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We hereby approve of the publication by Messrs. John Murphy Co. of the

Catholic Bible, which is an accurate reprint of the Rheims and Douay edition,
with Dr. Challoner s Notes.
The sacred volume is printed in an attractive style.
Archbishop of Baltimore.


I hereby endorse your publication of the "Holy Bible." It is well edited

and should commend itself to the patronage of all our Catholic Laity.


Archbishop of New York.

I willingly give my endorsement to your excellent reprint of the Douay Bible.
r< T T
T>T rvT<r> N.T-N.TTT

Archbishop of Boston.

This Bible, reprinted from new, clear type, is an identical
reproduction of the edition published by John Murphy Company.
P. J. Kenedy & Sons.


An indulgence of three hundred days is granted to all the Faithful who read the
Holy Gospels at least a quarter of an hour. A Plenary Indulgence under the usual
conditions is granted once a month for the daily
13 December, 1898.

The following Letter of His Holiness Pius THE SIXTH, to the Most Rev. ANTHONY
MARTINI, now Archbishop of Florence, on his Translation of the Holy Bible into Italian,
shows the benefit which the faithful may reap from, their having the Holy Scriptures in
the Vulgar Tongue.


BELOVED SON, Health and Apostolic Benediction.
At a time that a vast number of bad books, which most grossly attack the
Catholic Religion, are circulated, even among the unlearned, to the great destruction of
souls, you judge exceedingly well, that the faithful should be excited to the reading
of the Holy Scriptures: For these are the most abundant sources which ought to be
left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine, to eradi
cate the errors which are so widely disseminated in these corrupt times This you have

seasonably effected, as you declare, by publishing the Sacred Writings in the language
of your country, suitable to every one s capacity: especially when you show and set
forth that you have added explanatory notes, which, being extracted from the Holy
Fathers, preclude every possible danger of abuse: Thus you have not swerved either
from the laws of the Congregation of the Index, or from the Constitution published
on this subject by BENEDICT xiv., that immortal Pope, our predecessor in the Pontificate,
and formerly when We held a place near his person, our excellent Master in Ecclesi
astical learning; circumstances which We mention as honourable to Us. We therefore
applaud your eminent learning, joined with your extraordinary piety, and We return
you our due acknowledgment for the books you have transmitted to Us, and which
when convenient, We will read over. In the meantime as a token of our Pontifical
benevolence, receive our Apostolical benediction, which to you, beloved Son, We very
affectionately impart. Given at Rome, on the Calends of April, 1778, the fourth year
of our Pontificate.
PHILIP BUONAMICI, Latin Secretary.
To our Beloved Son,
Anthony Martini at Turin.


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts and minds of thy faithful servants, and in

flame them with the fire of thy divine love.


GOD, who by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of thy
faithful servants; grant us in the same Spirit, to discern what is right, and enjoy his
comfort for ever, Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth one God,
with thee and the same Spirit, world without end. Amen.
This edition of the Sacred Scriptures is called the
Douay Bible, since it is substantially the translation of
the Latin Vulgate made toward the end of the six
teenth century by Gregory Martin of the
English Col
lege of Douay, with the assistance of fellow exiles in
France. The revision of Bishop Challoner in the middle
of the eighteenth century and later minor changes,
while adapting it to the needs of its modern readers,
have not fundamentally affected its character. Its own
excellent qualities and the authority of ecclesiastical

superiors, continue to maintain its position as the Bible

of English-speaking Catholics the world over.
The present issue contains the same text as its
predecessors. The principal changes in the notes are in
the matter of chronology. Recent discoveries in Bible
lands and study of the Bible itself have led to new
conclusions about some of the dates of the events of
sacred history. The conclusions herein embodied are
based on the authority of the best Catholic scholars.


Genesis -. Q A
L 5 Canticle of Canticles . tffal^ . . 691
Exodus . . -wiq w*U{# -t^ -*
61 Wisdom . .
,-. rj(,f[. +$ 9prj . . 696
Leviticus .,,.i..fu *^ Ecclesiasticus .
+ . . /\ . . 713

1 Vrf* nr ?-rr
if * 9ri
7 .???
Numbers ? . I

. . . T . . . 139 Isaias . . . . . . 761

Deuteronomy . ;.> . IO. JJWL . : . . 184 Jeremias . .
>iii^is 9*1}. lo 816
Josue 224 Lamentations . .
? . . . . 878
...... ...
,,.. ? ,
Judges . . . . 250 Baruch . . 883
Ruth . .tJ\ . -39^n^Hi 278 Ezechiel vnjl baid iotS 9VBtf . . 891
1 Kings .-
v;- ,. 282 Daniel . . - 949
1*1,,..^ fa f[o
f >

2 Kings .
/ . . . ,.i . . 319 Osee *. "/". . *. . **. . . . . 973
ft ;
3 Kings .^TT . 349 Joel . . iJf:Ufi;->.,-;o!.-Jav[L^ , . 982
4 Kings .; [j lc . . 385 Amos ...... e1
,,-j. -,.. . . 985
1 Paralipomenon 418 Abdias . . . . . .
^ . . . . 992
2 Paralipomenon 449 Jonas ........... 993
1 Esdras . . iV-.Tf-.-rr. jti y . . 486 Micheas , . " 6
2-Esdras, alias Nehemias .
^., ;
. . ,. 498 Nahum . . , . . ..... . -, . . 1002
Tobias 1 . 513 Habacuc . . . . . 100 4
Judith 524 Sophonias . . J^? .hiifi .abfml 1007
Esther 538 Aggeus . .

, i
Job .... Vf L
. . . . . . 551 Zacharias . . "!
. .... . . 1012
Psalms . . ; v 581 Malachias . . .iCxIgi/I E)9123 . . 1023
Proverbs 658 1 Machabees. 1026
tii ;^ no ^v^fj
Ecclesiastes . 683 2 Machabees. . 1061
The beginning of creation GENESIS God makes the lights of heaven



CHAPTER 1 11 And he said: Let the earth

God ereateth Heaven and Earth, and forth the green herb, and such as
all thingt may
seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit
N the beginning God created heaven, after its kind, which
may have seed in
i and earth. itself upon the earth. And it was so
6 And the earth was
2 done.
void and empty,
and darkness was upon the face of the 12 And the earth brought forth the
deep; and the spirit of God moved over green herb, and such as yieldeth seed ac
the waters. cording to its kind, and the tree that
3 And God said :
c Be light made. And beareth fruit, having seed each one ac
light was made. cording to its kind. And God saw that it
4 And God saw was good.
the light that it was
good; and he divided the light from the 13 And the evening and the morning
darkness. were the third day.
5 And he called the light Day, and the 14 And God said: Let there be lights
darkness Night; and there was evening made in the firmament of heaven, to
and morning one day. divide the day and the night, /and let
6 And God said: Let there be a firma
them be for signs, and for seasons, and
for days and years:
ment made amidst the waters: and let
it divide the waters from the waters. 15 To shine in the firmament of heaven,
and to give light upon the earth. And
7 And God made a firmament, and di

it was so done.
vided the waters that were under the
firmament, from those that were above 16 And God made two great lights: a
the firmament, and it was so. greater light to rule the day; and a
lesser light to rule the night: and the
8 And God called the firmament, Hea
ven; and the evening and morning were
the second day. 17 And he them in the firmament of
heaven to shine
upon the earth.
9 God also said Let the waters that are

under the heaven, be gathered together 18 And to rule the day and the night,
into one place: and let the dry land ap and to divide the light and the darkness.
pear. And it was so done. And God saw that it was good.
10 And God called the dry land 19 And the evening and morning were
and the gathering together of the waters, the fourth day.
be called .Seas. And God saw that it was 20 God also said: Let the waters bring
good. forth the creeping creature having life,

b Acts 14. 14, and 17. 24 ; Ps. 32. 6, and 135. 6 ;

d Ps. 135. 5, and 148.4 ; Jer. 10. 12, and 51. 15.
Eccli. 18. 1. c Heb. 11.8. e Job 38. 4 ; Ps. 32. 7, and 88. 12, and 135. 7.
/ Ps. 135. 7.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 6. A firmament. By this name is Ver. 16. The moon, though much less than the
here understood the whole space between the earth, stars,is here called a great light, from its giving
and the highest stars. The lower part of which a far greater light to the earth than any of them.
divideth the waters that are upon the earth, from
those that are above in the clouds.
The creation of Adam GENESIS The garden of Paradise
and the fowl that may fly over the earth to every fowl of the air, and to all that
under the firmament of heaven. move upon the earth, and wherein there
21 And God created the great whales, is life, that they may have to feed upon.
and every living and moving creature, And it was so done.
which the waters brought forth, accord 31 l And God saw all the things that
ing to their kinds, and every winged fowl he had made, and they were very good.
according to its kind. And God saw that And the evening and morning were the
it was good. sixth day.
22 And he blessed them, saying: In CHAPTER 2
crease and multiply, and fill the waters God resteth on the seventh day and blesseth it. The
of the sea: and let the birds be multi earthly paradise, in which God placeth man. He
commandeth him not to eat of the tree of know
plied upon the earth. ledge. And formeth a woman of his rib.
23 And the evening and morning were
the heavens and the earth were
the fifth day.
24 And God
said: Let the earth bring
SOAnd finished, and all the furniture of them.
on the seventh day God ended
forth the living creature in its kind, cat
his work which he had made: m and he
tleand creeping things, and beasts of the rested on the seventh day from all his
earth, according to their kinds. And it work which he had done.
was so done. And he blessed the seventh day, and
25 And God made the beasts of the
sanctified it: because in it he had rested
earth according to their kinds, and cat
from all his work which God created and
tle, and every thing that creepeth on
the earth after its kind. And God saw
4 These are the generations of the
that it was good.
heaven and the earth, when they were
26 And he said 9 Let us make man to
created, in the day that the Lord God

our image and likeness: and let him have made the heaven and the earth:
dominion over the fishes of the sea, and 5 And every plant of the field before it
the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and
sprung up in the earth, and every herb
the whole earth, and every creeping of the ground before it grew: for the
creature that moveth upon the earth. Lord God had not rained upon the earth;
27 And God created man to his own im and there was not a man to till the
age h to the image of God he created
him male and female he created them. *
6 But a spring rose out of the earth,
28 And God blessed them, saying: ) In watering all the surface of the earth.
crease and multiply, and fill the earth, 7 And the Lord God formed man of the
and subdue it, and rule over the fishes slime of the earth: and breathed into his
of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and face the breath of life, and man became
all living creatures that move upon the a living soul. n
earth. 8 And the Lord God had planted a par
29 And God Behold I have given
said: adise of pleasure from the beginning;
you every herb bearing seed upon the wherein he placed man whom he had
earth, and all trees that have in them formed.
selves seed of their own kind, to be your 9 And the Lord God brought forth of
meat: fc the ground all manner of trees, fair to
30 And to all beasts of the earth, and behold, and pleasant to eat of: the tree
O Infra 5. 1, and 9. 6 ; 1 Cor. 11. 7 Col. 3. 10.
; I Eccli. 39. 21 ; Mark 7. 37.
h Wisd. 2. 23 ; Eccli. 17. 1. i Matt. 19. 4. m Ex. 20. 11, and 31.17 ;Deut. 5. 14 ; Heb. 4. 4.
j Infra 8. 17, and 9. 1. k Infra 9. 3. n 1 Cor. 15. 45.

Ver. 26. Let us make man to our image. This ceased to make or create any new kinds of things.
image of God in man, is not in the body, but in Though, as our Lord tells us, John 5. 17, He still
the soul which is a spiritual substance, endued
worketh, viz., by conserving and governing ail
with understanding and free will. things, and creating souls.
Ver. 9. The tree of life. So called because it had
that quality, that by eating of the fruit of it, man
Ver. 28.Increase and multiply. This is not a would have been preserved in a constant state of
precept, as some Protestant controvertists would health, vigour, and strength, and would not have
have but a blessing, rendering them fruitful for
it, ; died at all. The tree of knowledge. To which the
God had said the same words to the fishes, and birds, deceitful serpent falsely attributed the power of
(ver. 22) who were incapable of receiving a precept. imparting a superior kind of knowledge, beyond
CHAP. 2. Ver. 2. He rested, &c. That is, he that which God was pleased to give.
Eve made from rib of Adam GENESIS The fall
of life also in the midst of paradise: and shall be called
the tree of knowledge of good and evil. woman, because she was
taken out of man.
10 And a river went out of the place of 24 r Wherefore a man shall leave father
pleasure to water paradise, which from and mother, and shall cleave to his wife:
thence is divided into four heads. s
and they shall be two in one flesh.
11 The name of the one is Phison: that 25 And they were both naked: to
is it which compasseth all the land of wit,
Adam and his wife: and were not
Hevilath, where gold groweth. ashamed.
12 And the gold of that land is
very CHAPTER 3
good: there is found bdellium, and the The serpent s craft. The fall of our first parent*.
onyx stone. Their punishment. The promise of a Redeemer.
13 And
the name of the second river is the serpent was more subtle
Gehon: the same is it that compasseth
all the land of Ethiopia.
NOW than any
of the beasts of the earth
Lord God
the had made. And he
14 And the name of the third river is said to the woman: Why hath God com
Tigris: the same passeth along by the manded you, that you should not eat of
Assyrians. And the fourth river is Eu every tree of paradise?
phrates. 2 And the woman answered him, say
15 And the Lord God took man, and ing: Of the fruit of the trees that are in
him into the paradise of pleasure, to paradise we do eat:
dress it, and to keep it. 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is
16 And he commanded him, saying: Of in the midst of paradise, God hath com
every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: manded us that we should not eat; and
17 But of the tree of knowledge of good that we should not touch it, lest perhaps
and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what we die.
day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt 4 And
the serpent said to the woman:
die the death. No, you shall not die the death.
18 And the Lord God said: It is not 5 For God doth know that in what day
good for man to be alone: let us make soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes
him a help like unto himself. shall be opened: and you shall be as
19 And the Lord God having formed out Gods, knowing good and evil.
of the ground all the beasts of the earth, 6 And the woman saw that the tree was
and all the fowls of the air, brought them good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and de
to Adam to see what he would call them: lightful to behold; "and she took of the
P for whatsoever Adam called fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to
any living
creature the same is its name. her husband who did eat.
20 And Adam
called all the beasts by 7 And the eyes of them both were
their names, and
all the fowls of the air, opened: and when they perceived them
and all the cattle of the field: but for selves to be naked, they sewed together
Adam there was not found a helper like fig leaves, and made themselves aprons.
himself. 8 And when they heard the voice of the
21 Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep Lord God walking in paradise at the
upon Adam: and when he was fast afternoon air, Adam and his wife hid
asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled themselves from the face of the Lord
up flesh for it. God, amidst the trees of paradise.
22 And the Lord God built the rib which 9 And the Lord God called Adam, and
he took from Adam into a woman: and said to him: Where art thou?
brought her to Adam. 10 And he said: I heard thy voice in
23 And Adam said: 1 This now is bone paradise; and I was afraid, because I
of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she was naked, and I hid myself.
s 1 Cor. 6. 16. t 2 Cor. 11. 3.
o Eccli. 24. 35. p Ps. 146. 4.
Cor. 11. 9 r Matt. 19. 5 Mark 10. 7. u Eccli. 25. 33 1 Tim. 2. 14.
; Eph. 5. 31. ;

CHAP. 3. Ver. 7. And the eyes, &c. Not that incurred the dreadful evil of sin. From whence fol
they were blind before, (for the woman saw that, the lowed a shame of their being naked which they ;

tree was fair to the eyes, ver. 6 ) nor yet that their
minded not before because being now stript of

eyes were opened to any more perfect knowledge of original grace, they quickly began to be subject to
good; but only to the unhappy experience of having the shameful rebellions of the flesh.
lost the good of original grace and innocence, and
The punishment GENESIS Cain murders Abel
11 And he said to him: And who hath come as one of us, knowing good and
told thee that thou wast naked, but that evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put
thou hast eaten of the tree whereof I forth his hand, and take also of the tree
commanded thee that thou shouldst not of life, and eat, and live for ever.
eat? 23 And the Lord God sent him out of
12 And Adam said: The woman, whom the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth
thou gavest me to be my companion, from which he was taken.
gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 24 And he cast out Adam; and placed
13 And the Lord God said to the wom before the paradise of pleasure Cheru-
an: Why hast thou done this? And she bims, and a flaming sword, turning every
answered: The serpent deceived me, and way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
I did eat.
14 And the Lord God said to the ser CHAPTER 4
pent: Because thou hast done this thing, The history of Cain and Abel
thou art cursed among all cattle, and Adam knew Eve his wife: who
beasts of the earth: upon thy breast A^Dconceived and brought forth Cain,
shalt thou go, v and earth shalt thou eat saying: I have gotten a man through
all the days of thy life. God.
15 I will put enmities between thee and 2 And again she brought forth his bro
the woman, and thy seed and her seed: ther Abel. And Abel was a shepherd, and
she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt Cain a husbandman.
lie in wait for her heel. w 3 And it came to pass after many days,
16 To the woman also he said: I will that Cain offered, of the fruits of the
multiply thy sorrows, and thy concep earth, gifts to the Lord.
tions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth 4 a Abel also offered of the firstlings of
children, and thou shalt be under thy his flock, and of their fat: and the Lord
husband s power, and he shall have do had respect to Abel, and to his offerings.
minion over thee. 5 But to Cain and his offerings, he had
17 And to Adam he said: Because thou no respect: and Cain was exceedingly
hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, angry, and his countenance fell.
and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I 6 And the Lord said to him: Why art
commanded thee that thou shouldst not thou angry ? and why is thy countenance
eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; fallen?
with labour and toil shalt thou eat there 7 If thou do well, shalt thou not re
of all the days of thy life. ceive? but if ill, shall not sin forthwith
18 Thorns and thistles shall it bring be present at the door? but the lust
forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the thereof shall be under thee, and thou
herbs of the earth. shalt have dominion over it.
8 And Cain said to Abel his brother:
19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread till thou return to the earth,
Let us go forth abroad. And when they
out of which thou wast taken: for dust
were in the field, Cain rose up against
his brother Abel, and slew him. c
thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.^
9 And the Lord said to Cain: Where is
20 v And Adam called the name of his
thy brother Abel? And he answered, I
wife Eve: because she was the mother know not: am I my brother s keeper?
of all the living.
10 And he said to him: What hast thou
21 And the Lord God made for Adam
done? the voice of thy brother s blood
and his wife, garments of skins, and crieth to me from the earth.
clothed them.
11 Now, therefore, cursed shalt thou be
22 And he said: Behold Adam is be-
a Heb. 11. 4. c Wisd. 10. 3 :

v Isa. 49. 23 65. 25 Mich. 7. 17 Ps. 72. 9.

; ; ; Matt. 23. 36 1 John 3. 12 ; Jude 11.
w Apoc. 12- Infra 49. 17 1 Cor. 14. 34.

; ;

x Infra 18. 27. y Ps. 102. 14, and 22. 6 Eccli. 7. ; 12.
way of repi caching him with his pride, in affecting
Ver. 15. She shall crush. So divers of the fathers a knowledge that might make him like to God.
read this place, conformably to the Latin others : CHAP. 4. Ver. 4. Had respect. That is, shewed
read it ipsum, viz., the seed. It is by her seed, his acceptance of his sacrifice (as coming from a
Jesiis Christ, that the woman crushes the serpent s heart full of devotion) and that, as we may sup

head. pose, by some visible token, such as sending fire

Ver. 22. Behold Adam, &c. This was spoken by from heaven upon his offerings.
The descendants of Cain GENESIS Genealogy of the patriarchs
upon the earth, which hath opened her and Sella: Hear my voice, ye wives of
mouth and received the blood of thy Lamech, hearken to my speech: for I
brother at thy hand. have slain a man to the wounding of my
12 When thou shalt till it, it shall not self, and a stripling to my own bruising.
yield to thee its fruit: a fugitive and a 24 Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken
vagabond shalt thou be upon the earth. for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times
13 And Cain said to the Lord: My in
25 Adam also knew his wife again: and
iquity is greater than that I may deserve
she brought forth a son, and called his
14 Behold thou dost cast me out this
name Seth, saying: God hath given me
another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew.
day from the face of the earth, and I 26 But to Seth also was born a son,
shall be hidden from thy face, and I shall
be a vagabond and a fugitive on the
whom he called Enos; this man began to

earth: every one, therefore, that findeth

call upon the name of the Lord.
me, shall kill me. CHAPTER 5
15 And the Lord said to him: No, it The genealogy, age, and death of the Patriarch*,
shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill from Adam to Noe. The translation of Henoch.
Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And is the book of the generation of
the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that who THIS Adam. In the day that God created
soever found him should not kill him. man, / he made him to the likeness of
16 And Cain went out from the face of God.
the Lord, and dwelt as a fugitive on the 2 He created them male and female; and
earth, at the east side of Eden. blessed them: and called their name
17 And Cain knew his wife, and she con Adam, in the day when they were created.
ceived, and brought forth Henoch: and 3 And Adam lived a hundred and
he built a city, and called the name thirty years, and begot a son to his own
thereof by the name of his son Henoch. image and likeness, and called his name
18 And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad be Seth.
got Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathu- 4 And the days of Adam, after he begot
sael, and Mathusael begot Lamech: Seth, were eight hundred years: and he
19 Who took two wives: the name of begot sons and daughters.
the one was Ada, and the name of the 5 And all the time that Adam lived
other Sella. came to nine hundred and thirty years,
20 And Ada brought forth Jabel: who and he died.
w as the father of such as dwell in tents,
6 Seth also lived a hundred and five
and of herdsmen. years, and begot Enos.
21 And his brother s name was Jubal; 7 And Seth lived after he begot Enos,
he was the father of them that play upon eight hundred and seven years, and begot
the harp and the organs. sons and daughters.
22 Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, 8 And all the days of Seth were nine
who was a hammerer and artificer in hundred and twelve years, and he died.
every work of brass and iron. And the 9 And Enos lived ninety years, and be
sister of Tubalcain was Noema. got Cainan.
23 And Lamech said to his wives Ada 10 After whose birth he lived eight hun-

d Matt. 18. 22. g 1 Par. 1. 1.

/ Wisd. 2. 23 Eccli. 17. 1 Infra

; ; 9. 6.

mankind could not otherwise be propagated. He

Ver. 14. Every one that findeth me shall kill built a city, viz.. In process of time, when his race
me. His guilty conscience made him fear his own
brothers and nephews of whom, by this time, was multiplied, so as to be numerous enough to
people it For in the many hundred years he lived,
there might be a good number upon the earth ;

his race might be multiplied even to millions.

though in the compendious account given in the Ver 26. Began to call upon, &c. Not that
scriptures, only Cain and Abel are mentioned.
Ver. 17. His wife. She was the daughter of Adam and Seth had not called upon God, before
the birth of Enos but that Enos used more solem
Adam, and Cain s own sister God dispensing with

nity in the worship and invocation of

such marriages in the beginning of the world, as

GENESIS Wickedness of the World
dred and fifteen years, and begot sons 28 And Lamech lived a hundred and
and daughters. eighty-two years, and begot a son.
11 And all the days of Enos were nine 29 And he called his name Noe, saying:
hundred and five years, and he died. This same shall comfort us from the
12 And Cainan lived seventy years, and works and labours of our hands on the
earth, which the Lord hath cursed.
begot Malaleel.
13 And Cainan lived after he begot
30 And Lamech lived after he begot
Malaleel, eight hundred and forty years, Noe, five hundred and ninety-five years,
and begot sons and daughters. and begot sons and daughters.
31 And all the days of Lamech came to
14 And all the days of Cainan were nine
hundred and ten years, and he died. seven hundred and seventy-seven years,
and he died. And Noe, when he was five
15 And Malaleel lived sixty-five years, hundred years old, begot Sem, Cham, and
and begot Jared.
16 And Malaleel lived after he begot
Jared, eight hundred and thirty years, CHAPTER 6
and begot sons and daughters.
Man s sin is the cause of the deluge. Noe is com
17 And all the days of Malaleel were manded to build the ark.
eight hundred and ninety-five years, and ND after that men began to be multi-
he died. plied upon the earth, and daughters
18 And Jared lived a hundred and sixty- were born to them.
two years, and begot Henoch. 2 The sons of God seeing the daughters
19 And Jared lived after he begot He of men, that they were fair, took to them
noch, eight hundred years, and begot sons selves wives of all which they chose.
and daughters. 3 And God said: My spirit shall not
20 And the days of Jared were nine
all remain in man for ever, because he is
hundred and sixty-two years, and he died. flesh, and his days shall be a hundred
21 And Henoch lived sixty-five years, and twenty years.
and begot Mathusala. 4 Now giants were upon the earth in
22 And Henoch walked with God: and those days. For after the sons of God
lived after he begot Mathusala, three went in to the daughters of men, and
hundred years, and begot sons and they brought forth children, these are
daughters. the mighty men of old, men of renown. l

23 And all the days of Henoch were 5 And God seeing that the wickedness
three hundred and sixty-five years. of men was great on the earth, and
that all the thought of their heart was
24 And he walked with God, and was
bent upon evil at all times, m
seen no more: because God took him.
25 And Mathusala lived a hundred and 6 It repented him that he had made
eighty-seven years, and begot Lamech. man on the earth. And being touched
26 And Mathusala lived after he begot inwardly with sorrow of heart,
Lamech, seven hundred and eighty-two 7 He said: I will destroy man, whom I
years, and begot sons and daughters. have created, from the face of the earth,
27 And all the days of Mathusala were from man even to beasts, from the creep
nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and ing thing even to the fowls of the air, for
he died. it repenteth me that I have made them.

I Bar. 3. 26 ; Amos 2. 9 ; Wisd. 14. 6 ;

Eccli. 16. 8. m Infra 8. 21 ; Matt. 15. 19.

CHAP. Ver. 2. The sons of God. The descend

6. Ver. 3. His days shall be, &c. The meaning is,
ants of Seth and Enos are here called sons of God that God would allow man this term of 120 years,
from their religion and piety : whereas the ungodly for their repentance and conversion, before he
race of Cain, who by their carnal affections lay would send the deluge.
grovelling upon the earth, are called the children Ver. 6. It repented him, &c. God, who is un
of men. The unhappy consequence of the former changeable, is not capable of repentance, grief, or
marrying with the latter, ought to be a warning any other passion. But these expressions are used
to Christians to be very circumspect in their mar to declare the enormity of the sins of men, which
riages ;and not to suffer themselves to be deter was so provoking as to determine their Creator to
mined in their choice by their carnal passion, to destroy these his creatures, whom before he had so
the prejudice of virtue or religion. much favoured.
Noe commanded to build the ark GENESIS Noe enters the ark
8 But Noe found grace before the up with thee: and it shall be food for
Lord. thee and them.
9 These are the generations of Noe: 22 And Noe did God
all things which
Noe was a just and perfect man in his commanded him.
generations, he walked with God.
10 And he begot three sons, Sem, Cham, CHAPTER 7
and Japheth. Noe with his family go into the ark. The deluge
11 And the earth was corrupted before overflows the earth.

God, and was filled with iniquity. the Lord said to him: Go in thou
12 And when God had seen that the AtfDand all thy house into the ark: for

earth was corrupted (for all flesh had thee I have seen just before me in this
corrupted its way upon the earth,) generation.?
13 He said to Noe: The end of all flesh 2 Of all clean beasts take seven and
is come before me, the earth is filled seven, the male and the female.
with iniquity through them, and I will 3 But of the beasts that are unclean two
destroy them with the earth. and two, the male and the female. Of
14 Make thee an ark of timber planks: the fowls also of the air seven and seven,
thou shalt make little rooms in the ark, the male and the female: that seed may
and thou shalt pitch it within and with be saved upon the face of the whole
out. earth.

15 Andthus shalt thou make it: The 4 For yet a while, and after seven days,
length of the ark shall be three hundred
I will rainupon the earth forty days and
cubits: the breadth of it fifty cubits, and forty nights; and I will destroy every
substance that I have made, from the
the height of it thirty cubits.
face of the earth.
16 Thou shalt make a window in the
5 And Noe did all things which the Lord
ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish the
had commanded him.
top of it: and the door of the ark thou
shalt set in the side: with lower, middle 6 And he was six hundred years old,
chambers, and third stories shalt thou when the waters of the flood overflowed
make it.
the earth.
17 Behold I will bring the waters of a 7 9 And Noe went in and his sons, his
great flood upon the earth, to destroy all wife and the wives of his sons with him
into the ark, because of the waters of
flesh, wherein is the breath of life, under
heaven. All things that are in the earth the flood.
shall be consumed. 8 And of beasts clean and unclean, and
of fowls, and of every thing that moveth
18 AndI will establish my covenant
with thee, and thou shalt enter into the upon the earth,
9 Two and two went in to Noe into the
ark, thou and thy sons, and thy wife, and had
the wives of thy sons with thee. ark, male and female, as the Lord
commanded Noe.
19 And
of every living creature of all 10 And after the seven days were
thou shalt bring two of a sort into
flesh, passed, the waters of the flood over
the ark, that they may live with thee: flowed the earth.
of the male sex, and the female. 11 In the six hundredth year of the life
20 Of fowls according to their kind, and of Noe, in the second month, in the
of beasts in their kind, and of every seventeenth day of the month, all the
thing that creepeth on the earth accord fountains of the great deep were broken
ing to its kind; two of every sort shall up, and the flood gates of
heaven were
go in with thee, that they may live. opened:
21 Thou shalt take unto thee of all food 12 And the rain fell upon the earth
that may be eaten, and thou shalt lay it forty days and forty nights.

n Eccli. 44. 17. o 1 Peter 320:2 Peter 2. 5.

q Matt. 24. 37 ;
Luke 17. 26 ; 1 Peter 3. 20.
p Heb. 11. 7 ; 2 Peter 2. 5.

Ver. 15. Three hundred cubits, &c. The ark, ac CHAP. 7. Ver. 2. Of all dean. The distinction
of clean and unclean beasts appears to have
cording to the dimensions here set down, contained
four hundred and fifty thousand square cubits. made before the law of Moses.

The deluge GENESIS The waters diminish
13 In the selfsame day Noe, and Sem, 2 The fountains also of the deep, and
and Cham, and Japheth his sons: his the flood gates of heaven were shut up,
wife, and the three wives of his sons and the rain from heaven was re
with them, went into the ark: strained.
14 They and every beast according to 3 And the waters returned from off the
its kind, and all the cattle in their kind, earth going and coming: and they began
and every thing that moveth upon the to be abated after a hundred and fifty
earth according to its kind, and every days.
fowl according to its kind, all birds, and 4 And the ark rested in the seventh
all that fly, month, the seven and twentieth day of
15 Went in to Noe into the ark, two and the month, upon the mountains of
two of all flesh, wherein was the breath Armenia.
of life. 5 And the waters were going and de
16 And they that went
went in male in, creasing until the tenth month: for in
and female of all flesh, as God had com the tenth month, the first day of the
manded him: and the Lord shut him in month, the tops of the mountains ap
on the outside. peared.
17 And the flood was forty days upon 6 And after that forty days were passed,
the earth, and the waters increased, and Noe, opening the window of the ark
lifted up the ark on high from the which he had made, sent forth a raven:
7 Which went forth and did not return,
18 For they overflowed exceedingly: till the waters were dried up upon the
and on the face of the earth: and
filled all
the ark was carried upon the waters.
19 And the waters prevailed beyond 8 He sent forth also a dove after him,
measure upon the earth: and all the high to see if the waters had now ceased upon
mountains under the whole heaven were the face of the earth.
covered. 9 But she, not finding where her foot
20 The water was fifteen cubits higher might rest, returned to him into the ark:
than the mountains which it covered. For the waters were upon the whole
21 8 And all flesh was destroyed that earth: and he put forth his hand, and
moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and caught her, and brought her into the ark.
of cattle, and of beasts, and of all creep 10 And having waited yet seven other
ing things that creep upon the earth: days, he again sent forth the dove out
and all men. of the ark.
22 And all things wherein there is the 11 And she came to him in the evening,
breath of life on the earth, died. carrying a bough of an olive tree, with
23 And he destroyed all the substance green leaves, in her mouth. Noe there
that was upon the earth, from man even fore understood that the waters were
to beast, and the creeping things and ceased upon the earth.
fowls of the air: and they were destroyed 12 And he stayed yet other seven days:
from the earth: and Noe only remained, and he sent forth the dove, which re
and they that were with him in the ark. turned not any more unto him.
24 And the waters prevailed upon the 13 Therefore in the six hundredth and
earth a hundred and fifty days. first year, the first month, the first day
of the month, the waters were lessened
CHAPTER 8 upon the earth, and Noe opening the
The deluge eeaseth. Noe goeth out of the ark, and covering of the ark, looked, and saw that
offereth a sacrifice. God s covenant to him. the face of the earth was dried.
God remembered Noe, and all 14 In the second month, the seven and
ANDthe living creatures, and all the twentieth day of the month, the earth
cattlewhich were with him in the ark, was dried.
and brought a wind upon the earth, and 15 And God spoke to Noe, saying:
the waters were abated. 16 Go out of the ark, thou and thy wife.
s Wisd. 10.4 ; Eccli. 39. 28 ; 1 Peter 8. 20.

Noe leaves the ark GENESIS God s promise to Noe
thy sons, and the wives of thy sons with 6 v Whosoever shall shed man s blood,
thee. his blood shall be shed: for man was
17 All living things that are with thee made to the image of God.-
of all flesh, as well in fowls as in beasts, 7 But increase you and multiply, and
and all creeping things that creep upon go upon the earth, and fill it.
the earth, bring out with thee, and go 8 Thus also said God to Noe, and to his
ye upon the earth: * increase and multi sons with him,
ply upon it. 9 Behold I will establish my covenant
18 So Noe went out, he and his sons: his with you, and with your seed after you:
wife, and the wives of his sons with him. 10 And with every living soul that is
19 And all living things, and cattle, and with you, as well in all birds as in cattle
creeping things that creep upon the and beasts of the earth, that are come
earth, according to their kinds, went out forth out of the ark, and in all the beasts
of the ark. of the earth.
20 And Noe built an altar unto the 11 b I will establish my covenant with
Lord: and taking of all cattle and fowls you, and all flesh shall be no more de
that were clean, offered holocausts upon stroyed with the waters of a flood, nei
the altar. ther shall there be from henceforth a
21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savour, flood to waste the earth.
and said: I will no more curse the earth 12 And God said: This is the sign of
for the sake of man: "for the imagi the covenant which I give between me
nation and thought of man s heart are and you, and to every living soul that
prone to evil from his youth: therefore is with you, for perpetual generations.
I will no more destroy every living soul bow in the clouds, and
13 I will set my
as I have done. it shall be the sign of a covenant be
22 All the days of the earth, seedtime tween me, and between the earth.
and harvest, cold and heat, summer and 14 cAnd when I shall cover the sky
winter, night and day, shall not cease. with clouds, bow shall appear in the
15 And I will remember my covenant
God blesseth Noe: forbiddeth blood, and promiseth
never more to destroy the world by water. The with you, and with every living soul
blessing of Sem and Japheth. that beareth flesh: and there shall no
God blessed Noe and his sons. more be waters of a flood to destroy all
ANDAnd he said to them: v Increase and flesh.
16 And the bow shall be in the clouds,
multiply, and fill the earth.
2 And let the fear and dread of you be and I shall see it, and shall remember
upon all the beasts of the earth, and the everlasting covenant, that was made
upon all the fowls of the air, and all that between God and every living soul of
move upon the earth: all the fishes of all fleshwhich is upon the earth.
the sea are delivered into your hand. 17 And God said to Noe: This shall be
3 And every thing that moveth and the sign of the covenant which I have
liveth shall be meat for you even as the :
established between me and all flesh
green herbs have I delivered them all to upon the earth.
you: 18 And the sons of Noe who came out
4 Saving that flesh with blood you shall of the ark, were Sem, Cham, and Ja
father of Cha-
not eat. x pheth: and Cham is the
5 For I will require the blood of your naan.
lives at the hand of every beast, and at
19 These three are the sons of Noe:
the hand of man, at the hand of every and from these was all mankind spread
over the whole earth.
man, and of his brother, will I require
the life of man. 20 And Noe, a husbandman, began to
x Lev. 17. 14 : Acts 15. 29. y Matt. 26. 52.
t Supra 1. 28 ; Infra 9. 1. Supra 6. 5 ;
z Apoc. 13. 19. a Supra 1. 28 and 8. 17.
Matt. 15. 19. v Supra 1. 22, and 8. 17. b Isa. 54. 2. e Eccli. 43. 12.
w Supra 1. 29.

Ver. 20. Holocausts, or whole burnt offerings. Ver. 21. SmeUed. &c. A figurative expression,
which the whole victim was consumed by fire denoting that God was well pleased with
the sac
upon God s altar, and no part was reserved for tt rifices which his servant offered.
ose of priest or people.

The conduct of Noe s sons GENESIS The descendants of Noe
till the ground, and planted a vine according to his tongue and their fami
lies in their nations.
21 And drinking of the wine was made 6 And Cham: Chus,
the sons of and
drunk, and was uncovered in his tent. Mesram, and Phuth, and Chanaan.
22 Which when Cham the father of 7 And the sons of Chus: Saba, and He-
Chanaan had seen, to wit, that his fa vila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sa-
ther nakedness was uncovered, he told
s batacha. The sons of Regma: Saba and
it to his two brethren without. Dadan.
23 But Sem and Japheth put a cloak 8 Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began
to be mighty on the earth.
upon their shoulders, and going back
ward, covered the nakedness of their 9 And he was a stout hunter before the
father: and their faces were turned Lord. Hence came a proverb: Even as
away, and they saw not their father s Nemrod the stout hunter before the
nakedness. Lord.
24 And Noe awaking from the wine, 10 And the beginning of his kingdom
when he had learned what his younger was Babylon, and Arach, and Achad, and
son had done to him, Chalanne in the land of Sennaar.
25 He said: Cursed be Chanaan, a serv 11 Out of that land came forth Assur,
ant of servants shall he be unto his and built Ninive, and the streets of the
brethren. city, and Chale.
26 And he said: Blessed be the Lord 12 Resen also between Ninive and
God of Sem, be Chanaan his servant. Chale: this is the great city.
27 May God enlarge Japheth, and may 13 And Mesraim begot Ludim, and Ana-
he dwell in the tents of Sem, and Cha mini, and Laabim, Nepthuim,
naan be his servant. 14 And Phetrusim, and Chasluim; of
28 And Noe lived after the flood three whom came forth the Philistines, and
hundred and fifty years: the Capthorim.
29 And all his days were in the whole 15 And Chanaan begot Sidon, his first
nine hundred and fifty years: and he died. born, the Hethite,
16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite,
CHAPTER 10 and the Gergesite,
The Genealogy of the children of Noe, by whom the
world was peopled after the flood. 17 The Hevite and the Aracite: the
are the generations of the sons Sinite,
of Noe: Sem, Cham, and Japheth: 18 And the Aradian, the Samarite, and
and unto them sons were born after the the Hamathite: and afterwards the fami
flood. <*

lies of the Chanaanites were spread

2 of Japheth: Gomer, and Ma
The sons abroad.
gog, and Madai, and Javan, and Thubal, 19 And the limits of Chanaan were
and Mosoch, and Thiras. from Sidon as one comes to Oerara even
3 And the sons of Gomer: Ascenez and to Gaza, until thou enter Sodom and
Riphath and Thogorma. Gomorrha, and Adama, and Seboim even
4 And the sons of Javan: Elisa and to Lesa.
Tharsis, Cetthim and Dodanim. 20 These are the children of Cham in
5 By these were divided the islands of their kindreds, and tongues, and genera
the Gentiles in their lands, every one tions, and lands and nations.

d 1 Par. 3. 5.

CHAP. Ver. 21. Drunk. Noe by the judg

answer, that he being then a boy, was the first that
ment of the fathers was not guilty of sin, in being saw his grandfather s nakedness, and told his father
overcome by wine: because he knew not the Cham of it and joined with him in laughing at it

strength of it. which drew upon him, rather than upon the rest of
Ver. 23. Covered the nakedness. Thus, as St. the children of Cham, this prophetical curse.
Gregory takes notice L. 35 Moral, c. 22, we ought
; CHAP. 10. Ver. 6. The islands. So the Hebrews
to cover the nakedness, that is, the sins, of our called all the remote countries, to which they went
spiritual parents and superiors. by ships from Judea, to Greece, Italy, Spain, &c.
Ver. 25. Cursed be Chanaan. The curses, as well Ver. 9. A stout hunter. Not of beasts but of
as the blessings, of the patriarchs, were propheti men whom by violence and tyranny he brought

cal: And this in particular is here recorded by under his dominion. And such he was, not only in
Moees, for the children of Israel, who were to the opinion of men, but before the Lord, that is,
possess the land of Chansan. But why should Cha in his sight who cannot be deceived.
naan be cursed for his father s faults ? The Hebrews

The tower of Babel GENESIS The genealogy of Setn
21 Of Sem also, the father of all the 7 Come ye, therefore, let us go down,
children of Heber, the elder brother of and there confound their tongue, that
Japheth, sons were born. they may not understand one another s
22 The sons of Sem Elam and Assur,
and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. 8 And so the Lord scattered them from
23 The sons of Aram: Us and Hull, and that place into all lands, and they ceased
Gether: and Mess. to build the city.
24 But Arphaxad begot Sale, of whom 9 And therefore the name thereof was
was born Heber. called Babel, because there the language
25 And to Heber were born two sons: of the whole earth was confounded: and
the name of the one was Phaleg, because from thence the Lord scattered them
in his days the earth was divided: and abroad upon the face of all countries.
his brother s name Jectan. 10 These are the generations of Sem: *
26 Which Jectan begot Elmodad, and Sem was a hundred years old when he
Saleph, and Asarmoth, Jare, begot Arphaxad, two years after the
27 And Aduram, and Uzal, and Decla, flood.
28 And Ebal, and Abimael, Saba, 11 And Sem lived after he begot Ar
29 And Ophir, and Hevila, and Jobab. phaxad, five hundred years, and begot
All these were the sons of Jectan. sons and daughters.
30 And their dwelling was from Messa 12 And Arphaxad lived thirty-five years
as we go on as far as Sephar, a moun and begot Sale.
tain in the east. 13 And Arphaxad lived after he begot
31 These are the children of Sem ac Sale, three hundred and three years; and
cording to their kindreds and tongues, begot sons and daughters.
and countries in their nations. 14 Sale also lived thirty years, and be
32 These are the families of Noe, ac got Heber.
cording to their peoples and nations. 15 And Sale lived after he begot Heber,
By these were the nations divided on four hundred and three years; and be
the earth after the flood. got sons and daughters.
16 And Heber lived thirty-four years,
CHAPTER11 and begot Phaleg.
The tower of Babel. The confusion of tongues.
The genealogy of Sem down to Abram. 17 And Heber lived after he begot Pha
AND the earth was of one tongue, leg, four hundred and thirty years: and
J\_ f and of the same speech. begot sons and daughters.
2 And when they removed from the 18 Phaleg also lived thirty years, and
east, they found a plain in the land of begot Reu.
19 *And Phaleg lived after he begot
Seanaar, and dwelt in it.
3 And each one said to his neighbour: Reu, two hundred and nine years, and
Come, let us make brick, and bake them begot sons and daughters.
with fire. And they had brick instead 20 And Reu lived thirty-two years, and
of stones, and slime instead of mortar. begot Sarug.
4 And they said: Come, let us make a 21 And Reu lived after he begot Sarug,
two hundred and seven years, and begot
city and a tower, the top whereof may
reach to heaven: and let us make our sons and daughters.
name famous before we be scattered 22 And Sarug lived thirty years, and
abroad into all lands. begot Nachor.
23 And Sarug lived after he begot Na
5 And the Lord came down to see the
children chor, two hundred years and begot sons :

city and the tower, which the

of Adam were building.
and daughters.
6 And he said: Behold, it is one people
24 And Nachor lived nine and twenty
and all have one tongue: and they have years, and begot Thare.
to do neither will they leave 25 i And Nachor lived after he begot
begun this,
off from their designs, till they accom Thare, a hundred and nineteen years:
them in deed.
and begot sons and daughters.
hi Par. 1. 17. il Par. 1. 19.
1 Par. 1. 26.
e 1 Par. 1. 17. / Wisd. 10. 5. j

CHAP. 11. Ver. 9. Babel. That is, confvxion.

The call of Abram GENESIS Abram goes down to Egypt
26 k And Thare lived seventy years, and 6 Abram passed throughthe country
begot Abram, and Nachor, and Aran. into the place of Sichem, as far as the
27 And these are the generations of noble vale: now the Chanaanite was at
Thare: Thare begot Abram, Nachor, and that time in the land.
Aran. And Aran begot Lot. 7 And the Lord appeared to Abram,
28 And Aran died before Thare, his and said to him: P To thy seed will I give
father, in the land of his nativity in Ur this land. And he built there an altar
of the Chaldees. to the Lord, who had appeared to him.
29 And Abram and Nachor married 8 And passing on from thence to a
wives: the name of Abram s wife was mountain, that was on the east side of
Sarai: and the name of Nachor s wife, Bethel, he there pitched his tent, having
Melcha, the daughter of Aran, father of Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east;
Melcha, and father of Jescha. he built there also an altar to the Lord,
30 And Sarai was barren, and had no and called upon his name.
children. 9 And Abram went forward, going, and
31 *And Thare took Abram, his son, proceeding on to the south.
and Lot the son of Aran, his son s son, 10 And there came a famine in the
and Sarai his daughter in law, the wife country; and Abram went down into
of Abram his son, and brought them out Egypt, to sojourn there: for the famine
of Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the was very grievous in the land.
land of Chanaan: and they came as far 11 And when he was near to enter into
as Haran, and dwelt there. Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife I know :

32 And the days of Thare were two that thou art a beautiful woman:
hundred and five years, and he died in 12 And that when the Egyptians shall
Haran. see thee, they will say: She is his wife:
and they will kill me, and keep thee.
13 r Say, therefore, I pray thee, that
The call of Abram, and the promise made to him.
He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion thou art my sister: that I may be well
oi a famine, goeth down to Egypt. used for thee, and that my soul may live
NDthe Lord said to Abram m Go : for thy sake.
forth out of thy country, and from 14 And when Abram was come into
thy kindred, and out of thy father s Egypt, the Egyptians saw the woman
house, and come into the land which I that she was very beautiful.
shall shew thee. 15 And the princes told Pharao, and
2 And I will make of thee a great na praised her before him: and the woman
tion, and I will bless thee, and magnify was taken into the house of Pharao.
thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. 16 And they used Abram well for her
3 I will bless them that bless thee, and sake. And he had sheep and oxen, and
curse them that curse thee, and IN n he asses, and menservants and maid
THEE shall all the kindred of the earth servants, and she asses, and camels.
be blessed. 17 But the Lord scourged Pharao and
4 So Abram went out as the Lord had his house with most grievous stripes for
commanded him, and Lot went with Sarai, Abram s wife.
him: Abram was seventy-five years old 18 And Pharao called Abram, and said
when he went forth from Haran. to him: What is this that thou hast done
5 And he took Sarai his wife, and Lot to me? Why didst thou not tell me that
and all the substance
his brother s son, she was thy wife?
which they had gathered, and the souls 19 For what cause didst thou say, she
which they had gotten in Haran: and was thy sister, that I might take her to
they went out to go into the land of my wife? Now, therefore, there is thy
Chanaan. And when they were come wife, take her and go thy way.
into it, 20 And Pharao gave his men orders
k Jos. 24. 2 ; Neh. 9. l.l Judith 5. 6 ; Acts 7. 2.
17 Infra 13. 14, and 15. 18, and 26. 2
m Acts 7. 3. n Infra 18. 18. and 22. 18, and 26. 4 ;
p Gal. 3. ; ;

Gal. 3. 8 Heb. 11. 8. Deut. 34. 4. r Infra 20. 11.


CHAP. 12. Ver. 13. My sister. This was no lie; she might truly be called his sister, as Lot is
because she was his niece, being daughter to his bro called Abram s brother, Gen. xiv. 14. See Gen.
ther Aran, and therefore, in the style of the Hebrews, 20. 1. 2.

Abram and Lot separate GENESIS The battle of the kings
concerning Abram: and they led him .Lot was separated from him * Lift up :

away, and his wife, and all that he had. thy eyes, and look from the place wherein
CHAPTER thou now art, to the north and to the
Abram and Lot part from, each other. God s pro south, to the east and to the west.
mise to Abram. 15 All the land which thou seest, I will
Abram went up out of Egypt, he give to thee, and to thy seed for ever.
AMD and his wife, and all that he had, 16 And I will make thy seed as the dust
of the earth: if any man be able to num
and Lot with him, into the south.
2 And he was very rich in possession ber the dust of the earth, he shall be
of gold and silver. able to number thy seed also.
3 And he returned by the way that he 17 Arise and walk through the land in
came, from the south to Bethel, to the the length, and in the breadth thereof:
place where before he had pitched his for I will give it to thee.
tent between Bethel and Hai: 18 So Abram removing his tent came
4 * In the place of the altar which he and dwelt by the vale of Mambre, which
had made before; and there he called is in Hebron: and he built there an altar
to the Lord.
upon the name of the Lord.
5 But Lot also, who was with Abram,
had flocks of sheep, and herds of beasts,
The expedition of the four kings; the victory of
and tents. Abram; he is blessed by Melchisedech.
6 Neither was the land able to bear it came to pass at that time, that
them, that they might dwell together:
* for their substance was great, and
AJD Amraphel king of Sennaar, and Ari-
och king of Pontus, and Chodorlahomoi
they could not dwell together. king of the Elamites, and Thadal king
7 Whereupon also there arose a strife of nations,
between the herdsmen of Abram and of 2 Made war against Bara king of Sodom,
Lot. And
at that time the Chanaanite and a jainst Bersa king of Gomorrha, and
and the Pherezite dwelledin that country. against Sennaab king of Adama, and
8 Abram therefore said to Lot: Let against Semeber king of Seboim, and
there be no quarrel, I beseech thee, be against the king of Bala, which is Segor.
tween me and thee, and between my 3 All these came together into the
herdsmen and thy herdsmen: for we are woodland vale, which now is the salt sea. v
brethren. 4 For they had served Chodorlahomor
9 Behold the whole land is before thee: twelve years, and in the thirteenth year
depart from me I pray thee: if thou wilt they revolted from him.
go to the left hand, I will take the right: 5 And in the fourteenth year came >

if thou choose the right hand, I will pass Chodorlahomor, and the kings that were
to the left. with him: and they smote the Raphaim
10 And Lot, lifting up his eyes, saw all in Astarothcarnaim, and the Zuzim with
the country about the Jordan, which was them, and the Emim in Save of Caria-
watered throughout, before the Lord de thaim.
stroyed Sodom and Gomorrha, as the 6 And the Chorreans in the mountains
paradise of the Lord, and like Egypt as of Seir, even to the plains of Pharan,
one comes to Segor. which is in the wilderness.
11 And Lot chose to himself the country 7 And they returned, and came to the
about the Jordan, and he departed from fountain of Misphat, the same is Cades:
the east: and they were separated one and they smote all the country of the
brother from the other. Amalecites, and the Amorrhean that
12 Abram dwelt in the land of Chanaan; dwelt in Asasonthamar.
and Lot abode in the towns that were 8 And the king of Sodom, and the king
about the Jordan, and dwelt in Sodom. of Gomorrha, and the king of Adama,
13 And the men of Sodom were very and the king of Seboim, and the king of
wicked, and sinners before the face of Bala, which is Segor, went out: and they
the Lord, beyond measure. set themselves against them in battle
14 And the Lord said to Abram, after array in the woodland vale:
s Supra 12. 7. t Infra 36. 7. Supra 12. 7; v Infra 19.24.
Infra 15. 18, and 26. 4 ; Deut. 34. 4. w About B. C. 1920, probably.

Melchisedech blesses Abram GENESIS Abram s faith
9 To wit, against Chodorlahomor king hand Lord God the most high, the
to the
of the Elamites, and Thadal king of na possessor of heaven and earth.
tions, and Amraphel king of Sennaar, 23 That from the very woof thread unto
and Arioch king of Pontus: four kings the shoe latchet, I will not take of any
against five. things that are thine, lest thou say I
10 Now
the woodland vale had many have enriched Abram:
pits of slime. And the king of Sodom, 24 Except such things as the young
and the king of Gomorrha turned their men have eaten, and the shares of the
backs and were overthrown there: and men that came with me, Aner, Escol,
they that remained fled to the moun and Mambre: these shall take their
tain. shares.
11 And they took all the substance of CHAPTER 15
the Sodomites, and Gomorrhites, and all God promiseth seed to Abram. His faith, sacrifice
their victuals, and went their way: and vision.
12 And Lot also, the son of Abram s when these things were done,
brother, who dwelt in Sodom, and his NOW
the word of the Lord came to
Bubstance. by a vision, saying: Fear not,
13 And behold one that had escaped Abram, I am thy protector, and thy re
told Abram the Hebrew, who dwelt in ward exceeding great.
the vale of Mambre the Amorrhite, the 2 And Abram said: Lord God, what wilt
brother of Escol, and the brother of thou give me? I shall go without chil
Aner: for these had made league with dren: and the son of the steward of my
Abram. house is this Damascus Eliezer.
14 Which when Abram had heard, to 3 And Abram added: But to me thou
wit, that hisbrother Lot was taken, he hast not given seed: and lo my servant,
numbered of the servants born in his born to my house, shall be my heir.
house, three hundred and eighteen well 4 And immediately the word of the Lord
appointed: and pursued them to Dan. came to him, saying: He shall not be thy
15 And dividing his company, he rushed heir: but he that shall come out of thy
upon them in the night: and defeated bowels, him shalt thou have for thy
them, and pursued them as far as Hoba, heir.
which is on the left hand of Damascus. 5 And he brought him forth abroad, and
16 And he brought back all the sub said to him: *Look up to heaven and
stance, and Lot his brother, with his sub number the stars, if thou canst. And he
stance, the women also and the people. said to him: So shall thy seed be.
17 And the king of Sodom went out to 6 a Abram believed God, and it was re
meet him, after he returned from the puted to him unto justice.
slaughter of Chodorlahomor, and of the 7 And he said to him: I am the Lord
kings that were with him in the vale of who brought thee out from Ur of the
Save, which is the king s vale. Chaldees, to give thee this land, and that
18 * But Melchisedech the king of Salem, thou mightest possess it.
bringing forth bread and wine, for he 8 But he said: Lord God, whereby may
was the priest of the most high God, I know that I shall possess it?
19 Blessed him and said: Blessed be 9 And the Lord answered, and said:
Abram by the most high God, who cre Take me a cow of three years old, and a
ated heaven and earth. she goat of three years, and a ram of
20 And blessed be the most high God, three years, a turtle also, and a pigeon.
by whose protection the enemies are in 10 & And he took all these, and divided
thy hands. And he gave him the tithes them in the midst, and laid the two
of all. pieces of each one against the other; but
21 And the king of Sodom said to the birds he divided not.
Abram: Give me the persons, and the 11 And the fowls came down upon the
rest take to thyself. carcasses, and Abram drove them away.
22 And he answered him: I lift up my 12 And when the sun was setting a
* IIeb. 7. 1. z Rom. 4. 18. a Rom. 4. 3. ; Gal. 3. 6 ; James 2. 23. 6 Jer. 34. 18.

CHAP. 14. Ver 10. Of slime. Bituminis. This building of Babel, Gen. xi. 3, and was used by
was a kind of pitch, which served for mortar in th^ Noe in pitching the ark.

The covenant with Abram GENESIS Agar and Ismael
deep sleep fell upon Abram, and a great self to be with child, despiseth me. The
and darksome horror seized upon him. Lord judge between me and thee.
13 And it was said unto him: c Know 6 And Abram made answer, and said to
thou beforehand that thy seed shall be a her: Behold thy handmaid is in thy own
stranger in a land not their own, and hand, use her as it pleaseth thee. And
they shall bring them under bondage, when Sarai afflicted her, she ran away.
and afflict them four hundred years. 7 And the angel of the Lord
14 But I will judge the nation which having
found her, by a fountain of water in the
they shall serve, and after this they shall wilderness, which is in the way to Sur in
come out with great substance. the desert,
15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in 8 He said to her: Agar, handmaid of
peace, and be buried in a good old age. Sarai, whence comest thou ? and whither
16 But in the fourth generation they goest thou? And she answered: I flee
shall return hither: for as yet the iniqui from the face of Sarai, my mistress.
ties of the Amorrhites are not at the full 9 And the angel of the Lord said to
until this present time. her: Return to thy mistress, and humble
17 And when the sun was set, there thyself under her hand.
arose a dark mist, and there appeared a 10 And again he said: I will multiply
smoking furnace and a lamp of fire pass thy seed exceedingly, and it shall not be
ing between those divisions. numbered for multitude.
18 d That day God made a covenant 11 And again: Behold, said he, thou
with Abram, saying: To thy seed will I art with child, and thou shalt bring forth
give this land, from the river of Egypt a son: and thou shalt call his name
even to the great river Euphrates. Ismael, because the Lord hath heard
19 The Cineans and Cenezites, the Ced- thy affliction.
monites, 12 He
shall be a wild man: his hand
And the Hethites, and the Pherez- will be against all men, and all men s
ites, the Raphaim also, hands against him: and he shall pitch
21 And the Amorrhites, and the Cha- his tents over against all his brethren.
naanites, and the Gergesites, and the Je- 13 And she called the name of the
busites. Lord that spoke unto her: Thou the
CHAPTER 16 God who hast seen me. For she said:
Abram marrieth Agar, who bring eth forth Ismael Verily here have I seen the hinder parts
Sarai the wife of Abram, had of him that seeth me. /
brought forth no children; but 14 Therefore she called that well, The
having handmaid, an Egyptian, named well of him that liveth and seeth me.
Agar, The same is between Cades and Barad.
2 She said to her husband: Behold, the 15 And Agar brought forth a son to
Lord hath restrained me from bearing: Abram: who called his name Ismael.
go in unto my handmaid, it may be I 16 Abram was fourscore and six years
may have children of her at least. And old when Agar brought him forth Is
when he agreed to her request, mael.
3 She took Agar the Egyptian her CHAPTER 17
handmaid, ten years after they first The Covenant of circumcision.
dwelt in the land af Chanaan, and gave AND after he began to be ninety and
her to her husband to wife. j[\_ nine years old, the Lord appeared
4 And he went in to her. But she, per to him: and said unto him: I am the
ceiving that she was with child, despised Almighty God: walk before me, and be
her mistress. perfect.
5 And Sarai said to Abram: Thou dost 2 And I will make my covenant be
unjustly with me: I gave my handmaid tween me and thee: and I will multiply
into thy bosom, and she perceiving her- thee exceedingly.
c Acts 7. 6. d Supra 12. 7. and 13. 15 Infra 26. 4 ;

/ Ex. 33. 20 and 23. Infra 24. 62.

Deut.34.4; 2 Par. 9.26; 1 Kings 4.20, and 3 Kings 4.21.
CHAP. 16. Ver. 3. To wife. Plurality of wives, to have continued during the time of the law of
though contrary to the primitive institution of Moses. But Christ our Lord reduced marriage to
marriage, Gen. 2. 24, was by divine dispensation its primitive institution. Matt. 19.
allowed to the patriarchs which allowance seems

The covenant of circumcision GENESIS Isaac is promised
3 Abram fell flat on his face. is a hundred years old? and shall Sara
4 And God said to him: I AM, and my that is ninety years old bring forth?
covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be 18 And he said to God: that Ismael
a father of many nations. may live before thee.
5 Neither shall thy name be called any 19 And God said to Abraham: * Sara
more Abram: but thou shalt be called thy wife shall bear thee a son, and thou
Abraham: because I have made thee a shalt call his name Isaac, and I will
father of many nations. establish my covenant with him for a
6 And I will make thee increase, ex perpetual covenant, and with his seed
ceedingly, and I will make nations of after him.
thee, and kings shall come out of thee. 20 And as for Ismael I have also heard
7 And I will establish my covenant thee. Behold, I will bless him, and in
between me and thee, and between thy crease, and multiply him exceedingly: he
seed after thee in their generations, by shall beget twelve chiefs, and I will
a perpetual covenant: to be a God to make him a great nation.
thee, and to thy seed after thee. 21 But my covenant I will establish
8 And I will give to thee, and to thy with Isaac, whom Sara shall bring forth
seed, the land of thy sojournment, all the to thee at this time in the next year.
land of Chanaan, for a perpetual pos 22 And when he had left off speaking-
session, and I will be their God. with him, God went up from Abraham.
9 Again God said to Abraham: ff And 23 And Abraham took Ismael his son,
thou therefore shalt keep my covenant, and all that were born in his house: and
and thy seed after thee in their genera all whom he had bought, every male
tions. among the men of his house: and he
10 This is my covenant which you shall circumcised the flesh of their foreskin
observe, between me and you, and thy forthwith the very same day, as God
seed after thee: All the male kind of had commanded him.
you shall be circumcised: 24 Abraham was ninety and nine years
11 And you shall circumcise the flesh of old, when he circumcised the flesh of his
your foreskin, that it may be for a h sign foreskin.
of the covenant between me and you. 25 And Ismael his son was full thirteen
12 An infant of eight days old shall be years old at the time of his circumcision.
circumcised among you, every man child 26 The selfsame day was Abraham cir
in your generations: he that is born in cumcised and Ismael his son.
the house, as well as the bought servant 27 And all the men of his house, as
shall be circumcised, and whosoever is well they that were born in his house, as
not of your stock: the bought servants and strangers were
13 And my covenant
shall be in your circumcised with him.
flesh fora perpetual covenant.
14 The male, whose flesh of his foreskin CHAPTER 18
shall notbe circumcised, that soul shall Angels are entertained by Abraham. They fore
be destroyed out of his people: because tell the birth of Isaac. Abraham s prayer for
the men of Sodom.
he hath broken my covenant.
ND/ the Lord appeared to him in the
15 God also to Abraham: Sarai
vale of Mambre as he was sitting
thy wilfe thou shalt not call Sarai, but at the door of his tent, in the very heat
of the day.
16 And I will bless her, and of her I will 2 And when he had lifted up his eyes,
give thee a son, whom I will bless, and there appeared to him three men stand
he shall become nations, and kings of
ing near him: and as soon as he saw
people shall spring from him. them he ran to meet them from the door
17 Abraham fell upon his face, and of his tent, and adored down to the
laughed, saying in his heart: Shall a ground.
son, thinkest thou, be born to him that 3 And he said: Lord, if I have found
g Acts 7.8. h Rom. 4.11; Lev. 12 3- i Infra 18. 10, and 21. 2. j Heb. 13. 2.
Luke 2. 21.
CHAP. 17. Ver. 5. Abram, in the Hebrew, sig the multitude; Sarai signifies my Lady, but Sara
nifies a high father but Abraham, the father of absolutely I.ady.

Sara s unbelief GENESIS Abraham s prayer for Sodom
favour in thy sight, pass not away from 18 Seeing he shall become a great

thy servant: and mighty nation, and in him all the

4 But I will fetch a little water, and nations of the earth shall be blessed ?
wash ye your feet, and rest ye under the 19 For I know that he will command
tree. his children, and his household after
5 And I will set a morsel of bread, and him to keep the way of the Lord, and
strengthen ye your heart, afterwards you do judgment and justice: that for Abra
shall pass on: for therefore are you ham s sake the Lord may bring to effect
come aside to your servant. And they all the things he hath spoken unto him.
said: Do as thou hast spoken. 20 And the Lord said: The cry of
6 Abraham made haste into the tent to Sodom and Gomorrha is multiplied, and

Sara, and said to her: Make haste, tem their sin is become exceedingly grievous.
per together three measures of flour, and 21 I will go down and see whether they
make cakes upon the hearth. have done according to the cry that is
7 And he himself ran to the herd, and come to me: or whether it be not so,
took from thence a calf very tender and that I may know.
very good, and gave it to a young man: 22 And they turned themselves from
who made haste and boiled it. thence, and went their way to Sodom: but
8 He took also butter and milk, and the Abraham as yet stood before the Lord.
calf which he had boiled, and set before 23 And drawing nigh he said: Wilt
them: but he stood by them under the thou destroy the just with the wicked ?
tree. 24 If there be fifty just men in the city,
9 And when they had eaten, they said shall they perish withal ? and wilt thou
to him: Where is Sara thy wife? He not spare that place for the sake of the
answered: Lo, she is in the tent. fifty just, if they be therein?
10 And he said to him * I will return : 25 Far be it from thee to do this thing,
and come to thee at this time, life ac and to slay the just with the wicked, and
companying, and Sara thy wife shall have for the just to be in like case as the
a son. Which when Sara heard, she wicked, this is not beseeming thee:
laughed behind the door of the tent. thou who judgest all the earth, wilt not
11 Now they were both old, and far make this judgment.
advanced in years, and it had ceased to 26 And the Lord said to him: If I find
be with Sara after the manner of women. in Sodom fifty just within the city, I
12 And she laughed secretly, saying: will spare the whole place for their sake.
After I am grown old and my lord is an l 27 And Abraham answered, and said:
old man, shall I give myself to pleasure ? Seeing I have once begun, I will speak to
13 And the Lord said to Abraham Why : my Lord, whereas I am dust and ashes.
did Sara laugh, saying: Shall I who am 28 What if there be five less than fifty
an old woman bear a child indeed? just persons? wilt thou for five and
14 Is there any thing hard to God? forty destroy the whole city? And he
according to appointment I will return said: I will not destroy it, if I find five
to thee at this same time, life accom and forty.
panying, and Sara shall have a son. 29 And again he said to him: But if
15 Sara denied, saying: I did not forty be found there, what wilt thou do ?
laugh: for she was afraid. But the He said: I will not destroy it for the
Lord said, Nay: but thou didst laugh: sake of forty.
16 And when the men rose up from 30 Lord, saith he, be not angry, I be
thence, they turned their eyes towards seech thee, if I speak: What if thirty
Sodom: and Abraham walked with them, shall be found there? He answered: 1
will not do it, if I find thirty there.
bringing them on the way.
17 And the Lord said: Can I hide from 31 Seeing, saith he, I have once begun,
Abraham what I am about to do: I will speak to my Lord. What if
k Supra 17. 19 ; Infra 21. 1 ;
Rom. 9.9. 1 1 Peter 3. 6. m Supra 12. 3 ; Infra 22. 18.

CHAP. 18. Vcr. 21. / will go down, &c. The where for information. Note here, that two of the
Lord here accommodates his discourse to the way three angels went away immediately for Sodom ;

whilst the third, who represented the Lord. r-

of speaking and acting amongst men for he ;

mained with Abraham.

knoweth all things, and needeth not to go any-
Lot receives the angels GENESIS Lot saved from Sodom

twenty be found there? He said: I will hand, and drew in Lot unto them, and
not destroy it for the sake of twenty. shut the door:
32 I beseech thee, saith he, be not 11 And them that were without, P they
angry, Lord, if I speak yet once more: struck with blindness from the least to
What if ten should be found there ? And the greatest, so that they could not find
he said: I will not destroy it for the the door.
sake of ten. 12 And they said to Lot: Hast thouhera
33 And the Lord departed, after he had any of thine? son in law, or sons, or
left speaking to Abraham: and Abraham daughters, all that are thine bring them
returned to his place. out of this city:
13 For we will destroy this place, because
CHAPTER 19 their cry is grown loud before the Lord,
Lot, entertaining Angels in his house, is delivered who hath sent us to destroy them.
from Sodom, which is destroyed: his wife for 14 So Lot went out, and spoke to his
looking bach is turned into a statue of salt.
sons in law that were to have his daugh
A 3D n the two angels came
in the evening, and Lot was sitting
in the gate of the city. And seeing them,
to Sodom
ters, and said: Arise: get you out of this
place, because the Lord will destroy this
And he seemed to them to speak
he rose up and went to meet them: and city.
as it were in jest.
worshipped prostrate to the ground,
2 And said: I beseech you, my lords, 15 And when it was morning, the angels
turn in to the house of your servant, and pressed him, saying: Arise, take thy wife,
and the two daughters which thou hast:
lodge there: wash your feet, and in the
lest thou also perish in the wickedness of
morning you shall go on your way. And
the city.
they said: No, but we will abide in the
street. 16 And as he lingered, they took his hand,
3 He pressed them very much to turn in and the hand of his wife, and of his two
unto him: and when they were come in daughters, because the Lord spared him.
to his house, he made them a feast, and 17 i And they brought him forth, and set
baked unleavened bread and they ate: him without the city: and there they
4 But before they went to bed, the men spoke to him, saying: Save thy life: look
of the city beset the house both young not back, neither stay thou in all the
and old, all the people together. country about: but save thyself in the
5 And they called Lot, and said to him: mountain, lest thou be also consumed.
Where are the men that came in to thee 18 And Lot said to them: I beseech thee
at night? bring them out hither that we rny Lord,
19 Because thy servant hath found
may know them:
6 Lot went out to them, and shut the grace before thee, and thou hast magni
door after him, and said: fied thy mercy, which thou hast shewn to
7 Do not so, I beseech you, my brethren, me, in saving my life, and I cannot es
do not commit this evil. cape to the mountain, lest some evil seize
8 I have two daughters who as yet have me, and I die:
not known man I will bring them out to
20 There is this city here at hand, to
you, and abuse you them as it shall which I may flee, it is a little one, and I
please you, so that you do no evil to shall be saved in it: is it not a little one,
these men, because they are come in un and my soul shall live?
der the shadow of my roof. 21 And he said to him: Behold also in
9 But they said: Get thee back hither. this, I have heard thy prayers, not to de
And again: Thou earnest in, said they, stroy the city for which thou hast spoken.
as a stranger, was it to be a judge? 22 r Make haste and be saved there, be
therefore we will afflict thee more than cause I cannot do any thing till thou go
them, o And they pressed very violently in thither. Therefore the name of that
upon Lot: and they were even at the city was called Segor.
point of breaking open the doors. 23 The sun was risen upon the earth,
10 And behold the men put out their and Lot entered into Segor.
n Heb. 13. 2. p Wisd. 19. 16 ; 2 KinKS 18. 6. g Wisd. 10. 6.
o 2 Peter 2. 8. r Wisd. 10. 6.

CHAP. 19. Ver, 22. Segor. That is, a little one.

Destruction of the cities GENESIS God warns Abimelech
24 And the Lord rained upon Sodom called his name Ammon, that is, the son
and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from of my people: he is the father of the
the Lord out of heaven. Ammonites unto this day.
25 And he destroyed these cities, and all CHAPTER 20
the country about, all the inhabitants of Abraham sojourned in Gerara: Sara is taken into
the cities, and all things that spring from king Abimelech s house, but by God s command
ment is restored untouched.
the earth. ABRAHAM removed from thence to
26 *
his wife looking behind her, _T\. the country, and dwelt be
\vas turned into a statue of salt. tween Cades and Sur, and sojourned in
27 And Abraham got up early in the Gerara.
morning, and in the place where he had 2 And he said of Sara his wife: She is
stood before with the Lord, my So Abimelech the king of
28 He looked towards Sodom and Go Gerara sent, and took her.
morrha, and the whole land of that 3 And God came to Abimelech in a
country: and he saw the ashes rise up dream by night, and he said to him:
from the earth as the smoke of a furnace. Lo thou shalt die for the woman thou
29 Now when God destroyed the cities hast taken: for she hath a husband.
of that country, remembering Abraham, 4 Now Abimelech had not touched her,
he delivered Lot out of the destruction and he said: Lord, wilt thou slay a na
of the cities wherein he had dwelt. tion, that is ignorant and just?
30 And Lot went up out of Segor, and 5 Did not he say to me: She is my sis
abode in the mountain, and his two daugh ter: and she say, He is my brother? in
ters with him, (for he was afraid to stay the simplicity of my heart, and cleanness
in Segor,) and he dwelt in a cave, he and of my hands have I done this.
his two daughters with him. 6 And God said to him: And I know
31 And the elder said to the younger: that thou didst it with a sincere heart:
Our father is old, and there is no man and therefore I withheld thee from sin
left on the earth, to come in unto us ning against me, and I suffered thee not
after the manner of the whole earth. to touch her.
32 Come, let us make him drunk with 7 Now therefore restore the man his
wine, and let us lie with him, that we wife, for he is a prophet: and he shall
may preserve the seed of our father. pray for thee, and thou shalt live: but if
33 And they made their father drink thou wilt not restore her, know that thou
wine that night: and the elder went in shalt surely die, thou and all that nre
and lay with her father but he perceived
: thine.
not neither when his daughter lay down, 8 And Abimelech forthwith rising up in
nor when she rose up. the night, called all his servants: and
34 And the next day the elder said to spoke all these words in their hearing,
the younger: Behold I lay last night with and all the men were exceedingly afraid.
my father, let us make him drink wine 9 And Abimelech called also for Abra
also tonight, and thou shalt lie with him, ham, and said to him: What hast thou
that we may save seed of our father. done to us ? what have we offended thee
35 They made their father drink wine in,that thou hast brought upon me and
that night also, and the younger daugh upon my kingdom a great sin ? thou
ter went in, and lay with him: and hast done to us what thou oughtest not
neither then did he perceive when she lay to do.
down, nor when she rose up. 10 And again he expostulated with him,
36 So the two daughters of Lot were and said, What sawest thou, that thou
with child by their father. hast done this?
37 And the elder bore a son, and she 11 Abraham answered: I thought with
called his name Moab: he is the father myself, saying: Perhaps there is not the
of the Moabites unto this day. fear of God in this place: and they will
38 The younger also bore a son, and she kill me for the sake of my wife:

sDeut. 29. 23 Isa. 13. 19 ; Jer. 50. 40 ;

Luke 17. 29 ; Judo 1. 7. t Luke 17. 32.

Ezech. 16. 49 Osee

; 11. 8 ; Amos 4. 11; u Supra 18. 1.

Ver. 26. And his wife. As a standing memorial to the servants of God to proceed in virtue, and not
to look back to vice or its allurements.
Isaac is born GENESIS Agar and Ismael cast forth
12 Howbeit, otherwise also she is truly 9 And when Sara had seen the son of
my sister, the daughter of my father,

Agar the Egyptian playing with Isaac

and not the daughter of my mother, and her son, she said to Abraham:
I took her to wife. 10 Cast out this bondwoman, and her
13 after God brought me out of my
And son: for the son of the bondwoman shall
father house, I said to her: Thou shalt
s not be heir with my son Isaac.
do me this kindness: In every place, to 11 Abraham took this grievously for
which we shall come, thou shalt say that his son.
I am thy brother. 12 And God said to him Let it not seem :

14 And Abimelech took sheep and oxen, grievous to thee for the boy, and for thy
and servants and handmaids, and gave to bondwoman: in all that Sara hath said
Abraham: and restored to him Sara, his to thee, hearken to her voice c for in :

wife. Isaac shall thy seed be called.

15 And said: The land is before you, 13 But I will make the son also of the
dwell wheresoever it shall please thee. bondwoman a great nation, because he
16 And to Sara he said: Behold I have is thy seed.
given thy brother a thousand pieces of Abraham rose up in the morning,
14 So
silver: this shall serve thee for a cover and taking bread and a bottle of water,
ing of thy eyes to all that are with thee, put it upon her shoulder, and delivered
and whithersoever thou shalt go: and the boy, and sent her away. And she
remember thou wast taken. departed, and wandered in the wilderness
17 And when Abraham prayed, God of Bersabee.
healed Abimelech and his wife, and his 15 And when the water in the bottle
handmaids, and they bore children: was spent, she cast the boy under one of
18 For the Lord had closed up every the trees that were there.
womb of the house of Abimelech on ac 16 And she went her way, and sat over
count of Sara, Abraham s wife. against him a great way off as far as a
bow can carry, for she said: I will not
21 CHAPTER see the boy die: and sitting over against,
Isaac is Agar and Ismael are cast forth.
born, she lifted up her voice and wept.
AND the Lord visited v Sara, as he had 17 And God heard the voice of the boy:
_T\. promised: and fulfilled what he had and an angel of God called to Agar from
spoken. heaven, saying: What art thou doing,
2 z And she conceived and bore a son Agar? fear not: for God hath heard the
in her old age, at the time that God had voice of the boy, from the place wherein
foretold her. he is.
3 And Abraham called the name of his 18 Arise, take up the boy, and hold him
son, whom Sara bore him, Isaac. by the hand: for I will make him a great
4 And he circumcised him the eighth nation.
day, b as God had commanded him, 19 And God opened her eyes: and she
5 When he was a hundred years old: saw a well of water, and went and filled
for at this age of his father was Isaac the bottle, and gave the boy to drink.
born. 20 And God was with him and he grew, :

6 And Sara said: God hath made a and dwelt in the wilderness, and became
laughter for me whosoever shall hear of: a young man, an archer.
it laugh with me.
will 21 And he dwelt in the wilderness of
7 And again she said: Who would be Pharan, and his mother took a wife for
lieve that Abraham should hear that him out of the land of Egypt.
Sara gave suck to a son, whom she bore 22 At the same time Abimelech, and
to him in his old age. Phicol the general of his army said to
And the child grew and was weaned:
8 Abraham: God is with thee in all that
and Abraham made a great feast on the thou dost.
day of his weaning. 23 Swear therefore by God, that thou
Supra 12. 13, and 11. 29. x Infra 21. 23 6 Supra 17. 10 ; Matt. 1. 2.
y Supra 17. 19, and 18. 10. z Gal. 4. 23 Heb. 11.
; 11. c Rom. 9. 7 ; Heb. 11. 18.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 3. Isaac. This word signifies laughter.

Abraham ana Abwielecn GENESIS God tries Abraham
wilt not hurt me, nor my
posterity, nor saddled his ass: and took with him two
my stock: but according to the kindness young men, and Isaac his son: and when
c that I have done to thee, thou shalt do he had cut wood for the holocaust he
to me, and to the land wherein thou hast went his way to the place which God had
lived a stranger. commanded him.
24 And Abraham said: I will swear. 4 And on the third day, lifting up his
25 And he reproved Abimelech for a eyes, he saw the place afar off.
well of water, which his servants had 5 And he said to his young men: Stay
taken away by force. you here with the ass: I and the boy will
26 And Abimelech answered: I knew not go with speed as far as yonder, and after
who did this thing: and thou didst not we have worshipped, will return to you.
tell me, and I heard not of it till to day. 6 And he took the wood for the holo
27 And Abraham took sheep and oxen, caust, and upon Isaac his son;
laid it
and gave them to Abimelech: and both and he himself carried in his hands fire
of them made a league. and a sword. And as they two went on
28 And Abraham set apart seven ewe together,
lambs of the flock. 7 Isaac said to his father: My father.
29 And Abimelech said to him: What And he answered: What wilt thou, son?
mean these seven ewe lambs which thou Behold, saith he, fire and wood: where
hast set apart? is the victim for the holocaust?
30 But he said: Thou shalt take seven 8 And Abraham said: God will provide
ewe lambs at my hand: that they may himself a victim for an holocaust, my
be a testimony for me, that I dug this son. So they went on together.
well. 9 And they came to the place which
31 Therefore that place was called Ber- God had shewn him, where he built an
sabee: because there both of them did altar,and laid the wood in order upon it:
swear. and when he had bound Isaac his son, he
32 And they made a league for the well laid him on the altar upon the pile of
of oath. wood.
33 And Abimelech, and Phicol the gen 10 h And he put forth his hand and took
eral of his army arose and returned to the sword, to sacrifice his son.
the land of the Palestines. But Abra 11 And behold an angel of the Lord
ham planted a grove in Bersabee, and from heaven called to him, saying: Abra
there called upon the name of the Lord ham, Abraham. And he answered: Here
God eternal. I am.
34 And he was a sojourner in the land 12 And he said to him: Lay not thy
of the Palestines many days. hand upon the boy, neither do thou any
thing to him: now I know that thou
CHAPTER 22 fearest God, and hast not spared thy
The faith and obedience of Abraham is proved in
his readiness to sacrifice his son Isaac. He is only begotten son for my sake.
stayed from the act by an angel. Former pro 13 Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw
mises are renewed to him. His brother Nachor s
behind his back a ram amongst the briers
sticking fast by the horns, which he
these things, /God tempted
Abraham, and said to him: Abra and offered for a holocaust instead of his
ham, Abraham. And he answered: Here son.
14 And he called the name of that place,
I am.
2 He said to him: Take thy only begot The Lord seeth. Whereupon even to
is said: In the mountain the
ten son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and go this day it
into the land of vision: and there thou Lord will see.

shalt offer him for an holocaust upon one 15And the angel of the Lord called to
of the mountains which I will shew thee. Abraham a second time from heaven,
3 So Abraham rising up in the night, saying:
h James 2. 21.
e Supra 20. 13.
/ Judith 8. 22 ; Heb. 11. 17.
this trial the sin
the well of oath. ourselves, what we are. as here by
Ver. 31. Bersabee. .That is, of Abraham was
gular faith and obedience

CHAP. 22. Ver. 1. God tempted, &c. God tempt- manifest.

eth no man to evil, James 1. 13; but by trial and
experiment maketh known to the world, and
Go d blesses Abraham GENESIS Burial of Sara

16 * By my own self have I sworn, saith the people of the land, to wit the chil
the Lord: because thou hast done this dren of Heth:
thing, and hast not spared thy only be 8 And said to them: If it please your
gotten son for my sake: soul that I should bury my dead, hear
17 I will bless thee, and I will multiply me, and intercede for me to Ephron the
thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as son of Seor.
the sand that is by the sea shore: thy 9 That he may give me the double cave,
seed shall possess the gates of their ene which he hath in the end of his field:
mies. for as much money as it is worth he shall
18 i And in thy seed shall all the na
give it me before you, for a possession
tions of the earth be blessed, because of a buryingplace.
thou hast obeyed my voice.
10 Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of
19 Abraham returned to his young men,
the children of Heth. And Ephron made
and they went to Bersabee together, and
answer to Abraham in the hearing of all
he dwelt there.
that went in at the gate of the city, say
20 After these things, it was told Abra
ham that Melcha also had borne children ing:
Nachor his brother. 11 Let it not be so, my lord, but do thou
21 Hus
the firstborn, and Buz his bro rather hearken to what I say: The field
I deliver to thee, and the cave that is
ther, and Camuel the father of the Syri
ans, therein, in the presence of the children
And of my people, bury thy dead.
22 Cased, and Azau, and Pheldas,
and Jedlaph, 12 Abraham bowed down before the
23 And Bathuel, of whom was born Re people of the land,
becca: These eight did Melcha bear to 13 And he spoke to Ephron, in the pres
Nachor Abraham s brother. ence of the people: I beseech thee to
24 And his concubine named Roma, hear me: I will give money for the field:
bore Tabee, and Gaham, and Tahas, and take it, and so I will bury my dead in it.
Maacha. 14 And Ephron answered:
CHAPTER 23 15 My lord, hear me. The ground
Sara s death and burial in the field bought of
which thou desirest, is worth four hun
Ephron. dred sides of silver: this is the price
AND Sara lived a hundred and twenty- between me and thee: but what is this?
J\_ seven years. bury thy dead.
2 And she died in the city of Arbee 16 And when Abraham had heard this,
which is Hebron, in the land of Chanaan: he weighed out the money that Ephron
and Abraham came to mourn and weep had asked, in the hearing of the children
for her. of Heth, four hundred sides of silver of
3 And after he rose up from the funeral common current money.
obsequies, he spoke to the children of 17 And the field that before was
Heth saying: Ephron wherein was the double cave,
4 I am a stranger and sojourner among looking towards Mambre, both it and
you: give me the right of a burying- the cave, and all the trees thereof in all
place with you, that I may bury my dead. its limits round about,
5 The children of Heth answered, say 18 Was made sure to Abraham for a
ing: possession, in the sight of the children
6 My Lord, hear us, thou art a prince of of Heth, and of all that went in at the
God among us: bury thy dead in our gate of his city.
principal sepulchres: and no man shall 19 And so Abraham buried Sara his
have power to hinder thee from burying wife, in a double cave of the field, that
thy dead in his sepulchre. looked towards Mambre, thisl
is Hebron
7 Abraham rose up, and bowed down to in the land of Chanaan.

i Ps. 104. 9 ; Eccli. 44. 21 ; 1 Mac. 2. 52 ;

Eccli. 44. 25 ; Acts 3. 25.
Luke 1. 73 Heb. ; 6. 13 and 17.
3 Supra 12. 3, and 18. 18 ; Infra 26. 4 ;
I Infra ?5. 27.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 7. Bowed down to the people. isused to signify only an inferior honour and rever
Adoravit, literally adored. But this word here, as ence paid to men, expressed by a bowing down of
well as in many other places in the Latin scriptures, the body.
Abraham seeks a wife for Isaac GENESIS The servant wieets Rebecca
20 And thewas made sure to
ham, meet me to day, I beseech thee,
Abraham, and the cave that was in it, for and shew kindness to my master Abra
a possession to bury in, by the children ham.
of Heth.
13 Behold I stand nigh the spring of
CHAPTER 24 water, and the daughters of the inhabi
Abraham s servant, sent by him into Mesopotamia, tants of this city will come out to draw
bringeth from thence Rebecca, who is married to
Isaac. water.
Abraham was 14 Now, therefore, the maid to whom I
old; and advanced
in age:
in all things.
and the Lord had blessed shall say:
Let down thy pitcher that I
drink: and she shall answer. Drink,
and I will give thy camels drink also:
2 And he said to the elder servant of let it be the same whom thou hast
his house, who was ruler over all he had: pro
vided for thy servant Isaac: and by this
Put thy hand under my thigh, I shall understand, that thou hast shewn
3 That I may make thee swear by the kindness to my master.
Lord the God of heaven and earth, that 15 He had not yet ended these words
thou take not a wife for my son, of the within himself, and behold Rebecca came
daughters of the Chanaanites, among out, the daughter of Bathuel, son of Mel-
whom I dwell: cha, wife to Nachor the brother of Abra
4 But that thou go to my own country ham, having a pitcher on her shoulder: r
and kindred, and take a wife from thence 16 An exceeding comely maid, and a
for my son Isaac. most beautiful virgin, and not known to
5 The servant answered: If the woman man: and she went down to the spring,
will not come with me into this land, and filled her pitcher and was coming
must I bring thy son back again to the back.
place, from whence thou earnest out? 17 And the servant ran to meet her, and
6 And Abraham said: Beware thou said: Give me a little water to drink of
never bring my son back again thither. thy pitcher.
7 The Lord God of heaven, who took 18 And she answered: Drink, my lord.
me out of my father s house, and out of And quickly she let down the pitcher
my native country, who spoke to me, upon her arm, and gave him drink.
and swore to me, saying: P To thy seed 19 And when he had drunk, she said: I
will I give this land: he will send his will draw water for thy camels also, till
angel before thee, and thou shalt take they all drink.
from thence a wife for my son. <i 20 And pouring out the pitcher into the
8 But if the woman will not follow troughs, she ran back to the well to draw
thee, thou shalt not be bound by the water: and having drawn she gave to all
oath; only bring not my son back thither the camels.
again. 21 But he musing beheld her with
9 The servant therefore put his hand silence, desirous to know whether the
under the thigh of Abraham his lord, and Lord had made his journey prosperous
swore to him upon this word. or not.
10 And he took ten camels of his mas 22 And after that the camels had drunk,
ter s herd, and departed, carrying some the man took out golden earrings, weigh
thing of all his goods with him, and he ing two sides: and as many bracelets of
set forward and went on to Mesopotamia ten sides weight.
to the city of Nachor. 23 And he said to her: Whose daughter
11 And when he had made the camels art thou? tell me: is there any place in
lie down without the town near a well of thy father s house to lodge?
water in the evening, at the time when 24 And she answered: I am the daugh
women are wont to come out to draw ter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom
she bore to Nachor.
water, he said:
12 Lord the God of my master Abra- 25 And she said moreover to him: We

p Supra 12. 7, and 13. 15, and 15. 8.

o Infra 47. 29. q Infra 26. 2. r Ex. 11. 16 ; Infra 29. 8.

that God gave them guardian angrels for their pro-

CHAP. 24. Ver. 7 He will send his angel be- tection.
fore thee. This shows that the Hebrews believed
The servant s message GENESIS Bathuel lets Rebecca go
have good store of both straw and hay, 41 But thou shalt be clear from my
and a large place to lodge in. curse, when thou shalt come to my kin
26 The man bowed himself down, and dred, if they will not give thee one.
adored the Lord, 42 And I came to day to the well of
27 Saying: Blessed be the Lord God of water, and said: O Lord God of my mas
ter Abraham, if thou hast prospered my
my master Abraham, who hath not taken
away his mercy and truth from my mas way, wherein I now walk,
ter, and hath brought me the straight 43 Behold I stand by the well of wa
way into the house of my master s bro ter, and the virgin, that shall come out
ther. to draw water, who shall hear me say:
28 Then the maid ran, and told in her Give me a little water to drink of thy
mother s house, all that she had heard. pitcher:
29 And Rebecca had a brother named 44 And shall say to me: Both drink
Laban, who went out in haste to the thou, and I will also draw for thy cam

man, to the well. els:let the same be the woman, whom

30 And when he had seen the earrings the Lord hath prepared for my master s
and bracelets in his sister s hands, and son.
had heard all that she related, saying: 45 And whilst I pondered these things
Thus and thus the man spoke to me: secretly with myself, Rebecca appeared
he came to the man who stood by the coming with a pitcher, which she carried
camels, and near to the spring of water, on her shoulder: and she went down to
31 And said to him: Come in, thou the well and drew water. And I said to
blessed of the Lord: why standest thou her: Give me a little to drink.
without? I have prepared the house, and 46 And she speedily let down the
a place for the camels. pitcher from her shoulder, and said to
32 And he brought him in into his lodg me: Both drink thou, and to thy camels
ing: and he unharnessed the camels and I will give drink. I drank, and she wa

gave straw and hay, and water to wash tered the camels.
his feet, and the feet of the men that 47 And I asked her, and said: Whose
were come with him. daughter art thou ? And she answered :

33 And bread was set before him. But I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of
he said: I will not eat, till I tell my mes Nachor, whom Melcha bore to him. So I
sage. He answered him: Speak. put earrings on her to adorn her face,
34 And he said: I am the servant of and I put bracelets on her hands.
Abraham : 48 And falling down I adored the Lord,
35 And the Lord hath blessed my mas blessing the Lord God of my master
ter wonderfully, become great:
and he is Abraham, who hath brought me the
and he hath given him sheep and oxen, straight way to take the daughter of my
silver and gold, menservants and women- master s brother for his son.
servants, camels and asses. 49 Wherefore if you do according to
36 And Sara my master s wife hath mercy and truth with my master, tell
borne my master a son in her old age, me: but if it please you otherwise, tell
and he hath given him all that he had. me that also, that I may go to the right
37 And my master made me swear, say hand, or to the left.
ing: Thou shalt not take a wife for my 50 And Laban and Bathuel answered:
son of the Chanaanites, in whose land I The word hath proceeded from the Lord,
dwell : we cannot speak any other thing to thee
38 But thou shalt go to my father s but his pleasure.
house, and shalt take a wife of my own 51 Behold Rebecca is before thee, take
kindred for my son: her and go thy way, and let her be the
39 But I answered my master: What if wife of thy master s son, as the Lord
the woman will not come with me? hath spoken.
40 The Lord, said he, in whose sight I 52 Which when Abraham s servant
walk, will send his angel with thee, and heard, falling down to the ground he
will direct thy way: and thou shalt take adored the Lord.
a wife for my son of my own kindred, 53 And bringing forth vessels of silver
and of my father s house. and gold, and garments, he gave them
Isaac and Rebecca meet GENESIS Death of Abraham
to Rebecca for a present. He offered ated the sorrow which was occasioned by
gifts also to her brothers, and to her mo his mother s death.
54 And a banquet was made, and they CHAPTER 25
ate and drank together, and lodged there. Abraham s children by Cetura; hie death and that
of Ismael. Isaac hath Esau and Jacob twins
And in the morning, the servant arose, Esau selleth his first birthright to Jacob.
and said: Let me depart, that I may go
to my master.
AND Abraham married another wife
55 Andher brother and mother an /\named Cetura: *
2 Who bore him Zamran, and Jecsan,
swered: Let the maid stay at least ten and Madan, and Madian, and Jesboc, and
days with us, and afterwards she shall Sue.
3 Jecsan also begot Saba and Dadan.
56 Stay me not, said he, because the The children of Dadan were Assurim,
Lord hath prospered my way: send me and Latusim and Loomin.
away, that I may go to my master. 4 But of Madian was born Epha, and
57 And they said: Let us call the maid, Opher, and Henoch, and Abida, and
and ask her will. Eldaa: all these were the children of
58 And they called her, and when she Cetura.
was come, they asked: Wilt thou go 5 And Abraham gave all his possessions
with this man ? She said I will go. : to Isaac.
59 So they sent her away, and her 6 And to the children of the concubines
nurse, and Abraham s servant, and his he gave gifts, and separated them from
company, Isaac his son, while he yet lived, to the
60 Wishing prosperity to their sister, east country.
and saying: Thou art our sister, mayst 7 And the days of Abraham s life were
thou increase to thousands of thousands, a hundred and seventy-five years.
and may thy seed possess the gates of 8 And decaying he died in a good old
their enemies. age, and having lived a long time, and
61 So Rebecca and her maids, being set being full of days: and was gathered to
upon camels, followed the man: who with his people.
speed returned to his master. 9 And Isaac and Ismael his sons buried
62 At the same time Isaac was walking him in the double cave, which was sit
along the way to the well which is uated in the field of Ephron the son of
called Of the living and the seeing: for Seor the Hethite, over against Mambre;
he dwelt in the south country. 10 Which he had bought of the chil
63 And he was gone forth to meditate dren of Heth: there was he buried, and
in the field, the day being now well Sara his wife.
spent: and when he had lifted up his 11 And after his death, God blessed
eyes,he saw camels coming afar off. Isaac his son, who dwelt by the well
64 Rebecca also, when she saw Isaac, named Of the living and seeing.
lighted off the camel, 12 These are the generations of Ismael
65 And said to the servant: Who is the son of Abraham, whom Agar the
that man who cometh towards us along Egyptian, Sara s servant, bore unto him:
the field? And he said to her: That man 13 And these are the names of his chil
master. But she quickly took her dren according to their calling and gen
is my v The firstborn of Ismael was
and covered herself. erations.
66 And the servant told Isaac all that Nabajoth, then Cedar, and Adbeel, and
he had done. Mabsam.
67 Who brought her into the tent_ of 14 And Masma, and Duma, and Massa,
Sara his mother, and took her to wife: 15 Hadar, and Thema, and Jethur, and
and he loved her so much, that it moder- Naphis, and Cedma.
Par. 32. v I Par. 1. 29.
s Supra 16. 14. t 1 1.

CHAP. Ver. 6. Concubines. Agar and Cetura

are here called concubines, (though they were law-
sented, but of her quitting her parents and going
her husband.
ture are usually called concubines.

Birth of Esau and Jacob GENESIS Isaac sojourns in Gerara

16 These are the sons of Ismael: and 31 And Jacob said to him: Sell me thy
these are their names by their castles and first birthright.

towns, twelve princes of their tribes. 32 He answered Lo

I die, what will the

17 And the years of Ismael s life were firstbirthright avail me.

a hundred and thirty-seven, and decaying 33 Jacob said: Swear therefore to me.
he died, and was gathered unto his Esau swore to him, and sold his first
people. birthright.
18 And he dwelt from Hevila as far as 34 And so taking bread and the pottage
S-ur, which looketh towards Egypt, to of lentils, he ate, and drank, and went
them that go towards the Assyrians. He his way; making little account of having
died in the presence of all his brethren. sold his first birthright.
19 These also are the generations of
Isaac the son of Abraham: Abraham be CHAPTER 26
Isaac sojourneth in Gerara, where God reneweth to
got Isaac: him the promise made to Abraham. King Abi-
20 Who when he was forty years old, melech maketh league with him,.
took to wife Rebecca the daughter of ND when a famine came
in the land,
Bathuel the Syrian of Mesopotamia, sis that barrenness which had
ter to Laban. happened in the days of Abraham, Isaac
21 And Isaac besought the Lord for his went to Abimelech king of the Pales-
wife, because she was barren, and he tines to Gerara.
heard him, and made Rebecca to con 2 And the Lord appeared to him and
ceive. said: Go not down into Egypt, but stay
22 But the children struggled in her in the land that I shall tell thee.
womb; and she said: If it were to be so 3 And sojourn in it, and I will be with
with me, what need was there to con thee, and will bless thee: for to thee and
ceive ?And she went to consult the Lord. to thy seed I will give all these countries,
23 And he answering said: * Two na /to fulfill the oath which I swore to
tions are in thy womb, and two peoples Abraham thy father.
shall be divided out of thy womb, and 4 And I will multiply thy seed like the
one people shall overcome the other, stars of heaven: and I will give to thy
and the elder shall serve the younger. posterity all these countries: and in thy
24 And when her time was come to be seed shall all the nations of the earth be
delivered, behold twins were found in blessed. ff
her womb. 5 Because Abraham obeyed my voice,
25 a He that came forth first was red, and kept my precepts and command
and hairy like a skin: and his name was ments, and observed my ceremonies and
called Esau. 6
Immediately the other laws.
coming forth, held his brother s foot in 6 So Isaac abode in Gerara.
his hand, and therefore he was called 7 And when he was asked by
the men
Jacob. of that place, concerning his wife, he
26 Isaac was threescore years old when answered: She is my sister; for he was
the children were born unto him. afraid to confess that she was his wife,
27 And when they were grown up, Esau thinking lest perhaps they would kill
became a skilful hunter, and a husband him because of her beauty.
man: but Jacob a plain man dwelt in 8 And when very many days were
tents. passed, and he abode there, Abimelech
28 Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of king of the Palestines looking out
his hunting: and Rebecca loved Jacob. through a window, saw him playing with
29 And Jacob boiled pottage: to whom Rebecca his wife.
Esau, coming faint out of the field, 9 And calling for him, he said: It is evi
30 Said: Give me of this red pottage, dent she is thy wife why didst thou feign :

for I am exceeding faint. For which rea her to be thy sister? He answered: I
son his name was called Edom. <*

feared lest I should die for her sake.

w Supra 17. 20. z Rom. 9. 10. d Heb. 12. 16 ; Abd. 1. 1. / Supra 12. 7, and 15. 18.
a Osee 12. 13. 6 Matt. 1. 2. sr Supra 12. 3, and 18. 18, and 22. 18 ;

Infra 28. 14.

7 he Palestines envy Isaac GENESIS Abimelech and Isaac
And Abimelech said: Why hast them
10 tiply thy seed for my servant Abraham s
deceived us? Some man of the people sake.
might have lain with thy wife, and thou 25 And he
built there an altar: and
hadst brought upon us a great sin. And called upon the name of the Lord, and
he commanded all the people, saying:
pitched his tent: and commanded his
11 He that shall touch this man s wife, servants to dig a well.
shall surely be put to death.
26 To which place when Abimelech, and
12 And Isaac sowed in that land, and
Ochozath his friend, and Phicol chief
he found that same year a hundredfold:
and the Lord blessed him. captain of his soldiers came from Gerara,
27 Isaac said to them: Why are ye come
13 And the man was enriched, and he
went on prospering and increasing, till
to me, a man whom you hate, and have
thrust out from you?
he became exceeding great:
14 Arid he had possessions of sheep
28 And they answered: saw that We
the Lord is with thee, and therefore we
and of herds, and a very great family.
said: Let there be an oath between us,
Wherefore the Palestines envying him, and let us make a covenant,
15 Stopped up at that time all the wells,
29 That thou do us no harm, as we on
that the servants of his father Abraham
our part have touched nothing of thine,
had digged, filling them up with earth:
nor have done any thing to hurt thee:
16 Insomuch that Abimelech himself
but with peace have sent thee away in
said to Isaac: Depart from us, for thou
creased with the blessing of the Lord.
art become much mightier than we.
30 And he made them a feast, and after
17 So he departed and came to the tor
they had eaten and drunk:
rent of Gerara, to dwell there:
31 Arising in the morning, they swore
18 And he digged again other wells,
one to another: and Isaac sent them
which the servants of his father Abra
ham had digged, and which, after his away peaceably to their own home.
32 And behold the same day the serv
death, the Palestines had of old stopped ants of Isaac came, telling him of a well
up: and he called them by the same which they had digged, and saying: We
names by which his father before had have found water.
called them.
33 Whereupon he called it Abundance:
19 And they digged in the torrent, and and the name of the city was called Ber
found living water.
sabee, even to this day.
20 But there also the herdsmen of Ge 34 And Esau being forty years old,
rara strove against the herdsmen of married wives, Judith the daughter of
Isaac, saying: It is our water. Where Beeri the Hethite, and Basemath the
fore he called the name of the well, on daughter of Elon of the same place.
occasion of that which had happened, 35 /And they both offended the mind
Calumny. of Isaac and Rebecca.
21 And they digged also another; and
for that they quarreled likewise: and he CHAPTER 27
called the name of it, Enmity. Jacob, by his mother j counsel, obtaineth his father *

blessing instead of And bv her it advised

22 Going forward from thence, he to fiy to his uncle Laban.
digged another well, for which they con Isaac was old, and his eyes were
tended not: therefore he called the name
thereof, Latitude, saying: Now hath the
NOW dim, and he could not see: and he
called Esau, his elder son, and said to
Lord given us room, and made us to in him: My son? And he answered: Here
crease upon the earth. *
I am.
23 And he went up from that place to Thou
2 And his father said to him:
Bersabee, seest that I am old, and know not the
24 Where the Lord appeared to him
day of my death.
that same night, saying: I am the God 3 Take thy arms, thy quiver, and bow,
of Abraham thy father; do not fear, for I and go abroad and when thou hast taken

am with thee I will bless thee, and mul-

some thing by hunting,
h Ps. 4. i.
j Infra 27. 46.

CHA! .Ver. 19.

26. Torrent. That is. a channel That wilderness, or room
Ver. 22. Latitude. is. sometimes a torrent or violent stream
had run.
Jacob deceives Isaac GENESIS Jacob receives the blessing
4 Make me savoury meat thereof, as 20 And Isaac said to his son: How
thou knowest I like, and bring
it, that I couldst thou find it so quickly, my son?
may eat: and my soul may bless thee He answered: It was the will of God that
before I die. what I sought came quickly in my way.
5 And when Rebecca had heard this, 21 And Isaac said: Come hither, that I
and he was gone into the field to fulfill may feel thee, my son, and may prove
his father s commandment, whether thou be my son Esau, or not.
6 She said to her son Jacob: I heard 22 He came near to his father, and
thy father talking with Esau thy brother, when he had felt him, Isaac said: The
and saying to him: voice indeed is the voice of Jacob; but the
7 Bring me of thy hunting, and make hands are the hands of Esau.
me meats that I may eat, and bless thee 23 And he knew him not, because his
in the sight of the Lord, before I die. hairy hands made him like to the elder.
8 Now, therefore, my son, follow my Then blessing him,
counsel: 24 He said: Art thou my son Esau?
9 And go thy wayto the flock, bring He answered: I am.
me two of the best, that I may
kids 25 Then he said: Bring me the meats of
make of them meat for thy father, such thy hunting, my son, that my soul may
as he gladly eateth: bless thee. And whenthey were brought,
10 Which when thou hast brought in, and he had eaten, he offered him wine
and he hath eaten, he may bless thee also, which after he had drunk,
before he die. 26 He said to him: Come near me, and
11 And he answered her: Thou knowest give me a kiss, my son.
that Esau my brother is a hairy man, 27 He came near, and kissed him. And
and I am smooth. immediately as he smelled the fragrant
12 If my father shall feel me, and per smell of his garments, blessing him, he
ceive it, I fear lest he will think I would said: Behold the smell of my son is as
have mocked him, and I shall bring upon the smell of a plentiful field, which the
me a curse instead of a blessing. Lord hath blessed.
13 And his mother said to him: Upon 28 God give thee the dew of heaven,
me be this curse, my
son: only hear thou and of the fatness of the earth, abun
my voice, and go, fetch me the things dance of corn and wine.
which I have said. 29 And let peoples serve thee, and
14 He
went, and brought, and gave tribes worship thee: be thou lord of thy
them to his mother. She dressed meats, brethren, and let thy mother s children
such as she knew his father liked. bow down before thee. Cursed be he that
15 And she put on him very good gar curseth thee: and let him that blesseth
ments of Esau, which she had at home thee be filled with blessings.
with her: 30 Isaac had scarce ended his words,
16 And the little skins of the kids she when Jacob being now gone out abroad,
put about his hands, and covered the Esau came,
bare of his neck. 31 And brought in to his father meats
17 And she gave him the savoury meat, made of what he had taken in hunting,
and delivered him bread that she had saying: Arise, my father, and eat of thy
baked. son s venison; that thy soul may bless
18 Which when he had carried in, he me.
said: My father? But he answered: I 32 And Isaac said to him: Why! who
hear. Who art thou, my son? art thou? He answered: I am thy first
19 And Jacob said: I am Esau thy first born son Esau.
born: I have done as thou didst com 33 Isaac was struck with fear, and aston
mand me: arise, sit, and eat of my veni ished exceedingly: and wondering be
son, that thy soul may bless me. yond what can be believed, said: Who is

CHAP. 27. Ver. 19. 7 am Esau thy firstborn. Jews, which Jacob by prophetic light might under
St.Augustine (L. Contra mendacium, c. 10), treat stand. So far is certain that the first birthright,
ing at large upon this place, excuseth Jacob from both by divine election and by Esau s free cession
a lie, because this whole passage was mysteri belonged to Jacob so that if there were any lie in

ous, as relating to the preference which was after the case, it could be no more than an officious and
wards to be given to the Gentiles before the carnal venial one.
Esau intends to kill Jacob GENESIS Jacob journeys to Mesopotamia
he then that even now brought me veni from thence hither. Why shall I be de
son that he had taken, and I ate of all prived of both my sons in one day?
before thou earnest? and I have blessed 46 And Rebecca said to Isaac: I am
him, and he shall be blessed. weary of my life because of the daugh
34 Esau having heard his father s ters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the
words, roared out with a great cry: and stock of this land, I choose not to live.
being in a great consternation, said: Bless CHAPTER 28
me also, my father. Jacob s journey toMesopotamia: his vision and vov>

35 And he said: Thy brother came de ND Isaac called Jacob, and blessed
ceitfullyand got thy blessing. him, and charged him, saying: Take
36 But he said again: Rightly is his not a wife of the stock of Chanaan:
name called Jacob; for he hath sup 2 But go, and take a journey to Meso
planted me lo this second time: my first potamia of Syria, to the house of Bathuel
birthright he took away before, and now thy mother s father, and take thee a wife
this second time he hath stolen away thence of the daughters of Laban thy
my blessing. And again he said to his uncle.
father: Hast thou not reserved me also 3 And God almighty bless thee, and
a blessing? make thee to increase, and multiply
37 Isaac answered: I have appointed thee: that thou mayst be a multitude
him thy and have made all his breth
lord, of people.
ren his servants: I have established him 4 And give the blessings of Abraham
with corn and wine, and after this, what to thee, and to thy seed after thee: that
shall I do more for thee, my son? thou mayst possess the land of thy so-
38 And Esau said to him: Hast thou journment, which he promised to thy
only one blessing, father? I beseech grandfather.
thee bless me also. And when he wept 5 And when Isaac had sent him away,
with a loud cry, m he took his journey and went to Meso
39 Isaac being moved, said to him: In potamia of Syria to Laban the son of
the fat of the earth, and in the dew of Bathuel the Syrian, brother to Rebecca
heaven from above, his mother.
40 Shall thy blessing be. Thou shalt 6 And Esau seeing that his father had
live by the sword and shalt serve thy blessed Jacob, and had sent him into
brother: and the time shall come, when Mesopotamia of Syria, to marry a wife
thou shalt shake off and loose his yoke thence; and that after the blessing he
from thy neck. had charged him, saying: Thou shalt not
41 Esau therefore always hated Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Chanaan :

for the blessing wherewith his father had 7 And that Jacob obeying his parents
blessed him: and he said in his heart: was gone into Syria:
n The
days will come of the mourning 8 Experiencing also that his father was
of my father, and I will kill my brother not well pleased with the daughters of
Jacob. Chanaan :

42 These things were told to Rebecca: 9 He went to Ismael, and took to wife,
and she sent and called Jacob her son, besides them he had before, Maheleth
and said to him: Behold Esau thy bro the daughter of Ismael, Abraham s son,
ther threateneth to kill thee. the sister of Nabajoth.
43 Now therefore, my son, hear my 10 But Jacob being departed from Ber-
voice: arise and flee to Laban my bro sabee, went on to Haran.
ther to Haran: 11 And when he was come to a certain
44 And thou shalt dwell with him a few place, and would rest in it
after sunset,
days, till the wrath of thy brother be as he took of the stones that lay there, and
in the
suaged, putting under his head, slept
45 And his indignation cease, and he same place.
forget the things thou hast done to him: 12 And he saw in his sleep a ladder
afterwards I will send, and bring thee standing upon the earth, and the top

I Supra 25. 34 m Heb. 11. 20.

o Supra 26. 35. q Osee 12. 12.
nAbd. 1. 10.

Ver. 36. Jacob. That is. a supplanter.

Vision of Jacob s ladder GENESIS Jacob serves Laban
thereof touching heaven: the angels sheep were gathered together, to roll
also of God ascending and descending by away the stone, and after the sheep
it; were watered, to put it on the mouth of
13 Andthe Lord leaning upon the lad the well again.
der, saying to him r I am the Lord God
: 4 And he said to the shepherds: Breth
of Abraham thy father, and the God of ren, whence are you? They answered:
Isaac; the land, wherein thou sleepest, Of Haran.
I will give to thee and to thy seed. 5 And he asked them, saying: Know
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of you Laban the son of Nachor? They
the earth thou shalt spread abroad to
: said: We know him.
the west, and to the east, and to the 6 He said: Is he in health? He is in
north, and to the south: and IN THEE health, say they: and behold Rachel his
and thy seed all the tribes of the earth daughter cometh with his flock.
SHALL BE BLESSED. 7 And Jacob said There is yet much

15 And I will be thy keeper whither day remaining, neither is it time to

soever thou goest, and will bring thee bring the flocks into the folds again:
back into this land: neither will I leave first give the sheep drink, and so lead
thee, till I sha ! have accomplished all

them back to feed.

that I have said. 8 They answered:We cannot, till all
16 And when Jacob awaked out of the cattle be gathered together, and we
sleep, he said: Indeed the Lord is in remove the stone from the well s mouth,
this place, and I knew it not. that we may water the flocks.
17 And trembling he said: How terrible 9 They were yet speaking, and behold
is this place! this is no other but the Rachel came with her father s sheep: for
house of God, and the gate of heaven. she fed the flock.
18 And Jacob, arising in the morning, 10 And when Jacob saw her, and knew
took the stone, which he had laid under her to be his cousin-german, and that
his head, and set it up for a title, pour
they were the sheep of Laban, his uncle:
ing oil upon the top of it. * he removed the stone wherewith the
19 And he called the name of the city well was closed.
Bethel, which before was called Luza. 11 And having watered the flock, he
20 And he made a vow, saying: If God kissed her: and lifting up his voice,
shall be with me, and shall keep me in
the way by which I walk, and shall give 12 And he told her that he was her
me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, father s brother, and the son of Rebecca:
21 And I shall return prosperously to but she went in haste and told her
my father s house: the Lord shall be my father.
God: 13 Who, when he heard that Jacob his
22 And this stone, which I have set up sister s son was come, ran forth to meet
for a shall be called the house of
title, him; and embracing him, and heartily
God: and of all things that thou shalt
kissing him, brought him into his house.
give to me, I will offer tithes to thee. And when he had heard the causes of
his journey,
14 He answered: Thou art my bone
Jacob serveth Laban seven yearn for Rachel- but
is deceived with Lia: he
afterwards marrieth and my flesh. And after the days of one
Rachel. Lia bears him four uons. month were expired,
Jacob went on in his journey, He said to him: Because thou art
and came into the east country. my brother, shalt thou serve me without
2 And he saw a well in the field, and wages? Tell me what wages thou wilt
three flocks of sheep lying by it: for the have.
beasts were watered out of it, and the 16 Now he had two daughters, the
mouth thereof was closed with a great name of the elder was Lia: and the
stone. younger was called Rachel.
3 And the custom was, when all the 17 But Lia was blear eyed: Rachel was
r Infra 35. 1, and 48.3. s Deut. 12. 20, and 19. 8 ; Supra 26. 4 t Infra 31. 13.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 19. Bethel. This name signifies the house of God.

He marries Lia and Rachel GENESIS Jacob s sons by the handmaids
well favored, and of a beautiful counte also to me: and she called his name
nance. Simeon.
18 And Jacob beingin love with her, 34 And she conceived the third time,
said: I serve thee seven years for
will and bore another son: and said: Now
Rachel thy younger daughter. also my husband will be joined to me,
19 Laban answered: It is better that I because I have borne him three sons:
and therefore she called his name Levi.
give her to thee than to another man;
35 The fourth time she conceived and
stay wfth me.
bore a son, and said: now will I praise
20 So Jacob served seven years for the Lord: and for this she called him
Rachel: and they seemed but a few days, Juda. * And she left bearing.
because of the greatness of his love.
21 And he said to Laban: Give me my CHAPTER 30
wife; for now the time is fulfilled, that I Rachel, being barren, delirereth her handmaid to
may go in unto her. Jacob; she beareth two son*. Lia ceasing to bear.
giveth also her handmaid, and she beareth two
22 And he, having invited a great num more. Then Lia bearelh other two sons and one
daughter. Rachel beareth Joseph. Jacob, desir-
ber of his friends to the feast, made the oiui to return home, is hired to stay for a certain
marriage. part of the flock s increase, whereby he becometh
exceeding rich.
23 And at night he brought in Lia his
daughter to him,
24 Giving his daughter a handmaid,
SID Rachel, seeing herself
children, envied her sister,
her husband: Give me children,
and said
named Zelpha. Now when Jacob had otherwise I shall die.
gone in to her according to custom, when 2 And Jacob being angry with her, an
morning was come he saw it was Lia: swered: Am
I as God, who hath de
25 And he said to his father in law: prived thee of the fruit of thy womb?
What is it that thou didst mean to do? 3 But she said: I have here my serv
did not I serve thee for Rachel ? why ant Bala: go in unto her, that she may
hast thou deceived me? bear upon my knees, and I may have
26 Laban answered: It is not the cus children by her.
tom in this place, to give the younger in 4 And she gave him Bala in marriage:

marriage first. who,

5 When her husband had gone in unto
27 Make up the week of days of this
her conceived and bore a son.
match: and I will give thee her also,
6 And Rachel said: The Lord hath
for the service that thou shalt render
judged for me, and hath heard my voice,
me other seven years.
giving me a son, and therefore she called
28 He yielded to his pleasure: and his name Dan.
after the week was past, he married 7 And again Bala conceived and bore
Rachel: another,
29 To whom her father gave Bala for 8 For whom Rachel said: -God hath
her servant. compared me with my sister, and I have
30 And having at length obtained the prevailed: and she called him Nephtali.
marriage he wished for, he preferred 9 Lia, perceiving that she had left off
the love of the latter before the former, bearing, gave Zelpha her handmaid to
and served with him other seven years. her husband.
31 And the Lord seeing that he despised 10 And when she had conceived and
Lia, opened her womb, but her sister re brought forth a son,
mained barren. 11 She said: Happily. And therefore
32 And she conceived and bore a son, called his name Gad.
and called his name Ruben, saying: Tho 12 Zelpha also bore another.
Lord saw my affliction: now my hus 13 And Lia said: This is for my happi
band will love me. ness: for women will call me blessed.
33 And againshe conceived and bore a Therefore she called him Aser.
14 And Ruben, going out in the time of
son, and said: Because the Lord heard
that I was despised, he hath given this the wheat harvest into the field, found
t Matt. 1. 2.
The children of Lia and Rachel GENESIS Jacob s wages

mandrakes: which he brought to his 30 Thou hadst but little before I came
mother Lia. And Rachel said: Give me to thee,and now thou art become rich:
part of thy son s mandrakes. and the Lord hath blessed thee at my
15 She answered: Dost thou think it a coming. It is reasonable therefore that
small matter, that thou hast taken my I should now provide also for my own
husband from me, unless thou take also house.
.my son s mandrakes? Rachel said: He 31 And Laban said: What shall I give
shall sleep with thee this night, for thy thee? But he said: I require nothing:
son s mandrakes. but if thou wilt do what I demand, I
16 And when Jacob returned at even will feed, and keep thy sheep again.
from the Lia went out to meet
field, 32 Go round through all thy flocks, and
him, and said: Thou shalt come in unto separate all the sheep of divers colours,
me, because I have hired thee for my and speckled: and all that is brown and
son s mandrakes. And he slept with spotted, and of divers colours, as well
her that night. among the sheep, as among the goats,
17 And God heard her prayers: and shall be my wages.
she conceived and bore the fifth son, 33 And my justice shall answer for me
18 And said: God hath given me a re to morrow before thee when the time
ward, because I gave my handmaid to of the bargain shall come: and all that
is not of divers colours, and spotted, and
my husband. And she called his name
Issachar. brown, as well among the sheep as
19 And Lia conceived again, and bore among the goats, shall accuse me of
the sixth son,
34 And Laban said: I like well what
20 And said: God hath endowed me
with a good dowry: this turn also my thou demandest.
husband will be with me, because I have 35 And he separated the same day the
borne him six sons: and therefore she she goats, and the sheep, and the he
called his name Zabulon. goats, and the rams of divers colours,
21 After whom she bore a daughter, and spotted: and all the flock of one
named Dina. colour, that is, of white and black fleece,
22 The Lord also remembering Rachel, he delivered into the hands of his sons.
heard her, and opened her womb. 36 And he set the space of three days
23 And she conceived, and bore a son, journey betwixt himself and his son in
saying: God hath taken away my re law, who fed the rest of his flock.
proach. 37 And Jacob took green rods of pop
24 And she called his name Joseph, lar,and of almond, and of plane trees,
saying: The Lord give me also another and pilled them in part: so when the
son. bark was taken off, in the parts that
25 And when Joseph was born, Jacob were pilled, there appeared whiteness:
said to his father in law: Send me away but the parts that were whole remained
that I may return into my country, and green: and by this means the colour
to my land. was divers.
26 Give me my wives, and my children, 38 And he put them in the troughs,
for whom I have served thee, that I may where the water was poured out: that
depart: thou knowest the service that I when the flocks should come to drink,
have rendered thee. they might have the rods before their
27 Laban said to him: Let me find eyes, and in the sight of them might
favour in thy sight: I have learned by conceive.
experience, that God hath blessed me 39 And it came to pass that in the very
for thy sake: heat of coition, the sheep beheld the rods,
28 Appoint thy wages which I shall and brought forth spotted, and of divers
give thee. colours, and speckled.
29 But he answered: Thou knowest 40 And Jacobseparated the flock, and
how have served thee, and how great
I put the rods in the troughs before the
thy possession hath been in my hands. eyes of the rams: and all the white and
Jacob seeks to leave Laban GENESIS His departure
the black were Laban and the rest
s: ewes conceiving, I lifted up my eyes,
were Jacob s, when the flocks were sep and saw in my sleep that the males
arated one from the other. which leaped upon the females were of
41 So when the ewes went first to ram, divers colours, and spotted, and speckled.
Jacob put the rods in the troughs of 11 And the angel of God said to me in
water before the eyes of the rams, and my sleep: Jacob? And I answered:
of the ewes, that they might conceive Here I am.
while they were looking upon them: 12 And he said: Lift up thy eyes, and
42 But when the latter coming was, and see that all the males leaping upon the
the last conceiving, he did not put them. females, are of divers colours, spotted,
And those that were lateward, became and speckled. For I have seen all that
Laban s: and they of the first time, Laban hath done to thee.
Jacob s. 13 I am the God of Bethel, c where thou
43 And the man was enriched exceed didst anoint the stone, and make a vow
ingly, and he had many flocks, maid to me. Now therefore arise, and go out
servants and menservants, camels and of this land, and return into thy native
asses. country.
CHAPTER 31 14 And Rachel and Lia answered: Have
Jacob s departure: he is pursued and overtaken by we any thing left among the goods and
Laban. They make a covenant. inheritance of our father s house?
after that he heard the words of 15 Hath he not counted us as stran
BUT the sons of Laban, saying: Jacob gers and sold us, and eaten up the price
hath taken away all that was our fa of us ?
ther s, and being enriched by his sub 16 But God hath taken our father s
stance is become great: riches, and delivered them to us, arid to
2 And perceiving also that Laban s our children: wherefore do all that God
countenance was not towards him as hath commanded thee.
17- Then Jacob rose up, and having set
yesterday and the other day,
his children and wives upon camels, went
3 Especially the Lord saying to him:
his way.
Return into the land of thy fathers, and
18 And he took all his substance, and
to thy kindred, and I will be with thee.
4 He sent, and called Rachel and Lia flocks, and whatsoever he had gotten in

into the field, where he fed the flocks, Mesopotamia, and went forward to Isaac
his father to the land of Chanaan.
5 And said to them: 1 see your father s
19 At that time Laban was gone to
countenance is not towards me as yes
shear his sheep, and Rachel stole away
terday and the other day: but the God her father s idols.
of my father hath been with me.
20 And Jacob would not confess to his
6 And you know that I have served
father in law that he was flying away.
your father to the uttermost of my 21 And when he was gone, together
power. with all that belonged to him, and hav
7 Yea, your father also hath over
reached me, and hath changed my wages ing passed the river, was going on to
wards mount Galaad,
ten times: and yet God hath not suffered
22 It was told Laban on the third day
him to hurt me.
that Jacob fled.
8 If at any time he said: The speckled
23 And he took his brethren with him,
shall be thy wages: all the sheep brought
and pursued after him seven days; and
forth speckled: but when he said on the
white overtook him in the mount of Galaad.
contrary: Thou shalt take all the 24 And he saw in a dream God saying
ones for thy wages: all the flocks him: Take heed thou speak not any
brought forth white ones. thing harshly against Jacob.
9 And God hath taken your father s
25 Now Jacob had pitched his tent in
substance, and given it to me. the mountain: and when he with his
10 For after that time came of the
c Supra 28. 18.

these idols withdraw him from idolatry, remov-

CHAP 31 Ver 19 Her father s idols. By this to.
ing the occasion of h .in.
it appears that Laban wal an idolater and some ;

of the fathers are of opinion that Rachel stole away

Laban pursues Jacob GENESIS They make a league
brethren had overtaken him, he pitched 38 Have I therefore been with thee
his tent in the same mount of Galaad. twenty years? thy ewes and goats were
26 And he said to Jacob: Why hast not barren, the rams of thy flocks I did
thou done thus, to carry away, without not eat:
my knowledge, my daughters, as cap 39 Neither did I shew the e that which
tives taken with the sword. the beast had torn, I made good all the
27 Why wouldst thou run away pri damage: whatsoever was lost by theft,
thou didst exact it of me:
vately and not acquaint me, that I might
have brought thee on the way with joy, 40 Day and night was I parched with
and with songs, and with timbrels, and heat, and with frost, and sleep departed
with harps? from my eyes.
28 Thou hast not suffered me to kiss 41 And in this manner have I served
my sons and daughters: thou hast done thee in thy house twenty years, fourteen
foolishly: and now, indeed, for thy daughters, and six for thy flocks:
29 It is in my power to return thee thou hast changed also my wages ten
evil: but the God of your father said to times.
me yesterday d Take heed thou speak
: 42 Unless the God of my father Abra
not any thing harshly against Jacob. ham, and the fear of Isaac had stood by
30 Suppose thou didst desire to go to me, peradventure now thou hadst sent
thy friends, and hadst a longing after me away naked: God beheld my afflic

thy father s house: why hast thou stolen tion and the labour of my hands, and
away my gods? rebuked thee yesterday.
31 Jacob answered: That I departed 43 Laban answered him: The daughters
unknown to was for fear lest
thee, it are mine and the children, and thy flocks,
thou wouldst take away thy daughters and all things that thou seest are mine:
by force. what can I do to my children, and grand
32 But whereas thou chargest me with children?
theft: with whomsoever thou shalt find 44 Come therefore, let us enter into a
thy gods, let him be slain before our league: that it may be for a testimony
brethren. Search, and if thou find any between me and thee.
of thy things with me, take them away. 45 And Jacob took a stone, and set it
Now when he said this, he knew not up for a title:
that Rachel had stolen the idols. 46 And he said to his brethren: Bring
33 So Laban went into the tent of Ja hither stones. And they gathering stones
cob, and of Li a, and of both the hand together, made a heap, and they ate
maids, and found them not. And when upon it.
he was entered into Rachel s tent, 47 And Laban called it The witness
34 She in haste hid the idols under the heap: and Jacob, The hillock of testi
camel s furniture, and sat upon them: mony; each of them according to the
and when he had searched all the tent, propriety of his language.
and found nothing, 48 And Laban said: This heap shall be
35 She said: Let not my lord be angry a witness between me and thee this day,
that I cannot rise up before thee, because and therefore the name thereof was
it has now happened to me, according called Galaad, that is, The witness heap.
to the custom of women. So his careful 49 The Lord behold and judge between
search was in vain. us when we shall be gone one from the
36 And Jacob being angry, said in a other.
chiding manner: For what fault of mine, 50 If thou afflict my daughters, and if
and for what offence on my part hast thou bring in other wives over them:
thou so hotly pursued me, none is witness of our speech but God,
37 And searched all my household who is present and beholdeth.
stuff? What hast thou found of all the 51 And he said again to Jacob: Behold,
substance of thy house? lay it here be this heap, and the stone which I have
fore my brethren, and thy brethren, and set up between me and thee,
let them judge between me and thee. 52 Shall be a witness: this heap, I say,

d Infra 48. 16.

Jacob sends messengers to Esau GENESIS He divides his company
and the stone, be they for a testimony, 10 I am
not worthy of the least of all
if either I shall pass beyond it going
thy mercies, and of thy truth which thou
towards thee, or thou shalt pass beyond hast fulfilled to thy servant. With my
it, thinking harm to me. staff I passed over this Jordan; and now
53 The God of Abraham, and the God I return with two
of Nachor, the God of their father, judge 11 Deliver me from the hand of my bro
between us. And Jacob swore by the ther Esau, for I am greatly afraid of
fear of his father Isaac. him: lest perhaps he come, and kill the
54 And after he had offered sacrifices in mother with the children.
the mountain, he called his brethren to 12 Thou didst say that thou wouldst do
eat bread. And when they had eaten, well by me, and multiply my seed like
they lodged there: the sand of the sea, which cannot be
55 But Laban arose in the night, and numbered for multitude.
kissed his sons, and daughters, and 13 And when he had slept there that
blessed them: and returned to his place. night, he set apart, of the things which
CHAPTER 32 he had, presents for his brother Esau,
Jacob s vision of angels; his message and presents 14 Two hundred she goats, twenty he
to Esau; his wrestling with an angel. goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty
e also went on the
journey he rams,
JACOBbegun: and the angels of God
had 15 Thirty milch camels with their colts,
met him. forty kine, and twenty bulls, twenty she
2 And when he saw them, he said: asses, and ten of their foals.
These are the camps of God, and he 16 And he sent them by the hands of
called the name of that place Mahanaim, his servants, every drove by itself, and
that is, Camps. he said to his servants: Go before me,
3 And he sent messengers before him to and let there be a space between drove
Esau his brother to the land of Seir to and drove.
the country of Edom: 17 And he commanded the first, saying:
4 And he commanded them, saying: If thou meet my brother Esau, and he
Thus shall ye speak to my lord Esau: ask thee: Whose art thou? or whither
Thus saith thy brother Jacob: I have goest thou? or whose are these before
sojourned with Laban, and have been thee?
with him until this day. 18 shalt answer: Thy servant Ja
5 I have oxen, and asses, and sheep, and cob he hath sent them as a present to

menservants, and womenservants: and my lord Esau: and he cometh after us.
now I send a message to my lord, that I 19 In like manner he commanded the
may find favour in thy sight. second and the third, and all that followed
6 And the messengers returned to Ja the droves, saying: Speak ye the same
cob, saying: We came to Esau thy bro words to Esau, when ye find him.
ther, and behold he cometh with speed 20 And ye shall add Thy servant Jacob

to meet thee with four hundred men. himself also followeth after us; for he
7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid; and said I will appease him with the presents

in his fear divided the people that was that go before, and afterwards I will see
with him, and the flocks, and the sheep, him, perhaps he will be gracious to me.
and the oxen, and the camels, into two 21 So the presents went before him, but
companies, himself lodged that night in the camp.
8 Saying: If Esau come to one company 22 And rising early he took his two
and destroy it, the other company that wives, and his two handmaids, with his
is left shall escape. eleven sons, and passed over the ford of
9 And Jacob of my father
said: O God Jaboc.
Abraham, and God of father Isaac, my 23 And when all things were brought
Lord, who saidst to me: Return to thy
over that belonged to him,
land and to the place of thy birth, and I 24 He remained alone: and behold a
will do well for thee, man wrestled with him till morning.

e Infra 48. 16.

is called God ver 28 and 30 because

he repre-
Sl fn

Ver 24
shape, as
A man,
&c. This was an
learn from Osee 12. 4.
sented the person of the Son of God. This w-
Jacob wrestles with an angel GENESIS The meeting of Jacob and Esau
25 And when he saw that he could not 7 Lia also with her children came near,
overcome him, he touched the sinew of and bowed down in like manner, and last
his thigh, and forthwith it shrank. of all Joseph and Rachel bowed down.
26 And he said to him: Let me go, for 8 And Esau said: What are the droves
it is break of day. He answered: I will that I met? He answered: That I might
not let thee go except thou bless me. find favour before my lord.
27 And he said: What is thy name? He 9 But he said: I my bro
have plenty,
answered: Jacob. ther, keep what is thine for thyself.
28 But he said: Thy name shall not be 10 And Jacob said: Do not so I beseech
called Jacob, but Israel: for if thou hast thee, but if I have found favour in thy
been strong against God, how much more eyes, receive a little present at my hands :

shalt thou prevail against men? for I have seen thy face, as if I should
29 Jacob asked him, Tell me by what have seen the countenance of God: be
name art thou called? He answered: gracious to me,
Why dost thou ask my name? And he 11 And take the blessing, which I have
blessed him in the same place. brought thee, and which God hath given
30 And Jacob called the name of the me, who giveth all things. He took it
place Phanuel, saying: I have seen God with much ado at his brother s earnest
face to face, and my soul has been saved. pressing him,
31 And immediately the sun rose upon 12 And said: Let us go on together,
him, after he was past Phanuel; but he and I will accompany thee
in thy journey.
halted on his foot. 13 And Jacob said: My lord, thou know-
32 Therefore the children of Israel, unto est that I have with me tender children,
this day, eat not the sinew, that shrank and sheep, and kine with young: which
in Jacob s thigh: because he touched the if I should cause to be overdriven, in
sinew of his thigh and it shrank. one day all the flocks will die.
CHAPTER 14 May it please my lord to go before
Jacob and Esau meet: Jacob goeth to Salem, where his servant: and I will follow softly after
he raiseth an altar. him, as I shall see my children to be
NDJacob lifting up his eyes, saw able, until I come to my lord in Seir.
Esau coming, and with him four 15 Esau answered: I beseech thee, that
hundred men; and he divided the chil some of the people at least, who are with
dren of Lia, and of Rachel, and of the me, may stay to accompany thee in the
two handmaids: way. And he said: There is no neces
2 And he put both the handmaids and sity: I want nothing else but only to
their children foremost: and Lia and her find favour, my lord, in thy sight.
children in the second place: and Rachel 16 So Esau returned, that day, the way
and Joseph last. that he came, to Seir.
3 And he went forward and bowed down 17 And Jacob came to Socoth: where
with his face to the ground seven times having built a house, and pitched tents,
until his brother came near. he called the name of the place Socoth,
4 Then Esau ran to meet his brother, that is, Tents.
and embraced him and clasping him fast
: 18 And he passed over to Salem, a city
about the neck, and kissing him, wept. of the Sichemites, which is in the land of
5 And lifting up his eyes, he saw the Chanaan, after he returned from Meso
women and their children, and said: potamia of Syria: and he dwelt by the
What mean these? And do they belong town:
to thee? He answered: They are the 19 And he bought that part of the field,
children which God hath given to me thy in which he pitched his tents, of the
servant. children of Hemor, the father of Sichem
6 Then the handmaids and their chil for a hundred lambs.
dren came near, and bowed themselves. 20 And raising an altar there, he in-

tling, in which Jacob, assisted by God, was a match eth by his earnest prayer, urging and at last obtain
for an angel, was so ordered (ver. 28.) that he might ing the angel s blessing.
learn by this experiment of the divine assistance, Ver. 30. Phanuel. This word signifies the face o]
that neither Esau, nor any other man, should have God, or the sight, or seeing of God.
power to hurt him. It was also spiritual, as appear-
Dina is ravished GENESIS The Sicheniites punished
voked upon it the most mighty God of 15 But in this we may be allied with
you, if you will be like us, and all the
CHAPTER 34 male sex among you be circumcised:
Dina is ravished, for which the Siehemitea ore
16 Then will we mutually give and take
Dina the daughter of Lia went your daughters, and ours: and we will
ANDout to see the women of that coun
dwell with you, and will be one
17 But if you will not be circumcised,
2 And when Sichem the son of Hemor
we will take our daughter and depart:
18 Their offer pleased Hemor, and Si
the Hevite, the prince of that land, saw
chem his son:
her, he was in love with her: and took
her away, and lay with her, ravishing 19 And the young man made no delay,
but forthwith fulfilled what was required,
the virgin.
for he loved the damsel exceedingly, and
3 And his soul was fast knit unto her, he was the greatest man in all his fa
and whereas she was sad, he comforted ther s house.
her with sweet words. 20 And going into the gate of the city
4 And going to Hemor his father, he they spoke to the people:
said: Get me this damsel to wife. 21 These men are peaceable and willing
5 But when Jacob had heard this, his to dwell with us: let them trade in the
sons being absent, and employed in feed land, and till it, which being large and
ing the cattle, he held his peace till they wide wanteth men to till it: we shall
came back. take their daughters for wives, and we
6 And when Hemor the father of Sichem will give them ours.
was come out to speak to Jacob, 22 One thing there is for which so great
7 Behold his sons came from the field: a good is deferred: We must circumcise
and hearing what had passed, they were every male among us, following the man
exceeding angry, because he had done ner of the nation.
a foul thing in Israel, and committed an And their substance, and cattle, and
unlawful act, in ravishing Jacob s daugh all that they possess, shall be ours: only
ter. in this let us condescend, and by dwell
8 And Hemor spoketo them: The soul ing together, we shall make one people.
of my
son Sichem has a longing for your 24 And they all agreed, and circumcised
daughter: give her him to wife: all the males.
9 And let us contract marriages one 25 And behold the third day, when the
with another: give us your daughters pain of the wound was greatest, two of
and take you our daughters, the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, the
10 And dwell with us: the land is at brothers of Dina, taking their swords,
your command, till, trade, and possess entered boldly into the city, and slew all
it. the men: *
11 Sichem also said to her father and 26 And they killed also Hemor and Si
to her brethren: Let me find favour in chem, and took away their sister Dina,
your sight: and whatsoever you shall ap out of Sichem s house.
point I will give. 27 And when they were gone out, the
12 Raise the dowry, and ask gifts, and other sons of Jacob came upon the slain;
Iwill gladly give what you shall demand: and plundered the city in revenge of the
only give me this damsel to wife. rape.
13 The sons of Jacob answered Sichem 28 And they took their sheep and their
and his father deceitfully, being enraged herds and their asses, wasting all they
at the deflowering of their sister: had in their houses and in the fields.
14 We cannot do what you demand, nor 29 And their children and wives they
give our sister to one that is uncircum- took captive,
30 And when they had boldly perpe
cised, which with us is unlawful and
abominable. trated these things, Jacob said to Simeon
t Infra 49. 6.

CHAP. 34. Ver. 13. Deceitfully. The sons of Ja of revenge: though otherwise their zeal against BO
foul a crime was commendable.
cob, on this occasion, were guilty of a grievous sin,
as well by faJsely pretending religion, as by excess

Jacob goes to Bethel GENESIS The death of Rachel
and Levi: You have troubled me, and any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy
made me hateful to the Chanaanites and name. And he called him Israel.
Pherezites, the inhabitants of this land: 11 And said to him: I am God Almighty,
we are few: they will gather themselves increase thou and be multiplied. Na
together and kill me; and both I, and my tions and peoples of nations shall be
house, shall be destroyed. from thee, and kings shall come out of
31 They answered: Should they abuse thy loins.
our sister as a strumpet? 12 Andthe land which I gave to Abra
ham and Isaac, I will give to thee, and
CHAPTER 35 to thy seed after thee.
Jacob purgeth his family from Idols : goeth by God s
commandment to Bethel, and there buUdeth an 13 And he departed from him.
altar. God appearing again to Jacob blesseth 14 But he set up a monument of stone,
him, and changeth his name into Israel. Rachel
dieth in childbirth. Isaac also dieth. in the placewhere God had spoken to
the mean time God said to Jacob: him: pouring drink offerings upon it,

INArise, and go up to Bethel, and dwell and pouring oil thereon:

there, and make there an altar to God, 15 And calling the name of that place
J who appeared to thee when thou didst Bethel.
flee from Esau thy brother. 16 And going forth from thence, he
2 And Jacob having called together all came in the springtime to the land which
leadeth to Ephrata: wherein when Ra
his household, said: Cast away the
chel was in travail,
strange gods that are among you, and
be cleansed and change your garments. 17 By reason of her hard labour she
3 Arise, and let us go up to Bethel, that began to be in danger, and the midwife
said to her: Fear not, for thou shalt have
we may make there an altar to God: this son also.
who heard me in the day of my affliction,
18 And when her soul was departing
and accompanied me in my journey.
for pain, and death was now at hand,
4 So they gave him all the strange gods she called the name of her son Benoni,
they had, and the earrings which were that is, The son of my pain: but his
in their ears k and he buried them under
father called him Benjamin, that is, The
the turpentine tree, that is behind the son of the right hand.
city of Sichem. 19 So Rachel died, and was buried in
5 And when they were departed, the the highway that leadeth to Ephrata,
terror of God fell upon all the cities this is Bethlehem.
round about, and they durst not pursue 20 And Jacob erected a pillar over her
after them as they went away. sepulchre: this is the pillar of Rachel s
6 And Jacob came to Luza, which is in monument, to this day.
the land of Chanaan, surnamed Bethel: 21 Departing thence, he pitched his tent
he and all the people that were with him. beyond the Flock tower.
7 And he built there an altar, and called 22 P And when he dwelt in that coun
the name of that place, The house of try, Ruben went, and slept with Bala, the
God l for there God appeared to him
: concubine of his father: which he was
when he fled from his brother. not ignorant of. Now the sons of Jacob
8 At the same time Debora the nurse were twelve.
of Rebecca died, and was buried at the 23 The sons of Lia: Ruben the first
foot of Bethel under an oak: and the born, and Simeon, and Levi, and Juda,
name of that place was called, The oak of and Issachar, and Zabulon.
weeping. 24 The sons of Rachel: Joseph and
9 And God appeared again to Jacob, Benjamin.
after he returned from Mesopotamia of 25 The sons of Bala, Rachel s hand
Syria, and he blessed him, maid: Dan and Nephtali.
10 iS aying: m Thou shalt not be called 26 The sons of Zelpha, Lia s handmaid:
3 Supra 28. 13. I Supra 28. 18. m Supra 82. 28.
k Ex. 32. 20 ; 4 Kings 18. 4. o /nf ra 48. 7. p Infra 49. 4.

CHAP. 35. Ver. 10. Israel. This name signifieth Ver. 22. The concubine. She was his lawful wife;
one that prevaileth with God. but, according to the style of the Hebrews, is called
concubine, because of her servile extraction.
Isaac dies GENESIS The descendants of Esau
Gad and Aser: these are the sons of 12 And Thamna was the concubine of
Jacob, that were born to him in Mesopo Eliphaz the son of Esau: and she bore
tamia of Syria. him Amalech. These are the sons of
27 And he came to Isaac his father Ada the wife of Esau.
in Mambre, the city of Arbee, this is 13 And the sons of Rahuel were Nahath
Hebron: wherein Abraham and Isaac so and Zara, Samma and Meza. These were
journed. the sons of Basemath the wife of Esau.
28 And the days of Isaac were a hun
14 And these were the sons of Ooli
dred and eighty years.
29 And being spent with age he died, bama, the daughter of Ana, the daughter
of Sebeon, the wife of Esau, whom she
and was gathered to his people, being
bore to him, Jehus, and Ihelon, and
old and full of days: and his sons Esau
and Jacob buried him.
15 These were dukes of the sons of
Esau: the sons of Eliphaz the firstborn
of Esau: duke Theman, duke Omar,
Esau with his wives and children parteth from
Jacob. An account of his descendants, and of the duke Sepho, duke Cenez,
first kings of Edom. 16 Duke Core, duke Gatham, duke Ama
these are the generations of Esau, lech: these are the sons of Eliphas in
XX the same is Edom. the land of Edom, and these the sons of
2 Esau took wives of the daughters of Ada.
Chanaan: Ada the daughter of Elon the 17 And these were the sons of Rahuel
Hethite, and Oolibama the daughter of the son of Esau: duke Nahath, duke
Ana, the daughter of Sebeon the Hevite: Zara, duke Samma, duke Meza. And
3 And Basemath the daughter of Is- these are the dukes of Rahuel, in the
mael, sister of Nabajoth. land of Edom: these the sons of Base-
4 s And Ada bore Eliphaz Basemath : math the wife of Esau.
bore Rahuel: 18 And these the sons of Oolibama the
5 Oolibama bore Jehus and Ihelon and wife of Esau: duke Jehus, duke Ihelon,
Core. These are the sons of Esau, that duke Core. These are the dukes of
were born to him in the land of Chanaan. Oolibama, the daughter of Ana, and wife
6 And Esau took his wives and his sons of Esau.
and daughters, and every soul of his 19 These are the sons of Esau, and
house, and his substance, and cattle, and these the dukes of them: the same is
all that he was able to acquire in the
land of Chanaan: and went into another 20 w These
are the sons of Seir the
country, and departed from his brother Horrite, the inhabitants of the land:
Jacob. . Lotan, and Sobal, and Sebeon, and Ana,
7 t For they were exceeding rich, and 21 And Dison, and Eser, and Disan.
could not dwell together: neither was These are dukes of the Horrites, the sons
the land in which they sojourned able of Seir in the land of Edom.
to bear them, for the multitude of their 22 And Lotan had sons: H.ori and
flocks. Heman. And the sister of Lotan was
8 And Esau dwelt in mount Seir: he Thamna.
is Edom. 23 And these the sons of Sobal: Alvan
9 Andthese are the generations of and Manahat, and Ebal, and Sepho, and
Esau the father of Edom in mount Seir, Oman.
10 And these the names of his sons: 24 And these the sons of Sebeon: Aia
Eliphaz the son of Ada the wife of and Ana. This is Ana that found the
Esau: and Rahuel the son of Basemath hot waters in the wilderness, when he
his wife. fed the asses of Sebeon his father:
11 And Eliphaz had sons: Theman, 25 And he had a son Dison, and n
Omar, Sepho, and Gatham, and Cenez. daughter Oolibama.
t Supra 13. 6. u Jos. 24. 4. T> 1 Par. 1. 35.
s 1 Par. 1. 35. w I Par. 1. 38.

CHAP. 36. Ver. 2. Ada. These wives of Esau persons to have two names, as Eaau himself wi
are called by other names, Gen. 26. But it was also called Edom.
very common amongst the ancients for the same

The dukes of Edom GENESIS Joseph s dreams
26 And these were the sons of Dison: CHAPTER 37
Hamdan, and Eseban, and Jethram, and Joseph s dreams: he sold by hig brethren,
carried into Egypt.
27 These also were the sons of Eser:
AND Jacob dwelt in the land of Cha-
J\. naan wherein his father sojourned.
Balaan, and Zavan, and Acan.
28 And Disan had sons: Hus, and Aram. 2 And these are his generations: v Jo
29 These were dukes of the Horrites: seph, when he was sixteen years old, was
duke Lotan, duke Sobal, duke Sebeon, feeding the flock with his brethren, being
duke Ana, but a boy: and he was with the sons of
30 Duke Dison, duke Eser, duke Disan: Bala and of Zelpha his father s wives:
these were dukes of the Horrites that and he accused his brethen to his father
ruled in the land of Seir. of a most wicked crime.
31 And the kings that ruled in the land 3 Now Israel loved Joseph above all
of Edom, before the children of Israel his sons, because he had him in his old
had a king, were these: age: and he made him a coat of divers
32 Bela the son of Beor, and the name colours.
of his city Denaba. 4 And his brethren seeing that he was
33 And Bela died, and Jobab the son of loved by his father, more than all his
Zara of Bosra reigned in his stead. sons, hated him, and could not speak
34 And when Jobab was dead, Husam
peaceably to him.
of the land of the Themanites reigned in
5 Now it fell out also that he told his
his stead.
brethren a dream, that he had dreamed:
35 Andafter his death, Adad the son
which occasioned them to hate him the
of Badad reigned in his stead, who de
feated the Madianites in the country of
Moab: and the name of his city was 6 And he said to them: Hear my dream
which I dreamed.
7 I thought we were binding sheaves in
36 And when Adad was dead, there
the field: and my sheaf arose as it were,
reigned in his stead, Semla of Masreca.
37 And he being dead, Saul of the river and stood, and your sheaves standing
Rohoboth, reigned in his stead. about, bowed down before my sheaf.
38 And when he also was dead, Balanan 8 His brethren answered: Shalt thou be
the son of Achobor succeeded to the our king? or shall we be subject to thy
dominion? Therefore this matter of his
39 This man also being Adar dreams and words ministered nourish

name ment to their envy and hatred.

reigned in his place, and the of his
was Phau: and his wife was called 9 He dreamed also another dream, which
he told his brethren, saying: I saw in a
Meetabel, the daughter of Hatred, daugh
ter of Mezaab. dream, as it were the sun, and the moon,
40 Andthese are the names of the and eleven stars worshipping me.
dukes of Esau in their kindreds, and 10 And when he had told this to his
father and brethren, his father rebuked
places, and callings: duke Thamna, duke
Alva, duke Jetheth, him, and said: What meaneth this dream
41 Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke that thou hast dreamed ? shall I and thy
Phinon, mother, and thy brethren worship thee
42 Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke upon the earth?
Mabsar, 11 His brethren therefore envied him:
43 Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram: these but his father considered the thing with
are the dukes of Edom dwelling in the himself.
land of their government; the same is 12 And when his brethren abode in
Esau the father of the Edomites. Sichem feeding their father s flocks,
13 Israel said to him: Thy brethren feed

y Supra 35. 25 and 26.

CHAP. 37. Ver. 5. A dream. These dreams
of Joseph were prophetical, and sent from God as ; Ver. 10. Worship. This word is not used here to
were also those which he interpreted. Gen. 40. and signify divine worship, but an inferior veneration,
41. ; otherwise generally speaking, the observing of expressed by the bowing of the body, and that, ac
dreams is condemned in the Scripture, as supersti cording to the manner of the eastern nations, down
tious and sinful. See Deut. 18 Eccli. 34. 2, 3.
: to the ground.
Joseph sold to the Madianites GENESIS Jacob mourns for Joseph
the sheep in Sichem: come, I will send 28 a And when the Madianite merchants
thee to them. And when he answered: passed by, they drew him out of the pit,
14 I am ready: he said to him: Go, and and sold him to the Ismaelites, for twen
see if all things be well with thy brethren, ty pieces of silver: and they led him into
and the cattle: and bring me word again Egypt.
what is doing. So being sent from the 29 And Ruben, returning to the pit,
vale of Hebron, he came to Sichem: found not the boy:
15 And a man found him there wander 30 And rending his garments he went
ing in the field, and asked what he sought. to his brethren, and said: The
16 But he answered: I seek my breth
boy doth
not appear and whither shall I go?
ren; tell me where they feed the flocks. 31 And they took his coat, and dipped
17 And the man said to him: They are it in the blood of a kid, which
they had
departed from this place: for I heard killed:
them say: Let us go to Dothain. And 32 Sending some to carry it to their
Joseph went forward after his brethren, father, and to say: This we have found:
and found them in Dothain. see whether it be thy son s coat, or not.
18 And when they saw him afar off, be 33 And the father acknowledging it,
fore he came nigh them, they thought to said: It is my son s coat, an evil wild
kill him. beast hath eaten him, a beast hath de
19 And said one to another: Behold the voured Joseph.
dreamer cometh. 34 And tearing his garments, he put on
20 Come, let us kill him, and cast him sackcloth, mourning for his son a long
into some old pit: and we will say: Some time.
evil beast hath devoured him: and then 35 And all his children being gathered
it shall appear what his dreams avail
together to comfort their father in his
him: sorrow, he would not receive comfort,
21 z And Ruben hearing this, endeav but said: I will go down to my son into
oured to deliver him out of their hands, hell, mourning. And whilst he contin
and said: ued weeping,
22 Do not take away his life, nor shed 36 The Madianites sold Joseph in Egypt
his blood: but cast him into this pit, that to Putiphar, an eunuch of Pharao, cap
is in the wilderness, and keep your hands tain of the soldiers.
harmless: now he said this, being desir
ous to deliver him out of their hands and CHAPTER 38
to restore him
to his father. The sons of Juda: the death of her and Onan: th
23 And as soon as he came to his breth birth of Phares and,.

ren, they forthwith stript him of his out AT that time Juda went down from his
side coat, that was of divers colours: _L\_ brethren, and turned in to a certain
24 And cast him into an old pit, where Odollamite, named Hiras.
there was no water. 2 c And he saw there the daughter of a
25 And sitting down to eat bread, they man of Chanaan, called Sue: and taking
saw some Ismaelites on their way coming her to wife, he wentin unto her.
from Galaad, with their camels, carrying 3 she conceived, and bore a son,
spices, and balm, and myrrh to Egypt. and called his name Her.
26 And Juda said to his brethren: What 4 And conceiving again, she bore a

will it profit us to kill our brother, and son, and called him Onan.
conceal his blood? 5 She bore also a third: whom she called
27 It is better that he be sold to the Sela. After whose birth, she ceased to
Tsmaelites, and that our hands be not de bear any more.
filed: for he is our brother and our flesh. 6 And Juda took a wife for Her his
His brethren agreed to his words. firstborn, whose name was Thamar.
c 1 Par. 2. 3
z Infra 42.22. o Wisd. 10. 13. d Num. 26. 19.

Ver. 35. Into hell. That is, into limbo, the place devoured by a wild beast,) and therefore could not
mean to KO down to him thither but certainly meant

where the souls of the just were received before the

death of our Redeemer. For allowing that the word the place of rest where he believed his soul to b.
hell sometimes is taken for the grave, it cannot be Ver. 36. An eunuch,. This word sometimes sig
so taken in this place ; since Jacob did not believe nifies a chamberlain, courtier, or officer of the king:
his son to be in the grave, ( whom he supposed to be and so it is taken in this place.
The sin of Onan GENESIS Birth of P hares and Zara

I c And Her, the firstborn of Juda, was had taken, put on the garments of her
wicked in the sight of the Lord: and widowhood.
was slain by him. 20 And Juda sent a kid by his shepherd,
8 Juda therefore said to Onan his son: the Odollamite, that he might receive
Go in to thy brother s wife and marry the pledge again, which he had given to
her, that thou mayst raise seed to thy the woman: but he, not finding her,
brother. 21 Asked the men of that place: Where
9 He knowing that the children should isthe woman that sat in the cross way?
not be his, when he went in to his bro And when they all made answer: There
ther s wife, spilled his seed upon the was no harlot in this place,
ground, lest children should be born in 22 He returned to Juda, and said to
his brother s name.
10 And therefore the Lord slew him, him: I have not found her; moreover the
because he did a detestable thing.
men of that place said to me, that there
never sat a harlot there.
II Wherefore Juda said to Thamar his
daughter in law: Remain a widow in 23 Juda said: Let her take it to herself;
thy father s house, till Sela my son grow surely she cannot charge us with a lie: I
up: for he was afraid lest he also might sent the kid which I promised: and thou
die, as his brethren did. She went her didst not find her.
way and dwelt in her father s house. 24 And behold after three months they
12 And after many days were past, the told Juda, saying: Thamar, thy daughter
daughter of Sue the wife of Juda died: in law hath played the harlot, and she ap-
and when he had taken comfort after peareth to have a big belly. And Juda
his mourning, he went up to Thamnas, to said Bring her out that she may be burnt.

the shearers of his sheep, he and Hiras 25 But when she was led to execution,
the Odollamite the shepherd of his flock. she sent to her father in law, saying: By
13 And it was told Thamar that her the man, to whom these things belong,
father in law was come up to Thamnas I am with child. See whose ring, and
to shear his sheep. bracelet, and staff this is.
14 And she put off the garments of her 26 Buthe acknowledging the gifts,
widowhood, and took a veil: and chang said: She is juster than I: because I did
ing her dress, sat in the cross way, that not give her to Sela my son. However,
leadeth to Thamnas: because Sela was he knew her no more.
grown up, and she had not been married 27 / And when she was ready to be
to him. brought to bed, there appeared twins in
15 When Juda saw her, he thought she her womb: and in the very delivery of
was a harlot: for she had covered her the infants, one put forth a hand, where
face, lest she should be known. on the midwife tied a scarlet thread,
16 And going to her, he said: Suffer me saying:
to lie with thee: for he knew her not to 28 This shall come forth the first.
be his daughter in law. And she an 29 But he drawing back his hand, the
swered: What wilt thou give me to en other came forth: and the woman said:
joy my company? Why is the partition divided for thee?
17 He said: I will send thee a kid out and therefore called his name Phares.
of the flock. And when she said again: 30 ff Afterwards his brother came out,
I will suffer what thou wilt, if thou give on whose hand was the scarlet thread:
a pledge, till thou send what thou prom- and she called him Zara.
What wilt thou have for
18 Juda said: CHAPTER 39
a pledge? She answered: Thy ring and Joseph charge of his master s house: rejecteth
his mistress s solicitations: is falsely accused by
bracelet, and the staff which thou hold- her, and cast into prison, where he hath the charge
est in thy hand. The woman therefore of ail the prisoners.
at one copulation conceived.
19 And she arose and went her way:
and putting off the apparel which she
A ID Joseph was brought into Egypt,
and Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao,
chief captain of the army, an Egyptian,
e Num. 26. 19. / Matt. 1. 3. g 1 Par. 2. 4.

CHAP. 38. Ver. 29. Pliarei. That is, a breach or division.

Joseph tempted by Putiphar s wife GENESIS
Joseph cast into prison
bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom 15 And he heard my
he was brought. voice, he left the
garment that I held, and got him out.
2 And the Lord was with him, and he
16 For a proof therefore of her
was a prosperous man in all things: and fidelity,
she kept the garment, and shewed it to
he dwelt in his master s house, her husband when he returned home:
3 Who knew very well that the Lord
17 And said: The Hebrew servant,
was with him, and made all that he did whom thou
hast came to brought, me to
to prosper in his hand.
abuse me.
4 And Joseph found favour in the sight
of his master, and ministered to him:
18 And when he heard me cry, he left
the garment which I held, and fled out.
and being set over all by him, he gov
erned the house committed to him, and 19 His master hearing these things, and
all things that were delivered to him: giving too much credit to his wife s
5 And the Lord blessed the house of words, was very angry.
the Egyptian for Joseph s sake, and mul 20 * And cast Joseph into the
tiplied all his substance, both at home, where the king s prisoners were kept,
and in the fields. and he was there shut up.
6 Neither knew he any other 21 But the Lord was with
thing, but Joseph, and
the bread which he ate. And Joseph was having mercy upon him gave him favour
of a beautiful countenance, and in the sight of the chief
comely keeper of the
to behold. prison:
7 And after many days his mistress 22 Who delivered into his hand all the
cast her eyes on Joseph and said, Lie prisoners that were kept in custody: and
with me. whatsoever was done was under him.
8 But he in no wise consenting to that 23 Neither did he himself know any
wicked act, said to her: Behold, my mas thing, having committed all things to
ter hath delivered all things to me, and him: for the Lord was with him, and
knoweth not what he hath in his own made all that he did to prosper.
9 Neither is there any thing which is CHAPTER 40
not in my power, or that he hath not de Joseph interpreteth the dream* of two of Pharao s
servants in prison: the event deelareth the inter
livered to me, but thee, who art his wife: pretations to be true, but Joseph is forgotten.
how then can I do this wicked thing, and came to pass, that two
this, it
sin against my God?
10 With such words as these day by
eunuchs, the butler and the baker
of the king of Egypt, offended their lord.
day, both the woman was importunate 2 And Pharao being angry with them
with the young man, and he refused the (now the one was chief butler, the other
adultery. chief baker)
11 Now it happened on a certain day, 3 He sent them to the prison of the
that Joseph went into the house, and commander of the soldiers, in which
was doing some business without any Joseph also was prisoner,
man with him: 4 But the keeper of the prison deliv
12 And she catching the skirt of his ered them to Joseph, and he served
garment, said: Lie with me. But he them. Some little time passed, and they
leaving the garment in her hand, fled, were kept in custody.
and went out. 5 And they both dreamed a dream the
13 And when the woman saw the gar same night, according to the interpreta
ment in her hands, and herself disre tion agreeing to themselves:
garded, 6 And when Joseph was come in to them
14 She called to her the men of her in the morning, and saw them sad,
house, and said to them: See, he hath 7 He asked them, saying: Why is your
brought in a Hebrew, to abuse us: he countenance sadder to day than usual ?
came in to me, to lie with me: and when 8 They answered: We have dreamed a
I cried out, dream, and there is nobody to interpret
f Ps. 104. 18.

CHAP. 38. Ver. 16. A proof of her fidelity, or an CHAP. 40. Ver. 8. Doth not interpretation belong
argument to gain credit, argumentum fidei. to God? When dreams are from God, as these

The butler sand the baker s dreams GENESIS Pharao s dreams
it to us. And Joseph said to them: Doth that the truth of the interpreter might
not interpretations belong to God? Tell be shewn.
me what you have dreamed. 23 But the chief butler, when things
The chief butler first told his dream:
9 prospered with him, forgot his interpre
I saw before me a vine, ter.

10 On which were three branches, which CHAPTER 41

by little and little sent out buds, and Joseph interpreteth the two dreams of Pharao: he
is made ruler over all Egypt.
after the blossoms brought forth ripe
FTER two years Pharao had a dream.
grapes :

He thought he stood by the river,

11 And
the cup of Pharao was in my
2 Out of which came up seven kine,
hand: and I took the grapes, and pressed
them into the cup which I held, and I very beautiful and fat: and they fed in
gave the cup to Pharao. marshy places.
12 Joseph answered: This is the in 3 Other seven also came up out of the
The three river, ill favoured, and leanfleshed: and
terpretation of the dream:
branches are yet three days: they fed on the very bank of the river,
in green places:
13 After which Pharao will remember
thy service, and will restore thee to thy 4 And they devoured them, whose
former place: and thou shalt present bodies were very beautiful and well con
him the cup according to thy office, as ditioned. So Pharao awoke.
before thou wast wont to do. 5 He slept again, and dreamed another
14 Only remember me, when it shall be dream: Seven ears of corn came up upon
well with thee, and do me this kindness: one stalk full and fair:
to put Pharao in mind to take me out of 6 Then seven other ears sprung up thin
this prison: and blasted,
15 For I was stolen away out of the 7 And devoured all the beauty of the
land of the Hebrews, and here without former. Pharao awaked after his rest:
any fault was cast into the dungeon. 8 And when morning was come, being
16 The chief baker seeing that he had struck with fear, he sent to all the inter
wisely interpreted the dream, said: I also preters of Egypt, and to all the wise
dreamed a dream, That I had three bas men: and they being called for, he told
kets of meal upon my head: them his dream, and there was not any
17 And that in one basket which was one that could interpret it.

uppermost, I carried all meats that are 9 Then at length the chief butler re
made by the art of baking, and that the membering, said: I confess my sin:
birds ate out of it. 10 The king being angry with his serv
18 Joseph answered: This is the inter ants, comanded me and the chief baker
pretation of the dream: The three bas to be cast into the prison of the captain
kets are yet three days: of the soldiers:
19 After which Pharao will take thy 11 Where in one night both of us
head from thee, and hang thee on a dreamed a dream foreboding things to
cross, and the birds shall tear thy flesh. come.
20 The third day after this was the 12 There was there a young man a
birthday of Pharao: and he made a great Hebrew, servant to the same captain of
feast for his servants and at the ban the soldiers: to whom we told our dreams,
quet remembered the chief butler, and 13 And we heard what afterwards the
the chief baker. event of the thing proved to be so. For
21 And he restored the one to his place I was restored to my office: and he was
to present him the cup: hanged upon a gibbet.
22 The other he hanged on a gibbet, 14 Forthwith at the king s command,

were, the interpretation of them is a gift of God infirmities: or they are suggested by evil spirits, to
But the generality of dreams are not of this sort flatter, or to terrify weak minds, in order to gain
but either proceed from the natural complexions and belief, and so draw them into error or superstition ;
dispositions of persons, or the roving of their imagi or at least to trouble them in their sleep, whom they
nations in the day on such objects as they are much cannot move when they are awake so that the gen

affected with, or from their mind being disturbed eral rule, with regard to dreams, is not to observe
with cares and troubles, and oppressed with bodily them, nor to give any credit to them.
Joseph interprets them, GENESIS Joseph made ruler over Egypt
Joseph was brought out of the prison, 31 And the greatness of the scarcity
and they shaved him, and changing his shall destroy the greatness of the
apparel, brought him in to him.
15 And he said to him: I have dreamed
32 And
for that thou didst see the sec
ond time a dream pertaining to the
dreams, and there is no one that can same thing: it is a token of the certainty,
expound them: now I have heard that and that the word of God cometh to
thou art very wise at interpreting them.
16 Joseph answered: Without me, I God pass, and is fulfilled speedily.
shall give Pharao a prosperous answer. 33 Now therefore let the king provide
17 So Pharao told what he had dreamed:
a wise and industrious man, and make
stood upon the bank of the him ruler over the land of Egypt:
Methought I
river, 34 That he may appoint overseers over
18 And seven kine came up out of the all the countries: and gather into barns
river exceeding beautiful and full of the fifth part of the fruits, during the
flesh: and they grazed on green places seven fruitful years,
in a marshy pasture. 35 That shall now presently ensue: and
19 And behold, there followed these, let all the corn be laid up under Pharao s
other seven kine, so very ill favoured hands, and be reserved in the cities.
and lean, that I never saw the like in 36 And let it be in readiness, against
the land of Egypt: the famine of seven years to come,
20 And they devoured and consumed which shall oppress Egypt, and the land
the former, shall not be consumed with scarcity.
21 And yet gave no mark of their being 37 The counsel pleased Pharao and all
full: but were as lean and ill favoured as his servants.
before. I awoke, and then fell asleep 38 And he said to them: Can we find
again, such another man, that is full of the
22 And dreamed a dream: Seven ears spirit of God?
of corn grew upon one stalk, full and 39 He said therefore to Joseph: Seeing
very fair. God hath shewn thee all that thou hast
23 Other seven also thin and blasted, can I find one wiser and one like
sprung of the stock: unto thee?
24 And they devoured the beauty of 40 m Thou shalt be over my house, and
the former: I told this dream to the con- at the commandment of thy mouth all
jecturers, and there is no man that can the people shall obey: only in the kingly
expound it. throne will I be above thee.
25 Joseph answered: The king s dream 41 And again Pharao said to Joseph:
is one: God hath shewn to Pharao what Behold, I have appointed thee over the
he is about to do. whole land of Egypt.
26 The seven beautiful kine, and the 42 And he took his ring from his own
seven full ears, are seven years of plen hand, and gave it into his hand: and he
ty: and both contain the same meaning put upon him a robe of silk, and put a
of the dream. chain of gold about his neck.
27 And the seven lean and thin kine 48 And he made him go up into his
that came up after them, and the seven second chariot, the crier proclaiming
thin ears that were blasted with the that all should bow their knee before
burning wind, are seven years of famine him, and that they should know he was
to come: made governor over the whole land of
28 Which shall be fulfilled in this order: Egypt.
29 Behold, there shall come seven years 44 And the king said to Joseph: I am
of great plenty in the whole land of Pharao; without thy commandment no
man shall move hand or foot in all the
30 After which shall follow other seven land of Egypt.
45 And he turned his name, and called
years of so great scarcity, that all the
abundance before shall be forgotten: for him in the Egyptian tongue, The saviour
of the world. And he gave him to wife
the famine shall consume all the land,
I Matt. 10. 20. m Ps. 104. 21 ; 1 Mac. 2. 53 ; Acts. 7. 10.

CHAP. 41. Ver. 45. The saviour of the world. Zaphnah paaneah.
The sons of Joseph GENESIS Jacob s sons go to Egypt

Aseneth the daughter of Putiphare priest AND Jacob hearing that food was sold
of Heliopolis. Then Joseph went out to J\_ in Egypt, said to his sons: Why are
the land of Egypt: ye careless?
46 (Now he was thirty years old when 2 I have heard that wheat is sold in
he stood before king Pharao) and he Egypt: go ye down, and buy us neces
went round all the countries of Egypt. saries, that we may live, and not be con
47 And the fruitfulness of the seven sumed with want.
years came: and the corn being bound 3 So the ten brethren of Joseph went
up into sheaves was gathered together down, to buy corn in Egypt:
into the barns of Egypt. 4 Whilst Benjamin was kept at home by
48 And all the abundance of grain was Jacob, who said to his brethen: Lest per
laid up in every city. haps he take any harm in the journey.
49 And there was so great abundance 5 And they entered into the land of
of wheat, that it was equal to the sand Egypt with others that went to buy.
of the sea, and the plenty exceeded For the famine was in the land of Cha-
measure. naan.
50 n And before the famine came, Jo 6 And Joseph was governor in the land
seph had two sons born: whom Aseneth of Egypt, and corn was sold by his direc
the daughter of Putiphare priest of Heli tion to the people. And when his breth
opolis bore unto him. ren had bowed down to him,
51 And he called the name of the first 7 And he knew them, he spoke as it
born Manasses, saying: God hath made were to strangers somewhat roughly,
me to forget all my labours, and my asking them: Whence came you? They
father s house. answered: From the land of Chanaan, to
52 And he named the second Ephraim, buy necessaries of life.
saying: God hath made me to grow in 8 And though he knew his brethren, he
the land of my poverty. was not known by them.
53 Now when the seven years of the 9 And remembering the dreams, which
plenty that had been in Egypt were formerly he had dreamed, he said to
past: them: You are spies. You are come to
54 The seven years of scarcity, which view the weaker parts of the lana.
Joseph had foretold, began to come: 10 But they said: It is not so, my lord,
and the famine prevailed in the whole but thy servants are come to buy food.
world, but there was bread in all the land 11 We are all the sons of one man: we
of Egypt. are come as peaceable men, neither do
55 And when there also they began to
thy servants go about any evil.
be famished, the people cried to Pharao 12 And he answered them: It is other
for food. And he said to them: Go to wise: you are come to consider the un-
Joseph: and do all that he shall say to fenced parts of this land.
you. 13 But they said: We thy servants are
56 And the famine increased daily in twelve brethren, the sons of one man in
all the land: and Joseph opened all the the land of Chanaan: the youngest is
barns, and sold to the Egyptians: for with our father, the other is not living.
the famine had oppressed them also. 14 He saith: This is it that I said: You
57 And all provinces came into Egypt, are spies.
to buy food, and to seek some relief of
15 I shall now presently try what you
their want. are: by the health of Pharao you shall
not depart hence, until your youngest
brother come.
Jacob sendeth his ten sons to buy corn in Egypt.
Their treatment by Joseph. 16 Send one of you to fetch him: and
n Infra 46. 20, and 48. 20.

Ver. 61. Manasses. That is, oblivion, or forget Ver. 16. Or else by the health of Pharao you are
ting. spies. That is, if these things you say be proved
Ver. 52. Ephraim. That is, fruitful, or grow false, you are to be held for spies for your lying, and
ing. shall be treated as such. Joseph dealt in this man
CHAP. 42. Ver. 9. You are spies. This he said ner with his brethren, to bring them by the means
by way of examining them, to see what they would of affliction to a sense of their former sin. and a
answer. sincere repentance for it.
Simeon kept back by Joseph GENESIS The brethren return to Jacob

you shall be in prison, till what you have to us, and took us to be spies of the
said be proved, whether it be true or country.
false: or else by the health of Pharao 31 And we answered him: We are
you are spies. peaceable men, and we mean no plot.
17 So he put them in prison three days. 32 We are twelve brethren born of one
18 And the third day he brought them father: one is not living, the youngest
out of prison, and said: Do as I have is with our father in the land of Chanaan.

said, and you shall live: for I fear God. 33 And he said to us: Hereby shall I
19 If you be peaceable men, let one of know that you are peaceable men: Leave
your brethren be bound in prison: and one of your brethren with me, and take
go ye your ways and carry the corn that ye necessary provision for your houses,
you have bought, unto your houses. and go your ways.
20 And bring your youngest brother 34 And bring your youngest brother to
to me, that I may find your words to be me, that I may know you are not spies:
true, and you may not die. They did as and you may receive this man again,
he had said. that is kept in prison: and afterwards
21 And they talked one to another: may have leave to buy what you will.
We deserve to suffer these things, be 35 When they had told this, they poured
cause we have sinned against our broth out their corn, and every man found
er, seeing the anguish of his soul, when his moneytied in the mouth of his sack:
he besought us, and we would not hear: and being astonished together,
therefore is this affliction come upon us. 36 Their father Jacob said: You have
22 And Ruben, one of them, said: Did made me to be without children: Joseph
is not living, Simeon is kept in bonds,
not I say to you: r Do not sin against
the boy: and you would not hear me?
and Benjamin you will take away: all
these evils are fallen upon me.
Behold his blood is required.
37 And Ruben answered him: Kill my
23 And they knew not that Joseph
two sons, if I bring him not again to
understood, because he spoke to them by thee: deliver him into my hand, and I
an interpreter. will restore him to thee.
24 And he turned himself away a little 38 But he said: My son shall not go
while, and wept: and returning he spoke down with you: his brother is dead, and
to them. he is left alone: if any mischief befall
25 And taking Simeon, and binding him him in the land to which you go, you
in their presence, he commanded his serv will bring down my gray hairs with sor
ants to fill their sacks with wheat, and row to hell.
to put every man s money again in their
sacks, and to give them besides provi CHAPTER 43
sions for the way: and they did so. The sons of Jacob go again into Egypt with Ben
jamin. They are entertained by Joseph.
26 But they having loaded their asses
the the famine was heavy
mean time
with the corn, went their way.
27 And one of them opening his sack, INupon the land.

to give his beast provender in the inn, 2 And when they had eaten up all the
corn, which they had brought
out of
saw the money in the sack s mouth;
28 Andsaid to his brethren: My money Egypt, Jacob said to his sons: Go again
and buy us a little food.
is me again, behold it is in the
given The man declared
3 Juda ansv.ered:
sack. And they were astonished, and
unto us with the attestation of an oath,
troubled, and said to one another: What un
is this that God hath done unto us? saying: You shall not see my face,
less you bring your youngest brother
29 And they came to Jacob their father
with you.
in the land of Chanaan, and they told
4 If therefore thou wilt send him with
him all things that had befallen them, and will buy
us, we will set out together,
necessaries for thee.
30 The lord of the land spoke roughly

q Infra 43. 3 and 5. r Supra 37. 21.

37. ver.
Ver.38. To hell. That is, to that place, where the souls then remained, as above, chapter

Jacob s sons go again to Egypt GENESIS Joseph meets Benjamin
5 But if thou wilt not, not go: we will there one to another: Because of the
for the man, as we have often said, de money, which we carried back the first
t You
clared unto us, saying: shall not time in our sacks, we are brought in:
see my face without your youngest that he may bring upon us a false accu
brother. sation, and by violence make slaves of
6 Israel said to them: You have done us and our asses.
this for my misery in that you told him 19 Wherefore going up to the steward
you had also another brother. of the house, at the door,
7 But they answered: The man asked 20 They said: Sir, we desire thee to
us in order concerning our kindred: if hear us: v We came down once before to
our father lived: if we had a brother:
buy food:
and we answered him regularly, accord
21 And when we had bought, and come
ing to what he demanded: could we to the inn, we opened our sacks, and
know that he would say: Bring hither
found our money in the mouths of the
your brother with you? sacks: which we have now brought again
8 And Juda said to his father: Send
in the same weight.
the boy with me, that we may set for
ward, and may live: lest both we and 22 And we have brought other money
our children perish. besides, to buy what we want: we can
9 u I take the boy upon me, require him not tell who put
it in our bags.
at my hand: unless I bring him again, 23 But he answered: Peace be with
and restore him to thee, I will be guilty you, fear not: your God, and the God of
of sin against thee for ever. your father hath given you treasure in
10 If delay had not been made, we had your sacks. For the money, which you
been here again the second time. gave me, I have for good. And he
11 Then Israel said to them: If it must brought Simeon out to them.
needs be so, do what you will: take of 24 And having brought them into the
the best fruits of the land in your ves house, he fetched water, and they washed
sels, and carry down presents to the their feet, and he gave provender to their
man, a little balm, and honey, and sto- asses.
rax, myrrh, turpentine, and almonds. 25 But they made ready the presents,
12 And take with you double money, against Joseph came at noon: for they
and carry back what you found in your had heard that they should eat bread
sacks, lest perhaps it was done by mis there.
take. 26 Then Joseph came into his house,
13 And take also your brother, and go and they offered him the presents hold
to the man. ing them in their hands, and they bowed
14 And may my almighty God make down with their face to the ground.
him favourable to you; and send back 27 But he, courteously saluting them
with you your brother, whom he keep- again, asked them, saying: Is the old
eth, and this Benjamin: and as for me I man your father in health, of whom you
shall be desolate without children. told me ? Is he yet living ?
15 So the men took the 28 And they answered: Thy servant
presents, and
double money, and Benjamin: and went our father is in health, he is yet living.
down into Egypt, and stood before Jo And bowing themselves they made obei
seph. sance to him.
16 And when he had seen them, and 29 And Joseph lifting up his eyes, saw
Benjamin with them, he commanded the Benjamin his brother, by the same moth
steward of his house, saying: Bring in er, and said: Is this your young brother,
the men into the house, and kill victims, of whom you told me? And he said: God
and prepare a feast: because they shall be gracious to thee, my son.
eat with me at noon. 30 And he made haste because his heart
17 He did as he was commanded, and was moved upon his brother, and tears
brought the men into the house. gushed out: and going into his chamber
18 And they being much afraid, said he wept.
t Supra 42. 20. tt Infra 44. 32. v Supra 42. 3.

CHAP. 43. Ver. 11. Balm. Literally rosin, resince; but here by that name is meant balm.
Joseph s silver cup GENESIS The brethren return to Joseph
31 And when he had washed his face, should it be that we should steal out of
coming out again, he refrained himself]
thy lord s house, gold or silver?
and said: Set bread on the table.
9 With whomsoever of
32 And when it was set on, for thy servants
Joseph shall be found that which thou
apart, and for his brethren apart, for the let him die, and we will be the
Egyptians also that ate with him, apart, bondmen
of my lord.
(for it is unlawful for the Egyptians to 10 And he said to them: Let it be ac
eat with the Hebrews, and
they think cording to your sentence: with whom
such a feast profane:)
soever it shall be found, let him be
33 They sat before him, the firstborn my
servant, and you shall be blameless.
according to his birthright, and the 11 Then they
speedily took down their
youngest according to his age. And they sacks to the ground, and
every man
wondered very much: opened his sack.
34 Taking the messes which 12 Which when he had
they re searched, begin
ceived of him: and the greater mess ning at the eldest and ending at the
came to Benjamin, so that it exceeded youngest, he found the cup in Benjamin s
by five parts. And they drank, and were sack.
merry with him. 13 Then they rent their garments, and
loading their asses again, returned into
CHAPTER 44 the town.
Joseph s contrivance to stop his brethren.
The 14 And Juda at the head of his brethren
humble supplication of Juda.
went in to Joseph, (for he was not yet
A 3D Joseph commanded the steward
of his house, saying: Fill their sacks
with corn, as much as they can hold: and
gone out of the place,) and they alto
gether fell down before him on the
put the money of every one in the top of 15 And he said to them: Why would
his sack.
you do so ? know you not that there is no
2 And in the mouth of the younger s one like me in the science of divining.
sack put my silver cup, and the price 16 And Juda said to him: What shall
which he gave for the wheat. And it we answer my lord? or what shall we
was so done. say, or be able justly to allege ? God hath
3 And when the morning arose, found out the iniquity of thy servants:
were sent away with their asses. behold, we are all bondmen to my lord,
4 And when they were now departed both we, and he with whom the cup was
out of the city, and had gone forward a found.
little way; Joseph sending for the stew 17 Joseph answered: God forbid that I
ard of his house, said: Arise, and pursue should do so: he that stole the cup, he
after the men and when thou hast over
: shall be my bondman: and go you away
taken them, say to them: Why have you free to your father.
returned evil for good? 18 Then Juda coming nearer, said
5 The cup which you have stolen is boldly: I beseech thee, my thylord, let
that in which my lord drinketh, and in servant speak a word in thy ears, and
which he is wont to divine: you have be not angry with thy servant: for after
done a very evil thing. Pharao thou art,
6 He did as he had commanded him. 19 My lord. Thou didst ask thy serv
And having overtaken them, he spoke ants the first time: Have you a father
to them the same words. or a brother?
7 And they answered: Why
doth our 20 And we answered thee, my lord:
lord speak so, as though thy servants We have a father an old man, and a
had committed so heinous a fact? young boy, that was born in his old age;
8 The money, that we found in the top whose brother by the mother is dead:
of our sacks, we brought back to thee and he alone is left of his mother, and
from the land of Chanaan: how then his father loveth him tenderly.

w Supra 42. 18.

CHAP. 44.Ver. 15. The science of divining. He a prophet, knew more without comparison than any
speaks of himself according to what he was es- of the Egyptian sorcerers,
teemed in that kingdom. And indeed, he being truly

Judas prayer to Joseph GENESIS Joseph makes himself known
21 And thou saidst to thy servants- whereupon he commanded that all should
Bring him hither to me, and I will set go out, and no stranger be present at
my eyes on him. their knowing one another.
22 We suggested to my lord: The boy 2 And he lifted up his voice with weep
cannot leave his father: for if he leave ing, which the Egyptians and all the
him, he will die. house of Pharao heard.
23 *And thou saidst to thy servants: 3 And he said to his brethren: I am
Except your youngest brother come with Joseph: is my father yet living? His
you, you shall see my face no more. brethren could not answer him, being
24 Therefore when we were gone up to struck with exceeding great fear.
thy servant our father, we told him all
4 And he said mildly to them: Come
that my lord had said.
nearer to me. And when they were come
25 And our father said: Go again, and
near him, he said: I am Joseph, your
buy us a little wheat.
26 And we said to him: We cannot go: brother, whom you sold into Egypt.
if our youngest brother go down with 5 Be not afraid, and let it not seem to
us, we will set out together: otherwise, you a hard case that you sold me into
without him we dare not see the man s these countries: 6 for God sent me before
face. you into Egypt for your preservation.
27 Whereunto he answered: You know 6 For it is two years since the famine
that my wife bore me two. began to be upon the land, and five years
28 One went out, and you said: tf A more remain, wherein there can be nei
beast devoured him: and hitherto he ther ploughing nor reaping.
appeareth not. 7 And God sent me before, that you
29 If you take this also, and any thing may be preserved upon the earth, and
befall him in the way, you will bring may have food to live.
down my gray hairs with sorrow unto 8 Not by your counsel was I sent hither,
hell. but by the w ill of God: who hath made

30 Therefore if I shall go to thy serv me as it were a father to Pharao, and

ant our father, and the boy be want lord of his whole house, and governor in
ing, (whereas his life dependeth upon all the land of Egypt.
the of him,)
life 9 Make haste, and go ye up to my fa
31 And
he shall see that he is not with ther, and say to him: Thus saith thy son
us, he will die, and thy servants shall Joseph: God hath made me lord of the
bring down his gray hairs with sorrow whole land of Egypt: come down to me,
unto hell. linger not.
32 Let me be thy proper servant, who 10 And thou shalt dwell in the land of
took him into my trust, and promised, Gessen: and thou shalt be near me, thou
saying: If I bring him not again, I and thy sons, and thy sons sons, thy
will be guilty of sin against my father sheep, and thy herds, and all things that
for ever. thou hast.
33 Therefore I thy servant will stay 11 And there I will feed thee, (for there
instead of the boy in the service of are yet five years of famine remain
my lord, and let the boy go up with his ing,) lestboth thou perish, and thy house,
brethren. and things that thou hast.
34 For I cannot return to my father 12 Behold, your eyes, and the eyes of
without the boy, lest I be a witness of my brother Benjamin see that it is my
the calamity that will oppress my father. mouth that speaketh to you.
CHAPTER 45 13 You shall tell my father of all my
Joseph, maketh himself known to his brethren: and glory, and all things that you have seen
sendeth for his father. in Egypt: make haste and bring him to
could no longer refrain him me.
self before many that stood by: 14 And falling upon the neck of his

x Supra 43. 3 and 5. y Supra 37. 20 and 33. z Supra 43. 9. a Acts 7. 13. b Infra 50. 20.


hades : it is not taken for the hell of the damned ; is named hell.
He sends for his father
Israel sets out on his
brother Benjamin, he embraced him and
whole order of the thing. And when
wept: and Benjamin in like manner wept he
saw the wagons and ail that he had
also on his neck. sent
nis spirit
15 And Joseph kissed all his brethren 28 And he said: It is
and wept upon every one of them: after enough for me, if
Joseph my son be yet living: I will go
which they were emboldened to speak to and see him before I die.
16 And it was heard, and the fame was
Israel, warranted by a vision from God, goeth down
abroad in the king s court: The brethren into Egypt with all hi* family
of Joseph are come: and Pharao with AND Israel
taking his journey, with
all his family was \. all that he had, came to the well
glad. of
the oath, and killing victims there to
17 And he spoke to Joseph that he the
should give orders to his
God of his father Isaac,
brethren, say He heard him by a vision in the
ing: Load your beasts, and go into the night
land of Chanaan. calling him, and saying to him:
Jacob. And he answered him:
18 And bring away from thence Lo, here
your I am.
father and kindred, and come to me: and God said to him: I am the most
I will give you all the
good things of mighty God of thy father: fear not, go
Egypt, that you may eat the marrow of down into Egypt, for I will make a great
the land. nation of thee there.
19 Give orders also that they take 4 go down with thee thither, and
I will
ons out of the land of Egypt, for the willbring thee back again from thence:
carriage of their children and their Joseph also shall put his hands upon thy
wives: and say: Take up your father, eyes.
and make haste to come with all speed: 5 And Jacob rose up from the well of
20 And leave nothing of your house the oath: ^ and his sons took him
hold stuff: for all the riches of with their children and wives in the
shall be yours. wagons, which Pharao had sent to carry
21 And the sons of Israel did as they the old man,
were bid. And Joseph gave them wagons 6 And all that he had in the land of
according to Pharao s commandment: Chanaan, and he came into Egypt with
and provisions for the way. all his seed: e
22 He ordered also to be brought out 7 His sons, and grandsons, daughters,
for every one of them two robes: but to and all his offspring together.
Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces 8 And these are the names of the chil
of silver with five robes of the best: dren of Israel, that entered into Egypt,
23 Sending to his father as much money he and his children. /His firstborn Ru
and raiment, adding besides ten he asses ben,
to carry off all the riches of Egypt, and 9 The sons of Ruben: Henoch and
as many she asses, carrying wheat and Phallu, and Hesron and Charmi.
bread for the journey. 10 n The sons of Simeon: Jamuel and
24 So he sent away his brethren, and at Jamin and Ahod, and Jachin and Sohar,
their departing said to them: Be not and Saul the son of a woman of Cha
angry in the way. naan.
25 And they went up out of Egypt, and II h The sons of Levi: Gerson and
came into the land of Chanaan to their Caath and Merari.
father Jacob. 12 *The sons of Juda: Her and Onan
26 And they told him, saying: Joseph and Sela and Phares and Zara. And Her
thy son is living: and he is ruler in all and Onan died in the land of Chanaan.
the land of Egypt. Which when Jacob And sons were born to Phares: Hesron
heard, he awaked as it were out of a and Hamul.
deep sleep, yet did not believe them. 13 i The sons of Issachar: Thola and
27 They, on the other side, told the Phua and Job and Semron.
d Acts 7. 15. e Jos. 24. 4 ; Ps. 101. 23 : Tsa. 52. 4. g Ex. 6. 15 : 1 Par. 4. 24.

f Ex. 1. 2, and 6. 14 Num. 26. 5 1 Par. 5. 1 and 3. h 1 Par. 6. 1. i 1 Par. 2 3. and 4. 21.
; ;
j 1 Par. 7. 1.

CHAP. 46. Ver. 1. The well of the oath, Bersabee.

Jacob s family go into Egypt GENESIS Jacob and his sons before Pharao

14 The sons of Zabulon: Sared and shall I die with joy, because I have seen
Elon and Jahelel. thy face, and leave thee alive.
15 These are the sons of Lia, whom she 31 And Joseph said to his brethren, and
bore in Mesopotamia of Syria, with Dina to all his father s house: I will go up,
his daughter. All the souls of her sons and will tell Pharao, and will say to him:
and daughters, thirty-three. My brethren and my father s house, that
16 The sons of Gad: Sephian and Haggi
were in the land of Chanaan, are come
and Suni and Esebon and Heri and Arodi to me:
and Areli. 32 And the men are shepherds, and
17 k The sons of Aser: Jamne and Je- their occupation is to feed cattle: their
sua and Jessuri and Beria, and Sara flocks and herds, and all they have, they
their sister. The sons of Beria: Heber have brought with them.
and Melchiel. i ft -, 33 And when he shall call you, and
18 These are the sons of Zelpha, whom shall say: What is your occupation?
Laban gave to Lia his daughter. And 34 You shall answer: We thy servants
these she bore to Jacob, sixteen souls. are shepherds, from our infancy until
19 The sons of Rachel, Jacob s wife: now, both we and our fathers. And this
Joseph and Benjamin. you shall say, that you may dwell in the
20 And sons were born to Joseph, in
l land of Gessen, because the Egyptians
the land of Egypt, whom Aseneth the have all shepherds in abomination.
daughter of Putiphare priest of Heliop-
olis bore him: Manasses and Ephraim. CHAPTER 47
21 The sons of Benjamin: m Bela and Jacob and his sons are presented before Pharao:
he giveth them the land of Gessen. The famine
Bechor and Asbel and Gera and Naaman forceth the Egyptians to sell all their possessions
and Echi and Ros and Mophim and to the king.

Ophim and Ared. Joseph went in and told Pharao,

22 These are the sons of Rachel, whom THEN
saying: My father and brethren,
she bore to Jacob: all the souls, four their sheep and their herds, and all that
teen. they possess, are come out of the land of
23 The sons of Dan: Husim. Chanaan: and behold they stay in the
24 The sons of Nephtali: Jaziel and land of Gessen.
Gurii and Jeser and Sallem. 2 Five men also the last of his breth
25 These are the sons of Bala, whom ren, he presented before the king:
Laban gave to Rachel his daughter: and 3 And he asked them: What is your
these she bore to Jacob: all the souls, occupation? They answered: We thy
seven. servants are shepherds, both we, and
26 All the souls that went with Jacob our fathers.
into Egypt, and that came out of his 4 We are come to sojourn in thy land,
thigh, besides his sons wives, sixty-six. because there is no grass for the flocks
27 Andthe sons of Joseph, that were of thy servants, the famine being very
born to him in the land of Egypt, two grievous in the land of Chanaan: and
souls. n All the souls of the house of we pray thee to give orders that we thy
Jacob, that entered into Egypt, were servants may be in the land of Gessen.
seventy. 5 The king therefore said to Joseph:
28 And he sent Juda before him to Jo Thy father and thy brethren are come
seph, to tell him; and that he should to thee.
meet him in Gessen. 6 The land of Egypt is before thee:
29 And when he was come thither, Jo make them dwell in the best place, and
seph made ready his chariot, and went give them the land of Gessen. And if
up to meet his father, in the same place: thou knowest that there are industrious
and seeing him, he fell upon his neck, men among them, make them rulers
and embracing him wept. over my cattle.
30 And the father said to Joseph: Now 7 After this Joseph brought in his father
/; 1 Par. 7. 30. I Supra 41. 50. m1 Par. 7. 6, and 8. 1. n Deut. 10. 22.

CHAP. 47. Ver. 2. The

Extremes. Some
last. had the meanest appearance, that Pharao might not
interpret this word of the chief est, and most rightly: think of employing them at court, with danger of
but Joseph seems rather to have chosen out such as their morals and religion.
The famine continues GENESIS Jacob calls for Joseph
to the king, and presented him before
because of the greatness of the famine.
him: and he blessed him. And he brought it into Pharao s hands:
8 And being asked by him: How 21 And all its people from one end of
are the days of the years of thy life? the borders of Egypt, even to the other
9 He answered: The days of end thereof,
my pil
grimage are a hundred and thirty years, 22 Except the land of the
few, and evil, and they are not come which had been given them by the
up to the days of the pilgrimage of my to whom also a certain allowance of food
fathers. was given out of the public stores, and
10 And blessing the king, he went out. therefore they were not forced to sell
11 But Joseph gave a possession to his their possessions.
father and his brethren in Egypt, in the 23 Then Joseph said to the people: Be
best place of the land, in Harnesses, as hold as you see, both you and your lands
Pharao had commanded. belong to Pharao: take seed and sow the
12 And he nourished them, and all his fields.
father s house, allowing food to every 24 That you
may have corn. The fifth
part you shall give to the king: the
13 For in the whole world there was other four you shall have for seed, and
want of bread, and a famine had op for food for your families and children.
pressed the land: more especially of 25 And they answered: Our life is in
Egypt and Chanaan. thy hand: only let my lord look favour
14 Out of which he gathered up all the ably upon us, and we will gladly serve
money for the corn which they bought, the king.
and brought it into the king s treasure. 26 From that time unto this day, in the
15 And when the buyers wanted money, whole land of Egypt, the fifth part is
all Egypt came to Joseph, saying: Give paid to the king, and it is become as a
us bread: why should we die in thy law, except the land of the priests, which
presence, having now no money. was free from this covenant.
16 And he answered them: Bring me 27 So Israel dwelt in Egypt, that is, in
your cattle, and for them I will give you the land of Gessen, and possessed it:
food, if you have no money. and grew, and was multiplied exceed
17 And when they had brought them, ingly.
he gave them food in exchange for their 28 And he lived in it seventeen years:
horses, and sheep, and oxen, and asses: and all the days of his life came to a
and he maintained them that year for the hundred and forty-seven years.
exchange of their cattle. 29 And when he saw that the day of
18 And they came the second year, and his death drew nigh, he called his son
said to him: We will not hide from our Joseph, and said to him: If I have found
iord, how that our money is spent, and favour in thy sight, ? put thy hand under
our cattle also are gone: neither art my thigh; and thou shalt shew me this
thou ignorant that we have nothing now kindness and truth, not to bury me in
left but our bodies and our lands. Egypt:
19 Why therefore shall we die before 30 But I will sleep with my fathers, and
thy eyes? we will be thine, both we and thou shalt take me away
out of this land,
our lands: buy us to be the king s serv and bury me buryingplace of my
in the
r And
ants, and give us seed, lest for want of ancestors. Joseph answered him:
tillers the land be turned into a wilder I will do what thou hast commanded.
ness. 31 And he said: Swear then to me.
20 So Joseph bought all the land of And as he was swearing, Israel adored
Egypt, every man selling his possessions, God, turning to the bed s head.
q Supra 24. 2. r Supra 23. 17.

Ver. 31. To the bed s head. St. Paul, Heb. 11. 21, turning towards the head of his bed which adora

following the Greek translation of the Septuagint, tion, inasumuch as it was referred to God, was an
reads adored the top of his rod. Where note, that absolute and sovereign worship but inasmuch as

the same word in the Hebrew, according to the dif it was referred to the rod of Joseph, as a figure of
ferent pointing of it, signifies both a bed and a rod. the sceptre, that is, of the royal dignity of Christ,
And to verify both these sentences, we must under was only an inferior and relative honour.
stand that Jacob leaning on Joseph s rod adored,

Joseph visits his father GENESIS Jacob blesses the sons of Joseph
CHAPTER 48 wit, towards his father s right hand, and
Joseph visiteth his father in his sickness, who brought them near to him.
adopteth his two sons Manasses and Ephraim, 14 But he stretching forth his right
and blesseth them, preferring the younger before
the elder. hand, put it upon the head of Ephraim
FTER these things, it was told Jo- the younger brother; and the left upon
the head of Manasses who was the elder,
seph that his father was sick: and
he set out to go to him, taking his two changing his hands.
sons Manasses and Ephraim. 15 x And Jacob blessed the sons of Jo
2 And it was told the old man: Behold
seph, and said: God, in whose sight my
fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, God
thy son Joseph cometh to thee. And
that feedeth me from my youth until
being strengthened he sat on his bed. this day;
3 And when Joseph was come in to him,
he said: * God Almighty appeared to me
16 v The angel that delivereth me from
all evils, bless these boys: and let my
at Luza, which is in the land of Cha-
naan: and he blessed me,
name be called upon them, and the names
4 And he said: I will cause thee to in
of my fathers Abraham, and Isaac, and
crease and multiply, and I will make of may they grow into a multitude upon the
thee a multitude of people: and I will
17 And Joseph seeing that his father
give this land to thee, and to thy seed
after thee for an everlasting possession.
had put his right hand upon the head
of Ephraim, was much displeased: and
5 M So thy two sons who were born to
thee in the land of Egypt before I came taking his father s hand he tried to lift

hither to thee, shall be mine: ^Ephraim

it from Ephraim s head, and to remove
it to the head of Manasses.
and Manasses shall be reputed to me as
Ruben and Simeon. 18 And he said to his father: It should
not be so, my father: for this is the first
6 But the rest whom thou shalt have
after them, shall be thine, and shall be born, put thy right hand upon his head.
called by the name of their brethren in 19 But he refusing, said: I know, my
their possessions. son, I know: and this also shall become
7 For, when I came out of Mesopotamia, peoples, and shall be multiplied: but
w Rachel died from me in the land of this younger brother shall be greater
Chanaan in the very journey, and it was than he: and his seed shall grow into
springtime: and I was going to Ephrata,
and I buried her near the way of Eph 20 And he blessed them at that time,
rata, which by another name is called saying: In thee shall Israel be blessed,
Bethlehem. and it shall be said: God do to thee as
8 Then seeing his sons, he said to him: to Ephraim, and as to Manasses. And
Who are these ?
he set Ephraim before Manasses.
9He answered: They are my sons, 21 And he said to Joseph his son: Be
whom God hath given me in this place. hold I die, and God will be with you,
And he said: Bring them to me that I and will bring you back into the land of
may bless them. your fathers.
10 For Israel s eyes were dim by reason 22 z I give thee a portion above thy
of his great age, and he could not see brethren, which I took out of the hand of
clearly. And when they were brought the Amorrhite "with my sword and bow.
to him, he kissed and embraced them. CHAPTER 49
11 And said to his son: I am not de Jacob s prophetical blessings of his twelve sons: his
prived of seeing thee: moreover God death.
hath shewed me thy seed. ND
Jacob called his sons, and said to
12 And when Joseph had taken them them: Gather yourselves together
from his father s lap, he bowed down that I may tell you the things that shall
with his face to the ground. befall you in the last days.
13 And he set Ephraim on his right 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear,
hand, that is, towards the left hand of O ye sons of Jacob, hearken to Israel
Israel but Manasses on his left hand, to
your father:
t Supra 28. 13. u Supra 41. 50. x Heb. 11. 21. y Supra 31. 29 and 32.
r Jos. 13. 7. and 29. w Supra 36. 19. z Matt. 18. 10. a Jos. 16. 1, and 15. 7.
7 he promise to Juda GENESIS Jacob blesses his sons
3 Ruben, mythou art myfirstborn, and in the road of ships, reaching as far
strength, and the beginning of my sor as Sidon.
row: excelling in gifts, greater in com
14 Issachar shall be a strong ass
mand. lying
down between the borders.
4 Thou art poured out as water, grow 15 He saw rest that it was good: and
thou not: b because thou wentest up to the land that it was excellent: and he
thy father s bed, and didst defile his couch.
bowed his shoulder to carry, and became
Simeon and Levi brethren: vessels of
5 a servant under tribute.
iniquity, waging war. 16 Dan shall judge his people like an
6 Let not my soul go into their counsel, other tribe in Israel.
nor my glory be in their assembly: c be 17 Let Dan be a snake in the way, a ser
cause in their fury they slew a man, and pent in the path, that biteth the horse s
in their selfwill they undermined a wall. heels that his rider may fall backward.
7 Cursed be their fury, because it was 18 I will look for thy salvation, Lord.
stubborn: and their wrath because it was 19 Gad, being girded, shall fight before
cruel d I will divide them in
Jacob, and him: and he himself shall be girded
will scatter them in Israel. backward.
8 Juda, thee shall thy brethren praise: 20 Aser, his bread shall be and he
thy hands shall be on the necks of thy shall yield dainties to kings.
enemies: the sons of thy father shall bow 21 Nephtali, a hart let loose,
and giving
down to thee. words of beauty.
9 e Juda is a lion s whelp: to the prey, 22 o Joseph is a growing son, a growing
my son, thou art gone up: resting thou son and comely to behold; the daughters
hast couched as a lion, and as a lioness, run to and fro upon the wall.
who shall rouse him? 23 But they that held darts provoked
10 / The sceptre shall not be taken him, and quarrelled with him, and envied
away from Juda, nor a ruler from his him.
thigh, till he come that is to be sent, and 24 His bow rested upon the strong, and
he shall be the expectation of nations. the bands of his arms and his hands were
11 Tying his foal to the vineyard, and loosed, by the hands of the mighty one
his ass, my son, to the vine. He shall of Jacob: thence he came forth a pastor,
wash his robe in wine, and his garment the stone of Israel.
in the blood of the grape. 25 The God of thy father shall be thy
12 His eyes are more beautiful than helper, and the Almighty shall bless thee
wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. with the blessings of heaven above, with
13 Zabulon shall dwell on the sea shore, the blessings of the deep that lieth be-
b Jos. 24. 8 ; Deut. 13. 6. c Supra 34. 25. / Matt. 2. 6 ; John 8. 45.
d Jos. 19. 1. el Par. 5. 2. g 1 Par. 6. 1.

CHAP. 49. Ver. 3. My strength, &c. He calls him away from his rnce till about the time of the coming
his strength, as being born whilst his father was in of Christ as in effect it never was
: which is a :

his full strength and vigour he calls him the be

: demonstration against the modern Jews, that the
ginning of his sorrow, because cares and sorrows Messiah is long since come for the sceptre has long

usually come on with the birth of children. Excel since been utterly taken away from Juda.
ling in gifts, &c., because the firstborn had a title to Ver. 16. Dan shall judge, &c. This was verified
a double portion, and to have the command over his in Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan, and began
brethren, which Ruben forfeited by his sin being ; to deliver Israel. Judges 13. 5. But as this deliver
poured out as water, that is, spilt and lost. ance was but temporal and very imperfect, the
Ver. 4. Grow thou not. This was not meant by holy patriarch (ver. 18) aspires after another kind
way of a curse or imprecation but by way of a pro ;
of deliverer, saying: I will look for thy salvation, O
phecy foretelling that the tribe of Ruben should not Lord.
inherit the pre-eminences usually annexed to the Ver. 19. Gad being girded, &c. It seems to allude
first birthright, viz., the double portion, the being to the tribe of Gad when after they had received

prince or lord over the other brethren, and the for their lot the land of Galaad, they marched in
priesthood of which the double portion was given
arms before the rest of the Israelites, to the con
to Joseph, the princely office to Juda, and the quest of the land of Chanaan from whence they:

priesthood to Levi. afterwards returned loaded with spoils. See Jos. 4.

Ver. _6. Slew a man, viz., Sichem the son of He- and 12.
mor, with all his people, Gen. 34. Ver. 22. Run to and fro, &c. To behold his
beauty whilst his envious brethren turned their

darts against him, &c.

Ver. 24. His bow restrd upon the strong, &c. That
Ver. 9. A lion s whelp, &c. This blessing of Juda is, upon God, who was his strength who also loosed :

foretelleth the strength of his tribe, the fertility of his bandit, and brought him out of prison to be the
his inheritance and principally that the sceptr pastor, that is, the feeder and ruler of Egypt, and

and legislative power should not be utterly taken the atone, that is. the rock and support of Israel.
The death of Jacob GENESIS The burial of Jacob

neath, with the blessings of the breasts expired, Joseph spoke to the family of
and of the womb. Pharao: If I have found favour in your
26 The blessings of thy father are sight, speak in the ears of Pharao:
strengthened with the blessings of his 5 For my father made me swear to him,
fathers: until the desire of the everlast saying: Behold I die: thou shalt bury
ing hills should come; may they be upon me in my sepulchre i which I have digged
the head of Joseph, and upon the crown for myself in the land of Chanaan. So
of the Nazarite among his brethren. I will go up and bury my father, and

27 Benjamin a ravenous wolf, in the return.

morning shall eat the prey, and in the 6 And Pharao said to him: Go up and
evening shall divide the spoil. bury thy father according as he made
28 All these are the twelve tribes of thee swear.
Israel: these things their father spoke 7 So he went up, and there went with
to them, and he blessed every one, with him allthe ancients of Pharao s house,
their proper blessings. and all the elders of the land of Egypt,
29 And he charged them, saying: I am 8 And the house of Joseph with his
now going to be gathered to my people: brethren, except their children, and their
bury me with my fathers in the double flocks and herds, which they left in the
cave, which is in the field of Ephron the land of Gessen.
Hethite, 9 He had also in his train chariots and
30 Over against Mambre in the land of horsemen: and it was a great company.
Chanaan, h which Abraham bought to 10 And they came to the threshingfloor
gether with the field of Ephron the Het of Atad, which is situated beyond the
hite for a possession to bury in. Jordan: where celebrating the exequies
31 There they buried him, and Sara his with a great and vehement lamentation,
wife: there was Isaac buried with Re they spent full seven days.
becca his wife: there also Lia doth lie 11 And when the inhabitants of Cha
buried. naan saw this, they said: This is a great
32 And when he had ended the com mourning to the Egyptians. And there
mandments, wherewith he instructed his fore the name of that place was called,
sons, he drew up his feet upon the bed, The mourning of Egypt.
and died: and he was gathered to his 12 So the sons of Jacob did as he had
people. commanded them.
13 And carrying him into the land of
The and interment.
Chanaan, they buried him in the double

mourning for Jacob, his

cave which Abraham had bought to
Joseph s kindness towards his brethren. His
death. gether with the field for a possession of
ND when Joseph saw this,he fell a buryingplace, of Ephron the Hethite
upon his father s face weeping and over against Mambre.
kissing him. 14 And Joseph returned into Egypt
2 And he commanded his servants the with his brethren, and all that were in
physicians to embalm his father. his company, after he had buried his
3 And while they were fulfilling his father.
commands, there passed forty days: for 15 Now he being dead, his brethren
this was the manner with bodies that were and talked one with another:
were embalmed, and Egypt mourned for Lest perhaps he should remember the
him seventy days. wrong he suffered, and requite us all the
4 And the time of the mourning being evil that we did to him.
h Supra 23. 17. j Supra 47. 29. k Acts. 7. 16 ; Supra 23. 17.

Ver. 26. The blessings of thy father, &c. That is, the eminence of their wisdom and holiness. The
thy father s blessings are made more prevalent and Nazarite. This word signifies one separated; and
effectual in thy regard, by the additional strength agrees to Joseph, as being separated from, and more
they receive from his inheriting the blessings of his eminent than, his brethren. As the ancient Naza-
progenitors Abraham and Isaac. The desire of the rites were so called from their being set aside for
everlasting hills, &c. These blessings all looked for God, and vowed to him.
ward towards Christ, called the desire of the ever Ver. 29. To be gathered to my people. That is, I
lasting hitts, as being longed for, as it were, by the am going to die, and so to follow my ancestors that
whole creation. Mystically, the patriarchs and pro are gone before me, and to join their company in
phets are called the everlasting hiUs, by reason of another world.
The death EXODUS of Joseph
16 And they sent a message to him, 21 m Fear not: I will feed you and your
saying: Thy father commanded us be children. And he comforted them, and
fore he died, spoke gently and mildly.
17 That we should say thus much to 22 And he dwelt in Egypt with all his
thee from him: I beseech thee to forget father s house: and lived a hundred and
the wickedness of thy brethren, and the ten years. And he saw the children of
sin and malice they practised against Ephraim to the third generation. * The

thee: we also pray thee, to forgive the children also of Machir the son of Ma-
servants of the God of thy father this nasses were born on Joseph s knees.
wickedness. And when Joseph heard 23 After which he told his brethren:
this, he wept. God will visit you after my death, and
18 And his brethren came to him: and will make you go up out of this land, to
worshipping prostrate on the ground the land which he swore to Abraham.
they said: We are thy servants. Isaac, and Jacob.
19 And he answered them: Fear not: 24 And he made them swear to him,
can w e resist the will of God?
saying: God will visit you, P carry my
20 l You thought evil against me: but bones with you out of this place:
God turned it into good, that he might 25 And he died being a hundred and
exalt me, as at present you see, and ten years old. And being embalmed he
might save many people. was laid in a coffin in Egypt.


The Second Book of MOSES is called EXODUS, from the Greek word EXODOS. which
signifies going out: because it contains the history of the going out of the
of Israel out of Egypt. The Hebrews, from the words
with which it begins, call it
VEELLE SEMOTH: These are the names. It contains transactions for 145 years;
that is, from the death of Joseph to the erecting of the tabernacle.

CHAPTER 1 8 In the mean time there arose a new

king over Egypt, that knew not Jo
The Israelites are multiplied in Egypt. They are
oppressed by a new king, who commandeth all seph:
their male children to be killed.
9 And he said to his people: Behold
rpHESE are the names of the children the people of the children of Israel are
J_ went into Egypt with
of Israel, that numerous and stronger than we.
Jacob: they went in, every man with his 10 Come, let us wisely oppress them,
household: r lest they multiply: and if any war shall
2 Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, rise against us, join with our enemies,
3 Issachar, Zabulon, and Benjamin, and havingovercome us, depart out of
4 Dan, and Nephtali, Gad and Aser. the land.
11 Therefore he set over them masters
5 And all the souls that came out of Ja
cob s were seventy: but Joseph of the works, to afflict them with bur
thigh, Pharao cities of
was in dens, and they built for
6 After he was dead, and all his breth tabernacles, Phithom and Ramesses.
12 But the more they oppressed them,
ren, and all that generation,
the more they were multiplied, and in
7 * The children of Israel increased, and
sprung up into multitudes, and growing

filled the land. 13 And the Egyptians hated the chil-

exceedingly strong they
I Supra 45. 5. m Supra 47. 12.
r Gen. 46. 8. * Gen. 46. 27.
n Num. 32. 39. *- o Heb. 11. 22.
t Acts 7. 17.
p Ex. 13. 19 Jos. 24.

CIHP 1 Ver 11. Of tabernacles, or of storehouses.

The male infants are killed EXODUS Moses found by Pharao sdaughte.
dren of Israel, and afflicted them and 3 And when she could hide him nc
mocked them: longer, she took a basket made of bul
14 And they made their life bitter with rushes, and daubed it with slime and
hard works in clay, and brick, and with pitch: and put the little babe therein,
allmanner of service, wherewith they and laid him in the sedges by the river s
were overcharged in the works of the brink,
earth. 4 His sister standing afar off, and tak
15 the king of Egypt spoke to the
And ing notice what would be done.
midwives of the Hebrews: of whom one 5 And beholdthe daughter of Pharao
was called Sephora, the other Phua, came down wash
herself in the river:
16 Commanding them: When you shall and her maids walked by the river s
do the office of midwives to the Hebrew
brink. And when she saw the basket in
women, and the time of delivery is come:
the sedges, she sent one of her maids for
if it be a man child, kill it: if a woman, it: and when it was brought,
keep it alive.
6 She opened and seeing within it an it
17 But the midwives feared God, and infant crying, having compassion on it
did not do as the king of Egypt had she said: This is one of the babes of the
commanded, but saved the men chil Hebrews.
7 And the child s sister said to her:
18 And the king called for them and Shall I go and call to thee a Hebrew
said: What is that you meant to do, that
woman, to nurse the babe?
you would save the men children ? 8 She answered: Go. The maid went
19 They answered: The Hebrew women and called her mother.
are not as the Egyptian women: for they 9 And Pharao s daughter said to her:
themselves are skillful in the office of a Take this child and nurse him for me: 1
midwife; and they are delivered before will give thee thy wages. The woman
we come to them.
took, and nursed the child: and when he
20 Therefore God dealt well with the was grown up, she delivered him to
midwives: and the people multiplied and Pharao s daughter.
grew exceedingly strong. 10 And she adopted him for a son, and
21 And because the midwives feared called him Moses, saying: Because I took
God, he built them houses. him out of the water.
22 Pharao therefore charged all his
11 In those days after Moses was

people, saying: Whatsoever shall be

born of the male sex, ye shall cast into
grown up, v he went out to his brethren :

and saw their affliction, and an Egyp

the river: whatsoever of the female, ye
tian striking one of the Hebrews his
shall save alive.
2 12 And when he had looked about this
Moses is born and exposed on the bank of the river; way and that way, and saw no one
where he is taken up by the daughter of Pharao, there, he slew the Egyptian and hid him
and adopted for her son. He killeth an Egyptian, in the sand.
and fleeth into Madian; where he marrieth a
wife. 13 And going out the next day, he saw
FTER this there went a man of the two Hebrews quarreling: and he said to
house of Levi; w and took a wife of him that did the wrong: Why strikest
his own
kindred. thou thy neighbour?
2 And
she conceived, and bore a son; 14 But he answered: Who hath ap
and seeing him a goodly child, hid him pointed thee prince and judge over us:
three months. wilt thou kil! me, as thou didst yester-

tt Infra 6. 20. v Heb. 11. 23. x B. C. 1485.

y Heb. 11. 24.

Because the midwives feared God, &c.

Ver. 21. Ver. 12. He dew the Egyptian. This he did by &
The midwives were rewarded, not for their lie. particular inspiration of God as a prelude to his ;

which was a venial sin but for their fear of God,

; delivering the people from their oppression and
and their humanity but this rtward was only
: bondage. He thought, says St. Stephen, Acts 7. 25,
temporal, in building them houses, that is, in estab that his brethren understood that God by his hand
lishing and enriching their families. would save them. But such particular and extraor
CHAP. 2. Ver. 10. Moses or Moyses, in the Egyp dinary examples are not to be imitated.
tian tongue, signifies one taken or saved out of the
Moses flees to Madian EXODUS The burning bush
day kill the Egyptian ? Moses feared, ner parts of the desert, and came to the
and said: How is this come known? to be mountain of God, Horeb.
15 And Pharao heard word and
of this 2 6 And the Lord appeared to him in a
sought to kill Moses: but he fled from flame of fire out of the midst of a bush:
his sight, and abode in the land of Ma and he saw that the bush was on fire
dian, and he sat down by a well. and was not burnt.
16 And the priest of Madian had seven 3 And Moses said: I will go and see
daughters, who came to draw water: this great sight, why the bush is not
and when the troughs were filled, de burnt.
sired to water their father s flocks. 4 And when the Lord saw that he went
17 And the shepherds came and drove forward to see, he called to him out of
them away: and Moses arose, and de the midst of the bush, and said: Moses,
fending the maids, watered their sheep. Moses. And he answered: Here I am.
18 And when they returned to Raguel 5 And he said: Come not nigh hither,
their father, he said to them: Why are
put off the shoes from thy feet: for the
ye come sooner than usual ? place whereon thou standest is holy
19 They answered: A man of Egypt de
livered us from the hands of the shep 6 And he said: c I am the God of thy
herds: and he drew water also with us,
father, the God of Abraham, the God of
and gave the sheep to drink.
Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Moses hid
20 But he said: Where is he? why have his face: for he durst not look at God.
you let the man go ? call him that he 7 And the Lord said to him: I have
may eat bread. seen the affliction of my people in Egypt,
21 And Moses swore that he would and I have heard their cry because of
dwell with him. * And he took Sephora the rigour of them that are over the
his daughter to wife: works:
22 And she bore him a son, whom he 8 their sorrow, I am come
And knowing
called Gersam, saying: I have been a down them out of the hands
to deliver
stranger in a foreign country. And she of the Egyptians, and to bring them out
bore another, whom he called Eliezer, of that land into a good and spacious
saying: For the God of my father, my land, into a land that floweth with milk
helper hath delivered me out of the hand and honey, to the places of the Chanaan-
of Pharao.
ite, and Ilethite, and Amorrhite, and
23 Now after a long time the king of Pherezite, and Hevite, and Jebusite.
Egypt died: and the children of Israel 9 For the cry of the children of Israel
groaning, cried out because of the is come unto me: and I have seen their
works: and their cry went up unto God affliction, wherewith they are oppressed
from the works. by the Egyptians.
24 And he heard their groaning, and 10 But come, and I will send thee to
remembered the covenant which he made Pharao, that thou mayst bring forth
with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. my people, the children of Israel
out of
25 And the Lord looked upon the chil Egypt.
dren of Israel, and he knew them. 11 And Moses said to God: Who am I
that I should go to Pharao, and should
bring forth the children of Israel out of
God appeareth to Mosea in a bush, and sendeth him
to deliver Israel. Egypt?
Moses fed the sheep of Jethro 12 And he said to him: I will be with
NOW his father in law, the priest of Ma
dian: and he drove the flock to the in-
thee: and this thou shalt have for a sign,
that I have sent thee: When thou shalt
b Acts 7. 30.
z Infra 18. 2 nnd 3 1 Par. 23. 15.
Mark 26 Luke 20. 37.

a About B. C. 1445.
c Matt 22. 32 ;
12. ;

a stranger there: as Eliezer signifies the help of

Ver. 15. Madian. A city and country of Arabia, fies

which took its name from Madian the son of Abra to

Ver. 25. Knew them; that is, he had respect
ham, by Cetura, and was peopled by his posterity. them, he cast a merciful eye upon them.
Ver. 18. Raguel. He had two names, beimr also

CHAP 3. Ver. 2. The Lord appeared. That is,

called Jethro, as appears from the first verse of the in his
an angel representing God. and speaking
following chapter.
Ver. 22. Gersam or Gershom. This name sigm- name.
God sends Moses to deliver Israel EXODUS The rod and the leprous hand

have brought my people out of Egypt, neighbour, and of her that is in her
thou shalt offer sacrifice to God upon house, vessels of silver and of gold, and
this mountain. raiment: and you shall put them on
13 Moses said to God: Lo, I shall go to your sons and daughters, and shall spoil
the children of Israel, and say to them: Egypt.
The God of your fathers hath sent me to CHAPTER 4
you. If they should say to
me: What is Moses is empowered to confirm, his mission with
miracles his brother Aaron is appointed to assist
his name? what shall I say to them?

14 God said to Moses: I AM WHO AM. answered and said: They will
He said: Thus shalt thou say to the MOSES
not believe me, nor hear my voice,
children of Israel : HE WHO IS, hath sent but they will say: The Lord hath not
me to you. appeared to thee.
15 And God said again to Moses: Thus
2 Then he said to him: What is that
shalt thou say to the children of Israel:
thou boldest in thy hand? He answered:
The Lord God of your fathers, the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
A rod.

God of Jacob, hath sent me to you: This And the Lord said: Cast it down upon
is my name for ever, and this is my the ground. He cast it down, and it was
memorial unto all generations. turned into a serpent: so that Moses fled
16 Go, gather together the ancients of from it.

Israel, and thou shalt say to them: The 4 the Lord said: Put out thy hand
Lord God of your fathers, the God of and take it by the tail. He put forth his
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God hand, and took hold of it, and it was
of Jacob, hath appeared to me, saying: turned into a rod.
Visiting I have visited you: and I have 5 That they may believe, saith he, that
seen all that hath befallen you in Egypt. the Lord God of their fathers, the God of
17 And I have said the word to bring Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
you forth out of the affliction of Egypt, of Jacob, hath appeared to thee.
into the land of the Chanaanite, the Heth- 6 And the Lord said again: Put thy
ite, and the Amorrhite, and Pherezite, hand into thy bosom. And when he had
and Hevite, and Jebusite, to a land that put it into his bosom, he brought it forth
floweth with milk and honey. leprous as snow.
18 And they shall hear thy voice: and 7 And he said: Put back thy hand into
thou shalt go in, thou and the ancients thy bosom. He put it back, and brought
of Israel, to the king of Egypt, and thou it out again, and it was like the other
shalt say to him: The Lord God of the flesh.
Hebrews hath called us: we will go three 8 If they will not believe thee, said he,
days journey into the wilderness, to sac nor hear the voice of the former sign,
rifice unto the Lord our God. they will believe the word of the latter
19 But I know that the king of Egypt sign.
will not let you go, but by a mighty 9 But if they will not even believe these
hand. two signs, nor hear thy voice: take of
20 For I will stretch forth my hand, the river water, and pour it out upon
and will strike Egypt with all my won the dry land, and whatsoever thou draw-
ders which I will do in the midst of est out of the river shall be turned into
them: after these he will let you go. blood.
21 And I will give favour to this peo 10 Moses said: I beseech thee, Lord, I
ple, in the sight of the Egyptians:
d and am not eloquent from yesterday and the
when you go forth, you shall not depart day before: and since thou hast spoken
empty: to thy servant, I have more impediment
22 But every woman shall ask of her and slowness of tongue.
d Infra 11. 2, and 12. 35.

Ver. 14. Iam who am. That is, I am being itself, not authorizing theft or injustice but was a just

eternal, self-existent, independent, infinite without

; disposal made by Him, who is the great lord and
beginning, end, or change and the source of all
; master of all things, in order to pay the children of
other beings. Israel some part of what was due to them from the
Ver. 22. Shall spoil, &c. That is, you shall strip, Egyptians for their labours.
and take away the goods of the Egyptians. This was
Aaron chosen to assist Moses EXODUS Moses returns to
11 The Lord said to him: Who made the inn, the Lord met him, and would
man s mouth? or who made the dumb have killed him.
and the deaf, the seeing and the blind? 25 Immediately Sephora took a very
did not I? sharp stone, and circumcised the fore
12 Go therefore, eand I will be in thy skin of her son, and touched his feet,
mouth: and I will teach thee what thou and said: A bloody spouse are thou to
shalt speak. me.
13 But he said: I beseech thee, Lord, 26 And he let him go after she had
send whom thou wilt send. said: A bloody spouse art thou to me,
14 The Lord being angry at Moses, because of the circumcision.
said: Aaron the Levite is thy brother, I 27 And the Lord said to Aaron: Go Into
know that he is eloquent: behold he com- the desert to meet Moses. And he went
eth forth to meet thee, and seeing thee forth to meet him in the mountain of
shall be glad at heart. God, and kissed him.
15 Speak to him, and put my words in 28 And Moses told Aaron all the words
his mouth: and I will be in thy mouth, of the Lord, by which he had sent him,
and in his mouth, / and will shew you and the signs that he had commanded.
what you must do. 29 And they came together, and they
16 He shall speak in thy stead to the assembled all the ancients of the chil
people, and shall be thy mouth: but thou dren of Israel.
shalt be to him in those things that per 30 And Aaron spoke all the words
tain to God. which the Lord had said to Moses: and he
17 And take this rod in thy hand, wrought the signs before the people,
wherewith thou shalt do the signs. 31 And the people believed. And they
18 Moses went his way, and returned to heard that the Lord had visited the chil
Jethro his father in law and said to him: dren of Israel: and that he had looked
I will go and return to upon their affliction: and falling down
brethren into
Egypt, that I may see if they be yet they adored.
alive. And Jethro said to him: Go in CHAPTER 5
peace. Pharao refuseth to let the people go. They art
19 And the Lord said to Moses, in Ma- more oppressed.
dian: Go, and return into Egypt: for
these things Moses and Aaron
they are all dead that sought thy life. in, and said to Pharao a Thus
went :
20 Moses therefore took his wife, and saith the Lord God of Israel: Let my
his sons, and set them upon an ass: and
people go that they may sacrifice to me
returned into Egypt, carrying the rod of in the desert.
God in his hand. 2 But he answered: Who is the Lord,
21 And the Lord said to him as he was that I should hear his voice, and let Israel
returning into Egypt: See that thou do go? I know not the Lord, neither will I
all the wonders before Pharao, which I
let Israel go.
have put in thy hand: I shall harden 3 And they said: The God of the He
his heart, and he will not let the people brews hath called us, to go three days
go. journey into the wilderness and to sacri
22 And thou shalt say to him: Thus fice to the Lord our God: lest a pesti
saith the Lord: Israel is my son, my lence or the sword fall upon us.
firstborn. 4 The King of Egypt said to them:
23 I have said to thee: Let my son go, Why do you Moses and Aaron draw off
that he may serve me, and thou wouldst the people from their works? Get you
not let him go: behold I will kill thy son, gone to your burdens.
thy firstborn. 5 And Pharao said: The people of the
24 And when he was in his journey, in land is numerous: you see that the mul-
e Matt. 10. 20 / Infra 7. 2. g About B. C. 1445.

CHAP. 4. Ver. 21. / shall harden. &c. Not by be him. This was an anRel representing the Lord, who
ing the efficient cause of his sin but by withdraw treated Moses in this manner, for having neglected
the circumcision of his younger son which his wife

ing from him, for his just punishment, the dew of


grace that might have softened his heart, and so understanding, circumcised her child upon the spot,
uffering him to grow harder and harder. upon which the angel let Moses KO.
Ver. 24. The Lord met him, and would have kuled

The Hebrews are more oppressed EXODUS God renews His promise
titude is increased: how much more if 19 And the officers of the children of
you give them rest from their works? Israel saw that they were in evil case,
because it was said to them: There shall
6 Therefore he commanded the same
not a whit be diminished of the bricks
day the overseers of the works, and the for every day.
taskmasters of the people, saying:
20 And they met Moses and Aaron,
7 You shall give straw no more to the who stood over against them as they
people to make brick, as before: but let came out from Pharao:
them go and gather straw. 21 And they said to them: The Lord
8 And you shall lay upon them the task see and judge, because you have made
of bricks, which they did before, neither our savour to stink before Pharao and
shall you diminish any thing thereof: his servants, and you have given him a
for they are idle, and therefore they cry, sword to kill us.
saying: Let us go and sacrifice to our 22 And Moses returned to the Lord
God. and said: Lord, why hast thou afflicted
9 Let them be oppressed, with works, this people? wherefore hast thou sent
and let them fulfill them: that they may me?
not regard lying words. 23 For since the time that I went in to
10 And the overseers of the works and Pharao to speak in thy name, he hath
the taskmasters went out and said to afflicted thy people: and thou hast not
the people: Thus saith Pharao, I allow delivered them.
you no straw: CHAPTER 6
11 Go, and gather it where you can find God renew eth his promise. The genealogies of Ru
it: neither shall any thing of your work ben, Simeon and Levi, down to Moses and Aaron.
be diminished. the Lord said to Moses: Now
12 And the people was scattered AMD thou shalt see what I will do to
through all the land of Egypt to gather Pharao: for by a mighty hand shall he
straw. let them
go, and with a strong hand
13 And the overseers of the works shallhe cast them out of his land.
pressed them, saying: Fulfill your work 2 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
every day as before you were wont to ing: I am the Lord,
do when straw was given you. 3 That appeared to Abraham, to Isaac,
14 And they that were over the works and to Jacob, by the name of God Al
of the children of Israel were scourged mighty; and my name ADONAI I did not
by Pharao s taskmasters, saying: Why shew them.
have you not made up the task of bricks 4 And I made a covenant with them, to
both yesterday and to day as before? give them the land of Chanaan, the land
15 And the officers of the children of of their pilgrimage wherein they were
Israel came, and cried out to Pharao, strangers.
saying: Why dealest thou so with thy 5 I have heard the groaning of the chil
servants ? dren of Israel, wherewith the Egyptians
16 Straw is not given us, and bricks are have oppressed them: and I have remem
required of us as before: behold we thy bered my covenant.
servants are beaten with whips, and thy 6 Therefore say to the children of Is
people is unjustly dealt withal. rael I am the Lord who will bring you

17 And he said: You are idle, and out from the work prison of the Egyp
therefore you say: Let us go and sacri tians, and will deliver you from bond
fice to the Lord. age: and redeem you with a high arm,
18 Go therefore, and work: straw shall and great judgments.
not be given you, and you shall deliver 7 And I will take you to myself for my
the accustomed number of bricks. people, I will be your God: and you

CHAP. 6. Ver. 3. My name Adonai. The name, or vowels, which belong to the name Adonai, to the
which is in the Hebrew text, is that most proper four letters of that other ineffable name Jod, He,
name of God, which signifieth his eternal, self-exist Vau, He. Hence some moderns have framed the
ent being, Ex. 3. 14, which the Jews out of rever name Jehovah, unknown to all the ancients, whether
ence never pronounce ; but, instead of it, whenever Jews or Christians for the true pronunciation of

it occurs in the Bible, they read Adonai, which sig the name, which is in the Hebrew text, by long dis-
nifies the Lord: and, therefore, they put the points ase, is now quite lost.
The descendants of Ruben, etc. EXODUS Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
shall know that I am the Lord your God
who brought you 20 And Amram
took to wife Jochabed
out from the work his aunt
prison of the Egyptians.
by the father s side: and she
bore him Aaron and Moses. And the
8 And brought you into the
land, con years of Amram s life were a hundred
cerning which I lifted up my hand to and thirty-seven.
give it to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: 21 The sons also of Isaar:
and I will give it you to Core, and
possess, I am Nepheg, and Zechri.
the Lord. 22 The sons also of Oziel:
Mizael, and
9 And Moses told all this to the chil Elizaphan, and Sethri.
dren of Israel: but they did not hearken 23 And Aaron took to wife Elizabeth
to him, for anguish of the daughter of
spirit, and most Aminadab, sister of
painful work. Nahason, who bore him Nadab, and Abiu,
10 And the Lord spoke to and Eleazar, and Ithamar.
Moses, saying: 24 The sons also of Core:
11 Go in, and speak to Pharao Aser, and
king of Elcana, and Abiasaph. These are the
Egypt, that he let the children of Israel kindreds of the Corites.
go out of his land. 25 But Eleazar the son of Aaron took
12 Moses answered before the Lord: a wife of the daughters of Phutiel: and
Behold the children of Israel do not she bore him Phinees. These are the
hearken to me; and how will Pharao heads of the Levitical families by their
hear me, especially as I am of uncircum- kindreds.
cised lips? 26 These are Aaron and Moses, whom
13 And the Lord spoke to Moses and the Lord commanded to bring forth the
Aaron, and he gave them a charge unto children of Israel out of the land of
the children of Israel, and unto Pharao Egypt by their companies.
the king of Egypt, that 27 These are they that speak to Pharao
they should
bring forth the children of Israel out of king of Egypt in order to bring out the
the land of Egypt. children of Israel from Egypt: these are
14 * These are the heads of their houses that Moses and Aaron,
by their families. The sons of Ruben 28 In the day when the Lord spoke to
the firstborn of Israel: Henoch and Moses in the land of Egypt.
Phallu, Hesron and Charmi. 29 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
15 These are the kindreds of Ruben. ing: I am the Lord: speak thou to Pharao
J The sons of
Simeon: Jemuel, and Jamin, king of Egypt all that I say to thee.
and Ahod, and Jachin, and Soar, and 30 And Moses said before the Lord: Lo
Saul the son of a Chanaanitess: these are I am of uncircumcised lips, how will
the families of Simeon. Pharao hear me?
16 And these are the names of the sons CHAPTER7
of Levi by their kindreds: Gerson, and Moses and Aaron go in to Pharao: they turn th<

Caath, and Merari. And the years of the rod into a serpent ; and the waters of Egypt
into blood, which was the first plague. The ma
life of Levi were a hundred and
thirty- gicians do the like, and Pharan s heart is hard
seven. ened.
17 fc
The sons of Gerson: Lobni and Se- A NDthe Lord said to Moses: Behold
mei, by their kindreds. have appointed thee the God of
18 *The sons of Caath: Amram, and Pharao: and Aaron thy brother shall be
Isaar, and Hebron, and Oziel. And the thy prophet.
years of Caath s life were a hundred and 2 Thou shalt speak to him all that I
thirty-three. command thee; and he shall speak to
19 The sons of Merari: Moholi and Pharao, that he let the children of Israel
Musi. These are the kindreds of Levi by go out of his land.
their families. 3 But I shall harden his heart, and shall

i Gen. 46. 9 ; Num. 26. 5 : 1 Par. 5. 1. I Num. 3. 19, and 26. 57, ^8 : 1 Par. 6. 2, and
j I Par. 4. 24. k 1 Par. 6. 1, and 23. 6. 23. 12. n Supra 4. 15.

Ver. 12. V-n circumcised lips. So he calk the Ver. 3. / fhall harden, &r. Not by being the
defect he had in his words, or utterance. cause of his hardm-ss of heart, but by
CHAP. Ver. 1. The God of Pharao, viz., to
7. permitting it: and by withdrawing grace from
be his judge; and to exercise a divine power, as him, in punishment of his malice which alone ;

Ood s instrument, over him and his people. was the proper cause of his being hardened.

Moses and Aaron before Pharao EXODUS The first plague, of blood
behold I will strike with the rod, that is
multiply my signs and wonders in the
land of Egypt, in myhand, the water of the river, and
it shall be turned into blood.
4 And he will not hear you: and I will
18 And the fishes that are in the river
lay my hand upon Egypt, and will bring
shall die, and the waters shall be cor
forth my army and my people the chil
dren of Israel out of the land of Egypt, rupted, and the Egyptians shall be af
flicted when they drink the water of the
by very great judgments. river.
5 And the Egyptians shall know that I 19 The Lord also said to Moses: Say to
am the Lord, who have stretched forth Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch forth
my hand upon Egypt, and have brought thy hand upon the waters of Egypt, and
forth the children of Israel out of the
upon their rivers, and streams and pools,
midst of them. and all the ponds of waters, that they
6 And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord may be turned into blood: and let blood
had commanded: so did they. be in all the land of Egypt, both in ves
7 And Moses was eighty years old, and sels of wood and of stone.
Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to 20 And Moses and Aaron did as the
Pharao. Lord had commanded: P and lifting up
8 And the Lord said to Moses and the rod he struck the water of the river
Aaron: before Pharao and his servants: and it
9 When Pharao shall say to you, Shew was turned into blood.
signs: thou shalt say to Aaron: Take 21 And
the fishes that were in the river
thy rod, and cast it down before Pharao, died: and the river corrupted, and the
and it shall be turned into a serpent.
Egyptians could not drink the water of
10 So Moses and Aaron went in unto the river, and there was blood in all the
Pharao, and did as the Lord had com land of Egypt.
manded. And Aaron took the rod before 22 1 And the magicians of the Egyp
Pharao, and his servants, and it was tians with their enchantments did in like
turned into a serpent. manner: and Pharao s heart was hard
11 And Pharao called the wise men ened, neither did he hear them, as the
and the magicians: and they also by Lord had commanded.
Egyptian enchantments and certain se 23 And he turned himself away and
crets did in like manner. went into his house, neither did he set
12 And they every one cast down their his heart to it this time also.
rods, and they were turned into serpents: 24 And all the Egyptians dug round
but Aaron s rod devoured their rods. about the river for water to drink: for
13 And Pharao s heart was hardened,
they could not drink of the water of the
and he did not hearken to them, as the river.
Lord had commanded. 25 And seven days were fully ended,
14 And the Lord said to Moses: Pha after that the Lord struck the river.
rao s heart is hardened, he will not let
the people go. CHAPTER 8
The second plague is of frogs : Pharao promiseth
15 Go to him in the morning, behold let the Israelites go, but breaketh his promise.
he will go out to the waters: and thou The third plague is of sciniphs. The fourth is of
flies. Pharao again promiseth to dismiss the
shalt stand to meet him on the bank of people, but doth it not.
the river: and thou shalt take in thy AND the Lord said to Moses: Go in
hand the rod that was turned into a _fjL to Pharao, and thou shalt say to
serpent. him: Thus saith the Lord: Let my peo
16 And thou shalt say to him: The Lord ple go to sacrifice to me.
God of the Hebrews sent me to thee, 2 But if thou wilt not let them go,
saying: Let my people go to sacrifice to behold I will strike all thy coasts with
me in the desert: and hitherto thou frogs.
wouldst not hear. 3 And the river shall bring forth an
17 Thus therefore saith the Lord: In abundance of frogs: which shall come
this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: up, and enter into thy house, and thy
o 2 Tim. 3. 8. p Infra 17. 5 ; Ps. 77. 44. q Wisd. 17. 7.

Ver. 11. Magicians., Jannes, and Mambres, or Jambres 2 Tim. 3. 8.

The second plague, of frogs EXODUS The
third plague, of sciniphs
bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into into immense heaps, and the land was
the houses of thy servants, and to thy
people, and into thy ovens, and into the 15 And Pharao seeing that rest was
remains of thy meats;
given, hardened his own heart, and did
4 And the frogs shall come in to thee, not hear them, as the Lord had com
and to thy people, and to all thy serv manded.
ants. 16 And the Lord said to Moses: Say to
5 And the Lord said to Moses:
Say to Aaron, Stretch forth thy rod, and strike
Aaron, Stretch forth thy hand upon the the dust of the earth: and may there be
streams and upon the rivers and the sciniphs in all the land of Egypt.
pools, and bring forth frogs upon the 17 And they did so. And Aaron stretched
land of Egypt. forth his hand, holding the rod: and he
6 And Aaron stretched forth his hand struck the dust of the earth, and there
upon the waters of Egypt, and the came sciniphs on men and on beasts: all
frogs came up, and covered the land of the dust of the earth was turned into
Egypt. sciniphs through all the land of Egypt.
7 And the magicians also by their en 18 And the magicians with their en
chantments did in like manner, and they chantments practised in like manner, to
brought forth frogs upon the land of bring forth sciniphs, and they could not:
Egypt. and there were sciniphs as well on men
8 But Pharao called Moses and Aaron, as on beasts.
and said to them: Pray ye to the Lord 19 And the magicians said to Pharao:
to take away the frogs from me and This is the finger of God. And Pharao s
from my people; and I will let the peo heart was hardened, and he hearkened
ple go to sacrifice to the Lord. not unto them, as the Lord had com
9 And Moses said to Pharao: Set me a manded.
time when I shall pray for thee, and for 20 The Lord also said to Moses: Arise
thy servants, and for thy people, that the early, and stand before Pharao: for he
frogs may be driven away from thee and will go forth to the waters: and thou
from thy house, and from thy servants, shalt say to him: Thus saith the Lord:
and from thy people: and may remain Let my people go to sacrifice to me.
only in the river. 21 But if thou wilt not let them go, be
10 And he answered: Tomorrow. But hold I will send in upon thee, and upon
he said: I will do according to thy word; thy servants, and upon thy houses all
that thou mayst know that there is none kind of flies: and the houses of the Egyp
like to the Lord our God. tians shall be filled with flies of divers
11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, kinds, and the whole land wherein they
and from thy house, and from thy serv shall be.
ants, and from thy people; and shall re 22 And I will make the land of Gessen
main only in the river. wherein my people is,wonderful in that
12 And Moses and Aaron went forth day, so that flies shall not be there: and
thou shalt know that I am the Lord in
from Pharao: and Moses cried to the
Lord for the promise, which he had made the midst of the earth.
to Pharao concerning the frogs. 23 And I will put a division between
13 And the Lord did according to the my people and thy people: to morrow
word of Moses: and the frogs died out shall this sign be.
r And there
of the houses, and out of the villages, 24 And the Lord did so.
and out of the fields: came a very grievous swarm of flies into
14 And they gathered them together the houses of Pharao and of his serv-
r Wisd. 16. 9.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 8. Pray ye to the Lord, &c. By we see thatPharao was himself the efficient cause
of his heart being hardened, and not God. See the
this it appears, that though the magicians, by the
help of the devil, could bring frogs, yet they could same repeated in ver. 32. Pharao hardened his heart
at this time also: likewise chap. 9. 7, 85, and chap.
not take them away: God being pleased to abridge
in this the power of Satan. So we see they could
not afterwards produce the lesser insects and in Ver. 16. Sciniphs. or Cinifs, Hebrew Chinnim,

small flying insects, very troublesome both to

this restraint of the power of the devil, were forced
acknowledge the Anger of God.
and beasts.
Ver. 15. Phofrao hardened his own heart. By this

The fourth plague, of flies EXODUS The fifth a>}\d sixth plague*

ants, and into all the land of Egypt: difference between the possessions of
and the land was corrupted by this kind Israel and the possessions of the Egyp
of flies. tians, that nothing at all shall die of
25 And Pharao called Moses and Aaron, those things that belong to the children
and said to them: Go, and sacrifice to of Israel.
your God in this land. 5 Andthe Lord appointed a time, say
26 And Moses
said: It cannot be so: for ing: To morrow will the Lord do this
we shall sacrifice the abominations of thing in the land.
the Egyptians to the Lord our God: now C The Lord therefore did this thing the
if we those things which the Egyp
kill next day and all the beasts of the Egyp

tians worship, in their presence, they tians died, but of the beasts of the chil
will stone us. dren of Israel there died not one.
27 We will go three days journey into 7 And Pharao sent to see: and there
the wilderness: and we will sacrifice to was not any thing dead of that which
the Lord our God, as he hath command Israel possessed. And Pharao s heart
ed us. was hardened, and he did not let the
28 And Pharao said: I will let you go people go.
to sacrifice to the Lord your God in the 8 And the Lord said to Moses and Aar
wilderness: but go no farther: pray for on: Take to you handfuls of ashes out
me. of the chimney, and let Moses sprinkle
29 And Moses said: I will go out from it in the air in the presence of Pharao.

thee, and pray to the Lord: and the

will 9 And be there dust upon all the land
flies shall depart from Pharao, and from of Egypt: for there shall be boils and
his servants, and from his people to swelling blains both in men and beasts,
morrow: but do not deceive any more, in the whole land of Egypt.
in not letting the people go to sacrifice 10 And they took ashes out of the chim
to the Lord. ney, and stood before Pharao, and Moses
30 So Moses went out from Pharao, and sprinkled it in the air: and there came
prayed to the Lord. boils with swelling blains in men and
31 And he did according to his word: beasts.
and he took away the flies from Pharao, 11 Neither could the magicians stand
and from his servants, and from his peo before Moses for the boils that were upon
ple: there was not
left so much as one. them, and in all the land of Egypt.
32 And Pharao heart was hardened,
s 12 And the Lord hardened Pharao s
so that neither this time would he let heart, and he hearkened not unto them,
the people go. as the Lord had spoken to Moses.
13 And the Lord said to Moses: Arise
9 in the morning, and stand before Pharao,
The fifth plague is a murrain among the cattle.
The sixth, of boils in men and beasts. The sev and thou shalt say to him: Thus saith
enth, of hail. Pharao promiseth again to let the the Lord the God of the Hebrews: Let
people go, and breaketh hia word.
my people go to sacrifice to me.
ND the Lord said to Moses: Go in 14 For I will at this time send all my
to Pharao, and speak to him: Thus plagues upon thy heart, and upon thy
saith the Lord God of the Hebrews: Let servants, and upon thy people: that thou
my people go to sacrifice to me. mayst know there is none like me in all
2 But if thou refuse, and withhold them the earth.
still : 15 For now I will stretch out my hand
3 Behold my hand
be upon thy shall to strike thee, and thy people with pes
fields: and a very grievous murrain tilence, and thou shalt perish from the
upon thy horses, and asses, and camels, earth.
and oxen, and sheep. 16 *And therefore have I raised thee,
4 And the Lord will make a wonderful that I may shew my power in thee, and
i Supra 3. 18. t Rom. 9. 17.

Ver. 26. The abominations, &c. That is, the things CHAP. 9. Ver. 6. AH the beasts. That is, many
they worship for Gods oxen, rams, &c. It is the
of all kinds.
usual style of the scriptures to call all idols and Ver. 12. Hardened, &c. See the annotations
false gods, abominations, to signify how much the
above, chap. 4. 21., chap. 7. 3, and chap. 8. 15.
-people of God ought to detest and them.
Seventh plague, lightning and fail
EXODUS Pharao s heart is Jiardened
my name may be spoken of throughout out of the city, will stretch forth
all the earth.
hands to the Lord, and the thunders shall
17 Dost thou yet hold back my cease, and the hail shall be no more:
and wilt thou not let them go ? that thou mayst know that the earth is
18 Behold I will cause it to rain to mor the Lord s.
row at this same hour, an exceeding 30 But I know that neither
thou, nor
great hail: such as hath not been in thy servants do yet fear the Lord God.
Egypt from the day that it was founded, 31 The flax therefore and the
until this present time. were hurt, because the barley was
19 Send therefore now presently, and
32 But the wheat, and other winter corn
gather together thy cattle, and all that
thou hast in the field: for men and were not hurt, because they were late-
beasts, and all things that shall be found
33 And when Moses was gone from
abroad, and not gathered together out of
the fields, which the hail shall fall upon,
Pharao out of the city, he stretched forth
his hands to the Lord: and the thunders
shall die.
and the hail ceased, neither did there
20 He that feared the word of the Lord drop any more rain upon the earth.
among Pharao s servants, made his serv 34 And Pharao seeing that the rain and
ants and his cattle flee into houses: the hail, and the thunders were ceased,
21 But he that regarded not the word increased his sin.
of the Lord, left his servants and his 35 And his heart was hardened, and the
cattle in the fields: heart of his servants, and it was made
22 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch
exceeding hard: neither did he let the
forth thy hand towards heaven, that children of Israel go, as the Lord had
there may be hail in the whole land of commanded by the hand of Moses.
Egypt, upon men, and upon beasts, and
upon every herb of the field in the land CHAPTER 10
of Egypt. The eighth plague of the locusts. The ninth, of
23 u And Moses stretched forth darkness: Pharao is still hardened.
his rod
towards heaven, and the Lord sent thun AND the Lord said to Moses: Go in
der and hail, and lightning running along JL\. Pharao; for I have hardened his
the ground: and the Lord rained hail heart, and the heart of his servants: that
upon the land of Egypt. I may work these my signs in him.
24 And the hail and fire mixed with it 2 And thou mayest tell in the ears of
drove on together: and it was of so thy sons, and of thy grandsons, how
great bigness, as never before was seen often I have plagued the Egyptians, and
in the whole land of Egypt since that wrought my signs amongst them: and
nation was founded. you may know that I am the Lord:
25 And the hail destroyed through all 3 Therefore Moses and Aaron went in
the land of Egypt all things that were in to Pharao, and said to him: Thus saith
the fields, both man and beast: and the the Lord God of the Hebrews: How long
hail smote every herb of the field, and it refusest thou to submit to me? let my
broke every tree of the country. people go, to sacrifice to me.
26 Only in the land of Gessen, where 4 c But if thou resist, and wilt not let
the children of Israel were, the hail fell them go, behold I will bring in to mor
not. row the locust into thy coasts:
27 And Pharao sent and called Moses 5 To cover the face of the earth that
and Aaron, saying to them: I have nothing thereof may appear, but that
sinned this time also; the Lord is just: which the hail hath left may be eaten:
I and
my people are wicked. for they shall feed upon all the trees
28 Pray ye to the Lord, that the thun- that spring in the fields.
derings of God and the hail may cease: 6 And they shall fill thy houses, and the
that I may let you go, and that you may houses of thy servants, and of all the
stay here no longer. Egyptians: such a number as thy fathers
29 Moses said: As soon as I am gone have not seen, nor thy grandfathers,

u Wisd. 16. 16. and 19. 19- v Wisd. 16. 9.

The eighth plague, of locusts EXODUS The ninth plague, of darkness
from the time they were first upon the also, and pray to the Lord your God, that
earth, until this present day. And he he take away from me this death.
turned himself away, and went forth 18 And Moses going forth from the
from Pharao. presence of Pharao, prayed to the Lord.
7 And Pharao s servants said to him: 19 And he made a very strong wind to
How long shall we endure this scandal? blow from the west, and it took the lo
Let the men go to sacrifice to the Lord custs and cast them into the Red Sea:
their God. Dost thou not see that Egypt there remained not so much as one in all
is undone? the coasts of Egypt.
8 And they called back Moses and 20 And the Lord hardened Pharao s
Aaron to Pharao: and he said to them: heart, neither did he let the children of
Go, sacrifice to the Lord your God: who Israel go.
are they that shall go ? 21 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch
9 Moses said: We
will go with our out thy hand towards heaven: and may
young and old, with our sons and daugh there be darkness upon the land of
ters, with our sheep and herds: for it is Egypt, so thick that it may be felt.
the solemnity of the Lord our God. 22 And Moses stretched forth his hand
10 And Pharao answered: So be the towards heaven: and there came horri
Lord with you, as I shall let you and ble darkness in all the land of Egypt for
your children go: who can doubt but three days.
that you intend some great evil ? 23 w No man saw his brother, nor
11 It shall not be so: but go ye men moved himself out of the place where he
only, and sacrifice to the Lord: for this was: ^but wheresoever the children of
yourselves also desired. And immedi Israel dwelt there was light.
ately they were cast out from Pharao s 24 And Pharaocalled Moses and Aaron,
presence. and said them:
to Go sacrifice to the
12 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch Lord: let your sheep only, and herds re
forth thy hand upon the land of Egypt main; let your children go with you.
unto the locust, that it come upon it, 25 Moses said: Thou shalt give us also
and devour every herb that is left after sacrifices and burnt offerings, to the
the hail. Lord our God.
13 And Moses stretched forth his rod 26 All the flocks shall go with us: there
upon the land of Egypt: and the Lord shall not a hoof remain of them: for they
brought a burning wind all that day, and are necessary for the service of the Lord
night: and when it was morning, the our God: especially as we know not what
burning wind raised the locusts: must be offered, till we come to the very
14 And they came up over the whole place.
land of Egypt: and rested in all the 27 And Lord hardened Pharao s
coasts of the Egyptians innumerable, the heart, and he would not let them go.
like as had not been before that time, 28 And Pharao said to Moses: Get thee
nor shall be hereafter. from me, and beware thou see not my
15 And they covered the whole face of face any more: in what day soever thou
the earth, wasting all things. And the shalt come in my sight, thou shalt die.
grass of the earth was devoured, and 29 Moses answered: So shall it be as
what fruits soever were on the trees, thou hast spoken, I will not see thy face
which the hail had left: and there re any more.
mained not any thing that was green on CHAPTER 11
the trees, or in the herbs of the earth in Pharao and his people are threatened with the
all Egypt. death of their firstborn.
16 Wherefore Pharao in haste called the Lord said to Moses: Yet one
Moses and Aaron, and said to them: I
have sinned against the Lord your God,
AMDplague more will I bring upon Pha
rao and Egypt, and after that he shall
and against you. let you go and thrust you out.
17 But now forgive me my sin this time 2 y Therefore thou shalt tell all the peo-
w Wisd. 17. 2. x Wisd. 18. 1.
y Supra 3. 22, Infra 12. 35.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 21. Darkness upon the land of srross exhalations, which were to cause and accom
?OVPt, so thick that it may be felt. By means of the pany the darkness.
Death of firstborn threatened EXODUS The Passover
pie that every man ask of his friend, suffice to eat the lamb, he shall take unto
and every woman of her neighbour, ves him his neighbour that joineth to his
sels of silver, and gold. house, according to the number of souls
3 And the Lord will give favour to his which may be enough to eat the lamb.
people in the sight of the Egyptians. 5 And it shall be a lamb without blem
* And Moses was a very great man in the ish, a male, of one year: according to
land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharao s which rite also you shall take a kid.
servants, and of all the people. 6 And you shall keep it until the four
4 And he said: Thus said the Lord: At teenth day of this month: and the whole
midnight I will enter into Egypt. multitude of the children of Israel shall
5 And every firstborn in the land of sacrifice it in the evening.
the Egyptians shall die, from the first 7 And they shall take of the blood
born of Pharao who sitteth on his throne, thereof, and put it upon both the side
even to the firstborn of the handmaid
posts, and on the upper door posts of the
that is at the mill, and all the firstborn
houses, wherein they shall eat it.
of beasts. 8 And they shall eat the flesh that night
6 And there shall be a great cry in all roasted at the fire, and unleavened bread
the land of Egypt, such as neither hath with wild lettuce.
been before, nor shall be hereafter. 9 You shall not eat thereof any thing
7 But with all the children of Israel raw, nor boiled in water, but only roasted
there shall not a dog make the least at the fire: you shall eat the head with
noise, from man even to beast: that you the feet and entrails thereof.
may know how wonderful a difference 10 Neither shall there remain any thing
the Lord maketh between the Egyptians of it until morning. a If there be any
and Israel.
thing left, you shall burn
with fire. it
8 And these thy servants shall come
all 11 And thus you shall eat
you shall it:
down to me, and shall worship me, say gird your reins, and you shall have shoes
ing: Go forth thou, and all the people on your feet, holding staves in your
that is under thee after that we will go
hands, and you shall eat in haste: for it
out. is the Phase (that is the Passage) of the
9 And he went out from Pharao exceed Lord.
ing angry. But the Lord said to Moses: 12 And I will pass through the land of
Pharao will not hear you, that many Egypt that night, and will kill every
signs may be done in the land of Egypt. firstborn in the land of Egypt both man
10 And Moses and Aaron did all the and beast: and against all the gods of
wonders that are written, before Pharao. Egypt I will execute judgments: I am
And the Lord hardened Pharao s heart, the Lord.
neither did he let the children of Israel 13 And the blood shall be unto you for
go out of his land. a sign in the houses where you shall be:
CHAPTER 12 and I shall see the blood, and shall pass
The manner of preparing, and eating the paschal over you: and the plague shall not be
lamb: the firstborn of Egypt are all slain: the
Israelites depart. upon you to destroy you, when I shall

the Lord said to Moses and Aaron strike the land of Egypt.
.T\. in the land of Egypt: 14 And this day shall be for a memorial
2 This month shall be to you the begin to you: and you shall keep it a feast
to the Lord in your generations with an
ning of months: it shall be the first in
the months of the year. everlasting observance.
3 Speak ye to the whole assembly of 15 Seven days shall you eat unleavened
the children of Israel, and say to them: bread: in the first day there shall be no
On the tenth day of this month let every leaven in your houses: whosoever shall
man take a lamb by their families and eat any thing leavened, from the first
houses. day until the seventh day, that soul
4 But if the number be less than may shall perish out of Israel.

z Eccli. 45. 1.
a Lev. 7. 15.

performed, either with a lamb or with a kid and all :

CHAP. 11. Ver. 10. The Lord hardened, &c. See

the annotations above, chap. 4. 21, and chap. 7. 3. the same rites and ceremonies were to be used with
CHAP. 12. Ver. 5. A Kid. The phase might be the one as with the other.

The doors to be marked with blood EXODUS The firstborn of Egypt slain
16 The first day shall be holy and passed over the houses of the children of
solemn, and the seventh day shall be Israel in Egypt, striking the Egyptians,
kept with the like solemnity: you shall and saving our houses. And the peo
do no work in them, except those things ple bowing themselves, adored.
that belong to eating. 28 And the children of Israel going
17 And you shall observe the feast of forth did as the Lord had commanded
the unleavened bread: for in this same Moses and Aaron.
day I will bring forth your army out of 29 And it came to pass at midnight,
the land of Egypt, and you shall keep d the Lord slew
every firstborn in the
this day in your generations by a per land of Egypt, from the firstborn of
petual observance. Pharao, who sat on his throne, e unto the
18 b The first month, the fourteenth day firstborn of the captive woman that was
of the month in the evening, you shall in the prison, and all the firstborn of
eat unleavened bread, until the one and cattle.
twentieth day of the same month in the 30 And Pharao arose in the night, and
evening. servants, and all Egypt; and there
all his
19 Seven days there shall not be found arose a great cry in Egypt: for there
any leaven in your houses: he that shall was not a house wherein there lay not
eat leavened bread, his soul shall perish one dead.
out of the assembly of Israel, whether 31 And Pharao calling Moses and Aar
he be a stranger or born in the land. on, in the night, said: Arise and go forth
20 You shall not eat any thing leav from among my people, you and the chil
ened: in all your habitations you shall dren of Israel: go, sacrifice to the Lord
eat unleavened bread. as you say.
21 And Moses called all the ancients of 32 Your sheep and herds take along
the children of Israel, and said to them: with you, as you demanded, and depart
Go take a lamb by your families, and ing, bless me.
sacrifice the Phase. 33 And the Egyptians pressed the peo
22 c And dip a bunch of hyssop in the ple to go forth out of the land speedily,
blood that is at the door, and sprinkle the saying: We shall all die.
transom of the door therewith, and 34 The people therefore took dough
both the door cheeks: let none of you go before it was leavened: and tying it in
out of the door of his house till morning. their cloaks, put it on their shoulders.
23 For the Lord will pass through strik 35 / And the children of Israel did as
ing the Egyptians: and when he shall see Moses had commanded: and they asked
the blood on the transom, and on both of the Egyptians vessels of silver and
the posts, he will pass over the door of gold, and very much raiment.
the house, and not suffer the destroyer 36 And the Lord gave favour to the
to come into your houses and to hurt you. people in the sight of the Egyptians, so
24 Thou shalt keep this thing as a law that they lent unto them: and they
for thee and thy children for ever. stripped the Egyptians.
25 And when you have entered into the 37 o And the children of Israel set for
land which the Lord will give you as he ward from Eamesse to Socoth, being
hath promised, you shall observe these about six hundred thousand men o^ foot,
ceremonies. besides children.
26 And when your children shall say to 38 And a mixed multitude without
you: What is the meaning of this serv number went up also with them, shesp
ice? and herds and beasts of divers kinds, ex
27 You shall say to them: It is the vic ceeding many.
tim of the passage of the Lord, when he 39 And they baked the meal, which a
b Lev. 23. 5 ; Num. 28. 16. c Heb 11 28 / Supra 3. 22, and 11. 2.
d Supra 11. 5. e Wisd. 18. 5. g About B. C. 1445.
Ver. 18. Unleavened bread. By this it appears Ver. 22. Sprinkle, &c. This sprinkling: the doors
that our Saviour made use of unleavened bread in of the Israelites with the blood of the paschal lamb,
the institution of the blessed sacrament, which was in order to their being delivered from the sword of
on the evening of the paschal solemnity, at which the destroying angel, was a lively figure of our
time there was no leavened bread to be found in redemption by the blood of Christ.
The Israelites depart from Egypt EXODUS Paschal solemnity to be observed
little before they had brought out of ND the Lord spoke to Moses, say-
Egypt, in dough: and they made earth
cakes unleavened: for it could not be 2 * Sanctify unto me every firstborn
leavened, the Egyptians pressing them that openeth the womb among the chil
to depart, and not suffering them to dren of Israel, as well as men as of
make any stay: neither did they think beasts: for they are all mine.
of preparing any meat.
3 And Moses said to the people: Re
40 And the abode of the children of member this day in which you came
Israel that they made in Egypt, was four
forth out of Egypt, and out of the house
hundred and thirty years. of bondage, for with a strong hand hath
41 Which being expired, the same day the Lord brought you forth out of this
all the army of the Lord went forth out
place: that you eat no leavened bread.
of the land of Egypt.
42 This is the observable night of the
4 This day you go forth in the month
of new corn.
Lord, when he brought them forth out of
the land of Egypt: this night all the 5 And when the Lord shall have brought
children of Israel must observe in their thee into the land of the Chanaanite, and
the Hethite, and the Amorrhite, and the
43 And the Lord said to Moses and Hevite, and the Jebusite, which he swore
Aaron: This the service of the Phase:
is to thy fathers that he would give thee
No foreigner shall eat of it. a land that floweth with milk and honey,
44 But every bought servant shall be thou shalt celebrate this manner of sa
cred rites in this month.
circumcised, and so shall eat.
45 The stranger and the hireling shall 6 Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened
not eat thereof. bread: and on the seventh day shall be
46 7l In one house shall it be eaten, the solemnity of the Lord.
neither shall you carry forth of the flesh 7 Unleavened bread shall you eat seven
thereof out of the house, neither shall days: there shall not be seen any thing
you break a bone thereof. leavened with thee, nor in all thy coasts.
47 All the assembly of the children of 8 And thou shalt tell thy son in that
Israel shall keep it. day, saying: This is what the Lord did
48 And if any stranger be willing to to me when I came forth out of Egypt.
dwell among you, and to keep the Phase 9 And it shall be as a sign in thy hand,
of the Lord, all his males shall first be and as a memorial before thy eyes: and
circumcised, and then shall he celebrate that the law of the Lord be always in
it according to the manner: and he shall
thy mouth, for with a strong hand the
be as he that is born in the land: but if Lord hath brought thee out of the land
any man be uncircumcised, he shall not of Egypt.
eat thereof. 10 Thou shalt keep this observance at
49 The same law shall be to him that the set time from days to days.
is born in the land, and to the proselyte 11 And when the Lord shall have
that sojourneth with you. brought thee into the land of the Cha
50 And all the children of Israel did naanite, as he swore to thee and thy fa
as the Lord had commanded Moses and thers, and shall give it thee:
Aaron. 12 i Thou shalt set apart all that open
51 And the same day the Lord brought eth the womb for the Lord, and all that
forth the children of Israel out of the is first brought forth of thy cattle:
land of Egypt by their companies. soever thou shalt have of the male sex,
CHAPTER 13 thou shalt consecrate to the Lord.
The paschal solemnity to be observed; and the
13 The firstborn of an ass thou shalt
firstborn are to be consecrated to God.
The peo change for a sheep: and if thou do
ple are conducted through the desert by a pillar redeem it, thou shalt kill it. And every
of fire in the night, and a cloud in the day.
j Infra 22. 29, and 34. 19 :

h Num. 9. 12 ; John 19. 36.

Ezech. 44. 30.
i Infra 34. 19 ; Lev. 27, 26 ;
Num. 8. 16 ;
Luke 2. 23

to the ministry in the divine worship and

the first
CHAP. 13. Ver. 2. Sanctify unto me every first

born. Sanctification in this place means that the

born of beasts to be given for a sacrifice.
firstborn males of the Hebrews should be deputea
The Hebrews guided on the way EXODUS Pharao pursues them
firstborn of men thou shalt redeem with them turn and encamp over against Phi-
a price. hahiroth which is between Magdal and
14 And when thy son shall ask thee to the sea over against Beelsephon: you
morrow, saying: What is this? thou shall encamp before it upon the sea.
shalt answer him: With a strong hand 3 And Pharao will say of the children
did the Lord bring us forth out of the of Israel: They are straitened in the
land of Egypt, out of the house of bond land, the desert hath shut them in.
age. 4 And I shall harden his heart, and he
15 For when Pharao was hardened, and will pursue you: and I shall be glorified
would not let us go, the Lord slew every
in Pharao, and in all his army: and the
firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the
Egyptians shall know that I am the
firstborn of man to the firstborn of Lord. And they did so.
beasts: therefore I sacrifice to the Lord
5 And it was told the king of the Egyp
all that openeth the womb of the male
tians that the people was fled: and the
sex, and all the firstborn of my sons I
redeem. heart of Pharao and of his servants was
16 fcAnd it shall be as a sign in thy changed with regard to the people, and
hand, and as a thing hung between thy they said: What meant we to do, that
we let Israel go from serving us?
eyes, for a remembrance: because the
Lord hath brought us forth out of Egypt 6 So he made ready his chariot, and
by a strong hand. took all his people with him.
17 And when Pharao had sent out the 7 And he took six hundred chosen
people, the Lord led them not by the chariots, and all the chariots that were
way of the land of the Philistines which in Egypt: and the captains of the whole
is near: thinking lest perhaps they army.
would repent, if they should see wars 8 And the Lord hardened the heart of
arise against them, and would return Pharao king of Egypt, and he pursued
into Egypt. the children of Israel: but they were
18 But he led them about by the way gone forth in a mighty hand.
of the desert, which is by the Red Sea: 9 n And when the Egyptians followed
and the children of Israel went up armed the steps of them who were gone before,
out of the land of Egypt.
they found them encamped at the sea
19 And Moses took Joseph s bones with side: all Pharao s horses and chariots,
him: because he had adjured the chil and the whole army were in Phihahiroth
dren of Israel, saying: l God shall visit before Beelsephon.
you, carry out my bones from hence with
10 And when Pharao drew near, the
children of Israel, lifting up their eyes,
20 And marching from Socoth they en
in Etham in the utmost coasts
saw the Egyptians behind them: and
of the wilderness. they feared exceedingly, and cried to the
21 m And the Lord went before them Lord.
11 And they said to Moses: Perhaps
to shew the way by day in a pillar of a
there were no graves in Egypt, there
cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire:
that he might be the guide of their jour fore thou hast brought us to die in the
wilderness: why wouldst thou do this,
ney at both times.
22 There never failed the pillar of the to lead us out of Egypt?
cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by 12 Is not this the word that we spoke
to thee in Egypt, saying: Depart from
night, before the people.
us that we may serve the Egyptians?
CHAPTER 14 for it was much better to serve them,
Pharao pursueth the children of Israel. than to die in the wilderness.
murmur against Moses, but are encouragedThey
him, and pass through the Red Sea. Pharao 13 And Moses said to the people: Fear
and his army following them are drowned. not: stand and see the great wonders of
the Lord spoke to Moses, say the Lord, which he will do this day: for
AMDing: the Egyptians, whom you see now, you
2 Speak to the children of Israel: Let shall see no more for ever.
A; Deut. 6. 8. m Num, 14. 14 ; 2 Esd. 9. 12 and 19 ; 1 Cor. 10. L
I Gen. 50. 24. n Jos. 24. 6 1 Mac. 4. 9.

Israelites pass through Red Sea EXODUS The Egyptians are drowned
14 The Lord will fight for you, and you forth thy hand over the sea, that the
shall hold your peace. waters may come again upon the Egyp
15 And
the Lord said to Moses: Why tians, upon their chariots and horsemen.
criest thou to me? Speak to the chil 27 And when Moses had stretched forth
dren of Israel to go forward. his hand towards the sea, it returned at
16 But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch the first break of the day to the former
forth thy hands over the sea, and divide place: and as the Egyptians were fleeing
it: that the children of Israel may go away, the waters came upon them, and
through the midst of the sea on dry the Lord shut them up in the middle of
ground. the waves.
17 And I will harden the heart of the 28 And the waters returned, and cov
Egyptians to pursue you: and I will be ered the chariots and the horsemen of
all the army of Pharao, who had come
glorified in Pharao, and in all his host,
and in his chariots and in his horsemen. into the sea after them, neither did there
18 And the Egyptians shall know that so much as one of them remain.
I am the Lord, when I shall be glorified 29 But the children of Israel marched
in Pharao, and in his chariots and in his through the midst of the sea upon dry
horsemen. land, and the waters were to them as a
19 And the angel of God, who went be wall on the right hand and on the left:
fore the camp of Israel, removing, went 30 And the Lord delivered Israel on that
behind them: and together with him day out of the hands of the Egyptians.
the pillar of the cloud, leaving the fore 31 And they saw the Egyptians dead
part, upon the sea shore, and the mighty hand
20 Stood behind, between the Egyp that the Lord had used against them:
and the people feared the Lord, and they
tians camp and the camp of Israel: and
it was a dark cloud, and enlightening believed the Lord, and Moses his servant.
the night, so that they could not come CHAPTER 15
at one another all the night. The canticle Moses.
of The bitter waters of
21 And when Moses had stretched Mara, are made sweet.
forth his hand over the sea, the Lord Moses and the children of Is
took, it away by a strong and burning THEN
rael sung this canticle to the Lord:
wind blowing all the night, and turned and said: Let us sing to the Lord: for he
it into dry ground: and the water was is gloriously magnified, the horse and
divided. the rider he hath thrown into the sea.
22 And the children of Israel went in 2 r The Lord is my strength and my
through the midst of the sea dried up: praise, and he is become salvation to
for the water was as a wall on their me: he is my God and I will glorify him:
right hand and on their left. the God of my father, and I will exalt
23 And the Egyptians pursuing went in him.
after them, and all Pharao s horses, his 3 The Lord is as a man of war, Al
chariots and horsemen through the mighty is his name.
midst of the sea, 4 Pharao s chariots and his army he
24 And now the morning watch was hath cast into the sea: his chosen cap
come, P and behold the Lord looking tains are drowned in the Red Sea.
upon the Egyptian army through the 5 The depths have covered them, they
pillar of fire and of the cloud, slew their are sunk to the bottom like a stone.
host. 6 Thy right hand, Lord, is magnified
25 And overthrew the wheels of the in strength: thy right hand, Lord,
chariots,and they were carried into the hath slain the enemy.
deep. And the Egyptians said: Let us 7 And in the multitude of thy glory
flee from Israel: for the Lord fighteth thou hast put down thy adversaries:
for them against us. thou hast sent thy wrath, which hath
26 And the Lord said to Moses: Stretch devoured them like stubble.

oPs. 77. 13, and 104. 37, and 113. 3; Ileb. 11. 29. a wisd. 10. 20.
r Ps. 117. 14;Isa. 12. 2.
p Wisd. 18. 15.

Egyptians but the night to the

CHAP. 14. Ver. 20. A dark cloud, and enlight- ;
ening the night. It was a dark cloud to the Israelites, by giving them a great light.

The canticle of Moses EXODUS The bitter waters made sweet

8 And with the blast of thy anger the 22 And Moses brought
Israel from the
waters were gathered together: the flow Red Sea, and theywent forth into the
ing water stood, the depths were gath wilderness of Sur and they marched
ered together in the midst of the sea. three days through the wilderness and
9 The enemy said: I will pursue and found no water.
23 And they came into Mara, and they
overtake, I will divide the spoils, my
soul shall have its fill: I will draw my could not dring the waters of Mara, be
cause they were bitter: whereupon he
sword, my hand shall slay them.
10 Thy wind blew and the sea covered
gave a name also agreeable to the place,
calling it Mara, that is, bitterness.
them: they sunk as lead in the mighty
24 And the people murmured against
Moses, saying: What shall we drink?
11 Who is like to thee, among the 25 But he cried to the Lord, and he
strong, O Lord? who is like to thee, glo shewed him a tree, s which when he had
rious in holiness, terrible and praise cast into the waters, they were turned
worthy, doing wonders? into sweetness. There he appointed him
12 Thou stretchest forth thy hand, and ordinances, and judgments, and there he
the earth swallowed them.
proved him,
13 In thy mercy thou hast been a leader 26 Saying: If thou wilt hear the voice
to the people which thou hast redeemed: of the Lord thy God, and do what is
and in thy strength thou hast carried
right before him, and obey his com
them to thy holy habitation.
mandments, and keep all his precepts,
14 Nations rose up, and were angry: none of the evils that I laid upon Egypt,
sorrows took hold on the inhabitants of will I bring upon thee: for I am the
Philisthiim. Lord thy healer.
15 Then were the princes of Edom trou 27 t And the children of Israel came
bled, trembling seized on the stout men into Elim, where there were twelve
of Moab: all the inhabitants of Chanaan fountains of water, and seventy palm
became stiff.
trees: and they encamped by the waters.
16 Let fear and dread fall upon them,
in the greatness of thy arm: let them CHAPTER 16
become unmoveable as a stone, until thy The people murmur for want of meat: God giveth
people, O Lord, pass by: until this thy them quails and manna.
people pass by, which thou hast pos ^D they set forward from Elim, and
17 Thou shalt bring them in, and plant
A allthe multitude of the children of
Israel came into the desert of Sin, which
them in the mountain of thy inheritance, is between Elim and Sinai: u the fifteenth
in thy most firm habitation which thou day of the second month, after they
hast made, O Lord; thy sanctuary, came out of the land of Egypt. v
Lord, which thy hands have established. 2 And all the congregation of the chil
18 The Lord shall reign for ever and dren of Israel murmured against Moses
ever. and Aaron in the wilderness.
19 For Pharao went in on horseback 3 And the children of Israel said to
with his chariots and horsemen into the them: Would to God we had died by the
sea: and the Lord brought back upon hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt,
them the waters of the sea: but the chil when we sat over the flesh pots, and ate
dren of Israel walked on dry ground in bread to the full. Why have you brought
the midst thereof. us into this desert, that you might de
20 So Mary the prophetess, the sister stroy all the multitude with famine?
of Aaron, took, a timbrel in her hand: 4 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold
and all the women went forth after her I will rain bread from heaven for you:
with timbrels and with dances: let the people go forth, and gather what
21 And she began the song to them, is sufficient for every day: that I may
saying: Let us sing to the Lord, for he is prove them whether they will walk in
gloriously magnified, the horse and his my law, or not.
rider he hath thrown into the sea. 5 But the sixth day let them provide

s Judith 5. 15 ; Eccli. 38. 5. t Num. 33. 9. u Wisd. 11. 2. r B. C. 1445.

The people murmur EXODUS The manna
for to bring in: and let it be double to of your souls that dwell in a tent, so
that they were wont to gather every day. shall you take of it.
6 And Moses and Aaron said to the 17 And the children of Israel did so:
children of Israel: In the evening you and they gathered, one more, another
shall know that the Lord hath brought less.
you forth out of the land of Egypt: 18 And they measured by the measure
7 And in the morning you shall see the of a gomor: "neither had he more that
glory of the Lord: for he hath heard had gathered more: nor did he find less
your murmuring against the Lord: but that had provided less: but every one
as for us, what are we, that you mutter had gathered, according to what they
against us? were able to eat.
8 And Moses said: In the evening the 19 And Moses said to them: Let no
Lord will give you flesh to eat, and in man leave thereof till the morning.
the morning bread to the full: for he 20 And they hearkened not to him, but
hath heard your murmurings, with which some of them left until the morning,
you have murmured against him, for and it began to be full of worms, and it
what are we ? your murmuring is not putrefied, and Moses was angry with
against us, but against the Lord. them.
9 Moses
also said to Aaron: Say to the 21 Now every one of them gathered in
whole congregation of the children of the morning, as much as might suffice
Israel: Come before the Lord: for he to eat: and after the sun grew hot, it
hath heard your murmuring. melted.
10 And when Aaron spoke to all the 22 But on the sixth day they gathered
assembly of the children of Israel, they twice as much, that is, two goniors every
looked towards the wilderness 1C and : man: and all the rulers of the multitude
behold the glory of the Lord appeared in came, and told Moses.
a cloud. 23 And he said to them: This is what
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say the Lord hath spoken: To morrow is the
ing: rest of the sabbath sanctified to the Lord.
12 I have heard the murmuring of the Whatsoever work is to be done, do it:
children of Israel: say to them: In the and the meats that are to be dressed,
evening you shall eat flesh, and in the dress them: and whatsoever shall re
morning you shall have your fill of main, lay it up until the morning.
bread: and you shall know that I am the 24 And they did so as Moses had com
Lord your God. manded, and it did not putrefy, neither
13 So it came to pass in the evening, *>
was there worm found in it.
that quails coining up, covered the camp: 25 And Moses said: Eat it to day, be
and in the morning a dew lay round cause it is the sabbath of the Lord: to
about the camp. day it shall not be found in the field.
14 And when it had covered the face of 26 Gather it six days: but on the sev
the earth, v it appeared in the wilder enth day is the sabbath of the Lord,
ness small, and as it were beaten with therefore it shall not be found.
a pestle, like unto the hoar frost on the 27 And the seventh day came: and some
ground. of the people going forth to gather,
15 And when the children of Israel saw found none.
it, they said one to another: Manhu! 28 And the Lord said to Moses: How
which signifieth: What
for they is this! long will you refuse to keep my com
knew not what it was. And Moses said mandments, and my law?
to them: *This is the bread, which the 29 See that the Lord hath given you the
Lord hath given you to eat. sabbath, and for this reason on the sixth
16 This is the word, that the Lord hath day he giveth you a double provision:
commanded: Let every one gather of it let each man stay at home, and let none
as much asis enough to eat: a gomor go forth out of his place the seventh
for every man, according to the number day.

z 1 Cor. 10. 3.
w Eccli. 45. 3. x Num. 11. 31.
a 2 Cor. 8. 16.
y Supra 16. 20 ; Num. 11. 7 ; Ps. 77. 24 ; John 6. 31.

The people murmur for water EXODUS Amalec is overcome
30 And the people kept the sabbath on hand the rod wherewith thou didst strike
the seventh day. the river, c and go.
31 And the house of Israel called the 6 Behold I will stand there before thee,
name thereof Manna: and it was like upon the rock Horeb: and thou shalt
coriander seed white, and the taste there strike the rock, and water shall come out
of like to flour with honey. of it that the people may drink. Moses
32 And Moses said: This is the word, did so before the ancients of Israel:
which the Lord hath commanded: Fill a 7 And he called the name of that place
gomor of andbe kept unto
let it
Temptation, because of the chiding of
generations to come hereafter, that they the children of Israel, and for that they
may know the bread, wherewith I fed tempted the Lord, saying: Is the Lord
you in the wilderness, when you were amongst us or not?
brought forth out of the land of Egypt.
8 f And Amalec came, and fought
33 And Moses said to Aaron: Take a
against Israel in Raphidim.
vessel, and put manna into it, as much
as a gomor can hold: and lay it up 9 And Moses said to Josue: Choose out
before the Lord to keep unto your gener men: and go out and fight against
ations, Amalec: to morrow I will stand on the
34 As the Lord commanded Moses. And top of the hill having the rod of God in
Aaron put it in the tabernacle to be my hand.
kept. 10 Josue did as Moses had spoken, and
35 & the children of Israel ate man
And he fought against Amalec; but Moses,
na forty years, till they came to a habit and Aaron, and Hur went up upon the
able land: with this meat were they fed, top of the hill.
until they reached the borders of the land 11 And when Moses lifted up his hands,
of Chanaan. Israel overcame but if he let them down

36 Now a gomor is the tenth part of an a Amalec overcame.

ephi. 12 And Moses hands were heavy: so
CHAPTER 17 they took a stone, and put under him,
The people murmur again for want of drink; the and he sat on it: and Aaron and Hur
Lord giveth them water out of a rock. Moses stayed up his hands on both sides. And
lifting up his hand in prayer, Amalec is over
it came to pass that his hands were not

all the multitude of the children weary until sunset.

J_ of Israel setting forward from the 13 And Josue put Amalec and his peo
desert of Sin, by their mansions, accord ple to flight, by the edge of the sword.
14 And the Lord said to Moses: Write
ing to the word of the Lord, encamped
this for a memorial in a book, and deliver
in Raphidim, where there was no water
it to the ears of Josue: for I will destroy
for the people to drink. G
2 & And they chode wr ith Moses, and the memory of Amalec from under
we may drink.
said: Give us water, that heaven.
And Moses answered them: Why chide 15 And Moses built an altar: and called
the name thereof, The Lord my exalta
you with me? Wherefore do you tempt
the Lord? tion, saying:
3 So the people were thirsty there for 16 Because the hand of the throne of
want of water, and murmured against the Lord, and the war of the Lord shall
Moses, saying: Why didst thou make us be against Amalec, from generation to
go forth out of Egypt, to kill us and our generation.
children and our beasts with thirst? CHAPTER 18
4 And Moses cried to the Lord, saying: Jethro bringeth to Moses his wife and children. His
What shall I do to this people? Yet a counsel.
little more and they
will stone me. A ND when Jethro the priest of Ma-

5 And the Lord said to Moses: Go be _/V. dian, the kinsman of Moses, had
fore the people, and take with thee of heard all the things that God had done
the ancients of Israel: and take in thy to Moses, and to Israel his people, and
b 2 Esd. 9. 21 ; Judith 5. 15. e Supra 14.21 ; Ps. 77. 15 ; 1 Cor. 10. 4.
c A. M. 2513. / Deut. 25. 17 ; Judith 4. 13 Wisd. 11. 3.

d Num. 20. 41. g B. C. 1444.

The meeting of Jethro and Moses EXODUS Jethro s counsel
that the Lord had brought forth Israel
pie come to me to seek the judgment of
out of Egypt, God.
2He took Sephora the wife of Moses 16 And when any controversy falleth
whom he had sent back: out among them, they come to me to
3 And her two sons, of whom one was judge between them, and to shew the
calledGersam, his father saying: h I have precepts of God, and his laws.
been a stranger in a foreign country. 17 But he said: The thing thou dost is
4 And
the other Eliezer: For the God not good.
of my
father, said he, is my helper, and 18 Thou art spent with foolish labour,
hath delivered me from the sword of both thou and this people that is with
Pharao. thee: the business is above thy strength,
5 And Jethro the kinsman of Moses / thou alone canst not bear it.

came with his sons and his wife, to Moses 19 But hear my words and counsels, and
into the desert, where he was camped by God shall be with thee. Be thou to the
the mountain of God. people in those things that pertain to
6 And he sent word to Moses, saying: God, to bring their words to him:
I Jethro thy kinsman come to thee, and 20 And to shew the people the cere
thy wife, and thy two sons with her. monies and the manner of worshipping,
7 And he went out to meet his kinsman, and the way wherein they ought to walk,
and worshipped and kissed him and they :
and the work that they ought to do.
saluted one another with words of peace. 21 And provide out of all the people
And when he was come into the tent, able men, such as fear God, in whom
8 Moses told his kinsman all that the there is truth, and that hate avarice, and
Lord had done to Pharao, and the Egyp appoint of them rulers of thousands, and
tians, in favour of Israel: and all the of hundreds, and of fifties, and of tens.
labour which had befallen them in the 22 Who may judge the people at all
journey, and that the Lord had delivered times: and when any great matter so
them. ever shall fall out, let them refer it to
9 And Jethro rejoiced for all the good thee, and let them judge the lesser mat
things that the Lord had done to Israel, ters only: that so it may be lighter for
because he had delivered them out of thee, the burden being shared out unto
the hands of the Egyptians. others.
10 And he said: Blessed is the Lord, 23 If thou dost this, thou shalt fulfil the
who hath delivered you out of the hand commandment of God, and shalt be able
of Pharao, and out of the hand of the to bear his precepts: and all this people
shall return to their places with peace.
Egyptians, who hath delivered his people
out of the hand of Egypt. 24 And when Moses heard this, he did
11 Now I know that the Lord is great all things that he had suggested unto

above all gods: * because they dealt him.

25 And choosing able men out of all
proudly against them.
12 So Jethro the kinsman of Moses of Israel, he appointed them rulers of the
fered holocausts and sacrifices to God: people, rulers over thousands, and over
and Aaron and all the ancients of Israel hundreds, and over fifties, and over tens.
26 And they judged the people at all
came, to eat bread with them before
God. times: and whatsoever was of greater
13 And the next day Moses sat, to difficulty they referred to him, and they

judge the people, who stood by Moses judged the easier cases only.
from morning until 27 And he let his kinsman depart: and
14 And when his kinsman had seen all he returned and went into his own coun
things that he did among the people, he
said: What is it that thou dost among CHAPTER 19
They come to Sinai: the people are commanded to
the people ? Why sittest thou alone, and be sanctified. The Lord, coming in thunder and
all the people wait from morning till lightning, speaketh u ith Moses.
night. the third month of the departure of
15 And Moses answered him: The peo- INIsrael l
out of the land of Egypt, on

h Supra 2. 22. j Deut. 1. 12. k Num. 20. 29.

t Supra 1. 14, and 6. 7, and 10, 10, and 14. 8. I Num. 33. 15.

The people are to be sanctified EXODUS God speaks from Sinai
this day they came into the wilderness through arrows: whether it be
of Sinai: beast, or man, he shall not live. When
2 For departing out of Raphidim, and the trumpet shall begin to sound, then
let them go up into the mount.
coming to the desert of Sinai, they
camped in the same place, and there 14 And Moses came down from the
Israel pitched their tents over against mount to the people, and sanctified them.
the mountain. And when they had washed their gar
3 tn And Moses went up to God: and ments,
the Lord called unto him from the moun 15 He said to them Be ready against the:

tain, and said: Thus shalt thou say to the third day, and come not near your wives.
house of Jacob, and tell the children of 16 And now the third day was come,
Israel: and the morning appeared: and behold
4 n You have seen what I have done to thunders began to be heard, and light
the Egyptians, how I have carried you ning to flash, and a very thick cloud to
upon the wings of eagles, and have taken cover the mount, and the noise of the
you to myself. trumpet sounded exceeding loud, and
5 If therefore you will hear my voice, the people that was in the camp, feared.
and keep my covenant, you shall be my 17 And when Moses had brought them
peculiar possession above all people: forth to meet God from the place of the
for all the earth is mine. camp, they stood at the bottom of the
6 v And you shall be to me a priestly mount.
kingdom, and a holy nation. These are 18 r And all was on a
mount Sinai
the words thou shalt speak to the chil smoke: Lord was come
because the
dren of Israel. down upon it in fire, and the smoke arose
7 Moses came, and calling together the from it as out of a furnace: and all the
elders of the people, he declared all the mount was terrible.
words which the Lord had commanded. 19 And
the sound of the trumpet grew
8 And all the people answered together: by degrees louder and louder, and was
All that the Lord hath spoken, we will drawn out to a greater length: Moses
do. And when Moses had related the spoke, and God answered him.
people s words to the Lord, 20 And the Lord came down upon mount
9 The Lord said to him: Lo, now will I Sinai, in the very top of the mount, and
come to thee in the darkness of a cloud, he called Moses unto the top thereof.
that the people may hear me speaking And when he was gone up thither,
to thee, and may believe thee for ever. 21 He said unto him: Go down, and
And Moses told the words of the people charge the people: lest they should have
to the Lord. a mind to pass the limits to see the Lord,
10 And he said to him: Go to the peo and a very great multitude of them
ple, and sanctify them to day, and to should perish.
morrow, and let them wash their gar 22 The priests also that come to the
ments. Lord, let them be sanctified, lest he
11 And let them be ready against the strike them.
third day: for on the third day the Lord 23 And Moses said to the Lord: The
will come down in the sight of all the
people cannot come up to mount Sinai:
people upon mount Sinai. for thou didst charge, and command,
12 And thou shalt appoint certain limits saying: Set limits about the mount, and
to the people round about, and thou shalt it.
say to them: Take heed you go not

24 And the Lord said to him: Go, get

up into the mount, and that ye touch thee down: and thou shalt come up, thou
not the borders thereof: every one that and Aaron with thee: but let not the
toucheth the mount dying he shall priests and the people pass the limits, nor
die. come up to the Lord, lest he kill them.
13 No hands shall touch him, but he 25 And Moses went down to the people
shall be stoned to death, or shall be shot and told them all.

m Acts 7. 38. n Deut. 29. 2. o Ps. 23. 1. p 1 Pet 2. 9. q Heb. 12. 18. r Deut. 4. 11.

CHAP. 19. Ver. 3. And Moaea went up to God. Moses went up to mount Sinai, where God spoke
to him.
The ten commandments
Moses reassures the people
CHAPTER 20 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness
The ten commandments
against thy neighbour.
the Lord spoke all these words:* 17 *Thou shalt not covet
they neigh
2 I am the Lord thy God, who bour s house: neither shalt thou desire
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, his wife, nor his
servant, nor his hand
out of the house of bondage. maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any
3 Thou shalt not have strange gods be thing that is his.
fore me. 18 And all the people saw the voices
4 *Thou shalt not make to thyself a and the flames, and the sound of the
graven thing, nor the likeness of any trumpet, and the mount smoking: and
thing that is in heaven above, or in the being terrified and struck with fear, they
earth beneath, nor of those things that stood afar off,
are in the waters under the earth. 19 Saying to Moses:
Speak thou to us,
5 Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve and we will hear: let not the Lord
them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, to us, lest we die.
jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fa 20 And Moses said
to the people: Fear
thers upon the children, unto the third not: for Godcome to prove you, and
and fourth generation of them that hate that the dread of him might be in
me: and you should not sin.
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands 21 And the people stood afar off. * But
to them that love me, and keep my com Moses went to the dark cloud wherein
mandments. God was.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the 22 And the Lord said to Moses: Thus
Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will shalt thcu say to the children of Israel:
not hold him guiltless that shall take the You have seen that I have spoken to you
.name of the Lord his God in vain. from heaven.
8 v Remember that thou keep holy the 23 You shall not make gods of silver,
sabbath day. nor shall you make to yourselves gods of
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt gold.
do all thy works. 24 *>You shall make an altar of earth
10 But on the seventh day is the sab unto me, and you shall offer upon it your
bath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do holocausts and peace offerings, your
no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy sheep and oxen, in every place where the
daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy memory of my name shall be: I will come
to thee, and will bless thee.
maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the
stranger that is within thy gates.
25 And if thou make an altar of stone
11 w>For in six days the Lord made unto me, thou shalt not build it of hewn
heaven and earth, and the sea, and all stones: for if thou lift up a tool upon it,
it shall be defiled.
things that are in them, and rested on
the seventh day: therefore the Lord 26 Thou shalt not go up by steps unto ray
blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. altar, lest thy nakedness be discovered.
12 x Honour thy father and thy mother, CPIAPTER 21
that thou mayest be longlived upon the Laws relating to Justice
land which the Lord thy God will give are the judgments which thou
TpHESEshalt set before them.
13 ?/Thou shalt not kill. 2 tf If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. years shall he serve thee: in the seventh
15 Thou shalt not steal. he shall go out free for nothing.
s Deut. 5. 6; Ps. 80. 11. w Gen.
2. 2. x Deut. 5. 16 Matt. 15. 4 Eph. 6. 2.
; ;

t Lev. 26. 1 Deut. 4. 15 Jos. 24. 14 Ps. 96.

; ; ; 7. y Matt. 5. 21. z Rom. 7. 7, and 13. 9.
u Lev. 19. 12 Deut. 5. 11 Matt. 5. 33.
; ; a Deut. 18. 16 Heb.; 12. 18. 6 Infra 27. 8. and 38. 7.
v Infra 31. 13 Deut. 5. 14 Ezech. 20. 12.
; ;
j Deut 27. 5 Jos. 8. 31. d Deut. 16. 12 Jer. 34. 14.
; ;
The law of slaves
EXODUS The laiv of retaliation

3 With what raiment he came in, with upon his staff, he that struck him shall
the like let him go out: if having a wife, be quit, yet so that he make restitution
his wife also shall go out with him. for his work, and for his expenses upon
4 But if his master gave him a wife, the physician.
and she hath borne sons and daughters: 20 He that striketh his bondman or
the woman and her children shall be her bondwoman vrith a rod, and they die
master s: but he himself shall go out under his hands, shall be guilty of the
with his raiment. crime.
5 And if the servant shall say: I love 21 But if the party remain alive a day
my master and my wife and children, I or two, he shall not be subject to the
will notgo out free: punishment, because it is his money.
6 His master shall bring him to the 22 If men quarrel, and one strike a
gods, and he shall be set to the door and woman with child, and she miscarry in
the posts, and he shall bore his ear deed, but live herself: he shall be answer
through with an awl: and he shall be his able for so much damage as the woman s
servant for ever. husband shall require, and as arbiters
7 If any man sell his daughter to be a shall award.
servant, she shall not go out as bond 23 But if her death ensue thereupon, he.
women are wont to go out. shall render life for life.
8 If she displease the eyes of her mas 24 h Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand
ter to whom she was
delivered, he shall for hand, foot for foot,
let her go: but he shall have no power 25 Burning for burning, wound for
to sell her to a foreign nation, if he wound, stripe for stripe.
despise her. 26 If any man strike the eye of his
9 But if he have betrothed her to his manservant or maidservant, and leave
son, he shall deal with her after the man them but one eye, he shall let them go
ner of daughters. free for the eye which he put out.
10 And if he take another wife for him, 27 Also if he strike out a tooth of his
he shall provide her a marriage, and rai manservant or maidservant, he shall in
ment, neither shall he refuse the price of like manner make them free.
her chastity. 28 If an ox gore a man or woman, and
11 If he do not these three things, she they die, he shall be stoned: and his
shall go out free without money. flesh shall not be eaten, but the owner
12 e He that striketh a man with a will of the ox shall be quit.
to kill him, shall be put to death. 29 But if the ox was wont to push with
13 But he that did not lie in wait for his horn yesterday and the day before,
him, but God delivered him into his and they warned his master, and he did
hands / 1 will appoint thee a place to
: not shut him up, and he shall kill a man
which he must flee. or a woman: then the ox shall be stoned,
14 If a man kill his neighbour on set and his owner also shall be put to
purpose and by lying in wait for him: death.
thou shalt take him away from my altar, 30 And if they set a price upon him, he
that he may die. shall give for his life whatsoever is laid
15 He that striketh his father or mo upon him.
ther, shall be put to death. 31 If he have gored a son, or a daugh
16 He that shall steal a man, and sell ter, he shall fall under the like sentence.
him, being convicted of the guilt, shall 32 If he assault a bondman or a bond
be put to death. woman, he shall give thirty sides of sil
17 ff He that curseth his father, or mo ver to their master, and the ox shall
ther, shall die the death. be stoned.
18 If men quarrel, and the one strike 33 If a man open a pit, and dig one,
his neighbour with a stone or with his and cover it not, and an ox or an ass fall
and he die not, but keepeth his bed:
fist, Into it,
19 If he rise again and walk abroad 34 The owner of the pit shall pay the
e Lev. 24. 17. g Lev. 20. 9 ; Prov. 20. 20 ; Matt. 15. 4 ; Mark 7. 10.
/Deut. 19. 2. h Lev. 24. 20 ; Deut. 19.21 ; Matt. 5. 38.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 6. To t he gods : Elohim. That is, to the judges, or magistrates, authorized by God.
Punishment of theft EXODUS The law of restitution

price of the beasts: and that which is if they give judgment, he shall restore
dead shall be his own. double to his neighbour.
35 If one man s ox gore another man s 10 If a man deliver ass, ox, sheep, or
ox, and he die: they shall sell the live
any beast, to his neighbour s custody,
ox, and shall divide the price, and the and it die, or be hurt, or be taken by
carcass of that which died they shall
enemies, and no man saw it:
part between them: 11 There shall be an oath between
36 But if he knew that his ox was wont
to push yesterday and the day before, them, that he did not put forth his hand
to his neighbour s goods: and the owner
and his master did not keep him in: he
shall accept of the oath; and he shall not
shall pay ox for ox, and shall take the
be compelled to make restitution.
whole carcass.
12 / But if it were taken away by
CHAPTER 22 stealth, he shall make the loss good to
The punishment of theft, and other
trespasses. The
the owner.
law of lending without usury, of taking pledges 13 If it were eaten by a beast, let him
of reverences to superiors, and of paying tithes.
bring to him that which was slain, and
any man steal an ox or a sheep, and he shall not make restitution.
IFkill or sell it: he shall restore five 14 If a man borrow of his neighbour
oxen for one ox, * and four sheep for one any of these things, and it be hurt or
sheep. die, the owner not being present, he
2 If a thief be found breaking open a shall be obliged to make restitution.
house or undermining it, and be wounded 15 But if the owner be present, he shall
so as to die: he that slew him shall not not make restitution, especially if it were
be guilty of blood. hired and came for the hire of his work. .

3 But if he did this when the sun is 16 * If a man seduce a virgin not yet
risen, he hath committed murder, and he espoused, and lie with her: he shall en
shall die. If he have not wherewith to dow her, and have her to wife.
make restitution for the theft, he shall 17 If the maid s father will not give
be sold. her to him, he shall give money accord
4 If that which he stole be found with ing to the dowry, which virgins are wont
him, alive, either ox, or ass, or sheep: to receive.
he shall restore double. 18 Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live.
5 If any man hurt a field or a vineyard, 19 Whosoever copulateth with a beast
and put in his beast to feed upon that shall be put to death.
which is other men s: he shall restore 20 l He that sacrificeth to gods, shall be
the best of whatsoever he hath in his put to death, save only to the Lord.
own field, or in his vineyard, according 21 Thou shalt not molest a stranger,
to the estimation of the damage. nor afflict him: for yourselves also were
6 If a fire breaking out light upon strangers in the land of Egypt.
thorns, and catch stacks of corn, or corn 22 m You shall not hurt a widow or an
standing in the fields, he that kindled orphan.
the fire shall make good the loss. 23 If you hurt them, they will cry out
7 If a man deliver money, or any vessel to me, and I will hear their cry:
unto his friend to keep, and they be 24 And my rage shall be enkindled, and
stolen away from him that received I will strike you with the sword, and
them: if the thief be found he shall re your wives shall be widows, and your
store double: children fatherless.
8 If the thief be not known, the master 25 If thou lend money to any of my
of the house shall be brought to the people that is poor, that dwelleth with
gods, and shall swear that he did not lay Ihee, thou shalt not be hard upon them
his hand upon his neighbour s goods, as an extortioner, nor oppress them with
9 To do any fraud, either in ox, or in usuries.
26 If thou take of thy neighbour a
ass, or sheep, or raiment, or any thing
that may bring damage: the cause of garment in pledge, thou shalt give it
both parties shall come to the gods: and him again before sunset.

t 2 Kings 12. 6. j Gen. 31. 39 fc Deut. 22. 28. I Lev. 19. 4. m Zach. 7. 10. Deut. 24. 13.

Laws for judges EXODUS
27 For that same is the only thing let it alone, and suffer to rest, that the

wherewith he is covered, the clothing of poor of thy people eat, and what
his body, neither hath he any other to soever shall be left, let the beasts of the
hear eat so shalt thou do with thy
sleep in: if he cry to me, I will
field it:

him, because I am compassionate. vineyard and thy oliveyard.

28 Thou shalt not speak, ill of the gods, 12 Six days thou shalt work: the sev
and the prince of thy people thou shalt enth day thou shalt cease, that thy ox
not curse. and thy ass may rest: and the son of
29 Thou shalt not delay to pay thy thy handmaid and the stranger may be
tithes and thy firstfruits: P thou shalt refreshed.
give the first born of thy sons to me. 13 Keep things that I have said to
30 Thou shalt do the same with the you. And by
the name of strange gods
firstborn of thy oxen also and sheep:
you shall not swear, neither shall it be
seven days let it be with its dam, the heard out of your mouth.
eighth day thou shalt give it to me. 14 Three times fevery
31 You shall be holy men to me: the year you shall
celebrate feasts to me.
flesh that beasts have tasted of before,
15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleav
you shall not eat, but shall cast it to the
ened bread. w Seven days shalt thou eat
CHAPTER 23 unleavened bread, as I commanded thee,
in the time of the month of new corn,
Laws for judges; the rest of the seventh year, and
day; three principal feasts to be solemnized when thou didst come forth out of Egypt:
every year; the promise of an angel, to conduct x thou shalt not
and protect them; idols are to be destroyed. appear empty before me.
shalt not receive the voice of a 16 And the feast of the harvest of the
THOU neither shalt thou join thy hand
lie: firstfruits of thy work, whatsoever thou
hast sown in the field. The feast also
to bear false witness for a wicked person.
2 Thou shalt not follow the multitude in the end of the year, when thou hast
to do evil: neither shalt thou yield in gathered in all thy corn out of the field.
judgment, to the opinion of the most 17 v Thrice a year shall all thy males
part, to stray from the truth. appear before the Lord thy God.
3 Neither shalt thou favour a poor man 18 Thou shalt not sacrifice the blood of
in judgment. my victim upon leaven, neither shall the
4 r If thou meet thy enemy s ox or ass fat of my solemnity remain until the
going astray, bring it back to him. morning.
5 If thou see the ass of him that hateth 19 ^Thou shalt carry the firstfruits of
thee lie underneath his burden, thou the corn of thy ground to the house of
shalt not pass by, but shalt lift him up the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not boil
with him. a kid in the milk of his dam.
6 Thou shalt not go aside in the poor 20 Behold I will send my angel, who
man s judgment. shall go before thee, and keep thee in
7 Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent thy journey, and bring thee into the place
and just person thou shalt not put to that I have prepared.
death: because I abhor the wicked. 21 Take notice of him, and hear his
8 t Neither shalt thou take bribes, which voice, and do not think him one to be
even blind the wise, and pervert the contemned: for he will not forgive when
words of the just. thou hast sinned, and my name is in him.
9 Thou shalt not molest a stranger, for 22 6 But if thou wilt hear his voice, and
you know the hearts of strangers: M for do all that I speak, I will be an enemy
you also were strangers in the land of to thy enemies, and will afflict them that
Egypt. afflict thee.
10 Six years thou shalt sow thy ground, 23 cAnd my
angel shall go before thee,
and shalt gather the corn thereof. and shall bring thee in unto the Amor-
11 v But the seventh year thou shalt rhite, and the Hethite, and the Pherez-
o Acts 23. 5. p Supra 13. 2 and 12: Infra 34. 19; xDeut. 16. Ifi: Fx-oli. 35. 6.
Ezech. 44. 30. q Lev. 22. 8. r Deut. 22. 1 y Infra 34. 23 ; Deut. 16. 16.

Dan. 13. 53. t Deut. 16. 19 ; Eccli. 20. 31. z Infra 34. 26.
u Gen. 46. 6. v Lev. 25. 4. a Deut. 14. 21. 6 Deut. 7. 11.
w Supra 13. 3 and 4 ; Infra 34. 22. c Infra 33. 2 ; Jos. 24. 11 ; Deut. 7. 22.
God s promise to the Israelites EXODUS The blood of the covenant

ite,and the Chanaanite, and the Hevite, all the words of the Lord, and all the
and the Jebusite, whom I will destroy. judgments: and all the people answered
24 Thou shalt not adore their gods, nor with one voice: We will do all the words
serve them. Thou shalt not do their of the Lord, which he hath spoken.
works, but shalt destroy them, and break 4 And Moses wrote all the words of the
their statues. Lord: and rising in the morning he built
25 And you shall serve the Lord your an altar at the foot of the mount, and
God, that I may bless your bread and twelve titles according to the twelve
your waters, and may take away sick tribes of Israel.
ness from the midst of thee. 5 And he sent young men of the chil
26 There shall not be one fruitless nor dren of Israel, and they offered holo
barren in thy land: I will fill the num causts, and sacrificed pacific victims of
ber of thy days. calves to the Lord.
27 I will send my fear before thee, and 6 Then Moses took half of the blood,
will destroy all the people to whom thou and put it into bowls: and the rest he
shalt come: and will turn the backs of poured upon the altar.
all thy enemies before thee. 7 And taking the book of the covenant,
28 d Sending out hornets before, that he read it in the hearing of the people:
shall drive away the Hevite, and the and they said: All things that the Lord
Chanaanite, and the Hethite, before thou hath spoken we will do, we will be obe
come in. dient.
29 will not cast them out from thy
I 8 And he took the blood and sprinkled
face in one year: lest the land be brought it upon the people, and he said: /This
into a wilderness, and the beasts multi is the blood of the covenant which the

ply against thee. Lord hath made with you concerning all
30 By little and little I will drive them these words.
out from before thee, till thou be in 9 Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab and
creased, and dost possess the land. Abiu, and seventy of the ancients of
31 And I will set thy bounds from the Israel went up:
Red Sea to the sea of the Palestines, 10 And they saw the God of Israel:
and from the desert to the river: I will and under his feet as it were a work of
deliver the inhabitants of the land into sapphire stone, and as the heaven, when
your hands, and will drive them out
from before you. 11 Neither did he lay his hand upon
32 shalt not enter into league
those of the children of Israel, that re
with them, nor with their gods. tired afar off, and they saw God, and
33 Let them not dwell in thy land, lest they did eat and drink.
12 And the Lord said to Moses: Come
perhaps they make thee sin against me,
if thou serve their gods: which undoubt up to me into the mount, and be there:
and I will give thee tables of stone, and
edly will be a scandal to thee.
the law, and the commandments which
CHAPTER 24 I have written: that thou mayst teach

Moses writeth his law: and after offering ^aerifies, them.

sprinkleth the blood of the testament upon the Moses rose up, and his minister
people: then goeth up the mountain which God
covereth with a fiery cloud. and Moses going up into the
ND he said to Moses: Come up to mount of God,
the Lord, thou, and Aaron, Nadab, 14 Said to the ancients: Wait ye here
and Abiu, and seventy of the ancients of till we return to you. You have Aaron
and Hur with you: if any question shall
Israel, and you shall adore afar off.
2 And Moses alone shall come up to arise, you shall refer it to them.
the Lord, but they shall not come nigh: 15 And when Moses was gone up, a
neither shall the people come up with cloud covered the mount.
him. 16 And the glory of the Lord dwelt
3 So Moses came and told the people upon Sinai, covering it with a cloud six
Deut. 7. 2. / Heb. 9. 20.
d Deut. 7. 20. e Infra 34. 15 ;

Ver. 4. Titles. That is, pillars. which the whole sacrifice was consumed with fire
CHAP 24.
Ver. 5. Holocausts: who e burnt offerings, m upon the altar.

EXODUS The propitiatory

days: and the seventh day he called him 13 shalt make bars also of setim
out of the midst of the cloud. wood, and shalt overlay them with gold.
17 And the sight of the glory of the 14 And thou shalt put them in through
Lord was like a burning fire upon the the rings that are in the sides of the ark,
top of the mount, in the eyes of the that it may be carried on them.
children of Israel. 15 And they shall be always in the
18 And Moses, entering into the midst rings, neither shall they at any time be
of the cloud, went up into the moun drawn out of them.
tain s and he was there forty days, and
16 And thou shalt put in the ark the
forty nights. testimony which I will give thee.
17 Thou shalt make also a propitiatory
CHAPTER 25 of the purest gold: the length thereof
Offerings prescribed for making the tabernacle, shall be two cubits and a half, and the
the ark, the candlestick, etc.
breadth a cubit and a half.
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 18 Thou shalt make also two cherubims
Speak to the children of Israel,
2 of beaten gold, on the two sides of the
that they bring firstf ruits to me of :
every man that offereth of his own ac 19 Let one cherub be on the one side,
cord, you shall take them. and the other on the other.
3 And these are the things you must 20 Let them cover both sides of the
take: gold, and silver, and brass. propitiatory, spreading their wings, and
4 Violet and purple, and scarlet twice covering the oracle, and let them look
dyed, and fine linen, and goat s hair, one towards the other, their faces being
5 And rams skins dyed red, and violet turned towards the propitiatory where
skins, and setim wood: with the ark is to be covered.
6 Oil to make lights: spices for oint 21 In which thou shalt put the testi
ment, and for sweetsmelling incense: mony that I will give thee.
7 Onyx stones, and precious stones to 22 Thence will I give orders, and will
adorn the ephod and the rational. speak to thee over the propitiatory, and
8 And they shall make me a sanctuary, from the midst of the two cherubims,
and I will dwell in the midst of them: which shall be upon the ark of the tes
9 According to all the likeness of the timony, all things which I will command
tabernacles which I will shew thee, and the children of Israel by thee.
of all the vessels for the service thereof: 23 Thou shalt make a table also of setim
and thus you shall make it: wood, of two cubits in length, and a cubit
10 Frame an ark of setim wood, the in breadth, and a cubit and a half in
length whereof shall be of two cubits and height.
a half: the breadth, a cubit and a half: 24 And thou shalt overlay it with the
the height, likewise, a cubit and a half. purest gold: and thou shalt make to it
11 And thou shalt overlay it with the a golden ledge round about.
purest gold within and without: and over 25 And to the ledge itself a polished
it thou shalt make a golden crown round crown, four inches high: and over the
about: same another little golden crown.
12 And four golden rings, which thou 26 Thou shalt prepare also four golden
shalt put at the four corners of the ark: rings, and shalt put them in the foul
let two rings be on the one side, and two corners of the same table over each foot.
on the other. 27 Under the crown shall the golden
g Deut. 9. 9. h Infra 35. 5. i lieb. 9. 2.

CHAP. 25. Ver. 2. Firstfruits: offerings of cause the Lord, who was supposed to sit there
some of the best and choicest of their goods. upon the wings of the cherubims, with the ark
for his footstool, from thence shewed mercy. It
Ver. 5. Setim wood. The wood of a tree that
is also called the oracle, ver. 18 and 20 because
grows in the wilderness, which is said to be in

from thence God gave his orders and his answers.

Ver. 23. A table: on which were to be placed
Ver. 7. The ephod and the rational. The the twelve loaves of proposition: or, as they are
ephod was the high priest s upper vestment ; called in the Hebrew, the face bread, because
and the rational his breastplate, in which were they were always to stand before the face of the
twelve gems, &c. Lord in his temple: as a figure of the eucharis-
Ver. 17. A propitiatory: a covering for the tic sacrifice and sacrament, in the Church of
ark : called a propitiatory, or mercy seat, be- Christ.

The candlestick EXODUS The tabernacle

rings be, that the bars may be put through violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed,
them, and the table may be carried. diversified with embroidery.
28 The bars also themselves thou shalt 2 The length of one curtain shall be
make of setim wood, and shalt overlay twenty-eight cubits, the breadth shall be
them with gold to bear up the table. four cubits. All the curtains shall be of
29 Thou shalt prepare also dishes, and one measure.
bowls, censers, and cups, wherein the 3 Five curtains shall be joined one to
libations are to be offered of the purest another, and the other five shall be cou
gold. pled together in like manner.
30 And thou shalt set upon the table 4 Thou shalt make loops of violet in
loaves of proposition in my sight always. the sides and tops of the curtains, that
31 Thou shalt make also a candlestick they may be joined one to another.
of beaten work of the finest gold, the 5 Every curtain shall have fifty loops
shaft thereof, and the branches, the cups, on both sides, so set on, that one loop
and the bowls, and the lilies going forth may be against another loop, and one
from it. may be fitted to the other.
32 Six branches shall come out of the 6 Thou shalt make also fifty rings of
sides, three out of the one side, and gold wherewith the veils of the curtains
three out of the other. are to be joined, that it may be made
33 Three cups as it were nuts to every one tabernacle.
branch, and a bowl withal, and a lily; 7 Thou shalt make also eleven curtains
and three cups, likewise of the fashion of goats hair, to cover the top of the
of nuts in the other branch, and a bowl tabernacle.
withal, and a lily. Such shall be the 8 The length of one hair curtain shall be
work of the six branches, that are to thirty cubits: and the breadth four: the
come out from the shaft: measure of all the curtains shall be equal.
34 And in the candlestick itself shall be 9 Five of which thou shalt couple by
four cups in the manner of a nut, and at themselves, and the six others thou shalt
every one, bowls and lilies. couple one to another, so as to double
35 Bowls under two branches in three the sixth curtain in the front of the roof.
10 Thou shalt make also fifty loops in
places, which together make six coming
forth out of one shaft. the edge of one curtain, that it may be
36 And both the bowls and the branches joined with the other: and fifty loops in
shall be of the same beaten work of the the edge of the other curtain, that it
purest gold. may be coupled with its fellow.
37 Thou shalt make also seven lamps, 11 Thou shalt make also fifty buckles
and shalt set them upon the candlestick, of brass, wherewith the loops may be
to give light over against. joined, that of all there may be made
38 The snuffers also and where the one covering.
12 And that which shall remain of the
snuffings shall be put out, shall be made
of the purest gold. curtains, that are prepared for the roof,
to wit, one curtain that is over and
39 The whole weight of the candlestick
with all the furniture thereof shall be a above, with the half thereof thou shalt
talent of the purest gold.
cover the back parts of the tabernacle.
13 And there shall hang down a cubit
40 J Look and make it according to the
side, and another on
on the one the
pattern, that was shewn thee in the
other side, which is over and above in
the length of the curtains, fencing both
CHAPTER 26 sides of the tabernacle.
The form of the tabernacle with its appurtenances 14 Thou shalt make also another cover
AND thou shalt make the tabernacle to the roof, of rams skins dyed red; and

J\ in this manner: Thou shalt make over that again another cover of violet
ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and coloured skins.

3 Heb. 8. 5 ; Acts 7. 44.

house of God, was a figure of the light of the Holy

Ver. 29. Libations. That is, drink offerings. in the sanctuary ol
Ghost, and his sevenfold grace,
Ver. 31. A candlestick. This candlestick with its the church of Christ.
seven lamps, which was always to give light in the

The tabernacle EXODUS The altar

15 Thou shalt make also the boards of 31 Thou shalt make also a veil of vio
the tabernacle standing upright of setim let and purple, and scarlet twice dyed,
wood. and fine twisted linen, wrought with em
16 Let every one of them be ten cubits
broidered work, and goodly variety:
in length, and in breadth one cubit and
32 And thou shalt hang it up before
a half. four pillars of setim wood, which them
selves also shall be overlaid with gold,
17 In the sides of the boards shall be and shall have heads of gold, but sock
made two mortises, whereby one board ets of silver.
may be joined to another board: and 33 And the veils shall be hanged on
after this manner shall all the boards
with rings, and within it thou shalt put
be prepared.
the ark of the testimony, and the sanc
18 Of which twenty shall be in the tuary, and the holy of holies shall be
south side southward. divided with it.
19 For which thou shalt cast forty 34 And thou shalt set the propitiatory
sockets of silver, that under every board upon the ark, of the testimony in the
may be put two sockets at the two cor holy of holies.
ners. 35 And the table \vithout the veil: and
20 In the second side also the taber over against the table the candlestick in
nacle that looketh to the north, there the south side of the tabernacle: for the
shall be twenty boards, table shall stand in the north side.
21 Having forty sockets of silver, two 36 Thou shalt make also a hanging in
sockets shall be put under each board. the entrance of the tabernacle of violet
22 But on the west side of the taber and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and
nacle thou shalt make six boards. fine twisted linen with embroidered work.
23 And again other two which shall be 37 And thou shalt overlay with gold five
erected in the corners at the back of the pillars of setim wood, before which the
tabernacle. hanging shall be drawn: their heads
24 And they shall be joined together shall be of gold, and the sockets of brass.
from beneath unto the top, and one joint
shall hold them all. The like Joining CHAPTER 27
shall be observed for the two boards The and the court of the tabernacle with its
also that are to be put in the corners. hangings and pillars. Provision of oil for lamps.
25 And they shall be in all eight boards, shalt make also an altar of se
and their silver sockets sixteen, reckon THOU
tim wood, which shall be five cubits
as many broad, that is, four
ing two sockets for each board. long
26 Thou shalt make also five bars of square, and three cubits high.

setim wood, to hold together the boards 2 And there shall be horns at the four
on one side of the tabernacle. corners of the same: and thou shalt
27 And five others on the other side, cover it with brass.
and as many at the west side: 3 And thou shalt make for the uses
28 And they shall be put along by the thereof pans to receive the ashes, and
midst of the boards from one end to the tongs and fleshhooks, and firepans: all
other. its vessels thou shalt make of brass.
29 The boards also themselves thou 4 And a grate of brass in manner of a
shalt overlay with gold, and shall cast net: at the four corners of which shall
rings of gold to be set upon them, for be four rings of brass,
places for the bars to hold together the 5 Which thou shalt put under the hearth
boardwork: which bars thou shalt cover of the altar: and the grate shall be even
with plates of gold. to the midst of the altar.
30 And thou shalt rear up the taber 6 Thou shalt make also two bars for
nacle according to the pattern that was the altar of setim wood, which thou shalt
* shewn thee in the mount. cover with plates of brass:
k Supra 25. 40. I Infra 38. 6.

CHAP. 26. Ver. 33. The sanctuary, &c. That part within the veil, into which no one but the hij?h priest
of the tabernacle, which was without the veil, into ever went, and he but once a year, is called the holy
which the priests daily entered, is here called the of holies, (literally, the sanctuary of the sanctu
sanctuary, or holy place : that part which was aries, ) as being the most holy of aJl holy places.
The court of the tabernacle EXODUS The vestments of the priest
7 And thoushalt draw them through without the veil that hangs before the
rings, and they shall be on both sides of testimony. And Aaron and his sons
the altar to carry it. shall order it, that it may give light be
8 m Thou shalt not make it solid, but fore the Lord until the morning. It shall
empty and hollow in the inside, as it was be a perpetual observance throughout
shewn thee in the mount. their successions among the children of
9 Thou shalt make also the court of Israel.
the tabernacle, in the south side where CHAPTER 28
of southward there shall be hangings of The holy vestments for Aaron and his sons
fine twisted linen of a hundred cubits
unto thee also Aaron thy bro
long for one side. TAKE ther with his sons, from among the
10 And twenty pillars with as many children of Israel, that they may minis
sockets of brass, the heads of which with ter to me in the priest s office: Aaron,
their engravings shall be of silver. Nadab, and Abiu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
11 In like manner also on the north side 2 And thou shalt make a holy vesture
there shall be hangings of a hundred for Aaron thy brother for glory and
cubits long, twenty pillars, and as many for beauty.
sockets of brass, and their heads with 3 And thou shalt speak to all the wise
their engravings of silver. of heart, whom I have filled with the
12 But in the breadth of the court, that spirit of wisdom, that they may make
lookfith to the west, there shall be hang Aaron s vestments, in which he being
ings of fifty cubits, and ten pillars, and consecrated may minister to me.
as many sockets. 4 And these shall be the vestments that
13 In that breadth also of the court, they shall make: A rational and an
which looketh to the east, there shall be ephod, a tunick and a strait linen gar
fifty cubits. ment, a mitre and a girdle. They shall
14 In which there shall be for one side make the holy vestments for thy brother
hangings of fifteen cubits, and three pil Aaron and his sons, that they may do
lars and as many sockets. the office of priesthood unto me.
15 And in the other side there shall be 5 And they shall take gold, and violet,
hangings of fifteen cubits, with three and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and
pillars and as many sockets. fine linen.
16 And in the entrance of the court 6 And they shall make the ephod of
there shall be made a hanging of twenty gold, and violet, and purple, and scarlet
cubits of violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen, em
twice dyed ,and fine twisted linen, with broidered with divers colours.
embroidered work: it shall have four pil 7 It shall have the two edges joined in
lars with as many sockets. the top on both sides, that they may be
17 All the pillars of the court round closed together.
about shall be garnished with plates of 8 The very workmanship also and all
silver, silver heads and sockets of brass.
the variety of the work shall be of gold,
18 In length the court shall take up a and violet, and purple, and scarlet twice
hundred cubits, in breadth fifty, the dyed, and fine twisted linen.
9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones,
height shall be of five cubits, and it shall
be made of fine twisted linen, and shall and shalt grave on them the names of
have sockets of brass. the children of Israel:
19 All the vessels of the tabernacle for 10 Six names on one stone, and the
all uses and ceremonies, and the pins other six on the other, according to the
both of it, and of the court, thou shalt order of their birth.
make of brass. 11 With the work of an engraver and
20 Command the children of Israel that the graving of a jeweller, thou shalt en
they bring thee the purest oil of
the grave them with the names of the chil
that a dren of Israel, set in gold and compassed
olives, and beaten with a pestle:
lamp may burn always,
21 In the tabernacle of the testimony, 12 And thou shalt put them in both

m Supra 20. 24.

The rational of judgment EXODUS The tunic k and the bells

sides of the ephod, a memorial for the 27 Moreover also other two rings of
children of Israel. And Aaron shall bear gold, which are to be set on each side of
their names before the Lord upon both the ephod beneath, that looketh towards
shoulders for a remembrance. the nether joining, that the rational may
13 Thou shalt make also hooks of gold. be fitted with the ephod.
14 And two little chains of the purest 28 And may be fastened by the rings
gold linked one to another, which thou thereof unto the rings of the ephod with
shalt put into the hooks. a violet fillet, that the joining artificially
15 And thou shalt make the rational of wrought may continue, and the rational
judgment with embroidered work of di and the ephod may not be loosed one
vers colours, according to the workman from the other.
ship of the ephod, of gold, violet, and 29 And Aaron shall bear the names of
purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine the children of Israel in the rational of
twisted linen. judgment upon his breast, when he shall
16 It shall be foursquare and doubled: enter into the sanctuary, a memorial be
it shall be the measure of a span both fore the Lord for ever.
in length and in breadth. 30 And thou shalt put in the rational of
17 And thou shalt set in it four rows of judgment doctrine and truth, which shall
stones: in the first row shall be a sardius be on Aaron s breast, when he shall go
stone, and a topaz, and an emerald: in before the Lord: and he shall bear
18 In the second a carbuncle, a sap the judgment of the children of Israel
phire and a jasper. on his breast, in the sight of the Lord
19 In the third a ligurius, an agate, and always.
an amethyst: 31 And thou shalt make the tunick of
20 In the fourth a chrysolite, an onyx, the ephod all of violet,
and a beryl. They shall be set in gold 32 In the midst whereof above shall be
by their rows. a hole for the head, and a border round
21 And they shall have the names of about it woven, as is wont to be made in
the children of Israel with twelve names
: the outmost parts of garments, that it
shall they be engraved, each stone with may not easily be broken.
the name of one according to the twelve 33 And beneath at the feet of the same
tribes. tunick round about, thou shalt make as
22 And thou shalt make on the rational it were pomegranates, of violet, and pur
chains linked one to another of the pur ple, and scarlet twice dyed, with little
est gold: bells set between:
23 And two rings of gold, which thou 34 So that there shall be a golden bell
shalt put in the two ends at the top of and a pomegranate, and again another
the rational. golden bell and a pomegranate.
24 And the golden chains thou shalt 35 n And Aaron shall be vested with it
join to the rings, that are in the ends in the office of his ministry, that the
thereof: sound may be heard, when he goeth in
25 And the ends of the chains them and cometh out of the sanctuary, in the
selves thou shalt join together with two sight of the Lord, and that he may not
hooks on both sides of the ephod, which die.
is towards the rational. 36 Thou shalt make also a plate of the
26 Thou shalt make also two rings of purest gold: wherein thou shalt grave
gold which thou shalt put in the top with engraver s work, Holy to the Lord.
parts of the rational, in the borders that 37 And thou shalt tie it with a violet
are over against the ephod, and look fillet, and it shall be upon the mitre,
towards the back parts thereof. 38 Hanging over the forehead of the
n Eccli. 45. 11.

CHAP. 28. Ver. 15. The rational of judg because gave divine answers and oracles, as
ment. This part of the priest s attire, which he if it were rational and endowed with judgment.
wore at his breast, was called the rational of judg Ver. 30. Doctrine and truth. Hebrew, Urim
ment; partly because it admonished both priests and Thummim : illuminations and perfections.
and people of their duty to God, by carrying the These words, written on the rational, seem to
names of all their tribes in his presence and by
; signify the light of doctrine and the integrity of
the Urim and Thummim, that is, doctrine and life, with which the priests of God ought to
truth, which were written upon it ; and partly approach to him.
The mitre and the girdle EXODUS Consecration of Aaron an<l his sons
high priest. And Aaron shall bear the his head, and the holy plate upon the
iniquities of those things, which the chil mitre,
dren of Israel have offered and sanctified, 7 And thou shalt
in all their gifts and offerings. And the
pour the oil of unc
tion upon his head: and by this rite shall
plate shall be always on his forehead, he be consecrated.
that the Lord may be well pleased with 8 Thou shalt bring his sons also and
shalt put on them the linen tunicks,
39 And thou shalt gird the tunick with
and gird them with a girdle:
fine linen, and thou shalt make a fine
linen mitre, and a girdle of embroidered 9 To wit, Aaron and his children, and
work. thou shalt put mitres upon them: and
40 Moreover for the sons of Aaron thou they shall be priests to me by a perpet
shalt prepare linen tunicks, and girdles ual ordinance. After thou shalt have
and mitres for glory and beauty: consecrated their hands,
41 And with all these things thou shalt 10 PThou shalt present also the calf
vest Aaron thy brother, and his sons with before the tabernacle of the testimony.
him. And thou shalt consecrate the And Aaron and his sons shall lay their
hands of them all, and shalt sanctify hands upon his head,
them, that they may do the office of 11 And thou shalt kill him in the sight
priesthood unto me. of the Lord, beside the door of the tabe
42 Thou shalt make also linen breeches, nacle of the testimony.
to cover the flesh of their nakedness 12 And taking some of the blood of the
from the reins to the thighs: calf, thou shalt put it upon the horns of
43 And Aaron and his sons shall use the altar with thy finger, and the rest of
them when they shall go in to the taber the blood thou shalt pour at the bottom
nacle of the testimony, or when they thereof.
approach to the altar to administer in the 13 Thou shalt take also all the fat that
sanctuary, lest being guilty of iniquity covereth the entrails, and the caul of the
they die. It shall be a law for ever to liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat
Aaron, and to his seed after him. that is upon them, and shalt offer a
burnt offering upon the altar:
CHAPTER 29 14 But the flesh of the calf and the hide
The manner of consecrating Aaron and other and the dung, thou shalt burn abroad,
priests; the institution of the daily sacrifice of without the camp, because it is for sin.
two lambs, one in the morning, the other at
evening. 15 Thou shalt take also one ram upon
thou shalt also do that they the head whereof Aaron and his sons
A^Dmay be consecrated to me in priest shall lay their hands.
16 And when thou hast killed him, thou
hood. Take a calf from the herd, and
two rams without blemish, shalt take of the blood thereof, and pour
2 And unleavened bread, and a cake round about the altar:
without leaven, tempered with oil, wafers 17 And thou shalt cut the ram in pieces,
also unleavened anointed with oil: thou and having washed his entrails and feet,
shalt make them all of wheaten flour. thou shalt put them upon the flesh that
3 And thou shalt put them in a basket is cut in pieces, and upon his head.
and offer them: and the calf and the two 18 And thou shalt offer the whole ram
rams. for a burnt offering upon the altar: it is
4 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his an oblation to the Lord, a most sweet
sons to the door of the tabernacle of the savour of the victim of the Lord.
testimony. And when thou hast washed 19 Thou shalt take also the other ram,
the father and his sons with water, upon whose head Aaron and his sons
5 Thou shalt clothe Aaron with his shall lay their hands.
vestments, that is, with the linen gar 20 And when thou hast sacrificed him,
ment and the tunick, and the ephod and thou shalt take of his blood, and put
the rational, which thou shalt gird with upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron
the girdle. and of his sons, and upon the thumbs
6 And thou shalt put the mitre upon and great toes of their right hand and

o Lev. 9. 2.
Lev. 1. 3. q Lev. 3. 3.

The sacrifices of the consecration EXODU S The daily sacrifices

foot, and thou shalt pour the blood upon they shall eat in the entry of the taber
the altar round about. nacle of the testimony,
21 And when thou hast taken of the 33 That it may be an atoning sacrifice,
blood, that is upon the altar, and of the and the hands of the offerers may be
oil of unction, thou shalt sprinkle Aaron sanctified. A stranger shall not eat of
and his vesture, his sons and their vest them, because they are holy.
ments. And after they and their vest 34 And if there remain of the conse
ments are consecrated, crated flesh, or of the bread till the
22 Thou shalt take the fat of the ram, morning, thou shalt burn the remainder
and the rump, and the fat that covereth with fire: they shall not be eaten, be
the lungs, and the caul of the liver, and cause they are sanctified.
the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon 35 All that I have commanded thee, thou
them, and the right shoulder, because it shalt do unto Aaron and his sons. Seven
is the ram of consecration. days shalt thou consecrate their hands:
23 And one roll of bread, a cake tem 36 And thou shalt offer a calf for sin
pered with oil, a wafer out of the basket every day for expiation. And thou shalt
of unleavened bread, which is set in the cleanse the altar when thou hast offered
sight of the Lord. the victim of expiation, and shalt anoint
24 And thou shalt put all upon the it to sanctify it.

hands of Aaron and of his sons, and shall 37 Seven days shalt thou expiate the
sanctify them elevating before the Lord. altar and sanctify it, and it shall be most
25 And thou shalt take all from their holy. Every one that shall touch it shall
hands, and shalt burn them upon the al be holy.
tar for a holocaust, a most sweet savour 38 This is what thou shalt sacrifice upon
in the sight of the Lord, because it is his the altar: Two lambs of a year old every
oblation. day continually.
26 Thou shalt take also the breast of 39 One lamb in the morning and an
the ram, wherewith Aaron was conse other in the evening.
crated, and elevating it thou shalt sanc 40 With one lamb a tenth part of flour
tify it before the Lord, and it shall fall tempered with beaten oil, of the fourth
to thy share. part of a hin, and wine for libation of the
27 And thou shalt sanctify both the same measure.
consecrated breast, and the shoulder that 41 And the other lamb thou shalt offer
thou didst separate of the ram, in the evening, according to the rite of
28 Wherewith Aaron was consecrated the morning oblation, and according to
and his sons, and they shall fall to Aar what we have said, for a savour of
on s share and his sons by a perpetual sweetness :

right from the children of Israel: be 42 It is a sacrifice to the Lord, by per

cause they are the choicest and the be petual oblation unto your generations,
ginnings of their peace victims which at the door of the tabernacle of the tes
they offer to the Lord. timony before the Lord where I will ap
29 And the holy vesture, which Aaron point to speak unto thee.
shall use, his sons shall have after him, 43 And there will I command the chil
that they may be anointed, and their dren of Israel, and the altar shall be
hands consecrated in it. sanctified by glory. my
30 He of his sons that shall be appoint 44 I will sanctify also the tabernacle of
ed high priest in his stead, and that shall the testimony with the altar, and Aaron
enter into the tabernacle of the testi with his sons, to do the office of priest
mony to minister in the sanctuary, shall hood unto me.
wear it seven days. 45 And I will dwell in the midst of the
31 And thou shalt take the ram of the children of Israel, and will be their God:
consecration, and shalt boil the flesh 46 And they shall know that I am the
thereof in the holy place: Lord their God, who have brought them
32 And Aaron and his sons shall eat it. out of the land of Egypt, that I might
r The loaves also, that are in the basket, abide among them, I the Lord their God.
Lev. 8. 31, and 24. 9 ; Matt. 12. 4.

Th-e altar of incense EXODUS Brazen laver, and oil of unction
side hath twenty obols. Half a siclu
The altar of incense: money to be gathered for the shall be offered to the Lord.
use of the tabernacle: the brazen laver: the holy
oil of unction, and the composition of the per 14 He that is counted in the number
fume. from twenty years and upwards, shall
shalt make also an altar to give the price.
burn incense, of setim wood. 15 The rich man shall not add to half a
2 It shall be a cubit in length, and an side, and the poor man shall diminish
other in breadth, that is, foursquare, and nothing.
two in height. Horns shall go out of the 16 And the money received which was
same. contributed by the children of Israel,
3 And thou shalt overlay it with the thou shalt deliver unto the uses of the
purest gold, as well as the grate thereof, tabernacle of the testimony, that it may
as the walls round about and the horns. be a memorial of them before the Lord,
And thou shalt make to it a crown of and he may be merciful to their souls.
gold round about, 17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
4 And two golden rings under the crown ing:
on either side, that the bars may be put 18 Thou shalt make also a brazen laver
into them, and the altar be carried. with wash in: and thou shalt
its foot, to
5 And thou shalt make the bars also of set itbetween the tabernacle of the tes
setim wood, and shalt overlay them with timony and the altar. And water being
gold. put into it,
6 And thou shalt set the altar over 19 Aaron and his sons shall wash their
against the veil, that hangeth before the hands and feet in it:
ark of the testimony before the propitia 20 When they are going into the taber
tory wherewith the testimony is cov nacle of the testimony, and when they
ered, where I will speak to thee. are to come to the altar, to offer on it
7 And Aaron shall burn sweet smelling incense to the Lord,
incense upon it in the morning. When 21 Lest perhaps they die. It shall be an
he shall dress the lamps, he shall burn it. everlasting law to him, and to his seed
8 And when he shall place them in the by successions.
evening, he shall burn an everlasting in 22 And the Lord spoke to Moses,
cense before the Lord throughout your 23 Saying: Take spices, of principal and
generations. chosen myrrh five hundred sides, and
9 You shall not offer upon it incense of of cinnamon half so much, that is, two
another composition nor oblation, and hundred and fifty sides, of calamus in
victim, neither shall you offer libations. like manner two hundred and fifty.
10 And Aaron shall pray upon the horns 24 And of cassia five hundred sides by
thereof once a year, with the blood of the weight of the sanctuary, of oil of
that which was offered for sin, and shall olives the measure hin:
make atonement upon it in your genera 25 And thou shalt make the holy oil of
tions. It shall be most holy to the Lord. unction, an ointment compounded after
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say the art of the perfumer,
ing: 26 And therewith thou shalt anoint the
12 s When thou shalt take the sum of tabernacle of the testimony, and the ark
the children of Israel according to their of the testament,
number, every one of them shall give a 27 And the table with the vessels there
price for their souls to the Lord, and of, the candlestick and furniture there
there shall be no scourge among them, of, the altars of incense,
when they shall be reckoned. 28 And of holocaust, and all the furni
13 And this shall every one give that ture that belongeth to the service of
passeth at the naming, half a side ac them.
29 And thou shalt sanctify all, and they
cording to the standard of the temple.
s Num. 1. 2.
t Lev. 27. 25 ; Num. 3. 47 ; Ezech. 45. 12.

CHAP. Ver.
30. 1. An altar to burn incense. (which was also called a stater.) according to the
This burning of incense was an emblem of prayer, standard or weight of the sanctuary, which was the
ascending to God from an inflamed heart. See most just and exact, was halt an ounce of silver,
Ps. 140. 2 ; Apoc. 5. 8, and 8. 4. that is, about half a crown of English money. The
obol or geraJi, was about three halfpence.
Yer. 13. Half a side. A side or shekel of silver,

The incense EXODUS Observing the Sabbath
shall be most holy: he that shall touch the tribe of Dan. And I have put wis
them shall be sanctified. dom in the heart of every skilful man,
30 Thou shalt anoint Aaron and his that they may make all things which I
sons, and shalt sanctify them, that they have commanded thee,
may do the office of priesthood unto me. 7 The tabernacle of the covenant, and
31 And thou shalt say to the children of the ark of the testimony, and the pro
Israel: This oil of unction shall be holy pitiatory that is over it, and all the ves
unto me throughout your generations. sels of the tabernacle,
32 The flesh of man shall not be anoint 8 And the table and the vessels thereof,
ed therewith, and you shall make none the most pure candlestick with the ves
other of the same composition, because sels thereof, and the altars of incense,
it is sanctified, and shall be holy unto 9 And of holocaust, and all their ves
you. sels, the laver with its foot,
33 What man soever shall compound 10 The holy vestments in the ministry
such, and shall give thereof to a stran for Aaron the priest, and for his sons,
ger, he shall be cut off from his people. that they may execute their office about
34 And the Lord said to Moses: Take the sacred things:
unto thee spices, stacte, and onycha, gal- 11 The oil of unction, and the incense
banum of sweet savour, and the clearest of spices in the sanctuary, all things
frankincense, all shall be of equal which I have commanded thee, shall they
weight. make.
35 And thou shalt make incense com 12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
pounded by the work of the perfumer, ing:
well tempered together, and pure, and 13 Speak to the children of Israel, and
most worthy of sanctification. thou shalt say to them u See that thou :

36 And when thou hast beaten all into keep my sabbath: because it is a sign
very small powder, thou shalt set of it between me and you in your generations:
before the tabernacle of the testimony, that you may know that I am the Lord,
in the place where I will appear to thee. who sanctify you.
Most holy shall this incense be unto you. 14 Keep you my sabbath: for it is holy
37 You shall not make such a composi unto you: he that shall profane it, shall
tion for your own uses, because it is holy be put to death: he that shall do any
to the Lord. work in it, his soul shall perish out of
38 What man soever shall make the the midst of his people.
like, to enjoy the smell thereof, he shall 15 Six days shall you do work: in the
perish out of his people. seventh day is the sabbath, the rest holy
CHAPTER 31 to the Lord. Every one that shall do
Beseleel and Ooliab are appointed by the Lord to any work on this day, shall die.
make the tabernacle, and the things belonging 16 Let the children of Israel keep the
thereto. The observation of the sabbath day is
again commanded. And the Lord delivereth to sabbath, and celebrate it in their genera
Moses two tables written with the finger of God, tions. It is an everlasting covenant
the Lord spoke to Moses, say 17 Between me and the children of Is
ANDing: rael, and a perpetual sign. v For in six

2 Behold, I have called by name Bese days the Lord made heaven and earth,
leel the son of Uri the son of Hur of the and in the seventh he ceased from work.
tribe of Juda, 18 And the Lord, when he had ended
3 And Ifilled him with the spirit
have these words in mount Sinai, w gave to
of God, withwisdom and understanding, Moses two stone tables of testimony,
and knowledge in all manner of work. written with the finger of God.
4 To devise whatsoever may be artifi
cially made of gold, and silver, and
The people into idolatry. Moses prayeth for
brass, them. He breaketh the tables: destroyeth the
5 Of marble, and precious stones, and idol: blameth Aaron, and causeth many of the
idolaters to be slain.
variety of wood.
6 And I have given him for his com ND the people seeing that Moses
panion Ooliab the son of Achisamech of delayed to come down from th3
u Supra 20 8 ; Ezech. 20. 12. v Gen. 1. 31, and 2. 2. w Deut. 9. 10.
The people fall into idolatry EXODUS Moses breaks the tables of the law
mount, gathering together against Aaron, anger cease, and be appeased upon the
said: ^Arise, make us gods, that may go wickedness of thy people.
before us: for as to this Moses, the man 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Is
that brought us out of the land of Egypt,
rael, thy servants, to whom thou sworest
we know not what has befallen him. by thy own self, saying: I will multiply
2 And Aaron said to them: Take the your seed as the stars of heaven: and
golden earrings from the ears of your this whole land that I have spoken of, I
wives, and your sons and daughters, and will give to your seed, and you shall
bring them to me. possess it for ever.
3 And the people did what he had com 14 And the Lord was appeased from
manded, bringing the earrings to Aaron. doing the evil which he had spoken
4 v And when he had received them, he
against his people.
fashioned them by founders work, and 15 And Moses returned from the mount,
made of them a molten calf. And they
carrying the two tables of the testimony
said: These are thy gods, O Israel, that
in his hand, written on both sides,
have brought thee out of the land of
16 And made by the work of God: The
5 And when Aaron saw this, he built an writing also of God was graven in the
altar ibefore it, and made proclamation
by a crier s voice, saying: To morrow is 17 And Josue hearing the noise of the
the solemnity of the Lord. people shouting, said to Moses: The
6 And rising in the morning, they of noise of battle is heard in the camp.
fered holocausts and peace victims, z and 18 But he answered: It is not the cry
the people sat down to eat, and drink, of men encouraging to fight, nor the
and they rose up to play. shout of men compelling to flee: but I
7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: hear the voice of singers.
Go, get thee down thy people, which : 19 And when he came nigh to the camp,
thou hast brought out of the land of he saw the calf, and the dances: and
Egypt hath sinned. being very angry, he threw the tables
8 They have quickly strayed from the out of his hand, and broke them at the
way which thou didst shew them: and foot of the mount:
they have made to themselves a molten 20 And laying hold of the calf which
calf and have adored it, and sacrificing they had made, he burnt it, / and beat
victims to it, have said: 6 These are thy it to powder, which he strowed into wa
gods, Israel, that have brought thee ter, and gave thereof to the children of
out of the land of Egypt. Israel to drink.
9 And again the Lord said to Moses: 21 And he said to Aaron: What has
c See that this this people done to thee, that thou
people is stiff necked:
10 Let me alone, that my wrath may be shouldst bring upon them a most heinous
kindled against them, and that I may sin?
destroy them, and I will make of thee a 22 And he answered him: Let not my
great nation. lord be offended: for thou knowest this
11 But Moses besought the Lord his people, that they are prone to evil.
23 They said to me: Make us gods, that
God, saying: Why, Lord, is thy indig

nation enkindled against thy people, may go before us: for as to this Moses,
whom thou hast brought out of the land who brought us forth out of the land of
of Egypt, with great power, and with a Egypt, we know not what is befallen
mighty hand?
12 Let not the Egyptians say, beseech I 24 And I said to them: Which of you
thee: He craftily brought them out that hath any gold? and they took and
brought it to me: and I cast it into the
he might kill them in the mountains, and
and this calf came out.
destroy them from the earth: let thy fire,

x Acts 7. 40. 105. 19. 1 Cor. 10. 7. Deut 9. 13. d Num. 14. 13 : Ps. 105. 40. e Gen. 12. 7.
y Ps. and 15. 7, and 48. 16. / Deut. 9. 21. 1 John 5.19.
a Deut. 9. 22. 63 Kings 12. 28. c Infra 33. 3 ;

CHAP. . 32.
. Ve, . 25.

only their gold, and their honour, but wha

Naked. .

worst of all, being stripped also of the grace of God,

and having lost him. The shame of the filth. That
Having lost not
^ ^^^fe^tf 8*
and abominations.

The guilty are slain EXODUS The tabernacle removed from camp
25 And when Moses saw
that the people brought out of the land of Egypt, into
were naked, (for Aaron had stripped the land concerning which I swore to
them by occasion of the shame of the Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying: To
filth, and had set them naked among thy seed I will give it.
their enemies.) 2 / And I will send an angel before thee,
26 Then standing in the gate of the that I may cast out the fc Chanaanite,
camp, he said: If any man be on the and the Amorrhite, and the Hethite, and
Lord s side let him join with me. And the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the
all the sons of Levi gathered themselves Jebusite.
together unto him: 3 That thou mayst enter into the land
27 And he said to them: Thus saith the
that floweth with milk and honey. For
Lord God of Israel: Put every man his
I will not go up with thee, l because
sword upon his thigh: go, and return
thou art a stiff necked people: lest I de
from gate to gate through the midst of
the camp, and let every man kill his stroy thee in the way.
brother, h and friend, and neighbour.
4 And the people hearing these very
28 And the sons of Levi did according bad tidings, mourned: and no man put
to the words of Moses, and there were on his ornaments according to custom.
slain that day about three and twenty 5 And the Lord said to Moses: Say to
thousand men. the children of Israel: Thou art a stiff-
29 And Moses said: You have conse necked people; once I shall come up in
crated your hands this day to the Lord, the midst of thee, and shall destroy thee.
every man in his son and in his brother, Now presently lay aside thy ornaments,
that a blessing may be given to you. that I may know what to do to thee.
30 And when the next day was come, 6 So the children of Israel laid aside
Moses spoke to the people: You have their ornaments by mount Horeb.
sinned a very great sin: I will go up to
7 Moses also taking the tabernacle,
the Lord, if by any means I may be able
pitched it without the camp afar off, and
to entreat him for your crime.
called the name thereof, The tabernacle
31 And returning to the Lord, he said: And all the people
of the covenant.
I beseech thee: this people hath sinned
that had any question, went forth to the
a heinous sin, and they have made to
tabernacle of the covenant, without the
themselves gods of gold: either forgive
them this trespass, camp.
8 And when Moses went forth to the
32 Or if thou do not, strike me out of
tabernacle, all the people rose up, and
the book that thou hast written.
every one stood in the door of his pavil
33 And the Lord answered him: He
ion, and they beheld the back of Moses,
that hath sinned against me, him will I
till he went into the tabernacle.
strike out of my book:
9 And when he was gone into the taber
34 But go thou, and lead this people
nacle of the covenant, the pillar of the
whither I have told thee: my angel shall
cloud came down, and stood at the door,
go before thee. And I in the day of re and he spoke with Moses.
venge will visit this sin also of theirs.
10 And all saw that the pillar of the
35 The Lord therefore struck the peo
cloud stood at the door of the taber
ple for the guilt on occasion of the calf
which Aaron had made.
nacle. And they stood, and worshipped
at the doors of their tents.
CHAPTER 33 11 And the Lord spoke to Moses face
The people mourn for their sin. Mosec pitcheth the
tabernacle without the camp. He converseth fa to face, as a man is wont to speak to his
miliarly with God. Desireth to see his glory. friend. And when he returned into the
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: camp, his servant Josue the son of Nun,
A^DGo, get thee up from this place, a young man, departed not from the
thou and thy people which thou hast tabernacle. ^

h Dent. 33. 9. t Gen. 12. 7. j Supra 32. 34. It Deut. 7. 22 ;

Jos. 24. 11 I Supra 32. 9 ; Deut. 9. 13.

CHAP. 33. Ver. 11. Face to face. That is, in a of the scriptures, God is said to know such as he
most familiar manner. Thoujrh as we learn from approves and loves and to know by name, those

this very chapter, Moses could not see the face of whom he favours in a most singular manner, as he
the Lord. did his servant Mos>s.
Ver. 12. / know thee by name. In the language
EXODUS The tables are renewed
12 And Moses said to the Lord: Thou former, and I will write upon them the
commandest me to lead forth this peo words which were in the tables, which
ple: and thou dost not let me know thou brokest.
whom thou wilt send with me, especially 2 Be ready in the morning, that thou
whereas thou hast said: I know thee by mayst forthwith go up into mount Sinai,
name, and thou hast found favour in my and thou shalt stand with me upon the
sight. top of the mount.
13 If therefore I have found favour in
3 Let no man go up with thee: and let
thy sight, shew me thy face, that I may not any man be seen throughout all the
know thee, and may find grace before mount: neither let the oxen nor the
thy eyes: look upon thy people this sheep feed over against it.
4 Then he cut out two tables of stone,
14 And the Lord said: My face shall go
such as had been before: and rising very
before thee, and I will give thee rest.
15 And Moses said: If thou thyself early he went up into the mount Sinai
as the Lord had commanded him, carry
dost not go before, bring us not out of
this place. ing with him the tables.
16 Forhow shall we be able to know, 5 And when the Lord was come down
I and thy people, that we have found in a cloud, Moses stood with him, calling
grace in thy sight, unless thou walk with upon the name of the Lord.
us, that we may be glorified by all peo 6 And when he passed before him, he
ple that dwell upon the earth ? said: O the Lord, the Lord God, merci
17 And the Lord said to Moses: This ful and gracious, patient and of much
word also, which thou hast spoken, will compassion, and true,
I do: for thou hast found grace before 7 Who keepest mercy unto thousands:
me, and thee I have known by name. who takest away iniquity, and wicked
18 And he said: Shew me thy glory. ness, and sin, P and no man of himself is
19 He answered: I will shew thee all innocent before thee. ?Who renderest
good, and I will proclaim in the name of the iniquity of the fathers to the chil
the Lord before thee: and I will have dren, and to the grandchildren, unto the
mercy on whom I will, and I will be mer third and fourth generation.
ciful to whom it shall
please me. 8 And Moses making haste, bowed
20 And again he said: Thou canst not down prostrate unto the earth, and ador
see my face: for man shall not see me ing,
and live. 9 Said: If I have found grace in thy
21 And again he Behold there is asaid : sight: Lord, I beseech thee, that thou
place with me, and thou shalt stand upon wilt go with us, (for it is a stiffnecked
the rock. people,) and take away our iniquities
22 And when my
glory shall pass, I will and sin, and possess us.
set thee in a hole of the rock, and pro 10 The Lord answered: r l will make a
tect thee with my
right hand, till I pass: covenant in the sight of all. I will do
23 And I will take away hand, and my signs such as were never seen upon
thou shalt see my back parts: but my earth, nor in any nations: that this peo
face thou canst not see. ple, in the midst of
whom thou art, may
CHAPTER 34 see the terrible work of the Lord which
The tables are renewed: all society with the Cha- I will do.
naanites forbid: some precepts concerning the
is 11 Observe all things which this day I
firstborn, the sabbath, and other feasts : after forty thee: I myself will drive out
days fast, Moses returneth to the people with the command
commandments, and his face appearing horned before thy face the Amorrhite, and the
with rays of light, he covereth it, whensover he
speaketh to the people.
Chanaanite, and the Hethite, and the
AND after this he said: * Hew thee Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu-
/V. two tables of stone like unto the site.
Q Deut. 9 Jer. 32. 18.
m Rom. 9. 15. n Deut. 10. 1. r Deut.
6. 2

; Jer. 32. 40. .

o Deut. 5. 10 ; Jer. 32. 18. P Ps. 142. 2.

back parts. The Lord by his assumed corporeal form not in the face, the rays of

Ver. 23. See my which were too bright for mortal eye to bear, but to
angel, usually spoke to Moses in the pillar of the
cloud so that he could not see the glory of him that view him as it were behind, when his face wa
turned from him.

spoke familiarly with him. In the vision here men

tioned he was allowed to see something ot him. in an

Precepts to be observed EXODUS Moses comes down from the mount
12 Beware thou never join in friend 25 *Thou shalt not offer the blood of
ship with the inhabitants of that land, my sacrifice upon leaven: neither shall
which may be thy ruin: there remain in the morning any thing
13 But destroy their altars, break their of the victim of the solemnity of the
statues, and cut down their groves: Phase.
26 The first of the fruits of thy ground
14 Adore not any strange god. The Lord
thou shalt offer in the house of the Lord
his name is Jealous, he is a jealous God.
15 * Make no covenant with the men thy God. v Thou shalt not boil a kid in
the milk of his dam.
of those countries lest, when they have
27 And the Lord said to Moses: Write
committed fornication with their gods,
thee these words by which I have made a
and have adored their idols, some one
thee to eat of the things sacrificed.
covenant both with thee and with Israel.
16 Neither shalt thou take of their
* 28 And he was there with the Lord
forty days and forty nights he neither
daughters a wife for thy son, lest after

ate bread nor drank water, and he wrote

they themselves have committed forni
cation, they make thy sons also to com
upon the tables the ten words of the
mit fornication with their gods.
29 And when Moses came down from
17 Thou shalt not make to thyself any
the mount Sinai, he held the two tables
molten gods.
of the testimony, and he knew not that
18 Thou shalt keep the feast of the un
his face was horned from the conversa
leavened bread. Seven days shalt thou
tion of the Lord.
eat unleavened bread, as I commanded
thee in the time of the month of the new 30 And Aaron and the children of Is
rael seeing the face of Moses horned,
corn: for in the month of the spring
time thou earnest out from Egypt. were afraid to come near.
19 u All of the male kind, that openeth 31 And being called by him, they re
the womb, shall be mine. Of all beasts, turned, both Aaron and the rulers of the
both of oxen and of sheep, it shall be congregation. And after that he spoke
mine. to them.
20 The firstling of an ass thou shalt re 32 And all the children of Israel came
deem with a sheep: but if thou wilt not tohim: and he gave them in command
ment all that he had heard of the Lord
give a price for it, it shall be slain. The
firstborn of thy sons thou shalt redeem:
in mount Sinai.
neither shalt thou appear before me 33 And having done speaking, & he put
a upon his face.
21 Six days shalt thou work, the sev
34 But when he went in to the Lord,
enth day thou shalt cease to plough, and and spoke with him, he took it away
until he came forth, and then he spoke
to reap.
to the children of Israel all things that
22 v Thou shalt keep the feast of weeks
with the firstfruits of the corn of thy had been commanded him.
wheat harvest, and the feast when the 35 And they saw that the face of Moses
time of the year returneth that all things when he came out was horned, but he
are laid in. covered his face again, if at any time he
23 w Three times in the year all thy spoke to them.
males shall appear in the sight of the CHAPTER 35
Almighty Lord the God of Israel. The sabbath. Offerings for making the tabernacle
24 For when I shall have taken away Beseleel and Ooliab are called to the work.
the nations from thy face, and shall have ND all the multitude of the children
enlarged thy borders, no man shall lie in _
of Israel being gathered together,
wait against thy land when thou shalt go he said to them: These are the things
up, and appear in the sight of the Lord Which the Lord hath commanded to be
thy God thrice in a year. done.
8 Supra 23. 32 Deut. 7. 2.
; x Supra 23. 18 and 19.
t 3 Kings 11. 2 Deut. 7. 3.
; y Supra 23. 19 Deut. 14. 21.

u Supra 13. 2, 12, and 22. 29. v Supra 23 15 e Supra 24. 18 Deut. 9. 9. and 18.

w Supra 23. 17 Deut. 16. 16.

; a Deut. 4. 13. 6 2 Cor. 3. 13.

CHAP. Ver. 29. Horned. That is shining, and sending forth rays of light like horns.
Offerings for the tabernacle EXODUS Beseleel and Ooliab
2 Six days you shall do work: the sev 20 And all the multitude of the chil
enth day shall be holy unto you, the sab dren of Israel going out from the pres
bath, and the rest of the Lord: he that ence of Moses,
shall do any work on it, shall be put to
21 Offered firstfruits to the Lord with
death. a most ready and devout mind, to make
3 You shall kindle no fire in any of the work of the tabernacle of the testi
your habitations on the sabbath day. mony. Whatsoever was necessary to the
4 And Moses said to all the assembly service, and to the holy vestments,
of the children of Israel: This is the 22 Both men and women gave bracelets
word the Lord hath commanded, saying: and earrings, rings and tablets: every
5 Set aside with you firstfruits to the vessel of gold was set aside to be of
Lord. d Let fered to the Lord.
every one that is willing
and hath a ready heart, offer them to the 23 If any man had violet, and purple,
Lord: gold, and silver, and brass, and scarlet twice dyed, fine linen and
6 Violet and purple, and scarlet twice goats hair, rams skins dyed red, and
dyed, and fine linen, goats hair, violet coloured skins,
7 And rams skins dyed red, and violet 24 Metal of silver and brass, they of
coloured skins, setim wood, fered it to the Lord, and setim wood for
8 And oil to maintain lights, and to divers uses.
make ointment, and most sweet incense. 25 The skilful women also gave such
9 Onyx stones, and precious stones, for things as they had spun, violet, purple,
the adorning of the ephod and the ra and scarlet, and fine linen,
tional. 26 And goats hair, giving all of their
10 Whosoever of you is wise, let him own accord.
come, and make that which the Lord 27 But the princes offered onyx stones,
hath commanded: and precious stones, for the ephod and
11 To wit, the tabernacle and the roof the rational,
thereof, and the cover, the rings, and 28 And spices and oil for the lights,
the board work with the oars, the pillars, and for the preparing of ointment, and
and the sockets: to make the incense of most sweet sa
12 The ark and the staves, the propitia vour.
tory, and the veil that is drawn before 29 All both men and women with de
it: vout mind offered gifts, that the works
18 The table with the bars and the ves might be done which the Lord had com
sels,and the loaves of proposition: manded by the hand of Moses. All the
14 The candlesticks to bear up the children of Israel dedicated voluntary
lights, the vessels thereofand the lamps, offerings to the Lord.
and the for the nourishing of fires:
oil 30 And Moses said to the children of
15 The altar of incense, and the bars, Israel c Behold the Lord hath called by

and the oil of unction and the incense of name Beseleel the son of Uri the son of
spices: the hanging at the door of the
Hur of the tribe of Juda.
tabernacle: 31 And hath filled him with the spirit
16 The altar of holocaust, and its grate of God, with wisdom and understanding
of brass, with the bars and vessels there and knowledge and all learning.
of: the laver and its foot: 32 To devise and to work in gold and
17 The curtains of the court with the silver and brass,
pillars and the sockets, the hanging in 33 And in engraving stones, and in car
the doors of the entry, penters work. Whatsoever can be de
18 The pins of the tabernacle and of vised artificially,
the court with their little cords: 34 He hath given in his heart: Ooliab
19 The vestments that are to be used also the son of Achisamech of the tribe
in the ministry of the sanctuary, the of Dan:
vesture of Aaron the high priest, and of 35 Both of them hath he instructed with
his sons, to do the office of priesthood wisdom, to do carpenters work, and
ta me. tapestry, and embroidery in blue and

d Supra 25. 2.
e Supra 81. 2.

Liberality of the people EXODUS Making the tabernacle

purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine of gold, that might catch the loops of
linen, and to weave all things, and to the curtains, and they might be made
invent all new things. one tabernacle.
CHAPTER 36 14 He made also eleven curtains of
The offerings are delivered workmen, the cur
to the goats hair, to cover the roof of the tab
tains, coverings, boards, bars, veil, pillars, and ernacle:
hanging are made. One curtain was
15 thirty cubits long
therefore, and Ooliab, and four cubits broad: all the curtains
and every wise man, to whom the were of one measure.
Lord gave wisdom and understanding, to 16 Five of which he joined apart, and
know how to work artificially, made ff the
the other six apart.
things that are necessary for the uses of
the sanctuary, and which the Lord com 17 And he made fifty loops in the edge
manded. of one curtain, and fifty in the edge of
another curtain, that they might be
2 h And when Moses had called them,
joined one to another.
and every skilful man, to whom the Lord 18 And fifty buckles of brass wherewith
had given wisdom, and such as of their the roof might be knit together, that of
own accord had offered themselves to the all the curtains there might be made
making of the work, one covering.
3 He delivered all the offerings of the 19 He made also a cover for the taber
children of Israel unto them. And while nacle of rams skins dyed red: and an
they were earnest about the work, the other cover over that of violet skins.
people daily in the morning offered their 20 He made also the boards of the tab
vows. ernacle of setim wood standing.
4 Whereupon the workmen being con 21 The length of one board was ten
strained to come, cubits: and the breadth was one cubit
5 Said to Moses: The people offereth and a half.
more than is necessary. 22 There were two mortises throughout
6 Moses therefore commanded procla every board, that one might be joined to
mation to be made by the crier s voice: the other. And in this manner he made
Let neither man nor woman offer any for all the boards of the tabernacle.
more for the work of the sanctuary. 23 Of which twenty were at the south
And so they ceased from offering gifts, side southward,
7 Because the things that were offered 24 With forty sockets of silver, two
did suffice, and were too much. sockets were put under one board on
8 And all the men that were wise of the two sides of the corners, where the
heart, to accomplish the work of the mortises of the sides end in the corners.
tabernacle, made ten curtains of twisted 25 At that side also of the tabernacle,
fine linen, and violet, and purple, and that looketh toward the north, he made
scarlet twice dyed, with varied work, twenty boards.
and the art of embroidering: 26 With forty sockets of silver, two
9 The length of one curtain was twenty- sockets for every board.
eight cubits, and the breadth four: all 27 But against the west, to wit, at that
the curtains were of the same size. side of the tabernacle, which looketh to
10 And he joined five curtains, one to the sea, he made six boards,
another, and the other five he coupled 28 And two others at each corner of
one to another. the tabernacle behind:
11 He made also loops of violet in the 29 Which were also joined from be
edge of one curtain on both sides, and in neath unto the top, and went together
the edge of the other curtain in like into one joint. Thus he did on both sides
manner, at the corners:
12 That the loops might meet one 30 So there were in all eight boards,
against another, and might be joined and they had sixteen sockets of silver,
each with the other. to wit, two sockets under every board.
13 Whereupon also he cast fifty rings 31 He made also bars of setim wood,

g Supra 26. 1. h 1 Par. 21. 29.

The ark and the propitiatory EXODUS The candlestick
five to hold together the boards of one 8 One cherub the top of one side,
side of the tabernacle, and the other cherub in the
top of the
32 And five others to join together the other side: two cherubims at the two
boards of the other side: and besides ends of the propitiatory,
these, five other bars at the west side of 9 Spreading their
the tabernacle towards the sea. wings, and covering
the propitiatory, and
looking one to
33 He made also another bar, that wards the other, and towards it.
might come by the midst of the boards 10 He made also the table of setim
from corner to corner. wood, in length two cubits, and in
34 And the board works themselves breadth one cubit, and in height it was
he overlaid with gold, casting for them a cubit and a half.
sockets of silver. And their rings he 11 And he overlaid it with the finest
made of gold, through which the bars
gold, and he made to it a golden ledge
might be drawn: and he covered the bars round about.
themselves with plates of gold.
35 He made also a veil of violet, and 12 And to the ledge itself he made a
polished crown of gold, of four fingers
purple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen,
varied and distinguished with embroid breadth, and upon the same another
golden crown.
36 And four pillars of setim wood, which 13 And he cast four rings of gold, which
with their heads he overlaid with gold, he put in the four corners at each foot
of the table.
casting for them sockets of silver.
37 He made also a hanging in the entry 14 Over against the crown: and he put
of the tabernacle of violet, purple, scar the bars into them, that the table might
let, and fine twisted linen, with the work be carried.
of an embroiderer. 15 And the bars also themselves he
38 And five pillars with their heads, made of setim wood, and overlaid them
which he covered with gold, and their with gold,
sockets he cast of brass. 16 And the vessels for the divers uses
of the table, dishes, bowls, and cups, and
CHAPTER 37 censers of pure gold, wherein the liba
maketh the ark: the tions are to be offered.
propitiatory, and cher
ubims, the table, the candlestick, the lamps, and 17 He made also the candlestick of
the altar of incense, and compoundeth the incense.
beaten work of the finest gold. From
Beseleel made also the ark of the shaft whereof its branches, its cups,
AsDsetim wood: it was two cubits and and bowls, and lilies came out:
a half in length, and a cubit and a half 18 Six on the two sides: three branches
in breadth, and the height was of one on one side, and three on the other.
cubit and a half: and he overlaid it with 19 Three cups in manner of a nut on
the purest gold within and without. each branch, and bowls withal and lilies;
2 And he made to it a crown of gold and three cups of the fashion of a nut in
round about, another branch, and bowls withal and
3 Casting four rings of gold at the four lilies. The work of the six branches
corners thereof: two rings in one side, that went out from the shaft of the can
and two in the other. dlestick was equal.
4 And he made bars of setim wood, 20 And in the shaft itself were four
which he overlaid with gold, cups after the manner of a nut, and
5 And he put them into the rings that bowls withal at every one, and lilies:
were at the sides of the ark to carry it. 21 And bowls under two branches in
6 He made also the propitiatory, that three places, which together make six
is, the oracle, of the purest gold, two branches going out from one shaft.
cubits and a half in length, and a cubit 22 So both the bowls, and the branches
and a half in breadth. were of the same, all beaten work of
7 Two cherubims also of beaten gold, the purest gold.
which he set on the two sides of the pro 23 He made also the seven lamps with
pitiatory : their snuffers, and the vessels where the

The altar of holocaust EXODUS The court of the tabernacle

snuffings were to be put out, of the pur side whereof were hangings of fine twist
est gold. ed linen, of a hundred cubits,
10 Twenty pillars of brass with their
24 The candlestick with all the vessels
thereof weighed a talent of gold. sockets, the heads of the pillars, and the
whole graving of the work, of silver.
25 He made also the altar of incense of 11 In like manner at the north side the
setim wood, being a cubit on every side
hangings, the pillars, and the sockets
foursquare, and in height two cubits: and heads of the pillars were of the same
from the corners of which went out
measure, and work and metal.
12 But on that side that looketh to the
26 And he overlaid it with the purest
west, there were hangings of fifty cubits,
gold, with its grate and the sides, and ten pillars of brass with their sockets,
the horns. and the heads of the pillars, and all the
27 And he made to it a crown of gold graving of the work of silver.
round about, and two golden rings under 13 Moreover towards the east he pre
the crown at each side, that the bars pared hangings of fifty cubits:
might be put into them, and the altar 14 Fifteen cubits of which were on one
be carried. side with three pillars, and their sockets :

28 And the bars themselves he made 15 And on the other side (for between
also of setim wood, and overlaid them the two he made the entry of the tab
with plates of gold. ernacle) there were hangings equally of
29 He compounded also the oil for the fifteen cubits, and three pillars, and as
ointment of sanctification, and incense of many sockets.
the purest spices, according to the work 16 All the hangings of the court were
of a perfumer. woven with twisted linen.
17 The sockets of the pillars were of
CHAPTER 38 brass, and their heads with all their
He makith the altar of holocaust. The brazen gravings of silver: and he overlaid the
laver. The court with its pillars and hangings. pillars of the court also with silver.
The sum of what the people offered.
18 And he made in the entry thereof
made i also the altar of holo fc
an embroidered hanging of violet, pur
HE caust of setim wood, five cubits
square, and three in height:
ple, scarlet, and fine twisted linen, that
was twenty cubits long, and five cubits
2 The horns whereof went out from the high according to the measure of all the
corners, and he overlaid it with plates of hangings of the court.
brass. 19 And the pillars in the entry were
3 And for the uses thereof, he prepared four with sockets of brass, and their
divers vessels of brass, cauldrons, tongs, heads and gravings of silver.
fleshhooks, pothooks, and firepans. 20 The pins also of the tabernacle and
4 And he made the grate thereof of of the court round about he made of
brass, in manner of a net, and under it brass.
in the midst of the altar a hearth, 21 These are the instruments of the
5 Casting four rings at the four ends tabernacle of the testimony, which were
of the net at the top, to put in bars to counted according to the commandment
carry it. of Moses, in the ceremonies of the Le-
6 And he madethe bars of setim wood, vites, by the hand of Ithamar son of
and overlaid them with plates of brass: Aaron the priest:
7 And he drew them through the rings 22 Which Beseleel the son of Uri the
that stood out in the sides of the altar. son of Hur of the tribe of Juda had
And the altar itself was not solid, but made as the Lord commanded by Moses,
hollow, of boards, and empty within. 23 Having for his companion Ooliab the
8 He made also the laver of brass, with son of Achisamech of the tribe of Dan:
the foot thereof, of the mirrors of the who also was an excellent artificer in
women that watched at the door of the wood, and worker in tapestry and em
tabernacle. broidery in violet, purple, scarlet, and
9 He made also the court, in the south fine linen.

j B. C. 1444. k 2 Par. 1. 5. I Supra 27. 8.

The amount of the offerings EXODUS Vesture of Aaron and his sons
24 All the gold that was spent in the fast set and closed in gold, and graven
work of the sanctuary, and that was by the art of a lapidary, with the names
offered in gifts was nine and twenty of the children of Israel:
talents, and seven hundred and thirty 7 And he set them in the sides of the
sides according to the standard of the
ephod for a memorial of the children of
sanctuary. the Lord had commanded
Israel, as
25 And it was offered by them that Moses.
went to be numbered, from twenty years
8 He made also a rational with embroid
old and upwards, of six hundred and
ered work, according to the work of the
three thousand five hundred and fifty
men able to bear arms. ephod, of gold, violet, purple, and scarlet
twice dyed, and fine twisted linen,
26 There were moreover a hundred tal
ents of silver, whereof were cast the 9 Foursquare, double, of the measure
sockets of the of a span.
sanctuary, and of the
entry where the veil hangeth. 10 And he set four rows of precious
27 A
hundred sockets were made of a stones in it. In the first row was a sar-
hundred talents, one talent being reck dius, a topaz, an emerald.
oned for every socket. 11 In the second, a carbuncle, a sap
28 And of the thousand seven hundred phire, and a jasper.
and seventy-five he made the heads of 12 In the third, a ligurius, an agate,
the pillars, which also he overlaid with and an amethyst.
13 In the fourth, a chrysolite, an onyx,
29 And there were offered of brass also
and a beryl, set and enclosed in gold by
seventy-two thousand talents, and four
their rows.
hundred sides besides.
30 Of which were cast the sockets in 14 And the twelve stones were engraved
the entry of the tabernacle of the testi with the names of the twelve tribes of
Israel, each one with its several name.
mony, and the altar of brass with the
15 They made also in the rational little
grate thereof, and all the vessels that
chains linked one to another of the pur
belong to the use thereof.
est gold.
31 And the sockets of the court as well
round about as in the entry thereof, and 16 And two hooks, and as many rings
the pins of the tabernacle and of the of gold. And they set the rings on
court round about. either side of the rational,
17 On which rings the two golden
CHAPTER 39 chains should hang, which they put into
the hooks that stood out in the corners
All ornaments of Aaron and his sons are
made. And the whole work of the tabernacle is of the ephod.
finished. 18 These both before and behind so an
AND he made, m of violet and purple, swered one another, that the ephod and
scarlet and fine linen, the vestments the rational were bound together,
for Aaron to wear when he ministered in 19 Being fastened to the girdle and
the holy places, as the Lord commanded strongly coupled with rings, which a vio
let fillet joined, lest they should flag
2 So he made an ephod of gold, violet, loose,and be moved one from the other,
and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and as the Lord commanded Moses.
fine twisted linen. 20 They made also the tunick of the
3 With embroidered work: and he cut ephod all of violet,
thin plates of gold, and drew them small 21 And a hole for the head in the upper
part at the middle, and a woven
into threads, that they might be twisted
with the woof of the aforesaid colours, round about the hole:
4 And two borders coupled one to the 22 And beneath at the feet pomegran
other in the top on either side, ates of violet, purple, scarlet, and fine
5 And a girdle of the same colours, as twisted linen:
the Lord had commanded Moses. 23 And little bells of the purest gold,
6 He prepared also two onyx stones, which they put between the pomegran-

m Supra 28. 6.

The zvork completed EXODUS The tabernacle to be set up

ates at the bottom of the tunick round to wit, Aaron and his sons, used in the
about : sanctuary,
42 The children of Israel offered as the
24 To wit, a bell of gold, and a pome
Lord had commanded.
granate, wherewith the high priest went
43 And when Moses saw all things fin
adorned, when he discharged his minis
ished, he blessed them.
try, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
25 They made also fine linen tunicks CHAPTER 40
with woven work for Aaron and his sons:
The tabernacle is commanded to be set up and
26 And mitres with their little crowns anointed. God fitteth it with his majesty.
of fine linen: ND the Lord spoke to Moses, say-
27 And linen breeches of fine linen: ing:
28 And a girdle of fine twisted linen, 2 The first month, the first day of the
violet, purple, and scarlet twice dyed, of month, thou shalt set up the tabernacle
embroidery work, as. the Lord had com of the testimony,
manded Moses. 3 And shalt put the ark in it, and shalt
29 They made also the plate of sacred let down the veil before it:
veneration of the purest gold, and they 4 And thou shalt bring in the table, and
wrote on it with the engraving of a lapi set upon it the things that are command
dary, The Holy of the Lord: ed according to the rite. The candle
30 And they fastened it to the mitre stick shall stand with its lamps,
with a violet fillet, as the Lord had com 5 And the altar of gold whereon the
manded Moses. incense is burnt, before the ark of the
31 So all the work of the tabernacle testimony. Thou shalt put the hanging
and of the roof of the testimony was fin in the entry of the tabernacle,
ished: and the children of Israel did all 6 And before it the altar of holocaust:
things which the Lord had commanded 7 The laver between the altar and the
Moses. tabernacle, and thou shalt fill it with
32 And they offered the tabernacle and water.
the roof and the whole furniture, the 8 And thou shalt encompass the court
rings, the boards, the bars, the pillars, with hangings, and the entry thereof.
and their sockets: 9 And thou shalt take the oil of unction
33 The cover of rams skins dyed red, and anoint the tabernacle with its ves
and the other cover of violet skins: sels, that they may be sanctified:
34 The veil, the ark, the bars, the pro 10 The altar of holocaust and all its
pitiatory : vessels:
35 The table, with the vessels thereof, 11 The laver with its foot: thou shalt
and the loaves of proposition: consecrate all with the oil of unction,
36 The candlestick, the lamps, and the that they may be most holy.
furniture of them with the oil: 12 And thou shalt bring Aaron and his
37 The altar of gold, and the ointment, sons to the door of the tabernacle of the
and the incense of spices: testimony, and having washed them with
38 And the hanging in the entry of the water,
tabernacle: 13 Thou shalt put on them the holy
39 The altar of brass, the grate, the vestments, that they may minister to
bars, and all the vessels thereof: the me, and that the unction of them may
laver with the foot thereof: the hang prosper to an everlasting priesthood.
ings of the court, and the pillars with 14 And Moses did all that the Lord had
their sockets: commanded.
40 The hanging in the entry of the 15 So in the first month of the second
court, and the little cords, and the pins year, the first day of the month, the
thereof. Nothing was wanting of the tabernacle was set up.
vessels, that were commanded to be made 16 P And Moses reared it up, and placed
for the ministry of the tabernacle, and the boards and the sockets and the bars,
for the roof of the covenant. and set up the pillars,
41 The vestments also, which the priests, 17 And spread the roof over the taber-
n Supra 28. 35 ; Lev. 8. 2. p Num. 7. 1.

All things are set in place LEVITICUS The cloud covers the tabernacle

nacle, putting over it a cover, as the caust, and the sacrifices upon it, as the
Lord had commanded. Lord had commanded.
18 And he put the testimony in the ark, 28 And he set the laver between the
thrusting bars underneath, and the oracle tabernacle of the testimony and the al
above. tar, filling it with water.
19 And when he had brought the ark 29 And Moses and Aaron, and his sons
into the tabernacle, he drew the veil be washed their hands and feet,
fore it to fufil the commandment of the 30 When they went into the tabernacle
Lord. of the covenant, and went to the altar,
20 And he set the table in the taber as the Lord had commanded Moses.
nacle of the testimony at the north side 31 He set up also the court round about
without the veil, the tabernacle and the altar, drawing
21 Setting there in order the loaves of the hanging in the entry thereof. After
proposition, as the Lord had commanded all things were perfected,
Moses. 32 9 The cloud covered the tabernacle
22 He set the candlestick also in the of the testimony, and the glory of the
tabernacle of the testimony over against Lord filled it.
the table on the south side, 33 Neither could Moses go into the
23 Placing the lamps in order, accord tabernacle of the covenant, the cloud
ing to the precept of the Lord. covering all things and the majesty of
24 He set also the altar of gold under the Lord shining, for the cloud had cov
the roof of the testimony over against ered all.
the veil, 34 If at any time the cloud removed
25 And burnt upon it the incense of from the tabernacle, the children of
spices, as the Lord had commanded Israel went forward by their troops:
Moses. 35 If it hung over, they remained in
26 And he put also the hanging in the the same place.
entry of the tabernacle of the testi 36 For the cloud of the Lord hung over
mony, the tabernacle by day, and a fire by
27 And the altar of holocaust of the night, in the sight of all the children of
entry of the testimony, offering the holo Israel throughout all their mansions.

This Book is called LEVITICUS, because it treats of the Offices, Ministries, Rites and
Ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The Hebrews call it VAICRA, from the word
with which it begins.

CHAPTER 1 thou shalt say to them: The man among

Of holocausts or burnt offerings you that shall offer to the Lord a sacri
of the cattle, that is, offering victims
AND the Lord called Moses, and spoke fice
of oxen and sheep,
J\ to him from the tabernacle of the
r 3 * If his offering be a holocaust, and of
testimony, saying:
the herd, he shall offer a male without
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and
r B. C. 1445. a Ex. 29. 10.
q Num. 9. 15 ;
3 Kings 8. 10.

to God
CHAP. 1. Ver. 3. A holocaust, that is, a whole graces. So that sac rifices were then offered
for four different ends or intentions, answerable
burnt offering (olokauston) so called, because the
which man has to God:
whole victim was consumed with fire and Riven in the different obligations
and glory due
such manner to God as wholly to evaporate, as i By way of adoration, homage, praise
to his divine majesty. 2. By way of
thanksgiving for
were, for his honour and glory; without having any of confess
all benefits received from him. 3. By way
part of it reserved for the use of man. The other
ing and craving pardon for sins. 4. By way
of prayer
sacrifices of thp Old Testament were either offerings
for sin, or peace offerings: and these latter agau
and petition for grace and relief in all necessity
the New Law we have but one sacrifice, vit., tn
were either offered in thanksgiving for blessings In
this one acri-
01 of the body and blood of Christ: but
received; or by way of prayer for new favours

The holocaust or burnt offerings LEVITICUS Offerings of flout
blemish, at the door of the testimony, to 17 And he
shall break the pinions there
make the Lord favourable to him :
of, and shall not cut, nor divide it with a
4 And he shall put his hand upon the knife, and shall burn it upon the altar,
head of the victim, and it shall be ac putting fire under the wood. It is a
ceptable, and help to its expiation. holocaust and oblation of most sweet
5 And he shall immolate the calf before savour to the Lord.
the Lord, and the priests the sons of
Aaron shall offer the blood thereof, pour
Of and
ing it round about the altar, which is offerings of flour, first fruita

before the door of the tabernacle. any one

shall offer an oblation
6 And when they have flayed the victim, WHEN of sacrifice to the Lord, his offer
they shall cut the joints into pieces, ing shall be of fine flour, and he shall
7 And shall put fire on the altar, having pour oil upon it, and put frankincense,
before laid in order a pile of wood: 2 And shall bring it to the sons ox
8 And they shall lay the parts that are Aaron the and one of them shall
cut out in order thereupon, to wit, the take a handful of the flour and oil, and
head, and all things that cleave to the all the frankincense, and shall put it a

liver, memorial upon the altar for a most sweet

9 The entrails and feet being washed savour to the Lord.
with water: and the priest shall burn 3 And the remnant of the sacrifice

them upon the altar for a holocaust, and shall be Aaron s, and his sons holy of ,

a sweet savour to the Lord. holies of the offerings of the Lord.

10 And if the offering be of the flocks, 4 But when thou offerest a sacrifice
a holocaust of sheep or of goats, he shall baked in the oven of flour, to wit, loaves
offer a male without blemish: without leaven, tempered with oil, and
11 And he shall immolate it at the side unleavened wafers, anointed with oil:
of the altar that looketh to the north, 5 If thy oblation be from the fryingpan,
before the^Lord: but the sons of Aaron of flour tempered with oil, and without
shall pour the blood thereof upon the leaven,
altar round about: 6 That shalt divide it into little pieces,
12 And they shall divide the joints, the and shalt pour oil upon it.
head, and all that cleave to the liver: 7 And if the sacrifice be from the grid
and shall lay them upon the wood, under iron, in like manner the flour shall be
which the fire is to be put: tempered with oil:
13 But the entrails and the feet they 8 And when thou offerest it to the Lord,
shall wash with water. And the priest thou shalt deliver it to the hands of the
shall offer it all and burn it all upon the priest.
altar for a holocaust, and most sweet 9 And when he hath offered it, he shall
savour to the Lord. take a memorial out of the sacrifice, and
14 But if the oblation of a holocaust to burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour
the Lord be of birds, of turtles, or of to the Lord.
young pigeons, 10 And whatsoever is left, shall be
15 The priest shall offer it at the altar: Aaron s and his sons holy of holies of ,

and twisting back the neck, and breaking the offerings of the Lord.
the place of the wound, he shall make 11 Every oblation that is offered to the
the blood run down upon the brim of the Lord shall be made without leaven,
altar. neither shall any leaven or honey be
16 But the crop of the throat, and the burnt in the sacrifice to the Lord.
feathers he shall cast beside the altar at 12 You shall offer only the firstfruits of
the east side, in the place where the them and gifts but they shall not be put

ashes are wont to be poured out, upon the altar, for a savour of sweetness.
M Eccli. 7. 34.
fice of the New Testament perfectly answers all Ver. Without leaven, or honey. No leaven nor
these four ends ; and both priest and people, as honey was to be used in the sacrifice offered to God :

often as it is celebrated, ought to join in offering it to signify that we are to exclude from the pure wor
up for these four ends. ship of the gospel, all double dealing and affection
OHAP. 2. Ver. 3. Holy of holies, that is,most to carnal pleasures.
holy, as being dedicated to God, and set aside by his
ordinance for the uae of his priests.

Peace offerings LEVITICUS Peace offerings
13 Whatsoever sacrifice thou offerest, of his victim: and it shall be slain in the
^ thou shalt season it with salt, neither entry of the tabernacle of the testimony:
shalt thou take away the salt of the and the sons of Aaron shall pour the
covenant of thy God from thy sacrifice. blood thereof round about upon the al
In all thy oblations thou shalt offer salt. tar.
14 But if thou offer a gift of the first- 9 And they shall offer of the victim of
fruits of thy corn to the Lord, of the peace offerings a sacrifice to the Lord:
ears yet green, thou shalt dry it at the the fat and the whole rump,
fire, and break it small like meal, and so 10 With the kidneys, and the fat that
shalt thou offer thy firstfruits to the covereth the belly and all the vitals and
Lord, both the little kidneys, with the fat that
15 Pouring oil upon it and putting on is about the flanks, and the caul of the
frankincense, because it is the oblation liver with the little kidneys.
of the Lord. 11 And the priest shall burn them upon
16 Whereof the priest shall burn for a the altar, for the food of the fire, and of
memorial of the gift, part of the corn the oblation of the Lord.
broken small and of the oil, and all the 12 If his offering be a goat, and he
frankincense. offer it to the Lord,
CHAPTER 3 13 He shall put his hand upon the head
Of peace offerings thereof: and shall immolate it in the en
if his oblation be a sacrifice of try of the tabernacle of the testimony.
A^D peace offerings, and he will offer of And the sons of Aaron shall pour the
the herd, whether male or female, he blood thereof round about upon the altar.
shall offer them without blemish before 14 And they shall take of it for the
the Lord. food of the Lord s fire, the fat that cov
2 And he shall lay his hand upon the ereth the belly, and that covereth all the
head of his victim, which shall be slain vital parts:
in the entry of the tabernacle of the tes 15 The two little kidneys with the caul
timony, and the sons of Aaron the priests that is upon them which is by the flanks,
shall pour the blood round about upon and the fat of the liver with the little
the altar. kidneys:
3 And they shall offer of the sacrifice 16 And the priest shall burn them upon
of peace offerings, for an oblation to the the altar, for the food of the fire, and of
Lord, x the fat that covereth the entrails, a most sweet savour. All the fat shall
and all the fat that is within. be the Lord s.
4 The two kidneys with the fat where 17 By a perpetual law for your genera
with the flanks are covered, and the caul tions, and in all your habitations: neither
of the liver with the two little kidneys. blood nor fat shall you eat at all.
5 And they shall burn them upon the
altar, for a holocaust, putting fire under
the wood: for an oblation of most sweet Of offerings for sins of ignorance
savour to the Lord. the Lord spoke to Moses, say
6 But if his oblation and the sacrifice ASJDing:
of peace offering be of the flock, whether 2 Say to the children of Israel The soul :

he offer male or female, they shall be that sinneth through ignorance, and doth
without blemish. any thing concerning any of the com
7 If he offer a lamb before the Lord, mandments of the Lord, which he com-
mandeth not to be done:
8 He shall put his hand upon the head
x Ex. 29. 13.
v Mark 9. 48.

Ver. In every sacrifice salt was to be the altar of God; other parts were eaten by the
13. Salt.
priests and by the persons for whom the sacrifice
used, which is an emblem of wisdom and discretion,
without which none of our performances are agree was offered.
Ver. 17. Fat. It is meant of the fat, which by the
able to God. on God s
CHAP. 3. Ver. 1. Peace offerings. Peace, in tl prescription of the law was to be offered
altar not of the fat of meat, such as we commonly
scripture language, signifies happiness, welfare or

prosperity in a word, all kind of blessings. Such


on occa CHAP. 4. Ver. 2. Ignorance. To be ignorant of

sacrifices, therefore, as were offered either
sion of blessings received, or to obtain new favours,
what we are bound to know is sinful and for such

were called pacific or peace offerings. In these, culpable iirnorance, these sacrifices, prescribed
this and the following chapter, were appointed.
some part of the victim was consumed with tire on
Sin offerings LEVITICUS Sin offerings

3 If the priest that is anointed shall sin, 16 The priest that is anointed shall
making the people to offend, he shall carry of the blood into the tabernacle of
offer to the Lord for his sin a calf with the testimony.
out blemish. 17 And shall dip his finger in it and
4 And he shall bring it to the door of sprinkle it seven times before the veil.
the testimony before the Lord, and shall 18 And he shall put of the same blood
put his hand upon the head thereof, and on the horns of the altar that is before
shall sacrifice it to the Lord. the Lord, in the tabernacle of the testi
5 He shall take also of the blood of the mony: and the rest of the blood he shall
calf, and carry it into the tabernacle of pour at the foot of the altar of holo
the testimony. caust, which is at the door of the taber
6 And having dipped his finger in the nacle of the testimony.
blood, he shall sprinkle with it seven 19 And the fat thereof he shall take
times before the Lord, before the veil of off, and shall burnit upon the altar:
the sanctuary. 20 Doing so with this calf, as he did
7 And he shall put some of the same also with that before: and the priest
blood upon the horns of the altar of the praying for them, the Lord will be mer
sweet incense most acceptable to the ciful unto them.
Lord, which is in the tabernacle of the 21 But the calf itself he shall carry
testimony. And he shall pour all the forth without the camp, and shall burn
rest of the blood at the foot of the altar it as he did the former calf: because it
of holocaust in the entry of the taber is for the sin of the multitude.
nacle. 22 If a prince shall sin, and through
8 And heshall take off the fat of the ignorance do any one of the things that
calf for the sin offering, as well that the law of the Lord forbiddeth,
which covereth the entrails, as all the 23 And afterwards shall come to know
inwards : his sin, he shall offer a buck goat with
9 The two little kidneys, and the caul out blemish, a sacrifice to the Lord.
that is upon them, which is by the flanks, 24 And he shall put his hand upon the
and the fat of the liver with the little head thereof: and when he hath immo
kidneys, lated it in the place where the holocaust
10 As it taken off from the calf of the
is is wont to be slain before the Lord, be
sacrifice of peace offerings, and he shall cause it is for sin,
burn them upon the altar of holocaust. 25 The priest shall dip his finger in thf,
11 But the skin and all the flesh with blood of the victim for sin, touching
the head and the feet and the bowels therewith" the horns of the altar of holo
and the dung, caust, and pouring out the rest at the
12 And the rest of the body he shall foot thereof.
carry forth without the camp into a clean 26 But the fat he shall burn upon it, as
place where the ashes are wont to be is wont to be done with the victims of
poured out, and he shall burn them upon peace offerings: and the priest shall pray
a pile of wood, they shall be burnt in the fpr him, and for his sin, and it shall be
place where the ashes are poured out. forgiven him.
13 And if all the multitude of Israel 27 And if any one of the people of the
shall be ignorant, and through ignorance land shall sin through ignorance, doing
shall do that which is against the com any of those things that by the law of
mandment of the Lord, the Lord are forbidden, and offending,
14 And afterwards shall understand 28 And shall come to know his sin, he
their sin, they shall offer for their sin a shall offer a she goat without blemish.
calf, and shall bring it to the door of the 29 And he shall put his hand upon the
tabernacle. head of the victim that is for sin, and
15 And the ancients of the people shall shall immolate it in the place of the
put their hands upon the head thereof holocaust.
before the Lord. And the calf being im 30 And the priest shall take of the
molated in the sight of the Lord, blood with his finger, and shall touch the
Ver. 6. The blood. As the figure of the blood of Christ shed for the remission of our sins, and carried
by him into the sanctuary of heaven.

Other sacrifices for sins LEVITICUS Other sacrifices for sins
horns of the altar of holocaust, and shall I But if he be not able to offer a beast,
pour out the rest at the foot thereof. let himoffer two turtles, or two young
31 But taking off all the fat, as is wont
pigeons to the Lord, one for sin, and the
to be taken away of the victims of peace other for a holocaust,
offerings, he shall burn it upon the altar, 8 And he shall give them to the
for a sweet savour to the Lord: and he priest:
who shall offer the first for sin, and twist
shall pray for him, and it shall be for
back the head of it to the little
given him. pinions,
so that it stick to the neck, and be not
32 But if he offer of the flock a victim
for his sin, to wit, an ewe without blem altogether broken off.
9 And of its blood he shall sprinkle the
side of the altar, and whatsoever is left,
33 He shall put his hand upon the head
he shall let it drop at the bottom there
thereof, and shall immolate it in the
of, because it is for sin.
place where the victims of holocausts are
wont to be slain. 10 And the other he shall bum for a
34 And
the priest shall take of the holocaust, as is wont to be done: and
blood thereof with his finger, and shall the priest shall pray for him, and for his
touch the horns of the altar of holocaust, sin, and it shall be forgiven him.
and the rest he shall pour out at the II And
if his hand be not able to offer
foot thereof. two turtles, or two young pigeons, he
35 All the fat also he shall take dff, as shall offer for his sin the tenth part of
the fat of the ram that is offered for an ephi of flour. He shall not put oil
peace offerings is wont to be taken away: upon it, nor put any frankincense there
and shall burn it upon the altar, for a on, because it is for sin:
burnt sacrifice of the Lord: and he shall 12 And he shall deliver it to the priest:
pray for him arid for his sin, and it shall who shall take a handful thereof, and
be forgiven him. shall burnit upon the altar for a memo

rial of him that offered it:
13 Praying for him and making atone
Of other sacrifices for sins ment: but the part that is left, he him
any one sin, and hear the voice of self shall have for a gift.
IFone swearing, and is a witness either 14 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
because he himself hath seen, or is privy 15 If any one shall sin through mistake,
to it: if he do not utter it, he shall bear transgressing the ceremonies in those
his iniquity, things that are sacrificed to the Lord, he
2 Whosoever toucheth any unclean shall offer for his offence a ram without
thing, either that which hath been killed blemish out of the flocks, that may be
by a beast, or died of itself, or any other bought for two sides, according to the
creeping thing: and forgetteth his un- weight of the sanctuary:
cleanness, he is guilty, and hath offended: 16 And he shall make good the damage
3 And if he touch any thing of the un- itself which he hath done, and shall add
cleanness of man, according to any un- the fifth part besides, delivering it to the
cleanness wherewith he is wont to be priest, who shall pray for him, offering
defiled, and having forgotten it, come the ram, and it shall be forgiven him.
afterwards to know it, he shall be guilty 17 If any one sin through ignorance,
of an offence. and do one of those things which by the
4 The person that sweareth, and utter- law of the Lord are forbidden, and being
eth with his lips, that he would do either guilty of sin, understand his iniquity,
evil or good, and bindeth the same with 18 He shall offer of the flocks a ram
an oath, and his word, and having for without blemish to the priest, according
gotten it afterwards understandeth his to the measure and estimation of the
offence, sin: and the priest shall pray for him,
5 Let him do penance for his sin, because he did it ignorantly: and it
6 And offer of the flocks an ewe lamb, shall be forgiven him,
or a she goat, and the priest shall pray 19 Because by mistake he trespassed
for him and for his sin: against the Lord.
o Infra 12. 8 ; Luke 2. 24.

LEVITICUS The sacrifices of the priest

CHAPTER 6 14 This is the law of the sacrifice and

Oblation for sins of injustice: ordinances concern libations, which the children of Aaron
ing the holocausts and the perpetual fire: the shall offer before the Lord, and before
sacrifices of the priests, and the sin offerings. the altar.
f~f^ HE Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 15 The priest shall take a handful of
J. 2 Whosoever shall sin, and de the flour that is tempered with oil, and
spising the Lord, shall deny to his neigh all the frankincense that is put upon the
bour the thing delivered to his keeping, flour: and he shall burn it on the altar
which was committed to his trust; or for a memorial of most sweet odour to
shall by force extort any thing, or com the Lord:
mit oppression; 16 And the part of the flour that is left,
3 Or shall find a thing lost, and deny Aaron and his sons shall eat, without
ing it, shall also swear falsely, or shall leaven: and he shall eat it in the holy
do any other of the many things, where place of the court of the tabernacle.
in menare wont to sin:
17 And therefore it shall not be lea-
4 Being convicted of the offence, he
ened, because part thereof is offered for
shall restore
the burnt sacrifice of the Lord. It shall
5 All that he would have gotten by
be most holy, as that which is offered
fraud, in the principal, c and the fifth for sin and for trespass.
part besides to the owner, whom he Aaron
18 The males only of the race of
wronged. an ordinance
shall eat it. It shall be
6 Moreover for his sin he shall offer a
ram without blemish out of the flock, everlasting in your generations concern
and shall give it to the priest, according ing the sacrifices of the Lord: Every
to the estimation and measure of the one that toucheth them shall be sancti
offence :

7 And he shall pray for him before the

19 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
Lord, and he shall have forgiveness for ing:
20 This is the oblation of Aaron, and of
every thing in doing of which he hath
his sons, which they must offer to the
8 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Lord, in the day of their anointing:
9 Command Aaron and his sons: This They shall offer the tenth part of an
is the law of a holocaust: It shall be ephi of flour for a perpetual sacrifice,
burnt upon the altar, all night until half of it in the morning, and half of it
in the evening:
morning: the fire shall be of the same
altar. 21 It shall be tempered with oil, and
10 The priest shall be vested with the shall be fried in a fryingpan.
tunick and the linen breeches, and he 22 And the priest that rightfully suc-
shall take up the ashes of that which the ceedeth his father, shall offer it hot, for
a most sweet odour to the Lord, and it
devouring fire hath burnt, and putting
them beside the altar, shall be wholly burnt on the altar.
11 Shall put off his former vestments, 23 For every sacrifice of the priest shall
and being clothed with others, shall be consumed with fire, neither shall any
carry them forth without the camp, and man eat thereof.
shall cause them to be consumed to dust 24 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
in a very clean place, 25 Say to Aaron and his sons: This is
12 And the fire on the altar shall always the law of the victim for sin: in the
burn, and the priest shall feed it, putting place where the holocaust is offered, it
wood on it every day in the morning, shall be immolated before the Lord. It
and laying on the holocaust, shall burn is holy of holies.
thereupon the fat of the peace offerings. 26 The priest that offereth it, shall eat
13 This is the perpetual fire which shall it in a holy place, in the court of the

never go out on the altar. tabernacle.

27 Whatsoever shall touch the flesh

c Num. 5. 7.
CHAP. 6. Ver. 13. The perpetual fire. This fire
came from heaven, (infra chap. 9. 24.) and was the heavenly fire of divine love, which ought to be
always kept burning on the altar, as a figure of always burning in the heart of a Christian.

The sacrifice for trespass LEVITICUS No fat or blood to be eaten
thereof, shall be sanctified. If a gar anointed with oil, and fine flour fried, and
ment be sprinkled with the blood there cakes tempered and mingled with oil:
of, it shall be washed in a holy place. 13 Moreover loaves of leavened bread
28 And
the earthen vessel, wherein it
with the sacrifice of thanks, which is
was sodden, shall be broken, but if the
offered for peace offerings:
vessel be of brass, it shall be
scoured, 14 Of which one shall be offered to the
and washed with water.
Lord for firstfruits, and shall be the
29 Every male of the priestly race shall
eat of the flesh thereof, because it is priest s that shall pour out the blood of
the victim.
holy of holies. 15 And the flesh of it shall be eaten the
30 For the victim that is slain for sin,
same day, neither shall any of it remain

the blood of which is carried into the

until the morning.
tabernacle of the testimony to make
16 If any man by vow, or of his own
atonement in the sanctuary, shall not be
accord offer a sacrifice, it shall in like
eaten, but shall be burnt with fire. manner be eaten the same day: and if
CHAPTER 7 any of it remain until the morrow, it is
Of sacrifices for trespasses and thanks offerings. lawful to eat it:
No fat nor blood is to be eaten. 17 But whatsoever shall be found on
the law of the sacrifice
also is the third day shall be consumed with
for a trespass, it is most holy: fire.
2 Therefore when the holocaust is im 18 If any man eat of the flesh of the
molated, the victim also for a trespass victim of peace offerings on the third
shall be slain: the blood thereof shall be day, the oblation shall be of no effect,
poured round about the altar. neither shall it profit the offerer: yea
3 They shall offer thereof the rump and rather whatsoever soul shall defile itself
the fat that covereth the entrails: with such meat, shall be guilty of trans
4 The two little kidneys, and the fat gression.
which is by the flanks, and the caul of 19 The flesh that hath touched any un
the liver with the little kidneys. clean thing, shall not be eaten, but shall
5 And the priest shall burn them upon be burnt with fire: he that is clean shall
the altar: it is the burnt sacrifice of the eat of it.
Lord for a trespass. 20 If any one that is defiled shall eat of
6 Every male of the priestly race, shall the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offer
eat this flesh in a holy place, because it ings, which is offered to the Lord, he
is most holy. shall be cut off from his people.
7 As the sacrifice for sin is offered, so 21 And he that hath touched the un-
is also that for a trespass: the same shall cleanness of man, or of beast, or of any
be the law of both these sacrifices: it thing that can defile, and shall eat of
shall belong to the priest that offereth it. such kind of flesh, shall be cut off from
8 The priest that offereth the victim of his people.
holocaust, shall have the skin thereof. 22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
9 And every sacrifice of flour that is 23 Say to the children of Israel: The
baked in the oven, and whatsoever is fat of a sheep, and of an ox, and of a
dressed on the gridiron, or in the frying goat you shall not eat.
pan, shall be the priest s that offereth it: 24 The fat of a carcass that hath died
10 Whether they be tempered with oil, of itself, and of a beast that wag caught
or dry, all the sons of Aaron shall have by another beast, you shall have for
one as much as another. divers uses.
11 This is the law of the sacrifice of 25 If any man eat the fat that should
peace offerings that is offered to the be offered for the burnt sacrifice of the
Lord. Lord, he shall perish out of his people.
12 If the oblation be for thanksgiving, 26 Moreover you shall not eat the blood
they shall offer loaves without leaven of any creature whatsoever, whether of
tempered with oil, and unleavened wafers birds or beasts.

d Supra 4. 5 ; Ileb. 13. 11.

CHAP. 7. Ver. 1. Trespass. Trespasses, for offences than those for which the sin offerings were
which these offerings were to b made, were lesser appointed.

The priest s portion LEVITICUS Aaron and his sons consecrated

27 Every one that eateth blood, shall 3 And thou

shalt gather together all
perish from among the people. the congregation to the door of the tab
28 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say ernacle.
ing: 4 And Moses
did as the Lord had com
29 Speak to the children of Israel, say manded. And
all the multitude being
ing: He that offereth a victim of peace gathered together before the door of the
offerings to the Lord, let him offer there tabernacle,
with a sacrifice also, that is, the liba
5 He said: This is the word that the
tions thereof.
Lord hath commanded to be done.
30 He shall hold in his hands the fat of
the victim, and the breast: and when he 6 And immediately he offered Aaron
hath offered and consecrated both to the and his sons: and when he had washed
Lord, he shall deliver them to the priest, them,
31 Who shall burn the fat upon the al 7 He vested the high priest with the
tar, but the breast shall be Aaron s and strait linen garment, girding him with
his sons . the girdle, and putting on him the violet
32 The right shoulder also of the vic tunick, and over it he put the ephod,
tims of peace offerings shall fall to the 8 And binding it with the girdle, he
priest for firstfruits. fitted it to the rational, on which was
33 He among the sons of Aaron, that Doctrine and Truth.
offereth the blood, and the fat, he shall 9 He put also the mitre upon his head:
have the right shoulder also for his por and upon the mitre over the forehead,
tion. he put the plate of gold, consecrated
34 For the breast that is elevated and with sanctification, as the Lord had com
the shoulder that is separated I have manded him.
taken of the children of Israel, from off 10 He took also the oil of unction, with
their victims of peace offerings, and have which he anointed the tabernacle, with
given them to Aaron the priest, and to all the furniture thereof.
his sons, by a law for ever, from all the 11 And when he had sanctified and
people of Israel. sprinkled the altar seven times, he an
35 This is the anointing of Aaron and ointed it, and all the vessels thereof, and
his sons, in the ceremonies of the Lord, the laver with the foot thereof, he sanc
in the day when Moses offered them, tified with the oil.
that they might do the office of priest 12 h And he poured it upon Aaron s
hood, head, and he anointed and consecrated
36 And the things that the Lord com him:
manded to be given them by the children 13 And after he had offered his sons,
of Israel, by a perpetual observance in he vested them with linen tunicks, and
their generations.
girded them with girdles, and put mitres
37 This is the law of holocaust, and of on them as the Lord had commanded.
the sacrifice for sin, and for trespass, 14 He offered also the calf for sin: and
and for consecration, and the victims of when Aaron and his sons had put their
peace offerings: hands upon the head thereof,
^38 Which the Lord appointed to Moses 15 He immolated it: and took the blood,
in mount Sinai, when he commanded the and dipping his finger in it, he touched
children of Israel, that they should of the horns of the altar round about.
fer their oblations to the Lord in the Which being expiated, and sanctified, he
desert of Sinai.
poured the rest of the blood at the bot
CHAPTER 8 tom thereof.
Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sons 16 But the fat that was upon the en
A ing:
the Lord spoke to Moses, say

2 0Tak.e Aaron with his sons, their

trails, and the caul of the liver, and
two little kidneys, with their fat,
burnt upon the altar:

vestments, and the oil of unction, a calf 17 And the calf with the skin, and the
for sin, two rams, a basket with unleav flesh and the dung, he burnt without the
ened bread, camp, as the Lord had commanded.
g Ex. 29. 35, and 40. 13. h EcclL 45. 18.

The sacrifices of the consecration LEVITICUS
They remain in the tabernacle
18 He offered also a ram for a holo
blood that was upon the
caust: and when Aaron and his sons had altar, he sprin
kled Aaron, and his vestments, and his
put their hands upon its head, and their
sons, vestments with it.
19 He immolated it, and poured the 31 And when he had sanctified them in
blood thereof round about upon the their vestments, he commanded
altar. them,
saying: Boil the flesh before the door of
20 And cutting the ram into the tabernacle, and there eat it. Eat
the head thereof, and the ye also the loaves of consecration, that
joints, and
the fat he burnt in the fire, are laid in the basket, as the Lord com
21 Having first washed the manded me, saying: i Aaron and his sons
entrails, and
the feet, and the whole ram together he shall eat them:
burnt upon the altar, because it was 32 And whatsoever shall be left of the
a holocaust of most sweet odour to the flesh and the loaves, shall be consumed
with fire.
Lord, as he had commanded him.
22 He offered also the second ram, In 33 And you shall not go out of the door
the consecration of priests: and of the tabernacle for seven
Aaron, days, until
and his sons put their hands upon the the day wherein the time of your conse
head thereof: cration shall be expired. For in seven
23 And when Moses had immolated it, days the consecration is finished:
he took of the blood thereof, and touched 34 As at this present it hath been done,
the tip of Aaron s right ear, and the that the rite of the sacrifice might be
thumb of his right hand, and in like accomplished.
manner also the great toe of his right 35 Day and night shall you remain in
foot. the tabernacle observing the watches of
24 He offered also the sons of Aaron: the Lord, lest you die: for so it hath
and when with the blood of the ram that been commanded me.
was immolated, he had touched the tip 36 And Aaron and his sons did all
of the right ear of every one of them, things which the Lord spoke by the hand
of Moses.
and the thumbs of their right hands, and
the great toes of their right feet, the CHAPTER 9
rest he poured on the altar round about: Aaron pffereth sacrifice for himself and the people.
25 But the fat, and the rump, and all Fire cometh from the Lord upon the altar.
the fat that covereth the entrails, and when the eighth day was come,
the caul of the liver, and the two kid AJDMoses Aaron and his sons,
neys with their fat, and with the right and the ancients of Israel, and said to
shoulder, he separated. Aaron / :

26 And taking out of the basket of un 2 Take of the herd a calf for sin, and a
leavened bread, which was before the ram for a holocaust, both without blem
Lord, a loaf without leaven, and a cake ish, and offer them before the Lord.
tempered with oil and a wafer, he put 3 And to the children of Israel thou
them upon the fat, and the right shoul shalt say: Take ye a he goat for sin, and
der, a calf, and a lamb, both of a year old,
27 Delivering all to Aaron, and to his and without blemish for a holocaust,
sons: who having lifted them up before 4 Also a bullock and a ram for peace
the Lord, offerings: and immolate them before tha
28 He took them again from their Lord, offering for the sacrifice of every
hands, and burnt them upon the altar of one of them flour tempered with oil;
holocaust, because it was the oblation of for to day the Lord will appear to you.
consecration, for a sweet odour of sacri 5 They brought therefore all things that
fice to the Lord. Moses had commanded before the door
29 And he took of the ram of consecra of the tabernacle: where when all the
tion, the breast for his portion, elevating multitude stood,
it before the Lord, as the Lord had com 6 Moses said: This is the word, which
manded him. the Lord hath commanded: do it, and
30 And taking the ointment, and the his glory will appear to you.

t Ex. 29. 32, and 30. 22, and 40. 9. Infra 24. 9. j Ex. 29. 1.

Aaron offers sacrifice LEVITICUS Nadab and Abiu slain

I And he said to Aaron: Approach to 23 And Moses and Aaron went into the
the altar, and offer sacrifice for thy sin: tabernacle of the testimony, and after
offer the holocaust, and pray for thyself wards came forth and blessed the people,
and for the people: and when thou hast fc
And the glory of the Lord appeared to
slain the people s victim, pray for them, all the multitude:
as the Lord hath commanded. 24 And behold a fire, coming forth from
8 And forthwith Aaron, approaching to the Lord, devoured the holocaust, and
the altar, immolated the calf for his sin: the fat that was upon the altar: which
when the multitude saw, they praised
9 And his sons brought him the blood
the Lord, falling on their faces.
of it: and he dipped his finger therein,
and touched the horns of the altar, and CHAPTER 10
poured the rest at the foot thereof. Nadab and Abiu for offering strange fire, are burnt
by fire. Priests are forbidden to drink wine,
10 And the fat, and the little kidneys, when they enter into the tabernacle. The law of
and the caul of the liver, which are for eating the holy things.
sin, he burnt upon the altar, as the Lord Nadab and Abiu, the sons of
had commanded Moses: Aaron, taking their censers, put fire
II But the flesh and skins thereof he therein, and incense on it, offering before
burnt with fire without the camp. the Lord strange fire: which was not
12 He immolated also the victim of commanded them. I
holocaust: and his sons brought him the 2 And fire coming out from the Lord
blood thereof, which he poured round destroyed them, and they died before
about on the altar. the Lord.
13 And the victim being cut into pieces, 3 And Moses said to Aaron: This is
they brought to him the head and all the what the Lord hath spoken: I will be
members, all which he burnt with fire sanctified in them that approach to me,
upon the altar, and I will be glorified in the sight of all
14 Having first washed the entrails and the people. And when Aaron heard this,
the feet with water. he held his peace.
15 Then offering for the sin of the peo 4 And Moses called Misael and Elisa-
ple, he slew the he goat: and expiating phan, the sons of Oziel, the uncle of
the altar, Aaron, and said to them: Go and take
16 He offered the holocaust: away your brethren from before the
17 Adding in the sacrifice the libations, sanctuary, and carry them without the
which are offered withal, and burning camp.
them upon the altar, besides the cere 5 And
they went forthwith and took
monies of the morning holocaust. them as they lay, vested with linen tu-
18 He immolated also the bullock and nicks, and cast them forth, as had been
the ram, the peace offerings of the peo commanded them.
ple: and his sons brought him the blood, 6 And Moses said to Aaron, and to
which he poured upon the altar round Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons: Uncover
about. not your heads, and rend not your gar
19 The fat also of the bullock, and the ments, lest perhaps you die, and indig
rump of the ram, and the two little kid nation come upon all the congregation.
neys, with their fat, and the caul of the Let your brethren, and all the house of
liver, Israel, bewail the burning which the
20 They put upon the breasts. And Lord has kindled:
after the fat was burnt upon the altar, 7 But you shall not go out of the door
21 Aaron separated their breasts, and of the tabernacle, otherwise you shall
the right shoulders, elevating them be perish, for the oil of the holy unction is
fore the Lord, as Moses had commanded. on you. And they did all things accord
22 And stretching forth his hands to ing to the precept of Moses.
the people, he blessed them. And so 8 The Lord also said to Aaron:
the victims for sin, and the holocausts, 9 You not drink wine nor any
and the peace offerings being finished, he thing that may make drunk, thou nor
came down. thy sons, when you enter into the taber-

k 2 Mac. 2. 10. l Num. 3. 4, and 26.61 ; 1 Par. 24. 2.

Lav, of eating the hcly
things LEVITICUS Clean a^i unclean ani,^
nacle of the testimony, lest you die- places, and you ought to have eaten
because it is an it in
everlasting- precept the sanctuary, as
through your generations: was commanded me?
9 Aaron answered: This day hath been
10 And that you may have offered the victim for
to discern
knowledge sin, and the holo
between holy and unholy, be caust before the Lord: and to me
tween unclean and clean: what
thou seest has happened: how could I
11 And may teach the children of Israel eat it, or please the Lord in
the cere
all my ordinances which the Lord hath monies, having a sorrowful heart?
spoken to them by the hand of Moses. 20 Which when Moses had heard he
12 And Moses spoke to was satisfied.
Aaron, and to
Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons that were
left: Take the sacrifice that is
remain The distinction of clean and unclean animals
ing of the oblation of the Lord, and eat
it without leaven beside the the Lord spoke to Moses and
cause it is holy of holies.
be altar, AMDAaron, saying:
2 Say to the children of Israel: These
13 And you shall eat it in a
holy place- are the animals which you are to eat of
which is given to thee and thy sons of all the living things of the earth.
the oblations of the Lord, as it hath
3 Whatsoever hath the hoof divided,
been commanded me. and cheweth the cud among the beasts,
14 The breast also that is
offered, and you shall eat.
the shoulder that is 4 But whatsoever cheweth indeed the
separated, you shall
eat in a most clean place, thou and
thy cud, and hath a hoof, but divideth it not,
sons, and thy daughters with thee. For as the camel, and others, that you shall
they are set aside for thee and thy chil not eat, but shall reckon it among the
dren, of the victims of peace offerings of unclean.
the children of Israel: 5 The cherogrillus which cheweth the
15 Because they have elevated before
cud, but divideth not the hoof, is un
the Lord the shoulder and the clean.
and the fat that is burnt on the 6 The hare also: for that too cheweth
and they belong to thee and to thy sons the cud, but divideth not the hoof.
by a perpetual law, as the Lord hath 7 P And the swine, which, though it di
commanded. videth the hoof, cheweth not the cud.
16 m While these things were a doing, 8 The flesh of these you shall not eat,
when Moses sought for the buck goat, nor shall you touch their carcasses, be
that had been offered for sin, he found cause they are unclean to you.
it burnt: and
being angry with Eleazar 9 These are the things that breed in the
and Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that waters, and which it is lawful to eat. All
were left, he said: that hath fins, and scales, as well in the
17 Why did you not eat in the sea, as in the rivers, and the pools, you
place the sacrifice for sin, which is most shall eat.
holy, and given to you, that you may 10 But whatsoever hath not fins and
bear the iniquity of the people, and may scales, of those things that move and live
pray for them in the sight of the Lord, in the waters, shall be an abomination
18 Especially whereas none of the blood to you,
thereof hath been carried within the holy 11 And detestable: their flesh you shall

m2 Mac. 2. 11. o Deut. 14. 3. p 2 Mac. 6. 18.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 2. Animals which you are to the law of God ; and where either of these is want
eat, &c. The prohibition of so many kinds of beasts, ing a man is unclean. In like manner fishes were
birds, and fishes, in the law, was ordered, 1st, to reputed unclean that had not fins and scales that :

exercise the people in obedience, and temperance ; is, souls that did not raise themselves up by prayer
2ndly, to restrain them from the vices of which and cover themselves with the scales of virtues.
these animals were symbols Srdly, because the
Ver. 5. The cherogrillus. Some suppose it to be
things here forbidden were for the most part un the rabbit, others the hedgehog. St. Jerome inti
wholesome, and not proper to be eaten 4thly, that
mates that it is another kind of animal common in
the people of God, by being: obliged to abstain from Palestine, which lives in the holes of rocks or in the
things corporally unclean, might be trained up to earth. We choose here, as also in the names of sev
seek a spiritual cleanness. eral other creatures that follow, (which are little
Ver. 3. Hoof divided and cheweth the cud. The known in this part of the world, ) to keep the Greek
dividing of the hoof and chewing of the cud, signify or Latin names.
discretion between good and evil, and meditating on

Clean and unclean birds LEVITICUS Creeping things are unclean
not eat, and their carcasses you shall the earth, the weasel, and the mouse, and
avoid. the crocodile, every one according to
12 All that have not fins and scales, in their kind:
the waters, shall be unclean. 30 The shrew, and the chameleon, and
13 Of birds these are they which you the stello, and the lizard, and the mole:
must not eat, and which are to be avoid 31 All these are unclean. He that
ed by you: The eagle, and the griffon, toucheth their carcasses shall be unclean
and the osprey, until the evening.
14 And the kite, and the vulture, ac 32 And upon what thing soever any
cording to their kind, of their carcasses shall fall, it shall be
15 And all that is of the raven kind, defiled, whether it be a vessel of wood,
according to their likeness. or a garment, or skins or haircloths; or
16 The ostrich, and the owl, and the any thing in which work is done, they
larus, and the hawk according to its kind, shall be dipped in water, and shall be
17 The screech owl, and the cormorant, unclean until the evening, and so after
and the ibis, wards shall be clean.
18 And the swan, and the bittern, and 33 But an earthen vessel, into which
the porphyrion, any of these shall fall, shall be defiled,
19 The heron, and the charadrion ac and therefore is to be broken.
cording to its kind, the houp also, and 34 Any meat which you eat, if water
the bat. from such a vessel be poured upon it,
20 Of things that fly, whatsoever goeth shall be unclean: and every liquor that
upon four feet, shall be abominable to is drunk out of any such vessel, shall be

you. unclean.
21 But whatsoever walketh upon four 35 And upon whatsoever thing any of
feet, but hath the legs behind longer, these dead beasts shall fall, it shall be
Wherewith it hoppeth upon the earth, unclean: whether it be oven, or pots
22 That you shall eat, as the bruchus in with feet, they shall be destroyed, and
its kind, the attacus, and ophiomachus, shall be unclean.
and the locust, every one according to 36 But fountains and cisterns, and all
their kind. gatherings together of waters shall be
23 But of flying things whatsoever hath clean. He that toucheth their carcasses
four feet only, shall be an abomination shall be defiled.
to you: 37 If it fall upon seed corn, it shall
24 And whosoever shall touch the car not defile it.
casses of them, shall be defiled, and shall 38 But if any man pour water upon the
be unclean until the evening: seed, and afterwards it be touched by
25 And if it be necessary that he carry the carcasses, it shall be forthwith de
any of these things when they are dead, filed.
he shall wash his clothes, and shall be 39 If any beast die, of which it is lawful
unclean until the sun set. for you to eat, he that toucheth the car
26 Every beast that hath a hoof, but cass thereof, shall be unclean until the
divideth it not, nor cheweth the cud, evening:
shall be unclean: and he that toucheth 40 And he that eateth or carrieth any
it, shall be defiled. thing thereof, shall wash his clothes, and
27 That which walketh upon hands of shall be unclean until the evening.
all animals which go on all 41 All that creepeth upon the earth
four, shall
be unclean he that shall touch their car
: shall be abominable, neither shall it be
casses shall be defiled until evening. taken for meat.
28 And he that shall carry such car 42 Whatsoever goeth upon the breast
casses, shall wash his clothes, and shall on four feet, or hath many feet, or trail-
be unclean until evening: because all eth on the earth, you shall not eat, be
these things are unclean to you. cause it is abominable.
29 These also shall be reckoned among 43 Do not defile your souls, nor touch
unclean things, of all that move upon aught thereof, lest you be unclean.
Ver. 13. The griffon. Not the monster which the earth ; but a bird of the eajde kind, larsrer than the
painters represent, which hath no beinjr upon common.
Purification after childbirth LEVITICUS The law for discovering leprosy
44 For I am the Lord your God: be CHAPTER 13
holy because I am holy. Defile not your The law concerning leproxy in men, and in gar
souls by any creeping thing, that moveth ments.
upon the earth. ND
45 For I am the Lord, who brought you
out of the land of Egypt, that I might
A the Lord spoke
Aaron, saying:
2 The man in whose skin or flesh shall
to Moses and

be your God. arise a different colour or a blister, or as

46 You shall be holy, because I am holy. it were something shining, that is, the
This is the law of beasts and fowls, and stroke of the leprosy, shall be brought to
of every living creature that moveth in Aaron the priest, or any one of his sons.
the waters, and creepeth on the earth:
3 And if he see the leprosy in his skin,
47 That you may know the differences
and the hair turned white, and the place
of the clean, and unclean, and know
where the leprosy appears lower than
what you ought to eat, and what to re the skin and the rest of the flesh: it is
the stroke of the leprosy, and upon his
judgment he shall be separated.
The purification of women after childbirth 4 But if there be a shining whiteness in
the Lord spoke to Moses, say the skin, and not lower than the other
AtfDing: flesh, and the hair be of the former col
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and our, the priest shall shut him up seven
thou shalt say to them * If a woman :
having received seed shall bear a man 5 And the seventh day he shall look on
child, she shall be unclean seven days, him and if the leprosy be grown no far

according to the days of the separation ther, and hath not spread itself in the
of her flowers. skin, he shall shut him up again other
3 * And on the eighth day the infant seven days,
/shall be circumcised: 6 And on the seventh day, he shall look
4 But she shall remain three and thirty on him: if the leprosy be somewhat
days in the blood of her purification. obscure, and not spread in the skin, he
She shall touch no holy thing, neither shall declare him clean, because it is but
shall she enter into the sanctuary, until a scab: and the man shall wash his
the days of her purification be fulfilled. clothes, and shall be clean.
5 But if she shall bear a maid child, she 7 But if the leprosy grow again, after
shall be unclean two weeks, according he was seen by the priest and restored
to the custom of her monthly courses, to cleanness, he shall be brought to him,
and she shall remain in the blood of her 8 And shall be condemned of unclean-
purification sixty-six days. ness.
6 And when the days of her purification 9 If the stroke of the leprosy be in a
are expired, for a son, or for a daughter, man, he shall be brought to the priest,
she shall bring to the door of the taber 10 And he shall view him. And when
nacle of the testimony, a lamb of a year there shall be a white colour in the skin,
old for a holocaust, and a young pigeon and it shall have changed the look of
or a turtle for sin, and shall deliver them the hair, and the living flesh itself shall
to the priest: appear:
7 Whoshall offer them before the Lord, 11 It shall be judged an inveterate lep
and shall pray for her, and so she shall rosy, and grown into the skin. The priest
be cleansed from the issue of her blood. therefore shall declare him unclean, and
This is the law for her that beareth a shall not shut him up, because he is evi
man child or a maid child. dently unclean.
8 And if her hand find not sufficiency, 12 But if the leprosy spring out running
and she is not able to offer a lamb, she about in the skin, and cover all the skin
shall take two turtles, or two young from the head to the feet, whatsoever
falleth under the sight of the eyes,
pigeons, one for a holocaust, and another
for sin: and the priest shall pray for her, 13 The priest shall view him, and shall
judge that the leprosy which he has
and so she shall be cleansed.
g Luke 2. 22. M Supra 5. 7 and 11 ; Luke 2. 24.
q 1 Peter 1. 16.
t John 7. 22.

The laiv for discovering leprosy LEVITICUS The law for discovering leprosy
very clean: because it is all turned into or the beard of a man or woman, the
whiteness, and therefore the man shall priest shall see them.
be clean. 30 And if the place be lower than the
14 But when the live flesh shall appear other flesh, and the hair yellow, and
in him, thinner than usual: he shall declare
15 Then by the judgment of the priest them unclean, because it is the leprosy
he shall be defiled, and shall be reckoned of the head and the beard;
among the unclean: for live flesh, if it be 31 But if he perceive the place of the
spotted with leprosy, is unclean. spot is equal with the flesh that is near
16 And if again it be turned into white it, and the hair black: he shall shut him

ness, and cover all the man, up seven days,

17 The priest shall view him, and shall 32 And on the seventh day he shall
judge him to be clean. look upon it. If the spot be not grown,
18 When also there has been an ulcer and the hair keep its colour, and the
in the flesh and the skin, and it has been place of the blemish be even with the
healed, other flesh:
19 And in the place of the ulcer, there 33 The man shall be shaven all but the
appeareth a white scar, or somewhat place of the spot, and he shall be shut up
red, the man shall be brought to the other seven days:
priest: 34 If on the seventh day the evil seem
20 And when he shall see the place of to have stayed in its place, and not lower
the leprosy lower than the other flesh, than the other flesh, he shall cleanse him,
and the hair turned white, he shall de and his clothes being washed he shall be
clare him unclean, for the plague of clean.
leprosy is broken out in the ulcer. 35 But if after his cleansing the spot
21 But if the hair be of the former spread again in the skin,
colour, and the scar somewhat obscure, 36 He shall seek no more whether the
and be not lower than the flesh that is hair be turned yellow, because he is evi
near it, he shall shut him up seven dently unclean.
days. 37 But if the spot be stayed, and the
22 And if it spread, he shall judge him hair be black, let him know that the
to have the leprosy: man is healed, and let him confidently
23 But if it stay in its place, it is but pronounce him clean.
the scar of an ulcer, and the man shall 38 If a whiteness appear in the skin of
be clean. a man or a woman,
24 The flesh also and skin that hath 39 The priest shall view them. If he find
been burnt, and after it is healed hath a that a darkish whiteness shineth in the
white or a red scar, skin, let him know that it is not the lep
25 The priest shall view it, and if he see rosy, but a white blemish, and that the
it turned white, and the place thereof man is clean.
is lower than the other skin: he shall 40 The man whose hair falleth off from
declare him unclean, because the evil of his head, he is bald and clean:
leprosy is broken out in the scar. 41 And if the hair fall from his fore
26 But if the colour of the hair be not head, he is bald before and clean.
changed, nor the blemish lower than the 42 But if in the bald head or in the bald
other flesh, and the appearance of the forehead there be risen a white or red
leprosy be somewhat obscure, he shall dish colour,
shut him up seven days, 43 Andthe priest perceive this, he shall
27 And on the seventh day he shall view condemn him undoubtedly of leprosy
him: if the leprosy be grown farther in which is risen in the bald part.
the skin, he shall declare him unclean. 44 Now whosoever shall be defiled with,
28 But if the whiteness stay in its place, the leprosy, and is separated by the
and be not very clear, it is the sore of judgment of the priest,
a burning, and therefore he shall be 45 Shall have his clothes hanging loose,
cleansed, because it is only the scar of a his head bare, his mouth covered with
burning. a cloth, and he shall cry out that he is
29 If the leprosy break out in the head defiled and unclean.

Unclean garments LEVITICUS Sacrifices m cleansing a leper
46 All the time that he is a leper and is to be cleansed: he shall be brought to
unclean, he shall dwell alone without the the priest:
camp. 3 x Who going out of the camp when he
47 A woolen or linen garment that shall shall find that the leprosy is cleansed,
have the leprosy 4 v Shall command him that is to be
48 In the warp, and the woof, or a skin, purified, to offer for himself two living
or whatsoever is made of a skin, sparrows, which it is lawful to eat, and
49 If it be infected with a white or red cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop.
spot, it shall be accounted the leprosy, 5 And he shall command one of the
and shall be shewn to the priest. sparrows to be immolated in an earthen
50 And he shall look upon it and shall vessel over living waters:
shut it up seven days: 6 But the other that is alive he shall
51 And on the seventh day when he dip, with the cedar wood, and the scarlet
looketh on it again, if he find that it is and the hyssop, in the blood of the spar
grown, it is a fixed leprosy: he shall row that is immolated:
judge the garment unclean, and every 7 Wherewith he shall sprinkle him that
thing wherein it shall be found: is to be cleansed seven times, that he
52 And therefore it shall be burnt with may be rightly purified: and he shall let
fire. go the living sparrow, that it may fly
53 But if he see that it is not grown, into the field.
54 He shall give orders, and they shall 8 And when the man hath washed his
wash that part wherein the leprosy is, clothes, he shall shave all the hair of his
and he shall shut it up other seven days. body, and shall be washed with water:
55 And when he shall see that the for and being purified, he shall enter into
mer colour is not returned, nor yet the the camp, yet so that he tarry without
leprosy spread, he shall judge it unclean, his own tent seven days:
and shall burn it with fire, for the lepro 9 And on the seventh day he shall shave
sy has taken hold of the outside of the the hair of his head, and his beard and
garment, or through the whole. his eyebrows, and the hair of all his
56 But if the place of the leprosy be body. And having washed again his
somewhat dark, after the garment is clothes, and his body,
washed, he shall tear it off, and divide it 10 On the eighth day he shall take two
from that which is sound. lambs without blemish, and an ewe of
57 And if after this there appear in a year old without blemish, and three-
those places that before were without tenths of flour tempered with oil for a
sacrifice, and a sextary of oil apart.
spot, a flying and wandering leprosy:

must be burnt with fire. 11 And when the priest that purifieth
the man, hath presented him, and all
58 If cease, he shall wash with water
the parts that are pure, the second time, these things before the Lord, at the door
and they shall be clean. of the tabernacle of the testimony,
59 This is the law touching the leprosy 12 He shall take a lamb, and offer it for
of any woollen or linen garment, either a trespass offering with the sextary of oil:
and having offered all before the Lord,

in the warp or woof, or any thing of

or pro 13 He shall immolate the lamb, where
skins, how it ought to be cleansed,
nounced unclean. the victim for sin is wont to be immo
is in the
lated, and the holocaust, that
holy place: for as that which
is for sin,
The rites of sacrifices in cleansing the leprosy.
Leprosy in houses. so also the victim for a trespass offering
it is holy of
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, say- pertaineth to the priest:
J\ ing: 14 And the priest taking of the blood of
2 This is the rite of a leper, when he
Sacrifices in cleansing a leper LEVITICUS Signs of leprosy in a house
the victim that was immolated for tres hand in it, he shall sprinkle it seven
pass, shall put it upon the tip of the times before the Lord:
right ear of him that is cleansed, and 28 And he shall touch the tip of the
upon the thumb of his right hand and right ear of him that is cleansed, and the
the great toe of his right foot: thumb of his right hand and the great
15 And he shall pour of the sextary of toe of his right foot, in the place of the
oil into his own left hand, blood that was shed for trespass.
16 And shall dip his right finger in it, 29 And the other part of the oil that is
and sprinkle it before the Lord seven in his left hand, he shall pour upon the
times. head of the purified person, that he may
17 And the rest of the oil in his left appease the Lord for him.
hand, he shall pour upon the tip of the 30 And he shall offer a turtle, or young
right ear of him that is. cleansed, and pigeon,
upon the thumb of his right hand and 31 One for trespass, and the other for a
the great toe of his right foot, and upon holocaust, with their libations.
the blood that was shed for trespass, 32 This is the sacrifice of a leper, that
18 And upon his head. is not able to have all things that ap
19 And he shall pray for him before the pertain to his cleansing.
Lord, and shall offer the sacrifice for sin: 33 And the Lord spoke to Moses and
then shall he immolate the holocaust, Aaron, saying:
20 And put it on the altar with the li 34 When you shall be come into the land
bations thereof, and the man shall be of Chanaan, which I will give you for a
rightly cleansed. possession, if there be the plague of
21 But if he be poor, and his hand can leprosy in a house,
not find the things aforesaid: he shall 35 He whose house it is, shall go and
take a lamb for an offering for trespass, tell the priest, saying: It seemeth to me,
that the priest may pray for him, and a that there is the plague of leprosy in
tenth part of flour tempered with oil for my house,
a sacrifice, and a sextary of oil, 36 And he shall command, that they
22 * And two turtles or two young carry forth all things out of the house,
pigeons, of which one may be for sin, before he go into it, and see whether it
and the other for a holocaust: have the leprosy, lest all things become
23 And he shall offer them on the unclean that are in the house. And after
eighth day of his purification to the wards he shall go in to view the leprosy
priest, at the door of the tabernacle of of the house.
the testimony before the Lord. 37 And if he see in the walls thereof as
24 And the priest receiving the lamb it were little dints, disfigured with pale
for trespass, and the sextary of oil, shall ness or redness, and lower than all the
elevate them together. rest,
25 And the lamb being immolated, he 38 He shall go out of the door of the
shall put of the blood thereof upon the house, and forthwith shut it up seven
tip of the right ear of him that is days,
cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right 39 And returning on the seventh day,
hand, and the great toe of his right foot : he shall look upon it. If he find that
26 But he shall pour part of the oil into the leprosy is spread,
his own left hand, 40 He shall command, that the stones
27 And dipping the finger of his right wherein the leprosy is, be taken out, and
z Supra 5. 7, 11, and 12. 8 ; Luke 2. 24.

is to return to God, viz., by the repeated application The touching the right ear, the thumb of the right
of the blood of Christ the washing his conscience
hand, and the great toe of the right foot, first with
with the waters of compunction and retrenching all
: the blood of the victim, and then with the remainder
vanities and superfluities, by employing all that is of the oil, which had been sprinkled seven times be
over and above what is necessary in alms deeds. fore the Lord, signify the application of the blood
The sin offering, and the holocaust or burnt offer of Christ, and the unction of the sevenfold grace
ing, which he was to offer at his cleansing, signify of the Holy Ghost to the sinner s right ear, that he

the sacrifice of a contrite and humble heart, and that may duly hearken to and obey the law of God and ;

of adoration in spirit and truth, with gratitude and to his right hand and foot, that the works of his
thankfulness, for the forgiveness of sins, with hands, and all the step? or affections of his soul, sig
which we are ever to appear before the Almighty. nified by the feet, may be rightly directed to God.

Purifying the house LEVITICUS Other undeanliness
cast without the city into an unclean out, of a shining spot, and when the
place: colours are diversely changed:
41 And that the house be scraped on 57 That it may be known when a
the inside round about, and the dust of is clean or unclean.
the scraping be scattered without the
city into an unclean place: Other legal unclcanncsscs
42 And that other stones be laid in the AND the Lord spoke to Moses and
place of them that were taken away, 1\ Aaron, saying:
and the house be plastered with other 2 Speak to the children of Israel, and
say to them: The man that hath an issue
43 But if, after the stones be taken out, of seed, shall be unclean.
and the dust scraped off, and it be plas 3 And then shall he be judged subject
tered with other earth, to this evil, when a filthy humour, at
44 The priest going in perceive that
every moment, cleaveth to flesh, and

the leprosy is returned, and the walls full

gathereth there.
of spots, it is a lasting leprosy, and the 4 Every bed on which he sleepeth, shall
house is unclean: be unclean, and every place on which he
45 And they shall destroy it forthwith, sitteth.
and shall cast the stones and timber 5 If any man touch his bed, he shall
thereof, and all the dust without the wash his clothes: and being washed with
town into an unclean place. water, he shall be unclean until the eve
46 He that entereth into the house ning.
when it is shut, shall be unclean until 6 If a man sit where that man hath
evening, sitten,he also shall wash his clothes:
47 And he that sleepeth in it, and eat- and being washed with water, shall be
eth any thing, shall wash his clothes. unclean until the evening.
48 But if the priest going in perceive 7 He that toucheth his flesh, shall wash
that the leprosy is not spread in the his clothes: and being himself washed
house, after it was plastered again, he with water, shall be unclean until the
shall purify it, it being cured, evening.
49 And for the purification thereof he 8 If such a man cast his spittle upon
shall take two sparrows, and cedar wood, him that is clean, he shall wash his
and scarlet, and hyssop: clothes: and being washed with water,
50 And having immolated one sparrow he shall be unclean until the evening.
in an earthen vessel over living waters, 9 The saddle on which he hath sitten
51 He shall take the cedar wood, and shall be unclean.
the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the liv 10 And whatsoever has been under him
ing sparrow, and shall dip all in the that hath the issue of seed, shall be un
blood of the sparrow that is immolated, clean until the evening. He that car-
and in the living water, and he shall rieth any of these things, shall wash his
sprinkle the house seven times: clothes: and being washed with water,
52 And shall purify it as well with the he shall be unclean until the evening.
blood of the sparrow, as with the living 11 Every person whom such a one shall
water, and with the living sparrow, and touch, not having washed his hands be
with the cedar wood, and the hyssop, fore, shall wash his clothes: and being
and the scarlet. washed with water, shall be unclean un
53 And when he hath let go the spar tilthe evening.
row to fly freely away into the field, he 12 If he touch a vessel of earth, it shall
shall pray for the house, and it shall be be broken: but if a vessel of wood, it
rightly cleansed. shall be washed with water.
54 This is the law of every kind of 13 If he who suffereth this disease be
leprosy and stroke. healed, he shall number seven days after
55 Of the leprosy of garments and his cleansing, and having washed his
houses, clothes, and all his body in living water,
56 Of a scar and of blisters breaking he shall be clean.
instituted in order
CHAP. 15. Ver. 2. Issue of seed shall be unclean. These legal uncleannesses were
to give the people a horror of carnal impurities.

Other uncleanliness LEVITICUS Before entering the sanctuary
14 And on the eighth day he shall take 28 If the blood stop and cease to run,
jwo turtles, or two young pigeons, and she shall count seven days of her puri
he shall come before the Lord, to the fication:
door of the tabernacle of the testimony, 29 And on the eighth day she shall offer
and shall give them to the priest: for herself to the priest, two turtles, or
15 Who shall offer one for sin, and the
two young pigeons, at the door of the
other for a holocaust: and he shall pray tabernacle of the testimony:
for him before the Lord, that he may be 30 And he shall offer one for sin, and
the other for a holocaust, and he shall
cleansed of the issue of his seed.
16 The man from whom the seed of pray for her before the Lord, and for
the issue of her uncleanness.
copulation goeth out, shall wash all his
31 You shall teach therefore the chil
body with water: and he shall be unclean
until the evening.
dren of Israel to take heed of unclean-
17 The garment or skin that he wear- ness, that they may not die in their filth,
when they shall have defiled my taber
eth, he shall wash with water, and it
nacle that is among them.
shall become unclean until the evening.
18 The woman, with whom he copulat- 32 This is the law of him that hath the
eth, shall be washed with water, and
issue of seed, and that is defiled by copu
shall be unclean until the eevning. lation.

19 The woman, who at the return of _

33 And of the woman that is separated
the month, hath her issue of blood, shall in her monthly times, or that hath a con
be separated seven days. tinual issue of blood, and of the man
20 Every one that toucheth her, shall that sleepeth with her.
be unclean until the evening.
21 And every thing that she sleepeth CHAPTER 16
on, or that she sitteth on in the days of When and how the high priest must enter into the
her separation, shall be defiled. sanctuary. The {east of expiation.

22 He that toucheth her bed shall wash AND the Lord spoke to Moses, after
his clothes: and being himself washed JL\. the death of the two sons of Aaron,
with water, shall be unclean until the when they were slain upon their offering
evening. strange fire: &
23 Whosoever shall touch any vessel on 2 And he commanded him, saying:
which she sitteth, shall wash his clothes: Speak to Aaron thy brother, cthat he
and himself being washed with water, enter not at all into the sanctuary,
shall be defiled until the evening. which is within the veil before the pro
24 If a man copulateth with her in the pitiatory, with which the ark is covered,
time of her flowers, he shall be unclean lest he die, (for I will appear in a cloud
seven days: and every bed on which he over the oracle,)
shall sleep shall be defiled. 3 Unless he first do these things: He
25 The woman that hath an issue of shall offer a calf for sin, and a ram for
blood many days out of her ordinary a holocaust.
time, or that ceaseth not to flow after 4 He shall be vested with a linen tunick,
the monthly courses, as long as she is he shall cover his nakedness with linen
subject to this disease, shall be unclean, breeches: he shall be girded with a linen
in the same manner as if she were in girdle, and he shall put a linen mitre
her flowers. upon his head: for these are holy vest
26 Every bed on which she sleepeth, ments all of which he shall put on, after

and every vessel on which she sitteth, he is washed.

shall be defiled. 5 And he shall receive from the whole
27 Whosoever toucheth them shall wash multitude of the children of Israel two
his clothes: and himself being washed buck goats for sin, and one ram for a
with water, shall be unclean until the holocaust.
evening. 6 And when he hath offered the calf

b Supra 10. 1. c Ex. 30. 10 ; Heb. 9. 7.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 2. Enter not. No one but the i the sanctuary of heaven,
t"> till Christ our high
high priest, and he but once a year, could enter into priest opened it by his passion. Heb. 10. 8.
the sanctuary ;to signify that no one could enter
The sin offering
LEVITICUS The scape goat
and prayed for himself, and for his own
pour it upon the horns thereof round
house, about:
7 He shall make the two buck goats to 19 And
sprinkling with his finger seven
stand before the Lord in the door of the him expiate, and sanctify it
tabernacle of the testimony: from the uncleanness of the children of
8 And casting lots upon them both, one Israel.
to be offered to the Lord, and the other 20 After he hath cleansed the sanctu
to be the emissary goat: and the tabernacle, and the altar,
9 That whose lot fell to be offered to then let him offer the living goat:
the Lord, he shall offer for sin: 21 And putting both hands upon his
10 But that whose lot was to be the head, let him confess all the iniquities
emissary goat, he shall present alive be of the children of Israel, and all their
fore the Lord, that he may pour out offences and sins: and praying that they
prayers upon him, and let him go into may light on his head, he shall turn him
the wilderness. out by a man ready for it, into the desert.
11 After these things are duly cele 22 And when the goat hath carried all
their iniquities into an uninhabited land,
brated, he shall offer the calf, and pray
ing for himself and for his own house, he
and shall be let go into the desert,
shall immolate it:
23 Aaron shall return into the tabei-
nacle of the testimony, and putting off
12 And taking the censer, which he hath
the vestments, which he had on him be
filledwith the burning coals of the altar,
fore when he entered into the sanctuary,
and taking up with his hand the com
and leaving them there,
pounded perfume for incense, he shall go 24 He shall wash his flesh in the holy
in within the veil into the holy place:
place, and shall put on his own garments.
13 That when the perfumes are put And after that he has come out and hath
upon the fire, the cloud and vapour there offered his own holocaust, and that of
of may cover the oracle, which is over the people, he shall pray both for him
the testimony, and he may not die. self, and for the people:
14 He shall take also of the blood of 25 And the fat that is offered for sins,
the calf, and sprinkle with his finger he shall burn upon the altar.
seven times towards the propitiatory to 26 But he that hath let go the emissary
the east. goat, shall wash his clothes, and his body
15 And when he hath killed the buck with water, and so shall enter into the
goat for the sin of the people, he shall camp.
carry in the blood thereof within the 27 But the calf arid the buck goat, that
veil, as he was commanded to do with were sacrificed for sin, and whose blood
the blood of the calf, that he may sprin was carried into the sanctuary, to ac
kle it over against the oracle, complish the atonement, they shall carry
16 And may expiate the sanctuary from forth without the camp, e and shall burn
the uncleanness of the children of Israel, with fire, their skins and their flesh, and
and from their transgressions, and all their dung:
their sins. According to this rite shall he 28 And whosoever burneth them shall
do to the tabernacle of the testimony, wash his clothes, and flesh with water,
which is fixed among them in the midst and so shall enter into the camp.
of the filth of their habitation. 29 And this shall be to you an everlast
17 d Let no man be in the tabernacle ing ordinance: /The seventh month, the
when the high priest goeth into the sanc tenth day of the month, you shall afflict
tuary, to pray for himself and his house, your souls, and shall do no work, wheth
and for the whole congregation of Is er it be one of your own country, or a
rael, until he come out. stranger that sojourneth among you.
18 And when he is come out to the 30 Upon this day shall be the expiation
altar that is before the Lord, let him for you, and the cleansing from all your
pray for himself, and taking the blood of sins: you shall be cleansed before the
the calf, and of the buck goat, let him Lord.

efLuke 1. 10. e Heb. 13. 11. /Infra 23. 27. 28.

The door of the tabernacle LEVITICUS No blood to be eatet*

31 For it is a sabbath of rest, and you 8 And thou shalt say to them: The man
shall afflict your souls by a perpetual of the house of Israel, and of the stran
religion. gers who sojourn among you, that offer-
32 And anointed, and
the priest that is eth a holocaust or a victim,
whose hands are consecrated to do the 9 And bringeth it not to the door of the
office of the priesthood in his father s tabernacle of the testimony, that it may
stead, shall make atonement; and he be offered to the Lord, shall perish from
shall be vested with the linen robe and among his people.
the holy vestments, 10 If any man whosoever of the house
33 And he shall expiate the sanctuary of Israel, and of the strangers that so
and the tabernacle of the testimony and journ among them, eat blood, I will set
the altar, the priest also and all the my face against his soul, and will cut
people. him off from among his people:
34 And this shall be an ordinance for 11 Because the life of the flesh is in the
ever, that you pray for the children of blood: and I have given it to you, that
Israel, and for all their sins once in a you may make atonement with it upon
year. He did therefore as the Lord had the altar for your souls, and the blood
commanded Moses. may be for an expiation of the soul.
12 Therefore I have said to the children
CHAPTER 17 of Israel: No soul of you, nor of the
No sacrifices to be offered but at the door of the
tabernacle: a prohibition of blood. strangers that sojourn among you, shall
eat blood.
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
13 Any man whosoever of the children
AMD2 Speak to Aaron and his sons, and of Israel, and of the strangers that so
to all the children of Israel, saying to
them: This is the word, which the Lord journ among you, if by hunting or fowl
hath commanded, saying: ing, he take a wild beast or a bird, which
is lawful to eat, let him pour out its
3 Any man whosoever of the house of
Israel if he kill an ox, or a sheep, or a blood, and cover it with earth.
14 A For the life of all flesh is in the
goat in the camp, or without the camp,
4 And offer it not at the door of the blood: therefore I said to the children
of Israel: You shall not eat the blood of
tabernacle an oblation to the Lord, shall
be guilty of blood: as if he had shed any flesh at all, because the life of the
flesh is in the blood, and whosoever eat-
blood, so shall he perish from the midst
of his people. eth it, shall be cut off.
5 Therefore the children of Israel shall
15 The soul that eateth that which died
of itself, or has been caught by a beast,
bring to the priest their victims, which
whether he be one of your own country
they kill in the field, that they may be
sanctified to the Lord before the door or a stranger, shall wash his clothes and
of the tabernacle of the testimony, and himself with water, and shall be defiled
until the evening: and in this manner
they may sacrifice them for peace offer
ings to the Lord.
he shall be made clean.
6 And the priest shall pour the blood 16 But if he do not wash his clothes,
upon the altar of the Lord, at the door and his body, he shall bear his iniquity.
of the tabernacle of the testimony, and CHAPTER 18
shall burn the fat for a sweet odour to
Marriage is prohibited in certain degrees of kin*
the Lord. dred: and all unnatural lusts.
7 And they shall no more sacrifice their the Lord spoke to Moses, say
victims to devils, with
committed fornication.
whom they have AMDing:
It shall be an 2 Speak to the children of Israel, and
ordinance for ever to them and to their thou shalt say to them: I am the Lord
posterity. your God.
h Gen. 9. 4 ; Supra 7. 26.

CHAP. 17. Ver. // he kill, &c. That is, in

3. Ver. 10. Eat blood. To eat blood was forbidden
order to sacrifice. The law of God forbids sacrifices in the law partly, because God reserved it to him

to be offered in any other place but at the tabernacle self, to be offered in sacrifices on the altar, as to the
or temple of the Lord ; to signify that no sacrifice Lord of life and death and as a figure of the blood

would be acceptable to God, out of his true temple, of Christ and partly, to give men a horror of shed

the one, holy, catholic, apostolic church. ding blood. Gen. 9. 4, 5, 6.

Certain marriages -unlawful LEVITICUS Unlawful lujts
3 You not do according to the
shall shame: because they are her flesh, and
custom of the land of Egypt, in which such copulation is incest.
you dwelt: neither shall you act accord 18 Thou shalt not take thy wife s sister
ing to the manner of the country of for a harlot, to rival her, neither shalt
Chanaan, into which I will bring you, nor thou discover her nakedness, while she
shall you walk in their ordinances. is yet living.
4 You shall do my judgments, and shall
19 Thou shalt not approach to a woman
observe my precepts, and shall walk in
them. I am the Lord your God. having her flowers, neither shalt thou
uncover her nakedness.
5 )
my laws and my judgments,
which a man do, he shall live in them.
if 20 Thou shalt not lie with thy neigh
I am the Lord. bour s wife, nor be denied with mingling
6 No man shall approach to her that is of seed.
near of kin to him, to uncover her naked 21 * Thou shalt not give any of thy
ness. I am the Lord. seed to be consecrated to the idol Moloch,
7 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness nor defile the name of thy God: I am the
of thy father, or the nakedness of thy Lord.
mother: she is thy mother, thou shalt 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as
not uncover her nakedness. with womankind, because it is an abomi
8 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness nation.
of thy father s wife: for it is the naked 23 Thou shalt not copulate with any
ness of thy father. beast, neither shalt thou be defiled with
9 Thou shalt not uncover the naked it. l
woman shalt not lie down to a
ness of thy sister by father or by mother, beast, nor copulate with it: because it is
whether born at home or abroad. a heinous crime.
10 Thou shalt not uncover the naked 24 Defile not yourselves with any of
ness of thy son s daughter, or thy daugh these things with which all the nations
ter s daughter: because it is thy own have been defiled, which I will cast out
nakedness. before you,
11 Thou shalt not uncover the naked 25 And with which the land is defiled:
ness of thy father s wife s daughter, the abominations of which I will visit,
whom she bore to thy father, and who is that it may vomit out its inhabitants.
thy sister. 26 Keep ye my ordinances and my
12 Thou shalt not uncover the naked judgments, and do not any of these
ness of thy father s sister: because she abominations: neither any of your own
is the flesh of thy father. nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth
13 Thou shalt not uncover the naked among you.
ness of thy mother s sister: because she 27 For all these detestable things the
is thy mother s flesh. inhabitants of the land have done, that
14 Thou shalt not uncover the naked were before you, and have defiled it.
ness of thy father s brother: neither 28 Beware then, lest in like manner, it
shalt thou approach to his wife, who is vomit you also out, if you do the like
joined to thee by affinity. things, as it vomited out the nation that
15 Thou shalt not uncover the naked was before you.
ness of thy daughter in law: because she 29 Every soul that shall commit any of
is thy son s wife, neither shalt thou dis
these abominations, shall perish from
cover her shame. the midst of his people.
16 Thou shalt not uncover the naked- 30 Keep my commandments. Do not
ness of thy brother s wife: because it is the things which they have done, that
the nakedness of thy brother. have been before you, and be not defiled
therein. I am the Lord your God.

17 Thou shalt not uncover the naked-

ness of thy wife and her daughter. Thou CHAPTER 19
shalt not take her son s daughter or her Divers ordinances, partly moral, partly ceremo
daughter s daughter, to discover her nial or judicial.

k Infra 20. 2. I Infra 20. 16.

3 Ezech. 20. 11 ; Rom. 10. 5 ; Gal. 3. 12.

the shame-
CHAP. 18. Ver. 23. Because it is a heinous pressed by the word confusion, signifying
"rime. In Hebrew, this word heinous crime is ex fulness and baseness of this abominable sin.

Various ordinances LEVITICUS Various ordinances

npHE Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 15 Thou

shalt not do that which is un
just, nor judge unjustly.
J_ 2 Speak to all the congregation of Respect not
the children of Israel, and thou shalt say the person of the poor, nor honour the
to them: Be ye holy, because I the countenance of the mighty. But judge
Lord your God am holy. thy neighbour according to justice.
3 Let every one fear his father, and his 16 Thou shalt not be a detractor nor a
mother. Keep my sabbaths. I am the whisperer among the people. Thou shalt
Lord your God. not stand against the blood of thy neigh
4 Turn ye not to idols, nor make to bour. I am the Lord.

yourselves molten gods. I am the Lord 17 * Thou shalt not hate thy brother in
your God. thy heart, u but reprove him openly, lest
5 If ye offer in sacrifice a peace offering thou incur sin through him.
to the Lord, that he may be favourable, 18 Seek not revenge, nor be mindful of
6 You shall eat it on the same day it the injury of thy citizens. v Thou shalt
was offered, and the next day: and what love thy friend as thyself. I am the
soever shall be left until the third day, Lord.
you shall burn with fire. 19 Keep ye my laws. Thou shalt not
7 If after two days any man eat there make thy cattle to gender with beasts of
of, he shall be profane and guilty of any other kind. Thou shalt not sow thy
impiety: field with different seeds. Thou shalt
8 And shall bear his iniquity, because not wear a garment that is woven of two
he hath defiled the holy thing of the sorts.
Lord, and that soul shall perish from 20 If a man carnally lie with a woman
among his people. that is a bondservant and marriageable,
9 When thou reapest the corn of thy and yet not redeemed with a price, nor
land, thou shalt not cut down all that is made free: they both shall be scourged,
on the face of the earth to the very and they shall not be put to death, be
ground: nor shalt thou gather the ears cause she was not a free woman.
that remain. 21 And for his trespass he shall offer a
10 Neither shalt thou gather the bunch ram to the Lord, at the door of the tab
es and grapes that fall down in thy ernacle of the testimony:
vineyard, but shalt leave them to the 22 And the priest shall pray for him
poor and the strangers to take. I am and for his sin before the Lord, and he
the Lord your God. shall have mercy on him, and the sin
11 You shall not steal. You shall not shall be forgiven.
lie, neither shall any man deceive his 23 When you shall be come into the
neighbour. land, and shall have planted in it fruit
12 PThou shalt not swear falsely by trees, you shall take away the firstfruits
my name, nor profane the name of thy of them: the fruit that comes forth shall
God. I am the Lord. be unclean to you, neither shall you eat
13 i Thou shalt not calumniate thy of them.
neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. 24 But in the fourth year, all their fruit
r The
wages of him that hath been hired shall be sanctified, to the praise of the
by thee shall not abide with thee until Lord.
the morning. 25 And in the fifth year you shall eat
14 Thou shalt not speak evil of the the fruits thereof, gathering the increase
deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the thereof. I am the Lord your God.
blind: but thou shalt fear the Lord thy 26 You shall not eat with blood. You
God, because I am the Lord. shall not divine nor observe dreams.

n Supra 11. 44 1 Peter 1. 16

; James 2. 2.
o Infra 23. 22. p Ex. 20. 7.- q Eccli. 10 6 t 1 John 2. 11, and 3. 14.
r Deut. 24 14 Tob. 4. 15.
; u Eccli. 19. 13 Matt. 18. 15 Luke 17. 3.
: ;

s Deut. 1. 17, and 16. 19 Prov. 24. 23 Eccli. 42.

; ; 1 v Matt. 5. 43, and 22. 39 ; Luke 6. 27 Rom. 13. 9.

CHAP. 19. Ver. 19. Different seeds, &c. This their foreskins ; it alludes to circumcision, and sis?
law tends to recommend simplicity and plain deal nines that for the first three years the trees wep
ing in all things, and to teach the people not to join to be as uncircumcised, and their fruit unclean til :

any false worship or heresy with the worship of the in the fourth year their increase was sanctified an<

true God. given to the Lord, that is, to the priests.

Ver. 23. The firstfruite. Prceputia, literally,

The law of just dealings LEVITICUS Crimes punished with death
27 Nor shall you cut your hair round- hath given of his seed to Moloch, and
vise: nor shave your beard. will
" " "

28 You shall not make any

cuttings in 5 I will set face against that man,my
your flesh,
for the dead, neither shall - and his kindred, and will cut off both
you make in yourselves any figures or him and all that consented with him to
marks: I am the Lord. commit fornication with Moloch, out of
29 Make not thy daughter a common the midst of their people,
strumpet, lest the land be defiled, and 6 The soul that shall go aside after
filled with wickedness. and
magicians, soothsayers, and shall
30 Keep ye my sabbaths, and reverence commit fornication with them, I will set
my sanctuary. I am the Lord. my face against that soul, and destroy it
31 Go not aside after wizards, neither out of the midst of its people.
ask any thing of soothsayers, to be de 7 z Sanctify yourselves, and be ye holy
filed by them: I am the Lord your God.
because I am the Lord your God.
32 Rise up before the hoary head, and 8 Keep my precepts, and do them. I
honour the person of the aged man and :
am the Lord that sanctify you.
fear the Lord thy God. I am the Lord. 9 He that curseth his father, or mother,
33 w If a stranger dwell in your land,
dying let him die: he hath cursed his
and abide among you, do not upbraid him
father, and mother, let his blood be upon

34 But let him be among you as one of him.

the same country: and you shall love 10 b If any man commit adultery with
him as yourselves: for you were stran the wife of another, and defile his neigh
gers in the land of Egypt. I am the bour s wife, let them be put to death,
Lord your God. both the adulterer and the adulteress.
35 Do not any unjust thing in judg 11 If a man lie with his stepmother, and
ment, in rule, in weight, or in measure. discover the nakedness of his father, let
36 Let the balance be just and the them both be put to death their blood :

weights equal, the bushel just, and the be upon them.

sextary equal. I am the Lord your God, 12 If any man lie with his daughter in
that brought you out of the land of law, let both die, because they have done
Egypt. a heinous crime: their blood be upon
37 Keep all my precepts, and all my them.
judgments, and do them. I am the 13 If any one lie with a man as with a
woman, both have committed an abomi
CHAPTER 20 nation, let them be put to death: their
blood be upon them.
Divers crimes to be punished with death 14 If any man after marrying the daugh
I D the Lord spoke to Moses, say- ter, marry her mother, he hath done
I~\. ing: heinous crime: he shall be burnt alive
2 Thus shalt thou say to the children with them: neither shall so great an
of Israel : y If any man of the children of abomination remain in the midst of you.
Israel, or of the strangers, that
dwell in 15 He that shall copulate with any
Israel, give of his seed to the
idol Mo- beast or cattle, dying let him die: the
loch, dying let him die: the people
of beast also ye shall kill.
the land shall stone him. 16 c The woman that shall lie under any
3 And I will set my face against him: beast, shall be killed together with the
and I will cut him off from the midst of same: their blood be upon them.
his because he hath given of his 17 If any man take his sister, the daugh
seed to Moloch, and hath defiled my ter of his father, or the daughter of his
and profaned
itllV*VUCU Y. C*llVAK/iV-i--*4A*-
sanctuary, V**^-- -j-name
my holy mother, and see her nakedness, and she , ,

4 An if the people of the land neglect- behold her brother s shame: they have
ing, and as it were little regarding my
committed a crime: they shall be slam,
commandment let alone the man that in the sight of their people, because they

a Ex. 21. 17 Prov. 20. 20 Matt 15. 4 Mark 7. 10.

w Ex. 22. 21. y Supra 18. 21. ;

b Deut. 22. 22 John 8.


5. c Supra

18. 23.
z 1 Peter 1. 16.

of the crime, and to prevent the remembrance of

20. Ver. 15. The beast also ye shall
OHAP such abomination.
The killing of the beast was for the greater

Crimes punished with death LEVITICUS Laws relating to priests

have discovered one another s naked thou shalt say to them: Let not a priest
ness, and they shall bear their iniquity. incur an uncleanness at the death of his
18 If any man lie with a woman in her citizens :

flowers, and uncover her nakedness, and 2 But only for his kin, such as are near
she open the fountain of her blood, both in blood, that is to say, for his father and
shall be destroyed out of the midst of for his mother, and for his son, and for
their people. his daughter, for his brother also,
19 Thou shall not uncover the naked 3 And for a maiden sister, who hath had
ness of thy aunt by thy mother, and of no husband:
thy aunt by thy father: he that doth 4 But not even for the prince of his peo
this, hath uncovered the shame of his ple shall he do any thing that may make
own flesh, both shall bear their iniquity. him unclean.
20 If any man lie with the wife of his 5 s Neither shall they shave their head,
uncle by the father, or his uncle by nor their beard, nor make incisions in
the mother, and uncover the shame of their flesh.
his near akin, both shall bear their sin: 6 They shall be holy to their God, and
they shall die without children. shall not profane his name for they offer :

21 He that marrieth his brother s wife, the burnt offering of the Lord, and the
doth an unlawful thing, he hath uncov bread of their God, and therefore they
ered his brother s nakedness: they shall shall be holy.
be without children. 7 h They shall not take to wife a harlot
22 Keep my laws and my judgments, or a vile prostitute, nor one that has been
and do them: lest the land into which put away from her husband: because
you are to enter to dwell therein, vomit they are consecrated to their God,
you also out. 8 And offer the loaves of proposition.
23 Walk not after the laws of the na Let them therefore be holy, because I also
tions,which I will cast out before you. am holy, the Lord, who sanctify them.
For they have done all these things, and 9 If the daughter of a priest be taken in
therefore I abhorred them.
whoredom, and dishonour the name of
24 But to you I say: Possess their land her father, she shall be burnt with fire.
which I will give you for an inheritance, 10 The high priest, that is to say, the
a land flowing with milk and honey. I priest, is the greatest among his brethren
am the Lord your God, who have sepa upon whose head the oil of unction hath
rated you from other people. been poured, and whose hands have been
25 Therefore do you also separate the consecrated for the priesthood, and who
clean beast from the unclean, and the hath been vested with the holy vestments,
clean fowl from the unclean: defile not shall not uncover his head, he shall not
your souls with beasts, or birds, or any rend his garments:
things that move on the earth, and 11 Nor shall he go in at all to any dead
which I have shewn you to be unclean. person: not even for his father, or his
26 d You shall be holy unto me, because mother, shall he be defiled:
I the Lord am holy, and I have separated 12 Neither shall he go out of the holy
you from other people, that you should places, lest he defile the sanctuary of the
be mine. Lord, because the oil of the holy unction
27 e A man, or woman, in whom there is of his God is upon him. I am the Lord.
a pythonical or divining spirit, dying let 13 * He shall take a virgin unto his wife :

them die: they shall stone them: their 14 But a widow or one that is divorced,
blood be upon them. or defiled, or a harlot, he shall not take,
but a maid of his own people:
CHAPTER 21 15 He shall not mingle the stock of his
Ordinances relating to the priests kindred with the common people of his
npHE Lord said also to Moses: Speak nation: for I am the Lord who sanctify
J_ to the priests the sons of Aaron, and him.
d 1 Peter 1. 16. e Deut 18. 11 ; 1 Kings 28. 7. g Supra 19. 27 ; Ezech. 44. 20.
h Supra 19. 29. t Ezech. 44. 22.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 1. An uncleanness, viz., such as ing it or in going into the house, or assisting at

was contracted in laying out the dead body, or touch- the funeral, Ac.

Laws relating to priests LEVITICUS Who may eat the holy things
16 And the Lora spoke to
Moses, saying-
17 Say to Aaron: Whosoever of
5 And he that toucheth a creeping
thy thing, or any unclean
seed throughout their thing, the touching
families, hath a of which is defiling,
blemish, he shall not offer bread to his
God. 6 Shall be unclean until the
18 Neither shall he approach to and shall not eat those
minister things that are
to him: If he be sanctified but when he hath washed his
blind, if he be lame, if
he have a little, or a great, or a crooked flesh with water,
7 And the sun is
nose, down, then being puri
fied, he shall eat of the sanctified
H J5
his foot or if his
he be crookbacked, or blear
hand te broken,
because it is his meat.
or have a pearl in his
eye, or a continual 8 * That which dieth of
itself, and that
scab, or a dry scurf in his body, or a run- which was taken by a
beast, they shall
ture: not eat, nor be defiled therewith. I am
21 Whosoever of the seed of the Lord.
Aaron the
priest hath a blemish, he shall not 9 Let them keep my
ap precepts, that they
proach to offer sacrifices to the Lord may not fall into sin, and die in the
nor bread to his God. sanctuary, when they shall have defiled
22 He shall eat nevertheless of the it. I am the Lord who
sanctify them.
loaves, that are offered in the sanctuary, 10 No stranger shall eat of the sancti
Yet so that he enter not within the
fied things: a sojourner of the
veil, nor approach to the altar, because or a hired servant, shall not eat of them.
he hath a blemish, and he must not de 11 But he whom the priest hath
file my sanctuary. I am the Lord who and he that is his servant, born in his
sanctify them. house, these shall eat of them.
24 Moses therefore spoke to 12 If the daughter of a priest be mar
Aaron, and
to his sons and to all ried to any of the people, she shall not
Israel, all the
things that had been commanded him. eat of those things that are sanctified,
nor of the firstfruits.
CHAPTER 22 13 But if she be a widow, or divorced,
Who may eat the holy things: and what things may and having no children return to her fa
be offered. ther s house, she shall eat of her father s
the Lord spoke to Moses, say- meats, as she was wont to do when she
AND ing: was a maid, no stranger hath leave to
2 Speak to Aaron and to his sons, that eat of them.
they beware of those things that are con 14 He that eateth of the sanctified things
secrated of the children of Israel, and through ignorance, shall add the fifth
defile not the name of the things sancti part with that which he ate, and shall
fied to me, which they offer. I am the give it to the priest into the sanctuary.
Lord. 15 And they shall not profane the sanc
3 Say to them and to their tified things of the children of Israel,
Every man of your race, that approacheth which they offer to the Lord;
to those things that are consecrated, and 16 Lest perhaps they bear the iniquity
which the children of Israel have offered of their trespass, when they shall have
to the Lord, in whom there is unclean- eaten the sanctified things. I am the
ness, shall perish before the Lord. I am Lord who sanctify them.
the Lord. 17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
4 The man of the seed of Aaron, that is ing:
a leper, or that suffereth a running of the 18 Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and
seed, shall not eat of those things that to all the children of Israel, and thou
are sanctified to me, until he be healed. shalt say to them: The man of the house
He that toucheth any thing unclean by of Israel, and of the strangers who dwell
occasion of the dead, and he whose seed with you, that offereth his oblation, either
goeth from him as in generation, paying his vows, or offering of his own
k Supra 17. 15 ; Ex. 22. 31 ; Deut. 14. 21 ; Ezech. 4. 14.

.CHAP 22. Ver 3. &c. This is to

Ar>r,roi.rhrth. these meats that had been offered in sacrifice were
give us to understand, with what purity of soul we a figure.
are to approach to the blessed sacrament of which

What things may be offered LEVITICUS The holy days
accord, whatsoever it be which he pre- land of Egypt, that I might be your
senteth for a holocaust of the Lord, God: I am the Lord.
19 To be offered by you, it shall be a CHAPTER 23
male without blemish of the beeves, or to be
Holy days kept
of the sheep, or of the goats.
the Lord spoke to Moses, say
20 If it have a blemish you shall not
offer it, neither shall it be acceptable.
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou
21 l
The man that
offereth a victim of
shalt say to them: These are the feasts
peace offerings to the Lord, either pay of the Lord, which you shall call holy.
ing his vows, or offering of his own ac 3 Six days shall ye do work the seventh :

cord, whether of beeves or of sheep,

shall offer it without blemish, that it day, because it is the rest of the sabbath,
shall be called holy. You shall do no
may be acceptable: there shall be no work on that day: it is the sabbath of
blemish in it.
the Lord in all your habitations.
22 If it be blind, or broken, or have a
4 These also are the holy days of the
scar or blisters, or a scab, or a dry scurf:
you shall not offer them to the Lord, nor Lord, which you must celebrate in their
burn any thing of them upon the Lord s
altar. 5 n The first month, the fourteenth day
of the month at evening, is the phase of
23 Anox or a sheep, that hath the ear
and the tail cut off, thou mayst offer
the Lord:
voluntarily: but a vow may not be paid 6 And the fifteenth day of the same
with them. month isthe solemnity of the unleavened
24 You shall not offer to the Lord any bread of the Lord. Seven days shall you
beast that hath the testicles bruised, or eat unleavened bread.
crushed, or cut and taken away: neither 7 The first day shall be most solemn
shall you do any such thing in your land. unto you, and holy: you shall do no ser
25 You shall not offer bread to your vile work therein:
God, from the hand of a stranger, nor 8 But you shall offer sacrifice in fire to
any other thing that he would give: be the Lord seven days. And the seventh
cause they are all corrupted, and defiled: day shall be more solemn, and more
you shall not receive them. holy: and you shall do no servile work
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say therein.
ing: 9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
27 When a bullock, or a sheep, or a 10 Speak to the children of Israel, and
goat, brought forth, they shall be
is thou shalt say to them: When you shall
seven days under the udder of their have entered into the land which I will
dam: but the eighth day, and thence give you, and shall reap your corn, you
forth, they may be offered to the Lord. shall bring sheaves of ears, the first-
28 Whether it be a cow, or a sheep, fruits of your harvest to the priest:
they shall not be sacrificed the same day 11 Who shall lift up the sheaf before
with their young ones. the Lord, the next day after the sabbath,
29 If you immolate a victim for thanks that it may be acceptable for you, and
giving to the Lord, that he may be fa shall sanctify it.
vourable, 12 And on the same day that the sheaf
30 Youshall eat it the same day, there is consecrated, a lamb without blemish
shall not any of it remain until the of the first year shall be killed for a
morning of the next day. I am the Lord. holocaust of the Lord.
31 Keep my commandments, and do 13 And the libations shall be offered
them. I am the Lord. with it, two tenths of flour tempered
32 Profane not my holy name, that I with oil, for a burnt offering of the Lord,
may be sanctified in the midst of the and a most sweet odour: libations also
children of Israel. I am the Lord who of wine, the fourth part of a hin.
sanctify you, 14 You shall not eat either bread, or
33 And who brought you out of the parched corn, or frumenty of the har-
Z Deut. 15. 21 ; Eccli. 35, 14. n Ex. 12. 18 ; Num. 28. 16.

The firstfruits LEVITICUS The feast of tabernacles
vest, until the day that you shall offer 28 You shall do no servile work in the
thereof to your God. It is a precept for time of this day: because it is a day of
ever throughout your generations, and propitiation, that the Lord your God
all your dwellings. may be merciful unto you.
15 You shall count therefore from the 29 Every soul that is not afflicted on this
morrow after the sabbath, wherein you day, shall perish from among his people:
offered the sheaf of the firstfruits, seven
30 And every soul that shall do any
full weeks.
work, the same will I destroy from
16 Even unto the morrow after the among his people.
seventh week be expired, that is to say, 31 You shall do no work therefore on
fifty days, and so you shall offer a new that day: shall be an everlasting ordi
sacrifice to the Lord.
nance unto you in all your generations,
17 Out of all your dwellings, two loaves and dwellings.
of the firstfruits, of two tenths of flour 32 It is a sabbath of rest, and you shall
leavened, which you shall bake for the your souls beginning on the ninth
firstfruits of the Lord.
day of the month: from evening until
18 And you shall offer with the loaves evening you shall celebrate your sab
seven lambs without blemish of the first baths.
year, and one calf from the herd, and 33 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying :

two rams, and they shall be for a holo 34 Say to the children of Israel: From
caust with their libations for a most
the fifteenth day of this same seventh
sweet odour to the Lord.
month, shall be kept the feast of taber
19 You shall offer also a buck goat for nacles seven days to the Lord.
sin, and two lambs of the first year for 35 The first day shall be called most
sacrifices of peace offerings. solemn and most holy: you shall do no
20 And when the priest hath lifted them servile work therein. And seven days
up with the loaves of the firstfruits be you shall offer holocausts to the Lord.
fore the Lord, they shall fall to his use. 36 The eighth day also shall be most sol
21 And you shall call this day most emn and most holy, and you shall offer
solemn, and most holy. You shall do holocausts to the Lord: for it is the day
no servile work therein. It shall be an of assembly and congregation: you shall
everlasting ordinance in all your dwell do no servile work therein.
ings and generations. 37 These are the feasts of the Lord,
22 P And when you reap the corn of which you shall call most solemn and
your land, you shall not cut it to the most holy, and shall offer on them obla
very ground: neither shall you gather tions to the Lord, holocausts and liba
the ears that remain but you shall leave
tions according to the rite of every day,
them for the poor and for the strangers. 38 Besides the sabbaths of the Lord,
I am the Lord your God. and your gifts, and those things that you
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: offer by vow, or which you shall give to
24 Say to the children of Israel The : the Lord voluntarily.
seventh month, on the first day of the 39 So from the fifteenth day of the sev
month, you shall keep a sabbath, a memo enth month, when you shall have gath
rial, with the sound of trumpets, and it ered in all the fruits of your land, you
shall be called holy. shall celebrate the feast of the Lord seven
25 You shall do no servile work there days: on the first day and the eighth
in, and you shall offer a holocaust to the shall be a sabbath, that is a day of rest.
Lord. 40 And you shall take to you on the
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying : first day the fruits of the fairest tree,
27 r Upon the tenth day of this seventh and branches of palm trees, and boughs
month shall be the day of atonement, it of thick trees, and willows of the brook,
shall be most solemn, and shall be called and you shall rejoice before the Lord
holy: and you shall afflict your souls on your God.
that day, and shall offer a holocaust to 41 And you shall keep the solemnity
the Lord. thereof seven days in the year. It shall

o Deut. 16. 9. p Supra 19. 9. q Num. 29. 1. r Supra 16. 29 ; Num. 29. 7 :. John 7. 37.

The loaves of proposition LEVITICUS The punishment of blasphemy
be an everlasting ordinance in your gen Salumith, the daughter of Dabri, of the
erations. In the seventh month shall tribe of Dan:)
you celebrate this feast. And they put him
12 into prison, till

42 And you shall dwell in bowers seven they might know what the Lord would
days: every one that is of the race of command.
Israel, shall dwell in tabernacles :
13 And the Lord spoke to Moses,
43 That your posterity may know, that 14 Saying: Bring forth the blasphemer
I made the children of Israel to dwell without the camp, and let them that
in tabernacles, when I brought them out heard him, put their hands upon his head,
of the land of Egypt. I am the Lord and let all the people stone him.
your God. 15 And thou shalt speak to the children
44 And Moses spoke concerning the of Israel: the man that curseth his God,
feasts of the Lord to the children of shall bear his sin :

Israel. 16 And he that blasphemeth the name

of the Lord, dying let him die: all the
CHAPTER 24 multitude shall stone him, whether he be
The oU for the lamps. The loaves of proposition. a native or a stranger. He that blas
The punishment of blasphemy.
ND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: phemeth the name of the Lord, dying
let him die.
2 Command the children of Israel, 17 *
that striketh and killeth a man,
that they bring unto thee the finest and
dying let him die.
clearest oil of olives, to furnish the 18 He that killeth a beast, shall make it
lamps continually, good, that is to say, shall give beast for
3 Without the veil of the testimony in beast.
the tabernacle of the covenant. And 19 He that giveth a blemish to any of
Aaron shall set them from evening until his neighbours as he hath done,
: shall St>

morning before the Lord, by a perpetual it be done to him:

service and rite in your generations.
20 u Breach for breach, eye for eye,
4 They shall be set upon the most pure tooth for tooth, shall he restore. What
candlestick before the Lord continually. blemish he gave, the like shall he be com
5 Thou shalt take also fine flour, and
pelled to suffer.
shalt bake twelve loaves thereof, two
21 He that striketh a beast, shall render
tenths shall be in every loaf: another. He that striketh a man shall
6 And thou shalt set them six and six be punished.
one against another upon the most clean 22 Let there be equal judgment among
table before the Lord:
you, whether he be a stranger, or a na
7 And thou shalt put upon them the
tive that offends because I am the Lord
clearest frankincense, that the bread
your God.
may be for a memorial of the oblation of 23 And Moses spoke to the children of
the Lord.
Israel: and they brought forth him that
8 Every sabbath they shall be changed had blasphemed, without the camp, and
before the Lord, being received of the
they stoned him. And the children of
children of Israel by an everlasting cove
Israel did as the Lord had commanded
9 And they shall be Aaron s and his
sons that they may eat them in the holy
place because it is most holy of the sac
The law of the seventh and of the fiftieth year of
rifices of the Lord by a perpetual right. jubilee.
10 And behold there went out the son AND the Lord spoke to Moses in
of a woman of Israel, whom she had of J\. Mount Sinai, saying:
an Egyptian, among the children of 2 Speak to the children of Israel, and
Israel, and fell at words in the camp thou shalt say to them: When you shall
with a man of Israel. have entered into the land which I will
11 And when he had blasphemed the give you, observe the rest of the sabbath
name, and had cursed it, he was brought to the Lord.
to Moses: (now his mother was called 3 w Six years thou shalt sow thy field

t Ex. 21_ 12. u Ex. 21. 24 ; Dent. 19. 21 ; Matt. 5. uo Ex. 23. 10.

The year of jubilee LEVITICUS Redemption of land
and six years thou shalt prune thy vine every one fear his God because I am
let :

yard, and shalt gather the fruits there the Lord your God.
of: 18 Do my precepts, and keep my judg
4 But in the seventh year there shall be
ments, and fulfil them: that you may
a sabbath to the land, of the resting of dwell in the land without any fear,
the Lord: thou shalt not sow thy field,
nor prune thy vineyard. 19 And the ground may yield you its

5 What the ground shall bring forth of fruits, of which you may eat your fill,

fearing no man s invasion.

itself, thou shalt not reap neither shalt

thou gather the grapes of the firstfruits 20 But you say: What shall we eat
as a vintage: for it is a year of rest to the seventh year, if we sow not, nor
the land: gather our fruits
6 But they shall be unto you for meat, 21 I will give you my
blessing the sixth
to thee and to thy manservant, to thy year, and it shall yield the fruits of three
maidservant and thy hireling, and to the years :

strangers that sojourn with thee: 22 And the eighth year you shall sow,
7 All things that grow shall be meat to and shall eat of the old fruits, until the
thy beasts and to thy cattle. ninth year: till new grow up, you shall
8 Thou shalt also number to thee seven eat the old store.
weeks of years, that is to say, seven 23 The land also shall not be sold for
times seven, which together make forty- ever: because it is mine, and you are
nine years: strangers and sojourners with me.
9 And thou shalt sound the trumpet in 24 For which cause all the country of
the seventh month, the tenth day of the your possession shall be under the condi
month, in the time of the expiation in all tion of redemption.
your land. 25 If thy brother being impoverished
10 And thou shalt sanctify the fiftieth sell his little possession, and his kinsman
year, and shalt proclaim remission to all will, he may redeem what
he had sold.
the inhabitants of thy land for it is the
26 But if he have no kinsman, and he
year of jubilee. Every man shall return himself can find the price to redeem it:
to his possession, and every one shall go 27 The value of the fruits shall be
back to his former family: counted from that time when he sold it:
11 Because it is the jubilee and the fif and the overplus he shall restore to the
tieth year. You shall not sow, nor reap buyer, and so shall receive his possession
the things that grow in the field of their again.
own accord, neither shall you gather the 28 But if his hands find not the means
firstfruits of the vines, to repay the price, the buyer shall have
12 Because of the sanctification of the what he bought, until the year of the
jubilee: but as they grow you shall pre jubilee. For in that year all that is sold
sently eat them. shall return to the owner, and to the
13 In the year of the jubilee all shall
ancient possessor.
return to their possessions. 29 He that selleth a house within the
walls of a city, shall have the liberty to
14 When thou shalt sell any thing to
redeem it, until one year be expired:
thy neighbour, or shalt buy of him; 30 If he redeem it not, and the whole
grieve not thy brother: but thou shalt
year be fully out, the buyer shall possess
buy of him according to the number of
it, and his posterity for ever, and it can
years from the jubilee.
not be redeemed, not even in the jubi
15 And he shall sell to thee according lee.
to the computation of the fruits. 31 But if the house be in a village, that
16 The more years remain after the hath no walls, it shall be sold according
jubilee, the more shall the price increase : to the same law as the fields if it be not :

and the less time is counted, so much the redeemed before, in the jubilee it shall
less shall the purchase cost. For he return to the owner.
shall sell to thee the time of the fruits. 32 The houses of Levites, which are in
17 Do not afflict your countrymen, but cities, may always be redeemed:

CHAP. 25. Ver. 10. Remission. That is, a gen and a reinstating of every man in his former pos
eral release and discharge from debts and bondage, sessions.

Redemption of Hebrew slaves LEVITICUS God s promises to the obedient

33 If they be not redeemed, in the jubi or his kinsman, by blood, or by affinity.

lee they shall all return to the owners, But if he himself be able also, he shall
because the houses of the cities of the redeem himself,
Levites are for their possessions among 50 Counting only the years from the
the children of Israel. time of his selling unto the year of the
34 But not their suburbs be sold,
let jubilee: and counting the money that he
because it is a perpetual possession. was sold for, according to the number of
35 If thy brother be impoverished, and the years and the reckoning of a hired
weak of hand, and thou receive him as servant,
a stranger and sojourner, and he live 51 If there be many years that remain
with thee, until the jubilee, according to them shall
36 Take not usury of him nor more he also repay the price.
than thou gavest: fear thy God, that thy 52 If few, he shall make the reckoning
brother may live with thee. with him according to the number of the
37 Thou shalt not give him thy money years, and shall repay to the buyer of
upon usury, nor exact of him any in what remaineth of the years,
crease of fruits. 53 His wages being allowed for which
he served before: he shall not afflict him
38 I am the Lord your God, who brought
violently in thy sight.
you out of the land of Egypt, that I 54 And if by these means he cannot be
might give you the land of Chanaan, and
might be your God. redeemed, in the year of the jubilee he
shall go out with his children.
39 If thy brother constrained by poverty, 55 For the children of Israel are my
himself to thee, thou shalt not oppress
servants, whom I brought forth out of
him with the service of bondservants: the land of Egypt.
40 But he shall be as a hireling, and a
sojourner: he shall work with thee until CHAPTER 26
the year of the jubilee, God promises to them that keep his command-
41 And afterwards he shall go out with menis. And the many punishments with which
his children, and shall return to his kin he threatens transgressors.
dred and to the possession of his fathers, AM the Lord your God: you
42 For they are my servants, and I I not make
to yourselves any idol or
brought them out of the land of Egypt: graven thing, neither shall you erect
let them not be sold as bondmen: pillars, nor set up a remarkable stone in
43 Afflict him not by might, but fear your land, to adore it for I : the Lord am
thy God. your God.
44 Let your bondmen, and your bond 2 Keep my sabbaths, and reverence my
women, be of the nations that are round sanctuary: I am the Lord.
about you. 3 v If you walk in my precepts, and
45 And of the strangers that sojourn keep my commandments, and do them, I
among you, or that were born of them will give you rain in due seasons.
in your land, these you shall have for 4 And the ground shall bring forth its
servants :
increase, and the trees shall be filled
46 And by right of inheritance shall with fruit.
leave them to your posterity, and shall 5 The threshing of your harvest shall
possess them for ever. But oppress not reach unto the vintage, and the vintage
your brethren the children of Israel by shall reach unto the sowing time: and
might. you shall eat your bread to the full, and
If the hand of a stranger or a so dwell in your land without fear.
journer grow strong among you, and thy 6 I will give peace in your coasts: you
brother being impoverished sell himself shall sleep, and there shall be none to
to him, or to any of his race : make you afraid. I will take away evil
48 After the sale he may be redeemed. beasts: and the sword shall not pass
He that will of his brethren shall redeem through your quarters.
him: 7 You shall pursue your enemies, and
49 Either his uncle, or his uncle s son, they shall fall before you.
Ex. 20. 4 ; Deut 5. 8 ; Ps. 96. 7. y Deut. 28. 1.

Punishment of disobedience LEVITICUS Punishment of disobedience
8 Five of yours shall pursue a hundred 23 And if even so you will not amend,
others, and a hundred of you ten thou but will walk contrary to me:
sand: your enemies shall fall before you 24 walk contrary to you, and
I also will
by the sword. will strike
you seven times for your sins.
9 I will look on you, and make you in 25 And I will bring in upon you the
crease: you shall be multiplied, and I sword that shall avenge my covenant.
will establish my covenant with you. And when you shall flee into the cities,
10 You shall eat the oldest of the old I will send the pestilence in the midst of

store, and, new coming on, you shall cast you, and you shall be delivered into the
away the old. hands of your enemies,
11 I will set my tabernacle in the midst 26 After I shall have broken the staff
of you, and my soul shall not cast you of your bread: so that ten women shall
off. bake your bread in one oven, and give it
12 z I will walk among you, and will be out by weight: and you shall eat, and
shall not be filled.
your God, and you shall be my people.
13 I am the Lord your God: who have 27 But if you will not for all this
brought you out of the land of the Egyp hearken to me, but will walk against me :

tians, that you should not serve them, 28 I will also go against you with oppo
and who have broken the chains of your site fury, and I will chastise you with
necks, that you might go upright. seven plagues for your sins,
14 o But if you will not hear me, nor do 29 So that you shall eat the flesh of
all my commandments, your sons and of your daughters.
15 If you despise my laws, and contemn 30 I will destroy your high places, and
my judgments so as not to do those break your idols. You shall fall among
things which are appointed by me, and to the ruins of your idols, and my soul shall
make void my covenant: abhor you.
16 I also will do these things to you: I 31 Insomuch that I will bring your
will quickly visit you with poverty, and cities to be a wilderness, and I will make
burning heat, which shall waste your your sanctuaries desolate, and will re
eyes, and consume your lives. You shall ceive no more your sweet odours.
sow your seed in vain, which shall be 32 And I will destroy your land, and
devoured by your enemies. your enemies shall be astonished at it,
17 I will set my face against you, and when they shall be the inhabitants
you shall fall down before your enemies, thereof.
and shall be made subject to them that 33 And I will scatter you among the
hate you, you shall flee when no man Gentiles, and I will draw out the sword
pursueth you. after you, and your land shall be desert,
18 But if you will not yet for all this and your cities destroyed.
obey me I will chastise you seven times
: 34 Then shall the land enjoy her sab
more for your sins, baths all the days of her desolation:
19 And I will break the pride of your when you shall be
stubbornness, and I will make to you the 35 In the enemy s land, she shall keep
heaven above as iron, and the earth as a sabbath, and rest in the sabbaths of her
brass: desolation, because she did not rest in
20 Your labour shall be spent in vain, your sabbaths when you dwelt therein.
the ground shall not bring forth her in 36 And as to them that shall remain of
crease, nor the trees yield their fruit. you I will send fear in their hearts in
21 If you walk contrary to me, and will the countries of their enemies, the sound
not hearken to me, I will bring seven of a flying leaf shall terrify them, and
times more plagues upon you for your they shall flee as it were from the sword :

sins : they shall fall, when no man pursueth

22 And I will send in upon you the them,
beasts of the field, to destroy you and 37 And they shall every one fall upon
your cattle, and make you few in number, their brethren as fleeing from wars, none
and that your highways may be desolate. of you shall dare to resist your enemies.

z 2 Cor. 6. 16. a Deut 28. 15 ; Mai. 2. 2.

38 You among the Gentiles,
shall perish tieth, a man shall give twenty sides: a
and an enemy land shall consume you.
s woman ten.
39 And if of them also some remain, 6 From one month until the fifth year,
they shall pine away in their iniquities, for a male shall be given five sides: for
in the land of their enemies, and they a female three.
shall be afflicted for the sins of their
7 A man that is sixty years old or up
fathers, and their own:
ward, shall give fifteen sides: a woman
40 Until they confess their iniquities ten.
and the iniquities of their ancestors, 8 If he be poor, and not able to pay the
whereby they have transgressed against estimation, he shall stand before the
me, and walked contrary unto me.
priest: and as much as he shall value
41 Therefore I also will walk against him at, and see him able to pay, so much
them, and bring them into their enemies shall he give.
land until their uncircumcised mind be 9 But a beast that
ashamed: then
may be sacrificed to
shall they pray for their the Lord, if any one shall vow, shall be
42 And I will remember my covenant,
10 And cannot be changed, that is to
that I made with Jacob, and Isaac, and
say, neither a better for a worse, nor a
Abraham. I will remember also the land :
worse for a better. And if he shall
43 Which when she shall be left by change it: both that which was changed,
them, enjoy her sabbaths, being
shall and that for which it was changed, shall
desolate for them. But they shall pray be consecrated to the Lord.
for their sins, because they rejected my
11 An unclean beast, which cannot be
judgments, and despised my laws. sacrificed to the Lord, if any man shall
44 And yet for all that when they were vow, shall be brought before the priest:
in the land of their enemies, I did not
12 Who judging whether it be good or
cast them off altogether, neither did I so
bad, shall set the price:
despise them that they should be quite 13 Which if he that offereth it will give,
consumed, and I should make void my he shall add above the estimation the
covenant with them. For I am the Lord
fifth part.
their God.
14 If a man shall vow his house, and
45 And I will remember my former it to the Lord, the priest shall
covenant, when I brought them out of consider it be good or bad,
the land of Egypt, in the sight of the and it be sold according to the
Gentiles, to be their God. I am the
price, which he shall appoint.
Lord. These are the judgments, and pre 15 But if he that vowed, will redeem it,
cepts, and laws, which the Lord gave he shall give the fifth part of the estima
between him and the children of Israel tion over and above, and shall have the
in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.
16 And if he vow the field of his pos
session, and consecrate it to the Lord,
Of vows and tithes
the price shall be rated according to the

A ng:
the Lord spoke to Moses, say

2 Speak to the children of

measure of the seed. If the ground be
sowed with thirty bushels of barley, let
it be sold for fifty sides of silver.
Israel, and
thou shalt say to them: The man that 17 If he vow his field immediately from
shall have made a vow, and promised his the year of jubilee that is beginning, as
soul to God, shall give the price accord much as it may be worth, at so much it
ing to estimation. shall be rated.
3 If it be a man from twenty years old 18 But if some time after, the priest
unto sixty years old, he shall give fifty shall reckon the money according to the
sides of silver, after the weight of the number of years that remain until the
sanctuary :
jubilee, and the price shall be abated.
4 If a woman, thirty. 19 And if he that had vowed, will redeem
5 But from the fifth year until the twen his field, he shall add the fifth part of the

Redemption of vows NUMBERS Tithes

money of the estimation, and shall pos part of the price. If he will not redeem
sess it. it, it shall be sold to another for how
20 And if he will not redeem it, but it much soever it was estimated by thee.
be sold to any other man, he that vowed 28 d Any thing that is devoted to the
it, may not redeem it any more: Lord, whether it be man, or beast, or
21 For when the day of jubilee cometh, field, shall not be soM, neither may it be
it shall be sanctified to the Lord, and as redeemed. Whatsoever is once conse
a possession consecrated, pertaineth to crated shall be holy of holies to the Lord.
the right of the priest. 29 And any consecration that is offered
22 If a field that was bought, and not by man, shall not be redeemed, but dying
of a man s ancestors possession, be sanc shall die.
tified to the Lord, 30 All tithes of the land, whether of
23 The priest shall reckon the price corn, or of the fruits of trees, are the
according to the number of years: unto Lord s, and are sanctified to him.
the jubilee: and he that had vowed, shall 31 And if any man will redeem his tithes,
give that to the Lord. he shall add the fifth part of them.
24 But in the jubilee, it shall return to 32 Of all the tithes of oxen, and sheep,
the former owner, who had sold it, and and goats, that pass under the shepherd s
had it in the lot of his possession. rod, every tenth that cometh shall be
25 All estimation shall be made accord sanctified to the Lord.
ing to the sicle of the sanctuary.
c A 33 It shall not be chosen neither good
sicle hath twenty obols. nor bad, neither shall it be changed for
26 The firstborn, which belong to the another. If any man change it: both
Lord, no man may sanctify and vow: that which was changed, and that for
whether it be bullock, or sheep, they are which it was changed, shall be sanctified
the Lord s. to the Lord, and shall not be redeemed.
27 And if it be an unclean beast, he that 34 These are the precepts which the
offereth it shall redeem it, according to Lord commanded Moses for the children
thy estimation, and shall add the fifth of Israel in mount Sinai.

This fourth Book of Moses is called NUMBERS, because it begins with the numbering
call it VAIEDABBER. It contains
of the people. The Hebrews, from its first words,
the transactions of th e Israelites from the second month of the
second year after
their going out of Egypt, until the beginning of the eleventh
month of the fortieth
year; that is, a history almost of thirty-mne years.
CHAPTER 1 3 From twenty years old and upwards,
of the men of Israel fit for war, and
The children of Israel are numbered: the Levites
are designed to serve the tabernacle. you shall number them by their troops,
thou and Aaron.
the Lord spoke to Moses in the 4 And there shall be with you the princes
ASD desert of Sinai in the tabernacle of of the tribes, and of the houses in their
the covenant, the first day of the second kindreds,
month, the second year of their going 5 Whose names are these: Of Ruben,
out of Egypt, saying: Elisur the son of Sedeur.
2 /Take the sum of all the congregation 6 Of Simeon, Salamiel the son of Su-
of the children of Israel by their families, risaddai.
and houses, and the names of every one, 7 Of Juda, Nahasson the son of Amin-
as many as are of the male sex. adab.

d Jos. 6. 19. e B. C. 1444. / Ex. 30. 12.

c Ex. 30. 13 ; Num. 3. 47 ;
Ezech. 45. 12.

The princes of Israel NUMBERS Every tribe is numbered
8 Of Issacher, Nathanael the son of 28 Of the sons of Issacher, by their
Suar. generations and families and houses of
9 Of Zabulon, Eliab the son of Helon. their kindreds, by the names of every
one from twenty years old and upward,
10 And
of the sons of Joseph: of Ephra-
all that could go forth to war,
im, Elisama the son of Ammiud: of
Manasses, Gamaliel the son of Phadassur. 29 Were reckoned up fifty-four thou
sand four hundred.
11 Of Benjamin, Abidan the son of
Gedeon. 30 Of the sons of Zabulon, by the gen
erations and families and houses of
12 Of Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammisad-
their kindreds, were reckoned up by the
13 Of Aser, Phegiel the son of Ochran.
names of every one from twenty years
old and upward, all that were able to go
14 Of Gad, Eliasaph the son of Duel.
forth to war,
15 Of Nephtali, Ahira the son of Enan.
16 These are the most noble princes of 31 Fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
the multitude by their tribes and kin 32 Of the sons of Joseph, namely, of
dreds, and the chiefs of the army of the sons of Ephraim, by the generations
Israel: and families and houses of their kin
17 Whom Moses and Aaron took with dreds, were reckoned up by the names
all common people:
the multitude of the of every one, from twenty years old and
18 And assembled them on the first day upward, all that were able to go forth to
of the second month, reckoning them up war,
by the kindreds, and houses, and families, 33 Forty thousand five hundred.
and heads, and names of every one from 34 Moreover of the sons of Manasses,
twenty years old and upward, by the generations and families and
19 As the Lord had commanded Moses. houses of their kindreds, were reckoned
And they were numbered in the desert up by the names of every one from
of Sinai. twenty years old and upward, all that
20 Of Ruben the eldest son of Israel, by could go forth to war,
their generations and families and houses 35 Thirty-two thousand two hundred.
and names of every head, all that were 36 Of the sons of Benjamin, by their
of the male sex, from twenty years old generations and families and houses of
and upward, that were able to go forth their kindreds, were reckoned up by the
to war, names of every one from twenty years
21 Were forty-six thousand five hun old and upward, all that were able to go
dred. forth to war,
22 Of the sons of Simeon by their gener 37 Thirty-five thousand four hundred.
ations and families, and houses of their 38 Of the sons of Dan, by their genera
kindreds, were reckoned up by the names tions and families and houses of their
and heads of every one, all that were of kindreds, were .reckoned up by the
the male sex, from twenty years old and names of every one from twenty years
upward, that were able to go forth to war, old and upward, all that were able to go
23 Fifty-nine thousand three hundred. forth to war,
24 Of the sons of Gad, by their genera 39 Sixty-two thousand seven hundred.
tions and families and houses of their 40 Of the sons of Aser, by their genera
kindreds were reckoned up by the names tions and families and houses of their
of every one from twenty years old and kindreds, were reckoned up by the
upward, all that were able to go forth to names of every one from twenty years
war, old and upward, all that were able to go
25 Forty-five thousand six hundred and forth to war,
fifty. 41 Forty-one thousand and five hun
26 Of the sons of Juda, by their gener dred.
ations and families and houses of their 42 Of the sons of Nephtali, by their
kindreds, by the names of every one generations and families and houses of
from twenty years old and upward, all their kindreds, were reckoned up by the
that were able to go forth to war, names of every one from twenty years
27 Were reckoned up seventy-four thou old and upward, all that were able to go
sand six hundred. forth to war,

The Levites not numbered NUMBERS The arrangement of the tribes
43 Fifty-three thousand four hundred. men of his stock, were seventy-four
44 These are they who were numbered thousand six hundred.
by Moses and Aaron, and the twelve 5 Next unto him they of the tribe of
princes of Israel, every one by the Issachar encamped, whose prince was
houses of their kindreds. Nathanael, the son of Suar.
45 And the whole number of the chil 6 And the whole number of his fighting
dren of Israel by their houses and fami men were fifty-four thousand four hun
lies, from twenty years old and upward, dred.
that were able to go to war,
7 In the tribe of Zabulon the prince
46 Were six hundred and three thou was Eliab the son of Helon.
sand five hundred and fifty men. 8 And all the army of fighting men of
47 But the Levites in the tribes of their his stock, were fifty-seven thousand four
families were not numbered with them. hundred.
48 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 9 All that were numbered in the camp
49 Number not the tribe of Levi, neither of Juda, were a hundred and eighty-six
shalt thou put down the sum of them thousand four hundred: and they by
with the children of Israel: their troops shall march first.
50 But appoint them over the taber 10 In the camp of the sons of Ruben, on
nacle of the testimony, and all the ves the south side, the prince shall be Elisur
sels thereof, and whatsover pertaineth the son of Sedeur:
to the ceremonies. They shall carry the 11 And the whole army of his fighting
tabernacle and all the furniture thereof: men, that were numbered, were forty-
and they shall minister, and shall encamp six thousand five hundred.
round about the tabernacle. 12 Beside Mm camped they of the tribe
51 When you are to go forward, the of Simeon: whose prince was Salamiel
Levites shall take down the tabernacle: the son of Surisaddai.
when you are to camp, they shall set it 13 And the whole army of his fighting
up. What stranger soever cometh to it, men, that were numbered, were fifty-
shall be slain. nine thousand three hundred.
52 And the children of Israel shall camp 14 In the tribe of Gad the prince was
every man by his troops and bands and Eliasaph the son of Duel.
army. 15 And the whole army of his fighting
53 But the Levites shall pitch their men that were numbered, were forty-
tents round about the tabernacle, lest five thousand six hundred and fifty.
there come indignation upon the multi 16 All that were reckoned up in the
tude of the children of Israel, and they camp of Ruben, were a hundred and
shall keep watch, and guard the taber fifty-one thousand four hundred and
nacle of the testimony. fifty, by their troops: they shall march
54 And the children of Israel did ac in the second place.
cording to all things which the Lord had 17 And the tabernacle of the testimony
commanded Moses. shall be carried by the officers of the
Levites and their troops. As it shall be
CHAPTER 2 set up, so shall it be taken down. Every
The order of the tribes in their camp one shall march according to their
the Lord spoke to Moses and places, and ranks.
Aaron, saying: a 18 On the west side shall be the camp
of the sons of Ephraim, whose prince
2 All the children of Israel shall camp
by their troops, ensigns, and standards, was Elisana the son of Ammiud.
and the houses of their kindreds, round 19 The whole army of his fighting men,
about the tabernacle of the covenant. that were numbered, were forty-thousand
3 Onthe east Juda shall pitch his tents hundred.
by the bands of his army: and the prince 20 And with them the tribe of the sons
of his sons shall be Nahasson the son of of Manasses, whose prince was Gamaliel
Aminadab. the son of Phadassur.
4 And the whole sum of the fighting 21 And the whole army of his fighting

0B. C. 1444.

The arrangement of the tribes NlUMBERS The Levites are numbered
3 These the of the sons of Aaron
men, that were numbered, were thirty-
two thousand two hundred. the priests that
anointed, andwere
22 In the tribe of the sons of Benja
whose hands were filled and consecrated,
to do the function of priesthood.
min the prince was Abidan the son of
Gedeon. 4 l Now Nadab and Abiu died, without
23 And the whole army of his fighting children, when they offered strange fire
before the Lord, in the desert of Sinai:
men, that were reckoned up, were thirty-
five thousand four hundred.
and Eleazar and Ithamar performed the
priestly office in the presence of Aaron
24 All that were numbered in the camp
their father.
of Ephraim, were a hundred and eight
thousand one hundred by their troops: 5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
they shall march in the third place. 6 Bring the tribe of Levi, and make,
25 On the north side camped the sons them stand in the sight of Aaron the
of Dan: whose prince was Ahiezar the priest to minister to him, and let them
son af Ammisaddai. watch,
26 The whole army of his fighting men, 7 And observe whatsoever appertaineth
that were numbered, were sixty-two to the service of the multitude before
thousand seven hundred. the tabernacle of the testimony,
27 Beside him they of the tribe of Aser 8 And let them keep the vessels of the
pitched their tents: whose prince was tabernacle, serving in the ministry
Phegiel the son of Ochran. thereof.
28 The whole army of his fighting men,
that were numbered, were forty-one
9 And thou shalt give the Levites for a
thousand five hundred.
10 To Aaron and to his sons, to whom
29 Of the tribe of the sons of Nephtali
the prince was Ahira the son of Enan. they are delivered by the children of
Israel. But thou shalt appoint Aaron
30 The whole army of his fighting men,
and his sons over the service of priest
were fifty-three thousand four hundred.
hood. The stranger that approacheth to
31 All that were numbered in the camp
of Dan, were a hundred and fifty-seven minister, shall be put to death.
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
thousand six hundred: and they shall
12 I have taken the Levites from the
march last.
children of Israel, for every firstborn
32 Thisis the number of the children
that openeth the womb among the chil
of Israel, of their army divided according
dren of Israel, and the Levites shall be
to the houses of their kindreds and their
troops, six hundred and three thousand
13 J For every firstborn is mine since :
five hundred and fifty.
I struck the firstborn in the land of
And the Levites were not numbered
among the children of Israel: for so the Egypt: I have sanctified to myself what
Lord had commanded Moses. soever is firstborn in Israel both of man
34 And the children of Irael did accord and beast, they are mine: I am the
ing to all things that the Lord had com
14 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the
manded. They camped by their troops,
and marched by the families and houses desert of Sinai, saying:
of their fathers. 15 Number the sons of Levi by the
houses of their fathers and their families,
CHAPTER 3 every male from one month and upward.
The Levites are numbered and their offices distin 16 Moses numbered them as the Lord
guished. They are taken in the place of the first had commanded.
born of the children of IsraeL 17 k And there were found sons of Levi
are the generations of Aaron by their names, Gerson and Caath and
J. and Moses in the day that the Lord Merari.
spoke to Moses in mount Sinai. 18 The sons of Gerson: Lebni and
2 * And these the names of the sons of Semei.
Aaron: his firstborn Nadab, then Abiu, 19 The sons of Caath Amram, and Jes- :

and Eleazar, and Ithamar. aar, Hebron and Oziel.

h Ex. 6. 23. f Lev. 10. 1 and 2 ; 1 Par, 24. 2. j Ex. 13. 2 ; Infra 8. 16. k Ex. 6. 16.

The charge of the Levites NUMBERS Taken in place of the firstborn
20 The sons of Merari: Moholi and 37 And the pillars of the court round
Musi. about with their sockets, and the pins
21 Of Gerson were two families, the with their cords.
Lebnites, and the Semeites: 38 Before the tabernacle of the cove
22 Of which were numbered, people of nant, that is to say on the east side,
the male sex from one month and up shall Moses and Aaron
camp, with their
ward, seven thousand five hundred. sons, having the custody of the sanc
23 These shall pitch behind the taber tuary, in the midst of the children of
nacle on the west, Israel. What stranger soever cometh
unto it, shall be put to death.
24 Under their prince Eliasaph the son
of Lael. 39 All the Levites, that Moses and Aar
on numbered according to the precept
25 And their charge shall be in the tab
of the Lord, by their families, of the
ernacle of the covenant: _

male kind from one month and upward,

26 The tabernacle itself and the cover- were twenty-two thousand.
thereof, the hanging that is drawn before 40 And the Lord said to Moses: Num
the doors of the tabernacle of the cove
ber the firstborn of the male sex of the
nant, and the curtains of the court: the children of Israel, from one month and
hanging also that is hanged in the entry upward, and thou shalt take the sum of
of the court of the tabernacle, and what
soever belongeth to the rite of the altar,
the cords of the tabernacle, and all the 41 And thou shalt take the Levites to
furniture thereof. me for all the firstborn of the children
of Israel, I am the Lord: and their cattle
27 Of the kindred of Caath come the
for all the first born of the cattle of the
families of the Amramites and Jesaarites
children of Israel:
and Hebronites and Ozielites. These are
the families of the Caathites reckoned up 42 Moses reckoned up, as the Lord had
by their names : commanded, the firstborn of the children
of Israel:
28 All of the male sex from one month
and upward, eight thousand six hundred: 43 And the males by their names, from
one month and upward, were twenty-
they shall have the guard of the sanc
two thousand two hundred and seventy-
29 And shall camp on the south side. three.
30 And their prince shall be Elisaphan 44 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
the son of Oziel: 45 Take the Levites for the firstborn
31 And they shall keep the ark, and the of the children of Israel, and the cattle
table and the candlestick, the altars, and of the Levites for their cattle, and the
the vessels of the sanctuary, wherewith Levites shall be mine. I am the Lord.
they minister, and the veil, and all the 46 But for the price of the two hundred
furniture of this kind. and seventy-three, of the firstborn of the
32 And the prince of the princes of the children of Israel, that exceed the num
Levites, Eleazar, the son of Aaron the ber of the Levites,
priest, shall be over them that watch for 47 Thou shalt take five sides for every
the guard of the sanctuary. head, according to the weight of the
33 And of Merari are the families of sanctuary. m A
side hath twenty obols.
the Moholites, and Musites, reckoned up 48 And thou shalt give the money to
by their names: Aaron and his sons, the price of them
34 All of the male kind from one month that are above.
and upward, six thousand two hundred. 49 Moses therefore took the money of
35 Their prince Suriel the son of Abi- them that were above, and whom they
haiel they shall camp on the north side.
: had redeemed from the Levites,
36 Under their custody shall be the 50 For the first born of the children of
boards of the tabernacle, and the bars, Israel, one thousand three hundred and
and the pillars and their sockets, and all sixty-five sides, according to the weight
things that pertain to this kind of ser of the sanctuary,
vice: 51 And gave it to Aaron and his sons.

l~B. C. 1444. m Ex. 30. 13 Lev.

: 27. 25 ; Infra 18. 16 ; Ezeck. 45. 12.

Service of the sons of Caath NUMBERS Service of the sons of Gerson
had 14 And shall put it with all the vessels
according to the word that the Lord
commanded him. that they use in the ministry thereof,
that is to say, firepans, fleshhooks and
CHAPTER 4 forks, pothooks and shovels. They
The age and time of the Levites service: their of shall cover all the vessels of the altar
fices and burdens. together with a covering of violet skins,
AND the Lord spoke to Moses, and and shall put in the bars.
J\ Aaron, saying:
15 And when Aaron and his sons have
2 Take the sum of the sons of Caath wrapped up the sanctuary and the ves
from the midst of the Levites, by their sels thereof at the removing of the
houses and families, camp, then shall the sons of Caath en
3 From thirty years old and upward, to ter in to carry the things wrapped up:
fifty years old, of all that go
in to stand and they shall not touch the vessels of
and to minister in the tabernacle of the the sanctuary, lest they die. These are
covenant. the burdens of the sons of Caath: in the
tabernacle of the covenant:
5 This is the service of the son of
Caath :
16 And over them shall be Eleazar the
When the to set forward, son of Aaron the priest, to whose charge
5 camp is
Aaron and his sons shall go into the tab pertaineth the oil to dress the lamps, and
the sweet incense, and the sacrifice, that
ernacle of the covenant, and the holy of
is always offered, and the oil of unction,
holies, and shall take down the veil that
and whatsoever pertaineth to the ser
hangeth before the door, and shall wrap
vice of the tabernacle, and of all the ves
up the ark of the testimony in it, sels that are in the sanctuary.
6 And shall cover it again with a cover
of violet skins, and shall spread over it a 17 And the Lord spoke to Moses and
cloth all of violet, and shall put in the bars. Aaron, saying:
7 They shall wrap up also the table of 18 Destroy not the people of Caath
from the midst of the Levites:
proposition in a cloth of violet, and shall
put with it the censers and little mortars, 19 But do this to them, that they may
the cups and bowls to pour out the liba live, and not die, by touching the holies
tions: the loaves shall be always on it: of holies. Aaron and his sons shall go
8 And they shall spread over it a cloth in, and they shall appoint every man his
of scarlet, which again they shall cover work, and shall divide the burdens that
with a covering of violet skins, and shall every man is to carry.
put in the bars. 20 Let not others by any curiosity see
9 They shall take also a cloth of violet the things that are in the sanctuary be
wherewith they shall cover the candle fore they be wrapped up, otherwise they
stick with the lamps and tongs thereof shall die.
and the snuffers and all the oil vessels, 21 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
which are necessary for the dressing of 22 Take the sum of the sons of Gerson
the lamps: also by their houses and families and
10 And over all they shall put a cover kindreds.
of violet skins and put in the bars. 23 From thirty years old and upward,
11 And they shall wrap up the golden unto fifty years old. Number them all
altar also in a cloth of violet, and shall that go in and minister in the tabernacle
spread over it a cover of violet skins, of the covenant.
and put in the bars. 24 This is the office of the family of the
12 All the vessels wherewith they min Gersonites:
ister in the sanctuary, they shall wrap 25 To carry the curtains of the taber
up in a cloth of violet, and shall spread nacle and the roof of the covenant, the
over it a cover of violet skins, and put other covering, and the violet covering
in the bars. over all, and the hanging that hangeth
13 They shall cleanse the altar also from in the entry of the tabernacle of the
the ashes, and shall wrap it up in a pur covenant,
ple cloth, 26 The curtains of the court, and the
n A. M. 2514. o 1 Par. 15. 15.

Service of the sons of Merari. NUMBERS The unclean removed from camp
veil inthe entry that is before the taber 40 And they were found two thousand
nacle. All things that pertain to the six hundred and thirty.
altar, the cords and the vessels of the 41 This the people of the Gersonites,
ministry, whom Moses and Aaron numbered ac
27 The sons of Gerson shall carry, by cording to the word of the Lord.
the commandment of Aaron and his sons :
42 The sons of Merari also were num
and each man shall know to what burden bered by the kindreds and houses of
he must be assigned. their fathers,
28 This is the service of the family of 43 From thirty years old and upward,
the Gersonites in the tabernacle of the unto fifty years old, all that go in to
covenant, and they shall be under the fulfilthe rites of the tabernacle of the
hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the covenant:
priest. 44 And they were found three thousand
29 Thou shalt reckon up the sons of two hundred.
Merari also by the families and houses 45 This is the number of the sons of
of their fathers,
Merari, whom Moses and Aaron reckoned
30 From thirty years old and upward, up according to the commandment of
unto fifty years old, all that go in to the the Lord by the hand of Moses.
office of their ministry, and to the service 46 All that were reckoned up of the
of the covenant of the testimony. Levites, and whom Moses and Aaron and
31 These are their burdens They shall
the princes of Israel took by name, by
carry the boards of the tabernacle and the the kindreds and houses of their fathers,
bars thereof, the pillars and their sockets, 47 From thirty years old and upward,
until fifty years old, that go into the
32 The pillars also of the court round
ministry of the tabernacle, and to carry
about, with their sockets and pins and the burdens,
cords. They shall receive by account 48 Were in all eight thousand five hun
all the vessels and furniture, and so shall
dred and eighty.
carry them.
49 Moses reckoned them up according
33 This is the office of the family of the
to the word of the Lord, every one ac
Merarites, and their ministry in the taber
cording to their office and burdens, as
nacle of the covenant: and they shall be
the Lord had commanded him.
under the hand of Ithamar the son of
Aaron the priest. CHAPTER 5
34 So Moses and Aaron and the princes The unclean are removed out of the camp: confes
of the synagogue reckoned up the sons sion of sins, and satisfaction firstfruitc and ob

lations belonging to the priests: trial of jealousy.

of Caath, by their kindreds and the
houses of their fathers,
35 From thirty years old and upward,
unto fifty years old, all that go in to the
A ng
the Lord
spoke to Moses, say

2 Command the children of Israel, that

ministry of the tabernacle of the cove they cast out of the camp every leper,
nant: and whosoever hath an issue of seed, or
36 And they were found two thousand is defiled by the dead:

seven hundred and fifty. 3 Whether it be man or woman, cast ye

37 This is the number of the people of them out of the camp, lest they defile it
Caath that go in to the tabernacle of the when I shall dwell with you.
covenant: these did Moses and Aaron 4 And the children of Israel did so, and
number according to the word of the they cast them forth without the camp,
Lord by the hand of Moses. as the Lord had spoken to Moses.
38 The sons of Gerson also were num 5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
bered by the kindreds and houses of 6 Say to the children of Israel When a :

their fathers, man or woman shall have committed any

39 From thirty years old and upward, of all the sins that men are wont to
unto fifty years old, all that go in to commit, and by negligence shall have
minister in the tabernacle of the cove transgressed the commandment of the
nant: Lord, and offended,
p B. C. 1444.

The trial of jealousy NUMBERS The trial of jealousy

I They shall confess their sin, and re bitter waters, on which I have heaped
store the principal itself, and the fifth curses, shall not hurt thee.
part over and above, to him against 20 But if thou hast gone aside from thy
whom they have sinned. husband, and art defiled, and hast lain
8 But if there be no one to receive it, with another man:
they shall give it to the Lord, and it shall 21 These curses shall light upon thee:
be the priest s, besides the ram that is The Lord make thee a curse, and an ex
offered for expiation, to be an atoning ample for all among his people: may
sacrifice. he make thy thigh to rot, and may thy
9 All the firstfruits also, which the chil belly swell and burst asunder.
dren of Israel offer, belong to the priest :
22 Let the cursed waters enter into thy
10 And whatsoever is offered into the belly,and may thy womb swell and thy
sanctuary by every one, and is delivered thigh rot. And the woman shall answer,
into the hands of the priest, it shall be Amen, amen.
his. 23 And the priest shall write these
II And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: curses in a book, and shall wash them out
12 Speak to the children of Israel, and with the most bitter waters, upon which
thou shalt say to them: The man whose he hath heaped the curses,
wife shall have gone astray, and con 24 And he shall give them her to drink.
temning her husband, And when she hath drunk them up,
13 Shall have slept with another man, 25 The priest shall take from her hand
and her husband cannot discover it, but the sacrifice of jealousy, and shall ele
the adultery is secret, and cannot be vate it before the Lord, and shall put it
proved by witnesses, because she was upon the altar: yet so as first,
not found in the adultery: 26 To take a handful of the sacrifice of
14 If the spirit of jealousy stir up the that which is offered, and burn it upon
husband against his wife, who either is the altar: and so give the most bitter
defiled, or is charged with false suspicion, waters to the woman to drink.
15 He shall bring her to the priest, and 27 And when she hath drunk them, if
shall offer an oblation for her, the tenth she be defiled, and having despised her
part of a measure of barley meal: he husband be guilty of adultery, the male
shall not pour oil thereon, nor put frank diction shall go through her, and her
incense upon it: because it is a sacrifice belly swelling, her thigh shall rot: and
of jealousy, and an oblation searching the woman shall be a curse, and an ex
out adultery. ample to all the people.
16 The priest therefore shall offer it, 28 But if she be not defiled, she shall
and set it before the Lord. not be hurt, and shall bear children.
17 And he shall take holy water in an 29 This is the law of jealousy. If a wo
earthen vessel, and he shall cast a little man hath gone aside from her husband,
earth of the pavement of the tabernacle and be defiled,
into it. 30 And
the husband stirred up by the
18 And when the woman shall stand be spirit of jealousy bring her before the
fore the Lord, he shall uncover her head, Lord, and the priest do to her according
and shall put on her hands the sacrifice to all things that are here written:
of remembrance, and the oblation of 31 The husband shall be blameless, and
jealousy: and he himself shall hold the she shall bear her iniquity.
most bitter waters, whereon he hath
heaped curses with execration. CHAPTER 6
19 And he shall adjure her, and shall The law of the Nazarites: the form of blessing the
say: If another man hath not slept with people.

thee, and if thou be not defiled by for

saking thy husband s bed, these most AND 1

the Lord spoke to Moses, say

CHAP. 5. Ver. 7. Khali confess. This confession was designed to clear the innocent, and to prevent
and satisfaction, ordained in the Old Law, was a fig jealous husbands from doing mischief to their
ure of the sacrament of penance. wives as likewise to give all a horror of adultery,

Ver. 14. The spirit of jealousy, &c. This ordinance by punishing it in so remarkable a manner.
The law of the Nazarites NUMBERS Blessing the people
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and Lord: one he lamb of a year old with
thou shalt say to them: When a man, out blemish for a holocaust, and one
or woman, shall make a vow to be sanc ewe lamb of a year old without blemish
tified, and will consecrate themselves to for a sin offering, and one ram without
the Lord: blemish for a victim of peace offering,
3 They shall abstain from wine, and 15 A basket also of unleavened bread,
from everything that may make a man tempered with oil, and wafers without
drunk. They shall not drink vinegar of leaven anointed with oil, and the liba
wine, or of any other drink, nor any tions of each:
thing that is pressed out of the grape: 16 And the priest shall present them
nor shall they eat grapes either fresh before the Lord, and shall offer both the
or dried. sin offering and the holocaust.
4 All the days that they are consecrated 17 But the ram he shall immolate for a
to the Lord by vow: they shall eat no sacrifice of peace offering to the Lord,
thing that cometh of the vineyard, from offering at the same time the basket of
the raisin even to the kernel. unleavened bread, and the libations that
5 All the time of his separation r no are due by custom.
razor shall pass over his head, until the 18 s Then shall the hair of the conse
day be fulfilled of his consecration to the cration of the Nazarite, be shaved off
Lord. He shall be holy, and shall let before the door of the tabernacle of the
the hair of his head grow. covenant: and he shall take his hair, and
6 All the time of his consecration he lay it upon the fire, which is under the
shall not go in to any dead, sacrifice of the peace offerings.

7 Neither shall he make himself un 19 And shall take the boiled shoulder
clean, even for his father, or for his mo of the ram, and one unleavened cake
ther, or for his brother, or for his sister, out of the basket, and one unleavened
when they die, because the consecration wafer, and he shall deliver them into the
of his God is upon his head. hands of the Nazarite, after his head is
8 All the days of his separation he shall shaven.
be holy to the Lord. 20 And receiving them again from him,
9 But if any man die suddenly before he shall elevate them in the sight of the
him: the head of his consecration shall Lord: and they being sanctified shall be
be denied: and he shall shave it forth long to the priest, as the breast, which
with on the same day of his purification, was commanded to be separated, and
and again on the seventh day. the shoulder. After this the Nararite
10 And on the eighth day he shall bring may drink wine.
two turtles, or two young pigeons to the 21 This is the law of the Nazarite, when
priest in the entry of the covenant of the he hath vowed his oblation to the Lord
testimony. in the time of his consecration, besides
11 And the priest shall offer one for sin, those things which his hand shall find,
and the other for a holocaust, and shall according to that which he had vowed in
pray for him, for that he hath sinned by his mind, so shall he do for the fulfilling
the dead and he shall sanctify his head
: of his sanctification.
that day: 22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
12 And shall consecrate to the Lord the 23 Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus
days of his separation, offering a lamb of shall you bless the children of Israel,
one year for sin: yet so that the former and you shall say to them:
days be made void, because his sanctifi- 24 * The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
cation was profaned. 25 The Lord shew his face to thee, and
13 This is the law of consecration. have mercy on thee.
When the days which he had determined 26 The Lord turn his countenance to
by vow shall be expired, he shall bring thee, and give thee peace.
him to the door of the tabernacle of the 27 And they shall invoke my name upon
covenant, the children of Israel, and I will bless
14 And shall offer his oblation to the them.
r Judges 13. 5. s Acts 21. 24. t Eccli. 36. 19.

Offerings of the princes NUMBERS Offerings of the princes
CHAPTER 7 15 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
The offerings of the princes at the dedication of the lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
tabernacle: God speaketh to Moses from the pro
16 And a buck goat for sin:
it came to pass in the day that 17 And for the sacrifice of peace offer
Moses had finished the tabernacle,
and had anointed and
ings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats,
five lambs of a year old. This was the
and set it up,
sanctified it with the altar
all its vessels, offering of Nahasson the son of Amina
likewise and all the vessels thereof, dab.

2 The princes of Israel and the heads of 18 The second day Nathanael the son
the families, in every tribe, who were of Suar, prince of the tribe of Issachar,
the rulers of them who had been num made his offering,
bered, offered v 19 A weighing one hundred
silver dish
3 Their before the Lord, six
and thirty sides, a silver bowl of seventy
wagons covered, and twelve oxen. Two sides, according to the weight of the
princes offered one wagon, and each one sanctuary, both full of flour tempered
an ox, and they offered them before the with oil for a sacrifice:
tabernacle. 20 A little mortar of gold weighing ten
4 And the Lord said to Moses: sides full of incense:
5 Receive them from them to serve in 21 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
the ministry of the tabernacle, and thou lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
shalt deliver them to the Levites accord 22 And a buck goat for sin:
ing to the order of their ministry. 23 And for the sacrifice of peace offer
C Moses therefore receiving the wagons
two oxen, five rams, five buck
and the oxen, delivered them to the Le goats, five lambs of a year old. This was
the offering of Nathanael the son of Suar.
24 The third day the prince of the sons
7 Two wagons and four oxen he gave
of Zabulon, Eliab the son of Helon,
to the sons of Gerson, according to their
25 Offered a silver dish weighing one
necessity. hundred and thirty sides, a silver bowl
8 The other four wagons, and eight of seventy sides by the weight of the
oxen he gave to the sons of Merari, ac sanctuary, both full of flour tempered
cording to their offices and service, under with oil for a sacrifice :

the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron 26 A

little mortar of gold weighing ten
the priest. sides full of incense:
9 But to the sons of Caath he gave no 27 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
wagons or oxen: because they serve in lamb of a year old for a holocaust :

the sanctuary and carry their burdens 28 And a buck goat for sin :

upon their own shoulders. 29 And for the sacrifice of peace offer
10 And the princes offered for the dedi ings, two oxen, five rams, five buck
cation of the altar on the day when it was goats, five lambs of a year old. This is
anointed, their oblation before the altar. the oblation of Eliab the son of Helon.
11 And the Lord said to Moses: Let 30 The fourth day the prince of the
each of the princes one day after another sons of Ruben, Elisur the son of Sedeur,
offer their gifts for the dedication of the 31 Offered a silver dish weighing one
altar. hundred and thirty sides, a silver bowl
12 The first day Nahasson the son of of seventy sides according to the weight
Aminadab of the tribe of Juda offered of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem
his offering: pered with oil for a sacrifice:
13 And his offering was a silver dish 32 A
little mortar of gold weighing ten
weighing one hundred and thirty sides, sides full of incense:
a silver bowl of seventy sides according 33 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
to the weight of the sanctuary, both full lamb of a year old, for a holocaust:
of flour tempered with oil for a sacrifice : 34 And a buck goat for sin:
14 A little mortar of ten sides of gold 35 And for victims of peace offerings
full of incense: two oxen, five rams, five buck goats,
wEx. 40. 16. y B. C. 1444.

Offerings of the princes NUMBERS Offerings of the princes
five lambs of a year old. This was the of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem
offering of Elisur the son of Sedeur. pered with oil for a sacrifice:
36 The fifth day the prince of the sons 56 A little mortar of gold weighing ten
of Simeon, Salamiel the son of Surisaddai, sides full of incense:
37 Offered a silver dish weighing one 57 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
hundred and thirty sides, a silver bowl lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
of seventy sides after the weight of the 58 And a buck goat for sin:
sanctuary, both full of flour tempered 59 And for sacrifices of peace offerings,
with oil for a sacrifice: two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five
38 A little mortar of gold weighing ten lambs of a year old. This was the offer
sides full of incense: ing of Gamaliel the son of Phadassur.
39 An ox of the herd, and a rani, and a 60 The ninth day the prince of the sons
lamb of a year old for a holocaust: of Benjamin, Abidan the son of Gedeon,
40 And a buck goat for sin: 61 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun
41 And for sacrifices of peace offerings dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of
two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five seventy sides by the weight of the sanc
lambs of a year old. This was the offer tuary, both full of flour tempered with
ing of Salamiel the son of Surisaddai. oil for a sacrifice:
42 The sixth day the prince of the sons 62 A little mortar of gold weighing ten
of Gad, Eliasaph the son of Duel, sides full of incense:
43 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun 63 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
seventy sides by the weight of the sanc 64 And a buck goat for sin:
tuary, both full of flour tempered with 65 And for sacrifices of peace offerings,
oil for a sacrifice: two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five
44 A little mortar of gold weighing ten lambs of a year old. This was the offer
sides full of incense: ing of Abidan the son of Gedeon.
45 An ox of the heard, and a ram, and 66 The tenth day the prince of the sons
a lamb of a year old for a holocaust: of Dan, Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai,
46 And a buck goat for sin: 67 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun
47 And for sacrifices of peace offerings, dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of
two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five seventy sides, according to the weight
lambs of a year old. This was the offer of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem
ing of Eliasaph the son of Duel. pered with oil for a sacrifice :

48 The seventh day the prince of the 68 A litle mortar of gold weighing ten
sons of Ephraim, Elisama the son of sides full of incense:
Ammiud, 69 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
49 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of 70 And a buck goat for sin:
seventy sides according to the weight 71 And for sacrifices of peace offerings,
of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five
pered with oil for a sacrifice: lambs of a year old. This was the offer
50 A little mortar of gold weighing ten ing of Ahiezer the son of Ammisaddai.
sides full of incense: 72 The eleventh day the prince of the
51 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and a sons of Aser, Phegiel the son of Ochran,
lamb of a year old for a holocaust: 73 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun
52 And a buck goat for sin : dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of
53 And for sacrifices of peace offerings, seventy sides, according to the weight
two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem
lambs of a year old. This was the offer pered with oil for a sacrifice:
ing of Elisama the son of Ammiud. 74 A little mortar of gold weighing ten
54 The eighth day the prince of the sides full of incense :

sons of Manasses, Gamaliel the son of 75 An ox of the herd, and a ram, and
Phadassur, a lamb of a year old for a holocaust:
55 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun 76 And a buck goat for sin :

dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of 77 And for sacrifices of peace offerings,
seventy sides, according to the weight two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five
God speaks from the propitiatory NUMBERS Ordination of tne Levites
lambs of a year old. This was the offer AND the Lord spoke to Moses, say-
ing of Phegiel the son of Ochran. J\ ing: w
78 The twelfth day the prince of the 2 Speak to Aaron, and thou shalt say to
sons of Nephtali, Ahira the son of Enan, him: When thou shalt place the seven
79 Offered a silver dish weighing a hun lamps, let the candlestick be set up on
dred and thirty sides, a silver bowl of the south side. Give orders therefore that
seventy sides, according to the weight the lamps look over against the north,
of the sanctuary, both full of flour tem towards the table of the loaves of propo
pered with oil for a sacrifice: sition, over against that part shall they
80 A little mortar of gold weighing ten give light, towards which the candlestick
sides full of incense:
3 And Aaron did so, and he put the
81 An
ox of the herd, and a ram, and a
lamb of a year old for a holocaust: lamps upon the candlestick, as the Lord
had commanded Moses.
82 And a buck goat for sin:
83 And for sacrifices of peace offerings, 4 Now this was the work of the candle
two oxen, five rams, five buck goats, five stick, it was of beaten gold, both the
lambs of a year old. This was the offer shaft in the middle, and all that came out
of both sides of the branches: according
ing of Ahira the son of Enan.
84 These were the offerings made by the to the pattern which the Lord had shewn
to Moses, so he made the candlestick.
princes of Israel in the dedication of the
altar, in the day wherein it was conse 5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
crated. Twelve dishes of silver: twelve sil 6 Take the Levites out of the midst of
ver bowls: twelve little mortars of gold: the children of Israel, and thou shalt
85 Each dish weighing a hundred and purify them,
thirty sides of silver, and each bowl 7 According to this rite: Let them be
seventy sides: that is, putting all the sprinkled with the water of purification,
vessels of silver together, two thousand and let them shave all the hairs of their
four hundred sides, by the weight of the flesh. And when they shall have washed
sanctuary. their garments, and are cleansed,
86 Twelve little mortars of gold full of 8 They shall take an ox of the herd,

incense, weighing ten sides apiece, by and for the offering thereof fine flour
the weight of the sanctuary: that is, in tempered with oil: and thou shalt take
all a hundred and twenty sides of gold. another ox of the herd for a sin offering:
87 Twelve oxen out of the herd for a 9 And thou shalt bring the Levites be
holocaust, twelve rams, twelve lambs of fore the tabernacle of the covenant, call
a year old, and their libations: twelve ing together all the multitude of the
buck goats for sin. children of Israel:
88 And for sacrifices of peace offerings, 10 And when the Levites are before the
oxen twenty-four, rams sixty, buck goats Lord, the children of Israel shall put
sixty, lambs of a year old sixty. These their hands upon them:
things were offered in the dedication of 11 And Aaron shall offer the Levites, as
the altar, when it was anointed. a gift in the sight of the Lord from the
89 And when Moses entered into the children of Israel, that they may serve
tabernacle of the covenant, to consult the in his ministry.
oracle, he heard the voice of one speak 12 The Levites also shall put their
ing to him from the propitiatory, that hands upon the heads of the oxen, of
was over the ark between the two cheru- which thou shalt sacrifice one for sin,
bims, and from this place he spoke to him. and the other for a holocaust to the Lord,
to pray for them.
CHAPTER 8 13 And thou shalt set the Levites in the
The seven lamps are placed on the golden candle
_ sight of Aaron and of his sons, and shalt
stick, to shine towards the loaves of proposition:
the ordination of the Levites: and to what aoe consecrate them being offered to the
they shall serve in the tabernacle. Lord,
w~B. C. 1444.
CHAP. 8. Ver. 7. Let them be sprinkled with appointed for purifying all that were unclean. It
the water of purification. This was the holy water was a figure of the blood of Christ, applied to our
mixed with the ashes of the red cow. Num. 19., souls by his holy sacraments.

The Levites taken for the firstborn NUMBERS
Precept of the pasch renewed
14 And shalt separate them from the the works. Thus shalt thou order the
midst of the children of Israel, to be Levites touching their charge.
15 And afterwards they shall enter into CHAPTER 9
the tabernacle of the covenant, to serve The precept of the pasch is renewed: the unclean
me. And thus shalt thou purify and and travellers are to observe it the second month:
the camp is guided by the pillar of the cloud.
consecrate them for an oblation of the
Lord spoke to Mosesin the des
Lord: for as a gift they were given me
by the children of Israel.
ert of Sinai, the second year after
they were come out of the land of Egypt,
16 x I have taken them instead of the in the first month, saying: v
firstborn that open every womb in Is
2 zLet the children of Israel make the
phase in its due time,
17 For all the firstborn of the children
3 The fourteenth day of this month in
of Israel, both of men and of beasts, are
the evening, according to all the cere
mine. From the day that I slew every
monies and justifications thereof.
firstborn in the land of Egypt, have I
4 And Moses commanded the children
sanctified them to myself:
of Israel that they should make the phase.
18 And I have taken the Levites for all 5 And they made it in its proper time:
the firstborn of the children of Israel: the fourteenth day of the month at eve
19 And have delivered them for a gift ning, in mount Sinai. The children of
to Aaron and his sons out of the midst Israel did according to all things that
of the people, to serve me for Israel in the Lord had commanded Moses.
the tabernacle of the covenant, and to 6 But behold some who were unclean
pray for them, lest there should be a by occasion of the soul of a man, who
plague among the people, if they should could not make the phase on that day,
presume to approach unto my sanctuary. coming to Moses and Aaron,
20 And Moses and Aaron and all the 7 Said to them: We are unclean by oc
multiude of the children of Israel did casion of the soul of a man. Why are
with the Levites all that the Lord had we kept back that we may not offer in
commanded Moses: its season the offering to the Lord among
21 And they were purified, and washed the children of Israel ?
their garments. And Aaron lifted them 8 And Moses answered them Stay that :

up in the sight of the Lord, and prayed I may consult the Lord what he will or
for them, dain concerning you.
22 That being purified they might go 9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
into the tabernacle of the covenant to 10 Say to the children of Israel: The
do their services before Aaron and his man that shall be unclean by occasion
sons. As the Lord had commanded Mo of one that is dead, or shall be in a jour
ses touching the Levites, so was it done. ney afar off in your nation, let him make
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say the phase to the Lord.
ing: 11 In the second month, on the four
24 This is the law of the Levites From : teenth day of the month in the evening,
twenty-five years old and upwards, they they shall eat it with unleavened bread
shall go in to minister in the tabernacle and wild lettuce:
of the covenant. 12 They shall not leave any thing there
25 And when they shall have accom of until morning, nor break a bone
plished the fiftieth year of their age, thereof, they shall observe all the cere
they shall cease to serve: monies of the phase.
26 And they shall be the ministers of 13 But if any man is clean, and was not
their brethren in the tabernacle of the on a journey, and did not make the
covenant, to keep the things that are phase, that soul shall be cut off from
committed to their care, but not to do among his people, because he offered
x Ex. 13. 2 ; Supra 3. 13 ; Luke 2. 23. 9 Ex. 12. 3.

y B. C. 1444. a Ex. 12. 46 ; John 19. 36.

CHAP. 9.Ver. 2. Make the phase. That is, keep sion of the soul of a man, &c. That is, by having
the paschal solemnity, and eat the paschal lamb. touched or come near a dead body, out of which the
Ver. 6. Behold some who were unclean by occa- soul was departed.

The pillar of the cloud NUMBERS The silver trumpets

not sacrifice to the Lord in due season: the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: d
he shall bear his sin. A^D
2 Make thee two trumpets of beaten
14 The sojourner also and the stranger silver, wherewith thou mayest call to
if they be among you, shall make the gether the multitude when the camp is
to be removed.
phase to the Lord according to the cere
monies and justifications thereof. The 3 And when thou shalt sound the trum
same ordinance shall be with you both pets, all the multitude shall gather unto
for the stranger, and for him that was thee to the door of the tabernacle of thii
born in the land. covenant.
15 b Now on the day that the tabernacle 4 If thou sound but once, the princes
was reared up, a cloud covered it. But and the heads of the multitude of Israel
from the evening there was over the shall come to thee.
tabernacle, as it were, the appearance of 5 But if the sound of the trumpets be
fire until the morning.
longer, and with interruptions, they that
16 So it was always: by day the cloud are on the east side, shall first go forward.
covered it, and by night as it were the 6 And at the second sounding and like
appearance of fire. noise of the trumpet, they who lie on the
17 And when the cloud that covered south side shall take up their tents. And
the tabernacle was taken up, then the after this manner shall the rest do, when
children of Israel marched forward: and the trumpets shall sound for a march.
in the place where the cloud stood still, 7 But when the people is to be gathered
there they camped.
together, the sound of the trumpets shall
18 At the commandment of the Lord be plain, and they shall not make a bro
they marched, and at his commandment ken sound.
they pitched the tabernacle. c All the
8 And the sons of Aaron the priest shall
days that the cloud abode over the taber sound the trumpets: and this shall be an
nacle, they remained in the same place: ordinance for ever in your generations.
19 And if it was so that it continued
9 If you go forth to war out of your land
over it a long time, the children of
Israel kept the watches of the Lord, and against the enemies that fight against
marched not, you, you shall sound aloud with the
20 For as many days soever as the trumpets, and there shall be a remem
brance of you before the Lord your God,
cloud stayed over the tabernacle. At the
that you may be delivered out of the
commandment of the Lord they pitched
hands of your enemies.
their tents, at his commandment
they took them down. 10 If at any time you shall have a ban
21 If the cloud tarried from evening quet, and on your festival days, and on
until morning, and immediately at break the first days of your months, you shall
of day left the tabernacle, they marched sound the trumpets over the holocausts,
forward: and if it departed after a day and the sacrifices of peace offerings, that
and a night, they took down their tents. they may be to you for a remembrance
22 But if it remained over the taber of your God. I am the Lord your God.
nacle for two days or a month or a longer 11 The second year, in the second
time, the children of Israel remained month, the twentieth day of the month,
in the same place, and marched not: but the cloud was taken up from the taber
immediately as soon as it departed, they nacle of the covenant.
removed the camp. 12 And the children of Israel marched
23 By the word of the Lord they pitched by their troops from the desert of Sinai,
their tents, and by his word they and the cloud rested in the wilderness of
marched: and kept the watches of the Pharan.
Lord according to his commandment by 13 And the first went forward accord
the hand of Moses. ing to the commandment of the Lord by
the hand of Moses.
CHAPTER 10 14 e The sons of Juda by their troops:
The silver trumpets and their use. They march
whose prince was Nahasson the son of
from Sinai. Aminadab.
b Ex. 40. 16 and 32 ; Supra 7. 1. c 1 Cor. 10. 1. d B. C. 1444. e Supra 1. 7.

The march from Sinai NUMBERS The people murmur
15 In the tribe of the sons of Issachar,
encamp in the wilderness, and thou shalt
the prince was Nathanael the son of Suar. be our guide.
16 In the tribe of Zabulon, the prince 32 And if thou comest with
us, we will
was Eliab the son of Helon. give thee what is the best of the riches
17 And the tabernacle was taken down, which the Lord shall deliver to us.
and the sons of Gerson and Merari set 33 So they marched from the mount of
the Lord three days
forward, bearing it. journey, and the
18 And the sons of Ruben also
ark of the covenant of the Lord went
marched, before them, for three days
by their troops and ranks, whose prince providing a
was Helisur the son of Sedeur. place for the camp.
34 The cloud also of the Lord was over
19 And in the tribe of
Simeon, the prince them by day when they marched.
was Salamiel the son of Surisaddai. 35 And when the ark was lifted
up, Mo
20 And in the tribe of Gad, the prince ses said: a Arise, Lord, and let thy ene
was Eliasaph the son of Duel. mies be scattered, and let them that hate
21 Then the Caathites also marched thee, flee from before thy face.
carrying the sanctuary. So long was the 36 And when it was set down, he said:
tabernacle carried, till they came to the Return, O Lord, to the multitude of the
place of setting it up. host of Israel.
22 The sons of Ephraim also moved
their camp by their troops, in whose CHAPTER11
The people murmur, and are punished with fire.
army the prince was Elisama the son of _
God appointeth seventy ancients for assistants to
Ammiud. Moses. They prophesy. The people have their
23 And in the tribe of the sons of Ma- fill of flesh, but forthwith many die of the plague.

nasses, the prince was Gamaliel the son the mean time
there arose a mur
of Phadassur. IN muring of the people against the
24 And in the tribe of Benjamin, the Lord, as it were repining at their fa
prince was Abidan the son of Gedeon. tigue. And when the Lord heard it he
25 The last of all the camp marched the was angry, i And the fire of the Lord
sons of- Dan by their troops, in whose being kindled against them, devoured
army the prince was Ahiezer the son of them that were at the uttermost part of
Ammisaddai. the camp.
26 And in the tribe of the sons of Aser, 2 And when the people cried to Moses,
the prince was Phegiel the son of Ochran. Moses prayed to the Lord, and the fire
27 And in the tribe of the sons of
Neph- was swallowed up.
tali, the prince was Ahira the son of 3 And he called the name of that place,
Enan. The burning: for that the fire of the
28 This was the order of the camps, and Lord had been kindled against them.
marches of the children of Israel by their 4 For a mixt multitude of people, that
troops, when they set forward. came up with them, burned with desire,
29 And Moses said to Hobab the son of sitting and weeping, the children of
Raguel the Madianite, his kinsman: We Israel also being joined with them, and
are going towards the place which the said: i Who shall give us flesh to eat?
Lord will give us: come with us, that 5 We remember the fish that we ate in
we may do thee good for the Lord hath : Egypt free cost: the cucumbers come
promised good things to Israel. into our mind, and the melons, and the
30 But he answered him: I will not go leeks, and the onions, and the garlic.
with thee, but will return to my / coun 6 Our soul is dry, our eyes behold no
try, wherein I was born. thing else but manna.
31 And he said: Do not leave us: for 7 * Now the manna was like coriander
thcu knowest in what places we should seed, of the colour of bdellium.

/ Ex. 18. 27. g Ps. 67. 2. t Ps. 77. 21 j 1 Cor. 10. 3.

A Infra 33.16; Fs. 77. 19; 1 Cor. 10. 10. k Ex. 16. 14 ;Ps. 77. 2-1 ; Wisd. 16. 20 ; John 6. 31.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 3. The burning. Hebrew, us the danger of associating: ourselves with the chil
rah. dren of Egypt, that is, with the lovers and admirers
Ver. 4. A mixt multitude. These were people that of this wicked world.
tame with them out of Egypt, who were not of the Ver. 7. Bdellium. Bdellium, according to Pliny,
e\_^ of
M. j A Israel
iai.dC! WJL1U, by
; tilt: 11 murmuring,
Uy their 1I1U1 illUi drew
utc w also
1. 21, c.
-. 9,
/ was of the colour of a man s nail, white
the children of Israel to murmur: this should teach and bright.

Moses prays for relief NUMBERS The seventy ancients

8 And the people went about, and gath 20 But even for a month of days, till it
ering it, ground it in a mill, or beat
it come out at your nostrils, and become
in a mortar, and boiled it in a pot, and loathsome to you, because you have cast
made cakes thereof of the taste of bread off the Lord, who is in the midst of you,
tempered with oil. and have wept before him, saying: Why
9 And when the dew fell in the night came we out of Egypt?
upon the camp, the manna also fell with it. 21 And Moses said: There are six hun
10 Now Moses heard the people weep dred thousand footmen of this people,
and sayest thou: I will give them flesh
ing by their families, every one at the
door of his tent. And the wrath of the to eat a whole month?
Lord was exceedingly enkindled: to 22 Shall then a multitude of sheep and

Moses also the thing seemed insupport oxen be killed, that it may suffice for
able. their food ? or shall the fishes of the sea
11 And he said to the Lord Why hast : be gathered together to fill them?
thou afflicted thy servant? wherefore do 23 And the Lord answered him: m ls
I not find favour before thee? and why the hand of the Lord unable? Thou shalt
hast thou laid the weight of all this peo presently see whether my word shall
ple upon me? come to pass or no.
12 Have I conceived all this multitude, 24 Moses therefore came, and told the
or begotten them, that thou shouldst say people the words of the Lord, and as
to me: Carry them in thy bosom as the sembled seventy men of the ancients of
nurse is wont to carry the little infant, Israel, and made them to stand about the
and bear them into the land, for which tabernacle.
thou hast sworn to their fathers? 25 And the Lord came down in a cloud,
13 Whence should I have flesh to give and spoke to him, taking away of the
to so great a multitude? they weep spirit that was in Moses, and giving to
against me, saying: Give us flesh that the seventy men. And when the spirit
we may eat. had rested on them they prophesied,
14 I am
not able alone to bear all this nor did they cease afterwards.
people, because it is tooheavy for me. 26 Now there remained in the camp two
15 But if it seem unto thee otherwise, I of the men, of whom one was called El-
beseech thee to kill me, and let me find dad, and the other Medad, upon whom
grace in thy eyes, that I be not afflicted the spirit rested; for they also had been
with so great evils. enrolled, but were not gone forth to the
16 And the Lord said to Moses: Gather tabernacle.
unto me seventy men of the ancients of 27 And when they prophesied in the
Israel, whom thou knowest to be ancients camp, there ran a young man, and told
and masters of the people: and thou Moses, saying: Eldad and Medad pro
shalt bring them to the door of the tab phesy in the camp.
ernacle of the covenant, and shalt make 28 Forthwith Josue the son of Nun,
them stand there with thee, the minister of Moses, and chosen out
17 That I may come down andspeak of many, said: My lord Moses forbid
with thee: and take of thy spirit,
I will them.
and will give to them, that they may 29 But he said: Why hast thou emula
bear with thee the burden of the people, tion for me ? O
that all the people might
and thou mayest not be burthened alone. prophsey, and that the Lord would give
18 And thou shall say to the people : them his spirit!
Be ye sanctified to morrow you shall eat
: 30 And Moses returned, with the an
flesh: for I have heard you say: Who cients of Israel, into the camp.
will give us flesh to eat? it was well with 31 n And a wind going out from the
us in Egypt. That the Lord may give Lord, taking quails up beyond the sea
you flesh, and you may eat: brought them, and cast them into the
19 Not for one day, nor two, nor five, camp for the space of one day s journey,
nor ten, no nor for twenty. on every side of the camp round about,
I John 6. 10. m Isa. 59. 1 n Ps. 77. 26 and 27.

Ver. 16. Seventy men. This was the first institu consisting of seventy or seventy-two senators or
tion of the council or senate, called the Sanhedrim, counsellors.

Mary and Aaron munnur NUMBERS Mary stricken with leprosy
and they flew in the air two cubits high were you not afraid to speak ill of
above the ground. my
servant Moses?
32 The people therefore rising up all 9 And being angry with them he went
that day, and night, and the next day
away :

gathered together of quails, he that did 10 The cloud also that was over the
least, ten cores: and they dried them tabernacle departed and behold Mary
round about the camp. appeared white as snow with a leprosy.
33 o As yet the flesh was between their And when Aaron had looked on her, and
teeth, neither had that kind of meat saw her all covered with leprosy,
failed: when behold the wrath of the 11 He said to Moses: I beseech
Lord being provoked against the people, my lord, lay not upon us this sin, which
struck them with an exceeding great we have foolishly committed:
plague. 12 Let her not be as one dead, and as
34 And that place was called, The an abortive that is cast forth from the
graves of lust: for there they buried the mother s womb. Lo, now one half of
people that had lusted. And departing her flesh is consumed with the leprosy.
from the graves of lust, they came unto 13 And Moses cried to the Lord,
Haseroth, and abode there. O God, I beseech thee heal her.
14 And the Lord answered him: If her
CHAPTER 12 father had spitten upon her face, ought
Mary and Aaron murmur against Moses, whom she not to have been ashamed for seven
God rtraiseth above other -prophets. Mary being
struck with leprosy, Aaron confesseth his fault days at least? Let her be separated
Moses prayeth for her, and after seven days sepa seven days without the camp, and after
ration from the camp, she is restored. wards she shall be called again.

Mary and Aaron spoke against
Moses, because of his wife the Ethio
15 Mary therefore was put out of the
camp seven days: and the people moved
not from that place until Mary was
2 And they said Hath the Lord spoken
: called again.
by Moses only? hath he not also spoken
to us in like manner? And when the CHAPTER 13
The twelve spies are sent to view the land. Th
Lord heard this, relation they make of it,
3 (For Moses was a man exceeding meek
the people marched from Hase
above all men that dwelt upon earth)
4 Immediately he spoke to him, and to
roth, and pitched their tents in the
desert of Pharan. *
Aaron and Mary: Come out you three 2 And there the Lord spoke to Moses,
only to the tabernacle of the covenant. saying:
And when they were come out, 3 Send men to view the land of Cha-
5 The Lord came down in a pillar of the naan, which I will give to the children
cloud, and stood in the entry of the of Israel, one of every tribe, of the
tabernacle calling to Aaron and Mary. rulers.
And when they were come, 4 Moses did what the Lord had com
6 He said to them: Hear my words: if manded, sending from the desert of
there be among you a prophet of the Pharan, principal men, whose names are
Lord, I will appear to him in a vision, or these :

I will speak to him in a dream. 5 Of the tribe of Ruben, Sammua the

7 But it is not so with my servant Mo son of Zechur.
ses i who is most faithful in all my house: 6 Of the tribe of Simeon, Saphat the
8 f For I speak to him mouth to mouth : son of Huri.
and plainly, and not by riddles and 7 Of the tribe of Juda, Caleb the son of
figures doth he see the Lord. Why then Jephone.
o Ps. 77. 30. q Heb. 3. 2. r Ex. 33. 11. s Deut. 24. 9. t B. C. 1444.

Ver. 34. The graves of lust; or, the sepulchres of Ver. 3. Exceeding meek. Moses being the meek
concupiscence so called from their irregular desire
: est of men, would not contend for himself ; there
of flesh. In Hebrew, Kibroth, Hattaavah. fore, God inspired him to write here his own de
CHAP. 12. Ver. 1. Ethiopian Sephora the wife fence and the Holy Spirit, whose dictate he wrote,

of Moses was of Madian, which bordered upon the obliged him to declare the truth, though it was so
land of Chus or Ethiopia and therefore she is called
: much to his own praise.
tin Ethiopian :where note, that tbe Ethiopia here
spoken of is not that of Africa but that of Arabia.
The twelve spies NUMBERS The spies discourage the people
8 Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son to say, the
torrent of the cluster of
of Joseph. grapes, because from thence the children
9 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Osee the son of Israel had carried a cluster of grapes.
of Nun. 26 And they that went to spy out the
10 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Phalti the land returned after forty days, having
son of Raphu. gone round all the country,
11 Of the tribe of Zabulon, Geddiel the 27 And came to Moses and Aaron and to
all the assembly of the children of Israel
son of Sodi.
to the desert of Pharan, which is in
12 Of the tribe of Joseph, of the sceptre
Cades. And speaking to them and to all
of Manasses, Gaddi the son of Susi.
the multitude, they shewed them the
13 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son
fruits of the land:
of Gemalli.
28 And they related and said: We came
14 Of the tribe of Aser, Sthur the son
into the land to which thou sentest us,
of Michael.
which in very deed floweth with milk
15 Of the tribe of Nephtali, Nahabi the and honey as may be known by these
son of Vapsi. fruits :

16 If the tribe of Gad, Guel the son of 29 But it hath very strong inhabitants,
Machi. and the cities are great and walled. We
17 These are the names of the men, saw there the race of Enac.
whom Moses sent to view the land: and 30 Amalec dwelleth in the south, the
he called Osee the son of Nun, Josue. u Hethite and the Jebusite and the Amor-
18 And Moses sent them to view the rhite in the mountains but the Chanaan- :

land of Chanaan, and said to them: Go ite abideth by the sea and near the
you up by the south side. And when streams of the Jordan.
you shall come to the mountains, 31 In the mean time Caleb, to still the
19 View the land, of what sort it is: and
murmuring of the people that rose
the people that are the inhabitants there against Moses, said: Let us go up and
of, whether they be strong or weak: few possess the land, for we shall be able to
in number or many:
conquer it.
20 The land itself, whether it be good 32 But the others, that had been with
or bad: what manner of cities, walled or
him, said: No, we are not able to go up
without walls :
to this people, because they are stronger
21 The ground, fat or barren, woody or than we.
without trees. Be of good courage, and
33 And they spoke ill of the land, which
bring us of the fruits of the land. Now
they had viewed, before the children of
it was the time when the firstripe grapes
Israel, saying: The land which we have
are fit to be eaten.
22 And when they were gone up, they viewed, devoureth its inhabitants: the
viewed the land from the desert of Sin, people, that we beheld, are of a tall
unto Rohob as you enter into Emath.
23 And they went up at the south side, 34 There we saw certain monsters of
the sons of Enac, of the giant kind: in
and came to Hebron, where were v Achi-
man and Sisai and Tholmai the sons of comparison of whom, we seemed like
Enac. For Hebron was built seven years locusts.
before Tanis the city of Egypt. CHAPTER 14
24 w And going forward as far as the The people murmur. God threateneth to destroy
torrent of the cluster of grapes, they cut them. He is appeased by Moses, yet so as to ex
off a branch with its cluster of grapes,
clude themurmurers from entering the promised
land. The authors of the sedition are struck dead.
which two men carried upon a lever. The rest going to fight against the will of God
are beaten.
They took also of the pomegranates and
of the figs of that place: the whole multitude cry-
25 Which was called Nehelescol, that is
J_ ing wept night.
u Acts 7. 45, and Heb. 4. 8. v Jos. 15. 14. w Deut. 1. 24.

CHAP. 13. Ver. 33. Spoke ffl, &c. These men, decrying or misrepresenting true devotion, discour
who by their misrepresentations of the land of pro age Christians from seeking in earnest and acquir
mise, discouraged the Israelites from attempting the ing so great a good, and thereby securing to them
conquest of it, were a figure of worldings, who, by selves a happy eternity.

The people murmur NUMBERS God s anger appeased by Moses
2 And all the children of Israel mur great a multitude as it were one man and
mured against Moses and Aaron, say may say:
ing: 16 He could not bring the people into
3 Would God that we had died in Egypt : the land for which he had sworn, z there
and would God we may die in this vast fore did he kill them in the wilderness.
wilderness, and that the Lord may not 17 Let then the strength of the Lord be
bring us into this land, lest we fall by the magnified, as thou hast sworn, saying:
sword, and our wives and children be led 18 a The Lord is patient and full of
away captives. Is it not better to return mercy, & taking away iniquity and wick
into Egypt? edness, and leaving no man clear, "who
4 And they said one to another: Let us visitest the sins of the fathers upon the
appoint a captain, and let us return into children unto the third and fourth gen
Egypt. eration.
5 And when Moses and Aaron heard 19 Forgive, I beseech thee, the sins of
this,they fell down flat upon the ground this people, according to the greatness
before the multitude of the children of of thy mercy, as thou hast been merciful
Israel. to them from their going out of Egypt
6 x But Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb unto this place.
the son of Jephone, who themselves also 20 And the Lord said: I have forgiven
had viewed the land, rent their garments, according to thy word.
7 And said to all the multitude of the 21 As I live: and the whole earth shall
children of Israel: The land which we be filled with the glory of the Lord.
have gone round is very good. 22 But yet all the men that have seen
8 If the Lord be favourable, he will bring my majesty, and the signs that I have
us into it, and give us a land flowing with done in Egypt, and in the wilderness, and
milk and honey. have tempted me now ten times, and
9 Be not rebellious against the Lord: have not obeyed my voice,
and fear ye not the people of this land, 23 d Shall not see the land for which I
for we are able to eat them up as bread. swore to their fathers, neither shall any
All aid is gone from them: the Lord is one of them that hath detracted me be
with us, fear ye not. hold it.

10 And when all the multitude cried out, 24 My servant Caleb, who being full of
and would have stoned them, the glory another spirit hath followed me, I will
of the Lord appeared over the tabernacle bring into this land which he hath gone
of the covenant to all the children of round: and his seed shall possess it.
Israel. 25 For the Amalecite and the Chanaanite
11 And the Lord said to Moses: How dwell in the valleys. To morrow remove
long will this people detract me? how the camp, and return into the wilderness
long will the5" not believe me for all the by the way of the Red Sea.
signs that I have wrought before them? 26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and
12 I will strike them therefore with Aaron, saying:
pestilence, and will consume them: but 27 How long doth this wicked multitude
thee I will make a ruler over a great na murmur against me? I have heard the
tion, and a mightier than this is. murmurings of the children of Israel.
13 And Moses said to the Lord: That 28 Say therefore to them: As I live,
the Egyptians, from the midst of whom saith the Lord: According as you have
thou hast brought forth this people, spoken in my hearing, so will I do to
14 And the inhabitants of this land, (who you.
have heard that thou, O Lord, art among 29 In the wilderness shall your car

this people, and art seen face to face, casses lie. All you that were numbered
v and thy cloud protecteth them, and thou from twenty years old and upward, and
goest before them in a pillar of a cloud have murmured against me,
by day, and in a pillar of fire by night,) 30 a Shall not enter into the land, over
15 May hear that thou hast killed so which I lifted up my hand to make you
c Ex. 20. 5. d Deut. 1. 35. e Jos. 14. 6.
x Eccli. 46. 9 1 Mac. 2. 55 and 56.
; ?/ Ex. 13. 21.

s Ex. 32. 28. a Ps. 102. 8. b Ex. 34. 7. / Ps. 105. 26. a Deut. 1. 35.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 18. Clear, i.e., who deserves punishment.

Authors of the sedition punished NUMBERS Laws concerning sacrifices

dwell therein, except Caleb the son of the Chanaanite that dwelt in the moun
Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun. tain: and smiting and slaying them pur
31 But your children, of whom you said, sued them as far as Horma.
that they should be a prey to the enemies,
will I bring in: that they may see the CHAPTER 15
land which you have despised. Certain laws concerning sacrifices. Sabbath break~
ing is punished with death. The law of fringes
32 Your carcasses shall lie in the wilder- on their garments.
ness. ANDthe Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
33 Your children shall wander in the Speak to the children of Israel,
jf\_ 2
desert forty years, and shall bear your and thou shalt say to them: When you
fornication, until the carcasses of their shall be come into the land of your habi
fathers be consumed in the desert, tation, which I will give you,
34 According to the number of the forty 3 And shall make an offering to the
h a Lord, for a holocaust, or a victim, paying
days, wherein you viewed the land :

year shall be counted for a day. * And your vows, or voluntarily offering gifts,
forty years you shall receive your iniqui or in your solemnities burning a sweet
ties, and shall know my revenge: savour unto the Lord, of oxen or of
35 For as I have spoken, so will I do to sheep :

all this wicked multitude, that hath risen 4 Whosoever immolateth the victim,
up together against me: in this wilder shall offer a of fine flour, the
ness shall it faint away and die. tenth part of an ephi, tempered with the
36 i Therefore all the men, whom Moses fourth part of a hin of oil:
had sent to view the land, and who at 5 And he shall give the same measure o f
their return had made the whole multi wine to pour out in libations for the holo
tude to murmur against him, speaking ill caust or for the victim. For every lamb,
of the land that it was naught, 6 And for every ram there shall be a
37 Died and were struck in the sight of sacrice of flour of two tenths, which
the Lord. shall be tempered with the third part of
38 But Josue the son of Nun, and Caleb a hin of oil:
the son of Jephone lived, of all them that 7 And he shall offer the third part of
had gone to view the land. the same measure of wine for the liba
39 And Moses spoke all these words to tion, for a sweet savour to the Lord.
all the children of Israel, and the people 8 But when thou offerest a holocaust or
mourned exceedingly. sacrifice of oxen, to fulfil thy vow or for
40 Andbehold rising up very early in victims of peace offerings,
the morning, they went up to the top of 9 Thou shalt give for every ox three
the mountain, and said: We are ready tenths of flour tempered with half a hin
to go up to the place, of which the Lord of oil,
hath spoken: for we have sinned. 10 And wine for libations of the same
41 And Moses said to them: Why trans measure, for an offering of most sweet
gress you the word of the Lord, which savour to the Lord.
shall not succeed prosperously with you? 11 Thus shalt thou do
42 k Go not up, for the Lord is not with 12 For every ox and ram and lamb and
you: lest you fall before your enemies. kid.
43 The Amalecite and the Chanaanite 13 Both they that are born in the land,
are before you, and by their sword you and the strangers
shall fall, because you would not consent 14 Shall offer sacrifices after the same
to the Lord, neither will the Lord be with rite.
you. 15 There shall be all one law and judg
44 But they being blinded went up to ment both for you and for them who are
the top of the mountain. But the ark of strangers in the land.
the testament of the Lord and Moses de 16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
parted not from the camp. 17 Speak to the children of Israel, and
45 And the Amalecite came down, and thou shalt say to them :

h Ezech. 4. 6. t Ps. 94.10. j Judith 8. 24 ; 1 Cor. 10. 10 ; Heb. 3. 17 ; Jude 1. 5. k Deut. 1. 42.

Ver. 33. Shall bear your fornication. That is, which in the scripture language is here called a for-
shall bear the punishment of your disloyalty to God, nication, in a spiritual sense.

Laws concerning sacrifices NUMBERS The sabbath-breaker punished
18 When you are come into the land therefore shall he be destroyed, and shall
which I will
give you, bear his iniquity.
19 And shall eat of the bread of that 32 And it came to pass, when the chil
country, you shall separate firstfruits to dren of Israel were in the wilderness,
the Lord, and had found a man gathering sticks
20 Of the things you eat. As you sepa on the sabbath day,
rate firstfruits of your barnfloors: 33 That they brought him to Moses and
21 So also shall you give firstfruits of Aaron and the whole multitude.
your dough to the Lord. 34 And they put him into prison, not
22 And if through ignorance you omit knowing what they should do with him.
35 And the Lord said to Moses: Let
any of these things, which the Lord hath
spoken to Moses,
that man die, let all the multitude stone
him without the camp.
23 And by him hath commanded you,
36 And when they had brought him
from the day that he began to command out,
and thenceforward, they stoned him, and he died as the Lord
had commanded.
24 And the multitude have forgotten to
37 The Lord also said to Moses:
do it: they shall offer a calf out of the
38 Speak to the children of Israel, and
herd, a holocaust for a most sweet savour thou shalt tell them *to make to them
to the Lord, and the sacrifice and liba
selves fringes in the corners of their
tions thereof, as the ceremonies require, gar
and a buck goat for sin: ments, putting in them ribands of blue:
39 That when they shall see them, they
25 And the priest shall pray for all
the multitude of the children of Israel:
may remember all the commandments
of the Lord, and not follow their own
and it shall be forgiven them, because
thoughts and eyes going astray after di
they sinned ignorantly, offering notwith vers things,
standing a burnt offering to the Lord for 40 But rather being mindful of the pre
themselves and for their sin and their
cepts of the Lord, may do them and be
holy to their God.
26 And it shall be forgiven all the people 41 I am the Lord your God, who brought
of the children of Israel: and the stran
you out of the land of Egypt, that I
gers that sojourn among them: because might be your God.
it is the fault of all the people through
ignorance. CHAPTER 16
27 But if one soul shall sin ignorantly, The schism of Core and his adherents: their pun
he shall offer a she goat of a year old for ishment.
his sin. behold Core the son of Isaar, the
28 And the priest shall pray for him,
because he sinned ignorantly before the
A^D son of Caath, the son of Levi, and
Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab,
Lord: and he shall obtain his pardon, and Hon the son of Pheleth of the chil
and it shall be forgiven him. dren of Ruben,
29 The same law shall be for all that 2 Rose up against Moses, and with them
sin by ignorance, whether they be natives two hundred and fifty others of the chil
or strangers. dren of Israel, leading men of the syna
30 But the soul that committeth any gogue, and who in the time of assembly
thing through pride, whether he be born were by name.
in the land or a stranger (because he 3 m And when
they had stood up against
hath been rebellious against the Lord) Moses and Aaron, they said: Let it be
shall be cut off from among his peo enough for you, that all the multitude
ple: consisteth of holy ones, and the Lord is
31 For he hath contemned the word of among them: Why lift you up your
the Lord, and made void his precept: selves above the people of the Lord?

I Deut. 22. 12 ; Matt. 23. 5. m Eccli. 45. 22 ; 1 Cor. 10. 10 ; Jude 1. 12.

CHAP. 15. Ver. 38. Fringes. The Pharisees en- ner,was that of schism, and of rebellion against the
larged these fringes through hypocrisy, Matt. 23. 6, authority established by God in the church and ;

to appear more zealous than other men for the law their pretending to thr priesthood without being
of God. lawfully called and sent: the saroe \s the case of all
CHAP. 16. Ver. 2. Rose u-p. The crime of these modern sectaries,
men, which was punished in so remarkable a man-

Schism of Core, Dathan, Ablron NUMBERS The people separate front them
4 When Moses heard this, he fell flat on put incense upon them, offering to the
his face: Lord two hundred and fifty censers: let
5 And speaking to Core and all the mul
Aaron also hold his censer.
titude, he said: In the morning the Lord 18 When they had done this, Moses and
will make known who belong to him, Aaron standing.
and the holy he will join to himself: and 19 And had drawn up all the multitude
whom he shall choose, they shall ap against them to the door of the taber
proach to him. nacle, the glory of the Lord appeared to
6 Do this therefore Take every man of
them all.

you your censers, thou Core, and all thy 20 And the Lord speaking to Moses and
company. Aaron, said:
7 And putting fire in them to morrow, 21 Separate yourselves from among this
put incense upon it before the Lord and :
congregation, that I may presently de
whomsoever he shall choose, the same stroy them.
shall be holy: you take too much upon 22 They fell flat on their face, and said :

you, ye sons of Levi. O most mighty, the God of the spirits of

8 And he said again to Core: Hear ye all flesh, for one man s sin shall thy
sons of Levi. wrath rage against all?
9 Is it a small thing unto you, that the 23 And the Lord said to Moses:
God of Israel hath spared you from all 24 Command the whole people to sepa
the people, and joined you to himself, rate themselves from the tents of Core
that you should serve him in the service and Dathan and Abiron.
of the tabernacle, and should stand be 25 And Moses arose, and went to Da
fore the congregation of the people, and than and Abiron: and the ancients of
should minister to him? Israel following him,
10 Did he therefore make thee and all 26 He said to the multitude: Depart
thy brethren the sons of Levi to ap from the tents of these wicked men, and
proach unto him, that you should chal touch nothing of theirs, lest you be in
lenge to yourselves the priesthood also, volved in their sins.
11 And that all thy company should 27 And whenthey were departed from
stand against the Lord? for what is Aar round about, Dathan and Abi
their tents
on that you murmur against him? ron coming out stood in the entry of
12 Then Moses sent to call Dathan and their pavilions with their wives and chil
Abiron the sons of Eliab. But they an dren, and all the people.
swered: We will not come. 28 And Moses said: By this you shall
13 Is it a small matter to thee, that thou know that the Lord hath sent me to do
hast brought us out of a land that flowed all things that you see, and that I have
with milk and honey, to kill us in the not forged them of my own head:
desert, except thou rule also like a lord 29 If these men die the common death
over us? of men, and if they be visited with a
14 Thou hast brought us indeed into a plague, wherewith others also are wont
land that floweth with rivers of milk and to be visited, the Lord did not send me.
honey, and hast given us possessions of 30 But if the Lord do a new thing, and
fields and vineyards; wilt thou also pull the earth opening her mouth swallow
out our eyes? We will not come. them down, and all things that belong
15 Moses therefore being very angry, to them, and they go down alive into
said to the Lord: Eespect not their sac hell, you shall know that they have blas
rifices: thou knowest that I have not phemed the Lord.
taken of them so much as a young ass at 31 And immediately as he had made
any time, nor have injured any of them. an end of speaking, the earth broke
16 And he said to Core: Do thou and asunder under their feet:
thy congregation stand apart before the 32 And opening her mouth, devoured
Lord to morrow, and Aaron apart. them with their tents and all their sub
17 Take every one of you censers, and stance.

n Deut. 11. 6 ; Ps. 105. 17 and 18.

Ver. 15. Very angry. This anger was a zeal to God ;

which the same holy prophet con-
like that
gainst sin : and an indignation at the affront offered ceived upon the sight of the golden calf. Ex. 32. 19.

Their punishment NUMBERS The rod of Aaron
33 Andthey went down alive into hell, put incense upon it, and go quickly to
the ground closing upon them, and they the people to pray for them for already :

perished from among the people. wrath is gone out from the Lord, and
34 But all Israel, that was standing the plague rageth.
round about, fled at the cry of them that 47 When Aaron had done this, and had
were perishing: saying: Lest perhaps run to the midst of the multitude which
the earth swallow us up also. the burning fire was now destroying, he
35 And a fire coming out from the Lord, offered the incense:
destroyed the two hundred and fifty 48 And standing between the dead and
men that offered the incense. the living, he prayed for the people, and
36 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say the plague ceased.
ing: 49 And the number of them that were
37 Command Eleazar the son of Aaron slain was fourteen thousand and seven
the priest to take up the censers that lie hundred men, besides them that had
in the burning, and to scatter the fire of perished in the sedition of Core.
one side and the other: because they 50 And Aaron returned to Moses to the
are sanctified door of the tabernacle of the covenant
38 In the deaths of the sinners: and let
after the destruction was over.
him beat them into plates, and fasten
them to the altar, because incense hath CHAPTER 17
The priesthood is confirmed to Aaron by the mira
been offered in them, to the Lord, and cle of the blooming of his rod, which is kept for a
they are sanctified, that the children of monument in the tabernacle.
Israel may see them for a sign and a ND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
memorial. 2 Speak to the children of Israel,
39 Then Eleazar the priest took the and take of every one of them a rod by
brazen censers, wherein they had offered, their kindreds, of all the princes of the
whom the burning fire had devoured, tribes, twelve rods, and write the name
and beat them into plates, fastening of every man upon his rod.
them to the altar: 3 And the name of Aaron shall be for
40 That the children of Israel might the tribe of Levi, and one rod shall con
have for the time to come wherewith tain their families:
they should be admonished, that no 4 And thou shalt lay them up in the
stranger or any one that is not of the tabernacle of the covenant before the
seed of Aaron should come near to offer testimony, where I will speak to thee.
incense to the Lord, lest he should suffer 5 Whomsoever of these I shall choose,
as Core suffered, and all his congregation, his rod shall blossom: and I will make
according as the Lord spoke to Moses. to cease from me the murmurings of the
41 The following day all the multitude children of Israel, wherewith they mur
of the children of Israel murmured mur against you.
against Moses and Aaron, saying: You 6 And Moses spoke to the children of
have killed the people of the Lord. Israel:and all the princes gave him rods
42 And when there arose a sedition, one for every tribe: and there were
and the tumult increased, twelve rods besides the rod of Aaron.
43 Moses and Aaron fled to the taber 7 And when Moses had laid them up
nacle of the covenant. And when they before the Lord in the tabernacle of the
were gone into it, the cloud covered it, testimony:
and the glory of the Lord appeared. 8 He returned on the following day,
44 And the Lord said to Moses: and found that the rod of Aaron for the
45 Get you out from the midst of this house of Levi, was budded: and that the
multitude, this moment will I destroy buds swelling it had bloomed blossoms,
them. And as they were lying on the which spreading the leaves, were formed
into almonds.
46 Moses said to Aaron Take the cen
9 Moses therefore brought out all the
rods from before the Lord to all the
ser, and putting fire in it from the altar,
CHAP. 17. Ver. 8. The rod of Aaron for the figure of the blessed Virgin conceiving and bring
house of Levi, was budded, &c. This rod of Aaron ing forth her Son without any prejudice to her vir
which thus miraculously brought forth fruit, was a ginity.

Charge of the priests and Levites NUMBERS The priests portion

children of Israel: and they saw, and to the service of the altar, and that are
every one received their rods. within the veil, shall be executed by the
10 And the Lord said to Moses: Carry priests. If any stranger shall approach,
back the rod of Aaron into the taber he shall be slain.
nacle of the testimony, that it may be 8 And the Lord said to Aaron: Behold I
kept there for a token of the rebellious have given thee the charge of my first-
children of Israel, and that their com fruits. All things that are sanctified by
plaints may cease from me lest they die. the children of Israel, I have delivered
11 And Moses did as the Lord had com to thee and to thy sons for the priestly
manded. office, by everlasting ordinances.

12 And the children of Israel said to 9 These therefore shalt thou take of
Moses: Behold we are consumed, we all the things that are sanctified, and are
offered to the Lord. Every offering, and
13 Whosoever approacheth to the tab sacrifice, and whatsoever is rendered to
ernacle of the Lord, he dieth. Are we me for sin and for trespass, and becom-
all to a man to be utterly destroyed?
eth holy of holies, shall be for thee and
thy sons.
CHAPTER 18 10 Thou shalt eat it in the sanctuary:
The charge of the prifste and of the Levites, and the males only shall eat thereof, because
their portion. it is a consecrated thing to thee.
ND the Lord said to Aaron: Thou, 11 But the firstfruits, which the chil
and thy sons, and thy father s house dren of Israel shall vow and offer, I have
with thee shall bear the iniquity of the given to thee, and to thy sons, and to
sanctuary: and thou and thy sons with thy daughters, by a perpetual law. He
thee shall bear the sins of your priest that is clean in thy house, shall eat them.
hood. 12 All the best of the oil, and of the
2 And take with thee thy brethren also wine, and of the corn, whatsoever first-
01 the tribe of Levi, and the sceptre of fruits they offer to the Lord, I have
thy father, and let them be ready in given them to thee.
hand, and minister to thee: but thou 13 All the firstripe of the fruits, that
and thy sons shall minister in the taber the ground bringeth forth, and which
nacle of the testimony. are brought to the Lord, shall be for thy
3 And the Levites shall watch to do thy use: he that is clean in thy house, shall
commands, and about all the works of eat them.
the tabernacle: only they shall not come 14 Every thing that the children of Is
nigh the vessels of the sanctuary nor the rael shall give by vow, shall be thine.
altar, lest both they die, and you also 15 Whatsoever is firstborn of all flesh,
perish with them. which they offer to the Lord, whether it
4 But let them be with thee, and watch be of men, or of beasts, shall belong to
in the charge of the tabernacle, and in thee: only for the firstborn of man thou
all the ceremonies thereof. strangerA shalt take a price, and every beast that is
shall not join himself with you. unclean thou shalt cause to be redeemed,
5 Watch ye in the charge of the sanctu 16 And the redemption of it shall be
ary, and in the ministry of the altar: lest after one month, for five sides of silver,
indignation rise upon the children of by the weight of the sanctuary, v A
Israel. sicle hath twenty obols.
6 I have given you your brethren the 17 But the firstling of a cow and of a
Levites from among the children of Is sheep and of a goat thou shalt not cause
rael, and have delivered them for a gift to be redeemed, because they are sancti
to the Lord, to serve in the ministries of fied to the Lord. Their blood only thou
the tabernacle. shalt pour upon the altar, and their fat
7 But thou and thy sons look ye to the thou shalt burn for a most sweet odour
priesthood: and all things that pertain to the Lord.
oHeb. 9. 4. p Ex. 30. 13 ; Lev. 27. 25 ; Supra 3. 47 ; Ezech. 45. 12.

CHAP. 18. Ver. 1. Thou, and thy father s house or want of due attention, you err in the discharge
with thee, shall bear the iniquity of the of the sacred functions for which you were or
That is, you shall be punished if, through sanctuary
negligence dained-

Portion of the Levites NUMBERS Sacrifice of the red cow
18 But the flesh shall fall to thy
use, as as if you had given the firstfruits of the
the consecrated breast, and the
right barnfloor and the winepress:
shoulder shall be thine. 31 And you shall eat them in all
19 All the firstfruits of the your
sanctuary places, both you and your families: be
which the children of Israel offer to the causeit is your reward for the
Lord, I have given to thee and to thy wherewith you serve in the tabernacle
sons and daughters, by a perpetual ordi of the testimony.
nance. It is a covenant of salt for ever 32 And you shall not sin in this
before the Lord, to thee and to thy sons. point,
by reserving the choicest and fat things
20 And the Lord said to Aaron: You to yourselves, lest you
profane the obla
shall possess nothing- in their land, nei tions of the children of
ther shall you have a portion Israel, and die.
them: I am thy portion and inheritance CHAPTER 19
in the midst of the children of Israel. The law of the sacrifice of the
red cow, and the
21 And I have given to the sons of Levi water of expiation.
all the tithes of Israel for a
possession, Lord spoke to Moses and
for the ministry wherewith they serve
me in the tabernacle of the covenant:
Aaron, saying:
2 This is the observance of the
22 That the children of Israel may not which the Lord hath ordained. Com
approach any more to the tabernacle, mand the children of Israel, that they
nor commit deadly sin, bring unto thee a red cow of full age,
23 But only the sons of Levi may serve in which there is no blemish, and which
me in the tabernacle, and bear the sins hath not carried the yoke:
of the people. It shall be an everlasting 3 And you shall deliver her to Eleazar
ordinance in your generations. They the priest, ^who shall bring her forth
shall not possess any other thing, without the camp, and shall immolate
24 But be content with the oblation or her in the sight of all:
tithes, which I have separated for their 4 And dipping his finger in her blood,
uses and necessities. shall sprinkle it over against the door of
25 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say the tabernacle seven times,
ing: 5 And shall burn her in the sight of all,
26 Command the Levites, and declare delivering up to the fire her skin, and
unto them: When you shall receive of her flesh, and her blood, and her dung.
the children of Israel the tithes, which I 6 The priest shall also take cedar wood,
have given you, offer the firstfruits of and hyssop, and scarlet twice dyed, and
them to the Lord, that is to say, the cast it into the flame, with which the
tenth part of the tenth: cow is consumed.
27 That it may be reckoned to you as 7 And then after washing his garments,
an oblation of firstfruits, as well of the and body, he shall enter into the camp,
barnfloors as of the winepresses: and shall be unclean until the evening.
28 And of all the things of which you 8 He also that hath burned her, shall
receive tithes, offer the firstfruits to the wash his garments, and his body, and
Lord, and give them to Aaron the priest. shall bs unclean until the evening.
29 All the things that you shall offer of 9 And a man that is clean shall gather
the tithes, and shall separate for the gifts up the ashes of the cow, and shall pour
of the Lord, shall be the best and choi them forth without the camp in a most
cest things. clean place, that they may be reserved
30 And thou shalt say to them: If you for the multitude of the children of Israel,
offer all the goodly and the better things and for a water of aspersion: because
of the tithes, it shall be reckoned to you the cow was burnt for sin.

q Deut. 18. 1. r Heb. 13. 11.

Ver. 19. A
covenant of salt. It is a proverbial CHAP. 19. Ver. A red cow, &c. This red cow.
expression, signifying a covenant not to be altered offered in sacrifice for sin, and consumed with fire
or corrupted as salt is used to keep things from
without the camp, with the ashes of which, mingled
corruption a covenant perpetual, like that by
with water, the unclean were to be expiated and
which it was appointed, that salt should be used in purified, was a figure of the passion of Christ, by
every sacrifice. Lev. 2. whose precious blood applied to our souls in the
Ver. 22. Deadly sin. That is, sin which will bring holy sacraments, we are cleansed from our sins.
death after it.

The water of expiation NUMBERS The death of Mary
10 And when he that carried the ashes 22 Whatsoever a person toucheth who
of the cow, hath washed his garments, he is unclean, he shall make it unclean: and
shall be unclean until the evening. The the person that toucheth any of these
children of Israel, and the strangers that things, shall be unclean until the even
dwell among them, shall observe this for ing.
a holy thing by a perpetual ordinance. CHAPTER 20
11 He that toucheth the corpse of a man, The death of Mary the sister of Moses. The people
and is therefore unclean seven days,
murmur for want of water: God giveth it them
from the rock. The death of Aaron.
12 Shall be sprinkled with this water on
A ND the children of Israel, and all the
the third day, and on the seventh, and
so shall be cleansed. If he were not
J\. multitude came into the desert of
Sin, in the first month: and the people
sprinkled on the third day, he cannot be
abode in Cades. And Mary died there,
cleansed on the seventh,
and was buried in the same place.
13 Every one that toucheth the corpse
2 And the people wanting water, came
of a man, and is not sprinkled with this
mixture, shall profane the tabernacle of
together against Moses and Aaron:
the Lord, and shall perish out of Israel: 3 And making a sedition, they said:
because he was not sprinkled with the wa Would God we had perished among our
ter of expiation, he shall be unclean, and brethren before the Lord.
his uncleanness shall remain upon him. 4 *Why have you brought out the
14 This is the law of a man that dieth church of the Lord into the wilderness,
in a tent: All that go into his tent and that both we and our cattle should die?
all the vessels that are there, shall be 5 Why have you made us come up out
unclean seven days. of Egypt, and have brought us into this
15 The vessel that hath no cover, nor wretched place which cannot be sowed,
binding over it, shall be unclean. nor bringeth forth figs, nor vines, nor
16 If any man in the field touch the pomegranates, neither is their any water
corpse of a man that was slain, or that to drink?
died of himself, or his bone, or his grave, 6 And Moses and Aaron leaving the
he shall be unclean seven days. multitude, went into the tabernacle of
17 And they shall take of the ashes of the covenant, and fell flat upon the
the burning and of the sin offering, and ground, and cried to the Lord, and said:
shall pour living waters upon them into O Lord God, hear the cry of this people,
a vessel. and open to them thy treasure, a foun
18 And a man that is clean shall dip tain of living water, that being satisfied,
hyssop in them, and shall sprinkle there they may cease to murmur. And the
with all the tent, and all the furniture, glory of the Lord appeared over them.
and the men that are defiled with touch 7 And the Lord spoke to Moses, say
ing any such thing: ing:
19 And in this manner he that is clean 8 Take the rod, and assemble the peo
shall purify the unclean on the third and
ple together, thou and Aaron thy brother,
on the seventh day. And being expi and speak to the rock before them, and
ated the seventh day, he shall wash both it shall yield, waters. And when thou
himself and his garments, and be unclean hast brought forth water out of the rock,
until the evening. all the multitude and their cattle shall
20 If any man be not expiated after this drink.
rite, his soul shall perish out of the midst 9 u Moses therefore took the rod, which
of the church: because he hath profaned was before the Lord, as he had com
the sanctuary of the Lord, and was not manded him,
sprinkled with the water of purification. 10 And having gathered together the
21 This precept shall be an ordinance multitude before the rock, he said to
for ever. He also that sprinkled the them: Hear, ye rebellious and incredu
water, shall wash his garments. Every lous v Can we bring you forth water out

one that shall touch the waters of expia of this rock?

tion, shall be unclean until the evening. 11 And when Moses had lifted up his
t Ex. 17. 3. u Ex. 17. 5 and 6 Wisd. 11. 4.

v Ps. 77. 15 and 20 1 Cor. 10. 4.


The water of contradiction NUMBERS The death of Aaron
hand, and struck the rock twice with the borders. Wherefore Israel turned an
rod, there came forth water in great other way from him.
abundance, so that the people and their 22 And when they had removed the
cattle drank,
camp from Cades, they came to mount
12 And the Lord said to Moses and Hor, which is in the borders of the land
Aaron: Because you have not believed of Edom:
me, to sanctify me before the children of 23 Where the Lord spoke to Moses:
Israel, you shall not bring these people 24 Let Aaron, saith he go to his people:
into the land, which I will give them. for he shall not go into the land which I
13 This is the Water of contradiction, have given the children of Israel, because
where the children of Israel strove with he was incredulous to my words, at the
words against the Lord, and he was sanc waters of contradiction.
tified in them. 25 * Take Aaron and his son with him,
14 In the meantime Moses sent messen and bring them up into mount Hor:
gers from Cades to the king of Edom, to 26 And when thou hast stripped the
say: Thus saith thy brother Israel: Thou father of his vesture, thou shalt vest
knowest all the labour that hath come therewith Eleazar his son: Aaron shall
upon us: be gathered to his people, and die there.
15 In what manner our fathers went 27 Moses did as the Lord had command
down into Egypt, and there we dwelt a ed: and they went up into mount Hor
long time, and the Egyptians afflicted us before all the multitude.
and our fathers. 28 And when he had stripped Aaron of
16 And how we cried to the Lord, and his vestments, he vested Eleazar his son
he heard us, and sent an angel, who hath with them.
brought us out of Egypt. Lo, we are 29 And Aaron being dead in the top of
now in the city of Cades, which is in the the mountain, he came down with Eleazar.
uttermost of thy borders, 30 And all the multitude seeing that
17 And we beseech thee that we may Aaron was dead, mourned for him thirty
have leave to pass through thy country. days throughout all their families.
We will not go through the fields, nor
through the vineyards, we will not drink CHAPTER 21
the waters of thy wells, but we will go King Arad overcome. The peo ple murmur and
are punished with fiery serpents: they are healed
by the common highway, neither turning by the brazen serpent. They conquer the kings
aside to the right hand, nor to the left, Sehon and Og.
till we are past thy borders. when king Arad the Chanaanite,
18 And Edom answered them: Thou
shalt not pass by me: if thou dost I will
who dwelt towards the south, had
heard this, to wit, that Israel was come
come out armed against thee. by the way of the spies, he fought against
19 And the children of Israel said: We them, and overcoming them carried off
willgo by the beaten way: and if we and their spoils.
our cattle drink of thy waters, we will 2 But Israel binding himself by vow to
give thee what is just: there shall be no the Lord, z said: If thou wilt deliver this
difficulty in the price, only let us pass people into hand, I will utterly de
speedily. stroy their cities.
20 But he answered: Thou shalt not 3 And the Lord heard the prayers of
pass. And immediately he came forth Israel, and delivered up the Chanaanite,
to meet them with an infinite multitude, and they cut them off and destroyed
and a strong hand, their cities: and they called the name
21 Neither would he condescend to their of that place Horma, that is to say, Ana
desire to grant them passage through his thema.
w Deut. 1. 37. a; Infra 33. 38 ; Deut. 32. 60. z Infra 33. 40.

CHAP. 20. Ver. 11. The rock. This rock was a God s but apprehending the un-
power or veracity ;

figure of Christ, and the water that issued out from worthiness of that rebellious and incredulous people,
the rock, of his precious blood, the source of all our and therefore speaking with some ambiguity.
good. Ver. 13. The Water of contradiction or strife.
Ver. 12. You have not believed, &c. The fault of Hebrew, Meribah.
Moses and Aaron, on this occasion, was a certain CHAP. 21. Ver. 3. Anathema. That is, a thins
diffidence and weakness of faith not doubting of
devoted to utter destruction.

The fiery serpents
NUMBERS Journeyings of the Israelites
4 And they marched from mount Hor, well appeared whereof the Lord said to
the Red Sea, Moses: Gather the people together, and
by the way that leadeth to
to compass the land of Edom. And the I will give them water.

people began to be weary

of their journey 17 Then Israel sung this song: Let the
and labour: well spring up. They sung thereto:
5 And speaking against God and Moses, 18 The well, which the princes dug, and
they said: Why didst thou bring us out the chiefs of the people prepared by the
of Egypt, to die in the wilderness? direction of the lawgiver, and with their
There is no bread, nor have we any staves. And they marched from the wil
waters: our soul now loatheth this very derness to Mathaiia.
light food. 19 From Mathana unto Nahaliel: from
6 Wherefore the Lord sent among the Nahaliel unto Bamoth.
people fiery serpents, which bit them 20 From Bamoth, is a valley in the coun
and killed many of them. try of Moab, to the top of Phasga, which
7 Upon which they came to Moses, and looked towards the desert.
said: We have sinned, because we have 21 /And Israel sent messer-pers to Sehon
spoken against the Lord and thee: pray king of the Amorrhites, saying:
that he may take away these serpents 22 I beseech thee that I may have leave
from us. And Moses prayed for the to pass through thy land: we will not go
people. aside into the fields or the vineyards, we
8 And the Lord said to him: Make a will not drink waters of the wells, we will
brazen serpent, and set it up for a sign: go the king s highway, till we be past thy
whosoever being struck shall look on it, borders.
shall live. 23 And he would not grant that Israel
9 b Moses therefore made a brazen ser should pass by his borders: but rather
pent, and set it up for a sign: which gathering an army, went forth to meet
when they that were bitten looked upon, them in the desert, and came to Jasa,
they were healed. and fought against them.
10 And the children of Israel setting 24 s And he was slain by them with the
forwards camped in Oboth. edge of the sword, and they possessed his
11 And departing thence they pitched land from the Arnon unto the Jeboc, and
their tents in Jeabarim, in the wilderness, to the confines of the children of Am-
that faceth Moab toward the east. mon: for the borders of the Ammonites,
12 And removing from thence, they were kept with a strong garrison.
came to the torrent Zared: 25 So Israel took all his cities, and dwelt
13 c Which they left and encamped over in the cities of the Ammorrhite, to wit, in
against Arnon, which is in the desert Hesebon, and in the villages thereof.
and standeth out on the borders of the 26 Hesebon was the city of Sehon the
Amorrhite. e For Arnon is the border of king of the Amorrhites, who fought
Moab, dividing the Moabites and the against the king of Moab: and took all
Amorrhites. the land, that had been of his dominions,
14 Wherefore it is said in the book of as far as the Arnon.
the wars of the Lord: As he did in the 27 Therefore it is said in the proverb:
Red Sea, so will he do in the streams of Come into Hesebon, let the city of Sehon
Arnon. be built and set up:
15 The rocks of the torrents were bowed 28 A fire is gone out of Hesebon, a
down that they might rest in Ar, and flame from the city of Sehon, and hath
He down in the borders of the Moab consumed Ar of the Moabites, and the
ites. inhabitants of the high places of the
16 When they went from that place, the Arnon.
a Judith 8. 25 ; Wisd.16. 5 ; 1 Cor. 10. 9. e Judges 11. 18 ; Deut. 2. 24. / Deut. 2. 26 ;

6 John 3.14. e Deut. 2. 13. Judges 11. 19. g Ps. 134. 11 ; Amos 2. 9.

Ver. 5. Very light food. So they call the heavenly Christ crucified, and of the efficacy of a lively faith
manna thus worldlings loathe the things of heaven,
in him, against the bites of the hellish serpent,
for which they have no relish. John 3. 14.
Ver. 6. Fiery serpents. They are so called, be- Ver. 14. The book of the wars, &c. An ancient
cause they that were bitten by them were burnt book, which, like several others quoted in scripture,
with a violent heat. has been lost.
Ver. 9. A brazen serpent. This was a figure of

The king of Basan slain NUM BERS Balac sends for Balaam
29 7 Woe to thee Moab: thou art un
Egypt, that hath covered the face of the
done, O people of Chamos. He hath earth, sitting over against me.
given his sons to flight, and his daughters 6 Come therefore, and curse this
into captivity to Sehon the king of the peo
ple, because it is mightier than I: if by
any means I may beat them and drive
30 Their yoke is perished from Hesebon them out of my land: for I know that he
unto Dibon, they came weary to Nophe, whom thou shalt bless is blessed, and he
and unto Medaba. whom thou shalt curse is cursed.
31 So Israel dwelt in the land of the 7 And the ancients of
Amorrhite. Moab, and the
elders of Madian, went with the price of
32 And Moses sent some to take a view divination in their hands. And when
of Jazer: and they took the villages of they were come to Balaam, and had told
it, and conquered the inhabitants. him all the words of Balac:
33 *And they turned themselves, and 8 He answered: Tarry here this
went up by the way of Basan, and Og night
and I will answer whatsoever the Lord
the king of Basan came against them shall say to me. And while they stayed
with all his people, to fight in Edrai. with Balaam, God came and said to him:
34 And the Lord said to Moses: Fear 9 What mean these men that are with
him not, for I have delivered him and all thee?
his people, and his country into thy hand:
10 He answered: Balac the son of Se
and thou shalt do to him as thou didst to
phor king of the Moabites hath sent to me,
Sehon the king of the Amorrhites, the
11 Saying: Behold a people that is come
inhabitant of Hesebon.
out of Egypt, hath covered the face of
35 So they slew him also with his sons,
the land: come and curse them, if by
and all his people, not letting any one
any means I may fight with them and
escape, and they possessed his land.
drive them away.
CHAPTER 22 12 And God said to Balaam: Thou shalt
not go with them, nor shalt thou curse
Balac, king of Moab, sendeth twice for Balaam to
curse Israel. In his way Balaam is rebuked by an the people: because it is blessed.
angel. 13 And he rose in the morning and said
they went forward and encamped to the princes: Go into your country,
in the plains of Moab, over against because the Lord hath forbid me to come
where Jericho is situate beyond the Jor with you.
dan. 14 The princes returning, said to Balac:
2 And Balac the son of Sephor, seeing Balaam would not come with us.
all that Israel had done to the Amor 15 Then he sent many more and more
rhite, noble than he had sent before:
3 And that the Moabites were in great 16 Who, when they were come to Ba
fear of him, and were not able to sustain laam, said: Thus saith Balac the son of
his assault, Sephor, Delay not to come to me:
4 He said to the elders of Madian: So 17 For I am ready to honour thee, and
will this people destroy all that dwell in will give thee whatsoever thou wilt:
our borders, as the ox is wont to eat the come and curse this people.
grass to the very roots. he was at Now 18 Balaam answered m If Balac would:

that time king in Moab. give mehis house full of silver and gold,
5 l He sent therefore messengers to Ba I cannot alter the word of the Lord my
laam the son of Beor, a soothsayer, who God, to speak either more or less.
dwelt by the river of the land of the 19 I pray you to stay here this night
children of Ammon, to call him, and to also, that I may know what the Lord will
say: Behold a people is come out of answer me once more.
h Judges
3. 3,
; 3 Kings 11.
and 29. 7.
I Jos. 24. 9. m Infra 24. 13.

CHAP. 22. Ver. 19. To stay. His desiring them to curse the people as he would willingly have done),
stay, after he had been fully informed already that and suffering him to fall still deeper and deeper into
it was not God s will he should go, came from the sin, till he came at last to give that abominable coun
inclination he had to gratify Balac, for the sake of sel against the people of God, which ended in his
worldly gain. And this perverse disposition God own destruction. So s-ad a thing it is to indulge a
punished by permitting him to go (though not to passion for money.

Balaam rebuked by an angel NUMBERS Balaam sees the camp of Israel
20 God therefore came to Balaam in the 33 And unless the ass had turned out
night,and said to him: If these men be of the way, giving place to me who stood
come to call thee, arise and go with against thee, I had slain thee, and she
them: yet so, that thou do what I shall should have lived.
command thee. 34 Balaam said: I have sinned, not
21 Balaam arose in the morning, and knowing that thou didst stand against
saddling his ass went with them. me: and now if it displease thee that I
22 n And God was angry. And an angel go, I will return.
of the Lord stood in the way against 35 The angel said: Go with these men,
Balaam, who sat on the ass, and had two and see thou speak no other thing than
servants with him. what I shall command thee. He went
23 The ass seeing the angel standing in therefore with the princes.
the way, with a drawn sword, turned 36 And when Balac heard it he came
herself out of the way, and went into the forth to meet him in a town of the Moab-
field. And when Balaam beat her, and ites, that is situate in the uttermost
had a mind to bring her again to the way, borders of Arnon.
24 The angel stood in a narrow place 37 And he said to Balaam: I sent mes
between two walls, wherewith the vine sengers to call thee, why didst thou not
yards were enclosed. come immediately to me? was it because
25 And the ass seeing him, thrust her I am not able to reward thy coming ?
self close to the wall, and bruised the foot 38 He answered him: Lo, here I am:
of the rider. But he beat her again: shall I have power to speak any other
26 And nevertheless the angel going on thing but that which God shall put in
to a narrow place, where there was no my mouth ?
way to turn aside either to the right 39 So they went on together, and came
hand or to the left, stood to meet him. a city, that was in the uttermost
27 And when the ass saw the angel borders of his kingdom.
standing, she under the feet of the
fell 40 And when Balac had killed oxen and
rider: who being angry beat her sides sheep, he sent presents to Balaam, and
more vehemently with a staff. to the princes that were with him.
28 And the Lord opened the mouth of 41 And when morning was come, he
the ass, and she said: What have I done brought him to the high places of Baal,
to thee ? Why strikest thou me, lo, now and he beheld the uttermost part of the
this third time? people.
29 Balaam answered: Because thou hast
deserved it, and hast served me ill: I
would I had a sword that I might kill Balaam, instead of cursing Israel, is obliged to bless
them, and prophesy good things of them.
30 The ass said: Am not I thy beast, on
Balaam said to Balac: Build me
which thou hast been always accustomed AND
here seven altars, and prepare as
to ride until this present day ? tell me if many calves, and the same number of
I ever did the like thing to thee. But he rams.
said: Never.
2 And when he had done according to
31 Forthwith the Lord opened the eyes the word of Balaam, they laid together
of Balaam, and he saw the angel stand a calf and a ram upon every altar.
ing in the way with a drawn sword, and 3 And Balaam said to Balac: Stand a
he worshipped him falling flat on the while by thy burnt offering, until I go.
to see if perhaps the Lord will meet me,
32 And the angel said to him: Why and whatsoever he shall command, I will
beatest thou thy ass these three times? speak to thee.
I am come to withstand thee, because 4 And when he was gone with speed,
way is preverse, and contrary to me: God met him. And Balaam speaking to
him, said: I have erected seven altars v
n 2 Peter 2. 15.

Ver. 28. Opened the mouth, &c. The angel moved

the tongue of the ass, to utter these speeches, to re Ver. 32. Perverse. Because thy inclinations are
buke, by the mouth of a brute beast, the brutal fury wicked in being willing for the sake of gain to curse
and folly of Balaam. the people of whom I am the guardian.

He refuses to curse Israel NUMBERS He blesses Israel
and have laid on every one a calf and a be changed. Hath he
said then, and
ram. will he not do? hath he spoken, and will
5 And the Lord put the word in his he not fulfil?
mouth, and said: Return, to Balac, and 20 I was brought to bless, the blessing I
thus shalt thou speak. am not able to hinder.
6 Returning he found Balac standing by 21 There is no idol in Jacob, neither is
his burnt offering, with all the princes of there an image god to be seen in Israel.
the Moabites: The Lord his God is with him, and the
7 And taking up his parable, he said: sound of the victory of the king in him.
Balac king of the Moabites hath brought 22 God hath brought him out of Egypt,
me from Aram, from the mountains of whose strength is like to the rhinoceros.
the east: Come, said he, and curse Jacob: 23 There is no soothsaying in Jacob,
make haste and detest Israel. nor divination in Israel. In their times
8 How shall I curse him, whom God hath it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel
not cursed? By what means should I what God hath wrought.
detest him, whom the Lord detesteth 24 Behold the people shall rise up as a
not? lioness, and shall lift itself up as a lion:
9 I shall see him from the tops of the it shall not lie down till it devour the
rocks, and shall consider him from the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.
hills. This people shall dwell alone, and 25 And Balac said to Balaam: Neither
shall not be reckoned among the nations. curse, nor bless him.
10 Who can count the dust of Jacob, and 26 And he said: Did I not tell thee,
know the number of the stock of Israel ? that whatsoever God should command me,
Let my soul die the death of the just, and that I would do ?
my last end be like to them. 27 And Balac said to him: Come and I
11 And Balac said to Balaam: What is will bring thee to another place; if perad-
this that thou dost? I sent for thee to venture it please God that thou mayest
curse my enemies: and thou contrari curse them from thence.
wise blesses them. 28 And when he had brought him upon
12 He answered him: Can I speak any the top of mount Phogor, which looketh
thing else but what the Lord command- towards the wilderness.
eth? 29 Balaam said to him: Build me here
13 Balac therefore said: Come with me seven altars, and prepare as many calves,
to another place from whence thou may- and the same number of rams.
est see part of Israel, and canst not see 30 Balac did as Balaam had said: and he
them all: curse them from thence. laid on every altar, a calf and a ram.
14 And when he had brought him to
a high place, upon the top of mount CHAPTER 24
Phasga, Balaam built seven altars, and Balaam still continues to prophesy good things in
laying on every one a calf and a ram, favour of Israel.
15 He said to Balac: Stand here by thy when Balaam saw that it pleased
burnt offering while I go to meet him. AtfD
the Lord that he should bless Israel,
16 And when the Lord had met him, he went not as he had gone before, to
and had put the word in his mouth, he seek divination: but setting his face to
said: Return to Balac, and thus shalt wards the desert,
thou say to him. 2 And lifting up his eyes, he saw Israel
17 Returning he found him standing by abiding in their tents by their tribes:
his burnt sacrifice, and the princes of the and the spirit of God rushing upon him,
Moabites with him. And Balac said to 3 He took up his parable and said: Ba
him: What hath the Lord spoken? laam the son of Beor hath said: The
18 But he taking up his parable, said: man hath said, whose eye is stopped up:
Stand, O Balac, and give ear: hear, thou 4 The hearer of the words of God hath
son of Sephor: said, he that hath beheld the vision of the
19 God is not a man, that he should lie, Almighty, he that falleth, and so his eyes
nor as the son of man, that he should are opened:
o Infrn 24. 8.

Balaam s prophesy NUMBERS The people sin

5 How beautiful are thy tabernacles, spring up from Israel: and shall strike
Jacob, and thy tents, O Israel! the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all
6 As woody valleys, as watered gardens the children of Seth.
near the rivers, as tabernacles which the 18 And he shall possess Idumea: the
Lord hath pitched, as cedars by the inheritance of Seir shall come to their
waterside. enemies, but Israel shall do manfully.
7 Water shall flow out of his bucket, 19 Out of Jacob shall he come that shall
and his seed shall be in many waters. rule, and shall destroy the remains of the
For Agag his king shall be removed, and city.
his kingdom shall be taken away. 20 And when he saw Amalec, he took
8 God hath brought him out of Egypt, up his parable, and said: Amalec the
P whose strength is like to the rhino beginning of nations, whose latter ends
shall be destroyed.
ceros. They shall devour the nations
that are enemies, and break their
his 21 He saw
also the Cinite: and took up
bones, and pierce them with arrows.
his parable, and said: Thy habitation in
9 Lying down he hath slept as a lion, deed is strong: but though thou build
and as a lioness, whom none shall dare to thy nest in a rock,
rouse. He that blesseth thee, shall also 22 And thou be chosen of the stock of
himself be blessed: he that curseth thee Cin, how long shalt thou be able to con
shall be reckoned accursed. tinue ? For Assur shall take thee captive.
10 And Balac being angry against Ba 23 And taking up his parable, again he
said: Alas, who shall live when God shall
laam, clapped his hands together and
said: I called thee to curse my enemies,
do these things?
and thou on the contrary hast blessed 24 s They shall come in galleys from
them three times. Italy, they shall overcome the Assyrians,
11 Return to thy place. I had deter
and shall waste the Hebrews, and at the
last they themselves also shall perish.
mined indeed greatly to honour thee, but
the Lord hath deprived thee of the hon
25 And Balaam rose, and returned to
his place: Balac also returned the way
our designed for thee.
that he came.
12 Balaam made answer to Balac: Did
I not say to thy messengers, whom thou
sentest to me: The people fall into fornication and idolatry; for
13 If me his house
Balac would give which twenty-four thousand are slain. The zeal
full of silver and gold,
cannot go be
I of Phinees.

yond the word of the Lord my God, to at that time u abode in

utter any thing of my own head either AMD
Settim, and the people committed
good or evil: but whatsoever the Lord fornication with the daughters of Moab,
shall say, that I will speak ? 2 Who called them to their sacrifices.
14 But yet going to my people, I will And they ate of them, and adored their
give thee counsel, what this people shall gods.
do to thy people in the latter days. 3 v And Israel was initiated to Beelphe-
15 Therefore taking up his parable, gor: upon which the Lord being angry,
again he said: Balaam the son of Beor 4 Said to Moses: ^Take all the princes
hath said: The man whose eye is stopped of the people, and hang them up on gib
up, hath said: bets against the sun: that my fury may
16 The hearer of the words of God hath be turned away from Israel.
said, who knoweth the doctrine of the 5 And Moses said to the judges of Is
Highest, and seeth the visions of the rael: x Let every man kill his neighbours,
Almighty, who falling hath his eyes that have been initiated to Beelphegor.
opened: 6 And behold one of the children of Is
17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall rael went in before his brethren to a
behold him, but not near. * A STAR SHALL harlot of Madian, in the sight of Moses,
RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall and of all the children of Israel, who
p Supra 23. 22. q Supra 22. 18. r Matt. 2. 2. u Jos. 3. 1. v Jos. 22. 17.
s Dan. 11. 30. w Deut. 4. 3. x Ex. 32. 27.

CHAP.25. Ver. 3. Initiated to Beelphegor. That scene idol of the Moabites, and were consecrated, as
is, they took to the worship of Beeiphegor, an ob it were, to him.

The seal of Phinees NUMBERS The people are numbered again
were weeping before the door of the upward, by their houses and kindreds,
tabernacle. all that are able to go forth to war.
7 y And when Phinees the son of Eleazar 3 Moses therefore and Eleazar the priest,
the son of Aaron the priest saw it, he being in the plains of Moab upon the Jor
rose up from the midst of the multitude, dan over against Jericho, spoke to them
and taking a dagger, that were
8 Went in after the Israelite into the 4 From twenty years old and upward,
brothel house, and thrust both of them as the Lord had commanded: and this is
through together, to wit, the man and the number of them:
the woman in the genital parts. And 5 Ruben the firstborn of Israel. d His
the scourge ceased from the children of sons were Henoch, of whom is the family
Israel. of the Henochites: and Phallu, of whom
9 And there were slain four and twenty is the family of the Phalluites:
thousand men. 6 And Hesron, of whom is the family of
10 And the Lord said to Moses: the Hesronites: and Charmi, of whom is
11 Phinees the son of Eleazar the son the family of the Charmites.
of Aaron the priest, hath turned away 7 These are the families of the stock of
my wrath from the children of Israel: Ruben: whose number was found to be
because he was moved with my zeal forty-three thousand seven hundred and
against them, that I myself might not thirty.
destroy the children of Israel in my zeal. 8 The son of Phallu was Eliab.
12 Therefore say to him: z Behold I give 9 His sons, were Namuel and Dathan
him the peace of my covenant, and Abiron. These are Dathan and Abi-
13 And the covenant of the priesthood ron the princes of the people, that rose
for ever shall be both to him and his against Moses and Aaron in the sedition
seed, because he hath been zealous for of Core, when they rebelled against the
his God, and hath made atonement for Lord:
the wickedness of the children of Israel. 10 And the earth opening her mouth
14 And the name of the Israelite, that swallowed up Core, many others dying,
was slain with the woman of Madian, when the fire burned two hundred and
was Zambri the son of Salu, a prince of fifty men. And there was a great miracle
the kindred and tribe of Simeon. wrought,
15 And the Madianite woman, that was 11 That when Core perished, his sons
slain with him, was called Cozbi the did not perish.
daughter of Sur, a most noble prince 12 The sons of Simeon by their kin
among the Madianites. dreds: Namuel, of him is the family of
16 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: the Namuelites: Jamin, of him is the
17 a Let the Madianites find you their family of the Jaminites: Jachim, of him
is the family of the Jachimites:
enemies, and slay you them:
18 Because they also have acted like 13 Zare, of him is the family of the Zar-
enemies against you, and have guilefully ites: Saul, of him is the family of the
deceived you by the idol Phogor, and Saulites.
Cozbi their sister, a daughter of a prince 14 These are the families of the stock
of Madian, who was
slain in the day of of Simeon, of which the whole number
the plague for the sacrilege of Phogor. was twenty-two thousand two hundred.
15 The sons of Gad by their kindreds:
the Se-
CHAPTER 26 Sephon, of him is the family of
phonites: Aggi, of him
is the family of
The people are again numbered by their tribes
and families the Aggites: Suni, of him is the family
the blood of the guilty was of the Sunites:
AFTER Lord said to Moses and 16 Ozni, of him is the family of the Oz-
shed, the
to Eleazar the son of Aaron, the priest: nites: Her, of him is the family of the
2 c Number the whole sum of the chil Herites:
17 Arod, of him the family of the
dren of Israel from twenty years old and

10. 8. c Supra 1. 2 and 3.

y Ps. 105. 30 1 Mac. 2 26 1 Cor.
Ex. 14 1 Par. 5. 2.

1 Mac. 2. 54.
d Gen. 46. 9 ; 6. ;
* Eccli. 45. 30 ;
e Supra 16. 1 and 2.
a Infra 31. 2.

The tribes and families of Israel NUMBERS The tribes and families of Israel

Arodites: Ariel, of him is the family of and Noa, and Hegla, and Melcha, and
the Arielites. Thersa.
18 These are the families of Gad, of 34 These are the families of Manasses,
which the whole number was forty thou and the number of them fifty-two thou
sand five hundred. sand seven hundred.
19 /The sons of Juda, Her and Onan, 35 And the sons of Ephraim by their
who both died in the land of Chanaan. kindreds were these: Suthala, of whom
20 And the sons of Juda by their kin is the family of the Suthalaites: Becher,

dreds were: Sela, of whom is the family of whom is the family of the Becherites:
of the Selaites: Phares, of whom is the Thehen, of whom is the family of the
family of the Pharesites: Zare, of whom Thehenites.
is the family of the Zarites. 36 Now the son of Suthala was Heran,
21 Moreover the sons of Phares were: of whom is the family of the Heran-
Hesron, of whom is the family of the

Hesronites: and Hamul, of whom is the 37 These are the kindreds of the sons
family of the Hamulites. of Ephraim: whose number was thirty-
22 These are the families of Juda, of two thousand five hundred.
which the whole number was seventy- 38 These are the sons of Joseph by their
six thousand five hundred. families. The sons of Benjamin in their
23 The sons of Issachar, by their kin kindreds: Bela, of whom is the family of
dreds: Thola, of whom is the family of the Belaites: Asbel, of whom is the family
the Tholaites: Phua, of whom is the of the Asbelites: Ahiram, of whom is the
family of the Phuaites: family of the Ahiramites:
24 Jasub, of whom is the family of the 39 Supham, of whom is the family of
Jasubites: Semran, of whom is the family the Suphamites: Hupham, of whom is
of the Semranites. the family of the Huphamites.
25 These are the kindreds of Issachar, 40 The sons of Bela: Hered, and Noe-
whose number was sixty-four thousand man. Of Hered, is the family of the
three hundred. Heredites: of Noeman, the family of the
26 The sons of Zabulon by their kin Noemanites.
dreds: Sared, of whom is the family of 41 These are the sons of Benjamin by
the Saredites: Elon, of whom is the fam their kindreds, whose number was forty-
ily of the Elonites: Jalel, of whom is the
five thousand six hundred.

family of the Jalelites. 42 The sons of Dan by their kindreds:

27 These are the kindreds of Zabulon, Suham, of whom is the family of the Su-
whose number was sixty thousand five hamites: These are the kindreds of Dan
hundred. by their families.
28 The sons of Joseph by their kindred, 43 All were Suhamites, whose number
Manasses and Ephraim. was sixty-four thousand four hundred.
29 Of Manasses was born Machir, of 44 The sons of Aser by their kindreds:
whom is the family of the Machirites. Jemna, of whom is the family of the
3 Machir begot Galaad, of whom is the Jemnaites: Jessui, of whom is the family
family of the Galaadites. of the Jessuites: Brie, of whom is the
30 Galaad had sons: Jezer, of whom is family of the Brieites.
the family of the Jezerites: and Helec, 45 The sons of Brie: Heber, of whom is
of whom is the family of the Helecites: the family of the Heberites: and Mel-
31 And Asriel, of whom is the family chiel, of whom is the family of the
of the Asrielites: and Sechem, of whom Melchielites.
is the family of the Sechemites: 46 And the name of the daughter of
32 And Semida, of whom is the family Aser, was Sara.
of the Semidaites: h and Hepher, of whom 47 These are the kindreds of the sons of
is the family of the Hepherites. Aser, and their number fifty-three thou
33 And Hepher was the father of Sal- sand four hundred.
phaad, who had no sons, but only daugh 48 The sons of Nephtali by their kin
ters, whose names are these: *Maala, dreds: Jesiel, of whom is the family of

/ Gen. 38. 3 and 4. g Jos. 17. 1. h Infra 27, 1. i Ibid.

The families of the Leznies NUMBERS The law of inheritance
the Guni, of whom is the
Jesielites: Eleazar the priest, in the plains of Moab
family of the Gunites: upon the Jordan, over against Jericho.
49 Jeser, of whom is the family of the 64 i Among whom there was not one of
Jeserites: Sellem, of whom is the family them that were numbered before by
of the Sellemites. Moses and Aaron in the desert of Sinai.
50 These are the kindreds of the sons of 65 m For the Lord had foretold that
Nephtali by their families: whose num should die in the wilderness. And none
ber was forty-five thousand four hundred. remained of them, but Caleb the son of
51 This is the sum of the children of Jephone, and Josue the son of Nun.
Israel, that were reckoned up, six hun
dred and one thousand seven hundred CHAPTER 27
and thirty. The law of inheritance. Josue is appointed to suc
52 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: ceed Moses.

53 To these shall the land be divided "came

daughters the of Sal-
for their possessions according to the THEN
phaad, the son of Hepher, the son of
number of names. Galaad, the son of Machir, the son of
54 To the greater number thou shalt Manasses, who was the son of Joseph:
and their names are Maala and Noa, and
give a greater portion, and to the fewer
a less: to every one, as they have now Hegla, and Melcha, and Thersa.
been reckoned up, shall a possession be 2 And they stood before Moses and
delivered: Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of
the people at the door of the tabernacle
55 Yet so that by lot the land be divided
of the covenant, and said:
to the tribe and families.
56 Whatsoever shall fall by lot, that 3 Our father died in the desert, and was
shall be taken by the more, or the fewer. not in the sedition, that was raised

57 J This also is the number of the sons against the Lord under Core, but he died
of Levi by their families: Gerson, of in his own sin: and he had no male chil

whom is the family of the Gersonites: dren. Why is his name taken away out
of his family, because he had no son?
Caath, of whom is the family of the
Caathites: Merari, of whom is the family Give us a possession among the kinsmen
of our father.
of the Merarites.
68 These are the families of Levi: The 4 And Moses referred their cause to the
family of Lobni, the family of Hebroni, judgment of the Lord.
the family of Moholi, the family of Musi, 5 And the Lord said to him:
the family of Core. Now Caath begot 6 The daughters of Salphaad demand a
Amram: just thing: Give them a possession among
59 Who had to wife Jochabed the daugh their father s kindred, and let them suc
ter of Levi, who was born to him in ceed him in his inheritance.
Egypt. She bore to her husband Amram 7 And to the children of Israel thou
sons, Aaron and Moses, and Mary their shalt speak these things:
sister. 8 When a man dieth without a son, his
60 Of Aaron were born Nadab and inheritance shall pass to his daughter.
Abiu, and Eleazar and Ithamar: 9 If he have no daughter, his brethren
61 k Of whom Nadab and Abiu died, shall succeed him.
when they had offered the strange fire 10 And if he have no brethren, you
before the Lord. shall give the inheritance to his father s
62 And all that were numbered, were brethren.
twenty-three thousand males from one 11 But if he have no uncles by the fa
month old and upward: for they were not ther, the inheritance shall be given to
reckoned up among the children of them that are the next akin. And this
Israel, neither was a possession given to shall be to the children of Israel sacred
them with the rest. by a perpetual law, as the Lord hath
63 This is the number of the children of commanded Moses.
Israel, that were enrolled by Moses and 12 -/The Lord also said to Moses: r Go
j Ex. 6. 16. A- Lev. 10. 1 Supra 3. 4 1 Par.
: ; 24. 2. p Supra 16. 1.
I 1 Cor. 10. 5. m Supra 14. 23 and 24. A. M. 2553.

TO Supra 26. 32 and 33 ; Infra 36. 1 : Jos. 17. 1. r Deut. 32. 49.

Josue appointed to succeed Moses NUMBERS Sacrifices for various feasts

up into this mountain Abarim, and view 4 One you shall offer in the morning,
from thence the land which I will give to and the other in the evening:
the children of Israel. 5 And the tenth part of an ephi of
13 And when thou shalt have seen it, flour, which shall be tempered with the
thou also shalt go to thy people, as thy purest oil, of the measure of the fourth
brother Aaron is gone: part of a hin.
14 s Because you offended me in the 6 It is the continual holocaust which you
desert of Sin in the contradiction of the offered in mount Sinai for a most sweet
multitude, neither would you sanctify odour of a sacrifice by fire to the Lord.
me before them at the waters. These 7 And for a libation you shall offer of
are the waters of contradiction in Cades wine the fourth part of a hin for every
of the desert of Sin. lamb in the sanctuary of the Lord.
15 And Moses answered him: 8 And you shall offer the other lamb in
16 May the Lord the God of the spirits like manner in the evening according to
of all flesh provide a man, that may be all the rites of the morning sacrifice, and
over this multitude: of the libations thereof, an oblation of
17 And may go out and in before them, most sweet odour to the Lord.
and may lead them out, or bring them 9 v And on the sabbath day you shall offer
in: lest the people of the Lord be as two lambs of a year old without blemish,
sheep without a shepherd. and two tenths of flour tempered with
18 And the Lord said to him: *Take oil in sacrifice, and the libations,

Josue the son of Nun, a man in whom is 10 Which regularly are poured out every
the Spirit, and put thy hand upon him. sabbath for the perpetual holocaust.
19 And he shall stand before Eleazar 11 And on the first day of the month you
the priest and all the multitude: shall offer a holocaust to the Lord, two
20 And thou shalt give him precepts in calves of the herd, one ram, and seven
the sight of all, and part of thy glory, lambs of a year old, without blemish,
that all the congregation of the children 12 And three tenths of flour tempered
of Israel may hear him. with oil in sacrifice for every calf: and
21 If any thing be to be done, Eleazar two tenths of flour tempered with oil for
the priest shall consult the Lord for him. every ram:
He and all the children of Israel with 13 And the tenth of a tenth of flour
him, and the rest of the multitude shall tempered with oil in sacrifice for every
go out and go in at his word. lamb. It is a holocaust of most sweet
22 Moses did as the Lord had com odour and an offering by fire to the Lord.
manded. And when he had taken Josue, 14 And these shall be the libations of
he set him before Eleazar the priest, and wine that are to be poured cut for every
all the assembly of the people, victim: Half a hin for every calf, a third
23. And laying his hands on his head, he for a ram, and a fourth for a lamb. This
repeated all things that the Lord had shall be the holocaust for every month,
commanded. as they succeed one another in the course
of the year.
CHAPTER 28 15 A buck goat also shall be offered to
Sacrifices arc appointed as veil for every day as for the Lord for a sin offering over and
sabbaths, and other festivals. above the perpetual holocaust with its
Lord also said to Moses: libations.
2 Command the children of Israel, 16 w And in the first month, on the four
and thou shalt say to them Offer ye my : teenth day of the month, shall be the
oblation and my bread, and burn sacri phase of the Lord,
fice of most sweet odour, in their due 17 And on the fifteenth day the solemn
seasons. feast: seven days shall they eat unleav
3 These are the
sacrifices which you ened bread.
shall offer: lambs of a year old
"Two 18 And the first day of them shall be
without blemish every day for the per venerable and holy: you shall not do
petual holocaust: any servile work therein.
s Supra 20. 12 ; Deut. 32. 51. v Matt. 12. 5.
t Deut. 3. 21. u Ex. 29. 38. w Ex. 12. 18 ; Lev. 23. 5.

Sacrifices for various feasts NUMBERS Sacrifices for the seventh month
19 And you shall offer a burnt sacrifice 3 And for their sacrifices, three tenths
a holocaust to the Lord, two calves of of flour tempered with oil to every calf,
the herd, one ram, seven lambs of a year two tenths to a ram,
old, without blemish: 4 One tenth to a lamb, which in all are
20 And for the sacrifices of every one seven lambs:
three tenths of flour which shall be 5 And a buck goat for sin, which is
tempered with oil to every calf, and two offered for the expiation of the peo
tenths to every ram,
21 And the tenth of a tenth, to every 6 Besides the holocaust of the first day
lamb, that is to say, to all the seven of the month with the sacrifices thereof,
lambs: and the perpetual holocaust with the
22 And one buck goat for sin, to make accustomed libations. With the same
atonement for you, ceremonies you shall offer a burnt sacri
23 Besides the morning holocaust which fice for a most sweet odour to the Lord.
you shall always offer. 7 x The tenth day also of this seventh
24 The seventh day also shall be most month shall be holy and venerable unto
seven days for the food of the fire, and
you, and you shall afflict your souls: you
for a most sweet odour to the Lord, do no servile work therein.
which shall rise from the holocaust, and 8 And you shall offer a holocaust to the
from the libations of each. Lord for a most sweet odour, one calf of
25 The seventh day also shall be most the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of a
solemn and holy unto you: you shall do
year old, without blemish:
no servile work therein. 9 And for their sacrifices, three tenths
26 The day also of firstfruits, when after
of flour tempered with oil to every calf,
the weeks are accomplished, you shall
two tenths to a ram,
offernew fruits to the Lord, shall be ven 10 The tenth of a tenth to every lamb,
erable and holy: you shall do no servile which are in all seven lambs:
work therein.
11 And a buck goat for sin, besides the
27 And you shall offer a holocaust for a
things that are wont to be offered for sin,
most sweet odour to the Lord, two calves for expiation, and for the perpetual holo
of the herd, one ram, and seven lambs of
caust with their sacrifice and libations.
a year old, without blemish:
12 And on the fifteenth day of the
28 And in the sacrifices of them three seventh month, which shall be unto you
tenths of flour tempered with oil to every
holy and venerable, you shall do no ser
calf two to every ram,
vile work, but shall celebrate a solemnity
29 The tenth of a tenth to every lamb, to the Lord seven days.
which in all are seven lambs: a buck 13 And you shall offer a holocaust for a
goat also, most sweet odour to the Lord, thirteen
30 Which is slain for expiation: besides calves of the herd, two rams, and four
the perpetual holocaust and the libations
teen lambs of a year old, without blemish:
14 And for their libations three tenths
31 You shall offer them all without
of flour tempered with oil to every calf,
blemish with their libations.
being in all thirteen calves: and two
tenths to each ram, being two rams,
CHAPTER 29 15 And the tenth of a tenth to every
Sacrifices for the festivals of the seventh month lamb, being in all fourteen lambs:
16 And a buck goat for sin, besides the
day also of the seventh
the sacrifice
THE month shall be venerable and holy perpetual holocaust, and
unto you; you shall do no servile work and the libation thereof.
17 On the second day you shall offer
therein, because it is the day of the
twelve calves of the herd, two rams and
sounding and of trumpets.
2 And you shall offer a holocaust for a fourteen lambs of a year old, without
most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf blemish:
of the herd, one ram and seven lambs of 18 And the sacrifices and the libations
for one, for the calves and for
a year old, without blemish. every

x Lev. 16. 29, and 23. 27.

Sacrifices for the seventh month NUMBERS
rams and for the lambs you shall duly 36 But you shall offer a holocast for a
celebrate: most sweet odour to the Lord, one calf,
19 And a buck goat for a sin offering one ram, and seven lambs of a year old,
besides the perpetual holocaust, and the without blemish:
sacrifice and the libation thereof. 37 And the sacrifices and the libations
of every one for the calves and for the
20 The third day you shall offer eleven
rams and for the lambs you shall cele
calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of
a year old, without blemish: brate according to the rite:
21 And the sacrifices and the libations 38 And a buck goat for sin, besides the
of every one for the calves and for the perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice
rams and for the lambs you shall offer and the libation thereof.
39 These things shall you offer to the
according to the rite:
22 And a buck goat for sin, besides the Lord in your solemnities: besides your
vows and voluntary oblations for holo
perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice,
and the libation thereof. caust, for sacrifice, for libation, and for
23 The fourth day you shall offer ten victims of peace offerings.
calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of CHAPTER 30
a year old, without blemish:
24 And the sacrifices and the libations Of vows and oaths: and their obligation

of every one for the calves and for the Moses told the children of Israel
rams and for the lambs you shall cele AND all that the Lord had commanded
brate in right manner: him:
25 And a buck goat for sin, besides the 2 And he said to the princes of the
perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice tribes of the children of Israel: This is
and the libation thereof. the word that the Lord hath commanded:
26 The fifth day you shall offer nine 3 Ifany man make a vow to the Lord,
calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of or bind himself by an oath: he shall not
a year old, without blemish: make his word void but shall fulfil all
27 And the sacrifices and the libations that he promised.
of every one for the calves and for the 4 If a woman vow any thing, and bind
rams and for the lambs you shall cele- hersef by an oath, being in her father s
bvate according to the rite: house, and but yet a girl in age: if her
28 And a buck goat for sin, besides the father knew the vow that she hath pro
perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice mised, and the oath wherewith she hath
and the libation thereof. bound her soul, and held his peace, she
29 The sixth day you shall offer eight shall be bound by the vow:
calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of 5 Whatsoever she promised and swore,
a year old, without blemish: she shall fulfil in deed.
30 And the sacrifices and the libations 6 But if her father, immediately as soon
of every one for the calves and for the as he heard it, gainsaid it, both her
rams and for the lambs you shall cele vows and her oaths shall be void, nei
brate according to the rite: ther shall she be bound to what she pro
31 And a buck goat for sin, besides the mised, because her father hath gainsaid it.
perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice 7 If she have a husband, and shall vow
and the libation thereof. anything, and the word once going out of
32 The seventh day you shall offer her mouth shall bind her soul by an oath:
seven calves and two rams, and fourteen 8 The day that her husband shall hear
lambs of a year old, without blemish: it, and not gainsay it, she shall be bound
33 And the sacrifices and the libations to the vow, and shall give whatsoever
of every one for the calves and for the she promised.
rams and for the lambs you shall cele 9 But if as soon as he heareth he gain
brate according to the rite: say it, and make her promises and the
34 And a buck goat for sin, besides the words wherewith she had bound her soul
perpetual holocaust, and the sacrifice of no effect: the Lord will forgive her.
and the libation thereof. 10 The widow, and she that is divorced,
35 On the eighth day, which is most shall fulfil whatsoever they vow.
solemn, you shall do no servile work: 11 If the wife in the house of her hus-

The Madianites are slain NUMBERS Moses angry with the officers

band, hath bound herself by vow and by 8 And their kings Evi, and Recem, and
oath, Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, five princes of
12 If her husband hear, and hold his the nation: Balaam also the son of Beor
peace, and doth not disallow the promise, they killed with the sword.
she shall accomplish whatsoever she had 9 And they took their women, and their
promised. children captives, and all their cattle, and
13 But if forthwith he gainsay it, she all their goods: and all their posses
shall not be bound by the promise: be sions they plundered:
cause her husband gainsaid it, and the 10 And all their cities, and their vil
Lord will be merciful to her. lages, and castles, they burned.
14 If she vow and bind herself by oath, 11 And they carried away the booty,
to afflict her soul by fasting, or abstinence and all that they had taken both of men
from other things, it shall depend on the and of beasts.
will of her husband, whether she shall do 12 And they brought them to Moses, and
it, or not do it. Eleazar the priest, and to all the multi
15 But if the husband hearing it hold his tude of the children of Israel. But the
peace, and defer the declaring his mind rest of the things for use they carried to
till another day: whatsoever she had the camp on the plains of Moab, beside
vowed and promised, she shall fulfil: be the Jordan over against Jericho.
cause immediately as he heard it, he held 13 And Moses and Eleazar the priest
his peace. and all the princes of the synagogue
16 But if he gainsay it after that he went forth to meet them without the
knew it, he shall bear
her iniquity. camp.
17 These are the laws which the Lord 14 And Moses being angry with the
appointed to Moses between the husband chief officers of the army, the tribunes,
and the wife, between the father and the and the centurions that were come from
daughter that is as yet but a girl in age, the battle,
or that abideth in her father s house. 15 Said: Why have you saved the
women ?
CHAPTER 31 16 b Are not these they, that deceived
the children of Israel by the counsel of
The Madianites are slain for having drawn the peo
ple of Israel into sin. The dividing of the booty.
Balaam, and made you transgress against
the Lord by the sin of Phogor, for which
the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: also the people was punished?
2 Revenge first the children of Is
17 c Therefore kill all that are of the
on the
rael Madianites, and so thou shalt male sex, even of the children: and put
be gathered to thy people. to death the women, that have carnally
3 And Moses forthwith said:
* Arm of
known men.
you men to fight, who may take
18 But the girls, and all the women that
revenge of the Lord on the Madianites. are virgins save for yourselves:
4 Let a thousand men be chosen out of 19 And stay without the camp seven
every tribe of Israel to be sent to the war. days. He that hath killed a man, or
5 And they gave a thousand of every touched one that is killed, shall be puri
tribe, that is to say,
twelve thousand fied the third day and the seventh day.
men well appointed for battle. 20 And of all the spoil, every garment,
6 And Moses sent them with Phinees the or vessel, or any thing made for use, of
son of Eleazar the priest, and he de the skins, or hair of goats, or of wood,
livered to him the holy vessels, and the shall be purified.
trumpets to sound. 21 Eleazar also the priest spoke to the
7 And when they had fought against men of the army, that had fought, in this
the Madianites and had overcome them, manner: This is the ordinance of the
they slew all the men. b Supra 25. 18.

a Jos. 13. 2^ c Judges 21. 11.

z Supra 25. 17.
case, in
CHAP 31. Ver. 16. sin of Phogor. The sin
The pleased to order it otherwise in the present who
detestation of the wickedness of this people
committed in the worship of Beelphegor
by the counsel of Balaam, had sent their women
Ver 17 Of Children Women and children, ord
narily speaking, were not to be killed
in war, Deut. among the Israelites on purpose to draw them from
20. 14. But the great Lord of life and death was God.

12 177
The spoils are divided NUMBERS The gold is offered to God
d which the Lord hath commanded there fell to the portion of the Lord,
Moses: thirty-two souls.
22 Gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, 41 And Moses delivered the number of
and lead, and tin, the firstfruits of the Lord to Eleazar the
23 And all that may pass through the priest, as had been commanded him,
but whatso 42 Out of the half of the children of Is
fire, shall be purified by fire,
ever cannot abide the fire, shall be sanc rael, which he had separated for them
tified with the water of expiation:
that had been in the battle.
43 But out of the half that fell to the
24 And you shall wash your garments
rest of the multitude, that is to say, out
the seventh day, and being purified, you
of the three hundred thirty-seven thou
shall afterwards enter into the camp.
sand five hundred sheep,
25 And the Lord said to Moses:
44 And out of the thirty-six thousand
26 Take the sum of the things that were
taken both of man and beast, thou and 45 And out of the thirty thousand five
Eleazar the priest and the princes of the hundred asses,
multitude :
46 And out of the sixteen thousand per
27 And thou shalt divide the spoil sons,
equally, between them that fought and 47 Moses took the fiftieth head, and
went out to the war, and between the to the Levites that watched in
gave it
rest of the multitude. the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord
28 And thou shalt separate a portion to had commanded.
the Lord from them that fought and were 48 And when the commanders of the
in the battle, one soul of five hundred as
army, and the tribunes and centurions
well of persons as of oxen and asses and were come to Moses, they said:
sheep. 49 We thy servants have reckoned up
29 And thoushalt give it to Eleazar the the number of the fighting men, whom
priest, because they are the firstfruits of we had under our hand, and not so much
the Lord. as one was wanting.
30 Out of the moiety also of the chil 50 Therefore we offer as gifts to the
dren of Israel thou shalt take the fiftieth Lord what gold every one of us could
head of persons, and of oxen, and asses, find in the booty, in garters and tablets,
and sheep, and of all beasts, and thou rings and bracelets, and chains, that thou
shalt give them to the Levites that watch mayst pray to the Lord for us.
in the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord. 51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest
31 And Moses and Eleazar did as the received all the gold in divers kinds,
Lord had commanded. 52 In weight sixteen thousand seven
32 And the spoil which the army had hundred and fifty sides, from the tri
taken, was six hundred seventy-five bunes and from the centurions.
thousand sheep, 53 For that which every one had taken
33 Seventy-two thousand oxen, in the booty was his own.
34 Sixty-one thousand asses: 54 And that which was received they
35 And thirty-two thousand persons of
brought into the tabernacle of the testi
the female sex, that had not known men.
mony, for a memorial of the children of
36 And one half was given to them that Israel before the Lord.
had been in the battle, to wit, three hun
dred thirty-seven thousand five hundred
37 Out of which, for the portion of the The tribes of Ruben and Gad, and
half of the tribe
of Manasses, receive their inheritance on the east
Lord, were reckoned six hundred seventy- side of Jordan, upon conditions approved of by
five sheep. Moses.
38 And out of the thirty-six thousand the sons of Ruben and Gad had
oxen, seventy- two oxen:
39 Out of the thirty thousand five hun
many flocks of cattle, and their sub
stance in beasts was infinite. And when
dred asses, sixty-one asses:
they saw the lands of Jazer and Galaad
40 Out of the sixteen thousand fit for feeding cattle,
d Lev. 6. 28, and 11. 33, and 15. 11. e Deut. 3. 12.

Ruben and Gad ask to dwell NUMBERS on the east side of Jordan

2 They came to Moses and Eleazar the 17 And we ourselves will go armed and
priest, and the princes of the multitude, ready for battle before the children of
and said: Israel, until w.e bring them in unto their
3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and places. Our little ones, and all we have,
Nemra, Hesebon, and Eleale, and Saban, shall be in walled cities, for fear of the
and Nebo, and Beon, ambushes of the inhabitants.
4 The land, which the Lord hath con 18 Wewill not return into our houses
quered in the sight of the children of until the children of Israel possess their
Israel, is a very fertile soil for the feed inheritance :

ing of beasts: and we thy servants have 19 Neither will we seek any thing be
very much cattle: yond the Jordan, because we have already
5 And we pray thee, if we have found our possession on the east side thereof,
favour in thy sight, that thou give it to 20 And Moses said to them: If you do
us thy servants in possession, and make what you promise, go on well appointed
us not pass over the Jordan. for war before the Lord:
6 And Moses answered them: What, 21 And let every fighting man pass over
shall your brethren go to fight, and will the Jordan, until the Lord overthrow his
you sit here? enemies:
7 Why do ye overturn the minds of the 22 And all the land be brought under
children of Israel, that they may not dare him, then shall you be blameless before
to pass into the place which the Lord the Lord and before Israel, and you shall
hath given them? obtain the countries that you desire, be
8 Was it not thus your fathers did, when fore the Lord.
I sent from Cadesbarne to view the land ? 23 But if you do not what you say, no
9 9 And when they were come as far as man can doubt but you sin against God:
the valley of the cluster, having viewed and know ye, that your sin shall overtake
all the country, they overturned the you.
hearts of the children of Israel, that they 24 Build therefore cities for your chil
should not enter into the coasts, which dren, and folds and stalls for your sheep
the Lord gave them. and beasts, and accomplish what you
10 h And he swore in his anger, saying: have promised.
11 If these men, that came up out of 25 J And the children of Gad and Ruben
Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, said to Moses: We are thy servants, we
shall see the land, which I promised with will do what my lord commandeth.
an oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: 26 We will leave our children, and our
because they would not follow me, wives and sheep and cattle, in the cities
12 Except Caleb the son of Jephone the of Galaad:
Cenezite, and Josue the son of Nun: 27 And we thy servants all well ap
these have fulfilled my will. pointed will march on to the war, as
13 And the Lord being angry against thou, my lord, speakest.
Israel, led them about through the desert 28 Moses therefore commanded Eleazar
forty years, until the whole generation, the priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and
that had done evil in his sight, was con the princes of the families of all the
sumed. tribes of Israel, and said to them:
14 And behold, said he, you are risen 29 fc lf the children of Gad, and the
up instead of your fathers, the increase children of Ruben pass with you over
and offspring of sinful men, to augment the Jordan, all armed for war before the
the fury of the Lord against Israel. Lord, and the land be made subject to
15 For if you will not follow him, he you: give them Galaad in possession.
will leave the people in the wilderness, 30 But if they will not pass armed with
and you shall be the cause of the destruc you into the land of Chanaan, let them
tion of all. receive places to dwell in among you.
16 But they coming near, said: We will 31 And the children of Gad, and the
make sheepf olds, and stalls for our cattle, children of Ruben answered: As the Lord
and strong cities for our children: hath to his servants, so will we do:
j Jos. 4. 12.
g Supra 13. 24.
and 22. 4.
12 ; Jos.
Deut. 3. 13. 8,
h Supra 14. 29. i Jos. 1. 14. fc

Moses consents NUMBERS Journey ings of the Israelites

32 Wewill go armed before the Lord after the phase, with a mighty hand, in
into the land of Chanaan, and we confess the sight of all the Egyptians,
that we have already received our pos 4 m Who were burying their firstborn,
session beyond the Jordan. whom the Lord had slain, (upon their
33 Moses therefore gave to the children gods also he had executed vengeance,)
of Gad and of Ruben, and to the half 5 And they camped in Soccoth.
tribe of Manasses the son of Joseph, the 6 And from Soccoth they came into
kingdom of Sehon king of the Amor- Etham, which is in the uttermost bor
rhites, and the kingdom of Og king of ders of the wilderness.
Basan, and their land and the cities 7 n Departing from thence they came
thereof and round about. over against Phihahiroth, which looketh
34 And the sons of Gad built Dibon, and towards Beelsephon, and they camped
Ataroth, and Aroer, before Magdalum.
35 And Etroth, and Sophan, and Jazer, 8 And departing from Phihahiroth, they
and Jegbaa, passed through the midst of the sea into
36 And Bethnemra, and Betharan, the wilderness o and
having marched

fenced cities, and folds for their cattle. three days through the desert of Etham,
37 But the children of Ruben built they camped in Mara.
Hesebon, and Eleale, and Cariathaim, 9 P And departing from Mara, they
38 And Nabo, and Baalmeon (their came into Elim, where there were twelve
names being changed) and Sabama: giv fountains of water, and seventy palm
ing names to the cities which they had trees: and there they camped.
built. 10 But departing from thence also, they
39 * Moreover the children of Machir, pitched their tents by the Red Sea. And
the son of Manasses, went into Galaad, departing from the Red Sea,
and wasted it, cutting off the Amorrhites, 11 They camped in the desert of Sin.
the inhabitants thereof. 12 And they removed from thence, and
40 And Moses gave the land of Galaad came to Daphca.
to Machir the son of Manasses, and he 13 And departing from Daphca, they
dwelt in it. camped in Alus.
41 AndJair the son of Manasses went, 14 And
departing from Alus, they
and took the villages thereof, and he pitched their tents in Raphidim, v where
called them Havoth Jair, that is to say, the people wanted water to drink.
the villages of Jair. 15 And departing from Raphidim, they
42 Nobe also went, and took Canath camped in the desert of Sinai.
with the villages thereof: and he called 16 But departing also from the desert
it by his own name, Nobe. r of
Sinai, they came to the graves of
CHAPTER 33 17 And departing from the graves of
The mansions or journeys of the children of lust, they camped in Haseroth.
Israel towards the land of promise.
18 8 And from Haseroth they came to
HPHESE are the mansions of the chil- Rethma.
JL dren of Israel, who went out of And
19 departing from Rethma, they
Egypt by their troops under the conduct
camped in Remmomphares.
of Moses and Aaron, And
20 they departed from thence and
2 Which Moses wrote down according came to Lebna.
to the places of their encamping, which 21 Removing from Lebna they camped
they changed by the commandment of in Ressa.
the Lord. 22 And from
departing Ressa, they
3 Now the children of Israel departed came to Ceelatha.
from Ramesses the first month, on the 23 And they removed from thence and
fifteenth day of the first month, the day in the mountain Sepher.
I Gen. 50. 22. m Ex. 12. 12.
p Ex. 15. 27. Q Ex. 17. 1.
n Ex. 14. Z. o Ex. 15. 22.
r Ex. 19. 2 Supra 11. 34.
; a Supra 13. 1.

CHAP. Ver. 1. The mansions. These man

which Christians leaving sin are to advance from
sions, or journeys of the children of Israel from virtue to virtue, till they come to the heavenly
Egypt to the land of promise, were figures, accord to see and enjoy God.
ing to the fnthers, of the steps and degrees by mansions, after this life,

Journeying* of the Israelites NUMBERS The Ctonaanites are to be slain
24 Departing from the mountain From thence they went and camped
Sepher, they came to Arada. Helmondeblathaim.
25 From thence they went and camped 47 And departing from Helmondebla
in Maceloth. thaim, they came to the mountains of
26 And departing from Maceloth, they Abarim over against Nabo.
came to Thahath. 48 And departing from the mountains
27 Removing from Thahath, they of Abarim, they passed to the
camp plains of
ed in Thare. Moab, by the Jordan, over against Jeri
28 And they departed from thence, and cho.
pitched their tents in Methca. 49 And there they camped from Bethsi-
29 And removing from Methca, they moth even to Ablesatim
in the plains of
in the Moabites,
30 And departing from Hesmona, they 50 Where the Lord said to Moses:
came to Moseroth. 51 Command the children of Israel, and
31 And removing from Moseroth, say to them: When you shall have passed
they over the Jordan, entering into the land
camped in Benejaacan.
32 And departing from Benejaacan, of Chanaan,
52 Destroy all the inhabitants of that
they came to mount Gadgad.
33 From thence they went and camped land: J/beat down their pillars, and
in Jetebatha.
break in pieces their statues, and waste
all their high places,
34 And from Jetebatha they came to
53 Cleansing the land, and dwelling in
35 And in departing from Hebrona, it. For I have given it you for a pos
they camped in Asiongaber.
36 "They removed from thence and 54 And youshall divide it among you

came into the desert of Sin, which is by lot. To the more youshall give a
Cades. larger part, and to the fewer a lesser.
37 And departing from Cades, they
To every one as the lot shall fall, so
shall the inheritance be given. The pos
camped in mount Hor, in the uttermost session shall be divided by the tribes and
borders of the land of Edom.
the families.
38 And Aaron the priest went up into
55 But if you will not kill the inhabi
mount Hor at the commandment of the
tants of the land: they that remain,
Lord: and there he died in the fortieth
shall be unto you as nails in your eyes,
year of the coming forth of the children
of Israel out of Egypt, the fifth
and spears in your sides, and they shall
month, be your adversaries in the land of your
the first day of the month,
39 When he was a hundred and twenty-
three years old.
56 And whatsoever I had thought to do
to them, I will do to you,
40 And king Arad the Chanaanite, who
dwelt towards the south, heard that the
children of Israel were come to the land CHAPTER 34
of Chanaan. The limits of Chanaan; with the names of the men
41 And they departed from mount Hor, that make the division of it.

and camped in Salmona. A ND the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:

42 From whence they removed and J\. 2 Command the children of Israel,
came to Phunon. and thou shalt say to them: When you
43 And departing from Phunon, they are entered into the land of Chanaan,
camped in Oboth. and it shall be fallen into your possession
44 And from Oboth they came to Ije- by lot, it shall be bounded by these limits:
abarim, which is in the borders of the 3 a The south side shall begin from the
Moabites. wilderness of Sin, which is by Edom: and
45 And departing from Ijeabarim they shall have the most salt sea for its fur
pitched their tents in Dibongab. thest limits eastward:

t Deut. 10. 7. u Supra 20. 1. y Deut. 7. 5 ; Judges 2. 2.

v Supra 20. 25 ; Deut. 32. 50. a Jos. 15. 1.

CHAP. 34. Ver. 3. The most salt sea. The lake of Sodom, otherwise called the Dead Sea.

The limits of Cha-naan NUMBERS Cities to be given the Levites
4 Which limits shall go round on the 20 Of the tribe of Simeon, Samuel the
south side by the ascent of the Scorpion son of Ammiud.
and so into Senna, and reach toward the 21 Of the tribe of Benjamin, Elidad the
south as far as Cadesbarne, from whence son of Chaselon.
the frontiers shall go out to the town 22 Of the tribe of the children of Dan,
called Adar, and shall reach as far as Bocci the son of Jogli.
Asemona. 23 Of the children of Joseph of the tribe
5 And the limits shall fetch a compass of Manasses, Hanniel the son of Ephod.
from Asemona to the torrent of Egypt, 24 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Camuel the
and shall end in the shore of the great sea. son of Sephtan.
6 And the west side shall begin from 25 Of the tribe of Zabulon, Elisaphan
the great sea, and the same shall be the the son of Pharnach.
end thereof. 26 Of the tribe of Issachar, Phaltiel the
7 But toward the north side the borders prince, the son of Ozan.
shall beginfrom the great sea, reaching 27 Of the tribe of Aser, Ahiud the son
to the most high mountain, of Salomi.
8 From which they shall come to Emath, 28 Of the tribe of Nephtali: Phedael
as far as the borders of Sedada: the son of Ammiud.
9 And the limits shall go as far as Ze- 29 These are they whom the Lord hath
phrona, and the village of Enan. These commanded to divide the land of Cha-
shall be the borders on the north side. naan to the children of Israel.
10 From thence they shall mark out the CHAPTER 35
bounds toward the east side from the Cities arc appointed for the Levites. Of which six
village of Enan unto Sephama. are to be the cities of refuge.
11 And from Sephama the bounds shall ANDthe Lord spoke these things also
go down to Rebla over against the foun _T\. to Moses in the plains of Moab by
tain of Daphnis: from thence they shall the Jordan, over against Jericho:
come eastward to the sea of Cenereth, 2 d Command the children of Israel that
12 And shall reach as far as the Jordan, they give to the Levites out of their pos
and at the last shall be closed in by the sessions,
most salt sea. This shall be your land 3 Cities to dwell in, and their suburbs
with its borders round about. round about: that they may abide in the
13 And Moses commanded the children towns, and the suburbs may be for their
of Israel, saying: This shall be the land cattle and beasts:
which you shall possess by lot, and which 4 Which suburbs shall reach from the
the Lord hath commanded to be given walls of the cities outward, a thousand
to the nine tribes, and to the half tribe. paces on every side:
14 For the tribe of the children of Ruben 5 Toward the east shall be two thou
by their families, and the tribe of the sand cubits: and toward the south in
children of Gad according to the number like manner shall be two thousand cubits:
of their kindreds, and half of the tribe of toward the sea also, which looketh to
Manasses, the west, shall be the same extent: and
15 That is, two tribes and a half, have the north side shall be bounded with the
received their portion beyond the Jor like limits. And the cities shall be in
dan over against Jericho at the east side. the midst, and the suburbs without.
16 And the Lord said to Moses: 6 And among the cities, which you
17 These are the names of the men, shall give to the Levites, six shall be
that shall divide the land unto you: separated for refuge to fugitives, that he
Eleazar the priest, and Josue the son of who hath shed blood may flee to them:
Nun, and besides these there shall be other
18 And one prince of every tribe, forty-two cities,
19 Whose names are these: Of the tribe 7 That is, in all forty-eight with their
of Juda, Caleb the son of Jephone. suburbs.
6 Jos. 14. 1 and 2. d Jos. 21. 2. e Deut. 19. 2 ; Jos. 20. 2.

Ver. 4.The Scorpion. A mountain so called Ver. 7. The most high mountain. Libanus.
from havinj? a great number of scorpions. Ver. 11. Sea of Cenereth. This is the sea of
Ver. 5. The great sea. The Mediterranean. Galilee, illustrated by the miracles of our Lord.

The cities of refuge NUMBERS The /otc of refuge
8 And of these cities which shall be the people, and the cause be debated
given out of the possessions of the chil between him that struck, and the next
dren of Israel, from them that have more, of kin:
more shall be taken and from them that
: 25 The innocent shall be delivered from
have less, fewer. Each shall give towns the hand of the revenger, and shall be
to the Levites according to the extent of brought back by sentence into the city,
their inheritance. to which he had fled, and he shall abide
9 The Lord said to Moses: there until the death of the high priest,
that is anointed with the holy oil.
10 Speak to the children of Israel, and
26 If the murderer be found without the
thou shalt say to them: When you shall
limits of the cities that are appointed for
have passed over the Jordan into the
the banished,
land of Chanaan,
27 And be struck by him that is the
11 Determine what cities shall be for
avenger of blood: he shall not be guilty
the refuge of fugitives, who have shed that killed him.
blood against their will. 28 For the fugitive ought to have stayed
12 And when the fugitive shall be in in the city until the d^ath of the high
them, the kinsman of him that is slain priest: and after he is dead, then shall the
may not have power to kill him, until he manslayer return to his own country.
stand before the multitude, and his cause 29 These things shall be perpetual, and
be judged. for an ordinance in all your dwellings.
13 / And of those cities, that are sepa 30 The murderer shall be punished by
rated for the refuge of fugitives, witnesses: none shall be condemned
14 Three shall be beyond the Jordan, upon the evidence of one man.
and three in the land of Chanaan, 31 You shall not take money of him
15 As well for the children of Israel as that is guilty of blood, but he shall die
for strangers and sojourners, that he may forthwith. ,

flee to them, who hath shed blood against 32 The banished and fugitives before
his will. the death of the high priest may by no
16 If any man strike with iron, and he means return into their own cities.
die that was struck: he shall be guilty of 33 Defile not the land of your habitation,
murder, and he himself shall die. which is stained with the blood of the
17 If he throw a stone, and he that is innocent: neither can it otherwise be
struck die: he shall be punished in the expiated, but by his blood that hath shed
same manner. the blood of another.
18 If he that is struck with wood die: 34 And thus shall your possession be
he shall be revenged by the blood of him cleansed, myself abiding with you. For
that struck him. I am the Lord that dwell among the
19 The kinsman of him that was slain, children of Israel.
shall kill the murderer: as soon as he
apprehendeth him, he shall kill him. That the inheritances -may not be alienated from
20 &If through hatred any one push a one tribe to another, all are to marry within
man, or fling any thing at him with ill own tribes.

design: ND
the princes of the families of Ga-
21 Or being his enemy, strike him with laad, the son of Machir, the son of

his hand, and he die: the striker shall be Manasses, of the stock of the children
of Joseph, came and spoke to Moses be
guilty of murder: the kinsman of him h
that was slain as soon as he findeth him, fore the princes of Israel, and said:
shall kill him. 2 The Lord hath commanded thee, my
lord, that thou shouldst divide the
22 But if by chance medley, and without
hatred, by lot to the children of Israel, and that
23 And he do any of these thou shouldst give to the daughters of
things, Salphaad our brother the possession due
to their father:
24 And this be proved in the hearing of
and g Deut. 19. 11. h Supra 27. 1.
/ Deut. 4. 41 ; Jos. 20. 7 8.

CHAP. 35. Ver. 25. Until the death, &c. This effected by the death of Christ, the high priest
mystically signified that our deliverance was to be
and the anointed of God.

All must marry within DEUTERONOMY their own tribes

3 Now
if men of another tribe take For all men shall marry wives of their
them to wives, their possession will fol own tribe and kindred:
low them, and being transferred to an 8 And all women shall take husbands
other tribe, will be a diminishing of our of the same tribe: that the inheritance
inheritance. may remain in the families,
4 And so it shall come
pass, that to 9 And that the tribes be not mingled
when the jubilee, that is, the fiftieth one with another, but remain so
year of remission, is come, the distribu 10 As they were separated by the Lord.
tion made by the lots shall be con And the daughters of Salphaad did as
founded, and the possession of the one was commanded:
shall pass to the others. 11 And Maala, and Thersa, and Hegla,
5 Moses answered the children of Israel, and Melcha, and Noa were married to
and said by the command of the Lord: the sons of their uncle by their father
The tribe of the children of Joseph hath 12 Of the family of Manasses, who was
spoken rightly. the son of Joseph: and the possession
6 And this is the law promulgated by that had been allotted to them, remained
the Lord touching the daughters of Sal- in the tribe and family of their father.
phaad: Let them marry to whom they 13 These are the commandments and
will, only so that it be to men of their judgments, which the Lord commanded
own tribe. by the hand of Moses to the children of
7 Lest the possession of the children of Israel, in the plains of Moab upon the
Israel be mingled from tribe to tribe. Jordan over against Jericho.

This Book is called DEUTERONOMY, which signifies a SECOND LAW, because it repeats
and inculcates the ordinances formerly given on mount Sinai, with other precepts
not expressed before. The Hebrews, from the first words in the book, call it ELLE
CHAPTER 1 5 Beyond the Jordan in the land of
A repetition of what passed at Sinai and Cades-
Moab. And Moses began to expound
barne; and of the people s murmuring and their the law, and to say:
punishment. 6 The Lord our God spoke to us in
rriHESE are the words, which Moses Horeb, saying: You have stayed long
JL all Israel beyond the Jor
spoke to enough in this mountain:
dan, in the plain wilderness, over against 7 Turn you, and come to the mountain
the Red Sea, between Pharan and Tho- of the Amorrhites, and to the other
phel and Laban and Haseroth, where places that are next to it, the plains and
there is very much gold: the hills and the vales towards the south,
2 Eleven days journey from Horeb by and by the sea shore, the land of the
the way of mount Seir to Cadesbarne. Chanaanites, and of Libanus, as far as
3 J In the fortieth year, the eleventh the great river Euphrates.
month, the first day of the month, Mo 8 Behold, said he, I have delivered it to
ses spoke to the children of Israel all you: go in and possess it, concerning
that the Lord had commanded him to which the Lord swore to your fathers
say to them: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that he
4 & After that he had slain Sehon king would give it to them, and to their seed
of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in Hese- after them.
bon: and Og king of Basan who abode 9 And I said to you at that time:
in Astaroth, and in Edrai, 10 I alone am not able to bear you:
i Tob. 7. 14. j B. C. 1405. k Num. 21. 24. I Ex. 18. IS.

Ancients to assist Moses DEUTERONOMY The murmuring of the Jews
for the Lord your God hath multiplied I sent of you twelve men, one of every
you, and you are this day as the stars of tribe:
heaven, for multitude. 24 Who, when they had
set forward and
11 (The Lord God of your fathers add had gone up to the mountains, came as
to this number many thousands, and far as the valley of the cluster: and hav
bless you as he hath spoken.) ing viewed the land,
12 I alone am not able to bear your 25 Taking of the fruits thereof, to shew
business, and the charge of you and your its fertility, they brought them to us,
differences. and said: The land is good, which the
13 Let me have from among you wise Lord our God will give us.
and understanding men, and such whose 26 And you would not go up, but being
conversation is approved among your incredulous to the word of the Lord our
tribes, that I may appoint them your God,
rulers. 27 You murmured in your, tents, and
14 Then you answered me: The thing said: The Lord hateth us, and therefore
is good which thou meanest to do. he hath brought us out of the land of
15 And I took out of your tribes men Egypt, that he might deliver us into the
wise and honourable, and appointed them hand of the Amorrhite, and destroy us.
rulers, tribunes, and centurions, and 28 Whither shall we go up? the mes
officers over fifties, and over tens, who sengers have terrified our hearts, saying:
might teach you all things. The multitude is very great, and taller
16 And I commanded them, saying: than we: the cities are great, and walled
Hear them, and judge that which is just: up to the sky, we have seen the sons of
m whether he be one of your country, or the Enacims there.
a stranger. 29 And I said to you: Fear not, neither
17 n There shall be no difference of per be ye afraid of them:
sons, you shall hear the little as well as 30 The Lord God, who is your leader,
the great: neither shall you respect any himself will fight for you, as he did in
man s person, because it is the judgment Egypt in the sight of all.
of God. And if any thing seem hard to 31 And in the wilderness (as thou hast
you, refer it to me, and I will hear it. seen) the Lord thy God hath carried thee,
18 And I commanded you all things as a man is wont to carry his little son,
that you were to do. all the way that you have come, until
19 And departing from Horeb, we passed you came to this place.
through the terrible and vast wilderness, 32 And you did not be
yet for all this
which you saw, by the way of the moun lieve the Lord your God,
tain of the Amorrhite, as the Lord our 33 P Who went before you in the way,
God had commanded us. And when we and marked out the place, wherein you
were come into Cadesbarne, should pitch your tents, in the night
20 I said to you: You are come to the shewing you the way by fire, and in the
mountain of the Amorrhite, which the day by the pillar of a cloud.
Lord our God will give to us. 34 And when the Lord had heard the
21 See the land which the Lord thy God voice of your words, he was angry and
giveth thee: go up and possess it, as the swore, and said:
Lord our God hath spoken to thy fathers : 35 Not one of the men of this wicked

fear not, nor be any way discouraged. generation shall see the good land, which
22 And you came all to me, and said : I promised with an oath to your fathers:
Let us send men who may view the 36 Except Caleb the son of Jephone:
land, and bring us word what way we for he shall see it, and to him I will give
shall go up, and to what cities we shall the land that he hath trodden upon, and
go. to his children, because he hath followed
23 And because the saying pleased me, the Lord.

in John 7. 24. o Num. 13. 3. and 32. 8.

n Lev. 19. 15 ; Infra 16. 19 ; Prov. 24. 23 ; p Ex. 13. 21 ; Num. 14. 14.
Eccli. 42. 1 ; James 2. 1. Q Num. 14. 23 ; Ps. 94. 11.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 28. Watted up to the sky. A figurative expression, signifying the walls to be
very high.

Overcome by the Amorrhites DEUTERONOMY Edorn and Moab

37 Neither is his indignation against the 5 Take ye then good heed that you stir
the Lord not against them. For I will not give
people to be wondered at, since
was angry with me also on your account, you of their land so much as the step of
and said: Neither shalt thou go in thither. one foot can tread upon, because I have
38 But Josue the son of Nun, thy minis given mount Seir to Esau, for a posses
ter, he shall go in
for thee: exhort and sion.

encourage him, and he shall divide the 6 You shall buy meats of them for
land by lot to Israel. money and shall eat: you shall draw
39 Your children, of whom you said that waters for money, and shall drink.
they should be led away captives, and 7 The Lord thy God hath blessed thee
your sons who know not this day the in every work of thy hands: the Lord
difference of good and evil, they shall go thy God dwelling with thee, knoweth thy
in: and to them I will give the land, and journey, how thou hast passed through
they shall possess it. this great wilderness, for forty years,
40 But return you and go into the wil and thou hast wanted nothing.
derness by the way of the Red Sea. 8 And when we had passed by our bre
41 T And you answered me: We have thren the children of Esau, that dwelt in
sinned against the Lord: we will go up
Seir, by the way of the plain from Elath
and fight, as the Lord our God hath com and from Asiongaber, we came to the
manded. And when you went ready way that leadeth to the desert of Moab.
armed unto the mountain, 9 And the Lord said to me: * Fight
42 The Lord said to me: Say to them: not against the Moabites, neither go to
8 Go not
up, and fight not, for I am not battle against them: for I will not give
with you: lest you fall before your ene
thee any of their land, because I have
given Ar to the children of Lot in pos
43 I spoke, and you hearkened not: but session.
resisting the commandment of the Lord, 10 The Emims first were the inhabit
and swelling with pride, you went up ants thereof, a people great, and strong,
into the mountain.
and so tall, that like the race of the
44 And the Amorrhite that dwelt in the
mountains coming out, and meeting you, 11 They were esteemed as giants, and
chased you, as bees do: and made slaugh were like the sons of the Enacims. But
ter of you from Seir as far as Horma.
the Moabites call them Emims.
45 And when you returned and wept 12 The Horrhites also formerly dwelt in
before the Lord, he heard you not, nei
Seir: who being driven out and de
ther would he yield to your voice.
stroyed, the children of Esau dwelt there,
46 So you abode in Cadesbarne a long
as Israel did in the land of his possession,
which the Lord gave him.
CHAPTER 2 13 Then rising up to pass the torrent
They are forbid to fight against the Edomites, Zared, we came to it.

Moabites, and Ammonites. Their victory over 14 And the time that we journeyed from
Sehon king of Hesebon.
Cadesbarne till we passed over the tor
AND departing from thence we came rent Zared, was thirty-eight years: until
.r\. into the wilderness that leadeth to all the generation of the men that were
the Red Sea, as the Lord had spoken to fit for war was consumed out of the
me: and we compassed mount Seir a camp, as the Lord had sworn:
long time. 15 For his hand was against them, that
2 And the Lord said to me: they should perish from the midst of the
3 You have compassed this mountain camp.
long enough: go toward the north: 16 And after all the fighting men were
4 And command thou the people, say dead,
ing: You shall pass by the borders of 17 The Lord spoke to me, saying:
your brethren the children of Esau, who 18 Thou shalt pass this day the borders
dwell in Seir, and they will be afraid of of Moab, u the city named Ar:
you. 19 And when thou comest nigh the fron-

r Num. 14. 40. * Num. 14. 42. t Num. 21. 15. u B. C. 1405.

Sehon delivered to them DEUTERONOMY They overcome king of Basan
tiers of the children of Ammon, take fixed his heart, that he might be deliv
heed thou fight not against them, nor ered into thy hands, as now thou seest.
once move to battle: for I will not give 31 And the Lord said to me: * Behold I
thee of the land of the children of Am have begun to deliver unto thee Sehon
mon, because I have given it to the chil and his land, begin to possess it.
dren of Lot for a possession. And Sehon came out to meet us
32 with
20 It was accounted a land of giants: all his people to fight at Jasa.
and giants formerly dwelt in it, whom 33 And the Lord our God delivered him
the Ammonites call Zomzommims, to us and we slew
: him with his sons and
21 A
people great and many, and of tall all his people.
stature, like the Enacims whom the Lord 34 And we took all his cities at that
destroyed before their face: and he made time, killing the inhabitants of them, men
them to dwell in their stead, and women and children. left no We
22 As he had done in favour of the chil thing of them:
dren of Esau, that dwell in Seir. destroy 35 Except the cattle which came to the
ing the Horrhites, and delivering their share of them that took them: and the
land to them, which they possess to this spoils of the cities, which we took:
day. 36 From Aroer, which is upon the bank
23 The Hevites also, that dwelt in Ha- of the torrent Arnon, a town that is situ
serim as far as Gaza, were expelled by ate in a valley, as far as Galaad. There
the Cappadocians: who came out of Cap- was not a village or city, that escaped
padocia, and destroyed them, and dwelt our hands: the Lord our God delivered
in their stead. all unto us:
24 Arise ye, and pass the torrent Ar- 37 Except the land of the children of
non: v Behold I have delivered into thy Ammon, to which we approached not:
hand Sehon king of Hesebon the Amor- and all that border upon the torrent Je-
rhite, and begin thou to possess his land boc, and the cities in the mountains, and
and make war against him. all the places which the Lord our God
25 This day will I begin to send the forbade us.
dread and fear of thee upon the nations CHAPTER 3
that dwell under the whole heaven: The victory over Og king of Basan. Ruben, Gad,
that when they hear thy name they may and half the tribe of Manasses receive their po-
fear and tremble, and be in pain like session on the other side of Jordan.

women in travail. y we turned and went by the way

26 w So I sent messengers from the wil THEN
of Basan: * and
Og the king of Basan
derness of Cademoth to Sehon the king came out to meet us with his people to
of Hesebon with peaceable words, say fight in Edrai.
ing: 2 And the Lord said to me: Fear him
27 We through thy land, we
will pass because he is delivered into thy
will go along by the highway: we will hand, with all his people and his land:
not turn aside neither to the right hand and thou shalt do to him as thou hast
nor to the left. done to Sehon king of the Amorrhites,
28 Sell us meat for money, that we may that dwelt in Hesebon.
eat: give us water for money and so we 3 a So the Lord our God delivered into
will drink. We only ask that thou wilt our hands, Og also the king of Basan,
let us pass through, and all his people: and we utterly de
29 As the children of Esau have done, stroyed them,
that dwell in Seir, and the Moabites, that 4 Wasting all his cities at one time,
abide in Ar: until we come to the Jor there was not a town that escaped us:
dan, and pass to the land which the Lord sixty cities, all the country of Argob the
our God will give us. kingdom of Og in Basan.
30 And Sehon the king of Hesebon 5 All the cities were fenced with very
would not let us pass: because the Lord high walls, and with gates and bars, be
thy God had hardened his spirit, and sides innumerable towns that had no walls.

v B. C. 1405. w Num. 21. 21. x Amos 2. 9. y B. C. 1403. z Num. 21. 34. a Num. 21. 35.

CHAP. 2. Ver. 30. Hardened, &c. That is, in stubborn and perverse disposition, which drew him
punishment of his past sins he left him to his own to his ruin. See the note on Ex. 7. 3.

Ruben, Gad and Manasses DEUTERONOMY given the east side of Jordan

6 And we utterly destroyed them, as we dren of Israel, all the strong men of

had done to Sehon the king of Hesebon, you,

women 19 Leaving your wives and children and
destroying every city, men and
cattle. For I know you have much cat
and children:
tle, and they must remain in
the cities,
7 But the cattle and the spoils of the
which I have delivered to you.
cities we took for our prey.
the land out
20 Until the Lord give rest to your
8 And we took at that time
brethren, as he hath given to you: and
of the hand of the two kings of the
they also possess the land, which he will
Amorrhites, that were beyond the Jor
give them beyond the Jordan: then shall
dan: from the torrent Arnon unto the
every man return to his possession, which
mount Hermon. I have given you.
9 Which the Sidonians call Sarion, and 21 e I commanded Josue also at that
the Amorrhites Sanir: 6 time, saying: Thy eyes have seen what
10 .All the cities that are situate in the the Lord your God hath done to these
plain, and all the land of Galaad
and two kings: so will he do to all the king
Basan as far as Selcha and Edrai, cities doms to which thou shalt pass.
of the kingdom of Og in Basan. 22 Fear them not: for the Lord your
11 For only Og king of Basan remained God will fight for you.
of the race of the giants. His bed of 23 And I besought the Lord at that
iron is shewn, which is in Rabbath of time, saying:
the children of Ammon, being nine cubits 24 Lord God, thou hast begun to shew
long, and four broad after the measure unto thy servant thy greatness, and most
of the cubit of a man s hand. mighty hand, for there is no other God
12 And we possessed the land at that either in heaven or earth, that is able to
time from Aroer, which is upon the bank do thy works, or to be compared to thy
of the torrent Arnon, unto the half of strength.
mount Galaad: and I gave the cities 25 I will pass over therefore, and will
thereof to Ruben and Gad. see this excellent land beyond the Jordan,
13 And I delivered the other part of and this goodly mountain, and Libanus.
Galaad, and all Basan the kingdom of Og 26 And the Lord was angry with me on
to the half tribe of Manasses, all the your account and heard me not, but said
country of Argob: and all Basan is called to me: It is enough: speak no more to
the Land of giants. me of this matter.
14 Jair the son of Manasses possessed 27 Go up to the top of Phasga, and cast
all the country of d Argob unto the bor thy eyes round about to the west, and to
ders of Gessuri, and Machati. And he the north, and to the south, and to the
called Basan by his own name, Havoth east, and behold it, /for thou shalt not
Jair, that is to say, the towns of Jair, pass this Jordan.
until this present day. 28 Command Josue, and encourage and
15 To Machir also I gave Galaad. strengthen him: for he shall go before
16 And to the tribes of Ruben and Gad this people, and shall divide unto them
I gave of the land of Galaad as far as the the land which thou shalt see.
torrent Arnon, half the torrent, and the 29 And we abode in the valley over
confines even unto the torrent Jeboc, against the temple of Phogor.
which is the border of the children of
Ammon: CHAPTER 4
17 And the plain of the wilderness, and Moses exhorteth the people to keep God s command
the Jordan, and the borders of Cenereth ments: particularly to fly idolatry. Appointeth
unto the sea of the desert, which is the three cities of refuge, on that side of the Jordan.

most salt sea, to the foot of mount A ND now, Israel, hear the command-
Phasga eastward. J\. ments and judgments which I teach
18 And I commanded you at that time, thee: that doing them, thou mayst live,
saying: The Lord your God giveth you and entering in mayst possess the land
this land for an inheritance, go ye well which the Lord the God of your fathers
appointed before your brethren the chil- will give you.

b Infra 4. 48. c Num. 32. 29. d Num. 21. 34. e Num. 27. 18. / Infra 31. 2, and 34. 4.

Exhortation to Israel DEUTERONOMY The Jews threatened
2 You shall not add to the word that I and judgments which you shall do in the
speak to you, neither shall you take away land, that
you shall possess.
from it: keep the commandments of che 15 Keep therefore your souls carefully.?
Lord your God which I command you. You saw not any similitude in the day
3 o Your eyes have seen all that the that the Lord God spoke to you in Ho
Lord hath done against Beelphegor, how reb from the midst of the fire:
he hath destroyed all his worshippers 16 Lest perhaps being deceived you
from among you. might make you a graven similitude, or
4 But you that adhere to the Lord your image of male or female,
God, are all alive until this present day. 17 The similitude of any beasts, that
5 You know have taught you
that I are upon the earth, or of birds, that fly
statutes and as the Lord my
justices, under heaven,
God hath commanded me: so shall you 18 Or of creeping things, that move on
do them in the land which you shall the earth, or of fishes, that abide in the
possess: waters under the earth:
6 And you shall observe, and fulfil them 19 Lest perhaps lifting up thy eyes to
in practice. For this is your wisdom, and heaven, thou see the sun and the moon,
understanding in the sight of nations, and all the stars of heaven, and being
that hearing all these precepts, they may deceived by error thou adore and serve
say: Behold a wise and understanding them, which the Lord thy God created
people, a great nation. for the service of all the nations, that
7 Neither is there any other nation so are under heaven.
great, that hath gods so nigh them, as 20 But the Lord hath taken you and
our God is present to all our petitions. brought you out of the iron furnace of
8 For what other nation is there so re Egypt, to make you his people of inher
nowned that hath ceremonies, and just itance, as it is this present day.
judgments, and all the law, which I will 21 k And the Lord was angry with me
set forth this day before your eyes? for your words, and he swore that I
9 Keep thyself therefore, and thy soul should not pass over the Jordan, nor
carefully. Forget not the words that thy enter into the excellent land, which he
eyes have seen, and let them not go out will give you.
of thy heart all the days of thy life. 22 Behold I die in this land, I shall not
Thou shalt teach them to thy sons and pass over the Jordan: you shall pass,
to thy grandsons and possess the goodly land.
10 From the day in which thou didst 23 Beware lest thou ever forget the
stand before the Lord thy God in Horeb, covenant of the Lord thy God, which he
when the Lord spoke to me, saying: Call hath made with thee: and make to thy
together the people unto me, that they self a graven likeness of those things
may hear my words, and may learn to which the Lord hath forbid to be made:
fear me all the time that they live on the 24 Because the Lord thy God is a con

earth, and may teach their children. suming fire, a jealous God.
11 h And you came to the foot of the 25 If you shall beget sons and grand
mount, which burned even unto heaven: sons, and abide in the land, and being
and there was darkness, and a cloud and deceived, make to yourselves any simili
obscurity in it. tude, committing evil before the Lord
12 And the Lord spoke to you from the your God, to provoke him to wrath:
midst of the* fire. You heard the voice 26 I call this day heaven and earth to
of his words, but you saw not any form witness, that you shall quickly perish
at all. out of the land, which, when you have
13 And he shewed you his covenant, passed over the Jordan, you shall pos
which he commanded you to do, and the sess. You shall not dwell therein long,
^ ten
words that he wrote in two tables but the Lord will destroy you,
of stone. 27 And scatter you among all nations,
14 And he commanded me at that time and you shall remain a few among the
that I should teach you the ceremonies nations, to which the Lord shall lead you.

g Num. 25. 4 ; Jos. 22. 17. h Ex. 19. 18. j Ex. 24. 10. k Supra 1. 37.
i Ex. 20., 21., 22., 23., cap.
/ Heb. 12. 29.

God will forgive, if they repent DEUTERONOMY The cities of refuge

28 And there you shall serve gods, that 40 Keep his precepts and command
were framed with men s hands: wood ments, which I command thee: that it
and stone, that neither see, nor hear, nor may be well with thee, and thy children
eat, nor smell.
after thee, and thou mayst remain a long
29 And when thou shalt seek there the time upon the land, which the Lord thy
Lord thy God, thou shalt find him: yet God will give thee.

so, if thou seek him

with all thy heart, 41 w
Then Moses set aside three cities
and all the affliction of thy soul. beyond the Jordan at the east side,
30 After all the things aforesaid shall 42 That any one might flee to them who
find thee, in the latter time thou shalt should kill his neighbour unwillingly, and
return to the Lord thy God, and shalt was not his enemy a day or two before,
hear his voice. and that he might escape to some one of
31 Because the Lord thy God is a mer these cities:
ciful God: he will not leave thee, nor 43 o Bosor in the wilderness, which is
altogether destroy thee, nor forget the situate in the plains of the tribe of Ru
covenant, by which he swore to thy ben: and Ramoth in Galaad, which is in
fathers. the tribe of Gad: and Golan in Basan,
32 Ask of the days of old, that have which is the tribe of Manasses.
been before thy time from the day that 44 This is the law, that Moses set be
God created man upon the earth, from fore the children of Israel,
one end ofheaven to the other end 45 And these are the testimonies and
thereof, if ever there was done the like ceremonies and judgments, which hfc
thing, or it hath been known at any time, spoke to the children of Israel, when
33 That a people should hear the voice they came out of Egypt,
of God speaking out of the midst of fire, 46 Beyond the Jordan in the valley
as thou hast heard, and lived: over against the temple of Phogor, in
34 If God ever did so as to go, and take the land of Sehon king of the Amor-
to himself a nation out of the midst of rhites, that dwell in Hesebon, whom Mo
nations by temptations, signs, and won ses slew. And the children of Israel
ders, by fight, and a strong hand, and coming out of Egypt,
stretched out arm, and horrible visions 47 Possessed his land, and the land of
according to all the things that the Lord Og king of Basan, of the two kings of
your God did for you in Egypt, before the Amorrhites, who were beyond the
thy eyes. Jordan towards the rising of the sun:
35 That thou mightest know that the 48 From Aroer, which is situate upon
Lord he is God, and there is no other the bank of the torrent Arnon, unto
besides him. mount Sion, which is also called Her-
36 From heaven he made thee to hear mon,
his voice, that hemight teach thee. And 49 All the plain beyond the Jordan at
the east side, unto the sea of the wil
upon earth he shewed thee his exceed
ing great fire, and thou didst hear his derness, and unto the foot of mount
words out of the midst of the fire, Phasga.
37 Because he loved thy fathers, and
chose their seed after them. m And he
The ten commandments are repeated and explained
brought thee out of Egypt, going before
thee with his great power, AND Moses called all Israel, and said
38 To destroy at thy coming very great XX to them: P Hear, O Israel, the cere
nations, and stronger than thou art, and monies and judgments, which I speak in
to bring thee in, and give thee their land your ears this day: learn them, and ful
for a possession, as thou seest at this fil them in work.

present day. 2 The Lord our God made a covenant

39 Know therefore this day, and think with us in Horeb.
in thy heart that the Lord he is God in 3 He made not the covenant with our
heaven above, and in the earth beneath, fathers, but with us, who are now present
and there is no other. and living.
m Ex. 13. 21. n Num. 33. 14. o Jcs. 20. 3. p B. C. 1405.

t -.-J


The ten commandments DEUTERONOMY The people are afraid
4 He spoke to us face to face in the may be well with thee in the land, which
mount out of the midst of fire. the Lord thy God will give thee.
5 I was the mediator and stood between 17 Thou shalt not kill.
the Lord and you at that time, to shew 18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
you his words, for you feared the fire, 19 And thou shalt not steal.
and went not up into the mountain, and 20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness
he said:
against thy neighbour.
6 I am the Lord thy God, who brought

21 x Thou shalt not covet thy neigh

thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the bour s wife: nor his house, nor his field,
house of bondage. nor his manservant, nor his maidservant,
7 r Thou shalt not have strange gods in nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing
my sight. that is his.
8 sThou shalt not make to thyself a 22 These words the Lord spoke to all the
graven thing, nor the likeness of any multitude of you in the mountain, out of
things that are in heaven above, or that the midst of the fire and the cloud, and
are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the darkness, with a loud voice, adding
the waters under the earth. nothing more: and he wrote them in two
9 * Thou shalt not adore them, and thou tables of stone, which he delivered unto
shalt not serve them. For I am the Lord me.
thy God, a jealous God, visiting the in 23 But you, after you heard the voice
iquity of the fathers upon their children out of the midst of the darkness, and saw
unto the third and fourth generation, to the mountain burn, came to me, all the
them that hate me, princes of the tribes and the elders, and
10 And shewing mercy unto many thou you said:
sands, to them that love me, and keep my 24 Behold the Lord our God hath shewn
commandments. us his majesty and his greatness, we have
11 u Thou shalt not take the name of heard his voice out of the midst of the
the Lord thy God in vain: for he shall fire, and have proved this day that God
not be unpunished that taketh his name speaking with man, man hath lived.
upon a vain thing. 25 Whyshall we die therefore, and why
12 Observe the day of the sabbath, to shall this exceeding great fire consume
sanctify it, as the Lord they God hath us: for if we hear the voice of the Lord
commanded thee. our God any more, we shall die.
13 Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt 26 What is all flesh, that it should hear
do thy works.
all the voice of the living God, who speak-
14 v The seventh is the day of the sab eth out of the midst of the fire, as we
bath, that is, the rest of the Lord thy have heard, and be able to live?
God. Thou shalt not do any work there 27 Approach thou rather: and hear all
in, thou nor thy son nor thy daughter, things that the Lord our God shall say
nor thy manservant nor thy maidser to thee, and thou shalt speak to us, and
vant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass, nor any of we hear and will do them.
thy beasts, nor the stranger that is within 28 And when the Lord had heard this,
thy gates: that thy manservant and thy he said to me: I have heard the voice of
maidservant may rest, even as thyself. the words of this people, which they
15 Remember that thou also didst serve spoke to thee: they have spoken all
in Egypt, and the Lord thy God brought things well.
thee out from thence with a strong hand, 29 Who shall give them to have such a
and a stretched out arm. Therefore hath mind, to fear me, and to keep all my
he commanded thee that thou shouldst commandments at all times, that it may
observe the sabbath day. be well with them and with their chil
16 w Honour thy father and mother, as dren for ever?
the Lord thy God hath commanded thee, 30 Go and say to them: Return into
that thou mayst live a long time, and it your tents.

q Ex. 20. 2 Lev. 26. 1 Ps. 80. 11.

; :
r Ex. 20. 3 ;
v Gen. 2. 2 Ex. 20. 10
; ; Heb. 4. 4.
Ps. 80. 10. e Ex. 20. 4 Lev. 26. 1 Ps. 96. 7.
; ;
w Ex. 20. 12 Eccli. 3. 9 Matt.
; ; 15. 4 ; Mark 7. 10 ;

t Ex. 34. 14 Eph. 6. 2.

u Ex. 20. 7 Lev. 19. 12 Matt. 5. 33.

; ;
x Matt. 5. 28 ; Rom. 7. 7.

Exhortation to love God DEUTERONOMY Exhortation to obey God
31 But stand thou here with me, and I which he swore to thy fathers Abraham,
will speak to thee all my commandments, Isaac, and Jacob: and shall have given
and ceremonies and judgments: which thee great and goodly cities, which thou
thou shalt teach them, that they may do didst not build,
them in the land, which I will give them 11 Houses full of riches, which thou
for a possession. didst not set up, cisterns which thou
32 Keep therefore and do the things didst not dig, vineyards and oliveyards,
which the Lord God hath commanded which thou didst not plant,
you: you shall not go aside neither to 12 And thou shalt have eaten and be
the right hand, nor to the left. full:
33 But you shall walk in the way that 13 Take heed diligently lest thou forget
the Lord your God hath commanded, that the Lord, who brought thee out of the
you may live, and it may be well with land of Egypt, out of the house of bond
you, and your days may be long in the age. a Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God,
land of your possession. and shalt serve him only, and thou shalt
swear by his name.
CHAPTER 6 14 You shall not go after the strange
An exhortation to the love of God, and obedience to gods of all the nations, that are round
his law.
abcut you:
are the precepts, and ceremo- 15 Because the Lord thy God is a jealous
. nies, and judgments, which the Lord God in the midst of thee: lest at any time
your God commanded that I should teach the wrath of the Lord thy God be kindled
you, and that you should do them in the against thee, and take thee away from
land into which you pass over to possess the face of the earth.
it: v 10 b Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy
2 That thou mayst fear the Lord thy God, as thou temptedst him in the place
God, and keep all his commandments and of temptation.
precepts, which I command thee, and thy 17 Keep the precepts of the Lord thy
sons, and thy grandsons, all the days of God, and the testimonies and ceremonies
thy life, that thy days may be prolonged. which he hath commanded thee.
3 Hear, Israel, and observe to do the 18 And do that which is pleasing and
things which the Lord hath commanded good in the sight of the Lord, that it may
thee, that it may be well with thee, and be well with thee: and going in thou
thou mayst be greatly multiplied, as the mayst possess the goodly land, concern
Lord the God of thy fathers hath pro ing which the Lord swore to thy fathers,
mised thee a land flowing with milk and 19 That he would destroy all thy enemies
honey. before thee, as he hath spoken.
4 Hear, Israel, the Lord our God is 20 And when thy son shall ask thee to
one Lord. morrow, saying: What mean these testi
5 z Thou shalt love the Lord thy God monies, and ceremonies and judgments,
with thy whole heart, and with thy whole which the Lord our God hath commanded
soul, and with thy whole strength. us?
6 And these words which I command 21 Thou shalt say to him: We were
thee this day, shall be in thy heart: bondmen of Pharao in Egypt, and the
7 And thou shalt tell them to thy chil Lord brought us out of Egypt with a
dren, and thou shalt meditate upon them strong hand.
sitting in thy house, and walking on thy 22 And he wrought signs and wonders
journey, sleeping and rising. great and very grievous in Egypt against
8 And thou shalt bind them as a sign Pharao, and all his house, in our sight,
on thy hand, and they shall be and shall 23 And he brought us out from thence,
move between thy eyes. that he might bring us in and give us the
9 And thou shalt write them in the land, concerning which he swore to our
entry, and on the doors of thy house. fathers.
10 And when the Lord thy God shall 24 And the Lord commanded that we
have brought thee into the land, for should do all these ordinances, and should

1/B. C. 1406. z Infra 11. 13; a Infra 10. 20 ; Matt. 4. 10 ; Luke 4.

Matt. 22. 37 ; Mark 12.80 ; Luke 10. 27. 6 Matt. 4. 7 ; Luke 4. 12.

No league with Chanaanites DEUTERONOMY God promises his blessing
fear the Lord our God, that it might be keeping his covenant and mercy to them
well with us all the days of our life, as it that love him, and to them that keep his
is at this day. commandments, unto a thousand gener
25 And he will be merciful to us, if we ations:
keep and do all his precepts before the 10 And repaying forthwith them that
Lord our God, as he hath commanded us. hate him, so as to destroy them, without
further delay immediately rendering to
them what they deserve.
No league nor fellowship to be made with the Cha-
naanites: God promifseth his people his blessing 11 Keep therefore the precepts and cer
and assistance, if they keep his commandments. emonies and judgments, which I com
the Lord thy God shall have
c mand thee this day to do.
WHEN brought thee into the land, which
thou art going in to possess, and shall
12 If after thou hast heard these judg
ments, thou keep and do them, the Lord
have destroyed many nations before thee, thy God will also keep his covenant to
the Hethite, and the Gergezite, and the

thee, and the mercy which he swore to

Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, and the thy fathers:
Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu- 13 And he will love thee and multiply
site, seven nations much more numerous thee, and will bless the fruit of thy
than thou art, and stronger than thou: womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn,
2 And the Lord thy God shall have de and thy vintage, thy oil, and thy herds,
livered them to thee, thou shalt utterly and the flocks of thy sheep upon the
c Thou shalt make no land, for which he swore to thy fathers
destroy them.
league with them, nor shew mercy to that he would give it thee.
them: 14 Blessed shalt thou be among all
3 Neither shalt thou make marriages people. * No one shall be barren among
with them. Thou shalt not give thy you of either sex, neither of men nor
daughter to his son, nor take his daugh cattle.
ter for thy son: 15 The Lord will take away from thee
4 For she will turn away thy son from all and the grievous infirmities
following me, that he may rather serve of Egypt, which thou knowest, he will
strange gods, and the wrath of the Lord not bring upon thee, but upon thy ene
will be kindled, and will quickly destroy mies.
thee. 16 Thou shalt consume all the people,
5 But thus rather shall you deal with which the Lord thy God will deliver to
them: /Destroy their altars, and break thee. Thy eye shall not spare them,
their statues, and cut down their groves, neither shalt thou serve their gods, lest
and burn their graven things. they be thy ruin.
6 o Because thou art a holy people to 17 If thou say in thy heart: These
the Lord thy God. * The Lord thy God nations are more than I, how shall I be
hath chosen thee, to be his peculiar able to destroy them?
people of all peoples that are upon the 18 Fear not, but remember what the
earth. Lord thy God did to Pharao and to all
7 Not because you surpass all nations the Egyptians,
in number, is the Lord joined unto you, 19 The exceeding great plagues, whicn
and hath chosen you, for you are the thy eyes saw, and the signs and wonders,
fewest of any people: and the strong hand, and the stretched
8 But because the Lord hath loved you, out arm, with which the Lord thy God
and hath kept his oath, which he swore brought thee out: so will he do to all the
to your fathers: and hath brought you people, whom thou fearest.
out with a strong hand, and redeemed 20 ) Moreover the Lord thy God will _

you from the house of bondage, out of send also hornets among them, until he
the hand of Pharao the king of Egypt. destroy and consume all that have es
9 And thou shalt know that the Lord caped thee, and could hide themselves.
21 Thou shalt not fear them, because
thy God, he is a strong and faithful God,
g Infra 14. 2. h Infra 26. 38.
c B. C. 1405. d Ex. 23. 23, and 33. 2.
i Ex. 23. 26.
e Ex. 23. 32, and 34. 15, 16.
Ex. 23. 28 Jos. 24. 12.
/ Ex. 23. 24 Infra 12. 3, and 16.
22. j ;

He will destroy the enemies DEUTERONOMY God s dealings with Israel
in every word that proceedeth from the
the Lord thy God is in the midst of thee,
a God mighty and terrible: mouth of God.
22 He will consume these nations in thy 4 Thy raiment, with which thou wast
and by degrees. covered, hath not decayed for age, and
sight by little and little
Thou wilt not be able to destroy them thy foot is not worn, lo this is the forti
beasts of eth year,
altogether: lest perhaps the
the earth should increase upon thee. 5 That thou mayst consider in thy
23 But the Lord thy God shall deliver heart, that as a man traineth up his son,
so the Lord thy God hath trained thee
them thy sight: and shall slay them
until they be utterly destroyed. up.
24 And he shall deliver their kings into That thou shouldst keep the com
mandments of the Lord thy God, and
thy hands, and thou shalt destroy their
names from under Heaven: no man shall walk in his ways, and fear him.
be able to resist thee, until thou destroy 7 For the Lord thy God will bring thee
them. into a good land, of brooks and of waters,
25 fc Their graven things thou shalt and of fountains: in the plains of which
bum with fire: thou shalt not covet the and the hills deep rivers break out:
silver and gold of which they are made, 8 A land of wheat, and barley, and vine
neither shalt thou take to thee any thing yards, wherein fig trees and pomegran
thereof, lest thou offend, because it is an ates, and oliveyards grow: a land of oil
abomination to the Lord thy God. and honey.
26 Neither shalt thou bring any thing 9 Where without any want thou shalt
of the idol into thy house, lest thou be eat thy bread, and enjoy abundance of
come an anathema, like it. Thou shalt all things where the stones are iron, and

detest it as dung, and shalt utterly abhor out of its hills are dug mines of brass:
it as uncleanness and filth, because it is 10 That when thou hast eaten, and art
an anathema. full, thou mayst bless the Lord thy God
for the excellent land which he hath
CHAPTER 8 given thee.
The people is put in mind of God s dealings with 11 Take heed, and beware lest at any
them, to the end that they may love him and time thou forget the Lord thy God, and
serve him.
neglect his commandments and judg
A LL l
the commandments, that I com- ments and ceremonies, which I command
_T\_ mand thee this day, take great care thee this day:
to observe: that you may live, and be 12 Lest after thou hast eaten and art
multiplied, and going in may possess the filled, hast built goodly houses, and dwelt
land, for which the Lord swore to your in them,
fathers. 13 And shalt have herds of oxen and
2 And thou shalt remember all the way flocks of sheep, and plenty of gold and
through which the Lord thy God hath of silver, and of all things,
brought thee for forty years through the 14 Thy heart be lifted up, and thou re
desert, to afflict thee and to prove thee, member not the Lord thy God, who
and that the things that were in thy brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
heart might be made known, whether out of the house of bondage:
thou wouldst keep his commandments or 15 And was thy leader in the great and
no. terrible wilderness, "wherein there was
3 He afflicted thee with want, and gave the serpent burning with his breath, and
thee manna for thy food, which neither the scorpions and the dipsas, and no wa
thou nor thy fathers knew: to shew that ters at all who brought forth streams

m not in bread alone doth man live, but out of the hardest rock,
k 2 Mac. 12. 40. I A. M. 2553. n Num. 20. 9, and 21. 6.
m Matt. 4. 4 ; Luke 4. 4. o.Ex. 17. 6.

CHAP. 7. Ver. 25. Graven things. Idols, so is, that God is able to make food of what he pleases
calledby contempt. for the support of man.
Ver. 26. An anathema. That is, a thing devoted Ver. 15. The Dipsas. Aserpent whose bite
to destruction and which carries along with it a
; causeth a violent thirst ; from whence it has its
curse. name, for in Greek dipsa (Stipcc) signifies thirst.
CHAP. 8. Ver. 3. Not in bread alone, &c. That

Victories not due to their merit DEUTERONOMY The rebellio-ns of Israel

16 P And fed the e in the wilderness with 6 Know

therefore that the Lord thy
manna which thy fathers knew not. And God giveth thee not this excellent land
after he had afflicted and proved thee, in possession for thy justices, for thou
at the last he had mercy on thee, art a very stiffnecked people.
17 Lest thou shouldst say in thy heart: 7 Remember, and forget not how thou
My own might, and the strength of my provokedst the Lord thy God to wrath
own hand have achieved all these things in the wilderness. From the day that
for me. thou earnest out of Egypt unto this place,
18 But remember the Lord thy God, thou hast always strove against the
that he hath given thee strength, that he Lord.
might fulfil his covenant, concerning 8 r For in Horeb also thou didst pro
which he swore to thy fathers, as this voke him, and he was angry, and would
present day sheweth. have destroyed thee,
19 But if thou forget the Lord thy God, 9 s When I went up into the. mount to
and follow strange gods, and serve and receive the tables of stone, the tables of
adore them: behold now I foretell thee the covenant which the Lord made with
that thou shalt utterly perish. you: and I continued in the mount forty
20 As the nations, which the Lord de days and nights, neither eating bread,
stroyed at thy entrance, so shall you nor drinking water.
also perish, if you be disobedient to the 10 t And the Lord gave me two tables
voice of the Lord your God. of stone written with the finger of God,
and containing all the words that he
CHAPTER 9 spoke to you in the mount from the
Lest they should impute their victories to their own midst of the fire, when the people were
merits, they are put in mind of their manifold re assembled together.
bellions and other sins, for which they should have
been destroyed, but God spared them for his pro 11 And when forty days were passed,
mise -made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. and as many nights, the Lord gave me
Thou shalt go over
Israel: v the two tables of stone, the tables of the
the Jordan this day; to possess na covenant,
12 And said to me: Arise, and go
tions very great, and stronger than thy
self, cities great, and walled up to the sky,
down from hence quickly: for thy people,
2 A people great and tall, the sons of which thou hast brought out of Egypt,
the Enacims, whom thou hast seen, and have quickly forsaken the way that thou
heard of, against whom no man is able hast shewn them, and have made to
to stand. themselves a molten idol.
3 Thou shalt know
therefore this day 13 And again the Lord said to me: I
that the Lord thy God himself will pass s ee that this people is stiffnecked:

over before thee, a devouring and con 14 Let me alone that I may destroy
suming fire, to destroy and extirpate and them, and abolish their name from under
bring them to nothing before thy face heaven, and set thee over a nation, that
is greater and stronger than this.
quickly, as he hath spoken to thee.
4 Say not in thy heart, when the Lord 15 And when I came down from the
thy God shall have destroyed them in burning mount, and held the two tables
of the covenant with both hands,
thy sight: For my justice hath the Lord
16 And saw that you had sinned against
brought me in to possess this land,
whereas these nations are destroyed for the Lord your God, and had made to
their wickedness. yourselves a molten calf, and had quickly
5 For it is not for thy justices, and the forsaken his way, which he had shewn
uprightness of thy heart that thou shalt you:
17 I cast the tables out of my hands,
go in to possess their lands: but because
and broke them in your sight.
they have done wickedly, they are de
the 18 And I fell down before the Lord as
stroyed at thy coming in: and that
Lord might accomplish his word, which before, forty days and nights neither
he promised by oath to thy fathers Abra eating bread, nor drinking water, for all
your sins, which you had committed
ham, Isaac, and Jacob.
8 Ex. 24. 18.
p Ex. 16. 14. a B. C. 1405. and 32. 15. u Ex. 32. 4.
and t Ex. 31. 18,
r Ex. 17. 6, 19. 3.

Moses prayed for the people DEUTERONOMY The tables given a second time

against the Lord, and had provoked him T that time w the Lord said to me:
to wrath:
x Hew
thee two tables of stone like
19 For I feared his indignation and an the former, and come up to me into the
ger, wherewith being moved against you, mount: and thou shalt make an ark of
he would have destroyed you. And the wood,
Lord heard me this time also. 2 And I will write on the tables the
20 And he was exceeding angry against Words that were in them, which thou
Aaron also, and would have destroyed brokest before, and thou shalt put them
him, and I prayed in like manner for him. in the ark.
21 And your sin that you had committed, 3 And I made an ark of setim wood.
that is, the calf, I took, and burned it And when I had hewn two tables of
with fire, and breaking it into pieces, stone like the former, I went up into the
until it was as small as dust, I threw it mount, having them in my hands.
into the torrent, which cometh down 4 And he wrote in the tables, according
from the mountain. as he had written before, the ten words,
22 v At the burning also, and at the which the Lord spoke to you in the
place of temptation, and at the graves mount from the midst of the fire, when
of lust you provoked the Lord: the people were assembled: and he gave
23 And when he sent you from Cades- them to me.
barne, saying: Go up, and possess the 5 And returning from the mount, I
land that I have given you, and you came down, and put the tables into the
slighted the commandment of the Lord ark, that I had made, and they are there
your God, and did not believe him, nei till this present, as the Lord commanded
ther would you hearken to his voice: me.
24 But were always rebellious from the 6 v And the children of Israel removed
day that I began to know you. their camp from Beroth of the children
25 And I lay prostrate before the Lord of Jacan into Mosera, where * Aaron died
forty days and nights, in which I humbly and was buried, and Eleazar his son suc
besought him, that he would not destroy ceeded him in the priestly office.
you as he had threatened: 7 From thence they came to Gadgad
26 And praying, I said: O Lord God, de- from which place they departed, and
stroy not thy people, and thy inheritance, camped in Jetebatha, in a land of waters
which thou hast redeemed in thy great and torrents.
ness, whom thou hast brought out of 8 At that time he separated the tribe
Egypt with a strong hand. of Levi, to carry the ark of the covenant
27 Remember thy servants Abraham, of the Lord, and to stand before him in
Isaac, and Jacob: look not on the stub the ministry, and to bless in his name
bornness of this people, nor on their until this present day.
wickedness and sin: 9 Wherefore Levi hath no part, nor pos
28 Lest perhaps the inhabitants of the session with his brethren: because the
land, out of which thou hast, brought us, Lord himself is his possession, aa the
say: The Lord could not bring them into Lord thy God promised him.
the land that he promised them, and he 10 And I stood in the mount,, as before,
hated them: therefore he brought them
forty days and nights: and the Lord
out, that he might kill them in the wil heard me this time also, and would not
derness, destroy thee.
29 Who are thy people and thy inheri 11 And he said to met and walk Go>

tance, whom thou hast brought out by before the people, that they may enter,
thy great strength, and in thy stretched and possess the land, which I swore to
out arm. their fathers that I would give them.
CHAPTER 10 12 And now, Israel what doth the Lord

God- giveth the second tables of the law : a furfher thy God require of thee, but that thou
exhortation to fear- and serve the Lord. fear the Lord thy God, and walk in his
v Num. 11. 1, and 16. 35, and 21. 6. y Num. 33. 31.
w A. M. 2553. x Ex. 34. 1. z Num. 20. 28 and 29.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 6. Moser-a. By mount Hor, for there Aaron died. Num. 20. This, and the following
versea seem to be inserted by way of parenthesis.

Exhortation to serve God DEUTERONOMY The reward of obedience

ways, and love him, and serve the Lord and to their horses and chariots: how
thy God, with all thy heart, and with all the waters of the Red Sea covered them,
thy soul: when they pursued you, and how the Lord
13 And keep the commandments of the destroyed them until this present day:
Lord, and his ceremonies, which I com 5 And what he hath done to you in the
mand thee this day, that it may be well wilderness, till you came to this place:
with thee? 6 d And to Dathan and Abiron the sons
14 Behold heaven is the Lord s thy God, of Eliab, who was the son of Ruben * :

and the heaven of heaven, the earth and whom the earth, opening her mouth
all things that are therein. swallowed up with their households and
15 And yet the Lord hath been closely tents, and all their substance, which they
joined to thy fathers, and loved them had in the midst of Israel.
and chose their seed after them, that is 7 Your eyes have seen all the great
to say, you, out of all nations, as this works of the Lord, that he hath done,
day it is proved. 8 That you may keep all his command
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of ments, which I command you this day,
your heart, and stiffen your neck no more. and may go in, and possess the land, to
17 Because the Lord your God he is the which you are entering,
God of gods, and the Lord of lords, a 9 And may live in it a long time: which
great God and mighty and terrible, a who the Lord promised by oath to your fa
accepteth no person nor taketh bribes. thers, and to their seed, a land which
18 He doth judgment to the fatherless floweth with milk and honey.
and the widow, loveth the stranger, and 10 For the land, which thou goest to
giveth him food and raiment. possess, is not like the land of Egypt,
19 And do you therefore love strangers, from whence thou earnest out, where,
because you also were strangers in the when the seed is sown, waters are
land of Egypt. brought in to water it after the manner
20 6 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, of gardens.
and serve him only: to him thou shalt 11 But it is a land of hills and plains,
adhere, and shall swear by his name. expecting rain from heaven.
21 He is thy praise, and thy God, that 12 And the Lord thy God doth always
hath done for thee these great and ter visit it, and his eyes are on it from the
rible things, which thy eyes have seen. beginning of the year unto the end there
22 In seventy souls thy fathers went of.
down into Egypt: and behold now the 13 /If then you obey my command
Lord thy God hath multiplied thee as ments, which I command you this day,
the stars of heaven. that you love the Lord your God, and
serve him with all your heart, and with
all your soul:
The love and service of God are still inculcated, with
a blessing to them that serve him, and threats of 14 He will give to your land the early
punishment if they forsake his law. rain and the latter rain, that you may
love the Lord thy God gather in your corn, and your wine, and
and observe his precepts and cere your oil,

monies, his judgments and command 15 And your hay out of the fields to
ments at all times. c feed your cattle, and that you may eat
2 Know this day the things that your and be filled.
children know not, who saw not the 16 Beware lest perhaps your heart be
chastisements of the Lord your God, his deceived, and you depart from the Lord,
great doings and strong hand, and and serve strange gods, and adore them:
stretched out arm, 17 And the Lord being angry shut up
3 The signs and works which he did in heaven, that the rain come not down,
the midst of Egypt to king Pharao, and nor the earth yield her fruit, and you
to all his land, perish quickly from the excellent land,
4 And to all the host of the Egyptians, which the Lord will give you.

Job Wisd. 6. 8 ; Eccli. 35.

15 c B. C. 1405. d Num. 16. 1.
o 2 Par. 19. 7 34. 19 ;


10. 34 ;

Rom. 2. 11 : Gal. 2. 6. e Num. 16. 32.

b Supra 6. 13 ;
Matt. 4. 10 ; Luke 4. 8. / Supra 10. 12.

The blessing and the curse DEUTERONOMY Idolatry to be extirpated

18 a Lay up these my words in your 31 For you shall pass over the Jordan,
hearts and minds, and hang them for a to possess the land, which the Lord your

sign on your hands, and place them

be God will give you, that you may have it
tween your eyes. and possess it.

32 See therefore that you fulfil the cere

19 Teach your children that they medi
monies and judgments, which I shall set
tate on them, when thou sittest in thy
this day before you.
house, and when thou walkest on the way,
and when thou liest down and risest up. CHAPTER 12
20 shalt write them upon the posts
Thou AU must be extirpated: sacrifices, tithes,
and the doors of thy house: and firstfruits must be offered in one only place:
21 That thy days may be multiplied, all eating of blood is prohibited.

and the days of thy children in the land are the precepts and judg
which the Lord swore to thy fathers, THESE ments, that you must do in the land,
that he would give them as long as the i which the Lord the God of thy fathers

heaven hangeth over the earth. will give thee, to possess it all the days
22 For if you keep the commandments that thou shalt walk upon the earth.
which I command you, and do them, to 2 Destroy all the places in which the
love the Lord your God, and walk in all nations, that you shall possess, wor
his ways, cleaving unto him, shipped their gods upon high mountains,
23 The Lord will destroy all these na and and under every shady tree:
tions before your face, and you shall Overthrow their altars, and break
3 i

possess them, which are greater and down their statues, burn their groves
stronger than you. with fire, and break their idols in pieces:
24 ft Every place, that your foot shall destroy their names out of those places.
tread upon, shall be yours. From the 4 You shall not do so to the Lord your
desert, and from Libanus, from the great God:
river Euphrates unto the western sea 5 But you shall come to the place, which
shall be your borders. the Lord your God shall choose out of all
25 None shall stand against you: the your tribes, to put his name there, and
Lord your God shall lay the dread and to dwell in it:
fear of you upon all the land that you 6 And you shall offer in that place your
shall tread upon, as he hath spoken to holocausts and victims, the tithes and
you. firstfruits of your hands and your vows
26 Behold I set forth in your sight this and gifts, the firstborn of your herds
day a blessing and a curse: and your sheep.
27 A blessing, if you obpy the com 7 And you shall eat there in the sight of
mandments of the Lord your God, which the Lord your God: and you shall rejoice
I command you this day: in all things, whereunto you shall put
28 A curse, if you obey not the com your hand, you and your houses wherein
mandments of the Lord your God, but the Lord yotir God hath blessed you.
revolt from the way which now I shew 8 You shall not do there the things we
you, and walk after strange gods which do here this day, every man that which
you know not. seemeth good to himself.
29 And when the Lord thy God shall 9 For until this present time you are
have brought thee into the land, whither not come to rest, and to the possession,
thou goest to dwell, thou shalt put the which the Lord your God will give you.
blessing upon mount Garizim, the curse 10 You shall pass over the Jordan, and
upon mount Hebal: shall dwell in the land which the Lord
30 Which are beyond the Jordan, behind your God will give you, that you may
the way that goeth to the setting of the have rest from all enemies round about:
sun, in the land of the Chanaanite who and may dwell without any fear,
dwelleth in the plain country over 11 In the place, which the Lord your
against Galgala, which is near the valley God shall choose, that his name may be
that reacheth and entereth far. therein. Thither shall you bring all the

g Supra 6. 6. h Jos. 1. 3. t B. C. 1405. j Supra 7. 25 ; 2 Mac. 12. 40.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 29. Put the blessing, &c. See Deut. 27. 12, &c. and Josue 8. 33, &c.

The place of sacrifice DEUTERONOMY The prohibition of blood
things that I command you, holocausts, herds and of thy flocks, as I have com
and victims, and tithes, and the first- manded thee, and shalt eat in thy towns,
fruits of your hands: and whatsoever is as it pleaseth thee.
the choicest in the gifts which you shall 22 Even as the roe and the hart is eaten,
vow to the Lord. so shalt thou eat them: both the clean
12 There shall you feast before the Lord and unclean shall eat of them alike.
your God, you and your sons and your 23 Only beware of this, that thou eat
daughters, your menservants and maid not the blood, for the blood is for the
servants, and the Levite that dwelleth in soul: and therefore thou must not eat the
your cities. For he hath no other part soul with the flesh:
and possession among you. 24 But thou shalt pour it upon the
13 Beware lest thou offer thy holocausts earth as water,
in every place that thou shalt see: 25 That it may be well with thee and
14 But in the place which the Lord shall thy children after thee, when thou shalt
choose in one of thy tribes shalt thou do that which is pleasing in the sight
offer sacrifices, and shalt do all that I of the Lord.
command thee. 26 But the things which thou hast sanc
15 But if thou desirest to eat, and the tified and vowed to the Lord, thou shalt
eating of flesh delight thee, kill, and eat take, and shalt come to the place which
according to the blessing of the Lord thy the Lord shall choose:
God, which he hath given thee, in thy 27 And shalt offer thy oblations the
cities: whether it be unclean, that is to flesh and the blood upon the altar of the
say, having blemish or defect: or clean, Lord thy God: the blood of thy victims
that is to say, sound and without blem thou shalt pour on the altar: and the
ish, such as may be offered, as the roe, flesh thou thyself shalt eat.
and the hart, shalt thou eat it: 28 Observe and hear all the things that
16 Only the blood thou shalt not eat, I command thee, that it may be well with
but thou shalt pour it out upon the earth thee and thy children after thee for ever,
as water. when thou shalt do what is good and
17 Thou mayst not eat in thy towns the pleasing in the sight of the Lord thy
tithes of thy corn, and thy wine, and thy God.
oil, the firstborn of thy herds and thy
29 i When the Lord thy God shall have
cattle, nor any thing that thou vowest, destroyed before thy face the nations,
and that thou wilt offer voluntarily, and which thou shalt go in to possess, and
the firstfruits of thy hands: when thou shalt possess them, and dwell
18 But thou shalt eat them before the in their land:
Lord thy God in the place which the 30 Beware lest thou imitate them, after
Lord thy God shall choose, thou and thy they are destroyed at thy coming in, and
son and thy daughter, and thy man lest thou seek after their ceremonies, say

servant, and maidservant, and the Levite ing: As these nations have worshipped
that dwelleth in thy cities: and thou their gods, so will I also worship.
shalt rejoice and be refreshed before the 31 Thou shalt not do in like manner to
Lord thy God in all things, whereunto the Lord thy God. For they have done
thou shalt put thy hand. to their gods all the abominations which
19 Take heed thou forsake not the Le the Lord abhorreth, offering their sons
vite all the time that thou livest in the and daughters, and burning them with fire.
land. 32 What I command thee, that only do
20 fc When the Lord thy God shall have thou to the Lord: neither add any thing,
nor diminish.
enlarged thy borders, as he hath spoken
to thee, and thou wilt eat the flesh thac CHAPTER 13
thy soul desireth: False prophets must be slain, and idolatrous cities
21 And if the place which the Lord thy destroyed.

God shall choose, that his name should be Fthere rise in the midst of thee a
there, be far off, thou shalt kill of thy I prophet or one that saith he hath
k Gen. 28. 14 Ex. 34. 24 ;
Infra 19. 8. ilnfra 19. 8.

CHAP. 12. Ver. 32 That only do thou, &c. They thens or to

make any alterations in the divine
are forbid here to follow the ceremonies of the hea- ordinances.

False prophets arc to be slain DEUTERONOMY Idolatrous cities to be destroyed

dreamed a dream, and he foretell a sign the midst of thee, and have withdrawn
and a wonder, the inhabitants of their city, and have
2 And that come to pass which he said: Let us go, and serve strange gods
spoke, and he say to thee: Let us go and which you know not:
follow strange gods, which thou knowest 14 Inquire carefully and diligently, the
not, and let us serve them: truth of the thing by looking well into
3 Thou shalt not hear the words of it, and if thou find that which is said to
that prophet or dreamer: for the Lord be certain, and that this abomination
your God trieth you, that it may appear hath been really committed,
whether you love him with all your 15 Thou shalt forthwith kill the inhabit
heart, and with all your soul, or not. ants of that city with the edge of the
4 Follow the Lord your God, and fear sword, and shalt destroy it and all things
him, and keep his commandments, and that are in it, even the cattle.
hear his voice: him you shall serve, and 16 And all the household goods that are
to him you shall cleave. there, thou shalt gather together in the
5 And that prophet or forger of dreams midst of the streets thereof, and shalt
shall be slain: because he spoke to draw burn them with the city itself, so as to
you away from the Lord your God, who consume all for the Lord thy God, and
brought you out of the land of Egypt, that it be a heap for ever: it shall be
and redeemed you from the house of built no more.
bondage: to make thee go out of the 17 And there shall nothing of that an
way, which the Lord thy God commanded athema stick to thy hand: that the Lord
thee: and thou shalt take away the evil may turn from the wrath of his fury, and
out of the midst of thee. may have mercy on thee, and multiply
6 If thy brother the son of thy mother, thee as he swore to thy fathers,
or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that 18 When thou shalt hear the voice of
is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou the Lord thy God, keeping all his pre
lovest as thy own soul, would persuade cepts, which I command thee this day,
thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and that thou mayst do what is pleasing in
serve strange gods, which thou knowest the sight of the Lord thy God.
not, nor thy fathers,
7 Of all the nations round about, that CHAPTER 14
are near or afar off, from one end of the In mourning for the dead they are not to follow the
earth to the other, ways of the Gentiles: the distinction of clean and
unclean meats: ordinances concerning tithes, and
8 Consent not to him, hear him not, firstfruits.
neither let thy eyes spare him to pity ye children of the Lord your God o :

and conceal him,

9 But thou shalt presently put him to
you shall not cut yourselves, nor
any baldness for the dead;
death. Let thy hand be first upon him, 2 P Because thou art a holy people to
and afterwards the hands of all the the Lord thy God: and he chose thee to
people. be his peculiar people of all nations that
10 With stones shall he be stoned to are upon the earth.
death: because he would have withdrawn 3 9 Eat not the things that are unclean.
thee from the Lord thy God, who brought 4 These are the beasts that you shall
thee out of the land of Egypt, from the eat, the ox, and the sheep, and the goat,
house of bondage: 5 The hart and the roe, the buffle, the
11 That all Israel hearingmay fear, and chamois, the pygarg, the wild goat, the
may do no more any thing like this. camelopardalus.
12 If in one of thy cities, which the 6 Every beast that divideth the hoof in
Lord thy God shall give thee to dwell in, two parts, and cheweth the cud, you shall
thou hear some say: eat.
13 Children of Belial are gone out of But of them that chew the
7 cud, but
n Infra 17. 7. o B. C. 1405. p Supra 7. 6 ; Infra 26. 18. q Lev. 11. 4.

the wicked, who refuse to be subject to the divine

law, are called in scripture the children of Belial.
CHAP. 14. Ver. 3. Unclean. See the annotations
of justice. on Lev. 11.
Ver. 13. Belial. That is, without yoke. Hence

Clean and unclean meats DEUTERONOMY The Levites to be remembered
divide not the hoof, you shall not eat, which the Lord thy God shall choose, are
such as the camel, the hare, and the far off, and he hath blessed thee, and thou
cherogril: because they chew the cud, canst not carry all these things thither,
but divide not the hoof, they shall be 25 Thou shalt sell them all, and turn
unclean to you. them into money, and shalt carry it in
8 The swine also, because it divideth thy hand, and shalt go to the place which
the hoof, but cheweth not the cud, shall the Lord shall choose:
be unclean, their flesh you shall not eat, 26 And thou shalt buy with the same
and their carcasses you shall not touch. money whatsoever pleaseth thee, either
9 These shall you eat of all that abide of the herds or of sheep, wine also and
in the waters; All that have fins and strong drink, and all that thy soul de-
scales,you shall eat. sireth: and thou shalt eat before the
10 Such as are without fins and scales, Lord thy God, and shall feast, thou and
you shall not eat, because they are un thy house:
clean. 27 And the Levite that is within thy
11 All birds that are clean you shall eat. gates, beware thou forsake him not, be
12 The unclean eat not: to wit, the cause he hath no other part in thy pos
eagle, and the grype, and the osprey, session.
13 The ringtail, and the vulture, and 28 The third year thou shalt separate
the kite according to their kind: another tithe of all things that grow to
14 And all of the raven s kind: thee at that time, and shalt lay it up
15 And the ostrich, and the owl, and the within thy gates.
larus, and the hawk according to its kind :
29 And the Levite that hath no other
16 The heron, and the swan, and the
part nor possession with thee, and the
stork, stranger and the fatherless and the
17 And the cormorant, the porphirion,
widow, that are within thy gates, shall
and the night crow, come and shall eat and be filled: that
18 The bittern, and the charadrion, the Lord thy God may bless thee in all
every one in their kind: the hoop also the works of thy hands that thou shalt
and the bat. do.
19 Every thing that creepeth, and hath
little wings, shall be unclean, and shall CHAPTER 15
not be eaten. The law of the seventh year of remission. The first
20 All that is clean, you shall eat. lings of cattle are to be sanctified to the Lord.

21 But whatsoever is dead of itself, eat the seventh year thou shalt make a
not thereof. Give it to the stranger, INremission, a

that is within thy gates, to eat, or sell it 2 Which shall be celebrated in this or
to him because thou art the holy people
der. He to whom any thing is owing
of the Lord thy ^God. Thou shalt not from his friend or neighbour or brother,
boil a kid in the milk of his dam. cannot demand it again, because it is the
22 Every year thou shalt set aside the year of remission of the Lord,
tithes of all thy fruits that the earth 3 Of the foreigner or stranger thou
bringeth forth, mayst exact it: of thy countryman and
23 And thou shalt eat before the Lord neighbour thou shalt not have power to
thy God in the place which he shall demand it again.
choose, that his name may be called And there shall be no poor nor beg
upon therein, the tithe of thy corn, and gar among you that the Lord thy God

thy wine, and thy oil, and the firstborn may bless thee in the land which he will
of thy herds and thy sheep that thou : give thee in possession.
mayst learn to fear the Lord thy God 5 Yet so if thou hear the voice of the
at all times. Lord thy God, and keep all things that
24 But when the way and the place he hath ordained, and which I command
r Ex. 23. 19, and 34. 26. s B. C. 1405.

15. Ver. 4. There shall be no poor, &c. It a but it ia an
less to find objects for their charity:
is not to be understood as a promise, that there ordinance that all should do their beet endeavours
should be no poor in Israel, as appears from ver. 11, to prevent any of their brethren from suffering the
where we learn that God s people would never be at hardships of poverty and want.

Charity to the brethren DEUTERONOMY The firstborn of cattle

thee this day, he will bless thee, as he 18 Turn not away thy eyes from them
hath promised. when thou makest them free: because
6 Thou shalt lend to many nations, and he hath served thee six years according
thou shalt borrow of no man. Thou shalt to the wages of a hireling: that the
have dominion over very many nations, Lord thy God may bless thee in all the
and no one shall have dominion over thee. works that thou dost.
7 If one of thy brethren that dwelleth 19 Of the firstlings, that come of thy
within the gates of thy city in the land herds and thy sheep, thou shalt sanctify
which the Lord thy God will give thee, to the Lord thy God whatsoever is of the
come to poverty: thou shalt not harden male sex. Thou shalt not work with the
thy heart, nor close thy hand, firstling of a bullock, and thou shalt not
8 But shalt open it to the poor man, shear the firstlings of thy sheep.
thou shalt lend him, that which thou 20 In the sight of the Lord thy God
shalt thou eat them every year, in the
perceivest he hath need of.
9 Beware lest perhaps a wicked thought place that the Lord shall choose, thou
steal in upon thee, and thou say in thy and thy house.
heart: The seventh year of remission 21 x But if it have a blemish, or be lame,
draweth nigh; and thou turn away thy or blind, or in any part disfigured or
feeble, it shall not be sacrificed to the
eyes from thy poor brother, denying to
lend him that which he asketh: lest he Lord thy God.
22 But thou shalt eat it within the
cry against thee to the Lord, and it be
come a sin unto thee. gates of thy city: the clean and the un
10 But thou shalt give to him: neither clean shall eat them alike, as the roe
shalt thou do any thing craftily in re and as the hart.
lieving his necessities that the Lord thy:
23 Only thou shalt take heed not to eat
God may bless thee at all times, and in their blood, but pour it out on the earth
all things to which thou shalt put thy as water.
hand. CHAPTER 16
11 v There will not be wanting poor in The three principal solemnities be observed: just
the land of thy habitation therefore I : judges to be appointed in every city: all occasions
command thee to open thy hand to thy of idolatry to be avoided.

needy and poor brother, that liveth in the month of new corn, v
the land. OBSERVE
which is the first of the spring, that
12 When thy brother a Hebrew man,

thou mayst celebrate the phase to the

or Hebrew woman is sold to thee, and Lord thy God: because in this month
hath served thee six years, in the sev the Lord thy God brought thee out of
enth year thou shalt let him go free: Egypt by night.
13 And when thou sendest him out free, 2 And thou shalt sacrifice the phase to
thou shalt not let him go away empty: the Lord thy God, of sheep, and of oxen,
14 But shalt give him for his way out in the place which the Lord thy God
of thy flocks, and out of thy barnfloor, shall choose, that his name may dwell
and thy winepress, wherewith the Lord there.
thy God shall bless thee. 3 Thou
shalt not eat with it leavened
15 Remember that thou also wast a bread seven days shalt thou eat without

bondservant in the land of Egypt, and leaven, .the bread of affliction, because
the Lord thy God made thee free, and thou earnest out of Egypt in fear: that
therefore I now command thee this. thou mayst remember the day of thy
16 But if he say: I will not depart: be coming out of Egypt, all the days of thy
cause he loveth thee, and thy house, and life.
findeth that he is well with thee: 4 No leaven shall be seen in all thy
17 Thou shalt take an awl, and bore coasts for seven days, neither shall any
through his ear in the door of thy of the flesh of that which was sacrificed
house, and he shall serve thee for ever: the first day in the evening remain until
thou shalt do in like manner to thy morning.
womanservant also. 5 Thou mayst not immolate the phase
t Matt. 5. 42 Luke 6. 34.
; u Ex. 23. 11 Lev 25. ; 2. x Lev. 22. 2. and 21 Eccli. 35. 14.

v Matt. 26. 11. w Ex. 21. 2 Jer. 34. 14.

; y B. C. 1405.

Feast days to be observed DEUTERONOMY Judges to be just
in any one of thy cities, which the Lord the place which he shall choose: in the
thy God will give thee: feast of unleavened bread, in the feast of
6 But in the place which the Lord thy
weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles.
God choose, that his name may
shall ~No one shall appear with his hands
dwell there: thou shalt immolate the empty before the Lord:
phase in the evening, at the going down 17 But every one shall offer according to
of the sun, at which time thou earnest what he hath, according to the blessing of
out of Egypt. the Lord his God, which he shall give him.
7 And thou shalt dress, and eat it in the 18 Thou shalt appoint judges and mag
place which the Lord thy God shall istrates in all thy gates, which the Lord
choose, and in the morning rising up thy God shall give thee, in all thy tribes:
thou shalt go into thy dwellings. that they may judge the people with just
8 Six days shalt thou eat unleavened judgment,
bread: and on the seventh day, because 19 And not go aside to either part.
it is the assembly of the Lord thy God, Thou shalt not accept person nor gifts:
thou shalt do no work. for gifts blind the eyes of the wise, and
9 Thou shalt number unto thee s*even change the words of the just.
weeks from that day, wherein thou didst 20 Thou shalt follow justly after that
put the sickle to the corn. which is just: that thou mayst live and
10 And thou shalt celebrate the festival possess the land, which the Lord thy God
of weeks to the Lord thy God, a volun shall give thee.
tary oblation of thy hand, which thou 21 Thou shalt plant no grove, nor any
shalt offer according to the blessing of tree near the altar of the Lord thy God:
the Lord thy God. 22 Neither shalt thou make nor set up
11 And thou shalt feast before the Lord to thyself a statue: which things the
thy God, thou, and thy son, and thy Lord thy God hateth.
daughter, and thy manservant, and thy
maidservant, and the Levite that is within
Victims must be without blemish. Idolaters are to
thy gates, and the stranger, and the father be slain. Controversies are to be decided by the
less, and the widow, who abide with you: high priest and council, whose sentence must be
in the place which the Lord thy God shall obeyed under pain of death. The duty of a king,
who is to receive the law of God at the priest s
choose, that his name may dwell there: hands.
12 And thou shalt remember that thou 6
shalt not sacrifice to the Lord
wast a servant in Egypt: and thou shalt THOU
thy God a sheep, or an ox, wherein
keep and do the things that are com there is blemish, or any fault: for that is
manded. an abomination to the Lord thy God.
13 Thoushalt celebrate the solemnity 2 When there shall be found among you
also of tabernacles seven days, when within any of thy gates, which the Lord
thou hast gathered in thy fruit of the thy God shall give thee, man or woman
barnfloor and of the winepress. that do evil in the sight of the Lord thy
14 And thou shalt make merry in thy God, and transgress his covenant,
festival time, thou, thy son, and thy 3 So as to go and serve strange gods,
daughter, thy manservant, and thy maid and adore them, the sun and the moon,
servant, the Levite also and the stranger, and all the host of heaven, which I have
and the fatherless, and the widow that not commanded:
are within thy gates. 4 And this is told thee, and hearing it
15 Seven days shalt thou celebrate thou hast inquired diligently, and found
feasts to the Lord thy God in the place it to be true, and that the abomination is
which the Lord shall choose: and the committed in Israel:
Lord thy God will bless thee in all thy 5 Thou shalt bring forth the man or the
fruits, and in every work of thy hands, woman, who have committed that most
and thou shalt be in joy. wicked thing, to the gates of thy city,
16 Three times in a year shall all thy and they shall be stoned.
males appear before the Lord thy God in 6 c
By the mouth of two or three wit-

z Ex. 23. 15, and 34. 20 Eccli. 35. 6.

b B. C. 1405.
a Ex. 23. 8 Lev. 19. 15 Supra 1. 17 Eccli. 20. 31.
; ; ;
c Infra 19. 15 ; Matt. 18. 16 ; 2 Cor. 13. 1.

CHAP. 17. Ver. 3. The host of heaven. That is*, the stars.

Their decisions to be observed DEUTERONOMY The priesfs share
nesses shall he die that is to be slain. especially since the Lord hath com
Let no man be put to death, when only manded you to return no more the same
one beareth witness against him. way.
7 The hands of the witnesses shall be 17 He
shall not have many wives, that
first upon him to kill him, * and after may allure his mind, nor immense sums
wards the hands of the rest of the peo of silver and gold.
ple: that thou mayst take away the evil 18 But after he is raised to the throne
out of the midst of thee. of his kingdom, he shall copy out to him
8 If thou perceive that there be among self the Deuteronomy of this law in a
you a hard and doubtful matter in judg volume, taking the copy of the priests
ment between blood and blood, cause of the Levitical tribe,
and cause, leprosy and leprosy: and thou 19 And he shall have it with him, and
see that the words of the judges within shall read it all the days of his life, that
thy gates do vary: arise, and go up to he may learn to fear the Lord his God,
the place, which the Lord thy God shall and keep his words and ceremonies, that
choose. are commanded in the law;
9 e And thou shalt come to the priests 20 And that his heart be not lifted up
of the Levitical race, and to the judge, with pride over his brethren, nor decline
that shall be at that time: and thou to the right or to the left, that he and
shalt ask of them, and they shall shew his sons may reign a long time over
thee the truth of the judgment. Israel.
10 And thou shalt do whatsoever they
shall say, that preside in the place, which
The Lord is the inheritance of the priests and Le-
the Lord shall choose, and what they vites.Heathenish abominations are to be avoided.
shall teach thee, The great PROPHET CHRIST is promised. False
11 According to his law; and thou shalt prophets must be slain.
follow their sentence: neither shalt thou rilHE /priests and Levites, and all fl

decline to the right hand nor to the left J. that are of the same tribe, shall have
hand. no part nor inheritance with the rest of
12 But he that will be proud, and refuse Israel, because they shall eat the sacri
to obey the commandment of the priest, fices of the Lord, and his oblations,
who ministereth at that time to the Lord 2 And they shall receive nothing else
thy God, and the decree of the judge, of the possession of their brethren: for
that man shall die, and thou shalt take the Lord himself is their inheritance, as
away the evil from Israel: he hath said to them.
13 And all the people hearing it shall 3 This shall be the priest s due from the
fear, that no one afterwards swell with people, and from them that offer vic
pride. tims: whether they sacrifice an ox, or a
14 When thou art come into the land, sheep, they shall give to the priest the
which the Lord thy God will give thee, shoulder and the breast:
and possessest it, and shalt say: I will 4 h The firstf ruits also of corn, of wine,
set a king over me, as all nations have and of oil, and a part of the wool from
that are round about: the shearing of their sheep.
15 Thou shalt set him whom the Lord 5 For the Lord thy God hath chosen
thy God shall choose out of the number him of all thy tribes, to stand and to
of thy brethren. Thou mayst not make minister to the name of the Lord, him
a man of another nation king, that is not and his sons for ever.
thy brother. 6 If a Levite go out of any one of the
16 And when he is made king, he shall citiesthroughout all Israel, in which he
not multiply horses to himself, nor lead dwelleth, and have a longing mind to
back the people into Egypt, being lifted come to the place which the Lord shall
up with the number of his horsemen, choose,
d Supra 13. 9. e 2 Par. 19. 8 g Num. 18. 20 and 23 ; Supra 10. 9 ; 1 Cor. 9. 13.
/B. C. 1405. h Num. 18. 21.

Ver. 8. Tf thou perceive, &c. Here we see what ing that they should not err therein : and surely
authority God was pleased to give to the church he has not done less for the church guides of the
guides of the Old Testament, in deciding, without New Testament.
appeal, all controversies relating to the law promis-

Against pagan practices DEUTERONOMY Cities of refuge
7 He shall minister in the name of the him to say, or in the name of strange
Lord his God, as all his brethren the Le- gods, shall be slain.
vites do, that shall stand at that time 21 And if in silent thought thou an
before the Lord. swer: How
shall I know the word that
8 He shall receive the same portion of the Lord hath not spoken?
food that the rest do: besides that which 22 Thou shalt have this sign: Whatso
is due to him in his own city, by succes ever that same prophet foretelleth in the
sion from his fathers. name of the Lord, and it cometh not to
9 Whenthou art come into the land pass: that thing the Lord hath not
which the Lord thy God shall give thee, spoken, but the prophet hath forged it
beware lest thou have a mind to imitate by the pride of his mind: and therefore
the abominations of those nations. thou shalt not fear him.
10 * Neither let there be found among
you any one that shall expiate his son or CHAPTER 19
daughter, making them to pass through The cities of refuge. Wilful murder, cmd false wit
the fire: or that consulteth soothsayers, nesses must be punished.

or observeth dreams and omens, neither Lord thy God hath de


let there be any wizard,

11 Nor charmer, nor any one that con
stroyed nations, whose land
will deliver to thee, and thou shalt
sulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tell possess it, and shalt dwell in the cities
ers, i or that seeketh the truth from the and houses thereof:
dead. 2 Thou shalt separate to thee three
12 For the Lord abhorreth all these cities in the midst of the land, which the
things, and for these abominations he Lord will give thee in possession,
will destroy them at thy coming. 3 Paving diligently the way: and thou
13 Thou shalt be perfect, and without shalt divide the whole province of thy
spot before the Lord thy God. land equally into three parts: that he
14 These nations, whose land thou shalt who is forced to flee for manslaughter,
possess, hearken to soothsayers and di may have near at hand whither to es
viners: but thou art otherwise instructed cape.
by the Lord thy God. 4 This shall be the law of the slayer that
15 &The Lord thy God will raise up to fleeth, whose life is to be saved: He that
thee a PROPHET of thy nation and of thy killeth his neighbour ignorantly, and who
brethren like unto me: him thou shalt is proved to have had no hatred against
hear: him yesterday and the day before:
16 As thou desiredst of the Lord thy 5 But to have gone with him to the wood
God in l Horeb, when the assembly was to hew wood, and in cutting down the
gathered together, and saidst: Let me tree the axe slipped out of his hand, and
not hear any more the voice of the the iron slipping from the handle struck
Lord my God, neither let me see any his friend, and killed him: he shall flee
more this exceeding great fire, lest 1 to one of the cities aforesaid, and live:
die. 6 Lest perhaps the next kinsman of him
17 And
the Lord said to me: They have whose blood was shed, pushed on by his
spoken things well.
all grief should pursue, and apprehend him,
18 m I will raise them up a prophet out if the way be too long, and take away
of the midst of their brethren like to the life ofhim who is not guilty of death,
thee: and I will put my words in his because he is proved to have had no
mouth, and he shall speak to them all hatred before against him that was slain.
that I shall command him. 7 Therefore I command thee, that thou
19 And he that will not hear his words, separate three cities at equal distance
which he shall speak in my name, I will one from another.
be the revenger. 8 P And when the Lord thy God shall
20 But the prophet, who being cor have enlarged thy borders, as he swore
to thy fathers, and shall give thee all the
rupted with pride, shall speak in my
name things that I did not command land that he promised them,

Lev. 20. 27. j 1 Kings 28. 7. fc John 1. 45 ;

n B. C. 1405. o Num. 35. 11 ; Jos. 20. 2.
Acts 3. 22. I Ex. 20. 21. m John 1. 45. p Gen. 28. 14 ; Ex. 34. 24 : Supra 12. 20.

Punishment of murder DEUTERONOMY Laws relating to war

9 (Yet so, if thou keep his command iots, and the numbers of the enemy s

ments, and do the things which I com army greater than thine, thou shalt not
mand thee this day, that thou love the fear them: because the Lord thy God is
Lord thy God, and walk in his ways at with thee, who brought thee out of the
all times) thou shalt add to thee other land of Egypt.
three cities, and shalt double the number 2 And when the battle is now at hand,
of the three cities aforesaid: the priest shall stand before the army,
10 That innocent blood may not be shed and shall speak to the people in this
in the midst of the land which the Lord manner :

thy God will give thee to possess, lest 3 Hear, Israel, you join battle this
thou be guilty of blood. day against your enemies, let not your
11 Q But if any man hating his neigh heart be dismayed, be not afraid, do not
bour, lie in wait for his life, and rise and give back, fear ye them not:
strike him, and he die, and he flee to one 4 Because the Lord your God is in the
of the cities aforesaid, midst of you, and will fight for you
12 The ancients of his city shall send, against your enemies, to deliver you
and take him out of the place of refuge, from danger.
and shall deliver him into the hand of the 5 And the captains shall proclaim
kinsman of him whose blood was shed, through every band in the hearing of the
and he shall die. army v What man is there, that hath

13 Thou shalt not pity him, and thou built a new house, and hath not dedi
shalt take away the guilt of innocent cated it? let him go and return to his
blood out of Israel, that it may be well house, lest he die in the battle, and an
with thee. other man dedicate it.
14 Thou shalt not take nor remove thy 6 What man is there,
that hath planted
neighbour s landmark, which thy prede a vineyard, and hath not as yet made it
cessors have set in thy possession, which to be common, whereof all men may eat ?
the Lord thy God will give thee in the let him go, and return to his house lest
land that thou shalt receive to possess. he die in the battle, and another man
15 r One witness shall not rise up against execute his office.
any man, whatsoever the sin or wicked 7 What man
is there, that hath espoused
ness be: but in the mouth of two or a wife, and not taken her? let him go,
three witnesses every word shall stand. and return to his house, lest he die in
16 If a lying witness stand against a the war, and another man take her.
man, accusing him of transgression, 8 After these things are declared they
17 Both of them, between whom the shall add the rest, and shall speak to the
controversy is, shall stand before the people: w-what man is there that is fear
Lord in the sight of the priests and the ful, and faint hearted? let him go, and
judges that shall be in those days. return to his house, lest he make the
18 s And when after most diligent in hearts of his brethren to fear, as he him
quisition, they shall find that the false self is possessed with fear.
witness hath told a lie against his brother: 9 And when the captains of the army
19 They shall render to him as he meant shall hold their peace, and have made an
to do to his brother, and thou shalt take end of speaking, every man shall pre
away the evil out of the midst of thee: pare their bands to fight.
20 That others hearing may fear, and 10 If at any time thou come to fight
may not dare to do such things. against a city, thou shalt first offer it
21 Thou shalt not pity him, * but shalt peace.
require life for life, eye for eye, tooth 11 If they receive it, and open the gates
for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. to thee, all the people that are therein,
shall be saved, and shall serve thee pay
CHAPTER 20 ing tribute.
Laws relating to war 12 But if they will not make peace, and
Fu thou go out to war against thy shall begin war against thee, thou shalt
I enemies, and see horsemen and char- besiege it.
q Num. 35. 20. r Supra 17. 6 ; Matt. 18. 16 ; t Ex. 21. 23 and 24 Lev.
; 24. 20 ; Matt. 5. 38.
2 Cor. 13. 1. s Dan. 13. 62. w B. C. 1405. v 1 Mac. 3. 56. w Judges 7. 3.

Certain people to be destroyed DEUTERONOMY Expiation of a secret murder
13 And when the Lord thy God shall 3 And the ancients of that city which
deliver it into thy hands, thou shalt slay they shall perceive to be nearer than the
all that are therein of the male sex, with rest, shall take a heifer of the herd, that
the edge of the sword, hath not drawn in the yoke, nor ploughed
14 Excepting women and children, cat the ground,
tle and other things, that are in the city. 4 And they shall bring her into a rough
And thou shalt divide all the prey to the and stony valley, that never was
army, and thou shalt eat the spoils of thy ploughed, nor sown and there they shall

enemies, which the Lord thy God shall Strike off the head of the heifer:
give thee. 5 And the priests the sons of Levi shall
15 So shalt thou do to all cities that are
come, whom the Lord thy God hath
at a great distance from thee, and are chosen to minister to him, and to bless
not of these cities which thou shalt re in his name, and that by their word
ceive in possession.
matter should be decided, and whatsoever
16 But of those cities that shall be given is clean or unclean should be
thee, thou shalt suffer none at all to live :
6 And the ancients of that
17 But shalt kill them with the edge of city shall
come to the person slain, and shall wash
the sword, to wit, the Hethite, and the their hands over the heifer that was
Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, the killed in the valley,
Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu- 7 And shall say Our hands did not shed

site, as the Lord thy God hath commanded this blood, nor did our eyes see it.
8 Be merciful to thy people Israel, whom
18 Lest they teach you to do all the
thou hast redeemed, Lord, and lay not
abominations which they have done to
innocent blood to their charge, in the
their gods: and you should sin against
midst of thy people Israel. And the guilt
the Lord your God.
of blood shall be taken from them:
19 When thou hast besieged a city a
9 And thou shalt be free from the inno
long time, and hath compassed it with
bulwarks to take it, thou shalt not cut cent s blood, that was shed, when thou
shalt have done what the Lord hath
down the trees that may be eaten of,
neither shalt thou spoil the country
commanded thee.
round about with axes: for it is a tree, 10 If thou go out to fight against thy
and not a man, neither can it increase enemies, and the Lord thy God deliver
the number of them that fight against them into thy hand, and thou lead them
thee. away captives,
20 But if there be any trees that are 11 And seest in the number of the cap
not fruitful, but wild, and fit for other tives a beautiful woman, and lovest her,
uses, cut them down and make engines, and wilt have her to wife,
until thou take the city, which fighteth 12 Thou shalt bring her into thy house:
against thee. and she shall shave her hair, and part
her nails,
CHAPTER 21 13 And shall put off the raiment, where
The expiation of a secret murder. The marrying a in she was taken and shall remain in

captive. The eldest son must not be deprived of thy house, and mourn for her father and
his birthright for hatred of his mother. A stub
born son is to be stoned to death. When one is mother one month and after that thou :

hanged on a gibbet, he must be taken down the shalt go in unto her, and shalt sleep with
same day and buried.
her, and she shall be thy wife.
there shall be found in the 14 But if afterwards she please thee
WHEN land, which the Lord thy God will her go free, but thou
not, thou shalt let
give thee, the corpse of a man slain, and mayst not her for money nor op
it is not known who is guilty of the press her by might because thou hast
murder, humbled her.
2 Thyancients and judges shall go out, man have two wives, one be
15 If a
and shall measure from the place where loved,and the other hated, and they have
the body lieth the distance of every city had children by him, and the son of the
round about: hated be the firstborn,
x B. C. 1405.

Punishment of a stubborn son DEUTERONOMY Various laws
16 And he meaneth to divide his sub thing that is thy brother s, which is lost :

stance among his sons he may not make : if thou find it, neglect it not as pertain
the son of the beloved the firstborn, and ing to another.
prefer him before the son of the hated. 4 If thou see thy brother s ass or his ox
17 v But he shall acknowledge the son to be fallen down in the way, thou shalt
of the hated for the firstborn, and shall not slight it, but shalt lift it up with him.
give him a double portion of all he hath: 5 A woman shall not be clothed with
for this is the first of his children, and man s apparel, neither shall a man use
to him are due the first birthrights. woman s apparel for he that doeth these

18 If a man have a stubborn and un things is abominable before God.

ruly son, who will not hear the command 6 If thou find as thou walkest by the
ments of his father or mother, and be way, a bird s nest in a tree, or on the
ing corrected, slighteth obedience: ground, and the dam sitting upon the
19 They shall take him and bring him young or upon the eggs thou shalt not :

to the ancients of his city, and to the take her with her young:
gate of judgment, 7 But shalt let her go, keeping the
20 And shall say to them: This our son young which thou hast caught: that it
is rebellious and stubborn, he slighteth may be well with thee, and thou mayst
hearing our admonitions, he giveth him live a long time.
self to revelling, and to debauchery and 8 When thou buildest a new house, thou
banquetings : shalt make a battlement to the roof
21 The people of the city shall stone round about: lest blood be shed in thy
him and he shall die, that you may take
house, and thou be guilty, if any one
away the evil out of the midst of you, slip, and fall down headlong.
and all Israel hearing it may be afraid. 9 Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with
22 When a man hath committed a crime divers seeds: lest both the seed which
for which he is to be punished with death, thou hast sown, and the fruit of the vine
and being condemned to die is hanged on yard, be sanctified together.
a gibbet: 10 Thou shalt not plough with an ox
23 His body shall not remain upon the and an ass together.
tree, but shall be buried the same day: 11 Thou shalt not wear a garment that
^ for he is accursed of God that hangeth is woven of woollen and linen together.
on a tree: and thou shalt not defile thy 12 c Thou shalt make strings in the
land, which the Lord thy God shall give hem at the four corners of thy cloak,
thee in possession. wherewith thou shalt be covered.
13 If a man marry a wife, and after
wards hate her,
Humanity towards neighbors. Neither sex may
use the apparel of the other. Cruelty to be avoided 14 And seek occasions to put her away,
even to birds. Battlements about the roof of a
house. Things of divers kinds not to be mixed.
laying to her charge a very ill name, and
The punishment of him that slandereth his wife, say: I took this woman to wife, and go
as also of adultery and rape. ing in to her, I found her not a virgin:
|1 HOU
n shalt not
pass by if thou seest 15 Her father and mother shall take
J_thy brother s ox, & or his sheep go her, and shall bring with them the to
astray: but thou shalt bring them back kens of her virginity to the ancients of
to thy brother. the city that are in the gate :

2 And if thy brother be not nigh, or 16 And the father shall say: I gave my
thou know him not: thou shalt bring daughter unto this man to wife: and be
them to thy house, and they shall be with cause he hateth her,
thee until thy brother seek them, and 17 He layeth to her charge a very ill
receive them. name, so as to say: I found not thy
3 Thou shalt do in like manner with his daughter a virgin and behold these are

ass, and with his raiment, and with every the tokens of my daughter s virginity.
y 1 Par 5. 1. z Gal. 3. 13. a B. C. 1405. 6 Ex. 23. 4. c Num. 15. 38.

CHAP. 22. Ver. 6. Thou Rhalt not take, &c. This Ver. 8. Battlement. This precaution was neces
was to shew them to exercise a certain mercy even sary, because all their houses had flat tops, and it
to irrational creatures and by that means to train
; was usual to walk and to converse together upon
them up to a horror of cruelty and to the exercise ; them.
humanity and mutual charity one to another.

Punishment of adultery DEUTERONOMY Who may not enter the church
And they shall spread the cloth before he hath humbled her: he may not put
the ancients of the city: her away all the days of his life.
18 And the ancients of that city shall 30 Nc man shall take his father s wife,
take that man, and beat him, nor remove his covering.
19 Condemning him besides in a hun
dred sides of silver, which he shall give CHAPTER 23
to the damsel s father, because he hath Who may and who may not enter into the
church: uncleanness to be avoided: other pre
defamed by a very ill name a virgin of cepts concerning fugitives, fornication, usury,
Israel and he shall have her to wife,
: vows, and eating other men s grapes and corn,
and may not put her away all the days /
eunuch, whose testicles are broken
of his life. or cut away, or yard cut off, shall
20 But if what he charged her with be not enter into the church of the Lord.
true, and virginity be not found in the 2 A mamzer, that is to say, one born
damsel : of a prostitute, shall not enter into the
21 They shall cast her out of the doors church of the Lord, until the tenth gen
of her father s house, and the men of the eration.
city shall stone her to death, and she 3 o The Ammonite and the Moabite,
shall die: because she hath done a wick even after the tenth generation shall not
ed thing in Israel, to play the whore in enter into the church of the Lord for
her father s house: and thou shalt take ever:
away the evil out of the midst of thee. 4 Because they would not meet you
22 d If a man lie with another man s with bread and water in the way, when
wife, they shall both die, that is to say, you came out of Egypt h an(j because:

the adulterer and the adulteress: and they hired against thee Balaam, the son
thou shalt take away the evil out of of Beor, from Mesopotamia in Syria, to
Israel. curse thee.
28 If a man have espoused a damsel 5 And the Lord thy God would not hear
that is a virgin, and some one find her Balaam, and he turned his cursing into
in the city, and lie with her, thy blessing, because he loved thee.
24 Thou shalt bring them both out to 6 Thou shalt not make peace with them,
the gate of that city, and they shall bo neither shalt thou seek their prosperity
stoned: the damsel, because she cried all the days of thy life for ever.
not out, being in the city: the man, be 7 Thou shalt not abhor the Edomite, be
cause he hath humbled his neighbour s cause he is thy brother: nor the Egyp
wife. And thou shalt take away the evil tian, because thou wast a stranger in his
from the midst of thee. land.
25 But if a man find a damsel that is 8 They that are born of them, in the
betrothed, in the field, and taking hold third generation shall enter into the
of her, lie with her, he alone shall die: church of the Lord.
26 The damsel shall suffer nothing, nei 9 When thou goest out to war against
ther is she guilty of death: for as a thy enemies, thou shalt keep thyself
robber riseth against his brother, and from every evil thing.
taketh away his life, so also did the 10 If there be among you any man, that
damsel suffer : is defiled in a dream by night, he shall
27 She was alone in the field she cried, :
go forth out of the camp.
and there was no man to help her. 11 And shall not return, before he be
28 If a man find a damsel that is a vir washed with water in the evening: and
gin, who is not espoused, and taking her, after sunset he shall return into the
lie with her, and the matter come to camp.
judgment : 12 Thou shalt have a place without the
29 e He that lay with her shall give to camp, to which thou mayst go for the
the father of the maid fifty sides of sil necessities of nature,
ver, and shall have her to wife, because 13 Carrying a paddle at thy girdle. And
dLev. 20. 10. e Ex. 22. 16. /-B. C. 1405. g 2 Esd. 13. 1. h Num. 22. 5 ; Jos. 24. 9.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 1. Eunuch. By these are meant, assembly or congregation of Israel, so as to have
in the spiritual sense, such as are barren in good the privilege of an Israelite, or to be capable of
works. Ibid. Into the church. That is, into the any place or office among the people of God.

Vows are to be observed DEUTERONOMY Divorce permitted

when thou sittest down, them shalt dig CHAPTER 24

round about, and with the earth that is Divorce permitted to avoid greater evil: the
dug up thou shalt cover newly married must not go to war: of men
stealers, of leprosy, of pledges, of labourers
14 That which thou art eased of: (for hire, of justice, and of charity to the poor.
the Lord thy God walketh in the midst
of thy camp, to deliver thee, and to give
*a man
take a wife, ./and have her,

up thy enemies to thee:) and let thy

IFand she find not favour in his eyes,
for some uncleanness: he shall write a
camp be let no uncleanness ap
holy, and
bill of divorce, and shall give it in her
pear therein, he go away from thee.
15 Thou shalt not deliver to his master hand, and send her out of his house.
the servant that is fled to thee. 2 And when she is departed, and mar-
16 He shall dwell with thee in the place rieth another husband,
that shall please him, and shall rest in 3 And he also hateth her, and hath
one of thy cities: give him no trouble. given her a bill of divorce, and hath sent
17 There shall be no whore among the her out of his house or is dead:
daughters of Israel, nor whoremonger 4 The former husband cannot take her
among the sons of Israel. again to wife because she is defiled, and

18 Thou shalt not offer the hire of a is become abominable before the Lord:
lest thou cause thy land to sin, which the
strumpet, nor the price of a dog, in the
house of the Lord thy God, whatsoever Lord thy God shall give thee to possess.
it be that thou hast vowed because both : 5 When a man hath lately taken a wife,
these are an abomination to the Lord he shall not go out to war, neither shall
thy God. any public business be enjoined him, but
19 Thou shalt not lend to thy brother he shall be free at home without fault,
money to usury, nor corn, nor any other that for one year he may rejoice with
thing : his wife.
20 But to the stranger. To thy brother 6 Thou shalt not take the nether, nor
thou shalt lend that which he wanteth, the upper millstone to pledge: for he
without usury: that the Lord thy God hath pledged his life to thee.
may bless thee in all thy works in the 7 If any man be found soliciting his
land, which thou shalt go in to possess. brother of the children of Israel, and
21 When thou hast made a vow to the selling him shall take a price, he shall
Lord thy God, thou shalt not delay to be put to death, and thou shalt take away
pay it: because the Lord thy God will the evil from the midst of thee.
require it. And if thou delay, it shall be 8 Observe diligently that thou incur not
imputed to thee for a sin. the stroke of the leprosy, but thou shalt
22 If thou wilt not promise, thou shalt do whatsoever the priests of the Leviti-
be without sin. cal race shall teach thee, according to
23 But that which is once gone out of what I have commanded them, and fulfil
thy lips, thou shalt observe, and shalt do thou it carefully.
as thou hast promised to the Lord thy 9 fc Remember what the Lord your <God

God, and hast spoken with thy own will did to Mary, in the way when you came
and with thy own mouth. out of Egypt.
24 Going into thy neighbour s vineyard, 10 When thou shalt demand of thy
thou mayst eat as many grapes as thou neighbour any thing that he oweth thee,
pleasest: but must carry none out with thou shalt not go into his house to take
thee :
away a pledge:
25 If thou go into thy friend s corn, 11 But thou shalt stand without, and he
thou mayst break the ears, and rub them shall bring out to thee what he hath.
in thy hand: but not reap them with a 12 But if he be poor, the pledge shall
sickle. not lodge with thee that night,
i B. C. 1405. j Matt. 5. 31, and 19. 7 ; Mark 10. 4. k Num. 12. 10.

Ver. No
uncleanness. This caution against
14. Lord of all things, can give a right and title to one
suffering any filth in the camp, was to teach them upon the goods of another. Otherwise scripture th<=

to fly the filth of sin, which driveth God away everywhere condemns usury, as contrary to the law
from the soul. of God, and a crying sin. See Ex. 22. 25 Lev. 25. ;
Ver. 20. To the stranger. This was a dispensa 36, 37 ; 2 Esd. 5. 7 ; Ps. 14. 5 ; Ezech. 18. 8, 13. &c.
tion granted by God to his people, who being the

On justice and charity DEUTERONOMY The ox not to be muzzled
13 But them shalt restore it to him pres there be
a controversy between
ently before the going down of the sun: IFmen, and they
call upon the judges:
that he may sleep in his own raiment they shall give the prize of justice to
and bless thee, and thou mayst have jus him whom they perceive to be just: and
tice before the Lord thy God. him whom they find to be wicked, they
14 l Thou shalt not refuse the hire of the shall condemn of wickedness.
needy, and the poor, whether he be thy 2 And if they see that the offender be
brother, or a stranger that dwelleth with worthy of stripes: they shall lay him
thee in the land, and is within thy gates: down, and shall cause him to be beaten
15 But thou shalt pay him the price of before them. According to the measure
his labour the same day, before the going of the sin shall the measure also of the
down of the sun, because he is poor, and stripes be:
with it maintaineth his life: lest he cry 3 Yet so, othat they exceed not the
against thee to the Lord, and it be re number of forty: lest thy brother depart
puted to thee for a sin. shamefully torn before thy eyes.
16 The fathers shall not be put to 4 P Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that
death for the children, nor the children treadeth out thy corn on the floor.
for the fathers, but every one shall die 5 When brethren dwell together, and
for his own sin. one of them dieth without children, the
17 Thou shalt not pervert the judgment wife of the deceased shall not marry to
of the stranger nor of the fatherless, another: but his brother shall take her,
neither shalt thou take away the widow s and raise up seed for his brother:
raiment for a pledge. 6 And the first son he shall have of her
18 Remember that thou wast a slave in he shall call by his name, that his name
Egypt, and the Lord thy God delivered be not abolished out of Israel.
thee from thence. Therefore I command 7 But if he will not take his brother s
thee to do this thing. wife, who by law belongeth to him, the
19 When thou hast reaped the corn in woman shall go to the gate of the city,
thy field, and hast forgot and left a sheaf, and call upon the ancients, and say r My :

thou shalt not return to take it away: husband s brother refuseth to raise up
but thou shalt suffer the stranger, and his brother s name in Israel: and will not
the fatherless and the widow to take it take me to wife.
away: that the Lord thy God may bless 8 And they shall cause him to be sent
thee in all the works of thy hands. for forthwith, and shall ask him. If he
20 If thou have gathered the fruit of answer: I will not take her to wife:
thy olive trees, thou shalt not return to 9 The woman shall come to him before
gather whatsoever remaineth on the the ancients, and shall take off his shoe
trees: but shalt leave it for the stranger, from his foot, and spit in his face, and
for the fatherless, and the widow. say: So shall it be done to the man
21 If thou make the vintage of thy that will not build up his brother s
vineyard, thou shalt not gather the clus house:
ters that remain, but they shall be for 10 his name shall be called in Is
the stranger, the fatherless, and the rael, thehouse of the unshod.
widow. 11 If two men have words together,
22 Remember that thou also wast a and one begin to fight against the other,
bondman in Egypt, and therefore I com and the other s wife willing to deliver
mand thee to do this thing. her husband out of the hand of the
stronger, shall put forth her hand, and
CHAPTER 25 take him by the secrets,
Stripes must not exceed forty. The ox is not to be
12 Thou shalt cut off her hand, neither
muzzled. Of raising seed to the brother. Of the shalt thou be moved with any pity in
immodest woman. Of unjust weight. Of destroy
ing the Amalecites.
her regard.
p1 Cor. 9. 9 ; 1 Tim. 5. 18.
I Lev. 19. 13 Tob. 4. 15.
m4 22. 24 Mark 12. 19

Kings 2 Par. 25. 4 ; Ezech. 18. 20.

14. 6 ;
q Matt. ; Luke 20. 28.

n B. C. 1405. o2 Cor. 11. 24. r Ruth 4. 5.

CHAP. 25. Ver. 4. Not muzzle, &c. St. Paul church of God, who is not to be denied his mainte
understands this of the spiritual labourer in the nance. 1 Cor. 9. 8, 9, 10.

Unjust weights condemned
DEUTERONOMY Offering of first fruits and tithe
13 Thou shalt not have divers weights number, and grew into a nation great
in thy bag, a greater and a less:
and strong and of an infinite multitude.
14 Neither shall there be in thy house a 6 And the Egyptians afflicted us, and
greater bushel and a less. persecuted us, laying on us most griev
15 Thou shalt have a just and a true
ous burdens:
be equal 7 And we cried to the Lord God of our
weight, and thy bushel shall and looked down
and true: that thou mayest live a long fathers: who heard us,
upon our and labour, and dis
time upon the land which the Lord thy affliction,
God shall give thee.
8 And brought us out of Egypt with a
16 For the Lord thy God abhorreth him
that doth these things, and he hateth all strong hand, and a stretched out arm,
with great terror, with signs and won
* Remember what Amalec did to thee ders:
9 And brought us into this place, and
in the way when thou earnest out of
Egypt: gave us this land flowing with milk and
18 How he met thee: and slew the honey.
hindmost of the army, who
sat down, 10 And therefore now I offer the first-
when thou wast spent with fruits of the land which the Lord hath
being weary,
hunger and labour, and he feared not given me. And thou shalt leave them
God. in the sight of the Lord thy God, ador
19 Therefore when the Lord thy God ing the Lord thy God.
shall give thee rest, and shall have sub 11 And thou shalt feast in all the good
dued all the nations round about in the things which the Lord thy God hath
land which he hath promised thee: thou given thee, and thy house, thou and the
shalt blot out his name from under Levite, and the stranger that is with thee.
heaven. See thou forget it not. 12 When thou hast made an end of tith
ing all thy fruits, in the third year of
CHAPTER 26 tithes thou shalt give it to the Levite,
The form of words with which the firstfruits and and to the stranger, and to the father
tithes are to be offered. God s covenant.
less, and to the widow, that they may
A ND when thou art come into the land eat within thy gates, and be filled:
\. which the Lord thy God will give 13 And thou shalt speak thus in the
* I have taken
thee to possess, and hast conquered it, sight of the Lord thy God :

and dwellest in it: that which was sanctified out of my

2 Thou shalt take the first of all thy house, and I have given it to the Levite,
fruits, and put them in a basket, and and to the stranger, and to the father
shalt go to the place which the Lord thy less, and to the widow, as thou hast com
God shall choose, that his name may be manded me: I have not transgressed thy
invocated there: commandments nor forgotten thy pre
3 And thou shalt go to the priest that cepts.
shall be in those days, and say to him: 14 I have not eaten of them in my
I profess this day before the Lord thy mourning, nor separated them for any
God, that I am come into the land, for uncleanness, nor spent any thing of them
which he swore to our fathers, that he in funerals. I have obeyed the voice of
would give it us. the Lord my God, and have done all
4 And the priest taking the basket at things as thou hast commanded me.
thy hand, shall set it before the altar of 15 Look from thy sanctuary, and thy
the Lord thy God: high habitation of heaven, and bless thy
5 And thou shalt speak thus in the sight people Israel, and the land which thou
of the Lord thy God: The Syrian pursued hast given us, as thou didst swear to our
my father, who went down into Egypt, fathers, a land flowing with milk and
and sojourned there in a very small honey.
s Ex. 17. 8. t Supra 14. 29. u Isa. 63. 15 ; Bar. 2. 16.

Ver. 17. Amalec. This order for destroying the out, as it were, of the of this wicked world,
Amalecites, in the mystical sense, sheweth how hate and being yet weak and fainthearted, are but begin
ful they are to God, and what punishments they are ning their journey to the land of promise.
to look for from his justice, who attack and dis CHAP. 26. Ver. 5, The Syrian. Laban. See
courage his servants when they are but just come Gen. 27.

Law to be written an stones DEUTERONOMY The blessing and the curse
16 This day the Lord thy God hath com 9 And Moses and the priests of the
manded thee to do these commandments race of Levi said to all Israel: Attend,
and judgments: and to keep and fulfil and hear, O Israel: This day thou art
them with all thy heart, and with all thy made the people of the Lord thy God.
10 Thou shalt hear his voice, and do
17 Thou hast chosen the Lord this
day the commandments and justices which I
to be thy God, and to walk in his
ways command thee.
and keep his ceremonies, and
precepts, 11 And Moses commanded the people
and judgments, and obey his command.
in that day, saying:
18 f And the Lord hath chosen thee this
12 These shall stand upon mount Gari-
day, to be his peculiar people, as he hath zim to bless the people, when you are
spoken to thee, and to keep all his com
mandments: passed the Jordan: Simeon, Levi, Juda,
19 And to make thee higher than all Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin.
nations which he hath created, to his 13 And over against them shall stand
own praise, and name, and glory: that on mount Hebal to curse: Ruben, Gad,
thou mayst be a holy people of the Lord and Aser, and Zabulon, Dan, and Neph-
thy God, as he hath spoken.
14 v And the Levites shall pronounce,
and say to all the men of Israel with a
CHAPTER 27 loud voice:
The commandments must be written on atones: and
an altar erected, and sacrifices offered. The ob 15 Cursed be the man that maketh a
servers of the commandments are to be
blessed, graven and molten thing, the abomina
and the transgressors cursed. tion of the Lord, the work of the hands
Moses with the ancients of Is of artificers, and shall put it in a secret
rael commanded the people, saying: place: and all the people shall answer,
Keep every commandment that I com and say: Amen.
mand you this day. 16 Cursed be he that honoureth not his
2 And when you are passed over the father and mother: and all the people
Jordan into the land which the Lord thy shall say: Amen.
God will give thee, thou shalt set up 17 Cursed be he that removeth his
great stones, and shalt plaster them over neighbour s landmarks: and all the peo
with plaster, ple shall say: Amen.
3 That thou mayst write on them all 18 Cursed be he that maketh the blind
the words of this law, when thou art to wander out of his way: and all the
passed over the Jordan: that thou mayst people shall say: Amen.
enter into the land which the Lord thy 19 Cursed be he that perverteth the
God will give thee, a land flowing with judgment of the stranger, of the father
milk and honey, as he swore to thy less and the widow: and all the people
fathers. shall say: Amen.
4 Therefore when you are passed over 20 Cursed be he that lieth with his
the Jordan, set up the stones which I father s wife, and uncovereth his bed:
command you this day, in mount Hebal, and all the people shall say: Amen.
and thou shalt plaster them with plaster: 21 Cursed be he that lieth with any
5 And thou shalt build there an altar to beast: and all the people shall say:
the Lord thy God, * of stones which iron Amen.
hath not touched, 22 Cursed behe that lieth with his
6 And of stones not fashioned nor pol sister, thedaughter of his father, or of
ished and thou shalt offer upon it holo
: his mother: and all the people shall say:
causts to the Lord thy God: Amen.
7 And shalt immolate peace victims, 23 Cursed be he that lieth with his
and eat there, and feast before the Lord mother in law: and all the people shall
thy God. say: Amen.
8 And thou shalt write upon the stones 24 Cursed be he that secretly killeth
all the words of this law plainly and his neighbour: and all the people shall
clearly. sav: Amen.

v Supra 7. 6. w B. C. 1405. x Ex. 20. 25 ; Jos. 8. 31. y Dan. 9. 11.

The blessing of obedience DEUTERONOMY The curse of disobedience
25 Cursed be he that taketh gifts, to of thy land, which the Lord swore to thy
slay an innocent person: and all the peo fathers that he would give thee.
ple shall say: Amen. 12 The Lord will open his excellent
26 Cursed be he that abideth not in the treasure, the heaven, that it may give
words of this law, and fulfilleth them not rain in due season: and he will bless all
in work: and all the peeople shall say: the works of thy hands. And thou shalt
Amen. lend to many nations, and shalt not bor
CHAPTER 28 row of any one.
13 And the Lord shall make thee the
Many blessings are promised to the observers of
God s commandments: and curses threatened to head and not the tail: and thou shalt be
transgressors. always above, and not beneath: yet so if
thou wilt hear the voice of
* if thou wilt hear the commandments of the
the Lord thy God, to do and keep
all his commandments, which I command
Lord thy God which I command thee
this day, and keep and do them,
thee this day, the Lord thy God will 14 And turn not away from them neither
make thee higher than all the nations to the right hand, nor to the left, nor
that are on the earth. follow strange gods, nor worship them.
2 And all these blessings shall come 15 But if thou wilt not hear the voice
upon thee and overtake thee: yet so if of the Lord thy God, to keep and to do all
thou hear his precepts, his commandments and ceremonies, which
3 Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and I command thee this day, all these curses
blessed in the field. shall come upon thee, and overtake thee.
4 Blessed shall be the fruit of thy 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the city,
womb, and the fruit of thy ground, and cursed in the field.
the fruit of thy cattle, the droves of thy 17 Cursed shall be thy barn, and cursed
herds, and the folds of thy sheep. thy stores.
5 Blessed shall be thy barns and blessed 18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy womb,
thy stores. and the fruit of thy ground, the herds of
6 Blessed shalt thou be coming in and thy oxen, and the flocks of thy sheep.
going out. 19 Cursed shalt thou be coming in, and
7 The Lord shall cause thy enemies, cursed going out.
that rise up against thee, to fall down 20 The Lord shall send upon thee fam
before thy face: one way shall they come ine and hunger, and a rebuke upon all
out against thee, and seven ways shall the works which thou shalt do: until he
they flee before thee. consume and destroy thee quickly, for
8 The Lord will send forth a blessing thy most wicked inventions, by which
upon thy storehouses, and upon all the thou hast forsaken me.
works of thy hands: and will bless thee 21 May the Lord set the pestilence upon
in the land that thou shalt receive. thee, until he consume thee out of the
9 The Lord will raise thee up to be a land, which thou shalt go in to possess.
holy people to himself, as he swore to 22 May the Lord afflict thee with miser
thee: if thou keep the commandments able want, with the fever and with cold,
of the Lord thy God, and walk in his with burning and with heat, and with
ways. corrupted air and with blasting, and pur
10 And all the people of the earth shall sue thee till thou perish.
see that the name of the Lord is invo- 23 Be the heaven, that is over thee, of
cated upon thee, and they shall fear thee. brass: and the ground thou treadest on,
11 The Lord will make thee abound with of iron.
all goods, with the fruit of thy 24 The Lord give thee dust for rain upon
and the fruit of thy cattle, with the fruit thy land, and let ashes come down from
z B. c. 1405. a Lev. 26. 14 ; Lam. 2. 17 ; Bar. 1. 20 ; Mai. 2. 2.

CHAP. 28. Ver. 2. All these blessings, &c. In the Ver. 15. All these curses, &c. Thus God dealt
Old Testament, God promised temporal blessings to with the transgressors of his law in the Old Testa-
the keepers of his law, heaven not being opened as irient but now he often suffers sinners to prosper in

yet and that gross and sensual people being more

; this world, rewarding them for some little good they
moved with present and sensible things. But in the have done, and reserving their punishment for the
New Testament the goods that are promised us are other world.
spiritual and eternal and temporal evils are turned

into blessing.

The curse of disobedience DEUTERONOMY The curse of disobedience
heaven upon thee, till thou be consumed. shalt serve strange gods, wood and
25 The Lord make thee to fall down be stone.
fore thy enemies, one way mayst thou 37 And thou shalt be lost, as a proverb
go out against them, and flee seven ways, and a byword to all people, among whom
and be scattered throughout all the king the Lord shall bring thee in.
doms of the earth. 38 6 Thou shalt cast much seed into the
26 And be thy carcass meat for all the ground, and gather little: because the
fowls of the air, and the beasts of the locusts shall consume all.
earth, and be there none to drive them 39 Thou shalt plant a vineyard, and dig
away. it, and shalt not drink the wine, nor
27 The Lord strike thee with the ulcer gather any thing thereof: because it
of Egypt, and the part of thy body, by shall be wasted with worms.
which the dung is cast out, with the scab 40 Thou shalt have olive trees in all thy
and with the itch so that thou canst not
borders, and shalt not be anointed with
be healed. the oil: for the olives shall fall off and
28 The Lord strike thee with madness perish.
and blindness and fury of mind. 41 Thou shalt beget sons and daugh
29 And .mayst thou grope at midday as ters, and shalt not enjoy them; because
the blind is wont to grope in the dark, they shall be led into captivity.
and not make straight thy ways. And 42 The blast shall consume all the trees
mayst thou at all times suffer wrong, and the fruits of thy ground.
and be oppressed with violence, and 43 The stranger that liveth with thee
in the land, shall rise up over thee, and
mayst thou have no one to deliver thee.
shall be higher: and thou shalt go down,
.30 Mayst thou take a wife, and another
and be lower.
sleep with her. Mayst thou build a 44 He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt
house, and not dwell therein. Mayst
thou plant a vineyard and not gather not lend to him. He shall be as the
the vintage thereof. head, and thou shalt be the tail.
45 And all these curses shall come upon
31 May thy ox be slain before thee, and
thee, and shall pursue and overtake thee,
thou not eat thereof. May thy ass be till thou perish: because thou heardst
taken away in thy sight, and not re
not the voice of the Lord thy God, and
stored to thee. May thy sheep be given
didst not keep his commandments and
to thy enemies, and may there be none
ceremonies which he commanded thee.
to help thee.
46 And they shall be as signs and won
32 May thy sons and thy daughters be ders on thee, and on thy seed for ever.
given to another people, thy eyes looking 47 Because thou didst not serve the
on, and languishing at the sight of them Lord thy God with joy and gladness of
all the day, and may there be no strength
heart, for the abundance of all things:
48 Thou shalt serve thy enemy, whom
in thy hand.
33 May a people which thou knowest the Lord will send upon thee, in hunger,
not, eat the fruits of thy land, and all and thirst, and nakedness, and in want
thy labours: and mayst thou always suf of all things: and he shall put an iron
fer oppression, and be crushed at all yoke upon thy neck, till he consume
times. thee.
34 And be astonished at the terror of 49 The Lord will bring upon thee a
those things which thy eyes shall see: nation from afar, and from the utter
35 May the Lord strike thee with a most ends of the earth, like an eagle that
flyeth swiftly, whose tongue thou
very sore ulcer in the knees and in the canst
legs, and be thou incurable from the sole not understand,
of the foot to the top of the head. 50 A
most insolent nation, that will
36 The Lord shall bring thee, and thy shew no regard to the ancients, nor have
king, Avhom thou shalt have appointed pity on the infant,
over thee, into a nation which thou and 51 And will devour the fruit of thy cat
tle, and the fruits of thy land until thou
thy fathers know not: and there thou :

b Mich. 6. 15 ; Aprs. 1. 6.

The curse of disobedience DEUTERONOMY The curse of disobedience
be destroyed, and thee no
will leave 62 And you shall remain few in number,
wheat, nor wine, nor oil, nor herds of who before were as the stars of heaven
oxen, nor flocks of sheep: until he de for multitude, because thou heardst not
stroy thee. the voice of the Lord thy God.
52 And consume thee in all thy cities, 63 And as the Lord rejoiced upon you
and thy strong and high walls be before doing good to you, and multiply
brought down, wherein thou trustedst in ing you: so he shall rejoice destroying
all thy land. Thou shalt be besieged with- and bringing you to nought, so that you
in thy gates in all thy land which the shall be taken away from the land which
Lord thy God will give thee: thou shalt go in to possess.
53 c And thou shalt eat the fruit of thy 64 The Lord shall scatter thee among
womb, and the flesh of thy sons and of all people, from the farthest parts of the

thy daughters, which the Lord thy God earth to the ends thereof: and there
shall give thee, in the distress and ex thou shalt serve strange gods, which
tremity wherewith thy enemy shall op both thou art ignorant of and thy fa
press thee. thers, wood and stone.
54 The man that is nice among you, 65 Neither shalt thou be quiet, even in
and very delicate, shall envy his own those nations, nor shall there be any rest
brother, and his wife, that lieth in his for the sole of thy foot. For the Lord
bosom, will give thee a fearful heart, and lan
55 So that he will not give them of the guishing eyes, and a soul consumed with
flesh of his children, which he shall eat: pensiveness :

because he hath nothing else in the siege 66 And thy life shall be as it were
and the want, wherewith thy enemies hanging before thee. Thou shalt fear
shall distress thee within all thy gates. night and day, neither shalt thou trust
56 The tender and delicate woman, that thy life.
could not go upon the ground, nor set 67 In the morning thou shalt say: "Who
down her foot for over much niceness will grant me evening? and at evening:
and tenderness, will envy her husband Who will grant me morning? for the
who lieth in her bosom, the flesh of her fearfulness of thy heart, wherewith thou
son, and of her daughter, shalt be terrified, and for those things
57 And the filth of the afterbirths, that which thou shalt see with thy eyes.
come forth from between her thighs, and 68 The Lord shall bring thee again with
the children that are bora the same hour. ships into Egypt, by the way whereof he
For they shall eat them secretly for the said to thee that thou shouldst see it no
want of all things, in the siege and dis more. There shalt thou be set to sale
tress, wherewith thy enemy shall op to thy enemies for bondmen and bond
press thee within thy gates. women, and no man shall buy you.
58 If thou wilt not keep, and fulfil all
the words of this law, that are written CHAPTER 29
in this volume, and fear his glorious and
The covenant is solemnly confirmed between God
and his people. Threats against those that shall
terrible name that is, The Lord thy
: break it.

God: d are the words of the cove-

59 The Lord shall increase
thy plagues,
JL nant which the Lord commanded
and the plagues of thy seed, plagues Moses to make with the children of Israel
great and lasting, infirmities grievous in the land of Moab: beside that cove
and perpetual. nant which he made with them in Horeb.
60 And he shall bring back on thee all 2 And Moses called all Israel, and said
the afflictions of Egypt, which thou wast to them e You have seen all the things

afraid of, and they shall stick fast to that the Lord did before you in the land
thee. of Egypt to Pharao, and to all his serv
61 Moreover the Lord will bring upon ants, and to his whole land.
thee all the diseases, and plagues, that 3 The great temptations, which thy
are not written in the volume of this eyes have seen, those mighty signs and
law till he consume thee: wonders,
C 4. 1

: Bar. 2. 2 and 3. d B. C, 1405. e Ex. 19. 4.

Exhortation to obedience DEUTERONOMY Threats against disobedience
4 And the Lord hath not given you a 18 Lest perhaps there should be among
heart to understand, and eyes to see, and you a man or a woman, a family or a
ears that may hear, unto this present tribe, whose heart is turned away this
day. day from the Lord our God, to go and
5 /He hath brought you forty years serve the gods of those nations: and
through the desert: your garments are there should be among you a root bring
not worn out, neither are the shoes of ing forth gall and bitterness.
your feet consumed with age. 19 And when he shall hear the words of
6 You have not eaten bread, nor have this oath, he should bless himself in his
you drunk wine or strong drink: that you heart saying: I shall have peace, and
might know that I am the Lord your will walk on in the naughtiness of my
God. heart: and the drunken may consume the
7 And you came to this place: 3 and thirsty,
Sehon king of Hesebon, and Og king of 20 And the Lord should not forgive
Basan, came out against us to fight. And him: but his wrath and jealousy against
we slew them. that man should be exceedingly enkindled
8 And took their land, and delivered it at that time, and all the curses that are
for a possession to * Ruben and Gad, and written in this volume should light upon
the half tribe of Manasses. him: and the Lord should blot out his
9 Keep therefore the words of this cov name from under heaven,
enant, and fulfil them: that you may 21 And utterly destroy him out of all
understand all that you do. the tribes of Israel, according to the
10 You all stand this day before the curses that are contained in the book of
Lord your God, your princes, and tribes, this law and covenant:
and ancients, and doctors, all the people 22 And the following generation shall
of Israel. say, and the children that shall be born
11 Your children and your wives, and hereafter, and the strangers that shall
the stranger that abideth with thee in come from afar, seeing the plagues of
the camp, besides the hewers of wood, that land and the evils wherewith the
and them that bring water: Lord hath afflicted it,
12 That thou mayst pass in the cove 23 Burning it with brimstone, and the
nant of the Lord thy God, and in the heat of salt, so that it cannot be sown
oath which this day the Lord thy God any more, nor any green thing grow
maketh with thee. therein, after the example of the destruc
13 That he may raise thee up a people tion of Sodom and Gomorrha, Adama and
to himself, and he may be thy God as he Seboim, which the Lord destroyed in his
hath spoken to thee, and as he swore to wrath and indignation:
thy fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 24 And all the nations shall say: / Why
14 Neither with you only do I make this hath the Lord done thus to this land?
covenant, and confirm these oaths, what meanest this exceeding great heat
15 But with all that are present and of his wrath ?
that are absent. 25 And they shall answer: Because they
16 For you know how we dwelt in the forsook the covenant of the Lord, which
land of Egypt, and how we have passed he made with their fathers, when he
through the midst of nations, and pass brought them out of the land of Egypt :

ing through them, 26 And they have served strange gods,

17 You have seen their abominations and adored them, whom they knew not,
and filth, that is to say, their idols, wood and for whom they had not been assigned :

and stone, silver and gold, which they 27 Therefore the wrath of the Lord was
worshipped. kindled against this land, to bring upon
/ Snpra 8. 2. g Supra 3. 1. {Gen. 19. 24.
h Supra 3. 16 ; Num. 32 ; Jos. 13. 8, and 22. 4. ) 3 Kings 9. 8 ; Jer. 22. 8.

CHAP. 29. Ver. 4. Hath, not (rirer. you. 4c. nation of peace, and so great an abundance as may
Through your own fault and because TOO resisted satisfy,and as it were, corn-time all thirst and want:
his grace. or it may be referred to the roof of bitterness,
Ver. 19. The drunken. &e., absvmat ctrria sitien- spoken of before, which being drunken with sin
tem. It is a proverbial expression, which may either may attract, and by that means consume, sacb as
be understood, as spoken by the sinner, blessing, thirst after the like evils.
that is, flattering himself in his sins with the imagi-

Mercy to the repentant DEUTERONOMY Life and death set before people
it all the curses that are written in this thy cattle, in the fruitfulness of thy
volume: land, and in the plenty of all things. For
28 And he hath cast them out of their the Lord will return to rejoice over thee
land, in anger and and in very
in wrath, in all good things, as he rejoiced in thy
great indignation, and hath thrown them fathers :

into a strange land, as it is seen this day. 10 Yet so if thou hear the voice of the
29 Secret things to the Lord our God: Lord thy God, and keep his precepts and
things that are manifest, to us and to ceremonies, which are written in this
our children for ever, that we may do all law: and return to the Lord thy God with
the words of this law. all thy heart, and with all thy soul.
11 This commandment, that I command
thee this day is not above thee, nor far
Great mercies are promised to the penitent: God s
commandment off from thee:
is feasible. Life and death are set
before them. 12 Nor is it in heaven, that thou
when all these things shall be shouldst say: Which of us can go up to
come upon
which have I
thee, the blessing or the
set forth before thee,
heaven to bring it unto us, and we may
hear and fulfil it in work?
and thou shalt be touched with repent 13 Nor is it beyond the sea, that thou
ance of thy heart among all the nations, mayst excuse thyself, and say m Which :

into which the Lord thy God shall have of us can cross the sea, and bring it unto
scattered thee, us, that we may hear, and do that which
2 And shalt return to him, and obey his is commanded?
commandments, as thee this
I command 14 But the word is very nigh unto thee,
day, thou and thy children, with all thy in thy mouth and in thy heart, that thou
heart, and with all thy soul: mayst do it.

3 The Lord thy God will bring back 15 Consider that I have set before thee
again thy captivity, and will have mercy this day life and good, and on the other
on thee, and gather thee again out of all hand death and evil:
the nations, into which he scattered thee 16 That thou mayst love the Lord thy
before. God, and walk in his ways, and keep his
4 If thou be driven as far as the poles commandments and ceremonies and
of heaven, the Lord thy God will fetch judgments, and thou mayst live, and he
thee back from thence, may multiply thee, and bless thee in the
5 J And will take thee to himself, and land, which thou shalt go in to possess.
bring thee into the land which thy fa 17 But if thy heart be turned away, so
thers possessed, and thou shalt possess that thou wilt not hear, and being de
it: and blessing thee, he will make thee ceived with error thou adore strange
more numerous than were thy fathers. gods, and serve them:
6 The Lord thy God will circumcise thy 18 I foretell thee this day that thou
heart, and the heart of thy seed: that shalt perish, and shalt remain but a short
thou mayst love the Lord thy God with time in the land, to which thou shalt pass
all thy heart and with all thy soul, that over the Jordan, and shalt go in to pos
thou mayst live. sess it.
7 And he will turn all these curses upon 19 I call heaven and earth to witness
thy enemies, and upon them that hate this day, that I have set before you life
and persecute thee. and death, blessing and cursing. Choose
8 But thou shalt return, and hear the therefore life, that both thou and thy
voice of the Lord thy God, and shalt do seed may live:
all the commandments which I command 20 And that thou mayst love the Lord
thee this day: thy God, and obey his voice, and adhere
9 And the Lord thy God will make thee to him (for he is thy life, and the length
abound in all the works of thy hands, in of thy days,) that thou mayst dwell in
the fruit of thy womb, and in the fruit of the land, for which the Lord swore to thy
k B. C. 1405. I 2 Mac. 1. 29. m Rom. 10. 6.

Ver. 29. Secret things, &c. As much as to say, revealed and manifested to us, and to direct our lives
secret things belong to, and are known to, God accordingly.
alone our business must be to observe what he has

Moses encourages Josue DEUTERONOMY Disobedience of people
fathersAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob that 12 And the people being all assembled
he would give it them. together, both men and women, children
CHAPTER and strangers, that are within thy gates :
that hearing they may learn, and fear
Moses encourageth the people, and Josue, who is
appointed to succeed him. He delivereth the law the Lord your God, and keep, and fulfil
to the priests. God foretelleth that the peop .e will all the words of this law:
often forsake him, and that he will punish them.
He commandeth Moses to write a canticle, as a 13 That their children also, who now
constant remembrancer of the law. are ignorant may hear, and fear the
n Moses went, and spoke all these Lord their God, all the days that they
A^D words to all Israel, live in the land whither you are going
2 And he said to them I am this day a : over the Jordan to possess it.
hundred and twenty years old, I can no 14 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold
longer go out and come in, especially as the days of thy death are nigh: call
the Lord also hath said to me Thou :
Josue, and stand ye in the tabernacle of
shalt not pass over this Jordan. the testimony, that I may give him a
3> The Lord thy God then
will pass over charge. So Moses and Josue went and
before thee he will destroy all these na
: stood in the tabernacle of the testimony:
tions in thy sight, and thou shalt possess 15 And the Lord appeared there in the
them: and this Josue shall go over be pillar of a cloud, which stood in the entry
fore thee, as the Lord hath spoken. of the tabernacle.
4 And the Lord shall do to them P as he 16 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold
did to Sehon and Og the kings of the thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, and
Amorrhites, and to their land, and shall this people rising up will go a fornicat
destroy them. ing after strange gods in the land, to
5 Therefore when the Lord shall have which it goeth in to dwell there will they :

delivered these also to you, Q you shall forsake me, and will make void the cove
do in like manner to them as I have com nant, which I have made with them,
manded you. 17 And my wrath shall be kindled
6 Do manfully and be of good heart: against them in that day: and I will for
fear not, nor be ye dismayed at their sake them, and will hide my face from
sight: for the Lord thy God he himself them, and they shall be devoured: all
is thy leader, and will not leave thee evils and afflictions shall find them, so
nor forsake thee. that they shall say in that day: In truth
7 And Moses called Josue, and said to it is because God is not with me, that
him before all Israel: r Take courage, these evils have found me.
and be valiant: for thou shalt bring 18 But I will hide, and cover my face
this people into the land which the Lord in that day, for all the evils which they
swore he would give to their fathers, and have done, because they have followed
thou shalt divide it by lot. strange gods.
8 And the Lord who is your leader, he 19 Now therefore write you this canti
himself will be with thee: he will not cle, and teach the children of Israel:
leave thee, nor forsake thee: fear not, that they may know it by heart, and
neither be dismayed. sing it by mouth, and this song may be
9 And Moses wrote this law, and deliv unto me for a testimony among the chil
ered it to the priests the sons of Levi, dren of Israel.
who carried the ark of the covenant of 20 For I will bring them into the land,
the Lord, and to all the ancients of Israel. for which I swore to their fathers, that
10 And he commanded them, saying: floweth with milk and honey. And when
After seven years, in the year of remis they have eaten, and are full and fat,
sion, in the feast of tabernacles, they will turn away after strange gods,
11 When all Israel come together, to and will serve them: and will despise
appear in the sight of the Lord thy God me, and make void my covenant.
in the place which the Lord shall choose, 21 And after many evils and afflictions
thou shalt read the words of this law shall have come upon them, this canticle
before all Israel, in their hearing. shall answer them for a testimony, which
n B. C. 1405. o Supra 3. 27 ; Num. 27. 13. q Supra 7. 2.

p Num. 21. 24. r Jos. 1. 6 : 3 Kings 2. 2.

Book of law given to Lewies DEUTERONOMY Canticle of Moses
no oblivion shall take away out of the 3 Because I will invoke the name of the
mouth of their seed. theirFor I know Lord give ye magnificence to our God.

thoughts, and what they are about to do 4 The works of God are perfect, and
this day, before that I bring them into all his ways are judgments: God is
the land which I have promised them. faithful and without any iniquity, he is
22 Moses therefore wrote the canticle, just and right.
and taught it to the children of Israel. 5 They have sinned against him, and
23 And the Lord commanded Josue the are none of his children in their filth:
son of Nun, and said Take courage, and
: they are a wicked and perverse genera
be valiant: for thou shalt bring the chil tion.
dren of Israel into the land which I have 6 Is this the return thou makest to the
promised, and I will be with thee. Lord, O foolish and senseless people? Is
24 Therefore after Moses had wrote the not he thy father, that hath possessed
words of this law in a volume, and fin thee, and made thee, and created thee?
ished it: 7 * Remember the days of old, think
25 He commanded the Levites, who upon every generation: ask thy father,
carried the ark of the covenant of the and he will declare to thee: thy elders
Lord, saying: and they will tell thee.
26 Take this book, and put it in the 8 When the Most High divided the na
side of the ark of the covenant of the tions: when he separated the sons of
Lord your God that it may be there for
: Adam, he appointed the bounds of people
a testimony against thee. according to the number of the children
27 For I know thy obstinacy, and thy of Israel.
most stiff neck. While I am yet living, 9 But the Lord s portion is his people:
and going in with you, you have always Jacob the lot of his inheritance.
been rebellious against the Lord: how 10 He found him in a desert land, in a
much more when I shall be dead? place of horror, and of vast wilderness:
28 Gather unto me all the ancients of he led him about, and taught him: and
your tribes, and your doctors, and I will he kept him as the apple of his eye.
speak these words in their hearing, and 11 As the eagle enticing her young to
will call heaven and earth to witness fly, and hovering over them, he spread
against them. his wings, and hath taken him and car
29 For I know that, after my death, ried him on his shoulders.
you do wickedly, and will quickly
will 12 The Lord alone was his leader: and
turn aside from the way that I have there was no strange god with him.
commanded you: and evils shall come 13 He set him upon high land that he :

upon you in the latter times, when you might eat the fruits of the fields, that
shall do evil in the sight of the Lord, to he might suck honey out of the rock, and
provoke him by the works of your hands. oil out of the hardest stone,
30 Moses therefore spoke, in the hear 14 Butter of the herd, and milk of the
ing of the whole assembly of Israel, the sheep with the fat of lambs, and of .the
words of this canticle, and finished it rams of the breed of Basan: and goats
even to the end. with the marrow of wheat, and might
CHAPTER drink the purest blood of the grape.
15 The beloved grew fat, and kicked:
A remembrance of the law. Moses
canticle for the
he grew fat, and thick and gross, he for
is commanded to go up into a mountain, from
whence he shall see the promised land but not sook God who made him, and departed
enter into it.
from God his saviour.
ye heavens, the things I 16 They provoked him by strange gods,
HEAR,speak, let the earth give ear to the and stirred him up to anger, with their
words of my mouth. abominations.
2 Let my doctrine gather as the rain, 17 They sacrificed to devils and not to
let my speech distil as the dew, as a God: to gods whom they knew not: that
shower upon the herb, and as drops were newly come up, whom their fathers
Upon the grass. worshipped not.

B. C. 1406. t Job 8. 8.

Canticle of Moses DEUTERONOMY Canticle of Moses
18 Thou hast forsaken the God that 33 Their wine is the gall of dragons, and
begot thee, and hast forgotten the Lord the venom of asps, which is incurable.
that created thee. 34 Are not these things stored up with
19 The Lord saw, and was moved to me, and sealed up in my treasures ?
wrath: because his own sons and daugh 36 w Revenge
is mine, and I will repay
ters provoked him. them due time, that their foot may
20 And he said: I will hide my face slide: the day of destruction is at hand,
from them, and will consider what their and the time makes haste to come.
last end shall be: for it is a perverse 36 The Lord will judge his people, and
generation, and unfaithful children. will have mercy on his servants: he shall
21 They have provoked me with that see that their hand is weakened, and that
which was no god, and have angered me they who were shut up have also failed,
with their vanities u and I will provoke
: and they that remained are consumed.
them with that which is no people, and 37 And he shall say: v Where are their
will vex them with a foolish nation. gods, in whom they trusted?
22 A fire is kindled in my wrath, and 38 Of whose victims they ate the fat,
shall burn even to the lowest hell: and and drank the wine of their drink offer
shall devour the earth with her increase, ings: let them arise and help you, and
and shall burn the foundations of the protect you in your distress.
mountains. 39 See ye that I alone am, and there is
23 I will heap evils upon them, and will no other God besides me: * I will kill and
spend my arrows among them. I will make to live: I will strike, and I
24 They shall be consumed with famine, will heal, a and there is none that can
and birds shall devour them with a most deliver out of my hand.
bitter bite: I will send the teeth of beasts 40 I will lift up my hand to heaven, and
upon them, with the fury of creatures that I will say: I live for ever.
trail upon the ground, and of serpents. 41 If I shall whet my sword as the light
25 Without, the sword shall lay them ning, and my hand take hold on judg
waste, and terror within, both the young ment: I will render vengeance to my ene
man and the virgin, the sucking child mies, and repay them that hate me.
with the man in years. 42 I will make my arrows drunk with
26 I said: Where are they? I will make blood, and my
sword shall devour flesh,
the memory of them to cease from among of the blood of the slain and of the cap
men. tivity, of the bare head of the enemies.
27 But for the wrath of the enemies 43 Praise his people, ye nations, for

I have deferred it: lest perhaps their he will revenge the blood of his servants:
enemies might be proud, and should say: and will render vengeance to their ene
Our mighty hand, and not the Lord, hath mies, and he will be merciful to the land
done all these things. of his people.
28 They are a nation without counsel, 44 So Moses came and spoke all the
and without wisdom. words of this canticle in the ears of the
29 v o that they would be wise and people, and Josue the son of Nun.
would understand, and would provide for 45 And he ended all these words, speak
their last end. ing to all Israel.
30 How should one pursue after a thou 46 And he said to them Set your hearts :

sand, and two chase ten thousand ? Was on all the words, which I testify to you
it not, because their God had sold them, this day: which you shall command your
and the Lord had shut them up ? children to observe and to do, and to ful
31 For our God is not as their gods: fil all that is written in this law:

our enemies themselves are judges. 47 For they are not commanded you in
32 Their vines are of the vineyard of vain, but that every one should live in
Sodom, and of the suburbs of Gomorrha : them, and that doing them you may con
their grapes are grapes of gall, and their tinue a long time in the land whither you
clusters most bitter. are going over the Jordan to possess it.

z 1 KinRs 2. 6 Tob. 13. 2 Wisd. 16. 13.

u Jer. 15. 14 ; Rom. 10. 19. v Jer. 9. 12.
a Job
: :

Wisd. 16. 15.

w Eccli. 28. 1 ;Rom. 12. 19 ;
Heb 10. 30. 10.
b 2
7 ;

Mac. 7. 6.
x 2 Mac. 7. 6. y Jer. 2. 28.

View of the Promised Land DEUTERONOMY Moses blesses tribes of Israel

48 And the Lord spoke to Moses the whom thou hast proved in the tempta
same day, saying: tion, and judged at the waters of contra
49 Go up into this mountain Abarim, diction:
(that is to say, of passages,) unto mount 9 / Who hath said to his father, and to
is in the land of Moab over his mother: I do not know you; and to
Nebo, which
Jericho: and see the land of his brethren: I know you not: and their
Chanaan, which I will deliver to the own children they have not known. These
children of Israel to possess, and die have kept thy word, and observed thy
thou in the mountain. covenant,
50 When thou art gone up into it thou 10 Thy judgments, Jacob, and thy
shalt be gathered to thy people, c as law, Israel: they shall put incense in
Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, thy wrath and holocaust upon thy altar.
and was gathered to his people: 11 Bless, O Lord, his strength, and re
51 d Because you trespassed against me ceive the works of his hands. Strike the
in the midst of the children of Israel, at backs of his enemies, and let not them
the waters of contradiction in Cades of that hate him rise.
the desert of Sin: and you did not sanc 12 And to Benjamin he said: The best
tify me among the children of Israel. beloved of the Lord shall dwell confi
52 Thou shalt see the land before thee, dently in him: as in a bride chamber
which I will give to the children of Is shall he abide all the day long, and be
rael, but thou shalt not enter into it. tween his shoulders shall be rest.
13 To Joseph also he said: Of the bless
CHAPTER 33 ing of the Lord be his land, of the fruits
Moses before his death blesseth the tribes of Israel of heaven, and of the dew, and of the
the blessing, wherewith the
is deep that lieth beneath:
man of God Moses blessed the chil 14 Of the fruits brought forth by the
dren of Israel before his death. sun and by the moon:
2 And he said: The Lord came from 15 Of the tops of the ancient mountains,
Sinai, and from Seir he rose up to us: of the fruits of the everlasting hills:
he hath appeared from mount Pharan, 16 And of the fruits of the earth, and of
and with him thousands of saints. In the fulness thereof. The blessing of him Q
his right hand a fiery law. that appeared in the bush, come upon the
3 He hath loved the people, e all the head of Joseph, and upon the crown of
saints are in his hand: and they that the Nazarite among his brethren.
approach to his feet, shall receive of his 17 His beauty as of the firstling of a
doctrine. bullock, his horns as the horns of a rhi
4 Moses commanded us a law, the in noceros: with them shall he push the
heritance of the multitude of Jacob. nations even to the ends of the earth.
5 He shall be king with the most right, These are the multitudes of Ephraim,
the princes of the people being assem and these the thousands of Manasses.
bled with the tribes of Israel. 18 And to Zabulon he said: Rejoice, O
6 Let Ruben live, and not die, and be he Zabulon, in thy going out; and Issachar
small in number. in thy tabernacles.
7 This is the blessing of Juda. Hear, 19 They shall call the people to the
Lord, the voice of Juda, and bi ing him mountain: there shall they sacrifice the
in unto his people: his hands shall victims of justice. Who shall suck as
for him, and he shall be his helper milk the abundance of the sea, and the

against his enemies. hidden treasures of the sands.

8 To Levi also he said: Thy 20 And to Gad he said: Blessed be Gad
and thy doctrine be to thy holy man, in his breadth: he hath rested as a lion,
c Num. 20. 26, and 27. 13. e Wisd. 3. 1, and 5. 5.
d Num. 20. 12, and 27. 13. / Ex. 32. 27 ; Lev. 10. 5. g Ex. 3. 2.
CHAP. 33. Ver. 8. Holy man. Aaron and his akin, when these would withdraw them from the
successors in the priesthood. business of their calling.
Ver. 9. Who hath said, &c. It is the duty of the Ver. 12. Shall dwell, &c. This sems to allude to
priestly tribe to prefer God s honour and service the temple being built in the confines of the tribe of
before all considerations of flesh and blood in such : Benjamin.
manner as to behave as strangers to their nearest Ver. 16. The Nazarite. See the note on Gen. 49.

M oses blesses tribes of Israel DEUTERONOM Y Moses dies on Mount Nebo
and hath seized upon the arm. and the Moses
went up from the
top of the head. plains of Moab upon mount Nebo,
21 And he saw his pre-eminence, that to the top of Phasga over against Jeri
in his portion the teacher was laid up: cho: and the Lord shewed him all the
who was with the princes of the people, land of Galaad as far as Dan.
and did the justices of the Lord, and his 2 And all Nephtali, and the land of
judgment with Israel.
Ephraim and Manasses, and all the land
22 To Dan also he said a young: Dan is of Juda unto the furthermost sea,
lion, he shall flow plentifully from Basan. 3 And the south part, and the breadth
23 And to Nephtali he said: Nephtali of the plain of Jericho the city of palm
shall enjoy abundance, and shall be full
trees as far as Segor.
of the blessings of the Lord: he shall
4 And the Lord said to him : / This is
possess the sea and the south. the land, for which I swore to Abraham,
24 To Aser also he said: Let Aser be and Jacob, saying: I will give it to
blessed with children, let him he accept Thou hast seen it with thy
thy seed.
able to his brethren, and let him dip his
eyes, and shalt not pass over to it.
foot in oil. 5 And Moses the servant of the Lord
25 His shoe shall be iron and brass. As died there, in the land of Moab, by the
the days of thy youth, so also shall thy commandment of the Lord:
old age be. 6 And he buried him in the valley of
26 There is no other God like the God the land of Moab over against Phogor:
of the rightest: he that is mounted upon and no man hath known of his sepulchre
the heaven is thy helper. By his magnifi until this present day.
cence the clouds run hither and thither. 7 Moses was a hundred and twenty
,27 His dwelling is above, and under
years old when he died: his eye was not
neath are the everlasting arms: he shall
dim, neither were his teeth moved.
cast out the enemy from before thee, and 8 And the children of Israel mourned
shall say: Be thou brought to nought. for him in the plains of Moab thirty days:
28 Israel shall dwell in safety, and and the days of their mourning in which
alone. The eye of Jacob in a land of corn
they mourned for Moses were ended.
and wine, and the heavens shall be misty 9 And Josue the son of Nun was filled
with dew. with the spirit of wisdom, because Moses
29 Blessed art thou, Israel: who is like had laid his hands upon him. And the
to thee, people, that art saved by the children of Israel obeyed him, and did as
Lord? the shield of thy help, and the the Lord commanded Moses.
sword of thy glory: thy enemies shall 10 And there arose no more a prophet
deny thee, and thou shalt tread upon in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord
their necks. knew face to face,
CHAPTER 34 11 In all the signs and wonders, which
he sent by him, to do in the land of
Moses seeth the promised land, but is not suffered to
go into it. He dieth at the age of 120 years. God Egypt to Pharao, and to all his servants,
burieth his body secretly, and all Israel mourn for and to his whole land,
him thirty days. Josue, replenished (by imposi
tion of Moses s hands) with the spirit of God, 12 And all the mighty hand, and great
succeedeth. But Moses, for his special familiarity miracles, which Moses did before all Is
with God, and for most wonderful miracles, is
commended above all other prophets. rael.

h A. M. 2553. i Supra 3. 27, and 32.49 ; 2 Mac. 2. 4. j Gen. 12. 7, and 15. 18.

Ver. 21. He saw, &c. The pre-eminence of the CHAP. 34. Died there. This last chapter
Ver. 5.
tribe of Gad, to which was their hav
this alludeth, of Deuteronomy, in which the death of Moses is
ing the lawgiver Moses buried in their borders ; related, was written by Josue, or by some of the
though the particular place was not known. prophets.
Ver. 23. The sea. The lake of Genesareth. Ver. 6. He buried him, viz., by the ministry of
Ver. 27. Underneath are the everlasting arms. angels, and would have the place of his burial to be
Though the dwelling of God be above in heaven, his unknown, lest the Israelites, who were so prone to
arms are always stretched out to help us here below. idolatry, might worship him with divine honours.

The Lord charges Josnc JOSUE Josne admonishes the people


This Book is called JOSUE, because it contains the history of what passed under him,
and according to the common opinion was written by him. The Greeks call him
Jesus: for Josue and Jesus in the Hebrew, are the same name, and have the same
signification, viz., A SAVIOUR. And it was not without a mystery that he who
to bring the people into the land of promise should have his name changed from
OSEE (for so he was called before, Num. 13. 17,) to JOSUE or JESUS, to give us to
understand, that Moses by his law could only bring the people within sight of the
promised inheritance, but that our Saviour JESUS was to bring us into it.

CHAPTER 1 observe and do all things that are writ

Josue, encouraged by the Lord, admonisheth the ten in it: then shalt thou direct thy
people to prepare themselves to pass over the Jor way, and understand it.
9 Behold I command thee, take cour
it came
to pass after, the death age, and be strong. Fear not and be not
NOW Moses
of servant
the Lord spoke
that Josue
of the Lord,
the son of
dismayed: because the Lord thy God is
with thee in all things whatsoever thou
Nun, the minister of Moses, and said to shalt go to.
him; 10 And Josue commanded the princes
2 Moses my servant is dead arise, and :
of the people, saying: Pass through the
pass over this Jordan, thou and thy peo midst of the camp, and command the peo
ple with thee, into the land which I will ple, and say:
give to the children of Israel. 11 Prepare you victuals: for after the
3 1 1 will deliver to you every place third day you shall pass over the Jordan
that the sole of your foot shall tread and shall go in to possess the land,
upon, as I have said to Moses. which the Lord your God will give you.
4 From the desert and from Libanus 12 And he said to the Rubenites, and
unto the great river Euphrates, all the the Gadites, and the half tribe of Ma-
land of the Hethites unto the great sea nasses :

toward the going down of the sun, shall 13 Remember the word, which Moses the
be your border. servant of the Lord commanded you,
5 No man shall be able to resist you all saying: The Lord your God hath given
the days of thy life m as I have been
: you rest, and all this land.
with Moses, so will I be with thee: I will 14 Your wives, and and cat
not leave thee, nor forsake thee. tle remain in the land which
6 n Take courage, and be strong for : Moses gave you on this side of the Jor
thou shalt divide by lot to this people dan: but pass you over armed before
the land, for which I swore to their fa your brethren, all of you that are strong
thers, that I would deliver it to them. of hand, and fight for them,
7 Take courage therefore, and be very 15 Until the Lord give rest to your
valiant: that thou mayst observe and do brethren as he hath given you, and they
all the law, which Moses my servant hath also possess the land which the Lord
commanded thee: turn not from it to your God will give them and so you shall

the right hand or to the left, that thou return into the land of your possession,
mayst understand all things which thou and you shall dwell in it, which Moses
dost. the servant of the Lord gave you beyond
8 Let not the book of this law depart the Jordan, toward the rising of the sun.
from thy mouth: but thou shalt medi 16 And they made answer to Josue, and
tate on it day and night, that thou mayst said : All that thou hast commanded us we
k B. c. 1405. n Deut. 31. 7 .ind 23 3 Kings 2. 2.
I Deut. 11. 24. m Infra 3. 7 ; Heb. 13. 5. o Num. 32.


Rahab harbors the spies JOSUE Their covenant with her
will do; and whithersoever thou shalt i
and what things you did to the two kings
send us, we will go. of the Amorrhites, that were beyond the
17 As we obeyed Moses in all things, so Jordan: Sehon and Og whom you slew.
will we obey thee also: only be the Lord 11 And hearing these things we were
thy God with thee, as he was with Moses. affrighted, and our heart fainted away,
18 He that shall gainsay thy mouth, and neither did there remain any spirit in us
not obey all thy words, that thou shalt at your coming in for the Lord your God

command him, let him die: only take he is God in heaven above, and in the
thou courage, and do manfully. earth beneath.
12 "Now therefore swear ye to me by
CHAPTER 2 the Lord, that as I have shewn mercy to
Two spies are sent to Jericho, who are received and you, so you also will shew mercy to my
concealed by Rahab.
father s house: and give me a true token,
P Josue the son of Nun sent from 13 That you will save my father and
ASJDSetim two men, to spy secretly: mother, my brethren and sisters, and all
and said to them: Go, and view the land things that are theirs, and deliver our
and the city of Jericho. Q They went and souls from death.
entered into the house of a woman that 14 They answered her: Be our
lives for
was a harlot named Rahab, and lodged you until death, only if thou betray us
with her. not. And when the Lord shall have de
2 And it was told the king of Jericho, livered us the land, we will shew thee
and was said: Behold there are men come mercy and truth.
in hither, by night, of the children of 15 Then she let them down with a cord
Israel, to spy the land. out of a window: for her house joined
3 And the king of Jericho sent to Ra close to the wall.
hab, saying: Bring forth the men that 16 And she said to them: Get ye up to
came to thee, and are entered into thy the mountains, lest perhaps they meet
house: for they are spies, and are come you as they return: and there lie ye hid
to view all the land. three days, till they come back, and so
4 r And the woman taking the men, hid you shall go on your way.
them and said: I confess they came to 17 And they said to her: We shall be
me, but I knew not whence they were: blameless of this oath, which thou hast
5 And at the time of shutting the gate made us swear:
in the dark, they also went out together. 18 If when we come into the land, this
I know not whither they are gone: pur scarlet cord be a sign, and thou tie it in
sue after them quickly, and you will the window, by which thou hast let us
overtake them. down: and gather together thy father
6 But she made the men go up to the and mother, and brethren and all thy
top of her house, and covered them with kindred into thy house.
the stalks of flax, which was there. 19 Whosoever shall go out of the door
7 Now they that were sent, pursued of thy house, his blood shall be upon his
after them, by the way that leadeth to own head, and we shall be quit. But the
the fords of the Jordan: and as soon as blood of all that shall be with thee in
they were gone out, the gate was pres the house, shall light upon our head, if
ently shut. any man touch them.
8 The men that were hidden -were not 20 But if thou wilt betray us, and utter
yet asleep, when behold the woman went this word abroad, we shall be quit of this
up to them, and said: oath which thou hast made us swear.
9 I know that the Lord hath given this 21 And she answered: As you have
land to you: for the dread of you is fall spoken, so be it done. And sending them
en upon us, and all the inhabitants of on their way, she hung the scarlet cord
the land have lost all strength. in the window.
10 We have heard that the Lord dried 22 But they went and came to the
up the water of the Red Sea at your mountains, and stayed there three days
till they that pursued them were returned.
going in, when you came out of Egypt:
p B. C. 1405. q Heb. 11. 31 ; James 2. 25. t Num. 21. 24.
r Infra 6. 17. s Ex. 14. 21. u Infra 6. 22.

Josue prepares to cross the Jordan JOSUE The people pass over dry shod
For having sought them through all the the midst of you, and that he shall de
way, they found them not. stroy before your sight the Chanaanite
23 And when they were gone back into and the Hethite, the Hevite and the
the city, the spies returned, and came Pherezite, the Gergesite also and the
down from the mountain: and passing Jebusite, and the Amorrhite.
over the Jordan, they came to Josue the 11 & Behold the ark of the covenant of
son of Nun, and told him all that befell the Lord of all the earth shall go before
them. you into the Jordan.
24 And said: The Lord hath delivered 12 Prepare ye twelve men of the tribes
all this land into our hands, and all the of Israel, one of every tribe.
inhabitants thereof are overthrown with 13 And when the priests, that carry the
fear. ark of the Lord the God of the whole
CHAPTER 3 earth, shall set the soles of their feet in
the waters of the Jordan, the waters that
The river Jordan miraculously dried up far the
passage of the children of Israel. are beneath shall run down and go off:
v and those that come from above, shall
Josue rose before daylight, and
AMDremoved the camp: and they de
stand together upon a heap.
14 So the people went out of their tents,
parted from Setim, and came to the Jor
to pass over the Jordan: and the priests
dan, he, and all the children of Israel,
and they abode there for three days. that carried the ark of the covenant,
2 After which, the heralds went through went on before them.
15 And as soon as they came into the
the midst of the camp,
3 And began to proclaim: When you Jordan, and their feet were dipped in
shall see the ark of the covenant of the part of the water, (now the Jordan, v it
Lord your God, and the priests of the being harvest time, had filled the banks
of its channel,)
race of Levi carrying it, rise you up also,
16 The waters that came down from
and follow them as they go before:
above stood in one place, and swelling
4 And let there be between you and
the ark the space of two thousand cubits :
up like a mountain, were seen afar off
that you may see it afar off, and know
from the city that is called Adorn, to the
which way you must go: for you have place of Sarthan: but those that were
not gone this way before: and take care beneath, ran down into the sea of the
wilderness (which now is called the Dead
you come not near the ark.
5 And Josue said to the people: Be ye Sea) until they wholly failed.
17 And the people marched over against
sanctified: for to morrow the Lord will
Jericho: and the priests that carried the
do wonders among you.
6 And he said to the priests: Take up
ark of the covenant of the Lord, stood
the ark of the covenant, and go before girded upon the dry ground in the midst
of the Jordan, and all the people passed
the people. And they obeyed his com
over through the channel that was dried
mands, and took it up and walked be
fore them. up.
7 And the Lord said to Josue: This day CHAPTER 4
will I begin to exalt thee before Israel:
Twelve stones are taken out of the. river to be set up
that they may know that as I was with for a monument of the miracle; and other twelve
w Moses, so I am with thee also. are placed in the midst of the river.
8 And do thou command the priests A NDwhen they were passed over, the
that carry the ark of the covenant, and jT\_ Lord said to Josue:
say to them: When you shall have en 2 Choose twelve men, one of every
tered into part of the water of the Jor tribe :

dan, stand in it. 3 And command them to take out of

9 And Josue said to the children of the midst of the Jordan, where the feet
Israel: Come hither and hear the word of the priests stood, twelve very hard
of the Lord your God.
stones, which you shall set in the place
10 And again he said: By this you shall of the camp, where you shall pitch your
know that the Lord the living God is in tents this night.
v B. C. 1405. w Supra 1. 5. Acts 7. 45. y Eccli. 24. 36.

The twelve stones JOSUE Israel camps near Jericho
4 And Josue called twelve men, whom 16 Command the priests, that carry the
he had chosen out of the children of Is ark of the covenant, to come up out of
rael, one out of every tribe, the Jordan.
5 And he said to them: Go before the 17 And he commanded them, saying:
ark of the Lord your God to the midst Come ye up out of the Jordan.
of the Jordan, and carry from thence 18 And when they that carried the ark
every man a stone on your shoulders, of the covenant of the Lord, were come
according to the number of the children up, and began to tread on the dry ground,
of Israel, the waters returned into the channel, and
6 That itmay be a sign among you: ran as they were wont before.
and when your children shall ask you 19 And the people came up out of the
to morrow, saying: What mean these Jordan, the tenth day of the first month,
stones ? and camped in Galgal, over against the
7 You shall answer them: The waters east side of the city of Jericho.
of the Jordan ran off before the ark of 20 And the twelve stones which they
the covenant of the Lord, when it passed had taken out of the channel of the Jor
over the same: therefore were these dan, Josue pitched in Galgal,
stones set for a monument of the chil 21 And said to the children of Israel:
dren of Israel for ever. When your children shall ask their
8 The children of Israel therefore did fathers, to morrow, and shall say to
as Josue commanded them, carrying out them What mean these stones ?

of the channel of the Jordan twelve 22 You shall teach them and say: Israel
stones, as the Lord had commanded him, passed over this Jordan through the dry
according to the number of the children
of Israel, unto the place wherein they 23 The Lord your God drying up the
waters thereof in your sight, until you
camped, and there they set them.
9 And Josue put other twelve stones in passed over:
24 a As he had done before in the Red
the midst of the channel of the Jordan,
where the priests stood that carried the Sea, which he dried up till we passed
ark of the covenant: and they are there through :

25 That all the people of the earth may

until this present day.
learn the most mighty hand of the Lord,
10 Now the priests that carried the ark,
that you also may fear the Lord your
stood in the midst of the Jordan till all
God for ever.
things were accomplished which the Lord
had commanded Josue to speak to the CHAPTER5
people, and Moses had said to him. And The people are circumcised: they keep the pouch.
the people made haste and passed over. The manna ceaseth. An angel appeareth to Josue.
11 And when they had all passed over, when all the kings of the Amor-
the ark also of the Lord passed over, and
the priests went before the people.
NOW rhites, who dwelt beyond the Jordan
westward, and all the kings of Chanaan,
12 The children of Ruben also and Gad, who possessed the places near the great
and half the tribe of Manasses, went sea, had heard that the Lord had dried
armed before the children of Israel -as up the waters of the Jordan before the
Moses had commanded them. children of Israel, till they passed over,
13 And forty thousand fighting men by their heart failed them, and there re
their troops, and bands, marched through mained no spirit in them, fearing the
the plains and fields of the city of Jericho. coming in of the children of Israel.
14 In that day the Lord magnified Josue 2 At that time the Lord said to Josue:
in the sight of all Israel, that they should Make thee knives of stone, and circum
fear him, as they had feared Moses, while cise the second time the children of Is
he lived. rael. f . !

15 And he said to him: 3 He did what the Lord had commanded,

z Num. 32. 28. a Ex. 14. 21.

CHAP. 5. Ver. 2. The second time. Not that which had been omitted during their forty years
such as had been circumcised before were to be cir sojourning in the wilderness by reason of their

cumcised again but that they were now to renew,

being always uncertain when they should be obliged
and take up again the practice of circumcision : to march.

The people are circumcised JOSUE Israel marches around Jericho

and he circumcised the children of Israel thy feet: for the place whereon thou
in the hill of the foreskins. standest is holy. And Josue did as was
4 Now this is the cause of the second commanded him.
circumcision: All the people that came CHAPTER 6
out of Egypt that were males, all the men After seven days processions, the priests sounding
fit for war, died in the desert, during the the trumpets, the walls of Jericho fall down: and
the city is taken and destroyed.
time of the long going about in the way.
5 Now these were all circumcised. But d Jericho was
close shut up and
the people that were born in the desert, NOW fenced, for
and no man durst
of the children of Is
6 During the forty years of the journey rael, go out or come in.
in the wide wilderness, were uncircum- 2 And the Lord said to Josue: Behold I
cised: till all they were consumed that have given into thy hands Jericho, and
had not heard the voice of the Lord, and the king thereof, and all the valiant men.
to whom he had sworn before, that he 3 Go round about the city, all ye fight
would not shew them the land flowing ing men, once a day: so shall ye do for
with milk and honey. six days.
7 The children of these succeeded in the 4 And on the seventh day the priests
place of their fathers, and were circum shall take the seven trumpets, which are
cised by Josue: for they were uncircum- used in the jubilee, and shall go before
cised even as they were born, and no one the ark of the covenant: and you shall
had circumcised them in the way. go about the city seven times, and the
8 Now after they were all circumcised, priests shall sound the trumpets.
they remained in the same place of the 5 And when the voice of the trumpet
camp, until they were healed. shall give a longer and broken tune, and
9 And the Lord said to Josue: This day shall sound in your ears, all the peo
have I taken away from you the reproach ple shall shout together with a very great
of Egypt. And the name of that place shout, and the walls of the city shall fall
was called Galgal, until this present day. to the ground, and they shall enter in
10 And the children of Israel abode in every one at the place against which
Galgal, and they kept the phase on the they shall stand.
fourteenth day of the month, at evening, 6 Then Josue the son of Nun called the
in the plains of Jericho: priests, and said to them: Take the ark
11 And they ate on the next day un of the covenant: and let seven other
leavened bread of the corn of the land, priests take the seven trumpets of the
and frumenty of the same year. jubilee, and march before the ark of the
12 & And the manna ceased after they Lord.
ate of the corn of the land, neither did 7 And he said to the people: Go, and
the children of Israel use that food any compass the city, armed, marching be
more, but they ate of the corn of the fore the ark of the Lord.
present year of the land of Chanaan. 8 And when Josue had ended his words,
13 And when Josue was in the field of and the seven priests blew the seven
the city of Jericho, he lifted up his eyes, trumpets before the ark of the covenant
and saw a man standing over against of the Lord,
him, holding a drawn sword, and he went 9 And all the armed men went before,
to him, and said: Art thou one of ours, the rest of the common people followed
or of our adversaries? the ark, and the sound of the trumpets
14 And he answered: No: but I am was heard on all sides.
prince of the host of the Lord, and now 10 But Josue had commanded the peo
I am come. ple, saying: You shall not shout, nor
15 Josue fell on his face to the ground. shall your voice be heard, nor any word
And worshipping, said: What saith my go out of your mouth: until the day come
lord to his servant? wherein I shall say to you: Cry, and
16 c Loose, saith he, thy shoes from off shout.
6 B. C. 1405. c Ex. 3. 5 ; Acts 7. 33. dB. C. 1405.

Ver. 14. Prince of the host of the Lord, &c. St Ver. 15. Worshipping. Not with divine honour,
Michael, who is called prince of the people of Israel, but with a religious veneration of an inferior kind,
Dan. 10. 21. suitable to the dignity of his person.

Jericho is captured JO SUE Rahab is saved
11 So the ark of the Lord went about 23 *And the young men went in and
the city once a day, and returning into brought out Rahab, and her parents, her
the camp, abode there. brethren also and all her goods and her
12 And Josue rising before day, the kindred, and made them to stay without
priests took the ark of the Lord, the camp.
13 And seven of them seven trumpets, 24 /But they burned the city, and all
which are used in the jubilee: and they things that were therein; except the gold
went before the ark of the Lord walking and silver, and vessels of brass and iron,
and sounding the trumpets: and the which they consecrated into the treasury
armed men went before them, and the of the Lord.
rest of the common
people followed the 25 But Josue saved Rahab the harlot
ark, and they blew the trumpets. and her father s house, and all she had,
14 And they went round about the city and they dwelt in the midst of Israel
the second day once, and returned into until this present day: because she hid
the camp. So they did six days. the messengers whom he had sent to spy
15 But the seventh day, rising up early, out Jericho. At that time, Josue made
they went about the city, as it was or an imprecation, saying:
dered, seven times. 26 * Cursed be the man before the Lord,
16 And when in the seventh going about that shall raise up and build the city of
the priests sounded wr ith the trumpets, Jericho. In his firstborn may he lay the
Josue said to all Israel: Shout: for the foundation thereof, and in the last of his
Lord hath delivered the city to you: children set up its gates.
17 And let this city be an anathema, 27 And the Lord was with Josue, and
and all things that are in it, to the Lord. his name was noised throughout all the
Let only Rahab the harlot live, with all land.
that are with her in the house e for she :
hid the messengers whom we sent. For the sin of Achan, the Israelites are defeated at
18 But beware ye lest you touch ought Hai. The offender is found out; and atoned to
of those things that are forbidden, and death, and God s wrath is turned from them.

you be guilty of transgression, and all l

the children of Israel "
the camp of Israel be under sin, and be BUT
gressed the commandment, and took
troubled. own use
to their of the anathema. For
19 But whatsoever gold or silver there Achan the son of Charmi, the son of
shall be, or vessels of brass and iron, let Zabdi, the son of Zare of the tribe of
it be consecrated to the Lord, laid up in Juda, took something of the anathema:
his treasures. and the Lord was angry against the
20 / So all the people making a shout, children of Israel.
and the trumpets sounding, when the 2 And when Josue sent men from Jeri
voice and the sound thundered in the ears cho against Hai, which is beside Beth-
of the multitude, the walls forthwith fell aven, on the east side of the town of
down: and every man went up by the Bethel, he said to them: Go up, and view
place that was over against him a and : the country: and they fulfilled his com
they took the city, mand, and viewed Hai.
21 And killed all that were in it, man 3 And returning they said to him: Let
and woman, young and old. The oxen not all the people go up, but let two or
also and the sheep, and the asses, they three thousand men go and destroy the
slew with the edge of the sword. city: why should all the people be
22 ?l But Josue said to the two men that troubled in vain against enemies that
had been sent for spies: Go into the are very few?
harlot s house, and bring her out, and all 4 There went up therefore three thou
things that are hers, as you assured her sand fighting men: who immediately
by oath. turned their backs,
e Supra 2. 4 Heb. 11.
; 31. / Heb. 11. 30. 3 Infra 8. 2. k 3 Kings 16. 34. i B. C. 1405.
g 2 Mac. 12. 15. h Supra 2. 1 and 14. i Heb. 11. 31. m Infra 22. 20. n 1 Par. 2. 7.

CHAP. 6. Ver. 26. Curbed, &c. Jericho, in the thrown down, when sinners are converted and a ;

mystical sense, signifies iniquity: the sounding of dreadful curse will light on them who build them
the trumpets by the of the up again,
priests, the preaching
word of God, by which the walls of Jericho are

The sin of Achan JOSUE Achan is stoned to death

5 And were defeated by the men of the burnt with fire with all his substance,
city of Hai, and there fell of them six because he hath transgressed the cove
and thirty men: and the enemies pursued nant of the Lord, and hath done wicked
them from the gate as far as Sabarim, ness in Israel.
and they slew them as they fled by the 16 Josue, therefore, when he rose in the
descent: and the heart of the people morning, made Israel to come by their
was struck with fear, and melted like tribes, and the tribe of Juda was found,
water. 17 Which being brought by its families,
6 But Josue rent his garments, and fell it was found to be the family of Zare.
flat on the ground before the ark of the Bringing that also by the houses, he found
Lord until the evening, both he and all it to be Zabdi.
the ancients of Israel: and they put dust 18 And
bringing his house man by man,
upon their heads. he found Achan the son of Charmi, the
7 And Josue said: Alas, Lord God, son of Zabdi, the son of Zare of the tribe
why wouldst thou bring this people over of Juda.
the river Jordan, to deliver us into the 19 And Josue said to Achan: My son,
hand of the Amorrhite, and to destroy give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and
us? would God, we had stayed beyond confess, and tell me what thou hast done,
the Jordan as we began. hide it not.
8 My Lord God, what shall I say, seeing 20 And Achan answered Josue, and said
Israel turning their backs to their ene to him: Indeed I have sinned against the
mies? Lord the God of Israel, and thus and
9 The Chanaanites, and the inhabi all thus have I done.
tants of the land will hear of it, and be 21 For I saw among the spoils a scarlet
ing gathered together will surround us garment exceeding good, and two hun
and cut off our name from the earth: and dred sides of silver, and a golden rule of
what wilt thou do to thy great name? fifty sides: and I coveted them, and I
10 And the Lord said to Josue: Arise, took them away, and hid them in the
why liest thou flat on the ground? ground in the midst of my tent, and the
11 Israel hath sinned, and transgressed silver I covered with the earth that I
my covenant: and they have taken of the dug up.
anathema, and have stolen and lied, and 22 Josue therefore sent ministers: who
have hidden it among their goods. running to his tent, found all hidden in
12 Neither can Israel stand before his the same place, together with the silver.
enemies, but he shall flee from them: 23 And taking them away out of the
because he is defiled with the anathema. tent, they brought them to Josue, and to
I will be no more with you, till you de all the children of Israel, and threw them
stroy him that is guilty of this wicked down before the Lord.
ness. 24 Then Josue and all Israel with him
13 Arise, sanctify the people, and say took Achan the son of Zare, and the
to them: Be ye
sanctified against to silver and the garments, and the golden
morrow: for thus saith the Lord God of rule, his sons also and his daughters, his
Israel: The anathema is in the midst of oxen and asses and sheep, the tent also,
thee, Israel: thou canst not stand be and all the goods: and brought them to
fore thy enemies, till he be destroyed the valley of Achor:
out of thee that is defiled with this wick 25 Where Josue said: Because thou hast
edness. troubled us, the Lord trouble thee this
14 And you shall come in the morning day. And all Israel stoned him: and all
every one by your tribes: and what tribe things that were his, were consumed with
soever the lot shall find, it shall come by fire.
its kindreds and the kindred by its 26 And they gathered together upon

houses, and the house by the men. him a great heap of stones, which re-
15 And whosoever he be that shall be maineth until this present day. And the
found guilty of this fact, he shall be wrath of the Lord was turned away from
o Lev. 20. 7 ; Num. 11. 18 ; Supra 3. 5 ; 1 Kings 16. 5. p 2 Kings 18. 17.

CHAP. 7. Ver. 24. His sons, &c. Probably conscious to, or accomplices of, the crime of their father.
Ver. 26. Achor. That is, trouble.
Josue inarches against Hai TOSUE The ambush
them. And
the name of that place was 11 And when they were come, and were
called the Valley of Achor, until this gone up over against the city, they stood
day. on the north side of the city, between
CHAPTER 8 which and them there was a valley in
Hal is taken and burnt, and att the inhabitants the midst.
slain. An built, and sacrifices offered.
altar is
The law is written on stones, and the blessings 12 And he had chosen five thousand
and cursings are read before all the people. men, and set them to lie in ambush be
D the Lord said to Josue Fear : <i tween Bethel and Hai, on the west side
AS not, nor be thou dismayed: taka of the same city:
with thee all the multitude of fighting 13 But all the rest of the army went in
men, arise and go up to the town of battle array on the north side, so that
Hai. Behold I have delivered into thy the last of that multitude reached to the
hand the king thereof, and the people, west side of the city. So Josue went
and the and the land.
city, that night, and stood in the midst of
2 And thou
shalt do to the city of Hai, the valley.
and to the king thereof, r as thou hast 14 And when the king of Hai saw this,
done to Jericho, and to the king thereof : he made haste in the morning, and went
but the spoils and all the cattle you shall out with all the army of the city, and set
take for a prey to yourselves: lay an it in battle array toward the
desert, not
ambush for the city behind it. knowing that there lay an ambush be
3 And Josue arose, and all the army of hind his back.
the fighting men with him, to go up 15 But Josue, and all Israel gave back,
against Hai and he sent thirty thousand
: making as if they were afraid, and flee
chosen valiant men in the night, ing by the way of the wilderness.
4 And commanded them, saying: Lay 16 But they shouting together, and en
an ambush behind the city: and go not couraging one another, pursued them.
very far from it: and be ye all ready. And when they were come from the city,
5 But I and the rest of the multitude 17 And not one remained in the city of
which is with me, will approach on the Hai and of Bethel, that did not pursue
contrary side against the city. And when after Israel, leaving the towns open as
they shall come out against us, s we will they had rushed out,
flee, and turn our backs, as we did be 18 The Lord said to Josue: Lift up the
fore: shield that is in thy hand, towards the
6 Till they pursuing us be drawn far city of Hai, for I will deliver it to thee.
ther from the city: for they will think 19 And when he had lifted up his shield
that we flee as before. towards the city, the ambush that lay
7 And whilst we are fleeing, and they hid, rose up immediately: and going to
pursuing, you shall arise out of the am the city, took it and set it on fire.
bush, and shall destroy the city: and the 20 And the men of the city, that pur
Lord your God will deliver it into our sued after Josue, looking back and see
hands. ing the smoke of the city rise up to
8 And when you shall have taken it, set heaven, had no more power to flee this
it on and you shall do all things so
fire, way or that way: especially as they that
as I have commanded. had counterfeited flight, and were going
9 And he sent them away, and they toward the wilderness, turned back most
went on to the place of the ambush, and valiantly against them that pursued.
abode between Bethel and Hai, on the west 21 So Josue and all Israel seeing that
side of the city of Hai. But Josue stayed the city was taken, and that the smoke
that night in the midst of the people, of the city rose up, returned and slew
10 And rising early in the morning, he the men of Hai.
mustered his soldiers, and went up with 22 And they also that had taken and set
the ancients in the front of the army the city on fire, issuing out of the city to
environed with the aid of the fighting meet their own men, began to cut off the
men. enemies who were surrounded by them.
<?B. C. 1405. r Supra 6. 24. 8 Supra 7. 4.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 12. Five thousand. These were part of the thirty thousand mentioned above, ver. 3.

Hai is taken and destroyed JOSUE Josue deceived by the Gabaonites

So that the enemies being cut off on both things that were written in the book of
sides, not one of so great
a multitude the law.
was saved. 35 He left out nothing of those things
23 And they took the king of the city of which Moses had commanded, but he re
Hai alive, and brought
him to Josue. peated all before all the people of Israel,
24 So all being slain that had pursued with the women and children and stran
after Israel in his flight to the wilder gers that dwelt among them.
in the
ness, and falling by the sword
same place, the children of Israel re CHAPTER 9
turned and laid waste the city.
Josue is deceived by the Gabaonit ex : who being de
25 And the number of them that fell tected are condemned to be perpetual servants.
that day, both men and women, was these things were heard
twelve thousand persons all of the city
of Hai.
the kings beyond the Jordan,
of, all
in the mountains and in the
26 But Josuedrew not back his hand,
plains, in the places near the sea, and on
which he had stretched out on high, the coasts of the great sea, they also
holding the shield, till all the inhabitants that dwell by Libanus, the Hethite and
of Hai were slain.
the Amorrhite, the Chanaanite, the Pher-
27 And the children of Israel divided
ezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite,
among them the cattle and the prey of the 2 Gathered themselves together, to fight
city, as the Lord had commanded Josue.
against Josue and Israel with one mind,
28 And he burned the city, and made it and one resolution.
a heap for ever: 3 But they that dwelt in Gabaon, hear
29 And he hung the king thereof on a ing all that Josue had done to Jericho
gibbet until the evening and the going and Hai:
down of the sun. Then Josue command 4 Cunningly devising took for them
ed, and they took down his carcass from selves provisions, laying old sacks upon
the gibbet: and threw it in the very en their asses, and wine bottles rent and
trance of the city, heaping upon it a sewed up again,
great heap of stones, which remaineth 5 And very old shoes, which for a show
until this present day. of age were clouted with patches, and old
30 Then Josue built an altar to the garments upon them: the loaves also,
Lord the God of Israel in mount Hebal, which they carried for provisions by the
31 * As Moses the servant of the Lord way, were hard, and broken into pieces:
had commanded the children of Israel, 6 And they went to Josue, who then
and it is written in the book of the law abode in the camp at Galgal, and said to
of Moses: an altar of unhewn stones him, and to all Israel with him: We are
which iron had not touched: and he come from a far country, desiring to
offered upon it holocausts to the Lord, make peace with you. And the children
and immolated victims of peace offerings. of Israel answered them, and said:
32 And he wrote upon stones the Deu 7 Perhaps you dwell in the land which
teronomy of the law of Moses, which he falls to our lot; if so, we can make no
had ordered before the children of Israel. league with you.
33 And all the people, and the ancients, 8 But they said to Josue: We are thy
and the princes and judges stood on servants. Josue said to them: Who are
both sides of the ark, before the priests you? and whence came you?
that carried the ark of the covenant of 9 They answered: From a very far
the Lord, both the stranger and he that
country thy servants are come in the
was born among them, half of them by name of the Lord thy God. For we have
mount Garizim, and half by mount He heard the fame of his power, all the
bal, as Moses the servant of the Lord things that he did in Egypt.
had commanded. And first he blessed the 10 v And to the two kings of the Amor-
people of Israel. rhites that were beyond the Jordan,
34 After this he read all the words of Sehon, king of Hesebon, and Og king of
the blessing and the cursing, and all Basan, that was in Astaroth:
t Ex. 20. 25 ; Deut. 27. 6. B. C. 1405. v Num. 21. 13.

Gabaomites made servants of Israel JOSUE The five kin<*s

11 And our ancients, and all the inhab 24 They answered: It was told us thy
itants of our country said to us: Take servants, that the Lord thy God had
with you victuals for a long way, and go promised his servant Moses to give you
meet them, and say: We are your serv all the land, and to destroy all the inhab
ants,make ye a league with us. itants thereof. Therefore we feared ex
12 Behold, these loaves we took hot, ceedingly and provided for our lives,
when we set out from our houses to compelled by the dread we had of you,
come to you, now they are become dry, and we took this counsel.
and broken in pieces, by being exceed 25 And now we are in thy hand: deal
ing old. with us as it seemeth good and right
13 These bottles of wine when we filled unto thee.
them were new, now they are rent and 26 So Josue did as he had said, and de
burst. These garments we have on, and livered them from the hand of the chil
the shoes we have on our feet, by reason dren of Israel, that they should not be
of the very long journey are worn out, slain.
and almost consumed. 27 And he gave orders in that day that
14 They took therefore of their victuals, they should be in the service of all the
and consulted not the mouth of the Lord. people, and of the altar of the Lord,
15 w And Josue made peace with them, hewing wood and carrying water, until
this present time, in the place wnich the
and entering into a league promised that
Lord hath chosen.
they should not be slain: the princes also
of the multitude swore to them.
16 Now three days after the league was CHAPTER 10

made, they heard that they dwelt nigh, Five kings war against Gabaon. Josue defeateth
them: many are slain with hailstones. At the
and they should be among them. prayer of Josue the sun and moon stand still the
17 And the children of Israel removed space of one day. The five kings are hanged.
Divers cities are taken.
the camp, and came into their cities on
the third day, the names of which are Adonisedec king of Jerusa
Gabaon, and Caphira, and Beroth, and WHEN
lem had heard
Josue had taken
these things, to wit,
Hai, and had de
18 And they slew them not, because stroyed it, (for as he had done to Jeri
the princes of the multitude had sworn in cho and the king thereof, so did he to
the name of the Lord the God of Israel. Hai, and its king,) and that the Gaba
Then all the common people murmured onites were gone over to Israel, and
against the princes. were their confederates,
19 And they answered them: We have 2 He was exceedingly afraid. For Gab
sworn to them in the name of the Lord aon was a great city, and one of the royal
cities, and greater than the town
of Hai,
the God of Israel, and therefore we may
not touch them. and all its fighting men were most valiant.
20 But this we will do to them: Let 3 Therefore Adonisedec king of Jerusa
their lives be saved, lest the wrath of lem sent to Oham king of Hebron, and
the Lord be stirred up against us, if we to Pharam king of Jerimoth, and to Ja-
should be forsworn. phia king of Lachis, and to
Dabir king
21 But so let them live, as to serve the of Eglon, saying:
whole multitude in hewing wood, and 4 Come up to me, and bring help, that
we may take Gabaon, because it hath
bringing in water. As they were speak
ing these things, gone over to Josue, and to the children
22 Josue called the Gabaonites and said of Israel.
to them: Why would you impose upon 5 So the five kings of the Amorrhites
us, saying: We dwell far off from you, being assembled together went up: the
whereas you are in the midst of us ? king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron,
23 Therefore you shall be under a curse, the king of Jerimoth, the. king of La
chis, the king of Eglon, they and
and your race shall always be hewers of
wood, and carriers of water unto the armies, and camped about Gabaon, lay
house of my God. ing siege to it.

w 2 Kings 21. 2.
x B. C. 1405.

The sun and tJie moon stand still JOSUE The five kings are slain

6 But the inhabitants of the city of kings were found hidden in a cave of the
Sabaon which was besieged, sent to Josue, city of Maceda.
18 And he commanded them that were
vvho then abode in the camp at Galgal,
and said to him: Withdraw not thy hands with him, saying: Roll great stones to
from helping thy servants: come up the mouth of the cave, and set careful
quickly and save us, and bring
us suc men, to keep them shut up:
cour: for all the kings of the Amor- 19 And stay you not, but pursue after
rhites, who dwell in the mountains,
are the enemies, and kill all the hindermost
gathered together against us. of them as they flee, and do not suffer
7 And Josue went up from Galgal, and them whom the Lord God hath delivered
all the army of the warriors with him, into your hands to shelter themselves in
most valiant men. their cities.
8 And the Lord said to Josue: Fear
20 So the enemies being slain with a
them not: for I have delivered them into great slaughter, and almost utterly con
thy hands: none of them shall be able to sumed, they that were able to escape
stand against thee. from Israel, entered into fenced cities.
9 So Josue going up from Galgal all the 21 And all the army returned to Josue
in Maceda, where the camp then was, in
night, came upon them suddenly.
10 v And the Lord troubled them at the good health and without the loss of any
one: and no man durst move his tongue
sight of Israel: and he slew them with
a great slaughter in Gabaon, and pur against the children of Israel.
sued them by the way of the ascent to 22 And Josue gave orders, saying: Open
the mouth of the cave, and bring forth to
Beth-horon, and cut them off all the way
to Azeca and Maceda. me the five kings that lie hid therein.
11 And when they were fleeing from 23 And the ministers did as they were
the children of Israel, and were in the commanded: and they brought out to
descent of Beth-horon, the Lord cast him the five kings out of the cave: the
down upon them great stones from king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron,
heaven as far as Azeca: and many more the king of Jerimoth, the king of Lachis,
were killed with the hailstones than the king of Eglon.
were slain by the swords of the children 24 And when they were brought out to
of Israel. him, he called all the men of Israel, and
12 Then Josue spoke to the Lord, in the said to the chiefs of the army that were
day that he delivered the Amorrhite in with him: Go, and set your feet on the
the sight of the children of Israel, and necks of these kings. And when they had
he said before them: Move not, O sun, gone, and put their feet upon the
toward Gabaon, nor thou, moon, to necks of them lying under them,
ward the valley of Ajalon. 25 He said again to them: Fear not,
13 And the * sun and the moon stood neither be ye dismayed, take courage,
the people revenged themselves
still, till and be strong: for so will the Lord do
of their enemies. Is not this written to all your enemies, against whom you
in the book of the just? So the sun fight.
stood still in the midst of heaven, and 26 And Josue struck, and slew them,
hasted not to go down the space of one and hanged them upon five gibbets, and
day. they hung until the evening.
14 There was not before nor after so 27 And when the sun was down, he
long a day, the Lord obeying the voice commanded the soldiers to take them
of a man, and fighting for Israel. down from the gibbets. And after they
15 And Josue returned with all Israel were taken down, they cast them into
into the camp of Galgal. the cave where they had lain hid, and
16 For the five kings were fled, and had put great stones at the mouth thereof,
hidden themselves in a cave of the city which remain until this day.
of Maceda. 28 The same day Josue took Maceda and
17 And it was told Josue that the five destroyed it, with the edge of the sword,
y 1 Kings 7. 10. z Eccli. 46. 5 ; Lsa. 28. 21. a Deut. 21. 23.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 13. TTie bock of the just. In Hebrew Jasher: an ancient book long since lost

Many cities are taken The kings of
JOSUE the north
and killed the king and
the inhabi all of the hills and of the south and of the
tants thereof: he left not in it the least plain, and of Asedoth, with their kings:
remains. And he did to the king of he left not any remains therein, but slew
Maceda, as he had done to the king of all that breathed, as the Lord the God
Jericho. of Israel had commanded him,
29 And he passed from Maceda with all 41 From Cadesbarne even to Gaza. All
and fought against it
Israel to Lebna, : the land of Gosen even to Gabaon,
30 And the Lord delivered it with the 42 And all their kings, and their lands
king thereof into the hands of Israel : he took and wasted at one onset for the :

and they destroyed the city with the Lord the God of Israel fought for him.
edge of the sword, and all the inhabi 43 And he returned with all Israel to
tants thereof. They left not in it any the place of the camp in Galgal.
remains. And they did to the king of
Lebna, b as they had done to the king of CHAPTER 11
Jericho. The kings of the north are overthrown: the whole
country is taken.
31 From Lebna he passed unto Lachis,
with all Israel and investing it with his
D when Jabin king of Asor had
army, besieged it. heard these things, he sent to Jo-
32 And the Lord delivered Lachis into bab king of Madon, and to the king of
the hands of Israel, and he took it the Semeron, and to the king of Achsaph:
2 And to the kings of the north, that
following day, and put it to the sword,
and every soul that was in it, as he had dwelt in the mountains and in the plains
done to Lebna. over against the south side of Ceneroth,
S3 At that time Horam king of Gazer, and in the levels and the countries of
came up to succour Lachis: and Josue Dor by the sea side:
slew him with all his people, so as to 3 To the Chanaanites also on the east
leave none alive. and on the west, and the Amorrhite, and
34 And he passed from Lachis to Eg- the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the
lon, and surrounded it,
Jebusite in the mountains: to the Hevite
35 And took it the same day: and put also who dwelt at the foot of Hermon in
to the sword all the souls that were in the land of Maspha.
4 And they all came out with their
it, according to all that he had done to
Lachis. troops, a people exceeding numerous as
36 He went up also with all Israel from the sand that is on the sea shore, their
Eglon to Hebron, and fought against it: horses also and chariots a very great
37 Took it, and destroyed it with the multitude,
5 And all these kings assembled togeth
edge of the sword: the king also thereof,
and all the towns of that country, and all er at the waters of Merom, to fight
the souls that dwelt in it: he left not against Israel.
therein any remains: as he had done to 6 And the Lord said to Josue: Fear
them not: for to morrow at this same
Eglon, so did he also to Hebron, putting
to the sword all that he found in it. hour I will deliver all these to be slain
in the sight of Israel thou shalt ham
38 Returning from thence to Dabir, :

39 He took it and destroyed it the king : string their horses, and thou shalt burn
also thereof and all the towns round their chariots with fire.
about he destroyed with the edge of the 7 And Josue came, and all the army
sword he left not in it any remains as
with him, against them to the waters of
he had done to Hebron and Lebna and Merom on a sudden, and fell upon them.
to their kings, so did he to Dabir and to 8 And the Lord delivered them into the
the king thereof. hands of Israel. And they defeated them,
40 S o Josue conquered all the country and chased them as far as the great Si-

b Supra 6. 2.

Ver. 37. The king, viz., the new king, who suc that they might not draw the Israelites into the like
ceeded him that was slain, ver. 26. CHAP. 11. Ver. 6. Hamstring their horses, and
Ver. 40. Any remains therein, but slew, &c. God burn their chariots with fire, &c. God fco ordained,
ordered these people to be utterly destroyed, in that his people might not trust in chariots and
punishment of their manifold abominations and ;
horses, but in him.

Many cities are destroyed JOSUE The kings slain by Moses

don, and the waters of Maserophot,

and 21 At that time Josue came and cut off
the field of Masphe, which is on the east the Enacims from the mountains, from
side thereof. He slew them all, so as to Hebron, and Dabir, and Anab, and from
leave no remains of them: all the mountain of Juda and Israel, and

9 And he did as the Lord had com destroyed their cities.

manded him, he hamstringed their horses 22 He left not any of the stock of the
and burned their chariots. Enacims, in the land of the children of
Israel: except the cities of Gaza, and
10 And presently turning back he took
Asor: and slew the king thereof with Geth, and Azotus, in which alone they
the sword. Now Asor of old was the head
were left.
of all these kingdoms.
23 So Josue took all the land, as the
11 And he cut off all the souls that
Lord spoke to Moses, and delivered it
in possession to the children of Israel,
abode there: he left not in it any re
according to their divisions and tribes.
mains, but utterly destroyed all, and e And the land rested from wars.
burned the city itself with fire.
12 And he took and put to the sword
and destroyed all the cities round about,
and their kings, c as Moses the servant A li*t of the kings slain by Moses and Josue
of God had commanded him. are the kings, whom the chil
13 Except the cities that were on hills THESEdren of Israel slew and possessed
and high places, the rest Israel burned: their land beyond the Jordan towards
only Asor that was very strong he con the rising of the sun, from the torrent
sumed with fire. Arnon unto mount Hermon, and all the
14 And the children of Israel divided east country that looketh towards the
among themselves all the spoil of these wilderness.
cities and the cattle, killing all the men. 2 Sehon king of the Amorrhites, who
15 a As the Lord had commanded Moses dwelt in
Hesebon, and had dominion
his servant, so did Moses command Josue, from Aroer, which is seated upon the
and he accomplished all he left not one : bank of the torrent Arnon, and of the
thing undone of all the commandments middle part in the valley, and of half
which the Lord had commanded Moses. Galaad, as far as the torrent Jaboc, which
16 So Josue took all the country of the is the border of the children of Ammon.
hills, and of the south, and the land of 3 And from the wilderness, to the sea
Gosen, and the plains and the west coun of Ceneroth towards the east, and to the
try, and the mountain of Israel, and the sea of the wilderness, which is the most
plains thereof: salt sea, on the east side by the way that
17 And part of the mountain that goeth leadeth to Bethsimoth: and on the south
up to Seir as far as Baalgad, by the side that lieth under Asedoth, Phasga.
plain of Libanus under mount Hermon: 4 The border of Og the king of Basan,
all their kings he took, smote and slew. of the remnant of the Raphaims who
18 Josue made war a long time against dwelt in Astaroth, and in Edrai, and had
these kings. dominion in mount Hermon, and in iSale-
19 There was not a city that delivered cha, and in all Basan, unto the borders
itself to the children of Israel, except 5 Of Gessuri and Machati, and of half
the Hevite, who dwelt in Gabaon: for he Galaad: the borders of Sehon the king
took all by fight. of Hesebon.
20 For it was the sentence of the Lord, 6 Moses the servant of the Lord, and
that their hearts should be hardened, the children of Israel slew them, and
and they should fight against Israel, and Moses delivered their land in possession
fall, and should not deserve any clem to the Rubenites, and Gadites, and the
ency, and should be destroyed as the half tribe of Manasses.
Lord had commanded Moses. 7 These are the kings of the land, whom

c Deut. 7. 1. d Ex. 34. 11 ; Deut. 7. 1. e Infra 14. 15.

Ver. 18. A long time. Seven years, as appears submitting: which was a sentence or judgment of
from chap. 14. 10. God upon them in punishment of their enormous
Ver. 20. Hardened. This hardening of their crimes.
hearts was their having no thought of yielding or

The kings slain by Josiic JOSUE Josue commanded to divide the land
Josue and the children of Israel slew be Thou art grown old, and advanced in
yond the Jordan on the west side from age, and there is a very large country
Baalgad in the field of Libanus, unto the left, which is not yet divided by lot:
mount, part of which goeth up into Seir: 2 To wit, all Galilee, Philistia, and all
and Josue delivered it in possession to Gessuri.
the tribes of Israel, to every one their 3 From the troubled river, that water-
divisions, eth Egypt, unto the borders of Accaron
8 As well in the mountains as in the northward: the land of Chanaan, which
plains and the champaign countries. In is divided among the lords of the Phi
Asedoth, and in the wilderness, and in listines, the Gazites, the Azotians, the
the south was the Hethite and the Amor- Ascalonites, the Gethites, and the Ac-
rhite,the Chanaanite and the Pherezite, cronites.
the Hevite and the Jebusite. 4 And on the south side are the Hevites,
9 The king of Jericho one: the king of all the land of Chanaan, and Maara of
Hai, which is on the side of Bethel, one: the Sidonians as far as Apheca, and the
10 The king of Jerusalem one, the king borders of the Amorrhite,
of Hebron one, 5 And his confines. The country also
11 The king of Jerimoth one, the king of Libanus towards the east from Baal-
of Lachis one, gad under mount Hermon to the entering
12 The king of Eglon one, the king of into Emath.
Gazer one, Of all that dwell in the mountains
13 The king of Dabir one, the king of from Libanus, to the waters of Masere-
Gader one, photh, and all the Sidonians. I am he
14 The king of Hernia one, the king of that will cut them off from before the
Hered one, face of the children of Israel. So let
15 The king of Lebna one, the king of their land come in as a part of the in
Odullam one, heritance of Israel, as I have commanded
16 The king of Maceda one, the king of thee.
Bethel one, 7 And now divide the land in posses
17 The king of Taphua one, the king of sion to the nine tribes, and to the half
Opher one, tribe of Manasses,
18 The king of Aphec one, the king of 8 With whom Ruben and Gad have
Saron one, possessed the land, a which Moses the ser
19 The king of Madon one, the king of vant of the Lord delivered to them be
Asor one, yond the river Jordan, on the east side.
20 The king of Semeron one, the king 9 From Aroer, which is upon the bank
of Achsaph one, of the torrent Arnon, and in the midst of
21 The king of Thenac one, the king of the valley and all the plains of Medaba,
Mageddo one, as far as Dibon:
22 The king of Cades one, the king of 10 And all the cities of Sehon, king of
Jachanan of Carmel one, the Amorrhites, who reigned in Hese-
23 The king of Dor, and of the province bon, unto the borders of the children
of Dor one, the king of the nations of Ammon.
Galgal one, 11 And Galaad, and the borders of Ges
24 The king of Thersa one: all the suri and Machati, and all mount Hermon,
kings thirty and one. and all Basan as far as Salecha,
12 All the kingdom of Og in Basan,
who reigned in Astaroth and Edrai, he
God commandeth Josue to divide the land: the pos
sessions of Ruben, Gad, and half the tribe of Ma- was of the remains of the Raphaims:
nases, beyond the Jordan. and Moses overthrew and destroyed
OSUE was and far advanced in
And the children of Israel would not
J years, and the Lord said to
him: L3

g Num. 32. 33.

13. Ver. 1. Josue was old, and far ad country which is not yet divided bv lot, not

vanced in years. He was then about one hundred yet possessed by the children of Israel.
and one years old. And there is a very large Ver. 8. With whom. That is, with the other
half of that same tribe.

Fhe lot of Ruben and Gad TOSUE The half tribe of Manasses

destroy Gessuri and Machati: and they the sea of Cenereth beyond the Jordan
have dwelt in the midst of Israel, until on the east side.
this present day. 28 This is the possession of the chil
14 h But to the tribe of Levi he gave no dren of Gad by their families, their
possession: but the sacrifices and vic cities, and
tims of the Lord God of Israel, are his 29 He gave
also to the half tribe of
inheritance, as he spoke to him. Manasses and his children possession ac
15 And Moses gave a possession to the cording to their kindreds,
children of Ruben according to their 30 The beginning whereof is this from :

kindreds. Manaim Basan, and all the kingdoms


16 And their border was from Aroer, of Og king of Basan, and all the villages
which is on the bank of the torrent Ar- of Jair, which are in Basan, threescore
non, and in the midst of the valley of towns.
the same torrent all the plain, that lead-
: 31 And half Galaad, and Astaroth, and
eth to Medaba, Edrai, cities of the kingdom of Og in Ba
17 And Hesebon, and all their villages, san: to the children of Machir, the son
which are in the plains. Dibon also, and of Manasses, to one half of the children
Bamothbaal, and the town of Baalmaon, of Machir according to their kindreds.
18 And Jassa, and Cidimoth, and 32 This possession Moses divided in the
Mephaath, plains of Moab, beyond the Jordan, over
19 And Cariathaim, and iSabama, and against Jericho on the east side.
Sarathasar in the mountain of the valley. 33 i But to the tribe of Levi he gave no
20 Bethphogor and Asedoth, Phasga possession because the Lord the God of

and Bethiesimoth, Israel himself is their possession, as he

21 And all the cities of the plain, and spoke to them.
allthe kingdoms of Sehon king of the
Amorrhites, that reigned in Hesebon,
whom Moses slew with the princes of Caleb s petition. Hebron in given to him and to his
Madian: Hevi, and Recem, and S ur and
Hur, and Rebe, dukes of Sehon inhabi is what the children of Israel
tants of the land. THIS
possessed in the land of
22 Balaam also the son of Beor the which Eleazar the priest, and Josue the
soothsayer, the children of Israel slew son of Nun, and the princes of the fami
with the sword among the rest that were lies by the tribes of Israel gave to them:
slain. 2 Dividing all by lot, as the Lord hadfc

23 And the river Jordan was the border commanded by the hand of Moses, to
of the children of Ruben. This is the the nine tribes, and the half tribe.
possession of the Rubenites, by their kin 3 For to two tribes and a half Moses
dreds, of cities and villages. had given possession beyond the Jordan :

24 And Moses gave to the tribe of Gad besides the Levites, who received no land
and to his children by their kindreds a among their brethren:
possession, of which this is the division. 4 But in their place succeeded the chil
25 The border of Jaser, and all the dren of Joseph divided into two tribes,
cities of Galaad, and half the land of the of Manasses and Ephraim: neither did
children of Ammon as far as Aroer
: the Levites receive other portion of
which is over against Rabba: land, but cities to dwell in, and their
26 And from Hesebon unto Ramoth, suburbs to feed their beasts and flocks.
Masphe and Betonim: and from Manaim 5 As the Lord had commanded Moses,
unto the borders of Dabir. so did the children of Israel, and they
27 And in the valley Betharan and divided the land.
Bethnemra, and Socoth, and Saphon the 6 Then the children of Juda came to
other part of the kingdom of Sehon king Josue in Galgal, and Caleb the son of
of Hesebon: the limit of this also is the Jephone the Cenezite spoke to him I Thou :

Jordan, as far as the uttermost part of knowest what the Lord spoke to Moses
ft Num. 18. 20. Num. 31. 8.
i j Num. 18. 20. J; Num. 34. 13. Num. 14. 24.

Ver. 21. The princes of Madian. It appears from are said to have been slain with him, that is, about
hence that these were subjects of king Sehon they
: the same time, but not in the same battle.

Caleb s petition JOSUE The borders of Juda

the man of God concerning me and thee 3 And it goeth out towards the ascent
in Cadesbarne. of the Scorpion, and passeth on to Sina:
7 I was forty years old when Moses the and ascendeth into Cadesbarne, and
servant of the Lord sent me m from Ca reacheth into Esron, going up to Addar,
desbarne, to view the land, and I brought and compassing Carcaa.
him word again as to me seemed true. 4 And from thence passing along into
8 But my brethren, that had gone up Asemona, and reaching the torrent of
with me, discouraged the heart of the Egypt: and the bounds thereof shall be
people: and I nevertheless followed the the great sea, this shall be the limit of
Lord my God. the south coast.
9 And Moses swore in that day, saying: 5 But on the east side the beginning
The land which thy foot hath trodden shall be the most salt sea even to the end
upon shall be thy possession, and thy of the Jordan: and towards the north,
children s for ever, because thou hast from the bay of the sea unto the same
followed the Lord my God. river Jordan.
10 The Lord therefore hath granted me 6 And the border goeth up into Beth-
life, as he promised until this present Hagla, and passeth by the north into
day. It is forty and five years since the Beth-Araba: going up to the stone of
Lord spoke this word to Moses, when Boen the son of Ruben.
Israel journeyed through the wilderness: 7 And reaching as far as the borders of
this day I am eighty-five years old, Debara from the valley of Achor, and so
11 As strong as I was at that time when northward looking towards Galgal, which
[ was sent to view the land : n the strength is opposite to the ascent of Adommin, on
of that time continueth in me until this the south side of the torrent: and the
day, as well to fight as to march. border passeth the waters that are called
12 Give me therefore this mountain, the fountain of the sun: and the goings
which the Lord promised, in thy hearing out thereof shall be at the fountain
also, wherein are the Enacims, and cities Rogel.
great and strong: if so be the Lord will 8 And it goeth up by the valley of the
be with me, and I shall be able to destroy son of Ennom on the side of the Jebusite
them, as he promised me. towards the south, the same is Jerusa
13 And Josue blessed him, and gave lem: and thence ascending to the top of
him Hebron in possession. the mountain, which is over against
14 And from that time Hebron belonged Geennom to the west in the end of the
to Caleb the son of Jephone the Cenezite, valley of Raphaim, northward.
until this present day: because he fol 9 And it passeth on from the top of the
lowed the Lord the God of Israel. mountain to the fountain of the water of
15 The name of Hebron before was Nephtoa: and reacheth to the towns of
called Cariath-Arbe: Adam the greatest mount Ephron: and it bendeth towards
among the Enacims was laid there: and Baala, which is Cariathiarim, that is to
the land rested from wars. say, the city of the woods.
10 And it compasseth from Baala west
CHAPTER 15 ward unto mount Seir: and passeth by
The borders of the lot of Judo,. Caleb s portion and the side of mount Jarim to the north into
conquest. The cities ofJuda. Cheslon: and goeth down into Bethsames,
the lot of the children of Juda and passeth into Thamna.
NOW by their kindreds was this: 1 From
the frontier of Edom, to the desert of
11 And it reacheth northward to a part
of Accaron at the side: and bendeth to
Sin southward, and to the uttermost part Sechrona, and passeth mount Baala: and
of the south coast. cometh into Jebneel, and is bounded
2 Its beginning was from the top of the westward with the great sea.
most salt sea, and from the bay thereof, 12 These are the borders round about of
that looketh to the south. the children of Juda in their kindreds.

m n o Supra 11. 23. q Num. 34. 3.

Deut. 2. 14. Eccli. 46. 11.

All was one of those that were given to the priests to

CHAP. 14. Ver. 14. Hebron belonged. &c.
the country thereabouts, depending on Hebron, was
dwell in.
given to Caleb but the city itself with the suburbs,

Caleb s promise JOSUE The cities of Juda

13 But to Caleb the son of Jephone he 35 And Jerimoth and Adullam, Socho
gave a portion in the midst of the chil and Azeca,
dren of Juda, as the Lord had command 36 And Saraim and Adithaim and Ged-
ed him: Cariath-Arbe the father of Enac, era and Gederothaim: fourteen cities, and
which is Hebron. their villages.
14 r And Caleb destroyed out of it the 37 Sanan and Hadassa and Magdalgad,
three sons of Enac, Sesai and Ahinam, 38 Delean and Masepha and Jecthel,
and Tholmai of the race of Enac.
39 Lachis and Bascath and Eglon,
15 And going up from thence he came 40 Chebbon and Leheman and Cethlis,
to the inhabitants of Dabir, which before
41 And Gideroth and Bethdagon and
was called Cariath-Sepher, that is to say, Naama and Maceda: sixteen cities, and
the city of letters. their villages.
16 And Caleb said: He that shall smite 42 Labana and Ether and Asan,
Cariath-Sepher, and take it, I will give 43 Jephtha and Esna and Nesib,
him Axa my daughter to wife. 44 And Celia and Achzib and Maresa:
17 And Othoniel the son of Cenez, the nine cities, and their villages.
younger brother of Caleb, took it: and 45 Accaron with the towns and villages
he gave him Axa his daughter to wife. thereof.
18 And as they were going together, she 46 From Accaron even to the sea: all
was moved by her husband to ask a field places that lie towards Azotus and the
of her father, and she sighed as she sat villages thereof.
on her ass. And Caleb said to her: What 47 Azotus with its towns and villages.
aileth thee? Gaza with its towns and villages, even to
19 But she answered: Give me a bless the torrent of Egypt, and the great sea
ing: thou has given me a southern and that is the border thereof.
dry land, give me also a land that is 48 And in the mountain Samir and Je-
watered. And Caleb gave her the upper ther and Socoth,
and the nether watery ground. 49 And Danna and Cariath-senna, this
20 This is the possession of the tribe of is Dabir:
the children of Juda by their kindreds. 50 Anab and Istemo and Anim,
21 And the cities from the uttermost 51 Gosen and Olon and Gilo: eleven
parts of the children of Juda by the bor cities and their villages.
ders of Edom to the south, were Cabseel 52 Arab and Ruma and Esaan,
and Eder and Jagur, 53 And Janum and Beththaphua and
22 And Cina and Dimona and Adada, Apheca,
23 And Cades and Asor and Jethnam, 54 Athmatha and Cariath-Arbe, this is
24 Ziph and Telem and Baloth, Hebron and Sior: nine cities and their
25 New Asor and Carioth, Hesron, villages.
which is Asor. 55 Maon and Carmel and Ziph and Jota,
26 Amam, Sama and Molada, 56 Jezrael and Jucadam and Zanoe,
27 And Asergadda and Hassemon and 57 Accain, Gabaa and Thamna: ten
Bethphelet, cities and their villages.
28 And Hasersual and Bersabee and 58 Halhul, and Bessur, and Gedor,
Baziothia, 59 Mareth, and Bethanoth, and Eltecon:
29 And Baala and Jim and Esem, six cities and their villages.
30 And Eltholad and Cesil and Harma, 60 Cariathbaal, the same is Cariathiar-
31 And Siceleg and Medemena and Sen- im, the city of woods, and Arebba: two
senna, cities and their villages.
32 And Lebaoth and Selim and Aen and 61 In the desert Betharaba, Meddin and
Remmon: all the cities twenty-nine, and Sachacha,
their villages. 62 And Nebsan, and the city of salt, and
33 But in the plains: Estaol
and Sarea Engaddi: six cities and their villages.
and Asena, 63 But the children of Juda could not
34 And Zanoe and Engannim and Taph- destroy the Jebusite that dwelt in Jeru
ua and Enaim, salem: and the Jebusite dwelt with the
r Judges 1. 20 ; Num. 13. 23.

The borders of Ephraim JOSUE The lot of Manasses
children of Juda in Jerusalem until this warlike man, and had for possession Ga
present day. laad and Basan.
CHAPTER 16 2 "And to the rest of the children of
The lot of the sons of Joseph. The borders of the
Manasses according to their families: to
tribe oj Ephraim. the children of Abiezer, and to the chil
the lot of the sons of Joseph fell dren of Helec, and to the children of Es-
AND from the Jordan
cho and the waters
over against Jeri riel, and to the children of Sechem, and
to the children of Hepher, and to the
thereof, on the east:
the wilderness which goeth up from Jeri children of Semida: these are the male
cho to the mountain of Bethel: children of Manasses the son of Joseph,
2 And goeth out from Bethel to Luza: by their kindreds.
and passeth the border of Archi, to Ata- 3 But Salphaad the son of Hepher the
roth, son of Galaad the son of Machir the son
3 And goeth down westward, by the of Manasses had no sons, but only daugh
border of Jephleti, unto the borders of ters: whose names are these, Maala and
Beth-horon the nether, and to Gazer: and Noa and Hegla and Melcha and Thersa.
the countries of it are ended by the 4 And they came in the presence of
great sea: Eleazar the priest and of Josue the son
4 And Manasses and Ephraim the chil of Nun, and of the princes, saying: The
dren of Joseph possessed it. Lord commanded by the hand of Moses,
5 And the border of the children of that a possession should be given us in
Ephraim was according to their kin the midst of our brethren. And he gave
dreds: and their possession towards the them according to the commandment of
east was Ataroth-addar unto Beth-horon the Lord a
possession amongst the
the upper. brethren of their father.
6 And the confines go out unto the sea: 5 And there fell ten portions to Manas
but Machmethath looketh to the north, ses, beside the land of Galaad and Basan
and it goeth round the borders eastward beyond the Jordan.
into Thanath-selo: and passeth along on 6 For the daughters of Manasses pos
the east side to Janoe. sessed inheritance in the midst of his
7 And it goeth down from Janoe into sons. And the land of Galaad fell to the
Ataroth and Naaratha: and it cometh to lot of the rest of the children of Manasses.

Jericho, and goeth out to the Jordan. 7 And the border of Manasses was from
8 From Taphua it passeth on towards Aser, Machmethath which looketh to
the sea into the valley of reeds, and the wards Sichem: and it goeth out on the
goings out thereof are at the most salt right hand by the inhabitants of the
sea. This is the possession of the tribe fountain of Taphua.
of the children of Ephraim by their fam 8 For the lot of Manasses took in the
ilies. land of Taphua, which is on the borders
9 And there were cities with their vil of Manasses, and belongs to the children
of Ephraim.
lages separated for the children of
Ephraim in the midst of the possession 9 And the border goeth down to the
of the children of Manasses. valley of the reeds, to the south of the
10 And the children of Ephraim slew not torrent of the cities of Ephraim, which
the Chanaanite, who dwelt in Gazer: and are in the midst of the cities of Manas
the Chanaanite dwelt in the midst of ses: the border of Manasses is on the
north side of the torrent, and the out
Ephraim until this day, paying tribute.
goings of it are at the sea:
CHAPTER 17 10 So that the possession of Ephraim is
The lot of the half tribe of Manasses on the south, and on the north that of
AND tthis lot fell to the tribe of Ma- Manasses, and the sea is the border of
/\. nasses (for he is the firstborn of both, and they are joined together in
Joseph) to Machir the firstborn of Ma- the tribe of Aser on the north, and in
nesses the father of Galaad, who was a the tribe of Issachar on the east.
t A. M. 2560. u Num. 26. 30. r Num. 27. 1, and 36. 11.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 6. Looketh to the north. &c. The by Machmethath; and then turned eastward to
meaning is, that the border went towards the north, Thanath-selo.

16 241
Children of Joseph petition Josue JOSUE The rest of the land divided

11 And the inheritance of Manasses in 2 But there remained seven tribes of

Issachar and in Aser, was Bethsan and the children of Israel, which as yet had
its and Jeblaam with its vil
not received their possessions.
lages, and the inhabitants of Dor, with 3 And Josue said to them: How long
the towns thereof: the inhabitants also are you indolent and slack, and go not
of Endor with the villages thereof: and in to possess the land which the Lord
jn like manner the inhabitants
of Thenac the God of your fathers hath given
with the villages thereof: and the inhab you?
itants of Mageddo with their villages, 4 Choose of every tribe three men, that
and the third part of the city of No- I may send them, and they may go and
pheth. compass the land, and mark it out ac
12 Neither could the children of Manas cording to the number of each multitude:
ses overthrow these cities, but the Cha- and bring back to me what they have
naanite began to dwell in his land. marked out.
13 But after that the children of Israel 5 Divide to yourselves the land into
were grown strong, they subdued the seven parts: let Juda be in his bounds
Chanaanites, and made them their tribu on the south side, and the house of Jo
taries, and they did not kill them. seph on the north.
14 And the children of Joseph spoke to 6 The land in the midst between these
Josue, and said: Why hast thou given mark ye out into seven parts; and you
me but one lot and one portion to pos shall come hither to me, that I may cast
sess, whereas I am of so great a multi lots for you before the Lord your God.
tude, and the Lord hath blessed me? 7 For the Levites have no part among
15 And Josue said to them: If thou be you, but the priesthood of the Lord is
a great people, go up into the woodland, their inheritance. And Gad and Ruben,
and cut down room for thyself in the and the half tribe of Manasses have al
land of the Pherezite and the Raphaims: ready received their possessions beyond
because the possession of mount Ephraim the Jordan eastward: which Moses the
is too narrow for thee. servant of the Lord gave them.
16 And the children of Joseph answered 8 And when the men were risen up, to
him: We cannot go up to the mountains, go to mark out the land, Josue com
for the Chanaanites that dwell in the low manded them, saying: Go round the land
lands, wherein are situate Bethsan with and mark it out, and return to me: that
its towns, and Jezrael in the midst of the I may cast lots for you before the Lord
valley, have chariots of iron. in Silo.
17 And Josue said to the house of Jo 9 So they went: and surveying it divid
seph, to Ephraim and Manasses: Thou ed it into seven parts, writing them down
art a great people, and of great strength, in a book. And they returned to Josue,
thou shalt not have one lot only: to the camp in .Silo.
18 But thou shalt pass to the mountain, 10 And he cast lots before the Lord in
and shalt cut down the wood, and make Silo, and divided the land to the children
thyself room to dwell in: and mayst pro of Israel into seven parts.
ceed farther, when thou hast destroyed 11 And first came up the lot of the chil
the Chanaanites, who as thou sayest have dren of Benjamin by their families, to
iron chariots, and are very strong. possess the land between the children of
Juda, and the children of Joseph.
CHAPTER 18 12 And their border northward was
Surveyors are sent to divide the rent of the land into from the Jordan: going along by the
seven tribes. The lot of Benjamin. side of Jericho on the north side, and
A ND the children of Israel assem-
all thence going up westward to the moun
_T3L bled together in Silo, and there tains, and reaching to the wilderness of
they set up the tabernacle of the testi Bethaven,
mony, and the land was subdued before 13 And passing along southward by
them. v Luza, the same is Bethel and it goeth :

y Gen. 28. 19.

CHAP. 18. Ver. 6. The land in the mtdxt between (he rest of the land, which is not already assigned
thtitse mark ye out into art~. That Is to say,
aeve>i to Juda or Joseph.

The lot of Benjamin JOSUE The lot of Simeon and Zabnlon
down into Ataroth-addar to the moun CHAPTER 19
tain, that is on the south of the nether The lots of the Simeon, Zabulon, Issa-
tribes of
Beth-horon. char, Aser, Nepktali and Dan. A city is given to
14 And it bendeth thence going round
towards the sea, south of the mountain the second lot came forth for the
that looketh towards Beth-horon to the A^Dchildren of Simeon by their kin
southwest: and the outgoings thereof are dreds: and their inheritance was
into Cariathbaal, which is called also 2 In the midst of the possession of the
Cariathiarim, a city of the children of children of Juda: Bersabee and Sabee
Juda. This is their coast towards the sea, and Molada,
westward. 3 And Hasersual, Bala and Asem,
15 But on the south side the border go- 4 And Eltholad, Bethul and Harma,
eth out from part of Cariathiarim to 5 And Siceleg and Bethmarchaboth and
wards the sea, and cometh to the foun Hasersusa,
tain of the waters of Nephtoa. 6 And Bethlebaoth and Sarohen: thir
16 And it goeth down to that part of teen cities, and their villages.
the mountain that looketh on the valley 7 Ain and Remmon and Athor and
of the children of Ennom: and is over Asan: four cities, and their villages.
against the north quarter in the further 8 And all the villages round about these
most part of the valley of Raphaim, and cities to Baalath Beer Ramath to the
it goeth down into Geennom (that is the south quarter. This is the inheritance
valley of Ennom) by the side of the Jebu- of the children of Simeon according to
site to the south: and cometh to the their kindreds,
fountain of Rogel, 9 In the possession and lot of the chil
17 Passing thence to the north, and go dren of Juda: because it was too great,
ing out to Ensemes, that is to say, the and therefore the children of Simeon had
fountain of the sun: their possession in the midst of their in
18 And it passeth along to the hills that heritance.
are over against the ascent of Adommim : 10 And the third lot fell to the children
and it goeth down to Abenboen, that is, of Zabulon by their kindreds: and the
the stone of Boen the son of Ruben: and border of their possession was unto Sa-
it passeth on the north side to the cham rid.
paign countries; and goeth down into the 11 And it went up from the sea and
plain, from Merala, and came to Debbaseth: as
19 And it passeth by Bethhagla north far as the torrent, which is over against
ward: and the outgoings thereof are to Jeconam.
wards the north of the most salt sea at 12 And it returneth from Sarid east
the south end of the Jordan: ward to the borders of Ceseleththabor:
20 Which is the border of it on the east and it goeth out to Dabereth, and ascend-

side. This the possession of the chil

is eth towards Japhie.
dren of Benjamin by their borders round 13 And it passeth along from thence to
about, and their families. the east side of Gethhepher and Thaca-
21 And their cities were, Jericho and sin: and goeth out to Remmon, Amthar
Bethhagla and Vale-Casis, and Noa.
22 Betharaba and Samaraim and Bethel, 14 And it turnoth about to the north
23 And Avim and Aphara and Ophera, of Hanathon: and the outgoings thereof
24 The town Emona and Ophni and Ga- are the valley of Jephtahel,
bee: twelve cities, and their villages. 15 And Cateth and Naalol and Semeron
25 Gabam and Rama and Beroth, and Jedala and Bethlehem: twelve cities
26 And Mesphe, and Caphara, and and their villages.
Amosa, 16 This is the inheritance of the tribe
27 And Recem, Jarephel and Tharela, of the children of Zabulon by their kin
28 And Sela, Eleph and Jebus, which is dreds, the cities and their villages.
Jerusalem, Gabaath and Cariath: four 17 The fourth lot came out to Issachar
teen cities, and their villages. This is
by their kindreds.
the possession of the children of Benja 18 And his inheritance was Jezrael and
min by their families. Casaloth and Sunem,

hsachar, Aser and Nephtali JOSUE The lot of Dan
19 And Hapharaim and Seon and Ana- 39 This is the possession of the tribe of
harath, the children of Nephtali by their kin
20 And Rabboth and Cesion, Abes, dreds, the cities and their villages.
40 The seventh lot came out to the tribe
21 And Rameth and Engannim and En- of the children of Dan by their families:
hadda and Bethpheses. 41 And the border of their possession
22 And the border thereof cometh to was Saraa and Esthaol, and Hirsemes,
Thabor and Sehesima and Bethsames: that is, the city of the sun.
and the outgoings thereof shall be at the 42 Selebin and Aialon and Jethela,
Jordan: sixteen cities, and their villages. 43 Elon and Themna and Acron,
23 This is the possession of the sons of 44 Elthece, Gebbethon and Balaath,
Issachar by their kindreds, the cities and 45 And Jud and Bane and Barach and
their villages. Gethremmon :

24 And the fifth lot fell to the tribe of 46 And Mejarcon and Arecon, with the
the children of Aser by their kindreds: border that looketh towards Joppe,
25 And their border was Halcath and 47 And is terminated there. And the
Chali and Beten and Axaph, children of Dan went up and fought
26 And Elmelech and Amaad and Mes- against Lesem, and took it: and they
sal: and it reacheth to Carmel by the put it to the sword, and possessed it, and
sea and Sihor and Labanath, dwelt in it, calling the name of it Lesem
27 And it returneth towards the east to Dan, by the name of Dan their father.
Bethdagon: and passeth along to Zabu- 48 This is the possession of the tribe of
lon and to the valley of Jephthael to the sons of Dan, by their kindreds, the
wards the north to Bethemec and Nehiel. cities and their villages.
And it goeth out to the left side of Cabul, 49 And when he had made an end of
28 And to Abaran and Rohob and Ha- dividing the land by lot to each one by
mon and Cana, as far as the great Sidon. their tribes, the children of Israel gave a
29 And it returneth to Horma to the possession to Josue the son of Nun in the
strong city of Tyre, and to Hosa: and midst of them,
the outgoings thereof shall be at the sea 50 According to the commandment of
from the portion of Achziba: the Lord, the city which he asked for,
30 And Amma and Aphec and Rohob: Thamnath Saraa, in mount Ephraim: and
twenty-two cities, and their villages. he built up the city, and dwelt in it.
31 This is the possession of the children 51 These are the possessions which Elea-
of Aser by their kindreds, and the cities zar the priest, and Josue the son of Nun,
and their villages. and the princes of the families, and of
32 The sixth lot came out to the sons of the tribes of the children of Israel, dis
Nephtali by their families: tributed by lot in Silo, before the Lord at
33 And the border began from Heleph the door of the tabernacle of the testi
and Elon to Saananim, and Adami, which mony, and they divided the land.
is Neceb, and Jebnael even to Lecum:
and their outgoings unto the Jordan:
34 And the border returneth westward CHAPTER 20
to Azanotthabor, and goeth out from The cities of refuge are appointed for casual man
thence to Hucuca, and passeth along to
Zabulon southward, and to Aser west ND
the Lord spoke to Josue, saying:
ward, and to Juda upon the Jordan to Speak to the children of Israel and
wards the rising of the sun. say to them:
35 And the strong cities are Assedim, 2 Appoint cities of refuge, of which I
Ser, and Emath, and Reccath and Cen- spoke to you by the hand of Moses:
ereth, 3 That whosoever shall kill a person un
36 And Edema and Arama, Asor, awares may flee to them: and may escape
37 And Cedes and Edri, Enhasor, the wrath of the kinsman, who is the
38 And Jeron and Magdalel, Horem, avenger of blood:
and Bethanath and Bethsames: nineteen 4 And when he shall flee to one of these
and their villages.
cities, cities: he shall stand before the gate of
a Num. 35. 10 ; Deut 19. 2.

The cities of refuge JOSUE Cities given to the Levites

the city, and shall speak to the ancients 5 And to the rest of the children of
of that city, such things as prove him in Caath, that is, to the Levites, who re
nocent: and so shall they receive him, mained, out of the tribes of Ephraim,
and give him a place to dwell in. and of Dan, and the half tribe of Ma
5 And when the avenger of blood shall nasses, ten cities.
pursue him, they shall not deliver him 6 And the lot came out to the children
into his hands, because he slew his neigh of Gerson, that they should take of the
bour unawares, and is not proved to have tribes of Issachar and of Aser and of
been his enemy two or three days before. Nephtali, and of the half tribe of Manas
6 And he shall dwell in that city, till he ses in Basan, thirteen cities.
stand before judgment to give an account 7 And to the sons of Merari by their
of his fact, and till the death of the high kindreds, of the tribes of Ruben and of
priest, who shall be at that time: then Gad and of Zabulon, twelve cities.
shall the manslayer return, and go into his 8 And the children in Israel gave to the
own city and house from whence he fled. Levites the cities and their suburbs, as
7 And they appointed Cedes in Galilee the Lord commanded by the hand of
of mount Nephtali, and Sichem in mount Moses, giving to every one by lot.
Ephraim, and Cariath-Arbe, the same is 9 Of the tribes of the children of Juda
Hebron in the mountain of Juda. and of Simeon Josue gave cities: e whose
8 And beyond the Jordan to the east of names are these,
Jericho, b they appointed Bosor, which is 10 To the sons of Aaron, of the families
upon the plain of the wilderness of the of Caath of the race of Levi (for the first
tribe of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad of lot came out for them)
the tribe of Gad, and Gaulon in Basan of 11 The city of Arbe the father of Enac,
the tribe of Manasses. which is called Hebron, in the mountain
9 These cities were appointed for all the of Juda, and the suburbs thereof round
children of Israel, and for the strangers, about.
that dwelt among them: that whosoever 12 /But the fields and the villages
had killed a person unawares might flee thereof he had given to Caleb the son of
to them, and not die by the hand of the Jephone for his possession.
kinsman, coveting to revenge the blood 13 He gave therefore to the children of
that was shed, until he should stand be Aaron the priest, Hebron a city of ref
fore the people to lay open his cause. uge, and the suburbs thereof: and Lobna
with the suburbs thereof,
CHAPTER 21 14 And Jether and Estemo,
Cities with their suburbs are assigned for the priests 15 And Holon, and Dabir,
and Levites 16 And Ain, and Jeta, and Bethsames,
HHHEN the princes of the families of with their suburbs: nine cities out of the
J_ Levi came to Eleazar the priest, and
two tribes, as hath been said.
to Josue the son of Nun, and to the 17 And out of the tribe of the children
of Benjamin, Gabaon, and Gabae,
princes of the kindreds of all the tribes
of the children of Israel: 18 And Anathoth and Almon, with their
2 And they spoke to them in Silo in the suburbs: four cities.
land of Chanaan, and said: The Lord <*
19 All the cities together of the chil
commanded by the hand of Moses, that dren of Aaron the priest, were thirteen,
cities should be given us to dwell in, and
with their suburbs.
their suburbs to feed our cattle. 20 And to the rest of the families of
3 And the children of Israel gave out of
the children of Caath of the race of Levi
their possessions according to the com was given this possession.
mandment of the Lord, cities and their 21 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Sichem one
suburbs. of the cities of refuge, with the sub
4 And the lot came out for the family urbs thereof in mount Ephraim, and
of Caath of the children of Aaron the Gazer,
22 And Cibsaim, and Beth-horon, with
priest out of the tribes of Juda, and of
their suburbs, four cities.
Simeon, and of Benjamin, thirteen cities.
1 Par. 6. 2. / Supra 14. 14 1 Par. 6. 66.
b Deut. 4. 43. d Num. 35. 2. ;

Cities given to the Lezntes JOSUE
23 And of the tribe of Dan, Eltheco and the land that he had sworn to give to
Gabathon, their fathers: and they possessed it and
24 And Aialon and Gethremmon, with dwelt in it.
their suburbs, four cities. 42 And he gave them peace from all
25 And of the half tribe of Manasses, nations round about: and none of their
Thanac and Gethremmon, with their sub enemies durst stand against them, but
urbs, two cities.
Were brought under their dominion.
26 All the cities were with their 43 Not so much as one word, which he
suburbs, which were given to the chil
had promised to perform unto them, was
dren of Caath, of the inferior degree. made void, but all came to pass.
27 To the children of Gerson also of the
race of Levi out of the half tribe of Ma
The tribes of Ruben and Gad, and half the tribe of
nasses, Gaulon in Basan, one of the cities Manasses return to their possessions. They build
of refuge, and Bosra, with their suburbs, an altar by the side of the Jordan, which alarms
two cities. the other tribes. An embassage is sent to them, to
which they give a satisfactory answer.
28 And of the tribe of Issachar, Cesion,
and Dabereth, the same time Josue called the
29 And Jaramoth, and Engannim, with ATRubenites, and the Gadites, and the
their suburbs, four cities. half tribe of Manasses,
30 And of the tribe of Aser, Masai and 2 And said to them: You have done all
Abdon, that Moses the servant of the Lord com
31 And Helcath, and Rohob, with their manded you: you have also obeyed me
suburbs, four cities. in all things,
32 Of the tribe also of Nephtali, Cedes 3 Neither have you left your brethren
in Galilee, one of the cities of refuge and : this long time, until this present day,
Hammoth Dor, and Carthan, with their keeping the commandment of the Lord
suburbs, three cities. your God.
33 All the cities of the families of Ger 4 Therefore as the Lord your God hath
son, were thirteen, with their suburbs. given your brethren rest and peace, as
34 And to the children of Merari, Le- he promised: return, and go to your
vites of the inferior degree, by their fam dwellings, and to the land of your pos
ilies were given of the tribe of Zabulon, session, h which Moses the servant of the
Jecnarn and Cartha, Lord gave you beyond the Jordan:
35 And Damna and Naalol, four cities 5 Yet so that you observe attentively,
with their suburbs. and in work fulfil the commandment and
36 Of the tribe of Ruben beyond the the law which Moses the servant of the
Jordan over against Jericho, Bosor in the Lord commanded you: that you love the
wilderness, one of the cities of refuge, Lord your God, and walk in all his ways,
Misor and Jaser and Jethson and Meph- and keep all his commandments, and
aath, four cities with their suburbs. cleave to him, and serve him with all
37 Of the tribe of Gad, Ramoth in Ga- your heart, and with all your soul.
laad, one of the cities of refuge, and Ma- 6 And Josue blessed them, and sent
naim and Hesebon and Jaser, four cities them away, and they returned to their
with their suburbs. dwellings.
38 All the cities of the children of Me 7 Now to half the tribe of Manasses,
rari by their families and kindreds, were Moses had given a possession in Basan:
twelve. and therefore to the half that remained,
39 So all the cities of the Levites within Josue gave a lot among the rest of their
the possession of the children of Israel brethren beyond the Jordan to the west.
were forty-eight, And when he sent them away to their
40 With their suburbs, each distributed dwellings and had blessed them,
by the families. 8 He said to them With much substance

41 And the Lord God gave to Israel all and riches, you return to your settle-
h Num. 32. 33 ; Supra 1. 13, and 13. 8.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 36. Four cities. There are no other places, where the number of names exceeds
more, though there be five names for Minor is the
; the number of cities.
same city as Bosor, which is to be observed in some

They build an altar
JOSUE Their explanation
ments, with silver and gold, brass and Lord, and his wrath lay upon all the
iron, and variety of raiment: divide the people of Israel? And he was but one
prey of your enemies with your brethren. man, and would to God he alone had per
9 So .the children of Ruben, and the ished in his wickedness.
children of Gad, and the half tribe of 21 And the children of Ruben, and of
Manasses returned, and parted from the Gad, and of the half tribe of Manasses
children of Israel in Silo, which is in answered the princes of the embassage
Chanaan, to go into Galaad the land of of Israel:
their possession, which they had obtained
22 The Lord the most mighty God, the
according to the commandment of the Lord the most mighty God, he knoweth,
Lord by the hand of Moses. and Israel also shall understand If with:

10 And when they were come to the the design of transgression we have set
banks of the Jordan, in the land of Cha up this altar, let him not save us, but
naan, they built an altar immensely punish us immediately:
great near the Jordan. 23 And if we did it with that mind,
11 And when the children of Israel had that we might lay upon it holocausts, and
heard of it, and certain messengers had sacrifice, and victims of peace offerings,
brought them an account that the chil let him require and judge:
dren of Ruben, and of Gad, and the half 24 And not rather with this thought
tribe of Manasses had built an altar in and design, that we should say: To mor
the land of Chanaan, upon the banks of row your children will say to our chil
the Jordan, over against the children of dren: What have you to do with the
Israel : Lord the God of Israel?
12 They all assembled in Silo, to go up 25 The Lord hath put the river Jordan
and fight against them. for a border between us and you, ye
13 And in the mean time they sent to children of Ruben, and ye children of
them into the land of Galaad, Phinees Gad: and therefore you have no part in
the son of Eleazar the priest, the Lord. And by this occasion your
14 And ten princes with him, one of children shall turn away our children
every tribe. from the fear of the Lord. We therefore
15 Who came to the children of Ruben, thought it best,
and of Gad, and the half tribe of Ma 26 And said: Let us build us an altar,
nasses, into the land of Galaad, and said not for holocausts, nor to offer victims,
to them: 27 But for a testimony between us and
16 Thus saith all the people of the Lord :
you, and our posterity and yours, that
What meaneth this transgression? Why we may serve the Lord, and that we may
have you forsaken the Lord the God of have a right to offer both holocausts, and
Israel, building a sacrilegious altar, and victims of sacrifices of peace offerings:
revolting from the worship of him? and that your children to morrow may
17 Is it a small thing to you * that you not say to our children: You have no
sinned with Beelphegor, and the stain of part in the Lord.
that crime remaineth in us to this day? 28 And if they will say so, they shall
and many of the people perished. answer them: Behold the altar of the
18 And you have forsaken the Lord to Lord, which our fathers made, not for
day, and to morrow his wrath will rage holocausts, nor for sacrifice, but for a
against all Israel. testimony between us and you.
19 But you think the land of your
if 29 God keep us from any such wicked
possession to be unclean, pass over to ness that we should revolt from the Lord,
the land wherein is the tabernacle of the and leave off following his steps, by
Lord, and dwell among us: only depart building an altar to offer holocausts, and
not from the Lord, and from our society, sacrifices, and victims, beside the altar
by building an altar beside the altar of of the Lord our God, which is erected
the Lord our God. before his tabernacle.
20 ^ Did not Achan the son of Zare 30 And when Phinees the priest, and the
transgress the commandment of the princes of the embassage, who were with
Num. 26. 3 ; Deut. 4. 3. j Supra 7. 1.

Josue exhorts the people JO SUE Mixed marriages to be avoided

him, had heard this, they were satisfied

7 Lest after that you are come in among
and they admitted most willingly the the Gentiles, who will remain among you,
words of the children of Ruben, and Gad, you should swear by the name of their
and of the half tribe of Manasses. gods, and serve them, and adore them:
31 And Phinees the priest the son of 8 But cleave ye unto the Lord your
Eleazar said to them: Now we know God: as you have done until this day.
that the Lord is with us, because you are 9 And then the Lord God will take
not guilty of this revolt, and you have away before your eyes nations that are
delivered the children of Israel from the great and very strong, and no man shall
hand of the Lord. be able to resist you.
$2 And he returned with the princes 10 One of you shall chase a thousand
from the children of Ruben and Gad, out men of the enemies because the Lord :

of the land of Galaad, into the land of your God himself will fight for you, as
Chanaan, to the children of Israel, and he hath promised.
brought them word again. 11 This only take care of with all dili
33 And the saying pleased all that heard gence, that you love the Lord your
it. And the children of Israel praised God.
God, and they no longer said that they 12 But if you will embrace the errors
would go up against them, and fight, and of these nations that dwell among you,
destroy the land of their possession. and make marriages with them, and join
34 And the children of Ruben, and the friendships :

children of Gad called the altar which 13 Know ye for a certainty that the
they had built, Our testimony, that the Lord your God will not destroy them be
Lord is God. fore your face, but they shall be a pit
and a snare in your way, and a stum
JOKUC being old admonisheth the people to keep
bling-block at your side, and stakes in
God s commandments : and to avoid marriages and your eyes, till he take you away and de
all society with the Gentiles for fear of being
stroy you from off this excellent land,
brought to idolatry. which he hath given you.
when a long time was passed, 14 i Behold this day I am going into
A^Dafter that the Lord had given peace the way of all the earth, and you shall
to Israel, all the nations round about know with all your mind that of all the
being subdued, and Josue being now old, words which the Lord promised to per
and far advanced in years: form for you, not one hath failed.
2 Josue called for all Israel, and for 15 Therefore as he hath fulfilled in
the elders, and for the princes, and for
deed, what he promised, and all things
the judges, and for the mastei-s, and said
prosperous have come: so will he bring
to them I am old, and far advanced in
upon you all the evils he hath threatened,
years he take you away and
destroy you
3 And you see all that the Lord your from excellent land, which he
off this
God hath done to all the nations round hath given you,
about, how he himself hath fought for 16 When you shall have transgressed the
you: covenant of the Lord your God, which he
4 And now since he hath divided to you hath made with you, and shall have served
by lot all the land, from the east of the strange gods, and adored them: then
Jordan unto the great sea, and many shall the indignation of the Lord rise up
nations yet remain
quickly and speedily against you, and you

5 The Lord your God will destroy them,

and take them away from before your
shall be taken away from this excellent
land, which he hath delivered to you.
face, and you shall possess the land as he
hath promised you. CHAPTER 24
6 Only take courage, and be careful to
Josue assembleth the people, and reneweth the cove
observe all things that are written in the nant between them and God. His death and
book of the law of Moses: and turn not burial.

aside from them neither to the right

hand nor to the left: AD K Josue gathered together
tribes of Israel in Sichem,
and called

/ 3 Kings 2. 2.

Josue reminds the people JOSUE to serve God
They promise
for the ancients, and the princes, and site: and delivered them into your
the judges, and the masters: and they hands.
stood in the sight of the Lord: 12 -And I sent before you hornets: and
2 And he spoke thus to the people: I drove them out from their places, the
Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: two kings of the Amorrhites, not with
Your fathers dwelt of old on the other thy sword nor with thy bow.
side of the river, n Thare the father of 13 And I gave you a land, in which you
Abraham, and Nachor: and they served had not laboured, and cities to dwell in
strange gods. which you built not, vineyards and olive-
3 And I took your father Abraham yards, which you planted not.
from the borders of Mesopotamia: and 14 Now therefore fear the Lord, and
brought him into the land of Chanaan: serve him with a perfect and most sin
and I multiplied his seed, cere heart: and put away the gods which
4 P And gave him Isaac 1 and to him :
your fathers served in Mesopotamia and
again I gave Jacob and Esau. r And I in Egypt, and serve the Lord.
gave to Esau mount Seir for his posses 15 But if it seem evil to you to serve
sion s but Jacob and his children went
: the Lord, you have your choice: choose
down into Egypt. this day that which pleaseth you, whom
5 * And I sent Moses and Aaron, and I you would rather serve, whether the gods
struck Egypt with many signs and won which your fathers served in Mesopota
ders. mia, or the gods of the Amorrhites, in
6 And I brought you and your fathers

whose land you dwell but as for me and


out of Egypt, and you came to the sea: my house we will serve the Lord.
v and the Egyptians pursued your fa 16 And the people answered, and said:
thers with chariots and horsemen, as far God forbid we should leave the Lord, and
as the Red Sea. serve strange gods.
7 And the children of Israel cried to the 17 The Lord our God he brought us and
Lord: and he put darkness between you our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out
and the Egyptians, and brought the sea of the house of bondage: and did very
upon them, and covered them. Your great signs in our sight, and preserved
eyes saw all that I did in Egypt, and you us in all the way by which we journeyed,
dwelt in the wilderness a long time: and among all the people through whom
8 And I brought you into the land of we passed.
the Amorrhite, who dwelt beyond the 18 And he hath cast out all the nations,
Jordan. w And when they fought against the Amorrhite the inhabitant of the land
you, I delivered them into your hands, into which we are come. Therefore we
and you possessed their land, and slew will serve the Lord, for he is our God.
them. 19 And Josue said to the people: You
9 And Balac son of Sephor king of will not be able to serve the Lord: for
Moab arose and fought against Israel. he is a holy God, and mighty and jeal
x And he sent and called for Balaam son ous, and will not forgive your wicked
of Beor, to curse you : ness and sins.
10 And I would not hear him, but on 20 If you leave the Lord, and serve
the contrary I blessed you by him, and I strange gods, he will turn, and will afflict
delivered you out of -his hand. you, and will destroy you after all the
11 V And you passed over the Jordan, good he hath done you.
and you came to Jericho. And the men 21 And the people said to Josue: No, it
of that city fought against you, the shall not be so as thou sayest, but we
Amorrhite, and the Pherezite, and the will serve the Lord.
Chanaanite, and the Hethite, and the 22 And Josue said to the people: You
Gergesite, and the Hevite, and the Jebu- are witnesses, that you yourselves have
nGen. 11. 26. o Gen. 11. 31. p Gen. 21. 2. TV Num. 21. 24. x Num. 22. 5.
q Gen. 25. 26. r Gen. 36. 8. s Gen. 46. 6. y Supra 3. 14, and 6. 1, and 11. 3. z Ex. 23. 28;
t Ex. 3. 10. u Ex. 12. 37. v Ex. 14. 9. Deut.7. 20 Supra 11.20. a 1 Kings
; 7. 3 ; Tob. 14. 10.

CHAP. 24. the river. The Euphrates.

Ver. 2. Of lute,by setting before them the greatness of the
Ver. 19. You will not be able to serve the Lord, undertaking, and the courage and constancy neces
&C. This was not said by way of discouraging them ; sary to go through with it.
but rather to make them more earnest and reso-

Death and burial of Jo sue JUDGES Juda leads the Israelites

chosen you the Lord to serve him. And 29 And after these things Josue the son
they answered We are witnesses.
: of Nun the servant of the Lord died, be
23 Now therefore, said he, put away ing a hundred and ten years old:
strange gods from among you, and incline 30 And they buried him in the border
your hearts to the Lord the God of Israel. of his possession in Thamnathsare, which
24 And the people said to Josue: We is situate in mount Ephraim, on the
will serve the Lord our God, and we will northside of mount Gaas.
be obedient to his commandments. 31 And Israel served the Lord all the
25 Josue therefore on that day made a days of Josue, and of the ancients that
covenant, and set before the people com lived a long time after Josue, and that
mandments and judgments in Sichem. had known all the works of the Lord
26 And he wrote all these things in the which he had done in Israel.
volume of the law of the Lord: and he 32 b And the bones of Joseph which the
took a great stone, and set it under the children of Israel had taken out of Egypt,
oak that was in the sanctuary of the Lord. they buried in Sichem, in that part of
27 And he said to all the people: Be the field c which Jacob had bought of the
hold this stone shall be a testimony unto sons of Hemor the father of iSichem, for
you, that it hath heard all the words of a hundred young ewes, and it was in the
the Lord, which he hath spoken to you: possession of the sons of Joseph.
lest perhaps hereafter you will deny it, 3.3 Eleazar also the son of Aaron died:
and lie to the Lord your God. and they buried him in Gabaath that be-
28 And he sent the people away every longeth to Phinees his son, which was
one to their own possession. given him in mount Ephraim.


This Book is called JTIDGES, because it contains the history of what passed under the
government of the judges, who ruled Israel before they had kings. The writer of
it, according to the more general opinion, was the prophet Samuel.

CHAPTER 1 4 And Juda went up, and the Lord de

The expedition and victory of Juda against the livered the Chanaanite, and the Phere-
who are tolerated in many places.
Chanaanites: zite into their hands: and they slew of
FTER the death of Josue the chil- them, in Bezec ten thousand men.
dren of Israel consulted the Lord, 5 And they found Adonibezec in Bezec,
saying: Who shall go up before us and fought against him, and they de
against the Chanaanite, and shall be the feated the Chanaanite, and the Pherezite.
leader of the war? 6 And Adonibezec fled: and they pur
2 And the Lord said Juda shall go up
: :
sued after him and took him, and cut off
behold I have delivered the land into his his fingers and toes.
hands. 7 And Adonibezec said: Seventy kings
3 And Juda said to Simeon his brother:
having their fingers and toes cut off,
Come up with me into my lot, and fight gathered up the leavings of the meat
against the Chanaanite, that I also may under my table: as I have done, so hath
go along with thee into thy lot. And God requited me. And they brought him
Simeon went with him. to Jerusalem, and he died there.
b Gen. 50. 24 ; Ex. 13. 19. c Gen. 33. 19.

Ver. 27. It hath heard. This

a figure of speech,
by which sensation is attributed to inanimate
Ver. 29. And after, &c. If Josue wrote this book,
as is commonly believed, these last verses were
things and they are called upon, as it were, to bear
added by Samuel, or some other prophet.
witness in favour of the great Creator, whom they
on their part constantly obey.

They fight agamst the Chanaanites JUDGES Many cities are spared
8 And the children of Juda besieging fines, and Ascalon and Accaron with
Jerusalem, took it, and put it to the their confines.
sword, and set the whole city on fire. 19 And the Lord -was with Juda, and he
9 And afterwards they went down and
possessed the hill country: but was not
fought against the Chanaanite, who able to destroy the inhabitants of the
dwelt in the mountains, and in the south, valley, because they had many chariots
and in the plains. armed with scythes.
10 e And Juda going forward against 20 And they gave Hebron to Caleb, / as
the Chanaanite, that dwelt in Hebron Moses had said, who destroyed out of it
(the name whereof was in former times the three sons of Enac.
Cariath-Arbe) slew Sesai, and Ahiman, 21 But the sons of Benjamin did not de
and Tholmai: stroy the Jebusites that inhabited Jeru
11 And departing from thence he went salem: and the Jebusite hath dwelt with
to the inhabitants of Dabir, the ancient the sons of Benjamin in Jerusalem until
name of which was Cariath-Sepher, that this present day.
is, the city of letters. 22 The house of Joseph also went up
12 And Caleb said: He that shall take against Bethel, and the Lord was with
Cariath-Sepher, and lay it waste, to him them.
will I give my daughter Axa to wife. 23 For when they were besieging the
13 And Othoniel the son of Cenez, the city, which before was called Luza,
younger brother of Caleb, having taken 24 They saw a man coming out of the
it, he gave him Axa his daughter to wife. city, and they said to him: Shew us the
14 And as she was going on her way entrance into the city, and we will shew
her husband admonished her to ask a thee mercy.
field of her father. And as she sighed 25 And when he had shewn them, they
sitting on her ass, Caleb said to her: smote the city with the edge of the
What aileth thee? sword: but that man and all his kindred
15 But she answered: Give me a bless they let go:
ing, for thou hast given me a dry land: 26 Who being sent away, went into the
give me also a watery land. So Caleb land of Hethim, and built there a city,
gave her the upper and the nether wa and called it Luza: which is so called
tery ground. until this day.
16 And the children of the Cinite, the 27 Manasses also did not destroy Beth-
kinsman of Moses, went up from the san, and Thanac with their villages, nor
city of palms, with the children of Juda the inhabitants of Dor, and Jeblaam,
into the wilderness of his lot, which is and Mageddo with their villages. And
at the south side of Arad, and they dwelt the Chanaanite began to dwell with
with him. them.
17 And Juda went with Simeon his bro 28 But after Israel was grown strong
ther, and they together defeated the he made them tributaries, and would not
Chanaanites that dwelt in Sephaath, and destroy them.
slew them. And the name of the city 29 Ephraim also did not slay the Cha
was called Horma, that is, Anathema. naanite that dwelt in Gazer, but dwelt
18 And Juda took Gaza with its con- with him.
e Jcs. 15. 14. j Num. 14. 24 ; Jos. 15. 14.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 8.Jerusalem. This city was Moses was called Cinceus,or the Cinite and his ;

divided into two ; one part was called Jebufs, the children who came along with the children of Israel
other Salem: the one was in the tribe of Juda, the settled themselves among them in the land of Cha-
other in the tribe of Benjamin. After it was taken naan, embracing their worship and religion. From
and burnt by the men of was quickly rebuilt these the Rechabites sprung, of whom see Jer. 35.
again by the Jebusites, as we may gather from ver. Ibid. The city of palms. Jericho, so called from
21; and continued in their possession till it was the abundance of palm trees.
taken by king David. Ver. 18. Gaza, &c. These were three of the prin
Ver. 10. Hebron. This expedition against He cipal cities of the Philistines, famous both in sacred
bron, &c. is the same as is related, Jos. 15. 24. It and profane history. They were taken at this time
is here repeated, to give the reader at once a short by the Israelites but as they took no care to put

sketch of all the achievements of the tribe of Juda garrisons in them, the Philistines soon recovered
against the Chanaanites. them again.
Ver. 11. The city of letters. Perhaps so called Ver. 19. Was not able, &c. Through a cowardly
if)m some famous school, or library, kept there. fear of their chariots armed with hooks and scythes
Ver. 16. The Cinite. Jethro the father-in-law of and for want of confidence in God.

An angel reproves Israel JUDGES The people fall into idolatry

30 Zabulon destroyed not the inhabi 4 And when the angel of the Lord spoke
these words to all the children of Israel,
tants of Cetron, and Naalol: but the Cha-
naanite dwelt among them, and became they lifted up their voice, and wept.
their tributaries. 5 And the name of that place was
31 Aser also destroyed not the inhab called, The place of weepers, or of tears:
itants of Accho, and of Sidon, of Ahalab, and there they offered sacrifices to the
and of Achazib, and of Helba, and of Lord.
6 a And Josue sent away the people, and
Aphec, and of Rohob:
32 And he dwelt in the midst of the the children of Israel went every one to
Chanaanites the inhabitants of that land, his own possession to hold it:
and did not slay them. 7 And they served the Lord all his days,
33 Nephtali also destroyed not the in and the days of the ancients, that lived
habitants of Bethsames, and of Beth- a long time after him, and who knew all
anath: and he dwelt in the midst of the the works of the Lord, which he had
Chanaanites the inhabitants of the land, done for Israel.
and the Bethsamites and Bethanites were 8 And Josue the son of Nun, the serv
tributaries to him. ant of the Lord, died, being a hundred
34 And the Amorrhite straitened the and ten years old,
children of Dan in the mountain, and 9 And they buried him in the borders
of his possession in Thamnathsare in
gave them not place to go down to the
mount Ephraim, on the north side of
35 And he dwelt in the mountain Hares, mount Gaas.
that is, of potsherds, in Aialon and S al- 10 And that generation was gathered

ebim. And the hand of the house of to their fathers: and there arose others
that knew not the Lord, and the works
Joseph was heavy upon him, and he be
came tributary to him. Which he had done for Israel.
36 And the border of the Amorrhite 11 And the children of Israel did evil
was from the ascent of the scorpion, the in the sight of the Lord, and they served

rock, and the higher places.

12 And they left the Lord the God of
CHAPTER 2 their fathers, who had brought them out
In angel reproveth Israel. They weep for their of the land of Egypt: and they followed
sins. After the death of Josue, they often fall, and
repenting are delivered from their afflictions, but strange gods, and the gods of the people
still fall worse and worse. that dwelt round about them, and they
AND an angel of the Lord went up from adored them: and they provoked the
J\. Galgal to the place of weepers, and Lord to anger.
said: I made you go out of Egypt, and 13 Forsaking him, and serving Baal
have brought you into the land for which and Astaroth.
I swore to your fathers: and I promised 14 And the Lord being angry against
that I would not make void my covenant Israel, delivered them into the hands of
with you for ever: plunderers: who took them and sold
2 On condition that you should not them to their enemies, that dwelt round
make a league with the inhabitants of about: neither could they stand against
this land, but should throw down their their enemies:
altars: and you would not hear voice: my 15 But whithersoever they meant to go,
why have you done this? the hand of the Lord was upon them, as
3 Wherefore I would not destroy them he had said, and as he had sworn to
from before your face: that you may them: and they were greatly distressed.
have enemies, and their gods may be 16 And the Lord raised up judges, to
your ruin. deliver them from the hands of those
gJos. 24. 28.

Ver. 35. He dwelt. That the Amorrhite.

is, here said of the children of Israel, as to their falling
CHAP. 2. Ver. 1. An angel. Taking the shape so often into idolatry, is to be understood of a great
of aman. part of them but not so universally, as if the true

Ver. 8. And
Josue, &c. This is here inserted out worship of God was ever quite abolished among
of Jos. 24. by way of recapitulation of what had them for the succession of the true church and

happened before, and by way of an introduction to religion was kept up all this time by the priests and
that which follows. Levites, at least in the house of God in Silo.
Ver. 12. They followed strange gods. What is

God is angry with the people JUDGES Othoniel delivers Israel
that oppressed them but they would not
: the commandments of the Lord, which
hearken to them, he had commanded their fathers by the
17 Committing fornication with strange hand of Moses, or not.
gods, and adoring them. They quickly 5 So the children of Israel dwelt in the
forsook the way, in which their fathers midst of the Chanaanite, and the Heth-
had walked: and hearing the command ite, and the Amorrhite, and the Phere-
ments of the Lord, they did all things zite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite:
contrary. 6 And they took their daughters to
18 And when the Lord raised them up wives, and they gave their own daugh
judges, in their days he was moved to ters to their sons, and they served their
mercy, and heard the groanings of the gods.
afflicted, and delivered them from the 7 And they did evil in the sight of the
slaughter of the oppressors. Lord; and they forgot their God, and
19 But after the judge was dead, they served Baalim and Astaroth.
returned, and did much worse things 8 And the Lord being angry with Is
than their fathers had done, following rael, delivered them into the hands of
strange gods, serving them and adoring Chusan Rasathaim king of Mesopota
them. They left not their own inven mia, and they served him eight years.
tions, and the stubborn way, by which 9 And they cried to the Lord, who
they were accustomed to walk. raised them up a saviour, and delivered
20 And the wrath of the Lord was them, to wit, Othoniel the son of Cene:
kindled against Israel, and he said: Be the younger brother of Caleb:
hold this nation hath made void my 10 And the spirit of the Lord was in
covenant, which I had made with their him, and he judged Israel. And he went
fathers, and hath despised to hearken to out to fight, and the Lord delivered into
my voice: his hands Chusan Rasathaim king of
21 I also will not destroy the nations Syria, and he overthrew him.
which Josue left, when he died: 11 And the land rested forty years, and
22 That through them I may try Israel, Othoniel the son of Cenez died.
whether they will keep the way of the 12 And the children of Israel did evil
Lord, and walk in it, as their fathers again in the sight of the Lord: who
kept it, or not. strengthened against them Eglon king
23 The Lord therefore left all these na of Moab: because they did evil in his
tions, and would not quickly destroy sight.
them, neither did he deliver them into 13 And he joined to him the children of
the hands of Josue. Ammon, and Amalec: and he went and
overthrew Israel, and possessed the city
CHAPTER 3 of palm trees.
14 And the children of Israel served
The people falling into idolatry are oppressed by
their enemies; but repenting are delivered by Eglon king of Moab eighteen years:
Othoniel, Aod, and Samgar. 15 And afterwards they cried to the
rriHESE are the nations which the Lord, who raised them up a saviour called
X Lord that by them he might
left, Aod, the son of Gera, the son of Jemini,
instruct Israel, and all that had not who used the left hand as well as the
known the wars of the Chanaanites: right. And the children of Israel sent
2 That afterwards their children might presents to Eglon king of Moab by him.
learn to fight with their enemies, and to 16 And he made himself a two-edged
be trained up to war: sword, with a haft in the midst of the
3 The five princes of the Philistines, length of the palm of the hand, and was
and all the Chanaanites, and the Sido- girded therewith under his garment on
nians, and the Hevites that dwelt in the right thigh.
mount Libanus, from mount Baal Her- 17 And he presented the gifts to Eglon
mon to the entering into Emath. king of Moab. Now Eglon was exceed
4 And he left them, that he might try ing fat.
Israel by them, whether they would hear 18 And when he had presented the gifts

CHAP. 3. Ver. 8. Mesopotamia. In Hebrew because it lies between the Euphrates and the
4 ramnaharim. Syria of the two rivers: so called Tigris. It is absolutely called Syria, ver. 10.

Aod slays the king of Moab JUDGES Debbora and Barac

unto him, he followed his companions under the hand of Israel: and the land
that came along with him. rested eighty years.
19 Then returning from Galgal, where 31 After him was iSamgar the son of
the idols were, he said to the king: I Anath, who slew of the Philistines six
have a secret message to thee, O king. hundred men with a ploughshare: and
And he commanded silence: and all be he also defended Israel.
ing gone out that were about him, CHAPTER 4
20 Aod went in to him: now he was
sitting in a summer parlour alone,
and Debbora and Barac deliver Israel from Jabin and
Sisara. Jahal Icilleth Sisara.
he said: I have a word from God to

thee. And he forthwith rose up from the children of Israel again did
his throne, A^D evil in the sight of the Lord after
21 And Aod put forth his left hand, and the death of Aod,
took the dagger from his right thigh, 2 h And the Lord delivered them up
and thrust it into his belly, into the hands of Jaban king of Chanaan,
22 With such force that the haft went who reigned in Asor: and he had a gen
in after the blade into the wound, and eral of his army named Sisara and he y

was closed up with the abundance of fat. dwelt in Haroseth of the Gentiles.
So that he did not draw out the dagger, 3 And the children of Israel cried to
but left it in his body as he had struck the Lord for he had nine hundred chari

it in. And forthwith by the secret parts ots with scythes, and for twenty
of nature the excrements of the belly years had grievously oppressed them.
came out. 4 And there was at that time Debbora
23 But Aod carefully shutting the doors a prophetess the wife of Lapidoth, who
of the parlour and locking them, judged the people,
24 Went out by a postern door. And 5 And she sat under a palm tree, which
the king s servants going in, saw the was called by her name, between Rama
doors of the parlour shut, and they said : and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the
Perhaps he is easing nature in his sum children of Israel came up to her for
mer parlour. all judgment.
25 And waiting a long time till they 6 And she sent and called Barac the son
were ashamed, and seeing that no man of Abinoem out of Cedes in Nephtali:
opened the door, they took a key: and and she said to him: The Lord God of
opening, they found their lord lying dead Israel hath commanded thee: Go, and
on the ground. lead an army to mount Thabor, and thou
26 But Aod, while they were in confu shalt take with thee ten thousand fight
sion, escaped, and passed by the place of ing men of the children of Nephtali, and
the idols, from whence he had returned. of the children of Zabulon:
And he came to Seirath: 7 And I will bring unto thee in the
27 And forthwith he sounded the trum place of the torrent Cison, Sisara the
pet in mount Ephraim: and the children general of Jabin s army, and his chari
of Israel went down with him, he him ots, and all his multitude, and will de
self going in the front. liver them into thy hand.
28 And he said to them Follow me for
: : 8 And Barac said to her: If thou wilt
the Lord hath delivered our enemies the come with me, I will go if thou wilt not

Moabites into our hands. And they went come with me, I will not go.
down after him, and seized upon the 9 She said to him I will go indeed with

fords of the Jordan, which are in the thee, but at this time the victory shall
way to Moab: and they suffered no man not be attributed to thee, because Sisara
to pass over. shall be delivered into the hand of a
29 But they slew of the Moabites at that woman. Debbora therefore arose, and
time, about ten thousand, all strong and went with Barac to Cedes.
valiant men none of them could escape.
: 10 And he called unto him Zabulon and
30 And Moab was humbled that day Nephtali, and went up with ten thousand
h 1 Kiiigs r-- 9

Ver. 20. A word from God, &c. What Aod, who occasion, was by a God but
special inspiration of :

was judge and chief magistrate of Israel, did on this such things are not to be imitated by private men.

Sisara defeated and slain Jl DGES Canticle of Debbora and Barac
fighting men having Debbora in his com and striking it with the hammer, drove
pany. it through his brain fast into the ground:

11 Now Haber the Cinite had some time and so passing from deep sleep to death
before departed from the rest of the Cin- he fainted away and died.
ites his brethren the sons of Hobab, the 22 And behold Barac came pursuing
kinsman of Moses: and had pitched his after Sisara: and Jahel went out to meet
tents unto the valley which is called Sen- him, and said to him: Come, and I will
nim, and was near Cedes. shew thee the man whom thou seekest.
12 And it was told Sisara, that Barac And when he came into her tent, he saw
the son of Abinoem was gone up to Sisara lying dead, and the nail fastened
mount Thabor: in his temples.
13 And he gathered
together his nine 23 So God that day humbled Jabin the
hundred chariots armed with scythes, king of Chanaan before the children of
and all his army from Haroseth of the Israel:
Gentiles to the torrent Cison. 24 Who grew daily stronger, and with a
14 And Debbora said to Barac: Arise, mighty hand overpowered Jabin king of
for this is the day wherein the Lord hath Chanaan, till they quite destroyed him.
delivered Sisara into thy hands: behold
he is thy leader. And Barac went down CHAPTER 5
from mount Thabor, and ten thousand The canticle of Debbora and Barac after their vic
fighting men with him. tory.

15 And the Lord struck a terror into


that day Debbora and Barac son

Sisara, and all his chariots, and all his IN of Abinoem sung, and said:
multitude, with the edge of the sword, 2 you of Israel, that have willingly
at the sight of Barac, insomuch that Sis offered your lives to danger, bless the
ara leaping down from off his chariot, Lord.
fled away on foot. 3 Hear, ye kings, give ear, ye princes:
16 And Barac pursued after the fleeing It is I, it is I, that will sing to the Lord,
chariots and the army unto Haroseth of I will sing to the Lord the God of Israel.
the Gentiles, and all the multitude of the 4 O
Lord, when thou wentest out of
enemies was utterly destroyed. Seir, and passedst by the regions of
17 But Sisara fleeing came to the tent Edom, the earth trembled, and the heav
of Jahel the wife of Haber the Cinite, for ens dropped water.
there was peace between Jabin the king 5 The mountains melted before the face
of Asor, and the house of Haber the of the Lord, and Sinai before the face
Cinite. of the Lord the God of Israel.
18 And Jahel went forth to meet Sisara, 6 In the days of Samgar the son of
and said to him: Come in to me, my lord, Anath, in the days of Jahel the paths
come in, fear not. He went in to her rested: and they that went by them,
tent, and being covered by her with a walked through by-ways.
cloak, 7 The valiant men ceased, and rested in
19 Said to her: Give me, I beseech thee, Israel: until Debbora arose, a mother
a little water, for I am very thirsty. She arose in Israel.
opened a bottle of milk, and gave him to 8 The Lord chose new wars, and he
drink, and covered him. himself overthrew the gates of the ene
20 And Sisara said to her: Stand before mies: a shield and spear was not seen
the door of the tent, and when any shall among forty thousand of Israel.
come and inquire of thee, saying: Is 9 My heart loveth the princes of Israel :

there any man here? thou shalt say: O you that of your own good will offered
There is none. yourselves to danger, bless the Lord.
21 So Jahel Haber s wife took a nail of 10 Speak, you that ride upon fair asses,
the tent, and taking also a hammer: and and you that sit in judgment, and walk
going in softly, and with silence, she put in the way.
the nail upon the temples of his head, 11 Where the chariots were dashed to-

t Ps. 82. 10.

CHAP. 5. Ver. 6. The paths rested. The ways to the sanctuary of God were unfrequented : and men
walked in the by-ways of error and sin.

Canticle of Debbora and Barac JUDGES Canticle of Debbora and Barac

gether, and the army of the enemies was 22 The hoofs of the horses were broken
choked, there let the justices of the Lord whilst the stoutest of the enemies fled
be rehearsed, and his clemency towards amain, and fell headlong down.
the brave men of Israel: then the people 23 Curse ye the land of Meroz, said the
of the Lord went down to the gates, angel of the Lord: curse the inhabitants
and obtained the sovereignty. thereof, because they came not to the help
of the Lord, to help his most valiant men.
12 Arise, arise, Debbora, arise, arise,
24 Blessed among women be Jahel the
and utter a canticle.Arise, Barac, and
son of Abin- wife of Haber the Cinite, and blessed be
take hold of thy captives,
oem. she in her tent.
25 He asked her water and she gave
13 The remnants of the people are
him milk, and offered him butter in a
saved, the Lord hath fought among the
valiant ones. dish fit for princes.
14 Out of Ephraim he destroyed them 26 She put her left hand to the nail, and
into Amalec, and after him out of Ben her right hand to the workman s ham
jamin into thy people, Amalec: Out of mer, and she struck Sisara, seeking in
Machir there came down princes, and out his head a place for the wound, and
of Zabulon they that led the army to fight. strongly piercing through his temples.
15 The captains of Issachar were with 27 At her feet he fell: he fainted, and
Debbora, and followed the steps of Barac, he died: he rolled before her feet, and he
who exposed himself to danger, as one lay lifeless and wretched.
28 His mother looked out at a window,
going headlong, and into a pit. Ruben be
and howled: and she spoke from the
ing divided against himself, there was
found a strife of courageous men. dining room: Why is his chariot so long
16 Why dwellest thou between two bor
in coming back? Why are the feet of
his horses so slow?
ders, that thou mayest hear the bleat-
29 One that was wiser than the rest of
ings of the flocks? Ruben being divided
his wives, returned this answer to her
against himself, there was found a strife
of courageous men. mother in law:
17 Galaad rested beyond the Jordan, 30 Perhaps he is now dividing the spoils
and Dan applied himself to ships: Aser and the fairest of the women is chosen
dwelt on the sea shore, and abode in the out for him: garments of divers colours
havens. are given to Sisara for his prey, and fur
18 But Zabulon and Nephtali offered niture of different kinds is heaped to
their lives to death in the region of Mer- gether to adorn the necks.
ome. 31 So let all thy enemies perish, O
19 The kings came and fought, the Lord: but let them that love thee shine,
as the sun shineth in his rising.
kings of Chanaan fought in Thanach by
the waters of Mageddo, and yet they 32 And the land rested for forty years.
took no spoils.
20 War from heaven was made against CHAPTER 6
them, the stars remaining in their order The people for their sins, are oppressed by the Ma-
and courses fought against Sisara. dianites. Gedeon is called to deliver them.
21 The torrent of Cison dragged their the children of Israel again did
carcasses, the torrent of Cadumim, the AND Lord: and he
evil in the sight of the
torrent of Cison: tread thou, my soul, delivered them into the hand of Madian
upon the strong ones. seven years.

Ver. 14. Out of Ephraim, &c. The enemies strag Ver. 15. Divided against himself, &c. By this it
gling in their flight were destroyed, as they were seems that the valiant men of the tribe of Ruben
running through the land of Ephraim, and of Ben were divided in their sentiments, with relation to
jamin, which lies after, that is beyond Ephraim : this war, which division kept them at home within
and so on to the very confines of Amalec. Or, it al their own borders, to hear the bleating of their
ludes to former victories of the people of God, par flocks.
ticularly that which was freshest in memory, when Ver. 23. Meroz. Where this land of Meroz was,
the men of Ephraim and Benjamin, with Aod at which is here laid under a curse, we cannot find :

their head, overthrew their enemies the Moabites nor is there mention of it anywhere else in holy
with the Amalecites their allies. See chap. 3. Ibid. writ. In the spiritual sense, they are cursed who
Machir. The tribe of Manasses, whose eldest eon refuse to assist the people of God in their warfare
was Machir. against their spiritual enemies.

The Madianites oppress Israel JUDGES The angel s message to Gedeon
2 And they were grievously oppressed shalt deliver Israel out of the hand of
by them. And they made themselves Madian: know that I have sent thee.
dens and caves in the mountains, and 15 He answered and said: I beseech
strong holds to resist. thee, mylord, wherewith shall I deliver
3 And when Israel had sown, Madian
and Amalec, and the rest of the eastern
Israel ? Behold family is the mean
est in Manasses, and I am the least in
nations came up: my father s house.
4 And pitching their tents among them, 16 And the Lord said to him: I will be
wasted all things as they were in the with thee: and thou shalt cut off Madian
blade even to the entrance of Gaza: as one man.
and they left nothing at all in Israel for 17 And he said: If I have found grace
sustenance of life, nor sheep, nor oxen, before thee, give me a sign that it is
nor asses. thou that speakest to me,
5 For they and all their flocks came 18 And depart not hence, till I return to
with their tents, and like locusts filled all thee, and bring a sacrifice, and offer it
places, an innumerable multitude of men, to thee. And he answered: I will wait
and of camels, wasting whatsoever they thy coming.
touched. 19 So Gedeon went in, and boiled a kid,
6 And Israel was humbled exceedingly and made unleavened loaves of a measure
in the sight of Madian. of flour: and putting the flesh in a bas
7 And he cried to the Lord desiring ket, and the broth of the flesh into a pot,
help against the Madianites. he carried all under the oak, and pre
8 And he sent unto them a prophet, and sented to him.
he spoke: Thus saith the Lord the God 20 And the angel of the Lord said to
of Israel: I made you to come up out of him: Take the flesh and the unleavened
Egypt, and brought you out of the house loaves, and lay them upon that rock, and
of bondage, pour out the broth thereon. And when
9 And delivered you out of the hands of he had done so,
the Egyptians, and of all the enemies 21 The angel of the Lord put forth the
that afflicted you: and I cast them out at tip of the rod, which he held in his hand,
your coming in, and gave you their land. and touched the flesh and the unleavened
10 And I said: I am the Lord your God, loaves: and there arose a fire from the
fear not the gods of the Amorrhites, in rock, and consumed the flesh and the un
whose land you dwell. And you would leavened loaves: and the angel of the
not hear my voice. Lord vanished out of his sight.
11 And an angel of the Lord came, and 22 And Gedeon seeing that it was the
sat under an oak, that was in Ephra, and angel of the Lord, said: Alas, my Lord
belonged to Joas the father of the family God: for I have seen the angel of the
of Ezri. And when Gedeon his son was Lord face to face.
threshing and cleansing wheat by the 23 And the Lord said to him: Peace be
winepress, to flee from Madian, with thee: fear not, thou shalt not die.
12 The angel of the Lord appeared to 24 And Gedeon built there an altar to
him, and said: The Lord is with thee, O the Lord, and called it the Lord s peace,
most valiant of men. until this present day. And when he was
13 And Gedeon said to him: I beseech yet in Ephra, which is of the family of
thee, my lord, if the Lord be with us, Ezri,
why have these evils fallen upon us? 25 That night the Lord said to him:
Where are his miracles, which our fa Take a bullock of thy father s, and an
thers have told us of, saying: The Lord other bullock of seven years, and thou
brought us out of Egypt? but now the shalt destroy the altar of Baal, which is
Lord hath forsaken us, and delivered us thy father s and cut down the grove that

into the hands of Madian. is about the altar:

14 And the Lord looked upon him, and 26 And thou shalt build an altar to the
said: Go in this thy strength, and thou Lord thy God in the top of this rock,
II Kings 12. 11.

CHAP. 6. Ver. 15. The meanest in Manasses, &c. mean and little in their own eyes) for the greatest
Mark how the Lord chooseth the humble (who are enterprises.

The altar of Baal destroyed JUDGES
whereupon thou didst lay the sacrifice 38 And it was so. And rising before
before: and thou shalt take the second day wringing the fleece, he filled a vessel
bullock, and shalt offer a holocaust upon with the dew.
a pile of the wood, which thou shalt cut 39 And he said again to God: Let not
down out of the grove. thy wrath be kindled against me if I try
27 Then Gedeon taking ten men of his once more, seeking a sign in the fleece.
servants, did as the Lord had commanded I pray that the fleece only may be dry,
him. But fearing his father s house, and and all the ground wet with dew.
the men of that city, he would not do it 40 And God did that night as he had
by day, but did all by night. requested: and it was dry on the fleece
28 And when the men of that town were only, and there was dew on all the
risen in the morning, they saw the altar ground.
of Baal destroyed, and the grove cut CHAPTER 7
down, and the second bullock laid upon Gedeon, with three hundred men, by stratagem de-
the altar, which then was built. feateth the Madianites.
29 And they said one to another: Who fTlHEN Jerobaal, who is the same as
hath done this? And when they inquired Gedeon, rising up early and all the
for the author of the fact, it was said: people with him, came to the fountain
Gedeon the son of Joas did all this. that is called Harad. Now the camp of
30 And they said to Joas Bring out thy
: Madian was in the valley on the north
son hither, that he may die: because he side of the high hill.
hath destroyed the altar of Baal, and 2 And the Lord said to Gedeon: The
hath cut down his grove. people that are with thee are many, and
31 He answered them: Are you the Madian shall not be delivered into their
avengers of Baal, that you fight for him ? hands: lest Israel should glory against
he that is his adversary, let him die be me, and say: I was delivered by my own
fore to morrow light appear: if he be a strength.
god, let him revenge himself on him that 3 Speak to the people, and proclaim in
hath cast down his altar. the hearing of all, Whosoever is fearful
32 From that day Gedeon was called and timorous, let him return. So two
Jerobaal, because Joas had said: Let and twenty thousand men went away
Baal revenge himself on him that hath from mount Galaad and returned home,
cast down his altar. and only ten thousand remained.
33 Now all Madian, and Amalec, and 4 And the Lord said to Gedeon: The
the eastern people were gathered to people are still too many, bring them to
gether, and passing over the Jordan, the waters, and there I will try them:
camped in the valley of Jezrael. and of whom I shall say to thee, This
34 But the spirit of the Lord came upon shall go with thee, let him go: whom I
Gedeon, and he sounded the trumpet and shall forbid to go, let him return.
called together the house of Abiezer, to 5 And when
the people were come down
follow him. to the waters, the Lord said to Gedeon:
35 And he sent messengers into all Ma- They that shall lap the water with their
nasses, and they also followed him: and tongues, as dogs are wont to lap, thou
other messengers into Aser and Zabulon shalt set apart by themselves: but they
and Nephtali, and they came to meet him. that shall drink bowing down their knees,
36 And Gedeon said to God: If thou wilt shall be on the other side.
save Israel by my hand, as thou hast said, 6 And the number of them that had
37 I will put this fleece of wool on the lapped water, casting it with the hand
floor: if there be dew on the fleece only, to their mouth, was three hundred men:
and it be dry on all the ground beside, I and all the rest of the multitude had
shall know that by my hand, as thou hast drunk kneeling.
said, thou wilt deliver Israel. 7 And the Lord said to Gedeon: By the
n Deut. 20. 8 ; 1 Mac. 3. 56.

CHAP. 7. Ver. 2. Lest Israel, &c. By this we see Ver. 7. That lapped water. These were pre
that God will not choose for his instruments in great ferred that took the water up in their hands, and so
achievements, which depend purely on his grace, lapped it, before them who laid themselves quite
such as, through pride and self-conceit, will take the down to the waters to drink: which argued a more
glory to themselves. eager and sensual disposition.

Gedeon enters the camp of Madian JUDGES The Madianites defeated
three hundred men, that lapped water, I
trumpets in their hands, and empty
will save you, and deliver Madian into
pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers.
thy hand: but let all the rest of the 17 And he said to them: What you
people return to their place. shall see me do, do you the same: I will
8 So taking- victuals and trumpets ac go into one part of the camp, and do you
cording to their number, he ordered all as I shall do.
the rest of the multitude to depart to 18 When the trumpet shall sound in my
their tents: and he with the three hun
hand, do you also blow the trumpets on
dred gave himself to the battle. Now
every side of the camp.
the camp of Madian was beneath him in 19 And Gedeon, and the three hundred
the valley. men that were with him, went into part
9 The same night the Lord said to him of the camp, at the
beginning of the

Arise, and go down into the camp be :

midnight watch, and the watchmen be
cause I have delivered them into thy ing alarmed, they began to sound their
hand. trumpets, and to clap the pitchers one
10 But if thou be afraid to go alone, let against another.
Phara thy servant go down with thee. 20 And when they sounded their trum
11 And when thou shalt hear what they pets in three places round about the
are saying, then shall thy hands be camp, and had broken their pitchers,
strengthened, and thou shalt go down they held their lamps in their left hands,
more secure to the enemies camp. And and with their right hands the trumpets
he went down with Phara his servant which they blew, and they cried out:
into part of the camp, where was the The sword of the Lord and of Gedeon:
watch of men in arms. 21 Standing every man in his place
12 But Madian and Amalec, and all the round about the enemies camp. S o all
eastern people lay scattered in the val the camp was troubled, and crying out
ley, as a multitude of locusts their cam : and howling they fled away.
els also were innumerable as the sand 22 And the three hundred men never
that lieth on the sea shore. theless persisted sounding the trumpets.
13 And when Gedeon was come, one And the Lord sent the sword into all
told his neighboura dream: and in this the camp, and they killed one another,
manner what he had seen
related I : 23 Fleeing as far as Bethsetta, and the
dreamt a dream, and it seemed to me as border of Abelmahula in Tebbath. But
if a hearth cake of barley bread rolled the men of Israel shouting from Neph-
and came down into the camp of Madian : tali and Aser, and from all Manasses
and when it was come to a tent it struck pursued after Madian.
it, and beat it down flat to the ground. 24 And Gedeon sent messengers into
14 He to whom he spoke, answered: all mount Ephraim, saying: Come down
This is nothing else but the sword of to meet Madian, and take the waters be
Gedeon the son of Joas a man of Israel. fore them to Bethbera and the Jordan.
For the Lord hath delivered Madian, and And all Ephraim shouted, and took the
all their camp into his hand. waters before them and the Jordan as
15 And when Gedeon had heard the far as Bethbera.
dream, and the interpretation thereof, 25 P And having taken two men of
he adored: and returned to the camp of Madian, Oreb and Zeb: Oreb they slew
Israel, and said: Arise, for the Lord hath in the rock of Oreb, and Zeb in the wine
delivered the camp of Madian into our press of Zeb. And they pursued Madian,
hands. carrying the heads of Oreb and Zeb to
16 And he divided the three hundred Gedeon beyond the waters of the Jor
men into three parts, and gave them dan.
o Ps. 82. 10. p Ps. 82. 12 ; Isa. 10. 26.

Ver. 13. Adream. Observation of dreams is quests, must not only sound with the trumpet of the
commonly superstitious, and as such is condemned word of God, but must also break their earthen
in the word of God but in some extraordinary cases,
: pitchers, by the mortification of the flesh and its
as we here see, God is pleased by dreams to foretell passions, and carry lamps in their hands by the
what he is about to do. light of their virtues.
Ver. 19. Their trumpets, &c. In a mystical sense, Ver, 25. Two men. That is, two of their chiefs.
the preachers of the gospel, in order to spiritual con-

The Madianltes pursued JUDGES Zebee and Salmana are slain

CHAPTER 8 twenty thousand warriors that drew the

Gedeon appeaseth the Epkraimites. Taketh Zebee sword were slain.
and Salmana. Destroyeth Soccoth and Phanuel. 11 r And Gedeon went up by the way of
Refuseth to be king. Maketh an ephod of the gold
of the prey, and dieth in a good old age. The
them that dwelt in tents, on the east of
people return to idolatry. Nobe and Jegbaa, and smote the camp
the men of Ephraim said to him: of the enemies, who were secure, and
AJDWhat is this that thou meanest to suspected no hurt.
do, that thouwouldst not call us when 12 And Zebee and Salmana fled, and
thou wentest to fight against Madian? Gedeon pursued and took them, all their
and they chid him sharply and almost host being put in confusion.
offered violence. 13 And returning from the battle be
2 And he answered them: What could fore the sun rising,
I have done like to that which you have 14 He took a boy of the men of Soc
done? Is not one bunch of grapes of coth and he asked him the names of the

Ephraim better than the vintages of princes and ancients of Soccoth, and he
Abiezer? described unto him seventy-seven men.
3 The Lord hath delivered into your 15 And he came to Soccoth and said to
hands the princes of Madian, Oreb and them: Behold Zebee and Salmana, con
Zeb: what could I have done like to cerning whom you upbraided me, saying:
what you have done? And when he had Peradventure the hands of Zebee and
said this, their spirit was appeased, with Salmana, are in thy hands, and therefore
which they swelled against him. thou demandest that we should give
4 And when Gedeon was come to the bread to the men that are weary and
Jordan, he passed over it with the three faint.
hundred men, that were with him: who 16 So he took the ancients of the city,
were so weary that they could not pur and thorns and briers of the desert, and
sue after them that fled. tore them with the same, and cut in.
5 And he said to the men of Soccoth: pieces the men of Soccoth.
Give, I beseech you, bread to the people 17 And he demolished the tower of
that is with me, for they are faint that :
Phanuel, and slew the men of the city.
we may pursue Zebee, and Salmana the 18 And he said to Zebee and Salmana:
kings of Madian. What manner of men were they whom
6 The princes of Soccoth answered: you slew in Thabor? They answered:
Peradventure the palms of the hands of They were like thee, and one of them as
Zebee and Salmana are in thy hand, and the son of a king.
therefore thou demandest that we should 19 He answered them; They were my
give bread to thy army. brethren, the sons of my mother. As the
7 And he said to them When the Lord
: Lord liveth, if you had saved them, I
therefore shall have delivered Zebee and would not kill you.
Salmana into my hands, I will thresh 2Q And he said to Jether his eldest son :

your flesh with the thorns and briers of Arise, and slay them. But he drew not
the desert. his sword for he was afraid, being but

8 And going up from thence, he came yet a boy.

to Phanuel: and he spoke the like things 21 And Zebee and Salmana said: Do>

to the men of that place. And they also thou rise, and run upon us: because the
answered him, as the men of Soccoth had strength of a man is according to his age.
answered. * Gedeon rose
up and slew Zebee and Sal
& He said therefore to them also When : mana: and he took the ornaments and
I shall return a conqueror in peace, I bosses, with which the necks of the cam
will destroy this tower. els of kings are wont to be adorned.
10 But Zebee and Salmana were resting 22 And all the men of Israel said to
with all their army. For fifteen thou Gedeon: Rule thou over us, and thy
sand men were left of all the troops of son, and thy son s son because thou hast

the eastern people, and one hundred and delivered us from the hand of Madian.
r Osee 10. 14. s Ps. 82. 12.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 2. What could I, &c. A meek might have come to extremities. So great is the
and humble answer appeased them who otherwise
; power of humility both with God and man.

JUDGES Conspiracy of Abimelech
23 And he said to them: I will not rule
over you, neither shall my son rule over
Abimelech killeth his brethren. Joatham g parable.
you, but the Lord shall rule over you. Gaal conspireth with the Sichemites against
24 And he said to them: I desire one Abimelech, but is overcome. Abimelech destroyeth
Sichem : but is killed at Thebes.
request of you: Give me the earlets of
your spoils. For the Ismaelites were ac
customed to wear golden earlets.
25 They answered: We will give them
A Abimelech the son of Jerobaal
went to Sichem to his mother s
brethren and spoke to them, and to all the
most willingly. And spreading a mantle kindred of his mother s father, saying:
on the ground, they cast upon it the ear- 2 Speak to all the men of Sichem.
lets of the spoils. whether is better for you, that seventy
26 And the weight of the earlets that men all the sons of Jerobaal should rule
he requested, was a thousand seven hun over you, or that one man should rule
dred sides of gold, besides the orna over you? And withal consider that I
ments, and jewels, and purple raiment am your bone, and your flesh.
which the kings of Madian were wont to 3 And his mother s brethren spoke of
use, and besides the golden chains that him to all the men of Sichem, all these
were about the camels necks. words, and they inclined their hearts
27 And Gedeon made an ephod thereof, after Abimelech, saying: He is our bro
and put it in his city Ephra. And all ther:
Israel committed fornication with it, and 4 And they gave him
seventy weight of
it became a ruin to Gedeon and to all his silver out of the
temple of Baalberith:
house. wherewith he hired to himself men that
28 But Madian was humbled before the were needy, and vagabonds, and they
children of Israel, neither could they any followed him.
more lift up their heads: but the land 5 And he came to his father s house in
rested for forty years, while Gedeon pre Ephra, and slew his brethen the sons of
sided. Jerobaal, seventy men, upon one stone:
29 So Jerobaal the son of Joas went, and there remained only Joatham the
and dwelt in his own house. youngest son of Jerobaal, who was hid
30 And he had seventy sons, who came den.
out of his thigh, for he had many wives. 6 And all the men of Sichem were
31 And his concubine, that he had in gathered together, and the families
Sichem, bore him a son, whose name was of the city of Mello: and they went and
Abimelech. made Abimelech king, by the oak that
32 And Gedeon the son of Joas died in stood in Sichem.
a good old age, and was buried in the 7 This being told to Joatham, he went
sepulchre of his father in Ephra of the and stood on the top of mount Garizim:
family of Ezri. and up his voice, he cried, and
33 But after Gedeon was dead, the chil said: Hear me, ye men of Sichem, so
dren of Israel turned again, and com may God hear you.
mitted fornication with Baalim. And 8 The trees went to anoint a king over
they made a covenant with Bal, that he them: and they said to the olive tree:
should be their god: Reign thou over us.
34 And they remembered not the Lord 9 And it answered: Can I leave my fat
their God, who delivered them out of the ness, which both gods and men make use
hands of all their enemies round about: of, to come to be promoted among the
35 Neither did they shew mercy to the trees ?
house of Jerobaal Gedeon, according to 10 And the trees said to the fig tree:
all the good things he had done to Israel. Come thou and reign over us.

Ver. 27. An ephod. A priestly garment which CHAP. 9. Ver. 4. Baalberith. That is, Baal of
Gedeon made with a good design but the Israelites,
the covenant, so called from the covenant they had
after his death, abused it by making it an instru made with Baal, chap. 8. 33.
ment of their idolatrous worship. Ver. 9. Both gods and men make uxe of. The
Ver. 31. His concubine:. She- was his servant, but olive tree is introduced, speaking in this manner,
not his harlot and is oall fed; hfc concubine, as wives
: because oil was used both in the worship of the true
of an inferior degrutw are commonly called in the Old Qod, and in that of the false gods, whom the
Testament, through Q.thejiw,iB lawfully married. Sichemitea served.

JUDGES Sichem revolts against Abimelech

11 And it answered them: Can I leave 25 And they set an ambush against him
my sweetness, and my delicious fruits, on the top of the mountains: and while
and go to be promoted among the other they waited for his coming, they com
trees ? mitted robberies, taking spoils of all that
12 And the trees said to the vine: Come passed by: and it was told Abimelech.
thou and reign over us. 26 And Gaal the son of Obed came with
13 And it answered them Can I forsake
: his brethren, and went over to Sichem.
my wine, that cheereth God and men And the inhabitants of Sichem taking
and be promoted among the other trees? courage at his coming,
14 And all the trees said to the bram 27 Went out into the fields, wasting the
vineyards, and treading dow n the grapes
ble: Come thou and reign over us. :

15 And it answered them: If indeed and singing and dancing they went into
the temple of their god, and in their ban
you mean to make me king, come ye and
rest under my shadow: but if you mean quets and cups they cursed Abimelech.
it not, let fire come out from the bram 28 And Gaal the son of Obed cried:
ble,and devour the cedars of Libanus. Who is Abimelech, and what is Sichem,
16 Now therefore if you have done well, that we should serve him ? Is he not the
and without sin in appointing Abimelech son of Jerobaal, and hath made Zebul his
king over you, and have dealt well with servant ruler over the men of Emor the
Jerobaal, and with his house, and have father of Sichem? Why then shall we
made a suitable return for the benefits of serve him?
him, who fought for you, 29 Would to God that some man would
17 And exposed his life to dangers, to put this people under my hand, that I
deliver you from the hands of Madian, might remove Abimelech out of the way.
18 And you are now risen up against And it was said to Abimelech: Gather
my father s house, and have killed his together the multitude of an army, and
sons seventy men upon one stone, and come.
30 For Zebul the ruler of the city, hear
have made Abimelech the son of his
handmaid king over the inhabitants of ing the words of Gaal, the son of Obed,
Sichem, because he is your brother:
was very angry,
19 If therefore you have dealt well, and 31 And sent messengers privately to
without fault with Jerobaal, and his Abimelech, saying: Behold Gaal the son
of Obed is come into Sichem with his
house, rejoice ye this day in Abimelech,
and may he rejoice in you. brethren, and endeavoureth to set the
20 But if unjustly: let fire come out city against thee.
from him, and consume the inhabitants 32 Arise therefore in the night with the
of Sichem, and the town of Mello: and people that is with thee and lie hid in
let fire come out from the men of Sichem, the field:
and from the town of Mello, and devour 33 And betimes in the morning at sun
Abimelech. rising set upon the city. And when he
21 And when he had said thus he fled, shall come out against thee with his
and went into Bera: and dwelt there for people, do to him what thou shalt be
fear of Abimelech his brother. able.
22 So Abimelech reigned over Israel for 34 Abimelech therefore arose with all
three years. his night, and laid ambushes
army by
23 And the Lord sent a very evil spirit near Sichem in four places.
between Abimelech and the inhabitants 35 And Gaal the son of Obed went out,
of Sichem: who began to detest him, and stood in the entrance of the gate of
24 And to leave the crime of the murder the city. And Abimelech rose up, and
of the seventy sons of Jerobaal, and the all his army with him from the places of
shedding of their blood upon Abimelech the ambushes.
their brother, and upon the rest of the 36 And when Gaal saw the people, he
princes of the Sichemites, who aided him. said to Zebul: Behold a multitude cometh
Ver. 13. Cheereth God and men. Wine is here the trees, in Joatham s parable, according to the
represented as agreeable to God, because he had strict literal sense but only in a sense accommo

appointed it to be offered up with his sacrifices. But dated to the design of the parable expressed in th&
we are not obliged to take these words, spoken by conclusion of it.

Sic hem destroyed JUDGES Abimelech is killed

down from the mountains. And he an and laying it on his shoulder and carry
swered him: Thou seest the shadows of ing it, he said to his companions: What
the mountains as if they were the heads you see me do, do you out of hand.
of men, and this is thy mistake. 49 So they cut down boughs from the
37 Again Gaal said: Behold there com- trees, every man as fast as he could, and
eth people down from the middle of the followed their leader. And surrounding
land, and one troop cometh by the way the fort they set it on fire: and so it
that looketh towards the oak. came to pass that with the smoke and
38 And Zebul said to him: Where is with the fire a thousand persons were
now thy mouth wherewith thou saidst? killed, men and women together, of the
Who is Abimelech that we should serve inhabitants of the tower of Sichem.
him? Is not this the people which thou 50 Then Abimelech departing from
didst despise? Go out, and fight against thence came to the town of Thebes,
him. which he surrounded and besieged with
39 So Gaal went out in the sight of the his army.
people of Sichem, and fought against 51 And there was in the midst of the
Abimelech, city a high tower, towhich both the men
40 Who chased and put him to flight, and the women were fled together, and
and drove him to the city: and many all the princes of the city, and having
were slain of his people, even to the shut and strongly barred the gate, they
gate of the city: stood upon the battlements of the tower
41 And Abimelech sat down in Ruma: to defend themselves.
but Zebul drove Gaal, and his compan 52 And Abimelech coming near the
ions out of the city, and would not suffer tower, fought stoutly: and approaching
them to abide in it. to the gate, endeavoured to set fire to it:
42 So the day following the people went 53 v And behold a certain woman cast
out into the field. And it was told Abim ing a piece of a millstone from above,
elech. dashed it against the head of Abimelech
43 And he took his army, and divided it and broke his skull.
into three companies, and laid ambushes 54 w And he called hastily to his ar-
in the fields. And seeing that the peo mourbearer, and said to him: Draw thy
ple came out of the city, he arose and sword, and kill me: lest it should be said
set upon them. that I was slain by a woman. He did as
44 With his own company, assaulting he was commanded, and slew him.
and besieging the city: whilst the two 55 And when he was dead, all the men
other companies chased the enemies that of Israel that were with him, returned
were scattered about the field. to their homes.
45 And Abimelech assaulted the city all 56 And God repaid the evil, that Abim
that day: and took it, and killed the in elech had done against his father, kill
habitants thereof, and demolished it, so ing his seventy brethren.
that he sowed salt in it. 57 The Sichemites also were rewarded
46 And when they who dwelt in the for what they had done, and the curse of
tower of Sichem had heard this, they Joatham the son of Jerobaal came upon
went into the temple of their god Berith them.
where they had made a covenant with CHAPTER 10
him, and from thence the place had taken Thola ruleth Israel twenty-three years; and Jair
twenty-two. The people fall again into idolatry,
itsname, and it was exceeding strong. and are afflicted by the Philistines and Ammon
47 Abimelech also hearing that the men ites. They cry to God for help, who upon their re
of the tower of Sichem were gathered pentance hath compassion on them.

together, Abimelech there arose a ruler

48 Went up into mount Selmon he and AFTER
in Israel, Thola son of Phua the
all his people with him: and taking an uncle of Abimelech, a man of Issachar,
axe, he cut down the bough of a tree, who dwelt in Samir of mount Ephraim:
v 2 Kings 11. 21. w 1 Kings 31. 4 ; 1 Par. 10. 4.

Ver. 45. Sowed salt. To make the ground barren, brother to Gedeon, as being born of the same mo
and tit for nothing. ther, but by a different father, and of a different
CHAP. 10. Ver. 1. Uncle of Abimelech, i.e., half tribe.

The Israelites fall mto idolatry JUDGES Ammon wars against Israel
2 And he judged Israel three and twen us whatsoever pleaseth thee: only de
ty years, and he died, and was buried in liver us this time.
Samir. 16 And saying these things, they cast
3 To him succeeded Jair the Galaadite, away out of their coasts all the idols of
who judged Israel for two and twenty strange gods and served the Lord their
years. God: and he was touched with their
4 Having thirty sons that rode on thir miseries.
ty ass colts, and were princes of thirty 17 And the children of Ammon shout
cities,which from his name were called ing together, pitched their tents in Ga
Havoth Jair, that is, the towns of Jair, laad: against whom the children of Is
until this present day in the land of rael assembled themselves together and
Galaad. camped in Maspha.
5 And and was buried in the
Jair died : 18 And the princes of Galaad said one
place which was called Camon. to another: Whosoever of us shall first
6 But the children of Israel, adding new begin to fight against the children of
sins to their old ones, did evil in the Ammon, he shall be the leader of the
Sight the Lord, and served idols,
of people of Galaad.
Baalim and Astaroth, and the gods of
Syria and of Sidon and of Moab and of
the children of Ammon and of the Philis Jephte is made
ruler of the people of Galaad: he
first pleads their cause against the Ammonites;
tines and they left the Lord, and did
: then making a vow obtains a signal victory; he
not serve him. performs his vow.
7 And the Lord being angry with them, was at that time Jephte the
delivered them into the hands of the JL Galaadite, a most valiant man and a
Philistines and of the children of Am warrior, the son of a woman that was a
mon. harlot, and his father was Galaad.
8 And they were afflicted, and grievous 2 Now Galaad had a wife of whom he
ly oppressed for eighteen years, all they had sons: who after they were grown
that dwelt beyond the Jordan in the up, thrust out Jephte, saying: Thou
land of the Amorrhite, who is in Galaad : canst not inherit in the house of our
9 Insomuch that the children of Am father, because thou art born of another
mon passing over the Jordan, wasted mother.
Juda and Benjamin and Ephraim: and 3 Then he fled and avoided them and
Israel was distressed exceedingly. dwelt in the land of Tob and there were

10 And and
they cried to the Lord, gathered to him needy men, and robbers,
said: We have sinned against thee, be and they followed him as their prince.
cause we have forsaken the Lord our 4 In those days the children of Ammon
God, and have served Baalim. made war against Israel.
11 And the Lord said to them: Did not 5 And as they pressed hard upon them,
the Egyptians and the Amorrhites, and the ancients of Galaad went to fetch
the children of Ammon and the Philis Jephte out of the land of Tob to help
tines, them;
12 The S idonians also and Amalec and 6 And they said to him: Come thou
Chanaan oppress you, and you cried to and be our prince, and fight against the
me, and I delivered you out of their children ofAmmon.
hand? 7 And he answered them v Are not :

13 And yet you have forsaken me, and you the men that hated me, and cast me
have worshipped strange gods: there out of my father s house, and now you
fore I will deliver you no more: are come to me constrained by neces
14 Go and call upon the gods which sity?
you have chosen: let them deliver you 8 And the princes of Galaad said to
in the time of distress. Jephte: For this cause we are now come
15 And the children of Israel said to to thee, that thou mayst go with us, and
the Lord: We have sinned, do thou unto fight against the children of Ammon,
y Gen. 26. 27.
Ver. 4. Havoth Jaif. This name was now confirmed to these towns, which they had formerly received
from another Jair. Num. 32. 41.
Jephte made leader of Israel JUDGES He defeats the Artwrr kites
and be head over all the inhabitants of Hesebon, and they said to him: Suffer
Galaad. me to pass through thy land to the river.
9 Jephte also said to them: If you be 20 But he also despising the words of
come to me sincerely, that I should fight Israel, suffered him not to pass through
for you against the children of Ammon, his borders: but gathering an infinite
and the Lord shall deliver them into my multitude, went out against him to Jasa,
hand, shall I be your prince? and made strong opposition.
10 They answered him: The Lord who 21 And the Lord delivered him with all
heareth these things, he himself is medi his army into the hands of Israel, and
ator and witness that we will do as we he slew him, and possessed all the land
have promised. of the Amorrhite the inhabitant of that
11 Jephte therefore went with the country,
princes of Galaad, and all the people 22 And all the coasts thereof from the
made him their prince. And Jephte Arnon to the Jaboc, and from the wilder
spoke all his words before the Lord in ness to the Jordan.
Maspha. 23 So the Lord the God of Israel de
12 And he sent messengers to the king stroyed the Amorrhite, his people of Is
of the children of Ammon, to say in his rael fighting against him, and wilt thou
name, What hast thou to do with me, now possess this land?
that thou art come against me, to waste 24 Are not those things which thy god
my land? Chamos possesseth, due to thee by right ?
13 And he answered them Because: But what the Lord our God hath obtained
Israel took away my land when he came by conquest, shall be our possession:
up out of Egypt, from the confines of the 25 d Unless perhaps thou art better
Arnon unto the Jaboc and the Jordan: than Balac the son of Sephor king of
now therefore restore the same peace Moab; or canst shew that he strove
ably to me. against Israel and fought against him,
14 And Jephte again sent word by 26 Whereas he hath dwelt in Hesebon,
them, and commanded them to say to and the villages thereof, and in Aroer,
the king of Ammon: and its villages, and in all the cities near
15 Thus saith Jephte: Israel did not the Jordan, for three hundred years.
take away the land of Moab, nor the land Why have you for so long a time at
of the children of Ammon: tempted nothing about this claim?
16 But when they came up out of 27 Therefore I do not trespass against
Egypt, he walked through the desert to thee, but thou wrongest me by declaring
the Red Sea, and came into Cades. an unjust war against me. The Lord
17 & And he sent messengers to the be judge and decide this day between
king of Edom, saying: Suffer me to pass Israel and the children of Ammon.
through thy land. But he would not 28 And the king of the children of Am
condescend to his request. He sent also mon would not hearken to the words of
to the king of Moab, who likewise re Jephte, which he sent him by the mes
fused to give him passage. He abode sengers.
therefore in Cades, 29 Therefore the spirit of the Lord
18 And went round the land of Edom came upon Jephte, and going round Ga
at the side, and the land of Moab: and laad, and Manasses, and Maspha of Ga
came over against the east coast of the laad, and passing over from thence to
land of Moab, and camped on the other the children of Ammon,
side of the Arnon: ^and he would not 30 He made a vow to the Lord, saying:
enter the bounds of Moab. If thou wilt deliver the children of Am
19 So Israel sent messengers to Sehon mon into my hands,
king of the Amorrhites, who dwelt in 31 Whosoever shall first come forth out

a Num. 21. 24. 6 Num. 20. 14. c Num. 21. 13. d Num. 22. 2.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 24. Chamos. The idol of the which God, by visible miracles, had conquered for
Moabites and Ammonites. He argues from their them.
opinion, -who thought they had a just title to the Ver. 31, Whosoever, &o. Some are of opinion,
countries which they imagined they had conquered that the meaning of this vow of Jephte, was to con-
by the help of their gods : how much more then secrate to God whatsoever should first meet him,
had Israel an indisputable title to the countries according to the condition of the thing BO as to ;

Jepht^s vow JUDGES Ephraimites quarrel with Jephte
of the doors of my house, and shall meet the daughter of Jephte the Galaadite for
me when I return in peace from the chil four days.
dren of Ammon, the same will I offer a CHAPTER 12
holocaust to the Lord.
The Ephraimites quarrel with Jvphte: forty-two
32 And Jephte passed over to the chil thousand of them are slain: Abesan, AhMon, a.nd
dren of Ammon, to fight against them: Abdon, are judges,
and the Lord delivered them into his behold there arose a sedition in
33 And he smote them from Aroer till
Ephraim. And passing towards the
said to When thou
north, they Jephte:
you come to Mennith, twenty cities, and wentest to fight against the children of
as far as Abel, which is set with vine Ammon, why wouldst thou not call us,
yards, with a very great slaughter: and that we might go with thee? There
the children of Ammon were humbled by fore we will burn thy house.
the children of Israel. 2 And he answered them: I and my
34 And when Jephte returned into Mas- people were at great strife with the chil
pha to his house, his only daughter met dren of Ammon: and I called you to as
him with timbrels and with dances: for sist me, and you would not do it.
ho had no other children. 3 And when I saw this, I put my life in
35 And when he saw her, he rent his my own hands, and passed over against
garments, and said: Alas! my daughter, the children of Ammon, and the Lord
thou hast deceived me, and thou thyself delivered them into my hands. What
art deceived: for I have opened my have I deserved, that you should rise tip
mouth to the Lord, and I can do no other to fight against me ?
thing. 4 Then calling to him all the men of
36 And she answered him: My father, Galaad, he fought against Ephraim: and
if thou hast opened thy mouth to the the men of Galaad defeated Ephraim,
Lord, do unto me what soever thou hast because he had said: Galaad is a fugitive
promised, since the victory hath been of Ephraim, and dwelleth in the midst of
granted to thee, and revenge of thy ene Ephraim and Manasses.
mies. 5 And the Galaadites secured the fords
37 And she said to her father: Grant of the Jordan, by which Ephraim was to>

me only this which I desire: Let me go, return. And when any one of the num
that I may go about the mountains for ber of Ephraim came thither in the flight,
two months, and may bewail my virgin and said: I beseech you let me pass: the
ity with my companions. Galaadites said to him: Art thou not an
38 And he answered her: Go. And he Ephraimite? If he said: I am not:
sent her away for two months. And 6 They asked him Say then, Scibboleth,

when she was gone with her comrades which is interpreted, An ear of corn.
and companions, she mourned her vir But he answered Sibboleth, not being
ginity in the mountains. able to express an ear of corn by the
39 And the two months being expired, same letter. Then presently they took
she returned to her father, and he did to him and killed him in the very passage of
her as he had vowed, and she knew no the Jordan. And there fell at that time
man. From thence came a fashion in Is of Ephraim two and forty thousand.
rael, and a custom has been kept: 7 And Jephte the Galaadite judged Is
40 That from year to year the daughters rael six years: and he died, and was bur
of Israel assemble together, and lament ied in his city of Galaad.
offer itup as a holocaust, if it were such a thing as pears from ver. 29, SO) in consequence of which he
might be so offered by the law or to devote it other
; obtained the victory and therefore he reasonably

wise to God, if it were not such as the law allowed concluded that God, who is the master cf life and
to be offered in sacrifice. And therefore they think death, was pleased on this occasion to dispense with
the daughter of Jephte was not slain by her father, his own law ; and that it was the divine will he
but only consecrated to perpetual virginity. But the should fulfill his vow.
common opinion followed by the generality of the Ver. 37. Bewail my virginity. The bearing of
holy fathers and divines is, that she was offered as a children was much coveted under the Old Testa
holocaust, in consequence of her father s vow and: ment, when women might hope that from some child
that Jephte did not sin, at least not mortally, neither of theirs, the Saviour of the world might one day
in making, nor in keeping, his vow : since he is no spring. But under the New Testament virginity is
ways blamed for it in scripture; and was even preferred. 1 Cor. 7. 35.
inspired by God himself to make the vow (as ap-

An angel appears to Mamie JUDGES The angel s message
8 After him Abesan of Bethlehem and by what name he was called, he
judged Israel: would not tell me.
9 He had
thirty sons, and as many daugh 7 But he answered thus: Behold thou
ters, whomhe sent abroad, and gave to shalt conceive and bear a son: beware
husbands, and took wives for his sons of thou drink no wine, nor strong drink,
the same number, bringing them into his nor eat any unclean thing: for the child
house. And he judged Israel seven years: shall be a Nazarite of God from his in
10 And he died, and was buried in Beth
fancy, from his mother s womb until the
lehem. day of his death.
11 To him succeeded Ahialon a Zabu- 8 Then Manue prayed to the Lord, and
lonite: and he judged Israel ten years: said: I beseech thee, O Lord, that the
12 And he died, and was buried in Za- man of God, whom thou didst send, may
bulon. come again, and teach us what we ought
13 After him Abdon, the son of Illel, a to do concerning the child that shall be
Pharathonite, judged Israel: born.
14 And he had forty sons, and of them 9 And the Lord heard the prayer of
thirty grandsons, mounted upon seventy Manue, and the angel of the Lord ap
ass colts, and he judged Israel eight peared again to his wife as she was sit
years :
ting in the field. But Manue her husband
15 And he died, and was buried in Phar- was not with her. And when she saw
athon in the land of Ephraim, in the the angel,
mount of Amalech. 10 She made haste and ran to her hus
CHAPTER 13 band: and told him saying: Behold the
The people fall again into idolatry and are afflicted
man hath appeared to me whom I saw
by the Philistines. An angel foretelleth the birth before.
of Samson. 11 He rose up and followed his wife:
the children of Israel did evil and coming to the man, said to him: Art
ANDagain in the sight of the Lord: and thou he that spoke to the woman? And
he delivered them into the hands of the he answered: I am.
Philistines forty years. 12 And Manue
said to him: When thy
2 Now there was a certain man of Saraa, word shall come to pass, what wilt thou
and of the race of Dan, whose name was that the child should do? or from what
Manue, and his wife was barren. shall he keep himself?
3 And an angel of the Lord appeared to 13 And
the angel of the Lord said to
her, and said: Thou art barren and with Manue: From all the things I have spoken
out children: 0but thou shalt conceive of to thy wife, let her refrain herself:
and bear a son. 14 And let her eat nothing that cometh
4 h Nowtherefore beware and drink no of the vine, neither let her drink wine or
wine nor strong drink, and eat not any strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing:
unclean thing. and whatsoever I have commanded her,
5 Because thou shalt conceive and bear lether fulfil and observe.
a son, and no razor shall touch his head: 15 And Manue said to the angel of
for he shall be a Nazarite of God, from the Lord: beseech thee to consent to
his infancy, and from his mother s womb, my request, and let us dress a kid for
and he shall begin to deliver Israel from thee.
the hands of the Philistines. 16 And the angel answered him: If thou
6 And when she was come to her hus press me, I will not eat of thy bread: but
band she said to him: A man of God if thou wilt offer a holocaust, offer it to
came to me, having the countenance of the Lord. And Manue knew not it was
an angel, very awful. And when I asked the angel of the Lord.
him who he was, and whence he came, 17 And he said to him: What is thy

e Supra 10. 6. g Gen. 16. 11 ;

1 Kings 1. 20 ; Luke 1. 31. h Num. 6. 4.

CHAP. Ver. 13. Let her retrain, &c By the

13. the like things, because he was to be from his in
Latin text it is not clear whether this abstinence fancy a Nazarite of God, ver. 6, that is, one set
was prescribed to the mother, or to the child but ; aside, in a particular manner, and consecrated to
the Hebrew (in which the verbs relating thereto are God now the Nazarites by the law were to abtain

of the feminine gender) determineth it

_to the
from all these things.
mother. But then the child also was to refrain from

Birth of Samson JUDGES Samson s riddle

that, if thy word shall come to the Philistines, who are uncircumcised ?
pass, we may honour thee?
And Samson said to his father: Take this
18 And he answered him
Why : askest woman for me, for she hath pleased my
thou my name, which is wonderful ? eyes.
19 Then Manue took a kid of the flocks, 4 Now his parents knew not that the
and the libations, and put them upon a thing was done by the Lord, and that he
rock, the Lord, who doth
offering to sought an occasion against the Philis
wonderful things: and he and his wife tines: for at that time the Philistines
looked on. had dominion over Israel.
20 And when the flame from the altar 5 Then Samson went down with his
went up towards heaven, the angel of father and mother to Thamnatha. And
the Lord ascended also in the flame. And when they were come to the vineyards of
when Manue and his wife saw this, they the town, behold a young lion met him
on the ground.
fell flat raging and roaring.
21 And the angel of the Lord appeared 6 And the spirit of the Lord came upon
to them no more. And forthwith Manue Samson, and he tore the lion as he would
understood that it was an angel of the have torn a kid in pieces, having nothing
Lord, at all in his hand: and he would not tell
22 And he said to his wife: We shall this to his father and mother.
certainly die, because we have seen God. 7 And he went down and spoke to the
23 And his wife answered him: If the woman that had pleased his eyes.
Lord had a mind to kill us, he would not 8 And after some days returning to
have received a holocaust and libations take her, he went aside to see the carcass
at our hands, neither would he have of the lion, and behold there was a
shewed us all these things, nor have told swarm of bees in the mouth of the lion
us the things that are to come. and a honeycomb.
24 And she bore a son, and called his 9 And when he had taken it in his
name Samson. And the child grew, and hands, he went on eating: and coming to
the Lord blessed him. his father and mother, he gave them of
25 And the spirit of the Lord began to
it, and they ate: but he would not tell
be with him in the camp of Dan, between
them, that he had taken the honey from
Saraa and Esthaol. the body of the lion.
CHAPTER 14 10 So his father went down to the
Samson desireth a wife of the Philistines. He kill- woman, and made a feast for his son
eth a lion: in whose mouth he afterwards find- Samson: for so the young men used to
eth honey. His marriage feast, and riddle, which do.
is discovered by his wife. He killeth, and strip-
peth thirty Philistines. His wife taketh another 11 And when the citizens of that place
man. saw him, they brought him thirty com
THHEN Samson went down to Tham- panions to be with him.
\. natha, and seeing there a woman of 12 And Samson said to them: I will
the daughters of the Philistines, propose to you a riddle, which if you de
2 He came up, and told his father and clare unto me within the seven days of
his mother, saying: I saw a woman in the feast, I will give you thirty shirts,
Thamnatha of the daughters of the Phil and as many coats:
istines: I beseech you, take her for me 13 But if you shall not be able to de
to wife. clare it, you shall give me thirty shirts
3 And his father and mother said to and the same number of coats. They
him: Is there no woman among the answered him: Put forth the riddle that
daughters of thy brethren, or among all we may hear it.
my people, that thou wilt take a wife of 14 And he said to them: Out of the
i Gen. 32. 29.

Ver. 22. Seen God. Not in his own person, but in CHAP. 14. Ver. 3. la there no ivoman among the
the person of his messenger. The Israelites, in those daughters of thy brethren. This shews his parents
days, imagined they should die if they saw an angel, were at first against his marriage with a Gentile, it
taking occasion perhaps from those words spoken by being prohibited, Deut. 7. 3 but afterwards they

the Lord to Moses, Ex. 33. 20, No man shall see me consented, knowing it to be by the dispensation of
and live. But the event demonstrated that it was God which otherwise would have been sinful in

but a groundless imagination. acting contrary to the law.

The riddle answered JUDGES Samson s revenge
aater came forth meat, and out of the fairer than she, take her to wife instead
strong came forth sweetness. And they of her.
could not in three days expound the 3 And Samson answered him From :
riddle. this day I shall be blameless in what I
15 And when the seventh day came, do against the Philistines: for I will do
they said to the wife of Samson Soothe :
you evils.
thy husband, and persuade him to tell 4 And he went and caught three hun
thee what, the riddle meaneth. But if dred foxes, and coupled them tail to
thou wilt not do it, we will burn thee,
tail, and fastened torches between the
and thy father s house. Have you called tails.
us to the wedding on purpose to strip 5 And setting them on fire he let the
us? foxes go, that they might run about
16 So she wept before Samson and hither and thither. And they presently
complained, saying: Thou hatest me, went into the standing corn of the Phil
and dost not love me therefore thou wilt
istines. Which being set on fire, both
not expound to me the riddle which thou the corn that was already carried to
hast proposed to the sons of my people.
gether, and that which was yet stand
But he answered: I would not tell it to ing, was all burnt, insomuch, that the
my father and mother, and how can I flame consumed also the vineyards and
tell it to thee? the oliveyards.
17 So she wept before him the seven 6 Then the Philistines said Who hath:

days of the feast: and at length on the done this thing? And it was answered:
seventh day as she was troublesome to Samson the son in law of the Thamnath-
him, he expounded it. And she imme ite,because he took away his wife, and
diately told her countrymen. gave her to another, hath done these
18 And they on the seventh day before things. And the Philistines went up and
the sun went down said to him: What is burnt both the woman and her father.
sweeter than honey? and what is strong 7 But Samson said to them: Although
er than a lion? And he said to them: If you have done this, yet will I be re
you had not ploughed with my heifer, venged of you, and then I will be quiet.
you had not found out my riddle. 8 And he made a great slaughter of
19 And the spirit of the Lord came them, so that in astonishment they laid
upon him, and he went down to Ascalon, the calf of the leg upon the thigh. And
and slew there thirty men, whose gar going down he dwelt in a cavern of the
ments he took away and gave to them rock Etam.
that had declared the riddle. And being 9 Then the Philistines going up into the
exceeding angry he went up to his fa land of Juda, camped in the place which
ther s house :
afterwards was called Lechi, that is, the
20 But his wife took one of his friends Jawbone, where their army was spread.
and bridal companions for her husband. 10 And the men of the tribe of Juda
said to them: Why are you come up
CHAPTER 15 against us? They answered: We are
Samson is denied his wife. He burns the corn of come to bind Samson, and to pay him for
the Philistines, and kills many of them. what he hath done against us.
AND a while after, when the days of 11 Wherefore three thousand men of
L\. the wheat harvest were at hand, Juda, went down to the cave of the rock
Samson came, meaning to visit his wife, Etam, and said to Samson: Knowest
and he brought her a kid of the flock. thou not that the Philistines rule over
And when he would have gone into her us? Why wouldst thou do thus? And
chamber as usual, her father would not he said to them As they did to me, so

suffer him, saying: have I done to them.

2 I thought thou hadst hated her, and 12 And they said to him, We are come
therefore I gave her to thy friend but : to bind thee and to deliver thee into the
she hath a sister, who is younger and hands of the Philistines. And Samson

CHAP. 15. Ver. 4. Foxes. Being judge of the with nets or otherwise a number of these animals ;

ceople he might have many to assist him to catch of which there were great numbers in that country-

The jawbone of an ass JUDGES Samson and Dalila

said to them: Swear to me, and promise surrounded him, setting guards at the
me, that you will not kill me. gate of the city, and watching there all
13 said:
They We
will not kill thee: the night in silence, that in the morning
but we will deliver thee up bound. And they might kill him as he went out.
they bound him with two new cords, and 3 But Samson slept till midnight, and
brought him from the rock Etam. then rising he took both the doors of
14 Now when he was come to the place the gate, with the posts thereof, and the
of the Jawbone, and the Philistines bolt, and laying them on his shoulders,
shouting went to meet him, the spirit of carried them up to the top of the hill,
the Lord came strongly upon him: and which looketh towards Hebron.
as the flax is wont to be consumed at 4 After this he loved a woman, who
the approach of fire, so the bands with dwelt in the valley of Sorec, and she was
which he was bound were broken and called Dalila.
loosed. 5 And the princes of the Philistines
15 And finding a jawbone, even the jaw came to her, and said: Deceive him, and
bone of an ass which lay there, catching learn of him wherein his great strength
it up, he slew therewith a thousand men. lieth, and how we may be able to over
16 And he said: With the jawbone of come him, to bind and afflict him: which
an ass, with the jaw of the colt of asses if thou shalt do, we will give thee every
I have destroyed them, and have slain a one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.
thousand men. 6 And Dalila said to Samson: Tell me,
17 And when he had ended these words I beseech thee, wherein thy greatest
singing, he threw the jawbone out of his strength lieth, and what it is wherewith
hand, and called the name of that place if thou wert bound thou couldst not

Ramathlechi, which is interpreted the break loose.

lifting up of the jawbone. 7 And Samson answered her: If I shall
18 And being very thirsty, he cried to be bound with seven cords made of sin
the Lord, and said: Thou hast given this ews not yet dry, but still moist, I shall be
very great deliverance and victory into weak like other men.
the hand of thy servant: and behold I 8 And the princes of the Philistines
die for thirst, and shall fall into the brought unto her seven cords, such as he
hands of the uncircumcised. spoke of, with which she bound him;
19 Then the Lord opened a great tooth 9 Men lying privately in wait with her,
in the jaw of the ass, and waters issued and in the chamber expecting the event
out of it. And when he had drank them of the thing, and she cried out to him:
he refreshed his spirit, and recovered his The Philistines are upon thee, S amson.
strength. Therefore the name of that And he broke the bands, as a man would
place was called, The Spring of him that break a thread of tow twined with spit
invoked from the jawbone, until this tle, when it smelleth the fire: so it was
present day. not known wherein his strength lay.
20 And he judged Israel in the days of 10 And Dalila said to him: Behold thou
the Philistines twenty years. m hast mocked me, and hast told me a false
thing: but now at least tell me where
CHAPTER 16 with thou mayest be bound.
Samson is deluded by Dalila: and falls into the 11 And he answered her: If I shall be
hands of the Philistines. His death. bound with new ropes, that were never in
went also into Gaza, and saw work, I shall be weak and like other men.
there a
unto her.
woman a harlot, and went 12 Dalila bound him again with these,
and cried out: The Philistines are upon
2 And when
the Philistines had heard thee, Samson, there being an ambush
this, was noised about among them,
and it prepared for him in the chamber. But
that Samson was come into the city, they he broke the bands like threads of webs.
m Infra 16. 31.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 4. Dalila. Some are of opinion his enemies. However if he was guilty, it is not to
she was married to Samson others that she was his
; be doubted but that under his afflictions he heartily
harlot. the latter opinion be true, we cannot
If repented and returned to God, and so obtained for
wonder that, in punishment of his lust, the Lord giveness of his sins.
delivered him up, by her means, into the hands of

Samson is shorn of his strength JUDGES Death of Samson
13 And Dalila said to him again: How 21 Then the
Philistines seized upon him,
long dost thou deceive me, and tell me and forthwith pulled out his eyes, and
lies? Shew me wherewith thou mayest led him bound in chains to Gaza, and
be bound. And Samson answered her: If shutting him up in prison made him
thou plattest the seven locks of my head grind.
with a lace, and tying them round about 22 And now his hair began to grow
a nail fastenest it in the ground, I shall again.
be weak. 23 And the princes of the Philistines as
14 And when Dalila had done this, she sembled together, to offer great sacrifices
said to him: The Philistines are upon to Dagon their god, and to make merry,
thee, Samson. And awaking out of his saying: Our god hath delivered our ene
sleep he drew out the nail with the hairs my Samson into our hands.
and the lace.
24 And the people also seeing this,
15 And Dalila said to him: How dost
praised their god, and said the same:
thou say thou lovest me, when thy mind Our god hath delivered our adversary
is not with me? Thou hast told me lies into our hands, him that destroyed our
these three times, and wouldst not tell
country and killed very many.
me wherein thy great strength lieth.
25 And rejoicing in their feasts, when
16 And when she pressed him much,
they had now taken their good cheer,
and continually hung upon him for many
they commanded that Samson should be
days, giving him no time to rest, his soul called and should play before them. And
fainted away, and was wearied even until
being brought out of prison he played
before them, and they made him stand
17 Then opening the truth of the thing,
between two pillars.
he said to her: The razor hath never
26 And he said to the lad that guided
come upon my head, for I am a Nazarite, his steps: Suffer me to touch the pillars
that is to say, consecrated to God from
which support the whole house, and let
my mother s womb: if my head be
me lean upon them, and rest a little.
shaven, my strength shall depart from 27 Now the house was full of men and
me, and I shall become weak, and shall women, and all the princes of the Philis
be like other men. tines were there. Moreover about three
18 Then seeing that he had discovered thousand persons of both sexes from the
to her all his mind, she sent to the roof and the higher part of the house,
princes of the Philistines, saying: Come were beholding Samson s play.
up this once more, for now he hath 28 But he called upon the Lord, saying:
opened his heart to me. And they went Lord God, remember me, and restore
up taking with them the money which to me now my former strength, my
they had promised. God, that I may revenge myself on my
19 But she made him sleep upon her enemies, and for the loss of my two eyes
knees, and lay his head in her bosom. 1 may take one revenge.
And she called a barber, and shaved his 29 And laying hold on both the pillars
seven locks, and began to drive him on which the house rested, and holding
away, and thrust him from her: for im the one w ith his right hand, and the

mediately his strength departed from other with his left,

him. 30 He said: Let me die with the Philis
20 And she said: The Philistines are tines. And when he had strongly shook
upon thee, Samson. And awaking from the pillars, the house fell upon all the
sleep,he said in his mind: I will go out princes, and the rest of the multitude
as I did before, and shake myself, not that was there: and he killed many more
knowing that the Lord was departed at his death, than he had killed before
from him. in his life.

Ver. 28. Revenge myself. This desire of revenge was moved to what he did, hy a particular inspira
was out of zeal for justice against the enemies of tion of God, who also concurred with him by a
God and his people and not out of private rancour
; miracle, in restoring his strength upon the spot, in
and malice of heart. consequence of his prayer. Samson, by dying in this
Ver. 30. Let me die. Literally, let iny soul die. manner, was a figure of Christ, who by his death
Samson did not sin on this occasion, though he was overcame all his enemies.
indirectly the cause of his own death. Because he

The idol of Michas JUDGES Dan sends spies to Lais

31 And his brethren and all his kindred, 10 And Michas

said: Stay with me, and

going down took his body, and buried

it be unto me a father and a priest, and I
between Saraa and Esthaol in the bury- will give thee every year ten pieces of

ingplace of his father Manue:

and he silver, and a double suit of apparel, and
judged Israel twenty years. thy victuals.
11 He was content, and abode with the
CHAPTER 17 man, and was unto him as one of his
The history of the idol of Michas, and the young
Levite. 12 And Michas filled his hand, and had

was at that time a man of

the young man with him, for his priest,
J[ mount Ephraim whose name was
13 Now I know God will do me good,
Michas, since I have a priest of the race of the
2 Who said to his mother: The eleven
hundred pieces of silver, which thou
hadst put aside for thyself, and concern CHAPTER 18
ing which thou didst swear in my hear The expedition of the men of Dan
against Lais: in
ing, behold I have, and they are with their way they rob Michas of his priest and his
me. And she said to him: Blessed be gods.

my son by the Lord. those days there was no king in Is

3 So he restored them to his mother, INrael, and the tribe of Dan sought
who said to him: I have consecrated them an inheritance to dwell in: for
and vowed this silver to the Lord, that unto that day they had not received
my son may receive it at my hand, and their lot among the other tribes.
make a graven and a molten god, so now 2 So the children of Dan sent five most
I deliver it to thee. valiant men of their stock and family
4 And he
restored them to his mother: from Saraa and Esthaol, to spy out the
and she took two hundred pieces of sil land, and to view it diligently: and they
ver and gave them to the silversmith, to said to them: Go, and view the land.
make of them a graven and a molten They went on their way, and when they
god, which was in the house of Michas. came to mount Ephraim, they went into
5 And he separated also therein a little the house of Michas, and rested there:
temple for the god, and made an ephod, 3 And knowing the voice of the young
and theraphim, that is to say, a priestly man the Levite, and lodging with him,
garment, and idols: and he filled the they said to him: Who brought thee
hands of one of his sons, and he became hither? what dost thou here? why
his priest. wouldst thou come hither?
6 In those days there was no king in 4 He answered them: Michas hath done
Israel, but every one did that which such and such things for me, and hath
seemed right to himself. hired me to be his priest.
7 There was also another young man of 5 Then they desired him to consult the
Bethlehem Juda, of the kindred thereof: Lord, that they might know whether
and he was a Levite, and dwelt there. their journey should be prosperous, and
8 Now he went out from the city of the thing should have effect.
Bethlehem, and desired to sojourn where 6 He answered them: Go in peace: the
soever he should find it convenient for Lord looketh on your way, and the jour
him. And when he was come to mount ney that you go.
Ephraim, as he was on his journey, and 7 So the five men going on came to
had turned aside a little into the house Lais: and they saw how the people dwelt
of Michas, therein without any fear, according to
9 He was asked by him whence he the custom of the Sidonians, secure and
came. And he answered: I am a Levite easy, having no man at all to oppose
of Bethlehem Juda, and I am going to them, being very rich, and living sepa
dwell where I can, and where I shall rated, at a distance from Sidon and from
find a place to my advantage. all men.

CHAP. 17. Ver. 5. Filled the hand. That is, their portions assigned them, Jos. 19. 40. But,
appointed and consecrated him to the priestly office. through their own sloth, possessed as yet but a
CHAP. 18. Ver. 1. Not received, Ac. They had small part of it. See Judges 1. 34.

The idol of Michas is taken JUDGES The men of Dan destroy Lais
8 And they returned to their brethren to their words, and took the ephod, and
in Saraa and Esthaol, who asked them the idols, and the graven god, and de
what they had done? to whom they parted with them.
answered :
21 And when they were going forward,
9 Arise, and let us go up to them; for and had put before them the children
we have seen the land which is exceeding and the cattle and all that was valuable,
rich and fruitful: neglect not, lose no
22 And were now at a distance from
time: let us go and possess it, there will
the house of Michas, the men that dwelt
be no difficulty.
in the houses of Michas gathering to
10 We shall come to a peop ^ that is 1

gether followed them,

secure, into a spacious country, and the
Lord will deliver the place to us, in which 23 And began to shout out after them.
there is no want of any thing that grow- They looked back, and said to Michas:
eth on the earth. What aileth thee? Why dost thou cry?
11 There went therefore of the kindred 24 And he answered: You have taken
of Dan, to wit, from Saraa and Esthaol, away my gods which I have made me
six hundred men, furnished with arms and the priest, and all that I have, and
for war, do you say: What aileth thee?
12 And going up they lodged in Caria- 25 And the children of Dan said to him :

thiarim of Juda which place from that

See thou say no more to us, lest men en
time is called the camp of Dan, and is raged come upon thee, and thou perish
behind Cariathiarim. with all thy house.
13 From thence they passed into mount 26 And so they went on the journey
Ephraim. And when they were come to they had begun. But Michas seeing that
the house of Michas, they were stronger than he, returned to
14 The five men, that before had been his house.
sent to view the land of Lais, said to the 27 And the six hundred men took the
rest of their brethren: You know that priest, and the things we spoke of be
in these houses there is an ephod, and fore, and came to Lais to a people that
theraphim, and a graven, and a molten was quiet and secure, and smote them
god see what you are pleased to do.
with the edge of the sword and the city

15 And when they had turned a little was burnt with fire,
aside, they went into the house of the 28 There being no man at all who
young man the Levite, who was in the brought them any succour, because they
house of Michas: and they saluted him dwelt far from Sidon, and had no society
with words of peace. or business with any man. And the city
16 And the six hundred men stood be was in the land of Rohob: and they re
fore the door, appointed with their arms. built it and dwelt therein.
17 But they that were gone into the 29 Calling the name of the city Dan
house of the young man, went about to after the name of their father, who was
take away the graven god, and the ephod, the son of Israel, which before was
and the theraphim, and the molten god, called Lais.
and the priest stood before the door, the 30 And they
set up to themselves the
six hundred valiant men waiting not far graven and Jonathan the son of
Gersam the son of Moses, he and his sons
18 .So they that were gone in took away were priests in the tribe of Dan, until
the graven thing, the ephod, and the the day of their captivity.
31 And the idol of Michas remained
idols, and the molten god. And the priest
said to them: What are you doing? with them all the time that the house of
19 And they said to him: Hold thy God was in Silo. In those days there
was no king in Israel.
peace and put thy finger on thy mouth
and come with us, that we may have CHAPTER 19
thee for a father, and a priest. Whether
A Levite bringing home his wife, is lodged by an
is better for thee, to be a priest in the old -man at Gabaa in the tribe of Benjamin. His
house of one man, or in a tribe and wife is there abused by wicked men, and in the
morning found dead. Her husband cutteth her
family in Israel? body in pieces, and sendeth to every tribe of In-
20 When he had heard this, he agreed rael, requiring them to revenge the wicked fact.

The Levite and his wife JUDGES They are hwbored in Gabaa
THHERE was a certain Levite, who and the day was far spent: and the ser
JL dwelt on the side of mount Ephraim, vant said to his master: Come, I be
who took a wife of Bethlehem Juda : seech thee, let us turn into the city of
the Jebusites, and lodge there.
2 And she left him and returned to her
father s house in Bethlehem, and abode 12 His master answered him: I will not
with him four months. go into the town of another nation, who
3 And her husband followed her, willing are not of the children of Israel, but I
to be reconciled with her, and to speak will pass over to Gabaa:
kindly to her, and to bring her back with 13 And when
I shall come thither, we

him, having with him a servant and two will lodge there, or at least in the city
asses and she received him, and brought
: of Rama.
him into her father s house. And when 14 So they passed by Jebus, and went
his father in law had heard this, and had on their journey, and the sun went down
seen him, he met him with joy, upon them when they were by Gabaa,
4 And embraced the man. And the son which is in the tribe of Benjamin:
in law tarried in the house of his father 15 And they turned into it, to lodge
in law three days, eating with him and there. And when they were come in,
drinking familiarly. they sat in the street of the city, for no
5 But on the fourth day arising early man would receive them to lodge.
in the morning he desired to depart. But 16 And behold they saw an old man,
his father in law kept him, and said returning out of the field and from his
to him: Taste first a little bread, and work in the evening, and he also was of
strengthen thy stomach, and so thou mount Ephraim, and dwelt as a stranger
shalt depart. in Gabaa; but the men of that country
6 And they sat down
together, and ate were the children of Jemini.
and drank. And the father of the young 17 And the old man lifting up his eyes,
woman said to his son in law: I beseech saw the man sitting with his bundles in
thee to stay here to day, and let us make the street of the city, and said to him:
merry together. Whence comest thou ? and whither goest
7 But he rising up began to be for de thou?
parting. And nevertheless his father in 18 He answered him: We came out
law earnestly pressed him, and made him from Bethlehem Juda, and we are going
stay with him. to our home, which is on the side of
8 But when morning was come, the Le mount Ephraim, from whence we went to
vite prepared to go on his journey. And Bethlehem: and now we go to the
his father in law said to him again: I house of God, and none will receive us
beseech thee to take a little meat, and under his roof:
strengthening thyself, till the day be 19 We have straw and hay for proven
farther advanced, afterwards thou may- der of the asses, and bread and wine for
est depart. And they ate together. the use of myself and of thy handmaid,
9 And the young man arose to set for and of the servant that is with me: we
ward with his wife and servant. And want nothing but lodging.
his father in law spoke to him again: 20 And the old man answered him:
Consider that the day is declining, and Peace be with thee: I will furnish all
draweth toward evening: tarry with me things that are necessary: only I be
to day also, and spend the day in mirth, seech thee, stay not in the street.
and to morrow thou shalt depart, that 21 And he brought him into his house,
thou mayest go into thy house. and gave provender to his asses: and
10 His son in law would not consent to after they had washed their feet, he
his words: but forthwith went forward entertained them with a feast.
and came over against Jebus, which by 22 While they were making merry, and
another name is called Jerusalem, lead refreshing their bodies with meat and
ing with him two asses laden, and his drink, after the labour of the journey,
concubine. the men of that city, sons of Belial, (that
11 And now they were come near Jebus, is, without yoke,) came and beset the

CHAP. 19. Ver. 10. Concubine. She was his law scripture called concubines. See above, chap. 8. ver.
ful wife, but even lawful wives are frequently in 31. Ver. 16. Jemini. That is, Benjamin.

The crime of the men of Gabaa JUDGES Israelites gather against Gabon
old man s house, and began to knock at 2 And
all the chiefs of the people, and
the door, calling to the master of the allthe tribes of Israel met together in
house, and saying: P Bring forth the man the assembly of the people of God, four
that came into thy house, that we may hundred thousand footmen fit for war.
abuse him. 3 (Nor were the children of Benjamin
23 the old man went out to them,
And ignorant that the children of Israel were
and Do not so, my brethren, do not
said: come up to Maspha). And the Levite the
so wickedly: because this man is come husband of the woman that was killed,
into my lodging, and cease I pray you being asked, how so great a wickedness
from this folly. had been committed,
24 have a maiden daughter, and this
I 4 Answered: I came into Gabaa of Ben
man hath a concubine, I will bring them jamin with my wife, and there I lodged:
out to you, and you may humble them, 5 And behold the men of that city in
and satisfy your lust: only, I beseech the night beset the house wherein I was,
you, commit not this crime against na intending to kill me, and abused my wife
ture on the man. with an incredible fury of lust, so that at
25 1 They would not be satisfied with last she died.
his words; which the man seeing, brought 6 And I took her and cut her in pieces,
out his concubine to them, and abandoned and sent the parts into all the borders of
her to their wickedness: and when they
your possession because there never was

had abused her all the night, they let her so heinous a crime, and so great an
go in the morning. abomination committed in Israel.
26 But the woman, at the dawning of the 7 You are all O children of Israel,
day, came to the door of the house where determined what you ought to do.
her lord lodged, and there fell down. 8 And all the people standing, answered
27 And in the morning the man arose, as by the voice of one man: We will
and opened the door that he might end not return to our tents, neither shall any
the journey he had begun: and behold one of us go into his own house:
his concubine lay before the door with 9 But this we will do in common against
her hands spread on the threshold. Gabaa :

28 He thinking she was taking her rest, 10 We will take ten men of a hundred
said to her: Arise, and let us be going. out of all the tribes of Israel, and a hun
But as she made no answer, perceiving dred out of a thousand, and a thousand
she was dead, he took her up, and laid her out of ten thousand, to bring victuals for
upon his ass, and returned to his house. the army, that we might fight against
29 And when he was come home he Gabaa of Benjamin, and render to it for
took a sword, and divided the dead body its wickedness, what it deserveth.
of his wife with her bones into twelve 11 And all Israel were gathered together
parts, and sent the pieces into all the against the city, as one man, with one
borders of Israel.
mind, and one counsel:
30 And when every one had seen this, 12 And they sent messengers to all th-3
they all cried out: There was never such tribe of Benjamin to say to them: Why
a thing done in Israel from the day hath so great an abomination been found
that our fathers came up out of Egypt,
among you ?
until this day: give sentence, and decree
13 Deliver up the men of Gabaa, that
in common what ought to be done. have committed this heinous crime, that
they may die, and the evil may be taken
CHAPTER 20 away out of Israel. But they would not
The Israelites warring
against Benjamin are
hearken to the proposition of their breth
twice defeated; but in the third battle the Ben- ren the children of Israel:
jamites are all slain, saving six hundred men. 14 But out of all the cities which were
the children of Israel went
all of their lot, they gathered themselves
out and gathered together as one together into Gabaa, to aid them, and to
man from Dan to Bersabee, with the fight against the whole people of Israel.
land of Galaad, to the Lord in Maspha: 15 And there were found of Benjamin

p Gen. 19. 5. q Osee 9. 9.

The Israelites twice defeated JUDGES The ambush
five and twenty thousand men that drew 27 And
inquired of him concerning their
the sword, besides the inhabitants of state. At that time the ark of the cov
Gabaa, enant of the Lord was there,
16 Who were seven hundred most vali 28 And Phinees the son of Eleazar the
ant men, fighting with the left hand as son of Aaron was over the house. So
well as with the right: and slinging they consulted the Lord and said: Shall
stones so sure that they could hit even a we go out any more to fight against the
hair, and not miss by the stone s going children of Benjamin our brethren, or
on either side. shall we cease? And the Lord said to
17 Of the men of Israel also, beside the them: Go up, for to morrow I will de
children of Benjamin, were found four liver them into your hands.
hundred thousand that drew swords, and 29 And the children of Israel set am
were prepared to fight. bushes around about the city of Gabaa:
18 And they arose and came to the house 30 And they drew up their army against
of God, that is, to Silo: and they con Benjamin the third time, as they had
sulted God, and said: Who shall be in our done the first and second.
army the first to go to the battle against 31 And the children of Benjamin boldly
the children of Benjamin ? And the Lord issued out of the city, and seeing their
answered them Let Juda be your leader.
: enemies flee, pursued them a long way,
19 And forthwith the children of Israel so as to wound and kill some of them,
rising in the morning, camped by Gabaa: as they had done the first and second
20 And going out from thence to fight day, whilst they fled by two highways,
against Benjamin, began to assault the whereof one goeth up to Bethel, and the
city. other to Gabaa, and they slew about
21 And the children of Benjamin com thirty men:
ing out of Gabaa, slew of the children of 32 For they thought to cut them off, as
Israel that day two and twenty thousand they did before. But they artfully feign
men. ing a flight, designed to draw them away
22 Again Israel trusting in their strength from the city, and by their seeming to
and their number, set their army in ar flee to bring them to the highways afore
ray in the same place, where they had said.
fought before: 33 Then all the children of Israel rising
23 Yet so that they first went up and up out of the places where they were, set
wept before the Lord until night: and their army in battle array, in the place
consulted him, and said: Shall I go out which is called Baalthamar. The am
any more to fight against the children of bushes also which were about the city,
Benjamin and my brethren, or not ? And began by little and little to come forth,
he answered them: Go up against them, 34 And to march from the west side of
and join battle. the city. And other ten thousand men
24 And when the children of Israel chosen out of all Israel attacked the in
went out the next day to fight against habitants of the city. And the battle
the children of Benjamin, grew hot against the children of Benja
25 The children of Benjamin sallied min: and they understood not that
forth out of the gates of Gabaa: and present death threatened them on every
meeting them made so great a slaughter side.
of them, as to kill eighteen thousand men 35 And the Lord defeated them before
that drew the sword. the children of Israel, and they slew of
26 Wherefore all the children of Israel them in that day five and twenty thou
came to the house of God, and sat and sand, and one hundred, all fighting men
wept before the Lord: and they fasted and that drew the sword.
that day till the evening, and offered to 36 But the children of Benjamin when
him holocausts, and victims of peace of they saw themselves to be too weak, be
ferings, gan to flee. Which the children of Israel
CHAP. 20. Ver. 22. Trusting in their strength. where ; and partly because they trusted in their own
The Lord suffered them to be overthrown and many strength and therefore, though he bid them fight,

of them to be slain, though their cause was just ; he would not give them the victory, till they were
partly in punishment of the idolatry which they thoroughly humbled and had learned to trust in him
exercised or tolerated in the tribe of Dan, and else- alone.

The men of Benjamin defeated
JUDGES Lamentation of the Israelites
them place to flee, that they
seeing, gave her of Benjamin only six hundred men
might come to the ambushes that were that were able to escape, and flee to the
prepared, which they had set near the wilderness: and they abode in the rock
city. Remmon four months.
37 And they
that were in ambush arose 48 But the children of Israel returning,
on a sudden out of their coverts, and put all the remains of the city to the
whilst Benjamin turned their backs to sword, both men and beasts, and all the
the slayers, went into the city, and smote and villages of Benjamin were con
it with the edge of the sword. sumed with devouring flames.
38 Now the children of Israel had given
a sign to them, whom they had laid in CHAPTER 21
The tribe of Benjaminsaved from being utterly
ambushes, that after they had taken the extinct, by providing wives for the six hundred
city, they should make a fire: that by the that remained.

smoke rising on high, they might shew TVTOW the children of Israel had also
that the city was taken. sworn
in Maspha, saying: None of
39 And when the children of Israel saw us shall give of his daughters to the chil
this in the battle (for the children of dren of Benjamin to wife.
Benjamin thought they fled and pursued 2 And they all came to the house of
them vigorously, killing thirty men of God in Silo, and abiding before him till
their army) the evening, lifted up their voices, and
40 Andperceived as it were a pillar of began to lament and weep, saying:
smoke rise up from the city; and Benja 3 Lord God of Israel, why is so great
min looking back, saw that the city was an evil come to pass in thy people, that
taken, and that the flames ascended on this day one tribe should be taken away
high: from among us?
41 They that before had made as if they 4 And rising early the next day, they
fled, turning their faces stood bravely built an altar: and offered there holo
against them; which the children of Ben causts, and victims of peace, and they said:
jamin seeing, turned their backs, 5 Who is there among all the tribes of
42 And began to go towards the way of Israel that came not up with the army
che desert, the enemy pursuing them of the Lord? for they had bound them
thither also. And they that fired the city selves with a great oath, when they were
came also out to meet them. in Maspha, that whosoever were wanting
43 And so it was, that they were slain should be slain.
on both sides by the enemies, and there 6 And the children of Israel being
Vvas no rest of their men dying. They moved with repentance for their brother
fell and were beaten down on the east Benjamin, began to say: One tribe is
side of the city Gabaa. taken away from Israel.
44 And they that were slain in the 7 Whence shall they take wives? For
same place were eighteen thousand men, we have all in general sworn, not to give
all most valiant soldiers. our daughters to them.
45 And when they that remained of 8 Therefore they said: Who is there of
Benjamin saw this, they fled into the all the tribes of Israel, that came not up
wilderness and made towards the rock to the Lord to Maspha. And behold the
that is called Remmon. In that flight, inhabitants of Jabes Galaad were found
also as they were straggling and going not to have been in that army.
different ways, they slew of them five 9 (At that time also when they were in
thousand men. And as they went farther, Silo, no one of them was found there.)
they still pursued them, and slew also 10 So they sent ten thousand of the
other two thousand. most valiant men, and commanded them,
46 And so it came to pass, that all that saying: Go and put the inhabitants of
were slain of Benjamin in divers places, Jabes Galaad to the sword, with their
were five and twenty thousand fighting wives and their children.
men, most valiant for war. 11 And this is what you shall observe:
47 And there remained of all the num- r
Every male, and all women that have

r Num. 31. 17, 18.

Wives are found for Benjamin RUTH The daughters of Silo
known men, you shall kill, but the vir north of the city of Bethel, and on the
gins you shall save. east side of the way, that goeth from
12 And there were found of Jabes Ga- Bethel to Sichem, and on the south of
laad four hundred virgins, that had not the town of Lebona.
known the bed of a man, and they 20 And they commanded the children
brought them to the camp in Silo, into of Benjamin, and said: Go, and lie hid
the land of Chanaan. in the vineyards,
13 And they sent messengers to the 21 And when you shall see the daugh
children of Benjamin, that were in the ters of Silo come out, as the custom is,
rock Remmon, and commanded them to to dance, come ye on a sudden out of
receive them in peace. the vineyards, and catch you every man
14 And the children of Benjamin came his wife among them, and go into the
at that time, and wives were given them land of Benjamin.
of the daughters of Jabes Galaad: but 22 And when their fathers and their
they found no others, whom they might brethren shall come, and shall begin to
give in like manner. complain against you, and to chide, we
15 And all Israel was very sorry, and will say to them: Have pity on them:
repented for the destroying of one tribe for they took them not away as by the
out of Israel. right of war or conquest, but when they
16 And the ancients said: What shall asked to have them, you gave them not,
we do with the rest, that have not re and the fault was committed on your
ceived wives? for all the women in part.
Benjamin are dead. 23 And the children of Benjamin did, as
17 And we must use all care, and pro they had been commanded: and accord
vide with great diligence, that one tribe ing to their number, they carried off for
be not destroyed out of Israel. themselves every man his wife of them
18 For as to our own daughters we can that were dancing: and they went into
not give them, being bound with an oath their possession and built up their cities,
and a curse, whereby we said: Cursed be and dwelt in them.
he that shall give Benjamin any of his 24 The children of Israel also returned
daughters to wife. by their tribes, and families, to their
19 So they took counsel, and said: Be dwellings. In those days there was no
hold there is a yearly solemnity of the king in Israel: but every one did that
Lord in Silo, which is situate on the which seemed right to himself.


This Book is called RUTH, from the name of the person whose history is here re
corded: who, being a Gentile, became a convert to the true faith, and marrying
Booz, the great-grandfather of David, was one of those from whom Christ sprung
according to the flesh, and an illustrious figure of the Gentile church. The writer
is unknown.
CHAPTER 1 ine in the land. And a certain man of
Elimelech of Bethlehem going with his wife Noemi, Bethlehem Juda, went to sojourn in the
and two sons, into the land of Moab, dieth there. land of Moab with his wife and his two
His sons marry wives of that country and die sons.
without issue. Noemi returneth home with her
daughter in law Ruth, who refuseth to part with 2 He was named Elimelech, and his
her. Noemi: and his two sons, the one
N the days of one of the judges, when Mahalon, and the other Chelion, Eph-
I the judges ruled, there came a fam rathites of Bethlehem Juda. And enter-

.\ ucmi determines to return home RUTH k utli refuses to leave her

ing into the country of Moab, they abode 16 She answered: Be not against me, to
there. desire that I should leave thee and de
3 And Elimelech the husband of Noemi part: for whithersoever thou shalt go, I
died: and she remained with her sons. will go: and where thou shalt dwell, I
4 And they took wives of the women of also will dwell. Thy people shall be my
Moab, of which one was called Orpha, people, and thy God my God.
and the other Ruth. And they dwelt there 17 The land that shall receive thee dy
ten years. ing, in the same will I die: and there
5 And they both died, to wit, Mahalon and will I be buried. The Lord do so and so
Chelion: and the woman was left alone, to me, and add more also, if aught but
having both her sons and her husband.
lost death part me and thee.
6 And she arose to go from the land of 18 Then Noemi, seeing that Ruth was
Moab to her own country with both her steadfastly determined to go with her,
daughters in law: for she had heard that would not be against it, nor persuade her
the Lord had looked upon his people, and any more to return to her friends:
had given them food. 19 So they went together and came to
7 Wherefore she went forth out of the Bethlehem. And when they were come
place of her sojournment, with both her into the city, the report was quickly
daughters in law: and being now in the spread among all: and the women said:
way to return into the land of Juda, This is that Noemi.
8 She said to them: Go ye home to your 20 But she said to them: Call me not
mothers: the Lord deal mercifully with Noemi, (that is, beautiful,) but call me
you, as you have dealt with the dead and Mara, (that is, bitter,) for the Almighty
with me. hath quite filled me with bitterness.
9 May he grant you to find rest in the 21 I went out full, and the Lord hath
houses of the husbands which you shall brought me back empty. Why then do
take. And she kissed them. And they you call me Noemi, whom the Lord hath
lifted up their voice and began to weep, humbled and the Almighty hath afflicted ?
10 And to say: We will go on with thee 22 So Noemi came with Ruth the Moab-
to thy people. itess her daughter in law, from the land
11 But she answered them: Return, my of her sojournment: and returned into
daughters: why come ye with me? have Bethlehem, in the beginning of the bar
I any more sons in my womb, that you ley harvest.
may hope for husbands of me? CHAPTER 2
12 Return again, my daughters, and go Ruth gleaneth in the field of Booz, who sheweth her

your ways: for I am now spent with age,


and not fit for wedlock. Although I her husband Elimelech had a
might conceive this night, and bear chil NOW
kinsman, a powerful man, and very
whose name was Booz.
dren, rich,
And Ruth the Moabitess said to her
13 If you would wait till they were 2
mother thou wilt, I will go into
in law: If
grown up, and come to man s estate, you
would be old before you marry. the and glean the ears of corn that
Do not my daughters, I beseech you:
so, escape the hands of the reapers, where
for I am
grieved the more for your dis soever I shall find grace with a house
tress, and the hand of the Lord is gone
holder that will be favorable to me. And
out against me. she answered her: Go, my daughter.
14 And they lifted up their voice, and 3 She went therefore and gleaned the
ears of corn after the reapers. And it
began to weep again: Orpha kissed her
mother in law and returned: Ruth stuck happened that the owner of that field

close to her mother in law.

was Booz, who was of the kindred of
15 And Noemi said to her: Behold thy
kinswoman is returned to her people, 4 And behold, he came out of Bethlehem,
and to her gods, go thou with her. and said to the reapers: The Lord be
CHAP. 1. Ver. 15. To her god*, &c. Nocmi did return to the Lord the God of Israel. Vr. 17. The
not mean to persuade Ruth to return to the false Lord do xo and so. &c. A form of swearing usual
in the history of the Old Testament, by which
pods she had formerly worshipped but by this man
person wished such and such evils to fall upon them,

ner of speech, insinuated to her, that if she would do what said.

did not they
go with her, she must renounce her false gods and if they

Ruth gleans in Boosf field RUTH Noemi s counsel
with you. And they answered him: The gather them without shame, and let no
Lord bless thee. man rebuke her when she gathereth them.
said to the young man that 17 She gleaned therefore in the field till
5 And Booz
was set over the reapers: Whose maid is evening: and beating out with a rod and
this? threshing what she had gleaned, she
found about the measure of an ephi of
6 And he answered him: This is the
Moabitess who came with Noemi, from barley, that is, three bushels:
the land of Moab,
18 Which she took up and returned
into the city, and shewed it to her mother
7 And she desired leave to glean the
in law: moreover she brought out, and
ears of corn that remain, following the
steps of the reapers: and she hath
been gave her of the remains of her meat,
in the field from morning till now, and
wherewith she had been filled.
hath not gone home for one moment. 19 And her mother in law said to her:
8 And Booz said to Ruth: Hear me, Where hast thou gleaned to day, and
where hast thou wrought ? blessed be he
daughter, do not go to glean in any other
that hath had pity on thee. And she
field, and do not depart from this place:
but keep with my maids, told her with whom she had wrought:
9 And follow where they reap. For I and she told the man s name, that he was
have charged my young men, not to mo called Booz.
lest thee: and if thou art thirsty, go to 20 And Noemi answered her; Blessed be
the vessels, and drink of the waters he of the Lord: because the same kind
whereof the servants drink. ness which he shewed to the living, he
10 She fell on her face and worshipping hath kept also to the dead. And again
she said: The man is our kinsman.
upon the ground, said to him: Whence
cometh this to me, that I should find 21 And Ruth said, He also charged me,
that I should keep close to his reapers,
grace before thy eyes, and that thou
till all the corn should be reaped.
shouldst vouchsafe to take notice of me
a woman of another country? 22 And her mother in law said to her: It
is better for thee, my daughter, to go out
11 And he answered her: All hath been
told me, that thou hast done to thy to reap with his maids, lest in another
mother in law after the death of thy hus man s field some one may resist thee.

band: and how thou hast left thy par 23 So she kept close to the maids of
Booz: and continued to glean with them,
ents, and the land wherein thou wast
till all the barley and the wheat were
born, and art come to a people which
thou knewest not heretofore. laid up in the barns.
12 The Lord render unto thee for thy CHAPTER 3
work, and mayest thou receive a full Ruth instructed by her mother in law lieth at Boot s
reward of the Lord the God of Israel, to feet, claiming him for her husband by the law
whom thou art come, and under whose of affinity: she receiveth a good answer, and six
measures of barley.
wings thou art fled.
13 And she said: I have found grace in FTER she was returned to her
thy eyes, my lord, who hast comforted mother in law, Noemi said to her:
me and hast spoken to the heart of thy My daughter, I will seek rest for thee,
handmaid, who am not like to one of thy and will provide that it may be well
maids. with thee.
14 And Booz said to her: At mealtime 2 This Booz, with whose maids thou
come thou hither, and eat of the bread, wast joined in the field, is our near kins
and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. So man, and behold this night he winnoweth
she sat at the side of the reapers, and barley in the threshingfloor.
she heaped to herself frumenty, and ate 3 Wash thyself therefore and anoint
and was filled, and took the leavings. thee, and put on thy best garments, and
15 And she arose from thence, to glean go down to the barnfloor: but let not tha
the ears of corn as before. And Booz man see thee, till he shall have done
commanded his servants, saying: If she eating and drinking.
would even reap with you, hinder her not: 4 And when he shall go to sleep, mark
16 And let fall some of your handfuls of the place wherein he sleepeth: and thou
purpose, and leave them, that she may shalt go in, and lift up the clothes where-

Ruth goes to Boos RUTH The nearer kmsman
with he covered towards his feet, and
is I will not have thee return empty to thy
shalt lay thyself down there: and he will mother in law.
tell thee what thou must do. 18 And Noemi said: Wait my daugh
5 She answered: Whatsoever thou shalt ter, till we see what end the thing will

command, I will do. have. For the man will not rest until
6 And she went down to the barnfloor, he have accomplished what he hath said.
and did all that her mother in law had
bid her. CHAPTER 4
7 And when Booz had eaten, and drunk, Upon the refusal of the nearer kinirman, Booe mar-
rieth Ruth, who bringeth forth Obed, the grand
and was merry, he went to sleep by the father of David.
heap of sheaves, and she came softly and r~f^ HEN Booz went up to the gate, and
uncovering his feet, laid herself down. JL sat there. And when he had seen
8 And behold, when it was now mid the kinsman going by, of whom he had
night the man was afraid, and troubled: spoken before, he said to him, calling
and he saw a woman lying at his feet, him by his name: Turn aside for a little
9 And he said to her: Who art thou? while, and sit down here. He turned
And she answered: I am Ruth thy hand aside, and sat down.
maid: spread thy coverlet over thy ser 2 And Booz taking ten men of the an
vant, for thou art a near kinsman. cients of the city, said to them: sit ye
10 And he said: Blessed art thou of the down here.
Lord, my daughter, and thy latter kind 3 They sat down, and he spoke to the
ness has surpassed the former: because kinsman: Noemi, who is returned from
thou hast not followed young men either the country of Moab, will sell a parcel of
poor or rich. land that belonged to our brother Elime-
11 Fear not therefore, but whatsoever lech.
thou shalt say to me I will do to thee. 4 I would have thee to understand this,
For all the people that dwell within the and would tell thee before all that sit
gates of my city, know that thou art a here, and before the ancients of my peo
virtuous woman. ple. If thou wilt take possession of it by
12 Neither do I deny myself to be near the right of kindred: buy it and possess
of kin, but there is another nearer than I. it: but if it please thee not, tell me so,
13 Rest thou this night and when morn
: that I may know what I have to do. For
ing is come, if he will take thee by the there is no near kinsman beside thee,
right of kindred, all is well: but if he who art first, and me, who am second.
will not, I will undoubtedly take thee, as But he answered: I will buy the field.
the Lord liveth: sleep till the morning. 5 * And Booz said to him: When thou
14 So she slept at his feet till the night shalt buy the field at the woman s hand,
w as going off. And she arose before
thou must take also Ruth the Moabitess,
men could know one another, and Booz who was the wife of the deceased: to
said: Beware lest any man know that raise up the name of thy kinsman in his,
thou earnest hither. inheritance.
15 And again he said: Spread thy man 6 He answered: I yield up right of my
tle, wherewith thou art covered, and next akin: for I must not cut off the
hold it with both hands. And when she posterity of my own family. Do thou
spread it and held it, he measured six make use of my privilege, which I pro
measures of barley, and laid it upon her. fess I do willingly forego.
And she carried it and went into the city, 7 Now this in former times was the
16 And came to her mother in law; who manner in Israel between kinsmen, that
said to her-. What hast thou done, if at any time one yielded his right to

daughter? And she told her all that another: that the grant might be sure,
the man had done to her. the man put off his shoe, and gave it to
17 And she said: Behold he hath given his neighbor: this was a testimony of
me six measures of barley: for he said: cession of right in Israel.
tDeut. 25. 7.

CHAP 3 Ver. 10 Thy latter kindness, viz., to to the law, and not following after young men. For
thy husband deceased in seeking to keep up his Booz, it seems, was then in years,
name and family by marrying his relation according
Booz marries Ruth 1 KINGS The genealogy of P hares
8 So Booz said to his kinsman: Put off ried her:and went in unto her, and the
thy shoe. And immediately he took
it Lord gave her to conceive and to bear a
off from his foot. son.
9 And he said to the ancients and to all 14 And the women said to Noemi:
the people: You are witnesses this day, Blessed be the Lord, who hath not suf
that I have bought all that was Elime- fered thy family to want a successor, that
lech s, and Chelion s, and Mahalon s, of his name should be preserved in Israel.
the hand of Noemi: 15 And thou shouldst have one to com
10 And have taken to wife Ruth the fort thy soul, and cherish thy old age.
Moabitess, the wife of Mahalon, to raise For he is born of thy daughter in law:
up the name of the deceased in his in who loveth thee: and is much better to
heritance lest his name be cut off, from thee, than if thou hadst seven sons.
among his family and his brethren and 16 And Noemi taking the child laid it
his people. You, I say, are witnesses of in her bosom, and she carried it, and was
this thing. a nurse unto it.
11 Then all the people that were in the 17 And the women her neighbours, con
gate, and the ancients answered: are We gratulating with her and saying: There
witnesses. The Lord make this woman is a son born to Noemi: called his name
who cometh into thy house, like Rachel, Obed: he is the father of Isai, the father
and Lia, who built up the house of Is of David.
rael: that she may be an example of 18 These are the generations of Phares:
virtue in Ephrata, and may have a fa v Phares begot Esron,
mous name in Bethlehem: 19 Esron begot Aram, Aram begot
12 And that the house may be, as the Aminadab,
house of Phares, u whom Thamar bore 20 Aminadab begot Nahasson, Nahas-
unto Juda, of the seed which the Lord son begot Salmon,
shallgive thee of this young woman. 21 Salmon begot Booz, Booz begot Obed,
13 Booz therefore took Ruth, and mar 22 Obed begot Isai, Isai begot David.


This and the following Book are called by the Hebrews the books of Samuel, because
they contain the history of Samuel, and of the two kings, Saul and David, whom
he anointed. They are more commonly named by the Fathers, the first and second
book of kings. As to the writer of them, it is the common opinion that Samuel com
posed the first book, as far as the twenty-fifth chapter; and that the prophets
Nathan and Gad finished the first, and wrote the second book. See 1 Paralipome-
non, alias 1 Chronicles, 29. 29.
CHAPTER 1 name was Elcana, the son of Jeroham,
Anna the wife of Elcana being barren, by vow and the son of Eliu, the son of Thohu, the son
prayer obtaineth a son: whom she calleth Sam of Suph, an Ephraimite:
uel: and presenteth him to the service of God in
2 And he had two wives, the name of
Silo, according to her vow.
one was Anna, and the name of the other
HPHERE was a man of Ramathaimso- Phenenna. Phenenna had children: but
J_ phim, of mount Ephraim, and his Anna had no children.
u Gen. 38. 29. v I Par. 2. 5, and 4. 1 ; Matt. 1. 3.

CHAP. 4. Ver. 11. Ephrata. Another name of CHAP. Ver. 1. An Ephraimite. He was of the
Bethlehem. tribe of Levi, 1 Par. 6. 34, but is called an Ephraim
ite from dwelling in mount Ephraim.

Anna s vow 1 KINGS The birth of Samuel
3 And this man went upout of his city any strong drink, but I have poured out
upon the appointed days, to adore and to my soul before the Lord.
offer sacrifice to the Lord of hosts in Silo. 16 Count not thy handmaid for one of
And the two sons of Heli, Ophni and the daughters of Belial: for out of the
Phinees, were there priests of the Lord. abundance of my sorrow and grief have
4 Now the day came, and Elcana of I spoken till now.
fered sacrifice, and gave to Phenenna his 17 Then Heli said to her: Go in peace:
wife, and to all her sons and daughters, and the God of Israel grant thee thy
portions: petition, which thou hast asked of him.
5 But to Anna he gave one portion with 18 And she said: Would to God thy
sorrow, because he loved Anna. And the handmaid may find grace in thy eyes. So
Lord had shut up her womb. the woman went on her way, and ate, and
6 Her rival also afflicted her, and trou her countenance was no more changed.
bled her exceedingly, insomuch that she 19 And they rose in the morning, and
upbraided her, that the Lord had shut up worshipped before the Lord: and they
her womb: returned, and came into their house at
7 And thus she did every year, when Ramatha. And Elcana knew Anna his
the time returned that they went up to wife: and the Lord remembered her.
the temple of the Lord: and thus she 20 And it came to pass when the time
provoked her: but Anna wept, and did was come about, Anna conceived and
not eat. bore a son, x and called his name Sam
8 Then Elcana her husband said to her: uel: because she had asked him of the
Anna, why weepest thou? and why dost Lord.
thou not eat? And why dost thou afflict 21 And Elcana her husband went up,
thy heart ? Amnot I better to thee than and all his house, to offer to the Lord the
ten children? solemn sacrifice, and his vow.
9 So Anna arose after she had eaten 22 But Anna went not up: for she said
and drunk in Silo: And Heli the priest to her husband: I will not go till the
sitting upon a stool before the door of child be weaned, and till I may carry
the temple of the Lord: him, that he may appear before the Lord,
10 As Anna had her heart full of grief, and may abide always there.
she prayed to the Lord, shedding many 23 And Elcana her husband said to her:
tears, Do what seemeth good to thee, and stay
11 And she made a vow, saying: Lord till thou wean him: and I pray that the
of hosts, if thou wilt look down on the Lord may fulfil his word. So the woman
affliction of thy servant, and wilt be mind stayed at home, and gave her son suck,
ful of me, and not forget thy handmaid, till she weaned him.
and wilt give to thy servant a man child: 24 And after she had weaned him, she
I will give him to the Lord all the days carried him with her, with three calves,
of his life, and no razor shall come upon and three bushels of flour, and a bottle
his head. of wine, and she brought him to the
12 And it came to pass, as she multi house of the Lord in Silo. Now the child
plied prayers before the Lord, that Heli was as yet very young:
observed her mouth. 25 And they immolated a calf, and of
13 And now Anna spoke in her heart, fered the child to Heli
and only her lips moved, but her voice 26 And Anna said: I beseech thee, my
was not heard at all. Heli therefore lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord: I am
thought her to be drunk, that woman who stood before thee here
14 And said to her: How long wilt thou praying to the Lord.
be drunk? digest a little the wine, of 27 For this child did I pray, and the
which thou hast taken too much. Lord hath granted me my petition, which
15 Anna answering, said: Not so, my I asked of him.

lord: for I am an exceedingly unhappy 28 Therefore I also have lent him to the
woman, and have drunk neither wine nor Lord all the days of his life, he shall be
x About B. C. 1100.

Ver. 20. Samuel. This name imports, attktd of God.

The tanticle of Anna 1 KINGS Heli s sons
lent to the Lord. And they adored the 13 Nor the office of the priests to the
Lord there. And Anna prayed, and said: people: but whosoever had offered a sac
rifice, the servant of the priest came,
CHAPTER 2 while the flesh was in boiling, with a
The Anna. The wickedness of the sons
canticle of fleshhook of three teeth in his hand,
of Heli; for which they are not duly corrected by
their father. A prophecy against the hovtse of Heli.
14 And thrust it into the kettle, or into
the caldron, or into the pot, or into the
heart hath rejoiced in the Lord,
horn my myis exalted in
enlarged over my enemies:
God: pan: and all that the fleshhook brought
up, the priest took to himself. Thus did
they to all Israel that came to Silo.
because I have joyed in thy salvation.
15 Also before they burnt the fat, the
2 There is none holy as the Lord is: for
servant of the priest came, and said to
there is no other beside thee, and there
the man that sacrificed: Give me flesh
is none strong like our God.
to boil for the priest: for I will not take
3 Do not multiply
to speak lofty things, of thee sodden flesh, but raw.
boasting: matters depart from
let old
16 And he that sacrificed said to him:
your mouth: for the Lord is a God of Let the fat first be burnt to day accord
all knowledge, and to him are thoughts
ing to the custom, and then take as
prepared. much as thy soul desireth. But he an
4 The bow of the mighty is overcome, swered and said to him: Not so: but
and the weak are girt with strength. thou shalt give it me now, or else I will
5 They that were full before have hired take it by force.
out themselves for bread: and the hun 17 Wherefore the sin of the young men
gry are filled, so that the barren hath was exceeding great before the Lord:
borne many: and she that had many because they withdrew men from the
children is weakened. sacrifice of the Lord.
6 v The Lord killeth and maketh alive, 18 But Samuel ministered before the
he bringeth down to hell and bringeth face of the Lord: being a child girded
back again. with a linen ephod.
7 The Lord maketh poor and maketh 19 And his mother made him a little
rich, he humbleth and he exalteth. coat, which she brought to him on the
8 He raiseth up the needy from the appointed days, when she went up with
dust, and lifteth up the poor from the her husband, to offer the solemn sacrifice.
dunghill: that he may sit with princes, 20 And Heli blessed Elcana and his wife:
and hold the throne of glory. For the and he said to him: The Lord give thee
poles of the earth are the Lord s, and seed of this woman, for the loan thou
upon them he hath set the world. hast lent to the Lord. And they went to
9 He will keep the feet of his saints, their own home.
and the wicked shall be silent in dark 21 And the Lord visited Anna, and she
ness, because no man shall prevail by his conceived, and bore three sons and two
own strength. daughters: and the child Samuel became
10 The adversaries of the Lord shall great before the Lord.
fear him: and upon them shall he thun 22 Now Heli was very old, and he heard
der in the heavens. The Lord shall judge all that his sons did to all Israel: and
the ends of the earth, and he shall give how they lay with the women that waited
empire to his king, and shall exalt the at the door of the tabernacle:
horn of his Christ. 23 And he said to them: Why do ye
11 And Elcana went to Ramatha, to his these kinds of things, which I hear, very
house: but the child ministered in the wicked things, from all the people ?
sight of the Lord before the face of Heli 24 Do not so, my sons: for it is no good
the priest. report that I hear, that you make the
12 Now the sons of Heli were children people of the Lord to transgress.
of Belial, not knowing the Lord, 25 If one man shall sin against another,
y Deut. 32. 39 ; Tob. 13. 2 ; Wisd. 16. 13.

CHAP. 2. Ver. My
horn. The horn in the
1. the horn is said to be exalted, when a person re-
scriptures signifies strength, power, and glory: so ceives an increase of strength or glory.

The prophet rebukes Hell 1 KINGS The Lord calls Samuel
God may be appeased in his behalf: but shall come upon thy two sons, Ophni and
if a man shall sin against the Lord, who Phinees: In one day they shall both of
shall pray for him ? And they hearkened them die.
not to the voice of their father, because And I will raise me up a
35 faithful
the Lord would slay them. priest, who shall do according to my
26 But the child Samuel advanced, and heart, and my
soul, and I will build him
grew on, and pleased both the Lord and a faithful house, and he shall walk all
men. days before my anointed.
27 And there came a man of God 36 And it shall come to pass, that who
and said to him: Thus saith the soever shall remain in thy house, shall
Lord: Did I not plainly appear to thy come that he may be prayed for, and
father s house, when they were in Egypt shall offer a piece of silver, and a roll of
in the house of Pharao? bread, and shall say: Put me, I beseech
28 And I chose him out of all the tribes thee, to somewhat of the priestly office,
of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my that I may eat a morsel of bread.
altar, and burn incense to me, and to
wear the ephod before me: and I gave CHAPTER 3
Samuel is four times called by the Lord: who re-
to thy father s house of all the sacrifices vealeth to him the evil that shall fall on Heli, and
of the children of Israel. his house.
29 Why have you kicked away my vic the child Samuel ministered to
tims, and my gifts which I commanded
to be offered in the temple: and thou
Lord before
of the was
Heli, and the word
precious in those days,
hast rather honoured thy sons than me, there was no manifest vision.
to eat the firstfruits of every sacrifice of 2 And it came to pass one day when
my people Israel? Heli lay in his place, and his eyes were
30 Wherefore thus saith the Lord the grown dim, that he could not see:
God of Israel: #1 said indeed that thy 3 Before the lamp of God went out,
house, and the house of thy father should Samuel slept in the temple of the Lord,
minister in my sight, for ever. But now where the ark of God was.
saith the Lord: Far be this from me: but 4 And the Lord called Samuel. And he
whosoever shall glorify me, him will I answered: Here am I.
glorify; but they that despise me, shall 5 And he ran to Heli and said: Here am
be despised. I: for thou didst call me. He said: I did
31 Behold the days come: and I will cut not call: go back and sleep. And he
off thy arm, and the arm of thy father s went and slept.
house, that there shall not be an old man 6 And the Lord called Samuel again.
in thy house. And Samuel arose and went to Heli, and
32 And thou shalt see thy rival in the said: Here am I: for thou calledst me.
temple, in all the prosperity of Israel, He answered: I did not call thee, my son:
and there shall not be an old man in thy return and sleep.
house for ever. 7 Now Samuel did not yet know the
33 However I will not altogether take Lord, neither had the word of the Lord
away a man of thee from my altar: but been revealed to him.
that thy eyes may faint and thy soul be 8 And the Lord called Samuel again the
spent: and a great part of thy house shall third time. And he arose up and went
die when they come to man s estate. to Heli.
34 And this shall be a sign to thee, that 9 And said: Here am I: for thou didst

z 3 Kings 2. 27.

Ver. 25. Who shall pray for him. By these words fold sacrileges, he would not soften their hearts with
Heli would have his sons understand, that by their his efficacious grace, but was determined to destroy
wicked abuse of sacred things, and of the very sacri them.
fices which were appointed to appease the Lord, Ver. 32. Thy rival. A priest of another race.
they deprived themselves of the ordinary means of This was partly fulfilled, when Abiathar, of the race
reconciliation with God which was by sacrifices. of Heli, was removed from the priesthood, and So-
doc, who was of another line, was substituted in his

The more, because as they were the chief priests

whose business it was to intercede for all others, place. But it was more fully accomplished in the
they had no other to offer sacrifices and to make New Testament, when the priesthood of Aaron
atonement for them. Ibid. Because the Lord gave place to that of Christ.
would slay them. In consequence of their mani- CHAP. 3. Ver. 1. Precious. That is. rare.

The prophesy against Hell 1 KINGS The Philistines overcome Israel
call me. Then Heli understood that the CHAPTER 4
Lord called the child, and he said to The Israelites being overcome by the Philistines,
send for the ark of God : but they are beaten again,
Samuel: Go, and sleep: and if he shall the sons of Heli are killed, and the ark taken:
call thee any more, thou shalt say: upon the hearing of the news, Heli falleth back
ward and
Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. So dieth.

Samuel went and slept in his place. AND came to pass in those days,

10 the Lord came and stood: and

And J\. that the Philistines gathered them
he called, as he had called the other selves together to fight: and Israel went
times: Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel out to war against the Philistines, and
said: Speak, Lord, for thy servant hear camped by the Stone of help. And the
eth. Philistines came to Aphec,
11 And
the Lord said to Samuel: Be 2 And put their army in array against
hold do a thing in Israel: and whosoever
I Israel. And when they had joined battle,
shall hear it, both his ears shall tingle. Israel turned their backs to the Philis
12 In that day I will raise up against tines, and there was slain in that fight
Heli all the things I have spoken con here and there in the fields about four
cerning his house: I will begin, and I will thousand men.
make an end. 3 And the people returned to camp:
13 For
I have foretold unto him, that I and the ancients of Israel said: Why
will judge his house for ever, for iniqui hath the Lord defeated us to day before
ty, because he knew that his sons did the Philistines? Let us fetch unto us the
wickedly, and did not chastise them. ark of the covenant of the Lord from
14 Therefore have I sworn to the house Silo, and let it come in the midst of
of Heli, that the iniquity of his house us, that it may save us from the hand
shall not be expiated with victims nor of our enemies.
offerings for ever. 4 So the people sent to Silo, and they
15 And Samuel slept till morning, and brought from thence the ark of the cov
opened the doors of the house of the enant of the Lord of hosts sitting upon
Lord. And Samuel feared to tell the the cherubims: and the two sons of Heli,
vision to Heli. Ophni and Phinees, were with the ark
16 Then Heli called Samuel, and said: of the covenant of God.
Samuel, my son. And he answered: Here 5 And when the ark of the covenant of
am I. the Lord was come into the camp, all
17 And he asked him What is the word
: Israel shouted with a great shout, and
that the Lord hath spoken to thee? I the earth rang again.
beseech thee hide it not from me. May 6 And the Philistines heard the noise
God do so and so to thee, and add so and of the shout, and they said: What is this
so, if thou hide from me one word of all noise of a great shout in the camp of
that were said to thee. the Hebrews ? And they understood that
18 So Samuel told him all the words, the ark of the Lord was come into the
and did not hide them from him. And he camp.
answered: It is the Lord: let him do 7 And the Philistines were afraid, say
what good in his sight.
is ing: God is come into the camp. And
19 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was sighing, they said:
with him, and not one of his words fell 8 Woe to us: for there was no such
to the ground. great joy yesterday and the day before:
20 And all Israel from Dan to Bersabee, Woe to us. Who shall deliver us from the
knew that Samuel was a faithful prophet hand of these high gods? these are the
of the Lord. gods that struck Egypt with all the
21 And the Lord again appeared in Silo, plagues in the desert.
for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel 9 Take courage and behave like men,
in Silo, according to the word of the ye Philistines: lest you come to be ser
Lord. And the word of Samuel came to vants to the Hebrews, as they have
pass to all Israel. served you: take courage and fight.

CHAP. 4. Ver. 1. The Stone of help. In Hebrew was pleased afterwards to give to his people Israel
ben-ezer; so called from the help which the Lord in that place, by the prayers of Samuel, chap. 7. 12

The ark is taken 1 KINGS The ark among the Philistines
10 So the Philistines fought, and Israel She answered them not, nor gave heed
was overthrown, and every man fled to to them.
his own dwelling: and there was an ex 21 And she called the child Ichabod,
ceeding great slaughter; for there fell of saying: The glory is gone from Israel,
Israel thirty thousand footmen. because the ark of God was taken, and
11 And the ark of God was taken: and for her father in law, and her husband:
the two sons of Heli, Ophni and Phinees, 22 And she said: The glory is departed
were slain. from Israel, because the ark of God was
12 And there ran a man of Benjamin taken.
out of the army, and came to Silo the
same day, with his clothes rent, and his
Dagon twice falleth down before the ark. The Phi-
head strewed with dust. listines are grievously afflicted, wherever the ark
13 And when he was come, Heli sat cometh.
upon a stool over against the way watch the Philistines took the ark of God,
ing. For his heart was fearful for the ANDand carried it from the Stone of
ark of God. And when the man was help into Azotus.
come into the city, he told it: and all 2 And the Philistines took the ark of
the city cried out. God, and brought it into the temple of
14 And Heli heard the noise of the cry, Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
and he said: What meaneth the noise of 3 And when the Azotians arose early
this uproar? But he made haste, and the next day, behold Dagon lay upon his
came, and told Heli. face on the ground before the ark of the
15 Now Heli was ninety and eight years Lord: and they took Dagon, and set him
old, and his eyes were dim, and he could again in his place.
not see. 4 And the next day again, when they
16 And he said to Heli: I am he that rose in the morning, they found Dagon
came from the battle, and have fled out lying upon his face on the earth before
of the field this day. And he said to him: the ark of the Lord: and the head of
What is there done, my son ? Dagon, and both the palms of his hands
17 And he that brought the news an were cut off upon the threshold:
swered, and said: Israel has fled before 5 And only the stump of Dagon re
the Philistines, and there has been a mained in its place. For this cause
great slaughter of the people: moreover neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that
thy two sons, Ophni and Phinees, are go into the temple tread on the threshold
dead: and the ark of God is taken. of Dagon in Azotus unto this day.
18 And when he had named the ark of 6 And the hand of the Lord was heavy
God, he fell from his stool backwards by upon the Azotians, and he destroyed
the door, and broke his neck, and he died. them, and afflicted Azotus and the

For he was an old man, and far ad coasts thereof with emerods. And in the
vanced in years: and he judged Israel villages and fields in the midst of that
forty years. country, there came forth a multitude of
19 And his daughter in law the wife of mice, and there was the confusion of a
Phinees, was big with child, and near her great mortality in the city.
time: and hearing the news that the ark 7 And the men of Azotus seeing this
of God was taken, and her father in law, kind of plague, said: The ark of the God
and her husband, were dead, she bowed of Israel shall not stay with us: for his
herself and fell in labour: for her pains hand is heavy upon us, and upon Dagon
came upon her on a sudden. our god.
20 And when she was upon the point of 8 And
sending, they gathered together
death, they that stood about her said to allthe lords of the Philistines to them,
her: Fear not, for thou hast borne a son. and said: What shall we do with the ark
d Ps. 77. 66.

Ver. 18. Named There is great rea-

the ark, &c. lamented the which was but the sym-
loss of the ark,
son, by all these circumstances, to hope that Heli bol of God s presence amongst them. How much
died in a state of grace and by his temporal pun
more ought Christians to lament the loss of God
ishments escaped the eternal. himself, when by sin they have driven him out of
Ver. 21. Ichabod. That is. Where is the glory? or their souls?
there is no glory. We see how much the Israelites

Plague among the Philistines 1 KINGS The ark is sent back

of the God of Israel ? And

the Gethrites have destroyed the land, and you shall
answered: Let the ark of the God of Is give glory to the God of Israel: to see
rael be carried about. And they carried if he will take off his hand from you,
the ark of the God of Israel about. and from your gods, and from your land.
9 And while they were carrying it 6 Why do you harden your hearts, as
about, the hand of the Lord came upon Egypt and Pharao hardened their hearts ?
every city with an exceeding great / did not
he, after he was struck, then let
slaughter: and he smote the men of them go, and they departed?
every city, both small and great, and they 7 Now therefore take and make a new
had emerods in their secret parts. And cart: and two kine that have calved, on
the Gethrites consulted together, and which there hath come no yoke, tie to
made themselves seats of skins. the cart, and shut up their calves at
10 Therefore they sent the ark of God home.
into Accaron. And when the ark of God 8 And you shall take the ark of the
was come into Accaron, the Accaronites Lord, and lay it on the cart, and the
cried out, saying: They have brought vessels of gold, which you have paid
the ark of the God of Israel to us, to him for sin, you shall put into a little
kill us and our people.
box, at the side thereof: and send it
11 They sent therefore and gathered
away may go.
that it
together all the lords of the Philistines: And you
9 shall look: and if it go up
and they said: Send away the ark of the of his own coasts towards
by the way
God of Israel, and let it return into its
Bethsames, then he hath done us this
own place, and not kill us and our people.
great evil: but if not, we shall know
12 For there was the fear of death in that it is not his hand hath touched us,
every city, and the hand of God was ex but it hath happened by chance.
ceeding heavy. The men also that did 10 did therefore in this manner:
not die, were afflicted with the emerods: They
and taking two kine, that had suckling
and the cry of every city went up to
calves, they yoked them to the cart, and
shut up their calves at home.
CHAPTER 6 11 And they laid the ark of God upon
The ark issent back to Bethsames : where many the cart, and the little box that had in it
are slain for looking through curiosity into it.
the golden mice and the likeness of the
the ark of God was in the land emerods.
of the Philistines seven months.
the Philistines called for the
12 And the kine took the straight way
that leadeth to Bethsames, and they
priests and the diviners, saying: What went along the way, lowing as they
shall we do with the ark of the Lord? went: and turned not aside neither to
tell us how we are to send it back to its the right hand nor to the left: and the
place? And they said: lords of the Philistines followed them as
3 If you send back the ark of the God far as the borders of Bethsames.
of Israel, send it not away empty, but 13 Now the Bethsamites were reaping
render unto him what you owe for sin, wheat in the valley: and lifting up their
and then you shall be healed: and you eyes they saw the ark, and rejoiced to
shall know why his hand departeth not see it.
from you. 14 And the cart came into the field of
4 They answered: What is it we ought Josue a Bethsamite, and stood there.
to render unto him for sin? and they And there was a great stone, and they
answered : cut in pieces the wood of the cart, and
5 According to the number of the pro laid the kine upon it a holocaust to the
vinces of the Philistines you shall make Lord.
five golden emerods, and five golden 15 And the Levites took down the ark
mice: for the same plague hath been of God, and the little box that was at
upon you all, and upon your lords. And the side of it, wherein were the vessels
you shall make the likeness of your eme of gold, and they put them upon the
rods, and the likeness of the mice that great stone. The men also of Bethsames

/Ex. 12. 31.

men of Bethsames 1 KINGS Israelites defeat the Philistines

offered holocausts and sacrificed victims with all your heart, put away the strange
that day to the Lord. gods from among you, Baalim and Asta-
16 And the five princes of the Philis roth: and prepare your hearts unto the
tines saw, and they returned to Accaron Lord, and serve him only, and he will
the same day. deliver you out of the hand of the Phil
17 And these are the golden emerods,
which the Philistines returned for sin to 4 Then the children of Israel put away
the Lord: For Azotus one, for Gaza one, Baalim and Astaroth, and served the
for Ascalon one, for Geth one, for Acca Lord only.
ron one: 5 And Samuel said: Gather all Israel
18 And the golden mice according to to Masphath, that I may pray to the
the number of the cities of the Philis Lord for you.
tines, of the five provinces, from the 6 And they gathered together to Mas
fenced city to the village that was with phath: and they drew water, and poured
out wall, and to the great Abel (the stone) it out before the Lord, and they fasted
whereon they set down the ark of the on that day, and they said there: We
Lord, which was till that day in the have sinned against the Lord. And
field of Josue the Bethsamite. Samuel judged the children of Israel in
19 But he slew of the men of Bethsames, Masphath.
because they had seen the ark of the 7 And the Philistines heard that the
Lord: and he slew of the people seventy children of Israel were gathered together
men, and fifty thousand of the common to Masphath, and the lords of the Philis
people. And the people lamented, be tines went up against Israel. And when
cause the Lord had smitten the people the children of Israel heard this, they
with a great slaughter. were afraid of the Philistines.
20 And the men of Bethsames said: 8 And they said to Samuel: Cease not
Who shall be able to stand before the to cry to the Lord our God for us, that
Lord this holy God? and to whom shall he may save us out of the hand of the
he go up from us? Philistines.
21 And they sent messengers to the 9 And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and
inhabitants of Cariathiarim, saying: The offered it whole for a holocaust to the
Philistines have brought back the ark of Lord: and Samuel cried to the Lord for
the Lord, come ye down and fetch it up Israel, and the Lord heard him.
to you. 10 it came to pass, when Samuel
CHAPTER 7 was offering the holocaust, the Philis
tines began the battle against Israel:
The ark ts brought to Cariathiarim. By Samuel s * but the Lord thundered with a great
exhortation, the people cast away their idols and
serve God alone. The Lord defeateth the Philis thunder on that day upon the Philistines,
tines, while Samuel offereth sacrifice. and terrified them, and they were over
AND the men of Cariathiarim came thrown before the face of Israel.
J\. and fetched up the ark of the Lord 11 And the men of Israel going out of
and carried it into the house of Abina- Masphath pursued after the Philistines,
dab in Gabaa: and they sanctified Elea- and made slaughter of them till they
zar his son, to keep the ark of the Lord. came under Bethchar.
2 And it came to pass, that from the 12 And Samuel took a stone, and laid
it between Masphath and Sen: and he
day the ark of the Lord abode in Cari
athiarim days were multipled, (for it was called the place, the Stone of help. And
now the twentieth year,) and all the he said: Thus far the Lord hath helped
house of Israel rested following the us.
Lord. 13 And the Philistines were humbled,
3 And Samuel spoke to all the house of and they did not come any more into the
Israel, saying:
h If
you turn to the Lord borders of Israel. And the hand of the

h Deut. 13 Matt. 4. 10. i Eccli. 46. 21.

6. ;

CHAP. 7. Ver. 1. In Gabaa. That on the hill

CHAP. 6. Ver. 19. Seen; and curiously looked is,

into. It is likely this plague reached to all

the for Gabaa signifieth a hill.
neighbouring country, as well as the city of Beth-

The people desire a king 1 KINGS The rights of a king
Lord was against the Philistines, all the the right of the king, that shall reign
days of Samuel. over them.
14 And the cities, which the Philistines 10 Then Samuel told all the words of
had taken from Israel, were restored to the Lord to the people that had desired
Israel, from Accaron to Geth, and their a king of him,
borders: and he delivered Israel from 11 And said: This will be the right of
the hand of the Philistines, and there the king, that shall reign over you: He
was peace between Israel and the Amor- will take your sons, and put them in his
rhites. chariots, and wilt make them his horse
15 And Samuel judged Israel all the men, and his running footmen to run be
days of his life: fore his chariots,
16 And he went every year aboutto Beth 12 And he will appoint of them to be
el and to Galgal and to Masphath, and he his tribunes, and centurions, and to
judged Israel in the aforesaid places. plough his fields, and to reap his corn,
17 And he returned to Ramatha, for and to make him arms and chariots.
there was his house, and there he judged 13Your daughters also he will take to
Israel: he built also there an altar to make him ointments, and to be his cooks,
the Lord. and bakers.
14 And he will take your fields, and
Samuel growing old, and his sons not walking in
your vineyards, and your best oliveyards,
his ways, the people desire a king. and give them to his servants.
it came to pass when Samuel was 15 Moreover he will take the tenth of
A^Dold, that he appointed his sons to your corn, and of the revenues of your
be judges over Israel. vineyards, to give his eunuchs and ser
2 Now the name of his firstborn son was vants.
Joel: and the name of the second was 16 Your servants also and handmaids,
Abia, judges in Bersabee.
and your goodliest young men, and your
3 And his sons walked not in his ways: asses he will take away, and put them to
but they turned aside after lucre, and his work.
took bribes, and perverted judgment. 17 Yourflocks also he will tithe, and
4 Then all the ancients of Israel being you shall be his servants.

assembled, came to Samuel to Ramatha. 18 And you shall cry out in that day
5 And they said to him: Behold thou from the face of the king, whom you
art old, and thy sons walk not in thy have chosen to yourselves: and the Lord
will not hear you in that day, because
ways k make us a king, to judge us, as

all nations have. you desired unto yourselves a king.

6 And the word was displeasing in the 19 But the people would not hear the
eyes of Samuel, that they should say: Voice of Samuel, and they said: Nay:
Give us a king, to judge us. And Sam but there shall be a king over us.
uel prayed to the Lord. 20 And we also will be like all nations:
7 And the Lord said to Samuel: Heark and our king shall judge us, and go out
en to the voice of the people in all that before us, and fight our battles for us.
they say to thee. For they have not re 21 And Samuel heard all the words of
jected thee, but me, that I should not the people, and rehearsed them in the
reign over them. ears of the Lord.
8 According to all. their works, they 22 And the Lord said to Samuel:
have done from the day that I brought Hearken to their voice, and make them a
them out of Egypt until this day: as king. And Samuel said to the men of
they have forsaken me, and served Israel: Let every man go to his city.
strange gods, so do they also unto thee. CHAPTER 9
9 Now therefore hearken to their voice :
Saul seeking his father s asses, cometh to Samuel,
but yet testify to them, and foretell them by whom he is entertained.
k Osee 13. 10 ; Acts 13. 21.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 7. Rejected, &c. The government people rejected him, in desiring a change of govern
of Israel hitherto had been a theocracy in which
; ment.
God himself immediately ruled, by laws which he Ver. 9. The right. That is, the manner (misphat)
had enacted, and by judges extraordinarily raised after which he shall proceed, having no one to con
up by himself and therefore he complains that his
; trol him, when he has the power in his hand.

Saul seeks his father s asses 1 KINGS Saul meets Samuel
was a man of Benjamin
there now
NOW whose name was Cis, the son of
called a prophet, in time past
called a seer.
Abiel, the son of Seror, the son of Becho-
10 And
Saul said to his servant: Thy
rath, the son of Aphia, the son of a man
word is let us go. And
very good, come,
of Jemini, valiant and strong.
they went into the city, where the man
2 And he had a son whose name was of God was.
Saul, a choice and goodly man, and there 11 And when they went up the ascent
was not among the children of Israel a to the city, they found maids
coming out
goodlier person than he: from his shoul to draw water, and they said to them: Is
ders and upward he appeared above all the seer here?
the people. 12 They answered and said to them: He
3 And the asses of Cis, Saul s father,
is: behold he is before you, make haste
were lost: and Cis said to his son Saul: now: for he came to day into the city,
Take one of the servants with thee, and for there is a sacrifice of the people to
arise, go, and seek the asses. And when day in the high place.
they had passed through mount Ephraim, 13 As soon as you come into the city,
4 And through the land of Salisa, and you shall immediately find him, before
had not found them, they passed also he go up to the high place to eat: for the
through the land of Salim, and they were people will not eat till he come: because
not there: and through the land of Jem he blesseth the victim, and afterwards
ini,and found them not. they eat that are invited. Now there
5 And when they were come to the land fore go up, for today you shall find him.
of Suph, Saul said to the servant that 14 And they went up into the city.
was with him: Come, let us return, lest And when they were walking in the midst
perhaps my father forget the asses, and of the city, behold Samuel was coming
be concerned for us. out over against them, to go up to the
6 And he said to him: Behold there is high place.
a man of God in this city, a famous man: 15 m Now the Lord had revealed to the
all that he saith, cometh certainly to ear of Samuel the day before Saul came,
pass. Now therefore let us go thither, saying:
perhaps he may tell us of our way, for 16 To morrow about this same hour I
which we are come. will send thee a man of the land of Ben
7 And Saul said to his servant: Behold jamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be
we will go: but what shall we carry to ruler over my people Israel: and he
the man of God? the bread is spent in shall save my people out of the hand of
our bags: and we have no present to the Philistines: for I have looked down
make to the man of God, nor any thing upon my people, because their cry is
at all. come to me.
8 The servant answered Saul again, and 17 And when Samuel saw Saul, the
said: Behold there is found in my hand Lord said him: Behold the man of
the fourth part of a side of silver, let us whom I spoke to thee, this man shall
give it to the man of God, that he may reign over my people.
tell us our way. 18 And Saul came to Samuel in the
9 Now in time past, in Israel when a midst of the gate and said: Tell me, I
man went to consult God he spoke thus: pray thee, where is the house of the seer?
Come, let us go to the seer. For he that 19 And Samuel answered Saul, saying:
m Acts 13. 21.

OHAP. 9. Ver. 9. A seer. Because of his seeing often mentioned in scripture, were places of wor
by divine light hidden things and things to come. ship, in which were altars for sacrifice. These were
Ver. 12. A sacrifice. The law did not allow of Bometimes employed in the service of the true God,
sacrifices in any other place, but at the tabernacle, as in the present case but more frequently in the

or temple, in which the ark of the covenant was service of idols ; and were called excelsa, which is
kept but Samuel, by divine dispensation, offered
; commonly (though perhaps not so accurately) ren
sacrifices in other places. For which dispensation dered high places; not because they were always
this reason may be alleged, that the house of God upon hills, for the very worst of all, which was that
in Silo, having lost the ark, was now cast off as a
: of Topheth or Geennom, (Jer. 91.) was in a valley ;

figure of the reprobation of the Jews, Ps. 77. 60, 67. but because of the high altars, and pillars, or monu
And in Cariathiarim where the ark was, there was ments, erected there, on which were set up the idols
neither tabernacle, nor altar. Ibid. The high or images of their deities.
place, Excelsum. The excelsa, or high places, so

Samuel entertains Saul 1 KINGS Saul is anointed kins.

I am the seer, go up before me to the A ND n

Samuel took a little vial of oil
high place, that you may eat with me to \_ and poured it upon his head, and
day, and I will let thee go in the morn kissed him, and said: Behold, the Lord
ing: and tell thee all that is in thy heart. hath anointed thee to be prince over his
20 And as for the asses, which were inheritance, and thou shalt deliver his
lost three days ago, be not solicitous, people out of the hands of their enemies,
because they are found. And for whom that are round about them. And this
shall be all the best things of Israel? shall be a sign unto thee, that God hath
Shall they not be for thee and for all anointed thee to be prince.
2 When thou shalt depart from me this
thy father s house?
21 And Saul answering, said: not I Am day, thou shalt find two men by the sep
ulchre of Rachel in the borders of Benja
a son of Jemini of the least tribe of Israel,
min to the south, and they shall say to
and my kindred the last among all the
thee: The asses are found which thou
families of the tribe of Benjamin ? Why
Wentest to seek: and thy father thinking
then hast thou spoken this word to me?
no more of the asses is concerned for
22 Then Samuel taking Saul and his
you, and saith: What shall I do for my
servant, brought them into the parlour, son?
and gave them a place at the head of 3 And when thou shalt depart from
them that were invited. For there were and go farther on, and shalt come
about thirty men. to the oak of Thabor, there shall meet
23 And Samuel said to the cook: Bring thee three men going up to God to
the portion, which I gave thee, and com
Bethel, one carrying three kids, and an
manded thee to set it apart by thee. other three loaves of bread, and another
24 And the cook took up the shoulder,
carrying a bottle of wine.
and set it before Saul. And Samuel said: 4 And they will salute thee, and will
Behold what is left, set it before thee,
give thee two loaves, and thou shalt take
and eat: because it was kept of purpose them at their hand.
for thee, when I invited the people. And 5 After that thou shalt come to the hill
Saul ate with Samuel that day. of God, where the garrison of the Philis
25 And they went down from the high tines is: and when thou shalt be come
place into the town, and he spoke with there into the city, thou shalt meet a
Saul upon the top of the house: and he
company of prophets coming down from
prepared a bed for Saul on top of the the high place, with a psaltery and a
house, and he slept. timbrel, and a pipe, and a harp before
26 And when they were risen in the
them, and they shall be prophesying.
morning, and began now to be light,
6 And the spirit of the Lord shall come
Samuel Saul on the top of the
upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with
house, saying: Arise, that I may let thee them, and shalt be changed into another
go. And Saul arose: and they went out man.
both of them, to wit, he and Samuel. 7 When therefore these signs shall hap
27 And as they were going down in the
pen to thee, do whatsoever thy hand
end of the city, Samuel said to Saul: shall find, for the Lord is with thee.
Speak to the servant to go before us, 8 And thou shalt go down before me to
and pass on: but stand thou still a while,
Galgal, (for I will come down to thee,)
that I may tell thee the word of the Lord. that thou mayest offer an oblation, and
CHAPTER 10 sacrifice victims of peace: seven days
shalt thou wait, till I come to thee, and
Saul is anointed. He prophesieth, and is changed
into another man. Samuel calleth the people to I will shew thee what thou art to do.
gether, to make a king: the lot falleth on Saul. 9 So when he had turned his back to go
n B. C. 1040. Acts 13. 21. o Infra 13. 8.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 3. Bethel. Where there was at called prophesying. See 1 Par. alias 1 Chr. 15. 22,
that time an altar of God ; it being one of the places and 25. 1. Now there were in those days colleges,
where Samuel judged Israel. or schools for training up these prophets and it ;

Ver. 5. The hUl of God. Gabaa, in which there seems there was one of these schools at this hill of
was also at that time, a high place or altar. Pro God; and another at Najoth in Ramatha. See 1
phets. These were men whose office it was to sing Kings 19. 20. 21. &c.
hymns and praises to God for such in holy writ are
; Ver. 8. Galgal. Here also by dispensation was
called prophets, and their singing praises to God is an altar of God.

Saul among the prophets 1 KINGS Saul chosen kins:

from Samuel, God gave unto him an Lord whether he would come thither.
other heart, and all these things came to And the Lord answered: Behold he is
pass that day. hidden at home.
10 And they came to the foresaid hill, 23 And they ran and fetched him thence:
and behold a company of prophets met and he stood in the midst of the people,
him: and the spirit of the Lord came and he was higher than any of the peo
upon him, and he prophesied in the ple from the shoulders and upward.
midst of them. 24 And Samuel said to all the people:
11 And all that had known him yester Surely you see him whom the Lord hath
day and the day before, seeing that he chosen, that there is none like him among
was with the prophets, and prophesied, all the people. And all the people cried
said to each other: Whatthis thatis and God save the king.
hath happened to the son of Cis ? Is Saul .
25 And Samuel told the people the law
also among the prophets? of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book,
12 And one answered another, saying: and laid it up before the Lord: and
And who is their father ? therefore it be Samuel sent away all the people, every
came a proverb P Is Saul also among the
: one to his own house.
prophets ? 26 Saul also departed to his own house
13 And when he had made an end of in Gabaa: and there went with him a
prophesying, he came to the high place. part of the army, whose hearts God had
14 And gauPs uncle said to him, and to touched.
his servant: Whither went you? They 27 But the children of Belial said: Shall
answered: To seek the asses: and not this fellow be able to save us? And they
finding them we went to Samuel. despised him, and brought him no pres
15 And his uncle said to him: Tell me ents, but he dissembled as though he
what Samuel said to thee. heard not.
16 And Saul said to his uncle: He told
us that the asses were found. But of the
matter of the kingdom of which Samuel Saul defeateth the Ammonites, and delivereth
Jabes Galaad.
had spoken to him, he told him not.
17 And Samuel called together the peo it to pass about a month
AsIDafter this that Naas, the Ammonite
ple to the Lord in Maspha:
18 And he said to the children of Israel : came up, and began to fight against
Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel I : Jabes Galaad. And all the men of Jabes
brought up Israel out of Egypt, and de said to Naas: Make a covenant with us,
livered you from the hand of the Egyp and we will serve thee.
tians, and from the hand of all the kings 2 And Naas the Ammonite answered
who afflicted you. them: On this condition will I make a
19 But you this day have rejected your covenant with you, that I may pluck out
all your right eyes, and make you a re
God, who only hath saved you out of all
your evils and your tribulations: and proach in all Israel.
you have said: Nay: but set a king 3 And the ancients of Jabes said to him:
over us. Now therefore stand before Allow us seven days, that we may send
the Lord by your tribes, and by your messengers to all the coasts of Israel:
families. and if there be no one to defend us, we
20 And Samuel brought to him all the will come out to thee.
tribes of Israel, and the lot fell on the messengers therefore came to
4 The
tribe of Benjamin. Gabaa of Saul: and they spoke these
21 And he brought the tribe of Benja words in the hearing of the people: and
all the people lifted up their voices, and
min and the kindreds thereof, and the lot
fellupon the kindred of Metri, and it wept.
came to Saul the son of Cis. They sought 5 And behold Saul
came, following
him therefore and he was not found. oxen out of the and he said: What

22 And after this they consulted the aileth the people that they weep? And

a Supra 19.
p Infra 19.24. 8.

Ver 12 Their father. That is, their teacher or superior. As much as to say, Who could bring about
such a wonderful change as to make Saul a prophet?

Saul defeats the Ammonites 1 KINGS Samuel s integrity acknowledged
they told him the words of the men of in all that you said to me, and have
Jabes. made a king over you.
6 And the spirit of the Lord came upon 2 And now the king goeth before you:
Saul, when he had heard these words, but I am old and greyheaded: and my
and his anger was exceedingly kindled. sons are with you: having then con
7 And taking both the oxen, he cut versed with you from my youth unto this
them in pieces, and sent them into all day, behold here I am.
the coasts of Israel by messengers, say 3 u Speak of me before the Lord, and
ing: Whosoever shall not come forth, before his anointed, whether I have taken
and follow Saul and Samuel, so shall it any man s ox, or ass: If I have wronged
be done to his oxen. And the fear of the any man, if I have oppressed any man, if
Lord fell upon the people, and they went I have taken a bribe at any man s hand:
out as one man. and I will despise it this day, and will
8 And he numbered them in Bezec: and restore it to you.
there were of the children of Israel three 4 And they said Thou hast not :
hundred thousand: and of the men of us, nor oppressed us, nor taken ought at
Juda thirty thousand. any man s hand.
9 And they said to the messengers that 5 And he said to them: The Lord is
came: Thus shall you say to the men of witness against you, and his anointed is
Jabes Galaad: To morrow, when the sun witness this day, that you have not found
shall be hot, you shall have relief. The any thing in my hand. And they said:
messengers therefore came, and told the He is witness.
men of Jabes: and they were glad. 6 And Samuel said to the people: It is
10 And they said: In the morning we the Lord, who made Moses and Aaron,
will come out to you: and you shall do and brought our fathers out of the land
what you please with us. of Egypt.
11 And it came to pass, when the mor 7 Now therefore stand up, that I may
row was come that Saul put the people plead in judgment against you before the
in three companies: and he came into the Lord, concerning all the kindness of the
midst of the camp in the morning watch, Lord, which he hath shewn to you, and
and he slew the Ammonites until the day to your fathers:
grew hot, and the rest were scattered, so 8 v How Jacob went into Egypt, and
that two of them were not left together. your fathers cried to the Lord: and the
12 And the people said to Samuel: * Who Lord sent Moses and Aaron, and brought
is he that said: Shall Saul reign over us? your fathers out of Egypt: and made
Bring the men and we will kill them. them dwell in this place.
13 And Saul said: No man shall be 9 And they forgot the Lord their God,
killed this day, because the Lord this and he delivered them into the hands

day hath wrought salvation in Israel: of Sisara, captain of the army of Hasor,
14 And Samuel said to the and into the hands of the Philistines, and
Come and let us go to Galgal, and let us into the hand of the king of Moab, and
renew the kingdom there. they fought against them.
15 And the people went to Galgal,
all 10 But afterwards they cried to the
and there they made Saul king before Lord, and said: We have sinned, because
the Lord in Galgal, and they sacrificed we have forsaken the Lord, and have
there victims of peace before the Lord. served Baalim and Astaroth: but now
And there Saul and all the men of Israel deliver us from the hand of our enemies,
rejoiced exceedingly. and we will serve thee.
CHAPTER 12 11 # And
the Lord sent Jerobaal, and
Samuel s integrity
acknowledged. God sheweth
is Badan, and Jephte, and Samuel, and
by a sign from heaven that they had done ill in delivered you from the hand of your
asking for a king. enemies round about, and you dwelt
TD *
Samuel said to all Israel Be :
hold I have hearkened to
your voice 12 But seeing that Naas king of the chil-
s Supra 10. 27. t A. M. 2909. u Ecc!i. 46. 22. v Gen. 46. 5. w Judges 4. 2. x Judges 6. 14.

CHAP. 12. Ver. 11. Jerobaal and Badan. That is, Gedeon and Samson called here Badan or Bedan,
because he was of Dan.

Samuel comforts the people 1 KINGS Philistines assemble against Israel
dren of Ammon was come against you, 25 But if you will still do wickedly: both
you said to me: v Nay, but a king shall you and your king shall perish together.
reign over us: whereas the Lord your
God was your king. CHAPTER 13
13 Now therefore your king is The war between Saul and the Philistines. The
whom you have chosen and desired: Be distress of the Israelites. Saul offereth sacrifice
before the coming of Samuel : for which he is re
hold the Lord hath given you a king. proved.
14 If you will fear the Lord, and serve *was a child of one year when
him, and hearken to his voice, and not SAUL
he began to reign, and he reigned
provoke the mouth of the Lord: then two years over Israel.
shall both you, and the king who And
reign- 2 Saul chose him three thousand
eth over you, be followers of the Lord men of Israel: and two
thousand were
your God. with Saul in Machmas, and in mount
15 But if you will not hearken to the Bethel: and a thousand with Jonathan in
voice of the Lord, but will rebel against Gabaa of Benjamin, and the rest of the
his words, the hand of the Lord shall be
people he sent back every man to their
upon you, and upon your fathers. dwellings.
16 Now then stand, and see this great 3 And Jonathan smote the garrison of
thing which the Lord will do in your the Philistines which was in Gabaa. And
sight. when the Philistines had heard of it,
17 Is itnot wheat harvest to day? I Saul sounded the trumpet over all the
will callupon the Lord, and he shall land, saying: Let the Hebrews hear.
send thunder and rain: and you shall 4 And all Israel heard this report: Saul
know and see that you yourselves have hath smitten the garrison of the Philis
done a great evil in the sight of the Lord, tines: and Israel took courage against
in desiring a king over you. the Philistines. And the people were
18 And Samuel cried unto the Lord, and called together after Saul to Galgal.
the Lord sent thunder and rain that day. 5 The Philistines also were assembled
19 And all the people greatly feared the to fight against Israel, thirty thousand
Lord and Samuel. And all the people chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and
said to Samuel Pray for thy servants to
a multitude of people besides, like the
the Lord thy God, that we may not die, sand on the sea shore for number. And
for we have added to all our sins this going up they camped in Machmas at the
evil, to ask for a king. east of Bethaven.
20 And Samuel said to the people: Fear 6 And when the men of Israel saw that
not, you have done all this evil: but yet they were straitened, (for the people
depart not from following the Lord, but were distressed,) they hid themselves in
serve the Lord with all your heart. caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and
21 And turn not aside after vain things in dens, and in pits.
which shall never profit you, nor deliver 7 And some of the Hebrews passed over
you, because they are vain. the Jordan into the land of Gad and Ga-
22 And the Lord will not forsake his laad. And when Saul was yet in Galgal,
people for his great name s sake: be all the people that followed him were
cause the Lord hath sworn to make you greatly afraid.
his people. 8 And he waited seven days according
23 And far from me be this sin against to the appointment of Samuel, and
the Lord, that I should cease to pray for Samuel came not to Galgal, and the peo
you, and I will teach you the good and ple slipt away from him.
right way. 9 Then Saul said: Bring me the holo
24 Therefore fear the Lord, and serve caust, and the peace offerings. And he
him in truth and with your whole heart, offered the holocaust.
for you have seen the great works which 10 And when he had made an end of of
he hath done among you. fering the holocaust, behold Samuel came:
y Supra 8. 19, and 10. 19. z A. M. 2911. Ante C. 1093. a Supra 10. 8.

Ver. 17. Wheat harvest. At which time of the evidently the result of some confusion in the origi
year, it never thunders or rains in those countries. nal Hebrew. It is not found in the Septuatrint
CHAP. 13. Ver. 1. Of one year. This text is version.

Samuel reproves Saul 1 KINGS Jonathan goes to the Philistines

and Saul went forth to meet him and spades, and their forks, and their axes
salute him. were blunt, even to the goad, which was
11 said to him: What hast
And Samuel to be mended.
thou done? Saul answered: Because I 22 And when the day of battle was
saw that the people slipt from me, and come, there was neither sword nor spear
thou wast not come according to the found in the hand of any of the people
that were with Saul and Jonathan, ex
days appointed, and the Philistines were
gathered together in Machmas, cept Saul and Jonathan his son.
23 And the army of the Philistines went
12 I said: Now will the Philistines come
out in order to advance further in Mach
down upon me to Galgal, and I have not
appeased the face of the Lord. Forced
by necessity, I offered the holocaust. CHAPTER 14
13 And Samuel said to Saul: Thou hast Jonathan attacketh the Philistines. A miraculous
victory. Saul s unadvised oath., by which Jona
done foolishly, and hast not kept the than is put in danger of his life, but is delivered
commandmehts of the Lord thy God, by the people.
which he commanded thee. And if thou it came to pass one day that
hadst not done thus, the Lord would now IVfOW
Jonathan the son of
11 Saul said to
have established thy kingdom over Is the young man that bore his armour:
rael for ever.
Come, and let us go over to the garrison
14 But thy
kingdom shall not continue. of the Philistines, which is on the other
6The Lord hath sought him a man ac side of yonder place. But he told not this
cording to his own heart: and him hath to his father.
the Lord commanded to be prince over 2 And Saul abode in the uttermost part
his people, because thou hast not ob of Gabaa under the pomegranate tree,
served that which the Lord commanded. which was in Magron: and the people
15 And Samuel arose and went up from with him were about six hundred men.
Galgal to Gabaa of Benjamin. And the 3 And Achias the son of Achitob broth
rest of the people went up after Saul, to er to Ichabod the son of Phinees, c the
meet the people who fought against son of Heli the priest of the Lord in Silo,
them, going from Galgal to Gabaa in the wore the ephod. And the people knew
hill of Benjamin. And Saul numbered not whither Jonathan was gone.
the people, that were found with him, 4 Now there were between the ascents,
about six hundred men. by which Jonathan sought to go over
16 And Saul and Jonathan his son, and to the garrison of the Philistines, rocks
the people that were present with them, standing up on both sides, and steep
were in Gabaa of Benjamin: but the cliffs on the one side, and on
like teeth
Philistines encamped in Machmas. the other, the name of the one was Boses,
17 And there went out of the camp of and the name of the other was Sene:
the Philistines three companies to plun 5 One rock stood out towards the north
der. One company went towards the way over against Machmas, and the other to
of Ephra to the land of Sual; the south over against Gabaa.
18 And another went by the way of 6 And Jonathan said to the young man
Beth-horon, and the third turned to the that bore his armour: Come, let us go
way of the border, above the valley of over to the garrison of these uncircum-
Seboim towards the desert. cised, it may be the Lord will do for us,
19 Now there was no smith to be found because it is easy for the Lord to save
in all the land of Israel, for the Philis either by many, or by few.
tines had taken this precaution, lest the 7 And his armourbearer said to him:
Hebrews should make them swords or Do all that pleaseth thy mind: go whither
spears. thou wilt, and I will be with thee where
20 So all Israel went down to the Phil soever thou hast a mind.
sharpen every man his plough
istines, to 8 And Jonathan said Behold we will go

share, and his spade, and his axe, and his over to these men. And when we shall
rake. be seen by them,
21 So that their shares, and their 9 If they shall speak thus to us: Stay

b Acts 13. 22. e Supra 4. 21.

The defeat of the Philistines 1 KINGS Saul s oath

tillwe come to you: let us stand still in were with him, shouted together, and
our place, and not go up to them. they came to the place of the fight: and
10 But if they shall say: Come up to behold every man s sword was turned
us: let us go up, because the Lord hath upon his neighbour, and there was a
delivered them into our hands, this shall very great slaughter.
be a sign unto us. 21 Moreover the Hebrews that had been
11 So both of them discovered them with the Philistines yesterday and the
selves to the garrison of the Philistines: day before, and went up with them into
and the Philistines said: Behold the He the camp, returned to be with the Israel
brews come forth out of the holes where ites, who were with Saul and Jonathan.
in they were hid. 22 And all the Israelites that had hid
12 And the men of the garrison spoke themselves in mount Ephraim, hearing
to Jonathan, and to his armourbearer, that the Philistines fled, joined them
and said: Come up to us, and we will selves with their countrymen in the fight.
shew you a thing. And Jonathan said to And there were with Saul about ten
his armourbearer: Let us go up, follow thousand men.
me: d for the Lord hath delivered them 23 And the Lord saved Israel that day.
into the hands of Israel. And the fight went on as far as Bethaven.
13 And Jonathan went up creeping on 24 And the men of Israel were joined
his hands and and his armourbearer
feet, together that day; and Saul adjured the
after him. And some fell before Jona people, saying: Cursed be the man that
than, others his armourbearer slew as he shall eat food till evening, till I be re
followed him. venged of my enemies. So none of the
14 And the first slaughter which Jona people tasted any food:
than and his armourbearer made, was of 25 And all the common people came
about twenty men, within half an acre of into a forest, in which there was honey
land, which a yoke of oxen is wont to upon the ground.
plough in a day. 26 And when the people came into the
15 And there was a miracle in the forest, behold the honey dropped, but no
camp, through the fields: yea and all the man put his hand to his mouth. For the
people of their garrison, who had gone people feared the oath.
out to plunder, were amazed, and the 27 But Jonathan had not heard when
earth trembled: and it happened as a his father adjured the people: and he
miracle from God. put forth the end of the rod, which he
16 And the watchmen of Saul, who had in his hand, and dipt it in a honey
were in Gabaa of Benjamin looked, and comb: and he carried his hand to his
behold a multitude overthrown, and flee mouth, and his eyes were enlightened.
ing this way and that. 28 And one of the people answering,
17 And Saul said to the people that said: Thy father hath bound the people
were with him: Look, and see who is with an oath, saying: Cursed be the man
gone from us. And when they had that shall eat any food this day. (And
sought, it was found that Jonathan and the people were faint.)
his armourbearer were not there. 29 And Jonathan said: My father hath
18 And Saul said to Achias: Bring the troubled the land: you have seen your
ark of the Lord. (For the ark of God selves that my eyes are enlightened, be
was there that day with the children of cause I tasted a little of this honey:
Israel.) 30 How much more if the people had
19 And while Saul spoke to the priest, eaten of the prey of their enemies, which
there arose a great uproar in the camp they found? had there not been made a
of the Philistines: and it increased by greater slaughter among the Philistines?
degrees, and was heard more clearly. 31 So they smote that day the Philis
And Saul said to the priest: Draw in tines from Machmas to Ailon. And the
thy hand. people were wearied exceedingly.
20 Then Saul and all the people that 32 And falling upon the spoils, they

d 1 Mac. 4. 20.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 10. This shall be a sign. It is to make choice of this siprn; otherwise the observa
tion of omens is superstitious and sinful.
likely Jonathan was instructed by divine inspiration

Saul consults the Lord in vain 1 KINGS Jonathan saved by the people
took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and 43 And Saul said to Jonathan: Tell me
slew them on the ground: and the peo what thou hast done. And Jonathan told
ple ate them with the blood. him, and said: I did but taste a little

33 And they told Saul that the people honey with the end of the rod, which
had sinned against the Lord, eating with was in my hand, and behold I must die.
the blood. And he said: You have trans 44 And Saul said: May God do so and
gressed: roll here to me now a great so to me, and add still more: for dying
stone. thou shalt die, Jonathan.
34 And Saul said: Disperse yourselves 45 And the people said to Saul: Shall
among the people, and tell them to bring Jonathan then die, who hath wrought
me every man
his ox and his ram, and this great salvation in Israel ? This must
slay them upon this stone, and eat, and not be. As the Lord liveth, there shall
you shall not sin against the Lord in not one hair of his head fall to the
eating with the blood. So all the people ground, for he hath wrought with God
brought every man his ox with him till this day. So the people delivered Jona
the night: and slew them there. than, that he should not die.
35 And Saul built an altar to the Lord: 46 And Saul went back, and did not
and he then first began to build an altar pursue after the Philistines: and the
to the Lord. Philistines went to their own places.
36 And Saul said: Let us
upon the
fall 47 And S aul having his kingdom estab
Philistines by night, and destroy them lished over Israel, fought against all his
till the morning light, and let us not
enemies round about, against Moab, and
leave a man of them. And the people against the children of Ammon, and
said: Do all that seemeth good in thy Edom, and the kings of Soba, and the
eyes. And the priest said: Let us draw Philistines; and whithersoever he turned
near hither unto God.
himself, he overcame.
37 And Saul consulted the Lord: Shall 48 And gathering together an army, he
I pursue after the Philistines ? wilt thou
defeated Amalec, and delivered Israel
deliver them into the hands of Israel? from the hand of them that spoiled them.
And he answered him not that day. 49 And the sons of Saul, were Jona
38 And Saul said: Bring hither all the
than, and Jessui, and Melchisua: and the
corners of the people: and know, and names of his two daughters, the name of
see by whom this sin hath happened the firstborn was Merob, and the name
to day.
of the younger Michol.
39 As the Lord liveth who is the saviour 50 And the name of Saul s wife, was
of Israel, if it was done by Jonathan my
Achinoam the daughter of Achimaas;
son, he shall surely die. In this none of and the name of the captain of his army
the people gainsaid him.
was Abner, the son of Ner, the cousin
40 And he said to all Israel: Be you on
german of Saul.
one side, and I with Jonathan my son 51 For Cis was the father of Saul, and
will be on the other side. And the peo
Ner the father of Abner, was son of
ple answered Saul: Do what seemeth Abiel.
good in thy eyes. 52 And there was a great war against
41 And Saul said to the Lord: O Lord
the Philistines all the days of Saul. For
God of Israel, give a sign, by which we
whomsoever Saul saw to be a valiant
may know, what the meaning is, that thou man, and fit for war, he took him. to
answerest not thy servant to day. If this
iniquity be in me, or in my son Jonathan,
give a proof: or if this iniquity be in thy CHAPTER 15
people, give holiness. And Jonathan and
Saul were taken, and the people escaped. Saul is sent to destroy Amalec: he spareth their
king and the best of their cattle: for which dis
42 And Saul said: Cast lots between me, obedience he is cast off by the Lord.
and Jonathan my
son. And Jonathan was

Ver. 42. Jonathan was taken. Though Jonathan

AND 1 Samuel said
sent me to
to Saul: The Lord
anoint thee king over

to let the lot fall upon him, to shew unto all the
was excused from sin, through ignorance of the great obligation of obedience to princes and par
prohibition, yet God was pleased on this occasion ents.

Saul commanded to destroy Amalec 1 KINGS Saul s disobedience
his people Israel : now
therefore hearken and Saul was offering a holocaust
thou unto the voice of the Lord: to the Lord out of the choicest of the
2 Thus saith the Lord of hosts: I have
spoils which he had brought from Amalec.
reckoned up all that Amalec hath done
13 And when Samuel was come to Saul,
to Israel: ehow he opposed them in the
Saul said to him: Blessed be thou of the
way when they came up out of Egypt. Lord, I have fulfilled the word of the
3 Now therefore go, and smite Amalec,
and utterly destroy all that he hath:
14 And Samuel said: What meaneth
spare him not, nor covet any thing that then this bleating of the flocks, which
is his: but slay both man and woman,
soundeth in my ears, and the lowing of
child and suckling, ox and sheep, camel
the herds, which I hear?
and ass.
15 And Saul said: They have brought
4 So Saul commanded the people, and them from Amalec: for the people spared
numbered them as lambs: two hundred the best of the sheep and of the herds
thousand footmen, and ten thousand of that they might be sacrificed to the Lord
the men of Juda. thy God, but the rest we have slain.
5 And when Saul was come to the city 16 And Samuel said to Saul Suffer me, :
of Amalec, he laid ambushes in the tor and I will tell thee what the Lord hath
rent. said to me this night. And he said to
6 And Saul said to the Cinite: Go, de him: Speak.
part and get ye down from Amalec: lest 17 And Samuel said: When thou wast a
I destroy thee with him. For thou hast little one in thy own eyes, wast thou not
shewn kindness the children of
to all made the head of the tribes of Israel?
Israel, when they came up out of Egypt. And the Lord anointed thee to be king
And the Cinite departed from the midst over Israel.
of Amalec. 18 And the Lord sent thee on the way,
7 And Saul smote Amalec from Hevila, and said: Go, and kill the sinners of
until thou comest to Sur, which is over
Amalec, and thou shalt fight against
against Egypt. them until thou hast utterly destroyed
8 And he took Agag the king of Ama them.
lec alive: but all the common people he 19 Why then didst thou not hearken to
slew with the edge of the sword. the voice of the Lord but hast turned to :

9 And Saul and the people spared Agag the prey, and hast done evil in the eyes
and the best of the flocks of sheep and of of the Lord.
the herds, and the garments and the 20 And Saul said to Samuel Yea I have :

rams, and all that was beautiful, and hearkened to the voice of the Lord, and
would not destroy them: but every thing have walked in the way by which the
that was vile and good for nothing, that Lord sent me, and have brought Agag
they destroyed. the king of Amalec, and Amalec I have
10 And the word of the Lord came to slain.
Samuel, saying: 21 But the people took of the spoils
11 It repenteth me that I have made sheep and oxen, as the firstfruits of
Saul king: for he hath forsaken me, and those things that were slain, to offer sac
hath not executed my commandments. rifice to the Lord their God in Galgal.
And Samuel was grieved, and he cried 22 And Samuel said: /Doth the Lord
unto the Lord all night. desire holocausts and victims, and not
12 And when Samuel rose early, to go to rather that the voice of the Lord should
Saul in the morning, it was told Samuel, be obeyed ? For obedience is better than
that Saul was come to Carmel, and had sacrifices: and to hearken rather than to
erected for himself a triumphant arch, offer the fat of rams.
and returning had passed on, and gone 23 Because it is like the sin of witch
down to Galgal. And Samuel came to craft, to rebel: and like the crime of
e Ex. 17. 8. / Eccli. 4. 17 ; Osee 6. C ; Matt. 9. 13, and 12. 7.

CHAP. 15. Ver. 3. Child. The srreat Master of parents, and that they might not live to follow the
life and death (who cuts off one half of all man same wicked ways. But without such ordinance of
kind whilst they are children) has been pleased God it is not allowable, in any wars, how just so
sometimes to ordain that children should be put to ever, to kill children.
the sword, in detestation of the crimes of their

Saul rejected by, the Lord 1 KIN GS Samuel goes to Bethlehem
idolatry, to refuse to obey. Forasmuch the Lord said to Samuel: How
therefore as thou hast rejected the word A*JDlong wilt thou mourn for Saul,
of the Lord, the Lord hath also rejected whom I have rejected from reigning over
thee from being king. Israel ? fill thy horn with oil, and come,
24 And Saul said to Samuel: I have that I may send thee to Isai the Bethle-
sinned because I have transgressed the hemite: for I have provided me a king
commandment of the Lord, and thy among his sons.
words, fearing the people, and obeying 2 And Samuel said: How shall I go?
their voice. for Saul will hear of it, and he will kill
25 But now bear, I beseech thee, my sin, me. And the Lord said: Thou shalt take
and return with me, that I may adore with thee a calf of the herd, and thou
the Lord. shalt say: I am come to sacrifice to the
26 And Samuel said to Saul: I will not Lord.
return with thee, because thou hast re 3 And thou shalt call Isai to the sacri
jected the word of the Lord, and the fice, and I will shew thee what thou art
Lord hath rejected thee from being king to do, and thou shalt anoint him whom I
over Israel. shall shew to thee.
27 And Samuel turned about to go 4 Then Samuel did as the Lord had said
away: but he laid hold upon the skirt of to him. And he came to Bethlehem, and
his mantle, and it rent. the ancients of the city wondered, and
28 And Samuel said to him: 0The Lord meeting him, they said: Is thy coming
hath rent the kingdom of Israel from hither peaceable?
thee this day, and hath given it to thy 5 And he said: It is peaceable: I am
neighbor who is better than thee. come to offer sacrifice to the Lord, be ye
29 But the triumpher in Israel will not sanctified, and come with me to the
spare, and will not be moved to repent sacrifice. And he sanctified Isai and his
ance: for he is not a man that he should sons, and called them to the sacrifice.
repent. 6 And when they were come in, he saw
30 Then he said: I have sinned: yet Eliab, and said: Is the Lord s anointed
honor me now before the ancients of my before him?
people, and before Israel, and return with 7 And the Lord said to Samuel: Look
me, that I may adore the Lord thy God. not on his countenance, nor on the
31 So Samuel turned again after Saul: height of his stature: because I have re
and Saul adored the Lord. jected him, nor do I judge according to
32 And Samuel said: Bring hither to me the look of man: for man seeth those
Agag the king of Amalec. And Agag things that appear, *but the Lord be-
was presented to him very fat, and holdeth the heart.
trembling. And Agag said: Doth bitter 8 And Isai called Abinadab, and brought
death separate in this manner? him before Samuel. And he said: Neither
33 And Samuel said: As thy sword hath hath the Lord chosen this.
made women childless, so shall thy mo 9 And Isai brought Samma, and he said
ther be childless among women. And of him: Neither hath the Lord chosen
Samuel hewed him in pieces before the this.
Lord in Galgal. 10 Isai therefore brought his seven sons
34 And Samuel departed to Ramatha: before Samuel: and Samuel said to Isai:
but Saul went up to his house in Gabaa. The Lord hath not chosen any one of
35 And Samuel saw Saul no more till these.
the day of his death: nevertheless Sam 11 And Samuel said to Isai: Are here
uel mourned for Saul, because the Lord allthy sons? He answered: There re-
repented that he had made him king maineth yet a young one, who keepeth
over Israel. the sheep. And Samuel said to Isai:
CHAPTER 16 Send, and fetch him, for we will not sit
Samuel is sent to Bethlehem, where he anointeth down till he come hither.
David: who is taken into Saul s family. 12 He sent therefore and brought him.
ff Infra 28. 17.

Ver. 35. Saw Saul no more tM the day of his death. That is, he went no mora to see him : he visited
him no more.

Samuel anoints David 1 KINGS Goliatk challenges the Israelites
Now he was ruddy and beautiful to be the Philistines gathering to
hold, and of a comely face. And the
Lord said: Arise, and anoint him, for
NOW gether
sembled Socho
their troops to battle, as
of Juda, and camped
this is he. between Socho and Azeca in the borders
13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, of Dommim.
y and anointed him in the midst of his 2 And Saul and
the children of Israel
brethren: and the spirit of the Lord
being gathered together came to the val
came upon David from that day forward: ley of Terebinth, and they set the army
and Samuel rose up, and went to Rama- in array to fight against the Philistines.
3 And the Philistines stood on a moun
14 But the spirit of the Lord departed tain on the one side, and Israel stood on
from Saul, and an evil spirit from the a mountain on the other side: and there
Lord troubled him. was a valley between them.
15 And the servants of Saul said to 4 And there went out a man basebom
him: Behold now an evil spirit from God from the camp of the Philistines named
troubleth thee.
Goliath, of Geth, whose height was six
16 Let our lord give orders, and thy cubits and a span:

servants who are before thee will seek

5 And he had a helmet of brass upon his
out a man skilful in playing on the harp,
head, and he was clothed with a coat of
that when the evil spirit from the Lord mail with scales, and the weight of his
is upon thee, he may play with his hand,
coat of mail was five thousand sides of
and thou mayest bear it more easily. brass:
17 And
Saul said to his servants Pro :
6 And he had greaves of brass on his
vide then some man that can play
me and a buckler of brass covered his
well, and bring him to me. shoulders.
18 And one of the servants answering, 7 And the staff of his spear was like a
said: Behold I have seen a son of Isai weaver s beam, and the head of his spear
the Bethlehemite, a skilful player, and
weighed six hundred sides of iron: and
one of great strength, and a man fit for his armourbearer went before him.
war, and prudent in his words, and a 8 And
standing he cried out to the bands
comely person: and the Lord is with him. of Israel, and said to them: Why are you
19 Then Saul sent messengers to Isai, come out prepared to fight? am not I a
saying: Send me David thy son, who is Philistine, and you the servants of Saul ?
in the pastures. Choose out a man of you, and let him
20 And Isai took an ass laden with come down and fight hand to hand.
bread, and a bottle of wine, and a kid of 9 If he be able to fight with me, and kill
the flock, and sent them by the hand of me, we will be servants to you: but if I
David his son to Saul. prevail against him, and kill him, you
21 And David came to Saul, and stood shall be servants, and shall serve us.
before him: and he loved him exceed 10 And the Philistine said: I have defied
ingly, and made him his armourbearer. the bands of Israel this day: Give me a
22 And Saul sent to Isai, saying: Let man, and let him fight with me hand to
David stand before me: for he hath hand.
found favour in my sight. 11 And Saul and all the Israelites hear
23 So whensoever the evil spirit from
ing these words of the Philistine were
the Lord was upon Saul, David took his dismayed, and greatly afraid.
harp, and played with his hand, and Saul 12 *Now David was the son of that Eph-
was refreshed, and was better, for the rathite of Bethlehem Juda before men
evil spirit departed from him. tioned, whose name was Isai, who had
CHAPTER 17 eight sons, and was an old man in the
days of Saul, and of great age among
War with the Philistines. Goliath challenaeth Is
rael. He is slain by David.

j 2 Kings 7. 8 ; Pa. 77. 70, ard 88. 21 ; Acts 7. 46, and I Supra 16. 1.

13. 22.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 14. From the Lord. An evil spirit, Ver. 28. Departed from him. Chased away by
by divine permission, and for his punishment, either David s devotion.
possessed or obsessed him.

David goes to the camp of Israel 1 KINGS He offers to fight Goliath

13 And his three eldest sons followed stood by him, saying: What shall be
Saul to the battle: and the names of his given to the man that shall kill this
three sons that went to the battle, were Philistine, and shall take away the re
Eliab the firstborn, and the second Abin- proach from Israel? for who is this un-
adah, and the third Samma. circumcised Philistine, that he should de
14 But David was the youngest. So the fy the armies of the living God?
three eldest having followed Saul, 27 And the people answered him the
15 David went, and returned from Saul, same words saying: These things shall be
to feed his father s flock at Bethlehem. given to the man that shall slay him.
16 Now the Philistine came out morn 28 Now when Eliab his eldest brother
heard this, when he was speaking with
ing and evening, and presented himself
others, he was angry with David, and
forty days.
said: Why earnest thou hither? and why
17 And Isai said to David his son: Take
didst thou leave those few sheep in the
for thy brethren an ephi of frumenty,
desert? I know thy pride, and the wick
and these ten loaves, and run to the
edness of thy heart: that thou art come
camp to thy brethren. down to see the battle.
18 And carry these ten little cheeses to
the tribune: and go see thy brethren, if 29 And David said: What have I done?
is there not cause to speak?
they are well: and learn with whom they
are placed. 30 And he turned a little aside from
19 But Saul, and they, and all the chil him to another: and said the same word.
dren of Israel were in the valley of Tere And the people answered him as before.
binth fighting against the Philistines. 31 And the words which David spoke
20 David therefore arose in the morn were heard, and were rehearsed before
ing, and gave the charge of the flock to Saul.
the keeper: and went away loaded as 32 And when he was brought to him, he
Isai had commanded him. And he came said to him: Let not any man s heart be
to the place of Magala, and to the army, dismayed in him: I thy servant will go,
which was- going out to fight, and and will fight against the Philistine.
shouted for the battle. 33 And Saul said to David: Thou art not
21 For Israel had put themselves in ar able to withstand this Philistine, nor to
ray, and the Philistines who stood fight against him: for thou art but a boy,
against them were prepared. but he is a warrior from his youth.
22 And David leaving the vessels which 34 And David said to Saul: w Thy ser
he had brought, under the care of the vant kept his father s sheep, and there
keeper of the baggage, ran to the place came a lion, n or a b ear, and took, a ram
of the battle and asked if all things out of the midst of the flock:
went well with his brethren. 35 And I pursued after them, and
23 And as he talked with them, that struck them, and delivered it out of their
baseborn man whose name was Goliath, mouth: and they rose up against me, and
the Philistine, of Geth, shewed himself I caught them by the throat, and I stran
coming up from the camp of the Philis gled and killed them.
tines: and he spoke according to the 36 For I thy servant have killed both a
same words, and David heard them. lion and a bear: and this uncircumcised
24 And all the Israelites when they saw Philistine shall be also as one of them. I
the man, fled from his face, fearing him will go now, and take away the reproach
exceedingly. of the people: for who is this uncircum
25 And some one of Israel said: Have cised Philistine, who hath dared to curse
you seen this man that is come up, for the army of the living God?
he is come up to defy Israel. And the 37 And David said: The Lord who de
man that shall slay him, the king will livered me out of the paw of the lion,
enrich with great riches, and will give and out of the paw of the bear, he will
him his daughter, and will make his fa deliver me out of the hand of this Phil
ther s house free from tribute in Israel. istine. And Saul said to David: Go, and
26 And David spoke to the men that the Lord be with thee.
m Eccli. 47. 3. n or for and.

David goes out to fight Goliath 1 KINGS He kills Goliath

38 And Saul David with his

clothed sling, and fetching it about struck the
garments, and put a helmet of brass Philistine in the forehead: and the stonei
upon his head, and armed him with a was fixed in, his forehead, and he fell on
coat of mail. his face upon the earth.
39 And David having girded his sword 50 And David
prevailed over the Phil
upon his armour, began to try if he could istine,with a sling and a stone, and he
walk in armour: for he was not accus struck, and slew the Philistine. And as
tomed to it. And David said to Saul: I David had no sword in his hand,
cannot go thus, for I am not used to it. 51 He ran, and stood over the Philistine,
And he laid them off, and took his sword, and drew it out of
40 And he took his staff, which he had the sheath, and slew him, and cut off his
always in his hands: and chose him five head. And the Philistines seeing that
smooth stones out of the brook, and put their champion was dead, fled away.
them into the shepherd s scrip, which he 52 And the men of Israel and Juda ris
had with him, and he took a sling in his ing up shouted, and pursued after the
hand, and went forth against the Philis Philistines till they came to the valley
tine. and to the gates of Accaron, and there
41 And the Philistine came and fell many wounded of the Philistines in
drew nigh against David, and his ar- the way of Saraim, and as far as Geth,
mourbearer before him. and as far as Accaron.
42 And when, the Philistine looked, and 53 And the children of Israel return
beheld David, he despised him. For he ing, after they had pursued the Philis
was a young man, ruddy, and of a tines, fell upon their camp.
comely countenance. 54 And David taking
the head of the
43 And the Philistine said to David: Philistine brought it to Jerusalem: but
Am I dog, that thou comest to me with his armour he put in his tent.
a staff? And the Philistine cursed David 55 Now at the time that Saul saw Da
vid going out against the Philistines, he
by his gods.
44 And he said to David: Come to me, said to Abner the captain of the army:
and I will give thy flesh to the birds of Of what family is this young man de
the air, and to the beasts of the earth. scended, Abner? And Abner said: As thy
45 And David said to the Philistine: soul liveth, king, I know not.
Thou comest to me with a sword, and 56 And the king said: Inquire thou,
with a spear, and with a shield: but I whose son this man is.

come to thee in the name of the Lord of 57 And when David was returned, after
the Philistine was slain, Abner took him,
hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,
which thou hast defied. and brought him in before Saul, with
the head of the Philistine in his
46 This day, and the Lord will deliver
thee into my hand, and I will slay thee,
58 And Saul said to him: Young man,
and take away thy head from thee: and
of what family art thou? And David
I will give the carcasses of the army of
said: I am the son of thy servant Isai
the Philistines this day to the birds of
the Bethlehemite.
the air, and to the beasts of the earth:
that all the earth may know that there CHAPTER 18
is a God in Israel. The friendship of Jonathan and David. The envy
47 And all this assembly shall know, of Savl, and his design upon David s life. He
that the Lord saveth not with sword marrieth him to his daughter Michol.

and spear: for it is his battle, and he it to pass, when he had

will deliver you into our hands. A^Dmade an end of speaking to Saul,
48 And when the Philistine arose and the soul of Jonathan was knit with the
was coming, and drew nigh to meet Da soul of David, and Jonathan loved him
vid, David made haste, and ran to the as his own soul.
meet the Philistine. 2 And Saul took him that day, and
fight to
49 And he put his hand into his scrip, would not let him return to his father s
and took a stone, and cast it with the house.

o Eccli. 47. 4; 1 Mac. 4. 30.

Frietidship of David and Jonathan 1 KINGS David marries Saul s daughter

3 And David and Jonathan made a cov Saul said within himself: Let not my
enant, for he loved him as his own soul. hand be upon him, but let the hands of
4 And Jonathan stripped himself of the the Philistines be upon him.
coat with which he was clothed, and gave 18 And David said to Saul: Who am I,
it to David, and the rest of his garments, or what is my life, or my father s family
even to his sword, and to his bow, and to in Israel, that I should be son in law of
his girdle. the king?
5 And David went out to whatsoever 19 And it came to pass at the time
business Saul sent him, and he behaved when Merob the daughter of Saul should
himself prudently: and Saul set him over have been given to David, that she was
the soldiers, and he was acceptable in given to Hadriel the Molathite to wife.
the eyes of all the people, and especially 20 But Michol the other daughter of
in the eyes of Saul s servants. Saul loved David. And it was told Saul,
6 Now when David returned, after he and it pleased him.
slew the Philistine, thewomen came out 21 And Saul said: I will give her to
of all the cities of Israel, singing and him, that she may be a stumblingblock
dancing, to meet king Saul, with timbrels to him, and that the hand of the Philis
of joy, and cornets. tines may be upon him. And Saul said
7 And the women sung as they played, to David: In two things thou shalt be
and they said Saul slew his thousands,
: my son in law this day.
and David his ten thousands. 22 And Saul commanded his servants to
8 And Saul was exceeding angry, and speak to David privately, saying: Behold
this word was displeasing in his eyes, thou pleasest the king, and all his ser
and he said: They have given David ten vants love thee. Now therefore be the
thousands, and to me have given but king s son in law.
a thousand; what can he have more but 23 And the servants of Saul spoke all
the kingdom? these words in the ears of David. And
9 And Saul did not look on David with David said: Doth it seem to you a small
a good eye from that day and forward. matter to be the king s son in law? But
10 And the day after the evil spirit I am a poor man, and of small ability.
from God came upon Saul, and he proph 24 And the servants of Saul told him,
esied in the midst of his house. And Da saying: Such words as these hath David
vid played with his hand as at other spoken.
times. And Saul held a spear in his hand. 25 And Saul said: Speak thus to David:
11 And threw it, thinking to nail Da The king desireth not any dowry, but
vid to the wall: and David stept aside only a hundred foreskins of the Philis
out of his presence twice. tines, to be avenged of the king s ene
12 And Saul feared David, because the mies. Now Saul thought to deliver Da
Lord was with him, and was departed vid into the hands of the Philistines.
from himself. 26 And when his servants had told
13 Therefore Saul removed him from David the words that Saul had said, the
him, and made him a captain over a word was pleasing in the eyes of David
thousand men, and he went out and to be the king s son in law.
came in before the people. 27 And after a few days David rose up,
14 And David behaved wisely in all his and went with the men that were under
ways, r and the Lord was with him. him, and he slew of the Philistines two
15 And Saul saw that he was exceeding hundred men, and brought their fore
prudent, and began to beware of him. skins and numbered them out to the
16 But all Israel and Juda loved David, king, that he might be his son in law.
for he came in and went out before them. Saul therefore gave him Michol his
17 And Saul said to David: Behold my daughter to wife.
elder daughter Merob, her will I give 28 And Saul saw, and understood that
thee to wife: only be a valiant man, the Lord was with David. And Michol
fight the battles of the Lord. Now
* and
the daughter of Saul loved him.
q Infra 21. 11 ; Eccli. 47. l.r Supra 16. 13. s Infra 25. 28.

CHAP. 18. Ver. 10. Prophesied. Acted the prophet in & mad manner.
Jonathan intercedes for David 1 KINGS David escapes from Saul
29 AndSaul began to fear David and held a spear in his hand: and David
more: and Saul became David s enemy played with his hand.
continually. 10 And Saul endeavoured to nail David
30 And the princes of the Philistines to the wall with his spear. And David
went forth: and from the beginning of slipt away out of the presence of Saul:
their going forth, David behaved himself and the spear missed him, and was fas
more wisely than all the servants of tened in the wall, and David fled and
Saul, and his name became very famous. escaped that night.
CHAPTER 11 Saul therefore sent his guards to
Other attempts of Saul upon David s life. He cometh
David s house to watch him, that he
to Samuel. Saul s messengers and Saul himself might be killed in the morning. And
prophesy. when Michol David s wife had told him
ND Saul spoke to Jonathan his son this, saying: Unless thou save thyself
and to all his servants, that they this night, to morrow thou wilt die,
should kill David. But Jonathan the son 12 She let him down through a window.
of Saul loved David exceedingly. And he went and fled away and escaped.
2 And Jonathan told David, saying: 13 And Michol took an image and laid
Saul my father seeketh to kill thee: it on the bed, and put a goat s skin with
wherefore look to thyself, I beseech the hair at the head of it, and covered it
thee, in the morning, and thou shalt with clothes.
abide in a secret place and shalt be hid. 14 And Saul sent officers to seize David:
3 And I will go out and stand beside my and it was answered that he was sick.
father in the field where thou art: and 15 And again Saul sent to see David,
I will speak of thee to my father, and saying: Bring him to me in the bed, that
whatsoever I shall see, I will tell thee. he may be slain.
4 And Jonathan spoke good things of 16 And when the messengers were come
David to Saul his father: and said to in, they found an image upon the bed,
him: Sin not, O king, against thy ser and a goat s skin at its head.
vant, David, because he hath not sinned 17 And Saul said to Michol: Why hast
against thee, and his works are very thou deceived me so, and let my enemy
good towards thee. go and flee away? And Michol answered
5 And he put his life in his hand, and S aul: Because he said to me: Let me go,
slew the Philistine, and the Lord wrought or else I will kill thee.
great salvation for all Israel. Thou saw- 18 But David fled and escaped, and
est it and didst rejoice. Why therefore came to Samuel in Ramatha, and told
wilt thou sin against innocent blood by him all that Saul had done to him: and
killing David, who is without fault? he and Samuel went and dwelt in Najoth.
6 And when Saul heard this he was ap 19 And it was told Saul by some, saying:
peased with the words of Jonathan, and Behold David is in Najoth in Ramatha.
swore: As the Lord liveth he shall not 20 So Saul sent officers to take David:
be slain. and when they saw a company of pro
7 Then Jonathan called David and told phets prophesying, and Samuel presiding
him all these words: and Jonathan over them, the spirit of the Lord came
brought in David to Saul, and he was also upon them, and they likewise began
before him, as he had been yesterday to prophesy.
and the day before. 21 And when this was told Saul, he sent
8 And the war began again, and David other messengers: but they also prophe
went out and fought against the Philis sied. And again Saul sent messengers
tines, and defeated them with a great
the third time: and they prophesied also.
slaughter, and they fled from his face.
And Saul being exceedingly angry,
9 And the evil spirit from the Lord 22 Went also himself to Ramatha, and
came upon Saul, and he sat in his house, came as far as the great cistern, which

CHAP. Ver. It was probably a occasion that both Saul s messengers and himself
19. 18. Najoth.
school or college of prophets, in or near Ramath should experience the like impulse, that he might
under the direction of Samuel. understand, by this instance of the divine power,
Vtr. 20. Prophesying. That is, sinking praises to how vain are the designs of man against him whom
God by a divine impulse. God was pleased on this God protects.

David and Jonathan consult 1 KINGS They -make a covenant
is in Socho, and he asked, and said: In know that his malice is come to its
what place are Samuel and David? And height.
it was told him: Behold they are in Na- 8 Deal mercifully then with thy ser
joth in Ramatha. vant: for thou hast brought me thy ser
23 And he went to Najoth in Ramatha, vant into a covenant of the Lord with
and the spirit of the Lord came upon thee. But if there be any iniquity in me,
him also, and he went on, and prophe do thou kill me, and bring me not in to
sied till he came to Najoth in Ramatha. thy father.
24 And he stripped himself also of his 9 And Jonathan said: Far be this from
garments, and prophesied with the rest thee: for if I should certainly know that
before Samuel, and lay down naked all evil is determined by my father against
that day and night. This gave occasion thee, I could do no otherwise than tell
to a proverb: "What! is Saul too among thee.
the prophets? And David answered Jonathan: Who
shall bringme word, if thy father should
CHAPTER 20 answer thee harshly concerning me?
Saul being obstinately bent upon killing David, he 11 And Jonathan said to David: Come
is sent away by Jonathan.
and let us go out into the field. And
David fled from Najoth, which When they were both of them gone out
BUT Ramatha, and came and said to
is in into the field,
Jonathan: What have I done? what is 12 Jonathan said to David: Lord God
my iniquity, and what is my sin against of Israel, if I shall discover my father s
thy father, that he seeketh my life ? mind, to morrow or the day after, and
2 And he said to him: God forbid, thou there be any thing good for David, and I
shalt not die: for my father will do no send not immediately to thee, and make
thing great or little, without first telling it known to thee,

me: hath then my father hid this word 13 May the Lord do so and so to Jona
only from me? no, this shall not be. than and add still more. But if my fa
3 And he swore again to David. And ther shall continue in malice against thee,
David said: Thy father certainly know- I will discover it to thy ear, and will

eth that I have found grace in thy sight, send thee away, that thou mayest go in
and he will say: Let not Jonathan know peace, and the Lord be with thee, as he
this, lest he be grieved. But truly as the hath been with my father.
Lord liveth, and thy soul liveth, there is 14 And if I rive, thou shalt shew me
but one step (as I may say) between me the kindness of the Lord: but if I die,
and death. 15 Thou shalt not take away thy kind
4 And Jonathan said to David: What ness from my house for ever, when the
soever thy soul shall say to me, I will do Lord shall have rooted out the enemies
for thee. of David, every one of them from the
5 And David said to Jonathan: Behold earth, may he take away Jonathan from
to morrow is new moon, and I ac
the his house, and may the Lord require it
cording to custom am wont to sit beside at the hands of David s enemies.
the king to eat: let me go then that I 16 Jonathan therefore made a covenant
may be hid in the field till the evening with the house of David: and the Lord
of the third day. required it at the hands of David s ene
6 If thy father look and inquire for me, mies.
thou shalt answer him: David asked me 17 And Jonathan swore again to David,
that he might run to Bethlehem >his
because he loved him: for he loved him
own city: because there are solemn sac as his own soul.
rifices there for all his tribe. 18 And Jonathan said to him: To mor
7 If he shall say, It is well thy servant :
row is the new moon, and thou wilt be
shall have peace: but if he be angry, missed:
M Supra 10. 12. w Luke 2. 4.

CHAP. 20. Ver. 5. To morrow is the new moon. Ver. 15. May he take away Jonathan, &e. It is a
The neomenia, or first day of the moon, kept accord curse upon himself, if he should not be faithful to
ing to the law, as a festival and therefore Saul
; his promise. Ibid. Require it, &c. That is, revenge
feasted on that day: and expected the attendance t upon David s enemies, and upon me, if I should
of his family. fail of my word griven to him.

Saul enquires for David 1 KINGS Jonathan bids David depart
19 For thy seat will be empty till after 31 For as long as the son of Isai liveth
to morrow. So thou shalt go down upon earth, thou shalt not be established,
quickly, and come to the place, where nor thy kingdom. Therefore now pres
thou must be hid on the day when it is ently send, and fetch him to me: for
lawful to work, and thou shalt remain he is the son of death.
beside the stone, which is called Ezel. 32 And Jonathan answering Saul his
20 And I will shoot three arrows near father, said: Why shall he die: what
it, and will shoot as if I were exercising hath he done?
myself at a mark. 33 And Saul caught up a spear to strike
21 And I will send a boy, saying to him: him. And Jonathan understood that it
Go and fetch me the arrows. was determined by his father to kill Da
22 If I shall say to the boy: Behold the vid.
arrows are on this side of thee, take 34 So Jonathan rose from the table in
them up: come thou to me, because great anger, and did not eat bread on
there is peace to thee, and there is no the second day after the new moon. For
evil, as the Lord liveth. But if I shall he was grieved for David, because his
speak, thus to the boy: Behold the ar father had put him to confusion.
rows are beyond thee: go in peace, for 35 And when the morning came, Jona
the Lord hath sent thee away. than went into the field, according to
23 And concerning the word which I the appointment with David, and a little
and thou have spoken, the Lord be be boy with him.
tween thee and me for ever. 36 And he said to his boy: Go, and
24 So David was hid in the field, and fetch me the arrows which I shoot. And
the new moon came, and the king sat when the boy ran, he shot another arrow
down to eat bread. beyond the boy.
25 And when the king sat down upon 37 The boy therefore came to the place
his chair (according to custom) which of the arrow which Jonathan had shot:
was beside the wall, Jonathan arose, and and Jonathan cried after the boy, and
Abner sat by Saul s side, and David s said: Behold the arrow is there further
place appeared empty. beyond thee.
26 And Saul said nothing that day, for 38 And Jonathan cried again after the
he thought it might have happened to boy, saying: Make haste speedily, stand
him, that he was not clean, nor purified. not. And Jonathan s boy gathered up
27 And when the second day after the the arrows, and brought them to his
new moon was come, David s place ap master:
peared empty again. And Saul said to 39 And he knew not at all what was
Jonathan his son: Why cometh not the doing: for only Jonathan and David
son of Isai to meat neither yesterday knew the matter.
nor to day? 40 Jonathan therefore gave his arms to
28 And Jonathan answered Saul: He the boy, and said to him: Go, and carry
asked leave of me earnestly to go to them into the city.
Bethlehem, 41 And when the boy was gone, David
29 And he said: Let me go, for there is rose out of his place, which was towards
a solemn sacrifice in the city, one of my the south, and falling on his face to the
brethren hath sent for me: and now if ground, adored thrice: and kissing one
I have found favour in thy eyes, I will another, they wept together, but David
go quickly, and see my brethren. For more.
this cause he came not to the king s 42 And Jonathan said to David: Go in
table. peace: and let all stand that we have
30 Then Saul being angry against Jon sworn both of us in the name of the
athan said to him: Thou son of a woman Lord, saying: The Lord be between m<e

that is the ravisher of a man, do I not and thee, and between my seed and thy
know that thou lovest the son of Isai to seed for ever.
thy own confusion and to the confusion 43 And David arose, and departed: and
of thy shameless mother? Jonathan went into the city.

Ver. 31. The son of death. That is, one that deprrveth death, and shall surely be put to death.

David receives the holy bread 1 KINGS David flees to Geth

CHAPTER 21 sword of Goliath the Philistine whom

thou slewest in the valley of Terebinth,
David receiveth holy bread of Achimelech the priest:
and feigneth himself mad before Achis king of wrapped up in a cloth behind the ephod:
Geth. if thou wilt take this, take it, for here
David came to Nobe to Achime is no other but this. And David said:
A^Dlech the priest: and Achimelech was
And he
There is none like that, give it me.
10 And David arose and fled that day
astonished at David s coming.
said to him: Why art thou alone, and from the face of Saul: and came to
no man with thee? Achis the king of Geth:
2 And David said to Achimelech the 11 And the servants of Achis, when

priest: The king hath commanded me a

they saw David, said to him: Is not this
Let no man know David the king of the land? Did they
business, and said:
the thing for which thou art sent by me, not sing to him in their dances, saying:
and what manner of commands I have
z Saul hath slain his
thousands, and Da
vid his ten thousands?
given thee: and I have appointed my
servants to such and such a place. 12 But David laid up these words in
3 Now therefore if thou have any thing his heart, and was exceedingly afraid at
at hand, though it were but five loaves, the face of Achis the king of Geth.
13 And he changed his countenance be-
give me, or whatsoever thou canst find.
4 And the priest answered David, say for them, and slipt down between their
I have no common bread at hand, hands: and he stumbled against the doors
but only holy bread, if the young men of the gate, and his spittle ran down
be clean, especially from women? upon his beard.
5 And David answered the priest, and 14 And Achis said to his servants: You
said to him: Truly, as to what concern- saw the man was mad: why have you
eth women, we have refrained ourselves brought him to me?
from yesterday and the day before, when 15 Have we need of madmen, that you
we came out, and the vessels of the have brought in this fellow, to play the
young men were holy. Now
this way is madman in my presence ? shall this fel
defiled, but shall also be sanctified this
it low come into my house?
day in the vessels.
6 J/The priest therefore gave him hal CHAPTER 22
lowed bread: for there was no bread Many resort to David. Doeg accuseth Achimeleeh
to Said- He ordereth him and all the other priests
there, but only the loaves of proposition,
of Nobe to be slain. Abiathar escapeth.
which had been taken away from before
the face of the Lord, that hot loaves therefore went from thence
might be set up. DAVID
and fled to the cave of Odollam.
7 Now a certain man of the servants And when his brethren, and all his fa
of Saul was there that day, within the ther s house had heard of it, they went
tabernacle of the Lord: and his name down to him thither;
was Doeg, an Edomite, the chiefest of 2 And all that were in distress and op
Saul s herdsmen. pressed with debt, and under affliction of
8 And David said to Achimelech: Hast mind gathered themselves unto him: and
thou here at hand a spear, or a sword? he became their prince, and there were
for I brought not my own sword, nor with him about four hundred men.
my own weapons with me, for the king s 3 And David departed from thence into
business required haste. Maspha of Moab: and he said to the king
9 And the priest said: Lo, here is the of Moab: Let my father and my mother

y Matt. 12. 3. 4. z Supra 18. 7 ; Eccli. 47. 7.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 1. Nobe. A city in the tribe of to consecrate and daily receivethis most pure sacra
Benjamin, to which the tabernacle of the Lord had ment, but such as devote themselves to a life of per
been translated from Silo. petual purity.
Ver. 4. // the young men be clean, &c. If this Ver. 5. The vessels, i. e., the bodies, have been
cleanness was required of them that were to eat holy, that is, have been kept from impurity. Ibid.
that bread, which was but a figure of the bread of Is defiled. Is liable to expose us to dangers of un-
life which we receive in the blessed sacrament;how cleanness. Ibid. Be sanctified, &c. That is, we
clean ought Christians to be when they approach to shall take care, notwithstanding these dangerous
our tremendous mysteries. And what reason hath circumstances, to keep our vessels holy, that is, to
the church of God to admit none to be her ministers keep our bodies from every thing that may defile us.

Doeg accuses Achimelech 1 KINGS Saul kills the priests

tarry with beseech thee, till I

you, I son in law, and goeth forth at thy bid
know what God will do for me. ding, and is honourable in thy house?
4 And he left them under the eyes of the 15 Did I begin to day to consult the
king of Moab, and they abode with him Lord for him? far be this from me: let
all the days that David was in the hold. not the king suspect such a thing against
5 And Gad the prophet said to David: his servant, or any one in all my father s
Abide not in the hold, depart, and go into house: for thy servant knew nothing of
the land of Juda. And David departed, this matter, either little or great.
and came into the forest of Haret. 16 And the king said: Dying thou shalt
6 And Saul heard that David was seen, die, Achimelech, thou and all thy father s
and the men that were with him. Now house.
whilst Saul abode in Gabaa, and was in 17 And the king said to the messengers
the wood, which is by Rama, having his that stood about him: Turn, and kill the
spear in his hand, and all his servants priests of the Lord, for their hand is with
were standing about him, David, because they knew that he was
7 He said to his servants that stood fled, and they told it not to me. And the
about him Hear me now, ye sons of Jem-
: king s servants would not put forth their
ini: will the son of Isai give every one hands against the priests of the Lord.
of you fields, and vineyards, and make 18 And the king said to Doeg: Turn
you all tribunes, and centurions: thou, and fall upon the priests. And
8 That all of you have conspired against Doeg the Edomite turned, and fell upon
the priests and slew in that day eighty-
me, and there is no one to inform me, es
five men that wore the linen ephod.
pecially when even my son hath entered
into league with the son of Isai ? There 19 And Nobe the city of the priests he
is not one of you that pitieth my case, smote with the edge of his sword, both
nor that giveth me any information: be men and women, children, and sucklings,
cause my son hath raised up my servant and ox and ass, and sheep with the edge
of the sword.
against me, plotting against me to this
20 But one of the sons of Achimelech
9 And Doeg the Edomite who stood by, the son of Achitob, whose name was
and was the chief among the servants of Abiathar, escaped, and fled to David,
I saw the son of
21 And told him that Saul had slain the
Saul, answering, said:
Isai, in Nobe with Achimelech the son of priests of the Lord.
Achitob the priest. 22 And David said to Abiathar: I knew
10 And he consulted the Lord for him, that day when Doeg the Edomite was
and gave him victuals, and gave him the there, that without doubt he would tell
sword of Goliath the Philistine. Saul: I have been the occasion of the
11 Then the king sent to call for Achim death of all the souls of thy father s
elech the priest the son of Achitob, and house.
23 Abide thou with me, fear not: for he
all his father s house, the priests that
that seeketh my life, seeketh thy life
were in Nobe, and they came all of
them to the king. also, and with me thou shalt be saved.
12 And Saul said to Achimelech: Hear,
thou son of Achitob. He answered: Here CHAPTER 23
I am, my lord. David relieveth Ceila, besieged by the Philistines.
He fieeth into the desert of Ziph. Jonathan and
13 And Saul said to him: Why have you he confirm their former covenant. The Ziphites
conspired against me, thou, and the son discover him to Saul, who pursuing close after
of Isai, and thou hast given him bread him, is called away by an invasion from the
and a sword, and hast consulted the Lord
for him, that he should rise up against ND they told David saying: Behold
me, continuing a traitor to this day. the Philistines fight against Ceila,
14 And Achimelech answering the king, and they rob the barns.
said: And who amongst all thy servants 2 Therefore David consulted the Lord,
is so faithful as David, who is the king s saying: Shall I go and smite these Philis-

CHAP. 22. Ver. 4. The hold. The strong hold, or fortress of Maspha.

David saves Ceila 1 KINGS Saul pursues David

tines? And the Lord said to David: Go, tain of the desert of Ziph, in a woody
and thou shalt smite the Philistines, and hill. AndSaul sought him always: but
shalt save Ceila. the Lord delivered him not into his
3 And the men that were with David, hands.
said to him: Behold we are in fear here 15 And David saw that Saul was come
in Judea, how much more if we go to Ceila out to seek his life. And David was in
against the bands of the Philistines? the desert of Ziph, in a wood.
4 Therefore David consulted the Lord 16 And Jonathan the son of Saul arose,
again. And he answered and said to and went to David into the wood, and
him: Arise, and go to Ceila: for I will strengthened his hands in God: and he
deliver the Philistines into thy hand. said to him:
5 David therefore, and his men, went to 17 Fear not: for the hand of my father
Ceila, and fought against the Philistines, Saul shall not find thee, and thou shalt
and brought away their cattle, and made reign over Israel, and I shall be next to
a great slaughter of them: and David thee, yea, and my father knoweth this.
saved the inhabitants of Ceila. 18 And the two made a covenant before
6 Now at that time, when Abiathar the the Lord: and David abode in the wood:
son of Achimelech fled to David to Ceila, but Jonathan returned to his house.
he came down having an ephod with 19 c And the Ziphites went up to Saul
him. in Gabaa, saying: Lo, doth not David lie
7 And it was told Saul that David was hid with us in the strong holds of the
come to Ceila: and Saul said: The Lord wood, in mount Hachila, which is on the
hath delivered him into my hands, and right hand of the desert.
he is shut up, being come into a city, 20 Now therefore come down, as thy
that hath gates and bars. soul hath desired to come down: and it
8 And Saul commanded all the people shall be our business to deliver him into
to go down to fight against Ceila, and to the king s hands.
besiege David, and his men. 21 And Saul said: Blessed be ye of the
9 Now when David understood, that Lord, for you have pitied my case.
Saul secretly prepared evil against him, 22 Go therefore, I pray you, and use all
he said to Abiathar the priest: Bring diligence, and curiously inquire, and con
hither the ephod. sider the place where his foot is, and who
10 And David
said: Lord God of Is hath seen him there: for he thinketh of
rael, thy servant hath heard a report, me, that I lie craftily in wait for him.
that Saul designeth to come to Ceila, to 23 Consider and see all his lurking
destroy the city for my sake: holes, wherein he is hid, and return to
11 Will the men of Ceila deliver me me with the certainty of the thing, that
into his hands? and will Saul come down, I may go with you. And if he should
as thy servant hath heard ? O Lord God even go down into the earth to hide him
of Israel, tell thy servant. And the Lord self, I will search him out in all the
said: He will come down. thousands of Juda.
12 And David said: Will the men of 24 And they arose and went to Ziph be
Ceila deliver me, and my men, into the fore Saul: and David and his men were
hands of Saul? And the Lord said: They in the desert of Maon, in the plain at
will deliver thee up. th e right hand of Jesimon.
13 Then David and his men, who were 25 Then Saul and his men went to seek
about six hundred, arose, and departing him: and it was told David, and forth
from Ceila, wandered up and down un with he went down to the rock, and
certain where they should stay: and it abode in the wilderness of Maon: and
was told Saul that David was fled from when Saul had heard of it he pursued
Ceila, and had escaped: wherefore he after David in the wilderness of Maon.
forbore to go out. 26 And Saul went on this side of the
14 But David abode in the desert in mountain: and David and his men were
strong holds, and he remained in a moun- on the other side of the mountain: and
c Infra 26. 1.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 6. An ephod, or the ephod.That is, the vestment of the high priest, with the wrt m
and thum/mim, by which the Lord gave his oracles.

David spares the life of Saul 1 KINGS David s appeal to Said
David despaired of being able to escape against Saul. But Saul rising up out of
from the face of Saul: and Saul and his the cave, went on his way.
men encompassed David and his men 9 And David also rose up after him:
round about to take them. and going out of the cave cried after
27 And a messenger came to Saul, say And
Saul, saying: My lord the king.
ing: Make haste to come, for the Philis Saul looked behind him: and David bow
tines have poured in themselves upon
ing himself down to the ground, wor
the land. shipped,
28 Wherefore Saul returned, leaving 10 And said to Saul: Why dost thou
the pursuit of David, and went to meet hear the words of men that say: David
the Philistines. For this cause they seeketh thy hurt?
called that place, the Rock of division. 11 Behold this day thy eyes have seen,
that the Lord hath delivered thee into
CHAPTER 24 my hand, in the cave, and I had a thought
Said seeketh David in the wilderness of Engaddi: to kill thee, but my
eye hath spared thee.
he goeth into a cave where David hath him in For I said: I will not put out my hand
his power.
against my Lord, because he is the
ri i HEN David went up from thence, Lord s anointed.
JL and dwelt
strong holds of Engaddi.
in 12 Moreover see and know, my father,
2 And when
Saul was returned from the hemof thy robe in my hand, that
following the Philistines, they told him, when Icut off the hem of thy robe, I
saying: Behold, David is in the desert of would not put out my hand against thee.
Engaddi. Reflect, and see, that there is no evil in
3 S aul therefore took three thousand

my hand, nor iniquity, neither have I

chosen men out of all Israel, and went sinned against thee: but thou liest in
out to seek after David, and his men, wait for my life, to- take it away.
even upon the most craggy rocks, which 13 The Lord judge between me and
are accessible only to wild goats. thee,and the Lord revenge me of thee:
4 And he came to the sheepcotes, which but my hand shall not be upon thee.
were in his way. And there was a cave, 14 As also it is said in the old proverb:
into which Saul went, to ease nature: From the wicked shall wickedness come
now David and his men lay hid in the forth: therefore my hand shall not be
inner part of the cave. upon thee. After whom dost thou come
5 And the servants of David said to out,king of Israel?
him: Behold the day, of which the Lord whom dost thou pursue ? After
15 After
said to thee: I will deliver thy enemy a dead dog, after a flea.
unto thee, that thou mayest do to him 16 Be the Lord judge, and judge be
as it shall seem good in thy eyes. Then tween me and thee, and see, and judge my
David arose, and secretly cut off the cause, and deliver me out of thy hand.
hem of Saul s robe. 17 And when David had made an end of
6 After which David s heart struck him, speaking these words to Saul, Saul said:
because he had cut off the hem of Saul s Is this thy voice, my son David? And
robe. Saul lifted up his voice, and wept.
7 And he said to his men: The Lord be 18 And he said to David: Thou art more
merciful unto me, that I may do no such just than I: for thou hast done good to
thing to my master the Lord s anointed, me, and I have rewarded thee with evil.
as to lay my hand upon him, because he 19 And thou hast shewn this day what
is the Lord s anointed. good things thou hast done to me: how
8 And David stopped his men with his the Lord delivered me into thy hand, and
thou hast not killed me.
words, and suffered them not to rise

CHAP. 24. Ver. 6. Heart struck him, viz., with punish according to his justice: yet so as to keep
himself in the mean time, from all personal hatred
remorse, as fearing he had done amiss.
Ver. 11. A thought to kill thee. That is, a sug to Saul, or desire of gratifying his own passion, by

gestion, to which I did not consent.

seeking revenge. So far from it, that when Saul
Ver. 13. Revenge me of thee, or, as it is in the was afterwards slain, we find, that instead of re
Hebrew, will revenge me. The meaning is, that joicing at his death, he mourned most bitterly
he refers his whole case to God, to judge and for him.

The death of Samuel 1 KINGS Nabal refuses David

20 For who when he hath found his ene 9 And when David s servants came,

my, will let him go well away ? But

the they spoke to Nabal all these words in
Lord reward thee for this good turn, for David s name: and then held their peace.
what thou hast done to me this day. 10 But Nabal answering the servants of
21 And now as I know that thou shalt David, said: Who is David? and what is
surely be king, and have the kingdom of the son of Isai? servants are multiplied
Israel in thy hand: now a days who flee from their masters.
22 Swear to me by the Lord, that thou 11 Shall I then take my bread, and my
wilt not destroy seed after me, nor
my water, and the flesh of my cattle, which I
take away my name from the house of
have killed for my shearers, and give to
my father. men whom I know not whence they are ?
23 And David swore to Saul. So Saul 12 So the servants of David went back
went home: and David and his men went their way, and returning came and told
up into safer places. him all the words that he said.
CHAPTER 25 13 Then David said to his young men:
The death of Samuel. David, provoked by Nabal,
Let every man gird on his sword. And
threateneth to destroy him: but i-s appeased by they girded on every man his sword. And
Abigail. David also girded on his sword: and
A ND Samuel died, /and all Israel was there followed David about four hundred
/\_ gathered together, and they mourned men: and two hundred remained with
for him, and buried him in his house in the baggage.
Ramatha. And Davidrose and went 14 But one of the servants told Abigail
down into the wilderness of Pharan. the wife of Nabal, saying: Behold David
2 Now there was a certain man in the sent messengers out of the wilderness, to
wilderness of Maon, and his possessions salute our master: and he rejected them.
were in Carmel, and the man was very 15 These men were very good to us, and
great: and he had three thousand sheep, gave us no trouble: neither did we ever
and a thousand goats: and it happened lose any thing all the time we con
that he was shearing his sheep in Carmel. versed with them in the desert.
3 Now the name of the man was Nabal : 16 They were a wall unto us both by
and the name of his wife was Abigail. night and day, all the while we were with
And she was a prudent and very comely them keeping the sheep.
woman, but her husband was churlish, 17 Wherefore consider, and think what
and very bad and ill natured: and he was thou hast to do: for evil is determined
of the house of Caleb. against thy husband, and against thy
4 And when David heard in the wilder house, and he is a son of Belial, so that
ness that Nabal was shearing his sheep, no man can speak to him.
5 He sent ten young men, and said to 18 Then Abigail made haste and took
them: Go up to Carmel, and go to Nabal, two hundred loaves, and two vessels of
and salute him in my name with peace. wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and
6 And you shall say: Peace be to my five measures of parched corn, and a
brethren, and to thee, and peace to thy hundred clusters of raisins, and two
house, and peace to all that thou hast. hundred cakes of dry figs, and laid them
7 I heard that thy shepherds that were upon asses:
with us in the desert were shearing: we 19 And she said to her servants: Go be
never molested them, neither was there fore me: behold I will follow after you:
ought missing to them of the flock at but she told not her husband Nabal.
any time, all the while they were with us 20 And when she had gotten upon an
in Carmel. ass, and was coming down to the foot of
8 Ask thy servants, and they will tell the mountain, David and his men came
thee. Now therefore let thy servants down over against her, and she met
find favour in thy eyes for we are come
: them.
in a good day, whatsoever thy hand shall 21 And David said: Truly in vain have
find give to thy servants, and to thy I kept all that belonged to this man in
son David. the wilderness, and nothing was lost of

/ Infra 28. 3 ; Eccli. 46. 23.

Abigail appeases David 1 KINGS Nabal dies
all that pertained unto him: and he hath Lord shall have done well by my lord,
returned me evil for good. thou shalt remember thy handmaid.
22 May God do so and so, and add more 32 And David said to Abigail: Blessed
to the foes of David, if I leave of all that be the Lord the God of Israel, who sent
belong to him till the morning, any that thee this day to meet me, and blessed be
pisseth against the wall. thy speech:
23 And when Abigail saw David she 33 And blessed be thou, who hast kept
made haste and lighted off the ass, and me to day, from coming to blood, and re
fell before David, on her face, and venging me with my own hand.
adored upon the ground. 34 Otherwise as the Lord liveth the God
24 And she fell at his feet, and said: of Israel, who hath withholden me from
Upon me let this iniquity be, my lord: let doing thee any evil: if thou hadst not
thy handmaid speak, I beseech thee, in thy quickly come to meet me, there had not
ears: and hear the words of thy servant. been left to Nabal by the morning light
25 Let not my lord the king, I pray, re any that pisseth against the wall.
gard this naughty man Nabal: for accord 35 And David received at her hand all
ing to his name, he is a fool, and folly is that she had brought him, and said to
with him: but I thy handmaid did not see her: Go in peace into thy house, behold
;hy servants, my lord, whom thou sentest. I have heard thy voice, and have hon
26 Now therefore, my lord, the Lord oured thy face.
liveth, and thy soul liveth, who hath 36 And Abigail came to Nabal: and be
withholden thee from coming to blood, hold he had a feast in his house, like the
and hath saved thy hand to thee: and feast of a king, and Nabal s heart was
now let thy enemies be as Nabal, and all merry: for he was very drunk: and she
they that seek evil to my lord. told him nothing less or more until
27 Wherefore receive this blessing, morning.
which thy handmaid hath brought to 37 But early in the morning when Nabal
thee, my lord: and give it to the young had digested his wine, his wife told him
men that follow thee, my lord. these words, and his heart died within
28 Forgive the iniquity of thy hand him, and he became as a stone.
maid: for the Lord will surely make for 38 And after ten days had passed, the
my lord a faithful house, o because thou, Lord struck Nabal, and he died.
my lord, fightest the battles of the Lord: 39 And when David had heard that Na
let not evil therefore be found in thee bal was dead, he said: Blessed be the
all the days of thy life. Lord, who hath judged the cause of my
29 For if a man at any time shall rise, reproach at the hand of Nabal, and hath
and persecute thee, and seek thy life, kept his servant from evil, and the Lord
the soul of my lord shall be kept, as in hath returned the wickedness of Nabal
the bundle of the living, with the Lord upon his head. Then David sent and
thy God: but the souls of thy enemies treated with Abigail, that he might take
shall be whirled, as with the violence her to himself for a wife.
and whirling of a sling. 40 And David s servants came to Abi
30 And when the Lord shall have done gail to Carmel, and spoke to her, saying:
to thee, my lord, all the good that he David hath sent us to thee, to take thee
hath spoken concerning thee, and shall to himself for a wife.
have made thee prince over Israel, 41 And she arose and bowed herself
31 This shall not be an occasion of grief down with her face to the earth, and
to thee, and a scruple of heart to my said: Behold, let thy servant be a hand
lord, that thou hast shed innocent blood, maid, to wash the feet of the servants
or hast revenged thyself: and when the of my lord.

g Supra 16. 18, and 17. 40.

CHAP. 25. Ver. 22. // / leave, &c. David cer Ver. 89.Blessed be, &c. David praiseth God, on
tainly sinned in his designs against Nabal and his this occasion, not out of joy for the death of Nabal
family, as he himself was afterwards sensible, when (which would have argued a rancour of heart), but
he blessed God for hindering him from executing the because he saw that God had so visibly taken his
revenge he had proposed. cause in hand, in punishing the injury done to him ;

Ver. 25. His name. Nabal, in Hebrew, signifies whilst, by a merciful providence he kept him from
a fool. revenging himself.

David in the tent of Saul 1 KINGS David spares Saul s life

42 And Abigail arose, and made haste, not: for who shall put forth his hand
and got upon an ass, and five damsels against the Lord s anointed, and shall be
went with her, her waiting maids, and guiltless ?

she followed the messengers of David, 10 And David said: As the Lord liveth,
and became his wife. unless the Lord shall strike him, or his
43 Moreover David took also Achinoam day shall come to die, or he shall go
of Jezrahel and they were both of them
: down to battle and perish:
his wives. The Lord be merciful unto me, that
44 But Saul gave Michol his daughter,
David s wife, to Phalti, the son of Lais,
I extend notmy hand upon the Lord s
anointed. But now take the spear, which
who was of Gallium. is at his head, and the cup of water, and
let us go.
12 So David took the spear, and the cup
Saul goeth out again after David, who cometh by
of water which was at Saul s head, and
night where Saul and his men are asleep, but suf-
fereth him not to be touched. Saul again confess- they went away: and no man saw it, or
eth his fault, and promiseth peace. knew it, or awaked, but they were all
the men of Ziph came to Saul in asleep, for a deep sleep from the Lord
AND Gabaa, saying: * Behold David is
hid in the hill of Hachila, which is over
was fallen upon them.
13 And when David was gone over to
against the wilderness. the other side, and stood on the top of
2 And Saul arose, and went down to the hill afar off, and a good space was
the wilderness of Ziph, having with him between them,
three thousand chosen men of Israel, to 14 David cried to the people, and to
seek David in the wilderness of Ziph. Abner the son of Ner, saying: Wilt thou
3 And Saul encamped in Gabaa Hachila, not answer, Abner? And Abner answer
which was over against the wilderness in ing, said: Who art thou, that criest, and
the way: and David abode in the wilder disturbest the king?
ness. And seeing that Saul was come 15 And David said to Abner: Art not
after him into the wilderness, thou a man? and who is like thee in
4 He sent spies, and learned that he Israel ? why then hast thou not kept thy
was most certainly come thither. lord the king? for there came one of the
5 And David arose secretly, and came people in to kill the king thy lord.
to the place where Saul was: and when 16 This thing is not good, that thou
he had beheld the place, wherein Saul hast done: as the Lord liveth, you are
slept, and Abner the son of Ner, the cap the sons of death, who have not kept
tain of his army, and Saul sleeping in a your master, the Lord s anointed. And
tent, and the rest of the multitude round now where is the king s spear, and the
about him, cup of water, which was at his head?
6 David spoke to Achimelech the Heth- 17 And Saul knew David s voice, and
ite, and Abisai the son of Sarvia the said: Is this thy voice, my son David?
brother of Joab, saying: Who will go And David said: It is my voice, my lord
down with me to Saul into the camp ? the king.
And Abisai said: I will go with thee. 18 And he Wherefore doth my
7 So David and Abisai came to the peo lord persecute his servant? What have
ple by night, and found Saul lying and I done ? or what evil is there in my hand ?
sleeping in the tent, and his spear fixed 19 Now therefore hear, I pray thee, my
in the ground at his head: and Abner lord the king, the words of thy servant:
and the people sleeping round about him. If the Lord stir thee up against me, let
8 And Abisai said to David: God hath him accept of sacrifice: but if the sons
shut up thy enemy this day into thy of men, they are cursed in the sight of
hands: now then I will run him through the Lord, who have cast me out this day,
with my spear even to the earth at once, that I should not dwell in the inheritance
and there shall be no need of a second of the Lord, saying: Go, serve strange
time. gods.
9 And David said to Abisai: Kill him 20 And now let not my blood be shed

f Supra 23. 19.

David goes again to Geth 1 KINGS He dwells amon? the Philistines
upon the earth before the Lord: for the 5 And David said to Achis: If I have
king of Israel is come out to seek a flea, found favour in thy sight, let a place be
as the partridge is hunted in the moun given me in one of the cities of this
tains. country, that I may dwell there: for
21 AndSaul said: I have sinned, return, why should thy servant dwell in the
my son David, for I will no more do thee royal city with thee?
harm, because my life hath been precious 6 Then Achis gave him Siceleg that
in thy eyes this day: for it appeareth day: for which reason Siceleg belongeth
that I have done foolishly, and have been to the kings of Juda unto this day.
ignorant in very many things. 7 And the time that David dwelt in
22 And David answering, said: Behold the country of the Philistines, was four
the king s spear: let one of the king s months.
servants come over and fetch it. 8 And David and his men went up, and
23 And the Lord will reward every one pillaged Gessuri, and Gerzi, and the Ama-
according to his justice, and his faithful lecites: for these were of old the inhab
ness: for the Lord hath delivered thee itants of the countries, as men go to Sur,
this day into my hand, and I would not even to the land of Egypt.
put forth my hand against the Lord s 9 And David wasted all the land, and
anointed. left neither man nor woman alive: and
24 And as thy life hath been much set took away the sheep and the oxen, and
by this day in my
eyes, so let life be my the asses, and the camels, and the ap
much set by in the eyes of the Lord, and parel, and returned and came to Achis.
let him deliver me from all distress. 10 And Achis said to him: Whom hast
25 Then Saul said to David: Blessed art thou gone against to day? David an
thou, my son David: and truly doing swered: Against the south of Juda, and
thou shalt do, and prevailing thou shalt against the south of Jerameel, and
prevail. And David went on his way, against the south of Ceni.
and Saul returned to his place. 11 And David saved neither man nor
woman, neither brought he any of them
CHAPTER 27 to Geth, saying: Lest they should speak
David gneth again to Achis king of Geth, and ob- against us. So did David, and such was
taineth of him the city of Siceleg. his proceeding all the days that he dwelt
David said in his heart: I shall in the country of the Philistines.
AJD one day or other fall into the hands 12 And Achis believed David, saying:
of Saul: is it not better for me to flee, He hath done much harm to his people
and to be saved in the land of the Philis Israel: therefore he shall be my servant
tines, that Saul may despair of me, and for ever.
cease to seek me in all the coasts of
Israel ? I will flee then out of his hands. CHAPTER 28
2 And David arose and went away, both The go out to war against Israel. Saul
being forsaken by God, hath recourse to a witch.
he and the six hundred men that were Samuel appeareth to him.
with him, to Achis the son of Maoch,
A ND * it came to pass in those days,
king of Geth.
3 And David dwelt with Achis at Geth, /\_ that the Philistines gathered to
he and his men: every man with his gether their armies to be prepared for
household, and David with his two wives,
war against Israel: and Achis said to
Achinoam the Jezrahelitess, and Abigail David: Know thou now assuredly, that
the wife of Nabal of Carmel. thou shalt go out with me to the war,
4 And it was told Saul that David was thou, and thy men.
fled to Geth, and he sought no more after 2 And David said to Achis: Now thou
him. shalt know what thy servant will do.
k B. C. 1012.

obligation of justifying every thins: that he did : for

CHAP 27. Ver. 8. Pillaged Gessuri, &c. These

the scripture, in relating what was done, doth not

probably were enem es of the people of God; and
some, if not all of them, were of the number of those say that it was well done. And even such as are
whom God had ordered to be destroyed which justi-
true servants of God, are not to be stated m all

fies David s proceedings in their regard. Though they do.

it is to be observed here, that we are not under an

Sa id visits the witch of Endor 1 KINGS Samuel s message to Saul
And Achis said to David: And Twill ap of? she said: An old man cometh
point thee to guard my life for ever. up, and he is covered with a mantle.
3 Now
Samuel was dead, and all Israel And Saul understood that it was Samuel,
mourned for him, and buried him in and he bowed himself with his face to
Ramatha his city. And Saul had put the ground, and adored.
away all the magicians and soothsayers 15 And Samuel said to Saul: "Why hast
out of the land. thou disturbed my rest, that I should be
4 And the Philistines were gathered to brought up ? And Saul said, I am in great
gether, and came and camped in Sunam: distress: For the Philistines fight against
and Saul also gathered together all me, and God is departed from me, and
Israel, and came to Gelboe. would not hear me, neither by the hand
5 And Saul saw the army of the Philis of prophets, nor by dreams: therefore I
tines, and was afraid, and his heart was have called thee, that thou mayest shew
very much dismayed. me what I shall do.
6 And heconsulted the Lord, and he 16 And Samuel Why askest thou
answered him not, neither by dreams, me, seeing the Lord has departed from
nor by priests, nor by prophets. thee, and is gone over to thy rival:
7 And Saul said to his servants: Seek 17 For the Lord will do to thee as he
me a woman that hath a wt divining spirit, spoke by me, and he will rend thy king
and I will go to her, and inquire by her. dom out of thy hand, and will give it to
And his servants said to him: There is a thy neighbour David:
woman that hath a divining spirit at 18 Because thou didst not obey the voice
Endor. of the Lord, neither didst thou execute
8 Then he disguised himself: and put on the wrath of his indignation upon Ama-
other clothes, and he went, and two men lec. Therefore hath the Lord done to
with him, and they came to the woman thee what thou sufferest this day.
by night, and he said to her: Divine to 19 And the Lord also will deliver Israel
me by thy divining spirit, and bring me with thee into the hands of the Philis
up him whom I shall tell thee. tines: and to morrow thou and thy sons
9 And the woman said to him:
Behold shall be with me: and the Lord will also
thou knowest all that Saul hath done, deliver the army of Israel into the hands
and how he hath rooted out the magicians of the Philistines.
and soothsayers from the land: why then 20 And forthwith Saul fell all along on
dost thou lay a snare for my life, to the ground, for he was frightened with
cause me to be put to death? the words of Samuel, and there was no
10 And Saul swore unto her by the strength in him, for he had eaten no
Lord, saying: As the Lord liveth there bread all that day.
shall no evil happen to thee for this 21 And the woman came to Saul (for he
thing. was very much troubled) and said to him:
11 And the woman said to him: Whom Behold thy handmaid hath obeyed thy
shall I bring up to thee? And he said, voice,and I have put my life in my hand
Bring me up Samuel. and I hearkened unto the words which
12 And when the woman saw Samuel, thou spokest to me.
she cried out with a loud voice, and said 22 Now therefore hear thou also the
to Saul: Why hast thou deceived me? voice of thy handmaid, and let me set
for thou art Saul. before thee a morsel of bread, that thou
13 And the king said to her: Fear not: mayest eat and recover strength, and be
what hast thou seen? And the woman able to go on thy journey.
said to Saul: I saw gods ascending out 23 But he refused, and said: I will not
of the earth. eat. But his servants and the woman
14 And he said to her: What form is he forced him, and at length hearkening to
I Supra 25. 1 ; Eccli. 46. 23. m Lev. 20. 21 . Deut. 18. 11 ; Acts 16. 16. n Eccli. 46. 23.

CHAP. _28.
Ver. 14. Understood that it was Sam was pleased for the punishment of Saul, that Sam
uel. It is the more common opinion of the holy uel himself should denounce unto him the evils that
fathers, and interpreters, that the soul of Samuel were falling upon him. See Eccli. 46. 23.
appeared indeed and not, as some have imagined,
; Ver. 19. With me. That is, in the state of the
an evil spirit in his shape. Not that the power of dead, and in another world, though not in the same
her magic could bring him thither, but that God place.

The Philistines send David back 1 KINGS The Amalecites destroy Siceleg
their voice, he arose from the ground me
in thy servant, from the day that I
and sat upon the bed. have been in thy sight until this day,
24 Now the woman had a fatted calf in that I may not go and fight against the
the house, and she made haste and killed enemies of my lord the king?
it: and taking meal kneaded it, and baked 9 And Achis answering said to David:
some unleavened bread, I know that thou art
good in my sight,
25 And set it before Saul, and before 5 as an angel of God: but the
princes of
his servants. And when they had eaten the Philistines have said: He shall not
they rose up, and walked all that night. go up with us to the battle.
10 Therefore arise in the morning, thou,
CHAPTER 29 and the servants of thy lord, who came
David going with the Philistines is sent back by
with thee: and when you are up before
their princes. day, and it shall begin to be light, go on
all the troops of the Philistines your way.
were gathered together to Aphec: 11 So David and his men arose in the
Israel also camped by the fountain night, that they might set forward in the
which is in Jezrahel. morning, and returned to the land of
1 And the lords of the Philistines the Philistines: and the Philistines went
marched with their hundreds and their up to Jezrahel.
thousands: but David and his men were
in the rear with Achis. CHAPTER 30
The Amalecites burn and carry off the
3 And the princes of the Philistines said Siceleg,
prey: David pursueth after them, and rvnvereth
to Achis: What mean these Hebrews? all out of their hands.

And Achis said to the princes of the Phil

istines: Do you not know David, who
was the servant of Saul the king of Is
N r when David and his
"OW men were
come to Siceleg on the third day,
8 the Amalecites had made an invasion

rael, and hath been with me many days, on the south side upon Siceleg, and had
or years, and I have found no fault in smitten Siceleg, and burnt it with fire.
him, since the day that he fled over to 2 And had taken the women captives
me until this day? that were in it, both little and great:
4 P But the princes of the Philistines and they had not killed any person, but
were angry with him, and they said to had carried them with them, and went
him: Let this man return, and abide in on their way.
his place, which thou hast appointed him, 3 So when David and his men came to
and let him not go down with us to bat the city, and found it burnt with fire, and
tle, lest he be an adversary to us, when that their wives and their sons, and their
we shall begin to fight: for how can he daughters were taken captives,
otherwise appease his master, but with 4 David and the people that were with
our heads? him, lifted up their voices, and wept till
5 Is not this David, to whom they sung they had no more tears.
in their dances, saying: Saul slew his 5 For the two wives also of David were
thousands, and David his ten thousands? taken captives, Achinoam the Jezrahel-
6 Then Achis called David, and said to itess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal of
him: As the Lord liveth, thou art up Carmel.
right and good in my sight: and so is 6 And David was greatly afflicted: for
thy going out, and thy coming in with the people had a mind to stone him, for
me in the army: and I have not found the soul of every man was bitterly
any evil in thee, since the day that thou grieved for his sons, and daughters: but
earnest to me unto this day: but thou David took courage in the Lord his God.
pleasest not the lords. 7 And he said to Abiathar the priest
7 Return therefore, and go in peace, the son of Achimelech: Bring me hither
and offend not the eyes of the princes of the ephod. And Abiathar brought the
the Philistines. ephod to David.
8 And David said to Achis: But what 8 And David consulted the Lord, say
have I done, and what hast thou found ing: Shall I pursue after these robbers,

p 1 Par. 12. 19. r B. C. 1012.

Q 2 Kings 14. 17 and 20 ; 19. 27. s 1 Par. 12. 20.

David pursues the Amalecites 1 KINGS He divides the spoils
and shall I overtake them, or not? And ever they had taken: David recovered
the Lord said to him: Pursue after them: all.

for thou shalt surely overtake them and 20 And he took the flocks and the

recover the prey. herds, and made them gobefore him:

and they said: This is the prey. of David.
9 So David went, he and the six hun
dred men that were with him, and they 21 And David came to the two hundred
came to the torrent Besor: and some be men, who being weary had stayed, and
ing weary stayed there. were not able to follow David, and he
had ordered them to abide at the torrent
10 But David pursued, he and four hun
Besor: and they came out to meet Da
dred men: for two hundred stayed, who
vid, and the people that were with him.
being weary could not go over the tor
rent Besor.
And David coming to the people saluted
11 And they found an Egyptian in the
them peaceably.
22 Then all the wicked and unjust men
field, and brought him to David: and
that had gone with David answering,
they gave him bread to eat, and water
said: Because they came not with us, we
to drink,
will not give them any thing of the prey
12 As also a piece of a cake of figs, and
two bunches of raisins. And when he which we have recovered: but let every
had eaten them his spirit returned, and man take his wife and his children, and
be contented with them, and go his way.
he was refreshed: for he had not eaten
23 But David said: You shall not do so,
bread, nor drunk water three days, and
three nights. my brethren, with these things, which
To whom the Lord hath given us, who hath kept
13 And David said to him:
dost thou belong? or whence dost thou us, and hath delivered the robbers that
come? and whither art thou going? He invaded us into our hands.
said: I am a young man of Egypt, the
24 And no man shall hearken to you in
servant of an Amalecite, and my master this matter. But equal shall be the por
tion of him that went down to battle and
left me, because I began to be sick three
of him that abode at the baggage, and
days ago.
14 For we made an invasion on the they shall divide alike.
south side of Cerethi, and upon Juda, 25 And this hath been done from that
and xipon the south of Caleb, and we day forward, and since was made a stat
burnt Siceleg with fire. ute, and an ordinance, and as a law in
15 And David said to him: Canst thou
26 Then David came to Siceleg, and sent
bring me to this company? And he said:
Swear to me by -God, that thou wilt not presents of the prey to the ancients of
kill me, nor deliver me into the hands of
Juda his neighbours, saying: Receive a
my master, and I will bring thee to this blessing of the prey of the enemies of
the Lord.
company. And David swore to him.
16 And when he had brought him, be 27 To them that were in Bethel, and
hold they were lying spread upon all the that were in Ramoth to the south, and
to them that were in Jether,
ground, eating and drinking, and as it
were keeping a festival day, for all the 28 And to them that were in Aroer and
that were in Sephamoth, and that were
prey, and the spoils which they had
taken out of the land of the Philistines, in Esthamo,
and out of the land of Juda. 29 And
that were in Rachal, and that
17 And David slew them from the eve were in the cities of Jerameel, and that
were in the cities of Ceni,
ning unto the evening of the next day,
and there escaped not a man of them, 30 And that were in Arama, and that
but four hundred young men, who had were in the lake Asan, and that were in
gotten upon camels, and fled. Athach,
18 So David recovered all that the Ama 31 And that were in Hebron, and to the
lecites had taken, and he rescued his two rest thatwere in those places, in which
wives. David had abode with his men.
19 And there was nothing missing small CHAPTER 31
or great, neither of their sons or their and
Israel is defeated by the Philistines: Saul his
daughters, nor of the spoils, and whatso- sons are slain.

Saul and his sons are slain 2 KINGS Their bodies are recovered
the Philistines fought against seeing that the Israelites were fled, and
A^DIsrael, and the men of Israel fled that Saul was dead, and his sons, forsook
from before the Philistines, and fell their cities, and fled: and the Philistines
down slain in mount Gelboe. came, and dwelt there.
2 M And the Philistines fell upon Saul, 8 And on the morrow the Philistines
and upon his sons, and they slew Jona came to strip the slain, and they found
than, and Abinadab and Melchisua the Saul and his three sons lying in mount
sons of Saul. Gelboe.
3 And the whole weight of the battle 9 And they cut off Saul s head, and
was turned upon Saul: and the archers stripped him of his armour, and sent into
overtook him, and he was grievously the land of the Philistines round about,
wounded by the archers. to publish it in the temples of their idols,
4 u Then Saul said to his armourbearer: and among their people.
Draw thy sword, and kill me: lest these 10 And they put his armour in the
uncircumcised come, and slay me, and temple of Astaroth, but his body they
mock at me. And his armourbearer hung on the wall of Bethsan.
would not, for he was struck with ex 11 1(1 Now when the inhabitants of Jabes
ceeding great fear. Then Saul took his Galaad had heard all that the Philistines
sword, and fell upon it. had done to Saul,
5 And when his armourbearer saw this, 12 All the most valiant men arose, and
to wit, that Saul was dead, he also fell walked all the night, and took the body
upon his sword and died with him. of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, from
6 So S aul died, and his three sons, and the wall of Bethsan: and they came to
his armourbearer, and all his men that Jabes Galaad, and burnt them there:
same day together. 13 And they took their bones and buried
7 And the men of Israel, that were be them in the wood of Jabes: and fasted
yond the valley, and beyond the Jordan, seven days.


This Book relates the transactions from the death of Saul until the end of David s

reign, being a history for the space of about forty-six years.

CHAPTER 1 David, he fell upon his face, and

David mourneth for the death of Saul and Jona
than: he ordereth the man to be slain who pre 3 And David said to him: From whence
tended he had killed Saul.
comest thou? And he said to him: I am
*it came to pass, after Saul was fled camp of Israel.
out of the
NOW dead, that David returned from the 4 said unto him What is the
And David
matter that is come to pass? tell me.

slaughter of the Amalecites, and abode

two days in Siceleg. He said: The people are fled from the
2 And on the third day, there appeared battle, and many of the people are fallen
a man who came out of Saul s camp, and dead: moreover Saul and Jonathan
with his garments rent, and dust strewed his son are slain.
on his head: and when he came to 5 And David said to the young man
u Par. 10. 2 and v I Par. 10. 4. 2 Kings 2. 4. * B. C. 1012.
t B. C. 1012. 1 3.

David mourns Saul and Jonathan 2 KINGS David goes to Hebron
that told him: How knowest thou that upon thy mountains: how are the valiant
Saul and Jonathan his son, are dead? fallen?
6 And the young man that told him, 20 Tell it not in Geth, publish it not in
said: I came by chance upon mount the streets of Ascalon: lest the daugh
ters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the
Gelboe, and Saul leaned upon his spear
and the chariots and horsemen drew daughters of the uncircumcised triumph.
nigh unto him, 21 Ye mountains of Gelboe, let neither
7 And looking behind him, and seeing dew, nor rain come upon you, neither be
me, he called me. And I answered, Here they fields of first fruits: for there was
am I. cast away the shield of the valiant, the
8 And he said to me: Who
art thou? shield of Saul as though he had not been
And I said to him: I am
an Amalecite. anointed with oil.
9 And he Stand over me,
said to me: 22 From the blood of the slain, from the
and kill me: for anguish is come upon fat of the valiant, the arrow of Jonathan
me, and as yet my whole life is in never turned back, and the sword of
me. Saul did not return empty.
10 So standing over him, I killed him: 23 Saul and Jonathan, lovely, and come
for I knew that he could not live after ly in their life, even in death they were
the fall: and I took the diadem that was not divided: they were swifter than
on his head, and the bracelet that was eagles, stronger than lions.
on his arm, and have brought them hither 24 Ye daughters of Israel, weep over
to thee, my lord. Saul, who clothed you with scarlet in
11 Then David took hold of his gar delights, who gave ornaments of gold
ments and rent them, and likewise all for your attire.
the men that were with him. 25 How are the valiant fallen in battle ?
12 And they mourned, and wept, and Jonathan slain in the high places?
fasted until evening for Saul, and for 26 I grieve for thee, my brother Jona
Jonathan his son, and for the people of than: exceeding beautiful, and amiable
the Lord, and for the house of Israel, to me above the love of women. As the
because they were fallen by the sword. mother loveth her only son, so did I love
13 And David said to the young man thee.
that told him: Whence art thou? He 27 How are the valiant fallen, and the
answered: I am the son of a stranger of weapons of war perished?
14 David said to him: 2/Why didst thou CHAPTER 2
not fear to put out thy hand to kill the David isreceived and anointed king of Juda. 7s-
Lord s anointed? boseth the son of Saul reigneth over the rest of
Israel. A battle between Abner and Joab.
15 And David calling one of his ser
vants, said: Go near and fall upon him. AND after these things David con-
And he struck him so that he died. J\_ suited the Lord, saying: Shall I go
16 And David said to him: Thy blood up into one of the cities of Juda? And
be upon thy own head: for thy own the Lord said to him: Go up. And Da
mouth hath spoken against thee, saying: vid said: Whither shall I go up? And
I have slain the Lord s anointed. he answered him: Into Hebron.
17 And David made this kind of lamen 2 So David went up, and his two wives,
tation over Saul, and over Jonathan his Achinoam the Jezrahelitess, and Abigail
son. the wife of Nabal of Carmel:
18 (Also he commanded that they should 3 And the men also that were with him,
teach the children of Juda the use of the David brought up every man with his
bow, as it is written in the book of the household: and they abode in the towns
just.) And he said: Consider, O Israel, of Hebron.
for them that are dead, wounded on thy 4 And the men of Juda came, and an
high places. ointed David there, to be king over the
19 The illustrious of Israel are slain house of Juda. And it was told David,
y Ps. 104. 15. z B. C. 1012. a 1 Mac. 2. 57 ; Infra 5. 3.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 10. 7 killed him. This story of proved by comparing it with the last chapter of the
Ibc young Amalecite was not true, as may easily be foregoing book.

Isboseth reigns over part of Israel 2 KINGS The battle between Abner and Joab
that the men of Jabes Galaad had buried that day: and Abner was put to flight,
Saul. with the men of Israel, by the servants
5 David therefore sent messengers to of David.
the men of Jabes Galaad, and said to 18 And there were the three sons of Sar
them: Blessed be you to the Lord, who via there, Joab, and Abisai, and Asael:
have shewn this mercy to your master now Asael was a most swift runner, like
Saul, and have buried him. one of the roes that abide in woods.
6 And now the Lord surely will render 19 And Asael pursued after Abner, and
you mercy and truth, and I also will turned not to the right hand nor to the
requite you for this good turn, because left from following Abner.
you have done this thing. 20 And Abner looked behind him, and
7 Let your hands be strengthened, and said: Art thou Asael? And he answered:
he ye men of valour: for although your I am.
master Saul be dead, yet the house of 21 And Abner said to him: Go to the
Juda hath anointed me to be their king. right hand or to the left, and lay hold on
8 But Abner the son of Ner, general of one of the young men and take thee his
Saul s army, took Isboseth the son of spoils. But Asael would not leave off
Saul, and led him about through the following him close.
camp, 22 And again Abner said to Asael: Go
9 And made him king over Galaad, and off, and do not follow me, lest I be obliged
over Gessuri, and over Jezrahel, and to stab thee to the ground, and I shall
over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and not be able to hold up my face to Joab
over all Israel. thy brother.
10 Isboseth the son of Saul was forty 23 But he refused to hearken to him,
years old when he began to reign over and would not turn aside: wherefore Ab
Israel, and he reigned two years; and ner struck him with his spear with a
only the house of Juda followed David. back stroke in the groin, and thrust him
11 And the number of the days that through, and he died upon the spot: and
David abode, reigning in Hebron over all that came to the place where Asael
the house of Juda, was seven years and fell down and died stood still.
six months. 24 Now while Joab and Abisai pursued
12 And Abner the son of Ner, and the after Abner, the sun went down and they :

servants of Isboseth the son of Saul, came as far as the hill of the aqueduct,
went out from the camp to Gabaon. that lieth over against the valley by the
13 And Joab the son of Sarvia, and the way of the wilderness in Gabaon.
servants of David went out, and met 25 And the children of Benjamin gath
them by the pool of Gabaon. And when ered themselves together to Abner: and
they were come together, they sat down being joined in one body, they stood on
over against one another: the one on the top of a hill.
the one side of the pool, and the other 26 And Abner cried out to Joab, and
on the other side. said: Shall thy sword rage unto utter de
14 And Abner said to Joab: Let the struction? knowest thou not that it is
young men rise, and play before us. dangerous to drive people to despair?
And Joab answered: Let them rise. how long dost thou defer to bid the peo
15 Then there arose and went over ple cease from pursuing after their bre
twelve in number of Benjamin, of the thren ?
and 27 And Joab said: As the Lord liveth, if
part of Isboseth the son of Saul,
twelve of the servants of David. thou hadst spoke sooner, even in the
16 And every one catching his fellow morning the people should have retired
the from pursuing after their brethren.
by the head, thrust his sword into
side of his adversary, and they fell down 28 Then Joab sounded the trumpet, and
all the army stood still, and did not pur
together: and the name of the place
was called: The field of the valiant, in sue after Israel any farther, nor fight
Gabaon. any more.
17 And there was a very fierce battle 29 And Abner and his men walked all

reicrned seven years and six months for so long

CHAP. 2. Ver. 10. He reigned two years, viz.,

before he began visibly to decline: but in all he David reigned in Hebron.

The sons of David 2 KINGS Abner comes to David

that night through the plains: and they 9 So do God to Abner, and more also,
unless as the Lord hath sworn to David,
passed the Jordan, and having gone
so I do to him,
through all Beth-horon, came to the camp.
30 And Joab returning, after he had left 10 That the kingdom be translated from
the house of Saul, and the throne of David
Abner, assembled all the people: and
there were wanting of David s servants be set up over Israel, and over Juda from
nineteen men, beside Asael. Dan to Bersabee.
31 But the servants of David had killed 11 And he could not answer him a word,
of Benjamin, and of the men that were- because he feared him.
with Abner, three hundred and sixty, who 12 Abner d therefore sent messengers to
all died. David for himself, saying: Whose is the
32 And they took Asael, and buried him land? and that they should say: Make a
in the sepulchre of his father in Bethle league with me, and my hand shall be
hem, and Joab, and the men that were with thee: and I will bring all Israel to
with him, marched all the night, and they thee.
came to Hebron at break of day. 13 And he Very well: I will make
a league with thee: but one thing I re
David groweth daily stronger. Abner eometh over quire of thee, saying: Thou shalt not see
to him : he is treacherously slain by Joab. my face before thou bring Michol the
there was a long war between daughter of Saul: and so thou shalt
NOW David
the of Saul and the house of come, and see me.
14 And David sent messengers to Isbo-
David: prospering and growing
always stronger and stronger, but the seth the son of Saul, saying: c Restore
house of Saul decaying daily. my wife Michol, whom I espoused to me
2 "And sons were born to David in He for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.
bron: and his firstborn was Amnon of 15 And Isboseth sent, and took her from
Achinoam the Jezrahelitess: her husband Phaltiel, the son of Lais.
3 And his second Cheleab of Abigail the 16 And her husband followed her, weep
wife of Nabal of Carmel: and the third ing as far as Bahurim: and Abner said to
Absalom the son of Maacha the daughter him: Go and return. And he returned.
of Tholmai king of Gessur: 17 Abner also spoke to the ancients of
4 And the fourth Adonias, the son of Israel, saying: Both yesterday and the
Haggith: and the fifth Saphathia the son day before you sought for David that he
of Abital: might reign over you.
5 And the sixth Jethraam of Egla the 18 Now then do it: because the Lord
wife of David: these were born to David hath spoken to David, saying: By the
in Hebron. hand of my servant David I will save my
6 Now while there was war between the people Israel from the hands of the Phi
house of Saul and the house of David, listines, and of all their enemies.
Abner the son of Ner ruled the house of 19 And Abner spoke also to Benjamin.
Saul. And he went to speak to David in Hebron
7 And Saul had a concubine named Res- all that seemed good to Israel, and to all
pha, the daughter of Aia. And Isboseth Benjamin.
said to Abner: 20 And he came to David in Hebron with
8 Why didst thou go in to my father s twenty men: and David made a feast for
concubine? And he was exceedingly Abner, and his men that came with him.
angry for the words of Isboseth, and said: 21 And Abner said to David: I will rise,
Am I a dog s head against Juda this day, that I may gather all Israel unto thee my
who have shewn mercy to the house of lord the king, and may enter into a league
Saul thy father, and to his brethren and with thee, and that thou mayst reign
friends, and have not delivered thee into over all as thy soul desireth. Now when
the hands of David, and hast thou sought David had brought Abner on his way,
this day against me to charge me with a and he was gone in peace,
matter concerning a woman? 22 Immediately David s servants and
c 1 Par. 3. 1. d B. C. 1005. e 1 Kings 18. 27.

CHAP. 3. Ver. 1. There was a long war between the house of Said, &c. Rather a strife or emulation
than a war -with arms it lasted five years and a half.

Abner slain by Joab 2 KINGS David mourns over Abnef
Joab came, after having slain the robbers,
ing over Abner, said: Not as cowards are
with an exceeding great booty: and Ab wont to die, hath Abner died.
ner was not with David in Hebron, for he 34 Thy hands were not bound, nor thy
had now sent him away, and he was gone feet laden with fetters: but as men fall
in peace. before the children of iniquity, so didst
23 And Joab and all the army that was thou fall. And all the people repeating
with him, came afterwards: and it was it wept over him.
told Joab, that Abner the son of Ner 35 And when all the people came to
came to the king, and he hath sent him take meat with David, while it was yet
away, and he is gone in peace. broad day, David swore, saying: So do
24 And Joab went in to the king, and God to me, and more also, if I taste
said: What hast thou done? Behold Ab bread or any thing else before sunset.
ner came to thee: Why didst thou send 36 And all the people heard, and they
him away, and he is gone and departed ? were pleased, and all that the king did
25 Knowest thou not Abner the son of seemed good in the sight of all the peo
Ner, that to this end he came to thee, ple.
that he might deceive thee, and to know 37 And all the people, and all Israel un
thy going out, and thy coming in, and to derstood that day that it was not the
know all thou dost? king s doing, that Abner the son of Ner
26 Then Joab going out from David, was slain.
sent messengers after Abner, and brought 38 The king also said to his servants:
him back from the cistern of Sira, David Do you not know that a prince and a
knowing nothing of it. great man is slain this day in Israel?
27 And when f Abner was returned to 39 But I as yet am tender, though
anointed king. And these men the sons
Hebron, Joab took him aside to the mid
dle of the gate, to speak to him treach of Sarvia are too hard for me: the Lord
reward him that doth evil according to
erously: and he stabbed him there in the
his wickedness.
groin, and he died, in revenge of the
blood of Asael his brother. CHAPTER 4
28 And when David heard of it, after Isboseth is murdered by two of his servants. David
the thing was now done, he said: I, and punisheth the murderers.
my kingdom are innocent before the Isboseth the son of Saul heard
Lord for ever of the blood of Abner the
son of Ner:
that Abner was slain in Hebron:
and his hands were weakened, and all
29 And may it come upon the head of Israel wastroubled.
Joab, and upon all his father s house: 2 Nowthe son of Saul had two men cap
and let there not fail from the house of tains of his bands, the name of the one
Joab one that hath an issue of seed, or was Baana, and the name of the other
that is a leper, or that holdeth the Rechab, the sons of Remmon a Berothite
distaff, or that falleth by the sword, or of the children of Benjamin: for Beroth
that wanteth bread. also was reckoned in Benjamin.
30 So Joab and Abisai his brother slew 3 And the Berothites fled into Gethaim.
Abner, because he had killed their and were sojourners there until that
brother Asael at Gabaon in the battle. time.
31 And David said to Joab, and to all 4 And Jonathan the son of Saul had a son
the people that were with him: Rend that was lame of his feet: for he was five
your garments, and gird yourselves with years old when the tidings came of Saul
sack-cloths, and mourn before the and Jonathan from Jezrahel. And his
funeral of Abner. And king David him nurse took him up and fled: and as she
self followed the bier. made haste to flee, he fell and became
32 And when they had buried Abner in lame: and his name was Miphiboseth.
Hebron, king David lifted up his voice, 5 And the sons of Remmort the Beroth
and wept at the grave of Abner: and all ite, Rechab and Baana coming, went into
the people also wept. the house of Isboseth in the heat of the
33 And the king mourning and lament day: and he was sleeping upon his bed at

/ 3 Kings 2. 5. g B. C. 1005.

Isboseth is murdered 2 KINGS David anointed king of all Israel

noon. And the doorkeeper of the house, 3 The ancients also of Israel came to
who was cleansing wheat, was fallen the king to Hebron, and king David
asleep. made a league with them in Hebron
6 And they entered into the house se before the Lord: and they anointedfe

cretly taking ears of corn, and Rechab David to be king over Israel.
and Baana his brother stabbed him in the 4 David was thirty years old when he
groin, and fled away. began to reign, and he reigned forty

7 For when they came into the house, years.

he was sleeping upon his bed in a par 5 In Hebron he reigned over Juda
lour, and they struck him and killed him: seven years and six months: and in Je
and taking away his head they went off rusalem he reigned three and thirty
by the way of the wilderness, -walking all years over all Israel and Juda.
night. 6 And the king and all the men that
8 And they brought the head of Isboseth were with him went to Jerusalem to the
to David to Hebron: and they said to the Jebusites the inhabitants of the land:
king: Behold the head of Isboseth the son and they said to David: Thou shalt not
of Saul thy enemy who sought thy life: come in hither unless thou take away the
and the Lord hath revenged my lord the blind and the lame that say: David shall
king this day of Saul, and of his seed. not come in hither.
9 But David answered Rechab, and Ba 7 But David took the castle of Sion, the
ana his brother, the sons of Remmon the same is the city of David.
Berothite, and said to them: As the Lord 8 For David had offered that day a re
liveth, who hath delivered my soul out ward to whosoever should strike the
of all distress, Jebusites and get up to the gutters of
10 * The man that told me, and said: the tops of the houses, and take away
Saul is dead, who thought he brought the blind and the lame that hated the
good tidings, I apprehended, and slew soul of David: therefore it is said in the
him in Siceleg, who should have been re proverb: The blind and the lame shall
warded for his news. not come into the temple.
11 How much more now when wicked 9 m And David dwelt in the castle, and
men have slain an innocent man in his called it, The city of David: and built
own house, upon his bed, shall I not re round about from Mello and inwards.
quire his blood at your hand, and take 10 And he went on prospering and grow
you away from the earth? ing up, and the Lord God of hosts was
12 And David commanded his servants with him.
and they slew them: and cutting off their 11 n And Hiram the king of Tyre sent
hands and feet, hanged them up over the messengers to David, and cedar trees,
pool in Hebron: but the head of Isboseth and carpenters, and masons for walls:
they took and buried in the sepulchre of and they built a house for David.
Abner in Hebron. 12 And David knew that the Lord had
confirmed him king over Israel, and that
David anointed king of all Israel. He taketh
he had exalted his kingdom over his peo
Jerusalem, and dwelleth there. He defeateth the ple Israel.
Philistines. 13 And David took more concubines
*all the tribes of Israel came to and wives of Jerusalem, after he was
David in Hebron, saying: i Behold come from Hebron: and there were born
we are thy bone and thy flesh. to David other sons also and daugh
2 Moreover yesterday also and the day ters:
before, when Saul was king over us, thou 14 And these are the names of them,
wast he that did lead out and bring in that were born to him in Jerusalem,
Israel: and the Lord said to thee: Thou Samua, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Solo
shalt feed my people Israel, and thou mon,
shalt be prince over Israel. 15 And Jebahar, and Elisua, and Nepheg,
h Supra 1. 14. i B. C. 1005. j\ Par. 11. 1. m 1 Par. 11. 8. n 1 Par. 14. 1.
k Supra 2. 4. I 3 Kings 2. 11. o 1 Par. 3. 1 and 2.

CHAP. R. 13 David took more concubines

V*>r. an inferior condition ; for such, in scripture, are
and wives of Jerusalem. Not harlots, but wives of styled concubines.
David defeats the Philistines 2 KINGS Oza is stricken dead
16 And Japhia, and Elisama, and upon which the name of the Lord of
Elioda, and Eliphaleth. hosts is invoked, who sitteth over it
17 And the Philistines heard that they upon the cherubims.
had anointed David to be king over Is 3 And they laid the ark of God upon a
rael: and they all came to seek David: new cart and took it out of the house of

and when David heard of it, he went

Abinadab, who was in Gabaa: and Oza,
down to a strong hold. and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove
18 ?And the Philistines coming spread the new cart.
themselves in the valley of Raphaim. 4 And when they had taken it out
19 And David consulted the Lord, say of the house of Abinadab, who was in
ing: Shall I go up to the Philistines? Gabaa, Ahio having care of the ark of
and wilt thou deliver them into my God went before the ark.
hand? And the Lord said to David: Go 6 But David and all Israel played before
up, for I will surely deliver the Philis the Lord on all manner of instruments
tines into thy hand.
made of wood, on harps and lutes and
20 i And David came to Baal Pharisim: timbrels and cornets and cymbals.
and defeated them there, and he said: 6 And when they came to the floor of
The Lord hath divided my enemies be Nachon, Oza put forth his hand to the
fore me, as waters are divided. There ark of God, and took hold of it: because
fore the name of the place was called the oxen kicked and made it lean aside.
Baal Pharisim. 7 And the indignation of the Lord was
21 And they left there their idols: enkindled against Oza, and he struck him
which David and his men took away. for his rashness: and he died there be
22 And the Philistines came up again fore the ark of God.
and spread themselves in the valley of 8 v And David was grieved because the
Raphaim. Lord had struck Oza, and the name of
23 And David consulted the Lord: Shall that place was called: The striking of
I go up against the Philistines, and wilt
Oza, to this day.
thou deliver them into my hands? He 9 And David was afraid of the Lord
answered: Go not up against them, but that day, saying: How shall the ark of
fetch a compass behind them, and thou the Lord come to me ?
shalt come upon them over against the 10 And he would not have the ark of
pear trees. the Lord brought in to himself into the
24 And when thou shalt hear the sound city of David: but he caused it to be
of one going in the tops of the pear carried into the house of Obededom the
trees, then shalt thou join battle for then :
will the Lord go out before thy face to 11 And the ark of the Lord abode in the
strike the army ofthe Philistines. house of Obededom the Gethite three
25 as the Lord had com
And David did months: and the Lord blessed Obed
manded him, and he smote the Philistines edom, and all his household.
from Gabaa until thou come to Gezer. 12 w And it was told king David, that
the Lord had blessed Obededom, and all
that he had, because of the ark of God.
David fetcheth the ark from Cariathiarim. Oza is So David went, and brought away the
struck dead for touching it- It is deposited in the
house of Obededom: and from thence carried to ark of God out of the house of Obededom
David s house. into the city of David with joy. And
David again gathered together all there were with David seven choirs, and
the chosen men of Israel, thirty calves for victims.
13 *And when they that carried the
2 s And David arose and went, with all ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he
the people that were with him of the sacrificed an ox and a ram:
men of Juda to fetch the ark of God, 14 And David danced with all -his; might
v 1 Par. 13. 11. MX T Par. IE: 25.
p 1 Par. 14. 9. q IBB. 28. 21. r 1 Par. 14. 11.
M 1 Kings 7. 1. * I- Par. l&i 2*u.
8 1 Par. 13. 5.

dab, from the time of- its being restored back by

CHAP. 6. Ver. 3. Gabaa. The hill of Cariathi
arim, where. the ark.had.been in the house of Abma-
Ver. 12.. Cfcotrs. Or companies of musicians.

The ark brought to Jerusalem 2 KINGS David wishes to build a temple
before the Lord: and David was girded given him rest on every side from all
with a linen ephod. his enemies,
15 And David and all the house of 2 He said to Nathan the prophet: z Dost
Israel brought the ark of the covenant of thou see that I dwell in a house of cedar,
the Lord with joyful shouting, and with and the ark of God is lodged within
sound of trumpet. skins ?
16 And when the ark of the Lord was 3 And Nathan said to the king: Go, do
come into the city of David, Michol the all that is in thy heart: because the Lord
daughter of Saul, looking out through a is with thee.
window, saw king David leaping and 4 But it came to pass that night, that
dancing before the Lord: and she de the word of the Lord came to Nathan,
spised him in her heart. saying:
17 And they brought the ark of the 6 Go, and say to my servant David:
Lord, and set it in its place in the midst Thus saith the Lord: Shalt thou build
of the tabernacle, which David had me a house to dwell in?
pitched for it: and David offered holo 6 Whereas I have not dwelt in a house
causts, and peace offerings before the from the day that I brought the children
Lord. of Israel out of the land of Egypt even
18 And when he had made an end of to this day: but have walked in a taber
offering holocausts and peace offerings, nacle, and in a tent.
he blessed the people in the name of the 7 In all the places that I have gone
Lord of hosts. through with all the children of Israel,
19 And he distributed to all the multi did ever I speak a word to any one of
tude of Israel, both men and women, to the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded
every one, a cake of bread, and a piece to feed my people Israel, saying: Why
of roasted beef, and fine flour fried with have you not built me a house of cedar ?
oil: and all the people departed every 8 And now thus shalt thou speak to my
one to his house. servant David: Thus saith the Lord of
20 And David returned to bless his own hosts: a l took thee out of the pastures
house: and Michol the daughter of Saul from following the sheep to be ruler over
coming out to meet David, said: How mypeople Israel:
glorious was the king of Israel to day, 9 And I have been with thee whereso
uncovering himself before the handmaids ever thou hast walked, and have slain all
of his servants, and was naked, as if one thy enemies from before thy face: and I
of the buffoons should be naked. have made thee a great man, like unto
21 And David said to Michol: Before the name of the great ones that are on
the Lord, who chose me rather than thy the earth.
father, and than all his house, and com 10 And I will appoint a place for my
manded me to be ruler over the people people Israel, and I will plant them, and
of the Lord in Israel, they shall dwell therein, and shall be
22 I will both play and make myself disturbed no more: neither shall the
meaner than I have done: and I will be children of iniquity afflict them any more
little in my own eyes: and with the as they did before,
handmaids of whom thou speakest, I 11 From the day that I appointed judges
shall appear more glorious. over my people Israel: and I will give
23 Therefore Michol the daughter of thee rest from all thy enemies. And the
Saul had no child to the day of her death. Lord foretelleth to thee, that the Lord
will make thee a house.
12 6 And when thy days shall be ful
purpose to build a temple is rewarded with
the promise of great blessings in his seed: his filled, and thou shalt sleep with thy
prayer and thanksgiving. fathers, I will raise up thy seed after

AND1 it came to pass when the king

sat in his house, and the Lord had

z 1 Par. 17. 1.
thee, which shall proceed out of thy
bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
o 1 Kings 16. 13 ; Ps. 70. 17. b 3 Kings 8. 19.

CHAP. Ver. 12. I will establish his kingdom.

scripture, and who the builder of the true temple,
This prophecy partly relateth to Solomon but much
; which is the church, his everlasting kingdom, which
more to Christ, who is called the son of David in shall never fail.

David s prayer 2 KINGS David s victories
13 c He shall build a house to my name,
ever, and it may be said: The Lord of
and I will establish the throne of his hosts is God over Israel. And the house
kingdom for ever. of thy servant David shall be established
14 d I will be to him a father, and he- before the Lord.
shall be to me a son: and if he commit 27 Because thou, Lord of hosts. God
any iniquity, I will correct him with the of Israel, hast revealed to the ear of thy
rod of men, and with the stripes of the servant, saying: I will build thee a house:
children of men. therefore hath thy servant found in his
15 e But my mercy I will not take away heart to pray this prayer to thee.
from him, as I took it from Saul, whom 28 And now, O Lord God, thou art God,
I removed from before my face. and thy words shall be true: for thou
16 And thy house shall be faithful, and hast spoken to thy servant these good
thy kingdom for ever before thy face, things.
and thy throne shall be firm for ever. 29 And now begin, and bless the house
17 According to all these words and ac of thy servant, that it may endure for
cording to all this vision, so did Nathan ever before thee: because thou, Lord
speak to David. God, hast spoken it, and with thy bless
18 And David went in, and sat before ing let the house of thy servant be
the Lord, and said: Who am I, Lord blessed for ever.
God, and what is my house, that thou
hast brought me thus far? CHAPTER 8
19 But yet this hath seemed little in thy David s victories, and his chief officers

sight, O Lord God, unless thou didst also A ND it came to pass after this that
speak of the house of thy servant for a .r\_David defeated the Philistines, and
long time to come: for this is the law of brought them down, * and David took
Adam, Lord God. the bridle of tribute out of the hand of
20 And what can David say more unto the Philistines.
thee? for thou knowest thy servant, O 2 And he defeated Moab, and mea
Lord God: sured them with a line, casting them
21 For thy word s sake, and according down to the earth: and he measured with
to thy own heart thou hast done all these two lines, one to put to death, and one
great things, so that thou wouldst make to save alive: and Moab was made to
it known to thy servant. serve David under tribute.
22 Therefore thou art magnified, O Lord 3 David defeated also Adarezer the son
God, because there is none like to thee, of Rohob king of Soba, when he went to
neither is there any God besides thee, in extend his dominion over the river * Eu
all the things that we have heard with phrates.
our ears. 4 And David took from him a thousand
23 And what nation is there upon earth, and seven hundred horsemen, and twenty
as thy people Israel, whom God went to thousand footmen, and houghed all the
redeem for a people to himself, and to chariot horses: and only reserved of
make him a name, and to do for them them for one hundred chariots.
great and terrible things, upon the earth, 5 And the Syrians of Damascus came to
before the face of thy people, whom thou succour Adarezer the king of Soba: and
redeemedst to thyself out of Egypt, from David slew of the Syrians two and
the nations and their gods. twenty thousand men.
24 For thou hast confirmed to thyself 6 And David put garrisons in Syria of
thy people Israel to be an everlasting Damascus: and Syria served David un
people: and thou, Lord God, art be der tribute: and the Lord preserved Da
come their God. vid in all his enterprises, whithersoever
25 And now, Lord God, raise up for he went.
ever the word that thou hast spoken, 7 And David took the arms of gold,
concerning thy servant and concerning which the servants of Adarezer wore,
his house: and do as thou hast spoken, and brought them to Jerusalem.
26 That thy name may be magnified for 8 And out of Bete, and out of Beroth,

c 3 Kings 5. 5. d 1 Par. 22. 10 ;

Heb. 1. B. g 1 Par. 18. 1.

e Ps. 88. 4 and 37. / Heb. 1. 6. t 1 Par. 18. 8.

David s officers 2 KINGS David s kindness to Miphiboseth
citiesof Adarezer, king David took an Art thou Siba? And he answered: I am
exceeding great quantity of brass. Siba thy servant.
9 And Thou the king of Emath heard 3 And the king said: Is there any one
that David had defeated all the forces of left of the house of Saul, that I may shew
Adarezer. the mercy of God unto him? And Siba
10 And Thou sent Joram his son to king said to the king: There is a son of Jona
David, to salute him, and to congratulate than left, who is lame of his feet.
with him, and to return him thanks: be 4 Where is he? said he. And Siba said
cause he had fought against Adarezer, to the king: Behold he is in the house
and had defeated him. For Thou was an of Machir the son of Ammiel in Loda-
enemy to Adarezer, and in his hand were bar.
vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and 5 Then king David sent, and brought
vessels of brass: him out of the house of Machir the son
11 And king David dedicated them to of Ammiel of Lodabar.
the Lord, together with the silver and 6 And when Miphiboseth the son of
gold that he had dedicated of all the na Jonathan the son of Saul was come to
tions, which he had subdued: David, he fell on his face and worshipped.
12 Of Syria, and of Moab, and of the And David said: Miphiboseth? And he
children of Ammon, and of the Philis answered: Behold thy servant.
tines, and of Amalec, and of the spoils 7 And David said to him: Fear not, for
of Adarezer the son of Rohob king of I will surely shew thee mercy for Jona
Soba. than thy father s sake, and I will restore
13 David also made himself a name, the lands of Saul thy father, and thou
when he returned after taking Syria in shalt eat bread at my table always.
the valley of the saltpits, killing eighteen 8 He bowed down to him, and said:
thousand: Who am I thy servant, that thou shouldst
14 And he put guards in Edom, and look upon such a dead dog as I am?
placed there a garrison: and all Edom 9 Then the king called Siba the servant
was made to serve David: and the Lord of Saul, and said to him: All that be
preserved David in all enterprises he longed to Saul, and all his house, I have
went about. given to thy master s son.
15 And David reigned over all Israel: 10 Thou therefore and thy sons and thy
and David did judgment and justice to servants shall till the land for him: and
all his people. thou shalt bring in food for thy master s
16 And Joab the son of Sarvia was over son, that he may be maintained: and
the army: and Josaphat the son of Miphiboseth the son of thy master shall
Ahilud was recorder: always eat bread at my table. And Siba
17 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and had fifteen sons and twenty servants.
Achimelech the son of Abiathar, were 11 And Siba said to the king: As thou
the priests: and Saraias was the scribe: my lord the king hast commanded thy
18 And Banaias the son of Joiada was servant, so will thy servant do: and
over the Cerethi and Phelethi: and the Miphiboseth shall eat at my table, as one
sons of David were the princes. of the sons of the king.
12 And Miphiboseth had a young son
CHAPTER 9 whose name was Micha: and all the
David s kindness to Miphiboseth for the sake of his kindred of the house of Siba served
father Jonathan. Miphiboseth.
A ND David said: Is there any one, think 13 But Miphiboseth dwelt in Jerusalem:
J\ you, left of the house of Saul, that because he ate always of the king s table:
I may shew kindness to him for Jona and he was lame of both feet.
than s sake?
2 Now was of the house of Saul, a

servant named Siba: and when the king The Ammonites shamefully abuse the ambassadors
of David: they hire the Syrians to their assist
had called him to him, he said to him: ance: but are overthrown with their allies.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 16. Recorder, or chancellor. guards. Ibid. Princes. Literally priests. (Cohen.)
Ver. 17. Scribe, or secretary. So ca led, by a title of honour, and not from exercis
Ver 18. The Cerethi and Phelethi. The king s ing the priestly functions.

David s ambassadors dishonored 2 KINGS David defeats the Syrians
A ND it came to pass after this, that too strong for thee, then I will help
I\. the king of the children of Ammon thee.
died, and Hanon his son reigned in his 12 Be of good courage, and let us fight
stead. for our people, and for the city of our
2 And David said: k I will shew kind God: and the Lord will do what is good
ness to Hanon the son of Daas, as his in his sight.
father shewed kindness to me. So David 13 And Joab and
the people uiat were
sent his servants to comfort him for the with him, began to fight against the
death of his father. But when the ser Syrians: and they immediately fled be
vants of David were come into the land fore him.
of the children of Ammon, 14 And the children of Ammon seeing
3 The princes of the children of Ammon that the Syrians were fled, they fled also
said to Hanon their lord: Thinkest thou before Abisai, and entered into the city:
that for the honour of thy father, David and Joab returned from the children of
hath set comforters to thee, and hath Ammon, and came to Jerusalem.
not David rather sent his servants to 15 Then the Syrians seeing that they
thee to search, and spy into the city, and
had fallen before Israel, gathered them
selves together.
overthrow it?
16 And Adarezer sent and fetched the
4 Wherefore Hanon took the servants
Syrians, that were beyond the river, and
of David, and shaved off the one half of
brought over their army: and Sobach,
their beards, and cut away half of their
the captain of the host of Adarezer, was
garments even to the buttocks, and sent their general.
them away. 17 And when this was told David, he
5 When this was told David, he sent to
gathered all Israel together, and passed
meet them: for the men were sadly put over the Jordan, and came to Helam:
to confusion, and David commanded and the Syrians set themselves in array
them, saying: Stay at Jericho, till your against David, and fought against him.
beards be grown, and then return. 18 And the Syrians fled before Israel,
6 And the children of Ammon seeing and David slew of the Syrians the men of
that they had done an injury to David, seven hundred chariots, and forty thou
sent and hired the Syrians of Rohob, and sand horsemen: and smote Sobach the
the Syrians of Soba, twenty thousand
captain of the army, who presently died.
footmen, and of the king of Maacha a 19 And all the kings that were auxiliar
thousand men, and of Istob twelve thou ies of Adarezer, seeing themselves over
sand, men. come by were afraid and fled
7 And when David heard this, he sent away, eight and thousand men be
Joab and the whole army of warriors. fore Israel. And they made peace with
8 And the children of Ammon came Israel: and served them, and all the
out, and set their men in array at the Syrians were afraid to help the children
entering in of the gate: but the Syrians of Ammon any more.
of Soba, and of Rohob, and of Istob, and
of Maacha were by themselves in the CHAPTER 11
field. David falleth into the crime of adultery with Beth-
sabee; and not finding other means to conceal it,
9 Then Joab seeing that the battle was cauHcth her husband Urias to be slain. Then
prepared against him, both before and marrieth her, who beareth him a son.
behind, chose of all the choice men of
m it came
to pass at the return of
Israel, and put them in array against the AtfD
the year, at the time when kings
Syrians : go forth to war, that David sent Joab
10 And the rest of the people he de and his servants with him, and all Israel,
livered to Abisai his brother, who set and they spoiled the children of Ammon,
them in array against the children of and besieged Rabba: but David re
Ammon. mained in Jerusalem.
11 And Joab said: If the Syrians are 2 In the mean time it happened that
too strong for me, then thou shalt help David arose from his bed after noon, and
me: but if the children of Ammon are walked upon the roof of the king s house:
k 1 Par, 19, 2, m I Par. 20, I.

David s crhne 2 KINGS
and he saw from the roof of his house 15 Writing in the letter: Set ye Urias
a woman washing herself, over against in the front of the battle, where the fight
him: and the woman was very beautiful. is strongest: and leave ye him, that he
3 And the king sent, and inquired who may be wounded and die.

the woman was. And it was told him, 16 Wherefore as Joab was besieging
that she was Bethsabee the daughter of the city, he put Urias in the place where
Eliam, the wife of Urias the Hethite. he knew the bravest men were.
4 And Davidsent messengers, and took 17 And the men coming out of the city,
her,and she came in to him, and he slept fought against Joab, and there fell some
with her: and presently she was puri of the people of the servants of David,
fied from her uncleanness: and Urias the Hethite was killed also.
5 And she returned to her house having 18 Then Joab sent, and told David all
conceived. And she sent and told David, things concerning the battle.
and said: I have conceived. 19 And he charged the messenger, say
6 And David sent to Joab, saying: Send ing: When thou hast told all the words
me Urias the Hethite. And Joab sent of the battle to the king,
Urias to David. 20 If thou see him to be angry, and he
7 And Urias came to David. And David shall say: Why did you approach so near
asked how Joab did, and the people, and to the wall to fight? knew you not that
how the war was carried on. many darts are thrown from above off
8 And David said to Urias: Go into thy the wall?
house, and wash thy feet. And Urias 21 Who killed Abimelech the son of Je-
went out from the king s house, and robaal ? P did not a woman cast a piece
there went out after him a mess of meat of a millstone upon him from the wall,
from the king. and slew him in Thebes? Why did you
9 But Urias slept before the gate of the go near the wall? Thou shalt say:
king s house, with the other servants of Thy servant Urias the Hethite is also
his lord and went not down to his own slain.
house. 22 So the messenger departed, and came
10 And was told David by some that
it and told David all that Joab had com
said: Urias went not to his house. And manded him.
David said to Urias: Didst thou not come 23 And the messenger said to David:
from thy journey-? why didst thou not The men prevailed against us, and they
go down to thy house ? came out to us into the field: and we
11 And Urias said to David: The ark of vigorously charged and pursued them
God and Israel and Juda dwell in tents, even to the gate of the city.
and my lord Joab and the servants of 24 And the archers shot their arrows
my lord abide upon the face of the earth: at thy servants from off the wall above:
and shall I go into my house, to eat and and some of the king s servants are
to drink, and to sleep with my wife ? By slain, and thy servant Urias the Hethite
thy welfare and by the welfare of thy is also dead.
soul will not do this thing.
I 25 And David said to the messenger:
12 Then David said to Urias: Tarry Thus shalt thou say to Joab: Let not this
here to day, and to morrow I will send thing discourage thee: for various is the
thee away. Urias tarried in Jerusalem event of war: and sometimes one, some
that day and the next. times another is consumed by the sword:
13 And David called him to eat and to encourage thy warriors against the city,
drink before him, and he made him and exhort them that thou mayest over
drunk: and he went out in the evening, throw it.
and slept on his couch with the servants 26 And the wife of Urias heard that
of his lord, and went not down into his Urias her husband was dead, and she
house. mourned for him.
14 And when the morning was come, 27 And the mourning being over, David
David wrote a letter to Joab: and sent it sent and brought her into his house, and
by the hand of Urias, she became his wife, and she bore him a
o Lev. 15. 18. p Judges 9. 53.

Nathan s parable 2 KINGS Tlie death of David s child

son: and this thing which David had despised me, and hast taken the wife of
done, was displeasing to the Lord. Urias the Hethite to be thy wife.
11 Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will
raise up evil against thee out of thy own
Nathan s parable. David confesseth his sin, and is
forgiven: yet so as to be sentenced to most severe house, and I will take thy wives before
thy eyes and give them to thy neigh
temporal punishments. The death of the child.
The birth of Solomon. The taking of Rabbath. bour, and he shall lie with thy wives in
the Lord sent Nathan to David: the sight of this sun.
and when he was come to him, he 12 For thou didst it secretly: but I will
said to him: There were two men in one do this thing in the sight of all Israel,
city, the one rich, and the other poor. and in the sight of the sun.
2 The rich man had exceeding many 13 And David said to Nathan: I have
sheep and oxen. sinned against the Lord. And Nathan
3 But the poor man had nothing at all said to David: * The Lord also hath taken
but one little ewe lamb, which he had away thy sin: thou shalt not die.
bought and nourished up, and which had 14 Nevertheless, because thou hast given
grown up in his house together with his occasion to the enemies of the Lord to
children, eating of his bread, and drink blaspheme, for this thing, the child that
ing of his cup, and sleeping in his bosom: is born to thee, shall surely die.
and it was unto him as a daughter. 15 And Nathan returned to his house.
4 And when a certain stranger was The Lord also struck the child which the
come to the rich man, he spared to take wife of Urias had borne to David, and
of his own sheep and oxen, to make a his life was despaired of.
feast for that stranger, who was come to 16 And David besought the Lord for the
him, but took the poor man s ewe, and child: and David kept a fast, and going
dressed it for the man that was come to in by himself lay upon the ground.
him. 17 And the ancients of his house came,
5 And David s anger being exceedingly to make him rise from the ground: but
kindled against that man, he said to Na he would not, neither did he eat meat
than: As the Lord liveth, the man that with them.
hath done this is a child of death, 18 And it came to pass on the seventh
6 r He shall restore the ewe fourfold, day that the child died: and the servants
because he did this thing, and had no of David feared to tell him, that the child
pity. was dead. For they said: Behold when
7 And Nathan said to David: Thou art the child was yet aiive, we spoke to him,
the man. Thus saith the Lord the God and he would not hearken to our voice:
of Israel: I anointed thee king over Is how much more will he afflict himself if
rael, and I delivered thee from the hand we tell him that the child is dead?
of Saul, 19 But when David saw his servants
8 And gave thee thy master s house whispering, he understood that the child
and thy master s wives into thy bosom, was dead: and he said to his servants:
and gave thee the house of Israel and Is the child dead? They answered him:
Juda: and if these things be little, I shall He is dead.
add far greater things unto thee. 20 Then David arose from the ground,
9 Why therefore hast thou despised the and washed and anointed himself: and
word of the Lord, to do evil in my sight? when he had changed his apparel, he
Thou hast killed Urias the Hethite with went into the house of the Lord: and
the sword, and hast taken his wife to be worshipped, and then he came into his
thy wife, and hast slain him with the own house, and he called for bread, and
sword of the children of Ammon. ate.
10 Therefore the sword shall never de 21 And his servants said to him: What
thing is this that thou hast done? thou
part from thy house, because thou hast
s Infra 16. 21. t Eccli. 47. 13.
r Ex. 22. 1.

CHAP. 12. Ver. 11. / will raise. &c. All these much as they were sins, on the part of Absalom and
evils, inasmuch as they were punishments,
came his associates, God was not the author of them, but

upon David by a just judgment of God, for his sin, only permitted them.
and therefore God says, / will raise, &c. but inas-

The birth of Solomon 2 KINGS Amnon feigns sickness
didst fast child, while
and weep for the it AND it came to pass after this, that
was but when the child was dead,
alive, _L\ Amnon the son of David loved the
thou didst rise up, and eat bread. sister of Absalom the son of David, who
22 And he said: While the child was was very beautiful, and her name was
yet alive, I fasted and wept for him: for Thamar.
I said: Who knoweth whether the Lord 2 And he was exceedingly fond of her,
may not give him to me, and the child so that he fell sick for the love of her:
may live? for as she was a virgin, he thought it
23 But now that he is dead, why should hard to do any thing dishonestly with
I Shall I be able to bring him back
fast ? her.
any more? I shall go to him rather: but 3 Now Amnon had a friend, named
he shall not return to me. Jonadab the son of Semmaa the brother
24 And David comforted Bethsabee his of David, a very wise man:
wife, and went in unto her, and slept 4 And he said to him: Why dost thou
with her: and she bore a son, and he grow so lean from day to day, son of
called his name Solomon, and the Lord the king? why dost thou not tell me the
loved him. reason of it? And Amnon said to him:
25 And he sent by the hand of Nathan I am in love with Thamar the sister of
the prophet, and called his name, Ami my brother Absalom.
able to the Lord, because the Lord loved 5 And Jonadab said to him: Lie down
him. upon thy bed, and feign thyself sick: and
26 v
And Joab fought against Rabbath when thy father shall come to visit thee,
of the children of Ammon, and laid close say to him: Let my sister Thamar, I pray
siege to the royal city. thee, come to me, to give me to eat, and
27 And Joab sent messengers to David, to make me a mess, that I may eat it at
saying: I have fought against Rabbath, her hand.
and the city of waters is about to be 6 So Amnon lay down, and made as if
taken. he were sick: and when the king came
28 Now therefore gather thou the rest to visit him, Amnon said to the king: I
of the people together, and besiege the pray thee let my sister Thamar come,
city and take it: lest when the city shall and make in my sight two little messes,
be wasted by me, the victory be ascribed that I may eat at her hand.
to my name. 7 Then David sent home to Thamar,
29 Then David gathered all the people saying: Come to the house of thy brother
together, and went out against Rabbath: Amnon, and make him a mess.
and after fighting, he took it. 8 And Thamar came to the house of
30 And he took the crown of their king Amnon her brother: but he was laid
from his head, the weight of which was down: and she took meal and tempered
a talent of gold, set with most precious it: and dissolving it in his sight she made

stones, and it was put upon David s head, littlemesses.

and the spoils of the city which were 9 And
taking what she had boiled, she
very great he carried away. poured it out, and set it before him, but
31 And bringing forth the people thereof he would not eat: and Amnon said: Put
he sawed them, and drove over them char out all persons from me. And when they
iots armed with iron: and divided them had put all persons out,
with knives, and made them pass through 10 Amnon said to Thamar: Bring the
brickkilns: so did he to all the cities of mess into the chamber, that I may eat at
the children of Ammon: and David re thy hand. And Thamar took the little
turned, with all the army to Jerusalem. messes which she had made, and brought
CHAPTER 13 them in to her brother Amnon in the
Amnon ravisheth Thamar. For which Absalom kill-
eth him, and flieth to Gessur. 11 And when she had presented him the
v 1 Par. 20. 1.

Ver. 25. Amiable to the Lord. Or, beloved of the CHAP. 13. Ver. 3. A very wise man. That is, a
Lord. In Hebrew, Jedidiah. crafty and subtle man for the counsel he gave on

Ver. 27. The city of waters. Rabbath the royal this occasion shews that his wisdom was but carnal
city of the Ammonites, was called the city of waters, and worldly.
from being encompassed with waters.

Amnon s crime 2 KINGS Amnon is killed by Absalom
meat, he took hold of her, and said: Come 24 And he came to the king, and said
lie with me, my sister. to him: Behold thy servant s sheep are
12 She answered him: Do not so, my shorn. Let the king, I pray, with his
brother, do not force me: for no such servants come to his servant.
thing must be done in Israel. Do not 25 And the king said to Absalom: Nay,
thou this folly. my son, do not ask that we should all
13 For I shall not be able to bear my come, and be chargeable to thee. And
shame, and thou shalt be as one of the when he pressed him, and he would not
fools in Israel: but rather speak to the go, he blessed him.
king, and he will not deny me to thee. 26 And Absalom said: If thou wilt not
14 But he would not hearken to her come, at least let my brother Amnon, I
prayers, but being stronger overpowered beseech thee, come with us. And the
her and lay with her. king said to him: It is not necessary that
15 Then Amnon hated her with an ex he should go with thee.
27 But Absalom pressed him, so that he
ceeding great hatred: so that the hatred
wherewith he hated her was greater than let Amnon and all the king s sons go
the love with which he had loved her with him. And Absalom made a feast as
it were the feast of a king.
before. And Amnon said to her: Arise,
and get thee gone. 28 And Absalom had commanded his ser
16 She answered him: This evil which vants, saying: Take notice when Amnon
dost against me, in driving me shall be drunk with wine, and when I
now thou
shall say to you: Strike him, and kill
away, is greater than that which thou
didst before. And he would not hearken him, fear not: for it is I that command
to her: you: take courage, and be valiant men.
17 But calling the servants that minis 29 And the servants of Absalom did to
tered to him, he said: Thrust this woman Amnon as Absalom had commanded them.
out from me: and shut the door after And all the king s sons arose and got up
her. every man upon his mule, and fled.
18 And she was clothed with a long 30 And while they were yet in the way,
robe: for the king s daughters that were a rumour came to David, saying: Absa
virgins, used such kind of garments.
lom hath slain all the king s sons, and
Then his servant thrust her out: and there is not one of them left.
shut the door after her. 31 Then the king rose up, and rent his
19 And she put ashes on her head, and garments: and fell upon the ground, and
rent her long robe and laid her hands all his servants, that stood about him,
upon her head, and went on crying. rent their garments.
20 And Absalom her brother said to her: 32 But Jonadab the son of Semmaa Da
Hath thy brother Amnon lain with thee? vid s brother answering, said: Let not
but now, sister, hold thy peace, he is thy my lord the king think that all the king s
brother: and afflict not thy heart for this sons are slain: Amnon only is dead, for
thing. So Thamar remained pining away he was appointed by the mouth of
in the house of Absalom her brother. Absalom from the day that he ravished
21 And when king David heard of these his sister Thamar.
things he was exceedingly grieved: and 33 Now therefore let not my lord the
he would not afflict the spirit of his son king take this thing into his heart, say
Amnon, for he loved him, because he ing: All the king s sons are slain: for
was his firstborn. Amnon only is dead.
22 But Absalom spoke not to Amnon 34 But fled away: and the
neither good nor evil: for Absalom hated young man that kept the watch, lifted up
Amnon because he had ravished his sis his eyes and looked, and behold there
ter Thamar. came much people by a by-way on the
23 And it came to pass after two years, side of the mountain.
that the sheep of Absalom were shorn in 35 And Jonadab said to the king: Be
hold the king s sons are come: as thy
Baalhasor, which is near Ephraim: and
Absalom invited all the king s sons: servant said, so it is.

The woman of Thecua 2 KINGS She pleads for Absalom
36 And when he made an end of speak 9 And the woman of Thecua said to the
ing, the king s sons also appeared: and king: Upon me, my lord be the iniquity,
coming in they lifted up their voice, and and upon the house of my father: but
wept: and the king also and all his ser may the king and his throne be guiltless.
vants wept very much. 10 And the king said: If any one shall
37 But Absalom fled, and went to Tholo- say ought against thee, bring him to me,
mai the son of Ammiud the king of Ges- and he shall not touch thee any more.
sur. And David mourned for his son 11 And she said: Let the king remember
every day. the Lord his God, that the next of kin be
38 And Absalom after he was fled, and not multiplied to take revenge, and that
come into Gessur, was there three
years. they may not kill my son. And he said:
And king David ceased to pursue after As the Lord liveth, there shall not one
Absalom, because he was comforted con hair of thy son fall to the earth.
cerning the death of Amnon. 12 Then the woman said: Let thy hand
maid speak one word to my lord the
CHAPTER 14 king. And he said: Speak.
Joab frocureth Absalom s return, and his admit 13 And the woman said: Why hast thou
tance to the king s presence.
thought such a thing against the people
Joab the son of Sarvia, under of God, and why hath the king spoken
AIDstanding that the king s heart was this word, to sin, and not bring home
turned to Absalom, again his own exile?
2 Sent to Thecua, and fetched from 14 We all die, and like waters that re
thence a wise woman: and said to her: turn no more, we fall down into the
Feign thyself to be a mourner, and put earth: e neither will God have a soul to
on mourning apparel, and be not anointed perish, but recalleth, meaning that he
with oil, that thou mayest be as a woman that is cast off should not altogether
that had a long time been mourning for perish.
one dead. 15 Now therefore I am come, to speak
3 And thou shalt go in to the king, and this word to my lord the king before the
shalt speak to him in this manner. And people. And thy handmaid said: I will
Joab put the words in her mouth. speak to the king, it may be the king will
4 And when the woman of Thecua was perform the request of his handmaid.
come in to the king, she fell before him 16 And the king hath hearkened to me
upon the ground, and worshipped, and to deliver his handmaid out of the hand
said: Save me, O king. of all that would destroy me and my son
5 And the king said to her: What is the together out of the inheritance of God.
matter with thee? She answered: Alas, 17 Then let thy handmaid say, that the
I am a widow woman: for my husband word of the Lord the king be made as a
is dead. sacrifice. a For even as an angel of God,
6 And thy handmaid had two sons: and so is my lord the king, that he is neither
they quarrelled with each other in the moved with blessing nor cursing: where
field, and there was none to part them: fore the Lord thy God is also with thee.
and the one struck the other, and slew 18 And the king answering, said to the
him. woman: Hide not from me the thing
7 And behold the whole kindred rising that I ask thee. And the woman said to
against thy handmaid, saith: Deliver him him: Speak, my lord the king.
that hath slain his brother, that we may 19 And the king said; Is not the hand
kill him for the life of his brother, whom of Joab with thee in all this ? The woman
he slew, and that we may destroy the answered, and said: By the health of thy
heir: and they seek to quench my spark soul, my lord, O king, it is neither on the
which is left, and will leave my husband left hand, nor on the right, in all these
no name, nor remainder upon the earth. things which my lord the king hath
8 And the king said to the woman: Go spoken: for thy servant Joab, he com
to thy house, and I will give charge con manded me, and he put all these words
cerning thee. into the mouth of thy handmaid.

* Ezech. 18. 32, and 33. 11. a 1. Kings 29. 9.

Absalom s return 2 KINGS Absalom s policy
20 That I should come about with this 32 And Absalom answered Joab: I sent
form of speech, thy servant Joab com to thee beseeching thee to come to me,
manded this: but thou, my lord, O king-, that I might send thee to the king, to say
art wise, according to the wisdom of an to him: Wherefore am I come from
angel of God, to understand all things Gessur? it had been better for me to be
upon earth. there: I beseech thee therefore that I
21 And the king said to Joab: Behold I may see the face of the king: and if he
am appeased and have granted thy re be mindful of my iniquity, let him kill
quest: Go therefore and fetch back the me.
boy Absalom. 33 Sto Joab going in to the king, told
22 And Joab falling down to the ground him all: and Absalom was called for, and
upon his face, adored, and blessed the he went in to the king: and prostrated
king: and Joab said: This day thy servant himself on the ground before him: and
hath understood, that I have found grace the king kissed Absalom.
in thy sight, my lord, O king: for thou
hast fulfilled the request of thy servant. CHAPTER 15
23 Then Joab arose and went to Gessur, Absalom s policy and conspiracy. David is obliged
and brought Absalom to Jerusalem. to flee.

24 But the king said Let him return into

: after
these things Absalom
his house, and let him not see my face.
So Absalom returned into his house, and
made himself chariots, and horse
men, fifty men to run before him.
saw not the king s face. 2 And Absalom rising up early stood by
25 But in all Israel there was not a the entrance of the gate, and when any
man so comely, and so exceedingly beau man had business to come to the king s
tiful as Absalom: from the sole of the judgment, Absalom called him to him,
foot to the crown of his head there was and said: Of what city art thou? He an
no blemish in him. swered, and said: Thy servant is of such
26 And when he polled his hair (now he a tribe of Israel.
was polled once a year, because his hair 3 And Absalom answered him: Thy
was burdensome to him) he weighed the words seem to me good and just. But
hair of his head at two hundred sides, there is man appointed by the king
according to the common weight. to hear thee. And Absalom said:
27 And there were born to Absalom 4 O that they would make me judge
three sons: and one daughter, whose over the land, that all that have business
name was Thamar, and she was very might come to me, that I might do them
beautiful. justice.
28 And Absalom dwelt two years in 5 Moreover when any man came to him
Jerusalem, and saw not the king s face. to salute him, he put forth his hand, and
29 He sent therefore to Joab, to send took him, and kissed him.
him to the king: but he would not come 6 And this he did to all Israel that
to him. And when he had sent the came for judgment, to be heard by the
second time, and he would not come to king, and he enticed the hearts of the
him, men of Israel.
30 He said to his servants: You know 7 And
after forty years, Absalom said
the field of Joab near my field, that hath to king David: Let me go, and pay my
a crop of barley: go now and set it on vows which I have vowed to the Lord in
fire. So the servants of Absalom set the Hebron.
corn on fire. And Joab s servants com 8 For thy servant made a vow, when he
ing with their garments rent, said: The was in Gessur of Syria, saying: If the
servants of Absalom have set part of the Lord shall bring me again into Jerusalem,
field on fire. I will offer sacrifice to the Lord.
31 Then Joab arose, and came to Absa 9 And king David said to him: Go in
lom to his house, and said: Why have peace. And he arose, and went to He
thy servants set my corn on fire ? bron.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 22. Blessed. That i^ and gave thanks to the king.

David flees from Jerusalem 2 KINGS The ark is returned to Jerusalem

10 And Absalom sent spies into all the 21 And Ethai answered the king, say
tribes of Israel, saying: As soon as you ing: As
the Lord liveth, and as my lord
shall hear the sound of the trumpet, say the king liveth: in what place soever
ye: Absalom reigneth in Hebron.
thou shalt be, my lord, king, either in
11 Now there went with Absalom two death, or in life, there will thy servant
hundred men out of Jerusalem that were be.
called, going with simplicity of heart, 22 And David said to Ethai: Come, and
and knowing nothing of the design. pass over. And Ethai the Gethite passed,
12 Absalom also sent for Achitophel the and all the men that were with him, and
Gilonite, David s counsellor, from his city the rest of the people.
Gilo. And while he was offering sacri 23 And they all wept with a loud voice,
fices, there was a strong conspiracy, and and all the people passed over: the king
the people running together increased also himself went over the brook Cedron,
with Absalom. and all the people marched towards the
13 And there came a messenger to way that looketh to the desert.
David, saying: All Israel with their 24 And Sadoc the priest also came, and
whole heart followeth Absalom. all the Levites with him carrying the ark
14 And David said to his servants, that of the covenant of God, and they set
were with him in Jerusalem: Arise and down the ark of God: and Abiathar
let us flee: for we shall not escape else went up, till all the people that was come
from the face of Absalom: make haste out of the city had done passing.
to go out, lest he come and overtake us, 25 And the king said to Sadoc: Carry
and bring ruin upon us, and smite the back the ark of God into the city: if I
city with the edge of the sword. shall find grace in the sight of the Lord,
15 And the king s servants said to him: he will bring me again, and he will shew
Whatsoever our lord the king shall com me it, and his tabernacle.
mand, we thy servants will willingly 26 But if he shall say to me: Thou
execute. pleasest me not: I am ready, let him do
16 And the king went forth, and all his that which is good before him.
household on foot: and the king left 27 And the king said to Sadoc the
ten women his concubines to keep the priest: seer, return into the city in
house: peace: and let Achimaas thy son, and
17 And the king going forth and all Jonathan the son of Abiathar, your two
Israel on foot, stood afar off from the sons, be with you.
house: 28 Behold I will lie hid in the plains of
18 And all his servants walked by him, the wilderness, till there come word from
and the bands of the Cerethi, and the you to certify me.
Phelethi, and all the Gethites, valiant 29 So Sadoc and Abiathar carried back
warriors, six hundred men who had fol the ark of God into Jerusalem: and they
lowed him from Geth on foot, went be tarried there.
fore the king. 30 But David went up by the ascent of
19 And the king said to Ethai the Geth- mount Olivet, going up and weeping,
ite: Why comest thou with us? return walking barefoot, and with his head cov
and dwell with the king, for thou art a ered, and all the people that were with
stranger, and art come out of thy own them, went up with their heads covered
place. weeping.
20 Yesterday thou earnest, and to day 31 And it was told David that Achito
shalt thou be forced to go forth with us ? phel also was in the conspiracy with
but I shall go whither I am going: return Absalom, and David said: Infatuate,
thou, and take back thy brethren with Lord, I beseech thee, the counsel of
thee, and the Lord will shew thee mercy, Achitophel.
and truth, because thou hast shewn grace 32 And when David was come to the
and fidelity. top of the mountain, where he was about to

CHAP. 15. Ver. 16. Concubines. That is, wives wept for his sins, which he knew were the cause of
of an inferior degree. all his Bufferings.
Ver. 30. Weeping, &c. David on this occasion

Siba brings provisions to David 2 KINGS Semei curses David
adore the Lord, behold Chusai the Ara- thence a man
of the kindred of the house
chite,came to meet him with his gar of Saul named Semei, the sonof Gera,
ment rent and his head covered with and coming out he cursed as he went
earth. on,
33 And David said to him: If thou come 6 And he threw
stones at David, and at
with me, thou wilt be a burden to me: allthe servants of king David: and all
34 But if thou return into the city, and the people, and all the warriors walked
wilt say to Absalom: I am thy servant, on the right, and on the left side of the
O king: as I have been thy father s ser king.
vant, so I will be thy servant: thou shalt 7 And thus said Semei when he cursed
defeat the counsel of Achitophel. the king: Come out, come out, thou man
35 And thou hast with thee Sadoc, and of blood, and thou man of Belial.
Abiathar the priests: and what thing 8 The Lord hath repaid thee for all the
soever thou shalt hear out of the king s blood of the house of Saul: because thou
house, thou shalt tell it to Sadoc and hast usurped the kingdom in his stead,
Abiathar the priests. and the Lord hath given the kingdom
36 And there are with them their two into the hand of Absalom thy son: and
sons Achimaas the son of Sadoc, and behold thy evils press upon thee, because
Jonathan the son of Abiathar: and you thou art a man of blood.
shall send by them to me every thing 9 And Abisai the son of Sarvia said to
that you shall hear. the king: Why should this dead dog
37 Then Chusai the friend of David curse my lord the king? I will go, and
went into the city, and Absalom came cut off his head.
into Jerusalem. 10 And the king said: What have I to
do with you, ye sons of Sarvia ? Let him
CHAPTER 16 alone and let him curse: for the Lord
Siba bringeth provisions to David. Semei curseth hath bid him curse David: and who is he
him. Absalom defileth his father s wives. that shall dare say, why hath he done so?
when David was a
little past the 11 And the king said to Abisai, and to
A"JD of the behold Siba the ser
hill, all his servants: Behold my son, who
vant of Miphiboseth came to meet him came forth from my bowels, seeketh my
with two asses, laden with two hundred life: how much more now a son of
loaves of bread, and a hundred bunches Jemini ? let him alone that he may curse
of raisins, a hundred cakes of figs, and a as the Lord hath bidden him.
vessel of wine. 12 Perhaps the Lord may look upon my
2 And the king said to Siba: What mean affliction, and the Lord may render me
these things? And Siba answered: The good for the cursing of this day.
asses are for the king s household to sit 13 And David and his men with him
on: and the loaves and the figs for thy went by the way. And Semei by the
servants to eat, and the wine to drink if hill s side went over against him, cursing,

any man be faint in the desert. and casting stones at him, and scattering
3 And the king said: Where is thy mas earth.
ter s son? And Siba answered the king: 14 And the king and all the people with
He remained in Jerusalem, saying: To him came weary, and refreshed them
day will the house of Israel restore me selves there.
the kingdom of my father. 15 But Absalom and all his people came
4 And the king said to Siba I give thee
: into Jerusalem, and Achitophel was with
all that belonged to Miphiboseth. And him.
Siba said: I beseech thee let me find 16 And when Chusai the Arachite,
grace before thee, my lord, king. David was come
s friend, to Absalom, he
5 And king David came as far as Bahu- said to him: God save thee, O king, God
rim: and behold there came out from save thee, king.
/ Infra 19. 27. g 3 Kings 2. 8.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 10 and 11. Hath bid him curse. suffering his malicious disposition to break out on
Not that the Lord was the author of Semei s sin, this occasion, he made use of him as his instrument
which proceeded purely from his own malice, and to punish David for his sins.
the abuse of his free will. But that knowing, and

Achitophel s counsel 2 KINGS The counsel of Chusai

17 And Absalom said to him: Is this do it or not? what counsel dost thou
thy kindness to thy friend? Why went- give?
est thou not with thy friend ? 7 And Chusai said to Absalom: The
18 And Chusai answered Absalom: counsel that Achitophel hath given this
Nay: for I will be his, whom the Lord time is not good.
hath chosen, and all this people, and all 8 And again Chusai said: Thou know-
Israel, and with him will I abide. est thy father, and the men that are with
19 Besides this, whom shall I serve ? is him, that they are very valiant, and
it not the king s son? as I have served bitter in their mind, as a bear raging in
thy father, so will I serve thee also. the wood when her whelps are taken
20 And Absalom said to Achitophel: away: and thy father is a warrior, and
Consult what we are to do. will not lodge with the people.
21 And Achitophel said to Absalom: 9 Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or
Go in to the concubines of thy father, in some other place where he list: and
whom he hath left to keep the house: when any one shall fall at the first, every
that when all Israel shall hear that thou one that heareth it shall say: There is a
hast disgraced thy father, their hands slaughter among the people that followed
may be strengthened with thee. Absalom.
22 h So they spread a tent for Absalom 10 And the most valiant man whose
on the top of the house, and he went in heart is as the heart of a lion, shall melt
to his father s concubines before all for fear: for all the people of Israel
Israel. know thy father to be a valiant man, and
23 Now the counsel of Achitophel, that all who are with him are valiant.
which he gave in those days, was as if a 11 But this seemeth to me to be good
man should consult God: so was all the counsel: Let all Israel be gathered to
counsel of Achitophel, both when he was thee, from Dan to Bersabee, as the sand
with David, and when he was with Absa of the sea which cannot be numbered:
lom. and thou shalt be in the midst of them.
CHAPTER 17 12 And we shall come upon him in what
Achitophel s counsel is defeated by Chusai: who place soever he shall be found: and we
sendeth intelligence to David. Achitophel shall cover him, as the dew falleth upon
eth himself. the ground, and we shall not leave of
AND Achitophel said to Absalom: I the men that are with him, not so much
_T\_ willchoose me twelve thousand as one.
men. and I will arise and pursue after 13 And if he shall enter into any city,
David this night. all Israel shall cast ropes round about
2 And coming upon him (for he is now that city, and we will draw it into the
weary, and weak handed) I will defeat river, so that there shall not be found
him: and when all the people is put to so much as one small stone thereof.
flight that is with him, I will kill the king 14 And Absalom, and all the men of
who will be left alone. Israel said: The counsel of Chusai the
3 And I will bring backall the people, Arachite is better than the counsel of
as if they were but one man: for thou Achitophel: and by the will of the Lord
seekest but one man: and all the people the profitable counsel of Achitophel was
shall be in peace. defeated, that the Lord might bring evil
4 And his saying pleased Absalom, and upon Absalom.
all the ancients of Israel. 15 And Chusai said to Sadoc and Abi-
5 But Absalom said: Call Chusai the athar the priests: Thus and thus did
Arachite, and let us hear what he also Achitophel counsel Absalom, and the
saith. ancients of Israel: and thus and thus did
6 And when Chusai was come to Absa I counsel them.
lom, Absalom said to him: Achitophel 16 Now therefore send quickly, and tell
hath spoken after this manner: shall we David, saying: Tarry not this night in
h Supra 12. 11.

Ver. 21. Their handsmay be strengthened, &c. him with some fear of being left in the lurch, till
The people might apprehend lest Absalom should be they saw such a crime committed as seemed to make
reconciled to his father, and therefore they followed a reconciliation impossible.

David learns the plans of Absalom 2 KINGS David prepares far battle
the plains of the wilderness, but without
27 And when David was come to the
delay pass over: lest the king be swallow camp, Sobi the son of Naas of Rabbath of
ed up, and all the people that is with him. the children of Ammon, and Machir the
17 And Jonathan and Achimaas son of Ammihel of Lodabar, and Berzellai
by the fountain Rogel: and there went the Galaadite of Rogelim,
a maid and told them: and they went 28 Brought him beds, and tapestry, and
forward, to carry the message to king earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley,
David, for they might not be seen, nor and meal, and parched corn, and
enter into the city. beans,
and lentils, and fried pulse,
18 But a certain boy saw them, and told 29 And honey, and butter, and
Absalom: but they making haste went sheep, and
fat calves, and they gave to David and
into the house of a certain man in Bahu-
the people that were with him, to eat:
rim, who had a well in his court, and for they suspected that the
they went down into it. people were
faint with hunger and thirst in the wil
19 And a woman took, and spread a
covering over the mouth of the well, as
itwere to dry sodden barley: and so the CHAPTER 18
Absalom is and slain by Joab. David
thing was not known. defeated,
mourneth for him.
20 And when Absalom s servants were
come into the house, they said to the David having reviewed his peo
woman: Where Achimaas and Jona
is AMD appointed over them captains
than? and the woman answered them: of thousands and of hundreds,
They passed on in haste, after they had 2 And sent forth a third part of the peo
tasted a little water. But they that ple under the hand of Joab, and a third
sought them, when they found them not, part under the hand of Abisai the son of
returned into Jerusalem. Sarvia Joab s brother, and a third part
21 And when they were gone, they came under the hand of Ethai, who was of
up out of the well, and going on told king Geth: and the king said to the people:
David, and said: Arise, and pass quickly I also will go forth with you.
over the river: for this manner of counsel 3 And the people answered: Thou shalt
has Achitophel given against you. not go forth: for if we flee away, they
22 So David arose, and all the people will not much mind us: or if half of us
that were with him, and they passed over should fall, they will not greatly care:
the Jordan, until it grew light, and not for thou alone art accounted for ten
one of them was left that was not gone thousand: it is better therefore that thou
over the river. shouldst be in the city to succour us.
23 But Achitophel seeing that his coun 4 And the king said to them: What
sel was not followed, saddled his ass, and seemeth good to you, that will I do. And
arose and went home to his house and to the king stood by the gate: and all the
his city, and putting his house in order, people went forth by their troops, by
hanged himself, and was buried in the hundreds and by thousands.
sepulchre of his father. 5 And the king commanded Joab, and
24 But David came to the camp, and Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the
Absalom passed over the Jordan, he and boy Absalom. And all the people heard
all the men of Israel with him. the king giving charge to all the princes
25 Now Absalom appointed Amasa in concerning Absalom.
Joab s stead over the army: and Amasa 6 So the people went out into the field
was the son of a man who was called against Israel, and the battle was fought
Jethra of Jezrael, who went in to Abigail in the forest of Ephraim.
the daughter of Naas, the sister of Sarvia 7 And the people of Israel were defeated
who was the mother of Joab. there by David s army, and a great
26 And Israel camped with Absalom in slaughter was made that day of twenty
the land of Galaad. thousand men.

CHAP. 17. Ver. 24. To the camp. The city of appears from its having been chosen by Isboeetb for
Mahanaim, the name of which, in Hebrew, signifies the place of his residence.
The camp. It was a city of note at that time, as

Absalom is defeated and slain 2 KINGS The messengers
8 And the battle there was scattered I will run and tell the king, that the Lord
over the face of all the country, and hath done judgment for him from the
there were many more of the people hand of his enemies.
whom the forest consumed, than whom 20 And Joab said to him. Thou shalt
the sword devoured that day. not be the messenger this day, but shalt
9 And it happened that Absalom met bear tidings another day this day I will

the servants of David, riding on a mule: not have thee bear tidings, because the
and as the mule went under a thick and king s son is dead.
large oak, his head stuck in the oak: and 21 And Joab said to Chusai: Go, and
while he hung between the heaven and tell the king what thou hast seen.
the earth, the mule on which he rode Chusai bowed down to Joab, and ran.
passed on. 22 Then Achimaas the son of Sadoc said
10 And one saw this and told Joab, say to Joab again Why might not I also run

ing I saw Absalom hanging upon an oak.

: after Chusai? And Joab said to him:
11 And Joab said to the man that told Why wilt thou run, my son? thou wilt
him: If thou sawest him, why didst thou not be the bearer of good tidings.
not stab him to the ground, and I would 23 He answered: But what if I run?
have given thee ten sides of silver, and And he said to him: Run. Then Achim
a belt? aas running by a nearer way passed
12 And he said to Joab If thou wouldst
: Chusai.
have paid down in my hands a thousand 24 And David sat between the two
pieces of silver, I would not lay my hands gates: and the watchman that was on
upon the king s son: for in our hearing the top of the gate upon the wall, lifting
the king charged thee, and Abisai, and up his eyes, saw a man running alone.
Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom. 25 And crying out he told the king: and
18 Yea and if I should have acted boldly the king said: If he be alone, there are
against my own life, this could not have good tidings in his mouth. And as he
been hid from the king, and wouldst thou was coming apace, and drawing nearer,
have stood by me? 26 The watchman saw another man run
14 And Joab said Not as thou wilt, but
: ning, and crying aloud from above, he
I will set upon him in thy sight. So he said I see another man running alone.

took three lances in his hand, and thrust And the king said: He also is a good
them into the heart of Absalom: and messenger.
whilst he yet panted for life, sticking on 27 And the watchman said: The run
the oak, ning of the foremost seemeth to me like
15 Ten young men, armourbearers of the running of Achimaas the son of
Joab, ran up, and striking him slew him. Sadoc. And the king said: He is a good
16 And Joab sounded the trumpet, and man: and cometh with good news.
kept back the people from pursuing after 28 An Achimaas crying out, said to the
Israel in their flight, being willing to king: God save thee, king. And fall
spare the multitude. ing down before the king with his face
17 And they took Absalom, and cast to the ground, he said: Blessed be the
him into a great pit in the forest, and Lord thy God, who hath shut up the men
they laid an exceeding great heap of that have lifted up their hands against
stones upon him: but all Israel fled to the lord my king.
their own dwellings. 29 And the king said: Is the young
18 Now Absalom had reared up for him man Absalom safe? And Achimaas said:
self, in his lifetime, a pillar, which is in I saw a great tumult, king, when thy
the king s valley : for he said I have no : servant Joab sent me thy servant: I
son, and this shall be the monument of know nothing else.
my name. And he called the pillar by 30 And the king said to him Pass, and :

his own name, and it is called the hand stand here.

of Absalom, to this day. 31 And when he had passed, and stood
19 And Achimaas the son of Sadoc said :
still, Chusai appeared and coming up he

CHAP. 17. Ver. 24. To the camp. The city of chap. 14. 27. were dead when this pillar was erected:

precipices. unless we suppose he raised this pillar before they

Ver, 1$, No son, The sons mentioned above, were born.

David mourns over Absalom 2 KINGS Semei goes to meet David
said: I bring good tidings, my lord, the and that will be
night: worse to thee,
king, for the Lord hath judged for thee than all the evils that have befallen thee
this day from the hand of all that have from thy youth until now.
risen up against thee.
8 Then the king arose and sat in the
32 And the king said to Chusai: Is the
gate: and it was told to all the people
young man Absalom safe? And Chusai that the king sat in the gate and all the :

answering him, said: Let the enemies of people came before the king, but Israel
my lord, the king, and all that rise against fled to their own dwellings.
him unto evil, be as the young man is. 9 And all the people were at strife in
33 The king therefore being much all the tribes of Israel,
saying: The king
moved, went up to the high chamber over delivered us out of the hand of our
the gate, and wept. And as he went he
enemies, and he saved us out of the hand
spoke in this manner k My son Absalom,
of the Philistines and now he is fled out

Absalom my son: would to God that I of the land for Absalom.

might die for thee, Absalom my son, my 10 But Absalom, whom we anointed
son Absalom. over us, is dead in the battle: how long
CHAPTER 19 are you silent, and bring not back the
David, at the remonstrances of Joab, eeaseth his king?
mourning. He is invited back and met by Semei
and Miphiboseth: a strife between the men of 11 And king David sent to Sadoc, and
Juda and the men of Israel. Abiathar the priests, saying: Speak to
A ND it was told Joab, that the king the ancients of Juda, saying: Why are
_fx wept and mourned for his son: you the last to bring the king back to his
2 And the victory that day was turned house? (For the talk of all Israel was
into mourning unto all the people: for come to the king in his house.)
the people heard say that day: The king 12 You are my brethren, you are my
grieveth for his son. bone, and my flesh, why are you the last
3 And the people shunned the going to bring back the king?
into the city that day as a people would 13 And say ye to Amasa: Art not thou
do that hath turned their backs, and fled my bone, and my flesh? So do God to
away from the battle. me and add more, if thou be not the
4 And the king covered his head, and chief captain of the army before me
cried with a loud voice: O my son Ab always in the place of Joab.
salom, O Absalom my son, O my son. 14 And he inclined the heart of all the
5 Then Joab going into the house to the men of Juda, as it were of one man and :

king, said: Thou hast shamed this day they sent to the king, saying: Return
the faces of all thy servants, that have thou, and all thy servants.
saved thy life, and the lives of thy sons, 15 And the king returned and came as
and of thy daughters, and the lives of far as the Jordan, and all Juda came as
thy wives, and the lives of thy com- far as Galgal to meet the king, and to
cubines. bring him over the Jordan.
6 Thou lovestthem that hate thee, and 16 m And Semei the son of Gera the son
thou hatest them that love thee: and of Jemini of Bahurim, made haste and
thou hast shewn this day that thou car- went down with the men of Juda to
est not for thy nobles, nor for thy ser meet king David,
vants: and I now plainly perceive that 17 With a thousand men of Benjamin,
ifAbsalom had lived, and all we had been and Siba the servant of the house of
then it would have pleased thee.
slain, Saul: and his fifteen sons, and twenty
7 Now therefore arise, and go out, and servants were with hinvv and going over
speak to the satisfaction of thy servants : the Jordan,
for I swear to thee by the Lord, that if 18 They passed the fords before the
thou wilt not go forth, there will not king, that they might help over the
tarry with thee so much as one this king s household, and do according to
k Infra 19. 4. m 3 Kings 2. 8.

Ver. 33. Would David lamented the death

to God. was a figure of Christ weeping, praying and dying
of Absalom, because of the wretched state in which for his rebellious children, and even for them that
he died and therefore would have been glad to have
: crucified him.
saved his life, even by dying for him. In which he

David spares Semei 2 KINGS David blesses Berzellai

his commandment. And Semei the son lord the king is returned peaceably into
of Gera falling down before the king, his house.
when he was come over the Jordan, 31 Berzellai also the Galaadite coming
19 Said to him: Impute not to me, my down from Rogelim, brought the king
lord, the iniquity, nor remember the in over the Jordan, being ready also to wait
juries of thy servant on the day that thou, on him beyond the river.
my lord, the king, wentest out of Jeru 32 P Now Berzellai the Galaadite was of
salem, nor lay it up in thy heart, O king. a great age, that is to say, fourscore
20 For I thy servant acknowledge my years old, and he provided the king with
sin : and therefore I am
day come this sustenance when he abode in the camp:
the first of all the house of Joseph, and for he was a man exceeding rich.
am come down to meet my lord the king. 33 And the king said to Berzellai:
21 But Abisai the son of Sarvia answer Come with me that thou mayest rest
ing, said: Shall Semei for these words secure with me in Jerusalem.
not be put to death, because he cursed 34 And Berzellai said to the king: How
the Lord s anointed? many are the days of the years of my
22 And David said: What have I to do life, that I should go up with the king to
with you, ye sons of Sarvia? why are Jerusalem?
you a satan this day to me? shall there 35 1 1 am
this day fourscore years old,
any man be killed this day in Israel? do are my
senses quick to discern sweet and
not I know that this day I am made king bitter? or can meat or drink delight thy
over Israel? servant? or can I hear any more the
23 And the king said to Semei: Thou voice of singing men and singing women?
shalt not die. And he swore unto him. why should thy servant be a burden to
24 And Miphiboseth the son of Saul my lord, the king?
came down to meet the king, and he had 36 I thy servant will go on a little way
neither washed his feet, nor trimmed his from the Jordan with thee: I need not
beard: nor washed his garments from this recompense.
the day that the king went out, until the 37 But I beseech thee let thy servant
day of his return in peace. return, and die in my own city, and be
25 And when he met the king at Jeru buried by the sepulchre of my father,
salem, the king said to him Why earnest : and of my mother. But there is thy ser
thou not with me, Miphiboseth? vant Chamaam, let him go with thee, my
26 And he answering, said: My lord, lord, the king, and do to him whatsoever
king, my servant despised me: for I thy seemeth good to thee.
servant spoke to him to saddle me an 38 Then the king said to him: Let
ass, that I might get on and go with the Chamaam go over with me, and I will do
king: for I thy servant am lame. for him whatsoever shall please thee, and
27 n Moreover he hath also accused me all that thou shalt ask of me, thou shalt
thy servant to thee, my lord the king: obtain.
but thou my lord the king art as an 39 And when all the people and the
angel of God, do what pleaseth thee. king had passed over the Jordan, the
28 For all of my father s house were no king kissed Berzellai, and blessed him:
better than worthy of death before my and he returned to his own place.
lord the king; and thou hast set me thy 40 So the king went on to Galgal, and
servant among the guests of thy table: Chamaam with him. Now all the peo
what just complaint therefore have I? ple of Juda had brought the king over,
or what right to cry any more to the and only half of the people of Israel
king? were there.
29 Then the king said to him: Why 41 Therefore all the men of Israel run
speakest thou any more? what I have ning together to the king, said to him:
said is determined: thou and Siba divide Why have our brethren the men of Juda
the possessions. stolen thee away, and have brought the
30 And Miphiboseth answered the king: king and his household over the Jordan,
Yea, let him take all, forasmuch as my and all the men of David with him?

n Supra 16. 3. o Supra 14. 17 and 20 ; 1 Kings 29. 9. j>

3 Kings 2. 7. q Supra 17. 27.

Seba-s rebellion 2 KINGS Ainasa is slam
42 And all the men of Juda answered 8 And when they were at the great stone
the men of Israel: Because the king is which is in Gabaon, Amasa coming met
nearer to me: why art thou angry for them. And Joab had on a close coat of
this matter? have we eaten any
thing equal length with his habit, and over it
of the king s, or have any gifts been was girded with a sword hanging down
given us? to his flank, in a scabbard, made in such
43 And the men of Israel answered manner as to come out with the least
the men of Juda, and said: I have ten motion and strike.
parts in the king more than thou, and 9 And Joab said to Amasa: God save
David belongeth to me more than to
thee, my brother. And he took Amasa
thee: why hast thou done me a wrong,
and why was it not told me first, that I by the chin with his right hand to kiss
might bring back my king? And the men
of Juda answered more harshly than the 10 But Amasa did not take notice of the
men of Israel. sword, which Joab had, and he struck him
in the side, and shed out his bowels to
CHAPTER 20 the ground, and gave him not a second
Seba s Amasa is slain by Joab. Abela
rebellion. wound, and he died. And Joab, and
is besieged, but upon the citizens casting over the Abisai his brother pursued after Seba
wall the head of Seba, Joab departeth with his
army. the son of Bochri.
11 In the mean time some men of
happened to be there a
man of whose name was Seba,
Joab s company stopping at the dead body
of Amasa, said: Behold he that would
the son of Bochri, a man of Jemini: and
he sounded the trumpet, and said: We have been in Joab s stead the companion
of David.
have no part in David, nor inheritance
12 And Amasa imbrued with blood, lay
in the son of Isai: return to thy dwell in the midst of the way. A certain man
ings, Israel.
saw this that all the people stood still to
2 And all Israel departed from David, look upon him, so he removed Amasa out
and followed Seba the son of Bochri: of the highway into the field, and covered
but the men of Juda stuck to their king him with a garment, that they who
from the Jordan unto Jerusalem.
passed might not stop on his account.
3 And when the king was come into his 13 And when he was removed out of
house at Jerusalem, he took the ten the way, all the people went on following
women his concubines, whom he had left Joab to pursue after Seba the son of
to keep the house, and put them in ward, Bochri.
allowing them provisions: and he went 14 Now
he had passed through all the
not in unto them, but they were shut up tribes of Israel unto Abela and Beth-
unto the day of their death living in maacha: and all the chosen men were
widowhood. gathered together unto him.
4 And the king said to Amasa: Assem 15 And they came, and besieged him in
ble to me all the men of Juda against the Abela, and in Bethmaacha, and they cast
third day, and be thou here present. up works round the city, and the city
5 So Amasa went to assemble the men was besieged: and all the people that
of Juda, but he tarried beyond the set were with Joab, laboured to throw down
time which the king had appointed him. the walls.
6 And David said to Abisai: Now will 16 And a wise woman
cried out from the
Seba the son of Bochri do us more harm Hear, hear, and say to Joab: Come
than did Absalom take thou therefore the
near hither, and I will speak with thee.
servants of thy lord, and pursue after him, 17 And when he was come near to her,
lest he find fenced cities, and escape us. she said to him: Art thou Joab? And he
7 So Joab s men went out with him, and answered: I am. And she spoke thus to
the Cerethi and the Phelethi: and all him: Hear the words of thy handmaid.
the valiant men went out of Jerusalem He answered: I do hear.
to pursue after Seba the son of Bochri. 18 And she again said: A saying was
s 3 Kings 2. 5.

CHAP. 20. Ver. 14. Abela and Bethmaacha. Cities of the tribe of Nephtali.

Seba is killed 2 KINGS Seven sons of Saul crucified
used in the old proverb: They that in 3 David therefore said to the Gabaon
quire, let them inquire in Abela: and so ites: What shall I do for you? and what
they made an end. shall be the atonement for you, that you
19 Am not I she that answer truth in may bless the inheritance of the Lord?
Israel, and thou seekest to destroy the 4 And the Gabaonites said to him: We
city, and to overthrow a mother in Is have no contest about silver and gold,
rael? Why wilt thou throw down the but against Saul and against his house:
inheritance of the Lord? neither do we desire that any man be
20 And Joab answering said: God for slain of Israel. And the king said to
bid, God forbid that I should, I do not them: What will you then that I should
throw down, nor destroy. do for you?
21 The matter is not so, but a man of 5 And they said to the king: The man
mount Ephraim, Seba the son of Bochri that crushed us and oppressed us un
by name, hath lifted up his hand against justly, we must destroy in such manner
king David: deliver him only, and we that there be not so much as one left of
will depart from the city. And the wo his stock in all the coasts of Israel.
man said to Joab: Behold his head shall 6 Let seven men of his children be de
be thrown to thee from the wall. livered unto us, that we may crucify
22 So she went to all the people, and them to the Lord in Gabaa of Saul, once
spoke to them wisely: and they cut off the chosen of the Lord. And the king
the head of Seba the son of Bochri, and said: I will give them.
cast it out to Joab. And he sounded the 7 w And the king spared Miphiboseth
trumpet, and they departed from the the son of Jonathan the son of Saul, be
city, every one to their home: and Joab cause of the oath of the Lord, that had
returned to Jerusalem to the king. been between David and Jonathan the
23 * So Joab was over all the army of son of Saul.
Israel: and Banaias the son of Joiada 8 So the king took the two sons of Res-
was over the Cerethites and Phelethites, pha the daughter of Aia, whom she bore
24 But Aduram over the tributes: and to Saul, Armoni, and Miphiboseth: and
Josaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder. the five sons of Michol the daughter of
25 And Siva was scribe: and Sadoc and Saul, whom she bore to Hadriel the son
Abiathar, priests. of Berzellai, that was of Molathi:
26 And Ira the Jairite was the priest of 9 And gave them into the hands of the
David. Gabaonites: and they crucified them on a
CHAPTER 21 hill before the Lord: and these seven

A died together in the first days of the

famine of three years, for the sin of Saul against
the Gabaonites, at whose desire seven of Saul s harvest, when the barley began to be
race are crucified. War again with the Philis
10 And Respha the daughter of Aia
was a famine in the days
there took haircloth, and spread it under her
of David for three years succes upon the rock from the beginning of the
sively: and David consulted the oracle of harvest, till water dropped upon them
the Lord. And the Lord said: It is for out of heaven: and suffered neither the
Saul, and his bloody house, because he birds to tear them by day, nor the beasts
slew the Gabaonites. by night.
2 Then the king, calling for the Gabaon 11 And it was told David, what Respha
ites, said to them: (Now the Gabaonites the daughter of Aia, the concubine of
were not of the children of Israel, but Saul, had done.
the remains of the Amorrhites: v and the 12 An David went, and took the bones
children of Israel had sworn to them, and of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan his
Saul sought to slay them out of zeal, as son from the men of Jabes Galaad, v who
it were for the children of Israel and had stolen them from the street of Beth-
Juda:) san, where the Philistines had hanged
t Supra 8. 16.
v Jos. 9. 15. iv 1 Kings 18. 3. y I Kings 31. 12-.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 8. Of Michol. They were the they are here called the sons of Michol, because she
cons of Merob, who inaa, toarriad) to Hadriel.:. hul adopted them, and brought, them up. as her own..

War with the Philistines 2 KINGS David s psalm of thanksgiving
them when they had slain Saul in Gel- Lord delivered him out of the hand of all
boe. his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul,
13 And he brought from thence the 2 And he said 6 The Lord is my rock,

bones of Saul, and the bones of Jonathan and my strength, and my saviour.
his son, and they gathered up the bones 3 God is my strong one, in him will I
of them that were crucified, trust: my shield, and the horn of my
14 And they buried them with the salvation: he lifteth me up, and is my
bones of Saul, and of Jonathan his son refuge: my thou wilt deliver
in the land of Benjamin, in the side, in me from iniquity.
the sepulchre of Cis his father: and they 4 r
I will call on the Lord who is worthy
did all that the king had commanded, to be praised : and I shall be saved from
and God shewed mercy again to the land my enemies.
after these things. 5 For the pangs of death have sur
15 And the Philistines made war again rounded me: the floods of Belial have
against Israel, and David went down, and made me afraid.
his servants with him, and fought against 6 The cords of hell compassed me: the
the Philistines. And David growing faint, snares of death prevented me.
16 Jesbibenob, who was of the race of 7 In my distress I will call upon the
Arapha, the iron of whose spear weighed Lord, and I will cry to my God: and he
three hundred ounces, being girded with will hear my voice out of his temple,
a new sword, attempted to kill David. and my cry shall come to his ears.
17 And Abisai the son of Sarvia rescued 8 The earth shook and trembled, the
him, and striking the Philistine killed foundations of the mountains were
him. Then David s men swore unto him, moved, and shaken, because he was
saying: Thou shalt go no more out with angry with them.
us to battle, lest thou put out the lamp 9 A smoke went up from his nostrils,
of Israel. and a devouring fire out of his mouth:
18 There was also a second battle in coals were kindled by it.
Gob against the Philistines: then Sobo- 10 He bowed the heavens, and came
chai of Husathi slew Saph of the race of down and darkness was under his feet.

Arapha of the family of the giants. 11 And he rode upon the cherubims,
19 And there was a third battle in Gob and flew: and slid upon the wings of the
against the Philistines, in which Adeoda- wind.
tus the son of the Forrest an embroiderer 12 He made darkness a covering round
of Bethlehem slew Goliath the Gethite, about him: dropping waters out of the
the shaft of whose spear was like a clouds of the heavens.
weaver s beam. 13 By the brightness before him, the
20 A
fourth battle was in Geth: where coals of fire were kindled.
there was a man of great stature, that 14 The Lord shall thunder from
had six fingers on each hand, and six heaven: and the most high shall give
toes on each foot, four and twenty in all, forth his voice.
and he was of the race of Arapha. 15 He shot arrows and scattered them:
21 And he reproached Israel: and Jon lightning, and consumed them.
athan the son of Samae the brother of 16 And the overflowings of the sea ap
David slew him. peared, and the foundations of the world
22 These four were born of Arapha in were laid open at the rebuke of the Lord,,
at the blast of the spirit of his wrath.
Geth, and they fell by the hand of David,
and of his servants. 17 He sent from on high, and took me.,
and drew me out of many waters.
CHAPTER 22 18 He delivered me from my most
King David s psalm of thanksgiving for his deliver mighty enemy, and from them that hated
ance from all his enemies. me: for they were too strong for me.
ND David spoke to the Lord the words 19 He prevented me in the day of my
of this canticle, in the day that the affliction, and the Lord became my stay.

z 1 Kings 17. 7. a 1 Par. 20. 4. b Ps. 17. 3. c Pa. 17. 4.

Ver. 19. Adeodatus the son of the Forrest. So it terpretation of the Hebrew names, which are El-
is rendered in the Latin Vulgate, by giving the in- hanan the son of Jaare.
David s psalm of thanksgiving \ David s last words
20 And he brought me forth into a to battle: thou hast made them that
large place, he delivered me, because I resisted me to bow under me.
pleased him. 41 My enemies thou hast made to turn
their back to me: them that hated me,
21 The Lord will reward me according
to my justice: and according to the clean
and I shall destroy them.
ness of my hands he will render to me.
42 They shall cry, and there shall be
22 Because I have kept the ways of the
none to save: to the Lord, and he shall
not hear them.
Lord, and have not wickedly departed
from my God. 43 I shall beat them as small as the
dust of the earth I shall crush them and

23 For his judgments are in my

spread them abroad like the mire of the
sight: and his precepts I have not re
moved from me. 44 Thou wilt save me from the contra
24 And be perfect with him and
I shall :
dictions of my people: thou wilt keep
shall keep myself from my iniquity.
me to be the head of the Gentiles: the
25 And the Lord will recompense me
people which I know not, shall serve me,
according to my justice: and according 45 The sons of the stranger will resist
to the cleanness of my hands in the sight
of his eyes.
me, at the hearing of the ear they will
26 With the holy one thou wilt be holy :
obey me.
46 The strangers are melted away, and
and with the valiant perfect. shall be straitened in their distresses.
27 With the elect thou wilt be elect:
47 The Lord liveth, and my God is
and with the perverse thou wilt be per
blessed: and the strong God of my sal
vation shall be exalted:
28 And the poor people thou wilt save :
48 God who giveth me revenge, and
and with thy eyes thou wilt humble the down people under me,
haughty. Who
49 bringest me forth from my
29 For thou art my lamp, Lord and
enemies, and liftest me up from them

thou, Lord, wilt enlighten my darkness. that resist me :

e from the wicked man
30 For in thee I will run. girded: in my
thou shalt deliver me.
God I will leap over the wall. 50 / Therefore will I give thanks to
31 God, his way is immaculate, the
word of the Lord is tried by fire: he is thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles, and
will sing to thy name.
the shield of all that trust in him.
51 Giving great salvation to his king,
32 Who is God but the Lord: and who
and shewing mercy fo David his anointed,
is strong but our God?
and to his seed for ever.
33 God who hath girded me with
strength, and made my way perfect.
34 d Making my feet like the feet of CHAPTER 23
harts, and setting me upon my high The last words of David. A catalogue of his valiant
35 He teacheth my hands to war: and these are David s last words.
maketh my arms like a bow of brass.
36 Thou hast given me the shield of my
the son of Isai said The man
it was appointed concerning

salvation: and thy mildness hath multi the Christ of the God of Jacob, 9 the ex
plied me. cellent psalmist of Israel said:
37 Thou shalt enlarge my steps under 2 The spirit of the Lord hath spoken
me: and my ankles shall not fail. by me and his word by my tongue.
38 I will pursue after my enemies, and 3 The God of Israel said to me, the
crush them: and will not return again strong one of Israel spoke, the ruler of
till I consume them. men, the just ruler in the fear of God.
39 I will consume them and break them 4 As the light of the morning, when the
in pieces, so that they shall not rise: sun riseth, shineth in the morning with
they shall fall under my feet. out clouds, and as the grass springeth
40 Thou hast girded me with strength out of the earth by rain.
d Ps. 143. 1. e Ps. 17. 49. / Rom. 15. 9. g Acts 2. 80.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 4. As the light, &c. So shall be the kingdom of Christ.
Daznd s valiant wien 2 KINGS David s valiant men
5 Neither is my house so great with there was a garrison of the Philistines
God, that he should make with me an then in Bethlehem.
eternal covenant, firm in all things and
15 And David longed, and said: O that
assured. For he is all my salvation, and
some man would get me a drink of the
all my will: neither is there ought water out of the cistern, that is in Beth
thereof that springeth not up.
lehem, by the gate.
6 But transgressors shall all of them be 16 And the three valiant men broke
plucked up as thorns: which are not through the camp of the Philistines, and
taken away with hands. drew water out of the cistern of Bethle
7 And if a man will touch them, he
hem, that was by the gate, and brought
must be armed with iron and with the it to David but he would not drink, but

staff of a lance but they shall be set on

offered it to the Lord,
fire and burnt to nothing. 17 Saying: The Lord be merciful to
8 n These are the names of the valiant me,
that I may not do this shall I drink the

men of David. Jesbaham sitting in the blood of these men that went, and the
chair was the wisest chief among the peril of their lives? therefore he would
three, he was like the most tender little not drink. These things did these three
worm of the wood, who killed eight hun mighty men.
dred men at one onset. 18 Abisai also the brother of Joab, the
9 After him was Eleazar the son of son of Sarvia, was chief among three:
Dodo the Ahohite, one of the three val and he lifted up his spear against three
iant men that were with David when hundred whom he slew, and he was re
they defiled the Philistines, and they nowned among the three,
were there gathered together to battle. 19 And the noblest of three, and was
10 And when the men of Israel were their chief, but to the three first he at
gone away, he stood and smote the Phi tained not.
hand was weary, and grew
listines till his 20 And Banaias the son of Joiada a
stiff with the sword: and the Lord most valiant man, of great deeds, of
wrought a great victory that day: and Cabseel: he slew the two lions of Moab,
the people that were fled away, returned and he went down, and slew a lion in
to take spoils of them that were slain. the midst of a pit, in the time of snow.
11 And after him was Semma the son 21 He also slew an Egyptian, a man
of Age of Arari. And the Philistines worthy to be a sight, having a spear in
were gathered together in a troop: for his hand: but he went down to him with
there was a field full of lentils. And a rod, and forced the spear out of the
when the people were fled from the face hand of the Egyptian, and slew him with
of the Philistines, his own spear.
12 He stood in the midst of the field, 22 These things did Banaias the son of
and defended it, and defeated the Phi Joiada.
listines: and the Lord gave a great vic 23 And he was renowned among the
tory. three valiant men, who were the most
13 Moreover also before this the three honourable among the thirty: but he at
who were princes
among the thirty, tained not to the first three: and David
went down and came to David in the made him of his privy council.
harvest time into the cave of Odollam: 24 Asael the brother of Joab was one of
and the camp of the Philistines was in the thirty, Elehanan the son of Dodo of
the valley of the giants. Bethlehem.
14 And David was then in a hold: and 25 Semma of Harodi, Elica of Harodi,
h 1 Par. 11. 10. f 1 Par. 11. 15.

Ver. 5. Neither is my house, &c. As if he should appeared one tender and weak, but was indeed
say This everlasting convenant was not due to my
: most valiant and strong. It seems the Latin has
house but purely owing to his bounty who is all
: ; here given the interpretation of the Hebrew name of
my salvation, and my will that is, who hath always
: the hero, to whom Jeabaham was like, instead of
saved me, and granted me what I beseeched of him ; the name itself, which was Adino the Eznite, one
so that I and my house, through his blessing, have much renowned of old for his valour.
sprung up, and succeeded in all things. Ver. 9. Dodo. In Latin, Patrui ejus, which is the
Ver. 8. Jesbaham, the son of Hachamoni. For interpretation of the Hebrew name Dodo. The same
this was the name of this hero, as appears from occurs in ver. 24.
1 Chron. or Paralip. 11. Ibid. Moat, tender, &c. HP
David s valiant men 2 KINGS David numbers the people

26 Heles of Phalti, Hira the son of of the army: and Joab, and the captains
Acces of Thecua, of the soldiers went out from the pre
27 Abiezer of Anathoth, Mobonnai of sence of the king, to number the people
Husati, of Israel.
28 Selmon the Ahohite, Maharai the 5 And when they had passed the Jor
Netophathite, dan, they came to Aroer to the right side
29 Heled the son of Baana, also a Neto of the city, which is in the vale of
phathite, Ithai the son of Ribai of Gad.
Gabaath of the children of Benjamin, 6 And by Jazer
they passed into Galaad,
30 Banaia the Pharathonite, Heddai of and to the lower land of Hodsi, and they
the torrent Gaas, came into the woodlands of Dan. And
31 Abialbon the Arbathite, Azmaveth going about by Sidon,
of Beromi, 7 They passed near the walls of Tyre,
32 Eliaba of Salaboni. The sons of Jas- and all the land of the Hevite, and the
sen, Jonathan, Chanaanite, and they came to the south
33 Semma of Orori, Aliam the son of of Juda into Bersabee:
Sarar the Arorite, 8 And having gone through the whole
34 Eliphelet the son of Aasbai the son land, after nine months and twenty days,
of Machati, Eliam the son of Achitophel they came to Jerusalem.
the Gelonite, 9 And Joab gave up the sum of the
35 Hesrai of Carmel, Pharai of Arbi, number of the people to the king, and
36 Igaal the son of Nathan of Soba, there were found of Israel eight hundred
Bonni of Gadi, thousand valiant men that drew the
37 Selec of Ammoni, Naharai the Be- sword: and of Juda five hundred thou
rothite, armourbearer of Joab the son of sand fighting men.
Sarvia, 10 But David s heart struck him, after

38 Ira the Jethrite, Gareb also a Jeth- the people were numbered: and David
rite; said to the Lord: I have sinned very
39 Urias the Hethite, thirty and seven much in what I have done: but I pray
in all. thee, Lord, to take away the iniquity
of thy servant, because I have done ex
David numbereth the people: God aendeth a pesti ceeding foolishly.
lence, which is stopt by David s prayer and sacri 11 And David arose in the morning,
fice. and the word of the Lord came to Gad
the anger of the Lord was again fc the prophet and the seer of David, say
_f\_ kindled against Israel, and stirred ing:
up David among them, saying: Go, num 12 Go, and say to David: Thus saith
ber Israel and Juda. the Lord: I give thee thy choice of three
2 And the king said to Joab the general things, choose one of them which thou
of his army Go through all the tribes of
: wilt, that I may do it to thee.
Israel from Dan to Bersabee, and num 13 And when Gad was come to David,
ber ye the people that I may know the he told him, saying: Either seven years
number of them. of famine shall come to thee in thy land :

3 And Joab said to the king: The Lord or thou shalt flee three months before
thy God increase thy people, and make thy adversaries, and they shall pursue
them as many more as they are now, and thee: or for three days there shall be a
again multiply them a hundredfold in pestilence in thy land. Now therefore
the sight of my lord the king: but what deliberate, and see what answer I shall
meaneth my lord the king by this kind return to him that sent me.
of thing? 14 And David said to Gad: I am in a
4 But the king s words prevailed over great strait
m but it is better that I

the words of Joab, and of the captains should fall into the hands of the Lord
k 1 Par. 21. 13. 1 1 Kings 24. 6. m Dan. 13. 23.

CHAP. 24. Ver. 1. Stirred up, &c. This stirring were numbered. That is he was touched with a great
up was not the doing of God, but of Satan as it is ; remorse for the vanity and pride which had put him
expressly declared, 1 Chron. or Paralip. 21. 1. upon numbering the people.
Ver. 10. David s heart struck him, after the people

The pestilence 3 KINGS The plague is stayed
(for his mercies are many) than into the king and his servants coming towards
hands of men. him:
15 And the Lord sent a pestilence upon 21 And going out he worshipped the
Israel, from the morning unto the time king, bowing with his face to the earth,
appointed, and there died of the people and said Wherefore is my lord the king

from Dan to Bersabee seventy thousand come to his servant? And David said to
men. him: To buy the thrashingfloor of thee,
16 And when the angel of the Lord had and build an altar to the Lord, that the
stretched out his hand over Jerusalem to plague, which rageth among the people,
destroy it, the Lord had pity on the may cease.
affliction, and said to the angel that slew 22 And Areuna said to David: Let my
the people: It is enough: now hold thy lord the king take, and offer, as it seem-
hand. And the angel of the Lord was by eth good to him thou hast here oxen for

the thrashingfloor of Areuna the Jebusite. a holocaust, and the wain, and the yokes
17 And David said to the Lord, when he of the oxen for wood.
saw the angel striking the people: It is 23 AH these things Areuna as a king gave
I I am he that have sinned, I have done
to the king: and Areuna said to the king:
wickedly: these that are the sheep, The Lord thy God receive thy vow.
what have they done? let thy hand, I 24 And the king answered him, and said:
beseech thee, be turned against me, and Nay, but I will buy it of thee at a price,
against my father s house. and I will not offer to the Lord my God
18 And Gad came to David that day, holocausts free cost. So David bought
and said: Go up, and build an altar to the floor, and the oxen, for fifty sides
the Lord in the thrashingfloor of Areuna of silver:
the Jebusite. 25 And David built there an altar to the
19 And David went up according to the Lord, and offered holocausts and peace
word of Gad which the Lord had com offerings: and the Lord became merciful
manded him. to the land, and the plague was stayed
20 And Areuna looked, and saw the from Israel.



This and the following Book are called by the holy fathers the third and fourth book
contain the history of
of Kings: but by the Hebrews, the first and second. They to
the kingdoms of Israel and Juda, from the beginning of the reign of Solomon,
the captivity. As to the writer of these books, it seems
most probable they were
not written by one man; nor at one time; but as there was
all along a succession o
the most things
prophets in Israel, who recorded, by divine inspiration
to have been
So? happened in their days these books seem 20. 34, 26. fi^****
See 2 Paralip. alias 2 Chron. 9. 29; 12. 15; 13. 22;
CHAPTER 1 Let us seek for our lord the king, a
young virgin, and let her stand before
King David growing old, Abisag a Sunamitess
the king, and cherish him, and sleep in
isbrought to him. Adonias pretending to reign,
Nathan and Bethsabee obtain that Solomon his bosom, and warm our lord the king.
should be declared and anointed king. 3 So they sought a beautiful young wo
king David was old, and ad man in all the coasts of Israel, and they
NOW vanced
covered with
and when he was
in years:
he was not warm.
found Abisag a Sunamitess, and brought
her to the king.
2 His servants therefore said to him: 4 And the damsel was exceeding beauti-

Adonias usurps the throne 3 KINGS David chooses Solomon

ful, and she slept with the king: and 18 And behold now Adonias reigneth,
served him, but the king did not know and thou, my knowest
lord the king,
her. nothing of it.
5 And Adonias the son of Haggith ex 19 He hath killed oxen, and all fat
alted himself, saying: I will be king. cattle, and many rams, and invited all
And he made himself chariots and horse the king s sons, and Abiathar the priest,
men, and fifty men to run before him. and Joab the general of the army: but
6 Neither did his father rebuke him at Solomon thy servant he invited not.
any time, saying: Why hast thou done 20 And now, my lord king, the eyes
this? And he also was very beautiful, of all Israel are upon thee, that thou
the next in birth after Absalom. shouldst tell them, who shall sit on thy
7 And he conferred with Joab the son throne, my lord the king, after thee.
of Sarvia, and with Abiathar the priest, 21 Otherwise it shall come to pass,
who furthered Adonias s side. when my lord the king sleepeth with his
8 But Sadoc the priest, and Banaias the fathers, that I and my son Solomon
son of Joiada, and Nathan the prophet, shall be counted offenders.
and Semei, and Rei, and the strength of 22 As she was yet speaking with the
David s army was not with Adonias. king, Nathan the prophet came.
9 And Adonias having slain rams and 23 And they told the king, saying: i\<-

calves, and all fat cattle by the stone of than the prophet is here. And when he
Zoheleth, which was near the fountain was come in before the king, and had
Eogel, invited all his brethren the king s worshipped, bowing down to the ground,
sons, and all the men of Juda, the king s 24 Nathan said: My lord king, hast
servants : thou said: Let Adonias reign after me,
10 But Nathan the prophet, and Bana- and let him sit upon my throne?
ias, and all the valiant men, and Solo 25 Because he is gone down today, and
mon his brother, he invited not. hath killed oxen, and fatlings, and many
11 And Nathan said to Bethsabee the rams, and invited all the king s sons, and
mother of Solomon Hast thou not heard
: the captains of the army, and Abiathar
that Adonias the son of Haggith reign- the priest: and they are eating and
eth, and our lord David knoweth it not? drinking before him, and saying: God
12 Now then come, take my counsel and save king Adonias:
save thy life, and the life of thy son Sol 26 But me thy servant, and Sadoc the
omon. priest, and Banaias the son of Joiada,
13 Go, and get thee in to king David, and Solomon thy servant he hath not in
and say to him: Didst not thou, my lord vited.
O king, swear to me thy handmaid, say 27 Is thisword come out from my lord
ing: Solomon thy son shall reign after the king, and hast thou not told me thy
me, and he shall sit on my throne? why servant who should sit on the throne of
then doth Adonias reign? my lord the king after him?
14 And while thou art yet speaking 28 And king David answered and said:
there with the king, I will come in after Call to me Bethsabee. And when she
thee, and will fill up thy words. was come in to the king, and stood before
15 So Bethsabee went in to the king him,
into the chamber: now the king was very 29 The king swore and said: As the
old, and Abisag the Sunamitess minis Lord liveth, who hath delivered my soul
tered to him. out of all distress,
16 Bethsabee bowed herself, and wor 30 Even as I swore to thee by the Lord
shipped the king. And the king said to the God of Israel, saying: Solomon thy
her: What is thy will? son shall reign after me, and he shall sit
17 She answered and said: My lord, upon my throne in my stead, so will I do
thou didst swear to thy handmaid by the this day.
Lord thy God, saying: Solomon thy son 31 And Bethsabee bowing with her face
shall reign after me, and he shall sit on to the earth worshipped the king, say
my throne. ing: May my lord David live for ever.
o 1 Kings 2. 29 ; 2 Kings 13. 21, and 5. 1.

Solomon is anointed king 3 KINGS Solomon spares Adonias
32 King David also said: Call me Sadoc thi, and Phelethi, and they have set him
the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and upon the king s mule.
Banaias the son of Joiada. And when 45 And Sadoc the priest, and Nathan
they were come in before the king, the prophet have anointed him king in
33 He said to them: Take with you the Gihon and they are gone up from thence

servants of your lord, and set my son rejoicing, so that the city rang again:
Solomon upon my mule: and bring him this is the noise that you have heard.
to Gihon. 46 Moreover Solomon sitteth upon the
34 And let Sadoc the priest, and Nathan throne of the kingdom,
the prophet anoint him there king over 47 And the king s servants going in
Israel: and you shall sound the trum have blessed our lord king David, say
pet, and shall say: God save king Solo ing: May God make the name of Solo
mon. mon greater than thy name, and make
35 And you shall come up after him, his throne greater than thy throne. And
and he shall come, and shall sit upon my the king adored in his bed:
48 And he said: Blessed be the Lord
throne, and he shall reign in stead: my
and I will appoint him to be ruler over the God of Israel, who hath given this
Israel, and over Juda.
day one to sit on my throne, my eyes
36 And Banaias the son of Joiada an seeing it.
49 Then all the guests of Adonias were
swered the king, saying: Amen: so say
afraid, and they all arose and every man
the Lord the God of my lord the king.
went his
37 As the Lord hath been with my lord
50 And
Adonias fearing Solomon,
the king, so be he with Solomon, and
arose, and went, and took hold on the
make his throne higher than the throne
horn of the altar.
of my lord king David.
51 And they told Solomon, saying: Be
38 So Sadoc the priest, and Nathan the hold Adonias, fearing king Solomon,
prophet went down, and Banaias the son hath taken hold of the horn of the altar,
of Joiada, and the Cerethi, and Phelethi:
saying: Let king Solomon swear to me
and they set Solomon upon the mule of this day, that he will not kill his servant
king David, and brought him to Gihon. with the sword.
39 And Sadoc the priest took a horn of 52 And Solomon said: If he be a good
oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed
man, there shall not so much as one hair
Solomon: and they sounded the trum of his head fall to the ground: but if
pet, and all the people said: God save evil be found in him, he shall die.
king Solomon. 53 Then king Solomon sent, and brought
40 And all the multitude went up after him out from the altar: and going in he
him, and the people played with pipes, worshipped king Solomon and Solomon:

and rejoiced with a great joy, and the said to him: Go to thy house.
earth rang with the noise of their cry.
41 And Adonias, and all that were in CHAPTER 2
vited by him, heard it, and now the feast David, after giving his last charge to Solomon,
was at an end: Joab also hearing the dieth. Adonias is put to death: Abiathar is ban
ished: Joab and Semei are slain.
sound of the trumpet, said What mean- :

eth this noise of the city in an uproar? ND

Pthe days of David drew nigh
42 While he yet spoke, Jonathan the that he should die, and he charged
son of Abiathar the priest came: and his son Solomon, saying:
Adonias said to him: Come in, because 2 I am going the way of all flesh take :

thou art a valiant man, and bringest thou courage, and shew thyself a man.
good news. 3 And keep the charge of the Lord thy
43 And Jonathan answered Adonias: God, to walk in his ways, and observe
and his and
Not so: for our lord king David hath his ceremonies, precepts,
judgments, and testimonies, as it is
appointed Solomon king.
44 And hath sent with him Sadoc the written in the law of Moses: that thou
priest, and Nathan the prophet,
and mayest understand all thou dost, an i
Banaias the son of Joiada, and the Cere- whithersoever thou shalt turn thyself:

p B. C. 972. q Deut. 17. 19.

The death of David 3 KINGS Adonias is put to death
4 That the Lord may confirm his words, 15 Thou knowest that the kingdom was
which he hath spoken of me, saying: If mine, and all Israel had preferred me to
thy children shall take heed to their be their king: but the kingdom is trans
ways, and shall walk before me in truth, ferred, and is become my brother s: for
with all their heart, and with all their it was appointed him by the Lord.

soul, there shall not be taken away from 16 Now therefore I ask one petition of
thee a man on the throne of Israel. thee turn not away my face. And she

5 Thou knowest also what Joab the son said to him: Say on.
of Sarvia hath done to me, what he did 17 And he said: I pray thee speak to
to the two captains of the army of Israel, king Solomon (for he cannot deny thee
to Abner the son of Ner, and Ho Amasa any thing) to give me Abisag the Su-
the son of Jether: whom he slew, and namitess to wife.
shed the blood of war in peace, and put
18 And Bethsabee said: Well, I will
the blood of war on his girdle that was
speak for thee to the king.
about his loins, and in his shoes that
were on his feet. 19 Then Bethsabee came to king Solo

6 Do therefore according to thy wisdom,

mon, to speak to him for Adonias: and
the king arose to meet her, and bowed
and let not his hoary head go down to
to her, and sat down upon his throne:
hell in peace.
and a throne was set for the king s
7 But shew kindness to the sons of Ber- mother, and she sat on his right hand-
zellai the Galaadite, and let them eat at 20 And she said to him: I desire one
thy table for they met me when I fled
small petition of thee, do not put me to
from the face of Absalom thy brother. confusion. And the king said to her:
8 M Thou hast also with thee Semei the My mother, ask: for I must not turn
son of Gera the son of Jemini of Bahurim, away thy face.
who cursed me with a grievous curse, 21 And she said: Let Abisag the
when I went to the camp: but because Sunamitess be given to Adonias thy
he came down to meet me when I passed brother to wife.
over the Jordan, and I swore to him by 22 And king Solomon answered, and
the Lord, saying: I will not kill thee with said to his mother: Why dost thou ask
a sword: Abisag the Sunamitess for Adonias? ask
9 Do not thou hold him guiltless. But for him also the kingdom: for he is my
thou art a wise man, and knowest what elder brother, and hath Abiathar the
to do with him, and thou shalt bring priest, and Joab the son of Sarvia.
down his grey hairs with blood to hell. 23 Then king Solomon swore by the
10 v So David slept with his fathers, Lord, saying: So and so may God do to
and was buried in the city of David. me, and add more, if Adonias hath not
11 w And the days that David reigned spoken this word against his own life.
in Israel, were forty years: in Hebron 24 And now as the Lord liveth, who hath
he reigned seven years, in Jerusalem established me, and placed me upon the
thirty-three. throne of David my father, and who hath
12 And Solomon sat upon the throne of made me a house, as he promised, Ado
his father David, and his kingdom was nias shall be put to death this day.
strengthened exceedingly. 25 And king Solomon sent by the hand
13 And Adonias the son of Haggith of Banaias the son of Joiada, who slew
came to Bethsabee the mother of Solo him, and he died.
mon. And she said to him: Is thy coming 26 And the king said also to Abiathai
peaceable? he answered: Peaceable. the priest: Go to Anathoth to thy lands,
14 And he added: I have a word to for indeed thou art worthy of death but :

speak with thee. She said to him: I will not at this time put thee to death,
Speak. And he said: because thou didst carry the ark of the
r 2 Kings 3. 27. s 2 Kings 20. 10. t 2 Kings 19. 31. v Acts 2. 29.
u 2 Kings 16. 5, and 19. 19. tc 1 Par. 29. 27.
CHAP. 2. Ver. 5. Joab. These instructions given Ver. 6. To hell. This word hell doth not here
by David t r his son, with relation to Joab and Semei, signify the place or state of damnation but th- ;

proceeded not from any rancour of heart, or private place and state of the dead.
pique but from a zeal for justice, that crimes so

public and heinous might not pass unpunished.

Joab is slain 3 KINGS Semei is put to death
Lord God before David my father, and and go not out from thence any whither.
hast endured trouble in all the troubles 37 For on what day soever thou shalt
my father endured. go out, and shalt pass over the brook
27 So Solomon cast out Abiathar, from Cedron, know that thou shalt be put to
being the priest of the Lord,* that the death: thy blood shall be upon thy own
word of the Lord might be fulfilled, which head:
he spoke concerning the house of Heli in 38 And Semei said to the king: The
Silo. saying is good: as my lord the king hath
28 And the news came to Joab, because said, so will thy servant do. And Semei
Joab had turned after Adonias, and had dwelt in Jerusalem, many days.
not turned after Solomon: and Joab fled 39 And it came to pass after three
into the tabernacle of the Lord and laid years, that the servants of Semei ran
hold on the horn of the altar. away to Achis the son of Maacha the
29 And it was told king Solomon, that king of Geth and it was told Semei that

Joab was fled into the tabernacle of the his servants were gone to Geth.
Lord, and was by the altar: and Solomon 40 And Semei arose, and saddled his ass,
sent Banaias the son of Joiada, saying: and went to Achis to Geth to seek his ser
Go, kill him. vants, and he brought them out of Geth,
30 And Banaias came to the tabernacle 41 And it was told Solomon that Semei
of the Lord, and said to him Thus saith :
had gone from Jerusalem to Geth, and
the king: Come forth. And he said: I was come back.
will not come forth, but here I will die. 42 And
sending he called for him, and
Banaias brought word back to the king, said to him: Did I not protest to thee by
the Lord, and tell thee before: On what
saying: Thus saith Joab, and thus he
answered me. day soever thou shalt go out and walk
31 And the king said to him: Do as he abroad any whither, know that thou shalt
hath said: and kill him, and bury him, die? And thou answeredst me: The
and thou shalt remove the innocent word that I have heard is good.
blood which hath been shed by Joab, 43 Why then hast thou not kept the
from me, and from the house of my oath of the Lord, and the commandment
father. that I laid upon thee?
32 And the Lord shall return his blood 44 And the king said to Semei: Thou
knowest all the evil, of which thy heart
upon his own head, because he murdered
two men, just and better than himself: is conscious, which thou didst to David

and slew them with the sword, my father my father: the Lord hath returned thy
David not knowing it, y Abner the son of wickedness upon thy own head:
45 And king Solomon shall be blessed,
Ner, general of the army of Israel, and
Amasa the son of Jether, general of the and the throne of David shall be estab
of Juda. lished before the Lord for ever.
33 And their blood shall return upon 46 So the king commanded Banaias the
the head of Joab, and upon the head of son of Joiada: and he went out and
his seed for ever. But to David and his struck him, and he died.
seed and his house, and to his throne be CHAPTER 3
Solomon marrieth Pharao s daughter. He sacrifi-
peace for ever from the Lord. ceth in Gabaon: in the choice which God gave him
34 So Banaias the son of Joiada went he preferreth wisdom. His wise judgment between
him slew him, and he the two harlots.
up, and setting upon
was buried house in the desert.
in his the kingdom was established a in
35 And the king appointed Banaias the AMDthe hand of Solomon, and he made
son of Joiada in his room over the army, affinitywith Pharao the king of Egypt:
and Sadoc the priest he put in the place for he took his daughter, and brought
of Abiathar. her into the city of David, b until he had
36 The king also sent, and called for made an end of building his own house,
Semei, and said to him: Build thee a and the house of the Lord, and the wall
house in Jerusalem, and dwell there: of Jerusalem round about.

3 B. C. 972.
* I Kings 2. 81.
2 Par. 1. 1. 6 2 Par. 8. 11
y 2 Kings 3. 27; 20. 10.

Solomon asks for -wisdom 3 KINGS Solomon s judgment
2 sacrificed in the
But yet the people riches and glory, so that no one hath
for there was no temple . been like thee among the kings in all
high places :

built to the name of the Lord until that days heretofore.

14 And if thou wilt walk in my ways,
3 And Solomon loved the Lord, walking and keep my precepts, and my command
in the precepts of David his father, only ments, as thy father walked, I will
he sacrificed in the high places and burnt : lengthen thy days.
incense. 15 And Solomon awaked, and perceived
4 He went
therefore to Gabaon, to sacri that it was a dream: and when he was
fice was the great high
there: for that come to Jerusalem, he stood before the
place: a thousand victims for holocausts ark of the covenant of the Lord, and of
did Solomon offer upon that altar in fered holocausts, and sacrificed victims
Gabaon. of peace offerings, and made a great
5 And the Lord appeared to Solomon in feast for all his servants.
a dream by night, saying: Ask what thou 16 Then there came two women that
wilt that I should give thee. were harlots, to the king, and stood be
6 And Solomon said: Thou hast shewn fore him :

great mercy to thy servant David my 17 And one of them said: I beseech
father, even as he walked before thee in thee, my lord, I and this woman dwelt in
truth, and justice, and an upright heart one house, and I was delivered of a child
with thee: and thou hast kept thy great with her in the chamber.
mercy for him, and hast given him a son 18 And the third day, after that I was
to sit on his throne, as it is this day. delivered, she also was delivered, and we
7 And now, O Lord God, thou hast made were together, and no other person with
thy servant king instead of David my us in the house, only we two.
father: and I am but a child, and know 19 And this woman s child died in the
not how to go out and come in. night: for in her sleep she overlaid
8 And thy servant is in the midst of the him.
people which thou hast chosen, an im 20 And rising in the dead time of the
mense people, which cannot be numbered night, she took my child from my side,
nor counted for multitude. while I thy handmaid was asleep, and
9 c Give therefore to thy servant an un laid it in her bosom: and laid her dead
derstanding heart, to judge thy people, child in my bosom.
and discern between good and evil. For 21 And when
I rose in the morning to
who shall be able to judge this people, give my child suck, behold it was dead:
thy people which is so numerous ? but considering him more diligently
10 And the word was pleasing to the when it was clear day, I found that it
Lord that Solomon had asked such a was not mine which I bore.
thing. 22 And the other woman answered: It
11 And the Lord said to Solomon: Be is not so as thou sayest, but thy child is
cause thou hast asked this thing, and dead, and mine is alive. On the contrary
hast not asked for thyself long life or she said: Thou liest: for my child liveth,
riches, nor the lives of thy enemies, but and thy child is dead. And in this man
hast asked for thyself wisdom to discern ner they strove before the king.
judgment, 23 Then said the king: The one saith,
12 Behold I have done for thee accord My child is alive, and thy child is dead.
ing to thy words, and have given thee a And the other answereth: Nay, but thy
wise and understanding heart, insomuch child is dead, and mine liveth.
that there hath been no one like thee 24 The king therefore said: Bring me a
before thee, nor shall arise after thee. sword. And when they had brought a
13 d Yea and the things also which thou sword before the king,
didst not ask, I have given thee: to 25 Divide, said he, the living child in
c 2 Par. 1. 10. d Wisd. 7. 1 1 ; Matt. 6. 29.
CHAP. 3. Ver. 2. High places. That is, altars Amongthese high places that of Gabaon was the
where they worshipped the Lord, but not according chiefcst, because there was the tabernacle of the
to the ordinance of the law which allowed of no
testimony, which had been removed from Silo to
other places for sacrifice but the temple of God. Nobe and from Nobe to Gabaon.

Solomon s chief officers 3 KINGS His power and riches
two, and give half to the one, and half to rael, from Bethsan unto Abelmehula over
the other. against Jecmaan.
26 But the woman whose child was alive, 13 Bengaber in Ramoth Galaad; he had
said to the king, (for her bowels were the towns of Jair the son of Manasses in
moved upon her child,) I beseech thee, Galaad, he was chief in all the country
my lord, give her the child alive, and do of Argob, which is in Basan, threescore
not kill it. But the other said: Let it be great cities with walls, and brazen bolts.
neither mine nor thine, but divide it. 14 Abinadab the son of Addo was chief
27 The king answered, and said: Give in Manaim.
the living child to this woman, and let it 15 Achimaas in Nephtali: he also had
not be killed, for she is the mother there Basemath the daughter of Solomon to
of. wife.
28 And all Israel heard the
judgment 16 Baana the son of Husi, in Aser and
which the king had judged, and they in Baloth.
feared the king, seeing that the wisdom 17 Josaphat the son of Pharue, in Issa-
of God was in him to do judgment. char.
18 Semei the son of Ela in Benjamin.
19 Gaber the son of Uri, in the land
Solomon s chief officers. His riches and wisdom. of Galaad, in the land of Sehon the king
king Solomon reigned over all of the Amorrhites and of Og the king of
ANDIsrael: Basan, over all that were in that land.
2 And these were the princes which 20 Juda and Israel -were innumerable, as
he had: Azarias the son of Sadoc the the sand of the sea in multitude: eating
priest: and drinking, and rejoicing.
3 Elihoreph, and Ahia, the sons of Sisa, 21 e And Solomon had under him all the
scribes: Josaphat the son of Ahilud, re kingdoms from the river to the land of
corder : the Philistines, even to the border of
4 Banaias the son of Joiada, over the Egypt: and they brought him presents,
army: and Sadoc and Abiathar priests. and served him, all the days of his life.
5 Azarias the son of Nathan, over them 22 And the provision of Solomon for
that were about the king: Zabud, the son each day, was thirty measures of fine
of Nathan the priest, the s friend:
king flour, and threescore measures of meal,
6 And Ahisar governor of the house: 23 Ten fat oxen and twenty out of the
and Adoniram the son of Abda over the pastures, and a hundred rams, besides
tribute. venison of harts, roes, and buffles, and
7 And Solomon had twelve governors fatted fowls.
over all Israel, who provided victuals for 24 For he had all the country which was
the king and for his household: for every beyond the river, from Thaphsa to Gazan,
one provided necessaries, each man his and all the kings of those countries: and
month in the year. he had peace on every side round about.
8 And these are their names Benhur, in : 25 And Juda and Israel dwelt without
mount Ephraim, any fear, every one under his vine, and
9 Bendecar, in Macces, and in Salebim, under his fig tree, from Dan to Bersa-
and in Bethsames, and in Elon, and in bee, all the days of Solomon.
Beth an an. 26 /And Solomon had forty thousand
10 Benhesed in Aruboth: his was Socho, stalls of chariot horses, and twelve thou
and all the land of Epher. sand for the saddle.
11 Benabinadab, to whom belonged all 27 And the foresaid governors of the
Nephath-Dor, he had Tapheth the daugh king fed them: and they furnished the
ter of Solomon to wife. necessaries also for king Solomon s table,
12 Bana the son of Ahilud, who gov with great care in their time.
erned Thanac and Mageddo, and all Beth- 28 They brought barley also and straw
san, which is by Sarthana beneath Jez- for the horses, and beasts, to the place
e Eccli. 47. 15. / 2 Par. 9. 25.
CHAP. 4. Abiathar. By this it appears
Ver. 4. house, and by that means excluded from the exercise
that Abiathar was not altogether deposed from the of his functions.
high priesthood but only banished to his country
Ver. 21. The river. Euphrates.

Solomon s wisdom 3 KINGS Hiramagrees to help Solomon
was servants: and I will give thee the hire of
where the king was, according as it
thy servants whatsoever thou wilt ask,
appointed them.
for thou knowest how there is not among
29 And God gave to Solomon wisdom
and understanding exceeding much, and my people a man that has skill to hew
sand that is on wood like to the Sidonians.
largeness of heart as the
7 Now when Hiram had heard the words
the sea shore.
of Solomon, he rejoiced exceedingly, and
30 And the wisdom of Solomon sur
all the Orientals, said: Blessed be the Lord God this day,
passed the wisdom of
and of the Egyptians, who hath given to David a very wise son
31 a And he was wiser than all men : over this numerous people.
wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and He- 8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, saying:
I have heard all thou hast desired of me:
man, and Chalcol, and Dorda the sons of
Mah ol, and he was renowned in all na and I will do all thy desire concerning
tions round about. cedar trees, and fir trees.
32 Solomon also spoke three thousand 9 My servants shall bring them down
parables and his poems were a thousand
from Libanus to the sea: and I will put
and five. them together in floats in the sea, and
33 And he treated about trees from the convey them to the place, which thou
cedar that is in Libanus, unto the hyssop shalt signify to me; and will land them
that cometh out of the wall: and he dis there, and thou shalt receive them: and
coursed of beasts, and of fowls, and of thou shalt allow me necessaries, to fur
creeping things, and of fishes. nish food for my household.
34 And they came from all nations to 10 So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees,
hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from and fir trees, according to all his de
all the kings of the earth, who heard of sire.
his wisdom. 11 And Solomon allowed Hiram twenty
CHAPTER 5 thousand measures of wheat, for provi
sion for his house, and twenty measures
Hiram king of Tyre agreeth to furnish timber amd
workmen for building the temple: the number of the purest oil: thus gave Solomon to
of workmen and overseers. Hiram every year.
Hiram king of Tyre sent his ser 12 i And the Lord gave wisdom to Solo
AND vants to Solomon: for he heard mon, as he promised him: and there was
that they had anointed him king in the peace between Hiram and Solomon, and
room of his father: for Hiram had al they two made a league together.
ways been David s friend. 13 And king Solomon chose workmen
2 And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying: out of all Israel, and the levy was of
3 Thou knowest the will of David my thirty thousand men.
father, and that he could not build a 14 And he sent them to Libanus, ten
house to the name of the Lord his God, thousand every month by turns, so that
because of the wars that were round two months they were at home: and
about him, until the Lord put them Adoniram was over this levy.
under the soles of his feet. 15 And Solomon had seventy thousand
4 But now the Lord my God hath given to carry burdens, and eighty thousand
me rest round about: and there is no to hew stones in the mountain:
adversary nor evil occurrence. 16 Besides the overseers who were over
5 Wherefore I purpose to build a temple every work, in number three thousand,
to the name of the Lord my God, as the and three hundred that ruled over the
Lord spoke to David my father, saying: people, and them that did the work.
Thy son, whom I will set upon the 17 And the king commanded, that they
throne in thy place, he shall build a should bring great stones, costly stones,
house to my name. for the foundation of the temple, and
6 Give orders therefore that thy ser should square them:
vants cut me down cedar trees out of 18 And the masons of Solomon, and the
Libanus, and let my servants be with thy masons of Hiram hewed them: and the
g Eccli. 47. 10. i 2 Kings 7. 13 ; 1 Par. 22. 10. j Supra 3. 12.
er. at.
JHT Three
IITKK thousand
j. Liwusana paraoies,
parables, &c. These
<sc. ables extant in the book of Proverbs ;and his chief
rks are all lost, excepting some part of the par poem called the Canticle of Canticles.
The building of the temple 3 KINGS The building of the temple
Giblians prepared timber and stones to 11 And the word of the Lord came to
build the house.
Solomon, saying:
12 This house, which thou buildest, if
thou wilt walk in my statutes, and exe
The building of Solomon s temple
cute my judgments, and keep all my com
k it came to pass l in the four
hun mandments, walking in them, I will fulfil
ANDdred and eigthieth year after the my word to thee which I spoke to Da
children of Israel came out of the land of vid thy father.
Egypt, in the fourth year of the reign of 13 And I will dwell in the midst of the
Solomon over Israel, in the month Zio children of Israel, and will not forsake
(the same is the second month), he began my people Israel.
to build a house to the Lord. 14 So Solomon built the house and fin
2 Andthe house, which Icing Solomon ished it.
built to the Lord, was threescore cubits 15 And he built the walls of the house
in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, on the inside, with boards of cedar, from
and thirty cubits in height. the floor of the house to the top of the
3 And there was a porch before the tem walls, and to the roofs, he covered it
ple of twenty cubits in length, according with boards of cedar on the inside: and
to the measure of the breadth of the he covered the floor of the house with
temple: and it was ten cubits in breadth planks of fir.
before the face of the temple. 16 And he built up twenty cubits with
4 And he made in the temple oblique boards of cedar at the hinder part of the
windows. temple, from the floor to the top: and
5 And upon
the wall of the temple he made the inner house of the oracle to be
built floorsround about, in the walls of the holy of holies.
the house round about the temple and the 17 And the temple itself before the
oracle, and he made sides round about. doors of the oracle was forty cubits long.
6 The floor that was underneath, was 18 And all the house was covered within
five cubits in breadth, and the middle with cedar, having the turnings, and the
floor was six cubits in breadth, and the joints thereof artfully wrought and carv
third floor was seven cubits in breadth. ings projecting out: all was covered with
And he put beams in the house round boards of cedar: and no stone could be
about on the outside, that they might seen in the wall at all.
not be fastened in the walls of the tem 19 And he made the oracle in the midst
ple. of the house, in the inner part, to set
7 And
the house, when it was in build there the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
ing, was built of stones hewed and made 20 Now the oracle was twenty cubits in
ready: so that there was neither hammer length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and
nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the twenty cubits in height. And he cov
house when it was in building. ered and overlaid it with most pure gold.
8 The door for the middle side was on And the altar also he covered with cedar.
the right hand of the house: and by wind 21 And the house before the oracle he
ing stairs they went up to the middle overlaid with most pure gold, and fas
room, and from the middle to the third. tened on the plates with nails of gold.
9 So he built the house, and finished it: 22 And there was nothing in the temple
and he covered the house with roofs of that was not covered with gold: the
cedar. whole altar of the oracle he covered also
10 And he built a floor over all the house with gold.
five cubits in height, and he covered the 23 And he made in the oracle two cher-
house with timber of cedar. ~ ubims of olive tree, of ten cubits in height.
k B. C. 769-8 I 2 Par. 3. 1. m Kings 7. 16.
2 n 1 Par. 22. 9.
CHAP. 6. Ver. 5. Upon the wall, i. e., joining to Ver. 7. Made ready, &c. So the- stones for the
the wall. Ibid. He built floors round about. Cham building of God s eternal temple in the heavenly
bers or cells adjoining to the temple, for the use of Jerusalem, (who are the faithful.) must first be
the temple and of the priests, so contrived as to be hewn and polished here by many trials and suffer
between the inward and outward wall of the temple, ings, before they can be admitted to have a place
in three stories, one above another. Ibid. The in that celestial structure.
oracle. The inner temple or holy of holies, where
God gave his oracles.
The cherubim 3 KINGS Solomon s palaces

24 One wing of the cherub was five cu the house was finished in all the works
bits,and the other wing of the cherub thereof, and in all the appurtenances
was five cubits: that is, in all ten cubits, thereof: and he was seven years in build
from the extremity of one wing to the ing it.

extremity of the other wing. CHAPTER 7

25 The second cherub also was ten cu Solomon s palace, his house in the forest, and the
bits: and the measure, and the work queen s house: the work of the two pillars: the
sea (or laver) and other vessels.
was the same in both the cherubims:
26 That is to say, one cherub was ten Solomon built his own house in
cubits high, and in like manner the other AMDp thirteen years, and brought it to
cherub. perfection.
27 And he set the cherubims in the midst 2 He built also the house of the forest
of the inner temple: and the cherubims of Libanus, the length of it was a hun
stretched forth their wings, and the dred cubits, and the breadth fifty cubits,
wing of the one touched one wall, and and the height thirty cubits: and four
the wing of the other cherub touched the galleries between pillars of cedar: for he
other wall: and the other wings in the had cut cedar trees into pillars.
midst of the temple touched one an 3 And he covered the whole vault with
other. boards of cedar, and it was held up with
28 And he overlaid the cherubims with five and forty pillars. And one row had
gold. fifteen pillars,
29 And the walls of the temple round
all 4 Set one against another,
about he carved with divers figures and And looking one upon another, with
carvings: and he made in them cheru equal space between the pillars, and over
bims and palm trees, and divers repre the pillars were square beams in all
sentations, as it were standing out, and things equal.
coming forth from the wall. 6 And he made a porch of pillars of
30 And the floor of the house he also fifty cubits in length, and thirty cubits
overlaid with gold within and without. in breadth: and another porch before the
31 And in the entrance of the oracle he greater porch: and pillars, and chapiters
made little doors of olive tree, and posts upon the pillars.
of five corners, 7 He made also the porch of the throne,
32 And two doors of olive tree: and he wherein is the seat of judgment: and
carved upon them figures of cherubims, covered it with cedar wood from the
and figures of palm trees, and carvings floor to the top.
very much projecting: and he overlaid 8 And in the midst of the porch, was a
them with gold: and he covered both the small house where he sat in judgment, of
cherubims and the palm trees, and the the like work. He made also a house for
other things with gold. the daughter of Pharao (whom Solo
33 And he made in the entrance of the mon had taken to wife) of the same work,
temple posts of olive tree foursquare: as this porch,
34 And two doors of fir tree, one of 9 All of costly stones, which were sawed
each side: and each door was double, and by a certain rule and measure both with
so opened with folding leaves. in and without: from the foundation to
35 And he carved cherubims, and palm the top of the walls, and without unto
trees, and carved work standing very the great court.
much out: and he overlaid all with golden 10 And the foundations were of costly
plates in square work by rule. stones, great stones of ten cubits or eight
36 And he built the inner court with cubits:
three rows of polished 11 And above there were costly stones,
stones, and one
row of beams of cedar. of equal measure, hewed; and, in like
37 In the fourth year was the house of
manner, planks of cedar:
the Lord founded in the month Zio: 12 And the greater court was made
38 And in the eleventh year in the round with three rows of hewed stones,
month Bui (which is the eighth month) and one row of planks of cedar, moreover
p Supra 6. 38, and Infra 9. 10 q Supra 3. 1.

The pillars of brass 3 KINGS The laver and the bases
also in the inner court of the house of the height of it was five cubits, and a
the Lord, and in the porch of the house. line of thirty cubits compassed it round
13 And king Solomon sent, and brought about.
Hiram from Tyre, 24 And a graven work under the brim
14 The son of a widow woman of the of it compassed it, for ten cubits going
tribe of Nephtali, whose father was a about the sea: there were two rows cast
Tyrian, an artificer in brass, and full of of chamfered sculptures.
wisdom, and understanding, and skill to 25 And it stood upon twelve oxen, of
work all work in brass. And when he which three looked towards the north,
was come to king Solomon, he wrought and three towards the west, and three
all his work. towards the south, and three towards
15 And he cast two pillars in brass, each the east, and the sea was above upon
pillar was eighteen cubits high: rand a them, and their hinder parts were all
line of twelve cubits compassed both the hid within.
pillars. 26 And the laver was a handbreadth
16 He made also two chapiters of molten thick: and the brim thereof was like the
brass, to be set upon the tops of the pil brim of a cup, or the leaf of a crisped
lars: the height of one chapiter was five lily: it contained two thousand bates.
cubits, and the height of the other capi- 27 And he made ten bases of brass,
ter was five cubits: every base was four cubits in length, and
17 And a kind of network, and chain four cubits in breadth, and three cubits
work wreathed together with wonderful high.
art. Both the chapiters of the pillars 28 And the work itself of the bases, was
were cast: seven rows of nets were on intergraven: and there were gravings
one chapiter, and seven nets on the other between the joinings.
chapiter. 29 And between the little crowns- and
18 And he made the pillars, and two the ledges were lions, and oxen, and
rows round about each network to cover cherubims: and in the joinings likewise
the chapiters, that were upon the top, above: and under the lions and oxen, as
with pomegranates: and in like manner it were bands of brass hanging down.
did he to the other chapiter. 30 And every base had four wheels, and
19 And the chapiters that were upon the axletrees of brass: and at the four sides
top of the pillars, were of lily work in were undersetters under the laver molten,
the porch, of four cubits. looking one against another.
20 And again other chapiters in the top 31 The mouth also of the laver within,
of the pillars above, according to the was in the top of the chapiter: and that
measure of the pillar over against the which appeared without, was of one cubit
network: and of pomegranates there all round, and together it was one cubit
were two hundred in rows round about and a half: and in the corners of the
the other chapiter. pillars were divers engravings: and the
21 And he set up the two pillars in the spaces between the pillars were square,
porch of the temple: and when he had not round.
set up the pillar on the right hand, he 32 And the four wheels, which were at
called the name thereof Jachin: in like the four corners of the base, were joined
manner he set up the second pillar, and one to another under the base: the
called the name thereof Booz. height of a wheel was a cubit and a half.
22 And upon the tops of the pillars he 33 And they were such wheels as are
made lily work: so the work of the pil used to be made in a chariot: and their
lars was finished. axletrees, and spokes, and strakes, and
23 a He made also a molten sea of ten naves, were all cast.
cubits from brim to brim, round all about; 34 And the four undersetters that were
r Jer. 52. 21. s 2 Par. 4. 2.

CHAP. Ver. 21. Jachin. That is, firmly estab-

7. Ver. 26. thousand bates. That is, about ten
lished. Ibid. Booz. That is, in its strength. By thousand gallons. This was the quantity of water
recording these names in holy writ, the spirit of God which was usually put into it: but it was capable,
would have us understand the invincible firmness if brimful, of holding three thousand. See 2 Par.
and strength of the pillars on which the true temple 4. 6.
of God, which is the church, is established.

The vessels for the temple 3 KINGS The ark brought into the temple

at every corner of each base, were of gold, and the table of gold, upon which
the base itself cast and joined together. the loaves of proposition should be set:
35 And in the top of the base there 49 And the golden candlesticks, five on
was a round compass of half a cubit, so the right hand, and five on the left, over
wrought that the laver might be set against the oracle, of pure gold: and the
thereon, having its gravings, and divers flowers like lilies, and the lamps over
sculptures of itself. them of gold: and golden snuffers,
36 He engraved also in those plates, 50 And pots, and fleshhooks, and bowls,
which were of brass, and in the corners, and mortars, and censers, of most pure
cherubims, and lions, and palm trees, in gold: and the hinges for the doors of the
likeness of a man standing, so that they inner house of the holy of holies, and
seemed not to be engraven, but added for the doors of the house of the temple
round about. were of gold.
37 After this manner he made ten bases, 51 t And Solomon finished all the work
of one casting and measure, and the like that he made in the house of the Lord,
graving. and brought in the things that David his
38 He made also ten lavers of brass: father had dedicated, the silver and the
one laver contained four bases, and was gold, and the vessels, and laid them up
of four cubits: and upon every base, in in the treasures of the house of the Lord.
all ten, he put as many lavers.
39 And he set the ten bases, five on the CHAPTER 8

right side of the temple, and five on the The dedication of the temple: Solomon s prayer
and sacrifices.
left: and the sea he put on the right
side of the temple over against the east the ancients of Israel
all with
southward. THEN
the princes of the tribes, and the
40 And Hiram made caldrons, and shov heads of the families of the children of
els, and basins, and finished all the work Israel were assembled to king Solomon
of king Solomon in the temple of the in Jerusalem: that they might carry the
Lord. ark of the covenant of the Lord out of
41 The two pillars and the two cords of the city of David, that is, out of Sion.
the chapiters, upon the chapiters of the 2 And all Israel assembled themselves
pillars: and the two networks, to cover to king Solomon on the festival day in
the two cords, that were upon the top of the month of Ethanim, the same is the
the pillars. seventh month.
42 And four hundred pomegranates for 3 And all the ancients of Israel came,
the two networks: two rows of pome and the priests took up the ark,
granates for each network, to cover the 4 And carried the ark of the Lord, and
cords of the chapiters, which were upon the tabernacle of the covenant, and all
the tops of the pillars. the vessels of the sanctuary, that were
43 And the ten bases, and the ten lavers in the tabernacle: and the priests and
on the bases. the Levites carried them.
44 And one sea, and twelve oxen under 5 And king Solomon, and all the multi
the sea. tude of Israel, that were assembled unto
45 And the caldrons, and the shovels, him went with him before the ark, and
and the basins. All the vessels that Hi they sacrificed sheep and oxen that
ram made for king Solomon for the could not be counted or numbered.
house of the Lord, were of fine brass. 6 And the priests brought in the ark of
46 In the plains of the Jordan did the the covenant of the Lord into its place,
king cast them in a clay ground, be into the oracle of the temple, into the
tween Socoth and Sartham. holy of holies under the wings of the
47 And Solomon placed all the vessels: cherubims.
but for exceeding great multitude the 7 For the cherubims spread forth their
brass could not be weighed. wings over the place of the ark, and
48 And Solomon made all the vessels covered the ark, and the staves thereof
for the house of the Lord: the altar of above.

t 2 Par. 5. 1. v 2 Par. 5. 2.

The dedication of the temple 3 KINGS Solomon s prayer
8 And whereas the staves stood
out, the and have built a house to the name of
ends of them were seen without in the the Lord the God of Israel.
sanctuary before the oracle, but were 21 And I have set there a place for the
not seen farther out, and there they have
ark, wherein is the covenant of the Lord,
been unto this day. which he made with our fathers, when
9 Now in the ark there was nothing
they came out of the land of Egypt.
else w but the two tables of stone, which 22 And Solomon stood before the altar
Moses put there at Horeb, when the of the Lord in the sight of the assembly
Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, and spread forth his hands
of Israel, when they came out of the towards heaven;
land of Egypt. 23 And said: Lord God of Israel, there
10 And it came to pass, when the is no God like thee in heaven above,
priests were come out of the sanctuary, or on earth beneath: who keepest cove
that a cloud filled the house of the Lord, nant and mercy with thy servants that
11 And the priests could not stand to have walked before thee with all their
minister because of the cloud: for the heart.
glory of the Lord had filled the house of 24 Who hast kept with thy servant
the Lord. David my father what thou hast promised
12 Then Solomon said: * The Lord said him: with thy mouth thou didst speak,
that he would dwell in a cloud. and with thy hands thou hast performed,
13. Building I have built a house for as this day proveth.
thy dwelling, to be thy most firm throne 25 Now therefore, O Lord God of Is
for ever. rael, keep with thy servant David my
14 And the king turned his face, and father what thou hast spoken to him,
blessed all the assembly of Israel: for saying: z There shall not be taken away
all the assembly of Israel stood. of thee a man in my sight, to sit on the
15 And Solomon said: Blessed be the throne of Israel: yet so that thy children
Lord the God of Israel, who spoke with take heed to their way, that they walk
his mouth to David my father, and with before me as thou hast walked in my
his own hands hath accomplished it, sight.
saying: 26 And now, Lord God of Israel, let thy
16 Since the day that I brought my words be established, which thou hast
people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no spoken to thy servant David my father.
city out of all the tribes of Israel, for a 27 Is it then to be thought that God
house to be built, that my name might should indeed dwell upon earth? For if
be there: but I chose David to be over heaven, and the heavens of heavens can
my people Israel. not contain thee, how much less this
17 v And David my father would have house which I have built ?
built a house to the name of the Lord 28 But have regard to the prayer of thy
the God of Israel: servant, and to his supplications, O Lord
18 And the Lord said to David my my God: hear the hymn and the prayer,
father: Whereas thou hast thought in which thy servant prayeth before thee
thy heart to build a house to my name, this day:
thou hast done well in having this same 29 That thy eyes may be open upon
thing in thy mind. this house night and day: upon the house
19 Nevertheless thou shalt not build of which thou hast said: My name shall
me a house, but thy son, that shall be there: that thou mayest hearken to
come forth out of thy loins, he shall the prayer, which thy servant prayeth in
build a house to my name. this place to thee.
20 The Lord hath performed his word 30 That thou mayest hearken to the
which he spoke: and I stand in the room supplication of thy servant and of thy
of David my father, and sit upon the people Israel, whatsoever they shall pray
throne of Israel, as the Lord promised: for in this place, and hear them in the
w Ex. 27 Heb. 9. 4. a; 2 Par. 6. 1.
34. ; j/ 2 Kings 7. 5. z 2 Kings 7. 12. a Deut 12. 11.
CHAP. 8. Ver. 9. Nothing else, &c. There was also the rod of Aaron, and a golden urn with manna.
nothing else but the tables of the law within the ark ; Heb. 9. 4.
but on the outside of the ark, or near the ark were

Solomon s prayer 3 KINGS Solomon s prayer
place of thy dwelling in heaven; and sake, (for they shall hear every where
when thou nearest, shew them mercy. of thy great name and thy mighty hand,
31 If any man trespass against his neigh 42 And thy stretched out arms,) so
bour, and have an oath upon him, where when he shall come, and shall pray in
with he is bound: and come because of this place,
the oath before thy altar to thy house, 43 Then hear thou in heaven, in the
32 Then hear thou in heaven: and do, firmament of thy dwelling place, and do
and judge thy servants, condemning the all those things, for which that stranger
wicked, and bringing his way upon his shall call upon thee: that all the people
own head, and justifying the just, and of the earth may learn to fear thy name,
rewarding him according to his justice. as do thy people Israel, and may prove
33 If thy people Israel shall fly before that thy name is called upon on this
their enemies, (because they v/ill sin house, which I have built.
against thee,) and doing penance, and 44 If thy people go out to war against
confessing to thy name, shall come, and their enemies, by what way soever thou
pray, and make supplications to thee in shalt send them, they shall pray to thee
this house: towards the way of the city, which thou
34 Then hear thou in heaven, and for hast chosen, and towards the house,
give the sin of thy people Israel, and which I have built to thy name:
bring them back to the land which thou 45 And then hear thou in heaven their
gavest to their fathers. prayers, and their supplications, and do
35 If heaven shall be shut up, and there judgment for them.
shall be no rain, because of their sins, 46 But if they sin against thee (& for
and they praying in this place, shall do there is no man who sinneth not) and
penance to thy name, and shall be con thou being angry deliver them up to
verted from their sins, by occasion of their enemies, so that they be led away
their afflictions: captives into the land of their enemies
36 Then hear thou them in heaven, and far or near;
forgive the sins of thy servants, and of 47 Then if they do penance in their
thy people Israel: and shew them the heart in the place of captivity, and being
good way wherein they should walk, and converted make supplication to thee in
give rain upon thy land, which thou hast their captivity, saying: We have sinned,
given to thy people in possession. we have done "njustly, we have com
37 If a famine arise in the land, or a mitted wickedness:
pestilence, or corrupt air, or blasting, or 48 And return to thee with all their
locust, or mildew, if their enemy afflict heart, and all their soul, in the Ir.nd of
them besieging the gates, whatsoever their enemies, to v/hich they had been
plague, whatsoever infirmity, led captives: and pray to thee towards
38 Whatsoever curse or imprecation the way of their land, which thou gavest
shall happen to any man of thy people to their fathers, and of the city which
Israel: when a man shall know the thou hast chosen, and of the temple
wound of his own heart, and shall spread which I have built to thy name:
forth his hands in this house, 49 Then hear thou in heaven, in the
39 Then hear thou in heaven, in the firmament of thy throne, their prayers,
place of thy dwelling, and forgive, and and their supplications, and do judgment
do so as to give to every one according for them:
to his ways, as thou shalt see his heart 50 And forgive thy people, that have
(for thou only knowest the heart of all sinned against thee, and all their iniqui
the children of men) ties, by which they have transgressed
40 That they may fear thee all the days against thee: and give them mercy be
that they live upon the face of the land, fore them that have made them cap
which thou hast given to our fathers. tives, that they may have compassion
41 Moreover also the stranger, who is on them.
not of thy people Israel, when he shall 51 For they are thy people, and thy in
come out of a far country for thy name s heritance, whom thou hast brought out

b 2 Par. 6. 36 ; Eccli. 7. 21 ; 1 John 1. 8.

Solomon blesses the people 3 KINGS The Lord appears to Solomon
of the land of Egypt from the midst of a hundred and twenty thousand
the furnace of iron. sheep:
so the king, and the children of Israel
52 That thy eyes may be open to the dedicated the temple of the Lord.
supplication of thy servant, and of thy 64 In that day the king sanctified the
people Israel, to hear them in all things middle of the court that was before the
for which they shall call upon thee. house of the Lord: for there he offered
53 For thou hast separated them to the holocaust, and sacrifice, and fat of
self for an inheritance from
among all the peace offerings: because the brazen
the people of the earth, as thou hast altar that was before the Lord, was too
spoken by Moses thy servant, when thou little to
receive the holocaust, and sacri
broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, fice,and fat of the peace offerings.
Lord God. 65 And Solomon made at the same time
54 And it came to pass, when Solomon a solemn feast, and all Israel with him,
had made an end of praying all this a great multitude from the entrance of
prayer and supplication to the Lord, Emath to the river of Egypt, before the
that he rose from before the altar of the Lord our God, seven days and seven
Lord: for he had fixed both knees on
days, that is, fourteen days.
the ground, and had spread his hands 66 And on the eighth day he sent away
towards heaven. the people: and they blessed the king,
55 And he stood and blessed all the as and went to their dwellings rejoicing,
sembly of Israel with a loud voice, say and glad in heart for all the good things
ing: that the Lord had done for David his
who hath given
56 Blessed be the Lord,
servant, and for Israel his people.
rest to his
people Israel, according to
all that he promised: there hath not CHAPTER 9
failed so much as one word of all the The Lord appeareth again to Solomon: he buildeth
good things that he promised by his cities: he sendeth a fleet to Ophir.
servant Moses. it came to pass when Solomon
57 The Lord our God be with us, as he
was with our fathers, and not leave us,
A^Dhadof finished the building of the
house the Lord, and the king s house,
nor cast us off: and all that he desired, and was pleased
58 But may he incline our hearts to to do,
himself, that we may walk in all his 2 That the Lord appeared to him the
ways, and keep his commandments, and second time, c as he had appeared to him
his ceremonies, and all his judgments in Gabaon.
which he commanded our fathers. 3 And the Lord said to him: I have
59 And let these my words, wherewith heard thy prayer and thy supplication,
I have prayed before the Lord, be nigh which thou hast made before me: I have
unto the Lord our God day and night, sanctified this house, which thou hast
that he may do judgment for his ser built, to put my name there for ever,
vant, and for his people, Israel day by and my eyes and my heart shall be there
day: always.
60 That all the people of the earth may 4 And if thou wilt walk before me, as
know, that the Lord he is God, and there thy father walked, in simplicity of heart,
is no other besides him. and in uprightness: and wilt do all that
61 Let our hearts also be perfect with I have commanded thee, and wilt keep
the Lord our God, that we may walk in my ordinances and my judgments,
his statutes, and keep his command 5 will establish the throne of thy

ments, as at this day. kingdom over Israel for ever, as I pro

62 And the king, and all Israel with mised David thy father, saying: There
him, offered victims before the Lord. shall not fail a man of thy race upon the
63 And Solomon slew victims of peace throne of Israel.
offerings, which he sacrificed to the 6 But if you and your children revolting
Lord, two and twenty thousand oxen, and shall turn away from following me, and
~ "

7 c Supra 3. 5 : 2 Par. 7. 12. d 2 Kings 7. 12 and 16.

CHAP. 9. Ver. 4. As thy father walked, in sim rity of a single heart, as opposite to all double deal
plicity of heart. That is, in the sincerity and integ- ing and deceit.

Cities built by Solomon 3 KINGS He sends a fleet to Ophir
will not keep my commandments, and 19 And all the towns that belonged to
my ceremonies, which I have set before himself, and were not walled, he forti
you, but will go and worship strange fied, the cities also of the chariots, and
gods, and adore them: the cities of the horsemen, and whatso
7 I will take away Israel from the face ever he had a mind to build in Jeru
of the land which I have given them; salem, and in Libanus, and in all the
and the temple which I have sanctified land of his dominion.
to my name, I will cast out of my sight; 20 All the people that were left of the
and Israel shall be a proverb, and a by- Amorrhites, and Hethites, and Phere-
ivord among all people. zites, and Hevites, and Jebusites, that
8 And this house shall be made an ex are not of the children of Israel:
ample of: every one that shall pass by 21 Their children, that were left in the
it, be astonished, and shall hiss,
shall land, to wit, such as the children of
and say: Why hath the Lord done thus
e Israel had not been able to destroy,
to this land, and to this house: Solomon made tributary unto this day.
9 And they shall answer: Because they 22 But of the children of Israel Solomon
forsook the Lord their God, who brought made not any to be bondmen, but they
their fathers out of the land of Egypt, were men of war, and his servants, and
and followed strange gods, and adored his princes, and captains, and overseers
them, and worshipped them: therefore of the chariots and horses.
hath the Lord brought upon them all 23 And there were five hundred and
this evil. fifty chief officers set over all the works
10 / And when twenty years were ended of Solomon, and they had people under
after Solomon had built the two houses, them, and had charge over the appointed
that is, the house of the Lord, and the works.
house of the king, 24 a And the daughter of Pharao came
11 (Hiram the king of Tyre furnishing up out of the city of David to her house,
Solomon with cedar trees and fir trees, which Solomon had built for her: then
and gold according to all he had need did he build Mello.
of,) then Solomon gave Hiram twenty 25 Solomon also offered three times
cities in theland of Galilee. every year holocausts, and victims of
12 And Hiram came out of Tyre, to see peace offerings upon the altar which he
the towns which Solomon had given him, had built to the Lord, and he burnt in
and they pleased him not, cense before the Lord: and the temple
13 And he said: Are these the cities was finished.
which thou hast given me, brother? 26 And king Solomon made a fleet in
And he called them the land of Chabul, Asiongaber, which is by Ailath on the
unto this day. shore of the Red Sea in the land of Edom.
14 And Hiram sent to king Solomon a 27 And Hiram sent his servants in the
hundred and twenty talents of gold. fleet, sailors that had knowledge of the
15 This is the sum of the expenses, sea, with the servants of Solomon.
which king Solomon offered to build the 28 And they came to Ophir, and they
house of the Lord, and his own house, brought from thence to king Solomon
and Mello, and the wall of Jerusalem, four hundred and twenty talents of gold.
and Heser, and Mageddo, and Gazer.
16 Pharao the king of Egypt came up CHAPTER 10
and took Gazer, and burnt it with fire: The queen of Saba cometh to king Solomon: his
and slew the Chanaanite that dwelt in riches and glory.

the city, and gave it for a dowry to his A ND the queen of Saba, having heard

daughter, Solomon s wife. J\. of the fame of Solomon in the name

17 So Solomon built Gazer, and Beth- of the Lord, came to try him with hard
horon the nether, questions.
18 And Baalath, and Palmira in the 2 And entering into Jerusalem with a
land of the wilderness. great train, and riches, and camels that
e Deut. 29. 24 ; Jer. 22. g 2 Par. 8. 11.
/ 2 Par. 8. 1. h 2 Par. 9. 1 ; Matt. 12. 42 ; Luke 11. 31.
Ver. 13. Chabul. That is, dirty or displeasing.

3 KINGS Solomon s riches and wisdotrt

carried spices, and an immense quantity returned, and v.ent to her own country
of gold, and precious stones, she came to with her servants.
king Solomon, and spoke to him all that 14 And the weight of the gold that was
she had in her heart. brought to Solomon every year, was six
3 And Solomon informed her of all the hundred and sixty-six talents of gold:
things she proposed to him: there was 15 Besides that which the men brought
not any word the king was ignorant of, him that were over the tributes, and the
and which he could not answer her. merchants, and they that sold by retail,
4 And when the queen of Saba saw all and all the kings of Arabia, and the gov
the wisdom of Solomon, and the house ernors of the country.
which he had built, 16 And Solomon made two hundred
5 And the meat of his table, and the shields of the purest gold: he allowed
apartments of his servants, and the six hundred sides of gold for the plates
order of his ministers, and their apparel, of one shield.
and the cupbearers, and the holocausts, 17 And three hundred targets of fine
which he offered in the house of the gold: three hundred pounds of gold cov
Lord: she had no longer any spirit in her, ered one target: and the king put them
6 And she said to the king: The report in the house of the forest of Libanus.
is true, which I heard in my own country, 18 King Solomon also made a great
7 Concerning thy words, and concerning throne of ivory: and overlaid it with
thy wisdom. And I did not believe them the finest gold.
that told me, till I came myself, and saw 19 It had six steps: and the top of the
with my own eyes, and have found that throne was round behind: and there were
the half hath not been told me: thy wis two hands on either side holding the seat :
dom and thy works, exceed the fame and two lions stood, one at each hand.
which I heard. 20 And twelve little lions stood upon
8 Blessed are thy men, and blessed are the six steps on the one side and on the
thy servants, who stand before thee al other: there was no such work made in
ways, and hear thy wisdom. any kingdom.
9 Blessed be the Lord thy God, whom 2! Moreover all the vessels, out of which
thou hast pleased, and who hath set thee king Solomon drank, were of gold: and
upon the throne of Israel, because the allthe furniture of the house of the for
Lord hath loved Israel for ever, and est of Libanus was of most pure gold:
hath appointed thee king, to do judgment there was no silver, nor was any account
and justice. made of it in the days of Solomon:
10 *And she gave the king a hundred 22 For the king s navy, once in three
and twenty talents of gold, and of spices years, went with the navy of
Hiram by
a very great store, and precious stones: sea to Tharsis, and brought from thence
there was brought no more such abun gold, and silver, and elephants teeth,
dance of spices as these which the queen and apes, and peacocks.
of Saba gave to king Solomon. 23 And king Solomon exceeded all the
11 (J The navy also of Hiram, which kings of the earth in riches, and wisdom.
brought gold from Ophir, brought from 24 And all the earth desired to see
Ophir great plenty of thyine trees, and Solomon s face, to hear his wisdom,
precious stones. which God had given in his heart.
12 And the king made of the thyine 25 And every one brought him presents,
trees the rails of the house of the Lord, vessels of silver and of gold, garments
and of the king s house, and citterns and and armour, and spices, and horses and
harps for singers: there were no such mules every year.
thyine trees as these brought, nor seen 26 k And Solomon gathered together
unto this day.) chariots and horsemen, and he had a
13 And king Solomon gave the queen thousand four hundred chariots, and
of Saba all that she desired, and asked twelve thousand horsemen: and he be
of him: besides what he offered her of stowed them in fenced cities, and with
himself of his royal bounty. And she the king in Jerusalem.

Par. 9. 10. k 2 Par. 1. 14.

i 2 Par. 9. 9. j 2

Solomon jails into idolatry 3 KINGS Solomon s adversaries
27 And he made silver to be as plentiful from the Lord the God of Israel, who
and cedars to be
in Jerusalem as stones: had appeared to him twice,
as common as sycamores which grow in 10 And had commanded him concerning
the plains. this thing, that Ke should not follow
28 And horses were brought for Solo- strange gods: but he kept not the things
men out of Egypt, and Coa: for the which the Lord commanded him.
11 The Lord therefore said to Solomon:
king s merchants brought them out of
Coa, and bought them at a set price.
Because thou hast done this, and hast
29 And a chariot of four horses came not kept my covenant, and my precepts,
out of Egypt, for six hundred sides of which I have commanded thee, I will
divide and rend thy kingdom, and will
silver, and a horse for a hundred and
fifty. And after this manner did all the give it to thy servant.
12 P Nevertheless in thy days I will not
kings of the Hethites, and of Syria, sell
horses. do it, for David thy father s sake: but I
will rend it out of the hand of thy son.
CHAPTER 11 13 Neither will I take away the whole
Solomon by -means of his wives falleth into idolatry: kingdom, but I will give one tribe to thy
God raiseth him adversaries, Adad, Razon, and son for the sake of David my servant,
Jeroboam: Solomon dieth.
and Jerusalem which I have chosen.
king Solomon * lovedmany strange 14 And the Lord raised up an adversary
women besides
and women
the daughter of
of Moab, and of
to Solomon, Adad the Edomite of the
Pharao, king s seed, in Edom,
Ammon, and of Edom, and of Sidon, and 15 For when David was in Edom, and
of the Hethites: Joab the general of the army was gone
2 Of the nations concerning which the up to bury them that were slain, and had
Lord said to the children of Israel: You killed every male in Edom.
shall not go in unto them, neither shall 16 (For Joab remained there six months
any of them come in to yours: for they with all Israel, till he had slain every
will most certainly turn away your heart male in Edom,)
to follow their gods. And to these was 17 Then Adad fled, he and certain
Solomon joined with a most ardent love. Edomites, of his father s servants with
3 And he had seven hundred wives as him, to go into Egypt: and Adad was
queens, and three hundred concubines: then a little boy.
and the women turned away his heart. 18. And they
arose out of Madian, and
4 And when he was now old, his heart came Pharan, and they took men
was turned away by women to follow with them from Pharan, and went into
strange gods: and his heart was not per Egypt to Pharao the king of Egypt:
fect with the Lord his God, as was the who gave him a house, and appointed
heart of David his father. him victuals, and assigned him land.
19 Am Adad found great favour before
5 But Solomon woshipped Astarthe the
goddess of the Sidonians, and Moloch the Pharao, insomuch that he gave him to
idol of the Ammonites. wife, the own sister of his wife Taphnes
6 And Solomon did that which was not the queen.
pleasing before the Lord, and did not 20 And the sister of Taphnes bore him
fully follow the Lord, as David his father. his son Genubath, and Taphnes brought
7 Then Solomon built a temple for Cha- him up in the house of Pharao: and Ge
mos the idol of Moab, on the hill that is nubath dwelt with Pharao among his
over against Jerusalem, and for Moloch children.
the idol of the children of Ammon. 21 And when Adad heard in Egypt that
8 And he did in this manner for all his David slept with his fathers, and that
wives that were strangers, who burnt in- Joab the general of the army was dead,
cence, and offered sacrifice to their gods. he said to Pharao: Let me depart, that
9 And the Lord was angry with Solo I may go to my own country.
mon, because his mind was turned away 22 And Pharao said to him: Why, what
I Deut. 17. 17 ; Eccli. 21. o Supra 9. 2 p Infra 12. 15.
m Ex. 34. 16. <7
2 Kings 8. 14.
CHAP. 11. Ver. 13. One tribe. Besides that of Juda, his own native tribe.

Ten tribes promised to Jeroboam 3 KINGS Death of Solomon
is wanting to thee with me, that thou Ammon: and hath not
walked in my
seekest to go to thy own country? But
ways, to do justice before me, and to
he answered: Nothing: yet I beseech keep my precepts, and judgments as did
thee to let me go. David his father.
23 God also raised up against him an 34 Yet I will not take away all the
adversary, Razon the son of Eliada, who kingdom cut of his hand, but I will make
had fled from his master Adarezer the him prince all the days of his life, for
king of Soba: David my servant s sake, whom I chose,
24 And he gathered men against him, who kept my commandments and my
and he became a captain of robbers, precepts.
when David slew them of Soba: and they 35 But I will take away the kingdom
w.ent to Damascus, and dwelt there, and out of his son s hand and will give thee
they made him king in Damascus. ten tribes:
25 And he was an adversary to Israel, 36 And to his son I will give one tribe,
all the days of Solomon: and this is the
that there may remain a lamp for my
evil of Adad, and his hatred against Is
servant David before me always in Jeru
rael, and he reigned in Syria. salem the city which I have chosen, that
26 * Jeroboam also the son of Nabat an
my name might be there.
Ephrathite of Sareda, a servant of Solo 37 And I will take thee, and thou shalt
mon, whose mother was named Sarua, a
widow reign over all that thy soul desireth, and
woman, lifted up his hand thou shalt be king over Israel.
against the king.
27 And this is the cause of his rebel 38 If then thou wilt hearken to all that
lion against him, for Solomon built I command thee, and wilt walk in

Mello, and filled up the breach of the my ways, and do what is right before
city of David his father. me, keeping my commandments and my
28 And Jeroboam wasa valiant and precepts, as David my servant did: I
will be with thee, and will build thee
mighty man: and Solomon seeing him a
young man ingenious and industrious, up a faithful house, as I built a house
made him chief over the tributes of all for David, and I will deliver Israel to
the house of Joseph. thee:
29 * So it came to pass at that time, that 39 And I will for this afflict the seed of
Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, and David, but yet not for ever.
the prophet Ahias the Silonite, clad with 40 Solomon therefore sought to kill
a new garment, found him in the way: Jeroboam: but he arose, and fled into
and they two were alone in the field. Egypt to Sesac the king of Egypt, and
30 And Ahias taking his new garment, was in Egypt till the death of Solomon.
wherewith he was clad, divided it into 41 And the rest of the words of Solo
twelve parts: mon, and all that he did, and his wisdom:
31 And he said to Jeroboam: Take to behold they are all written in the book
thee ten pieces: for thus saith the Lord of the words of the days of Solomon.
the God of Israel: Behold I will rend the
42 And the days that Solomon reigned
in Jerusalem over all Israel, were forty
kingdom out of the hand of Solomon,
and will give thee ten tribes. years.
43 And * Solomon slept with his fathers,
32 But one tribe shall remain to him
for the sake of my servant David, and and was buried in the city of David his
Jerusalem the city, which I have chosen father, and Roboam his son reigned in
his stead.
out of all the tribes of Israel:
33 Because he hath forsaken me, and CHAPTER 12
hath adored Astarthe the goddess of the Roboam following the counsel of young men alien-
ateth from him the minda of the people. They
Sidonians, and Chamos the god of Moab, make Jeroboam king over ten trilcx: he setteth
and Moloch the god of the children of up idolatry.

r 2 Kings 8. 6 ; 1 Par. 18. 6. t 2 Par. 10. 15.

s 2 Par. 13. 6. u B. C. 932.

Ver. 41. The book of the words. &c. This book is Ver. 43. Solomon slept, &c. That is, died. He
with divers others mentioned in holy writ. was then about fifty-eight years of age, havine
reigned forty years.

The people petition Roboam 3 KINGS Revolt of the ten tribes
Roboam went to Sichem w for 13 And the king answered the people

thither were ail Israel come to

gether to make him king.

roughly, leaving the counsel of the old

men, which they had given him,
2 But Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who 14 And he spoke to them according to
was yet in Egypt, a fugitive from the the counsel of the young men, saying:
face of king Solomon, hearing of his My father made your yoke heavy, but I
death, returned out of Egypt. will add to your yoke: my father beat
3 And they sent and called him: and you with whips, but I will beat you with
Jeroboam came, and all the multitude of scorpions.
Israel, aridthey spoke to Roboam, saying: 15 And the king condescended not to
4 Thy father laid a grievous yoke upon the people: for the Lord was turned
us: now therefore do thou take off a away from him, to make good his word,
x which he had
little of the grievous service of thy fa spoken in the hand of
ther, and of his most heavy yoke, which Ahias the Silonite to Jeroboam the son
he put upon us, and we will serve thee. of Nabat.
5 And he said to them: Go till the third 16 Then the people seeing that the "king
day, and come to me again. And when would not hearken to them, answered
the people was gone, him, saying: What portion have we in
6 King Roboam took counsel with the David ? or what inheritance in the son
old men, that stood before Solomon his of Isai ? Go home to thy dwellings, Is
father while he yet lived, and he said: rael, now David look to thy own house.
What counsel do you give me, that I So Israel departed to their dwellings.
may answer this people ? 17 But as for all the children of Israel
7 They said to him: If thou wilt yield that dwelt in the cities of Juda, Roboam
to this people to day, and condescend to reigned over them.
them, and grant their petition, and wilt 18 Then king Roboam sent Aduram, who
speak gentle words to them, they will be was over the tribute: and all Israel stoned
thy servants always. him, and he died. Wherefore king Ro
8 But he left the counsel of the old boam made haste to get him up into his
m,en, which they had given him, and chariot, and he fled to Jerusalem:
consulted with the young men, that had 19 And Israel revolted from the house
been brought up with him, and stood of David, unto this day.
before him. 20 And it came to pass when all Israel
9 And he said to them: What counsel heard that Jeroboam was come again,
do you give me, that I may answer this that they gathered an assembly, and sent
people, who have said to me: Make the and called him, and made him king over
yoke which thy father put upon us all Israel, and there was none that fol
lighter ? lowed the house of David but the tribe
10 Andthe young men that had been of Juda only.
brought up with him, said: Thus shalt 21 And Roboam came to Jerusalem, and
thou speak to this people, who have gathered together all the house of Juda,
spoken to thee, saying: Thy father made and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred four
our yoke heavy, do thou ease us. Thou score thousand chosen men for war, to
shalt say to them: My little finger is fight against the house of Israel, and to
thicker than the back of my father. bring the kingdom again under Roboam
11 And now my father put a heavy the son of Solomon.
yoke upon you, but I will add to your 22 g But the word of the Lord came to
yoke: my father beat you with whips, Semeias the man of God, saying:
but I will beat you with scorpions. 23 Speak to Roboam the son of Solo
12 So Jeroboam and all the people came mon, the king of Juda, and to all the
to Roboam the third day, as the king had house of Juda, and Benjamin, and the
appointed, saying: Come to me again rest of the people, saying:
the third day. 24 Thus saith the Lord: You shall not
v B. C. 932. w 2 Par. 10. 1. x Supra 11. 31. z 2 Par. 11. 2.

CHAP. 12.Ver. 20. Juda only. Benjamin was a Juda, partly in Benjamin,) that they are here
small tribe, and so intermixed with the tribe of counted but as one tribe.
Juda, (the very city of Jerusalem being partly in

The two golden calves 3 KINOS The prophet sent to Jeroboam
go up nor fight against your brethren d behold there came a man of God
the children of Israel: let every man re
turn to his house, for this thing is from
out of Juda, by the word of the Lord
to Bethel, when Jeroboam was standing
me. They hearkened to the word of the upon the altar, and burning incense.
Lord, and returned from their journey, 2 And he cried out against the altar in
as the Lord had commanded them. the word of the Lord, and said: O altar,
25 And Jeroboam built Sichem in mount
altar, thus saith the Lord Behold a child

Ephraim, and dwelt there, and going shall be born to the house of David, Josias
out from thence he built Phanuel. by name, and he shall immolate upon thee
26 And Jeroboam said in his heart: the priests of the high places, who now
Now the kingdom return to the
shall burn incense upon thee, and he shall
house of David, burn men s bones upon thee.
27 If this people go up to offer sacrifices 3 And he gave a sign the same day,
in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem: saying: This shall be the sign, that the
and the heart of this people will turn to Lord hath spoken: Behold the altar shall
their lord Roboam the king of Juda, and be rent, and the ashes that are upon it
they will kill me, and return to him. shall be poured out.
28 oAnd finding out a device he made 4 And when the king had heard the
two golden calves, and said to them: Go word of the man of God, which he had
ye up no more to Jerusalem & Behold : cried out against the altar in Bethel, he
thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee out stretched forth his hand from the altar,
of the land of Egypt. saying: Lay hold on him. And his hand
29 And he set the one in Bethel, and which he stretched forth against him
the other in Dan: withered and he was not able to draw it

30 And this thing became an occasion back again to him.

of sin: for the people went to adore the 6 The altar also was rent, and the ashes
calf as far as Dan. were poured out from the altar, according
31 And he made temples in the high to the sign which the man of God had
places, c and priests of the lowest of the given before in the word of the Lord.
people, who were not of the sons of Levi. 6 And the king said to the man of God:
32 And he appointed a feast in the Entreat the face of the Lord thy God,
eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the and pray for me, that my hand may be
month, after the manner of the feast restored to me. And the man of God
that was celebrated in Juda. And going besought the face of the Lord, and the
up to the altar, he did in like manner in king s hand was restored to him, and it
Bethel to sacrifice to the calves, which became as it was before.
he had made: and he placed in Bethel 7 And the Icing said to the man of
priests of the high places, which he had God: Come home with me to dine, and
made. I will make thee presents.
33 And he went up to the altar, which 8 And the man of God answered the
he had built in Bethel, on the fifteenth king: If thou wouldst give me half thy
day of the eighth month, which he had house I will not go with thee, nor eat
devised of his own heart: and he or bread, nor drink water in this place:
dained a feast to the children of Israel, 9 For so it was enjoined me by the word
and went upon the altar to burn incense. of the Lord commanding me: Thou shalt
not eat bread nor drink water, nor re
CHAPTER 13 turn by the same way that thou earnest.
10 So he departed by another way, and
A prophet sent from Juda to Bethel foretelleth the
returned not by the way that he came
and the destruction of Jeroboam s
birth of Jo.oias,
altar. Jeroboam s hand offering violence to the into Bethel.
prophet withereth, but is restored by the prophet s 11 Now a certain old prophet dwelt in
prayer: the same prophet is deceived by another
prophet, and slain by a lion. Bethel, and his sons came to him and
a Tcb. 1. 5. b Ex. 32. 8. c 2 Par. 11. 15. d B. C. 932. e 4 Kings 23. 16.

Ver. 28. Golden calves. It is likely, by making his Ver. 29. Bethel and Dan. Bethel WES a city of
gods in this form, he mimicked the Egyptians, the tribe of Ephraim in the southern part of the
among whom he had sojourned, who worshipped dominions of Jeroboam, about six leagues from Je
their Apis and their Osiris under the form of a rusalem Dan was in the extremity of his dominions

bullock. to the north in the confines of Syria.

Disobedience of the prophet 3 KINGS The prophet killed by a lion
told him all the works that the man of 24 And when he was gone, a lion found
God had done that day in Bethel: and him in the way, and killed him, as his
they told their father the words which body was cast in the way: and the ass
he had spoken to the king. stood by him, and the lion stood by the
12 And their father said to them: What dead body.
way went he? His sons shewed him 25 And behold, men passing by saw the
the way by which the man of God went, dead body cast in the way, and the lion
who came out of Juda. standing by the body. And they came
13 And he said to his sons: Saddle me and told it in the city, wherein that old
the ass. And when they had saddled prophet dwelt.
him, he got up, 26 And when that prophet, who had
14 And went after the man of God, and brought him back out of the way, heard
found him sitting under a turpentine of it, he said: It is the man of God, that
tree: and he said to him: Art thou the was disobedient to the mouth of the
man of God that earnest from Juda ? He Lord, and the Lord hath delivered him
answered: I am. to the lion, and he hath torn him, and
15 And he said to him: Come home killed him according to the word of the
with me, to eat bread. Lord, which he spoke to him.
16 But he said: I must not return, nor 27 And he said to his sons: Saddle me
go with thee, neither will I eat bread, nor an ass. And when they had saddled it,
drink water in this place: 28 And he was gone, he found the dead
17 Because the Lord spoke to me in the body cast in the way, and the ass and
word of the Lord, saying: Thou shalt not the lion standing by the carcass: the
eat bread, and thou shalt not drink lion had not eaten of the dead body, nor
water there, nor return by the way thou hurt the ass.
wentest. 29 And the prophet took up the body
18 He said to him: I also am a prophet of the man of God, and laid it upon the
like unto thee: and an angel spoke to me ass, and going back brought it into the
in the word of the Lord, saying: Bring city of the old prophet, to mourn for him.
him back with thee into thy house, that 30 And he laid his dead body in his own
he may eat bread, and drink water. He sepulchre: and they mourned over him,
deceived him, saying alas alas my brother.
: ! !

19 And brought him back with him: so 31 And when they had mourned over
he ate bread and drank water in his him, he said to his sons: When I am
house. dead, bury me in the sepulchre wherein
20 And as they sat at table, the word of the man of God is buried: lay my bones
the Lord came to the prophet that beside his bones.
brought him back: 32 For assuredly the word shall come
21 And he cried out to the man of God to pass which he hath foretold in the
who came out of Juda, saying: Thus word of the Lord against the altar that
saith the Lord: Because thou hast not is in Bethel: and against all the temples
been obedient to the Lord, and hast not of the high places, that are in the cities
kept the commandment which the Lord of Samaria.
thy God commanded thee, 33 After these words Jeroboam came
22 And hast returned and eaten bread, not back from his wicked way: but on
and drunk water in the place wherein he the contrary he made of the meanest of
commanded thee that thou shouldst not the people priests of the high places:
eat bread, nor drink water, thy dead whosoever would, he filled his hand,
body shall not be brought into the and he was made a priest of the high
sepulchre of thy fathers. places.
23 And when he had eaten and drunk, 34 And for this cause did the house of
he saddled his ass for the prophet, whom Jeroboam sin, and was cut off and de
he had brought back. stroyed from the face of the earth.
CHAP. 1,. Ver. 18. An angel spoke to me, &c. ishes his servants here, that he may spare them here-
his old man of Bethel was indeed a
prophet, but he after. For the generality of divines are of opinidn,
sinned in thus deceiving the man of God the more
; that the sin of this prophet, considered with all its
because he pretended a revelation for what he did.
circumstances, was not mortal.
Ver. 24. Killed him. Thus the Lord often pun-

Jeroboam s wife visits Ahias 3 KINGS Prophecy of Ahias
CHAPTER 14 away the remnant of the house of Jero
Ahias prophesieth the destruction of the family of boam, as dung is swept away till all be
Jeroboam. He dieth, and is succeeded by his son clean.
Nadab. The king of Egypt taketh and pillageth
Jerusalem. Roboain dieth and his son Abiam 11 Them that
shall die of Jeroboam in the
city, the dogs shall eat: and them that
that time Abia the son of Jero shall die in the field, the birds of the air
fell sick.
said to his wife:
shall devour: for the Lord hath spoken it.
2 12 Arise thou therefore, and go to thy
Arise, and change thy dress, that thou house: and when thy feet shall be enter
be not known to be the wife of Jero
ing into the city, the child shall die,
boam, and go to Silo, where Ahias the 13 And all Israel shall mourn for him,
prophet is, /who told me, that I should and shall bury him: for he only of Jero
reign over this people. boam shall be laid in a sepulchre, be
3 Take also with thee ten loaves, and cause in his regard there is found a good
cracknels, and a pot of honey, and go word from the Lord the God of Israel, in
to him: for he will tell thee what shall the house of Jeroboam.
become of this child. 14 And the Lord hath appointed himself
4 Jeroboam s wife did as he told her: a king over Israel, who shall cut off the
and rising up went to Silo, and came to house of Jeroboam in this day, and in
the house of Ahias: but he could not see, this time:
for his eyes were dim by reason of his 15 And the Lord God shall strike Israel
age. as a reedshaken in the water: and
5 And the Lord said to Ahias: Behold he shall root up Israel out of this good
the wife of Jeroboam cometh in, to con land, which he gave to their fathers, and
sult thee concerning her son that is sick: shall scatter them beyond the river: be
thus and thus shalt thou speak to her. cause they have made to themselves
So when she was coming in, and made as groves, to provoke the Lord.
if she were another woman, 16 And the Lord shall give up Israel for
6 Ahias heard the sound of her feet the sins of Jeroboam, who hath sinned,
coming in at the door, and said: Come and made Israel to sin.
in, thou wife of Jeroboam: why dost 17 And the wife of Jeroboam arose, and
thou feign thyself to be another? But departed, and came to Thersa: and when
I am sent to thee with heavy tidings. she was coming into the threshold of the
7 Go, and tell Jeroboam: Thus saith the house, the child died;
Lord the God of Israel: Forasmuch as I 18 And they buried him. And all Israel
exalted thee from among the people, and mourned for him according to the word
made thee prince over my people Israel: of the Lord, which he spoke by the hand
8 And rent the kingdom away from the of his servant Ahias the prophet.
house of David, and gave it to thee, and 19 And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam,
thou hast not been as my servant David, how he fought, and how he reigned, be
who kept my commandments, and fol hold they are written in the book of the
lowed me with all his heart, doing that words of the days of the kings of Israel.
which was well pleasing in my sight: 20 And the days that Jeroboam reigned,
9 But hast done evil above all that were were two and twenty years: and he slept
before thee, and hast made thee strange with his fathers: and Nadab his son
gods and molten gods, to provoke me to reigned in his stead.
anger, and hast cast me behind thy back: 21 h And Roboam the son of Solomon
10 Therefore behold I will bring evils reigned in Juda: Roboam was one and
upon the house of Jeroboam, and ffwill forty years old when he began to reign:
cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth and he reigned seventeen years in Je
against the wall, and him that is shut up, rusalem the city, which the Lord chose
and the last in Israel: and I will sweep out of all the tribes of Israel to put his

/ Supra 11. 31. g Infra 15. 29. h 2 Par. 12. 13.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 19. The book of the words of the (which the Hebrews call the words of the days,)
days of the kings of Israel. This book, which is often they were certainly written after the Book of Kings,
mentioned in the Book of Kings, is long since lost. since they frequently refer to them.
For as to the books of Paralipomenon, or Chronicles,

Jerusalem is pillaged 3 KINGS The reigns of Abiam and Asa
name there. And his mother s name was 2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem:
Naama an Ammonitess. 1
the name of his mother was Maacha the
22 And Juda did evil in sight of the daughter of Abessalom.
Lord, and provoked him above all that 3 And he walked in all the sins of his
their fathers had done, in their sins father, which he had done before him:
which they committed. and his heart was not perfect with the
23 For they also built them altars, and Lord his God, as was the heart of David
statues, and groves upon every high hill his father.
and under every green tree: 4 But for David s sake the Lord his
24 There were also the effeminate in God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem, to
the land, and they did according to all set up his son after him, and to estab
the abominations of the people whom the lish Jerusalem:
Lord had destroyed before the face of 5 Because David had done that which
the children of Israel. was right in the eyes of the Lord, and
25 iAnd in the fifth year of the reign had not turned aside from any thing
of Roboam, Sesac king of Egypt came that he commanded him, all the days of
up agaist Jerusalem. his life, m except the matter of Urias
26 And he took away the treasures of the Hethite.
the house of the Lord, and the king s 6 But there was war between Roboam
treasures, and carried all off: as also the and Jeroboam all the time of his life.
shields of gold which i Solomon had 7 And the rest of the words of Abiam,
made. and all that he did, are they not written
27 And Roboam made shields of brass in the book of the words of the days of
instead of them, and delivered them into the kings of Juda ? n And there was war
the hand of the captains of the shield- between Abiam and Jeroboam.
bearers, and of them that kept watch 8 And Abiam slept with his fathers, and
before the gate of the house. they buried him in the city of David,
28 And when the king went into the and Asa his son reigned in his stead.
house of the Lord, they whose office it 9 So in the twentieth year of Jerobof.m
was to go before him, carried them: and king of Israel, P reigned Asa king of
afterwards they brought them back to Juda.
the armoury of the shieldbearers. 10 And he reigned one and forty years
29 Now the rest of the acts of Roboam, in Jerusalem. His mother s name was
and all that he did, behold they are Maacha, the daughter of Abessalom.
writen in the book of the words of the 11 And Asa did that which was right in
days of the kings of Juda. the sight of the Lord, as did David his
30 And there was war between Roboam father:
and Jeroboam always. 12 And he took away the effeminate out
31 And Roboam slept with his fathers, of the land, and he removed all the filth
and was buried with them in the city of the idols, which his fathers had made.
of David: and his mother s name was 13 Moreover he also removed his mo
Naama an Ammonitess: and Abiam his ther Maacha, from being the princess in
son reigned in his stead. the sacrifices of Priapus, and in the grove
which she had consecrated to him: and
CHAPTER 15 he destroyed her den, and broke in
The acts of Abiam and of Asa kings of Juda. And pieces the filthy idol, and burnt it by the
of Nadab and Basa kings of Israel.
torrent Cedron:
k in the eighteenth year of the 14 But the high places he did not take
NOW reign
of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, away. Nevertheless the heart of Asa
reigned over Juda. was perfect with the Lord all his days:
t B. C. 928. j Supra 10. 16. m 2 Kings 11. 14. n 2 Par. 13. 3.
k B. C. 914. J 2 Par. 13. 2. o 2 Par. 14. l.p B. C. 911.
Ver. 24. The effeminate. Catamites, or men ad mother unless we suppose, which is not improb

dicted to unnatural lust. able, that the Maacha here named is different froir
CHAP. 15. Ver. 2. Maacha, &c. She is called else the Maacha mentioned, ver. 2.
where Michaia, daughter of Uriel but it was com
; Ver. 14. The high places. There were excelsa or
mon in those days for the same person to have two high places of two different kinds. Some were set
names. up, and dedicated to the worship of idols, or strange
Ver. 10. His mother, &c. That is, his grand-

Death of Asa 3 KINGS Reigns of Nadab and Baasa
15 And he brought in the things which reigned over Israel the second year s of
his father had dedicated, and he had Asa king of Juda: and he reigned over
vowed, into the house of the Lord, silver Israel two years.
and gold, and vessels. 26 And he did evil in the sight of the
16 And there was war between Asa, Lord, and walked in the ways of his
and Baasa king of Israel all their days. father, and in his sins, wherewith he
17 And Baasa king of Israel went up made Israel to sin.
27 And Baasa the son of Ahias of the
against Juda, and built Rama, that no
man might go out or come in, of the house of Issachar, conspired against him,
side of Asa Mng of Juda. and slew him in Gebbethon, which is a
city of the Philistines: for Nadab and all
18 Then Asa took all the silver and Israel besieged Gebbethon.
gold that remained in the treasures of 28 So Baasa slew him in the third
the house of the Lord, and in the treas
year * of Asa king of Juda, and reigned
ures of the king s house, and delivered it in his place.
into the hands of his servants: and
29 And when he was king he cut off
sent them to Benadad son of Tabremon
all the house of Jeroboam: he left not so
the son of Hezion, king of Syria, who much as one soul of his seed, till he
dwelt in Damascus, saying: had utterly destroyed him, according to
19 There is a league between me and the word of the Lord, v which he had
thee, and between my father and thy
spoken in the hand of Ahias the Silonite:
father: therefore I have sent thee pre
30 Because of the sin of Jeroboam,
sents of silver and gold: and I desire which he had sinned, and wherewith he
thee to come, and break thy league with
had made Israel to sin, and for the
Baasa king of Israel, that he may depart
offence, wherewith he provoked the Lord
from me. the God of Israel.
20 Benadad hearkening to king Asa, 31 But the rest of the acts of Nadab,
sent the captains of his army against
and all that he did, are they not written
the cities of Israel, and they smote in the book of the words of the days of
Ahion, and Dan, and Abeldomum the kings of israel ?
Maacha, and all Cenneroth, that is all
32 And there was war between Asa and
Che land of Nephtali.
Baasa the king of Israel all their days.
21 And when Baasa had heard this, he 33 In the third year w of Asa king of
left off
building Rama, and returned Juda, Baasa the son of Ahias reigned
into Thersa. over all Israel, in Thersa, four and
22 But king Asa sent word into all Juda,
twenty years.
saying: Let no man be excused: and 34. And he did evil before the Lord, and
they took away the stones from Rama, walked in the ways of Jeroboam, and in
and the timber thereof wherewith Baasa his sins, wherewith he made Israel to sin.
had been building, and with them king
Asa built G.abaa of Benjamin, and Maspha. CHAPTER 16
23 But the rest of all the acts of Asa, Jehu prophesieth against Baasa: his son Ela i.s

and all his strength, and all that he did, slain and all his family destroyed by Zambri. Of
and the cities that he built, are they not 1he reign of Amri father of Achab.

written in the book of the words of the the word of the Lord came to

days of the kings of Juda ? But in the THEN

Jehu the son of Hanani against
time of his old age he was diseased in Baasa, saying:
his feet. 2 Forasmuch as I have exalted thee out
And he of the dust, and made thee prince over
24 slept with his fathers, and
was buried with them in the city of my people Israel, and thou hast walked
David his father. r And Josaphat his in the way of Jeroboam, and hast made
son reigned in his place. my people Israel to sin, to provoke me
25 But Nadab the son of Jeroboam to anger with their sins: .

2 Par. 16.
1. t B. C. 909. Infra 21. 22.
r 2 Par. 17. 1. B. C. 870. s B. C. 910. v Supra 14. 10. w B. C. 909.

prods and these Asa removed, 2 Par. 14. 2 others

; ; but in the temple and these were not removed by

were only altars of the true God, but were erected Asa. Ibid. Perfect with the Lord. Asa had his
sont.rary to the law, which allowed of no sacrifices faults but never forsook the worship of the Lord.

Ela is slain by Zambri 3 KINGS D.eath of Zambri
3 Behold, I will cut down the posterity 15 In the seven and twentieth year b of
of Baasa, and the posterity of his house, Asa king of Juda, Zambri reigned seven
and I will make thy house as the house days in Thersa: now the army was be
of Jeroboam the son of Nabat. sieging Gebbethon a city of the Philis
4 * Him that dieth of Baasa in the city, tines.
the dogs shall eat: and him that dieth of 16 And when they heard that Zambri
his in the country, the fowls of the air had
rebelled, and slain the king, all
shall devour. Israel made Amri their king, who was
5 v But the rest of the acts of Baasa general over Israel in the camp that day.
and all that he did, and his battles, are 17 And Amri went up, and all Israel
they not written in the book of the words with him from Gebbethon, and they be
of the days of the kings of Israel ? sieged Thersa.
6 So Baasa slept with his fathers, and 18 And Zambri seeing that the city was
was buried in Thersa: and Ela his son about to be taken, went into the palace
reigned in his stead. and burnt himself with the king s house:
7 And when the word of the Lord came and he died
in the hand of Jehu the son of Hanani 19 In his sins, which he had sinned,
the prophet, against Baasa, and against doing evil before the Lord, and walking
his house, and against all the evil that in the way of Jeroboam, and in his sin,
he had done before the Lord, to provoke wherewith he made Israel to sin.
him to anger by the works of his hands, 20 But the rest of the acts of Zambri,
to become as the house of Jeroboam: for and of his conspiracy and tyranny, are
this cause he slew him, that is to say, they not written in the book of the
Jehu the son of Hanani, the prophet. words of the days of the kings of Israel ?
8 In the six and twentieth year of Asa 21 Then were the people of Israel di
king of Juda, Ela the son of Baasa vided into two parts: one half of the
reigned over Israel in Thersa two years. people followed Thebni the son of
9 And his servant Zambri, who was Gineth, to make him. king: and one half
captain of half the horsemen, rebelled followed Amri.
against him: now Ela was drinking in 22 But the people that were with Amri,
Thersa, and drunk in the house of Arsa prevailed over the people that followed
the governor of Thersa. Thebni the son of Gineth: and Thebni
10 o And Zambri rushing in, struck him died, and Amri reigned.
and slew him in the seven and twenti 23 In the one and thirtieth year c of
eth year of Asa king of Juda, and he Asa king of Juda, Amri reigned over
reigned in his stead. Israel twelve years: in Thersa he reigned
11 And when he was king and sat upon six years.
his throne, he slew all the house of Baasa, 24 And he bought the hill of Samaria of
and he left not one thereof to piss against Seiner for two talents of silver: and he
a wall, and all his kinsfolks and friends. built upon it, and he called the city which
12 And Zambri destroyed all the house he built Samaria, after the name of
of Baasa, according to the word of the Semer the owner of the hill.
Lord, that he had spoken to Baasa in the 25 And Amri did evil in the sight of the
hand of Jehu the prophet, Lord, and acted wickedly above all that
13 For all the sins of Baasa, and the were before him.
sins of Ela his son, who sinned, and 26 And he walked in all the way of
made Israel to sin, provoking the Lord Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and in his
the God of Israel with their vanities. sins wherewith he made Israel to sin: to
14 But the rest of the acts of Ela, and provoke the Lord the God of Israel to
all that he did, are they not written in
anger with their vanities.
the book of the words of the days of the 27 Now the rest of the acts of Amri,
kings of Israel ? and the battles he fought, are they not
x Supra 14. 11. y 2 Par. 16. 1. b B. C. 8S5.
z B. C. 886. a 4 Kings 9. 31. c B. C. 885.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 23. In the one and thirtieth year, which was in the one and thirtieth year of Asa s
&c. Amri began to reign in the seven and twentieth reign.
year of Asa but had not
; quiet possession of the Ver. 26. With their vanities. That is, their idols,
kingdom till the death of his competitor Thebni, their golden calves, vain, false, deceitful things.

4chab succeeds Amri 3 KINGS The widow of Sarephta
written in the book of the words of the 6 And the ravens brought him bread
days of the kings of Israel? and flesh in the morning, and bread and
28 And <*Amri slept with his fathers, flesh in the evening, and he drank of
and was buried in Samaria, and Achab the torrent.
his son reigned in his stead.
7 But after some time the torrent was
29 Now Achab the son of Amri reigned
dried up, for it had not rained upon the
over Israel in the eight and thirtieth
year of Asa king of Juda. And Achab 8 Then the word of the Lord came to
the son of Amri reigned over Israel in
him, saying:
Samaria two and twenty years. 9 Arise, and go to Sarephta of the
30 And Achab the son of Amri did evil
Sidonians, and dwell there: for I have
in the sight of the Lord above all that commanded a widow woman there to
were before him. feed thee.
31 Nor was it enough for him to walk 10 h He arose, and went to Sarephta.
in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabatr. And when he was come to the gate of
but he also took to wife Jezabel daughter the city, he saw the widow woman gath
of Ethbaal king of the Sidonians. And he
ering sticks, and he called her, and said
went, and served Baal, and adored him. to her: Give me a little water in a ves
32 And he set up an altar for Baal in
sel, that I may drink.
the temple of Baal, which he had built 11 And when she was going to fetch it
in Samaria, he called after her, saying: Bring me
33 And he planted a grove: and Achab also, I beseech thee, a morsel of bread
did more to provoke the Lord the God of in thy hand.
Israel, than all the kings of Israel that 12 And she answered: As the Lord thy
were before him. God liveth, I have no bread, but only a
34 In his days Kiel of Bethel built Jeri handful of meal in a pot, and a little oil
cho: in Abiram his firstborn he laid its in a cruse: behold I am gathering two
foundations: and in his youngest son sticks that I may go in and dress it, for
Segub he set up the gates thereof: ac me and my son, that we may eat it, and
cording to the word of the Lord, which die.
he spoke in the hand of Josue the son of 13 And Elias said to her: Fear not, but
go, and do as thou hast said: but first
CHAPTER 17 make for me of the same meal a little
Elias shutteth up the heaven from raining. He is hearth cake, and bring it to me: and
fed by ravens, and afterwards by a widow of Sa- after make for thyself and thy son.
rephta. He raiseth the widow s son to life. 14 For thus saith the Lord the God of
fElias the Thesbite of the inhab Israel: The pot of meal shall not waste,
itants of Galaad said to Achab: As nor the cruse of oil be diminished, until
the Lord liveth the God of Israel, in the day wherein the Lord will give rain
whose sight I stand, there shall not be upon the face of the earth.
dew nor rain these years, but according 15 She went and did according to the
to the words of my mouth. word of Elias: and he ate, and she, and
2 And the word of the Lord came to her house: and from that day
him, saying: 16 The pot of meal wasted not, and the
3 Get thee hence, and go towards the cruse of oil was not diminished, accord
east and hide thyself by the torrent of ing to the word of the Lord, which he
Carith, which is over against the Jordan, spoke in the hand of Elias.
4 And there thou shalt drink of the 17 And it came to pass after this that
torrent: and I have commanded the the son of the woman, the mistress of
ravens to feed thee there. the house, fell sick, and the sickness was
5 So he went, and did according to the very grievous, so that there was no
word of the Lord: and going, he dwelt breath left in him.
by the torrent Carith, which is over 18 And she said to Elias: What have I
against the Jordan. to do with thee, thou man of God? art
d B. C. 874. c Jos. 6. 26.
h Luke 4. 26.
/ Eccli. 47. 1 : James 5. 17.

CHAP. 17. Ver. 9. Sarephta of the Sidonians. That is, a city of the Sidonians.

Elias restores the widow s son 3 KINGS Elias and Achab meet
thou come to me that my iniquities tween them, that they might go round
should be remembered, and that thou about them: Achab went one way, and
shouldst kill my son ? Abdias another way by himself.
19 And Elias said to her: Give me thy 7 And as Abdias was in the way, Elias met
son. And he took him out of her bosom, him: and he knew him, and fell on his
and carried him into the upper chamber face, and said: Art thou my lord Elias?
where he abode, and laid him upon his 8 And he answered: I am. Go, and tell
own bed. thy master: Elias is here.
20 And he
cried to the Lord, and said: 9 And he said: What have I sinned,
O Lord my God, hast thou afflicted also that thou wouldst deliver me thy servant
the widow, with whom I am after a sort into the hand of Achab, that he should
maintained, so as to kill her son? kill me?
21 And he stretched, and measured As the Lord thy God liveth, there is
himself upon the child three times, and no nation or kingdom, whither my lord
cried to the Lord, and said: O Lord my hath not sent to seek thee: and when
God, let the soul of this child, I beseech all answered: He is not here: he took an
thee, return into his body. oath of every kingdom and nation, be
22 And
the Lord heard the voice of cause thou wast not found.
Elias: and the soul of the child re 11 And now thou sayest to me: Go, arid
turned into him, and he revived. tell thy master: Elias is here.
23 And Elias took the child, and 12 And when I am gone from thee, the
brought him down from the upper spirit of the Lord will carry thee into a
chamber to the house below, and de place that I know not: and I shall go in
livered him to his mother, and said to and tell Achab, and he not finding thee,
her: Behold thy son liveth. will kill me: but thy servant feareth
24 And the woman said to Elias: Now, the Lord from his infancy.
by this I know that thou art a man of 13 Hath it not been told thee, my lord,
God, and the word of the Lord in thy what I did when Jezabel killed the pro
mouth is true. phets of the Lord, how I hid a hun
dred men of the prophets of the Lord,
by fifty and fifty in caves, and fed them
Elias cometh before Achab. He convinceth the false with bread and water?
prophets by bringing fire from heaven: he obtain- 14 And now thou sayest: Go, and tell
eth rain by his prayer.
thy master: Elias is here: that he may
the word of the
many days kill me.
Lord came to Elias, in the third 15 And Elias said: As the Lord of hosts
year, saying: Go and shew thyself to liveth, before whose face I stand, this
Achab, that I may give rain upon the day I will shew myself unto him.
face of the earth. 16 Abdias therefore went to meet
2 And Elias went to shew himself to Achab, and told him: and Achab came to
Achab, and there was a grievous famine meet Elias.
in Samaria, 17 And when he had seen him, he said:
3 And Achab Abdias the gover
callled Art thou he that troublest Israel ?
nor of his house: now Abdias feared the 18 And he said: I have not troubled Is
Lord very much. rael, but thou and thy father s house,
4 For when Jezabel killed the prophets who have forsaken the commandments
of the Lord, he took a hundred prophets of the Lord, and have followed Baalim.
and hid them by fifty and fifty in caves, 19 Nevertheless send now, and gather
and fed them with bread and water. unto me all Israel, unto mount Carmel,
5 And Achab said to Abdias: Go into and the prophets of Baal four hundred
the land unto all fountains of waters, and and fifty, and the prophets of the groves
into all valleys, to see if we can find four hundred, who eat at Jezabel s table.
grass, and save the horses and mules, 20 Achab sent to all the children o.f
that the beasts may not utterly perish.
Israel, and gathered together the pro
6 And they divided the countries be
phets unto mount Carmel.

The two altars 3 KINGS The fire from heaven
21 And
Elias coming to all the people, 32 And he with the stones an
said: How
long do you halt between two altar to the name
of the Lord: and he
sides? if the Lord be God, follow him: made a trench for water, of the breadth
but if Baal, then follow him. And the of two furrows round about the altar.
people did not answer him a word. 33 And he laid the wood in order, and
22 And Elias said again to the people: I cut the bullock in pieces, and laid it
only remain a prophet of the Lord: but upon the* wood.
the prophets of Baal are four hundred 34 And he said: Fill four buckets with
and men.
fifty water, and pour it upon the burnt offer
23 Let two bullocks be given us, and ing, and upon the wood. And again he
let them choose one bullock for them said: Do the same the second time. And
selves, and cut it in pieces and lay it when they had done it the second time,
upon wood, but put no fire under: and he said: Do the same also the third
I will dress the other bullock, and lay time. And they did so the third time.
iton wood, and put no fire under it. 35 And the water run round about the
24 Call ye on the names of your gods, altar, and the trench was filled with
ind I will call on the name of my Lord: water.
and the God that shall answer by fire, 36 And when it was now time to offer
let him be God. And all the people the holocaust, Elias the prophet came
answering said: A very good proposal. near and said: O Lord God of Abraham,
25 Then Elias said to the prophets of and Isaac, and Israel, shew this day that
Baal: Choose you one bullock and dress thou art the God of Israel, and I thy ser
it first, because you are many: and call vant, and that according to thy com
on the names of your gods, but put no mandment I have done all these things.
fire under. 37 Hear me, O Lord, hear me: that this
26 And they took the bullock which he people may learn, that thou art the Lord
gave them, and dressed it: and they God, and that thou hast turned their
called on the name of Baal from morn heart again.
ing even till noon, saying: Baal, hear 38 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and
us. But there was no voice, nor any that consumed the holocaust, and the wood,
answered: and they leaped over the altar and the stones, and the dust, and licked
that they had made. up the water that was in the trench.
27 And when it was now noon, Elias 39 And when all the people saw this,
jested at them, saying: Cry with a they fell on their faces, and they said:
louder voice: for he is a God, and per The Lord he is God, the Lord he is God.
haps he* is talking, or is in an inn, or on 40 And Elias said to them: Take the
a journey, or perhaps he is asleep, and prophets of Baal, and let not one of them
must be awaked. escape. And when they had taken them,
28 So they cried with a loud voice, and Elias brought them down to the torrent
cut themselves after their manner with Cison, and killed them there.
knives and lancets* till they were all 41 And Elias said to Achab: Go up, eat,
covered with blood. and drink: for there is a sound of
29 And after midday was past, and abundance of rain.
while they were prophesying, the time 42 Achab went up to eat and drink: and
was come of offering sacrifice, and there Elias went up to the top of Carmel, and
was no voice heard, nor did any one an casting himself down upon the earth put
swer, nor regard them as they prayed: his face between his knees,
30 Elias said to all the people: Come 43 And he said to his servant: Go up,
ye unto me. And the people coming near and look toward the sea. And he went
unto him, he repaired the altar of the up, and looked, and said: There is no
Lord, that was broken down: thing. And again he said to him: Re
31 And he took twelve stones according turn seven times.
to the number of the tribes of the sons 44 And at the seventh time, behold, a
of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord little cloud arose out of the sea like a

came, saying: i Israel shall be thy mime. man s foot. And he said: Go up and say
j Gen. 32. 28.

Elia-s fed by, an angel 3 KINGS The vision
to Achab: Prepare thy chariot and go days and forty nights, unto the mount
down, prevent thee.
lest the rain of God, Horeb.
45 And while he turned himself this 9 And when he was come thither, he
way and that way, behold the heavens abode in a cave: and behold the word
grew dark, with clouds, and wind, and of the Lord came unto him, and he said
there fell a great rain. And Achab get to him: What dost thou here, Elias?
ting up went away to Jezrahel: 10 And he answered: With zeal have I
46 And the hand of the Lord was upon been zealous for the Lord God of hosts:
Elias, and he girded up his loins and ran for the children of Israel have forsaken
before Achab, till he came to Jezrahel. thy covenant: they have thrown down
thy altars, they have slain thy prophets
with the sword, and I alone am left, and
Elias, fleeing from Jezabel, is fed by an angel in the
desert; and by the strength of that food walketh they seek my life to take it away.
forty days, till he cometh to Horeb, where he hath 11 And he said to him: Go forth, and
a vision of God. stand upon the mount before the Lord:
Achab told Jezabel all that Elias and behold the Lord passeth, and a great
had done, and how he had slain all and strong wind before the Lord over
the prophets with the sword. throwing the mountains, and breaking
2 And Jezabel sent a messenger to the rocks in pieces: the Lord is not in
Elias, saying: Such and such things may the wind, and after the wind an earth
the gods do to me, and add still more, if quake: the Lord is not in the earth
by this hour tomorrow I make not thy quake.
life as the life of one of them. 12 And after the earthquake a fire: the
3 Then Elias was afraid, and rising up Lord is not in the fire, and after the fire
he went whithersoever he had a mind: a whistling of a gentle air.
and he came to Bersabee of Juda, and 13 And when Elias heard it, he covered
left his servant there, his face with his mantle, and coming
4 And he went forward, one day s jour forth stood in the entering in of the
ney into the desert. And when he was cave, and behold a voice unto him, say
there, and sat under a juniper tree, he ing: What dost thou here, Elias ? And
requested for his soul that he might die, he answered:
and said: It is enough for me, Lord, take 14 With zeal have I been zealous for
away my soul: for I am no better than the Lord God of hosts: l because the
my fathers. children of Israel have forsaken thy
5 Andhe cast himself down, and slept covenant: they have destroyed thy
in the shadow of the juniper tree: and altars, they have slain thy prophets with
behold an angel of the Lord touched the sword, and I alone am left, and they
him, and said to him: Arise and eat. seek my life to take it away.
6 He looked, and behold there was at 15 And the Lord said to him: Go, and
his head a hearth cake, and a vessel of return on thy way through the desert
water: and he ate and drank, and he fell to Damascus: and when thou art come
asleep again. thither, thou shalt anoint Hazael to be
7 And the angel of the Lord came again king over Syria.
the second time, and touched him, and 16 "And thou shalt anoint Jehu the
said to him: Arise, eat: for thou hast son of Namsi to be king over Israel:
yet a great way to go. and Eliseus the son of Saphat, of Abel-
8 And he arose, and ate, and drank, and meula, thou shalt anoint to be prophet in
walked in the strength of that food forty thy room.
I Rom. 11. 3. TO 4 Kings 9. 1.

CHAP. 19. Ver. That he might die. Elias re

4. are to be supported in our journey through the wil
quested to die, not out of impatience or pusillanim derness of this world till we come to the true moun
ity, but out of zeal against sin :and that he might tain of God, and his vision in a happy eternity.
no longer be witness of the miseries of his people ; Ver. 10. / alone am left, viz., of the prophets in
and the war they were waging against God and his the kingdom of Israel, or of the ten tribes for in ;

servants. See ver. 10. the kingdom of Juda religion was at that time in a
Ver. 8. In the strength of that food, &c. This very flourishing condition under the kings Asa and
bread, with which Elias was fed in the wilderness, Josaphat. And even in Israel there remained several
was a figure of the bread of life which we receive in prophets, though not then known to Elias. See
the blessed sacrament; by the strength of which we chap. 20. 13, 28, 85.

Eliseus follows Elias 3 KINGS The Syrians besiege Samaria
17 And it shall come to pass, that who unto thee: Thy silver, and thy gold, and
soever shall escape the sword of Hazael, thy wives, and thy children thou shalt
shall be slain by Jehu: and whosuever deliver up to me.
shall escape the sword of Jehu, shall be 6 To morrow therefore at this same
slain by Eliseus. hour I will send my servants to thee,
18 nAnd I will leave me seven thou and they shall search thy house, and the
sand men in Israel, whose knees have houses of thy servants: and all that
not been bowed before Baal, and every
pleaseth them, they shall put in their
mouth that hath not worshipped him
hands, and take away.
kissing the hands, 7 And the king of Israel called all the
19 And Elias departing from thence, ancients of the land, and said: Mark,
found Eliseus the son of Saphat, plough and see that he layeth snares for us.
ing with twelve yoke of oxen: and he For he sent to me for my wives, and for
was one of them that were ploughing my children, and for
with twelve yoke of oxen: and when
my silver and gold:
and I said not nay.
Elias came up to him, he cast his mantle 8 And all the ancients, and all the
upon him. people said to him: Hearken not to him,
20 And he forthwith left the oxen and nor consent to him.
ran after Elias, and said: Let me, I pray 9 Wherefore he answered the messen
thee, kiss my father and my mother, and gers of Benadad: Tell my Lord the king:
then I will follow thee. And he said All that thou didst send for to me thy
to him: Go, and return back: for that servant at first, I will do: but this thing
which was my part, I have done to thee. I cannot do.
21 And returning back from him, he 10 And the messengers returning
took a yoke of oxen, and killed them,
brought him word. And he sent again
and boiled the flesh with the plough of and said: Such and such things may the
the oxen, and gave to the people, and
gods do to me, and more may they add,
they ate: and rising up he went away, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for
and followed Elias, and ministered to handfuls for all the people that follow
him. me.
CHAPTER 20 11 And the king of Israel answering,
The Syrians besiege Samaria: they are twice de said: Tell him: Let not the girded boast
feated by Achab : -who is reprehended by a pro himself as the ungirded.
phet for letting Benadad go. 12 And it came to pass, when Benadad
Benadad, king of Syria, gathered heard this word, that he and the kings
together and there were
all his host, were drinking in pavilions, and he said
two and thirty kings with him, and to his servants: Beset the city. And
horses, and chariots: and going up, he they beset it.
fought against Samaria, and besieged it. 13 And behold a prophet coming to
2 And, sending messengers to Achab Achab king of Israel, said to him: Thus
king of Israel into the city, saith the Lord: Hast thou seen all this
3 He Thus saith Benadad: Thy
said: exceeding great multitude, behold I will
silver, and thy gold is mine: and thy deliver them into thy hand this day:
wives, and thy goodliest children are that thou mayest know that I am the
mine. Lord.
4 And the king of Israel answered: Ac 14 And Achab said: By whom? And he
cording to thy word, my lord king, I said to him: Thus saith the Lord: By the
am thine, and all that I have. servants of the princes of the provinces.
5 And the messengers came again, and And he said: Who shall begin to fight?
said: Thus saith Benadad, who sent us And he said: Thou.

n Rom. 11. 4.

Ver. 17. Shall be slain by Eliseus. Eliseus did latter by one of his disciples to be king of Israel,
not kill any of the idolaters with the material sword: with commission to extirpate the house of Achab.
but he is here joined with Hazael and Jehu, the CHAP. 20. Ver. 11. Let not the girded, &c. Let
great instruments of God in punishing the idolatry him not boast before the victory it will then be

of Israel, because he foretold to the former his exal time to glory when he putteth off his armour, having
tation to the kingdom of Syria, and the vengeance overcome his adversary.
he would execute against Israel, and anointed the

The Syrians defeated by Achab 3 KINGS The Syrians again defeated
15 So he mustered the servants of the tered, and taking victuals went out on
princes of the provinces, and he found the other side, and camped over against
the number of two hundred and thirty- them, like two little flocks of goats: but
two: and he mustered after them the the Syrians filled the land.
people, all the children of Israel, seven 28 (And a man of God coming, said to
thousand : the king of Israel: Thus saith the Lord:
16 And they went out at noon. But Because the Syrians have said: The
Benadad was drinking himself drunk in Lord is God of the hills, but is not God
his pavilion, and the two and thirty kings of the valleys: I will deliver all this
with him, who were come to help him. great multitude into thy hand, and you
shall know that I am the Lord.)
17 And the servants of the princes of
the provinces went out first. And Bena 29 And both sides set their armies in
dad sent. And they told him, saying: array one against the other seven days,
There are men come out of Samaria. and on the seventh day the battle was
18 And he said: Whether they come fought: and the children of Israel slew
of the Syrians a hundred thousand foot
for peace, take them alive: or whether
men in one day.
they come to fight, take them alive.
19 So the servants of the princes of the
30 And
they that remained fled to
provinces went out, and the rest of the
Aphec, into the city: and the wall fell
army followed: upon seven and twenty thousand men,
that were left. And Benadad fleeing
20 And every one slew the man that
came against him: and the Syrians fled, went into the city, into a chamber that
and Israel pursued after them. And was within a chamber.
Benadad Tang of Syria fled away on 31 And his servants said to him: Be
horseback with his horsemen. hold, we have heard that the kings of
21 But the king of Israel going out the house of Israel are merciful: so let
overthrew the horses and chariots, and us put sackcloth on our loins, and ropes
slew the Syrians with a great slaughter. on our heads, and go out to the king of
22 (And a prophet coming to the king Israel: perhaps he will save our lives.
of Israel, said to him: Go, and strengthen 32 So they girded sackcloth on their
thyself, and know, and see what thou loins, and put ropes on their heads, and
dost: for the next year the king of Syria came to the king of Israel, and said to
will come up against thee.) him: Thy servant Benadad saith: I be
23 But the servants of the king of Syria seech thee let me have my life. And he
said to him: Their gods are gods of the said: If he be yet alive he is my brother.
hills, therefore they have overcome us: 33 The men took this for a sign: and
but it is better that we should fight in haste caught the word out of his
against them in the plains, and we shall mouth, and said: Thy brother Benadad.
overcome them. And he said to them: Go, and bring him
24 Do thou therefore this thing: Re to me. Then Benadad came out to him,
move all the kings from thy army, and and he lifted him up into his chariot.
put captains in their stead: 34 And he said to him: The cities
25 And make up the number of soldiers which my father took from thy father,
that have been slain of thine, and I will restore: and do thou make thee
horses according to the former horses, streets in Damascus, as my father made
and chariots according to the chariots in Samaria, and having made a league
which thou hadst before: and we will I will depart from thee. So he made a
fight against them in the plains, and league with him, and let him go.
thou shalt see that we shall overcome 35 Then a certain man of the sons of
them. He believed their counsel and the prophets said to his companion in
did so. the word of the Lord: Strike me. But
26 Wherefore at the return of the year, he would not strike.
Benadad mustered the Syrians, and went 36 Then he said to him: Because thou
up to Aphec, to fight against Israel. wouldst not hearken to the word of the
27 And the children of Israel were mus Lord, behold thou shalt depart from me,

A prophet reproves Achab 3 KINGS Naboth stoned to death
and a lion shall slay thee. And when and fretting, because of the word that
he was gone a little from him, a lion Naboth the Jezrahelite had spoken to
found him, and slew him. him, saying: I will not give thee the in
37 Then he found another man, and said heritance of my fathers. And casting
to him: Strike me. And he struck him, himself upon his bed, he turned away his
and wounded him. face to the wall, and would eat no bread.
38 So the prophet went, and met the 5 And Jezabel his wife went in to him,
king in the way, and disguised himself and said to him: What is the matter that
by sprinkling dust on his face and his thy soul is so grieved? and why eatest
eyes. thou no bread ?
39 And as the king passed by, he cried
6 And he answered her: I spoke to Na
to the king, and said: Thy servant went
both the Jezrahelite, and said to him:
out to fight hand to hand: and when a
Give me thy vineyard, and take money
certain man was run away, one brought
for it: or if it please thee, I will give
him to me, and said: Keep this man: and
thee a better vineyard for it. And he
if he shall slip away, thy life shall be for
said: I will not give thee my vineyard.
his life, or thou shalt pay a talent of
silver. 7 Then Jezabel his wife said to him:
40 And whilst I in a hurry turned this Thou art of great authority indeed, and
way and that, on a sudden he was not to governest well the kingdom of Israel.
be seen. And the king of Israel said to Arise, and eat bread, and be of good
him: This is thy judgment, which thy cheer, I will give thee the vineyard of
self hast decreed. Naboth the Jezrahelite.
41 But he forthwith wiped off the dust 8 So she wrote letters in Achab s name,
from his face, and the king of Israel knew and sealed them with his ring, and sent
him, that he was one of the prophets. them to the ancients, and the chief men
42 And he said to him: Thus saith the that were in his city, and that dwelt
Lord: Because thou hast let go out of thy with Naboth.
hand a man worthy of death, thy life 9 And this was the tenor of the letters:
shall be for his life, and thy people for Proclaim a fast, and make Naboth sit
his people. among the chief of the people,
43 And the king of Israel returned to 10 And suborn two men, sons of Belial
his house, slighting to hear, and raging against him, and let them bear false wit
came into Samaria. ness: that he hath blasphemed God and
the king: and then carry him out, and
CHAPTER 21 stone him, and so let him die.
11 And the men of his city, the ancients
Naboth, for denying his vineyard to king Achab, is
by Jezabel s commandment, falsely accused and
and nobles, that dwelt with him in the
stoned to death. For which crime Elias denoun- city, did as Jezabel had commanded
ceth to Achab .the judgments of God: upon his
humbling himself the sentence is mitigated. them, and as it was written in the letters
which she had sent to them:
after these things, Naboth the 12 They proclaimed a fast, and made
Jezrahelite, who was in Jezrahel,
at time a vineyard near the
Naboth sit among the chief of the people.
13 And bringing two men, sons of the
palace of Achab king of Samaria. devil, they made them sit against him:
2 And Achab spoke to Naboth, saying: and they, like men of the devil, bore wit
Give me thy vineyard, that I may make ness against him before the people, say
me a garden of herbs, because it is nigh, ing: Naboth hath blasphemed God and
and adjoining to my house, and I will the king: wherefore they brought him
give thee for it a better vineyard: or if forth without the city, and stoned him to
thou think it more convenient for thee, I death.
will give thee the worth of it in money. 14 And they sent to Jezabel, saying:
3 Naboth answered him: The Lord be Naboth is stoned, and is dead.
merciful to me, and not let me give thee 15 And it came to pass when Jezabel
the inheritance of my fathers. heard that Naboth was stoned, and dead,
4 And Achab came into his house angry that she said to Achab: Arise and take

Prophecy against Achab and Jezabel 3 KINGS Achab consults false prophets

possession of the vineyard of Naboth the slept in sackcloth, and walked with his
Jezrahelite, who would not agree with head cast down.
thee, and give it thee for money: for 28 And the word of the Lord came to
Naboth is not alive, but dead. Elias the Thesbite, saying:
16 And when Achab heard this, to wit, 29 Hast thou not seen Achab humbled
that Naboth was dead, he arose, and before me ? therefore, because he hath
went down to the vineyard of Naboth the humbled himself for thy sake, I will not
Jezrahelite, to take possession of it. bring the evil in his days, w but in his
17 And the word of the Lord came to son s days will I bring the evil upon his
Elias the Thesbite, saying: house.
18 Arise, and go down to meet Achab CHAPTER 22
king of Israel, who is in Samaria behold :

Achab believing his false prophets rather than

he is going down to the vineyard of Na Micheas, is slain in Ra-moth Galaad. Ochozias
both, to take possession of it: succeedeth him. Good king Josaphat dieth, and
his son Jorami succeedeth him.
19 And thou sh&lt speak to him, saying:
Thus saith the Lord: Thou hast slain, * there
passed three years with
moreover also thou hast taken possession. AND out war between
2 And
Syria and Israel,
And after these words thou shalt add: in thethird year, Josaphat king
Thus saith the Lord: r ln this place, of Juda came down to the king of Is
wherein the dogs have licked the blood rael.
of Naboth, they shall lick thy blood also. 3 (And the king of Israel said to his
20 And Achab said to Elias: Hast thou servants: Know
ye not that Ramoth
found me thy enemy? He said: I have Galaad is ours, and we neglected to take
found thee, because thou art sold, to do it out of the hand of the king of Syria ? )
evil in the sight of the Lord. 4 And he said to Josaphat: Wilt thou
21 * Behold I will
bring evil upon thee, come with me to battle to Ramoth
and I will cut down thy posterity, and I Galaad ?
will kill of Achab him that pisseth against 5 And Josaphat said to the king of Is
the wall, and him that is shut up, and rael: As I am, so art thou: my people
the last in Israel. and thy people are one: and my horse
22 And I will make thy house like the * men, thy horsemen. And Josaphat said
house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and to the king of Israel: Inquire, I beseech
like the house of Baasa the son of Ahias: thee, this day, the word of the Lord.
for what thou hast done, to provoke me 6 Then the king of Israel assembled the
to anger, and for making Israel to sin. prophets, about four hundred men, and
23 v And of Jezabel also the Lord spoke, he said to them: Shall I go to Ramoth
saying: The dogs shall eat Jezabel in the Galaad to fight, or shall I forbear ? They
field of Jezrahel. answered: Go up, and the Lord will
24 If Achab die in the city, the dogs deliver it into the hand of the king.
shall eat him: but if he die in the field, 7 And Josaphat said: Is there not here
the birds of the air shall eat him. some prophet of the Lord, that we may
25 Now there was not such another as inquire by him?
Achab, who was sold to do evil in the 8 And the king of Israel said to Josa
sight of the Lord: for his wife Jezabel phat: There is one man left, by whom
set him on, we may inquire of the Lord: Micheas
26 And he became abominable, insomuch the son of Jemla; but I hate him, for he
that he followed the idols which the doth not prophesy good to me, but evil.
Amorrhites had made, whom the Lord And Josaphat said: Speak not so, O
destroyed before the face of the children king.
of Israel. 9 Then the king of Israel called an
27 And when Achab had heard these eunuch, and said to him: Make haste,
words, he rent his garments, and put and bring hither Micheas the son of
haircloth upon his flesh, and fasted and Jemla.
r Infra 22. 38. s 4 Kings 9. 8. t Supra 15. 29. v 4 Kings 9. 36. w 4 Kings 9. 26.
u Supra 16. 3. x 2 Par. 18. 1.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 20. Sold, to do evil in the sight, sold thyself to the devil, to be his slave to work all
&c. lhat is. so addicted to evil as if thou hadst kinds of evil.

Prophecy of Micheas 3 KINGS Micheas is put in prison
10 Then the king of Israel, and Josa- ceive Achab king of Israel, that he may
phat king of Juda, sat each on his throne go up, and fall at Ramon Galaad ? And
clothed with royal robes, in a court by one spoke words of this manner, and
the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and another otherwise.
all the prophets prophesied before them.
21 And there came forth a spirit, and
11 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana stood before the Lord, and said: I will
made himself horns of iron, and said: deceive him. And the Lord said to him:
Thus saith the Lord: With these shalt By what means?
thou push Syria, till thou destroy it. 22 And he said: I will go forth, and be
12 And all the prophets prophesied in a lying spirit in the mouth of all his
like manner, saying: Go up to Ramoth prophets. And the Lord said: Thou
Galaad, and prosper, for the Lord will shalt deceive him, and shalt prevail:
deliver it into the king s hands. forth, and do so.
13 And the messenger, that went to 23 Now therefore behold the Lord hath
call Micheas, spoke to him, saying: Be given a lying spirit in the mouth of all
hold the words of the prophets with one thy prophets that are here, and the Lord
mouth declare good things to the king: hath spoken evil against thee.
let thy words therefore be like to theirs, 24 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana
and speak that which is good. came, and struck Micheas on the cheek,
14 But Micheas said to him: As the and said: Hath then the spirit of the
Lord liveth, whatsoever the Lord shall Lord left me, and spoken to thee ?
say to me, that will I speak. 25 And Micheas said: Thou shalt see
15 So he came to the King, and the king in the day when thou shalt go into a
said to him: Micheas, shall we go to chamber within a chamber to hide thy
Ramoth Galaad to battle, or shall we self.
forbear? He answered him: Go up, and 26 And the king of Israel said: Take
prosper, and the Lord shall deliver it Micheas, and let him abide with Ammon
into the king s hands. the governor of the city, and with Joas
16 But the king said to him: I adjure the son of Amalech.
thee again and again, that thou tell me 27 And tell them: Thus saith the king:
nothing but that which is true in the Put this man in prison, and feed him with
name of the Lord. bread of affliction, and water of distress,
17 And he said: I saw all Israel scat till I return in peace.
tered upon the hills, like sheep that have 28 And Micheas said: If thou return in
no shepherd: v and the Lord said: These peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me.
have no master: let every man of them And he said: Hear, all ye people.
return to his house in peace. 29 So the king of Israel, and Josaphat
18 (Then the king of Israel said to king of Juda went up to Ramoth Ga
Josaphat: Did I not tell thee, that he laad.
prophesieth no good to me, but always 30 And the king of Israel said to Josa
evil ? ) phat: Take armour, and go into the bat
19 And he added and said: Hear thou tle, and put on thy own garments. But
therefore the word of the Lord: I saw the king of Israel changed his dress, and
the Lord sitting on his throne, and all went into the battle.
the army of heaven standing * by him 31 And the king of Syria had commanded
on the right hand and on the left: the two and thirty captains of the chariots,
20 And the Lord said: Who shall de- saying: You shall not fight against any,
ay Num. 27. 17
; Matt. 9. 36. z Joel 1. 6. a Vide Matt. 8. 32, and Apoc. 20. 3.
CHAP. 22. Ver. 15. Go up, &c. This was spoken Ver. 22. Go forth, and do so. This was not a com
ironically, and by way of jesting at the flattering mand, but a permission for God never ordaineth

speeches of the false prophets ; and so the king lies though he often permitteth the lying spirit to

understood it, as appears by his adjuring Micheas, deceive those who love not the truth. 2 Thess. 2. 10.
in the following verse, to tell him the truth in the And in this sense it is said in the following verse,
name of the Lord. The Lord hath given a lying spirit in the mouth of
Ver. 20. The Lord said, &c. God standeth not in all thy prophets.
need of any counsellor nor are we to suppose that
; Ver. 25. Go into a chamber, &c. This happened
things pass in heaven in the manner here described: when he heard the king was slain, and justly appre
but this representation was made to the prophet, to hended that he should be punished for his false
be delivered by him in a manner adapted to the prophecy.
common ways and notions of men.

Aclwb is slain 3 KINGS The reign of JosapJiat
small or great, but against the king of name of his mother was Azuba the daugh
Israel only. ter of Salai.
32 So when the captains of the chariots 43 And he walked in all the way of Asa
saw Josaphat, they suspected that he was his father, and he declined not from it:
the king of Israel, and making a violent and he did that which was right in the
assault they fought against him: and sight of the Lord.
Josaphat cried out. 44 Nevertheless he took not away tha
33 And the captains of the chariots per high places: for as yet the people offered
ceived that he was not the king of Israel, sacrifices and burnt incense in the high
and they turned away from him. places.
34 And a certain man bent his bow, 45 And Josaphat had peace with the
shooting at a venture, and chanced to king of Israel.
strike the king of Israel between the lungs 46 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat,
and the stomach. But he said to the and his works which he did, and his bat
driver of his chariot: Turn thy hand, and tles, are they not written in the book of
carry me out of the army, for I am griev the words of the days of the kings of
ously wounded. Juda?
35 And the battle was fought that day, 47 And the remnant also of the effemi
and the king of Israel stood in his chariot nate, who remained in the days of Asa his
against the Syrians, and he died in the father, he took out of the land.
evening: and the blood ran out of the 48 And there was then no king appoint
wound into the midst of the chariot. ed in Edom.
36 And the herald proclaimed through 49 e But king Josaphat made navies on
all the army before the sun set, saying: the sea, to sail into Ophir for gold: but
Let every man return to his own city, they could not go, / for the ships were
and to his own country. broken in Asiongaber.
37 And the king died, 6 and was carried 50 Then Ochozias the son of Achab said
into Samaria: and they buried the king to Josaphat: Let my servants go with
in Samaria. thy servants in the ships. And Josaphat
38 c And they washed his chariot in the would not.
pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up 51 And
s Josaphat slept with his fathers,
his blood, and they washed the reins, and was buried with them in the city of
according to the word of the Lord which David his father: and Joram his son
he had spoken. reigned in his stead.
39 But the rest of the acts of Achab, and 52 And Ochozias the son of Achab be
all that he did, and the house of ivory gan to reign over Israel in Samaria, in
that he made, and all the cities that he the seventeenth year of 7i
Josaphat king
built, are they not written in the book of Juda, and he reigned over Israel two
of the words of the days of the kings of years,
Israel ? 53 And he did evil in the sight of the
40 So Achab slept with his fathers, and Lord, and walked in the way of his father
Ochozias his son reigned in his stead. and his mother, and in the way of Jero
41 But Josaphat the son of Asa began boam the son of Nabat, who made Israel
to reign over Juda in the fourth year of to sin.
d Achab 54 He served also Baal, and worshipped
king of Israel.
42 He was five and thirty years old him, and provoked the Lord the God of
when he began to reign, and he reigned Israel, according to all that his father
five and twenty years in Jerusalem: the had done.
b B. C. 853. c Supra 21. 19. / 2 Par. 20. 36. g B. C. 848.
d B. C. 870. e A. M. 3108. h B. C. 853.
Ver. 44. He took not away, &c. He left some of Ver. 50. Would not. He had been reprehended
the high places, viz., those in which they worshipped before for admitting such a partner and therefore

the true God : but took away all others, 2 Par. 17. 6, would have no more to do with him.
and note ver. 14 of chap. 15. 3 Kings.

Ochozias consults Beelzebub Ellas brings fire from heaven


Man of God, the king hath commanded
Ochozias sendeth to consult Beelzebub : Elias fore- that thou come down.
telleth his death : and causeth fire to come down
10 And Elias answering, said to the
from heaven, upon two captains and their com
panies. captain of fifty: If I be a man of God,
let fire come down from heaven, and
A ND Moab rebelled against Israel, after
consume thee, and thy fifty. And there
,/TL the death of Achab.
came down fire from heaven, and con
2 And Ochozias fell through the lattices
sumed him, and the fifty that were with
of his upper chamber which he had in
Samaria, and was sick: and he sent mes 11 And again he sent to him another
sengers, saying to them: Go, consult
Beelzebub, the god of Accaron, whether
captain of fifty men, and his fifty with
I shall recover of this my illness.
him. And he said to him: Man of God,
3 And an angel of the Lord spoke to
thus saith the king: Make haste and
Elias the Thesbite, saying: Arise, and go
come down.
up to meet the messengers of the king 12 Elias answering, said: If I be a man
of Samaria, and say to them: Is there of God, let fire come down from heaven,
not a God in Israel, that ye go to consult and consume thee and thy fifty. And
Beelzebub the God of Accaron? firecame down from heaven, and con
4 Wherefore thus saith the Lord From :
sumed him and his fifty.
the bed, on which thou art gone up, thou 13 Again he sent a third captain of fifty
shalt not come down, but thou shalt men, and the fifty that were with him.
surely die. And Elias went away. And when he was come, he fell upon his
5 And the messengers turned back to knees, before Elias, and besought him
Ochozias. And he said to them: Why and said: Man of God, despise not my
are you come back? life, and the lives of thy servants that
6 But they answered him: A man met are with me.
us, and said to us: Go, and return to the 14 Behold fire came down from heaven,
king, that sent you, and you shall say to and consumed the two first captains of
him: Thus saith the Lord: Is it because men, and the fifties that were with
there was no God in Israel that thou them: but now I beseech thee to spare
sendest to Beelzebub the god of Acca my life.
ron? Therefore thou shalt not come And the angel of the Lord spoke to
down from the bed, on which thou art Elias, saying: Go down with him, fear
gone up, but thou shalt surely die. not. He arose therefore, and went down
7 And he said to them: What manner with him to the king,
of man was he who met you, and spoke 16 And said to him: Thus saith the
these words? Lord: Because thou hast sent messengers
8 But they said: A hairy man with a to consult Beelzebub the god of Accaron,
girdle of leather about his loins. And he as though there were not a God in Israel,
said: It is Elias the Thesbite. of whom thou mightest inquire the word;
9 And he sent to him a captain of fifty, therefore from the bed on which thou
and the fifty men that were under him. art gone up, thou shalt not come down,
And he went up to him, and as he was but thou shalt surely die.
sitting on the top of a hill, said to him: 17 So he died according to the word of

CHAP. 1. Ver. 10. Let fire, &c. EMas was in and to shew how vain are the efforts of men against
spired to call for fire from heaven upon these cap God, and his servants, whom he willeth to protect.
tains, who came to apprehend him not out of a
Ver. 17. The second year of Joram, &c. Counted
desire to gratify any private passion ; but to punish from the time that he was associated to the throne
the insult offered to religion, to confirm his mission, by his father Josaphat.

13 385
Eliseus refuses to leave Ellas 4 KINGS Elias taken up in the fiery chariot

the Lord which Elias spoke, and Joram at a distance: but they two stood by
his brother reigned in his stead, in the the Jordan.
second ) year of Joram the son of Josa- And Elias took his mantle and folded
phat king of Juda: .because he had no it together, and struck the waters, and
son. they were divided hither and thither, and
18 But the rest of the acts of Ochozias they both passed over on dry ground.
which he did, are they not written in 9 And when they were gone over, Elias
the book of the words of the days of said to Eliseus: Ask what thou wilt have
the kings of Israel? me to do for thee, before I be taken
CHAPTER 2 away from thee. And Eliseus said: I be
seech thee that in me may be thy double
Eliseus wul not part from, Elias. The water of the
Jordan in divided by Elias s cloak. Elias is taken spirit.
up in a fiery chariot, and his double spirit is given 10 And he answered: Thou hast asked
to Eliseux. Eliseus healeth the waters by casting
in salt. Boys are torn by bears for mocking Elis a hard thing: nevertheless if thou see
eus. me when I am taken from thee, thou
AND it came to pass, when the Lord shalt have what thou hast asked: but if
J\_ would take up Elias into heaven by thou see me not, thou shalt not have it.
a whirlwind, that Elias and Eliseus were 11 And as they went on, walking and
going from Galgal. talking together, behold a fiery chariot,
2 And Elias said to Eliseus: Stay thou and fiery horses parted them both asun
here, because the Lord hath sent me as der: l and Elias went up by a whirlwind
far as Bethel. And Eliseus said to him: into heaven.
As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liv- 12 And saw him, and cried:
Eliseus My
eth, I will not leave thee. And when they father, my
father, the chariot of Israel,
were come down to Bethel, and the driver thereof. And he saw him
3 The sons of the prophets, that were no more: and he took hold of his own
at Bethel, came forth to Eliseus, and said garments, and rent them in two pieces.
to him: Dost thou know that this day 13 And he took up the mantle of Elias.
the Lord will take away thy master from that fell from him: and going back, he
thee? And he answered: I also know stood upon the bank of the Jordan,
it:hold your peace. 14 And he struck the waters with the
4 And Elias said to Eliseus: Stay here mantle of Elias, that had fallen from
because the Lord hath sent me to Jericho. him, and they were not divided. And he
And he said: As the Lord liveth, and as said: Where is now the God of Elias?
thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he struck the waters, and they were
And when they were come to Jericho, divided, hither and thither, and Eliseus
5 The sons of the prophets that were passed over.
at Jericho, came to Eliseus, and said to 15 And the sons of the prophets at
him: Dost thou know that this day the Jericho, whowere over against him, see
Lord will take away thy master from ing it said: The spirit of Elias hath
thee? And he said: I also know it: hold rested upon Eliseus. And coming to
your peace. meet him, they worshipped him, falling
6 And Elias said to him: Stay here, be to the ground,
cause the Lord hath sent me as far as 16 And they said to him: Behold, there
the Jordan. And he said: As the Lord are with thy servants fifty strong men,
liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not that can go, and seek, thy master, lest
leave thee; and they two went on to perhaps the spirit of the Lord hath taken
gether, him up and cast him upon some moun
7 And fifty men
of the sons of the pro tain or into some valley. And he said:
phets followed them, and stood in sight Do not send.
3 B. C. 852. I Eccli. 48. 13; 1 Mac. 2. 58.

CHAP. 2. Ver. 1. Heaven. By heavrn here is Ver. 9.Double spirit. A double portion of thy
meant the air, the lowest of the heavenly regions. spirit, as thy eldest son and heir or thy spirit which

Ver. 3. The sons of the prophets. This is, the is double in comparison of that which God usually
disciples of the prophets who seem to have had
impartelh to his prophets.
their schools, like colleges or communities, in Ver. 15. They worshipped him, viz., with an in
Jericho, and other places in the days of Elias and ferior, yet religious veneration, not for any tem
Eliseus. poral, but spiritual excellency.

Elisents heals the waters 4 KINGS The kings consult Eliseus
17 But they pressed him, till he con Israel to sin, nor did he depart from
sented, and said: Send. And they sent them.
fifty men: and they sought three days 4 Now
Mesa, king of Moab, nourished
but found him not. many sheep, and he paid to the king of
18 And they came back to him: for he Israel a hundred thousand lambs, and a
abode at Jericho, and he said to them: hundred thousand rams with their fleeces.
Did I not say to you: Do not send? 5 And when Achab was dead, he broke
19 And the men of the city said to Elis the league which he had made with the
eus: Behold the situation of this city is king of Israel.
very good, as thou, my lord, seest: but 6 And King Joram went out that day
the waters are very bad, and the ground from Samaria, and mustered all Israel.
barren. 7 And he sent to Josaphat king of Juda,
20 And he said: Bring me a new vessel, saying: The king of Moab is revolted
and put salt into it. And when they had from me, come with me against him to
brought it, battle. And he answered: I will come
21 He went out to the spring of the up: he that is mine, is thine: my people,
waters, and cast the salt into it, and thy people: and my horses, thy horses.
said: Thus saith the Lord: I have healed 8 And he said: Which way shall we go
these waters, and there shall be no more up? But he answered: By the desert of
in them death or barrenness. Edom .

22 And the waters were healed unto 9 So the king of Israel, and the king of
this day, according to the word of Elis Juda, and the king of Edom went, and
eus,which he spoke. they fetched a compass of seven days
23 And he went up from thence to journey, and there was no water for the
Bethel: and as he was going up by the army, and for the beasts, -that followed
way, little boys came out of the city and them.
mocked him, saying: Go up, thou bald 10 And
the king of Israel said: Alas,
head; go up, thou bald head. alas, the Lord hath gathered us
24 And looking back he saw them, and three kings together, to deliver us into
cursed them in the name of the Lord: the hands of Moab!
and there came forth two bears out of 11 And Josaphat said: Is there not here
the forest, and tore of them two and a prophet of the Lord, that we may be
forty boys. seech the Lord by him? And one of the
25 And from thence he went to mount servants of the king of Israel answered:
Carmel, and from thence he returned to Here is Eliseus the son of Saphat, who
Samaria. poured water on the hands of Elias.
CHAPTER3 12 And Josaphat said: The word of the
The kings of Juda and Edom, fight against
Lord is with him. And the king of Israel,
the king of Moab. They want water, which Elis and Josaphat king of Juda, and the king
eus procureth without rain: and prophesieth vic
The king of Moiib is overthrown, his city
of Edom went down to him.
is besieged: he sacrificeth his firstborn son: so 13 And Eliseus said to the king of
the Israelites raise the siege. Israel: What have I to do with thee? go
Joram the son of Achab reigned to the prophets of thy father, and thy
A^Dover Israel in Samaria in the eight mother. And the king of Israel said to
eenth year 1
Josaphat king of Juda.
of" him: Why hath the Lord gathered to
And he reigned twelve years. gether these three kings, to deliver them
2 And he did evil before the Lord, but into the hands of Moab?
not like his father and his mother: for he 14 And Eliseus said to him: As the
took away the statues of Baal, which his Lord of hosts liveth, in whose sight I
father had made. stand, if I did not reverence the face of
3 Nevertheless he stuck to the sins of Josaphat king of Juda, I would not have
Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made hearkened to thee, nor looked on thee.
>n B. C. 852.
Ver. 24. Cursed them,. This curse, which was n divine inspiration : God punishing in this manner
followed by so visible a judtrment of God, was not the inhabitants of Bethel, (the chief seat of the
the effect of passion, or of a desire of revensrinir calf worship,) who had trained up their children in
himself but of zeal for religion, which was insulted
: a prejudice against the true religion and its minis
by these boys, in the person of the prophet and of : ters.

The Moabites are defeated 4 KINGS Rliseus multiplies the oil

15 But now bring me hither a minstrel. should have reigned in his stead, and of
And when the minstrel played, the hand fered him for a burnt offering upon the
of the Lord came upon him, and he said: wall and there was great indignation in

16 Thus saith the Lord: Make the chan Israel, and presently they departed from
nel of this torrent full of ditches. him, and returned into their own country.
17 For thus saith the Lord: You shall CHAPTER 4
not see wind, nor rain: and yet this
channel shall be with waters, and
filled Miracles of Eliseus. He raiseth a dead child to life.

you shall drink, you and your families, a certain woman of the wives
and your beasts.
18 And this is a small thing in the sight
NOW of the prophets cried to Eliseus, say
ing: Thy servant my husband is dead,
of the Lord: moreover he will deliver and thou knowest that thy servant was
also Moab into your hands. one that feared God, and behold the
19 And you shall destroy every fenced creditor is come to take away my two
city, and every choice city, and shall cut sons to serve him.
down every fruitful tree, and shall stop 2 And Eliseus said to her: What wilt
up all the springs of waters, and every thou have me to do for thee? Tell me,
goodly field you shall cover with stones. what hast thou in thy house? And she
20 And it came to pass in the morning, answered: I thy handmaid have nothing
when the sacrifices used to be offered, in my house but a little oil, to anoint me.
that behold, water came by the way of
3 And he said to her: Go, borrow of all
Edom, and the country was filled with
water. thy neighbors empty vessels not a few.
21 And all the Moabites hearing that 4 And go in, and shut thy door, when
the kings were come up to fight against thou art within, and thy sons: and pour
them, gathered together all that were out thereof into all those vessels: and
girded with a belt upon them, and stood
when they are full take them away.
in the borders. 5 So the woman went, and shut the door
22 And they rose early in the morning, upon her, and upon her sons: they brought
and the sun being now up, and shining her the vessels, and she poured in.
upon the waters, the Moabites saw the 6 And when the vessels were full, she
waters over against them red, like blood, said to her son: Bring me yet a vessel.
23 And they said It is the blood of the
: And he answered: I have no more. And
sword: the kings have fought among the oil stood.
themselves, and they have killed one 7 And she came, and told the man of
another: go now, Moab, to the spoils. God. And he said: Go, sell the oil, and
24 And they went into the camp of Is pay thy creditor: and thou and thy sons
rael but Israel rising up defeated Moab,
: live of the rest.
who fled before them. And they being 8 And there was a day when Eliseus
conquerors, went and smote Moab. passed by Sunam: now there was a great
25 And they destroyed the cities: and woman there, who detained him to eat
they filled every goodly field, every man bread; and as he passed often that way,
casting his stone: and they stopt up all he turned into her house to eat bread.
the springs of waters: and cut down all 9 And she said to her husband: I per
the trees that bore fruit, so that brick ceive that this is a holy man of God, who
walls only remained: and the city was often passeth by us.
beset by the slingers, and a great 10 Let us therefore make him a little
thereof destroyed. chamber, and put a little bed in it for
26 And when the king of Moab saw this, him, and a table, and a stool, and a
to wit, that the enemies had
prevailed, candlestick, that when he cometh to us,
he took with him seven hundred men he may abide there.
that drew the sword, to break in 11 Now there was a certain day when
the king of Edom but they could not.
he came and turned in to the chamber,
27 Then he took his eldest son that and rested there.

CHAP. 3. Ver. 25. Brick walls only remained. It was the proper name of the capital
city of
the Moabites. In Hebrew, Kir-Haraseth.

Eliseus promise to the Sunamitess 4 KINGS Eliseus raises the child to life

12 And he said to Giezi his servant: haste, make no stay in going. And do
Call this Sunamitess. And when he had that which I bid thee.
called her, and she stood before him, 25 So she went forward, and came to
13 He said to his servant: Say to her: the man of God to mount Carmel: and
Behold thou hast diligently served us in when the man of God saw her coming
all things, what wilt thou have me to do towards, he said to Giezi his servant:
for thee? hast thou any business, and Behold that Sunamitess.
wilt thou that I speak to the king, or to 26 Go therefore to meet her, and say to
the general of the army? And she an her: Is all well with thee, and with thy
swered: I dwell in the midst of my own husband, and with thy son ? and she an
people. swered: Well.
14 And he said: What will she then 27 And when she came to the man of
that I do for her? And Giezi said: Do God to the mount, she caught hold on his
not ask, for she hath no son, and her feet: and Giezi came to remove her.
husband is old. And the man of God said: Let her alone
15 Then he bid him call her: And when for her soul is in anguish, and the Lord
she was called, and stood before the door, hath hid it from me, and hath not told
16 He said to her: At this time, and this me.
same hour, if life accompany, thou shalt 28 And she said to him: Did I ask a son
have a son in thy womb. But she an of my lord? did I not say to thee: Do
swered: Do not, I beseech thee, my lord, not deceive me ?
thou man of God, do not lie to thy hand 29 Then he said to Giezi: Gird up thy
maid. loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and
17 And the woman conceived, and go. If any man meet thee, salute him
brought forth a son in the. time, and at not: and if any man salute thee, answer
the same hour, that Eliseus had said. him not: and lay my staff upon the face
18 And the child grew. And on a cer of the child.
tain day, when he went out to his father 30 But the mother of the child said: As
to the reapers, the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I
19 He said to his father: My head ach- will not leave thee. He arose, therefore,
eth, my head acheth. But he said to his and followed her.
servant: Take him, and carry him to his 31 But Giezi was gone before them, and
mother. laid the staff upon the face of the child,
20 And when he had taken him, and and there was no voice nor sense: and
brought him to his mother, she set him he returned to meet him, and told him,
on her knees until noon, and then he saying: The child is not risen.
died. 32 Eliseus therefore went into the house
21 And she went up and laid him upon and behold the child lay dead on his bed.
the bed of the man of God, and shut the 33 And going in he shut the door upon
door: and going out, him, and upon the child, and prayed to
22 She called her husband, and said: the Lord.
Send with me, I beseech thee, one of thy 34 And he went up, and lay upon the
servants, and an ass that I may run to child: and he put his mouth upon his
the man of God, and come again. mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and
23 And he said to her: Why dost thou his hands upon his hands: and he bowed
go to him? to day is neither new moon himself upon him, and the child s flesh
nor sabbath. She answered: I will go. grew warm.
24 And she saddled an ass, and com 35 Then he returned and walked in the
manded her servant: Drive, and make house, once to and fro: and he went up,

CHAP. 4. Ver. 29. Salute him not. He that is bring mankind to life then dead in sin. It was ne
sent to raise to life the sinner spiritually dead, must cessary that Christ himself should come, and by tak
not suffer himself to be called off, or diverted from ing on human nature, become flesh of our flesh, and
his enterprise, by the salutations or ceremonies of restore us to life. In this Eliseus was a figure of
the world. Christ, as it was necessary that he should come him
Ver. 31. St. Augustine considers a great mystery self to bring the dead child to life and restore him
in this miracle wrought by the psrophet Eliseus, thus : to his mother, who is here, in. a mystical sense, a
By the staff sent by his servant is figured the rod of tfgrure of the Church.
Moses or the Old Law, -wEijfih. ^was not sufficient to

Multiplication of the loaves
Naaman visits Eliseus
and lay upon him: and the child gaped the Lord gave deliverance to Syria: and
seven times, and opened his eyes. he was a valiant man and rich, but a
36 And he called Giezi, and said to him: leper.
Call this Sunamitess. And she being 2 Now there had gone out robbers from
called, went in to him: and
he said: Syria, and had led away captive out of
Take up thy son. the land of Israel a little maid, and she
37 She came and fell at his feet, and waited upon Naaman s wife.
worshipped upon the ground: and took 3 And
she said to her mistress: I wish
up her son, and went out. my master had been with the prophet,
38 And Eliseus returned to Galgal, and that is in Samaria: he would certainly
there was a famine in the land, and the have healed him of the leprosy which he
sons of the prophets dwelt before him. hath.
And he said to one of his servants: Set 4 Then Naaman went in to his lord, and
on the great pot, and boil pottage for told him, saying: Thus and thus said the
the sons of the prophets. girl from the land of Israel.
39 And one went out into the field to 5 And
the king of Syria said to him:
gather wild herbs: and he found some Go, and I will send a letter to the king
thing like a wild vine, and gathered of it of Israel. And he departed, and took
wild gourds of the field, and filled his with him ten talents of silver, and six
mantle, and coming back he shred them thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes
into the pot of pottage, for he knew not of raiment,
what it was. 6 And brought the letter to the king of
40 And they poured it out for their Israel, in these words: When thou shalt
companions to eat: and when they had receive this letter, know that I have sent
tasted of the pottage, they cried out, say to thee Naaman my servant, that thou
ing: Death is in the pot, O man of God. mayest heal him of his leprosy.
And they could not eat thereof. 7 And when the king of Israel had read
41 But he said: Bring some meal. And the letter, he rent his garments, and said:
when they had brought it, he cast it into Am I God, to be able to kill and give
the pot, and said: Pour out for the peo
life, that this man hath sent to me, to
ple, that they may eat. And there was heal a man of his leprosy ? mark, and see
now no bitterness in the pot. how he seeketh occasions against me.
42 And a certain man came from Baal- 8 And when Eliseus the man of God had
salisa bringing to the man of God bread heard this, to wit, that the king of Israel
of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of bar had rent his garments, he sent to him,
ley, and new corn in his scrip. And he saying: Why hast thou rent thy gar
said: Give to the people, that they may ments? let to me, and let him
him come
eat. know that there a prophet in Israel.
43 And his servant answered him: How 9 So Naaman came with his horses and
much is this, that I should set it before a
chariots, and stood at the door of the
hundred men? He said again: Give to house of Eliseus:
the people, that they may eat: for thus
10 And Eliseus sent a messenger to
saith the Lord: They shall eat, and there
him, saying: Go, and wash seven times
shall be left.
in the Jordan, and thy flesh shall recover
44 So he set it before them: and they
health, and thou shalt be clean.
ate, and there was left according to the 11 Naaman was angry and went away,
word of the Lord.
saying: I thought he would have come
CHAPTER out to me, and standing would have in
Nan-man the Syrian
voked the name of the Lord his God, and
cleansed of his leprosy. He
professeth hix belief in one God, promising to touched with his hand the place of the
xerve him. Giezi taketh gifts of Naaman, and is
struck with leprosy.
leprosy, and healed me.
12 Are not the Abana, and the Phar-
general of the army of the phar, rivers of Damascus, better than
king of Syria, was a great man with all the waters of Israel, that I may wash
his master, and honourable: for by him in them, and be made clean? So as he
Ver. 39.Wild gourds of the field. Colocynthidas. the gall of the earth; and are poisonous if taken in
They are extremely bitte, and therefore are called a great quantity.

Xaauian cured of the leprosy 4 KINGS Giezi stricken with leprosy

turned, and was going away with indig sent me

to thee, saying: Just now there
nation, are come to me from mount Ephraim,
13 His servants came to him, and said two young men of the sons of the pro
to him: Father, if the prophet had bid phets: givethem a talent of silver, and
thee do some great thing, surely thou two changes of garments.
shouldst have done it: how much rather 23 And Naaman said: It is better that
what he now hath said to thee: Wash, thou take two talents.And he forced him,
and thou shalt be clean ? and bound two talents of silver in two
14 9 Then he went down, and washed in bags, and two changes of garments, and
the Jordan seven times: according to the laid them upon two of his servants, and
word of the man of God, and his flesh was they carried them before him.
restored, like the flesh of a little child, 24 And when he was come, and now it
and he was made clean. was the evening, he took them from their
15 returning to the man of God
And hands, and laid them up in the house, and
with he came, and stood be
all his train, sent the men away, and they departed.
fore him, and said: In truth, I know 25 But he went in, and stood before his
there is no other God in all the earth, master. And Eliseus said: Whence com-
but only in Israel I beseech thee there
: est thou, Giezi? He answered: Thy serv
fore take a blessing of thy servant. ant went no whither.
16 But he answered: As the Lord liveth, 26 But he said: Was not my heart pres
before whom I stand, I will receive none. ent, when the man turned back from his
And when he pressed him, he still refused. chariot to meet thee? So now thou hast
17 And Naaman said: As thou wilt: but received money, and received garments,
I beseech thee, grant to me thy servant, to buy oliveyards, and vineyards, and
to take from hence two mules burden of sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and
earth: for thy servant will not hence maidservants.
forth offer holocaust, or victim, to other 27 But the leprosy of Naaman shall also
gods, but to the Lord. stick to thee, and to thy seed for ever.
18 But there is only this, for which thou And he went out from him a leper as
shalt entreat the Lord for thy servant, white as snow.
when my master goeth into the temple
of Remmon, to worship: and he leaneth CHAPTER 6
Eliseus maketh iron to swim upon the water: he
upon my hand, if I bow down in the tem leadeth the Syrians that wero sent to apprehend
ple of Remmon, when he boweth down in him into Samaria., where their eyes being opened
the same place, that the Lord pardon they are courteously entertained. The Syrian*
besiege Samaria: the famine there causeth a wo
me thy servant for this thing. man to eat her own child. Upon this the king
19 And he said to him: Go in peace. So commandeth Eliseus to be put to death.
he departed from him in the springtime the sons of the prophets said to
of the earth. AND Eliseus: Behold the place where we
20 But Giezi the servant of the man of dwell with thee is too strait for us.
God said My master hath spared Naa
: 2 Let us go as far as the Jordan and
man this Syrian, in not receiving of him take out of the wood every man a piece
that which he brought: as the Lord liv of timber, that we may build us there a
eth, I will run after him, and take some place to dwell in. And he said: Go.
thing of him: B And one of them said But come thou

21 And Giezi followed after Naaman: also with thy servants. He answered: I
and when he saw him running after him, will come.
he leapt down from his chariot to meet 4 So he went with them. And when
him, and said: Is all well? they were come to the Jordan they cut
22 And he said: Well: my master hath down wood.
q Luke 4. 27.

CHAP. 5. Ver. 15. A blessing. A present. effect adoring tho idols nor was it so understood

Ver. 19. Go in peace. Wha the prophet here by the standers by, since he publicly professed him
allowed, was not an outward conformity to an idol selfa worshipper of the only true and living God.
atrous worship but only a service which by his
but it was no more than doing a civil office to the
he owed to his master who on all public oc
office : king his master, whose leaning upon him obliged
casions leaned on him so that his bowing down
: him to bow at the same time that he bowed.
when his master bowed himself down was not in

Ambush of the Syrians revealed 4 KINGS The Syrians besiege Samaria
5 And it happened, as one was felling he saw: and behold the mountain was
some timber, that the head of the axe full of horses,and chariots of fire round
fell into the water: and he cried out, and about Eliseus.
said: Alas, alas, alas, my lord, for this 18 And the enemies came down to him,
same was borrowed. but Eliseus prayed to the Lord, saying:
6 And the man of God said: Where did Strike, I beseech thee, this people with
it fall?and he shewed him the place. blindness. And the Lord struck them
Then he cut off a piece of wood, and cast with blindness, according to the word of
it in thither and the iron swam.
: Eliseus.
7 And he said: Take it up. And he put 19 And Eliseus said to them: This is not
out his hand and took it. the way, neither is this the city: follow
8 And the king of Syria warred against me, and I will shew you the man whom
Israel, and took counsel with his serv you seek. So he led them into Samaria.
ants, saying In such and such a place let
: 20 And when they were come into Sa
us lay ambushes. maria, Eliseus said: Lord, open the eyes
9 And the man of God sent to the king of these men, that they may see. And
of Israel, saying: Beware that thou pass the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw
not to such a place: for the Syrians are themselves to be in the midst of Sama
there in ambush. ria.
10 And the king of Israel sent to the 21 And the king of Israel said to Eli
place which the man of God had told him, seus, when he saw them: My
and prevented him, and looked well to shall I kill them?
himself there not once nor twice. 22 And he said: Thou shalt not kill
11 And the heart of the king of Syria them: for thou didst not take them with
was troubled for this thing. And calling thy sword, or thy bow, that thou mayst
together his servants, he said: Why do kill them: but set bread and water be
you not tell me who it is that betrays me fore them, that they may eat and drink,
to the king of Israel? and go to their master.
12 And one of his servants said: No 23 And a great provision of meats was
one, my lord king: but Eliseus the pro set before them, and they ate and drank,
phet, that is in Israel, telleth the king and he let them go, and they went away
of Israel all the words, that thou speak- to their master, and the robbers of Syria
est in thy privy chamber. came no more into the land of Israel.
13 And he said to them: Go, and see 24 And it came to pass after these
where he is: that I may send, and take things, that Benadad king of Syria gath
him. And they told him, saying: Behold ered together all his army, and went up,
he is in Dothan. and besieged Samaria.
14 Therefore he sent thither horses and 25 And there was a great famine in Sa
chariots, and the strength of an army: maria: and so long did the siege con
and they came by night, and beset the tinue, till the head of an ass was sold for
city. fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth
15 And the servant of the man of God part of a cabe of pigeon s dung, for five
rising early, went
and saw an army
out, pieces of silver.
round about the city, and horses and 26 And as the king of Israel was passing
chariots: and he told him, saying: Alas, by the wall, a certain woman cried out
alas, alas, my lord, what shall we do ? to him, saying: Save me, my lord O king.
16 But he answered: Fear not: for there 27 And he said: If the Lord doth not
are more with us than with them. save thee, how can I save thee? out of
17 And Eliseus prayed, and said: Lord, the barnfloor, or out of the winepress ?
open his eyes, that he may see. And the And the king said to her: What aileth
Lord opened the eyes of the servant, and thee? And she answered:

CHAP. 6. Ver. 18. Blindness. The blindness here person of Eliseus but were easily led by him, whom

spoken of was of a particular kind, which hindered they took to be another man, to Samaria. So that
them from seeing the objects that were really be he truly told them, this is not the way, neither is
fore them and represented other different objects
; this the city, &c., because he spoke with relation to
to their imagination so that they no longer per
the way and to the city, which was represented to
ceived the city of Dothan, nor were able to know the them.

The king wishes to kill Eliseus 4 KINGS Flight of the Syrians
28 This woman said to me: Give thy die with the famine: and if we will re
son, that we may eat him to day, and we main here, we must also die: come, there
will eat my son tomorrow.
fore, and let us run over to the camp of
29 So we boiled my son, and ate him. the Syrians. If they spare us, we shall
And I said to her on the next day: Give live: but if they kill us, we shall but
thy son that we may eat him. And she die.
hath hid her son. 5 So they arose in the evening, to go to
30 When the king heard this, he rent the Syrian camp. And when they were
his garments, and passed by upon the come to the first part of the camp of the
wall. And all the people saw the hair Syrians, they found no man there.
cloth which he wore within next to his 6 For the Lord had made them hear, in
the camp of Syria, the noise of chariots,
31 And the king said: May God do so and of horses, and of a very great army,
and so to me, and may add more, if the
and they said one to another: Behold the
head of Eliseus the son of Saphat shall
king of Israel hath hired against us the
stand on him this day.
kings of the Hethites, and of the Egyp
32 But Eliseus sat in his house, and the
tians, and they are come upon us.
ancients sat with him. So he sent a man
before and before that messenger came,
7 Wherefore they arose, and fled away
in the dark, and left their tents, and
he said to the ancients Do you know :
their horses and asses in the camp, and
that this son of a murderer hath sent to
cut off my head? Look then, when the desiring to save their lives.

messenger shall come, shut the door, 8 So when these lepers were come to
and suffer him not to come in: for be the beginning of the camp, they went
hold the sound of his master s feet is into one tent, and ate and drank: and
behind him. they took from thence silver, and gold,
33 While he was yet speaking to them, and raiment, and went, and hid it: and
the messenger appeared who was coming they came again, and went into another
to him. And he said: Behold, so great tent, and carried from thence in like
an evil is from the Lord: what shall I manner, and hid it.
look for more from the Lord? 9 Then they said one to another: We
do not well: for this is a day of good
CHAPTER 7 tidings. If we hold our peace, and do
Eliseus prophcsieth a great plenty, which presently
not tell it till the morning, we shall be
ensueth upon the sudden flight of the Syrians; charged with a crime: come let us go
of u-hich four lepers bring the news to the city. and tell it in the king s court.
The incredulous nobleman is trod to death.
10 So they came to the gate of the city,
Eliseus said: Hear ye the word and told them, saying: We went to the
ANDof the Lord: Thus saith the Lord: camp of the Syrians, and we found no
To morrow about this time a bushel of man there, but horses, and asses tied,
fine flour shall be sold for a stater, and and the tents standing.
two bushels of barley for a stater, in the 11 Then the guards of the gate went,
gate of Samaria. and told it within the king s palace.
2 Then one of the lords, upon whose 12 And he arose in the night and said to
hand the king leaned, answering the man his servants: I tell you what the Syrians
of God, said: If the Lord should make have done to us: They know that we
flood-gates in heaven, can that possibly suffer great famine, and therefore they
be which thou sayest? And he said: are gone out of the camp, and lie hid in
Thou shalt see it with thy eyes, but shalt the fields, saying: When they come out
not eat thereof. of the city we shall take them alive, and
3 Now there were four lepers, at the then we may get into the city.
entering in of the gate: and they said 13 And one of his servants answered:
one to another: What mean we to stay Let us take the five horses that are re
here till we die? maining in the city (because there are
4 If we will enter into the city, we shall no more in the whole multitude of Israel,

CHAP. 7. Ver. 1. A stater. It is the same as a side or shekel.

The incredulous lord put to death 4 KINGS Hazael consults Eliseus
for the rest are consumed,) and let us the word of the man of God: and going
send and see. with her household, she sojourned in the
14 They brought therefore two horses, land of the Philistines many days.
and the king sent into the camp of the 3 And when the seven years were
Syrians, saying: Go, and see. ended, the woman returned out of the
15 And they went after them as far as land of the Philistines, and she went
the Jordan and behold all the way was
forth to speak to the king for her house,
full of garments, and vessels, which the and for her lands.
Syrians had cast away in their fright, 4 And the king talked with Giezi, the
and the messengers returned and told servant of the man of God, saying: Tell
the king. me all the great things that Eliseus hath
16 And the people going out pillaged done.
the camp of the Syrians: and a bushel 5 And when he was telling the king
of fine flour was sold for a stater, and how he had raised one dead to life, the
two bushels of barley for a stater, ac woman appeared, whose son he had re
cording to the word -of the Lord. stored to life, crying to the king for her
17 And the king appointed that lord on house, and her lands. And Giezi said:
whose hand he leaned, to stand at the My lord king, this is the woman, and
gate: and the people trod upon him in this is her son, whom Eliseus raised to
the entrance of the gate; and he died, life.
as the man of God had said, when the 6 And the king asked the woman: and
king came down to him. she told him. And the king appointed
18 And it came to pass according to the her an eunuch, saying: Restore her all
word of the man of God, which he spoke that is hers, and all the revenues of the
to the king, when he said: two bushels lands, from the day that she left the
of barley shall be for a stater, and a land, to this present.
bushel of fine flour for a stater, at this 7 Eliseus also came to
Damascus, and
very time to morrow in the gate of Sa Benadad king of Syria was sick: and
maria. they told him, saying: The man of God
19 When that lord answered the man is come hither.
of God, and said: Although the Lord 8 And the king said to Hazael: Take
should make flood-gates in heaven, could with thee presents, and go to meet the
this come to pass which thou sayest? man of God, and consult the Lord by
And he said to him Thou shalt see with
him, saying: Can I recover of this my
thy eyes, and shalt not eat thereof. illness?
20 And so it fell out to him as it was 9 And Hazael went to meet him, taking
foretold, and the people trod upon him with him presents, and all the good
in the gate, and he died. things of Damascus, the burdens of forty
camels. And when he stood before him,
he said: Thy son Benadad the king of
After seven years famine foretold by Eliseus, the
Sunamites returning home, recovereth her lands, Syria hath sent me to thee, saying: Can
and revenues. Eliseus foresheweth the death of
Benadad, king of Syria, and the reign of Hazael.
I recover of this my illness?
Joram s wicked reign in Judo. He dieth, and his 10 And
Eliseus said to him: Go tell
son Ochozias succeedeth.
him: Thou shalt recover: but the Lord
Athalia the mother of Ochozias hath shewn me that he shall surely die.
AMD^whose son he had restored to life, 11 And he stood with him, and was
saying: Arise, and go thou and thy troubled so far as to blush and the man :

household, and sojourn wheresoever thou of God wept.

canst find: for the Lord hath called a 12 And Hazael said to him: Why doth
famine, and it shall come upon the land my lord weep? And he said: Because I
seven years. know the evil that thou wilt do to the
2 And she arose, and did
according to children of Israel. ^Their strong cities
v Supra 4. 37. x Infra 13. 7.
CHAP. 8. Ver. 10. Tell him: Thou shalt recover. understand that he knew both what he would say
By these words the prophet signified that the king s and do that he would indeed tell the king he should
disease was not mortal and that he would ;
recover recover but would be himself the instrument of his
if no violence were used. Or he

might only express death.

himself mthis manner, by way of giving Hazael

The revolt of Edom 4 KINGS The reign of Ochosias
thou wilt burn with fire, and their young and was buried with them in the city of
men thou wilt kill with the sword, and David, and Ochozias his son reigned in
thou wilt dash their children, and rip up his stead.
their pregnant women. 25 c in the twelfth year of Joram son of
13 And Hazael said: But what am I thy Achab king of Israel, reigned d Ochozias
servant a dog, that I should do this great son of Joram king of Juda.
thing? And Eliseus said: The Lord hath 26 Ochozias was two and twenty years
shewn me that thou shalt be king of old when he began to reign, and he
Syria. reigned one year in Jerusalem: the name
14 And when he was departed from of his mother was Athalia the daughter
of Amri king of Israel.
Eliseus, he came to his master, who said
to him: What saith Eliseus to thee? 27 And he walked in the ways of the
And he answered: He told me: Thou house of Achab: and he did evil before
shalt recover. the Lord, as did the house of Achab:
for he was the son in law of the house
15 And onthe next day he took a blan
of Achab.
ket, and poured water on it, and spread
28 He went also with Joram son of
it upon his face and he died, and Hazael

Achab, to fight against Hazael king of

reigned in his stead.
16 In the fifth year of Joram son of Syria in Ramoth Galaad, and the Syrians
wounded Joram:
Achab king of Israel, Josaphat being
king of Juda, reigned Joram son of Josa ^29 And he went back to be healed,
in Jezrahel: because the Syrians had
phat king of Juda. wounded him Ramoth
17 2/He was two and thirty years old
in when he fought
when he began against Hazael king of Syria. And Ocho
to reign, and he reigned zias the son of Joram king of Juda, went
eight years in Jerusalem. down to visit Joram the son of Achab in
18 And he walked in the ways of the
Jezrahel, because he was sick there.
kings of Israel, as the house of Achab
had walked: for the daughter of Achab
was his wife: and he did that which was
evil in the sight of the Lord. Jehu anointed king of Israel, to destroy the house
of Achab and Jezabel. He killeth Joram king of
19 *But the Lord would not destroy Israel, and Ochozias king of Juda. Jezabel is
eaten by dogs.
Juda, for David his servant s sake, as he
had promised him, to give him a light,
and to his children always.
20 a I n his days Edom revolted, from
A SID Eliseus the prophet called one of
the sons of the prophets, and said
to him: Gird up thy loins, and take this
being under Juda, and made themselves little bottle of oil in thy hand, and go to
a king. Ramoth Galaad.
21 And Joram came to Seira, and all 2 And when thou
art come thither,
the chariots with him: and he arose in thou shalt see Jehu the son of Josaphat
the night, and defeated the Edomites the son of Namsi: and going in thou
that had surrounded him, and the cap shalt make him rise up from amongst his
tains of the chariots, but the people fled brethren, and carry him into an inner
into their tents. chamber.
22 So Edom revolted from being under 3 Then taking the little bottle of oil,
Juda, unto this day. Then Lobna also thou shalt pour it on his head, and shalt
revolted at the same time. say: Thus saith the Lord: I have anointed
23 But the rest of the acts of Joram, thee king over Israel. And thou shalt
and all that he did, are they not written open the door and flee, and shalt not
in the book of the words of the days of stay there.
the kings of Juda? 4 So the young man, the servant of the
24 And Joram slept with his fathers, prophet, went away to Ramoth Galaad,
y 2 Par. 21. 5. B. C. 854. 2 Kings 7. 16. c 2 Par. 22. 1. d B. C. 846.
a Gen. 27. 40 2 Par. 21. 8.
; g 3 Kings 19. 16.

Ver. 16. Josaphat being King, &c. That is, Josa Ver. 26. Daughter. That is, grand-daughter for ;

phat being yet alive, who some time before his death she was daughter of Achab son cf Amri, ver. 18.
made his son Joram king, as David had done before
by his son Solomon.

Jehu anointed king of Israel 4 KINGS Jorani killed by Jehu

5 And went in thither: and behold the 16 And he got up, and went into Jezra
and hel for Joram was sick there, and Ocho-
captains of the army were sitting: :

he said: I have a word to thee, O prince. zias king of Juda was come down to
And Jehu said: Unto whom of us all? visit Joram.
And he said: To thee, prince. 17 The watchman therefore, that stood
6 And he arose, and went into the upon the tower of Jezrahel, saw the
chamber: and he poured the oil upon his troop of Jehu coming, and said: I see a
head, and said: Thus saith the Lord God troop. And Joram said: Take a chariot,
of Israel I have anointed thee king over
: and send to meet them, and let him that
Israel, the people of the Lord. goeth say: Is all well?
7 And thou
shalt cut off the house of 18 So there went one in a chariot to
Achab thy master, and I will revenge meet him, and said: Thus saith the king:
the blood of my servants the prophets, Are all things peaceable? And Jehu
and the blood of all the servants of the said: What hast thou to do with peace?
Lord at the hand of Jezabel. go behind and follow me. And the
8 & And I will destroy all the house of watchman told, saying: The messenger
Achab, and I from Achab
will cut off came to them, but he returneth not.
him that pisseth against the wall, and 19 And he sent a second chariot of
him that is shut up, and the meanest in horses: and he came to them, and said:
Israel. Thus saith the king: Is there peace?
9 And I will make the house of Achab And Jehu said: What hast thou to do
like * the house of Jeroboam the son of with peace? pass, and follow me.
Nabat, and like the house of / Baasa the 20 And the watchman told, saying: He
son of Ahias. came even to them, but returneth not:
10 And the dogs shall eat Jezabel in the and the driving is like the driving of
field of Jezrahel, and there shall be no Jehu the son of Namsi, for he drives
one to bury her. And he opened the furiously.
door and fled. 21 And Joram said: Make ready the
11 Then Jehu went forth to the servants chariot. And they made ready his char
of his lord: and they said to him: Are iot,and Joram king of Israel, and Ocho-
all things well ? why came this mad man zias king of Juda went out, each in his
to thee? And he said to them: You chariot, and they went out to meet Jehu,
know the man, and what he said. and met him in the field of Naboth the
12 But they answered: It is false, but Jezrahelite.
rather do thou tell us. And he said to And when Joram saw Jehu, he said:
them: Thus and thus did he speak to Jehu? And he answered:
Is there peace,
me: and he said: Thus saith the Lord: I What peace? so long as the fornications
have anointed thee king over Israel. of Jezabel thy mother, and her many
13 Then they made haste and taking sorceries are in their vigour.
every man his garments laid it under his 23 And Joram turned his hand, and flee
feet, after the manner of a judgment ing, said to Ochozias: There is treachery,
seat, and they sounded the trumpet, and Ochozias.
said: Jehu is king. 24 But Jehu bent his bow with his hand,
14 So Jehu the son of Josaphat the son and shot Joram betwen the shoulders:
of Namsi conspired against Joram. and the arrow went out through his heart,
*Now Joram had besieged Ramoth Ga- and immediately he
fell in his chariot.
laad, he and all Israel fighting with Ha- 25 And Jehu
said to Badacer his captain:
zael king of Syria: Take him, and cast him into the field of
15 And was returned to be healed in Naboth the Jezrahelite: for I remember
Jezrahel of his wounds, for the Syrians when I and thou sitting in a chariot fol
had wounded him, when he fought with lowed Achab this man s father, that the
Hazael king of Syria. And Jehu said: Lord laid this burden upon him, saying:
If it please you, let no man go forth or 26 l If I do not requite thee in this field,
flee out of the city, lest he go, and tell saith the Lord, for the blood of Naboth,
in Jezrahel. and for the blood of his children, which I
h 3 Kings 21. 21. i 3 Kings 15. 29. j 3 Kings 16. 3. k Supra 8. 28. J 3 Kings 21. 22.

Death of Jesabel 4 KINGS Jehu, destroys the sons of Achab
saw yesterday, saith the Lord. So now to .Samaria, to the chief men of the city,
take him, and cast him into the field, and to the ancients, and to them that
according to the word of the Lord. brought up Achab s children, saying:
27 But Ochozias king of Juda seeing 2 As soon as you receive these letters,
this, fled by the way of the garden house
ye that have your master s sons, and

and Jehu pursued him, and said: Strike

chariots, and horses, and fenced cities,
him also in his chariot. And they struck and armour,
him in the going up to Gaver, which is by 3 Choose the best, and him that shall
Jeblaam; and he fled into Mageddo, and please you most of your master s sons,
died there. and set him on his father s throne, and
28 And his servants laid him upon his fight for the house of your master.
chariot, and carried him to Jerusalem: 4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and
and they buried him in his sepulchre said Behold two kings could not stand

with his fathers in the city of David. before him, and how shall we be able to
29 In the eleventh year of Joram the resist?
son of Achab, Ochozias reigned over Juda, 5 Therefore the overseers of the house,
30 And Jehu came into Jezrahel. But and the rulers of the city, and the an
Jezabel hearing of his coming in, painted
cients, and the tutors sent to Jehu, say
her face with stibic stone, and adorned ing: We are thy servants, whatsoever
her head, and looked out of a window thou shalt command us we will do, nei
31 At Jehu coming in at the gate, and ther will we make us a king: do thou all
said: "Can there be peace for Zambri, that pleaseth thee.
that hath killed his master? 6 And he wrote letters the second time
32 And Jehu lifted up his face to the to them, saying If you be mine, and will

window, and said: Who is this? And two obey me, take the heads of the sons of
or three eunuchs bowed down to him.
your master, and come to me to Jezrahel
S3 And he said to them: Throw her by to morrow this time. Now the king s
I down headlong: and they threw her sons, being seventy men, were brought
down, and the wall was sprinkled with up with the chief men of the city.
her blood, and the hoofs of the horses 7 And when the letters came to them,
trod upon her.
they took the king s sons, and slew sev
34 And when he was come in, to eat, enty persons, and put their heads in bas
and to drink, he said: Go, and see after kets,and sent them to him to Jezrahel.
that cursed woman, and bury her: be 8 And a messenger came, and told him,
cause she is a king s daughter. saying: They have brought the heads of
35 And when they went to bury her, the king s sons. And he said: Lay ye
they found nothing but the skull, and the them in two heaps by the entering in of
feet, and the extremities of her hands. the gate until the morning.
36 And coming back they told him. 9 And when it was light, he went out,
And Jehu said: M It is the word of the and standing said to all the people: You
Lord, which he spoke by his servant are just: if I conspired against my mas
Elias the Thesbite, saying In the field of :
ter, and slew him, who hath slain all
Jezrahel the dogs shall eat the flesh of these?
Jezabel, 10 PSee therefore now that there hath
37 Andthe flesh of Jezabel shall be as not fallen to the ground any of the words
dung upon the face of the earth in the of the Lord, which the Lord spoke con
field of Jezrahel, so that they who pass
cerning the house of Achab, and the Lord
by shall say: Is this that same Jezabel? hath done that which he spoke in the
hand of his servant Elias.
11 So Jehu slew all that were left of
Jehu destroyeth the house of Achab : abolisheth the the house of Achab in Jezrahel, and all
worship of Baal, and kitteth the worshippers : but
sticketh to the calves of Jeroboam. Israel is af his chief men, and his friends, and his
flicted by the Syrians. priests, till there were no remains left of


ria: so
Achab had seventy sons in Sama
Jehu wrote letters, and sent
12 And he arose, and went to S amaria :

m 3 Kings 16. 10. n 3 Kings 21. 23. o B. C. 846. p 3 Kings 21. 29.

Jehu gathers the priests of Baal 4 KINGS He kills the priests of Baal

and when he was come to the shepherds and see that there be not any with you
cabin in the way, of the servants of the Lord, but that
13 He met with the brethren of Ocho- there be the servants of Baal only.
zias king of Juda, and he said to them: 24 And they went in to offer sacrifices
Who are you? And they answered: We and burnt offerings: but Jehu had pre
are the brethren of Ochozias, and are pared him fourscore men without, and
come down to salute the sons of the said to them: If any of the men escape,
king, and the sons of the queen. whom I have brought into your hands,

14 And he said: Take them alive. And he that letteth him go shall answer life
they took them alive, and killed them at for life.
the pit by the cabin, two and forty men, And it came to pass, when the burnt
and he left not any of them. offering was ended, that Jehu commanded
15 And when he was departed thence, his soldiers and captains, saying: Go in,
he found Jonadab the son of Rechab com and kill them, let none escape. And the
ing to meet him, and he blessed him. soldiers and captains slew them with the
And he said to him Is thy heart right as
: edge of the sword, and cast them out:
my heart is with thy heart? And Jona and they went into the city of the temple
dab said It is. If it be, said he, give me
: of Baal,
thy hand. He gave him his hand. And 26 And brought the statue out of
he lifted him up to him into the chariot, Baal s temple, and burnt it,
16 And he said to him: Come with me, .27 And broke it in pieces. They de
and see my zeal for the Lord. So he stroyed also the temple of Baal, and
made him ride in his chariot, made a Jakes in its place unto this day.
17 And brought him into Samaria. And 28 So Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel :

he slew all that were left of Achab in 29 But yet he departed not from the
Samaria, to a man, according to the word sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who
of the Lord, which he spoke by Elias. made Israel to sin, nor did he forsake the
18 And Jehu gathered together all the golden calves that were in Bethel and
people, and said to them: sAchab wor Dan.
shipped Baal a little, but I will worship 30 And the Lord said to Jehu Because :

him more. thou hast diligently executed that which

19 Now therefore call to me all the pro was right and pleasing in my eyes, and
phets of Baal, and all his servants, and hast done to the house of Achab accord
all his priests: let none be wanting, for ing to all that was in my heart: r thy
I have a great sacrifice to offer to Baal: children shall sit upon the throne of Is
whosoever shall be wanting shall not rael to the fourth generation.
live. Now Jehu did this craftily, that he 31 But Jehu took no heed to walk in the
might destroy the worshippers of Baal. law of the Lord the God of Israel with
20 And he said: Proclaim a festival for all his heart: for he departed not from
Baal. And he called, the sins of Jeroboam, who had made
21 And he sent into all the borders of Israel to sin.
Israel, and all the servants of Baal came : 32 In those days the Lord began to be
there was not one left that did not come. weary of Israel: and Hazael ravaged
And they went into the temple of Baal : them in all the coasts of Israel,
and the house of Baal was filled, from 33 From the Jordan eastward, all the
one end to the other. land of Galaad, and Gad, and Ruben, and
22 And he said to them that were over Manasses, from Aroer, which is upon the
the wardrobe: Bring forth garments for torrent Arnon, and Galaad, and Basan.
all the servants of Baal. And they 34 But the rest of the acts of Jehu, and
brought them forth garments. all that he did, and his strength, are they
23 And Jehu and Jonadab the son of not written in the book of the words of
Rechab went to the temple of Baal, and the days of the kings of Israel?
said to the worshippers of Baal Search, : 35 And Jehu slept with his fathers, and
Q 3 Kings 16. 31. r Infra 15. 12.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 18. I will worship him more. evil is not to be done, that good may come of it.
Jehu sinned in thus pretending to worship Baal, Rom. 3. 8.
and causing sacrifice to be offered to him because

Usurpation of Athalia 4 KINGS Joas is made king
they buried him in Samaria: and Joachaz the arms of king David, which were in
his son reigned in his stead. the house of the Lord.
36 And the time that Jehu reigned over 11 And they stood having every one
Israel, in Samaria, was eight and twenty their weapons in their hands, from the
years. right side of the temple, unto the left
CHAPTER 11 side of the altar, and of the temple,
Athalia s usurpation and tyranny. Joas is made about the king.
king. Athalia is slain. 12 And he brought forth the king s son,
s Athalia the mother of Ochozias and put the diadem upon him, and the
AVD seeing that her son was dead,
and slew the
arose, testimony: and they made him king, and
anointed him: and clapping their hands,
royal seed.
2 But Josaba the daughter of king Jo- they said, God save the king.
ram, sister of Ochozias, took Joas the 13 And Athalia heard the noise of the
son of Ochozias, and stole him from people running: and going in to the peo
among the king s sons that were slain, ple into the temple of the Lord,
out of the bedchamber with his nurse: 14 She saw the king standing upon a
and hid him from the face of Athalia, tribunal, as the manner was, and the
so that he was not slain. singers, and the trumpets near him, and
3 And he was with her six years hid all the people of the land rejoicing, and
in the house of the Lord. And Athalia sounding the trumpets: and she rent her
reigned over the land. garments, and cried: A
conspiracy, a
4 * And in the seventh year Joiada sent, conspiracy.
and taking the centurions and the sol 15 But Joiada commanded the centurions
diers, brought them in to him into the that were over the army, and said to
temple of the Lord, and made a cove them: Have her forth without the pre
nant with them: and taking an oath of cinct of the temple, and whosoever shall
them in the house of the Lord, shewed follow her, let him be slain with the
them the king s son: sword. For the priest had said: Let her
5 And he commanded them, saying: not be slain in the temple of the Lord.
This is the thing that you must do: 16 And they laid hands on her: and
6 Let a third part of you go in on the thrust her out by the way by which the
sabbath, and keep the watch of the king s horses go in, by the palace, and she was
house. And let a third part be at the slain there.
gate of Sur: and let a third part be at 17 And Joiada made a covenant between
the gate behind the dwelling of the the Lord, and the king, and the people, that
shieldbearers: and you shall keep the they should be the people of the Lord,
watch of the house of Messa. and between the king and the people.
7 But let two parts of you, all that go 18 And all the people of the land went
forth on the sabbath, keep the watch into the temple of Baal, and broke down
of the house of the Lord about the his altars, and his images they broke in
king. pieces thoroughly: they slew also Mathan
8 And you shallcompass him round the priest of Baal before the altar. And
about, having weapons in your hands: the priest set guards in the house of the
and if any man shall enter the precinct Lord.
of the temple, let him be slain: and you 19 And he took the centurions, and the
shall be with the king coming in and go bands of the Cerethi and the Phelethi,
ing out. and all the people of the land, and they
9 And
the centurions did according to brought the king from the house of the
all things that Joiada the priest had Lord: and they came by the way of the
commanded them: and taking every one gate of the shieldbearers into the palace,
their men, that went in on the sabbath, and he sat on the throne of the kings.
with them that went out on the sabbath, 20 And all the people of the land rejoiced,
came to Joiada the priest. and the city was quiet: but Athalia was
10 And he gave them the spears, and slain with the sword in the king s house.
s B. C. 846. 2 Far. 22. 10. t 2 Par. 23. 1. B. C. 841.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 12. The testimony. The book of Ver. 14. A tribunal. A tribune, or a place ele
the law. vated above the rest.

The temple is repaired 4 KINGS Joas is slain

21 Now Joas was seven years old, when 11 And it out by number and
they gave
he began to reign. measure hands of them that were
into the
over the builders of the house of the
CHAPTER 12 Lord: and they laid it out to the carpen
The temple is Hazael is bought off from
ters, and the masons that wrought in the
attacking Jerusalem. Joas is slain, house of the Lord,
u the seventh year of Jehu Joas be 12 And made the repairs: and to them
INgan to reign: and he reigned forty that cut stones, and to buy timber, and
years in Jerusalem. The name of his stones, to be hewed, that the repairs of
mother was Sebia of Bersabee. the house of the Lord might be com
2 And Joas did that which was right be pletely finished, and wheresoever there
fore the Lord all the days that Joiada the was need of expenses to uphold the house.
priest taught him. 13 But there were not made of the same
3 But yet he took not away the high money for the temple of the Lord, bowls,
places: for the people still sacrificed and or fleshhooks, or censers, or trumpets,
burnt incense in the high places. or any vessel of gold and silver, of the
4 And Joas said to the priests: All the money that was brought into the temple
money of the sanctified things, which is of the Lord.
brought into the temple of the Lord by 14 For it was given to them that did
those that pass, which is offered for the the work, that the temple of the Lord
price of a soul, and which of their own might be repaired.
accord, and of their own free heart they 15 And they reckoned not with the men
bring into the temple of the Lord: that received the money to distribute it
5 Let the priests take it according to to the workmen, but they bestowed it
their order, and repair the house, where faithfully.
soever they shall see any thing that 16 But the money for trespass, and the
wanteth repairing. money for sins, they brought not into
6 Now till the three and twentieth year the temple of the Lord, because it was
of king Joas, the priests did not make for the priests.
the repairs of the temple. 17 Then Hazael king of Syria went up
7 And king Joas called Joiada the high and fought against Geth, and took it and
priest and the priests, saying to them: set his face to go up to Jerusalem.
Why do you not repair the temple ? Take 18 Wherefore Joas king of Juda took all
you therefore money no more according the sanctified things, which Josaphat, and
to your order, but restore it for the re Joram, and Ochozias his fathers the kings
pairing of the temple. of Juda had dedicated to holy uses, and
8 And the priests were forbidden to which he himself had offered: and all the
take any more money of the people, silver that could be found in the treas
and to make the repairs of the house. ures of the temple of the Lord, and in
9 And Joiada the high priest took a the king s palace: and sent it to Hazael
chest and bored a hole in the top, and set king of Syria, and he went off from Jeru
it by the altar at the right hand of them salem.
that came into the house of the Lord, and 19 And the rest of the acts of Joas, and
the priests that kept the doors put all that he did, are they not written in
therein all the money that was brought the book of the words of the days of the
to the temple of the Lord. kings of Juda?
10 And when they saw that there was 20 And x his servants arose, and conspir
very much money in the chest, the king s ed among themselves, and slew Joas in the
scribe and the high priest came up, and house of Mello in the descent of Sella. v
poured it out, and counted the money 21 For Josachar the son of Semaath, and
that was found in the house of the Jozabad the son of Somer his servant
Lord: struck him, and he died: and they buried
M B. C. 841. v 2 Par. 24. 23. x B. C. 802.
CHAP. 12. Ver. 4. Sanctified. That is, dedicated Ver. 21. The city of David. He was buried in the
to God s service. Ibid. The price of a. soul. That same city with his fathers, but not in the sepulchres
is, the ordinary oblation, which every soul was to of the kings. 2 Par. 14.
offer by the law. Ex. 30.

The reign o 4 KINGS Death of Eliseus
him with his fathers in the city of David, sight of the Lord: he departed not from
and Amasias his son reigned in his stead. all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Na
bat, who made Israel to sin, but he
CHAPTER 13 walked in them.
The reign of Joachaz and of Joas kings of Israel. 12 But the rest of the acts of Joas, and
The last acts and death of Eliseus the prophet: a all that he did, and his valour wherewith
dead man is raised to life by the touch of his he fought against Amasias king of Juda,
are they not written in the book of the
v the three and twentieth year of words of the days of the kings of Israel ?
INJoas son of Ochozias king of Juda,
13 And Joas slept with his fathers: and
Joachaz the son of Jehu reigned over Jeroboam sat upon his throne. But Joas
Israel in Samaria, seventeen years. was buried in Samaria with the kings of
2 And he did evil before the Lord, and Israel.
followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of
14 Now Eliseus was sick of the illness
Nabat, who made Israel to sin, and he whereof he died: and Joas king of Is
departed not from them. rael went down to him, and wept before
3 And the wrath of the Lord was kin
dled against Israel, and he delivered them him, and said: O my father, my father,
the chariot of Israel and the guider
into the hand of Hazael the king of
Syria, and into the hand of Benadad the
son of Hazael all days. 15 And Eliseus said to him: Bring a
4 But Joachaz besought the face of the bow and arrows. And when he had
Lord, and the Lord heard him: for he brought him a bow, and arrows,
saw the distress of Israel, because the 16 He said to the king of Israel: Put
king of Syria had oppressed them: thy hand upon the bow. And when he
5 And the Lord gave Israel a saviour, had put his hand, Eliseus put his hands
and they were delivered out of the hand over the king s hands,
of the king of Syria: and the children of 17 And said: Open the window to the
Israel dwelt in their pavilions as yester east. And when he had opened it, Elis
day and the day before. eus said: Shoot an arrow. And he shot.
6 But yet they departed not from the And Eliseus The arrow of the
sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to Lord and the arrow of the
s deliverance,
sin, but walked in them: and there still deliverance from Syria: and thou shalt
remained a grove also in Samaria. strike the Syrians in Aphec, till thou
7 And Joachaz had no more left of the consume them.
people than fifty horsemen, and ten char 18 And he said: Take the arrows. And
iots, and ten thousand footmen: for the when he had taken them, he said to him:
king of Syria had slain them, and had Strike with an arrow upon the ground.
brought them low as dust by thrashing And he struck three times and stood
in the barnfloor. still.
8 But the rest of the acts of Joachaz, 19 And the man of God was angry with
and all that he did, and his valour, are him, and said: If thou hadst smitten five
they not written in- the book of the or six or seven times, thou hadst smitten
words of the days of the kings of Israel ? Syria even to utter destruction: but now
9 And z Joachaz slept with his fathers, three times shalt thou smite it.
and they buried him in Samaria: and 20 And Eliseus died, and they buried
Joas his son reigned in his stead. him. And the rovers from Moab came
10 In the seven and thirtieth year of into the land the same year.
Joas king of Juda, Joas the son of Jo 21 c And some that were burying a man,
achaz reigned over Israel in Samaria saw the rovers, and cast the body into
sixteen years. the sepulchre of Eliseus. And when it
11 And he did that which is evil in the had touched the bones of Eliseus, the
y B. C. 820. z B. C. 804. a B. C. 789. c Eccli. 48. 14.

CHAP. 13. Ver. 6. A grove: dedicated to the wor as he could then strike on the ground but as he

ship of idols. had not at the same time revealed to him how often
Ver. 19. thou hadst smitten, &c. By this it the king would strike, the prophet was concerned
appears that God had revealed to the prophet that to see that he struck but thrice.
the king should overcome the Syrians as many times

The reign of Amasias 4 KINGS Amasias is defeated
man came to life, and stood upon his Joas son of Joachaz, son of Jehu king of
feet. Israel, saying: Come let us see one an
22 Now Hazael king of Syria afflicted other.
Israel all the days of Joachaz: 9 And Joas king of Israel sent again to
23 And the Lord had mercy on them, Amasias king of Juda, saying: thistleA
and returned to them because of his of Libanus sent to a cedar tree, which is
covenant, which he had made with Abra in Libanus, saying: Give thy daughter to
ham and Isaac and Jacob: and he would my son to wife. And the beasts of the
not destroy them, nor utterly cast them forest, that are in Libanus, passed and
away, unto this present time. trod down the thistle.
24 And Hazael king of Syria died, and 10 Thou hast beaten and prevailed over
Benadad his son reigned in his stead. Edom, and thy heart hath lifted thee up:
25 Now Joas the son of Joachaz, took be content with the glory, and sit at
the cities out of the hand of Benadad, home: why provokest thou evil, that
the son of Hazael, which he had taken thou shouldst fall, and Juda with thee?
out of the hand of Joachaz his father by 11 But Amasias did not rest satisfied.
war, three times did Joas beat him, and So Joas king of Israel went up, and
he restored the cities to Israel. he and Amasias king of Juda saw one
CHAPTER 14 another in Bethsames a town in Juda.
Amasias reigneth in Judo,: he overcometh the Edom- 12 And Juda was put to the worst be
ites : but is overcome by Joas king of Israel. Jero fore Israel, and they fled every man to
boam the second reigneth in Israel. their dwellings.
ethe second year of Joas son of 13 But Joas king of Israel took Ama
INJoachaz, king of Israel, reigned Ama sias, king of Juda the son of Joas, the
sias son of Joas king of Juda. son of Ochozias, in Bethsames, and
2 He was five and twenty years old
brought him into Jerusalem: and he
when he began to reign: and nine and broke down the wall of Jerusalem, from
twenty years he reigned in Jerusalem: the gate of Ephraim to the gate of the
the name of his mother was Joadan of
corner, four hundred cubits.
Jerusalem. 14 And he took all the gold, and silver,
3 And he did that which was right be and all the vessels, that were found in
fore the Lord, but yet not like David his the house of the Lord, and in the king s
father. He did according to all things treasures, and hostages, and returned to
that Joas his father did: Samaria.
4 But this only, that he took not away 15 But the rest of the acts of Joas,
the high places: for yet the people sac which he did, and his valour, wherewith
rificed and burnt incense in the he fought against Amasias king of Juda,
places. are they not written in the book of the
5 And when he had possession of the words of the days of the kings of Israel ?
kingdom, he put his servants to death 16 And Joas slept with his fathers, and
that had slain the king his father: was buried in Samaria, with the kings of
6 But the children of the murderers he Israel: and Jeroboam his son reigned in
did not put to death,
according to that his stead.
which is written in the book of the law 17 And Amasias the son of Joas king of
of Moses, wherein the Lord
commanded, Juda lived, after the death of Joas son of
saying: ^The fathers shall not be put to Joachaz king of Israel fifteen years.
death for the children, neither shall the
18 And the rest of the acts of Amasias,
children be put to death for the fathers:
are they not written in the book of the
but every man shall die for his own sins.
words of the days of the kings of Juda?
7 He slew of -Edom in the
valley of the 19 Now they made a conspiracy against
Saltpits ten thousand men, and took the him in Jerusalem: and he fledto Lachis.
rock by war, and called the name thereof * And they sent after him to Lachis, and
Jectehel, unto this day. killed him there.
8 Then Amasias sent
messengers to 20 And they brought him away upon
e B. C. 802. / 2 Par. 25. 1.
g Deut. 24. 16 Ezech. 18. 20.
; i B. C. 775.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 8. Let us see one another. This was a challenge to fight.

Reign of the second Jeroboam 4 KINGS Reigns of Azarias and Zacharias
horses, and he was buried in Jerusalem fifty years in Jerusalem : the name of his
with his fathers in the city of David. mother was Jechelia of Jerusalem.
21 And all the people of Juda took 3 And he did that which was pleasing
Azarias, who was sixteen years old, and before the Lord, according to all that his
made him king instead of his father father Amasias had done.
Amasias. 4 But the high places he did not des
22 He built Elath, and restored it to troy: for the people sacrificed and burnt
Juda, after that the king slept with his incense in the high places.
fathers. 5 And the Lord struck the king, SO
23 In the fifteenth year of Amasias &son that he was a leper unto the day of his
of Joas king of Juda, reigned Jeroboam death, and he dwelt in a free house
the son of Joas king of Israel in Samaria, apart: but Joatham the king s son gov
one and forty years :
erned the palace, and judged the people
24 And he did that which was evil be of the land.
fore the Lord. He departed not from 6 And the rest of the acts of Azarias,
all the sins of Jeroboam* the son of and all that he did, are they not written
Nabat, who made Israel to sin. in the book of the words of the days of
25 He restored the borders of ^Israel the kings of Juda?
from the entrance of Emath, unto the 7 And Azarias Pslept with his fathers:
sea of the wilderness, according to the and they buried him with his ancestors
word of the Lord the God of Israel, which in the city of David, and Joatham his
he spoke by his servant Jonas the son son reigned in his stead.
of Amathi, the prophet, who was of 8 the eight and thirtieth year of

Geth, which is in Opher. Azarias king of Juda, reigned Zacharias

26 For the Lord saw the affliction of Is son of Jeroboam over Israel in Samaria
rael that it was exceeding bitter, and six months :

that they were consumed even to them 9 And he did that which is evil before
that were shut up in prison, and the low the Lord, as his fathers had done: he
est persons, and that there was no one to departed not from the sins of Jeroboam
help Israel. the son of Nabat who made Israel to sin.
27 And the Lord did not say that he 10 And Sellum the son of Jabes con
would blot out the name of Israel from spired against him: and struck him pub
under heaven, but he saved them by the licly and killed him, and reigned in his
hand of Jeroboam the son of Joas. place.
28 But the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, 11 Now the rest of the acts of Zacharias,
and all that he did, and his valour, where are they not written in the book of the
with he fought, and how he restored words of the days of the kings of Israel?
Damascus, and Emath to Juda in Israel, .12 r This was the word of the Lord,
are they not written in the book of the which he spoke to Jehu, saying: Thy
words of the days of the kings of Israel? children to the fourth generation shall
29 And Jeroboam slept with his fathers sit upon the throne of Israel. And so it
the kings of Israel, and Zacharias his son came to pass,
reigned in his stead. 13 Sellum the son of Jabes began to
CHAPTER 15 reign in the nine * and thirtieth year of
The reign of Azarias, and Joatham. in Juda: and Azarias king of Juda: and reigned one
of Zacharias, Sellum, Manahem, Phaceia, and month in Samaria.
Phacee in Israel. 14 And Manahem the son of Gadi went
"the seven and twentieth year of up from Thersa: and he came into Sa
INJeroboam king of Israel reigned Aza maria, and struck Sellum the son of
rias son of Amasias, king of Juda. Jabes in Samaria, and slew him, and
2 He was sixteen years old, when he reigned in his stead.
began to reign, and he reigned two and 15 And the rest of the acts of Sellum,
72 Par. 26. 1. k B. C. 789^ p B. C. 735.
I Num. 13. 21. m Jonas 1. 1. q B. C. 749.
n B. C. 775. o 2 Par. 26. 21. r Supra 10. 30. a B. C. 749.
Ver. 25. Opher. In the tribe of Zabulon. Ver. 5. A leper. In punishment of his usurpin*
CHAP. 15. Ver. 1. Azarias. Otherwise called the priestly function. 2 Far. 26.
Ozias. It seems that we should have here 15th in-
rtead of 27th.
& s of
Manahem and Phaceia 4 KINGS Reigns of Phacee and Joatham
27 In the two and fiftieth year of Aza
and his conspiracy, which he made, are
the book of the rias king of Juda reigned Phacee the son
they not written in
of Romelia over Israel in Samaria twenty
words of the days of the kings of Israel 1
Manahem destroyed Thapsa years.
16 Then
and that were in it and the borders
28 And he did that which was evil be
thereof from Thersa, because they would fore the Lord: he departed not from the
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who
not open to him: and he slew all the
women thereof that were with child, and made Israel to sin.
ripped them up.
29 In the days of Phacee king of Israel
17 In the nine and thirtieth year of came Theglathphalasar king of Assyria,
Azarias king of Juda, reigned Manahem and took Aion, and Abel Domum Maacha
son of Gadi over Israel ten years in Sa and Janoe, and Cedes, and Asor, and
maria. Galaad, and Galilee, and all the land of
18 And he did that which was evil be Nephtali: and carried them captives into
fore the Lord: he departed not from the Assyria.
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who 30 Now Ose"e son of Ela conspired,
made Israel to sin all his days. and formed a plot against Phacee, the
19 And Phul king of the Assyrians came son of Romelia, and struck him, and
into the land, and Manahem gave Phul slew him and reigned in his stead in the

a thousand talents of silver, to aid him twentieth year of Joatham the son of
and to establish him in the kingdom. Ozias.
20 And Manahem laid a tax upon Israel, 31 But the rest of the acts of Phacee
on that were mighty and rich, to give
all and all that he did, are they not writ
the king of the Assyrians, each man fifty ten in the book of the words of the days
sides of silver: so the king of the Assyr of the kings of Israel?
ians turned back, and did not stay in the 32 w In the second year of Phacee the
land. son of Romelia king of Israel reigned
21 Andthe rest of the acts of Mana Joatham son of Ozias king of Juda.
hem, and all that he did, are they not 33 He was five and twenty years old
written in the book of the words of the when he began to reign, and he reigned
days of the kings of Israel ? sixteen years in Jerusalem: the name of
22 And Manahem slept with his fathers: his mother was Jerusa, the daughter of
and Phaceia his son reigned in his stead. Sadoc.
23 In the fiftieth year of i Azarias king 34 And he did that which was right be
of Juda reigned Phaceia the son of fore the Lord: according to all that his
Manahem over Israel in Samaria two father Ozias had done, so did he.
years. 35 But the high places he took not
24 And he did that which was evil be away: the people still sacrificed and
fore the Lord: he departed not from the burnt incense in the high places: he
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who built the highest gate of the house of
made Israel to sin. the Lord.
25 And Phacee the son of Romelia, his 36 But the rest of the acts of Joatham,
captain conspired against him, and "
and all that he did, are they not written
smote him in Samaria, in the tower of in the book of the words of the days of
the king s house, near Argob, and near the kings of Juda ?
Arie, and with him fifty men of the sons 37 In those days the Lord began to send
of the Galaadites, and he slew him and into x Juda Rasin king of Syria, and Pha
reigned in his stead. cee the son of Romelia.
26 And the rest of the acts of Phaceia, 38 And Joatham slept with his fathers,
and all that he did, are they not written and was buried with them in the city of
in the book of the words of the days of David his father, and Achaz his son
the kings of Israel?
reigned in his stead.

t B. C. 737.- u B. C. 736. v 2 Par. 27. 1. u B. C. 735. x Isa. 7. 1.

Ver. 30. In the twentieth year of Joatham That to follow here this date, than to speak of the years
is, in the twentieth year, from the beginning of of Achaz, who had not yet been mentioned.
Joatham s reign. The sacred writer chooses rather

The wicked reign of Achas 4 KINGS He sacrifices on tlie new altar
CHAPTER 16 11 And Urias the priest built an altar
The wicked reign of Achaz: the kings of Syria and according to all that King Achaz had
Israel war against him: he hireth the king of the commanded from Damascus, so did Urias
Assyrians to assist him: he causeth an altar to the priest, until king Achaz came from
be made a,fter the pattern of that of Damascus.
the seventeenth year of Phacee the
12 And when the king was come from
IN son of Romelia reigned v Achaz the
Damascus, he saw the altar and wor
son of Joatham king of Juda.
shipped it: and went up and offered hol
2 Achaz was twenty years old when
ocausts, and his own sacrifice.
he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen
13 And offered libations and poured the
years in Jerusalem: he did not that
which was pleasing in the sight of the blood of the peace offerings, which he
Lord his God, as David his father. had offered upon the altar.
3 But he walked in the way of the kings 14 But the altar of brass that was be
of Israel: moreover he consecrated also fore the Lord, he removed from the face
his son, making him pass through the of the temple, and from the place of the
tire according to the idols of the nations: altar, and from the place of the temple
which the Lord destroyed before the of the Lord: and he set it at the side of
children of Israel. the altar toward the north.
4 He sacrificed also and burnt incense 15 And king Achaz commanded Urias
in the high places and on the hills, and the priest saying: Upon the great altar
under every green tree. offer the morning holocaust, and the eve
5 Then Rasin king of Syria, and Pha ning sacrifice, and the king s holocaust,
cee son of Romelia king of Israel came and his sacrifice, and the holocaust of
the whole people of the land, and their
up to Jerusalem to fight: and they be
sieged Achaz, but were not able to over sacrifices, and their libations: and all

come him. the blood of the holocaust, and all the

6 At that time Rasin king of Syria re blood of the victim thou shalt pour out
stored Aila to Syria, and drove the men upon it: but the altar of brass shall be
of Juda out of Aila: and the Edomites ready at my pleasure.
came into Aila, and dwelt there unto this 16 So Urias the priest did according
to all that king Achaz had commanded
7 And Achaz sent messengers to Theg- him.
lathphalasar king of the Assyrians, say 17 And king Achaz took away the grav
ing: I am thy servant, and thy son: come
en bases, and the laver that was upon
up, and save me out of the hand of the
them and he took down the sea from the

king of Syria, and out of the hand of the brazen oxen that held it up, and put it
king of Israel, who are risen up together upon a pavement of stone.
against me. 18 The Musach also for the sabbath,
8 And when he had gathered together which he had built in the temple: and
the silver and gold that could be found the king s entry from without he turned
in the house of the Lord, and in the into the temple of the Lord, because of
the king of the Assyrians.
king s treasures, he sent it for a present
to the king of the Assyrians. 19 Now the rest of the acts of Achaz,
9 And he agreed to his desire: for the which he did, are they not written in the
king of the Assyrians went up against
book of the words of the days of the
Damascus, and laid it waste: and he kings of Juda?
carried the inhabitants thereof to 20 And Achaz slept with his fathers,
Gyrene, but Rasin he slew.
and was buried with them in the city of
10 And king Achaz went to Damascus David, d and Ezechias his son reigned in
to meet Theglathphalasar king of the his stead.

Assyrians, and when he had seen the CHAPTER 17

altar of Damascus, king Achaz sent to
Urias the priest a pattern of it, and its The reign of Osee. The Israelites for their sins are
carried into captivity: other inhabitants are sent
likeness according to all the work thereof. to Samaria, who make a mixture of religion.
* - -

y 2 Par. 2S. 1. B. C. 731. a Isa. 7. 1. d 2 Par. 28. 27. B. C. 727.

The Israelites carried Into captivity 4 KINGS The wickedness of Israel

the twelfth year of eAchaz king of rael and in Juda by the hand of all the
IN Juda, Osee the son of Ela reigned
in prophets and seers, saying: ^Return,
from your wicked ways, and keep my
Samaria over Israel nine years.
2 And he did evil before the Lord: but precepts, and ceremonies, according to all
the law which ,1 commanded your fath
not as the kings of Israel that had been
ers: and as I have sent to you in the
before him.
3 /Against him came up Salmanasar
hand of my servants the prophets.
king of the Assyrians, and Osee became 14 And they hearkened not, but hard
his servant, and paid him tribute. ened their necks like to the neck of
4 And when the king of the Assyrians their fathers, who would not obey the
found that Osee endeavouring to rebel Lord their God.
had sent messengers to Sua the king of 15 And they rejected his ordinances and
Egypt, that he might not pay tribute to the covenant that he made with their fa
the king of the Assyrians, as he had done thers, and the testimonies which he tes
every year, he besieged him, bound him, tified against them: and they followed
and cast him into prison. vanities, and acted vainly: and they fol
5 And he went through all the land: lowed the nations that were round about
and going up to Samaria, he besieged it them, concerning which the Lord had
three years. commanded them that they should not do>

6 fi And year of Osee, the

in the ninth as they did.
king of the Assyrians took Samaria, and 16 And they forsook all the precepts of
carried Israel away to Assyria: and he the Lord their God: and made to them
placed them in Hala and Habor by the selvestwo molten calves, and groves, and
river of Gozan, in the cities of the Medes. adored all the host of heaven: and they
7 For so it was that the children of served Baal.
Israel had sinned against the Lord their 17 And consecrated their sons, and their
God, who brought them out of the land daughters through fire: and they gave
of Egypt, from under the hand of Pha- themselves to divinations, and soothsay-
rao king of Egypt, and they worshipped ings; and they delivered themselves up
strange gods. to do evil before the Lord, to provoke
8 And they walked according to the him.
way of the nations which the Lord had 18 And the Lord was very angry with
destroyed in the sight of the children of and removed them from his sight,
Israel and of the kings of Israel because : and there remained only the tribe of
they had done in like manner. Juda.
9 And the children of Israel offended 19 But neither did Juda itself keep the
the Lord their God with things that were commandments of the Lord their God:
not right: and built them high places in but they walked in the errors of Israel,
all their cities from the tower of the which they had wrought.
watchmen to the fenced city. 20 And the Lord cast off all the seed of
10 And they made them statues and Israel, and afflicted them and delivered
groves on every high hill, and under them into the hand of spoilers, till he
every shady tree: cast them away from his face:
11 And they burnt incense there upon 21 *Even from that time, when Israel
altars after the manner of the nations was rent from the house of David, and
which the Lord had removed from their made Jeroboam son of Nabat their king:
face: and they did wicked things, pro for Jeroboam separated Israel from the
voking the Lord. I ord, and made them commit a great sin.
12 And they worshipped abominations, 22 And the children of Israel walked in
concerning which the Lord had com all the sins of Jeroboam, which he had
manded them that they should not do done: and they departed not from them,
this thing. 23 ./Till the Lord removed Israel from
13 And the Lord testified to them in Is- his face, as he had spoken in the hand of
e B. C. 730.
g Infra 18. 10. /i Jer. 25. 5.
/ Infra 18. 9 Tob.
; 1. 2. i 3 Kings 12. 19. j Jer. 25. 9.

.CHAP. 17. Ver. 1 In the twelfth year of Achaz not in quiet possession of the kingdom to the twelfth
King of Juda. tie began to reign before ; but was year of Achaz.

Strange people brought to Samaria 4 KINGS The reign of Esechias
allhis servants the prophets: and Israel 34 Unto this day they followed the old
was carried away out of their land to manner: they fear not the Lord, nei
Assyria, unto this day. ther do they keep his ceremonies, and
24 And the king of the Assyrians brought judgments, and law, and the command
people from Babylon, and from Cutha, ment, which the Lord commanded the
and from Avah, and from Emath, and children of Jacob, whom he surnamed
from Sepharvaim: and placed them in Israel :
the cities of Samaria instead of the chil 35 With whom he made a covenant, and
dren of Israel: and they possessed Sama charged them, saying: You shall not fear
ria, and dwelt in the cities thereof. strange gods, nor shall you adore them,
25 And when they began to dwell there, nor worship them, nor sacrifice to them.
36 But the Lord your God, who brought
they feared not the Lord: and the Lord
sent lions among them, which killed them. you out of the land of Egypt with great
26 And it was told the king of the Assyr power, and a stretched out arm, him
shall you fear, and him shall you adore,
ians, and it was said: The nations which
thou hast removed, and made to dwell in and to him shall you sacrifice.
the cities of Samaria, know not the ordi 37 And the ceremonies, and judgments,
nances of the God of the land: and the and law, and the commandment, which
Lord hath sent lions among them: and he wrote for you, you shall observe to do
behold they kill them, because they know them always: and you shall not fear
not the manner of the God of the land. strange gods.
27 And the king of the Assyrians com 38 And the covenant that he made with
manded, saying: Carry thither one of the you, you shall not forget: neither shall
priests whom you brought from thence ye worship strange gods,
39 But fear the Lord your God, and he
captive, and let him go, and dwell with
shall deliver you out of the hand of all
them: and let him teach them the ordi
nances of the God of the land. your enemies.
28 So one of the priests who had been 40 But they did not hearken, but did
carried away captive from Samaria, came according to their old custom.
and dwelt 41 So these nations feared the Lord, but
in Bethel, and taught them
how they should worship the Lord. nevertheless served also their idols: their
children also and grandchildren, as their
29 And every nation made gods of their
fathers did, so do they unto this day.
own, and put them in the temples of the
high places, which the Samaritans had CHAPTER 18
made, every nation in their cities where
they dwelt.
30 For the men of Babylon made So-
chothbenoth: and the Cuthites made Ner-
gel: and the men of Emath made Asima. ?
the third year of Osee the son of
31 And the Hevites made Nebahaz and INEla king of Israel, reigned m Ezechias
Tharthac. And they that were of Sephar the son of Achaz king of Juda.
vaim burnt their children in fire, to 2 He was five and twenty years old
Adramelech and Anamelech, the gods of when he began to reign: and he reigned
Sepharvaim. nine and twenty years in Jerusalem: the
32 And nevertheless they worshipped name of his mother was Abi the daugh
the Lord. And they made to themselves , 1
ter of Zacharias.
of the lowest of the people, priests of the 3 And he did that which was good be
high places, and they placed them in the fore the Lord, according to all that Da
temples of the high places. vid his father had done.
33 And when they worshipped the Lord, 4 He destroyed the high places, and
they served also their own gods accord broke the statues in pieces, and cut down
ing to the custom of the nations out of the groves, and broke the brazen serpent,
which they were brought to Samaria: which Moses had made for till that :

fc Gen. 32. 28. 2 Par. 28. 27, and 29. 1.


B. C. 727.
o Num. 21. 9.

CHAP. 18. Ver. 4. And he called its name Nohes- called it in contempt, because they had made an
tavu, That is, their brass; or a little brass. So he idol of it.

Sennacherib invades Juda 4 KINGS Jerusalem is besieged
time the children of Israel burnt incense and gave them to the king of the As
to it: and he called its name Nohestan. syrians.
5 He trusted in the Lord the God of 17 And the king of the Assyrians sent
Israel: so that after him there was none Tharthan and Rabsaris, and Rabsaces
like him among all the kings of Juda, nor from Lachis to king Ezechias with a
any of them that were before him :
strong army to Jerusalem and they went

6 And he stuck to the Lord, and de up and came to Jerusalem, and they
parted not from his steps, but kept his stood by the conduit of the upper pool,
commandments, which the Lord com which is in the way of the fuller s field.
manded Moses. 18 And they called for the king: and
7 Wherefore the Lord also was with there went out to them Eliacim the son
him, and in all things, to which he went of Helcias who was over the house, and
forth, he behaved himself wisely. And Sobna the scribe, and Joahe the son of
he rebelled against the king of the As Asaph the recorder.
syrians, and served him not. 19 And Rabsaces said to them: Speak
8 He smote the Philistines as far as to Ezechias: Thus saith the great king,
Gaza, and all their borders, from the the king of the Assyrians: What is this
tower of the watchmen to the fenced confidence, wherein thou trustest?
city. 20 Perhaps thou hast taken counsel, to
9 P In the fourth year of king Ezechias, prepare thyself for battle. On whom dost
which was the seventh year of Osee the thou trust, that thou darest to rebel?
son of Ela king of Israel, Salmanasar 21 Dost thou trust in Egypt a staff of
king of the Assyrians came up to iSama- a broken reed, upon which if a man lean,
ria, and besieged it, it will break and go into his hand, and
10 And took it. For after three years, pierce it ? so is Pharao king of Egypt, to
in the sixth year of Ezechias, that is, in all that trust in him.
the ninth year of Osee king of Israel, 22 But if you say to me: We trust in
Samaria was taken: 1 the Lord our God: is it not he, whose
11 And the king of the Assyrians car high places and altars Ezechias hath
ried away Israel into Assyria, and placed taken away: and hath commanded Juda
them in Hala and in Habor by the rivers and Jerusalem: You shall worship before
of Gozan in the cities of the Medes: this altar in Jerusalem?
12 Because they hearkened not to the 23 Now therefore come over to my mas
voice of the Lord their God, but trans ter the king of the Assyrians, and I will
gressed his covenant: all that Moses the give you two thousand horses, and see
servant of the Lord commanded, they whether you be able to have riders for
would not hear nor do. them.
r ln
13 the fourteenth year of king Eze 24 And how can you stand against one
chias, Sennacherib king of the Assyrians lord of the least of my master s serv
came up against the fenced cities of ants ? Dost thou trust in Egypt for char
Juda: and took them. iots and for horsemen?
14 Then Ezechias king of Juda sent 25 Is it without the will of the Lord
messengers to the king of the Assyrians that I am come up to this place to de
to Lachis, saying: I have
offended, de stroy it? The Lord said to me: Go up to
part from me: and all that thou shalt put this land and destroy it.
upon me, I will bear. And the king of 26 Then Eliacim the son of Helcias, and
the Assyrians put a tax upon Ezechias Sobna, and Joahe said to Rabsaces: We
king of Juda, of three hundred talents of pray thee speak to us thy servants in
and thirty talents of gold.
silver, Syriac: for we understand that tongue:
15 And
Ezechias gave all the silver that and speak not to us in the Jews lan
was found in the house of the Lord, and guage, in the hearing of the people that
in the king s treasures. are upon the wall.
16 At that time Ezechias broke the doors 27 And Rabsaces answered them, say
of the temple of the Lord, and the plates ing: Hath my master sent me to thy
of gold which he had fastened on them, master and to thee, to speak these words,
9 Supra 17. 6 ; Tob. 1. 2 ; B. C. 723. q B. C. 721. r 2 Par. 32. 1 Eccli. 48. 20 Isa. 36. 1.
; ; The ex
pedition of Sennacherib was in 701 B. C.

Rabsaces address to the Jews 4 KINGS Isaiaj reassures the Jews

and not rather to the men that sit upon king Ezechias heard these
the wall, that they may eat their own ANDwords, he rent his garments, and
dung, and drink their urine with you? covered himself with sackcloth, and went
28 Then Rabsaces stood, and cried out into the house of the Lord.
with a loud voice in the Jews language, 2 And he sent Eliacim, who vraa over

and saU: Hear the words of the great the house, and Sobna the scribe, and the
king, the king of the Assyrians. ancients of the priests covered with sack
29 Thus saith the king: Let not Eze- cloths, to Isaias the prophet the son of
chias deceive you: for he shall not be
able to deliver you out of my hand.
3 And they said to him Thus saith Eze
30 Neither let him make you trust in the

chias: This day is a day of tribulation,

Lord, saying The Lord will surely deliver
and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: the
us, and this city shall not be given into children are come to the birth, and the
the hand of the king of the Assyrians.
woman in travail hath not strength.
31 Do not hearken to Ezechias. For thus
saith the king of the Assyrians Do with :
4 It may be the Lord thy God will hear
me that which is for your advantage, and allthe words of Rabsaces, whom the king
come out to me: and every man of you of the Assyrians his master hath sent to
shall eat of his own vineyard, and of his reproach the living God, and to reprove
own fig tree: and you shall drink water with words, which the Lord thy God hath
of your own cisterns, heard: and do thou offer prayer for the
32 Till I come, and take you away to a remnants that are found.
5 So the servants of king Ezechias came
land, like to your own land, a fruitful
to Isaias.
land, and plentiful in wine, a land of
bread and vineyards, a land of olives, 6 And Isaias said to them: Thus shall
and oil and honey, and you shall live, you say to your master: Thus saith the
and not die. Hearken not to Ezechias, Lord Be not afraid for the words which

who deceiveth you, saying: The Lord thou hast heard, with which the servants
will deliver us.
of the king of the Assyrians have blas
33 Ha /e any of the gods of the nations phemed me.
delivered their land from the hand of the 7 Behold I will send a spirit upon him,
and he shall hear a message, and shall
king of Assyria?
34 Where is the god of Emath, and of return into his own country, and I will
make him fall by the sword in his own
Arphad ? where is the god of Sepharvaim,
of Ana, and of Ava? have they deliv country.
ered Samaria out of my hand? 8 And Rabsaces returned, and found the
35 Who are they among all the gods of king of the Assyrians besieging Lobna:
the nations, that have delivered their for he had heard that he was departed
from Lachis.
country out of my hand, that the Lord
9 And when he heard of Theraca king-
may deliver Jerusalem out of my hand? of Ethiopia: Behold, he is come out to
36 But the people held their peace, and
answered him not a word: for they had fight with thee: and was going against
received commandment from the king him, he sent messengers to Ezechias,
that they should not answer him. saying :

37 And Eliacim the son of Helcias, who 10 Thus shall you say to Ezechias king
was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, of Juda: Let not thy God deceive thee,
and Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder, in whom thou trustest: and do not say:
came to Ezechias, with their garments Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the
hands of the king of the Assyrians.
rent, and told him the words of Rabsaces.
11 Behold thou hast heard what the
CHAPTER 19 kings of the Assyrians have done to all
how they have laid them waste
countries, :
Ezechias assured of God s help by Isaias the pro
phet. The king of the Assyrians still threateneth
and canst thou alone be delivered?
and blasphemeth. Ezechias prayeth, and God pro- 12 Have the gods of the nations deliv
miseth to protect Jerusalem. An angel destroyeth
the army of the Assyrians, their king returneth to
ered any of them, whom my fathers have
Ninive, and is slain by his two sons. destroyed, to wit, Gozan, and Haran, and
s Infra 19. 13 ; Isa. 10. 9, and 37. 13. t Supra 17. 24. M Isa. 37. 1. v B. C. 101.

The prayer of Ezcchias 4 KINGS The answer of Isaias
Reseph, and the children of Eden that its cedars, and its choice fir trees.
were in Thelassar? And have entered into the furthest

13 Where is the king of Emath, and the parts thereof, and the forest of its
king of Arphad, and the king of the city Carmel.
of Sepharvaim, of Ana and of Ava? 24 I have cut down, and I have drunk
14 And when Ezechias had received the strange waters, and have dried up with
letter of the hand of the messengers, and the soles of my feet all the shut up
had read it, he went up to the house of waters.
the Lord, and spread it before the Lord, 25 Hast thou not heard what I have
15 And he prayed in his sight, saying: done from the beginning? from the days
O Lord God of Israel, who sitteth upon of old I have formed it, and now I have
the cherubims, thou alone art the God of brought it to effect: that fenced cities of
all the kings of the earth: thou madest fighting men should be turned to heaps
heaven and earth: of ruin:
16 Incline thy ear, and hear: open, O 26 And the inhabitants of them, were
Lord, thy eyes, and see: and hear all the weak of hand, they trembled and were
words Sennacherib, who hath sent to confounded, they became like the grass
upbraid unto us the living God. of the field, and the green herb on the
17 Of a truth, O Lord, the kings of the tops of houses, which withered before it
Assyrians have destroyed nations, and came to maturity.
the lands of them all. 27 Thy dwelling and thy going out,
18 And they have cast their gods into and thy coming in, and thy way I knew
the fire: for they were not gods, but the before,and thy rage against me.
works of men s hands of wood and stone, 28 Thou hast been mad against me, and
and they destroyed them. thy pride hath come up to my ears:
19 Now therefore, Lord our God, save therefore put a ring in thy nose,
I will
us from his hand, that all the kingdoms and a between thy lips, and I will
of the earth may know, that thou art the turn thee back by the way, by which
Lord the only God. thou earnest.
20 And Isaias the son of Amos sent to 29 And to thee, Ezechias, this shall
Ezechias, saying: Thus saith the Lord be a sign: ^Eat this year what thou shalt
the God of Israel: I have heard the find and in the second year, such things

prayer thou hast made to me concerning as spring of themselves but in the third :

Sennacherib king of the Assyrians. year sow and reap plant vineyards, and

21 This is the word, that the Lord hath eat the fruit of them.
spoken of him: The virgin the daughter 30 And whatsoever shall be left of the
of Sion hath despised thee, and laughed house of Juda, shall take root downward,
thee to scorn: the daughter of Jerusa and bear fruit upward.
lem hath wagged her head behind thy 31 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth
back. a remnant, and that which shall be saved
22 Whom hast thou reproached, and out of mount Sion: the zeal of the Lord
whom hast thou blasphemed? against of hosts shall do this.
whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and 32 Wherefore thus saith the Lord con
lifted up thy eyes on high? against the cerning the king of the Assyrians: He
holy one of Israel. shall not come into this city, nor shoot
23 By the hand of thy servants thou an arrow into it, nor come before it with
hast reproached the Lord, and hast said: shield, nor cast a trench about it.
With the multitude of my chariots I have 33 By the way that he came, he shall
gone up to the height of the mountains, return: and into this city he shall not
to the top of Libanus, and have cut down
come, saith the Lord.
w Isa. 37. 30.

CHAP. 19. Ver. 23.Carmel. A pleasant fruitful I have decreed and are not to he ascribed to thy

hill in the forest. These expressions are wisdom or strength, but to my will and ordinance :
signifying under the names of mountains and for who have given to thee to take and destroy so many
ests, the kings and provinces whom the Assyrians fenced cities, and to carry terror wherever thou
had triumphed over. comest. Ibid. Heaps of ruin. Literally, ruin of
Ver. 26. / have formed it, &c. All thy exploits,
in which thou takest pride, are no more than what

The Assyrians slain by an angel 4 KINGS The dial of Achaz
34 And I will protect this city, and will figs. And when they had brought it, and
save it for my own sake, and for David laid it upon his boil, he was healed.
my servant s sake. 8 And Ezechias had said to Isaias:
35 ^And it came to pass that night, What shall be the sign that the Lord will
that an angel of the Lord came, and slew heal me, and that I shall go up to the
in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred
temple of the Lord the third day?
and eighty-five thousand. And when he 9 And Isaias said to him: This shall be
arose early in the morning, he saw all the sign from the Lord, that the Lord
the bodies of the dead. will do the word which he hath spoken:
36 And Sennacherib king of the Assyr Wilt thou that the shadow go forward
ians departing went away, and he re ten lines, or that it go back so many
turned and abode in Ninive.
degrees ?
37 V And as he was worshipping in the 10 And Ezechias said: It is an easy
temple of Nesroch his god, Adramelech matter for the shadow to go forward ten
and Sarasar his sons slew him with the lines: and I do not desire that this be
sword, and they fled into the land of done, but let it return back ten degrees.
the Armenians, and Asarhaddon his son 11 And Isaias the prophet called upon
reigned in his stead. the Lord, and he brought the shadow
CHAPTER 20 ten degrees backwards by the lines, by
Ezechias being sick, is told by Isaias that he shall
which it had already gone down in the
die; but praying to God, he obtaineth longer life, dial of Achaz.
and in confirmation thereof receiveth a sign by 12 At that time Berodach Baladan
the sun s returning back. He sheweth all his trea
sures to the ambassadors of the king of Babylon: the son of Baladan, king of the Baby
Isaias reproving him for it, foretelleth the Baby lonians, sent letters and presents to Eze
lonish captivity.
chias: for he had heard that Ezechias
those days Ezechias was sick unto had been sick.
INdeath and Isaias the son of Amos the
: 13 And
Ezechias rejoiced at their com
prophet came and said to him: Thus saith ing, and he showed them the house of
the Lord God: Give charge concerning his aromatical spices, and the gold and
thy house, for thou shalt die, and not the silver, and divers precious odours,
live. and ointments, and the house of his
2 And he turned his face to the wall, vessels, and all that he had in his treas
and prayed to the Lord, saying: ures. There was nothing in his house,
3 I beseech thee, Lord, remember nor in all his dominions that Ezechias
how have walked before thee in truth,
I shewed them not.
and with a perfect heart, and have done 14 And Isaias the prophet came to king
that which is pleasing before thee. And Ezechias, and said to him: What said
Ezechias wept with much weeping. these men? or from whence came they
4 And before Isaias was gone out of the to thee? And Ezechias said to him:
middle of the court, the word of the Lord From a far country they came to me out
came to him, saying: of Babylon.
5 Go back, and tell Ezechias the captain 15 And he said: What did they see in
of my people: Thus saith the Lord the thy house? Ezechias said: They saw all
God of David thy father: I have heard the things that are in my house: there
thy prayer, and I have seen thy tears: is nothing among my treasures that I
and behold I have healed thee; on the have not shewn them.
third day thou shalt go up to the temple 16 And Isaias said to Ezechias: Hear
of the Lord. the word of the Lord.
6 And I will add to thy days fifteen 17 Behold the days shall come, that all
years: and I will deliver thee and this that is in thy house, and that thy fathers
city out of the hand of the king of the have laid up in store unto this day, shall
Assyrians, and I will protect this city for be carried into Babylon: nothing shall
my own sake, and for David my servant s be left, saith the Lord.
sake. 18 And of thy sons also that shall issue
7 And Isaias said: Bring me a lump of from thee, whom thou shalt beget, they
x Tob. 1. 21 Eccli.
; 48. 24 ; Isa. 37. 36 ;
z 2 Par. 32. 24 ; Isa. 38. 1.
1 Mac. 7. 41 2 Mac.
; 8. 19. y Tob. 1. 24. a Isa. 89. 1.

The wicked reign of Manasses 4 KINGS God threatens by His prophets

shall take away, and they shall be eunuchs

I gave to their fathers: only if they will
in the palace of the king of Babylon.
observe to do all that I have commanded
19 Ezechias said to Isaias: The word
of them according to the law which my
servant Moses commanded them.
Lord, which thou hast spoken,
truth be in my 9 But they hearkened not: but were
good: let peace and
seduced by Manasses, to do evil more
20 And the rest of the acts of Ezechias than the nations which the Lord de
and all his might, and how he made a stroyed before the children of Israel.
pool, and a conduit,
and brought waters 10 And the Lord spoke in the hand of
into the city, are they not written in the his servants, the prophets, saying:
book of the words of the days of the 11 ff Because Manasses king of Juda
kings of Juda? hath done these most wicked abomina
21 &And Ezechias slept with his fa tions, beyond all that the Amorrhites did
thers, and Manasses his son reigned in before him, and hath made Juda also to
his stead. sin with his filthy doings:
CHAPTER 21 12 Therefore thus saith the Lord the
The wickedness of Manasses: God s threats by his God of Israel: Behold I will bring on
prophets. His wicked son Amon succeedeth him, evils upon Jerusalem and Juda: that
and is slain by his servants.
whosoever shall hear of them, both his
c was twelve years old ears shall tingle.
when he began to reign, and he 13 And I will stretch over Jerusalem
reigned five and fifty years in Jerusalem: the line of Samaria, and the weight of the
the name of his mother was Haphsiba. house of Achab: and I will efface Jeru
2 And he did evil in the sight of the salem, as tables are wont to be effaced,
Lord, according to the idols of the na and I will erase and turn it, and draw
tions, which the Lord destroyed from the pencil often over the face thereof.
before the face of the children of Is 14 And I will leave the remnants of my
rael. inheritance, and will deliver them into
3 d And he
turned, and built up the high the hands of their enemies: and they
places which Ezechias his father had de shall become a prey, and a spoil to all
stroyed: and he set up altars to Baal, their enemies.
and made groves, as Achab the king of 15 Because they have done evil before
Israel had done: and he adored all the me, and have continued to provoke me,
host of heaven, and served them. from the day that their fathers came out
4 And he built altars in the house of of Egypt, even unto this day.
the Lord, of which the Lord said: elm 16 ft Moreover Manasses shed also very
Jerusalem I will put my name. much innocent blood, till he filled Jeru
5 And he built altars for all the host of salem up to the mouth: besides his sins,
heaven in the two courts of the temple wherewith he made Juda to sin, to do
of the Lord. evil before the Lord.
6 And he made his son pass through 17 Now
the rest of the acts of Manas
fire: and he used divination, and ob ses, that he did, and his sin which
and all
served omens, and appointed pythons, he sinned, are they not written in the
and multiplied soothsayers to do evil be book of the words of the days of the
fore the Lord, and to provoke him. kings of Juda?
7 He set also an idol of the grove, 18 And Manasses slept *with his fa
which he had made, in the temple of the thers, and was buried in the garden of
Lord: /concerning which the Lord said his own house, in the garden of Oza: and
to David, and to Solomon his son: In this Amon his son reigned in his stead.
temple, and in Jerusalem, which I have 19 Two and twenty years old was Amon
chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I when he began to reign, and he reigned
will put my name for ever. two years in Jerusalem: the name of his
8 And I will no more make the feet of mother was Messalemeth the daughter
Israel to be moved out of the Harus of Jeteba.
land, which of
b B. C. 698. c 2 Par. 26 3 Kings 8. and 9. 5.
33. 1. / 2 Kings 7. ; 16,
d 2 Par. 33. 3.e 2 Kings 7. 10. g Jer. 15. 4. h Infra 24. 4. i Ante C. 643.
CHAP. 21. Ver. 6. Pythons. That is, diviners by spirits.

The reign of Josias 4 KINGS The book of the Law is found
20 And he did evil in the sight of the the quarries, to repair the temple of the
Lord, as Manasses his father had done. Lord.
21 And he walked in all the way in 7 But let there be no reckoning made
which his father had walked: and he with them of the money which they re
served the abominations which his father ceive, but let them have it in their power,
had served, and he adored them; and in their trust.
22 And forsook the Lord the God of his 8 And Helcias the high priest said to
fathers, and walked not in the way of Saphan the scribe: l have found the l

the Lord. book of the law in the house of the Lord :

23 And his servants plotted against him, and Helcias gave the book to &aphan,
and slew the king in his own house. and he read it.
24 But the people of the land slew all 9 And Saphan the scribe came to the
them that had conspired against king king, and brought him word again con
Amon: and made Josias his son their cerning that which he had commanded,
king in his stead. and said: Thy servants have gathered
25 But the rest of the acts of Amon together the money that was found in
which he did, are they not written in the the house of the Lord, and they have
book of the words of the days of the given it to be distributed to the work
kings of Juda? men, by the overseers of the works of
26 And they buried him in his sepulchre the temple of the Lord.
in the garden of Oza and his son Josias
: 10 And Saphan the scribe told the king,
reigned in his stead. saying: Helcias the priest hath delivered
to me a book. And when Saphan had

read it before the king,

Josias repaireth the temple. The book of the law is 11 And the king had heard the words
found, upon which they consult the Lord, and are
told that great evils shall fall upon them, but not of the law of the Lord, he rent his gar
in the time of Josias. ments.
i was eight years old when he 12 And he commanded Helcias the
began to reign: he reigned one and priest, and Ahicam the son of Saphan,
thirty years in Jerusalem: the name of and Achobor the son of Micha, and Saph
his mother was Idida, the daughter of an the scribe, and Asaia the king s ser
Hadaia, of Besecath. vant, saying:
2 And he did that which was right in the 13 Go and consult the Lord for me, and
sight of the Lord, and walked in all the for the people, and for all Juda, concern
ways of David his father: he turned not ing the words of this book which is
aside to the right hand, or to the left. found for the great wrath of the Lord is

3 And in the eighteenth year of *king kindled against us, because our fathers
Josias, the king sent Saphan the son
of have not hearkened to the words of this
Assia, the son of Messulam, the scribe book, to do all that is written for us.
of the temple of the Lord, saying to 14 So Helcias the priest, and Ahicam,
him: and Achobor, and Saphan, and Asaia
4 Go to Helcias the high priest, that went to Holda the prophetess the wife of
the money may be put together which Sellum the son of Thecua, the son of
is brought into the temple of the Lord, Araas keeper of the wardrobe, who dwelt
which the doorkeepers of the temple in Jerusalem in the Second: and they
have gathered of the people. spoke to her.
5 And let it be given to the workmen by 15 And she said to them: Thus saith
the overseers of the house of the Lord: the Lord the God of Israel Tell the man :

and let them distribute it to those that that sent you to me :

work in the temple of the Lord, to re 16 Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I will
pair the temple: bring evils upon this place, and upon the
6 That is, to carpenters and masons, inhabitants thereof, all the words of the
and to such as mend breaches: and that law which the king of Juda hath read:
timber may be bought, and stones out of 17 Because they have forsaken me, and
j Z Par. 34. 1. B. C. 641. k B. C. 624. I 2 Par. 44. 14.

CHAP. 22. Ver. 8. The book of the law, that is, Ver. 14. The Second: a, street, or part of the city,
Deuteronomy. so called ; in Hebrew, Massem.

Josias reads the book of the Law 4 KINGS He abolishes idolatry
have sacrificed to strange gods, provok
that had been made for Baal, and for the
of their hands grove, and for all the host of
ing me by all the works

therefore my indignation shall be

kin and he burnt them without Jerusalem in
dled against this place, and shall not
be the valley of Cedron, and he carried the
ashes of them to Bethel.
18 But to the king of Juda, who sent 5 And he destroyed the soothsayers,
you to consult the Lord,
thus shall you whom the kings of Juda had appointed
the God of Is to sacrifice in the high places in the
say: Thus saith the Lord
rael: Forasmuch as thou hast heard
the cities of Juda, and round about Jerusa
words of the book, lem: them also that burnt incense to
19 And thy heart hath been moved to Baal, and to the sun, and to the moon,
be and to the twelve signs, and to all the
fear, and thou hast humbled thyself
fore the Lord, hearing the words against host of heaven.
this place, and the inhabitants thereof, 6 And he caused the grove to be carried
to wit, that they should become a won out from the house of the Lord without
der and a curse: and thou hast rent thy Jerusalem to the valley of Cedron, and
garments, and wept before me, I also he burnt it there, and reduced it to dust,
have heard thee, saith the Lord : and cast the dust upon the graves of the
20 Therefore I will gather thee to thy common people.
7 He destroyed also the pavilions of the
fathers, and thou shalt be gathered to
thy sepulchre in peace, that thy eyes may effeminate, which were in the house
not see all the evils which I will bring the Lord, for v/hich the women wove as
it were little dwellings for the grove.
upon this place.
8 And he gathered together all the
priests out of the cities of Juda: and
Josias readeth the law before all the people. They defiled the high places, where the priests
promise to observe it. He abolisheth all idolatry,
celebrateth the phase: is slain in battle by the offered sacrifice, from Gabaa to Bersabee :
king of Egypt. The short reign of Joachaz, in and he broke down the altars of the gates
whose place Joakim is made Icing.
that were in the entering in of the gate
ND "they brought the king word of Josue governor of the city, which was
again what she had said. And he on the left hand of the gate of the city.
sent: and all the ancients of Juda and 9 However the priests of the high places
Jerusalem were assembled to him. came not up to the altar of the Lord in
2 And the king went up to the temple Jerusalem: but only ate of the unleav
of the Lord, and all the men of Juda, and ened bread among their brethren.
all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with 10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in
him, the priests and the prophets, and all the valley of the son of Ennom: that no
tne people both little and great: and in man should consecrate there his son or
the hearing of them all he read all the his daughter through fire to Moloch.
words of the book of the covenant, which 11 And he took away the horses which
was found in the house of the Lord. the kings of Juda had given to the sun,
3 And the king stood upon the step and :
at the entering in of the temple of the
made a covenant with the Lord, to walk Lord, near the chamber of Nathanmelech
after the Lord, and to keep his command the eunuch, who was in Pharurim: and
ments, and his testimonies and his cere he burnt the chariots of the sun with
monies, with all their heart, and with all fire.
their soul, and to perform the words of 12 the altars that were upon the
this covenant, which were written in that
top of theupper chamber of Achaz, which
book: and the people agreed to the cov the kings of Juda had made, and the
enant. altars which Manasses had made in the
4 And the king commanded Helcias the two courts of the temple of the Lord,
high priest, and the priests of the second the king broke down: and he ran from
order, and the doorkeepers, M to cast out thence, and cast the ashes of them into
of the temple of the Lord all the vessels the torrent Cedron.
m 2 Par. 34. 28. B. C. 689. n Eccli. 49. 3.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 3.The king stood upon the step: place, from whence he might be seen and heard by
that is, his tribune, or tribunal, a more eminent the people.

The Phase is celebrated Josias is slain

13 The high places also that were at 24 Moreover the diviners by spirits, and
Jerusalem on the right side of the Mount soothsayers, and the figures of idols, and
of Offence, which Solomon king of Is the uncleannesses, and the abominations,
rael had built to Astaroth the idol of the that had been in the land of Juda and
Sidonians, and to Chamos the scandal of Jerusalem, Josias took away: that he
Moab, and to Melchom the abomination might perform the words of the law,
of the children of Ammon, the king de that were written in the book which Hel-
filed. cias the priest had found in the temple
14 And he broke in pieces the statues, of the Lord.
and cut down the groves: and he filled 25 There was no king before him like
their places with the bones of dead men. unto him, that returned to the Lord with
15 P Moreover the altar also that was at all his heart, and with all his soul, and
Bethel, and the high place, which Jero with all his strength, according to all the
boam the son of Nabat, who made Israel law of Moses neither after him did there

to sin, had made: both the altar, and the arise any like him.
high place he broke down and burnt, and 26 But yet the Lord turned not away
reduced to powder, and burnt the grove. from the wrath of his great indignation,
16 And as Josias turned himself, he saw wherewith his anger was kindled against
there the sepulchres that were in the Juda: because of the provocations, where
mount: and he sent and took the bones with Manasses had provoked him.
out of the sepulchres, and burnt them 27 * And the Lord said: I will remove
Upon the altar, and defiled it according Juda also from before my face, as I have
to the word of the Lord, which the man of removed Israel: and I will cast off this
God spoke, who had foretold these things. city Jerusalem, which I chose, and the
17 9 And he said: What is that monu house, of which I said: My name shall
ment which I see ? And the men of that be there.
city answered: It is the sepulchre of the 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josias,
man of God, who came from Juda, and and all that he did, are they not written
foretold these things which thou hast in the book of the words of the days of
done upon the altar of Bethel. the kings of Juda?
18 And he said: Let him alone, let no 29 * In his days Pharao Nechao king of
man move his bones. So his bones were Egypt "went up against the king of
left untouched with the bones of the pro Assyria to the river Euphrates and king :

phet that came out of Samaria. Josias went to meet him: and was slain
19 Moreover all the temples of the high at Mageddo, when he had seen him.
places, which were in the cities of Sama 30 And his servants carried him dead
ria, which the kings of Israel had made from Mageddo and they brought him to

to provoke the Lord, Josias took away: Jerusalem, and buried him in his own
and he did to them according to all the sepulchre. And the people of the land
acts that he had done in Bethel. took Joachaz the son of Josias: and they
20 And he slew all the priests of the anointed him, and made him king in his
high places, that were there, upon the father s stead.
altars: and he burnt men s bones upon 31 v Joachaz was three and twenty years
them: and returned to Jerusalem. old when he began to reign, and he
21 ^And he commanded all the people, reigned three months in Jerusalem: the
saying: Keep the phase to the Lord your name of his mother was Amital, the
God, according as it is written in the daughter of Jeremias of Lobna.
book of this covenant. 32 And he did evil before the Lord, ac
22 Now there was no such a phase kept cording to all that his fathers had done.
from the days of the judges, who judged 33 And Pharao Nechao bound him at
Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Rebla, which is in the land of Emath.
Israel, and of the kings of Juda, that he should not reign in Jerusalem:
23 As was this phase that was kept to and he set a fine upon the land, of a
the Lord in Jerusalem, in the eighteenth hundred talents of silver, and a talent
year of king Josias. of gold.

o 3 Kings 11. 3 Kings 13. 32. 8 Infra 24. 2. t 2 Par. 35. 20.
7. p v 2 Par. 36. 2.
Q 3 Kings 13. l.r 2 Par. 35. 1. A. M. 3381. u B. C. 610.

The reign of Joakim 4 KINGS The reign of Joachin
34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliacim again any more out of his own country:
the son of Josias king in the room of for the king of Babylon had taken all
Josias his father: and turned his name that had belonged to the king of Egypt,
to Joakim. And he took Joachaz away from the river of Egypt, unto the river
and carried him into Egypt, and he died Euphrates.
there. 8 Joachin was eighteen years old when
35 And Joakim gave the silver and the he began to reign, a and he reigned three
gold to Pharao, after he had taxed
the months in Jerusalem: the name of his
land for every man, to contribute ac mother was Nohesta the daughter of
cording to the commandment of Pharao: Elnathan of Jerusalem.
and he exacted both the silver and the 9 And he did evil before the Lord, ac
gold of the people of the land, of every cording to all that his father had done.
man according to his ability: to give to 10 b At that time the servants of Nabu
Pharao Nechao. chodonosor king of Babylon came up
36 w Joakim was five and twenty years against Jerusalem, and the city was sur
old when he began to reign x and he :
rounded with their forts.
reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: the 11 And Nabuchodonosor king of Baby
name of his mother was Zebida the lon came to the city with his servants
daughter of Phadaia of Ruma. to assault it.
37 And he did evil before the Lord ac 12 And Joachin king of Juda went out
cording to all that his fathers had done. to the king of Babylon, he and his

CHAPTER 24 mother, and his servants, and his nobles,

and his eunuchs: and the king of Baby
The reign of Joakim, Joachin, and Sedecias lon received him in the eighth year of
days Nabuchodonosor king of
his his reign.
INBabylon came up, v and Joakim be 13 And he brought out from thence all
came his servant three years: then again the treasures of the house of the Lord,
he rebelled against him. and the treasures of the king s house:
2 And the Lord sent against him the and he cut in pieces all the vessels of
rovers of the Chaldees, and the rovers of gold which Solomon king of Israel had
Syria, and the rovers of Moab, and the made in the temple of the Lord, accord
rovers of the children of Ammon: and ing to the word of the Lord, c
he sent them against Juda, to destroy it, 14 And he carried away all Jerusalem,
-according to the word of the Lord, and all the princes, and all the valiant
which he had spoken by his servants men of the army, to the number of ten
the prophets. thousand into captivity: and every arti
3 And this came by the word of the ficer and smith: and none were left, but
Lord against Juda, to remove them from the poor sort of the people of the land.
before him for all the sins of Manasses 15 <*And he carried away Joachin into
which he did. Babylon, and the king s mother, and the
4 And for the innocent blood that he king s wives, and his eunuchs: and the
shed, filling Jerusalem with innocent judges of the land he carried into cap
blood: and therefore the Lord would not tivity from Jerusalem into Babylon.
be appeased. 16 And all the strong men, seven thou
5 But the rest of the acts of Joakim, sand, and the artificers, and the smiths
and all that he did, are they not written a thousand, all that were valiant men
in the book of the words of the days of and fit for war: and the king of Babylon
the kings of Juda? And Joakim slept led them captives into Babylon.
with his fathers: 17 e And he appointed Matthanias his
6 And Joachin his son reigned in his uncle in his stead: and called his name
stead. Sedecias.
7 And the king of Egypt came not 18 Sedecias was one and twenty years
w 2 Par. 86. 5. x B. C. 609. o Isa. 39. 6. 2 Par. 36. 10 Esther 2. 6, and
d ;

y B. C. 606. z Supra 23. 27. 11. 4 ; Ezech. 17. 12 ; Jer. 24. 1, and 39. 2. B. C. 698.
a B. C. 698. 6 Dan. 1. I. e Jer. 37. 1, and 52. 1.

CHAP. 24. Ver. 2. The Lord sent against him the rovers. Latruneulos. Bands or parties of men, who
pillaged and plundered wherever they came.

Jerusalem is besieged and taken 4 KINGS Juda taken into captivity
old when he beganto reign, and he 10 And all the army of the Chaldees
reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: the which was with the commander of the
name of his mother was Amital, the troops, broke down the walls of Jerusa
daughter of Jeremias of Lobna. lem round about.
19 And he did evil before the Lord, 11 And Nabuzardan the commander of
according to all that Joakim had done. the army, carried away the rest of the
20 For the Lord was angry against Jeru people that remained in the city, and the
salem and against Juda, till he cast them fugitives that had gone over to the king
out from his face: and Sedecias revolted of Babylon, and the remnant of the com
from the king of Babylon. mon people.
12 But of the poor of the land he left
some dressers of vines and husbandmen.
Jerusalem is beseiged and taken by Nabuchodono-
aor: Sedecias is taken: the city and temple are 13 M.nd the pillars of brass that were
destroyed. Godolias, who is left governor, is slain. in the temple of the Lord, and the bases,
Joachin is exalted by Evilmerodach. and the sea of brass which was in the
came to pass in the ninth year
/it house of the Lord, the Chaldees broke in
of his reign, sin the tenth month, pieces, and carried all the brass of them
tenth day of the month, that Nab- to Babylon.
uchodonosor king of Babylon came, he 14 They took away also the pots of
and all his army against Jerusalem and :
brass, and the mazers, and the forks, and
they surrounded it: and raised works the cups, and the mortars, and all the
round about it. vessels of brass with which they minis
2 And
the city was shut up and besieged tered.
tillthe eleventh year of king Sedecias, 15 Moreover also the censers, and the
3 The ninth day of the month: and a bowls, such as were of gold in gold, and
famine prevailed in the city, and there such as were of silver in silver, the gen
was no bread for the people of the land. eral of the army took away.
4 And a breach was made into the city : 16 That is, two pillars, one sea, and the
and all the men of war fled in the night bases which Solomon had made in the
between the two walls by the king s temple of the Lord the brass of all these

garden, (now the Chaldees besieged the vessels was without weight.
city round about,) and Sedecias fled by 17 * 0ne pillar was eighteen cubits high,
the way that leadeth to the plains of the and the chapiter of brass which was upon
wilderness. it was three cubits high: and the net
5 And the army of the Chaldees pur work, and the pomegranates that were
sued after the king, and overtook him upon the chapiter of the pillar, were all
in the plains of Jericho: and all the of brass: and the second pillar had the
warriors that were with him were scat like adorning.
tered, and left him : 18 And the general of the army took
6 So they took the king, and brought Seraias the chief priest, and Sophonias
him to the king of Babylon to Reblatha, the second priest, and three doorkeepers.
and he gave judgment upon him. 19 And out of the city one eunuch, who
7 And he slew the sons of Sedecias be was captain over the men of war: and
fore his face, and he put out his eyes, five men of them that had stood before
and bound him with chains, and brought the king, whom he found in the city,
him to Babylon. and Sopher the captain of the army who
8 In the fifth month, the seventh day exercised the young soldiers of the peo
of the month, that is, the nineteenth year ple of the land: and threescore men of
of the king of Babylon, came Nabuzardan the common people, who were found in
commander of the army, a servant of the the city.
king of Babylon, into Jerusalem. 20 These Nabuzardan the general of the
9 ft And he burnt the house of the Lord, army took away, and carried them to the
*and the king s house, and the houses king of Babylon to Reblatha.
of Jerusalem, and every house he burnt 21 And the king of Babylon smote them,
with fire. and slew them at Reblatha in the land of
/ B. C. 589. i B. C. 587. j Jer. 27. 19.
a Jer. 9. 4, and 52. 4. h Ps. 73. 7. k 3 Kings 7. 15 ; 2 Par. 3. 15 ; Jer. 52. 21.

Godolias governor in Juda 1 PARALIPOMENON Joachin treated kindly

Emath: so Juda was carried away out came, and ten men with him: and smote
of their land. Godolias so that he died: and also the
22 But over the people that remained Jews and the Chaldees that were with
in the land of Juda, which Nabuchodono- him in Maspha.
sor king of Babylon had left, he gave the 26 And all the people both little and

government to Godolias the son of Ahi- great, and the captains of the soldiers,
cam the son of Saphan. rising up went to Egypt, fearing the
23 And when all the captains of the sol Chaldees.
diers had heard this, they and the men 27 "And it came to pass in the "seven
that were with them, to wit, that the and thirtieth year of the captivity of
king of Babylon had made Godolias gov Joachin king of Juda, in the twelfth
ernor, they came to Godolias to Maspha, month the seven and twentieth day of
Ismael the son of Nathanias, and Jo- the month: Evilmerodach king of Baby
hanan the son of Caree, and Saraia the lon, in the year that he began to reign,
son of Thanehumeth the Netophathite, lifted up the head of Joachin king of
and Jeaonias the son of Maachathi, they Juda out of prison.
and their men. 28 And he spoke kindly to him: and he
24 And Godolias swore to them and to set his throne above the throne of the
their men, saying Be not afraid to serve
kings that were with him in Babylon.
the Chaldees stay in the land, and serve
: 29 And he changed his garments which
the king of Babylon, and it shall be well he had in prison, and he ate bread al
with you. ways before him, all the days of his life.
25 But it came
to pass in the seventh 30 And he appointed him a continual
month, m that
Ismael the son of Natha allowance, which was also given him by
nias, the son of Elisama of the seed royal the king day by day, all the days of his life.

These Books are called by the Greek interpreters, Paralipomenon,

that is, of things left out, or omitted because they are a kind of a supplement of

such things as were passed over in the books of the Kings. The Hebrews call
them Dibre Haijamim, that is, The words of the days, or The Chronicles. Not that
they are the books which are so often quoted in the Kings, under the title of the
words of the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda; for the books
of Paralipomenon were written after the books of Kings : but because in all prob
ability they have been abridged from those ancient words of the days, by Esdras
or some other sacred writer.

CHAPTER 1 7 And the sons of Javan: Elisa and

The genealogy of the patriarchs down to Abraham: Tharsis, Cethim and Dodanim.
The posterity of Abraham and of Esau. 8 The sons of Cham: Chus, and Mesrai,
PSeth, Enos, and Phut, and Chanaan.
2 Cainan, Malaleel, Jared, 9 And the sons of Chus: Saba, and He-
3 Henoc, Mathusale, Lamech, vila, S abatha, and Regma, and Sabathaca.
4 Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth. And the sons of Regma: Saba, and Da-
5 The sons of Japheth Gomer, and : Ma dan.
gog, and Madai, and Javan, Thubal, Mo- 10 Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began
soch, Thiras. to be mighty upon earth.
6 And the sons of Gomer Ascenez, and : 11 But Mesraim begot Ludim,and Ana-
Riphath, and Thogorma. mim, and Laabim, and Nephtuim,
{ B. C. 587. m About B. C. 582. p Gen. 2. 7, and 4. 25, and 5. 6, 9.
n Jer. 52. 31. o B. C. 561, 560. q Gen. 10. 8.

Genealogy of the patriarchs 1 PARALIPOMENON The kings of Edom
12 Phetrusim also, and Casluim: from 36 The sons of Eliphaz Theman, Omar,

whom came the Philistines, and Caphto- Sephi, Gathan, Cenez, and by Thamna,
rim. Amalec.
13 And Chanaan begot Sidon his first 37 The sons of Rahuel: Nahath, Zara,
born, and the Hethite, Samma, Meza.
14 And the Jebusite, and the Amorrhite 38 The sons of Seir: Lotan, Sobal, Se-
and the Gergesite, beon, Ana, Dison, Eser, Disan.
15 And the Hevite, and the Aracite, 36 The sons of Lotan: Hori, Homam.
and the Sinite, And the sister of Lotan was Thamna.
16 And the Aradian, and the Samarite, 40 The sons of Sobal: Alian, and Mana-
and the Hamathite. hath, and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. The
17 The sons of Sem: r.Elam and Asur, sons of Sebeon: Aia, and Ana. The son
and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and of Ana: Dison.
Eus, and Hul, and Gether, and Mosoch. 41 The sons of Dison: Hamram, and
18 And Arphaxad begot Sale, and Sale Eseban, and Jethran, and Charan.
begot Heber. 42 The sons of Eser: Balaan, and Za-
19 And to Heber were born two sons, van, and Jacan. The sons of Disan: Hus
the name of the one was Phaleg, because and Aran.
in his days the earth was divided; and 43 Now
these are the kings that reigned
the name of his brother was Jectan. in the land of Edom, before there was
20 And Jectan begot Elmodad, and Sa- a king over the children of Israel: Bale
leph, and Asarmoth, and Jare, the son of Beor: and the name of his
21 And Adoram, and Usal, and Decla, was Denaba.
22 And Hebal, and Abimael, and Saba, 44 And Bale died, and Jobab the son of
23 And Ophir, and Hevila, and Jobab. Zare of Bosra, reigned in his stead.
All of these are the sons of Jectan. 45 And when Jobab also was dead,
24 Sem, Arphaxad, Sale, Husam of the land of the Themanites
25 Heber, Phaleg, Ragau, reigned in his stead.
26 Serug, Nachor, Thare, 46 And Husam also died, and Adad the
27 Abram, * this is Abraham. son of Badad reigned in his stead, and
28 And the sons of Abraham, Isaac and he defeated the Madianites in the land of
Ismahel. Moab: and the name of his city was Avith.
29 And these are the generations of 47 And when Adad also was dead, Sem-
them. The firstborn of * Ismahel, Naba- la of Masreca reigned in his stead.
joth, then Cedar, and Adbeel, and Mab- 48 Semla also died, and Saul of Roho-
sam, both, which is near the river, reigned in
30 And Masma, and Duma, Massa, Ha- his stead.
dad, and Thema, 49 And when Saul was dead, Balanan
31 Jetur, Naphis, Cedma: these are the the son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
sons of Ismahel. 50 He also died, and Adad reigned in
32 And the sons of Cetura, Abraham s his stead: and the name of his city was
concubine, whom she bore: Zamran, Jec- Phau, and his wife was called Meetabel
san, Madan, Madian, Jesboc, and Sue. the daughter of Matred, the daughter of
And the sons of Jecsan, Saba, and Da- Mezaab.
dan. And the sons of Dadan: Assurim, 51 And after the death of Adad, there
and Latussim, and Laomin. began to be dukes in Edom instead of
33 And the sons of Madian Epha, : kings: duke Thamna, duke Alva, duke
and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, Jetheth,
and Eldaa. All these are the sons of 52 Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phi-
Cetura. non,
34 ^And Abraham begot Isaac: and his 53 Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke
sons were Esau and Israel. Mabsar,
35 The sons of ^Esau: Eliphaz, Ra- 54 Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram. These
huel, Jehus, Ihelom, and Core. are the dukes of Edom.
r Gen. 10. 22, and 11. 10. s Gen. 11. 26. u Gen. 25. 4. v Gen. 25. 19.
t Gen. 25. 13. w Gen. 36. 10.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 32. Concubine. She was his lawful wife, but of an inferior
The descendants of Israel 1 PARALIPOMENON The descendants of Israel

CHAPTER 2 19 And when Azuba was dead, Caleb

Juda took to wife Ephrata: who bore him
The twelve tribes of Israel. The genealogy of
down to David. Other genealogies of the tribe of Hur.
Juda. 20 And Hur begot Uri: and Uri begot
these are the sons of Israel: Ru
x Bezeleel.
ANDben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, Issachar, 21 And afterwards Hesron went in to
the daughter of Machir the father of
and Zabulon,
2 Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Nephtali, Galaad, and took her to wife when he
Gad, and Aser.
was threescore years old: and she bore
3 The sons of 2/Juda: Her, Onan and him Segub.
Sela. These three were born to him of 22 And Segub begot Jair, and he had
the Chanaanitess the daughter of Sue. three and twenty cities in the land of
And Her the firstborn of Juda, was Galaad.
wicked in the sight of the Lord, and he 23 And he took Gessur, and Aram the
slew him. towns of Jair, and Canath, and the vil
4 *And Thamar his daughter in law lages thereof, threescore cities. All these,
bore him Phares and Zara. So all the the sons of Machir father of Galaad.
sons of Juda were five. 24 And when Hesron was dead, Caleb
5 And the sons of Phares, were Hesron went in to Ephrata. Hesron also had to
and Hamul. wife Abia who bore him Ashur the fa
6 And the sons also of Zare: Zamri, ther of Thecua.
and Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and 25 And the sons of Jerameel the firstborn
Dara, five in all. of Hesron, were Ram his firstborn, and
7 And the sons of ^Charmi: Achar, Buna, and Aram, and Asom, and Achia.
who troubled Israel, and sinned by the 26 And Jerameel married another wife,
theft of the anathema. named Atara, who was the mother of
8 The sons of Ethan: Azarias, Onam.
9 And the sons of b Hesron thatwere born 27 And the sons of Ram the firstborn
to him: Jerameel, and Ram, and Calubi. of Jerameel, were Moos, Jamin, and
10 And Ram begot Aminadab, and Achar.
Aminadab begot Nahasson, prince of the 28 And Onam had sons Semei, and Jada.
children of Juda. And the sons of Semei: Nadab, and Abi-
11 And Nahasson begot Salma, the fa sur.
ther of Booz. 29 And thename of Abisur s wife was
12 And Booz begot Obed, and Obed Abihail, who bore him Ahobban, and
begot Isai. Molid.
13 c And Isai begot Eliab his firstborn, 30 And the sons of Nadab were Saled,
the second Abinadab, the third Simmaa, and Apphaim. And Saled died without
14 The fourth, Nathanael, the fifth children.
Raddai, 31 But the son of Apphaim was Jesi:
15 The
sixth Asom, the seventh David. and Jesi begot Sesan. And Sesan begot
16 And their sisters were Sarvia, and Oholai.
Abigail. The sons of Sarvia: Abisai, Joab, 32 And the sons of Jada the brother of
and Asael, three. Semei: Jether and Jonathan. And Jether
17 And Abigail bore Amasa, whose fa also died without children.
ther was Jether the Ismahelite. 33 But Jonathan begot Phaleth, and
18 And Caleb the son of Hesron took a Ziza. These were the sons of Jerameel.
wife named Azuba, of whom he had Jeri- 34 And Sesan had no sons, but daugh
oth: and her sons were Jaser, and Sobab, ters and a servant an Egyptian, named
and Ardon. Jeraa.
x Gen. 29. 32, and 30. 5, and 35. 22. z Infra 4. 1 ; Matt 1. Z.a Jos. 7. 1.
y Gen. 38. 3, and 46. 12. 6 Ruth 4. 19. c 1 Kings 16. 6, and 8. 9, and 17. 12.

CHAP. 2. Ver. 7. Achar, alias Achan. Jos. 7. same persons to have different names : and that it is
Ibid. The anathema: the thins devoted or accursed, not impossible among so many proper names, as
viz., the spoils of Jericho. here occur in the first nine chapters of this book,
Ver. 10. Ram. He is commonly called Aram. that the transcribers of the ancient Hebrew copies
But it is to be observed here, once for all, that it may have made some slips in the orthography.
*as a common thing among the Hebrews for the Ver. 18. Caleb, alias Calubi, ver. 9.

The descendants of Israel 1 PARALIPOMENON The descendants of David
35 And he gave him his daughter to ody, and abiding in tents. These are the
wife: and she bore him Ethei. Cinites, who came of Calor (Chamath)
36 And Ethei begot Nathan, and Na father of the house of Rechab.
than begot Zabad.
37 And Zabad begot Ophlal, and Ophlal
The genealogy of the house of David
begot Obed.
38 Obed begot Jehu, Jehu begot Azarias. d these were the sons of David
39 Azarias begot Helles, and Helles be NOW
that were born to him in Hebron:
firstborn Amnon of Achinoam the
got Elasa.
40 Elasa begot Sisamoi, Sisamoi begot Jezrahelitess, the second Daniel of Abi
Sellum, gail the Carmelitess.
41 Sellum begot Icamia, and Icamia be 2 The third Absalom the son of Maacha
the daughter of Tolmai king of Gessur,
got Elisama.
42 Now the sons of Caleb the brother of the fourth Adonias the son of Aggith,
Jerameel were Mesa his firstborn, who 3 The fifth Saphatias of Abital, the
was the father of Siph: and the sons of sixth Jethrahem of Egla his wife.
Maresa father of Hebron. 4 So six sons were born to him in He
43 And the sons of Hebron, Core, and bron, where he reigned seven years and
Thaphua, and Recem, and Samma. six months. And in Jerusalem he reigned
44 And Samma begot Raham, the father three and thirty years.
of Jercaam, and Recem begot Sammai.. 5 e And these sons were born to him in
45 The son of Sammai, Maon: and Ma- Jerusalem: Simmaa, and Sobab, and Na
on the father of Bethsur. than, and Solomon, four of Bethsabee the
46 And Epha the concubine of Caleb daughter of Ammiel.
bore Haran, and Mosa, and Gezez. And Jebaar also and Elisama,
Haran begot Gezez. 7 And Eliphaleth, and Noge, and Ne-
47 And the sons of Jahaddai, Rogom, pheg, and Japhia,
and Joathan, and Gesan, and Phalet, and 8 And Elisama, and Eliada, and Eliphe-
Epha, and Saaph. leth, nine:
48 And Maacha the concubine of Caleb 9 All these the sons of David, beside
bore Saber, and Tharana. the sons of the concubines: and they had
49 And Saaph the father of Madmena a sister Thamar.
begot Sue the father of Machbena, and 10 And Solomon s son was Roboam:
the father of Gabaa. And the daughter whose son Abia begot Asa. And his son
of Caleb was Achsa. was Josaphat,
50 These were the sons of Caleb, the 11 The father of Joram: and Joram be
son of Hur the firstborn of Ephrata, So- got Ochozias, of whom was born Joas:
bal the father of Cariathiarim. 12 And his son Amasias begot Azarias.
51 Salma the father of Bethlehem, Ha- And Joathan the son of Azarias
riph the father of Bethgader. 13 Begot Achaz, the father of Ezechias,
52 And Sobal the father of Cariathi of whom was born Manasses.
arim had sons: he that saw half of the 14 And Manasses begot Amon the fa
places of rest. ther of Josias.
53 And of the kindred of Cariathiarim, 15 And the sons of Josias were, the
the Jethrites, and Aphuthites, and Sem- firstborn Johanan, the second Joakim, the
athites, and Maserites. Of them came third Sedecias, the fourth Sellum.
the Saraites, and Esthaolites. 16 / Of Joakim was born Jechonias, and
54 The sons of Salma, Bethlehem, and Sedecias.
Netophathi, the crowns of the house of 17 The sons of Jechonias were Asir,
Joab, and half of the place of rest of Sarai. Salathiel,
55 And the families of the scribes that 18 Melchiram, Phadaia, Senneser and
dwell in Jabes, singing and making mel- Jecemia, Sama, and Nadabia.
d 2 Kings 3. 2. e 2 Kings 5. 14. / Matt. 1. 11.

Ver. 52. He
that saw, &c. The Latin interpreter CHAP. 3. Ver. 9. The concubines. The inferior
seems to have given us here, instead of the proper wives.
names, the meaning of those names in the Hebrew.
He has done in like manner, ver. 65.
The descendants of Juda 1 PARALIPOMENON The descendants of Juda
19 Of Phadaia were born Zorobabel and being oppressed by evil. And God granted
Semei. Zorobabel begot Mosollam, Han- him the things he prayed for.
anias, and Salomith their sister; 11 And Caleb the brother of Sua begot
20 Hasaba also, and Ohol, and Barachi- Mahir, who was the father of Esthon.
as, and Hasadias, Josabhesed,
12 And Esthon begot Bethrapha, and
21 And the son of Hananias was Phaltias
Phesse, and Tehinna father of the city of
the father of Jeseias, whose son was Naas: these are the men of Recha.
Raphaia. And his son was Arnan, of whom 13 And the sons of Cenez were Othoniel,
was born Obdia, whose son was Sechenias.
22 The son of Sechenias, was Semeia,
and Saraia. And the sons of Othoniel,
whose sons were Hattus, and Jegaal, and Hathath, and Maonathi.
Baria, and Naaria, and Saphat, six in 14 Maonathi begot Ophra, and Saraia
number. begot Joab the father of the Valley of
23 The sons of Naaria, Elioenai, and artificers: for artificers were there.
Ezechias, and Ezricam, three. 15 And the sons of Caleb the son of Je-
24 The sons of Elioenai, Oduia, and Eli- phone, were Hir, and Ela, and Naham.
asub, and Pheleia, and Accub, and Joh- And the sons of Ela: Cenez.
anan, and Dalaia, and Anani, seven. 16 The sons also of Jaleleel: Ziph, and
Zipha, Thiria, and Asrael.
CHAPTER 4 17 And the sons of Esra, Jether, and
Other genealogies of Juda and of Simeon, and their Mered, and Epher, and Jalon, and he be
got Mariam, and Sammai, and Jesba the
fTIHE Juda: Phares, Hesron,
ffsons of father of Esthamo.
J. and Charmi, and Hur, and Sobal. 18 And his wife Judaia, bore Jared the
2 And Raia the son of Sobal begot father of Gedor, and Heber the father of
Jahath, of whom were born Ahumai, and Socho, and Icuthiel the father of Zanoe.
Laad. These are the families of Sarathi. And these are the sons of Bethia the
3 And this is the posterity of Etam Jez- : daughter of Pharao, whom Mered took
rahel, and Jesema, and Jedebos: and the to wife.
name of their sister was Asalelphuni. 19 And
the sons of his wife Odaia the
4 And Phanuel the father of Gedor, and sister of Naham
the father of Celia, Gar-
Ezar the father of Hosa, these are the mi, and Esthamo, who was of Machathi.
sons of Hur the firstborn of Ephratha 20 The sons also of Simon, Amnon, and
the father of Bethlehem. Rinna the son of Hanan, and Thilon.
5 And Assur the father of Thecua had And the sons of Jesi Zoheth, and Ben-
two wives, Halaa and Naara: zoheth.
6 And Naara bore him Ozam, and He- 21 The sons of A Sela the son of Juda :

pher, and Themani, and Ahasthari these : Her the father of Lecha, and Laada the
are the sons of Naara. father of Maresa, and the families of the
7 And the sons of Halaa, Sereth, Isaar, house of them that wrought fine linen in
and Ethnan. the House of oath.
8 And Cos begot Anob, and Soboba, and 22 And he that made the sun to stand,
the kindred of Aharehel the son of Arum. and the men of Lying, and Secure, and
9 And Jabes was more honourable than Burning, who were princes in Moab, and
any of his brethren, and his mother called who returned into Lahem. Now these are
his name Jabes, saying: Because I bore things of old.
him with sorrow. 23 These are the potters, and they dwelt
10 And Jabes called upon the God of in Plantations, and Hedges, with the king
Israel, saying: If blessing
thou wilt bless for his works, and they abode there.
me, and wilt enlarge my borders, and thy 24 The sons of i Simeon Namuel, and :

hand be with me, and thou save me from Jamin, Jarib, Zara, Saul:
g Gen. 38. 3, and 46. 12 ; Supra 2. 4 ; Matt. 1. 3. h Gen. 38. 6. Gen. 46. 10.

Ver. 22. Six. Counting the father in the number.

ing (Saraph), are substituted in place of the He
CHAP. 4. Ver. 9. Jabes. That is. sorrowful. brew names of the same signification.
Ver. 22. He that made, &c.. viz., Joazim, the Ver. 28. Plantations and Hedges. These are the
meaning of whose name in Hebrew is, he that made proper names of the places where they dwelt. In
the sun to stand. In like manner the following Hebrew Atharim and Gadira.
names. Lying (Chozeba), Secure (Joas), and Burn-

Descendants of Simeon 1 PARALIPOMENON Genealogy of Ruben
25 Sellum his son, Mapsam his son, fivehundred men, went into mount Seir,
Masma his son. having for their captains Phaltias and
26 The sons of Masma Hamuel his son, : Naaria and Raphaia and Oziel the sons
Zachur his son, Semei his son. of Jesi:
27 The sons of Semei were sixteen, and 43 And they slew the remnant of the
six daughters: but his brethren had not Amalecites, who had been able to escape,
many sons, and the whole kindred could and they dwelt there in their stead unto
not reach to the sum of the children of this day.
28 And they dwelt in Bersabee, and Genealogies of Ruben and Gad: their victories ovtr
Molada, and Hasarsuhal, the Agarites: their captivity.
29 And in Bala, and in Asom, and in the sons of Ruben the firstborn
30 And in Bathuel, and in Horrna, and
NOW of Israel, (for he was his firstborn:
but forasmuch as ^ he defiled his father s
in Siceleg, bed, his first birthright was given to the
31 And in Bethmarchaboth, and in Ha- sons of Joseph the son of Israel, and he
sarsusim, and in Bethberai, and in S a- was not accounted for the firstborn.
arim. These were their cities unto the 2 But of the race of Juda, who was the
reign of David. strongest among his brethren, came the
32 Their towns also were Etam, and princes: but the first birthright was ac
Aen, Remmon, and Thochen, and Asan, counted to Joseph.)
five cities. 3 The sons then of &Ruben the firstborn
33 And all their villages round about of Israel were Enoch, and Phallu, Esron,
these cities as far as Baal. This was their and Charmi.
habitation, and the distribution of their 4 The sons ofJoel Samaia his son, Gog

dwellings. his son,Semei his son,

34 And Mosabab and Jemlech, and Josa, 5 Micha his son, Reia his son, Baal his
the son of Amasias, son,
35 And Joel, and Jehu the son of Josa- 6 Beera his son, whom Thelgathphal-
bia the son of Saraia, the son of Asiel, nasar *king of the Assyrians carried
36 And Elioenai, and Jacoba, and Isu- away captive, and he was prince in the
haia, and Asaia, and Adiel, and Ismiel, tribe of Ruben.
and Banaia, 7 And his brethren, and all his kindred,
37 Ziza also the son of Sephei the son when they were numbered by their fam
of Allon the son of Idala the son of ilies, had for princes Jehiel, and
Semri the son of Samaia. arias.
38 These were named princes in their 8 And Bala the son of Azaz, the son of
kindreds, and in the houses of their fam Samma, the son of Joel, dwelt in Aroer
ilies were multiplied exceedingly. as far as Nebo, and Beelmeon.
39 And they went forth to enter into 9 And eastward he had his habitation
Gador as far as to the east side of the as far as the entrance of the desert, and
valley, to seek pastures for their flocks. the river Euphrates. For they possessed
40 And they found fat pastures, and a great number of cattle in the land of
very good, and a country spacious, and Galaad.
quiet, and fruitful, in which some of the 10 And in the days of Saul they fought
race of Cham had dwelt before. against the Agarites, and slew them, and
41 And these whose names are written dwelt in their tents in their stead, in all
above, came in the days of Ezechias king the country, that looketh to the east of
of Juda and they beat down their tents,
: Galaad.
and slew the inhabitants that were found 11 And the children of Gad dwelt over
there, and utterly destroyed them unto against them in the land of Basan, as far
this day: and they dwelt in their place, as Selcha:
because they found there fat pastures. 12 Johel the chief, and Saphan the sec
42 Some also of the children of Simeon, ond and Janai, and Saphat in Basan.

3 Gen. 35. 22, and 49. 4. fc Gen. 46. 9 ; Ex. 6. 14 ; Num. 26. 5. I 4 Kings 15. 29.

CHAP. 5. Ver. 2. Accounted to Joseph, viz., as to but the princely dignity was given to Juda, and the
the double portion, which belonged to the firstborn ; priesthood to Lvi.
Cad and Manasses 1 PARALIPOMENON Genealogy of 1 .ci i

Phul m
13 And their brethren according to the spirit of king of the Assyrians,
houses of their kindreds, were Michael, and the spirit of Thelgathphalnasar king
and Mosollam, and Sebe, and Jorai, and of Assur: and he carried away Ruben,
Jacan, and Zie, and Heber, seven. and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasses,
and brought them to Lahela, and to Ha-
14 These were the sons of Abihail, the
son of Huri, the son of Jara, the son of bor, and to Ara, and to the river of Goz-
an, unto this day.
Galaad, the son of Michael, the son of
Jesisi, the son of Jeddo, the
son of Buz.
15 Andtheir brethren the sons of Ab-
house The genealogies of Levi, and of Aaron; the cities of
diel, the son of Guni, chief of the the Levitee.
in their families,
n sons of Levi were Gerson,
Andthey dwelt in Galaad, and in
Basan and in the towns thereof, and in all
Caath, and Merari.
the suburbs of Saron, unto the borders. 2 The sons of Caath :
Amram, Isaar,
17 All these were numbered in the days Hebron, and Oziel.
of Joathan king of Juda, and in the days 3 The children of Amram: Aaron,
of Jeroboam king of Israel. Moses, and Mary. The sons of Aaron:
18 The sons of Ruben, and of Gad, and Nadab and Abiu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
of the half tribe of Manasses, fighting 4 Eleazar begot Phinees, and Phinees
men, bearing shields, and swords, and begot Abisue,
bending the bow, and trained up to bat 5 And Abisue begot Bocci, and Bocci be
tles, four and forty thousand seven hun got Ozi.
dred and threescore that went out to war. 6 Ozi begot Zaraias, and Zaraias begot
19 They fought against the Agarites: Maraioth.
but the Itureans, and Naphis, and Nodab, 7 And Maraioth begot Amarias, and
20 Gave them help. And the Agarites Amarias begot Achitob.
were delivered into their hands, and all 8 Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc be
that were with them, because they called got Achimaas.
upon God in the battle: and he heard 9 Achimaas begot Azarias, Azarias be
them, because they had put their faith in got Johanan,
him. 10 Johanan begot Azarias. This is he
21 And they tookthat they pos
all that executed the priestly office in the
sessed, of camels fifty thousand,and of house which Solomon built in Jerusalem.
sheep two hundred and fifty thousand, 11 And Azarias begot Amarias, and
and of asses two thousand, and of men a Amarias begot Achitob.
hundred thousand souls. 12 And Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc
22 And many fell down slain for it was : begot Sellum,
the battle of the Lord. And they dwelt 13 Sellum begot Helcias, and Helcias
in their stead till the captivity. begot Azarias,
23 And the children of the half tribe of 14 Azarias begot Saraias, and Saraias
Manasses possessed the land, from the begot Josedec.
borders of Basan unto Baal, Hermon, 15 Now Josedoc went out, when the
and Sanir, and mount Hermon, for their Lord carried away Juda, and Jerusalem,
number was great. by the hands of Nabuchodonosor.
24 And these were the heads of the 16 So the sons of Levi were Gerson,
house of their kindred, Epher, and Jesi,
Caath, and Merari.
and Eliel, and Esriel, and Jeremia, and 17 And these are the names of the sons
Odoia, and Jediel, most valiant and pow of Gerson: Lobni and Semei.
erful men, and famous chiefs in their 18 The sons of Caath: Amram, and
families. and Hebron, and Oziel.
25 But they forsook the God of their 19 The sons of Merari Moholi and Musi.

fathers, and went astray after the gods And these are the kindreds of Levi ac
of the people of the
land, whom God de cording to their families.
stroyed before them. 20 Of Gerson Lobni his son, Jahath his

26 And the God of Israel stirred Zamma

up the son, his son,
m4 Kings 15. 19 and 29. n Gen. 46. 11 ; Infra 23. 6. o Ex. 6. 16.

Genealogy of Lev I \ PARALIPOMENON The sons of Aaron
21 Joah his son, Addo his son, Zara his ren, on the left hand, Ethan the son of
son, Jethrai his son. Cusi, the son of Abdi, the son of Meloch,
22 The sons of Caath, Aminadab his 45 The son of Hasabia, the son of Ama
son, Core his son, Asir his son, sai,the son of Helcias,
23 Elcana his son, Abiasaph his son, 46 The son of Amasai, the son of Boni,
Asir his son, the son of Somer,
24 Thahath his son, Uriel his son, Ozias 47 The son of Moholi, the son of Musi,
his son, Saul his son. the son of Merari, the son of Levi.
25 The sons of Elcana: Amasai, and 48 Their brethren also the Levites, who
Achimoth. were appointed for all the ministry of
26 And Elcana. The sons of Elcana: the tabernacle of the house of the Lord.
S ophai his son, Nahath his son, 49 But Aaron and his sons offered burnt
27 Eliab his son, Jeroham his son, El offerings upon the altar of holocausts,
cana his son. and upon the altar of incense, for every
28 The sons of Samuel: the firstborn work of the holy of holies: and to pray
Vasseni, and Abia. for Israel according to all that Moses the
29 And the sons of Merari, Moholi: servant of God had commanded.
Lobni his son, Semei his son, Oza his son, 50 And these are the sons of Aaron:
30 Sammaa his son, Haggia his son, Eleazar his son, Phinees his son, Abisue
Asaia his son. his son,
31 These are they, whom David set over 51 Bocci his son, Ozi his son, Zarahia
the singing men of the house of the Lord, his son,
after that the P ark was placed: 52 Meraioth his son, Amarias his son,
32 And they ministered before the tab Achitob his son,
ernacle of the testimony, with singing, 58 Sadoc his son, Achimaas his son.
until .Solomon built the house of the Lord 54 And these are their dwelling places
in Jerusalem, and they stood according by the towns and confines, to wit, of
to their order in the ministry. the sons of Aaron, of the families of
33 And these are they that stood with the Caathites: for they fell to them by
their sons, of the sons of Caath, Hemam lot.
a singer, the son of Joel, the son of Sam 55 And they gave them Hebron in the
uel, land of Juda, and the suburbs thereof
34 The son of Elcana, the son of Jero round about:
ham, the son of Eliel, the son of Thohu, 56 But the fields of the city, and the
35 The son of Suph, the son of Elcana, villages to Caleb son of Jephone.
the son of Mahath, the son of Amasai, 57 And to the sons of Aaron they gave
36 The son of Elcana, the son of Johel, the cities for refuge Hebron, and Lobna,
the son of Azarias, the son of Sopho- and the suburbs thereof,
nias, 58 And Jether and Esthemo, with their
37 The son of Thahath, the son of Asir, suburbs, and Helon, and Dabir with their
the son of Abiasaph, the son of Core, suburbs :

38 The son of Isaar, the son of Caath, 59 Asan also, and Bethsames, with
the son of Levi, the son of Israel. their suburbs.
39 And his brother Asaph, who stood on And out of the tribe of Benjamin:
his right hand, Asaph the son of Bara- Gabee and its suburbs, Almath with its
chias, the son of Samaa. suburbs, Anathoth also with its suburbs:
40 The son of Michael, the son of Ba- all their cities throughout their families
saia, the son of Melchia. were thirteen.
4f The son of Athanai, the son of Zara, 61 And to the sons of Caath that re
the son of Adaia. mained of their kindred they gave out
42 The son of Ethan, the son of Zamma, of the half tribe of Manasses ten cities
the son of Semei. in possession.
43 The son of Jeth, the son of Gerson, 62 And to the sons of Gerson by their
the son of Levi. families out of the tribe of Issachar, and
44 And the sons of Merari their breth out of the tribe of Aser, and out of the

p 2 Kings 6. 1 and 17.

The cities of the Levites 1 PARALIPOMENON Issachar and Benjamin

tribe of Nephtali, and out of the tribe of 79 Cademoth also and its suburbs, and
Manasses in Basan, thirteen cities. Mephaath with its suburbs;
80 Moreover also out of the tribe of
63 And to the sons of Merari by their
families out of the tribe of Ruben, and Gad, Ramoth in Galaad and its suburbs,
and Manaim with its suburbs;
out of the tribe of Gad, and out of the
81 Hesebon also with its suburbs, and
tribe of Zabulon, they gave by lot twelve
Jazer with its suburbs.
64 And tha children of Israel gave to
the Levites the cities, and their suburbs.
65 And they gave them by lot, out of Genealogies of Issachar, Benjamin, Nephtali, Ma
the tribe of the sons of Juda, and out of nasses, Ephraim, and Aser.
the tribe of the sons of Simeon, and out r the sons of Issachar were
of the tribe of the sons of Benjamin, these
cities which they called by their names.
Thola, and Phua, Jasub and Simeron,
66 And to them that were of the kin 2 The sons of Thola: Ozi and Raphaia,
dred of the sons of Caath, 1 and the cities and Jeriel, and Jemai, and Jebsem, and
in their borders were of the tribe of Samuel, chiefs of the houses of their
Ephraim. kindreds. Of the posterity of Thola were
67 And they gave the cities of refuge numbered in the days of David, two and
Sichem with its suburbs in mount Eph twenty thousand six hundred most vali
raim, and Gazer with its suburbs, ant men.
68 Jecmaan also with its suburbs, and 3 The sons of Ozi: Izrahia, of whom
Beth-horon in like manner, were born Michael, and Obadia, and Joel,
69 Helon also with its suburbs, and and Jesia, five all great men.
Gethremmon in like manner, 4 And there were with them by their
70 And
out of the half tribe of Manas families and peoples, six and thirty
ses, Aner and
its suburbs, Baalam and its thousand most valiant men ready for
suburbs: to wit, to them that were left war: for they had many wives and chil
of the family of the sons of Caath. dren.
71 And to the sons of Gersom, out of 5 Their brethren also throughout all the
the kindred of the half tribe of Manas house of Issachar, were numbered four
ses, Gaulon, in Basan, and its suburbs, score and seven thousand most valiant
and Astharoth with its suburbs. men for war.
72 Out of the tribe of Issachar, Cedes 6 The sons of * Benjamin were Bela,
and its suburbs, and Dabereth with its and Bechor, and Jadihel, three.
suburbs ; 7 The sons of Bela: Esbon, and Ozi, and
73 Ramoth also and its suburbs, and Ozial, and Jerimoth and Urai, five chiefs
Anen with its suburbs. of their families, and most valiant war
74 And out of the tribe of Aser: Masai riors, and their number was twenty-two
with its suburbs, and Abdon in like man thousand and thirty-four.
ner; 8 And the sons of Bechor were Zamira,
75 Hucac also and its suburbs, and Ro- and Joas, and Eliezer, and Elioenai, and
hol with its suburbs. Amai, and Jerimoth, and Abia, and Ana-
76 And out of the tribe of Nephtali, Cedes thoth, and Almath: all these were the
in Galilee and its suburbs, Hamon with its sons of Bechor.
suburbs, and Cariathaim, and its suburbs. 9 And they were numbered by the fami
77 And to the sons of Merari that re lies, heads of their kindreds, most vali
mained: out of the tribe of Zabulon, ant men for war, twenty thousand and
Remmono and its suburbs, and Thabor two hundred.
with suburbs.
its 10 And the son of Jadihel: Balan. And
78 Beyond the Jordan also over against the sons of Balan: Jehus and Benjamin
Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, and Aod, and Chanana, and Zethan and
out of the tribe of Ruben, Bosor in the Tharsis, and Ahisahar.
wilderness with its suburbs, and Jassa 11 All these were sons of Jadihel, heads
with its suburbs; of their kindreds, most valiant men, sev-
a Jos. 21. 21. r Gen. 46. 13. Gen. 46. 21.

Ncphtali, Manasses, Ephraim 1 PARALIPOMENON The children of Aser
enteen thousand and two hundred fit to daughters, as far as Asa with her daugh
go out to war. ters.
12 Sepham also and Hapham the sons 29 And by the borders of the sons of
of Hir and Hasim the sons of Aher.
: Manasses Bethsan and her daughters,
13 *And the sons of Nephtali were Thanach and her daughters, Mageddo
Jasiel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Sellum, and her daughters: Dor and her daugh
sons of Bala. ters: in these dwelt the children of
14 And the son of Manasses, Ezriel: Joseph, the son of Israel.
and his concubine the iS yrian bore Machir 30 The children of Aser were Jemna,
the father of Galaad. and Jesua, and Jessui, and Baria, and
15 And Machir took wives for his sons S ara their sister.
Happhim, and Saphan: and he had a 31 And the sons of Baria: Haber, and
sisternamed Maacha: the name of the Melchiel he is the father of Barsaith.

second was Salphaad, and Salphaad had 32 And Heber begot Jephlat, and Somer,
daughters. and Hotham, and Suaa their sister.
16 And Maacha the wife of Machir bore 33 The sons of Jephlat: Phosech, and
a son, and she called his name Phares: Chamaal, and Asoth: these are the sons
and the name of his brother was Sares: of Jephlat.
and his sons were Ulam and Recen. 34 And the sons of Somer Ahi, and :

17 And the son of Ulam, Baden. These Roaga, and Haba, and Aram.
are the sons of Galaad, the son of Machir, 35 And the sons of Helem his brother:
the son of Manasses. Supha, and Jemna, and Selles, and Amal.
18 And his sister named Queen bore 36 The sons of .Supha Sue, Hernapher,

Goodlyman, and Abiezer, and Mohola. and Sual, and Beri, and Jamra.
19 And the sons of Semida were Ahiu, 37 Bosor and Hod, and Samma, and
and Sechem, and Leci and Aniam. Salusa, and Jethran, and Bera.
20 And the sons of Ephraim were 38 The sons of Jether: Jephone, and
Suthala, Bared his son, Thahath his son, Phaspha, and Ara.
Elada his son, Thahath his son, and his 39 And the sons of Olla: Aree, and
eon Zabad, Haniel, and Resia.
21 And his son Suthala, and his son 40 All these were sons of Aser, heads of
Ezer, and Elad: and the men of Geth their families, choice and most valiant
born in the land slew them, because they captains of captains: and the number of
came down to invade their possessions. them that were of the age that was fit
22 And Ephraim their father mourned for war, was six and twenty thousand.
many days, and his brethren came to CHAPTER 8
comfort him.
23 And he went in to his wife and she : The posterity of Benjamin is further declared down
conceived and bore a son, and he called to Saul. His issue.

his name Beria, because he was born ^

Benjamin begot Bale his first
when it went evil with his house:
24 And his daughter was who
NOW born, Asbel the second, Ahara the
>Sara, third,
built Bethoron, the nether and the upper, 2 Nohaa the fourth, and Rapha the fifth.
and Ozensara. 3 And the sons of Bale were Addar, and
25 And Rapha was his son, and Reseph, Gera, and Abiud,
and Thale, of whom was born Thaan, 4 And Abisue, and Naaman, and Ahoe,
26 Who begot Laadan and his son was
: 5 And Gera, and S ephuphan, and Hu-
Ammiud, who begot Elisama, ram.
27 Of whom was born Nun, who had 6 These are the sons of Ahod, heads of
Josue for his son. families that dwelt in Gabaa, who were
28 And their possessions and habita removed into Manahath.
tions were Bethel with her daughters, 7 And Naaman, and Achia, and Gera
and eastward Noran, and westward Gazer he removed them, and begot Oza, and
and her daughters, Sichem also with her Ahiud.
t Gen. 46. 24. u Gen. 46. 17. v Gen. 46. 21 ; Supra 7. 6.

CHAT. 7. Ver. 23. Beria. This name signifies in evtl, or tn affliction.

From Benjamin to Saul 1 PARALIPOMENON Posterity of Saul

8 And Saharim begot in the land of Saul. And

,Saul begot Jonathan and Mel-
Moab, after he sent away Husim and chisua, and Abinadab, and Esbaal.
Bara his wives. 34 And the son of Jonathan was Merib
9 And he begot of Hodes his wife Jobab, baal: and Meribbaal begot Micha.
and Sebia, and Mosa, and Molchom, 35 And the sons of Micha were Phithon,
10 And Jehus and Sechia, and Marma. and Melech, and Tharaa and Ahaz.
These were his sons heads of their 36 And Ahaz begot Joada: and Joada
families. begot Alamath, and Azmoth, and Zamri :

11 And Mehusim begot Abitob, and El- and Zamri begot Mosa,
phaal. 37 And Mosa begot Banaa, whose son
12 And the sons of Elphaal were Heber, was Rapha, of whom was born Elasa,
and Misaam, and Samad: who built Ono, who begot Asel.
and Lod, and its daughters. 38 And
Asel had six sons whose names
13 And Baria, and Sama were heads of were Ezrican, Bochru, Ismahel, Saria,
their kindreds that dwelt in Aialon: Obdia, and Hanan. All these were the
these drove away the inhabitants of sons of Asel.
Geth. 39 And the sons of Esec, his brother,
14 And Ahio, and Sesac, and Jerimoth, were Ulam the first born, and Jehus the
15 And Zabadia, and Arod, and Heder, second, and Eliphalet the third.
16 And Michael, and Jespha, and Joha, 40 And the sons of Ulam were most val
the sons of Baria. iant men, and archers of great strength :

17 And Zabadia, and Mosollam, and and they had many sons and grandsons,
Hezeci, and Heber, even to a hundred and fifty. All these
18 And Jesamari, and Jezlia, and Jobab, were children of Benjamin.
sons of Elphaal,
19 And Jacim, and Zechri, and Zabdi,
The Israelites, priests, and
Levites, who first dwelt
20 And Elioenai, and Selethai, and Elial, in Jerusalem after the captivity. A repetition of
21 And Adaia, and Baraia, and Sama- the genealogy of Saul.

reth, the sons of Semei. was numbered and the

all Israel :

22 And Jespham, and Heber, and Eliel,

23 And Abdon, and Zechri, and Ha-
ANDsum of them was written in the
book of the kings of Israel, and Juda:
nan, and they were carried away to Babylon
24 And Hanania, and Elam, and Ana- for their transgression.
thothia. 2 Now the first that dwelt in their pos
25 And Jephdaia, and Phanuel the sons sessions, and in their cities, were the Is
of S esac. raelites, and the priests, and the Levites,
26 And Samsari, and Sohoria and Otho- and the Nathineans.
lia, 3 And in Jerusalem dwelt of the chil
27 And Jersia, and Elia, and Zechri, the dren of Juda, and of the children of Ben
sons of Jeroham. jamin, and of the children of Ephraim,
28 These were the chief fathers, and and of Manasses.
heads of their families who dwelt in 4 Othei the son of Ammiud, the son of
Jerusalem. Amri, the son of Omrai, the son of Bonni,
29 And w at Gabaon dwelt Abigabaon, of the sons of Phares the son of Juda.
and the name of his wife was Maacha : 5 And of Siloni: Asaia the firstborn,
30 And his firstborn son Abdon, and and his sons.
Sur, and Cis, and Baal, and Nadab, 6 And of the sons of Zara Jehuel and : ,

31 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher, their brethren, six hundred and ninety.
and Macelloth: 7 And of the sons of Benjamin: Salo
32 And Macelloth begot Samaa: and the son of Mosollan, the son of Oduia, the
they dwelt over against their brethren in son of Asana:
Jerusalem with their brethren. 8 And Jobania the son of Jeroham and :

33 And ^Ner begot Cis, and Cis begot Ela the son of Ozi, the son of Mochori:
w Infra 9. 35. x 1 Kings 14. 51 ; Infra 9. 39.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 33. Esbaal, alias Isboseth. CHAP. 9. Ver. Nathineans. These were the
Ver. 34. Meribbaal, alias Miphiboseth. 2 Kings posterity of the Gabaonites, whose office was to
4.4. brjng wppd, water, $c v fpr the service of the temple.

Inhabitants of Jerusalem 1 PARALIPOMENON Charge of priests and Levites
and Mosallam the son of Saphatias, the 23 As well them as their sons, to keep
son of Rahuel, the son of Jebania: the gates of the house of the Lord, and
9 And their brethren by their families, the tabernacle by their turns.
nine hundred and fifty-six. All these 24 In four quarters were the porters:
were heads of their families, by the that is to say, toward the east, and west,
houses of their fathers. and north, and south.
10 And of the priests: Jedaia, Joiarib, 25 And their brethren dwelt in villages,
and Jachin: and came upon their sabbath days from
11 And Azarias the son of Helcias, the time to time.
son of Mosollam, the son of Sadoc, the 26 To these four Levites were commit
son of Maraioth, the son of Achitob, high ted the whole number of the porters, and
priest of the house of God. they were over the chambers, and treas
12 And Adaias the son of Jeroham, the ures, of the house of the Lord.
son of Phassur, the son of Melchias, and 27 And they abode in their watches
Maasai the son of Adiel, the son of Jez- round about the temple of the Lord:
ra, the son of Mosollam, the son of Mo- that when it was time, they might open
sollamith, the son of Emmer. the gates in the morning.
13 And their brethren heads in their 28 And some of their stock had the
families a thousand seven hundred and charge of the vessels for the ministry:
threescore, very strong and able men for for the vessels were both brought in and
the work of the ministry in the house of carried out by number.
God. 29 Some of them also had the instru
14 And of the Levites: Semeia the son ments of the sanctuary committed unto
of Hassub the son of Ezricam, the son of them, and the charge of the fine flour,
Hasebia of the sons of Merari. and wine, and oil, and frankincense, and
15 And Bacbacar the carpenter, and spices.
Galal, and Mathania the son of Micha, 30 And the sons of the priests made
the son of Zechri the son of Asaph: the ointments of the spices.
16 And Obdia the son of Semeia, the son 31 And Mathathias a Levite,the firstborn
of Galal, the son of Idithum: and Bara- of Sellum the Corite, was overseer of such
chia the son of Asa, the son of Elcana, things as were fried in the fryingpan.
who dwelt in the suburbs of Netophati. 32 And some of the sons of Caath their
17 And the porters were Sellum, and brethren, were over the loaves of propo
Accub, and Telmon, and Ahiman: and sition, to prepare always new for every
their brother Sellum was the prince, sabbath.
18 Until that time, in the king s gate 33 These are the chief of the singing
eastward, the sons of Levi waited by men of the families of the Levites, who
their turns. dwelt in the chambers, by the temple,
19 But Sellum the son of Core, the son that they might serve continually day
of Abiasaph, the son of ore, with his and night in their ministry.
brethren and his father s house, the Cor- 34 The heads of the Levites, princes in
ites were over the works of the service, their families, abode in Jerusalem.
keepers of the gates of the tabernacle: 35 And win Gabaon dwelt Jehiel the
and their families in turns were keepers father of Gabaon, and the name of his
of the entrance of the camp of the Lord. wife was Maacha:
20 And Phinees the son of Eleazar, was 36 His firstborn son Abdon, and Sur,
their prince before the Lord, and Cis, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
21 And Zacharias the son of Mosolla- 37 Gedor also, and Ahio, and Zacharias,
mia, was porter of the gate of the taber and Macelloth.
nacle of the testimony: 38 And Macelloth begot Samaan: these
22 All these that were chosen to be por dwelt over against their brethren in Je
ters at the gates, were two hundred and rusalem, with their brethren.
twelve: and they were registered in their 39 "Now Ner begot Cis: and Cis begot
proper towns: whom David and Samuel Saul: and Saul begot Jonathan and Mel-
the seer appointed in their trust. chisua, and Abinadab, and Esbaal.

y Supra 8. 29. z Supra 8. 33.

Saul is slait. 1 PARALIPOMENOIv David anointed king

40 And the son of Jonathan, was Merib- temple of their god, and his head they
baal: and Meribbaal begot Micha. fastened up in the temple of Dagon.
41 And the sons of Micha, were Phithon, 11 And when the men of Jabes Galaad
and Melech, and Tharaa, and Ahaz. had heard this, to wit, all that the Phil
42 And Ahaz begot Jara, and Jara be istines had done to Saul,
got Alamath, and Azmoth, and Zamri. 12 All the valiant men of them arose,
And Zamri begot Mosa. and took the bodies of S aul and of his
43 And Mosa begot Sanaa: whose son sons, and brought them to Jabes, and
Raphaia begot Elasa: of whom was born buried their bones under the oak that
Asel. was in Jabes, and they fasted seven days.
44 And Asel had six sons whose names 13 So Saul died for his iniquities, be
are, Ezricam, Bochru, Ismahel, Saria, Ob- cause he transgressed the c command
dia, Hanan: these are the sons of Asel. ment of the Lord, which he had com
manded, and kept it not: d and moreover
CHAPTER 10 consulted also a witch,
Saul is slain for his sins: he is buried by the men 14 And trusted not in the Lord: there
of Jabes. fore he slew him, and transferred his
the Philistines fought against kingdom to David the son of Isai.
NOW and the men of Israel fled
from before the Philistines, and fell down
wounded in mount Gelboe. David is made king. Hetaketh the castle of Sion.
A catalogue of his valiant men.
2 h And the Philistines drew near pur
suing after Saul, and his sons, and they f I ^HENe all
Israel gathered themselves
killed Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Mel- _L to David in Hebron, saying: We are
chisua the sons of Saul. thy bone, and thy flesh.
3 And the battle grew hard against 2 Yesterday also, and the day before
Saul, and the archers reached him, and when Saul was king, thou wast he that
wounded him with arrows. leddest out and broughtest in Israel: for
4 And Saul said to his armourbearer: the Lord thy God said to thee: Thou
Draw thy sword, and kill me: lest these shalt feed my people Israel, and thou
uncircumcised come, and mock me. But shalt be ruler over them.
his armourbearer would not, for he was 3 So all the ancients of Israel came to
struck with fear: so Saul took his sword, the king to Hebron, and David made a
and fell upon it. covenant with them before the Lord:
5 And when his armourbearer saw it, to and they anointed him king over Israel,
wit, that Saul was dead, he also fell according to the word of the Lord which
upon his sword and died. he spoke in the hand of Samuel.
6 So Saul died, and his three sons, and 4 And David and all Israel went to Jeru
all his house fell together.
salem, /which is Jebus, w here the Jebu-

7 And when the men of Israel, that sites were the inhabitants of the land.
dwelt in the plains, saw this, they fled: 5 And the inhabitants of Jebus said to
and Saul and his sons being dead, they David: Thou shalt not come in here.
forsook their cities, and were scattered But David took the castle of Sion, which
up and down: and the Philistines came, is the city of David.
and dwelt in them. 6 And he said: Whosoever shall first
8 And the next day the Philistines tak strike the Jebusites, shall be the head
ing away the spoils of them that were and chief captain. And Joab the son of
slain, found Saul and his sons lying on Sarvia went up first, and was made the
mount Gelboe. general.
9 And when they had stripped him, and 7 And David dwelt in the castle, and
cut off his head, and taken away his ar therefore it was called the city of David.
mour, they sent it into their land, to be 8 And he built the city round about
carried about, and shewn in the temples from Mello all round, and Joab built the
of the idols and to the people. rest of the city.
10 And his armour they dedicated in the 9 And David went on growing and in-
a 1 Kings 31. 1. 6 B. C. 101Z. e 2 Kings 5. l.f 2 Kings 5. 6.
e Ex. 17. 14 ;1 Kings 15. 3. d 1 Kings 28. 8.

The valiant men of David 1 PARALIPOMENON The valiant men of David
creasing, and the Lord of hosts was with 21 And illustrious among the second
him. three, and their captain: but yet he at
10 & These are the chief of the valiant tained not to the first three.
men of David, who helped him to be 22 Banaias the son of Joiada, a most
made king over all Israel, according to valiant man, of Cabseel, who had done
the word of the Lord, which he spoke to many acts: he slew the two ariels of
Israel. Moab: and he went down, and killed a lion
11 And this is the number of the heroes in the midst of a pit in the time of snow.
of David: Jesbaam the son of Hachamoni 23 And he slew an Egyptian, whose
the chief among the thirty: he lifted up stature was of five cubits, and who had a
his spear against three hundred wounded spear like a weaver s beam: and he went
by him at one time. down to him with a staff, and plucked
12 And after him was Eleazar his away the spear, that he held in his hand,
uncle s son the Ahohite, who was one of and slew him with his own spear.
the three mighties. 24 These things did Banaias the son of
13 He was with David in Phesdomim, Joiada, who was renowned among the
when the Philistines were gathered to three valiant ones,
that place to battle: and the field of 25 And the first among the thirty, but
that country was full of barley, and the yet to the three he attained not: and
people fled from before the Philistines. David made him of his council.
14 But these men stood in the midst of 26 Moreover the -most valiant men of
the field, and defended it: and they slew the army, were Asahel brother of Joab,
the Philistines, and the Lord gave a and Elchanan the son of his uncle of
great deliverance to his people. Bethlehem,
15 * And three of the thirty captains 27 Sammoth an Arorite, Helles a Pha-
went down to the rock, wherein David lonite,
was, to the cave of Odollam, when the 28 Ira the son of Acces a Thecuite,
Philistines encamped in the valley of Abiezer an Anathothite,
Raphaim. 29 Sobbochai a Husathite, Ilai an Aho
16 / And David was in a hold, and the hite,
garrison of the Philistines in Bethlehem. 30 Maharai a Netophathite, Heled the
17 And David longed, and said: O that son of Baana a Netophathite,
somfe man would give me water of the 31 Ethai the son of Ribai of Gabaath of
cistern of Bethlehem, which is in the the sons of Benjamin, Banai a Phara-
gate. thonite,
18 And these three broke through the 32 Hurai of the torrent Gaas, Abiel an
midst of the camp of the Philistines, and Arbathite, Azmoth a Bauramite, Eliaba
drew water out of the cistern of Bethle a Salabonite,
hem, which was in the gate, and brought 33 The sons of Assem a Gezonite, Jona
it to David to drink: and he would not than the son of Sage an Ararite,
drink of it, but rather offered it to the 34 Ahiam the son of Sachar an Ararite,
Lord, 35 Eliphal the son of Ur,
19 Saying: God forbid that I should do 36 Hepher a Mecherathite, Ahia a Phe-
this in the sight of my God, and should lonite,
drink the blood of these men: for with 37 Hesro a Carmelite, Naarai the son of
the danger of their lives they have Azbai,
brought me the water. And therefore 38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Miba-
he would not drink. These things did har the son of Agarai.
the three most valiant. 39 Selec an Ammonite, Naharai a Bero-
20 And Abisai the brother of Joab, he thite, the armourbearer of Joab the son
was chief of three, and he lifted up his of Sarvia.
spear against three hundred whom he 40 Ira a Jethrite, Gareb a Jethrite,
slew, and he was renowned among the 41 Urias a Hethite, Zabad the son of
three, Oholi,
h 2 Kings 23. 8. t 2 Kings 23. 13. j 2 Kings 23. 14.

OHAP. 11. Ver. 22. Two ariels. That is, two lions, or lion-like men ; for Ariel in Hebrew signifies a lion.

Those -who came to David 1 PARALIPOMENON Those who came to David
42 Adina the son of Siza a Rubenite the 14 These were of the sons of Gad, cap
prince of the Rubenites, and thirty with tains of the army: the least of them was
him: captain over a hundred soldiers, and the
43 Hanan the son of Maacha, and Josa- greatest over a thousand.
phat a Mathanite, 15 These are they who passed over the
44 Ozia an Astarothite, Samma, and Je- Jordan in the first month, when it is
hiel the sons of Hotham an Arorite, used to flow over its banks: and they
45 Jedihel the son of Zamri, and Joha put to flight all that dwelt in the valleys
his brother, a Thosaite, both toward the east and toward the
46 Eliel a Mahumite, and Jeribai, and west.
Josaia the sons of Elnaim, and Jethma 16 And there came also of the men of
a Moabite, Eliel, and Obed, and Jasiel of
Benjamin, and of Juda to the hold, in
which David abode.
CHAPTER 12 17 And David went out to meet them,
Who followed David when he fled from Saul. And and said: If you are come peaceably to
who came to Hebron to make him king. me to help me, let my heart be joined to
these are they that came to you: but if you plot against me for my
David to Siceleg, Awhile he yet fled enemies whereas I have no iniquity in
from Saul
the son of Cis, and they were my hands, let the God of our fathers see,
most valiant and excellent warriors, and judge.
2 Bending the bow, and using either 18 But the spirit came upon Amasai the
hand in hurling stones with slings, and chief among thirty, and he said: We are
shooting arrows: of the brethren of Saul thine, O David, and for thee, O son of
of Benjamin. Isai: peace, peace be to thee, and peace
3 The chief was Ahiezer, and Joas, the to thy helpers. For thy God helpeth
sons of Samaa of Gabaath, and Jaziel, thee. So David received them, and made
and Phallet the sons of Azmoth, and them captains of the band.
Beracha, and Jehu an Anathothite. 19 And there were some of Manasses
4 And Samaias of Gabaon, the stoutest that went over to David, when he came
amongst the thirty and over the thirty; with the Philistines against Saul to fight:
Jeremias, and Jeheziel, and Johanan, and but he did not fight with them i because :

Jezabad of Gaderoth; the lords of the Philistines taking coun

5 And Eluzai, and Jerimuth, and Baa- sel sent him back, saying: With the dan
lia, and Samaria, and Saphatia the Ha- ger of our heads he will return to his
ruphite ;
master Saul.
6 Elcana, and Jesia, and Azareel, and 20 So when he went back to Siceleg,
Joezer, and Jesbaam of Carehim: there fled to him of Manasses, Ednas and
7 And Joela, and Zabadia the sons of Jozabad, and Jedihel, and Michael, and
Jeroham of Gedor. Ednas, and Jozabad, and Eliu, and Sala-
8 From Gaddi also there went over to thi, captains of thousands in Manasses.
David, when he lay hid in the wilderness .21 These helped David against the rov
most valiant men, and excellent warriors, ers: for they were all most valiant men,
holding shield and spear: whose faces and were made commanders in the army.
were like the faces of a lion, and they 22 Moreover day by day there came
were swift like the roebucks on the some to David to help him till they be
mountains. came a great number, like the army of
9 Ezer the chief, Obdias the God.
Eliab the third, 23 And this isthe number
of the chiefs
10 Masmana the fourth, Jeremias the who came to
of the army David, when
fifth, he was in Hebron, to transfer to him
11 Ethi the sixth, Eliel the the kingdom of Saul, according to the
12 Johanan the eighth, Elzebad the word of the Lord.
ninth, 24 The sons of Juda bearing shield and
13 Jerenias the tenth, Machbani the
spear, six thousand eight hundred well
eleventh, appointed to war.
k 1 Kings 27. 2. I 1 Kings 29. 4. n 2 Kings 5. B. C. 1005.

Those who came to David 1 PARALIPOMENON Oza is slain

25 Of the sons of Simeon valiant men oxen, and sheep in abundance, for there
for war, seven thousand one hundred. was joy in Israel.
26 Of the sons of Levi, four thousand
six hundred.
The ark is brought from Cariathiarim. Ofct, for
27 And Joiada prince of the race of touching it is struck dead.
Aaron, and with him three thousand
seven hundred. David consulted with the captains
28 Sadoc also a young man of excellent
AJDof thousands, and of hundreds, and
with all the commanders.
disposition, and the house of his father,
2 And he said to all the assembly of Is
twenty-two principal men.
rael: If it please you; and if the words
29 And of the sons of Benjamin the
which I speak come from the Lord our
brethren of Saul, three thousand: for
God, let us send to the rest of our bre
hitherto a great part of them followed
thren into all the countries of Israel,
the house of Saul.
and to the priests, and the Levites, that
30 And of the sons of Ephraim twenty
dwell in the suburbs of the cities, to
thousand eight hundred, men of great
gather themselves to us,
valour renowned in their kindreds.
31 And of the half tribe of Manasses, 3 And let us bring again the ark of
our God to us: for we sought it not in
eighteen thousand, every one by their
the days of Saul.
names, came to make David king.
32 Also of the sons of Issachar men of 4 And all the multitude answered that
it should be so: for the word pleased
understanding, that knew all times to
order what Israel should do, two hun all the people.
dred principal men: and all the rest of 5 So David assembled all Israel from
the tribe followed their counsel. Sihor of Egypt, even to the entering
33 And of Zabulon such as went forth into Emath, to bring the ark of God
to battle, and stood in array well ap from Cariathiarim.
pointed with armour for war, there came 6 And David went up with all the men
fifty thousand to his aid, with no double of Israel the hill of Cariathiarim
heart. which is in Juda, to bring thence the ark
34 And of Nephtali, a thousand leaders: of the Lord God sitting upon the cheru-
and with them seven and thirty thou bims, where his name is called upon.
sand, furnished with shield and spear. 7 And they carried the ark of God upon
35 Of Dan also twenty-eight thousand a new cart, out of the house of Abinadab.
six hundred prepared for battle. And Oza and his brother drove the cart.
36 And of Aser forty thousand going 8 And David and all Israel played be
forth to fight, and challenging in battle. fore God with all their might with hymns,
37 And on the other side of the Jordan and with harps, and with psalteries, and
of the sons of Ruben, and of Gad, and of timbrels, and cymbals, and trumpets,
the half of the tribe of Manasses a hun 9 And when they came to the floor of P
dred and twenty thousand, furnished Chidon, Oza put forth his hand, to hold
with arms for war. up the ark: for the ox being wanton had
38 All these men of war well appointed made it lean a little on one side.
to fight, came with a perfect heart to 10 And the Lord was angry with Oza,
Hebron, to make David king over all Is and struck him, because he had touched
rael: and all the rest also of Israel, the ark; and he died there before the
were of one heart to make David king. Lord.
39 And they were there with David 11 And David was troubled because the
three days eating and drinking: for Lord had divided Oza: and he called that
their brethren had prepared for them. place the Breach of Oza to this day.
40 Moreover they that were near them 12 And he feared God at that time,
even as far as Issachar, and Zabulon, and saying: How can I bring in the ark of
Nephtali, brought loaves on asses, and God to me?
on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, 13 And therefore he brought it not home
to eat: meal, figs, raisins, wine, oil, and to himself, that is, into the city of David,

2 Kings 6. 2. p Alias Nachon.

The children of David 1 PARALIPOMENON Levites to carry the ark

but carried it aside into the house of God is gone out before thee to strike
Obededom the Gethite. the army of the Philistines.
14 And the a-rk of God remained in the 16 And David did as God had com
house of Obededom three months: and manded him, and defeated the army of
the Lord blessed his house, and all that the Philistines, slaying- them from Ga-
he had. baon to Gazera.

CHAPTER 14 17And the name of David became fa

mous in all countries, and the Lord
David s house, and children: his victories over the
made all nations fear him.

? Hiram king of Tyre sent mes-
sengers to David, and cedar trees,
The ark brought into the city of David, with great
and masons, and carpenters, to build him solemnity. Michol derideth David s devotion.
a house.
2 And David perceived that the Lord
had confirmed him king over Israel, and HE made also houses for himself in
the city of David: and built a place
for the ark of God, and pitched a taber
that his kingdom was exalted over his
people Israel. nacle for it.
3 r And David took other wives in Jeru 2 Then David said: No one ought to
salem: and he begot sons, and daughters. carry the ark of God, but the Levites,
4 Now these are the names of them that whom the Lord hath chosen to carry it,
were born to him in Jerusalem: Samua, and to minister unto himself for ever.
and Sobad, Nathan, and Solomon, 3 And he gathered all Israel together
5 Jebahar, and Elisua, and Eliphalet, into Jerusalem, that the ark of God
6 And Noga, and Napheg, and Japhia, might be brought into its place, which he
7 Elisama, and Baaliada, and Eliphalet. had prepared for it.
8 * And the Philistines hearing that Da 4 And the sons of Aaron also, and the
vid was anointed king over all Israel, Levites.
went all up to seek him: and David 5 Of the children of Caath, Uriel was
heard of it, and went out against them. the chief, and his brethren a hundred and
9 And the Philistines came and spread twenty.
themselves in the vale of Raphaim. 6 Of the sons of Merari, Asaia the
10 And David consulted the Lord, say chief, and his brethren two hundred and
ing: Shall I go up against the Philis twenty.
tines, and wilt thou deliver them into my 7 Of the sons of Gersom, Joel the chief,
hand? And the Lord said to him: Go up, and his brethren a hundred and thirty.
and I will deliver them into thy hand. 8 Of the sons of Elisaphan, Semeias the
11 And when they were come to Baal- chief: and his brethren two hundred.
pharasim, David defeated them there, 9 Of the sons of Hebron, Eliel the
and he said: God hath divided my ene chief: and his brethren eighty.
mies by my hand, as waters are divided: 10 Of the sons of Oziel, Aminadab the
and therefore the name of that place chief: and his brethren a hundred and
was called Baalpharasim. twelve.
12 And they left there their gods, and 11 And David called Sadoc, and Abia-
David commanded that they should be thar the priests, and the Levites, Uriel,
burnt. Asaia, Joel, Semeia, Eliel, and Aminadab:
13 Another time also the Philistines 12 And he said to them: You that are
made an irruption, and spread them the heads of the Levitical families, be
selves abroad in the valley. sanctified with your brethren, and bring
14 And David consulted God again, and the ark of the Lord the God of Israel to
God said to him: Go not up after them, the place, which is prepared for it:
turn away from them, and come upon 13 * Lest as the Lord at first struck us,
them over against the pear trees. because you were not present, the same
15 And when thou shalt hear the sound should now also come to pass, by our
of one going in the tops of the pear trees, doing some thing against the law.
then shalt thou go out to battle. For 14 So the priests and the Levites were
2 Kings 6. 11. r 2 Kings 5. 13. s 2 Kings 5. 17. t Supra 13. 10.

Ark carried with solemnity 1 PARALIPOMENON Ark placed in tabernacle

sanctified, to carry the ark of the Lord 27 And David was clothed with a robe
the God of Israel. of fine linen, and all the Levites that car
15 u And the sons of Levi took the ark ried the ark, and the singing men, and
of God as Moses had commanded, accord Chonenias the ruler of the prophecy
ing to the word of the Lord, upon their among the singers: and David also had
shoulders, with the staves. on him an ephod of linen.
16 And David spoke to the chiefs of the 28 And all Israel brought the ark of the
Levites, to appoint some of their breth covenant of the Lord with joyful shout
ren to be singers with musical instru ing, and sounding with the sound of the
ments, to wit, on psalteries, and harps, cornet, and with trumpets, and cymbals,
and cymbals, that the joyful noise might and psalteries, and harps.
resound on high. 29 And when the ark of the covenant
17 And they appointed Levites, Hemam of the Lord was come to the city of Da
the son of Joel, and of his brethren vid, Michol the daughter of Saul looking
Asaph the son of Barachias: and of the out at a window, saw king David dancing
sons of Merari, their brethren: Ethan the and playing, and she despised him in her
son of Casaia. heart.
18 And with them their brethren: in CHAPTER 16
the second rank, Zacharias, and Ben, and The ark is placed in the tabernacle. Sacrifice is of
David blesseth the people, disposeth the
Jaziel, and Semiramoth, and Jahiel, and fered.
offices of Levites, and maketh a psalm of praise
Ani, and Eliab, and Banaias, and Maa- to God.
sias, and Mathathias, and Eliphalu, and w they brought the ark
of God, and
Macenias, and Obededom, and Jehiel, the SOset it midst of the tent, which
in the
porters. David had pitched for it: and they of
19 Now the singers, Hemam, Asaph, and fered holocausts, and peace offerings be
Ethan, sounded with cymbals of brass. fore God.
20 And Zacharias, and Oziel, and Semi 2 And when David had made an end of
ramoth, and Jehiel, and Ani, and Eliab, offering holocausts, and peace offerings,
and Maasias, and Banaias, sung mys he blessed the people in the name of the
teries upon psalteries. Lord.
21 And Mathathias, and Eliphalu, and 3 And he divided to all and every one,
Macenias and Obededom, and Jehiel and both men and women, a loaf of bread,
Ozaziu, sung a song of victory for the and a piece of roasted beef, and flour
octave upon harps. fried with oil.
22 And Chonenias chief of the Levites, 4 And he appointed Levites to minister
presided over the prophecy, to give out before the ark of the Lord, and to re
the tunes: for he was very skilful. member his works, and to glorify, and
23 And Barachias, and Elcana, were praise the Lord God of Israel.
doorkeepers of the ark. 5 Asaph the chief, and next after him
24 And Sebenias, and Josaphat, and Na- Zacharias: moreover Jahiel, and Semira
thanael, and Amasai, and Zacharias, and moth, and Jehiel, and Mathathias, and
Banaias, and Eliezer the priests, sounded Eliab, and Banaias, and Obededom: and
with trumpets, before the ark of God: Jehiel over the instruments of psaltery,
and Obededom and Jehias were porters and harps and Asaph sounded with cym

of the ark. bals:

25 v So David and all the ancients of 6 But Banaias, and Jaziel the priests,
Israel, and the captains over thousands, to sound the trumpet continually before
went to bring the ark of the covenant of the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
the Lord out of the house of Obededom 7 In that day David made Asaph the
with joy. chief to give praise to the Lord with his
26 And when God had helped the Le brethren.
vites who carried the ark of the covenant 8 x Praise ye the Lord, and call upon his
of the Lord, they offered in sacrifice name: make known his doings among the
seven oxen, and seven rams. nations.

u Num. 4. 15. v 2 Kings 6. 12. w 2 Kings 6. 17. x Ps. 104. 1 ; Isa. 12. 4.

CHAP. 15. Ver. 22. The prophecy, to give out the phecy: the more, because these singers were often
tunes. Singing: praises to God is here called pro- inspired men.

David s psalm of praise 1 PARALIPOMENON Levites before the ark

9 Sing to him, yea, sing praises to

him: earth be glad: and let them say among
and relate wondrous works.
all his the nations: The Lord hath reigned.
the 32 Let the sea roar, and the fulness
10 Praise ye his holy name: let
thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all
heart of them rejoice, that seek the Lord.
things that are in them.
11 Seek ye the Lord, and his power: 33 Then shall the trees of the wood give
seek ye his face evermore. praise before the Lord: because he is
12 Remember his wonderful works, come to judge the earth.
which he hath done: his signs, and the 34 Give ye glory to the Lord, for he is
judgments of his mouth. good: for his mercy endureth for ever.
13 ye seed of Israel his servants, ye 35 And say ye: Save us, God our sa
children of Jacob his chosen. viour: and gather us together, and de
14 He is the Lord our God: his judg liver us from the nations, that we may
ments are in all the earth. give glory to thy holy name, and may
15 Remember for ever his covenant: rejoice in singing thy praises.
the word, which he commanded to a thou 36 Blessed be the Lord the God of Is
sand generations. rael from eternity to eternity: and let
16 The covenant which he made with all the people say Amen, and a hymn to
Abraham: and his oath to Isaac. God.
17 And he appointed the same to Jacob 37 So he left there before the ark of the
for a precept: and to Israel for an ever covenant of the Lord, Asaph and his
lasting covenant: brethren to minister in the presence of
18 Saying: To thee will I give the land the ark continually day by day, and in
of Chanaan: the lot of your inheritance. their courses.
19 When they were but a small num 38 And Obededom, with his brethren
ber: very few and sojourners in it. sixty-eight: and Obededom the son of
20 And they passed from nation to na Idithun, and Hosa he appointed to be
tion: and from a kingdom to another porters.
people. 39 And Sadoc the priest, and his breth
21 He suffered no man to do them ren priests, before the tabernacle of the
wrong: and reproved kings for their Lord in the high place, which was in
sake. Gabaon.
22 v Touch not my anointed: and do no 40 That they should offer holocausts to
evil to my prophets. the Lord upon the altar of holocausts
23 Sing ye to the Lord, all the earth: continually, morning and evening, ac
shew forth from day to day his salvation. cording to all that is written in the law
24 Declare his glory among the Gen of the Lord, which he commanded Israel.
tiles: his wonders among all people. 41 And after him Heman, and Idithun,
25 For the Lord is great and exceeding and the rest that were chosen, every one
ly to be praised: and he is to be feared by his name to give praise to the Lord:
above all gods. because his mercy endureth for ever.
26 For all the gods of the nations are 42 And Heman and Idithun sounded the
idols: but the Lord made the heavens.
trumpet, and played on the cymbals, and
27 Praise and magnificence are before all kinds of musical instruments to sing
him: strength and joy in his place. praises to God: and the sons of Idithun
28 Bring ye to the Lord, ye families he made porters.
of the nations: bring ye to the Lord 43 And all the people returned to their
glory and empire. houses: and David to bless also his own
29 Give to the Lord glory to his name, house.
bring up sacrifice, and come ye in his
sight: and adore the Lord in holy be-
comingness. David s purpose to build a temple, is rewarded by
30 Let all the earth be moved at his most ample promises: David s thanksgiving.

presence: for he hath founded the world a when David was dwelling in his
31 Let the heavens rejoice, and the
house, he
Behold I
said to Nathan the pro
dwell in a house of cedar:
Ps. 104. 15. * Pa. 95. 1. a 2 Kings 7. 2.

Nathan s message to David 1 PARALIPOMENON David s prayer
and the ark of the covenant of the Lord 16 And king David came and sat before
is under skins. the Lord, and said: Who am I, Lord
2 And Nathan said to David: Do all God, and what is my house, that thou
that is in thy heart: for God is with thee. shouldst give such things to me ?
17 But even this hath seemed little in
3 Now that night the word of God came
to thy sight, and therefore thou hast also
Nathan, saying:
spoken concerning the house of thy ser
4 Go, and speak to David my servant: vant for the time to come: and hast
Thus saith the Lord: Thou shalt not made me remarkable above all men,
build me a house to dwell in. Lord God.
5 For I have not remained in a house 18 What can David add more, seeing
from the time that I brought up Israel, thou hast thus glorified thy servant, and
to this day: but I have been always known him?
changing places in a tabernacle, and in 19 O Lord, for thy servant s sake, ac
a tent,
cording to thy own heart, thou hast
6 Abiding with all Israel. Did I ever shewn all this magnificence, and wouldst
speak to any one, of all the judges of have all the great things to be known.
Israel, whom I charged to feed my peo 20 O Lord there is none like thee: and
ple, saying: Why have you not built me there is no other God beside thee, of all
a house of cedar? whom we have heard of with our ears.
7 Now therefore thus shalt thou say to 21 For what other nation is there upon
my servant David: Thus saith the Lord earth like thy people Israel, whom God
of hosts: I took thee from the pastures, went to deliver, and make a people for
from following the flock, that thou himself, and by his greatness and ter
shouldst be ruler of my people Israel. rors cast out nations before their face
8 And I have been with thee whither whom he had delivered out of Egypt?
soever thou hast gone: and have slain 22 And thou hast made thy people Is
all thy enemies before thee, and have rael to be thy own people for ever, and
made thee a name like that of one of the thou, O Lord, art become their God.
great ones that are renowned in the earth. 23 Now therefore, Lord, let the word
9 And I have given a place to my peo which thou hast spoken to thy servant,
ple Israel: they shall .be planted, and and concerning his house, be established
shall dwell therein, and shall be moved for ever, and do as thou hast said.
no more, neither shall the children of 24 And let thy name remain and be
iniquity waste them, as at the beginning, magnified for ever: and let it be said:
10 Since the days that I gave judges to The Lord of hosts is God of Israel, and
my people Israel, and have humbled all the house of David his servant remain-
thy enemies. And I declare to thee, eth before him.
that the Lord will build thee a house. 25 For thou, Lord my God, hast re
11 And when thou shalt have ended vealed to the ear of thy servant, that
thy days to go to thy fathers, I will thou wilt build him a house: and there
raise up thy seed after thee, which shall fore thy servant hath found confidence
be of thy sons: and I will establish his to pray before thee.
kingdom. 26 And now O Lord, thou art God: and
12 He shall build me a house, and I
thou hast promised to thy servant such
will establish his throne for ever. great benefits.
13 I him a father, and he
will be to 27 And thou hast begun to bless the
shall me a son: and I will not
be to house of thy servant, that it may be
take my mercy away from him, as I always before thee: for seeing thou
took it from him that was before thee. blessest it, Lord, it shall be blessed
14 But I will settle him in my house, for ever.
and in my kingdom for ever: and his CHAPTER 18
throne shall be most firm for ever.
David s victories. His chief officers.
15 According to all these words, and
b it came
according to all this vision, so did Na TD to pass after this, that
than speak to David. David defeated the Philistines, and

b 2 Kings 8. 1.

David s victories 1 PARALIPOMENON His ambassadors insulted
humbled them, and took away Geth, and and executed judgment and justice
her daughters out of the hands of the among all his people.
15 And Joab the son of Sarvia was
Mo- over the army, and Josaphat the son of
2 And he defeated Moab, and the
abites were made David s servants, and Ahilud recorder.
16 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and
brought him gifts.
Achimelech the son of Abiathar, were
3 At that time David defeated also the priests: and Susa, scribe.
Adarezer king of Soba of the land of
17 And Banaias the son of Joiada was
Hemath, when he went to extend his do over the bands of the Cerethi, and the
minions as far as the river Euphrates.
Phelethi: and the sons of David were
4 And David took from him a thousand chief about the king.
chariots, and seven thousand horsemen,
and twenty thousand footmen, and he CHAPTER 19
houghed all the chariot horses, only a The Ammonites abuse David s ambassadors: both
hundred chariots, which he reserved for they and their confederates are overthrown.
himself. c it came
to pass that Naas the
5 Andthe Syrians of Damascus came
also to help Adarezer king of Soba: and
king of the children of Ammon
died, and his son reigned in his stead.
David slew of them likewise two and 2 And David said: I will shew kindness
twenty thousand men. to Hanon the son of Naas: for his father
6 And he put a garrison in Damascus, did a favour to me. And David sent mes
that Syria also should serve him, and sengers to comfort him upon the death
bring gifts. And the Lord assisted him of his father. But when they were come
in all things to which he went. into the land of the children of Ammon,
7 And David took the golden quivers to comfort Hanon,
which the servants of Adarezer had, and 3 The princes of the children of Ammon
he brought them to Jerusalem. said to Hanon: Thou thinkest perhaps
8 Likewise out of Thebath and Chun, that David to do honour to thy father
cities of Adarezer, he brought very hath sent comforters to thee: and thou
much brass, of which Solomon made the dost not take notice, that his servants
brazen sea, and the pillars, and the ves are come to thee to consider, and search,
sels of brass. and spy out thy land.
9 Now when Thou king of Hemath 4 Wherefore Hanon shaved the heads
heard that David had defeated all the and beards of the servants of David, and
army of Adarezer king of Soba, cut away their garments from the but
10 He sent Adoran his son to king Da tocks to the feet, and sent them away.
vid, to desire peace of him, and to con 5 And when they were gone, they sent
gratulate him that he had defeated and word to David, who sent to meet them
overthrown Adarezer: for Thou was an (for they had suffered a great affront)
enemy to Adarezer. and ordered them to stay at Jericho till
11 And all the vessels of gold, and sil their beards grew and then to return.
ver, and brass king David consecrated 6 And when the children of Ammon
to the Lord, with the silver and saw that they had done an injury to
which he had taken from all the nations, David, Hanon and the rest of the people
as well from Edom, and from Moab, and sent a thousand talents of silver, to hire
from the sons of Ammon, as from the them chariots and horsemen out of Me
Philistines, and from Amalec. sopotamia, and out of Syria Maacha,
12 And Abisai the son of Sarvia slew and out of Soba.
of the Edomites in the vale of the salt- 7 And they hired two and thirty thou
pits,eighteen thousand: sand chariots, and the king of Maacha,
13 And he put a garrison in with his people. And they came and
Edom, that
Edom should serve David: and the Lord camped over against Medaba. And the
preserved David in all things to which children of Ammon gathered themselves
he went. together out of their cities, and came to
14 So David reigned over all battle.
c Z Kings 10. 1.

Defeat of the Syrians 1 PARALIPOMENON Victories over Philistines

8 And when David heard of it, he sent out to battle, Joab gathered together an
Joab, and all the army of valiant men: army and the strength of the troops, and
9 And the children of Ammon came out wasted the land of the children of Am
and put their army in array before the mon: and went and besieged Rabba. But
gate of the city: and the kings, that were David stayed at Jerusalem, when Joab
come to their aid, stood apart in the field. smote Rabba, and destroyed it.
10 Wherefore Joab understanding that 2 And David took the crown of Melchom
the battle was set against him before and from his head, and found in it a talent
behind, chose out the bravest men of all weight of gold, and most precious stones,
Israel, and marched against the Syrians, and he made himself a diadem of it: he
11 And the rest of the people he deliv took also the spoils of the city which
ered into the hand of Abisai his brother, were very great.
and they went against the children of 3 And the people that were therein he
Ammon. brought out: and made harrows, and
12 And he said: If the Syrians be too sleds, and chariots of iron to go over
strong for me, then thou shalt help me: them, so that they were cut and bruised
but if the children of Ammon be too to pieces: in this manner David dealt
strong for thee, I will help thee. with all the cities of the children of Am
13 Be of good courage and let us behave mon: and he returned with all his people
ourselves manfully for our people, and to Jerusalem.
for the cities of our God: and the Lord 4 / After this there arose a war at Ga
will do that which is good in his sight. zer against the Philistines: in which Sa-
14 So Joab and the people that were bachai the Husathite slew iSaphai of the
with him, went against the Syrians to race of Raphaim, and humbled them.
the battle: and he put them to flight. 5 Another battle also was fought against
15 And the children of Ammon seeing the Philistines, in which Adeodatus the
that the Syrians were fled, they likewise son of Saltus a Bethlehemite slew the bro
fled from Abisai his brother, and went ther of Goliath the Gethite, the staff of
into the city: and Joab also returned to whose spear was like a weaver s beam.
Jerusalem. 6 There was another battle also in Geth,
16 But the Syrians seeing that they had in which there was a man of great stature,
fallen before Israel, sent messengers, and whose fingers and toes were four and
brought to them the Syrians that were twenty, six on each hand and foot: who
beyond the river: and Sophach, general also was born of the stock of Rapha.
of the army of Adarezer, was their leader. 7 He reviled Israel: but Jonathan the
17 And it was told David, and he gath son of Samaa the brother of David slew
ered together all Israel, and passed the him. These were the sons of Rapha in
Jordan, and came upon them, and put his Geth, who fell by the hand of David and
army in array against them, and they his servants.
fought with him. CHAPTER 21
18 But the Syrian fled before Israel: David s sin in numbering the people is punished by
and David slew of the Syrians seven thou a pestilence: which ceaseth upon his offering sac
rifice in Oman.
the thrashing floor of
sand chariots, and forty thousand foot
men, and -Sbphach the general of the army.
ND Satan rose up against Israel: and

moved David to number Israel.

19 And when the servants of Adarazer
2 And David said to Joab, and to the
saw themselves overcome by Israel, they
rulers of the people: Go, and number Is
went over to David, and served him: and rael from Bersabee even to Dan, and
Syria would not help the children of Am bring me the number of them that I may
mon any more. know it.
CHAPTER 20 3 And Joab answered: The Lord make
Rabba is taken. Other victories over the Philistines. his people a hundred times more than
c it camepass after the course
to they are: but, my lord the king, are they
AND of a year, at the time that kings go not all thy servants: why doth my lord
e 2 Kings 10. 7, and 11. 1. / 2 Kings 21. 18.
2 Kings 24. 1 ; Infra 27. 24.

CHAP. 19. Ver. 18. Seven thousand chariots. That is, of men who fought in chariots.

David numbers the people 1 PARALIPOMENON Thrashing floor of Oman
seek this thing, which may be imputed thy hand. And the angel of the Lord
as a sin to Israel ? stood by the thrashingfloor of Ornan the
4 But the king s word rather prevailed: Jebusite.
and Joab departed, and went through all 16 And David lifting up his eyes, saw
Israel: and returned to Jerusalem. the angel of the Lord standing between
6 And he gave David the number of heaven and earth, with a drawn sword
them, whom he had surveyed: and all the in his hand, turned against Jerusalem:
number of Israel was found to be eleven and both he and the ancients clothed in
hundred thousand men that drew the haircloth, fell down flat on the ground.
sword: and of Juda four hundred and 17 And David said to God: Am not I he
seventy thousand fighting men. that commanded the people to be num
6 But Levi and Benjamin he did not bered? It is I that have sinned: it is I
number: for Joab unwillingly executed that have done the evil: but as for this
the king s orders. flock, what hath it deserved? Lord my
7 And God was displeased with this God, let thy hand be turned, I beseech
thing that was commanded: and he thee, upon me, and upon my father s
struck Israel. house: and let not thy people be de
8 And David said to God: I have sinned stroyed.
exceedingly in doing this: I beseech thee 18 And angel of the Lord com
take away the iniquity of thy servant, manded Gad to tell David, to go up, and
for I have done foolishly. build an altar to the Lord God in the
9 And the Lord spoke to Gad the seer thrashingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.
of David, saying: 19 And David went up, according to the
10 Go, and speak to David, and tell word of Gad, which he spoke to him in
him: Thus saith the Lord: I give thee the name of the Lord.
the choice of three things: choose one 20 Now when Ornan looked up, and saw
which thou wilt, and I will do it to thee. the angel, he and his four sons hid them
11 And when Gad was come to David, selves: for at that time he was thrashing
he said to him: Thus saith the Lord: wheat in the floor.
choose which thou wilt: 21 And as David was coming to Ornan,
12 Either three years famine: or three Ornan saw him, and went out of the
months to flee from thy enemies, and not thrashingfloor to meet him, and bowed
to be able to escape their sword: or three down to him with his face to the ground.
days to have the sword of the Lord, and 22 And David said to him: Give me this
pestilence in the land, and the angel of place of thy thrashingfloor, that I may
the Lord destroying in all the coasts of build therein an altar to the Lord: but
Israel: now therefore see what I shall thou shalt take of me as much money as
answer him who sent me. it is worth, that the plague may cease
13 And David Gad: I am on
said to from the people.
every side in a great but it is bet
strait: 23 And Ornan said to David: Take it,
ter for me to fall into the hands of the and let my lord the king do all that
Lord, for his mercies are many, than into pleaseth him: and moreover the oxen
the hands of men. also I give for a holocaust, and the drays
14 So the Lord sent a pestilence upon for wood, and the wheat for the sacri
Israel. And there fell of Israel seventy fice: I will give it all willingly.
thousand men. 24 And king David said to him: It shall
15 And he sent an angel to Jerusalem, not be so, but I will give thee money as
to strike it: and as he was striking it, the much as it is worth: for I must not take
Lord beheld, and took pity for the great it from thee, and so offer to the Lord
ness of the evil: and said to the angel holocausts free cost.
that destroyed: It is enough, now stop 25 So David gave to Ornan for the
CHAP. 21. Ver. The number, &c. The differ
ing, would make up the seven years proposed by the
ence of the numbers here and 2 Kings 24. is to be prophet, 2 Kings 24. 13.
accounted for, by supposing the greater number to Ver. 15. Ornan: Otherwise Areuna.
be that which was really found, and the lesser to be Ver. 26. Six hundred sides, &c. This was the
that which Joab gave in. price of the whole place, on which the temple was
Ver. 12. Three years? famine: Which joined with afterwards built but the price of the oxen was fifty

the three foregoing years of famine mentioned, sides of silver, 2 Kings 24. 24.
2 Kings 21. and the seventh year of the land s rest-

The plague is stayed 1 PARALIPOMENON David s charge to Solomon
place, six hundred sides of gold of just 8 But the word of the Lord came to
weight. me, saying: Thou hast shed much blood,
26 h And he built there an altar to the and fought many battles, so thou canst
Lord: and he offered holocausts, and not build a house to my name, after
peace offerings, and he called upon the shedding so much blood before me:
Lord, and he heard him by sending fire 9 The son, that shall be born to thee,
from heaven upon the altar of the holo shall be a most quiet man: for I will
make him rest from all his enemies
27 And the Lord commanded the an round about: and therefore he shall be
gel: and he put up his sword again into called Peaceable: and I will give peace
the sheath. and quietness to Israel all his days.
28 And David seeing that the Lord had 10 m Heshall build a house to
heard him in the thrashingfloor of Or- my
name, and he shall be a son to me, and I
nan the Jebusite, forthwith offered vic will be a father to him: and I will estab
tims there. lish the throne of his kingdom over Is
29 But the tabernacle of the Lord, rael for ever.
* which
Moses made in the desert, and 11 Now then, my son, the Lord be with
the altar of holocausts, was at that time
thee, and do thou prosper, and build the
In the high place of Gabaon.
house to the Lord thy God, as he hath
30 And David could not go to the altar
spoken of thee.
there to pray to God: for he was seized 12 The Lord also give thee wisdom and
with an exceeding great fear, seeing
understanding, that thou mayest be able
the sword of the angel of the Lord. to rule Israel, and to keep the law of
the Lord thy God.
David having prepared all necessaries, chargeth
13 For then thou shalt be able to pros
Solomon to build the temple and the princes to per, if thou keep the commandments,
assist him. and judgments, which the Lord com
David said: i This is the house manded Moses to teach Israel: take cour
of God, and this is the altar for the age and act manfully, fear not, nor be
holocaust of Israel. dismayed.
2 And he commanded to gather to 14 Behold I in my poverty have pre
gether all the proselytes of the land of pared the charges of the house of the
Israel, and out of them he appointed Lord, of gold a hundred thousand tal
stonecutters to hew stones and polish ents, and of silver a million of talents:
them, to build the house of God. but of brass, and of iron there is no
3 And David prepared in abundance weight, for the abundance surpasseth all
iron for the nails of the gates, and for account: timber also and stones I have
the closures and joinings: and of brass prepared for all the charges.
an immense weight. 15 Thou hast also workmen in abun
4 And the cedar trees were without dance, hewers of stones, and masons, and
number, which the Sidonians, and Tyri- carpenters, and of all trades the most
ans brought to David. skilful in their work,
5 And David said: Solomon my son is 16 In gold, and in silver, and in brass,
very young and tender, and the house and in iron, whereof there is no number.
which I would have to be built to the Arise then, and be doing, and the Lord
Lord, must be such as to be renowned in will be with thee.
all countries: therefore I will prepare 17 David also charged all the princes of
him necessaries. And therefore before Israel, to help Solomon his son,
his death he prepared all the charges. 18 Saying: You see, that the Lord your
6 And he called for Solomon his son: God is with you, and hath given you
and commanded him to build a house to rest round about, and hath delivered all
the Lord the God of Israel. your enemies into your hands, and the
7 And David said to Solomon: My son, land is subdued before the Lord, and be
it was my desire to have built a house fore his people.
to the name of the Lord my God.* 19 Give therefore your hearts and your

h 2 Par. 3. 1. i Ex. 36. 2. I 2 Kings 7. 1. m 2 Kings 7. 13 ; 3 Kings 5. 6 ;

j 2 Par. 3. 1. 2 Kings 7. 14 ; Heb. 1. 5.

David makes Solomon king 1 PARALIPOMENON Levites and their officers

souls, to seek the Lord your God: and God, were numbered in the tribe of
arise, and build a sanctuary to the Lord Levi.
15 The sons r of
God, that the ark of the covenant of the Moses were Gersom
Lord, and the vessels consecrated to the and Eliezer:
Lord, may be brought into the house, 16 The sons of Gersom Subuel the first. :

which is built to the name of the Lord. 17 And the sons of Eliezer were: Roho-
bia the first: and Eliezer had no more
CHAPTER 23 sons. But the sons of Rohobia were mul
David appointeth Solomon king. The distribution tiplied exceedingly.
of the Levites and their offices. 18 The sons of Isaar: Salomith the first.
A ND n David being old and full of days, 19 The sons of Hebron: Jeriau the first,
J\. made Solomon his son king over Amarias the second, Jahaziel the third,
Israel. Jecmaam the fourth.
2 And he gathered together all the 20 The sons of Oziel: Micha the first,
princes of Israel, and the priests and Jesia the second.
Levites. 21 The sons of Merari: Moholi, and
3 And the Levites were numbered from Musi. The sons of Moholi: Eleazar and
the age of thirty years, and upwards: Cis.
and there were found of them thirty- 22 And Eleazar died, and had no sons
eight thousand men. but daughters: and the sons of Cis their
4 Of these twenty-four thousand were brethren took them.
chosen, and distributed unto the minis 23 The sons of Musi: Moholi, and Eder,
try of the house of the Lord: and six and Jerimoth, three.
thousand were the overseers and judges. 24 These are the sons of Levi in their
5 Moreover four thousand were porters: kindreds and families, princes by their
and as many singers singing to the Lord courses, and the number of every head
with the instruments, which he had made that did the works of the ministry of
to sing with. the house of the Lord from twenty years
6 And David distributed them into old and upward.
courses by the families of the sons of 25 For David said: The Lord the God
Levi, to wit, of Gerson, and of Caath, of Israel hath given rest to his people,
and of Merari. and a habitation in Jerusalem for ever.
7 The sons of Gerson were Leedan and 26 And it shall not fee the office of the Le
Semei. vites to carry any more the tabernacle,
8 The sons of Leedan: the chief Jahiel, and all the vessels for the service thereof.
and Zethan, and Joel, three. 27 So according to the last precepts of
9 The sons of Semei Salomith, and Ho-
: David, the sons of Levi are to be num
siel, and Aran, three: these were the bered from twenty years old and upward.
heads of the families of Leedan. 28 And they are to be under the hand
10 And the sons of Semei were Leheth, of the sons of Aaron for the service of
and Ziza, and Jaus, and Baria: these the house of the Lord, in the porches,
were the sons of Semei, four. and in the chambers, and in the place
11 And Leheth was the first, Ziza the of purification, and in the sanctuary, and
second: but Jaus and Baria had not in all the works of the ministry of the
many children, and therefore they were temple of the Lord.
counted in one family, and in one house. 29 And the priests have the charge of
12 The sons of Caath were Amram, and the loaves of proposition, and of the sac
Isaar, Hebron, and Oziel, four. rifice of fine flour, and of the unleavened
13 PThe sons of Amram, cakes, and of the fryingpan, and of the
Aaron, and
Moses, i And Aaron was
separated to roasting, and of every weight and mea
minister in the holy of holies, he and sure.
his sons for ever, and to burn incense 30 Andthe Levites are to stand in the
before the Lord, according to his cere morning to give thanks, and to sing
monies, and to jbless his name for ever. praises to the Lord: and in like manner
14 The sons also of Moses, the man of in the evening,
n B. C. 972. o Supra 6. 1. q Heb. 6. 4.
p Supra 6. 3. r Ex. 2. 22. and 18. 3 and 4.

The twenty-four courses 1 PARALIPOMENON The chiefs of the Levites
31 As well in the oblation of the holo 10 The seventh to Accos, the eighth to
causts of the Lord, as in the sabbaths Abia,
and in the new moons, and the rest of 11 The ninth to Jesua, the tenth to
the solemnities, according to the number
and ceremonies prescribed for every
12 The eleventh to Eliasib, the twelfth
thing, continually before the Lord.
to Jacim,
32 And let them keep the observances
of the tabernacle of the covenant, and 13 The thirteenth to Hoppha, the four
the ceremonies of the sanctuary, and teenth to Isbaab,
the charge of the sons of Aaron their 14 The fifteenth to Belga, the sixteenth
brethren, that they may minister in the to Emmer,
house of the Lord. 15 The seventeenth to Hezir, the eight-
eenth to Aphses,
CHAPTER 24 16 The nineteenth to Pheteia, the twen
The divisions of the priests into four and twenty tieth to Hezechiel,
courses, to serve in the temple: the chiefs of the 17 The one and twentieth to Jachin, the
two and twentieth to Gamul,
these were the divisions of the 18 The three and twentieth to Dalaiau,
sons of Aaron: The sons of Aaron: the four and twentieth to Maaziau.
Nadab, Abiu, and Eleazar, and Itha- 19 These are their courses according to
mar. their ministries, to come into the house
2 * But Nadab and Abiu died before of the Lord, and according to their man
their father, and had no children: so ner under the hand of Aaron their fa
Eleazar, and Ithamar did the office of the ther: as the Lord the God of Israel had
priesthood. commanded.
3 And David distributed them, that is, 20 Now of the rest of the sons of Levi,
Sadoc of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahime- there was of the sons^of Amram, Subael:
lech of the sons of Ithamar, according to and of the sons of Subael, Jehedeia.
their courses and ministry. 21 Also of the sons of Eohobia the chief
4 And there were found many more of Jesias.
the sons of Eleazar among the principal 22 And the son of Isaar Salemoth, and
men, than of the sons of Ithamar. And the son of Salemoth Jahath:
he divided them so, that there were of 23 And his son Jeriau the first, Amariaa
the sons of Eleazar, sixteen chief men by the second, Jahaziel the third, Jecmaan
their families: and of the sons of Itha the fourth.
mar eight by their families and houses. 24 The son of Oziel, Micha: the son of
5 And he divided both the families one Micha, Samir.
with the other by lot: for there were 25 The brother of Micha, Jesia: and the
princes of the sanctuary, and princes of son of Jesia, Zacharias.
God, both of the sons of Eleazar, and of 26 The sons of Merari: Moholi and
the sons of Ithamar. Musi: the son of Oziau: Benno.
6 And Semeias the son of Nathanael the 27 The son also of Merari: Oziau, and
scribe a Levite, wrote them down before Soam, and Zacchur, and Hebri.
the king and the princes, and Sadoc the 28 And the son of Moholi: Eleazar, who
priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abia- had no sons.
thar, and the princes also of the priestly 29 And the son of Cis, Jeramael.
and Levitical families: one house, which 30 The sons of Musi: Moholi, Eder, and
was over the rest, of Eleazar: and an Jerimoth. These are the sons of Levi
other house, which had the rest under it, according to the houses of their fami
of Ithamar. lies.
7 Now the first lot came forth to Joia- 31 And they also cast lots over against
rib, the second to Jedei, their brethren the sons of Aaron before
8 The third to Harim, the fourth to David the king, and Sadoc, and Ahime
Seorim, lech, and the princes of the priestly and
9 The fifth to Melchia, the sixth to Levitical families, both the elder and the
Maiman, younger. The lot divided all equally.
s Lev. 10. 2 ; Num. 3. 4.

The musicians The musicians
CHAPTEE 25 16 The ninth to Mathanaias, to his sons
The number and divisions of the musicians and his brethren twelve.
David and the chief 17 The tenth to Semeias, to his sons
.officers of the for
army separated and his brethren twelve.
the ministry the sons of Asaph, and of 18 The eleventh to Azareel, to his sons
Heman, and of Idithun: to prophesy with and his brethren twelve.
harps, and with psalteries, and with cym 19 The twelfth to Hasabia, to his sons
bals according to their number serving in and his brethren twelve.
their appointed office. 20 The thirteenth to Subael, to his sons
2 Of the sons of Asaph: Zacchur, and and his brethren twelve.
Joseph, and Nathania, and Asarela, sons 21 The fourteenth to Mathathias, to his
of Asaph: under the hand of Asaph pro sons and his brethren twelve.
phesying near the king. 22 The fifteenth to Jerimoth, to his sons
3 And of Idithun: the sons of Idithun, and his brethren twelve.
Godolias, Sori, Jeseias, and Hasabias, and 23 The sixteenth to Hananias, to his
Mathathias, six, under the hand of their sons and his brethren twelve.
father Idithun, who prophesied with a 24 The seventeenth to Jesbacassa, to his
harp to give thanks and to praise the sons and his brethren twelve.
Lord. 25 The eighteenth to Hanani, to his
4 Of Heman also: the sons of Heman, sons and his brethren twelve.
Bocciau, Mathaniau, Oziel, Subuel, and 26 The nineteenth to Mellothi, to his
Jerimoth, Hananias, Hanani, Eliatha, sons and his brethren twelve.
Geddelthi, and Romemthiezer, and Jes- 27 The twentieth to Eliatha, to his sons
bacassa, Mellothi, Othir, Mahazioth: and his brethren twelve.
5 All these were the sons of Heman the 28 The one and twentieth to Othir, to
seer of the king in the words of God, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
lift up the horn and God gave to Heman
: 29 The two and twentieth to Geddelthi,
fourteen sons and three daughters. to his sons and his brethren twelve.
6 All these under their father s hand 30 The three and twentieth to Maha
were distributed to sing in the temple of zioth, to his sons and his brethren twelve.
the Lord, with cymbals, and psalteries 31 The four and twentieth to Romem
and harps, for the service of the house thiezer, to his sons and his brethren
of the Lord near the king: to wit, Asaph, twelve.
and Idithun, and Heman. CHAPTER 26
7 And the number of them with their The divisions of the porters. Offices of other Levites.
brethren, that taught the song of the the divisions of the porters: of
Lord, all the teachers, were two hundred AtfD
the Corites Meselemia, the son of
and eighty-eight. Core, of the sons of Asaph.
8 And they cast lots by their courses, 2 The sons of Meselemia: Zacharias the
the elder equally with the younger, the firstborn, Jadihel the second, Zabadias
learned and the unlearned together. the third, Jathanael the fourth,
9 And the first lot came forth to Joseph, 3 Elam the fifth, Johanan the sixth,
who was of Asaph. The second to God Elioenai the seventh.
olias, to him and his sons, and his breth 4 And the sons of Obededom, Semeias
ren twelve. the firstborn, Jozabad the second, Joaha
10 The third to Zachur, to his sons and the third, Sachar the fourth, Nathanael
his brethren twelve. the fifth,
11 The fourth to Isari, to his sons and 5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the sev
his brethren twelve.
enth, Phollathi the eighth: for the Lord
12 The fifth to Nathania, to his sons had blessed him.
and his brethren twelve. 6 And to Semei his son were born sons,
13 The sixth to Bocciau, to his sons and heads of their families: for they were
his brethren twelve.
men of great valour.
14 The seventh to Isreela, to his song 7 The sons then of Semeias Othni,wer*>

and his brethren twelve. and Raphael, and Obed, Elizabad, and his
15 The eighth to Jesaia, to his sons and brethren most valiant men: and Eliu.
his brethren twelve. and Samachias.
The porters 1
PARAL1POMENON Duties of the other Levite*
8 All these of the sons of Obededom: 25 His brethren also, Eliezer, whose son
they, and their sons, and their brethren Rohobia, and his son Isaias, and his son
most able men for service, sixty-two of Joram, and his son Zechri, and his son
Obededom. Selemith.
9 And the sons of Meselemia, and their 26 Which Selemith and his brethren
brethren strong men, were eighteen.
were over the treasures of the holy
10 And of Hosa, that is, of the sons of things, which king David, and the heads
Merari: Semri the chief, (for he had not of families, and the captains over thou
a firstborn, and therefore his father made sands and over hundreds, and the cap
him chief.) tains of the host had dedicated,
11 Helcias the second, Tabelias the 27 Out of the wars, and the spoils won
third,Zacharias the fourth: all these the in battles, which they had consecrated to
sons, and the brethren of Hosa, were the building and furniture of the temple
thirteen. of the Lord.
12 Among these were the divisions of 28 And all these things that Samuel the
the porters, so that the chiefs of the seer and Saul the son of Cis, and Abner
wards, as well as their brethren, always the son of Ner, and Joab the son of
ministered in the house of the Lord. Sarvia had sanctified: and whosoever had
13 And they cast lots equally, both lit sanctified those things, they were under
tle and great, by their families for every the hand of Selemith and his brethren.
one of the gates. 29 But Chonenias and his sons were
14 And the lot of the east fell to Sele- over the Isaarites, for the business
mias. But to his son Zacharias, a very abroad over Israel to teach them and
wise and learned man, the north gate fell judge them.
by lot. 30 And of the Hebronites Hasabias, and
15 And to Obededom and his sons that his brethren most able men, a thousand
towards the south: in which part of the seven hundred had the charge over Is
house was the council of the ancients. rael beyond the Jordan westward, in all
16 To Sephim, and Hosa towards the the works of the Lord, and for the serv
west, by the gate which leadeth to the ice of the king.
way of the ascent: ward against ward. 31 And the chief of the Hebronites was
17 Now towards the east were six Le- Jeria according to their families and kin
vites: and towards the north four a day: dreds. In the fortieth year of the reign
and towards the south likewise four a of David they were numbered, and there
day: and where the council was, two and were found most valiant men in Jazer
two. Galaad,
18 In the cells also of the porters to 32 And his brethren of stronger age,
ward the west four in the way: and two two thousand seven hundred chiefs of
at every cell. families. And king David made them
19 These are the divisions of the por rulers over the Rubenites and the Gad-
ters of the sons of Core, and of Merari. ites, and the half tribe of Manasses, for
20 Now Achias was over the treasures all the service of God, and the king.
of the house of God, and the holy vessels.
21 The sons of Ledan, the sons of Ger- CHAPTER 27
sonni: of Ledan were heads of the fami The twelve captains for every month: the twalve
princes of the tribes. David s several officers.
lies, of Ledan, and Gersonni, Jehieli.
22 The sons of Jehieli: Zathan and Joel, the children of Israel according
his brethren over the treasures of the NOW to their number, the heads of fam
house of the Lord, ilies, captains of thousands and of hun
23 With the Amramites, and Isaarites, dreds, and officers, that served the king
and Hebronites, and Ozielites. according to their companies, who came
24 And Subael the son of Gersom, the in and went out every month in the year,
son of Moses, was chief over the treas under every chief were four and twenty
ures. thousand.
CHAP. 26. Ver. 10. He had not a firstborn. That Ver. 20. Holy vessels. Or vessels of the holy
is, his firstborn was either dead or not fit to be places, or of things holy. Vasa sanctorum.
chief and therefore he made Semri the chief.

Captains for each month 1 PARALIPOMENON The chiefs of the tribes

2 Over the first company the first 16 Nowthe chiefs over the tribes of
month Jesboam, the son of Zabdiel was Israel were these: over the Ruoenites,
and under him were four and Eliezer the son of Zechri was ruler: over
twenty thousand. the Simeonites, Saphatias the son of
3 Of the sons of Phares, the chief of all
the captains in the host in the first 17 Over the Levites, Hasabias the son
month. of Camuel: over the Aaronites, iSadoc:
4 The company of the second month 18 Over Juda, Eliu the brother of David:
was under Dudia, an Ahohite, and after over Issachar, Amri the son of Michael :

him was another named Macelloth, who 19 Over the Zabulonites, Jesmaias the
commanded a part of the army of four son of Adias: over the Nephtalites, Jeri-
and twenty thousand. moth the son of Ozriel:
5 And the captain of the third company 20 Over the sons of Ephraim, Osee the
for the third month, was Banaias the son son of Ozaziu: over the half tribe of
of Joiada the priest: and in his division Manasses, Joel the son of Phadaia:
were four and twenty thousand. 21 And over the half tribe of Manasses
6 This is that Banaias the most valiant in Galaad, Jaddo the son of Zacharias:
among the thirty, and above the thirty. and over Benjamin, Jasiel the son of
And Amizabad his son commanded his Abner.
company. 22 And over Dan, Ezrihel the son of Jc
7 The fourth, for the fourth month, was roham: these were the princes of the
Asahel the brother of Joab, and Zaba- children of Israel.
dias his son after him: and in his com 23 But David would not number them
pany were four and twenty thousand. from twenty years old and under: be
8 The fifth captain for the fifth month, cause the Lord had said that he would
was Samaoth a Jezerite: and his com multiply Israel like the stars of heaven.
pany were four and twenty thousand. 24 *Joab the son of Sarvia began to
9 The sixth, for the sixth month, was number, but he finished not: because
Hira the son of Acces a Thecuite: and in upon this there fell wrath upon Israel:
his company were four and twenty thou and therefore the number of them that
sand. were numbered, was not registered in the
10 The seventh, for the seventh month, chronicles of king David.
was Helles a Phallonite of the sons of 25 And over the king s treasures was
Ephraim: and in his company were four Azmoth the son of Adiel: and over those
and twenty thousand. stores which were in the cities, and in the
11 The eighth, for the eighth month, villages, and in the castles, was Jonathan
was Sobochai a Husathite of the race of the son of Ozias.
Zarahi: and in his company were four 26 And over the tillage, and the hus
and twenty thousand. bandmen, who tilled the ground, was Ei,ri
12 The ninth, for the ninth month, was the son of Chelub:
Abiezer an Anathothite of the sons of 27 And over the dressers of the vine
Jemini, and in his company were four yards, was Semeias a Romathite: and
and twenty thousand. over the wine cellars, Zabdias an Aphon-
13 The tenth, for the tenth month, was ite.
Marai, who was a Netophathite of the 28 And over the oliveyards and the fig
race of Zarai: and in his company were groves, which were in the piains, was
four and twenty thousand. Balanam a Gederite: and over the oil
14 The eleventh, for the eleventh month, cellars, Joas.
was Banaias, a Pharathonite of the sons 28 And over the herds that fed in Saron,
of Ephraim: and in his company were was Setrai a Saronite: and over the oxen
four and twenty thousand. in the valleys, Saphat the son of Adli:
15 The twelfth, for the twelfth month, 30 And over the camels, Ubil an Ishma-
was Holdai a Netophathite, of the race helite: and over the asses, Jadias a Mer-
of Gothoniel: and in his company were onathite :

four and twenty thousand. 31 And over the sheep Jaziz an Agarene.
t Supra 21. 2.

David s speech to the people 1 PARAL1 POMENON Gold <xnd silver for temple

All these were the rulers of the sub Israel, in the hearing of our God, keep
stance of king David. ye, and seek all the commandments of
32 And Jonathan David s uncle, a coun the Lord our God: that you may possess
sellor, a wise and learned man: he and the good land, and may leave it to your
Jahiel the son of Hachamoni were with children after you for ever.
the king s sons. And thou my
9 son Solomon, know the
33 And Achitophel was the king s coun God of thy father, and serve him with a
sellor, and Chusai the Arachite, the perfect heart, and a willing mind: x for
king s friend. the Lord searcheth all hearts, and under-
34 And after Achitophel was Joiada the standeth all the thoughts of minds. If
son of Banaias, and Abiathar. And the thou seek him, thou shalt find him: but
general of the king s army was Joab. if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off
for ever.
10 Now therefore seeing the Lord hath
David s speech, in a solemn assembly: his exhortib-
tion to Solomon. He giveth him a pattern of the chosen thee to build the house of the
temple. sanctuary, take courage, and do it.
David assembled all the chief men 11 And David gave to Solomon his son
ANDof Israel, the princes of the tribes,
a description of the porch, and of the
temple, and of the treasures, and of the
and the captains of the companies, who
waited on the king: and the captains upper floor, and of the inner chambers,
over thousands, and over hundreds, and and of the house for the mercy seat,
them who had the charge over the sub 12 As also of all the courts, which he
stance and possessions of the king, and had in his thought, and of the chambers
his sons with the officers of the court, round about, for the treasures of the
and the men of power, and all the brav house of the Lord, and for the treasures
est of the army at Jerusalem. of the consecrated things,
2 And
the king rising up, and standing 13 And of the divisions of the priests
said: Hear me, my brethren and my peo and of the Levites, for all the works of
ple: I had a thought to have built a the house of the Lord, and for all the
house, in which the ark of the Lord, and vessels of the service of the temple of
the footstool of our God might rest: and the Lord.
I prepared all things for the building. 14 Gold by weight for every vessel for
3 And God said to me: v Thou shalt not the ministry. And silver by weight ac
build a house to my name: because thou cording to the diversity of the vessels
art a man of war, and hast shed blood. and uses.
4 But the Lord God of Israel chose me 15 He gave also gold for the golden
of all the house of my father, to be king candlesticks, and their lamps, according
over Israel for ever: for of Juda he chose to the dimensions of every candlestick,
the princes: and of the house of Juda, and the lamps thereof. In like manner
my father s house: and among the sons also he gave silver by weight for the sil
of my father, it pleased him to choose ver candlesticks, and for their lamps
me king over all Israel. according to the diversity of the dimen
5 w And among my sons (for the Lord sions of them.
hath given me many
sons) he hath chosen 16 He gave also gold for the tables of
Solomon my son, to sit upon the throne proposition, according to the diversity
of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel. of the tables: in like manner also silver
6 And he said to me: Solomon thy son for other tables of silver.
shall build my house, and my courts: for 17 For fleshhooks also, and bowls, and
I have chosen him to be my son, and I censers of fine gold, and for little lions
will be a father to him. of gold, according to the measure he
7 And I will establish his kingdom for gave by weight, for every lion. In like
ever, if he continue to keep my com manner also for lions of silver he set
mandments, and my judgments, as at aside a different weight of silver.
this day. 18 And for the altar of incense, he gave
8 Now
then before all the assembly of the purest gold: and to make the like-

V 2 Kings 7. 13. iv Supra 9. 7. x Ps. 7, 10.

David encourages Solomon 1 PARALIPOMENON David s thanksgiving

ness of the chariot of the cherubims let him fill his hand to day, and offer
spreading their wings, arid covering
the what he pleaseth to the Lord.
ark of the covenant of the Lord. 6 Then the heads of the families, and
19 All these things, said he, came to me the princes of the tribes of Israel, and
written by the hand of the Lord that I the captains of thousands, and of hun
might understand all the works of the dreds, and the overseers of the king s
pattern. possessions promised,
20 And David Solomon his son:
said to 7 And they gave for the works of the
Act like a man, and take courage, and house of the Lord, of gold, five thousand
do: fear not, and be not dismayed: for
talents, and ten thousand solids: of sil
the Lord my God will be with thee, and ver ten thousand talents: and of brass
will not leave thee, nor forsake thee, till
eighteen thousand talents: and of iron a
thou hast finished all the work for the hundred thousand talents.
service of the house of the Lord.
8 And all they that had stones, gave
21 Behold the courses of the priests and
them to the treasures of the house of the
the Levites, for every ministry of the
house of the Lord, stand by thee, and Lord, by the hand of Jahiel the Ger-
are ready, and both the princes, and the
9 And the people rejoiced, when they
people know how to execute all thy
commandments. promised their offerings willingly: be
cause they offered them to the Lord with
all their heart: and David the king re
joiced also with a great joy.
David by word and example encourageth the princes
to contribute liberally to the building of the tem
10 And he blessed the Lord before all
ple. His thanksgiving, prayer, and sacrifices: his the multitude, and he said: Blessed art
death. Lord the God of Israel, our
AND "king David said to all the assem- father from eternity to eternity.
XA. bly: Solomon my son, whom alone 11 Thine, Lord, is magnificence, and
God hath chosen, as yet young and
is power, and glory, and victory: and to
tender: and the work is great, for a thee is praise: for all that is in heaven,
house is prepared not for man, but for and in earth, is thine: thine is the king
God. dom, Lord, and thou art above all
2 And I with all my ability have pre princes.
pared the expenses for the house of my 12 Thine are riches, and thine is glory,
God. Gold for vessels of gold, and sil thou hast dominion over all, in thy hand
ver for vessels of silver, brass for things is power and might: in thy hand great
of brass, iron for things of iron, wood for ness, and the empire of all things.
things of wood: and onyx stones, and 13 Now therefore our God we give
stones like alabaster, and of divers col thanks to thee, and we praise thy glo
ours, and all manner of precious stones, rious name.
and marble of Paros in great abundance. 14 Who am I, and what is my people,
3 Now over and above the things which that we should be able to promise thee
I have offered into the house of my God all these things? all things are thine:
I give of my own proper goods, gold and and we have given thee what we re
silver for the temple of my God, beside ceived of thy hand.
what things I have prepared for the holy 15 For we are sojourners before thee,
house. and strangers, as were all our fathers.
4 Three thousand talents of gold of the s Our days upon earth are as a shadow,
gold of Ophir: and seven thousand tal and there is no stay.
ents of refined silver, to overlay the 16 O Lord our God, all this store that
walls of the temple. we have prepared to build thee a house
5 And gold for wheresoever there is for thy holy name, is from thy hand, and
need of gold: and silver for wheresoever all things are thine.
there is need of silver, for the works 17 I know my God that thou provest
to be made by the hands of the artifi hearts, and lovest simplicity, wherefore
cers: now if any man is willing to offer, I also in the simplicity of my heart, have

y B. C. 972. S Wiad. 2. 5.

Many sacrifices off ered 2 PARALIPUMENON Death of David
joyfully offered all these things: and I him to the Lord to be prince, and Sadoc
have seen with great joy thy people, to be high priest.
which are here present, offer thee their 23 And Solomon sat on the throne of
offerings. the Lord as king instead of David his
18 Lord God of Abraham, and of father, and he pleased all: and all Israel
Isaac, and of Israel our fathers, keep for obeyed him.
ever this will of their heart, and let this 24 And all the princes, and men of
mind remain always for the worship of power, and all the sons of king David
thee. gave their hand, and were subject to
19 And give to Solomon my
son a per Solomon the king.
fect heart, that he may keep thy com 25 And the Lord magnified Solomon
mandments, thy testimonies, and thy over all Israel: and gave him the glory
ceremonies, and do all things: and build of a reign, such as no king of Israel had
the house, for which I have provided the before him.
charges. 26 So David the son of Isai reigned
20 And David commanded all the as over all Israel.
sembly: Bless ye the Lord our God. And 27 b And the days that he reigned over
all the assembly blessed the Lord the Israel, were forty years: in Hebron he
God of their fathers: and they bowed reigned seven years, and in Jerusalem
themselves and worshipped God, and three and thirty years.
then the king. 28 c And he died in a good age, full of
21 And they sacrificed victims to the days, and riches, and glory. And Solo
Lord: and they offered holocausts the mon his son reigned in his stead.
next day, a thousand bullocks, a thou 29 Now the acts of king David first and
sand rams, a thousand lambs, with their last are written in the book of Samuel
libations, and with every thing pre the seer, and in the book of Nathan the
scribed most abundantly for all Israel. prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer:
22 And they ate, and drank before the 30 And of all his reign, and his valour,
Lord that day with great joy. And and of the times that passed under him,
they anointed the second time Solomon either in Israel, or in all the kingdoms
the son of David. And they anointed of the countries.

CHAPTER I the tabernacle of the covenant of the
Lord, which Moses the servant of God
offercth sacrifices at Gaboon. His choice
of wisdom which God giveth him. made, in the wilderness.
4 e For David had brought the ark of
Solomon the son of David was

ANDstrengthened in his kingdom, and God from Cariathiarim to the place,

which he had prepared for it, and where
the Lord his God was with him, and
he had pitched a tabernacle for it, that
magnified him to a high degree.
2 And Solomon gave orders to all Israel, is, in Jerusalem.

to the captains of thousands, and of hun 5 And the altar of brass, / which Beseleel
dreds, and to the rulers, and to the judges the son of Uri the son of Hur had made,
of all Israel, and the heads of the fami was there before the tabernacle of the
lies: Lord: and Solomon and all the assembly
3 And he went with all the multitude sought it:
to the high place of Gabaon, where was 6 And Solomon went up thither to the

a 3 Kings 1. 34. b 3 Kings 2. 11. d B. C. 972. 3 Kinsrs 3. 1.

c B. C. 972. c 2 Kings 6. 17 1 Par. 16. I./ Ex.
8. 8.

Solomon prays for wisdom 2 PARALIPOMENON Solomon asks aid of Hiram
brazen altar, before the tabernacle of CHAPTER 2
the covenant of the Lord, and offered Solomon s embassage Hiram, who sends him a
skilful workman and timber.
up on it a thousand victims.
7 And behold that night God appeared Solomon determined to build a
to him, saying: Ask what thou wilt that ANDhouse to the name of the Lord, and
I should give thee. a palace for himself.
2 And he numbered out seventy thou
8 And Solomon said to God: Thou hast
sand men to bear burdens, and eighty
shewn great kindness to my father David:
thousand to hew stones in the mountains,
and hast made me king in his stead.
and three thousand six hundred to over
9 Now therefore, Lord God, let thy
see them.
word be fulfilled, which thou hast pro
3 i He sent also to Hiram king of Tyre,
mised to David my father: for thou hast
made me king over thy great people, saying: As thou didst with David my fa
which is as innumerable as the dust of ther, and didst send him cedars, to build
him a house, in which he dwelt:
the earth.
4 So do with me that I may build a house
10 g Give me wisdom and knowledge
to the name of the Lord my God, to dedi
that I may come in and go out before
cate it to burn incense before him, and to
thy people: for who can worthily judge
this thy people, which is so great? perfume with aromatical spices, and for
the continual setting forth of bread, and
11 And God said to Solomon: Because
for the holocausts, morning and evening,
this choice hath pleased thy heart, and
thou hast not asked riches, and wealth, and on the sabbaths, and on the new
and glory, nor the lives of them that moons, and the solemnities of the Lord
hate thee, nor many days of life: but
our God for ever, which are commanded
for Israel.
hast asked wisdom and knowledge, to
be able to judge my people, over which For the house which I desire to build,
I have made thee king,
is great: for our God is great above all
12 Wisdom and knowledge are granted gods.
to thee: and I will give thee riches, and 6 Who then can be able to build him a
wealth, and glory, so that none of the worthy house ? if heaven, and the hea
vens of heavens cannot contain him: who
kings before thee, nor after thee, shall be
like thee. am I that I should be able to build him a
13 Then Solomon came from the high house ? but to this end only, that incense
place of Gabaon to Jerusalem before the may be burnt before him.
tabernacle of the covenant, and reigned Send me therefore a skilful man, that
over Israel. knoweth how to work in gold, and in sil
14 And he gathered to himself chari
ft ver, in brass, and in iron, in purple, in
ots and horsemen, and he had a thousand scarlet and in blue, and that hath skill in
four hundred chariots, and twelve thou engraving, with the artificers, which I
sand horsemen: and he placed them in have with me in Judea and Jerusalem,
the cities of the chariots, and with the whom David my father provided.
king in Jerusalem. 8 Send me also cedars, and fir trees, and
15 And the. king made silver and gold to pine trees from Libanus for I know that:

be in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar trees thy servants are skilful in cutting timber
as sycamores, which grow in the plains in Libanus, and my servants shall be
in great multitude. with thy servants,
16 And there were horses brought him 9 To provide me timber in abundance.
from Egypt, and from Coa by the king s For the house which I desire to build, is
merchants, who went, and bought at a to be exceeding great, and glorious.
price, 10 And
I will give thy servants the
17 A chariot of four horses for six hun workmen that are to cut down the trees,
dred pieces of silver, and a horse for a for their food twenty thousand cores of
hundred and fifty: in like manner mar wheat, and as many cores of barley, and
ket was made in all the kingdoms of the twenty thousand measures of wine, and
Hethites, and of the kings of Syria. twenty thousand measures of oil.
Wisd. 9. 10. h 3 Kings 10. 26. i 3 Kings 5. 2.

Hiram aids Solomon Interior of the temple

11 And Hiram king of Tyre sent a letter the length by the first measure sixty
to Solomon, saying: Because the Lord cubits, the breadth twenty cubits.
hath loved his people, therefore he hath 4 Apd the porch in the front, which was
made thee king over them. extended in length according to the meas
12 And he added, saying: Blessed be the ure of the breadth of the house, twenty
Lord the God of Israel, who made heaven cubits: and the height was a hundred
and earth, who hath given to king David and twenty cubits: and he overlaid it
a wise and knowing son, endued with within with pure gold.
understanding and prudence, to build a 5 And the greater house he ceiled with
house to the Lord, and a palace for him
deal boards, and overlaid them with
plates of fine gold throughout: and he
13 I therefore have sent thee my father
graved in them palm trees, and like little
Hiram, a wise and most skilful man, chains interlaced with one another.
14 The son of a woman of the daughters
6 He paved also the floor of the temple
of Dan, whose father was a Tyrian, who
with most precious marble, of great
Icnoweth how to work in gold, and in sil
ver, in brass, and in iron, and in marble, 7 And the gold of the plates with whip h
and in timber, in purple also, and violet,
he overlaid the house, and the beams
and silk and scarlet: and who knoweth to
thereof, and the posts, and the walls, and
grave all sort of graving, and to devise the doors was of the finest: and he
ingeniously all that there may be need of
in the work with thy artificers, and with
graved cherubims on the walls.
8 He made also the house of the holy
the artificers of my lord David thy father.
of holies: the length of it according to
15 The wheat therefore, and the barley the breadth of the temple, twenty cubits,
and the oil, and the wine, which thou, my and the breadth of it in like manner
lord, hast promised, send to thy servants.
twenty cubits: and he overlaid it with
16 And we will cut down as many trees
plates of gold, amounting to about six
out of Libanus, as thou shalt want, and hundred talents.
will convey them in floats by sea to
9 He made also nails of gold, and the
Joppe: and it will be thy part to bring
weight of every nail was fifty sides: the
them thence to Jerusalem.
upper chambers also he overlaid with
17 And Solomon numbered all the prose
lytes in the land of Israel, after the num 10 He made also in the house of the
bering which David his father had made, holy of holies two cherubims of image
and they were found a hundred and fifty- work: and he overlaid them with gold.
three thousand and six hundred. 11 The wings of the cherubims were ex
18 And he set seventy thousand of them tended twenty cubits, so that one wing
to carry burdens on their shoulders, and was five cubits long, and reached to the
eighty thousand to hew stones in the wall of the house: and the other was
mountains: and three thousand and six also five cubits long, and reached to the
hundred to be overseers of the work of
wing of the other cherub.
the people. 12 In like manner the wing of the other
CHAPTER 3 cherub, was five cubits long, and reached
The plan and ornaments of the temple: the cheru- to the wall: and his other wing was five
bims, the veil, and the pillars, cubits long, and touched the wing of the
Solomon began to build the house other cherub.
AND/ of the Lord in Jerusalem, in mount 13 So the wings of the two cherubims
Moria, which had been shewn to David were spread forth, and were extended
his father, in the place which David had twenty cubits: and they stood upright
prepared in the k thrashingfloor of Oman on their feet, and their faces were turned
the Jebusite. toward the house without.
2 And he began to build in the second 14 m He made also a veil of violet, pur
month, in the fourth year of his reign. ple, scarlet, and silk: and wrought in it

3 Now these are the foundations, which cherubims.

Solomon laid, to build the house of God, 15 n He made also before the doors of

j 3 Kings 6. 1. fc 2 Kings 24. 21 ; 1 Par. 21. 26. I A. M. 2992. m Matt. 27. 61. n Jer. 52. 20.
Vessels of the temple 2 PARALIPOMENON Vessels of the temple

the temple two pillars, which were five 9 He made also the court of the priests,
and thirty cubits high: and their chapi and a great hall, and doors in the hall,
ters were five cubits. which he covered with brass.
16 He madealso as it were little chains 10 And he set the sea on the right side
in the oracle, and he put them on the over against the east toward the south.
heads of the pillars: and a hundred 11 And Hiram made caldrons, and flesh-
pomegranates, which he put between the hooks, and bowls: and finished all the
little chains. king s work in the house of God:
17 These pillars he put at the entrance 12 That is to say, the two pillars, and
of the temple, one on the right hand, the pommels, and the chapiters, and the
and the other on the left: that which network, to cover the chapiters over the
was on the right hand, he called Jachin: pommels.
and that on the left hand, Booz. 13 And four hundred pomegranates, and
two wreaths of network, so that two
CHAPTER 4 rows of pomegranates were joined to
The brass, the molten sea upon twelve
altar of each wreath, to cover the pommels, and
oxen; the ten loaves, the candlesticks and other
vessels and ornaments of the temple. the chapiters of the pillars.
made also an altar of brass twenty 14 He made also bases, and lavers,
HE and
cubits long, and twenty cubits
ten cubits high.
which he set upon the bases:
15 One sea, and twelve oxen under the
2 Also a molten sea of ten cubits from sea;
brim to brim, round in compass: it was 16 And caldrons, and fleshhooks,
five cubits high, and a line of thirty cu and bowls. All the vessels did Hiram his
bits compassed it round about. father make for Solomon in the house of
3 And under it there was the likeness the Lord of the finest brass.
of oxen, and certain engravings on the 17 In the country near the Jordan did
outside of ten cubits compassed the belly the king cast them, in a clay ground
of the sea, as it were with two rows. between Sochot and Saredatha.
4 And the oxen were cast: and the sea 18 And the multitude of vessels was in
itself was set upon the twelve oxen, numerable, so that the weight of the
three of which looked toward the north, brass was not known.
and other three toward the west: and 19 And Solomon made all the vessels
other three toward the south, and the for the house of God, and the golden
other three that remained toward the altar, and the tables, upon which were
east, and the sea stood upon them: and the loaves of proposition,
the hinder parts of the oxen were in 20 The candlesticks also of most pure
ward under the sea. gold with their lamps to give light be
5 Now the thickness of it was a hand- fore the oracle, according to the manner.
breadth, and the brim of it was like the 21 And certain flowers, and lamps, and
brim of a cup, or of a crisped lily: and it golden tongs: all were made of the finest
held three thousand measures. gold.
6 He made also ten lavers: and he set 22 The vessels also for the perfumes,
five on the right hand, and five on the and the censers, and the bowls, and the
left, to wash in them all such things as mortars, of pure gold. And he graved
they were to offer for holocausts: b,ut the doors of the inner temple, that is,
the sea was for the priests to wash in. for the holy of holies: and the doors of
7 And he made ten golden candlesticks, the temple without were of gold. And
according to the form which they were thus all the work was finished which
commanded to be made by: and he set Solomon made in the house of the Lord.
them in the temple, five on the right
hand, and five on the left. CHAPTER 5
8 Moreover also ten tables: and he set The ark isbrought with great solemnity into the
them in the temple, five on the right temple: the temple is filled with the glory of God.
side, and five on the left. Also a hun P Solomon brought in all the
dred bowls of gold. THEN
things that David his father had
o 3 Kings 7. 23. p 3 Kings 7. 51.

Ark brought into the temple 2 PARALIPOMENON Solomon s prayer

vowed, the silver, and the gold, and all their and their brethren, clothed
the vessels he put among the treasures with fine linen, sounded with cymbals,
of the house of God. and psalteries, and harps, standing on
2 And after this he gathered together the east side of the altar, and with them
the ancients of Israel, and all the princes a hundred and twenty priests, sounding
of the tribes, and the heads of the fami with trumpets.
lies, of the children of Israel to Jerusa 13 So when they all sounded together,
lem, to bring the ark of the covenant of both with trumpets, and voice, and cym
the Lord out of the city of David, which bals, and organs, and with divers kind of
is Sion. musical instruments, and lifted up their
3 And all the men of Israel came to the voice on high: the sound was heard afar
king in the solemn day of the seventh off, so that when they began to .praise
month. the Lord, and to say: Give glory to the
4 And when all the ancients of Israel Lord for he is good, for his mercy endur-
were come, the Levites took up the ark, eth for ever: the house of God was filled
5 And brought it in, together with all with a cloud.
the furniture of the tabernacle. And the 14 Nor could the priests stand and min
priests with the Levites carried the ves ister by reason of the cloud. For the
sels of the sanctuary, which were in the glory of the Lord had filled the house of
tabernacle. God.
6 And king Solomon and all the assem CHAPTER 6
bly of Israel, and all that were gathered Solomon s blessings and prayer
together before the ark, sacrificed rams, Solomon said: The Lord pro-
and oxen without number: so great was npHEN
J. mised that he would dwell in a cloud.
the multitude of the victims. 2 But I have built a house to his name,
7 And the priests brought in the ark of that he might dwell there for ever.
the covenant of the Lord into its place, 3 And the king turned his face, and
that is, to the oracle of the temple, into blessed all the multitude of Israel (for
the holy of holies under the wings of the all the multitude stood attentive) and he
cherubims: said:
8 So that the cherubims spread their 4 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel,
wings over the place, in which the ark who hath accomplished in deed that
was set, and covered the ark itself and which he spoke to David my father, say
its staves. ing:
9 Now the ends of the staves wherewith 5 From the day that I brought my peo
the ark was carried, because they were ple out of the land of Egypt, I chose
some thing longer, were seen before the no city among all the tribes of Israel,
oracle: but if a man were a little out for a house to be built in it to my name:
ward, he could not see them. So the ark neither chose I any other man, to be the
has been there unto this day. ruler of my people Israel.
10 And there was nothing else in the 6 But I chose Jerusalem, that my name
ark but the two tables which Moses put might be there: and I chose David to set
there at Horeb when the Lord gave the him over my people Israel.
law to the children of Israel, at their 7 And whereas David my father had a
coming out of Egypt. mind to build a house to the name of the
11 Now when the priests were come out Lord the God of Israel,
of the sanctuary, (for all the priests that 8 The Lord said to him: Forasmuch as
could be found there, were sanctified: it was thy will to build a house to my
and as yet at that time the courses and name, thou hast done well indeed in hav
orders of the ministries were not divided ing such a will:
among them,) 9 But thou shalt not build the house,
12 Both the Levites and the singing but thy son, who shall come out of thy
men, that is, both they that were under loins, he shall build a house to my name.
Asaph, and they that were under Heman, 10 The Lord therefore hath accom
and they that were under Idithun, with plished his word which he spoke: and I

q 3 Kings 8, 1, r 3 Kings 8. 15.

Solomon s prayer 2 PARALIPOMENON Solomon s prayer
am risen up in the place of David my fa prayer which thy servant prayeth in it:
ther, and sit upon the throne of Israel, as hearken then to the prayers of thy ser
the Lord promised and have built a house
: vant, and of thy people Israel. Whoso
to the name of the Lord God of Israel. ever shall pray in this place, hear thou
11 And I have put in it the ark, wherein
from thy dwelling place, that is, from
is the covenant of the Lord, which he heaven, and shew mercy.
made with the children of Israel. 22 If any man sin against his neighbour,
12 And he stood before the altar of the and come to swear against him, and bind
Lord, in presence of all the multitude of himself with a curse before the altar in
Israel, and stretched forth his hands. this house:
13 For Solomon had made a brazen scaf 23 Then hear thou from heaven, and do
fold, and had set it in the midst of the justice to thy servants, so as to requite
temple, which was five cubits long, and the wicked by making his wickedness fall
five cubits broad, and three cubits high: upon his own head, and to revenge the
and he stood upon it: then kneeling just, rewarding him according to his jus
down in the presence of all the multitude tice.
of Israel, and lifting up his hands towards 24 If thy people Israel be overcome by
heaven, their enemies, (for they will sin against
14 * He said : O Lord God
of Israel, there thee,) and being converted shall do pen
is no God thee in heaven nor in
like ance, and call upon thy name, and pray
earth: who keepest covenant and mercy to thee in this place,
with thy servants, that walk before thee 25 Then hear thou from heaven, and for
with all their hearts: give the sin of thy people Israel, and
15 Who hast performed to thy servant bring them back into the land, which
David my father all that thou hast pro thou gavest to them, and their fathers.
mised him: and hast accomplished in fact, 26 If the heavens be shut up, and there
what thou hast spoken with thy mouth, fall no rain by reason of the sins of the
as also the present time proveth. people, and they shall pray to thee in
16 Now then, Lord God of Israel, ful this place, and confess to thy name, and
fil to thy servant David my
father, what be converted from their sins, when thou
soever thou hast promised him, saying: dost afflict them,
There shall not fail thee a man in my 27 Then hear thou from heaven, Lord,
sight, to sit upon the throne of Israel: and forgive the sins of thy servants and
yet so that thy children take heed to of thy people Israel, and teach them the
their ways, and walk in my law, as thou good way, in which they may walk: and
hast walked before me. give rain to thy land which thou hast
17 And now, Lord God of Israel, let thy given to thy people to possess.
word be established which thou hast 28 * If a famine arise in the land, or a
spoken to thy servant David. pestilence or blasting, or mildew, or lo
18 Is it credible then that God should custs, or caterpillars: or if their enemies
dwell with men on the earth ? If heaven waste the country, and besiege the cities,
and the heavens of heavens do not con whatsoever scourge or infirmity shall be
tain thee, how much less this house, upon them:
which I have built? 29 Then if any of thy people Israel,
19 But to this end only it is made, that
knowing his own scourge and infirmity
thou mayest regard the prayer of shall pray, and shall spread forth his
servant and his supplication, Lord hands in this house,
my God: and mayest hear the prayers 30 Hear thou from heaven, from thy
which thy servant poureth out before
high dwelling place, and forgive, and ren
der to every one according to his ways,
20 That thou mayest open thy which thou knowest him to have in his
upon this house day and night, upon the heart: (for thou only knowest the hearts
place wherein thou hast promised that of the children of men:)
thy name should be called upon, 31 That they may fear thee, and walk in
21 And that thou wouldst hear the thy ways all the days that they live upon
2 Mac. 2. 8. t Infra 20. 9.

Solomon s prayer 2 PARALIPOMENON God s glory fills the temple

the face of the land, which thou hast God, put on salvation, and thy saints re
given to our fathers. joice in good things.
32 If the stranger also, who is not of 42 O Lord God, turn not away the face
thy people Israel, come from a far coun of thy anointed: remember the mercies
try, for the sake of thy great name, and of David thy servant.
thy strong hand, and thy stretched out
arm, and adore in this place:
33 Hear thou from heaven thy firm Fire front heaven consumeth the sacrifices. The
solemnity of the dedication of the temple. God
dwelling place, and do all that which signifieth his having heard Solomon it prayer:
that stranger shall call upon thee for: yet so if he continue to serve him.
that all the people of the earth may when Solomon had made an end
know thy name, and may fear thee, as AND
of his prayer, fire came down from
thy people Israel, and may know, that heaven, and consumed the holocausts and
thy name is invoked upon this house, the victims: and the majesty of the Lord
which I have built. filled the house.
34 If thy people go out to war against 2 Neither could the priests enter into

their enemies, by the way that thou shalt the temple of the Lord, because the ma
send them, and adore thee towards the jesty of the Lord had filled the temple of
way of this city, which thou hast chosen, the Lord.
and the house which I have built to thy 3 Moreover all the children of Israel saw
name: the fire coming down, and the glory of
35 Then hear thou from heaven their the Lord upon the house: and falling
prayers, and their supplications, and re down with their faces to the ground,
venge them. upon the stone pavement, they adored
36 And if they sin against thee ("for and praised the Lord because he is good,

there is no man that sinneth not) and because his mercy endureth for ever.
thou be angry with them, and deliver 4 And the king and all the people sacri
them up to their enemies, and they lead ficed victims before the Lord.
them away captive to a land either afar 5 y And king Solomon offered a sacrifice
off, or near at hand, of twenty-two thousand oxen, and one
37 And if they be converted in their hundred and twenty thousand rams: and
heart in the land to which they were led the king and all the people dedicated the
captive, and do penance, and pray to house of God.
thee in the land of their captivity, say 6 And the priests stood in their offices:
ing: We have sinned, we have done and the Levites with the instruments of
wickedly, we have dealt unjustly: music of the Lord, which king David
38 And return to thee with all their made to praise the Lord: because his
heart, and with all their soul, in the land mercy endureth for ever, singing the
of their captivity, to which they were led hymns of David by their ministry: and
away, and adore thee towards the way of the priests sounded with trumpets before
their own land which thou gavest their them, and all Israel stood.
fathers, and of the city, which thou hast 7 Solomon also sanctified the middle of
chosen, and the house which I have built the court before the temple of the Lord:
to thy name: for he offered there the holocausts, and
39 Then hear thou from heaven, that the fat of the peace offerings: because
is, from thy firm dwelling place, their
the brazen altar, which he had made,
prayers, and do judgment, and forgive could not hold the holocausts and the sac
rifices and the fat:
thy people, although they have sinned:
40 For thou art my God: let thy eyes, I 8 And Solomon kept the solemnity at
beseech thee, be open, and let thy ears that time seven days, and all Israel with
be attentive to the prayer, that is made him, a very great congregation, from the
in this place. entrance of Emath to the torrent of
41 v Now therefore arise, Lord God, Egypt.
into thy resting place, thou and the ark 9 And he made on the eighth day a sol
of thy strength: let thy priests, O Lord emn assembly, because he had kept th
u 3 Kings 8. 46 Eccli. 7. 21
; ; 1 John 1. 8. x 2 Mac. 2.

v Ps. 131. 8. y 3 Kings 8.

God s promise to Solomon 2 PARALIPOMENON Solomon s other buildings

dedication of the altar seven days, and 21 And house shall be for a proverb
had celebrated the solemnity seven dajrs. to all that pass by, and they shall be as
10 So on the three and twentieth day of tonished and say: Why hath the Lord
the seventh month he sent away the peo done thus to this land, and to. this house ?
ple to their dwellings, joyful
and glad for 22 And they shall answer: Because they
the good that the Lord had done to forsook the Lord the God of their fathers,
David, and to Solomon, and to all Israel who brought them out of the land of
his people. Egypt, and laid hold on strange gods,
11 * And Solomon finished the house of and adored them, and worshipped them:
the Lord, and the king s house, and all therefore all these evils are come upon
that he had designed in his heart to do, them.
in the house of the Lord, and in his own CHAPTER 8

house, and he prospered. Solomon s buildings and other acts

12 And the Lord appeared to him by A ND a at the end of twenty years after
night, and said: I have heard thy prayer, jf\. Solomon had built the house of the
and I have chosen this place to myself Lord and his own house:
for a house of sacrifice. 2 He built the cities which Hiram had
13 If I shut up heaven, and there fall no given to Solomon, and caused the chil
rain, or if I give orders, and command dren of Israel to dwell there.
the locust to devour the land, or if I 3 He went also into Emath Suba, and
send pestilence among my people: possessed it.
14 And my people, upon whom my 4 And he built Palmira in the desert,
name is called, being converted, shall and he built other strong cities in Emath.
make supplication to me, and seek out 5 And he built Beth-horon the upper,
my face, and do penance for their most and Beth-horon the nether, walled cities
wicked ways: then will I hear from with gates and bars and locks.
heaven, and will forgive their sins and 6 Balaath also and all the strong cities
will heal their land. that were Solomon s, and all the cities of
15 My eyes also shall be open, and my the chariots, and the cities of the horse
ears attentive to the prayer of him that men. All that Solomon had a mind, and
shall pray in this place. designed, he built in Jerusalem and in
16 For I have chosen, and have sancti.- Libanus, and in all the land of his do
fied this place, that my name may be minion.
there for ever, and my eyes and my 7 All the people that were left of the
heart may remain there perpetually. Hethites, and the Amorrhites, and the
17 And as for thee, if thou walk before Pherezites, and the Hevites, and the Jeb-
me, as David thy father walked, and do usites, that were not of the stock of
according to all that I have commanded Israel :
thee, and keep my justices and my 8 Of their children, and of the posterity,
judgments: whom the children of Israel had not
18 I will up the throne of thy
raise slain, Solomon made to be the tributa
kingdom, as promised to David thy
I ries, unto this day.
father, saying: There shall not fail thee 9 But of the children of Israel he set
a man of thy stock to be ruler in Israel. none to serve in the king s works: for
19 But if you turn away, and forsake they were men of war, and chief cap
my justices, and my commandements tains, and rulers of his chariots and
which I have set before you, and shall horsemen.
go and serve strange gods, and adore 10 And all the chief captains of king
them, Solomon s army were two hundred and
20 I will pluck you up by the root out fifty, who taught the people.
of my land which I have given you: and 11 And he removed the daughter of
this house which I have sanctified to my Pharao from the city of David, to the *>

name, I will cast away from before my house which he had built for her. For
face, and will make it a byword, and an the king said: My wife shall not dwell
example among all nations. in the house of David king of Israel, for

z 3 Kings 9. 1. a 3 Kings 9. 10. 6 3 Kings 3. 1.

The sacrifices 2 PARAL1POMENON The queen of Saba
it is sanctified: because the ark cf thp 3 And when
she had seen these things,
Lord came into it. to wit, thewisdom of Solomon, and the
12 Then Solomon offered holocausts to house which he had built,
the Lord upon the altar of the Lord 4 And the meats of his table, and the
which he had built before the porch,
dwelling places of his servants, and the
13 That every day an offering might be attendance of his officers, and their ap
made on it according to the ordinance parel, his cupbearers also, and their
of Moses, in the sabbaths, and on the
garments, and the victims which he of
new moons, and on the festival days fered in the house of the Lord: there
three times a year, that is to say, in the was no more spirit in her, she was so
feast of unleavened bread, and in the astonished.
feast of weeks, and in the feast of taber
And she said to the king: The word
is true which I heard in my country of
14 And he appointed according to the
order of David his father the offices of thy virtues and wisdom.
the priests in their ministries: and the 6 I did not believe them that told it,
Levites in their order to give praise, until I came, and eyes had seen, and
I had proved that scarce one half of thy
and minister before the priests according
to the duty of every day: and the por
wisdom had been told me: thou hast ex
ters in their divisions by gate and gate:
ceeded the same with thy virtues.
for so David the man of God had com 7 Happy are thy men, and happy are
manded. thy servants, who stand always before
15 And the priests and Levites departed thee, and hear thy wisdom.
8 Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath
not from the king s commandments, as
been pleased to set thee on his throne,
to any thing that he had commanded,
and as to the keeping of the treasures. king of the Lord thy God. Because God
loveth Israel, and will preserve them for
16 Solomon had all charges prepared,
ever: therefore hath he made thee king
from the day that he founded the house
over them, to do judgment and justice.
of the Lord, until the day wherein he
9 And she gave to the king a hundred
finished it.
and twenty talents of gold, and spices
17 Then Solomon went to Asiongaber,
in great abundance, and most precious
and to Ailath, on the coast of the Red
stones: there were no such spices as
Sea, which is in the land of Edom. these which the queen of Saba gave to
18 And Hiram sent him ships by the
hands of his servants, and skilful mari king Solomon.
10 And the servants also of Hiram, with
ners, and they went with Solomon s ser the servants of Solomon, brought gold
vants to Ophir, and they took thence from Ophir, and thyine trees, and most
four hundred and fifty talents of gold,
precious stones r
and brought it to king Solomon. 11 And the king made of the thyine
trees stairs in the house of the Lord, and
in the king s house, and harps and psal
The queen of Saba admireth the wisdom of Solo teries for the singing men: never were
mon. His riches and glory. His death.
there seen such trees in the land of Juda.
c when the queen of Saba heard 12 And king Solomon gave to the queen
ANDof the fame of Solomon, she came of Saba all that she desired, and that she
to try him with hard questions at Jerusa asked, and many more things than she
lem, with great riches, and camels, which brought to him: so she returned, and
carried spices, and abundance of gold, went to her own country with her ser
and precious stones. And when she was vants.
come to Solomon, she proposed to him 13 And the weight of the gold, that was
all that was in her heart. brought to Solomon every year, was six
2 And Solomon explained to her all that hundred and sixty-six talents of gold:
she proposed: and there was not any 14 Beside the sum which the deputies of
thing that he did not make clear unto divers nations, and the merchants were
her. accustomed to bring, and all the kings of
c 3 Kings 10. 1 ; Matt. 12. 42 ; Luke 11. 31.

Solomons riches and glory 2 PARALIPOMENON People petition Roboam
who 28 And horses were brought to him out
Arabia, and the lords of the lands,
of Egypt, and out of all countries.
brought gold and silver to Solomon.
15 And king Solomon made two hun 29 Now
the rest of the acts of Solomon
dred golden spears, of the sum of six first last are written in the words of
hundred pieces of gold, which went to Nathan the prophet, and in the books of
Ahias the Silonite, and in the vision
every spear:
of Addo the seer, against Jeroboam the
16 And three hundred golden shields of
son of Nabat.
three hundred pieces of gold, which went
to the covering of every shield: and the 30 And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem
king put them in the armoury, which over all Israel forty years.
was compassed with a wood. 31 And he slept d with his fathers: and
17 The king also made a great throne they buried him in the city of David:
of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold. and Roboam his son reigned in his stead.
18 And six steps to go up to the throne,
and a footstool of gold, and two arms one CHAPTER 10
on either side, and two lions standing by Roboam answereth the people roughly: upon which
the arms: ten tribes revolt.

19 Moreover twelve other little lions e Roboam went to Sichem: for

standing upon the steps on both sides:
there was not such a throne in any king
ANDthither all Israel were assembled,
to make
him king.
dom. 2 And when Jeroboam
the son of Nabat,
20 And the vessels of the king s table
all who was Egypt, (for he was fled
were of gold, and the vessels of the house thither from Solomon,) heard it, forth
of the forest of Libanus were of the pur with he returned.
est gold. For no account was made of 3 And they sent for him, and he came
silver in those days. with all Israel, and they spoke to Ro
21 For the king s ships went to Tharsis boam, saying:
with the servants of Hiram, once in three 4 Thy father oppressed us with a most
years: and they brought thence gold grievous yoke, do thou govern us with a
and silver, and ivory, and apes, and pea lighter hand than thy father, who laid
cocks. upon us a heavy servitude, and ease
22 And Solomon was magnified above some thing of the burden, that we may
all the kings of the earth for riches and serve thee.
glory. 5 And he said to them: Come to me
23 And the kings of the earth desired
all again after three days. And when the
to see the face of Solomon, that they people were gone,
might hear the wisdom which God had 6 He took counsel with the ancients,
given in his heart. who had stood before his father Solomon,
24 And every year they brought him while he yet lived, saying: What counsel
presents, vessels of silver and of gold, give you to me, that I may answer the
and garments, and armour, and spices, people ?
and horses, and mules. 7 And they said to him: If thou please
25 And Solomon had forty thousand this people, and soothe them with kind
horses in the stables, and twelve thou words, they will be thy servants for ever.
sand chariots, and horsemen, and he 8 But he forsook the counsel of the
placed them in the cities of the chariots, ancients, and began to treat with the
and where the king was in Jerusalem. young men, that had been brought up
26 And he exercised authority over all with him, and were in his train.
the kings from the river
Euphrates to 9 And he said to them: What seemeth
the land of the Philistines, and to the
good to you ? or what shall I answer this
borders of Egypt.
people, who have said to me: Ease the
27 And he made silver as plentiful in
yoke which thy father laid upon us ?
Jerusalem as stones: and cedars as com 10 But they answered as young men, and
mon as the sycamores, which grow in brought up with him in pleasures, and
the plains. said: Thus shalt thou speak to the peo-

d B. C. 932. e 3 Kings 12. 1.

Revolt of the ten tribes 2 PARALIPOMENON Roboam s reign

pie, that said to thee: Thy father made 4 Thus saith the Lord You shall not go

our yoke heavy, do thou ease it: thus up, nor fight against your brethren: let
shalt thou answer them: My little finger every manreturn to his own house, for
is thicker than the loins of my father. by my this thing has been done.
11 My father laid upon you a heavy And when they heard the word of the

yoke, and I will add more weight to it: Lord, they returned, and did not go
my father beat you with scourges, but I against Jeroboam,
will beat you with scorpions. 5 And Roboam dwelt in Jerusalem, and
12 So Jeroboam, and all the people came built walled cities in Juda.
to Roboam the third day, as he com 6 And he built Bethlehem, and Etam,
manded them. and Thecue,
13 And the king answered roughly, leav 7 And Bethsur, and Socho, and Odollam,
ing the counsel of the ancients. 8 And Geth, and Maresa, and Ziph,
14 And he spoke according to the advice
9 And Aduram, and Lachis, and Azecha,
of the young men: My father laid upon
10 Saraa also, and Aialon, and Hebron,
you a heavy yoke, which I will make
which are in Juda and Benjamin, well
heavier: my father beat you with fenced cities.
scourges, but I will beat you with scor
11 And when he had enclosed them with
15 And he condescended not to the peo walls, he put in them governors and
storehouses of provisions, that is, of oil
ple s requests: for it was the will of God,
that his word might be fulfilled f which and of wine.
12 Moreover in every city he made an
he had spoken by the hand of Ahias the
Silonite to Jeroboam the son of Nabat. armoury of shields and spears, and he
fortified them with great diligence, and
16 And all the people upon the king s
he reigned over Juda, and Benjamin,
speaking roughly, said thus unto him:
We have no part in David, nor inherit 13 And the priests and Levites, that
ance in the son of Isai. Return to thy were in all Israel, came to him out of all
their seats.
dwellings, O Israel, and do thou, O
14 Leaving their suburbs, and their pos
David, feed thy own house. And Israel
went away to their dwellings. sessions, and passing over to Juda, and
17 But Roboam reigned over the chil Jerusalem, because Jeroboam and his
sons had cast them off, from executing
dren of Israel that dwelt in the cities of
the priestly office to the Lord.
15 And he made to himself priests for
18 And King Roboam sent Adurarn, who
the high places, and for the devils, and
was over the tributes, and the children
for the calves which he had made.
of Israel stoned him, and he died: and
16 Moreover out of all the tribes of Is
king Roboam made haste to get up into
his chariot, and fled into Jerusalem. rael, whosoever gave their heart to seek
the Lord the God of Israel, came into
19 And Israel revolted from the house
of David unto this day. Jerusalem to sacrifice their victims be
fore the Lord the God of their fathers.
CHAPTER 11 17 And they strengthened the kingdom
of Juda, and established Roboam the son
Roboam s reign. His kingdom is strengthened. of Solomon for three years: for they
o Roboam came to Jerusalem, and walked in the ways of David and of
called together the house of Juda
all Solomon, only three years.
and of Benjamin, a hundred and four 18 And Roboam took to wife Mahalath,
score thousand chosen men and warriors, the daughter of Jerimoth the son of Da
to fight against Israel, and to bring back vid: and Abihail the daughter of Eliab
his kingdom to him. the son of Isai.
2 And
the word of the Lord came
to 19 And they bore him sons Jehus, and
Semeias the man
of God, saying: Somorias, and Zoom.
3 Speak to Roboam the son of Solomon 20 And after her he married Maacha the
the king of Juda, and to all Israel, in daughter of Absalom, who bore him
Juda and Benjamin: Abia, and Ethai, and Ziza, and Salomith.
/ 3 Kings 11. 29. g B. C. 932. 3 Kings 12. 21.

Sesac Invades Juda 2 PARALIPOMENON Death of Robocnn
21 And Roboam loved Maacha the my service, and the service of a kingdom
daughter of Absalom above all his wives, of the earth.
and concubines: for he had married 9 So Sesac king of Egypt departed from
eighteen wives, and threescore concu Jerusalem, taking away the treasures of
bines: and he begot eignt and twenty the house of the Lord, and of the king s
sons, and threescore daughters. house, and he took all with him, and the
22 But he put at the head of them Abia golden shields that Solomon had made,
the son of Maacha to be the chief ruler 10 Instead of which the king made
over all his brethren: for he meant to brazen ones, and delivered them to the
make him king, captains of the shieldbearers, who guarded
23 Because he was wiser and mightier the entrance of the palace.
than all his sons, and in all the countries 11 And when the king entered into the
of Juda, and of Benjamin, and in all the house of the Lord, the shieldbearers
walled cities: and he gave them provi came and took them, and brought them
sions in abundance, and he sought many back again to their armoury.
wives. 12 But yet because they were humbled,
the wrath of the Lord turned away from
Roboam them, and they were not utterly de
for his sins is delivered up into the hands
of the king of Egypt: who carrieth away all the stroyed: for even in Juda there were
treasures of the temple. found good works.
AND when the kingdom of Roboam
13^ King Roboam therefore was strength
,/TL was strengthened and fortified, he ened in Jerusalem, and reigned: he was
forsook the law of the Lord, and all Is one and forty years old when he began
rael with him. to reign, and he reigned seventeen years
2 And in the fifth year of the reign of in Jerusalem, the city which the Lord
Roboam, Sesac king of Egypt came up chose out of all the tribes of Israel, to
against Jerusalem (because they had establish his name there: and the name
sinned against the Lord) of his mother was Naama an Ammon-
3 With twelve hundred chariots and itess.
threescore thousand horsemen: and the 14 But he did evil, and did not prepare
people were without number that came his heart to seek the Lord.
with him out of Egypt, to wit, Libyans, 15 Now the acts of Roboam first and
and Troglodites, and Ethiopians. last are written in the books of Semeias
4 And he took the strongest cities in Addo the seer, and
the prophet, and of
Juda, and came to Jerusalem. and there was war
diligently recorded:
5 And Semeias the prophet came to Ro between Roboam and Jeroboam all their
boam, and to the princes of Juda, that days.
were gathered together in Jerusalem, 16 And Roboam slept with his fathers,
fleeing from Sesac, and he said to them: and was buried in the city of David.
Thus saith the Lord: You have left me, And Abia his son reigned in his stead.
and I have left you in the hand of Sesae.
6 And the princes of Israel, and the CHAPTER 13
Abia s reign: his victory over Jeroboam.
king, being in a consternation, said: The
Lord is just. k
the eighteenth year of king Jero
7 And when the Lord saw that they IN boam, Abia reigned over Juda.
were humbled, the word of the Lord 2 Three years he reigned in Jerusalem,
came to Semeias, saying: Because they and his mother s name was Michaia, the
are humbled, I will not destroy them, daughter of Uriel of Gabaa: and there
and I will give them a little help, and was war between Abia and Jeroboam.
my wrath shall not fall upon Jerusalem 3 And when Abia had begun battle,

by the hand of Sesac. and had with him four hundred thou
8 But yet they shall serve him, that sand most valiant and chosen men, Jero
they may know the difference between boam put his army in array against him,

j 3 Kings 14. 21. fc B. C. 914. 3 Kings 15. 2.

h 3 Kings 14. 25.
I 3 Kings 15. 7.

CHAP. 13. Ver. 2. Michaia, alias Maacha. Her father had also two names, viz., Absalom, or Abes-
salom, and Uriel,

The reign of Abia 2 PARALtPOMENON Abia defeats Jeroboam
eight hundred thousand men, who were about behind him. And while he stood
also chosen and most valiant for war. facing the enemies, he encompassed Juda,
4 And Abia stood upon mount Semeron, who perceived it not, with his army.
which was in Ephraim, and said: Hear 14 And when Juda looked back, they
me, O Jeroboam, and all Israel: saw the battle coming upon them both
5 Do you not know that the Lord God before and behind, and they cried to the
of Israel gave to David the kingdom over Lord: and the priests began to sound
Israel for ever, to him and to his sons with the trumpets.
15 And all the men of Juda shouted:
by a covenant of salt?
6 And Jeroboam the son of Nab at, the and behold when they shouted, God terri
servant of Solomon the son of David, fied Jeroboam, and all Israel that stood
rose up : m and rebelled against his lord. against Abia and Juda.
7 And there were gathered to him vain 16 And the children of Israel fled before
men, and children of Belial: and they Juda, and the Lord delivered them into
Roboam the son of their hand.
prevailed against
for Roboam was unexperi 17 And Abia and his people slew them
of a fearful heart, and could with a great slaughter, and there fell
enced, and
not resist them. wounded of Israel five hundred thousand
valiant men.
8 And now you say that you are able to
withstand the kingdom of the Lord, 18 And the children of Israel were
which he possesseth by the sons of Da brought down, at that time, and the chil
dren of Juda were exceedingly strength
vid, and you have a great multitude of
and golden calves, which Jero ened, because they had trusted in the
boam hath made you for gods. Lord the God of their fathers.
9 n And you have cast out the priests
19 And Abia pursued after Jeroboam,
of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the
and took cities from him, Bethel and her
Levites: and you have made you priests, daughters, and Jesana with her daugh
like all the nations of the earth whoso :
ters, Ephron also and her daughters.
ever cometh and consecrateth his hand 20 And Jeroboam was not able to resist
with a bullock of the herd, and with any more, in the days of Abia: and the
Lord struck him, and he died.
seven rams, is made a priest of those
who are no 21 But Abia, being strengthened in his
10 But the Lord is our God, whom we kingdom, took fourteen wives: and be
forsake not, and the priests who minister got two and twenty sons, and sixteen
to the Lord are the sons of Aaron, and daughters.
22 And the rest of the acts of Abia, and
the Levites are in their order.
of his ways and works, are written dili
11 And they offer holocausts to the
gently in the book of Addo the prophet.
Lord, every day, morning and evening,
and incense made according to the ordi
nance of the law, and the loaves are set
forth on a most clean table, and there is The reign of Asa: his victory over the Ethiopian*.

with us the golden candlestick, and the ND Abia slept with his fathers, and
lamps thereof, to be lighted always in they buried him in the city of Da
the evening: for we keep the precepts vid: and Asa his son reigned in his
of the Lord our God, whom you have stead: in his days the land was quiet
forsaken. ten years.
12 Therefore God is the leader in our 2 And Asa did that which was good and
army, and his priests who sound with pleasing in the sight of his God, and he
trumpets, and resound against you: destroyed the altars of foreign worship,
children of Israel, fight not against the and the high places.
Lord the God of your fathers, for it is 3 And broke the statues, and cut down
not good for you. the groves.
13 While he spoke these things, Jero 4 And he commanded Juda to seek
boam caused an ambushment to come the Lord the God of their fathers, and
m 3 Kinsrs 11. 26. n 3 Kings 12. 31. o B. C. 911. 3 Kings 16. 8.

Ver. 5. A covenant of salt. That is, a firm and perpetual covenant. See Num. 18. 19.

Asa defeats the Ethiopians 2 PARALIPOMENON The prophecy of Asarias
to do the law, and all the command CHAPTER 15
ments. The prophecy of Azarias. Asa covenant with God.
He deposeth his mother.
5 And he took away out of all the
cities of Juda the altars, and temples, the spirit of God came upon
and reigned in peace. ANDAzarias the son of Oded,
6 He built also strong cities in Juda, 2 And he went out to meet Asa, and
for he was quiet, and there had no wars said to him: Hear ye me, Asa, and all
risen in his time, the Lord giving peace. Juda and Benjamin: The Lord is with
7 And he said to Juda: Let us build you, because you have been with him.
these cities, and compass them with If you seek him, you shall find: but if

walls, and fortify them with towers, and you forsake him, he will forsake you.
gates, and bars, while all is quiet from 3 And many days shall pass in Israel,
wars, because we have sought the Lord without the true God, and without a
the God of our fathers, and he hath priest a teacher, and without the law.
given us peace round about. So they built, 4 And when in their distress they
and there was no hindrance in building. shall return to the Lord the God of Is
8 And Asa had in his army of men that rael, and shall seek him, they shall find
bore shields and spears of Juda three him.
hundred thousand, and of Benjamin that 5 At that time there shall be no peace
bore shields and drew bows, two hundred to him that goeth out and cometh in,
and eighty thousand, all these were most but terrors on every side among all the
valiant men. inhabitants of the earth.
9 And Zara the Ethiopian came out 6 For nation shall fight against nation,
against them with his army of ten hun and city against city, for the Lord will
dred thousand men, and with three hun trouble them with all distress.
dred chariots: and he came as far as 7 Do you therefore take courage, and
Maresa. let not your hands be weakened: for
10 And Asa went out to meet him, and there shall be a reward for your work.
set his army in array for battle in the 8 And when Asa had heard the words,
vale of Sephata, which is near Maresa: and the prophecy of Azarias the son of
11 And he called upon the Lord God, Oded the prophet, he took courage, and
and said: Lord, there is no difference took away the idols out of all the land
with thee, whether thou help with few, of Juda, and out of Benjamin, and out of
or with many: help us, Lord our God: the cities of mount Ephraim, which he
for with confidence in thee, and in thy had taken, and he dedicated the altar of
name, we are come against this multi the Lord, which was before the porch of
tude. Lord thou art our God, let not the Lord.
man prevail against thee. 9 And he gathered together all Juda
12 And the Lord terrified the Ethiopians and Benjamin, and the strangers with
before Asa and Juda: and the Ethiopians them of Ephraim, and Manasses, and
fled. Simeon: for many were come over to him
13 And Asa and the people that were out of Israel, seeing that the Lord his
with him pursued them to Gerara: and God was with him.
the Ethiopians fell even to utter destruc 10 And when they were come to Jeru
tion, for the Lord slew them, and his salem in the third month, in the fifteenth
army fought against them, and they were year of the reign of Asa,
destroyed. And they took abundance of 11 They sacrificed to the Lord in that
spoils, day of the spoils, and of the prey, that
14 And they took all the cities round they had brought, seven hundred oxen,
about Gerara: for a great fear was come and seven thousand rams.
upon all men: and they pillaged the 12 And he went in to confirm as usual
cities, and carried off much booty. the covenant, that they should seek the
15 And they destroyed the sheepcotes, Lord the God of their fathers with all
and took an infinite number of cattle, and their heart, and with all their soul.
of camels: and returned to Jerusalem. 13 And if any one, said he seek not

q 1 Kings 14. 6.

Asa seeks aid of Benadad 2 PARALIPOMENON The death of Asa
the Lord the God of Israel, let him die, 6 Then king Asa took all Juda, and they
whether little or great, man or woman. carried away from Rama the stones, and
14 And they swore to the Lord with a the timber that Baasa had prepared for
loud voice with joyful shouting, and with the building: and he built with them
sound of trumpet, and sound of cornets, Gabaa, and Maspha.
15 All that were in Juda with a curse: 7 At that time Hanani the prophet came
for with all their heart they swore, and to Asa king of Juda, and said to him:
with all their will they sought him, and Because thou hast had confidence in the
they found him, and the Lord gave them king of Syria, and not in the Lord thy
rest round about. God, therefore hath the army of the king
16 Moreover Maacha the mother of king of Syria escaped out of thy hand.
Asa he deposed from the royal authority, 8 * Were not the Ethiopians, and the
because she had made in a grove an idol Libyans much more numerous in chariots,
of Priapus: and he entirely destroyed it, and horsemen, and an exceeding great
and breaking it into pieces, burnt it at multitude: yet because thou trustedst in
the torrent Cedron. the Lord, he delivered them into thy
17 But high places were left in Israel: hand?
nevertheless the heart of Asa was per 9 For the eyes of the Lord behold all
fect all his days. the earth, and give strength to those
18 And the things which his father had who with a perfect heart trust in him.
vowed, and he himself had vowed, he Wherefore thou hast done foolishly, and
brought into the house of the Lord, gold for this cause from this time wars shall
and and vessels of divers uses.
silver, arise against thee.
19 And was no war unto the five
there 10 And Asa was angry with the seer,
and thirtieth year of the kingdom of Asa. and commanded him to be put in prison:
for he was greatly enraged because of
CHAPTER 16 this thing: and he put to death many of
Asa is reproved for seeking help from the Syrians: the people at that time.
his last acts and death. 11 But the works of Asa the first and
in the six and thirtieth year of his last are written in the book of the kings
kingdom, * Baasa the king of Israel of Juda and Israel.
came up against Juda, and built a wall 12 And Asa fell sick in the nine and
about Rama, that no one might safely go thirtieth year of his reign, of a most
out or come in of the kingdom of Asa. violent pain in his feet, and yet in his
2 Then Asa brought out silver and gold illness he did not seek the Lord, but
out of the treasures of the house of the rather trusted in the skill of physicians.
Lord, and of the king s treasures, and 13 And he slept with his fathers: and
sent to Benadad king of Syria, who dwelt he died in the one and fortieth year v of
in Damascus, saying: his reign.
3 There is a league between me and 14 And they buried him in his own sep
thee, as there was between my father ulchre, which he had made for himself
and thy father, wherefore I have sent in the city of David: and they laid him
thee silver and gold, that thou mayst on his bed full of spices and odoriferous
break thy league with Baasa king of ointments, which were made by the art
Israel, and make him depart from me. of the perfumers, and they burnt them
4 And when Benadad heard this, he over him with very great pomp.
sent the captains of his armies against
the cities of Israel: and they took Ahion, CHAPTER 17
and Dan, and Abelmaim, and all the Josaphat s reign : his care for the instruction of his
walled cities of Nephtali. people: his numerous forces.
5 And when Baasa heard of it, he left A ND M Josaphat his son reigned in his
off the building of Rama, and interrupted _f\. stead, and grew strong against
his work. Israel.

s B. C. 876. v B. C. 870.
t Supra 14. 9. u B. C. 872. w B. C. 870.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 1. Six and thirtieth year of his the date of it from the beginning of the reign of
kingdom. That is, of the kingdom of Juda, taking Roboam.

The reign of Josaphat 2 PARALIPOMENON Josaphat and Achab
2 And heplaced numbers of soldiers in him Johanan the captain, and
15 After
all the fortified cities of Juda. And he with him two hundred and eighty thou
put garrisons in the land of Juda, and in sand.
the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his 16 And after him was Amasias the son
father had taken. of Zechri, consecrated to the Lord, and
3 the Lord was with Josaphat,
And with him were two hundred thousand
because he walked in the first ways valiant men.
of David his father: and trusted not in
17 After him was Eliada valiant in bat
tle,and with him two hundred thousand
armed with bow and shield.
4 But in the God of his father, and
18 After him also was Jozabad, and with
walked in his commandments, and not him a hundred and eighty thousand ready
according to the sins of Israel. for war.
5 And the Lord established the kingdom 19 All these were at the hand of the
in his hand, and all Juda brought pres
king, beside others, whom he had put in
ents to Josaphat: and he acquired im the walled cities, in all Juda.
mense and much glory.
6 And whenhis heart had taken cour CHAPTER 18
age for the ways of the Lord, he took Josaphat accompanies Achab in his expedition
as Mi
away also the high places and the groves against Ramoth; where Achab
cheas had foretold.
is slain,

out of Juda.
7 And in the third year of his reign,

Josaphat was rich and very glo

he sent of his princes Benhail, and Ab-
and Zacharias, and Nathanael, and
rious, and was joined by affinity to
Micheas, to teach in the cities of Juda : 2 And he went down to him after some
8 And with them the Levites, Semeias, years to Samaria: and Achab at his com
and Nathanias, and Zabadias, and Asael, ing killed sheep and oxen in abundance
and Semiramoth, and Jonathan, and for him and the people that came with
Adonias, and Tobias, and Thobadonias him: and he persuaded him to go up to
Levites, and with them Elisama, and Jo- Ramoth Galaad.
ram priests. 3 And Achab king of Israel said to
9 And they taught the people in Juda, Josaphat king of Juda: Come with me
having with them the book of the law of to Ramoth Galaad. And he answered
the Lord: and they went about all the him: Thou art as I am, and my people
cities of Juda, and instructed the peo as thy people, and we will be with thee
ple. in the war.
10 And the fear of the Lord came upon 4 And Josaphat said to the king of Is
all the kingdoms of the lands that were rael: Inquire, I beseech thee, at present
round about Juda, and they durst not the word of the Lord.
make war against Josaphat. 5 So the king of Israel gathered to
11 The Philistines also brought presents gether of the prophets four hundred men,
to Josaphat, and tribute in silver, and the and he said to them: Shall we go to
Arabians brought him cattle, seven thou Ramoth Galaad to fight, or shall we for
sand seven hundred rams, and as many bear? But they said: Go up, and God
he goats. will deliver it into the king s hand.
12 And Josaphat grew, and became ex 6 And Josaphat said: Is there not here
ceeding great: and he built in Juda a prophet of the Lord, that we may in
houses like towers, and walled cities. quire also of him ?
13 And he prepared many works in the 7 And the king of Israel said to Josa
cities of Juda: and he had warriors, and phat: There is one man, of whom we
valiant men in Jerusalem. may ask the will of the Lord: but I hate
14 Of whom this is the number of the him, for he never prophesieth good to
houses and families of every one: in me, but always evil: and it is Micheas
Juda captains of the army, Ednas the the son of Jemla. And Josaphat said:
chief, and with him three hundred thou Speak not thus, king.
sand most valiant men. 8 And the king of Israel called one of
B. C. 768.

The false prophets 2 PARALIPOMENON The prophecy of Micheas
the eunuchs, and said to him: Call quick before the Lord, and said: I will deceive
ly Micheas the son of Jemla. him. And the Lord said to him: By what
9 Now the king of Israel, and Josaphat means wilt thou deceive him?
king of Juda, both sat on their thrones, 21 And he answered: I will go out, and
clothed in royal robes, and they sat in be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his
the open court by the gate of Samaria, prophets. And the Lord said: Thou shalt
and all the prophets prophesied before deceive, and shalt prevail: go out, and
them. do so.
10 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana 22 Now therefore behold the Lord hath
made him horns of iron, and said: Thus put a spirit of lying in the mouth of all
saith the Lord: With these shalt thou thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken
push Syria, till thou destroy it. evil against thee.
11 And all the prophets prophesied in 23 And Sedecias the son of Chanaana
likemanner, and said: Go up to Ramoth came, and struck Micheas on the cheek
Galaad, and thou shalt prosper, and the and said: Which way went the spirit of
Lord will deliver them into the Icing s the Lord from me, to speak to thee ?
hand. 24 And Micheas said: Thou thyself
12 And the messenger that went to call shalt see in that day, when thou shalt
Micheas, said to him: Behold the words go in from chamber to chamber, to hide
of all the prophets with one mouth de thyself.
clare good to the king: I beseech thee 25 And the king of Israel commanded,
therefore let not thy word disagree with saying: Take Micheas, and carry him to
them, and speak thou also good success. Amon the governor of the city, and to
13 And Micheas answered him: As the Joas the son of Amelech,
Lord liveth, whatsoever my God shall 26 And say: Thus saith the king: Put
say to me, that will I speak. this fellow in prison, and give him bread
14 So he came to the king: and the king and water in a small quantity till I re
said to him: Micheas, shall we go to Ra turn in peace.
moth Galaad to fight, or forbear? And 27 And Micheas said: If thou return in
he answered him: Go up, for all shall peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me.
succeed prosperously, and the enemies And he said: Hear, all ye people.
shall be delivered into your hands. 28 So the king of Israel and Josaphat
15 And the king said: I adjure thee king of Juda went up to Ramoth Galaad.
again and again to say nothing but the 29 And the king of Israel said to Josa
truth to me, in the name of the Lord. phat: I will change my dress, and so I
16 Then he said: I saw all Israel scat will go to the battle, but put thou on thy
tered in the mountains, like sheep with own garments. And the king of Israel
out a shepherd: and the Lord said: having changed his dress, went to the
These have no masters: let every man battle.
return to his own house in peace. 30 Now the king of Syria had com
17 And the king of Israel said to Josa manded the captains of his cavalry, say
phat: Did I not tell thee that this man ing: Fight ye not with small, or great,
would not prophesy me any good, but but with the king of Israel only.
evil? 31 So when the captains of the cavalry
18 Then he said: Hear ye therefore the saw Josaphat, they said: This is the king
word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting
: of Israel. And they surrounded him to
on his throne, and all the army of heaven attack him: but he cried to the Lord, and
standing by him on the right hand and he helped him, and turned them away
on the left. from him.
19 And the Lord said: Who shall de 32 For when the captains of the caval
ceiveAchab king of Israel, that he may ry saw, that he was not the king of
go up and fall in Ramoth Galaad? And Israel, they left him.
when one spoke in this manner, and 33 And it happened that one of the peo
another otherwise: ple shot an arrow at a venture, and
20 There came forth a spirit, and stood struck the king of Israel between the

CHAP. 18. Ver. 19. Who ahall deceive. Sic. See the annotations, 3 Kings 22,

Josap hat s charge 2 PARALIPOMENON Juda is invaded

neck and the shoulders, and he said to that they may not sin against the Lord,
his chariot man: Turn thy hand, and and that wrath may not come upon you
carry me out of the battle, for I am and your brethren: and so doing you
wounded. shall not sin.
34 And the fight was ended that day: 11 And Amarias the priest your high
but the king of Israel stood in his chariot priest shall be chief in the things which
against the Syrians until the evening, regard God: and Zabadias the son of Is-
and died at the sunset. mahel, who is ruler in the house of Juda,
shall be over those matters which belong
CHAPTER 19 to the king s office: and you have before
Josaphat s charge to the judges wn.d to the Levites you the Levites for masters, take cour
AND Josaphat king of Juda returned age and do diligently, and the Lord will
jr\_ to his house in peace to Jerusalem. be with you in good things.
2 And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer CHAPTER 20
met him, and said to him: Thou helpest The Ammonites, Moabites, and Syrians combine
the ungodly, and thou art joined in against Josaphat: he sceketh God s help by public
friendship with them that hate the Lord, prayer and fasting. A prophet foretelleth that God
will fight for his people: the enemies destroy one
and therefore thou didst deserve indeed another. Josaphat with his men gathereth the
the wrath of the Lord: spoils. He
reigneth in peace, but his navy perish-
eth, for his society with wicked Ochozias.
3 But good works are found in thee,
because thou hast taken away the groves A FTER& this the children of
Moab, and
out of the land of Juda, and hast pre the children of Ammon, and with
pared thy heart to seek the Lord the them of the Ammonites, were gathered
God of thy fathers. together to fight against Josaphat.
4 And Josaphat dwelt at Jerusalem and : 2 And there came messengers, and told
he went out again to the people from Josaphat, saying: There cometh a great
Bersabee to mount Ephraim, and brought multitude against thee from beyond the
them back to the Lord the God of their sea, and out of Syria, and behold they
fathers. are in Asasonthamar, which is Engaddi.
5 And he set judges of the land in all 3 And Josaphat being seized with fear
the fenced cities of Juda, in every place. betook himself wholly to pray to the
6 And charging the judges, he said: Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all
Take heed what you do: for you exercise Juda.
not the judgment of man, but of the 4 And Juda gathered themselves to
Lord: and whatsoever you judge, it shall gether to pray to the Lord: and all came
redound to you. out of their cities to make supplication
7 Let the fear of the Lord be with you, to him.
and do all things with diligence: for 5 And Josaphat stood in the midst of
there is no iniquity with the Lord our the assembly of Juda, and Jerusalem, in
God, tt nor respect of persons, nor desire the house of the Lord before the new
of gifts. court,
8 In Jerusalem also Josaphat appointed 6 And said: Lord God of our fathers,
Levites, and priests and chiefs of the thou art God in heaven, and rulest over
families of Israel, to judge the judgment all the kingdoms and nations, in thy
and the cause of the Lord for the inhab hand is strength and power, and no one
itants thereof. can resist thee.
9 And he charged them, saying: Thus 7 Didst not thou our God kill all the
shall you do in the fear of the Lord faith inhabitants of this land before thy people
fully, and with a perfect heart. Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abra
10 Every cause that shall come to you ham thy friend for ever?
of your brethren, that dwell in their 8 And they dwelt in it, and built in it a
cities, between kindred and kindred, sanctuary to thy name, saying:
wheresoever there is question concern 9 If evils fall upon us, the sword of
ing the law, the commandment, the cere judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we
monies, the justifications: shew it them, will stand in thy presence before this

a Deut. 10. 17 ; Wisd. 6. 8 ; Eccli. 35. 15 ; Acts 10. 34. 6 Rom. 2. 11 ; Gal. 2. 6 ; Eph. 6. 9 ; Col. 3. 25 ;

1 Peter 1. 17.

The prayer of Josaphat 2 PARALIPOMENON Moab and Amman
house, in which thy name is called upon: phat standing in the midst of them, said:
and we will cry to thee in our afflictions, Hear me, ye men of Juda, and all the in
and thou wilt hear, and save us. habitants of Jerusalem: believe in the
10 c Now
therefore behold the children Lord your God, and you shall be secure:
of Ammon, and of Moab, and mount Seir, believe his prophets, and all things shall
through whose lands thou didst not allow succeed well.
Israel to pass, when they came out of 21 And he gave counsel to the people,
Egypt, but they turned aside from them, and appointed the singing men of the
and slew them not, Lord, to praise him by their companies,
11 Do the contrary, and endeavour to and to go before the army, and with one
cast us out of the possession which thou voice to say: d Give glory to the Lord,
hast delivered to us. for his mercy endureth for ever.
12 O our God, wilt thou not then judge 22 And when they began to sing praises,
them ? as for us we have not strength the Lord turned their ambushments upon
enough, to be able to resist this multi themselves, that is to say, of the chil
tude, which cometh violently upon us. dren of Ammon, and of Moab, and of
But as we know not what to do, we can mount Seir, who were come out to fight
only turn our eyes to thee. against Juda, and they were slain.
13 And all Juda stood before the Lord 23 For the children of Ammon, and of
with their little ones, and their wives, Moab, rose up against the inhabitants of
and their children. mount Seir, to kill and destroy them:
14 And Jahaziel the son of Zacharias, and when they had made an end of them,
the son of Banaias, the son of Jehiel, the they turned also against one another,
son of Mathanias, a Levite of the sons of and destroyed one another.
Asaph, was there, upon whom the spirit 24 And when Juda came to the watch
of the Lord came in the midst of the tower, that looketh toward the desert,
multitude, they saw afar off all the country, for a
15 And he said: Attend ye, all Juda, great space, full of dead bodies, and that
and you that dwell in Jerusalem, and no one was left that could escape death.
thou king Josaphat: Thus saith the Lord 25 When Josaphat came, and all the
to you: Fear ye not, and be not dismayed people with him to take away the spoils
at this multitude: for the battle is not of the dead, and they found among the
yours, but God s. dead bodies, stuff of various kinds, and
16 To morrow you shall go down against garments, and most precious vessels:
them: for they will come up by the as and they took them for themselves, inso
cent named Sis, and you shall find them much that they could not carry all, nor
at the head of the torrent, which is over in three days take away the spoils, the
against the wilderness of Jeruel. booty was so great.
17 It shall not be you that shall fight, 26 And on the fourth day they were as
but only stand with confidence, and you sembled in the valley of Blessing: for
shall see the help of the Lord over you, there they blessed the Lord, and there
O Juda, and Jerusalem: fear ye not, nor fore they called that place the valley of
be you dismayed: to morrow you shall Blessing until this day.
go out against them, and the Lord will 27 And every man of Juda, and the
be with you. inhabitants of Jerusalem returned, and
18 Then Josaphat, and Juda, and all the Josaphat at their head, into Jerusalem
inhabitants of Jerusalem fell flat on the with great joy, because the Lord had
ground before the Lord, and adored him. made them rejoice over their enemies.
19 And the Levites of the sons of Caath, 28 And they came into Jerusalem with
psalteries, and harps, and trumpets
and of the sons of Core praised the Lord into
the God of Israel with a loud voice, on the house of the Lord.
high. 29 And the fear of the Lord fell upon
20 And they rose early in the morning, all the kingdoms of the lands when they
and went out through the desert of The- heard that the Lord had fought against
cua: and as they were marching, Josa the enemies of Israel.

Deut. 2. 1. d Ps. 135. 1.

Peace reigns in Juda 2 PARALIPOMENON J Grain s wicked reign
30 And the kingdom of Josaphat was Joram was two and thirty years old
quiet, and God gave him peace round when he began to reign: and he reigned
about. eight years in Jerusalem.
31 e And Josaphat
reigned over Juda, 6 ^And he walked in the ways of the
and he was five and thirty years old kings of Israel, as the house of Achab
when he began to reign: and he reigned had done for his wife was a daughter of

five and twenty years in Jerusalem: and

Achab, and he did evil in the sight of
the name of his mother was Azuba the the Lord.
daughter of Selahi. 7 But the Lord would not destroy the
32 And he walked in the way of his house of David: because of the covenant
father Asa, and departed not from it, which he had made with him: and be
doing the things that were pleasing be cause he had promised to give a lamp to
fore the Lord.
him, and to his sons for ever.
33 But yet he took not away the high 8 In those days Edom revolted, ^from
places, and the people had not yet turned being subject to Juda, and made them
their heart to the Lord the God of their selves a king.
fathers. 9 And Joram went over with his princes,
34 But the rest of the acts of Josaphat, and all his cavalry with him, and rose in
firstand last, are written in the words of the night, and defeated the Edomites
Jehu the son of Hanani, which he digested who had surrounded him, and all the
into the books of the kings of Israel.
captains of his cavalry.
35 After these things Josaphat king of 10 However Edom revolted, from being
Juda made friendship with Ochozias king under the dominion of Juda unto this
of Israel, whose works were very wicked.
day: at that time Lobna also revolted,
36 And he was partner with him in from being under his hand. For he had
making ships, to go to Tharsis: and they forsaken the Lord the God of his fa
made the ships in Asiongaber. thers :

37 And Eliezer the son of Dodau of 11 Moreover he built also high places
Maresa prophesied to Josaphat, saying: in the cities of Juda, and he made the
Because thou hast made a league with inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit for
Ochozias, the Lord hath destroyed thy nication,and Juda to transgress.
works, and the ships are broken, and 12 And
there was a letter brought him
they could not go to Tharsis. from Elias the prophet, in which it was
written: Thus saith the Lord the God of
David thy father: Because thou hast not
Joram s wicked reign: his punishment and death.
walked in the ways of Josaphat thy fa

A 3D Josaphat slept with his fathers,

and was buried with them in the
city of David: and Joram his son reigned
ther nor in the ways of Asa king of
13 But hast walked in the ways of the
in his stead. kings of Israel, and hast made Juda and
2 And he had brethren the sons of Josa the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit
phat, Azarias, and Jahiel, and Zacharias, fornication, imitating the fornication of
and Azaria, and Michael, and Saphatias, the house of Achab, moreover also thou
all these were the sons of Josaphat king hast killed thy brethren, the house of
of Juda. thy father, better men than thyself,
3 And their father gave them great 14 Behold the Lord will strike thee with
gifts of silver, and of gold, and pensions, a great plague, with all thy people, and
with strong cities in Juda: but the king thy children, and thy wives, and all thy
dom he gave to Joram, because he was substance.
the eldest. 15 And thou shalt be sick of a very
4 So Joram rose up over the kingdom grievous disease of thy bowels, till thy
of his father: and when he had estab vital parts come out by little and little
lished himself, he slew all his brethren every day.
with the sword, and some of the princes 16 And the Lord stirred up against Jo
of Israel. ram the spirit of the Philistines, and of

e 3 Kings 22. 41. h 4 Kings 8. 16.

g B. C. 854. 3 Kings 22. 51. Gen. 27. 40.

The death of Joram 2 PARALIPOMENON Ochozias is killed

the Arabians, who border on the Ethi 6 And he returned to be healed in Jez-
opians. rahel: for he received many wounds in
17 And they came up into the land of the foresaid battle. And Ochozias the
Juda, and wasted it, and they carried son of Joram king of Juda, went down to
away all the substance that was found visit Joram the son of Achab in Jezrahel
in the king s house, his sons also, and where he lay sick.
his wives: so that there was no son left 7 For it was the will of God against
him but Joachaz, who was the youngest. Ochozias that he should come to Joram:
18 And besides all this the Lord struck and when he was come should go out
him with an incurable disease in his also against Jehu the son of Namsi,
bowels. whom the Lord had anointed to destroy
19 And as day came after day, and time the house of Achab.
rolled on, two whole years passed: then 8 So when Jehu was rooting out the
after being wasted with a long consump house of Achab, he found the princes of
tion, so as to void his very bowels, his Juda, and the sons of the brethren of
disease ended with his life. J And he Ochozias, who served him, and he slew
died of a most wretched illness, and the them.
people did not make a funeral for him 9 And he sought for Ochozias himself,
according to the manner of burning, as and took him lying hid in Samaria: and
they had done for his ancestors. when he was brought to him, he killed
20 He was two and thirty years old him, and they buried him: because he
when he began his reign, and he reigned was the son of Josaphat, who had sought
eight years in Jerusalem. And he walked the Lord with all his heart. And there
not rightly, and they buried him in the was no more hope that any one should
city of David: but not in the sepulchres reign of the race of Ochozias.
of the kings. 10 m For Athalia his mother, seeing that
CHAPTER 22 her son was dead, rose up, and killed all
The reign and death of Ochoziaa. The tyranny of
the royal family of the house of Joram.
Athalia. 11 But Josabeth the king s daughter took
ND 7<;

the inhabitants of Jerusalem Joas the son of Ochozias, and stole him
made Ochozias his youngest son from among the king s sons that were
king in his place: for the rovers of the slain. And she hid him with his nurse in
Arabians, who had broke in upon the a bedchamber: now Josabeth that hid
camp, had killed all that were his elder him, was daughter of king Joram, wife of
brothers. So Ochozias the son of Joram Joiada the high priest, and sister of Ocho
king of Juda reigned. zias, and therefore Athalia did not kill him.
2 Ochozias was forty-two years old 12 And he was with them hid in the
when he began to reign, and he reigned house of God six years, during which
one year in Jerusalem, and the name of Athalia reigned over the land.
his mother was Athalia the daughter
of Amri.
3 Healso walked in the ways of the Joiada the high priest causeth Joas to be made king :
Athalia to be slain, and idolatry to be destroyed.
house of Achab: for his mother pushed
him on to do wickedly. ND n in the seventh year Joiada be-
4 So he did evil in the sight of the Lord, ,ing encouraged, took the captains
as the house of Achab did for they were : of hundreds, to wit, Azarias the son of
his counsellors after the death of his Jeroham, and Ismahel the son of Jo-
father, to his destruction. hanan, and Azarias the son of Obed, and
5 And he walked after their counsels. Maasias the son of Adaias, and Elisa-
And he went with Joram the son of phat the son of Zechri: and made a
Achab king of Israel, to fight against covenant with them.
Hazael king of Syria, at Ramoth Galaad: 2 And they went about Juda, and gath
and the Syrians wounded Joram. ered together the Levites out of all the

jB. C. 846. m 4 Kings 11. 1. B. C. 846.

k B. C. 846. 4 Kings 8. 24. n B. C. 841. 4 King 11. 4.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 17. Joachaz, alias Ochozias. Bibles read thirty-two, agreeably to 4 Kings 8. 17.

CHAP. 22. Ver. 2. Forty-two, &c. Divers Greek

Joas is -mode km? 2 PARALIPOMENON Athalia is slain

cities of Juda, and the chiefs of the fami 12 Now when Athalia heard the noise of
lies of Israel, and they came to Jerusa the people running and praising the king,
lem. she came into the people, into the temple
3 And all the multitude made a cove of the Lord.
nant with the king in the house of God: 13 And when she saw the king standing
and Joiada said to them: Behold the upon the step in the entrance, and the
king s son shall reign, as the Lord hath princes, and the companies about him,
said of the sons of David. and all the people of the land rejoicing,
4 And this is the thing that you shall and sounding with trumpets, and playing
do: on instruments of divers kinds, and the
5 A third part of you that come to the voice of those that praised, she rent her
sabbath, of the priests, and of the Lev- garments, and said: Treason, treason.
ites, and of the porters, shall be at the 14 And Joiada the high priest going out
gates: and a third part at the king s to the captains, and the chiefs of the army,
house: and a third at the gate that is said to them: Take her forth without the
called the Foundation: but let all the rest precinct of the temple, and when she is
of the people be in the courts of the without let her be killed with the sword.
house of the Lord. For the priest commanded that she should
6 And let no one come into the house of not be killed in the house of the Lord.
the Lord, but the priests, and they that 15 And they laid hold on her by the
minister of the Levites: let them only neck: and when she was come within
come in, because they are sanctified: and the horse gate of the palace, they killed
let all the rest of the people keep the her there.
watches of the Lord. 16 And Joiada made a covenant between
7 And let the Levites be round about the himself and all the people, and the king,
king, every man with his arms; (and if that they should be the people of the
any other come into the temple, let him Lord.
be slain;) and let them be with the king, 17 And all the people went into the
both coming in, and going out. house of Baal, and destroyed it: and
8 So the Levites, and all Juda did ac they broke down his altars and his idols:
cording to all that Joiada the high priest and they slew Mathan the priest of Baal
had commanded: and they took every before the altars.
one his men that were under him, and 18 And Joiada appointed overseers in
that came in by the course of the sab the house of the Lord, under the hands
bath, with those who had fulfilled the sab of the priests, and the Levites, whom
bath, and were to go out. For Joiada the David had distributed in the house of the
high priest permitted not the companies Lord: to offer holocausts to the Lord, as
to depart, which were accustomed to it is written in the law of Moses, with
succeed one another every week. joy and singing, according to the disposi
9 And Joiada the priest gave to the tion of David.
captains the spears, and the shields, and 19 He appointed also porters in the
targets of king David, which he had gates of the house of the Lord, that none
dedicated in the house of the Lord. who was unclean in any thing should
10 And he set all the people with swords enter in.
in their hands from the right side of the 20 And he took the captains of hun
temple, to the left side of the temple, dreds, and the most valiant men, and the
before the altar, and the temple, round chiefs of the people, and all the people
about the king. of the land, and they brought down the
11 And they brought out the king s son, king from the house of the Lord, and
and put the crown upon him, and the brought him through the upper gate into
testimony, and gave him the law to hold the king s house, and set him on the
5n his hand, and they made him king: royal throne.
and Joiada the high priest and his sons 21 And all the people of the land re
anointed him: and they prayed for him, joiced, and the city was quiet: but Atha
and said: God save the king. lia was slain with the sword.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 6. To the sabbath. That is, to perform in your weeks the functions of your
office, or the weekly watches.

Joas repairs the temple 2 PARALIPOMENON People fall into idolatry
CHAPTER 24 12 And the king and Joiada gave it to
Joas reigneth well all the days of Joiada: after those who were over the works of the
wards falleth into idolatry and causeth Zacharias house of the Lord: but they hired with
to be slain. He is slain himself by his servants.
it stonecutters, and artificers of every
was seven years old when he kind of work to repair the house of the
began to reign: and he reigned forty Lord: and such as wrought in iron and
years Jerusalem: the name of his mo brass, to uphold what began to be fall
ther was Sebia of Bersabee. ing.
2 And he did that which is good before 13 And the workmen were diligent, and
the Lord all the days of Joiada the priest. the breach of the walls was closed up by
3 And Joiada took for him two wives, their hands, and they set up the house
by whom he had sons and daughters. of the Lord in its former state, and made
4 After this Joas had a mind to repair it stand firm.
the house of the Lord. 14 And when they had finished all the
5 And he assembled the priests, and works, they brought the rest of the
the Legates, and said to them: Go out to money before the king and Joiada: and
the cities of Juda, and gather of all Israel with it were made vessels for the temple
money to repair the temple of your God, for the ministry, and for holocausts and
from year to year: and do this with bowls, and other vessels of gold and
speed: but the Levites were negligent. silver: and holocausts were oifered in the
6 And the king called Joiada the chief, house of the Lord continually all the
and said to him: Why hast thou not days of Joiada.
taken care to oblige the Levites to bring 15 But Joiada grew old and was full of
in out of Juda and Jerusalem the money days, and died when he was a hundred
that was appointed by Moses the servant and thirty years old.
of the Lord for all the multitude of Israel 16 And they buried him in the city of
to bring into the tabernacle of the testi David among the kings, because he had
mony ? done good to Israel, and to his house.
7 For that wicked woman Athalia, and 17 And after the death of Joiada, the
her children have destroyed the house of princes of Juda went in, and worshipped
God, and adorned the temple of Baal with the king: and he was soothed by their
all the things that had been dedicated in services and hearkened to them.
the temple of the Lord. 18 And they forsook the temple of the
8 And the king commanded, and they Lord the God of their fathers, and served
made a chest: and set it by the gate of groves and idols, and wrath came upon
the house of the Lord on the outside. Juda and Jerusalem for this sin.
9 And they made a proclamation in 19 And he sent prophets to them to
Juda and Jerusalem, that every man bring them back to the Lord, and they
should bring to the Lord the money would not give ear when they testified
which Moses the servant of God ap against them.
pointed for all Israel, in the desert. 20 The spirit of God then came upon
10 And all the princes, and all the peo Zacharias the son of Joiada the priest,
ple rejoiced: and going in they contrib and he stood in the sight of the people,
uted and cast so much into the chest of and said to them: Thus saith the Lord
the Lord, that it was filled. God: Why transgress you the command
11 And when it was time to bring the ment of the Lord which will not be for
chest before the king by the hands of your good, and have forsaken the Lord,
the Levites, (for they saw there was much to make him forsake you ?
money,) the king s scribe, and he whom 21 And they gathered themselves to
the high priest had appointed went in: gether against him, and stoned him at
and they poured out the money that was the king s commandment in the court of
in the chest: and they carried back the the house of the Lord.
chest to its place and thus they did from
: 22 And king Joas did not remember the
day to day, and there was gathered an kindness that Joiada his father had done
immense sum of money. to him, s but killed his son. And when

o 4 Kings 11. 21 ; 12. 1. B. C. 841. s Matt. 23, 35.

q Ex. 30. 12.

Joas is slain 2 PARALIPOMENON The reign of A
he died, he said: The Lord see, and re and captains of thousands and of hun
quire it. dreds in all Juda, and Benjamin: and he
23 *
And when a year was come about, numbered them from twenty years old
the army of Syria came up against him: and upwards, and found three hundred
and they came to Juda and Jerusalem, thousand young men that could go out
and killed all the princes of the people, to battle, and could hold the spear and
and they sent all the spoils to the king shield.
of Damascus. 6 He hired also of Israel a hundred thou
24 And whereas there came a very sand valiant men, for a hundred talents
small number of the Syrians, the Lord of silver.
delivered into their hands an infinite 7 But a man of God came to him, and
multitude, because they had forsaken the said: king, let not the army of Israel
Lord the God of their fathers: and on go out with thee, for the Lord is not with
Joas they executed shameful judgments. Israel, and all the children of Ephraim:
25 And departing they left him in great 8 And if thou think that battles consist
diseases: and his servants rose up against in the strength of the army, God will
him, for revenge of the blood of the son make thee to be overcome by the ene
of Joiada the priest, and they slew him mies: for it belongeth to God both to
in his bed, and he died: and they buried help, and to put to flight.
him in the city of David, but not in the 9 And Amasias said to the man of God:
sepulchres of the kings. What will then become of the hundred
26 Now the men that conspired against talents which I have given to the soldiers
him were Zabad the son of Semmaath an of Israel ? and the man of God answered
Ammonitess, and Jozabad the son of him: The Lord is rich enough to be able
Semarith a Moabitess. to give thee much more than this.
27 And concerning his sons, and the 10 Then Amasias separated the army,
sum of money which was gathered under that came to him out of Ephraim, to go
him, and the repairing the house of God, home again: but they being much en
they are written more diligently in the raged against Juda, returned to their
book of kings: and Amasias his son own country.
reigned in his stead. 11 And Amasias taking courage led
forth his people, and wrent to the vale of
Amasias saltpits, and slew of the children of Seir
sreign: he beginneth well, but endeth ill:
he is overthrown by Joas, and slain by his own ten thousand.
people. 12 And other ten thousand men the
AM ASIAS v was five and
twenty years sons of Juda took, and brought to the
_f\. old when he began to reign, and he steep of a certain rock, and cast them
reigned nine and twenty years in Jeru down headlong from the top, and they
salem, the name of his mother was Joa- all were broken to pieces.
dan of Jerusalem. 13 But that army which Amasias had
2 And he did what was good in the sent back, that they should not go with
sight of the Lord: but yet not with a him to battle, spread themselves among
perfect heart. the cities of Juda, from Samaria to Beth-
3 And when he saw himself strengthened horon, and having killed three thousand
in his kingdom, he put to death the ser took away much spoil.
vants that had slain the king his father. 14 But Amasias after he had slain the
4 But he slew not their children, as it is Edomites, set up the gods of the children
written in the book of the law of Moses, of Seir, which he had brought thence, to
where the Lord commanded, saying: be his gods, and adored them, and burnt
w The fathers shall not be slain for the incense to them.
children, nor the children for their 15 Wherefore the Lord being angry
fathers, but every man shall die for his against Amasias, sent a prophet to him,
own sin. to say to him: Why hast thou adored
5 Amasias therefore gathered Juda to gods that have not delivered their own
gether, and appointed them by families, people out of thy hand?
t 3 Kings 12. 17. v B. C. 802. 4 Kings 14. 2.
w Deut. 24. 16 4 Kings 14.6 Ezech. 18. 20.
; ;

Amasias defeated by Joas 2 PARALIPOMENON The reign of Ozias
16 And when he spoke these things, he Jerusalem. x And he fled into Lachis,
answered him: Art thou the king s coun and they and killed him there.
sellor? be quiet, lest I kill thee. And 28 And they brought him back upon
the prophet departing, said: I know that horses, and buried him with his fathers
God is minded to kill thee, because thou in the city of David.
hast done this evil, and moreover hast
not hearkened to my counsel. CHAPTER 26
17 Then Amasias king of Juda taking Ozias reigneth prosperously, till he invadeth the
priests office, upon which he is struck with a
very bad counsel, sent to Joas the son of leprosy.
Joachaz the son of Jehu, king of Israel, v a ll the
people of Juda took his
saying: Come, let us see one another. son Ozias, who was sixteen years
18 But he sent back the messengers,
old, and made him king in the room of
saying: The thistle that is in Libanus, Amasias his father.
sent to the cedar in Libanus, saying: 2 He built Ailath, and restored it to the
Give thy daughter to my son to wife: dominion of Juda, after that the king
and behold the beasts that were in the
slept with his fathers.
wood of Libanus passed by and trod 3 Ozias was sixteen years old when he
down the thistle.
began to reign, and he reigned two and
19 Thou hast said: I have overthrown fifty years in Jerusalem: the name of his
Edom, and therefore thy heart is lifted mother was Jechelia of Jerusalem.
up with pride: stay at home, why dost 4 And he did that which was right in
thou provoke evil against thee that both the eyes of the Lord, according to all
thou shouldst and Juda with thee.
fall that Amasias his father had done.
20 Amasias would not hearken to him, 5 And he sought the Lord in the days of
because it was the Lord s will that he Zacharias that understood and saw God:
should be delivered into the hands of and as long as he sought the Lord, he
enemies, because of the gods of Edom. directed him in all things.
21 So Joas king of Israel went up, and 6 Moreover he went forth and fought
they presented themselves to be seen by against the Philistines, and broke down
one another: and Amasias king of Juda the wall of Geth, and the wall of Jabnia,
was in Bethsames of Juda: and the wall of Azotus: and he built
22 And Juda fell before Israel, and they towns in Azotus, and among the Philis
fled to their dwellings. tines.
23 And Joas kingof Israel took Amasias 7 And God helped him against the Phi
king of Juda, the son of Joas, the son of and against the Arabians, that
Joachaz, in Bethsames, and brought him dwelt in Gurbaal, and against the Am
to Jerusalem: and broke down the walls monites.
thereof from the gate of Ephraim, to 8 And the Ammonites gave gifts to
the gate of the corner, four hundred Ozias: and his name was spread abroad
cubits. even to the entrance of Egypt for his
24 And he took all the gold, and silver, frequent victories.
and all the vessels, that he found in the 9 And Ozias built towers in Jerusalem
house of God, and with Obededom, and in over the gate of the corner, and over
the treasures of the king s house, more the gate of the valley, and the rest, in
over also the sons of the hostages, he the same side of the wall, and fortified
brought back to Samaria. them.
25 And Amasias the son of Joas king 10 And he built towers in the wilder
of Juda lived, after the death of Joas ness, and dug many cisterns, for he had
the son of Joachaz king of Israel, fifteen much cattle both in the plains, and in the
years. waste of the desert: he had also vine
26 Now the rest of the acts of Amasias, yards and dressers of vines in the moun
the first and last, are written in the book tains, and in Carmel: for he was a man
of the kings of Juda and Israel. that loved husbandry.
27 And after he revolted from the Lord, 11 And the army of his fighting men,
they made a conspiracy against him in that went out to war, was under the

x B. C. 775. y B. C. 775. 4 Kings 14. 21

Ozias stricken with leprosy 2 PARALIPOMENON Joatham s good r

hand of Jehiel the scribe, and Maasias house of the Lord. And Joatham his son
the doctor, and under the hand of Hena- governed the king s house, and judged
nias, who was one of the king s captains. the people of the land.
12 And the whole number of the chiefs 22 But the rest of the acts of Ozias first
and last were written by Isaias the son
by the families of valiant men were two
thousand six hundred. of Amos, the prophet.
13 And the whole army under them 23 And Ozias slept with his fathers, and
three hundred and seven thousand five they buried him in the field of the royal
hundred: who were fit for war, and sepulchres, because he was a leper: and
fought for the king against the enemy. Joatham his son reigned in his stead.
14 And Ozias prepared for them, that
is, for the whole army, shields, and CHAPTER 27
spears, and helmets, and coats of mail, Joatham s good reign
and bows, and slings to cast stones. was five and twenty years

15 And he made in Jerusalem engines JOATHAM

old when he began to reign, and he
of diverse kinds, which he placed in the reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: the
towers, and in the corners of the walls, name of his mother was Jerusa the
to shoot arrows, and great stones and his : daughter of Sadoc.
name went forth far abroad, for the Lord 2 And he did that which was right be
helped him, and had strengthened him. fore the Lord, according to all that Ozias
16 But when he was made strong, his his father had done, only that he entered
heart was lifted up to his destruction, not into the temple of the Lord, and the
and he neglected the Lord his God: and people still
going into the temple of the Lord, he 3 He built the
high gate of the house of
had a mind to burn incense upon the the Lord, and on the wall of Ophel he
altar of incense. built much.
17 And immediately Azarias the priest 4 Moreover he built cities in the moun
going in after him, and with him four tains of Juda, and castles and towers in
score priests of the Lord, most valiant the forests.
men, 5 He fought against the king of the
18 Withstood the king and said: It doth children of Ammon, and overcame them,
not belong to thee, Ozias, to burn incense and the children of Ammon gave him at
to the Lord, but to the priests, that is, to that time a hundred talents of silver,
the sons of Aaron, s who are consecrated and ten thousand measures of wheat, and
for this ministry: go out of the sanctu as many measures of barley: so much
ary, do not despise: for this thing shall did the children of Ammon give him in
not be accounted to thy glory by the the second and third year.
Lord God. 6 And Joatham was strengthened, be
19 And Ozias was angry, and holding in cause he had his way directed before the
his hand the censer to burn incense, Lord his God.
threatened the priests. And presently 7 Now the rest of the acts of Joatham,
there rose a leprosy in his forehead be and all his wars, and his works, are writ
fore the priests, in the house of the ten in the book of the kings of Israel and
Lord at the altar of incense. Juda.
20 And Azarias the high priest, and all 8 He was five and twenty years old
the rest of the priests looked upon him, when he began to reign, and he reigned
and saw the leprosy in his forehead, and sixteen years in Jerusalem.
they made haste to thrust him out. Yea 9 And Joatham slept with his fathers,
himself also being frightened, hasted to and they buried him in the city of David:
go out, because he had quickly felt the and Achaz his son reigned in his stead.
stroke of the Lord.
21 And Ozias the king was a leper CHAPTER 28
unto the day of his death, and he dwelt The wicked and unhappy reign of Achaz
in a house apart being full of the leprosy, ACHAZ c was
twenty years old when
for which he had been cast out of the _T\. he began to reign, and he reigned
s Ex. 30. 7 et seq. 6 B. C. 735. 4 Kings 15. 33.
a 4 Kings 15. 5. c B. C. 731. 4 Kings 16. 2.

The wicked reign of Achas 2 PARALIPOMENON The captives are released
sixteen years in Jerusalem: he did not 12 Then some of the chief men of the
that which was right in the sight of the sons of Ephraim, Azarias the son of
Lord as David his father had done, Johanan, Barachias the son of Mosolla-
2 But walked in the ways of the kings moth, Ezechias the son of Sellum, and
of Israel; moreover also he cast statues Amasa the son of Adali, stood up against
for Baalim. them that came from the war.
3 It was he that burnt incense in the 13 And they said to them: You shall
valley of Benennom, and consecrated his not bring in the captives hither, lest we
sons in the fire according to the manner sin against the Lord. Why will you add
of the nations, which the Lord slew at to our sins, and heap up upon our former
the coming of the children of Israel. offences? for the sin is great, and the
4 He sacrificed also, and burnt incense fierce anger of the Lord hangeth over
in the high places, and on the hills, and Israel.
under every green tree. 14 So the soldiers left the spoils, and all
6 And the Lord his God delivered him that they had taken, before the princes
into the hands of the king of Syria, who and all the multitude.
defeated him, and took a great booty out 15 And the men, whom we mentioned
of his kingdom, and carried it to Damas above, rose up and took the captives,
cus: he was also delivered into the hands and with the spoils clothed all them that
of the king of Israel, who overthrew him were naked: and when they had clothed
with a great slaughter. and shod them, and refreshed them with
6 For Phacee the son of Romelia slew meat and drink, and anointed them be
of Juda a hundred and twenty thousand cause of their labour, and had taken care
in one day, all valiant men: because they of them, they set such of them as could
had forsaken the Lord the God of their not walk, and were feeble, upon beasts,
fathers. and brought them to Jericho the city of
7 At the same time Zechri a powerful palm trees to their brethren, and they
man of Ephraim, slew Maasias the king s returned to Samaria.
son, and Ezricam the governor of his 16 At that time king Achaz sent to the
house, and Elcana who was next to the king of the Assyrians asking help.
king. 17 And the Edomites came and slew
8 And the children of Israel carried many of Juda, and took a great booty.
away of their brethren two hundred 18 The Philistines also spread them
thousand women, boys, and girls, and an selves among the cities of the plains, and
immense booty: and they brought it to to the south of Juda: and they took
Samaria. Bethsames, and Aialon, and Gaderoth, and
9 At that time there was a prophet of Socho, and Thamnan, and Gamzo, with
the Lord there, whose name was Oded: their villages, and they dwelt in them.
and he went out to meet the army that 19 For the Lord had humbled Juda be
came to Samaria, and said to them: Be cause of Achaz the king of Juda, for he
hold the Lord the God of your fathers had stripped it of help, and had con
being angry with Juda, hath delivered temned the Lord.
them into your hands, and you have 20 And he brought against him Thel-
butchered them cruelly, so that your gathphalnasar king of the Assyrians,
cruelty hath reached up to heaven. who also afflicted him, and plundered
10 Moreover you have a mind to keep him without any resistance.
under the children of Juda and Jerusalem 21 And Achaz stripped the house of the
for your bondmen and bondwomen, which Lord, and the house of the kings, and of
ought not to be done for you have sinned
the princes, and gave gifts to the king
in this against the Lord your God. of the Assyrians, and yet it availed him
11 But hear ye my counsel, and release nothing.
the captives that you have brought of 22 Moreover also in the time of his dis
your brethren, because a great indigna tress he increased contempt against the
tion of the Lord hangeth over you. Lord: king Achaz himself by himself,

For he had stripped it of of the divine assistance by his wickedness, and by

CHAP. 28. Ver. 19.
help: that is, Achaz stripped the kingdom of Juda his introducing idolatry.

Death of Achaz 2 PARALIPOMENON Ezechuis purifies the temple
23 victims to the gods of
Sacrificed holocausts in the sanctuary of the God
Damascus that struck him, and he said: of Israel.
The gods of the kings of Syria help 8 Therefore the wrath of the Lord hath
them, and appease them with vic
I will been stirred up against Juda and Jerusa
tims, and they me; whereas on
will help lem, and he hath delivered them to
the contrary they were the ruin of him, trouble, and to destruction, and to be
and of all Israel. hissed at, as you see with your eyes.
24 Then Achaz having taken away all 9 Behold, our fathers are fallen by the
the vessels of the house of God, and
sword, our sons, and our daughters, and
broken them, shut up the doors of the wives are led away captives for this
temple of God, and made himself altars wickedness.
in all the corners of Jerusalem.
10 Now therefore I have a mind that we
25 And in all the cities of Juda he built
make a covenant with the Lord the God
altars to burn frankincense, and he pro
of Israel, and he will turn away the
voked the Lord the God of his fathers to wrath of his indignation from us.
11 My sons, be not negligent: the Lord
26 But the rest of his acts, and all his
hath chosen you to stand before him, and
works first and last are written in the
to minister to him, and to worship him,
book of the kings of Juda and Israel.
27 And Achaz slept with his fathers,
and to burn incense to him.
and they buried him in the city of Jeru 12 Then the Levites arose, Mahath the
salem: for they received him not into son of Amasai, and Joel the son of Aza-
the sepulchres of the kings of Israel. rias, the sons of Caath: and of the
And Ezechias his son reigned in his sons of Merari, Cis the son of Abdi, and
stead. Azarias the son of Jalaleel. And of the
sons of Gerson, Joah the son of Zemma,
CHAPTER 29 and Eden the son of Joah.
Ezechias purifieth the temple, and restoreth re 13 And of the sons of Elisaphan, Samri,
ligion. and Jahiel. Also of the sons of Asaph,
Ezechias began to reign, when
9 Zacharias, and Mathanias.
NOW he was
and he
five and twenty years old, 14 And of the sons of Heman, Jahiel,
and Semei: and of the sons of Idithun,
reigned nine and twenty years in
Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Semeias, and Oziel.
Abia, the daughter of Zacharias. 15 And they gathered together their
2 And he did that which was pleasing brethren, and sanctified themselves, and
in the sight of the Lord, according to all went in according to the commandment
that David his father had done. of the king, and the precept of the Lord,
3 In the first year and month of his to purify the house of God.
reign he opened the doors of the house 16 And the priests went into the temple
of the Lord, and repaired them. of the Lord to sanctify it, and brought out
4 And he brought the priests and the all the uncleanness that they found within
Levites, and assembled them in the east to the entrance of the house of the Lord,
street. and the Levites took it away, and carried
5 And he said to them: Hear me, ye it out abroad to the torrent Cedron.

Levites, and be sanctified, purify the 17 And they began to cleanse on the
house of the Lord the God of your fa first day of the first month, and on the
thers, and take away all filth out of the eighth day of the same month they came
sanctuary. into the porch of the temple of the Lord,
6 Our fathers have sinned and done evil and they purified the temple in eight
in the sight of the Lord God, forsaking days, and on the sixteenth day of the
him: they have turned away their faces same month they finished what they had
from the tabernacle of the Lord, and begun.
turned their backs. 18 And they went in to king Ezechias,
7 They have shut up the doors that and said to him: We have sanctified all
were in the porch, and put out the lamps, the house of the Lord, and the altar of
and have not burnt incense, nor offered holocaust, and the vessels thereof, and
g B. C. 727. 4 Kings 18. 1.

The sacrifices offered 2 PARALIPOMENON The sacrifices offered
the table of proposition with all its ves manded the Levites to praise the Lord
sels, with the words of David, and Asaph the
19 And all the furniture of the temple, seer: and they praised him with great
which king Achaz in his reign had denied, joy, and bowing the knee adored.
after his transgression; and behold they 31 And Ezechias added, and said: You
are all set forth before the altar of the have filled your hands to the Lord, come
Lord. and offer victims, and praises in the
20 And king
Ezechias rising early, as house of the Lord. And all the multi
sembled all the rulers of the city, and tude offered victims, and praises, and
went up into the house of the Lord: holocausts with a devout mind.
21 And they offered together seven bul 32 And the number of the holocausts
locks, and seven rams, and seven lambs, which the multitude offered, was seventy
and seven he goats for sin, for the king bullocks, a hundred rams, and two hun
dom, for the sanctuary, for Juda: and he dred lambs.
spoke to the priests the sons of Aaron, 33 And they consecrated to the LorJ
to offerthem upon the altar of the Lord. six hundred oxen, and three thousand
22 Therefore they killed the bullocks, sheep.
and the priests took the blood, and poured 34 But the priests were few, and were
it upon the altar; they killed also the not enough to flay the holocausts where :

rams, and their blood they poured also fore the Levites their brethren helped
upon the altar, and they killed the lambs, them, till the work was ended, and priests
and poured the blood upon the altar. were sanctified, for the Levites are sanc
And tified with an easier rite than the priests.
23 they brought the he goats for
sin before the king, and the whole multi 35 So there were many holocausts, and
tude, and they laid their hand upon them: the fat of peace offerings, and the liba
24 And the priests immolated them, and tions of holocausts: and the service of
sprinkled their blood before the altar for the house of the Lord was completed.
an expiation of all Israel: for the king 36 And Ezechias, and all the people re
had commanded that the holocaust and joiced because the ministry of the Lord
the sin offering should be made for all was accomplished. For the resolution of
Israel. doing this thing was taken suddenly.
25 And he set the Levites in the house
of the Lord with cymbals, and psalteries,
and harps according to the regulation of Ezechias inviteth all Israel to celebrate the pasch:
the solemnity is kept fourteen days.
David the king, and of Gad the seer, and
of Nathan the prophet: for it was the Ezechias sent to all Israel and
commandment of the Lord by the hand Juda: and he wrote letters to

of his prophets. Ephraim and Manasses, that they should

26 And the Levites stood, with the in come to the house of the Lord in Jerusa
struments of David, and the priests with lem, and keep the phase to the Lord the
trumpets. God of Israel.
27 And Ezechias commanded that they 2 For the king, taking counsel, and the
should offer holocausts upon the altar: princes, and
the assembly of Jerusal-
and when the holocausts were offered, lem, decreed to keep the phase the sec
they began to sing praises to the Lord, ond month.
and to sound with trumpets, and divers 3 For they could not keep it in its time;
instruments which David the king of because there were not priests enough
Israel had prepared. sanctified, and the people was not as yet
28 And all the multitude adored, and gathered together to Jerusalem.
the singers, and the trumpeters, were in 4 And the thing pleased the king, and
their office till the holocaust was finished. all the people.
29 And when the oblation was ended, 5 And they decreed to send messengers
the king, and all that were with him to all Israel from Bersabee even to Dan,
bowed down and adored. that they should come, and keep the
30 And Ezechias and the princes com phase to the Lord the God of Israel in

The pasch proclaimed 2 PARALIPOMENON Celebration of the pasch

Jerusalem: for many had not kept it as received the blood which was to be
prescribed by the law.
it is poured out, from the hands of the Le
6 And the posts went with letters by vites,
commandment of the king, and his 17 Because a great number was not
princes, to all Israel and Juda, proclaim sanctified: and therefore the Levites im
ing according to the king s orders: Ye molated the phase for them that came
children of Israel, turn again to the Lord not in time to be sanctified to the
the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and Lord.
of Israel: and he will return to the rem 18 For a great part of the people from
nant of you that have escaped the hand Ephraim, and Manasses, and Issachar,
of the king of the Assyrians. and Zabulon, that had not been sancti
7 Be not like your fathers, and brethren, fied, ate the phase otherwise than it is
who departed from the Lord the God of written: and Ezechias prayed for them,
their fathers, and he hath given them saying: The Lord who is good will shew
up to destruction, as you see. mercy,
8 Harden not your necks, as your 19 To all them, who with their whole
fathers did: yield yourselves to the Lord, heart, seek the Lord the God of their
and come to his sanctuary, which he fathers: and will not impute it to them
hath sanctified for ever: serve the Lord that they are not sanctified.
the God of your fathers, and the wrath 20 And the Lord heard him, and was
of his indignation shall be turned away merciful to the people.
from you. 21 And the children of Israel, that were
9 For if you turn again to the Lord: found at Jerusalem, kept the feast of
your brethren, and children shall find unleavened bread seven days with great
mercy before their masters, that have joy, praising the Lord every day: the
led them away captive, and they shall Levites also, and the priests, with instru
return into this land: for the Lord your ments that agreed to their office.
God is merciful, and will not turn away 22 And Ezechias spoke to the heart of
his face from you, if you return to him. all the Levites, that had good under
10 So the posts went speedily from city standing concerning the Lord: and they
to city, through the land of Ephraim, ate during the seven days of the solem
and of Manasses, even to Zabulon, whilst nity, immolating victims of peace offer
they laughed at them and mocked them. ings, and praising the Lord the God of
11 Nevertheless some men of Aser, and their fathers.
of Manasses, and of Zabulon, yielding to 23 And it pleased the whole multitude
the counsel, came to Jerusalem. to keep other seven days: which they
12 But the hand of God was in Juda, to did with great joy.
give them one heart to do the word of 24 For Ezechias the king of Juda had
the Lord, according to the commandment given to the multitude a thousand bul
of the king, and of the princes. locks, and seven thousand sheep: and
13 And much people were assembled to the princes had giv^n the people a thou
Jerusalem to celebrate the solemnity of sand bullocks, and ten thousand sheep:
the unleavened bread in the second and a great number of priests was sanc
month : tified.
14 And theyarose and destroyed the 25 And all the multitude of Juda with
altars that were in Jerusalem, and took the priests and Levites, and all the as
away all things in which incense was sembly, that came out of Israel; and the
burnt to idols, and cast them into the proselytes of the land of Israel, and that
torrent Cedron. dwelt in Juda were full of joy.
15 And they immolated the phase on 26 And there was a great solemnity in
the fourteenth day of the second month. Jerusalem, such as had not been in that
And the priests and the Levites being at city since the time of Solomon the son
length sanctified offered holocausts in of David king of Israel.
the house of the Lord. 27 And the priests and the Levites rose
16 And they stood in their order ac up and blessed the people: and their
cording to the disposition and law of voice was heard: and their prayer came
Moses the man of God: but the priests to the holy dwelling place of heaven.

The offerings of the people 2 PARALIPOMENON Distribution of offerings

CHAPTER 31 have been filled, and abundance is left,

is abolished: and provisions made for the
because the Lord hath blessed his people:
ministers. and of that which is left is this great
store which thou seest.
AND these things had been duly
Israel that were found 11 Then Ezechias commanded to pre
/\. celebrated, all
in the cities of Juda, went out, and they pare storehouses in the house of the
broke the idols, and cut down the groves, Lord. And when they had done so,
demolished the high places, and destroyed 12 They brought in faithfully both the
the altars, not only out of all Juda and firstfruits, and the tithes, and all they
Benjamin, but out of Ephraim also and had vowed. And the overseer of them
Manasses, till they had utterly destroyed was Chonenias the Levite, and Semei his
them: then all the children of Israel re brother was the second,
turned to their possessions and cities. 13 And after him Jehiel, and Azarias,
2 And Ezechias appointed companies of and Nahath, and Asael, and Jerimoth,
the priests, and the Levites, by their and Jozabad, and Eliel, and Jesmachias,
courses, every man in his own office, to and Mahath, and Banaias, overseers un
wit, both of the priests, and of the Le der the hand of Chonenias, and Semei his
vites, for holocausts, and for peace offer brother, by the commandment of Eze
ings, to minister, and to praise, and to chias the king, and Azarias the high
sing in the gates of the camp of the priest of the house of God, to whom all
Lord. things appertained.
3 And the king s part was, that of his 14 But Core the son of Jemna the Le
proper substance the holocaust should vite, the porter of the east gate, was
be offered always morning and evening, overseer of the things which were freely
and on the sabbaths, and the new moons offered to the Lord, and of the firstfruits
and the other solemnities, as it is writ and the things dedicated for the holy of
ten in the law of Moses. holies.
4 He commanded also the people that 15 And under his charge were Eden, and
dwelt in Jerusalem, to give to the priests, Benjamin, Jesue, and Semeias, and Ama-
and the Levites their portion, that they rias, and Sechenias, in the cities of the
might attend to the law of the Lord. priests, to distribute faithfully portions
5 Which when it was noised abroad in to their brethren, both little and great:
the ears of the people, the children of 16 Besides the males from three years
Israel offered in abundance the first old and upward, to all that went into
fruits of corn, wine, and oil, and honey: the temple of the Lord, and whatsoever
and brought the tithe of all things which there was need of in the ministry, and
the ground bringeth forth. their offices according to their courses,
6 Moreover the children of Israel and day by day.
Juda, that dwelt in the cities of Juda, 17 To the priests by their families, and
brought in the tithes of oxen, and sheep, to the Levites from the twentieth year
and the tithes of holy things, which they and upward, by their classes and com
had vowed to the Lord their God: and panies.
carrying them all, made many heaps. 18 And to all the multitude, both to
7 In the third month they began to lay their wives, and to their children of both
the foundations of the heaps, and in the sexes, victuals were given faithfully out
seventh month, they finished them. of the things that had been sanctified.
8 And when Ezechias and his princes 19 Also of the sons of Aaron who were
came in, they saw the heaps, and they in the fields and in the suburbs of each
blessed the Lord and the people of Israel. city, there were men appointed, to dis
9 And Ezechias asked the priests and tribute portions to all the males, among
the Levites, why the heaps lay so. the priests and the Levites.
10 Azarias the chief priest of the race 20 So Ezechias did all things which we
of Sadoc answered him, saying: Since have said in all Juda, and wrought that
the first fruits began to be offered in the which was good, and right, and truth,
house of the Lord, we have eaten, and before the Lord his God,

Sennacherib invades Juda 2 PARALIPOMENON Sennacherib s threats

21 In all the service of the ministry of Thus saith Sennacherib king of the
the house of the Lord according to the Assyrians: In whom do you trust, that
law and the ceremonies, desiring to seek you sit still besieged in Jerusalem?
his God with all his heart, and he did it 11 Doth not Ezechias deceive you, to
and prospered. give you up to die by hunger and thirst,
affirming that the Lord your God shall
CHAPTER 32 deliver you from the hand of the king of
Sennacherib inradeth Juda,: his army is destroyed the Assyrians ?
by an angel. Ezechias recovereth from his sick 12 Is it not this same Ezechias, that
ness: his other acts.
hath destroyed his high places, and his
these things, and this truth,
altars,and commanded Juda and Jerusa
Sennacherib king of the Assyrians lem, saying: You shall worship before
came and entered into Juda, and be one altar, and upon it you shall burn
sieged the fenced cities, desiring to take incense ?
them. 13 Know you not what I and my fathers
2 And when Ezechias saw that Sen
have done to all the people of the lands ?
nacherib was come, and that the whole have the gods of any nations and lands
force of the war was turning against been able to deliver their country out of
3 He took counsel with the princes, and
my hand?
14 Who is there among all the gods of
the most valiant men, to stop up the
the nations, which my fathers have de
heads of the springs, that were without
the city: and as they were all of this stroyed, that could deliver his people
out of my hand, that your God should be
mind, able to deliver you out of this hand ?
4 He gathered together a very great
15 Therefore let not Ezechias deceive
multitude, and they stopped up all the
springs, and the brook, that ran through you, nor delude you with a vain persua
the midst of the land, saying: Lest the sion, and do not believe him. For if no
kings of the Assyrians should come, and god of all the nations and kingdoms,
find abundance of water. could deliver his people out of my hand,
5 He built up also with great diligence and out of the hand of my fathers, con
all the wall that had been broken down, sequently neither shall your God be able
and built towers upon it, and another to deliver you out of my hand.
wall without: and he repaired Mello in 16 And many other things did his ser
the city of David, and made all sorts of vants speak against the Lord God, and
arms and shields: against Ezechias his servant.
6 And he appointed captains of the sol 17 He wrote also letters full of blas
diers of the army: and he called them all phemy against the Lord the God of Is
together in the street of the gate of the rael, and he spoke against him: As the
city, and spoke to their heart, saying: gods of other nations could not deliver
7 Behave like men, and take courage: their people out of my hand, so neither
be not afraid nor dismayed for the king can the God of Ezechias deliver his peo
of the Assyrians, nor for all the multi ple out of this hand.
tude that is with him: for there are many 18 Moreover he cried out with a loud
more with us than with him. voice, in the Jews tongue, to the people
8 For with him is an arm of flesh: with that sat on the walls of Jerusalem, that
us the Lord our God, who is our helper, he might frighten them, and take the
and fighteth for us. And the people were city.
encouraged with these words of Ezechias 19 And he spoke against the God of Je
king of Juda. rusalem, as against the gods of the peo
9 After this, Sennacherib king of the ple of the earth, the works of the hands
Assyrians sent his servants to Jerusalem, of men.
(for he with all his army was besieging 20 And Ezechias the king, and Isaias the
Lachis,) to Ezechias king of Juda, and to prophet the son of Amos, prayed against
all the people that were in the city, say this blasphemy, and cried out to heaven.
ing: 21 & And the Lord sent an angel, who
3 B. C. 701. 4 Kings 18. 13. Eccli. 48. 20; Isa. 30. 1. k Toh. 1. 21.

The riches of Ezechias 2 PARALIPOMENHDN Wicked reign of Manasses
cut off all the stout men and the warriors, 32 Now the rest of the acts of Ezechias,
and the captains of the army of the king and of his mercies are written in the
of the Assyrians: and he returned with book of the kings of Juda and Israel.
disgrace into his own country. And when 33 And Ezechias slept with his fathers,
he was come into the house of his god, and they buried him above the sepul
his sons that came out of his bowels, chres of the sons of David: and all Juda,
slew him with the sword. and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem cele
22 And the Lord saved Ezechias and the brated his funeral and Manasses his son

inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of the hand reigned in his stead.

of Sennacherib king of the Assyrians,
and out of the hand of all, and gave them CHAPTER 33
treasures on every side. Manasses for his manifold wickedness is led captive
to Babylon: he repentetli^ and is restored to his
23 Many also brought victims, and sac kingdom, and destroyeth idolatry: his successor
rifices to the Lord to Jerusalem, and Amon is slain by his servants.
presents to Ezechias king of Juda: and "was twelve years old
he was magnified thenceforth in the sight MANASSES
when he began to reign, and he
of all nations. reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.
24 ln those days Ezechias was sick
2 And he did before the Lord, ac
even to death, and he prayed to the Lord: cording to the abominations of the
and he heard him, and gave him a sign. nations, which the Lord cast out before
25 But he did not render again accord the children of Israel:
ing to the benefits which he had received, 3 And he turned, and built again the
for his heart was lifted up: and wrath high places which Ezechias his father had
was enkindled against him, and against destroyed: and he built altars to Baalim,
Juda and Jerusalem. and made groves, and he adored all the
26 And he humbled himself afterwards, host of heaven, and worshipped them.
because his heart had been lifted up, both 4 He built also altars in the house of
he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem: and the Lord, whereof the Lord had said: In
therefore the wrath of the Lord came not Jerusalem shall my name be for ever.
upon them in the days of Ezechias. 5 And he built them for all the host of
27 And Ezechias was rich, and very heaven in the two courts of the house of
glorious, and he gathered himself great the Lord.
treasures of silver and of gold, and of 6 And he made his sons to pass through
precious stones, of spices, and of arms, the fire in the valley of Benennom: he
of all kinds, and of vessels of great price. observed dreams, followed divinations,
28 Storehouses also of corn, of wine, gave himself up to magic arts, had with
and of oil, and stalls for all beasts, and him magicians, and enchanters: and he
folds for cattle. wrought many evils before the Lord, to
29 And he built himself cities: for he provoke him to anger.
had flocks of sheep, and herds without 7 P He set also a graven, and a molten
number, for the Lord had given him very- statue in the house of God, of which God
much substance. had said to David, and to Solomon his
30 This same Ezechias was he that son: In this house, and in Jerusalem,
stopped the upper source of the waters of which I have chosen out of all the tribes
Gihon, and turned them away underneath of Israel, will I put my name for ever.
toward the west of the city of David: 8 And I will not make the foot of Israel
in all his works he did prosperously what to be removed out of the land which I
he would. have delivered to their fathers: yet so if
31 But yet in the embassy of the princes they will take heed to do what I have
of Babylon, that were sent to him, to in commanded them, and all the law, and
quire of the wonder that had happened the ceremonies, and judgments by the
hand of Moses. r
upon the earth, God left him that he .

might be tempted, and all things might 9 So Manasses seduced Juda, and the in
be made known that were in his heart. habitants of Jerusalem, to do evil beyond
n B. C. 698. 4 Kings 21. 1.
I 4 Kings 20. 8 ; Isa. 88. 1. m B. C. 698. o 2 Kings 7. 10. p 3 Kings 8. 17.

CHAP. 33. Ver. 3. The host of heaven. The sun, moon, and stars.

16 481
Repentance of Manasses 2 PARALIPOMENON Josias abolishes idolatry

all the nations, which the Lord had de when he began and he reigned
to reign,
stroyed before the face of the children of
two years in Jerusalem.
Israel. 22 And he did evil in the sight of the
10 Andthe Lord spoke to him, and to Lord, as Manasses his father had done:
his people, and they would not hearken. and he sacrificed to all the idols which
11 Therefore he brought upon them the Manasses his father had made, and
served them.
captains of the army of the king of the
Assyrians: and they took Manasses, and 23 And he did not humble himself be
caried him bound with chains and fet fore the Lord, as Manasses his father
ters to Babylon. had humbled himself, but committed far
12 And after that he was in distress he greater sins.
prayed to the Lord his God: and did 24 And his servants conspired against
penance exceedingly before the God of him, and slew him in his own house.
his fathers. 25 But the rest of the multitude of the
13 And he entreated him, and besought people slew them that had killed Amon,
him earnestly: and he heard his prayer, and made Josias his son king in his
and brought him again to Jerusalem into stead.
his kingdom, and Manasses knew that
the Lord was God.
Josias destroyeth idolatry, repaireth the temple,
14 After this he built a wall without and reneweth the covenant between God and the.
the city of David, on the west side of people.
Gihon in the valley, from the entering in
eight years old when he
r was
of the fish gate round about to Ophel, to reign, and he reigned one
and raised it up to a great height: and and thirty years in Jerusalem.
he appointed captains of the army in all
2 And he did that which was right in
the fenced cities of Juda: the sight of the Lord, and walked in the
15 And he took away the strange gods, ways of David his father: he declined
and the out of the house of the Lord:
not, neither to the right hand, nor to the
the altars also which he had made in the left.
mount of the house of the Lord, and in 3 And in the eighth year of his reign,
Jerusalem, and he cast them all out of when he was yet a boy, he began to seek
the city. the God of his father David: and in the
16 And he repaired the altar of the twelfth year after he began to reign, he
Lord, and sacrificed upon it victims, and cleansed Juda and Jerusalem from the
peace offerings, and praise: and he com high places, and the groves, and the idols,
manded Juda to serve the Lord the God and the graven things.
of Israel. 4 And they broke down before him the
17 Nevertheless the people still sacri altars of Baalim, and demolished the idols
ficed in the high places to the Lord their that had been set upon them: and he
God. cut dov/n the groves and the graven
18 But the rest of the acts of Manasses, things, and broke them in pieces: and
and his prayer to his God, and the words strewed the fragments upon the graves
of the seers that spoke to him in the of them that had sacrificed to them.
name of the Lord the God of Israel, are 5 And he burnt the bones of the priests
contained in the words of the kings of on the altars of the idols, and he cleansed
Israel. Juda and Jerusalem.
19 His prayer also, and his being heard, 6 And in the cities of Manasses, and of
and all his sins, and contempt, and places Ephraim, and of Simeon, even to Neph-
wherein he built high places, and set up tali he demolished all.
groves, and statues before he did pen 7 And when he had destroyed the altars,
ance, are written in the words of Hozai. and the groves, and had broken the idols
20 And Manasses slept ffwith his fa in pieces, and had demolished all profane
thers, and they buried him in his house: temples thoughout all the land of Israel,
and his son Amon reigned in his stead. he returned to Jerusalem.
21 Amon was two and twenty years old 8 Now in the eighteenth year * of his
q B. C. 643. r 4 Kings 22. L s B. C. 641. t B. C. 624.

Josias repairs the temple 2 PARALIPOMENON Olda s prophecy
reign, when he had cleansed the land, cam the son of Saphan, and Abdon the
and the temple of the Lord, he sent son of Micha, and Saphan the scribe, and
Saphan the son of Eselias, and Maasias Asaa the king s servant, saying:
the governor of the city, Joha the son of 21 Go, and pray to the Lord for me,
Joachaz the recorder, to repair the house and for the remnant of Israel, and Juda,
of the Lord his God.
concerning all the words of this book,
9 And they came to Helcias the high which is found: for the great wrath of
priest: and received of him the money the Lord hath fallen upon us, because
which had been brought into the house our fathers have not kept the words of
of the Lord, and which the Levites and the Lord, to do all things that are writ
porters had gathered together from Ma- ten in this book.
nasses, and Ephraim, and all the remnant 22 And Helcias and they that were sent
of Israel, and from all Juda, and Benja with him by the king, went to Olda the
min, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, prophetess, the wife of Sellum the son
10 Which they delivered into the hands of Thecuath, the son of Hasra keeper of
of them that were over the workmen in the wardrobe: who dwelt in Jerusalem
the house of the Lord, to repair the tem in the Second part: and they spoke to
ple, and mend all that was weak. her the words above mentioned.
11 But they gave it to the artificers, and 23 And she answered them: Thus saith
to the masons, to buy stones out of the the Lord the God of Israel: Tell the man
quarries, and timber for the couplings of that sent you to me:
the building, and to rafter the houses, 24 Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will
which the kings of Juda had destroyed. bring evils upon this place, and upon
12 And they did all faithfully. Now the the inhabitants thereof, and all the curses
overseers of the workmen were Jahath that are written in this book which they
and Abdias of the sons of Merari, Zacha- read before the king of Juda.
rias and Mosollam of the sons of Caath, 25 Because they have forsaken me, and
who hastened the work: all Levites skil have sacrificed to strange gods, to pro
ful to play on instruments. voke me to wrath with all the works of
18 But over them that carried burdens their hands, therefore my wrath shall fall
for divers uses, were scribes, and masters upon this place, and shall not be quenched.
of the number of the Levites, and porters. 26 But as to the king of Juda that sent
14 Now when they carried out the you to beseech the Lord, thus shall you
money that had been brought into the say to him: Thus saith the Lord the God
temple of the Lord, Helcias the priest of Israel: Because thou hast heard the
found the book of the law of the Lord, words of this book,
by the hand of Moses. 27 And thy heart was softened, and
15 And he said to Saphan the scribe: I thou hast humbled thyself in the sight of
have found the book of the law in the God for the things that are spoken
house of the Lord: and he delivered it to against this place, and the inhabitants of
him. Jerusalem, and reverercing my face, hast
16 But he carried the book to the king, rent thy garments, and wept before me:
and told him, saying: Lo, all that thou I also have heard thee, saith the Lord.
hast committed to thy servants, is ac 28 For now I will gather thee to thy
complished. fathers, and thou shalt be brought to thy
17 They have gathered together the tomb in peace: and thy eyes shall not
silver that was found in the house of the see all the evil that I will bring upon
Lord: and it is given to the overseers of this place, and the inhabitants thereof.
the artificers, and of the workmen, for They therefore reported to the king all
divers works. that she had said.
18 Moreover Helcias the priest gave me 29 And he called together all the an
this book. And he read it before the king. cients of Juda and Jerusalem.
19 And when he had heard the words of 30 And went up to the house of the Lord,
the law, he rent his garments: and all the men of Juda, and the inhabit
20 And he commanded Helcias, and Ahi- ants of Jerusalem, the priests and the

u 4 Kings 23. 1.

Josias celebrates the pasch 2 PARALIPOMENON Josias celebrates the pasch

Levites, and all the people from the least sand, and of oxen three thousand, all
to the greatest. And the king read in these were of the king s substance.
their hearing, in the house of the Lord, 8 And his princes willingly offered what
allthe words of the book. they had vowed, both to the people and
31 And standing up in his tribunal, he to the priests and the Levites. More
made a covenant before the Lord to walk over Helcias, and Zacharias, and Jahiel
after him, and keep his commandments, rulers of the house of the Lord, gave to
and testimonies, and justifications with the priests to keep the phase two thou
and with all his soul, and to
all his heart, sand six hundred small cattle, and three
do the things that were written in that hundred oxen.
book which he had read. 9 And Chonenias, and Semeias and Na-
32 And he adjured all that were found thanael, his brethren, and Hasabias, and
in Jerusalem and Benjamin to do the Jehiel, and Jozabad princes of the Le
same: and the inhabitants of Jerusalem vites, gave to the rest of the Levites to
did according to the covenant of the celebrate the phase five thousand small
Lord the God of their fathers. cattle, and five hundred oxen.
3.3i And Josias took away all the abomi
10 And the ministry was prepared, and
nations out of all the countries of the the priests stood in their office: the Le
children of Israel: and made all that vites also in their companies, according
were left in Israel, to serve the Lord to the king s commandment.
their God. As long as he lived they de
11 And the phase was immolated: and
parted not from the Lord the God of the priests sprinkled the blood with their
their fathers.
hand, and the Levites flayed the holo
CHAPTER 35 causts :
Josias celebrateth a most solemn pasch. He is slain 12 And they separated them to give
by the king of Egypt. them by the houses and families of every
AND ^Josias kept a phase to the Lord one, and to be offered to the Lord, as it
jr\ in Jerusalem, and it was sacrificed is written in the book of Moses, and with
on the fourteenth day of the first month. the oxen they did in like manner.
2 And he set the priests in their of 13 And they roasted the phase with fire,
fices, and exhorted them to minister in according to that which is written in the
the house of the Lord. law: but the victims of peace offerings
3 And he spoke to the Levites, by whose they boiled in caldrons, and kettles, and
instruction all Israel was sanctified to pots, and they distributed them speedily
the Lord, saying: Put the ark in the among all the people.
sanctuary of the temple, which Solomon 14 And afterwards they made ready for
the son of David king of Israel built: themselves, and for the priests: for the
for you shall carry it no more: but min priests were busied in offering of holo
ister now to the Lord your God, and to causts and the fat until night wherefore

his people Israel. the Levites prepared for themselves, and

4 And prepare yourselves by your for the priests the sons of Aaron last.
houses, and families according to your 15 And the singers the sons of Asaph
courses, as David king of Israel com stood in their order, according to the
manded, and Solomon his son hath writ commandment of David, and Asaph, and
ten. Heman, and Idithun the prophets of the
5 And serve ye in the sanctuary by the king: and the porters kept guard at
families and companies of Levi. every gate, so as not to depart one mo
6 And being sanctified kill the phase, ment from their service: and therefore
and prepare your brethren, that they their brethren the Levites prepared
may do according to the words which meats for them.
the Lord spoke by the hand of Moses. 16 So all the service of the Lord was
7 And Josias gave to all the people that duly accomplished that day, both in keep
were found there in the solemnity of the ing the phase, and offering holocausts
phase, of lambs and of kids of the flocks, upon the altar of the Lord, according
and of other small cattle thirty thou to the commandment of king Josias.

v 4 Kings 26. 21.

The death of Josias 2 PARALIPOMENON Joakim and Joachin
17 And
the children of Israel that were CHAPTER 36
found there, kept the phase at that time, The reigns of Joachaz, Joakim, Joachin, and Sede-
and the feast of unleavened bread seven cias: the captivity of Babylon released at length
days. by Cyrus.

18 There was no phase like to this in peopletfthe of the land took

Israel,from the days of Samuel the pro THEN
Joachaz the son of Josias, and made
phet: neither did any of all the kings of him king instead of his father in Jeru
Israel keep such a phase as Josias kept, salem.
with the priests, and the Levites, and all 2 Joachaz was three and twenty years
Juda, and Israel that were found, and old when he began to reign, and he
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. reigned three months in Jerusalem.
19 In the eighteenth year of the reign 3 And the king of Egypt came to Jeru
of Josias was this phase celebrated. salem, and deposed him, and condemned
20 w After that Josias had repaired the the land in a hundred talents of silver,
temple, Nechao king of Egypt came up and a talent of gold.
to fight in Charcamis by the Euphrates: 4 And he made ^Eliakim his brother
and Josias went out to meet him. king in his stead, over Juda and Jerusa
21 But he sent messengers to him, say lem: and he turned his name to Joakim:
ing: What have I to do with thee, but he took Joachaz with him, and car
king of Juda? I come not against thee ried him away into Egypt.
this day, but I fight against another 5 Joakim was five and twenty years
house, to which God hath commanded old when he began to reign, and he
me to go in haste: forbear to do against reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and
God, who is with me, lest he kill thee. he did evil before the Lord his God.
22 Josias would not return, but pre 6 Against him came up Nabuchodono-
pared to fight against him, and heark sor king of the Chaldeans, and led him
ened not to the words of Nechao from bound in chains into Babylon.
the mouth of God, x but went to fight in 7 And he carried also thither the vessels
the field of Mageddo. of the Lord, and put them in his temple.
23 And there he was wounded by the 8 But the rest of the acts of Joakim,
archers, and he said to his servants: and his abominations, which he wrought,
Carry me out of the battle, for I am and the things that were found in him,
grievously wounded. are contained in the book of the kings of
24 And they removed him from the Juda and Israel. And Joachin his son
chariot into another, that followed him reigned in his stead.
after the manner of kings, and they car 9 Joachin was eight years old when he
ried him away to Jerusalem, and he began to reign, and he reigned three
died, and was buried in the monument of months and ten days in Jerusalem, and
his fathers, and all Juda and Jerusalem he did evil in the sight of the Lord.
mourned for him, 10 And at the return of the year, king
25 Particularly Jeremias: whose lamen Nabuchodonosor sent, and brought him to
tations for Josias all the singing men Babylon, carrying away at the same time
and singing women repeat unto this day, the most precious vessels of the house
and it became like a law in Israel: Be of the Lord: a and he made Sedecias his
hold it is found written in the Lamenta uncle king over Juda and Jerusalem.
tions. 11 Sedecias was one and twenty years
26 Now the rest of the acts of Josias old when he began to reign: and he
and of his mercies, according to what reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.
was commanded by the law of the Lord: 12 And he did evil in the eyes of the
27 And his works first and last, are Lord his God, and did not reverence the
written in the books of the kings of face of Jeremias the prophet speaking to
Juda and Israel. him from the mouth of the Lord.
w 4 Kings 23. 29. B. C. 610. y B. C. 610. 4 Kings 23. 30.
x Zach. 12. 11. Z Matt 1. 11. a 4 Kings 24. 1 ; Jer. 37. 1.

CHAP. 36. Ver. 9. Eight years old. He was as when he reigned alone, he was eighteen years old.
sociated by his father to the kingdom, when he was 4 Kings 24. 8.
but eight years old, but after his father s death.
Wickedness of the people 1 ESDRAS The 70 years of captivity
13 He also revolted from king Nabuch- of the princes he carried away to Baby
odonosor, & who had made him swear by lon.
God: and he hardened his neck and his 19 And the enemies set fire to the house
heart,from returning to the Lord the of God, and broke down the wall of Je
God of Israel. rusalem, burnt all the towers, and what
14 Moreover all the chief of the priests, soever was precious they destroyed.
and the people wickedly transgressed 20 Whosoever escaped the sword, was
according to all the abominations of the led into Babylon, and there served the
Gentiles: and they defiled the house of king and his sons till the reign of the
the Lord, which he had sanctified to him king of Persia.
self in 21 That the word of the Lord by the
16 And the Lord the God of their fa mouth of Jeremias might be fulfilled, (

thers sent to them, by the hand of his and the land might keep her sabbaths: ;

messengers, rising early, and daily ad for all the days of the desolation she
monishing them: because he spared his kept a sabbath, till the seventy years
people and his dwelling place. were expired.
16 But they mocked the messengers of 22 c But in the first year d of Cyrus king
God, and despised his words, and mis of the Persians, to fulfil the word of the
used the prophets, until the wrath of the Lord, which he had spoken by the mouth
Lord arose against his people, and there of Jeremias, the Lord stirred up the heart
was no remedy. of Cyrus king of the Persians: who com
17 For he brought upon them the king manded it to be proclaimed through all
of the Chaldeans, and he slew their his kingdom, and by writing also, saying:
young men with the sword in the house 23 Thus saith Cyrus king of the Per
of his sanctuary, he had no compassion sians: All the kingdoms of the earth hath
on young man, or maiden, old man or the Lord the God of heaven given to me,
even him that stooped for age, but he and he hath charged me to build him a
delivered them all into his hands. house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea:
18 And all the vessels of the house of who is there among you of all his peo
the Lord, great and small, and the trea ple ? The Lord his God be with him, and
sures of the temple and of the king, and let him go up.

This Book taketh its name from the writer: who was a holy priest, and doctor of the
law. He is called by the Hebrews, EZRA.
CHAPTER 1 sians: The Lord the God of heaven hath
Cyrus king of Persia releaseth God s people from given to me all the kingdoms of the earth,
their captivity, with license to return and build the
temple in Jerusalem: and restoreth the holy ves
and he hath charged me to build him a
sels which Nabuchodonosor had taken from thence. house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea.
the first year e of Cyrus king of the 3 Who is there among you of all his peo
INPersians, that the word of the Lord ple ? His God be with him. Let him go up
by the mouth of Jeremias might be ful to Jerusalem, which is in Judea, and build
filled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of the house of the Lord the God of Israel:
Cyrus king of the Persians: and he made he is the God that is in Jerusalem.
a proclamation throughout all his king 4 And let all the rest in all places where
dom, and in writing also, saying: soever they dwell, help him every man
2 Thus saith Cyrus king of the Per- from his place, with silver and gold, and
6 B. c. 587. d B. c. 538.
c Esd. 1. 1, and 6. 3 ; Jer. 26. 12, and 29. 1C. a B. C. 538. 2 Par. 36. 22 ; Jer. 25. 12. and 29. 10.

Cyrus restores the holy vessels 1 ESDRAS Number of people who returned
goods, and cattle, besides that which they 6 The children of Phahath Moab, of the
offer freely to the temple of God, which children of Josue: Joab, two thousand
is in Jerusalem. eight hundred twelve.
5 Then rose up the chief of the fathers 7 The children of Elam, a thousand two
of Juda and Benjamin, and the priests, hundred fifty-four.
and Levites, and every one whose spirit
8 The children of Zethua, nine hundred
God had raised up, to go up to build the
temple of the Lord, which was in Jeru
salem. 9 The children of Zachai, seven hundred
And all they that were round about, sixty.
helped their hands with vessels of silver, 10 The children of Bani, six hundred
and gold, with goods, and with beasts, forty-two.
and with furniture, besides what they 11 The children of Bebai, six hundred
had offered on their own accord. twenty-three.
7 And king Cyrus brought forth the 12 The children of Azgad, a thousand
vessels of the temple of the Lord, which two hundred twenty-two.
Nabuchodonosor had taken from Jerusa 13 The children of Adonicam, six hun
lem, and had put them in the temple of dred sixty-six.
his god. 14 The children of Beguai, two thou
8 Now Cyrus king of Persia brought sand fifty-six.
them forth by the hand of Mithridates 15 The children of Adin, four hundred
the son of Gazabar, and numbered them fifty-four.
to / Sassabasar the prince of Juda. 16 The children of Ather, who were of
9 And this is the number of them thir : Ezechias, ninety-eight.
ty bowls of gold, a thousand bowls of 17 The children of Besai, three hundred
silver, nine and twenty knives, thirty and twenty-three.
cups of gold, 18 The children of Jora, a hundred and
10 Silver cups of a second sort, four twelve.
hundred and ten: other vessels a thou 19 The children of Hasum, two hundred
sand. twenty-three.
11 All the vessels of gold and silver, 20 The children of Gebbar, ninety-five.
five thousand four hundred: all these 21 The children of Bethlehem, a hun
Sassabasar brought with them that came dred twenty-three.
up from the captivity of Babylon to Je 22 The men of Netupha, fifty-six.
rusalem. 23 The men of Anathoth, a hundred
CHAPTER 2 24 The children of Azmaveth, forty-two.
The number of them that returned to Judea: their 25 The children of Cariathiarim, Cephira,
and Beroth, seven hundred forty-three.
o these are the children of the 26 The children of Rama and Gabaa, six
NOW province, that went out of the cap hundred twenty-one.
tivity, which Nabuchodonosor king of 27 The men of Machmas, a hundred
Babylon had carried away to Babylon, twenty-two.
and who returned to Jerusalem and Juda, 28 The men of Bethel and Hai, two hun
every man to his city. dred twenty-three.
2 Who came with Zorobabel, Josue, Ne- 29 The children of Nebo, fifty-two.
hemia, Saraia, Rahelaia, Mardochai, Bel- 30 The children of Megbis, a hundred
san, Mesphar, Beguai, Rehum, Baana. fifty-six.
The number of the men of the people of 31 The children of the other Elam, a
Israel: thousand two hundred and fifty-four.
3 The children of Pharos two thousand 32 The children of Harim, three hun
one hundred seventy-two. dred and twenty.
4 The children of iStephatia, three hun 33 The children of Lod, Hadid and Ono,
dred seventy-two. seven hundred twenty-five.
5 The children of Area, seven hundred 34 The children of Jericho, three hun
seventy-five. dred forty-five.

/ Alias Zorobabel. g 2 Esd. 7. 6.

Number of people who returned 1 ESDRAS Their offerings for the temple

35 The children of Senaa, three thou which were of Asebaim, the children of
sand six hundred thirty. Ami,
36 The priests: the children of Jadaia 58 All the Nathinites, and the children
of the servants of Solomon, three hun
of the house of Josue, nine hundred sev
dred ninety-two.
37 The children of Emmer, a thousand 59 And these are they that came up
from Thelmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, and
38 The children of Pheshur, a thousand Adon, and Emer. And they could not
two hundred forty-seven. shew the house of their fathers and their
39 The children of Harim, a thousand seed, whether they were of Israel.
and seventeen. 60 The children of Dalaia, the children
40 The Levites: the children of Josue of Tobia, the children of Necoda, six hun
and of Cedmihel, the children of Odovia, dred fifty-two.
seventy-four. 61 And of the children of the priests:
41 The singing men: the children of the children of Hobia, the children of
Asaph, a hundred twenty-eight. Accos, the children of Berzellai, who took
42 The children of the porters: the chil a wife of the daughters of Berzellai, the
dren of Sellum, the children of Ater, the Galaadite, and was called by their name:
children of Telmon, the children of Ac- 62 These sought the writing of their
cub, the children of Hatita, the children genealogy, and found it not, and they
of Sobai: in all a hundred thirty-nine. were cast out of the priesthood.
43 The Nathinites: the children of Siha, 63 h And Athersatha said to them, that
the children of Hasupha, the children of they should not eat of the holy of holies,
till there arose a priest learned and per
44 The children of Ceros, the children fect.
of Sia, the children of Phadon, 64 All the multitudes as one man, were
45 The children of Lebana, the children forty-two thousand three hundred and
of Hegaba, the children of Accub, sixty :
46 The children of Hagab, the children 65 Besides their menservants, and wom-
of Semlai, the children of Hanan, enservants, of whom there were seven
47 The children of Gaddel, the children thousand three hundred and thirty-
of Gaher, the children of Raaia, seven: and among them singing men, and
48 The children of Rasin, the children singing women two hundred.
of Necoda, the children of Gazam, 66 Their horses seven hundred thirty-
49 The children of Asa, the children of six, their mules two hundred forty-five,
Phasea, the children of Besee, 67 Their camels four hundred thirty-
50 The children of Asena, the children five, their asses six thousand seven hun
of Munim, the children of Nephusim, dred and twenty.
51 The children of Bacbuc, the children 68 And some of the chief of the fathers,
of Hacupha, the children of Harhur, when they came to the temple of the
52 The children of Besluth, the children Lord, which is in Jerusalem, offered free
of Mahida, the children of Harsa, ly to the house of the Lord to build it in
53 The children of Bercos, the children its place.
of Sisara, the children of Thema, 69 According to their ability, they gave
54 The children of Nasia, the children towards the expenses of the work, sixty-
of Hatipha, one thousand solids of gold, five thou
55 The children of the servants of Solo sand pounds of silver, and a hundred gar
mon, the children of Sotai, the children ments for the priests.
of Sopheret, the children of Pharuda, 70 So the priests and the Levites, and
56 The children of Jala, the children of some of the people, and the singing
Dercon, the children of Geddel, men, and the porters, and the Nathinites
57 The children of Saphatia, the chil dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in
dren of Hatil, the children of Phochereth, their cities.

h 2 Esd. 7. 65.

CHAP. Ver. 64. Forty-two

2. &c. Those who must be taken in to make up the whole
who are reckoned up above of thousand,
the tribes of Juda
sum, were of the other tribes.
Benjamin, and Levi, fall short of this number The

An altar is built 1 ESDRAS Foundations of the temple laid

CHAPTER 3 children of Juda, as one man, stood to

An altar is built for sacrifice, the feast of taber
hasten them that did the work in the
nacles is solemnly celebrated, and the founda temple of God: the sons of Henadad,
tions of the temple are laid.
and their sons, and their brethren the
AND now the seventh month was Levites.
.fTL come, and the children of Israel 10 And when the masons laid the foun
were in their cities: and the people gath dations of the temple of the Lord, the
ered themselves together as one man to priests stood in their ornaments with
Jerusalem. trumpets: and the Levites the sons of
2 And Josue the son of Josedec rose up, Asaph with cymbals, to praise God by
and his brethren the priests, and Zoro- the hands of David king of Israel.
babel the son of Salathiel, and his bre 11 And they sung together hymns, and
thren, and they built the altar of the God praise to the Lord: because he is good,
of Israel that they might offer holo for his mercy endureth forever towards
causts upon it, as it is written in the Israel. And all the people shouted with
law of Moses the man of God. a great shout, praising the Lord, because
3 And they set the altar of God upon the foundations of the temple of the
its bases, while the people of the lands Lord were laid.
round about put them in fear, and they 12 But many of the priests and the Le
offered upon it a holocaust to the Lord vites, and the chiefs of the fathers and
morning and evening. the ancients that had seen the former
4 And they kept the feast of taber temple; when they had the foundation
nacles, as it is written, and offered the of this temple before their eyes, wept
holocaust every day orderly according with a loud voice: and many shouting
to the commandments, the duty of the for joy, lifted up their voice.
day in its day. 13 So that one could not distinguish the
5 And afterwards the continual holo voice of the shout of joy, from the noise
caust, both of the new moons, and on all of the weeping of the people: for one
the solemnities of the Lord, that were with another the people shouted with a
consecrated, and on all in which a free loud shout, and the voice was heard afar
will offering was made to the Lord. off.

6 Prom the first day of the seventh CHAPTER 4

month they began to offer holocausts to The Samaritans by their letter to the king hinder
the building.
the Lord: but the temple of God was
not yet founded. the enemies of Juda and Ben
7 And they gave money to hewers of NOW
jamin heard that the children of the
stones and to masons: and meat and were
captivity building a temple to the
drink, and oil to the Sidonians and Tyr- Lord the God of Israel.
ians, to bring cedar trees from Libanus 2 And they came to Zorobabel, and the
to the sea of Joppe, according to the or chief of the fathers, and said to them:
ders which Cyrus king of the Persians Let us build with you, for we seek your
had given them. God as ye do: behold we have sacrificed
8 And in the second year of their com to him, since the days of Asor Haddan
ing to the temple of God in Jerusalem, king of Assyria, who brought us hither.
the second month, Zorobabel the son of 3 But Zorobabel, and Josue, and the
Salathiel, and Josue the son of Josedec, rest of the chiefs of the fathers of Israel
and the rest of their brethren the priests, said to them: You have nothing to do
and the Levites, and all that were come with us to build a house to our God,
from the captivity to Jerusalem began, but we ourselves alone will build to the
and they appointed Levites from twenty Lord our God, as Cyrus king of the Per
years old and upward, to hasten forward sians hath commanded us.
the work of the Lord. 4 Then the people of the land hindered
9 Then Josue and his sons and his bre the hands of the people of Juda, and
thren, Cedmihel, and his sons, and the troubled them in building.

CHAP. 3. Ver. 2. Josue: or Jesus ( Jesbua) the son of Josedec ; be was the high priest at that time.

The letter of the Samaritans
1 ESDRAS The work is interrupted

5 And they hired counsellors against therein of old time: for which cause also
the the city was destroyed.
them, to frustrate their design all
16 We certify the king, that if this city
days of Cyrus king of Persia, even
the reign of Darius king of the Persians. be built, and the walls thereof repaired,
6 And in the reign of Assuerus, in the
thou shalt have no possession on this
an side of the -river.
beginning of his reign, they wrote
accusation against the inhabitants of 17 The king sent word to Reum Beel
Juda and Jerusalem. teem and Samsai the scribe, and to the
7 And in the days of Artaxerxes, Bese- rest that were in their council, inhabi
tants of Samaria, and to the rest beyond
lam, Mithridates, and Thabeel, and the
rest that were in the council wrote to the river, sending greeting and peace.
Artaxerxes king of the Persians: and the 18 The accusation, which you have sent
letter of accusation was written in Syriac, to us, hath been plainly read before me,
and was read in the Syrian tongue. 19 And I commanded: and search hath
8 Reum Beelteem, and Samsai the been made, and it is found, that this city
scribe wrote a letter from Jerusalem to of old time hath rebelled against kings,
king Artaxerxes, in this manner: and seditions and wars have been raised
9 Reum Beelteem, and S amsai the scribe therein.
and the rest of their counsellors, the Din- 20 For there have been powerful kings
ites, and the Apharsathacites, the Ther-
in Jerusalem, who have had dominion
phalites, the Apharsites, the Erchuites, over all the country that is beyond the
the Babylonians, the Susanechites, the river: and have received tribute, and toll
Dievites, and the Elamites, and revenues.
10 And the rest of the nations, whom 21 Now therefore hear the sentence:
the great and glorious Asenaphar brought Hinder those men, that this city be not
over: and made to dwell in the cities of further orders be given iby me.
built, till
Samaria and in the rest of the countries 22 See that you be not negligent in ex
of this side of the river in peace. ecuting this, lest by little and little the
11 (This is the copy of the letter, which evil grow to the hurt of the kings.
they sent to him:) To Artaxerxes the 23 Now the copy of the edict of king
king, thy servants, the men that are on Artaxerxes was read before Reum Beel
this side of the river, send greeting . 1

teem, and .Samsai the scribe, and their

12 Be it known to the king, that the counsellors: and they went up in haste
Jews, who came up from thee to us, are to Jerusalem to the Jews, and hindered
come Jerusalem a rebellious and
to them with arm and power.
wicked which they are building, set
city, 24 Then the work of the house of the
ting up the ramparts thereof and repair Lord in Jerusalem was interrupted, and
ing the walls. ceased till the second year of the reign
13 And now be it known to the king, of Darius king of the Persians.
that if this city be built up, and the
walls thereof repaired, they will not pay
By the exhortation^ of Aggeus, and Zacharias, the
tribute nor nor yearly revenues,
people proceed in building the temple. Which
and this loss will fall upon the kings. their enemies strive in vain to hinder.
14 But we remembering the salt that l
Aggeus the prophet, and Zacha
we have eaten in the palace, and because
we count it a crime to see the king
NOW son
rias the
the Jews that were
Addo, prophesied
Judea and Jeru

wronged, have therefore sent and certi salem, in the name of the God of Israel.
fied the king, 2 Then rose up Zorobabel the son of
15 That search may be made in the
Salathiel, and Josue the son of Josedec,
books of the histories of thy fathers, and and began to build the temple of God in
thou shalt find written in the records:
Jerusalem, and with them were the pro
and shalt know that this city is a rebel
phets of God helping them.
lious city, and hurtful to the
kings and 2 And at the same time came to them
provinces, and that wars were raised Thathanai, who was governor beyond
I B. C. 520.
CHAP. 4. Ver. 6. Assuerus. Otherwise called also in the following verse named Artaxerxes,
Cambysee the aon and successor of Cyrus. He is name common to almost all the kings of Persia.

The governor s letter to Darius 1 ESDRAS The record found
the river, and Stharbuzanai, and their that in Jerusalem, and had brought
counsellors: and said thus to them: Who them
to the temple of Babylon, king Cy
hath given you counsel to build this rus brought out of the temple of Babylon,
house, and to repair the walls thereof? and they were delivered to one Sassa-
4 In answer to which we gave them the basar, whom also he appointed governor,
names of the men who were the pro 15 And said to him: Take these vessels,
moters of that building. and go, and put them in the temple that
5 But the eye of their God was upon the is in Jerusalem, and let the house of God

ancients of the Jews, and they could not be built in its place.
hinder them. And it was agreed that 16 Then came this same Sassabasar,
the matter should be referred to Darius, and laid the foundations of the temple of
and then they should give satisfaction God in Jerusalem, and from that time
concerning that accusation. until now it is in building, and is not yet
6 The copy of the letter that Thathanai finished.
governor of the country beyond the river, 17 Now therefore if itseem good to the
and Stharbuzanai, and his counsellors the king, let him search in the king s library,
Arphasachites, who dwelt beyond the which is in Babylon, whether it hath been
river, sent to Darius the king. decreed by Cyrus the king, that the house
7 The letter which they sent him, was of God in Jerusalem should be built, and
written thus: To Darius the king all let the king send his pleasure to us con
peace. cerning this matter.
8 Be it known to the king, that we went CHAPTER 6
to the province of Judea, to the house of King Darius favoreth the building and contrib-
the great God, which they are building Uteth to it.

with unpolished stones, and timber is king Darius gave orders, and
laid in the walls: and this work is car THEN
they searched
that were
in the library of the
ried on diligently, and advanceth in their books laid up in Babylon,
hands. 2 And there was found in Ecbatana,
9 And we asked those ancients, and said which is a castle in the province of Media,
to them thus: Who hath given you au a book in which this record was written.
thority to build this house, and to repair
these walls? 3 In the first year of Cyrus the king:
10 We asked also of them their names, Cyrus the king decreed, that the house
that we might give thee notice: and we of God should be built, which is in Jeru
have written the names of the men that salem, in the place where they may offer
are the chief among them. sacrifices, and that they lay the foun
dations that may support the height of
11 And they answered us in these
threescore cubits, and the breadth of
words, saying: We are the servants of
threescore cubits,
the God of heaven and earth, and we are
building a temple that was built these 4 Three rows of unpolished stones, and
many years ago, and which a great king so rows of new timber: and the charges
of Israel built and set up. shall be given out of the king s house.
12 But after that our fathers had pro 5 And also let the golden and silver ves
voked the God of heaven to wrath, he sels of the temple of God, which Nabu-
delivered them into the hands of Nabu- chodonosor took out of the temple of
chodonosor the king of Babylon the Chal Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, be
dean: and he destroyed this house, and restored, and carried back to the temple
carried away the people to Babylon. of Jerusalem to their place, which also
13 But in the first year of Cyrus the were placed in the temple of God.
king of Babylon, king Cyrus set forth a 6 Now therefore Thathanai, governor
decree, that this house of God should be of the country beyond the river, Sthar
built. buzanai, and your counsellors the Aphar-
14 Andthe vessels also of gold and sachites, who are beyond the river, de
temple of God, which Nabu-
silver of the part far from them,
chodonosor had taken out of the temple, 7 And let that temple of God be built

The decree of Darius 1 ESDRAS Esdras goes up to Jerusalem
of the house of God, a hundred calves,
by the governor of the Jews, and by
ancients, that they may build
that house two hundred rams, four hundred lambs,
of God in its place. and for a sin offering for all Israel twelve
he goats, according to the number of the
8 I also have commanded what must be
tribes of Israel.
done by those ancients of the Jews, that
18 And they set the priests in their di
the house of God may be built, to wit,
that of the king s chest, that is, of the visions, and the Levites in their courses
over the works of God in Jerusalem, n as
tribute that is paid out of the country
it is written in the book of Moses.
beyond the river, the charges be dili 19 And the children of Israel of the
gently given to those men, lest the work
be hindered. captivity kept the phase, on the four
teenth day of the first month.
9 And if it shall be necessary, let calves
20 For all the priests and the Levites
also, and lambs, and kids, for holocausts were purified as one man: all were clean
to the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine,
to kill the phase for all the children of
and oil, according to the custom of the the captivity, and for their brethren the
priests that are in Jerusalem, be given and themselves.
them day by day, that there be no com 21 And the children of Israel that were
plaint in any thing. returned from captivity, and all that had
10 And them offer oblations to the
separated themselves from the filthiness
God of heaven, and pray for the life of of the nations of the earth to them, to
the king, and of his children. seek the Lord the God of Israel, did eat.
11 And I have made a decree: That if 22 And they kept the feast of unleav
any whosoever, shall alter this command ened bread seven days with joy, for the
ment, a beam be taken from his house, Lord had made them joyful, and had
and set up, and he be nailed upon it, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria
his house be confiscated. to them, that he should help their hands
12 And may the God, that hath caused in the work of the house of the Lord the
his name to dwell there, destroy all king God of Israel.
doms, and the people that shall put out
their hand to resist, and to destroy the CHAPTER 7
house of God, that is in Jerusalem. I Esdras goeth up to Jerusalem to teach, and assist
the people, with a gracious decree of Artaxerxes.
Darius have made the decree, which I
will have diligently complied with. P after these
things in the reign
13 So then Thathanai, governor of the
country beyond the river, and Stharbu-
Artaxerxes king
of the Persians,
of Saraias, the son of
zanai, and his counsellors diligently ex Azarias, the son of Helcias,
ecuted what Darius the king had com 2 The son of Sellum, the son of Sadoc,
manded. the son of Achitob,
14 And the ancients of the Jews built, 3 The son of Amarias, the son of Aza
and prospered according to the prophecy rias, the son of Maraioth,
of Aggeus the prophet, and of Zacharias 4 The son of Zarahias, the son of Ozi,
the son of Addo: and they built and fin the son of Bocci,
ished, by the commandment of the God 5 The son of Abisue, the son of Phinees,
of Israel, and by the commandment of the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the
Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes kings priest from the beginning.
of the Persians. This Esdras went up from Babylon,
15 And they were finishing this house and he was a ready scribe in the law of
of God, until the third day of the month Moses, which the Lord God had given to
of Adar, which was in the sixth year of Israel: and the king granted him all his
the reign of king Darius. request, according to the hand of the
16 And the children of Israel, the Lord his God upon him.
priests and the Levites, and the rest of 7 And there went up some of the chil
the children of the captivity kept the dren of Israel, and of the children of the
dedication of the house of God with joy. priests, and of the children of the Levites,
17 And they offered at the dedication and of the singing men, and of the por-
n Num. 3. 6. and 8. 9. o B. C. 515. p B. C. 458.

1 ESDRAS The letter of Artaxerxes
ters, and of the Nathinites to Jerusalem 20 And whatsoever more there shall be
in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the

need of for the house of thy God, how

king. much soever thou shalt have occasion to
8 And they came to Jerusalem in the spend, it shall be given out of the trea
fifth month, in the seventh year of the sury, and the king s exchequer, and by
king. me.
9 For upon the first day of the first 21 I Artaxerxes the king have ordered
month he began to go up from Babylon, and decreed to all the keepers of the
and on the first day of the fifth month public chest, that are beyond the river,
he came to Jerusalem according to the that whatsoever Esdras the priest, the
good hand of his God upon him. scribe of the law of the God of heaven,
shall require of you, you give it without
10 For Esdras had prepared his heart
to seek the law of the Lord, and to do delay,
and to teach in Israel the commandments 22 Unto a hundred talents of silver, and
and judgment. unto a hundred cores of wheat, and unto
11 And this is the copy of the letter of
a hundred bates of wine, and unto a
the edict, which king Artaxerxes gave
hundred bates of oil, and salt without
to Esdras the priest, the scribe instruc
ted in the words and commandments of 23 All that belongeth to the rites of
the Lord, and his ceremonies in Israel. the God of heaven, let it be given dili
12 Artaxerxes king of kings to Esdras gently in the house of the God of hea
ven: lest his wrath should be enkindled
the priest, the most learned scribe of the
law of the God of heaven, greeting. against the realm of the king, and of his
13 It is decreed by me, that all they of
the people of Israel, and of the priests 24 We give you also to understand con
and of the Levites in my realm, that are cerning all the priests, and the Levites,
minded to go into Jerusalem, should go and the singers, and the porters, and the
with thee. Nathinites, and ministers of the house of
14 For thou art sent from before the this God, that you have no authority to
king, and his seven counsellors, to visit impose toll or tribute, or custom upon
Judea and Jerusalem according to the them.
law of thy God, which is in thy hand. 25 And thou Esdras according to the
15 And to carry the silver and gold, wisdom of thy God, which is in thy hand,
which the king and his counsellors have appoint judges and magistrates, that may
freely offered to the God of Israel, judge all the people, that is beyond the
whose tabernacle is in Jerusalem. river that is, for them who know the
16 And all the silver and gold that thou law of thy God, yea and the ignorant
shalt find in all the province of Babylon, teach ye freely.
and that the people is willing to offer, 26 And whosoever will not do the law
and that the priests shall offer of their of thy God, and the law of the king dili
own accord to the house of their God, gently, judgment shall be executed upon
which is in Jerusalem, him, either unto death, or unto banish
17 Take freely, and buy diligently with ment, or to the confiscation of goods, or
this money, calves, rams, lambs, with at least to prison.
the sacrifices and libations of them, and 27 Blessed be the Lord the God of our
offer them upon the altar of the temple fathers, who hath put this in the king s
of your God, that is in Jerusalem. heart, to glorify the house of the Lord,
18 And if it seem good to thee, and to which is in Jerusalem,
thy brethren to do any thing with the 28 And hath inclined his mercy toward
rest of the silver and gold, do it accord ine before the king and his counsellors,
ing to the will of your God. and all the mighty princes of the king:
19 The vessels also, that are given thee and I being strengthened by the hand
for the sacrifice of the house of thy God, of the Lord my God, which was upon
deliver thou in the sight of God in Jeru me, gathered together out of Israel chief
salem. men to go up with me.
B. C. 459-458.

The companions of Esdras 1 ESDRAS Esdras proclaims a fast

CHAPTER 8 other Elnathan, and Nathan, and Zacha

rias, and Mosollam, chief men: and Joia-
The companions of Esdras. The fast which he ap
pointed. They bring the holy
vessels into the rib, and Elnathan, wise men.
temple. 17 And I sent them to Eddo, who is
these are the chiefs of fami
r chief in the place of Chasphia, and I put
NOW lies, and the genealogy
of them,
who came up with me from Babylon in
in their mouth the words that they
should speak to Eddo, and his brethren
the reign of Artaxerxes the king. the Nathinites in the place of Chasphia,
2 Of the sons of Phinees, Gerson. Of that they should bring us ministers of
the sons of Ithamar, Daniel. Of the the house of our God.
sons of David. Hattus. 18 And by
the good hand of our God
3 Of the sons of Sechenias, the son of upon brought us a most learned
us, they
Pharos, Zacharias, and with him were man of the sons of Moholi the son of
numbered a hundred and fifty men. Levi the son of Israel, and Sarabias and
his sons, and his brethren eighteen,
4 Of the sons of Phahath Moab, Eleoe-
nai the son of Zareha, and with him two 19 And Hasabias, and with him Isaias
hundred men. of the sons of Merari, and his brethren,
5 Of the sons of Sechenias, the son of and his sons twenty.
Ezechiel, and with him three hundred 20 And of the Nathinites, whom David,
men. and the princes gave for the service of
6 Of the sons of Adan, Abed the son of the Levites, Nathinites two hundred and
Jonathan, and with him fifty men. twenty: all these were called by their
7 Of the sons of Alam, Isaias the son names.
of Athalias, and with him seventy men. 21 And I proclaimed there a fast by the
8 Of the sons of Saphatia: Zebodia the river Ahava, that we might afflict our
son of Michael, and with him eighty men. selves before the Lord our God, and
9 Of the sons of Joab, Obedia the son might ask of him a right way for us and
of Jahiel, and with him two hundred and for our children, and for all our sub
eighteen men. stance.
10 Of the sons of Selomith, the son of 22 For I was ashamed to ask the king
Josphia, and with him a hundred and for aid and for horsemen, to defend us
sixty men. from the enemy in the way: because we
11 Of the sons of Bebai, Zacharias the had said to the king: The hand of our
son of Bebai: and with him eight and God is upon all them that seek him in
twenty men. goodness: and his power and strength,
12 Of the sons of Azgad, Joanan the and wrath upon all them that forsake
son of Eccetan, and with him a hundred him.
and ten men. 23 And we fasted, and besought our
13 Of the sons of Adonicam, who were God for this: and it fell out prosperous
the last: and these are their names: ly unto us.
Eliphelet, and Jehiel, and Samaias, and 24 And I separated twelve of the chief
with them sixty men. of the priests, Sarabias, and Hasabias,
14 Of the sons of Begui, Uthai and Za- and with them ten of their brethren,
chur, and with them seventy men. 25 And I weighed unto them the silver
15 And I gathered them together to the and gold, and the vessels consecrated for
river, which runneth down to Ahava, and the house of our God, which the king
we stayed there three days: and I sought and his counsellors, and his princes, and
among the people and among the priests all Israel, that were found had offered.
for the sons of Levi, and found none 26 And I weighed to their hands six
there. hundred and fifty talents of silver, and
16 So I sent Eliezer, and Ariel, and Se- a hundred vessels of silver, and a hun
meias, and Elnathan, and Jarib, and an- dred talents of gold,
r B. C. 459-458.

CHAP. 8. Ver. 21 And I proclaimed a fast. It

isnot enough to part from Babylon, that extraordinary fast to those that were come from
is. fijrura- captivity. This shews that fasting was commanded
tavelyfrom sin. but we must also do works of pen- and practised from the earliest times,
ance: and therefore Esdras here proclaimed an

Holy vessels brought to Jerusalem 1 ESDRAS The prayer of Esdras
27 And twenty cups of gold, of a thou A ND after these things were accom-

sand solids, and two vessels of the best _T\. plished, the princes came to me,
shining brass, beautiful as gold. saying: The people of Israel, and the
28 And I said to them: You are the priests and Levites have not separated
holy ones of the Lord, and the vessels themselves from the people of the lands,
are holy, and the silver and gold, that is and from their abominations, namely, of
freely offered to the Lord the God of our
the Chanaanites, and the Hethites, and
fathers. the Pherezites, and the Jebusites, and the
29 Watch ye and keep them, till you Ammonites, and the Moabites, and the
deliver them by weight before the chief Egyptians, and the Amorrhites.
of the priests, and of the Levites, and the 2 For they have taken of their daugh
heads of the families of Israel in Jerusa ters for themselves and for their sons,
lem, into the treasure of the house of the and they have mingled the holy seed
Lord. with the people of the lands. And the
hand of the princes and magistrates hath
30 And the priests and the Levites re
been first in this transgression.
ceived the weight of the silver and gold,
and the vessels, to carry them to Jeru 3 And when I had heard this word, I
salem to the house of our God. rent my mantle and my coat, and plucked
off the hairs of my head and my beard,
31 Then we set forward from the river
Ahava on the twelfth day of the first and I sat down mourning.
month to go to Jerusalem: and the hand 4 And there were assembled to me all
of our God was upon us, and delivered that feared the God of Israel, because of
us from the hand of the enemy, and of the transgression of those that were
such as lay in wait by the way. come from the captivity, and I sat sor
32 And we came to Jerusalem, and we rowful, until the evening sacrifice.
5 And at the evening sacrifice I rose up
stayed there three days.
33 And on the fourth day the silver and from my affliction, and having rent my
the gold, and the vessels were weighed mantle and my garments, upon my
I fell

in the house of our God by the hand of knees, and spread out my hands to the
Meremoth the son of Urias the priest, Lord my God,
and with him was Eleazar the son of 6 And said: My God I am confounded
Phinees, and with them Jozabad the son
and ashamed to lift up my face to thee:
of Josue, and Noadaia the son of Benoi, for our iniquities are multiplied over our
Levites. heads, and our sins are grown up even
34 According to the number and weight unto heaven,
of every thing: and all the weight was 7 From the days of our fathers: and we
written at that time. ourselves also have sinned grievously
35 Moreover the children of them that unto this day, and for our iniquities we
had been carried away that were come and our kings, and our priests have been
out of the captivity, offered holocausts to delivered into the hands of the kings of
the God of Israel, twelve calves for all the lands, and to the sword, and to cap
the people of Israel, ninety-six rams, sev tivity, and to spoil, and to confusion of
face, as it is at this day.
enty-seven lambs, and twelve he goats
for sin: all for holocausts to the Lord. 8 And now as a little, and for a moment
36 And they gave the king s edicts to has our prayer been made before the
the lords that were from the king s court, Lord our God, to leave us a remnant, and
and the governors beyond the river, and give us a pin in his holy place, and that
our God would enlighten our eyes, and
they furthered the people and the house
of God. would give us a little life in our bondage.
CHAPTER 9 9 For we are bondmen, and in our bond
Esdras mourneth for the transgression of the peo age our God hath not forsaken us, but
ple: his confession and prayer. hath extended mercy upon us before the
s B. C. 459-458.

CHAP. 9. Ver. 1and 2. This shows how sinful it Ver. 8. A pin, or nail, here signifies a small settle
is to intermarry with those that the Church forbids ment or holding which Esdras begs for, to preserve

us, on account of the danger of perversion and fall even a part of the people who, by their great iniq
ing off from the true faith. uity had incurred the anger of God.

The of Esdras 1 ESDRAS Esdras assembles tlie Jews

king of the Persians, to give us life,

and our God, to put away all the wives, and
to set up the house of our God, and to such as are born of them, according to
rebuild the desolations thereof, and to the will of the Lord, and of them that
fear the commandment of the Lord our
give us a fence in Juda and Jerusalem.
10 And now, our God, what shall we God: let it be done according to the law.
say after this ? for we have forsaken thy 4 Arise, it is thy part to give orders,
commandments, and we will be with thee: take courage,
11 Which thou hast commanded by the and do it.
hand of thy servants the prophets, say 5 So Esdras arose, and made the chiefs
ing: The land which you go to possess, is of the priests and of the Levites, and all
an unclean land, according to the un- Israel, to swear that they would do ac
cleanness of the people, and of other
cording to this word, and they swore.
lands, with their abominations, who have
6 And Esdras rose up from before the
filled it from mouth to mouth with their
house of God, and went to the chamber
of Johanan the son of Eliasib, and en
12 * Now therefore give not your daugh
and take not their tered in thither: he ate no bread, and
ters to their sons,
drank no water: for he mourned for the
daughters for your sons, and seek not
their peace, nor their prosperity for ever: transgression of them that were come
that you may be strengthened, and may out of the captivity.
eat the good things of the land, and may 7 And proclamation was made in Juda
have our children your heirs for ever. and Jerusalem to all the children of the
13 And after all that is come upon us, captivity, that they should assemble to
for our most wicked deeds, and our great gether into Jerusalem.
sin, seeing that thou our God hast saved 8 And that whosoever would not come
us from our iniquity, and hast given us within three days, according to the coun
a deliverance as at this day, sel of the princes and the ancients, all
14 That we should not turn away, nor his substance should be taken away, and
break thy commandments, nor join in he should be cast out of the company of
marriage with the people of these abomi them that were returned from captivity.
nations. Art thou angry with us unto 9 Then all the men of Juda, and Benja
utter destruction, not to leave us a rem min gathered themselves together to Je
nant to be saved? rusalem within three days, in the ninth
15 O Lord God of Israel, thou art just:
month, the twentieth day of the month:
for we remain yet to be saved as at this and all the people sat in the street of
day. Behold we are before thee in our the house of God, trembling because of
sin, for there can be no standing before the sin, and the rain.
thee in this matter.
10 And Esdras the priest stood up, and
CHAPTER 10 said to them: You have transgressed,
Order is given for discharging strange women: and taken strange wives, to add to the
the names of the guilty. sins of Israel.
when Esdras was thus praying, 11 And now make confession to the
and beseeching, and weeping, and Lord the God of your fathers, and do his
lying the temple of God, there pleasure, and separate yourselves from
was gathered to him of Israel an exceed the people of the land, and from your
ing great assembly of men and women strange wives.
and children, and the people wept with 12 And all the multitude answered and
much lamentation. said with a loud voice: According to thy
2 And Sechenias the son of Jehiel of word unto us, so be it done.
the sons of Elam answered, and said to 13 But as the people are many, and it
Esdras: We have sinned against our God, is time of rain, and we are not able to
and have taken strange wives of the peo stand without, and it is not a work of
ple of the land: and now if there be re one day or two, (for we have exceeding
pentance in Israel concerning this, ly sinned in this matter,)
3 Let us make a covenant with the Lord 14 Let rulers be appointed in all the
t Deut. 7. 8. B. C. 459-458.

They put away the strange women 1 ESDRAS Names of the guilty Jews
multitude: and in all our cities, let them 25 And of Israel, of the sons of Pharos,
that have taken strange wives come at Remeia, and Jezia, and Melchia, and Mia-
the times appointed, and with them the min, and Eliezer, and Melchia, and Banea.
ancients and the judges of every city, 26 And of the sons of Elam, Mathania,
until the wrath of our God be turned Zacharias, and Jehiel, and Abdi, and Je-
away from us for this sin. rimoth, and Elia.
15 Then Jonathan the son of Azahel, ,27 And of the sons of Zethua, Elioenai,
and Jassia the son of Thecua were ap Eliasib, Mathania, Jerimuth, and Zabad,
pointed over this, and Mesollam and Se- and Aziaza.
bethai, Levites, helped them: 28 And of the sons of Babai, Johanan,
16 And the children of the captivity did Hanania, Zabbai, Athalai:
so. And Esdras the priest, and the men 29 And of the sons of Bani, Mosollam,
heads of the families in the houses of and Melluch, and Adaia, Jasub, and Saal,
their fathers, and all by their names, and Ramoth.
went and sat down in the first day of the 30 And of the sons of Phahath, Moab,
tenth month to examine the matter. Edna, and Chalal, Banaias, and Maasias,
17 And they made an end with all the Mathanias, Beseleel, Bennui, and Ma-
men that had taken strange wives by the nasse.
firstday of the first month. 31 And of the sons of Herem, Eliezer,
18 And there were found among the Josue, Melchias, Semeias, Simeon,
sons of the priests that had taken strange 32 Benjamin, Maloch, Samarias.
wives: Of the sons of Josue the son of 33 And of the sons of Hasom, Matha-
Josedec,and his brethren, Maasia, and nai, Mathatha, Zabad, Eliphelet, Jermai,
Eliezer,and Jarib, and Godolia. Manasse, Semei.
19 And they gave their hands to put 34 Of the sons of Bani, Maaddi, Amram,
away their wives, and to offer for their and Uel,
offence aram of the flock. 35 Baneas, and Badaias, Cheliau,
20 And
of the sons of Emmer, Hanani, 36 Vania, Marimuth, and Eliasib,
and Zebedia. 37 Mathanias, Mathania, and Jasi,
21 And of the sons of Harim, Maasia, 38 And Bani, and Bennui, Semei,
and Elia, and Semeia, and Jehiel, and 3-d And Salmias, and Nathan, and
Ozias. Adaias,
22 And
of the sons of Pheshur, Elioe- 40 And Mechnedebai, Sisai, Sarai,
nai, Maasia, Ismael, Nathanael, Jozabed, 41 Ezrel, and Selemiau, Semeria,
and Elasa. 42 Sellum, Amaria, Joseph.
,23 And of the sons of the Levites, Jo 43 Of the sons of Nebo, Jehiel, Matha-
zabed, and Semei, and Celaia, the same thias, Zabad, Zabina, Jeddu, and Joel,
Phataia, Juda, and Eliezer.
is Calita, and Banaia.
24 And
of the singing men, Elisiab: 44 All these had taken strange wives,
and of the porters, Sellum, and Telem, and there were among them women that
and Uri. had borne children.

Nehemias mourns condition of Jews The prayer of Nehemias


its name from

This Book takes the writer, who was cupbearer to Artaxerxes (sur-
named Longimanus) king of Persia, and was sent by him with a commission to
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It is also called the second book of Esdras; be
cause it is a continuation of the history, begun by Esdras, of the state of the peo
ple of God after their return from captivity.

CHAPTER 1 8 Remember the word that thou com-

Nehemias hearing the miserable state of his coun mandedst to Moses thy servant, saying:
trymen in Judea, lamenteth, fasteth, and prayeth If you shall transgress, I will scatter
to God for their relief.
v words of Nehemias the son of you abroad among the nations:
9 But if you return to me, and keep my
THE Helchias.
the month of
And it came to pass in
commandments, and do them, though you
Casleu, in the twentieth should be led away to the uttermost parts
year, as I was in the castle of Susa, of the world, I will gather you from thence,
2 That Hanani one of my brethren and bring you back to the place which I
came, he and some men of Juda; and I have chosen for my name to dwell there.
asked them concerning the Jews, that re
10 And these are thy servants, and thy
mained and were left of the captivity,
people: whom thou hast redeemed by thy
and concerning Jerusalem.
3 And they said to me: They that have great strength, and by thy mighty hand.
11 I beseech thee, Lord, let thy ear
remained, and are left of the captivity be attentive to the prayer of thy serv
there in the province, are in great af
ant, and to the prayer of thy servants
fliction, and reproach: and the wall of
who desire to fear thy name: and direct
Jerusalem is broken down, and the gates
thereof are burnt with fire. thy servant this day, and give him mer
4 And when I had heard these words, cy before this man. For I was the king s
I sat dawn, and wept, and mourned for
many days: and I fasted, and prayed
Nehemias with commission from king Artaxerxes
before the face of the God of heaven. cometh to Jerusalem: and exliorteth the Jews to
5 And I said: I beseech thee,

Lord rebuild the walls.

God of heaven, strong, great, and ter AND it came to pass in the month of
rible, who keepest covenant and mercy J\. Nisan, in the twentieth year of Ar
with those that love thee, and keep thy taxerxes the king: that wine was before
commandments :
him, and I took up the wine, and gave it
6 Let thy ears be attentive, and thy to the king: and I was as one languish
eyes open, to hear the prayer of thy ser ing away before his face.
vant, which I pray before thee now, 2 And the king said to me: Why is thy
night and day, for the children of Israel countenance sad, seeing thou dost not
thy servants: and I confess the sins of appear to be sick? this is not without
the children of Israel, by which
they cause, but some evil, I know not what, is
have sinned against thee: I and my fa in thy heart. And I was seized with an
ther s house have sinned.
exceeding great fear:
7 We have been seduced by vanity, and 3 And I said to the king: king, live
have not kept thy commandments, and for ever: why should not my counte
ceremonies and judgments, which thou nance be sorrowful, seeing the city of the
hast commanded thy servant Moses.
place of the sepulchres of my fathers is
v B. C. 446-445. w Dan. 9. 4.

Nehemias brings the king s letters 2 ESDRAS Nehemias exhorts the Jews

desolate, and the gates thereof are burnt 15 And I went up in the night by the
with fire? torrent, and viewed the wall, and going
4 Then the king said to me: For what back I came to the gate of the valley,
dost thou make request? And I prayed and returned.
to the God of heaven, 16 But the magistrates knew not whither
I went, or what I did: neither had I as
5 And I said to the king: If it seem
good to the king, and if thy servant hath yet told any thing to the Jews, or to the
found favour in thy sight, that thou priests, or to the nobles, or to the magis
wouldst send me into Judea to the city trates, or to the rest that did the work.
of the sepulchres of my father, and I will 17 Then I said to them: You know the
build it. affliction wherein we are, because Jeru
6 And the king said to me, and the
salem is desolate, and the gates thereof
are consumed with fire: come, and let us
queen that sat by him: For how long
shall thy journey be, and when wilt thou
build up the walls of Jerusalem, and let
return ? And it pleased the king, and he us be no longer a reproach.
sent me: and I fixed him a time. 18 And I shewed them how the hand
7 And I said to the king: If it seem of my God was good with me, and the
good to the king, let him give me letters king s words, which he had spoken to
to the governors of the country beyond me, and I said: Let us rise up, and build.
the river, that they convey me over, till And their hands were strengthened in
I come into Judea: good.
8 And a letter to Asaph the keeper of 19 But Sanaballat the Horonite, and To
the king s forest, to give me timber that bias the servant, the Ammonite, and Gos-
I may cover the gates of the tower of the sem the Arabian heard of it, and they
house, and the walls of the city, and scoffed at us, and despised us, and said:
the house that I shall enter into. And What is this thing that you do? are you
the king gave me according to the good going to rebel against the king?
hand of my God with me. 20 And I answered them, and said to
9 And I came to the governors of the them: The God of heaven he helpeth us,
country beyond the river, and gave them and we are his servants: let us rise up
the king s letters. And the king had sent and build: but you have no part, nor
with me captains of soldiers, and horse justice, nor remembrance in Jerusalem.
10 And Sanaballat the Horonite, and CHAPTER 3
Tobias the servant, the Ammonite, heard They begin to build the walls: the names and order
it, and it grieved them exceedingly, that of the builders.
a man was come, who sought the pros ^Eliasib the high priest arose,
perity of the children of Israel. THENand his brethren the priests, and they
11 And I came to Jerusalem, and was built the flock sanctified
gate: they it,
there three days. and up the doors thereof, even unto
12 And I arose in the night, I and some the tower of a hundred cubits they sanc
few men with me, and I told not any man tified it unto the tower of Hananeel.
what God had put in my heart to do in 2 And next to him the men of Jericho
Jerusalem, and there was no beast with built: and next to them built Zachur the
me, but the beast that I rode upon. son of Amri.
13 And I went out by night by the gate 3 But the fish gate the sons of Asnaa
of the valley, and before the dragon foun built: they covered it, and set up the
tain, and to the dung gate, and I viewed doors thereof, and the locks, and the
the wall of Jerusalem which was broken bars. And next to them built Marimuth
down, and the gates thereof which were the son of Urias the son of Accus.
consumed with fire. 4 And next to him built Mosollam the
14 And I passed to the gate of the foun son of Barachias, the son of Merezebel,
tain, and to the king s aqueduct, and and next to them built Sadoc the son of
there was no place for the beast on Baana.
which I rode to pass. 5 And next to them the Thecuites built:

y B. C. 446-445.

The names of the builders 2 ESDRAS The names of the builder.

but their great men did not put their 18 After him built their brethren Bavai
necks to the work of their Lord. the son of Enada, lord of half Cei\a.
6 And Joiada the son of Phasea, and 19 And next to him Aser the son of ;

Mosollam the son of Besodia built the old Josue, lord of Maspha, built another
gate they covered it and set up the doors
: measure, over against the going up of ]

thereof, and the locks, and the bars. the strong corner.
7 And next to them built Meltias the 20 After him in the mount Baruch the
Gabaonite, and Jadon the Meronathite, son of Zachai built another measure,
the men of Gabaon and Maspha, for the from the corner to the door of the house
governor that was in the country beyond of Eliasib the high priest.
the river. 21 After him Merimuth the son of Urias
8 And next to him built Eziel the son of the son of Haccus, built another measure,
Araia the goldsmith: and next to him from the door of the house of Eliasib, to j

built Ananias the son of the perfumer: the end of the house of Eliasib.
and they left Jerusalem unto the wall of 22 And after him built the priests, the j

the broad street. men of the plains of the Jordan.

9 And next to him built Raphaia the son 23 After him built Benjamin and Hasub,
of Hur, lord of the street of Jerusalem. over against their own house: and after
10 And next to him Jedaia the son of him built Azarias the son of Maasias
Haromaph over against his own house: the son of Ananias over against his
and next to him built Hattus the son of house.
Hasebonia. him built Bennui the son of
24 After |

11 Melchias the son of Herem, and Ha- Hanadadanother measure, from the
sub the son of Phahath Moab, built half house of Azarias unto the bending, and
the street, and the tower of the furnaces. Unto the corner.
12 And next to him built Sellum the 25 Phalel, the son of Ozi, over against
son of Alohes, lord of half the street of the bending and the tower, which lieth
Jerusalem, he and his daughters. out from the king s high house, that is, in j

13 And the gate of the valley Hanun the court of the prison: after him Pha-
built, and the inhabitants of Zanoe: they daia the son of Pharos.
built it, and set up the doors thereof, and 26 And the Nathinites dwelt in Ophel,
the locks, and the bars, and a thousand as far as over against the water gate
cubits in the wall unto the gate of the toward the east, and the tower that stood
dunghill. out.
14 And the gate of the dunghill Mel 27 After him the Thecuites built an
chias the son of Rechab built, lord of the other measure over against, from the
street of Bethacharam: he built it, and
great tower that standeth out unto the
set up the doors thereof, and the locks, wall of the temple.
and the bars. 28 And upward from the horse gate the
15 And the gate of the fountain Sellum
priests built, every man over against his
the son of Cholhoza built, lord of the house.
street of Maspha: he built it, and cov 29 After them built Sadoc the son of
ered it, and set up the doors thereof, and Emmer over against his house. And after
the locks, and the bars, and the walls of him built Semaia the son of Sechenias,
the pool of Siloe unto the
king s guard, keeper of the east gate.
and unto the steps that go down from 30 After him built Hanania the son of Se-
the city of David.
lemia, and Hanun the sixth son of Seleph,
16 After him built Nehemias the son of another measure: after him built Mosol
Azboc, lord of half the street of Beth- lam the son of Barachias over against his
sur, as far as over against the sepulchre After him Melcias the gold
of David, and to the pool, that was built smith s son built unto the house of the
with great labour, and to the house of the
Nathinites, and of the sellers of small
mighty. wares, over against the judgment gate,
17 After him built the Levites, Rehum and unto the chamber of the corner.
the son of Benni. After him built Ease- 31 And within the chamber of the cor
bias, lord of half the street of Ceila in ner of the flock gate, the goldsmiths and
his own street. the merchants built.

The building goes on 2 ESDRAS Nehemias arins the men
CHAPTER 4 14 And I looked and rose up: and I
The building is carried on notwithstanding the said to the chief men and the magis
opposition of their enemies. trates, and to the rest of the common
* it to pass, that when Sana-
came people: be not afraid of them. Remem
heard that we were building ber the Lord who is great and terrible,
AtfDballat and fight for your brethren, your sons,
the wall he was angry: and being moved
and your daughters, and your wives, arid
exceedingly he scoffed at the Jews.
your houses.
2 And said before his brethren, and the
15 And it came to pass, when our ene
multitude of the Samaritans: What are
mies heard that the thing had been told
the silly Jews doing? Will the Gentiles
let them alone? will they sacrifice and us, that God defeated their counsel. And

make an end in a day? are they able to we returned all of us to the walls, every
raise stones out of the heaps of the rub
man to his work.
bish, which are burnt?
16 And it came to pass from that day
3 Tobias also the Ammonite who was by forward, that half of their young men
did the work, and half were ready for to
him said: Let them build: if a fox go up,
fight, with spears, and shields, and bows,
he will leap over their stone wall.
and coats of mail, and the rulers were
4 Hear thou our God, for we are de
behind them in all the house of Juda.
spised: turn their reproach upon their 17 Of them that built on the wall and
own head, and give them to be despised
that carried burdens, and that laded:
in a land of captivity.
with one of his hands he did the work,
5 Cover not their iniquity, and let not and with the other he held a sword.
their sin be blotted out from before thy 18 For every one of the builders was
face, because they have mocked thy girded with a sword about his reins.
builders. And they built, and sounded with a trum
6 So we built the wall, and joined it all pet by me.
together unto the half thereof: and the 19 And I said to the nobles, and to the
heart of the people was excited to work. magistrates, and to the rest of the com
7 And it came to pass, when Sanabal- mon people: The work is great and wide,
lat, and Tobias, and the Arabians, and and we are separated on the wall one
the Ammonites, and the Azotians heard far from another:
that the walls of Jerusalem were made 20 In what place soever you shall hear
up, and the breaches began to be closed, the sound of the trumpet, run all thither
that they were exceedingly angry. unto us: our God will fight for us.
8 And they all assembled themselves 21 And let us do the work: and let one
together, to come, and to fight against half of us hold our spears from the rising
Jerusalem, and to prepare ambushes. of the morning, till the stars appear.
9 And we prayed to our God, and set 22 At that time also I said to the peo
watchmen upon the wall day and night ple: Let every one with his servant stay
against them. in the midst of Jerusalem, and let us
10 And Juda said: The strength of the take our turns in the night, and by day,
bearer of burdens is decayed, and the to work.
rubbish is very much, and we shall not 23 Now I and my brethren, and my ser
be able to build the wall. vants, and the watchmen that followed
11 And our enemies said: Let them not me, did not put off our clothes: only
know, nor understand, till we come in every man stripped himself when he
the midst of them, and kill them, and was to be washed.
cause the work to cease.
12 And it came to pass that when the CHAPTER 5
Jews that dwelt by them came and told Nehemias blameth the rich, for their oppressing

us ten times, out of all the places from poor. His exhortation, and bounty to his coun
whence they came to us,
a there was a great cry of the
13 I set the people in the place behind
the wall round about in order, with their NOWbrethrenand
people, of their wives against
the Jews.
swords, and spears, and bows. their

z B. C. 446-445. a B. C. 446-445.

Nehemias rebukes the usurers 2 ESDRAS Nehemias generosity
2 And there were some that said: Our 13 Moreover I shook my lap, and said:
sons and our daughters are very many: So may God shakeevery man that shall
let us take up corn for the price of them, not accomplish this word, out of his
and let us eat and live. house, and out of his labours, thus may
3 And there were some that said: Let
he be shaken out, and become empty.
us mortgage our lands, and our vine
And all the multitude said: Amen. And
yards, and our houses, and let us take
they praised God. And the people did
corn because of the famine. according to what was said.
4 And others said: Let us borrow 14 And from the day, in which the king
commanded me to be governor in the
money for the king s tribute, and let us
land of Juda, from the twentieth year
give up our fields and vineyards:
even to the two and thirtieth year of
5 And now our flesh is as the flesh of
Artaxerxes the king, for twelve years, I
our brethren: and our children as their
and my brethren did not eat the yearly
children. Behold we bring into bondage
allowance that was due to the governors.
our sons and our daughters, and some of
15 But the former governors that had
our daughters are bondwomen already,
been before me, were chargeable to the
neither have we wherewith to redeem
people, and took of them in bread, and
them, and our fields and our vineyards
other men possess. wine, and in money every day forty
sides: and their officers also oppressed
6 And I was exceedingly angry when I the people. But I did not so for the
heard their cry according to these words. fear of God.
7 And my
heart thought with myself: 16 Moreover I built in the work of the
and rebuked the nobles and magis
wall, and I bought no land, and all my
trates, and said to them: Do you every servants were gathered together to the
one exact usury of your brethren? And work.
I gathered together a great assembly 17 The Jews also and the magistrates
against them, to the number of one hundred and fifty
8 And I said to them: We, as you men, were at my table, besides them that
know, have redeemed according to our came to us from among the nations that
ability our brethren the Jews, that were were round about us.
sold to the Gentiles: and will you then 18 And there was prepared for me day
sell your brethren, for us to redeem by day one ox, and six choice rams, be
them? And they held their peace, and sides fowls, and once in ten days I gave
found not what to answer. store of divers wines, and many other
9 And I said to them: The thing you do things: yet I did not require my yearly
is not good: why walk you not in the fear allowance as governor: for the people
of our God, that we be not exposed to the were very much impoverished.
reproaches of the Gentiles our enemies ? 19 Remember me, my God, for good
10 Both I and my brethren, and my according to all that I have done for
servants, have lent money and corn to this people.
many: let us all agree not to call for it
again; let us forgive the debt that is CHAPTER 6
owing to us. The enemies seek to terrify Nehemias. He proceed-
11 Restore ye to them this eth and finisheth the -wall.
day their
fields, and their vineyards, and their A ND & it came to pass, when Sanaballat,
oliveyards, and their houses: and the _flL and Tobias, and Gossem the Arabian,
hundredth part of the money, and of the and the rest of our enemies, heard that I
corn, the wine, and the oil, which you had built the wall, and that there was no
were wont to exact of them, give it rath breach left in it, (though at that time I
er for them. had not up the doors in the gates,)
12 And they said: Wewill restore, and 2 Sanaballat and Gossem sent to me,
we will require nothing of them: and we
saying: Come, and let us make a league
willdo as thou sayest. And I called the
together in the villages, in the plain of
priestsand took an oath of them, to do Ono. But they thought to do me mis
according to what I had said. chief.

6 B. C. 446-445.

Sanaballat s message 2 ESDRAS The walls of Jerusalem finished
3 And sent messengers to them, say
I 15 But the wall was finished the five
ing: I am
doing a great work, and I can and twentieth day of the month of Elul,
not come down, lest it be neglected whilst in two and fifty days.
I come, and go down to you. 16 And it came to pass when all our
4 And they sent to me according to this enemies heard of it, that all nations
word, four times: and I answered them which were round about us, were afraid,
after the same manner. and were cast down within themselves,
5 And Sanaballat sent his servant to me for they perceived that this work was the
the fifth time according to the former work of God.
word, and he had a letter in his hand 17 Moreover in those days many letters
written in this manner: were sent by the principal men of the
6 It is reported amongst the Gentiles, Jews to Tobias, and from Tobias there
and Gossem hath said it, that thou and the came letters to them.
Jews think to rebel, and therefore thou 18 For there were many in Judea sworn
buildest the wall, and hast a mind to set to him, because he was the son in law of
thyself king over them: for which end Sechenias the son of Area, and Johanan
7 Thou hast also set up prophets, to his son had taken to wife the daughter
of Mosollam the son of Barachias.
preach of thee at Jerusalem, saying:
There is a king in Judea. The king will 19 And they praised him also before me,
hear of these things therefore come now,
: and they related my words to him: And
that we may take counsel together. Tobias sent letters to put me in fear.
8 And I sent to them, saying: There is
no such thing done as thou sayest: but CHAPTER 7
thou feignest these things out of thy own Nehemias appointeth watchmen in Jerusalem. The
list of those who came first from Babylon.
9 For all these men thought to frighten after the wall was built, and I

us, thinking that our hands would cease

from the work, and that we would leave
had up the doors, and numbered
the porters and singing men, and Le-
off. Wherefore I strengthened my hands vites :

the more: 2 I commanded Hanani my

brother, and
10 And I went into the house of Samaia Hananias ruler of the house of Jerusa
the son of Delaia, the son of Metabeel lem, (for he seemed as a sincere man,
privately. And he said: Let us consult and one that feared God above the rest,)
together in the house of God in the 3 And I said to them Let not the gates :

midst of the temple: and let us shut the of Jerusalem be opened till the sun be
doors of the temple, for they will come hot. And while they were yet standing
to kill thee, and in the night they will by, the gates were shut, and barred: and
come to slay thee. I set watchmen of the inhabitants of Je
11 And I said: Should such a man as I rusalem, every one by their courses, and
flee? and who is there that being as I every man over against his house.
am, would go into the temple, to save his 4 And the city was very wide and great,
life? I will not go in. and the people few in the midst thereof,
12 And I understood that God had not and the houses were not built.
sent him, but that he had spoken to me 5 But God had put in my heart, and I
as if he had been prophesying, and To assembled the princes and magistrates,
bias, and Sanaballat had hired him. and common people, to number them:
13 For he had taken money, that I being and I found a book of the number of
afraid should do this thing, and sin, and them who came up at first, and therein
they might have some evil to upbraid me it was found written:
withal. 6 & These are the children of the prov
14 Remember me, Lord, for Tobias ince,who came up from the captivity of
and Sanaballat, according to their works them that had been carried away, whom
of this kind: and Noadias the prophet, Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon
and the rest of the prophets that would had carried away, and who returned into
have put me in fear. Judea, every one into his own city.
c B. C. 446-445 ; Eccli. 49. 15. d 1 Esd. 2. 1.

W ho first carme from Babylon 2 ESDRAS Who first came from Babylot
I Who came with Zorobabel, Josue, Ne- 35 The children of Harem, three hun
hemias, Azarias, Raamias, Nahamani, dred and twenty.
Mardochai, Belsam, Mespharath, Begoia, 36 The children of Jericho, three hun
Nahum, Baana. The number of the men dred forty-five.
of the people of Israel: 37 The children of Lod, of Hadid and
8 The children of Pharos, two thousand Ono, seven hundred twenty-one.
one hundred seventy-two. 38 The children of Senaa, three thou
9 The children of Sephatia, three hun sand nine hundred thirty.
dred seventy-two. 39 The priests: the children of Idaia in
10 The children of Area, six hundred the house of Josue, nine hundred and
fifty-two. seventy-three.
II The children of Phahath Moab of the 40 The children of Emmer, one thou
children of Josue and Joab, two thousand sand fifty-two.
eight hundred eighteen. 41 The children of Phashur, one thou
12 The children of Elam, one thousand sand two hundred forty-seven.
two hundred fifty-four. 42 The children of Arem, one thousand
13 The children of Zethua, eight hun and seventeen. The Levites:
dred forty-five. 43 The children of Josue and Cedmihel,
14 The children of Zachai, seven hun the sons
dred sixty. 44 Of Oduia, seventy-four. The singing
15 The children of Bannui, six hundred men:
forty-eight. 45 The children of Asaph, a hundred
16 The children of Bebai, six hundred forty-eight.
twenty-eight. 46 The porters: the children of Sellum,
17 The children of Azgad, two thousand the children of Ater, the children of Tel-
three hundred twenty-two. mon, the children of Accub, the children
18 The children of Adonicam, six hun of Hatita, the children of Sobai: a hun
dred sixty-seven. dred thirty-eight.
19 The children of Beguai, two thousand 47 The Nathinites the children of Soha,

sixty-seven. the children of Hasupha, the children of

20 The children of Adin, six hundred Tebbaoth,
fifty-five. 48 The children of Ceros, the children
21 The children of Ater, children of of Siaa, the children of Phadon, the chil
Hezechias, ninety-eight. dren of Lebana, the children of Hagaba,
22 The children of Hasem, three hun the children of Selmai,
dred twenty-eight. 49 The children of Hanan, the children
23 The children of Besai, three hundred of Geddel, the children of Gaher,
twenty-four. 50 The children of Raaia, the children
24 The children of Hareph, a hundred of Rasin, the children of Necoda,
and twelve. 51 The children of Gezem, the children
25 The children of Gabaon, ninety-five. of Asa, the children of Phasea,
26 The children of Bethlehem, and Ne- 52 The children of Besai, the children
tupha, a hundred eighty-eight. of Munim, the children of Nephussim,
27 The men of Anathoth, a hundred 53 The children of Bacbuc, the children
twenty-eight. of Hacupha, the children of Harhur,
28 The men of Bethazmoth, forty-two. 54 The children of Besloth, the children
29 The men of Cariathiarim, Cephira, of Mahida, the children of Harsa,
and Beroth, seven hundred forty-three. 55 The children of Bercos, the children
30 The men of Rama and Geba, six hun of Sisara, the children of Thema,
dred twenty-one. 56 The children of Nasia, the children
31 The men of Machmas, a hundred of Hatipha,
twenty-two. 57 The children of the servants of Solo
32 The men of Bethel and Hai, a hun
mon, the children of Sothai, the children
dred twenty-three. of Sophereth, the children of Pharida,
33 The men of the other Nebo, fifty-two. 58 The children of Jahala, the children
34 The men of the other Elam, one of Darcon, the children of Jeddel,
thousand two hundred fifty-four. 59 The children of Saphatia, the chil-

Those who had lost their pedigree 2 ESDRAS Esdras reads the book of the Law
dren of Hatil, the children of Phochereth, gold, and two thousand pounds of silver,
who was born of Sabaim, the son of and sixty-seven garments for priests.
Amon. 73 And the priests, and the Levites,
60 All the Nathinites, and the children and the porters, and the singing men,
of the servants of Solomon, three hun and the rest of the common people, and
dred ninety-two. the Nathinites, and all Israel dwelt in
61 And these are they that came up their cities.
from Telmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, Ad CHAPTER 8
don, and Emmer: and could not shew Esdras readeth the law before the people. Nehe
the house of their fathers, nor their seed, mias comforteth them. They celebrate the feast
whether they were of Israel. of tabernacles.
62 The children of Dalaia, the children e
the seventh month came: and
of Tobia, the children of Necoda, six hun
dred forty-two.
children of Israel were in their
cities. the people were gathered
63 And of the priests, the children of together as one man to the street which
Habia, the children of Accos, the chil is before the water gate, and they spoke
dren of Berzellai, who took a wife of to Esdras the scribe, to bring the book
the daughters of Berzellai the Galaadite, of the law of Moses, which the Lord had
and he was called by their name. commanded to Israel.
64 These sought their writing in the 2 Then Esdras the priest brought the
record, and found it not: and they were law before the multitude of men and
cast out of the priesthood. women, and all those that could under
65 And Athersatha said to them, that stand, in the first day of the seventh
they should not eat of the holies of ho month.
lies, until there stood up a priest learned 3 And he read it plainly in the street
and skilful. that was before the water gate, from the
66 All the multitude as it were one morning until midday, before the men,
man, forty-two thousand three hundred and the women, and all those that could
sixty, understand: and the ears of all the peo
67 Beside their menservants and wom- ple were attentive to the book.
enservants, who were seven thousand 4 And Esdras the scribe stood upon a
three hundred thirty-seven: and among step of wood, which he had made to
them singing men, and singing women, speak upon, and there stood by him
two hundred forty-five. Mathathias, and Semeia, and Ania, and
68 Their horses, seven hundred thirty- Uria, and Helcia, and Maasia, on his
six: their mules two hundred forty-five: right hand: and on the left, Phadaia,
69 Their camels, four hundred thirty- Misael, and Melchia, and Hasum, and
five, their asses, six thousand seven hun Hasbadana, Zacharia and Mosollam.
dred and twenty. 5 And Esdras opened the book before
Hitherto is related what was written in the record.
all the people: for he was above all the
From this place forward goeth on the history of people: and when he had opened it, all
Nehemias. the people stood.
70 And someof the heads of the fami 6 And Esdras blessed the Lord the
lies gave unto the work. Athersatha great God: and all the people answered,
gave into the treasure a thousand drams Amen, amen: lifting up their hands: and
of gold, fifty bowls, and five hundred they bowed down, and adored God with
and thirty garments for priests. their faces to the ground.
71 And some of the heads of families 7 Now Josue, and Bani, and S erebia,
gave to the treasure of the work, twenty Jamin, Accub, Sephtai, Odia, Maasia,
thousand drams of gold, and two thou Celtia, Azarias, Jozabed, Hanan, Phalaia,
sand two hundred pounds of silver. the Levites, made silence among the peo
72 And that which the rest of the peo ple to hear the law: and the people stood
ple gave, was twenty thousand drams of in their place.

e B. C. 446-445.

CHAP. 7. Ver. 70.

Athersatha. is, Nehe-
That he was cupbearer or that, as some think, this name

mias as appears from chap. 12. Either that he was

; signifies governor; and he was at that time governor
so called at the court of the king of Persia, where of Judea.
Feast of tabernacles celebrated 2 ESDRAS The people do penance
8 And they read in the book of the law for since the days of Josue the son of
of God distinctly and plainly to be under Nun the children of Israel had not done
stood: and they understood when it was so, until that day: and there was exceed
read. ing great joy.
9 And Nehemias (he is Athersatha) and 18 And he read in the book of the law
Esdras the priest and scribe, and the of God day by day, from the first day till
Levites who interpreted to all the peo the last, and they kept the solemnity
ple, said: This is a holy day to the
Lord seven days, and in the eighth day a
our God: do not mourn, nor weep: for solemn assembly according to the man
all the people wept, when they heard the ner.
words of the law. CHAPTER 9
10 And he said to them: Go, eat fat The people repent with fasting and sackcloth. The
meats, and drink sweet wine, and send Levites confess God s benefits, and the people s in
gratitude: they pray for them, and make a cove
portions to them that have not prepared nant with God.
for themselves: because it is the holy
day of the Lord, and be not sad: for the AND ^in the four and twentieth day
joy of the Lord is our strength. J\. of the month the children of Israel
11 And the Levites stilled all the peo came together with fasting and with
ple, saying: Hold your peace, for the sackcloth, and earth upon them.
day is holy, and be not sorrowful. 2 And
the seed of the children of Is
12 So all the people went to eat and rael separated themselves from every
drink, and to send portions, and to make stranger: and they stood, and confessed
great mirth because they understood the
: their sins, and the iniquities of their
words that he had taught them. fathers.
13 And on the second day the chiefs of 3 And they rose up to stand: and they
the families of all the people, the priests, read in the book of the law of the Lord
and the Levites were gathered together their God, four times in the day, and four
to Esdras the scribe, that he should in times they confessed, and adored the
terpret to them the words of the law. Lord their God.
14 And they found written in the law, 4 And there stood up upon the step of
that the Lord had commanded by the the Levites, Josue, and Bani, and Cedmi-
hand of Moses, that the children of Israel hel, Sabania, Bonni, Sarebias, Bani, and
should dwell in tabernacles, on the feast, Chanani and they cried with a loud voice

in the seventh month: to the Lord their God.

15 And that they should proclaim and 5 And the Levites Josue and Cedmihel,
publish the word in all their cities, and Bonni, Hasebnia, Serebia, Oduia, Sebnia,
in Jerusalem, saying: Go forth to the and Phathahia, said: Arise, bless the
mount, and fetch branches of olive, and Lord your God from eternity to eter
branches of beautiful wood, branches of nity: and blessed be the high name of
myrtle, and branches of palm, and thy glory with all blessing and praise.
branches of thick trees, to make taber 6 Thou thyself, Lord alone, thou hast
nacles, as it is written. made heaven, and the heaven of heavens,
16 And the people went and all the host thereof: the earth and
forth, and
brought. And they made themselves all things that are in it: the seas and all
tabernacles every man on the top of his that are therein: and thou givest life to
house, and in their courts, and in the all these things, and the host of heaven
courts of the house of God, and in the adoreth thee.
street of the water gate, and in the street 7 Thou, Lord God, art he who chosest
of the gate of Ephraim.
Abram, h and broughtest him forth out of
17 And all the assembly of them that the fire of the Chaldeans, and gavest him
were returned from the captivity, / made the name of Abraham.
tabernacles: and dwelt in tabernacles: 8 And thou didst find his heart faithful
f Lev. 23. 39. g B. C. 446-445. h Gen. 11. 31.

CHAP. 9. Ver 7 The of the Chaldeans. The

fire cient Rabbins understood this affirming
city of Ur in Chaldea, the name of which signifies that Abram was cast into the fire by the idolaters,
fire. Or out of the fire of the tribulations and
temp and brought out by a miracle without any hurt.
tations, to which he was there exposed. The a--

The prayer of the Levites 2 ESDRAS The prayer of the Levites

before thee: and thou madest a covenant Egypt: and had committed great blas
with him, to give him the land of the phemies :

Chanaanite, of the Hethite, and of the 19 Yet thou, in thy many mercies, didst
Amorrhite, and of the Pherezite, and of not leave them in the desert: the pillar
the Jebusite, and of the Gergezite, to of the cloud departed not from them by
give it to his seed: and thou hast ful day to lead them in the way, and the pil
filled thy words, because thou art just. lar of fire by night to shew them the way
9 And thou sawest the affliction of our by which they should go.
fathers in Egypt: and thou didst hear 20 And thou gavest them thy good Spirit
their cry by the Red Sea. to teach them, and thy manna thou didst
10 And thou shewedst signs and wonders not withold from their mouth, and thou
upon Pharao, and upon all his servants, gavest them water for their thirst.
and upon the people of his land: for thou 21 Forty years didst thou feed them in
.cnewest that they dealt proudly against the desert, and nothing was wanting to
them: and thou madest thyself a name, them: their garments did not grow old,
as it is at this day. and their feet were not worn.
11 And thou didst divide the sea before And thou
22 gavest them kingdoms, and
them, and they passed through the midst nations, lots for them:
and didst divide
of the sea on dry land: but their perse and they possessed the land of iSehon,
cutors thou threwest into the depth, as a and the land of the kings of Hesebon,
stone into mighty waters. and the land of Og king of Basan.
12 And in a pillar of a cloud thou wast 23 And thou didst multiply their chil
their leader by day, and in a pillar of fire dren as the stars of heaven, and brought
by night, that they might see the way by est them to the land concerning which
which they went. thou hadst said to their fathers, that they
13 Thou
earnest down also to mount should go in and possess it.
Sinai, and didst speak with them from 24 And the children came and possessed
heaven, and thou gavest them right judg the land, and thou didst humble before
ments, and the law of truth, ceremonies them the inhabitants of the land, the
and good precepts. Chanaanites, and gavest them into their
14 Thou madest known to them thy hands, with their kings, and the people
holy sabbath, and didst prescribe to them of the land, that they might do with them
commandments, and ceremonies, and the as it pleased them.
law by the hand of Moses thy servant. 25 And they took strong cities and a fat
15 And thou gavest them bread from land, and possessed houses full of all
heaven in their hunger, and broughtest goods: cisterns made by others, vine
forth water for them out of the rock in yards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in
their thirst, and thou saidst to them that abundance: and they ate, and were filled,
they should go in, and possess the land, and became fat, and abounded with de
upon which thou hadst lifted up thy hand light in thy great goodness.
to give it them. 26 But they provoked thee to wrath, and
16 But they and our fathers dealt departed from thee, and threw thy law
proudly, and hardened their necks and behind their backs: and they killed thy
hearkened not to thy commandments. prophets, who admonished them earnest
17 And they would not hear, and they ly to return to thee: and they were guilty
remembered not thy wonders which thou of great blasphemies.
hadst done for them. And they hardened 27 And thou gavest them into the hands
their necks, and gave the head to return of their enemies, and they afflicted them.
to their bondage, as it were by conten And in the time of their tribulation they
tion.But thou, a forgiving God, gracious, cried to thee, and thou heardest from
and merciful, longsuffering, and full of heaven, and according to the multitude
compassion, didst not forsake them. of thy tender mercies thou gavest them
18 Yea when they had made also to saviours, to save them from the hands of
themselves a molten calf, and had said: their enemies.
This is thy God, that brought thee out of 28 But after they had rest, they returned
Ver. 17. And gave the head. That is, they set their head, or were bent to return to Egypt.
The prayer of the Levites 2 ESDRAS The subscribers to the covenant

to do evil in thy sight: and thou leftest ing to their will, and we are in great
them in the hand of their enemies, and tribulation.

they had dominion over them.

Then they 38 And because of all this we ourselves
returned, and cried to thee: and thou make a covenant, and write it, and our
heardest from heaven, and deliveredst princes, our Levites, and our priests sign
them many times in thy mercies. it,

29 And thou didst admonish them to re CHAPTER 10

turn to thy law. But they dealt proudly, The names of the subscribers to the covenant, and
and hearkened not to thy command the contents of it.

ments, but sinned against thy judgments, i

the subscribers were Nehemias,
which if a man do, he shall live in them:
and they withdrew the shoulder, and
AMDAthersatha the son of Hachelai, and
hardened their neck, and would not
2 Saraias, Azarias, Jeremias,
3 Pheshur, Amarias, Melchias,
30 And thou didst forbear with them 4 Hattus, Sebenia, Melluch,
for manyyears, and didst testify against 5 Harem, Merimuth, Obdias,
them by thy spirit by the hand of thy 6 Daniel, Genthon, Baruch,
prophets: and they heard not, and thou 7 Mosollam, Abia, Miamin,
didst deliver them into the hand of the 8 Maazia, Belgia, Semeia: these were
people of the lands. priests.
31 Yet in thy very many mercies thou 9 And the Levites, Josue the son of
didst not utterly consume them, nor for Azanias, Bennui of the sons of Henadad,
sake them: because thou art a merciful Cedmihel,
and gracious God. 10 And their brethren, Sebenia, Oduia,
32 Now therefore our God, great, strong Celita, Phalaia, Hanan,
and terrible, who keepest covenant and 11 Micha, Rohob, Hasebia,
mercy, turn not away from thy face all 12 Zachur, Serebia, Sabania,
the labour which hath come upon us, 13 Odaia, Bani, Baninu.
upon our kings, and our princes, and 14 The heads of the people, Pharos,
our priests, and our prophets, and our Phahath Moab, Elam, Zethu, Bani,
fathers, and all the people from the days 15 Bonni, Azgad, Bebai,
of the king of Assur, until this day. 16 Adonia, Begoai, Adin,
33 And thou art just in all things that 17 Ater, Hezecia, Azur,
have come upon us: because thou hast 18 Odaia, Hasum, Besai,
done truth, but we have done wickedly. 19 Hareph, Anathoth, Nebai,
34 Our kings, our princes, our priests, 20 Megphias, Mosollam, Hazir,
and our fathers have not kept thy law, 21 Mesizabel, Sadoc, Jeddua,
and have not minded thy command 22 Pheltia, Hanan, Anaia,
ments, and thy testimonies which thou 23 Osee, Hanania, Hasub,
hast testified among them. 24 Alohes, Phalea, Sobec,
35 And they have not served thee in 25 Rehum, Hasebna, Maasia,
their kingdoms, and in thy manifold good 26 Echaia, Hanan, Anan,
ness, which thou gavest them, and in the 27 Melluch, Haran, Baana:
large and fat land, which thou deliver 28 And the rest of the people, priests,
edst before them, nor did they return Levites, porters, and singing men, Na-
from their most wicked devices. thinites, and all that had separated them
36 Behold we ourselves this day are selves from the people of the lands to
bondmen: and the land, which thou gav the law of God, their wives, their sons,
est our fathers, to eat the bread thereof, and their daughters.
and the good things thereof, and we our 29 All that could understand promising
selves are servants in it. for their brethren, with their chief men,
37 And the fruits thereof grow up for and they came to promise, and swear
the kings, whom thou hast set over us for that they would walk in the law of God,
our sins, and they have dominion over which he gave in the hand of Moses the
our bodies, and over our beasts, accord- servant of God, that they would do and
t B. C. 446-445.

The covenant 2 ESDRAS The inhabitants of Jerusalem

keep all the commandments of the Lord children of Levi shall carry to the treas
our God, and his judgments and his cere ury the firstfruits of corn, of wine, and
monies. of oil: and the sanctified vessels shall be
30 And that we would not give our there, and the priests, and the singing
daughters to the people of the land, nor men, and the porters, and ministers, and
take their daughters for our sons. we will not forsake the house of our God.
31 And if the people of the land bring
in things to sell, or
any things for use, to CHAPTER 11
sellthem on the sabbath day, that we Who were the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the
other cities.
would not buy them of them on the sab
bath, or on the holy day. And that we the princes of the people dwelt at
would leave the seventh year, and the AMDJerusalem: but the rest of the peo
exaction of every hand. ple cast lots, to take one part in ten to
32 And we made ordinances for our dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and
selves, to give the third part of a side nine parts in the other cities.
every year for the work of the house of 2 And the people blessed all the meu
our God, that willingly offered themselves to dwell
33 For the loaves of proposition, and in Jerusalem.
for the continual sacrifice, and for a con 3 These therefore are the chief men of
tinual holocaust on the sabbaths, on the the province, who dwelt in Jerusalem,
new moons, on the set feasts, and for the and in the cities of Juda. And every one
holy things, and for the sin offering: that dwelt in his possession, in their cities:
atonement might be made for Israel, and Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Na-
for every use of the house of our God. thinites, and the children of the servants
34 And we cast lots among the priests, of Solomon.
and the Levites, and the people for the 4 And in Jerusalem there dwelt some of
offering of wood, that it might be brought the children of Juda, and some of the
into the house of our God by the houses children of Benjamin: of the children of
of our fathers at set times, from year to Juda, Athaias the son of Aziam, the son
year: to burn upon the altar of the Lord of Zacharias, the son of Amarias, the son
our God, as it is written in the law of of Saphatias, the son of Malaleel: of the
Moses: sons of Phares,
35 And that we would bring the first- 5 Maasia the son of Baruch, the son of
fruits of our land, and the firstfruits of Cholhoza, the son of Hazia, the son of
all fruit of every tree, from year to year, Adaia, the son of Joiarib, the son of
in the house of our Lord. Zacharias, the son of the Silonite:
36 And the firstborn of our sons, and of 6 All these the sons of Phares, who
our cattle, as it is written in the law, and dwelt in Jerusalem, were four hundred
the firstlings of our oxen, and of our sixty-eight valiant men.
sheep, to be offered in the house of our 7 And these are the children of Benja
God, to the priests who minister in the min: Sellum, the son of Mosollam, the
house of our God. son of Joed, the son of Phadaia, the son
37 And that we would bring the first- of Colaia, the son of Masia, the son of
fruits of our meats, and of our libations, Etheel, the son of Isaia.
and the fruit of every tree, of the vin 8 And after him Gebbai, Sellai, nine
tage also and of oil to the priests, to the hundred twenty-eight.
storehouse of our God, and the tithes of 9 And Joel the son of Zechri their ruler,
our ground to the Levites. The Levites and Judas the son of Senua was second
also shall receive the tithes of our works over the city.
out of all the cities. 10 And of the priests Idaia the son of
38 And the priest the son of Aaron Joarib, Jachin,
shall be with the Levites in the tithes of 11 Saraia the son of Helcias, the son of
the Levites, and the Levites shall offer Mosollam, the son of Sadoc, the son of
the tithe of their tithes in the house of Meraioth, the son of Achitob the prince
our God, to the storeroom into the treas of the house of God,
ure house. 12 And their brethren that do the works
39 For the children of Israel and the of the temple: eight hundred twenty

The inhabitants of the other cities 2 ESDRAS List of priests and Leviti

two. And Adaia the son of Jeroham, 27 And at Hasersual, and at Bersabee,
the son of Phelelia, the son of Amsi, the and in the villages thereof,
son of Zacharias, the son of Pheshur, the 28 And at iSiceleg, and at Mochona, and
son of Melchias, in the villages thereof,
29 And at Remmon, and at Saraa, and
13 And his brethren the chiefs of the
And at Jerimuth,
fathers: two hundred forty-two.
30 Zanoa, Odollam, and in their villages,
Amassai the son of Azreel, the son of
at Lachis and its dependencies, and at
Ahazi, the son of Mosollamoth, the son Azeca and the villages thereof. And
of Emmer,
14 And their brethren who were very they dwelt from Bersabee unto the valley
of Ennom.
mighty, a hundred twenty-eight; and
their ruler Zabdiel son of the mighty. 31 And the children of Benjamin, from
15 And of the Levites Semeia the son of Geba, at Mechmas, and at Hai, and at
Hasub, the son of Azaricam, the son of Bethel, and in the villages thereof,
32 At Anathoth, Nob, Anania,
Hasabia, the son of Boni,
16 And Sabathai and Jozabed, who were 33 Asor, Kama, Gethaim,
over all the outward business of the house 34 Hadid, Seboim, and Neballat, Lod,
of God, of the princes of the Levites, 35 And Ono the valley of craftsmen.
17 And Mathania the son of Micha, the 36 And of the Levites were portions of
son of Zebedei, the son of Asaph, was the Juda and Benjamin.
principal man to praise, and to give glory CHAPTER 12
in prayer, and Becbecia the second, one
The priests, and Levites that came up with Zoroba-
of his brethren, and Abda, the son of bel. The succession of high priests: the solemnity

Samua, the son of Galal, the son of Idi- of the dedication of the wall.
thun. these are the priests and the Le
18 All the Levites in the holy city were
two hundred eighty-four. the
son of
that went up with Zorobabel
and Josue:
Salathiel, Saraia,
19 Andthe porters, Accub, Telmon, and Jeremias, Esdras,
their brethren, who kept the doors: a 2 Amaria, Melluch, Hattus,
hundred seventy-two. 8 Sebenias, Rheum, Merimuth,
20 And the rest of Israel, the priests 4 Addo, Genthon, Abia,
and the Levites were in all the cities of 5 Miamin, Madia, Belga,
Juda, every man in his possession. 6 Semeia, and Joiarib, Idaia, Sellum,
21 And the Nathinites, that dwelt in Amoc, Helcias,
Ophel, and Siaha, and Gaspha of the Na 7 Idaia. These were the chief of the
thinites. priests, and of their brethren in the days
22 And the overseer of the Levites in of Josue.
Jerusalem, was Azzi the son of Bani, the 8 And the Levites, Jesua, Bennui, Ced-
son of Hasabia, the son of Mathania, the mihel, Sarebia, Juda, Mathanias, they and
son of Micha. Of the sons of Asaph, their brethren were over the hymns :

were the singing men in the ministry of 9 And Becbecia, and Hanni, and their
the house of God. brethren every one in his office.
23 For the king s commandment was 10 And Josue begot Joacirn, and Joacim
concerning them, and an order among begot Eliasib, and Eliasib begot Joi-
the singing men day by
day. ada,
24 And Phathahia the son of Mesezebel 11 And Joiada begot Jonathan, and
of the children of Zara the son of Juda
Jonathan begot Jeddoa.
was at the hand of the king, in all mat 12 And in the days of Joacim the priests
ters concerning the
people, and heads of the families were: Of Sa-
25 And in the houses through all their
raia, Maraia of Jeremias, Hanania.

countries. Of the children of Juda some 13 Of Esdras, Mosollam: and of Ama

dwelt at Cariath-Arbe, and in the
villages ria, Johanan:
thereof: and at Dibon, and in the
villages 14 Of Milicho, Jonathan: of Sebenia,
thereof: and at Cabseel, and in the vil
Joseph :

lages thereof. 15 Of Haram, Edna: of Maraioth, Helci:

26 And at Jesue, and at Molada, and at 16 Of Adaia, Zacharia: of Genthon, Mo
Bethphaleth, sollam:

Chief men of the Levites 2 ESDRAS Dedication of the walls

17 Of Abia, Zechri: of Miamin and Mo- 32 And after them went Osaias, and
adia, Phelti: half of the princes of Juda,
18 Of Belga, Sammua of Semaia, Jona 33 And Azarias, Esdras, and Mosollam,
than: Judas, and Benjamin, and Semeia, and
19 Of Joiarib, Mathanai: of Jodaia, Jeremias.
Azzi: 34 And of the sons of the priests with
20 Of Sellai, Celai: of Amoc, Heber: trumpets, Zacharias the son of Jonathan,
21 Of Helcias, Hasebia: of Idaia, Na- the son of Semeia, the son of Mathania,
thanael. the son of Michaia, the son of Zechur,
22 The Levites the chiefs of the fami the son of Asaph,
lies in the days of Eliasib, and Joiada, 35 And his brethren Semeia, and Aza-
and Johanan, and Jeddoa, were recorded, reel, Malalai, Galalai, Maai, Nathanael,
and the priests in the reign of Darius and Judas, and Hanani, with the musical
the Persian. instruments of David the man of God:
23 The sons of Levi, heads of the fami and Esdras the scribe before them at
lies were written in the book of Chroni the fountain gate.
cles, even unto the days of Jonathan the 36 And they went up over against them
son of Eliasib. by the stairs of the city of David, at the
24 Now the chief of the Levites were going up of the wall of the house of Da
Hasebia, Serebia, and Josue the son of vid,and to the water gate eastward:
Cedmihel: and their brethren by their 37 And the second choir of them that
courses, to praise and to give thanks ac gave thanks went on the opposite side,
cording to the commandment of David and I after them, and the half of the
the man of God, and to wait equally in people upon the wall, and upon the
order. tower of the furnaces, even to the broad
25 Mathania, and Becbecia, Obedia, and wall,
Mosollam, Telmon, Accub, were keepers 38 And above the gate of Ephraim, and
of the gates and of the entrances before above the old gate, and above the fish
! the gates. gate and the tower of Hananeel, and the
26 These were in the days of Joacim tower of Emath, and even to the flock
the son of Josue, the son of Josedec, and gate: and they stood still in the watch
in the days of Nehemias the governor, gate.
and of Esdras the priest and scribe. 39 And the two choirs of them that
27 And at the dedication of the wall of gave praise stood still at the house of
Jerusalem they sought the Levites out God, and I and the half of the magis
of all their places, to bring them to Je trates with me.
rusalem, and to keep the dedication, and 40 And the priests, Eliachim, Maasia,
to rejoice with thanksgiving, and with Miamin, Michea, Elioenai, Zacharia,
singing, and with cymbals, and psalteries Hanania with trumpets,
and harps. 41 And Maasia, and Semeia, and Elea-
28 And the sons of the singing men zar, and Azzi, and Johanan, and Melchia,
were gathered together out of the plain and Elam, and Ezer. And the singers sung
country about Jerusalem, and out of the loud, and Jezraia was their overseer:
villages of Nethuphati, 42 And they sacrificed on that day
29 And from the house of Galgal, and great sacrifices, and they rejoiced: for
from the countries of Geba and Azma- God had made them joyful with great
veth: for the singing men had built joy: their wives also and their children
themselves villages round about Jerusa rejoiced, and the joy of Jerusalem was
lem. heard afar off.
30 And the priests and the Levites were 43 They appointed also in that day men
purified, and they purified the people, over the storehouses of the treasure, for
and the gates, and the wall. the libations, and for the firstfruits, and
31 And I made the princes of Juda go for the tithes, that the rulers of the city
up upon the wall, and I appointed two might bring them in by them in honour
great choirs to give praise. And they of thanksgiving, for the priests and Le
went on the right hand upon the wall to vites: for Juda was joyful in the priests
ward the dunghill gate. and Levites that assisted.

Strangers separated from the Jews 2 ESDRAS Violation of the Sabba
44 And they kept the watch of their Andcast forth the vessels of the house

God, and the observance of expiation, of Tobias out of the storehouse.

and the singing men, and the porters, 9 And I commanded and they cleansed
according to the commandment of David, the storehouses: and I brought thither
and of Solomon his son. again the vessels of the house of God,
45 For in the days of David and Asaph the sacrifice, and the frankincense.
from the beginning there were chief 10 And I perceived that the portions of
singers appointed, to praise with canti the Levites had not been given them:
cles, and give thanks to God. and that the Levites, and the singing
46 And in the days of Zoro-
all Israel, men, and they that ministered were fled
babel, and in the days of Nehemias gave away every man to his own country:
portions to the singing men, and to the 11 And I pleaded the matter against
porters, day by day, and they sanctified the magistrates, and said: Why have we
the Levites, and the Levites sanctified forsaken the house of God? And I gath
the sons of Aaron. ered them together, and I made them to
stand in their places.
CHAPTER 13 12 And all Juda brought the tithe of
Divers abuses are reformed the corn, and the wine, and the oil into
i on that day they read in the the storehouses.
A^Dbook of Moses in the hearing of the 13 And we set over the storehouses
people: and therein was found written, Selemias the priest, and Sadoc the scribe,
that the Ammonites and the Moabites and of the Levites Phadaia, and next to
should not come in to the church of God them Hanan the son of Zachur, the son
for ever: of Mathania: for they were approved as
2 Because they met not the children of faithful, and to them were committed
Israel with bread and water: and they the portions of their brethren.
hired against them Balaam, to curse 14 Remember me, my God, for this
them, and our God turned the curse into thing, and wipe not out my kindnesses,
blessing. which I have done relating to the house
3 And it came to pass, when they had of my God and his ceremonies.
heard the law, that they separated eveiy 15 In those days I saw in Juda some
stranger from Israel. treading the presses on the sabbath, and
4 And over this thing was Eliasib the carrying sheaves, and lading asses with
priest, who was set over the treasury of wine, and grapes, and figs, and all man
the house of our God, and was near akin ner of burthens, and bringing them into
to Tobias. Jerusalem on the sabbath day. And I
5 And he made him a great storeroom, charged them that they should sell on a
where before him they laid up gifts, day on which it was lawful to sell.
and frankincense, and vessels, and the 16 Some Tyrians also dwelt there, who
tithes of the corn, of the wine, and of brought fish, and all manner of wares:
the oil, the portions of the Levites, and and they sold them on the sabbaths to
of the singing men, and of the porters, the children of Juda in Jerusalem.
and the firstfruits of the priests. 17 And I rebuked the chief men of
6 But in all this time I was not in Jeru Juda, and said to them: What is this
salem, because in the two and thirtieth evil thing that you are doing, profaning
year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon, I the sabbath day?
went to the king, and after certain days 18 Did not our fathers do these things,
I asked the king: and our God brought all this evil upon
7 And I came to Jerusalem, & and I un us, and upon this city? And you bring
derstood the evil that Eliasib had done more wrath upon Israel by violating the
for Tobias, to make him a storehouse in sabbath.
the courts of the house of God. 19 And it came to pass, that when the
8 And it seemed to me exceeding evil. gates of Jerusalem, were at rest on the
j Deut. 23. 3. k B. C. 434.

CHAP. 12. Ver. 46. Sanctified. That is, they gave CHAP. 13. Ver. Over this thing, &c.
4. Or, he
them that which by the law was set aside, and was faulty in this thing, or in this kind.
sanctified for their use.

Mixed Marriages TOBIAS The sin of Solomon
sabbath day, I spoke: and they shut the and shaved off their hair, and made them
gates, and I commanded that they should swear by God that they would not give
not open them till after the sabbath: and their daughters to their sons, nor take
I set some of my servants at the gates, their daughters for their sons, nor for
that none should bring in burthens on the themselves, saying:
sabbath day. 26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin

20 So the merchants, and they that sold in this kind of thing ? and surely among
all kinds of wares, stayed without Jeru many nations, there was not a king like
salem once or twice. him, and he was beloved of his God, and
21 And I charged them, and I said to God made him king over all Israel: OT and
them: Why stay you before the wall? if yet women of other countries brought
you do so another time, I will lay hands even him to sin.
on you. And from that time they came 27 And shall we also be disobedient and
no more on the sabbath. do all this great evil to transgress against
22 I spoke also to the Levites that they our God, and marry strange women?
should be purified, and should come to 28 And one of the sons of Joiada the
keep the gates, and to sanctify the sab son of Eliasib the high priest, was son
bath day: for this also remember me, in law to Sanaballat the Horonite, and I
my God, and spare me according to the drove him from me.
multitude of thy tender mercies. 29 Remember them, O Lord my God,
23 In those days also I saw Jews that that defile the priesthood, and the law
married wives, women of Azotus, and of of priests and Levites.
Ammon, and of Moab. 30 So I separated from them all stran
24 And their children spoke half in the gers, and I appointed the courses of the
speech of Azotus, and could not speak priests and the Levites, every man in his
the Jews language, but they spoke ac ministry:
cording to the language of this and that 31 And for the offering of wood at
people. times appointed, and for the firstfruits:
25 And I chid them, and laid my curse remember me, O my God, unto good.
upon them. And I beat some of them, Amen.

This Book takes its name from the holy man Tobias, whose wonderful virtues arc
herein recorded. It contains most excellent documents of great piety, extraordinary
patience, and of a perfect resignation to the will of God. His humble prayer was
heard, and the angel Raphael was sent to relieve him: he is thankful and praises
the Lord, calling on the children of Israel to do the same. Having lived to the age
of one hundred and two years, he exhorts his son and grandsons to piety, foretells
the destruction of Ninive and the rebuilding of Jerusalem: he dies happily.

CHAPTER 1 2 n When he was made captive in the

Tobiax s early piety: his works of mercy, particu- days of Salmanasar king of the Assyri
larly in burying the dead. ans, even in his captivity, forsook not the

of the tribe and city of Neph- way of truth,

npOBIAS 3 But every day gave all he could get
JL tali, (which is in the upper parts of
Galilee above Naasson, beyond the way to his brethren his fellow captives, that
that leadeth to the west, having on the were of his kindred.
right hand the city of Sephet,) 4 And when he was younger than any
I 3 Kings 3. 1, and 11. 1. m 3 Kings 11. 4. n 4 Kings 17. 3, and 18. 9.

The generosity of Tobias TOBIAS He buries the dead
of the tribe of Nephtali, yet did he no 20 fed the hungry, and gave clothes
childish thing in his work. to the naked, and was careful to bury
the dead, and they that were slain.
5 Moreover when all went to the golden
21 flAnd when r king Sennacherib was
calves o which Jeroboam king of Israel
had made, he alone fled the company of come back, fleeing from Judea by reason
of the slaughter that God had made
6 And went to Jerusalem to the temple
about him for his blasphemy, and being
of the Lord, and there adored the Lord angry slew many of the children of Is
God of Israel, offering faithfully all his rael, Tobias buried their bodies.
and his tithes, 22 But when it was told the king, he
commanded him to be slain, and took
7 So that in the third year he gave all
his tithes to the proselytes, and strangers.
away all his substance.
23 But Tobias fleeing naked away with
8 These and such like things did he his son and with his wife, lay concealed,
observe when but a boy according to the for many loved him.
law of God. 24 s But after forty-five days, the king
9 But when he was a man, he took to was killed his own sons.
wife Anna of his own tribe, and had a
25 And Tobias returned to his house,
son by her, whom he called after his own and all his substance was restored to him.
10 And from his infancy he taught him to CHAPTER 2
fear God, and to abstain from all sin. Tobias leaveth his dinner to bury the dead: he los-
11 And when by the captivity he with eth his sight by God s permission, for manifesta
tion of his patience.
his wife and his son and all his tribe was
come to the city of Ninive, after this, when there was a festi
12 (When all ate of the meats of the BUT
val of the Lord, and a good dinner
Gentiles) he kept his soul and never was was prepared in Tobias s house,
defiled with their meats. 2 He said to his son: Go, and bring
13 And because he was mindful
of the some of our tribe that fear God, to feast
Lord with his heart, God gave him
all with us.
favour in the sight of Salmanasar the 3 And when he had gone, returning he
king. told him, that one of the children of
14 And he gave him leave to go whither Israel lay slain in the street. And he
soever he would, with liberty to do what forthwith leaped up from his place at the
ever he had a mind. table, and left his dinner, and came fast
15 He therefore went to all that were ing to the body:
in captivity, and gave them wholesome 4 And taking it up carried it privately
admonitions. to his house, that after the sun was
16 And when he was come to Rages a down, he might bury him cautiously.
city of the Medes, and had ten talents of 5 And when he had hid the body, he ate
silver of that with which he had been bread with mourning and fear,
honoured by the king: 6 Remembering the word which the
17 And when amongst a great multi Lord spoke by * Amos the prophet: Your
tude of his kindred, he saw Gabelus in festival days shall be turned into lamen
want, who was one of his tribe, taking a tation and mourning.
note of his hand he gave him the afore 7 So when the sun was down, he went
said sum of money. and buried him.
18 But after a long time, Salmanasar 8 Now all his neighbours blamed him,
the king being dead, P when ISennacherib saying: Once already commandment was
his son, who reigned in his
place, had a given for thee to be slain because of this
hatred for the children of Israel: matter, and thou didst scarce escape the
19 Tobias daily went among all his kin sentence of death, and dost thou again
dred, and comforted them, and distrib bury the dead?
uted to every one as he was able, out of 9 But Tobias fearing God more than the
his goods:
king, carried off the bodies of them that
o 3 Kings 12. 28. p B. C. 705-681 s 4 Kings 19. 37 ; 2 Par. 32. 21 ; Isa. 37. 38.
q 4 Kings 19. 35 ; Eccli. 48. 24 ; 2 Mac. 8. 19. t Amos 8. 10 ; 1 Mac. 1. 41.
r B. C. 701. u Supra 1. 21.
The patience of Tobias TOBIAS The prayer of Tobias
were slain, and hid them in his house, Tobias and began tc
and at midnight buried them.
npHEN with
J_ pray tears,
10 Now it happened one day, that being O Lord, and all
2 Saying: Thou art just,
wearied with burying, he came to his thy judgments are just, and all thy ways
house, and cast himself down by the wall mercy, and truth, and judgment:
arid slept, 3 And now, Lord, think of me, and
11 And as he was sleeping, hot dung take not revenge of my sins, neither re
out of a swallow s nest fell upon his eyes, member my offences, nor those of my
and he was made blind. parents.
12 Now this trial the Lord therefore 4 v For we have not obeyed thy com
permitted to happen to him, that an ex mandments, therefore are we delivered
ample might be given to posterity of his to spoil and to captivity, and death, and
patience, as also of holy Job. are made a fable, and a reproach to all
13 For whereas he had always feared nations, amongst which thou hast scat
God from his infancy, and kept his com tered us.
mandments, he repined not against God 5 And now, Lord, great are thy judg
because the evil of blindness had befallen ments, because we have not done accord
him, ing to thy precepts, and have not walked
14 But continued immoveable in the sincerely before thee:
fear of God, giving thanks to God all the 6 And now, Lord, do with me accord
days of his life. ing to thy will, and command my spirit
15 For as the kings insulted over holy to be received in peace: for it is better
Job: so his relations and kinsmen mocked for me to die, than to live.
at his life, saying: 7 Now it happened on the same day,
16 Where is thy hope, for which thou that Sara daughter of Raguel, in Rages
gavest alms, and buriedst the dead?
a city of the Medes, received a reproach
17 But Tobias rebuked them, saying: from one of her father s servant maids.
Speak not so: 8 Because she had been given to seven
18 For we are the children of saints, husbands, and a devil named Asmodeus
and look for that life which God will give had killed them, at their first going in
to those that never change their faith unto her.
from him. 9 So when she reproved the maid for
19 Now Anna his wife went daily to her fault, she answered her, saying: May
weaving work, and she brought home we never see son, or daughter of thee
what she could get for their living by upon the earth, thou murderer of thy
the labour of her hands. husbands.
20 Whereby it came to pass, that she re 10 Wilt thou kill me also, as thou hast
ceived a young kid, and brought it home: already killed seven husbands ? At these
21 And when her husband heard it bleat words she went into an upper chamber
of her house: and for three days and
ing, he said: 10 Take heed, lest perhaps it
be stolen: restore ye it to its owners, for three nights did neither eat nor drink:
it is not lawful for us either to eat or to 11 But continuing in prayer with tears
touch any thing that cometh by theft. besought God, that he would deliver her
22 x At these words his wife being angry from this reproach.
answered: It is evident thy hope is come And it came to pass on the third
to nothing, and thy alms now appear. day, when she was making an end of her
23 And with these, and other such like prayer, blessing the Lord,
words she upbraided him. 13 She said: Blessed is thy name, O God
of our fathers: who when thou hast been
angry, wilt shew mercy, and in the time
The prayer of Tobias, and of Sara, in their several of tribulation forgivest the sins of them
afflictions, are heard by God, and the angel Ra
phael is sent to relieve them. that call upon thee.

iv Deut. 22. 1. x Job 22. 9. y Deut. 28. 15.

CHAP. Ver. IE. Kings. So Job s three friends

2. tana, which was also called Rages. For there were
are here called, because they were princes in their two cities in Media of the name of Rages. Raguel
respective territories. dwelt in one of them, and Gabelus in the other.
CHAP. 3. Ver. 7. Rages. In the Greek it is Ecba-

The prayer of Sara TOBIAS Tobias ad-monitions to his son

14 To thee, Lord, I turn my face, to how great perils she suffered for thee in
thee I direct my eyes. her womb.
15 I beg, Lord, that thou loose me 5 And when she also shall have ended
from the bond of this reproach, or else the time of her life, bury her by me.
take me away from the earth. 6 And all the days of thy life have God
16 Thou knowest, Lord, that I never in thy mind: and take heed thou never
coveted a husband, and have kept my consent to sin, nor transgress the com
soul clean from all lust. mandments of the Lord our God.
17 Never have I joined myself with 7 ft Give alms out of thy substance, and
them that play: neither have I made my turn not away thy face from any poor
self partaker with them that walk in person: for so it shall come to pass that
lightness. the face of the Lord shall not be turned
18 But a husband I consented to take, from thee.
with thy fear, not with my lust. 8 c
According to thy ability be merciful.
19 And either I was unworthy of them, 9 If thou have much give abundantly:
or they perhaps were not worthy of me: if thou have little, take care even so to
because perhaps thou hast kept me for bestow willingly a little.
another man. 10 For thus thou storest up to thyself
20 For thy counsel is not in man s power. a good reward for the day of necessity.
21 But this every one is sure of that 11 For alms deliver from all sin, and

worshippeth thee, that his life, if it be from death, and will not suffer the soul
under trial, shall be crowned: and if it be to go into darkness.
under tribulation, it shall be delivered: 12 Alms shall be a great confidence be
and if it be under correction, it shall be fore the most high God, to all them that
allowed to come to thy mercy.
give it.
22 For thou are not delighted in our 13 e Take heed to keep thyself, my son,
being lost: because after a storm thou from all fornication, and beside thy wife
makest a calm, and after tears and weep never endure to know a crime.
ing thou pourest i joyfulness. 14 Never suffer pride to reign in thy
23 Be thy name, God of Israel,
mind, or in thy words: /for from it all
blessed for ever.
perdition took its beginning.
24 At that time the prayers of them 15 ff If any man hath done any work for
both were heard in the sight of the glory
thee, immediately pay him his hire, and
of the most high God:
let not the wages of thy hired servant
25 And the holy angel of the Lord, Ra
stay with thee at all.
phael was sent to heal them both, whose 16 h See thou never do to another what
prayers at one time were rehearsed in thou wouldst hate to have done to thee
the sight of the Lord.
by another.
CHAPTER 4 17* Eat thy bread with the hungry and
Tobias thinking he shall die, giveth his son godly the needy, and with thy garments cover
admonitions: and tetteth him of money he had the naked.
lent to a friend.
18 Lay out thy bread, and thy wine upon
when Tobias thought the burial of a just man, and do not eat
JL that his prayer was heard that he and drink thereof with the wicked.
might die, he called to him Tobias his 19 Seek counsel always of a wise man.
son, 20 Bless God at all times: and desire of
2 Andsaid to him: Hear, my son, the him to direct thy ways, and that all thy
words of my mouth, and lay them as a counsels may abide in him.
foundation in thy heart. 21 I tell thee also, my son, that I lent
3 When God shall take my soul, thou ten talents of silver, while thou wast yet
shalt bury my body: a and thou shalt a child, to Gabelus, in Rages a city of the
honour thy mother all the days of her Medes, and I have a note of his hand
life: with me:
4 For thou must be mindful what and 22 Nowtherefore inquire how thou mayst
a Ex. 20. 12 ; Eccli. 7. 29. / Gen. 3. 5. g Lev 19. 13 ; Deut. 24. 14.
b Prov. 3. 9 ;. Eccli. 4. 1, and 14. 13 ; Luke 14. 13. h Matt. 7. 12 ; Luke 6. 31.
c Eccli. 35. 22.-~-d Eccli. 29. 15. e 1 Thess. 4. 3, f Luke 14. 13.

The young Tobias seeks a guide TOBIAS
go to him, and receive of him the fore- joy shall be to me, who sit in darkness,
said sumof money, and restore to him and see not the light of heaven?
the note of his hand. 13 And the young man said to him: Be
23 Fear not, my son: we lead indeed a of good courage, thy cure from God is
poor life, /but we shall have many good at hand.
things if we
fear God, and depart from 14 And Tobias said to him: Canst thou
all sin, and do that which is good. conduct my son to Gabelus at Rages, a
CHAPTER 5 city of the Medes? and when thou shalt
Young Tobias seeking a guide for his journey, the return, I will pay thee thy hire.
angel Raphael, in shape of a man, undertaketh 15 And the angel said to him: I will
this office. conduct him thither, and bring him back
Tobias answered his father, to thee.
and said: I will do all things, fa 16 And Tobias
said to him: I pray thee,
ther, thou hast commanded me. tellme, of what family, or what tribe
2 But how I shall get this money, I art thou?
cannot tell; he knoweth not me, and I 17 And Raphael the angel answered:
know not him: what token shall I give Dost thou seek the family of him thou
him ? nor did I ever know the way which hirest, or the hired servant himself to
leadeth thither. go with thy son?
3 Then his father answered him, and 18 But lest I should make thee uneasy,
said: I have a note of his hand with me, I am Azarias the son of the great Ananias.
which when thou shalt shew him, he will 19 And Tobias answered: Thou art of
presently pay it. a great family. But I pray thee be not
4 But go now, and seek, thee out some angry that I desired to know thy family.
faithful man, to go with thee for his 20 And the angel said to him: I will
hire: that thou mayst receive it, while I lead thy son safe, and bring him to thee
yet live. again safe.
5 Then Tobias going forth, found a 21 And Tobias answering, said: May
beautiful young man, standing girded, you have a good journey, and God be
and as it were ready to walk. with you in your way, and his angel
6 And not knowing that he was an an accompany you.
gel of God, he saluted him, and said: 22 Then all things being ready, that
From whence art thou, good young man 1 were to be carried in their journey, To-
7 But he answered: Of the children of Mas bade his father and his mother
Israel. And Tobias said to him: Know- farewell, and they set out both together.
est thou the way that leadeth to the 23 k And when they were departed, his
country of the Medes? mother began to weep, and to say: Thou
8 And he answered: I know it: and I hast taken the staff of our old age, and
have often walked through all the ways sent him away from us.
thereof, and I have abode with Gabelus 24 I wish the money for which thou
our brother, who dwelleth at Rages a hast sent him, had never been.
city of the Medes, which is situate in the 25 For our poverty was sufficient for
mount of Ecbatana. us, that we might account it as riches,
9 And Tobias said to him: Stay for me, that we saw our son.
I beseech thee, till I tell these same 26 And Tobias said to her: Weep not, our
things to my father. son will arrive thither safe, and will return
10 Then Tobias going in told all these safe to us, and thy eyes shall see him.
things to his father. Upon which his 27 For I believe that the good angel of
father being in admiration, desired that God doth accompany him, and doth or
he would come in unto him. der all things well that are done about
11 -So going in he saluted him, and him, so that he shall return to us with joy.
said: Joy be to thee always. 28 At these words his mother ceased
12 And Tobias said: What manner of weeping, and held her peace.
3 Rom. 8. 17. k Infra 10. 4.

CHAP. 5. Ver. 18. Azarias. The angel took the rias, in Hebrew, signifies the help of God, and Ana<-

form of Azarias and therefore might call himself

: nias the grace of God,
by the name of the man whom he personated. Aza-

Tobias saved from the fish TOBIAS The angel s counsel
CHAPTER 6 12All his substance is due to thee,

and thou must take her to wife.

By the angel s advice young Tobias taketh hold on a
fish that asuaulteth him. Reserveth the heart,
the 13 Ask her therefore of her father, and
gall, and the liver for medicines. They lodge at he will give her thee to wife.
the house of Raguel, whose daughter Sara, Tobias
is to marry; she had before been married to seven
14 Then Tobias answered, and said: I
husbands, who were all slain by a devil. hear that she hath been given to seven
Tobias went forward, and the husbands, and they all died: moreover I
A^D dog followed him, and he lodged the have heard, that a devil killed them.
15 Now I am afraid, lest the same thing
first night by the river of Tigris.
should happen to me also: and whereas
2 And he went out to wash his feet,
1 am the only child of my parents, I
and behold a monstrous fish came up to
should bring down their old age with
devour him.
sorrow to hell.
3 And Tobias being afraid of him, cried
16 Then the angel Raphael said to him:
out with a loud voice, saying: Sir, he Hear me, and I will shew thee who they
cometh upon me.
are, over whom the devil can prevail.
4 And the angel said to him: Take him 17 For they who in such manner receive
by the gill, and draw him to thee. And matrimony, as to shut out God from
when he had done so, he drew him out themselves, and from their mind, and to
upon the land, and he began to pant be give themselves to their lust, as the horse
fore his feet. and mule, which have not understand
5 Then the angel said to him: Take out ing, over them the devil hath power.
the entrails of this fish, and lay up his 18 But thou when thou shalt take her,
heart, and his gall, and his liver for go into the chamber, and for three days
thee: for these are necessary for useful keep thyself continent from her, and
medicines. give thyself to nothing else but to pray
6 And when he had done so, he roasted ers with her.
the flesh thereof, and they took it with 19 And on that night lay the liver of
them in the way: the rest they salted as the fish on the fire, and the devil shall
much as might serve them, till they came be driven away.
to Rages the city of the Medes. 20 But the second night thou shalt be
7 Then Tobias asked the angel, and said admitted into the society of the holy
to him: I beseech thee, brother Azarias, Patriarchs.
tell me what remedies are these things 21 And the third night thou shalt ob
good for, which thou hast bid me keep tain a blessing that sound children may
of the fish? be born of you.
8 And the angel, answering, said to 22 And when the third night is past,
him: If thou put a little piece of its heart thou shalt take the virgin with the fear
upon coals, the smoke thereof driveth of the Lord, moved rather for love of
away all kinds of devils, either from man children than for lust, that in the seed
or from woman, so that they come no of Abraham thou mayst obtain a bless
more to them. ing in children.
9 And the gall is good for anointing the
eyes, in which there is a white speck, CHAPTER 7
and they shall be cured. They are kindly entertained by Raguel. Tobias
10 And Tobias said to him: Where wilt demandeth Sara to wife.
thou that we lodge?
11 And the angel
they went in to Raguel, and Ra
answering, said: Here
is one whose name is
AJDguel received them with joy.
Raguel, a near 2 And Raguel looking upon Tobias, said
kinsman of thy tribe, and he hath a to Anna his wife: How like is this young
daughter named Sara, but he hath no man
son nor any other daughter beside her.
to my cousin?
3 And when he had spoken these words,
m Num. 27. 8. and 36. 8.

^K wJMSsffir
in\ /- j .

fected to be like the Most Hish.


subject to such
corporeal creatures as instruments of hia
*UK nver


Ver 15.
Ver. 16
-To net
hell. That is, to the place where the
were kept before the coming: of

^obias asks Sara in marriage TOBIAS Prayer of Tobias and Sara
he said: Whence are ye young men our 17 And afterwards they made merry,
brethren ? blessing God.
4 But they said: We are of the tribe of 18 And Ragu el called to him Anna his
Nephtali, of the captivity of Ninive. wife, and bade her prepare another
5 And Raguel said to them: Do you
know Tobias my brother? And they 19 And she brought Sara her daughter
in thither,and she wept.
said: We know him.
20 Andshe said to her: Be of good
6 And when he was speaking many
cheer, my daughter: the Lord of heaven
good things of him, the angel said to give thee joy for the trouble thou hast
Raguel: Tobias concerning whom thou undergone.
inquirest is this young man s father.
7 And Raguel went to him, and kissed CHAPTER 8
him with tears and weeping upon his Tobias burneth part of the fish s liver, and Raphael
neck, said: A
blessing be upon thee, my bindeth the devil. Tobias and Sara pray.
son, because thou art the son of a good NDafter they had supped, they
and most virtuous man. brought in the young man to her.
8 And Anna his wife, and Sara their 2 And Tobias remembering the angel s
daughter wept. word, took out of his bag part of the
9 And after they had spoken, Raguel liver, and laid it upon burning coals.
commanded a sheep to be killed, and a 3 Then the angel Raphael took the
feast to be prepared. And when he de devil, and bound him in the desert of
sired them to sit down to dinner, upper Egypt.
10 Tobias said: I will not eat nor drink 4 Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and
here this day, unless thou first grant me said to her: Sara, arise, and let us pray
my petition, and promise to give me to God to day, and to morrow, and the
Sara thy daughter. next day: because for these three nights
11 Now when Raguel heard this he was we are joined to God: and when the
afraid, knowing what had happened to third night is over, we will be in our
those seven husbands, that went in unto own wedlock.
her: and he began to fear lest it might 5 For we are the children of saints, and
happen to him also in like manner: and we must not be joined together like hea
as he was in suspense, and gave no an thens that know not God.
swer to his petition, 6 So they both arose, and prayed ear
12 The angel said to him: Be not afraid nestly both together that health might
to give her to this man, for to him who be given them,
feareth God is thy daughter due to be 7 And Tobias said: Lord of our fa <3od

his wife: therefore another could not thers, may the heavens and the earth,
have her. and the sea, and the fountain, and the
13 Then Raguel said: I doubt not but rivers, and all thy creatures that are in
God hath regarded my prayers and tears them, bless thee.
in his sight. 8 Thou madest Adam of the slime of
14 And I believe he hath therefore made the earth, and gavest him Eve for a
you come to me, that this maid might be helper.
married to one of her own kindred, ac 9 And now, Lord, thou knowest, that
cording to the law of Moses: and now not for fleshly lust do I take my sister
doubt not but I will give her to thee. to wife, but only for the love of poster
15 And taking the right hand of his ity, in which thy name may be blessed
daughter, he gave it into the right hand for ever and ever.
of Tobias, saying: The God of Abraham, 10 Sara also said: Have mercy on us, O
and the God of Isaac, and the God of Lord, have mercy on us, and let us grow
Jacob be with you, and may he join old both together in health,
you together, and fulfil his blessing in 11 And it came to pass about the cock-
you. crowing, Raguel ordered his servants to
16 And taking paper they made a writ be called for, and they went with him
ing of the marriage. together to dig a grave.
o Num. 86. 6, q Gen. 2. 7,

Tobias saved from the devil TOBI AS The angel goes to Raguel
12 For he said: Lest perhaps it may vant I should not make a worthy return
have happened to him, in like manner as for thy care.
it did to the other seven husbands, that 3 However, I beseech thee, to take with
went in unto her. thee beasts and servants, and to go to
13 And when they had prepared the Gabelus to Rages the city of the Medes:
pit, Raguel went back to his wife, and and to restore to him his note of hand,
said to her: and receive of him the money, and de
sire him to come to my wedding.
14 Send one of thy maids, and let her
see if he be dead, that I may bury him 4 For thou knowest that my father
before it be day. numbereth the days: and if I stay one
15 So she sent one of her maidservants, day more, his soul will be afflicted.
who went into the chamber, and found 5 And indeed thou seest how Raguel
them safe and sound, sleeping both to hath adjured me, whose adjuring I can
gether. not despise.
16 And returning she brought the good 6 Then Raphael took four of Raguel s
news: and Raguel and Anna his wife servants, and two camels, and went to
blessed the Lord, Rages the city of the Medes: and finding
17 And said: We
bless thee, O Lord Gabelus, gave him his note of hand, and
God of Israel, because it hath not hap received of him all the money.
pened as we suspected. 7 And he told him concerning Tobias
18 For thou hast shewn thy mercy to the son of Tobias, all that had been done:
us, and hast shut out from us the ene and made him come with him to the
my that persecuted us.
19 And thou hast taken pity upon two 8 And when he was come into Raguel s
only children. Make them, Lord, bless house he found Tobias sitting at the
thee more fully: and to offer up to thee table: and he leaped up, and they kissed
a sacrifice of thy praise, and of their each other: and Gabelus wept, and
health, that all nations may know, that blessed God,
thou alone art God in all the earth. 9 And said: The God of Israel bless
20 And immediately Raguel com thee, because thou art the son of a very
manded his servants, to fill up the pit good and just man, and that f eareth God,
they had made, before it was day. and doth almsdeeds:
21 And he spoke to his wife to make 10 And may a blessing come upon thy
ready a feast, and prepare all kind of wife and upon your parents.
provisions that are necessary for such 11 And may you see your children, and
as go a journey.
your children s children, unto the third
22 He caused also two fat kine, and and fourth generation: and may your
four wethers to be killed, and a banquet seed be blessed by the God of Israel, who
to be prepared for all his neighbours,
reigneth for ever and ever.
and all his friends. 12 And when all had said, Amen, they
23 And Raguel adjured Tobias, to abide went to the feast: but the marriage feast
with him two weeks.
they- celebrated also with the fear of
24 And of all things which Raguel pos the Lord.
sessed, he gave one half to Tobias, and
made a writing, that the half that re CHAPTER 10
mained should after their decease come The parents lament the long absence of their eon
also to Tobias. Tobias. He sets out to return.
as Tobias made longer stay upon
CHAPTER 9 BUT occasion of the marriage, Tobias his
The angel Raphael goeth to Gabelus, reeeivetti the father was solicitous, saying: Why
money, and bringeth him to the marriage. thinkest thou doth my son tarry, or why
Tobias called the angel to him, is he detained there?
whom he took to be a man, and 2 Is Gabelus dead, thinkest thou, and
said to him: Brother Azarias, I pray no man will pay him the money?
thee hearken to my words: 3 And he began to be exceeding sad,
2 If I should give myself to be thy ser- both he and Anna his wife with him: and

The lament of Tobias parents TOBIAS The return of Tobias
they began both to weep together: be as they were returning they came
cause their son did not return to them
on the day appointed.
ANDto Charan, which is in the midway
to Ninive, the eleventh day.
4 But his mother wept and was quite
* 2 And the angel said: Brother Tobias,
disconsolate, and said: Woe, woe is me, thou knowest how thou didst leave thy
my son; why did we send thee to go to father.
a strange country, the light of our eyes, 3 If it please thee therefore, let us go
the staff of our old age, the comfort of before, and let the family follow softly
our life, the hope of our posterity? after us, together with thy wife, and with
5 We having all things together in thee the beasts.
alone, ought not to have let thee go 4 And as this their going pleased him,
from us. Raphael said to Tobias: Take with thee
6 And Tobias said to her: Hold thy of the gall of the fish, for it will be nec
peace, and be not troubled, our son is essary. So Tobias took some of that gall
safe: that man with whom we sent him and departed.
is very trusty. 5 But Anna sat beside the way daily, on
7 But she could by no means be com the top of a hill, from whence she might
forted, but daily running out looked see afar off.
round about, and went into all the ways 6 And while she watched his coming
by which there seemed any hope he from that place, she saw him afar off,
might return, that she might if possible and presently perceived it was her son
see him coming afar off. coming: and returning she told her hus
8 But Raguel said to his son in law: band, saying: Behold thy son cometh.
Stay here, and I will send a messenger to 7 And Raphael said to Tobias: As soon
Tobias thy father, that thou art in health. as thou shalt come into thy house, forth
9 And Tobias said to him: I know that with adore the Lord thy God: and giving
my father and mother now count the thanks to him, go to thy father, and kiss
days, and their spirit is grievously af him.
flicted within them. 8 And immediately anoint his eyes with
10 And when Raguel had pressed Tobias this gall of the fish, which thou carriest
with many words, and he by no means with thee. For be assured that his eyes
would hearken to him, he delivered Sara shall be presently opened, and thy father
unto him, and half of all his substance in shall see the light of heaven, and shall
menservants, and womenservants, in cat rejoice in the sight of thee.
tle, in camels, and in kine, and in much 9 Then the dog, which had been with
money, and sent him away safe and joy them in the way, ran before, and coming
ful from him, as if he had brought the news, shewed his
11 Saying: The holy angel of the Lord joy by his fawning and wagging his tail.
be with you in your journey, and bring 10 And his father that was blind, rising
you through safe, and that you may find up, began to run stumbling with his
all things well about your parents, and feet: and giving a servant his hand, went
my eyes may see your children before to meet his son.
I die. 11 And receiving him kissed him, as did
12 And the parents taking their daugh also his wife, and they began to weep for
ter kissed her, and let her go: joy.
13 Admonishing her to honour her fa 12 And when they had adored "God, and
ther and mother in law, to love her hus given him thanks, they sat down together.
band, to take care of the family, to gov 13 Then Tobias taking of the gall of the
ern the house, and to behave herself fish, anointed his father s eyes.
irreprehensibly. 14 And he stayed about half an hour:
CHAPTER 11 and a white skin began to come out of
Tobias anointeth his father s eyes with the fish s his eyes, like the skin of an egg.
gall: and he recovereth his sight. 15 And Tobias took hold of it, and drew
t Supra 5. 23.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 9. The dog, &c. This may seem 6. 18, there are iotas and tittles in the word of God

a very minute circumstance to be recorded in sacred that is to say, things that appear minute, but which
history, but as we learn from our Saviour, St. Matt have indeed a deep and mysterious meaning in them.

Gratitude of the father and son TOBIAS Raphael makes himself known
it from his eyes, and immediately he king: but honourable to reveal and con
fess the works of God.
recovered his sight.
16 And they glorified God, both he and 8 Prayer is good with fasting and alms
his wife and all that knew him. more than to lay up treasures of gold.
17 And Tobias said: I bless thee, O Lord 9 For alms delivereth from death, and
God of Israel, because thou hast chas the same is that which purgeth away
tised me, and thou hast saved me: and sins, and maketh to find mercy and life
behold I see Tobias my son. everlasting.
18 And after seven days Sara his son s 10 But they that commit sin and in
wife, and all the family arrived safe, and iquity, areenemies to their own soul.
the cattle, and the camels, and an abun 11 I discover then the truth unto you,
dance of money of his wife s: and that and I will not hide the secret from you.
money also which he had received of 12 When thou didst pray with tears, and
Gabelus : didst bury the dead, and didst leave thy
19 And he told his parents all the bene dinner, and hide the dead by day in thy
fits of God, which he had done to him by house, and bury them by night, I offered
the man that conducted him. thy prayer to the Lord.
20 And Achior and Nabath the kinsmen 13 And because thou wast acceptable to
of Tobias came, rejoicing for Tobias, and God, it was necessary that temptation
congratulating with him for all the good should prove thee.
things that God had done for him. 14 And now the Lord hath sent me to
21 And for seven days they feasted and heal thee, and to deliver iSara thy son s
rejoiced all with great joy, wife from the devil.
15 For I am the angel Raphael, one of
CHAPTER 12 the seven, who stand before the Lord.
Kaphael tnaketh himself known
16 And when they had heard these
things, they were troubled, and being
Tobias called to him his son, and seized with fear they fell upon the
said to him: What can we give to
ground on their face.
this holy man, that is come with thee?
17 And the angel said to them: Peace
2 Tobias answering, said to his father:
be to you, fear not.
Father, what wages shall we give him? 18 For when I was with you, I was
or what can be worthy of his benefits ?
there by the will of God: bless ye him,
3 He conducted me and brought me safe
and sing praises to him.
again, he received the money of Gabelus, 19 I seemed indeed to eat and to drink
he caused me to have my wife, and he
with you: but I use an invisible meat and
chased from her the evil spirit, he gave
drink, which cannot be seen by men.
joy to her parents, myself he delivered 20 It is time therefore that I return to
from being devoured by the fish, thee
him that sent me: but bless ye God, and
also he hath made to see the light of
publish all his wonderful works.
heaven, and we are filled with all good 21 And when he had said these things,
things through him. What can we give he was taken from their sight, and they
him sufficient for these things?
could see him no more.
4 But I beseech thee, my father, to de
sire him, that he would vouchsafe to ac
22 Then they lying prostrate for three
hours upon their face, blessed God: and
cept of one half of all things that have
been brought. rising up, they told all his wonderful
5 So the father and the son calling him,
took him aside: and began to desire him CHAPTER 13
that he would vouchsafe to accept of half Tobias the father praiseth God, exhorting all Israel
of all things that they had brought. to do the same. Prophesieth the restoration and
better state of Jerusalem.
6 Then he said to them secretly: Bless
ye the God of heaven, give glory to him AND Tobias the elder opening his
in the sight of all that live, because he J\. mouth, blessed the Lord, and said:
hath shewn his mercy to you. Thou art great, O Lord, for ever, and thy
7 For it is good to hide the secret of a kingdom is unto all ages:

522 of the older Tobias TOBIAS His last words
2 xFor thou scourgest, and thou savest: 18 Blessed are all they that love thee,
thou leadest down to hell, and bringest and that rejoice in thy peace.
up again: and there is none that can 19 My soul, bless thou the Lord, because
escape thy hand. the Lord our God hath delivered Jerusa
3 Give glory to the Lord, ye children lem his city from all her troubles.
of Israel, and praise him in the sight of 20 Happy shall I be if there shall re
the Gentiles: main of my seed, to see the glory of
4 Because he hath therefore scattered Jerusalem.
you among the Gentiles, who know not 21 * The gates of Jerusalem shall be
him, that you may declare his wonderful built of sapphire, and of emerald, and all
works, and make them know that there the walls thereof round about of pre
is no other almighty God besides him. cious stones.
5 He hath chastised us for our iniqui 22 All its streets shall be paved with
ties: and he will save us for his own white and clean stones: and Alleluia
mercy. shall be sung in its streets.
6 See then what he hath done with us, 23 Blessed be the Lord, who hath ex
and with fear and trembling give ye alted it, and may he reign over it for
glory to him: and extol the eternal King ever and ever, Amen.
of worlds in your works. CHAPTER 14
7 As for me, I will praise him in the Old Tobias dieth at the age of a hundred and two
land of my captivity: because he hath years, after exhorting his son and grandsons to
shewn his majesty toward a sinful nation. piety, foreshewing that Ninive shall be destroyed,
and Jerusalem rebuilt. The younger Tobias re-
8 Be converted therefore, ye sinners, turneth with his family to Raguel, and dieth hap
and do justice before God, believing that pily as he had lived.
he will shew his mercy to you.
9 And I and my soul will rejoice in him.
10 Bless ye the Lord, all his elect, keep
A JD the words of Tobias were ended.
And after Tobias was restored to his
sight, he lived two and forty years, and
days of joy, and give glory to him. saw the children of his grandchildren.
11 Jerusalem, city of God, the Lord hath 2 And after he had lived a hundred
chastised thee for the works of thy hands. and two years, he was buried honour
12 Give glory to the Lord for thy good ably in Ninive.
things, and bless the God eternal, that 3 For he was six and fifty years old
he may rebuild his tabernacle in thee, when he lost the sight of his eyes, and
and may call back all the captives to sixty when he recovered it again.
thee, and thou mayst rejoice for ever 4 And the rest of his life was in joy,
and ever. and with great increase of the fear of
13 Thou shalt shine with a glorious God he departed in peace.
light: and all the ends of the earth shall 5 And hour of his death he
at the
worship thee. called unto him his son Tobias and his
14 v Nations from afar shall come to children, seven young men, his grand
thee: and shall bring gifts, and shall sons, and said to them:
adore the Lord in thee, and shall esteem 6 The destruction of Ninive is at hand:
thy land as holy. for the word of the Lord must be ful
15 For they shall call upon the great filled: b and our brethren, that are scat
name in thee. tered abroad from the land of Israel,
16 They shall be cursed that shall de shall return to it.

spise thee: and they shall be condemned 7 And all the land thereof that is des-
that shall blaspheme thee: and blessed tert shall with people, and the
be filled
shall they be that shall build thee up. house of God which is burnt in it, shall
17 But thou shalt rejoice in thy chil again be rebuilt: and all that fear God
shall return thither.
dren, because they shall all be blessed, and
shall be gathered together to the Lord. 8 And the Gentiles shall leave their

x Deut 32. 39 ; 1 Kings 2. 6 ; Wisd. 16. 13.

y Isa. 60. 5. z Apoc. 21. 19. b 1 Esd. 3. 8.

OHAP. 13. Ver. 11. Jerusalem. What is prophet and partly of the spiritual Jerusalem, which is the
ically delivered here, and in the following chapter, church of Christ, and the eternal Jerusalem in
with relation to Jerusalem, is partly to be under- heaven.
atood of the rebuilding the city after the captiv"v :

Arphaxad builds Ecbatana JUDITH Nabuchodonosor overcomes him

idols,and shall come into Jerusalem, and 14 And it came to pass that after the
shall dwell in it. death of his mother, Tobias departed out
9 And all the kings of the earth shall of Ninive with his wife, and children,
rejoice in it, adoring the King of Israel. and children s children, and returned to
10 Hearken therefore, my children, to his father and mother in law.
your father: serve the Lord in truth, and 15 And he found them in health in a
seek to do the things that please him: good old age: and he took care of them,
11 And command your children that and he closed their eyes: and all the in
they do justice and almsdeeds, and that heritance of RaguePs house came to him:
they be mindful of God, and bless him and he saw his children s children to the
at all times in truth, and with all their fifth generation.

power. 16 And after he had lived ninety-nine

12 And now, children, hear me, and do years in the fear of the Lord, with joy
not stay here: but as soon as you shall they buried him.
bury your mother by me in one sepul 17 And all his kindred, and all his gen
chre, without delay direct your steps to eration continued in good life, and in
depart hence: holy conversation, so that they were ac
13 For I see that its iniquity will bring ceptable both to God, and to men, and
it to destruction. to all that dwelt in the land.

The sacred writer of this Book wrote in a Semitic language. He was a Jew, a clever
writer, familiar with the earlier sacred writings; an ardent patriot, faithfully at
tached to the Law. It takes its name from that illustrious woman, by whose virtue,
fortitude, and prayer, the children of Israel were preserved from the destruction
threatened them by Holof ernes and his great army. It finishes with her canticle of
thanksgiving to God.
CHAPTER 1 5 Now in the twelfth year of his reign,
Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians overcometh Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians,
Arphaxad king of the Medea. who reigned in Ninive the great city,
Arphaxad king of the Medes had fought against Arphaxad and overcame
brought many
and he
nations under his do
builta very strong city,
minions, 6 In the great plain which is called
which he called Ecbatana, Ragua, about the Euphrates, and the
2 Of stones squared and hewed he made :
Tigris, and the Jadason, in the plain of
the walls thereof seventy cubits broad, Erioch the king of the Elicians.
and thirty cubits high, and the towers 7 Then was the kingdom of Nabuchodo
thereof he made a hundred cubits high. nosor exalted, and his heart was ele
But on the square of them, each side was vated: and he sent to all that dwelt in
extended the space of twenty feet. Cilicia and Damascus, and Libanus,
3 And he made the gates thereof ac 8 And to the nations that are in Car-
cording to the height of the towers:
4 And he gloried as a mighty one in the
m elus, and Cedar, and to the inhabitants
of Galilee in the great plain of Asdrelon,
force of his army and in the glory of 9 And to all that were in Samaria, and
his chariots.
beyond the river Jordan even to Jerusa-

CHAP. 1. Ver. 1. Arphaxad. He was probably lon, who

took and destroyed Jerusalem, but another
the same as is called Dejoces by Herodotus to whom of the same name, who reigned in Ninive: and is
he attributes the building of Ecbatana, the capital
called by profane historians Saosduchin. He suc
city of Media. ceeded Asarhaddon in the kingdom of the Assyrians
Ver. 5. Natmohodonoeor, Not the king of and was contemporary with Manasses king of Juda.

The mission of Holof ernes JUDITH His victorious progress
lem, and all the land of Jesse till you army, with the chariots, and horsemen,
come to the borders of Ethiopia. and archers, who covered the face of the
10 To all these Nabuchodonosor king of earth, like locusts.
the Assyrians, sent messengers: 12 And when he had passed through the
11 But they all with one mind refused, borders of the Assyrians, he came to the
and sent them back empty, and rejected great mountains of Ange, which are on
them without honour. the left of Cilicia: and he went up to all
12 Then king Nabuchodonosor being an their castles, and took all the strong
gry against all that land, swore by his places.
throne and kingdom that he would re 13 And he
took by assault the renowned
venge himself of all those countries. city of Melothus, and pillaged all the
children of Tharsis, and the children of
Ismahel, who were over against the face
CHAPTER 2 of the desert, and on the south of the
Nabuchodonosor sendeth Holofernes to waste the land of Cellon.
countries of the west.
14 And he passed over the Euphrates,
the thirteenth year of the reign of and came into Mesopotamia: and he
INNabuchodonosor, the two and twen forced all the stately cities that were
tieth day of the first month, the word there, from the torrent of Mambre, till
was given out in the house of Nabucho one comes to the sea:
donosor king of the Assyrians, that he 15 And he took the borders thereof,
would revenge himself. from Cilicia to the coasts of Japheth,
2 And he called all the ancients, and all which are towards the south.
the governors, and his officers of war, 16 And he carried away all the children
and communicated to them the secret of of Madian, and stripped them of all their
his counsel: riches, and all that resisted him he slew
3 And he said that his thoughts were to with the edge of the sword.
bring all the earth under his empire. 17 And after these things he went down
4 And when this saying pleased them into the plains of Damascus in the days
all, Nabuchodonosor, the king, called of the harvest, and he set all the corn
Holofernes the general of his armies, on fire, and he caused all the trees and
5 And said to him: Go out against all vineyards to be cut down.
the kingdoms of the west, and against 18 And the fear of them fell upon all
them especially that despised my com the inhabitants of the land.
6 Thy eye shall not spare any kingdom,
and all the strong cities thou shalt bring CHAPTER 3
under my yoke. Many submit themselves to Holofernes. He destroy-
7 Then Holofernes called the captains, eth their cities, and their gods, that Nabuchodono
sor only might be called God.
and officers of the power of the Assyri
ans: and he mustered men for the expe the kings and the princes of all
dition, as the king commanded him, a THEN
the and provinces, of Syria,
hundred and twenty thousand fighting Mesopotamia, and Syria Sobal, and Libya,
men on foot, and twelve thousand arch and Cilicia sent their ambassadors, who
ers, horsemen. coming to Holofernes, said:
8 And he made all his warlike prepara 2 Let thy indignation towards us cease:
tions to go before with a multitude of for it is better for us to live and serve
innumerable camels, with all provisions Nabuchodonosor the great king, and be
sufficient for the armies in abundance, subject to thee, than to die and to perish,
and herds of oxen, and flocks of sheep, or suffer the miseries of slavery.
without number. 3 All our cities and our possessions, all
9 He appointed corn to be prepared out mountains and hills, and fields, and herds
of all Syria in his passage. of oxen, and flocks of sheep, and goats,
10 But gold and silver he took out of and horses, and camels, and all our goods,
the king s house in great abundance. and families are in thy sight:
11 And he went forth he and all the 4 Let all we have be subject to thy law.

Submission of people to Holof ernes JUDITH The Jews prepare to resist

5 Both we and our children are thy 5 And Eliachim the priest wrote to all
servants. that were over against Esdrelon, which
faceth the great plain near Dothain, and
6 Come to us a peaceable lord, and use
to all by whom there might be a passage
our service as it shall please thee.
of way, that they should take possession
7 Then he came down from the moun
of the ascents of the mountains, by which
tains with horsemen, in great power, and
there might be any way to Jerusalem,
made himself master of every city, and
all the inhabitants of the land.
and should keep watch where the way
8 And from all the cities he took auxil
was narrow between the mountains.
iaries valiant men, and chosen for war. 6 And the children of Israel did as the
9 And so great a fear lay upon all those priest of the Lord Eliachim had appoint
provinces, that the inhabitants of all the ed them.
cities, both princes and nobles, as well as 7 And all the people cried to the Lord
the people, went out to meet him at his with great earnestness, and they humbled
coming. their souls in fastings, and prayers, both
10 And received him with garlands, and they and their wives.
lights, and dances, and timbrels, and 8 And the priests put on haircloths, and
they caused the little children to lie
11 And though they did these things,
prostrate before the temple of the Lord,
they could not for all that mitigate the and the altar of the Lord they covered
fierceness of his heart:
with haircloth.
12 For he both destroyed their cities,
and cut down their groves. 9 And they cried to the Lord the God of
Israel with one accord, that their chil
13 For Nabuchodonosor the king had
commanded him to destroy all the gods dren might not be made a prey, and their
of the earth, that he only might be called wives carried off, and their cities de
God by those nations which could be stroyed, and their holy things profaned,
and that they might not be made a re
brought under him by the power of
Holofernes. proach to the Gentiles.
14 And when he had passed through all 10 Then Eliachim the high priest of the
Lord went about all Israel and spoke to
Syria Sbbal, and all Apamea, and all
Mesopotamia, he came to the Idumeans them,
into the land of Gabaa, 11 Saying: Know ye that the Lord will
15 And he took possession of their hear your prayers, if you continue with
cities, and stayed there for thirty days, perseverance in fastings and prayers in
in which days he commanded all the the sight of the Lord.
troops of his army to be united. 12 Remember Moses the servant of the
Lord, who overcame Amalec that trusted
in his own strength, and in his power,
CHAPTER 4 and in his army, and in his shields, and
The children of Israel prepare themselves to resist in his chariots, and in his horsemen, not
Holofernes. They cry to the Lord for help.
by fighting with the sword, but by holy
rriHEN the children of Israel, who dwelt prayers :

J_ in the land of Juda, hearing these 13So shall all the enemies of Israel
things, were exceedingly afraid of him. be, if you persevere in this work which
2 Dread and horror seized upon their you have begun.
minds, lest he should do the same to 14 So they being moved by this exhor
Jerusalem and to the temple of the Lord, tation of his, prayed to the Lord, and
that he had done to other cities and their continued in the sight of the Lord.
temples. 15 So that even they who offered the
3 And they sent into all Samaria round holocausts to the Lord, offered the sacri
about, as far as Jericho, and seized upon fices to the Lord girded with haircloths,
all the tops of the mountains: and with ashes upon their head.
4 And they compassed their towns with 16 And they all begged of God with all
walls, and gathered together corn for their heart, that he would visit his peo
provision for war. ple Israel.
Ex. 17. 12.

The anger of Holof ernes JUDITH Achior s account
CHAPTER 5 to take them again, and bring them
Achior gives on account of the people back to their service,
of Israel. 12 i The God of heaven opened the sea
it was
told Holofernes the general to them in their flight, so that the wa
A^D of the army of the Assyrians, that ters were made to stand firm as a wall
the children of Israel prepared them on either side, and they walked through
selves to resist, and had shut up the the bottom of the sea and passed it dry
ways of the mountains. foot.
2 And he was transported with exceed 13 And when an innumerable army of
ing great fury and indignation, and he the Egyptians pursued after them in
called all the princes of Moab and the that place, they were so overwhelmed
leaders of Ammon. with the waters, that there was not one
3 And he said to them : Tell me what is left, to tell what had happened to pos
this people that besetteth the moun terity.
tains: or what are their cities, and of 14 And after they came out of the Red
what sort,and how great: also what is Sea, they abode in the deserts of mount
their power, or what is their multitude: Sina, in which never man could dwell, or
or who is the king over their warfare: son of man rested.
4 And why they above all that dwell in 15 There bitter fountains were made
the east, have despised us, and have not sweet for them to drink, and for forty
come out to meet us, that they might years they received food from heaven.
receive us with peace? 16 Wheresoever they went in without
5 Then Achior captain of all the chil bow and arrow, and without shield and
dren of Ammon answering, said: If thou sword, their God fought for them and
vouchsafe, my lord, to hear, I will tell overcame.
the truth in thy sight concerning this 17 And there was no one that tri
people, that dwelleth in the mountains, umphed over this people, but when they
and there shall not a false word come departed from the worship of the Lord
out of my mouth. their God.
6 This people is of the offspring of the 18 But as often as beside their own
Chaldeans. God, they worshipped any other, they
7 /They dwelt first in Mesopotamia, were given to spoil, and to the sword,
because they would not follow the gods and to reproach.
of their fathers, who were in the land of 19 And as often as they were penitent
the Chaldeans. for having revolted from the worship of
8 Wherefore forsaking the ceremonies their God, the God of heaven gave them
of their fathers, which consisted in the power to resist.
worship of many gods, 20 they overthrew the king of the
9 They worshipped one God of heaven, Chanaanites, and of the Jebusites, and
o who also commanded them to of the Pherezites, and of the Hethites,
from thence, and to dwell in Charan. and of the Hevites, and of the Amor-
And when there was a famine over all rhites, and all the mighty ones in Hese-
the land, ft they went down into Egypt, bon, and they possessed their lands, and
and there for four hundred years were their cities:
so multiplied, that the army of them 21 And as long as they sinned not in
could not be numbered. the sight of their God, it was well with
10 And when the king of Egypt op them: for their God hateth iniquity.
pressed them, and made shssres of them 22 And even some years ago when they
to labour in clay and brick, in .the build had revolted from the way which God
ing of his cities, they cried to their Lord, had given them to walk therein, they
and he struck the whole land of Egypt were destroyed in battles by many na
with divers plagues. tions, and very many of them were led
11 * And when the Egyptians had cast away captive into a strange land.
them out from them, and the plague had 23 But of late returning to the Lord
ceased from them, and they had a mind their God, from the different places

/ Gen, 11. 31. r Gen. 12. 1. h Gen. 46. 6. Ex. 12. 33. j Ex. 14. 29.

The answer of Holof ernes officers } UDITH Achior taken to Bethulia

wherein they were scattered, they are 5 But

thou think thy prophecy true,
come together and are gone up into all let not thy countenance sink, and let the
these mountains, and possess Jerusalem paleness that is in thy face, depart from
again, where their holies are. thee, if thou imaginest these my words
24 Now therefore, my lord, search if cannot be accomplished.
there be any iniquity of theirs in the 6 And that thou mayst know that thou
sight of their God: let us go up to them, shalt experience these things together
because their God will surely deliver with them, behold from this hour thou
them to thee, and they shall be brought shalt be associated to their people, that
under the yoke of thy power: when they shall receive the punishment
25 But if there be no offence of this they deserve from my sword, thou mayst
fall under the same vengeance.
people in the sight of their God, we can
not resist them, because their God will 7 Then Holofernes commanded his ser
defend them: and we shall foe a re vants to take Achior, and to lead him
proach to the whole earth. to Bethulia, and to deliver him into the
26 And it came to pass, when Achior hands of the children of Israel.
had ceased to speak these words, all the 8 And the servants of Holofernes tak
great men of Holofernes were angry, ing him, went through the plains: but
and they had a mind to kill him, saying when they came near the mountains, the
to each other: slingers came out against them.
27 Who is this, that saith the children 9 Then turning out of the way by the
of Israel can resist king Nabuchodono- side of the mountain, they tied Achior
sor, and his armies, men unarmed, and to a tree hand and foot, and so left him
without force, and without skill in the bound with ropes, and returned to their
art of war? master.
28 That Achior therefore may know 10 And the children of Israel coming
that he Meceiveth us, let us go up into down from Bethulia, came to him, and
the mountains: and when the bravest of loosing him they brought him to Beth
them shall be taken, then shall he with ulia, and setting him in the midst of the
them be stabbed with the sword: people, asked him what was the matter,
29 That every nation may know that that the Assyrians had left him bound.
Nabuchodonosor is god of the earth, and 11 In those days the rulers there, were
besides him there is no other. Ozias the son of Micha of the tribe of
Simeon, and Charmi, called also Gotho-
CHAPTER 6 niel.

Holofernes in great rage sendeth Achior to Beth

12 And Achior related in the midst of
ulia, there to be slain with the Israelites. the ancients, and in the presence of all
it cameto pass when they had
the people, all that he had said being
A^Dleft speaking, that Holofernes
asked by Holofernes: and how the peo
ple of Holofernes would have killed
being in a violent passion, said to Achior:
2 Because thou hast prophesied unto us, him for this word,
saying: That the nation of Israel is de 13 And how Holofernes himself being
fended by their God, to shew thee that angry had commanded him to be de
there is no God, but Nabuchodonosor: livered for this cause to the Israelites:
3 When we shall slay them all as one that when he should overcome the chil
man, then thou also shalt die with them dren of Israel, then he might command
by the sword of the Assyrians, and all Achior also himself to be put to death
Israel shall perish with thee: by diverse torments, for having said:
4 And thou shalt find that Nabucho The God of heaven is their defender.
donosor is lord of the whole earth: and 14 * And when Achior had declared all
then the sword of my soldiers shall pass these things, all the people fell upon
through thy sides, and thou shalt be their faces, adoring the Lord, and all of
stabbed and fall among the wounded of them together mourning and weeping
Israel, and thou shalt breathe no more poured out their prayers with one ac
till thou be destroyed with them. cord to the Lord,
k Supra 5. 26.

The Jews comfort Achior JUDITH The siege of Bethulia
15 Saying: Lord God of heaven and themselves upon the ground, putting
earth, behold their pride, and look on ashes upon their heads, praying with one
our low condition, and have regard to accord, that the God of Israel would shew
the face of thy saints, and shew that his mercy upon his people.
thou forsakest not them that trust on 5 And taking their arms of war, they
thee,and that thou humblest them that posted themselves at the places, which
presume of themselves, and glory in by a narrow pathway lead directly be
their own strength. tween the mountains, and they guarded
16 So when their weeping was ended, them all day and night.
and the people s prayer, in which they 6 Now Holofernes, in going round about,
continued all the day, was concluded, found that the fountain which supplied
they comforted Achior, them with water, ran through an aque
17 Saying: The God of our fathers, duct without the city on the south side:
whose power thou hast set forth, will and he commanded their aqueduct to be
make this return to thee, that thou cut off.
rather shalt see their destruction. 7 Nevertheless there were springs not
18 And when the Lord our God shall far from the walls, out of which they
.give this liberty to his servants, let God were seen secretly to draw water, to re
be with thee also in the midst of us: fresh themselves a little rather than to
that as it shall please thee, so thou with drink their fill.
all thine mayst converse with us. 8 But the children of Ammon and Moab
19 Then Ozias, after the assembly was came to Holofernes, saying: The children
broken up, received him into his house, of Israel trust not in their spears, nor in
and made him a great supper. their arrows, but the mountains are their
20 And all the ancients were invited, defence, and the steep hills and preci
and they refreshed themselves together pices guard them.
after their fast was over. 9 Wherefore that thou mayst overcome
21 And afterwards all the people were them without joining battle, set guards
called together, and they prayed all the at the springs that they may not draw
night long within the church, desiring water out of them, and thou shalt destroy
help of the God of Israel. them without sword, or at least being-
wearied out they will yield up their city,
CHAPTER 7 which they suppose, because it is situate
in the mountains, to be impregnable.
Holofernes besiegeth Bethulia. The distress of the
besieged. 10 And these words pleased Holofernes,
and his officers, and he placed all round
Holofernes on the next day gave
about a hundred men at every spring.
BUT orders to his army, to go up against
11 And when they had kept this watch
for full twenty days, the cisterns, and the
2 Now there were in his troops a hun
reserve of waters failed among all the in
dred and twenty thousand footmen, and
habitants of Bethulia, so that there was
two and twenty thousand horsemen, be
not within the city, enough to satisfy
sides the preparations of those men who
had been taken, and who had been them, no not for one day, for water was
daily given out to the people by measure.
brought away out of the provinces and
cities of allthe youth. 12 Then all the men and women, young
3 All these prepared themselves to men, and children, gathering themselves
gether to fight against the children of together to Ozias, all together with one
Israel, and they came by the hillside to
the top, which looketh toward Dothain, 13 Said: * God be judge between us and
from the place which is called Belma, thee, for thou hast done evil against us,
unto Chelmon, which is over against Es- in that thou wouldst not speak peaceably
drelon. with the Assyrians, and for this cause
4 But the children of Israel, when they God hath sold us into their hands.
saw the multitude of them, prostrated 14 And therefore there is no one to help
I Ex. 5. 21.

CHAP. 6. Ver. 21. The church. That is, the synagogue or place where they met for prayer.

Lamentation of the Jews JUDITH Judith

us, while we are cast down before their it came to pass, when Judith
a widow had heard these words, who
eyes in thirst, and sad destruction. J. 1
15 And now assemble ye all that are in was the daughter of Merari, the son of
the city, that we may of our own accord Idox, the son of Joseph, the son of Ozias,
yield ourselves all up to the people of the son of Elai, the son of Jamnor, the
Holofernes. son of Gedeon, the son of Raphaim, the
16 For it is better, that being captives son of Achitob, the son of Melchias, the
we should live and bless the Lord, than son of Enan, the son of Nathanias, the
that we should die, and be a reproach to son of Salathiel, the son of Simeon, the
all flesh, after we have seen our wives son of Ruben:
and our infants die before our eyes. 2 And her husband was Manasses, who
17 We call to witness this day heaven died in the time of the barley harvest:
and earth, and the God of our fathers, 3 For he was standing over them that
who taketh vengeance upon us according bound sheaves in the field; and the heat
to our sins, conjuring you to deliver now came upon his head, and he died in Beth
the city into the hand of the army of ulia his own city, and was buried there
Holofernes, that our end may be short with his fathers.
by the edge of the sword, which is made 4 And Judith his relict was a widow
longer by the drought of thirst. now three years and six months.
18 And when they had said these things, 5 And she made herself a private cham
there was great weeping and lamentation ber in the upper part of her house, in
of all in the assembly, and for many which she abode shut up with her maids.
hours with one voice they cried to God, 6 And she wore haircloth upon her loins,
saying: and fasted all the days of her life, except
19 *We have sinned with our fathers, the sabbaths, and new moons, and the
we have done unjustly, we have com feasts of the house of Israel.
mitted iniquity: 7 And she was exceedingly beautiful,
20 Have thou mercy on us, because thou and her husband left her great riches,
art good, or punish our iniquities by and very many servants, and large pos
chastising us thyself, and deliver not sessions of herds of oxen, and flocks of
them that trust in thee to a people that sheep.
knoweth not thee, 8 And she was greatly renowned among
21 That they may not say among the all,because she feared the Lord very
Gentiles: Where is their God? much, neither was there any one that
22 And when being wearied with these spoke an ill word of her.
cries, and tired with these weepings, they 9 When therefore she had heard that
held their peace, Ozias had promised that he would deliver
23 Ozias rising up all in tears, said: Be up the city after the fifth day, she sent
of good courage, my brethren, and let us to the ancients Chabri and Charmi.
wait these five days for mercy from the 10 And they came to her, and she said
Lord. to them: What is this word, by which
24 For perhaps he will put a stop to his Ozias hath consented to give up the city
indignation, and will give glory to his to the Assyrians, if within five days there
own name. come no aid to us?
25 But if after five days be past there 11 And who are you that tempt the Lord ?
come no aid, we will do the things which 12 This is not a word that may draw
you have spoken. down mercy, but rather that may stir up
wrath, and enkindle indignation.
CHAPTER 8 13 You have set a time for the mercy of
The character of Judith: her discourse to
the Lord, and you have appointed him a

day, according to your pleasure.
m Ps. 10. 6.

V er
- l- Simeon
Ruben In the son of scendants of the patriarch Simeon and that the

son of Israel. For Simeon the

JCK, it is the
narcn, rrom whom genealogy of Judith, recorded in this pfaee, is not
Judith descended, was not carried up so high as the patriarchs. No more than
b ther of Ruben seen* more
probable ***%
hT, that the Simeon
and the Ruben here men
- "
that of Elcana the father of Samuel, 1 Kings 1. 1,
tioned are not the patriarchs : but two
and that of king Saul, 1 Kings 9. 1.
of the de

Judith s discourse to the ancients JUDITH Judith s discourse to the ancients
14 But forasmuch as the Lord is patient, ments to be less than our sins deserve,
let us be penitent for this same thing, let us believe that these scourges of the
and with many tears let us beg his par Lord, with which like servants we are
don: chastised, have happened for our amend
15 For God will not threaten like man, ment, and not for our destruction.
nor be inflamed to anger like the son of 28 And Ozias and the ancients said to
man. her: All things which thou hast spoken
16 And therefore let us humble our are true, and there is nothing to be rep
souls before him, and continuing in an rehended in thy words.
humble spirit, in his service: 29 Now therefore pray for us, for thou
17 Let us ask the Lord with tears, that art a holy woman, and one fearing God.
according to his will so he would shew 30 And Judith said to them: As you
his mercy to us: that as our heart is know that what I have been able to say
troubled by their pride, so also we may of God:

glorify in our humility. 31 So that which I intend to do prove

18 For we have not followed the sins of ye if it be of God, and pray that God
our fathers, who forsook their God, and may strengthen my design.
worshipped strange gods. 32 You shall stand at the gate this
19 For which crime they were given up night, and I will go out with my maid
to their enemies, to the sword, and to servant: and pray ye, that as you have
pillage, and to confusion: but we know said, in five days the Lord may look
no other God but him. down upon his people Israel.
20 Let us humbly wait for his consola 33 But I desire that you search not into
tion, and the Lord our God will require what I am doing, and till I bring you
our blood of the afflictions of our ene word let nothing else be done but to
mies, and he will humble all the nations pray for me to the Lord our God.
that shall rise up against us, and bring 34 And Ozias the prince of Juda said to
them to disgrace. her: Go in peace, and the Lord be with
21 And now, brethren, as you are the thee to take revenge of our enemies.
ancients among the people of God, and So returning they departed.
their very soul resteth upon you: com
fort their hearts by your speech, that CHAPTER 9
they may be mindful how our fathers Judith s prayer, to beg of God to fortify her in her
were tempted that they might be proved, undertaking.
whether they worshipped their God truly. AND when they were gone, Judith went
22 "They must remember how our jflL into her oratory: and putting on
father Abraham was tempted, and being haircloth, laid ashes on her head: and
proved by many tribulations, was made falling down prostrate before the Lord,
the friend of God. she cried to the Lord, saying:
23 So Isaac, so Jacob, so Moses, and all O Lord God of my father Simeon,
that have pleased God, passed through vwho gaveth him a sword to execute
many tribulations, remaining faithful. vengeance against strangers, who had
24 But they that did not receive the defiledby their uncleanness, and uncov
trials with the fear of the Lord, but ut ered the virgin unto confusion:
tered their impatience and the reproach 3 And who gavest their wives to be
of their murmuring against the Lord, made a prey, and their daughters into
25 Were destroyed by the destroyer, captivity: and all their spoils to be di
and perished by serpents. vided to thy servants, who were zealous
26 As for us therefore let us not re with thy zeal: assist, I beseech thee, O
venge ourselves for these things which Lord God, me a widow.
we suffer. 4 For thou hast done the things of old,
27 But esteeming these very punish- and hast devised one thing after another:
n Gen. 22. 1. o 1 Cor. 10. 9. p Gen. 34. 26.
CHAP. 9. Ver. 2. Gavest him a sword &c. The to this act, we may distinguish between his zeal
justice of God is here praised, in punishing: by the against the crime committed by the rayishers of his
sword of Simeon the crime of the Sichemites and
: sister, which zeal may be considered just: and the
not the act of Simeon, which was justly condemned manner of his punishing that crime, which was ir
by bos father, Gen. 49. 5. Though even with regard regular and excessive.

Judith s prayer JUDITH Judith goes to the Assyrian cam t

and what thou hast designed hath been strengthen the resolution in my heart,
done. that thy house may continue in thy holi
5 For all thy ways are prepared, and ness:
in thy providence thou hast placed thy 19 And all nations may acknowledge
that thou art God, and there is no other
6 i Look upon the camp of the Assyrians besides thee.
now, as thou wast pleased to look upon
the camp of the Egyptians, when they CHAPTER 10
Judith goeth out towards the camp, and taken
pursued armed after thy servants, trust
and brought to Holofernes.
ing in their chariots, and in their horse
men, and in a multitude of warriors. ND it came to pass, when she had
7 But thou lookedst over their camp, ceased to cry to the Lord, that she
and darkness wearied them. rose from the place wherein she lay
8 The deep held their feet, and the wa prostrate before the Lord.
ters overwhelmed them. 2 And she called her maid, and going
9 So may it be with these also, O Lord, down into her house she took off her
who trust in their multitude, and in their haircloth, and put away the garments of
chariots, and in their pikes, and in their her widowhood,
shields, and in their arrows, and glory 3 And she washed her body, and
in their spears, anointed herself with the best ointment,
10 And know not that thou art our and plaited the hair of her head, and put
God, who destroyest wars from the be a bonnet upon her head, and clothed
ginning, and the Lord is thy name. herself with the garments of her glad
11 Lift up thy arm as from the begin ness, and put sandals on her feet, and
ning, and crush their power with thy took her bracelets, and lilies, and earlets,
power: let their power fall in their wrath, and rings, and adorned herself with all
who promise themselves to violate thy her ornaments.
sanctuary, and defile the dwelling place 4 And the Lord also gave her more
of thy name, and to beat down with beauty: because all this dressing up did
their sword the horn of thy altar. not proceed from sensuality, but from
12 Bring to pass, Lord, that his pride virtue: and therefore the Lord increased
may be cut off with his own sword. this her beauty, so that she appeared to
13 Let him be caught in the net of his all men s eyes incomparably lovely.
own eyes in my regard, and do thou 5 And she gave to her maid a bottle of
strike him by the graces of the words wine to carry, and a vessel of oil, and
of my lips. parched corn, and dry figs, and bread
14 Give me constancy in my mind, that and cheese, and went out.
1 may despise him: and fortitude that I 6 And when they came to the gate of
may overthrow him. the city, they found Ozias, and the an
r For
15 be a glorious monu
this will cients of the city waiting.
ment for thy name, when he shall fall 7 And when they saw her they were
by the hand of a woman. astonished, and admired her beauty ex
16 For thy power, Lord, is not in a ceedingly.
multitude, nor is thy pleasure in the 8 But they asked her no question, only
strength of horses, nor from the begin they let her pass, saying: The God of
ning have the proud been acceptable to our fathers give thee grace, and may he
thee: but the prayer of the humble and strengthen all the counsel of thy heart
the meek hath always pleased thee. with his power, that Jerusalem may
17 God of the heavens, creator of the glory in thee, and thy name may be in
waters, and Lord of the whole creation, the number of the holy and just.
hear me a poor wretch, making suppli 9 And they that were there said, all
cation to thee, and presuming of thy with one voice: So be it, so be it.
mercy. 10 But Judith praying to the Lord,
18 Remember, Lord, thy covenant, passed through the gates, she and her
and put thou words in my mouth, and maid.

a EX. 14. 9. r Judges 4. 21. and 5. 26.

Judith is brought to Holof ernes JUDITH Judith s speech to Holofernes

11 And it came to pass, when she was heart: for I have never hurt a man that
down the hill, about break of day, that was willing Nabuchodonosor the
to serve
the watchmen of the Assyrians met her, king.
and stopped her, saying: Whence comest 2 And if thy people had not despised
thou ? or whither goest thou ? me, I would never have lifted up my
12 And she answered: I am a daughter spear against them.
of the Hebrews, and I am fled from them, 3 But now tell me, for what cause hast
because I knew they would be made a thou left them, and why it hath pleased
prey to you, because they despised you, thee to come to us?
and would not of their own accord yield 4 And Judith said to him: Receive the
themselves, that they might find mercy words of thy handmaid, for if thou wilt
in your sight. follow the words of thy handmaid, the
13 For this reason I thought with my Lord will do with thee a perfect thing.
self, saying: I will go to the presence of 5 For as Nabuchodonosor the king of
the prince Holofernes, that I may tell the earth liveth, and his power liveth
him their and shew him by what
secrets, which is in thee for chastising of all
way he may take them, without the loss straying souls: not only men serve him
of one man of his army. through thee, but also the beasts of the
14 And when the men had heard her field obey him.
words, they beheld her face, and their 6 For the industry of thy mind is
eyes were amazed, for they wondered spoken of among all nations, and it is
exceedingly at her beauty. told through the whole world, that thou
15 And they said to her: Thou hast only art excellent, and mighty in all his
saved thy life by taking this resolution, kingdom, and thy discipline is cried up in
to come down to our lord. all provinces.
16 And be assured of this, that when 7 8 It is known also what Achior said,
thou shalt stand before him, he will treat nor are we ignorant of what thou hast
thee well, and thou wilt be most accept commanded to be done to him.
able to his heart. And they brought her to 8 For it is certain that our God is so of
the tent of Holofernes, telling him of her. fended with sins, that he hath sent word
17 And when she was come into his by his prophets to the people, that he
presence, forthwith Holofernes was will deliver them up for their sins.
caught by his eyes. 9 And
because the children of Israel
18 And his officers said to him: Who know they have offended their God, thy
can despise the people of the Hebrews, dread is upon them.
who have such beautiful women, that we 10 Moreover also a famine hath come
should not think it worth our while for
upon them, and for drought of water
their sakes to fight against them?
they are already to be counted among
19 And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting the dead.
under a canopy, which was woven of 11 And they have a design even to kill
purple and gold, with emeralds and pre their cattle, and to drink the blood of
cious stones: them.
20 After she had looked on his face, 12 And the consecrated things of the
bowed down to him, prostrating herself Lord their God which God forbade them
to the ground. And the servants of to touch, in corn, wine, and oil, these
Holofernes lifted her up, by the com have they purposed to make use of, and
mand of their master. they design to consume the things which
they ought not to touch with their hands:
therefore because they do these things,
Judith s speech to Holofarnes
it is certain they will be given up to de
Holofernes said to her: Be of struction.
good comfort, and fear not in thy 13 And I thy handmaid knowing this,
8 Supra 5. 5.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 12. Because I knew, &c. In this ture of the servants of God is not approved by the
and the following chapter, some things are related scripture and even the saints in their good enter

to have been said by Judith, which seem hard to re prises may sometimes slip into venial sins.
concile with truth. But all that is related in scrip-

Judith finds favor with Holof ernes JUDITH Judith invited to the banquet

am fled from them, and the Lord hath 5 And when she was going in, she de
sent me to tell thee these very things. sired that she might have liberty to go
14 For I thy handmaid worship God out at night and before day to prayer,
even now that I am with thee, and thy and to beseech the Lord.
handmaid will go out, and I will pray to 6 And he commanded his chamber
God, lains, that she might go out and in, to
15 And he will tell me when he will re adore her God as she pleased, for three
pay them for their sins, and I will come days.
and tell thee, so that I may bring thee 7 And she went out in the nights into
through the midst of Jerusalem, and thou the valley of Bethulia, and washed her
shalt have all the people of Israel, as self in a fountain of water.
sheep that have no shepherd, and there 8 And as she came up, she prayed to
shall not so much as one dog bark th. Lord the God of Israel, that he would
against thee: direct her way to the deliverance of his
16 Because these things are told me by people.
the providence of God. 9 And going in, she remained pure in
17 And because God is angry with them, the tent, until she took her own meat in
I am sent to tell these very things to thee. the evening.
18 And all these words pleased Holo- 10 And it came to pass on the fourth
fernes, and his servants, and they ad day, that Holofernes made a supper for
mired her wisdom, and they said one to his servants, and said to Vagao his
another: eunuch: Go, and persuade that Hebrew
19 There is not such another woman woman, to consent of her own accord to
upon earth in look, in beauty, and in dwell with me.
sense of words. 11 For it is looked upon as shameful
20 And Holofernes said to her: God among the Assyrians, if a woman mock a
hath done well who sent thee before the man, by doing so as to pass free from him.
people, that thou mightest give them 12 Then Vagao went in to Judith, and
into our hands: said: Let not my good maid be afraid to
21 And because thy promise is good, if go in to my lord, that she may be hon
thy God shall do this for me, he shall oured before his face, that she may eat
also be my God, and thou shalt be great with him and drink wine and be merry.
in the house of Nabuchodonosor, and thy 13 And Judith answered him: Who am
name shall be renowned through all the I, that I should gainsay my lord?
earth. 14 All that shall be good and best be
CHAPTER 12 fore his eyes, I will do. And whatsoever
Judith goeth out in the night to pray: she shall please him, that shall be best to me
is in
vited to a banquet with Holofernes. all the days of my life.
he ordered that she should 15 And she arose and dressed herself
J_ in where his treasures were laid
out with her garments, and going in she
and bade her tarry there, and he ap stood before his face.
pointed what should be given her from 16 And the heart of Holofernes was
his own table. smitten, for he was burning with the de
2 AndJudith answered him and said: sire of her.
Now I cannot eat of these things which 17 And Holofernes said to her: Drink
thou commandest to be given
me, lest now, and sit down and be merry; for
sin come upon me: but I will eat of the thou hast found favor before me.
things which I have brought. 18 And Judith said: I will drink my
3 And Holofernes said to her: If these
lord, because my life is magnified this
things which thou hast brought with thee day above all my days.
fail thee, what shall we do for
thee? 19 And she took and ate and drank be
4 And Judith said: As thy soul live fore him what her maid had prepared
my lord, thy handmaid shall not spend for her.
all these things till God do
by my hand 20 And Holofernes was made merry on
that which I have purposed. And his her occasion, and drank exceeding much
servants brought her into the tent which
wine, so much as he had never drunk in
he had commanded. his life.

Judith kills Holof ernes JUDITH She returns to her people

CHAPTER 13 16 And lighting up lights they all gath

ered round about her: and she went up
Judith cutteth off the head of Holofernes, and re-
turneth to Bethulia.. to a higher place, and commanded si
lence to be made. And when all had held
when it was grown late, his ser- their peace,
vants made haste to their lodgings, 17 Judith said: Praise ye the Lord our
and Vagao shut the chamber doors, and God, who hath not forsaken them that
went his way. hope in him.
2 And they were all overcharged with 18 And by me his handmaid he hath

wine. fulfilled his mercy, which he promised to

3 And Judith was alone in the chamber. the house of Israel: and he hath killed
4 But Holofernes lay on his bed, fast the enemy of his people by my hand
asleep, being exceedingly drunk. this night.
5 And Judith spoke to her maid to
19 Then she brought forth the head of
stand without before the chamber, and
Holofernes out of the wallet, and shewed
to watch:
it them, saying: Behold the head of Holo
6 And Judith stood before the bed pray
fernes the general of the army of the
ing with tears, and the motion of her
in Assyrians, and behold his canopy, where
lips silence,
in he lay in his drunkenness, where the
7 Saying: Strengthen me, Lord God
Lord our God slew him by the hand of a
of Israel, and in this hour look on the
works of my hands, that as thou hast
20 But as the same Lord liveth, his angel
promised, thou mayst raise up Jerusalem
hath been my keeper both going hence,
thy city: and that I may bring to pass
that which I have purposed, having a and abiding there, and returning from
belief that it might be done by thee.
thence hither: and the Lord hath not suf
8 And when she had said this, she went fered me his handmaid to be defiled, but
to the pillar that was at his bed s head,
hath brought me back to you without pol
and loosed his sword that hung tied upon lution of sin, rejoicing for his victory, for
it. my escape, and for your deliverance.
9 And when she had drawn it out, she 21 * Give all of you glory to him, be
took him by the hair of his head, and cause he is good, because his mercy en-
said: Strengthen me, Lord God, at this dureth for ever.
hour. 22 And they all adored the Lord, and
10 Andshe struck twice upon his neck, said to her: The Lord hath blessed thee
and cut off his head, and took, off his can by his power, because by thee he hath
opy from the pillars, and rolled away his brought our enemies to nought.
headless body. 23 And Ozias the prince of the people
11 And after a while she went out, and of Israel, said to her: Blessed art thou,
delivered the head of Holofernes to her O daughter, by the Lord the most high
maid, and bade her put it into her wallet. God, above all women upon the earth.
12 And they two went out according to 24 Blessed be the Lord who made heav
their custom, as it were to prayer, and en and earth, who hath directed thee to
they passed the camp, and having com the cutting off the head of the prince of
passed the valley, they came to the gate our enemies.
of the city. 25 Because he hath so magnified thy
13 And Judith from afar off cried to name this day, that thy praise shall not
the watchmen upon the walls: Open the depart out of the mouth of men who shall
gates for God is with us, who hath be mindful of the power of the Lord for
shewn his in Israel.
power ever, for that thou hast not spared thy
14 And it to pass, when the men
came life, by reason of the distress and tribu
had heard her voice, that they called lation of thy people, but hast prevented
the ancients of the city. our ruin in the presence of our God.
15 And all ran to meet her from the 26 And all the people said: So be it, so
least to the greatest: for they now had be it.
no hopes that she would come. 27 And Achior being called for came,

t Ps. 105. 1, and 106. 1.

The assault on the Assyrian camp JUDITH Death of Holof ernes discovered
and Judith said to him: The God of Is 9 And they that were in the tent came
rael, to thou gavest testimony, that
whom and made a noise before the door of the
he revengeth himself of his enemies, he chamber to awake him, endeavouring by
hath cut off the head of all the unbeliev art to break his rest, that Holofemes
ers this night by my hand. might awake, not by their calling him,
28 And that thou mayst find that it is but by their noise.
so, behold the head of Holofemes,
who 10 For no man durst knock, or open and
in the contempt of his pride despised the go into the chamber of the general of
God of Israel: and threatened thee with the Assyrians.
death, saying: When the people of Israel 11 But when his captains and tribunes
shall be taken, I will command thy sides were come, and all the chiefs of the army
to be pierced with a sword. of the king of the Assyrians, they said to
29 Then Achior seeing the head of the chamberlains:
Holofemes, being seized with a great 12 Go in, and awake him, for the mice,
fear he fell on his face upon the earth, coming out of their holes, have presumed
and his soul swooned away. to challenge us to fight.
30 But after he had recovered his spir 13 Then Vagao going into his chamber,
its he fell down at her feet, and rever stood before the curtain, and made a
enced her, and said: clapping with his hands: for he thought
31 Blessed art thou by thy God in every that he was sleeping with Judith.
tabernacle of Jacob, for in every nation 14 But when with hearkening, he per
which shall hear thy name, the God of ceived no motion of one lying, he came
Israel shall be magnified on occasion of near to the curtains, and lifting it up,
thee. and seeing the body of Holofemes, lying
CHAPTER 14 upon the ground, without the head, wel
The Israelites assault the Assyrians, who finding tering in his blood, he cried out with a
their general slain, are seized with a panic fear. loud voice, with weeping, and rent his
AND Judith said to all the people: Hear garments.
JTx me, my brethren, hang ye up this 15 And he went into the tent of Judith,
head upon our walls. and not finding her, he ran out to the
2 And as soon as the sun shall rise, let people,
every man take his arms, and rush ye 16 And said: One Hebrew woman hath
out, not as going down beneath, but as made confusion in the house of King
making an assault. Nabuchodonosor: for behold Holofemes
3 Then the watchmen must needs run to liethupon the ground, and his head is
awake their prince for the battle. not upon him.
4 And when the captains of them shall 17 Now when the chiefs of the army of
run to the tent of Holofemes, and shall the Assyrians had heard this, they all
find him without his head wallowing in rent their garments, and an intolerable
his blood, fear shall fall upon them. fear and dread fell upon them, and their
5 And when you shall know that they minds were troubled exceedingly.
are fleeing, go after them securely, for the 18 And there was a very great cry in
Lord will destroy them under your feet. the midst of their camp.
6 Then Achior seeing the
power that
the God of Israel had
wrought, leaving CHAPTER 15
the religion of the Gentiles, he believed The Assyrians flee : the Hebrews pursue after them,
God, and circumcised the flesh of his and are enriched by their spoils.
foreskin, and was joined to the people of when all the army heard that
Israel, with all the succession of his
kindred until this present
AID Holofemes
and counsel
was beheaded, courage
fled from them, and being
7 And immediately at break of seized with trembling and fear they
they hung up the head of Holofemes thought only to save themselves by
upon the walls, and every man took his flight:
arms, and they went out with a great 2 So that no one spoke to his neighbour,
noise and shouting. bit hanging down the head, leaving all
8 And the watchmen
seeing this, ran to tMngs behind, they made haste to escape
the tent of Holofemes. from the Hebrews, who, as they heard,
Flight of the Assyrians JUDITH The canticle of Judith

were coming armed upon them, and fled 15 And all the people rejoiced, with the
by the ways of the fields, and the paths women, and virgins, and young men,
of the hills. playing on instruments and harps.
3 So the children of Israel seeing them
fleeing, followed after them. And they CHAPTER 16
went down sounding with trumpets and The canticle of Judith: her virtuous life and death.
shouting after them.
4 And because the Assyrians were not
HP HEN Judith sung this canticle to the
united together, they went without order J_ Lord, saying:
in their flight, but the children of Israel
2 Begin ye to the Lord with timbrels,
sing ye to the Lord with cymbals, tune
pursuing in one body, defeated all that unto him a new psalm, extol and call
they could find.
5 And Ozias sent messengers through upon name.
all the cities and countries of Israel.
3 The Lord putteth an end to wars, the
Lord is his name.
6 And every country, and every city, 4 He hath set his camp in the midst of
sent their chosen young men armed after his people, to deliver us from the hand
them, and they pursued them with the of all our enemies.
edge of the sword until they came to the 5 The Assyrian came out of the moun
extremities of their confines. tains from the north in the multitude of
7 And the rest that were in Bethulia his strength: his multitude stopped up
went into the camp of the Assyrians, and the torrents, and their horses covered
took away the spoils which the Assyri the valleys.
ans in their flight had left behind them, 6 He bragged that he would set my
and they were laden exceedingly. borders on fire, and kill my young men
8 But they that returned conquerors to with the sword, to make my infants a
Bethulia, brought with them all things prey, and my virgins captives.
that were theirs, so that there was no 7 But the almighty Lord hath struck
numbering of their cattle, and beasts, and him, and hath delivered him into the
all their moveables, insomuch that from hands of a woman, and hath slain him.
the least to the greatest all were made 8 For their mighty one did not fall by
rich by their spoils. young men, neither did the sons of Titan
9 And Joachim the high priest came strike him, nor tall giants oppose them
from Jerusalem to Bethulia with all his selves to him, but Judith the daughter of
ancients to see Judith. Merari weakened him with the beauty
10 And when she was come out to him, of her face.
they all blessed her with one voice, say 9 For she put off her the garments of
ing: Thou art the glory of Jerusalem, widowhood, and put on her the garments
thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the of joy, to give joy to the children of Is
honour of our people: rael.
11 For thou hast done manfully, and 10 She anointed her face with ointment,
thy heart has been strengthened, be and bound up her locks with a crown,
cause thou hast loved chastity, and after she took a new robe to deceive him.
thy husband hast not known any other: 11 Her sandals ravished his eyes, her
therefore also the hand of the Lord beauty made his soul her captive, with
hath strengthened thee, and therefore a sword she cut off his head.
thou shalt be blessed for ever. 12 The Persians quaked at her constan
12 And all the people said: So be it, cy, and the Medes at her boldness.
so be it. 13 Then the camp of the Assyrians
13 And thirty days were scarce suffi howled, when my lowly ones appeared,
cient for the people of Israel to gather parched with thirst.
up the spoils of the Assyrians. 14 The sons of the damsels have pierced
14 But all those things that were proved them through, and they have killed them
to be the peculiar goods of Holofernes, like children fleeing away: they perished
they gave to Judith in gold, and silver, in battle before the face of the Lord my
and garments and precious stones, and God.
all household stuff, and they all were 15 Let us sing a hymn to the Lord, let
delivered to her by the people. us sing a new hymn to our God.

The canticle of Judith ESTHER The death of Judith
16 Adonai, Lord, great art thou, and opy that she had taken away out of his
glorious in thy power, and no one can chamber.
overcome thee. 24 And the people were joyful in the
17 "Let all thy creatures serve thee: sight of the sanctuary, and for three
because thou hast spoken, and they were months the joy of this victory was cele
made: thou didst send forth thy spirit, brated with Judith.
and they were created, and there is no 25 And after those days every man re
one that can resist thy voice. turned to his house, and Judith was made
18 The mountains shall be moved from great in Bethulia, and she was most re
the foundations with the waters: the nowned in all the land of Israel.
rocks shall melt as wax before thy 26 And chastity was joined to her vir
face. tue, so that she knew no man all the
19 But they that fear thee, shall be days of her life, after the death of
great with thee in all things. Manasses her husband.
20 Woe be to the nation that riseth up 27 And on festival days she came forth
against my people: for the Lord almighty with great glory.
will take revenge on them, in the day 28 And she abode in her husband s house
of judgment he will visit them. a hundred and five years, and made her
21 For he will give fire, and worms into handmaid free, and she died, and was
their flesh, that they may burn, and may buried with her husband in Bethulia.
feel for ever. 29 And all the people mourned for
22 And it came to pass after these seven days.
things, that all the people, after the vic 30 And all the time of her life there
tory, came to Jerusalem to adore the was none that troubled Israel, nor many
Lord: and as soon as they were purified, years after her death.
they all offered holocausts, and vows, 31 But the day of the festivity of this
and their promises. victoryis received by the Hebrews in the
23 And Judith offered for an anathema number of holy days, and is religiously
of oblivion all the arms of Holofernes, observed by the Jews from that time
which the people gave her, and the can until this day,

This Book takes its name from queen Esther, whose history is here recorded. The
first part 1. 1-10.3 was written in Hebrew; the rest has been preserved only in
Greek, whatever be its original language. Some of the sources probably go back
to Persia, perhaps to Mardochai as may be gathered from
chap. 9. ver. 20.
CHAPTER 1 he made a great feast for all the princes,
King Assuerus inaketh great feast. Queen Vasthi
a, and for his servants, for the most mighty
being sent for refuseth to come : for which disobe of the Persians, and the nobles of the
dience she is deposed.
Medes, and the governors of the prov
the days of Assuerus, who reigned inces in his sight,
INfrom India to Ethiopia over a hun 4 That he might shew the riches of the
dred and twenty-seven provinces:
glory of his kingdom, and the greatness,
2 When he sat on the throne of his and boasting of his power, for a long
kingdom, the city Susan was the capital time, to wit, for a hundred and four
of his kingdom. score days.
3 Now in the third year v of his reign 5 And when the days of the feast were
tt Ps. 32. 9. v B. C. 483.
CHAP. 16. Ver. 23. An anathema, of oblivion. CHAP. Ver. I. Assuerus, from the Persian
That is, a gift or offering made to God, by way of name rendered usually Xerses. It is question of
an everlasting monument, to prevent the oblivion Xerses I son of Darius L
of forgetting so great a benefit.

The feast of Assuerus ESTHER Vast hi is deposed
expired, he invited all the people that and of the Medes, who saw the face of
were found in Susan, from the greatest the king, and were used to sit first after
to the least: and commanded a feast to him:)
be made seven days in the court of the 15 What sentence ought to pass upon
garden, and of the wood, which was Vasthi the queen, who had refused to
planted by the care and the hand of the obey the commandment of king Assuerus,
king. which he had sent to her by the eunuchs ?
6 And there were hung up on every side 16 And Mamuchan answered, in the
sky coloured, and green, and violet hang hearing of the king and the princes:
ings, fastened with cords of silk, and of Quen Vasthi hath not only injured the
purple, which were put into rings of king, but also all the people and princes
ivory, and were held up with marble pil that are in all the provinces of king As
lars. The beds also were of gold and sil suerus.
ver, placed in order upon a floor paved 17 For this deed of the queen will go
with porphyry and white marble: which abroad to all women, so that they will
was embellished with painting of won despise their husbands, and will say:
derful variety. King Assuerus commanded that queen
7 And they that were invited, drank in Vasthi should come in to him, and she
golden cups, and the meats were brought would not.
in divers vessels one after another. Wine 18 And by this example all the wives of
also in abundance and of the best was the princes of the Persians and the Medes
presented, as was worthy of a king s will slight the commandments of their
magnificence. husbands: wherefore the king s indigna
8 Neither was there any one to compel tion is just.
them to drink that were not willing, but 19 If it please thee, let an edict go out
as the king had appointed, who set over from thy presence, and let it be written
every table one of his nobles, that every according to the law of the Persians and
man might take what he would. of the Medes, which must not be altered,
9 Also Vasthi the queen made a feast that Vasthi come in no more to the king,
for the women in the palace, where king but another, that is better than her, be
Assuerus was used to dwell. made queen in her place.
10 Now on the seventh day, when the 20 And let this be published through all
king was merry, and after very much the provinces of thy empire, (which is
drinking was well warmed with wine, he very wide,) and let all wives, as well of
commanded Mauman, and Bazatha, and the greater as of the lesser, give honour
Harbona, and Bagatha, and Abgatha, and to their husbands.
Zethar, and Charcas, the seven eunuchs 21 His counsel pleased the king, and the
that served in his presence, princes: and the king did according to
11 To bring in queen Vasthi before the the counsel of Mamuchan.
king, with the crown set upon her head, 22 And he sent letters to all the prov
to shew her beauty to all the people and inces of his kingdom, as every nation
the princes: for she was exceeding beau could hear and read, in divers languages
tiful. and characters, that the husbands should
12 But she refused, and would not come be rulers and masters in their houses:
at the king s commandment, which he and that this should be published to
had signified to her by the eunuchs. every people.
Whereupon the king, being angry, and CHAPTER 2
inflamed with a very great fury, Esther is advanced to be queen. Mardochai detect-
13 Asked the wise men, who according eth a, plot against the king.
to the custom of the kings, were always this, when
the wrath of king
near his person, and all he did was by
their counsel, who knew the laws, and
Assuerus was appeased, he remem
bered Vasthi, and what she had done and
judgments of their forefathers: what she had suffered:
14 (Now the chief and nearest him were, 2 And the king s servants and his offi
Charsena, and .Sethar, and Admatha, and cers said: Let young women be sought
Tharsis, and Mares, and Marsana, and Ma- for the king, virgins and beautiful,
muchan, seven princes of the Persians, 3 And let some persons be sent through

Assuerus seeks a new queen ESTHER Esther chosen queen
all the provinces to look for beautiful myrrh, and for other six months they
maidens and virgins: and them bring
let used certain perfumes and sweet spices.
them to the city of Susan, and put them 13 And when they were going in to the
into the house of the women under the king, whatsoever they asked to adorn
hand of Egeus the eunuch, who is the themselves they received: and being
overseer and keeper of the king s women : decked out, as it pleased them, they
and let them receive women s ornaments, passed from the chamber of the women
and other things necessary for their use. to the king s chamber.
4 And whosoever among them all shall 14 And she that went in at evening,
please the king s eyes, let her be queen came out in the morning, and from thence
instead of Vasthi. The word pleased the she was conducted to the second house,
king: and he commanded it should be that was under the hand of Susagaz the
done as they had suggested. eunuch, who had the charge over the
5 There was a man in the city of Susan, king s concubines: neither could she re
a Jew, named Mardochai, the son of turn any more to the king, unless the
Jair, the son of Semei, the son of Cis, of king desired it, and had ordered her by
the race of Jemini, name to come.
6 Who had been carried away from Je 15 And as the time came orderly about,
rusalem at the time that Nabuchodonosor the day was at hand, when Esther, the
king of Babylon carried away x Jechonias daughter of Abihail the brother of Mar
king of Juda, dochai, whom he had adopted for his
7 And he had brought up his brother s daughter, was to go in to the king. But
daughter Edissa, who by another name she sought not women s ornaments, but
was called Esther: now she had lost both whatsoever Egeus the eunuch the keeper
her parents: and was exceeding fair and of the virgins had a mind, he gave her to
beautiful. And her father and mother adorn her. For she was exceeding fair,
being dead, Mardochai adopted her for and her incredible beauty made her ap
his daughter. pear agreeable and amiable in the eyes
8 And when the king s ordinance was of all.
noised abroad, and according to his com 16 So she was brought to the chamber
mandment many beautiful virgins were of king Assuerus the tenth month, which
brought to Susan, and were delivered to is called Tebeth, in the seventh year of
Egeus the eunuch: Esther also among the his reign.
rest of the maidens was delivered to him And the king loved her more than
to be kept in the number of the women. all the women, and she had favour and
9 And she pleased him, and found favour kindness before him above all the women,
in his sight. And he commanded the and he set the royal crown on her
eunuch to hasten the women s ornaments, head, and made her queen instead of
and to deliver to her her part, and seven Vashti.
of the most beautiful maidens of the 18 And he commanded a magnificent
king s house, and to adorn and deck out feast to be prepared for all the princes,
both her and her waiting maids. and for his servants, for the marriage
10 And she would not tell him her peo and wedding of Esther. And he gave rest
ple nor her country. For Mardochai had to all the provinces, and bestowed gifts
charged her to say nothing at all of that: according to princely magnificence.
11 And he walked every day before the 19 And when the virgins were sought
court of the house, in which the chosen the second time, and gathered together,
virgins were kept, having a care for Es Mardochai stayed at the king s gate,
ther s welfare, and desiring to know what 20 Neither had Esther as yet declared
would befall her. her country and people, according to his
12 Now when every virgin s turn came commandment. For whatsoever he com
to go in to the king, after all had been manded, Esther observed: and she did all
done for setting them off to advantage, things in the same manner as she was
it was the twelfth month: so that for six wont at that time when he brought her
months they were anointed with oil of up a little one.

w Infra 11. 2. x 4 Kings 24. 15 ; Infra 11. 4.

Mardochai displeases Aman ESTHER Destruction of the Jews decreed

21 At that time, therefore, when Mar and there came out the twelfth month,
dochai abode at the king s gate, Bagathan which is called Adar.
and Thares, two of the king s eunuchs, 8 And Aman said to king Assuerus:
who were porters, and presided in the There is a people scattered through all
first entry of the palace, were angry: and the provinces of thy kingdom, and sep
they designed to rise up against the king, arated one from another, that use new
and to kill him. laws and ceremonies, and moreover de
22 And Mardochai had notice of it, and spise the king s ordinances: and thou
immediately he told it to queen Esther: knowest very well that it is not expedi
and she to the king in Mardochai s name, ent for thy kingdom that they should
who had reported the thing unto her. grow insolent by impunity.
23 It was inquired into, and found out: 9 If it please thee, decree that they may
and they were both hanged on a gibbet. be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand
And it was put in the histories, and re talents to thy treasurers.
corded in the chronicles before the king. 10 And the king took the ring that he
used, from his own hand, and gave it to
Aman, the son of Amadathi of the race
Aman, advanced by the king, is offended at Mar
dochai, and therefore procureth the king s decree
of Agag, the enemy of the Jews,
to destroy the whole nation of the Jews. 11 And he said to him: As to the money
FTER these things, king Assuerus ad- which thou promisest, keep it for thy
vanced Aman, the son of Amadathi, self: and as to the people, do with them
who was of the race of Agag: and he set as seemeth good to thee.
his throne above all the princes that 12 And the king s scribes were called
were with him. in the first month Nisan, on the thirteenth
2 And all the king s servants, that were day of the same month: and they wrote,
at the doors of the palace, bent their as Aman had commanded, to all the
knees, and worshipped Aman: for so the king s lieutenants, and to the judges of
emperor had commanded them, only the provinces, and of divers nations, as
Mardochai did not bend his knee, nor every nation could read, and hear accord
worship him. ing to their different languages, in the
3 And the king s servants that were name of king Assuerus: and the letters,
chief at the doors of the palace, said to sealed with his ring,
him: Why dost thou alone not observe 13 Were sent by the king s messengers
the king s commandment? to all provinces, to kill and destroy all
4 And when they were saying this often, the Jews, both young and old, little chil
and he would not hearken to them, they dren, and women, in one day, that is,
told Aman, desirous to know whether he on the thirteenth of the twelfth month,
would continue in his resolution: for he which is called Adar, and to make a spoil
had told them that he was a Jew. of their goods.
5 Now when Aman had heard this, and 14 And the contents of the letters were
had proved by experience that Mardo to this effect, that all provinces might
chai did not bend his knee to him, nor know and be ready against that day.
worship him, he was exceeding angry. 15 The couriers that were sent made
6 And he counted it nothing to lay his haste to fulfil the king s commandment.
hands upon Mardochai alone: for he had And immediately the edict was hung up
heard that he was of the nation of the in Susan, the king and Aman feasting
Jews, and he chose rather to destroy all together, and all the Jews that were in
the nation of the Jews that were in the the city weeping.
kingdom of Assuerus.
7 In the first month (which is called CHAPTER 4
Nisan) in the twelfth year of the reign Mardochai desireth Esther to petition the king for
the Jews. They join in fasting and prayer.
of Assuerus, the lot was cast into an urn,
which in Hebrew is called Phur, before when Mardochai had heard these
Aman, on what day and what month the NOW things, he rent his garments, and
nation of the Jews should be destroyed: put on sackcloth, strewing ashes on his

Esther learns of the decree ESTHER Esther before the king

head: and he cried with a loud voice in ing: Think not that thou mayst save thy
the street in the midst of the city, shew
life only, because thou art in the king s

mind. house,more than all the Jews:

ing the anguish of his
14 For if thou wilt now hold thy peace,
2 And he came lamenting in this man
the Jews shall be delivered by some
ner even to the gate of the palace: for
other occasion: and thou, and thy father s
no one clothed with sackcloth mignt enter house shall perish. And who knoweth
the king s court.
whether thou art not therefore come to
3 And in all provinces, towns, and
the kingdom, that thou mightest be ready
which the king s cruel edict
places, to in such a time as this?
was come, there was great mourning 15 And again Esther sent to Mardochai
among the Jews, with fasting, wailing, in these words:
and weeping, many using sackcloth and 16 Go, and gather together all the Jews
ashes for their bed. whom thou shalt find in Susan, and pray
4 Then Esther s maids and her eunuchs ye for me. Neither eat nor drink for
went in, and told her. And when she three days and three nights: and I with
heard it she was in a consternation: and my handmaids will fast in like manne^,
she sent a garment, to clothe him, and and then I will go in to the king, against
to take away the sackcloth but he would
the law, not being called, and expose
not receive it. myself to death and to danger.
5 And she called for Athach the eunuch, 17 So Mardochai went, and did all that
whom the king had appointed to attend Esther had commanded him.
upon her, and she commanded him to go
to Mardochai, and learn of him why he
Esther is graciously received : she inviteth the king
did this. and Aman to dinner. Aman prepareth a gibbet
6 And Athach going out went to Mardo for Mardochai.

chai, who was standing in the street of AND on the third day Esther put on
the city, before the palace gate: J\. her royal apparel, and stood in the
7 And Mardochai told him all that had inner court of the king s house, over
happened, how Aman had promised to against the king s hall: now he sat upon
his throne in the hall of the palace, over
pay money into the king s treasures, to
have the Jews destroyed. against the door of the house.
2 And when he saw Esther the queen
8 He gave him also a copy of the edict
standing, she pleased his eyes, and he
which was hanging up in Susan, that he
held out toward her the golden sceptre,
should shew it to the queen, and admon
which he held in his hand: and she drew
ish her to go in to the king, and to en
near, and kissed the top of his sceptre.
treat him for her people.
3 And the king said to her: What wilt
9 And Athach went back and told Es
thou, queen Esther ? what is thy request ?
ther all that Mardochai had said. if thou shouldst even ask one half of the
10 She answered him, and bade him say kingdom, it shall be given to thee.
to Mardochai: 4 But she answered: If it please the
11 All the king s servants, and all the king, I beseech thee to come to me this
provinces that are under his dominion, day, and Aman with thee to the banquet
know, that whosoever, whether man or which I have prepared.
woman, cometh into the king s inner 5 And the king said forthwith: Call ye
court, who is not called for, is immedi Aman quickly, that he may obey Esther s
ately to be put to death without any de will. So the king and Aman came to the
lay: except the king shall hold out the banquet which the queen had prepared
golden sceptre to him, in token of clem for them.
ency, that so he may live. How then 6 And the king said to her, after he had
can I go in to the king, who for these drunk wine plentifully: What dost thou
thirty days now have not been called desire should be given thee? and for
unto him? what thing askest thou? although thou
12 And when Mardochai had heard this, shouldst ask the half of my kingdom,
13 He sent word to Esther again, say- thou shalt have it.

Aman s anger ESTHER The king honors Mardochai
I And Esther answered: My petition 3 And when the king heard this, he
and request is this: said: What honour and reward hath
8 If I have found favour in the king s Mardochai received for this fidelity?
sight, and if it please the king to give His servants and ministers said to him:
me what I ask, and to fulfil my petition: He hath received no reward at all.
let the king and Aman come to the ban 4 And the king said immediately: Who
quet which I have prepared them, and to is in the court ? for Aman was coming in
morrow I will open my mind to the king. to the inner court of the king s house, to
9 So Aman. went out that day joyful speak to the king, that he might order
and merry. And when he saw Mardo Mardochai to be hanged upon the gibbet
chai sitting before the gate of the palace, which was prepared for him.
and that he not only did not rise up to 5 The servants answered: Aman stand-
honour him, but did not so much as move eth in the court, and the king said: Let
from the place where he sat, he was him come in.
exceedingly angry: 6 And when he was come in, he said to
10 But dissembling his anger, and re him: What ought
to be done to the man
turning into his house, he called together whom the king is desirous to honour?
to him his friends, and Zares his wife: But Arnan thinking in his heart, and
II And he declared to them the great supposing that the king would honour
ness of his riches, and the multitude of no other but himself,
his children, and with how great glory 7 Answered: The man whom the king
the king had advanced him above all his desireth to honour,
princes and servants. 8 Ought to be clothed with the king s
12 And after this he said: Queen Esther apparel, and to be set upon the horse
also hath invited no other to the -banquet that the king rideth upon, and to have
with the king, but me: and with her I the royal crown upon his head,
am also to dine to morrow with the king: 9 And let the first of the king s princes
13 And whereas I have all these things, and nobles hold his horse, and going
I think I have nothing, so long as I see through the street of the city, proclaim
Mardochai the Jew sitting before the before him and say: Thus shall he be
king s gate. honoured, whom the king hath a mind
14 Then Zares his wife, and the rest of to honour.
his friends answered him: Order a great 10 And the king said to him: Make
beam to be prepared, fifty cubits high, haste and take the robe and the horse,
and in the morning speak to the king, and do as thou hast spoken to Mardochai
that Mardochai may be hanged upon it, the Jew, who sitteth before the gates of
and so thou shalt go full of joy with the the palace. Beware thou pass over any
king to the banquet. The counsel pleased of those things which thou hast spoken.
him, and he commanded a high gibbet 11 So Aman took the robe and the
to be prepared. horse, and arraying Mardochai in the
street of the city, and setting him on the
The king hearing of the good service done him. by horse, went before him, and proclaimed:
Mardochai, commandeth Aman to honour him This honour is he worthy of, whom the
next to the king, which he performeth.
king hath a mind to honour.
night the king passed without 12 But Mardochai returned to the pal
sleep, and he commanded the histo ace gate: and Aman made haste to go
ries and chronicles of former times to be to his house, mourning and having his
brought him. And when they were read head covered:
ing them before him, 13 And he told Zares his wife, and his
2 They came to that place where it was friends, all that had befallen him. And
written, how Mardochai had discovered the wise men whom he had in counsel,
the treason of Bagathan and Thares the and his wife answered him: If Mardo
eunuchs, who sought to kill king Assue- chai be of the seed of the Jews, before
rus. whom thou hast begun to fall, thou canst

CHAP. 6. Ver. 3. No reward at all. He received were so inconsiderable in the opinion of the cour
some presents from the king, chap. 12. 5 but these
; tiers, that they esteemed them as nothing at alL

Esther s petition ESTHER Esther s plea for her people

not resist him, but them shalt fall in his hold the gibbet which he hath prepared
sight. for Mardochai, who spoke for the king,
14 As they were yet speaking, the standeth in Aman s house, being fifty
king s eunuchs came, and compelled him cubits high. And the king said to him:
to go quickly to the banquet which the Hang him upon it.

queen had prepared. 10 So Aman was hanged on the gibbet,

which he had prepared for Mardochai:
CHAPTER 7 and the king s wrath ceased.
Esther s petition for herself and her people: Aman
ie hanged upon the gibbet he had prepared for
Mardochai. CHAPTER 8
the king and Aman went in, to Mardochai is advanced: A man s letters are

SOdrink with the queen. reversed.

2 And the king said to her again the that day king Assuerus gave the
second day, after he was warm with ONhouse of Aman, the Jews enemy, to
wine: What is thy petition, Esther, that queen Esther, and Mardochai came in
it may be granted thee? and what wilt before the king. For Esther had con
thou have done: although thou ask the fessed to him that he was her uncle.
half of my kingdom, thou shalt. have it. 2 And the king took the ring which he
3 Then she answered: If I have found had commanded to be taken again from
favour in thy sight, O king, and if it Aman, and gave it to Mardochai. And
please thee, give me life for which I
my Esther set Mardochai over her house.
ask, and my
people for which I request. 3 And not content with these things,
4 For we are given up, I and my peo she fell down at the king s feet and
ple, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to wept, and speaking to him besought him,
perish. And wr ould God we were sold that he would give orders that the malice
for bondmen and bondwomen: the evil of Aman the Agagite, and his most
might be borne with, and I would have wicked devices which he had invented
mourned in silence: but now we have against the Jews, should be of no effect.
an enemy, whose cruelty redoundeth 4 But he, as the manner was, held out
upon the king. the golden sceptre \vith his hand, which
5 And king Assuerus answered and was the sign of clemency: and she arose
said: Who is this, and of what power, up and stood before him,
that he should do these things? 5 And said If it please the king, and if

6 And Esther said : It is this Aman that I have found favour in his sight, and my
is our adversary and most wicked enemy. request be not disagreeable to him, I
Aman hearing this was forthwith aston beseech thee, that the former letters of
ished, not being able to bear the counte Aman the traitor and enemy of the Jews,
nance of the king and of the queen. by which he commanded that they should
7 But the king being angry rose up, be destroyed in all the king s provinces,
and went from the place of the banquet may be reversed by new letters.
into the garden set with trees. Aman 6 For how can I endure the murdering
also rose up to entreat Esther the queen and slaughter of my people?
for his life, for he understood that evil 7 And king Assuerus answered Esther
was prepared for him by the king. the queen, and Mardochai the Jew: I
8 And when the king came back out of have given Aman s house to Esther, and
the garden set with trees, and entered I have commanded him to be hanged on
into the place of the banquet, he found a gibbet, because he durst lay hands on
Aman was fallen upon the bed on which the Jews.
Esther lay, and he said: He will force 8 Write ye therefore to the Jews, as it
the queen also in my presence, in my pleaseth you, in the king s name, and
own house. The word was not yet gone seal the letters with my ring. For this
out of the king s mouth, and immediate was the custom, that no man durst gain
ly they covered his face. say the letters which were sent in the
9 And Harbona, one of the eunuchs king s name, and were sealed with his
that stood waiting on the king, said: Be ring.

The new decree ESTHER The Jews kill their enemies
9 Then the king s scribes and secretaries other nations and religion, joined them
were called for (now it was the time of selves to their worship and ceremonies.
the third month which is called Siban) For a great dread of the name of the
the three and twentieth day of the month, Jews had fallen upon all.
and letters were written, as Mardochai
had a mind, to the Jews, and to the gov
The Jeivs kill their enemies that would have kitted
ernors, and to the deputies, and to the them. The days of Phurim are appointed to ba
judges, who were rulers over the hun kept holy.
dred and twenty-seven provinces, from on thirteenth day of the
India even to Ethiopia: to province and SOtwelfth
month, which as we have
province, to people and people, according said above is called Adar, when all the
to their languages and characters, and Jews were designed to be massacred, and
to the Jews, according as they could read their enemies were greedy after their
and hear. blood, the case being altered, the Jews
10 And these letters which were sent in began to have the upper hand, and to
the king s name, were sealed with his revenge themselves of their adversaries.
ring, and sent by posts: who were to run 2 And they gathered themselves to
through all the provinces, to prevent the gether in every city, and town, and place,
former letters with new messages. to lay their hands on their enemies, and
11 And the king gave orders to them, to their persecutors. And no one durst
speak to the Jews in every city, and to withstand them, for the fear of their
command them to gather themselves to power had gone through every people.
gether, and to stand for their lives, and 3 And the judges of the provinces, and
to kill and destroy all their enemies, with the governors, and lieutenants, and every
their wives and children and all their one in dignity, that presided over every
houses, and to take their spoil. place and work, extolled the Jews for
12 And one day of revenge was ap fear of Mardochai:
pointed through all the provinces, to wit, 4 For they knew him to be prince of the
the thirteenth of the twelfth month palace, and to have great power: and the
Adar. fame of his name increased daily, and was
13 And this was the content of the spread abroad through all men s mouths.
letter, that it should be notified in all 5 So the Jews made a great slaughter
lands and peoples that were subject to of their enemies, and killed them, repay
the empire of king Assuerus, that the ing according to what they had prepared
Jews were ready to be revenged of their to do to them:
enemies. 6 Insomuch that even in Susan they
14 So the swift posts went out carrying killed five hundred men, besides the ten
the messages, and the king s edict was sons of Aman the Agagite, the enemy of
hung up in Susan. the Jews: whose names are these:
15 And Mardochai going forth out of 7 Pharsandatha, and Delphon, and Es-
the palace, and from the king s presence, phatha,
shone in royal apparel, to wit, of violet 8 And Phoratha, and Adalia, and Arida-
and sky colour, wearing a golden crown tha,
on his head, and clothed with a cloak of 9 And Phermesta, and Arisai, and
silk and purple. And all the city re Aridai, and Jezatha.
joiced and was glad. 10 And when they had slain them, they
16 But to the Jews a new light seemed would not touch the spoils of their
to rise, joy, honour, and dancing. goods.
17 And in all peoples, cities, and pro 11 And presently the number of them
vinces, whithersoever the king s com that were killed in Susan was brought to
mandments came, there was wonderful the king.
rejoicing, feasts, and banquets, and keep 12 And he said to the queen: The Jews
ing holy day: insomuch that many of have killed five hundred men in the city

CHAP. 9. Ver. 1. To revenge, &c. The Jews on death a crime worthy of death, viz., a malicious con
this occasion,by authority from the kins, were made spiracy for extirpating their whole nation.
executioners of the public justice, for punishing by

The Jews kill their enemies ESTHER The feast of Phurim
of Susan, besides the ten sons of Aman: 22 Because on those days the Jews re
how many dost thou think they have venged themselves of their enemies, and
slain in all the provinces ? What askest their mourning and sorrow were turned
thou more, and what wilt thou have me into mirth and joy, and that these should
to command to be done? be days of feasting and gladness, in
13 And she answered: If it please the which they should send one to another
king, let it be granted to the Jews, to do portions of meats, and should give gifts
to morrow in Susan as they have done to the poor.
to day, and that the ten sons of Aman 23 And the Jews undertook to observe
may be hanged upon gibbets. with solemnity all they had begun to do
14 And the king commanded that it at that time, which Mardochai by letters
should be so done. And forthwith the had commanded to be done.
edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten 24 For Aman, the son of Amadathi of
sons of Aman were hanged. the race of Agag, the enemy and adver
15 And on the fourteenth day of the sary of the Jews, had devised evil against
month Adar the Jews gathered them them, to kill them and destroy them:
selves together, and they killed in Susan and had cast Phur, that is, the lot.
three hundred men: but they took not 25 And afterwards Esther went in to the
their substance. king, beseeching him that his endeavours
16 Moreover through all the provinces might be made void by the king s letters:
which were subject to the king s domin and the evil that he had intended against
ion the Jews stood for their lives, and the Jews, might return upon his own
slew their enemies and persecutors: in head. And so both he and his sons were
somuch that the number of them that hanged upon gibbets.
were killed amounted to seventy-five 26 And
since that time these days are
thousand, and no man took any of their called Phurim, thatis, of lots: because
goods. Phur, that is, the lot, was cast into the
17 Now the thirteenth day of the month urn. And all things thai were done, are
Adar was the first day with them all of contained in the volume of this epistle,
the slaughter, and on the fourteenth day that is, of this book:
they left off. Which they ordained to be 27 And the things that they suffered,
kept holy day, so that all times hereafter and that were afterwards changed, the
they should celebrate it with feasting, Jews took upon themselves and their
joy, and banquets. seed, and upon all that had a mind to be
18 But they that were killing in the joined to their religion, so that it should
city of Susan, were employed in the be lawful for none to pass these days
slaughter on the thirteenth and four without solemnity: which the writing
teenth day of the same month: and on testifieth, and certain times require, as
the fifteenth day they rested. And there the years continually succeed one an
fore they appointed that day to be a other.
holy day of feasting and gladness. 28 These are the days which shall never
19 But those Jews that dwelt in towns be forgot: and which all provinces in the
not walled and in villages, appointed the whole world shall celebrate throughout
fourteenth day of the month Adar for all generations: neither is there any city
banquets and gladness, so as to rejoice wherein the days of Phurim, that is, of
on that day, and send one another por lots, must not be observed by the Jews,
tions of their banquets and meats. and by their posterity, which is bound to
20 And Mardochai wrote all these things, these ceremonies.
and sent them comprised in letters to the 29 And Esther the queen, the daughter
Jews that abode in all the king s pro of Abihail, and Mardochai the Jew, wrote
vinces, both those that lay near and those also a second epistle, that with all dili
afar off, gence this day should be established a
21 That they should receive the four festival for the time to come.
teenth and fifteenth day of the month 30 And they sent to all the Jews that
Adar for holy days, and always at the were in the hundred and twenty-seven
return of the year should celebrate them provinces of king Assuerus, that they
with solemn honour: should have peace, and receive truth,

Mardoclial s dream ESTHER Mardochai s dream
31 And observe the days of lots, and 12 And the Lord remembered his peo
celebrate them with joy in their proper ple, and had mercy on his inheritance.
time: as Mardochai and Esther had ap 13 Andthese days shall be observed in
pointed, and they undertook them to be the month of Adar on the fourteenth,
observed by themselves and by their and fifteenth day of the same month,
seed, fasts, and cries, and the days of with all diligence, and joy of the people
lots, gathered into one assembly, throughout
32 And
all things which are contained all the generations hereafter of the peo
in history of this book, which is
the ple of Israel.
called Esther.
Assuerus s greatness. Mardochai s dignity The dream of Mardochai, which in the ancient
Greek and Latin Bibles was in the beginning of
AND king Assuerus made all the land, the book, but was detached by St. Jerome, and put
/\. and all the islands of the sea tribu in this place.

tary. the fourth year of the reign of

2 And his strength and his empire, and
the dignity and greatness wherewith he
INPtolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus,
who said he was a and of the Le-
exalted Mardochai, are written in the vitical race, and Ptolemy his son brought
books of the Medes, and of the Per this epistle of Phurim, which they said
sians: Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy had in
3 And how Mardochai of the race of the terpreted in Jerusalem.
Jews, was next after king Assuerus: and 2 In the second year of the reign of Ar-
great among the Jews, and acceptable to taxerxes the great, in the first day of the
the people of his brethren, seeking the month Nisan, Mardochai the son of Jair,
good of his people, and speaking those the son of Semei, the son of Cis, of the
things which were for the welfare of his tribe of Benjamin:
seed. 3 A
Jew who dwelt in the city of Susan,
4 Then Mardochai said: God hath done a great man and among the first of the
these things. king s court, had a dream.
5 I remember a dream that I saw, which 4 / Now he was of the number of the
signified these same things: and nothing captives, whom Nabuchodonosor king of
thereof hath failed. Babylon had carried away from Jerusa
6 The little fountain which grew into a lem with Jechonias king of Juda:
river, and was turned into a light, and 5 And this was his dream: Behold there
into the sun, and abounded into many were voices, and tumults, and thunders,
waters, is Esther, whom the king mar and earthquakes, and a disturbance upon
ried,and made queen. the earth.
7 But the two dragons are I and Aman. 6 k And behold two great dragons came
8 The nations that were assembled are forth ready to fight one against another.
they that endeavoured to destroy the 7 And at their cry all nations were
name of the Jews. stirred up to fight against the nation of
9 And my nation is Israel, who cried to the just.
the Lord, and the Lord saved his people: 8 And that was a day of darkness and
and he delivered us from all evils, and danger, of tribulation and distress, and
hath wrought great signs and wonders great fear upon the earth.
among the nations: 9 And the nation of the just was troubled
10 And he commanded that there should fearing their own evils, and was prepared
be two lots, one of the people of God, and for death.
the other of all the nations. 10 And they cried to God: and as they
11 And both lots came to the day ap were crying, a little fountain grew into a
pointed already from that time before very great river, and abounded into many
God to all nations: waters.
j 4 Kings 24. 15; Supra 2. 6. fc Supra IP. ?.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 4. Then Mardochai, &c. Here preters translated out of the Hebrew, or added by
St. Jerome advertiseth the reader, that what fol the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
lows is not in the Hebrew but is found in the sep-
: Ver. 5. A dream. This dream was prophetical
tuafdnt Greek edition, which the seventy-two inter- and extraordinary otherwise the general rule is

not to observe dreams.

Mardochai saves the king s life ESTHER Mardochai s prayer
11 The light and the sun rose up, and and was second after the king, Aman by
the humble were exalted, and they de name,
voured the glorious. 4 Told me that there was a people scat
12 And when Mardochai had seen this, tered through the whole world, which
and arose out of his bed, he was thinking used new laws, and acted against the
what God would do: and he kept it fixed customs of all nations, despised the com
in his mind, desirous to know what the mandments of kings, and violated by
dream should signify. their opposition the concord of all na
CHAPTER 12 5 Wherefore having learned this, and
Mardochai detects the conspiracy of the two eunuchs seeing one nation in opposition to all
he abode at that time in the mankind using perverse laws, and going
ANDking s court with Bagatha and Thara against our commandments, and disturb
the king s eunuchs, who were of porters ing the peace and concord of the pro
the palace. vinces subject to us,
2 And when he understood their designs, 6 We have commanded that all whom
and had diligently searched into their Aman shall mark out, who is chief over
projects, he learned that they went about all the provinces, and second after the
to lay violent hands on king Artaxerxes, king, and whom we honour as a father,
and he told the king thereof. shall be utterly destroyed by their ene
3 Then the king had them both exam mies, with their wives and children, and
ined, and after they had confessed, com that none shall have pity on them, on
manded them to be put to death. the fourteenth day of the twelfth month
4 But the king made a record of what Adar of this present year:
was done: and Mardochai also committed 7 That these wicked men going down to
the memory of the thing to writing. hell in one day, may restore to our em
5 And the king commanded him, to abide pire the peace which they had disturbed.
in the court of the palace, and gave him 8 But Mardochai besought the Lord, re
presents for the information. membering all his
6 But Aman the son of Amadathi the 9 And said: O
Lord, Lord, almighty
Bugite was in great honour with the king, king, for all things are in thy power, and
and sought to hurt Mardochai and his there is none that can resist thy will, if
people, because of the two eunuchs of thou determine to save Israel.
the king who were put to death. 10 Thou hast made heaven and earth,
and all things that are under the cope of
CHAPTER 13 heaven.
A copy of a letter sent by Aman to destroy the 11 Thou art Lord of all, and there is
Jews. Mardochai s prayer for the people.
none that can resist thy majesty.
A ND this was the copy of the letter: 12 Thou knowest all things, and thou
jf\_ Artaxerxes the great king who knowest that it was not out of pride and
reigneth from India to Ethiopia, to the contempt, or any desire of glory, that I
princes and governors of the hundred refused to worship the proud Aman,
and twenty-seven provinces, that are 13 (For I would willingly and readily
subject to his empire, greeting. for the salvation of Israel have kissed
2 Whereas I reigned over many nations, even the steps of his feet,)
and had brought all the world under my 14 But I feared lest I should transfer
dominion, I was not willing to abuse the the honour of my God to a man, and lest
greatness of my power, but to govern Ishould adore any one except my God.
my subjects with clemency and lenity, And now,
15 Lord, O king, O God of
that they might live quietly without any
Abraham, have mercy on thy people, be
terror, and might enjoy peace, which is cause our enemies resolve to destroy us,
desired by all men. and extinguish thy inheritance.
3 But when I asked my counsellors how 16 Despise not thy portion, which thou
this might be accomplished, one that ex hast redeemed for thyself out of Egypt.
celled the rest in wisdom and 17 Hear my supplication, and be merci-

l Supra 2. 21, and 6. 2.

Esther s prayer ESTHER Esther s prayer
ful tothy lot and inheritance, and turn 12 Remember, Lord, and shew thyself
our mourning into joy, that we may live to us in the time of our tribulation, and
and praise thy name, O Lord, and shut give me boldness, O Lord, king of gods,
not the mouths of them that sing to thee. and of all power:
18 And all Israel with like mind and 13 Give me a well ordered speech in my
supplication cried to the Lord, because mouth in the presence of the lion, and
they saw certain death hanging over turn his heart to the hatred of our enemy,
their heads. that both he himself may perish, and the
rest that consent to him.
14 But deliver us by thy hand, and help
The prayer of Esther for herself and her people
me, who have no other helper, but thee,
Esther also, fearing the dan Lord, who has the knowledge of all
ger that was at hand, had recourse things.
15 And thou knowest that I hate the
to the Lord.
2 And when she had laid away her royal glory of the wicked, and abhor the bed
of the uncircumcised, and of every stran
apparel, she put on garments suitable for
weeping and mourning: instead of divers ger.
16 Thou knowest my necessity, that I
precious ointments, she covered her head
with ashes and dung, and she humbled abominate the sign of my pride and
her body with fasts: and all the places glory, which is upon my head in the days
in which before she was accustomed to of my public appearance, and detest it
as a menstruous rag, and wear it not in
rejoice, she filled with her torn hair.
3 And she prayed to the Lord the God the days of my silence,
of Israel, saying: O my Lord, who alone 17 And that I have not eaten at Aman s
art our king, help me a desolate woman, table, nor hath the king s banquet pleased
and who have no other helper but thee. me, and that I have not drunk the wine
4 My danger is in my hands. of the drink offerings:
5 m I have heard of my father that thou, 18 And that thy handmaid hath never
O Lord, didst take Israel from among all rejoiced, since I was brought hither unto
this day, but in thee, O Lord, the God of
nations, and our fathers from all their
predecessors, to possess them as an ever
lasting inheritance, and thou hast done
19 God, who art mighty above all,
to them as thou hast promised. hear the voice of them, that have no
6 We have sinned in thy sight, and other hope, and deliver us from the hand
therefore thou hast delivered us into the of the wicked, and deliver me from my
hands of our enemies:
7 For we have worshipped their gods. CHAPTER 15
Thou art just, Lord. Esther comes into the king s presence: she is terri

8 And now they are not content to op fied, but God turns his heart.

press us with most hard bondage, but at AND he commanded her (no doubt but
tributing the strength of their hands to J\. he was Mardochai) to go to the
the power of their idols, king, and petition for her people, and for
9 They design to change thy promises, her country.
and destroy thy inheritance, and shut 2 Remember, (said he,) the days of thy
the mouths of them that praise thee, and low estate, how thou wast brought up by
extinguish the glory of thy temple and my hand, because Aman the second after
altar, the king hath spoken against us unto
10 That they may open the mouths of death.
Gentiles, and praise the strength of idols, 3 And do thou call upon the Lord, and
and magnify for ever a carnal king. speak to the king for us, and deliver us
11 Give not, Lord, thy sceptre to from death.
them that are not, lest they laugh at our 4 And on the third day she laid away
ruin: but turn their counsel upon them the garments she wore, and put on her
selves, and destroy him that hath begun glorious apparel.
to rage against us. 5 And glittering in royal robes, after

m Deut 4. 20, 34, and 32. 9.

Esther before the king ESTHER The king s letter

she had called upon God the ruler and rpHE great king Artaxerxes, from
Saviour of all, she took two maids with J_India to Ethiopia, to the governors
and princes of a hundred and twenty-
6 And upon one of them she leaned, as seven provinces, which obey our com
and overmuch tender
if for delicateness mand, sendeth greeting.
ness she were not able to bear up her 2 Many P have abused unto pride the
own body. goodness of princes, and the honour that
7 And the other maid followed her hath been bestowed upon them:
lady, bearing up her train flowing on the 3 And not only endeavour to oppress
ground. the king s subjects, but not bearing the
8 But she with a rosy colour in her face, glory that is given them, take in hand to
and with gracious and bright eyes, hid a practice also against them that gave it.
mind full of anguish, and exceeding great 4 Neither are they content not to re
fear. turn thanks for benefits received, and to
9 So going in she passed through all the violate in themselves the laws of human
doors in order, and stood before the king, ity, but they think they can also escape
where he sat upon his royal throne, the justice ofGod who seeth all things.
clothed with his royal robes, and glitter 5 And they break out into so great
ing with gold, and precious stones, and madness, as to endeavour to undermine
he was terrible to behold. by lies such as observe diligently the
10 And when he had lifted up his coun offices committed to them, and do all
tenance, and with burning eyes had things in such manner as to be worthy
shewn the wrath of his heart, the queen of all men s praise,
sunk down, and her colour turned pale, 6 While with crafty fraud they deceive
and she rested her weary head upon her the ears of princes that are well meaning,
handmaid. and judge of others by their own nature.
11 And God changed the king s spirit 7 Now this is proved both from ancient
into mildness, and all in haste and in histories, and by the things which are
fear he leaped from his throne, and hold done daily, how the good designs of kings
ing her up in his arms, till she came to are depraved by the evil suggestions of
herself, caressed her with these words: certain men.
12 What the matter, Esther? I am
is 8 Wherefore we must provide for the
thy brother, fear not. peace of all provinces.
13 Thou shalt not die: for this law is 9 Neither must you think, if we com
not made for thee, but for all others. mand different things, that it cometh of
14 Come near then, and touch the scep the levity of our mind, but that we give
tre. sentence according to the quality and
15 And as she held her peace, he took necessity of times, as the profit of the
the golden sceptre, and laid it upon her commonwealth requireth.
neck, and kissed her, and said: Why 10 Now that you may more plainly un
dost thou not speak to me? derstand what we say, Aman the son of
16 She answered I saw thee,
my Amadathi, a Macedonian both in mind
as an angel of God, and my heart was and country, and having nothing of the
troubled for fear of thy majesty. Persian blood, but with his cruelty stain
17 For thou, my lord, art very admir ing our goodness, was received being a
able, and thy face is full of graces. stranger by us:
18 And while she was 11 And found our humanity so great to
speaking, she
fell down again, and was wards him, that he was called our father,
almost in a
swoon. and was worshipped by all as the next
19 But the
king was troubled, and man after the king:
his servants comforted her. 12 But he was so far puffed up with
arrogancy, as to go about to deprive us
CHAPTER 16 of our kingdom and life.
A copy of the king s letter in favour of the Jews 13 For with certain new and unheard of
n Gen. 33. 10. o Supra 11. 2. p Supra 3. 10. g Supra 3. 1.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 1. From India to Ethiopia. That who

is, reigneth from India to Ethiopia.

The kings letter JOB The king s letter
devices he hath sought the destruction of 19 But this edict, which we now send,
Mardochai, by whose fidelity and good shall be published in all cities, that the
services our life was saved, and of Es Jews may freely follow their own laws.
ther the partner of our kingdom, with all 20 And you shall aid them that they
their nation: may kill those who had prepared them
14 Thinking that after they were slain, selves to kill them, on the thirteenth day
he might work treason against us left of the twelfth month, which is called
alone without friends, and might trans Adar.
fer the kingdom of the Persians to the 21 For the almighty God hath turned
Macedonians. this day of sadness and mourning into
15 But we have found that the Jews, joy to them.
who were by that most wicked man ap 22 Wherefore you shall also count this
pointed to be slain, are in no fault at all, day among other festival days, and cele
but contrariwise, use just laws, brate it with all joy, that it may be
16 And are the children of the highest known also in times to come,
and the greatest, and the ever living God, 23 That all they who faithfully obey the
by whose benefit the kingdom was given Persians, receive a worthy reward for
both to our fathers and to us, and is kept their fidelity: but they that are traitors
unto this day. to their kingdom, are destroyed for their
17 Wherefore know ye that those let wickedness.
ters which he sent in our name, are void 24 And let every province and city, that
and of no effect. will not be partaker of this solemnity,
18 For which crime both he himself perish by the sword and by fire, and be
that devised it, and all his kindred hang destroyed in such manner as to be made
on gibbets, before the gates of this city unpassable, both to men and beasts, for
Susan: not we, but God repaying him as an example of contempt, and disobedi
he deserved. ence.

This Book takes its name from the holy man of whom it treats. It is not a strictly
historical narrative, though Job is an historical personage; it is a didactic poem
with an historical basis. Jt is uncertain who was the writer of it. In the Hebrew
it is written in verse, from the beginning of the third chapter to the forty-second

CHAPTER 1 3 And his possession was seven thou

sand sheep, and three thousand camels,
Job and
s virtue Satan by permission from
God strippeth him of all his substance. His pa and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five
tience. hundred she asses, and a family exceed
was a man in the land of Hus, ing great: and this man was great among
JL whose name was Job, and that man all the people of the east.
was simple and upright, and fearing God, 4 And his sons went, and made a feast
and avoiding evil. by houses every one in his day. And
2 And there was born to him seven sending they called their three sisters to
sons and three daughters. eat and drink with them.

CHAP. 1. Ver. 1. Hus. The land of Hus was Ver. 4. And made a feaat by houses. That is, each
probably in northern Arabia. Ibid. Simple. That made a feast in his own house and had his dav
is,innocent, sincere, and without guile. invitini? the othors, and their sisters.

Satan permitted to tempt Job JOB Job stripped of his possession
5 And when the days of their feasting 17 And while he also was yet speaking,
were gone about, Job sent to them, and there came another, and said: The Chal
sanctified them: and rising up early of deans made three troops, and have fall
fered holocausts for every one of them. en upon the camels, and taken them,
For he said: Lest perhaps my sons have moreover they have slain the servants
sinned, and have blessed God in their with the sword, and I alone have escaped
hearts. So did Job all days. to tell thee.
6 Now .on a certain day when the sons 18 He was yet speaking, and behold an
of God came to stand before the Lord, other came in, and said: Thy sons and
Satan also was present among them. daughters were eating and drinking wine
7 And the Lord said to him: Whence in the house of their elder brother:
comest thou? And he answered and said: 19 A violent wind came on a sudden
I have gone round about the earth, and from the side of the desert, and shook
walked through it. the four corners of the house, and it fell
8 And the Lord said to him: Hast thou upon thy children and they are dead,
considered my servant Job, that there is and I alone have escaped to tell thee.
none like him in the earth, a simple and 20 Then Job rose up, and rent his gar
upright man, and fearing God, and avoid ments, and having shaven his head fell
ing evil? down upon the ground and worshipped,
9 And Satan answering, said: Doth Job 21 And said: s Naked came I out of my
fear God in vain ? mother s womb, and naked shall I return
10 Hast not thou made a fence for him, thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord
and his house, and all his substance hath taken away: as it hath pleased the
round about, blessed the works of his Lord so is it done: blessed be the name
hands, and his possession hath increased of the Lord.
on the earth ? 22 In all these things Job sinned not by
11 But stretch forth thy hand a little, his lips, nor spoke he any foolish thing
and touch all that he hath, and see if he against God.
blesseth thee not to thy face. CHAPTER 2
12 Then the Lord said to Satan: Behold, Satan, by God s permission, striketh Job with ulcers
all that he hath is in thy hand: only from head to foot: his patience is still invincible.
put not forth thy hand upon his person. it came to pass, when on a cer
And Satan went forth from the presence
of the Lord.
A^Dtain day the sons of God came, and
stood before the Lord, and Satan came
13 Now upon a certain day when his among them, and stood in his sight,
sons and daughters were eating and 2 That the Lord said to Satan: Whence
drinking wine in the house of their eld comest thou? And he answered and said:
est brother, I have gone round about the earth, and
14 There came a messenger to Job, and walked through it.
said: The oxen were ploughing, and the 3 And the Lord said to Satan: Hast
asses feeding beside them, thou considered my servant Job, that
15 And the Sabeans rushed in, and took there is none like him in the earth, a
all away, and slew the servants with the man simple, and upright, and fearing
sword, and I alone have escaped to tell God, and avoiding evil, and still keeping
thee. his innocence ? But thou hast moved me
16 And while he was yet speaking, an
against him, that I should afflict him
other came, and said: The fire of God without cause.
fell from heaven, and 4 And Satan answered, and said: Skin
striking the sheep
and the servants, hath consumed them, for skin, and all that a man hath he will
and I alone have escaped to tell thee. give for his life:

3 Eccli. 5. 14 ; 1 Tim. 6. 7.

Ver. 5. Blessed. For greater horror of the

very ings of men, 1. The restless endeavours of Satan
thought of blasphemy, the scripture both here and against the servants of God 2. That he can do no
ver. 11, and in the following chapter, ver. 5 and
9, thing without God s permission ; 3. That God doth
uses the word bless to signify its contrary. not permit him to tempt them above their strength:
Ver. 6. The sons of God. The angels. Ibid. Sa but assists them by his divine grace in such manner,
tan also, &c. This passage represents to us in a that the vain efforts of the enemy only serve to illus
figure, accommodated to the ways and understand- trate their virtue and increase their merit.

Job stricken imth ulcers JOB Job curses the day of his birth
5 But put forth thy hand, and touch his 6 Let a darksome whirlwind seize upon
bone and his flesh, and then thou shalt that night, let it not be counted in the
see that he will bless thee to thy face. days of the year, nor numbered in the
6 And the Lord said to Satan: Behold months.
he is in thy hand, but yet save his life. 7 Let that night be solitary, and not
7 So Satan went forth from the pre worthy of praise.
sence of the Lord, and struck Job with 8 Let them curse it who curse the day,
a very grievous ulcer, from the sole of who are ready to raise up a leviathan:
the foot even to the top of his head: 9 Let the stars be darkened with the
8 And he took a potsherd and scraped mist thereof: let it expect light and not
the corrupt matter, sitting on a dunghill. see it, nor the rising of the dawning of
9 And his wife said to him: Dost thou the day:
still continue in thy simplicity? bless 10 Because it shut not up the doors of
God, and die. the womb that bore me, nor took away
10 And he said to her: Thou hast spoken evils from my eyes.
like one of the foolish women: if we 11 Why did I not die in the womb, why
have received good things at the hand did I not perish when I came out of the
of God, why should we not receive evil ? belly ?
In all these things Job did not sin with 12 Why received upon the knees ? why
his lips. suckled at the breasts ?
11 Now when Job s three friends heard 13 For now I should have been asleep
all the evil that had befallen him, they and still, and should have rest in my
came every one from his own place, sleep.
Eliphaz the Themanite, and Baldad the 14 With kings and consuls of the earth,
Suhite, and Sophar the Naamathite. who build themselves solitudes:
For they had made an appointment to 15 Or with princes, that possess gold,
come together and visit him, and com and fill their houses with silver:
fort him. 16 Or as a hidden untimely birth I
12 And when they had lifted up their should not be, or as they that being con
eyes afar off, they knew him not, and ceived have not seen the light.
crying out they wept, and rending their 17 There the wicked cease from tumult,
garments they sprinkled dust upon their and there the wearied in strength are at
heads towards heaven. rest.
13 And they sat with him on the ground 18 And they sometime bound together
seven days and seven nights, and no without disquiet, have not heard the voice
man spoke to him a word: for they saw of the oppressor.
that his grief was very great. 19 The small and great are there, and
the servant is free from his master.
CHAPTER 3 20 Why is light given to him that is in
Job expresseth his sense of the miseries of man s misery, and life to them that are in
life, by cursing the day of his birth. bitterness of soul?
A FTER this Job opened his mouth, and 21 That look for death, and it cometh
J\_ cursed his day, not, as they that dig for a treasure :

2 And he said: 22 And they rejoice exceedingly when

3 *
Let the day perish wherein I was they have found the grave.
23 To a man whose way is hidden, and
born, and the night in which it was said:
A man child is conceived. God hath surrounded him with darkness ?

4 Let that day be turned into darkness, 24 Before I eat I sigh: and as overflow
let not God regard it from above, and ing waters, so is my roaring:
let not the light shine upon it. 25 For the fear which I feared, hath
6 Let darkness, and the shadow of death come upon me: and that which I was
cover it, let a mist overspread it, and let afraid of, hath befallen me.
it be wrapped up in bitterness. 26 Have I not dissembled ? have I not
t Jer. 20. 14.

CHAP. 3. Ver. Cursed his day. Job cursed the

1. stronger manner his sense of human miseries in
day of his birth, not by way of wishing evil to any general, and of his own calamities in particular.
thin? of God s creation ; but only to express in a

EHphaz accuses Job of impatience JOB The foolish shall come to grief

kept silence ? have I not been quiet ? and 19 How much more shall they that
indignation is come upon me. dwell in houses of clay, who have an
earthly foundation, be consumed as with
CHAPTER 4 the moth ?
20 From morning till evening they shall
Eliphaz charges Job with impatience, and pretends
that God never afflicts the innocent. be cut down: and because no one under-
Eliphaz the Themanite an standeth, they shall perish for ever.
21 And they that shall be left, shall be
swered, and said:
we taken away from them: they shall die,
2 If to
begin speak to thee, perhaps
thou wilt take but who can with
it ill,
and not in wisdom.
hold the words he hath conceived?
3 Behold thou hast taught many, and
thou hast strengthened the weary hands: Eliphat proceeds in his charge, and exhortt Job to
acknowledge his sins.
4 Thy words have confirmed them that
were staggering, and thou hast strength now if there be any that will
ened the trembling knees: CALL
answer thee, and turn to some of
5 But now the scourge is come upon the saints.
thee, and thou faintest: it hath touched 2 Anger indeed killeth the foolish, and
thee, and thou art troubled. envy slayeth the little one.
6 Where is thy fear, thy fortitude, thy 3 I have seen a fool with a strong root,
patience, and the perfection of thy ways ? and I cursed his beauty immediately.
7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever per 4 His children shall be far from safety,
ished being innocent? or when were the and shall be destroyed in the gate, and
just destroyed ? there shall be none to deliver them.
8 On the contrary I have seen those 5 Whose harvest the hungry shall eat,
who work iniquity, and sow sorrows, and and the armed man shall take him by
reap them, violence, and the thirsty shall drink up
9 Perishing by the blast of God, and his riches.
consumed by the spirit of his wrath. 6 Nothing upon earth is done without a
10 The roaring of the lion, and the voice cause, and sorrow doth not spring out of
of the lioness, and the teeth of the the ground.
whelps of lions are broken: 7 Man is born to labour and the bird to
11 The tiger hath perished for want of fly.
prey, and the young lions are scattered 8 I will pray to the Lord, and
abroad. address my
speech to God:
12 Now there was a word spoken to me 9 Who doth great things and unsearch
in private, and my ears by stealth as it able and wonderful things without num
were received the veins of its whisper. ber:
13 In the horror of a. vision by night, 10 Who giveth rain upon the face of the
when deep sleep is wont to hold men, earth, and watereth all things with
14 Fear seized upon me, and waters
trembling, :

and all my bones were affrighted: 11 Who

setteth up the humble on high,
15 And when a spirit passed before and comforteth with health those that
the hair of my flesh stood up. mourn.
16 There stood one whose countenance 12 Who bringeth to nought the designs
I knew not, an image before my eyes, of the malignant, so that their hands
and heard the voice as it were of a
I cannot accomplish what they had begun:
gentle wind: 13 w Who catcheth the wise in their
17 u Shall man be justified in craftiness, and disappointeth the counsel
of God, or shall a man be more of the wicked:
pure than
his maker? 14 They shall meet with darkness in the
18 v
Behold they that serve him are not day, and grope at noonday as in the
steadfast, and in his angels he found night.
wickedness: 15 But he shall save the needy from the
M Infra 25. 4. v Infra 15. 15 2 Peter 2. 4 Jude 1. 6.
; ; to 1 Cor. 3. 19.
CHAP. 4. Ver. 17. Shall man be justified in com Eliphaz had heard from an angel, which, ver. 15. he
parison of God, &c. These are the words which calls a spirit.

The correction of God JOB Job complains of his friends
sword of their mouth, and the poor from 6 Or can an unsavoury thing be eaten,
the hand of the violent. that is not seasoned with salt ? or can a
16 And to the needy there shall be hope, man taste that which when tasted bring-
but iniquity shall draw in her mouth. eth death?
17 Blessed is the man whom God cor- 7 The things which before my soul
recteth: refuse not therefore the chas would not touch, now, through anguish
tising of the Lord: are my meats.
18 For he woundeth, and cureth: he 8 Who will grant that my request may
striketh, and his hands shall heal. come: and that God may give me what
19 In six troubles he shall deliver thee, I look for?
and in the seventh, evil shall not touch 9 And that he that hath begun may
thee. destroy me, that he may let loose his
20 In famine he shall deliver thee from hand, and cut me off?
death: and in battle, from the hand of 10 And that this may be my comfort,
the sword. that afflicting me with sorrow, he. spare
21 Thou shalt be hidden from the not, nor I contradict the words of the
scourge of the tongue: and thou shalt Holy One.
not fear calamity when it cometh. 11 For what is my strength, that I can
22 In destruction and famine thou shalt hold out? or what is my end that I
laugh: and thou shalt not be afraid of should keep patience?
the beasts of the earth. 12 My strength is not the strength of
23 But thou shalt have a covenant with stones, nor is my flesh of brass.
the stones of the lands, and the beasts of 13 Behold there is no help for me in
the earth shall be at peace with thee. myself, and my familiar friends also are
24 And thou shalt know that thy taber departed from me.
nacle is in peace, and visiting thy beauty 14 He that taketh away mercy from his
thou shalt not sin. friend, forsaketh the fear of the Lord.
25 Thou shalt know also that thy seed 15 My brethren have passed by me, as
shall be multiplied, and thy offspring the torrent that passeth swiftly in the
like the grass of the earth. valleys.
26 Thou shalt enter into the grave in 16 They that fear the hoary frost, the
abundance, as a heap of wheat is brought snow shall fall upon therm
in its season. 17 At the time when they shall be scat
27 Behold, this is even so, as we have tered they shall perish: and after it
searched out: which thou having heard, groweth hot they shall be melted out of
consider it thoroughly in thy mind. their place.
18 The paths of their steps are entangled:
CHAPTER 6 they shall walk in vain, and shall pejish.
Job maintains his innocence, and complains of his 19 Consider the paths of Thema, the
friends. ways of Saba, and wait a little while.
Job answered, and said: 20 They are confounded, because I have
BUT 2 O that my sins, whereby I have
deserved wrath, and the calamity that I
hoped: they are come also even unto
me, and are covered with shame.
suffer, were weighed in a balance. 21 Now you are come: and now seeing
3 As the sand of the sea this would ap my affliction you are afraid.
pear heavier: therefore my words are 22 Did I say: Bring to me, and give me
full of sorrow: of your substance?
4 For the arrows of the Lord are in me, 23 Or deliver me from the hand of the
the rage whereof drinketh up my spirit, enemy, and rescue me out of the hand of
and the terrors of the Lord war against me. the mighty?
5 Will the wild ass bray when he hath 24 Teach me, and I will hold my peace:
grass? or will the ox low when he stand- and if I have been ignorant in any thing,
eth before a full manger? instruct me.

CHAP. 6. Ver. 2. My sins, &c. He does not mean grief, expressed in the third chapter, which they so
to compare his sufferings with his real sins but
: much accused. Though, as he tells them here, it
with the imaginary crimes which his friends im bore no proportion with the greatness of his
puted to him: and especially with his wrath, or calamity.

The miseries of life JOB Job s appeal to God
25 Why have you detracted the words and I shall be relieved speaking with
of truth, whereas there is none of you myself on my couch:
that can reprove me? 14 Thou wilt frighten me with dreams
26 You dress up speeches only to re and terrify me with visions.
buke, and you utter words to the wind. 15 So that my soul rather chooseth
27 You rush in upon the fatherless, and hanging, and my bones death.
you endeavor overthrow your friend.
to 16 I have done with hope, I shall now
28 However what you have be
finish live no longer: spare me, for my days
gun, give ear, and see whether I lie. are nothing.
29 Answer, I beseech you, without con 17 What is a man that thou shouldst
tention: and speaking that which is just, magnify him? or why dost thou set thy
judge ye. heart upon him?
30 And you shall not find iniquity in my 18 Thou vi si test him early in the morn
tongue, neither shall folly sound in my ing, and thou provest him suddenly.
mouth. 19 How long wilt thou not spare me, nor
suffer me
to swallow down my spittle?
CHAPTER 7 20 have sinned: what shall I do to

Job declares the miseries of -man s life: and thee, O keeper of men? why hast thou
addresses himself to God. set me opposite to thee, and I am become
rriHE life of man upon earth is a war- burdensome to myself?
JL fare, and his days are like the days 21 Why dost thou not remove my sin,
of a hireling. and why dost thou not take away my
2 As a servant longeth for the shade, iniquity? Behold now I shall sleep in
as the hireling looketh for the end of his the dust: and if thou seek me in the
work; morning, I shall not be.
3 So I also have had empty months,
and have numbered to myself wearisome CHAPTER 8
nights. Baldad, under pretence of defending the justice of
4 If I lie down
to sleep, I shall say: God, accuses Job, and exhorts him to return to
When shall arise? and again I shall
look for the evening, and shall be filled Baldad the Suhite answered,
with sorrows even till darkness.
5 My flesh is clothed with rottenness
and said:
2 How long wilt thou speak these
and the filth of dust, my skin is withered things, and how long shall the words of
and drawn together. thy mouth be like a strong wind?
6 My days have passed more swiftly 3 Doth God pervert judgment, or doth
than the web is cut by the weaver, and the Almighty overthrow that which is
are consumed without any hope. just ?
7 Remember that my life is but wind, 4 Although thy children have sinned
and my eyes shall not return to see good against him, and he hath left them in
things. the hand of their iniquity:
8 Nor shall the sight of man behold me: 5 Yet if thou wilt arise early to God,
thy eyes are upon me, and I shall be no and wilt beseech the Almighty:
more. 6 If thou wilt walk clean and upright,
9 As a cloud is consumed, and passeth he will presently awake unto thee, and
away: so he that shall go down to hell will make the dwelling of thy justice
shall not come up.
10 Nor shall he return any more into his 7 Insomuch, that if thy former things
house, neither shall his place know him were small, thy latter things would be
any more. multiplied exceedingly.
11 Wherefore I will not spare my mouth, 8 For inquire of the former generation,
I will speak in the affliction of
my spirit: and search diligently into the memory
I will talk with the bitterness of
my soul. of the fathers:
12 Am I a sea, or a
whale, that thou 9 (For we are but of yesterday, and are
hast enclosed me in a prison ? ignorant a that our days upon earth are
13 If I say: My bed shall comfort me, but a shadow:)
x Infra 14. 2; Ps. 143. 4.

Baldad addresses Job JOB Job acknowledges God s justice
10 And they shall teach thee: they shall eth not: and shutteth up the stars as it

speak to thee, and utter words out of were under a seal:

their hearts. 8 Who alone spreadeth out the heavens,
11 Can the rush be green without mois and walketh upon the waves of the sea.
ture? or a sedge-bush grow without 9 Who maketh Arcturus, and Orion, and
water ? Hyades, and the inner parts of the south.
12 When it is yet in flower, and is not 10 Who doth things great and incom
plucked up with the hand, it withereth prehensible, and wonderful, of which
before all herbs. there is no number.
13 Even so are the ways of all that for 11 If he come to me, I shall not see
get God, and the hope of the hypocrite him: if he depart I shall not understand.
shall perish: 12 If he examine on a sudden, who
14 His folly shall not please him, and shall answer him? or who can say: Why
his trust shall be like the spider s web. dost thou so ?
15 He shall lean upon his house, and it 13 God, whose wrath no man can re
shall not stand: he shall prop it up, and
sist, and under whom they stoop that
it shall not rise: bear up the world.
16 He seemeth to have moisture before 14 What am I then, that I should an
the sun cometh, and at his rising his swer him, and have words with him ?
blossom shall shoot forth. 15 I, who although I should have any
17 His roots shall be thick upon a heap
just thing, would not answer, but would
of stones, and among the stones he shall make supplication to my judge.
abide. 16 And if he should hear me when I
18 If one swallow him up out of his I should not believe that he had
place, he shall deny him, and shall say: heard my voice.
I know thee not.
17 For he shall crush me in a whirl
19 For this is the joy of his way, that
wind, and multiply my wounds even
others may spring again out of the earth.
without cause.
20 God will not cast away the simple,
18 He alloweth not my spirit to rest,
nor reach out his hand to the evildoer:
and he filleth me with bitterness.
21 Until thy mouth be
filled with laugh
19 If strength be demanded, he is most
and thy with rejoicing.
strong: if equity of judgment, no man
ter, lips
22 They that hate thee, shall be clothed
dare bear witness for me.
with confusion: and the dwelling of the
20 If I would justify myself, my own
wicked shall not stand.
mouth shall condemn me: if I would
shew myself innocent, he shall prove me
CHAPTER 9 wicked.
Job acknowledges God s justice: although he often 21 Although I should be simple, even
afflicts the innocent.
this my soul shall be ignorant of, and I
Job answered, and said: shall be weary of my life.
A^D2 Indeed I know it is so, and that 22 One thing there is that I have spo
man cannot be justified compared with ken, both the innocent and the wicked
God. he consumeth.
3 If he will contend with him, he can 23 If he scourge, let him kill at once, and
not answer him one for a thousand. not laugh at the pains of the innocent.
4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in 24 The earth is given into the hand of
strength: who hath resisted him, and the wicked, he covereth the face of the
hath had peace? judges thereof: and if it be not he, who
5 Who hath removed mountains, and is it then ?
they whom he overthrew in his wrath, 25 My days have been swifter than a
knew it not. post: they have fled away and have not
6 Whoshaketh the earth out of her seen good.
place, and the pillars thereof tremble. 26 They have passed by as ships carry
7 Who commandeth the sun and it ris-
ing fruits, as an eagle flying to the prey.
CHAP. 9. Ver. Arcturus, &c. These are names
9. Ver. 17. Without cause. That is, without my
of stars or constellations. In Hebrew, Ash, Cesil, knowing the cause: or without any crime of mine.
and Cimah. See note chap. 38, ver, 81.

Job s lament to God JOB Job s lament to God

27 If I say: I will not speak so: I and thy visitation hath preserved my
change my face, and am tormented with spirit.
13 Although thou conceal these things
28 I feared all my works, knowing that thy heart, yet I know that thou re-
thou didst not spare the offender. meraberest all things.
29 But if so also I am wicked, why have 14 If I have sinned and thou hast spared
I laboured in vain ?
me for an hour: why dost thou not suf
fer me to be clean from my iniquity?
30 If I be washed as it were with snow
15 And if I be wicked, woe unto me:
waters, and my hands shall shine ever so
and if just, I shall not lift up my head,
31 Yet thou shalt plunge me in filth, being filled with affliction and misery.
and my garments shall abhor me, 16 And for pride thou wilt take me as a
and returning thou toi mentest
32 For I shall not answer a man that is lioness,
likemyself: nor one that may be heard
me wonderfully.
with me equally in judgment. 17 Thou renewest thy witnesses against
33 There is none that may be able to re me, and multipliest thy wrath upon me,
prove both, and to put his hand between and pains war against me.
both. 18 Why didst thou bring me forth out
34 Let him take his rod away from me, of the womb: that I had been consumed
and let not his fear terrify me. that eye might not see me!
35 I will speak, and will not fear him: 19 I should have been as if I had not
for I cannot answer while I am in fear. been, carried from the womb to the grave.
20 Shall not the fewness of my days be
ended shortly? suffer me, therefore, that
Job laments his and begs to be delivered
I may lament my sorrow a little:
soul is weary of my
life, I will
I will
let go my speech against myself,
speak in the bitterness of my
21 Before I go, and return no more, to a
land that is dark and covered with the
mist of death:
soul. 22 A
land of misery and darkness, where
2 I willsay to God: Do not condemn the shadow of death, and no order, but
me tell me why thou judgest me so.
everlasting horror dwelleth.
3 Doth it seem good to thee that thou
shouldst calumniate me, and oppress me, CHAPTER 11
the work of thy own hands, and help the Sophar reproves Job, for justifying himself, and
invites him to repentance.
counsel of the wicked ?
4 Hast thou eyes of flesh: or, shalt thou Sophar the Naamathite an
see as manseeth ?
5 Are thy days as the days of man, and
swered, and said:
2 Shall not he that speaketh much, hear
are thy years as the times of men: also ? or shall a man full of talk be justi
6 That thou shouldst inquire after my fied?
iniquity, and search after my sin ? 3 Shall men hold their peace to thee
7 And shouldst know that I have done only ? and when thou hast mocked others,
no wicked thing, whereas there is no man shall no man confute thee ?
that can deliver out of thy hand. 4 For thou hast said: word is pure,
8 Thy hands have made me, and fash and I am clean in thy sight.
ioned me wholly round about, and dost 5 And I wish that God would speak
thou thus cast me down headlong on a with thee, and would open his lips to
sudden ? thee,
9 Remember, I beseech thee, that thou 6 That he might shew thee the secrets
hast made me as the clay, and thou wilt of wisdom, and that his law is manifold,
bring me into dust again. and thou mightest understand that he
10 Hast thou not milked me as exacteth much less of thee, than thy in
and curdled me like cheese? iquity deserveth.
11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and 7 Peradventure thou wilt comprehend
flesh: thou hast put me the steps of God, and wilt find out the
together with
bones and sinews:
Almighty perfectly?
12 Thou hast granted me life and 8 He is higher than heaven, and what
JOB Job s reply
wilt thou do ? he is deeper than hell, and is he that hath given all into their
how wilt thou know ? hands:
9 The measure of him is longer than the 7 But ask now the beasts, and they
earth, and broader than the sea. shall teach thee: and the birds of the air,
10 If he shall overturn all things, or and they shall tell thee.
shall press them together, who shall con 8 Speak to the earth, and it shall answer
tradict him? thee: and the fishes of the sea shall tell.
11 For he knoweth the vanity of men, 9 Who is ignorant that the hand of the
and when he seeth iniquity, doth he not Lord hath made all these things ?
consider it? 10 In whose hand is the soul of every
12 A vain man is lifted up into pride, living thing, and the spirit of all flesh of
and thinketh himself born free like a man.
wild ass s colt. 11 Doth not the ear discern words,

13 But thou hast hardened thy heart, and the palate of him that eateth, the
and hast spread thy hands to him. taste ?
14 If thou wilt put away from thee the 12 In the ancient is wisdom, and in
iniquity that is in thy hand, and let not length of days prudence.
injustice remain in thy tabernacle: 13 With him is wisdom and strength, he
15 Then mayst thou lift up thy face hath counsel and understanding.
without spot, and thou shalt be steadfast, 14 e If he pull down, there is no man
and shalt not fear. that can build up: if he shut up a man,
16 Thou shalt also forget misery, and there is none that can open.
remember it only as waters that are 15 If he withhold the waters, all things
passed away. shall be dried up: and if he send them
17 And brightness like that of the noon out, they shall overturn the earth.
day, shall arise to thee at evening: and 16 With him is strength and wisdom: he
when thou shalt think thyself consumed, knoweth both the deceivers, and him that
thou shalt rise as the day star. is deceived.
18 And thou shalt have confidence, hope 17 He bringeth counsellors to a foolish
being set before thee, and being buried end, and judges to insensibility.
thou shalt sleep secure. 18 He looseth the belt of kings, and
19 v Thou shalt rest, and there shall be girdeth their loins with a cord.
none to make thee afraid and many shall: 19 He leadeth away priests without
entreat thy face. glory, and overthroweth nobles.
20 *But the eyes of the wicked shall 20 He changeth the speech of the true
decay, and the way to escape shall fail speakers, and taketh away the doctrine
them, and their hope the abomination of of the aged.
the soul. 21 He poureth contempt upon princes,
CHAPTER 12 and relieveth them that were oppressed.
Job s reply to Sophar. He extols God s power and 22 He discovereth deep things out of
wisdom. darkness, and bringeth up to light the
rI THEN Job answered, and said: shadow of death.
A Are you then men
2 alone, and shall 23 He multiplieth nations, and destroy-
wisdom die with you ? eth them, and restoreth them again after
3 tt I also have a heart as well as you: they were overthrown.
for who is ignorant of these things, which 24 He changeth the heart of the princes
you know? of the people of the earth, and deceiveth
4 6 He that is mocked by his friends as them that they walk in vain where there
I, shall call upon God and he will hear is no way.
him: for the simplicity of the just man 25 They shall grope as in the dark, and
is laughed to scorn. not in the light, and he shall make them
5 The lamp despised in the thoughts of stagger like men that are drunk.
the rich, is ready for the time appointed.
6 The tabernacles of robbers abound,
in maintaining his innocence: and
Job persists in
and they provoke God boldly; whereas it reproves his friends.
V Lev. 26. 6. z Lev. 26. 16. a Infra 20. 2. Ps. 43. 11, and 48. 7. d Infra 34. 3.
b Prov. 14. 2. e Isa. 22. 22 : Apoc. 3. 7.

Job maintains his innocence JOB The shortness of man
days s

EHOLD my eye hath seen all these 23 How many my iniquities and
Jj things, and ear hath heard them,
my sins ? make me know my crimes and
and I have understood them all. offenses.
24 hidest thou thy face, and think-
2 According to your knowledge I also
know: neither am I inferior to you. est me
thy enemy?
25 Against a leaf, that is carried away
3 But yet I will speak to the Almighty,
with the wind, thou shewest thy power,
and I desire to reason with God.
and thou pursuest a dry straw.
4 Having first shewn that you are 26 For thou writest bitter things against
forgers of lies, and maintainers of per
verse opinions.
me, and wilt consume me for the sins of
5 And I wish you would hold your
my youth.
27 Thou hast put my feet in the stocks,
peace, that you might be thought to be and hast observed all my paths, and hast
wise men. considered the steps of my feet:
6 Hear ye therefore my reproof, and 28 Who am to be consumed as rotten
attend to the judgment of my lips.
ness* and as a garment that is moth-
7 Hath God any need of your lie, that eaten.
you should speak deceitfully for him?
8 Do you accept this person, and do you CHAPTER 14
endeavour to judge for God? Job declares the shortness of man s days: and
professes his belief of a resurrection.
9 Or shall it please him, from whom
nothing can be concealed ? or shall he be born of a woman, living for a

deceived as a man, with your deceitful short time, is filled with many
dealings ? miseries.
10 He shall reprove you, because in 2 / Who cometh forth like a flower, and
secret you accept his person. is destroyed, and fleeth as a shadow, and
11 As soon as he shall move himself, he never continueth in the same state.
shall trouble you: and his dread shall 3 And dost thou think it meet to open
fall upon you. thy eyes upon such an one, and to bring
12 Your remembrance shall be compared him into judgment with thee?
to ashes, and your necks shall be brought 4 s Who can make him clean that is
to clay. conceived of unclean seed? is it not thou
13 Hold your peace a little while, that I who only art?
may speak whatsoever my mind shall 5 The days of man are short, and the
suggest to me. number of his months is with thee: thou
14 Why do I tear my flesh with my hast appointed his bounds which cannot
teeth,and carry my soul in my hands ? be passed.
15 Although he should kill me, I will 6 Depart a little from him, that he may
trust in him: but yet I will reprove my rest, until his wished for day come, as
ways in his sight. that of the hireling.
16 And he shall be my saviour: for no 7 A tree hath hope: if it be cut, it
hypocrite shall come before his presence. groweth green again, and the boughs
17 Hear ye my speech, and receive with thereof sprout.
your ears hidden truths. 8 If its roots be old in the earth, and its
18 If I shall be judged, I know that I stock be dead in the dust:
shall be found just. 9 At the scent of water, it shall spring,
19 Who is he that will plead against and bring forth leaves, as when it was
me? let him come: why am I consumed first planted.
holding my peace? man when he shall be dead, and
10 But
20 Two things only do not to me, and stripped and consumed, I pray you where
then from thy face I shall not be hid : is he?
21 Withdraw thy hand far from me, As if the waters should depart out of
and let not thy dread terrify me. the sea, and an emptied river should be
22 Call me, and I will answer thee: or dried up;
else I will speak, and do thou answer 12 So man when he is fallen asleep shall
me. not rise again; till the heavens be broken,
Supra 8. 9 ; Ps. 143. 4. g Ps. 50. 4.

Job s belief in the resurrection JOB Eliphaz reproves Job
he shall not awake, nor rise up out of and not I: and thy own lips shall answer
his sleep. thee.
13 Who will grant me this, that thou 7 Art thou the first man that was born,
mayst protect me in hell, and hide me or wast thou made before the hills ?
till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a 8 Hast thou heard God s counsel, and
time when thou wilt remember me ? shall his wisdom be inferior to thee ?
14 Shall man that is dead, thinkest thou, 9 What knowest thou that we are igno
live again ? all the days in which I am rant of? what dost thou understand that
now in warfare, I expect until my change we know not ?
come. 10 i There are with us also aged and an
15 Thou shalt call me, and I will answer cientmen, much elder than thy fathers.
thee: to the work of thy hands thou 11 Is it a great matter that God should
shalt reach out thy right hand. comfort thee? but thy wicked words
16 * Thou indeed hast numbered my hinder this.
steps, but spare my sins. 12 Why doth thy heart elevate thee, and
17 Thou hast sealed up my offences as why dost thou stare with thy eyes, as if
it were in a bag, but hast cured my ini they were thinking great things?
quity. 13 Why doth thy spirit swell against
18 A mountain falling cometh to nought, God, to utter such words out of thy
and a rock is removed out of its place. mouth ?
19 Waters wear away the stones, and 14 What is man that he should be with
with inundation the ground by little and out spot, and he that is born of a woman
little is washed away: so in like manner that he should appear just ?
thou shalt destroy man. 15 ; Behold among his saints none is un
20 Thou hast strengthened him for a changeable, and the heavens are not pure
little while, that he may pass away for in his sight.
ever: thou shalt change his face, and 16 How much more is man abominable,
shalt send him away. and unprofitable, who drinketh iniquity
21 Whether his children come to honour like water?
or dishonour, he shall not understand. 17 I will shew thee, hear me: and I will
22 But yet his flesh, while he shall live, tell thee what I have seen.
shall have pain, and his soul shall mourn 18 Wise men confess and hide not their
over him. fathers.

19 To whom alone the earth was given,
and no stranger hath passed among
Eliphae returns to the charge against Job, and de
scribes the wretched state of the wicked, them.
20 The wicked man is proud all his
Eliphaz the Themanite, answered,
A^Dand said: days, and the number of the years of his
tyranny is uncertain.
2 Will a wise man answer as if he were
21 The sound of dread is always in his
speaking in the wind, and fill his stomach ears: and when there is peace, he always
with burning heat?
3 Thou reprovest him by words, who is suspecteth treason.
22 He believeth not that he may return
not equal to thee, and thou speakest that
which is not good for thee. from darkness to light, looking round
4 As much as is in thee, thou hast made
about for the sword on every side.
void fear, and hast taken away prayers 23 When he moveth himself to seek
from before God. bread, he knoweth that the day of dark
5 For thy iniquity hath taught thy ness is ready at his hand.
mouth, and thou imitatest the tongue of 24 Tribulation shall terrify him, and dis
blasphemers. tress shall surround him, as a king that
6 Thy own mouth shall condemn thee, is prepared for the battle.
h Infra and 34. 31 Prov. 5. 21.
31. 4, ; i Eccli. 18. 8. j Supra 4. 18.
CHAP. 14. Ver. 13. That thou mayst protect me Ver. Wise men confess and hide not their
in hell. That is, in the state of the dead, and in fathers. That is, the knowledge and documents
the place where the souls are kept waiting for their they have received from their fathers they are not
Redeemer. ashamed to own.
CHAP. 15. Ver. 4. Thou hast made void fear.
That is, cast off the fear of offending God.
The wretched state of the wicked JOB Job appeals to God s judgment
25 For he hath stretched out his hand 9 My wrinkles bear witness against me,
him and a false speaker riseth up against my
against God, and hath strengthened
self against the Almighty. face, contradicting me.
10 He hath gathered together his fury
26 He hath run against him with his
neck raised up, and is armed with a fat against me, and threatening me he hath
neck. gnashed with his teeth upon me: my
27 Fatness hath covered his face, and enemy hath beheld me with terrible
the fat hangeth down on his sides. eyes.
28 He hath dwelt in desolate cities, and 11 They have opened their mouths upon
in desert houses that are reduced into me, and reproaching me they have struck
me on the cheek, they are filled with my
29 He shall not be enriched, neither pains.
shall his substance continue, neither shall 12 God hath shut me up with the unjust
he push his root in the earth. man, and hath delivered me into the
30 He shall not depart out of darkness: hands of the wicked.
the flame shall dry up his branches, and 13 I that was formerly so wealthy, am
he shall be taken away by the breath of all on a sudden broken to pieces: he

his own mouth. hath taken me by my neck, he hath

31 He shall not believe, being vainly broken me, and hath set me up to be
deceived by error, that he may be re his mark.
deemed with any price.
14 He hath compassed me round about
32 Before his days be full he shall per with his lances, he hath wounded my
ish: and his hands shall wither away. loins, he hath not spared, and hath
33 He shall be blasted as a vine when poured out my bowels on the earth.
its grapes are in the first flower, and as 15 He hath torn me with wound upon
an olive tree that casteth its flower. wound, he hath rushed in upon me like
34 For the congregation of the hypocrite a giant.
is barren, and fire shall devour their 16 I have sewed sackcloth upon my
tabernacles, who love to take bribes. skin, and have covered my flesh with
35 k He hath conceived sorrow, and hath ashes.
brought forth iniquity, and his womb 17 My face is swollen with weeping,
prepareth deceits. and my eyelids are dim.
18 These things have I suffered without
CHAPTER 16 the inquity of my hand, when I offered
Job expostulates and appeals to
-with his friends: pure prayers to God.
the judgment of God. 19 earth, cover not thou my blood,
Job answered, and said: neither let my cry find a hiding place in
2 have I often heard such things as thee.
these: you are all troublesome comfort 20 For behold my witness is in heaven,
ers. and he that knoweth my conscience is
3 Shall windy words have no end? or on high.
is itany trouble to thee to speak ? 21 My friends are full of words my eye :

4 I also could speak like you: and would poureth out tears to God.
God your soul were for my soul. 22 And that a man might so be
5 I would comfort you also with words, judged with God, as the son of man is
and would wag my head over you. judged with his companion!
6 I would strengthen you with 23 For behold short years pass away,
my and I am walking in a path by which I
mouth, and would move my lips, as spar
ing you. shall not return.
7 But what shall I do ? If I
speak, my CHAPTER 17
pain will not rest: and if I hold my peace,
it will not depart from me. Job s hope in God: he expects rest in death.
8 But now my sorrow hath
oppressed spirit shall be wasted, my days
me, and all my limbs are brought to
MY shall be shortened, and only
grave remaineth for me.

k Ps. 7. 15 ; Isa. 59. 4.

Job s hope is in God JOB The miseries of the wicked
2 I have not sinned, and my eye abideth 5. Shall not the light of the wicked be
in bitterness. extinguished, and the flame of his fire
3 Deliver me, O Lord, and setme beside not shine ?
thee, and let any man s hand fight 6 The light shall be dark in his taberna
against me. cle, and the lamp that is over him, shall
4 Thou hast set their heart far from be put out.
understanding, therefore they shall not 7 The step of his strength shall be
be exalted. straitened, and his own counsel shall
5 He promiseth a prey to his compan cast him down headlong.
ions,and the eyes of his children shall fail. 8 For he hath thrust his feet into a net,
6 He hath made me as it were a byword and walketh in its meshes.
of the people, and I am an example be 9 The sole of his foot shall be held in
fore them. a snare, and thirst shall burn against
dim through indignation, him.
7 Myeye is
and my limbs are brought as it were to 10 A gin is hidden for him in the earth,
nothing. and his trap upon the path.
8 The just shall be astonished at this, 11 Fears shall terrify him on every side,
and the innocent shall be raised up and shall entangle his feet.
12 Let his strength be wasted with fam
against the hypocrite.
9 And the just man shall hold on his ine, and let hunger invade his ribs.
13 Let it devour the beauty of his skin,
way, and he that hath clean hands shall
be stronger and stronger. let the firstborn death consume his arms.

10 Wherefore be you all converted, and 14 Let his confidence be rooted out of
his tabernacle, and let destruction tread
come, and I shall not find among you
any wise man. upon him
like a king.
days have passed away, my 15 Let the companions of him that is
11 My
thoughts are dissipated, tormenting my not, dwell in his tabernacle, let brim
heart. stone be sprinkled in his tent.
12 They have turned night into day, 16 Let his roots be dried up beneath,
and after darkness I hope for light again. and his harvest destroyed above.
13 If I wait hell is my house, and I have 17 z Let the memory of him perish from
made the earth, and let not his name be re
my bed in darkness.
nowned in the streets.
14 I have said to rottenness: Thou art
father; to worms, my mother and
18 He shall drive him out of light into
my sister. darkness, and shall remove him out of
15 Where is now then my expectation, the world.
and who considereth my patience ? 19 His seed shall not subsist, nor his
16 All that I have shall go down into offspring among his people, nor any
the deepest pit: thinkest thou that there remnants in his country.
at least I shall have rest? 20 They that come after him shall be
astonished at his day, and horror shall
CHAPTER 18 fall upon them that went before.
Baldad again reproves Job; and describes the mis 21 These then are the tabernacles of
eries of the -wicked.
the wicked, and this the place of him
Baldad the Suhite answered, that knoweth not God.
and said:
2 How long will you throw out words ?
Job complains of the cruelty of his friends; he
understand first, and so let us speak. describes his own sufferings and his belief of a
3 Why are we reputed as beasts, and future resurrection.
counted vile before you? rplHEN Job answered, and said:
4 Thou that destroyest thy soul in thy JL 2 How long do you afflict my soul,
fury, shall the earth be forsaken for thee, and break me words?
in pieces with
and shall rocks be removed out of their 3 Behold, these ten times you confound
place ? me, and are not ashamed to oppress me.
I Prov. 2. 22.

CHAP. Ver. 2. Not sinned. That is, I

17. am not Ver. 13. Hell. Sheol. The region of the dead.
guilty of such sins as they charge me with. Ver. 16. Deepest pit. Literally, hell.

Job describes his sufferings JOB His belief in the resurrection

4 For if I have been ignorant, my igno 22 Why do you persecute me as God,

rance shall be with me. and glut yourselves with my flesh?
5 But you set yourselves up against me, 23 Who will grant me that my words
and reprove me with my reproaches. may be written ? who will grant me that
6 At least now understand, that God hath they may be marked down in a book ?
not afflicted me with an equal judgment, 24 With an iron pen and in a plate of
and compassed me with his scourges. lead, or else be graven with an instru
7 Behold I shall cry suffering violence, ment in flint stone ?
and no one will hear: I shall cry aloud, 25 For I know that my Redeemer liv-
and in the last day I shall rise out of
and there is none to judge. eth,
8 He hath hedged in my path round the earth.
26 And I shall be clothed again with my
about, and I cannot pass, and in my way
he hath set darkness. skin, and in my flesh I shall see my God.
9 He hath stripped me of my glory, and 27 Whom I myself shall see, and my
hath taken the crown from my head. eyes shall behold, and not another: this
10 He hath destroyed me on every side, my hope is laid up in my bosom.
and I am lost, and he hath taken away
28 Why then do you say now: Let us
my hope, as from a tree that is plucked persecute him, and let us find occasion of
word against him ?
11 His wrath is kindled against me, and 29 Flee then from the face of the sword,
he hath counted me as his enemy. for the sword is the revenger of iniqui
12 His troops have come together, and ties: and know ye that there is a judg
have made themselves a way by me, and ment.
have besieged my tabernacle round about. CHAPTER 20
13 He hath put my brethren far from Sophar declares the shortness of the prosperity of
me, and my acquaintance like strangers the wicked: and their sudden downfall.
have departed from me. Sophar the Naamathite an
14 My kinsmen have forsaken me, and THEN
swered, and said:
they that knew me, have forgotten me. 2 Therefore various thoughts succeed
15 They that dwell in my house, and one another in me, and my mind is hur
my maidservants have counted me as a ried away to different things.
stranger, and I have been like an alien in 3 The doctrine with which thou reprov-
their eyes. est me, I will hear, and the spirit of my
16 I called my servant, and he gave me understanding shall answer for me.
no answer, I entreated him with my own 4 This I know from the beginning, since
mouth. man was placed upon the earth,
17 Mywife hath abhorred my breath, 5 That the praise of the wicked is short,
and entreated the children of my womb.
I and the joy of the hypocrite but for a
18 Even fools despised me, and when I moment.
was gone from them, they spoke against 6 If his pride mount up even to heaven,
me. and his head touch the clouds:
19 They that were sometime my coun 7 In the end he shall be destroyed like
sellors, have abhorred me: and he whom a dunghill, and they that had seen him,
I loved most is turned against me. shall say: Where is he?
20 The flesh being consumed, my bone 8 As a dream that fleeth away he shall
hath cleaved to my skin, and nothing but not be found, he shall pass as a vision of
lips are left about my teeth. the night:
21 Have pity on me, have pity on me, 9 The eyes that had seen him, shall see
at least you my friends, because the hand him no more, neither shall his place any
of the Lord hath touched me. more behold him.
CHAP. 19. Ver. 6. With, an equal judgment. St. Ver. 25, 26, and 27 shew Job s explicit belief in
Gregory explains these words thus Job being a just
his Redeemer, and also of the resurrection of the
man, and truly considering his own life, thought flesh, not as one tree riseth in place of another, but
that his affliction was greater than his sins deserved
: that the selfsame flesh shall rise at the last day, by
and in that respect, that the punishment was not the power of God, changed in quality but not in sub
equal, yet it was just, as coming from God, who stance, every one to receive sentence according to
gives a crown of justice to those who suffer for his works in. this life.
righteousness sake, and proves the just with tribu
lations, as gold is tried by fire.

The downfall of wicked The wicked prosper for a while
the JOB
10 His children shall be oppressed with 29 This is the portion of a wicked man
want, and his hands shall render to him from God, and the inheritance of his
his sorrow. doings from the Lord.
11 His bones shall be filled with the
vices of his youth, and they shall sleep
Job shews that the wicked often prosper in this
with him in the dust. world, even to the end of their life: but that their
12 For when evil shall be sweet in his judgment is in another -world.
mouth, he will hide it under his tongue. Job answered, and said:
13 He will spare it, and not leave it, and
will hide it in his throat.
THEN2 Hear,
and do
I beseech you, my words,

14 His bread in his belly shall be turned 3 Suffer me, and I will speak, and after,
into the gall of asps within him. if you please, laugh at my words.
15 The riches which he hath swallowed, 4 Is my debate against man, that I should
he shall vomit up, and God shall draw not have just reason to be troubled ?
them out of his belly. 5 Hearken to me and be astonished, and
16 He shall suck the head of asps, and lay your finger on your mouth.
the viper s tongue shall kill him. 6 As for me, when I remember, I am
17 (Let him not see the streams of the afraid, and trembling taketh hold on my
river, the brooks of honey and of butter.) flesh.
18 Jle shall be punished for all that he 7 n why then do the wicked live, are they
did, and yet shall not be consumed: ac advanced, and strengthened with riches ?
cording to the multitude of his devices 8 Their seed continueth before them, a
so also shall he suffer. multitude of kinsmen, and of children s
19 Because he broke in and stripped the children in their sight.
poor: he hath violently taken away a 9 Their houses are secure and peaceable,
house which he did not build. and the rod of God is not upon them.
20 And yet his belly was not filled: 10 Their cattle have conceived, and
and when he hath the things he coveted, failed not: their cow has calved, and is
he shall not be able to possess them. not deprived of her fruit.
21 There was nothing left of his meat, 11 Their little ones go out like a flock,
and therefore nothing shall continue of and their children dance and play.
his goods: and the harp,
They take the timbrel,
22 When he shall be filled, he shall be and rejoice at the sound of the organ.
straitened, he shall burn, and every sor 13 They spend their days in wealth, and
row shall fall upon him. in a moment they go down to hell.
23 May his belly be filled, that God may 14 Who have said to God: Depart from
send forth the wrath of his indignation us, we desire not the knowledge of thy
upon him, and rain down his war upon ways.
him. 15 Who is the Almighty, that we
24 He shall flee from weapons of iron, should serve him ? and what doth it profit
and shall fall upon a bow of brass. us if we pray to him ?
25 The sword is drawn out, and cometh 16 Yet because their good things are not
forth from its scabbard, and glittereth in in their hand, may the counsel of the
hi si bitterness: the terrible ones shall go wicked be far from me.
and come upon him. 17 How often shall the lamp of the
26 All darkness is hid in his secret wicked be put out, and a deluge come
places: a fire that is not kindled shall upon them, and he shall distribute the
devour him, he shall be afflicted when sorrows of his wrath?
left in his tabernacle. 18 They shall be as chaff before the
27 The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, face of the wind, and as ashes which the
and the earth shall rise up against him. whirlwind scattereth.
28 The offspring of his house shall be 19 God shall lay up the sorrow of the
exposed, he shall be pulled down in the father for his children: and when he shall
day of God s wrath. repay, then shall he know.
m Eccli. 6. 9. n Jer. 12. 1 Hab. 2. 5. o Mai. 3. 14.

CHAP. 20. Ver. 18. According multitude of his devices. That is. his stratagems to gratify his
to the
passions and to oppress and destroy the poor.

The judgment of the wcked JOB Etiphas falsely accuses Job

20 His eyes shall see his own destruc 5 And not for thy manifold wickedness,
and he shall drink of the wrath of and thy infinite iniquities ?
the Almighty. 6 For thou hast taken away the pledge
21 For what is it to him what befalleth of thy brethren without cause, and
his house after him: and if the number stripped the naked of their clothing.
of his months be diminished by one half ? 7 Thou hast not given water to the
22 Shall any one teach God knowledge, weary, thou hast withdrawn bread from
who judgeth those that are high? the hungry.
23 One man dieth strong, and hale, rich 8 In the strength of thy arm thou didst
and happy. possess the land, and being the most
24 His bowels are full of fat, and his mighty thou holdest it.
bones are moistened with marrow. 9 Thou hast sent widows away empty,
25 But another dieth in bitterness of and the arms of the fatherless thou hast
soul without any riches: broken in pieces.
And 10 Therefore art thou surrounded with
26 yet they shall sleep together in
the dust, and worms shall cover them. snares, and sudden fear troubleth thee.
27 Surely I know your thoughts, and 11 And didst thou think that thou
shouldst not see darkness, and that thou
your unjust judgments against me.
28 For you say: Where is the house of shouldst not be covered with the violence
the prince? and where are the dwelling of overflowing waters ?
12 Dost not thou think that God is higher
places of the wicked ?
29 Ask any one of them that go by the than heaven, and is elevated above the
way, and you shall perceive that he height of the stars ?
knoweth these same things. 13 And thou sayst: What doth God
30 Because the wicked man is reserved know ? and he judgeth as it were through
to the day of destruction, and he shall a mist.
be brought to the day of wrath. 14 The clouds are his covert, and he
31 Who shall reprovejiisway to his face ? doth not consider our things, and he
and who shall repay him, what he hath walketh about the poles of heaven.
done? 15 Dost thou desire to keep the path of
32 He
shall be brought to the graves, ages, which wicked men have trodden ?
and shall watch in the heap of the dead. 16 Who were taken away before their
33 He hath been acceptable to the time, and a flood hath overthrown their
gravel of Cocytus, and he shall draw foundation.
every man after him, and there are in 17 Who said to God: Depart from us:
numerable before him. and looked upon the Almighty as if he
34 How then do ye comfort me in vain, could do nothing:
whereas your answer is shewn to be re 18 Whereas he had filled their houses
pugnant to truth ? with good things: whose way of think
ing be far from me.
CHAPTER 22 19 P The just shall see, and shall rejoice,
Eliphaz falsely imputes many crimes to Job; but and the innocent shall laugh them to
promises him prosperity if he witt repent.
Eliphaz the Themanite answered, 20 Is not their exaltation cut down, and
and said: hath not fire devoured the remnants of
2 Can man be compared with God, even them?
though he were of perfect knowledge ? 21 Submit thyself then to him, and be
3 What doth it profit God if thou be at peace: and thereby thou shalt have
just ? or what dost thou give him if thy the best fruits.
way be unspotted ? 22 Receive the law of his mouth, and
4 Shall he reprove thee for fear, and lay up his words in thy heart.
come with thee into judgment: 23 If thou wilt return to the Almighty,
p Ps. 106. 42.
CHAP. 21. Ver. 33.
Acceptable to the gravel of gion of death and hell which willingly, as it were,

Cocytus. The Hebrew word, which St. Jerome has receives the wicked at their death who are ushered

here rendered by the name Cocytus, (which the poets in by innumerable others that have gone before
represent as a river in hell,) signifies a valley or a them ; and are followed by multitudes above num
tsrrrent: and in this place, is taken for the low re- ber.

job wishes to be judged by. God JOB The wicked go unpunished for a while
thou shalt be built up, and shalt put 12 I have not departed from the com
away iniquity far from thy tabernacle. mandments of his lips, and the words of
24 He shall give for earth flint, and for his mouth I have hid in my bosom.
flint torrents of gold. 13 For heis alone, and no man can
25 And the Almighty shall be against turn his thought: and whatsoever
thy enemies, and silver shall be heaped his soul hath desired, that hath he done.
together for thee. 14 And when he shall have fulfilled his
26 Then shalt thou abound in delights will in me, many other like things are
in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy also at hand with him.
face to God. 15 And therefore I am
troubled at his
27 Thou shctlt pray to him, and he will presence, and when I consider him I am
hear thee, and thou shalt pay vows. made pensive with fear.
28 Thou shalt decree a thing, and it 16 God hath softened my heart, and the
shall come to thee, and light shall shine Almighty hath troubled me.
in thy ways. 17 For I have not perished because of
29 ffFor he that hath been humbled, the darkness that hangs over me, neither
shall be in glory: and he that shall bow hath the mist covered my face.
down his eyes, he shall be saved.
30 The innocent shall be saved, and he CHAPTER 24
shall be saved by the cleanness of his God s providence often suffers the wicked to go on
a long time in their sinn but punisheth them in
hands. another life.

CHAPTER 23 are not hid from the Almighty:

Job wishes to be tried at God s tribunal TIMES
but they that know him, know not
his days.
Job answered, and said: 2 Some have removed landmarks, have
THEN 2 Now also my words are in bitter taken away flocks by force, and fed them.
ness, and the hand of my scourge is more 3 They have driven away the ass of the
grievous than my mourning. fatherless, and have taken away the
3 Who will grant me that I might know widow s ox for a pledge.
and find him, and come even to his 4 They have overturned the way of the
throne ? poor, and have oppressed together the
4 I would set judgment before him, and meek of the earth.
would fill my mouth with complaints. 5 Others like wild asses in the desert go
5 That I might know the words that he forth to their work: by watching for a
would answer me, and understand what prey they get bread for their children.
he would say to me. 6 They reap the field that is not their
6 I would not that he should contend own, and gather the vintage of his vine
with me with much strength, nor over yard whom by violence they have op
whelm me with the weight of his great pressed.
ness. 7 They send men away naked, taking
7 Let him propose equity against me, away their clothes who have no cover
and let my judgment come to victory. ing in the cold:
8 But if I go to the east, he appeareth 8 Who are wet, with the showers of the
not; if to the west, I shall not under mountains, and having no covering em
stand him. brace the stones.
9 If to the left hand, what shall I do ? I 9 They have violently robbed the father
shall not take hold on him: if I turn my less, and stripped the poor common peo
self to the right hand, I shall not see ple.
him. 10 From the naked and them that go
10 But he knoweth my way, and has without clothing, and from the hungry
tried me as gold that passeth through they have taken away the ears of corn.
the fire: 11 They have taken their rest at noon
11 My foot hath followed his steps, I among the stores of them, who after hav
have kept his way, and have not declined ing trodden the winepresses suffer thirst.
from it. 12 Out of the cities they have made

q Prov. 29. 23.

The wicked go unpunished for a ivhile JOB The wisdom and power of God
men to groan, and the soul of the 2 Power and terror are with him, who
wounded hath cried out, and God doth maketh peace in his high places.
not suffer it to pass unrevenged. 3 Is there any numbering of his sol
13 They have been rebellious to the diers? and upon whom shall not his
light, they have not "known his ways, light arise ?
neither have they returned by his paths. 4 Can man be justified compared with
14 The murderer riseth at the very God, or he that is born of a woman ap
break of day, he killeth the needy, and pear clean?
the poor man: but in the night he will 5 Behold even the moon doth not shine,
be as a thief. and the stars are not pure in his sight.
15 The eye of the adulterer observeth 6 How much less man that is rottenness,
darkness, saying: No eye shall see me: and the son of man who is a worm ?
and he will cover his face.
16 He diggeth through houses in the CHAPTER 26
dark, as in the day they had appointed Job declares his sentiments of the wisdom and powet
for themselves, and they have not known- of God.

the light. Job answered, and said:

17 If the morning suddenly appear, it is
to them the shadow of death: and they
2 Whose helper art thou? is it of
him. fhat is weak ? and dost thou hold up
walk in darkness as if it were in light. the arm of him that has no strength ?
18 He is light upon the face of the water: 3 To whom hast thou given counsel ?
cursed be his portion on the earth, let him
perhaps to him that hath no wisdom, and
not walk by the way of the vineyards. thou hast shewn thy very great prudence.
19 Let him pass from the snow waters 4 Whom hast thou desired to teach ?
to excessive heat, and his sin even to was it not him that made life ?
hell. Behold the giants groan under the
20 Let mercy forget him: may worms
waters, and they that dwell with them.
be his sweetness: let him be remem 6 Hell is naked before him, and there
bered no more, but be broken in pieces is no covering for destruction.
as an unfruitful tree. 7 He stretched out the north over the
21 For he hath fed the barren that bear-
empty space, and hangeth the earth upon
eth not, and to the widow he hath done
no good. 8 He bindeth up the waters in his
22 He hath pulled down the strong by
clouds, so that they break not out and
his might: and when he standeth up, he fall down together.
shall not trust to his life.
9 He withholdeth the face of his throne,
23 r God hath given him place for pen and spreadeth his cloud over it.
ance, and he abuseth it unto pride: but 10 He hath set bounds about the waters,
his eyes are upon his ways.
till light and darkness come to an end.
24 They are lifted up for a little while
11 The pillars of heaven tremble, and
and shall not stand, and shall be brought dread at his beck.
down as all things, and shall be taken 12 By his power the seas are suddenly
away, and as the tops of the ears of corn gathered together, and his wisdom has
they shall be broken. struck the proud one.
25 And if it be not so, who can convince
13 His spirit hath adorned the heavens,
me that I have lied, and set my words and his obstetric hand brought forth the
before God ?
winding serpent.
CHAPTER 25 14 Lo, these things are said in part of
Baldad represents the justice of God, before his ways: and seeing we have heard
no man can be justified. scarce a little drop of his word, who
Baldad the Suhite shall be able to behold the thunder of
J_ and said:
his greatness?

r Apoc. 2. 21.

CHAP. 26. Ver. His obstetric hand brought

13. all eternity. The winding serpent, a constellation
forth the winding serpent. That is, the omnipotent of fixed stars winding round the north pole, callej
power of God which brought forth all things cre
Draco. This appears from the foregoing part of tha
ated in time, but conceived in the Divine mind from same verse. His spirit hath adorned the heaver, *. 1

Job reasserts his innocence JOB Man searches out many things
CHAPTER 27 21 A burning wind shall take him up,
Job persists in asserting his own innocence, and that and carry him away, and as a whirlwind
hypocrites will be punished in the end. shall snatch him from his place.
22 And he shall cast upon him, and shall
also added, taking up his parable,
not spare: out of his hand he would
JOB and said:
As God liveth, who hath taken away willingly flee.
23 He shall clasp his hands upon him,
my judgment, and the Almighty, who and shall hiss at him, beholding his place.
hath brought my soul to bitterness,
3 As long as breath remaineth in me,
and the spirit of God in my nostrils, CHAPTER 28
4 My lips shall not speak iniquity, Man s industry nearcheth out many things: true
wisdom is taught by God alone.
neither shall my tongue contrive lying.
5 God forbid that I should judge you to hath beginnings of its veins,
be just: till I die I will not depart from SILVER
and gold hath a place wherein it is
my innocence. melted.
6 My justification, which I have begun 2 Iron is taken out of the earth, and
to hold, I will not forsake: for my heart stone melted with heat is turned into
doth not reprehend me in all life. my brass.
7 Let my enemy
be as the ungodly, and 3 He hath set a time for darkness, and
my adversary as the wicked one. the end of all things he considereth, the
8 For what is the hope of the hypocrite stone also that is in the dark and the
if through covetousness he take by vio shadow of death.
lence, and God deliver not his soul ? 4 The flood divideth from the people
9 Will God hear his cry, when distress that are on their journey, those whom
shall come upon him ? the food of the needy man hath forgot
10 Or can he delight himself in the Al ten, and who cannot be come at.
mighty, and call upon God at all times ? 5 The land, out of which bread grew in
11 I will teach you by the hand of God, its place,hath been overturned with fire.
what the Almighty hath, and I will not 6 The stones of it are the place of sap
conceal it. phires, and the clods of it are gold.
12 Behold you all know it, and why do 7 The bird hath not known the path,
you speak vain things without cause? neither hath the eye of the vulture be
13 This is the portion of a wicked man held it.
with God, and the inheritance of the vio 8 The children of the merchants have
lent, which they shall receive of the Al not trodden it, neither hath the lioness
mighty. passed by it.
14 If his sons be multiplied, they shall 9 He hath stretched forth his hand to
oe for the sword, and his grandsons shall the flint, he hath overturned mountains
not be filled with bread. from the roots.
15 They that shall remain of him, shall 10 In the rocks he hath cut out rivers,
be buried in death, and his widows shall and his eye hath seen every precious
not weep. thing.
16 If he shall heap together silver as 11 The depths also of rivers he hath
earth, and prepare raiment as clay, searched, and hidden things he hath
17 He shall prepare indeed, but the just brought forth to light.
man shall be clothed with it: and the 12 But where is wisdom to be found,
innocent shall divide the silver. and where is the place of understanding ?
18 He hath built his house as a moth, 13 Man knoweth not the price thereof,
and as a keeper he hath made a booth. neither is it found in the land of them
19 s The rich man when he shall sleep that live in delights.
shall take away nothing with him: he 14 The depth saith: It is not in me: and
shall open his eyes and find nothing. the sea saith: It is not with me.
20 Poverty like water shall take hold on 15 *The finest gold shall not purchase
him, a tempest shall oppress him in the it, neither shall silver be weighed in
night : exchange for it.
s Ps. 48. 18. t Wisd. 7. 9.

Wisdom is taught by God alone JOB Job respected by all

16 It shall not be compared with the selves: and the old men rose up and
dyed colours of India, or with the most stood.
precious stone sardonyx, or the sapphire. 9 The princes ceased to speak, and laid
17 Gold or crystal cannot equal it, the finger on their mouth.
neither shall any vessels of gold be 10 The rulers held their peace, and their
changed for it. tongue cleaved to their throat.
18 High and eminent things shall not be 11 The ear that heard me blessed me,
mentioned in comparison of it: but wis and the eye that saw me gave witness to
dom is drawn out of secret places. me:
19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be 12 Because I had delivered the poor
equal to it, neither shall it be compared man that cried out; and the fatherless,
to the cleanest dyeing. that had no helper.
20 Whence then cometh wisdom? and 13 The blessing of him that was ready
where is the place of understanding? to perish came upon me, and I comforted
21 It is hid from the eyes of all living, the heart of the widow.
and the fowls of the air know it not. 14 I was clad with justice: and I clothed
22 Destruction and death have said: myself with my judgment, as with a robe
With our ears we have heard the fame and a diadem.
thereof. 15 I was an eye to the blind, and a foot
23 God understandeth the way of it, and to the lame.
he knoweth the place thereof. 16 I was the father of the poor: and
24 For he beholdeth the ends of the the cause which I knew not, I searched
world: and looketh on all things that out most diligently.
are under heaven. 17 I broke the jaws of the wicked man.
25 Who made a weight for the winds, and out of his teeth I took away the
and weighed the waters by measure. prey.
26 When he gave a law for the rain, 18 And I said: I shall die in my nest,
and a way for the sounding storms. and as a palm tree shall multiply my
27 Then he saw it, and declared, and days.
prepared, and searched it. 19 My root
is opened beside the waters,
28 And he said to man: Behold the fear and dew shall continue in my harvest.
of the Lord, that is wisdom: and to de 20 My glory shall always be renewed,
part from evil, is understanding. and my bow in my hand shall be repaired.
21 They that heard me, waited for my
sentence, and being attentive held their
Job relates his former happiness, and the respect peace at my counsel.
that all men shewed him.
22 To my words they durst add nothing,
also added, taking up his parable and my speech dropped upon them.
JOBand said: 23 They waited for me as for rain, and
2 Who will grant me, that I might be they opened their mouth as for a latter
according to the months past, according shower.
to the days in which God kept me? 24 If at any time I laughed on them,
3 When his lamp shined over my head, they believed not, and the light of my
and I walked by his light in darkness ? countenance fell not on earth.
4 As I was in the days of my youth, 25 If I had a mind to go to them, I sat
when God was secretly in my tabernacle ? first, and when I sat as a king, with his
5 When the Almighty was with me: and army standing about him, yet I was a
my servants round about me? comforter of them that mourned.
6 When I washed my feet with butter,
and the rock poured me out rivers of CHAPTER 30
oil? Job shews the wonderful change of his temporal
7 When I went out to the gate of the estate, from welfare to great calamity.

city, and in the street they prepared now the younger in time scorn
a chair?
The young men saw me, and hid them-
BUTme, whose fathers I would not have
with the
set of dogs my flock:

CHAP. 30. Ver. 1. But now the younger in time: when I was conspicuous and in magnificence; th y
that is, younger than I am, and aa it were obscure, now look down on me.
The contcm-pt now shown him JOB Great calamity has now come upon him
2 of whose hands was to
The strength 20 I cry to thee, and thou hearest me
me as nothing, and they were thought not: I stand up, and thou dost not re
unworthy of life itself. gard me.
3 Barren with want and hunger, who 21 Thou art changed to be cruel toward
gnawed in the wilderness, disfigured with me, and in the hardness of thy hand
calamity and misery. thou art against me.
4 And they ate grass, and barks of trees, 22 Thou hast lifted me up, and set me
and the root of junipers was their food. as it were upon the wind, and thou hast
5 Who snatched up these things out of mightily dashed me.
the valleys, and when they had found 23 I know that thou wilt deliver me to
any of them, they ran to them with a death, where a house is appointed for
cry. every one that liveth.
6 They dwelt in the desert places of 24 But yet thou stretchest not forth
torrents, and in caves of earth, or upon thy hand to their consumption: and if
the gravel. they shall fall down thou wilt save.
7 They pleased themselves among these 25 I wept heretofore for him that was
kind of things, and counted it delightful afflicted, and my soul had compassion
to be under -the briers. on the poor.
8 The children of foolish and base men, 26 I expected good things, and evils
and not appearing at all upon the earth. are come upon me: I waited for light,
9 Now I am turned into their song, and and darkness broke out.
am become their byword. 27 My inner parts have boiled without
10 They abhor me, and flee far from any rest, the days of affliction have pre
me, and are not afraid to spit in my vented me.
face. 28 I went mourning without indigna
11 For he hath opened his quiver, and tion; I rose up, and cried in the crowd.
hath afflicted me, and hath put a bridle 29 I was the brother of dragons, and
into my mouth. companion of ostriches.
12 At the right hand of my rising, my 30 My skin is become black upon me,
calamities forthwith arose: they have and my bones are dried up with heat.
overthrown my feet, and have over 31 My harp is turned to mourning, and
whelmed me with their paths as with my organ into the voice of those that
waves. weep.
13 They have destroyed my ways, they
have lain in wait against me, and they
Job, to defend himself from the unjust judgments
have prevailed, and there was none to of his friends, gives a sincere account of his own
help. virtues.
14 They have rushed in upon me, as MADE a covenant with my eyes,
when ai wall is broken, and a gate I that I would not so much as think
opened, and have rolled themselves upon a virgin.
down to my
miseries. 2 For what part should God from above
15 I am brought to nothing: as a wind have in me, and what inheritance the
thou hast taken away my desire: and Almighty from on high?
my prosperity hath passed away like- a 3 Is not destruction to the wicked, and
cloud. aversion to them that work iniquity?
16 And now my soul fadeth within my 4 Doth not he consider my ways, and
self,and the days of affliction possess me. number all my steps ?
17 In the night my bone is pierced with 5 If .1 have walked in vanity, and my
sorrows: and they that feed upon me, foot hath made haste to deceit:
do not sleep. 6 Let him weigh me in a just balance,
18 With the multitude of them my gar and let God know my simplicity.
ment is consumed, and they have girded 7 If my step hath turned out of the
me about, as with the collar of my coat. way, and if my heart hath followed my
19 I am compared to dirt, and am lik eyes, and if a spot hath cleaved to my
ened to embers and ashes. hands:

Ver. 29. Brother of dragons, &c. Imitating these creatures in their lamentable noise.

Job recites his good deeds JOB Job recites his good deeds

8 Then let me sow and let another eat: 28 Which is a very great iniquity, and
and my offspring
let be rooted out. a denial against the most high God.
9 If my heart hath been deceived upon 29 If I have been glad at the downfall
a woman, and if I have laid wait at my of him that hated me, and have rejoiced
friend s door: that evil had found him.
10 Let my wife be the harlot of another, 30 For I have not given my mouth to
and let other men lie with her. sin, by wishing a curse to his soul.
11 For this is a heinous crime, and a 31 If the men of my tabernacle have
most grievous iniquity. not said: Who will give us of his flesh
12 It is a fire that devoureth even to that we may be filled ?
destruction, and rooteth up all things 32 The stranger did not stay without,
that spring. my door was open to the traveller.
13 If I have despised to abide judgment 33 If as a man I have hid my sin, and
with my manservant, or my maidservant, have concealed my iniquity in my
when they had any controversy against bosom.
me: 34 If I have been afraid at a very great
14 For what shall I do when God shall multitude, and the contempt of kins
rise to and when he shall exam
judge ? men hath terrified me: and I have not
ine, what shall I answer him ? rather held my peace, and not gone out
15 Did not he that made me in the of the door.
womb mate him also: and did not one 35 Who would grant me a hearer, that
and the same form me in the womb ? the Almighty may hear my desire; and
16 If I have denied to the poor what that he himself that judgeth would write
they desired, and have made the eyes of a book,
the widow wait: 36 That I may carry it on my shoulder,
17 If I have eaten my morsel alone, and and put it about me as a crown ?
the fatherless hath not eaten thereof: 37 At every step of mine I would pro
18 (For from my infancy mercy grew up nounce it, and offer it as to a prince.
with me: and it came out with me from 38 If my land cry against me, and with
my mother s womb:) it the furrows thereof mourn:
19 If I have despised him that was per 39 If I have eaten the fruits thereof
ishing for want of clothing, and the poor without money, and have afflicted the
man that had no covering: soul of the tillers thereof:
20 If his sides have not blessed me, and 40 Let thistles grow up to me instead of
if he were not warmed with the fleece of wheat, and thorns instead of barley.
my sheep: The words of Job are ended.
21 If I have lifted up my hand against
the fatherless, even when I saw myself CHAPTER 32
superior in the gate: Eliu is angry both with Job and his friends. He
boasts of himself.
22 Let my shoulder fall from its joint,
and let my arm with its bones be broken. these three men ceased to answer
23 For I have always feared God as SOJob, because he seemed just to him
waves swelling over me, and his weight self.
I was not able to bear. 2. Eliu the son of Barachel the Buz-
24 If I have thought gold my strength, ite,of the kindred of Ram, was angry
and have said to fine gold My confidence : : and was moved to indignation: now he
25 If I have rejoiced over my great was angry against Job, because he said
riches, and because my hand had gotten he was just before God.
much. 3 And he was angry with his friends,
26 If I beheld the sun when it shined, because they had not found a reasonable
and the moon going in brightness: answer, but only had condemned Job.
27 And my heart in secret hath re 4 So Eliu waited while Job was speak
ing, because they were his elders
have kissed hand with that
joiced, and I my
my mouth: were speaking.
CHAP. Ver. 26. // / beheld the sun, &c. If I
31. God, I call on my adversaries to produce any thing
behold the sun and moon with admiration, knowing against me, whereby I could be charged with wor
them to be created and governed by the power of shipping the sun or moon.

Eliu reproves Job s friends TOB Elm blames Job
5 But when he saw that the three were CHAPTER 33
not able to answer, he was exceedingly Eliu blames Job for asserting his own innocence
angry. therefore, Job, my speeches,
6 Then Eliu the son of Barachel the
Buzite answered, and said: I am younger
HEAR and hearken to all my words.
2 Behold now I have opened my mouth,
in days, and you are more ancient; there
fore hanging down my head, I was
my tongue speak within my jaws.
3 My words are from my upright heart,
afraid to shew you my opinion. and my lips shall speak a pure sentence.
7 For I hoped that greater age would 4 The spirit of God made me, and the
speak, and that a multitude of years breath of the Almighty gave me life.
would teach wisdom. 5 If thou canst, answer me, and stand
8 But, as I see, there is a spirit in men,
and the inspiration of the Almighty giv-
up against my face.
6 Behold God hath made me as well as
eth understanding. and of the same clay I also was
9 They that are aged are not the wise formed.
men, neither do the ancients understand 7 But yet let not my wonder terniy
judgment. thee, and let not my eloquence be bur
10 Therefore I will speak: Hearken densome to thee.
to me, I also will shew you my wis 8 Now thou hast said in my hearing
dom. and I have heard the voice of thy words:
11 For I have waited for your words, I 9 I am clean, and without sin: I am un
have given ear to your wisdom, as long
spotted, and there is no iniquity in me.
as you were disputing in words. 10 Because he hath found complaints
12 And as long as I thought you said against me, therefore he hath counted
some thing, I considered: but, as I see, me for his enemy.
there is none of you that can convince 11 He hath put tny feet in the stocks,
Job, and answer his words. he hath observed all my paths.
13 Lest you should say: We have found 12 Now this is the thing in which thou
wisdom, God hath cast him down, not art not justified: I will answer thee, that
man. God is greater than man.
14 He hath spoken nothing to me, and 13 Dost thou strive against him, because
I will not answer him according to your he hath not answered thee to all words ?
words. 14 God speaketh once, and repeateth
15 They were afraid, and answered no not the selfsame thing the second time.
more, and they left off speaking. 15 By a dream in a vision by night,
16 Therefore because I have waited, and when deep sleep falleth upon men, and
they have not spoken: they stood, and they are sleeping in their beds:
answered no more: 16 Then he openeth the ears of men,
17 I also will answer my part, and will and teaching instructeth them in what
shew my knowledge. they are to learn.-
18 For I am full of matter to speak of, 17 That he may withdraw a man from
and the spirit of my bowels straiteneth the things he is doing, and may deliver
me. him from pride.
19 Behold, my belly is as new wine 18 Rescuing his soul from corruption:
which wanteth vent, which bursteth the and his life from passing to the sword.
new vessels. 19 He rebuketh also by sorrow in the bed,
20 speak and take breath a little:
I will and he maketh all his bones to wither.
I will open my lips, and will answer. 20 Bread becometh abominable to him
21 I will not accept the person of man, in his life, and to his soul the meat which
and not level God with man.
I will before he desired.
22 For I know not how long I shall con 21 His flesh shall be consumed away,
tinue, and whether after a while my and his bones that were covered shall be
Maker may take me away. made bare.

CHAP. 32. Ver. 21. I will not level God with man. to an equal : Eliu expresses in the following ver. 22.
Here Eliu considers that Job hath put himself on a his fear of punishment hereafter for such an at
level with God, by the manner he assumed to jus tempt.
tify his own life in speaking to God as if he spoke

God punishes man to save him JOB The justice of God
22 His soul hath drawn near to corrup 9 For he hath said: Man shall not
tion, and his life to the destroyers. please God, although he run with him.
23 If there shall be an angel speaking 10 Therefore, ye men of understanding,
for him, one among thousands, to de hear me: far from God be wickedness,
clare man s uprightness, and iniquity from the Almighty.
24 He shall have mercy on him, and 11 For he will render to a man his work,
shall say: Deliver him, that he may not and according to the ways of every one
go down to corruption: I have found he will reward them.
wherein I may be merciful to him. 12 For in very deed God will not con
25 His flesh is consumed with punish demn without cause, neither will the Al
ments, let him return to the days of his mighty pervert judgment.
youth. 13 What other hath he appointed over
26 He shall pray to God, and he will be the earth? or whom hath he set over
gracious to him: and he shall see his the world which he made?
face with joy, and he will render to man 14 If he turn his heart to him, he shall
his justice. draw his spirit and breath unto himself.
27 He shall look upon men, and shall 15 All flesh shall perish together, and
say: I have sinned, and indeed I have man shall return into ashes.
offended, and I have not received what I 16 If then thou hast understanding,
have deserved. hear what is said, and hearken to the
28 He hath delivered his soul from voice of my words.
going into destruction, that it may live 17 Can he be healed that loveth not
and see the light. judgment? and how dost thou so far
29 Behold, all these things God worketh condemn him that is just?
three times within every one. 18 Who saith to the king: Thou art an
30 That he may withdraw their souls
apostate: who calleth rulers ungodly:
from corruption, and enlighten them with 19 l Who accepteth not the persons of

the light of the living.

princes: nor hath regarded the tyrant,
31 Attend, Job, and hearken to me: when he contended against the poor
and hold thy peace, whilst I speak. man: for all are the work of his hands.
32 But if thou hast any thing to say, 20 They shall suddenly die, and the peo
answer me, speak: for I would have
ple shall be troubled at midnight, and
thee to appear just.
they shall pass, and take away the vio
33 And if thou have not, hear me: hold lent without hand.
thy peace, and I will teach thee wisdom. 21 For his eyes are upon the ways of
CHAPTER 34 men, and he considereth all their steps.
Eliu charges Job with blasphemy: and sets forth
22 There is no darkness, and there is
the power and justice of God. no shadow of death, where they may be
Eliu continued his discourse, arid hid who work iniquity.
ASTDsaid: 23 For it is no longer in the power of
2 Hear ye, wise men, my words, and ye man to enter into judgment with God.
learned, hearken to me: 24 He shall break in pieces many and
3 "For the ear trieth words, and the innumerable, and shall make others to
mouth discerneth meats by the taste. stand in their stead.
4 Let us choose to us judgment, and let 25 For he knoweth their works: and
us see among ourselves what is the best. therefore he shall bring night on them,
5 For Job hath said: I am just, and God and they shall be destroyed.
hath overthrown my judgment. 26 He hath struck them, as being
6 For in judging me there is a lie:
arrow is violent without any sin.
my wicked, in open sight.
27 Who as it were on purpose have re
7 What man is there like Job, who volted from him, and would not under
drinketh up scorning like water? stand all his ways:
8 Who goeth in company with them 28 So that they caused the cry of the
that work iniquity, and walketh with needy to come to him, and he heard the
wicked men ? voice of the poor.
M Supra 12. 11. Acts 10. 34 Rom. 2. 11 Gal. 2. 6 Eph. 6. 9
; ; : ;
"j Deut 10. 17 ; 2 Par. 19. 7 ; Wisd.6. 8 ; Eccli. 35. 16 ; Col. 3. 25 ; 1 Peter 1. 17.

El in accuses Job of blasphemy JOB God is just
29 For when he granteth peace, who is 11 Who teacheth us more than the
there that can condemn ? When he hid- beasts of the earth, and instructeth us
eth his countenance, who is there that more than the fowls of the air.
can behold him, whether it regard na 12 There shall they cry, and he will not
tions, or all men ? hear, because of the pride of evil men.
30 Who maketh a man that is a hypo 13 God therefore will not hear in vain,
crite to reign for the sins of the people ? and the Almighty will look into the
31 Seeing then I have spoken of God, I causes of every one.
will not hinder thee in thy turn. 14 Yea, when thou shalt say: He con-
32 If I have erred, teach thou me: if I sidereth not: be judged before him, and
have spoken iniquity, I will add no more. expect him.
33 Doth God require it of thee, because 15 For he doth not now bring on his
it hath displeased thee ? for thou began- fury, neither doth he revenge wicked
nest to speak, and not I: but if thou ness exceedingly.
know any thing better, speak. 16 Therefore Job openeth his mouth in
34 Let men of understanding speak to vain, and multiplieth words without
me, and let a wise man hearken to me. knowledge.
35 But Job hath spoken foolishly, and CHAPTER 36
his words sound not discipline. Eliu proceeds in setting forth the justice and power
36 My father, let Job be tried even to of God.
the end: cease not from the man of ini also proceeded, and said:
quity. ELIU
2 Suffer me a and I will shew
37 Because he addeth blasphemy upon thee: for I have yet somewhat to speak
him be tied fast in the mean
his sins, let in God s behalf.
time amongst us: and then let him pro 3 I will repeat my knowledge from the
voke God to judgment with his speeches. beginning, and I will prove my Maker
CHAPTER 35 4 For indeed my words are without a
Eliu declares that the good or evil done by man lie, and perfect knowledge shall be proved
cannot reach God. to thee.
Eliu spoke these words: 5 God doth not cast away the mighty,
2 Doth thy thought seem right to whereas he himself also is mighty.
thee, that thou shouldst say: I am more 6 But he saveth not the wicked, and he
just than God? giveth judgment to the poor.
3 For thou saidst: That which is right 7 He will not take away his eyes from
doth not please thee: or what will it the just, and he placeth kings on the
profit thee if I sin ? throne for ever, and they are exalted.
4 Therefore I will answer thy words, 8 And if they shall be in chains, and be
and thy friends with thee. bound with the cords of poverty:
5 Look up to heaven and see, and be 9 He shall shew them their works, and
hold the sky, that it is higher than their wicked deeds, because they have
thee. been violent.
6 If thou sin, what shalt thou hurt 10 He also shall open their ear, to cor
him? and if thy iniquities be multiplied, rect them: and shall speak, that they
what shalt thou do against him ? may return from iniquity.
7 And if thou do justly, what shalt thou 11 If they shall hear and observe, they
give him, or what shall he receive of thy shall accomplish their days in good, and
hand ? their years in glory.
8 Thy wickedness may hurt a man that 12 But if they hear not, they shall pass
is likethee and thy justice may help the
: by the sword, and shall be consumed in
son of man. folly.
9 By reason of the multitude of oppres 13 Dissemblers and crafty men prove
sors they shall cry out: and shall wail the wrath of God, neither shall they cry
for the violence of the arm of tyrants. when they are bound.
10 And he hath not said: Where is God, 14 Their soul shall die in a storm, and
who made me, who hath given songs in their life among the effeminate.
the night? 15 He shall deliver the poor out of his

The greatness of God JOB The wonderful works of Goc
distress, and shall open his ear in afflic this my heart trembleth, and is
tion. AT moved out of
2 Hear
its place.
16 Therefore he shall set thee at large ye attentively the terror of his
out of the narrow mouth, and which hath voice, and the sound that cometh out of
no foundation under it: and the rest of his mouth.
thy table shall be full of fatness. 3 He beholdeth under all the heavens,
17 Thy cause hath been judged as that and his light is upon the ends of the
of the wicked, cause and judgment thou earth.
shalt recover. 4 After it a noise shall roar, he shall
18 Therefore let not anger overcome thunder with the voice of his majesty,
thee to oppress any man: neither let and shall not be found out, when his
multitude of gifts turn thee aside. voice shall be heard.
19 Lay down thy greatness without trib 5 God shall thunder wonderfully with
ulation, and all the mighty of strength. his voice, he that doth great and un
20 Prolong not the night that people searchable things.
may come up for them. 6 He commandeth the snow to go down
21 Beware thou turn not aside to ini upon the earth, and the winter rain, and
quity: for this thou hast begun to follow the shower of his strength.
after misery. 7 He sealeth up the hand of all men,
22 Behold, God is high in his strength, that eveiy one may know his works.
and none is like him among the law 8 Then the beast shall go into his
givers. covert, and shall abide in his den.
23 Who can search out his ways? or 9 Out of the inner parts shall a tempest
who can say to him: Thou hast wrought come, and cold out of the north.
iniquity ? 10 When God bloweth there cometh
24 Remember that thou Icnowest not his frost, and again the waters are poured
work, concerning which men have sung. out abundantly.
25 All men see him, every one be- 11 Corn desireth clouds, and the clouds
holdeth afar off. spread their light:
26 Behold, God is great, exceeding our 12 Which go round about, whithersoever
knowledge: the number of his years is the will of him that governeth them shall
inestimable. lead them, to whatsoever he shall com
27 He lifteth up the drops of rain, and mand them upon the face of the whole
poureth out showers like floods: earth :

28 Which flow from the clouds that 13 Whether in one tribe, or in his own
cover all above. land, or in what place soever of his mercy
29 If he will spread out clouds as his he shall command them to be found.
tent, 14 Hearken to these things, Job: Stand,
30 And lighten with his light from above, and consider the wondrous works of
he shall cover also the ends of the sea. God.
31 For by these he judgeth people, and 15 Dost thou know when God com
giveth food to many mortals. manded the rains, to shew his light of
32 In his hands he hideth the light, and his clouds ?
commandeth it to come again. 16 Knowest thou the great paths of the
33 He sheweth his friend concerning it, clouds, and the perfect knowledges ?
that it is his possession, and that he may 17 Are not thy garments hot, when the
come up to it. south wind blows upon the earth?
CHAPTER 37 18 Thou perhaps hast made the heavens
Eliu goes on in his discourse, shewing God s wisdom with him, which are most strong, as if
and power, by his wonderful works. they were of molten brass.
CHAP. 36. Ver. 16. Out of the narrow mouth. CHAP. 37. Ver. 7. He sealeth up, &c. When he
That is, out of hell, whose entrance is narrow, and sends those showers of his strength, that is, those
its depth bottomless but figuratively meant here,
; storms of rain, he seals up, that is, he shuts up the
that is, from his miseries and calamity to be restored hands of men from their usual works abroad, and
to his former state of happiness. confines them within doors, to consider his works ;
Ver. 21. For this thou hast begun to follow after or to forecast their works, that is, what they them
misery. Eliu charges Job, that notwithstanding his selves are to do.
misery, he does not fear God as he ought but in his

judgment, falls into iniquity,

God answers Job JOB The littleness of man s knowledge
19 Shew us what we may say to him: 13 And didst thou hold the extremities
forwe are wrapped up in darkness. of the earth shaking them, and hast thou
20 Who shall tell him the things I shaken the ungodly out of it ?
speak ? even if a man shall speak, he 14 The seal shall be restored as clay,
shall be swallowed up. and shall stand as a garment:
21 But now they see not the light: the 15 From the wicked their light shall be
air on a sudden shall be thickened into taken away, and the high arm shall be
clouds, and the wind shall pass and broken.
drive them away. 16 Hast thou entered into the depths of
22 Cold cometh out of the north, and to the sea, and walked in the lowest parts
God praise with fear. of the deep?
23 We cannot find him worthily: he is 17 Have the gates of death been opened
great in strength, and in judgment, and to thee, and hast thou seen the darksome
in justice, and he is ineffable. doors ?
24 Therefore men shall fear him, and all 18 Hast thou considered the breadth of
that seem to themselves to be wise, shall the earth ? tell me, if thou knowest all
not dare to behold him. things?
CHAPTER 38 19 Where is the way where light dwell-
God interposes and shews from the things he hath eth, and where is the place of darkness:
made, that man cannot comprehend his power 20 That thou mayst bring every thing
and wisdom. to its own bounds, and understand the
the Lord answered Job out of a paths of the house thereof.
whirlwind, and said: 21 Didst thou know then that thou
2 Who that wrappeth up sen
is this shouldst be born? and didst thou know
tences in unskilful words ? the number of thy days?
3 Gird up thy loins like a man: I will 22 Hast thou entered into the store
ask thee, and answer thou me. houses of the snow, or hast thou beheld
4 Where wast thou when I laid the foun the treasures of the hail:
dations of the earth ? tell me if thou hast 23 Which I have prepared for the time
understanding. of the enemy, against the day of battle
5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, and war?
if thou knowest? or who hath stretched 24 By what way is the light spiread, and
the line upon it? heat divided upon the earth ?
6 Upon what are its bases grounded ? or 25 Who gave a course to violent show
who laid the corner stone thereof, ers, or a way for noisy thunder:
7 When the morning stars praised me 26 That it should rain on the earth with
together, and all the sons of God made a out man in the wilderness, where no
joyful melody? mortal dwelleth:
8 Who shut up the sea with doors, when 27 That it should fill the desert and
it broke forth as issuing out of the womb : desolate land, and should bring forth
9 When I made a cloud the garment green grass?
thereof, and wrapped it in a mist as in 28 Who is the father of rain? or who
swaddling bands ? begot the drops of dew?
10 I set my bounds around it, and made 29 Out of whose womb came the ice;
it bars and doors: and the frost from heaven who hath gen
11 And I said: Hitherto thou shalt come, dered it?
and shalt go no further, and here thou 30 The waters are hardened like a stone,
shalt break thy swelling waves. and the surface of the deep is congealed.
12 Didst thou since thy birth command 31 Shalt thou be able to join together
the morning, and shew the dawning of the shining stars the Pleiades, or canst
the day its place? thou stop the turning about of Arcturus"?
Ver. 20. He shall be swallowed up. All that man Ver. 31. Pleiades, Hebrew, Cimah. A cluster of
can say when he speaks of God, is so little and in seven stars in the constellation Taurus or the Bull.
considerable in comparison with the subject that Arcturus, a bright star in the constellation Bootes.
man is lost, and as it were swallowed up in so im The Hebrew name Cesil, is variously interpreted
mense an ocean. by some, Orion, by others, the Great Bear is under
CHAP. 38. Ver. 1. The Lord. That is. an angel stood.
speaking in the name of the Lord.

The littleness of a-nan s power JOB The horse
32 Canst thou bring forth the day star the rhinoceros be willing to
9 Shall
in its time, and make the evening star to serve thee, or will he stay at thy crib ?
rise upon the children of the earth? 10 Canst thou bind the rhinoceros with
33 Dost thou know the order of heaven, thy thong to plough, or will he break
and canst thou set down the reason the clods of the valleys after thee ?
thereof on the earth ? 11 Wilt thou have confidence in his
34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the great strength, and leave thy labours to
clouds, that an abundance of waters may him?
cover thee ? 12 Wilt thou trust him that he will ren
35 Canst thou send lightnings, and will der thee the seed, and gather it into thy
they go, and will they return and say to barnfloor ?
thee Here we are ?
: 13 The wing of the ostrich is like the
36 Who hath put wisdom in the heart of wings of the heron, and of the hawk.
man ? or who gave the cock understand 14 When she leaveth her eggs on the
ing? earth, thou perhaps wilt warm them in
37 Who can declare the order of the the dust.
heavens, or who can make the harmony 15 She forge tteth that the foot may
of heaven to sleep ? tread upon them, or that the beasts of
38 When was the dust poured on the the field may break them.
earth, and the clods fastened together ? 16 She is hardened against her young
39 Wilt thou take the prey for the lion ones as though they were not hers, she
ess, and satisfy the appetite of her hath laboured in vain, no fear constrain
whelps, ing her.
40 When they couch in the dens and lie 17 For God hath deprived her of wisdom,
in wait in holes ? neither hath he given her understanding-.
41 who provideth food for the raven,

18 When time shall be, she setteth up

when her young ones cry to God, wan her wings on high: she scorneth the
dering about, because they have no meat ? horse and his rider.
19 Wilt thou give strength to the horse,
CHAPTER 39 or clothe his neck with neighing?
The -wonders of the power and providence of God in
20 Wilt thou lift him up like the locusts ?
many of his creatures.
the glory of his nostrils is terror.
thou the time when the 21 He breaketh up the earth with his
wild goats bring forth among the hoof,, he pranceth boldly, he goeth for
rocks, or hast thou observed the hinds ward to meet armed men.
when they fawn? 22 He despiseth fear, he turneth not his
2 Hast thou numbered the months of back to the sword.
their conceiving, or knowest thou the 23 Above him shall the quiver rattle,
time when they bring forth ? the spear and shield shall glitter.
3 They bow themselves to bring forth 24 Chasing and raging he swalloweth
young, and they cast them, and send the ground, neither doth he make account
forth roarings. when the noise of the trumpet soundeth.
4 Their young are weaned and go to feed :
25 When he heareth the trumpet he
they go forth, and return not to them. saith Ha, ha he smelleth the battle afar
: :

5 Who hath sent out the wild ass off, the encouraging of the captains, and
and who hath loosed his bonds ? the shouting of the army.
6 To whom I have given a house in the 26 Doth the hawk wax feathered by
wilderness, and his dwellings in the bar thy wisdom, spreading her wings to the
ren land. south ?
7 He scorneth the multitude of the 27 Will the eagle mount up at thy com
he heareth not the cry of the driver. mand, and make her nest in high places ?
He looketh round about the mountains 28 She abideth among the rocks, and
of his pasture, and seeketh for dwelleth among cragged flints, and stony
green thing. hills, where there is no access.
w Ps. 146. 9.

Ver. 36. Underxtanding. That instinct by which he distinguishes the times of crowing in the nij?ht.

Tob humbles himself to God TOB The behemoth and the leviaihan

29 From thence she looketh for the 12 He setteth up his tail like a cedar,
prey, and her eyes behold afar off. the sinews of his testicles are wrapped
30 Her young ones shall suck up blood: together.
and wheresoever the carcass shall be, 13 His bones are like pipes of brass, his
she is immediately there. gristle like plates of iron.
31 And the Lord went on, and said to 14 He is the beginning of the ways of
Job: God, who made him, he will apply his
32 Shall he that contendeth with God sword.
be so easily silenced? surely he that re- 15 To him the mountains bring forth
proveth God, ought to answer him. grass: there all the beasts of the field
33 Then Job answered the Lord, and shall play.
said: 16 He sleepeth under the shadow, in
34 What can I answer, who hath spoken the covert of the reed, and in moist
inconsiderately ? I will lay my hand upon places.
my mouth. 17 The shades cover his shadow, the
35 One thing I have spoken, which I willows of the brook shall compass him
wish I had not said: and another, to about.
which I will add no more. 18 Behold, he will drink up a river, and
not wonder: and he trusteth that the
CHAPTER 40 Jordan may run into his mouth.
Of the power of God in the behemoth and the levia- 19 In his eyes as with a hook he shall
take him, and bore through his nostrils
the Lord answering Job out of with stakes.
A^Dthe whirlwind, said: 20 Canst thou draw out the leviathan
2 Gird up thy loins like a man: I will with a hook, or canst thou tie his tongue
ask thee, and do thou tell me. with a cord?
3 Wilt thou make void my judgment: 21 Canst thou put a ring in his nose, or
and condemn me, that thou mayst be bore through his jaw with a buckle?
justified ? 22 Will he make many supplications to
4 And hast thou an arm like God, and thee, or speak soft words to thee ?
canst thou thunder with a voice like 23 Will he make a covenant with thee,
him? and wilt thou take him to be a servant
5 Clothe thyself with beauty, and set for ever?
thyself up on high, and be glorious, and 24 Shalt thou play with him as with a
put on goodly garments. bird, or tie him up for thy handmaids ?
6 Scatter the proud in thy indignation, 25 Shall friends cut him in pieces, shall
and behold every arrogant man, and merchants divide him ?
humble him. 26 Wilt thou fill nets with his skin, and
7 Look on all that are proud, and con the cabins of fishes with his head ?
found them, and crush the wicked in 27 Lay thy hand upon him: remember
their place. the battle, and speak no more.
8 Hide them in the dust together, and 28 Behold his hope shall fail him, and
plunge their faces into the pit. in the sight of all he shall be cast down.
9 Then I will confess that thy right
hand is able to save thee. CHAPTER 41
10 Behold behemoth whom I made with A further description of the leviathan

thee, he eateth grass like an ox. WILL not stir him up, like one that
11 His strength is in his loins, and his I is cruel: for who can resist my coun
force in the navel of his belly. tenance ?

CHAP. 39. Ver. 34. Spoken inconsiderately. If hetna, which signifies in general an animal; but
we discuss all Job s words (saith St. Gregory), we many authors explain, that here it is put for the
shall find nothing impiously spoken as may be
: elephant.
gathered from the words of the Lord himself, chap. Ver. 14. He wiU apply hit sword This text is
42, ver. 7, 8 but what was reprehensible in him,
; variously explained some explain the sword, the

was the manner of expressing himself at times, horn given to the animal for his defence : others,
speaking too much of his own affliction, and too little the power that God hath given to man to slay him,
of God s goodness towards him, which here he ac notwithstanding his great size and strength.
knowledges as inconsiderate. Ver. 20. Lf.iritj.than. The whale or some sea
CHAP. 40. Ver. JO. Behemoth, in Hebrew, 6e- monster.

The leviathan JOB Gad justifies Job
2 Who hath given me before that I him, and he shall strew gold under him
should repay him? All things that are like mire.
under heaven are mine. 22 He shall make the deep sea to boil
3 I will not spare him, nor his mighty like a pot, and shall make it as when
words, and framed to make supplication. ointments boil.
4 Who can discover the face of his gar 23 A path shall shine after him, he shall
ment? or who can go into the midst of esteem the deep as growing old.
his mouth? 24 There is no power upon earth that
5 Whocan open the doors of his face ? can be compared with him who was
his teeth are terrible round about. made to fear no one.
6 His body is like molten shields, shut 25 He beholdeth every high thing, he is
close up with scales pressing upon one king over all the children of pride.
7 One is joined to another, and not so
Job submits himself. God pronounces in his favor.
much as any air can come between Job offers sacrifice for his friends. He is blessed
them: with riches and children, and dies happily.
8 They stick one to another and they rp HEN Job answered the Lord, and
hold one another fast, and shall not be said
JL :

separated. 2 T know that thou canst do all things,

9 His sneezing is like the shining of fire, and no thought is hid from thee.
and his eyes like the eyelids of the 3 Who is this that hideth counsel with
morning. out knowledge ? Therefore I have spoken
10 Out of his mouth go forth lamps, like unwisely, and things that above measure
torches of lighted fire. exceeded my knowledge.
11 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, like 4 Hear, and I will speak: I will ask
that of a pot heated and boiling. thee, and do thou tell me.
12 His breath kindleth coals, and a 5 With the hearing of the ear, I have
flame cometh forth out of his mouth. heard thee, but now my eye seeth thee.
13 In his neck strength shall dwell, and 6 Therefore I reprehend myself, and do
want goeth before his face. penance in dust and ashes.
14 The members of his flesh cleave one 7 And after the Lord had spoken these
to another: he shall send lightnings words to Job, he said to Eliphaz the
against him, and they shall not be carried Themanite: My wrath is kindled against
to another place. thee, and against thy two friends, because
15 His heart shall be as hard as a stone, you have not spoken the thing that is
and firm as a smith s anvil.
a.s right before me, as my servant Job hath.
16 When he shall raise him up, the 8 Take unto you therefore seven oxen,
angels shall fear, and being affrighted and seven rams, and go to my servant
shall purify themselves. Job, and offer for yourselves a holocaust :

17 When a sword shall lay at him, it and my servant Job shall pray for you:
shall not be able to hold, nor a spear, nor his face I will accept, that folly be not
a breastplate. imputed to you: for you have not spoken
18 For he shall esteem iron as straw, right things before me, as my servant
and brass as rotten wood. Job hath.
19 The archer shall not put him to flight, 9 So Eliphaz the Themanite, and Baldad
the stones of the sling are to him like the Suhite, and Sophar the Naamathite
stubble. went, and did as the Lord had spoken to
20 As
stubble will he esteem the hammer, them, and the Lord accepted the face of
and he will laugh him to scorn who Job.
shaketh the spear. 10 The Lord also was turned at the pen
21 The beams of the sun shall be under ance of Job, when he prayed for his
CHAP. 41. Ver. 16. Angels. Elim, Hebrew which
; as it were with the froth which he leaves behind
signifies here, the mighty, the most valiant, shall him.
fear this monstrous fish and in their fear shall seek Ver. 25. He is king, &c. He is superior in strength
to be purified.
to all that are great and strong amongst living
Ver. 21. Under him. He shall not value the creatures : mystically it is understood of the devil,
beams of the sun and gold to him shall be like mire.
who is king over all the proud.
Ver. 23. The deep as growing old. Growing hoary,

The happiness of the just PSALMS Persecutors of the Lord

friends. And the Lord gave Job twice 13 And he had seven sons, and three
as much as he had before. daughters.
11 And all his brethren came to him, 14 And he called the name of one Dies,
and all his sisters, and all that knew him and the name of the second Cassia, and
before, and they ate bread with him in the name of the third Cornustibii.
his house: and bemoaned him, and com 15 And there were not found in all the
forted him upon all the evil that God had earth women so beautiful as the daugh
brought upon him. And every man gave ters of Job: and their father gave them
him one ewe, and one earring of gold. inheritance among their brethren.
12 And the Lord blessed the latter end 16 And Job lived after these things, a
of Job more than his beginning. And hundred and forty years, and he saw his
he had fourteeen thousand sheep, and six children, and his children s children, unto
thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of the fourth generation, and he died an old
oxen, and a thousand she asses. man, and full of days.

The Psalms are called by the Hebrews TEHILLIM, that is, Hymns of Praise. The
author, of a great part of them, was king David; but many of them were made
by Asaph, and others whose names are -prefixed in the titles or whose names are
PSALM 1 *have the Gentiles raged, and

The happiness of the

and the evil state of the
WHY the people devised vain things?
2 The kings of the earth stood up, and
the princes met together, against the
the man who hath not
Lord, and against his Christ.
walked in the counsel of the ungod 3 Let us break their bonds asunder:
ly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor and let us cast away their yoke from us.
sat in the chair of pestilence. 4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall
2 * But his will is in the law of the Lord, laugh at them: and he Lord shall de
and on his law he shall meditate day and ride them.
night. 5 Then shall he speak to them in his
3 v And he shall be like a tree which is anger, and trouble them in his rage.
planted near the running waters, which 6 But I am appointed king by him over
ehall bring forth its fruit, in due season. Sion his holy mountain, preaching his
And his leaf shall not fall off: and all commandment.
whatsoever he shall do shall prosper. 7 a The Lord hath said to me: Thou art
4 Not so the wicked, not so: but like my son, this day have I begotten thee.
the dust, which the wind driveth from 8 Ask of me, and I will give thee the
the face of the earth. Gentiles for thy inheritance, and the ut
5 Therefore .the wicked shall not rise most parts of the earth for thy posses
again in judgment: nor sinners in the sion.
council of the just. 9 6 Thou shalt rule them with a rod of
6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the iron, and shalt break them in pieces like
just: and the way of the wicked shall a potter s vessel.
perish. 10 And now, O ye kings, understand:
receive instruction, you that judge the
Quare fremuerunt. 11 Serve ye the Lord with fear: and
The vain efforts of persecutors against Christ and
his church. rejoice unto him with trembling.
x Jos. 1. 8. y Jer. 17. 8. a Acts 18. 33 ; Heb. 1. 5, and 5. 5.
z Acts 4. 25. 6 Apoc. 2. 27, and 19. 15.

The protection of God PSALMS God abhors the wicked

12 Embrace discipline, lest at any time you say in your hearts, be sorry for them
the Lord be angry, and you perish from upon your beds.
the just way. .6 Offer up the sacrifice of justice, and
13 When his wrath shall be kindled in a trust in the Lord: many say, Who shew-
short time, blessed are all they that trust eth us good things?
in him. 7 The light of thy countenance O Lord,
is signed upon us: thou hast given glad
PSALM 3 ness in my heart.
Domine, quid multiplicati. 8 By the fruit of their corn, their wine,
The prophet s danger and delivery from his son Ab and oil, they are multiplied.
salom: mystically, the passion and resurrection 9 In peace in the selfsame I will sleep,
of Christ.
and I will rest:
1 The psalm of David when he fled from the face of
his son Absalom. [2 Kings 15.] 10 For thou, Lord, singularly hast
2 TF7HY, Lord, are they multiplied settled me in hope.

W that afflict me ? many are they
rise up against me.
Verba mea auribus.
3 Many say to my soul There is no sal :

vation for him in his God. A prayer to God against the iniquities of men.
1 Unto the end, for her that obtaineth the inherit
4 But thou, O Lord, art my protector, ance. A
psalm for David.
my glory, and the lifter up of my head. 2 IVE my words, un
5 I have cried to the Lord with my voice :
ear, Lord, to
and he hath heard me from his holy hill. VT derstand my cry.
6 I have slept and have taken my rest: 3 my prayer,
Hearken to the voice of
and I have risen up, because the Lord O my King and my God.
hath protected me. 4 For to thee will I pray: O Lord, in the
7 I will not fear thousands of the peo morning thou shalt hear my voice.
5 In the morning I will stand before
ple, surrounding ine: arise, Lord;
save me, my God. thee, and will see: because thou art not
8 For thou hast struck all them who a God that wiliest iniquity.
are my adversaries without cause: thou 6 Neither shall the wicked dwell near
hast broken the teeth of sinners. thee: nor shall the unjust abide before
9 Salvation is of the Lord: and thy thy eyes.
7 Thou hatest all the workers of iniquity:
blessing is upon thy people.
thou wilt destroy all that speak a lie.
PSALM 4 The bloody and the deceitful man the
Cum invocarem. Lord will abhor.
The prophet teacheth iw to flee to God in tribula 8 But as for me in the multitude of thy
tion, with confidence in him. mercy,
1 Unto the end, in verses. A
psalm for David. I will come into thy house; I will wor
2 upon him, the God
TJTHEN I called ship towards thy holy temple, in thy fear.
\\ of my justice heard me: when I 9 Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice:

was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. because of my enemies, direct my way in
Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer. thy sight.
3 ye sons of men, how long will you 10 For there is no truth in their mouth:
be dull of heart ? why do you love van their heart is vain.
ity, and seek after lying? II d Their throat is an open sepulchre:
4 Know
ye also that the Lord hath they dealt deceitfully with their tongues :

made his holy one wonderful: the Lord judge them, God.
will hear me when I shall Let them fall from their devices: accord
cry unto him.
ft c Be
ye angry, and sin not: the things ing to the multitude of their wicked- ~~
c Eph. 4. 26. d Ps. 13. 3, and 139. 4 ; Rom. 3. 13.
PSALM 4. Ver. 1. Unto the end. Or, as St. Je verses, in carminibus. In the Hebrew, it is neghi-
rome renders it, victori, to him that overcomcth- noth, supposed by some to be a musical instrument,
which some understand of the musician- to with which this psalrn^ was to be sung. Ibid. For
whom they suppose the psalms,chiefwhich bear that David, or to David, to Aa|3i5 that is, inspired to ;
title, were given to be sung: we rather understand David himself, or to be sung.
the psalms thus inscribed to refer to
Christ, who is -PsALM 5. Ver. 1. For her that obtaineth the in
the end of the law, and the great conqueror of death
heritance. That is, for the church of Christ.
and hell, ar-d to the New Testament Ibid. In

Prayer of a penitent sinner PSALMS Prayer for help against the enemy
nesses cast them
out: for they have my God, in thee have I put
provoked thee, Lord.
12 But let all them be glad that hope in
my trust: save me from all them
that persecute me, and deliver me.
thee: they shall rejoice for ever, and 3 Lest at any time he seize upon my
thou shalt dwell in them. soul like a lion, while there is no one to
And all they that love thy name shall redeem me, nor to save.
glory in thee: 4 Lord my God, if I have done this
13 For thou wilt bless the just. thing, if there be iniquity in my hands:
Lord, thou hast crowned us, as with a 5 If I have rendered to them that re
shield of thy good will. paid me evils, let me deservedly fall

empty before my enemies.

PSALM 6 6 Let the enemy pursue my soul, and
Domine, ne in furore. take it, and tread down my life on the
A prayer of a penitent sinner, under the scourge earth, and bring down my glory to the
of God. The first penitential psalm. dust.
1 Unto the end, in verses, a psalm for David, for the
7 Rise up, O Lord, in thy anger: and be
thou exalted in the borders of my ene
2 /~\ LORD, rebuke me not in thy in-
\_J dignation, nor chastise me in thy And arise, O Lord my God, in the pre
cept which thou hast commanded: 8 and
3 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am a congregation of people shall surround
weak: heal me, Lord, for my bones thee.
are troubled.
And for their sakes return thou on high.
4 And my soul is troubled exceedingly:
9 The Lord judgeth the people.
but thou, Lord, how long?
5 Turn to me, O Lord, and deliver my Judge me, Lord, according to my jus
and according to my innocence in me.
soul: save me for thy mercy s sake.
10 The wickedness of sinners shall be
6 For there is no one in death, that is
mindful of thee: and who shall confess to brought to nought: and thou shalt direct
the just: /the searcher of hearts and
thee in hell ?
reins is God.
7 I have laboured in my groanings, every
night I will wash my bed: I will water
11 Just is my help from the Lord: who
saveth the upright of heart.
my couch with my tears. 12 God is a just judge, strong and pa
8 My eye is troubled through indigna
tient: is he angry every day?
tion: I have grown old amongst all my 13 Except you will be converted, he
will brandish his sword: he hath bent his
9 e Depart from me, all ye workers of
bow, and made it ready.
iniquity: for the Lord hath heard the 14 And in it he hath prepared the in
voice of my weeping.
struments of death, he hath made ready
10 The Lord hath heard my supplica
his arrows for them that burn.
tion: the Lord hath received my prayer.
15 Behold he hath been in labour with

11 Let all my enemies be ashamed, and be

injustice; he hath conceived sorrow, and
very much troubled: let them be turned brought forth iniquity.
back, and be ashamed very speedily. 16 He hath opened a pit and dug it:
and he is fallen into the hole he made.
17 His sorrow shall be turned on his
Domine, Deus meus. own head: and his iniquity shall come
David, trusting in the justice of his cause, prayeth, down upon his crown.
for God s help against his enemies. 18 I will give glory to the Lord accord
1 The psalm of David which he sung to the Lord,
for the words of Chusi the son of Jemini. [2 Kings, ing to his justice: and will sing to the
16.] name of the Lord the most high.
e Matt. 7. 23, and 25. 41 ; Luke 13. 27. and 17. 10, and 20. 12.
/ 1 Par. 28. 9 ; Jer. 11. 20, g Job 15. 35 Isa. 59. 4. :

PSALM 6. Ver. 1. For the octave. That, is, to be mortal life and for this octave, sinners must dis

sung on an instrument of eight strings. St. Augus pose themselves, like David, by bewailing their sins,
tine understands it mystically, of the last resurrec whilst they are here upon earth.
tion, and the world to come ; which is, as it were, PSALM 7. Ver. 14. For them that burn. That is,
the octave, or eighth day, after the seven days of this against the persecutors of his saints.

God is wonderful in His works PSALMS David praises God for His protection
PSALM 8 6 Thou hast rebuked the Gentiles, and
the wicked one hath perished: thou hast
Domine, Dominus noster.
blotted out their name for ever and ever.
God is wonderful in his works; especially in man
7 The swords of the enemy have failed
kind, singularly exalted by the incarnation of
Christ. unto the end: and their cities thou hast
1 Unto the end, for the presses : a psalm for David. destroyed.
2 f~\ our Lord, how admirable is
LORD Their memory hath perished with a
\_/ thy name in the whole earth! noise: 8 but the Lord remaineth for
For thy magnificence is elevated above ever.
the heavens. He hath prepared his throne in judg
3 Out of the mouth of infants and of ment: 9 and he shall judge the world in
sucklings thou hast perfected praise, be equity, he shall judge the people in jus
cause of thy enemies, that thou mayst tice.
destroy the enemy and the avenger. 10 And the Lord is become a refuge for
4 For I will behold thy heavens, the the poor: a helper in due time in tribu
works of thy fingers: the moon and the lation.
stars which thou hast founded. 11 And let them trust in thee who know
5 What is man that thou art mindful of thy name: for thou hast not forsaken
him ? or the son of man that thou visit- them that seek thee, O Lord.
est him ? 12 Sing ye to the Lord, who dwelleth in
6 ^Thou hast made him a little less Sion: declare his ways among the Gen
than the angels, thou hast crowned him tiles:
with glory and honour: 7 and hast set 13 For requiring their blood he hath re
him over the works of thy hands. membered them: he hath not forgotten
8 * Thou hast subjected all things under the cry of the poor.
his feet, all sheep and oxen: moreover 14 Have mercy on me, Lord: see my
the beasts also of the fields. humiliation ivhich I suffer from my ene
9 The birds of the air, and the fishes of mies.
the sea, that pass through the paths of 15 Thou that liftest me up from the
the sea. gates of death, that I may declare all thy
10 Lord our Lord, how admirable is praises in the gates of the daughter of
thy name in all the earth! Sion.
>o Si 16 I will rejoice in thy salvation: the
PSALM 9 Gentiles have stuck fast in the destruc
Confitebor tibi, Domine. tion which they prepared.
The church praiseth God for his protection against
Their foot hath been taken in the very
her enemies. snare which they hid.
1 Unto the end, for the hidden things of the Son. 17 The Lord shall be known when. he
A psalm for David. executeth judgments: the sinner hath
2 T WILL give praise to thee, Lord, been caught in the works of his own
I with my whole heart: I will relate hands.
all thy wonders.
18 The wicked shall be turned into hell,
3 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I all the nations that forget God.
will sing to thy name, thou most high. 19 For the poor man shall not be for
4 When my enemy shall be turned
gotten to the end: the patience of the
back: they shall be weakened and perish
poor shall not perish for ever.
before thy face. 20 Arise, Lord, let not man be
5 For thou hast maintained my judg
strengthened: let the Gentiles be judged
ment and my cause: thou hast sat on in thy sight.
the throne, who judgest justice. 21 Appoint. Lord, a lawgiver over
h Heb. 2. 7. i Gen. 28
1 Cor. 15. 26.
1. ;

PSALM 8. Ver. 1. The presses. In Hebrew, Git- Ver. 21. Here the late Hebrew doctors divide this
tith, supposed to be a musical instrument psalm into two, making ver. 22 the beginning of
PSALM 9. Ver. 1. The hidden things of the Son. Psalm 10. And again they join Psalms 146 and 147
The humility and sufferings of Christ, the Son of into one, in order that the whole number of psalms
God and of good
Christians, who are his sons by should not exceed 150. And in this manner the
adoption are called hidden things, with regard to
psalms are numbered in the Protestant Bible.
the children of this world, who know not the value
and merit of them.

The wicked, unmindful of God PSALMS Confidence in God s justice
them: that the gentiles may know them the poor: thy ear hath heard the prepa
selves to be but men. ration of their heart.
Psalm 10 according to the Hebrews 18 To judge for the fatherless and for
1 Why, Lord, hast thou retired afar the humble, that man may no more pre
off? why dost thou slight us in our sume to magnify himself upon earth.
wants, in the time of trouble?
2 Whilst the wicked man is proud, the PSALM 10
poor is set on fire: they are caught in In Domino confido.
the counsels which they devise. The just man s confidence in God in the midst of
3 For the sinner is praised in the desires persecutions.
1 Unto the end. A psalm for David.
of his soul and the unjust man is blessed.

4 The sinner hath provoked the Lord, 2 TN the

Lord I put my trust: how then
according to the multitude of his wrath do you say to my soul: Get thee
he will not seek him: away from hence to the mountain like a
5 God is not before his eyes: his ways sparrow ?
are filthy at all times. 3 For, lo, the wicked have bent their
Thy judgments are removed from his bow; they have prepared their arrows in
sight: he shall rule over all his enemies. the quiver; to shoot in the dark the up
6 For he hath said in his heart: I shall right of heart.
not be moved from generation to genera 4 For they have destroyed the things
tion, and shall be without evil. which thou has made: but what has the
7 ^His mouth is full of cursing, and just man done?
of bitterness, and of deceit: under his 5 The Lord is in his holy temple, the

tongue are labour and sorrow. Lord s throne is in heaven.

8 He sitteth in ambush with the rich in His eyes look on the poor man: his
private places, that he may kill the inno eyelids examine the sons of men.
cent. 6 The Lord trieth the just and the
9 His eyes are upon the poor man: he wicked: but he that loveth iniquity ha-
wait in secret like a lion in his den.
lieth in teth his own soul.
He lieth in ambush that he may catch 7 He shall rain snares upon sinners:
the poor man: to catch the poor, whilst fire and brimstone and storms of winds
he draweth him to him. shall be the portion of their cup.
10 In his net he will bring him down, he 8 For the Lord is just, and hath loved
will crouchand fall, when he shall have justice: his countenance hath beheld
power over the poor. righteousness.
11 For he hath said in his heart: God
hath forgotten, he hath turned away his PSALM 11
face not to see to the end. Salvum me fac.
12 Arise, Lord God, let thy hand be The prophet calls for God s help against the wicked
exalted: forget not the poor. 1 Unto the end: for the octave, a psalm for David.
13 Wherefore hath the wicked pro 2 O AVE
me, Lord, for there is now
voked God? for he hath said in his
heart: He will not require it.
no saint: truths are decayed from
among the children of men.
14 Thou seest it, for thou considerest 3 They have spoken vain things every
labour and sorrow: that thou mayst de one to his neighbour: with deceitful lips,
liver them into thy hands. and with a double heart have they spoken.
To thee is the poor man left: thou 4 May the Lord destroy all deceitful
wilt be a helper to the orphan. lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud
15 Break thou the arm of the sinner and things.
of the malignant: his sin shall be
sought, 5 Who have said: We will magnify our
and shall not be found. tongue; our lips are our own; who is
16 The Lord shall reign to eternity, yea, Lord over us?
for ever and ever: ye Gentiles shall per 6 By reasons of the misery of the needy,
ish from his land. and the groans of the poor, now will I
17 The Lord hath heard the desire of arise, saith the Lord.

/ Infra 13. 3 ; Rom, 3, 14. k Hab. 2. 20.

A prayer of one in tribulation PSALMS The innocent shall dwell in Sion

1 will set him in safety; I will deal Their mouth is full of cursing and bitter
confidently in his regard. ness; their feet are swift to shed blood.
7 z The words of the Lord are pure Destruction and unhappiness in their
words as silver tried by the fire, purged
: ways: and the way of peace they have
from the earth, refined seven times. not known: there is no fear of God be
8 Thou, O Lord, wilt preserve us: and fore their eyes.
keep us from this generation for ever. 4 Shall not all they know that work ini
9 The wicked walk round about: ac quity, who devour my people as they eat
cording to thy highness, thou hast multi bread ?

plied the children of men. 5 They have not called upon the Lord:
there have they trembled for fear, where
PSALM 12 there was no fear.
Usquequo. Domine. 6 For the Lord is in the just genera
A prayer in tribulation. tion: you have confounded the counsel of
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David. the poor man, but the Lord is his hope.
Lord, wilt thou forget
long, 7 Who shall give out of Sion the salva
me unto the end ? how long dost tion of Israel ? when the Lord shall have
turn away
thou thy face from me? turned away the captivity of his people,
2 How long shall I take counsels in my Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be
soul, sorrow in my heart all the day? glad.
3 How long shall my enemy be exalted PSALM 14
over me ? 4 Consider, and hear me, O
Domine, quis habitabit.
Lord my God.
What kind of men heavenly Sion
shall dwell in the
Enlighten my eyes that I never sleep
in death: 5 lest at any time my enemy 1 A
psalm of David.

say: I have prevailed against him.

who shall dwell in thy taber
They that trouble me will rejoice when LORD,nacle ? or who shall rest in thy holy
I am moved: 6 but I have trusted in thy hill?
2 He that walketh without blemish, and
v/orketh justice:
My heart shall rejoice in thy salvation :

I will sing to the Lord, who giveth me 3 He that speaketh truth in his heart,
good things: yea I will sing to the name who hath not used deceit in his tongue:
of the Lord the most high. Nor hath done evil to his neighbour:
nor taken up a reproach against his
PSALM 13 neighbours.
Dixit insipiens. 1. 4 In his sight the malignant is brought
The general corruption of man before our redemp to nothing: but he glorifieth them that
tion by Christ. fear the Lord.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David. He that sweareth to his neighbour, and
hath said in his heart:
fool deceiveth not; 5 he that hath not put
THE m There is no God. out his money to usury, nor taken bribes
They are corrupt, and are become against the innocent:
abominable in their ways: there is none He that doth these things shall not be
that doth good, no not one. moved for ever.
2 The Lord hath looked down from hea
ven upon the children of men, to see if PSALM 15
there be any that understand and seek Conserva me, Domine.
God. Christ s future victory and triumph over the world
3 They are all gone aside, they are be and death.
come unprofitable together: there is none 1 The inscription of a title to David himself.
that doth good, no not one.
T)RESERVE me, O Lord, for I have put
Their throat is an open sepulchre: with JT my trust in thee. 2 I have said to
their tongues they acted deceitfully; the the Lord, thou art my God, for thou hast
poison of asps is under their lips. no need of my goods.
I Prov. 30. 5. m Ps. 52. 1.
PSALM 15. Ver. 1. The inscription of a title. That is as much as to say, that this psalm is most worthy
is, of a pillar or monument, arnXoypCHpia which: to be engraved on an everlasting monument.

Hope in the future life PSALMS A prayer for protection
3 To the saints, who are in his land, he 6 I have cried to thee, for thou, O God
hath made wonderful all my desires in hast heard me: O incline thy ear unto
them. me, and hear my words.
4 Their infirmities were multiplied: Shew forth thy wonderful mercies;
afterwards they made haste. thou who savest them that trust in thee.
1 will not gather together their meet 8 From them that resist thy right hand
ings for blood offerings: nor will I be keep me, as the apple of thy eye.
mindful of their names by my lips. Protect me under the shadow of thy
5 The Lord is the portion of my inherit wings. 9 From the face of the wicked
ance and of my cup: it is thou that wilt who have afflicted me.
restore my inheritance to me. My enemies have surrounded my soul:
fi The lines are fallen unto me in goodJy 10 they have shut up their fat: their
places: for my inheritance is goodly to me. mouth hath spoken proudly.
7 I will bless the Lord, who hath given 11 They have cast me forth and now
rne understanding: moreover my reins they have surrounded me: they have set
also have corrected me even till night. their eyes bowing down to the earth.
8 n l set the Lord always in my sight: 12 They have taken me, as a lion pre
for he is at my right hand, that I be not pared for the prey; and as a young lion
moved. dwelling in secret places.
9 Therefore my heart hath been glad, 13 Arise, O Lord, disappoint him and
and my tongue hath rejoiced: moreover supplant him; deliver my soul from the
my flesh also shall rest in hope. wicked one: thy sword 14 from the ene
10 Because thou wilt not leave my soul mies of thy hand.
in hell; nor wilt thou give thy holy one O Lord, divide them from the few of the
to see corruption. earth in their life: their belly is filled
11 Thou hast made known to me the from thy hidden stores.
ways of life, thou shalt fill me with joy They are full of children and they have :

with thy countenance: at thy right hand left to their little ones the rest of their
are delights even to the end. substance.
15 But as for me, I will appear before
PSALM 16 thy sight in justice: I shall be satisfied
Exaudi, Domine, justitiam.
when thy glory shall appear.
A. just man s prayer in tribulation against the PSALM 17
malice of his eneiny.
Diligam te, Domine.
1 The prayer of David.
David s thanks to God for his delivery from all his
Lord, my justice: attend to enemies.
my supplication. 1 Unto the end, for David the servant of the Lord,
who spoke to the Lord the words of this canticle,
Give ear unto my prayer, which proceed-
in theday that the Lord delivered him from the
etk not from deceitful lips. hands of all his enemies, and from the hand of
2 Let my judgment come forth from thy Saul. [2 Kings 22.]
countenance: let thy eyes behold the 2 T WILL love thee, O Lord, my
things that are equitable. I strength :

3 Thou hast proved my heart, and visited 3 is my firmament, my refuge,

The Lord
it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and my deliverer.
and iniquity hath not been found in me. P My God is my helper, and in him will
4 That my mouth may not speak the I put my trust.
works of men: for the sake of the words My protector and the horn of my salva
of thy lips, I have kept hard ways. tion, and my support.
5 Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: 4 Praising I will call upon the Lord:
that my footsteps be not moved. and I shall be saved from enemies. my
n Acts 2. 25. o Acts 2. 31, and 13. 35J p Heb. 2. 13.
PSALM 16. Ver. 10. Their fat. That is, their curse or imprecation but, as many other the like

bowels of compassion for they have none for me.

: passages in the psalms, by way of a prediction, or
Ver. 14. Divide them from the few, &c. That is, prophecy of what should come upon them, in pun
cut them off from the earth, and the few trifling ishment of their wickedness. Ibid. Thy hidden
things thereof which they are so proud of, or divide
; stores: thy secret treasures, out of which thou fur-
them from the few ; that is, from thy elect, who are nishest those earthly goods, which, with a bountiful
but few; that they may no longer have it in their hand thou hast distributed both to the good and the
power to oppress them. It is not meant by way of a bad.

Acknowledgment of God s help PSALMS Our strength is from God
5 The sorrows cf death surrounded me: sight: and his justices I have not put
and the torrents of iniquity troubled me. away from me.
6 The sorrows of hell encompassed me: 24 And I shall be spotless with him:
and the snares of death prevented me. and keep myself from my iniquity.
7 In my affiction I called upon the 25 And the Lord will reward me accord
Lord, and I cried to my God: ing to my justice; and according to the
And he heard my voice from his holy cleanness of my hands before his eyes.
temple: and my cry before him came 26 With the holy, thou wilt be holy; and
into his ears. with the innocent man thou wilt be inno
8 The earth shook and trembled: the cent.
foundations of the mountains were trou 27 And with the elect thou will be elect:
bled and were moved, because he was and with the perverse thou wilt be per
angry with them. verted.
9 There went up a smoke in his wrath: 28 For thou wilt save the humble peo
and a fire flamed from his face: coals down the eyes of the
ple; but wilt bring
were kindled by it. proud.
10 He bowed the heavens, and came 29 For thou lightest my lamp, Lord:
down: and darkness was under his feet. O my God enlighten my darkness.
11 And he ascended upon the cheru 30 For by thee I shall be delivered from
bim, and he flew; he flew upon the wings temptation; and through my God I shall
of the winds. go over a wall.
12 And he made darkness his covert, his 31 As for my God, his way is undefiled:
pavilion round about him: dark waters the words of the Lord are fire tried: he
in the clouds of the air. is the protector of all that trust in him.
13 At the brightness that was before him 32 For who is God but the Lord? or
the clouds passed, hail and coals of fire. who is God but our God?
14 And the Lord thundered from heaven, 33 God who hath girt me with strength;
and the highest gave his voice: hail and and made my way blameless.
coals of fire. 34 Who hath made my feet like the
15 And he sent forth his arrows, and feet of harts: and who setteth me upon
he scattered them: he multiplied light high places.
nings, and troubled them. 35 r Who teacheth my hands to war:
16 Then the fountains of waters ap and thou hast made my arms like a
peared, and the foundations of the world brazen bow.
were discovered: 36 And thou hast given me the protec
At thy rebuke, Lord, at the blast of tion of thy salvation: and thy right hand
the spirit of thy wrath. hath held me up:
17 He sent from on high, and took me: And thy discipline hath corrected me
and received me out of many waters. unto the end: and thy discipline, the
18 He delivered me from my strongest same shall teach me.
enemies, and from them that hated me: 37 Thou hast enlarged my steps under
for they were too strong for me. me; and my feet are not weakened.
19 They prevented me in the day of my 38 I will pursue after my enemies, and
affliction: and the Lord became my pro overtake them: and I will not turn again
tector. till they are consumed.
20 And he brought me forth into a large 39 I will break them, and they shall not
place: he saved me, because he was well be able to stand: they shall fall under my
pleased with me. feet.
21 And the Lord will reward me accord 40 And thou hast girded me with strength
ing to my justice; and will repay me ac unto battle; and hast subdued under me
cording to the cleanness of my hands: them that rose up against me.
22 Because I have kept the ways of the 41 And thou hast made my enemies turn
Lord; and have not done wickedly against their back upon me, and hast destroyed
rny God. them that hated me.
23 For all his judgments are in my 42 They cried, but there was none to

q 2 Kings 22. 34. r Z Kings 22. 35.

The works of God show His glory PSALMS A prayer for the king
save them, to the Lord: but he heard verting souls: the testimony of the Lord
them not. is faithful, giving wisdom to little ones.
43 And I shall beat them as small as the 9 The justices of the Lord are right, re
dust before the wind; I shall bring them joicing hearts: the commandment of the
to nought, like the dirt in the streets. Lord is lightsome, enlightening the eyes.
44 Thou wilt deliver me from the con 10 The fear of the Lord is holy, endur
tradictions of the people: thou wilt make ing for ever and ever: the judgments of
me head of the Gentiles. the Lord are true, justified in themselves.
45 A
people, which I knew not, hath 11 More to be desired than gold and
served me: at the hearing of the ear many precious stones: and sweeter than
they have obeyed me. honey and the honeycomb.
46 The children that are strangers have 12 For thy servant keepeth them, and
lied to me, strange children have faded in keeping them there is a great reward.
away, and have halted from their paths. 13 Who can understand sins? from my
47 The Lord liveth, and blessed be my secret ones cleanse me, Lord: 14 and
God, and let the God of my salvation be from those of others spare thy servant.
exalted: If they shall have no dominion over me,
48 God, who avengest me, and subdu- then shall I be without spot: and I shall
est the people under me, my deliverer be cleansed from the greatest sin.
from my enemies. 15 And the words of my mouth shall be
49 8 And thou wilt lift me up above such as may please: and the meditation
them that rise up against me: from the of my heart always in thy sight.
unjust man thou wilt deliver me. Lord, my helper, and my redeemer.
50* Therefore will I give glory to thee,
O Lord, among the nations, and I will PSALM 19
Exaudiat te Dominus
sing a psalm to thy name.
51 Giving great deliverance to his king, Aprayer for the king.
1 end. A psalm for David.
Unto the
and shewing mercy to David his anointed:
and to his seed for ever. /TAY the Lord hear thee in the day

1VJL of tribulation: may the name of

PSALM 18 the God of Jacob protect thee.
Coeli enarrant.
3 May he send thee help from the sanc
The works of God shew forth his glory: his law is tuary: and defend thee out of Sion.
greatly to be esteemed and loved. 4 May he be mindful of all thy sacri
1 Unto the end. A
psalm for David. fices: and may thy whole burnt offering
2 rlHE heavens shew forth the glory be made fat.
JL of God, and the firmament declar- 5 May he give thee according to thy
eth the work of his hands. own heart; and confirm all thy counsels.
3 Day to day uttereth speech, and night 6 We will rejoice in thy salvation; and
to night sheweth knowledge. in the name of our God we shall be ex
4 There are no speeches nor languages, alted.
where their voices are not heard. 7 The Lord fulfil all thy petitions: now
5 Their sound hath gone forth into all have I known that the Lord hath saved
the earth: and their words unto the ends his anointed.
of the world. He will hear him from his holy heaven:
6 He hath set his tabernacle in the sun: the salvation of his right hand is in
and he, as a bridegroom coming out of powers.
his bride chamber, 8 Some trust in chariots, and some in
Hath rejoiced as a giant to run the way: horses: but we will call upon the name
7 His going out is from the end of heaven, of the Lord our God.
And his circuit even to the end thereof: 9 They are bound, and have fallen; but
and there is no one that can hide himself we are risen, and are set upright.
from his heat. Lord, save the king: and hear us in
8 The law of the Lord is unspotted, con- the day that we shall call upon thee.
2 Kings 22. 49. t 2 Kings 22. 50 ; Rom. 15. 9. u Rom. 10. 18. v Luke 24. 46.

PSALM 19. Ver. 7. The salvation of his right hand is strong and mighty to save them that trust
hand is in powers. That is, in strength. His right in him.

A prayer of thanksgiving PSALMS The sufferings of Christ
my God, look upon me:
Domine, in virtute. whyhast thou forsaken me?
Praise to God for Christ s exaltation after his pas Far from my salvation are the words of
Unto the end. A psalm for David.
my sins.
1 3 O my
God, I shall cry by day, and
2 TN thy strength, Lord, the king thou wilt not hear: and by night, and it
J. shall joy; and in thy salvation he shall not be reputed as folly in me.
shall rejoice exceedingly. 4 But thou dwellest in the holy place,
3 Thou hast given him his heart s de the praise of Israel.
sire: and hast not withholden from him 5 In thee have our fathers hoped: they
the will of his lips. have hoped, and thou hast delivered
4 For thou hast prevented him with them.
blessings of sweetness: thou hast set on 6 They cried to thee, and they were
his head a crown of precious stones. saved: they trusted in thee, and were
5 He asked life of thee: and thou hast not confounded.
given him length of days for ever and 7 But I am a worm, and no man: the
ever. reproach of men, and the outcast of the
6 His glory is great in thy salvation: people.
glory and great beauty shalt thou lay 8 ^All they that saw me have laughed
upon him. me to scorn: they have spoken with the
7 For thou shalt give him to be a bless lips, and wagged the head.
ing for ever and ever: thou shalt make 9 v He hoped in the Lord, let him de
him joyful in gladness with thy counte liver him: let him save him, seeing he
nance. delighteth in him.
8 For the king hopeth in the Lord and : 10 For thou art he that hast drawn me
through the mercy of the most High he out of the womb: my hope from the
shall not be moved. breasts of my mother. 11 I was cast
9 Let thy hand be found by all thy upon thee from the womb.
enemies: let thy right hand find out all From my mother s womb thou art my
them that hate thee. God, 12 depart not from me.
10 Thou shalt make them as an oven of For tribulation is very near: for there
fire, in the time of thy anger: the Lord is none to help me.
shall trouble them in his wrath, and fire 13 Many calves have surrounded me:
shall devour them. fat bulls have besieged me.
11 Their fruit shalt thou destroy from 14 They have opened their mouths
the earth: and their seed from among against me, as a lion ravening and roar
the children of men. ing.
12 For they have intended evils against 15 I am poured out like water; and all
thee: they have devised counsels which my bones are scattered.
they have not been able to establish. My heart is become like wax melting
13 For thou shalt make them turn their in the midst of my bowels.
back: in thy remnants thou shall pre 16 My strength is dried up like a pot
pare their face. sherd, and my tongue hath cleaved to my
14 Be thou exalted, Lord, in thy own jaws: and thou hast brought me down
strength: we will sing and praise thy into the dust of death.
power. 17 For many dogs have encompassed
me: the council of the malignant hath
besieged me.
Deus Deus meus.
Christ s passion : and the conversion of the Gentiles.
They have dug my hands and feet. 18
1 Unto the end, for the morning protection, a They have numbered all my bones.
psalm for David. And they have looked and stared upon
w Matt. 27. 46; Mark 15. 34. x Matt 27. 39; Mark 15. 29. y Matt. 27. 43.

PSALM Ver. 13. In thy remnants thou shalt

20. bow of divine justice, from which God directs his
prepare their face: or thou shalt set thy remnants arrows against the faces of his enemies.
against their faces. That is, thou shalt make them PSALM 21. Ver. 2. The words of my sins. That
see what punishments remain for them hereafter is, the sins of the world,
which I have taken upon
from thy justice. Instead of remnants, St. Jerome myself, cry out against me, and are the cause of all
renders it funes, that is, cords or strings, viz., of the my sufferings.

Conversion of the Gentiles Who shall ascend to heaven
me. 19 They parted my garments He hath brought me
up, on the water of
amongst them: and upon my vesture refreshment: 3 he hath converted my
they cast lots. soul.
20 But thou, O Lord, remove not thy He hath led me on the paths of justice,
help to a distance from me: look to for his own name s sake.
wards my defence. 4 For though I should walk in the midst
21 Deliver, God, my soul from the of the shadow of death, I will fear no
sword: my only one from the hand of evils, for thou art with me.
the dog. Thy rod and thy staff, they have com
22 Save me from the lion s mouth; and forted me.
my lowness from the horns of the uni 5 Thou hast prepared a table before me,
corns. against them that afflict me.
23 I will declare thy name to my

Thou hast anointed my head with oil;

brethren: in the midst of the church and my chalice which inebriateth me,
will I praise thee. how goodly is it!
24 Ye that fear the Lord, praise him: 6 And thy mercy will follow me all the
all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him. days of my life.
25 Let all the seed of Israel fear him: And that I may dwell in the house of
because he hath not slighted nor despised the Lord unto length of days.
the supplication of the poor man.
Neither hath he turned away his face PSALM 23
from me: and when I cried to him he Domini est terra.
heard me. Who are they that shall ascend to heaven: Christ s
26 With thee is my praise in a great triumphant ascension thither.
church: I will pay my vows in the sight 1 On the first day of the week, a psa .m for David.
of them that fear him. HHHE earth is the Lord s and
c the ful-
27 The poor shall eat and shall be filled :
1 ness thereof: the world, and all they
and they shall praise the Lord that seek that dwell therein.
him: their hearts shall live for ever and 2 For he hath founded it upon the
ever. seas; and hath prepared it upon the
28 All the ends of the earth shall remem rivers.
ber, and shall be converted to the Lord: 3 Who shall ascend into the mountain
And the kindreds of the Gentiles
all of the Lord: or who shall stand in his
shall adore in his sight. holy place ?
29 For the kingdom is the Lord s; and 4 The innocent in hands, and clean of
he shall have dominion over the nations. heart, who hath not taken his soul in
30 All the fat ones of the earth have vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neigh
eaten and have adored: all they that bour.
go down to the earth shall fall before 5 He shall receive a blessing from the
him. Lord, and mercy from God his Saviour.
31 And to him my soul shall live: and 6 This is the generation of them that
my seed shall serve him. seek him, of them that seek the face of
32 There shall be declared to the Lord the God of Jacob.
a generation to come: and the heavens 7 Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and
shall shew forth his justice to a people be ye lifted up, eternal gates: and the
that shall be born, which the Lord hath King of Glory shall enter in.
made. 8 Who is this King of Glory? the Lord
PSALM 22 who is strong and mighty: the Lord
Dominus regit me. mighty in battle.
God s spiritual benefits to faithful sovls 9 Lift up your gates, ye princes, and
A 1 psalm for David. be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the
rpHE Lord ruleth me: and I shall
King of Glory shall enter in.
JL want nothing. 2 He hath set me in 10 Who is this King of Glory ? the Lord
a place of pasture. of hosts, he is the King of Glory.
z Matt. 27. 35 John ; 19. 23 and 24. Ezech. 34. 11 and 23 ; 1 Peter 2. 25, and 5. 3.

a Heb. 2. 12. 6 Isa. 40. 11 ; Jer. 23. 5 ;

c Ps. 49. 12 ;
1 Cor. 10. 26.

PBALM 22. Ver. 1. Ruleth me. In Hebrew, J my shepherd, viz., to feed, guide, and govern me.

A prayer for pardon of sin PSALMS David s innocence

PSALM 24 20 Keep thou my soul, and deliver me:

Ad te, Domine, levavi. I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped
in thee.
A. prayer for grace, mercy, and protection against
our enemies. 21 The innocent and the upright have
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.
adhered to me: because I have waited
on thee.
Lord, have I lifted up my
TO 2 In thee,
soul. my God, I put
22 Deliver Israel,
God, from all his
my trust; let me not be ashamed.
3 Neither let my enemies laugh at me: PSALM 25
for none of them that wait on thee shall Judica me, Domine.
be confounded. David s God in his distress, to be delivered,
prayer to
4 Let all them be confounded that act that he may come to worship him in his taber
unjust things without cause.
Shew, Lord, thy ways to me, and 1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.
teach me thy paths. have walked
me, Lord, for I
5 Direct me in thy truth, and teach me
for thou art God my Saviour; and on
in my innocence: and
have put myI
trust in the Lord, and shall not be weak
thee have I waited all the day long. ened.
6 Remember, O Lord, thy bowels of 2 Prove me, Lord, and try me; burn
compassion; and thy mercies that are my reins and my heart.
from the beginning of the world. 3 For thy mercy is before my eyes; and
7 The sins of my youth and my igno I am well pleased with thy truth.
rances do not remember. 4 I have not sat with the council of
According to thy mercy remember thou vanity: neither will I go in with the doers
me: for thy goodness sake, O Lord. of unjust things.
8 The Lord is sweet and righteous: 5 I have hated the assembly of the ma
therefore he will give a law to sinners in lignant; and with the wicked I will not sit-
the way. 6 I will wash my hands among the in
9 He will guide the mild in judgment: O
nocent; and will compass thy altar,
he will teach the meek his ways. Lord:
10 All the ways of the Lord are mercy That hear the voice of thy
7 I may
and truth, to them that seek after his praise: and tell of all thy wondrous
covenant and his testimonies. works.
11 For thy name s sake, O Lord, thou 8have loved, O Lord, the beauty of
wilt pardon my sin: for it is great.
thy house; and the place where thy
12 Who is the man that feareth the glory dwelleth.
Lord ? He hath appointed him a law in 9 Take not away my soul, God with
the way he hath chosen. the wicked: nor my life with bloody
13 His soul shall dwell in good things: men:
and his seed shall inherit the land. 10 In whose hands are iniquities: their
14 The Lord is a firmament to them right hand is filled with gifts.
that fear him: and his covenant shall be 11 But as for me, I have walked in my
made manifest to them. innocence: redeem me, and have mercy
15 My eyes are ever towards the Lord: on me.
for he shall pluck my feet out of the 12 My
foot hath stood in the direct way:
snare. in the churches I will bless thee, Lord.
16 Look thou upon me, and have mercy
on me; for I am alone and poor. PSALM 26
17 The troubles of my heart are multi Dominus illuminatio

plied: deliver me from my necessities. David s faith and hope in God

18 See my abjection and my labour; 1 The psalm of David before he was anointed.
and forgive me all my sins. PT1HE Lord is my light and my salva-
19 Consider my enemies for they are J_ tion, whom shall I fear?
d and have hated me with an The Lord is the protector of my life: of
unjust hatred. whom shall I be afraid ?

d John 15. 25.

Daind s confidence in God PSALMS Prayer for help against the enemy
2 Whilst the wicked draw near against if thou be silent to me, I become like
me, to eat my flesh. them that go down into the pit.
My enemies that trouble me, have 2 Hear, O Lord, the voice of my suppli
themselves been weakened, and have cation, when pray to thee; when
I I lift
fallen. up my hands to thy holy temple.
3 If armies in camp should stand to 3 Draw me not away together with the
gether against me, my heart shall notfear. wicked; and with the workers of iniquity
If a battle should rise up against me, in destroy me not:
this will I be confident. Who speak peace with their neighbour,
4 One thing I have asked of the Lord, but evils are in their hearts.
this will I seek after; that I may dwell 4 Give them according to their works,
in the house of the Lord all the days of and according to the wickedness of their
my life. inventions.
That I may see the delight of the Lord, According to the works of their hands
and may visit his temple. give thou to them: render to them their
5 For he hath hidden me in his taberna reward.
cle; in the day of evils, he hath protected 5 Because they have not understood the
me in the secret place of his tabernacle. works of the Lord, and the operations of
6He hath exalted me upon a rock: and his hands: thou shalt destroy them, and
now he hath lifted up my head above my shalt not build them up.
enemies. 6 Blessed be the Lord, for he hath heard
I have gone round, and have offered up the voice of my supplication.
in his tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation: 7 The Lord is my helper and my pro
I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord. tector: in him hath my heart confided,
7 Hear, O
Lord, voice, with which I
my and have been helped.
have cried to thee: have mercy on me And my
flesh hath flourished again,
and hear me. and with my will I will give praise to
8 My heart hath said to thee: My face him.
hath sought thee: thy face, O Lord, will 8 The Lord is the strength of his peo
I still seek. ple, and the protector of the salvation of
9 Turn not away thy face from me; de his anointed.
cline not in thy wrath from thy servant. 9 Save, O Lord, thy people, and bless
Be thou my helper, forsake me not; do thy inheritance: and rule them and exalt
not thou despise me, O God my Saviour. them for ever.
10 For my father and my mother have
left me: but the Lord hath taken me up.
11 Set me, O Lord, a law in thy way, Affierte

and guide me in the right path, because An invitation to glorify God, with a commemora
tion of his mighty works.
of my enemies
A psalm for David, at the finishing of the taber
12 Deliver me not over to the will of 1
them that trouble me: for unjust wit
nesses have risen up against me; and in to the Lord, ye children of
iquity hath lied to itself. BRING
God :
bring to the Lord the offspring
13 I believe to see the good things of of rams.
the Lord in the land of the living. 2 Bring to the Lord glory and honour:
14 Expect the Lord, do manfully and bring to the Lord glory to his name:
adore ye the Lord in his holy court.
letthy heart take courage, and wait thou
for the Lord. 3 The voice of the Lord is upon the wa
ters; the God of majesty hath thundered,
PSALM 27 The Lord is upon many waters.
Ad te, Domine, clamabo. 4 The voice of the Lord is in power; the
David s prayer that his enemies may not prevail voice of the Lord in magnificence.
over him. 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the
1 A psalm for David himself. cedars: yea, the Lord shall break the ce
thee will I cry, O Lord: my dars of Libanus.
UNTO God, be not thou silent to me: lest 6 And shall reduce them to pieces, as a

PSALM 28. Ver. 6. Shalt reduce them to pieces, &c. In Hebrew, Shall make them to skip liken

David praises God for his deliverance PSALMS Prayer of one In affliction

calf of Libanus, and as the beloved sou 13 To the end that my

glory may sing
of unicorns. to thee, and I may not regret: Lord
7 The voice of the Lord divideth the my God, I will give praise to thee for
flame of fire: 8 The voice of the Lord ever.
shaketh the desert: and the Lord shall PSALM 30
shake the desert of Cades. In
Domine, Bperavi.

9 The voice of the Lord prepareth the A prayer of a just man under affliction.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David, in an ecstasy.
stags: and he will discover the thick
woods: and in his temple all shall speak 2 TN Lord, have I hoped, let
his glory. J. me
never be confounded: deliver
10 The Lord maketh the flood to dwell: me in thy justice.
and the Lord shall sit king for ever. 3 Bow down thy ear to me: make haste
The Lord will give strength to his peo to deliver me.
ple: the Lord will bless his people with Be thou unto me a God, a protector,
peace. and a house of refuge, to save me.
4 For thou art my strength and my re
fuge; and for thy name s sake thou wilt
Exaltabo te, Domine.
lead me, and nourish me.
David praiseth God for his deliverance, and his
merciful dealings with him. 5 Thou wilt bring me out of this snare,
1 A psalm of a canticle, at the dedication of David s which they have hidden for me: for thou
house. art my protector.
2 T WILL extol thee, Lord, for thou 6 e Into thy hands I commend my spirit:
i hast upheld me: and hast not made thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, the God
my enemies to rejoice over me. of truth.
3 O Lord my God, I have cried to thee, 7 Thou hast hated them that regard
and thou hast healed me. vanities, to no purpose.
4 Thou hast brought forth, O Lord, my But I have hoped in the Lord: 8 I will
soul from hell: thou hast saved me from be glad and rejoice in thy mercy.
them that go down into the pit. For thou hast regarded my humility,
5 Sing to the Lord, O ye his saints and : thou hast saved my soul out of distresses.
give praise to the memory of his holiness. 9 And thou hast not shut me up in the
6 For wrath is in his indignation; and hands of the enemy: thou hast set my
life in his good will. feet in a spacious place.
In the evening weeping shall have place, 10 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am
and in the morning gladness. afflicted: my eye is troubled with wrath,
7 And in my abundance I said: I shall my soul, and my belly:
never be moved. 11 For my life is wasted with grief: and
8 O Lord, in thy favour, thou gavest my years in sighs.
strength to my beauty. My strength is weakened through pov
Thou turnedst away thy face from me, erty and my bones are disturbed.
and I became troubled. 12 I am become a reproach among all
To9 O Lord, will I cry: and I will
thee, my enemies, and very much to my neigh
make supplication to my God. bours; and a fear to my acquaintance.
10 What profit is there in my blood, They that saw me without fled from
whilst I go down to corruption ? me. 13 I am forgotten as one dead from
Shall dust confess to thee, or declare the heart.
thy truth ? I am become as a vessel thatis destroyed.
11 The Lord hath heard, and hath had 14 For I have heard the blame of many
mercy on me the Lord became my helper.
: that dwell round about.
12 Thou hast turned for me my mourn While they assembled together against
ing into joy: thou hast cut my sackcloth, me, they consulted to take away my life.
and hast compassed me with gladness: 15 But I have put my trust in thee, O
e Luke 23. 46.

calf. The psalmist here describes the effects of ful voice of God s word church which has
in his ;

thunder (which he calls the voice of the Lord) broken the pride of the great ones of this world, and
which sometimes breaks down the tallest and strong brought many of them meekly and joyfully to sub
est trees and makes their broken branches skip, &c.
; mit their necks to the sweet yoke of Christ.
A1J this is to be understood mystically of the power-

Fear of God, and hope, rewarded PSALMS Acknowledgment and pardon of fi

Lord: I said: Thou art my God. 1C My have acknowledged rny sin to thee,
5 1
lots are in thy hands. and my injustice I have not concealed.
Deliver me out of the hands of my ene o I said I will confess against myself my
mies; and from them that persecute me. injustice to the Lord: and thou hast for
17 Make thy face to shine upon thy given the wickedness of my sin.
servant; save me in thy mercy. 6 For this shall every one that is holy
18 Let me not be confounded, Lord, pray to thee in a seasonable time.
for I have called upon thee. And yet in a flood of many waters, they
Let the wicked be ashamed, and be shall notcome nigh unto him.
brought down to hell. 19 Let deceitful 7 Thou art my refuge from the trouble
lips be made dumb. which hath encompassed me: my joy,
Which speak iniquity against the just, deliver me from them that surround
with pride and abuse. me.
20 O how great is the multitude of thy 8 I will give thee understanding, and I
sweetness, O Lord, which thou hast hid will instruct thee in this way, in which
den for them that fear thee! thou shalt go: I will fix eyes upon my
Which thou hast wrought for them that thee.
hope in thee, in the sight of the sons of 9 Do not become like the horse and the
men. mule, who have no understanding.
21 Thou shalt hide them in the secret With bit and bridle bind fast their jaws,
of thy face, from the disturbance of men. who come not near unto thee.
Thou shalt protect them in thy taber 10 Many are the scourges of the .sinner,
nacle from the contradiction of tongues. but mercy shall encompass him that hop-
22 Blessed be the Lord, for he hath eth in the Lord.
shewn his wonderful mercy to me in a 11 Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye
fortified city. just, and glory, all ye right of heart.
23 But I said in the excess of my mind:
I am cast away from before thy eyes. PSALM 32
Therefore thou hast heard the voice of Exultate, justL
my prayer, when I cried to thee. An exhortation to praise God, and to trust in him.
O love the Lord, all ye his saints:
24 1 A psalm for David.
for the Lord will require truth, and will in the Lord,
ye just: praise
repay them abundantly that act proudly. REJOICE
becometh the upright.
25 Do ye manfully, and let your heart 2 Give praise to the Lord on the harp;
be strengthened, all ye that hope in the sing to him with the psaltery, the instru
Lord. ment of ten strings.
PSALM 31 3 Sing to him a new canticle, sing well
Beati quorum. unto him with a loud noise.
The second penitential psalm. 4 For the word of the Lord is right, and
1 To David himself, understanding. all his works are done with faithfulness.
/are they whose iniquities 5 He loveth mercy and judgment; the
are forgiven, and whose sins are earth is full of the mercy of the Lord.
covered. 6 By the word of the Lord the heavens
2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord were established; and all the power of
hath not imputed sin, and in whose spirit them by the spirit of his mouth:
there is no guile. 7 Gathering together the waters of the
3 Because I was silent my bones grew sea, as in a vessel; laying up the depths
old; whilst I cried out all the day long. in storehouses.
4 For day and night thy hand was heavy 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord, and
upon me: I am turned in my anguish, let all the inhabitants of the world be in
whilst the thorn is fastened. awe of him.
Rom. 4. 7. g Isa. 65. 24.
PSALM Ver. 3. Because I was silent, &c. That
31. the thorn of thy justice pierces my flesh, and sticks
is, whilst I kept silence, by concealing,
or refusing fast in me. Or, / am turned; that is, I am converted
to confess my sins, thy hand was heavy upon me, to thee, my God, by being brought to a better under
&c. standing by thy chastisements. In the Hebrew it is,
Ver. 4. / am turned, &c. That is, I turn and roll my moisture is turned into the droughts of the
about in my bed to seek for ease in my pain whilst summer.

God the protector of His people PSALMS The happiness of serving God
For he spoke and they were made
9 A : 7 This poor man cried, and the Lord
he commanded and they were created. heard him: and saved him out of all his
10 The Lord bringeth to nought the troubles.
counsels of nations; and he rejecteth the 8 The angel of the Lord shall encamp
devices of people, and casteth away the round about them that fear him: and
counsels of princes. shall deliver them.
11 But the counsel of the Lord standeth 9 taste, and see that the Lord is sweet:
for ever: the thoughts of his heart to all blessed is the man that hopeth in him.
generations. 10 Fear the Lord, all ye his saints: for
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is there is no want to them that fear him.
the Lord: the people whom he hath 11 i The rich have wanted, and have suf
chosen for his inheritance. fered hunger: but they that seek the Lord
13 The Lord hath looked from heaven: shall not be deprived of any good.
he hath beheld all the sons of men. 12 Come, children, hearken to me: 1
14 From his habitation which he hath will teach you the fear of the Lord.
prepared, he hath looked upon all that 13 /Who is the man that desireth life:
dwell on the earth. who loveth to see good days ?
15 He who hath made the hearts of 14 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy
every one of them: who understandeth lips from speaking guile.
all their works. 15 Turn away, from evil and do good:
16 The king is not saved by a great seek after peace and pursue it.
army: nor shall the giant be saved by 16 The eyes of the Lord are k upon the
his own great strength. just: and his ears unto their prayers.
17 Vain is the horse for safety: neither 17 But the countenance of the Lord is
shall he be saved by the abundance of against them that do evil things: to cut
his strength. off the remembrance of them from the
18 Behold the eyes of the Lord are on earth.
them that fear him: and on them that 18 The just cried, and the Lord heard
hope in his mercy. them: and delivered them out of all their
19 To deliver their souls from death; troubles.
and feed them in famine. 19 The Lord is nigh unto them that are
20 Our soul waiteth for the Lord : for he of a contrite heart: and he will save the
is our helper and protector. humble of spirit.
21 For in him our heart shall rejoice: 20 Many are the afflictions of the just;
and in his holy name we have trusted. but out of them all will the Lord deliver
22 Let thy mercy, Lord, be upon us, them.
as we have hoped in thee. 21 The Lord keepeth all their bones,
not one of them shall be broken.
PSALM 33 22 The death of the wicked is very evil:
Benedicam Donnnum. and they that hate the just shall be guilty.
23 The Lord will redeem the souls of his
An exhortation to the praise, and service of God.
servants: and none of them that trust in
1 For David, when he changed his countenance be
fore Achimelech, who dismissed him, and he went
him shall offend.
his way. [1 Kings 21.]

2 T WILL bless the Lord at all times,

JL his praise shall be always in my Judica, Domine, nocentes me.
mouth. David, in the person of Christ, prayeth against his
3 In the Lord shall my soul be praised: persecutors: prophetically foreshewing the pun
ishments that shall fatt upon them.
let the meek hear and rejoice.
1 For David himself.
4 magnify the Lord with me; and let
us extol his name together. TUDGE thou, Lord, them that wrong
5 I sought the Lord, and he heard me;
and he delivered me from all my troubles.
J me overthrow them that fight against

6 Come ye to him and be enlightened: 2 Take hold of arms and shield: and
and your faces shall not be confounded. rise up to help me.
h Gen, 1, 8; Judith 13, 17. i Luke 1. 53. j I Peter 3. 10. k Eccli. 15. 20 ; Heb. 4. 13.

David s appeal against the enemy PSALMS The wicked fear not God
3 Bring out the sword, and shut up the wrongfully rejoice over me m who have :

way against them that persecute me: hated me without cause, and wink with
say to my soul: I am thy salvation. the eyes.
4 l Let them be confounded and ashamed 20 For they spoke indeed peaceably to
that seek after my soul. me; and speaking in the anger of the
Let them be turned back and be con earth they devised guile.
founded that devise evil against me. 21 And they opened their mouth wide
5 Let them become as dust before the against me; they said: Well done, well
wind: and let the angel of the Lord done, our eyes have seen it.
straiten them. 22 Thou hast seen, Lord, be not thou
6 Let their way become dark and slip silent: Lord, depart not from me.
pery; and let the angel of the Lord pur 23 Arise, and be attentive to my judg
sue them. ment: to my cause, my God, and my Lord.
7 For witliout cause they have hidden 24 Judge me, Lord my God according
their net for me unto destruction: with to thy justice, and let them not rejoice
out cause they have upbraided my soul. over me.
8 Let the snare which he knoweth not 25 Let them not say in their hearts: It
come upon him: and let the net which he is well, it is well, to our mind: neither
hath hidden catch him: and into that let them say: We have swallowed him up.
very snare let them fall. 26 Let them blush: and be ashamed to
9 But my soul shall rejoice in the Lord; gether, who rejoice at my evils.
and shall be delighted in his salvation. Let them be clothed with confusion and
10 All my bones shall say: Lord, who is shame, who speak great things against
like to thee? me.
Who deliverest the poor from the hand 27 Let them rejoice and be glad, who
of them that are stronger than he; the are well pleased with my justice, and let
needy and the poor from them that strip them say always: The Lord be magnified,
him. who delights in the peace of his servant.
11 Unjust witnesses rising up have 28 And my tongue shall meditate thy
asked me things I knew not. justice, thy praise all the day long.
12 They repaid me evil for good: to the
depriving me of my soul. PSALM 35
13 But as for me, when they were trou Dixit injustus.
blesome to me, I was clothed with hair The malice of sinners, and the goodness of God.
cloth. 1 Unto the end, for theservant of God, David himself.
I humbled soul with fasting; and my
my 2 rpHE unjust hath said within him-
prayer shall be turned into my bosom. J_ that he would sin: there is no
14 As a neighbour and as an own bro fear of God before his eyes.
ther, so did I please: as one mourning 3 n For in his sight he hath done deceit
and sorrowful so was I humbled. fully, that his iniquity may be found
15 But. they rejoiced against me, and unto hatred.
came together: scourges were gathered 4 The words of his mouth are iniquity
together upon me, and I knew not. and guile: he would not understand that
16 They were separated, and repented he might do well.
not: they tempted me, they scoffed at 5 He hath devised iniquity on his bed,
me with scorn: they gnashed upon me he hath set himself on every way that is
with their teeth. not good: but evil he hath not hated.
17 Lord, when wilt thou look upon me? 6 Lord, thy mercy is in heaven, and
rescue thou my soul from their malice: thy truth reacheth even to the clouds.
my only one from the lions. 7 Thy justice is as the mountains of
18 I will give thanks to thee in a great God, thy judgments are a great deep.
church; I will praise thee in a strong Men and beasts thou wilt preserve, .

people. Lord: 8 how hast thou multiplied thy

19 Let not them that are my enemies mercy, God!
I Infra 39. 16. m John 15. 25. n Supra 13. 3.

PSALM 35. Ver. 3. Unto hatred. That is, hateful to God.

The wicked not to be envied PSALMS The happiness of the just

But the children of men shall put their 14 The wicked have drawn out tha
trust under the covert of thy wings. sword: they have bent their bow.
9 They shall be inebriated with the To cast down the poor and needy, to
plenty of thy house; and thou shalt kill the upright of heart.

make them drink of the torrent of thy 15 Let their sword enter into their own
pleasure. hearts, and let their bow be broken.
10 For with thee is the fountain of life; 16 Better is a little to the just, than the
and in thy light we shall see light. great riches of the wicked.
11 Extend thy mercy to them that know 17 For the arms of the wicked shall be
thee, and thy justice to them that are broken in pieces; but the Lord strength-
right in heart. eneth the just.
12 Let not the foot of pride come to me, 18 The Lord knoweth the days of the
and let not the hand of the sinner move undenled; and their inheritance shall be
me. for ever.
13 There the workers of iniquity are 19 They shall not be confounded in the
fallen,they are cast out, and could not evil time; and in the days of famine
stand. they shall be filled: 20 because the
wicked shall perish.
PSALM 36 And the enemies of the Lord, presently
Noli aemulari.
after they shall be honoured and exalted,
An exhortation to despise this world; and the short
shall come to nothing and vanish like
prosperity of the wicked; and to trust in Provi~
dence. smoke.
1 A
psalm for David himself. 21 The sinner shall borrow, and not pay
not emulous of evildoers; nor envy again; but the just sheweth mercy and
BE them that work iniquity.
2 For they shall shortly wither away as
shall .give.
22 For such as bless him shall inherit the
grass, and as the green herbs shall land: but such as curse him shall perish.
quickly fall. 23 With the Lord shall the steps of a
3 Trust in the Lord, and do good, and man be directed, and he shall like well
dwell in the land, and thou shalt be fed his way.
with its riches. 24 When he shall fall he shall not be
4 Delight in the Lord, and he will give bruised, for the Lord putteth his hand
thee the requests of thy heart. under him.
5 Commit thy way to the Lord, and 25 I have been young, and now am old;
trust in him, and he will do it. snd I have not seen the just forsaken,
6 And he will bring forth thy justice as nor his seed seeking bread.
the light, and thy judgment as the noon 26 He sheweth mercy, and lendeth all
day. 7 Be subject to the Lord and pray the day long; and his seed shall be in
to him. blessing.
Envy not the man who prospereth in 27 Decline from evil and do good, and
his way; the man who doth unjust things. dwell for ever and ever.
8 Cease from anger, and leave rage; 28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and
have no emulation to do evil. will not forsake his saints: they shall be
9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but preserved for ever.
they that wait upon the Lord, they shall The unjust shall be punished, and the
inherit the land. seed of the wicked shall perish.
10 For yet a little while, and the wicked 29 But the just shall inherit the land,
shall not be: and thou shalt seek his and shall dwell therein for evermore.
place, and shalt not find it. 30 PThe mouth of the just shall medi
11 But the meek shall inherit the land, tate wisdom: and his tongue shall speak
and shall delight in abundance of peace. judgment.
12 The sinner shall watch the just man: 31The law of his God is in his heart,
and shall gnash upon him with his teeth. and his steps shall not be supplanted.
13 But the Lord shall laugh at him: for 32 The wicked watcheth the just man,
he foreseeth that his day shall gome. and seeketh to put him to death,
o Matt 5. 4.p Prov. 31. 26. q Isa, 61. 7.

The wicked slvill be destroyed PSALMS Prayer for pardon and help
33 But the Lord will not leave him in 10 Lord, all my desire is before thee,
his hands; nor condemn him when he and my groaning is not hidden from
shall be judged. thee.
34 Expect the Lord and keep his way: 11 My heart is troubled, my strength
and he will exalt thee to inherit the land : hath leftme, and the light of my eyes
when the sinners shall perish thou shalt itself is not with me.
see. 12 My friends and my neighbours have
35 I have seen the wicked highly ex drawn near, and stood against me.
alted, and lifted up like the cedars of And they that were near me stood afar
Libanus. off:
36 And passed by, and lo, he was not:
I 13 And they that sought my soul used
and I sought him and his place was not violence.
found. And they that sought evils to me spoke
37 Keep innocence, and behold justice: vain things, and studied deceits all the
for there are remnants for the peaceable day long.
man. 14 But I, as a deaf man, heard not and :

38 But the unjust shall be destroyed to as a dumb man not opening his mouth.
gether: the remnants of the wicked shall 15 And I became as a man that heareth
perish. not: and that hath no reproofs in his
39 But the salvation of the just is from mouth.
the Lord, and he is their protector in the 16 For in thee, Lord, have I hoped:
time of trouble. thou wilt hear me,Lord my God.
40 And the Lord will help them and de 17 For I said: Lest at any time my ene
liver them and he will rescue them from
mies rejoice over me and whilst my feet

the wicked, and save them, because they are moved, they speak great things
have hoped in him. against me.
18 For I am ready for scourges: and my
PSALM 37 sorrow is continually before me.
Domine, ne in furore. 19 For I will declare my iniquity: and
A prayer of a penitent for the remission of his sins. 1 will think for my sin.
The third penitential psalm.
20 But my enemies live, and are stronger
1 A psalm for David, for a remembrance of the
Sabbath. than I: and they that hate me wrongfully
2 EBUKE r me O are multiplied.
T> not, Lord, in thy
21 They that render evil for good, have
XX indignation: nor chastise me in
detracted me, because I followed good
thy wrath.
3 For thy arrows are fastened in me:
22 Forsake me not, O Lord my God: do
and thy hand hath been strong upon me.
not thou depart from me.
4 There is no health in my flesh, because
23 Attend unto my help, O Lord, the
of thy wrath: there is no peace for my
God of my salvation.
bones, because of my sins.
5 For my iniquities are gone over my PSALM 38
head; and as a heavy burden are become Dixi custodiam.
heavy upon me. A just man s peace and patience in his sufferings;
considering the vanity of the world, and the pro
6 sores are putrified and corrupted,
My vidence of God.
because of my foolishness. 1 Unto the end, for Idithun himself, a canticle of
7 I am become miserable, and am bowed David.
down even to the end: I walked sorrow 2 T SAID: I will take heed to my ways:
ful all the day long. JL that I sin not with my tongue.
8 For my loins are filled with illusions; I have set a guard to my mouth, when
and there is no health in my flesh. the sinner stood against me.
9 I am afflicted and humbled exceed 3 I was dumb, and was humbled, and
ingly: I roared with the groaning of my kept silence from good things: and my
heart. sorrow was renewed.
r Supra 6. 2.

P?ALM 37. Ver. 1. For a remembrance, viz., of our miseries and sins ; and to be sung on the sabbath

The vanity of earthly things PSALMS Obedience the best sacrifice

4 My heart grew hot within me: and in 5 Blessed is the man whose trust is in
the name of the Lord; and who hath not
my meditation a fire shall flame out. had regard to vanities, and lying follies.
5 I spoke with my tongue: Lord,
make me know my end. 6 Thou hast multiplied thy wonderful
And what is the number of my days: works, O Lord God: and in thy
that I may know what is wanting to me. thoughts there is no one like to thee.
I have declared and I have spoken:
6 Behold thou hast made my days mea
surable: and my substance is as nothing they are multiplied above number.
before thee. 7 s Sacrifice and oblation thou didst not
And indeed all things are vanity: every desire; but thou hast pierced ears for
man living. me.
7 Surely man passeth as an image: yea, Burnt offering and sin offering thou
and he didst not require: 8 then said I, Behold
disquieted in vain.
He storeth up: and he knoweth not for I come.
whom he shall gather these things. In the head of the book it is written of
8 And now what is my hope ? is it not me 9 that I should do thy will: my
the Lord ? and my substance is with thee. God, I have desired it, and thy law in
9 Deliver thou me from all my iniquities: the midst of my heart.
thou hast made me a reproach to the 10 I have declared thy justice in a great
fool. church, lo, I will not restrain my lips: O
10 I was dumb, and I opened not my Lord, thou knowest it.
mouth, because thou hast done it. 11 Re II I have not hid thy justice within my
move thy scourges from me. heart: I have declared thy truth and thy
The strength of thy hand hath made me salvation.
faint in rebukes: 12 thou has corrected I have not concealed thy mercy and

man for iniquity. thy truth from a great council.

And thou hast made his soul to waste 12 Withhold not thou, Lord, thy
away like a spider: surely in vain is any tender mercies from me: thy mercy and
man disquieted. thy truth have always upheld me.
13 Hear my prayer, Lord, and my 13 For evils without number have sur
supplication: give ear to my tears. rounded me; my iniquities have over
Be not silent: for I am a stranger with taken me, and I was not able to see.
thee, and a sojourner as all my fathers They are multiplied above the hairs of
were. my head: and my heart hath forsaken
14 forgive me, that I may be refresh me.
ed, before I go hence, and be no more. 14 Be pleased, Lord, to deliver me:
look down, Lord, to help me.
PSALM 39 15 w Let them be confounded and
Expectans Expectavi. ashamed together, that seek after my
Christ s coming, and redeeming mankind. soul to take it away.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David himself.
Let them be turned backward and be
2 %V7"ITH expectation I have waited ashamed that desire evils to me.
\\ for the Lord, and he was atten 16 Let them immediately bear their
tive to me. confusion, that say to me T is well, t is

3 And he heard my prayers, and brought well.

me out of the pit of misery and the mire 17 Let all that seek thee rejoice and be
of dregs. glad in thee: and let such as love thy
And he set my feet upon a rock, and di salvation say always: The Lord be mag
rected my steps. nified.
4 And he put a new canticle into my 18 But I am a beggar and poor: the
mouth, a song to our God. Lord is careful for me.
Many shall see, and shall fear: and Thou art my helper and my protector:
they shall hope in the Lord. O my God, be not slack.
s Heb. 10. 5. t Infra 69. 2. u Supra 34. 4.

PSALM 39. Ver. 13. My That is, the

iniquities. terjection of insult and derision, like the Vah.
sins of all mankind, which I have taken upon me. Matt. 27. 49.
Ver. 16. Tis well. The Hebrew here is an in-

David s complaint PSALMS Desire of the just for God
PSALM 40 2 ASthe hart panteth after the foun-
Beatus qui intelligit. J\. tains of water so my soul panteth ;

after thee, God.

The happiness of him that shall believe in Christ;
notwithstanding the humility and poverty in 3 My soul hath thirsted after the strong
which he shall come: the malice of his enemies, when shall I come and ap
living God;
especially of the traitor Judas.
pear before the face of God ?
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David himself.
4 My tears have been my bread day and
is he that understandeth night, whilst it is said to me daily:
concerning the needy and the poor: Where is thy God ?
the Lord will deliver him in the evil 5 These things I remembered, and
day. poured out my soul in me: for I shall go
3 The Lord preserve him and give him over into the place of the wonderful tab
life, and make him blessed upon the ernacle, even to the house of God:
earth: and deliver him not up to the will With the voice of joy and praise; the
of his enemies. noise of one feasting.
4 The Lord help him on his bed of sor 6 Why art thou sad, O my soul ? and
row: thou hast turned all his couch in why dost thou trouble me ?
his sickness. Hope in God, for I will still give praise
5 I said: Lord, be thou merciful to to him: the salvation of my counte
me: heal my soul, for I have sinned nance, 7 and my God.
against thee. My soul is troubled within myself:
6 My
enemies have spoken evils against therefore will I remember thee from the
me: when shall he die and his name land of Jordan and Hermoniim, from the
little hill.
perish ?
7 And if he came in to see me, he spoke 8 Deep calleth on deep, at the noise of
vain things: his heart gathered together thy flood-gates.
iniquity to itself. All thy heights and thy billows have
He went out and spoke to the same pur passed over me.
pose. 9 In the daytime the Lord hath com
8 All my enemies whispered together manded his mercy; and a canticle to him
against me: they devised evils to me. in the night.
9 They determined against me an un With me is prayer to the God of my
just word: shall he that sleepeth rise life. 10 I will say to God: Thou art my
again no more ? support.
10 v For even the man of my peace, in Why hast thou forgotten me ? and why
whom I trusted, who ate my bread, hath go I mourning, whilst my enemy af-
greatly supplanted me. flicteth me?
11 But thou, O Lord, have mercy on my bones are broken, my ene
11 Whilst
me, and raise me up again: and I will mies who trouble me have reproached
requite them. me;
12 By this I know, that thou hast had Whilst they say to me day by day:
a good will for me: because my enemy Where is thy God?

shall not rejoice over me. 12 Why art thou cast down, my soul?
13 But thou hast upheld me by reason and why dost thou disquiet me ?
of my innocence: and hast established Hope thou in God, for I will still give
me in thy sight for ever. praise to him: the salvation of my coun
14 Blessed be the Lord the God of Is tenance, and my God.
rael from eternity to eternity. So be it.
So be it. PSALM 42
Judica me, Deus.
PSALM 41 The prophet aspireth after the tem<ple and altar of
Quemadmodum desiderat.
1 A psalm for David.
The fervent desire of the just after God: hope in
afflictions. UDGE me, God, and distinguish my
1 Unto the end, understanding for the sons of Core. J cause from the nation that is not
? Acts 1. 16.

God s favors to His people PSALMS His people are humbled
holy: deliverme from the unjust and de 11 Thou hast made us turn our back to
ceitfulman. our enemies: and they that hated us
2 For thou art God my strength: why plundered for themselves.
hast thou cast me off? and why do I go 12 Thou hast given us up like sheep to be
sorrowful whilst the enemy afflicteth me? eaten: thou hast scattered us among the
3 Send forth thy light and thy truth: they nations.
have conducted me, and brought me unto 13 Thou hast sold thy people for no
thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles. price: and there was no reckoning in the
4 And I will go in to the altar of God: exchange of them.
to God who giveth joy to my youth. 14 Thou hast made us a reproach to our
5 To thee, O God my God, I will give neighbours, a scoff and derision to them
praise upon the harp: why art thou sad, O that are round about us.
my soul ? and why dost thou disquiet me ? 15 Thou hast made us a byword among
6 Hope in God, for I will still give the Gentiles: a shaking of the head
praise to him: the salvation of my coun among the people.
tenance, and my God. 16 All the day long my shame is before
me: and the confusion of my face hath
PSALM 43 covered me,
Deus auribus nostris. 17 At the voice of him that reproacheth
The church commemorates former favours, and
present afflictions; under which, she prays for
and detracteth me: at the face of the
succour. enemy and persecutor.
1 Unto the end, for the sons of Core, to give under 18 All these things have come upon us,
yet we have not forgotten thee: and we
2 E have heard, O God, with our have not done wickedly in thy covenant.

to us,
ears: our fathers have declared 19 And our heart hath not turned back:
neither hast thou turned aside our steps
The work thou hast wrought in tfieir from thy way.
days, and in the days of old. 20 For thou hast humbled us in the
3 Thy hand destroyed the Gentiles, and
place of affliction: and the shadow of
thou plantedst them: thou didst afflict death hath covered us.
the people and cast them out. 21 If we have forgotten the name of
4 For they got not the possession of our God, and if we have spread forth
the land by their own sword: neither did our hands to a strange god:
their own arm save them. 22 Shall not God search out these
But thy right hand and thy arm, and things: for he knoweth the secrets of
the light of thy countenance: because the heart.
thou wast pleased with them. w Because for thy sake we are killed all
5 Thou art thyself my king and my God, the day long: we are counted as sheep
who commandest the saving of Jacob. for the slaughter.
6 Through thee we will push down our 23 Arise, why sleepest thou, Lord ?
enemies with the horn: and through thy arise, and cast us not off to the end.
name we will despise them that rise up 24 Why turnest thou thy face away?
against us. and f orgettest our want and our trouble ?
7 For I will not trust in my bow: nei 25 For our soul is humbled down to the
ther shall my sword save me. dust: our belly cleaveth to the earth.
8 But thou hast saved us from them 26 Arise, Lord, help us and redeem
that afflict us: and hast put them to us for thy name s sake.
shame that hate us.
9 In God shall we glory all the day PSALM 44
long: and in thy name we will give Eructavit cor tneum.
praise for ever. The excellence of Christ s kingdom, and the endout-
10 But now thou hast cast us off, and ments of his church.
1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed, for
put us to shame: and thou, O God, wilt the sons of Core, for understanding. A canticle
not go out with our armies. for the Beloved.

w Rom. 8. 36.
PSALM 44. Ver. 1. For them that shall be converted to God. Ibid. The Beloved, viz., Our
changed. i. e.. for souls happily changed, by being Lord Jesus Christ.

Beauty of Christ s kingdom PSALMS God our strength and our protector
Y heart
hath uttered a good word: PSALM 45
J.VJL I speak my works to the king: Deus noster refugium.
My tongue is the pen of a scrivener The church in persecution trusteth in the protec
that writeth swiftly. tion of God.
3 Thou art beautiful above the sons of 1 Unto the end, for the sons of Core, for the hidden.
men: grace is poured abroad in thy
therefore hath God blessed thee for ever.
lips; UR
God is our refuge and strength :

a helper in troubles, which have

4 Gird thy sword upon thy thigh,
found us exceedingly.
thou most mighty.
3 Therefore we will not fear, when the
5 With thy comeliness and thy beauty
earth shall be troubled; and the moun
set out, proceed prosperously, and reign.
tains shall be removed into the heart of
Because of truth and meekness and jus the sea.
tice: and thy right hand shall conduct
4 Their waters roared and were trou
thee wonderfully.
bled: the mountains were troubled with
6 Thy arrows are sharp: under thee
his strength.
shall people fall, into the hearts of the
5 The stream of the river maketh the
king s enemies. city of God joyful: the most High hath
7 x Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and
sanctified his own tabernacle.
ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a
6 God is in the midst thereof, it shall
scepter of uprightness. not be moved: God will help it in the
8 Thou hast loved justice and hated
morning early.
iniquity: therefore God, thy God, hath 7 Nations were troubled, and kingdoms
anointed thee with the oil of gladness were bowed down: he uttered his voice,
above thy fellows. the earth trembled.
9 Myrrh and stacte and cassia perfume 8 The Lord of armies is with us: the
thy garments, from the ivory houses: God of Jacob is our protector.
out of which 10 the daughters of kings 9 Come and behold ye the works of the
have delighted thee in thy glory. Lord: what wonders he hath done upon
The queen stood on thy right hand, in earth, 10 making wars to cease even to
gilded clothing; surrounded with variety. the end of the earth.
11 Hearken, O daughter, and see, and He shall destroy the bow, and break
incline thy ear: and forget thy people the weapons: and the shield he shall
and thy father s house. burn in the fire.
12 And the king shall greatly desire thy 11 Be still and see that I am God; I
beauty, for he is the Lord thy God, and will be exalted among the nations, and I
him they shall adore. will be exalted in the earth.
13 And the daughters of Tyre with gifts, 12 The Lord of armies is with us: the
yea, all the rich among the people, shall God of Jacob is our protector.
entreat thy countenance.
14 All the glory of the king s daughter PSALM 46
is within in golden borders, 15 clothed
Omnes gentes, plaudite.
round about with varieties.
The Gentiles are invited to praise God for the es
After her shall virgins be brought to tablishment of the kingdom of Christ.
the king: her neighbours shall be 1 Unto the end, for the sons of Core.
brought to thee.
16 They shall be brought with gladness
CLAP your hands, all ye nations:
shout unto God with the voice of
and rejoicing: they shall be brought into
the temple of the king.
3 For the Lord is high, terrible : a great
17 Instead of thy fathers, sons are born
king over all the earth.
to thee: thou shalt make them princes 4 He hath subdued the people under
over all the earth.
us; and the nations under our feet.
18 They shall remember thy name 5 He hath chosen for us his inheritance,
throughout all generations. the beauty of Jacob which he hath loved.
Therefore shall people praise thee for 6 v God is ascended with jubilee, and
ever; yea, for ever and ever. the Lord with the sound of trumpet.
x Heb. 1. 8. ?/ 2 Kings 6.

The enemy defeated and dispersed PSALMS Vanity, of earthly riches

7 Sing praises to our God, sing ye: sing daughters of Juda be glad; because of
praises to our Mng, sing ye. thy judgments, Lord.
8 For God is the king of all the earth: 13 Surround Sion, and encompass her:
sing ye wisely. tell ye in her towers.
9 God shall reign over the nations: 14 Set your hearts on her strength; and
God sitteth on his holy throne. distribute her houses, that ye may relate
10 The princes of the people are gath it in another generation.
ered together, with the God of Abra 15 For this is God, our God unto eter
ham: for the strong gods of the earth nity, and for ever and ever: he shall rule
are exceedingly exalted. us for evermore.

Magnus Dominus. Audite haec, omnes gentes.
God isgreatly to be praised for the establishment The folly of worldlings, who live on in sin, without
of his church. thinking of death or hell.
1 A psalm of a canticle, for the sons of Core, on 1 Unto the end, a psalm for the sons of Core.
the second day of the week.
2 TTEAR these things, all ye nations:
2 /^ REAT is the Lord, and exceedingly give ear, all ye inhabitants of
VTto be praised in the city of our the world.
God, in his holy mountain. 3 All you that are earthborn, and you
3 With the joy of the whole earth is sons of men both rich and poor together.

mount Sion founded, on the sides of the 4 My mouth shall speak wisdom: and
north, the city of the great king. the meditation of my heart understand
4 In her houses shall God be known, ing.
when he shall protect her. 5 2 I will incline my
ear to a parable;
5 For behold the kings of the earth as I will open proposition on the psal
sembled themselves: they gathered to tery.
gether. 6 Why shall I fear in the evil day ? the
6 So they saw, and they wondered, they iniquity of my heel shall encompass me.
were troubled, they were moved: 7 trem 7 They that trust in their own strength,
bling took hold of them. and glory in the multitude of their riches,
There were pains as of a woman in 8 No brother can redeem, nor shall man
labour. 8 With a vehement wind thou redeem: he shall not give to God his
shalt break in pieces the ships of Thar- ransom.
sis. 9 Nor the price of the redemption of his
9 As we have heard, so have we seen, in soul: and shall labour for ever, 10 and
the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city shall still live unto the end.
of our God God hath founded it for ever.
11 He shall not see destruction, when he
10 We have received thy mercy, O God, shall see the wise dying: the senseless
in the midst of thy temple. and the fool shall perish together:
11 According to thy name, God, so And they shall leave their riches to
also is thy praise unto the ends of the
strangers: 12 and their sepulchres shall
earth: thy right hand is full of justice. be their houses for ever.
12 Let mount Sion rejoice and the Their dwelling places to all generations:
z Ps. 77.2 ; Matt. 13. 35.

PSALM 48. Ver. 6. iniquity of my heel.

The Ver. 9. And shall labour for ever, &e. This
That is, the iniquity of my steps or ways: or the seems to be a continuation of the foregoing sen
iniquity of my pride, with which as with the heel, tence as much as to say no man can by any price

I have
spurned and kicked at my neighbours : or or ransom prolong his life, that so he may still con
the iniquity of my heel, that is, the iniquity in which tinue to labour here, and live to the end of the
1 shall be found in death. The meaning of this world. Others understand it of the eternal sorrows,
verse is, Why should I now indulge those passions and dying life of hell, which is the dreadful conse
and sinful affections, or commit now those sins, quence of dying in sin.
which will cause me so much fear and anguish in Ver. 11. He shall not see destruction, &c., or
the evil day ; when the sorrows of death shall com nhall he not see destruction? As much as to say,
pass me, and the perils of hell shall find me? however thoughtless he may be of his death, he
Ver. 7. They that trust, &c. As much as to say, must not expect to escape when even the wise and

let them fear that trust in their strength or riches : the good are not exempt from dying.
for they have great reason to fear: seeing no Ver. 12. They have called, &c. That is, they have
brother or other man, how much a friend soever, can left their names on their graves, which alone re
by any price or labour rescue them from death. main of their lands.

The future life PSALMS All things are God s
they have called their lands by their O Israel, and I will testify to thee: I am
: names. God, thy God.
13 And man when he was in honour did 8 I will not reprove thee for thy sacri
i not understand he is compared to sense
; fices :and thy burnt offerings are always
less beasts, and is become like to them. in my sight.
14 This way of theirs is a stumbling- 9 I will not take calves out of thy house :

block to them: and afterwards they shall nor he goats out of thy flocks.
delight in their mouth. 10 For all the beasts of the woods are
15 They are laid in hell like sheep: death mine: the cattle on the hills, and the oxen.
shall feed upon them. 11 I know all the fowls of the air: and
And the just shall have dominion over with me is the beauty of the field.
them in the morning; and their help 12 If I should be hungry, I would not
shalldecay in hell from their glory. tell thee: for the world is mine, and the
16 But God will redeem my soul from fulness thereof.
the hand of hell, when he shall receive 13 Shall I eat the flesh of bullocks ? or
me. shall I drink the blood of goats ?
17 Be not thou afraid, when a man shall 14 Offer to God the sacrifice of praise:
be made rich, and when the glory of his and pay thy vows to the most High.
house shall be increased. 15 And call upon me in the day of trou
18 For when he shall die he shall take ble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt
nothing away; nor shall his glory de glorify me.
scend with him. 16 But to the sinner God hath said:
19 For in his lifetime his soul will be Why dost thou declare my justices, and
blessed: and he will praise thee when take my covenant in thy mouth ?
thou shalt do well to him. 17 Seeing thou hast hated discipline:
20 He shall go in to the generations and hast cast my words behind thee.
of his fathers: and he shall never see 18 If thou didst see a thief thou didst
light. run with him: and with adulterers thou
21 Man when he was in honour did not hast been a partaker.
understand: he hath been compared to 19 Thy mouth hath abounded with evil,
senseless beasts, and made like to them. and thy tongue framed deceits.
20 Sitting thou didst speak against thy
brother, and didst lay a scandal against
Deus deorum.
thy mother s son: 21 these things hast
The coming of Christ: who prefers virtue and in thou done, and I was silent.
ward purity before the blood of victims.
1 A psalm for Asaph.
Thou thoughtest unjustly that I should
be like to thee: but I will reprove thee,
of gods, the Lord hath spoken: and set before thy face.
THE and he hath
From the
called the earth. 22 Understand these things, you that
rising of the sun, to the going forget God lest he snatch you away, and

down thereof: 2 out of Si on the loveli there be none to deliver you.

ness of his beauty. 23 The sacrifice of praise shall glorify
3 God shall come manifestly: our God me: and there is the way by which I will
shall come, and shall not keep silence. shew him the salvation of God.
A fire shall burn before him: and a
mighty tempest shall be round about him.
4 He shall call heaven from above, and Miserere.
the earth, to judge his people. The repentance and confession of David after his
sin. The fourth penitential psalm.
5 Gather ye together his saints to him:
1 Unto the end, a psalm of David, 2 when Nathan
who set his covenant before sacrifices. the prophet came to him, after he had sinned with
6 And the heavens shall declare his jus Bethsabee. [2 Kings 12.]

tice: for God is judge. 3 TTA.VE mercy on me, God, accord

7 Hear, my people, and I will speak: 1TL ing to thy great mercy.
Ver. 14. Theyshall delight in their mouth. Not tion to a new life when the just shall judge and

withstanding the wretched way in which they walk, condemn the wicked. Ibid. From their glory. That
they shall applaud themselves with their mouths, is, when their short-lived glory in this world shall
and glory in their doings. be past, and be no more.
Ver. 16. In the morning. That is, in the resurrec-

David s prayer for pardon PSALMS Malice of the -wicked

And according to the multitude of thy PSALM 51

tender mercies blot out my iniquity. Quid gloriaris.

4 Wash me yet more from my iniquity, David condemneth the wickedness of Doeg, and
foretelleth his destruction*
and cleanse me from my sin.
1 Unto the end, understanding for David, 2 when
5 For I know my iniquity, and my sin
Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul David went :

is always before me. to the house of Achimelech. [1 Kings 22. 9.]

6 To thee only have I sinned, and have 3 dost thou glory in malice,
done evil before thee: that thou mayst
thou that art mighty in iniquity ?
be justified in thy words, and mayst over 4 All the day long thy tongue hath de
come when thou art judged. vised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou
7 For behold I was conceived in iniqui hast wrought deceit.
ties; and in sins did my
mother conceive 5 Thou hast loved malice more than
me. goodness: and iniquity rather than to
8 For behold thou hast loved truth the :
speak righteousness.
uncertain and hidden things of thy wis Thou hast loved all the words of ruin,
dom thou hast made manifest to me. O deceitful tongue.
9 b Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, 7 Therefore will God destroy thee for
and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash ever: he will pluck thee cut, and remove
me, and I shall be made whiter than thee from thy dwelling place: and thy
snow. root out of the land of the living.
10 To my hearing thou shalt give joy 8 The just shall see and fear, and shall
and gladness: and the bones that have laugh at him, and say: 9 Behold the man
been humbled shall rejoice. that made not God his helper:
11 Turn away thy face from my sins, But trusted in the abundance of his
and blot out all my iniquities. riches: and prevailed in his vanity.
12 Create a clean heart in me, God: 10 But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the
and renew a right spirit within my bow house of God, have hoped in the mercy
els. of God for ever, yea for ever and ever.
13 Cast me not away from thy face; and 11 I will praise thee for ever, because
take not thy holy spirit from me. thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy
14 Restore unto me the joy of thy sal
name, for it is good in the sight of thy
vation, and strengthen me with a perfect saints.
15 I will teach the unjust thy ways: PSALM 52
and the wicked shall be converted to Dixit insipiena.
The general corruption of -man before the coming
16 Deliver me from blood, O God, thou of Christ.
God of my salvation: and my tongue 1 Unto the end, for Maeleth, understandings to
shall extol thy justice. David.

17 Lord, thou wilt open lips: my and fool said in his heart: c There is

my mouth shall declare thy praise. THE

no God.
18 For if thou hadst desired sacrifice, I 2 are
They corrupted, and become abom
would indeed have given it: with burnt inable in iniquities: there is none that
offerings thou wilt not be delighted. doth good.
19 Asacrifice to God is an afflicted 3 God looked down from heaven on the
spirit: a contrite and humbled heart, children of men: to see if there were
God, thou wilt not despise. any that did understand, or did seek
20 Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy good God.
will with Sion; that the walls of Jerusa 4 All have gone aside, they are become

lem may be built up. unprofitable together, there is none that

21 Then shalt thou accept the sacrifice doth good, no not one.
of justice, oblations and whole burnt 5 Shall not all the workers of iniquity
offerings: then shall they lay calves upon know, who eat up my people as they eat
thy altar. bread?
a Rom. 3. 4. b Lev. 14. ; Num. 19. c Ps. 13. 1. d Rom. 3. 12.
PSALM 52. Ver. 1. Maeleth, or Machalath. A musical instrument, or a chorus of musicians, for
St. Jerome renders it, jer chorum. t

Prayer for help in distress PS ALMS David betrayed by his own
6 They have not upon God: there
called and in wrath they were troublesome to
have they trembled for fear, where there me.
was no fear. 5 My heart is troubled within me: and
For God hath scattered the bones of the fear of death is fallen upon me.
them that please men: they have been 6 Fear and trembling are come upon
confounded, because God hath despised me: and darkness hath covered me.
them. 7 And I said: Who will give me wings
7 Who will give out of Sion the salva like a dove, and I will fly and be at rest ?
tion of Israel ? when God shall bring back 8 Lo, I have gone far off flying away;
the captivity of his people, Jacob shall and I abode in the wilderness.
rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. 9 I waited for him that hath saved me
from pusillanimity of spirit, and a storm.
PSALM 53 10 Cast down, O Lord, and divide their
Deus, in nomine tuo. tongues; for I have seen iniquity and
A prayer for help in distress. contradiction in the city.
1 Unto the
end, in verses, understanding for David. 11 Day and night shall iniquity surround
2 When the men of Ziph had come and said to
Saul Is not David hidden with us ? [1 Kings
: it upon its walls: and in the midst there
23. 19.] of are labour, 12 and injustice.
3 God, by thy name, and And usury and deceit have not departed
O judge me
in thy strength. from its streets.
13 For if my enemy had reviled me, I
4 God, hear my prayer: give ear to
the words of my mouth. would verily have borne with it.
5 For strangers have risen up against And if he that hated me had spoken
me; and the mighty have sought after great things against me, I would per
my soul: and they have not set God be haps have hidden myself from him.
fore their eyes. 14 But thou a man of one mind, my
6 For behold God is my helper: and the guide, and my familiar.
Lord is the protector of my soul. 15 Who didst take sweetmeats together
7 Turn back the evils upon my enemies; with me: in the house of God we walked
and cut them off in thy truth. with consent.
8 I will freely sacrifice to thee, and will 16 Let death come upon them, and let
them go down alive into hell.
give praise, God, to thy name because :

it is good:
For there is wickedness in their dwell
9 For thou hast delivered me out of all ings: in the midst of them.
trouble: and my eye hath looked down 17 But I have cried to God: and the
Lord will save me.
upon my enemies.
18 Evening and morning, and at noon I
will speak and declare: and he shall hear
Exaudi, Deus. my voice.
A prayer of a just man under persecution from the 19 He shall
redeem my soul in peace
wicked. It agrees to Christ persecuted by the from them that draw near to me: for
Jews, and betrayed by Judas.
1 Unto the end, in verses, understanding for David.
among many they were with me.
20 God shall hear, and the Eternal shall
2 TT EAR, God, my prayer, and de- humble them.
XJL spise not my
supplication: 3 be For there is no change with them, and
attentive to me and hear me.
they have not feared God: 21 he hath
I am grieved in my exercise; and am stretched forth his hand to repay.
troubled, 4 at the voice of the enemy, They have defiled his covenant, 22 they
and at the tribulation of the sinner. are divided by the wrath of his counte
For they have cast iniquities upon me: nance, and his heart hath drawn near.
Ver. 6. God hath scattered the bones, &c. That is, eous ways of God : but not by way of ill will, or un
God has brought to nothing the strength of all those charitable curses, which the law of God disallows.
that seek to pltase men, to the prejudice of their Ver. 19. Among many, &c. That is, they that
duty to their Maker. drew near to attack me were many in company all
PSALM 54. Ver. 16.Let death, &c. This, and combined to fight against me.
such which occur in the psalms,
like imprecations They are divided, &c. Dispersed, scat
Ver. 22.
are delivered prophetically that is, by way of fore
; and brought to nothing, by the wrath of God
tered, :

telling the punishments which shall fall upon the who looks with indignation on their wicked and
wicked from divine justice, and approving the right- deceitful ways.

Prayer of one in distress PSALMS David praises God for deliverance
His words are smoother than oil, and may please in the sight of God, in the
the same are darts. light of the living.
23 e Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he
shall sustain thee he shall not suffer the
Miserere mei, Deus.
just to waver for ever.
The prophet prays in his affliction, and praises God
24 But thou, God, shalt bring them
for his delivery.
down into the pit of destruction. Unto the
1 end, destroy not, for David, for an in
Bloody and deceitful men shall not live scription of a title, when he fled from Saul into
the cave. [1 Kings 24.]
out half their days; but I will trust in
thee, Lord. AVE mercy on me, God, have
mercy on me: for my soul trust-
PSALM 55 eth in thee.
Miserere mei, Deus. And in the shadow of thy wings will I
A prayer of David in danger and distress. hope, until iniquity pass away.
1 Unto the end, for a people that is removed at a 3 I will cry to God the most High; to
distance from the sanctuary: for David, for an
inscription of a title (or pillar) when the Philis God who hath done good to me.
tines held him in Geth. 4 He hath sent from heaven and deliv
2 TTAVE mercy on me, God, for man ered me: he hath made them a reproach
JTl hath trodden me under foot; all that trod upon me.
the day long he hath afflicted me fighting God hath sent his mercy and his truth,
against me. 5 and he hath delivered my soul from the
3 My enemies have trodden on me all midst of the young lions. I slept troubled.
the day long; for they are many that The sons of men, whose teeth are wea
make war against me. pons and arrows, and their tongue a
4 From the height of the day I shall sharp sword.
fear: but I will trust in thee. 6 Be thou exalted, God, above the
5 In God I will praise my words, in God heavens, and thy glory above all the
I have put my trust: I will not fear what earth.
flesh can do against me. 7 They prepared a snare for my feet;
6 All the day long they detested my and they bowed down my soul.
words: all their thoughts were against They dug a pit before my face, and they
me unto evil. are fallen into it.
7 They will dwell and hide themselves: 8 My heart is ready, God, my heart is
they will watch my heel. ready: I will sing, and rehearse a psalm.
As they have waited for my soul, 8 for 9 Arise, my glory, arise psaltery and
nothing shalt thou save them: in thy an harp: I will arise early.

ger thou shalt break the people in pieces. 10 I will give praise to thee, Lord,
God, 9 I have declared to thee my among the people I will sing a psalm to

life: thou hast set my tears in thy sight, thee among the nations.
As also in thy promise. 10 Then shall 11 For thy mercy is magnified even to
my enemies be turned back. the heavens: and thy truth unto the
In what day soever I shall call upon clouds.
thee, behold I know thou art my God. 12 Be thou exalted, God, above the
11 In God will I praise the word, in the heavens: and thy glory above all the
Lord will I praise his speech. In God earth.
have I hoped, I will not fear what man
can do to me. PSALM 57
Si vere utique.
12 In me, God, are vows to thee,
which I will pay, praises to thee: David reproveth the wicked, and foretetteth their
13 Because thou hast delivered my soul
1 Unto the end, destroy not, for David, for an in
from death, my feet from falling: that I scription of a title.

e Matt. 6. 25 ; Luke 12. 22 ; 1 Peter 5. 7.

PSALM Ver. 4. The height of the day. That

55. is, since they lie in wait to ruin my soul, thou shalt
is, even at noonday, when the sun is the highest, I for no consideration favour or assist them, but exe
am still in danger. cute thy justice upon them.
Ver. 5. My words. The words or promises God PSALM 56. Ver. 1. Destroy not. Suffer me not
has made in my favour. to be destroyed.
Ver. 8. For nothing shalt thou save them. That

Punishment of the wicked PSALMS Confidence in God s protection
2 TF in very deed
you speak justice: 7 They shall return at evening, and
JL judge right things, ye sons of men. shall suffer hunger like dogs: and shall
3 For in your heart you work iniquity: go round about the city.
your hands forge injustice in the earth. 8 Behold they shall speak with their
4 The wicked are alienated from the mouth, and a sword is in their lips: for
womb, they have gone astray from the who, say they, hath heard us?
womb: they have spoken false things. 9 But thou, O Lord, shalt laugh at
5 Their madness is according to the them thou shalt bring all the nations to

likeness of a serpent: like the deaf asp nothing.

that stoppeth her ears: 10 I will Keep my strength to thee: for
6 Which will not hear the voice of the thou art my protector: 11 my God, his
charmers; nor of the wizard that charm- mercy shall prevent rne.
eth wisely. 12 God shall let me see over my ene
7 God shall break in pieces their teeth mies: slay them not, lest at any time my
in their mouth: the Lord shall break the people forget.
grinders of the lions. Scatter them by thy power; and bring
8 They shall come to nothing, like water them down, O Lord, my protector:
running down; he hath bent his bow till 13 For the sin of their mouth, and the
they be weakened. word of their lips: and let them be taken
9 Like wax that melteth they shall be in their pride.
taken away: fire hath fallen on them, And for their cursing and lying they
and they shall not see the sun. shall be talked of, 14 when they are con
10 Before your thorns could know the sumed: when they are consumed by thy
brier; he swalloweth them up, as alive, wrath, and they shall be no more.
in his wrath. And they shall know that God will rule
11 The just shall rejoice when he shall Jacob, and all the ends of the earth.
see the revenge: he shall wash his hands 15 They shall return at evening and
in the blood of the sinner. shall suffer hunger like dogs: and shall
12 And man shall say: If indeed there go round about the city.
be fruit to the just; there is indeed a 16 They shall be scattered abroad to eat,
God that judgeth them on the earth. and shall murmur if they be not filled.
17 But I will sing thy strength: and
will extol thy mercy in the morning.
Eripe me.
A prayer to be delivered from the wicked, with con For thou art become my support, and
fidence in God s help and protection. It agrees to my refuge, in the day of my trouble.
Christ and his enemies the Jews.
1 Unto the end, destroy not, for David for an in 18 Unto thee, my helper, will I sing,
scription of a title, when Saul sent and watched for thou art God my defence my God my :

his house to kill him. [1 Kings 19.]

2 ~T\ELIVER me from my enemies, O PSALM 59
\J my God, and defend me from Deus, repulisti nos.
them that rise up against me. After many afflictions, the church of Christ shall
3 Deliver me from them that work ini
1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed, for
quity, and save me from bloody men. the inscription of a title, to David himself, for
4 For behold they have caught my soul: doctrine, 2 when he set fire to Mesopotamia of
Syria and Sobal and Joab returned and slew of
the mighty have rushed in upon me:

Edom, in the vale of the saltpits, twelve thousand

5 Neither is it my iniquity, nor my sin,
O Lord: without iniquity have I run, 3 thou hast cast us off, and
and directed my steps. OGOD,
hast destroyed us; thou hast been
6 Rise up thou to meet me, and behold: angry, and hast had mercy on us.
even thou, Lord, the God of hosts, the 4 Thou hast moved the earth, and hast
God of Israel. troubled it: heal thou the breaches there
Attend to visit all the nations: have no of, for it has been moved.
mercy on all them that work iniquity. 5 Thou hast shewn thy people hard

PSALM 57. Ver. 10. Before your thorns. &c. That Ver. 11. Shall wash his hands, &c. Shall applaud
is, before your thorns grow up, so as to become the justice of God, and take occasion from the con-
strong briers, they shall be overtaken and con- sideration of the punishment of the wicked to wash
&umed by divine justice, swallowing them up, as it and cleanse his hands from sin.
were, alive in his wrath.

20 609
Our help is front, God PSALMS Exhortation to trust in God
things; thou hast made us drink the God: his mercy and truth who shall
wine of sorrow. search ?
6 Thou hast given a warning to them 9 So will I sing a psalm to thy name for
that fear thee: that they may flee from ever and ever: that I may pay my vows
before the bow: from day to day.
That thy beloved may be delivered.
7 Save me with thy right hand, and hear
Nonne Deo.
me. The prophet encourageth himself and all others to
8 God hath spoken in his holy place: I trust in God, and serve him.
will rejoice, and I will divide Sichem; 1 Unto the end, for Idithun, a psalm of David.
and will mete out the vale of tabernacles.
9 Galaad is mine, and Manasses is mine;
2 OH
ALL not my soul be subject to
kj God ? for from him is my salvation.
and Ephraim is the strength of my head. 3 For he is my God and my saviour: he
Juda is my king: 10 Moab is the pot of is my I shall be moved no
my hope. more.
Into Edom will I stretch out my shoe: How
4 long do you rush in upon a man ?
to me the foreigners are made subject. as if you were thrusting doivn
you all kill,
11 Who will bring me into the strong a leaning wall, and a tottering fence.
city? who will lead me into Edom? 5 But they have thought to cast away
12 Wilt not thou, God, who hast cast my pride; I ran in thirst: they blessed
us off? and wilt not thou, God, go out with their mouth, but cursed with their
with our armies? heart.
13 Give us help from trouble: for vain 6 But be thou, O
is the salvation of man.
soul, subject tomy
God: for from him is patience. my
14 Through God we shall do mightily: 7 For he is God and my
saviour: he my
and he shall bring to nothing them that is my
helper, I shall not be moved.
afflict us. 8 In God is my salvation and my glory:
PSALM 60 he is the God of my help, and my hope is
Exaudi, Deus. in God.
A prayer for the coming of the kingdom of Christ, 9 Trust in him, all ye congregation of
which shall have no end. people: pour out your hearts before him.
1 Unto the end, in hymns, for David. God is our helper for ever.
2 TJEAR, God, my supplication: he 10 But vain are the sons of men, the
XI attentive to my prayer. sons of men are liars in the balances:
3 To thee have I cried from the ends of that by vanity they may together deceive.
the earth: when my heart was in anguish, 11 Trust not in iniquity, and cover not
thou hast exalted me on a rock. robberies: if riches abound, set not your
Thou hast conducted me; 4 for thou heart upon them.
hast been my hope; a tower of strength 12 God hath spoken once, these two
against the face of the enemy. things have I heard, that power belong-
5 In thy tabernacle I shall dwell for eth to God, 13 and mercy to thee, O
ever: I shall be protected under tha Lord; / for thou wilt render to every man
covert of thy wings. according to his works.
6 For thou, my God, hast heard my PSALM 62
prayer: thou hast given an inheritance Deus Deus meus, ad te.
to them that fear thy name. The prophet aspireth after God.
7 Thou wilt add days to the days of the 1 A psalm of David when he was in the desert of

king: his years even to generation and Edom.

generation. 2 /~\ GOD, my God, to thee do I watch
8 He abideth for ever in the sight of \J
at break of day.

/ Matt. 16. 27 ; Rom. 2. 6 ; 1 Cor. 3. 8 ; Gal. 6. 5.

PSALM 59. Ver. 10. The pot of my hope: or my PSALM Ver. 10. Are liars in the balances, &c.
watering pot. That is, a vessel for meaner uses, by They are so vain and light, that if they are put into
being reduced to serve me, even in the meanest em the scales, they will be found to be of no weight ;

ployments. Ibid. Foreigners. So the Philistines and to be mere lies, deceit, and vanity. Or, They
are called, who had no kindred with the Israelites ; are liars in their balances, by weighing things by
whereas the Edomites, Moabites, &c., were originally false weights, and preferring the temporal before
of the same family. the eternal.

Thirsting for God PSALMS A hymn of thanksgiving
For thee my soul hath thirsted; for 7 They have searched after iniquities:
thee my flesh, O how many ways! they have failed in their search.
3 In a desert land, and where there is Man shall come to a deep heart: 8 and
no way, and no water: so in the sanctuary God shall be exalted.
have I come before thee, to see thy power The arrows of children are their wounds :

and thy glory. 9 and their tongues against them are

4 For thy mercy is better than lives: made weak.
thee my lips shall praise. All that saw them were troubled; 10 and
5 Thus will I bless thee all my life long: every man was afraid.
and in thy name I will lift up my hands. And they declared the works of God
6 Let my soul be filled as with marrow and understood his doings.
and fatness: and my mouth shall praise 11 The just shall rejoice in the Lord,
thee with joyful lips. and shall hope in him: and all the up
7 If I have remembered thee upon my right in heart shall be praised.
bed, I will meditate on thee in the morn
ing: 8 because thou hast been my helper. PSALM 64
And I will rejoice under the covert of Te decet.
thy wings: 9 my soul hath stuck close God is to be praised in his church, to which all
to thee: thy right hand hath received nations shall be called.
me. L To the end, a psalm of David. The canticle of
10 But they have sought my soul in Jeremias and Ezechiel to the people of the cap
tivity, when they began to go out.
vain, they shall go into the lower parts
of the earth: 2 A HYMN, O God, becometh thee in
11 They shall be delivered into the J\. Sion: and a vow shall be paid to
hands of the sword, they shall be the thee in Jerusalem.
portions of foxes. 3 hear my prayer: all flesh shall
12 But the king shall rejoice in God, all come to thee.
they shall be praised that swear by him: 4 The words of the wicked have pre
because the mouth is stopped of them vailed over us: and thou wilt pardon our
that speak wicked things. transgressions.
5 Blessed is he whom thou hast chosen
PSALM 63 and taken to thee he shall dwell in thy

Exaudi Deus oratorem. courts.

A prayer in affliction, with confidence in God that
shall be filled with the good things
he will bring to nought the machinations of per of thy house; holy is thy temple, 6 won
secutors. derful in justice.
1 Unto the end, a psalm for David. Hear us, O God
our saviour, who art the
2 TTEAR, prayer, when I
God, my hope of the ends of the earth, and in
Ji make supplication to thee: de the sea afar off.
liver my soul from the fear of the enemy. 7 Thou who preparest the mountains by
3 Thou hast protected me from the as thy strength, being girded with power:
sembly of the malignant; from the mul 8 who troublest the depth of the sea, the
titude of the workers of iniquity. noise of its waves.
4 For they have whetted their tongues The Gentiles shall be troubled, 9 and
like a sword; they have bent their bow they that dwell in the uttermost borders
a bitter thing, 5 to shoot in secret the shall be afraid at thy signs: thou shalt
nndefiled. make the outgoings of the morning and
6 They will shoot at him on a sudden, of the evening to be joyful.
and will_not fear: they are resolute in 10 Thou hast visited the earth, and hast
wickedness. plentifully watered it; thou hast many
They have talked of hiding snares; they ways enriched it.
have said: Who shall see them? The river of God is filled with water.

PSALM 63. Ver. 7. A deep heart. That is, crafty, children s arrows, which can do no execution : and
subtle, deep projects and designs ;
which neverthe their tongues, that is, their speeches against them
less shall not succeed for God shall be exalted in
come to nothing.
bringing them to nought by his wisdom and power. PSALM 64. Ver. 1. Of the captivity. That is, the
Ver. 8. The arrows of children are their wounds. people of the captivity of Babylon. This is not in
That is, the wounds, stripes, or blows, they seek to the Hebrew, but is found in the ancient translation
inflict upon the just, are but like the weak efforts of of the Septuagint.

Exhortation to praise God PSALMS A prayer of praise
thou hast prepared their food: for so is 15 to thee holocausts full
I will offer up
its preparation. of marrow, with burnt offerings of rams :

11 Fill up plentifully the streams there I will offer to thee bullocks with goats.

of, multiply its fruits; it shall spring up 16 Come and hear, all ye that fear God,
and rejoice in its showers. and I will tell you what great things he
12 Thou shalt bless the crown of the hath done for my soul.
year of thy goodness: and thy fields 17 I cried to him with my mouth: and I
shall be filled with plenty. extolled him with my tongue.
13 The beautiful places of the wilder 18 If I have looked at iniquity in my
ness shall grow fat: and the hills shall be heart, the Lord will not hear me.
girded about with joy, 19 Therefore hath God heard me, and
14 The rams of the flock are clothed, hath attended to the voice of my suppli
and the vales shall abound with corn: cation.
they shall shout, yea they shall sing a 20 Blessed be God, who hath not turned
hymn. away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.
Jubilate Deo.
An invitation to praise God. Deus misereatur.
1 Unto the end, a canticle of a psalm of the resur A prayer for the propagation of the church.
rection. 1 Unto the end, in hymns, a psalm of a canticle for
with joy to God, all the earth.
SHOUT 2 sing ye a psalm to his name; give
God have mercy on
us, and
glory to his praise.
1T bless us: may
he cause the light
3 Say unto God, How terrible are thy of his countenance to shine upon us, and
works, O Lord! in the multitude of thy may he have mercy on us.
3 That we may know thy way upon
strength thy enemies shall lie to thee.
4 Let all the earth adore thee, and sing earth: thy salvation in all nations.
to thee: let it sing a psalm to thy name. 4 Let people confess to thee, O God: let
5 Come and see the works of God; who all people give praise to thee.
is terrible in his counsels over the sons 5 Let the nations be glad and rejoice:
of men. for thou judgest the people with justice,
6 Who turneth the sea into dry land, in and directest the nations upon earth.
the river they shall pass on foot: there 6 Let the people, O God, confess to thee :

let all the people give praise to thee: 7

shall we rejoice in him.
7 Who by his power ruleth for ever: the earth hath yielded her fruit.
his eyes behold the nations; let not May God, our God bless us, 8 may God
them that provoke him be exalted in bless us: and all the ends of the earth
fear him.
8 O bless our God, ye Gentiles: and PSALM 67
make the voice of his praise to be heard. Exurgat Deus.
9 Who hath set my soul to live: and The glorious establishment of the church of the
New Testament, prefigured by the benefits be
hath not suffered my feet to be moved: stowed on the people of Israel.
10 For thou, God, hast proved us: thou 1 Unto the end, a psa m
of a canticle for David
hast tried us by fire, as silver is tried. himself.

11 Thou hast brought us into a net, 2 T ET God arise, and let his enemies
thou hast laid afflictions on our back: Xjbe scattered: and let them that
12 thou hast set men over our heads. hate him flee from before his face.
We have passed through fire and water, 3 As smoke vanisheth, so let them van
and thou hast brought us out into a re ish away: as wax melteth before the fire,
freshment. so let the wicked perish at the presence
13 I will go into thy house with burnt of God.
offerings: I will pay thee my vows, 14 4 And let the just feast, and rejoice be
which my lips have uttered, fore God: and be delighted with glad
And my mouth hath spoken, when I was ness.
in trouble. 5 Sing ye to God, sing a psalm to his
PSAJLM 67. Ver. 5. Who ascendeth upon the weet, Christ, who after his going down, like the sun, in
Super occasum. St. Gregory understands it of the west, by his passion and death, ascended more

God s wonders in the desert PS ALM S Mo unt Sion is His dwelling place
name, make a way for him who ascend- of the beloved; and the beauty of the
eth upon the west: the Lord is his name. house shall divide spoils.
Rejoice ye before him: but the wicked 14 If you sleep among the midst of lots,
shall be troubled at his presence, 6 who you shall be as the wings of a dove cov
is the father of orphans, and the judge of ered with silver, and the hinder parts of
widows. her back with the paleness of gold.
God in his holy place: 7 God who maketh 15 When he that is in heaven appoint-
men of one manner to dwell in a house: eth kings over her, they shall be whited
Who bringeth out them that were bound with snow in Selmon. 16 The mountain
in strength; in like manner them that of God is a fat mountain.
provoke, that dwell in sepulchres. A curdled mountain, a fat mountain. 17
8 O God, when thou didst go forth in Why suspect, ye curdled mountains?
the sight of thy people, when thou didst A mountain in which God is well pleased
pass through the desert: to dwell: for there the Lord shall dwell
9 The earth was moved, and the heavens unto the end.
dropped at the presence of the God of 18 The chariot of God is attended by ten
Sina, at the presence of the God of Israel. thousands; thousands of them that re
10 Thou shalt set aside for thy inherit joice: the Lord is among them in Sina,
ance a free rain, God: and it was weak in the holy place.
ened, but thou hast made it perfect. 19 Thou hast ascended on high, thou
11 In it shall thy animals dwell in thy :
hast led captivity captive; thou hast re
sweetness, God, thou hast provided for ceived gifts in men.
the poor. Yea for those also that do not believe,
12 The Lord shall give the word to the dwelling of the Lord God.
them that preach good tidings with great 20 Blessed be the Lord day by day: the
power. God of our salvation will make our jour
13 The king of powers is of the beloved, ney prosperous to us.
glorious, and carried before him. St. Jerome
all The kings of armies have fled, they have fled, and
renders it, who ascendeth, or cometh up, through, she that dwells at home (or the beauty of the house)
the deserts. shall divide the spoils.
Ver. 7. Of one manner*. That is, agreeing in faith, Ver. 14. If you sleep among the midst of lots
unanimous in love, and following the same manner (inter medios cleros, &c. ), viz., In such dangers and
of discipline. It is verified in the servants of God, persecutions, as if your enemies were casting lots
living together in his house, which is the church. for your goods and persons : or in the midst of the

1 Tim. 3. 15. Ibid. Them that were bound, &c. The lots, (inter medios terminos, as St. Jerome renders
power and mercy of God appears in his bringing out it,) that is, upon the very bounds or borders of
of their captivity those that were strongly bound in dominions of your enemies you shall be secure

their sins and in restoring to his grace those whose

: nevertheless under the divine protection ; and shall
behaviour had been most provoking; and who by be enabled to fly away, like a dove, with glittering
their evil habits were not only dead, but buried in wings and feathers shining like the palest and most
their sepulchres. precious gold that is, with great increase of virtue,

Ver. 10. A free rain. The manna, which rained and glowing with the fervour of charity.
plentifully from heaven, in favour of God s inherit Ver. 15. Kings over her. That is, pastors and
ance, that is, of his peopls Israel: which was weak rulers over his church, viz., the apostles and their
ened indeed under a variety of afflictions, but was successors. Then by their ministry shall men be
made perfect by God that is, was still supported by
; made whiter than the snow which lies on the top of
divine providence, and brought on to the promised the high mountain Selmon.
land. It agrees particularly to the church of Christ, Ver. 16. The mountain of God. The church,
his true inheritance, which is plentifully watered which, Isa. 2. 2, is called The mountain of the house
with the free rain of heavenly grace and through
of the Lord upon the top of mountains. It is here
many infirmities, that is, crosses and tribulations, is called a fat and a, curdled mountain ; that is to say,
made perfect, and fitted for eternal glory. mcst fruitful, and enriched by the spiritual gifts
Ver. 11. In it, &c. That is, in this church, which and graces of the Holy Ghost.
is thy fold and thy inheritance, shall thy animals, Ver. 17. Why suspect, ye curdled mountains?
thy sheep, dwell: where thou hast plentifully pro Why do you suppose or imagine there may be any
vided for them. other such curdled mountains? You are mistaken:
Ver. 12. To them- that preach good tidings. Evan- the mountain thus favoured by God is but one and ;

gclizantibus. That is, to the preachers of the gos this same he has chosen for his dwelling for ever.
pel; who receiving the word from the Lord, shall Ver. 18. The chariot of God, descending to giye
with great power and efficacy preach throughout the his law on mount Sina: as also of Jesus Christ his
world the glad tidings of a Saviour, and of eternal Son, ascending into heaven, to send from thence the
salvation through him. Holy Ghost, to publish his new law, is attended with
Ver. 18. The king of powers. That is, the mighty ten thousands, that is, with an innumerable multi
King, the Lord of hosts, is of the beloved, of the be tude of joyful angels.
loved; that is, is on the side of Christ, his most be Ver. 19. Led captivity captive. Carrying away
loved son and his beautiful house, viz., the church,
: with thee to heaven those who before had been the
in which God dwells forever, shall by her spiritual captives of Satan ; and receiving from God the
conquests divide the spoils of many nations. The Father gifts to be distributed to men even to those

Hebrew (as it now stands pointed) is thus rendered, who were before unbeliever.

The triumphs of Israel PSALM S The passion of Christ
21 Our God is the God of salvation: and Egypt: Ethiopia shall soon stretch out
of the Lord, of the Lord are the issues her hands to God.
from death. 33 Sing to God, ye kingdoms of the
22 But God shall break the heads of his earth: sing ye to the Lord:
enemies: the hairy crown of them that Sing ye to God, 34 who mounteth above
walk on in their sins. the heaven of heavens, to the east.
23 The Lord said: I will turn them from Behold he will give to his voice the
Basan, I will turn them into the depth voice of power: 35 give ye glory to God
of the sea: for Israel, his magnificence, and his
24 That thy foot may be dipped in the power is in the clouds.
blood of thy enemies; the tongue of thy 36 God is wonderful in his saints: the
dogs be red with the same. God of Israel is he who will give power
25 They have seen thy goings, O God, and strength to his people. Blessed be
the goings of my God: of my king who God.
is in his sanctuary. PSALM 68
26 Princes went before joined with sing Salvum me Deus.
ers, in the midst of young damsels play
Christ in his passion declareth the greatness of h\
ing on timbrels. sufferings, and the malice of his persecutors the
27 In the churches bless ye God the Jews; and foretelleth their reprobation.
1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed ;
Lord, from the fountains of Israel.
for David.
28 There is Benjamin a youth, in ecstasy
of mind. AVE me, God: for the waters are
The princes of Juda are their leaders: come even unto my soul.
the princes of Zabulon, the princes of 3 I stick fast in the mire of the deep:
Nephthali. and there is no sure standing.
29 Command thy strength, God: con I am come into the depth of the sea:
firm, O God, what thou hast wrought in us. and a tempest hath overwhelmed me.
30 From thy temple in Jerusalem, kings 4 I have laboured with crying; my jaws
shall offer presents to thee. are become hoarse: my eyes have failed,
31 Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, whilst I hope in my God.
the congregation of bulls with the kine 5 They are multiplied above the hairs of
of the people; who seek to exclude them my head, who hate me without cause.
who are tried with silver. My enemies are grown strong who have
Scatter thou the nations that delight in wrongfully persecuted me: then did I
wars: 32 ambassadors shall come out of pay that which I took not away.
Ver. 21. The issues from death. The Lord alone the devils, who hide themselves in order to surprise
is master of the issues, by which we may escape their prey. Or by wild beasts, are here understood
from death. persecutors, who, for all their attempts against the
Ver. 23. / will turn them from Basan. &c. I will Church, are but as weak reeds, which cannot pre
cast out my enemies from their rich possessions, sig vail against them who are supported by the strength
nified by Basan, a fruitful country and I will drive
: of the Almighty. The same are also called the con
them into the depth of the sea: and make such a gregation of bulls (from their rage against the
slaughter of them, that the feet of my servants may Church) who assemble together all their kine, that
be dyed in their blood, &c. is, the people their subjects, to exclude if they can,
Ver. 25. Thy goings. Thy ways, thy proceedings, from Christ and his inheritance, his constant con
by which thou didst formerly take possession of the fessors, who are like silver tried by fire.
promised land in favour of thy people and shalt ; Ver. 32. Ambassadors shall come, &c. It is a pro
afterwards of the whole world, which thou shalt phecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and by name
subdue to thy Son. of the Egyptians and Ethiopians.
Ver. 26. Princes. The apostles, the first convert Ver. 34. To the east. From mount Olivet, which
ers of nations ; attended by numbers of perfect is on the east side of Jerusalem. Ibid. The voice
souls, singing the divine praises, and virgins conse of power. That is, he will make his voice to be a
crated to God. powerful voice: by calling from death to life, such
Ver. 27. From the fountains of Israel. From whom as were dead in mortal sin as at the last day he

both Christ and his apostles sprung. By Benjamin, will by the power of his voice call all the dead from
the holy fathers on this place understand St. Paul, their graves.
who was of that tribe, named here a youth, because PSALM 68. Ver. 1. For them that shall be
he was the last called to the apostleship. By the changed. A psalm for Christian converts, to re
princes of Juda, Zabulon, and Nephthali, we may member the passion of Christ.
understand the other apostles, who were of the tribe Ver. 2. The waters. Of afflictions and sorrows.
of Juda or of the tribes of Zabulon, and Nephthali,
My soul is sorrowful even unto death. Matt. 26. 38.
where our Lord began to preach, Matt. 4. 13, &c. Ver. 5. / pay that which I took not away. Christ
Ver. 29. Command thy strength. Give orders that in his passion. made restitution of what he had not
thy strength may be always with us. taken away, by suffering the punishment due to
Ver. 31. Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds: or our sins, and so repairing the injury we had done
the wild beasts, which lie hid in the reeds. That is, to God.

The passion of Christ PSALMS Punishment of the persecutors
6 O
God, thou knowest my foolishness; 22 *
And they gave me gall for my food,
and my offences are not hidden from and in my thirst they gave me vinegar
thee: to drink.
7 Let not them be ashamed for me, who 23 i Let their table become as a snare
look for thee, Lord, the Lord of hosts. before them, and a recompense, and a
Let them not be confounded onmy ac stumblingblock.
count, who
seek thee, God of Israel. 24 Let their eyes be darkened that they
8 Because for thy sake I have borne re see not; and their back bend thou down
proach; shame hath covered my face. always.
9 I am become a stranger to my bre 25 Pour out thy indignation upon them:
thren, and an alien to the sons of my and let thy wrathful anger take hold of
mother. them.
10 v For the zeal of thy house hath 26 k Let their habitation be made deso
eaten me up: h and the reproaches of late: and let there be none to dwell in
them that reproached thee are fallen their tabernacles.
upon me. 27 Because they have persecuted him
11 And I covered my soul in fasting: whom thou hast smitten; and they have
and it was made a reproach to me. added to the grief of my wounds.
12 And I made haircloth my garment: 28 Add thou iniquity upon their
and I became a byword to them. iniquity: and let them not come into thy
13 They that sat in the gate spoke justice.
against me: and they that drank wine 29 Let them be blotted out of the book
made me their song. of the living; and with the just let them
14 But as for me, my prayer is to thee, not be written.
Lcrd; for the time of thy good plea 30 But I am poor and sorrowful: thy
sure, God. salvation, O God, hath set me up.
In the multitude of thy mercy hear me, 31 I v/ill praise the name of God with a
in the truth of thy salvation. canticle: and I will magnify him with
15 Draw me out of the mire, that I may praise.
not stick fast: deliver me from them 32 And it shall please God better than
that hate me, and out of the deep waters. a young calf, that bringeth forth horns
16 Let not the tempest of water drown and hoofs.
me, nor the deep swallow me up: and let 33 Let the poor see and rejoice: seek ye
not the pit shut her mouth upon me. God, and your soul shall live.
17 Hear me, O Lord, for thy mercy is 34 For the Lord hath heard the poor:
kind; look upon me according to the and hath not despised his prisoners.
multitude of thy tender mercies. 35 Let the heavens and the earth praise
18 And turn not away thy face from him; the sea, and every thing that creep-
thy servant: for I am in trouble, hear me eth therein.
speedily. 36 For God will save Sion, and the cities
19 Attend to my soul, and deliver it: of Juda shall be built up.
save me because of my enemies. And they shall dwell there, and acquire
20 Thou knowest my reproach, and my it by inheritance.

confusion, and my shame. 37 And the seed of his servants shall

21 In thy sight are all they that afflict possess it; and they that love his name
me; my heart hath expected reproach shall dwell therein.
and misery.
And I looked for one that would grieve
Deus in adjutorium.
together with me, but there was none: A prayer in persecution.
and for one that would comfort me, and Unto the end, a psalm for David, to bring to re
1 found none. membrance that the Lord saved him.
g John 2. 17. h Rom. 15. 3. * Matt 27. 48. j Rom. 11. 9. k Acts 1. 20.

Ver. 6. My
foolishness and my offences: which wretched state to which the Jews should be reduced
my enemies impute to me or the follies and sins of
: in punishment of their wilful obstinacy.
men, which I have taken upon myself. Ver. 36. Swn. The catholic church. The cities of
Ver. 23. Let their table, &c. What here follows Juda, &c., her places of worship, which shall be es
in the style of an imprecation, is a prophecy of the tablished throughout the world. And there, viz., in
this church of Christ, shall his servants dwell, Ac.

Prayer for God s protection PSALMS Prayer for God s protection
2 /~\ GOD, come to my assistance; God hath forsaken him: pur
11 Saying:
V_/ Lord, make haste to help me. sue and take him, for there is none to
3 Let them be confounded and ashamed deliver him.
that seek my soul: 12 God, be not thou far from me:
4 Let them be turned backward, and my God, make haste to my help.
blush for shame that desire evils to me: 13 Let them be confounded and come to
Let them be presently turned away nothing that detract my soul; let them
blushing for shame that say to me: Tis be covered with confusion and shame
well, t is well. that seek my hurt.
5 Let all that seek thee rejoice and be 14 But I will always hope; and will add
to all thy praise.
glad in thee; and let such as love thy sal
vation say always: The Lord be magnified. 15 My mouth shall shew forth thy jus
6 But I am needy and poor; O God, help tice; thy salvation all the day long.
me. Because I have not known learning, 16 I
will enter into the powers of the Lord:
Thou art my helper and my deliverer:
O Lord, I will be mindful of thy justice
Lord, make no delay. alone.
PSALM 70 Thou hast taught me,
17 God, from
my youth: and till now I will declare thy
In te, Domine. wonderful works.
A prayer for perseverance. 18 And unto old age and grey hairs:
1 A psalm for David. Of the sons of Jonadab, and
the former captives. God, forsake me not,
Until I shew forth thy arm to all the
Lord, I have hoped, let me
generation that is to come:
INnever be put to confusion: 2 deliver
Thy power, 19 and thy justice, God,
me in thy justice, and rescue me. even to the highest great things thou
Incline thy ear unto me, and save me.
3 Be thou unto me a God, a protector,
hast done: God, who is like to thee?
20 How great troubles hast thou shewn
and a place of strength: that thou mayst
make me me, many and grievous: and turning thou
hast brought me to life, and hast brought
For thou art my firmament and my me back again from the depths of the
refuge. earth:
4 Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand
21 Thou
hast multiplied thy magnifi
of the sinner, and out of the hand of the
cence; and turning to me thou hast com
transgressor of the law and of the unjust. forted me.
5 For thou art my patience, Lord: my
22 For I will also confess to thee thy
hope, Lord, from my youth. truth with the instruments of psaltery:
By thee have I been confirmed from
O God, I will sing to thee with the harp,
the womb: from my mother s womb thou
thou holy one of Israel.
art my protector.
23 lips shall greatly rejoice, when I
Of thee shall I continually sing: 7 I am
become unto many as a wonder, but thou sing to thee; and my soul which
thou hast redeemed.
art a strong helper.
24 Yea and my tongue shall meditate on
8 Let my mouth be filled with praise,
that I may sing thy glory thy greatness thy justice all the day; when they shall
be confounded and put to shame that
all the day long.
seek evils to me.
9 Cast me not off in the time of old age:
when my strength shall fail, do not thou PSALM 71
forsake me.
Deus, judicium tuum.
10 For my enemies have spoken against
A prophecy of the coming of Christ, and of his king
me; and they that watched my soul have dom: prefigured by Solomon and his happy reisn.
consulted together, 1 A psalm on Solomon.
PSALM 69.Ver. 4. T is well, t i-, well. Euge, psalm was usually sung in the synagogue, in the
euge. St. Jerome renders
it, vah, vah! which is the person of the Rechabites, and of those who were
voice of one insulting and deriding. Some under first carried away into captivity.
stand it as a detestation of deceitful flatterers. Ver. 15. Learning. As much as to say, I build
PSALM 70. Ver. 1. Of the sons of Jonadab. The not upon human learning, but only on the power
Rechabites, of whom see Jer. 35. By this addition and justice of God.
of the seventy-two interpreters, we gather that this

A prayer for the king s son PSALMS Temporal prosperity of the wicked
2 /""i IVE to the king thy judgment, 18 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
\j~ God: and to the king s son thy who alone doth wonderful things.
justice: 19 And blessed be the name of his maj
To judge thy people with justice, and esty for ever: and the whole earth shall be
thy poor with judgment. filled with his majesty. So be it. So be it.
3 Let the mountains receive peace for 20 The praises of David, the son of
the people: and the hills justice. Jesse, are ended.
4 He shall judge the poor of the people,
and he shall save the children of the PSALM 72
poor: and he shall humble the oppressor. Quam bonus Israel Deus.
5 And he shall continue with the sun, The temptation of the weak, upon seeing the pros
and before the moon, throughout all gen perity of the wicked, is overcome by the consider
ation of the. justice of God, who will quickly rend
erations. er to every one according to his works.
6 He shall come down like rain upon 1 A psalm for Asaph.
the fleece; and as showers falling gently is God to Israel, to them
upon the earth.
7 In his days shall justice spring up, and
that are of a right heart!
2 my feet were almost moved; my
abundance of peace, till the moon be steps had wellnigh slipped.
taken away. 3 Because I had a zeal on occasion of
8 And he shall rule from sea to sea, and the wicked, seeing the prosperity of sin
from the river unto the ends of the earth. ners.
9 Before him the Ethiopians shall fall 4 For there is no regard to their death,
down: and his enemies shall lick the nor is there strength in their stripes.
ground. 5 They are not in the labour of men:
10 The kings of Tharsis and the islands neither shall they be scourged like other
shall offer presents: the kings of the men.
Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts: 6 Therefore pride hath held them fast:
11 And all kings of the earth shall adore they are covered with their iniquity and
him: all nations shall serve him. their wickedness.
12 For he shall deliver the poor from the 7 Their iniquity hath come forth, as it
mighty: and the needy that had no helper. were from fatness: they have passed into
13 He shall spare the poor and needy: the affection of the heart.
and he shall save the souls of the poor. 8 They have thought and spoken wick
14 He shall redeem their souls from edness: they have spoken iniquity on
usuries and iniquity: and their names high.
shall be honourable in his sight. 9 They have set their mouth against
15 And he shall live, and to him shall be heaven: and their tongue hath passed
given of the gold of Arabia, for him they through the earth.
shall always adore: they shall bless him 10 Therefore will my people return here:
all the day. and full days shall be found in them.
16 And there shall be a firmament on 11 And they said: How doth God know?
the earth on the tops of mountains, above and is there knowledge in the most
Libanus shall the fruit thereof be exalted: High?
and they of the city shall flourish like the 12 Behold these are sinners; and yet
grass of the earth. abounding in the world they have ob
17 Let his name be blessed for evermore: tained riches.
his name continueth before the sun. 13 And I said : Then have I in vain jus
And in him shall all the tribes of the tified my heart, and washed my hands
earth be blessed: all nations shall mag among the innocent.
nify him. 14 And I have been scourged all the day ;

PSALM 71. Ver. 16. A firmament on the earth, in their iniquity: and made them give themselves
&c. This may be understood of the church of Christ, up to their irregular affections.
ever firm and visible: and of the flourishing condi Ver. 10. Return here; or hither. The weak among
tion of its congregation. the servants of God, will be apt often to return to
Ver. 20. Are ended. By this it appears that this this thought, and will be shocked when they con
psalms, though placed here was in order of time the sider the full days, that is, the long and prosperous
last of those which David composed. life of the wicked and will be tempted to make the

PSALM 72. Ver. 7. Fatness. Abundance and reflections against providence which are eet down
temporal prosperity, which hatb encouraged them in the following verses.

The zvicked are brought to naught PSALMS A prayer %n time of persecution
and chastisement hath been in the
my why liast thou cast us off unto
mornings. OGOD,
the end: why is thy wrath enkindled
15 If I said: I will speak thus; behold against the sheep of thy pasture?
I should condemn the generation of thy 2 Remember thy congregation, which
children. thou hast possessed from the beginning.
16 I studied that I might know this The sceptre of thy inheritance which
thing, it is a labour in my sight: thou hast redeemed: mount Sion in
17 Until I go into the sanctuary of God, which thou hast dwelt.
and understand concerning their last 3 Lift up thy hands against their pride
ends. unto the end; see what things the enemy
18 But indeed for deceits thou hast put hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.
it to them: when they were lifted up 4 And they that hate thee have made
thou hast cast them down. their boasts, in the midst of thy solemnity.
19 How are they brought to desolation? They have set up their ensigns for signs,
they have suddenly ceased to be: they 5 and they knew not both in the going
have perished by reason of their iniquity. out and on the highest top.
20 As the dream of them that awake, As with axes in a wood of trees, 6 they
Lord; so in thy city thou shalt bring have cut down at once the gates thereof,
their image to nothing. with axe and hatchet they have brought
21 For my heart hath been inflamed, it down.
and my reins have been changed 22 and :
7They have set fire to thy sanctuary :

1 am brought to nothing, and I knew not.

they have defiled the dwelling place of
23 I am become as a beast before thee: thy name on the earth.
and I am always with thee. 8 They said in their heart, the whole kin
24 Thou hast held me by my right hand : dred of them together Let us abolish all :

and by thy will thou hast conducted me, the festival days of God from the land.
and with thy glory thou hast received 9 Our signs we have not seen, there is
me. now no prophet and he will know us no

25 For what have I in heaven? and be more.

sides thee what do I desire upon earth? 10 How long, God, shall the enemy
26 For thee my flesh and my heart hath reproach: is the adversary to provoke
fainted away: thou art the God of my thy name for ever?
heart, and the God that is my portion for 11 Why dost thou turn away thy hand:
ever. and thy right hand out of the midst of
27 For behold they that go far from thy bosom for ever?
thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed 12 m But God is our king before ages:
all them that are disloyal to thee. he hath wrought salvation in the midst
28 But it is good for me to adhere to of the earth.
my God, to put my hope in the Lord 13 Thou by thy strength didst make
God: the sea firm: thou didst crush the heads
That I may declare all thy praises, in of the dragons in the waters.
the gates of the daughter of Sion. 14 Thou hast broken the heads of the
dragon: thou hast given him to be meat
PSALM 73 for the people of the Ethiopians.
TJt quid, Deus. 15 Thou hast broken up the fountains
A prayer of the church under grievous persecutions . and the torrents thou hast dried up the

1 Understanding for Asaph. Ethan rivers.

I 4 Kings 23. 9. m Luke 1. 68.

Ver. 15. If / sa-id, &c. That is, if I should indulge the time of the Machabees, and the profanation of
such thoughts as these. the temple by Antiochus.
Ver. 18. Thou hast put it to them. In punishment Ver. 13. The sea firm. By making the waters of
of their deceits, or for deceiving them, th~u hust the Red Sea stand like firm walls, whilst Israel
brought ev .ls upon them in their last end, which, in passed through and destroying the Egyptians called

their prosperity they never apprehended. here dragons from their cruelty, in the same waters,
PSALM 73. Ver. 4. Their ensigns. &c. They have with their king casting up their bodies on the

fixed their colours for signs and trophies, bnth on shore to be stripped by the Ethiopians inhabiting
the gates, and on the highest top of the tpmple and : in those days the coast of Arabia.
they knew not, that is, they regarded not the sanc Ver. 15. Ethan rivers. That is, rivers which run
tity of the place. This psalm manifestly foretells with strong streams*. This was verified in Jordan.
Jos. 3, and in Arnon, Num. 21. 14.

God -will jtidge the wicked PSALMS God protects Israel
16 Thine is the day, and thine is the lifteth up: 9 for in the hand of the Lord
night: them hast made the morning light there is a cup of strong wine full of mix
and the sun. ture.
17 Thou hast made all the borders of And he hath poured it out from this to
the earth: the summer and the spring that: but the dregs thereof are not emp
were formed by thee. tied: all the sinners of the earth shall
18 Remember this, the enemy hath re drink.
proached the Lord: and a foolish people 10 But I will declare for ever: I will
hath provoked thy name. sing to the God of Jacob.
19 Deliver not up to beasts the souls 11 And I will break all the horns of
that confess to thee: and forget not to sinners: but the horns of the just shall
the end the souls of thy poor. be exalted.
20 Have regard to thy covenant: for
they that are the obscure of the earth PSALM 75
have been filled with dwellings of iniquity. Notus in Judaea.
21 Let not the humble be turned away God is known in his church: and exerts his power
with confusion the poor and needy shall
in protecting it. It alludes to the slaughter of the
Assyrians, in the days of king Ezechias.
praise thy name.
22 Arise, O God, judge thy own cause: 1 Unto the end, in praises, a psalm for Asaph : a
canticle to the Assyrians.
remember thy reproaches with which the
foolish man hath reproached thee all the 2 TN Judea God is known : his name is

day. J. great in Israel.

23 Forget not the voices of thy enemies : 3 And his place is in peace: and his
the pride of then that hate thee ascend- abode in Sion:
eth continually. 4 There hath he broken the powers of
bows, the shield, the sword, and the bat
PSALM 74 tle.
5 Thou enlightenest wonderfully from
Confitebimur tibi.
the everlasting hills. 6 All the foolish of
There is a just judgment to come: therefore let the
wicked take care. heart were troubled.
1 Unto the end, corrupt not, a psalm of a canticle They have slept their sleep; and all the
for Asaph. men of riches have found nothing in
2 TVT E will praise thee, O God we will
: their hands.
\\ praise, and we will call upon thy 7 At thy rebuke, God of Jacob, they
name. have all slumbered that mounted on
We will relate thy wondrous works: 8 horseback.
when I shall take a time, I will judge 8 Thou art terrible, and who shall resist
justices. thee? from that time thy wrath.
4 The earth is melted, and all that dwell 9 Thou hast caused judgment to be
therein: I have established the pillars heard from heaven: the earth trembled
thereof. and was still,
5 I said to the wicked Do not act wick : 10 When God
arose in judgment, to
edly and to the sinners : Lift not up the
: save the meek of the earth.
horn. 11 For the thought of man shall give
6 Lift not up your horn on high speak :
praise to thee: and the remainders of
not iniquity against God. the thought shall keep holiday to thee.
7 For neither from the east, nor from 12 Vow ye, and pay to the Lord your
the west, nor from the desert hills 8 for : God: all you that are round about him
God is the judge. bring presents.
One he putteth down, and another he To him that is terrible, 13 even to him
Ver. 20. The obscure of the earth. Mean and igno because God will not fail in his due time to render
ble wretches hare been filled, that is, enriched, with to every man according to his works.
houses of iniquity, that is, with our estates and pos Ver. 3. When I shall take a time. In proper
sessions, which they have unjustly acquired. times: particularly at the last day, when the earth
PSALM 74. Ver. 1. Corrupt not. It is believed shall melt away at the presence of the great Judge :

to have been the beginning of some ode or hymn, to the same who originally laid the foundations of it.
the tune of which this psalm was to be sung. St. and as it were established its pillars.
Augustine and other fathers take it to be an admo PSALM 75. Ver. 8. From, that time, &c. From
nition of the spirit of God, not to faint or fail in our the time that thy wrath shall break out
hope: but to persevere with constancy in good:

A prayer to God in adversity PSALMS God s dealings zvith Israel

who taketh away the spirit of princes: For thy arrows pass: 19 the voice of
to the terrible with the kings of the thy thunder is in a wheel.
earth. Thy lightnings enlightened the world:
the earth shock and trembled.
PSALM 76 20 Thy way is in the sea, and thy paths
Voce mea, in many waters: and thy footsteps shall
The faithful have recourse to God in trouble of not be known.
mind, with confidence in his mercy and power.
1 TJnto the end, for Idithun, a psalm of Asaph.
21 n Thou hast conducted thy people
2 T CRIED to the Lord with my voice; like sheep, by the hand of Moses and
JL to God
with my voice, and he gave
ear to -me. PSALM 77
3 In the day of my
trouble I sought
God, with my hands lifted up to him in GocC 8 great benefits to the people of Israel, notwith
the night, and I was not deceived. standing their ingratitude.
My soul refused to be comforted: 4 I 1 Understanding for Asaph.

remembered God, and was delighted, and my people, to my law:

was Exercised, and my spirit swooned ATTEND,
incline your ears to the words of
away. my mouth.
5 My
eyes prevented the watches: I 2 I will open my mouth in parables: I
was troubled, and I spoke not. will utter propositions from the begin
6 I thought upon the days of old: and I ning.
had in my mind the eternal years. 3 How great things have we heard and
7 And I meditated in the night with my known, and our fathers have told us.
own heart: and I was exercised and I 4 They have not been hidden from their
swept my spirit. children, in another generation.
God then cast off for ever? or
8 Will Declaring the praises of the Lord, and
will he never be more favourable again? his powers, and his wonders which he
9 Or will he cut off his mercy for ever, hath done.
from generation to generation? 5 And he set up a testimpny in Jacob:
10 Or will God forget to shew mercy? and made a law in Israel.
or will he in his anger shut up his How great things he commanded our
mercies? fathers, that they should make the same
11 And I said, Now have I begun: this known to their children: 6 That another
is the change of the right hand of the generation might know them.
most High. The children that should be born and
12 I remembered the works of the Lord : should rise up, and declare them to their
for I will be mindful of thy wonders children.
from the beginning. 7 That they may put their hope in God
13 And I will meditate on all thy and may not forget the works of God:
works: and will be employed in thy in and may seek his commandments.
ventions. 8 That they may not become like their
14 Thy way, O God, is in the holy place :
fathers, a perverse and exasperating
who is the great God like our God? 15 generation.
Thou art the God that dost wonders. A generation that set not their heart
Thou hast made thy power known aright: and whose spirit was not faith
among the nations 16 with thy arm thou
: ful to God.
hast redeemed thy people the children 9 The sons of Ephraim who bend and
of Jacob and of Joseph. shoot with the bow: they have turned
17 The waters saw thee, God, the back in the day of battle.
waters saw thee: and they were afraid, 10 They kept not the covenant of God*:
and the depths were troubled. and in his law they would not walk.
18 Great was the noise of the waters: 11 And they forgot his benefits, and his
the clouds sent out a sound. wonders that he had shewn them.
Ex. 14. 29.

PSALM 77. Ver. 2. Propositions. Deep and mys psalm, were deep and mysterious: as being figures
terious sayings. By this it appears that the histor of great truths appertaining to the time of the
ical facts of ancient times, commemorated in this New Testament.

The wonders in the desert PSALMS The plagues of Egypt
12 Wonderful things did he do in the 31 and the wrath of God came upon
sight of their fathers, in the land of them.
Egypt, in the field of Tanis. And he slew the fat ones amongst them,
13 He
divided the sea and brought and brought down the chosen men of
them through: and he made the waters Israel.
to stand as in a vessel. 32 In all these things they sinned still:
14 And he
conducted them with a cloud and they believed not for his wondrous
by day: and all the -night with a light of works.
fire. 33 And their days were consumed in
15 P He struck the rock in the wilder vanity, and their years in haste.
ness and gave them, to drink, as out of
: 34 When he slew them, then they sought
the great deep. him: and they returned, and came to
16 He brought forth water out of the him early in the morning.
rock: and made streams run down as 35 And they remembered that God was
rivers. their helper: and the most high God
17 And they added yet more sin against their redeemer.
him: they provoked the most High to 36 And they loved him with their mouth :

wrath in the place without water. and with their tongue they lied unto him:
18 And they tempted God in their 37 But their heart was not right with
hearts, by asking meat for their desires. him: nor were they counted faithful
19 And they spoke ill of God: they in his covenant.
said: Can God furnish a table in the 38 But he is merciful, and will forgive
wilderness? their sins and will not destroy them.

20 Because he struck the rock, and the And many a time did he turn away his
waters gushed out, and the streams anger: and did not kindle all his wrath.
overflowed. 39 And he remembered* that they are
Can he also give bread, or provide a flesh: a wind that goeth and returneth
table for his people? not.
21 i Therefore the Lord heard, and was 40 How often did they provoke him in
angry: and a fire was kindled against the desert and move him to wrath in the

Jacob, and wrath came up against Israel. place without water?

22 Because they believed not in God: 41 And they turned back and tempted
and trusted not in his salvation. God: and grieved the holy one of Israel.
23 And he had commanded the clouds 42 They remembered not his hand, in
from above, and had opened the doors the day that he redeemed them from the
of heaven. hand of him that afflicted them:
24 r And had rained down manna upon 43 How he wrought his signs in Egypt,
them to eat, and had given them the and his wonders in the field of Tanis.
bread of heaven. 44 v And he turned their rivers into
25 s Man ate the bread of angels he : blood, and their showers that they might
sent them provisions in abundance. not drink.
26 t He removed the south wind from 45 w He sent amongst them divers sorts
heaven: and by his power brought in of flies, which devoured them: "and

the southwest wind. frogs which destroyed them.

27 And he rained upon them flesh as 46 v And he gave up their fruits to the
dust: and feathered fowls like as the blast, and their labours to the locust.
sand of the sea. 47 And he destroyed their vineyards
28 And they fell in the midst of their with hail, and their mulberry trees with
camp, round about their pavilions. hoarfrost.
29 So they did eat, and were filled ex 48 And he gave up their cattle to the
ceedingly, and he gave them their de hail, and their stock to the fire.
sire 30 they were not defrauded of that
: 49 And he sent upon them the wrath of
which they craved. his indignation: indignation and wrath
u As and troub e, which he sent by evil angels.
yet their meat was in their mouth:
o Ex. 14. 22. p Ex. 17. 6 ; Ps. 104. 41. u Num. 11. 33. v Ex. 7. 20.
Q Num. 11. l.r Ex. 16. 4 :Num. 11. 7. Ex. 8.
vi 24. x Ex. 8. 6.
s John 6. 31 ; 1 Cor. 10. 3. tNum. 11. 31. V Ex. 10. 15. * Ex. 9. 25.

Israel s ingratitude punished PSALMS Prayer against enemies of Israel
50 a way for a path to his
He made Joseph and chose not the tribe of

anger: he spared not their souls from Ephraim:

death, and their cattle he shut up in 68 But he chose the tribe of Juda, mount
death. Sion which he loved.
51 a And he killed all the firstborn in 69 And he built his sanctuary as of uni
the land of Egypt: the firstfruits of all corns, in the land which he founded for
their labour in the tabernacles of Cham. ever.
52 And he took away his own people as 70 And he chose his servant David, and
sheep: and guided them in the wilder took him from the flocks of sheep: he
ness like a flock. brought him from following the ewes
53 And he brought them out in hope, great with young,
and they feared not b and the sea over
71 To feed Jacob his servant, and Israel
whelmed their enemies. his inheritance.
54 And he brought them into the moun 72 And he fed them in the innocence of
tain of his sanctuary: the mountain his heart: and conducted them by the
which his right hand had purchased. skilfulness of his hands.
c And he cast out the Gentiles before

them: and by lot divided to them their PSALM 78

land by a line of distribution. Deus, venerunt gentes.
55 And he made the tribes of Israel to The church in time of persecution prayeth for relief.
It seems to belong to the time of the Machabees.
dwell in their tabernacles.
56 Yet they tempted, and provoked the 1 A
psalm for Asaph.
most high God: and they kept not his the heathens are come into thy
testimonies. OGOD,
inheritance, they have defiled thy
57 And they turned away, and kept not holy temple: they have made Jerusalem
the covenant: even like their fathers as a place to keep fruit.
they were turned aside as a crooked bow. 2 They have given the dead bodies of
58 They provoked him to anger on their thy servants to be meat for the fowls of
hills: and moved him to jealousy with the air: the flesh of thy saints for the
their graven things. beasts of the earth.
59 God heard, and despised them, and he 3 They have poured out their blood as
reduced Israel exceedingly as it were to water, round about Jerusalem, and there
nothing. was none to bury them.
60 d And he put away the tabernacle of 4 Weare become a reproach to our
Silo, his tabernacle where he dwelt neighbours a scorn and derision to them

among men. that are round about us.

61 And he delivered their strength into 5 How long, O Lord, wilt thou be angry
captivity: and beauty into the
their for ever: shall thy zeal be kindled like a
hands of the enemy. fire?
62 And he shut up his people under the 6 e Pour out thy wrath upon the nations
sword: and he despised his inheritance. that have not known thee: and upon the
63 Fire consumed their young men and :
kingdoms that have not called upon thy
their maidens were not lamented. name.
64 Their priests fell by the sword: and 7 Because they have devoured Jacob;
their widows did not mourn. and have laid waste his place.
65 And the Lord was awaked as one out 8 f Remember not our former iniquities :

of sleep, and like a mighty man that let thy mercies speedily prevent us, for
hath been surfeited with wine. we are become exceeding poor.
66 And he smote his enemies on the 9 Help us, God, our saviour: and for
hinder parts: he put them to an ever the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver
lasting reproach. us: and forgive us our sins for thy
67 And he rejected the tabernacle of name s sake:
a Ex. 12. 29. b Ex. 14. 27. d I Kings 4. 4 ; Jer. 1. 12, 14, and 26. t>.

c Jos. 13. 6 and 7. e Jer. 10. 25. / Isa. 64. 9.

Ver. 6. As of unicorns. That is, firm and strong ing the firm establishment of the one, true, and ever
like the horn of the unicorn. This is one of the
lasting sanctuary of God, in his church.
chief eat of the propositions of this psalm, foreshew-

Prayer for salvation from the enemy PSALMS Song of praise to God our Helper
among the Gen
10 Lest they should say and the branches thereof the cedars of
tiles:Where is their God? And let him God.
be made known among the nations before 12 It stretched forth its branches unto
our eyes, the sea, and its boughs unto the river.
By the revenging blood of thy ser 13 Why hast thou broken down the
vants, which hath been shed.: 11 let the hedge thereof, so that all they who pass
sighing of the prisoners come in before by the way do pluck it?
thee. 14 The boar out of the wood hath laid it
According to the greatness of thy arm, waste: and a singular wild beast hath
take possession of the children of them devoured it.
that have been put to death. Turn again, O God of hosts,
15 look
12 And render to our neighbours seven down from heaven, and see, and visit
fold in their bosom: the reproach where this vineyard:
with they have reproached thee, O Lord. 16 And perfect the same which thy
13 But we thy people, and the sheep of right hand hath planted: and upon the
thy pasture, will give thanks to thee for son of nan whom thou hast confirmed
ever. for thyself.
We will shew forth thy praise, unto 17 Things set on fire and dug down
generation and generation. shall perish at the rebuke of thy coun
18 Let thy hand be upon the man of
Qui regis Israel.
A. prayer for the church in tribulation, commemo thy right hand: and upon the son of man
rating God s former favours. whom thou hast confirmed for thyself.
1 Unto the end, for them that shall be changed a 19 And we depart not from thee, thou
testimony for Asaph, a psalm. shalt quicken us: and we will call upon
2 /^JVE ear, thou that rulest Israel: thy name.
VjTthou that leadest Joseph like a 20 O Lord God of hosts, convert us:
sheep. and shew thy face, and we shall be
Thou that sittest upon the cherubims, saved.
shine forth 3 before Ephraim, Benjamin, PSALM 80
and Manasses. Exultate Deo.
Stir up thy might, and come to save us. An invitation to a solemn praising of God.
4 Convert us, jO God and shew us thy :
1 Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for
face, and we shall be saved. Asaph himself.
5 O Lord God of hosts, how long wilt 2 T> EJOICE
to God our helper: sing
thou be angry against the prayer of thy J\aloud to the God of Jacob.
servant? 3 Take a psalm, and bring hither the tim
6 How long wilt thou feed us with the brel the pleasant psaltery with the harp.

bread of tears and give us for our drink

: 4 Blow up the trumpet on the new moon,
tears in measure? on the noted day of your solemnity.
7 Thou hast made us to be a contradic 5 For it is a commandment in Israel,
tion to our neighbors: and our enemies and a judgment to the God of Jacob.
have scoffed at us. 6 a He ordained it for a testimony in
8 God of hosts, convert us : and shew Joseph, when he came out of the land of
thy face, and we shall be saved. Egypt he heard a tongue which he knew

9 Thou has brought a vineyard out of not.

Egypt: thou hast cast out the Gentiles 7 He removed his back from the bur
and planted it. dens: his hands had served in baskets.
10 Thou wast the guide of its journey 8 calledst upon me in affliction,
in sight: thou plantedst the roots
its anddelivered thee: I heard thee in
thereof, and it filled the land. the secret place of tempest h I proved :

11 The shadow of it covered the hills: thee at the waters of contradiction.

ff Gen. 41. 29. h Ex. 17. 5.

PSALM 79. Ver. 17. Things set on fire, &c. So cularibus. It either signifies a musical instrument,
this vineyard of thine, almost consumed already, or that this psalm was to be sung at the feast of the
must perish, if thou continue thy rebukes. tabernacles after the gathering in of the vintage.
Ver. 18. The man of thy right, hand. Christ. Ver. 8. In the secret place of tempest. Heb., Of
PSALM 80. Ver. 1. For the winepresses, &c., tor- thunder. When thou soughtest to hide thyself from

Against unjust judges PSALMS Prayer for help against the enemy
9 Hear, O my
people, and I will testify 3 For lo, thy enemies have made a
to thee: Israel, if thou: wilt hearken to noise: and they that hate thee have
me, 10 there shall be * no new god in liftedup the head.
thee: neither shalt thou adore a strange 4 They have taken a malicious counsel
god. against thy people, and have consulted
11 For I am the Lord thy God, who
against thy saints.
brought thee out of the land of Egypt: 5 They have said: Come and let us de
open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
12 But my people heard not my voice: stroy them, so that they be not a nation :

and let the name of Israel be remem

and Israel hearkened not to me.
bered no more.
13 i So I let them go according to the
desires of their heart: they shall walk 6 For they have contrived with one
in their own inventions. consent: they have made a covenant to
14 k If my
people had heard me : if gether against thee, 7 the tabernacles of
Israel had walked in the Edomites, and the Ismahelites:
ways: my
15 I should soon have humbled their Moab, and the Agarens, 8 Gebal, and
enemies, and laid my hand on them that Ammon and Amalec: the Philistines,
troubled them. with the inhabitants of Tyre.
16 The enemies of the Lord have lied 9 Yea, and the Assyrian also is joined
to him: and their time shall be for ever. with them: they are come to the aid of
17 And he fed them with the fat of the sons of Lot.
wheat, and filled them with honey out 10 Do to them n as thou didst to Madian
of the rock. and to Sisara: as to Jabin at the brook
PSALM 81 of Cisson.
Deus stetit. 11 Who perished at Endor: and became
An exhortation to judges and men in power. as dung for the earth.
1 A psalm for Asaph. 12 * Make their princes like Oreb, 1 and
hath stood in the congregation Zeb, and Zebee, and Salmana.
GOD of gods:
them he
and being in the midst of All their princes, 13 who have said : Let
us possess the sanctuary of God for an
judgeth gods.
2 How long will you judge unjustly: inheritance.
and accept the persons of the wicked? 14 my God, make them like a wheel;
3 Judge for the needy and fatherless: and as stubble before the wind.
do justice to the humble and the poor. 15 As fire which burneth the wood:
4 Rescue the poor; and deliver the
and as a flame burning mountains:
needy out of the hand of the sinner. 16 So shalt thou pursue them with thy
5 They have not known nor under tempest: and halt trouble them in thy
stood they walk on in darkness all the
: : wrath.
foundations of the earth shall be moved. 17 Fill their faces with shame; and they
6 m l have said: You are gods and all shall seek thy name, O Lord.
of you the sons of the most High. 18 Let them be ashamed and troubled
7 But you like men shall die: and shall for ever and ever: and let them be con
fall likeone of the princes. founded and perish.
8 Arise, God, judge thou the earth: 19 And let them know that the Lord is
for thou shalt inherit among all the na thy name thou alone art the most High

tions. over all the earth.

Deus, quis similis. PSALM 83
A prayer against the enemies of God s church. Quam dilecta.
1 A canticle of a psalm for Asaph. The soul ospireth after heaven; rejoicing in the
mean time, in being in the communion of God s
/~\GOD, who sha11 *>e like to thee?
church upon earth.
\_J hold not thy peace, neither be thou 1 Unto the end, for the winepresses, a psalm for
still, God. the sons of Core.
i Ex. 20. Z.j Acts 14. 15. n Judges 7. 22. o Judges 4. 15.
fc Bar. 3. 23. I Prov. 24. 11. m John 10. 34. p Judges 7. 25. q Judges 8. 21.

the tempest: or, when I came down to mount Sina, Ver. 16. Their time shatt be forever. Impenitent
hidden from thy eyes in a, storm of thunder. sinners shall suffer for ever.

The beauty of God s dwelling place PSALMS Prayer for mercy and salvation
lovely are thy tabernacles, or wilt thou extend thy wrath from gen
Lord of hosts!
3 my soul longeth eration to generation?
and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. 7 Thou wilt turn, God, and bring us
My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in to life: and thy people shall rejoice in
the living God. thee.
4 For the sparrow hath found herself a 8 Shew us, Lord, thy mercy; and
house, and the turtle a nest for herself grant us thy salvation.
where she may lay her young ones. 9 I will hear what the Lord God will
Thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my king speak in me: for he will speak peace
and my God. unto his people:
5 Blessed are they that dwell in thy And unto his saints: and unto them
house, O Lord they shall praise thee for
: that are converted to the heart.
ever and ever. 10 Surely his salvation is near to them
6 Blessed is the man whose help is from that fear him: that glory may dwell in
thee: in his heart he hath disposed to our land.
ascend by steps, 7 in the vale of tears, 11 Mercy and truth have met each
in the place which he hath set. other: justice and peace have kissed.
8 For the lawgiver shall give a blessing, 12 Truth is sprung out of the earth:
they shall go from virtue to virtue: the and justice hath looked down from hea
God of gods shall be seen in Sion. ven.
9 O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer: 13 For the Lord will give goodness : and
give ear, O God of Jacob. our earth shall yield her fruit.
10 Behold, O God our protector: and 14 Justice shall walk before him: and
look on the face of thy Christ. shall set his steps in the way.
11 For better is one day in thy courts
above thousands. PSALM 85
I have chosen to be an abject in the Inclina, Domine.
house of my God, rather than to dwell in A prayer for God s grace to assist us to the end.
the tabernacles of sinners. 1 A prayer for David himself.
12 For God loveth mercy and truth the :
thy ear, Lord, and hear me:
Lord will give grace and glory. for I am needy and poor.
13 He will not deprive of good things 2 Preserve my soul, for I am holy: save
them that walk in innocence: Lord of thy servant, O my God, that trusteth in
hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth thee.
in thee. 3 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I have
PSALM 84 cried to thee all the day. 4 Give joy to
the soul of thy servant, for to thee,
Benedixisti, Domine.
The coming of and salvation Lord, I have lifted up my soul.
Christ, to bring peace
For thou,
to man. 5 Lord, art sweet and
1 Unto the end, for the sons of Core, a psalm. mild and plenteous in mercy to all that

2 TORD, thou hast blessed thy land: call upon thee.

J_j thou hast turned away the cap 6 Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer: and
tivity of Jacob. attend to the voice of my petition.
3 Thou hast forgiven the
iniquity of thy 7 I have called upon thee in the day of
people: thou hast covered all their sins. my trouble: because thou hast heard me.
4 Thou hast mitigated all thy anger: 8 There is none among the gods like
thou hast turned away from the wrath of unto thee, Lord: and there is none
thy indignation. according to thy works.
5 Convert us, O God our saviour: and 9 All the nations thou hast made shall
turn off thy anger from us. come and adore before thee, O Lord and :

6 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever: they shall glorify thy name.
r Joel 2. 18.

PSALM 83. Ver. 6. In his heart he hath disposed he lives as yet in the body, in this vale of tears, the
to ascend by steps, &c., ascensiones in corde suo dis- place which man hath set: that is, which he hath
poKw t As by steps men ascended to the temple of brought himself to being cast out of paradise for

God, situated on a hill so the Rood Christian ascends

his sin.
towards the eternal temple by certain steps of virtue PSALMVer. 2. / am holy. I am by
85. my office
disposed or ordered within the heart and this whilst
: and profession dedicated to thy service.

The glories of Jerusalem PSALMS A prayer of one in affliction
10 For thou art great and dost wonder PSALM 87
ful things: thou art God alone. Domine, Deus salutis.
11 Conduct me, O Lord, in thy way, and! A prayer of one under grievous affliction : it agrees
I will walk in thy truth: let my heart to Christ in his patision, and alludes to his death
and burial.
rejoice that it may fear thy name.
12 I will praise thee, Lord my God, 1 A canticle of a psalm for the sons of Core: unto
the end, for Maheleth, to answer understanding
with my whole heart, and I will glorify of Eman the Ezrahite.
thy name for ever: 2 the God of my salvation:
13 For thy mercy is great towards me: f\LORD,
\J?I have cried in the day, and in the
and thou hast delivered my soul out of
night before thee.
the lower hell. 3 Let my prayer come in before thee:
14 O God, the wicked are risen up incline thy ear to my petition.
against me, and the assembly of the 4 For my soul is filled with evils: and
mighty have sought my soul: and they my life has drawn nigh to hell.
have not set thee before their eyes. 6 I am counted among them that go
15 And Lord, art a God of com
thou, down to the pit: I am become as a man
passion, and merciful, patient, and of without help, 6 free among the dead.
much mercy, and true. Like the slain sleeping in the sepulchres
16 look upon me, and have mercy whom thou rememberest no more: and
on me: give thy command to thy ser
they are cast off from thy hand.
vant, and save the son of thy hand 7 They have laid me in the lower pit:
maid. in the dark places, and in the shadow of
17 Shew me a token for good: that they death.
who hate m
may see, and be confounded, 8 Thy wrath is strong over me and all :
because thou, O Lord, hast helped me
thy waves thou hast brought in upon me.
and hast comforted me. 9 Thou hast put away my acquaintance
far from me they have set me an abom
PSALM 86 ination to themselves.

Fundamenta ejus. I was delivered up, andcame not forth:

The glory of the church of Christ. 10 my
eyes languished through poverty.
1 For the sons of Core, a psalm of a canticle. All the day I cried to thee, Lord: I
foundations thereof are in the stretched out my hands to thee.
THEholy mountains:
The Lord loverh the gates of Sion
II Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead?
or shall physicians raise to life, and
above the tabernacles of Jacob.
all give praise to thee?
3 Glorious things are said cf thee, O 12 Shall any one in the sepulchre de
city of God. clare thy mercy: and thy truth in de
4 I will be mindful of Rahab and of struction?
Babylon knowing me. wonders be known in the
13 Shall thy
Behold the foreigners, and Tyre, and dark: and thy justice in the land of for-
the people of the Ethiopians, these were getfulness?
there. 14 But I, Lord, have cried to thee:
5 Shall not Sion say: This man and that and in the morning my player shall pre
man born in her?
is and the Highest vent thee.
himself hath founded her. 15 Lord, why castest thou off my prayer :

6 The Lord shall tell in his writings of why turnest thou away thy face from
peoples and of princes, of them that have me?
been in her. 16 I am poor, and in labours from my
7 The dwelling in thee is as it were of youth: and being exalted have been
all rejoicing. humbled and troubled.
PSALM Ver. 1. The holy mountains. The
86. tudes of people and princes of her communion who ;

apostles and prophots. Eph. 2. 20. have been foretold in the writings of the prophets,
Ver. 4. Rahab. Egypt, &c. To this Sion, which and registered in the writings of the apostles.
is the church of God, many shall rtasort from all PSALM 87. Ver. 1. Malieleth. A musical instru
nations. ment, or chorus of musicians, to answer one another.
Ver. 5. Shall not Sion say, &c. The meaning is, Ibid. Understanding. Or a psalm of instruction,
that Sion, viz., the church, shall not only be able to composed by Eman the Ezrahite, or by David, in
commemorate this or that particular person of re his name.
nown born in her, but also to glory in great multi-

God s mercies to the house of David PSALMS God s promises to house of David
17 Thy wrath hath come upon me: and Mercy and truth shall go before thy
thy terrors have troubled me. face 16 blessed is the people that know-

18 They have come round about me like eth jubilation.

water all the day: they have compassed They shall walk, Lord, in the light of
me about together. thy countenance: 17 and in thy name
19 Friend and neighbour thou hast put they shall rejoice all the day, and in thy
far from me: and my acquaintance, be justice they shall be exalted.
cause of misery. 18 For thou art the glory of their
strength and in thy good pleasure shall

PSALM 88 our horn be exalted.

19 For our protection is of the Lord,
Misericordias Domini.
The perpetuity of the church of
and of our king the holy one of Israel.
Christ, in conse
quence of the promise of God: which, notwith 20 Then thou spokest in a vision to thy
standing, God permits her to suffer sometimes saints, and saidst: I have laid help upon
most grievous afflictions.
one that is mighty, and have exalted one
1 Of understanding, for Ethan the Ezrahite.
chosen out of my people.
2 rriHE mercies of the Lord I will sing 21 u I have found David my servant :
J_ for ever. with my holy oil I have anointed him.
I will shew forth thy truth with my 22 For hand shall help him and
my :
mouth to generation and generation. arm shall strengthen him.
3 For thou hast said: Mercy shall be 23 The enemy shall have no advantage
built up for ever in the heavens: thy over him: nor the son of iniquity have
truth shall be prepared in them. power to hurt him.
4 I have made a covenant with my 24 And I will cut down his enemies be
elect: s
I have sworn to David my ser fore his face; and them that hate him I
vant : 5seed will I settle for ever.
Thy will put to flight.
And I will build up thy throne unto 25 And my truth and my mercy shall be
generation and generation. with him and in my name shall his horn

6 The heavens shall confess thy won be exalted.

ders, O Lord and thy truth in the church
: 26 And I will set his hand in the sea;
of the saints. and his right hand in the rivers.
7 For who in the clouds can be com 27 He shall cry out to me: Thou art my
pared to the Lord: or who among the father: my God, and the support of my
sons of God shall be like to God? salvation.
8 God, who is glorified in the assembly 28 And I will make him my firstborn,
of the saints: great and terrible above high above the kings of the earth.
all them that are about him. 29 I will keep my mercy for him for
9 Lord God of hosts, who is like to ever: and my covenant faithful to him.
thee? thou art mighty, O Lord, and thy 30 And I will make his seed tc endure
truth is round about thee. for evermore and his throne as the days

10 Thou rulest the power of the sea: of heaven.

and appeasest the motion of the waves 31 And if his children forsake my law,
thereof. and walk not in my judgments:
II Thou hast humbled the proud one, 32 If they profane my justices: and
as one that is slain: with the of thy arm keep not my commandments:
strength thou hast scattered thy ene 33 I will visit their iniquities with a
mies. rod: and their sins with stripes.
12 * Thine are the heavens, and thine Is 34 But my mercy I will not take away
the earth: the world and the fulness from him: nor will I suffer my truth to
thereof thou hast founded : 13 the north fail.
and the sea thou hast created. 35 Neither will I profane my covenant:
Thabor and Hermon shall rejoice in and the words that proceed from my
thy name: 14 thy arm is with might. mouth I will not make void.
Let thy hand be strengthened, and thy 36 Once have I sworn by my holiness:
right hand exalted: 15 justice and judg I will not lie unto David: 37 his seed
ment are the preparation of thy throne. shall endure for ever.

a 2 Kings 7. 12. t Gen. 1. 2. u 1 Kings 16. 1 and 12 ; Acts 13. 22.

The sad state of the house of David PSALMS Prayer for pardon and mercy
38 r And his throne as the sun before thou hast been our refuge from
me: and as the moon perfect for ever, L3RD,
generation to generation.
and a faithful witness in heaven. 2 Before the mountains were made, or
39 But thou hast rejected and despised: the earth and the world was formed;
thou hast been angry with thy anointed. from eternity and to eternity thou art
40 Thou hast overthrown the covenant God.
of thy servant: thou hast profaned his 3 Turn not man away to be brought
sanctuary on the earth. low: and thou hast said: Be converted,
41 Thou hast broken down all his hedges: ye sons of men.
thou hast made his strength fear. 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are
42 All that pass by the way have robbed as yesterday, which is past.
him: he is become a reproach to his And as a watch in the night, 5 things
neighbours. that are counted nothing, shall their
43 Thou hast set up the right hand of years be.
them that oppress him: thou hast made 6 In the morning man shall grow up like
all his enemies to rejoice.
grass; in the morning he shall flourish
44 Thou hast turned away the help of his and pass away: in the evening he shall
sword and hast not assisted him in battle.
; fall, grow dry, and wither.
45 Thou hast made his purification to 7 For in thy wrath we have fainted
cease: and thou hast cast his throne away: and are troubled in thy indigna
down to the ground. tion.
46 Thou hast shortened the days of his 8 Thou hast set our iniquities: before
time: thou hast covered him with con thy eyes: our life in the light of thy
fusion. countenance.
47 How long, O Lord, turnest thou away 9 For all our days are spent; and in thy
unto the end? shall thy anger burn like wrath we have fainted away.
fire? Our years shall be considered as a spi
48 Remember what my substance is: der: 10 ^the days of our years in them
for hast thou made all the children of are threescore and ten years.
men in vain? But if in the strong they be fourscore
49 Who is the man that shall live, and
years: and what is more of them is la
not see death that shall .deliver his soul
bour and sorrow.
from the hand of hell? For mildness is come upon us: and we
50 Lord, where are thy ancient mercies, shall be corrected.
according to what thou didst swear to

11 Whoknoweth the power of thy an

David in thy truth? and for thy fear 12 can number
51 Be mindful, O Lord, of the reproach
thy wrath?
of thy servants (which I have held in my
So make thy right hand known: and
bosom) of many nations: men learned in heart, in wisdom.
52 Wherewith thy enemies have re
13 Return, O Lord, how long? and be
proached, Lord; wherewith they have entreated in favour of thy servants.
reproached the change of thy anointed. 14 We are filled in the morning with
53 Blessed be the Lord for evermore.
So be it. So be it.
thy mercy: and we have rejoiced, and
are delighted all our days.
15 We have rejoiced for the days in
which thou hast humbled us: for the
Domine, refugium.
A years in which we have seen evils.
prayer for the mercy of God: recounting the
shortness and miseries of the days of man. 16 Look upon thy servants and upon
1 A prayer of Moses the man of God. their works and direct their children.

v 2 Kings 7. 16. w 2 Kings 7. 11. x Eccli. 18. 8.

PSALM 88. Ver. 40. Overthrown the covenant, spider s web ; and miserable withal, whilst like a
&c. All this seems to relate to the time of the captiv spider we spend our bowels in weaving webs to
ity of Babylon, in which, for the sins of the people catch flies.
and their princes, God seemed to have set aside for Ver. 10. Mildness is come upon us, &c. God s
a while the covenant he made with David. mildness corrects us; inasmuch as he deals kindly
PSALM 89. Ver. 3. Turn not man away, &c. with us, in shortening the days of this miserable
Suffer him not quite to perish from thee, since thou life and so weaning our affections from al! its trans

art pleased to call upon him to be converted to thee itory enjoyments, and teaching us true wisdom.
Ver. 9. As a spider. As frail and weak as a

Trust in the Divine protection PSALMS The wonderful works of God
17 And let the brightness of the Lord PSALM 91
our God be upon us: and direct thou the Bonum est confiteri.
works of our hands over us; yea, the God isto be praised for his wondrous works.
work of our hands do thou direct. 1 A psalm of a canticle on the sabbath day.
2 TT is good to give praise to the Lord:
PSALM 90 A and to sing to thy name, most
Qui habitat. High.
The just is secure under the protection of God. 3 To shew forth thy mercy in the morn
1 The praise of a canticle for David. ing,and thy truth in the night:
4 Upon an instrument of ten strings,
that dwelleth in the aid of the
HEmost High, shall abide under the upon the psaltery: with a canticle upon
the harp.
protection of the God of Jacob.
2 He shall say to the Lord: Thou art 5 For thou hast given me, Lord, a
my protector, and my refuge: my God, delight in thy doings: and in the works
of thy hands I shall rejoice.
in him will I trust.
3 For he hath delivered me from the 6 Lord, how great are thy works thy !

snare of the hunters : and from the sharp thoughts are exceeding deep.
7 The senseless man shall not know nor
word. :

will the fool understand these things.

4 He will overshadow thee with his
8 When the wicked shall spring up as
shoulders: and under his wings thou
shalt trust. grass: and all the workers of iniquity
shall appear:
5 His truth shall compass thee with a
shield: thou shalt not be afraid of the
That they may perish for ever and ever:
terror of the night.
9 but thou, Lord, art most high for
6 Of the arrow that flieth in the day, of evermore.
the business that walketh about in the 10 For behold thy enemies, Lord, for
behold thy enemies shall perish: and all
dark: of invasion, or of the noonday
the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
11 But my horn shall be exalted like
7 A
thousand shall fall at thy side, and
that of the unicorn: and my old age in
ten thousand at thy right hand: but it
shall not come nigh thee. plentiful mercy.
12 My eye also hath looked down upon
8 But thou shalt consider with thy eyes :

and shalt see the reward of the wicked. my enemies: and my ear shall hear of
the downfall of the malignant that rise
9 Because thou, Lord, art my hope:
thou hast made the most High thy re ap against me.
13 The just shall flourish like the palm
tree: he shall grow up like the cedar of
10 There shall no evil come to thee: nor
shall the scourge come near thy dwell Libanus.
14 They that are planted in the house
of the Lord shall flourish in the courts
11 v For he hath given his angels charge
of the house of our God.
over thee; to keep thee in all thy ways.
15 They shall still increase in a fruitful
12 In their hands they shall bear thee
old age: and shall be well treated, 16
up: lest thou dash thy foot against a that they may shew,
13 Thou shalt walk upon the asp and That the Lord our God is righteous,
the basilisk: and thou shalt trample
and there is no iniquity in him.
under foot the lion and the dragon.
14 Because he hoped in me I will deliver PSALM 92
Dominus regnavit.
him: I will protect him because he hath
The glory and stability of the kingdom; that is, of
known my name. the church of Christ.
15 He shall cry to me, and I will hear Praise in the way of a canticle, for David himself,
him: I am with him in tribulation, I will on the day before the sabbath, when the earth
was founded.
deliver him, and I will glorify him.
16 I will fill him with length of days; 1 HHHE Lord hath reigned, he is clothed
and I will shew him my
salvation. A with beauty: the Lord is clothed

V Matt. 4- 6 ; Luke 4. 10.

Hymn to the Creator PSALMS God will protect His people
with strength, and hath girded himself. 13 That thou mayst give him rest from
For he hath established the world which the evil days: till a pit be dug for the
shall not be moved. wicked.
14 For the Lord will not cast off his
2 Thy throne is prepared from of old:
thou art from everlasting. people: neither will he forsake his own
3 The floods have lifted up, Lord the 15 Until justice be turned into judg
floods have lifted up their voice. ment: and they that are near it are all
The floods have liftedup their waves, the upright in heart.
4 with the noise of many waters. 16 Who shall rise up for me against the
Wonderful are the surges of the sea: evildoers? or who shall stand with me
wonderful is the Lord on high.
against the workers of iniquity?
5 Thy testimonies are become exceed 17 Unless the Lord had been my helper,
ingly credible: holiness becometh thy my soul had almost dwelt in hell.
house, Lord, unto length of days. 18 If I said: My foot is moved: thy
mercy, Lord, assisted me.
PSALM 93 19 According to the multitude of my
Deus ultionum. sorrows in my heart, thy comforts have
God shall judge and punish the oppressors of his given joy to my soul.
20 Doth the seat of iniquity stick to
A psalm for David himself on the fourth day of the
week. thee, who framest labour in command
npHE Lord is the God to whom re- 21 will hunt after the soul of the
JL venge belongeth: the God of re
just, and will condemn innocent blood.
venge hath acted freely. 22 But the Lord is my refuge: and my
2 Lift up thyself, thou that judgest the
God the help of my hope.
earth: render a reward to the proud. 23 And he will render them their ini
3 How
long shall sinners, O Lord: how
quity and in their malice he will destroy

long shall sinners glory? them: the Lord our God will destroy
4 Shall they utter, and speak iniquity:
shall all speak who work injustice?
5 Thy people, Lord, they have brought PSALM 94
low: and they have affiicted thy inherit Venite exultemus.
ance. An invitation to adore serve God, and to hear

6 They have slain the widow and the his voice.

Praise of a canticle for David himself.
stranger: and they have murdered the
fatherless. 1 let us praise the Lord with
7 And they have said: The Lord shall VJ
joy: let us joyfully sing to God our
not see: neither shall the God of Jacob saviour.
understand. 2 Let us come before his presence with
8 Understand, ye senseless among the thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise
people: and, you fools, be wise at last. to him with psalms.
9 He that planted the ear, shall he not For the Lord is a great God, and a
hear? or he that formed the eye, doth great King above all gods.
he not consider? 4 For in his hand are all the ends of
10 He that chastiseth nations, shall he not the earth: and the heights of the moun
rebuke: he that teacheth man knowledge? tains are his.
11 The Lord knoweth the thoughts of 5 For the sea is his, and he made it:
men, that they are vain. and his hands formed the dry land.
12 Blessed isthe man whom thou shalt 6 Come let us adore and fall down:
instruct, Lord: and shalt teach him and weep before the Lord that made us.
out of thy law. 7 For he is the Lord our God: and we
PSALM 93. Ver. 13. Rest from the evil days. That Ver. 20. Doth the seat of iniquity stick to thee.
thou mayst mitigate the sorrows, to which he is &c. That is, wilt thou, O God, who art always just,
exposed, during the short and evil days of his mor admit of the seat of iniquity; tnat is, of injustice,
or unjust judges, to have any
partnership with
Ver. 15. Until justice be turned intn judgment, thee? Thou who framest, or makest, labour in com
&c. By being put in execution which will be agree
mandment, that is, thou who obHgest us to labour
able to all the upright in heart. with all diligence to keep thy commandments.
Exhortation to praise God PSALMS The power and glory of God
are the people of his pasture and the Then shall all the trees of the woods
sheep of his hand. rejoice 13 before the face of the Lord,
8 z To day if you shall hear his voice, because he cometh: because he cometh
harden not your hearts: to judge the earth.
9 As in the provocation, according to He shall judge the world with justice,
the day of temptation in the wilderness : and the people with his truth.
where your fathers tempted me, they
proved me, and saw my works. PSALM 96
10 a Forty years long was I offended Dominus regnavit.
with that generation, and I said: These All are invited to rejoice at the glorious coming and
reign of Christ.
always err in heart.
1 For the same David, when his land was restored
11 And these men have not known my again to him.
ways so I swore in my wrath that they

Lord hath reigned, let the earth
shall not enter into my rest.
_L rejoice: let many islands be glad.
PSALM 95 2 Clouds and darkness are round about
Cantate Domino. him: justice and judgment are the estab
An exhortation to praise God for the coming of lishment of his throne.
1 A
Christ and his kingdom.
canticle for David himself, when the house was
3 A fire shall go before him, and shall
built after the captivity. burn his enemies round about.
4 His lightnings have shone forth to the
ye to the Lord a new canticle:
SING sing to the Lord, all the earth. world: the earth saw and trembled.
5 The mountains melted like wax, at
2 Sing ye to the Lord and bless his
name shew
: forth his salvation from day the presence of the Lord: at the pre
to day. sence of the Lord of all the earth.
3 Declare his glory among the Gentiles :
6 The heavens declared his justice: and
his wonders among all people. all people saw his glory.
4 For the Lord is great, and exceedingly 7 c Let them be all confounded that
to be praised: he is to be feared above adore graven things, and that glory in
all their idols.
gods. d Adore
5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are him, all you his angels : 8 Sion
devils: but the Lord made the heavens. heard, and was glad.
6 Praise and beauty are before him: And the daughters of Juda rejoiced, be
holiness and majesty in his cause of thy judgments, O Lord.
7 Bring ye to the Lord, 9 For thou art the most high Lord over
ye kindreds
of the Gentiles, bring ye to the Lord all the earth: thou art exalted exceed

glory and honour: 8 bring to the Lord ingly above all gods.
10 e You that love the Lord, hate evil :
glory unto his name.
and come into his the Lord, preserveth the souls of his
Bring up sacrifices,
courts: 9 adore ye the Lord in his holy saints, he will deliver them out of the
court. hand of the sinner.
11 Light is risen to the just, and joy to
Let the earth be moved at his pre
the right of heart.
sence. 10 Say ye among the Gentiles,
12 Rejoice, ye just, in the Lord: and
the Lord hath reigned.
For he hath corrected the world, which give praise to the remembrance of his
shall not be moved: he will judge the
people with justice.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, and let the
earth be glad, let the sea be moved, and Cantate Domino.
the fulness thereof: 12 the fields and all
AH are again invited to praise the Lord, for the
victories of Christ.
things that are in them shall be joyful. 1 A psalm for David himself.
Z Hei>. 3. 7, and 4. 7. e Ex. 20. 4 Lev. 26. 1 Deut. 5. 8.
; ;

a Num. 14. 34. 6 Heb. 4. 3. d Heb. 1. 6. e Amos 6. 15 Rom. 12. ; 9.

PSALM Ver. 1. When the house was built, &c.

95. PSALM Ver. 2. Clouds and darkness. The
Alluding to that time, and then ordered to be sung : coming of Christ in the clouds with great terror and
but principally relating to the building of the majesty to judge the world, is here prophesied.
church of Christ, after our redemption from the
captivity of Satan.

Invitation to praise God PSALMS Invitation to rejoice in God
ye to the Lord a new canticle: 5 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore
because he hath done wonderful his footstool, for it is holy.
6 Moses and Aaron among his priests:
His right hand hath wrought for him and Samuel among them that call upon
salvation, and his arm is holy. his name.
2 f The Lord hath made known his sal They called upon the Lord, and he heard
vation: he hath revealed his justice in them: 7 he spoke to them in the pillar
the sight of the Gentiles. of the cloud.
3 He hath remembered his mercy and They kept his testimonies, and the com
his truth toward the house of Israel. mandment which he gave them.
All the ends of the earth have seen the 8 Thou didst hear them, Lord our
salvation of our God. God: thou wast a merciful God to them,
4 Sing joyfully to God, all the earth; and taking vengeance on all their in
make melody, rejoice and sing. ventions.
5 Sing praise to the Lord on the harp, on 9 Exalt ye the Lord our God, and adore
the harp, and with the voice of a psalm: at his holy mountain: for the Lord our
6 with long trumpets, and sound of cornet. God is holy.
Make a joyful noise before the Lord 99 PSALM
our king: 7 let the sea be moved and Jubilate Deo.
the fulness thereof: the world and they All are invited to rejoice in God the Creator of aU.
that dwell therein. 1 A
psalm of praise.
8 The rivers shall clap their hands, the ING
joyfully to God, all the earth:
mountains shall rejoice together 9 at the serve ye the Lord with gladness.
presence of the Lord: because he cometh Come in before his presence with ex
to judge the earth. ceeding great joy.
He shall judge the world with justice, 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: he
and the people with equity. made us, and not we ourselves.
We are his people and the sheep of his
pasture. 4 Go ye into his gates with
Doniinus regnavit.
The reign of the Lord in Sion: that praise, into his courts with hymns: and
is, of Christ in
his church. give glory to him.
1 A psalm for David himself. Praise ye his name: 5 for the Lord is
Lord hath reigned, let the people sweet, his mercy endureth for ever, and
be angry: he that sitteth on the his truth to generation and generation.
cherubims: let the earth be moved. PSALM 100
2 The Lord is great in Sion, and high Misericordiam et judicium.
above all people. The prophet exhorteth all by his example, to follow
3 Let them give praise to thy great mercy and justice.
name: for it is terrible and holy: 4 and 1 A psalm for David himself.
the king s honour loveth judgment. and judgment I will sing to
Thou hast prepared directions: thou MERCY
thee, O Lord:
hast done judgment and justice in Jacob. I will sing, 2 and I will understand in
/ Isa. 52. 10, and 63. 8 ;
Luke 3. 6.

PSAL.M 98. Ver. 1. Let the people be angry. of Christ is, as it were, the footstool of the divinity.
Though many enemies rage, and the whole earth be So Ambrose, L. 3. De Spiritu Sancto, c. 12. And
stirred up to oppose the reign of Christ, he shall St. Augustine upon this psalm.
still prevail. Ver. 6. Moses and Aaron among his priests. By
Ver. 4. Loveth judgment. Requireth discretion. this it is evident, that Mcses also was a priest, and
Ibid. Directions. Most right and just laws to indeed the chief priest, inasmuch as he consecrated
direct men. Aaron, and offered sacrifice for him. Lev. 8. So
Ver. 5. Adore his footstool. The ark of the cove that his pre-eminence over Aaron makes nothing
nant was called, in the Old Testament, God s foot for lay church headship.
stool: over which he was understood to sit, on his Ver. 8. All their inventions. That is, all the en
propitiatory, or mercy seat, as on a throne, between terprises of their enemies aarainst them, as in the
the wings of the cherubims, in the sanctuary: to case of Core, Dathar, and Abiron.
which the children of Israel paid a great veneration. PSALM 100. Ver. 2. / will understand, &c. That
But as this psalm evidently relates to Christ, and the is, I will apply my mind, I will do my endeavour, to
New Testament, where the ark has no place, the know and to follow the perfect way of thy com
holy fathers understand this text, of the worship mandments : not trusting to my own strength, but
paid by the
church to the body and blood of Christ relying on thy coming to me by thy grace.
in the sacred mysteries inasmuch as the humanity

The integrity of David PSALMS Prayer for one in affliction

the unspotted way, when them shalt come preached me: and they that praised me
to me. did swear against me.
walked in the innocence of my heart,
I 10 For I did eat ashes like bread, and
in the midst of house. my mingled my drink with weeping.
3 I did not set before eyes any un my 11 Because of thy anger and indigna
just thing: I hated the workers of ini tion: for having lifted me up thou hast
quities. thrown me down.
4 The perverse heart did not cleave to 12 My days have declined like a shad
me: and the malignant, that turned aside ow, and I am withered like grass.
from me, I would not know. 13 But thou, Lord, endurest for ever:
5 The man that in private detracted his and thy memorial to all generations.
neighbour, him did I persecute. 14 Thou shalt arise and have mercy on
With him that had a proud eye, and an Sion: for it is time to have mercy on it,
unsatiable heart, I would not eat. for the time is come.
6 My eyes were upon the faithful of the 15 For the stones thereof have pleased
earth, to sit with me: the man that thy servants: and they shall have pity
walked in the perfect way, he served me. on the earth thereof.
7 He that worketh pride shall not dwell 16 And the Gentiles shall fear thy name,
in the midst of my house he that speak- :
Lord, and all the kings of the earth
eth unjust things did not prosper before thy glory.
my eyes. 17 For the Lord hath built up Sion and :

8 In the morning I put to death all the he shall be seen in his glory.
wicked of the land: that I might cut off 18 He hath had regard to the prayer
all the workers of iniquity from the city of the humble: and he hath not despised
of the Lord. their petition.
19 Let these things be written unto
another generation: and the people that
Domine, exaudi. shall be created shall praise the Lord:
A prayer for one in affliction: the fifth penitential 20 Because he hath looked forth from
1 The prayer of the poor man, when he was anxious, his high sanctuary: from heaven the
and poured out his supplication before the Lord. Lord hath looked upon the earth.
TTEAR, Lord, my prayer: and let 21 That he might hear the groans of
JLJ. rny cry come to thee. them that are in fetters: that he might
3 Turn not away thy face from me in : release the children of the slain:
the day when I am in trouble, incline thy 22 That they may declare the name of
ear to me. the Lord in Sion: and his praise in Jeru
In what day soever I shall call upon salem;
thee, hear me speedily. 23 When the people assemble together,
4 For my
days are vanished like smoke: and kings, to serve the Lord.
and my bones are grown dry like fuel 24 He answered him in the way of his
for the fire. strength Declare unto me the fewness

5 I am
smitten as grass, and my heart of mydays.
is withered: because I forgot to eat my 25 Call me not
away in the midst of my
bread. days: thy years are unto generation and
6 Through the voice of my groaning, generation.
my bone hath cleaved to my flesh. 26 In the beginning, O Lord, thou found-
7 I am become like to a pelican of the edst the earth: and the heavens are the
wilderness: I am like a night raven in works of thy hands.
the house. 27 They shall perish but thou remain-
8 I have watched, and am become as a est: and all of them shall grow old like
sparrow all alone on the housetop. a garment:
9 All the day long my enemies re- And as a vesture, thou .shalt change
PSALM 101. Ver. 7. A pelican. &c. I am become psalm is delivered, answered the Lord in the way of
through grief, like birds that affect solitude and his strength: that is, according to the best of his
darkness. power and strength: or when he was in the flower
Ver. 24. He anxiuered him in the way of his of his age and strength inquiring after the fewness

strength. That is, the people, mentioned in the fore of his days: to know if he shmi d live long enough
going verse, or the penitent, in whose person this to see the happy restoration of Sion, &c.

The mercies of God PSALMS The works of creation

them, and they shall be changed. 28 But eternity and unto eternity upon them
thou art always the selfsame, and thy that fear him:
years shall not fail. And his justice unto children s children,
29 The children of thy servants shall 18 to such as keep his covenant,
continue: and their seed shall be di And are mindful of his commandments
rected for ever. to do them.
19 The Lord hath prepared his throne
in heaven: and his kingdom shall rule
over all.
Benedic, anima.
Thanksgiving to God for his mercies. 20 Bless the Lord, all ye his angels you :

1 For David himself. that are mighty in strength, and execute

soul: and let his word, hearkening to the voice of his
the Lord, my
all that is within me bless his holy orders.
21 Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts: you
ministers of his that do his will.
2 Bless the Lord, my soul, and never 22 Bless the Lord, all his works: in
forget all he hath done for thee.
every place of his dominion, O soul, my
3 Who forgiveth all thy iniquities: who bless thou the Lord.
healeth all thy diseases.
4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruc PSALM 103
tion who crowneth thee with mercy and

Benedic, anima.
5 Who satisfieth thy desire with good God is to be praised for his mighty works, and
wonderful providence.
things: thy youth shall be renewed like
1 For David himself.
the eagle s.
6 The Lord doth mercies, and judgment the Lord, O my soul: O Lord
for all that suffer wrong. BLESS
my God, thou art exceedingly great.
7 He hath made his ways known
to Thou hast put on praise and beauty:
Moses: his wills to the children of Is 2 and art clothed with light as with a
rael. garment.
8 s>

The Lord is compassionate and mer Who stretchest out the heaver like a
ciful: longsuffering and plenteous in pavilion: 3 who coverest the higher
mercy. rooms thereof with water.
9 He will not always be angry: nor will Who makest the clouds thy chariot who :

he threaten for ever. walkest upon the wings of the winds.

10 He hath not dealt with us according 4 Who makest thy angels spirits: and
to our sins: nor rewarded us according thy ministers a burning fire.
to our iniquities. 5 Who hast founded the earth upon its
11 For according to the height of the own bases : it shall not be moved for ever
heaven above the earth he hath strength : and ever.
ened his mercy towards them that fear 6 The deep like a garment is its cloth
him. ing: above the mountains shall the wa
12 As far as the east is from the west, ters stand.
so far hath he removed our iniquities 7 At thy rebuke they shall flee: at the
from us. voice of thy thunder they shall fear.
13 As a father hath compassion on his 8 The mountains ascend, and the plains
children, so hath the Lord compassion descend into the place which thou hast
on them that fear him: 14 for he know- founded for them.
eth our frame. 9 Thou hast set a bound which they
He remembereth are dust: 15
that we shall not pass over; neither shall they
man s days are as grass, as the flower of return to cover the earth.
the field so shall he flourish. 10 Thou sendest forth springs in the
16 For the spirit shall pass in him, and vales: between the midst of the hills the
he shall not be: and he shall know his waters shall pass.
place no more. 11 All the beasts of the field shall drink :
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from the wild asses shall expect in their thirst.
g Ex. 34. 6 ; Num. 14. 8. h Heb. 1. 7.

Works of creation and providence PSALMS God s mercies to Israel

12 Over them the birds of the air shall for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his
dwell: from the midst of the rocks they works.
shall give forth their voices. 32 He looketh upon the earth, and mak-
13 Thou waterest the hills from thy eth it tremble: he toucheth the moun
upper rooms: the earth shall be filled tains, and they smoke.
with the fruit of thy works: 33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I

14 Bringing forth grass for cattle, and live: I will sing praise to my God while

herb for the service of men. I have my being.

34 Let my speech be acceptable to him:
That thou mayst bring bread out of the but I will take delight in the Lord.
earth: 15 and that wine may cheer the 35 Let sinners be consumed out of the
heart of man.
earth, and the unjust, so that they be no
That he may make the face cheerful
with oil: and that bread may strengthen
more: my soul, bless thou the Lord.
man s heart.
16 The trees of the field shall be filled,
and the cedars of Libanus which he hath Confitemini Pomino.

planted: 17 there the sparrows shall A thanksgiving to God for his benefits to his people
make their nests.
The highest of them is the house of the
heron. 18 The high hills are a refuge for glory to the Lord, and call

the harts, the rocks for the irchins. GIVE

upon his name: declare his deeds
19 He hath made the moon for seasons : among the Gentiles.
the sun knoweth his going down. 2 Sing to him, yea sing praises to him:
20 Thou hast appointed darkness, and it relate all his wondrous works.
is night: in it shall all the beasts of the 3 Glory ye in his holy name: let the
woods go about: heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.
21 The young lions roaring after their 4 Seek ye the Lord, and be strength
prey, and seeking their meat from God. ened: seek his face evermore.
22 The sun ariseth, and they are gath 5 Remember his marvelous works which
ered together: and they shall lie down he hath done; his wonders, and the judg
in their dens. ments of his mouth.
23 Man shall go forth to his work, and 6 O ye seed of Abraham his servant ye ;

to his labour until the evening. sons of Jacob his chosen.

24 How great are thy works, Lord? 7 He is the Lord our God: his judg
thou hast made all things in wisdom: the ments are in all the earth.
earth is filled with thy riches. 8 He hath remembered his covenant for
25 So is this great sea, which stretcheth ever: the word which he commanded to
wide its arms: there are creeping things a thousand generations.
without number: 9 ^ Which he made to Abraham; and
Creatures little and great. 26 There the his oath to Isaac:
^?hips shall go. 10 And he appointed the same to Jacob
This sea dragon which thou hast formed for a law, and to Israel for an everlast
to play therein. 27 All expect of thee ing testament:
that thou give them food in season. 11 Saying: To thee will I give the land
28 What thou givest to them they shall of Chanaan, the lot of your inheritance.
gather up: when thou openest thy hand, 12 When they were but a small number:
they shall all be filled with good. yea very few, and sojourners therein:
29 But if thou turnest away thy face, 13 And they passed from nation to na
they shall be troubled: thou shalt take tion, and from one kingdom to another
away their breath, and they shall fail, people.
and shall return to their dust. 14 He suffered no man to hurt them:
30 Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and and he reproved kings for their sakes.
they shall be created: and thou shalt re 15 Touch ye not my anointed: and do

new the face of the earth. no evil to my prophets.

31 May the glory of the Lord endure 16 And he called a famine upon the

t Infra 145. 2. j I Par. 16. 8 ; Isa. 12. 4. k Gen. 22. 16. I 2 Kings 1. 14 ; 1 Par. 16. 22.

The plagues of Egypt PSALMS Israel brought out of Egypt
land: and he broke in pieces all the sup their land, and consumed all the fruit of
port of bread. their ground.
17 He sent a man before them: "Jo 36 "
And he slew all the firstborn in
seph, who was sold for a slave. their land: the firstfruits of all their
18 "

They humbled his feet in fetters : labour.

the iron pierced his soul, 19 until his 37 z And he brought them out with sil
word came. ver and gold: and there was not among
The word of the Lord inflamed him. their tribes one that was feeble.
20 The king sent, and he released him: 38 Egypt was glad when they depart ed:
the ruler of the people, and he set him for the fear of them lay upon them.
at liberty. 39 He spread a cloud for their protec
21 He made him master of his house, tion, and fire to give them light in the
and ruler of all his possessions. night.
asked, and the quail came
22 That he might instruct his princes as 40 They :

himself, and teach his ancients wisdom. and he filled them with the bread of
23 p And Israel went into Egypt: and Ja heaven.
cob was a sojourner in the land of Cham. 41 c He opened the rock, and waters
24 i And he increased his people exceed flowed: rivers ran down in the dry land.
ingly: and strengthened them over their 42 d Because he remembered his holy
enemies. word, which he had spoken to his ser
25 He turned their heart to hate his vant Abraham.
people: and to deal deceitfully with his 43 And he brought forth his people
servants. with joy, and his chosen with gladness.
26 r He sent Moses his servant Aaron : 44 And he gave them the lands of the
the man whom he had chosen. Gentiles: and they possessed the labours
27 s He gave them power to shew his of the people:
signs, and his wonders in the land of 45 That they might observe his justifi
Cham. cations, and seek after his law.
28 t He sent darkness, and made it ob
scure: and grieved not his words. PSALM 105
29 He turned their waters into blood,

Confitemini Domino.
and destroyed their fish. A confession of the manifold sins and. ingratitudes
30 v Their land brought forth frogs, in of the Israelites.
the inner chambers of their kings. Alleluia.

31 * He spoke, and there came divers e

glory to the Lord, for he is
sorts of flies and sciniphs in all their GIVE good: for his mercy endureth for
coasts. ever.
32 He gave themhail for rain, a burn 2 / Who shall declare the powers of the
ing the land.
fire in Lord? who shall set forth all his praises?
33 And he destroyed their vineyards 3 Blessed are they that keep judgment,
and their fig trees: and he broke in and do justice at all times.
pieces the trees of their coasts. 4 Remember us, Lord, in the favour
34 x He spoke, and the locust came, and of thy people: visit us with thy salva
the bruchus, of which there was no num tion.
ber. 5 That we may see the good of thy
35 And they devoured all the grass in chosen, that we may rejoice in the joy of
m Gen. 37. 36. n Gen. 89. 20. o Gen. 41. 14. x Ex. 10. 12. y Ex. 12. 29. 2 Ex. 12. 35.
p Gen. 46. 6. q Ex. 1. 7 ; Acts 7. 17. a Ex. 13. 21 Ps. 77. 14 1 Cor. 10. 1.
; :

r Ex. 3. 10, and 4. 29. * Ex. 7. 10. t Ex. 10. 21 b Ex. 16. 13. c Num. 20. 11. d Gen. 17. 7.
u Ex. 7. 20. v Ex. 8. 6. w Ex. 8. 16 24.
e Judges 13. 21. / Eccli. 43. 35.
PSALM 104. Ver. 25. He turned their heart, &c. dren of Israel, who enjoyed light whilst the Egyp-
Not that God (who is never the author of sin) ;ia"s were oppressed with darkness.

moved the Egyptians to hate and per=ecute his Ver. 31. Sciniphs. See the annotation, Ex. 8. 16.
people but that the Esryptians took occasion of hat
Ver. 34. Bruchus, an insect of the locust krnd.
ing and envying them, fmm the sight of the bene Ver. 45. His justifications That is, his command-
fits which God bestowed upon them. mcrits which here, and in many other p aces of the

Ver. 28. Grieved not his words. That is, he was scripture, are called justifications, because the keep
not wanting to fulfil his words or he did not griev
: >

ing of them makes man just. The Protestants ren

Moses and Aaron, the carriers of his words or he : der it by the word statutes, in favour of their doc
did not grieve his words, that is, his sons, the chil- trine, which does not allow good works to justify.

The ingratitude of Israel PSALMS Idolatry of Israel
thy nation: that thou mayst be praised To turn away his wrath, lest he should
with thy inheritance. destroy them. 24 And they set at nought
6 9 We have sinned with our fathers : the desirable land.
we have acted unjustly, we have wrought They believed not his word, 25 and they
iniquity. murmured in their tents they hearkened :

7 Our fathers understood not thy won not to the voice of the Lord.
ders in Egypt: they remembered not 26 And he lifted up his hand over
the multitude of thy mercies: them: to overthrow them in the desert;
And they provoked to wrath going up 27 And to cast down their seed among
to the sea, even the Red Sea. the nations, and to scatter them in the
8 And he saved them for his own name s countries.
sake: that he might make his power 28 They also were initiated to Beel-
known. phegor: and ate the sacrifices of the
9 ;!
And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dead.
was dried up: and he led them through 29 And they provoked him with their
the depths, as in a wilderness. inventions: and destruction was multi
10 And he saved them from the hand plied among them.
of them that hated them: and he re 30 P Then Phinees stood
up, and pacified
deemed them from the hand of the enemy. him: and the slaughter ceased.
11 And the water covered them that 31 And it was reputed to him unto jus
afflicted them there was not one of them
tice, to generation and generation for
left. evermore.
12 And they believed his words: and 32 i They provoked him also at thv.
they sang his praises. waters of contradiction and Moses was :

13 They had quickly done, they forgot afflicted for their sakes: 33 because they
his works: and they waited not for his exasperated his spirit.
counsel. And he distinguished with his lips.
14 i And they coveted their desire in 34 They did not destroy the nations of
the desert: and they tempted God in the which the Lord spoke unto them.
place without water. 35 And they were mingled among the
15 And he gave them their request:
heathens, and learned their works: 36
and sent fulness into their souls. and served their idols, and it became a
16 And they provoked Moses in the stumblingblock to them.
camp, Aaron the holy one of the Lord. 37 And they sacrificed their sons, and
17 The earth opened and swallowed
their daughters to devils.
up Dathan: and covered the congrega 38 And they shed innocent blood: the
tion of Abiron. blood of their sons and of their daughters
18 And a fire was kindled in their con which they sacrificed to the idols of
gregation: the flame burned the wicked. Chanaan.
19 They made also a calf in Horeb:
" l
And the land was polluted with blood,
and they adored the graven thing. 39 and was defiled with their works and :

20 And they changed their gJory into they went aside after their own inven
the likeness of a calf that eateth grass. tions.
21 They forgot God, who saved them, 40 And the Lord was exceedingly angry
who had done great things in Egypt, with his people: and he abhorred his in
22 wondrous works in the land of Cham : heritance.
terrible things in the Red Sea. 41 And he delivered them into the hands
23 And he said that he would destroy

of the nations and they that hated them


them: had not Moses his chosen stood had dominion over them.
before him in the breach: 42 And their enemies afflicted them:
g Judges 7. 19. A Ex. 14. 22. i Ex. 14. 27. m Ex. 32. 4. n Ex 32. 10. o Num. 14. 32.
3 Ex. 17. 2. k Num. 11. 31. I Num. 16. 32. p Num. 2^. 7. q Num. 20. 10.
PSALM Ver. 28. Initiated. That is, they de-
105. was
guilty of distinguishing with his lips: when,
dicatod, or consecrated thpmsolvps to the idol of the instead of speaking to the rock, as God had com-
Monhites and MartianHes. called Beelphepor, or mandrd, he said to the people, with a certain hesi
Baal-Peor. Num. 25. 3. Ibid. The dead, viz., idols tation in his faith, Hear ye, rebellious and incredu
without life. lous: Can we from this rock bring out water for
Ver. 33. He distinguished with his lips. Moses, by i/iu? Num. 20. 10.
occasion of the people s rebellion and incredulity,

God s mercies to Israel PSALMS God s mercies to Israel

and they were humbled under their 11 Because they had exasperated the
hands: 43 many times did he deliver words of God: and provoked the counsel
them. of the most High:
But they provoked him with their coun 12 And their heart was humbled with
sel:and they were brought low by their labours: they were weakened, and there
iniquities. was none to help them,
44 And he saw when
they were in tribu
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their
lation: and he heard their prayer.
affliction: and he delivered them out of
45 And he was mindful of his coven
their distresses.
ant: and repented according to the mul
14 And he brought them out of darkness,
titude of his mercies.
46 And he gave them unto mercies, in and the shadow of death and broke their

the sight of all those that had made them

bonds in sunder.
15 Let the mercies of the Lord give
47 Save us, O Lord, our God: and glory to him, and his wonderful works to
the children of men.
gather us from among the nations:
16 Because he hath broken gates of
That we maygive thanks to thy holy
brass, and burst iron bars.
name, and mayglory in thy praise.
17 He took them out of the way of their
48 Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting: and let iniquity: for they were brought low for
their injustice.
all the people say: So be it, so be it.
18 Their soul abhorred all manner of

PSALM 106 meat: and they drew nigh even to the

gates of death.
Confitemini Domino.
19 And they cried to the Lord in their
All are invited to give thanks to God for hia perpet
affliction: and he delivered them out of
ual providence over men.
their distresses.
20 He sent his word, and healed them:
glory to the Lord, for he is good : and delivered them from their destruc
^^ for his mercy endureth for ever. tions.
2 Let them say so that have been re 21 Let the mercies of the Lord give
deemed by the Lord, whom he hath re glory to him: and his wonderful works
deemed from the hand of the enemy: to the children of men.
and gathered out of the countries. 22 And let them sacrifice the sacrifice
3 From the rising and from the setting of praise: and declare his works with joy.
of the sun, from the north and from the 23 They that go down to the sea in
sea. ships, doing business in the great waters:
4 They wandered in a wilderness, in a 24 These have seen the works of the
place without water: they found not the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
way of a city for their habitation. 25 He said the word, and there arose a
5 They were hungry and thirsty: their storm of wind and the waves thereof

soul fainted in them. were lifted up.

6 And they cried to the Lord in their 26 They mount up to the heavens, and
tribulation: and he delivered them out they go down to the depths: their soul
of their distresses. pined away with evils.
7 And he led them into the right way, 27 They were troubled, and reeled like
that they might go to a city of habitation. a drunken man: and all their wisdom
8 Let the mercies of the Lord give glory was swallowed up.
to him: and his wonderful works to the 28 And they Lord in their
cried to the
children of men. affliction: and he brought them out of
9 For he hath satisfied the empty soul, their distresses.
and hath filled the hungry soul with good 29 And he turned the storm into a
things. breeze: and its waves were still.
10 Such as sat in darkness and in the 30 And they rejoiced because they were
shadow of death: bound in want and in still and he brought them to the haven

iron. which they wished for.

r Deut. 30. 1.

God s mercies to Israel PSALMS Our help is from God
31 Let the mercies of the Lord give heavens: and thy truth even unto the
glory to him, and his wonderful works clouds.
to the children of men. 6 Be thou exalted, O God, above the
32 And let them exalt him in the church heavens, and thy glory over all the
of the people: and praise him in the earth: 7 that thy beloved may be deliv
chair of the ancients. ered.
33 He hath turned rivers into a wilder Save with thy right hand and hear me.
ness: and the sources of waters into dry 8 God hath spoken in his holiness.
I will rejoice, and I will divide Sichem:
ground :

34 A
fruitful land into barrenness, for and I will mete out the vale of taberna
the wickedness of them that dwell cles.
therein. 9 Galaad is mine: and Manasses is mine:
35 He hath turned a wilderness into and Ephraim the protection of my head.
pools of waters, and a dry land into Juda is my king: 10 Moab the pot of my
water springs. hope.
36 And hath placed there the hungry; Over Edom I will stretch out my shoe:
and they made a city for their habitation. the aliens are become my friends.
37 And they sowed fields, and planted II Who will bring me into the strong
vineyards: and they yielded fruit of city? who will lead me into Edom?
birth. 12 Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast
38 And he blessed them, and they were us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go
multiplied exceedingly: and their cattle forth with our armies?
he suffered not to decrease. 13 O grant us help from trouble: for
39 Then they were brought to be few: vain is the help of man.
and they were afflicted through the trou 14 Through God we shall do mightily:
ble of evils and sorrow. and he will bring our enemies to nothing.
40 Contempt was poured forth upon
their princes: and he caused them to PSALM 108
Deus, laudem meam.
wander where there was no passing, and David in the person of Christ, prayeth against his
out of the way. persecutors; more especially the traitor Judas:
41 And he helped the poor out of pov foretelling and approving his juxt punishment
for his obstinacy in sin, and final impenitence.
erty: and made him families like a flock 1 Unto the end, a psalm for David.

of sheep. 2 /~\ GOD, be not thou silent in my

42 * The just shall see, and shall rejoice,
\_7 praise: for the mouth of the wicked
and all iniquity shall stop her mouth. and the mouth of the deceitful man is
43 Who is wise, and will keep these
opened against me.
things; and will understand the mercies 3 They have spoken against me with
of the Lord? deceitful tongues; and they have com
PSALM 107 passed me about with words of hatred;
Paratum cor meum. and have fought against me without
The prophet praixeth God for benefits received. cause.
1 A canticle of a psalm for David himself. 4 Instead of making me a return of love,
2 1% /TY heart is ready, O God, my heart they detracted me but I gave myself to

IV_L ready: is sing, and will

I will prayer.
give praise, with glory. my 5 And they repaid me evil for good:
3 Arise, glory; arise, psaltery and
my and hatred for my love.
harp: I will arise in the morning early. 6 Set thou the sinner over him: and
4 I will praise thee, Lord, among the may the devil stand at his right hand.
people, and I will sing unto thee among 7 When he is judged, may he go out
the nations. condemned; and may his prayer be
5 For thy mercy is great above the turned to sin.

Job 22. 19.

PSALM 108. Ver. 6. Set thou the sinner orer him. which Judas betrayed our Lord ; and are to be taken
&c. Give to the devil, that arch-sinner, power over as prophetic denunciations of the evils that should
him let him enter into him, and possess him. The
: befall the traitor and his accomplices the Jews and ;

imprecations, contained in the thirty verses of this not properly as curses.

psalm, are opposed to the thirty pieces of silver for

David prays against his enemies PSALMS The priesthood of Christ

8 his days be few: and his bishop

May hand: and that thou, Lord, hast done
ric letanother take. it.

9 May his children be fatherless, and 28 They will curse and thou wilt bless:
his wife a widow. let them that rise up against me be con
10 Let his children be carried about founded: but thy servant shall rejoice.
vagabonds, and beg; and let them be 29 Let them that detract me be clothed
cast out of their dwellings. with shame: and let them be covered
11 May the usurer search all his sub with their confusion as with a double
stance: and let strangers plunder his cloak.
labours. 30 give great thanks to the Lord
I will

12 May there be none to help him nor :

with my and in the midst of
none to pity his fatherless offspring. many I will praise him.
13 May his posterity be cut off: in one 31 Because he hath stood at the right
generation may his name be blotted out. hand of the poor, to save my soul from
14 May the iniquity of his fathers be persecutors.
remembered in the sight of the Lord: PSALM 109
and let not the sin of his mother be Dixit DominuB.
blotted out. Christ s exaltation and everlasting priesthood.
15 May they be before the Lord con 1 A pealm for David.

tinually, and let the memory of them Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou

perish from the earth: 16 because he re

J_ at my
right hand:
membered not to shew mercy, M Until I make thy enemies thy foot
17 But persecuted the poor man and stool.
the beggar; and the broken in heart, to 2 The Lord will send forth the sceptre
put him to death. of thy power out of Sion: rule thou in
18 And he loved cursing, and it shall the midst of thy enemies.
come unto him: and he would not have 3 With thee is the principality in the
blessing, and it shall be far from him. day of thy strength: in the brightness of
And he put on cursing, like a garment: the saints: from the womb before the
and it went in like water into his entrails, day star I begot thee.
and like oil in his bones. 4 The Lord hath sworn, and he will not
19 May it be unto him like a garment
repent: "Thou art a priest for ever ac
which covereth him; and like a girdle cording to the order of Melchisedech.
with which he is girded continually. 5 The Lord at thy right hand hath
20 This is the work of them who detract broken kings in the day of his wrath.
me before the Lord: and who speak evils 6 He shall judge among nations, he
against my soul. shall fill ruins: he shall crush the heads
21 But thou, Lord, do with me for thy in the land of many.
name s sake: because thy mercy is
7 He shall drink of the torrent in the
way: therefore shall he lift up the head.
Do thou deliver me, 22 for I am poor
and needy, and my heart is troubled PSALM 110
within me. Confitebor tibi, Pomine.
23 I am taken away like the shadow God is to be praised for his graces, and benefit* to
when it declineth: and I am shaken off his church.
as locusts. Alleluia.

24 knees are weakened through

praise thee, O Lord, with my
fasting: and my flesh is changed for oil. I whole heart; in the council of the
25 And I am become a reproach to just, and in the congregation.
them: they saw me and they shaked their 2 Great are the works of the Lord:
heads. sought out according to all his wills.
26 Help me, Lord my God; save me 3 His work is praise and magnificence:
according to thy mercy. and his justice continueth for ever and
27 And let them know that this is thy ever.

t Matt. 22. 44. u 1 Cor. 15. 25 ; Heb. 1. 13, and 10. 13. v John 12. 34 ; Heb. 5. 6, and 7.- 17.

Ver. 24. For oil, propter oleum. The meaning Is, my flesh is changed, being perfectly emaciated and
dried up, as having lost all its oil or fatness.

Happiness of the just PSALMS God regards the poor and humble
4 He hath made a remembrance of his pine away: the desire of the wicked shall
wonderful works, being a merciful and perish.
gracious Lord: 5 he hath given food to PSALM 112
them that fear him. Laudate, pueri.
He will be mindful for ever of his cove God is to be praised, for hix regard to the poor and
nant: 6 he will shew forth to his people humble,
the power of his works. Alleluia.

7 That he may give them the inheritance the Lord, ye children: praise
of the Gentiles: the works of his hands PRAISE
ye the name of the Lord.
are truth and judgment. 2 Blessed be the name of the Lord, from
8 All his commandments are faithful: henceforth now and for ever.
confirmed for ever and ever, made in 3 * From the rising of the sun unto the
truth and equity. going down of the same, the name of the
9 He hath sent redemption to his peo Lord is worthy of praise.
ple: he hath commanded his covenant 4 The Lord is high above all nations;
for ever. and his glory above the heavens.
Holy and terrible is his name: 10 w the 5 Who is as the Lord our God, who
fear of the Lord is the beginning of dwelleth on high: 6 and looketh down on
wisdom. the low things in heaven and in earth ?
A good understanding to all that do it: 7 Raising up the needy from the earth,
his praise continueth for ever and ever. and lifting up the poor out of the dung
PSALM 111 8 That he may place him with princes,
Beatus vir. with the princes of his people.
The good man is happy. 9 Who maketh a barren woman to dwell
Alleluia, of the returning of Aggeus and Zacharias. in a house, the joyful mother of children.
is the man that feareth the
Lord: he shall delight exceedingly
in his commandments. In exitu Israel.
God hath shewn his power in delivering his people:
2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: idols are vain. The Hebrew* divide this into two
the generation of the righteous shall be psalms.
blessed. Alleluia.

3 Glory and wealth shall be in his house: ^Israel went out of Egypt,
and his justice remaineth for ever and
rous people:
the of Jacob from a barba

4 To the righteous a light is risen

up 2 Judea was made his sanctuary, Israel
in darkness: he is merciful, and compas his dominion.
sionate and just. 3 The sea saw and fled: Jordan was
5 Acceptable is the man that sheweth turned back.
mercy and lendeth: he shall order his 4 The mountains skipped like rams, and
words with judgment: 6 because he shall the hills like the lambs of the flock.
not be moved for ever. 5 What ailed thee, O thou sea, that
7 The just shall be in everlasting remem thou didst flee: and thou, Jordan, that
brance: he shall not fear the evil hearing. thou wast turned back?
His heart is ready to hope in the Lord: 6 Ye mountains, that ye skipped like
8 his heart is strengthened, he shall not rams, and ye hills, like lambs of the
be moved until he look over his enemies. flock?
9 He hath distributed, he hath given to 7 At the presence of the Lord the earth
the poor: his justice remaineth for ever was moved, at the presence of the God
and ever: his horn shall be exalted in of Jacob:
glory. 8 Who turned the rock into pools of
10 The wicked shall see, and shall be water, and the stony hill into fountains
angry, he shall gnash with his teeth and of waters.

w Prov. 1. 7, and 9. 10 ; Eccli. 1. 16. x Mai. 1. 11. y Ex. 13. 8.

PSALM 111. Of the returning, &c. This is in the time of the return of the people from their captiv
Greek and Latin, but not in the Hebrew. It signi ity to inculcate to them, how happy they might be,

fies that this psalm was proper to be sung at the if they would be constant in the service of God.
The vanity of idols PSALMS God our helper and deliverer
1 Not to us, O Lord, not to us; but to 3 The sorrows
of death have compassed
thy name give glory. me and the perils of hell have found me.

2 For thy mercy, and for thy truth s I met with trouble and sorrow: 4 and I
sake: lest the Gentiles should say: Where called upon the name of the Lord.
is theirGod? Lord, deliver my soul. 5 The Lord is
3 But our God is in heaven : he hath merciful and just, and our God sheweth
done things whatsoever he would.
all mercy.
4 ~ The idols of the Gentiles are silver 6 The Lord is the keeper of little ones:
and gold, the works of the hands of men. I was humbled, and he delivered me.
5 a They have mouths and speak not : 7 Turn, my soul, into thy rest: for
they have eyes and see not. the Lord hath been bountiful to thee.
6 They have ears and hear not: they 8 For he hath delivered my soul from
have noses and smell not. death: my eyes from tears, my feet from
7 They have hands and feel not: they falling.
have feet and walk not; neither shall 9 I will please the Lord in the land of
they cry out through their throat. the living.
8 Let them that make them become like
unto them and all such as trust in them.
: PSALM 115
9 The house of Israel hath hoped in the Credidi.
Lord: he is their helper and their pro This in the Hebrew is joined with the foregoing
tector. psalm, and continues to express the faith and
gratitude of the psalmist.
10 The house of Aaron hath hoped in
the Lord he is their helper and their
10 T HAVE c
believed, therefore have I
11 They that fear the Lord have hoped
J_ spoken; but I have been humbled
in the Lord: he is their helper and their exceedingly.
II I said in my excess: d Every man is
a liar.
12 The Lord hsth been mindful of us,
and hath blessed us. 12 What shall I render to the Lord, for
He hath blessed the house of Israel he all the things that he hath rendered to

hath blessed the house of Aaron. me?

13 will take the chalice of salvation;
13 He hath blessed all that fear the
Lord, both little and great.
and upon the name of the Lord.
I will call

14 May the Lord add blessings upon

14 I will pay my
vows to the Lord be
fore all his people: 15 precious in the
you upon you, and upon your children.

15 Blessed be you of the Lord, who sight of the Lord is the death of his
made heaven and earth. saints.
16 The heaven of heaven is the Lord s:
16 Lord, for I am thy servant: I am
but the earth he has given to the children thy servant, and the son of thy hand
of men. maid.
17 6 The dead shall not praise thee. O Thou hast broken my bonds: 17 I will
sacrifice to thee the sacrifice of praise,
Lord: nor any of them that go down to
and I will call upon the name of the
18 But we that Lord.
live bless the Lord:
from 18 I will pay my vows to the Lord in
this time now and for ever.
the sight of all his people: 19 in the
courts of the house of the Lord, in the
midst of thee, Jerusalem.
The prayer of a just man in affliction,
confidence in God.
with a lively PSALM 116
Laudate Dominum.
AU nations are called upon to praise God for his
HAVE loved, because the Lord will mercy and truth.
I hear the voice of prayer. my Alleluia.
2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto PRAISE e
the Lord, all ye nations:
me: and in my
days I will call upon him. praise him, all ye people.
z Infra 134. 15. --a Wisd. 15. 15 c 2 Cor. 4. 13. d Rom. 3. 4.
b Bar. 2. 17. e Rom. 16. 11.
Trust in God PSALMS The corner stone
2 For his mercy is confirmed upon us: 17 I shall not die, but live: and shall
and the truth of the Lord remaineth for declare the works of the Lord.
ever. 18 The Lord chastising hath chastised
me: but he hath not delivered me over
to death.
Confitemini Domino.
The psalmist praiseth God for his delivery
19 Open ye to me the gates of justice:
evils: putteth his whole trust in him; and fore- I will go in to them, and give praise to
telleth the coming of Christ. the Lord. 20 This is the gate of the
Lord, the just shall enter into it.
praise to the Lord, for he is good: 21 I will give glory to thee because thou
for his mercy endureth for ever. hast heard me: and art become my sal
2 Let Israel now say, that he is good: vation.
that his mercy endureth for ever. 22 *
The stone which the builders re
3 Let the house of Aaron now say, that jected; the same is become the head of
his mercy endureth for ever. the corner.
4 Let them that fear the Lord now say, 23 This is the Lord s doing: and it is
that his mercy endureth for ever. wonderful in our eyes.
5 In my trouble I called upon the Lord: 24 This is the day which the Lord hath
and the Lord heard me, and enlarged me. made: let us be glad and rejoice therein.
6 The Lord is my helper: I will not fear 25 O Lord, save me: O Lord, give good
what man can do unto me. success. 26 Blessed be he that cometh
7 ^The Lord is my helper; and I will in the name of the Lord.
look over my enemies. Wehave blessed you out of the house
8 It is good to confide in the Lord, of the Lord. 27 The Lord is God, and he
rather than to have confidence in man. hath shone upon us.
9 It is good to trust in the Lord, rather Appoint a solemn day, with shady
than to trust in princes. boughs, even to the horn of the altar.
10 All nations compassed me about; and 28 Thou art my God, and I will praise
in the name of the Lord I have been thee: thou art my God, and I will exalt
revenged on them. thee.
11 Surrounding me they compassed me 1 will praise thee, because thou hast
about: and in the name of the Lord I heard me, and art become my salvation.
have been revenged on them. 29 praise ye the Lord, for he is good:
12 They surrounded me like bees, and for his mercy endureth for evei?.
they burned like fire among thorns: and
in the name of the Lord I was revenged PSALM 118
on them. Beati immaculati.
13 Being pushed I was overturned that
Of the excellence of virtue consisting in the love
I might fall: but the Lord supported me. and observance of the commandments of God.
14 h The Lord is my strength and my Alleluia.
praise: and he is become my salvation.
15 The voice of rejoicing and of salva ALEPH.
tion is in the tabernacles of the just. are the undefiled in the way,
The right hand of the Lord hath
who walk in the law of the Lord.
wrought strength: the right hand of the 2 Blessed are they that search his testi
Lord hath exalted me: the right hand of monies: that seek him with their whole
the Lord hath wrought strength. heart.

/ John 12. 34. g Heb. 13. 6. t Isa. 28. 16 ; Matt. 21. 42; Luke 20. 17 ; Acts 4. 11 ;

h Ex. 15. 2. Rom. 9. 33; 1 Pete* 2. 7.

PSALM 118. Aleph. The first eight verses of this and consequently with what humility, and submis
psalm in the original begin with Aleph, which is the sion to the Church they are to be read.
name of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The Ver. 2. His testimonies. The commandments of
second eight verses begin with Beth, the name of the God are called his testimonies, because they testify
second letter of the Hebrew alphabet and so to the ;
his holy will unto us. Note here, that in almost
end of the whole alphabet, in all twenty-two letters, every verse of this psalm (which in number are
each letter having eight verses. This order is vari 176) the word and law of God, and the love and
ously expounded by the holy fathers which shews ; observance of it, is perpetually inculcated, under a
the difficulty of understanding the holy scriptures, variety of denominations, all signifying the same
Meditating on the law of God PSALMS Prayer for light and guidance
3 For they that work iniquity, have not 26 I have declared my ways, and thou
walked in his ways. hast heard me: teach me thy justifica
4 Thou hast commanded thy command tions.
ments to be kept most diligently. 27 Make me to understand the way of
5 0! that my ways may be directed to thy justifications: and I shall be exer
keep thy justifications. cised in thy wondrous works.
6 Thenshall I not be confounded, when 28 My soul hath slumbered through
I shall look into all thy commandments. heaviness: strengthen thou me in thy
7 I will praise thee with uprightness of words.
heart, when I shall have learned the judg 29 Remove from me the way of iniquity:
ments of thy justice. and out of thy law have mercy on me.
8 I will keep thy justifications: O! do 30 I have chosen the way of truth: thy
not thou utterly forsake me. judgments I have not forgotten.
31 I have stuck to thy testimonies,
BETH. Lord: put me not to shame.
9By what doth a young man correct his 32 I have run the way of thy command
way? by observing thy words. ments, when thou didst enlarge my heart.
10 With my whole heart have I sought
after thee: let me not stray from thy HE.
commandments. 33 Set before me for a law the way of
11 Thy words have Ihidden in my heart, thy justifications, O Lord: and I will al
that I may not sin against thee. ways seek after it.
12 Blessed art thou, Lord: teach me 34 Give me understanding, and I will
thy justifications. search thy law; and I will keep it With
13 With my lips I have pronounced all my whole heart.
the judgments of thy mouth. 35 Lead me
into the path of thy com
14 I have been delighted in the way of mandments; for this same I have desired.
thy testimonies, as in all riches. 36 Incline my heart into thy testimonies
15 I will meditate on thy command and not to covetousness.
ments: and I will consider thy ways. 37 Turn away my eyes that they may
16 I will think of thy justifications: I not behold vanity: quicken me in thy
will not forget thy words. way.
38 Establish thy word to thy servant
GIMEL. in thy fear.
17 Give bountifully to thy servant, en 39 Turn away my reproach, which I
liven me: and I shall keep thy words. have apprehended for thy judgments are

18 Open thou my eyes: and I w

ll con

sider the wondrous things of thy law. 40 Behold I have longed after thy pre
19 I am a sojourner on the earth; hide cepts: quicken me in thy justice.
not thy commandments from me.
20 My soul hath coveted to long for thy VAU.
justifications, at all times. 41 Let thy also come upon me,
21 Thou hast rebuked the proud: Lord: thy salvation according to thy
are cursed who decline from thy com word.
mandments. 42 So shall I answer them that reproach
22 Remove from me reproach and con me in any thing; that I have trusted in
tempt: because I have sought after
thy thy words.
testimonies. 43 And take not thou the word of truth
23 For princes sat, and spoke utterly out of my mouth: for in thy
me: but thy servant was employed in words, I have hoped exceedingly.
thy justifications. 44 So shall I always keep thy law, for
24 For thy testimonies are my medita ever and ever.
tion: and thy justifications my counsel. 45 And I walked at large: because I
have sought after thy commandments.
DALETH. 46 And I spoke of thy testimonies be
25 Mysoul hath cleaved to the
pave fore kings: and I was not ashamed.
ment: quicken thou me according to thy 47 I meditated also on thy command
ments, which I loved.
God s law our comfort PSALMS Ou-r need of God s comforting law
48 And I lifted up my hands to thy com multiplied over me: but I will seek thy
mandments, which I loved: and I was commandments with my whole heart.
exercised in thy justifications. 70 Their heart is curdled like milk: but
I have meditated on thy law.
ZAIN. 71 It is good for me that thou hast hum
49 Be thou mindful of thy word to thy bled me, that I may learn thy justifica
servant, in which thou hast given me tions.
hope. 72 The law of thy mouth is good to me,
50 This hath comforted me in my hu above thousands of gold and silver.
miliation: because thy word hath enliv
ened me. JOD.
51 The
proud did iniquitously alto 73 Thy hands have made me and formed
gether: but I declined not from thy law. me: give me
52 I remembered,
understanding, and I will
Lord, thy judg learn thy commandments.
ments of old: and I was comforted.
74 They that fear thee shall see me, and
53 A fainting hath taken hold of me, be
shall be glad: because I have greatly
cause of the wicked that forsake thy law.
54 Thy justifications were the subject of hoped in thy words.
75 I know, Lord, that thy judgments
my song, in the place of my pilgrimage.
are equity: and in thy truth thou hast
55 In the night I have remembered thy
O Lord: and have kept thy law. humbled me.
56 This happened to me: because I 76 0! let thy mercy be for my comfort,
sought after thy justifications. according to thy word unto thy servant.
77 Let thy tender mercies come unto
HETH. me, and I shall live: for thy law is my
57 portion, I have said, I
Lord, my
would keep thy law. 78 Let the proud be ashamed, because
58 I entreated thy face with all my they have done unjustly towards me:
heart: have mercy on me according to but I will be employed in thy command
thy word.
59 I have thought on my ways: and 79 Let them that fear thee turn to me:
turned my feet unto thy testimonies. and they that know thy testimonies.
60 I am ready, and am not troubled: 80 Let my heart be undefiled in thy jus
that I may keep thy commandments. tifications, that I may not be confounded.
61 The cords of the wicked have encom
passed me: but I have not forgotten thy CAPH.
law. 81 My soul hath fainted after thy sal
62 I rose at midnight to give praise to vation: and in thy word I have very
thee; for the judgments of thy justifica much hoped.
tion. 82 My eyes have failed for thy word,
63 I am a partaker with all them that saying: When wilt thou comfort me?
fear thee, and that keep thy command 83 For I am become like a bottle in the
ments. frost: I have not forgotten thy justifica
64 The earth, O Lord, is full of thy tions.
mercy: teach me thy justifications. 84 How many are the days of thy ser
vant: when wilt thou execute judgment
TETH. on them that persecute me?
65 Thou hast done well with thy ser 85 The wicked have told me fables: but
vant, Lord, according to thy word. not as thy law.
66 Teach me goodness and discipline 86 All thy statutes are truth: they have
and knowledge; for I have believed thy persecuted me unjustly, do thou help me.
commandments. 87 They had almost made an end of me
67 Before I was humbled I offended; upon earth: but I have not forsaken thy
therefore have I kept thy word. commandments.
68 Thou art good; and in thy goodness 88 Quicken thou me according to thy
teach me thy justifications. mercy: and I shall keep the testimonies
69 The iniquity of the proud hath been of thy mouth.

God s law gives wisdom and strength PSALMS No communion with the wicked
LAMED. 110 Sinners have laid a snare for me:
but I have not erred from thy precepts.
89 For ever, Lord, thy word standeth
firm in heaven. 111 I have purchased thy testimonies
90 Thy truth unto all generations: thou for an inheritance for ever: because they
hast founded the earth, and it continu- are the joy of my heart.
eth. 112 I have inclined my heart to do thy
91 By thy ordinance the day goeth on: justifications for ever, for the reward.
for all things serve thee.
92 Unless thy law had been my medita
tion, I had then perhaps perished in my 113 I have hated the unjust: and have
abjection. loved thy law.
93 Thy justifications I will never forget: 114 Thou art my helper and my pro
for by them thou hast given me life. tector: and in thy word I have greatly
94 I am thine, save thou me: for I have hoped.
sought thy justifications. 115 Depart from me, ye malignant:
95 The wicked have waited for me to and I will search the commandments of
destroy me: but I have understood thy my God.
testimonies. 116 Uphold me according to thy word,
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: and I shall live: and let me not be con
thy commandment is exceeding broad. founded in my expectation.
117 Help me, and I shall be saved: and I
MEM. will meditate always on thy justifications.

97 O how have loved thy law,

I Lord! 118 Thou hast despised all them that
fall off from thy judgments; for their
it is my
meditation all the day.
98 Through thy commandment, thou thought is unjust.
hast made me wiser than my enemies: 119 I have accounted all the sinners of
for it is ever with me. the earth prevaricators: therefore have
I loved thy testimonies.
99 I have understood more than all my
teachers: because thy testimonies are 120 Pierce thou my flesh with thy fear:
for I am afraid of thy judgments.
my meditation.
100 I have had understanding above
ancients: because I have sought thy com AIN.
mandments. 121 I have done judgment and justice:
101 I have restrained my feet from give me not up to them that slander me.
every evil way: that I may keep thy 122 Uphold thy servant unto good: let
words. not the proud calumniate me.
102 I have not declined from thy judg 123 My eyes have fainted after thy sal
ments, because thou hast set me a law. vation: and for the word of thy justice.
103 How sweet are thy words to my pal 124 Deal with thy servant according to
ate! more than honey to my mouth. thy mercy: and teach me thy justifica
104 By thy commandments I have had tions.
understanding: therefore have I hated 125 I am thy servant: give me under
every way of iniquity. standing that I may know thy testimo
NUN. 126 It is time, O Lord, to do: they have
105 Thy word a lamp to
is my feet, and dissipated thy law.
a light to my paths. 127 Therefore have I loved thy com
106 I have sworn and am determined mandments above gold and the topaz.
to keep the judgments of thy justice. 128 Therefore was I directed to all thy
107 I have been humbled, O Lord, ex commandments: I have hated all wicked
ceedingly: quicken thou me according to ways.
thy word. PHE.
108 The free offerings of mouth my 129 Thy testimonies are wonderful:
make acceptable, Lord: and teach me therefore my soul hath sought them.
thy judgments. 130 The declaration of thy words giveth
109 My soul is continually in my hands: light: and giveth understanding to little
and I have not forgotten thy law. ones.

The prophet cries to God PSALMS The prophet s love for God s law
131 I opened my mouth, and panted: RES.
because I longed for thy commandments. humiliation and deliver me:
132 Look thou upon me, and have mercy
153 See my
for I have not forgotten thy law.
on me, according to the judgment of 154 Judge my judgment and redeem me:
them that love thy name.
quicken thou me for thy word s sake.
133 Direct my steps according to thy 155 Salvation is far from sinners; be
word: and let no iniquity have dominion cause they have not sought thy justifi
over me. cations.
134 Redeem me from the calumnies of 156 Many, Lord, are thy mercies:
men: that I may keep thy command
quicken me according to thy judgment.
ments. 157 Many are they that persecute me,
135 Make thy face to shine upon thy and afflict me; but I have not declined
servant: and teach me thy justifications. from thy testimonies.
136 My eyes have sent forth springs of 158 I beheld the transgressors, and I
water: because they have not kept thy
pined away; because they kept not thy
law. word.
159 Behold I have loved thy command
SADE. ments, O Lord; quicken me thou in thy
137 Thou art just, O Lord: and thy mercy.
judgment is right. 160 The beginning of thy words is
138 Thou hast commanded justice thy truth: all the judgments of thy justice
testimonies: and thy truth exceedingly. are for ever.
139 My zeal hath made me pine away: SIN.
because my enemies forgot thy words. 161 Princes have persecuted me with
140 Thy word is exceedingly refined: out cause: and my heart hath been in
and thy servant hath loved it. awe of thy words.
141 I am very young and despised; but 162 I will rejoice at thy words, as one
I forget not thy justifications. that hath found great spoil.
142 Thy justice is justice for ever: and 163 I have hated and abhorred iniquity ;

thy law is the truth. but I have loved thy law.

143 Trouble and anguish have found me: 164 Seven times a day I have given
thy commandments are my meditation. praise to thee, for the judgments of thy
144 Thy testimonies are justice for ever: justice.
give me understanding, and I shall live. 165 Much peace have they that love thy
law, and to them there is no stumbling-
COPH. block.
145 I cried with whole heart, hear
my 166looked for thy salvation,
I Lord:
me, Lord: I will seek thy justifications. and loved thy commandments.

146 I cried unto thee, save me: that I 167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies:
may keep thy commandments. and hath loved them exceedingly.
147 I prevented the dawning of the day, 168 I have kept thy commandments and
and cried: because in thy words I very thy testimonies: because all my ways are
much hoped. in thy sight.
148 Myeyes to thee have prevented the
morning: that I might meditate on thy TAU.
words. 169 Let my
supplication, Lord, come
149 Hear thou my voice, Lord, ac near in thy sight give me understanding

cording to thy mercy: and quicken me according to thy word.

according to thy judgment. 170 Let my request come in before thee:
150 They that persecute me have drawn deliver thou me according to thy word.
nigh to iniquity; but they are gone far 171 My
lips shall utter a hymn, when
off from thy law. thou shalt teach me thy justifications.
151 Thou art near, O Lord: and all thy 172 My
tongue shall pronounce thy
ways are truth. word: because all thy commandments are
152 I have known from the beginning justice.
concerning thy testimonies: that thou 173 Let thy hand be with me to save
hast founded them for ever. me; for I have chosen thy precepts.

God our keeper PSALMS The blessedness of Jerusalem

174 I have longed for thy salvation, O PSALM 121

eum in his.
Lord; and thy law is my meditation.

175 My soul shall live and shall praise The desire and hope of the just for the corning of the
kingdom of God, and the peace of his church.
thee: and thy judgments shall help me.
A gradual canticle.
176 I have gone astray like a sheep that
is lost: seek thy servant, because I have at the things that were
not forgotten thy commandments. I said to me: We
shall go into the house
of the Lord.
2 Our feet were standing in thy courts,
Ad Dominum
O Jerusalem.
prayer in tribulation.
A which is built as a city,
3 Jerusalem,
gradual canticle.
which is compact together.
my trouble I cried to the Lord: and
4 For thither did the tribes go up, the
INhe heard me. tribes of the Lord: the testimony of Is
2 O Lord, deliver my soul from wicked
rael, to praise the name of the Lord.
lips, and a deceitful tongue.
5 Because their seats have sat in judg
3 What shall be given to thee, or what
shall be added to thee, to a deceitful ment, seats upon the house of David.
6 Pray ye for the things that are for the
tongue ?
4 The sharp arrows of the mighty, with peace of Jerusalem: and abundance for
coals that lay waste.
them that love thee.
5 Woe is me, that my sojourning is pro 7 Let peace be in thy strength: and
longed! I have dwelt with the inhabitants
abundance in thy towers.
of Cedar: 6 my soul hath been long a 8 For the sake of my brethren, and of
sojourner. my neighbours, I spoke peace of thee.
7 With them that hated peace I was 9 Because of the house of the Lord our
peaceable: when I spoke to them they God, I have sought good things for thee.
fought against me without cause.
PSALM 120 Ad te levavi.

Levavi oculos. A prayer in affliction, with confidence in God.

God is the keeper of his servants. A gradual canticle.
A gradual canticle. thee have I lifted up my eyes, who
HAVE up my eyes to the moun
lifted TOBehold
dwellest in heaven.
as the eyes of servants are on
I tains, from whence help shall come
the hands of their masters,
to me.
is from the Lord, who made
As the eyes of the handmaid are on the
2 My help
hands of her mistress: so are our eyes
heaven and earth.
3 May he not suffer thy foot to be moved:
unto the Lord our God, until he have
neither let him slumber that keepeth thee. mercy on us.
4 Behold he shall neither slumber nor 3 Have mercy on us, O Lord, have

sleep, that keepeth Israel.

mercy on us: for we are greatly filled
5 The Lord is thy keeper, the Lord is with contempt.
4 For our soul is greatly filled: we are
thy protection upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not burn thee by day: a reproach to the rich, and contempt to
nor the moon by night. the proud.
7 The Lord keepeth thee from all evil:
may the Lord keep thy soul. Nisi quia Dominus.
8 May the Lord keep thy coming in and The church giveth glory to God for her deliverancr
thy going out; from henceforth now and from the hands of her enemies.
for ever. A gradual canticle.

PSALM 119. A
gradual canticle. The following sung by the people returning from their captivity
psalms, in number fifteen, are called gradual psalms, and ascending to Jerusalem, which was seated
or canticles, from the word gradus, signifying steps, amongst mountains. The holy fathers, in a mysti
ascensions, or degrees either because they were
cal sense, understand these steps, or ascensions, of
appointed to be sung on the fifteen steps, by which the degrees by which Christians spiritually ascend
the people ascended to the temple or, that in the
to virtue and perfection and to the true temple of

singing of them the voice was to be raised by cer God in the heavenly Jerusalem.
tain steps or ascensions: or, that they were to be

Security of the just PSALMS Our need of God
it had not been that the Lord was 3 The Lord hath done great things for
IFwith us, let Israel now say: 2 II it us: we are become joyful.
had not been that the Lord was with us, 4 Turn again our captivity, Lord, as
When men rose up against us, 3 per a stream in the south.
haps they had swallowed us up alive. 5 They that sow in tears shall reap in
When their fury was enkindled against joy.
6 Going they went and wept, casting
us, 4 perhaps the waters had swallowed
their seeds.
us up.
7 But coming they shall come with joy-
5 Our soul hath passed through a tor
fulness, carrying their sheaves.
rent: perhaps our soul had passed through
a water insupportable.
6 Blessed be the Lord, who hath not Nisi Dominus.
given us to be a prey to their teeth. Nothing can be done without God s grace and bless
7 Our soul hath been delivered as a ing.
A gradual canticle of Solomon.
sparrow out of the snare of the fowlers.
the Lord build the house,
The snare is broken, and we are de
they labour in vain that build it.

Unless the Lord keep the city, he watch-

8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, eth in vain that keepeth it.
who made heaven and earth. 2 It is vain for you to rise before light:
rise ye after you have sitten, you that
PSALM 124 eat the bread of sorrow.
Qui confidunt When he shall give sleep to his beloved:
The just are always under God s protection. 3 behold the inheritance of the Lord are
A gradual canticle. children: the reward, the fruit of the
rpHEY that trust in the Lord shall be as womb.
_L mount Sion: he shall not be moved 4 As arrows in the hand of the mighty,
for ever that dwelleth 2 in Jerusalem. so the children of them that have been
Mountains are round about it: so the shaken.
Lord is round about his people from 5 Blessed is the man that hath filled his
henceforth now and for ever. desire with them; he shall not be con
3 For the Lord will not leave ftie rod of founded when he shall speak to his ene
sinners upon the lot of the just: that the mies in the gate.
just may not stretch forth their hands to
iniquity. PSALM 127
4 Do good, O
Lord, to those that are Beat! omnes.
good, and to the upright of heart. The fear of God is the way to happiness.
5 But such as turn aside into bonds, the A gradual canticle.
Lord shall lead out with the workers of they that fear the
are all
iniquity: peace upon Israel. BLESSED
Lord: that walk
in his ways.
2 For thou shalt eat the labours of thy
PSALM 125 hands: blessed art thou, and it shall be
In convertendo. well with thee.
The people of God rejoice at their delivery from 3 Thy wife as a fruitful vine, on the
captivity. sides of thy house.
A gradual canticle. Thy children as olive plants, round
the Lord brought back the about thy table.
WHEN captivity of Sion, we became like
men comforted.
4 Behold, thus shall the man be blessed
that feareth the Lord.
2 Then was our mouth filled with glad 5 May the Lord bless thee out of Sion:
ness; and our tongue with joy. and mayst thou see the good things of
Then shall they say among the Gentiles: Jerusalem all the days of thy life.
The Lord hath done great things for 6 And mayst thou see thy children s
them. children, peace upon Israel.
PSALM 126. Ver. 2. It is vain for you to rise avail you nothing, without the light, grace, and
before light. That is, your early rising, your labour blessing of God.
and worldly solicitude, will be vain, that is, will

Appeal to God s mercy for pardon PSALMS Gad s promises to David

PSALM 128 T ORD, my heart is not exalted: nor are

Ssepe expugnaveruit.
I J my
eyes lofty.
The church of God is invincible: her persecutors Neither have I walked in great matters,
come to nothing. nor in wonderful things above me.
A gradual canticle.
2 If I was not humbly minded, but ex
have they fought against me alted soul:my
from my youth, let Israel now say. child that is weaned is towards his
As a
2 Often have they fought against me my
mother, so reward in soul.
from my youth: but they could not pre
3 Let Israel hope in the Lord, from
vail over me.
henceforth now and for ever.
3 The wicked have wrought upon my
back: they have lengthened their iniquity.
4 The Lord who is just will cut the necks
Memento, Domine.
of sinners: 5 let them all be confounded made
A prayer for the fulfilling of the promise to
and turned back that hate Sion. David.
6 Let them be as grass upon the tops A gradual canticle.
of houses: which withereth before it be LORD, remember David, and all his
plucked up: meekness.
7 Wherewith the mower filleth not his 2 How he swore to the Lord, he vowed
hand: nor he that gathereth sheaves his a vow to the God of Jacob:
3 If I shall enter into the tabernacle
8 And they that passed by have not
of my house: if I shall go up into the
said: The blessing of the Lord be upon
bed wherein I lie:
you: we have blessed you in the name of
the Lord.
4 Ifshall give sleep to
I my eyes, or
slumber to eyelids, my
PSALM 129 5 Or rest to temples: my until I find
De profundis.
out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for
A prayer of a sinner, trusting in the mercies of the God of Jacob.
God. The sixth penitential psalm. 6 Behold we have heard of it in Ephrata:
A gradual canticle. we have found it in the fields of the wood.
of the depths I have cried to thee, 7 We will go into his tabernacle: we will
Lord: 2 Lord, hear my
ears be attentive to the
adore in the place where his feet stood.
Lord, into thy resting place:
thy 8 Arise,
of my supplication. thou and the ark, which thou hast sanc
3 If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: tified.
Lord, who shall stand it. 9 Let thy priests be clothed with justice:
4 For with thee there is merciful for and let thy saints rejoice.
giveness: and by reason of thy law, I 10 For thy servant David s sake, turn
have waited for thee, O Lord. not away the face of thy anointed.
Mysoul hath relied on his word: 5 my 11 The Lord hath sworn truth to David,
soul hath hoped in the Lord. and he will not make it void: of the l

6 From the morning watch even until fruit of thy womb I will set upon thy
night, let Israel hope in the Lord. throne.
7 Because with the Lord there is mercy: 12 If thy children will keep my cove
and with him plentiful redemption. nant, and these my testimonies which I
8 And he shall redeem Israel from all shall teach them:
his iniquities. Their children also for evermore shall
sit upon thy throne.
PSALM 130 13 For the Lord hath chosen Sion: he
Domine, non est. hath chosen it for his dwelling.
The prophet s humility. 14 This is my rest for ever and ever:
A gradual canticle of David. here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.
3 2 Kings 7. 2. k 2 Par. 6. 41. I 2 Kings 7. 12 ; Luke 1. 55 ; Acts 2. 30.

PSALM 131. Ver. 6. We have heard of

in it ing itand accordingly I found it at Cariathiarim,

Ephrata. When I was young, and lived in Bethle the city of the woods where it was till it was re

hem, otherwise called Ephrata^ I heard of God s moved to Jerusalem. See 1 Par. 13.
tabernacle and ark, and had a devout desire of seek-

The happiness of brotherly lore PSALMS The vanity of idols

15 Blessing I will bless her widow: I 4 For the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto
will satisfy her poor with bread. himself: Israel for his own possession.
16 I will clothe her priests with salva 5 For I have known that the Lord is
tion: and her saints shall rejoice with great, and our God is above all gods.
exceeding great joy. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased he hath
17 m There will I bring forth a horn to done, in heaven, in earth, in the sea, and
David: I have prepared a lamp for my in all the deeps.
anointed. 7 n He bringeth up clouds from the end
18 His enemies I will clothe with confu of the earth: he hath made lightnings
sion: but upon him shall my
sanctifica- for the rain.
tion flourish. He bringeth forth winds out of his stores :

8 He slew the firstborn of Egypt from

PSALM 132 man even unto beast.
Ecce quam bonum. 9 He sent forth signs and wonders in
The happiness of brotherly love and concord. the midst of thee, Egypt upon Pharao, :

A gradual canticle of David. and upon all his servants.

how good and how pleasant 10 p He smote many nations, and slew
it is brethren to dwell together mighty kings:
in unity: 11 i Sehon king of the Amorrhites, and
2 Like the precious ointment on the Og king of Basan, and all the kingdoms
head, that ran down upon the beard, the of Chanaan.
beard of Aaron, 12 And gave their land for an inherit
Which ran down to the skirt of his gar ance, for an inheritance to his people
ment: 3 as the dew of Hermon, which Israel.
descendeth upon mount Sion. 13 Thy name, O Lord, is for ever: thy
For there the Lord hath commanded memorial, Lord, unto all generations.
blessing, and life for evermore. 14 For the Lord will judge his people,
and will be entreated in favour of his
PSALM 133 servants.
Ecce nunc benedieite. 15 r The idols of the Gentiles are silver
An exhortation to praise God continually. and gold, the works of men s hands.
A gradual canticle. 16 s They have a mouth, but they speak
bless ye the Lord, all ye not: they have eyes, but they see not.
servants of the Lord: 17 They have ears, but they hear not:
Who stand in the house of the Lord, in neither is there any breath in their
the courts of the house of our God. mouths.
2 In the nights lift up your hands to 18 Let them that make them be like to
the holy places, and bless ye the Lord. them: and every one that trusteth in
3 May the Lord out of Sion bless thee, them.
he that made heaven and earth. 19 Bless the Lord, house of Israel:
bless the Lord, house of Aaron.
PSALM 134 20 Bless the Lord, house of Levi: you
Laudate nomen. that fear the Lord, bless the Lord.
4n exhortation to praise God: the vanity of idols. 21 Blessed be the Lord out of Sion, who
1 Alleluia. dwelleth in Jerusalem.
name of the Lord:
ye the
you his servants, praise the Lord: PSALM 135
2 You that stand in the house of the Confitemini Domino.
Lord, in the courts of the house of our God is to be praised for his wonderful works.
God. Alleluia.

3 Praise ye the Lord, for the Lord is the Lord, for he is good: for
good: sing ye to his name, for it is sweet. PRAISEhis mercy endureth for ever.

m Mai. 3. 1 ; Luke 1. 69. n Jer. 10. 13. p Jos. 12. 1, 7. q Num. 21. 24. 34.
o Ex. 12. 29. r Supra 113. 4.s Wisd. 15. 15.

PSALM 135. Ver. 1, 2, and 3. Praise the Lord. By distinct Persons, the Father, and the Son, and the
this invitation to praise the Lord, thrice repeated, Holy Ghost.
we profess the Blessed Trinity, One God in three

PSALMS Song of the captives of Babylon
2 Praise ye the God of gods: for his 26 Give glory to the God of heaven: for
mercy endureth for ever. his mercy endureth for ever.
3 Praise ye the Lord of lords: for his 27 Give glory to the Lord of lords: for
mercy endureth for ever. his mercy endureth for ever.
4 Whoalone doth great wonders: for
his mercy endureth for ever. PSALM 136
5 *Who made the heavens in understand Super flumina.
ing: for his mercy endureth for ever. The lamentation of the people of God in their cap
tivity in Babylon.
6 Who established the earth above the
waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.
A psalm of David, for Jeremias.
7 Who made the great lights: for hi? the rivers of Babylon, there we
mercy endureth for ever. UPON
sat and wept: when we remembered
8 The sun to rule the day for his mercy :
endureth for ever. 2 On the willows in the midst thereof
9 The moon and the stars to rule the we hung up our instruments. 3 For there
night: for his mercy endureth for ever. they that led us into captivity required
10 Who smote Egypt with their first
of us the words of songs.
born: for his mercy endureth for ever. And they that carried us away, said:
11 * Who brought out Israel from among Sing ye to us a hymn of the songs of
them: for his mercy endureth for ever. Sion.
12 With a mighty hand and with a 4 How shall we sing the song of the
stretched out arm: for his mercy endur Lord in a strange land?
eth for ever. 5 If I forget thee, Jerusalem, let my
13 Who divided the Red Sea into parts: right hand be forgotten.
for his mercy endureth for ever. 6 Let my tongue cleave to my jaws, if I

14 And brought out Israel through the do not remember thee:

midst thereof: for his mercy endureth If I make not Jerusalem the beginning
for ever. of my joy.
15 w And overthrew Pharao and his host 7 Remember, Lord, the children of
in the Red Sea: for his mercy endureth Edom, in the day of Jerusalem:
for ever. Who say: Rase it, rase it, even to the
16 Who led his people through the foundation thereof.
desert: for his mercy endureth for ever. 8 daughter of Babylon, miserable:
17 Who smote great kings: for his blessed shall he be who
shall repay thee
mercy endureth for ever. thy payment which thou hast paid us.
18 x And slew strong kings: for his 9 Blessed be he that shall take and dash
mercy endureth for ever. thy little ones against the rock.
19 Sehon king of the Amorrhites: for
his mercy endureth for ever. PSALM 137
20 "And Og king of Basan: for his Confitebor tibi.

mercy endureth for ever. Thanksgiving to God for his benefits.

21 *And he gave their land for an in For David himself.
heritance: for his mercy endureth for WILL praise thee, Lord, with my
ever. I whole heart: for thou hast heard the
22 For an inheritance to his servant words of my mouth.
Israel: for his mercy endureth for ever. I will sing praise to thee in the sight of
23 For he was mindful of us in our afflic the angels: 2 I will worship towards thy
tion: for his mercy endureth for ever.
holy temple, and I will give glory to thy
24 And he redeemed us from our ene name.
mies: for his mercy endureth for ever. For thy mercy, and for thy truth: for
25 Who giveth food to all flesh: for bis thou hast magnified thy holy name above
mercy endureth for ever. all.

tGen. 1. 1. u Ex. 12. 29 z Num. 21. 24. Num. 21. 33.

v Ex. 13. 17. w Ex. 14. 28. * Jos. 13. 7.

PSALM 136. For Jeremias. For the time of Jere- the rock, when we mortify our passions, and stifle
mias, and the captivity of Babylon. the first motions of them, by a speedy recourse to
Ver. 9. Dash thy little ones, &c. In the spiritual the rock which is Christ.
sense, we dash the little ones of Babylon against

Nothing M hidden from God PSALMS Nothing is hidden from God
3 In what day soever I shall call upon cover me: and night shall be my light in
thee, hear me: thou shalt multiply my pleasures.
strength in my soul. 12 But darkness shall not be dark to
4 May all the kings of the earth give thee, and night shall be light as the day:
glory to thee: for they have heard all the the darkness thereof, and the light there
words of thy mouth. of are alike to thee.
5 And let them sing in the ways of the 13 For thou hast possessed my reins:
Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord. thou hast protected me from my mother s
6 For the Lord is high, and looketh on womb.
the low: and the high he knoweth afar 14 I will praise thee, for thou art fear
off. fully magnified: wonderful are thy works,
7 If I shallwalk in the midst of tribula and my soul knoweth right well.
tion, thou wilt quicken me: and thou 15 My
bone is not hidden from thee,
hast stretched forth thy hand against the which thou hast made in secret: and my
wrath of my enemies: and thy right substance in the lower parts of the earth.
hand hath saved me. 16 Thy eyes did see imperfect being, my
8 The Lord will repay for me: thy and in thy book all shall be written: days
mercy, Lord, endureth for ever: shall be formed, and no one in them.
despise not the works of thy hands. 17 But to me thy friends, God, are
made exceedingly honourable: their prin
PSALM 138 cipality is exceedingly strengthened.
18 I will number them, and they shall
Dotnine, probasti.
God be multiplied above the sand: I rose up
s special providence over his servants.
1 Unto the end, a psalm of David. and am still with thee.
19 If thou wilt kill the wicked, God:
thou hast proved me, and known
me: 2 thou hast known my sitting ye men of blood, depart from me:
20 Because you say in thought: They
down, and my rising up.
shall receive thy cities in vain.
3 Thou hast understood
my thoughts 21 Have I not hated them, Lord, that
afar off: my path and my line thou hast
hated thee: and pined away because of
searched out.
4 And thou hast foreseen all my ways: thy enemies?
22 I have hated them with a perfect
for there is no speech in my tongue.
hatred: and they are become enemies to
5 Behold, Lord, thou hast known all me.
things, the last and those of old: thou
hast formed me, and hast laid thy hand
23 Prove me, God, and know my
heart: examine me, and know my paths.
upon me. 24 And see if there be in me the way of
6 Thy knowledge is become wonderful
to me: it is high, and I cannot reach to iniquity: and lead me in the eternal way.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? PSALM 139
or whither shall I flee from thy face? Eripe me, Domine.
8 If I ascend into heaven, thou art
A prayer to be deliveredfrom the wicked.
there: if I descend into hell, thou art 1 Unto the end, a psalm of David.

present. 2 me, O Lord, from the evil

9 If I take my wings early in the morn \_) man: rescue me from the unjust
ing, and dwell in the uttermost parts of man.
the sea: 3 Who have devised iniquities in their
10 Even there also shall thy hand lead hearts: all the day long they designed
me: and thy right hand shall hold me. battles.
11 And I said: Perhaps darkness shall 4 b
They have sharpened their tongues

a Amos 9. 2. 6 Supra 5. 11 ; Rom. 3. 13.

PSALM 138. Ver. 4. There is no speech, &c. Viz., their habitation ; as if they have received them in
unknown to thee or when there is no speech in
: my vain, and to no purpose.
tonprue yet my whole interior and my most secret
; Ver. 22. I have hated them. Not with an hatred
thoughts are known to thee. of malice, but a zeal for the observance of God s
Ver. 20. Because you say in thought, &c. Depart commandments which he saw were despised by

from me, you wicked, who plot against the servants the wicked, who are to be considered enemies to
of God, and think to cast them out of the cities of God.

Prayer for protection PSALMS Prayer of one in extreme danger
like a serpent: the venom of asps is With men that work iniquity: and I
under their lips. will not communicate with the choicest
of them.
5 Keep me, Lord, from the hand of
the wicked: and from unjust men deliver 5 The just man shall correct me in
me. mercy, and shall reprove me: but let not
Who proposed to supplant my
have the oil of the sinner fatten my head.

steps: 6 the proud have hidden a net for my

For be against
prayer also shall still

me. the things with which they are well

And they have stretched out cords for a pleased: 6 their judges falling upon the
snare: they have laid for me a stum- rock have been swallowed up.
blingblock by the wayside. They shall hear my words, for they
7 I said to the Lord: Thou art my God: have prevailed: 7 as when the thickness
hear, O Lord, the voice of my supplication. of the earth is broken up upon the
8 Lord, Lord, the strength of my sal ground:
vation: thou hast overshadowed my head Our bones are scattered by the side of
in the day of battle. hell. 8But to thee, Lord, Lord, are my
9 Give me not up, O Lord, from my de eyes: in thee have I put my trust, take
sire to the wicked: they have plotted not away my soul.
against me; do not thou forsake me, lest 9 Keep me from the
snare, which they
they should triumph. have for me, and from the stum-
10 The head of them compassing me blingblocks of them that work iniquity.
about: the labour of their lips shall over 10 The wicked shall fall in his net: I
whelm them. am alone until I pass.
11 Burning coals shall fall upon them;
thou wilt cast them down into the fire: PSALM 141
in miseries they shall not be able to stand. Voce mea.
12 A man full of tongue shall not be es A prayer of David in extremity of danger.
tablished in the earth: evil shall catch 1 Of understanding for David. A prayer when he
was in the cave. [1 Kings 24.]
the unjust man unto destruction.
13 I know that the Lord will do justice CRIED c to the Lord with my voice:
to the needy, and will revenge the poor. I withmy voice I made supplication
14 But as for the just, they shall give to the Lord.

glory to thy name and the upright shall :

3 In his sight I pour out my prayer,
dwell with thy countenance. and before him I declare my trouble:
4 When my spirit failed me, then thou
PSALM 140 knewest my paths.
Domine, clamavi. In this way wherein I walked, they have
A prayer against sinful words, and deceitful flat
hidden a snare for me.
terers. 5 I looked on my right hand, and be
A psalm of David. held, and there was no one that would
HAVE cried to thee, Lord, hear know me.
I me: hearken to my voice, when I cry Flight hath failed me: and there is no
to thee. one that hath regard to my soul.
2 Let my prayer be directed as incense 6 I cried to thee, Lord: I said: Thou
in thy sight; the lifting up of my hands, art my hope, my portion in the land of
as evening sacrifice. the living.
3 Set a watch, Lord, before my mouth : 7 Attend to my supplication: for I am
and a door round about my lips. brought very low.
4 Incline not my heart to evil words: Deliver me from my persecutors; for
to make excuses in sins. they are stronger than I.
c Supra 76. 2.

PSALM 140. Ver. 5. Let not the oil of the sinner, quickly vanish and perish like ships dashed against
&c. That
is, the flattery, or deceitful praise.- Ibid. the rocks, and swallowed up by the waves. Let them
For my
prayer, &c. So far from coveting their then hear my words, for they are powerful and will
praises, who
are never well pleased but with things prevail or, as it is in the Hebrew, for they are

that are evil I shall continually pray to be pre

; sweet.
served from such things as they are delighted with. Ver. 10. I am alone, &c. Singularly protected by
Ver. 6. Their judges. &c. Their rulers, or chiefs. the Almighty, until I pass all their nets and snares.

Prayer of one in tribulation PSALMS Prayer for help
8 Bring my soul out of prison, that I be the Lord my God, who
may praise thy name: the just wait for BLESSED
teacheth my hands to fight, and my
me, until thou reward me. fingers to war.
2 My mercy, and my refuge: my sup
port, and my deliverer:
Domine, exaudi. and have hoped
The pgalmiat in tribulation calleth upon God for his
My protector, I in him:
delivery. The seventh penitential psalm.
who subdueth my people under me.
1 A psalm of David, when his son Absalom pursued 3 Lord, what is man, that thou art made
him. [2 Kings 17.] known to him? or the son of man, that
Lord, my prayer: give ear to thou makest account of him?
my supplication in thy truth: hear 4 Man is like to vanity: d his days pass
me in thy justice. away like a shadow.
2 And
enter not into judgment with thy 5 Lord, bow down thy heavens and de
servant: for in thy sight no man living scend: touch the mountains, and they
shall be justified. shall smoke.
3 For the enemy hath persecuted my 6 Send forth lightning, and thou shalt
brought down scatter them: shoot out thy arrows, and
soul: he hath my life to
the earth. thou shalt trouble them.
He hath made me to dwell in darkness 7 Put forth thy hand from on high, take
as those that have been dead of old: me out, and deliver me from many waters:
4 and my spirit is in anguish within me: from the hand of strange children :

8 Whose mouth hath spoken vanity:

my heart within me is troubled.
5 I remembered the days of old, I medi and their right hand is the right hand of
tated on all thy works: I meditated upon iniquity.
the works of thy hands. 9 To thee, God, I will sing a new can
6 I stretched forth my hands to thee: ticle: on the psaltery and an instrument
of ten strings I will to
my soul is as earth without water unto sing praises
thee. thee.
7 Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit 10 Who givest salvation to kings: who
hath fainted away. hast redeemed thy servant David from
Turn not away thy face from me, lest I the malicious sword: 11 Deliver me,
be like unto them that go down into the And rescue me out of the hand of strange
pit. children; whose mouth hath spoken van
Cause me to hear thy mercy in the
8 ity : and their right hand is the right hand
of iniquity:
morning: for in thee have I hoped.
Make the way known to me, wherein I 12 Whose sons are as new plants in their
should walk: for I have lifted up my soul youth :

to thee. Their daughters decked out, adorned

9 Deliver me from my O round about after the simulitude of a
enemies, Lord,
to thee have I fled: 10 teach me to do temple :

13 Their storehouses full, flowing out of

thy will, for thou art my God.
this into that.
Thy good spirit shall lead me into the
Their sheep fruitful in young, abounding
right land: 11 for thy name s sake,
in their goings forth: 14 their oxen
Lord, thou wilt quicken me in thy justice.
Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble:
12 and in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my There is no breach of wall, nor passage,
enemies. nor crying out in their streets.
15 They have called the people happy,
And thou wilt cut off all them that
that hath these things but happy is that
afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

people whose God is the Lord.

Benedictus Dominus. PSALM 144 .

The prophet, praiseth God, and prayeth to be deliv Exaltabo te, Deus.
ered from his enemies. No worldly happiness is
to be compared with that of serving God. A. psalm of praise, to the infinite majesty of God.
A psalm of David against Goliath. Praise, for David himself.

d Job 8. 9. and 14. 2.

David praises the goodness of God PSALMS Our trust should be in God
WILL extol thee, O God my king: and the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy
I I will bless thy name for ever; yea, name for ever ; yea, for ever and ever.
for ever and ever.
2 Every day will I bless thee: and I will
Lauda, anima.
praise thy name for ever; yea, for ever We are not to trust in men, but in God alone.
and ever. I Alleluia, of Aggeus and Zacharias.
3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be the Lord, O my soul, in my

praised: and of his greatness there is no life I will praise the Lord: I will
sing to my God as long as I shall be.
4 Generation and generation shall praise
Put not your trust in princes: 3 in the
thy works: and they shall declare thy children of men, in whom there is no sal
power. vation.
5 They shall speak of the magnificence
4 His spirit shall go forth, and he shall
of the glory of thy holiness: and shall
return into his earth: in that day all
tell thy wondrous works.
their thoughts shall perish.
6 And they shall speak of the might of
5 Blessed is he who hath the God of Ja
thy terrible acts: and shall declare thy cob for his helper, whose hope is in the
greatness. Lord his God: 6 f who made heaven and
7 They shall publish the memory of the earth, the sea, and all things that are in
abundance of thy sweetness: and shall them.
rejoice in thy justice. who
7 Who keepeth truth for ever: exe-
8 The Lord is gracious and merciful: cuteth judgment for them that suffer
patient and plenteous in mercy. wrong who giveth food to the hungry.

9 The Lord sweet to all and his ten

is :
The Lord looseth them that are fettered:
der mercies are over all his works. 8 the Lord enlighteneth the blind. The
10 Let all thy works, Lord, praise Lord lifteth up them that are cast down:
thee and let thy saints bless thee.
the Lord loveth the just.
11 They shall speak of the glory of thy
9 The Lord keepeth the strangers, he
kingdom: and shall tell of thy power:
12 To make thy might known to the will support the fatherless and the widow:
sons of men: and the glory of the mag and the ways of sinners he will destroy.
nificence of thy kingdom. 10 The Lord shall reign for ever: thy
13 Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all ages : God, Sion, unto generation and genera
and thy dominion endureth throughout tion.
The Lord is faithful in all his words: PSALM 146
and holy in all his works. Laudate Dominum.
14 The Lord lifteth up all that fall and An exhortation to praise God for his benefits.
setteth up all that are cast down.
15 The eyes of all hope in thee, Lord: ye the Lord, because psalm is
and thou givest them meat in due sea PRAISE good: to our God be joyful and comely
son. praise.
16 Thou openest thy hand, and fillest 2 The Lord buildeth up Jerusalem: he
with blessing every living creature. will gather together the dispersed of Is
17 The Lord is just in all his ways: and rael.
holy in all his works. 3 Who healeth the broken of heart, and
18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that bindeth up their bruises.
call upon him: to all that call upon him 4 Who telleth the number of the stars:
in truth. and calleth them all by their names.
19 He will do the will of them that fear 5 Great is our Lord, and great is his
him: and he will hear their prayer, and power: and of his wisdom there is no
save them. number.
20 The Lord keepeth all them that love 6 The Lord lifteth up the meek, and
him; but all the wicked he will destroy. bringeth the wicked down even to the
21 My mouth shall speak the praise of ground.
e Supra 144. 2. / Acts 14. 14 r Apoc. 14. 7.

God s mercies to His people PSALMS Imitation to praise God
7 Sing- ye to the Lord with praise: sing 4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens:

to our God upon the harp. and let all the waters that are above the
8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds, heavens 5 praise the name of the Lord.
and prepareth rain for the earth. For he spoke, and they were made: he
Who maketh grass to grow on the commanded, and they were created.
mountains, and herbs for the service of 6 He hath established them for ever,
men. and for ages of ages: he hath made a
9 Who giveth to beasts their food: and decree, and it shall not pass away.
to the young ravens that call upon him. 7 Praise the Lord from the earth, ye
10 He shall not delight in the strength dragons, and all ye deeps:
of the horse: nor take pleasure in the 8 Fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds,
legs of a man. which fulfil his word:
11 The Lord taketh pleasure in them 9 Mountains and all hills, fruitful trees
that fear him: and in them that hope in and all cedars:
his mercy. 10 Beasts and all cattle: serpents and
- *

-l"V< fc*4*l feathered fowls:

PSALM 147 11 Kings of the earth and all people:
Lauda, Jerusalem. princes and all judges of the earth:
The church is called upon to praise God for his
12 Young men and maidens: let the old
peculiar graces and favours to his people. In the
Hebrew, this psalm is joined to the foregoing. with the younger, praise the name of the
Alleluia. Lord: 13 for his name alone is exalted.
12 RAISE Lord, O Jerusalem:
the 14 The praise of him is above heaven
praise thy God, Sion. and earth: and he hath exalted the horn
13 Because he hath strengthened the of his people.
bolts of thy gates, he hath blessed thy A
hymn to all his saints: to the chil
children within thee. dren of Israel, a people approaching to
14 Who hath placed peace in thy bor him. Alleluia.
ders: and filleth thee with the fat of corn.
15 Who sendeth forth his speech to the PSALM 149
earth: his word runneth swiftly. Cantate Domino.
16 Who giveth snow like wool: scatter- The church is particularly bound to praise God.

eth mists like ashes. Alleluia.

17 He sendeth his crystal like morsels: ye to the Lord a new canticle:

who shall stand before the face of his SING
let his praise be in the church of the
cold? saints.
18 He shall send out his word, and shall 2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made
melt them: his wind shall blow, and the him: and let the children of Sion be joy
waters shall run. ful in their king.
19 Who declareth his word to Jacob: 3 Let them praise his name in choir:
his justicesand his judgments to Israel. let them sing to him with the timbrel
20 He hath not done in like manner to and the psaltery.
every nation: and his judgments he hath 4 For the Lord is well pleased with his
not made manifest to them. Alleluia. people: and he will exalt the meek unto
PSALM148 5 The saints shall rejoice in glory: they
Laudate Dominum de ca?lis. shall be joyful in their beds.
All creature.* arc invited to praim 1
their Creator. 6 The high praises of God shall be in
Alleluia. their mouth: and two-edged swords in
ye the Lord from the heavens: their hands:
praise ye him in the high places. 7 To execute vengeance upon the na
2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise tions, chastisements among the people:
ye him, all his hosts. 8 To bind their kings with fetters, and
3 Praise ye him, O sun and moon: praise their nobles with manacles of iron.
him, all ye stars and light. 9 To execute upon them the judgment

Dan. 8. 59, 60.

PSALM 147. Ver. 17. He sendeth his crystal. That is, his ice. Some understand it of hail, which is,
as it were, ice, divided into particles or morsel*.

PROVERBS Company of wicked to be avoided

that is written: this glory is to all his 2 Praise ye him for his mighty acts:
saints. Alleluia. praise ye him according to the multitude
of his greatness.
3 Praise him with sound of trumpet:
Laudate Dominum in sanctis.
praise him with psaltery and harp.
An exhortation to praise God with aU sorts of in
struments. 4 Praise him with timbrel and choir:
Alleluia. praise him with strings and organs.
ye the Lord in his holy places: 5 Praise him on high sounding cymbals:
praise ye him in the firmament of his praise him on cymbals of joy: let every
power. spirit praise the Lord. Alleluia.

This Book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences: regulating
the morals of men: and directing them to wisdom and virtue. And these sentences
are also called PARABLES, because great truths are often couched in them under
certain figures and similitudes.

CHAPTER 1 us He in wait for blood, let us hide snares

for the innocent without cause:
The use and end of the proverbs. An exhortation
to flee the company of the wicked: and to hearken 12 Let us swallow him up alive like hell,
to the voice of wisdom. and whole as one that goeth down into
r I HE parables of Solomon, the son of the pit.
J_ David, king of Israel. 13 We shall find all precious substance,
2 To know wisdom, and instruction: we shall fill our houses with spoils.
3 To understand the words of prudence: 1 4 Cast in thy lot with us, let us all have
and to receive the instruction of doc one purse.
trine, justice, and judgment, and equity: 15 My son, walk not thou with them,
4 To give subtilty to little ones, to the restrain thy foot from their paths.
young man knowledge and understand 16 * For their feet run to evil, and make
ing. haste to shed blood.
5 A wise man shall hear and shall be 17 But a net is spread in vain before the
wiser: and he that understandeth, shall eyes of them that have wings.
possess governments. 18 And they themselves lie in wait for
6 He shall understand a parable, and their own and practise deceits
the interpretation, the words of the wise,
against their own souls.
and their mysterious sayings.
19 So the ways of every covetous man
7 h The fear of the Lord is the begin
destroy the souls of the possessors.
ning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom 20 Wisdom preacheth abroad, she utter-
and instruction. eth her voice in the streets:
8 My son, hear the instruction of thy 21 At the head of multitudes she crieth
father, and forsake not the law of thy out, in the entrance of the gates of the
mother: city she uttereth her words, saying:
9 That grace may be added to thy head, 22 children, .how long will you love
and a chain of gold to thy neck. childishness, and fools covet those things
10 My son, if sinners shall entice thee, which are hurtful to themselves, and the
consent not to them. unwise hate knowledge?
11 If they shall say: Come with us, let 23 Turn ye at my reproof: behold I will
h P. 110. 10 ; Eccli. 1. 16. * Jsa. 58. 7.

Refusal to heed wisdom punished PROVERBS Wisdom protects from evil

utter my spirit to you, and will shew you and judgment, and equity, and every
my words. good path.
24 Because I called, and you refused: 10 If wisdom shall enter into thy heart,
I stretched out my hand, and there was and knowledge please thy soul:
none that regarded. 11 Counsel shall keep thee, and prudence
25 You have despised all my counsel, shall preserve thee,
and have neglected my reprehensions. 12 That thou mayst be delivered from
26 I also will laugh in your destruction, the evil way, and from the man that
and will mock when that shall come to speaketh perverse things:
you which you feared. 13 Who leave the right way, and walk
27 When sudden calamity shall fall on by dark ways:
you, and destruction, as a tempest, shall 14 Who are glad when they have done
be at hand: when tribulation and dis evil, and rejoice in most wicked things:
tress shall come upon you: 15 Whose ways are perverse, and their
28 Then shall they call upon me, and steps infamous.
I will not hear: they shall rise in the 16 That thou mayst be delivered from
morning and shall not find me: the strange women, and from the
29 Because they have hated instruction, stranger, who softeneth her words:
and received not the fear of the Lord, 17 And forsaketh the guide of her
30 Nor consented to my counsel, but youth,
despised all my reproof. 18 And hath forgotten the covenant of
31 Therefore they shall eat the fruit of her God: for her house inclineth unto
their own way, and shall be filled with death, and her paths to hell.
their own devices. 19 None that go in unto her shall re
32 The turning away of little ones shall turn again, neither shall they take hold
kill them, and the prosperity of fools of the paths of life,
shall destroy them. 20 That thou mayst walk in a good way:
33 But he that shall hear me, shall rest and mayst keep the paths of the just.
without terror, and shall enjoy abun 21 For they that are upright shall dwell
dance, without fear of evils. in the earth, and the simple shall con
tinue in it.
22 k But the wicked shall be destroyed
from the earth: and they that do unjustly
The advantages of wisdom: and the evils from shall be taken away from it.
which it delivers.

son, if thou wilt receive my words, CHAPTER 3

with thee,
and wilt hide my commandments An exhortation to the practice of virtue

2 That thy ear may hearken to wisdom: son, forget not my law, and let
incline thy heart to know prudence:
3 For if thou shalt call for wisdom, and
MY thy heart keep my commandments.
2 For they shall add to thee length of
incline thy heart to prudence: days, and years of life and peace.
4 If thou shalt seek her as money, and 3 Let not mercy and truth leave thee,
shalt dig for her as for a treasure: put them about thy neck, and write them
5 Then shalt thou understand the fear in the tables of thy heart:
of the Lord, and shalt find the knowledge 4 And thou shalt find grace and good
of God. understanding before God and men.
6 Because the Lord giveth wisdom: and 5 Have confidence in the Lord with all
out of his mouth cometh prudence and thy heart, and lean not upon thy own
knowledge. prudence.
7 He will keep the salvation of the 6 In all thy ways think on him, and he
righteous, and protect them that walk in will direct thy steps.
simplicity. 7 l Be not wise in thy own conceit: fear
8 Keeping the paths of justice, and God, and depart from evil:
guarding the ways of saints. 8 For it shall be health to thy navel, and
9 Then shalt thou understand justice, moistening to thy bones.
j Isa. 65. 12. and 66. 4 ; Jer. 7. 13. k Job 18. 17. I Rom. 12. 16.

The benefits of wisdom PROVERBS Exhortation to seek wisdom
9 m Honour the Lord with thy substance, 30 Strive not against a man without
and give him of the first of all thy fruits: cause, when he hath done thee no evil.
10 And thy barns shall be filled with 31 Envy not the unjust man, and do
not follow his ways: ni ,bo
abundance, and thy presses shall run
over with wine. 32 For every mocker is an abomination
to the Lord, and his communication is
11 My son, reject not the correction

with the simple.

of the Lord: and do not faint when thou
33 Want is from the Lord in the house
art chastised by him:
of the wicked: but the habitations of the
12 For whom the Lord loveth, he chas- just shall be blessed.
tiseth: and as a father in the son he 34 He shall scorn the scorners, and to
pleaseth himself. the meek he will give grace.
13 Blessed is the man that findeth wis 35 The wise shall possess glory: the
dom and is rich in prudence: promotion of fools is disgrace.
14 The purchasing thereof is better than
the merchandise of silver, and her fruit CHAPTER 4
than the chief est and purest gold:
A further exhortation to seek after wisdom
15 She is more precious than all riches:
and all the things that are desLed, are ye children, the instruction of
not to be compared with her. HEAR,
a father, and attend that you may
16 Length of days is in her right hand, know prudence.
and in her left hand riches and glory. 2 I will give you a good gift, forsake
17 Her ways are beautiful ways, and all not my law.
her paths are peaceable. 3 For I also was my father s son, tender
18 She is a tree of life to them that lay and as an only son in the sight of my
hold on her: and he that shall retain her mother:
is blessed. 4 And he taught me, and said: Let thy
19 The Lord by wisdom hath founded heart receive my words, keep my com
the earth, hath established the heavens mandments, and thou shalt live.
by prudence. 5 Get wisdom, get prudence: forget
20 By his wisdom the depths have not, neither decline from the words of
broken out, and the clouds grow thick my mouth.
with dew. 6 Forsake her not, and she shall keep
21 My son, let not these things depart thee: love her, and she shall preserve
from thy eyes: keep the law and counsel: thee.
22 And there shall be life to thy soul, 7 The beginning of wisdom, get wisdom,
and grace to thy mouth. and with all thy possession purchase
23 Then shalt thou walk confidently in prudence.
thy way, and thy foot shall not stumble: 8 Take hold on her, and she shall exalt
24 If thou sleep, thou shalt not fear: thee: thou shalt be glorified by her,
thou shalt rest, and thy sleep shall be when thou shalt embrace her.
sweet. 9 She shall give to thy head increase of
25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, nor of graces, and protect thee with a noble
the power of the wicked falling upon crown.
thee. 10 Hear, my son. and receive my
26 For the Lord will be at thy side, and words, that years of life may be multi
will keep thy foot that thou be not plied to thee.
taken. 11 I will shew thee the way of wisdom,
27 Do not withhold him from 1
I will lead thee by the paths of equity:
good, who is able: if thou art able, do 12 Which when thou shalt have entered,
good thyself also. thy steps shall not be straitened, and
28 Say not to thy friend: Go, and come when thou runnest thou shalt not meet
again: and to morrow I will give to thee: a stumblingblock.
when thou canst give at present. 13 Take hold on instruction, leave it
29 Practise not evil against not: keep it, because it is thy Ffe.
thy friend,
when he hath confidence in thee. 14 Be not delighted in the paths of the
m Tob. 4. 7; Luke 14. 13. n Heb, 12, 6; Apoc, 8. 19. o Ps. 36. 1.

Warning to flee wicked ways PROVERBS Exhortation to avoid unchastity

wicked, neither let the way of evil men 8Remove thy way far from her, and
please thee. come not nigh the doors of her house.
15 Flee from it, pass not by it: go aside, 9 Give not thy honour to strangers, and
and forsake it. thy years to the cruel.
16 For they sleep not except they have 10 Lest strangers be filled with thy
done evil: and their sleep is taken away strength, and thy labours be in another
unless they have made some to fall. man s house,
17 They eat the bread of wickedness, 11 And thou mourn at the last, when
and drink the wine of iniquity. thou shalt have spent thy flesh and thy
18 But the path of the just, as a shining body, and say:
12 Why have I hated instruction, and
light, goeth forwards and increaseth even
to perfect day. my heart consented not to reproof,
19 The way of the wicked is darksome: 13 And have not heard the voice of
they know not where they fall.
them that taught me, and have not in
20 My son, hearken to my words, and clined my ear to masters ?
incline thy ear to my sayings. 14 I have almost been in all evil, in the
21 Let them not depart from thy eyes, midst of the church and of the congre
keep them in the midst of thy heart: gation.
22 For they are life to those that find 15 Drink water out of thy own cistern,
and the streams of thy own well:
them, and health to all flesh.
23 With all watchfulness keep thy heart, 16 Let thy fountains be conveyed
because life issueth out from it. abroad, and in the streets divide thy
24 Remove from thee a forward mouth, waters.
and let detracting lips be far from thee. 17 Keep them to thyself alone, neither
25 Let thy eyes look straight on, and let strangers be partakers with thee.
let thy eyelids go before thy steps. 18 Let thy vein be blessed, and rejoice
26 Make straight the path for thy feet, with the wife of thy youth:
and all thy ways shall be established. 19 Let her be thy dearest hind, and most
27 Decline not to the right hand, nor to agreeable fawn: let her breasts inebriate
the left: turn away thy foot from evil. thee at all times; be thou delighted con
For the Lord knoweth the ways that are tinually with her love.
on the right hand: but those are perverse 20 Why art thou seduced, my son, by a
which are on the left hand. But he will strange woman, and art cherished in the
make thy courses straight, he will bring bosom of another?
forward thy ways in peace. 21 PThe Lord beholdeth the ways of
man, and considereth all his steps.
CHAPTER 5 22 His own iniquities catch the wicked,
and he is fast bound with the ropes of
An exhortation to fly unlawful lust, and tke his own sins.
occasions of it.
23 He shall die, because he hath not re
ceived instruction, and in the. multitude
son, attend to my wisdom, and
incline thy ear to my prudence.
That thou mayest keep thoughts, and
of his folly he shall be deceived.

thy lips may preserve instruction. Mind CHAPTER 6

not the deceit of a woman.
Document* on several heads
3 For the lips of a harlot are like a
honeycomb dropping, and her throat is son, if thou be surety for thy
smoother than oil.
4 But her end is bitter as wormwood,
MY friend, thou hast engaged fast thy
hand to a stranger.
and sharp as a two-edged sword. 2 Thou art ensnared with the words of
5 Her feet go down into depth, and her thy mouth, and caught with thy own
steps go in as far as hell. words.
6 They walk not by the path of life, her 3 Do therefore, son, what I say, and
steps are wandering, and unaccountab e. deliver thyself: because thou art fallen
7 Now therefore, my son, hear me, and into the hands of thy neighbour. Run
depart not from the words of my mouth. about, make haste, stir up thy friend:
V Job 14. 16. and 31. 4. and 34. 21.
Sloth and mischief making PROVERBS Against adultery
4 Give not sleep to thy eyes, neither let and the law a light, and reproofs of in
thy eyelids slumber. struction are the way of life:
5 Deliver thyself as a doe from the 24 That they may keep thee from the
hand, and as a bird from the hand of the evil woman, and from the flattering
fowler. tongue of the stranger.
6 Go to the ant, O sluggard, and con 25 Let not thy heart covet her beauty,
sider her ways, and learn wisdom: be not caught with her winks:
7 Which, although she hath no guide, 26 For the price of a harlot is scarce
nor master, nor captain, one loaf: but the woman catcheth the
8 Provideth her meat for herself in the precious soul of a man.
summer, and gathereth her food in the 27 Can a man hide fire in his bosom, and
harvest. his garments not burn ?
9 How long wilt thou sleep, sluggard? 28 Or can he walk upon hot coals, and
when wilt thou rise out of thy sleep ? his feet not be burnt?
10 i Thou wilt sleep a little, thou wilt 29 So he that goeth into his neighbour s
slumber a little, thou wilt fold thy hands wife, shall not be clean when he shall
a little to sleep: touch her.
11 And want shall come upon thee, as a 30 The fault is not so great when a man
traveller, and poverty as a man armed. hath stolen: for he stealeth to fill his
But if thou be diligent, thy harvest shall hungry soul:
come as a fountain, and want shall flee 31 Andif he be taken he shall restore
far from thee. sevenfold, and shall give up all the sub
12 A man that is an apostate, an unpro stance of his house.
fitable man, walketh with a perverse 32 But he that is an adulterer, for the
mouth, folly of his heart shall destroy his own
13 He winketh with the eyes, presseth soul:
with the foot, speaketh with the finger. 33 He gathereth to himself shame and
14 With a wicked heart he deviseth evil, dishonour, and his reproach shall not be
and at all times he soweth discord. blotted out:
15 To such a one his destruction shall 34 Because the jealousy and rage of the
presently come, and he shall suddenly be husband will not spare in the day of
destroyed, and shall no longer have any revenge,
remedy. 35 Nor will he yield to any man s
16 Six things there are, which the Lord prayers, nor will he accept for satisfac
hateth, and the seventh his soul dete^teth: tion ever so many gifts.
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands CHAPTER 7
that shed innocent blood, The love of wisdom the best preservative
is from
18 A heart that deviseth wicked plots, being led astray by temptation.
feet that are swift to run into mischief, my
words, and lay up
19 A deceitful witness that uttereth lies,
and him that soweth discord among bre
MYmy my
2 Keep
son, keep
precepts with thee. Son,
commandments, and thou
thren. shalt live: and my law as the apple of
20 My son, keep the commandments of thy eye:
thy father, and forsake not the law of 3 Bind it upon thy fingers, write it upon
thy mother. the tables of thy heart.
21 Bind them in thy heart continually, 4 Say to wisdom: Thou art my sister:
and put them about thy neck. and call prudence thy friend,
22 When thou walkest, let them go with 5 That she may keep thee from the
thee: when thou sleepest, let them keep woman that is not thine, and from the
thee; and when thou awakest, talk with stranger who sweeteneth her words.
them. 6 For I look out of the window of my
23 Because the commandment is a lamp, house through the lattice,
Infra 24. 33.

CHAP. 6. Ver. 30. The fault is not so great, &c. by theft may much more easily be repaired, than
The sin of theft is not so great, as to be compared the wrong done by adultery. But this does not
with adultery: especially when a person pressed hinder, but that theft also is a mortal sin, forbidden
with hunger (which is the case here spoken of) by on* of the ten commandments.
pteals to satisfy nature. Moreover the damage done

The harlot and her victim PROVERBS The preaching of wisdom
I And I see little ones, I behold a foolish not wisdom cry aloud, and pru
young man, DOTH
dence put forth her voice ?
8 Who passeth through the street by the 2 Standing in the top of the highest
corner, and goeth nigh the way of her places by the way, in the midst of the
house. paths,
9 In the dark, when it grows late, in the 3 Beside the gates of the city, in the
darkness and obscurity of the night, very doors she speaketh, saying:
10 And behold a woman meeteth him in 4 ye men, to you I call, and my voice
harlot s attire prepared to deceive souls; is to the sons of men.
talkative and wandering,
5 O little ones, understand subtilty, and
II Not bearing to be quiet, not able to ye unwise, take notice.
abide at home,
6 Hear, for I will speak of great things:
12 Nowabroad, now in the streets, now and my lips shall be opened to preach
lying in wait near the corners.
right things.
13 And catching the young man, she
7 My mouth shall meditate truth, and
kisseth him, and with an impudent face,
my hate wickedness.
lips shall
flattereth, saying:
8 All my words are just, there is nothing
14 I vowed victims for prosperity, this
wicked nor perverse in them.
day I have paid my vows.
15 Therefore I am come out to meet 9 They are right to them that under
thee, desirous to see thee, and I have stand, and just to them that find know
found thee. ledge.
16 I have woven my bed with cords, I 10 Receive my instruction, and not
have covered it with painted tapestry, money: choose knowledge rather than
brought from Egypt. gold.
17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, 11 For wisdom is better than all the
aloes, and cinnamon. most precious things: and whatsoever
18 Come, let us be inebriated with the may be desired cannot be compared to it.
breasts, and let us enjoy the desired em 12 I wisdom dwell in counsel, and am
braces, till the day appear. present in learned thoughts.
19 For my husband is not at home, he is 13 The fear of the Lord hateth evil: I
gone a very long journey. hate arrogance, and pride, and every
20 He took with him a bag of money: he wicked way, and a mouth with a double
will return home the day of the full moon. tongue.
21 She entangled him with many words, 14 Counsel and equity is mine, prudence
and drew him away with the flattery of is mine, strength is mine.

her lips.
15 By me kings reign, and lawgivers
22 Immediately he followeth her as an decree just things,
ox led to be a victim, and as a lamb play ?6 By me princes rule, and the mighty
ing the wanton, and not knowing that he decree justice.
is drawn like a fool to bonds. 17 I love them that love me: and they
23 Till the arrow pierce his liver: as if a that in the morning early watch for me,
bird should make haste to the snare, and shall find me.
knoweth not that his life is in danger. 18 With me are riches and glory, glori
24 Now therefore, my son, hear me, and ous riches and justice.
attend to the words of my mouth. 19 For my fruit is better than gold and
25 Let not thy mind be drawn away in the precious stone, and my blossoms
her ways: neither be thou deceived with than choice silver.
her paths. 20 I walk in the way of justice, in the
26 For she hath cast down many midst of the paths of judgment,
21 That I may enrich them that love
wounded, and the strongest have been
slain by her. me, and may fill their treasures.
27 Her house is the way to hell, reach 22 The Lord possessed me in the begin
ing even to the inner chambers of death. ning of his ways, before he made any
thing from the beginning.
23 I was set up from eternity, and of
old before the earth was made.
The preaching of wisdom. Her excellence. 24 The depths were not as yet, and I
Wisdom invites all to her feast PROVERBS The invitation of folly

was already conceived, neither had the 9 Give an occasion to a wise man, and
fountains of waters as yet sprung out: wisdom shall be added to him. Teach
25 The mountains with their huge bulk a just man, and he shall make haste to
had not as yet been established: before receive it.

the hills I was brought forth: 10 The fear of the Lord is the begin

26 He had not yet made the earth, nor ning of wisdom: and the knowledge of
the rivers, nor the poles of the world. the holy is prudence.
27 When he prepared the heavens, I 11 For by me shall thy days be multi
was present: when with a certain law
plied, and years of life shall be added to
and compass he enclosed the depths: thee.
28 When he established the sky above,
12 If thou be wise, thou shalt be so to
and poised the fountains of waters:
thyself: and if a scorner, thou alone
29 When he compassed the sea with its
shalt bear the evil.
bounds, and set a law to the waters that
they should not pass their limits: when 13 A foolishwoman and clamorous, and
he balanced the foundations of the earth; full of allurements, and knowing nothing
30 I was with him forming all things: at all,
and was delighted every day, playing be 14 Sat at the door of her house, upon a
fore him at all times; seat, in a high place of the city,
31 Playing in the world: and my de 15 To call them that pass by the way,
lights were to be with the children of men. and go on their journey:
32 Now therefore, ye children, hear me: 16 He that is a little one, let him turn
Blessed are they that keep my ways. to me. And to the fool she said:
33 Hear instruction and be wise, and 17 Stolen waters are sweeter, and hid
refuse it not. den bread is more pleasant.
34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, 18 And he did not know that giants are
and that watcheth daily at my gates, there, and that her guests are in the
and waiteth at the posts of my doors. depths of hell.
35 He that shall find me, shall find life,
and shall have salvation from the Lord:
36 But he that shall sin against me,
shall hurt his own soul. All that hate CHAPTER 10
me love death.
In the twenty following chapters are contained
many wise sayings and axioms, relating to wis
CHAPTER 9 dom and foUy, virtue and vice.
invites all to her feast. Folly calls another son maketh the father glad:
way. but a foolish son is the sorrow of his

she hath
hath built herself a house,
hewn her out seven pil-
2 s Treasures of wickedness shall profit
nothing: but justice shall deliver from
2 She hath slain her victims, mingled death.
her wine, and set forth her table. 3 The Lord will not afflict the soul of
3 She hath sent her maids to invite to the just with famine, and he will disap
the tower, and to the walls of the city: point the deceitful practices of the wicked.
4 Whosoever is a little one, let him 4 The slothful hand hath wrought pov
come to me. And to the unwise she said: erty: but the hand of the industrious
5 Come, eat my bread, and drink the getteth riches.
wine which I have mingled for you. He that trusteth to lies feedeth the
6 Forsake childishness, and live, and winds: and the same runneth after birds
walk by the ways of prudence. that fly away.
7 He that teacheth a scorner, doth an 5 He that gathered in the harvest, is a
injury to himself: and he that rebuketh wise son: but he that snorteth in the
a wicked man, getteth himself a blot. summer, is the son of confusion.
8 Rebuke not a scorner lest he ha^e thee. 6 The blessing of the Lord is upon the
Rebuke a wise man, and he will love head of the just: but iniquity covereth
thee. the mouth of the wicked.
r Ps. 110. 10 ; Supra 1. 7 ; Eccli. 1. 16. * Infra II. 4.
Sincerity, prudence of speech PROVERBS Justice, humility, simplicity
7 The memory of the just is with praises: days: and the years of the wicked shall
and the name of the wicked shall rot. be shortened.
8 The wise of heart receiveth precepts: 28 The expectation of the just is joy;
a fool is beaten with lips. but the hope of the wicked shall perish.
9 He that walketh sincerely, walketh 29 The strength of the upright is the
confidently: but he that perverteth his way of the Lord: and fear to them that
ways, shall be manifest. work evil.
10 * He that winketh with the eye shall 30 The just shall never be moved: but
cause sorrow: and the foolish in lips the wicked shall not dwell on the earth.
shall be beaten.
31 The mouth of the just shall bring
11 The mouth of the just is a vein of forth wisdom: the tongue of the perverse
life: and the mouth of the wicked cover- shall perish.
eth iniquity. 32 The lips of the just consider what is
12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: "and acceptable: and the mouth of the wicked
charity covereth all sins. uttereth perverse things.
13 In the lips of the wise is wisdom
found: and a rod on the back of him that CHAPTER 11
wanteth sense.
14 Wise men lay up knowledge: but the A DECEITFUL balance is an abomi-

mouth of the fool is next to confusion. I\. nation before the Lord: and a just
weight is his will.
15 The substance of a rich man is the
2 Where pride is, there also shall be re
city of his strength: the fear of the poor w but where
proach: humility is, there
is their poverty.
also is wisdom.
16 The work of the just is unto life: but 3 The simplicity of the just shall guide
the fruit of the wicked, unto sin. them: and the deceitfulness of the wicked
17 The way of life, to him that ob-erv- shall destroy them.
eth correction: but he that forsaketh re 4 x Riches shall not profit in the day of
proofs goeth astray. revenge: but justice shall deliver from
18 Lying lips hide hatred he that utter- : death.
eth reproach is foolish. 5 The justice of the upright shall make
19 In the multitude of words there shall his way prosperous: and the wicked man
not want sin: but he that refraineth his shall fall by his own wickedness.
lips is most wise. 6 The justice of the righteous shall de
20 The tongue of the just is as choice liver them: and the unjust shall be caught
silver: but the heart of the wicked is in their own snares.
nothing worth. 7 When the wicked man is dead, there
21 The lips of the just teach many: but shall be no hope any more: and the ex
they that are ignorant, shall die in the pectation of the solicitous shall perish.
want of understanding. 8 The just is delivered out of distress:
22 The blessing of the Lord maketh men and the wicked shall be given up for
rich: neither shall affliction be joined to him.
them. 9 The dissembler with his mouth deceiv-
23 A fool worketh mischief as it were eth his friend: but the just shall be de
for sport: but wisdom is prudence to a livered by knowledge.
man. 10 When it goeth well with the just the
24 That which the wicked feareth, shall city shall rejoice: and when the wicked
come upon him: to the just their desire perish there shall be praise.
shall be given. 11 By the blessing of the just the city
25 As a tempest that passeth, so the shall be exalted: and by the mouth of the
wicked shall be no more: but the just is wicked it shall be overthrown.
as an everlasting foundation. 12 He that despiseth his friend, is mean
26 As vinegar to the teeth, and smoke of heart: but the wise man will hold his
to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them peace.
that sent him. 13 He that walketh deceitfully, reveal-
27 The fear of the Lord shall prolong eth secrets: but he that is faithful, con-
t Eccli. 27. 25. it 1 Cor. 13. 4 ; 1 Peter 4* 8. v Infra 20. 10. w Infra 16. 38. x Supra 10. 2.

Reward of the just and unjust PROVERBS Reward of the just and unjust
cealeth the thing committed to him by 2 He that is good, shall draw grace from
his friend. the Lord: but he that trusteth in his own
14 Where there is no governor, the peo devices doth wickedly.
ple shall fall: but there is safety where 3 Men shall not be strengthened by
there is much counsel. wickedness and the root of the just shall

15 He shall be afflicted with evil, that is not be moved.

surety for a stranger: but he that is 4 A diligent woman is a crown to her
aware of the snares, shall be secure. husband: and she that doth things worthy
16 A woman shall find glory: of confusion, is a rottenness in his bones.
and the strong shall have riches. 5 The thoughts of the just are judg
17 A merciful man doth good to his own ments: and the counsels of the wicked
soul: but he that is cruel casteth off even are deceitful.
his own kindred. 6 The words of the wicked lie in wait
18 The wicked maketh an unsteady for blood: the mouth of the just shall
work: but to him that soweth justice, deliver them.
there is a faithful reward. 7 Turn the wicked, and they shall not
19 Clemency prepareth life: and the be: but the house of the just shall stand
pursuing of evil things, death. firm.
20 A perverse heart is abominable to 8 A man shall be known by his learning:
the Lord: and his will is in them that but he that is vain and foolish, shall be
walk sincerely.
exposed to contempt.
21 Hand in hand the evil man shall not
9 s Better is the poor man that provid-
be innocent: but the seed of the just shall
eth for himself, than he that is glorious
be saved.
and wanteth bread.
22 A golden ring in a swine s snout, a
woman fair and foolish. 10 The just regardeth the lives of his
23 The desire of the just is all good the :
beasts: but the bowels of the wicked are
expectation of the wicked is indignation.
24 Some distribute their own goods, and 11 a He
that tilleth his land shall be
grow richer: others take away what is satisfied with bread: but he that pursu-
not their own, and are always in want. eth idleness is very foolish.
25 The soul which blesseth, shall be made He that is delighted in passing his time
fat: and he that inebriateth, shall be in over wine, leaveth a reproach in his
ebriated also himself. strong holds.
26 He that hideth up corn, shall be 12 The desire of the wicked is the forti
cursed among the people: but a blessing fication of evil men: but the root of the
upon the head of them that sell. just shall prosper.
27 Well doth he rise early who seeketh
13 For the sins of the lips ruin draweth
good things; but he that seeketh after
evil things shall be oppressed by them. nigh to the evil man: but the just shall
28 He that trusteth in his riches shaH escape out of distress.
fall: but the just shall spring up as a 14 By the fruit of his own mouth shall a
green leaf. man be filled with good things, and ac
29 He that troubleth his own house, cording to the works of his hands it shall
shall inherit the winds: and the fool shall be repaid him.
serve the wise. 15 The way of a fool is right in his own
30 The fruit of the just man is a tree of eyes: but he that is wise hearkeneth
life: and unto counsels.
he^that gaineth souls, is wise.
31 "
If the just man receive in the earth, 16 A fool immediately sheweth his
how much more the wicked and the sinner. anger: but he that dissembleth injuries
CHAPTER 12 17 He that speaketh that which he
knoweth, sheweth forth justice: but he
that loveth loveth
HE correction,
knowledge: but he that hateth re
that lieth, is a deceitful witness.
18 There is that promiseth, and is
proof is foolish. pricked as it were with a sword of con-
y 1 Peter 4. 18. * Eccli. 10. 30. a Eccli. 20. 30.
On truth and deceit PROVERBS The prudent and the foolish

science: but the tongue of the wise is riches: but he that is poor beareth not
health. reprehension.
19 The lip of truth shall be steadfast for 9 The light of the just giveth joy: but
ever: but he that is a hasty witness, the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
frameth a lying tongue. 10 Among the proud there are always
20 Deceit is in the heart of them that contentions: but they that do all things
think evil things: but joy followeth them with counsel, are ruled by wisdom.
that take counsels of peace.
11 Substance got in haste shall be di
21 Whatsoever shall befall the just man, minished: but that which by little and
it shall not make him sad: but the wicked little is gathered with the hand shall
shall be filled with mischief. increase.
22 Lying lips are an abomination to the 12 Hope that is deferred afflicteth the
Lord: but they that deal faithfully please soul: desire when it cometh is a tree of
him. life.
23 A cautious man concealeth know 13 Whosoever speaketh ill of any thing,
ledge: and the heart of fools publisheth bindeth himself for the time to come:
folly. but he that feareth the commandment,
24 The hand of the valiant shall bear shall dwell in peace.
which is slothful, shall be
rule: but that Deceitful souls go astray in sins: the
under tribute. just are merciful, and shew mercy.
25 Grief in the heart of a man shall 14 The law of the wise is a fountain of
bring him low, but with a good word he life, that he may decline from the ruin
shall be made glad. of death.
26 He that neglecteth a loss for the 15 Good instruction shall give grace:
sake of a friend^ is just: but the way of in theway of scorners is a deep pit.
the wicked shall deceive them.
16 The prudent man doth all things
27 The deceitful man shall not find
with counsel: but he that is a fool, lay-
gain: but the substance of a just man eth open his folly.
shall be precious gold.
28 In the path of justice is life: but the 17 The messenger of the wicked shall
fall into mischief: but a faithful ambas
by-way leadeth to death.
sador is health.
CHAPTER 13 18 Poverty and shame to him that re-
fuseth instruction: but he that yieldeth

A WISE son heareth the doctrine of his

but he that is a scorner,
heareth not when he is reproved.
to reproof, shall be glorified.
19 The desire that is accomplished, de-
lighteth the soul: fools hate them that
2 Of the fruit of his own mouth shall a
flee from evil things.
man be filled with good things: but the
soul of transgressors is wicked.
20 He that walketh with the wise, shall
3 He that keepeth his mouth, keepeth
be wise: a friend of fools shall become
his soul: but he that hath no guard on
like to them.
his speech shall meet with evils. 21 Evil pursueth sinners: and to the
4 The sluggard willeth and willeth not: just good shall be repaid.
but the soul of them that work, shall be 22 The good man leaveth heirs, sons,
made fat. and grandsons: and the substance of the
5 The just shall hate a lying word: but sinner is kept for the just.
the wicked confoundeth, and shall be 23 Much food is in the tillage of fath
confounded. ers: but for others it is gathered with
6 Justice keepeth the way of the inno out judgment.
cent: but wickedness overthroweth the 24 b He that spareth the rod hateth his
sinner. son: but he that loveth him correcteth
7 One is as it were rich, when he hath him betimes.
nothing: and another is as it were poor, 25 The just eateth and filleth his soul:
when he hath great riches. but the belly of the wicked is never to
8 The ransom of a man s life are his be filled.
b Infra 23. 13.
The wise man and the fool PROVERBS Fear of the Lord, and mercy
CHAPTER 14 good: and the wicked before the gates
of the just.

A WISE woman buildeth her house:

but the foolish will pull down with
her hands that also which is built.
20 The poor man shall be hateful even
to his own neighbour: but the friends of
the rich are many.
2 He that walketh in the right way, and
21 He that despiseth his neighbour, sin-
feareth God, c is despised by him that
neth: but he that sheweth mercy to the
goeth by an infamous way.
poor, shall be blessed.
3 In the mouth of a fool is the rod of
He that believeth in the Lord, loveth
pride: but the lips of the wise preserve
22 They err that work evil: but mercy
4 Where there are no oxen, the crib is
and truth prepare good things.
empty: but where there is much com,
23 In much work there shall be abun
there the strength of the ox is manifest.
dance: but where there are many words,
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a
there is oftentimes want.
deceitful witness uttereth a lie.
24 The crown of the wise is their
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and find-
riches: the folly of fools, imprudence.
eth it not: the learning of the wise is
25 A faithful witness delivereth souls:
easy. and the double dealer uttereth lies.
7 Go against a foolish man, and he 26 In the fear of the Lord is confidence
knoweth not the lips of prudence. of strength, and there shall be hope for
8 The wisdom of a discreet man is to his children.
understand his way: and the imprudence 27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of
of fools erreth. life, to decline from the ruin of death.
9 A fool will laugh at sin, but among 28 In the multitude of people is the
the just grace shall abide. dignity of the king: and in the small
10 The heart that knoweth the bitter number of people the dishonour of the
ness of his own soul, in his joy the prince.
29 He that is patient, is governed with
stranger shall not intermeddle.
much wisdom: but he that is impatient,
11 The house of the wicked shall be de
exalteth his folly.
stroyed: but the tabernacles of the just 30 Soundness of heart is the life of the
shall flourish.
flesh: but envy is the rottenness of the
12 There is a way which seemeth just bones.
to a man: but the ends thereof lead to 31 d He that oppresseth the poor, up-
death. braideth his Maker: but he that hath
13 Laughter shall be mingled with sor
pity on the poor, honoureth him.
row, and mourning taketh hold of the 32 The wicked man shall be driven out
end of joy. in his wickedness: but the just hath
14 Afool shall be filled with his own
hope in his death.
ways, and the good man shall be above 33 In the heart of the prudent resteth
wisdom, and it shall instruct all the ig
15 The innocent believeth every word:
the discreet man considereth his steps.
34 Justice exalteth a nation: but sin
No good shall come to the deceitful maketh nations miserable.
son: but the wise servant shall prosper
in his dealings, and his way shall be
35 A
wise servant is acceptable to the
king: he that is good for nothing shall
made straight. feel his anger.
16 A wise man feareth and declineth
from evil: the fool leapeth over and is CHAPTER 15
17 The impatient man
and the crafty man is
shall work folly:
18 The childish shall possess folly, and
answer breaketh wrath: but
a harsh word stirreth up fury.
2 The tongue of the wise adorneth
the prudent shall look for knowledge. knowledge: but the mouth of fools bub-
19 The evil shall fall down before the bleth out folly.
c Job 12. 4. d Infra 17. 6. Infra 26. 15.
The fool refuses instruction PRO VERBS Mercy., faith, fear of the Lord
3 The eyes of the Lord in every place 20 A wise son maketh a father joyful:
behold the good and the evil. but the foolish man despiseth his mother.
4 A
peaceable tongue is a tree of life: 21 Folly is joy to the fool: and the wise
but that which is immoderate, shall man maketh straight his steps.
crush the spirit. 22 are brought to nothing
5 A fool laugheth at the instruction of where there is no counsel: but where
his father: but he that regardeth re there are many counsellors, they are es
proofs shall become prudent. tablished.
In abundant justice there is the greatest 23 A man rejoiceth in the sentence of
strength: but the devices of the wicked his mouth: and a woi d in due time is
shall be rooted out. best.
6 The house of the just is very much 24 The path of life is above for the
strength: and in the fruits of the wicked wise, that he may decline from the low
is trouble. est hell.
The lips of the wise shall disperse
7 25 The Lord will destroy the house of
knowledge: the heart of fools shall be the proud: and will strengthen the bor
unlike. ders of the widow.
8 f The victims of the wicked are abomi
26 Evil thoughts are an abomination to
nable to the Lord: the vows of the just the Lord: and pure words most beauti
ful shall be confirmed by him.
are acceptable,
9 The way of the wicked is an abomi
27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth
his own house: but he that hateth bribes
nation to the Lord: he that followeth
shall live.
justice is beloved by him. h
10 Instruction is grievous to him that By mercy and faith sins are purged
forsaketh the way of life: he that hateth away: and by the fear of the Lord every
one declineth from evil.
reproof shall die.
11 Hell and destruction are before the 28 The mind of the just studieth obedi
ence: the mouth of the wicked over-
Lord: how much more the hearts of the
floweth with evils.
children of men?
12 A corrupt man loveth not one that re- 29 The Lord is far from the wicked:
and he will hear the prayers of the just.
proveth him: nor will he go to the wise.
13 A glad heart maketh a cheerful 30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the
soul: a good name maketh the bones fat.
countenance: but by grief of mind the
31 The ear that heareth the reproofs of
spirit is cast down.
14 The heart of the wise seeketh in life, shall abide in the midst of the wise.

struction: and the mouth of fools feed-

32 He that rejecteth instruction, despis
eth his own soul: but he that yieldeth
eth on foolishness.
to reproof possesseth understanding.
15 All the days of the poor are evil: a
secure mind is like a continual feast. 33 The fear of the Lord is the lesson
of wisdom: and humility goeth before
16 Better is a little with the fear of
the Lord, than great treasures without glory.
17 It is better to be invited to herbs
with love, than to a fatted calf with i
the part of man to prepare the
hatred. IT soul: and of the Lord to govern the
18 A passionate man stirreth up strifes: tongue.
he that is patient appeaseth those that 2 All the ways of a man are open to
are stirred up. his eyes: the Lord is the weigher of
19 The way of the slothful is as a hedge spirits.
of thorns; the way of the just is without 3 Lay open thy works to the Lord: and
offence. thy thoughts shall be directed.
/ Infra 21. 27; Eccli. 34. 21. h Infra 16. 6. t Infra ver. 9.

g Infra 16. 24, and 17. 22. j Infra 20. 24, and 21. 2.

CHAP. Ver. 1. It is the part of man, &c. That

16. God s grace but that after we have ( with God s

is, a man
should prepare in his heart and sou! what grace) thought and prepared within our souls what
he is but after all, it must be the Lord that
to say ; we would speak, if God does not govern our tongue,
must govern his tongue, to speak to the purpose. we shall not succeed in what we speak.
Not that we ean think any thing of good without
Justice and zvisdoin PROVERBS A inncked tongue, and strife

4 The Lord hath made all things for 24 m Well ordered words are as a honey
himself: the wicked also for the evil day. comb: sweet to the soul, and health to
the bones.
5 Every proud man is an abomination
to the Lord: though hand should be 25 Thereis a way that seemeth to a man

joined to hand, he is not innocent. right: and the ends thereof lead to death.
The beginning of a good way is to do 26 The soul of him that laboureth, la-
justice; and this is more acceptable
with boureth for himself, because his mouth
God, than to offer sacrifices. hath obliged him to it.
6 k By mercy and truth iniquity is re 27 The wicked man diggeth evil, and
deemed: and by the fear of the Lord in his lips is a burning fire.
men depart from evil. 28 A perverse man stirreth up quarrels:
7 When the ways of man shall please and one full of words separateth princes.
the Lord, he will convert even his enemies An man allureth his friend:
29 unjust
to peace. and leadeth him into a way that is not
8 Better is a little with justice, than good.
great revenues with iniquity. 30 He that with fixed eyes deviseth
9 The heart of man disposeth his way:
wicked things, biting his lips, bringeth
but the Lord must direct his steps. evil to pass.
10 Divination is in the lips of the king, is a crown of dignity, when
31 Old age
his mouth shall not err in judgment. it is found in the ways of justice.
11 Weight and balance are judgments 32 The patient man is better than the
of the Lord: and his work all the weights valiant: and he that ruleth his spirit,
of the bag. than he that taketh cities.
12 They that act wickedly are abomi 33 Lots are cast into the lap, but they
nable to the king: for the throne is es
are disposed of by the Lord.
tablished by justice.
13 Just lips are the delight of kings: he
that speaketh right things shall be loved. is a dry morsel with joy,
14 The wrath of a king is as messengers BETTER
than a house full of victims with
of death: and the wise man will pacify it. strife.
15 In the cheerfulness of the king s 2 n A wise servant shall rule over fool
countenance is life: and his clemency is ish sons, and shall divide the inheritance
like the latter rain. among the brethren.
16 Get wisdom, because it is better than 3 As silver is tried by fire, and gold
gold: and purchase prudence, for it is in the furnace: so the Lord trieth the
more precious than silver. hearts.
17 The path of the just departeth from 4 The evil man obeyeth an unjust
evils he that keepeth his soul keepeth
tongue: and the deceitful hearkeneth to
his way. lying lips.
18 Pride goeth before destruction: and 5 He that despiseth the poor, reproach-
the spirit is lifted up before a fall. eth his Maker; and he that rejoiceth at
19 It is better to be humbled with the another man s ruin, shall not be unpun
meek, than to divide spoils with the ished.
proud. 6 Children s children are the crown of
20 The learned in word shall find good old men: and the glory of children are
things: and he that trusteth in the Lord their fathers.
isblessed. 7 Eloquent words do not become a fool,
21 The wise in heart shall be called nor lying lips a prince.
prudent: and he that is sweet in words 8 The expectation of him that expect-
shall attain to greater things. eth, is a most acceptable jewel: whither
22 Knowledge is a fountain of life to soever he turneth himself, he under-
him that possesseth it: the instruction standeth wisely.
of fools is foolishness. 9 He that concealeth a transgression,
23 The heart of the wise shall instruct seeketh friendships: he that repeateth
his mouth: and shall add grace to his lips. it again, separateth friends.

k Supra 15. 27. I Supra, ver. 1. m Supra 15. 13 ; Infra 17. 22. n Eccli. 10. 28. o Supra 14. 31.

The foolish w-aw PROVERBS Imprudence in speech
10 A
reproof availeth more with a wise CHAPTER 18
man, than a hundred stripes with a fool.
that hath a mind to depart from a
11 An evil man always seeketh quar
rels: but a cruel angel shall be sent
HE friend seeketh occasions; he shall
ever be subject to reproach.
against him.
12 It is better to meet a bear robbed of
2 A
fool receiveth not the words of pru
dence: unless thou say those things which
her whelps, than a fool trusting in his
are in his heart.
own folly.
3 The wicked man when he is come into
13 He
that rendereth evil for good,
the depth of sins, contemneth: but igno
evil shallnot depart from his house.
miny and reproach follow him.
14 The beginning of quarrels is as when
4 Words from the mouth of a man are

one letteth out water before he suff ereth :

as deep water: and the fountain of wis
reproach he forsaketh judgment. dom as an overflowing stream.
15 He that justifieth the wicked, and

5 It is not good to accept the person of

he that condemneth the just, both are
the wicked, to decline from the truth of
abominable before God.
16 What doth it avail a fool to have
6 The lips of a fool intermeddle with
riches, seeing he cannot buy wisdom ? strife: and his mouth provoketh quarrels.
He that maketh his house high, seeketh
a downfall: and he that refuseth to learn, 7 The mouth of a
fool is his destruction:
shall fall into evils. and his are the ruin of his soul.
8 The words of the double tongued are
17 He that is a friend loveth at all times:
as if they were harmless: and they reach
and a brother proved in distress. is
18 A foolish man will clap hands, when
even to the inner parts of the bowels.
he is surety for his friend. Fear casteth down the slothful: and the
souls of the effeminate shall be hungry.
19 He that studieth discords, loveth
quarrels: and he that exalteth his door, 9 He that is loose and slack in his work,
seeketh ruin. is the brother of him that wasteth his
20 He that is of a perverse heart, shall own works.
not find good: and he that perverteth his 10 The name of the Lord is a strong
tongue, shall fall into evil. tower: the just runneth to it, and shall
21 A fool is born to his own disgrace: be exalted.
and even his father shall not rejoice in a 11 The substance of the rich man is the
city of his strength, and as a strong wall
22 r
joyful mind maketh age flour compassing him about.
ishing: a sorrowful spirit drieth up the 12 r Before destruction, the heart of a
28 The wicked man taketh gifts out of
man is exalted: and before he be glori
fied, it is humbled.
the bosom, that he may pervert the paths
of judgment. 13 "

that answereth before he hear-
24 * Wisdom shineth in the face of the eth sheweth himself to be a fool, and
wise: the eyes of fools are in the ends of worthy of confusion.
the earth. 14 The spirit of a man upholdeth his
25 A
foolish son is the anger of the infirmity: but a spirit that is easily an
father: and the sorrow of the mother gered, who can bear ?
that bore him. 15 A wise heart shall acquire know
26 It is no good thing to do hurt to the ledge: and the ear of the wise seeketh
just: nor to strike the prince, who judg-
eth right. 16 A man s gift enlargeth his way, and
27 * He that setteth bounds to his words, maketh him room before princes.
is knowing and wise: and the man of 17 The just is first accuser of himself:
his friend cometh, and shall search him.
understanding is of a precious spirit.
28 Even a fool, if he will hold his peace 18 The lot suppresseth contentions, and
shall be counted wise: and if he close his determineth even between the mighty.
lips, a man of understanding.
19 A brother that is helped by his bro-

p Rom. 12. 17 ; 1 Thess. 5. 15 ; 1 TVter 3. 9. s Eccl. 2. 14, and 8. \.t James 1. 19. u Infra 20. 6.
qlsa. 5. 23. r Supra 15. 13. and 16. 24. r Supra 11. 2; Eocli. 10. 15. w Eccli. 11. 8.
The rich and the poor PROVERBS Slothful-ness and impatience

ther, is like a strong city: and judgments 12 As the roaring of a lion, so also is
are like the bars of cities. the anger of a king: and his cheerfulness
20 Of the fruit of a man s mouth shall as the dew upon the grass.
his belly be satisfied: and the offspring 13 Afoolish son is the grief of his fa
of his lips shall fill him. ther: and a wrangling wife is like a roof
21 Death and life are in the power of continually dropping through.
the tongue: they that love it, shall eat 14 House and riches are given by par
the fruits thereof. ents: but a prudent wife is properly from
22 He that hath found a good wife, hath the Lord.
found a good thing, and shall receive a 15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep,
pleasure from the Lord. He that driveth and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.
away a good wife, driveth away a good 16 He that keepeth the commandment
thing: but he that keepeth an adulteress, keepeth his own soul: but he that neg-
is foolish and wicked. lecteth his own way, shall die.
23 The poorwill speak with supplica 17 He that hath mercy on the poor, lend-
tions, and the rich will .speak roughly. eth to the Lord: and he will repay him.
24 Aman amiable in society, shall be 18 Chastise thy son, despair not: but to
more friendly than a brother. the killing of him set not thy soul.
19 He that is impatient, shall suffer
damage: and when he shall take away
the poor man, that walketh
is he shall add another thing.
in his simplicity, than a rich man 20 Hear counsel, and receive instruction,
that is perverse in his lips, and unwise. that thou mayst be wise in thy latter end.
2 x Where there is no knowledge of the 21 There are many thoughts in the heart
of a man: but the will of the Lord shall
soul, there is no good: and he that is
hasty with his feet shall stumble. stand firm.
3 The folly of a man supplanteth his 22 A needy man is merciful: and better
steps and he f retteth in his mind against
: is the poor than the lying man.
God. 23 The fear of the Lord is unto life:
4 Riches make many friends: but from and he shall abide in fulness without be
the poor man, even they whom he had, ing visited with evil.
depart. 24 -The slothful hideth his hand under
5 y A false witness shall not be unpun his armpit, and will not so much as bring
ished: and he that speaketh lies shall not it to his mouth.
escape. 25 a The wicked man being scourged, the
6 Many honour the person of him that fool shall be wiser: but if thou rebuke a
is mighty, and are friends of him that wise man he will understand discipline.
giveth gifts. 26 He that afflicteth his father, and
7 The brethren of the poor man hate chaseth away his mother, is infamous
him: moreover also his friends have de and unhappy.
parted far from him. 27 Cease not, O my son, to hear instruc
He that followeth after words only, shall tion, and be not ignorant of the words of
have nothing. knowledge.
8 But he that possesseth a mind, loveth 28 An unjust witness scorneth judg
his own soul, and he that keepeth pru ment: and the mouth of the wicked de-
dence shall find good things. voureth iniquity.
9 A
false witness shall not be unpun 29 Judgments are prepared for scorners:
ished: and he that speaketh lies, shall and striking hammers for the bodies of
perish. fools.
10 Delicacies are not seemly for a fool:
nor for a servant to have rule over CHAPTER 20
11 The learning of a man is known by TITTINE is a luxurious thing, and drunk-
patience: and his glory is to pass over \V enness riotous: whosoever is de
wrongs. lighted therewith shall not be wise.
x Infra 21. 16. y Dan. 13. 61. z Infra 26. 15. a Infra 21. 11.

Slothfuhtess, fraud, lying PROVERBS Against revenge and injustice
2 As
the roaring of a lion, so also is the 21 The inheritance gotten hastily in the
dread of a king: he that provoketh him, beginning, in the end shall be without a
sinneth against his own soul. blessing.
3 It is an honour for a man to separate 22 0Say not: I will return evil: wait for
himself from quarrels: but all fools are the Lord and he will deliver thee.
meddling with reproaches. 23 * Diverse weights are an abomination
4 Because of the cold the sluggard would before the Lord: a deceitful balance is
not plough: he shall beg therefore in not good.
the summer, and it shall not be given 24 *The steps of man are guided by the
him. Lord: but who is the man that can un
5 b Counsel in the heart of a man is like derstand his own way?
deep water: but a wise man will draw it 25 It is ruin to a man to devour holy
out. ones, and after vows to retract.
6 Many men are called merciful: but 26 Awise king scattereth the wicked,
who shall find a faithful man? and bringeth over them the wheel.
7 The just that walketh in his simpli 27 The spirit of a man is the lamp of
city, shall leave behind him blessed chil the Lord, which searcheth all the hidden
dren. things of the bowels.
8 The king, that sitteth on the throne of 28 Mercy and truth preserve the king,
judgment, scattereth away all evil with and his throne is strengthened by clem
his look. ency.
9 c Who can say: My heart is clean, I 29 The joyof young men is their
am pure from sin? strength: and the dignity of old men,
10 d Diverse weights and diverse mea their grey hairs.
sures, both are abominable before God. 30 The blueness of a wound shall wipe
11 By his inclinations a child is known, away evils: and stripes in the more in
if his works be clean and right. ward parts of the belly.
12 The hearing ear, and the seeing eye,
the Lord hath made them both. CHAPTER 21
13 Love not sleep, lest poverty oppress AS
the division of waters, so the heart
thee open thy eyes, and be filled with
: _r\_ of the king is in the hand of the Lord :

bread. whithersoever he will he shall turn it.

14 It is nought, it is nought, saith every 2 i Every way of a man seemeth right
buyer: and when he is gone away, then to himself: but the Lord weigheth the
he will boast. hearts.
15 There is gold, and a multitude of 3 To do mercy and judgment, pleaseth
jewels: but the lips of knowledge are a the Lord more than victims.
precious vessel. 4 Haughtiness of the eyes is the enlar
16 "Take away the garment of him that ging of the heart the lamp of the wicked

is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge is sin.

from him for strangers. 5 The thoughts of the industrious al
17 The bread of lying is sweet to a man : ways bring forth abundance: but every
but afterwards his mouth shall be filled sluggard is always in want.
with gravel. 6 He
that gathereth treasures by a lying
18 Designs are strengthened by coun tongue, is vain and foolish, and shall
sels: and wars are to be managed by stumble upon the snares of death.
governments. 7 The robberies of the wicked shall be
19 Meddle not with him that revealeth their downfall, because they would not
secrets, and walketh deceitfully, and do judgment.
openeth wide his lips. 8 The perverse way of a man is strange :

20 /He that curseth his father, and mo but as for him that is pure, his work is
ther, his lamp shall be put out in the right.
midst of darkness. 9 fc lt is better to sit in a corner of the

b Supra 18. 4. g Rom. 12. 17 1 Thess.

; 5. 15 ; 1 Peter 3. 9.
John h Supra ver. 10. i Supra 16. 2.
r 3 Kings 8. 46 : 2 Par. 6. 36 E-cl.
; 7. 21 ; 1 1. 8.
d Supra 11. 1 Infra ver. 23. e Infra
27. 13. j Supra 16. 2, and 20. 24.

/ Ex. 21. 17 Lev. 20. 9 Matt. 15.

; ; 4. k Infra 25. 24.

22 673
Refusing the poor, gluttony PROVERBS The rich and the poor

housetop, than with a brawling woman, dence, there is no counsel against the
and in a common house. Lord.
10 The soul of the wicked desireth evil, 31 The horse is prepared for the day of
he will not have pity on his neighbour. battle: but the Lord giveth safety.
11 When a pestilent man is punished,
the little one will be wiser: and if he CHAPTER 22
follow the wise, he will receive know
12 The just considereth seriously the
A oname
silver and gold.
and good favour
better than great
is above

house of the wicked, that he may with 2 PThe rich and poor have met one
draw the wicked from evil. another: the Lord the maker of them
13 He that stoppeth his ear against the both.
cry of the poor, shall also cry himself 3 The prudent man saw the evil, and
and shall not be heard. hid himself: the simple passed on, and
14 A secret present quencheth anger: suffered loss.
and a gift in the bosom the greatest wrath. 4 The fruit of humility is the fear of the
15 It is joy to the just to do judgment: Lord, riches and glory and life.
and dread to them that work iniquity. 5 Arms and swords are in the way of
16 A man that shall wander out of the the perverse: but he that keepeth his
way of doctrine, shall abide in the com own soul departeth far from them.
pany of the giants. 6 It is a proverb: A
young man ac
17 He that loveth good cheer, shall be cording to his way, even when he is old
in want: he that loveth wine, and fat he will not depart from it.
things, shall not be rich. 7 The rich ruleth over the poor: and
18 The wicked is delivered up for the the borrower is servant to him that
just: and the unjust for the righteous. lendeth.
19 is better to dwell in a wilder
"It 8 He that soweth iniquity shall reap
ness, than with a quarrelsome and pas evils, and with the rod of his anger he
sionate woman. shall be consumed.
20 There is a treasure to be desired, and 9 i He that is inclined to mercy shall be
oil in the dwelling of the just: and the blessed: for of his bread he hath given
foolish man shall spend it. to the poor.
21 He that followeth justice and mercy, He that maketh presents shall purchase
shall find life, justice, and glory. victory and honour: but he carrieth
22 The wise man hath scaled the city away the souls of the receivers.
of the strong, and hath cast down the 10 Cast out the scoffer, and contention
strength of the confidence thereof. shall go out with him, and quarrels and
23 He that keepeth his mouth and his reproaches shall cease.
tongue, keepeth his soul from distress. 11 He that loveth cleanness of heart,
24 The proud and the arrogant is called for the grace of his lips shall have the
ignorant, who in anger worketh pride. king for his friend.
25 Desires kill the slothful: for his 12 The eyes of the Lord preserve know
hands have refused to work at all. ledge: and the words of the unjust are
26 He longeth and desireth all the day: overthrown.
but he that is just, will give, and will not 13 The slothful man saith: There is a
cease. lion without, I shall be slain in the midst
27 "The sacrifices of the wicked are of the streets.
abominable, because they are offered of 14 The mouth of a strange woman is a
wickedness. deep pit: he whom the Lord is angry
28 A lying witness shall perish: an obe with, shall fall into it.
dient man shall speak of victory. 15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a
29 The wicked man impudently hard- child, and the rod of correction shall
eneth his face: but he that is righteous, drive it away.
correcteth his way. 16 He that oppresseth the poor, to in
30 There is no wisdom, there is no pru crease his own riches, shall himself give
I Supra 19. 25. m Supra ver. 9 Eccli. 25. 23.
o Eccl. 7. 2. v Infra 29. 13.
Supra 15. 8 ; Eccli. 34. 21. q Eccli. 31. 28.

Oppression of the poor PROVERBS Envy ami intemperance
to one that is richer, and shall be in 6 Eat not with an envious man, and de
need. sire not his meats:
17 Incline thy ear, and hear the words 7 Because like a soothsayer, and diviner,
of the wise: and apply thy heart to my he thinketh that which he knoweth not.
doctrine : Eat and drink, will he say to thee: and
18 Which shall be beautiful for thee, if his mind is not with thee.
thou keep it in thy bowels, and it shall 8 The meats which thou hadst eaten,
flow in thy lips: thou shalt vomit up: and shalt loose thy
19 That thy trust may be in the Lord, beautiful words.
wherefore I have also shewn it to thee 9 Speak not in the ears of fools: because
this day. they will despise the instruction of thy
20 Behold I have described it to thee speech.
three manner of ways, in thoughts and 10 Touch not the bounds of little ones:
knowledge : and enter not into the field of the father
21 That I might shew thee the certainty, less:
and the words of truth, to answer out of 11 For their near kinsman is strong: and
these to them that sent thee. he will judge their cause against thee.
22 Do no violence to the poor, because 12 Let thy heart apply itself to instruc
he is poor: and do not oppress the needy tion and thy ears to words of knowledge.

in the gate: 13 r Withhold not correction from a

23 Because the Lord will judge his child for if thou strike him with the rod,

cause, and will afflict them that have af he shall not die.
flicted his soul. 14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and
24 Be not a friend to an angry man, and deliver his soul from hell.
do not walk with a furious man: 15 My
son, if thy mind be wise, my heart
25 Lest perhaps thou learn his ways, shall rejoice with thee:
and take scandal to thy soul. 16 And my reins shall rejoice, when thy
26 Be not with them that fasten down lips shall speak what is right.
their hands, and that offer themselves 17 s Let not thy heart envy sinners: but
sureties for debts: be thou in the fear of the Lord all the
27 For if thou have not wherewith to day long:
restore, what cause is there, that he 18 Because thou shalt have hope in the
should take the covering from thy bed? latter end, and thy expectation shall not
28 Pass not beyond the ancient bounds be taken away.
which thy fathers have set. 19 Hear thou, my son, and be wise: and
29 Hast thou seen a man swift in his guide thy mind in the way.
work? he shall stand before kings, and 20 Be not in the feasts of great drinkers,
shall not be before those that are ob nor in their revellings, who contribute
scure. flesh to eat:
CHAPTER 23 21 Because they that give themselves to
drinking, and that club together shall
thou shalt sit to eat with a be consumed; and drowsiness shall be
WHEN prince, consider diligently what is
set before thy face.
clothed with rags.
22 Hearken to thy father, that begot
2 And put a knife to thy throat, if it be thee: and despise not thy mother when
so that thou have thy soul in thy own she is old.
power. 23 Buy truth, and do not sell wisdom,
3 Be not desirous of his meats, in which and instruction, and understanding.
is the bread of deceit. 24 The father of the just rejoiceth
4 Labour not to be rich but set bounds : greatly: he that hath begotten a wise
to thy prudence. son, shall have joy in him.
5 Lift not up thy eyes to riches which 25 Let thy father, and thy mother be
thou canst not have: because they shall joyful, and let her rejoice that bore thee.
make themselves wings like those of an 26 My son, give me thy heart: and let
eagle, and shall fly towards heaven. thy eyes keep my ways.

r Supra 13. 24 ; Eccli. 30. 1 : Infra 29. 15. a Infra 24. 1.

Drunkenness PROVERBS Detraction, human respect
27 For a harlot is a deep ditch: and a enough he that seeth into the heart, he

strange woman is a narrow pit. understandeth, and nothing deceiveth the

28 She lieth in wait in the way as a rob keeper of thy soul, and he shall render to
ber, and him whom she shall see unwary, a man according to his works.
she will kill. 13 v Eat honey, my son, because it is
29 Who hath woe? whose father hath good, and the honeycomb most sweet to
woe? who hath contentions? who falls into thy throat:
pits? who hath wounds without cause? 14 So also is the doctrine of wisdom to
who hath redness of eyes? thy soul: which when thou hast found,
30 Surely they that pass their time in thou shalt have hope in the end, and thy
wine, and study to drink off their cups. hope shall not perish.
31 Look not upon the wine when it is 15 Lie not in wait, nor seek after wick
yellow, when the colour thereof shineth edness in the house of the just, nor spoil
in the glass it goeth in pleasantly,
: his rest.
32 But in the end, it will bite like a snake, 16 For a just man shall fall seven times
and will spread abroad poison like a basi and shall rise again: but the wicked shall
lisk. fall down into evil.
33 Thy
eyes shall behold strange women, 17 When
thy enemy shall fall, be not
and thy heart shall utter perverse things. glad, and in his ruin let not thy heart
34 And thou shalt be as one sleeping in rejoice:
the midst of the sea, and as a pilot fast 18 Lest the Lord see, and it displease
asleep, when the stern is lost. him, and he turn away his wrath from
35 And thou shalt say: They have beaten him.
me, but I was not sensible of pain: they 19 Contend not with the wicked, nor
drew me, and I felt not: when shall I seek to be like the ungodly:
awake, and find wine again? 20 For evil men have no hope of things
to come, and the lamp of the wicked shall
CHAPTER 24 be put out.
*not to be like evil men, neither 21 My son, fear the Lord and the king:
SEEK desire to be with them: and have nothing to do with detractors.
22 For their destruction shall rise sud
2 Because their mind studieth robberies,
and their lips speak deceits. denly: and who knoweth the ruin of
3 By wisdom the house shall be built, both?
and by prudence it shall be strengthened. 23 These things also to the wise: w lt is
4 By instruction the storerooms shall be not good to have respect to persons in
filled with all precious and most beautiful judgment.
wealth. 24 They that say to the wicked man:
5 A wise man is strong: and a knowing Thou art just: shall be cursed by the
man, stout and valiant. people, and the tribes shall abhor them.
6 Because war is managed by due order 25 They that rebuke him, shall be praised:
ing: and there shall be safety where there and a blessing shall come upon them.
are many counsels. 26 He shall kiss the lips, who answereth
7 Wisdom is too high for a fool, in the right words.
gate he shall not open his mouth. 27 Prepare thy work without, and dili
8 He that deviseth to do evils, shall be gently till thy ground that afterward :

called a fool. thou mayst build thy house.

9 The thought of a fool is sin: and the 28 Be not witness without cause against
detractor is the abomination of men. thy neighbour: and deceive not any man
10 If thou lose hope being weary in the with thy lips.
day of distress, thy strength shall be di 29 not: I will do to him as he hath
minished. done to me: I will render to every one
11 Deliver them that are led to death: according to his work.
and those that are drawn to death forbear 30 I passed by the field of the slothful
not to deliver. man, and by the vineyard of the foolish
12 If thou say: I have not .strength man: .

t Supra 23. 17. Ps. 81. 4. w Lev. 19. 15 ; Deut. 1. 17, and 16. 19 ; Eccli. 42. 1.
v Infra 25. 16 and 27. x Supra 20. 22.

The sluggard PROVERBS Returning good for evil

31 And behold it was all filled with net 14 As clouds, and wind, when no rain
tles, and thorns had covered the face followeth, so is the man that boasteth,
thereof, and the stone wall was broken and doth not fulfil his promises.
down. 15 By patience a prince shall be ap
32 Which when I had seen, I laid it up peased, 2 and a soft tongue shall break
in my heart, and by the example I re hardness.
ceived instruction. 16 Thou hast found honey, eat what is
33 Thou wilt sleep a little, said I, thou sufficient for thee, lest being glutted
wilt slumber a little, thou wilt fold thy therewith thou vomit it up.
hands a little to rest: 17 Withdraw thy foot from the house of
34 And poverty shall come to thee as a thy neighbour, lest having his fill he hate
runner, and beggary as an armed man. thee.
18 A man that beareth false witness
against his neighbour, is like a dart and
HPHESE are also parables of Solomon, a sword and a sharp arrow.
JL which the men of Ezechias king of 19 To trust to an unfaithful man in the
Juda copied out. time of trouble, is like a rotten tooth,
2 It is the glory of God to conceal the and weary foot,
word, and the glory of kings to search 20 Andone that looseth his garment in
out the speech. cold weather.
3 The heaven above, and the earth be As vinegar upon nitre, so is he that sing-
neath, and the heart of kings is unsearch eth songs to a very evil heart. As a moth
able. doth by a garment, and a worm by the
4 Take away the rust from silver, and wood: so the sadness of a man consum-
there shall come forth a most pure vessel : eth the heart.
5 Take away wickedness from the face 21 thy enemy be hungry, give him

of the king, and his throne shall be to eat: if he thirst, give him water to
established with justice. drink :

6 Appear not glorious before the king, 22 For thou shalt heap hot coals upon
and stand not in the place of great men. his head, and the Lord will reward thee.
7 For it is better that it should be said 23 The north wind driveth away rain,
to thee: Come up hither; than that thou as doth a sad countenance a backbiting
shouldst be humbled before the prince. tongue.
8 The things which thy eyes have seen, 24 6 It is better to sit in a corner of the
utter not hastily in a quarrel lest after : housetop, than with a brawling woman,
ward thou mayst not be able to make and in a common house.
amends, when thou hast dishonoured thy 25 As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is
friend. good tidings from a far country.
9 Treat thy cause with thy friend, and 26 A just man falling down before the
discover not the secret to a stranger: wicked, is as a fountain troubled with
10 Lest he insult over thee, when he hath the foot, and a corrupted spring.
heard it, and cease not to upbraid thee. 27 As it is not good for a man to eat
Grace and friendship deliver a man: much honey, c so he that is a searcher
keep these for thyself, lest thou fall of majesty, shall be overwhelmed by
under repoach. glory.
11 To speak a word in due time, is like 28 As a city that lieth open and is not
apples of gold on beds of silver. compassed with walls, so is a man that
12 As an earring of gold and a bright cannot refrain his own spirit in speaking.
pearl, so is he that reproveth the wise,
and the obedient ear.
13 J
As the
cold of snow in the time of S snow in summer, and rain in har-
harvest, so is a faithful messenger to him vest, so glory is not seemly for a
that sent him, for he refresheth his soul. fool.

y Infra 26. 6. <s Supra 16. 1. a Rom. 12. 20. 6 Supra 21. 9. c Eccli. 3. 22.

CHAP. Ver. 27. Majesty, viz.,

25. For of God. God, exposing our weak understanding to be
to search into that incomprehensible Majesty, and blinded with an excess of light and glory, which it
to pretend to sound the depths of the wisdom of cannot comprehend.

The fool and the sluggard PROVERBS The mischief maker
2 As a bird flying to other places, and a 21 As coals are to burning coals, and
sparrow going here or there: so a curse wood to fire, so an angry man stirreth
uttered without cause shall come upon a up strife.
man. 22 The words of a talebearer are as it
3 A whip for a horse, and a snaffle for were simple, but they reach to the inner
an ass, d and a rod for the back of fools. most parts of the belly.
4 Answernot a fool according to his 23 Swelling lips joined with a corrupt
thou be made like him.
folly, lest heart, are like an earthen vessel adorned
5 Answer a fool according to his folly, with silver dross.
lest he imagine himself to be wise. 24 An enemy is known by his lips, when
6 p He that sendeth words by a foolish in his heart he entertaineth deceit.
messenger, is lame of feet and drinketh 25 When he shall speak low, trust him
iniquity. not: because there are seven mischiefs in
7 As a lame man hath fair legs in vain: his heart.
so a parable is unseemly in the mouth of 26 He
that covereth hatred deceitfully,
fools. his malice shall be laid
open in the public
8 As he that casteth a stone into the assembly.
/heap of Mercury: so is he that giveth 27 He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into
honour to a fool. it: and he that rolleth a stone, it shall
9 As if a thorn should grow in the hand return to him.
of a drunkard: so is a parable in the 28 A deceitful tongue loveth not truth:
mouth of fools. and a slippery mouth worketh ruin.
10 Judgment determineth causes : and
he that putteth a fool to silence, appeas- CHAPTER 27
eth anger. not for to morrow, for thou
11 0As a dog that returneth to his
vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his
knowest not what the day to come
may bring forth.
folly. 2 Let another praise thee, and not thy
12 Hast thou seen a man wise in his own mouth: a stranger, and not thy own
own conceit? there shall be more hope
of a fool than of him. 3 A stone is heavy, and sand weighty:

13 The slothful man saith There is a lion

but the anger of a fool is heavier than
in the way, and a lioness in the roads. them both.
14 As the door turneth upon its hinges, 4 Anger hath no mercy, nor fury when
so doth the slothful upon his bed. it breaketh forth: and who can bear the
15 *The slothful hideth his hand under violence of one provoked?
his armpit, and it grieveth him to turn 5 Open rebuke is better than hidden
it to his mouth.
16 The sluggard is wiser in his own con 6 Better are the wounds of a friend,
ceit, than seven men that speak sen than the deceitful kisses of an enemy.
tences. 7 A soul that is full shall tread upon

17 As he that taketh a dog by the ears, the honeycomb and a : soul that is hungry
so is he that passeth by in anger, and shall take even bitter for sweet.
meddleth with another man s quarrel. 8 As a bird that wandereth from her
18 As he is guilty that shooteth arrows,
nest, so is a man that leaveth his place.
and lances unto death: 9 Ointment and perfumes rejoice the
19 So is the man that hurteth his friend heart: and the good counsels of a friend
deceitfully : and when he is taken, saith : are sweet to the soul.
I did it in jest.
10 Thy own friend, and thy father s
20 When the wood faileth, the fire shall friend forsake not: and go not into thy
go out: and when the talebearer is taken brother s house in the day of thy afflic
away, contentions shall cease. tion.
d Supra 23. 13. e Supra 25. 13. h Supra
g 2 Peter 2. 22. 19. 24.
/ That is, heap of stones at the foot of this idol. t Supra 15. 18. j Eccli. 22. 18. fc Job 6. 7.

CHAP. 26.Ver. 2. As a bird, &c. The meaning upon him that curseth, as whithersoever a bird
is, that a curse uttered without cause shall do no it returns to its own nest.
harm to the person that is cursed, but will return Ver. 4. Answer not a fool, &c. Viz., so as to
imitate him, but only so as to reprove his folly.
A contentious woman PROVERBS Confession of sin
Better is a neighbor that is near, than CHAPTER 28
a brother afar off.
and make
f I THE wicked man fleeth, when no man
11 Study wisdom, my son, my JL pursueth but the just, bold as a lion,
heart joyful, that thou mayst give an
shall be without dread.
answer to him that reproacheth.
2 For the sins of the land many are the
12 The prudent man seeing evil hideth
himself: little ones passing on have suf princes thereof: and for the wisdom of a
fered losses. man, and the knowledge of those things
that are said, the life of the prince shall
13 Take away his garment that hath
be prolonged.
been surety for a stranger: and take
3 A poor man that oppresseth the poor,
from him a pledge for strangers.
is like a violent shower, which bringeth
14 He that blesseth his neighbour with a famine.
a loud voice, rising in the night, shall be
like to him that curseth.
4 They that forsake the law, praise the
wicked man: they that keep it, are in
15 "Roofs dropping through in a cold censed against him.
day, and a contentious woman are alike.
5 Evil men think not on judgment: but
16 He that retaineth her, is as he that
would hold the wind, and shall call in they that seek after the Lord, take no
tice of all things.
the oil of his right hand.
17 Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharp- 6 9 Better is the poor man walking in his
eneth the countenance of his friend. simplicity, than the rich in crooked ways.
18 He that keepeth the fig tree, shall 7 He that keepeth the law is a wise son :

eat the fruit thereof: and he that is the but he that feedeth gluttons, shameth his
keeper of his master, shall be glorified.
19 As the faces of them that look therein, 8 He that heapeth together riches by
shine in the water, so the hearts of men usury and loan, gathereth them for him
are laid open to the wise. that will be bountiful to the poor.
20 Hell and destruction are never filled : 9 He that turneth away his ears from
n so the
eyes of men are never satis hearing the law, his prayer shall be an
fied. abomination.
21 "As silver is tried in the fining-pot 10 He that deceiveth the just in a wicked
and gold in the furnace so a man is tried
way, shall fall in his own destruction :

by the mouth of him that praiseth. and the upright shall possess his goods.
The heart of the wicked seeketh after 11 The rich man seemeth to himself
evils, but the righteous heart seeketh wise: but the poor man that is prudent
after knowledge. shall search him out.
22 Though thou shouldst bray a fool in 12 In the joy of the just there is great
the mortar, as when a pestle striketh upon glory: when the wicked reign, men are
sodden barley, his folly would not be ruined.
taken from him. 13 He that hideth his sins, shall not
23 Be diligent to know the countenance prosper: but he that shall confess, and
of thy cattle, and consider thy own forsake them, shall obtain mercy.
flocks: 14 Blessed is the man that is always
24 For thou shalt not always have fearful: but he that is hardened in mind,
power: but a crown shall be given to shall fall into evil.
generation and generation. 15 As a roaring lion, and a hungry bear,
25 The meadows are open, and the green so is a wicked prince over the poor
herbs have appeared, and the hay is gath people.
ered out of the mountains. 16 Aprince void of prudence shall op
26 P Lambs are for thy clothing and kids :
press many by calumny: but he that
for the price of the field. hateth covetousness, shall prolong his
27 Let the milk of the goats be enough days.
for thy food, and for the necessities of 17 A man that doth violence to the
thy house, and for maintenance for thy blood of a person, if he flee even to the
handmaids. pit, no man will stay him.

I Supra 20. 16. m Supra 19. 13. n Eccli. 14. 9. o Supra 17. 3. p I Tim. 6. 8. <?
Supra 19. 1.
Idleness, envy, boasting PROVERBS Imprudence in speech, anger
18 He that walketh uprightly, shall be 7 The just taketh notice of the cause of
saved: he that is perverse in his ways the poor: the wicked is void of knowl
shall fall at once. edge.
19 r He that tilleth his ground, shall be 8 Corrupt men bring a city to ruin but :

filled with bread: but he that followeth wise men

turn away wrath.
idleness shall be filled with poverty. 9 If a wise man contend with a fool,
20 A faithful man shall be much praised : whether he be angry, or laugh, he shall
* but he that maketh haste to be find no rest.
shall not be innocent. 10 Bloodthirsty men hate the upright:
21 He that hath respect to a person in but just men seek his soul.
judgment, doth not well such a man : 11 A fool uttereth all his mind: a wise
even for a morsel of bread forsaketh the man deferreth, and keepeth it till after
truth. wards.
22 A
man, that maketh haste to be rich, 12 A prince that gladly heareth lying
and envieth others, is ignorant that pov words, hath all his servants wicked.
erty shall come upon him. 13 The poor man and the creditor have
23 He that rebuketh a man, shall after met one another: the Lord is the en-
ward find favour with him, more than he lightener of them both.
that by a flattering tongue deceiveth 14 The king that judgeth the poor in
him,. truth, his throne shall be established for
24 He that stealeth any thing from his ever.
father, or from his mother: and saith, 15 1tThe rod and reproof give wisdom:
This is no sin, is the partner of a murderer. but the child that is left to his own will
25 He that boasteth, and puffeth up him bringeth his mother to shame.
self, stirreth up quarrels: but he that 16 When the wicked are multiplied,
trusteth in the Lord, shall be healed. crimes shall be multiplied but the just :

26 He that trusteth in his own heart, is shall see their downfall.

a fool : but he that walketh wisely, he 17 Instruct thy son, and he shall refresh
shall be saved. thee, and shall give delight to thy soul.
27 He that giveth to the poor, shall not 18 When prophecy shall fail, the people
want: he that despiseth his entreaty, shall be scattered abroad but he that :

shall suffer indigence. keepeth the law is blessed.

28 When the wicked rise up, men shall 19 A slave will not be corrected by
hide themselves when they perish, the
: words: because he understandeth what
just shall be multiplied. thou sayest, and will not answer.
20 Hast thou seen a man hasty to
speak? folly is rather to be looked for,
that with a stiff neck de than his amendment.
THE spiseth him that reproveth him, shall 21 He that nourisheth his servant deli
suddenly be destroyed: and health shall cately from his childhood, afterwards
not follow him. shall find him stubborn.
2 When just men increase, the people 22 A passionate man provoketh quarrels :

shall rejoice: when the wicked shall bear and he that is easily stirred up to wrath,
rule, the people shall mourn. shall be more prone to sin.
3 A man that loveth wisdom, rejoiceth 23 Humiliation followeth the proud :

his father: but he that maintaineth har and glory shall uphold the humble of
lots, shall squander away his substance. spirit.
4 A just king setteth up the land a cov : 24 He that is partaker with a thief,
etous man shall destroy it. hateth his own soul: he heareth one put
5 A man that speaketh to his friend ting him to his oath, and discovereth
with flattering and dissembling words, not.
spreadeth a net for his feet. 25 He
that feareth man, shall quickly
6 A snare shall entangle the wicked fall: he that trusteth in the Lord, shall
man when he sinneth and the just shall
: be set on high.
praise and rejoice. 26 Many seek the face of the prince:
r Supra 12. 11 ; Eccli. 20. 30. t Supra 22. 2.- Supra 23. 13, and Infra ver. 17.
* Supra 13. 11, and 20. 21, and Infra ver. 22. v Job 22. 29.

Prayer for the necessaries of life PROVERBS Parents not to be despised
but the judgment of every one cometh own eyes, and yet are not washed from
forth from the Lord. their filthiness.
27 The just abhor the wicked man and :
13 A
generation, whose eyes are lofty
the wicked loathe them that are in the and their eyelids lifted up on high.
right way. 14 A
generation, that for teeth hath
The son that keepeth the word, shall be swords, and grindeth with their jaw
free from destruction. teeth, to devour the needy from off the
earth, and the poor from among men.
15 The horseleech hath two daughters
The wise manthinketh humbly of himself. His
prayer and sentiments upon certain virtues and
that say: Bring, bring.
vices. There are three things that never are
f~I^HE words of Gatherer the son of satisfied, and the fourth never saith: It
JL Vomiter. The vision which the man is enough.

spoke with whom God is, and who being 16 Hell, and the mouth of the womb, and
strengthened by God, abiding with him, the earth which is not satisfied with wa
said: ter and the fire never saith It is enough.
: :

2 I am the most foolish of men, and the 17 The eye that mocketh at his father,
wisdom of men is not with me. and that despiseth the labour of his mo
3 I have not learned wisdom, and have ther in bearing him, let the ravens of the
not known the science of saints. brooks pick it out, and the young eagles
4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, eat it.
and descended? who hath held the wind 18 Three things are hard to me, and the
in his hands? who hath bound up the fourth I am utterly ignorant of:
waters together as in a garment? who 19 The way of an eagle in the air, the
hath raised up all the borders of the way of a serpent upon a rock, the way of
earth? what is his name, and what is the a ship in the midst of the sea, and the
name of his son, if thou knowest? way of a man in youth.
5 w Every word of God is fire tried he : 20 Such is also the way of an adulterous
is a buckler to them that hope in him. woman, who eateth, and wipeth her
6 x Add not any thing to his words, lest mouth, and saith: I have done no evil.
thou be reproved, and found a liar: 21 By three things the
earth is disturbed,
7 Two things I have asked of thee, deny and the fourth it cannot bear :

them not to me before I die. 22 By a slave when he reigneth: by a

8 Remove far from me vanity, and lying fool when he is filled with meat:
words. Give me neither beggary, nor 23 By an odious woman when she is
riches: give me only the necessaries of married: and by a bondwoman when she
life: is heir to her mistress.
9 Lest perhaps being filled, I should be 24 There are four very little things of
tempted to deny, and say: Who is the the earth, and they are wiser than the
Lord? or being compelled by poverty, I wise:
should steal, and forswear the name of 25 The ants, a feeble people, which pro
my God. vide themselves food in the harvest:
10 Accuse not a servant to his master, 26 The rabbit, a weak people, which
lest he curse thee, and thou fall. maketh its bed in the rock:
11 There is a generation that curseth 27 The locust hath no king, yet they all
their father, and doth not bless their go out by their bands.
mother. 28 The stellio supporteth itself on hands,
12 A generation that are pure in their and dwelleth in kings houses.
Ps. 11. 7. x Deut. 4. 2, and 12. 32.

CHAP. 30. Ver. Gatherer, &c., or, as it is in

1. Ver. 6. Is fire tried: that is, most pure, like
the Latin, Congregans the son of Voinens. The gold purified by fire.
Latin interpreter has given us in this place the Ver. 15. The horseleech. Concupiscence, which
signification of the Hebrew names, instead of the hath two daughters that are never satisfied, viz.,
names themselves, which are in the Hebrew, Agur lust and avarice.
the son of Jakeh. But whether this Agur be the Ver. 28. The stellio. A kind of house lizard
same person as Solomon, as many think, or a marked with spots like stars, from whence it has
different person, whose doctrine was adopted by its name.
Solomon, and inserted among his parables or pro
verbs, is uncertain.

Chastity, temperance, mercy PROVERBS The praise of a wise zvonian

29 There are three things, which go well, hath wrought by the counsel of her
and the fourth that walketh happily: hands.
30 A lion, the strongest of beasts, who 14 She is like the merchant s ship, she
hath no fear of any thing he meeteth :
bringeth her bread from afar.
31 A cock girded about the loins and a : 15 And she hath risen in the night, and
ram: and a king, whom none can resist. given a prey to her household, and vict
32 There is that hath appeared a fool uals to her maidens.
after he was lifted up on high for if he
: 16 She hath considered a field, and
had understood, he would have laid his bought it: with the fruit of her hands
hand upon his mouth. she hath planted a vineyard.
33 And he that strongly squeezeth the 17 She hath girded her loins with
paps to bring out milk, straineth out but strength, and hath strengthened her arm.
ter: and he that violently bloweth his
18 She hath tasted and seen that her
nose, bringeth out blood: and he that traffic is good: her lamp shall not be put
provoketh wrath bringeth forth strife. out in the night.
CHAPTER 31 19 She hath put out her hand to strong
An exhortation to chastity, temperance, and works things, and her fingers have taken hold
of mercy: with the praise of a wise woman. of the spindle.

rpHE words of king Lamuel. The vision 20 She hath opened her hand to the
_L wherewith his mother instructed needy, and stretched out her hands to
him. the poor.
2 What, O my beloved, what, the be 21 She shall not fear for her house in
loved of my womb, what, O the beloved the cold of snow: for all her domestics
of my vows? are clothed with double garments.
3 Give not thy substance to women, and 22 She hath made for herself clothing of
thy riches to destroy kings. tapestry: fine linen, and purple is her
4 Give not to kings, Lamuel, give not covering.
wine to kings: because there is no secret 23 Her husband is honourable in the
where drunkenness reigneth: gates, when he sitteth among the sena
5 And lest they drink and forget judg tors of the land.
ments, and pervert the cause of the chil 24 She made fine linen, and sold it, and
dren of the poor. delivered a girdle to the Chanaanite.
6 Give strong drink to them that are 25 Strength and beauty are her cloth
sad: and wine to them that are grieved ing and she shall laugh in the latter day.
in mind: 26 She hath opened her mouth to wis
7 Let them drink, and forget their want, dom, and the law of clemency is on her
and remember their sorrow no more. tongue.
8 Open thy mouth for the dumb, and 27 She hath looked well to the paths of
for the causes of all the children that her house, and hath not eaten her bread
pass. idle.
9 Open thy mouth, decree that which is 28 Her children rose up, and called her
just, and do justice to the needy and poor. blessed: her husband, and he praised
10 Who shall find a valiant woman? far her.
and from the uttermost coasts is the 29 Many daughters have gathered to
price of her. gether riches: thou hast surpassed them
11 .The heart of her husband trusteth in
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is
her, and he shall have no need of spoils.
vain the woman that f eareth the Lord,

12 She will render him good, and not she shall be praised.
evil, all the days of her life. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands:
13 She hath sought wool and flax, and and let her works praise her in the gates.
CHAP. 31. Ver. 1. Lamuel. This name signifies Ver. 24. The Chanaanite, the merchant: for
God with him, and is supposed to have been one of Chanaanite, in Hebrew, signifies a merchant.
the names of Solomon.
Vanity of temporal things Vanity of pleasures

This Book is called Ecclesiastes, or The
Preacher, (in Hebrew, Coheleth.) because
in it Solomon is represented as an excellent
preacher, setting forth the vanity of
the things of this world: to withdraw the hearts and
affections of men from such
empty toys.

CHAPTER 1 14 I have seen all things that are done

The vanity of all temporal things under the sun, and behold all is vanity,
words of Ecclesiastes, the son of and vexation of spirit.
JL David, king of Jerusalem. 15 The perverse are hard to be cor
2 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes: rected, and the number of fools is infin
vanity of vanities, and all is vanity.
3 What hath a man more of all his la 16 I have spoken in my heart, saying:
bour, that he taketh under the sun? Behold I am become great, and have
4 One generation passeth away, and an gone beyond all in wisdom, that wepe
other generation cometh: but the earth before me in Jerusalem: and my mind
standeth for ever. hath contemplated many things wisely,
5 The sun riseth, and goeth down, and and I have learned.
returneth to his place: and there rising 17 And I have given my heart to know
again, prudence, and learning, and errors, and
6 Maketh his round by the south, and folly: and I have perceived that in these
turneth again to the north: the spirit also there was labour, and vexation of
goeth forward surveying all places round spirit,
about, and returneth to his circuits. 18 Because in much wisdom there is
7 All the rivers run into the sea, yet much indignation: and he that addeth
the sea doth not overflow: unto the place knowledge, addeth also labour.
from whence the rivers come, they re
turn, to flow again.
8 All things are hard: man cannot ex The vanity of pleasures, riches, and worldly
plain them by word. The eye is not
filled with seeing, neither is the ear filled SAID in my heart: I will go, and
with hearing. I abound with delights, and enjoy good
9 What is it that hath been? the same things. And I saw that this also was
thing that shall be. What is it that vanity.
hath been done? the same .that shall be 2 Laughter I counted error: and to
done. mirth I said: Why art thou vainly de
10 Nothing under the sun is new, nei ceived?
ther is any man able to say: Behold 3 I thought in my heart, to withdraw
this is new: for it hath already gone be my flesh from wine, that I might turn
fore in the ages that were before us. my mind to wisdom, and might avoid
11 There is no remembrance of former I might see what was profit
folly, till
things nor indeed of those things which
: able for the children of men: and what
hereafter are to come, shall there be any they ought to do under the sun, all the
remembrance with them that shall be in days of their life.
the latter end. 4 I made me great works, I built me
12 I Ecclesiastes was king over Israel houses, and planted vineyards,
in Jerusalem, 5 I made gardens, and orchards, and
13 And I proposed in my mind to seek set them with trees of all kinds,
and search out wisely concerning all 6 And I made me ponds of water, to
things that are done under the sun. water therewith the wood of the young
This painful occupation hath God given trees,
to the children of men, to be exercised 7 I got me menservants, and maidser
therein. vants, and had a great family: and herds
Riches and worldly labors ECCLESIASTES A time for all things

of oxen, and great flocks of sheep, above have rule over all my labours with which
all that were before me in Jerusalem: I have laboured and been solicitous: and
8 y\ heaped together for myself silver is there any thing so vain?
20 Wherefore I left off and my heart
and gold, and the wealth of kings, and
renounced labouring any more under the
provinces: I made me singing men, and
singing women, and the delights of the
sons of men, cups and vessels to serve 21 For when a man laboureth in wis
to pour out wine :
dom, and knowledge, and carefulness, he
leaveth what he hath gotten to an idle
9 And I surpassed in riches all that
man so this also is vanity, and a great

were before me in Jerusalem: my wis

dom also remained with me. 22 For what man have
profit shall a of
10 And whatsoever my eyes desired, I his and vexation of
all labour, spirit,
refused them not: and I withheld not with which he hath been tormented under
my heart from enjoying every pleasure, the sun?
and delighting itself in the things which 23 All his days are full of sorrows and
I had pi-epared: and esteemed this my
miseries, even in the night he doth not
portion, to make use of my own labour. rest in mind: and is not this vanity?
11 And when I turned myself to all the 24 Is it not better to eat and drink, and
works which hands had wrought, and
my to shew his soul good things of his la
to the labours wherein I had laboured in bours? and this is from the hand of God.
vain, I saw in all things vanity, and vex 25 Who shall so feast and abound with
ation of mind, and that nothing was delights as I?
lasting under the sun. 26 God hath given to a man that is good
12 I passed further to behold wisdom, in his sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and
and errors and folly, (What is man. said joy: but to the sinner he hath given
I,that he can follow the King his maker?) vexation, and superfluous care, to heap
13 And I saw that wisdom excelled up and to gather together, and to give
folly, as much as light differeth from itto him that hath pleased God but this :

darkness. also is vanity, and a fruitless solicitude

14 s The eyes of a wise man are in his of the mind.
head: the fool walketh in darkness: and
I learned that they were to die both CHAPTER 3
alike. Att human things are liable to perpetual changes.
15 And I said in my heart If the death : We are to rest on God s providence, and cast
of the fool and mine shall be one, what away fruitless cares.

doth it avail me, that I have applied my ALLthings have their season, and in
self more to the study of wisdom? And J\ times all things pass under
speaking with my own mind, I perceived heaven.
that this also was vanity. 2 A time to be born and a time to die.
16 For there shall be no remembrance of A time to plant, and a time to pluck up
the wise no more than of the fool for that which is planted.
ever, and the times to come shall cover 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal. A
all things together with oblivion: the time to destroy, and a time to build.
learned dieth in like manner as the un 4 A
time to weep, and a time to laugh.
learned. A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
17 And therefore I was weary of my 5 A
time to scatter stones, and a time
life, when I saw that all things under the to gather. A time to embrace, and a
sun are evil, and all vanity and vexation time to be far from embraces.
of spirit. 6 A time to get, and a time to lose. A
18 Again I hated all my application time to keep, and a time to cast away.
wherewith I had earnestly laboured under 7 time to rend, and a time to sew. A
the sun, being like to have an heir after time to keep silence, and a time to speak.
me, 8 A
time of love, and a time of hatred.
19 Whom I know not whether he will A time of war, and a time of peace.
be a wise man or a fool, and he shall 9 What hath man more of his labour?

y 3 Kings 12. 4. z Prov, 17. 24 ; Infra 8. 1,

The providence of God ECCLESIASTES The miseries of human life
10 I have seen the trouble, which God TURNED myself to other things,
hath given the sons of men to be exer I and I saw the oppressions that are
cised in it. done under the sun, and the tears of the
11 He hath made all things good in innocent, and they had no comforter;
their time, and hath delivered the world and they were not able to resist their
to their consideration, so that man can violence, being destitute of help from
not find out the work which God hath any.
made from the beginning to the end. 2 And I praised the dead rather than
12 And I have known that there was no the living:
better thing than to rejoice, and to do 3 And I judged him happier than them
well in this life. both, that is not yet born, nor hath seen
13 For every man that eateth and drink- the evils that are done under the sun.
eth, and seeth good of his labour, this is 4 Again I considered all the labours of
the gift of God. men, and I remarked that their industries
14 I have learned that all the works are exposed to the envy of their neigh
which God hath made, continue for ever: bour: so in this also there is vanity, and
we cannot add any thing, nor take away fruitless care.
from those things which God hath made 5 The fool foldeth his hands together,
that he may be feared. and eateth his own flesh, saying:
15 That which hath been made, the 6 Better is a handful with rest, than
same continueth the things that shall
: both hands full with labour, and vexation
be, have already been: and God restor- of mind.
eth that which is past. 7 Considering I found also another van
16 I saw under the sun in the place of ity under the sun :

judgment wickedness, and in the place 8 There is but one, and he hath not a
of justice iniquity. second, no child, no brother, and yet he
17 And I said in my heart: God shall ceaseth not to labour, neither are his
judge both the just and the wicked, and eyes satisfied with riches, neither doth
then shall be the time of every thing. he reflect, saying: For whom do I labour,
18 I said in my heart concerning the and defraud my soul of good things? in
sons of men, that God would prove this also is vanity, and a grievous vexa
them, and shew them to be like beasts. tion.
19 Therefore the death of man, and of 9 It is better thereforethat two should
beasts is one, and the condition of them be together, than one: for they have the
both is equal as man dieth, so they also
advantage of their society:
die: all things breathe alike, and man 10 If one fall he shall be supported by
hath nothing more than beast: all things the other: woe to him that is alone, for
are subject to vanity. when he falleth, he hath none to lift him
20 And all things go to one place: of up.
earth they were made, and into earth 11And if two lie together, they shall
they return together. warm one another: how shall one alone
21 Who knoweth if the spirit of the be warmed?
children of Adam ascend upward, and if 12 And if a man prevail against one,
the spirit of the beasts descend down two shall withstand him: a threefold
ward? cord is not easily broken.
22 And I have found that nothing is 13 Better is a child that is poor and
better than for a man to rejoice in his wise, than a king that is old and foolish,
work, and that this is his portion. For who knoweth not to foresee for hereafter.
who shall bring him to know the things 14 Because out of prison and chains
that shall be after him? sometimes a man cometh forth to a king
dom and another born king
: is consumed
CHAPTER 4 with poverty.
Other instances of human miseries 15 I saw all men living, that walk under
CHAP. 3. Ver. 19. Man hath nothing more, &c. becomes extinct by the death of the beast, who can
Viz., as to the life of the body. the manner it acts so as to give life and motion,
Ver. 21. Who knoweth, &c. Viz., experimentally: and by death to descend downward, that is, to be no
since no one in this life can see a spirit. But as to more?
the spirit of the beasts, which is merely animal, and

On prudence in speech, vows ECCLESIASTES Harmful riches
the sun with the second young man, who whether he eat little or much but the :

shall rise up in his place. fulness of the rich will not suffer him to
16 The number of the people, of all that sleep.
were before him is infinite and they that : 12 b
There is also another grievous evil,
shall come afterwards, shall not rejoice which I have seen under the sun: riches
in him: but this also is vanity, and vex kept to the hurt of the owner.
ation of spirit. 13 For they are lost with very great
17 Keep thy foot, when thou goest into affliction: he hath begotten a son, who
the house of God, and draw nigh to hear. shall be in extremity of want.
"For much better is obedience, than the 14 As he came forth naked from his
victims of fools, who know not what evil mother s womb, so shall he return, and
they do. shall take nothing away with him of his
most deplorable evil: as he came,
Caution in wordx. Vows
are to be paid. Richer are so shall he return. What then doth it
often pernicious: the moderate u*e of them t.s the profit him that he hath laboured for the
gift of God.
not any thing rashly, and let 16 All the days of his life he eateth in
SPEAKnot thy heart be hasty to utter a darkness, and in many cares, and in mis
word before God. For God is in heaven, ery, and sorrow.
and thou upon earth: therefore let thy 17 This therefore hath seemed good to
words be few. me, that a man should eat and drink,
2 Dreams follow many cares: and in and enjoy the fruit of his labour, where
many words shall be found folly. with he hath laboured under the sun, all
3 If thou hast vowed any thing to God, the days of his life, which God hath given
defer not to pay it: for an unfaithful him: and this is his portion.
and foolish promise displeaseth him: but 18 And man to
whom God hath
whatsoever thou hast vowed, pay it.
given riches, and substance, and hath
4 And it is much better not to vow, than
given him power to eat thereof, and to
after a vow not to perform the things
enjoy his portion, and to rejoice of his
promised. labour: this is the gift of God.
5 Give not thy mouth to cause thy flesh
19 For he shall not much remember the
to sin: and say not before the angel:
days of his life, because God entertaineth
There is no providence: lest God be an his heart with delight.
gry at thy words, and destroy all the
works of thy hands. CHAPTER 6
6 Where there are many dreams, there
are many vanities, and words without The misery of the covetous man
number: but do thou fear God. T INHERE is also another evil, which I
7 If thou shalt see the oppressions of J_ have seen under the sun, and that
the poor, and violent judgments, and jus frequent among men:
tice perverted in the providence, wonder 2 A man to whom God hath given riches,
not at this matter: for he that is high and substance, and honour, and his soul
hath another higher, and there are others wanteth nothing of all that he desireth :

still higher than these: yet God doth not give him power to eat
8 Moreover there is the king that reign- thereof, but a stranger shall eat it up.
eth over all the land subject to him. This vanity and a great misery.
9 A covetous man shall not be satisfied 3 If a man beget a hundred children,
with money: and he that loveth riches and live many years, and attain to a
shall reap no fruit from them: so this great age, and his soul make no use of
also is vanity. the goods of his substance, and he be
10 Where there are great riches, there without burial: of this man I pronounce,
are also many to eat them. And what that the untimely born is better than he.
doth it profit the owner, but that he 4 For he came in vain, and goeth to
seeth the riches with his eyes? darkness, and his name shall be wholly
11 Sleep is sweet to a labouring man, forgotten.
a 1 Kings 15. 22 ; Osee 6. 6. b Job 20. 20. c Job 1. 21 ; 1 Tim. 6. 7.

Value of a good name ECCLESIASTES Patience and wisdom
5 He hath not seen the sun, nor known 8 Oppression troubleth the wise, and
the distance of good and evil: shall destroy the strength of his heart.
6 Although he lived two thousand years, Better is the end of a speech than
and hath not enjoyed good things: do the beginning. Better is the patient
not all make haste to one place? man than the presumptuous.
7 All the labour of man is for his mouth, 10 Be not quickly angry: for anger
but his soul shall not be filled. resteth in the bosom of a fool.
11 Say not: What thinkest thou is the
8 What he wise man more than
cause that former times were better than
the fool? and what the poor man, but to
they are now? for this manner of ques
go thither, where there is life? tion is foolish.
9 Better it is to see what thou mayst de 12 Wisdom with riches is more profit
sire, than to desire that which thou canst able, and bringeth more advantage to-
not know. But this also is vanity, and them that see the sun.
presumption of spirit. 13 For as wisdom is a defence, so money
10 rf
He that shall be, his name is al is a defence: but learning and wisdom
ready called: and it is known, that he excel in this, that they give life to him
is man, and cannot contend in judg that possesseth them.
ment with him that is stronger than him 14 Consider the works of God, that no>

man can correct whom he hath despised.
11 There are many words that have 15 In the good day enjoy good things,,
much vanity in disputing. and beware beforehand of the evil day:
for God hath made both the one and the
Prescriptions against worldly vanities: mortifica other, that man may not find against
tion, patience, and seeking wisdom. him any just complaint.
needeth a man to seek things 16 These things also I saw in the days
WHAT that above
knoweth not what
are him, whereas he
of my vanity: A
just man perisheth in
his justice, and a wicked man liveth a
profitable for him
in his life, in all the days of his pilgrim long time in his wickedness.
age, and the time that passeth like a 17 Be not over just: and be not more
shadow? Or who can tell him what shall wise than is necessary, lest thou become
be after him under the sun? stupid.
2 A
good name is better than precious
C 18 Be not overmuch wicked: and be
ointments and the day of death than
not foolish, lest thou die before thy time.
the day of one s birth. 19 It is good that thou shouldst hold up
3 It is better to go to the house of the just, yea and from him withdraw not
mourning, than to the house of feasting: thy hand: for he that feareth God, neg-
for in that we are put in mind of the lecteth nothing.
end of all, and the living thinketh what 20 Wisdom hath strengthened the wise
is to come. more than ten princes of the city.
4 Anger is better than laughter: be 21 /For there is no just man upon
cause by the sadness of the countenance earth, that doth good, and sinneth not.
the mind of the offender is corrected. 22 But do not apply thy heart to all
5 The heart of the wise is where there words that are spoken: lest perhaps
is mourning, and the heart of fools thou hear thy servant reviling thee.
where there is mirth. 23 For thy conscience knoweth that
6 It is better to be rebuked by a wise thou also hast often spoken evil of others.
man, than to be deceived by the flattery 24 I have tried all things in wisdom. I
of fools. have said: I will be wise: and it de
7 For as the crackling of thorns burn parted farther from me.
ing under a pot, so is the laughter of a 25 Much more than it was it is a great

fool now this also is vanity.

depth, who shall find it out?
d 1 Kings 13. 14, and 3 Kinjrs 13. 2. e Prov. 22. 1. / 3 Kings 8. 46;2 Par. 6. 36 Prov. 20. 9 1 John 1.8.
; ;

CHAP. 7. Ver. 4. Anger. That is, correction, or Ver. 18. Be not overmuch, wicked. That is, lest
just wrath and zeal against evil. by the greatness of your sin you leave no room for
Ver. 17. Over just. Viz., By an excessive rigour mercy.
in censuring the ways of God in bearing with the

Keeping the commandment ECCLESIASTES God s ways are unsearchable
26 I have surveyed all things with my when war is at hand, neither shall wick
mind, to know, and consider, and seek edness save the wicked.
out wisdom and reason and to know
: 9 All these things I have considered,
the wickedness of the fool, and the error and applied my heart to all the works
of the imprudent: that are done under the sun. Sometimes
27 And I have found a woman more bit one man ruleth over another to his own
ter than death, who is the hunter s snare, hurt.
and her heart is a net, and her hands are 10 Isaw the wicked buried: who also
bands. He that pleaseth God shall es when they were yet living were in the
cape from her: but he that is a sinner, holy place, and were praised in the city
shall be caught by her. a? men of just works: but this also is
28 Lo this have I found, said Ecclesi- vanity.
astes, weighing one thing after another, 11 For because sentence is not speedily
that I might find out the account, pronounced against the evil, the children
29 Which yet my soul seeketh, and I of men commit evils without any fear.
have not found it. One man among a 12 But though a sinner do evil a hundred
thousand I have found, a woman among times, and by patience be borne withal,
them all I have not found. I know from thence that it shall be well
30 Only this I have found, that God with them that fear God, who dread his
made man right, and he hath entangled face.
himself with an infinity of questions. 13 But let it not be well with the wicked,
Who is as the wise man? and who hath neither let his days be prolonged, but as
known the resolution of the word? a shadow let them pass away that fear
not the face of the Lord.
CHAPTER 8 14 There is also another vanity, which is
True wisdom in to observe God s commandments. done upon the earth. There are just men
The ways of God are unsearchable. to whom evils happen, as though they
rriHE ^wisdom of a man shineth in his had done the works of the wicked: and
JL countenance, and the most mighty there are wicked men, who are as secure,
will change his face. as though they had the deeds of the just:
2 I observe the mouth of the king, and but this also I judge most vain.
the commandments of the oath of God. 15 Therefore I commended mirth, be
3 Be not hasty to depart from his face, cause there was no good for a man under
and do not continue in an evil work for : the sun, but to eat, and drink, and be
he will do all that pleaseth him: merry, and that he should take nothing
4 And his word is full of power: nei else with him of his labour in the days of
ther can any man say to him: Why dost his life, which God hath given him under
thou so? the sun.
5 He that keepeth the commandment, 16 And I applied my heart to know wis
shall find no evil. The heart of a wise dom, and to understand the distraction
man understandeth time and answer. that is upon earth for there are some

6 There is a time and opportunity for that day and night take no sleep with
every business, and great affliction for their eyes.
man: 17 And I understood that man can find
7 Because he ignorant of things past,
is no reason of all those works of God that
and things to come he cannot know by are done under the sun: and the more
any messenger. he shall labour to seek, so much the less
8 It is not in man s power to stop the shall he find: yea, though the wise man
spirit, neither hath he power in the day shall say, that he knoweth it, he shall
of death, neither is he suffered to rest not be able to find it.

g Supra 2. 14.

Ver. 30. Of the word. That is, of this obscure and takes care afterwards to refute. But it may also be
difficult said, that his meaning is to commend the moderate
CHAP. 8. Ver. 15. No good for a. man, &c. Some use of the goods of this world, preferably to the
commentators think the wise man here speaks in cares and solicitudes of worldlings, their attachment
the person of the libertine: representing the objec to vanity and curiosity, and presumptuously diving
tions of these men against divine providence, and into the unsearchable ways of divine providence.
the inferences they draw from thence, which he

Death ends all earthly things ECCLESIASTES Wisdom is better than strength
CHAPTER 9 saw that under the sun, the race is not
Man knows not certainly that he is in God s grace. to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,
After death no more work or merit. nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the
these things have I considered in learned, nor favour to the skilful: but
ALLmy heart, that I might carefully time and chance in all.
understand them: there are just men and 12 Man knoweth not his own end: but
wise men, and their works are in the as fishes are taken with the hook, and as
hand of God: and yet man knoweth not birds are caught with the snare, so men
whether he be worthy of love, or hatred: are taken in the evil time, when it shall
2 But all things are kept uncertain for suddenly come upon them.
the time to come, because all things 13 This wisdom also I have seen under
equally happen to the just and to the the sun, and it seemed to me to be very
wicked, to the good .and to the evil, to great :

the clean and to the unclean, to him that 14 A

little city, and a few men in it:
offereth victims, and to him that despis- there came against it a great king, and
eth sacrifices. As the good is, so also is invested it, and built bulwarks round
the sinner: as the perjured, so he also about it, and the siege was perfect.
that sweareth truth. 15 Now there was found in it a man poor
3 This is a very great evil among all and wise, and he delivered the city by his
things that are done under the sun, that wisdom, and no man afterward remem
the same things happen to all men: bered that poor man.
whereby also the hearts of the children 16 And I said that wisdom is better than
of men are filled with evil, and with con strength: how then is the wisdom of the
tempt while they live, and afterwards poor man slighted, and his words not
they shall be brought down to hell. heard?
4 There is no man that liveth always, 17 The words of the wise are heard in
or that hopeth for this: a living dog is silence, more than the cry of a prince
better than a dead lion. among fools.
5 For the living know that they shall 18 h
Better is wisdom, than weapons of
die, but the dead know nothing more, war: and he that shall offend in one,
neither have they a reward any more: shall lose many good things.
for the memory of them is forgotten.
6 Their love also, and their hatred, and
their envy are all perished, neither have Observations on wisdom and folly, ambition and
they any part in this world, and in the
work that is done under the sun. flies spoil the sweetness of the
7 Go then, and eat thy bread with joy, DYING
ointment. Wisdom and glory is
and drink thy wine with gladness: be more precious than a small and short
cause thy works please God, lived folly.
8 At all times let thy garments be white, 2 The heart of a wise man is in his right
and let not oil depart from thy head. hand, and the heart of a fool is in his left
9 Live joyfully with the wife whom thou hand.
lovest, all the days of thy unsteady life, 3 Yea, and the fool when he walketh in
which are given to thee under the sun, the way, whereas he himself is a fool,
all the time of thy vanity: for this is thy esteemeth all men fools.
portion in life, and in thy labour where 4 If the spirit of him that hath power,
with thou labourest under the sun. ascend upon thee, leave not thy place:
10 Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, because care will make the greatest sins
do it earnestly: for neither work, nor to cease.
reason, nor wisdom, nor knowledge shall 5 There is an evil that I have seen under
be in hell, whither thou art hastening. the sun, as it were by an error proceed
11 I turned me to another thing, and I ing from the face of the prince:

h Supra 7. 20.

CHAP. 9.Ver. 5. Know nothing -more. Viz., as any thing to secure their eternal state, ( if they have
to the transactions of this wor d, in which they have not taken care of it in their lifetime:) nor can they
now no part, unless it be revea ed to them neither
now procure themselves any good, as the living
have they any knowledge or power now of doing always may do, by the grace of God.

Detraction, foolish speech ECCLESIASTESC Vwn ty, remembrance of death
6 A fool set in high dignity, and the rich bread upon the running
sitting beneath. CAST
waters: for after a long time thou
7 I have seen servants upon horses: and shalt find it again.
princes walking on the ground as ser 2 Give a portion to seven, and also to
vants. eight: for thou knowest not
what evil
8 *He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into shall be upon the earth.
it: and he that breaketh a hedge, a ser 3 If the clouds be full, they will pour
pent shall bite him. out rain upon the earth. If the tree fall
9 He that removeth stones, shall be hurt to the south, or to the north, in what
by them: and he that cutteth trees, shall place soever it shall fall, there shall it be.
be wounded by them. 4 He that observeth the wind, shall not
10 If the iron be blunt, and be not as sow: and he that considereth the clouds,
before, but be made blunt, with much shall never reap. .

labour it shall be sharpened: and after 5 As thou knowest not what is the way
industry shall follow wisdom. of the spirit, nor how the bones are joined
11 If a serpent bite in silence, he is together in the womb of her that is with
nothing better that backbiteth secretly. child: so thou knowest not the works of
12 The words of the mouth of a wise God, whois the maker of all.
man are grace but the lips of a fool shall
morning sow thy seed,- and in
6 In the
throw him down headlong. the evening let not thy hand cease: for
13 The beginning of his words is folly, thou knowest not which may rather spring
and the end of his talk is a mischievous up, this or that: and if both together, it
error. shall be the better.
14 A
fool multiplieth words. A man can 7 The light is sweet, and it is delightful
not tell what hath been before him: and for the eyes to see the sun.
what shall be after him, who can tell him? 8 If a man live many years, and have
15 The labour of fools shall afflict them rejoiced in them all, he must remember
that know not how to go to the city. the darksome time, and the many days:
16 Woe to thee, land, when thy king is which when they shall come, the things
a child, and when the princes eat in the past shall be accused of vanity.
morning. 9 Rejoice therefore, O young man, in thy
17 Blessed is the land, whose king is no youth, and let thy heart be in that which
ble,and whose princes eat in due season is good in the days of thy youth, and
for refreshment, and not for riotousness. walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the
18 By slothfulness a building shall be sight of thy eyes: and know that for all
brought down, and through the weakness these God will bring thee into judgment.
of hands, the house shall drop through. 10 Remove anger from thy heart, and
19 For laughter they make bread, and put away evil from thy flesh. For youth
wine that the living may feast: and all and pleasure are vain.
things obey money.
20 Detract not the king, no not in thy CHAPTER 12
thought; and speak not evil of the rich The Creator is tobe remembered in the days of our
man in thy private chamber: because youth : all worldly things are vain : we should fear
even the birds of the air will carry thy God and keep his commandments.
voice, and he that hath wings will tell thy Creator in the days
what thou hast said. REMEMBER
of thy youth, before the time of
affliction come, and the years draw nigh
of which thou shalt say: They please me
Exhortation works of mercy, while we haw time,
to diligence in good, and to the remembrance of
death and judgment. 2 Before the sun, and the light, and the
i Prov. 26. 27 ; Eccli. 27. 29.

CHAP. 11. Ver. 3. // the tree fall, &c. The state souls as die in the state of grace: yet not so as to
of the soul unchangeable when once she comes to
is be entirely pure: and therefore they shall be saved,
heaven or helland a soul that departs this life in
indeed, yet so as by fire. 1 Cor. 3. 13, 14, 15.
the state of grace, shall never fall from grace as on : CHAP. 12. Ver. 2. Before the sun, &c. That is,
the other side, a soul that dies out of the state of before old age the effects of which upon all the

grace, shall never come to it. But this does not senses and faculties are described in the following
exclude a place of temporal punishments for such verses, under a variety of figures.

The time of old age CANTICLE OF CANTICLES Man s whole duty
moon, and the stars be darkened, and the whence was, and the spirit return to
clouds return after the rain :
God, who gave it.
3 When the keepers of the house shall 8 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes,
tremble, and the strong men shall stag and all things are vanity.
ger, and the grinders shall be idle in a 9 And whereas Ecclesiastes was very
small number, and they that look through wise, he taught the people, and declared
the holes shall be darkened: the things that he had done: and seek
4 And they shall shut the doors in the ing out, he set forth many parables.
street, when the grinder s voice shall be 10 He sought profitable words, and wrote
low, and they shall rise up at the voice words most right, and full of truth.
of the bird, and all the daughters of music 11 The words of the wise are as goads,
shall grow deaf. and as nails deeply fastened in, which by
5 And they shall fear high things, and the counsel of masters are given from
they shall be afraid in the way, the al one shepherd.
mond tree shall flourish, the locust shall 12 More than these, my son, require not.
be made fat, and the caper tree shall be Of making many books there is no end:
destroyed because man shall go into the
: and much study is an affliction of the
house of his eternity, and the mourners flesh.
shall go round about in the street. 13 Let us all hear together the conclusion
6 Before the silver cord be broken, and of the discourse. Fear God, and keep
the golden fillet shrink back, and the his commandments: for this is all man:
pitcher be crushed at the fountain, and 14 And all things that are done, God
the wheel be broken upon the cistern, will bring into judgment for every error,
7 And the dust return into its earth, from whether it be good or evil.

This Book called the Canticle of Canticles, that is to say, the most excellent of
all canticlesconcerning the union of God and His people and particularly of Christ
and his spouse: which is here begun by love; and is to be eternal in heaven. The
spouse of Christ is the church: more especially as to the happiest part of it, viz.,
perfect souls, every one of which is his beloved, but, above all others, the im
maculate and ever blessed virgin mother.
CHAPTER 1 3 Draw me: we will run after thee to
The spouse aspires to an union with Christ, their
the odour of thy ointments. The king
mutual love for one another. hath brought me into his storerooms:
him kiss me with the kiss of his we will be glad and rejoice in thee, re
LET mouth: for thy breasts are better membering thy breasts more than wine:
the righteous love thee.
than wine,
2 Smelling sweet of the best oint 4 I am black but beautiful, O ye daugh
ments. Thy name is as oil poured out: ters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Cedar,
therefore young maidens have loved thee. as the curtains of. Solomon.
Ver. 13. All man. The whole business and duty to Christ our Lord, unless he draws us by his grace,
of man. which is laid up in his storerooms: that is, in the

Ver. 14. Error. Or, hidden and secret thing. mysteries of Faith, which God in his goodness and
CHAP. 1. Ver. 1. Let him kiss me. The church, love for mankind hath revealed, first by his servant
the spouse of Christ, prays that he may love and Moses in the Old Law in figure only, and afterwards
have peace with her, which the spouse prefers to in reality by his only begotten Son Jesus Christ.
every thing howsoever delicious and therefore ex
: Ver. 4. / am black but beautiful. That is, the
presses (ver. 2) that young maidens, that is, the church of Christ founded in humility appearing
souls of the faithful, have loved thee. outwardly afflicted, and as it were black and con
Ver. 3. Draw me. That is, with thy grace other : temptible but inwardly, that is, in its doctrine and

wise I should not be able to come to thee. This morality, fair and beautiful.
metaphor shews that we cannot of ourselves come
Beauty of the spouse CANTICLE OF CANTICLES The call to the spouse
5 not consider me that I am brown,
Do 5 Stay me up
with flowers, compass me
because the sun hath altered my colour: about with apples: because I languish
the sons of my mother have fought against with love.
me, they have made me the keeper in 6 His left hand is under my head, and
the vineyards: my vineyard I have not his right hand shall embrace me.
kept. 7 I adjure you, O ye daughters of Jeru
6 Shew me, thou whom my soul lov- salem, by the roes, and the harts of the
eth, where thou feedest, where thou liest fields, that you stir not up, nor make the
in the midday, lest I begin to wander beloved to awake, till she please.
after the flocks of thy companions. 8 The voice of my beloved, behold he
7 If thou know not thyself, O fairest cometh leaping upon the mountains,
among women, go forth, and follow after skipping over the hills.
the steps of the flocks, and feed thy kids 9 My beloved is like a roe, or a young
beside the tents of the shepherds. hart. Behold he standeth behind our
8 To my company of horsemen, in Pha- wall, looking through the windows, look
rao s chariots, have I likened thee, O my ing through the lattices.
love. 10 Behold my beloved speaketh to me:
9 Thy cheeks are beautiful as the turtle Arise, make haste, my love, my dove, my
dove s, thy neck as jewels. beautiful one, and come.
10 We will make thee chains of gold, 11 For winter is now past, the rain is
inlaid with silver. over and gone.
11 While the king was at his repose, my 12 The flowers have appeared in our
spikenard sent forth the odour thereof. land, the time of pruning is come: the
12 A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to voice of the turtle is heard in our land :

me, he shall abide between my breasts. 13 The fig tree hath put forth her green
13 A cluster of cypress my love is to me, figs: the vines in flower yield their sweet
in the vineyards of Engaddi. smell. Arise, my love, my beautiful one,
14 Behold thou art fair, my love, be and come:
hold thou art fair, thy eyes are as those 14 My dove in the clefts of the rock, in
of doves. the hollow places of the wall, shew me thy
15 Behold thou art fair, my beloved, face, let thy voice sound in my ears: for
and comely. Our bed is flourishing. thy voice is sweet, and thy face comely.
16 The beams of our houses are of cedar, 15 Catch us the little foxes that de
our rafters of cypress trees. stroy the vines: for our vineyard hath
CHAPTER 2 16 My beloved to me, and I to him who
Christ caresses his spouse: he invites her to him feedeth among the lilies,
the flower of the field, and the 17 Till the day break, and the shadows
I the valleys.
lily of retire. Return: be like, my beloved, to
2 As the lily among thorns, so is my a roe, or to a young hart upon the moun
love among the daughters. tains of Bether.
3 As the apple tree among the trees of
the woods, so is my beloved among the CHAPTER 3
sons. I sat down under his shadow, The spouse seeks Christ. The glory of his humanity
whom I desired and his fruit was sweet
my bed by night I sought him whom
to my
palate. INmy soul loveth I :
sought him, and
4 brought me into the cellar of wine, found him not.
he set in order charity in me. and
2 I will rise, will go about the city:
Ver. 7. // thou know not thyself, &c. Christ en
excellence of his spouse, the true church above all
courages his sppuse to follow and watch her flock : other societies, which are to be considered as thorns.
and though she know not entirely the power at hand
Ver. 8. The voice of my beloved: that is, the
to assist her, he tells her, ver. 8,
my company of preaching of the gospel surmounting difficulties fig
horsemen, that is, his angels, are always watching uratively here expressed by mountains and little
and protecting her. And in the following verses he hills.
reminds her of the virtues and gifts with which he Ver.
15. Catch us the little foxes. Christ com
has endowed her.
mands his pastors to catch false teachers, by hold
CHAP. 2. Ver 1. / am
the flower of the field. ing forth their fallacy and erroneous doctrine, which
Christ professes himself the flower of like foxes would bite and destroy the vines.
mankind, yea.
the Lord of all creatures: and, ver. 2, declares the CHAP. 3. Ver. 1. In my bed by night, &c. The
Gentiles as in the dark, and seeking in heathen delu-

The spouse seeks Christ CANTICLE OF CANTICLES Beauty of the spouse
in the streets and the broad ways I will all with twins, and there is none barren
seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought among them.
him, and I found him not. 3 Thy lips are as a scai-let lace and :

3 The watchmen who keep the city, thy speech sweet. Thy cheeks are as
found me Have you seen him, whom my
: a piece of a pomegranate, besides that
soul loveth? which lieth hid within.
4 When I had a little passed by them, I 4 Thy neck is as the tower of David,
found him whom my soul loveth: I held which is built with bulwarks: a thousand
him and I will not let him go, till I bring
: bucklers hang upon it, all the armour of
him into my mother s house, and into the valiant men.
chamber of her that bore me. 5 Thy two breasts like two young roes
5 I adjure you,O daughters of Jerusalem, that ai-e twins, which feed among the
by the roes and the harts of the fields, lilies.
that you stir not up, nor awake my be 6 Till the day break, and the shadows
loved, till she please. retire, I will go to the mountain of myrrh,
6 Who is she that goeth up by the desert, and to the hill of frankincense.
as a pillar of smoke of aromatical spices, 7 Thou art all fair, love, and there
of myrrh, and frankincense, and of all not a spot in thee.
the powders of the perfumer? 8 Come from Libanus, my spouse, come
7 Behold threescore valiant ones of the from Libanus, come thou shalt be

most valiant of Israel, surrounded the crowned from the top of Amana, from
bed of Solomon? the top of Sanir and Hermon, from the
8 All holding swords, and most expert dens of the lions, from the mountains of
in war every man s sword upon his
: the leopards.
thigh, because of fears in the night. 9 Thou hast wounded my heart, my
9 King Solomon hath made him a litter sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded my
of the wood of Libanus: heart with one of thy eyes, and with one
10 The pillars thereof he made of silver, hair of thy neck.
the seat of gold, the going up of purple: 10 How beautiful are thy breasts, my
the midst he covered with charity for sister, my spouse! thy breasts are more
the daughters of Jerusalem. beautiful than wine, and the sweet smell
11 Go forth, ye daughters of Sion, and of thy ointments above all aromatical
see king Solomon in the diadem, where spices.
with his mother crowned him in the day 11 Thy lips, my spouse, are as a dropping
of his espousals, and in the day of the honeycomb, honey and milk are under
joy of his heart. thy tongue; and the smell of thy gar
ments, as the smell of frankincense.
CHAPTER 4 12 My sister, my spouse, is a garden en
Christ sets forth the graces of his spouse: and de closed, a garden enclosed, a fountain
clares his love for her. sealed up.
beautiful art thou, my love, how 13 Thy plants are a paradise of pome
HOW beautiful art thou! thy eyes are
doves eyes, besides what is hid within.
granates with the fruits of the orchard.
Cypress with spikenard.
Thy hair is as flocks of goats, which 14 Spikenard and saffron, sweet cane
come up from mount Galaad. and cinnamon, with all the trees of
2 Thy teeth as flocks of sheep, that are Libanus, myrrh and aloes with all the
shorn, which come up from the washing, chief perfumes.

sion what they could not find, the true God, until Ver. 5. Thy two breasts, &c. Mystically to be
Christ revealed his doctrine to them by his watch understood the love of God and the love of our

men, (ver. 3,) that is, by the apostles, and teachers, neighbour, which are so united as tirins which feed
by whom they were converted to the true faith and
among the lilies: that is, the love of God and our
holding that faith firmly, the spouse (the Catholic neighbour, feeds on the divine mysteries and the
Church) declares, ver. 4, That she will not let I im holy sacraments, Ipft by Christ to his spouse to feed
go, till she bring him into her mother s house, &c., and nourish her children.
that is, till at last, the Jews also shall find him. Ver. 12. My sister, &c., a garden enclosed. Figur
CHAP. 4. Ver. 1. How beautiful art thou. Christ atively the church is enclosed, containing only the
again praises the beauties of his church, which faithful. A fountain sealed up. That none can drink
through the whole of this chapter are exemplified of its waters, that is, the graces and spiritual bene
by a variety of metaphors, setting forth her purity, fits of the holy sacraments, but those who are with
her simplicity, and her stability. in its walls.

Christ calls his spouse, CANTICLE OF CANTICLES She praises his beauty

15 The fountain of gardens: the well of among women? what manner of one is
living waters, which run with a strong thy beloved of the beloved, that thou
stream from Libanus. hast so adjured us?
16 Arise, O north wind, and come, O 10 My beloved is white and ruddy,
south wind, blow through my garden, chosen out of thousands.
and let the aromatical spices thereof 11 His head is as the finest gold: his
flow. locks as branches of palm trees, black as
CHAPTER 5 a raven.
12 His eyes as doves upon brooks of
Christ coils his spouse: she languishes with love:
and describes him by hi,s graces. waters, which are washed with milk, and
beloved come into his garden, sit beside the plentiful streams.
and eat the fruit of his apple trees. 13 His cheeks are as beds of aromatical
spices set by the perfumers. His lips
I am come into my garden, my sister, my are as lilies dropping choice myrrh.
spouse, I have gathered my myrrh, with
14 His hands are turned and as of
my aromatical spices: I have eaten the
honeycomb with my honey, I have drunk gold, full of hyacinths. His belly as of
ivory, set with sapphires.
my wine with my milk: eat, friends,
15 His legs as pillars of marble, that
and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly
are set upon bases of gold. His form as
2 I sleep, and my heart watcheth the :
of Libanus, excellent as the cedars.
voice of my beloved knocking: Open to 16 His throat most sweet, and he is all

me, my sister, my love, my dove, my un- lovely: such is my beloved, and he is

defiled: for my head is full of dew, and my friend, O ye daughters of Jerusalem.
17 Whither is thy beloved gone, thou
my locks of the drops of the nights. most beautiful among women? whither
3 I have put off my garment, how shall
how is thy beloved turned aside, and we will
I put it on? I have washed my feet,
shall I defile them ?
seek him with thee?
4 My beloved put his hand through the
key hole, and my bowels were moved at CHAPTER 6
his touch. The spouse of Christ is but one: she is fair and
5 I arose open to my beloved:
up to
my hands dropped with myrrh, and my beloved is gone down into his
fingers were full of the choicest myrrh.
6 I opened the bolt of my door to my
MY garden, to the bed of aromatical
spices, to feed in the gardens, and to
beloved: but he had turned aside, and gather lilies.
was gone. My soul melted when he 2 I to my beloved, and my beloved to
spoke: I sought him, and found him me, who feedeth among the lilies.
not: I called, and he did not answer me. 3 Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet
7 The keepers that go about the city and comely as Jerusalem: terrible as
found me they struck me and wounded
: : an army set in array.
me the keepers of the walls took away
: 4 Turn away thy eyes from me, for they
my veil from me. have made me flee away. Thy hair is as a
8 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusa flock of goats, that appear from Galaad.
lem, if you find my beloved, that you tell 5 Thy teeth as a flock of sheep, which
him that I languish with love. come up from the washing, all with twins,
9 What manner of one is thy beloved and there is none barren among them.
of the beloved, thou most beautiful 6 Thy cheeks are as the bark of a pome-
CHAP. 6. Ver. 1. Let my beloved come into his places of worship and ornaments for the divine
garden, &c. Garden, mystically the church of Christ, service.
abounding with fruit, that is, the good works of Ver. 10. My beloved, &c. In this and the follow
the elect. ing verses, the church mystically describes Christ
Ver. 4. My beloved put his hand through the key to those who know him not, that is, to infidels in
hole, &c. The spouse of Christ, his church, at times order to convert them to the true faith.
as it were penned up by its persecutors, and in fears, CHAP. 6. Ver. 1. My beloved is gone down into
expecting the divine assistance, here signified by his garden. Christ, pleased with the good works of
his hand: and ver. 6, but he had. turned aside and his holy and devout servants labouring in his gar
was gone, that is, Christ permitting a further trial den, is always present with them but the words is

of suffering and again, ver. 7, the keepers, &c., sig

gone down, are to be understood, that after trying
nifying the violent and cruel persecutors of the his Church by permitting persecution, he comes to
church taking her veil, despoiling the church of its her assistance and she rejoices at his coming.

The spouse is fair CANTICLE OF CANTICLES Beauty of the spouse
granate, beside what is hidden within 6 How beautiful art thou, and how
thee. comely, my dearest, indelights!
7 There are threescore queens, and four 7 Thy stature is like to a palm tree,
score concubines, and young maidens and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.
without number. 8 I said: I will go up into the palm
8 One is my dove, my
perfect one is biit tree, and will take hold of the fruit
one, she is the only one of her mother, thereof: and thy breasts shall be as the
the chosen of her that bore her. The clusters of the vine: and the odour of
daughters saw her, and declared her most thy mouth like apples.
blessed: the queens and concubines, and 9 Thy throat like the best wine, worthy
they praised her. for my beloved to drink, and for his lips
9 Who is she that cometh forth as the and his teeth to ruminate.
morning rising, fair as the moon, bright 10 I to my beloved, and his turning is
as the sun, terrible as an army set in towards me.
array? 11 Come, my beloved, let us go forth
10 I went down
into the garden of nuts, into the us abide in the villages.
field, let
to see the fruits of the valleys, and to 12 Let us get up early to the vineyards,
look if the vineyard had flourished, and let us see if the vineyard flourish, if the
the pomegranates budded. flowers are ready to bring forth fruits, if
11 I knew not: my soul troubled me for the pomegranates flourish: there will I
the chariots of Aminadab. give thee my breasts.
12 Return, return, O Sulamitess return, : 13 The mandrakes give a smell. In our
return that we may behold thee. gates are all fruits the new and the old,

my beloved, I have kept for thee.

A further description of the graces of the church the CHAPTER 8
spouse of Christ. The love of the church to Christ: his love to her
shalt thou see in the Sulamit shall give thee to me for my
ess the companies of camps?
beautiful are thy steps in shoes, O
WHO brother, sucking the breasts of my
mother, that I may find thee without,
prince s daughter! The joints of thy and kiss thee, and now no man may de
thighs are like jewels, that are made by spise me?
the hand of a skilful workman. 2 I will take hold of thee, and bring
2 Thy navel is like a round bowl never thee into my mother s house: there thou
wanting cups. Thy belly is like a heap shalt teach me, and I will give thee a
of wheat, set about with lilies. cup of spiced wine and new wine of my
3 Thy two breasts are like two young pomegranates.
roes that are twins. 3 His left hand under my head, and his
4 Thy neck as a tower of ivory. Thy right hand shall embrace me.
eyes like the fishpools of Hesebon, which 4 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusa
are in the gate of the daughter of the lem, that you stir not up, nor awake my
multitude. Thy nose is as the tower of love till she please.
Libanus, that looketh toward Damascus. 5 Who this that cometh up from the
5 Thy head is like Carmel: and the desert, flowing with delights, leaning
hairs of thy head as the purple of the upon her beloved? Under the apple tree
king bound in the channels. I raised thee up: there thy mother was

Ver. 8. One dove, &c. That is, my church

is my the church to Christ. His left hand, signifying the
is one, perfect and blessed.
and she only is Old Testament, and his right hand, the New.
Ver. 9. Who is she, &c. Here is a beautiful mefa- Ver. 5. Who is this, &c. The angels with admira
phor describing the church from the beginning. As, tion behold the Gentiles converted to the faith COTM-

the morning rising, signifying the church before the ing up from the desert, that is, coming from heath
written law fair as the moon, shewing: her under
enism and false worship flowing with delights, that

the written law of Moses bright as the su-n, under

: is, abounding with good works which are pleasing
the light of the gospel and terrible as an army, the
: to God leaning on her beloved, on the promise of

power of Christ s church against its enemies. Christ to his Church, that the gates of hell should
CHAP. 7. Ver. 1. How beautiful are thy steps, &c. not prevail against it; and supported by his grace
By these metaphors are signified the power and conferred by the sacraments. Under the apple tree
mission of the church in propagating the true faith. T raited thee up : that is, that Christ redeemed the
Ver. 5. Thy head is like Carmel. Christ, the in Gentiles at the foot of the cross, where the syna
visible head of his church, is here signified. gogue of the Jews (the mother church) was cor
CHAP. 8. Ver. 3. His left hand, &c. Words of rupted by their denying him, and crucifying him.

The strength of love WISDOM Nothing is hid from God
corrupted, there she was defloured that tower since I am become in his presence
bore thee. as one finding peace.
6 Put me as a seal upon thy heart, as a 11 The peaceable had a vineyard, in
seal upon thy arm, for love is strong as that which hath people: he let out the
death, jealousy as hard as hell, the lamps same to keepers, every man bringeth
thereof are fire and flames. for the fruit thereof a thousand pieces of
7 Many waters cannot quench charity, silver.
neither can the floods drown it: if a man 12 My vineyard is before me. A thou
should give all the substance of his house sand are for thee, the peaceable, and
for love, he shall despise it as nothing. two hundred for them that keep the
8 Our sister is little, and hath no fruit thereof.
breasts. What shall we do to our sister 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens,
in the day when she is to be spoken to? the friends hearken: make me hear thy
9 If she be a wall: let us build upon it voice.
bulwarks of silver: if she be a door, let 14 Flee away, my beloved, and be
us join it together with boards of cedar. like to the roe,and to the young hart
10 I am a wall and my breasts are as a
: upon the mountains of aromatical spices.

This Book is so called, becatise it treats of the excellence of WISDOM, the means ta
obtain it, and the happy fruits it produces. It is written in the person of Solo
mon, and contains his sentiments. But it is uncertain who was the writer. It
abounds ivith instructions and exhortations to kings and all magistrates to min
ister justice in the commonwealth, teaching all kinds of virtues under the general
names of justice and wisdom. The Book of Wisdom may be divided into three
parts. In the first six chapters, the author admonishes all superiors to love and
exercise justice and wisdom. In the next three, he teaches that wisdom proceedeth
only from God, and is procured by prayer and a good life. In the other ten chap
ters, he sheweth the excellent effects and utility of wisdom and justice.

CHAPTER 1 fleefrom the deceitful, and will withdraw

An exhortation to seek God sincerely, who camnot himself from thoughts that are without
be deceived, and deaireth not our death.
understanding, and he shall not abide
i justice, you that are the judges when iniquity cometh in.
of the earth. Think of the Lord in 6 For the spirit of wisdom is benevo

goodness, and seek him in simplicity of lent, and will not acquit the evil speaker
heart. from his lips: m for God is witness of his
2 k For he is found by them that tempt reins, and he is a true searcher of his
him not: and he sheweth himself to them heart, and a hearer of his tongue.
that have faith in him. 7 n For the spirit of the Lord hath filled
3 For perverse thoughts separate from the whole world: and that, which con-
God: and his power, when it is tried, re- taineth all things, hath knowledge of the
proveth the unwise : voice.
4 For wisdom will not enter into a mali 8 Therefore he that speaketh unjust
cious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to things cannot be hid, neither shall the
sins. chastising judgment pass him by.
5 For the Holy Spirit of discipline will 9 For inquisition shall be made into the

j 3 Kings 3. 9 ; Isa. 56. 1. k 2 Par. 15. 2. I Gal. 5. 22. m Jer. 17. 10. n Isa. 6. 3.

Ver. 8. Our sister is little, &c. Mystically signi become a wall, that is, a part of the building, the
fies Jews, who are to be spoken to: that is, con church of Christ.
verted towards the end of the world ; and then shall

God desires not our death WISDOM Persecution of the just man
thoughts of the ungodly : and the hearing our end for : it is fast sealed, and no man
of his shall come to God, to the
words returneth.
chastising of his iniquities. 6 * Come therefore, and let us enjoy the
10 For the ear of jealousy heareth all good things that are present, and let us
things, and the tumult of murmuring speedily use the creatures as in youth.
shall not be hid. 7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine,
11 Keep yourselves therefore from mur and ointments: and let not the flower of
muring, which profiteth nothing, and re the time pass by us.
frain your tongue from detraction, for 8 Let us crown ourselves with roses,
an obscure speech shall not go for nought : before they be withered: let no meadow
and the mouth that belieth, killeth the escape our riot.
soul. 9 Let none of us go without his part in
12 Seek not death in the error of your luxury: let us everywhere leave tokens of
life, neither procure ye destruction by joy for this is our portion, and this our lot.

the works of your hands. 10 Let us oppress the poor just man,
13 For God made not death, neither and not spare the widow, nor honour the
hath he pleasure in the destruction of ancient grey hairs of the aged.
the living. 11 But let our strength be the law of
14 For he created all things that they justice: for that which is feeble, is found
might be and he made the nations of the
: to be nothing worth.
earth for health: and there is no poison 12 Let us therefore lie in wait for the
of destruction in them, nor kingdom of just, because he is not for our turn, and
hell upon the earth. he is contrary to our doings, and up-
15 For justice is perpetual and immortal. braideth us with transgressions of the
16 But the wicked with works and words law, and divulgeth against us the sins of
have called it P to them : and esteeming our way of life.
it a friend have fallen away, and have 13 * He boasteth that he hath the knowl
made a covenant with it: because they edge of God, and calleth himself the son
are worthy to be of the part thereof. of God.
14 He is become a censurer of our
The vain reasonings of the wicked: their persecut 15 He is grievous unto us, even to be
ing the just, especially the Son of God. hold for his life is not like other men s,

they have said, reasoning with and his ways are very diffei*ent.
FOR themselves, but not right: The time <?

16, We are esteemed by him as triflers,

of our life is short and tedious, and in the and he abstaineth from our ways as from
end of a man there is no remedy, and no filthiness, and he preferreth the latter
man hath been known to have returned end of the just, and glorieth that he hath
from hell: God for his father.
2 For we are born of nothing, and after 17 Let us see then if his words be true,
this we shall be as if we had not been: and let us prove what shall happen to
for the breath in our nostrils is smoke: him, and we shall know what his end
and speech a spark to move our heart, shall be.
3 Which being put out, our body shall 18 v For if he be the true son of God, he
be ashes, and our spirit shall be poured will defend him, and will deliver him
abroad as soft air, and our life shall pass from the hands of his enemies.
away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be 19 Let us examine him by outrages and
dispersed as a mist, which is driven away tortures, that we may know his meek
by the beams of the sun, and overpowered ness and try his patience.
with the heat thereof: 20 Let us condemn him to a most

4 And our name in time shall be for shameful death: for there shall be re
gotten, and no man shall have any re spect had unto him by his words.
membrance of our works. 21 These things they thought, and were
5 r For our time is as the passing of a deceived: for their own malice blinded
shadow, and there is no going back of them.
o Ezech. 18. 32, and 33. 11. pIsa. 28. 15. * Isa. 22. 13, and 56. 12 ; 1 Cor. 15. 32. t Matt. 27. 42.

q Job 7. 1. and 14. 1. r 1 Par. 29. 15. u John 7. 7. v Ps. 21. 9. to Jer. 11. 19.

Happiness of the just WISDOM The chaste and the adulterous

22 And they knew not the secrets of 14 d And the that hath not
God, nor hoped for the wages of justice, wrought iniquity with his
hands, nor
nor esteemed the honour of holy souls. thought wicked things against God for :

23 * For God created man incorruptible, the precious gift of faith shall be given
and to the image of his own likeness he to him, and a most acceptable lot in the
made him. temple of God.
24 v But by the envy of the devil, death 15 For the fruit of good labours is glori
came into the world: ous, and the root of wisdom never fail-
25 And they follow him that are of his eth.
side. 16 But the children of adulterers shall
CHAPTER 3 not come to perfection, and the seed of
The happiness of the just : and the unhappinesn of the unlawful bed shall be rooted out.
the wicked. 17 And if they live long, they shall be
*the souls of the just are in the nothing regarded, and their last old age
BUT hand of God, and the torment of shall be without honour.
18 And if they die quickly, they shall
death shall not touch them.
have no hope, nor speech of comfort in
2 In the sight of the unwise they
the day of trial.
seemed to die: and their departure was
19 For dreadful are the ends of a wicked
taken for misery:
3 And their going away from us, for
utter destruction: but they are in peace. CHAPTER 4
4 And though in the sight of men they The difference between the chaste and the adulter
suffered torments, their hope is full of ous generations: and between the death of the
just and the wicked.
5 Afflicted in few things, in many they beautiful is the chaste gener
shall be well rewarded because God hath
tried them, and found them worthy of
: OHOWimmortal
thereof is
glory: for the memory
because it is known

himself. both with God and with men.

6 As gold in the furnace he hath proved 2 When it is present, they imitate it:
them, and as a victim of a holocaust he and they desire it when it hath with
hath received them, and in time there drawn itself, and it triumpheth crowned
shall be respect had to them. for ever, winning the reward of undefiled
7 h The just shall shine, and shall run to conflicts.
and fro sparks among the reeds.
like 3 But the multipliedbrood of the wicked
8 c
They shall judge nations, and rule shall not thrive, and bastard slips shall
over people, and their Lord shall reign not take deep root, nor any fast founda
for ever. tion.
9 They that trust in him, shall under 4 e And if they flourish in branches for
stand the truth and they that are faith
: a time, yet standing not fast, they shall
ful in love shall rest in him: for grace be shaken with the wind, and through
and peace is to his elect. the force of winds they shall be rooted
10 But the wicked shall be punished ac out.
cording to their own devices: who have 5 For the branches not being perfect,
neglected the just, and have revolted shall be broken, and their fruits shall be
from the Lord. unprofitable, and sour to eat, and fit for
11 For he that rejecteth wisdom, and nothing.
discipline, is unhappy: and their hope is 6 For the children that are born of un
vain, and their labours without fruit, and lawful beds, are witnesses of wickedness
their works unprofitable. against their parents in their trial.
12 Their wives are foolish, and their 7 But the just man, if he be prevented
children wicked. with death, shall be in rest.
13 Their offspring is cursed: for happy 8 For venerable old age is not that of
is the barren: and the undefiled, that long time, nor counted by the number of
hath not known bed in sin: she shall years: but the understanding of a man is
have fruit in the visitation of holy souls. grey hairs.
x Gen. 1. 27,and 2. 7, and 5. 1 ; Eccli. 17. 1. 6 Matt. 13. 43. c 1 Cor. 6. 2.
V Gen. 3. 1.-Z Deut. 33. 3. Infra 6. 4. ri Isa. 66. S.eJer. 17. 6 ; Matt. 7. 27.

Death of the just WISDOM Remorse of the wicked in hell

9 And a spotless life is old age. These are they, whom we had some time
/ He
10 pleased God and was beloved, in derision, and for a parable of reproach.
and living among sinners he was trans 4 9 We
fools esteemed their life mad
lated. ness, and their end without honour.
11 He was taken away lest wickedness 5 Behold how they are numbered among
should alter his understanding, or deceit the children of God, and their lot is
beguile his soul. among the saints.
12 For the bewitching of vanity obscur- 6 Therefore we have erred from the way
eth good things, and the wandering of of truth, and the light of justice hath not
concupiscence overturneth the innocent shined unto us, and the sun of under
mind. standing hath not risen upon us.
13 Being made
perfect in a short space, 7 Wewearied ourselves in the way of
he a long time:
fulfilled iniquity and destruction, and have walked
14 For his soul pleased God: therefore through hard ways, but the way of the
he hastened to bring him out of the midst Lord we have not known,
of iniquities but the people see this, and
: 8 What hath pride profited us? or what
understand not, nor lay up such things advantage hath the boasting of riches
in their hearts: brought us?
15 That the grace of God, and his mercy 9 h All those things are passed away like
is with his saints, and that he hath re a shadow, and like a post that runneth
spect to his chosen. on,
16 But the just that is dead, condemneth 10 i And as a ship that passeth through
the wicked that are living, and youth the waves: whereof when it is gone by,
soon ended, the long life of the unjust. the trace cannot be found, nor the path
17 For they shall see the end of the wise of its keel in the waters:
man, and shall not understand what God 11 Or as when a bird flieth through the
hath designed for him, and why the Lord air, of the passage of which no mark can
hath set him in safety. be found, but only the sound of the
18 They shall see him, and shall despise wings beating the light air, and parting
him but the Lord shall laugh them to
: it by the force of her flight; she moved
scorn. her wings, and hath flown through, and
19 And they shall fall after this without there is no mark found afterwards of her
honour, and be a reproach among the way:
dead for ever: for he shall burst them 12 Or as when an arrow is shot at a

puffed up and speechless, and shall shake mark, the divided air presently cometh
them from the foundations, and they together again, so that the passage
shall be utterly laid waste: they shall thereof is not known:
be in sorrow, and their memory shall 13 So we also being born, forthwith
perish. ceased to be: and have been able to
20 They shall come with fear at the shew no mark of virtue but are con :

thought of their sins, and their iniquities sumed in our wickedness.

shall stand against them to convict them. 14 Such things as these the sinners said
in hell:
CHAPTER 5 15 i For the hope of the wicked is as
The fruitless repentance of the wicked in another dust, which is blown away with the wind,
world: the reward of the just. and as a thin froth which is dispersed by
shall the just stand with great the storm and a smoke that is scattered

constancy against those that have abroad by the wind: and as the remem
brance of a guest of one day that passeth
afflicted them, and taken away their
labours. by.
2 These seeing it, shall be troubled with 16 But the just shall live for evermore:
terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the and their reward is with the Lord, and
suddenness of their unexpected salvation. the care of them with the most High.
3 Saying within themselves, repenting, 17 Therefore shall they receive a king
and groaning for anguish of spirit: dom of glory, and a crown of beauty at

/ Heb. 11. 5. g Supra 3. 2. i Prov. 30. 19.

h 1 Par. 29. 16 ; Supra 2. 5. / Ps. 1. 4 ; Prov. 10. 28, and 11. 7.

Exhortation to kings and judges WISDOM Wisdom found by those that seek

the hand of the Lord for with his right

: 8 n For God will not except any man s
hand .he will cover them, and with his person, neither will he stand in awe of
holy arm he will defend them. any man s greatness for he made the

18 k And his zeal will take armour, and little and the great, and he hath equally
he will arm the creature for the revenge care of all.
of his enemies. 9 But a greater punishment is ready for
19 He will put on justice as a breast the more mighty.
plate, and will take true judgment instead 10 To you, therefore, O kings, are these
of a helmet. my words, that you may learn wisdom,
20 He will take equity for an invincible and not fall from it.
shield: 11 For they that have kept just things
21 And he will sharpen his severe wrath justly, shall be justified: and they that
for a spear, and the whole world shall have learned these things, shall find what
fight with him against the unwise. to answer.
22 Then shafts of lightning shall go 12 Covet ye therefore my words, and
directly from the clouds, as from a bow love them, and you shallhave instruction.
well bent, they shall be shot out, and 13 Wisdom is glorious, and never fadeth
shall fly to the mark. away, and is easily seen by them that
23 And thick hail shall be cast upon love her, and is found by them that seek
them from the stone casting wrath the : her.
water of the sea shall rage against them, 14 She preventeth them that covet her,
and the rivers shall run together in a so that she first sheweth herself unto
terrible manner. them.
24 A mighty wind shall stand up against 15 He that awaketh early to seek her,
them, and as a whirlwind shall divide shall not labour: for he shall find her
them: and their iniquity shall bring all sitting at his door.
the earth to a desert, and wickedness 16 To think therefore upon her, is per
shall overthrow the thrones of the fect understanding: and he that watch-
mighty. eth for her, shall quickly be secure.
CHAPTER 6 17 For she goeth about seeking such as
An address to princes to seek after wisdom.: she is are worthy of her, and she sheweth her
easily found by those that seek her. self to them cheerfully in the ways, and
is better than strength, meeteth them with all providence.
and a wise man is better than a 18 For the beginning of her is the most
strong man. true desire of discipline.
2 Heartherefore, ye kings, and under 19 And the care of discipline is love:
stand: learn, ye that are judges of the and love is the keeping of her laws and :

ends of the earth. the keeping of her laws is the firm foun
3 Give ear, you that rule the people, dation of incorruption :

and that please yourselves in multitudes 20 And incorruption bringeth near to

of nations: God.
4 m For power is given you by the Lord, 21 Therefore the desire of wisdom
and strength by the most High, who will bringeth to the everlasting kingdom.
examine your works, and search out 22 If then your delight be in thrones,
your thoughts: and sceptres, ye kings of the people,
5 Because being ministers of his king love wisdom, that you may reign for
dom, you have not judged rightly, nor ever.
kept the law of justice, nor walked ac 23 Love the light of wisdom, all ye that
cording to the will of God. bear rule over peoples.
6 Horribly and speedily will he appear to 24 Now what wisdom is, and what was
you: for a most severe judgment shall be her origin, I will declare: and I will not
for them that bear rule. hide from you the mysteries of God, but
7 For to him that is little, mercy is will seek her out from the beginning of
granted: but the mighty shall be might her birth, and bring the knowledge of her
ily tormented. s ?> to light, and will not pass over the truth :

k Ps. 17. 40; Eph. 6. 13. IEccli. 9. 18. Eccli. 35. 15 ; Acts 10. 34 Rom. 2. 11 ;

Rom, 13. 1. n Deut. 10. 17 ; 2 Par. 19. 7 ; Gal. 2. 6 ; Eph. 6. 9 Col. 3. 25 ; 1 Peter 1. 17.

The birth of man WISDOM Excellence and power of urisdom
25 Neither will I go with consuming 15 And God hath given to me to speak
envy: for such a man shall not be par as I would, and to conceive thoughts
taker of wisdom. worthy of those things that are given
26 Now the multitude of the wise is the me: because he is the guide of wisdom,
welfare of the whole world: and a wise and the director of the wise:
king is the upholding of the people. 16 For in his hand are both we, and our
27 Receive therefore instruction by my words, and all wisdom, and the knowl
words, and it shall be profitable to you. edge and skill of works.
17 For he hath given me the true knowl
edge of the things that are: to know
The excellence ofhow she vs to be found
wisdom :
the disposition of the whole world, and
MYSELF also am a mortal man, like the virtues of the elements,
I ail others, and of the race of him, that 18 The beginning, and ending, and midst
was first made of the earth, and in the of the times, the alterations of their
womb of my mother I was fashioned to courses, and the changes of seasons,
be flesh. 19 The revolutions of the year, and the
2 In the time of ten months I was com dispositions of the stars,
pacted in blood, of the seed of man, and 20 The natures of living creatures, and
the pleasure of sleep concurring. rage of wild beasts, the force of winds,
3 And being born I drew in the common and reasonings of men, the diversities
air, and fell upon the earth, that is made of plants, and the virtues of roots,
alike, and the first voice which I uttered 21 And all such things as are hid and
was crying, as all others do. not forseen, I have learned: for wisdom,
4 I was nursed in swaddling clothes, which is the worker of all things, taught
and with great cares. me.
5 For none of the kings had any other 22 For in her is the spirit of under
beginning of birth. standing: holy, one, manifold, subtile,
6 P For all men have one entrance into eloquent, active, undefiled, sure, sweet,
life, and the like going out. loving that which is good, quick, which
7 Wherefore I wished, and understand nothing hindereth, beneficent,
ing was given me and I called upon God,
: 23 Gentle, kind, steadfast, assured, se
and the spirit of wisdom came upon me: cure, having all power, overseeing all
8 And I preferred her before kingdoms things, and containing all spirits, intelli
and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing gible, pure, subtile.
in comparison of her. 24 For wisdom is more active than all
9 Neither did I compare unto her any
(i active things: and reacheth everywhere
precious stone for all gold in comparison
by reason of her purity.
of her, is as a little sand, and silver in 25 For she is a vapour of the power of
respect to her shall be counted as clay. God, and a certain pure emanation of the
10 I loved her above health and beauty, glory of the almighty God and therefore

and chose to have her instead of light: no defiled thing cometh into her.
for her light cannot be put out. 26 * For she is the brightness of eternal
11 r Now all good things came to me light, and the unspotted mirror of God s
together with her, and innumerable riches majesty, and the image of his good
through her hands, ness.
12 And I rejoiced in all these: for this 27 And being but one, she can do all
wisdom went before me, and I knew not things: and remaining in herself the
that she was the mother of them all. same, she reneweth all things, and
13 Which I have learned without guile, through nations conveyeth herself into
and communicate without envy, and her holy souls, she maketh the friends of God
riches I hide not. and propLets.
14 For she is an infinite treasure to 28 For God loveth none but him that
men! which they that use, become the dwelleth with wisdom.
friends of God, being commended for the 29 For she is more beautiful than the
gift of discipline. sun, and above all the order of the stars :

o Job 10. 10. p Job 1. 21 ; 1 Tim. 6. 7. r 3 Kings 3. 13; Matt. 6. 33.

d Job 28. 16; Prov. 8. 11. a Heb. 1. 3.

The praises of wisdom WISDOM The fruits of wisdom
being compared with the light, she is have immortality: and shall leave be
found before it. hind me an everlasting memory to them
30 For after this cometh night, but no that come after me.
evil can overcome wisdom. 14 I shall set the people in order: and
nations shall be subject to me.
CHAPTER 8 15 Terrible kings hearing shall be
afraid of me: among the multitude I
Further praises of wisdom: and her fruits
shall be found good, and valiant in war.
reacheth therefore from end to 16 When I go into my house, I shall
SHEend mightily, and ordereth all repose myself with her: for her conver
things sweetly. sation hath no bitterness, nor her com
2 Her have I loved, and have sought pany any tediousness, but joy and glad
her out from my youth, and have de ness.
sired to take her for my spouse, and I be 17 Thinking these things with myself,
came a lover of her beauty. and pondering them in my
heart, that to
3 She glorifieth her nobility by being be allied to wisdom is immortality,
conversant with God: yea and the Lord 18 And that there is great delight in
of all things hath loved her. her friendship and inexhaustible riches
4 For it is she that teacheth the know in the works of her hands, and in the
ledge of God, and is the chooser of his exercise of conference with her, wisdom,
works. and glory in the communication of her
5 And if life, what
riches be desired in words: I went about seeking, that i
is richer than wisdom, which maketh all
might take her to myself.
things ? 19 And I was a witty child and had re
6 And if sense do work: who is a more ceived a good soul.
artful worker than she of those things 20 And whereas I was more good, I
that are? came to a body undefiled.
7 And if a man love justice: her labours 21 And as I knew that I could not
have great virtues for she teacheth tem
; otherwise be continent, except God gave
perance, and prudence, and justice, and it, and this also was a point of wisdom,
fortitude, which are such things as men to know whose gift it was : I went to
can have nothing more profitable in life. the Lord, and besought him, and said
8 And if a man desire much knowledge :
with my whole heart:
she knoweth things past, and judgeth of
things to come: she knoweth the sub- CHAPTER 9
tilties of speeches, and the solutions of
Solomon s prayer for wisdom
arguments: she knoweth signs and won
ders before they be done, and the events *of my fathers, and Lord of
of times and ages.
9 I purposed therefore to take her to
mercy, who hast made all things
thy word,
me to live with me: knowing that she 2 And by thy wisdom hast appointed
will communicate to me of her good man, that he should have dominion over
things, and will be a comfort in my cares the creature that was made by thee,
and grief. 3 That he should order the world ac
10 For her sake I shall have glory cording to equity and justice, and exe
among the multitude, and honour with cute justice with an upright heart:
the ancients, though I be young: 4 Give me wisdom, that sitteth by thy
11 And I shall be found of a quick con throne, and cast me not off from among
ceit in judgment, and shall be admired thy children:
in the sight of the mighty, and the faces 5 u For I am thy servant, and the son
of princes shall wonder at me. of thy handmaid, a weak man, and of
12 They shall wait for me when I hold short time, and falling short of the un
my peace, and they shall look upon me derstanding of judgment and laws.
when I speak, and if I talk much they 6 For if one be perfect among the chil
shall lay their hands on their mouths. dren of men, yet if thy wisdom be not
13 Moreover by the means of her I shall with him, he shall be nothing regarded.

t 1 Kingrs 3. 9. u Pa. 115. 16.

Solomon s prayer for wisdom WISDOM What wisdom did for patriarchs
Thou hast chosen me to be king of
thy people, and a judge of thy sons and What wisdom did for Adam, Noe, Abraham, Lot,
daughters. Jacob, Joseph, and the people of Israel.
8 And hast commanded me to build a
preserved him, that was first
temple on thy holy mount, and an altar
in the city of thy dwelling place, a re
formed by God the father of the
world, when he was created alone,
semblance of thy holy tabernacle, which 2 z And she brought him out of his sin,
thou hast prepared from the beginning: and gave him power to govern all things.
9 w And thy wisdom with thee, which 3 But when the unjust went away
knoweth thy works, which then also from her in his anger, he perished by the
was present when thou madest the fury wherewith he murdered his brother.
world, and knew what was agreeable to 4 6 For whose cause, when water de
thy eyes, and what was right in thy com stroyed the earth, wisdom healed it
mandments. again, directing the course of the just
10 Send her out of thy holy heaven, by contemptible wood.
and from the throne of thy majesty, that 5 c Moreover when the nations had con
she may be with me, and may labour spired together to consent to wicked
with me, that I may know what is ac ness, she knew the just, and preserved
ceptable with thee: him without blame to God, and kept
II For she knoweth and understandeth him strong against the compassion for
all things, and shall lead me soberly in his son.
my works, and shall preserve me by her 6 d She delivered the just man who fled
power. from the wicked that were perishing,
12 So shall my works be acceptable, and when the fire came down upon Penta-
I shall govern thy people justly, and polis:
shall be worthy of the throne of my 7 Whose landfor a testimony of their
father. wickedness desolate, and smoketh to
13 x For who among men is he that can this day, and the trees bear fruits that
know the counsel of God? or who can ripen not, and a standing pillar of salt is
think what the will of God is? a monument of an incredulous soul.
14 For the thoughts of mortal men are 8 For regarding not wisdom, they did
fearful, and our counsels uncertain. not only slip in this, that they were
15 For the corruptible body is a load ignorant of good things, but they left
upon the soul, and the earthly habita also unto men a memorial of their folly,
tion presseth down the mind that mus- so that in the things in which they
eth upon many things. sinned, they could not so much as lie hid.
16 And hardly do we guess aright at 9 But wisdom hath delivered from sor
things that are upon earth: and with row them that attend upon her.
labour do we find the things that are 10 e She conducted the just, when he
before us. But the things that are in fled from his brother s wrath,
heaven, who shall search out? the right ways, and shewed him the
17 And who shall know thy thought, kingdom of God, and gave him the
except thou give wisdom, and send thy knowledge of the holy things, made him
Holy Spirit from above: honourable in his labours, and accom
18 And so the ways of them that are plished his labours.
upon earth may be corrected, and men 11 In the deceit of them that over
may learn the things that please thee? reached him, she stood by him, and made
19 For by wisdom they were healed, him honourable.
whosoever have pleased thee, O Lord, 12 She kept him safe from his enemies,
from the beginning. and she defended him from seducers,
v 1 Par. 28. 4 and 5 2 Par. 1. 9.
; y Gen. 1. 27. z Gen. 2. 7. a Gen. 4. 8.
w Prov. 8. 22, 27 John 1. 1.
; 6 Gen. 7. 6. c Gen. 11. 2.
x Isa. 40. 13 ;Rom. 11. 34 1 Cor. 2.
16. d Gen. 19. 17 and 22. e Gen. 28. 5 and 10.
CHAP. Ver. 3. The unjust. Cain.
10. of his natural tenderness, when he was ordered to
Ver. For whose cause, viz., for the wickedness
4. sacrifice his son.
of the race of Cain. Ibid. The just. Noe. Ver. 6. The just man. Lot. Ibid. Pentapolif.
Ver. 5. She knew the just. She found out and ap The land of the five cities, Sodom, Gomorrha, &c.
proved Abraham. Ibid. And kept him strong, &c. Ver. 10. The just. Jacob.
Gave him strength to stand firm against the efforts

What wisdom did for the Israelites WISDOM Punishment of the iv-ickcd
and gave him a strong conflict, that he
might overcome, and know that wisdom
is mightier than alL
13 / She forsook not the just when he

was sold, but delivered him from sinners :

she went down with him into the pit.

14 3 And in bands she left him not, till
she brought him the sceptre of the king
dom, and power against those that op
pressed him and shewed them to be

liars that had accused him, and gave him

everlasting glory.
15 She delivered the just people, and

blameless seed from the nations that

oppressed them.
16 She entered into the soul of the ser
vant of God, and stood against dreadful
kings in wonders and signs.
17 And she rendered to the just the
wages of their labours, and conducted
them in a wonderful way: and she was
to them for a covert by day, and for the
light of stars by night:
18 i
she brought them through the
Red Sea, and carried them over through
a great water.
19 But their enemies she drowned in
the sea, and from the depth of hell she
brought them out. i Therefore the just
took the spoils of the wicked.
20 & And they sung to thy holy name, O
Lord, and they praised with one accord
thy victorious hand.
21 For wisdom opened the mouth of
the dumb, and made the tongues of
infants eloquent.

Other benefits of wisdom to the people of God

prospered their works in the


hands of the holy prophet.
2 They went through wildernesses that
were not inhabited and in the desert
places they pitched their tents.
3 OT They stood against their enemies,
and revenged themselves of their ad

/ Gen. 37. 28. a Gen. 41. 40 ;Acts 7. 9.

h Ex. 1. 11. t Ex. 14. 22 ; Ps. 77. 13. j Ex. 12. 85.

The power of God WISDOM God s dealings with the Chanaanites

17 That they might know that by what 3 9 For those ancient inhabitants of thy
things a man sinneth, by the same also holy land, whom thou didst abhor,
he is tormented. 4 Because they did works hateful to
18 For thy almighty hand, which made thee by their sorceries, and wicked sac
the world of matter without form, was rifices,
not unable to send upon them a multi 6 And those merciless murderers of
tude of bears, or fierce lions, their own children, and eaters of men s
19 Or unknown beasts of a new kind, bowels, and devourers of blood from the
full of rage: either breathing out a fiery midst of thy consecration,
vapour, P or sending forth a stinking 6 And those parents sacrificing with
smoke, or shooting horrible sparks out their own hands helpless souls, it was
of their eyes: thy will to destroy by the hands of our
20 Whereof not only the hurt might be parents,
able to destroy them, but also the very 7 That the land which of all is most
sight might kill them through fear. dear to thee might receive a worthy
21 Yea and without these, they might colony of the children of God.
have been slain with one blast, perse 8 Yet even those thou sparedst as men,
cuted by their own deeds, and scattered and didst send wasps, forerunners of thy
by the breath of thy power: but thou host, to destroy them by little and little.
hast ordered all things in measure, and 9 Not that thou wast unable to bring
number, and weight. the wicked under the just by war, or by
22 For great power always belonged to cruel beasts, or with one rough word to
thee alone: and who shall resist the destroy them at once:
strength of thy arm? 10 r But executing thy judgments by de
23 For the whole world before thee is grees thou gavest them place of repent
as the least grain of the balance, and as ance, not being ignorant that they were
a drop of the morning dew, that falleth a wicked generation, and their malice
down upon the earth: natural, and that their thought could
24 But thou hast mercy upon all, be never be changed.
cause thou canst do all things, and over- 11 For it was a cursed seed from the
lookest the sins of men for the sake of beginning: neither didst thou for fear of
repentance. any one give pardon to their sins.
25 For thou lovest all things that are, 12 For who shall say to thee: What
and hatest none of the things which thou hast thou done? or who shall withstand
hast made: for thou didst not appoint, thy judgment? or who shall come before
or make any thing hating it. thee to be a revenger of wicked men ? or
26 And how could any thing endure, if who shall accuse thee, if the nations
thou wouldst not ? or be preserved, if not perish, which thou hast made?
called by thee. 13 For there is no other God but thou,
27 But thou sparest all: because they who hast care of all, that thou shouldst
are thine, Lord, who lovest souls.
shew that thou dost not give judgment
CHAPTER 12 14 Neither shall king, nor tyrant in thy
God s wisdom and mercy in his proceedings ivith sight inquire about them whom thou
the Chanaanites, hast destroyed.
good and sweetis thy spirit, 15 For so much then as thou art just,
Lord, in all things!
therefore thou chastisest them
thou orderest all things justly: thinking
it not agreeable to thy power, to condemn
that err, by little and admon-
and little: him who deserveth not to be punished.
ishest them, and speakest to them, con 16 For thy power is the beginning of
cerning the things wherein they offend: justice: and because thou art Lord of
that leaving their wickedness, they may all, thou makest thyself gracious to all.
believe in thee, O Lord. 17 For thou shewest thy power, when

p Lev. 26. 22 ; Infra 16. 1 ; Jer. 8. 17. r Ex. 23. 30 ; Deut. 7. 22.
Q Deut. 9. 3, and 12. 29, and 18. 12. 8 1 Peter 5. 7.

CHAP. 12. Ver. 5. From the midst of thy conse sacred to thee, in which thy temple was to be estab
cration. Literally, sacrament. That is, the land lished, and man s redemption to be wrought.

28 705
Folly and punishment of idolatry WISDOM God is known in His works
men will not believe thee to be absolute men are vain, in whom there
in power, and thou convincest the bold BUT notis the knowledge of God: and
ness of them that know thee not. who by these good things that are seen,
18 But thou being master of power, could not understand him that is, neither
judgest with tranquillity; and with great by attending to the works have acknowl
favour disposest of us: for thy power is edged who was the workman:
at hand when thou wilt. 2 v But have imagined either the fire,
or the wind, or the swift air, or the circle
19 But thou hast taught thy people by
of the stars, or the great water, or the
such works, that they must be just and
sun and moon, to be the gods that rule
humane, and hast made thy children to the world.
be of a good hope: because in judging
thou givest place for repentance for sins. 3 With whose beauty, if they, being de
20 For if thou didst punish the enemies lighted, took them to be gods: let them
know how much the Lord of them is more
of thy servants, and that deserved to die, beautiful than they: for the first author
with so great deliberation, giving them of beauty made all those things.
time and place whereby they might be 4 Or if they admired their power and
changed from their wickedness: their effects, let them understand by
21 With what circumspection hast thou them, that he that made them, is might
judged thy own children, to whose par ier than they:
ents thou hast sworn and made cove 5 For by the greatness of the beauty,
nants of good promises? and of the creature, the creator of them
22 Therefore whereas thou chastisest may be seen, so as to be known thereby.
us, thou scourgest our enemies very 6 But yet as to these they are less to be
many ways, to the end that when we blamed. For they perhaps err, seeking
judge we may think on thy goodness: God, and desirous to find him.
and when we are judged, we may hope 7 w For being conversant among his
for thy mercy. works, they search: and they are* per
23 Wherefore thou hast also greatly suaded that the things are good which
tormented them who in their life have are seen.
lived foolishly and unjustly, by the same 8 But then again they are not to be
things which they worshipped. pardoned.
24 * For they went astray for a long
time in the ways of error, holding those
9 For if they were able to know so
much as to make a judgment of the
things for gods which are the most world: how did they not more easily find
worthless among beasts, living after the
out the Lord thereof?
manner of children without understand
10 But unhappy are they, and their
25 Therefore thou hast sent a judgment hope is among the dead, who have called
upon them as senseless children to mock gods the works of the hands of men,
them. gold and silver, the inventions of art, and
26 But they that were not amended by the resemblances of beasts, or an un
mockeries and reprehensions, experi profitable stone the work of an ancient
enced the worthy judgment of God. hand.
27 For seeing with indignation that they 11 * Or if an artist, a carpenter, hath
suffered by those very things which they cut down a tree proper for his use in the
took for gods, when they were destroyed wood, and skilfully taken off all the bark
by the same, they acknowledged him the thereof, and with his art, diligently
true God, whom in time past they denied formeth a vessel profitable for the com
that they knew: for which cause the mon uses of life,
end also of their condemnation came 12 And useth the chips of his work to
upon them. dress his meat:
13 And taking what was left thereof,
CHAPTER 13 which is good for nothing, being a crook
Idolaters are inexcusable: and those most of all that ed piece of wood, and full of knots, carv-
worship for gods the works of the hands of men. eth it diligently when he hath nothing
t Supra 11. 16 Rom.
; 1. 23. v Deut. 4. 19, and 17. 8. w Rom. 1. 21.
* Rom. 1. 18. x Isa. 44. 12; Jer. 10. 3.
The folly of idolatry WISDOM The origin of idolatry
else to do, and by the skill of his art 7 For blessed is the wood, by which
fashioneth it and maketh it like the justice cometh.
image of a man: 8 But the idol that is made by hands,
14 Or the resemblance of some beast, is cursed, as well it, as he that made it:
laying it over with vermilion, and paint he because he made it; and it because
ing it red, and covering every spot that being frail it is called a god.
is in it: 9 But to God the wicked and his wick
edness are hateful alike.
15 And maketh a convenient dwelling
10 For that which is made, together
place for it, and setting it in a wall, and
with him that made it, shall suffer tor
fastening it with iron,
16 Providing for it, lest it should fall, 11 Therefore there shall be no respect
knowing that it is unable to help itself: had even to the idols of the Gentiles:
for it is an image, and hath need of help. because the creatures of God are turned
17 And then maketh prayer to it, in to an abomination, and a temptation to
quiring concerning his substance, and the souls of men, and a snare to the
his children, or his marriage. And he is feet of the unwise.
not ashamed to speak to that which hath 12 For the beginning of fornication is
no life: the devising of idols: and the invention
18 And for health he maketh supplica of them is the corruption of life.
tion to the weak, and for life prayeth to
13 For neither were they from the be
that which is dead, and for help calleth
ginning, neither shall they be for ever.
upon that which is unprofitable:
19 And for a good journey he petition- 14 For by the vanity of men they came
eth him that cannot walk: and for get into the world: and therefore they shall
be found to come shortly to an end.
ting, and for working, and for the event
of all things he asketh him that is un 15 For a father being afflicted with bit
able to do any thing. ter grief, made to himself the image of
his son who was quickly taken away:
CHAPTER 14 and him who then had died as a man, he
The beginning of worshipping idols: and the ef began now to worship as a god, and
fects thereof. appointed him rites and sacrifices among
another designing to sail, and his servants.
beginning to make his voyage 16 Then in process of time, wicked cus
through the raging waves, calleth upon tom prevailing, this error was kept as a
a piece of wood more frail than the law, and statues were worshipped by the
wood that carrieth him. commandment of tyrants.
2 For this the desire of gain devised, 17 And those whom men could not hon
and the workman built it by his skill. our in presence, because they dwelt far
3 But thy providence, Father, gov- off, they brought their resemblance
erneth it: v for thou hast made a way from afar, and made an express image
even in the sea, and a most sure path of the king whom they had a mind to
among the waves, honour: that by this their diligence, they
4 Shewing that thou art able to save might honour as present, him that was
out of all things, yea though a man went absent.
to sea without art. 18 And to the worshipping of these,
5 But that the works of thy wisdom the singular diligence also of the artificer
might not be idle: therefore men also helped to set forward the ignorant.
trust their lives even to a little wood, 19 For he being willing to please him
and passing over the sea by ship are that employed him, laboured with all his
saved. art to make the resemblance in the best
6 z And from the beginning also when manner.
the proud giants perished, the hope of 20 And the multitude of men, carried
the world fleeing to a vessel, which was away by the beauty of the work, took
governed by thy hand, left to the world him now for a god that a little before
seed of generation. was but honoured as a man.
V Ex. 14. 22.* Gen. 6. 4, and 7. 7. a Ps. 113. 4: Bar. 6. 3.

The effects of idolatry WISDOM The makers of idols condemned

21 And this was the occasion of de and to know thy justice, and thy power,
ceiving human life: for men serving is the root of immortality.
either their affection, or their kings, gave 4 For the invention of mischievous
the incommunicable name to stones and men hath not deceived us, nor the shadow
wood. of a picture, a fruitless labour, a graven
22 Andit was not enough for them to figure with divers colours,
err about the knowledge of God, but 5 The sight whereof enticeth the fool
whereas they lived in a great war of ig to lust after it, and he loveth the life
norance, they call so many and so great less figure of a dead image.
evils peace.
6 The lovers of evil things deserve to
23 & For either they sacrifice their own
have no better things to trust in, both
children, or use hidden sacrifices, or keep
watches full of madness, they that make them, and they that love
24 So that now they neither keep life,
them, and they that worship them.
nor marriage undefiled, but one killeth 7 c The potter also tempering soft
another through envy, or grieveth him earth, with labour fashioneth every ves
sel for our service, and of the same clay
by adultery:
25 And all things are mingled together, he maketh both vessels that are for clean
blood, murder, theft and dissimulation, uses, and likewise such as serve to the
corruption and unfaithfulness, tumults contrary: but what is the use of these
and perjury, disquieting of the good, vessels, the potter is the judge.
26 Forgetfulness of God, defiling of 8 And of the same clay by a vain la
souls, changing of nature, disorder in bour he maketh a god: he who a little
marriage, and the irregularity of adul before was made of earth himself, and a
tery and uncleanness. little after returneth to the same out of
27 For the worship of abominable idols which he was taken, when his life which
is the cause, and the beginning and end was lent him shall be called for again.
of all evil. 9 But his care is, not that he shall la
28 For either they are mad when they bour, nor that his life is short, but he
are merry: or they prophesy lies, or striveth with the goldsmiths and silver
they live unjustly, or easily forswear smiths: and he endeavour eth to do like
themselves. the workers in brass, and counteth it a
29 For whilst they trust in idols, which glory to make vain things.
are Without life, though they swear 10 For his heart is ashes, and his hope
amiss, they look not to be hurt. vain earth, and his life more base than
30 But for two things they shall be clay:
justly punished, because they have 11 Forasmuch as he knew not his mak
thought not well of God, giving heed to er and him that inspired into him the
idols, and have sworn unjustly, in guile soul that worketh, and that breathed
despising justice. into him a living spirit.
31 For it is not the power of them, by 12 Yea and they have counted our life
whom they swear, but the just ven a pastime, and the business of life to be
geance of sinners always punisheth the gain, and that we must be getting every
transgression of the unjust. way, even out of evil.
13 For that man knoweth that he of-
CHAPTER 15 fendeth above all others, who of earthly
The servants of God praise him who hath delivered matter maketh brittle vessels, and grav
them from idolatry; condemning both the makers
and the worshippers of idols. en gods.
14 But all the enemies of thy people
thou, our God, art gracious and that hold them in subjection, are foolish,
true, patient, and ordering all things and unhappy, and proud beyond mea
in mercy. sure:
2 For if we sin, we are thine, knowing 15 d For they have esteemedall the
thy greatness: and if we sin not, we idols of the heathens for gods, which
know that we are counted with thee. neither have the use of eyes to see, nor
3 For to know thee is perfect justice: noses to draw breath, nor ears to hear,
6 Dent. 18. 10 ; Jer. 7. 6. c Rom, 9. 21. d Ps. 113. 5, and 184. 16.

God s dealings -with
( tlie Egyptians, WI SDOM and with the Israelites

nor fingers of hands and as for to handle, healed by that which he saw, but by
their feet, they are slow to walk. thee the Saviour of all.
16 For man made them: and he that 8 And in this thou didst shew to our
borroweth his own breath, fashioned enemies, that thou art he who deliver-
them. For no man can make a god like est from all evil.
o himself. 9 a For the bitings of locusts, and of
17 For being mortal himself, he form- flies killedthem, and there was found no
a dead thing with his wicked hands.
remedy for their life: because they were
For he is better than they whom he wor- worthy to be destroyed by such things.
shippeth, because he indeed hath lived, 10 But not even the teeth of venomous
though he were mortal, but they never. serpents overcame thy children: for thy
18 Moreover they worship also the vil-
mercy came and healed them.
est creatures: but things without sense 11 For they were examined for the re
compared to these, are worse than they. membrance of thy words, and were
19 Yea, neither by sight can any man
quickly healed, lest falling into deep for-
see good of these beasts. But they have
getfulness, they might not be able to use
fled from the praise of God, and from
thy help.
his blessing.
12 For it was neither herb, nor molli
CHAPTER 16 fying plaster that healed them, but thy
God s different dealings with the Egyptians and word, O Lord, which healeth all things.
with his own people. 13 For it is thou, O Lord, that hast
these things,
by the like and power of life and death, and leadest
things were worthily
to these, they down to the gates of
back again:
death, and bringest
punished, and were destroyed by a mul
titude of beasts. 14 A man indeed killeth through mal
2 Instead of which punishment, dealing ice, and when the spirit is gone forth, it
well with thy people, e thou gavest them shall not return, neither shall he call
their desire of delicious food, of a new back the soul that is received:
taste, preparing for them quails for 15 But it is impossible to escape thy
their meat: hand.
3 To the end that they indeed desiring 16 * For the wicked that denied to know
food, by means of those things that were thee, were scourged by the strength of
shewn and sent among them, might loathe thy arm, being persecuted by strange
even that which was necessary to satisfy waters, and hail, and rain, and con
their desire. But these, after suffering sumed by fire.
"want for a short time, tasted a new meat. 17 And which was wonderful, in water,
4 For it was requisite that inevitable which extinguisheth all things, the fire
destruction should come upon them that had more force: for the world fighteth
exercised tyranny: but to these it should for the just.
only be shewn how their enemies were 18 For at one time, the fire was miti
destroyed. gated, that the beasts which were sent
5 / For when the fierce rage of beasts against the wicked might not be burned,
came upon these, they were destroyed but that they might see and perceive
with the bitings of crooked serpents. that they were persecuted by the judg
6 But thy wrath endured not for ever, ment of God.
but they were troubled for a short time 19 And at another time the fire, above
for their correction, having a sign of its own power, burned in the midst of
salvation to put them in remembrance of water, to destroy the fruits of a wicked
the commandment of thy law.
7 For he that turned to it, was not 20 /Instead of which things thou didst
e, Num. 11. 31. / Num. 21. ft. h Deut. 32. 39 ; 1 Kings 2. 6 ; Tob. 13. 2. t Ex. 9. 23.
a Ex. 8. 24, and 10. 4 ; Apoe. 9,. TL 3 Ex. 16. 14; Num. 11. 7; PB. 77. 25; John 6. 31.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 3. They vndeed desiring food. Sec. Ver. S.Sifjn of salvation. The brazen serpent, an
He means the Egyirtians who were restrained even
emblem of Christ our Saviour.
from that food which was necessary, by the frosjs Ver. 17. The fire had more force, viz., when the
and the flies that were sent amongst them, and fire and hail mingled together laid, waste the land of
spoiled all their meats.: Ibid, But these, viz., the Et?ypt. Ex. 9.

The plague of hail WISDOM The Egyptian darkness
feed thy people with the food of angels, their obscure sins, they were scattered
and gavest them bread from heaven pre under a dark veil of forgetfulness, being
pared without labour; having in it all horribly afraid and troubled with ex
that is delicious, and the sweetness of ceeding great astonishment.
every taste. 4 For neither did the den that held
21 For thy sustenance shewed thy them, keep them from fear: for noises
sweetness to thy children, and serving coming down troubled them, and sad vi
every man s will, it was turned to what sions appearing to them, affrighted them.
every man liked. 5 And no power of fire could give them
22 But snow and ice endured the force
light, neither could the bright flames of
of fire, and melted not: that they might the stars enlighten that horrible night.
know that fire burning in the hail and 6 But there appeared to them a sudden
flashing in the rain destroyed the fruits fire, very dreadful: and being struck
of the enemies. with the fear of that face, which was not
23 But this same again, that the just seen, they thought the things which they
might be nourished, did even forget its saw to be worse:
own strength. 7 n And the delusions of their magic art
24 For the creature serving thee the were put down, and their boasting of
Creator, is made fierce against the un wisdom was reproachfully rebuked.
just for their punishment; and abateth 8 For they who promised to drive away
its strength for the benefit of them that fears and troubles from a sick soul, were
trust in thee. sick themselves of a fear worthy to be
25 Therefore even then it was trans laughed at.
formed into all things, and was obedient 9 For though no terrible thing disturbed
to thy grace that nourisheth all, accord them: yet being scared with the passing
ing to the will of them that desired it of by of beasts, and hissing of serpents,
they died for fear: and denying that they
26 That thy children, Lord, whom *
saw the air, which could by no means be
thou lovedst, might know that it is not avoided.
the growing of fruits that nourisheth 10 For whereas wickedness is fearful,
men, but thy word preserveth them that it beareth witness of its condemnation:
believe in thee. for a troubled conscience always fore-
27 For that which could not be de casteth grievous things.
stroyed by fire, being warmed with a 11 For fear is nothing else but a yield
little sunbeam presently melted away:
ing up of the succours from thought.
28 That it might be known to all, that
12 And while there is less expectation
we ought to prevent the sun to bless from within, the greater doth it count
thee, and adore thee at the dawning of
the ignorance of that cause which bring-
the light.
eth the torment.
29 For the hope of the unthankful shall
13 But they that during that night, in
melt away as the winter s ice, and shall
which nothing could be done, and which
run off as unprofitable water.
came upon them from the lowest and
CHAPTER 17 deepest hell, slept the same sleep,
14 Were sometimes molested with the
The Egyptian darkness
fear of monsters, sometimes fainted
thy judgments, Lord, are great, away, their soul failing them: for a sud
and thy words cannot be expressed: den and unlocked for fear was come
therefore undisciplined souls have erred. upon them.
2 m For while the wicked thought to be 15 Moreover if any of them had fallen
able to have dominion over the holy na down, he was kept shut up in prison
tion, they themselves being fettered with without irons.
the bonds of darkness, and a long night, 16 For if any one were a husbandman,
shut up in their houses, lay there exiled or a shepherd, or a labourer in the field,
from the eternal providence. and was suddenly overtaken, he endured
3 And while they thought to lie hid in a necessity from which he could not fly.

lc Ex. 9. 24.. J Pent. 8. 3 ; Matt. 4. 4. TO Ex. 10. 23. n Ex. 7. 22, and 8. 7.

The Israelites dwell in light WISDOM The first born of Egypt slain

17 For they were all bound together oaths they had trusted to, they might be
with one chain of darkness. Whether of better courage.
it were a whistling wind, or the melodi 7 So thy people received the salvation of
ous voice of birds, among the spreading the just, and destruction of the unjust.
branches of trees, or a fall of water run 8 For as thou didst punish the adver
ning down with violence, saries: so thou didst also encourage and
18 Or the mighty noise of stones tum glorify us.
bling down, or the running that could not 9 For the just children of good men were
be seen of beasts playing together, or the offering sacrifice secretly, and they unan
roaring voice of wild beasts, or a re imously ordered a law of justice: that the
bounding echo from the highest moun just should receive both good and evil alike,
tains: these things made them to swoon singing now the praises of the fathers.
for fear. 10 But on the other side there sounded
19 For the whole world was enlightened an ill according cry of the enemies, and
with a clear light, and none were hin a lamentable mourning was heard for
dered in their labours. the children that were bewailed.
20 But over them only was spread a 11 * And the servants suffered the same
heavy night, an image of that darkness punishment as the master, and a common
which was to come upon them. But they man suffered in like manner as the king.
were to themselves more grievous than 12 So all alike had innumerable dead,
the darkness. with one kind of death. Neither were
the living sufficient to bury them; for in
one moment the noblest offspring of
The slaughter of the firstborn in Egypt: the efficacy
of Aaron s intercession, in the sedition on occasion them was destroyed.
of Core. 13 For whereas they would not believe
thy saints had a very great light, any thing before by reason of the en
and they heard their voice indeed, chantments, then first upon the destruc
but did not see their shape. And be tion of the firstborn, they acknowledged
cause they also did not suffer the same the people to be of God.
things, they glorified thee: 14 For while all things were in quiet
2 And they that before had been silence, and the night was in the midst
wronged, gave thanks, because they were of her course,
not hurt now: and asked this gift, that 15 Thy almighty word leapt down from
there might be a difference. heaven from thy royal throne, as a fierce
3 P Therefore they received a burning conqueror into the midst of the land of
pillar of fire for a guide of the way which destruction,
they knew not, and thou gavest them a 16 With a sharp sword carrying thy un
harmless sun of a good entertainment. feigned commandment, and he stood and
4 The others indeed were worthy to be filled all things with death, and standing
deprived of light, and imprisoned in on the earth reached even to heaven.
darkness, who kept thy children shut up, 17 Then suddenly visions of evil dreams
by whom the pure light of the law was troubled them, and fears unlocked for
to be given to the world. came upon them.
5 ffAnd whereas they thought to kill 18 And one thrown here, another there,
the babes of the just, one child being half dead, shewed the cause of his death.
cast forth, and saved, to reprove them, 19 For the visions that troubled them
thou tookest away a multitude of their foreshewed these things, lest they should
children, "and destroyedst them all to perish and not know why they suffered
gether in a mighty water. these evils.
6 For that night was known before by 20 But the just also were afterwards
our fathers, that assuredly knowing what touched by an assault of death, and there
o Ex. 10. 23. p Ex. 14. 24 ; Ps. 77. 14, and 104. 39. q Ex. 1. 16, and 2. 3. r Ex. 14. 27. s Ex. 12. 30.

CHAP. 18. Ver. 3. A harmless sun. A light that fice of the paschal and were regulating what
lamb ;

should not hurt or molest them but that should be

; they were to do in their journey, when that last and
an agreeable guest to them. most dreadful plague was coming upon their ene
Ver. 5. One child, viz., Moses. mies.
Ver. 9. Of good men, viz., of the patriarchs. Their Ver. 12. The noblest offspring. That is, the first
children, the Israelites, offered in private the sacri born,

Aaron intercedes for the people WISDOM God s favor to the Israelites

6 For every creature according to its

was a disturbance of the multitude in the
kind was fashioned again as from the
wilderness: but thy wrath did not long
continue. beginning, obeying thy commandments,
that thy children might be kept without
21 f For a blameless man made haste
forth the hurt.
pray for the people, bringing
7 For a cloud overshadowed their camp,
shield of his ministry, prayer, and by

cense making supplication, withstood the

and where water was before, dry land
wrath, and put an end to the calamity, appeared, and in the Red Sea a way with
out hinderance, and out of the great deep
shewing that he was thy servant.
22 And he overcame the disturbance, a springing field:
not by strength of body nor with force 8 Through which all the nation passed
of arms, but with a word he subdued him which was protected with thy hand, see
that punished them, alleging the oaths ing thy miracles and wonders.
and covenant made with the fathers. 9 For they fed on their food like horses,
23 For when they were now fallen down and they skipped like lambs, praising
dead by heaps one upon another, he stood thee, Lord, who hadst
delivered them.
between and stayed the assault, and cut 10 For they were yet mindful of those
off the way to the living. things which had been done in the time
24 M F or in the priestly robe which he of their sojourning, how the ground
wore, was the whole world: and in the brought forth flies instead of cattle, and
four rows of the stones the glory of the how the river cast up a multitude of
fathers was graven, and thy majesty was frogs instead of fishes.
written upon the diadem of his head. 11 w And at length they saw a new gen
25 And to these the destroyer gave eration of birds, when being led by their
place, and was afraid of them: for the appetite they asked for delicate meats.
proof only of wrath was enough. 12 For to satisfy their desire, the quail
came up to them from the sea: and pun
CHAPTER 19 ishments came upon the sinners, not
Why God shewed no mercy to the Egyptians. His without foregoing signs by the force of
favour to the Israelites. All creatures obey God s
orders for the service of the good, and the punish thunders for they suffered justly accord

ment of the wicked. ing to their own wickedness.

as to the wicked, even to the end 13 For they exercised a more detestable
there came upon them wrath with inhospitality than any: others indeed re
out mercy. For he knew before also ceived not strangers unknown to them,
what they would do: but these brought their guests into bond
2 For when they had given them leave age that had deserved well of them.
to depart, and had sent them away with 14 And not only so, but in another re
great care, they repented, and pursued spect also they were worse: for the
after them. others against their will received the
3 v For whilst they were yet mourning, strangers
and lamenting at the graves of the dead, 15 But these grievously afflicted them
they took up another foolish device: and whom they had received with joy, and
pursued them as fugitives whom they who lived under the same laws.
had pressed to be gone: 16 But they Were struck with blindness:
4 For a necessity, of which they were x as those others were at the doors of the
worthy, brought them to this end: and just man, when they were covered with
they lost the remembrance of those sudden darkness, and every one sought
things which had happened, that their the passage of his own door.
punishment might fill up what was want 17 For while the elements are changed
ing to their torments: in themselves, as in an instrument the
5 And that thy people might wonder sound of the quality is changed, yet all
fully pass through, but they might find a keep their sound: which may clearly be
new death. perceived by the very sight.
t Num. 16. 46. u Ex. 28. 6. w Ex. 16. 13 ;
Num. 11. 31 ; Supra 16. 2.
v Ex. 14. 5. x Gen. 19. 11.

CHAP. 19. Ver. 17. Elements are changed, &c. in the elements by miracles in favour of his people,
The meaning that whatever changes God wrought
is, they still kept their harmony by obeying his will.

All wisdom is from God ECCLESIASTICUS All wisdom is from God
For the things of the land were
18 not the flesh of corruptible animals walk-
turned into things of the water: and the ing therein, neither did they melt that
things before swam in the water passed good food, which was apt to melt as ice.
upon the land. For in all things thou didst magnify thy
19 The fire had power in water above people, O Lord, and didst honour them,
its own virtue, and the water forgot its and didst not despise them, but didst
quenching nature. assist them at all times, and in every
20 On the other side, the flames wasted place.

This Book is so called from a Greek word that signifies a preacher:
because, like an
excellent preacher, it gives admirable lessons of all virtues. The author was Jesus
the son of Sirach of Jerusalem, who flourished about two hundred years before
Christ. As it was written after the time of Esdras, it is not in the Jewish canon;
but is received as canonical and divine by the Catholic Church, instructed by apos
tolical tradition, and directed by the spirit of God. It was first written in the He
brew, but afterwards translated into Greek by another Jesus, the grandson of the
author, whose prologue to this book is the following :

THE knowledge of many and great things hath been shewn us by the law, and the prophets, and others
that have followed them for which things Israel is to be commended for doctrine and wisdom, because

not only they that speak must needs be skilful, but strangers also, both speaking and writing, may by their
means become most learned. My grandfather Jesus, after he had much given himself to a diligent reading
of the law, and the prophets, and other books, that were delivered to us from our fathers, had a mind also
to write something himself, pertaining to doctrine and wisdom that such as are desirous to learn, and are

made knowing in these things, may be more and more attentive in mind, and be strengthened to live ac
cording to the law. I entreat you therefore to come with benevolence, and to read with attention, and to
pardon us for those things wherein we may seem, while we follow the image of wisdom, to come short in
the composition of words for the Hebrew words have not the same force in them when translated into

another tongue. And not only these, but the law also itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books,
have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language. For in the eight and thirtieth year
coming into Egypt, when Ptolemy Evergetes was king, and continuing there a long time, I found there
books left, of no small nor contemptible learning. Therefore I thought it good, and necessary for me to
bestow some diligence and labour to interpret this book and with much watching and study in some

space of time, I brought the book to an end, and set it forth for the service of them that are willing to
apply their mind, and to learn how they ought to conduct themselves, who purpose to lead their life
according to the law of the Lord.

CHAPTER 1 tain of wisdom, and her ways are ever-

All wisdom isfrom God, and is given to them that commandments.
fear and love God
wisdom is from the Lord God,
g TQ wh()m hath ^
been revea i i, and who hath known her
^^ of wisdom
JT\. and hath been always with him, and
^^ counse ls ?
is all time. 7 TO whom hath the discipline of wis-
2 Whohath numbered the sand of the d om been revealed and made manifest?
sea, and the drops of rain, and the days an a wno hath understood the multiplici-
of the world? Who hath measured the ty of her steps?
height of heaven, and the breadth of the g There is one most high Creator Al-
earth, and the depth of the abyss? mighty, and a powerful king, and greatly
3 Who hath searched out the wisdom to be feared, who sitteth upon his throne,
of God that goeth before all things ? and is the God of dominion.
4 Wisdom hath been created before all 9 He created her in the Holy Ghost,
things, and the understanding of pru- and saw her, and numbered her, and
dence from everlasting. measured her.
5 The word of God on high is the foun- 10 And he poured her out upon all his

V 3 Kings 3. 9, and 4. 29.

Ver. 20. That good food. The manna.

The fear of the Lord ECCLESIASTICUS Against hypocrisy
to words for a time, and the lips of many
works, and upon all flesh according
and hath given her to them that shall declare his wisdom.
his gift,
love him. 31 In the treasures of wisdom is the
11 The fear of the Lord is honour, and signification of discipline:
glory, and gladness,
and a crown of joy. 32 But the worship of God is an abomi
12 The fear of the Lord shall delight nation to a sinner.
the heart, and shall give joy, and glad 33 Son, if thou desire wisdom, keep jus
tice, and God will give her
to thee.
ness, and length of days.
13 With him that feareth the Lord, it 34 For the fear of the Lord is wisdom
shall go well in the latter end, and in the and discipline: and that which is agree
day of his death he shall be blessed. able to him,
14 The love of God is honourable wis 35 Is faith, and meekness: and he will
fill up his treasures.
36 Be not incredulous to the fear of
15 And they to whom she shall shew
the Lord: and come not to him with a
herself love her by the sight, and by the
double heart.
knowledge of her great works. 37 Be not a hypocrite in the sight of
16 * The fear of the Lord is the begin
men, and let not thy lips be a stumbling-
ning of wisdom, and was created with block to thee.
the faithful in the womb, it walketh with
known with the 38 Watch over them, lest thou fall, and
chosen women, and is
bring dishonour upon thy soul,
just and faithful. 39 And God discover thy secrets, and
17 The fear of the Lord is the religious
cast thee down in the midst of the con
ness of knowledge.
18 Religiousness shall keep and justify gregation.
40 Because thou earnest to the Lord
the heart, it shall give joy and gladness.
19 It shall go well with him that fear wickedly, and thy heart is full of guile
and deceit.
eth the Lord, and in the days of his end
he shall be blessed. CHAPTER 2
20 To fear God is the fulness of wisdom, God s servants must look for temptations: and must
and fulness is from the fruits thereof. arm themselves with patience and confidence in
21 She shall fill all her house with her God.

increase, and the storehouses with her when thou comest

to the service
treasures. SON,
of God, stand in justice and in fear,
22 The fear of the Lord is a crown of and prepare thy soul for temptation.
wisdom, filling up peace and the fruit of 2 Humble thy heart, and endure: incline
salvation : thy ear, and receive the words of under
23 And it hath seen, and numbered her: standing: and make not haste in the
but both are the gifts of God. time of clouds.
24 Wisdom shall distribute knowledge, 3 Wait on God with patience: join thy
and understanding of prudence: and ex- self to God, and endure, that thy life
alteth the glory of them that hold her. may be increased in the latter end.
25 The root of wisdom is to fear the 4 Take all that shall be brought upon
Lord: and the branches thereof are long- thee: and in thy sorrow endure, and in
lived. thy humiliation keep patience.
26 In the treasures of wisdom is under 5 For gold and silver are tried in the

standing, and religiousness of knowledge: fire, but acceptable men in the furnace of
but to sinners wisdom is an abomination. humiliation.
27 The fear of the Lord driveth out sin: 6 Believe God, and he will recover thee:
28 For he that is without fear, cannot and direct thy way, and trust in him.
be justified: for the wrath of his high Keep his fear, and grow old therein.
spirits is his ruin. 7 Ye
that fear the Lord, wait for his
29 A patient man shall bear for a time, mercy: and go not aside from him, lest
and afterwards joy shall be restored to ye fall.
him. 8 Ye that fear the Lord, believe him:
30 A good understanding will hide his and your reward shall not be made void.

s Ps. 110. 10 ; Prov. 1. 7, and 9. 10. a Matt. 4. 1 ; 2 Tim. 3. 12. b Wiad. 3. 6.

Confidence in God, patience ECCLESIASTICUS Honor due to parents

9 Ye that fear the

Lord, hope in him: and 3 For God hath made the father hon
mercy shall come to you for your delight. ourable to the children: and seeking the
10 Ye that fear the Lord, love him, and judgment of the mothers, hath confirmed
your hearts shall be enlightened. it upon the children.

11 My children behold the generations 4 He that loveth God, shall obtain par
of men: and know ye that no one hath don for his sins by prayer, and shall
hoped in the Lord, and hath been con refrain himself from them, and shall be
founded. heard in the prayer of days.
12 c For who hath continued in his com 5 And he that honoureth his mother is
as one that layeth up a treasure.
mandment, and hath been forsaken ? or
who hath called upon him, and he de 6 He that honoureth his father shall

spised him?
have joy in his own children, and in the
13 For God is compassionate and mer day of his prayer he shall be heard.
7 He that honoureth his father shall
ciful, and will forgive sins in the day of
tribulation: and he is a protector to all enjoy a long life and he that obeyeth the

that seek him in truth. father, shall be a comfort to his mother.

14 Woe to them that are of a double 8 He that feareth the Lord, honoureth
heart and to wicked lips, and to the hands his parents, and will serve them as his
that do evil,
a and to the sinner that masters that brought him into th world.
9 / Honour thy father, in work and
goeth on the earth two ways.
15 Woe to them that are fainthearted, word, and all patience,
who believe not God: and therefore they 10 That a blessing may come upon thee
shall not be protected by him. from him, and his blessing may remain
16 Woe to them that have lost patience, in the latter end.
and that have forsaken the right ways, 11 9 The father s blessing establisheth
and have gone aside into crooked ways. the houses of the children: but the
17 And what Mail they do, when the mother s curse rooteth up the founda
Lord shall begin to examine? tion.
18 They that fear the Lord, will not be 12 Glory not in the dishonour of thy
incredulous to his word: e and they that father for his shame is no glory to thee.

love him, will keep his way. 13 For the glory of a man is from the
19 They that fear the Lord, will seek honour of his father, and a father with
after the things that are well pleasing to out honour is the disgrace of the son.
him: and they that love him, shall be 14 Son, support the old age of thy fa
filled with his law. ther, and grieve him not in his life;
20 They that fear the Lord, will pre 15 And if his understanding fail, have
pare their hearts, and in his sight will patience with him, and despise him not
sanctify their souls.
when thou art in thy strength: for the
21 They that fear the Lord, keep his relieving of the father shall not be for
commandments, and will have patience gotten.
even until his visitation, 16 For good shall be repaid to thee for
22 Saying: If we do not penance, we the sin of thy mother.
shall fall into the hands of the Lord, and 17 And in justice thou shalt be built up,
not into the hands of men. and in the day of affliction thou shalt
23 For according to his greatness, so be remembered: and thy sins shall melt
also is his mercy with him. away as the ice in the fair warm weather.
18 Of what an evil fame is he that for-
CHAPTER 3 saketh his father: and he is cursed of
Lessons concerning the honour of parents, and hu God that angereth his mother.
mility, and avoiding curiosity. 19 My son, do thy works in meekness,
nn HE sons of wisdom are the church and thou shalt be beloved above the glory
J_ of the just: and their generation, of men.
obedience and love. 20 h The greater thou art, the more
2 Children, hear the judgment of your humble thyself in all things, and thou
father, and so do that you may be saved. shalt find grace before God:

e Ps. 30. l.d 3 Kings 18. 21. e John 14. 23. Mark 7. 10; Eph. 6. 2.

/ Ex. 20. 12 ; Deut. 5. 16 ; Matt. 15. 4 ; g Gen. 27. 27, and 49. 2.h Phil. 2. 3.

Curiosity ECCLESIASTICUS Exhortation to works of mercy
21 For great is the power of God alone, defer not to give to him that is in dis
and he is honoured the humble. >by
22 Seek not the things that are too
* 4 Reject not the petition of the afflicted :

high for thee, and search not into things and turn not away thy face from the
above thy ability: but the things that needy.
God hath commanded thee, think on 5 Turn not away thy eyes from the poor
them always, and in many of his works for fear of anger: and leave not to them
be not curious. that ask of thee to curse thee behind
23 For it is not necessary for thee to see thy back.
with thy eyes those things that are hid. 6 For the prayer of him that curseth
24 In unnecessary matters be not over thee in the bitterness of his soul, shall be
curious, and in many of his works thou heard, for he that made him will hear him.
shalt not be inquisitive. 7 Make thyself affable to the congrega
25 For many things are shewn to thee tion of the poor, and hurrible thy soul to
above the understanding of men. the ancient, and bow thy head to a great
26 And the suspicion of them hath man.
deceived many, and hath detained their 8 Bow down thy ear cheerfully to the
minds in vanity. poor, and pay what thou owest, and an
27 A hard heart shall fear evil at the swer him peaceable words with mildness.
last: and he that loveth danger shall 9 Deliver him that suffereth wrong out
perish in it. of the hand of the proud: and be not
28 A heart that goeth two ways shall fainthearted in thy soul.
not have success, and the perverse of 10 In judging be merciful to the father
heart shall be scandalized therein. less as a father, and as a husband to
29 A wicked heart shall be laden with their mother.
sorrows, and the sinner will add sin to 11 And thou shalt be as the obedient son
sin. of the most High, and he will have mercy
30 The congregation of the proud shall on thee more than a mother.
not be healed: for the plant of wicked 12 Wisdom inspireth life into her chil
ness shall take root in them, and it shall
dren, and protecteth them that seek
not be perceived. after her, and will go before them in the
31 The heart of the wise is understood way of justice.
in wisdom, and a good ear will hear 13 And he that loveth her, loveth life:
wisdom with all desire. and they that watch for her, shall em
32 A wise heart, and which hath under brace her sweetness.
standing, will abstain from sins, and in 14 They that hold her fast, shall inherit
the works of justice shall have success. life: and whithersoever she entereth,
33 ) Water quencheth a flaming fire, God will give a blessing.
and alms resisteth sins: 15 They that serve her, shall be ser
34 And Godprovideth for him that vants to the holy one: and God loveth
sheweth favour: he remembereth him them that love her.
afterwards, and in the time of his fall 16 He that hearkeneth to her, shall
he shall find a sure stay.
judge nations: and he that looketh upon
her, shall remain secure.
17 If he trust to her, he shall inherit her,
An exhortation to works of mercy, and to the love and his generation shall be in assurance.
of wisdom.
18 For she walketh with him in tempta
* defraud not the poor of alms, and at the first she chooseth him.
and turn not away thy eyes from 19 She will bring upon him fear and
the poor. dread and trial: and she will scourge
2 Despise not the hungry soul and pro : him with the affliction of her discipline,
voke not the poor in his want. till she try him by her laws, and trust
3 Afflict not the heart of the needy, and his soul.

t Prov. 25. 27. j Dan. 4. 24. k Tob. 4. 7.

CHAP. Ver. 18. In temptation, &c. The mean

4. contradictions, afflictions, and temptations, the usual
ing is, that before wisdom will choose any for her noviceship of the children of God.
favourite, she will try them by leading them through

Proper use of the tongue ECCLES1AST1CUS .I gainst
20 Then she will strengthen him, and 2 Follow not in thy strength the de
make a straight way to him, and give sires of thy heart:
him joy, 3 And say not: How mighty am I? and
21 And will disclose her secrets to him, who shall bring me under for my deeds?
and will heap upon him treasures of for God will surely take revenge.
knowledge and understanding of justice. 4 not: have sinned, and what
22 But if he go astray, she will forsake Say I
harm hath befallen me? for the most
him, and deliver him into the hands of
his enemy. High is a patient rewarder.
23 Son, observe the time, and fly from 5 Be not without fear about sin for
evil. given, and add not sin upon sin:
24 For thy soul be not ashamed to say 6 And say not: The mercy of the Lord
the truth. is great, he will have mercy on the mul
25 For there is a shame that bringeth titude of my sins.
sin, and there is a shame that bringeth 7 Formercy and wrath quickly come

glory and grace. from him, and his wrath looketh upon
26 Accept no person against thy own sinners.
person, nor against thy soul a lie. 8 Delay not to be converted to the
27 Reverence not thy neighbour in his Lord, and defer it not from day to day.
fall: 9 For his wrath shall come on a sud
28 And refrain not to speak in the time den, and in the time of vengeance he
of salvation. Hide not thy wisdom in her will destroy thee.
beauty. 10 n Be not anxious for goods unjustly
29 For by the tongue wisdom is dis gotten: for they shall not profit thee in
cerned: and understanding, and know the day of calamity and revenge.
ledge, and learning by the word of the 11 Winnow not with every wind, and
wise, and steadfastness in the works of go not into every way: for so is every
justice. sinner proved by a double tongue.
30 In nowise speak against the truth, 12 Be steadfast in the way of the Lord,
but be ashamed of the lie of thy ignorance. and in the truth of thy judgment, and in
31 Be not ashamed to confess thy sins, knowledge, and let the word of peace
but submit not thyself to every man for and justice keep with thee.
sin. 13 Be meek to hear the word, that thou
32 Resist not against the face of the mayst understand: and return a true
mighty, and do not strive against the answer with wisdom.
stream of the river. 14 If thou have understanding, answer
33 Strive for justice for thy soul, and thy neighbour: but if not, let thy hand
even unto death fight for justice, and be upon thy mouth, lest thou be surprised
God will overthrow thy enemies for thee. in an unskilful word, and be confounded.
34 Be not hasty in thy tongue: and 15 Honour and glory is in the word of
slack and remiss in thy works. the wise, but the tongue of the fool is
35 Be not as a lion in thy house, terri his ruin.
fying them of thy household, and op 16 Be not called a whisperer, and be
pressing them that are under thee. not taken in thy tongue, and confounded.
36 Let not thy hand be stretched out 17 For confusion and repentance is upon
to receive, and shut when thou shouldst a thief, and an evil mark of disgrace
give. upon the double tongued, but to the
whisperer hatred, and enmity, and re
CHAPTER 5 proach.
18 Justify alike the small and the great.
We must not presume of our wealth or strength:
nor of the mercy of God, to go on in sin : we must
be steadfast in virtue and truth, CHAPTER 6
not thy heart upon unjust posses Of true and false friends: and of the fruits of

SET sions, and say not: I have enough to


live on: for it shall be of no service in of a friend become not an

the time of vengeance and darkness. I enemy to thy neighbour: for an evil
I Infra 6. 6. m Prov. 10. 6. n Prov. 1L 4 and 28.

True and false friends ECCLESIASTICUS Exhortation to seek wisdom

man shall inherit reproach and shame, 19 Come to her as one that plougheth,
so shall every sinner that is envious and and soweth, and wait for her good fruits:
double tongued. 20 For in working about her thou shalt
2 Extol not thyself in the thoughts of labour a little, and shalt quickly eat of
thy soul like a bull: lest thy strength be her fruits.
quashed by folly, 21 How very unpleasant is wisdom to
3 And
eat up thy leaves, and destroy
it the unlearned, and the unwise will not
thy fruit, and thou be left as a dry tree continue with her.
in the wilderness. 22 She shall be to them as a mighty
4 For a wicked soul shall destroy him stone of trial, and they will cast her
that hath it, and maketh him to be a joy from them before it be long.
to his enemies, and shall lead him into 23 For the wisdom of doctrine is ac
the lot of the wicked. cording to her name, and she is not
5 A sweet word multiplieth friends, manifest unto many, but with them to
and appeaseth enemies, and a gracious whom she is known, she continueth even
tongue in a good man aboundeth. to the sight of God.
6 Be in peace with many, but let one 24 Give ear, my son, and take wise
of a thousand be thy counsellor. counsel, and cast not away my advice.
7 If thou wouldst get a friend, try him 25 Put thy feet into her fetters, and
before thou takest him, and do not cred thy neck into her chains:
it him easily. 26 Bow down thy shoulder, and bear
8 For there is a friend for his own oc her, and be not grieved with her bands.
casion, and he will not abide in the day 27 Come to her with all thy mind, and
of thy trouble. keep her ways with all thy power.
9 And there is a friend that turneth to 28 Search for her, and she shall be
enmity; and there is a friend that will made known to thee, and when thou hast
disclose hatred and strife and reproaches. gotten her, let her not go:
10 And there is a friend a companion at 29 For in the latter end thou shalt find
the table, and he will not abide in the rest in her, and she shall be turned to
day of distress. thy joy.
11 A friend if he continue steadfast, 30 Then shall her fetters be a strong
shall be to thee as thyself, and shall defence for thee, and a firm foundation,
act with confidence among them of thy and her chain a robe of glory:
household. 31 For in her is the beauty of life, and
12 If he humble himself before thee, her bands are a healthful binding.
and hide himself from thy face, thou shalt 32 Thou shalt put her on as a robe of
have unanimous friendship for good. glory, and thou shalt set her upon thee
13 Separate thyself from thy enemies, as a crown of joy.
and take heed of thy friends. 33 My son, if thou wilt attend to me,
14 A
faithful friend is a strong defence: thou shalt learn: and if thou wilt apply
and he that hath found him, hath found thy mind, thou shalt be wise.
a treasure. 34 If thou wilt incline thy ear, thou
15 Nothing can be compared to a faith shalt receive instruction: and if thou
ful friend, and no weight of gold and love to hear, thou shalt be wise.
silver is able to countervail the good 35 P Stand in the multitude of ancients
ness of his fidelity. that are wise, and join thyself from thy
16 A faithful friend is the medicine of heart to their wisdom, that thou mayst
life and immortality: and hear every discourse of God, and the
they that fear
the Lord, shall find him. sayings of praise may not escape thee.
17 He that feareth God, shall likewise 36 And if thou see a man of understand
have good friendship: because according ing, go to him early in the morning, and
to him shall his friend be. let thy foot wear the steps of his doors.

^18 My ^ son, from thy youth up receive 37 9 Let thy thoughts be upon the pre
instruction, and even to thy grey hairs cepts of God, and meditate continually
thou shalt find wisdom. on his commandments: and he will give
o Rom. 12. 6 ; Phil. 2. 3, p Infra 8. 9. g Ps. 1. 2.

Various exhortations ECCLESIASTICUS Duties of parents and children
thee a heart, and the desire of wisdom 19 Humble thy spirit very much: for
shall -be given to thee. the vengeance on the flesh of the un
godly is fire and worms.
20 Do not transgress against thy
Religious and moral duties
deferring money, nor desp ise thy dear

DODepart from and

no evils, no evils shall lay brother for the sake of gold.
hold of thee. 21 Depart not from a wise and good
the unjust, and evils
wife, whom thou hast gotten in the fear
shall depart from thee. of the Lord: for the grace of her modes
3 My
son, sow not evils in the furrows ty is above gold.
of injustice, and thou shalt not reap 22 M Hurt not the servant that worketh
them sevenfold. faithfully, nor the hired man that giveth
4 Seek not of the Lord a pre-eminence, thee his life.
nor of the king the seat of honour. 23 Let a wise servant be dear to thee
5 r Justify not thyself before God, for as thy own soul, defraud him not of lib
he knoweth the heart: and desire not to
erty, nor leave him needy.
appear wise before the king. 24 Hast thou cattle? have an eye to
6 Seek not to be made a judge, unless them: and if they be for thy profit, keep
thou have strength enough to extirpate them with thee.
iniquities: lest thou fear the person of 25 Hast thou children ? instruct them,
the powerful, and lay a stumblingblock and bow .down their neck from their
for thy integrity. childhood.
7 Offend not against the multitude of 26 Hast thou daughters? have a care
a city, neither cast thyself in upon the of their body, and shew not thy counte
people, nance gay towards them.
8 * Nor bind sin to sin: for even in one 27 Marry thy daughter well, and thou
thou shalt not be unpunished. shalt do a great work, and give her to a
9 Be not fainthearted in thy mind: wise man.
10 Neglect not to pray, and to give 28 If thou hast a wife according to thy
alms. soul, cast her not off: and to her that is
11 Say not: God will have respect to hateful, trust not thyself. With thy
the multitude of my gifts, and when I whole heart,
offer to the most high God, he will ac 29 v Honour thy father, and forget not
cept my offerings. the groanings of thy mother:
12 Laugh no man to scorn in the bitter 30 Remember that thou hadst not been
ness of his soul * for there is one that
: born but through them: and make a re
humbleth and exalteth, God who seeth turn to them as they have done for thee.
all. 31 With all thy soul fear the Lord, and
13 Devise not a lie against thy brother: reverence his priests.
neither do the like against thy friend. 32 With all thy strength love him that
14 Be not willing to make any manner made thee: and forsake not his minis
of lie: for the custom thereof is not ters.
good. 33 w Honour God with all thy soul, and
15 Be not full of words in a multitude give honour to the priests, and purify
of ancients, and repeat not the word in thyself with thy arms.
thy prayer. 34 Give them their portion, * as it is
16 Hate not laborious works, nor hus commanded thee, of the firstfruits and
bandry ordained by the most High. of purifications: and for thy negligences
17 Number not thyself among the mul purify thyself with a few.
titude of the disorderly. 35 Offer to the Lord the gift of thy
18 Remember wrath, for it will not shoulders, and the sacrifice of sanctifica-
tarry long. tion, and the firstfruits of the holy things:

r Job 9. 2 Ps. 142. 2

; ;
Eocl. 7. 7 : Luke 18. 11. u Lev. 19. 13. ?; Tob. 4. 3.
s Infra 12. 7. t 1 Kings 2. 7. u> Deut. 12. 18. x Lev. 2. 3 ; Num. 18. 15.

CHAP. Ver. 15. Repeat not, &c. Make not

7. or else by arms (brachiis) are here signified the
much babbling by repetition of words but aim more :
right shoulders of the victims, which by the law fell
at fervour of heart. to the priests. See ver. 35.
Ver. 33. Thy arms. That is, with all thy power :

ami contempt ECCLESIASTICUS Cautions with regard to women
Against strife
lest thou be burnt with
36 And stretch out thy hand to the rebuking them,
and thy bless the flame of the fire of their sins.
poor, that thy expiation
14 Stand not against the face of an
ing may be perfected.
37 A gift hath grace in the sight of all injurious person, lest he sit as a spy to
the living, and restrain not grace from entrap thee in thy words.
the dead. 15 / Lend not to a man that is mightier
them than thyself: and if thou lendest, count
38 v Be not wanting in comforting
that weep, and walk with them that it as lost.
mourn. 16 Be not surety above thy power: and
39 * Be not slow to visit the sick: for if thou be surety, think as if thou wert
to pay it.
by these things thou shalt be confirmed
in love. Judge not against a judge: for he
40 In all thy works remember thy last judgeth according to that which is just.
end, and thou shalt never sin.
18 Go not on the way with a bold man,
lest he burden thee with his evils: for he
CHAPTER 8 goeth according to his own will, and thou
Other lessons of wisdom and virtue shalt perish together with his folly.
not with a powerful man, lest 19 h Quarrel not with a passionate man,
thou fall into his hands. and go not into the desert with a bold
2 Contend not with a rich man, lest man: for blood is as nothing in his sight,
he bring an action against thee. and where there is no help he will over
3 b For gold and silver hath destroyed throw thee.
many, and hath reached even to the 20 Advise not with fools, for they can
heart of kings, and perverted them. not love but such things as please them.
4 Strive not with a man that is full of 21 Before a stranger do no matter of
tongue, and heap not wood upon his counsel: for thou knowest not what he
fire. will bring forth.
5 Communicate not with an ignorant 22 Open not thy heart to every man:
man, lest he speak ill of thy family. lest he repay thee with an evil turn, and
6 Despise not a man that turneth away speak reproachfully to thee.
from sin,
c nor
reproach him therewith:
remember that we are all worthy of re CHAPTER 9
proof. Cautions with regard to women, and dangerous
7 d Despise not a man in his old age;
for we also shall become old. not jealous over the wife of thy
8 Rejoice not at the death of thy ene BEbosom, lest she shew in thy regard
my; knowing that we all die, and are malice
the of a wicked lesson.
not willing that others should rejoice at 2 Give not the power of thy soul to a
our death. woman, lest she enter upon thy strength,
9 e Despise not the discourse of them and thou be confounded.
that are ancient and wise, but acquaint 3 Look not upon a woman that hath a
thyself with their proverbs. mind for many: lest thou fall into her
10 For of them thou shalt learn wis snares.
dom, and instruction of understanding, 4 Use not much the company of her that
and to serve great men without blame. is a dancer, and hearken not to her, lest
11 Let not the discourse of the ancients thou perish by the force of her charms.
escape thee, for they have learned of 5 * Gaze not upon a maiden, lest her
their fathers: beauty be a stumblingblock to thee.
12 For of them thou shalt learn under 6 3 Give not thy soul to harlots in any
standing, and to give an answer in time point: lest thou destroy thyself and thy
of need. inheritance.
13 Kindle not the coals of sinners by 7 Look not round about thee in the
y Rom. 12. 15. z Matt. 26. 36. a Matt. 25. 25. e Supra 6. 35. / Infra 29. 4. g Gen. 4. 8.
b Infra 31. 6. c 2 Cor. 2. 6 ; Gal. 6. 1. d Lev. 19. 32. h Prov. 22. 24. t Gen. 6. 2. j Prov. 5. 2.

Ver. 37. And restrain not grace front the dead. Old Testament. And the same has always been con-
That is, withhold not from them the benefit of alms, tinued from the days of the apostles in the church
prayers, and sacrifices. Such was the doctrine and of the New Testament.
practice of the church of God even in the time of the

On friends and good company ECCLES1 ASTICUS Covetousness and pride
ways the city, nor wander up and
down in the streets thereof. The virtues and vicvx of men in power: the great
8 k Turn away thy face from a woman evil of pride.

dressed up, and gaze not about upon

another s beauty.
9 For many have perished by the
A WISE judge shall judge his people,
and the government of a prudent
man shall be steady.
beauty of a woman, and hereby lust is 2 m As the judge ofthe people is him
enkindled as a fire. are his ministers: and what
self, so also
10 Every woman that is a harlot, shall manner of man the ruler of a city is,
be trodden upon as dung in the way. such also are they that dwell therein.
11 Many by admiring the beauty of an 3 n An unwise king shall be the ruin of
other man s wife, have become repro his people: and cities shall be inhabited
bate, for her conversation burneth as fire. through the prudence of the rulers.
12 Sit not at all with another man s 4 The power of the earth is in the hand
wife, nor repose upon the bed with her: of God, and in his time he will raise up
13 And strive not with her over wine, a profitable ruler over it.
lest thy heart decline towards her, and 5 The prosperity of man is in the hand
by thy blood thou fall into destruction. of God, and upon the person of the
14 Forsake not an old friend, for the scribe he shall lay his honour.
new will not be like to him. 6 Remember not any injury done thee
15 A new friend is as new wine: it shall by thy neighbour, and do thou nothing
grow old, and thou shalt drink it with by deeds of injury.
pleasure. 7 Pride is hateful before God and men:
16 Envy not the glory and riches of a
and all iniquity of nations is execrable.
sinner: for thou knowest not what his 8PAkingdom is translated from one
ruin shall be. people to another, because of injustices,
17 Be not pleased with the wrong done and wrongs, and injuries, and divers de
by the unjust, knowing that even to hell ceits.
the wicked shall not please. 9 But nothing is more wicked than the
18 Keep thee far from the man that covetous man. Why is earth and ashes
hath power to kill, so thou shalt not sus proud ?
pect the fear of death. 10 There is not a more wicked thing
19 And if thou come to him, commit than to love money: for such a one set-
no fault, lest he take away thy life. teth even his own soul to sale: because
20 Know it to be a communication with while he liveth he hath cast away his
death: for thou art going in the midst bowels.
of snares, and walking upon the arms of 11 All power is of short life. A long
them that are grieved: sickness is troublesome to the physician.
21 According to thy power beware of 12 The physician cutteth off a short
thy neighbour, and treat with the wise sickness: so also a king is to day, and to
and prudent. morrow he shall die.
22 Let just men be thy guests, and let 13 For when a man shall die, he shall
thy glory be in the fear of God. inherit serpents, and beasts, and worms.
23 And let the thought of God be in 14 The beginning of the pride of man,
thy mind, and all thy discourse on the is to fall off from God:
commandments of the Highest. 15 Because his heart is departed from
24 Works shall be praised for the hand him that made him: 1 f or pride is the
of the artificers, and the prince of the beginning of all sin: he that holdeth it,
people for the wisdom of his speech, but shall be filled with maledictions, and it
the word of the ancients for the sense. him in the end.
shall ruin
25 A man full of tongue is terrible in 16 Therefore hath the Lord disgraced
his city, and he that is rash in his word the assemblies of the wicked, and hath
shall be hateful. utterly destroyed them.
fc Gen. 34. 2 ; 2 Kings 11. 4, and 13. 1 Matt.
; 5. 28. n 3 Kings 12. 13. o Lev. 19. 13.
I Judges 9. 4 ;2 Kings 15. 10. m Prov. 29. 12. p Dan. 4. 14. q Prov. 18. 11.
CHAP. 10. Ver. 1. Judge hi.f people. In the Greek Ver. 5. The scribe. That is, the man that is wise
it is, instruct his people. and learned in the law.

Punishment of the proud ECCLESIASTICUS Humility and prudence
17 God hath overturned the thrones of how much more in wealth? and he that
him fear pov
proud princes, and hath set up the meek glorified in wealth, let

in their stead. erty.

18 God hath made the roots of proud
nations to wither, and hath planted the

humble of these nations. Lessons of humility and moderation in all things

19 The Lord hath overthrown the lands

of the Gentiles, and hath destroyed them
rp HE wisdom of the humble shall ex-
_L alt his head, and shall make sit
even to the foundation. in the midst of great men.
20 He hath made some of them to 2 v Praise not a man for his beauty,
wither away, and hath destroyed them, neither despise a man for his look.
and hath made the memory of them to 3 The bee is small among flying things,
cease from the earth. but her fruit hath the chief est sweetness.
21 God hath abolished the memory of 4 w Glory not in apparel at any time,
the proud, and hath preserved the mem and be not exalted in the day of thy
ory of them that are humble in mind. honour: for the works of the Highest
22 Pride was not made for men: nor only are wonderful, and his works are
wrath for the race of women. glorious, and secret, and hidden.
23 That seed of men shall be honoured, 5 Many tyrants have sat on the throne,
which feareth God: but that seed shall and he whom no man would think on,
be dishonoured, which transgresseth the hath worn the crown.
commandments of the Lord. 6 x Many mighty men have been greatly
24 In the midst of brethren their chief brought down, and the glorious have
is honourable: so shall they that fear been delivered into the hand of others.
the Lord, be in his eyes. 7 Before thou inquire, blame no man and :

25 The fear of God is the glory of the when thou hast inquired, reprove justly.
rich, and of the honourable, and of the 8 v Before thou hear, answer not a
poor: word: and interrupt not others in the
26 Despise not a just man that is poor, midst of their discourse.
and do not magnify a sinful man that is 9 Strive not in a matter which doth not
rich. concern thee, and sit not in judgment
27 The great man, and the judge, and with sinners.
the mighty is in honour: and there is 10 My son, meddle not with many mat
none greater than he that feareth God. ters : and if thou be rich, thou shalt not
28 r They that are free shall serve a be free from sin: for if thou pursue after
servant that is wise: * and a man that thou shalt not overtake: and if thou run
is prudent and well instructed will not before thou shalt not escape.
murmur when he is reproved; and he 11 There is an ungodly man that la
that is ignorant, shall not be honoured. boureth, and maketh haste, and is in sor
29 Extol not thyself in doing thy work, row, and is so much the more in want.
and linger not in the time of distress: 12 Again, there is an inactive man that
30 * Better is he that laboureth, and wanteth help, is very weak in ability,
aboundeth in all things, than he that and full of poverty:
boasteth himself and wanteth bread. 13 & Yet the eye of God hath looked
31 My son, keep thy soul in meekness, upon him for good, and hath lifted him
and give it honour according to its desert. up from his low estate, and hath exalted
32 Who will justify him that sinneth his head: and many have wondered at
against his own soul ? and who will hon him, and have glorified God.
our him that dishonoureth his own soul ? 14 c Good things and evil, life and
33 The poor man is glorified by his dis death, poverty and riches, are from God.
cipline and fear: and there is a man that 15 Wisdom and discipline, and the knowl
is honoured for his wealth. edge of the law are with God. Love and
34 But he that is glorified in poverty, the ways of good things are with him.
r Prov. 17. 2. 2 Kings 12. 13. t Prov. 12. 9. x 1 Kings 15. 28 Esther
; 6. 7.
u Gen. 41. 4 ; Dan. 6. 3 John 7. 18.
; y Prov. 18. 13. z 1 Tim. 6. 9.
v 1 Kings 16. 7 2 Cor. 10. 10 James 2. 1 and 9.
; ;
a Eccl. 4. 8. 6 Job 42. 10.
w Acts 12. 12 and 22. e Job 2. 10.

Moderation, and God s blessing ECCLESIASTICUS Doing good to others

16 Error and darkness are created with 35 Take heed to thyself of a mischiev
sinners: and they that glory in evil ous man, for he worketh evils: lest he
things, grow old in evil. bring upon thee reproach for ever.
17 The gift of God abideth with the 36 Receive a stranger in, and he shall
just, and his advancement shall have overthrow thee with a whirlwind, and
success for ever. shall turn thee out of thy own.
18 There is one that is enriched by liv
ing sparingly, and this is the portion of CHAPTER 12
his reward. We are to be liberal to the just, and not to trust tha
19 In that he saith: d 1 have found me
rest, and now I will eat of my goods thou do good, know to whom thou
alone: IFdost and there shall be much

20 And he knoweth not what time shall thanks for thy good deeds.
pass, and that death approacheth, and 2 Do good to the just, and thou shalt
that he must leave all to others, and find great recompense: and if not of
shall die. him, assuredly of the Lord.
21 Be steadfast
in thy covenant, and be 3 For there is no good for him that is
conversant therein, and grow old in the always occupied in evil, and that giveth
work of thy commandments. no alms: for the Highest hateth sinners,
22 Abide not in the works of sinners. and hath mercy on the penitent.
But trust in God, and stay in thy place. 4 / Give to the merciful and uphold not
23 For it is easy in the eyes of God on the sinner: God will repay vengeance to
a sudden to make the poor man rich. the ungodly and to sinners, and keep
them against the day of vengeance.
24 The blessing of God maketh haste to
reward the 5 Give to the good, and receive not a
just, and in a swift hour his
blessing beareth fruit.
25 Say not: What need I, and what 6 Do good to the humble, and give not
to the ungodly: hold back thy bread,
good shall I have by this?
26 Say not: I am sufficient for myself: and give it not to him, lest thereby he
and what shall I be made worse by this ?
overmaster thee.
27 e
In the day of good things be not 7 For thou shalt receive twice as much
unmindful of evils: and in the day of evil for all the good thou shalt have
evils be not unmindful of good things: done to him: for the Highest also hateth
28 For it is easy before God in the day sinners, and will repay vengeance to the
of death to reward every one according ungodly.
to his ways. 8 A friend shall not be known in pros
29 The affliction of an hour maketh one perity, and an enemy shall not be hid
forget great delights, and in the end of den in adversity.
a man is the disclosing of his works. 9 In the prosperity of a man, his ene
30 Praise not any man before death, for mies are grieved: and a friend is known
a man is known by
his children. in his adversity.
31 Bring not every man into thy house: 10 Never trust thy enemy: for as a
for many are the snares of the deceitful. brass pot his wickedness rusteth:
32 For as corrupted bowels send forth 11 Though he humble himself and go
stinking breath, and as the partridge is crouching, yet take good heed and be
brought into the cage, and as the roe ware of him.
into the snare: so also is the heart of 12 Set him not by thee, neither let him
the proud, and as a spy that looketh on sit on thy right hand, lest he turn into
the fall of his neighbour. thy place, and seek to take thy seat:
33 For he lieth in wait and turneth good and at the last thou acknowledge my
into evil, and on the elect he will lay a words, and be pricked with my say
blot. ings.
34 Of one spark cometh a great fire, 13 Who will pity an enchanter struck
and of one deceitful man much blood: by a serpent, or any that come near wild
and a sinful man lieth in wait for blood. beasts? so is it with him that keepeth
d Luke 12. 19. Infra 18. 25. / GaL 6. 7.

Caution in choice of company ECCLESIASTICUS Caution in choice of company
company with a wicked man, and is in 11 Be not lowly in thy wisdom, lest be
volved in his sins. ing humbled thou be deceived into folly.
14 For an hour he will abide with thee: 12 If thou be invited by one that is
but if thou begin to decline, he will not mightier, withdraw thyself: for so he
endure it. will invite thee the more.
15 o An enemy speaketh sweetly with 13 Be not troublesome to him, lest thou
his lips, but in his heart he lieth in wait, be put back: and keep not far from him,
to throw thee into a pit. lest thou be forgotten.

16 An enemy weepeth with his eyes: 14 Affect not to speak with him as an
but if he find an opportunity he will not equal: and believe not his many word&:
be satisfied with blood: for by much talk he will sift thee, and
17 And evils come upon thee, thou
if smiling will examine thee concerning
him there first.
shalt find thy secrets.
18 An enemy hath tears in his eyes, 15 His cruel mind will lay up thy
and while he pretendeth to help thee, words: and he will not spare to do thee
willundermine thy feet. hurt, and to cast thee into prison.
19 He will shake his head, and clap his 16 Take heed to thyself, and attend dil
igently to what thou hearest: for thou
hands, and whisper much, and change
his countenance. walkest in danger of thy ruin.
17 When thou hearest those things, see
CHAPTER 13 as it were in sleep, and thou shalt awake.
Cautions in the choice of company
18 Love God all thy life, and call upon
h that toucheth
pitch, shall be de him for thy salvation.
HE filed withand he that hath fellow
19 Every beast loveth its like: so also
ship with the proud, shall put on pride.
every man him that is nearest to him
2 He shall take a burden upon him that self.
hath fellowship with one more honour 20 All flesh shall consort with the like
able than himself. And have no fellow to itself, and every man
shall associate
ship with one that is richer than thyself. himself to his like.
3 What agreement shall the earthen pot 21 If the wolf shall at any time have
have with the kettle? for if they knock fellowship with the lamb, so the sinner
one against the other, it shall be broken. with the just.
4 The rich man hath done wrong, and 22 * What fellowship hath a holy man
yet he will fume: but the poor is wronged with a dog, or what part hath the rich
and must hold his peace. with the poor?
5 If thou give, he will make use of 23 The wild ass is the lion s prey in the
thee: and if thou have nothing, he will desert: so also the poor are devoured by
forsake thee. the rich.
6 If thou have any thing, he will live 24 And as humility is an abomination
with thee, and will make thee bare, and to the proud: so also the rich man ab-
he will not be sorry for thee. horreth the poor.
7 If he have need of thee he will de 25 When a rich man is shaken, he is
ceive thee, and smiling upon thee will kept up by his friends: but when a poor
put thee in hope; he will speak thee fair, man is fallen down, he is thrust away
and will say: What wan test thou? even by his acquaintance.
8 And he will shame thee by his meats, 26 When a rich man hath been de
till he have drawn thee dry twice or
ceived, he hath many helpers: he hath
thrice, and at last he will laugh at thee: spoken proud things, and they have jus
and afterward when he seeth thee, he tified him.
will forsake thee, and shake his head at 27 The poor man was deceived, and he
thee. is rebuked also: he hath spoken wisely,
9 Humble thyself to God, and wait for and could have no place.
his hands. 28 The rioh man spoke, and all held
10 Beware that thou be not deceived their peace, and what he said they extol
into folly, and be humbled. even to the clouds.
Jer. 41. 6. h Deut. 7. 2. i 2 Cor. 6. 14.

Envy and covetotisness ECCLESI AST1CUS Works of mercy, and wisdom
29The poor man spoke, and they say: shewn to thee: for the covenant of this
Who is this? and if he stumble, they world shall surely die.
will overthow him. 13 * Do good to thy friend before thou
30 Riches are good to him that hath no die, and according to thy ability, stretch
sin in his conscience: and poverty is very ing out thy hand give to the poor.
wicked in the mouth of the ungodly. 14 Defraud not thyself of the good day,
31 The heart of a man changeth his and let not the part of a good gift over
countenance, either for good, or for evil. pass thee.
32 The token of a good heart, and a 15 Shalt thou not leave to others to
good countenance thou shalt hardly find, divide by lot thy sorrows and labours ?
and with labour. 16 Give and take, and justify thy soul.
17 Before thy death work justice: for
CHAPTER 14 in hell there is no finding food.
The evil of avarice: -works of mercy are recom 18 l All flesh shall fade as grass, and as
mended, and the love of wisdom.
the leaf that springeth out on a green
man that hath not
/is the
slipped by a word out of his mouth,
19 Some grow, and some fall off: so is
and is not pricked with the remorse of
the generation of flesh and blood, one
cometh to an end, and another is born.
2 Happy is he that hath had no sadness
20 Every work that is corruptible shall
of his mind, and who is not fallen from fail in the end: and the worker thereof
his hope.
shall go with it.
3 Riches are not comely for a covetous 21 And every excellent work shall be
man and a niggard, and what should an and the worker thereof shall
envious man do with gold ? be honoured therein.
4 He that gathereth together by wrong
22 m Blessed is the man that shall con
ing his own soul, gathereth for others, tinue in wisdom, and that shall meditate
and another will squander away his in his justice, and in his mind shall think
goods in rioting. of the all seeing eye of God.
5 He that is evil to himself, to whom 23 He that considereth her ways in his
will he be good? and he shall not take
heart, and hath understanding in her
pleasure in his goods. secrets, who goeth after her as one that
6 There is none worse than he that en-
traceth, and stayeth in her ways:
vieth himself, and this is the reward of
24 He who looketh in at her windows,
his wickedness:
and hearkeneth at her door:
7 And if he do good, he doth it igno-
25 He that lodgeth near her house, and
rantly, and unwillingly: and at the last
fastening a pin in her walls shall set up
he discovereth his wickedness. his tent nigh unto her, where good things
8 The eye of the envious is wicked and :
shall rest in his lodging for ever.
he turneth away his face, and despiseth 26 He shall set his children under her
his own soul. shelter, and shall lodge under her
9 The eye of the covetous man is insa
tiable in his portion of iniquity: he will
27 He shall be protected under her cov
not be satisfied till he consume his own
ering from the heat, and shall rest in
soul, drying it up. her glory.
10 An evil eye is towards evil things: CHAPTER 15
and he shall not have his fill of bread, Wixdom embraceth them that ft-ar God. God is not
but shall be needy and pensive at his own the author of sin.
table. that feareth God, will do good:
11 My son, if thou have any thing, do HEand he that possesseth justice, shall
lay hold on her,
good to thyself, and offer to God worthy
offerings. 2 And she will meet him as an honour
12 Remember that death is not slow, able mother, and will receive him as a
and that the covenant of hell hath been wife married of a virgin.
Infra 19. 17. 7c Supra 4. 1 ;
Tob. 4. 7 ; Luke 16. 9. I Isa. 40. 6 ; James 1. 10 ; 1 Peter 1. 24. m Ps. 1. 2.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 12. The covenant of hell. The decree by which all are to go down to the regions of

God not the author of sin ECCLESIASTICUS Ungodly children
3 With the bread of life and under he is strong in power, seeing all men
standing, she shall feed him, and give without ceasing.
him the water of wholesome wisdom to 20 i The eyes of the Lord are towards
drink: and she shall be made strong in them that fear him, and he knoweth all
him, and he shall not be moved: the work of man.
4 And she shall hold him fast, and he 21 He hath commanded no man to do
shall not be confounded: and she shall wickedly, and he hath given no man li
exalt him among his neighbours. cense to sin:
5 And in the midst of the church she 22 For he desireth not a multitude of
shall open his mouth, and shall fill him faithless and unprofitable children.
with the spirit of wisdom and under
standing, and shall clothe him with a It is bettor to have none than many wicked children.
robe of glory. Of the justice and mercy of God. His ways are
6 She shall heap upon him a treasure unsearchable.
of joy and gladness, and shall cause him not in ungodly children, if
to inherit an everlasting name. REJOICE
they be multiplied: neither be de
7 But foolish men shall not obtain her, lighted in them, if the fear of God be not
and wise men shall meet her, foolish men with them.
shall not see her: for she is far from 2 Trust not to their life, and respect
pride and deceit. not their labours.
8 Lying men shall not be mindful of 3 For better is one that feareth God,
her: but men that speak truth shall be than a thousand ungodly children.
found with her, and shall advance, even 4 And it is better to die without chil
they come to the sight of God.
till dren, than to leave ungodly children.
9 Praise is not seemly in the mouth of 5 By one that is wise a country shall
a sinner: be inhabited, the tribe of the ungodly
10 For wisdom came forth from God: shall become desolate.
for praise shall be with the wisdom of 6 such things hath my eyes seen,
God, and shall abound in a faithful and greater things than these my ear
mouth, and the sovereign Lord will give hath heard.
praise unto it. 7 r In the congregation of sinners a fire
11 Say not: It is through God, that she shall be kindled, and in an unbelieving
is not with me: for do not thou the nation wrath shall flame out.
things that he hateth. 8 * The ancient giants did not obtain
12 -Say not: He hath caused me to err: pardon for their sins, who were destroyed
for he hath no need of wicked men. trusting to their own strength.
13 The Lord hateth all abomination of 9 And he spared not the place where
error, and they that fear him shall not Lot sojourned, but abhorred them for
love it. the pride of their word.
14 God made man from the beginning, 10 He had not pity on them, destroying
and left him in the hand of his own the whole nation that extolled them
counsel. selves in their sins.
15 He added his commandments and 11 i So did he with the six hundred thou
precepts. sand footmen, who were gathered to
16 "If thou wilt keep the command gether in the hardness of their heart:
ments and perform acceptable fidelity for and if one had been stiffnecked, it is a
ever, they shall preserve thee. wonder if he had escaped unpunished:
17 He hath set water and fire before thee: 12 For mercy and wrath are with him.
stretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt. He is mighty to forgive, and to pour out
18 P Before man is life and death, good indignation:
and evil, that which he shall choose shall 13 According as his mercy is, so his
be given him: correction judgeth a man according to
19 For the wisdom of God is great, and his works.

nJohn 4. 10.o Matt. 19. 17; John 8. 31 and 32. r Infra 21. 10. a Gen. 6. 4.
p Jer. 21. 8. q Pa. 33. 16 Heb. 4. 13.
t Num. 14. 20, and 26. 51.

CHAP. 16. Ver. 11. Six hundred thousand footmen, &c. Viz., the children of Israel, whom he sen
tenced to die in the wilderness. Num. 14.

No one is hidden from God ECCLESIASTICUS The creation of man
14 The sinner shall not escape in his 28 Nor shall any of them straiten his
rapines, and the patience of him that neighbour at any time.
sheweth mercy shall not be put off. 29 Be not thou incredulous to his word.
15 u All mercy shall make a place for 30 After this God looked upon the
every man according to the merit of his earth, and filled it with his goods.
works, and according to the wisdom of 31 The soul of every living thing hath
his sojournment. shewn forth before the face thereof, and
16 Say not: I shall be hidden from God, into it they return again.
and who shall remember me from on
high? CHAPTER 17
17 In such a multitude I shall not be The creation and favour of God to man. An ex
known: for what is my soul in such an hortation to turn to God.

immense creation? created man of the earth, and

18 Behold the heaven, and the heavens GODmade him after his own image.
of heavens, the deep, and all the earth, 2 And he turned him into it again, and
and the things that are in them, shall be clothed him with strength according to
moved in his sight, himself.
19 The mountains also, and the hills, 3 He gave him the number of his days
and the foundations of the earth: when and time, and gave him power over all
God shall look, upon them, they shall be things that are upon the earth.
shaken with trembling. 4 He put the fear of him upon all flesh,
20 And in all these things the heart is and he had dominion over beasts and
senseless: and every heart is understood fowls.
by him:. 5 w He created of him a helpmate like
21 And his ways who shall understand, to himself: he gave them counsel, and a
and the storm, which no eye of man shall tongue, and eyes, and ears, and a heart
see? to devise: and he filled them with the
22 For many of his works are hidden: knowledge of understanding.
but the works of his justice who shall 6 He created in them the science of the
declare? or who shall endure? for the spirit, he filled their heart with wisdom,
testament is far from some, and the ex and shewed them both good and evil.
amination of all is in the end. 7 He set his eye their hearts to
23 He that wanteth understanding shew them the greatness of his works:
thinketh vain things: and the foolish, and 8 That they might praise the name
erring man, thinketh foolish things. which he hath sanctified: and glory in his
24 Hearken to me, my son, and learn wondrous acts, that they might declare
the discipline of understanding, and at the glorious things of his works.
tend to my words in thy heart. 9 Moreover he gave them instructions,
25 And I will shew forth good doctrine and the law of life for an inheritance.
in equity, and will seek to declare wis 10 He made an everlasting covenant
dom: and attend to my words in thy with them, and he shewed them his jus
heart, whilst with equity of spirit I tell tice and judgments.
thee the virtues that God hath put upon 11 And
their eye saw the majesty of
his works from the beginning, and I and their ears heard his glori
his glory,
shew forth in truth his knowledge. ous voice, and he said to them: Beware
26 The works of God are done in judg of all iniquity.
ment from the beginning, and from the 12 And he gave to every one of them
making of them he distinguished their commandment concerning his neighbour.
parts, and their beginnings in their gen 13 Their ways are always before him,
erations. they are not hidden from his eyes.
27 He beautified their works for ever, 14 x Over every nation he set a ruler.
they have neither hungered, nor la 15 And Israel was made the manifest
boured, and they have not ceased from portion of God.
their works. 16 And all their works are as the sun in

M Rom. 2. 6. v Gen. 1. 27, and 5. 1. w Gen. 2. 18. * Rom. 13. 1.

Ver. 31. Shewn forth, viz., the glory and power CHAP. 17. Ver. 11. Their eye saw, &c., viz., when
of God upon the earth. he gave the law on mount Sinai.

Exhortation to turn to God ECCLES1ASTICUS God s works are wonderful
the sight of God: and his eyes are con- CHAPTER 18
tinually upon their ways. God s works are wonderful: we must serve him,
17 Their covenants were not hid by and not our lusts.
& that liveth for ever created all
their iniquity, and all their iniquities are
in the sight of God.
18 y The alms of a man is as a signet
things together. God only shall be
and he remaineth an invincible
with him, and shall preserve the grace king for ever.
of a man as the apple of the eye: 2 Who is able to declare his works?
19 s And afterward he shall rise up, and 3 For who shall search out his glorious
shall render them their reward, to every acts?
one upon their own head, and shall turn 4 And who shall shew forth the power
them down into the bowels of the earth. of his majesty? or who shall be able to
20 But to the penitent he hath given the declare his mercy?
5 Nothing may be taken away, nor
way of justice, and he hath strengthened
them that were fainting in patience, and added, neither is it possible to find out
hath appointed to them the lot of truth. the glorious works of God:
21 Turn to the Lord, and forsake thy 6 When a man hath done, then shall he
sins: begin: and when he leaveth off, he shall
22 Make thy prayer before the face of be at a loss.
the Lord, and offend less. 7 What is man, and what is his grace?
23 Return to the Lord, and turn away and what is his good, or what is his evil ?
from thy injustice, and greatly hate 8 c The number of the days of men at
abomination. the most are a hundred years: as a drop
24 And know the justices and judg of water of the sea are they esteemed:
ments of God, and stand firm in the lot and as a pebble of the sand, so are a few
set before thee, and in prayer to the years compared to eternity.
most high God. 9 Therefore God is patient in them, and
25 Go to the side of the holy age, with poureth forth his mercy upon them.
them that live and give praise to God. 10 He hath seen the presumption of
26 Tarry not in the error of the ungod their heart that it is wicked, and hath
ly, give glory before death. Praise per- known their end that it is evil.
isheth from the dead as nothing. 11 Therefore hath he filled up his mer
27 Give thanks whilst thou art living, cy in their favour, and hath shewn them
whilst thou art alive and in health thou the way of justice.
shalt give thanks, and shalt praise God, 12 The compassion of man is toward
and shalt glory in his mercies. his neighbour: but the mercy of God is
28 How great is the mercy of the Lord, upon all flesh.
and his forgiveness to them that turn to 13 He hath mercy, and teacheth, and
him! correcteth, as a shepherd doth his flock.
29 For all things cannot be in men, be 14 He hath mercy on him that receiv-
cause the son of man is not immortal, eth the discipline of mercy, and that
and they are delighted wi^h the vanity maketh haste in his judgments.
of evil. 15 My son, in thy good deeds, make no
What is brighter than the sun; yet complaint, and when thou givest any
it shall be eclipsed. Or what is more thing, add not grief by an evil word.
wicked than that which flesh and blood 16 Shall not the dew assuage the heat ?
hath invented? and this shall be re so also the good word is better than the
proved. gift.
31 He beholdeth the power of the 17 Lo, is not a word better than a gift?
height of heaven: and all men are earth but both are with a justified man,
and ashes. 18 A fool will upbraid bitterly: and a
j/ Infra 29. 6. e Matt. 25. 35. a Ps. 6. 6 ; Isa. 38, 19. b Gen. 1. 1. c Ps. 89. 10.

Ver. 22. Offend lees; minue offendicula. That Js, so great and incomprehensible, that when man has
remove sins and the occasions of sins. done all that he can ti find out his greatness ar.d
Ver. 5. Go
to the side, &c. Fly from the side of boundless perfections, he is still to begin for what :

Satan and sin, and join with the holy ones, that he has found out, is but a mere nothing in com
follow God and godliness. parison with his infinity.
CHAP. 18. Ver. 6, Then shall he begin. God is

Conduct in sickness, prayer ECCLESIASTICUS Warning against various vices
gift of one ill taught consumeth the 2 * Wine and women make wise men
eyes. fall off, and shall rebuke the prudent:
19 Before judgment prepare thee jus 3 And he
that joineth himself to harlots,
tice, and learn before thou speak. will be wicked. Rottenness and worms
20 Before sickness take a medicine, d shall inherit him, and he shall be lifted
and before judgment examine thyself, up for a greater example, and his soul
and Lhou shalt find mercy in the sight shall be taken away out of the number.
of God. 4 i He that is hasty to give credit, is
21 Humble thyself before thou art sick, light of heart, and shall be lessened:
and in the time of sickness shew thy and he that sinneth against his own soul,
conversation. shall be despised.
22 c Let nothing hinder thee from pray 5 He that rejoiceth in iniquity, shall be
ing always, and be not afraid to be jus censured, and he that hateth chastise
tified even to death: for the reward of ment, shall have less life: and he that
God continueth for ever. hateth babbling, extinguisheth evil.
23 Before prayer prepare thy soul and : 6 He that sinneth against his own soul,
be not as a man that tempteth God. shall repent: and he that is delighted
24 / Remember the wrath that shall be with wickedness, shall be condemned.
at the last day, and the time of repay 7 Rehearse not again a wicked and harsh
ing when he shall turn away his face. word, and thou shalt not fare the worse.
25 o Remember poverty in the time of 8 Tell not thy mind to friend or foe:
abundance, and the necessities of poverty and if there be a sin with thee, disclose
in the day of riches. it not. . !

26 From the morning until the evening 9 For he will hearken to thee, and will
the time shall be changed, and all these watch thee, and as it were defending thy
are swift in the eyes of God. sin he will hate thee, and so will he be
27 A wise man will fear in every thing, with thee always.
and in the days of sins will beware of 10 Hast thou heard a word against thy
sloth. neighbour? let it die within thee, trust
28 Every man of understanding know- ing that it will not burst thee.
eth wisdom, and will give praise to him 11 At the hearing of a word the fool is
that findeth her. in travail, as a woman groaning in the
29 They that were of good understand bringing forth a child.
ing in words, have also done wisely 12 As an arrow that sticketh in a man s
themselves: and have understood truth thigh: so is a word in the heart of a
and justice, and have poured forth pro fool.
verbs and judgments. 13 * Reprove a friend, lest he may not
30 h Go not after thy lusts, but turn have understood, and say: I did it not: or
away from thy own will. if he did it, that he may do it no more.
31 If thou give to thy soul her desires, 14 Reprove thy neighbour, for it may be
she will make thee a joy to thy enemies. he hath not said it: and if he hath said
32 Take no pleasure in riotous assem it, that he may not say it again.

blies, be they ever so small: for their 15 Admonish thy friend: for there is
concertation is continual. often a fault committed.
33 Make not thyself poor by borrowing 16 And believe not every word. There
to contribute to feasts when thou hast is one, that slippeth with the tongue, but

nothing in thy purse: for thou shalt be not from his heart.
an enemy to thy own life. 17 For who is there that hath not of
fended with his tongue ? Admonish thy
CHAPTER 19 neighbour before thou threaten him.
Admonitions against sundry vices 18 And give place to the fear of the
WORKMAN most High: for the fear of God is all
A that
not be rich: and he that contemneth

small things, shall fall by little and little.

a drunkard shall
wisdom, and therein is to fear God, and
the disposition of the law is in all wisdom.

d 1 Cor. 11. 28. e Luke 18. 1 : 1 Thesw. 5. 17. t Gen. 19. 33 3 Kinjrs 11. 1.

/ Supra 7. 18. g Supra 11. 27. j Jos. 9. 15, and 22. 11. fc Lev. 19. 17;
h Rom. 6. 12, 13, and 13. 14. Matt. 18. 15 ; Luke 17. Z.l James 3. 8.

False wisdom and hypocrisy ECCLESIASTICUS Discretion in speech

19 But the learning of wickedness is and there is another that holdeth his
not wisdom: and the device of sinners peace, knowing the proper time.
is not prudence. 7 A wise man peace till he
will hold his
20 There is a subtle wickedness, and see opportunity: but a -babbler, and a
the same is detestable: and there is a fool, will regard no time.
man that is foolish, wanting in wisdom. 8 He that useth many words shall hurt
21 Better is a man that hath less wis his own soul: and he that taketh author
dom, and wanteth understanding, with ity to himself unjustly shall be hated.
the fear of God, than he that aboundeth 9 There is success in evil things to a
in understanding, and transgresseth the man without discipline, and there is a
law of the most High. finding that turneth to loss.
22 There is an exquisite subtilty, and 10 There is a gift that is not profitable:
the same is unjust. and there is a gift, the recompense of
23 And there is one that uttereth an which is double.
exact word telling the truth. There is 11 There is an abasement because of
one that humbleth himself wickedly, glory: and there is one that shall lift up
and his interior is full of deceit: hishead from a low estate.
12 There is that buyeth much for a small
24 And there is one that submitteth
himself exceedingly with a great lowli price, and restoreth the same sevenfold.
ness: and there is one that casteth down 13 A man wise in words shall make
his countenance, and maketh as if he did
himself beloved: but the graces of fools
shall be poured out.
not see that which is unknown:
25 And if he be hindered from sinning 14 The gift of the fool shall do thee no
for want of power, if he shall find oppor good: for his eyes are sevenfold.
15 He will give a few things, and up
tunity to do evil, he will do it.
26 Aman is known by his look, and a braid much: and the opening of his
wise man, when thou meetest him, is mouth is the kindling of a fire.
known by his countenance. 16 To day a man lendeth, and to mor
27 The attire of the body, and the row he asketh it again: such a man as
this is hateful.
laughter of the teeth, and the gait of
the man, shew what he is. 17 A fool shall have no friend, and there
28 There is a lying rebuke in the anger shall be no thanks for his good deeds.
of an injurious man: and there is a 18 For they that eat his bread, are of a
false tongue. How often, and how many
judgment that is not allowed to be good:
and there is one that holdeth his peace, will laugh him to scorn!
he is wise. 19 For he doth not distribute with right
understanding that which was to be had:
CHAPTEE 20 in like manner also that which was not
Rules with regard to correction, discretion, and to be had.
avoiding lies. 20 The slipping of a false tongue is as
much better is it to reprove, one that falleth on the pavement: so
than to be angry, and not to hinder
that confesseth in prayer.
the fall of the wicked shall come speed
2 m The lust of an eunuch shall deflour 21 A manwithout grace is as a vain
a young maiden: fable, it be continually in the
3 So is he that by violence executeth mouth of the unwise.
unjust judgment. 22 A parable coming out of a fool s
4 How good is it, when thou art re mouth shall be rejected: for he doth not
proved, to shew repentance! for so thou speak it in due season.
shalt escape wilful sin. 23 There is that is hindered from sin
5 There is one that holdeth his peace, ning through want, and in his rest he
that is found wise: and there is another shall be pricked.
that is hateful, that is bold in speech. 24 There is that will destroy his own
6 There is one that holdeth his peace, soul through shamefacedness, and by
because he knoweth not what to say: occasion of an unwise person he will

m Infra 30. 21.

Lying ECCLESIASTICUS The wise man and the fool

destroy it: and by respect of person he known afar off, but a wise man knoweth
will destroy himself. to slip by him.
25 There is that for bashfulness prom- 9 He that buildeth his house at other
iseth to his friend, and maketh him his men scharges, is as he that gathereth
enemy for nothing. himself stones to build in the winter.
26 A
lie is a foul blot in a man, and yet
10 v The congregation of sinners is like
it will be continually in the mouth of
tow heaped together, and the end of
men without discipline. them is a flame of fire.
27 A
thief is better than a man that is
always lying: but both of them shall 11 The way of sinners is made plain
inherit destruction. with stones, and in their end is hell, and
28 The manners of lying men are with darkness, and pains.
out honour: and their confusion is with 12 He that keepeth justice shall get the
them without ceasing. understanding thereof.
29 A -wise man shall advance himself 13 The perfection of the fear of God is
with his words, and a prudent man shall wisdom and understanding.
please the great ones. 14 He that is not wise in good, will not
30 He that tilleth his land shall make a be taught.
high heap of corn: and he that worketh 15 But there is a wisdom that abound-
justice shall be exalted: and he that eth in evil: and there is no understand
pleaseth great men shall escape iniquity. ing where there is bitterness.
31 n Presents and gifts blind the eyes 16 The knowledge of a wise man shall
of judges, and make them dumb in the abound like a flood, and his counsel con-
mouth, so that they cannot correct. tinueth like a fountain of life.
32 Wisdom that is hid, and treasure 17 The heart of a fool is like a broken
that is not seen: what profit is there in vessel, and no wisdom at all shall it hold.
them both? 18 A man of sense will praise every
33 Better is he that hideth his folly, wise word he shall hear, and will apply
than the man that hideth his wisdom. it to himself: the luxurious man hath
heard it, and it shall displease him, and
CHAPTER 21 he will cast it behind his back.
19 The talking of a fool is like a burden
Cautions against sin in general, and same sin in
in the way: but in the lips of the wise,
grace shall be found.
son, hast thou sinned? do so no 20 The mouth of the prudent is sought
MY more: but for thy former sins also
pray that they may be forgiven thee.
after in the church, and they will think
his words in their hearts.
2 Flee from sins as from the face of a As a house that is destroyed, so
21 is
serpent: for if thou comest near them, wisdom to a fool: and the knowledge of
they will take hold of thee. the unwise is as words without sense.
3 The teeth thereof are the teeth of a 22 Doctrine to a fool is as fetters on the
lion, killing the souls of men. feet, and like manacles on the right hand.
4 All iniquity is like a two-edged sword, 23 A
fool lifteth up his voice in laugh
there is no remedy for the wound there ter: but a wise man will scarce laugh low
of. to himself.
5 Injuries and wrongs will waste riches: 24 Learning to the prudent is as an or
and the house that is very rich shall be nament of gold, and like a bracelet upon
brought to nothing by pride: so the sub his right arm.
stance of the proud shall be rooted out. 25 The foot of a fool is soon in his
6 The prayer out of the mouth of the neighbour s house: but a man of experi
poor shall reach the ears of God, and ence will be abashed at the person of
judgment shall come for him speedily. the mighty.
7 He that hateth to be reproved ivalketh 26 A fool will peep through the window
in the trace of a sinner: and he that into the house: but he that is well taught
feareth God will turn to his own heart. will stand without.
8 He that is mighty by a bold tongue is 27 It is the folly of a man to hearken at
n Ex. 23. 8 : Deut. 16. 19. o Infra 41. 17. p Supra 16. 7.

The sluggard and the fool ECCLESIASTICUS Treatment of friends

the door: and a wise man will be grieved 12 For the wicked life of a wicked fool
with the disgrace. is worse than death.
28 The lips of the unwise will be tell 13 r The mourning for the dead is seven
days: but for a fool and an ungodly
ing foolish things: but the words of the
wise shall be weighed in a balance. all the days of their life.

29 The heart of fools is in their mouth: 14 Talk not much with a fool, and go
and the mouth of wise men is in their not with him that hath no sense.
heart. 15 Keep thyself from him, that thou
30 While the ungodly curseth the devil, mayst not have trouble, and thou shalt
he curseth his own soul. not be defiled with his sin.
31 The talebearer shall defile his own 16 Turn away from him, and thou shalt
soul, and shall be hated by all: and he find rest, and shalt not be wearied out
that shall abide with him shall be hate with his folly.
ful: the silent and wise man shall be 17 What is heavier than lead ? and what
honoured. other name hath he but fool?
18 * Sand and salt, and a mass of iron
is easier to bear, than a man without
Wise sayings on diverse subjects
sense, that is both foolish and wicked.
sluggard is pelted with a dirty
19 A frame of wood bound together in
THE stone, and all men will speak of his the foundation of a building, shall not be
disgrace. loosed: so neither shall the heart that is
2 The sluggard is pelted with the dung
established by advised counsel.
of oxen: and every one that toucheth
20 The thought of him that is wise at
him will shake his hands.
all times, shall not be depraved by fear.
3 A son ill taught is the confusion of the
21 As pales set in high places, and plas-
father: and a foolish daughter shall be
terings made without cost, will not stand
to his loss.
against the face of the wind:
4 A wise daughter shall bring an inher 22 So also a fearful heart in the imagi
itance to her husband: but she that con- nation of a fool shall not resist against
foundeth, becometh a disgrace to her the violence of fear.
23 As a fearful heart in the thought of
5 She that is bold shameth both her a fool at all times will not fear, so
father and husband, and will not be in neither shall he that continueth always
ferior to the ungodly: and shall be dis in the commandments of God.
graced by them both. 24 He that pricketh the eye, bringeth
6 A tale out of time is like music in out tears: and he that pricketh the heart,
mourning: but the stripes and instruc bringeth forth resentment.
tion of wisdom are never out of time. 25 He that flingeth a stone at birds,
7 He that teacheth a fool, is like one shall drive them away: so he that up-
that glueth a potsherd together. braideth his friend, breaketh friendship.
8 He that telleth a word to him that 26 Although thou hast drawn a sword
heareth not, is like one that waketh a at a friend, despair not: for there may
man out of a deep sleep. be a returning. To a friend,
9 He speaketh with one that is asleep, 27 If thou hast opened a sad mouth,
who uttereth wisdom to a fool: and in fear not, for there may be a reconcilia
the end of the discourse he saith: Who tion: except upbraiding, and reproach,
isthis? and pride, and disclosing of secrets, or a
10 ?Weep for the dead, for his light treacherous wound: for in all these cases
hath failed: and weep for the fool, for a friend will flee away.
his understanding faileth. 28 Keep fidelity with a friend in his
11 Weep but a little for the dead, for poverty, that in his prosperity also thou
he is at rest. mayst rejoice.
q Infra 38. 16. r Gen. 50. 10. s Prov. 27. 3.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 30. While the ungodly, &c. He of the Holy Ghost, he is styled a fool, that turns
eondemneth and curseth himself inasmuch as by
away from God to follow vanity and sin. And what
sin he takes part with the devil, and is, as it were, Is said by the wise man against fools 5s meant of
his member and subject. such fools as these.
CHAP. 22. Ver. 10. For the fool. In the language

Prayer for grace to avoid sin ECCLESI ASTICUS Against svvcaring
29 In the time of his trouble continue the names of saints, for thou shalt not
faithful to him, that thou mayst also be escape free from them.
heir with him in his inheritance. 11 For as a slave daily put to the ques
30 As the vapour of a chimney, and the tion, is never without a blue mark: so
smoke of the fire goeth up before the every one that sweareth, and nameth,
fire: so also injurious words, and re shall not be wholly pure from sin.
proaches, and threats, before blood. 12 A man
that sweareth much, shall be
31 I will not be ashamed to salute a
filledwith iniquity, and a scourge shall
friend, neither will I hide myself from not depart from his house.
his face: and if any evil happen to me
13 And if he make it void, his sin shall
by him, I will bear it. be upon him: and if he dissemble it, he
32 But every one that shall hear it, will
offendeth double:
beware of him. 14 And if he swear in vain, he shall no*
33 Who
guard before my
will set a
be justified: for his house shall be filleo.
mouth, and upon my lips, that
a sure seal
with his punishment.
I fall not by them, and that my tongue
15 There is also another speech oppo
destroy me not? site to death, let it not be found in the
inheritance of Jacob.
16 For from the merciful all these
A prayer for grace to flee sin: cautions against things shall be taken away, and they
profane swearing and other vices.
shall not wallow in sins.
father, and sovereign ruler 17 Let not thy mouth be accustomed to
of my leave me not to their
life, indiscreet speech for therein is the word

counsel: nor suffer me to fall by them. of sin.

2 Who will set scourges over my 18 Remember thy father and thy
thoughts, and the discipline of wisdom mother, for thou sittest in the midst of
over my heart, that they spare me not great men:
in their ignorances, and that their sins 19 Lest God forget thee in their sight,
may not appear: and thou, by thy daily custom, be infatu
3 Lest my ignorances increase, and my ated and suffer reproach and wish that :

offences be multiplied, and my sins thou hadst not been born, and curse the
abound, and I fall before my adversaries, day of thy nativity.
and my enemy rejoice over me? 20 v The man that is accustomed to op
4 Lord, father, and God of my life, probrious words, will never be corrected
leave me not to their devices. all the days of his life.
5 Give me not haughtiness of my eyes, 21 Two sorts of men multiply sins, and
and turn away from me all coveting. the third bringeth wrath and destruc
6 Take from me the greediness of the tion.
belly, and let not the lusts of the flesh 22 A hot soul is a burning fire, it will
take hold of me, and give me not over to never be quenched, till it devour some
a shameless and foolish mind. thing.
7 Hear, ye children, the discipline of 23 And a man that is wicked in the
the mouth: and he that will keep it shall mouth of his flesh, will not leave off till
not perish by his lips, nor be brought to he hath kindled a fire.
fall into most wicked works. 24 To a man that is a fornicator all
8 A sinner is caught in his own vanity, bread is sweet, he will not be weary of
and the proud and the evil speakers shall sinning unto the end.
fall thereby. 25 Every man that passeth beyond his
9 Let not thy mouth be accustomed to own bed, despising his own soul, and
swearing: for in it there are many falls. saying:
w Who seeth me?
10 And let not the naming of God be 26 Darkness compasseth me about, and
usual in thy mouth, and meddle not with the walls cover me, and no man seeth me:
* Ps. 140. 8. M Ex. 20. 7 ; Matt. 5. 33. v 2 Kings 16. 7. w Isa. 29. 15.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 1. the tonprue and

By them, viz., ancex, &c. That that the scourges and discipline
the lips, mentioned in the last verse of the foregoing of wisdom muy restrain the ignorances, that is, the
chapter. slips and offences which are usually committed by
Ver. That they spare me not in their ignor-
the tongue and the lips.

God sees the sinner ECCLESIASTICUS Wisdom praises herself

whom do I fear? the most High will not churches of the most High, and shall
remember my sins. glorify herself in the sight of his power,
27 And he understandeth not that his 3 And in the midst of her own people
eye seeth all things, for such a man s she shall be exalted, and shall be ad
fear driveth from him the fear of God, mired in the holy assembly.
and the eyes of men fearing him: 4 And in the multitude of the elect she
28 And he knoweth not that the eyes of shall have praise, and among the blessed
the Lord are far brighter than the sun, she shall be blessed, saying:
beholding round about all the ways of 5 I came out of the mouth of the most
men, and the bottom of the deep, and High, the firstborn before all creatures:
looking into the hearts of men, into the
6 I made that in the heavens there
most hidden parts.
29 For all things were known to the should rise light that never faileth, and
as a cloud I covered all the earth:
Lord God, before they were created: so
7 I dwelt in the highest places, and my
also after they were perfected he behold-
eth all things. throne is in a pillar of a cloud.
8 I alone have compassed the circuit of
30 This man shall be punished in the
streets of the city, and he shall be chased heaven, and have penetrated into the
as a colt: and where he suspected not,
bottom of the deep, and have walked in
the waves of the sea,
he shall be taken.
9 And have stood in all the earth: and
31 And he shall be in disgrace with all
in every people,
men, because he understood not the fear
10 And in every nation I have had the
of the Lord.
chief rule:
32 r So every woman also that leaveth

her husband, and bringeth in an heir by 11 And by my power I have trodden un

another: der my feet the hearts of all the high and
33 For first she hath been unfaithful to low: and in all these I sought rest, and I
the law of the most High: and secondly, shall abide in the inheritance of the Lord.
she hath offended against her husband: 12 Then the creator of all things com
thirdly, she hath fornicated in adultery, manded, and said to me: and he that
and hath gotten her children of another made me, rested in my tabernacle,
man. 13 And he said to me: Let thy dwelling
34 This woman shall be brought into be in Jacob, and thy inheritance in Is
the assembly, and inquisition shall be rael, and take root in my elect.
made of her children. 14 v From the beginning, and before the
35 Her children shall not take root, and world, was I created, and unto the world
her branches shall bring forth no fruit. to come I shall not cease to be, and in
36 She shall leave her memory to be the holy dwelling place I have ministered
before him.
cursed, and her infamy shall not be blot
ted out. 15 And so was I established in Sion,
37 And they that remain shall know, and in the holy city likewise I rested, and
that there is nothing better than the fear my power wasin Jerusalem.
of God and that there is nothing sweeter
16 And took root in an honourable

than to have regard to the command people, and in the portion of my God his
ments of the Lord. inheritance, and my abode is in the full
38 It is great glory to follow the Lord: assembly of saints.
for length of days shall be received from 17 I was exalted like a cedar in Liba-
him. nus, and as a cypress tree on mount Sion.
18 I was exalted like a palm tree in
CHAPTER 24 Cades, and as a rose plant in Jericho:
Wisdom praiseth hcrxelf : her origin, her dwelling, 19 As a fair olive tree in the plains,
her dignity, and her fruits. and as a plane tree by the water in the
shall praise her own self, streets, was I exalted.
WISDOMand shall be honoured in God, and 20 gave a sweet smell like cinnamon,
shall glory in the midst of her people, and aromatical balm: I yielded a sweet
2 And shall open her mouth in the odour like the best myrrh:
x Lev. 20. 10 ; Deut. 22. 21. y Prov. 8. 22.

The fruits of wisdom ECCLESIASTICUS
21 And I perfumed my dwelling as 39 For her thoughts are more vast than
storax, and galbanum, and onyx, and the sea, and her counsels more deep
aloes, and as the frankincense not cut, than the great ocean.
and my odour is as the purest balm. 40 I, wisdom, have poured out rivers.
22 I have stretched out my branches as 41 I, like a brook out of a river of a
the turpentine tree, and my branches are mighty water; I, like a channel of a
of honour and grace. river, and like an aqueduct, came out of
23 As the vine I have brought forth a paradise.
pleasant odour: and my flowers are the 42 I said: I will water my garden of
fruit of honour and riches. plants, and I will water abundantly the
24 I am the mother of fair love, and fruits of my meadow.
of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy 43 And behold my brook became a great
hope. river, and my river carne near to a sea:
25 In me is all grace of the way and of 44 For I make doctrine to shine forth
the truth, in me is all hope of life and to all as the morning light, and I will
of virtue. declare it afar off.
26 Come over to me, all ye that desire 45 I will penetrate to all the lower
me, and be filled with my fruits. parts of the earth, and will behold all
27 For my spirit is sweet above honey, that sleep, and will enlighten all that
and my inheritance above honey and the hope in the Lord.
honeycomb. 46 I will yet pour out doctrine as pro
28 My memory is unto everlasting gen phecy, and will leave it to them that seek
erations. wisdom, and will not cease to instruct
29 * They that eat me, shall yet hunger: their offspring even to the holy age.
and they that drink me, shall yet thirst. 47 See ye that I have not laboured
30 He that hearkeneth to me, shall not for myself only, but for all that seek out
be confounded: and they that work by the truth.
me, shall not sin.
31 They that explain me shall have life CHAPTER 25
Documents of wisdom on several subjects
32 All these things are the book of life, three things my spirit is
and the covenant of the most High, and WITH
pleased, which are approved be
the knowledge of truth. fore God and men:
33 Moses commanded a law in the pre 2 The concord of brethren, and the love
cepts of justices, and an inheritance to of neighbours, and man and wife that
the house of Jacob, and the promises to agree well together.
Israel. -
3 Three sorts my soul hateth, and I
34 Heappointed to David his servant am greatly grieved at their life:
to raise up of him a most mighty king, 4 A poor man that is proud: a rich
and sitting on the throne of glory for man that is a liar: an old man that is a
ever. fool, and doting.
35 Who filleth up wisdom as the Phi- 5 The things that thou hast not gath
son, and as the Tigris in the days of the ered in thy youth, how shalt thou find
new fruits. them in thy old age?
36 Who maketh understanding to abound 6 how comely is judgment for a grey
as the Euphrates, b who multiplieth it as head, and for ancients to know counsel!
the Jordan in the time of harvest. 7 O how comely is wisdom for the aged,
37 Who sendeth knowledge as the light, and understanding and counsel to men
and riseth up as Gehon in the time of of honour!
the vintage. 8 Much experience is the crown of old
38 Who first hath perfect knowledge of men, and the fear of God is their glory.
her, and a weaker shall not search her 9 Nine things that are not to be ima
out. gined by the heart have I magnified, and
z John 6. 35. a Gen. 2. 11. b Jos. 3. 15. c Infra 33. 18.

CHAP. 24. Ver. 34. A

most mighty king, viz., Ver. 38. Who hath perfect knowledge of her.
Christ, who by his gospel, like an overflowing river, Christ was the first that had perfect knowledge of
has enriched the earth with heavenly wisdom. heavenly wisdom.

The fear of God, anger ECCLESIASTICUS Good and bad women
the tenth I will utter to men with my 29 a A woman s anger, and impudence,
tongue. and confusion is great.
10 A manthat hath joy of his children: 30 A woman, if she have superiority,
and he that liveth and seeth the fall of is contrary to her husband.
his enemies. 31 A wicked woman abateth the cour
11 d Blessed is he that dwelleth with a age, and maketh a heavy countenance,
wise woman, e and that hath not slipped and a wounded heart.
with his tongue, and that hath not served 32 Feeble hands, and disjointed knees,
such as are unworthy of him. a woman that doth not make her hus
12 Blessed is he that findeth a true band happy.
friend, and that declareth justice to an 33 h From the woman came the begin
ear that heareth.
ning of sin, and by her we all die.
13 How great is he that findeth wisdom 34 Give no issue to thy water, no, not
and knowledge! but there is none above
a little: nor to a wicked woman liberty
him that feareth the Lord. to gad abroad.
14 The fear of God hath set itself
35 If she walk not at thy hand, she
above all
things: will confound thee in the sight of thy
15 Blessed is the man, to whom it is enemies.
given to have the fear of God: he that 36 Cut her off from thy flesh, lest she
holdeth it, to whom shall he be likened? always abuse thee.
16 The. fear of God is the beginning of
his love: and the beginning of faith is CHAPTER 26
to be fast joined unto it. Of good and bad women
17 The sadness of the heart is every the husband of a good wife:

plague: and the wickedness of a woman HAPPY

for the number of his years is double.
is all evil. 2 A virtuous woman rejoiceth her hus
18 And a man will choose any plague, band, and shall fulfil the years of his life
but the plague of the heart: in peace.
19 And any wickedness, but the wick 3 A
good wife is a good portion, she
edness of a woman: shall be given in the portion of them that
20 And any affliction, but the affliction fear God, to a man for his good deeds.
from them that hate him: 4 Rich or poor, if his heart is good, his
21 And any revenge, but the revenge countenance shall be cheerful at all times.
of enemies. 5 Of three things my heart hath been
22 There is no head worse than the afraid, and at the fourth my face hath
head of a serpent: trembled:
23 And there is no anger above the 6 The accusation of a city, and the
anger of a woman. / It will be more gathering together of the people:
agreeable to abide with a lion and a dra 7 And a false calumny, all are more
gon, than to dwell with a wicked woman. grievous than death.
24 The wickedness of a woman chang- 8 A
jealous woman is the grief and
eth her face: and she darkeneth her mourning of the heart.
countenance as a bear: and sheweth it 9 With a jealous woman is a scourge of
like sackcloth. In the midst of her the tongue which communicateth with
neighbours, all.
25 Her husband groaned, and hearing 10 As a yoke of oxen that is moved to
he sighed a little. and a wicked woman: he
fro, so also is
26 All malice is short to the malice of that hath hold of her, is as he that tak-
a woman, let the lot of sinners fall upon eth hold of a scorpion.
her. 11 A drunken woman is a great wrath:
27 As the climbing of a sandy way is and her reproach and shame shall not
to the feet of the aged, so is a wife full be hid.
of tongue to a quiet man. 12 The fornication of a woman shall be
28 Look not upon a woman s beauty, known by the haughtiness of her eyes,
and desire not a woman for beauty. and by her eyelids.
d Infra 26. 1. e Supra 14. 1, and 19. 16 ; James 8. 2. / Prov. 21. 19. g Infra 42. 6,h Gen. 3. 6.

A good wife ECCLESIASTICUS Evil speech

13 <

On a daughter that turneth not 2 As a stake sticketh fast in the midst of

away herself, set a strict watch : lest find the joining of stones, so also in the midst
ing on opportunity she abuse herself. of selling and buying, sin shall stick fast.
14 Take heed of the impudence of her 3 Sin shall be destroyed with the sinner.
eyes, and wonder not if she slight thee. 4 Unless thou hold thyself diligently in
15 She will open her mouth as a thirsty the fear of the Lord, thy house shall
traveller to the fountain, and will drink quickly be overthrown.
of every water near her, and will sit 5 As when one sifteth with a sieve, the
down by every hedge, and open her quiver

dust will remain: so will the perplexity

against every arrow, until she fail. of a man in his thoughts.
16 The grace of a diligent woman shall de G The furnace trieth the potter s ves
light her husband, and shall fat his bones. sels, and the trial of affliction just men.
17 Her discipline is the gift of God. 7 As the dressing of a tree sheweth the
18 Such is a wise and silent woman, fruit thereof, so a word out of the
and there is nothing so much worth as a thought of the heart of man.
well instructed soul. 8 Praise not a man before he speaketh,
19 A. holy and shamefaced woman is for this is the trial of men.
grace upon grace. 9 If thou followest justice, thou shalt
20 And no price is worthy of a conti obtain her: and shalt put her on as a long
nent soul. robe of honour, and thou shalt dwell
21 As the sun when it riseth to the with her: and she shall protect thee for
world in the high places of God, so is ever, and in the day of acknowledgment
the beauty of a good wife for the orna thou shalt find a strong foundation.
ment of her house. 10 Birds resort unto their like: so truth
22 As the lamp shining upon the holy will return to them that practise her.
candlestick, so is the beauty of the face 11 The lion always lieth in wait for
in a ripe age. prey: so do sins for them that work
23 As golden pillars upon bases of sil iniquities.
ver, so are the firm feet upon the soles of 12 A holy man continueth in wisdom as
a steady woman. the sun: but a fool is changed as the
24 As everlasting foundations upon a moon.
solid rock, so the commandments of God 13 In the midst of the unwise keep in
in the heart of a holy woman. the word time: but be continually
till its

25 At two things my heart is grieved, among men that think.

and the third bringeth anger upon me: 14 The discourse of sinners is hateful,
26 A man of war fainting through pov and their laughter is at the pleasures of
erty: and a man of sense despised: sin.
27 And he that passeth over from jus The speech that sweareth much
tice to sin, God hath prepared such an shall make the hair of the head stand up
one for the sword. right: and its irreverence shall make one
28 Two sorts of callings have appeared stop his ears.
to me hard and dangerous: a merchant 16 In the quarrels of the proud is the
is hardly free from negligence: and a shedding of blood: and their cursing is a
huckster shall not be justified from the grievous hearing.
sins of the lips. 17 He that discloseth the secret of a
friend loseth his credit, and shall never
find a friend to his mind.
Dangers of sin from several heads: the fear of God 18 Love thy neighbour, and be joined
is the best preservative. He that diggeth a pit,
shall fall into it. to him with fidelity.
poverty many have sinned: 19 But if thou discover his secrets,
and he that seeketh to be enriched, follow no more after him.
20 For as a man that destroyeth his
turneth away his eye.
i Infra 42. 11.

CHAP. 26. Ver. 28. From negligence. That is, as themselves. Ibid. A huckster, or, a retailer of
from the neglect of the service of God because the : wine. Men of that profession are both greatly ex
eager pursuit of the mammon of this world, is apt posed to danger of sin themselves, and are too often
to make men of that calling forget the great duties accessary to the sins of others.
of loving God above all things, and their neighbours

24 737
Y,7 returns to the doer ECCLESIASTICUS Revenge and quarreling
the 2 Forgive thy neighbour if he hath hurt
friend, so also is he that destroyeth
thee: and then shall thy sins be forgiven
friendship of his neighbour.
21 And as one that letteth a bird go out to thee when thou prayest.
of his hand, so hast thou let thy neighbour 3 Man to man reserveth anger, and
go, and thou shalt not get him again. doth he seek remedy of God?
hath no mercy on a man like him

22 Follow after him no more, for he is 4 He

gone afar off, he is fled, as a roe escaped self, and doth he entreat for his own
out of the snare: because his soul is sins?
wounded. 5 He that is but flesh, nourisheth anger,
23 Thou canst no more bind him up. and doth he ask forgiveness of God ? who
And of a curse there is reconciliation: shall obtain pardon for his sins?
24 But to disclose the secrets of a friend, 6 Remember thy last things, and let
leaveth no hope to an unhappy soul. enmity cease:
25 He that winketh with the eye forg- 7 For corruption and death hang over
eth wicked things, and no man will cast in his commandments.
him off: 8 the fear of God, and be
26 In the sight of thy eyes he will not angry with thy neighbour.
sweeten his mouth, and will admire thy 9 Remember the covenant of the most
words: but at the last he will writhe his High, and overlook the ignorance of thy
mouth, and on thy words he will lay a neighbour.
stumblingblock. 10 Refrain from strife, and thou shalt
27 I have hated many things, but not diminish thy sins:
like him, and the Lord will hate him. 11 For a passionate man kindleth strife,
28 If one cast a stone on high, it will and a sinful man will trouble his friends,
fall upon his own head: and the deceit and bring in debate in the midst of them
ful stroke will wound the deceitful. that are at peace.
29 He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into 12 For as the wood of the forest is, so
it: and he that setteth a stone for his the fire burneth: and as a man s strength
neighbour, shall stumble upon it: and he is, so shall his anger be, and according
that layeth a snare for another, shall his riches he shall increase his anger.
perish in it. 13 A hasty contention kindleth a fire
30 A mischievous counsel shall be rolled and a hasty quarrel sheddeth blood and
back upon the author, and he shall not a tongue that beareth witness bringeth
know from whence it cometh to him. death.
31 Mockery and reproach are of the 14 If thou blow the spark, it shall burn
proud, and vengeance as a lion shall lie as a fire: and if thou spit upon it, it shall
in wait for him.
be quenched: both come out of the
32 They shall perish in a snare that are mouth.
delighted with the fall of the just: and 15 whisperer and the double
sorrow shall consume them before they accursed: for he hath troubled
tongued is
33 Anger and fury are both of them
many that were at peace.
16 The tongue of a third person hath
abominable, and the sinful man shall be
disquieted many, and scattered them
subject to them. from nation to nation.
17 It hath destroyed the strong cities of
the rich, and hath overthrown the houses
Lentong a-aaint revenge and quarrels. The evUs of of great men.
the tongue.
18 It hath cut in pieces the forces of
) that seeketh to
revenge himself, people, and undone strong nations.
shall find vengeance from the Lord,
he will surely keep his sins in re
19 The tongue of a third person hath
cast out valiant women, and deprived
membrance. them of their labours.
j Deut. 32. 35 ; Matt. 6. 14. Mark 11. 25 ; Rom. 12. 19.

CHAP. 27. Ver. 23. And of a curse there is recon ply the sentence out of the Greek thus : Remember
ciliation. That is, it is easier to obtain a reconcilia corruption and death, and abide in the Command*
tion after a curse, than after disclosing a se.cret. ments.
CHAP. 28. Ver. 7. In his commandments. Sup-

An evil tongue ECCLESIASTICUS Almsgiving
20 He that hearkeneth to it, shall never of the lender, and in promises they hum
have rest, neither shall he have a friend ble their voice:
in whom he may repose. 6 But when they should repay, they
21 The stroke of a whip maketh a blue will ask time, and will return tedious
mark: but the stroke of the tongue will and murmuring words, and will complain
break the bones. of the time:
22 Many have fallen by the edge of the 7 And
if he be able to pay, he will stand
sword, but not so many as have perished off,he will scarce pay one half, and will
by their own tongue. count it as if he had found it:
23 Blessed is he that is defended from 8 But if not, he will defraud him of his
a wicked tongue, that hath not passed money, and he shall get him for an ene
into the wrath thereof, and that hath not
my without cause.
drawn the yoke thereof, and hath not 9 And he will pay him with reproaches
been bound in its bands. and curses, and instead of honour and
24 For its yoke is a yoke of iron: and good turn will repay him injuries.
its bands are bands of brass. 10 Many have refused to lend, not out
25 The death thereof is a most evil of wickedness, but they were afraid to
death: and hell is preferable to it. be defrauded without cause.
26 Its continuance shall not be for a 11 But yet towards the poor be thou
long time, but it shall possess the ways more hearty, and delay not to shew him
of the unjust: and the just shall not be
burnt with its flame. 12 Help the poor because of the com
27 They that forsake God shall fall into mandment: and send him not away
it, and burn in them, and shall
it shall
empty handed because of his poverty.
not be quenched, and it shall be sent 13 Lose thy money for thy brother and
upon them as a lion, and as a leopard thy friend: and hide it not under a stone
it shall tear them. to be lost.
28 Hedge in thy ears with thorns, hear 14 * Place thy treasure in the command
not a wicked tongue, and make doors ments of the most High, and it shall
and bars to thy mouth. bring thee more profit than gold.
29 Melt down thy gold and silver, and 15 Shut up alms in the heart of the
make a balance for thy words, and a poor, and it shall obtain help for thee
just bridle for thy mouth: against all evil.
30 And take heed lest thou slip with 16 Better than the shield of the mighty,
thy tongue, and fall in the sight of thy and better than the spear:
enemies who lie in wait for thee, and thy 17 It shall fight for thee against thy
fall be incurable unto death.
18 A good man is surety for his neigh
CHAPTER 29 bour: and he that hath lost shame, will
Of charity in lending money, and justice in repay leave him to himself.
ing. Of alms, and of being surety. 19 Forget not the kindness of thy sure
that sheweth mercy, lendeth to his ty: for he hath given his life for thee.
HE neighbour: and he that is stronger
in hand, keepeth the commandments.
20 The sinner and the unclean fleeth
from his surety.
2 Lend to thy neighbour in the time of 21 A sinner attributeth to himself the
his need, and pay thou thy neighbour goods of his surety: and he that is of an
again in due time. unthankful mind will leave him that de
3 Keep thy w ord, and deal faithfully
livered him.
with him: and thou shalt always find 22 A man is surety for his neighbour:
that which is necessary for thee. and when he hath lost all shame, he
4 Many have looked upon a thing lent shall forsake him.
as a thing found, and have given trouble 23 Evil suretyship hath undone many of
to them that helped them. good estate, and hath tossed them as a
5 Till they receive, they kiss the hands wave of the sea.
k Tob. 4. 10 ; Supra 17. 18.

CHAP. 29. Ver. 1. And he that is stronger in hand. Th-it is, he that is hearty and bountiful in
lending to his neighbour in his necessity.

Better to fare at home ECCLESIASTICUS Correction of children

made powerful men to go in him: and when he died he was not

24 It hath
sorrowful, neither was he confounded
from place to place round about, and
before his enemies.
they have wandered in strange coun
tries. 6 For he left behind him a defender of
25 sinner that transgresseth the com
A his house against his enemies, and one
mandment of the Lord, shall fall into an that will requite kindness to his friends.
evil suretyship and he that undertaketh
7 For the souls of his sons he shall
many things, shall fall into judgment. bind up his wounds, and at every cry his
26 Recover thy neighbour according to bowels shall be troubled.
thy power, and take heed to thyself that 8 A horse not broken becometh stub
thou fall not. born, and a child left to himself will be
27 The chief thing for man s life is wa come headstrong.
ter and bread, and clothing, and a house 9 Give thy son his way, and he shall
to cover shame. make thee afraid: play with him, and he
28 Better is the poor man s fare under shall make thee sorrowful.
a roof of boards, than sumptuous cheer 10 Laugh not with him, lest thou have
abroad in another man s house. sorrow, and at the last thy teeth be set
29 Be contented with little instead of on edge.
much, and thou shalt not hear the re 11 Give him not liberty in his youth,
proach of going abroad. and wink not at his devices.
30 It is a miserable life to go as a guest 12 Bow down his neck while he is
from house to house: for where a man young, and beat his sides while he is a
is a stranger, he shall not deal confi
child, lest he grow stubborn, and regard
dently, nor open his mouth. thee not, and so be a sorrow of heart to
31 He shall entertain and feed, and give thee.
drink to the unthankful, and moreover 13 Instruct thy son, and labour about
he shall hear bitter words. him, lest his lewd behaviour be an of
32 Go, stranger, and furnish the table, fence to thee.
and give others to eat what thou hast in 14 Better is a poor man who is sound,
thy hand. and strong of constitution, than a rich
33 Give place to the honourable pre man who is weak and afflicted with evils.
sence of my friends: for I want my 15 Health of the soul in holiness of jus
house, my brother being to be lodged tice, is better than all gold and silver:
with me. and a sound body, than immense reve
34 These things are grievous to a man nues.
of understanding: the upbraiding of 16 There is no riches above the riches
houseroom, and the reproaching of the of the health of the body: and there is
lender. no pleasure above the joy of the heart.
CHAPTER 30 17 Better is death than a bitter life:
Of correction of children. Health is better than and everlasting rest, than continual sick
wealth. Excessive grief is hurtful. ness.
that loveth his son, frequently 18 Good things that are hidden in a

chastiseth him, that he may rejoice mouth that is shut, are as messes of
in his latter end, and not grope after the meat set about a grave.
doors of his neighbours. 19 P What good shall an offering do to
2 He that instructeth his son shall be an idol? for it can neither eat, nor
praised in him, and shall glory in him in smell:
the midst of them of his household. 20 So is he that is persecuted by the
3 M He that teacheth his son, maketh Lord, bearing the reward of his iniquity:
his enemy jealous, and in the midst of 21 9 He seeth with his eyes, and groan-
his friends he shall glory in him. eth, as an eunuch embracing a virgin,
4 His father is dead, and he is as if he and sighing.
were not dead: for he hath left one be 22 r Give not up thy soul to sadness,
hind him, that is like himself. and afflict not thyself in thy own coun
5 While he lived he saw and rejoiced sel.

I Infra 39. 31. m Prov. 13. 24, and 23. 13. p Dan. 14. 6. q Supra 20. 2.
n Dent. 6. 7. o Supra 7. 25. r Prov. 12. 25, and 15. 13, and 17. 22.

Desire of ricJics ECCLESIASTICUS Temperance
23 The joyfulness of the heart, is the in the Lord, and all the church of the
life of a man, and a never failing treas saints shall declare his alms.
ure of holiness: and the joy of a man is 12 Art thou set at a great table? be not
length of life. the first to open thy mouth upon it.
24 Have pity on thy own soul, pleasing
13 Say not: There are many things
God, and contain thyself: gather up thy which are upon it.
heart in his holiness: and drive away
sadness far from thee. 14 Remember that a wicked eye is evil.
25 s For sadness hath killed many, and 15 What is created more wicked than
there is no profit in it. an eye? therefore shall it weep over all
26 Envy and anger shorten a man s the face when it shall see.
days, and pensiveness will bring old age 16 Stretch not out thy hand first, lest
before the time. being disgraced with envy thou be put to
27 A cheerful and good heart is always confusion.
feasting: for his banquets are prepared 17 Be not hasty in a feast.
with diligence. 18 Judge of the disposition of thy
neighbour by thyself.
19 Use as a frugal man the things that
are set before thee: lest if thou eatest
Of the desire of riches, and of moderation in eating
much, thou be hated.
and drinking.
20 Leave off first, for manners sake:
TVTATCHING for riches consumeth the and exceed not, lest thou offend.
W away
flesh, and the thought thereof driv-
21 And if thou sittest among many,
reach not thy hand out first of all: and
2The thinking beforehand turneth be not the first to ask for drink.
away the understanding, and a grievous 22 How sufficient is a little wine for a
sickness niaketh the soul sober. man well taught, and in sleeping thou
3 The rich man hath laboured in gather shalt not be uneasy with it, and thou
ing riches together, and when he resteth shalt feel no pain.
he shall be filled with his goods. 23 Watching, and choler, and gripes,
4 The poor man hath laboured in his are with an intemperate man:
low way of life, and in the end he is still 24 Sound and wholesome sleep with a
poor. moderate man: he shall sleep till morn
5 He
that loveth gold, shall not be jus ing, and his soul shall be delighted with
tified:and he that followeth after cor him.
ruption, shall be filled with it. 25 And if thou hast been forced to eat
6 Many have been brought to fall for much, arise, go out, and vomit: and it
gold, and the beauty thereof hath been shall refresh thee, and thou shalt not
their ruin. bring sickness upon thy body.
7 Gold is a stumbling block to them 26 Hear me, my son, and despise me
that sacrifice to it: woe to them that not: and in the end thou shalt find my
eagerly follow after it, and every fool words.
shall perish by it. 27 In all thy works be quick, and no
8 Blessed is the rich man that is found infirmity shall come to thee.
without blemish: and that hath not gone 28 The lips of many shall bless him
after gold, nor put his trust in money that is liberal of his bread, and the tes
nor in treasures. timony of his truth is faithful.
9 Who is he, and we will praise him? 29 Against him that is niggardly of his
for he hath done wonderful things in his bread, the city will murmur, and the tes
life. timony of his niggardliness is true.
10 Who hath been tried thereby, and 30 Challenge not them that love wine:
made perfect, he shall have glory ever for wine hath destroyed very many.
lasting. He that could have transgressed, 31 Fire trieth hard iron: so wine drunk
and hath not transgressed: and could do to excess shall rebuke the hearts of the
evil things, and hath not done them: proud.
11 Therefore are his goods established 32 Wine taken with sobriety is equal life
s 2 Cor. 7. 10. t Supra 8. 8. u Judith 18. 4.

Drunkenness ECCLESIASTICUS Fear of God, and counsel

to men: if thou drink it moderately, thou 11 If thou be asked twice, let thy an
shalt be sober. swer be short.
33 What is his life, who is diminished 12 In many things be as if thou wert
with wine? ignorant, and hear in silence and withal
34 What taketh away life? death. seeking.
35 v Wine was created from the begin 13 In the company of great men take
ning to make men joyful, and not to not upon thee: and when the ancients
make them drunk. are present, speak not much.
36 Wine drunken with moderation is 14 Before a storm goeth lightning: and
the joy of the soul and the heart. before shamefacedness goeth favour: and
37 Sober drinking is health to soul and for thy reverence good grace shall come
body. to thee.
38 Wine drunken with excess raiseth 15 And at the time of rising be not
quarrels, and wrath, and many ruins. slack: but be first to run home to thy
39 Wine drunken with excess is bitter house, and there withdraw thyself, and
ness of the soul. there take thy pastime.
40 The heat of drunkenness is the stum 16 And do what thou hast in mind, but
blingblock. of the fool, lessening strength not in sin or proud speech.
and causing wounds. 17 And for all these things bless the
41 Rebuke not thy neighbour in a ban Lord, that made thee, and that replen-
quet of wine: and despise him not in his isheth thee with all his good things.
mirth. 18 He that feareth the Lord, will re
42 Speak not to him words of reproach: ceive his discipline and they that will

and press him not in demanding again. seek him early, shall find a blessing.
19 He that seeketh the law, shall be
CHAPTER 32 filled with it: and he that dealeth deceit
Lessons for superiors and inferiors. Advantages of
fully, shall meet with a stumblingblock
fearing God, and doing nothing without counsel.
they made thee ruler? be not 20 They that fear the Lord, shall find
HAVE lifted up: be among them as one of
just judgment, and shall kindle justice as
them. a light.
2 Have care of them, and so sit down, 21 A sinful man will flee reproof, and
and when thou hast acquitted thyself of will find an excuse according to his will.
allthy charge, take thy place: 22 A man of counsel will not neglect
3 That thou mayst rejoice for them, understanding, a strange and proud man
and receive a crown as an ornament of will not dread fear:
grace, and get the honour of the contri 23 Even after he hath done with fear
bution. without counsel, he shall be controlled
4 Speak, -thou that art elder: for it be- by the things of his own seeking.
cometh thee, 24 My son, do thou nothing without
5 To speak the first word with careful counsel, and thou shalt not repent when
knowledge, and hinder not music. thou hast done.
6 Where there is no hearing, pour not 25 Go not in the way of ruin, and thou
out words, and be not lifted up out of shalt not stumble against the stones:
season with thy wisdom. trust not thyself to a rugged way, lest
7 A concert of music in a banquet of thou set a stumblingblock to thy soul.
wine is as a carbuncle set in gold. 26 And beware of thy own children, and
8 As a signet of an emerald in a work take heed of them of thy household.
of gold: so is the melody of music with 27 In every work of thine regard thy
pleasant and moderate wine. soul in faith: for this is the keeping of
9 Hear in silence, and for thy rever the commandments.
ence good grace shall come to thee. 28 He that believeth God, taketh heed
10 Young man, scarcely speak in thy to the commandments: and he that trust -
own cause. eth in him, shall fare never the worse.
r Ps. 103. 15 ; Prov. 31. 4.

CHAP. 32. Ver. 27. In faith. That is, follow sincerely thy soul in her faith and conscience.

limes and men ECCLESIAST1CUS Care of oneself and one s slaves
CHAPTER 33 works of the most High. Two and two,
The fear of God is the bent security. Times and
and one against another.
men are in the hands of God. Take care of thy 16 And I awaked last of all, and as one
self as long as thou livest, and look to thy servants. that gathereth after the grapegatherers.
evils shall to him that
happen 17 In the blessing of God I also have
feareth the Lord, but in temptation
will keep him, and deliver him from
hoped: and as one that gathereth grapes,
have I filled the winepress.
evils. 18 See that I have not laboured for my
2 A wise man hateth not the command self only, but for all that seek discipline.
ments and justices, and he shall not be 19 Hear me, ye great men, and all ye
dashed in pieces as a ship in a storm. people, and hearken with your ears, ye
3 A man of understanding is faithful to rulers of the church.
the law of God, and the law is faithful 20 Give not to son or wife, brother or
to him. friend, power over thee while thou livest;
4 He that cleareth up a question, shall and give not thy estate to another, lest
prepare what to say, and so having thou repent, and thou entreat for the
prayed he shall be heard, and shall keep same.
discipline, and then he shall answer. 21 As long as thou livest, and hast
5 w The heart of a fool is as a wheel of breath in thee, let no man change thee.
a cart: and his thoughts are like a roll 22 For it is better that thy children
ing axletree. should ask of thee, than that thou look
6 A friend that is a mocker, is like a toward the hands of thy children.
stallion horse: he neigheth under every 23 In all thy works keep the pre-emi
one that sitteth upon him. nence.
7 Why doth one day excel another, and 24 Let no stain sully thy glory. In the
one light another, and one year another time when thou shalt end the days of thy
year, when all come of the sun? life, and in the time of thy decease, dis
8 By the knowledge of the Lord they tribute thy inheritance.
were distinguished, the sun being made, 25 Fodder, and a wan*d, and a burden
and keeping his commandment. are for an ass: bread, and correction, and
9 And he ordered the seasons, and holi work for a slave.
days of them, and in them they cele 26 He worketh under correction, and
brated festivals at an hour. seeketh to rest: let his hands be idle,
10 Some of them God made high and and he seeketh liberty.
great days, and some of them he put in 27 The yoke and the thong bend a stiff
the number of ordinary days. And all neck, and continual labours bow a slave.
men are from the ground, and out of the "

28 Torture and fetters are for a mali

earth, from whence Adam was created. cious slave: send him to work, that he
11 With much knowledge the Lord hath be not idle:
divided them and diversified their ways. 29 For idleness hath taught much evil.
12 Some of them hath he blessed, and 30 Set him to work: for so it is fit for
exalted: and some of them hath he sanc him. And if he be not obedient, bring
tified, and set near himself: and some of him down with fetters, but be not exces
them hath he cursed and brought low, sive towards any one: and do no griev
and turned them from their station. ous thing without judgment.
13 v As the potter s clay is in his hand, 31 a If thou have a faithful servant, let
to fashion and order it: him be to thee as thy own soul: treat
14 All his wT ays are according to his him as a brother: because in the blood
ordering: so man is in the hand of him of thy soul thou hast gotten him.
that made him, and he will render to him 32 If thou hurt him unjustly, he will
according to his judgment. run away:
15 Good is set against evil, and life 33 And if he rise up and depart, thou
against death: so also is the sinner against knowest not whom to ask,and in what
a just man. And so look upon all the way to seek him.

w Supra 21. 17. x Gen. 2. 7. y Rom. 9. 21. z Supra 24. 47. a Supra 7. 23.

CHAP. 33 Ver. 21. Change thee. That is, so as Ver. 23. The lire-eminence. That is, be master in.
to have this power over thee. thy own house, and part not with thy authority.

The vanity of dreams ECCLESIASTICUS Defrauding the laborer
CHAPTER 34 18 To whom doth he look, and who is
his strength?
The vanity of dreams. The advantage of experi
ence, and of the fear of God. 19 b The eyes of the Lord are upon them
that fear him, he their powerful pro
hopes of a man
that is void of
and dreams
understanding are vain and deceit
lift up fools.
tector, and strong stay, a defence from
the heat, and a cover from the sun at
2 The man that giveth heed to lying noon,
20 A preservation from stumbling, and
visions, is like to him that catcheth at a
a help from falling; he raiseth up the
shadow, and followeth after the wind.
3 The vision of dreams is the resem soul, and enlighteneth the eyes, and giv
blance of one thing to another: as when a eth health, and life, and blessing.
man s likeness is before the face of a man. 21 c The offering of him that sacrificeth
4 What can be made clean by the un of a thing wrongfully gotten, is stained,
clean? and what truth can come from and the mockeries of the unjust are not
that which is false? acceptable.
5 Deceitful divinations and lying omens 22 The Lord is only for them that wait
and the dreams of evildoers, are vanity: upon him in the way of truth and jus
6 And the heart fancieth as that of a
woman in travail: except it be a vision 23 d The most High approveth not the
sent forth from the most High, set not gifts of the wicked: neither hath he re
thy heart upon them. spect to the oblations of the unjust, nor
7 For dreams have deceived many, and will he be pacified for sins by the multi

they have failed that put their trust in tude of their sacrifices.
them. 24 He that offereth sacrifice of the
8 The word of the law shall be fulfilled goods of the poor, is as one that sacrifi
without a lie, and wisdom shall be made ceth the son in the presence of his father.
plain in the mouth of the faithful. 25 The bread of the needy, is the life
9 What doth he know, that hath not of the poor: he that defraudeth them
been tried? A man that hath much ex thereof, is a man of blood.

perience, shall think of many things: 26 He that taketh away the bread got
and he that hath learned many things, ten by sweat, is like him that killeth his
shall shew forth understanding. neighbour.
10 He that hath no experience, knoweth 27 He that sheddeth blood, e and he that
little: and he that hath been experienced defraudeth the labourer of his hire, are
in many things, multiplieth prudence. brothers.
11 He that hath not been tried, what 28 When one buildeth up, and another
manner of things doth he know? he that pulleth down: what profit have they but
hath been surprised, shall abound with the labour?
subtlety. 29 When one prayeth, and another curs-
12 have seen many things by travel
I eth: whose voice will God hear?
ling, and many customs of things. 30 He that washeth himself after touch
13 Sometimes I have been in danger of ing the dead, if he toucheth him again,
death for these things, and I have been what doth his washing avail?
delivered by the grace of God. 31 / So a man that fasteth for his sins,
14 The spirit of those that fear God, is and doth the same again, what doth his
sought after, and by his regard shall be humbling himself profit him? who will
blessed. hear his prayer?
15 For their hope is on him that saveth
them, and the eyes of God are upon them CHAPTER 35
that love him. What sacrifices are pleasing to God
16 He that feareth the Lord shall trem that keepeth the law, multiplieth
ble at nothing, and shall not be afraid:
for he is his hope.
HE offerings.
2 a It is a wholesome sacrifice to take
17 The soul of him that feareth the heed to the commandments, and to de
Lord is blessed. part from all iniquity.

6 Ps. 33. 16. c Prov. 21. 27. e Deut. 24. 14 ; Supra 7. 22. / 2 Peter 2. 21.
d Prov. 15. 18. g 1 Kings 15. 22.

The sacrifices pleasing to God ECCLESIASTICUS A prayer for God s people
3 And to depart from injustice, is to of and he will not depart till the most High
fer a propitiatory sacrifice for injustices, behold.
and a begging of pardon for sins. 22 Andthe Lord will not be slack, but
4 He shall return thanks, that offereth will judge for the just, and will do judg
fine flour: and he that doth mercy, offer ment: and the Almighty will not have
eth sacrifice. patience with them, that he may crush
5 * To depart from their back:
iniquity is that
which pleaseth the Lord, and to depart 23 And he will repay vengeance to the
from injustice, is an entreaty for sins. Gentiles, till he have taken away the
multitude of the proud, and broken the
6 { Thou shalt not appear empty in the
sceptres of the unjust,
sight of the Lord. 24 Till he have rendered to men ac
7 For all these things are to be done
cording to their deeds: and according to
because of the commandment of God. the works of Adam, and according to his
8 The oblation of the just maketh the
altar fat, and is an odour of sweetness in
25 Till he have judged the cause of his
the sight of the most High.
people, and he shall delight the just with
9 The sacrifice of the just is acceptable, his mercy.
and the Lord will not forget the memo 26 The mercy of God is beautiful in the
rial thereof.
time of affliction, as a cloud of rain in
10 Give glory to God with a good heart: the time of drought.
and diminish not the firstfruits of thy
11 i In every gift shew a cheerful coun

tenance, and sanctify thy tithes with

A prayer for the church of God. Of a good heart,
and a good wife.
12 Give to the most High according to mercy upon us, God of all,
what he hath given to thee, and with a HAVE
and behold us, and shew us the
good eye do according to the ability of light of thy mercies:
thy hands: 2 And send thy fear upon the nations,
13 For the Lord maketh recompense, that have not sought after thee: that
and will give thee seven times as much. they may know that there is no God be
14 k Do not offer wicked gifts, for such side thee, and that they may shew forth
he will not receive. thy wonders.
15 And look not upon an unjust sacri 3 Lift up thy hand over the strange na
fice, for the Lord is judge, and there is tions, that they may see thy power.
not with him respect of person. 4 For as thou hast been sanctified in us
16 The Lord will not accept any person in their sight, so thou shalt be magnified
against a poor man, and he will hear the among them in our presence,
prayer of him that is wronged. 5 That they may know thee, as we also
17 He will not despise the prayers of have known thee, that there is no God
the fatherless; nor the widow, when she beside thee, Lord.
poureth out her complaint. 6 Renew thy signs, and work new mir
18 Do not the widow s tears run down acles.
the cheek, and her cry against him that 7 Glorify thy hand, and thy right arm.
causeth them to fall? 8 Raise up indignation, and pour out
19 For from the cheek, they go up even wrath.
to heaven, and the Lord that heareth 9 Take away the adversary, and crush
will not be delighted with them. the enemy.
20 He that adoreth God with joy, shall 10 Hasten the time, and remember the
be accepted, and his prayer shall ap end, that they may declare thy wonder
proach even to the clouds. ful works.
21 The prayer of him that humbleth 11 Let him that escapeth be consumed
himself, shall pierce the clouds: and till by the rage of the fire: and let them
it come nigh he will not be comforted: perish that oppress thy people.
h Jer. 7. 3. and 26. 13. I Deut. 10. 17 ; 2 Par. 19. 7 ; Job 34. 19 ; Wisd. 6. 8 ;
f Ex. 23. 15, and 34, 20 ; Deut. 16. 16. Rom. 2. 11 ; Gal. 2. 6 Col. 3. 25 ; Acts 10. 34 ;

j 2 Cor. 9. 7 : Tob. 4. 9. k Lev. 22. 21 Deut.; 15. 21. 1 Peter 1. 17.

A prayer for God s people ECCLESIASTICUS True and false friends

12 Crush the head of the princes of the taketh him, as a robber well appointed,
enemies that say: There is no other be that skippeth from city to city.
side us.
13 Gather together all the tribes of Ja the choice of friends and counsellors
cob: that they may know that there is
no God besides thee, and may declare friend will say: I also am his
thy great works: and thou shalt inherit EVERY
friend: but there is a friend, thai is
Is not this a
them as from the beginning. only a friend in name.
14 Have mercy on thy people, upon grief even to death ?
whom thy name is invoked: and upon 2 But a companion and a friend shall

whom thou hast raised up to be be turned to an enemy.

thy firstborn. 3 wicked presumption, whence earn
15 Have mercy on Jerusalem, the city est thou to cover the earth with thy
which thou hast sanctified, the city of malice, and deceitf ulness ?
thy rest. 4 There is a companion who rejoiceth
16 Fill Sion with thy unspeakable with his friend in his joys, but in the
words, and thy people with thy glory. time of trouble, he will be against him.
17 Give testimony to them that are thy 5 There is a companion who condoleth
creatures from the beginning, and raise with his friend for his belly s sake, and
up the prophecies which the former pro he will take up a shield against the
phets spoke in thy name. enemy.
18 Reward them that patiently wait for 6 Foi-get not thy friend in thy mind, and
thee, that thy prophets may be found be not unmindful of him in thy riches.
faithful and hear the prayers of thy ser
: 7 Consult not with him that layeth a
vants, snare for thee, and hide thy counsel
19 i According to the blessing of Aaron from them that envy thee.
over thy people, and direct us into the 8 Every counsellor giveth out counsel,
way of justice, and let all know that but there is one that is a counsellor for
dwell upon the earth, that thou art God himself.
the beholder of all ages. 9 Beware of a counsellor. And know
20 The belly will devour all meat, yet before what need he hath: for he will
one is better than another. devise to his own mind:
21 The palate tasteth venison and the 10 Lest he thrust a stake into the
wise heart false speeches. ground, and say to thee:
22 A perverse heart will cause grief, 11 Thy way is good: and then stand on
and a man of experience will resist it. the other side to see what shall befall
23 A woman will receive every man: thee.
yet one daughter is better than an 12 Treat not with a man without reli
other. gion concerning holiness, nor with an
24 The beauty of a woman cheereth the unjust man concerning justice, nor with
countenance of her husband, and a man a woman touching her of whom she is
desireth nothing more. jealous, nor with a coward concerning
25 If she have a tongue that can cure, war, nor with a merchant about traffic,
and likewise mitigate and shew mercy: nor with a buyer of selling, nor with an
her husband is not like other men. envious man of giving thanks,
26 He that possesseth a good wife, be- 13 Nor with the ungodly of piety, nor
ginneth a possession: she is a help like with the dishonest of honesty, nor with
to himself, and a pillar of rest. the field labourer of every work,
27 Where there is no hedge, the posses 14 Nor with him that worketh by the
sion shall be spoiled: and where there is year of the finishing of the year, nor
no wife, he mourneth that is in want. with an idle servant of much business:
28 Who will trust him that hath no rest, give no heed to these in any matter of
and that lodgeth wheresoever the night counsel.
m Ex. 4. 22. n Num. 6. 24.

CHAP. 36. Ver. 23. .4 woman will receive every marries in obedience to her parents, who make the
man. That is, any man that her parents propose to choice for her.
her to marry, though she does not like him, but
The wise man ECCLESIASTICUS Conduct in sickness

15 But be continually with a holy man, sickness, and greediness will turn to
whomsoever thou shalt know to observe choler.
the fear of God, 34 By surfeiting many have perished:
16 Whosesoul is according to thy own but he that is temperate, shall prolong
soul and who, when thou shalt stumble

in the dark, will be sorry for thee.

17 And establish within thyself a heart
Of physicians and medicines: what is to be done
of good counsel: for there is no other in sickness, and how we are to mourn /or the
thing of more worth to thee than it. dead. Of the employments of labourers and
18 The soul of a holy man discovereth
the physician for the need
sometimes true things, more than seven
watchmen that sit in a high place to HONOUR
thou hast of him: for the most
watch. High hath created him.
19 But above all these things pray to 2 For all healing is from God, and he
the most High, that he may direct thy shall receive gifts of the king.

way in truth. 3 The skill of the physician shall lift up

20 In all thy works let the true word his head, and in the sight of great men
go before thee, and steady counsel be he shall be praised.
fore every action. 4 The most High hath created medi
21 A wicked word shall change the cines out of the earth, and a wise man
heart: out of which four manner of things will not abhor them.
arise, good and evil, life and death: and 5 Was not bitter water made sweet
the tongue is continually the ruler of with wood?
them. There is a man that is subtle and 6 The virtue of these things is come to
a teacher of many, and yet is unprofit the knowledge of men, and the most
able to his own soul. High hath given knowledge to men, that
22 Askilful man hath taught many, he may be honoured in his wonders.
and is sweet to his own soul. 7 By these he shall cure and shall allay
23 He that speaketh sophistically, is their pains, and of these the apothecary
hateful: he shall be destitute of every shall make sweet confections, and shall
thing. make up ointments of health, and of his
24 Grace is not given him from the works there shall be no end.
Lord: for he is deprived of all wisdom. 8 For the peace of God is over all the
25 There is a wise man that is wise to face of the earth.
his own soul: and the fruit of his under 9 v son, in thy sickness neglect not
standing is commendable. thyself, but pray to the Lord, and he
26 A wise man instructeth his own peo shall heal thee.
ple, and the fruits of his understanding 10 Turn away from sin and order thy
are faithful. hands aright, and cleanse thy heart from
27 A wise man shall be filled with bless all offence.
ings, and they that see shall praise him. 11 Give a sweet savour, and a memo
28 The life of a man is in the number rial of fine flour, and make a fat offering,
of his days: but the days of Israel are and then give place to the physician.
innumerable. 12 For the Lord created him: and let
29 A wise man shall inherit honour him not depart from thee, for his works
among his people, and his name shall are necessary.
live for ever. 13 For there is a time when thou must
30 My son, prove thy soul in thy life: fall into their hands:
and be wicked, give it no power:
if it 14 And they shall beseech the Lord,
31 For things are not expedient for
all that he would prosper what they give
all, and every kind pleaseth not every for ease and remedy, for their conver
soul. sation.
32 Be not greedy in any feasting, and 15 He that sinneth in the sight of his
pour not out thyself upon any meat: Maker, shall fall into the hands of the
33 For in many meats there will be physician.
o Ex. 15. 25. p Isa. 38. 8.

Mourning for the dead ECCLESIASTICUS The smith and the potter

shed tears over the dead, in his ears, and his eye is upon the pat
16 My son,
and begin to lament as if thou hadst suf tern of the vessel he maketh.
fered some great harm, and according 31 He setteth his mind to finish his
to judgment cover his body, and neglect work, and his watching to polish them to
not his burial. perfection.
17 And for fear of being ill spoken of 32 So doth the potter sitting at his
work, turning the wheel about with his
weep bitterly for a day, and then com who
fort thyself in thy sadness. feet, is always carefully set to his
work, and maketh all his work by num
18 And make mourning for him ac ber:
cording to his merit for a day, or two, 33 He fashioneth the clay with his arm,
for fear of detraction. and boweth down his strength before his
19 1 For of sadness cometh death, and feet:
it overwhelmeth the strength, and the 34 He shall give his mind to finish the
sorrow of the heart boweth down the glazing, and his watching to make clean
neck. the furnace.
20 In withdrawing aside sorrow re 35 All these trust to their hands, and
main eth: and the substance of the poor every one is wise in his own art.
is according to his heart. 36 Without these a city is not built.
21 Give not up thy heart to sadness, 37 And they shall not dwell, nor walk
but drive it from thee: and remember about therein, and they shall not go up
the latter end. into the assembly.
22 Forget it not: for there is no re 38 Upon the judges seat they shall not
turning, and thou shalt do him no good, sit, and the ordinance of judgment they
and shalt hurt thyself. shall not understand, neither shall they
23 Remember my judgment: for thine declare discipline and judgment, and
also shall be so: yesterday for me, and
they shall not be found where parables
to day for thee. are spoken:
24 r When the dead is at rest, let his re 39 But they shall strengthen the state
membrance rest, and comfort him in the of the world, and their prayer shall be
departing of his spirit. in the work of their craft, applying their
25 The wisdom of a scribe cometh by soul, and searching in the law of the
his time of leisure: and he that is less most High.
in action, shall receivewisdom.
26 With what wisdom shall be he fur CHAPTER 39
nished that holdeth the plough, and that The exercises of the wise -num. The Lord is to be
glorieth in the goad, that driveth the glorified for his works.
oxen therewith, and is occupied in their nHHE wise man
will seek out the wis-
labours, and his whole talk is about the _L dom of the ancients, and will be

offspring of bulls? occupied in the prophets.

27 He shall give his mind to turn up 2 He will keep the sayings of renowned
furrows, and his care is to give the kine men, and will enter withal into the sub-
fodder. tilties of parables.
28 So every craftsman and workmaster 3 He will search out the hidden mean
that laboureth night and day, he who ings of proverbs, and will be conversant
maketh graven seals, and by his con in the secrets of parables.
tinual diligence varieth the figure: he 4 He shall serve among great men, and
shall give his mind to the resemblance appear before the governor.
of the picture, and by his watching shall 5 He shall pass into strange countries:
finish the work. for he shall try good and evil among men.
29 So doth the smith sitting by the an 6 He will give his heart to resort early
vil and considering the iron work. The to the Lord that made him, and he will
vapour of the fire wasteth his flesh, and pray in the sight of the most High.
he fighteth with the heat of the furnace. 7 He will open his mouth in prayer, and
30 The noise of the hammer is always will make supplication for his sins.

q Prov. 15. 13, and 17. 22. r 2 Kings 12. 21.

CHAP. 38. Ver. 25. A scribe. That is, a doctor of the law, or, a learned man.

The wise man ECCLESIASTICUS The works of God are good
8 For if it shall please the great Lord, what is that? for all things shall be
he will fill him with the spirit of under sought in their time.
standing: 27 His blessing hath overflowed like a
9 And he will pour forth the words of river.
his wisdom as showers, and in his prayer 28 And as a flood hath watered the

he will confess to the Lord. earth; so shall his wrath inherit the
10 And he shall direct his counsel, and nations, that have not sought after him:
his knowledge, and in his secrets shall 29 v Even as he turned the waters into
he meditate. a dry land, and the earth was made dry:
11 He shall shew forth the discipline he and his ways were made plain for their
hath learned, and shall glory in the law journey: so to sinners they are stum
of the covenant of the Lord. bling-blocks in his wrath.
12 Many shall praise his wisdom, and it 30 Good things were created for the
shall never be forgotten. good from the beginning, so for the
13 The memory of him shall not depart wicked, good and evil things.
away, and his name shall be in request 31 w The principal things necessary for
from generation to generation. the life of men, are water, fire, and iron,
14 Nations shall declare his wisdom, and salt, milk, and bread of flour, and honey,
the church shall shew forth his praise. and the cluster of the grape, and oil, and
15 If he continue, he shall leave a name clothing.
above a thousand: and if he rest, it 32 All these things shall be for good to
shall be to his advantage. the holy, so to the sinners and the un
16 I will yet meditate that I may de godly they shall be turned into evil.
clare: for I am filled as with a holy 33 There are spirits that are created
transport. for vengeance, and in their fury they lay
17 By a voice he saith: Hear me, ye on grievous torments.
divine offspring, and bud forth as the 34 In the time of destruction they shall
rose planted by the brooks of waters. pour out their force: and they shall
18 Give ye a sweet odour as frankin appease the wrath of him that made
cense. them.
19 Send forth flowers, as the lily, and 35 Fire, hail, famine, and death, all
yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in these were created for vengeance.
grace, and praise with canticles, and 36 The teeth of beasts, and scorpions,
bless the Lord in his works. and serpents, and the sword taking ven
20 Magnify his name, and give glory to geance upon the ungodly unto destruc
him with the voice of your lips, and with tion.
the canticles of your mouths, and with 37 In his commandments they shall
harps, and in praising him, you shall say feast, and they shall be ready upon earth
in this manner: when need is, and when their time is
21 8 All theworks of the Lord are ex come they shall not transgress his word.
ceeding good. 38 Therefore from the beginning I was
22 * At his word the waters stood as a resolved, and I have meditated, and
hea^ and at the words of his mouth the
thought on these things and left them
receptacles of waters: in writing.
23 For at his commandment favour is 39 x All the works of the Lord are good,
shewn, and there is no diminishing of his and he will furnish every work in due
salvation. time.
24 The works of all flesh are before him, 40 It is not to be said: This is wors e
and there is nothing hid from his eyes. than that: for all shall be well approved
25 He seeth from eternity to eternity, in their time.
and there is nothing wonderful before 41 Now therefore with the whole heart
him. and mouth praise ye him, and bless the
26 There is no saying: What is this, or name of the Lord.

Gen. 1. 31 ; Mark 7. 37. u Gen. 7. 21. v Ex. 14. 21.

t Gen. 8. 3. w Supra 29. 28. x Gen. 1. 31 Mark ; 7. 37.

CHAP. 39. Ver. 17. Ye divine offspring. He whom he exhorts to bud forth and flourish with
speaks to the children of Israel, the people of God : virtue.

The miseries of life ECCLESIASTICUS The blessings of life
CHAPTER 40 16 The weed growing over every water,
and at the bank of the river, shall be
The miseries of the life of itMn are relieved by the
grace of God and his fear, pulled up before all grass.
is created for all men,
labour 17 Grace is like a paradise in blessings,
and a heavy yoke is upon the chil and mercy remaineth for ever.
dren of Adam, from the day of their 18 The life of a labourer that is content
coming out of their mother s womb, until with what he hath, shall be sweet, and in
the day of their burial into the mother thou shalt find a treasure.
of all. 19 Children, and the building of a city
2 Their thoughts, and fears of the shall establish a name, but a blameless
wife shall be counted above them both.
heart, their imagination of things to
20 Wine and music rejoice the heart,
come, and the day of their end:
but the love of wisdom is above them both.
3 From him that sitteth on a glorious
21 The flute and the psaltery make a
throne, unto him that is humbled in
sweet melody, but a pleasant tongue is
earth and ashes:
above them both.
4 From him that weareth purple, and
22 Thy eye desireth favour and beauty,
beareth the crown, even to him that is
but more than these green sown fields.
covered with rough linen: wrath, envy,
23 A friend and companion meeting to
trouble, unquietness, and the fear of
gether in season, but above them both is
death, continual anger, and strife, a wife with her husband.
5 And in the time of rest upon his bed, 24 Brethren are a help in the time of
the sleep of the night changeth his know
trouble, but mercy shall deliver more
ledge. than they.
6 A and as nothing is his rest, and
little 25 Gold and silver make the feet stand
afterward in sleep, as in the day oi keep sure: but wise counsel is above them
ing watch. both.
7 He troubled in the vision of his
is 26 Riches and strength lift up the heart:
heart, as if he had escaped in the day of but above these is the fear of the Lord.
battle. In the time of his safety he rose 27 There is no want in the fear of the
up, and wondereth that there is no fear: Lord, and it needeth not to seek, for help.
8 Such things happen to all flesh, from 28 The fear of the Lord is like a para
man even to beast, and upon sinners are dise of blessing, and they have covered
sevenfold more. it above all glory.
9 v Moreover, death, and bloodshed, 29 My son, in thy lifetime be not indi
strife, and sword, oppressions, famine,
gent: for it is better to die than to want.
and affliction, and scourges: 30 The life of him that looketh toward
10 All these things are created for the
another man s table is not to be counted
wicked, e and for their sakes came the a life: for he feedeth his soul with an
other man s meat.
11 A11 things that are of the earth,
31 But a man, well instructed and
shall return to the earth again, & and all
taught, will look to himself.
waters shall return to the sea. 32 Begging will be sweet in the mouth
12 All bribery, and injustice shall be
of the unwise, but in his belly there
blotted out, and fidelity shall stand for
shall burn a fire.
13 The riches of the unjust shall be dried CHAPTER 41
up like a river, and shall pass away with Of remembrance of deatli of an evil and of a
the :

a noise like a great thunder in rain. good name; of what things we ought to be
14 While he openeth his hands he shall ashamed.
but transgressors shall pine remem
rejoice: DEATH, how bitter is the
away in the end. brance of thee to a man that hath
15 The offspring of the ungodly shall
peace in his possessions!
not bring forth many branches, and make 2 To a man that is at rest, and whose
a noise as unclean roots upon the top of
ways are prosperous in all things, and
a rock. that is yet able to take meat!
y Supra 39. 35 and 36. z Gen. 7. 10. a Infra 41. 13. b Eccl. 1. 7.

On death ECCLESIASTICUS Things to be ashamed of
3 death, thy sentence is welcome to 20 For it is not good to keep all shame-
the man that is in need, and to him facedness: and all things do not please
whose strength faileth: all men in opinion.
4 Who a decrepit age, and that is
is in 21 Be ashamed of fornication before
in care about all things, and to the dis father and mother: and of a lie before a
trustful that loseth patience! governor and a man in power:
5 Fear not the sentence of death. Re 22 Of an offence before a prince, and a
member what things have been before judge: of iniquity before a congregation
thee, and what shall come after thee: and a people:
this sentence is from the Lord upon all 23 Of injustice before a companion and
flesh. friend: and in regard to the place where
6 And what shall come upon thee by thou dwellest,
the good pleasure of the most High ? 24 Of theft, and of the truth of God,
whether ten, or a hundred, or a thousand and the covenant: of leaning with thy
years. elbow over meat, and of deceit in giving
7 For among the dead there is no ac and taking:
cusing of life. 25 Of silence before them that salute
8 The children of sinners become chil thee: of looking upon a harlot: and of
dren of abominations, and they that con turning away thy face from thy kins
verse near the houses of the ungodly. man.
9 The inheritance of the children of 26 Turn not away thy face from thy
sinners shall perish, and with their pos neighbour, and of taking away a portion
terity shall be a perpetual reproach. and not restoring.
10 The children will complain of an un 27 c Gaze not upon another man s wife,
godly father, because for his sake they and be not inquisitive after his hand
are in reproach. maid, and approach not her bed.
11 Woe to you, ungodly men, who have 28 Be ashamed of upbraiding speeches
forsaken the law of the most high Lord. before friends: and after thou hast given,
12 And if you be born, you shall be upbraid not.
born in malediction: and if you die, in
malediction shall be your portion.
13 c All things that are of the earth, Of what things we ought not to be ashamed. Cau
tions with regard to women. The works and great
shall return into the earth: so the un ness of God.

godly shall from malediction to destruc not theword which thou

tion. REPEAT
hast heard, and disclose not the
14 The mourning of men is about their thing that is secret; so shalt thou be
body, but the name of the ungodly shall truly without confusion, and shalt find
be blotted out. favour before all men: be not ashamed
15 Take care of a good name: for this of any of these things, / and accept no
shall continue with thee, more than a person to sin thereby:
thousand treasures precious and great. 2 Of the law of the most High, and of
16 A good life hath its number of days : his covenant, and of judgment to justify
but a good name shall continue for ever. the ungodly:
17 My children, keep discipline in peace: 3 Of the affair of companions and trav
d for wisdom that is
hid, and a treasure ellers, and of the gift of the inheritance
that is not seen, what profit is there in of friends:
them both? 4 Of exactness of balance and weights,
18 Better is the man that hideth his of getting much or little:
folly, than the man that hideth his wis 5 Of the corruption of buying, and of
dom. merchants, and of much correction of
19 Wherefore have a shame of these children, and to make the side of a
things I am now going to speak of. wicked slave to bleed.
c Supra 40. 11. / Lev. 19. 15 ; Deut 1. 17, and 16. 19 : Prov. 24. 23 ;

d Supra 20. 32. e Matt. 5. 28. James 2. 1.

CHAP. 41. Ver. 19. Have a shame, &c. That is sometimes shamefacedness is not to be indulged :

to say, be ashamed of doing any of these things, yet it is often good and necessary as in the follow

which I am now going to mention for though ; ing cases.

Caution about women ECCLESI ASTICUS The wonderful works of God
6 Sure keeping is good over a wicked 20 No thought escapeth him, and no
wife. word can hide itselffrom him.
7 Where there are many hands, shut up, 21 He hath beautified the glorious
and deliver all things in number, and works of his wisdom: and he is from
weight: and put all in writing that thou eternity to eternity, and to him nothing
givest out or receivest in. may be added,
8 Be not ashamed to inform the unwise 22 Nor can he be diminished, and he
and foolish, and the aged, that are judged hath no need of any counsellor.
23 how desirable are all his works,
by young men: and thou shalt be well
instructed in all things, and well ap
and what we can know is but as a spark !

24 All these things live, and remain for

proved in the sight of all men living.
ever, and for every use all things obey
9 The father waketh for the daughter
when no man knoweth, and the care for 25 All things are double, one against
her taketh away his sleep, when she is
another, and he hath made nothing de
young, lest she pass away the flower of fective.
her age, and when she is married, lest
26 He hath established the good things
she should be hateful: And who shall be filled
of every one.
10 In her virginity, lest she should be
with beholding his glory?
corrupted, and be found with child in her
father s house: and having a husband, CHAPTER 43
lest she should misbehave herself, or at The works of God are exceedingly glorious and
the least become barren. wonderful: no man is able sufficiently to praise
11 Keep a sure watch over a shameless
daughter: lest at any time she make thee fT^HE firmament on high is his beauty,
become a laughingstock to thy enemies, JL the beauty of heaven with its glori
and a byword in the city, and a reproach ous shew.
among the people, and she make thee 2 The sun when he appeareth shewing
ashamed before all the multitude. forth at his rising, an admirable instru
12 Behold not everybody s beauty: and ment, the work of the most High.
tarry not among women. 3 At noon he burneth the earth, and
13 For from garments cometh a moth, who can abide his burning heat? As
and from a woman the iniquity of a man. one keeping a furnace in the works of
14 For better is the iniquity of a man, heat:
chan a woman doing a good turn, and a 4 The sun three times as much, burneth
woman bringing shame and reproach. the mountains, breathing out fiery va
15 I will now remember the works of pours, and shining with his beams, he
the Lord, and I will declare the things I blindeth the eyes.
have seen. By the words of the Lord are 5 Great is the Lord that made him, and
his works. at his words he hath hastened his course.
16 The sun giving light hath looked 6 And the moon in all in her season, is
upon all things, and full of the glory of for a declaration of times and a sign of
the Lord is his work. the world.
17 Hath not the Lord made the saints 7 From the moon is the sign of the
to declare all his wonderful festival day, a light that decreaseth in
works, which
the Lord Almighty hath firmly settled to her perfection.
be established for his glory? 8 The month is called after her name,
18 He hath searched out the deep, and increasing wonderfully in her perfection.
the heart of men: and considered their 9 Being an instrument of the armies on
crafty devices. high, shining gloriously in the firma
19 For the Lord knoweth all knowledge, ment of heaven.
and hath beheld the signs of the world, 10 The glory of the stars is the beauty
he declareth the things that are past, of heaven; the Lord enlighteneth the
and the things that are to come, and re- world on high.
vealeth the traces of hidden things. 11 By the words of the holy one they
CHAP. 42. Ver. 14. Better is the iniquity, &e. ness, or injuries we receive from men, than from
That is, there is, commonly speaking, less danger the flattering favours and familiarity of women.
to be apprehended to the sou] from the churlish-

The wonderful works of God ECCLESIASTICUS Praises of great men of old
shall stand in judgment, and shall never want words: but the sum of our words
fail in their watches. is, He is all.

12 Look upon the rainbow, and bless 30 What shall we be able to do to glori
him that made it: a it is very beautiful fy him? For the Almighty himself is
in its brightness. above all his works.
13 It encompasseth the heaven about The Lord is terrible, and exceeding
with the circle of its glory, .the hands of great,and his power is admirable.
the most High have displayed it. 32 Glorify the Lord as much as ever
14 By his commandment he maketh the you can, for he will yet far exceed, and
snow to fall apace, and sendeth forth his magnificence is wonderful.
swiftly the lightnings of his judgment. 33 Blessing the Lord, exalt him as much
15 Through this are the treasures as you can: for he is above all praise.
opened, and the clouds fly out like birds. 34 When you exalt him put forth all
16 By his greatness he hath fixed the your strength, and be not weary: for
clouds, and the hailstones are broken. you can never go far enough.
17 At his sight shall the mountains be 35 h Who shall see him, and declare
shaken, and at his will the south wind him ? and who shall magnify him as he
shall blow. is from the beginning?
18 The noise of his thunder shall strike 36 There are many things hidden from
the earth, so doth the northern storm, us that are greater than these: for we
and the whirlwind: have seen but a few of his works.
19 And as the birds lighting upon the 37 But the Lord hath made all things,
earth, he scattereth snow, and the falling and to the godly he hath given wisdom.
thereof, is as the coming down of locusts.
20 The eye admireth at the beauty of CHAPTER 44
the whiteness thereof, and the heart is The praises of the holy fathers, in particular of
astonished at the shower thereof. Enoch, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
21 He shall pour frost as salt upon the us now praise men of renown,
earth: and when it freezeth, it shall be LET
and our fathers in their generation.
come like the tops of thistles. 2 The Lord hath wrought great glory
22 The cold north wind bloweth, and through his magnificence from the be
the water is congealed into crystal; upon ginning.
every gathering together of waters it 3 Such as have borne rule in their do
shall rest, and shall clothe the waters as minions, men of great power, and endued
a breastplate. with their wisdom, shewing forth in the
23 And it shall devour the mountains, prophets the dignity of prophets,
and burn the wilderness, and consume 4 And ruling over the present people,
all that is green as with fire. and by the strength of wisdom instruc
24 A present remedy of all is the speedy ting the people in most holy words.
coming of a cloud, and a dew that meet- 5 Such as by their skill sought out
eth it, by the heat that cometh, shall musical tunes, and published canticles of
overpower it. the scriptures.
25 At his word the wind is still, and with 6 Rich men in virtue, studying beauti-
his thought he appeaseth the deep, and fulness: living at peace in their houses.
the Lord hath planted islands therein. 7 All these have gained glory in their
26 Let them that sail on the sea, tell generations, and were praised in their
the dangers thereof: and when we hear days.
with our ears, we shall admire. 8 They that were born of them have
27 There are great and wonderful works : left a name behind them, that their
a variety of beasts, and of all living things, praises might be related:
and the monstrous creatures of whales. 9 And there are some, of whom there
28 Through him is established the end is no memorial: who are perished, as if
of their journey, and by his word all they had never been: and are become as
things are regulated. if they had never been born, and their
29 We shall say much, and yet shall children with them.

g Gen. 9. 13. h Ps. 105. 2.

Hcnoch, Noe, Abraham ECCLES1ASTICUS
10 But these were men of mercy, whose of God, and men:
was beloved
godly deeds have not failed: MOSES
whose memory benediction.
is in
11 Good things continue with their seed, 2 He made him like the saints in glory,
12 Their posterity are a holy inheri and magnified him in the fear of his ene
tance, and their seed hath stood in the mies, and with his words he made prodi
covenants. gies to cease.
13 And their children for their sakes 3 P He glorified him in the sight of kings,
remain for ever: their seed and their and gave him commandments in the sight
glory shall not be forsaken. of his people, and shewed him his glory.
14 Their bodies are buried in peace, and 4 i He sanctified him in his faith, and
their name liveth unto generation and meekness, and chose him out of all flesh.
generation. 5 For he heard him, and his voice, and
15 Let the people shew forth their wis brought him into a cloud.
dom, and the church declare their praise. 6 And he gave him commandments be
16 * Henoch pleased God, and was trans fore his face, and a law of life and in
lated into paradise, that he may give struction, that he might teach Jacob his
repentance to the nations. covenant, and Israel his judgments.
17 i Noe was found perfect, just, and in
7 He exalted Aaron his brother, and
the time of wrath he was made a recon
like tohimself of the tribe of Levi:
18 Therefore was there a remnant left 8 He made an
everlasting covenant with
to the earth, when the flood came. him, and gave him the priesthood of the
19 k The covenants of the world were nation, and made him blessed in glory,
made with him, that all flesh should no 9 And he girded him about with a glo
more be destroyed with the flood. rious girdle, and clothed him with a robe
20 Abraham was the great father of a of glory, and crowned him with majestic
multitude of nations, and there was not attire.
found the like to him in glory, who kept 10 He
put upon him a garment to the
the law of the most High, and was in feet,and breeches, and an ephod, and he
covenant with him. compassed him with many little bells of
21 m In his flesh he established the cov gold all round about,
enant, M and in temptation he was found 11 r That as he went there might be
faithful. a sound, and a noise made that might be
22 Therefore by an oath he gave him heard in the temple, for a memorial to
glory in his posterity, that he should in the children of his people.
crease as the dust of the earth, 12 He gave him a holy robe of gold, and
23 And that he would exalt his seed as blue, and purple, a woven work of a wise
the stars, and they should inherit from man, endued with judgment and truth-
sea to sea, and from the river to the 13 Of twisted scarlet the work of an
ends of the earth. artist, with precious stones cut and set
24 And he did in like manner with Isaac in gold, and graven by the work of a
for the sake of Abraham his father. lapidary for a memorial, according to
25 The Lord gave him the blessing of the number of the tribes of Israel.
all nations, and confirmed his covenant 14 And a crown of gold upon his mitre
upon the head of Jacob. wherein was engraved Holiness, an or
26 He acknowledged him in his bless nament of honour: a work of power, and
ings, and gave him an inheritance, and delightful to the eyes for its beauty.
divided him his portion in twelve tribes. 15 Before him there were none so beau
27 And he preserved for him men of tiful, even from the beginning.
mercy, that found grace in the eyes of 16 No stranger was ever clothed with
all flesh. them, but only his children alone, and his
grandchildren for ever.
CHAPTER 45 17 His sacrifices were consumed with
The praises of Moses, of Aaron, and of Phinees fire every day.
i Gen. 5. 24; Heb. 11. 5.j Gen 9 9
n Gen. 22. 2. o Ex. 11. 3.
k Gen. 6. 14, and 7. 1 Heb 11 7 and
p Ex. 6. 7 8.
I Gen. 12. 2 and 17.
15. Num. and and
m Gen. 17. 10 ; 5,Gal. 3. 6. 4. 12. 3 Ileb. 3. 2
Q 7 ; 5.
r Ex. 28. 35.

Phinees ECCLESIASTICUS Josue and Caleb
18 * Moses filled his hands and anointed he might give wisdom into our heart to
him with holy oil. judge his people in justice, that their
19 This was made
to him for an ever good things might not be abolished, and
lasting testament, and to his seed as the he made their glory in their nation ever
days of heaven, to execute the office of lasting.
the priesthood, and to have praise, and
to glorify his people in his name. CHAPTER 46
20 He chose him out of all men living, The praise of JoRue, of Caleb, and of Samuel
to offer sacrifice to God, incense, and a war was Jesus the son of
good savour, for a memorial to make VALIANT
Nave, who was successor of Moses
reconciliation for his people: among the prophets, who was great ac
21 And he gave him power in his com cording to his name,
mandments, in the covenants of his judg 2 Very great for the saving the elect of
ments, that he should teach Jacob his God, to overthrow the enemies that rose
testimonies, and give light to Israel in up against them, that he might get the
his law. inheritance for Israel.
22 t And strangers stood up against 3 How great glory did he gain when he
him, and through envy the men that were lifted up his hands, and stretched out
with Dathan and Abiron, compassed him swords against the cities?
about in the wilderness, and the congre 4 Who before him hath so resisted? for
gation of Core in their wrath. the Lord himself brought the enemies.
23 The Lord God saw and it pleased 5 "Was not the sun stopped in his an
him not, and they were consumed in his ger, and one day made as two ?
wrathful indignation. 6 He called upon the most high Sover
24 He wrought wonders upon them, and eign"
when the enemies assaulted him on
consumed them with a flame of fire. every side, and the great and holy God
25 And he added glory to Aaron, and heard him by hailstones of exceeding
gave him an inheritance, and divided great force.
unto him the firstfruits of the increase 7 He made a violent assault against the
of the earth. nation of his enemies, and in the de
26 He prepared them bread in the first scent he destroyed the adversaries.
place unto fulness: for the sacrifices also 8 That the nations might know his
of the Lord they shall eat, which he gave power, that it is not easy to fight against
to him, and to his seed. God. And he followed the mighty one:
27 But he shall not inherit among the 9 w And in the days of Moses he did a
people in the land, and he hath no por work of mercy, he and Caleb the son of
tion among the people: for he himself is Jephone, in standing against the enemy,
his portion and inheritance. and withholding the people from sins,
28 u Phinees the son of Eleazar is the and appeasing the wicked murmuring.
third in glory, by imitating him in the 10 And they two being appointed, were
fear of the Lord: delivered out of the danger from among
29 And he stood up in the shameful fall the number of six hundred thousand men
of the people: in the goodness and readi on foot, to bring them into their inheri
ness of his soul he appeased God for Is tance, into the land that floweth with
rael. milk and honey.
30 Therefore he made to him a covenant 11 And the Lord gave strength also to
of peace, to be the prince of the sanctu Caleb, and his strength continued even
ary, and of his people, that the dignity to his old age, so that he went up to the
of priesthood should be to him and to his high places of the land, and his seed ob
seed for ever. tained it for an inheritance:
31 And a covenant to David the king, 12 That all the children of Israel might
the son of Jesse of the tribe of Juda, an see, that it is good to obey the holy God.
inheritance to him and to his seed, that 13 Then all the judges, every one by
s Lev. 8. 12. t Num. 16. 1 and 3. u Num. 25. 7 ; 1 Mac. 2. 26, 54. v Jos. 10. 14. w Num. 14. 6.

CHAP. 46. Ver.

Jesus the son of Nave. So
1. Ver. 7. And in the descent of Beth-horon (Jos.
Josue is named in the Greek Bibles. For Josue and 10.).
Jesus signify the same thing, viz.. a saviour.

ECCLESIASTICUS David and Solomon

name, whose heart was not corrupted: 5 In lifting up his hand, with the stone
who turned not away from the Lord, in the sling he beat down the boasting
14 That their memory might be blessed, of Goliath:
and their bones spring up out of their 6 For he called upon the Lord the Al
place, mighty, and he gave strength in his right
15 And their name continue for ever, hand, to take away the mighty warrior,
the glory of the holy men remaining and to set up the horn of his nation.
unto their children. 7 e So in ten thousand did he glorify him,
16 Samuel the prophet of the Lord, the and praised him in the blessings of the
beloved of the Lord his God, established Lord, in offering to him a crown of glory:
a new government, and anointed princes 8 For he destroyed the enemies on
over his people.
every side, and extirpated the Philistines
17 By the law of the Lord he judged the adversaries unto this day: he broke
the congregation, and the God of Jacob their horn for ever.
beheld, and by his fidelity he was proved 9 In all his works he gave thanks to the
a prophet.
holy one, and to the most High, with
18 And he was known to be faithful in words of glory.
his words, because he saw the God of 10 With his whole heart he praised the
light: Lord, and loved God that made him and :

19 x And called upon the name of the he gave him power against his enemies:
Lord Almighty, in fighting against the 11 And he set singers before the altar,
enemies who beset him on every side, and by their voices he made sweet mel
when he offered a lamb without blemish.
20 And the Lord thundered from heav 12 And to the festivals he added beauty,
en, and with a great noise made his voice and set in order the solemn times even
to be heard. to the end of his life, that they should
21 And he crushed the princes of the praise the holy name of the Lord, and
Tyrians, and all the lords of the Philis magnify the holiness of God in the
tines: morning.
22 v And before the time of the end of 13 / The Lord took away his sins, and
his life in the world, he protested before exalted his horn for ever: and he gave
the Lord, and his anointed: money, or him a covenant of the kingdom, and a
any thing else, even to a shoe, he had throne of glory in Israel.
not taken of any man, and no man did 14 After him arose up a wise son, and
accuse him. for his sake he cast down all the power
23 And after this he slept, a and he of the enemies.
made known to the king, and shewed 15 a Solomon reigned in days of peace,
him the end of his life, and he lifted up and God brought all his enemies under
his voice from the earth in prophecy to
him, that he might build a house in his
blot out the wickedness of the nation.
name, and prepare a sanctuary for ever:
how wise wast thou in thy youth!
CHAPTER 47 16 h And thou wast filled as a river with
The praise of Nathan, of David, and of Solomon: wisdom, and thy soul covered the earth.
of his fait and punishment.
17 And thou didst multiply riddles in
Nathan the parables: thy name went abroad to the
& arose in
the days of David. islands far off, and thou wast beloved in
2 And as the fat takenaway from the thy peace.
flesh, so was David chosen from among 18 The countries wondered at thee for
the children of Israel. thy canticles, and proverbs, and parables,
3 e He played with lions as with lambs: and interpretations,
and with bears he did in like manner as 19 And at the name of the Lord God,
with the lambs of the flock, in his youth. whose surname is,God of Israel.
4 d Did not he kill the giant, and take 20 * Thou didst gather gold as copper,
away reproach from his people ? and didst multiply silver as lead,

* 1 Kings 7. y 1 Kings 12. * Gen. 14. 23. e 1 Kings 18. 7. / 2 Kings 12. 13.
a 1 Kings 38. 18. 6 2 Kings 12. 1. a 3 Kings 3. 1. h 3 Kings 4. 81.
C 1 Kings 17. 34. d 1 Kings 17. 49. i 3 Kings 10. 27.

Elias ECCLESIASTICUS Hliseus and Ezechias

21 And thou didst bow thyself to wo 6 Who broughtest down kings to de

men: and by thy body thou wast struction, and brokest easily their power
brought under subjection. in pieces, and the glorious from their
22 glory, and de
Thou hast stained thy
filed thy seed so as to bring wrath xipon 7 Whoheardest judgment in Sina, and
thy children, and to have thy folly kin in Horeb the judgments of vengeance.
dled, 8 Who anointedst kings to penance, and
23 That thou shouldst make the king madest prophets successors after thee.
dom to be divided, J and out of Ephraim 9 Who wast taken up in a whirlwind
a rebellious kingdom to rule. of fire, in a chariot of fiery horses.
24 But God will not leave off his mercy, 10 Who art registered in the judgments
and he will not destroy, nor abolish his of times to appease the wrath of the
own works, neither will he cut up by the Lord, v to reconcile the heart of the fa
roots the offspring of his elect: and he ther to the son, and to restore the tribes
will not utterly take away the seed of of Jacob.
him that loveth the Lord. 11 Blessed are they that saw thee, and
25 Wherefore he gave a remnant to Ja were honoured with thy friendship.
cob, and to David of the same stock. 12 For we live only in our life, but after
26 And Solomon had an end with his death our name shall not be such.
fathers. 13 v Elias was indeed covered with the
27 And he left behind him of his seed, whirlwind, and his spirit was filled up in
the folly of the nation, Eliseus: in his days he feared not the
28 Even Roboam that had little wis prince, and no man was more powerful
dom, who turned away the people than he.
through his counsel: 14 No word could overcome him, r and
29 * And Jeroboam the son of Nabat, after death his body prophesied.
who caused Israel to sin, and shewed 15 In his life he did great wonders, and
in death he wrought miracles.
Ephraim the way of sin, and their sins
were multiplied exceedingly. 16 For all this the people repented not,
30 They removed them far away from neither did they depart from their sins
their land. till they were cast out of their land, and

31 And they sought out all iniquities, were scattered through all the earth.
tillvengeance came upon them, and put 17 And there was left but a small peo
an end to all their sins. ple, and a prince in the house of David.
18 Some of these did that which pleased
CHAPTER 48 God: but others committed many sins.
The praise of Elian, of Eliseus, of EzechiaH. and of 19 Ezechias fortified his city, and
brought in water into the midst thereof,
Elias the prophet stood up, as a and he digged a rock with iron, and made
AND fire, and his word burnt like a torch. a well for water.
2 He brought
a famine upon them, and 20 8 In his days Sennacherib came up,
they that provoked him in their envy, and sent Rabsaces, and lifted up his hand
were reduced to a small number, for they against them, and he stretched out his
could not endure the commandments of hand against Sion, and became proud
the Lord. through his power.
3 m By the word of the Lord he shut 21 Then their hearts and hands trem
up the heaven, and he brought down fire bled, and they were in pain as women in
from heaven thrice. travail.
4 Thus was Elias magnified in his won 22 And they called upon the Lord who
drous works. And who can glory like is merciful, and spreading their hands,
to thee? they lifted them up to heaven: and the
5 n Who raisedst up a dead man from holy Lord God quickly heard their
below, from the lot of death, by the word voice.
of the Lord God. 23 He was not mindful of their sins,
3 3 Kings 12. 16. k 3 Kings 12. 28. n 3 Kings 17. 22. 4 Kings 2. 11.
I 3 Kings 17. 1. p Mai. 4. 6. g 4 Kings 2. 12.
m 3 Kings 17. 1 ; 4 Kings 1. 10 and 12. r 4 Kings 13. 21. a 4 Kings 18. 13.

Josias and Jeremias ECCLESIASTICUS Ezechiel, Zorobabel, Nehemias
neither did he deliver them up to their ous vision, which was shewn him upon
enemies, but he purified them by the the chariot of cherubims.
hand of Isaias, the holy prophet. 11 For he made mention of the enemies
24 * He overthrew the army of the As under the figure of rain, and of doing
syrians, and the angel of the Lord de good to them that shewed right ways.
stroyed them. 12 And may the bones of the twelve
25 For Ezechias did that which pleased prophets spring up out of their place:
God, and walked valiantly in the way of for they strengthened Jacob, and re
David his father, which Isaias, the great deemed themselves by strong faith.
prophet, and faithful in the sight of 13 v How shall we magnify Zorobabel ?
God, had commanded him. for he was as a signet on the right hand;
26 u In his days the sun went backward, 14 * In like manner Jesus the son of
and he lengthened the king s life. Josedec? who in their days built the
27 With a great spirit he saw the house, and set up a holy temple to the
things that are to come to pass at last, Lord, prepared for everlasting glory.
and comforted the mourners in Sion. 15 And let Nehemias be a long time
28 He shewed what should come to pass remembered, who raised up for us our
for ever, and secret things before they walls that were cast down, and set up
came. the gates and the bars, who rebuilt our
CHAPTER 49 16 No man was born upon earth like
The praise of and the
Josias, of Jeremias, Ezechiel, Henoch: for he also was taken up from
twelve prophets. Also of Zorobabcl, Jesus the son
of Josedech, Nehemias, Enoch, Joseph, Seth, Sem, the earth.
and Adam. 17 a Nor as Joseph, who was a man
memory of Josias is like the born prince of his brethren, the support
composition of a sweet smell made of his family, the ruler of his brethren,
by the art of a perfumer: the stay of the people:
2 His remembrance shall be sweet as 18 And his bones were visited, and after
honey in every mouth, and as music at death they prophesied.
a banquet of wine. 19 & Seth and Sem obtained glory
3 He was directed by God unto the among men: and above every soul Adam
repentance of the nation, and he took in the beginning.
away the abominations of wickedness. CHAPTER 50
4 And he directed his heart towards The Simon
praise* of the high priest. The con
the Lord, and in the days of sinners he clusion.
the high priest, the son of
strengthened godliness.
5 Except David, and Ezechias, and Jo SIMON
Onias, who in his life propped up the
sias, all committed sin. house, and in his days fortified the tem
6 For the kings of Judah forsook the ple.
law of the most High, and despised the 2 By him also the height of the temple
fear of God. was founded, the double building and
7 So they gave their kingdom to others, the high walls of the temple.
and their glory to a strange nation. 3 In his days the wells of water flowed
8 They burnt the chosen city of holi out, and they were filled as the sea
ness, and made the streets thereof deso above measure.
late according to the prediction of Jere 4 He took care of his nation, and de
mias. livered it from destruction.
9 For they treated him evil, who was 5 He prevailed to enlarge the city, and
consecrated a prophet from his mother s obtained glory in his conversation with
womb, to overthrow, and pluck up, and the people: and enlarged the entrance of
destroy, and to build again, and renew. the house and the court.
10 x It was Ezechiel that saw the glori- 6 He shone in his days as the morning

t 4 Kings 19. 35 ; Tob. 1. 21 ; Isa. 37.36 ; 1 Mac. 7.41 ; y 1 Esd. 3. 2 ; Agg. 1. 14, and 2. 3, 5, and 22, 24.
2 Mac. 8. 19. Z Zach. 3. 1.
u 4 Kings 20. 11 ; Isa. 38. 1. v 4 Kings 22. 1. a Gen. 41. 40 ; 42. 3 ; 45. 5, and 50. 20.
w 4 Kings 25. 9. x Ezech. 1. 4. b Gen. 4. 25. c 1 Mac. 12. 6 2 Mac. 3. 4.

CHAP. 49. Ver. 18. They prophesied. That is, by their being carried out of Egypt they verified the
prophetic prediction of Joseph. Gen. 50.

Simon the high priest ECCLESIASTICUS Prayer for peace in Israel

star in the midst of a cloud, and as the ship of the Lord was perfected, and
moon at the full. they had finished their office.
7 And as the sun when it shineth, so did 22 Then coming down, he lifted up his
he shine in the temple of God. hands over all the congregation of the
8 And as the rainbow giving light in children of Israel, to give glory to God
the bright clouds, and as the flower of with his lips, and to glory in his name:
roses in the days of the spring, and as 23 And he repeated his prayer, willing
the lilies that are on the brink of the to shew the power of God.
water, and as the sweet smelling frankin 24 And now pray ye to the God of all,
cense in the time of summer. who hath done great things in all the
9 As a bright fire, and frankincense earth, who hath increased our days from
burning in the fire. our mother s womb, and hath done with
10 As a massy vessel of gold, adorned us according to his mercy.
with every precious stone. 25 May he grant us joyfulness of heart,
11 As an olive tree budding forth, and and that there be peace in our days in
a cypress tree rearing itself on high, Israel for ever:
when he put on the robe of glory, and 26 That Israel may believe that the
was clothed with the perfection of power. mercy of God is with us, to deliver us
12 When he went up to the holy altar, in his days.
he honoured the vesture of holiness. 27 There are two nations which my soul
13 And when he took the portions out abhorreth: and the third is no nation,
of the hands of the priests, he himself which I hate:
stood by the altar. And about him was sit on mount Seir, and the
28 They that
the ring of his brethren: and as the ce Philistines, and the foolish people that
dar planted in mount Libanus, dwell in Sichem.
14 And as branches of palm trees, they 29 Jesus the son of Sirach, of Jerusa
stood round about him, and all the sons lem, hath written in this book the doc
of Aaron in their glory. trine of wisdom and instruction, who re
15 And the oblation of the Lord was in newed wisdom from his heart.
their hands, before all the congregation 30 Blessed is he that is conversant in
of Israel: and finishing his service, on these good things: and he that layeth
the altar, to honour the offering of the them up in his heart, shall be wise al
most high King, ways.
16 Hestretched forth his hand to make For if he do them, he shall be strong
a libation, and offered of the blood of to do all things: because the light of
the grape. God guideth his steps.
17 He poured out at the foot of the
altar a divine odour to the most high

Prince. A -prayer of praise and thanksgiving

18 Then the sons of Aaron shouted,
they sounded with beaten trumpets, and
made a great noise to be heard for a
APRAYER of Jesus the son of Sirach.
will give glory to thee,

King, and I will praise thee,

O Lord,
God my
remembrance before God. Saviour.
19 Then all the people together made 2 I will give glory to thy name: for
haste, and fell down to the earth upon thou hast been a helper and protector to
their faces, to adore the Lord their God, me.
and to pray to the Almighty God the 3 And hast preserved my body from de
most High. struction, from the snare of an unjust
20 And the singers lifted up their tongue, and from the lips of them that
voices,and in the great house the sound forge lies, and in the sight of them that
of sweet melody was increased. stood by, thou hast been my helper.
21 And the people in prayer besought 4 And thou hast delivered me, accord
the Lord the most High, until the wor- ing to the multitude of the inercy of thy
CHAP. 50. Ver. 11. Clothed with the perfection Such were then the Edomites who abode in mount
of power. That is, with all the vestments denoting Seir, the Philistines, and the Samaritans who dwelt
his diernity and authority. in Sichem, and had their schismatical temple in
Ver. 27. Abhorreth, viz., with a holy indignation, that neighbourhood.
as enemies of God and persecutors of his people.

Praise and thanksgiving ECCLESIASTICUS Praise and thanksgiving

name, from them that did roar, prepared walked in the right way, from my youth
to devour. up I sought after her.
5 Out of the hands of them that sought 21 I bowed down my ear a little, and
my life, and from the gates of afflictions, received her.
which compassed me about: 22 I found much wisdom in myself, and
6 From the oppression of the flame I profited much therein.
which surrounded me, and in the midst 23 To him that giveth me wisdom, will
of the fire I was not burnt. I give glory.
7 From the depth of the belly of hell, 24 For I have determined to follow her:
and from an unclean tongue, and from I have had a zeal for good, and shall not

lying words, from an unjust king, and be confounded.

from a slanderous tongue: 25 My soul hath wrestled for her, and
8 My soul shall praise the Lord even in doing it I have been confirmed.
to death. 26 I stretched forth my hands on high,
9 And my life was drawing near to hell and I bewailed my ignorance of her.
beneath. 27 I directed my soul to her, and in
10 They compassed me on every side, knowledge I found her.
and there was no one that would help 28possessed my heart with her from
me. I looked for the succour of men, the beginning: therefore I shall not be
and there was none. forsaken.
11 I remembered thy mercy, O Lord, 29 My entrails were troubled in seeking
and thy works, which are from the be her: therefore shall I possess a good
ginning of the world. possession.
12 How thou deliverest them that wait 30 The Lord hath given me a tongue
for thee, Lord, and savest them out for my reward: and with it I will praise
of the hands of the nations. him.
13 Thou hast exalted my dwelling place 31 Draw near to me, ye unlearned, and
upon the earth and I have prayed for gather yourselves together into the
death to pass away. house of discipline.
14 I called upon the Lord, the father 32 Why are ye slow? and what do you
of my Lord, that he would not leave me say of these things? your souls are ex
in the day of my trouble, and in the ceeding thirsty.
time of the proud without help. 33 I have opened my mouth, and have
15 I will praise thy name continually, spoken: buy her for yourselves without
and will praise it with thanksgiving, and silver,
my prayer was heard. 34 And submit your neck to the yoke,
16 And thou hast saved me from de and your soul receive discipline: for
struction, and hast delivered me from she is near at hand to be found.
the evil time. 35 Behold with your eyes how I have
17 Therefore I will give thanks, and laboured a little, and have found much
praise thee, and bless the name of the rest to myself.
Lord. 36 Receive ye discipline as a great sum
18 When I was yet young, before I of money, and possess abundance of gold
wandered about, I sought for wisdom by her.
openly in my prayer. 37 Let your soul rejoice in his mercy,
19 I prayed for her before the temple, and you shall not be confounded in his
and unto the very end I will seek after praise.
her, and she flourished as a grape soon 38 Work your work before the time,
ripe. and he will give you your reward in his
20 My heart delighted in her, my foot time.

Sins of Juda and Jerusalem God rejects their sacrifices

This inspired writer is called by the Holy
Ghost, the great prophet, (Ecclesiasticus
48. 26,) from the greatness of his prophetic
spirit, by which he hath foretold so
long before, and in so clear a manner, the coming of Christ, the mysteries of our
redemption, the calling of the Gentiles, and the glorious establishment, and per
petual flourishing of the Church of Christ: insomuch that he may seem to have
been rather an evangelist than a prophet. His very name is not "without mystery;
for Isaias in Hebrew signifies the salvation of the Lord. He preached confidence.
He was, according to the tradition of the Hebrews, of the blood royal of the
kings of Juda: and after a most holy life, ended his days by a glorious martyr-
dom; being sawed in two, at the command of his wicked son in law, King Manas-
ses, for reproving his evil ways.

CHAPTER 1 9 Except the Lord of hosts had left us


The prophet complaint of the sins of Juda and Jem* seed. we had been as Sodom, and we
saletn: and exhorts them to a, sincere conversion.
should have been like to Gomorrha.
vision of Isaias the son of Amos, 10 Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers
which he saw concerning Juda and of Sodom, give ear to the law of our God,
Jerusalem in the days of Ozias, Joa- ye people of Gomorrha.
than. Achaz, and Ezechias, kings of Juda. 11 To what purpose do you offer me
2 Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, the multitude of your victims, saith the
earth, for the Lord hath spoken. I have Lord ? I am full, I desire not holocausts
brought up children, c and exalted them: of rams, and fat of fatlings, and blood of
but they have despised me. calves,and lambs, and buck goats.
3 The ox knoweth his owner, and the 12 When you came
to appear before
ass his master s crib: but Israel hath not me, who required these things at your
known me, and my people hath not un hands, that you should walk in my
derstood. courts ?
4 Woe to the sinful nation, a people 13 Offer sacrifice no more in vain: in
laden with iniquity, a wicked seed, un cense is an abomination to me. The new
gracious children: they have forsaken moons, and the sabbaths, and other fes
the Lord, they have blasphemed the tivals I will not abide, your assemblies
Holy One of Israel, they are gone away are wicked.
backwards. 14 My soul hateth your new moons, and
5 For what shall I strike you any more, your solemnities: they are become trou
you that increase transgression? the blesome to me, I am weary of bearing
whole head is sick, and the whole heart them.
is sad. 15 And when you stretch forth your
6 From the sole of the foot unto the hands, I will turn away my eyes from
top of the head, there is no soundness you: and when you multiply prayer, I
therein: wounds and bruises and swell will not hear: t f or your hands are full
ing sores: they are not bound up, nor of blood.
dressed, nor fomented with oil. 16 * Wash yourselves, be clean, take
7 Your land is desolate, your cities are away the evil of your devices from my
burnt with fire: your country strangers eyes: cease to do perversely,
devour before your face, and it shall be 17 Learn to do well: seek judgment, re
desolate as when wasted by enemies. lieve the oppressed, judge for the father
8 And the daughter of Sion shall be left less, defend the widow.
as a covert in a vineyard, and as a lodge 18 And then come, and accuse mp, saith
in a garden of cucumbers, and as a city the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they
that is laid waste. shall be made as white as snow: and if

rf B. C. 735-698. Osee 11. 3. h Gen. 19. 24. i Jer. 6. 20 ; Amos 5. 21.

/ Infra 5. 6. g Rom. 9. 29. j Infra 59. 3.k 1 Peter 3. 11.
Punishment threatened ISAIAS All nations shall come to the church

2 m And in the last days the mountain

they be red as crimson, they shall be
white as wool. of the house of the Lord shall be pre
19 If you be willing, and will hearken pared on the top of mountains, and it
to me, you shall eat the good things of shall be exalted above the hills, and all
the land. nations shall flow unto it.
20 But if you will not, and will provoke 3 And many people shall go, and say:
me to wrath: the sword shall devour you Come and let us go up to the mountain
because the mouth of the Lord hath of the Lord, and to the house of the God
spoken it. of Jacob, and he will teach us his ways,
21 How is the faithful city, that was and we will walk in his paths: for the
full of judgment, become a harlot? jus law shall come forth from Sion, and the
tice dwelt in it, but now murderers. word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
22 Thy silver is turned into dross: thy 4 And he shall judge the Gentiles, and
wine is mingled with water. rebuke many people: and they shall turn
23 Thy princes are faithless, compan their swords into ploughshares, and their
ions of thieves: they all love bribes, they spears into sickles: nation shall not lift
run after rewards. They judge not for up sword against nation, neither shall
the fatherless: and the widow s cause they be exercised any more to war.
cometh not in to them. 5 house of Jacob, come ye, and let us
24 Therefore saith the Lord the God of walk in the light of the Lord.
hosts, the mighty one of Israel: Ah! I 6 For thou hast cast off thy people, the
will comfort myself over my adversaries: house of Jacob: because they are filled
and I will be revenged of my enemies. as in times past, and have had sooth
25 And I will turn my hand to thee, and sayers as the Philistines, and have ad
I will clean purge away thy dross, and I hered to strange children.
will take away all thy tin. 7 Their land is filled with silver and
26 And I will restore thy judges as they gold: and there is no end of their treas
were before, and thy counsellors as of ures.
old. After this thou shalt be called the 8 And their land is filled with horses:
city of the just, a faithful city. and their chariots are innumerable.
27 Sion shall be redeemed in judgment Their land also is full of idols: they have
and they shall bring her back in justice. adored the work of their own hands,
28 And he shall destroy the wicked, and which their own fingers have made.
the sinners together: and they that have 9 And man hath bowed himself down,
forsaken the Lord, shall be consumed. and man hath been debased: therefore
29 For they shall be confounded for the forgive them not.
idols, to which they have and sacrificed: 10 Enter thou into the rock, and hide
you shall be ashamed of the gardens thee in the pit from the face of the fear
which you have chosen. of the Lord, and from the glory of his
30 When you shall be as an oak with majesty.
the leaves falling off, and as a garden 11 The lofty eyes of man are humbled,
without water. and the haughtiness of men shall be made
31 And your strength shall be as the to stoop: and the Lord alone shall be
ashes of tow, and your work as a spark: exalted in that day.
and both shall burn together, and there 12 Because the day of the Lord of
shall be none to quench it. hosts shall be upon every one that is
CHAPTER 2 proud and highminded, and upon every
AM nations shall flow to the church of Christ. The
one that is arrogant, and he shall be
Jews shall be rejected for their sin*. Idolatry shall humbled.
be destroyed. 13 And upon all the tall and lofty ce
THHE word that Isaias the son of Amos dars of Libanus, and upon all the oaks of
_L saw, concerning Juda and Jerusalem. Basan.
I Jer. 5. 28. m Mich. 4. 1.

CHAP. 2. Ver. The last days. The whole time

2. it, but only eternity. Ibid. On the top of moun-
of the new law, from the cominK of Christ till the tains, &c. This shews the perpetual visibility of the
end of the world, is called in the scripture the last church of Christ: for a mountain upon the top of
days; because no other age or time shall come after mountains cannot be hid.

Idols shall be destroyed ISAIAS The evils that shall come upon Juda
14 And upon all the high mountains, 6 For a man shall take hold of his bro
and upon the elevated hills.
all ther, one of the house of his father, say
15 And upon every high tower, and ing: Thou hast a garment, be thou our
every fenced wall. ruler, and let this ruin be under thy
16 And upon all the ships of Tharsis, hand.
and upon all that is fair to behold. 7 In thatday he shall answer, saying:
17 And the loftiness of men shall be I am no healer, and in my house there
bowed down, and the haughtiness of men is no bread, nor clothing: make me not
shall be humbled, and the Lord alone ruler of the people.
shall be exalted in that day.
8 For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda is
18 And idols shall be utterly destroyed. fallen: because their tongue, and their
19 And they shall go into the holes of devices are against the Lord, to provoke
rocks, and into the caves of the earth the eyes of his majesty.
from the face of the fear of the Lord,
9 The shew of their countenance hath
and from the glory of his majesty, when
he shall rise up to strike the earth. answered them: and they have pro
claimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and
20 In that day a man shall cast away
his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, they have not hid it: woe to their souls,
for evils are rendered to them.
which he had made for himself to adore,
10 Say to the just man that it is well,
moles and bats.
for he shall eat the fruit of his do
21 And he shall go into the clefts of
rocks, and into the holes of stones from
11 Woe to the wicked unto evil: for
the face of the fear of the Lord, and
the reward of his hands shall be given
from the glory of his majesty, when he
shall rise up to strike the earth.
12 As for my people, their oppressor?
22 Cease ye therefore from the man,
have stripped them, and women have
whose breath is in his nostrils, for he is
ruled over them. O my people, P they
reputed high. that call thee blessed, the same de
CHAPTER 3 ceive thee, and destroy the way of thy
The confusion and other evils that shall come upon steps.
the Jews for their sins. The pride of their women 13 The Lord standeth up to judge, and
tthall be punished.
he standeth to judge the people.
behold the sovereign the Lord of 14 The Lord will enter into judgment
hosts shall take away from Jerusa with the ancients of his people, and its
lem, and from Juda the valiant and the princes: for you have devoured the vine
strong, the whole strength of bread, and yard, and the spoil of the poor is in
the whole strength of water. your house.
2 The strong man, and the man of war, 15 Why do you consume my people,
the judge, and the prophet, and the cun and grind the faces of the poor? saith
ning man, and the ancient. the Lord the God of hosts.
3 The captain over fifty, and the hon 16 And the Lord said: Because the
ourable in countenance, and the counsel daughters of Sion are haughty, and have
lor, and the architect, and the skilful in walked with stretched out necks, and
eloquent speech. wanton glances of their eyes, and made
4 And I will give children to be their a noise as they walked with their feet
princes, and the effeminate shall rule and moved in a set pace:
over them. 17 The Lord will make bald the crown
5 And the people shall rush one upon of the head of the daughters of Sion, and
another, and every man against his the Lord will discover their hair.
neighbour: the child shall make a tu 18 In that day the Lord will take away
mult against the ancient, and the base the ornaments of shoes, and little

against the honourable. moons,

n Osee 10. 8 ; Luke 23. 30 ; Apoc. 6. 16. o Eccli. 10. 16. p Ezech. 13. 18.

Ver. 18. Idols shall utterly destroyed; or utterly

taries abundantly confuted, who charge the whole

pass away. This was verified by the establishment Christian church with worshipping idols, for many
of Christianity. And by this and other texts of the aKes.
like nature, the wild system of some modern sec

Remnant of Sion shall be comforted ISAI AS Parable of the vineyard

19 And chains and necklaces, and brace CHAPTER 5

lets, and bonnets. The reprobation of the Jew* i foresketm under the
20 And bodkins, and ornaments of the parable of a vineyard. A woe if prcmounced
againft tinner* : the army God shall tend against
legs, and tablets, and sweet balls, and them.
earrings, WILL sing to my beloved the can
21 And rings, and jewels hanging on
the forehead,
If of my cousin concerning his vine

22 And changes of apparel, and short yard. My beloved had a vineyard on a

hill in a fruitful place.
cloaks, and fine linen, and crisping pins,
23 And looking-glasses, and lawns, and 2 And he fenced
it in, and picked the

headbands, and fine veils. stones out of it, and planted it with the
24 And instead of a sweet smell there choicest vines, and built a tower in the
shall be stench, and instead of a girdle, a midst thereof, and set up a winepress
cord, and instead of curled hair, baldness,
therein: and he looked that it should
and instead of a stomacher, haircloth. bring forth grapes, and it brought forth
25 Thy fairest men also shall fall by the wild grapes.
sword, and thy valiant ones in battle. 3 And now, O ye inhabitants of Jerusa
26 And her gates shall lament and lem, and ye men of Juda, judge between
mourn, and she shall sit desolate on the me and my vineyard.
ground. 4 What is there that I ought to do more
CHAPTE to my
vineyard, that I have not done to
it? was it that I looked that it should
After extremity of evil* that thatt. faB upon the
Jen*. a remnant thaU be comforted bjl Christ. bring forth grapes, and it hath brought
in that day seven women shall forth wild grapes?
AS take hold of one man, saying: We 5 And now I will shew yon what I will
will eat our own bread, and wear our do to my
vineyard. I will take away the
own apparel: only let us be called by hedge thereof, and it shall be wasted: I
thy name, take away our reproach. will break down the wall thereof, and it
2 In that day the bud of the Lord shall shall be trodden down.
be in magnificence and glory, and the 6 And I will make it desolate: it shall
fruit of the earth shall be high, and a not be pruned, and it shall not be digged :

great joy to them that shall have es but briers and thorns shall come up: and
caped of Israel. I will command the clouds to rain no
3 And it shall come to pass, that every rain upon it.
one that shall be left in Sion, and that f For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts
shall remain in Jerusalem, shall be called is the house of Israel: and the man of
holy, every one that is written in life in Juda, his pleasant plant: and I looked
Jerusalem. that he should do judgment, and behold
4 If the Lord shall wash away the filth iniquity: and do justice, and behold a
of the daughters of Sion, and shall wash cry.
away the blood of Jerusalem out of the 8 Woeyou that join house to house
midst thereof, by the spirit of judgment, and lay even to the end of
field to field,
and by the spirit of burning. the place: shall you alone dwell in the
5 And the Lord will create upon every midst of the earth?
place of mount Sion, and where he is 9 These things are in my ears, saith
called upon, a cloud by day, and a smoke the Lord of hosts: Unless many great
and the brightness of a flaming fire in and fair houses shall become desolate,
the night : for over all the glory shall be without an inhabitant.
a protection. 10 For ten acres of vineyard shall yield
6 And there shall be a tabernacle for a one little measure, and thirty bushels of
shade in the daytime from the heat, and seed shall yield three bushels.
for a security and covert from the whirl 11 Woe to you that rise up early in the
wind, and from rain. morning to follow drunkenness, and to
q Jer. 2. 21 ; Matt. 21. 33.

CHAT. 4. Ver. 2. TKe *md of the *mf That is, Christ, as being of his family and kindred, by 4V j
aeendia? from the boose of David. Ibid. On *
CHAT. 5. Ver. 1. My ;. So the prophet cafe hiH. to. Literally, m the turn, th* on of oO,

W oc against the sinners ISAI AS The prophet s vision of seraphim
drink till the evening, to be inflamed stretched out his hand upon them, and
with wine. struck them: and the mountains were
12 The harp, and the lyre, and the tim troubled, and their carcasses became as
brel, and the pipe, and wine are in your dung in the midst of the streets. For all
feasts: and the work of the Lord you this his anger is not turned away, but
regard not, nor do you consider the his hand is stretched out still.
works of his hands. r 26 And he will lift up a sign to the na
13 Therefore is my people led away tions afar off, and will whistle to them
captive, because they had not knowl from the ends of the earth: and behold
edge, and their nobles have perished with they shall come with speed swiftly.
famine, and their multitude were dried 27 There is none that shall faint, nor
up with thirst. labour among them: they shall not slum
14 Thereforehath hell enlarged her ber nor sleep, neither shall the girdle of
soul, and opened her mouth without any their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of
bounds, and their strong ones, and their their shoes be broken.
people, and their high and glorious ones 28 Their arrows are sharp, and all
shall go down into it. their bows are bent. The hoofs of their
15 And man s shall be brought down, horses shall be like the flint, and their
and man shall be humbled, and the eyes
* wheels like the violence of a tempest.
of the lofty shall be brought low. 29 Their roaring like that of a lion, they
16 And the Lord of hosts shall be ex shall roar like young lions yea they :

alted in judgment, and the holy God shall shall roar, and take hold of the prey, and
be sanctified in justice. they shall keep fast hold of it, and there
17 And the lambs shall feed according shall be none to deliver it.
to their order, and strangers shall eat 30 And they shall make a noise against
the deserts turned into fruitfulness. them that day, like the roaring of the
18 Woe to you that draw iniquity with sea; we shall look towards the land, and
cords of vanity, and sin as the rope of a behold darkness of tribulation, and the
cart. light is darkened with the mist thereof.
That say: Let him make haste, and
let his work come quickly, that we may CHAPTER 6
see it: and let the counsel of the Holy A glorious vision, in which the prophet s lips are
One of Israel come, that we may know it. cleansed: he foretelleth the obstinacy of the Jews.
20 Woe to you that call evil good, and the year that king Ozias died, I "

good that put darkness for light,

evil: INsaw the Lord sitting upon a throne
and light for darkness: that put bitter high and elevated: and his train filled
for sweet, and sweet for bitter. the temple.
21 M Woe to you that are wise in your 2 Upon it stood the seraphims: the one
own eyes, and prudent in your own con had six wings, and the other had six
ceits. wings: with two they covered his face,
22 Woe to you that are mighty to drink and with two they covered his feet, and
wine, and stout men at drunkenness. with two they flew.
23 That justify the wicked for gifts, 3 And they cried one to another, and
and take away the justice of the just said: ^Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God
from him. of hosts, all the earth is full of his glory.
24 Therefore as the tongue of the fire 4 And the lintels of the doors were
devoureth the stubble, and the heat of moved at the voice of him that cried,
the flame consumeth it: so shall their and the house was with smoke.
root be as ashes, and their bud shall go 5 And I said: Woe
me, because Iis
up as dust: for they have cast away the have held my peace; because I am a man
law of the Lord of hosts, and have blas of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst
phemed the word of the Holy One of of a people that hath unclean lips, and I
Israel. have seen with my eyes the King the
25 Therefore is the wrath of the Lord Lord of hosts.
kindled against his people, and he hath 6 And one of the seraphims flew to me,
r Amos 6. 6. s That is, mean. v B. C. 736.
t That is, nobleman. Prov. 8. 7 ; Rom. 12. 16. Apoe. 4. 8.

Obstinacy of the Jeu s ISAIAS
and in his hand was a live coal, which he be quiet: fear not, and let not thy heart
had taken with the tongs off the altar. be afraid of the two tails of these fire
7 And he touched my mouth, and said: J>

brands, smoking with the wrath of the

Behold this hath touched thy lips, and fury of Rasin king of Syria, and of the
thy iniquities shall be taken away, and son of Romelia.
thy sin shall be cleansed. 5 Because Syria hath taken counsel
8 And I heard the voice of the Lord, against thee, unto the evil of Ephraim
saying: Whom shall I send? and who and the son of Romelia, saying:
shall go for us ? And I said Lo, here am : 6 Let us go up to Juda, and rouse it up,
I, send me. and draw it away to us, and make the
9 And he said: Go, and thou shalt say son of Tabeel king in the midst thereof.
to this people: ."Hearing, hear, and un 7 Thus saith the Lord God: It shall not
derstand not: and see the vision, and stand, and this shall not be.
know it not. 8 But the head of Syria is Damascus,
10 Blind the heart of this people, and and the head of Damascus is Rasin: and
make their ears heavy, and shut their within threescore and five years, Eph
eyes: lest they see with their eyes, and raim shall cease to be a people:
hear with their ears, and understand 9 And the head of Ephraim is Samaria,
with their heart, and be converted and I and the head of Samaria the son of
heal them. Romelia. If you will not believe, you
11 And I said: How long, Lord? shall not continue.
And he said: Until the cities be wasted 10 And the Lord spoke again to Achaz,
without inhabitants, and the houses with saying:
out man, and the land shall be left des 11 Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God,
olate. either unto the depth of hell, or unto the
12 And the Lord shall remove men far height above.
away, and she shall be multiplied that 12 And Achaz said: I will not ask, and
was left in the midst of the earth. I will not tempt the Lord.
13 And there shall a tithing be still 13 And he said: Hear ye therefore, O
therein, and she shall be
shall turn, and house of David: Is it a small thing for
made a show as a turpentine tree, and as you to be grievous to men, that you are
an oak that spreadeth its branches: that grievous to my God also?
which shall stand therein, shall be a 14 Therefore the Lord himself shall
holy seed. give you a sign. & Behold a virgin shall
CHAPTER conceive, and bear a son, and his name
shall be called Emmanuel.
The prophet assures king Achaz that the two kings
his enemies shall not take Jerusalem,. A 15 He shall eat butter and honey, that
shall conceive and bear a son. he may know to refuse the evil, and to
it came
to pass in the days of choose the good.
ANDAchaz the son of Joathan, the son 16 For before the child know to refuse
of Ozias, king of Juda, that Rasin king the evil, and to choose the good, the
of Syria, and Phacee the son of Romelia land which thou abhorrest shall be for
king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem, to saken of the face of her two kings.
fight against it: but they could not pre 17 The Lord shall bring upon thee, and
vail over it. upon thy people, and upon the house of
2 And they told the house of David, thy father, days that have not come since
saying: Syria hath rested upon Ephraim, the time of the separation of Ephraim
and his heart was moved, and the heart from Juda with the king of the Assyrians.
of his people, as the trees of the woods 18 And it shall come to pass in that
are moved with the wind. day, that the Lord shall hiss for the fly,
3 And the Lord said to Isaias: Go forth that is in the uttermost parts of the
to meet Achaz, thou and Jasub rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is
thy son
that is left, to the conduit of the in the land of Assyria.
pool, in the way of the fuller s field. 19 And they shall come, and shall all of
4 And thou shalt say to him: iSee thou them rest in the torrents of the valleys,
* Jer. 1. 9. y Matt. 13. 14 Mark 12 Luke s About
; 4. ; 8 10 733, before the death of Joathan. 4 Kings
John 12. 40 ; Acts 28. 26 ; Rom. 11. 8. 16. 15. a4 Kings 18. 17. 6 Matt. 1. 23 ; Luke 1. 31.

The name of the child ISA1AS Many evils shall conic upon Juda
and in the holes of the rocks, and upon silence, and hath rather taken Rasin, and
all places set with shrubs, and in all the son of Romelia:
hollow places. 7 Therefore behold the Lord will bring
20 In that day the Lord shall shave with upon them the waters of the river strong
a razor that is hired by them that are and many, the king of the Assyrians, and
beyond the river, by the king of the all his glory: and he shall come up over

Assyrians, the head and the hairs of the all his channels, and shall overflow all

feet, and the whole beard. his banks,

21 And it shall come to pass in that 8 And shall pass through Juda, over
day, that a man shall nourish a young flowing, and going over shall reach even
cow, and two sheep. to the neck. And the stretching out of
22 And for the abundance of milk he his wings shall fill the breadth of thy
shall eat butter: for butter and honey land, Emmanuel.
shall every one eat that shall be left in 9 Gather yourselves together, ye peo
the midst of the land. ple, and be overcome, and give ear, all
23 And it shall come to pass in that day, ye lands afar off: strengthen yourselves,
that every place where there were a and be overcome, gird yourselves, and
thousand vines, at a thousand pieces of be overcome.
10 Take counsel together, and it shall
silver, shall become thorns and briers.
24 With arrows and with bows they be defeated: speak a word, and it shall
shall go in thither: for briers and thorns not be done: because God is with us.
shall be in all the land. 11 For thus saith the Lord to me: As
25 And as for all the hills that shall be he hath taught me, with a strong arm,
raked with a rake, the fear of thorns that I should not walk in the way of
and briers shall not come thither, but this people, saying:

they shall be for the ox to feed on, and

12 Say ye not: A conspiracy: for all
the lesser cattle to tread upon. that this people speaketh, is a conspir
acy: neither fear ye their fear, nor be
CHAPTER 8 afraid.
The name of a child that is to be born: many evils Lord of hosts himself:
13 Sanctify the
shall come upon the Jews for their sins. and let him be your fear, and let him be
the Lord said to me: Take thee your dread.
A^Da great book, and write in it with a 14 And he shall be a sanctification to
man s pen. Take away the spoils with you. c But for a stone of stumbling, and
speed, quickly take the prey. for a rock of offence to the two houses
2 And I took unto me faithful wit of Israel, for a snare and a ruin to the
nesses, Urias the priest, and Zacharias inhabitants of Jerusalem.
the son of Barachias. 15 And very many of them shall stum
3 And I went to the prophetess, and ble and fall, and shall be broken in
she conceived, and bore a son. And the pieces, and shall be snared, and taken.
Lord said to me: Call his name, Hasten 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law
to take away the spoils: Make haste to among my disciples.
take awaythe prey. 17 And I will wait for the Lord, who
4 For before the child know to call his hath hid his face from the house of Ja
father and his mother, the strength of cob, and I will look, for him.
Damascus, and the spoils of Samaria 18 Behold I and my children, whom the
shall be taken away before the king of Lord hath given me for a sign, and for
the Assyrians. a wonder in Israel from the Lord of
5 And the Lord spoke to me again, hosts, who dwelleth in mount Sion.
saying: 19 And when they shall say to you:
6 Forasmuch as this people hath cast Seek of pythons, and of diviners, who
away the waters of Siloe, that go with mutter in their enchantments: should
c Luke 2. 34 ; Rom. 9. 32 ; 1 Peter 2. 6.

CHAP. 8.Ver. 19. Seek of pythons. That is, that it is to God we should pray to be directed, and
people pretending to tell future things by a pro not to seek of the dead, (that is, of fortune-tellers
phesying spirit. Should not the people seek of their dead in sin,) for the health of the living.
God. for the living of the deadf Here is signified.

The birth and reign of Christ ISAI AS The judgments of God upon Israel

not the people seek of their God, for the The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and
living of the dead?
it hath lighted upon Israel.
20 To the law rather, and to the testi 9 And all the people of Ephraim shall
mony. And if they speak not according know, and the inhabitants of Samaria
to this word, they shall not have the that say in the pride and haughtiness of
morning light. their heart:
21 And they shall passthey shallby it, 10 fallen down, but we
The bricks are
fall, and be hungry: and when they
shall with square stones: they have
will build
be hungry, they will be angry, and curse cut down the sycamores, but we will
their king, and their God, and look up change them for cedars.
11 And the Lord shall set up the ene
22 And they shall look to the earth,
mies of Rasin over him, / and shall bring
and behold trouble and darkness, weak on his enemies in a crowd:
ness and distress, and a mist following
12 The Syrians from the east, and the
them, and they cannot fly away from
Philistines from the west: and they
their distress.
shall devour Israel with open mouth.
CHAPTER 9 For all this his indignation is not turned
away, but his hand is stretched out
What joy shall come after afflictions by the birth
and kingdom of Christ; which shall flourish for still.
aver. Judgments upon Israel for their sins. 13 And the people are not returned to
AT d the first
time the land of Zabulon, him who hath struck them, and have
J\ and the land of Nephtali was light not sought after the Lord of hosts.
ly touched: and at the last the way
of 14 And
the Lord shall destroy out of Is
the sea beyond the Jordan of the Galilee rael thehead and the tail, him that bend-
of the Gentileswas heavily loaded. eth down, and him that holdeth back, in
2 The people that walked in darkness, one day.
have seen a great light: to them that 15 The aged and honourable, he is the
dwelt in the region of the shadow of head: and the prophet that teacheth
death, light is risen. lies, he is the tail.
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, and 16 And they that call this people bless
hast not increased the joy. They shall ed, shall cause them to err: and they
rejoice before thee, as they that rejoice that are called blessed, shall be thrown
in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice down headlong.
after taking a prey, when they divide 17 Therefore the Lord shall have no
the spoils. joy in their young men: neither shall he
4 For the yoke of their burden, and the have mercy on their fatherless, and
rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of widows: for every one is a hypocrite
their oppressor thou hast overcome, f as and wicked, and every mouth hath
in the day of Madian. spoken folly. For all this his indigna
5 For every violent taking of spoils, with tion is not turned away, but his hand is
tumult, and garment mingled with blood, stretched out still.
shall be burnt, and be fuel for the fire. 18 For wickedness is kindled as a fire,
6 For a CHILD is BORN to us, and a son it shall devour the brier and the thorn:
is given to us, and the government is and shall kindle in the thicket of the
upon his shoulder: and his name shall be forest,and it shall be wrapped up in
called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the smoke ascending on high.
Mighty, the Father of the world to come, 19 By the wrath of the Lord of hosts
the Prince of Peace. the land is troubled, and the people shall
7 His empire shall be multiplied, and be as fuel for the fire: no man shall
there shall be no end of peace: he shall spare his brother.
sit upon the throne of David, and
upon 20 And he shall turn to the right hand,
his kingdom; to establish it and strength and shall be hungry: and shall eat on
en it with judgment and with justice, the left hand, and shall not be filled:
from henceforth and for ever: the zeal every one shall eat the flesh of his own
of the Lord of hosts will perform this. arm: Manasses Ephraim, and Ephraim
d Matt. 4. 15. e Judges 7. 22. / 4 Kings 16. 9.

W oe to tyrants ISAIAS The pride of Assyria punished

Manasses, and they together shall be I will visit the fruit of the proud heart
against Juda. of the king of o Assyria, and the glory of
21 After all these things his indigna the haughtiness of his eyes.
tion is not turned away, but his hand is 13 For he hath said: By the strength of
stretched out still. my own hand have done it, and by my
own wisdom have understood: and I
CHAPTER 10 have removed the bounds of the people,
Woe to the laws. The Assyrians
makers of wicked and have taken the spoils of the princes,
shall be a rod for punishing Israel: but for their
pride they shall be destroyed: and a remnant of and as a mighty man hath pulled down
Israel saved. them that sat on high.

OE to them that make wicked laws:
and when they write, write injus-

2 To oppress the poor in judgment, and

14 And my hand hath found the strength
of the people as a nest; and as eggs are
gathered, that are left, so have I gath
ered all the earth: and there was none
do violence to the cause of the humble that moved the wing, or opened the
of my people: that widows might be mouth, or made the least noise.
their prey, and that they might rob the 15 Shall the axe boast itself against
fatherless. him that cutteth with it? or shall the
3 What will you do in the day of visita saw exalt itself against him by whom it
tion, and of the calamity which cometh is drawn? as if a rod should lift itself
from afar? to whom will ye flee for help? up against him that lifteth it up, and a
and where will ye leave your glory? staff exalt itself, which is but wood.
4 That you be not bowed down under 16 Therefore the sovereign Lord, the
the bond, and fall with the slain ? In all Lord of hosts, shall send leanness among
these things his anger is not turned his fat ones: and under his glory shall
away, but his hand is stretched out still. be kindled a burning, as it were the burn
5 Woe to the Assyrian, he is the rod ing of a fire.
and the staff of my anger, and my indig 17 And the light of Israel shall be as a
nation is in their hands. fire, and the Holy One thereof as a flame :

6 I will send him to a deceitful nation, and his thorns and his briars shall be set
and I will give him a charge against the on-fire, and shalt be devoured in one day.
people of my
wrath, to take away the 18 And the glory of his forest, and of
spoils, and to lay hold on the prey, and his beautiful hill, shall be consumed from
to tread them down like the mire of the the soul even to the flesh, and he shall
streets. run away through fear.
7 But he shall not take it so, and his 19 And they that remain of the trees of
heart shall not think so: but his heart his forest shall be so few, that they shall
shall be set to destroy, and to cut off easily be numbered, and a child shall
nations not a few. write them down.
8 For he shall say: 20 And it shall come to pass in that
9 Are not my princes as so many kings ? day, that the remnant of Israel, and they
is not Calano as Charcamis: arid Emath that shall escape of the house of Jacob,
as Arphad ? is not Samaria as Damascus ? shall lean no more upon him that strik-
10 As my hand hath found the king eth them: but they shall lean upon the
doms of the idol, so also their idols of Lord the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
Jerusalem, and of Samaria. 21 That remnant shall be converted, the
11 Shall I not, as I have done to Sama remnant, I say, of Jacob, to the mighty
ria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem and God.
her idols? 22 h For if thy people, Israel, shall be
12 And it shall come to pass, that when as the sand of the sea, a remnant of
the Lord shall have performed all his them shall be converted, the consumption
works in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem, abridged shall overflow with justice.
g 4 Kings 19. 36 ;
Infra 37. 36. A Infra 11. 11; Rom. 9. 27.

CHAP. 10. Ver. 22. A remnant of them shall be faithful of Christ. The consumption akridgcd,
converted. This was partly verified in the children &c. That is, the number of them cut short, and
of Israel who remained after the devastations of the reduced to few, shall flourish in abundance of
Assyrians, in the time of king Ezechias: and partly justice,
in the conversion of a remnant of the Jews to the

25 769
ISAIAS The kingdom of Christ

23 For the Lord God of hosts shall make understanding, the spirit of counsel, and
a consumption, and an abridgment in the of fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and
midst of all the land. of godliness.
24 Therefore, thus saith the Lord the 3 And he shall be filled with the spirit
God of hosts: my people that dwellest of the fear of the Lord. He shall not
in Sion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: judge according to the sight of the eyes,
he shall strike thee with his rod, and he nor reprove according to the hearing of
shall lift up his staff over thee in the the ears.
way of Egypt. 4 But he shall judge the poor with jus
25 For yet a little and a very little while, tice, and shall reprove with equity for
and my indignation shall cease, and my the meek of the earth: I and he shall
wrath shall be upon their wickedness. strike the earth with the rod of his
26 *And the Lord of hosts shall raise mouth, and with the breath of his lips
up a scourge against him, i according to he shall slay the wicked.
the slaughter of Madian in the rock of 5 And justice shall be the girdle of his
Oreb, and his rod over the sea, and he loins: and faith the girdle of his reins.
shall lift it up in the way of Egypt. 6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb:
27 And it shall come to pass in that and the leopard shall lie down with the
day, that his burden shall be taken away kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep
from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from shall abide together, and a little child
off thy neck, and the yoke shall putrify shall lead them.
at the presence of the oil. 7 The calf and the bear shall feed: their
28 He shall come into Aiath, he shall young ones shall rest together: and the
pass into Magron: at Machmas he shall lion shall eat straw like the ox.
lay up his carriages. 8 And
the sucking child shall play on
29 They have passed in haste, Gaba is the hole of the asp: and the weaned
our lodging: Rama was astonished, Gab- child shall thrust his hand into the den
aath of Saul fled away. of the basilisk.
30 Lift up thy voice, O daughter of 9 They shall not hurt, nor shall they kill
Gallim, attend, Laisa, poor Anathoth. in all my holy mountains, for the earth is
31 Medemena is removed: ye inhabi filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as
tants of Gabim, take courage. the covering waters of the sea.
32 It is yet day enough, to remain in 10 In that day the root of Jesse, who
Nobe: he shall shake his hand against standeth for an ensign of the people, him
the mountain of the daughter of Sion, the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepul
the hill of Jerusalem. chre shall be glorious.
33 Behold the sovereign Lord of hosts 11 And it shall come to pass in that day,
shall break the earthen vessel with ter that the Lord shall set his hand the sec
ror, and the tall of stature shall be cut ond time to possess the remnant of his
down, and the lofty shall be humbled. people, which shall be left from the
34 And the thickets of the forest shall
Assyrians, and from Egypt, and from
be cut down with iron, and Libanus with
Phetros, and from Ethiopia, and from
its high ones shall fall.
Elam, and from Sennaar, and from
Emath, and from the islands of the sea.
CHAPTER 11 12 And he shall set up a standard unto
Of the spiritual kingdom of Christ, to which aU the nations, and shall assemble the fugi
nations shall repair.
tives of Israel, and shall gather together
AND fc
there shall come forth a rod out the dispersed of Juda from the four
\. of the root of Jesse, and a flower quarters of the earth.
shall rise up out of his root. 13 And the envy of Ephraim shall be
2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest taken away, and the enemies of Juda
upon him; the spirit of wisdom, and of shall perish: Ephraim shall not envy
i Infra 37. 36. j Judpes 7 25. I 2 Thess. 2. 8. ra Infra 65. 25.
k Acts 13. 23 ; Infra 53. 2. n Rom. 15. 12.

Ver. 27. At the presence of the oil. That scribes the march of the Assyrians undor Sennache
the sweet unction of divine is, by
mercy rib and the terror they should carry with them
; ;
Ver. 28. Into Aiath. &c. Here the and how they should suddenly be destroyed.
prophet de

A canticle of thanksgiving ISAIAS The desolation of Babylon

Juda, and Juda shall not fight against 4 The noise of a multitude in the moun
Ephraim. tains, as it were of many people, the
14 But they shallfly upon the shoulders noise of the sound of kings, of nations
of the Philistines by the sea, they to gathered together: the Lord of hosts
gether shall spoil the children of the hath given charge to the troops of war.
east: Edom, and Moab shall be under 5 To them that come from a country
the rule of their hand, and the children afar off, from the end of heaven: the
of Ammon shall be obedient. Lord and the instruments of his wrath,
15 And the Lord shall lay waste the to destroy the whole land.
tongue of the sea of Egypt, and shall lift 6 Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is
up his hand over the river in the strength near: it shall come as a destruction from
of his spirit: and he shall strike it in the the Lord.
seven streams, so that men may pass 7 Therefore shall all hands be faint, and
through it in their shoes. every heart of man shall melt,
16 And there shall be a highway for 8 And shall be broken. Gripings and
the remnant of my people, which shall pains shall take hold of them, they shall
be left from the Assyrians: as there was be in pain as a woman in labour. Every
for Israel in the day that he came up out one shall be amazed at his neighbour,
of the land of Egypt. their countenances shall be as faces
CHAPTER 12 9 Behold, the day of the Lord shall
.4 canticle of thanksgii ing for the benefits of Christ come, a cruel day, and full of indigna
thou shalt say in that day: I will tion, and of wrath, and fury, to lay the
A^Dgive thanks to thee, O Lord, for land desolate, and to destroy the sinners
thereof out of it.
thou wast angry with me: thy wrath is
turned away, and thou hast comforted 10 P For the stars of heaven, and their
me. brightness shall not display their light:
2 Behold, God is my saviour, I will deal the sun shall be darkened in his rising,
confidently, and will not fear: because and the moon shall not shine with her
the Lord is my strength, and my praise, light.
and he become my salvation.
is 11 And I will visit the evils of the
3 You shall draw waters with joy out world, and against the wicked for their
of the saviour s fountains: iniquity: and I will make the pride of
4 And you shall say in that day: Praise infidels to cease, and will bring down
ye the Lord, and call upon his name: the arrogancy of the mighty.
make his works known among the peo 12 A man shall be more precious than
ple: remember that his name is high. gold, yea a man than the finest of gold.
5 Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath done 13 For this I will trouble the heaven:
great things: shew this forth in all the and the earth shall be moved out fof her
earth. place, for the indignation of the Lord of
6 Rejoice, and praise, thou habitation hosts, and for the day of his fierce wrath.
of Sion: for great is he that is in the 14 And they shall be as a doe fleeing
midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel. away, and as a sheep: and there shall be
none to gather them together: every
CHAPTER 13 man shall turn to his own people, and
The desolation of Babylon every one shall flee to his own land.
burden of Babylon, which Isaias 15 Every one that shall be found, shall
THEthe son of Amos saw. be slain: and every one that shall come
2 Upon the dark mountain
lift ye up a to their aid, shall fall by the sword.
banner, exalt the voice, lift up the hand, 16 i Their infants shall be dashed in
and let the rulers go into the gates. pieces before their eyes: their houses
3 I have commanded my sanctified ones, shall be pillaged, and their wives shall
and have called my strong ones in my be ravished.
wrath, them that rejoice in my glory. 17 Behold I will stir up the Medes
o Ex. 15. 2 ; Ps. 117. 14. Mark 13. 24 ; Luke 21. 25.
p Ezech. 32. 7; Joel 2. 10, and 3. 15 ; Matt. 24. 29 ; Q Ps. 136. 9.

CHAP. 13. Ver. 1. The burden of Rabylon. That is, a prophecy againtt Babylon.

The restoration of Israel Parable against Babylon

against them, who shall not seek silver, an incurable wound, that brought na
nor desire gold: tions under in fury, that persecuted in a
18 But with their arrows they shall kill cruel manner.
the children, and shall have no pity upon 7 The whole earth is quiet and still, it is
the sucklings of the womb, and their glad and hath rejoiced.
eye shall not spare their sons. 8 The fir trees also have rejoiced over
19 And that Babylon, glorious among thee, and the cedars of Libanus, saying :

kingdoms, the famous pride of the Chal Since thou hast slept, there hath none
deans, r shall be even as the Lord de come up to cut us down.
stroyed Sodom and Gomorrha. 9 Hell below was in an uproar to meet
20 It shall no more be inhabited for thee at thy coming, it stirred up the
ever, and it shall not be founded unto giants for thee. All the princes of the
generation and generation: neither shall earth are risen up from their thrones,
the Arabian pitch his tents there, nor all the princes of nations.
shall shepherds rest there. 10 All shall answer, and say to thee:
21 But wild beasts shall rest there, and Thou also art wounded as well as we,
their houses shall be filled with serpents, thou art become like unto us.
and ostriches shall dwell there, and the 11 Thy pride is brought down to hell,
hairy ones shall dance there: thy carcass is fallen down: under thee
22 And owls shall answer one another shall the moth be strewed, and worms
there, in the houses thereof, and sirens shall be thy covering.
in the temples of pleasure. 12 How art thou fallen from heaven,
Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning?
CHAPTER 14 how art thou fallen to the earth, that
The restoration of Israel after their captivity. The didst wound the nations?
parable or song insulting over the king of Baby
lon. A prophecy against the Philistines. 13 And thou saidst in thy heart: I will
time is near at hand, and her ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
HER days shall not be prolonged. For
the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and
throne above the stars of God, I will sit
in the mountain of the covenant, in the
will yet choose out of Israel, and will sides of the north.
make them rest upon their own ground: 14 I will ascend above the height of the
and the stranger shall be joined with clouds, I will be like the most High.
them, and shall adhere to the house of 15 But yet thou shalt be brought down
Jacob. to hell, into the depth of the pit.
2 And the people shall take them, and 16 They that shall see thee, shall turn
bring them into their place: and the toward thee, and behold thee. Is this the
house of Israel shall possess them in the man that troubled the earth, that shook
land of the Lord for servants and hand kingdoms,
maids? and they shall make them cap 17 That made the world a wilderness,
tives that had taken them, and shall sub and destroyed the cities thereof, that
due their oppressors. opened not the prison to his prison
3 And it shall come to pass in that day, ers?
that when God shall give thee rest from 18 All the kings of the nations have all
thy labour, and from thy vexation, and of them slept in glory, every one in his
frotn the hard bondage, wherewith thou own house.
didst serve before, 19 But thou art cast ottt of thy grave,
4 Thou shalt take up this parable as an unprofitable branch defiled, and
against the king of Babylon, and shalt wrapped up among them that were slain
say: How is the oppressor coine to noth by the sword, and art gone down to the
ing, the tribute hath ceased? bottom of the pit, as a rotten carcass.
5 The Lord hath broken the staff of the 20 Thou shalt not keep company with
wicked, the ro d of the rulers, them, even in burial: for thou hast de
6 That struck the people in wrath with stroyed thy land, thou hast slain thy peo-
r Gen. 19. 24.

CHAP. 14. Ver. 112.O Lucifer. O day star. All sense, to Lucifer the prince of devife, who was cre-
ttns, according to the letter, is spoken of the king ated a bright angel, but fel] by pride and rebellion
of Babylon. It may ateo be applied, hi .R spiritual against God.

Th-e Assyrian attd the Pkttistine ISAIAS The desolation of Moab
pie: the seed of the nicked shall not be burden of Moab. Because in the
named for ever. THE
Might Ar
of Moab
the wall of
is laid waste,
21 Prepare his children for slaughter silent; is

for the iniquity of their fathers: they stroyed in the night, it is silent.
shall not rise up, nor inherit the land, nor 2 The house is gone up, and Dibon to
fill the face of the world with cities. the high places to mourn over Nabo, and
22 And I will rise up -against them, saith over Medaba, Moab hath howled: on all
the Lord of hosts: and I will destroy the their heads shall be baldness, a nd every
name of Babylon, and the remains, and beard shall be shaven.
the bud, and the offspring, saith the 3 In their streets they are girded with
Lord. sackcloth: offi the tops of their houses,
23 And I will make it a possession for and in their streets all shall howl and
the ericius and pools of waters, and 1 come down weeping.
will sweep it and wear it out with a be 4 Hesebon shall cry, and Eleale, their
som, saith the Lord of hosts. voice is heard even to Jasa. For this
24 The Lord of hosts hath sworn, say shall the well appointed men of Moab
ing: Surely as I have thought, so shall howl, his soul sh all howl to itself.
it be: and as I have purposed, 5 My heart shall cry to Moab, the bars
25 So shall it fall out: that I will de thereof shall ile unto Segor a heifer of
stroy the Assyrian in my land, and upon three years old: for by the ascent of
my mountains tread him under foot: and Luith they shall go up weeping: and in
his yoke shall be taken away from them, the way of Oronaim they shall lift up -a
and his burden shall be taken off their cry of destruction.
shoulder. 6 For the waters of Nemrim shall be
26 This is the counsel, that I have pur desolate, for the grass is withered away,
posed upon ail the earth, and this is the spring is faded, all the greenness is
the hand that is stretched out upon all perished.
nations, 7 According to the greatness of their
27 For the Lord of hosts hath decreed, work, is their Visitation also: they shall
and who can disannul it ? and his hand is lead them to the torrent -of the willows.
stretched out; and who shall turn it 8 For the cry is gone round about the
away ? border of Moab: the howling thereof
28 In the "year that king Achaz died, unto Gallim, and unto the well of Elim
was this burden: the cry thereof.
29 Rejoice not thou, whole Philistia, 9 For the waters of Dibon are filled With
that the rod of him that struck thee is blood: for I will bring more upon Dibon:
broken in pieces: for out of the root of the lion upon them that shall flee of
the serpent shall come forth a basilisk, Moab, and upon the remnant of the land.
and his seed shall swallow the bird.
80 And the firstborn of the poor shall
be fed, and the poor shall rest with con The prophet prayeth for Christ s coming. The Af
fliction of the Moabites for their pride.
fidence: and I will make thy root perish
with famine, and I will kill thy remnant. forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler
31 Howl, O gate; cry, city: all Philis SEND
of the earth, from Petra of the desert,
tia is thrown down: for a smoke shall to the mount of the daughter of Sion.
come from the north, and there is none 2 And it shall come to pass, that as a
that shall escape his troop. bird fleeing away, and as young ones fly
32 And what shall be answered to the ing out of the nest, so shall the daughters
messengers of the nations ? That the of Moab be in the passage of Arnon.
Lord hath founded Sion, and the poor 8 Take counsel, gather a council: make
of his people shall hope in him. thy shadow as the night in the midday:
hide them that flee, and betray not them
CHAPTER 15 that wander about.
A prophecy of the desolation of tke Moabites 4 My fugitives shall dwell with thee:
s B. C. 727. t Jen 48. 37 ; Efeech. 7. 18.

15. Yei\ 1. Torrrnt of the willows. That is, as some say, the waters of Babylon ; others
render it. a valley of the Arabians,

The pride of Moab punished 1SAI AS J udginent on Syria and Israel

Moab, be thou a covert to them from CHAPTER

the face of the destroyer: for the dust Judgments upon Damascus and Sangria, The
is at an end, the wretch is consumed:
overthrow of the Assyrians.

he hath failed, that trod the earth under burden of Damascus. Behold Da
5 And
mascus cease
be as a ruinous
to be a city, and
a throne shall be prepared in shall heap of stones.
mercy, and one shall sit upon it in truth 2 The cities of Aroer shall be left for
in the tabernacle of David, judging and flocks, and they shall rest there, and
seeking judgment and quickly rendering there shall be none to make them afraid.
that which is just. 3 And aid shall cease from Ephraim,
6 We
have heard of the pride of Moab,

and the kingdom from Damascus: and

he is exceeding proud: his pride and his the remnant of Syria shall be as the
arrogancy, and his indignation is more glory of the children of Israel: saith the
than his strength. Lord of hosts.
7 Therefore shall Moab howl to Moab, 4 And it shall come to pass in that day,
every one shall howl: to them that re that the glory of Jacob shall be made
joice upon the brick walls, tell ye their thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall
stripes. grow lean.
8 For the suburbs of Hesebon are deso 5 And
it shall be as when one gather-

late, and the lords of the nations have eth in the harvest that which remaineth,
destroyed the vineyard of .Sabama: the and his arm shall gather the ears of
branches thereof have reached even to corn: and it shall be as he that seeketh
Jazer: they have wandered in the wil ears in the vale of Raphaim.
derness, the branches thereof are left, 6 And the fruit thereof that shall be
they are gone over the sea. left upon it, shall be as one cluster of
9 Therefore I will lament with the grapes, and as the shaking of the olive
weeping of Jazer the vineyard of Saba tree, two or three berries in the top of a
ma: I will water thee with my tears, O bough, or four or five upon the top of the
Hesebon, and Eleale: for the voice of the tree, saith the Lord the God of Israel.
treaders hath rushed in upon thy vin 7 In that day man shall bow down him
tage, and upon thy harvest. self to his Maker, and his eyes shall look
10 And gladness and joy shall be taken to the Holy One of Israel.
away from Carmel, and there shall be no 8 And he shall not look to the altars
rejoicing nor shouting in the vineyards. which his hands made: and he shall not
He shall not tread out wine in the press have respect to the things that his fingers
that was wont to tread it out: the voice wrought, such as groves and temples.
of the treaders I have taken away. 9 In that day his strong cities shall be
11 Wherefore my bowels shall sound forsaken, as the ploughs, and the corn
like a harp for Moab, and my inward that were left before the face of the
parts for the brick wall. children of Israel, and thou shalt be
12 And it shall come to pass, when it is desolate.
seen that Moab is wearied on his high 10 Because thou hast forgotten God thy
places, that he shall go in to his sanctu saviour, and hast not remembered thy
aries to pray, and shall not prevail. strong helper: therefore shalt thou plant
13 This is the word, that the Lord
good plants, and shalt sow strange seed.
spoke to Moab from that time: 11 In the day of thy planting shall be
14 And now the Lord hath spoken, the wild grape, and in the morning thy
ing: In three years, as the years of a seed shall flourish: the harvest is taken
hireling, the glory of Moab shall be away in the day of inheritance, and shall
taken away for all the multitude of the
grieve thee much.
people, and it shall be left small and 12 Woe to the multitude of many people,
feeble, not many. like the multitude of the roaring sea:
tt Jer. 48. 29.

CHAP. Ver. 10. Carmel. This name is often

Chanaanites, when the children of Israel came into
taken to signify a fair and fruitful hill or field their land.
as mount Carmel is. Ver. -.12. The multitude, &c.
This and all that
CHAP. 17. Ver. 9. That were left., viz., by the follows to the end of the chapter, relates to the
Assyrian army under Sennacherib.

Woe to the Ethiopians IS AIAS The punishment of Egypt
and the tumult of crowds, like the noise CHAPTER 19
of many waters. The punishment of Egypt: their call to the church
13 Nations shall make a noise like the Behold the
burden of Egypt.
noise of waters overflowing, but he shall rpHE
Lord will ascend
rebuke him, and he shall flee far off: and
J_ upon a swift cloud,
and will enter into Egypt, and the idols
he shall be carried away as the dust of
the mountains before the wind, and as a
of Egypt shall be moved at his presence,
and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the
whirlwind before a tempest.
midst thereof.
14 In the time of the evening, behold
2 And I will set the Egyptians to fight
there shall be trouble: the morning shall
against the Egyptians: and they shall
come, and he shall not be: this is the
fight brother against brother, and friend
portion of them that have wasted us, and
the lot of them that spoiled us.
against friend, city against city, kingdom
against kingdom.
CHAPTER 18 3 And the spirit of Egypt shall be brok
A woe to the Ethiopians, who en in the bowels thereof, and I will cast
fed Israel with vain
hopes, their future conversion. down their counsel: and they shall con

POE to the land, the winged cymbal,
which is beyond the rivers of Ethi-

2 That sendeth ambassadors

sult their idols, and their diviners, and
their wizards, and soothsayers.
4 And I will deliver Egypt into the
hand of cruel masters, and a strong king
by the sea,
and in vessels of bulrushes shall rule over them, saith the Lord the
upon the
waters. Go, ye swift angels, to a nation God of hosts.
rent and torn in pieces: to a terrible peo 5 And the water of the sea shall be dried
ple, after which there is no other: to a up, and the river shall be wasted and dry.
nation expecting and trodden under foot, 6 And the rivers shall fail: the streams
whose land the rivers have spoiled. of the banks shall be diminished, and be
3 All ye inhabitants of the world, who dried up. The reed and the bulrush shall
dwell on the earth, when the sign shall wither away.
be lifted up on the mountains, you shall 7 The channel of the river shall be laid
see, and you shall hear the sound of the bare from its fountain, and every thing
trumpet. sown by the water shall be dried up, it
4 For thus saith the Lord to me: I will shall wither away, and shall be no more.
take my rest, and consider in my place, 8 The fishers also shall mourn, and all
as the noon light is clear, and as a cloud that cast a hook into the river shall
of dew in the day of harvest. lament, and they that spread nets upon
6 For before the harvest it was all the waters shall languish away.
flourishing, and it shall bud without per 9 They shall be confounded that wrought
fect ripeness, and the sprigs thereof shall in flax, combing and weaving fine linen.
be cut off with pruning hooks: and what 10 And its watery places shall be dry,
is left shall be cut away and shaken all they shall mourn that made pools to
out. take fishes.
6 And they shall be left together to the 11 The princes of Tanis are become
birds of the mountains, and the beasts of fools, the wise counsellors of Pharao have
the earth: and the fowls shall be upon given foolish counsel how will you say

them all the summer, and all the beasts to Pharao: I am the son of the wise, the
of the earth shall winter upon them. son of ancient kings?
7 At that time shall a present be brought 12 Where are now thy wise men? let
to the Lord of hosts, from a people rent them tell thee, and shew what the Lord
and torn in pieces: from a terrible peo of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt.
ple, after which there hath been no other: 13 The princes of Tanis are become
from a nation expecting, expecting and fools, the princes of Memphis are gone
trodden under foot, whose land the rivers astray, they have deceived Egypt, the
have spoiled, to the place of the name of stay of the people thereof.
the Lord of hosts, to mount Sion. 14 The Lord hath mingled in the midst

CHAP. 18. Ver. 2. Angels. Or messengers.

Egypt s-hall turn to tile Lord ISAIAS Captivity, of Egypt and. Ethiopia.

thereof the spirit of giddiness: and they CHAPTER 20

have caused Egypt to err mall its works, as The ignominious captivity
the Ethiopians.
of the Egyptian*,, and.

a dlruaiken man stagger eth and vomiteth.

the year that Tharthan entered
15 And there shall be no work for Egypt,
to make head or tail,, him. that bendeth IN into Azotus,. when Sargon the king- of
the Assyrians had" sent him, and he had
down, or that holdeth back.
16 In that day Egypt shall be like unto fought against Azotus, and had taken
women, and they shall be amazed,, and

the hand 2 At that same ti rne the Lard spoke- by

afraid,. because of the moving of
the hand- of Isaias the son of Amos, say
of the Lord of hosts, which he shall move
ing: Go,, and loose the sackcloth from
over it.
off thy loins, and take off thy shoes from
17 And the land of Jud a shall be a terror
to Egypt: every one that shall remember thy feet. And he did so, and went naked,
and barefoot.
it shall tremble because of the counsel of
3 And the Lord said: As my servant
the Lord of hosts, which he hath deter
Isaias hath walked, naked and barefoot,
mined concerning it.
it shall be a sign and a wonder- of three
18 In that day there shall be five cities

in the land of Egypt, speaking the lan years upon Egypt, and upon Ethiopia,
4 So shall the king, of the Assyrians lead

guage of Chanaan, and swearing by the

Lord of hokts;: one shall be called, tke away the prisoners of Egypt, and the cap
tivity of Ethiopia, young and old, naked
city of th sun.
19 In that day there shall be an altar of and barefoot, with their buttocks uncov
the Lord in the midst of the lands of ered to the shame of Egypt.
5 And they shall be afraid and ashamed
Egypt, and a monument of the Lord at ,,

the borders thereof: of Ethiopia their hope^ and of Egypt their

20 It shall be f or a sign, and for a testi glory.
6 And the inhabitants of this isle shall
mony to the Lord of hosts in the land of
Egypt. For they shall cry to the Lord say in that day: Lo this was our hope>

because of the oppressor, and he shall to whom we fled for help>

to deliver us
send them a Saviour and a defender to from the face of the king of the Assyri
deliver them. ans: and how shall we be able to escape?
21 And the Lord shall be known by CHAPTER 21
Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the The destruction of Babylon by. the Modes and- Pe.r-
Lord in that day, and shall worship him xianH : a prophecy, against the Edotnitea and the
with sacrifices and offerings: and they. A rabians.
shall make vows to the Lord, and perform f"PHE burden of the desert of the sea.
them. J, As whirlwinds come from the south,
22 And the Lord shall strike Egypt with it cometh from the desert from a terrible
a scourge, and shall heal it, and they shall land.
return to the Lord, and he shall be pacified 2 A
grievous vision is told me: he that
towards them, and heal them. is unfaithful dealeth unfaithfully: and he
23 In that day there shall be a way from that is a spoiler, spoileth. Go up, O Elam,
Egypt to the Assyrians, and the Assyrian besiege, Mede: I have made all the
shall enter into Egypt, and the Egyptian mourning thereof to cease.
to the Assyrians, and the Egyptians shall 3 Therefore are my loins filled with
serve the Assyrian. pain, anguish hath taken hold of me, as
24 In that day shall Israel be the third the anguish of a woman in labour: I fell
to the Egyptian and the Assyrian a bless : down at the hearing of it, I was troubled
ing in the midst of the land, at the seeing of it..
25 Which the Lord of hosts hath blessed, 4 My heart failed, darkness amazed me:
saying: Blessed be my people of Egypt, Babylon my beloved is become a wonder
and the work of my hands to the Assyr to me.
ian: but Israel is my inheritance. 5 Prepare the table, behold in the watch-

v Ezech. cap. 30. w Sargon B. C. 722-705. ay Zaeh. 13. 4<;

Matt. 3. 4.

CHAP. 21. Ver. 1. The desert of the sea. So Baby- people as the sea is with water, it was become a
in is here called, because from a city as full of desert.
Ver. 2. O Elam. That is, O Persia.

Babylon, Ed&m, and Arabia ISAIAS The devastation of Juda
tower them that eat and drink arise, ye :
rp HE burden of the valley of vision.
princes, take up the shield. A What aileth thee thou too
also, that
6 For thus hath the Lord said to me: art wholly gone up to the housetops?
Go, and set a watchman: and whatso 2 Full of clamour, a populous city, a
ever he shall see, let him tell. joyous city: thy slain are not slain by the
7 And he saw a chariot with two horse sword, nor dead in battle.
men, a rider upon an ass, and a rider 3 All the princes are fled together, and
upon a camel: and he beheld them dili are bound hard: all that were found, are
gently with much heed. bound together, they are fled far off.
8 And a lion cried out: I am upon the 4 Therefore have I said: Depart from
watchtower of the Lord, standing con me, I will weep bitterly: labour not to
tinually by day: # and I am upon my comfort me, for the devastation of the
ward, standing whole nights. daughter of my people.
9 Behold this man cometh, the rider 5 For it a day of slaughter and of
upon the chariot with two horsemen, treading down, and of weeping to the
and he answered, and said: -Babylon is Lord the God of hosts in the valley of
fallen, she is fallen, and all the graven vision, searching the wall, and magnifi
gods thereof are broken unto the ground. cent upon the mountain.
10 my thrashing, and the children of 6 And Elam took the quiver, the chariot
my floor, that which I have heard of the of the horseman, and the shield was
Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, I have taken down from the wall.
declared unto you. 7 And thy choice valleys shall be full of
11 The burden of Duma calleth to me chariots, and the horsemen shall place
out of Seir: Watchman, what of the themselves in the gate.
night? watchman, what of the night? 8 And the covering of Juda shall be
12 The watchman said: The morning discovered, and thou shalt see in that
cometh, also the night: if you seek, seek: day the armoury of the house of the
return, come. forest.
13 The burden in Arabia. In the forest 9 And you shall see the breaches of the
at evening you shall sleep, in the paths city of David, that they are many: and
of Dedanim. you have gathered together the waters
14 Meeting the thirsty bring him water, of the lower pool,
you that inhabit the land of the south, 10 And have numbered the houses of
meet with bread him that fleeth. Jerusalem, and broken down houses to
15 For they are fled from before the fortify the wall.
swords, from the sword that hung over 11 a And you made a ditch between the
them, from the bent bow, from the face two walls for the water of the old pool:
of a grievous battle. and you have not looked up to the maker
16 For thus saith the Lord to me: With thereof, nor regarded him even at a dis
in a year, according to the years of a tance, that wrought it long ago.
hireling, all the glory of Cedar shall be 12 And the Lord, the God of hosts, in
taken away. that day shall call to weeping, and to
17 Andthe residue of the number of mourning, to baldness, and to girding
strong archers of the children of Cedar with sackcloth:
shall be diminished: for the Lord the 13 And behold joy and gladness, killing
God of Israel hath spoken it. calves, and slaying rams, eating flesh,
and drinking wine: Let us eat and

The prophet laments the devastation of Juda. He
drink; for to morrow we shall die.
foretells the deprivation of Sobna, and the substi
14 And the voice of the Lord of hosts
tution of Eliacim, a figure of Christ. was revealed in my ears: Surely this in-
y Hab. 2. 1. ci 4 Kings 20. 20 ; 2 Par. 32. 30.
Jer. 51. 8 ; Apoc. 14. 8. 6 Wisd. 2. 6 Infra 56. 12 ; 1 Cor. 15. 32.

Ver. 1. A rider upon an &c. These two

ass, CHAP. Ver. 1. The valley of vision. Jerusa
riders are the kings of the Persians and Medes. lem. The temple of Jerusalem was built upon mount
Ver. 8. And a lion cried out. That is, I Isaias Moria, or the mountain of vision. But the city is
seeing the approaching ruin of Babylon, have cried here called the valley of vision: either because it
out as a lion roaring. was lower than the temple, or because of the low
Ver. 11. Duma. That is, Idumea, or Edom. condition to which it was to be reduced.
Ver. 16. Cedar: Arabia

Sobna deposed, Eliacim chosen ISAIAS Destruction of Tyre

iquity shall not be forgiven you till you rjl HE burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of
die, saiththe Lord God of hosts. J. the sea, for the house is destroyed,
15 Thussaith the Lord God of hosts: from whence they were wont to come:
Go, get thee in to him that dwelleth in from the land of Cethim it is revealed to
the tabernacle, to Sobna who is over the them.
temple: and thou shalt say to him: 2 Be silent, you that dwell in the island:
16 Whatdost thou here, or as if thou the merchants of Sidon passing over the
wert somebody here? for thou hast sea, have filled thee.

hewed thee out a sepulchre here, thou 3 The seed of the Nile in many waters,
hast hewed out a monument carefully in the harvest of the river is her revenue:
a high place, a dwelling for thyself in a and she is become the mart of the
rock. nations.
17 Behold the Lord will cause thee to be 4 Be thou ashamed, Sidon: for the
carried away, as a cock is carried away, sea speaketh, even the strength of the
and he will lift thee up as a garment. sea, saying: I have not been in labour,

18 He will crown thee with a crown of nor have I brought forth, nor have I
nourished up young men, nor brought
tribulation, he will toss thee like a ball
into a large and spacious country: there up virgins.
shalt thou die, and there shall the chariot 5 When it shall be heard in Egypt, they
of thy glory be, the shame of the house will be sorry when they shall hear of
of thy Lord. Tyre:
19 And I from thy
will drive thee out 6 Pass over the seas, howl, ye inhabi
station, and depose thee from thy min tants of the island.
istry. 7 Is not this your city, which gloried
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, from of old in her antiquity ? her feet
that I will call my servant Eliacim the shall carry her afar off to sojourn.
son of Helcias, 8 Who hath taken this counsel against
21 And I will clothe him with thy robe, Tyre, thatwas formerly crowned, whose
and will strengthen him with thy girdle, merchants were princes, and her traders
and will give thy power into his hand: the nobles of the earth ?
and he shall be as a father to the inhab 9 The Lord of hosts hath designed it, to
itants of Jerusalem, and to the house of pull down the pride of all glory, and
Juda. bring to disgrace all the glorious ones of
22 c And I will lay the key of the house the earth.
of David upon his shoulder: and he shall 10 Pass thy land as a river, daughter
open, and none shall shut: and he shall of the sea, thou hast a girdle no more.
shut, and none shall open. 11 He stretched out his hand over the
23 And I will fasten him as a peg in a sea, he troubled kingdoms: the Lord
sure place, and he shall be for a throne hath given a charge against Chanaan, to
of glory to the house of his father. destroy the strong ones thereof.
24 And they shall hang upon him all the 12 And he said: Thou shalt glory no
glory of his father s house, divers kinds more, virgin daughter of Sidon, who
of vessels, every little
vessel, from the art oppressed: arise and sail over to
vessels of cups even to every instrument Cethim, there also thou shalt have no
of music. rest.
25 In that day, saith the Lord of 13 Behold the land of the Chaldeans,
shall the peg be there was not such a people, the Assyr
removed, that was fas
tened in the sure place: and it shall be ian founded it: they have led away the
broken and shall fall: and that which strong ones thereof into captivity, they
hung thereon, shall perish, because the have destroyed the houses thereof, they
Lord hath spoken it, have brought it to ruin.
14 Howl, O ye ships of the sea, for your
CHAPTER 23 strength is laid waste.
The destruction of Tyre. It xhall be repaired again 15 And it shall come to pass in that day
after seventy years. that thou, O Tyre, shalt be forgotten,
e Apoc. 3. 7 ; Job 12. 14.

Desolation of the earth ISAIAS The remnant shall praise God
seventy years, according to the days of hath languished away, all the merry-
one king: but after seventy years, there hearted have sighed.
shall be unto Tyre as the song of a 8 The mirth of timbrels hath ceased,
harlot. the noise of them that rejoice is ended,
16 Take a harp, go about the city, thou the melody of the harp is silent.
harlot that hast been forgotten: sing 9 They shall not drink wine with a song:
well, sing many a song, that thou mayst the drink shall be bitter to them that
be remembered. drink it.
17 And it shall come to pass after sev 10 The city of vanity is broken down,
enty years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, every house is shut up, no man cometh
and will bring her back again to her traf in.
fic: and she shall commit fornication 11 There shall be a crying for wine in
again with all the kingdoms of the world the streets: all mirth is forsaken: the joy
upon the face of the earth. of the earth is gone away.
18 And her merchandise and her hire 12 Desolation is left in the city, and
shall be sanctified to the Lord: they shall
calamity shall oppress the gates.
not be kept in store, nor laid up: for her 13 For it shall be thus in the midst of
merchandise shall be for them that shall the earth, in the midst of the people, as
dwell before the Lord, that they may eat if a few olives, that remain, should be
unto fulness, and be clothed for a contin shaken out of the olive tree: or grapes,
uance. when the vintage is ended.
CHAPTER 24 14 These shall lift up their voice, and
The judgments of God upon all the sinners of the shall give praise: when the Lord shall be
u-orld. A remnant shall joyfully praise him. glorified, they shall make a joyful noise
the Lord shall lay waste the from the sea.
earth, and shall strip it, and shall 15 Therefore glorify ye the Lord in in
afflictthe face thereof, and scatter abroad struction: the name of the Lord God of
the inhabitants thereof. Israel in the islands of the sea.
2 rf And it shall be as with the people, 16 From the ends of the earth we have
so with the priest: and as with the serv heard praises, the glory of the just one.
ant, so with his master: as with the And I said: My secret to myself, my
handmaid, so with her mistress: as with secret to myself, wr oe is me: the prevari
the buyer, so with the seller: as with the cators have prevaricated, and with the
lender, so with the borrower: as with him prevarication of transgressors they have
that calleth for his money, so with him prevaricated.
that oweth. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare are.
3 With desolation shall the earth be laid upon thee, thou inhabitant of the
waste, and it shall be utterly spoiled: for earth.
the Lord hath spoken this word. 18 And it shall come to pass, e that he
4 The earth mourned, and faded away, that shall flee from the noise of the fear,
and is weakened: the world faded away, shall fall into the pit: and he that shall
the height of the people of the earth is rid himself out of the pit, shall be taken
weakened. in the snare: for the flood-gates from on
5 And the earth is infected by the in high are opened, and the foundations of
habitants thereof: because they have the earth shall be shaken.
transgressed the laws, they have changed 19 With breaking shall the earth be
the ordinance, they have broken the ever broken, with crushing shall the earth be
lasting covenant. crushed, with trembling shall the earth
6 Therefore shall a curse devour the be moved.
earth, and the inhabitants thereof shall 20 With shaking shall the earth be
sin: and therefore they that dwell there shaken as a drunken man, and shall be
in shall be mad, and few men shall be removed as the tent of one night: and
left. the iniquity thereof shall be heavy upon
7 The vintage hath mourned, the vine it, and it shall fall, and not rise again.

d Osee 4. 9. e Jer. 48. 44.

CHAP. 23. Ver. 18. Sanctified to the Lord. This alludes to the conversion of the Gentiles.

Canticle of praise to God 1SAIAS Confidence in God
of his people he shall take away from
21 And it shall come to pass, that in
the whole earth: for the Lord hath
that day the Lord shall visit upon the off

host of heaven on high, and upon the

9 shall say in that day: Lo,
And they
kings of the earth, on the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together this is our God, we have waited for him,
as in the gathering of one bundle into and he will save us: this is the Lord, we
have waited for him, we shall
the pit, and they shall be shut up there patiently
and be joyful in his salvation.
in prison: and after many days they shall rejoice
hand of the Lord shall rest
10 For the
be visited.
in this mountain: and Moab shall be trod
23 / And the moon shall blush, and the
sun shall be ashamed, w hen the Lord of
T den down under him, as straw is broken
mount and in in pieces with the wain.
hosts shall reign in Sion,
11 shall stretch forth his hands
And he
Jerusalem, and shall be glorified in the
under him, as he that swimmeth stretch-
sight of his ancients.
eth forth his hands to swim and he shall :

CHAPTER 25 bring down his glory with the dashing

A canticle of thanksgiving for God s judgments and of his hands.
benefits. 12 And the bulwarks of thy high walls
shall fall, and be brought low, and shall
my God, I will exalt
thou art
be pulled down to the ground, even to
thee, and give glory to thy name:
the dust.
for thou hast done wonderful things, thy
designs of old faithful, amen. CHAPTER 26
2 For thou hast reduced the city to a A canticle of thanks for the deliverance of God s
heap, the strong city to ruin, the house people.
of strangers, to be no city, and to be no that day shall this canticle be sung
more built up for ever. INin the land of Juda. Sion the city of
3 Therefore shall a strong people praise our strength a saviour, a wall and a bul
thee, the city of mighty nations shall fear wark shall be set therein.
thee. 2 Open ye the gates, and let the just
4 Because thou hast been a strength to nation, that keepeth the truth, enter in.
the poor, a strength to the needy in his 3 The old error is passed away: thou
distress: a refuge from the whirlwind, a wilt keep peace: peace, because we have
shadow from the heat. For the blast of hoped in thee.
the mighty is like a whirlwind beating 4 You have hoped in the Lord for ever
against a wall. more, in the Lord God mighty for ever.
5 Thou shalt bring down the tumult of 5 For he shall bring down them that
strangers, as heat in thirst: and as with dwell on high, the high city he shall lay
heat under a burning cloud, thou shalt low. He shall bring it down even to the
make the branch of the mighty to wither ground, he shall pull it down even to the
away. dust.
6 the Lord of hosts shall make unto
And 6 The foot shall tread it down, the feet
all people in this mountain, a feast of fat of the poor, the steps of the needy.
things, a feast of wine, of fat things full 7 The way of the just is right, the path
of marrow, of wine purified from the of the just is right to walk in.
lees. 8 And in the way of thy judgments,
7 And he shall destroy in this mountain Lord, we have patiently waited for thee:
the face of the bond with which all peo thy name, and thy remembrance are the
ple were tied, and the web that he began desire of the soul.
over all nations. 9 My
soul hath desired thee in the
8 He shall cast death down headlong for night: yea, and with my spirit within
ever: v and the Lord God shall wipe away me in the morning early I will watch to
tears from every face, and the reproach thee. When thou shalt do thy judg-
/ Joel 2. 31 ; Acts 2. 20. g Apoc. 7. 17, and 21. 4.

CHAP. 24. Ver. 21. The host of heaven on high. CHAP. 25. Ver. 10. Moab. That is, the reprobate,
The stars, which in many places of the Scripture whose eternal punishment, from which they can no
are so called. Some commentators explain that way escape, is described under these figures.
these words here signify the demons of the air.

God s favor to His people ISAIAS God s care for His vineyard
ments on the earth, the inhabitants of 20 Go, my people, enter into thy cham
the world shall learn justice. bers, shut thy doors upon thee, hide thy
10 Let us have pity on the wicked, but self a little for a moment, until the in
he will not learn justice: in the land of dignation pass away.
the saints he hath done wicked things, 21 h For behold the Lord will come out
and he shall not see the glory of the of his place, to visit the iniquity of the
Lord. inhabitant of the earth against him: and
11 Lord, let thy hand be exalted, and the earth shall disclose her blood, and
shall cover her slain no more.
let them not see: let the envious people
and be confounded: and let fire de
vour thy enemies.
The punishment of the oppressors of God s people.
12 Lord, thou wilt give us peace: for The Lord s favour to his church.
thou hast wrought all our works for us.
13 O Lord our God, other lords besides
that day the Lord with his hard,
thee have had dominion over us, only in INand great, and strong sword shall
visit leviathan the bar serpent, and le
thee let us remember thy name.
14 Let not the dead live, let not the viathan the crooked serpent, and shall
giants rise again: therefore hast thou slay the whale that is in the sea.
visited and destroyed them, and hast 2 In that day there shall be singing to
destroyed all their memory. the vineyard of pure wine.
15 Thou hast been favourable to the 3 I am the Lord that keep it, I will sud
nation, Lord, thou hast been favour denly give it drink: lest any hurt come
able to the nation: art thou glorified? to it, I keep it night and day.
thou hast removed all the ends of the 4 There is no indignation in me: who
earth far off. shall make me a thorn and a brier in
16 Lord, they have sought after thee in battle: shall I march against it, shall !
distress, in the tribulation of murmuring set it on fire together?
thy instruction was with them. 5 Or rather shall it take hold of my
17 As a woman with child, when she strength, shall it make peace with me,
draweth near the time of her delivery, shall it make peace with me?
is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs: 6 When they shall rush in unto Jacob,
so are we become in thy presence, Israel shall blossom and bud, and they
Lord. shall fill the face of the world with seed.
18 We have conceived, and been as it 7 Hath he struck him according to the
were in labour, and have brought forth stroke of him that struck him? or is he
wind: we have not wrought salvation on slain, as he killed them that were slain
the earth, therefore the inhabitants of the by him?
earth have not fallen. 8 In measure against measure, when it
19 Thy dead men shall live, my slain shall be cast off, thou shalt judge it. He
shall rise again: awake, and give praise, hath meditated with his severe spirit in
ye that dwell in the dust: for thy dew the day of heat.
is the dew of the light: and the land of 9 Therefore upon this shall the iniquity
the giants thou shalt pull down into ruin. of the house of Jacob be forgiven: and
h Mich. 1. 3.

CHAP. Ver. 21. Shall cover her slain no more.

26. but it shall always take fast hold of me, and keep
This is said with relation to the martyrs, and their an everlasting peace with me.
happy resurrection. Ver. 6. When they shall rush in, &c. Some under
CHAP. 27. Ver. 1. Leviathan. That is, the devil, stand this of the enemies of the true Israel, that
the great enemy of the people of God. He is called shall invade it in vain. Others of the spiritual in
the bar serpent from his strength, and the crooked vasion made by the apostles of Christ.
serpent from his wiles and the whale of the sea,
; Ver. 7. Hath he struck him, &c. Hath God pun
from the tyranny he exercises in the sea of this ished the carnal persecuting Jews, in proportion to
world. He was spiritually slain by the death of their doings against Christ and his saints ?
Christ, when his power was destroyed. Ver. 8. When it shall be cast off, &c. When the
Ver. 2. The vineyard, &c. The church of Christ. synagogue shall be cast off, thou shalt judge it in
Ver. 3. / will suddenly give it drink. Or, as the measure, and in proportion to its crimes. Ibid. He
Hebrew may also be rendered, I will continually hath meditated, &c. God hath designed severe pun
water it. ishments in the day of his wrath.
Ver. 4. No indignation in me, &c. Viz., against Ver. 9. Of the house of Jacob. Viz., of auch of
the church : nor shall I become as a thorn or brier them as shall be converted.
in its regard or march against it, or set it on fare;

ISAIAS Infidelity of the Jews
God shall gather his people again
this is all the fruit, that the sin thereof 5 In that day the Lord of hosts shall be
should be taken away, when he shall a crown of glory, and a garland of joy to
have made all the stones of the altar, as the residue of his people:
burnt stones broken in pieces, the groves 6 And a spirit of judgment to him that
and temples shall not stand. sitteth in judgment, and strength to
10 For the strong city shall be desolate, them that return out of the battle to the
the beautiful city shall be forsaken, and gate.
shall be left as a wilderness: there the 7 But these also have been ignorant
calf shall feed, and there shall he lie through wine, and through drunkenness
down, and shall consume its branches. have erred: the priest and the prophet
11 Its harvest shall be destroyed with have been ignorant through drunkenness,
drought, women shall come and teach it: they are swallowed up with wine, they
for it is not a wise people, therefore he have gone astray in drunkenness, they
that made it, shall not have mercy on it: have not known him that seeth, they have
and he that formed it, shall not spare it. been ignorant of judgment.
12 And it shall come to pass, that in
8 For all tables were full of vomit and
that day the Lord will strike from the
filth, so that there was no more place.
channel of the river even to the torrent
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge ? and
of Egypt, and you shall be gathered to
whom shall he make to understand the
gether one by one, ye children of
hearing ? them that are weaned from the
milk, that are drawn away from the
13 And it shall come to pass, that in
that day a noise shall be made with a 10 For command, command again; com
great trumpet, and they that were lost,
shall come from the land of the Assyrians,
mand, command again; expect, expect
and they that were outcasts in the land again; expect, expect again: a little there,
a little there.
of Egypt, and they shall adore the Lord
11 i For with the speech of lips, and
in the holy mount in Jerusalem.
with another tongue he will speak to this
CHAPTER 28 people.
The punishment of the Israelites, for their pride, 12 To whom he said: This is my rest,
intemperance, and contempt of religion. Christ refresh the weary, and this is my refresh
the corner stone.
ing: and they would not hear.
to the crown of pride, to the 13 And the word of the Lord shall be to
WOE drunkards of Ephraim, and to the them: Command, command again: com
mand, command again: expect, expect
fading flower the glory of his joy, who
were on the head of the fat valley, stag again; expect, expect again: a little there,
gering with wine. a little there: that they may go, and fall
2 Behold the Lord is mighty and strong, backward, and be broken, and snared, and
as a storm of hail: a destroying whirl taken.
wind, as the violence of many waters 14 Wherefore hear the word of the Lord,
overflowing, and sent forth upon a spa ye scornful men, who rule over my people
cious land. that is in Jerusalem.
3 The crown of pride of the drunkards 15 For you have said: We have entered
of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet. into a league with death, and we have
4 And the fading flower the glory of his made a covenant with hell. When the
joy, who is on the head of the fat valley, overflowing scourge shall pass through,
shall be as a hasty fruit before the ripe it shall not come upon us: for we have
ness of autumn: which when he that placed our hope in lies, and by falsehood
seeth it shall behold, as soon as he taketh we are protected.
it in his hand, he will eat it up. 16 /Therefore thus saith the Lord God:
i 1 Cor. 14. 21. j Ps. 117. 22 ; Matt. 21. 42 ; Acts 4. 11 ; Rom. 9. 1 Peter 2. 6.

Ver. 10. The strong city. Jerusalem. Ver. 7. These also. The kingdom
of Juda.
Ver. 13. A great trumpet. The preaching of the Ver.10. Command, command again, &c. This is
gospel for the conversion of the Jews. said in the person of trie Jews, resisting the repeated
CHAP. 28. Ver. 1. Ephraim. That is, the king commands of God, anu still putting him off.
dom of the ten tribes. Ibid. The head of the fat Ver. 16. A alone in the foundation*, viz., Christ.
valley. Samaria, situate on a hill, having under it a Ibid. Let him not hasten, &c. Let him expect his
most fertile valley. coming with patience.

Christ the cornerstone ISAIAS God s judgment upon Jerusalem
Behold I will lay a stone in the founda 28 But bread corn shall be broken small :

tions of Sion, a tried stone, a corner but the thrasher shall not thrash it for
stone, a precious stone, founded in the ever, neither shall the cart wheel hurt it,
foundation. He that believtth, let him nor break it with its teeth.
not hasten. 29 This also is come forth from the
17 And I will set judgment in weight, Lord God of hosts, to make his counsel
and justice in measure: and hail shall wonderful, and magnify justice.
overturn the hope of falsehood: and waters
shall overflow its protection.
18 And your league with death shall be God s heavy judgment* upon Jerusalem, for their
blind obstinacy: with a prophecy of the conver
abolished, and your covenant with hell sion of the Gentiles.
shall not stand: when the overflowing to Ariel, to Ariel the city which
scourge shall pass, you shall be trodden
down by it.
WOEDavid took: year is added to year:
the solemnities are at an end.
19 Whensoever it shall pass through, it 2 And I will make a trench about Ariel,
shall take you away: because in the and it shall be in sorrow and mourning,
morning early it shall pass through, in and it shall be to me as Ariel.
the day and in the night, and vexation 3 And I will make a circle round about
alone shall make you understand what thee, and will cast up a rampart against
you hear. thee, and raise up bulwarks to besiege
20 For the bed is straitened, so that one thee.
must fall out, and a short covering can 4 Thou shalt be brought down, thou
not cover both. shalt speak out of the earth, and thy
21 fc For the Lord shall stand up as in speech shall be heard out of the ground:
the mountain of divisions: he shall be ?
and thy voice shall be from the earth
angry as in the valley which is in Gabaon: like that of the python, and out of the
that he may do his work, his strange ground thy speech shall mutter.
work: that he may perform his work, his 5 And the multitude of them that fan
work is strange to him. thee, shall be like small dust: and as ashes
22 And now do not mock, lest your bonds passing away, the multitude of them that
be tied strait. For I have heard of the have prevailed against thee.
Lord the God of hosts a consumption and G And it shall be at an instant suddenly.
a cutting short upon all the earth. A visitation shall come from the Lord of
23 Give ear, and hear my voice, hearken, hosts in thunder, and with earthquake,
and hear my speech. and with a great noise of whirlwind and
24 Shall the ploughman plough all the tempest, and with the flame of devour
day to sow, shall he open and harrow his ing fire.
ground ? 7 And the multitude of all nations that
25 Will he not, when he hath made plain have fought against Ariel, shall be as the
the surface thereof, sow gith, and scatter dream of a vision by night, and all that
cummin, and put wheat in order, and bar have fought, and besieged and prevailed
ley, and millet, and vetches in their against it.

bounds ? 8 And
as he that is hungry dreatneth,
26 For he will instruct him in judgment: and eateth, but when he is awake, his
his God will teach him. soul is empty: and as he that is thirsty
27 For gith shall not be thrashed with dreameth, and drinketh, and after he is
saws, neither shall the cart wheel turn awake, is yet faint with thirst, and his
about upon cummin: but gith shall be soul is empty: so shall be the multitude
beaten out with a rod, and cummin with of all the Gentiles, that have fought
a staff. against mount Sion.
k 2 Kings 5. 20 ; 1 Par. 14. 11. I Jos. 10. 13.

Ver. 20. The bed is straitened, &c. It is too nar Ver. 29. This also, &c. Such also is the proceed
row to hold two God will have the bed of our heart
: ing of the Lord with his hand, and the divers seeds
all to himself. he sows therein.
Ver. 21. As in the mountain, &c. As the Lord CHAP. 29. Ver. 1. Ariel. This word signifies,
fought against the Philistines in Baal Pharasim, 2 the lion of God, and here is taken for the strong
Kinprs 5., and against the Chanaanites, in the valley city of Jerusalem.
of Gabaon, Jos. 10.

Hypocrisy of the Jeivs ISAIAS Their confidence in Egypt vain

9 Be astonished, and wonder, waver, and 22 Therefore thus saith the Lord to the
stagger: be drunk, and not with wine: house of Jacob, he that redeemed Abra
stagger, and not with drunkenness. ham: Jacob shall not now be confounded,
neither shall his countenance now be
10 For the Lord hath mingled for you
the spirit of a deep sleep, he will shut up
ashamed :

23 But when he shall see his children,

your eyes, he will cover your prophets the work of my hands in the midst of
and princes, that see visions.
11 And the vision of all shall be unto
him sanctifying my name, and they shall
sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall
you as the words of a book that is sealed,
which when they shall deliver to one that glorify the God of Israel :

24 And they that erred in spirit, shall

is learned, they shall say: Read this: and
he shall answer: I cannot, for it is sealed. know understanding, and they that mur
12 And the book shall be given to one mured, shall learn the law.
that knoweth no letters, and it shall be CHAPTER 30
said to him: Read: and he shall answer: The people are blamed for their confidence in Egypt.
I know no letters. God s mercies towards his church: the punish
13 And the Lord said: Forasmuch as ment of sinners.
this people draw near me with their to you, apostate children, saith
mouth, and with their
but their heart is far from me, and they
lips glorify me, WOE
the Lord, that you would take coun
not of me: and would begin a
have feared me with the commandment web, and not by my spirit, that you might
and doctrines of men: add sin upon sin:
14 Therefore behold I will proceed to 2 Who walk to go down into Egypt, and
cause an admiration in this people, by a have not asked at my mouth, hoping for
great and wonderful miracle: n for wis help in the strength of Pharao, and trust
dom shall perish from their wise men, ing in the shadow of Egypt.
and the understanding of their prudent 3 And the strength of Pharao shall be
men shall be hid. to your confusion, and the confidence of
15 Woe to you that are deep of heart, to the shadow of Egypt to your shame.
hide your counsel from the Lord: and 4 For thy princes were in Tanis, and thy
their works are in the dark, and they say: messengers came even to Hanes.
Who seeth us and who knoweth us?
5 They were all confounded at a peo
16 This thought of yours is perverse: ple that could not profit them: they were
as the clay should think against the
if no help, nor to any profit, but to confu
potter, and the work should say to the sion and to reproach.
maker thereof: Thou madest me not: or 6 The burden of the beasts of the south.
the thing framed should say to him that In a land of trouble and distress, from
fashioned it: Thou understandest not. whence come the lioness, and the lion,
17 Is it not yet a very little while, and the viper and the flying basilisk, they
Libanus shall be turned into channel, and carry their riches upon the shoulders of
charmel shall be esteemed as a forest? beasts, and their treasures upon the
18 And in that day the deaf shall hear bunches of camels to a people that shall
the words of the book, and out of dark not be able to profit them.
ness and obscurity the eyes of the blind 7 v For Egypt shall help in vain, and to
shall see. no purpose: therefore have I cried con
19 And the meek shall increase their cerning this: It is pride only, sit still.
joy in the Lord, and the poor men shall 8 Now therefore go in and write for
rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. them upon box, and note it diligently in
20 For he that did prevail hath failed, a book, and it shall be in the latter days
the scorner is consumed, and they are all for a testimony for ever.
cut off that watched for iniquity: 9 For it is a people that provoketh to
21 That made men sin by word, and sup wrath, and lying children, children that
planted him that reproved them in the will not hear the law of God.
gate, and declined in vain from the just. 10 Who say to the seers: See not: and
TO Matt 15. 8 ; Mark 7. 6. n 1 Cor. 1. 19 ; Abd. 1. 8. o Eccli. 23. 26. p Jer. 37. 7.

Ver. 17. Charmel. This word signifies a fruitful field.

God s mercy to His People 1SAIAS Destruction of the Assyrians
to them that behold: Behold not for us not aside neither to the right hand, nor
those things that are right: speak unto to the left.
us pleasant things, see errors for us. 22 And thou shalt defile the plates of
11 Take away from me the way, turn thy graven things of silver, and the gar
away the path from me, let the Holy One ment of thy molten things of gold, and
of Israel cease from before us. shalt cast them away as the uncleanness
12 Therefore thus saith the Holy One of of a menstruous woman. Thou shalt say
Israel: Because you have rejected this to it: Get thee hence.
word, and have trusted in oppression 23 And rain shall be given to thy seed,
and tumult, and have leaned upon it: wheresoever thou shalt sow in the land:
13 Therefore shall this iniquity be to and the bread of the corn of the land
you as a breach that falleth, and is found shall be most plentiful, and fat. The
wanting in a high wall, for the destruc lamb in that day shall feed at large in
tion thereof shall come on a sudden, when thy possession:
it is not looked for. 24 And thy oxen, and the ass colts that
14 And it shall be broken small, as the till the ground, shall eat mingled pro

potter s vessel is broken all to pieces vender as it was winnowed in the floor.
with mighty breaking, and there shall 25 And there shall be upon every high
not a sherd be found of the pieces there mountain, and upon every elevated hill
of, wherein a little fire may be carried rivers of running waters in the day of
from the hearth, or a little water be the slaughter of many, when the tower
drawn out of the pit. shall fall.
15 For thus saith the Lord God the Holy 26 And the light of the moon shall be
One of Israel: If you return and be quiet, as the light of the sun, and the light of
you shall be saved: in silence and in hope the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light
shall your strength be. And you of seven days: in the day when the Lord
would not: shall bind up the wound of his people,
16 But have said: No, but we will flee and shall heal the stroke of their wound.
to horses: therefore shall you flee. And 27 Behold the name of the Lord cometh
we will mount upon swift ones: there from afar, his wrath burneth, and is heavy
fore shall they be swifter that shall pur to bear; his lips are filled with indigna
sue after you. tion, and his tongue as a devouring fire.
17 A thousand men shall flee for fear 28 His breath as a torrent overflowing
of one: and for fear of five shall you flee, even to the midst of the neck, to destroy
till you be left as the mast of a ship on the nations unto nothing, and the bridle of
the top of a mountain, and as an ensign error that was in the jaws of the people.
upon a hill. 29 You shall have a song as in the night
18 Therefore the Lord waiteth that he of the sanctified solemnity, and joy of
may have mercy on you: and therefore heart, as when one goeth with a pipe, to
shall he be exalted sparing you: because come into the mountain of the Lord, to
the Lord is the God of judgment: blessed the Mighty One of Israel.
are all they that wait for him. 30 And the Lord shall make the glory
19 For the people of Sion shall dwell in of his voice to be heard, and shall shew
Jerusalem: weeping thou shalt not weep, the terror of his arm, in the threatening
he will surely have pity on thee: at the of wrath, and the flame of devouring
voice of thy cry, as soon as he shall hear, fire: he shall crush to pieces with whirl
he will answer thee. wind, and hailstones.
20 And the Lord will give you spare 31 For at the voice of the Lord the As
bread, and short water: and will not syrian shall fear being struck with the rod.
cause thy teacher to flee away from 32 And the passage of the rod shall be
thee any more, and thy eyes shall see strongly grounded, which the Lord shall
thy teacher. make to rest upon him with timbrels and
21 And thy ears shall hear the word of harps, and in great battles he shall over
one admonishing thee behind thy back: throw them.
This is the way, walk ye in it: and go 33 For Topheth is prepared from yes-
CHAP. 30. Ver. 33. Topheth, It is the- -ame as Gehenna, and is taken f r hell,

Israel warned not to trust to Egypt ISAIAS Christ s reign

terday, prepared by the king, deep, and a king shall reign in justice,
wide. The nourishment thereof is fire BEHOLD
and princes shall rule in judgment.
and much wood: the breath of the Lord 2 And a man shall be as when one is hid
as a torrent of brimstone kindling it. from the wind, and hideth himself from a
storm, as rivers of waters in drought, and
CHAPTER 31 the shadow of a rock that standeth out
Thefolly of trusting to Egypt, and forgetting God. in a desert land.
He will fiyht for his people against the Assyrians. 3 The eyes of them that see shall not be
to them that go down to Egypt dim, and the ears of them that hear shall
WOE for help, trusting in horses, and hearken diligently.
putting their confidence in chariots, be 4 And the heart of fools shall under
cause they are many: and in horsemen, stand knowledge, and the tongue of stam
because they are very strong: and have merers shall speak readily and plain.
not trusted in the Holy One of Israel, 5 The fool shall no more be called
and have not sought after the Lord. prince: neither shall the deceitful be
2 But he that is the wise one hath called great:
brought evil, and hath not removed his 6 For the fool will speak foolish things,
words: and he wall rise up against the and his heart will work iniquity, to prac
house of the wicked, and against the aid tice hypocrisy, and speak to the Lord de
of them that work iniquity. ceitfully, and to make empty the soul of
3 Egypt is man, and not God: -and their the hungry, and take away drink from
horses, flesh, and not spirit: and the Lord the thirsty.
shall put down his hand, and the helper 7 The vessels of the deceitful are most
shall fall, and he that is helped shall wicked: for he hath framed devices to
fall, and they shall all be confounded destroy the meek, with lying words, when
together. the poor man speaketh judgment.
4 For thus saith the Lord to me: Like 8 But the prince will devise such things
as the lion roareth, and the lion s whelp as are worthy of a prince, and he shall
upon his prey, and when a multitude of stand above the rulers.
shepherds shall come against him, he will 9 Rise up, ye rich women, and hear my
not fear at their voice, nor be afraid of voice: ye confident daughters, give ear
their multitude: so shall the Lord of
to my speech.
hosts come down to fight upon mount Sion, 10 For after days and a year, you that
ana upon the hill thereof. are confident shall be troubled: for the
5 As birds flying, so will the Lord of
vintage is at an end, the gathering shall
hosts protect Jerusalem, protecting and come no more.
delivering, passing over and saving. 11 Be astonished, ye rich women, be
6 Return as you had deeply revolted,
troubled, ye confident ones: strip you, and
children of Israel. be confounded, gird your loins.
7 For in that day a man shall cast away 12 Mourn for your breasts, for the de
his idols of silver, and his idols of gold,
lightful country, for the fruitful vine
which your hands have made for you to
13 Upon the land of my people shall
8 i And the Assyrian shall fall by the
thorns and briers come up: how much
sword not of a man, and the sword not of more upon all the houses of joy, of the
a man shall devour him, and he shall flee
city that rejoiced?
not at the face of the sword: and his
14 For the house is forsaken, the multi
young men shall be tributaries. tude of the city is left, darkness and ob
9 And his strength shall pass away with
scurity are come upon its dens for ever.
dread, and his princes fleeing shall be A
afraid: the Lord hath said it, whose fire
joy of wild asses, the pastures of
is in Sion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.
15 Until the spirit be poured upon us
CHAPTER 32 from on high: and the desert shall be as
The blessings of the reign of Christ. The desolation
a channel, and channel shall be counted
of the Jews, and prosperity of the church of Christ. for a forest.

q Infra 37. 36 ; 4 Kings 19. 35 ; 2 Par. 32. 21.

The enemies of the church punished ISAIAS Reward of the just

16 And judgment shall dwell in the wil 10 Now will rise up, saith the Lord:

derness, and justice shall sit in charmel. now will I be exalted, now will I lift up
17 And the work of justice shall be myself.
peace, and the service of justice quietness, 11 You shall conceive heat, you shall
and security for ever. bring forth stubble: your breath as fire
18 And my people shall sit in the beauty shall devour you.
of peace, and in the tabernacles of con 12 And the people shall be as ashe?
fidence, and in wealthy rest. after a fire, as a bundle of thorns they
19 But hail shall be in the descent of shall be burnt with fire,
the forest, and the city shall be made very 13 Hear, you that are far off, what I
low. have done, and you that are near know
20 Blessed are ye that sow upon all my strength.
waters, sending- thither the foot of the ox 14 The sinners in Sion are afraid, trem
and the ass. bling hath seized upon the hypocrites.
Which of you can dwell with devouring
CHAPTER 33 fire? which of you shall dwell with ever
God s revenge against the enemies of his church. lasting burnings?
The happiness of the heavenly Jerusalem. 15 r He that walketh in justices, and
to thee that spoilest, shalt not speaketh truth, that casteth away avarice
WOE thou thyself also be spoiled? and
thou that despisest, shalt not thyself also
by oppression, and shaketh his hands from
all bribes, that stoppeth his ears lest he
be despised ? When thou shalt have made hear blood, and shutteth his eyes that he
an end of spoiling, thou shalt be spoiled: may see no evil.
when being wearied thou shalt cease to 16 He shall dwell on high, the fortifica
despise, thou shalt be despised. tions of rocks shall be his highness:
2 Lord, have mercy on us: for we bread is given him, his waters are
have waited for thee: be thou our arm sure.
in the morning, and our salvation in the 17 His eyes shall see the king in his
time of trouble. beauty, they shall see the land far off.
3 At the voice of the angel the people 18 Thy heart shall meditate fear: where
fled, and at the lifting up thyself the na is the learned? where is he that ponder-
tions are scattered. eth the words of the law? where is the
4 And your spoils shall be gathered to teacher of little ones ?
gether as the locusts are gathered, as 19 The shameless people thou
shalt not
when the ditches are full of them. the people of profound speech: so
5 The Lord is magnified, for he hath that thou canst not understand the elo
dwelt on high: he hath filled Sion with quence of his tongue, in whom there is
judgment and justice. no wisdom.
6 And there shall be faith in thy times: 20 Look upon Sion the city of our sol
riches of salvation, wisdom and knowl emnity: thy eyes shall see Jerusalem, a
edge the fear of the Lord is his treasure.
: rich habitation, a tabernacle that cannot
7 Behold they that see shall cry with be removed: neither shall the nails thereof
out, the angels of peace shall weep be taken away for ever, neither shall any
bitterly. of the cords thereof be broken :

8 The ways are made desolate, no one 21 Because only there our Lord is mag
passeth by the road, the covenant is made nificent: a place of rivers, very broad and
void, he hath rejected the cities, he hath spacious streams: no ship with oars shall
not regarded the men. pass by it, neither shall the great galley
9 The land hath mourned, and lan pass through it.
guished: Libanus is confounded, and be 22 For the Lord is our judge, the Lord
come foul, and Saron is become as a is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king: he
desert: and Basan and Carmel are shaken. will save us.

r Ps. 14. 2. s 1 Cor. 1. 20.

CHAP. 33. Ver. 1. That spoilest, &c. This is par Ver. 21. Of rivers. He
speaks of the rivers of
ticularly directed to Sennacherib. endless joys that flow from the throne of God to
Ver. 7. The angels of peace. The messengers or water the heavenly Jerusalem, where no enemy s
deputies sent to negotiate a peace. ship can come, &c.

Punishment of the ivicked ISAIAS Punishment of the wicked

23 Thy tacklings are loosed, and they 10 Night and day it shall not be
shall be of no strength: thy mast shall quenched, the smoke thereof shall go up
be in such condition, that thou shalt not for ever: from generation to generation
be able to spread the flag. Then shall the it shall lie waste, none shall pass through
it for ever and ever.
spoils of much prey be divided: the lame
shall take the spoil. 11 The bittern and ericius shall possess
24 Neither shall he that is near, say: I it: and the ibis and the raven shall dwell

am feeble. The people that dwell therein, in it: and a line shall be stretched out
shall have their iniquity taken away from upon it, to bring it to nothing, and a
them. plummet, unto desolation.
12 The nobles thereof shall not be there:
CHAPTER 34 they shall call rather upon the king, and
all the princes thereof shall be nothing.
The general judgment of the wicked
13 And thorns and nettles shall grow
near, ye Gentiles, and hear, and up in its houses, and the thistle in the
hearken, ye people let the earth hear,
fortresses thereof: and it shall be the hab
and all that is therein, the world, and itation of dragons, and the pasture of
every thing that cometh forth of it. ostriches.
2 For the indignation of the Lord is 14 And demons and monsters shall meet,
upon all nations, and his fury upon all and the hairy ones shall cry out one to
their armies: he hath killed them, and another, there hath the lamia lain down,
delivered them to slaughter. and found rest for herself.
3 Their slain shall be cast forth, and out 15 There hath the ericius had its hole,
of their carcasses shall rise a stink: the and brought up its young ones, and hath
mountains shall be melted with their dug round about, and cherished them in
blood. the shadow thereof: thither are the kites
4 And all the host of the heavens shall gathered together one to another.
pine away, and the heavens shall be 16 Search ye diligently in the book of
folded together as a book: and all their the Lord, and read: not one of them was
host shall fall down as the leaf falleth wanting, one hath not sought for the
from the vine, and from the fig tree. other: for that which proceedeth out of
5 For my sword is inebriated in heaven: my mouth, he hath commanded, and his
behold it shall come down upon Idumea, spirit it hath gathered them.
and upon the people of my slaughter unto 17 And he hath cast the lot for them,
judgment. and his hand hath divided it to them by
6 The sword of the Lord is filled with line: they shall possess it for ever, from
blood, it is made thick with the blood of generation to generation they shall dwell
lambs and buck goats, with the blood of therein.
rams full of marrow: for there is a vic
tim of the Lord in Bosra and a great CHAPTER 35
slaughter in the land of Edom. The joyful flourishing of Christ s kingdom: in his
church shall be a holy and secure way.
7 And the unicorns shall go down with
them, and the bulls with the mighty: land that was desolate and impass
their land shall be soaked with blood, and
their ground with the fat of fat ones.
THEable shall be glad, and the wilder
ness shall rejoice, and shall flourish like
8 For it is the day of the vengeance of the lily.
the Lord, the year of recompenses of the 2 It shall bud forth and blossom, and
judgment of Sion. shall rejoice with joy and praise: the glory
9 And the streams thereof shall be of Libanus is given to it: the beauty
turned into pitch, and the ground there of Carmel, and Saron, they shall see the
of into brimstone: and the land thereof glory of the Lord, and the beauty of our
shall become burning pitch. God. -f

Ver. 23. Thy tacklings. He speaks of the enemies here understood the wicked in general, the enemies
of the church, under the allegory of a ship that is of God and his church.
disabled. Ver. 7. The unicornx. That is, the great and
CHAP. 34. Ver. 4. And all the host of the heavens. mighty.
That is, the sun, moon, and stars. Ver. 8. The year of recompenses, &c. When the
Ver. 5. Idumea. Under the name of Idumea, or persecutors of Sion, that is, of the church, shall
Edom, a people that were enemies of the Jews, are receive their reward.

The hap-p-iness &f Christ s kingdom f SAIAS
3 Strengthen ye the feeble hands y and thou prepare for war? on whom dost
confirm the weak knees. thou trust, that thou art revolted from
4 Say to the fainthearted: Take cour me?
age, and fear not: behold your God will 6 Lo thou trustest upon this broken staff
bring the revenge of recompense: God of a reed, upon Egypt: upon which if a
himself will eome and will save you. man lean, it will go into his hand, and
5 Then shal! the eyes of the blind be pierce it: so is Pharao king of Egypt to
opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be all that trust in him.

unstopped. 7 But if thou wilt answer me: We trust

6 Then shall the lame man leap as a in the Lord our God: is it not he whose
hart, and the tongue of the- dumb shall high places and altars Ezechias hath
be free: for waters are broken out in the taken away, and hath said to Juda and
desert, and streams in the wilderness. Jerusalem: You shall worship before this
7 And that which was dry land, shall attar?
become a pool, and the thirsty land 8 And now deliver thyself up to my lord
springs of water. In; the dens where the king of the Assyrians, and I will give
dragons dwelt before, shall rise up the thee two thousand horses, and thou
Terdore of the reed and the bulrush. \vilt not be able on thy part to find riders
8 And a path and a way shall be there, for them.
and it shall be called the holy way: the 9 And how wilt thou stand against the
unclean shall not pass over it, and this face of the judge of one place, of the
shall be unto you a straight way, so that least of my
master s servants? But if
fools shall not err therein. thou trust in. Egypt, in chariots and in
9 No lion shall be there, nor shall any horsemen :

mischievous beast go up by it, nor be 10 And am

I now eome up without the
found there: but they shall walk there Lord against this land to destroy it?
that shall be delivered. The Lord said to me: Go up against this
10 And the redeemed of the Lord shall
land, and destroy it.
return, and shall come into Sion with 11 And Eliacim, and Sobna, and Joahe
praise, and everlasting joy shall be upon said to Rabsaces: Speak to thy servants
their heads: they shall obtain j.oy and in the Syrian tongue: for we understand
gladness, and sorrow and mourning shall ftr speak not to us in the Jews* lan
flee away. guage in the hearing of the people, that
are upon the wall.
12 And Rabsaces said to them: Hath
Sennacherib iiwades J nda: hi blasphenvies
my master sent me to thy master and to
it came
to pass in the fourteenth thee, to speak all these words; and not
AMDyear of king Ezechias, that Senna
* rather to the men that sit on the wall;
that they may eat their own dung, and
cherib king of the Assyrians came up
against all the fenced cities of Juda, and drink their urine with you?
took them. 13 Then Rabsaces stood, and cried out
2 And the king of the Assyrians sent with a loud voice in the Jews language,
Rabsaces from Lachis to Jerusalem,, to and said: Hear the words of the great
king Ezechias with a great army, and he king, the king of the Assyrians.
stood by the conduit of the upper pool 14 Thus saith the king: Let not Eze-
in the. way of the fuller s field. chias deceive you, for he shall not be able
3 And there went out to him Eliacim to deliver you.
the son of Helcias who was over the 15 And let not Ezechias make you trust
house, and .Sobna the scribe, and Joahe in the Lord, saying: The Lord will surely
the son of Asaph the recorder. deliver us, and this city shall not be
4 And Rabsaees said ta them: Tell Eze given into the hands of the king of the
chias: Thus saith the great king, the Assyrians.
king of the Assyrians: What is this con 16 Do not hearken to Ezechias: for
fidence wherein thou trustest ? thus said the king of the Assyrians-: Do
5 Or with what counsel or strength dost with me that which is for your advan-
t B. C. 701. 4 Kings 18. 13 ; 2 Par. 32. 1 ; Eccli. 48. 20. There is some confusion in the chronology of
Kings and Isaias at this point.

ISAIAS Isaias comforts Ezechias
Grief of Esechias
come out to me, and eat ye 5 And the servants of Ezechias came to
tage, and
one of
every one of his vine, and every
his fig tree, and drink ye every one the 6 And Isaias said to them: Thus shall
water of his cistern, you say to your master: Thus saith the
17 Till I come and take you away to a Lord: Be not afraid of the words that
land, like to your own,
a land of corn and thou hast heard, with which the servants
of wine, a land of bread and vineyards. of the king of the Assyrians have blas
18 Neither let Ezechias trouble you, phemed me.
saying: The Lord will deliver us.
Have 7 Behold, I will send a spirit upon him.
any of the gods of the nations delivered and he shall hear a message, and shall
their land out of the hand of the king of return to his own country, and I will
the Assyrians? cause him to fall by the sword in his own
19 Where is thegod of Emath and of country.
Arphad? where is the god of Sephar- 8 And Rabsaces returned, and found the
vaim? have they delivered Samaria out king of the Assyrians besieging Lobna.
of my hand? w For he had heard that he was departed
20 Who is there among all the gods of from Lachis.
these lands, that hath delivered his coun 9 And he heard say about Tharaca the
try out of my hand, that the Lord may king of Ethiopia: He is come forth to
deliver Jerusalem out of my hand? fight against thee. And when he heard
21 And they held their peace, and an it, he sent messengers to Ezechias, say
swered him not a word. For the king had ing:
commanded, saying: Answer him not.
10 Thus shall you speak to Ezechias
22 And Eliacim the son of Helcias, that
the king of Juda, saying: Let not thy
was over the house, and Sobna the scribe, God deceive thee, in whom thou trustest,
and Joahe the son of Asaph the recorder, Jerusalem shall not be given
went in to Ezechias with their garments into the hands of the king of the Assyr
rent, and told him the words of Rabsaces. ians.
11 Behold thou hast heard all that the
kings of the Assyrians have done to all
Ezechias, his mourning and prayer. God s promise countries which they have destroyed, and
of protection. The Assyrian army is destroyed. canst thou be delivered ?
Sennacherib is slain.
12 Have the gods of the nations deliv
AND <>

it came to pass, when king Eze- ered them whom my fathers have de
J\ chias had heard it, that he rent his stroyed, Gozam, and Haram, and Reseph,
garments and covered himself with sack and the children of Eden, that were in
cloth, and went into the house of the Thalassar?
Lord. 13 Where is the king of Emath, and the
2 And he sent Eliacim who was over king of Arphad, and the king of the city
the house, and Sobna the scribe, and the of Sepharvaim, of Ana, and of Ava ? "

ancients of the priests covered with sack 14 And Ezechias took the letter from
cloth, to Isaias the son of Amos the pro the hand of the messengers, and read it,
phet. and went up to the house of the Lord,
3 And they said to him Thus saith Eze : and Ezechias spread it before the Lord.
chias: This day is a day of tribulation, 15 And Ezechias prayed to the Lord,
and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for saying:
the children are come to the birth, and 16 Lord of hosts, God of Israel, who
there is not strength to bring forth. sittest upon the cherubims, thou alone
4 It may be the Lord thy God will hear art the God of all the kingdoms of the
the words of Rabsaces, whom the king of earth, thou hast made heaven and earth.
the Assyrians his master hath sent to 17 Incline, Lord, thy ear, and hear:
blaspheme the living God, and to reproach open, Lord, thy eyes, and see, and hear
with words which the Lord thy God hath all the words of Sennacherib, which he
heard: wherefore lift up thy prayer for hath sent to blaspheme the living God.
the remnant that is left. 18 For of a truth, O Lord, the kings of
u Kings 18. 36.
4 w 4 Kings 19. 8.
v 4 Kings 19. 1. B. C. 701. x 4 Kings 18. 34.

The answer to the prayer of Ezechias ISAIAS Destruction of the Assyrian army

the Assyrians have laid waste lands, and I will put a ring in thy nose, and a bit
their countries. between thy lips, and I will turn thee back
19 And they have cast their gods into by the way by which thou earnest.
the fire, for they were not gods, but the 30 But to thee this shall be a sign: Eat
works of men s hands, of wood and stone: this year the things that spring of them
and they broke them in pieces. selves, and in the second year eat fruits:
20 And now, Lord our God, save us but in the third year sow and reap, and
out of his hand: and let all the kingdoms plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of
of the earth know, that thou only art the them.
Lord. 31 And that which shall be saved of the
21 And Isaias the son of Amos sent to house of Juda, and which is left, shall
Ezechias, saying: Thus saith the Lord the take root downward, and shall bear fruit
God of Israel: For the prayer thou hast upward :

made to me concerning Sennacherib the 32 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a

king of the Assyrians: remnant, and salvation from mount Sion:
22 This is the word which the Lord hath the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do
spoken of him: The virgin the daughter this.
of Sion hath despised thee, and laughed 33 Wherefore thus saith the Lord con
thee to scorn: the daughter of Jerusalem cerning the king of the Assyrians: He
hath wagged the head after thee. shall not come into the city, nor shoot an
23 Whom hast thou reproached, and arrow into it, nor come before it with
whom hast thou blasphemed, and against shield, nor cast a trench about it.
whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and 34 By the way that he came, he shall re
lifted up thy eyes on high? Against the turn, and into this city he shall not come,
Holy One of Israel. saith the Lord.
24 By the hand of thy servants thou hast 35 And I will protect this city, and will
reproached the Lord: and hast said: save it for my own sake, and for the sake
With the multitude of my chariots I have of David my servant.
gone up to the height of the mountains, 36 v And the angel of the Lord went out,
to the top of Libanus: and I will cut down and slew in the camp of the Assyrians a
its tall cedars, and its choice fir
trees, hundred and eighty-five thousand. And
and will enter to the top of its height, to they arose in the morning, and behold
the forests of its Carmel. they were all dead corpses.
25 I have digged, and drunk water, and 37 And Sennacherib the king of the
have dried up with the sole of my foot, Assyrians went out and departed, and re
all the rivers shut up in banks. turned, and dwelt in Ninive.
26 Hast thou not heard what I have done 38 And it came to pass, as he was wor
tohim of old ? from the days of old I have shipping in the temple of Nesroch his
formed it: and now
I have brought it to god, that Adramelech and Sarasar his sons
effect: and hath come to pass that hills
it slew him with the sword: and they fled
fighting together, and fenced cities should into the land of Ararat, and Asarhaddon
be destroyed. his son reigned in his stead.
27 The inhabitants of them were weak
of hand, they trembled, and were con CHAPTER 38
founded: they became like the grass of Ezechias being advertised that he shall die, obtains
by prayer a prolongation of his life: in confir
the field, and the herb of the pasture, mation of which the sun goes back. The canticle
and like the grass of the housetops, which of Ezechias.
withered before it was ripe. z those days Ezechias was sick even
28 I know thy dwelling, and thy going IN to death, and Isaias the son of Amos
out, and thy coming in, and thy rage the prophet came unto him, and said to
against me. him: Thus saith the Lord: Take order
29 When thou wast mad against me, with thy house, for thou shalt die, and
thy pride came up to my ears: therefore not live.
y Supra 31. 8 ; 4 Kinjre 19. 35 Tob.
; 1. 21 ;
z 4 KinKs 20. 1 ; 2 Par. 32. 24.
Eccli. 48. 24 ; 1Mac. 7. 41 2 Mac.
; 8. 19.

CHAP. 37. Ver. 24. Carmel. See thse figurative expressions exp aihed in the annotations on
the nineteenth chapter of the fourth book of Kinfrs.

The prayer of Ez ISAIAS Esechias -shows his treasures

2 And Ezechias turned his face toward life of my spirit be in such things as
the wall, and prayed to the Lord, these, tho u shalt correct me, and make
3 And said: I beseech thee, Lord, re me to live.
member how I have walked before thee 17 Behold in peace is my bitterness most
in truth, and with a perfect heart, and bitter: but thou hast delivered my soul
have done that which is good in thy sight. that it should not perish, thou hast cast
all my sins behind thy back.
And Ezechias wept with great weeping.
4 And the word of the Lord came to 18 For heH shall not confess to thee,
neither shall death praise thee: nor shall
Isaias, saying:
5 Go and say to Ezechias: Thus saith they that go down into the pit, look for
the Lord the God of David thy father: I thy truth.
have heard they prayer, and I have seen 19 The living, the living, he shall give
thy tears: behold I will add to thy days praise to thee, as I do this day: the father
fifteen years:
shall make thy truth known to the chil
6 And I will deliver thee and this city dren.
out of the hand of the king of the Assyr 20 Lord, save me, and we will sing
our psalms all the days of our life in the
ians, and I will protect it.
7 And this shall be a sign to thee from house of the Lord.
the Lord, that the Lord will do this word 21 Now Isaias had ordered that they
which he hath spoken: should take a lump of figs, and lay it as
Behold I will bring again the shadow a plaster upon the wound, and that he
of the lines, by which it is now gone
should be healed.
down in the sun dial of Achaz with the 22 And Ezechias had said: What shall
And the sun be the sign that I shall go up to the
sun, ten lines backward.
returned ten lines by the degrees by which house of the Lord?
it was gone down. CHAPTER 39
9 The writing of Ezechias king of Juda,
Ezechias shews all his treasures to the ambassadors
when he had been sick, and was recov of Babylon: upon which Ixaias foretells the Baby
ered of his sickness. lonish captivity.
10 I said: In the midst of my days I & that time Merodach Baladan, the
shall go to the gates of hell: I sought AT son of Baladan king of Babylon,forsent
for the residue of my years. lettersand presents to Ezechias:
11 I said: I shall not see the Lord God had heard that he had been sick and was
in the land of the living. I shall behold recovered.
man no more, nor the inhabitant of rest. 2 And Ezechias rejoiced at their com
12 My generation is at an end, and it ing, and he shewed them the storehouses
is rolled away from me, as a shepherd s of his aromatical spices, and of the sil
tent. My life is cut off, as by a weaver: ver, and of the gold, and of the sweet
whilst I was yet but beginning, he cut odours, and of the precious ointment,
me off: from morning even to night thou and all the storehouses of his furniture,
wilt make an end of me. and all things that were found in his
13 I hoped till morning, as a lion so hath treasures. There was nothing in hi
he broken all my bones: from morning house, nor in all his dominion that Eze
even to night thou wilt make an end of chias shewed them not.
me. 3 Then Isaias the prophet came to king
14 I will cry like a young swallow, I will Ezechias, and said to him: What said
meditate like a dove: my eyes are weak these men, and from whence came they
ened looking upward: Lord, I suffer vio to thee? And Ezechias said: From a far
lence, answer thou for me. country they came to me, from Babylon.
15 What shall I say, or what shall he 4 And he said: What saw they in thy
answer for me, whereas he himself hath house? And Ezechias said: All things
done it? I will recount to thee all my that are in my house have they seen, there
years in the bitterness of my soul. was not any thing which I have not shewn
16 O Lord, if man s life be such, and the them in my treasures.
a Eccli. 48. 26. b 4 Kings 20. 12.

CHAP. 38. Ver. 10. Hell, Sheol, or Hades, the region of the dead.

The voice crying in the wilderness ISAIAS God s greatness
5 And Isaias said to Ezechias: Hear the 10 Behold the Lord God shall come with
word of the Lord of hosts. strength, and his arm shall rule: Behold
6 Behold the days shall come, that all his reward is with him and his work is
that is in thy house, and that thy fathers before him.
have laid up in store until this day, shall 11 /He shall feed his flock like a shep
be carried away into Babylon: there shall herd: he shall gather together the lambs
not any thing be left, saith the Lord. with his arm, and shall take them up
7 And of thy children, that shall issue in his bosom, and he himself shall carry
from thee, whom thou shalt beget, they them that are with young.
shall take away, and they shall be eunuchs
12 Who hath measured the waters in
in the palace of the king of Babylon.
the hollow of his hand, and weighed the
8 And Ezechias said to Isaias: The word
heavens with his palm ? who hath poised
of the Lord, which he hath spoken, is with three fingers the bulk of the earth,
good. And he said: Only let peace and and weighed the mountains in scales, and
truth be in my days. the hills in a balance?
CHAPTER 40 13 a Who hath forwarded the spirit of
The prophet vamforts the people, with the premize
the Lord? or who hath been his counsel
of the coming of Christ to forgive their sins. God s lor, and hath taught him?
almighty power and majesty. 14 With whom hath he consulted, and
comforted, my who hath instructed him, and taught him
BE comforted,your God.
ple, saith
2 Speak ye to the heart of Jerusalem,
the path of justice, and taught him know
ledge, and shewed him the way of under
and call to her: for her evil is come to standing ?
an end, her iniquity is forgiven: P she 15 Behold the Gentiles are as a drop of
hath received of the hand of the Lord a bucket, and are counted as the smallest
double for all her sins. grain of a balance: behold the islands
3 d The voice of one crying in the des are as a little dust.
ert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, 16 And Libanus shall not be enough to
make straight in the wilderness the paths burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for
of our God. a burnt offering.
4 Every valley shall be exalted, and 17 All nations are before him as if they
every mountain and hill shall be made had no being at all, and are counted to
low,and the crooked shall become straight, him as nothing, and vanity.
and the rough ways plain. 18 h To whom then have you likened
5 And the glory of the Lord shall be God ? or what image will you make for
revealed, and all flesh together shall see, him?
that the mouth of the Lord hath spoken. 19 Hath the workman cast a graven
6 The voice of one, saying: Cry. And statue? or hath the goldsmith formed it
I said: What shall I cry? All flesh is <?

with gold, or the silversmith with plates

grass, and all the glory thereof as the of silver?
flower of the field. 20 He hath chosen strong wood, and that
7 The grass is withered, and the flower will not rot: the skilful workman seek-
is fallen, because the spirit of the Lord eth how he may set up an idol that may
hath blown upon it. Indeed the people not be moved.
is grass: 21 Do you not know? hath it not been
8 The grass is withered, and the flower heard? hath it not been told you from
is fallen: but the word of our Lord en- the beginning? have you not understood
dureth for ever. the foundations of the earth ?
9 Get thee up upon a high mountain, 22 It is he that sitteth upon the globe
thou that bringest good tidings to Sion: of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof
lift up thy voice with strength, thou that are as locusts he that stretcheth out

bringest good tidings to Jerusalem: lift the heavens as nothing, and spreadeth
it up, fear not. Say to the cities of Juda: them out as a tent to dwell in.
Behold your God: 23 He that bringeth the searchers of
c Apoe, 18. / Ezech. 34. 23, and 37. 24 ; John 10. 11.
d Matt. 3. 3 Mark 1. 3 Luke
; ;
3. 4 ; John 1. 23. Wind. 9. 13 Roni. 11. 34
; ; 1 Cor. 2. 16.
e Ec1i. 14. 18 James 1. 10
; ; 1 Peter 1. 34. h Acts 17. 29. i Gen. 1. 6.

God s greatness ISAIAS God our helper

secrets to nothing, that hath made the 5 The islands saw it, and feared, the
judges of the earth as vanity. ends of the earth were astonished, they
24 And surely their stock was neither drew near, and came.
6 Every one shall help his neighbour,
planted, nor sown, nor rooted in the
earth: suddenly he hath blown upon and shall say to his brother: Be of good
them, and they are withered, and a courage.
whirlwind shall take them away as 7 The coppersmith striking with the
stubble. hammer encouraged him that forged at
25 And to whom have ye likened me, that time, saying: It is ready for solder
or made me equal, saith the Holy One? ing: and he strengthened it with nails,
26 Lift up your eyes on high, and see that it should not be moved.
who hath created these things: who 8 But thou Israel, art my servant, Jacob
bringeth out their host by number, and whom I have chosen, the seed of Abra
calleth them all by their names: by the ham my friend:
greatness of his might, and strength, and 9 In whom
I have taken thee from the

power, not one of them was missing. ends of the earth, and from the remote
27 Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speak- parts thereof have called thee, and said
Israel: My way is hid from the to thee: Thou art my servant, I have
chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.
Lord, and my judgment is passed over
from my God? 10 Fear not, for I am with thee: turn
28 Knowest thou not, or hast thou not not aside, for I am thy God: I have
heard ? the Lord is the everlasting God, strengthened thee, and have helped thee,
who hath created the ends of the earth: and the right hand of my just one hath
he shall not faint, nor labour, neither upheld thee.
is there any searching out of his wisdom. 11 Behold all that fight against thee
29 It is he that giveth strength to the shall be confounded and ashamed, they
shall be as nothing, and the men shall
weary, and increaseth force and might to
them that are not. perish that strive against thee.
30 Youths shall faint, and labour, and 12 Thou
shalt seek them, and shalt not
young men shall fall by infirmity. find the men
that resist thee: they shall
31 But they that hope in the Lord shall be as nothing: and as a thing consumed
renew their strength, i they shall take the men that war against thee.
wings as eagles, they shall run and not 13 For I am the Lord thy God, who take
be weary, they shall walk and not faint. thee by the hand, and say to thee: Fear
not, I have helped thee.
CHAPTER 41 14 Fear not, thou worm of Jacob, you
The reign of the just, one : the vanity of idols that are dead of Israel: I have helped
the islands keep silence before me, thee, saith the Lord: and thy Redeemer
LET and the nations take new strength: the Holy One of Israel.
let them come near, and then speak, 15 I have made thee as a new thrashing
let us come near to judgment to wain, with teeth like a saw: thou shalt
gether. thrash the mountains, and break them in
2 Who hath raised up the just one from pieces: and shalt make the hills as chaff.
the east, hath called him to follow him ? 18 Thou shalt fan them, and the wind
he shall give the nations in his sight, and shall carry them away, and the whirlwind
he shall rule over kings: he shall give shall scatter them and thou shalt rejoice

them as the dust to his sword, as stub in the Lord, in the Holy One of Israel
ble driven by the wind, to his bow. thou shalt be joyful.
3 He shall pursue them, he shall pass 17 The needy and the poor seek for wa
in peace, no path shall appear after his ters, and there are none: their tongue
feet. hath been dry with thirst. I the Lord
4 Who hath wrought and done these will hear them, I the God of Israel will
things, calling the generations from the not forsake them.
beginning? *>! the Lord, I am the first 18 I will open rivers in the high hills,
and the last. and fountains in the midst of the plains:
j PS. 10. 5. k Infra 44. 6, and 48. 12 : Apoc. 1. 8. 17, and 22. 13.

The vanity of idols ISAIAS The mission of Christ
I will turn the desert into pools of waters, my servant, I will uphold
and the impassable land into streams of BEHOLD
him: my elect, my soul delighteth in
waters. him : I have given my spirit upon him,
19 I willplant in the wilderness the he shall bring forth judgment to the
cedar, and the thorn, and the myrtle, and Gentiles.
the olive tree: I will set in the desert the 2 He shall not cry, nor have respect to
fir tree, the elm, and the box tree to person, neither shall his voice be heard
gether: abroad.
20 That they may see and know, and 3 The bruised reed he shall not break,
consider, and understand together that and smoking he shall not quench: he
the hand of the Lord hath done this, and shall bring forth judgment unto truth.
the Holy One of Israel hath created it. 4 He shall not be sad, nor troublesome,
21 Bring your cause near, saith the till he set judgment in the earth: and the
Lord: bring hither, if you have any thing islands shall wait for his law.
to allege, saith the King of Jacob.
5 Thus saith the Lord God that created
22 Let them come, and tell us all things the heavens, and stretched them out:
that are to come: tell us the former that established the earth, and the things
things what they were: and we will set that spring out of it: that giveth breath
our heart upon them, and shall know the to the people upon it, and spirit to them
latter end of them, and tell us the things that tread thereon.
that are to come. 6 I the Lord have called thee in justice,
23 Shew the things that are to come and taken thee by the hand, and pre
hereafter, and we shall know that ye are served thee. m And I have given thee for
gods. Do ye also good or evil, if you a covenant of the people, for a light of the
can: and let us speak, and see together. Gentiles:
24 Behold, you are of nothing, and your 7 That thou mightest open the eyes of
work of that which hath no being: he the blind, and bring forth the prisoner
that hath chosen you is an abomina out of prison, and them that sit in dark
ness out of the prison house.
25 I have raised up one from the north, 8 the Lord, this is my name: I will

and he shall come from the rising of the not give my glory to another, nor my
sun: he shall call upon my name, and he
praise to graven things.
shall make princes to be as dirt, and as
9 The things that were first, behold they
the potter treading clay. are come: and new things do I declare:
26 Who hath declared from the begin before they spring forth, I will make you
ning, that we may know: and from time hear them.
of old, that we may say: Thou art just. 10 Sing ye to the Lord a new song, his
There is none that sheweth, nor that fore-
praise is from the ends of the earth: you
telleth, nor that heareth your words. that go down to the sea, and all that are
27 The first shall say to Sion: Behold therein: ye islands, and ye inhabitants of
they are here, and to Jerusalem I will them.
give an evangelist. 11 Let the desert and the cities thereof
28 And I saw, and there was no one even be exalted: Cedar shall dwell in houses:
among them to consult, or who, when I ye inhabitants of Petra, give praise, they
asked, could answer a word. shall cry from the top of the mountains.
29 Behold they are all in the wrong, and 12 shall give glory to the Lord,
their works are vain: their idols are wind and declare his praise in the is
and vanity. lands.
13 The Lord shall go forth as a mighty
man, as a man of war shall he stir up
The office The preaching of the gospel to
of Christ. zeal: he shall shout and cry: he shall pre
the Gentiles. The blindness and reprobation of
the Jews. vail against his enemies.

I Matt. 12. 18. m Infra 49. 6. n Infra 48. 11.

CHAP. 41.Ver. 19. The thorn. In Hebrew, the Ver. 11. Petra. A city that gives name to Arabia
shitta, or setim, a tree resembling the white thorn. Petrsea.
CHAP. 42. Ver. 1. My servant. Christ, who ac
cording to his humanity, is the servant of God.

Blindness of the Jews punished ISAIAS God comforts His church
14 I have always held my peace, I have ND now thus the Lord that
kept silence, I have been patient, I will created thee, O
Jacob, and formed
speak now as a woman in labour: I will thee, O Israel: Fear not, for I have re
destroy, and swallow up at once. deemed thee, and called thee by thy
15 I will lay waste the mountains and name: thou art mine.
hills, and will make all their grass to 2 When thou shalt pass through the
wither: and I will turn rivers into islands, waters, I will be with thee, and the rivers
and will dry up the standing pools. shall not cover thee: when thou shalt
16 And I will lead the blind into the way walk in the fire, thou shalt not be burnt,
which they know not: and in the paths and the flames shall not burn in thee:
which they were ignorant of I will make 3 For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy-
them walk: I will make darkness light One of Israel, thy Saviour: I have given
before thein, and crooked things straight: Egypt for thy atonement, Ethiopia and
these things have I done to them, and have Saba for thee.
not forsaken them. 4 Since thou becamest honourable in my
17 They are turned back: let them be eyes, thou art glorious: I have loved thee,
greatly confounded, that trust in a graven and I will give men for thee, and people
thing, that say to a molten thing: You are for thy life.
our god. 5 not, for I am with thee: I will
18 Hear, ye deaf, and, ye blind, behold bring thy seed from the east, and gather
that you may see. thee from the west.
19 Who is blind, but my servant? or 6 I will say to the north: Give up: and
deaf, but he to whom I have sent my to the south: Keep not back: bring my
messengers? Who is blind, but he that sons from afar, and my daughters from
is sold? or who is blind, but the servant the ends of the earth.
of the Lord?
7 And every one that calleth upon my
20 Thou that seest many things, wilt
name, I have created him for my glory,
thou not observe them? thou that hast I have formed him, and made him.
ears open, wilt thou not hear? 8 Bring forth the people that are blind,
21 And the Lord was willing to sanctify and have eyes: that are deaf, and have
him, and to magnify the law, and exalt it. ears.
22 But this is a people that is robbed 9 All the nations are assembled to
and wasted: they are all the snare of gether, and the tribes are gathered: who
young men, and they are hid in the among you can declare this, and shall
houses of prisons: they are made a prey, make us hear the former things? let
and there is none to deliver them: a them bring forth their witnesses, let them
spoil, and there is none that saith: Re be justified, and hear, and say: It is
store. truth.
23 Who is there that will
among you 10 You are my witnesses, saith the Lord,
give ear to this, that will attend and and my servant whom I have chosen:
hearken for times to come ? that you may know, and believe me, and
24 Who hath given Jacob for a spoil, understand that I myself am. Before me
and Israel to robbers? hath not the Lord there was no God formed, and after me
himself, against whom we have sinned? there shall be none.
And they would not walk in his ways, 11 I am, I am the Lord: and there is
and they have not hearkened to his law. no saviour besides me.
25 And he hath poured out upon him 12 I have declared, and have saved. I
the indignation of his fury, and a strong have made it heard, and there was no
battle,and hath burnt him round about, strange one among you. You are my wit
and he knew not: and set him on fire, nesses, saith the Lord, and I am God.
and he understood not. 13 And from the beginning I am the
same, and there is none that can deliver
CHAPTER 43 out of my hand: I will work, and who
God comforts his church,
promising to protect her shall turn it away?
for ever: he expostulates with the Jews for their
ingratitude. 14 Thus saith the Lord your redeemer,

o Oseo 13. 4.

Ingratitude of the Jews 1SAIAS God s favor to His people
the Holy One of Israel: For your sake I AND i now hear, Jacob, my servant,
sent to Babylon, and have brought down XX and Israel whom
have chosen. I
all their bars, and the Chaldeans glorying 2 Thus saith the Lord that made and
in their ships. formed thee, thy helper from the womb:
15 I am the Lord your Holy One, the Fear not, my servant Jacob, and thou
Creator of Israel, your King. most righteous whom I have chosen.
16 Thus saith the Lord, who made a way 3 For I will pour out waters upon the
in the sea, and a path in the mighty wa
thirsty ground, and streams upon the dry
ters. land: I will pour out my spirit upon thy
17 Who brought forth the chariot and
seed, and my blessing upon thy stock.
the horse, the army and the strong: they 4 And they shall spring up among the
lay down to sleep together, and they
herbs, as willows beside the running wa
shall not rise again: they are broken as
flax, and are extinct. 5 One shall say: 1 am the Lord and
18 Remember not former things, and
another shall call himself by the name of
look not on things of old.
Jacob, and another shall subscribe with
19 P Behold I do new things, and now
his hand, To the Lord, and surname him
they shall spring forth, verily you shall self by the name of Israel.
know them: I will make a way in the 6 Thus saith the Lord the king of Israel,
wilderness, and rivers in the desert. and his redeemer the Lord of hosts r I :

20 The beast of the field shall glorify

am the first, and I am the last, and be
me, the dragons and the ostriches: be sides me there is no God.
cause I have given waters in the wilder
7 Who is like to me? let him call and
ness, rivers in the desert, to give drink, to declare: and let him set before me the
my people, to my chosen. order, since I appointed the ancient peo
21 This people have I formed for my
ple: and the things to come, and that
self, they shall shew forth my praise. shall be hereafter, let them shew unto
22 But thou hast not called upon me,
Jacob, neither hast thou laboured about 8 Fear ye not, neither be ye troubled,
me, Israel.
from that time I have made thee to hear,
23 Thou hast not offered me the ram and have declared you are my witnesses.

of thy holocaust, nor hast thou glorified

Is there a God besides me, a maker, whom
me with thy victims: I have not caused I have not known?
thee to serve with oblations, nor wearied 9 The makers of idols are all of them
thee with incense.
nothing, and their best beloved things
24 Thou hast bought me no sweet cane shall not profit them. They are their
with money, neither hast thou filled me
witnesses, that they do not see, nor un
with the fat of thy victims. But thou
derstand, that they may be ashamed.
hast made me to serve with thy sins, thou 10 Who hath formed a god, and made
hast wearied me with thy iniquities. a graven thing that is profitable for no
25 I am, I am he that blot out thy ini
quities for my own sake, and I will not 11 Behold, all the partakers thereof
remember thy sins. shall be confounded: for the makers are
26 Put me in remembrance, and let us men: they shall all assemble together,
plead together: tell if thou hast any they shall stand and fear, and shall be
thing to justify thyself. confounded together.
27 Thy first father sinned, and thy 12 * The smith hath wrought with his
teachers have transgressed against me.
file, with coals, and with hammers he
28 And I have profaned the holy princes, hath formed it, and hath wrought with
I have given Jacob to slaughter, and Is
the strength of his arm: he shall hunger
rael to reproach. and faint, he shall drink no water, and
shall be weary.
CHAPTER 44 13 The carpenter hath stretched out his
God s favour to his church. The folly of idolatry.
rule, he hath formed it with a plane: he
The people shall be delivered from captivity. hath made it with corners, and hath fash-
2 Cor. 5. 17 ; Apoc. 21. 5. r Supra 41. 4; Infra 48. 12 ; Apoc. 1. 8, 17. and
,)T. 30. 10,
and 46. 27. 22. 13. s WLsd. 13. 11.

The folly of idolatry ISAIAS God s message to Cyrus
round with the compass: and he
ioried it Lord, that make all things, that alone
hath made the image of a man as it were stretch out the heavens, that establish
a beautiful man dwelling in a house. the earth, and there is none with me.
14 He hath cut down cedars, taken the 25 That make void the tokens of divin
holm, and the oak that stood among the ers, and make the soothsayers mad. That
trees of the forest: he hath planted the turn the wise backward, and that make
pine tree, which the rain hath nourished. their knowledge foolish.
15 And it hath served men for fuel: he 26 That raise up the word of my servant
took thereof, and warmed himself: and and perform the counsel of my messen
he kindled it, and baked bread: but of gers, who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt
the rest he made a god, and adored it: be inhabited: and to the cities of Juda:
he made a graven thing, and bowed down You shall be built, and I wall raise up the
before it. wastes thereof.
16 Part of it he burnt with fire, and 27 Who
say to the deep: Be thou deso
with part of it he dressed his meat: he late, and will dry up thy rivers.
boiled pottage, and was filled, and was 28 Who say to Cyrus: Thou art my shep
warmed, and said: Aha, I am warm, I herd, and thou shalt perform all my plea
have seen the fire. sure. Who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt
17 But the residue thereof he made a be built: and to the temple: Thy founda
god, and a graven thing for himself: he tions shall be laid.
boweth down before it, and adoreth it,
and prayeth unto it, saying: Deliver me, CHAPTER 45
for thou art my God. A prophecy of Cyrus, as a figure of Christ, the great
deliverer of God s people.
18 They have not known, nor under
stood: for their eyes are covered that saith the Lord to my anointed
they may not see, and that they may not THUS
Cyrus, whose right hand I have tak
understand with their heart. en hold of, to subdue nations before his
19 They do not consider in their mind, face, and to turn the backs of kings, and
nor know, nor have the thought to say: to open the doors before him, and the
I have burnt part of it in the fire, and I gates shall not be shut.
have baked bread upon the coals thereof: 2 I will go before thee, and will humble
I have broiled flesh and have eaten, and the great ones of the earth: I will break
of the residue thereof shall I make an in pieces the gates of brass, and will
idol? shall I fall down before the stock burst the bars of iron.
of a tree? 3 And I will give thee hidden treasures.
20 Part thereof is ashes: his foolish heart and the concealed riches of secret places:
adoreth it, and he will not save his soul, that thou mayest know that I am the
nor say: Perhaps there is a lie in my Lord who call thee by thy name, the God
right hand. of Israel.
21 Remember these things, Jacob, and 4 For the sake of my servant Jacob, and
Israel, for thou art my .servant. I have Israel my elect, I have even called thee
formed thee, thou art my servant, Is by thy name: I have made a likeness of
rael, forget me not. thee, and thou hast not known me.
22 I have blotted out thy iniquities as 5 I am the Lord, and there is none else:
a cloud, and thy sins as a mist: return to there is no God besides me: I girded thee,
me, for I have redeemed thee. and thou hast not known me:
23 Give praise, ye heavens, for the 6 That they may know who are from the
Lord hath shewn mercy: shout with joy, rising of the sun, and they who are from
ye ends of the earth: ye mountains, re the west, that there is none besides me.
sound with praise, thou, forest, and I am the Lord, and there is none else:
every tree therein: for the Lord hath re 7 I form the
light, and create darkness,
deemed Jacob, and Israel shall be glo I makepeace, and create evil: I the Lord
rified. that do all these things.
24 Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer, 8 Drop down dew, ye heavens, from
and thy maker, from the womb I am the :
above, and let the clouds rain the just:
CHAP. 45. Ver. 7. Create evil. &c. The evils of afflictions and punishments, but not the evil of sin.

God s greatness commands obedience ISA1AS God s promise to save Israel

let the earth be opened, and bud forth a draw near together, ye that are saved of
saviour: and let justice spring up to the Gentiles: they have no knowledge that
gether: I the Lord have created him. set up the wood of their graven work, and
9 * Woe to him that gainsayeth his pray to a god that cannot save.
maker, a sherd of the earthen pots: shall 21 Tell ye, and come, and consult to
the clay say to him that fashioneth it: gether: who hath declared this from the
What art thou making, and thy work is beginning who hath foretold this from
without hands? that time? Have not I the Lord, and
there is no God else besides me? A just
10 Woe to him that saith to his father:
God and a saviour, there is none besides
Why begettest thou? and to the woman:
Why dost thou bring forth?
22 Be converted to me, and you shall
11 Thus saith the Lord the
Holy One of be saved, all ye ends of the earth: for I
Israel, hismaker: Ask me of things to am God, and there is no other.
come, concerning my children, and con 23 I have sworn by myself, the word of
cerning the work of my hands give ye justice shall go out of my mouth, and
charge to me. shall not return:
12 I made the earth: and I created man 24 For every knee shall be bowed to
upon it: my hand stretched forth the me, and every tongue shall swear.
heavens, and I have commanded all their 25 Therefore shall he say: In the Lord
host. are my justices and empire: they shall
13 I have raised him up to justice, and I
come to him, and all that resist him shall
will direct all his ways: he shall build my be confounded.
city,and let go my captives, not for ran 26 In the Lord shall all the seed of Is
som, nor for presents, saith the Lord the rael be justified and praised.
God of hosts.
14 Thus saith the Lord: The labour of
Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia,
and of Sabaim, men of stature shall come The idols of Babylon shall be destroyed. Salvation
is promised through Christ.
over to thee, and shall be thine: they
shall walk after thee, they shall go bound broken, Nebo is destroyed: their
with manacles: and they shall worship BELidols are put upon beasts and cattle,
thee, and shall make supplication to thee: your burdens of heavy weight even unto
only in thee is God, and there is no God weariness.
besides thee. 2 They are consumed, and are broken
15 Verily thou art a hidden God, the together: they could not save him that
God of Israel the saviour. carried them, and they themselves shall
16 They are all confounded and ashamed: go into captivity.
the forgers of errors are gone together 3 Hearken unto me, house of Jacob,
into confusion. allthe remnant of the house of Israel,
17 Israel is saved in the Lord with an who are carried by my bowels, are borne
eternal salvation: you shall not be con up by my womb.
founded, and you shall not be ashamed 4 Even to your old age I am the same,
for ever and ever. and to your grey hairs I will carry you:
18 For thus saith the Lord that created I have made you, and I will bear: I will
the heavens, God himself that formed carry and will save.
the earth, and made it, the very maker 5 To whom have you likened me, and
thereof: he did not create it in vain: he made me equal, and compared me, and
formed it to be inhabited. I am the Lord, made me like?
and there is no other. 6 You that contribute gold out of the
19 I have not spoken in secret, in a bag, and weigh out silver in the scales:
dark place of the earth: I have not said and hire a goldsmith to make a god: and
to the seed of Jacob: Seek me in vain. they fall down and worship. .

I am the Lord that speak justice, that 7 i They bear him on their shoulders
declare right things. and carry him, and set him in his place,
20 Assemble yourselves, and come, and and he shall stand, and shall not stir out
t Jer. 18. 6 ; Rom. 9, 20. u Rom. 14, 11: Phil. 2, 10, v Bar, 6. 26.

God s judgment on Babylon ISAIAS God s judgment on Babylon
of his place. Yea, when theyshall cry that sayest in thy heart: x I am, and
also unto him, he shall not hear: he shall there is none else besides me: I shall
not save them from tribulation. not sit as a widow, and I shall not know
8 Remember this, and be ashamed: re barrenness.
turn, ye transgressors, to the heart. 9 11 These two things shall come upon
9 Remember the former age, for I am thee suddenly in one day, barrenness
God, and there is no God beside, neither and widowhood. All things are come
is there the like to me: upon thee, bcause of the multitude of
10 Who shew from the beginning the thy sorceries, and for the great hardness
things that shall be at last, and from of thy enchanters.
ancient times the things that as yet are 10 And thou hast trusted in thy wicked
not done, saying: My counsel shall stand, ness, and hast said: There is none that
and all my will shall be done: seeth me. Thy wisdom, and thy knowl
11 Who call a bird from the east, and edge, this hath deceived thee. And thou
from a far country the man of my own hast said in thy heart: I am, and besides
will, and I have spoken, and will bring me there is no other.
it to pass: I have created, and I will do 11 Evil shall come upon thee, and thou
it. Hear me, ye hardhearted, who are shalt not know the rising thereof: and
far from justice. calamity shall fall violently upon thee,
12 I have brought my justice near, it which thou canst not keep off: misery
shall not be afar off: and my salvation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou
shall not tarry. I will give salvation in shalt not know.
Sion, and my glory in Israel. 12 Stand now with thy enchanters, and
with the multitude of thy sorceries, in
CHAPTER 47 which thou hast laboured from thy youth,
God s judgment upon Babylon if so be it may profit thee any thing,
or if thou mayst become stronger.
down, sit in the dust, virgin 13 Thou hast failed in the multitude of
daughter Babylon, sit on the
thy counsels: let now the astrologers
ground: there is no throne for the stand and save thee, they that gazed at
daughter of the Chaldeans, for thou the stars, and counted the months, that
shalt no more be called delicate and ten from them they might tell the things
der. that shall come to thee.
2 Take a millstone and grind meal: un 14 Behold they are as stubble, fire hath
cover thy shame, strip thy shoulder, make burnt them, they shall not deliver them
bare thy legs, pass over the rivers. selves from the power of the flames:
3 w Thy nakedness shall be discovered, there are no coals wherewith they may
and thy shame shall be seen: I will take be warmed, nor fire, that they may sit
vengeance, and no man shall resist me. thereat.
4 Our redeemer, the Lord of hosts is 15 Such are all the things become to
his name, the Holy One of Israel.
thee, in which thou hast laboured: thy
5 Sit thou silent, and get thee into dark merchants from thy youth, every one
ness, daughter of the Chaldeans: for hath erred in his own way, there is none
thou shalt no more be called the lady of
that can save thee.
6 I was angry with my people, I have CHAPTER 48
polluted my inheritance, and have given He reproaches the Jews for their obstinacy: he will
them into thy hand: thou hast shewn no deliver them out of their captivity, for his own
mercy to them upon the ancient thou hast
name s sake.

laid thy yoke exceeding heavy. ye these things, house of

7 And thou hast said I shall be a lady

for ever: thou hast not laid these things

HEARJacob, you that are called by the
name of Israel, and are come forth out
to thy heart, neither hast thou remem of the waters of Juda, you who swear by
bered thy latter end. the name of the Lord, and make mention
8 And now hear these things, thou that of the God of Israel, but not in truth,
art delicate, and dwellest confidently, nor in justice.
w Nah. 8. 5. x Apoc. 18. 7. y Infra 51. 19.

Obstinacy of the Jews reproved ISAIAS They will be redeemed from captivity
2 For they are called of the holy city, I have brought him, and his way is made
and are established upon the God of Is prosperous.
rael the Lord of hosts is his name.
: 16 Come ye near unto me, and hear this:
3 The former things of old I have de I have not spoken in secret from the

clared, and they went forth out of my beginning: from the time before it was
mouth, and I have made them to be done, I was there, and now the Lord God
heard: I did them suddenly and they hath sent me, and his spirit.
came to pass. 17 Thus saith the Lord thy redeemer,
4 For I knew that thou art stubborn, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord
and thy neck is as an iron sinew, and thy thy God that teach thee profitable things,
forehead as brass. that govern thee in the way that thou
5 I foretold thee of old, before they walkest.
came to pass I told thee, lest thou shouldst 18 that thou hadst hearkened to my
say: My idols have done these things, commandments: thy peace had been as
and my graven and molten things have a river, and thy justice as the waves of
commanded them. the sea,
6 See now all the things which thou hast 19 And thy seed had been as the sand,
heard: but have you declared them? I and the offspring of thy bowels like the
have shewn thee new things from that gravel thereof: his name should not have
time, and things are kept which thou perished, nor have been destroyed from
knowest not: before my face.
7 They are created now, and not of old: 20 Come forth out of Babylon, flee ye
and before the day, when thou heardest from the Chaldeans, declare it with the
them not, lest thou shouldst say: Behold voice of joy: make this to be heard, and
I knew them. speak it out even to the ends of the earth.
8 Thou hast neither heard, nor known, Say: The Lord hath redeemed his ser
neither was thy ear opened of old. For vant Jacob.
I know that transgressing thou wilt trans They thirsted not in the desert, when
he them out
led he brought forth
gress, and I have called thee a transgres

sor from the womb. water out of the rock for them, and he
clove the rock, and the waters gushed
9 For my name s sake I will remove my
wrath far off: and for praise I will my 22 d There is no peace to the wicked,
bridle thee, lest thou shouldst perish.
10 Behold I have refined thee, but not saith the Lord.
as silver, I have chosen thee in the fur
nace of poverty.
11 For my own sake, for my own sake Christ shall bring the Gentiles to salvation. God s
love to his church is perpetual.
will I do it, that I may not be blas
phemed :
z and I will not give my glory ear, ye islands, and hearken, ye
to another. GIVE
people from afar. e The Lord hath

12 Hearken to me, Jacob, and thou called me from the womb, from the
Israel whom I call: a l am he, I am the bowels of my mother he hath been mind
first, and I am the last. ful of my name.
13 My hand also hath founded the earth, /And he hath made my mouth like a
and my right hand hath measured the sharp sword: in the shadow of his hand
heavens: I shall call them, and they shall he hath protected me, and hath made
stand together. me as a chosen arrow: in his quiver he
14 Assemble yourselves together, all hath hidden me.
you, and hear: who among them hath 3 And he said to me: Thou art my ser
declared these things? the Lord hath vant Israel, for in thee will I glory.
loved him, he will do his pleasure in 4 And I said: I have laboured in vain,
I have spent my strength without cause
Babylon, and his arm shall be on the
Chaldeans. and in vain: therefore my judgment is
15 I, even I have spoken and called him: with the Lord, and my work with my God.
z Supra 42. 8. c Ex. 17. 6 ; Num. 20. 11. d Infra 57. 21.
a Supra 41. 4, and 44. 6 ; Apoc. 1. 8. 17, and 22. 13. e Jer. 1. 5 ; Gal. 1. 15.
b Jer. 61. 6 ; Apoc. 18. 4. / Infra 51. 16 ; Eph. 6. 16 ; Heb. 4. 12 ; Apoc. 1. 16.

Christ s mission to the Gentiles ISAIAS God s love for His people
5 And now saith the Lord, that formed 16 Behold, I have graven thee in my
me from the womb to be servant, his hands: ->thy
walls are always before my
that I may bring back Jacob unto htm, eyes.
and Israel will not be gathered together: 17 Thy builders are come: they that
and I am glorified in the eyes of the Lord, destroy thee and make thee waste shall
and my God is made my strength. go out of thee.
6 And he said: It is a small thing that 18 fc Lift up thy eyes round about, and
thou shouldst be my servant to raise up see all these are gathered together, they
the tribes of Jacob, and to convert the are come to thee I live, saith the Lord,

dregs of Israel, c Behold, I have given thou shalt be clothed with all these as
thee to be the light of the Gentiles, with an ornament, and as a bride thou
that thou mayst be my salvation even to shalt put them about thee.
the farthest part of the earth. 19 For thy deserts, and thy desolate
7 Thus saith the Lord the redeemer of places, and the land of thy destruction
Israel, his Holy One, to the soul that is shall now be too narrow by reason of
despised, to the nation that is abhorred, the inhabitants, and they that swallowed
to the servant of rulers: Kings shall see, thee up shall be chased far away.
and princes shall rise up, and adore for 20 The children of thy barrenness shall
the Lord s sake, because he is faithful, and still say in thy ears: The place is too
for the Holy One of Israel, who hath strait for me, make me room to dwell
chosen thee. in.
8 Thus saith the Lord: In an accept ft
21 And thou
shalt say in thy heart:
able time I have heard thee, and in the Who hath begotten these? I was barren
day of salvation I have helped thee: and and brought not forth, led away, and
I have preserved thee, and given thee to captive: and who hath brought up these?
be a covenant of the people, that thou I was destitute and alone: and these,
mightest raise up the earth, and possess where were they?
the inheritances that were destroyed: 22 Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I
9 That thou mightest say to them that will lift up my hand to the Gentiles, and
are bound: Come forth: and to them will set up my standard to the people.
that are in darkness: Shew yourselves. And they shall bring thy sons in their
They shall feed in the ways, and their arms, and carry thy daughters upon their
pastures shall be in every plain. shoulders.
10 They shall not hunger, nor thirst, 23 And kings shall be thy nursing fa
neither shall the heat nor the sun strike thers, and queens thy nurses they shall :

them: for he that is merciful to them, worship thee with their face toward the
shall be their shepherd, and at the foun earth, and they shall lick up the dust of
tains of waters he shall give them drink. thy feet. And thou shalt know that I
11 And I will make all my mountains a am the Lord, for they shall not be con
way, and my paths shall be exalted. founded that wait for him.
12 Behold these shall come from afar, 24 Shall the prey be taken from the
and behold these from the north and strong? or can that which was taken by
from the sea, and these from the south the mighty be delivered?
country. 25 For thus saith the Lord: Yea verily,
13 Give praise, ye heavens, and re even the captivity shall be taken away
joice, earth, ye mountains, give praise from the strong: and that which was
with jubilation: because the Lord hath taken by the mighty, shall be delivered.
comforted his people, and will have But I will judge those that have judged
mercy on his poor ones. thee, and thy children I will save.
14 And Sion said: The Lord hath for 26 And I will feed thy enemies with
saken me, and the Lord hath forgotten me. their own flesh: and they shall be made
15 Can a woman forget her infant, so as drunk with their own blood, as with new
not to have pity on the son of her womb? wine: and all flesh shall know, that I am
and if she should forget, yet will not I the Lord that save thee, and thy Re
forget thee. deemer the Mighty One of Jacob.
g Supra 42. 6 ; Acts 13. 47. 3 Ex. 13. 9. fc Infra 60. 4.
h 2 Cor. 6. 2. i Apoc. 7. 16. I Ps. 71. 9 ; Infra 40. 14.

Christ s patience in affliction ISAIAS Exhortatlon to trust in Christ
CHAPTER 50 compassed with flames, walk in the light
The synagogue shall be divorced for her iniquities. of your fire, and in the flames which you
Christ for her sake will endure ignominious af have kindled: this is done to you by my
hand, you shall sleep in sorrows.
saith the Lord: What is this bill
of the divorce of your mother, with CHAPTER 51
which have put her away? or who is
I An exhortation to trust in Christ. He shall protect
my creditor, to whom I sold you behold :
the children of his church.

you are sold for your iniquities, and for ear to me, you that follow that
your wicked deeds have I put your mo GIVE
which is just, and you that seek the
ther away. Lord: look unto the rock whence you
2 Because I came, and there was not a are hewn, and to the hole of the pit
man I called, and there was none that
: from which you are dug out.
would hear. my hand shortened and
"Is 2 Look unto Abraham your father, and
become little, that I cannot redeem? or to Sara that bore you for I called him

is there no strength in me to deliver? alone, and blessed him, and multiplied

Behold at my rebuke I will make the sea him.
a desert, I will turn the rivers into dry 3 The Lord therefore will comfort Sion,
land: the fishes shall rot for want of and will comfort all the ruins thereof:
water, and shall die for thirst. and he will make her desert as a place
3 I will clothe the heavens with dark of pleasure, and her wilderness as the
ness, and will make sackcloth their cov garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness

. shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and

4 The Lord hath given me a learned the voice of praise.
tongue, that I should know how to up 4 Hearken unto me, my people, and
hold by word him that is weary: he give ear to me, O my tribes: Pfor a law
wakeneth in the morning, in the morn shall go forth from me, and my judgment
ing he wakeneth my ear, that I may shall rest to be a light of the nations.
hear him as a master. 5 My just one is near at hand, my saviour
5 The Lord God hath opened my ear, is gone forth, and my arms shall judge
and I do not resist: I have not gone the people: the islands shall look for me,
back. and shall patiently wait for my arm.
6 I have givenmy body to the strik 6 Lift up your eyes to heaven, and look
ers,and my cheeks to them that plucked down to the earth beneath: for the hea
them I have not turned away my face
: vens shall vanish like smoke, and the
from them that rebuked me, and spit earth shall be worn away like a garment,
upon me. and the inhabitants thereof shall perish
7 The Lord God is my helper, therefore in like manner: 1 but my salvation shall
am I not confounded: therefore have I be for ever, and my justice shall not fail.
set my face as a most hard rock, and I 7 to me, you that know what
know that I shall not be confounded. is just, people who have my law in
8 He is near that justifieth me, who your heart: fear ye not the reproach of
will contend with me? let us stand to men, and be not afraid of their blas
gether, who is my adversary? let him phemies.
come near to me. 8 For the worm shall eat them up as a
9 Behold the Lord God is my helper: garment: and the moth shall consume
who is he that shall condemn me? Lo, them as wool: but my salvation shall

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