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Ref. : FORM.END.



Date of application: 09/06/2020

Theme : Green Belt: Lean Supply Chain 4.0 Year: 2 0 2 2

Target population : Managers / Business executives / Teachers

Training objectives: educational goals:

No. of hours led by trainer

Acquire the required skills to optimize flow and size work in

Acquire the Green Belt level in Lean Supply Chain progress in an industrial or service structure Trainer's first
No. of hours
and last name

Chiheb Ghalleb 10 H

Methods, teaching resources and Duration (hour)

Days Content / Key concepts to cover
equipment Theoretical Practical

- Introduction to Lean Supply Chain: Increasing of

value creation, Lean Supply Business Model, the lean
environment and process choices, product life cycle,
layout, basic Supply Chain, conventional internal
Supply Chain, Organizational problems, classic MPC,
Data show + industrial games + Practical
D1 evolution from MRP to ERP, cycle rate and duration, 3H 2H
exercises (Hospital game)
value stream balancing, rebalancing the workload,
- VSM: Value Stram Mapping, VSM objectives, NAV-
MUDAS activities, 8 MUDAS, construction of the Value
Stream MAPPING step by step

- Kanban: Pull flow vs. push flow, origin of KANBAN,

principles of Kanban, types of Kanban, Kanban table,
single Kanban, double Kanban, preparation for the
implementation of kanban, Toyota method for
calculating kanban, WILSON’s formula.
Data show + industrial games + Practical
J2 - SMED: Objectives of rapid tool changeover, classic 3H 2H
exercises in Supply Chain
series change, implementation of SMED, leveled
production, problems traditionally associated with
small batches, waste generated by changeover
operations, SMED phases, means of improvement,
SMED checklist

Total 6H 4H

Methodology and evaluation tools:

The certificate of advancement to the Green belt in Lean Supply Chain 4.0 is granted after successful completion of the Yellow Belt Lean Supply Chain 4.0

The L2M office is approved by the state to enable you to benefit from subsidies following training: CNFCCP, drawing rights, TFP, USAID,
PCAM……………………………………………… ………………......................................... .......................

NB. : Form to be established by the training structure and must be endorsed by the Signature and stamp of the Signature of trainer(s)

if and only if the action is led by internal trainers

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