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1. Which of the following is utilized by the organisms to indiretly break down simple molecules to derive
(1) Co2 (2) O2 (3) H2 O (4) Co
(NCERT P.No. 268)
2. Respiration is a result of ______
(1) Catabolic reactions (2) Anabolic reactions (3) Both (1) & (2) (4) Neither (1) nor (2)
(NCERT P.No. 268)
3. Complete the following :
Fishes : Branchial respiration :: Amphibians : _________
(1) Pulmonary respiration (2) Tracheal respiration
(3) Cutaneous respiration (4) Both (1) & (3)
(NCERT P.No. 268)
4. Match the correct pairs :
i) Pheretima a) Tracheal respiration
ii) Periplaneta b) Cutaneous respiration
iii) Rana c) Pulmonary respiration
(1) i-b, ii-a, iii-c (2) i-a, ii-b, iii-b (3) i-b, ii-a, iii-b&c (4) i-a, ii-b, iii-b&c
(NCERT P.No. 268)
5. Odd one out w.r.t functions of conducting part of human respiratory tract :
(1) Clearing air (2) Exchange of gases (3) Transport of air (4) Humidification of air
(NCERT P.No. 270)
6. Read the following statements and select the correct option :
A : Larynx is called the sound box.
B : The bony structure larynx helps in sound production.
(1) Both statements are correct and statement B is a correct explanation of statement A.
(2) Both statements are incorrect.
(3) Only statement A is correct.
(4) Only statement B is correct.
(NCERT P.No. 269)

7. Select the correct true and false statements from following :
A : Mechanism of breathing vary among different groups of animlas depending on their habitats but
irrespetive of their level of organisation.
B : Lower vertebrates like sponges, coelenterates, flatworms, etc., exchange O2 with CO2 by simple
diffusion over their entire body surface.
C : Branchial respiration is used by most of the aquatic arthropods and moluscs.
D : Terrestrial forms rely on pulmonary respiration.
E : Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals all respire through vascularized bags called lungs.
(1) F F F T T
(2) F F T T F
(3) F F T T T
(4) F T T T T
(NCERT P.No. 268)
8. Which of the following are not supported by incomplete cartilaginous rings :
(1) Terminal Bronchi (2) Primary Bronchi (3) Secondary Bronchi (4) Terminal Bronchiole
(NCERT P.No. 268)
9. Arrange the following in the proper order of air flow during expiration :
A : Alveoli B : Initial bronchioles C : External nostrils D : Nasal chamber
E : Trachea F : Larynx G : Pharynx H : Alveolar ducts
I : Primary Bronchi J : Secondary Bronchi K : Tertiary Bronchi L : Glottis
M : Terminal Bronchioles
(1) C ® D ® G ® L ® F ® E ® I ® J ® K ® B ® M ® H ® A
(2) A ® H ® M ® B ® K ® J ® I ® E ® L ® F ® G ® D ® C
(3) C ® D ® G ® L ® F ® E ® I ® J ® K ® B ® M ® H ® A
(4) A ® H ® M ® B ® K ® J ® I ® E ® F ® L ® G ® D ® C
(NCERT P.No. 269)
10. Odd one out w.r.t conducting part of respiratory tract of human :
(1) Alveolar ducts (2) Terminal bronchiole (3) Larynx (4) Trachea
(NCERT P.No. 270)
11. Match the correct pairs based upon various sides of thoracic chamber :

i) Dorsal side a) Ribs

ii) Ventral side b) Diaphragm
iii) Lateral sides c) Sternum
iv) Lower side d) Vertebral column

(1) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b (2) i-a, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b (3) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b (4) i-d, ii-a, iii-c, iv-b
(NCERT P.No. 270)

12. Which of the following part of human respiratory tract brings the air to body temperature :
(1) Conducting part (2) Respiratory part (3) Exchange part (4) Both (2) & (3)
(NCERT P.No. 270)
13. Trachea extends up to the mid-thoracic cavity and divides at the level of :
(1) 5th Lumbar vertebra (2) 6th Lumbar vertebra
(3) 5th Thoracic vertebra (4) 6th Thoracic vertebra
(NCERT P.No. 269)
14. Read the following statements and select the correct option :
Statement A : Friction on the lung surface is quite reduced.
Statement B : Lungs are covered by a single layered pleura with pleural fluid.
(1) Both statements are correct and statement B is a correct explanation of statement A.
(2) Both statements are correct but statement B is nota correct explanation of statement A.
(3) Only statement A is correct
(4) Only statement B is correct
(NCERT P.No. 269)
15. The site of actual diffusion of O2 & CO2 and atmospheric air is :
(1) Respiratory part (2) Exchange part (3) Conducting part (4) Both (1) & (2)
(NCERT P.No. 270)
16. Arrange the following is correct order of steps of respiration.
A : Breathing
B : Diffusion of gases across alveolar membrane.
C : Cellular respiration
D : Transport of gases by blood
E : Diffusion of gases between blood and tissues
(1) A ® B ® D ® E ® C (2) C ® E ® D ® B ® A
(3) A ® B ® C ® D ® E (4) E ® D ® C ® B ® A
(NCERT P.No. 270)
17. The type of respiration in humans can also be seen in :
(1) Sponges (2) Cockroach (3) Earthworm (4) Frog
(NCERT P.No. 259)
18. Vertebrates lack which of the following mode of respiration :
(1) Tracheal (2) Branchial (3) Pulmonary (4) Cutaneous
(NCERT P.No. 259)

19. Select the correct statement among following :
(1) Human respiratory tract opens via 2 pairs of external nostrils.
(2) External nostrils in humans open below the lower lips.
(3) External nostrils lead to a nasal chamber through the nasal passage.
(4) During swallowing glottis can be covered by a thin elastic cartilaginous flap called epiglottis to prerent
the entry of food into the esophagus.
(NCERT P.No. 57)
20. How many of the following are incorrect statements :
A : The entire pharynx is the common passage for food & air.
B : Pharynx opens into larynx through trachea.
C : The branching network of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli comprise the lungs.
D : The inner pleural membrane is in close contact with the thoracic lining where as the outer pleural
membrane is in contact with the lung surface.
E : We cannot directly alter the pulmonary volume.
(1) 4 (2) 3 (3) 2 (4) 1
(NCERT P.No. 259 & 260)

Answer Key

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. 2 1 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 1
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. 3 1 3 3 4 1 4 1 3 3


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