of the country shall know
9 Say thou : Thus saith the Lord God Shall :

that I the Lord have brought down the high tree,

it prosper then? shall he not pull up the roots

ihereof^^and strip off its fruit, and dry up all the

and exalted the low tree ; and have dried up the
branches it hath shot forth, and'niake it wither green tree, and have caused the dry tree to flour-
and this without a strong arm, or many people, ish. I the Lord have spoken, and have done it.
to pluck it up by the root ? CHAP. XVIII.
10 Behold, it is planted: shall it prosper then One man shall not bear the sins of another, but
shall it not be dried up when the burning wind every one his own :ifa wicked man trvly re-
shall touch it, and shall it not wither in the fur- pent, he shall be saved : and if a just man leave
rows where grew ?
it his justice, he shall perish.
11 And word of the Lord name to me, saying:

12 Say to tlie provoking house: Know you

the word of the Lord came to me, say-
What is the meaning
not what these things mean ? Tell them Be :
2 That you use among you this parable as a
hold, the king of Babylon cometh to Jerusalem
proverb in the land of Israel, saying The fa- :
and he shall take away the kin? and the princes thers have
eaten sour grapes, and the teeth of
thereof, and carry them with him to Babylon. H
the children are set on edge ?
13 And he shall take one of the king's seed
3 j4s I live, saith the Lord God, this parable
and make a covenant with him, and take an oath shall
be no more to you a proverb in Israel.
of him. Yea, and he shall take away the mighty
4 Behold, all souls are mine as the soul of :
men of the land, the father, so also the soul of the son is mine :
14 That it may be a low kingdom and not lift
the soul that sinneth, the same shall die.
itself up, but keep his covenant, and observe it.
5 And if a man be just, and do judgment and
15 But he hath revolted from him, and sent
ambassadors to Egypt, that it might give him
6 And hath not eaten upon the mountains, ft
horses, and much people. And shall he that nor lifted up his eyes
to the idols of the house
hath done thus prosper, or be saved ? and shall
of Israel; and hath not defiled his neighbour's
he escape that hath broken the covenant ?
to a menstruous woman ;
wife, nor come near
16 As I live, saith the Lord God In the place
7 And hath not wronged any man ; but hath

where the king dwelleth th^t made him king, restored the pledge to the debtor, hatli taker
whose oath he hath made void, and whose cove- nothing away by violence; hath £:iven his bread
nant hs broke, even in the inid^it of Babylon shall
to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with
he die. a garment
17' Ai\d not with a great army, nor with much
8 Hath not lent upon usury, nor taken any
people shall Pharao fight against him : when hej increase;
hath withdrawn his hand from ini-
* Alarg^e ea^Ie, Nabuciiodonosor king of Ba-i quity, and hath executed true judgment between
bylon. Came to Libanus. That is, to Jerusa man and man ;

!em. Took away the marrow of the cedar, &c 9 Hath walked in my commandments, and
King .lechonias. kept my judgments, to do truth :tt he is just, he
t Chnnaan. This name which signifies traffic, shall surely live, saith the Lord God.
is not taken here for Palestine, but for Chaldea Of the marrow of 'the high cedar, &c. O'
and the city of merchants here mentioned is the royal stock of David. tender twig. viz. A
Babylon. Jesus Christ, whom God hath planted in mount
\ X Of the seed of the land, &c. viz. Sedecias, Sion, that is, the high mountain of his church,
whom he made king. to which all nations flow.
$ Towards him. Nabuchodonosor, to whom tt Not eaten upon the mountains. That is, of
Sedecias swore allegiance. the sacrifices there offered to idols.
Another large eagle, viz. the king of Egypt.
11 XX To do truth. That is, to act according to
i[ iihall talce away, or hath taken atcny, &,c. truth ; for the Hebrews called every thing thai
for all this was no.v done. was just, truth.
; ; ;


10 And if he beget a son that is a robber, a himself from all his iniouities, which he liath
ehedder of blood, and that hath done some one wrought, he shall surely live and not die.
of these things :
29 And the children of Israel say The way :

11 ThougiT he doeth not all these things, but of the Lord not right. Are not my way«

that eatelb upon the mountains, and tliat defi- right, O house of Israel, and are not rather yout
lelh his neighbour's wife ;
ways perverse ?
12 That grieveth the needy and the poor, that 30 Therefore will I judge every man accord-
taketh away by violence, that restoreth not the ing to his ways, O
house of Israel, saith the
pledge, and that lifteth up his eyes to idols; Lord God. Be converted, and do nenance for
that conimitteiii abomination all your iniquities: and iniquity shall not be

13 That giveth upon usury, and that laketh your ruin.

an increase ; shall such a one live ? he shall not 31 Castaway from you all your transgressions,
live. Seeing he hath done all lliese detestable by which you have transgressed and make to :

things, he shall surely die his blood shall be

: yourselves a new heart, and a new spirit and :

upon him. why will you die, O house of Israel ?

3'2 For I desire not the death of him that Jieth
14 But if he beget a son, who seeing all his
father's sins, which he hath done, is afraid, and saith the Lord God, return ye, and live

shall not do the like to them;

15 That hath not eaten upon the mountains, CHAP. XIX.
nor lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house young lions and of the vine
The parable of the :
of Israel, and hath not defiled his neighbour's
that is wasted.
16 And hath not grieved any man, nor with- MOREOVER take thou up a lamentation for
holden the pledge, nor taken away with violence, the princes of Israel,
but hath given his bread to the hungry, and 2 And say Why did thy mother the lioness

covered the naked with a garment lie down among the'lions, arid bring up her whelps
17 That hath turned away his hand from in themidst of young lions?
injuring the poor, hath not taken usury and in- 3 she brought out one of her whelps;!
'crease, but hath executed my judgments, and and he became a lion : and he learned to catch
hath walked in my commandments this man :
the prev, and to devour men.
shall not die for the iniquity of his father; but 4 And the nations heard of him, and took him.
living he shall live. but not without receiving wounds: and they
18 As for his father, because he oppressed, brought him in chains into the land of Egypt.
and offered violence to his brother, and wrought 5 But she seeing herself weakened, and that
evil in the midst of his people; behold, he ie her hope was lost, took one of her young lions^
dead in his own iniquity. (ind set him up for a lion.
19 And you say: Why hath not the son 6 And he went up and down among the lions,
borne the iniquity 'of his father ? Verily, be- ana became a lion and he learned to catch the

cause the son hath wrought judgment and jus- prey, and to devour men.
tice, hath kept all my commandments, and done 7 He learned to make widows, and to lay waste
them, living lie shall live. their cities and the land became desolate, and

20 The soul that sinneth, the same shall die :

the fulness thereof, by the noise of his roaring.^
the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, 8 And the nations came together against him
and the father shall not bear tlie iniquity of the on every side out of the provinces; and they
son: the justice of the just shall be upon him, pread their net over him in their wounds he :

and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon was taken.

hini. 9 And they put him-into a cage they brought :

21 But if wicked do penance for all his

the him in chains to the king of Babylon: and they
sins which he hath committed, and keep all niy cast him into prison, that his voice should no
commandments, and do judgment, and justice, more be heard upon the mountains of Israel.
living he shall live, and shall not die. 10 Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood
22 I will not remember all his iniouities that planted by the water her fruit and her branches

he hath done : in his justice which he hath have grovvn out o^many waters.
^ v/rousht he shall live. 11 And she had strong rods to make sceptres
23 Is it mv will that a sinner should die, saith for them that bear rule ; and her stature was ex-
tne Lord God. and not that he should be con- alted among the branches: and she saw her
verted from his ways, and live? height in the multitude of her branches.
24 But if tl^ just man turn himself away 12 But she was plucked up in wrath, and cast
from his justice, and do iniquity according to all on the ground : and the burning wind dried up
the abominations which the wicked man useth her fruit; her strong rods are withered, and dried
to work, shall he live ? all his justices which
he up : hath devoured her.
the fire
had done, shall not be remembered : in the pre- 13 she is transplanted into the de-
And now
varication, bv wliich he hath prevaricated, and sert, in a land not passable, and dry.
he of her
in his sin, which he hath committed, in them 14 And a fire is gone out from a rod
shall die. r t i i
branches, which hath devoured her fruit; so
25 And you have said The way of the Lord that she now hath no strong rod, to be a sceptre

is not rizli't. Hear ye therefore, O house of of rulers. This is a lamentation, and it shall be
Israel: Is it my way that is not right, and are for a lamentation.
not rather vour ways perverse ?
26 For when the just tumeth himself away CHAP. XX.
from his justice, and committeth iniquity,he shall God refuses to answer the ancients of Israel in
die therein : in the injustice that he hath wrought quiring by the prophet : but by him selUth hu
he shall die. . .ir , •

27 And when the wicked tumeth himself * Thy mother the lioness. Jerusalem.
away from his wickedness, which he hath Joachaz, aliM
wrought, and doeth judgment and justice: he t One of her whelps, viz.
shall save his soul alive. Sellum. T 1

X One of
her young lums. Joakim.
28 Recause he considereth and turneth away 567

benefits before tlieir eyes, and their heinous 18 And I said to their children in the wilder
sins ; threatening- yet greatei punishments ; ness: Walk not
in the statutes of your fathers
but still mixi with mercy. and observe not their judgments; nor be ye de
AND the

came to pass in the seventh year, in filed with their idols
tenth day of the month,
month, tlie 19 1 am the Lord your God: walk ye in my

there came men of the ancients of Israel to in- statutes, and observe my juolgments, and'do them.
quire of the Lord and they sat before me.
20 And sanctify my sabbatlis, that they may
2 And the word of tlie Lord came to me, say- be a sign between me and you : and tliat you
ing: may know that I am the Lord your God.
3 Son of man, speak to the ancients of Israel, 21 But their children provoked me, they walk-
and say to them: Thus saith the Lord God: id not in my commandments, nor observed my
Are you come to inquire of me ? As I live, I judgments, to do them; which if a man do, he
will not answer you, saith the Lord God. shall live in them and they violated my sab- :

4 If thou judgest them,* if thou judgest, O baths: and I threatened to pour out my indigna-
son of man, declare to them the abominations of tion upon them, and to accomplish my wratli in
their fathers, them in the deseri.
5 And say to them: Thus saith the Lord! 32 But I turned away my hand, and wrought
God In the day when I chose Israel, and lifted for my name's sake, that it might not be violated

up my hand for the race of the house of Jacob,' before the nations, out of which I brought them
and appeared to them in the land of Egypt, and forth in their sight.
lifted up my hand for them, saying I am the 23 Again I lifted up my hand upon them in the

Ijord your God: wilderness, to disperse them among llie nations,

6 In that day I lifted up my hand for them, and scatter them through the countries :

to bring them out of the landof Egypt, into a 24 Because they had not done my jiidgtnents,
land which I had provided for them, flowing with and had cast off my statutes, and had violated
milk and honey, which excelleth amongst all my sabbaths and their eyes had been after the ;

lands. idols of their fathers.

7 And I said to them: I^et every man cast 25 Therefore I also gave them statutes that
away the scandals t of his eves and defile not were not good,* and judgments, in which they

yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the shall not live.

Lord your God 26 And I polluted themt in their own gifts,
8 But they [irovoked me, and would not heark- when they offered all that opened tlw womb, for
en to me they did not every man cast away the their olTences and they shall know that I am the
: :

abominations of his eyes; neither did they for- Lord.

sake the idols of Egypt and I said 1 would
27 Wherefore speak to the honse of Israel,
pour out my indignatien upon them, and accom- O son of man; and say to them Thus saith the:

plish my wrath against them, in the midst of the Lord God Moreover in this also your fathers

land of Egypt. blasphemed me, when they had despised and

9 But I did otherwise for my name's. sake, that contemned me:
it might not be violated before the nations, in the 28 And I had brouglit them into the land, for
midst of whom they were, and among whom I which I lifted up my hand to give it them they :

made myself known to them, to bring them out saw every high hill, and every shadv tree, and
of the land of Egypt. there they sacrificed their victims: and there they
10 Therefore t brought them out from the presented tlie provocation of their offerings, and
.and of Egypt, and brought them into the desert. there tliey set their sweet odours, and poured
11 And I gave them my statutes, and I shew- forth their libations.
ed them my juilgments, which if a man do, he 29 And I sairl to th«m What meaneth tha

shall live in them. high place to which you go? and the name there-
12 Moreover I gave them also my sabbaths, of was called High-place even to this day.
to be a sign between me and tliem and that :
30 Wherefore say to the house of Israel: Thus
they might know that I am the Lord that sanc- saith the Lord God: Verily you are defiled in the
tify them. way of your fatiiers ; and you commit fornication
13 But the house of Israel provoked me in the with their abominations.
desert: they walked not in my statutes, and thev 31 And you defile yourselves with all your
cast away my judgments, which if a man do he idols unto this day, in the offering of vour gifts,
shall live in them: and they grievously violated when you make your children pass through the
my sabbaths. I said therefore that I would pour fire and shall I answer you,
: O
house of Israel ?
out my indignation upon them in the desert, and As I live, saith the Lord God, I ^ill not answer
would consume them. you.
14 But I spared ihem for the sake of my name, 32 Neither shall the thought of your mind
come to pass, by which you say We will be as
lest it should be profaned before the nations, from :

which I brought them out, in their sight. the gentiles, and as the families of the earth, to
15 So I lifted up my hand over them in the worship stocks and stones.
desert, not to bring them into the land which I 33 As I live, saith the Lord God, I will reien
had given them flowing with milk and honey, over you with a strong hand, and with a stretched-
the best of all lands ; out arm, and with fury poured out.
16 Because they cast off my judgments, and
walked not in my statutes, and violated my sab- * Statutes that were not good. Sec. The laws
baths for their heart went after idols.
: and ordinances of their enemies; or those im-

17 Yet my eye spared them, so that I destroyed posed upon them by that cruel tyrant the devil,
them not ; neither did I consume them in the to whose power they were delivered up for their
desert. sins.
t / polluted ihem, &c. That is, I eave them
* If thou judgest them. Or, if thou wilt enter up to such blindness, in punishment of their
into the cause and plead against them. offences, as to pollute thfwiselves with the blood
t >^candaJs, &.c. Offensiones. That is, the of all their first-born, whom thev offered up to
abominations or idols, to the worship of which their idols in compliance with their wicked do
they were allured by their eyes. vicea.
: . ; :

34 And I will bring you out from the people ;| 47 And say to the south forest Hear the word :

and I will gatlier you out of the countries in of the Lord Thus saith the Lord God Behold,
: :

which you are scattered. I will reign over you I will kindle a fire in thee, and will burn in thee
with a strong hand, and with a stretched-outarm, every green tree, and every dry tree the flame :

and with fury j)oured out. of the fire shall not be quenched and every face :

35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of shall be burned in it, from the south even to the
people:" and there will I plead with you face to north.
face. 48 And all flesh shall see, that I the Lord have
36 As I pleaded against your fathers in the kindled it and it shall not be quenched.

desert of the land of Egypt; even so will I judge 49 And I said :-Ah, ah, ah, O Lord God they :

you, sailh the Lord God. say of me Doth not this man speak by par-

37 And I will make you subject to my scep- ables 1

tre, and will bring you into the bands of the
The dcstniction of Jerusalem by the sword is
38 And I will pick out from among you the
transgressors and the wicked; and will bring further described. The ruin also of the Am-
monites is foreshewn. And finally Babylon,
them out of the land where they sojourn: and
the destroyer of others, shall be destroyed.
ihcy shall not enter into the land of Israel; and
yon shall know that I am the Lord.
39 And as for you, O house of Isiael, thus
AND ing
word of the Lord came to me, say-

saith the Lord God Walk ye every one | after

: 2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem ;
your idols, and serve iheni. But if in this also and let thy speech flow towards the holy places,
you hear me not, but defile my boh- name any and prophesy against the land of Israel
more wiih your gifts and with your idols :
3 And say to the landof Israel : Thus saith
40 Li my holy mountain, t in the high moun- the Lord God Behold, I come against thee :

tain of Israel, saith the Lord God, there shall all and I will draw forth my sword out of its sheath,
the liouse of Israel serve me; all of them, I say, and will cut off in thee the just and the wicked.
in the land in which they shall please me and :
4 And forasmuch as I have cut off in thee the
there will I require your first-fruits, and the just and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go
chief of your tithes with all your sanctifications forth out of its sheath against all flesh, from the
41 I will accept of you for an odour of sweet south even to the north
ncss, when I shall have brousht you out from 3 That all flesh may know that I the Lord
the people, and shall have gathered you out of have drawn my sword out of its sheath not to be
the hinds into which you are scattered : and I turned back.
will be sanctified in you in the sight of the 6 And thou, son of man, mourn with the break-
nations. ing of thy loins, and with bitterness sigh before
4"2 And you shall know that 1 am the Lon them.
when I shall have brought you into the land of 7 And when they shall say to thee : Why
Israel, into ihe land for which I lifted up my mournest thou? thou shalt say : For that which
hand to give it to your fathers. I hear because it cometh, and every heart shall

43 And there vfiTi siiall remember your ways, melt, and all hands shall be made feeble, and
and all vour wicked doings with which you have every spirit shall faint, and water shall run down
been defiled and you shall be displeased with every knee: behold, it cometh, and it shall be

yourselves in your own sight, for all your wick- done, saith the Lord God.
ed deeds which vou commitled. 8 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
44 And you shall know that I am the Lord,
when I my
shall have done well by you for own Son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus saith
name's sake, and not according to your evil the
Lord God Say The sword, the sword is
: :

ways, nor according to your wicked deeds, O sharpened, and furbished.

house of Israel, sailh the Lord God. 10 It is sharpened to kill victims it is fur- :

4.'> And the word of the Lord came to me, bished that it may glitter: thou removest the
say ins sceptre of my son $ thou hast cut down every :

'46 ^on of man, set thy face against the way

of the south.t and drop towards the south, and 11 And I have given it to be furbished, that it
prophesy against the forest of the south field. may be iiandled this sword is sharpened, and it

is furbished, that it may be in the hand of the

* The iriklemeits of people That is, a desert slayer.
in wliii-h there are no people. 12 Cry, and howl, O son of man, for this
X Walli ye every one, &c. It is not an allow- sirord is upon my people it is upon all the :

ance, muchless a commandment, to serve idols; princes of Israel, that are fled : they are deliv-
but a figure of speech, by which God would ered up to the sword with people ; strike my
have t!)em to understand, that if they would therefore upon thy thigh,
walk after their idols, they must not pretend to 13 Because it is tried ; &nd that, when it shall
serve him at the same tiiiiie : for that he would overthrow the sceptre, and it shall not be, saith
bv no means suffer such a mixture of worship. the Lord God.
t Jn holy mountain, &c. The foregoing
my 14 Thou, therefore, O son of man, prophesy,
verse, to make the sense complete, must be un- and strike thy hands together and let the sword ;

derstood so as to condeum and reject that mix- be doubled, and let the sword of the slain be
Hire of worship which the Jews then followed. tripled this is the sword of a great slaugiitcr,

In this verse God promises to the true Israelites, that maketh them stand amazed,
especially to those of the christian church, that 15 And languish in heart, and that miiltipli-
they shall serve him in another manner, in his eth ruins. In all their gates I have set the
holy mountain, the spiritual Sion; and shall be
accejited of Ijv him. I
^ Thou remmiest the sceptre of
my son. Ho
\ Of Ihe soiilli. .lerusalem lay towards the sp<^aks (iiccordiiig to St. Jeroui) to the .\ironl of
south"of Rahyhm (where tlie prophet then was) Nabucliodonosor; wliioi) was iilKuitto n-niove

and is here called the fore at of Ihe south field, the sceptre of Israel, whom God here culls his
and is threatened with liiter desolation. son.
3Z £69
: : : :

dread of the sliarp sword, the sword that is fur- 30 Return into thy sheath.'! I will judge thee
bished to glitter, that is uiade ready for slaughter in tlie place wherein thou wast created, in the
16 Be thou shar])ened; go to the right hand land of thy nativity.
or to the left, which way soever thou hast a 31 And I will pour out upon thee my indigna-
miiiil to sot thy face. tion in the fire of my rage will 1 blow upon thee,

17 And I will clap my hands together, and will and will give thee into the hands of men that
satisfy iny indignation I the Loid have spoken
: are brutish and contrive thy destruction.
18 And the word of the Lord came to me, 32 Thou shall be fuel for the fire thy blood ;

saying shall be in the midst of the land; and thou shall

19 And thou, son of man, set thee two ways, be forgotten for I the Lord have spoken it. :

for the sword of the king of Babylon to come

both shall come forth out of one land and :
CHAP. xxn.
with his hand he shall draw lots he shall con:
The general corruption of the inhabitants of
suit at tiie head of the way of the city. Jerusalem : for which God will consume them
20 Thou shah make a way thai the sword as dross in his furnace.
may come
mon, and
Rabbath of the cliildren of Am
Juda unto Jerusalem the strong
AND ing
the word of the Lord came to me, say-

city. 2 And thou, son of man, dost thou not judge

21 For the kin,^ of Babylon stood in the higli dost thou not judge the city of blood ?
way, at the head of two ways, seeking divina 3 And thou shall shew herall her abominations,
lion, shuffling arrows: he enquired of the idols, and shall say : Thus saith the Lord God : This
and consulted entrails. is the city that sheddelh blood in the midst of
22 On his right hand was the divination for her, that her time may come and that hath

Jerusalem, to set battering rams, to open the made idols against herself, to defile herself.
mouth in slaughter, to lift up the voice in howl- 4 Tiiou art become guilty in thy blood which
ing, to sot engines against the gales, to cast up thou hast shed : and thou art defiled in thy idols
a mount, to build forts. which thou hast made : and thou bast made thy
23 And he shall be in their eyes as one con days to draw near, and hast brought on the time
Bulling the oracle in vain, and imitating the of thy years : therefore have I made thee a re-
leisure of sabbaths: but ho will call to rejnem proacii to the gentdes, and a mockery to all
brance the iniquity that they may be taken. countries.
24 Therefore thus saith"the Lord God: Be- .5 Those that are near, and those that are far
cause vou have remembered your iniquity, and from thee, shall triumph over thee : thou filthy
have discovered your prevarications, and your on&, infamous, great in destruction.
sins have appeared in all your devices because : 6 Behold, the princes of Isfael, every one hath
[ say, you liave remembered, you shall be taken ejuployed his arm in thee, to shed blood.
jvith the hand. y They have abused father and mother in thee:
25 But tiiou profane* wicked prince of Israel, they have oppressed the stranger in the midst of
whose day is come that hath been appointed in thee they have grieved the fatherless and widow

the time of iniquity : iu thee.

2() Thus saitii the Lord God: Remove the 8 Thou hast despised sanctuaries, and pro- my
diadem; take olf the crown: is it not this that faned my sabbaths.
hath exalted the low one,t and brought down 9 Slanderers have been in thee to shed blood
lim that was high ? and they have eaten upon the mountains in thee:
27 I will shew it to be iniquity,? iniquity, ini- they have committed wickedness in the midst of
quity : but this was not done, till he came to thee.
whom judgment belongeth and I will give
; it 10 They have discovered the nakedness of
him. their father in thee: they have humbled the un-
28 And thou, son of leanneas of the menstruous woman in thee.
man, prophesy, and say:
Thus saith the Lord God concerning 11 And every one hath corainitted abomination
the chil-
dren of Amuion, and concerning their reproach :§ with his neisrhbour's wife and the father-in-law ;

and thou shall say O sword, O sword, come hath wickedly defiled his daughter-in-law; the

out of the scabbard to kill ; be furbished to brother hath oppressed his sister the daughter of
destroy, and to glitter. his father in thee.
29 Whilst they see vain things in thy 12 They have taken gifts in thee to shed blood :
regard, and they divine lies ; to bring thee thou hast taken usury and increase, and hast
upon the necks of the wicked tliat are wounded, covetously oppressed thy neighbours : and thou
whose appointed day is come in the time of hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God.
iniquity. 13 Behold, I have clapped my hands at thy
covelousness, which thou hast exercised, and at
* Thou profane, &c. He speaks to king the blood that hath been shed in the midst of
Sedecias, who bad broken his oath, and was thee.
otherwise a wicked prince. 14 Shall thy heart endure, or shall thy hands
t Is it not thig that hath exalted the low one. prevail in the days which I will bring upon tliee?
The royal crown of Juda had exalted Sedecias I the Lord have spoken, and will do it.
from a private state and condition to the sove- 15 And I will disperse thee in the nations, and
reign power, as the loss of it had brought down will scatter thee among the countries : and I will
Jechonias, &c. put an end to thy uncleanness in thee.
t / trill shew it to be iniquity, &c. Or, I will 16 And I will possess thee in the sight of the
overturn it, viz. The crown of Juda, for the gentiles : and thou shall know that I am the
manifold iniquities of the kings: but it shall Lord.
not be utterly removed, till Christ come, whose 17 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
right it is, and who shall reign in the spiritual ing :
house of Jacob," that is, in his church, for ever-
more. Return into thy sheath, ifcc. The sword of

$ Concemins^ their reproach. By which thev Babylon, after ras:insr asrainst many nations, was
had rejiroached and insulted over tlie Jews, shortly to be indirpd and destroyed at liome by

the time of the destruction of Jerusalem. the RIedes and Persians.

: :

18 Son of man, the house of Israel is become itheir names, Samaria is Ooila, and Jerusalem is
dross lo me : all these are brass, and tin, and Ooliba.
iron, mid lead, in the midst of the furnace: they 5 And Oolla committed fornication against me,
are become the dross of silver. and doated on her lovers, on the Assyriaus^ that
19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Be- came to her,
cause you are all turned into dross, therefore 6 Who
were clothed with blue, princes, and
beliold, I vvill gather you together in the midst rulers, beautiful youtlis, all horsemen, mounted
of Jerusalem, upon horses.
20 As they gather silver, and brass, and tin, 7 And she committed her fornications with
and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace those chosen men, all sons of the Assyrians; and
tiiat I may kindle a fire in it to melt it: so will I she defiled herself with the uncleanness of all
gather you together in my fury and in my wrath, them on whom she doated.
and will take my rest, and I will melt you down. 8 Moreover also she did not forsake her forni-
21 And I will gather you togetiier, and will cations which she had conunitted in Egypt: for
burn you in the fire of my wrath and you shall they also lay with her in her youth : and they

be n^elted in the midst thereof. bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured
22 As silver is incited in the midst of the fur out their fornication upon her.
nace, so shall you be in the midst thereof: and 9 'i'herefore have I delivered her into the hands
you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the
poured put my indignation upon you. Assyrians, upon whose lust she doated.
23 And the word of the Lord came to me, say 10 They discovered her disgrace, took away
Ing her sons and daughters, and slew her with the
24 Son of man, say to her: Thou art a land sword: and they became infamous women: and
that is unclean, and not rained upon in the day they executed judgments in her.
of wrath. 11 And when her sister Ooliba saw this, she
26 There is a conspiracy of prophets in the was mad with lust more than she: and she car-
midst thereof: like a lion that roareth and catch- ried her fornication beyond the fornication of her
elh the prey, they have devoured souls: they sister,
have taken riches and hire : they have made 12 Impudently prostituting herself to the chil-
many widows in the midst thereof dren of the Assyrians, the princes, and rulers that
26 Her priests have despised my law, and have came to her. clothed with divers colours, to the
defiled my sanctuaries : they have put no differ- horsemen that rode upon horses, and to young
ence between holy and profane ; nor have distin- men all of great beauty.
guished between the polluted and the clean: 13 And 1 saw that she was defiled, a«d that
and they have turned awny their eyes from my they both took one way.
sahliallis: and I was profaned in the midst of 14 And she increased her fornications : and
them. when she had seen men painted on the wall, the
27 Her princes in the midst of her, are like images of the Chaldeans set forth in colours,
wolves ravening the prey to shed blood, and to 15 And girded with girdles aijout their reins,
destroy souls, and to run after gains, through and with dyed turbans on their heads, the resem-
coveiousness. blance of nil the captains, the likeness of the sons
28 And her prophets have daubed them with- of Babylon, and of the land of the Chaldeans,
out tempering the mortar, seeing vnin thinffs, and wherein they were born.
divining lies unto them, saying: Thus saith the 16 She doated upon them with the lust of her

Lord God : when the Lord hath not spoken. iCves : and she sent messengers to them into
29 The people of the land have used oppres- ;Chaldea.
sion, and committed robbery they afflicted the
: 17 And when the sons of Babylon were come
needy and poor: and they oppressed the stranger to her to the bed of love, they defiled her with
by caluranv without judgment. their fornications and she was polluted by them,

30 And t sought among them for a man that and her soul was glutted with them.
might set up a hedge, and stand in the gap be 18 And she discovered her fornications, and
fore me in favour of the land, that I might not discovered her disgrace: and my soul was alien-
destroy it : and I found none. ated from her, as my soul was alienated from her
31 And I poured out my indignation upon|isister.
tliem: in the fire of my wrath I consumed them: 19 For she multiplied her fornications, remem-
I have rendered their way upon their own head bering the days of her youth, in which she played
Baith the Lord God. the harlot in thp land of Esrypt.
20 And she was mad with lust after lying with
CHAP. XXIII. them, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and
Under the names of the two hnrlots, Oolla and wiiose issue as the issue of horses.
Ooliba. are described the manifold disloyalties . 21 And thou hast renewed the wickedness of
of Samaria and Jerusalem, with the punixhment thy youth, when thy breasts were pressed in
of them both Eiryi)t, and the paps'of thy virginity broken.

AND ing:
the word of the Lord came to me, say- 22 Therefi)re, Ooliba, thus saith the Lord God:
Behold, I will raise up against thee all thy lov-
2 Son of man. there were two women daugh ers with whom thy soul hath been glutted: and
tf rs of one mother. f will gather them together against thee round
3 And they comiiiitted fornication* in Egypt; about.
in their youth they committed fornication: there
wer£ their breasts pressed down, and the teats <ion, because they separated themselves from his
of their virginity were bruised. Jempic: and the kingdom of J uda, Ooliba, v. \\\ch
4 And their names were Oolla the elder, and signifies his hnbitation in her, because of his tem-
Oolibat her vounffer sister and I took them ple among them in Jerusalem.

and they bore sons and dauffhters. Now for t On the Assyrians, &.c. Thnt is, the idols of
the Assyrians for all that is said in this chapter

* Committed forniratinn. of the fornications of Israel and Juda, is to bo

Tliiit is, idolatry,
t Oolla and Ooliba. God calU the kinsrdoni un<lersto()d in a spiritual sense, of tlieir disloyalty
of Israel Oolla, which signifies their oicn hahita to the Lord, by worshii>ping strange cods.
23 The children of Babylon, and all the Chal- :of the umltitude of men, and that came from the
deans, the nobles, and the kings and princes, all desert, they put bracelets on their hands, and
the sons of the Assyrians, beautiful young' men, beautiful crowns on tiicir heads.
all the captains, and rulers, the princes of princes, 43 And I said fo her liiat was worn out in her
and tlie renowned horsemen. adulteries: Now will this woman still continue
24 And they shall come upon thee well ap- in her fornication.
pointed with chariot and wheel, a multitude of 44 And tiiey went in to her, as to a harlot so :

people :they sliall be armed against thee on went they ra unto Oolla, and Ooliba, wicked
every side with breastplate and buckler, and hel- women,
met: and I will set judgment before them: and 45 They therefore are just men; these shall
they shall judge thee by their judgments. judge them as adulteresses are judged, and as
25 And I will set my jealousy against thee, shedders of blood are judged because they are :

which they shall execute upon thee with fury: adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.
they shall cutoff thy nose and thy ears: and 46 For thus saith the Lord God: Bring a
what remains, shall fall by the sword: they shall multitude upon them, and deliver them over to
take thy sons and thy daughters; and thy residue tumult and rapine:
shall be devoured by fire. 47 And let the people stone them with stones;
26 And they shall strip thee of ihy gwments, and let them be slabbed with their swords they :

and take away the instruments of thj' glory. shall kill their sons and daughters: and their
27 And I will put an end to thy wickedness in houses they shall burn with fire.
thee, and thy fornication hrouzhi oat of the land 48 And I will take away wickedness out of
of Egypt: neither shall thou lift up thy eyes to the land and all women shall learn, not to do
them, nor remember Egvpt any more. according to the wickedness of them.
28 For thus saith the Lord God; Behold,! will 49 And iliey shall render your wickedness
deliver tliee into the hand of them whom thou upon you, and you shall bear the sins of your
hatest, into their hands with whom thy soul hath idols and you shall know that I am the Lord

been glutted. God.

29 And thev shall deal with-^thee in hatred;
and tliey shalltake away all thy labours; and
shall let tiiee go naked, and full of disgrace : and
Under the parable of a boiling' pot is shewn ike
utter destruction of Jerusalem : for which the
the disgrace of thy fornications shall be disco-
vered, thy wickedness, and thy fornications.
Jews at Babylon shall not dare to mourn.
30 They have done these things to thee, be-
cause thou hast played the harlot with the
AND the word of the Lord came to me in the
ninth year, in the tenth month, the tenfh day
nations among which thou wast defiled with of the month, saying:
their idols. 2 Son of man, write thee the name of this day,
31 Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister: on which the king o( Babylon hath set himself
and I will give her cup into thv hand. against Jerusalem to-day.
32 Thus saith the Lord God : Thou shalt 3 And thou shalt speak by a figure a parable
drink thy sister's cup, deep, and wide ; thou to the provoking house, and say to them: Thus
shalt be had in derision and scorn, which con- saith the Lord God: Set on a pot; set it on, I
taineth very much. say, and put water into it.
33 Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness, and 4 Heap toarether into it the pieces thereof,
sorrow, with the cup of grief, and sadness, with every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder,
the cup of thy sister Samaria. choice pieces and full of bones.
34 And thou shalt drink it, and shalt drink it 5 Take the fattest of the flock, and lay together
up even to the dregs: and thou shalt devour the piles of bones under it; the seething thereof is
fragments thereof: thou shalt rend thy breasts: boiling hot; and the hones thereof are thoroughly
because I have spoken ii, saith the Lord God. sodden in the midst of it.
35 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Be- :
6 Therefore thus saith the Lord God to : Wo
cause thou hast forgotten me, and hast cast me the bloody city, to the pot whose rust is in it,
off behind thy back, bear thou also thy wicked-] and its rust is not gone out of it cast it out :

ness, and thy fornications. piece by piece there hath no lot fallen upon it.

36 And the Lord spoke to me, saying: Son of 7 For her blood is in the midst of her; she"
man, dost thou judge Oolla, and Ooliba and dost hath shed it upon the smooth rock she hath :

thou declare to them their wicked deeds ? not shed it upon the ground, that it might be
37 Because thev have committed adultery, and covered with dust.
blood is in their hands and they have committed
: 8 And that I might bring my indignation upon
fornication with their idols: moreover also their her, and take my vengeance I have shed her

children, whom they bore to me, they have offer- blood upon the smooth rock, that it should not
ed to them to be devoured. be covered.
38 Yea, and they have done this to me. They 9 Therefore thus saith the Lord God to : Wo
polluted my sanctuary on the same day and pro- the bloody city, of which I will make a great
faned my sabbaths. bonfire.
39 And wlien they sacrificed their children to 10 Heap together the bones, which I will burn
their idols, and went into my sanctuary the same with fire the flesh shall be consumed, and the

day to profane it; they did these things even in whole composition shall be sodden; and the
the midst of my house. bones shall be consumed.
40 They sent for men coming from afar, to 11Then set it empty upon burning coals, that
whom they had sent a messensrer: and behold, it may be hot, and the brass thereof may be
they came :for whom thou didst wash thyself, melted: and let the filth of it he melted, in the
and didst paint thy eyes, and wast adorned with midst thereof, and let the rest of it be consumed.
women's ornaments. 12 Great pains have been taken and the great ;

41 Thou sattest on a very fine bed: and a rust thereof is not gone out, not even by fire.
table was decked before thee; whereupon thou 13 Thv uncleanness is execrable: because!
tlidst set niv incense, and mv ointment. desired to cleanse thee, and thou art not cleansed
42 And there was in her th? voice of a multi- from thv filthiness: neithershalt thou becleansed,
tude rejoicing and to some that were brought before ! cause mv indignation to rest in thee

: : : 1


14 I the Lord have spoken : it shall come to mels, and the children of Ammon a couching
pass, and I will do it; 1 will not i)ass by, nor place for flocks; and you shall know that I ani
spare, nor be pacified: I will judge thee accord the Lord.
ing to thy ways, and according to thy doings, 6 For thus saith the Loid God : Because thou
saith tiie Lord. hast clapped thy hands, and stamped with thy
15 And the word of the Lord came to me, say foot, and hast rejoiced with all thy heart agaiust
ing: the land of Israel
16 Son of man, behold, I take from thee the 7 Therefore behold, I will stretch forth my
desire of thy eyes with a stroke and thou shah : hand upon thee, and will deliver thee lo be the
not lament, nor weep; neither shall thy tears run spoil of nations ; and will cut thee off from among
down. the people, and destroy thee out of the lands, and
17 Sigh in silence, make no mourning for the break thee in pieces: and thou shalt know that
dead ; let the tire of thy head be upon thee, and I am the Lord.
thy shoes on thy feet; and cover not thy face, 8 Thus saith the Lord God Because Moab :

nor eat the meat of mourners. and Seir have said Behold, the house of Juda

18 So I spoke to the people in the morning; is like all other nations:

and my wife died in the evening: and I did in 9 Therefore behold, I will open the shoulder
the morning as he had comn)anded me. of Moab from the cities, from hia cities, I say,
19 And the peojjle said to me: Why dost thou and his borders, the noble cities of the land of
not tell us what these things mean that thou Bethiesimoth, and Beelmeon, and Cariathaim,
doest ? 10 To the people of the east with the children
20 And I said to them : The word of the Lord of Ammon: and I will give it them for an inheri-
came to nie, saving: tance ; that there may be no more any remem-
21 Speak to the house of Israel Thus saith : brance of the children of Ammon among the na
the Lord God Behold, I will profane my sanc-
: tions.
tuary, the glory of your realm, and the thing that 11 And I will execute judgments in Moab:
youreyes desire, and foj which your soul feareth: and they shall know that I am the Lord.
vour sons, and your daughters, whom you have 12 Thus saith the Lord God Because Edom :

left, shall fall by the sword. hath taken vengeance to revenge herself of the
22 And you shall do as I have done: you shall children of Juda, and hath greatly offended, and
not cover your faces, nor shall you eat the meat hath sought revenge of them:
of mourners. 13 Therefore thus saith the Lord God I will :

23 You shall have crowns qn your heads, and stretch forth my hand upon Edom, and will take
shoes on your feet: you shall not lament nor away out of it man and beast, and will make it
weep; but you shall pine away for your iniqui- lesolate from the south and they that are in :

ties; and every one shall sigh with his brother. Dedan, shall fall by the sword.
24 And Ezechiel shall be unte you for a sign 14 And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom
of things to come according to all that he hath
: by the hand of my people Israel and they shall :

done, so shall you do, when this shall come to do in Edom according to my wrath and my fury:
pass and you shall know that I am the Lord
: and they shall know my vengeance, saith the
God. Lord God. ,
25 And thou,0 sonof man, behold, in the day 15 Thus saith the Lord God : Because the
wherein I will takeaway from them theirstrength, Philistines have taken vengeance, and have re-
and the joy of their glory, and the desire of their venged themselves with all their mind, destroy-
eyes upon which their souls rest, their sons and ing and satisfying old enmities : .

their daughtei-s: 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold, ;

26 In that day when he that escapeth shall I will stretch forth my hand upon the Philistines,
come to thee, to tell thee and will kill the killers, and will destroy the rem-
27 In that day, I say, shall thy mouth be open- nant of the sea coast.
ed to him that hath escaped and thou shalt speak, ; 17 And I will execute great vengeance upon
and shalt be silent no more and thou shalt be them, rebuking them in fury
: and they shall :

unto them for a sign of things to come; and you know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my
shall know that I am the Lord. vengeance upon them.
A prophecy against the Ammonites, Moabites, A prophecy of the destruction of the famous city
Edomites, and Philistines, for their malice of Tyre by Nabuchodonosor.
against the Israelites. \ND it came to pass in the eleventh year, the
AND ing:
the word of the Lord came to me, say- day of the month, that the word of the
Lord came to me, saying:
2 Son of man, set thy face against the chil- 2 Son of man, because Tyre hath said of Jeru-
dren of Ammon and thou shalt prophecy of salem Aha, the gates of the people are broken;

them. she is turned to me I shall be filled, now she :

3 And thou shalt pay to the children of Am- is laid waste.

, ^ r.
mon Hear ye the word of the Lord God: Thus
3 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold,
i 1

saith the Lord God Because thou hast

: said I come against thee, O Tyre: and I
will cause
Ha, ha, upon my sanctuary, because it was pro- many nations to come up to thee, as the waves
faned and upon the land of Israel, because it of the sea rise up.

was laid waste; and upon the house of Juda, 4 And they shall break down the walls of Tyre,
because they are led into captivity; and destroy the towers thereof: and I will scrape
4 Therefore will I deliver thee to the men of
herdustfrom her.and make hcrlikeasmooth rock.
the east for an inheritance: and they shall place 5 She shall be a drying place for nets in the
their sheepcots in thee, and shall set up their
midst of the sea because I have spoken it, saith :

tents in thee they shall eat thy fruits: and they ihe Lord God; and she shall be a spoil to the

shall drink thy milk.

5 And Imake Rahbath* a stable for ca-
wiil 6 Herdauchtprs also that are m the field, shall
* Rabhath. The capital ritv of tiie Ammonites: be slain by ihn sword and they shall know riiaj :

it was afterwards called Philadelphia. I am the Lord.

: :

7 F6r thus the Lord God: Behold, I will
saitli 4 And situate in the heart of the eea. Thy
brins; ugaiiist Tyre Nabucliodoiiosor king of Ba neighbours, tliat built thee, have perfected thy
bylou, tliR king of kings, from tlie north, with beauty
liorses,and chariots, and horsemen, and compa- 5 With fir-trees of Sanir they have built thee,
nies, and much people. with all sea planks:" they have taken cedars
8 Thy daughters that are in the field, he shall from Libanus to make thee masts.
kill with the sword and he shall compass thee
: 6 They liave cut tliy oars out of the oaks of
with forts, and shall cast up a mount round Basan and they have made thee benches of :

about: and he shall lift up the buckler against Indian ivory, and cabins, with things brought
thee. from the islands of Italy.
9 And he shall set engines of war and batter- 7 Fine broidered linen from Egypt was woven
ing rams against thy walls, and shall destroy thy for thy sail, to be spread on thy mast; blue and
towers witli his arms. purple from the islands of Elisa, were made tJiy
10 By reason of the multitude of his horses, covering.
their dust shall cover thee thy walls shall shake
: 8 The inhabitants of Sidon, and the Aradiana
at the noise of the horsemen, and wheels, and were thy rowers : thy wise men, Tyre, were
chariots, when they shall goMn at thy gates, as thy pilots.
by the entrance of a city that is destroyed. 9 The ancients of Gebal, and the wise men
11 With the hoofs of his horses he shall tread thereof furnished mariners for the service of thy
down all thy streets thy people he shall kill
: various furniture : all the ships of the sea, and
with the sword and thy famous statues shall
: their mariners were thy factors.
fall to the ground. 10 The Persians, and Lydians, and the Lybi-
12 They shall waste thy riches: they shall ans were thy soldiers in thy army : they hanged
make a spoil of thy merchandise and they shall : up the buckler and the helmet in thee for thy
destroy thy walls, and pull down thy fine houses; ornament.
and they shall lay thy stones, and thy timber, and 11 The men of Arad were with thy army
thy dust in the midst of the waters, upon thy walls round about: the PygraeansI
13 And I will make the multitude of thy songs also that were in thy towers, hung up their
to cease and the sound of thy harps shall be
: quivers on thy walls round about; they per-
heard no more. fected thy beauty.
14 And I will make thee like a naked rock 12 The Carthaginians thy merchants supplied
thou shalt be a drjing place for nets; neither thy fairs with a multitude of all kinds of riches,
shalt thou be built any more for I have spoken
: with silver, iron, tin, and lead.
it, saitliLord God."
the 13 Greece, Thubal, and Mosoch, they were
15 Thus saith the Lord God to Tyre : Shall thy merchants : they brought to thy people
not the islands shake at the sound of thy fall, slaves and vessels of brass.
and the groans of thy slain, when they shall be 14 From the house of Thogorma they brought
killed in the midst of thee? horses, and horsemen, and mules, to thy market.
16 Then all the princes of the sea shall come 15 The men of Dedan were thy merchants:
down from their thrones, and take off their robes, many islands loere the traffic of thy hand; they
and cast away their broidered garments, and be exchanged for thy price teeth of ivory, and
clothed with astonishment; they shall sit on ebony.
the ground, and with amazement shall wonder at 16 The Syrian was thy merchant by reason
thy sudden fall. of the multitude of thy works : they set forth
17 And
taking up a lamentation over thee, they precious stones, and purple, and broidered
shall say to thee: How art thou fallen, that works, and fine linen, and silk, and chodchodf
dwellest in the sea, renowned city that wasi in thy market.
strong in the sea, with thy inhabitants whom all 17 Juda and the land of Israel, they were
did dread ? thy merchants with the best com : they set
18 Now shall the ships be astonished in the forth balm, and honey, and oil, and rosin in thy
day of thy teiTor: and the islands in the sea shall fairs.
be troubled because no one cometh out of thee. 18 The men of Damascus were thy merchants
19 For thus saith the Lord God : When I shall in the multitude of thy works, in the multitude
make thee a desolate city like the cities that are of divers riches, in rich wine, in wool, of the
not inhabited ; and shall bring the deep upon best colour.
thee, and many waters shall cover thee: 19 Dan, and Greece, and Mosel have set forth
20 And when I shall bring thee down with inthy marts wrought iron : stacte and calamus
those that descend into the pit to the everlasting were in thy market.
people, and shall set thee in the lowest parts of 20 The men of Dedan were thy merchants in
the eartli as places desolate of old, with them tapestry for seats.
that are brought down into the pit, that thou be 21 Arabia, and all the princes of Cedar, they
not inhabited : and when I shall give glory in were the merchants of thy hand : thy merchants
the land of the living, came to thee with lambs, and rams, and kids.
21 I will bring thee to nothing ; and thou shalt 22 The sellers of Saba and Reema, they were
not be; and if thou be sought for, thou shalt not thy merchants ; with all the best spices, and
be found any more for ever, saith the Lord God. precious stones, and gold, which they set forth
in thy market.
CHAP. xxvn. 23 Haran, and Cbene, and Eden, were thy
A description of the glory and riches of Tyre ; merchants Saba, Assur, and Chelmad sold to

and of her irrecoverable fall. thee.

A-vD the word ol the Lord came to me, say-
ing: * Sea planks. That is, timber brought by
2 Thou therefore, O son of man, take up a sea to build the city.
lamentation for Tyre t The Pygmeans. That is, strong and val-
3 And say to Tyre that dwelleth at the entry iant men. In Hebrew Gammadim,
of the sea, being the mart of the people for many t Chodchod. It is the Hebrew name for
islands: Thus saith the Lord God: O Tyre, some precious stone; but of what kind in par
thou hast said I am of perfect beauty,
: ticular, interpreters are not agreed.
: :

24 Thev were iliy mercluiiits in divers man- traffic, thou hast increased thy strength : and thy
ners, witli bales of lilue-c/ui//, unci ol cinbroiJ- heart is lifted up with thy strength.
ered work, and of precious riclios, wliicli were 6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God Be- :

wr;ippe<l up, and bound with cords had cause thy heart is lifted up as the heart of God :
: tliey
cedars also iu thy merchandise. 7 Therefore behold, I will bring upon thee
25 The sliips ol' liic sea, were thy chief in thy strangers the strongest of the nations: and they
merchandise and thou wast replenislied, and shall draw their swords against the beauty of

glorified exceedingly in the iieart of tlie sea. thy wisdom and they shall defile thy beauty.

26 Tliy rowers have brought tiiee into great 8 They shall kill thee, ar.d bring "thee down-
waters the south wind iiath broken thee in the and thou shah die the death of them that are slain

heart of llic sea. in the heart of the sea.

27 Thy riches, and thy treasures, and thy 9 Wilt thou yet say before them that slay
manifold t'urniture, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thee: I am God; whereas thou art a man, and
who kept tliy ^oods, and were chief over thy not God, in the hand of them that slay thee?
people thy men of v/ar also, tliat were in thee
10 Thou shalt die the death of the uncircum-
with all tliy multitude that is in the midst of cised by the hand of strangers: for I have spo-
tk^i; shall fall in the heart of the sea in the ken it, saith the Lord God. .

day of thy ruin. 11 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
23 Thy fleets shall be troubled at the sound ing : Son of man, take up a lamentatirn upon the
of the cry of thy pilots. king of Tyre
29 And all that handled the oar shall come 12 And say to him Thus saith the Lord God:

down from their ships the mariners and all the

: Thou wast the seal of resemblance,! full of wis-
pilots of the sea shall stand upon the land : dom, and perfect in beauty,
30 And they shall mourn over thee with a 13 Thou wast in the pleasures of the paradise
loud voice, and shall cry bitterly and they : of God every precious stone teas thy covering:

shall cast up, dust upon their heads, and shall the sardius, the topaz, and the jasper, the chry-
be sprinkled with ashes. solite, and the oynx, and the beryl, the sapphire,
31 And they shall shave themselves bald for and the carbuncle, and the emerald ; gold the
thee, and shall be girded with hair-cloth and : work of thy beauty : and thy pipes were pre-
they shall weep for thee with bitterness of pared in the day that thou wast created.
soul with ino.=t bitter weeping. 14 Thou a cherub stretclied out.f and protect-
32 And they shall take up a mournful song ing and I set thee in the holy mountain of God;

for thee, and shall lament thee What city is

: thou hast walked in the midst of the stones of
like Tyre, which is become silent in the midst fire.§
of the sea ? 15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the
33 Which by thy merchandise that went from day of thy creation, until iniquity was found in
thee by sea didst fill many people: which by thee.
the multitude of thy riches, and of thy people, 16 By the multitude of thy merchandise, thy
didst enrich the kings of the earth. ijiner parts were filled with iniquity, and thou
34 Now thou art destroyed by the sea thy ;
hast sinned and I cast thee out froin the moun-

riches are in the bottom of the waters; and all tain of God, and destroyed thee, O covering die
the multitude that was in the midst of thee is rub, out of the midst of the stones of fire.
fallen. 17 And thy heart was lifted up with thy beau-
35 All the inhabitants of the islands are as- ty: thou hast lost thy wisdom in thy beauty: 1
tonished at thee : and all their kings being have cast thee to the ground : I have set thee
struck with the storm have changed their coun- before the face of kings, that they might behold
tenance. thee.
36 The merchants of people have hissed at 18 Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the
thee : thou afi brought to nothing ; and thou multitude of thy iniquities, and by the iniquity of
shall never be any more. thy traffic : therefore I will bring forth a fire frons
the midst of thee, to devour thee, and I will make
CHAP. XXVIII. thee as ashes upon the earth in the sight of all
The kin^ of Tyre, who affected to be like to God, that see thee.
shall fall under the like sentence with Lucifer. 19 All that shall see thee among the nations,
The judgment of Sidon. The restoration of shall be astonished at thee : thou art brought to
Israel. nothing; and thou shalt never be any more.
20 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
AND ing
word of the Lord came to me, say-
21 Son of man, set thy face against Sidon : and
2 Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre: Thus
thou shalt prophesy of it,
saith the Lord God : Because thy heart is lifted
23 And shalt say : Thus saith the Lord God :
up, and thou hast said I am God, and I sit in
Behold, I come against thee, Sidon; and I will
the chair of God in the heart of the sea; whereas
be glorified in the midst of thee : and they shall
thou art a man, and not God and hast set thy

heart as if it were the heart of God.

know that 1 am the Lord, when I shall execute
3 Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel :* no se-
t Thon wast the seal of resemblance. The
cret is hid from thee.
king of Tyre, by his dignity, and his natural per-
4 In thy wisdom and thy understanding tliou
fections, bore in himself a certain resemblance
hast rnade thyself strong; and hast gotten gold,
of God, by reason of which he might be called
and silver into thy treasures. But what is here
the seal of resemblance, &c.
5 By the greatness of thy wisdom, and by thy
said to him is commonly understood of Lucifer,
the king over all the children of pride.
* Thou art wiser than Daniel, viz. in thy own
X A cherub stretched out. That is, thy wings
c»nceit. The v/isdom of Daniel was so much extended. This alludes to the figure of the che-
celebrated in his days, that it became a proverb rubims in the sanctuary, which with stretched otU
amongst the Chaldeans, when any one would loin'^n rovrredlhe ark.
express an extraordinarv wisdom, to say he was ^ 7'he sloties of fire. That is, bright and pie-
«t wistt as Daniel cious stones, which sparkle like fire.
: : : :

indgments in her, and shall be sanctified in among the nations, and will disperse them through
ner. the countries.
23 And I will send into her pestilence, and 13 For thus saith the Lord God: At the end
blood in her streets and they shall fall being
: of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from
sluin by the sword on all sides in the midst the people among whom they had been scat-
thereof; and they shall know that I am the tered.
Lord. 14 And bring back the captivity of Egypt,
I will
24 And the house of Israel shall have no more and will place them in the land of Phatures, in
a stumbling-block of bitterness, nor a ihorn caus the land of their nativity; and they shall be thero
ing pain on every side round about them, of them a low kingdom.
that are against them and tliey shall know that
: 15 It shall be the lowest among other king-
I am the Lord God. doms and it shall no more be exalted over tka

25 Thus saith the Lord God When I shall : nations: and I will diminish them that they shall
have gathered together the house of Israel out of rule no more over the nations.
the people among whom they are scattered I : 16 And they shall be no more a confidence to
will be sanctified in them before the gentiles the house of Israel, teaching iniquity, that they
and they shall dwell in their own land, which I may flee, and follow them and tliey shall know

gave to my servant Jacob. that I am the Lord God.

26 And they shall dwell therein secure: and 17 And it came to pass in the seven and twen-
they shall build houses, and sliall plant vineyards, tieth year, in the first month, in the first of the
and shall dwell with confidence, when I shall month, that the word of the Lord came to me,
have executed judgments u])on all that are their saying
enemies round about: and they shall know that 18 Son of man, Nabuchodonosor king of Baby-
I am the Lord their God. lon hath made his army to undergo hard sei-vice
against Tyre: every head was made bald, and
CHAP. XXIX. every shoulder was peeled and there hath been:

The king of Egypt shall be overthroicn, and his no reward given him, nor his amiy for Tyre, for
kingdom wasted : it shall be given to Nabu- the service that he rendered me against it.
chodonosor for his service against Tyre. 19 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Behold :

the tenth year, the tenth month, the eleventh

INday of the month, the word of the Lord came
I will set Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon
in the land of Egypt: and he shall take hermul
to me, saying titude, and take the booty thereof for a prey, and
2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharao king rifle the spoils thereof: and it shall be wages foi
of Egypt and thou shalt prophesy of him, and
: his army,
of Egypt:
all 20 And for the service that he halh done* me
3 Speak, and say: Thus saith the Lord God : against it 1 have given him the land of Egypt,

Behold, I come against thee, Pharao king of because he hath laboured for me, saith the Lord
Egypt, thou great dragon that liest in the midst God.
of thy rivers, and sayest The river is mine, and : 21 In that day a horn shall bud forth to the
I made myself. house of Israel and I will give thee an open

4 Butwill put a bridle in thy jaws : and I

I mouth in the midst of them : and they shall know
will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick to thy that I am the Lord.
scales : and I will draw thee out of the midst
of thy rivers : and all thy fish shall stick to thy CHAP. XXX.
The desolation of Egypt and her helpers : all her
5 And I will cast thee forth into the desert, cities shall be icasted.
and all the fish of thy river: thou shall fall upon
the face of the earth: thou shalt not be taken up,
nor gatliered together: 1 have given thee for meat
AND ing
word of the Lord came to me, say-

2 Son of man, prophesy, and sa^ : Thus saith

to the beasts of the earth, and to the fowls of the
air. the Lord God ye, wo, wo to the day
: Howl
6 And the inhabitants of Egj-pl shall know
all 3 For the day is near; yea the day of the Lord
that I am
the Lord : because thou hast been a is near: a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the
stafl'of a reed to the house of Israel. nations.
7 When they took hold of thee with the hand, 4 And the sword shall come upon Egypt: and
thou didst break, and rend all their shoulder: there shall be dread in Ethiopia, when the
and when they leaned upon thee, thou brokest, wounded shall fall in Egypt, and the multitude
and weakenedst all their loins. thereof shall be taken away, and the foundations
8 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Behold, thereof shall be destroyed.
I will bring the sword upon thee, and cut off man 5 Ethiopia, and Lybia, and Lydia, and all the
and beast out of thee. rest of the crown, and Chub, and the children
9 And the Uind of Egypt shall become a desert, of the land of the covenant, shall fall with them
and a wilderness: and they shall know ihatl am bv the sword.
the Lord : because thou hast said : The river is 6 Thus saith the Lord God They also that :

mine, and I made it. uphold Egypt shall fall : and the pride of liei
10 Therefore, behold I come against thee, and empire shall be brought down from the tower :

thy rivers: and I will make the land of Egypt of Svene shall they fall in it by the sword, saith
utterly desolate, and wasted by the sword, from the Lord the God of hosts.
the tower of Syene, even to the borde.-s of Ethio- 7 And they shall i)e desolate in the mid-st o\
pia. the lands that are desolate and the cities thereof :

11 The foot of man shall not pass through it, shall be in the midst of the cities that are
neither shall the foot of beast go through it; nor wasted.
slinll it be inhabited during forty years. 8 And they shall know that I am the Lord:
12 And I will make the land of Egypt desolate when I shall have set a fire in Egypt, and all
in the midst of the lands that are desolate, and the helpers thereof shall be destroyed.
the cities thereof in the midst of the cities that 9 In that day shall messengers go forth from
are destroyed; and they shall be desolate for my face in ships to destroy the confidence of
forty years : and I will scatter the Egyptians lEthiopia : and there shall be dread among there
: :;
; : ::

m the day of Egypt : because it shall certainly CHAP. XXXI.
come. The Assyrian empire fell for their pride : the
10 Thus saith the Lord God : I will make the
Egyptian shall fall in like mannet.
multitude of Egypt to cease by the hand of
Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon.
11 He and his people with him, the strongest
AND it came to pass in the eleventh year,
the third luonth, the first day of the month,
of nations, shall be brought to destroy the land :
that the word of the Lord came to me, saying
and they shall draw their swords upon Egypt; 2 Son of man, speak to Pharao kingof Egypt,
and shall fill the land with the slain. and to his people To whom art thou like in

12 And I will make the channels of the rivers thy greatness ?

dry, and will deliver the land into the hand of 3 Behold, the Assyrian was like a cedar in
the wicked; and will lay waste the land and all Libanus, with fair branches, and full of leaves,
that is therein by the hands of strangers. 1 the of a high stature; and his top was elevated
Lord have spoken it. among the thick boughs.
13 Thus saith the Lord God: I will also 4 The waters nourished him; the deep set him
destroy the idols, and I will make an end of the up on high ; the streams thereof ran round about
idols of Memphis and there shall be no more
his roots; and it sent forth its rivulets to all the
a prince of the land of Egypt: and I will cause trees of the country.
u terror in the land of Egypt. 5 Therefore was his height exalted above all
14 And I will destroy the land of Phatures, the trees of the country : and his branches were
and will make a fire in Taphnis, and will exe- multiplied ; and his boughs were elevated be-
cute judgments in Alexandria.* cause of many waters.
15 And I will pour out my indignation upon 6 And when he had spread forth his shadow,
Pelusium the strength of Egypt, and will cut all the fowls of the air made their nests in his

oif the multitude of Alexandria. boughs; and all the beasts of the forest brought
16 And I will make a fire in Egypt: Pelu- forth their young under his branches; and the
siuni shall be in pain like a woman in labour assembly of many nations dwelt under his
and Alexandria shall be laid waste, and in Mem- shadow.
phis there shall be daily distresses. , 7 And he was most beautiful for his great-
17 The youn? men of Heliopolis, and of Bu ness, and for the spreading of his branches : for
bastus shall fall by the sword ; and they them- his root was near great waters.
selves shall go into captivity. 8 The cedars in the paradise of God were
18 And in Taphnis the day shall be darkened, not higher than he the fir-trees did not equal

when I sliall break there the sceptres of Egypt his top : neither were the plane-trees to be com-
and the pride of her power shall cease in her pared with him for branches no tree in the

a cloud shall cover her : and her daughters shall paradise of God, was like him in his beauty.
be led into captivity. 9 For I made him beautiful, and thick set with
19 And I will execute judgments in Egypt: many branches: and all the trees of pleasure,
and they shall know that I am the Lord. that were in the paradise of God, envied him.
20 And It came to pass in the eleventh year, 10 Therefore thus saith the Lord God Be- :

in the first month, in the seventh day of the cause he was exalted in height, and shot up his
month, that the word of the Lord came to me, top green and thick, and his heart was lifted up
saying in his height
21 Son of man, I have broken the arm of 11 I have delivered! him into the hands of
Pharao king of Egypt and behold, it is not
the mighty one of the nations he shall deal

bound up to be healecl, to be tied up with cloths, with him I have cast him out according to his

and swathed with linen, that it might recover wickedness.

strength, and hold the sword. 12 And strangers, and the most cruel of the
22 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God : Be- nations shall cut him down, and cast him away
hold, I come against Pharao king of Egypt upon the mountains: and his boughs shall fall

and I will break into pieces his strong arm, in every valley; and his branches be shall
which is already broken: and I will cause the broken on every rock of the country and all :

sword to fair out of his hand: the people of the earth shall depart from his
23 And I will disperse Egypt among the shadow, and leave him.
nations, and scatter them throughout the coun 13 All the fowls of the air dwelt upon his
tries. ruins: and all the beasts of the field were
24 And I will strengthen the arms of the among his branches.
king of Babylon, and I will put my sword in 14 For which cause none of the trees by the
his liand and I will break the arms of Pharao waters shall exalt themselves for their height,

and they shall groan bitterly, being slain before nor shoot up their tops among the thick branches
his face. and leaves: neither shall any of them that are
2.5 And I will strengthen the arms of the w atered stand up in their height for they are all :

king of Babylon and the arms of Pharao shall delivered unto death to the lowest parts of the

fall: and thev shall know that I am the Lord, earth, in the midst of the children of men, with
when I shall have given my sword into the them that go down into the pit.
hand of the kingof Babvlon and he shall have
15 Thus saith the Lord God: In the day
stretched it forth upon the land of Egypt. when he went down to hell, I brought in mourn-
26 And I will disperse Egypt among the ing; I covered him with the deep: and I with-
nations, and I will scatter them through the held its rivers, and restrained the many waters
countries and they shall know that I am the Libanus grieved for him; and all the trees of

Lord. the field trembled.

16 I shook the nations with the soimd of hia
fall, when I brought him down to hell with
* Alexandria. In the Hebrew, No ; which
was the ancient name of that city, which was t / have delivered. Here the time past is
afterwards rebuilt by Alexander the great and put for the future, i.e. I shall deliver. The
from his name called Alexandria. mighty one, &c. viz.' Nabuchodonosor, who con-
Iquered both the Assyrians and Egyptians.
4A 577
: : :

them that descend into the pit : and all the 15 When I shall have made the land of Egypt
trees of pleasure, the choice and best in Libanus, desolate : and the land shall be destitute of her
all that were moistened with waters, were com- fulness : when I shall have struck all the inha-
forted in the lowest parts of the earth. bitants thereof: and they shall know that I am
17 For they also shall go down with hiui to hell the Lord.
to them that are slain by the sword : and the arm 16 This is the lamentation, and they shall la-
of every one shall sit down under his shadow in |
ment therewith: the daughters of the nations
the midst of the nations. shall lament therewitli; for Egypt, and for the
18 To whom art thou like, O
thou that art multitude thereof they shall lament tlierewith,
famous and lofty among the trees of pleasure ? saith the Lord God.
Behold, thou art brought down with the trees And
it came to pass in the twelfth year, in
of pleasure, to the lowest parts of the earth: the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of
thou shalt sleep in the midst of the uncircum- the Lord came to me saying :

cised, with them that are slain by the sword: this 18 Son of man, sing a mournful song for tho
is Pharao, all his multitude, saith the Lord multitude of Egypt and cast her down, both her, :

God. and the daughters of the mighty nations to the

lowest pan of the earth, with them that go down
into the pit.
The prophet's lameniatian for the king- of Egypt. 1 19 Whom
dost thou excel in beauty? go down
AND it came to pass ia the twelfth year, in

the avelft". moLui, ir. ihe C.-M d.* of he

jand sleep with the uncircumr ised.
oO TLfV sh.iil fal" !n th.:^ iniddt of them that
month, that the word of the Lord came to me, are slain with the sword tlie sword is given : :

saying they have drawn her down, and all her jjeople.
2 Son of man, take up a lamentation for 21 The most mighty among the strong ones
Pharao the king of Egypt, and say to him shall speak to liim from the midst of hell they ;

Thou art like the lion of the nations, and the that went down with his helpers, and slept un-
dragon that is in the sea and thou didst push circumcised, slain by the sword.

with the horn in thy rivers, and didst trouble the 22 Assur is there, and all his multitude their :

waters with thy feet, and didst trample upon graves are round ahout him, all of them slain,
their streams. and all that fell by the sword.
3 Therefore thus saith the Lord God I will : 23 Whose graves are set in the lowest parts of
spread out my net over thee with the multitude the pit: and his multitude lay round about his
of many people ; and I will draw thee up in my grave ; all of them slain, and fallen by the sword,
net. they that heretofore spread terror in the land of
4 Andwill throw thee out on the land ; I
I the living.
will cast thee away into the open field : and I 24 There is Elam and all his multitude round
will cause all the fowls of the air to dwell upon about his grave, all of them slain, and falling by
thee ; and I will fill the beasts of all the eartli the sword: that went down uncircumcised to
with thee. the lowest parts of the earth that caused their :

. 5 And I will lay thy flesh upon the moun- terror in the land of the living, and they have
tains, and I will fill thy hills with thy corruption. borne their shame with them that go down into
6 And I will water the earth with thy stink- the pit.
ing blood upon the mountains, and the valleys 25 In the midst of the slain they have set him
shall be filled with thee. a bed among all his people their graves are

7 And I will cover the heavens when thou roundabout him: all these arc uncircumcised,
shalt be put out, and I will make the stars and slain by the sword for they spread their

thereof dark and I will cover the sun with terror in the land of the living, and have borne
a cloud; and the moon shall not give her their shame with them that descend into the pit
light. they are laid in the midst of the slain.
8 I will make all the lights of heaven to 26 There is Mosoch, and Thubal, and all
mourn over thee and I will cause darkness
: their multitude their graves are round about

upon thy land, saith the Lord God, when thy him all of them uncircumcised and slain, and

wounded shall fall in the midst of the land, falling by the sword though they spread their

saith the Lord God. terror in the land of the living.

9 And I shall provoke
to anger the heart of 27 And they shall not sleep with the brave,
many people, when I shall have brought in thy and with them that fell uncircumcised, that went
destruction among the nations upon the lands- down to hell with their weapons, and laid their
which thou knowest not. swords under their heads, and their iniquities
10 And I will make many people to be amazed were in their bones because they were the ter- :

at thee : and their kings shall be horribly afraid ror of the mighty in the land of the living.
for thee, when my sword shall begin to fly upon 28 So thou also shalt be broken in the midst
their faces : and they shall be astonished on a of the uncircumcised, and shalt sleep with them
sudden, every one for his own life in the day of that are slain by the sword.
their ruin. 29 There is Edom, and her kings, and all her
11 For thus saith the Lord God : The sword princes, who with their army are joined with
of the king of Babylon shall come upon thee. them that are slain by the sword ; and have
12 By the swords of the mighty I will over- slept with the uncircumcised, and with them that
throw thy multitude : all these nations are in- go down into the pit.
vincible : and they shall waste the pride of 30 There are all the princes of the north, aTid
Egypt; and the multitude thereof shall be all the hunters ; who were brought down with
destroyed. the slain, fearing and confounded in their
13 I will destroy also all the beasts thereof, strength : who slept uncircumcised with them
diat were beside the great waters : and the foot that are slain by the sword, and have borne their
of man shall trouble them no more; neither shame with them that go down into the pit.
shall the hoof of beasts trouble them. 31 Pharao saw them and he was comforted
14 Then will I make their waters clear, and concerning all his multitude, which was slain
cause their rivers to run like oil, saith the Lord bv the sword Pharao, and all his army, saith

God: ithe Lord God

; :: : :


32 Because I Imve spread uiy terror in the The way of tlie Lord is not equitable : whereas
land of the living; and lie hath slept in the midst their own way is unjust.
of the uncircunicised witli them that are slain 18 For when the just shall depart from his
by tlie sword Pharao and all his multitude, justice, and conmiit iniquities he shall die in
: ;

saith the Lord Goa. them.

19 And when the wicked shall depart from his
OhnP. XXXIII. wickedness, and shall do judgments, and justice,
The duty of the icatchmen appointed hy God : the he shall live in them.
thejitstice of God's icays ; his judgments upon 20 And you say The way of the Lord is not

the Jews. right: I will judge every one of you according

AND ing
the word of the Lord came to me say- to his ways, O house of Israel.
21 And it came to pass in the twelfth year of
2 Son of man speak to the children of thy our captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day
people, and say to them When I bring the of the month, that there came to me one that was

sword upon a land, if the people of the land take fled from Jerusalem, saying The city is laid :

n man, one of their meanest, and make liim a waste.

watchman over them 22 And the hand of the Lord had been upon
3 And he see the sword coming upon the land, me in the evening, before he tliat was fled came :
and sound the ti'umpet. and tell die people and he onened my mouth till he came to me in

4 J'hen he that heareth tiie soundofiaf: trum- thb morning and ni) mouih being opened I was

pet, whoever he be, and doth not look to himself, silent no more.
if the sword come, and cut him off: his blood 23 And the word of the Lord came to mc,
shall be upon his own head. saying
5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and did 24 Son of man, they that dwell in these ruin-
not look to hiuiself his blood shall be upon him ous places, in the laud of Israel, speak, saying :
: :

but if he look to himself, he shall save his life. Abraham was one, and he inherited the land; but
6 And if the watchmen see the sword coming, we are many, the land is given us in possession.
and sound not the trumpet; and the people look 2.5 Therefore say to them Thus saith tho :

not to themselves, and the sword come, and cut Lord God You that eat with the blood, and lift

off a soul from among them; he indeed is taken up your eyes to your uncleannesses, and that
away in his iniquity but I will require his shed blood shall you possess the land by in
: ;

blood at the hand of the watchman. heritance ?

7 So thou, O son of man, I have made thee a 26 You stood on your swords ; you have com-
watchman to the house of Israel therefore thou mitted abominations; and everyone hath defiled

shalt hear the word from my mouth, and shalt his neighbour's wife and shall you possess the :

tell it them from me. land by inheritance?

8 Wlien I say to the wicked O wicked man, 27 Say thou thus to them Thus saith the
: :

thou shalt surely die if thou dost not speak to Lord God As I live, they that dwell in the ruin-
: :

warn the wicked man from his way, that wicked ous places, shall fall by the sword ; and he that
man sliall die in his iniquity: but I will require is in the field shall be given to the beasts to be
his blood at thy hand. devoured ; and they that are in holds, and caves,
9 But if thou tell the wicked man, that he shall die of the pestilence.
may be converted from his ways, and he be not 28 And I will make the land a wilderness, and
converted from his way ; he shall die in his ini- a desert; and the proud strength thereof shall
quity : but thou hast delivered thy soul. fail; and the mountains of Israel shall be deso-
10 Thou therefore, O son of man, say to the late ; because there is none to pass hy them.
house of Israel Thus you have spoken, saying
: 29 And they shall know that I am the Lord,
Our iniquities, and our sins are upon us, and we when I shall have made their land waste and
pine away in them how then can we live ?
: desolate, for all their abominations which they
11 Say to them : As I live, saith the Lord God, have committed.
I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the 30 And thou, son of man, the children of thy
wicked turn from his way, and live. Turn ye, people, that talk of thee by the walls, and in the
turn ye from your evil ways : and why will you doors of the houses, and speak one to another
die, O house of Israel. each man to his neighbour, saving Come, and :

12 Thou therefore, O son of man, say to the let us hear what is the word tfiat cometh forth
children of thy people: The justice of the just from the Lord.
shall not deliver him, in what day soever he shall 31 And they come to thee, as if a people were
sin: and the wickedness of the wicked shall not coming in: and my people sit before thee, and
hurt him, in what day soever he shall turn from hear thy words, and do them not for they turn :

his wickedness : and the just shall not be able them into a song of their mouth, and their heart
to live in his justice, in what day soever he shall goeth after their covetousness.
sin. 32 And thou art to them as a musical song
13 Yea, if I shall say to the just that he shall which is sung with a sweet and agreeable voice;
eurely live, and he, trusting in his justice, com and they hear thy words, and do them not.
mitininuity; all his justices shall be forgotten; 33 And when that which was foretold shall
and in nis iniquity which he hath committed, in come to pass, (for behold, it is coming,) then
the same shall he die. shall they know that a prophet hath been among
14 And if I shall say to the wicked; Thou them.
ehalt surely die and he do penance for his sin,

and do judgment and justice,

1.5 Audit that wicked man restore the pledge, Evil pastors are reproved
: Christ the tru6 pag-
and render what he had robbed, and walk in the tor shall come, and gather together his flock
commandments of life, and do no unjust thing; from all parts of the earth, and preserve it for
he shall surely live, and shall not die. ever.
16 None of his sine, which he hath committed,
shall be imputed to him : he hath done judg- saying
the word of the Lord came to me,

ment and justice he shall surely live.

: 2 Son of man, prophesy concerning the shep-
17 And the children of thy people have said herds of Israel prophesy, and say to the shep- :
:: : : :'

herds :* Thus saith the Lord God : to the Wo I
20 Therefore th'is saith the Lord God to 700
shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves should : Behold, I my self will Judge between the fat cat-
not the flocks be fed by the shepherds ? tle and the lean.
3 You ate the milk; and you clothed your- 21 Because you thrusted with sides and shoul-
selves with the wool ; and you killed that which ders, and struck all the weak cattle with your
was fat but my flock you did not feed.
horns, til! they were scattered abroad :

i Tlie weak you have not strengthened ; and 22 I will save my flock; and it shall be no more
that which was sick you have not healed: a spoil and I will judge between cattle and cattle.

that which was broken you have not bound up 23 And I will set up one shephkrd ovun
and that which was driven away you have not THEM and he shall feed them, even my servan

brought again; neither have you sought "that David :t he shall feed them, and he shall be their
wliich was lost but you ruled over them with
: shepherd.
rigour, and witli a high hand. 24 And I the Lord will be their God and my :

5 And my sheep were scattered, because thore servant David the prince in the midst of them': I
was no shepherd and they became the prey of
: the Lord have spoken it.
all the beasts of the field,and were scattered. 25 And I wil! make a covenant of peace with
6 My sheep have wandered in every mountain, them, and will the evil beasts to cease out
and in every high hill and my flocks were scat-
: of the land: and ihey that dwell in the wilder-
tered upon the face of the earth: and there was ness shall sleep secure in the forests.
none that sought them; there was none, I say, 26 And I will make them a blessing round about
that sought them. my hill and I will send down the rain in its sea-

7 Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of son there shall be showers of blessing.

the Lord 27 And the tree of the fieid shall yield its fruit
8 As I live, saith the Lord God, forasmuch as and the earth shall yield her increase; and they
my flocks have been made a spoil, and my sheep shall be in their land without fear and they shall :

are become a prey to all the beasts of the field, know that I am the Lord, when 1 shall have bro
because there was no shepherd for my shep- : ken the bonds of their yoke, and shall iinve deli-
herds did not seek after my flock : but the shep- vered them out of the hand of those that rule over
herds fell themselves, and fed not my flocks : them.
9 Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of 28 And they shall be no more for a spoil to the
the Lord nations; neither shall the beasts of the earth de-
10 Thus saith the Lord God Behold, I my- : vour them : but they shall dwell securely viiithout
self come upon the shepherds. I will require any terror.
my flock at their hand ; and I will cause them to 29 And I will raise up for them a bud of re-
cease from feeding the flock any more ; neither nown :i and they shall be no more consumed with
shall the shepherds feed themselves any more fainine in the land, neither shall they bear any
and I will deliver my flock from their mouth; more the reproach of the gentiles.
and it shall no more be meat for them. 30 And tney shall know that I the Lord their
11 For thus saith the Lord God Behold, I : God am with them, and that they nre my people
myself will seek my sheep, and will visit them. the house of Israel ; saith the Lord God.
12 As the shepherd visiteth his flock, in the 31 And you flocks, the flocks ofmy pas- my
day when he shall be in the midst of his sheep ture are men : and I am the Lord your God, saith
that were scattered ; so will I visit my sheep, the Lord God.
and will deliver them out of all the places where CHAP. XXXV.
they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark TTie judgment
of mount Seir,for their hatred oj
day. Israel.
And bring them out from the peo
13 I will
pies, and will gather them out of the countries,
the word of the Lord came to me, say

and will bring them to their own land and I will :

2 Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir
feed them in the mountains of Israel, by the ri- and prophesy concerning it, and say to it
vers,and in all the habitations of the land : 3 Thus saith the Lord God Behold, I come :

14 I will feed them in the most fruitful pas- against thee, mount Seir: and I will stretch forth
tures; and their pastures shall be in the high my hand upon thee; and I will make thee deso-
mountains of Israel: there shall they rest on the late and waste.
green grass, and be fed in fat pastures upon the 4 I will destroy thy cities; and thou shalt be
mountains of Israel. desolate and thou shalt know that I am the

15 T will feed my sheep : and I will cause Lord.

them to lie down, saith the Lord God. 5 Because thou hast been an everlasting ene-
16 I will seek that which was lost: and that my, and hast shut up the children of Israel in tha
which was driven away, 1 will bring again; and hands of tlie sword in the time of their affliction,
I will bind up that which was broken : and I will
in the time of their last iniquity.
strengthen that which was weak, and that which 6 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God, I will
was fat and strong I will preserve: and I will deliver thee up to blood ; and blood shall pursue
feed them in judgment. thee and whereas thou hast hated blood, blood

17 And as for you, O my flocks, thus saith the

shall pursue thee.
Lord God: Behold, I judge between cattle and
7 I will malte mount Seir waste and de-
And .

cattle,of rams, and of he-goats. solate and I will take away from it him that

18 Was it not enough for you to feed upon good goeth, and him that returneth.
pastures ? but you must also tread down with 8 And I will fill his mountains with his men
your feet the residue of your pastures and when :
that are slain in thy hills, and in thy valleys, and

you drank the clearest water, you troubled the in thy torrents, they shall fall that are slain with
rest with your feet. the sword.
19 And my sheep were fed with that which you
had trodden with your feet and they drank what : t David. Christ who is of the house of David.
your feet had troubled. X A Germen nominatum. He
bud ofrenaien.
speaks of Christ our Lord, the illustrious bud of
* Shepherds. That is, princes, magistrates, the house of David, renowned overall the earth.
eh'ef priests, and scribes. See Jeremias xxxiii. 15.

9 1 will make thee everlasting desolations ginning, and will give you greater gifis, thaa
and thy cities shall not be inhabited and thou : you had from the beginning : and vou shall know
shalt know that I am the Lord God. that I am the Lord.
10 Because thou hast said The two nations,
: 12 And I will bring men upon you, even mv
and the two lands shall be mine and 1 will pos- :people Israel: and they shall possess thee for
sess them by inheritance : whereas the Lord was their inheritance and thou shalt be their inher-

there. itance, and shalt no more henceforth be without

11 Therefore as I live, saitli the Lord God, I them.
will do according to thy wrath, and according^ to m
Thus saith the Lord God; Because they say
tli3' envy, which thou hast exercised in hatred to of you Thou art a devourer of men, and one that

them and I will be made known by them, when suffocate thy nation:

I sliall have judged tliee. 14 Therefore thou shall devour men no more,
12 And thou shalt know that I the Lord have nor destroy thy nation any more, saith the Lord
lieard all thy reproaches that thou hast spoken God
against the mountains of Israel saying They
: 16 Neither will I cause men to hear in thee the

are desolate ; they are given to us to consume. shame of the nations any more: nor shalt thou
13 And you rose up against me with your bear the reproach of the people, nor lose thy na-
mouth, and have derogated from me by your tion any more,* saith the Lord God :

words I have heard them.

: 16 And the word of the Lord came to me, say-
14 Thus saith the Lord God: When the ing :

whole earth shall rejoice, I will make thee a wil- 17 Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt
derness. in their own land, they defiled it with their ways,
15 As thou hast rejoiced over the inheritance and with their doings their way was before me

of the house of Israel, because it was laid waste, like the uncleanness of a menstruous woman.
so will I do to thee : thou shalt be laid waste, O
18 And I poured out my indignation upon them
mount Seir, and all Idumea: and they shall for the blood which they had siied upon the land :
know that I am the Lord. and with their idols they defiled it.
CHAP. XXXVI. 19 And I scattered them among the nations,
and they are dispersed through the countries: I
The restoration of Israel, not for ihetr merits, have judged them according to their ways
but by God's special ^race. Chris fs baptism. their devices.
AND thou son of man, prophesy to the moun 20 And when they entered among the nations
tains of Israel, and say : Ye mountains of whither they went, they profaned my holy name,
Israel, hear the word of the Lord : when it is said of them : This is the people of
2 Thus saith the Lord God : Because the ene- the Lord ; and they are come forth out of his
my hath said of you : Aha, the everlasting land.
heiglits are given to us for an inheritance. 21 And 1 have regarded my own holy name,
3 Therefore prophesy, and say : Thus saith which the house of Israel had profaned among
the Lord God Because you have been desolate, the nations to which they went in.

and trodden under foot on every side, and made 22 Therefore thou shalt say to the house of
an inheritance to the rest of the nations, and are! Israel: Thus saith the Lord God: It is not for
become the subject of tho talk and the reproach your sake that I will do this, O house of Israel,
of the people: but for my holy name's sake which you have
4 Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the profaned among: the nations whither you went.
word of the Lord God Thus saith the Lord God
: 23 And I will sanctify my great name, which
to the mountains, and to the hills, to the brooks, was profaned among the Gentiles, which you
and to the valleys, and to desolfite places, and have profaned in the midst of them that the :

ruinous walls, and to the cities that are forsaken, Gentiles may know that I am the Lord, saith the
that are spoiled, and derided by the fest of the Lords of hosts when I shall be sanctified in you-
nations round about: before their eyes.
5 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: In the 24 For I will take you from among the Gen-
fire of my zeal I have spoken of the rest of the tiles, and will gather you together out of all the
nations, and of all Edom, who have taken my countries; and will bring you into your own
land to themselves, for an inlieritance with joy, land.
and with all the heart, and with the mind; and 25 And I will pour upon you clean water, and
have cast it out to lay it waste. you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness,
6 Prophesy therefore concerning the land of and I will cleanse you from all your idols
Israel, and say to the mountains, and to the hills, 2G And I will give you a new heart, and put
to the ridges, and to the valleys Thus saith the a new spirit within you: and I will take away

Lord God Behold, 1 have spoken in my zeal, the stony heart out of your flesh, and will give

and in my indignation, because you have borne you a heart of flesh.

the shame of the gentiles. 27 And I will put my spirit in the midst of
7 Therefore thus saith the Lord God : I have you ; and I will cause you to walk in my com-
lifted up my hand, that the gentiles who are mandments, and to keep my judgments, and do
round about you, shall themselves bear their them.
shame. 28 And you shall dwell in the land which I
8 Rut as for you, O mourffains of Israel, siioot gave to your fathers and you shall be my peo-

ye forth your branches, and yield your fruit to ple, and I will be your God.
my people of Israel for they are at hand to 29 And I will save you from all your unclean-

come. nesses and I will call for corn, and will multi-

9 For lo, I am for you, and I will turn to you ; ply it, and will lay no famine upon you.
end you shall be plouirhcd and sown. 30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree,
lO' And I will multiply men upon you, and all
the house of Israel and the cities shall be inha-
* A'or lose thy nation any more. This whole
bited ; and the ruinous places shall be repaired. promise principally relates to the church of
11 And I will make you abound with men and Christ, and God's perpetual protection of her
with beasts: and they sliall be multiplied, and for as to the carnal jews, they have been removed
icLTeasc: and I will settle you as from the be- out of their land these 1600 years.
, : :

and the increase of the lielJ, that you bear no 'lived auil they stood up upon their feet, ait

more the reproach of Aimine among the nations. exceeding great army.
31 And jou shall remember your wicked ways, 11 And he said to me: Son of man: All
and your doings that were not good : and your these bones are the house of Israel they say . :

your iniquities and your wicked deeds shall dis Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost,
please you. and we are cut off'.
32 It is not for your sakes that I will do this, 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them:
saith tlie Lord God, be it known to you : be con Thus saith the Lord God Behold, I will open :

founded and ashamed at your own ways, O

house your graves, and will bring you out of youi
of Israel. sepulchres, my people : and will bring you O
33 Thus saith the Lord God ; In the day that into the land of Israel.
I shall leanse you from all your iniquities, and
13 And you shall knew that I am the Lord,
shall cause the cities to be inhabited, and shall when I shall have opened your sepulchres, and
repair the ruinous places, shall have brought you out of your graves, O
34 And the desolate land shall be tilled, which my people
before was wastein the sight ofall that passed by. 14 And shall have put my spirit in you, and
35 They shall say : This land that was un you shall live, and I shall make you rest upon
tilled is become a garden of pleasure : and the your own land : and you shall kiiow that I the
cities that were abandoned, and desolate, and Lord have spoken, and done it, saith the Lord God:
destroyed, are peopled and fenced. 15 And the word of the Lord came to me,
36 And the nations, that shall be left round saying :
about you, shall know that I the Lord have built 16 And thou, sou of man, take thee a stick*
up what was destroyed, and planted what was and write upon it: Of Juda, and of the children
desolate ; that I the Lord have spoken and done of Israel his associates : and take another stick,
it. and write upon it : For Joseph the stick of
37 Thus saith the Lord God : Moreover in this Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel, and
shall the house of Israjl find me, that I will do of his associates.
it for them : I will multiply them as a flock of 17 And join them one to the other into one
men, stick : and they shall become one in thy hand :
38 As a holy flock, as a flock of Jerusalem in 18 And when the children of thy people shall
in her solemn feasts : so shall the waste cities be speak to thee, saying : Wilt thou not tell us
full of flocks of men : and they shall know that I what thou meanest by this 1
am the Lord. 19 Say to them: Thus saith the Lord God:
Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which
CHAP. XXXVII. is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of

A vision of the resurrection of dry bonex, fore- Israel that are associated with him : and I will
shewing' the deliverance of the people from their put them together with the stick of Juda, and
cnptivitij. Juda and Israel shall be all one and will make them one stick : and they shall
kingdom under Christ. God^s everlasting co- be one in his hand.
venant xcith the church. I 20 And the sticks whereon thou hast writtea
shall be in thy hand, before their eyes.
THE hand
brought me
of the Lord was upon me, nm
forth in the spirit of the Lord
21 And thou shalt say to them Thus saith

the Lord God Behold, \ will take the children

and set me down in the midst of a plain that wa? of Israel from the midst of tiie nations whither
full of bones. they are gone and I will gather them on every

2 And he led me about through them on every side, and I will bring them to their own land.
side :now they were very many upon the face of 22 And I will make them one nation in the
plain; and they were ex&eeding dry. land on the mountains of Israel and one king

3 And he said to me : Son of man, dost thou shall be king over them all and they shall no

think these bones shall live ? And I answered :

more be two nations; neither shall they be divi-
O Lord God, thou knowesl. ded any more into two kingdoms.
4 And he said to me Prophesy concerning :
23 Nor shall they be defiled any more with
these bones; and say to them: Ve dry bones, their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with
hear the word of the Lord. all their iniquities: and I will save them out of
5 Thus saith the Lord God to these bones :
all the places in which they have sinned ; and I
Behold, I will send spirit* into you, and you will cleanse them ahd they shall be my people,

shall live. and I will be their God.

6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will 24 And my servant David shall be king over
cause flesh to grow over you, and will cover them ; and they shall have one shepherd they :

you with skin and I will give you spirit; and

shall walk in my judgments, and shall keep my
you that I am the Lord.
shall know commandments, and shall do them.
7 And
prophesied as he had commanded
5 And they shall dwell in the land which
me and as I prophesied there was a noise, and]
I gave to my servant Jacob, wherein your
behold, a commotion and the bones come to-:
fathers dwelt: and they shall dwell in it, they
gether, each one to its joint. and their children, and their children's children,
8 And I saw, and behold, the sinews and the for ever and Da^^d my servant shall be their

flesh came up upon them and the skin was prince for ever.

stretched out over them ; but there was no 26 And I will make a covenant of peace with
spirit in them.
them it shall be an everlasting covenant with ;

9 And he said to me Prophesy to the spirit, them: and I will establish them, and will mul-

prophesy, O son of man, and say to the spirit tiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the
Thus saith the Lord God Come, spirit, from nidst of them for ever.

the four winds, and blow upon these slain and 27 And my tabernacle shall be with them:

let them live again.

Hid I will be their God ; and they shall be my
10 And f prophesied as he had commanded people.
me : and the spirit came into them, and they 28 And tl«! nations shall know that I am the
Lord, the sanctifier of Israel, when my sanctu-
Spirit. That is, soul, life, and breath. ary shall be in the midst of theni for ever
:: : :


CHAP, xxxvni. when I shall be sanctified in thee, Gog before O
Gog shall persecute the church in tlie latter cLays. their eyes.
He shall be overthrown. 17 Thus saith the Lord God : Thou then art
AiND the word of the Lord came to me say- he, of whom I have spoken in the days of old, by
ing my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophe
2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog," the sied in the days of those times that I would bring
land of Magog,t the chief prince of Mosoch and thee upon them.
rhubal : and prophesy of him ; 18 And it shall come to pass in that day, in
3 And say to him : thus saith the Lord God the day of the coming of Gog upon the land of
Behold, I come against thee, OGog, the chief Israel, saith the Lord God, that my indignation
prince of Mosoch and Thubal. shall come up in my wrath.
4 And I will turn thee about, and I will put a 19 And I have spoken in my zeal, and in the
bit in thy jaws and I will bring thee forth, and fires of my anger, that in that day there shall be

all thy army, horses and horsemen all clothed a great commotion upon the land of Israel
with coats of mail, a great multitude, armed with 20 So that the fishes of the sea, and the birds
spears and shields and swords. of the air, and the beasts of the field, and every
5 The Persians, Ethiopians, and Lybians with creeping thing that creepeth upon the ground,
them, all with shields and helmets. and all men that are upon the face of the earth,
6 Goiner, and all his bands, the house of Tho- shall be moved at my presence : and the moun-
gorina, the northern parts and all his strength, tains shall be thrown down ; and the hedges shall
ar.d many peoples with thee. fall ; and every wall shall fill to the ground.
7 Prepare and make thyself ready, and all thy 21 And I will call in the sword against him in
multitude that is assembled about thee: and be all my mountains, saith the Lord God : every
thou commander over them. man's sword shall be pointed against his brother.
8 After many days thou shalt be visited : at 22 And I will judge him with pestilence, and
the end of years thou shah come to the land that with blood, and with violent rain, and vast hail
is returned from the sword, and is gathered out stones : I will rain fire and brimstone upon him,
of many nations, to the mountains of Israel which and upon his army, and upon tho many nations
have been continually waste: but it hath been that are with him.
brought forth out of the nations, and they shall 23 And I will be magnified, and I will be sanc-
all of them dwell securely in it. tified : and I will be known in the eyes of many
9 And thou shalt go up and come like a storm, nations : and they shall know that I am the
and like a cloud to cover the land, thou and all Lord.
thy bands, and many people with thee.
10 Tlius saith the" Lord God
In that day pro-

jects shall enter into thy heart ; and thou shalt

Ood's judgments upon Gog: God's people were
.lonceive a mischievous design.
punished for their sins : but shall be favoured
11 And thou shalt say: t will go up tc the
with everlasting kindness.
land which is without a wall. I will come to
them that are at rest, and dwell securely : all
AND thou son of man, prophesy against Gog,
and say Thus sailh the Lord God : Be-

these dwell without a wall; they have no bars hold, I come against thee, O Gog, the chief prince
nor gates of Mosoch and Thubal.
12 To take spoils, and lay hold on the prey ; 2 And I will turn theo round; and I will lead
to lay thy hand upon them that had been wasted, thee out, and will make thee go up from the
and afterwards restored, and upon the people northern parts ; and will bring thee upon the
that is gathered together out of the nations, which mountains of Israel.
hath begun to possess, and to dwell in the midst 3 And I will break thy bow in thy left hand
of the earth. and I will cause thy arrows to fall out of thy
13 Saba, and Dedan, and the merchants of right hand.
Tharsis, and all the lions thereof, shall say to 4 Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Is-
thee : art thou come to take spoils ? behold, thou rael, thou and all thy bands, and thy nations
hast gathered thy multitude to take a prey, to that are with thee. 1 have given thee to the
take silver, and gold, and to carry away goods wild beasts, to the birds, and to every fowl, and
and substance, and to take ricn spoils. to the beasts of the earth to be devoured.
14 Therefore, thou son of man, prophesy, and 5 Thou shalt fall upon the face of the field :
say to Gog: Thus saith the Lord God: Shalt for I have spoken it, sailh the Lord God.
thou not know, in that day, when my people of 6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and on
Israel shall dwell securely? them that dwell confidently in the islands : and
15 And thou shalt come out of thy place from they shall know that I am the Lord.
the northern parts, thou and many people with 7 And I will make my holy name known ia
thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great com- the midst of my people Israel ; and my holy name
pany and a mighty army. shall be profaned no more and the gentiles shall

16 And thou shalt come upon my people of knowthat I am the Lord, the holy One of Israel.
Israel like « cloud, to cover the earth. Thou 8 Behold, it cometh, and it is done, saith the
shalt be in the latter days, and I will bring thee Lord God this is the day whereof I have spoken.

upon my land : that the nations may know me 9 And the inhabitants shall go forth of the ci-

ties of Israel, and shall set on fire and burn the

* Goof. This name, which signifies hidden weapons, the shields, and the spears, the bows,
or covered, is taken in this place, either for the and the arrows, and the handstaves, and the
persecutors of the church of God in general, or pikes and they shall bum them with fire seven

Bome arch-persecutor in particular: such as years.

Antichrist shall be in the latter days. See Apo- 10 And they shall not bring wood out of the
calypse XX. 8. And what is said of the punish countries, nor cut down out of the forests : for
ment of Gog, is verified by the unhappy ends of they shall bum the weapons with fire, and shaU
persecutors. make a prey of them to whom they had been a
t Maerosr. Scythia or Tartary, from whence prey ; and they shall mb those that robbed tliem,
tfc? Turks, and other enemies of the church saith the Lord God.
•f Ciirist originally sprung. 11 And it shall come to pass in that day that
: : ; :

I will give Gog a noted place for a sepulchre and twentieth year of o«r captivity,
iu Israel the valley of the passengers on the
INin the five
the beginning of the year, the tenth day of
east of the sea, which shall cause astonishment the month, the fourteenth year after the city vvaa
in them that pass hy. and there shall they bury destroyed in the self-same day the hand of the

Gog, and all his multitude : and it shall be Lord was upon me, and he brought me thither.
called the valley of the multitude of Gog. 2 In the visions of God he brought me into the
12 And the house of Israel shall bufy them land of Israel, and set me upon a very high
for seven months to cleanse the land. mountain ; upoji which there was as the building
13 And all the people of the land shall bury of a city, bending towards the south :

him : and it shall be unto them a noted day, 3 And he brought me in thither: and behold,
wherein I was glorified, saith the Lord God. a man, whose appearance was like the appear-
14 And they shall appoint men to go continu- ance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and
ally about the land, to bury and taseek out them a measuring reed in his hand and he stood in

that were remaining upon the face of the earth, the gate,
that they may clesanse it : and after seven months 4 And this man said to me : Son of man, see
tbey shall^ begin to seek. with thy eyes, and hear with thy ears, and set
15 And they shall go about passing through thy heart upon all that I shall shew thee for :

the land ; and when they shall see the bone of a thou art brought hither that they may he shewn
man, they shall set up a sign by it, till the buri- to thee declare all that thou seest to the house

©rs bury it in the valley of the multitude of Gog. of Israel.

16 And the name of the city shall be Amona 5 And behold, there was a wall on the outside
and they shall cleanse tlie land. of the house round about; and in the man's hand
17 And ihou, O
son of man, saith the Lord a measuring reed of six cubits and a hand-
God, say to every fowl, and to all the birds, and breadth:, and ho measured the breadth of the
to all the beasts of the field : Assemble your- building one reed, and the height one reed.
selves; make haste; come together from every 6 And he came to tiie gate that looked toward
side to my victim, which I slay for you, a great the east, and he went uji tlie steps thereof: and
victim upon the mountains of Israel ; to eat flesh he measured the breadth of the threshold of the
and drink blood. gate one reed, that is, one threshold was one reed
18 You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and broad :

you shall drink the blood of the jirinces of the 7 And every little chamber was one reed long,
earth of rams, and of lambs, and of he-goats,
: and one reed broad and between the little cham-

and bullocks, and of all that are well fed and fat. bers were five cubits :

19 And you shall eat the fat till you be full ; 8 And the threshold of the gate by the porch
and shall drink blood till you be drunk of the of the gate within, was one reed.
victim I shall slay for you. 9 And he measured the porch of the gate eight
20 And you shall be fdled at my table with cubits, and the front thereof two cubits and the :

horses, and mighty horsemen, and all the men of porch of the gate was inward.
war, snith the Lord God. 10 And the little chambers of the gate that
21 And I will set my glory among the na- looked eastvfard were three on this side, and
tions : and all nations shall see my judgment tiiree on that side all three were of one mea-

that I have executed, and my hand that I have sure, and the fronts of one measure, on both parts.
laid upon them. 11 And he measured the breadth of the
22 And the house Israel shall know that I am threshold of the gate ten cubits and the length

the Lord their God from that day and forward. of the gate thirteen cubits.
23 And the nations shall know that the house 12 And the border before the little chambers
of Israel were made captives for their iniquity, one cubit : and one cubit was the border on both
because they forsook me, and I hid my face from sides : and the little chambers were six cubits
them and I delivered them into the hands of
on this side and that side.
their enemies; and they all fell by the sword. 13 And he measured the gate from the roof of
24 I have dealt with them according to their one little chamber to the roof of another, in
uncleanness and wickedness, and hid my face breadth five and twenty cubits; door against
from them. door.
25 'I'herefore thus saith God: Now will I 14 He made also fronts of sixty cubits : and to
bring back the captivity of Jacob, and I will have the front the ceurt of the gate on every side
mercy on all the house cf Israel and I will be
: round about.
jealous for my holy name. 15 And before the face of the gate, vvhicb
26 And they shall bear their confusion, and all reached even to the face of the porch of the inner
the trangressions wherewith they have trans- gate, fifty cubits.
gressed against me, when they shall dwell in 16 And slanting windows in the little cham-
their land securely, fearing no man bers, and in their fronts, which were within the
27 And I shall have brought them back from gate on every side round about and in like

among the nations, and shall have gathered them manner there were also in the porches windows
together out of the lands of their enemies, and round about within, and before the fronts the re-
shall be sanctified in them, in the sight of many presentation of palm-trees.
nations. ir And he brought me into the outward court
23 And they shall that I am the Lord
know and behold, there were chambers,* and a pave-
their God, becausehave caused them to be
I ment of stone in the court round about thirty :

carrind away among the nations and I have

; chambers encompassed the pavement.
gathared them together unto their own land, and 18 And the pavement in the front of the gates
nave not left any of them (here. according to the length of the gates was lower.
29 And I will hide my face no more from them 19 And he measured the breadth from the face
for I have poured out my spirit upon all the house of the lower gate to the front of the inner court
of Israel, saith the Lord God.
CHAP. XL. * There were chambers. Gazophylacia, so
Tlie jn-ophet sees in a vision the rebuilding of called, because the priests and Levites kept in
the temple: the dimensions of several parts them the stores and vessels th!\t belouged to th«
thereof, .temple.
wiihout, a hundred cubits to the east, and to the north, were two tables : and at the other side be-
north. fore the porch of the gale were two tables.
20 He measured also both the length and the 41 Four tables were on liiis side, and four on
breadth of the gate of tlie outward court, which on that side : at tiie sides of the gate wore eiglit
looked northward. tables, upon wiiich they bIcw the victims.
21 And the little chambers tliereof three on 42 And the four tables for the liolocausis were
this side, and three on that side and the front made of square stones; one cubit and a liuU'long,

thereof, and the porch thereof according to the and one cubit and a half broad, and one cubit
measure of the former gate, fifty cubits long, and high ; to lay the vessels upon : in which the ho-
five and twenty cubits broad. locaust and the victim is slain.
22 And the windows thereof, and the porch, 43 And the borders of them were of one hand-
and the gravings according to the measure of the breadth, turned inwards round about: and upon
gate that looked to the east; and they went up the tables was the flesh of the oflering.
to it by seven steps; and a porch was before it 44 And without the inner gate were the cham-
23 And tlie gate of the inner court was over- bers of the singing men in the inner court, which
agaiust the gate of the north, and that of the was on the side of the gate that looketh to the
east : and he measured from gale to gate a hun- north: and their prospect was toward the south,
dred cubits. one at the side of the east gate, which looked to-
24 And he brought me out to tlie way of the ward the north.
south, and behold, the gate that looked to the 45 And he said to me: This chamber, which
Bouth ; and he measured the front thereof, and the looketh toward the south, shall be for the priests
porch thereof according to the former measures; that watch in the wards of the temple.
25 And the windows thereof, and the porches 46 But the chamber that looketli towards the
round about, as the other windows : the length north shall be for the priests that watch over the
was fifty cubits, and the breadth was five and ministry of the altar. These are the sons of Sa-
twenty cubits. doc, who among the sons of Levi come near to
2i) And there were seven steps to go up to it, the Lord, to minister to him.
and a porch before the doors thereof: and there 47 And he measured the court a hundred cu-
were graven palm-trees, one on this side, and bits long, and a hundred cubits broad four square:
another on that side in the front thereof. and the altar that was before the face of the tem-
27 And there was a gate of the inner court to ple.
wards the south and he measured from gate to
: 48 And he brought me into the porch of the
gate towards the south, a hundred cubits. temple: and he measured the porch five cubits
5^8 And he brought me into the inner court at on this side, and five cubits on that side; and
the south gate : and he measured the gate ac- the breadth of the gate three cubits on this side,
cordins to the former measures. and three cubits on that side.
29 The little chamber thereof, and the front 49 And the length of the porch was twenty
tliereof, and the porch thereof with the same cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits ; and there
measures: and the windows thereof, and the were eight steps to go up to it. And there were
porch thereof round about it was fifty cubits in pillars in the fronts; one on this side, and another
lene^lh, and five and twenty cubits in oreadth. on that side.
30 And the porch round about was five and CHAP. XLL
twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad.
31 And the porch thereof to the outward court,
A description of ike temple, and of all the parts
and the palm-trees thereof in the front and :
of it.
there were eight steps to go up to it.
32 And he brought me in into the inner court
AND he brought me into the temple :* and he
measured the fronts six cubits broad on this
by the way of the east and he measured the
side, and six cubits on that side, the breadth of
gale accordinfic to the former measures. the tabernacle.
33 The Utile chamber thereof, and the front 2 And the breadth of the gate was ten cubits;
thereof, and the porch thereof as before: and the and the sides of the gate five cubits on this side,
winilowa thereof, and the porches thereof round and five cubits on that side and he measured

about it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty the length thereof forty cubits, and the breadth
cubits broad. twenty cubits.
34 And the porch thereof, that is, of the out- 3 Then going inward he measured the front of
ward court ; and the graven palm-trees in the the gate two cubits; and the gate six cubits;
front thereof on this side and on that side : and and the breadth of the srate seven cubits.
llie sows up thereof was by eight steps.
4 And he measured the length thereof twenty
35 And he brought me into the gate thatlook- cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits, before the
ed to the north and he measured according to
face of the temple: and he said to me: This is
the former measures. the holy of holies.
36 'I'iie little chamber thereof, and the front 5 And he measured the wall of the house sis
thereof, and the porch thereof, and the windows and the breadth o[ every s'lAe-charnher ioxir cwhlia
thereof round about it was fifty cubits long, and round about the house on every side.
five and twenty cubits broad. 6 And the side-chambers one by another.!
37 And ihe'porch thereof looked to the out- were twice thirty-three and they bore outwards,

ward court : and the graving of palm-trees in the that they might enter in through the wall of the
front thereof was on this side and on that side : house in the sides round about, to hold in, and
and the going up to it was by eight steps. not to touch the wall of the temple.
33 And at every chamber was a door in the 7 And there was abroad passage round about,
fore-fronts of the' gates : there they washed the
* The temple. This plan of a temple, which
39 And in the porch of the gate were two ta was here shewn to the prophet in a vision, partly
bles on this side, and two tables on that side had relation to the material temple, which was
that the holocaust, and the sin-offGring, and the to be rebuilt; and partly, in a mysticiil
trespass-offerin?, might be slain thereon. the spiritual temple of t^od, thechurch of Christ.
40 And on the outward =ide, which goeth up \ One hy another, or one over another : liler
10 the entry of the gate that looketh toward the ally, side to side, or side upon side.
4 B 585

going up by winding stairs and it led into the
; 24 And in the two doors on both sides were
upper loft of the temple all round therefore was two little doors, which were folded within sach

the temple broader in the higher parts and so other for there were two wickets on both sidea
: :

from the lower parts they went to the higher by of the doors.
the midst. 25 And tl.ere were cherubims also wrought
8 And I saw in the house the height round a in the doors of the temple, and the figures of
DO"*,, the foundations of the side-chambers which palm-trees, like as were made on the walls for :

were the measure of a reed the space of six cubits: which cause also tlie planks were thicker in tlie
9 And the thickness of the wall for tho side front of the porch witliout.
chamber witliout, which was five cubits and the
: 26 Upon which were the oblique windows
inner house was within the side-chambers of the and the representation of palm-trees on this
house.* side and on that side in the sides of the porch
10 And between the chambers was the breadth according to the sides of tlie house, and the
of twenty cubits round about the house on every breadth of the walls.
11 And the door of the side-chambers was
turned towards the place of prayer : one door A description of the courts, chambers, and other
was toward the north, and another door was places belonging to the temple.
"toward the south : and the breadth of the place
for prayer, iva~s five cubits round about.
AND he brought me
court by way the
forth into the outward
that leadeth to the north
12 And the building that was separate, and and he brought me into the chamber that was
turned to the way that looked toward the sea, over-against the separate building, and over-
• was seventy cubits broad: and the wall of the against the house toward the north.
building, five cubits thick round about, and 2 In the face of the north door was the length of
ninety cubits long. a hundred cubits ; and the breadth of fifty cubits.
13 And he measured the length of the house, 3 Over-against the twenty cubits of the inner
a hundred cubits; and the separate building, court, and over-against the pavement, of the
and the walls thereof, a hundred cubits in length. outward court that was paved with stone, where
14 And the breadth before the face of the there was a gallery joined to a triple gallery.
house, and of the separate place toward the 4 And before the chambers was a walk ten
east, a hundred cubits. cubits broad, looking to the inner parts of a
15 And he measured the length of the build- way of one cubit. And their doors were toward
ing over-against it, which was separated at the the north :

back of it; and the galleries on both sides a 5 Where were the store-chambers lower
hundred cubits; and the inner temple, and the above because they bore up the gallciles,

porches of the court. wliich appeared above out of them from the
Ifi Tlie thresholds, and the oblique windows, lower parts, and from the midst of the building.
and tlio galleries round about on three sides, 6 For they were of three stories, and had not
over-against the threshold of every one, and pillars, as the pillars of the courts: therefore did
floore(i with wood all round about : and the they appear above out of the lower places, and out
ground was up to the windows and the win-
of the middle places, fifty cubits from the ground.
dows were shut over the docrrs. 7 And the outward wall that went about by
17 And even to the inner house, and without the chambers, which were toward the outward
all the wall round about within and without, by court on the forepart of the chambers, was fifty
measure. cubits long.
18 And there were cherubims and palm-trees 8 For the length of the chambers of the out-
wrought, so that a palm-tree was between a ward court was fifty cubits : and the length
cherub and a cherub and every cherub had
; before the face of the temple, a hundred cubits.
two faces. 9 And there was under these chambers, an
19 The face of a man was toward the palm- entrance from the east, for them that went into
tree on one side, and the face of a lion was tliem out of the outward court.
toward the palm-tree on the other side set forth
; 10 In the breadth of the outward wall of the
through all the house round about. court that was toward the east, over-against the
20 From the ^ground even to the upper parts separate building, and there were chambers be-
of the gate, were cherubims and palm-trees fore the building.
wrnuirht in the wall of the temple. 11 And the way before them was like the
21 The threshold was foar-square,t and the chambers which were toward the north : they
face of the sanctuary, sight to sight. were as long as they, and as broad as they : and
22 The altar of wood was three cubits high ; all the going into them, and their fashions, and
and the length thereof was two cubits : and the their doors were alike.
corners thereof, and the length thereof, and the 12 According to the doors of the chambers
walls thereof, were of wood. And he said to that were toward the south; there was a door in
me : This is the table before the Lord. the head of the way, which way was before the
23 And there were two doors in the temple, porch, separated toward the east as one entereth in.
and in the sanctuary. 13 And he said to me; The chambers of the
north, and the chambers of the south, which are
* And the inner house was within the side-cham- before the separate building ; they are holy
hers of the house. Because these side-chambers chambers, in which the priests shall eat, that ap-
were in the very walls of the temple all round. proach to the Lord into the holy of holies : there
Or, It may be rendered(more aarreealjly to the He- shall they lay the most holy things, and the offer-
!)rew) so as to sisjnify that the thickness of the ing for sin, and for trespass : for it is a holy place.
wall for the side-chambers within, was the same 14 And when the priests shall have entered in,
as that of the wall without; that is, equally five they shall not go out of the holy places into the
cubits. outward court : but there they shall lay their
t The threshold was four-square. That is, vestments, wherein they minister ; for they are
the gate of the temple was fonr-square; and so holy : and they shall put on other garments ; and
placed as to answer the gate of the sanctuary they shall go forth to the people.
%'ithin. 15 Now when he had made an end of nieasu-
imsj the inner house, he brought me out by the 13 And these are the measures of the altar by
way of the gate that looked towards the east : and the truest cubit, which is a cubit and a hand-
he measured it on every side round about. breadth : the bottom thereof was a cubit, and the
16 And he measured toward the east with the breadth a cubit: and the border thereof unto its
measuring reed, five hundred reeds with the edge, and round about, one hand-breadth : and
measuring reed round about. this was the trench of the altar.
17 And he measured toward the north five 14 And from the bottom of the ground to the
hundred reeds with the measuring reed round lowest brim two cubits, and the breadth of one
about. cubit : and from the lesser brim to the greater
18 And toward the south he measured five brim four cubits, and the breadth of one cubit.
hundred reeds with the measuring reed round 15 And the Ariel* itself was four cubits : and
about. from the Ariel upward were four horns.
19 And toward the west he measured five hun- 16 And the Ariel was twelve cubits long, and
dred reeds, with the measuring reed. twelve cubits broad, four-square with equal
QO By the four winds he measured the wall sides.
thereof on every side roundabout, five hundred 17 And the brim was fourteen cubits long, and
cubits loug and five hundred cubits broad, ma- fourteen cubits broad in the fourcorners thereof:
king a separation between the sanctuary and the and the crown round about it was half a cubit,
place of the people. and the bottom of it one cubit round about : and
its steps turned toward the east.
CHAP. XLHI. 18 And he said to me : Son of man, thus saitr
The gJory of God returns to the new temple. The the Lord God : these are the ceremonies of the
Israelites shall no more profane God's name altar, in what day soever it shall be made: that
by idolatry : the prophet is commanded to holocausts may be offered upon it, and blood
shew them, the dimensions, and form of the tem- poured out.
ple, and of the altar, with the sacrifices to be 19 And thou shalt give to the priests, and
offered thereon. the Levites, that are of" the race of Sadoc, who
A ND he brought me to the gate that looked approach to me, saith the Lord God, to offer to
-l\. towards the east. me a calf of the herd for sin.
2 And behold, thfi glory of the God of Israel 20 And thou shalt take of his blood, and shalt
came in by tlie way of the east : and his voice put it upon the four horns thereof, and upon the
was like the noise ef many waters : and die earth four corners of the brim, and upon the crown
shone with his majesty. round about : and thou shalt cleanse, and expi-
3 And I saw the vision according to the ap ate it.

pearance which I had seen when he came to de- 21 And

thou shalt take the calf, that is offered
stroy the city : and the appearance was accord- and thou shalt burn him in a separate
for sin :

in? to the vision which I had seen by the river place of the house without the sanctuary.
Chobar and I fell upon\iiy face.
: 22 And in the second day thou shalt offer a
4 And the majesty of the Lord went into the he-goat without blemish for sin : and they shall
temjtle by the way of the gate that looked to the expiate the altar, as they expiated it with the calf.
east. 23 And when thou shalt have made an end of
5 And the spirit lifted me up, and brought me the expiation thereof, thou shalt offer a calf of
into the inner court and behold, the house was the herd without blemish, and a ram of the flock

filled with the glory of the Lord. without blemith.

6 And I heard one speaking to me out of the 24 And thou shalt offer them in the sight of
house and the man that stood by me,
: the Lord and the priests shall put salt upon

7 Said to me Son of man, the place of my them, and shall offer them a holocaust to the

throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, Lord.

where I dwell in the midst of the children of Is- 25 Seven days shalt thou offer a he-goat for
rael for ever and the house of Israel shall no sin daily: they shall offer also a calf of the herd,

more profane my holy name, they and their kings and a ram of the flock without blemish.
by iheir fornications, and by the carcasses of 26 Seven days shall they expiate the nltnr, and
their kings, and by the high places. shall cleanse it and they siiall consecrate it.t

8 They who have set their threshold by my 27 And the days being expired, on the eighth
tlire^hold, and their posts by my posts and there day and thence forward, the priests shall offer

wns hut^ wall between me and them and they your holocausts upon the- altar, and the peace

profaned my holy name by the abominations offerings : and I will be pacified towards you,
whicli they committed: for which reason I con- saith the Lord God.
sumed them in my wrath. CHAP. XLIV.
9 Now thorefore let them put away their forni-
77/e east gnie of the sanctuary shall be always
cations, and ttie carcasses of their kings far from
shut. The tmcircumcised shall not enter into
me and I will dwell iu the midst of them for

the sanctuary ; nor the Levites that have served

idols : bnt the sons of Sadoc shall do the priestly
If) But thou, son of man, shew to the house of
functions, who stood firm in the worst of times.
Israel the temple ; and let them be ashamed of
their iniquities; and let them measure the \ND he brought me back to the way of the
bnildingf, gate of the outward sanctuary, which look-
11 And be asliamed of all that they have done. ed towards the east :
and it was shut.
Shew them the form of the house, and of the 2 And the Lord said to me : This gate shall be
fashion (hereof, the goines out, and the comings * TTie Ariel. That is, the altar itself, or ra-
in, and the whole pian thereof, and all its ordi- ther the highest part of it, upon which the bumt-
nances, and all its order, and all its laws : ,and 'offerings were laid. In the Heljrew it is Harel,
thou shalt write in their sight ; tkat they may that is, the mountain of God: but in the follow-
keep the whole form thereof, and its ordinances, ing verse Haariel, tliMt i«, the linn of God : a fi-
and do them. gure, from its consuminsr, and as it were devour
\1 This is the law of the house upon the top ing the sacrifices, as a lion devours its prey.
of the mountain : All its border round about is t Consecrate it. Literally, fill its hand, that
most holy • this then is the law of the house. is. dedicate and apply it to holy service.
: :

shut it shall not be opened; and no man shall
: up slore-chamber of the sanctuary : and
in the
pass through it; because the Lord the God of themselves with other garments:
tliey shall clothe
Israel halh entered in by it and if shall be shut
: and they shall not sanctify the people with their
3 For the prince. The prince himself shall vestments.*
sit in it, to eat bread before the Lord he shall
: 20 Neither shall they shave their heads, nor
enter in by the way of the porch of the gate, and wear long hair but they shall only poll their

shall go out by the same way. heads. .

4 And he brought me by the way of the north 21 And no priest shall drink wine when he is
gale in the sight of the house : and I saw, and to go into the inner court.
behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of 22 Neither shall they take to wife a widow,
the Lord : and I fell on my face. nor one that is divorced but they shall take vir-

5 And the Lord said to me : Son of man, at- gins of the seed of the house of Israel: but they
tend with thy heart, and behold with thy eyes, may take a widow also, that is the widow of a
and hear with thy ears all that I say to thee con- priest.
cerning all the ceremonies of the house of the 23 And they shall teach my people the dif-
Lord, and concerning all the laws thereof: and ference between holy and profane, and shew them
mark well the ways of the temple, with all the how to discern between clean and unclean.
goings out of the sanctuary. 24 And when there shall be a controversy, they
6 And thou shalt say to the house of Israel shall stand in my judgments, and shall judge :
that provoketh me ; Thus saith the Lord God : they shall keep my laws, and my ordinances in
Let all your wicked doings suffice you, O
house all my solemnities, and sanctify my sabbaths.
of Israel 25 And they shall come near no dead person,
7 In that you have brought in strangers un- lest they be defiled ; only their father, and mother,
circumeised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, and son and daughter, and brother and sister, that
to be in my sanctuary, and to defile my house hath not had not another husband ; for whom

and you offer my bread, the fat, and the blood they may become unclean.
and you have broken my covenant by all your 26 And after one is cleansed, they shall reckon
wicked doings. unto him seven days.
8 And you have not kept the ordinances of 27 And in the day that he goeth into the sane
my sanctuary: but you have set keepers of my tuary to the inner court, to minister unto me in
charge in my sanctuary for yourselves. the sanctuary, he shall offer for his sin, saitb
9 Thus saith the Lord God : No stranger un the Lord God.
circumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, 28 And they shall have no inheritance I am :

shall enter into my sanctuary, no stranger that their inheritance : neither shall you give them any
is in the midst of the children of Israel. possession in Israel ; for I am tlieir possession.
10 Moreover the Levites that went away far 29 They shall eat the victim both for sin and
from me, when the children of Israel went astray, for trespass : and every vowed thing in Israel
and have wandered from me after their idols, shall be theirs.
and have borne their iniquity: the first-fruits of all the first-born and
30 And
11 They shall be oflioers in my sanctuary, and the libations of all things that are offered,
door keepers of the gates of the house, and min shall be the priests' : and you shall give flie first-
isters to the house : they shall slay the holo- fruits of your meats to the priest, that he may re
causts, and victims of the people : and they shall turn a blessing upon thy house.
stand in their sight, to minister to them. 31 The priests shall not eat of any thing that
12 Because they ministered to them before is dead of itself, or caught by a beast, whether it
their idols, and were a stumbling-block of ini- be fowl or cattle.
quity to the house of Israel ; therefore have I lift-
ed up my hand against them, saith the Lord! CHAP. XLV.
God : and they shall bear their iniquity : Portions of land for the sanctuary, for the city,
13 And they shall not come near to me, to do and for iiie prince. Ordinances for the prince.
the oflTice of priest to me: neither shall they
come near to any of my holy things that are
the holy of holies : but they shall bear their
by AND
when you shall begin to divide the land
by lot, separate ye first-fruits to the Lord, a
shame, and their wickednesses which they have portion of the land to he holy in length twenty-
committed. five thousand,! and in breadth ten thousand it :

13 And I will make them door-keepers of the shall be holy in all the borders thereof round
house, for all the service thereof, and for all that about.
shall be done therein. 2 shall be for the sanctuary on every
And there
15 But the priests, and Levites, the sons of hundred by five hundred, four square
side five
Sadoc, who kept the ceremonies of my sanctuary, round about: and fifty cubits for the suburbs
when the children of Israel went astray from thereof round about.
me, they shall come near to me, to minister to 3 And with this measure thou shalt measure
me and they shall stand before me, to offer me
the length of five and twenty thousand, and the
the fat, and the blood, saith the Lord God. breadth often thousand: and in it shall be the
16 Thev shall enter into my sanctuary, and temple, and the holy of holies.
Uiey shall' come near to my table to administer 4 The holy portion of the land shall be for the
unto me, and to keep my ceremonies. priests the ministers of the sanctuary, who come
17 And when they shall enter in at the gates near to the ministry of the Lord : and it shall bo
of the inner court, they shall be clothed with lin- a place for their houses, and for the holy place
en garments : neither shall any woolen come up- of the sanctuary.
on them, when they minister in the gates of the 5 And five and twenty thousand of length, and
inner court and within. ten thousand of breadth shall be for the Levites,
18 They shall have linen mitres on their heads,
* Shall not sanctify the people u-ith their vest-
and hnen breeches on their loins : and they shall
not be girded with any thing that causetk sweat. ments. By exposing them to the danger of touch-
19 And when they shall go forth to the out- ing the sacred vestments, which,
none were to
p ward court to the people, they shall put off their touch but they that were sanctified.
Twenty-jive thousand, viz. Reeds or cubita.

garments wherein they ministered, and lay them t

: ;


that niinistei in the liouse : they shall possess 23 And in the solemnity of the seven days h«
twenty store-chambers. shall offer for a holocaust to the Lord, sever
(5 And you shall appoint the possession of the calves, and seven rams v/ithout blemish daily
city live thousiind broad, and five and twenty for seven days and for sin a he-goat daily.

thousand long, according to tl>e separation of the 24 And he shall oft'er the sacrifice of an ephi
sanctuary, for the whole house of Israel. for every calf; and an eplii for every ram s,nd •

7 For the prince also on the one side and on a hin of oil for every eplii.
the other side, according to the separation of the 25 In the seventh month, in the fifteenth day
janctuary, and according to the possession of the of the month, in the solemn feast, he shall do
3ity, over against the separation of the sanctuary, the like for the seven days; as well in regard to
and over against tiie possession of the city; from the sin offering, as to the holocaust, and the
flie side of tlie sea even to the sea, and from the Jsacrifice, and the oil.
sideoftlie east even to the east. And the length CHAP. XLVI,
according to every part from the west border to Other ordinances for ike prince and for the
the cast border. sacrifices.
8 He shall have a portion of the land in Is-
rael : and the princes shall no more rob my peo
THUS saith
inner court
Lord God The gate of the
that looketh toward the east,

pie: but they shall give the land to the house shall be shut the six days on which work is
of Israel according to their tribes. done but on the sabbath-day it shall be opened

9 Tlius saith tlie Lord God : Let it suffice yea and on the day of the new moon it shall be
you, O princes of Israel cease from iniquity and
robberies, and execute judgment and justice: 2 And the prince shall enter by the way of
separate your confines from my people, saith the porch of the gate from without; and he shall
the Lord God. stand at the threshold of the gate and the :

10 You shall have just balances, and a just priest shall offer his holocaust, and his peace
ephi, and a just bate. offerings and he shall adore upon the threshold

11 The ephi and the bate* shall be equal, and of the gate, and shall go out but the gate shall

of one measure : that the bate may contain tlie not be shut till the evening.
tenth part of a core, and the ephi the tenth part 3 And the people of the land shall adore at
of a core : their weight shall be equal according the door of that gate before the Lord on the
to tlie measure of a core. sabbaths, and on the new moons.
12 And the sickle hath twenty obols. Now 4 And the holocaust that the prince shall
twenty sickles, and five and twenty sickles, and offer to the Lord on the sabbath-day, shall be
fifteen sickles make a mna. six lambs without blemish, and a ram without
13 And these are the first-fruits, which you blemish
Bhall take the sixth part of an ephi of a core
: 5 And the sacrifice of an ephi for a ram; but
of wheat, and the sixth part of an ephi of a for the lambs what sacrifice his hand shall
core of barley. allow ; and a hin of oil for every ephi.
14 The measure of oil also, a bate of oil is the 6 And on the day of the new moon a calf of
tenth part of a core and ten bates make a core
: :
the herd without blemish and the six lambs,

for ten bates fill a core. and the rams shall be without blemish.
15 And one ram out of a flock of two hun- 7 And he shall offer in sacrifice an ephi for a
dred, of those that Israel feedeth for sacrifice, calf, an ephi also for a ram ; but for the lambs
and for holocausts, and for peace-offerings, to as his hand shall find; and a hin of oil for every
make atonement for them, saith the Lord God. ephi.
16 All the people of the land shall be bound 8 And when the prince is to go in, let him go
to these first-fruits for the prince in Israel. in by the way of the porch of the gate; and let
17 And the prince shall give the holocaust, him go out the same way.
and the sacrifice, and the libations on the feasts, 9 But when the people of the land shall go
and on the new moons, and on the sabbaths, and in before the Lord in the solemn feasts, he that
on all the solemnities of the house of Israel: he goeth in by the north gate to adore, shall go out
shall offer the sacrifice for sin, and the holo- by the way of the south gate and he that goeth

caust, and the peace-offerings to mftke expiation in by the way of the south gate, shall go out by
for the house of Israel. the way of the north gate he shall not return

18 Thus saith the Lord God: In the first by the way of the gate whereby he came in;
mont-ii, the first of the month, thou shalt take a but shall go out at that over against it.
calf of the herd without blemish : and thou 10 And the prince in the midst of them, shall
shalt expiate the sanctuary. '
go in when they go in, and go out when they
19 And the priest shall take of the blood of the go out.
sin-offering; and he shall put it on the posts of 11 And in the fairs, and in the solemnities,
the house, and on the four comers of the brim there shall be the sacrifice of an ephi to a calf,
of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the and an ephi to a ram ; and to the Iambs, the
inner court. sacrifice shall be as his hand shall find and :

20 And so shalt thou do in the seventh day of a hin of oil to every ephi.
the month, for every one that hath been ignorant, 12 But when the prince shall offer a volun-
and hatli been deceived by error: and thou shalt tary holocaust, or voluntary peace-offerings to
make expiation for the house. the Lord, the gate that looketh towards the east
21 In the first month, thq fourteenth day of shall be opened to him and he shall ofler his

the month, you shall observe the solemnity of holocaust and his jieace-offerings, as it is wont
tlic pasch: seven days unleavened bread shall to be done on the sabbath-day and he shall go :

be eaten. out : and the gates shall be shut after he is gone

22 And the prince on that day shall offer for forth.
himself, and for all the people of the land, a 13 And he shall offer every day a holocaust
calf for sin. to the I^ord, a lamb of the same year without
blemish he shall offer italways in tlie morning.

* The ephi and the bate. These measures!! 14 And lie shall offer the sacrifice for it morn-
were of equal capacity, but the hate served for ing by uiorning, the sixth part of an ephi and :

liquids, and the ephi for dry things. the third part of a hin of oil to be mingled with
: : :

the fine flour : a sacrifice to tlie Lord bj' ortli- jbrought me through the water up to the loins.
nance, continual and everlasting. And he measured a thousand: and it was a tor-
15 He shall offer the lamb, and the sacrifice, rent, which I could not pass over : for the waters
and the oil morning by morning; an everlasting were risen so as to make a deep torrent, which
holocaust. could not be passed over.
16 Thus saith the I-ord God: If the prince 6 A nd he said to ine : Surely thou hast seen,
give a gift to any of his sons, the inheritance of O son of man. And he. brought me out: and he
it shall go to his children : they shall possess it caused me to turn to the hank of the torrent.
by inheritance. 7 And when I had turned myself, behold, on
17 But if he give a legacy out of his inherit the bank of the torrent were very many trees on
ance to one of his servants, it shall be his until both sides.
the year of release and it shall return to the
: 8 And he said to me : These waters that issue
prince : but his inheritance shall go to his sons forth toward the hillocks of sand to the east, and
18 And the prince shall not take of the peo go down to the plains of the desert, shall go iuto
pie's inheritance by violence, nor of their pos- the sea, and shall go out : and the waters sliail
session : but out of his own possession he shall be healed. ^
give an inheritance to his sons that my people
: 9 And every living creature that creepeth
be not dispersed every man from his possession whithersoever the torrent shall come, shall live:
19 And he brought me in by the entry, that and there shall be fishes in abundance after
was at the «ide o''the f^.te, ip*o the ?ham^ers of thesp waters shall come thither : and they shall
the sanctuary thai were for tne priests, which be healed; and all tilings shall live to which the
looked toward the north. And there was a place torrent shall come.
bending to the west. 10 And the fishers shall stand over these wa-
20 And he said to me This is the place where
: ters ; from Engaddi even to Engallim there
the priests shall boil the sin-offering, and the shall be drying of nets : there shall be many sorts
trespass-offering ; where they shall dress the of the fishes thereof, as the fishes of the great
sacrifice, that they may not bring it out into the sea, a very great multitude.
outward court, and the people be sanctified. 11 But on the shore thereof, and in the fenny
21 And he brought me into the outward court places, they shall not be healed ; because they
and he led me about by the four comers of the shall be turned into salt-pits.
court and behold, there was a little court in the
: 12 And by the torrent on the banks thereof on
corner of the court: to every corner of the court both sides shall grow all trees that bear fruit
there was a little court. their leaf shall not fall off, and their fruit shall
22 In the four corners of the court were little not fail every month shall they bring forth first-

courts disposed, forty cubits long, and thirty fruits because the waters thereof shall issue

broad all the four were of one measure.

: out of the sanctuary and the fruits thereof

23 And there was a wall round about com- shall be for food, and the leaves thereof for me-
passing the four little courts and there were
: dicine.
kitchens built under the rows round about. 13 Thussaith the Lord God : This is the bor-
24 And he said to me : This is the house of der, by which you shall possess the land accor-
the kitchens wherein the ministers of the house ding to the twelve tribes of Israel : for Joseph
of the Lord shall boil the victims of the people. hath a double portion.
14 And you shall possess it, every man in like
CHAP. XLVIL manner as his brother : concerning which I lif'l-
T'he vision of the holy waters issuing out from un- ed up my hand to give it to your fathers : and
der the temple : the borders of the land to be di- this land shall fall unto you for a possession.
vided among the twelve tribes, 15 And this is the border of the land : toward
A ND he brought me a^ain to the gate of the the north side, from the great sea by the way of
l\- house : And behold, waters* issued out Hethalon, as men go to Sedada.
from under the threshold of the house toward 16 Emath, Berotha, Sabarini, which is between
the east : for the fore-front of the house looked the border of Damascus and the border of Emath,
toward the east : but the waters came down to the house of Tichon, which is by the border of
the right side of the temple, to tlie south part of Auran.
the altar. 17 And the border from the sea even to the
2 And he. led me out by the way of the north court of Enon, shall be the border of Damascus,
gate : and he caused me to turn to the way with- and from the north to the north : the border of
out the outward gate, to the way that looked to- Emath, this is the north side.
ward the east : and behold, there ran out waters 18 And the east side is from the midst of Au-
on the right side. ran, and from the midst of Damascus, and from
3 And when the man that had the line in his the midst of Galaad, and from the midst of the
hand went out towards the east, he measured a land of Israel, Jordan making the bound to the
thousand cubits : and he brought me tlirough the east sea : and thus you shall measure the east side.
water up to the ancles. 19 And the south side southward is from Tha
4 And again he measured a thousand : and he mar even to the waters of contradiction of Ca-
brought me through the water up to the knees des ; and the torrent even to the great sea : and
5 And he measured a thousand : and he this is the south side southward.
20 And the side toward the sea, is the great
* Waters. These waters are not to be under sea from the borders straight on, till thou come
stood literally (for there were none such that to Emath : this is the side of the sea.
flowed from the temple ;) but mystically, of the 21 And you shall divide this land unto yo Ji by
baptism of Christ, and of his doctrine and his the tribes of Israel
grace the trees that grow on the banks are
: 22 And you shall divide it by lot for an inheri*
christian virtues : the fishes are christians, that tance to you, and to the strangers that shall
spiriuially live in and by these holy waters : the come over to you, that shall beget children-
fishermen are the apostles, and apostolic preach among you : and they shall be unto you as men
ers the fenny places, where there is no health, of the same country bom among the children of

are sncii as by being out of the church are sepa Israel : they shall divide the possession 'vitli
rat«*d from these waters of life. you in the rnidst of the tribes of Israel.
: :

23 Ami in wlint tribe soever tlio stranger shall' 17 And the suburbs of tho city shall bo to the
tie,there shall yon give him possession, suith the iiortli two hundred and fifty, and lo the south
the Lord (lod. two hundred and fifty, and to the east two iiuu-
dred and liftv and to the sea two hundred and
The portions of the twelve tribes, of the sane- ia And the residue in length by the first-frtiit-j
iunri/, of (he cittj, and of the prince. The di- of the sanctuary, ten thousand toward iho east,
mensions and i^ates cfthe cilij. and ten thousand toward the west, shall be as
AND these arc the names of the tribes from the first-fruits of the sanctuary: and the fruits
the borders of the north, by the way of thereof shall be for bread to them that serve the
Hethalon, as i!icy go to Emath, the eourt of city.
Enan the borders of Damascus northward, by 19 And they that serve the city shall serve i'.
the way of Emath. And from the east side there- out of all the tribes of Israel,
of to the sea sliall be one portion for Dan. 20 All the first-fruits of five and twentj' thou
2 And by tiic border of Dan, from the east sand, by five twenty thousand four square, shall
ride even to the side of the sea, one portion for be set apart for the first-fruits of the sanctuary
Ascr and for the possession of the city.
3 And by the border of Aser, from the east 21 And the residue shall be for the prince oil
side even to the side of the sea, one portion for every side of the first-fruits of the sanctuary, and
Nophtali. of th<» possf'ssion -^f the -zity rver against 'he ?\\^-.
4 Ai;-1 by "he border of IVepthali, froni the and twenty thousand of the first-fruits unto the
east side even to the side of the sea, one portion east border : toward the sea also over-against the
for Manasses. five and twenty thousand, unto the border of the
And by the border of Manasses, from the
.") sea, shall likewise be the portion of the prince
east side even to the side of the sea, one portion and the first-fruits of the sanctuary, and the sanc-
for Ephraim. tuary of tlie temple shall be in the midst there
C And by the border of Ephraim, from the east of.
Fide even to the side of the sea, one portion for 22 And from the possession of the Levites, and
Ruben. from the possession of the city ichich are in the
7 And by the border of Ruben, from the east midst of the prince's portions what shall be to

«ideeven to the side of the sea, one portion for the border of Juda, and to the border of Benja-
Juda. min, shall also belong to the prince.
8 And by the border of Juda, from the east 23 And for the rest of the tribes from the east

fide even to the side of the sea, shall be the first- side to the west side, one portion for Benjamin.
fruits wliich you shall set apart, five and twenty 24 And over-against the border of Benjamin,
thousand in breadth, and in length, as every one from the east side to the west side, one portion
of the portions from the east side to the side of for Simeon.
the sea and the sanctuary shall be in the midst
: 2.5And by the border of Simeon, from the east
thereof. side to the west side, one portion for Issachar.
9 The first-fruits which 3'ou shall sot apart 26 And by the border of Issachar, from the east
for the Lord, shall be the lengtn of five and twen- side to the west side, one portion for Zabulon.
ty thousand, and the breadth often thousand. 27 And by the border of Zabulon, from the east
10 And these shall be the first-fruits of the side to the side of the sea, one portion for Gad.
sanctuary for the priests toward the north five
28 And by the border of Gad, the south side
and twcnt)' thousand in length, and toward the southward: and the border shall be from Tha-
sea ten thousand in breadth, and toward the east i mar, even to the water of contradiction of Cades,
also ten thousand in breadtli, and toward the I
the inheritance over-against the great sea.
south five and twenty thousand in length and : 29 This is the land which you shall divide by
the sanctuary of the Lord shall be the midst m lot to the tribes of Israel and these are the por-

thereof. tions of them, saith the Lord God.

11 The sanctuary shall be for the priests of 30 And these are the goings out of the city : on
the sons of Sadoc, who kept my ceremonies, and the north side thou shalt measure four thousand
went not astray when the children of Israel went and five hundred.
astray, as the Levites also went astray. 31 And
the gates of the city according to the
12 And for them shall be the first-fruits of the names of the tribes of Israel ; three gates on the
first-frtiits of the land holy of holies, by the bor- north side, the gate of Ruben one, the gate of
der of the Levites. Juda one, the gate Levi one.
13 And the Levites in like manner shallhave 32 And at the east side, four thousand and
by the borders of the priests five and twenty thou- five hundred; and three gates, the gate of Jo-
sand in length, and ten thousand in breadth. All seph one, the gate of Benjamin one, the gate of
the length shnll be five and twenty thousand, and Dan one.
the breadth ten thousand. 33 And at the south side, thou shnlt measure
14 And they shall not sell thereof nor ex- four thousand and five hundred ; and three gales,
change neither shall the first-fruits of the land
: the gate of Simeon one, the gate of Issachar one,
be alienated : because they are sanctified to tlie the gate of Zabulon one.
Lord. 34 And at the west side, four thousand and five
15 But the five thonsand that remain in the hundred ; and their three gates, the gate of Gad
breadth over-against the five and twenty thou one, the gate of Aser one, the gate of Nepthali
sand, shall be a profane place for the city for one.
dwelling, and for suburbs : and the city shall be 3.5 Its circumference was ciehteen thousand,
in the midst tnereof. and the name of the city from that day, The
16 And these are the measures therof on the : Lord is there.*
north side four thousand and five hundred ; and
on the south side four thousand and five hun- * The Lord is there. This name is here given
dred ; and on the east side four thousand and to the city, that is, church of Christ: be-
to the
five hundred ; and on the west side four thou- cause the Lord is always with her till the end
wind and five hundred. of the world. St. Matthew xxviii. 20.
; .


Daniel, whose name signifies the judgment ofl Daniel : I fear my Lord the k'ng, who hath
God, was of the royal hlood of the kings ofJuA appointed you meat and drink ; who if he should
da ; and one ofthose that icerefirst of all carried see your faces leaner than those of the three
away into captivity. He was so renowned for youths your equals, you shall endanger my
wisdom and knowledge, thai it became a pro- head to the king.
verb among the Babylonians, as wise as Daniel, 11 And Daniel said to Malisar, whom the
(Ezech. xxviii. 3.) A>id his holiness was so prince of the eunuchs had appointed over Dan-
great from his very childhood, that at the time iel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias :
when he was yet but ayonng man, he is joined 12 Try, I beseech thee, thy servants for ten
by the Spirit o/"God with Noe andSoh, as three days : and let pulset be given us to eat, and
persons most eminent for virtue and sanctity, and water to drink:
Ezech. xiv. He is not commonly numbered by 13 And look upon our faces, and the faces of
the Hebrews among tJie prophets : because he the children that eat of the king's meat : and as
lived at court, and in high station in the world : thou shalt see, deal with thy servants.
but if we consider his many clear predictions 14 And when he had heard these words, he
of things to come, we shall find that no one bet tried them for ten days.
ter deserves the name arid title of a prophet 15 And after ten days their faces appeared
which also has been given him by the Son of fairer and fatter than all the children that ate of
God himself, Matt, xxviv. Mark xiii, Luke xxi. the king's meat.
16 So Malasar took their portions, and the
CHAP. I. wine that they should drink : and he gave them
Daniel and his companions are taken into the
17 And to these children God gave knowledge,
palace of the king of Babylon : they abstain
and understanding in every book, and wisdom :
from his meat and wine, and succeed better loith
but to Daniel the understanding also of all vi-
pulse and water. Their excellence in wisdom.
sions and dreams.
the third year of the reign of Joakim king
IN 18 And when the days were ended, after
of Juda, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon which the king had ordered that they should be
came to Jerusalem, and besieged it: brought in, the prince of the eunuchs brought
2 And the Lord delivered into his hands Joa- them in before Nabuchodonosor.
kim the king of Juda, and part of the vessels of 19 And when the king had spoken to them,
the house of God : and he carried them away there were not found among them all such as
into the land of Sennaar, to the house of his
Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias : and they
god:* and the vessels he brought into the trea- stood in the king's presence.
sure-house of his god. 20 And in all matters of wisdom and under-
3 And the king spoke to Asphenez the mas- standing, that the king inquired of them, he
ter of the eunuchs, that he should bring in some
found them ten times better than all the diviners,
of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and wise men, that were in all his kingdom.
and of the princes, 21 And Daniel continued even to the first
4 Children in whom there was no blemish,
year of king Cyrus.
well favoured, and skilled in all wisdom, acute in CHAP. n.
knowledge, and instructed in science, and such Daniel, by divine revelation, declares the dream
us might stand in the king's palace ; that he
of Nabuchodonosor, and the interpretation of
might teach them the learning, and the tongue it. He is highly honoured by the king.
of the Chaldeans. the second year of the reign of Nabucho-
5 And the king appointed them a daily pro- IN donosor, Nabuchodonosor had a dream and
vision, of his own meat, and of the wine of liis spirit was terrified ; and his dream went out
which he drank himself, that being nourished of his mind.
three years, afterwards they might stand before 2 Then the king commanded to call together
the king. the diviners, and the wise men, and tlie magi-
6 Now there were among them of the children cians, and the Chaldeans,|| to declare to the
of Juda, Daniel, Ananias^ Misael, and Azarias. king his dreams :so they came and stood before
7 And the master of the eunuchs gave them the king.
names to Daniel, Baltassar ; to Ananias, Sid-
3 And the king said to them I saw a dream
: :

rach to Misael, Misach : and to Azarias, Ab- and being troubled in mind I know not what I

denago. saw.
8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he 4 And the Chaldeans answered the king ir
would not be defiledt with the king's table, nor Syriac O king, live for ever: tell to thy ser

with the wine which he drank : and he requested vants thy dream ; and we will declare the inter
the master of the eunuchs that he might not be pretation thereof.
defiled. 5 And the king answering said to the Chal
9 And God gave to Daniel grace and mercy deans : The thing is gone out of my mind
in .the sight of the prince of the eunuchs. unless you tell me the dream, and the meanin|^
10 And the prince of the eunuchs said to
X Pulse. That is, beans, and such like.
* His god, Bel or Belus, the principal idol
^ The second year, viz. from the death of hia
of the Clialdeana. father Nabopolassar, for he had reigned before
t Be defiled, &c. either by eating meat for- as partner with his father in the empire.
bidden by tlie law, or which had before been if
The Chaldeans. That is, tiie astrologers,
o6feied to idols. that pretended to divine by stars.
; : :;


thereof, you shall be put to death, and your of the children of the captivity of Juda, that wiB
houses shall be confiscated. resolve the question to the king.
6 But if you tell the dream, and tlie meaning 26 The king answered, and said to Daniel,
of it, you shall receive of me rewards, and gifts, whose name was Baltassar Thinkest thou in-

arid great honour: Uiercfore tell me the dream, deed that thou canst tell me the dream that I
and the interpretation tliereof. saw, a.nd the interpretation thereof?
7 'I'liey answered again, and said Let the : 27 And Daniel made answer before the king,
kin^ tell his servants the dream, and we will and said The secret that the king desircth to

declare the interpretation of it. know, none of the wise men, or the philosophers,
8 The king answered, and said : I know for or the diviners, or the soothsayers can declare
certain that you seek to gain time; since you to the king.
know that the thing is gone from me. a God in heaven that revealeth
28 But tliere is
9 If therefore you tell me not tlie dream, there hath shown to thee, O king Na-
mysteries, who
is one sentence concerning you, that you have buchodonosor, what is to come to pass in the
a]3o framed a lying interpretation, and full of de-
latter times. Thy dream, and the visions of tliy
ceit, to speak before me till the titne pass away.head upon thy bed, arc these :

T'?ll mc tlierefore the dream, that I may know 29 Thou, O king, didst begin to think in thy
that you also give a true interpretation thereof. bed, what should come to pass hereafter and :

lO'Tlienthe Chaldeans answered before the lie that revealeth mysteries shewed thee what
king, and said There is no man upon earth that
: shall come to pass.
can accomi)lish thy word, O king: neither doth 30 To me
also this secret is revealed, not by
any king, though great and mighty, ask such a any wisdom that I have more tlian all men alive;
thing of any diviner, or wise man, or Chaldean. but that the interpretation might be made mani-
11 For the thing that thou askest, O king is fest to the king, and thou mightest know the
difficult nor can any one be found that can shew
: thoughts of thy mind.
it before the king, except the gods, whose con- 31 Thou, O
king, sawest, and behold, there was
versation is not with men. as it were a great statue : this statue, which was
12 Upon hearing this, the king in fury, and in great and high, tall of stature, stood before thee
groat wrath, commanded that all the wise men and the look thereof was terrible.
of Babylon should be put to death. 32 The head of this statue was of fine gold
13 And the decree being gone forth, the wise but the breast and the arms of silver; and the
men were slain : and Daniel and his companions belly and the thighs of brass;
were sought lor, to be put to death. 33 And the legs of iron; the feet part of iron,
14 Then Daniel inquired concerning the law and part of clay.
and the sentence, of Arioch the general of the 34 Thus thou sawest, till a stone was cut out.
king's army, who was gone forth to kill the wise of a mountiain without hands : and it struck tne
men of Babylon. statue upon the feet thereof, that were of iron
15 And he asked him that had received the and of clay, and broke them in pieces.
orders of the king, why so cruel a sentence was 35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the
gone forth from the face of the king. And when silver, and the gold broken to pieces together, and
Arioch had told the matter to Daniel, became like the chaff of a summer's threshing-
16 Daniel went in and desired of the king, that ^oor : and they were carried away by the wind ;
he would give him time to resolve the question, and there was no place found for them : but the
and declare it to the king. stone that struck the statue became a great
17 And he went into fiis house, and told the mountain, and filled the whole earth.
matter to Ananias, and Misael, and Azarias his 36 This is the dream : we will also tell the
companions interpretation thereof before thee king. O
18 To the end that they should ask mercy at 37 Thou art a king of kings ; and the God of
the face of the God of heaven concerning this se- heaven hath given thee a kingdom, and strength,
cret; and that Daniel and his companions might and power, and glory
not perish with the rest of the wise men of Ba- 33 And all places wherein the children of
bylon. men, and the beasts of the field do dwell he :

19 Then was the mystery revealed toJDaniel hath also given the birds of the air into thy hand,
by a vision in the night: and Daniel blessed the and hath put all things under thy power: thou
God of lieaven, tlierefore art the head of gold.
20 And speaking he said: Blessed be tlie 39 And after thee shall rise up another king-
name of the Lord from eternity and for evermore : dom,* inferior to thee, of silver: and another
for wisdom and fortitude are his. third kingdom,t of brass, which shall rule over
21 And he changeth times and ages; taketh all the world.
away kingdoms, and establisheth them; giveth 40 And the fourth kingdom}; shall be as iron.
wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them tliat As iron breaketh into pieces, and subdueth all
that have understanding: things, so shall that break and destroy ali theje.-
22 He revealeth deep and hidden things, and 41 And whereas thou sawest the feet, and the
knoweth what is in darkness and light is with : toes part of potter's clay, and part of iron the

him. kingdom shall be divided, but yet it shall take

23 To thee, O God of our fathers, I give thanks, its origin from the iron, acccording as lliou saw-
and I praise tliee: because thnu hast given me !est the iron mixed with the miry clay.
wisdom and strength and now thou hast shown
: 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of
me what we desired of thee, for thou hast made
known to us the king's discourse.
* Another kingdom, viz. That of the Medes
24 After this Daniel went in to Arioch, to
whom the king had given orders to destroy the and Persians.
and he spoke thus to t Third kingdom, viz. That of Alexander
wise men of Babylon :

him: Destroy not the wise men of Babylon: the Great.

t The fourth kingdom,
3cc. Some understantf
bring me in before llie king, ajid I will tell the
solution to the knig. this of the successors of Alexander, the king»
others of the Roman em-
25 Tiien Arioch in haste brought in Daniel to of Syria and Eeypt ;
found a man and civil ware.
Ae him I
king, and said to have :
pire, its
4 C
: : : :

iron, and part of clay, the kingdom shall be 7 Upon this therefore, at the time when all
partly sti oug, and partly broken. the people heard the sound of the trumpet, \hr.
43 And whereas thou sawest the iron mixt flute, and the harp, of the sackbut, and the psal-
with nr.iry clay, tliey shall be mingled indeed tery, of the symphony, and of all kind of music;
together withthe seed of man; but they shall all the nations, tribes, and languages fell down
not stick fast one to another ; as iron cannot be and adored the golden statue wliich king Nabu-
mixed with clay. chodonosor had set up.
44 But in the days of those kingdoms the 8 And presently at that very time some Chal-
God of heaven will set up a kingdom* that shall deans came, and accused the Jews,
never be destroyed and his kingdom shall
: 9 And said to king Nabuchodonosor: O king,
not be delivered up to another people: and it live for ever
shall break in pioces, and shall consume all 10 Thou, O king, hast made a decree that ev-
these kingdoms and itself shall stand for ever. ery man that shall hear the sound of the trum-

45 According as thou sawest, that tlie stone pet, the flute, and the harp, of the sackbut, and
was cutout of the mountain without hands, and the psaltery, of the symphony, and of all kind of
brckc in pieces the clay and the iron, and the brass, music, shall prostrate himself and adore the gol-
and the silver, and the gold, the great God hath den statue
shewn the king what shall come to pass here- 11 And that if any man shall not fall down and
after and tlis dream is true, and the interpreta- adore, he should be cast into a furnace of burn-

tion thereof is faithful. ing fire.

46 Then king Nabuchodonosor fell on his 12 Now there are certain Jews whom thou hast
face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded set over the works of the province of Babylon,
tha,tthey should offer in sacrifice to him victims Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago these men, O:

and incense. king, have slighted thy decree they worship not

47 And the kin^ spoke to Daniel, and said : thy gods ; nor do they adore the golden statue
Verily, your God is the God of gods, and Lord which thou hast set up.
of kings, and a revealer of hidden things; seeing 13 Then Nabuchodonosor in fury, and in wrath,
thou couldst discover this secret. commanded that Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago
48 Tlien the kiiig advanced Daniel to a high should be brought ; who immediately were
station, and gave him many and great gifts brought before the king.
and he made him governor over all the provinces 14 And Nabuchodonosor the king spoke to
of Babylon, and chief of the magistrates over all them, and said Is it true, O Sidrach, Misach,

the wise men of Babylon. and Abdenago, that you do not worship my gods,
49 And Daniel requested of the king, and he nor adore the golden statue that I have set up 1
appointed Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago over 15 Now therefore if you he ready, at what hour
the works of the province of Babylon : but soever you shall hear the sound of the trumpet,
Daniel himself was in the king's ptilace. flute, harp, sackbut, and psaltery, and symphony,
and of all kind of music, prostrate yourselves,
and adore the statue which I have made but if :

Nabuckodonosar sets up a golden

statue ; which you do not adore, you shall be cast the same
he commands all to adore : the three children hour into the furnace of burning fire and who :

for refusing to do it are cast into the fiery is the God that shall deliver you out of my hand?
furnace ; but are not hurt by the flames. 16 Sidrach, 3Iisach, and Abdenago answered,
Their prayer, and canticle of praise. and said to king Nabuchodonosor : have no We
KING Nabuchodonosor made a
gold, of sixty cubits high, and
statue of
six cubits
occasion to answer thee concerning this matter.
17 For behold, our God, whom we worship, is
broad and he set it
: up in the plain of Diida, able to save us from the furnace of burning fire,
of the province of Babylon. and to deliver us out of thy hands, O king.
2 Then Nabuchodonosor the king sent to call 18 But if he will not, be it known to thee, O
together the nobles, the magistrates, and the king, that we will not worship thy gods, nor
judges, the captains, the rulers, and governors, adore the golden statue which thou hast set up.
and all the chief men of the provinces, to come 19 Then was Nabuchodonosor filled with fury
to the dedication of \he statue which king Nabu- and th« countenance of his face was changed
chodonsor had set up. against Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago ; and he
3 Then the nobles, the magistrates, and the commanded that the furnace should be heated
judges, the captains, and rulers, and the great seven times more than it had been accustomed
men that were placed in authority, and all the to be heated.
princes of the provinces, were gathered together 20 And he commanded the strongest men that
to come to the dedication of the atatue, which king were in his army, to bind the feet of Sidrach
Nabuchodonosor had set up. And they stood Misach, and Abdenago, and to cast them into the
before the statue which king Nabuchodonosor furnace of burning fire.
had set up. • 21 And immediately these men were bound,
4 Then a herald cried with a string voice and were cast into the furnace of burning fire,
To you it is commanded, O nations, tribes, and with their coats, and their caps, and their siioea,
languages and their garments.
5 That in the hour that you shall hear the 23 For the king's commandment was urgent,
Bound of the trumpet, and of the flute, and of and the funiace was heated exceedingly. And
tlie harp, and of the sackbut, and of the psaltery, the flame of the fire slew those men that had casl
and of the symphony, and of all kind of music ;
in Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago.
ye fall down and adore the golden statue which 23 But these three men, that is, Sidrach,
king Nabuchodonosor hath set up. Misach, and Abdenago, fell down bound in the
6 But if any man shall not fall down and midst of the furnace of burning fire.
adore, he shall the same hour be cast into a fur- 24 And they walkedt in the midst of the flame,
nace of burning fire. praising God, and blessing the Lord.

* A kins^dom, viz. The kingdom of Christ And they walked, &ic. Here St. Jerom takca

in the Catholic church, which cannot be de- notice, that from this verse to ver. 91. was not
stroyed. in the Hebrew in his time. But as it waa in ftU
: : : : ::::


25 Then \zariaa standing up, prayed in this 48 And it broke forth and burnt such of thft
jnatiner, in the midst of Chaldeans as it found near the furnace.
and opening his mouth
the fire, he said 49 But the angel of the Lord went down with
26 Blessed art thou, O Lord the God of our Azarias and his companions into the furnace:
fathers and thy name is wortliy of praise, and and he drove the flame of the fire out of the

glorious for ever furnace,

27 For thou art just in all that thou hast done 50 And made the midst of the furnace like
to us: and all thy works are true, and thy ways the blowing of a wind bringing dew : and the
right, and all tliy judgments true. fire touched them not at all, nor troubled th^m,
28 For thou hast executed true judgments in nor did them any harm.
all the things that thou hast brought upon us, 51 Then these three as with one mouth,
and upon Jerusalem the holy city of our fathers praised, and glorified, and blessed God in the
for according to truth and judgment, thou hast furnace, saying
brought all these things upon us for our sins. 52 Bles,sed art thou, Lord the God of our O
20 For we have sinned, and committed iniqui- fathers; and worthy to be praised, and glorified,
ty, departing from thee and we have trespassed and exalted above all for ever: and blessed is

in all things. the holy name of thy glory and worthy to be :

30 A nd we have not hearkened to thy command- praised, and exalted above all in all ages.
ments nor have we observed nor done as thou
; 53 Blessed art thou in the holy temple of thy
hadst commanded us, that it might go well with us. glory and exceedingly to be praised, and ex-

31 Wherefore all that thou hast brought upon ceeding glorious for ever.
us, and every thing that thou hast done to us, 54 Blessed art thou on the throne of thy
thou hast done in true judgment kingdom : and exceedingly to be praised, and
32 And thou hast delivered us into the hands exalted above all for ever.
of our enemies that are unjust, and most wicked, 55 Blessed art thou, that beholdest the depths,
and prevaricators, and to a king unjust, and most and sittest upon the cherubims ; and worthy to
wicked beyond all that are upon the earth. be praised, and exalted above oil for ever.
33 And now we cannot open our mouths: we o6 Blessed art thou in the firmament of hea-
are become a shame and reproach to thy ser- ven and worthy of praise, and glorious forever.

vants, and to them that worship thee. 57 All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord
34 Deliver us not up for ever, we beseech thee, praise and exalt him above all for ever.
for thy name's sake and abolish not thy covenant.
; 58 O ye Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord :
35 And take not away thv mercy from us for praise and exak him above all for ever.
the sake of .\braham thy belovetl, and Isaac thy .59 O ye heavens, bless the Lord : praise and
servant, and Israel thy holy one : exalt him above all for ever.
3G To whom thou hast spoken, promising that 60 O all ye waters that are above the heavens,
thou wouldst multiply their seed as tlie stars of bless the Lord praise and exalt him above all :

heaven, and as the sand that is on the sea-shore. for ever.

37 For we, O Lord, are diminished more than 61 O all ye powers of the Lord, bless the
anv nation, and are brought low in all the earth Lord : him above all for ever.
praise and exalt
this day for our sins. 62 O
ye sun and moon, bless the Lord
38 Neither is there at this time prince, or lea- praise and exalt him above all for ever.
der, or prophet, or holocaust, or sacrifice, or obla- 63 O ye stars of heaven, bless the Lord
tion, or incense,orplaceof first-fruits before thee, praise and exalt him above all for ever.
39 That we may find thy mercy : neverthe- 64 O every shower and dew, bless ye the
less in a contrite heart and humble spirit let us Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever.
be accepted. 65 O all ye spirits of God, bless the Lord
40 As in holocausts of rams, and bullocks, praise and exalt him above all for ever.
and as in thousands of fat lambs : so let our 66 O ye fire and heat, bless the Lord praise :

pacrifice be made in thy sight this day, that it and exalt him above all for ever.
may please thee : for there is no confusion to 67 O ye cold and heat, bless the Lord praise :

them that trust in thee. and exalt him above all for ever.
41- And now we follow thee with all our heart; 68 O ye dews and hoar frost, bless the Lord :

and we fear thee, and seek thy face. praise and exalt him above all for ever.
42 Put us not to confusion but deal with us; 69 O ye frost and cold, bless the Lord praise :

according to thy meekness, and according to and exatt him above all for ever.
the multitude of thy mercies. 70 O ye ice and snow, bless the Lord praise :

43 ,\nd deliver us according to thy wonderful and exalt him above all for ever.
works, and give ijlory to thy name, Lord : O 71 O %e nights and days, bless the Lord:
41 And let all them be confounded that shew praise and exalt him above all for ever.
evils to thv servants lot them be confounded in
: 72 O ye light and darkness, bless the Lord
all thy misrht; and let their strength be broken. praise and exalt him above all for ever.
4.5 And let them know that thou art the Lord, 73 O ye lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord :
the onlv God, and glorious overall the world. praise and exalt him above all for ever.
48 Now the king's servants that had cast 74 O let the earth bless the Lord let it praise :

Jiem in, ceased not tq heat the furnace with and exalt him above all for ever.
brimstone, and tow, and pitch, and dry sticks: 75 O ye mountains and hills, bless the Lord:
47 And the flame mounted up above the fur- praise and exalt him above all for ever.
nace nine and forty cubits : 76 O all ye things that spring up in the earth,
bless the Lord praise and exalt him above all

the Greek bibles, (which were originally trans- for ever.

lated from the Hebrew) it is more than probable 77 O ye
fountains, bless the Lord praise and :

tliat it had been formerly in the Hebrew ; or ra- exalt him above all for ever.
ther in the Chaldaic, in which the book of Dan- 78 O ye seas and rivers, bless the Lord: praia©
iel was written. But this is certain : that it is, and exalt him above all for ever.
and has been of old, received by the church, and 79 O ye whales, and all that move in the win-
read as canonical scripture in her liturgy and ters, bless the Lord praise and exalt him abor»

dirine offices. all for eyer


80 O
all ye fowls of the air, bless the Lord : kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his
praise and exalt him above all for ever. power to all generations.
81 O
all ye beasts and cattle, bless the Lord :

praise and exalt hiin above all for ever.
82 O
ye sons of men, bless the Lord : praise Nabuchodonosor^ s dream, hywhich the judgments
and exalt him above all for ever. of God are denounced against him for his pride,
ts interpreted by Daniel, and verified by the
83 O
let Israel bless the Lord : let them praise
and exalt him above all for ever. event.
84 O
ye priests of the Lord ; bless the Lord : Nabuchodonosor was at rest in my house,
praise and exalt him above all for ever. X
and flourishing in my palace.
85 Oye servants of the Lord bless the Lord : 2 I saw a dream that affrighted me : and my
praise and exalt him above all for ever. thoughts in my bed, and the visions of my head
86 O
ye spirits and souls of the just, bless the troubled me.
Lord ; praise and exa.thim above all forever. 3 Then I set forth a decree, that all the wise
87 O
ye holy and humble of heart, bless the men of Bai^ylon should be brought in before me,
Lord : praise and exalt him above all for ever and that they should shew me the interpretation
88 O
Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye of the dream.
the Lord : praise and exalt him above all for ever 4 Then came in the diviners, the wise men, the
For he hath delivered us from hell, and saved us Chaldeans, and the soothsayers ; and I told the
out of the hand of death, and delivered us out of dream before them but they did not shew me

the midst of the burning flame, and saved us out the interpretation thereof:
of the midst of the fire. 5 Till their colleague Daniel came in before
89 O
give thanks to the Lord, because he is me, whose name is Ballassar, according to the
good; because his mercy endureth for ever and name of my god,t who hath in him the spirit of
ever. the holy gods: and 1 told the dream before him.
90 O
all ye religious, bless the Lord the God 6 Baltassar prince of the diviners, because I
of gods: praise him, and give him thanks; be know that thou hast in thee the spirit of the holy
cause his mercy endureth for ever and ever. gods, and that no secret is impossible to thee
91 Then Nabuchodonosor the king was as tell me the visions of my dreams that I have
tonished, and rose up in haste, and said to his no- seen, and the interpretation of them.
: Did we not cast three men bound into the 7 This was the vision of my head in my bed :
midst of the fire'? They answered the king, and I saw, and behold, a tree in the midst of the
said : True, O king. earth : and the height thereof was exceeding
92 He answered, and said : Behold, I see four great.
men loose, and walking in the midst of the fire 8 The tree whs great, and strong: and tha
and there is no hurt in them, and the form of the height thereof reached unto heaven the sight :

fourth is like the son of God. thereof was even to the ends of all the earth.
93 Then Nabuchodonosor came to the door of 9 Its leaves were most beautiful, and its fruit
the burning fiery furnace, and said : Sidrach, exceeding much and in it was food for all : un-

Misach, and Abdenago, ye servants of the most derit dweltcattle and beasts ; and in the branches
high God, go ve forth, and come. And imme- thereof the fowls of the air had their abode : and
diately Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago went out and all flesh did eat of it.
from the midst of the fire. 10 1 saw in the vision of my bead upon my bed :
94 And the nobles, and the magistrates, and and behold, a watcherl and a holy one came
the judges, and the great men of the king being down from heaven.
gathered together, considered these men, that the 11 He cried aloud, and said thus Cut down

fire had no power on their bodies, and that not a the tree, and chop off the branches thereof:
hair of their head had been singed, nor their gar- shake off its leaves, and scatter its fruits: let the
ments altered, nor the smell of the fire had pass- beasts fly away that are under it, and the birds
ed on them. from its branches*
95 Then Nabuchodonosor breaking forth, said :
12 Nevertheless, leave the stump of its roots
Blessed be the God of them, to wit, of Sidrach, in the earth and let it be tied with a band of

Misach, and Abdenago, who hath sent his Angel, iron, and of brass, among the grass, that is with
and delivered his servants that believed in him out; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven ,
and they changed the king's word, and delivered and let its portion be with the wild beasts in the
up their bodies that they might not serve, nor grass of the earth.
adore any God, except their own God. 13 Let his heart be changed^ from man's and ;

96 By me therefore this decree is made, that let a beasts heart be given him : and let seven
every people, tribe, and tongue, which shall speak times pass over him.
blasphemy against the God of Sidrach, Misach, 14 This is the decree by the sentence of the
and Abdenago, shall be destroyed, and their watchers, and tlie word and demand of the holy
houses laid waste for there is no other God that
ones : till the living know, that the most High
can save in this manner.
97 Then the king promoted Sidrach, Misach, Baltassar, according to the name of my God.
and Abdenago in the province of Babylon. He says this, because the name of Baltassar, or
98 Nabuchodonosor* the king, to all peoples, Belteshazzar, is derived from the name of Bel
nations, and tongues, that dwell in all the earth, the chief god of the Babylonians.
peace be multiplied unto vou. \ A watcher. A vigilant Angel, perhaps the
99 The most high God hath wrought signs guardian of Israel.
and wonders toward me. It hath seemed good & Let his heart be changed, &c. It does not

to me therefore to publish appear bv scripture that Nabuchodonosor was

100 His signs, because they are great; and changed from human shape; much less that he
his wonders, because they are mighty :and his was changed into an ox : but only that he lost
his reason, and became mad ; and in this

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