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Ref. : FORM.END.



Date of application: 09/06/2020

Theme : Green Belt: Lean IT Year: 2 0 2 2

Target population : Managers / Business executives / Teachers

Training objectives: educational goals:

No. of hours led by trainer
Acquire the Green Belt level in Lean IT
Acquire the principles of Lean IT and the KAIZEN philosophy
Trainer's first
No. of hours
and last name

Chiheb Ghalleb 10 H.

Methods, teaching resources and Duration (hour)

Days Content / Key concepts to cover
equipment Theoretical Practical

- Introduction to lean IT: Definition of Lean IT, the

missions of Lean IT, The principles of Lean IT, trends
towards Lean IT, the challenges of Lean IT
- SCRUM (Part 1): From classic project management
towards agility, the agile manifesto, the 12 principles
Data show + practical games + practical
D1 of the agile manifesto, agile methods: History, the 3H 2H
SCRUM “Framework”, SCRUM values, elements of
SCRUM, The SCRUM team (Product Owner, SCRUM
Master, developers), SCRUM events (Sprint, Sprint
planning, Daily Standup/SCRUM, Sprint Review, The
sprint retrospective).

- SCRUM (Part 2) SCRUM artifacts (Product backlog,

Definition of done, Sprint Backlog, Product increment),
SCRUM process
- KAIZEN: Definition of KAIZEN, advantages of
J2 Data show + practical games 3H 2H
KAIZEN, office mudas, study of methods to eliminate
waste , Standardized work, evaluation of improvement
results, KAIZEN brainstorming, The 10 principles
“Kaizen mindset”, the 5 axes of the Lean manager.

Total 6H 4H

Methodology and evaluation tools:

The certificate of advancement to the Green Belt in LeanIT is granted after successful completion of the Green Belt Lean IT Exam

The L2M office is approved by the state to enable you to benefit from subsidies following training: CNFCCP, drawing rights, TFP, USAID,
PCAM……………………………………………… ………………......................................... .......................

NB. : Form to be established by the training structure and must be endorsed by the Signature and stamp of the Signature of trainer(s)

if and only if the action is led by internal trainers

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