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Ref. : FORM.END.



Date of application: 09/06/2020

Theme : Green Belt: Lean Embedded Six Sigma Year: 2 0 2 2

Target population : Managers / Business executives / Teachers

Training objectives: educational goals:

No. of hours led by trainer

Acquire lean six sigma skills to reduce variabilities in a

Acquire the Green Belt level in Lean Six Sigma process Trainer's first
No. of hours
and last name

Chiheb Ghalleb 10

Methods, teaching resources and Duration (hour)

Days Content / Key concepts to cover
equipment Theoretical Practical

- The Six Sigma strategy: What is Lean Six Sigma?

the Sigma level, LSS vs. other quality approaches, the
benefits of Lean Six Sigma, the Six Sigma progress
strategy, role of project team members
- Statistical thinking: nature of data, descriptive
statistics vs. statistics by inference, box plot, Pareto
diagram, position and dispersion parameters, nature
of distributions, normality, interest of the normal law,
normal law and random variability, normality test,
Data Show + practical games + practical
D1 Anderson Darling test 3H 2H
- Control charts
- Statistical reasoning, understand types of variation
of different cards, process of choosing the control
card, process out of control, common causes/special
causes, process control/process capability, stability,
operation of control charts, control limits, specification
limits, central limit theorem, control charts for attribute
data, capability analysis, dispersion index, centering
index, long-term dispersion,

- Quality tools: SWOT matrix, CTQ diagram, KANO

diagram, QFD matrix, KPI objectives, SIPOC, TRG/TRS,
process indicators, the 8 pillars of TPM, Impact/feasibility
matrix, risk analysis: FMEA, PDCA, ILO, QQOQCP, Is is
not, data collection sheet, reporting, brainstorming,
cause and effect matrix, cause/effect diagram, weighted
voting, Pareto diagram, compatibility matrix, Action plan ,
which problem solving method to choose
- MRPG: Normative requirements (ISO 9001: 2015), what
is a problem, type of problems, the 9 stages of analysis
and resolution: (form a working team, define the problem,
define the objectives, identify the causes, define the
J2 solutions, prepare the implementation, the Data Show + practical games + catapult game 3H 3H
implementation of the action plan, analyze the results of
the implementation of the solutions, improve the
company's reference documents , benefit from
experience), the main tools for improving quality, group
work, presentation of the solution, generalizing the
- The DMAIC approach: Define phase, strategic and
financial analysis, collection and analysis of votes ,
project construction, project charter, measure phase,
data collection plan, measurement system analysis, R&R
analysis, MSA , analyze phase, permanent targeting,
improve phase, model project, control phase

Total 6H 4H

Methodology and evaluation tools:

The certificate of advancement to the Green belt in Lean Embedded Six Sigma is granted after successful completion of the Yellow Belt Lean Embedded Six Sigma exam

The L2M office is approved by the state to enable you to benefit from subsidies following training: CNFCCP, drawing rights, TFP, USAID,
PCAM……………………………………………… ………………......................................... .......................

NB. : Form to be established by the training structure and must be endorsed by the Signature and stamp of the Signature of trainer(s)

if and only if the action is led by internal trainers

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