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* * * * * * TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIV NO. 7 HHHH $5.

DJIA 39344.79 g 31.08 0.08% NASDAQ 18403.74 À 0.3% STOXX 600 516.43 g 0.03% 10-YR. TREAS. À 1/32 , yield 4.267% OIL $82.33 g $0.83 GOLD $2,355.20 g $33.30 EURO $1.0826 YEN 160.83

Russian Missile Strikes Children’s Hospital in Kyiv President

News Digs In,
Business & Finance Reiterates
 David Ellison said he en-
visions turning Paramount
He Won’t
Global into a media and tech
hybrid to transform the belea-
guered entertainment com-
pany into a viable competitor
Quit Race
against Disney, Netflix and Biden tells party
Warner Bros. Discovery. A1
lawmakers that
 The S&P 500 and Nasdaq
extended their run of re- voters selected him
cords, rising 0.1% and 0.3%, as their nominee
respectively, while the Dow
industrials slipped 0.1%. B9
 The FBI is probing allega-
tions of rape and sexual as- WASHINGTON—President
sault by three brothers in one Biden dug in Monday, telling a
of the most famous families broad array of fellow Demo-
in luxury real estate, accord- crats that he was committed to
ing to people familiar with “running this race to the end”
the matter and a document and that it was time for conver-
viewed by the Journal. B1 sations about changing nomi-
nees to stop, as concerns about
 Boeing’s agreement to

his candidacy grew louder.

plead guilty to misleading
In a letter to congressional
air-safety regulators in the
Democrats, Biden said he had
run-up to two deadly 737
had “extensive conversations”
MAX crashes fell short of
with party leadership, members
what families of the crash
and voters during the past 10
victims wanted. B3
IN PERIL: Women hold patients at Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, which was damaged in a Russian missile strike Monday. A days and said he wasn’t blind
 Carlsberg agreed to buy barrage of more than 40 missiles that struck several cities in Ukraine killed at least 33 people and injured more than 100. A8 to the concerns about his age
soft-drinks maker Britvic for and his candidacy that have
the equivalent of about $4.23 emerged since his disastrous

Medicare Paid $50 Billion

billion as part of a plan to June 27 debate performance.
expand in the nonalcoholic- But he said he was heartened
beverage market and reduce by “rock-solid, steadfast sup-
reliance on beer sales. B3 port” from many and wouldn’t

To Insurers for Untreated Ills

continue if he wasn’t confident
 Devon Energy agreed to
he could again defeat former
acquire Grayson Mill Energy
President Donald Trump.
in a cash-and-stock transac-
The missive to Capitol Hill,
tion valued at $5 billion. B3
followed by a morning televi-
 Canada averted a labor sion appearance and a call with
disruption at its Pacific Coast Gloria Lee was perplexed racts. ments from 2018 to 2021, in- economically. It has swelled donors, was intended to head
ports after Ottawa’s labor- when the phone calls started The finding was good news cluding outright wrong ones over the last two decades to off defections in Democratic
relations board deemed as coming in from a representa- for Lee’s insurer, a unit of Unit- like Lee’s, a Wall Street Journal cover more than half of the 67 ranks, after several top House
illegal a strike notice issued tive of her Medicare insurer. edHealth Group. Medicare pays analysis of billions of Medicare million seniors and disabled Democrats said that they
by a union representing Could a nurse stop by her Bos- insurers more for sicker pa- records found. people on Medicare. wanted Biden to step aside and
ship and dock foremen. B2 ton home to give her a quick tients. In the case of someone The questionable diagnoses Instead of saving taxpayers a round of public appearances
like Lee with diabetic cataracts, included some for potentially money, Medicare Advantage by the 81-year-old president
 China added Shanghai to
By Christopher Weaver, up to about $2,700 more a year deadly illnesses, such as AIDS, has added tens of billions of did little to assuage doubts.
a list of top-tier cities allow-
Tom McGinty, at that time. for which patients received no dollars in costs, researchers Rep. Adam Smith of Wash-
ing the use of driverless ro-
Anna Wilde Mathews But the retired accountant subsequent care, and for condi- and some government officials ington, the top Democrat on
botaxis in which no safety
and Mark Maremont doesn’t have diabetes, her own tions people couldn’t possibly have said. One reason is that the Armed Services Committee,
supervisors are present. B4
doctor later said, let alone the have, the analysis showed. Of- insurers can add diagnoses to said Biden’s debate perfor-
checkup? It was a helpful perk. cloudy vision sometimes ten, neither the patients nor ones that patients’ own doctors mance was alarming and that
World-Wide No cost. In fact, she’d get a $50 caused by the disease. their doctors had any idea. submit. Medicare gave insurers he should end his run as soon
gift card. Private insurers involved in Medicare Advantage, the that option so they could catch as possible to give the party
After several such calls in the government’s Medicare Ad- $450-billion-a-year system in conditions that doctors ne- time to nominate a new candi-
 Biden dug in, telling a broad 2022, Lee agreed. A nurse vantage program made hun- which private insurers oversee glected to record. The Journal’s date. He was one of a series of
array of fellow Democrats that showed up, checked her over, dreds of thousands of question- Medicare benefits, grew out of analysis, however, found many committee chairs who had pri-
he was committed to “running asked her questions, then diag- able diagnoses that triggered the idea that the private sector diagnoses were added for vately expressed that stance in
this race to the end” and that nosed her with diabetic cata- extra taxpayer-funded pay- could provide healthcare more Please turn to page A12 Please turn to page A4
it was time for conversations
about changing nominees to
stop, as concerns about his
candidacy grew louder. A1
 Republicans released a
Vanguard Airport Screening Hits Record
The Transportation Security Administration said more than
New Paramount Boss
party platform that was much
shorter and less detailed than Fans Hope three million people passed through U.S. airport security Sunday,
setting a daily record amid a surge in summer travel. A3
Has Long To-Do List
those of the past, sidestepping
Passengers passing through security in U.S. airports Sunday
many policy specifics and the
potential internal fights that Among 10 highest days on record 3.01M
(all-time record) BY JESSICA TOONKEL to be the first stop for cre-

could have been triggered by
3.0 million AND JOE FLINT atives,” Ellison said, adding he
a more-detailed document. A4
envisions turning the company
 Private insurers involved David Ellison mastered fly- into what he calls “a media-

The Service
in the government’s Medi- ing planes in his teens. Now, and-tech hybrid” to transform
care Advantage program 2.0 Hollywood’s newest mogul has the beleaguered entertainment
made hundreds of thou- to avoid a hard landing in company into a viable compet-
sands of questionable diag- merging his Skydance Media itor against Disney, Netflix and
noses that triggered extra BY JACK PITCHER and Paramount Global. Warner Bros. Discovery.
taxpayer-funded payments, Hours after the merger was But before any of that is
including wrong ones, from Vanguard won an army of announced, Ellison on Monday likely to happen, Ellison and
2018 to 2021, a Wall Street loyal customers by cutting made the kind of cautious re- his team are continuing plans
Journal analysis found. A1 fees to the bone and promot- 0.5 marks one would expect from put in place by Paramount’s
ing simple index-tracking in- someone seeking to win over current management amid a
 A global coalition of nations
vesting. Now many of those 0 skeptics from the entertainment Please turn to page A6
that advocates for a free press
fans are fed up. June July industry, on Wall Street and
condemned the Russian pros-
New Chief Executive Officer Note: Through July 7 Source: Transportation Security Administration among Paramount executives.  Heard on the Street: Give
ecution of Wall Street Journal
Salim Ramji took the helm of “We really want Paramount Ellison a chance............... B10
reporter Evan Gershkovich
the beloved fund manager on
and called for his release. A9
Monday, the first outsider in
 Israel launched airstrikes
and sent ground troops back
that role, and many clients are
hoping he will finally fix a
Cities’ New Fix for Downtowns Property-Fraud Cases
into Gaza City, where it said longstanding source of frus-
That Are Dying? Bring In Jugglers
militants continued to oper-
ate months after heavy fight-
ing concluded there. A9
tration: the customer service.
Social media, review web-
sites and online forum Reddit
i i i Snowball as Values Fall
 Most medical students at
are frequently flooded with Local leaders hire street performers to try
Vanguard brokerage custom- BY KONRAD PUTZIER is exposing more of these
Johns Hopkins University are
set to receive free tuition af-
ers complaining about issues to make office districts less depressing schemes, dealing another
spanning glitchy trades, incor- U.S. prosecutors are crack- blow to a commercial real-es-
ter the school received a $1
rect balance information and BY KONRAD PUTZIER profit in Birmingham, Ala. The ing down on commercial tate market suffering through
billion gift from Bloomberg
hard-to-reach customer rep- organization said it would pay mortgage fraud, a growing its worst stretch since the
Philanthropies. A3
resentatives. The musician who goes by him $200 to play on the street push that is sending shudders 2008-09 financial crisis.
 Three Columbia deans Theodore Wagenaar, a 75- the stage name Martini Shak- for two hours at lunchtime. through the $4.7 trillion in- “It’s a general trend
were removed from their po- year-old retired college pro- ers travels across the South Any tips he could keep. dustry by raising questions throughout history that fraud
sitions and placed on indefi- fessor in Sarasota, Fla., suf- playing Rockabilly songs on “I was like well, yeah, abso- about the numbers underpin- occurs during boom times and
nite leave over text messages fered through years of such his guitar, accordion, lutely,” said the musician, ning major property loans. is revealed during bust times,”
they sent during a panel problems before deciding to saxophone and har- whose real name is Jory Regulators and federal said John Griffin, a professor
about Jewish life on cam- move all of his accounts to Fi- monica. He has per- Lee Heindel. Within a prosecutors say that property of finance at the University of
pus, the university said. A3 delity this year. The final formed at barn rais- few weeks, he was ser- loans based on doctored Texas’ McCombs School of
straw was being locked out of ings, hog killings and enading office workers building financials and valua- Business.
CONTENTS Markets & Finance B9 his account for days. classic-car shows. He out for lunch with tions have been rising. This In most cases, real-estate
Arts in Review..... A15 Opinion................ A17-19
Business News B3,B10 Personal Journal A13-14
“It was difficult for me to has entertained at songs by Elvis Pres- type of fraud became more fraud is made possible be-
Crossword................ A15 Sports.......................... A16 leave them. My heart is with fine-dining restau- ley and Johnny Cash. widespread between the cause lenders take a hands-off
Equities........................ B6 Technology................ B4 Vanguard and their mission,” rants and played Mime over Heindel is one of mid-2010s and 2021, federal approach to assessing a build-
From Page One.. A12 U.S. News.......... A2-4,6 said Wagenaar, who had been before TV celebri- thousands across the investigators and real-estate ing’s value. As long as the
Heard on Street.. B10 World News........ A8-9 matter
a customer for 40 years. “But ties. U.S. who have stum- brokers say, when commer- numbers look in line with
it just continually got worse. One thing he wouldn’t do bled into the country’s hottest cial-property prices surged to those of similar properties,
> The service is abysmal.” was play for tips on the new job market: Street per- new highs and landlords had lenders usually trust that they
Vanguard ranked last out of streets. There was no real former. Once tolerated at best much to gain from such ma- are accurate, brokers say. Au-
eight major brokerages for money in that. That all and seen as a nuisance at neuvers. diting books is expensive and
customer satisfaction with changed two years ago, after worst, these entertainers are Now, the drop in property time consuming, and lenders
s 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
website performance and mo- he received an email from a now in high demand. Down- values caused by higher inter- competing for deals may be
All Rights Reserved Please turn to page A2 downtown development non- Please turn to page A14 est rates and a rise in defaults Please turn to page A2
A2 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Property guilty to federal fraud
charges. Some allegedly doc-
tored building income state-
In a May earnings call, Ivan
Kaufman, chief executive of
commercial-mortgage lender
Michigan-based landlord
ROCO Real Estate’s internal
numbers, federal prosecutors
managing the loan.
ROCO’s Tyler Ross last year
pleaded guilty to falsifying fi-
as footnotes. These changes
are often legitimate, and lend-
ers tend to accept them, bro-

Fraud Cases ments, others allegedly faked

property sales at inflated
prices, all to get bigger loans.
Arbor Realty Trust, listed
fraud as one of the unantici-
pated issues that have “cre-
But those weren’t the num-
bers lenders saw. ROCO told
nancial statements at a num-
ber of properties. His lawyer
told The Wall Street Journal
kers say.
But Griffin, the finance pro-
fessor, worries that these al-

Snowball Meanwhile, government-

backed mortgage enterprises
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
ated additional stress” in the
“I think there was a lot of
Chetrit Group, the New York
firm that was in talks to buy
the property, that profit was
that while the T-12 statements
Ross shared with Chetrit were
inaccurate, he supplied the
terations have gotten out of
hand and that many loans are
based on inflated numbers.
are cracking down on ques- elevated fraud in the industry much higher—$644,000. buyer with additional data In a 2023 paper published
Continued from Page One tionable practices in their through the brokerage indus- ROCO arrived at the higher that showed the building’s in the Journal of Finance,
reluctant to antagonize land- rental-apartment lending try,” he said. numbers in part by including true financial state. Griffin and co-author Alex
lords with onerous due dili- business. At the heart of the problem rent that wasn’t actually col- In a similar case, a judge in Priest studied more than
gence. Fannie Mae and Freddie is the way lenders underwrite lected and by leaving out con- January sentenced New York 39,000 commercial mortgages
Federal prosecutors are Mac effectively blacklisted commercial mortgages. Bor- cessions such as free-rent pe- property manager Jacob repackaged into bonds. They
ramping up their efforts to mortgage brokerage Meridian rowers typically submit finan- riods, an FHFA special agent Deutsch to more than five found that in nearly one-third
root out fraud, often working Capital Group amid allega- cial statements called T-12 testified in court. years in prison for defrauding of these loans, underwritten
together with investigators at tions that one of its brokers that show building income Chetrit bought the building lenders in connection with 24 building profits exceeded ac-
the Federal Housing Finance doctored financial statements and expenses for the past along with dozens of other multifamily mortgages in tual building profits by at
Agency’s Office of Inspector to land bigger loans, and have year. Lenders use these docu- properties across the U.S. Hartford, Conn. Deutsch and least 5%.
General, according to court since effectively blacklisted ments to estimate the build- from ROCO in 2019. JP Mor- his co-conspirator, Aron Landlords have an incen-
records and people familiar brokers at other firms. ing’s value and calculate how gan Chase funded the deal Deutsch (who was sentenced tive to come up with inflated
with the matter. Freddie Mac this year much they are willing to lend. with a $481 million loan, to probation), overstated the building profits so that they
While data on the number changed its underwriting poli- But in most cases they don’t which it repackaged into number of renters in their can land bigger loans. But
of open investigations on real- cies to combat fraud. The audit these statements to ver- bonds and sold to investors. buildings and inflated rental lenders also often have an in-
estate fraud aren’t publicly agency now requires borrow- ify that the sums listed in the An appraiser hired by the income, the Justice Depart- centive to accept these in-
available, a number of plea ers to submit rent receipts. It spreadsheets actually flowed bank used ROCO’s inflated ment said. flated numbers, especially if
deals have been reached in re- also told lenders to inspect in and out of the landlord’s numbers to value the Talla- Cases of landlords or bro- they plan to repackage the
cent months. more apartments to ensure accounts. hassee property at $5.78 mil- kers outright lying to lenders loan and sell it off to inves-
Since last fall, at least five they are actually occupied. A rental apartment com- lion. JP Morgan Chase de- are still rare, brokers say. It is tors, Griffin said. That is be-
different landlords of proper- Fannie Mae has been going plex in Tallahassee, Fla., fi- clined to comment. more common for landlords to cause bigger loans mean big-
ties, mostly apartment build- through loans to weed out nanced by JP Morgan Chase, The mortgage on the Talla- make changes to T-12 state- ger fees.
ings, in cities including Cin- those based on sketchy num- made around $296,000 in hassee property went into de- ments, for example, by leaving “This space is littered with
cinnati, Hartford, Conn., and bers, according to people fa- profit before mortgage pay- fault in late 2022, according out one-time expenses such as conflicts of interest,” Griffin
Little Rock, Ark., have pleaded miliar with the matter. ments in 2018, according to to data from the company renovations and disclose them said.


Actor Pleads Guilty Two Men Drown
In Capitol Riot Case In Glacier Park
An actor who played a Two men drowned in Gla-
street-brawling newsman in cier National Park over the
the movie “Anchorman: The July 4 holiday weekend, park
Legend of Ron Burgundy” and officials said.
a pizzeria owner in the televi- A 26-year-old man from In-
sion series “Bob’s Burgers” dia was hiking on Avalanche
pleaded guilty Monday to in- Lake Trail on Saturday morn-
terfering with police officers ing when he walked near Ava-
trying to protect the U.S. Capi- lanche Creek, slipped on rocks
tol from a mob’s attack. and was caught in the cold,
Jay Johnston, 55 years old, fast-moving water. Witnesses
of Los Angeles, faces a maxi- saw him go underwater and
mum sentence of five years in resurface briefly before being
prison after pleading guilty to swept through a narrow gorge
civil disorder, a felony. U.S. Dis- at about 8:30 a.m.
trict Judge Carl Nichols is A helicopter crew and park
scheduled to sentence John- rangers searched for the man,
ston on Oct. 7. but they believe his body was
The estimated sentencing caught underwater in the
guidelines for Johnston recom- gorge. The creek is running
mend a prison term ranging high due to snowmelt runoff.
from eight to 14 months, but The man was living and work-
the judge isn’t bound by that ing in California and was in the
term of his plea agreement. park on vacation with friends.
Johnston’s attorney, Stanley On Saturday evening, a 28-
Woodward, told his client not year-old man from Nepal was
to comment to reporters as swimming with friends in
they left the courtroom. Lake McDonald near Sprague
Johnston is one of more Creek Campground. According
than 1,400 people charged to friends, he was an inexpe-
with federal crimes stemming rienced swimmer. He was
from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack about 30 yards from shore
on the U.S. Capitol. when he started to struggle
Video footage captured and went underwater at
Johnston pushing against po- about 6:25 p.m.
lice and helping rioters who The lake is shallower near
attacked officers guarding an the edge, but there is a large

entrance to the Capitol in a drop-off in the area where the

tunnel on the Lower West man went under, said a park
Terrace, according to an FBI spokeswoman. The Flathead
agent’s affidavit. Johnston County Sheriff’s Office dive
held a stolen police shield team recovered his body in 35
over his head and passed it to 40 feet of water.
to other rioters during the at- The man was living and
tack on Jan. 6, 2021, the affi- working in Portland, Ore., and
DEEP COMMITMENT: Work was under way Monday on the Gateway Program Hudson Tunnel Project in New York. The long- davit says. was on vacation with friends.
delayed $16 billion rail tunnel project connecting New York and New Jersey officially secured billions of dollars in federal funds. —Associated Press —Associated Press

AMPLIFICATIONS Vanguard’s tracking methods he champi-
oned have become the domi-
nant investing strategy, along
closures or transfers to other
brokerages may now cost a
$100 processing fee. For cli-

In some editions Monday,

Service Is the way winning legions of
fans who call themselves
ents with less than $1 million
in qualifying assets, mutual
fund or ETF trades placed
the last name of Rep. Joe Mo-
relle (D., N.Y.) was misspelled
as Morrelle in a U.S. News arti-
A Problem While Vanguard’s core of-
fering of low-cost funds is no
longer unique, it is still col-
over the phone cost $25.
Brokerage-account custom-
ers were also recently warned
cle about calls from Democrats lecting assets at a red-hot that “excessive reliance on
for President Biden to leave his Continued from Page One pace. Investors added a net phone associates” could lead
race for re-election. bile apps in a recent survey of $202 billion to Vanguard to additional fees or account
2,700 investors conducted by funds in 2023, and inflows are termination.
Readers can alert The Wall Street Investor’s Business Daily, on track to beat that number A spokesman said the ac-
Journal to any errors in news articles

by emailing or which is published by The this year. count-transfer fee helps offset
by calling 888-410-2667. Wall Street Journal’s parent Managing ultracheap index processing costs, and Van-
company, Dow Jones. funds is a low-margin busi- guard funds can be traded
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL The asset manager has ac- ness, however, and running a commission-free online.
knowledged the problems, brokerage is costly. The chal- Vanguard is far from the
(USPS 664-880)
(Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660) which some analysts chalk up lenge for Ramji is to continue only brokerage with customer-
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) to an underinvestment in Vanguard’s push into other service complaints, but its is-
(Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) technology. revenue streams such as fi- Salim Ramji, the first outsider to be tapped as chief sues are notably widespread
Editorial and publication headquarters: Former CEO Tim Buckley, nancial advice while repairing executive officer at Vanguard, stepped into the job Monday. and long-running.
1211 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, N.Y. 10036 who announced his retire- the firm’s relationship with The company was fined and
Published daily except Sundays and general ment in February, said in brokerage customers. Vanguard assets under Investor inflows to censured last year by the Fi-
legal holidays. Periodicals postage paid at 2019 that the firm would Many clients have the bulk management Vanguard funds nancial Industry Regulatory
New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices. spend $1 billion a year to im- of their life savings in Van- Authority, which said Van-
Postmaster: Send address changes to prove its technology. Van- guard accounts, adding to the $10 trillion $300 billion guard overstated the projected
The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett
Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
guard rolled out a modern- stress when issues can’t be re- yield for some money-market
All Advertising published in The Wall
ized app in 2021, but solved quickly. 8
250 funds on millions of account
Street Journal is subject to the applicable customers weren’t impressed Madeline Moonan, a 77- statements for nearly a year.
rate card, copies of which are available and complained of bugs and year-old resident of Stafford, 200 Finra said a technical glitch
from the Advertising Services Department,
Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the
dumbed-down functionality. Va., said Vanguard accepted 6 caused the error.
Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The “The complaints go back her request to transfer some 150 Clients are hoping Van-
Journal reserves the right not to accept years and years,” said Daniel fund shares from a traditional 4 guard’s leadership shake-up
an advertiser’s order. Only publication of
an advertisement shall constitute final
Sotiroff, a research analyst IRA to a Roth IRA in 2022 but 100 means change is coming.
acceptance of the advertiser’s order. who covers Vanguard at never completed the transfer. But skeptics have warned
Letters to the Editor: Morningstar. “Part of the is- Moonan said it took Vanguard 2
50 that its funds are cheap be-
Fax: 212-416-2891; email: sue is their size and how fast six months to correct the is- cause it keeps costs low, and they’ve grown. It’s hard to sue. She paid $350 to consult Vanguard might not have
0 0
Need assistance with your subscription? turn the Titanic.” with an accountant about tax strong incentives to spend big
By web:; 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24* 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23
By email: Vanguard said it has been consequences. on improving its brokerage
By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL on a “modernization journey” “I’ve had several substan- *Data is as of March 31. experience.
(1-800-568-7625) for several years that has in- tive issues with my retirement Source: the company “There’s a theory, and I’m
Reprints & licensing: cluded a new app, updated accounts, which have cost me not the only one to come up
By email:;
By phone: 1-800-843-0008 website and overhauled call- time, money and considerable particular point of frustra- keep costs low, and service with it, that they’d rather
WSJ back issues and framed pages: center technology. A spokes- stress,” Moonan said, adding tion. Vanguard’s customer- has suffered as a result,” said move people onto the per- man said internal surveys that a similar conversion at- service line is open Monday Jeff DeMaso, editor of the In- sonal-advisory service where
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from show record highs in client tempt this year wouldn’t go through Friday from 8 a.m. to dependent Vanguard Adviser, they make more money or
sustainably certified mills. satisfaction. through and took five phone 8 p.m. Eastern time. Rivals Fi- a newsletter. “Long wait times they’re just as happy if they
Under late founder John C. calls to resolve. delity and Charles Schwab are an issue.” go to another brokerage,”
GOT A TIP FOR US? Bogle, Vanguard forced the For investors having web both offer 24/7 customer ser- New fees and rules have said Allan Roth, founder of
SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS entire industry to compete or tech issues, the lack of vice by phone. also left customers feeling Wealth Logic, a financial-
with low fees, and the index- night or weekend service is a “They’ve always tried to nickel-and-dimed. Account planning firm.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A3


TSA Sets
3 Million

More than three million

people passed through U.S.
airport security checkpoints
on Sunday for the first time
ever, setting another daily
record amid a surge in sum-
mer travel.
The Transportation Secu-
rity Administration said
3,013,413 people were
screened on Sunday, surpass-
ing the previous mark of 2.99

million set on June 23. Some
of the busiest air-travel days
on record have happened in
recent weeks in part because
of cheaper flights, a stronger
dollar and younger people Debris and floodwaters from Beryl cover a roadway in Surfside Beach, Texas. The storm knocked out power for about 2.7 million homes and businesses.
eager to vacation.

Tropical Storm Beryl Tears Into Texas

But Sunday’s record
stands out because it marked
the first time the number of
daily travelers topped three
million. Sunday marked the
end of the July 4 holiday
weekend, which began on BY GARETH VIPERS granted,” he said. damage across the Caribbean churned across the Caribbean More than 140 million peo-
Thursday. AND JOSEPH DE AVILA Flash floods in and around last week. At least nine people with sustained winds of 165 ple in the U.S. were under
Screened travelers on Sun- Houston and up through were killed before the storm mph and gusts reaching 200 some kind of heat warning or
day were up 14% from the Tropical Storm Beryl bar- Northern Texas and into Okla- made landfall in the U.S. mph, forecasters said, making advisory Monday, according to
same day a year earlier, ac- reled through Texas, bringing homa will be a big risk, said Beryl made landfall near it the strongest Atlantic hurri- the National Weather Service,
cording to TSA data. life-threatening winds and Alex DaSilva, AccuWeather’s Matagorda, roughly 100 miles cane ever to form this early in covering a huge swath of the
This summer’s travel power outages and snarling lead hurricane expert. Flash southwest of Houston, at the season. West Coast including Arizona,
boom has prompted 29.7 mil- air travel, officials said. floods can be around 4 a.m. The storm reached Cate- California, Nevada and the Pa-
lion travelers to pass through The storm, which hit Texas even more haz- local time Mon- gory 5 strength as it barreled cific Northwest.
airport checkpoints from as a Category 1 hurricane be- ardous if water day, according through the region, flattening The slow-moving weather
June 27 through July 7. That fore it was downgraded on becomes elec- The NOAA has to the National buildings, uprooting trees and pattern that brought a heat
marks a 7.1% increase from a Monday, knocked out power trified because predicted an Weather Ser- knocking out power on many wave to most of the country
year earlier, according to for about 2.7 million homes of downed vice. Wind islands. over the weekend will con-
TSA data, and was more than and businesses in Texas, ac- power lines, he extremely gusts up to 92 “Hurricane Beryl—this dan- tinue to scorch the West Coast
the agency had previously cording to, said. mph were re- gerous and devastating hurri- this week, according to fore-
predicted. which tracks outages. “It’s an ex-
active hurricane corded near the cane—has come and gone and casters. Oppressive heat and
So far, this summer has An official from Texas’ Pub- tremely danger- season. city of Free- it’s left in its wake immense humidity will continue along
been busier at airport check- lic Utility Commission said it ous situation port, the NWS destruction,” the Prime Minis- the Eastern Seaboard, as well
points than last year, with would take days to fully re- right now,” said. ter of St. Vincent and the as into parts of the Southeast
about 6% more travelers than store power. DaSilva said. Patrick had Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves and Deep South.
a year ago, a TSA spokesper- Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who is The National Hurricane earlier warned residents and said in a video statement last —Victoria Albert,
son said. Nine of the 10 busi- serving as Texas’ acting gov- Center said Beryl, which tourists visiting the Texas week. “Pain and suffering Jennifer Hiller
est air-travel days in the his- ernor while Gov. Greg Abbott weakened into a tropical de- coast for the Fourth of July across our nation.” and Ginger Adams Otis
tory of the TSA have is away, said at least three pression Monday night, was weekend to prepare for the The National Oceanic and contributed to this article.
occurred since May 23. people had died. expected to move through the storm or leave the area. Atmospheric Administration
Americans are eager to Patrick urged residents of Lower Mississippi Valley into In May, four people were has predicted an extremely ac-
travel this summer, some an- cities such as Houston, where the Ohio Valley over the next killed and hundreds of thou- tive hurricane season, which Watch a Video
alysts say, with lower air- the storm struck earlier Mon- few days. sands left without power begins June 1 and ends Nov. Scan this code
fares and a stronger dollar day, to remain vigilant for More than 1,700 U.S. flights when hurricane-strength 30, with 17 to 25 named for a video on
contributing to the uptick. hazards such as downed were canceled Monday as the winds unexpectedly hit Hous- storms, eight to 13 hurricanes, the damage
Airfares have dropped 5.9% power lines and flooded roads. state braced for the storm, ton. and four to seven major hurri- caused by Beryl
since May 2023, according to “Do not take your safety for which caused catastrophic Beryl set records as it canes Category 3 and above. in Texas.
the latest consumer-price in-
dex, after fluctuating the
past few years because of the
Covid-19 pandemic and surg-
ing inflation.
Hopkins to Offer Free
Airfares fell in 2020 when
air travel ground to a halt
during the height of the
Tuition at Medical School
Covid-19 pandemic. Prices
started edging back up when BY ALYSSA LUKPAT the U.S. has a shortage of
travel began to normalize. medical professionals yet the
Inflation then drove price A majority of medical stu- cost of attending school for
spikes in 2021 and 2022. dents at Johns Hopkins Univer- these jobs is often too high.
Domestic airfare was 2% sity are set to get free tuition “By reducing the financial
cheaper this Independence after the school received a $1 barriers to these essential

Day week compared with last billion gift from Bloomberg fields, we can free more stu-
year, according to AAA, with Philanthropies, making Hopkins dents to pursue careers they’re
the average price for a the latest medical school to go passionate about,” he said.
round-trip ticket at $800. tuition free because of a large His organization in 2018
Orlando, Fla.; Honolulu; donation. donated $1.8 billion to Hop-
Miami; and Anchorage, Hopkins said Monday that kins to offer more financial
Alaska, were among the top students from families earning aid for undergraduate stu-
domestic travel spots for In- under $300,000 would receive dents. Bloomberg earned his
dependence Day week, AAA Student protesters camped on the campus of Columbia University in April. free tuition starting in the fall. bachelor’s degree in engineer-
said in June. Rome, Athens Students whose families earn ing from Hopkins.
and Punta Cana, Dominican
Republic, are some of the in-
ternational cities drawing
Columbia Puts Deans on Leave for as much as $175,000 will have
their living expenses covered.
The school estimates nearly
Including the $1 billion gift,
Bloomberg has given $4.55
billion in total to Hopkins, the

Texts Evoking ‘Antisemitic Tropes’

American travelers. A stron- two-thirds of its students university said. Hopkins’s pub-
ger dollar is also driving would qualify for either of the lic health school is named af-
travelers to some of the benefits. ter him. He used to be on the
world’s top destinations, in- More philanthropists and university’s board of trustees.
cluding Japan, Hungary and medical schools are pushing to Hopkins President Ronald
Argentina. BY ALYSSA LUKPAT ensure the safety of all stu- requests for comment. make education free for aspir- Daniels said the school had
Younger adults are also dents. The text messages, The university, located in ing doctors and reduce the fi- been in talks with Bloomberg
fueling travel demand. Three Columbia University which were earlier reported on New York City, has been en- nancial barriers that can deter Philanthropies about the do-
Nearly a fifth of Gen Z re- deans were removed from their by the conservative website gulfed in controversy since them. Buoyed by donations, nation for more than a year. In
spondents to a recent Bank positions and placed on indefi- the Washington Free Beacon, protests began in the spring the Albert Einstein College of return for the donation, Dan-
of America survey said they nite leave over text messages referenced antisemitic tropes over the Israel-Hamas war. Medicine and the medical iels said Bloomberg asked that
planned on taking more va- they sent during a panel about about Jewish wealth and said Pro-Palestinian protesters have schools at New York Univer- Hopkins use the money to re-
cations this year, followed by Jewish life on campus that Jewish students came from a called on the school to cut ties sity and Columbia University cruit the best and brightest
millennials, Gen Xers and “disturbingly touched on an- place of privilege. with corporations connected to have given their students free students.
baby boomers. cient antisemitic tropes,” the The Republican-led House Israel. Jewish students have re- tuition or scholarships if they “The magic of this gift is it
school said on Monday. Committee on Education and ported an uptick in antisemitic have financial need. reduces any disproportionate
Passengers passing through The university said the ad- the Workforce obtained and re- episodes at school. Columbia, The tuition for the medical impact that high levels of edu-
security in U.S. airports ministrators from Columbia leased the texts last week as along with other schools, is un- school at Hopkins is nearly cation-related debt will have
500 million College, the undergraduate lib- part of an investigation. “Hard der federal investigation about $65,000 a year. Students re- on students upon graduation
eral-arts college, sent troubling to hear the woe is me,” one antisemitism on campus. ceived updated financial-aid in terms of what specialties
2024 text messages in May during a message said. Columbia administrators packages Monday showing, for they decide to pursue or even
2023 reunion weekend event forum “Jewish students deserve have faced pressure over their most of them, a lower cost of regions of the country they’ll
called “Jewish Life on Campus: better than to have harassment response to the protests and attendance, said Dr. Theodore decide to pursue,” Daniels said
2022 Past, Present, and Future.” Co- and threats against them dis- antisemitism on campus. More DeWeese, the dean of the in an interview with The Wall
lumbia didn’t detail what the missed as ‘privilege,’ ” said than 1,200 people signed an medical school. Street Journal.
300 messages said. committee Chair Rep. Virginia open letter this month to The cost of medical school Hopkins said Bloomberg’s
“Whether intended as such Foxx (R., N.C.). Shafik and Columbia’s board of has kept aspiring doctors out donation would also be used to
or not, these sentiments are The Columbia College ad- trustees calling on the three of the field, where they can expand financial aid for nurs-
2020 unacceptable and deeply upset- ministrators placed on leave deans who sent the texts to be graduate with hundreds of ing and public-health graduate
ting, conveying a lack of seri- were Susan Chang-Kim, the removed from their posts. The thousands of dollars in debt. By students, in addition to gradu-
ousness about the concerns vice dean and chief adminis- letter said Columbia College’s offering financial freedom to ate students in other fields.
100 and the experiences of mem- trative officer; Cristen Kromm, dean, Josef Sorett, was also in- more students, schools can give “This new scholarship for-
bers of our Jewish community,” the dean of undergraduate volved in the exchange and medical students the flexibility mula will ensure the most tal-
Columbia University President student life; and Matthew Pa- should be terminated. Colum- to choose jobs in important but ented aspiring doctors repre-
0 Minouche Shafik said. tashnick, the associate dean bia said Sorett apologized. lower-paying fields like inter- senting the broadest and
Jan. July
Panelists discussed the cam- for student and family sup- Shafik said Columbia was nal medical and pediatrics. deepest range of socioeconomic
pus climate since the Israel- port. Chang-Kim couldn’t be launching a training program Billionaire Michael and geographic backgrounds
Note: Through July 7 of each year Hamas war began and the re- reached for comment. Kromm in the fall to address antisemi- Bloomberg’s philanthropic or- have the opportunity to gradu-
Source: Transportation Security Administration sponsibility of universities to and Patashnick didn’t return tism and discrimination. ganization said Monday that ate debt-free,” Hopkins said.
A4 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Avoiding ‘Kids in Cages’ Spurred Dilemma

Early in Biden term, to work, interviews and re- Number of days migrant children stayed Decisions made about prospective guardians briefly picked up and the
cords show. The Wall Street at a Pomona, Calif., facility in late 2021 at a Pomona, Calif., facility* worker heard a cry for help in
officials overlooked Journal couldn’t determine the background before the line
suspicious guardians what happened to the children
500 children
Average: 16 days t Early
Final t
disconnected. The worker then
after they left the facility. called the police.
for migrant children 10-14 days DENY CONDUCT HOME STUDY† A police report indicates
Timeframe that DENY that local sheriff’s deputies re-
BY JACK GILLUM Political crisis workers said they had CONDUCT sponded to the actual home—
AND MICHELLE HACKMAN The findings show that Bi- to discharge children HOME STUDY† about 50 yards down the road,
den administration officials APPROVEE APPROVE due to an apparent clerical er-
In 2021, when the new Biden sometimes overlooked concerns With additional With additional ror in the government’s data—
administration was struggling about potential guardians as requirements 53% of and left 20 minutes later with-
to cope with a sudden influx of they faced a political crisis over denied cases out incident. Records said the
unaccompanied migrant chil- an unprecedented surge of un- APPROVE approved with APPROVE sponsor was his father and
dren at the U.S.-Mexico border, accompanied minors soon after Post-release services Post-release was responsible for the boy af-
the government repeatedly taking office. Officials said at services‡ services‡ ter his release.
overrode the concerns of the time they wanted to avoid
lower-level workers who the images that had plagued
warned about placing them in the Trump administration of ‘Different place’
certain households, documents children in severely congested “We’re in a completely dif-
100 47% of
and interviews show. facilities—widely derided as denied cases ferent place than we were
“It does not appear safe for “kids in cages.” At worst, chil- approved when we started,” one senior
the minor to be released to a dren held in overcrowded de- HHS official said. “We were
home environment that was tention centers have grown se- APPROVE APPROVE stuck with what we had when
0 Straight Straight
not fully assessed,” a case- verely ill or even died. we started on day one, which
worker wrote about a child President Biden has tacked 0 10 20 30 40 50 DAYS release release unfortunately did not set us up
slated to live in a hostel-like to the right on many issues re- *Data from Oct. 2021 about placements for 4,900 kids.
to be able to meet the chal-
home in Florida with at least lating to the border, including Some cases were later approved because of missing information. lenges that we faced in 2021.”
three adults. Days later, an offi- ordering last month that most †Can include background checks, home visits and in-person interviews Republicans have argued
‡Includes virtual check-ins, case management services or
cial dismissed the recommen- migrants who cross the border in-home services
the unaccompanied children
dation to reject the proposed illegally will be barred from Source: Government data obtained by WSJ should be deported rather than
guardian, according to internal asylum. Illegal border crossings STEPHANIE STAMM/WSJ Case sent back for further evaluation sent to guardians within the
government memos. are down by more than half U.S., but would need to change
At another facility in Po- this year and dropped further crossing the border each to sponsors in March and April worker said supervisors were the law to do so.
mona, Calif., more than 100 this month after Biden’s new month, the agency set up 14 2021 lacked evidence that a re- warned that adoption attempts Separately, about 40 sena-
children that summer were asylum ban took effect. makeshift shelters to deal with quired safety check was con- by some sponsors may indicate tors, led by Sen. Chuck Grass-
sent to temporary guardians In response to the Journal’s the influx and recruited em- ducted. children were at risk because ley (R., Iowa) and including
who were issued denials early findings, the Department of ployees from across federal “Although well-intentioned, the sponsor was trying to take Sen. Joe Manchin (I., W.Va.),
in the process by case coordi- Health and Human Services ac- agencies to staff them. Biden these sites were unregulated on at least a half-dozen chil- plan a vote that could force the
nators, according to a review of knowledged that the govern- administration officials said and unsafe,” said Neha Desai, dren, a common indicator of administration to revise its ap-
internal government data that ment wasn’t equipped early in those employees weren’t neces- senior director of immigration labor trafficking. proach to handling unaccom-
tracks unaccompanied kids, the administration’s tenure to sarily trained in child welfare, at the National Center for For instance, workers dis- panied kids, saying it leaves
emails and other communica- properly handle nearly the and stressed that many factors Youth Law, a group that moni- covered that purportedly dif- too much room for kids to be
tions, and interviews with number of children coming to go into decisions about where tors the care of immigrant chil- ferent guardians living at sev- sent to unsafe homes in the ef-
caseworkers. the U.S. and said it was unable to send the minors. dren. “There was enormous eral addresses in one U.S. city fort to get them out of govern-
About two dozen more deni- to discuss individual cases. In a pressure placed on the sites to had ties back to the same per- ment custody.
als were overturned because of statement, the department said rapidly release children from son, documents show. That From when Biden took of-
clerical errors or issues such as it continued to improve pro- Internal probe custody.” suggested one sponsor was re- fice through Sept. 30, 2023,
missing fingerprints that were gram operations. Officials Following an internal inves- At these emergency shel- cruiting kids for work, they HHS said it placed around
resolved, records show. But stressed that proposed guard- tigation, the DHS inspector ters, caseworkers were told to said. 340,000 children with vetted
many others were approved ians go through several layers general, which oversaw a net- discharge kids within 10 to 14 In another instance, a case- guardians, known as sponsors.
with scant details explaining of review and added: “Child work of shelters caring for un- days, according to two people worker called a Michigan home In the year that ended in Sep-
why. Some of those home ad- welfare best-practices are clear accompanied minors, found who worked with the children after searching for the address tember 2022, it said more than
dresses were tied to histories that children belong with fam- gaps in the process to screen face-to-face. of a sponsor on Google Maps 85% of children released to vet-
of criminal activity or other be- ily and not in shelters.” temporary guardians. It said in With the government strug- and discovered it was, in fact, ted sponsors were placed with
havior that indicated the possi- In 2021, with as many as February that 16% of records gling at the time to place chil- a field. When the worker called a parent, legal guardian or
bility the children would be put 18,700 unaccompanied minors for children who were released dren in safe homes, one case- the sponsor’s number, someone other close family member.

GOP Platform
Echoes Trump
On Abortion
BY ANDREW RESTUCCIA tailed sections on everything
AND JOHN MCCORMICK from healthcare to agricul-
ture. Republicans didn’t up-
Republicans released a date their platform in 2020,
party platform on Monday citing the Covid pandemic,

that was much shorter and which limited the scope of

less detailed than those of the that year’s convention.
past, sidestepping many pol- This year’s document
icy specifics and the potential echoes much of the language
internal fights that could that Trump uses on the cam-
have been triggered by a paign trail. It lists 20 top-line
more detailed document. party goals, all in capital let-
The 16-page platform ters, echoing the former pres-
makes only brief mention of ident’s preferred way of com-
abortion, long a top issue for municating. Among them:
the GOP. It softens language stopping the flow of migrants
included in a 2016 version of across the U.S.-Mexico border,
President Biden spoke to supporters in Harrisburg during a campaign stop in the battleground state of Pennsylvania on Sunday. the document that called for boosting energy production
a constitutional amendment and cutting taxes.

Biden Tells have yours,” he told lawmakers.

Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.),
who is locked in a tough re-elec-
In comments to MSNBC’s
“Morning Joe” on Monday, Bi-
den said he has been talking to
expert’s visits, repeatedly citing
privacy concerns, in a combative
exchange with reporters.
making clear that fetuses
have due-process rights.
Instead of calling for a
The platform also em-
braces Trump’s America-first
stance on international trade.

Democrats tion fight, said Biden “has got to

prove to the American people—
including me—that he’s up to
voters across the country. “I
wanted to make sure I was
right, that the average voter
Hours later, Dr. Kevin O’Con-
nor, the president’s physician,
issued a letter saying that Dr.
“human life amendment,” the
new platform states that the
14th Amendment “guarantees
“Republicans will support
baseline tariffs on foreign
made goods, pass the Trump

He’s Staying the job for another four years.”

The head of the party’s progres-
sive caucus, Rep. Pramila Jaya-
out there wanted Joe Biden,
and I’m confident that they
do,” he said over the phone.
Kevin Cannard has been the
neurology consultant to the
White House Medical Unit since
that no person can be denied
life or liberty without due
process, and that the states
Reciprocal Trade Act, and re-
spond to unfair trading prac-
tices,” it states. “As tariffs on
pal (D., Wash.), said she is listen- Biden told the hosts that he 2012. He said that prior to the are, therefore, free to pass foreign producers go up,
Continued from Page One ing to colleagues and voters “as had a “neurological physical” pandemic and since it has laws protecting those rights.” taxes on American workers,
a meeting hosted by Rep. we consider the best path for- in February and continued to ended, Cannard has held regu- The language formally re- families, and businesses can
Hakeem Jeffries of New York, ward to protect our democracy.” argue that he had a bad night lar clinics at the White House aligns the party with former come down.”
the House Democratic leader, Sen. Patty Murray (D., during the debate. Asked about Medical Clinic in support of the President Donald Trump’s The platform largely
over the weekend. Wash.), a member of party the editorial boards and elected “thousands of active-duty view that the issue should echoes the proposals Trump
“The American people have leadership, said the president officials who have said he members assigned in support largely be left up to the has laid out on his campaign
made it clear they no longer see “must seriously consider the should step aside, he said: “I of White House operations.” states, overriding objections website and in speeches in
[Biden] as a credible candidate best way to pre- don’t care about He said Cannard was the neu- from antiabortion groups that recent months. It avoids of-
to serve four more years as serve his incred- what those big rological specialist who has ex- advocated for stronger lan- fering detailed policy pre-
president,” Smith said Monday. ible legacy.” names think” amined Biden for each of his guage opposing the proce- scriptions, unlike outside
Other party lawmakers said Sen. Mark Biden said he and added that physicals and that Biden hasn’t dure. groups such as the Heritage
they continue to back the presi- Warner (D., Va.), was frustrated he was frus- seen a neurologist outside of The platform, which men- Foundation’s Project 2025,
dent, while some issued cau- who had been trated by the that. O’Connor repeated part of tions the word “abortion” which has published action
tious statements about whether reaching out to by elites in the elites in the his Feb. 28 letter following Bi- only once, also states that the plans for nearly every federal
Biden should continue to be the other Demo- party. den’s last physical, which said party opposes late-term abor- agency. Trump distanced
nominee. House and Senate cratic senators
Democratic “If any of there were no findings consis- tion, while supporting prena- himself from Project 2025
Democrats were set to hold in- to discuss Bi- Party. these guys don’t tent with a neurological disorder. tal care as well as access to last week amid a push by
tense caucus meetings Tuesday den’s future, think I should The president joined a mid- birth control and in vitro fer- Democrats to raise alarm
to try to find a way out of their said “now is the run, run against day call with top fundraisers, tilization treatments. That bells about some of the
political morass just four time for conver- me. Announce alongside Maryland Gov. Wes language appears intended to group’s proposals.
months before Election Day. sations about the strongest path for president, challenge me at Moore and campaign chair Jen undercut warnings from Dem- The document does affirm
“As I’ve said before, I’m for forward.” Warner, the chairman the convention,” he said, refer- O’Malley Dillon. On the call, Bi- ocrats that Republican victo- commitments on several top-
Joe,” said Senate Majority of the Intelligence Committee, ring to the party’s gathering den emphasized that he is the ries in November would lead ics popular with the Republi-
Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.). said that the president needs to next month in Chicago. nominee and said the party to a GOP-led crackdown on can base.
Rep. Steven Horsford (D., Nev.), “hear directly from a broader White House press secretary “can’t waste any more time be- contraception and fertility “Republicans will revoke
chair of the Congressional Black group of voices.” Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed ing distracted,” saying it is treatments. China’s Most Favored Nation
Caucus, said Monday: “Biden is Biden argued in his letter repeatedly Monday on why an “time to put Trump in the bull’s- The document was ap- status, phase out imports of
the nominee…we’re not going that he had earned the nomi- expert on Parkinson’s disease eye,” according to the campaign proved ahead of next week’s essential goods, and stop
back, we’re moving forward.” nation in the Democratic pri- visited the White House eight and people familiar with the call. Republican National Conven- China from buying American
Biden held a call with Con- mary process and that to step times from July 2023 to March Biden also took questions tion in Milwaukee, where real estate and industries,” it
gressional Black Caucus mem- aside would disenfranchise of this year, according to visitor from donors, including how he Trump will be formally nom- states. “Republicans will re-
bers on Monday night. Accord- those voters. logs. She said Biden has seen a would handle a second debate. inated. vive the U.S. auto industry by
ing to a person familiar with While Vice President Kamala neurologist three times as part The president responded: “At- This platform, approved by reversing harmful regula-
the call, Biden spoke about is- Harris has the clearest path to of three annual physicals—most tack, attack, attack, attack.” the Republican National Com- tions, canceling Biden’s elec-
sues including reducing Black step up if Biden withdraws, recently in February—and that —Emily Glazer, mittee’s platform committee, tric vehicle and other man-
poverty and investing in child dissenting Democrats haven’t there has been no finding of Par- Rebecca Ballhaus is roughly a quarter of the dates, and preventing the
care and preschool. “You’ve had coalesced around a plan to pick kinson’s. But she wouldn’t ad- and Natalie Andrews length of the party’s 2016 importation of Chinese vehi-
my back, and I’ll continue to a replacement nominee. dress or explain the Parkinson’s contributed to this article. platform, which included de- cles.”
A6 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


How Vance Made Trump’s V.P. Shortlist

Once a critic of the reached the floor of the Sen-
ate, in part because of opposi-
former president, he’s tion from many Republicans.
now a voice for a new But Vance has most made
his mark in the Senate leading
type of conservatism opposition to further U.S.
funding for Ukraine. Vance’s
BY MOLLY BALL dogged and relentless agita-
tion against the funding came
The billionaires settled into as an unpleasant surprise to
their seats in the San Fran- GOP Leader Mitch McConnell
cisco mansion, munching on (R., Ky.).
caviar-topped potato chips and “J.D. Vance and I obviously
tiny sliders impaled with are on opposite sides on
American flags. When it was Ukraine. We spent $35 mil-
time to begin, a bearded young lion” to get him elected,
senator quieted the crowd to McConnell noted dryly in a
introduce his friend, former November interview with The
President Donald Trump. Wall Street Journal, referring
Many of the Silicon Valley to spending by his super PAC
grandees in the audience were in the Ohio race. Vance, he
current or former Democrats. said, “wouldn’t be here but for
The host, venture capitalist my efforts.”
and podcaster David Sacks,
had supported Hillary Clinton
in 2016 and didn’t back a can- Disentanglement


didate in 2020. But they came Vance, who was deployed to
together one evening last Iraq as a young member of the
month, as Trump noted in his Marine Corps, has said the ex-
opening remarks, thanks to perience soured him on what
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, who in he regards as unnecessary for-
less than two years in elected eign entanglements. “Have we
office has emerged as a leading learned nothing?” he asked in
light of the MAGA movement— one Senate floor speech. In
and now a top contender to be interviewed for Seeing how February, he joined the U.S. del-
Trump’s running mate. this article, came Vance was being egation to the annual Munich
Some of MAGA-world’s big- to fame in 2016 as attacked by the Security Conference, a hotbed
gest influencers are lobbying the author of party’s “neocon” of pro-Ukraine sentiment—a
Trump to pick Vance, includ- “Hillbilly Elegy,” a wing, Trump Jr. testament to his zeal for taking
ing podcaster and federal in- memoir of his began defending the argument to hostile venues.
mate Steve Bannon, Turning hardscrabble up- him in public and An aide to a pro-Ukraine
Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and bringing that be- advocating for GOP senator said Vance’s ad-
former Fox News host Tucker came a hit for the him behind the vocacy was frustrating be-
Carlson. Carlson said that way it seemed to scenes, including cause his arguments shifted
picking Vance would be “a explain the Rust with his father. and didn’t always line up with
sign of Trump’s commitment Belt’s unexpected Within a few the facts. In Munich, he
to his own voters,” whose swing to Trump. weeks, Trump Sr. skipped some meetings and re-
views he said Vance uniquely In that first foray had endorsed fused to meet with Ukrainian
understands. as a public intel- Vance, ensuring President Volodymyr Zelensky.
lectual, Vance his victory in the The Ukraine aid passed the
was staunchly May 2022 pri- Senate twice, with an increas-
‘The new right’ anti-Trump, at mary. Trump Jr. ing number of Republican

The 39-year-old Vance owes one point calling and Vance have votes. Vance’s hard-line posi-
his rapid rise to his ability to him “America’s become close tion against it seemed to ex-
articulate the tenets of a new Hitler.” friends, both men ceed that of Trump, who
conservative movement—of- Much has been have said. never explicitly came out
ten termed “national conser- made of Vance’s Vance went on against U.S. funding despite
vatives” or “the new right.” reversal to fervent Top, J.D. Vance running for Senate in 2022; above, Trump at a Vance rally that year. to win the No- repeatedly expressing skepti-
Believers call on the GOP to c h e e r l e a d e r. vember election cism of it. Some Vance critics
abandon free trade, fiscal re- Vance has described his con- “Where there is a seeming de- ideology, he was talking about by a healthy margin—a bright say a Vice President Vance’s
straint and internationalism in version as being “red-pilled,” parture from conservatism is a lot of this stuff well before it spot in a midterm cycle that devotion to intellectualizing
favor of tight borders, tariffs, indicating a sudden revelation his very stark recognition that was in the mainstream,” said was otherwise disappointing Trumpism could put him at
muscular state intervention in of a different reality. But long- in 2024 we’re a lot weaker as an Ohio Republican who for Republicans, as numerous odds with the actual Trump’s
the economy and a retreat time acquaintances say Vance’s a country than we were in knows Vance. other unconventional Trump- famous inconsistency.
from the world stage. political preoccupations were 1984. I think he sees that more His taste for provocation backed Senate candidates lost. At the end of the Vance-or-
Others said to be under largely consistent throughout. clearly than other conserva- was evident in his first cam- As a senator, Vance quickly chestrated Silicon Valley fund-
consideration as running “What interested him was tives because he is a child of paign ad, which advisers said carved out a distinctive pro- raiser the former president
mate—including North Dakota how to get the right more fo- the Rust Belt that has been Vance wrote himself. “Are you file, beginning with the East joined Sacks on his popular “All
Gov. Doug Burgum and Florida cused on working families,” ravaged by well intentioned, a racist? Do you hate Mexi- Palestine, Ohio, train derail- In” podcast. Asked about immi-
Sen. Marco Rubio—are from said Yuval Levin, a scholar at or not so well intentioned, cans?” Vance asked in the ad. ment just a month after he gration, Trump took a stance
the traditional GOP mold, the American Enterprise Insti- policy choices.” “The media was sworn in. He worked with seemingly at odds with the re-
though both have pledged fe- tute, saying Vance originally By 2022, the calls us racists Democratic Sen. Sherrod strictionist agenda he and
alty to Trumpism as it has re- feared Trump would discredit same political for wanting to Brown to craft rail-safety leg- Vance have espoused, saying,
shaped their party. Their se- the ideas he was interested in. r e a l i g n m e n t Vance’s taste build Trump’s islation and helped orches- “If you graduate from a college,
lection would show that “I think that was right,” Vance’s book for provocation wall.” The text trate Trump’s visit to the site. I think you should get automat-
Trump is committed to con- Levin said. “But he came to helped to ex- on-screen iden- It wasn’t the only unlikely ically, as part of your diploma,
tinuing to share the party the view that Trump would plain had cre- was evident in tified him as an bipartisan pairing for Vance, a green card to be able to stay
with its old guard. A Vance actually advance them, and ated the condi- “America First whose critique of the effects of in this country.” (A few hours
pick would be a forceful state- formulated a set of arguments tions for his
his first Conservative.” modern capitalism resembles later, a spokeswoman walked
ment that Trump plans to go trying to give some intellec- own political campaign ad. Vance also that of some liberals. He has back the comments.)
all in on populist nationalism. tual coherence to populist career. Ohio, a began courting praised Federal Trade Commis- Yet the event also typified
“What’s at stake here is not conservatism.” Vance has en- state President Trump. The sion Chair Lina Khan, whose Vance’s chameleonic talent.
the election—none of these dorsed Trump’s false claim Barack Obama breakthrough crusades against corporate “There isn’t a candidate that I
people are going to affect the that the 2020 election was won twice, went for Trump by came during a primary debate consolidation have made her a think straddles both the tech
election,” said Robert Lighthi- “rigged” and has said that as wide margins in 2016 and when Vance’s opponents came Wall Street bête noire. And fol- and venture capital commu-
zer, U.S. trade representative vice president he wouldn’t 2020. Vance went on Carlson’s out in favor of a no-fly zone in lowing the March 2023 col- nity and plays as well as Vance
in the Trump administration. have certified it. Levin worries show from his Senate cam- Ukraine enforced by the North lapse of Silicon Valley Bank, he does to working-class Ameri-
“What’s at stake here is where that Vance’s arguments have paign launch at an Ohio fac- Atlantic Treaty Organization. teamed up with Sen. Elizabeth cans,” said Omeed Malik,
the party and the country are served to legitimize and jus- tory. He leaned into the types Vance alone opposed it, and Warren (D., Mass.) on legisla- founder and president of ven-
going to go.” Vance, he said, tify some of Trump’s more of controversies that tended his comments caught the eye tion to claw back the salaries ture-capital firm 1789 Capital.
“would take us 20 years into radical impulses. to galvanize the right online. of Trump’s eldest son, Donald of executives of failed banks. —Siobhan Hughes
the future.” Heritage Foundation Presi- “The decline of universities, Trump Jr., according to a Neither that measure nor the and Dana Mattioli
Vance, who declined to be dent Kevin Roberts said, attacks on the court, gender friend of both men. rail-safety legislation has contributed to this article.

Paramount for the company: Less original

programming means more
cord-cutting, which leads to
Paramount segment revenue
$8 billion
thing of a boutique of big-bud-
get fare for streamers such as
Netflix and Amazon’s Prime
dismay about an earlier offer
from Skydance, which they
said was only good for Para-

Has Tough less investment.

Ellison can help Paramount
navigate the challenging land- 6
Filmed Entertainment
(Paramount Pictures,
Nickelodeon Studios)
Video. As other major studios
were shying away from selling
to competitors to focus on
mount controlling shareholder
Shari Redstone.
Under the transaction that

To-Do List scape in that he understands

and appreciates the movie
business but also has a techni-
(Paramount+, Pluto
building streaming platforms,
Skydance saw an opening.
Ellison has benefited from
was unveiled Sunday night,
Skydance will acquire National
Amusements, Redstone’s pri-
cal background to help expand 4 the generosity of his father, vately held movie-theater com-
Continued from Page One its streaming service, said Ari who helped fund the launch of pany through which she con-
difficult media environment: Emanuel, CEO of sports and TV Media Skydance. He gets in the trols Paramount, in a deal with
cost-cutting, asset sales and entertainment companies En- (CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, weeds of producing and while an equity value of $1.75 billion.
2 BET, Showtime and
layoffs. Ellison’s team has deavor and TKO Group Hold- his attention to detail is Then in a second step, Par-
identified $2 billion in cost ings. Endeavor’s WME talent praised by those who worked amount would acquire Sky-
savings and said it would agency has previously repre- with him, some say he can be dance at a valuation of about
make the company cash-flow sented Skydance in content 0 inflexible in a business often $4.7 billion. Skydance and its
positive by the end of 2026. deals. 2022 ’23 ’24 based on compromises. backers, including Larry Elli-
When he takes over Para- “A lot of people with the Ellison is entrusting much of son and RedBird, will inject
mount, Ellison will be rubbing success he has had would Source: S&P Capital IQ the day-to–day operations of $1.5 billion into Paramount’s
shoulders with the likes of never risk that to do what he is the combined companies to balance sheet.
Disney Chief Executive Bob doing,” Emanuel said. profitable domestically in the how streaming services are Shell, an industry veteran who Skydance co-produced some
Iger and Warner Bros Discov- Paramount’s efforts to sell quarter that just ended, accord- currently distributed. had long stints at Comcast’s of Paramount’s highest-profile
ery CEO David Zaslav. The son its BET cable network will ing to people familiar with the Ellison said the Paramount+ NBCUniversal and Fox. Shell movies, including “Top Gun:
of Oracle co-founder Larry El- continue as the deal pro- situation. But the hypercompet- platform needs to be over- left NBCUniversal last year af- Maverick” and the most recent
lison, he relied on his billion- gresses, people close to the itive nature of streaming re- hauled and become more user- ter admitting to an inappropri- installments of the “Mission:
aire father’s largess to create situation said. Other channels quires constant investment. friendly, which can be done by ate relationship with a woman Impossible” franchise as well
a production company and could potentially go on the Skydance said it will con- improving the algorithms that at the company. Shell joined as TV series such as “Reacher”
managed to turn it into a reli- market, said Jeff Shell, the tinue to pursue the strategy make sure consumers get RedBird Capital Partners ear- and “Jack Ryan” for Prime
able maker of box-office hits. former NBCUniversal chief set out by Paramount’s cur- served the shows and movies lier this year to lead its sports Video, which are co-produced
Like many of its peers, Para- who will be president of Para- rent leadership for the stream- they are most likely to watch. and entertainment busi- by Paramount’s TV studio.
mount has been struggling mount after the deal closes. ing service including exploring Ellison built Skydance, a nesses. Now, he will essentially Skydance and Paramount’s
with the decline in traditional Potential assets for sale could an international joint venture, production company that was hold the same position he held overlapping businesses will be
TV networks while investing in include TV stations owned by which is where much of the fi- launched in 2010, into a power- at NBCUniversal with a very combined. Skydance has an
Paramount+. Cord-cutting CBS that aren’t affiliated with nancial strain lies. Shell said ful and profitable maker of big- similar portfolio of broadcast, animation unit that supplies
greatly reduced the reach of its the broadcast network and not Paramount+ can benefit by do- budget movies and TV shows. cable, movie and television pro- content to Netflix among
cable networks such as MTV core to its business. ing more deals to bundle itself Although Hollywood is littered duction and streaming assets. other platforms, while Para-
and Comedy Central, which One challenge facing Ellison with other services. with scions who saw their For Skydance, convincing mount is a big player in chil-
means less revenue from sub- and his team is how to make “There is going to have to dreams of being a player fail, investors of the rationale be- dren’s programming with its
scriber fees and ad dollars. sure its Paramount+ streaming be some form of bundled solu- Ellison and Skydance have hind the deal is key to poten- Nickelodeon cable channel.
As a result, spending on service can compete with big- tion” to streaming, Shell told thrived at a time when much of tially fending off shareholder Skydance has a videogame di-
programming for the net- ger rivals. The service has seen investors, adding that right the industry is in contraction. lawsuits. vision. Both entities have rela-
works was reduced, creating decent subscriber growth over now “they are sorting their Part of Skydance’s success Many of Paramount’s non- tionships with the National
something of a vicious cycle the past few years and was way through the muck” of was to position itself as some- voting shareholders expressed Football League.
A8 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Missile Strikes Kyiv Children’s Hospital
Deadly attack was Ukraine—that are designed to
signal its long-term commit-
part of Russia’s ment to Kyiv but stop short of
largest assault on offering NATO membership.
Becoming part of the mili-
Ukraine in months tary alliance, which is based on
collective defense, remains a
BY IAN LOVETT distant goal for Ukraine, whose
AND BENOIT FAUCON officials have been complaining
for months about the slow drip
KYIV, Ukraine—Russia of Western aid, including a
launched its largest missile at- shortage of air defenses.
tack on Ukraine in months on A right-wing political surge
Monday, striking a children’s across Europe, and the possi-
hospital in Kyiv, as well as other ble return of Donald Trump to
sites across the country, in an the White House, are adding
assault that left at least 33 to Kyiv’s fears that Western
people dead and more than 100 support for Ukraine could be
injured, Ukrainian officials said. diminishing. Patients from
The early-morning barrage Okhmatdyt were evacuated to
involved more than 40 missiles other hospitals, local officials
targeted toward at least five said, and posts on social me-
cities across the country, Ukrai- dia showed children who are
nian President Volodymyr Zel- undergoing treatment for can-
ensky said. Much of the worst cer being led out of the facil-
damage was at the Okhmatdyt ity, wearing face masks and


Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, hooked up to IV drips.
where at least two people were Andriy Yermak, Zelensky’s
killed when a missile ripped chief of staff, said the missile
through the dialysis ward. Offi- that hit the hospital was a
cials feared more people could Kh-101 cruise missile, which
be trapped under the rubble, Ukraine has been able to shoot
and rescue workers frantically down in the past. He offered
searched for survivors. no explanation for why air de-
The strikes took place on the fenses didn’t down the missile Attacks on Kyiv and other cities left at least 33 people dead and more than 100 others wounded, according to Ukrainian officials.
eve of the North Atlantic Treaty this time. “It contains dozens
Organization summit in Wash- of microelectronics produced Zelensky posted images from the rubble—doctors and ordi- against humanity in general.”
ington, where support for in NATO countries,” Yermak the wreckage on social media, nary people,” Zelensky wrote on The Russian Defense Minis- Watch a Video
Ukraine will be a top-line issue. wrote of the missile on X. “We which showed children covered X. “Russia cannot claim igno- try said on Telegram that it hit Scan this code
The alliance is poised to an- must stop this and bring it up in blood and broken glass rance of where its missiles are Ukrainian military-industry fa- for a video on
nounce measures—including a at the NATO summit. The at- strewn across hospital rooms flying and must be held fully ac- cilities and air bases, blaming Russia’s strike
pledge to provide $40 billion tack on children must be one with cribs. countable for all its crimes. damage to civilian infrastruc- on a children’s
annually in military aid for of the key topics.” “Everyone is helping to clear Against people, against children, ture on Ukrainian air defenses. hospital in Kyiv.

Biden Has ‘No Room’ for Mistakes at NATO Summit

BY LARA SELIGMAN alliance. He also said there with Russia. With everything
AND CATHERINE LUCEY would be announcements on that is going on in the world.
the defense industrial base and We’re making real progress.”
WASHINGTON—The White on Ukraine’s path to NATO. Some NATO leaders aren’t
House once hoped the NATO Despite a massive damage- convinced. Polish Foreign Min-
summit that opens Tuesday control effort by the White ister Radoslaw Sikorski issued
would showcase President Bi- House, Biden is facing mount- a warning for Biden on the so-

den’s leadership of the trans- ing pressure to end his re- cial-media platform X: “Mar-
Atlantic alliance and his dif- election bid. At least 10 House cus Aurelius was a great em-
ferences with Donald Trump. Democrats have issued public peror but he screwed up his
Instead it has become a piv- and private calls for him to succession by passing the ba-
otal test of his fitness for a drop out, joining a chorus of ton to his feckless son Commo-
second term. donors and party officials ex- dus (He, from the Gladiator).
A solid performance during pressing concerns. Those cries Whose disastrous rule started
the three-day gathering of could get louder this week Rome’s decline,” Sikorski
NATO leaders could help shore with lawmakers back in Wash- wrote. “It is important to man-
up his candidacy, reminding ington for the first time since age one’s ride into the sunset.”
voters of his support for the the June 27 debate. NATO Secretary-General
75-year-old military partner- So far, the president has been Jens Stoltenberg dodged re-
ship that his predecessor regu- defiant, issuing a letter Monday peated questions about Bi-
larly attacked. Another stumble and calling in to MSNBC’s den’s health and abilities dur-
like his debate against Trump “Morning Joe” to argue that he ing a July 5 news conference.
could intensify calls for the 81- has the support of voters, and “I have had and continue to
year-old commander in chief to that he is committed to staying have a very good working re-
exit from the presidential race. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg speak after in the race. A recent Wall Street lationship with President Bi-
“He has absolutely no room Stoltenberg threw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Nationals baseball game in Washington, D.C. Journal survey found 80 per- den, and I welcome his very
for any sort of mistakes,” said cent of voters believe Biden is strong personal commitment
Rachel Rizzo, a senior fellow at and a dinner at the White that she is confident of the lies. “We’re not picking up any too old to run for a second term. to the alliance and the leader-
the Atlantic Council. “The sort House for NATO leaders on president’s abilities, having signs of that from our allies at Biden cited his foreign-policy ship on Ukraine,” he said.
of gaffes that have become Wednesday and a news con- briefed him three weeks ago all,” he said Monday. “The con- record as a reason he should re- “Everything the president
pretty common for Biden are ference Thursday. He also will about the summit. “He ended versations that we’re having main his party’s nominee. does right now, every moment
now going to be seen by Euro- hold bilateral meetings with up peppering me with loads of with them in advance, they are “I expanded NATO. I solidi- is make or break,” said Heather
pean leaders as a broader Ukrainian President Volod- questions that were tough to excited about this summit.” fied it,” Biden said on MSNBC. Conley, president of the Ger-
question of suitability.” ymyr Zelensky and new British answer,” she said. He said there would be an- “I made sure that we’re in a po- man Marshall Fund. “For the
Biden will open the summit Prime Minister Keir Starmer. National Security Council nouncements this week on de- sition where we have a coali- country and for U.S. national
with remarks Tuesday, fol- U.S. Ambassador to NATO spokesman John Kirby said Bi- terrence capabilities as it re- tion of people of nations around security, the president needs to
lowed by a day of meetings Julianne Smith said Monday den didn’t need to reassure al- lates to Ukraine and the entire the world to deal with China, have a strong performance.”

World Leaders Are Bracing for Trump

Live close to BY MICHAEL R. GORDON into office. With Moscow de- said. “Simply put, politically provoking Russia’s invasion.

work, but not AND ALAN CULLISON manding that Ukraine forgo
eventual NATO membership
they are hedging their bets.”
Trump’s penchant for un-
Trump supporters say the
former president’s broader goal

too close
WASHINGTON—Donald and cede swaths of its terri- predictability has made the job is to strengthen alliances by
Trump has provoked U.S. allies tory, some alliance members of outreach by governments encouraging laggards to boost
for years, questioning NATO’s fear that Trump could try to more challenging, particularly their contributions. But John
Search homes by commute time. relevance, demanding greater bully Kyiv into a capitulation because the campaign hasn’t Bolton, who served as Trump’s
financial contributions and or might not continue sending officially designated specific national-security adviser from
musing about possibly not pro- the weapons necessary for its people to represent Trump on 2018 to 2019, said Trump
tecting members who aren’t military to keep fighting. foreign policy. With limited in- thought about withdrawing
paying enough for defense. Polish President Andrzej sight into who will influence from NATO as president and
Now, with NATO members Duda, who traveled to Trump him in a new cabinet, some might do so if re-elected.
and other U.S. partners converg- Tower in New York in April countries are leveraging what- “I think it laughable to say
ing on Washington this week to for a meeting with the former ever contacts they have, or are he is trying to reform NATO,”
celebrate the 75th anniversary president, told The Wall Street reaching out to Trump himself. he said. “He doesn’t understand
of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- Journal that he spoke about German Chancellor Olaf what collective defense alli-
ganization, heads of state are the strategic importance of Scholz invited key pro-Trump ances are. He believes essen-
scrambling to find a common Ukraine. Duda declined to go legislators to dine with him tially that we are providing de-
language with the Republican into details about the dinner. during his visit to Washington fense services for these allies,
presidential candidate whose Such outreach by foreign in January and the following and they’re not paying enough.”
chances of winning in Novem- officials has become common, month at the Munich Security Foreign officials outside of
ber have grown, polls show. said Keith Kellogg, a retired Conference, a global geopolitics NATO are also building ties
Their most urgent concerns three-star Army general who forum. His most senior aide, with Trump and his inner circle
are over Ukraine. Trump has served as the national-security Wolfgang Schmidt, minister of in the hope of influencing or at
declared he would single-hand- adviser to then-Vice President the chancellery, has been trav- least blunting his future deci-
edly end the war by forcing Mike Pence and earlier held eling to Washington several sions on fractious issues over
Kyiv and Moscow into a peace senior positions in Trump’s times a year since Russia in- trade and national security.
deal before he is even sworn National Security Council. Kel- vaded Ukraine. Apart from his Japan wants to ensure
logg doesn’t speak for Trump official dealings with the Biden Trump doesn’t put tariffs on its
or the president’s campaign, administration, he has been goods and maintains the alli-
but as a former and potentially building a network among ance. It has centered its out-
future member of Trump’s in- Trump backers that includes reach around ex-Prime Minister
ner circle, he has been a much donors, legislators and former Taro Aso, who was Japan’s fi-
sought-after interlocutor. Trump administration officials. nance minister during the
“Since last November we But personal rapport be- Trump administration. Aso,
have had over 160 contacts with tween leaders might not be who holds the No. 2 post in the
foreign officials,” said Kellogg, enough to overcome flare-ups ruling Liberal Democratic Party,
who is part of the America First with Trump over NATO, spent time with Trump in April.
Policy Institute, which promotes whose members are moving Former Australian Prime
Trump’s foreign policy. Those this week to reaffirm its long- Minister Scott Morrison met
Your Date Converted reaching out include ambassa- term goal to bring Ukraine with Trump in May, sparking
to Roman Numerals dors, foreign ministers and de- into the alliance. Trump has speculation he could be the
888.646.6466 fense ministers, he added. blamed Western promises to next U.S. ambassador if his
JOHN - CHRISTIAN.COM “We talk to all of them,” he bring Ukraine into NATO for party returns to power.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A9


Israel Sends Troops

Back Into Gaza City
New strikes after tricts first fled west in line the conflict could become a


with an Israeli directive on protracted war of attrition.
withdrawal reflect Sunday evening. But some of The military says it has re-
how nine-month war them soon found themselves turned to places based on in-
heading into the line of fire, so telligence that Hamas and
is bogging down they turned back or headed other militants are trying to
south in line with a second di- regroup there. On Monday, it
BY STEPHEN KALIN rective issued on Monday, res- said it raided and destroyed a
idents and aid workers said. Hamas command-and-control
Israel launched airstrikes Israeli leaders say they are center located in civilian build-
and sent ground troops back shifting toward lower-inten- ings in Gaza City’s Shuja’iyya
into Gaza City, where it said sity operations and preparing neighborhood.
militants continued to operate for an extended counterinsur- Repeated skirmishes in Gaza
months after heavy fighting gency campaign in the en- suggest that Hamas, which led
concluded there, underlining clave. That could free up some the Oct. 7 attack against south- An Israeli strike in Gaza City on Sunday damaged the Latin Patriarchate Holy Family School.
how the war in Gaza is dragging troops to reinforce Israel’s ern Israel and ruled the strip
on nine months after it started. northern border, where ten- for years before that, has sur- launched airstrikes and a coun- strip risked recent progress hospital is now out of opera-
The operation that began sions with Lebanon’s Hezbol- vived Israel’s bombardment terterrorism operation in Gaza made in indirect negotiations tion at a time when its ser-
early Monday was accompa- lah militant group are escalat- and invasion as an insurgent City, where Israeli forces said with Israel over ending the vices are in very significant
nied by successive evacuation ing. But the strategy looks group. Some analysts say the they previously killed militants war and freeing the hostages. demand and where injured
orders that complicated ef- likely to leave Gaza mired in group has been substantially and destroyed a tunnel. The Al-Ahli Arab Hospital and sick people have few
forts to find new shelter for violence and instability. weakened. Militants still hold Hamas condemned what it in Gaza City was forced by the other options for places to re-
tens of thousands of people In recent weeks, Israeli more than 100 hostages ab- termed an escalation by the Israeli military’s evacuation ceive urgent medical care,”
amid mass displacement in forces repeatedly have re- ducted in the cross-border Israeli military in Gaza City. orders to evict patients and the church said.
the Gaza Strip. turned to areas across Gaza raid, many of them dead, the Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s polit- stop operating, said the Epis- The Israeli military didn’t re-
Palestinians under evacua- that they had invaded and Israeli government said. ical chief, said the operations copal Church that runs it. spond to requests for comment
tion orders in Gaza City dis- withdrawn from, showing how The Israeli military said it there and elsewhere in the “To our great dismay, our on the status of the hospital.

Press Group Condemns Russia Trial

BY JOSEPH DE AVILA alition said. “When journalists The secret trial of Gershk- also deemed unlawfully jailed.
are targeted because of their ovich began in June. His next Western governments,
A global coalition of nations work, the world loses out on hearing is scheduled for Aug. global news organizations,
that advocates for a free press its most valuable sources of 13. The press, Gershkovich’s press-freedom advocates and
has condemned the Russian information.” friends and family and U.S. human-rights groups around
prosecution of Wall Street Gershkovich, a 32-year-old Embassy personnel are barred the world have joined the
Journal reporter Evan Gershk- American journalist, was de- from attending. Conviction Journal and the Biden admin-
ovich and called for his release. tained in March 2023 by Rus- could carry a prison sentence istration in demanding Gersh-
Gershkovich’s case illustrates sia’s Federal Security Service of 10 to 20 years. kovich’s immediate release.
how the Kremlin has launched while he was on a reporting Russian officials have raised A United Nations panel said
a systematic assault on press trip in the city of Yekaterin- the prospect of a prisoner ex- last week that Russia has arbi-
freedom, the Media Freedom burg. He has been held on an change with the U.S. Sergei trarily detained Gershkovich
Coalition said on Monday in a allegation of espionage that Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy for- under unsubstantiated claims
statement signed by 25 nations, he, The Wall Street Journal eign minister, in June said the of espionage. The U.N. group
including the U.S., U.K., France, and Washington vehemently U.S. should “seriously consider also said the conditions of
Germany, Spain and Italy. The deny. The U.S. has classified the signals” Moscow has sent Gershkovich’s detention vio-
Media Freedom Coalition has 51 Gershkovich as wrongfully de- to Washington about possible lated international standards.
members from six continents. tained. The Russian authori- deals, state news agency RIA “We urge the immediate re-
“After more than a year of ties haven’t publicly provided Novosti reported. lease of all journalists who
arbitrary detention, his trial— any evidence of his guilt. Biden administration offi- have been unjustly detained,”
on baseless charges of espio- Gershkovich was accredited cials have said they are working said the Media Freedom Coali-
nage—is a deliberate attack on to work as a journalist in Russia to secure the release of Gershk- tion. “And we call on all coun-

media freedom, and one that by the country’s foreign minis- ovich and another American, tries to uphold their obligations
can only add to his family’s try at the time of his detention. Paul Whelan, a former Marine and commitments to human
pain,” the Media Freedom Co- The U.S. has said he isn’t a spy. whom the U.S. government has rights and the rule of law.”

Crowds gathered in Paris after election results were released.

Deeply Divided France

Risks Political Deadlock
BY MATTHEW DALTON elected blocs will be to come
to terms on a new prime min-
PARIS—France’s elections ister, whom Macron must then
have produced a fractious Par- agree to appoint. No consen-
liament that threatens an un- sus candidate is in sight.
precedented period of political Prime Minister Gabriel At-
paralysis, revealing a country tal offered his resignation on
that is deeply split along lines Monday, but Macron asked
of class, geography and religion. him to remain temporarily to
No party came close to a ensure the country’s stability,
majority, and the lawmakers a French official said.
elected on Sunday are now France Unbowed officials
grouped into blocs with pro- on Monday made the case that

found differences. The New the job should go to someone

Popular Front, an alliance of from their ranks, and that Jean-
leftist parties that won the Luc Mélenchon, the party’s
most seats in Parliament, is a founder and one of the most di-
diverse coalition whose most visive figures in French politics,
powerful faction is a polarizing should be a possibility.
far-left party, France Unbowed. France is coming under
Leaders of the pro-business growing pressure to cut its
bloc allied with President Em- deficit, forecast this year at
manuel Macron, which came 5.1% of gross domestic product,
in second, have said they can’t above the 3% threshold set in
form a government with European Union rules. Yields
France Unbowed. Marine Le on French government debt MASKING UP: Participants celebrate the Phi Ta Khon Festival, or ghost festival, in northeastern Thailand. The annual
Pen and other leaders of the have jumped since Macron Buddhist tradition takes place during the rainy season. The masks represent the spirits of the dead.
far-right National Rally party, called snap elections in June.
which came in third, have sig- The New Popular Front has PHILIPPINES RUSSIA COLOMBIA INDONESIA
naled they won’t form a gov- proposed spending increases of
ernment with either Macron’s around €350 billion over the
Japan Pact to Allow Lauded Play Lands Deforestation Down Landslide Leaves
party or the left, who say the next three years—nearly $380 Joint Military Drills Principals in Prison By 36% Last Year At Least 12 Dead
feeling is mutual. billion—to boost public-sector Japan and the Philippines A Russian court on Mon- Deforestation in Colombia A landslide triggered by
Sunday’s result showed op- wages and increase housing signed a pact Monday allow- day convicted prominent the- last year was down 36% from torrential rains crashed onto
position to the far right still benefits, among other big- ing Japanese forces to deploy ater director Zhenya Berk- the previous year, the govern- an unauthorized gold mining
commands a strong majority. ticket items. It has also pro- for joint drills in the Southeast ovich and playwright ment of leftist President Gus- operation on Sulawesi island,
But beyond that, political frag- posed reinstating France’s Asian nation—a victim of a Svetlana Petriychuk of terror- tavo Petro said Monday, to killing at least 12 people, offi-
mentation is growing. Paris wealth tax and rolling back the brutal Japanese occupation in ism and sentenced each to the lowest level since records cials said Monday. Dozens
and other metropolitan centers pension overhaul. Macron ex- World War II that is now ally- six years in prison. They have began. It said the decline was others were reported missing.
are home to globally connected, pended much of his political ing with Tokyo to face an in- been in jail for more than a driven by a drop in environ- More than 100 villagers
well-off French who voted en capital to raise the country’s le- creasingly assertive China. The year awaiting trial. mental destruction in the Am- were digging for grains of
masse for Macron’s bloc. gal age of retirement, pushing agreement similarly allows Authorities claimed their azon rainforest. gold on Sunday in the remote
The National Rally channels the measure into law over the Philippine forces to enter play “Finist, the Brave Falcon” Deforestation nationwide Bone Bolango district of
the growing anger of voters in objections of Parliament and a Japan for joint training. justifies terrorism, which is totaled about 305 square Gorontalo province when
the French hinterlands who majority of the French public. A joint statement under- punishable by up to seven miles in 2023, down from tons of mud plunged down
are demanding France close its Those divergences appear scored “the importance of years in prison. Berkovich and about 477 square miles a the surrounding hills and bur-
borders to immigrants. France to offer few areas for compro- maintaining and strengthen- Petriychuk repeatedly have year earlier. A little more ied their makeshift camps,
Unbowed draws much of its mise between the New Popu- ing the free and open inter- rejected the accusations. than half was in the Amazon. said the head of the Search
political support from stu- lar Front and Macron’s party. national order based on the During one hearing, Berk- “It is very good news, but and Rescue Office. He said
dents and the Muslim commu- In addition, France Unbowed rule of law” in the South ovich told the court that she we definitely cannot say that 44 people escaped, some
nity, one of Europe’s largest. has outraged much of France’s China Sea—a key global trade staged the play to prevent the battle is won,” Environ- pulled out by rescuers. Crews
Since the creation of the political establishment with route claimed virtually in its terrorism, and Petriychuk ment Minister Susana Mu- recovered 12 bodies, including
modern French state in 1958, its strident criticism of Israel. entirety by China and in part echoed her sentiment. hamad said. three women and a 4-year-
elections have produced large But other factions in the New by the Philippines, Vietnam, The women’s lawyers When elected in 2022, old boy. Some 48 others are
political blocs on the left or the Popular Front said the group Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. pointed out at hearings be- Petro vowed to limit agribusi- missing, he said.
right that were able to form must be allowed to govern and In Beijing, Foreign Ministry fore the trial that the play ness expansion in the Ama- “Relief efforts for the dead
governments quickly. Sunday’s that the idea of choosing a spokesperson Lin Jian said: was supported by the Rus- zon and create reserves and missing were hampered
election spread votes across prime minister from Macron’s “Japan should seriously re- sian Culture Ministry and where indigenous communi- by heavy rain and blocked
the spectrum, with some of the ranks was out of the question. flect on its history of aggres- won the Golden Mask award, ties and others are allowed to roads covered with thick mud
most powerful factions concen- sion and act cautiously in the Russia’s most prestigious na- harvest rubber, açaí and other and debris,” said another res-
trated at the extremes.  Heard on the Street: Limbo field of military security.” tional theater award. non-timber forest products. cue official, Afifuddin Ilahude.
The first step for the newly is best-case scenario..... B10 —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press
A10 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A11
A12 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Medicare Sick Pay Private Medicare Advantage insurers can get extra payments when they add diagnoses to patients
records, including ones for which patients receive no treatment. Some insurers collected higher
John Gorman, a former
Medicare official and founder
payments per member from such practices than others. of two companies that review

Paid Extra Average Payment per Medicare Advantage member

Each dot is an insurer
Number of members
records and conduct home vis-
its on behalf of Medicare insur-
ers, doesn’t think the changes

To Insurers 0
Note: Limited to insurers with
10,000 or more members.
$500 $1,000
will solve the problem. “Any
time you base a system like
this on diagnosis codes, there’s
going to be rampant abuse of
Continued from Page One 0.1 the system,” he said. Insurers
which patients received no Elevance Health “will find something else to
treatment, or that contradicted $527 make up the revenue.”
their doctors’ views.
The insurers make new di-
agnoses after reviewing medi- Vision problems
cal charts, sometimes using ar- Cataracts are extremely
tificial intelligence, and common in the elderly—pretty
sending nurses to visit patients much everyone gets them. Dia-
in their homes. They pay doc- betes also is common, so it
tors for access to patient re- isn’t unusual for old people to
cords, and reward patients who have both.
agree to home visits with gift UnitedHealth added For Medicare Advantage in-
cards and other financial bene- diagnoses at a far higher rate surers, a big difference be-
fits. Kaiser Permanente Humana CVS/Aetna than other major insurers. tween the two forms of cata-
Insurers added diabetic cat- $131 $573 $941 $1,424 per member. racts is that the government
aract diagnoses to 148 patients only pays extra for the diabetic
treated by Dr. Howard Chen, an ones.
ophthalmologist in Goodyear, Patients diagnosed per Medicare Advantage members were more likely to have certain diagnoses than patients Some insurers interpreted
Ariz. He said he saw at most 10,000 beneficiaries in traditional Medicare. The insurers added many of the extra diagnoses. U.S. guidelines for recording di-
one or two such cases a year. 1,155 agnoses in the broadest possi-
UnitedHealth Group
He said he charges insurers 995 ble way, labeling patients with
$40 per patient to cover his Other Medicare 925 diabetes and any kind of cata-
Advantage insurers
costs for providing them with ract with the more lucrative di-
medical charts. Traditional Medicare
631 agnosis. They did it even when
“If they are just making 552 578 doctors said the patients only
Insurer diagnosed
stuff up, then why do they even 418 404 had the old-age form of the dis-
need or want my charts?” said 335 299 321 ease or had no diabetic compli-
Chen. 155 cations at all, the data show.
In all, Medicare paid insur- 43 “If you suspected that it
ers about $50 billion for diag- could be connected, they felt
noses added just by insurers in Emphysema Depression Diabetic cataracts Heart failure Morbid obesity they would be justified in con-
the three years ending in 2021, necting it,” said Shannon
the Journal’s analysis showed. Decker, a former UnitedHealth
Treatment rate for those Patients diagnosed by Medicare Advantage insurers received typical treatment
Diabetic cataracts are a employee. “It’s an easy cap-
diagnosed by insurers for some conditions at lower rates than those diagnosed by doctors.
complication of diabetes that ture.”
compared to doctors
occur when uncontrolled blood Diagnosed Treatment gap Diagnosed UnitedHealth didn’t respond
sugar damages the lens of the by insurer (percentage points) by doctor to written questions about its
eye, clouding a person’s vision. 17% 92%
practices for recording diabetic
HIV –76
UnitedHealth members were cataract cases.
about 15 times as likely to have Antiretroviral Over four years, insurers
that diagnosis as the average Parkinson’s 29 –45 73 added diabetic-cataract diagno-
patient in traditional Medicare, Antiparkinsonian ses to 112 patients of Dr. Ste-
the Journal analysis found. phen McConnell, an ophthal-
The government paid all Atrial fibrillation 26 –40 67 mologist in Brunswick, Ga., the
Medicare Advantage insurers Anticoagulant data show. “That’s unbeliev-
more than $700 million from able,” said McConnell, who said
2019 to 2021 for diabetic cata- Schizophrenia 62 –25 87
he had no idea what was hap-
racts. Most of the diagnoses Antipsychotic pening until informed by the
were added by insurers. 61 –19 80 Journal.
Diabetes with complications
UnitedHealth and other in- Dr. Javier Pérez, an Orlando,
Hypoglycemics and insulin
surers say they use the home Fla.-based eye surgeon, treated
visits and chart reviews to help Note: Includes diagnoses from 2018-21. Patients diagnosed by doctors include both Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare enrollees. Numbers are subject to rounding. hundreds of patients who in-
coordinate patients’ care and Source: WSJ analysis of Medicare Advantage and traditional Medicare claims data ERIK BRYNILDSEN AND ANDREW MOLLICA/WSJ surers claimed have diabetic
ensure accurate diagnoses. cataracts, the Medicare data
UnitedHealth spokesman in added payments to insurers. full work-up. “He did scare lower premiums and provide lion over the past 18 years, show. On average, they were
Matthew Wiggin said the Jour- Everyone with HIV should me.” other benefits for Medicare Ad- compared with what Medicare the same age as his old-age
nal’s analysis is “inaccurate be on antiretroviral drugs, the Humana’s written statement vantage members. would have cost without the cataract patients, about 72.
and biased,” and that Medicare only effective treatment, and said Siskin’s primary-care doc- Humana disputed the Jour- help of the private plans, ac- “Just because you’re dia-
Advantage “provides better nearly all Medicare patients tor also submitted the diagno- nal’s calculation that the com- cording to a March report by betic doesn’t mean you have a
health outcomes and more af- whose doctors diagnosed the sis when he treated her follow- pany had received $2.2 billion the Medicare Payment Advi- diabetic cataract,” he said, add-
fordable healthcare for millions virus took the drugs. Less than ing the home visit. It said in 2021 payments from insurer- sory Commission, or MedPAC, ing that most almost certainly
of seniors” than traditional 17% of patients with insurer- Humana learned from the Jour- driven diagnoses, saying that a nonpartisan agency that ad- have old-age cataracts, not
Medicare. driven HIV diagnoses were on nal that Siskin had later tested total didn’t reflect chart re- vises Congress. Adjusted for in- ones caused by diabetes. “You
He said Medicare Advantage them, the Journal found. negative for the disease, and views that lowered payments flation, that amounts to $4,300 can be diabetic and be old,” he
plans record diagnoses more “It seems like almost all of was working to correct the di- by removing diagnoses. per U.S. tax filer. said.
completely than doctors treat- those people don’t have HIV,” agnosis. Academic researchers and Lee, the 70-year-old retired
ing traditional Medicare pa- said Jennifer Kates, HIV policy “[W]e strive for complete government investigators have accountant from Boston, re-
tients, and that insurers “iden- director at KFF, a health-re- and accurate clinical informa- Cost concerns raised questions about high called that her visit with the
tify disease states earlier.” He search nonprofit. “If they did, tion about our members, and to When Congress conceived of rates of insurer-driven diagno- nurse practitioner sent by Unit-
declined to comment about Lee, that would be substandard care help them get the care they the Medicare Advantage pro- ses in Medicare Advantage. In a edHealth lasted about 20 min-
citing a healthcare privacy law. at a pretty severe level,” she need,” Humana said. gram decades ago, the hope 2021 report, the inspector gen- utes. The nurse worked for
The Journal consulted more said. Many patients may never was that insurers would make eral that oversees Medicare HouseCalls, a unit of United-
than a dozen experts, including A spokesman for Humana, know they have been misdiag- Medicare more efficient. In tra- found the agency spent billions Health.
academics, actuaries and policy the second biggest Medicare nosed by their insurers, and ditional Medicare, doctors and of dollars based on insurer- UnitedHealth said that in
analysts, about its analysis of Advantage insurer, provided a doctors often don’t know when hospitals get paid for each ser- driven diagnoses for which pa- 2023 three million “gaps in
the Medicare data, who said written statement that said the insurers have added diagnoses vice they provide, an incentive tients received no care from care” were identified during
the methodology was sound. Journal’s analysis of treatment of their patients. to provide more. The idea be- doctors. such home visits, which typi-
A spokeswoman for the Cen- rates for people with insurer- Insurer-driven diagnoses by hind Medicare Advantage was Government contractors au- cally last 45 to 60 minutes. It
ters for Medicare and Medicaid driven diagnoses “is flawed UnitedHealth for diseases that to pay private insurers a lump dit Medicare Advantage plans said HouseCalls workers called
Services, which oversees Medi- and misleading.” no doctor treated generated sum to cover all services, giv- and eventually can recoup pay- ambulances 624 times that
care, said the agency was mak- The company said that in- $8.7 billion in 2021 payments ing them an incentive to keep outs for inaccurate diagnoses. year after identifying emergen-
ing changes that would con- ternal data showed its HIV pa- to the company, the Journal’s patients healthier. An insurance industry trade cies, and that the visits had a
tinue to ensure “taxpayer tients who got diagnosed in analysis showed. United- To protect insurers from the group, AHIP, said in a written 99% customer-satisfaction
dollars are appropriately one way, through home visits, Health’s net income that year risk of winding up with sicker- statement that such audits rate.
spent.” Medicare Advantage were on antiretroviral treat- was about $17 billion. than-average patients, the gov- have found Medicare Advan- Former employees said Unit-
“offers robust and stable op- ment at a far higher rate than UnitedHealth’s Wiggin said ernment allowed bigger pay- tage insurers to be highly accu- edHealth also uses the visits to
tions” for beneficiaries, the the Journal found. The Medi- the Journal’s calculations ap- ments for certain serious rate. add diagnoses. A HouseCalls
spokeswoman said. care data show about one-third pear accurate. He said the health conditions. Medicare administrators are home-visit training manual,
The Journal reviewed the of those Humana patients were added payments are “not sim- Partly because of that, Medi- overhauling the list of diseases which was reviewed by the
Medicare data under a research on the drugs. ply earnings for the company,” care Advantage has cost the for which insurers earn higher Journal, describes software
agreement with the federal Wiggin, the UnitedHealth but help pay for medical care, government an extra $591 bil- payments. Some of the most used on the laptops that work-
government. The data doesn’t spokesman, called the Journal’s heavily used diagnoses, includ- ers carry on home visits. Ac-
include patients’ names, but analysis flawed because it cor- ing diabetic cataracts, will pay cording to the manual, the
covers details of doctor visits, relates insurer-driven diagno- less or nothing extra after the software offers suggestions
hospital stays, prescriptions ses with subsequent medical changes take full effect in 2026. about what illness a patient
and other care. The Journal care. But new diagnoses, including might have—and even adds
identified the patients named He said internal company asthma, were added to the list some automatically to a “diag-
in this article through their data for 2022 showed a treat- of conditions warranting extra nosis cart.”
doctors. ment rate for patients United- payments. The nurse visiting Lee con-
Health diagnosed with HIV of CMS said its changes cluded that her minor cataracts
more than triple what the showed it is a “good steward of were caused by diabetes that
Demonstrably false Journal found. He said the pan- taxpayer dollars.” was severe enough to have
Some diagnoses claimed by demic disrupted care, lowering triggered nerve damage, ac-
insurers were demonstrably treatment rates during the pe- Harriet Siskin, left, was cording to a letter from House-
false, the Journal found, be- riod analyzed by the Journal, diagnosed with obstructed Calls to her primary care doc-
cause the conditions already and that the analysis failed to arteries. Insurers added tor that was reviewed by the
had been cured. More than account for patients who diagnoses to patients of Dr. Journal. A diabetes test done
66,000 Medicare Advantage pa- started treatments in future Howard Chen, below. during the visit was negative,
tients were diagnosed with dia- years. according to the letter.
betic cataracts even though The Medicare data, however, Lee’s doctor, Nancy Keating,
they already had gotten cata- show UnitedHealth’s patients also a professor at Harvard
ract surgery, which replaces with insurer-driven HIV diag- Medical School, said her pa-
the damaged lens of an eye noses were on the antiretrovi- tient has never had diabetes,
with a plastic insert. rals at low rates even before let alone complications like dia-
“It’s anatomically impossi- the pandemic, and hardly any betic cataracts or nerve dam-
ble,” said Dr. Hogan Knox, an started the drugs in the years age—a conclusion confirmed by
eye specialist at University of after UnitedHealth diagnosed subsequent blood tests.
Alabama at Birmingham. “Once them. “It’s all just so wrong,” Keat-
a lens is removed, the cataract Some of the insurer-driven ing said.
never comes back.” diagnoses startled patients. Lee agrees. “If they’re going
Another 36,000 diabetic cat- Harriet Siskin, a retired cus- to come out and diagnose peo-
aract patients didn’t receive tomer-service worker, was di- ple with things they don’t have,
any medical services or pre- agnosed last year with ob- they shouldn’t get any more
scription drugs related to dia- structed arteries in her legs by money,” she said.
betes. a doctor who visited her house Lee switched to another
About 18,000 Medicare Ad- on behalf of her insurer, Hu- health plan this year.
vantage recipients had insurer- mana, which stood to make an
driven diagnoses of HIV, the vi- extra roughly $2,300 a year

rus that causes AIDS, but from the diagnosis. Methodology

weren’t receiving treatment for “He told me that I may have Scan this code
the virus from doctors, be- some sort of artery blockage,” to read about
tween 2018 and 2021, the data said Siskin, who tested nega- how WSJ
showed. Each HIV diagnosis tive a few months later after analyzed
generates about $3,000 a year her regular doctor ordered a Medicare data.
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A13


ould you let a
stranger vacation
in your home if
you got free lodg-
ing in return?
A free stay in
someone else’s home, long a bud-
get-friendly way to travel, has be-
come more appealing as costs rise
and travelers seek out local vibes.
Home-swapping platform Peo-
ple Like Us has more than 10,300
homes listed on its site. Chief Ex-
ecutive Drew Seitam says, by the
end of June, members had com-
pleted or arranged for 30% more
swaps than in all of 2023. Another
platform, HomeExchange, has more
than 175,000 members, a number it
says has grown 17% this year.
Home-swap platforms like
these charge annual membership
fees north of $100. Swaps also
happen more informally in Face-
book groups and between friends.
Travelers can do a simultaneous
swap, where they travel during the
same dates, but can also plan to
host each other at different times.
While home exchanges can save
travelers thousands on lodging,
they aren’t for everyone.

Get to know each other

The person you are swapping with
shouldn’t feel like a stranger by
the time you arrive, home ex-
changers say.

Swap Homes With a Stranger

Barbara Osterwisch, 66 years
old, and her husband, Glenn, both
retirees, have swapped their home
in Houston and their cabin in
Texas’ Hill Country for stays in

To Save Money on Vacation

the Netherlands, France, Canada,
Austria and California. They video
chat with potential matches to es-
tablish rapport, and give tours of
their homes. Many exchangers be-
gin planning their swaps months, Residence exchangers give the following tips to consider before listing your home
if not years, in advance.
This gives time for get-
ting to know one an- buy a supplemental policy for va-
other, Osterwisch says. cation-rental coverage. Travelers
Apprehensive travel- should also ensure the home they
ers should consider a are staying in has coverage. And
swap within a few renters ought to check their leases
hours’ drive as a trial before entering into a swap.
run, rather than jumping Some swappers let travelers
into an exchange in an- borrow their cars. Ruiz recom-
other country, she says. mends first asking the person
Home swaps aren’t you’re exchanging with about
for tourists who like ev- their driver’s licenses and insur-
erything just so, travel- ance coverage.
ers say. Unlike a short- Shawn and Bill Personke, from
term rental, home swaps Michigan, had a potential swap
are more likely to be fall through because the other
people’s primary resi- family wanted to use their car.
dences. People leave clothes in the ness, while European travelers  Tech worker Oleg Pynda worked Some travelers say they lock  Glenn and Barbara Osterwisch
closets, tools in the garage and focus on the quality of the home remotely during part of his home valuables in one room of the house have traveled across Europe,
photos on the walls. Living in they are offering to exchange. or put them in the trunks of their

exchange in Paris. including to France, during their

someone’s home is part of the Pynda says he is comfortable cars and take the keys with them. home exchanges.
charm, but it isn’t the same as with people staying in his apartment Problems can arise, but none of
staying in a hotel with a front desk for a short time, so he doesn’t feel home during a swap, says Janet the travelers interviewed had any
and staff to fix issues that arise. compelled to sign up for services Ruiz of the Insurance Information horror stories to share. says. She decided to go for the
Using a platform can ensure that provide extra insurance for Institute. They might also limit “My only regret regarding swap because she can give her
some safety and quality guaran- members. The people he swaps with compensation for damage done to home exchanging is not figuring it sons a memorable vacation in a
tees, swappers say. Some compa- end up becoming familiar to him. hosts’ and visitors’ possessions out sooner,” Osterwisch says. beautiful home while saving thou-
nies, such as Kindred, a members- Homeowners and renters-insur- while people are in your home. sands on lodging.
only platform, offer 24/7 text ance policies might limit the num- “People don’t want to tell their Flexible dates, locations Travelers with flexible dates
support for problems. ber of days a guest can stay in your insurance agents what they are Marina Wanders, a photographer, and locations will have more op-
Osterwisch says she and her doing,” she says. Having a conver- lives in a suburb of Austin, Texas. tions. The Personkes once scored a
husband have stayed in touch with sation with the agent before any- She floated the idea of a summer swap in Angers, France, on their
the families they swapped with  Shawn Personke, below, and her thing happens can help you make house swap in a Facebook group. A preferred dates.
and now have connections all over husband, Bill, say they found informed choices about coverage, Dallas woman, whose home has a People who live in major cities
the world. community with other exchangers. she adds, including whether to backyard swimming pool and a have more luck requesting specific
shower with a chande- dates because their locations are
Check insurance policy lier in it, responded and in demand, but travelers like the
Some travelers use membership- said she was game. Wan- Personkes, who live in a small city
based services to provide supple- ders says Dallas isn’t her outside of Detroit, often need to
mental insurance or support if ideal vacation destina- work harder marketing their
things go wrong. tion, but as a 29-year- homes. The Personkes’ swappers
Oleg Pynda is a 31-year-old New old single mom of two, have experienced their town’s local
York City tech worker who has she looks for affordable parade and nearby nature trails.
swapped with travelers from travel alternatives. They say they love living like
France. He says, based on his expe- “I’m like a middle- locals, getting baguettes in remote
rience, U.S. travelers tend to worry class American single French towns and joining neigh-
more about strangers staying in mom and make enough bors for dinner.
their homes and damaging their to pay my bills and buy “Sometimes we are the first
belongings. Most of the initial mes- $40 shampoo, but I do Americans people are ever going
sages he gets from U.S.-based trav- not have a chandelier in to meet, and I want to make a
elers emphasize their trustworthi- my shower,” Wanders good impression,” Shawn says.

Card Perk Backfires

“It seems like they’re perpetuat- tion on more sites and apps—from merchants. “The risk isn’t worth the
ing the very fraud that they’re try- one-click checkouts to restaurant benefit,” he said. He was told that
ing to prevent,” Evans said. reservations and doctors’ appoint- wasn’t an option.

In Cases of Fraud
A Visa spokeswoman said it is ments. The four biggest U.S. banks A Chase spokeswoman said cus-
up to card issuers—the banks—to said credit-card spending rose in tomers are never on the hook for
keep updated card information from 2023 from the year before. unauthorized charges. The bank de-
flowing to merchants involved in a While card networks say it is on clined to comment on Miller’s case.
fraudulent-transaction dispute. the banks or merchants to help cus- Microsoft didn’t respond to a re-
BY IMANI MOISE for some customers when fraud Bank of America said automati- tomers when their accounts are quest for comment.
occurs. cally updating card information is a compromised, banks often tell cus-

n under-the-radar feature that Thomas Evans has asked Bank customer convenience, and it works tomers the problem is out of their Tough fix
aims to save customers time of America to send him a new with customers to resolve issues. A control. In March, Zane Herrington noticed
when their credit card is lost credit card every few months since spokesman told The Wall Street When Jon Miller, an IT specialist an unauthorized $70 Hulu charge
or stolen is backfiring. May 2022, when he first noticed an Journal it has now removed Evans’s in Lincoln, Neb., called JPMorgan on top of his regular $19 payment.
When you request unauthorized Uber credit-card account from the up- Chase to dispute a fraudulent $9.99 He disputed the charge and re-
a new card or your charge on his ac- dater program. Evans said he hasn’t Xbox subscription charge in Sep- quested a new card number for his
card expires, the is- count. heard that from Bank of America. tember, he tried to head off the au- Apple Card.
suer sends you a card Card networks The fraudulent Uber said it blacklists stolen card tomatic card-information updates. Then he got hit with another un-
with a new number. In enroll cardholders charges continued credentials if made aware of them. He had heard on Reddit about the authorized Hulu charge.
the past, this meant anyway. With each potential for problems. Reversing the charges was easy.
that come payment in updater new card, a Visa, his Rising use and abuse At the time, Miller requested Preventing them from happening
time, you would have
to add the new num-
programs by credentials were auto-
matically updated for
Card networks such as Mastercard
and Visa enroll cardholders in up-
that his new account information
not be shared with Xbox, which is
wasn’t. “It’s like they just went into
my wallet and gave everybody my
ber to any utility or default. merchants that were dater programs by default, which owned by Microsoft. card number,” he said.
retailer website that previously authorized they say customers prefer. He said the customer-service He said Apple Card representa-
kept your card infor- to charge his account. Banks and card companies say representative didn’t know what he tives told him the only way to pre-
mation on file. Uber is on that list of fraud involving automatic updates was talking about. A few minutes vent unauthorized Hulu charges was
But today, largely invisible to merchants, even though Evans of stored card information, a feature after he activated the new card, he to block the streaming-video service
cardholders, credit-card companies doesn’t have an Uber account. that has been around for more than got a new Xbox charge. from charging his account. That
often automatically update your He said Bank of America told a decade, is rare compared with Another Chase customer-service meant he could no longer use the
card information—no need to enter him his credit-card account couldn’t other kinds of credit-card fraud. representative then cut Xbox off card to pay for his own account.
in new information. It is a conve- be removed from the card updater The problem has grown, however, from Miller’s account information. Apple and Hulu didn’t respond to
nience that has become a headache program. as people store their card informa- Miller said he wanted to block all requests for comment.
A14 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Y Is Your New Online Friend Real?

ou’re on Facebook,
LinkedIn or X and get a
message. Maybe it’s
from a stranger in your
industry, maybe some-
one from your home- It’s getting harder to trust who you are talking to. There are some new tools that can help.
town claiming to know you from
way back when. The person wants sults. Just because a link appears
to reconnect or get your advice. as the top result doesn’t mean it’s
This could all be wonderful. Or a trusted source.
it could be the start of a scam.
Unfortunately, security experts Red flags
say, the latter is more likely, be- Tech companies are taking steps
cause personalized schemes to to protect their users and, in some
dupe internet users are on the cases, stop suspicious communica-
rise. Trouble is, it is harder than tion before it can reach you.
ever to know whether that person Google is building a tool for An-
showing up in your messages is droid phone users that alerts them
real or not. when a potential scam is happen-
A check mark next to some- ing during a call. It detects con-
one’s name on social media used versation patterns commonly asso-
to mean their identity had been ciated with fraud, such as a “bank
verified. That’s now not the case representative” asking you to
on all sites. Artificial intelligence share your password.
can help bad actors replicate the Users will have to opt into the
voices and appearances of strang- feature, and Google will share
ers. Online transactions—such as more information about it later
selling furniture on Facebook Mar- this year, a spokesman says.
ketplace—are magnets for fraud, LinkedIn has a similar feature
banks and security experts warn. for messaging that detects poten-
And schemers are cozying up to tially harmful content, such as
people online and pretending to when someone asks to leave
kindle romance to gain access to LinkedIn to communicate on an-
their money, a form of fraud called other platform.
“pig butchering.” Social-media services can po-
The single best step to deter- lice some activities of bad actors
mine someone’s identity online is on their apps. But if, say, you end
to slow down. Don’t rush to re- up texting with someone who ini-
spond to an intriguing message. tially messaged you on LinkedIn,
Instead do some vetting before you lose that backstop, security
taking things further. Tech compa- analysts say.
nies are beginning to help, too, If there are red flags from
with Google, LinkedIn and Bumble someone you haven’t communi-
introducing features to detect sus- cated with before, LinkedIn auto-
picious messages and users. matically sends the message to
U.S. consumers lost $1.1 billion spam. If a message from someone
in romance scams last year, ac- known to you seems suspicious, it
cording to the Federal Trade Com- still shows up in your inbox with a
mission, while business scams cost warning. The feature is on by de-
people $752 million. fault for U.S. users.
Dating app Bumble’s Deception
Changing rules Detector tool uses AI to assess the
The growing sophistication of authenticity of profiles on its dat-
scams means guidelines ing app. Two months
for operating online are after launch, member
changing. Some old respond to bad actors online. reports of scam ac-
rules still apply: Cross- AI can mimic people’s voices counts fell by 45%, a
check people and their already, and is likely to keep get- Bumble spokeswoman
credentials on legiti- ting more realistic. AI-generated says.
mate sites such as their deepfakes impersonating col- Always handle digi-
employer’s home page. leagues have tricked employees tal interactions with
Don’t click on suspi- into handing over millions of dol- skepticism, especially
cious links or continue lars. In Hong Kong earlier this when asked to do
the conversation on a year, an employee gave $25.5 mil- something out of the
different platform. lion to an attacker who used AI to ordinary, such as send-
Earlier this year, af- pose as the company’s chief finan- ing a large sum of
ter 27-year-old Callie cial officer. money, security ana-
Smith failed to get pre- “With generative AI, you may lysts say.
sale tickets to an Olivia absolutely recognize the voice, or Weigh the risks of
Rodrigo concert, she you could recognize the face,” the conversation, says
started looking for re- Grimes says. “It’s not science fic- Eva Galperin, director
sale tickets. Most cost tion, it’s actually happening.” of cybersecurity at the
about $700 apiece for a show in  LinkedIn automatically filters If you’re messaging with some- Electronic Frontier
Washington, D.C.—too expensive out suspicious messages for U.S. one online, pepper them with Foundation, a non-
for Smith, who works at a consult- accounts. You can turn it off in questions to discern whether profit digital rights
ing firm and lives in Arlington, Va. data privacy settings. they’re human or a bot, says Pat- group. A conversation
She came across an Instagram rick Long, a security analyst at re-  Designating a transaction as a with a stranger who is asking for
account offering 2-for-1 tickets. search firm Gartner. Think about good or service on PayPal and your thoughts about Friday’s foot-
Smith and the seller exchanged protections—such as designating how the sender would have gotten some other payment apps can help ball game is different from some-
phone numbers and video-chatted, the transaction as payment for a specific information about you. you get your money back from a one asking you to send money to
and Smith sent $700 via Apple good or service in PayPal—also For someone claiming to be family scammer. fund a business.
Cash. The woman immediately could have protected her. or a friend, ask questions the real “Pay very close attention to
blocked her and never transferred “You just can’t trust everyone,” person would know or things that what the ask is, what this person

the tickets. Smith couldn’t get her says Smith, who still hasn’t gotten can’t be easily found on social schools they attended, and get is trying to get you to do,” Galp-
money back because instant peer- tickets for the late-July show. media. names and descriptions of other erin says.
payment services have few fraud Or, have a code word ready. Be- people they know. Cross-check with Never share personal informa-
protections. The hot seat cause AI can replicate voices, other sources online—for recruit- tion like your Social Security num-
She googled the person’s name You used to be able to trust the someone could call claiming to be ers, see whether they are listed on ber, and if money is changing
and phone number but found noth- sound of a voice you recognized your son—and even sound like their firm’s website, for example. hands, pay in a way that is pro-
ing beyond the Instagram profile. on the phone, even if the person him—asking for money. Before If the answers don’t match up, tected. Apps such as PayPal and
Had Smith searched before sending called from an unfamiliar number, transferring funds, ask for your end the conversation and block Venmo include purchase protec-
the money, the thin search results says Roger Grimes, a senior com- prearranged secret word. the sender. tions if you designate a transac-
would have been a red flag, secu- puter-security consultant at If you’re messaging with job re- You can cross-check a number tion as payment for goods or ser-
rity analysts say. Using a different KnowBe4, which trains company cruiters or potential love interests, by searching for it on Google, but vices. Apple Cash doesn’t have
payment method with more fraud employees how to recognize and ask about previous employers and pay close attention to search re- such an option.

Cities Are Vegas. If offices can’t

carry a downtown econ-
omy anymore, the
but still pays artists to
perform in public.
Being a salaried bus-

Hiring Street thinking goes, perhaps

entertainment can.
A number of cities
ker is hardly a full-time
job. REV Birmingham
only pays for two-hour

Performers are still focusing on

more ambitious plans,
such as building stadi-
slots, and Heindel said
he does a couple a year.
But some performers
ums, casinos or parks to make it a weekly habit.
Continued from Page One lure people from the Mira Kehoe spends
town development districts and suburbs and reinvigo- about three hours a
other nonprofit groups are paying rate local shops and week on average play-
up to $100 an hour for buskers, jug- businesses. But these ing jazz and Brazilian
glers, mimes and musicians, betting projects take years and music on various in-
their acts can make empty office are expensive, espe- struments in down-
districts feel safer and less depress- cially when falling town Minneapolis. She
ing. downtown office values is part of three busking
“I didn’t even think it was a pos- threaten property tax programs and makes
sibility to get paid at all for some- revenues. around $100 a week on
thing like this,” said Noelle Jackson, Paying buskers offers average in stipends,
a flow artist who makes $40 an a cheaper, more imme- not counting tips, she
hour, plus tips, waving around diate fix for cities. said. On rare occasions,
weighted balls tied to strings in These programs are typically fi- Noelle Jackson, a flow artist; Jory ers can put down their availability, passersby steal money from Kehoe’s
downtown Grand Rapids, Mich., nanced by hotel or property taxes. Lee Heindel, with guitar, goes by then get assigned a date and place. tip jar or try to touch her instru-
courtesy of the local downtown de- Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., the the stage name Martini Shakers. The program is seasonal, running ments. Her husband, also a busker,
velopment organization. city’s downtown development or- for a few weeks at a time, and costs recently saw a fight break out 3 feet
“That’s money going to gas, that’s ganization, pays buskers $40 per REV Birmingham a few thousand from his elbow while he was playing
money going to food,” she said. hour. In Chattanooga, a nonprofit ask if they knew any performers and dollars a year, Crain said. the piano. “You have to be skillful at
“That’s huge for me.” called SoundCorps, working to- reached out to local media. Those Not all musicians are a hit. When how to be in that environment on
Cities hope it can be huge for gether with the city’s Tourism Com- interested were asked to fill out an Cincinnati’s nonprofit downtown de- the street where anything can hap-

them, too. Remote work and closed pany, pays $25 per hour. The going online form and include links to velopment corporation 3CDC started pen,” she said.
department stores have left many hourly rate for a busker in Minneap- their YouTube or SoundCloud ac- paying street musicians during the But for the most part, buskers
downtowns trapped in a downward olis ranges from $60 for single mu- counts. “I go through all of those pandemic, nearby office workers say they feel safe. And they hope
spiral known as a Doom Loop. As sicians to $100 for a trio. and try to listen to the submis- complained about loud percussion- their music will help others feel the
fewer people commute to work, “It’s a pretty low lift for us to do sions,” Crain said. “And basically, as ists, said Christy Samad, the group’s same way. “A lot of people, particu-
shops and restaurants are forced to and to change things,” said Jona- long as you’re a good, competent executive vice president of civic and larly in the South, look at downtown
close, making business districts than Crain, REV Birmingham’s proj- performer, you kind of go in the yes commercial space activation. So the as more of a dangerous place to be,”
more desolate and keeping more ect manager. pile.” organization ditched the drummers Heindel said. “So when you see
people in the suburbs. His nonprofit REV Birmingham The nonprofit now has a spread- but stuck with singers and guitar some random guy on the street
To escape this cycle, cities are started paying buskers in 2022. At sheet with more than 200 perform- players. The group has since singing an Elvis song, I think it kind
trying to be a little more like Las first, staffers called a local college to ers, most of them musicians. Busk- stopped its official busking program of dispels that fear.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A15

CULTURAL COMMENTARY ting revelers who fall

A Milestone
in behind first-line
brass players. The
song’s title is a Creole
Mardi Gras parade
chant that, roughly

Of Funk Music
translated, means
“Get out of our way.”
The music is remark-
able for its undulating
twists and turns and
Released 50 years ago this month, the Meters’ the funky drum pat-
terns: “Feel good mu-
‘Rejuvenation’ has a spunky New Orleans sound sic / In your soul /
Makes your body / Do
the slow boogie roll.”
BY MARC MYERS on their 1975 American tour and Mr. Nocentelli’s

their European tour the following rock guitar threads
unk predates rock ’n’ year. through “It Ain’t No
roll. The highly synco- What sets the Meters apart on Use,” the album’s lon-
pated form can be traced “Rejuvenation” is a peppery stew gest song at nearly 12
back to 1953, when jazz of Bourbon Street drama and gritty minutes. The lyrics
pianist Horace Silver be- rural grooves. Rhythms twitch with look at love’s powerful
gan recording original layered patterns and pauses in odd hold, even over those
songs such as “Opus de Funk” for places, while the bass and guitar considering a
Blue Note Records. With the popu- jerk one way and the other, making breakup: “I could
larity of the electric bass in the the music festive and unpredict- think of a thousand
early 1960s, artists such as James able. Once assembled, songs are reasons for me to
Brown and Sly and the Family loaded with snap and surprises. leave you / But I know
Stone added grooves and hooks The band—keyboardist Art if I ever walked out
that transformed funk into dance Neville, guitarist Leo Nocentelli, that door / I wouldn’t
music. In New Orleans, the Meters bassist George Porter Jr. and know what to do.”
played an influential role in funk’s drummer Ziggy Modeliste—was “Loving You Is on
evolution. formed in 1965 in New Orleans My Mind” is a breezy
Fifty years ago this month, the and became part of electric funk’s pop instrumental led
group released “Rejuvenation,” its first wave. As the house band in by Neville’s keyboard
fifth studio album, widely consid- 1968 at Allen Toussaint’s record- combined with Mr.
ered a funk milestone by critics. ing studio, they named themselves Nocentelli’s rock gui-
The music had all of the Meters to em- tar and Mr. Porter’s
the genre’s core phasize their precise bass on top. Back-
characteristics—rub- approach to rhythm. ground vocals chime
bery bass lines, wah- The band They signed with in, chanting the song’s
wah guitar and impressed both Josie Records in title.
tightly arranged 1969 and released The album’s closer,
horns. But the Mick Jagger and three albums of “Africa,” is a bass-
Meters’ complex mostly instrumental
polyrhythms and
Paul McCartney funk. Switching to which neatly blends funk and a  The Meters, whose 1974 studio
driven yearning for
one’s “motherland.” Mr. Modeliste
New Orleans flavor in the 1970s. Reprise in 1972, gospel choir: “I believe everything album is rich with intricate on drums not only keeps the 4/4
elevated funk to a their music began to about you baby / Love is for me / rhythms and strutting bass lines. tempo but adds a knotty pattern.
new level as the include vocals and You oughta be / Right here in my The original Meters broke up in
group added hard elements of rock. On lovin’ arms.” 1977, when two members de-
rock, Mardi Gras’s second-line “Rejuvenation,” they co-produced “Just Kissed My Baby” is a con- civilization: “Got my home / Don’t parted. Three of them reunited in
rhythms, gospel, soul and pop. with Toussaint for the first time. vulsive, acid-funk song that cele- need to roam / The jungle is 1989 and remained together for
Though “Rejuvenation” failed No two songs on the record brates the feeling of a kiss. Mr. where I live / Peace and love and five years. Though “Rejuvenation”
to land on the Billboard charts, it sound alike. The writing of the Modeliste’s intricate drum rhythms harmony is what I have to give.” didn’t become a mainstream hit,
deeply inspired funk, rock, soul nine tracks is credited to all four zig-zag with Mr. Porter’s bass, The song’s repeated phrase, “I’m the album’s funk did seep into the
and hip-hop artists, including the Meters musicians, who sought to while Little Feat’s Lowell George the jungle man, that’s what I am,” consciousness of many artists,
Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Grate- showcase their eclectic style. The adds a slide guitar. “What’cha Say” seems to have influenced KC and producers and songwriters in a va-
ful Dead and Public Enemy. In album kicks off with a bump-and- is also a love song but picks up the the Sunshine Band’s “I’m Your riety of genres. All were looking

early 1975, the Meters were in- grind groove on “People Say” that pace with a pop melody wrapped Boogie Man” (1976). for a new sound.
vited by Paul and Linda McCart- highlights the inner city’s growing in funk lines and rhythms. “Hey Pocky A-Way” is the re-
ney to perform at a Wings album impatience with high prices, pov- A series of intricate rhythms cord’s high point and features the Mr. Myers is the author of “Rock
party on the Queen Mary in Cali- erty and crime. are showcased on “Jungle Man,” intoxicating second-line shuffle of Concert: An Oral History” and
fornia. Then the Rolling Stones The group’s soulful roots sur- who, according to the song’s lyr- New Orleans street parades. The “Anatomy of 55 More Songs”
asked the Meters to open for them face in the ballad “Love Is for Me,” ics, is joyfully free of uncivilized second line is made up of strut- (Grove Press).

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

ARTS CALENDAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 Concrete-
HAPPENINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 9 14 15 16 steel rod
24 Oscar-
17 18 19
BY WSJ ARTS IN REVIEW STAFF how creatures have been desert landscapes: The al- winning
adapting to a changing bum was inspired by the 20 21 22
Disney song
Film climate and manmade soundtracks and the aes- 25 Command to
“Fly Me to the Moon” intrusions on nature. The thetic of spaghetti westerns 23 24 25 an attack dog
(July 12) six-part series captures from the ’60s and ’70s.
Scarlett Johansson and never-before-observed 26 27 28 29 30
26 Green sci.
Channing Tatum star in this behaviors, including some Opera 27 Do a
romantic comedy-drama set desperate measures for “The Righteous” 31 32 33 34 35 36 stevedore’s
during the space race. Kelly survival: Otters weave (Santa Fe Opera, July 13- job
Jones (Ms. Johansson), a through traffic in Singapore, Aug. 13) 37 38 39 40
marketing expert hired to polar bears hunt reindeer A preacher in the 1980s
28 •Plows over
burnish NASA’s image ahead inland, and arctic foxes Southwest struggles with 41 42 43 44 30 Actor
of the Apollo 11 moon land- resort to cannibalism. faith, love and power— Guinness
ing, soon butts heads with marrying into a wealthy 45 46 47
32 Lowdown
launch director Cole Davis Theater family but drawn to a
(Mr. Tatum)—but the pair “Oh, Mary!” mystical woman who 48 49 50 51 52 33 Tackiness
must learn to work together (Lyceum Theater, New York, upends his personal, 35 Tigers’ home
for the sake of the mission. July 11-Sep. 15) religious and political fates. 53 54 55 56 57 58
This world premiere from 36 STEM part
Gregory Spears (“Fellow 59 60 61
39 Heads toward
Travelers”) and Tracy K. the heavens
Smith (the former U.S. Poet 62 63 64
Laureate) is directed by 42 Period
Kevin Newbury. 65 66 67
44 ABBA’s genre
Art 46 Gaseous fuel
“Where I Learned to Look: U TUBE | By Joanne Sullivan 48 Muscle flexed
Art From the Yard” Across 31 Felines flip 61 Ramp for a 5 Converts a in a WWII
(Institute of Contemporary for it skate- or document to “We Can Do
Art, Philadelphia, July 13- 1 Joltin’ joe?
34 •“Bridgerton” snowboarder, digital form It!” poster
Dec. 1) 5 Messy digs and a
While the warm weather attire 6 Aggressive 49 “Hello” singer
8 Pursue with description of heavy metal
has us spending more time 37 Poem the answers 51 Owl’s claw
outdoors, this aptly timed enthusiasm subgenre
accompanied to the starred 52 Middle-earth
show examines that mashup 14 Stratford’s by a lyre 7 Apt fast-food
clues or North Pole
of private-yet-outside space: river corporation
the yard. With objects from 38 “Never in 62 Page of denizen
15 “In the a million ticker symbol
 Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum in ‘Fly Me to more than two dozen art- “The Umbrella 54 Where to do
the Moon,’ a new rom-com set during the space race. ists, this exhibition looks at
Heights” years!” 8 Sites of
Academy” laps
that transitional space be- director load-bearing
Jon M. ___ 40 Purpose 63 Card game 56 Jeer
tween home and the wider machines?
TV Written by and starring world through works by van- 16 Think highly 41 •Driver with with colorful
9 Novelist 57 Beyond
“Exploding Kittens” Cole Escola, this Broadway essa german, Donald Judd, of a need for suits
Ferber awesome
(July 12, Netflix) production follows a boozy, Jeff Koons, Wendy Red Star speed 64 R.I.P. lines
From showrunners Shane brittle Mary Todd Lincoln in and others.
17 •Fuelless 10 Hrs. before 58 Brooklyn
power plant 43 Worth taking 65 Tool in basketball
Kosakowski (“Teenage the run-up to the noon
a long route pharmacy team
Bounty Hunters”) and Mat- assassination of Abraham Last Call 19 Open, as a to see 11 •Hurler’s
thew Inman, this adult ani- Lincoln (Conrad Ricamora), “Chaïm Soutine. Against drain logos
tally 60 Ignited
mated comedy is a loose ad- credited only as “Mary’s the Current” 45 Docking fee 66 Queens on a
20 “Smooth” 12 Got up 61 What to do
aptation of the card game of Husband.” Mrs. Lincoln is a (Louisiana Museum of 47 Four Corners chessboard,
the same name. When God ferocious alcoholic Modern Art, Humlebaek,
band when you
state paradoxically 13 Lukewarm don’t know
and the Devil are both sent determined to reinvent Denmark, through July 14) 21 Protein
to Earth in feline form, a fi- herself as a cabaret singer. A retrospective celebrates synthesis 48 Train to SFO 67 Muscles that 18 Air safety org. the words
ery struggle ensues between As the press release informs the painter’s distinctive molecule bodybuilders
50 Harness Previous Puzzle’s Solution
the two housecats. The us, here is a chance to style, characterized by bounce
22 CBS franchise racer P A S T A R E F I B O B
voice cast includes Tom Ellis experience Mrs. Lincoln’s life frenetic brushstrokes, bold Down MA Y O R B I S O N U N O
(“Lucifer”), Mark Proksch “through the lens of an colors and distorted
initials 53 Words said S A C R E A S S E T M T N
(“What We Do in the Shad- idiot.” figuration that borders on 23 Got on one’s with a hand 1 Early A T S T A K E E E R I E
ows”), Sasheer Zamata abstraction. Our critic called last nerve in the air Spielberg film R E MO T E A N A G R AM S
(“Saturday Night Live”) and Music it “an illuminating exhibition”
25 Garden 54 ___de deux 2 Sports shoe D O R I C A S A N A S
Ally Maki (“Wrecked”). Future Utopia, “Django’s that “emphasizes the radical brand E K E H A V E N O T S P A
structure 55 Lightbulb
High” (July 12) individualism of its subject.” P A L E S T E A T A T
“Mammals” (July 13, BBC Fronted by Grammy win- 26 Instead type 3 Alpine skier T E R M S S I P V O L T
Lindsey T O N E P O E M U S A R M Y
America, AMC+) ner Fraser T. Smith, the For additional Arts Calendar

29 Like “Hava 59 Yo-Yo Ma’s I B I Z A R E S P I T E

Narrated by David grime group’s summertime listings visit Write Nagila” collection 4 “Next...” L O G G R A N T M A S O N
Attenborough, this record is calibrated to to and D OM N A S T Y B R U N O
documentary investigates scorching temperatures and ▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at E T A E Y E S A S P E N
A16 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

ington, now walking into a placid
football community in Tuscaloosa
which surely will give him all the
time and space he needs to build a
winner. Harbaugh’s replacement is
Sherrone Moore, an assistant who
already guided the Wolverines to
an epic victory over Ohio State
while Harbaugh was in a confer-
ence-mandated time out. (The
Buckeyes, meanwhile, have now
lost three straight games to That
Team Up North, and all eyes are
on Bunyan-bearded head coach
Ryan Day to deliver in The Game
That Matters Most.)

Playoff Expansion. Here we go.

College football denied the possi-
bility for years, but it was inevita-
ble: blowing out its postseason
playoff format from four teams to
12. This is the season it finally
happens. It means you’re going to
have a college football playoff con-
suming the back half of December
(the opening round is Dec. 20-21)
and pushing well into January
(the title game is Jan. 20 in At-
lanta). It means your entire holi-
day season will be consumed by
arguments about playoff seedings,
which I guess is better than inane
arguments about politics.
This is another No Going Back
point for college football—like
conference realignment, the ex-
panded playoff is entirely driven
Ohio State and head coach Ryan Day have lost three straight games to Michigan. The pressure will be on the Buckeyes this season. by money, and it is only a matter
of time before it swells further,
with more teams, for more dollars.
JASON GAY There’s worry about the impact

A Way Too Early Football Preview

upon regular season dramas. A
highly-ranked team that drops a
stunner—or two—won’t be
abruptly removed from playoff
consideration. Does that remove
The college game is in turbulent state with conference realignment and an expanded playoff juice from September, October and
November? We’ll see.
It’s far too early to dis- pathize. And your couch is in Tal- My other fear is that, in its
cuss college football. lahassee. rush to maximize the money, col-
There’s still an entire lege football is losing its weird-
Summer Olympics to Coach Saban and Coach Harbaugh ness, and is starting to look like
be contested. We don’t are gone. It’s the end of an era— everything else. Quarterfinals?
know who won Wim- college football has lost its Su- We’ve seen that before, in many
bledon and the Tour de France. preme Silky-Haired Leader and its other sports. Same goes for re-
The Mets haven’t sunk to the bot- Eccentric-in-Chief. Saban retired alignment, and the depletion of
tom of the National League East. from Alabama, deciding that play- longtime regional rivalries. What
It isn’t even close to sweater ing 18 lazy holes of golf was some- made college football sui generis
weather. how more fun than navigating the was its outrageous geographic in-
Still: Let’s talk about college chaotic transfer portal and the tensity—as many have said before,
football, because this could be the wilderness of name, image and its tribalism—and it’s possible the
craziest, most confusing season likeness reform. Harbaugh exited conference-widening and blinding
yet, and I want everyone to feel defending champ Michigan to try pursuit of revenue will suck a crit-
prepared—or at least angry. to build a championship winner ical ingredient from the recipe.
out of the Los Angeles Chargers, Then again, what do I know?
Here Comes the Great Reshuffle! which may be harder than teach- I’m just a sports columnist, trying
This is the year when our dollar- ing a cat how to juggle. to figure out who’s going to win FROM TOP: SCOTT STUART/ZUMA PRESS; DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS; VASHA HUNT/ASSOCIATED PRESS

craving institutions of higher Filling Saban’s impossible shoes the I Can’t Believe These are Real
learning say farewell to tradition, is Kalen DeBoer, fresh from Wash- Jeans Big 12.
100-plus years of Pac-12 history Colorado and head coach Deion Sanders, above, will be joining the Big 12,
and a basic sense of U.S. geogra- while Kalen DeBoer, right, is the new head coach at Alabama.
phy, and bafflingly rearrange foot-
ball’s most powerful conferences. the Big 12, along with Utah, Ari- Fix-It Tire Goo extra points? I fear
A refresher: zona, and Arizona State. That the Big 12 is leaving money on the
Former Pac 12 heavyweights means the Big 12 now has 16 table, and they should explore all
USC, UCLA, Washington and Ore- members, but don’t worry about options, including replacing the
gon are buying scarves and parkas the name, because the conference football with a soda can.
and heading off to the hinterlands has shown an openness to selling And yes, conference realign-
of the already overextended Big naming rights to a corporate spon- ment is all about the money—a
Ten. If you’re fussy about math, sor. For example: Instead of calling high-stakes game of musical chairs
please note: the Big Ten now has it the Big 12, you would call it the in which colleges became terrified
18 teams. Jason’s Famous Crispy Sweet Po- about losing out on big television
Stanford and California are tato Fries Big 12, or the Albert’s paychecks and decided it would be
stumbling across the country with Fabulous Concrete Driveways Big better to fly their softball teams
SMU to join the ACC. Let me re- 12, or the I Can’t Believe These are cross-country for midseason con-
peat that for you: Stanford, Cali- Real Jeans Big 12. ference games than risk losing a
fornia and SMU—famous East I don’t want them to stop TV penny.
Coast hives—are joining the At- there. Why do we call first downs If you think the game has gone
lantic Coast Conference. merely “first downs”? Why can’t totally amok, and feels unrecog-
Texas and Oklahoma are arriv- they be Glo-o-Matic Shiny Bath- nizable, I won’t argue. If you’re a
ing to conquer the SEC. Good luck room Scrubber first downs? How Pac-12 fan now looking at an
with that. about Happy Kitty Kitty Litter empty apartment and wondering
Coach Prime and Colorado join field goal attempts and Sammy’s where all the furniture went, I em-

The Fading Superpowers of France’s Man in the Mask

BY JOSHUA ROBINSON spot. For a player who scored 44 knocked out in the group stage.
times in 48 appearances for Paris The difference is that in 2024,
KYLIAN MBAPPÉ WAS the French Saint-Germain last season, that the French malaise in front of goal
national soccer team’s resident su- sort of paltry return is incroyable. has yet to cost Les Bleus. While
perhero long before he slipped on What’s become clear is that their attack has stalled, they have
a mask. France’s solution for managing the been rescued by the tightest de-
Just 25 years old, the striker broken nose is almost as bad as fense at the tournament, whose
who’s faster than a speeding bullet the broken nose itself. Mbappé 8.8 shots allowed per game is the
came into the European Champi- isn’t only bothered lowest average of
onship with 47 France goals to his by the unfamiliarity any of the 16 teams
name, fresh off a sparkling trans- of sprinting with a to reach the knock-
fer to Real Madrid, and firmly in- hunk of polycarbon- The French out rounds.
stalled as the captain of Les Bleus. ate strapped to his malaise in front Deschamps would
He was ready to terrorize Euro- face, he has also told say that this is pre-
pean defenses and make miracles his coaches that the of goal has yet cisely how he hopes
in front of goal again. mask also restricts his side would play—
Instead, Mbappé broke his nose his peripheral vision
to cost Les stay rock solid at the
in a bloody collision during and makes him feel Bleus. back and trust that
France’s opening game. Les Bleus disoriented. your collection of
soon realized that the only way he Despite all of talented forwards
could keep playing in this tourna- that, there has been will snatch a goal at
ment was to wear an uncomfort- no question of leaving Mbappé out the other end. But France’s fans—
able face protector to shield him of the starting lineup. and occasionally its own players—
from any further blows. “Even if he’s not 100%, I know have recognized that this ap-
The only problem was that the very well that for the opponent, proach rarely makes for pretty
moment Mbappé put on the mask, knowing he’s playing makes them viewing. “It’s boring as hell to
his superpowers seemed to evapo- think and forces them to adapt,” watch,” Antoine Griezmann said
rate—and France’s entire offense Kylian Mbappé broke his nose in France’s opening game of Euro 2024. France manager Didier Deschamps before the tournament. “But that’s
seemed to go with them. He hasn’t scored a goal in open play during the tournament. said. how it is. It helps us win.”
Five games into their Euro This isn’t the first time that Even if the games might look
2024 campaign, Les Bleus are still took down Portugal in a quarterfi- which gives an indication of the France has brought heavy artillery staler than a week-old baguette,

waiting for a single Frenchman to nal penalty shootout following 120 quality of the chances a team cre- to a tournament only to misfire it’s hard to argue with France’s re-
score from open play. Their three minutes of scoreless soccer. ates, Les Bleus should have scored catastrophically. In 2002, Les Bleus sults since Deschamps took over in
goals at this tournament have “What’s positive is that we’re eight times by now if their finish- went to the World Cup armed with 2012. Les Bleus are now hoping to
come from two own goals and an creating chances,” forward Ous- ing were up to its normal standard. the top scorers of the English, reach the fourth final in six major
Mbappé penalty kick. Yet France is mane Dembélé said ahead of Tues- And no one has struggled more French, and Italian leagues, only to tournaments, following their runs
somehow in the semifinals, where day’s semifinal. “We’re lacking a bit than France’s man in the mask. be eliminated in the group stage at Euro 2016 and the 2018 and
it will face Spain on Tuesday. It of efficiency, but we have situations Mbappé has taken 20 shots at the without a single goal. Eight years 2022 World Cups.
took one of those own goals for where we can score. We just ha- tournament, second only to Cris- later, with a squad that boasted “It’s a source of pride for my
the French to edge past Belgium ven’t been able to put them away.” tiano Ronaldo, but has only man- Thierry Henry, Nicolas Anelka, and players, even if we don’t do every-
in the round of 16, before they Using the expected goals metric, aged to score from the penalty Franck Ribéry, France was again thing perfectly,” Deschamps said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A17

BOOKSHELF | By John Tierney

Why Joe Probably Won’t Go Be Afraid,

This weekend dicated. And the 51 million has the team he trusts tion with fewer than three

Stay Afraid
was bad for Americans who tuned into most—his wife, Jill, and his months to spare. This is a
President Bi- the debate know that they son Hunter—encouraging him choice that ought to have
den. But this were gaslit by all those who to stay. been made months ago.
week prom- assured them that doubts In Mr. Biden’s mind, mean- Democrats have only
ises to be the about the president’s mental while, the polls showing re- themselves to blame. They all
most trying abilities were merely right- cord low approval numbers let the White House denials
of his 51-year wing talking points. aren’t real, and the only ones slide, even though some
On Call
political ca- Still, it’s one thing for the who want him not to run are knew better. It took years for By Anthony Fauci
By William
reer. Which White House to lie to pro- “elites.” As he memorably Mr. Biden’s condition to get Viking, 480 pages, $36
explains tect the president. No one told Mr. Stephanopoulos Fri- to where he was on the eve-

Monday ’s expects members of the Bi- day night, he’d only step ning of the June 27 debate. t the end of his memoir, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey
pre-emptive strike, a letter den administration to admit aside “if the Lord Almighty Given the calls from Dem- in Public Service,” Anthony Fauci laments: “We are
from the president to House publicly that their boss no came down and said, ‘Joe, ocrats in Congress, many living in an era in which information that is patently
Democrats declaring he is longer has all his marbles. get outta the race.’ ” see a hopeful parallel in the untrue gets repeated enough times that it becomes part of
“firmly committing to staying But the reason Mr. Biden got delegation of House and our everyday dialogue and starts to sound true.” He’s right
in the race.” away with it so long is that Senate Republicans that Sen. about that, and he has inadvertently produced a 480-page
The weekend kicked off the president’s people knew What the election Barry Goldwater brought to master class in how to get away with it.
with an ABC interview with the Beltway press corps the White House on Aug. 7, The memoir chronicles Dr. Fauci’s rise in Washington
George Stephanopoulos that would give them cover, and looks like now that 1974. The next evening from an obscure researcher to his fame during the Covid-19
was supposed to quell the that Fox News would be the the press is not Nixon resigned. pandemic, when he became, as he writes, a “hero to the
cries for Mr. Biden to stand only outlet at the White But Democrats who see in millions of Americans who saw me as a physician bravely
down after his awful debate House that would ever raise covering for Biden. this an escape from their Bi- standing up for science, truth, and rational decision-
performance eight days ear- a question in the daily press den dilemma overlook a cru- making.” This image bore no relation to reality, given the
lier. But troubles continued briefing. cial difference. The Republi- evidence that the lockdowns
Sunday as more members of Biden’s allies are now pay- Democrats face yet another cans who trudged to the and school closures
his own party called on Mr. ing for the delay in acknowl- problem. The most obvious Nixon White House in 1974 accomplished little or nothing
Biden to step down from the edging the reality they de- choice to replace him is Vice were telling Nixon his presi- while causing unprecedented
Democratic ticket. This week nied to the American people. President Kamala Harris, who dency was over, because the social and economic damage.
may be the president’s last But voters can’t unsee what in the RealClearPolitics poll- House had the votes to im- So how did Dr. Fauci spin it
chance to prove he’s still up they have seen, and Mr. Bi- ing average has an even lower peach him and the Senate into a personal triumph? The
to the job to an America that den can’t make his mental is- favorability rating than her had the votes to convict. memoir chronicles the
thought he was too old even sues go away. There are boss. Even so, could a Demo- As President Biden weighs development of his techniques.
before his botched debate. many suggestions from Dem- cratic Party that worships at his options, at the top of his He tells how, after becoming
The fundamental prob- ocratic strategists about the altar of identity politics mind must be which choice is director of the National
lem—the president’s frail and what Mr. Biden “needs” to do pass over a black woman more humiliating: stepping Institute of Allergy and
diminished self—is unfixable. to prove he still has it: stage without creating divisions in down—and probably still be- Infectious Diseases in 1984, one
But the debate has added no-holds-barred press confer- its own coalition? ing blamed if Mr. Trump of his first “crucial lessons”
new negatives. At least since ences, do a town hall, take an The critics may hope for a wins—or remaining on the was “how important it was to
2020, observers have noticed independent cognitive exam gracious exit speech in which ticket and becoming a Demo- cultivate relationships with
there was something wrong with all the results made the president frees his dele- cratic villain for handing people who are in a position to
with Mr. Biden. Yet anyone public, etc. gates to vote for whichever Donald Trump the election. make things happen.” These people included politicians in
who dared speak the obvious But none will work. They candidate they deem best. The possibility that he stays the White House and the Capitol, activists demanding
was savaged. Look how Dem- would only confirm the But even if Democrats nomi- on the ticket, wins a second bigger budgets, and, especially, journalists eager for stories
ocrats assailed special coun- doubts everyone has. nated someone like California term, and becomes a hero is that would terrify their audiences.
sel Robert Hur for describing The Democrats know they Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michi- a possibility that doesn’t Dr. Fauci’s rise to media stardom began early in the AIDS
Mr. Biden as an “elderly man can’t make Joe go. He’s the gan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, seem to occur to anyone but epidemic, when he published an editorial in the Journal of
with a poor memory.” president, and he has the the nominee would be head- Joe, Jill and Hunter. the American Medical Association warning that this new
Mr. Hur has now been vin- delegates. Apparently he also ing into a presidential elec- Write to disease could possibly be spread by “routine close contact”
between children and adults. The resulting headlines
inspired a wave of homophobia that infuriated gay activists,

Asia’s New ‘Game of Thrones’ but Dr. Fauci quickly placated them by reversing himself,
denouncing the idea of infection by routine social contact
as “absolutely preposterous.” The memoir doesn’t explain
North Atlan- much power is concentrated as a regional disrupter and doubt had some interesting his flip-flop—or even mention the controversy.
tic Treaty Or- in them, their summits are wants to enhance its indepen- conversations during his time Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci found another way to frighten the
ganization often more consequential dence from China. Beijing has in Moscow. American public, by joining with other federal officials in
leaders are than Western diplomacy’s territorial disputes with Viet- Armchair American strate- warning that AIDS would start spreading among
flocking to photo-op gabfests. The recent nam in the South China Sea gists shouldn’t get too excited heterosexuals. The much-hyped “heterosexual breakout”
Washington, spate of Indo-Pacific sum- and wants Hanoi to accept here. These emerging ten- never occurred, but widespread fears led to spectacular
but their mits has been no exception. Chinese hegemony. Russia sions don’t mean that the increases in AIDS spending—and complaints from other sci-
summit isn’t Mr. Putin visited North Korea sees a strong and indepen- Sino-Russian partnership is entists that the funding shifts were curtailing research into
the most im- and Vietnam in June. Mr. Xi dent Vietnam as a healthy breaking up. But the glue that diseases that claimed far more lives. Although he had been
By Walter
portant thing was in Central Asia last week, check on Chinese power. holds Russia, China and their cautioned by Albert Sabin, the developer of the oral polio
Russell Mead
going on this and, as NATO leaders gath- China doesn’t take slights fellow revisionists together is vaccine, that an HIV vaccine was unattainable, Dr. Fauci
summer. Nei- ered in Washington to cele- lightly. Mr. Xi’s visit to Cen- their common fear of Ameri- helped persuade President Bill Clinton to declare a “new
ther is the Democratic Party brate the alliance’s 75th tral Asia was, in part, tit for can power and liberal ideol- national goal for science” of developing one within a decade.
crisis over President Biden’s birthday, Mr. Modi was in tat. Mr. Putin’s goal of recre- ogy. As America turns inward “Unfortunately,” he writes, three decades and many dollars
debate performance. Events Moscow for consultations ating the Russian Empire and democracy retreats, that later, “an effective vaccine for HIV is still nowhere in sight.”
in Asia, where Russian Presi- with Mr. Putin. glue weakens, and we are get- Dr. Fauci’s funding, media visibility and access to the
dent Vladimir Putin, Chinese Mr. Putin’s visit to East ting a preview of the rivalries White House continued during later administrations,
leader Xi Jinping and Indian Asia and Mr. Xi’s travel to As U.S. power that would erupt among these particularly during the scare over a bioterrorism attack on
Prime Minister Narendra Central Asia point to emerg- allies and partners if Ameri- America (supposedly imminent after 9/11) and during media
Modi have all made high-pro- ing tensions in the China-Rus- recedes, Russia and can power were to disappear. frenzies over predicted pandemics from bird flu and swine
file trips, are driving world sia partnership that is re- China compete for It has happened before. flu. “On Call” details his campaigns to stockpile vaccines
developments. The center of shaping the world. For Mr. Early in the 1950s China and against the coming plagues, although again the sagas are
global politics has shifted to Putin, his journey to the East regional advantage. the Soviet Union were close anticlimactic: The doomsday pandemics failed to arrive.
the Indo-Pacific. What hap- was an international and a partners. But in the 1960s “One might imagine that it would be terribly frustrating
pens in the Eurasian heart- domestic success. Interna- when America was bogged to put in enormous efforts of preparation for events that
land matters more to world tionally, the agreement with means reabsorbing the Cen- down in Vietnam and torn by never happen,” Dr. Fauci writes. “However, that is not how I
politics and American inter- North Korea assures a con- tral Asian republics into a civil and political dissent at feel.” He went on seeking more funding to prepare for a
ests than anything in the At- tinuing flow of weapons and Moscow-led federation. That home, the two countries future catastrophic flu pandemic, a threat he considered so
lantic world. reportedly personnel for the isn’t China’s plan. Chinese in- parted ways. By 1969 China dire that it justified “generating a potentially dangerous
That makes world politics war in Ukraine. Domestically, vestments in infrastructure and the Soviet Union were virus in the laboratory,” as he argued in a 2011 article in the
harder for most Americans to the sharpest criticism Mr. Pu- are reorienting the region to- fighting tank battles along Washington Post.
read. Authoritarian states like tin faces from Russian nation- ward trade with Beijing, and their disputed boundary, and
China, Russia, Vietnam and alists is that his confrontation a statement by Mr. Xi and Ka- Mao Zedong would ultimately
North Korea conceal their do- with the West transforms zakh President Kassym-Jo- embrace a partnership with The nation’s top medical adviser during the
mestic political struggles be- Russia into a client of China. mart Tokayev last week sig- Richard Nixon to balance pandemic has no regrets despite the collateral
hind veils of secrecy and cen- By deliberately stepping on naled another stage in the Moscow.
sorship. Democratic countries China’s toes in the Far East, process. They will work Today’s Sino-Russian spats damage of lockdowns and school closures.
like India, Indonesia and Mr. Putin sent a message both jointly to increase the capac- aren’t as serious as the 1960s
Japan are so complex and so to Beijing and to critics at ity of the Trans-Caspian In- Sino-Soviet rift. But nothing
culturally different from the home: Russia remains an in- ternational Transport Route, is eternal in world politics, In retrospect, given the mounting evidence that Covid-19
U.S., that even well-traveled dependent great power and allowing goods from China to and there are unexpected op- was created by just that sort of gain-of-function research in
and well-read Americans can has no intention of becoming move westward on a route portunities as well as grave China, does Dr. Fauci have any second thoughts about
struggle to follow develop- a Chinese vassal. that sidelines Russia. dangers in the new world dis- advocating such a risky endeavor? None worth mentioning in
ments there. China wasn’t thrilled with The Russo-Chinese alliance order taking shape. In our age this memoir. In dismissing the “smear campaign” to link him
As we reprogram ourselves Mr. Putin’s visits to its two is a strategic nightmare for of geopolitical competition, to a lab-created virus, he ignores the obvious possibility that
from Euro-obsessives to Indo- neighbors. Beijing sees North India, and Prime Minister Americans need to study the the Wuhan virologists exploited knowledge acquired in the
Pacific mavens, there’s a lot Korea as a nuisance and Modi follows every twist and “Game of Thrones” afoot lab’s previous bat-virus research funded by his agency.
to be learned by studying wants to control it; Russia turn in the relationship with across Asia. Like it or not, we Nor does he regret his pandemic guidance, despite the
Eurasian leaders. Because so values North Korea’s potential keen interest. He has no are part of the game. vast collateral damage of lockdowns and the evidence that
nations and U.S. states that shunned Dr. Fauci’s advice
fared as well or better than the ones that locked down.

No Justice for Murder in the West Bank Sweden experienced one of the lowest rates of excess
mortality in Europe while keeping businesses and schools
open and urging its citizens not to wear masks. Nowhere in
By Naomi Linder Kahn should have handed over Mr. went on, even this farce was program for terrorists, and Dr. Fauci’s memoir is there a mention of Sweden or other
Shtayyeh to Israel to stand abandoned. Mr. Shtayyeh re- families of terrorists, who at- such counter-evidence.

t’s a murder mystery, Is- trial. This process was cre- mained in PA Security Forces tack Israelis—including Instead he alternates between denying responsibility for
raeli style: The facts are ated to forestall Israeli in- custody for only a few hours. Hamas perpetrators of the the pandemic restrictions—because he had no legal
known but the terrorist cursions into Palestinian Au- More than a month after the Oct. 7 massacre. authority to impose them—and taking credit for promoting
can’t be brought to justice. thority-controlled areas and double murder, he remains at It is time to stop burying them endlessly in media appearances, meetings at the
The story of how Abeed de-escalate tensions follow- large. our heads in the sand. The PA White House and phone calls with governors. He derides a
Shtayyeh, who killed two Is- ing acts of terror, while let- Mr. Shtayyeh’s case isn’t and its security forces aren’t lockdown opponent, Dr. Scott Atlas of the Hoover
raeli soldiers, has escaped ju- ting the PA build credibility unusual. The PA no longer partners in the fight against Institution, for supposedly telling President Trump “exactly
dicial penalty is the story of as a partner for peace. bothers to peddle the myth of terrorism. The PA has never what the president wanted to hear,” but he offers no cogent
the Palestinian Authority in partnership against terrorism. been a moderating force. In rebuttal to Dr. Atlas’s arguments.
miniature. It has profound In March the Israeli think the decades since Oslo, it has In fact, the glaring omissions in the memoir confirm the
implications for the Middle Palestinian police tank Regavim identified honed its skills as a killing criticisms in Dr. Atlas’s own memoir, “A Plague Upon Our
East. let off terrorists nearly 80 officers of the PA force. House” (2021). At the White House Coronavirus Task Force
On May 29, Mr. Shtayyeh Security Forces who have Israel can’t afford to play meetings, Dr. Atlas recounts, Dr. Fauci never presented
approached the Israeli check- who kill Israelis. been killed or arrested while along with this charade, and scientific evidence in favor of his policies, refused to
point outside Nablus, ran over carrying out terrorist attacks the Israeli public isn’t buying respond to the contrary evidence that Dr. Atlas presented,
two soldiers and fled to Nab- against Israelis in the past it any more. The Left’s great and never considered the collateral damage from the
lus. Israel Defense Forces Had Mr. Shtayyeh believed three years alone. The PA it- new idea for the future, em- policies.
Staff Sgts. Eliya Hilel and Di- that any of this would actu- self boasts of more than powering the PA and handing In fall 2020 there was ample evidence that schools could
ego Shvisha Harsaj sustained ally happen, he is unlikely to 2,000 such “martyrs.” it a sovereign state in the reopen safely, but Dr. Fauci kept offering reasons to keep
critical injuries and were soon have turned himself in. But he Many PA Security Forces heart of Israel and the Gaza them closed. When Dr. Atlas argued that Americans were
pronounced dead. After the had every reason to believe officers are also members of Strip, is the same one that irrationally frightened, he writes, Dr. Fauci replied: “They
IDF launched a manhunt, Mr. that he, like hundreds of ter- internationally designated has been killing Israelis for need to be more afraid.” Dr. Fauci’s determination to panic
Shtayyeh turned himself in to rorists before him over the terrorist organizations and decades. Fool me once, shame the public astounded Dr. Atlas, but it’s understandable after
the Palestinian police. past 30 years, would be pro- are actively engaged in ter- on you; fool me twice, shame reading “On Call.” For Anthony Fauci, fearmongering was
The Oslo Accords spell out tected by the PA. In the early rorism. While this has always on me. We won’t be fooled always an excellent career move.
what should have happened years of the Oslo framework been the case, today the Pal- again.
next: The PA Security Forces, the PA made perfunctory ges- estinian Authority proudly Mr. Tierney is a contributing editor to City Journal and
which receive training and tures, detaining terrorists for encourages, funds and extols Ms. Kahn is director of the co-author, with Roy Baumeister, of “The Power of Bad: How
funding from the U.S. and weeks or even months before this terrorism. That includes international division of Re- the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It.”
other foreign governments, setting them free. As time its infamous “pay to slay” gavim, an Israeli think tank.
A18 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The 25th Amendment Isn’t for Joe Biden This Is Why Early Voting Is So Dangerous
The debate debacle (“Sorry, Demo- and the generals should come back

he omerta has broken, and worrying words, Mr. Biden would need to muster only
anecdotes about President Biden’s age 34 votes in a Senate that includes people who crats, Biden Is Your Man” by Taylor tomorrow?
Budowich, op-ed, July 1) is the best KEN COPMAN
are now common. He used a tele- are older than him and served with him for
argument against early voting. Imag- Bedford, N.H.
prompter while speaking to decades. ine if this debate—and President Bi-
about 30 donors in a living It’s political catnip All of this is by design. The den’s obvious decrepitude—unfolded Mr. Biden’s performance was so
room. Prep materials for an but could lead to a 25th Amendment was ratified in late October, after millions of votes appalling that it overshadowed a dis-
event include photos of the in 1967, and its framers were had already been cast. A single uni- mal showing by his opponent. Mr. Bu-
hallway to the stage, with an chaotic power struggle. not trying to create a mecha- form Election Day ensures that all dowich may indeed be correct that
instruction in large font: nism for contesting Presiden- voters cast their ballots based on the “President Trump delivered his most
“Walk to podium.” Voters al- tial power. They were seeking, same available information. Absentee disciplined, clever and devastatingly
ready think Mr. Biden is too old to be Presi- amid the aftermath of the JFK assassination, (“mail-in”) ballots, which should be precise debate performance yet,” but
dent for another four years. to clarify a constitutional bypass for a Presi- primarily, if not exclusively, for mili- that’s a low bar. Mr. Trump attempted
But is he too old to make it for another six dent who might become comatose or otherwise tary personnel deployed overseas, to dodge many questions, and almost
should be postmarked on Election every statement he made was either
months, until the end of this term? That’s what incapacitated.
Day, even if not tallied until later. grossly inaccurate or hyperbolic.
Republicans will be asking as they try to press With that context, what’s more of a danger STANLEY SPATZ I don’t think he was lying. I believe
their advantage. Talk is circulating again about to the republic: Mr. Biden carrying on with his Hollywood, Fla. he simply doesn’t know the facts and
using the 25th Amendment to remove the Pres- advisers as usual, shaky as he looks some days, is too lazy to learn them.
ident posthaste, on the theory that his incapac- until the next Presidential inauguration on Jan. Shortly after the debate, Demo- STEPHEN R.S. MARTIN
ity is a danger to the country. The argument 20, 2025? Or an unprecedented constitutional crats were trying to explain away Mr. Pinetop, Ariz.
is that Mr. Biden blamed his bad debate perfor- power struggle among President Biden, Acting Biden’s abysmal performance by say-
mance on “a bad night,” but next time it could President Harris, a divided cabinet, and a ing he had a bad day. Special counsel If the Democratic Party drops Mr.
be during some geopolitical crisis. brawling Congress? Through the eyes of Amer- Robert Hur’s report stated that Mr. Biden and selects someone other than
The risk isn’t zero if Mr. Biden stays in ica’s adversaries, the power vacuum might look Biden’s memory was significantly lim- Kamala Harris as its presidential can-
ited during his recorded interviews. didate, it is admitting that she should
power, but the alternatives are hardly compel- like the more inviting opportunity.
Another bad day for the president? never have been vice president. Why?
ling. Read the 25th Amendment. It isn’t de- Mr. Biden reportedly told a group of Demo- What if ballistic missiles were fly- Because, by definition, the vice presi-
signed for removing a leader who doesn’t think cratic Governors that he needs to sleep more and ing over the Pacific toward the U.S. dent must be ready, willing and able
himself incapacitated. Deeming a President un- work less. He can do both by ending his 2024 and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were to step in if the president can’t fulfill
able to perform his duties requires a declaration re-election campaign, with its travel and fund- knocking on the White House door? the duties of the office.
to that effect from the Vice President and a ma- raising. The President so far is defiant in refus- Would it be acceptable for Mr. Biden DONALD DONNELLY
jority of the cabinet, all of whom have some loy- ing to consider this, but more Democrats by the to say that he was having a bad day Naples, Fla.
alty to the man in the Oval Office. Is Transporta- day are making the case that Mr. Biden should
tion Secretary Pete Buttigieg ready to throw Mr. bow out in their party’s, and the country’s, best
Biden under the electric bus? interests. Trying to invoke the 25th Amendment
If a removal effort succeeds, the Vice Presi- could reinforce Mr. Biden’s stubborn streak and The Palestinian Goal and the U.S. Way of War
dent then becomes Acting President. Kamala cause him to dig in further.
In addition to forgetting Hamas’s statement: “If the United States expe-
Harris would get temporary power to give or- The 25th Amendment is political catnip, atrocities of Oct. 7 (“Israel Struggles rienced what Israel is experiencing,
ders as Commander in Chief, without the title and chatter about using it on President Trump Against Global Amnesia” by Elliot our response would be swift, decisive
or mandate. Republicans should close their arose in 2017 and again in 2021 after the Jan. Kaufman, op-ed, June 28), much of the and overwhelming.” This is regretta-
eyes and imagine how Acting President Harris 6 Capitol riot. Republicans talking about it world has ignored or minimized the ble but not surprising. Why expect the
might handle, say, a Chinese invasion of Tai- now are probably enjoying the payback. But thousands of rockets launched by U.S. to assist an ally in prosecuting a
wan. Does that raise their confidence? it was a daydream and a distraction then for Hamas and Hezbollah in this war. war in a manner different from how it
The 25th Amendment also permits a side- the same reasons it’s impractical today. There is also a refusal to acknowl- prosecutes wars itself?
lined President to challenge his removal. Sus- Voters are correct that Mr. Biden is too old edge the consistent goal of all Pales- The U.S. arguably hasn’t won a war
taining disqualification ultimately takes a to serve until Jan. 20, 2029, when he’d be age tinian factions. It was enunciated re- since World War II, and it has rarely
two-thirds vote by both the House and Senate. 86. The best path is for Democrats to persuade cently in a small but noisy protest responded to any conflict “swiftly, de-
outside the Israeli consulate in At- cisively and overwhelmingly,” regard-
That’s a higher bar than what’s required for Mr. Biden to forgo re-election, which would let
lanta: “We don’t want two states, we less of how compelling the case to do
impeachment and conviction, since the House him focus on governing through the end of his want ’48.” Along with “globalize the so may be. To the extent it responds
can pass impeachment articles with a mere term. If Mr. Biden won’t listen, voters will intifada” and “from the river to the at all, the U.S. acts in a “measured,
majority. To regain the Presidency, in other have their say in November. sea,” the Palestinians and their back- proportionate manner” after “deep
ers make it clear that their primary consultation with allies, world bod-

Defiant Joe Says He Won’t Go goal is the destruction of Israel. How

can there be a workable two-state so-
lution when Israel’s foes show that
ies,” etc., and prides itself on doing
so. Its primary concern is not in win-
ning, but in appearances. No matter

resident Biden came out swinging on and retain any credibility. That’s why he now every inch of land they gain will be how heinous Hamas’s acts of Oct. 7
Monday to save his presidential candi- almost sounds like Mr. Trump. used to attack a small Jewish state? were, and how close an ally Israel is,
dacy—not at Republicans but at the DORON LUBINSKYMr. Biden’s withholding of arms or
Mr. Biden is also trying to stop Democratic
providing them with strings attached
Democratic “elites” who are defections from becoming a is simply another example of this
urging him to withdraw lest The President sounds stampede with Congress re- Mr. Kaufman laments that President overriding concern.
he lose to Donald Trump and like Trump denouncing turning to Washington this Biden’s behavior has failed to match JAMES SPIRO
take other Democrats down week after the Fourth of July his early rhetoric, such as his Oct. 10 New Orleans
with him in November. his party’s ‘elites.’ recess. He sent a letter to
Mr. Biden called into Democrats on Monday rein-
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” pro- forcing that he’s staying in the
gram—the psychiatric couch for Democrats in race and no one can drive him out.
The Key Driver of the Trump Prosecutions
the Trump era—to say he’s not leaving the race, “I received over 14 million votes, 87% of the In “Why Republicans Don’t Aban- struct the government’s investigation,
no way, no how. votes cast across the entire nominating process. don ‘Felon’ Trump” (op-ed, June while there is no evidence that the
20), Michael McConnell observes, other acted similarly.
“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites—now I have nearly 3,900 delegates, making me the
“Most Democrats I know have per- Mr. McConnell undoubtedly sub-
I’m not talking about you guys—but by the elites presumptive nominee of our party by a wide suaded themselves of the righteous- scribes to the legal truism that “like
in the party, who, ‘They know so much more.’ margin,” Mr. Biden wrote. “Do we now just say ness of criminally prosecuting Don- cases should be treated alike.” But the
But if any of these guys don’t think I should run, this process didn’t matter? That the voters ald Trump to keep him from corollary also holds. The two classi-
run against me. Announce for President, chal- don’t have a say?” becoming president again.” Demo- fied document cases aren’t alike, and
lenge me at the convention,” Mr. Biden said. Mr. Biden apparently believes that if he crats as well as Republicans can Mr. McConnell cites no evidence that
Hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski shows enough determination to stay in the race, point to a much stronger justifica- their disparate treatment was politi-
must have smiled at being spared the elite label, his Democratic doubters will fade away as the tion for prosecuting former Presi- cally motivated rather than a proper
but it’s a fascinating strategic turn for the Presi- Chicago convention gets closer. That assumes dent Trump—namely, the substantial exercise of prosecutorial discretion.
dent after his week of despond. the polls don’t continue to show him trailing evidence that he committed crimes. STUART ALTSCHULER
Mr. Biden has suddenly turned into a critic Mr. Trump in the popular vote as well as the If such evidence exists, does Mr. New York
McConnell believe that he should be
of the media establishment that has been cover- swing states. Let’s see in the coming weeks how
given a pass merely because he is Prof. McConnell gets it right as to
ing for him for three-and-a-half years. After his many Democrats want to trust their political fu- running for president? why many Republicans who have
debate face plant, the press couldn’t keep it up tures to Mr. Biden’s defiance. Mr. McConnell acknowledges that never been Trump supporters now
such evidence exists. In his view, at find themselves planning to vote for

NATO’s Biggest Threat Isn’t Trump least one Trump prosecution—the

classified documents case—has “a
solid factual foundation.” Neverthe-
him. I had standards, so I couldn’t
bring myself to vote for Mr. Trump for
two election cycles. I still have stan-

resident Biden seems to be looking at A more ambitious 3% target would better re- less, he dismisses that case as an in- dards, so now I have to vote for him.
this week’s North Atlantic Treaty Organ- flect the world’s dangers after years of defense stance of “selective prosecution” be- JEFF GOLDEN
ization summit in Washington as a neglect across Europe. That ought to be a prior- cause President Biden also retained Greenbrae, Calif.
chance to persuade his own classified documents improperly but
ity of Mark Rutte, the Dutch
It’s the Russia-China- politician set to become hasn’t been charged. Mr. McConnell
party and the U.S. public that
he’s capable of running the
doesn’t note that one man allegedly Who Needs a U.S. President?
country. But the biggest threat
Iran axis, and lagging NATO’s new secretary-general
later this year.
sought to hide the documents and ob-
Regarding your editorial “The
to the alliance on its 75th an- defense spending. That would help improve Mess Democrats Have Made” (July 1):
The real party line isn’t to defend de-
niversary isn’t the return of Mr. Rutte’s credibility on de- Closing Off All the Escape mocracy but to defend bureaucracy. If
Donald Trump. fense spending, which wasn’t
Among other agenda items, NATO Secre- illustrious in more than a decade as prime min-
Routes From Public Schools President Biden holds on, Democrats
will have to admit (if only implicitly)
tary-General Jens Stoltenberg says alliance ister of the Netherlands. The Dutch spent a piti- Regarding Jason Riley’s “Who’s
that they believe we don’t need an ef-
members will roll out a “substantial” package ful 1.36% of its economy on defense in 2021 be- Afraid of a Catholic Charter School?”
fective president, only an entrenched
for Ukraine. “NATO will take over the coordina- fore the Ukraine war, and they’re set to eke out (Upward Mobility, July 3): Having
army of bureaucrats working (if you
taught in public schools for 28 years,
tion and provision of most international secu- 2.05% in 2024. believe it) on our behalf.
I think I have heard every self-serving
rity assistance,” with 700 personnel based in Meanwhile, Russia may devote 6% of its argument against school choice. The
Some would say that such thinking
Germany. The alliance has put up about 40 bil- economy to defense this year, a surge typical is the real threat to America.
most revealing one came from a local
lion euros a year for Ukraine, and “allies agree of the Cold War. NATO militaries are better OLGA LUKASHEVSKY
school principal.
that this is a minimum baseline,” Mr. Stolten- equipped, but the threat is more acute than Naples, Fla.
This career educrat argued that
berg said on Friday. most Americans understand. vouchers were a bad idea because
This is a welcome show of will from Europe. Russia “may currently hold the upper hand families would grab the vouchers,
Mr. Putin is willing to tolerate setbacks, enor- in a blitz-style limited conflict against NATO,” scurry off to private schools, inundate Pepper ...
mous casualties and years of running his econ- say, in the Baltics, as the Hudson Institute noted those private schools and overwhelm
them. I was an unindoctrinated late-
And Salt
omy on a war footing in his bid to dominate in a recent report, even if Western forces have
Ukraine. Mr. Putin’s missile strike on a children’s the overall edge. The alliance needs more forces comer to the education profession, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
and this sounded like a backhanded
hospital in Kyiv Monday should end any remain- on the Eastern front and is struggling to keep
endorsement of vouchers.
ing delusions that the Russian dictator cares up with Russian artillery production. Denying choice is denying that
about lectures on international norms. Mr. Putin is not a lone wolf. Credit to Mr. parents, largely educated at public
Yet some Western officials and analysts are Stoltenberg for stating plainly on Sunday that schools, are qualified to make intelli-
styling this long-term support in leaks to the “China is the main enabler of Russia’s war ag- gent choices. In general, systems that
press as “insurance” against Mr. Trump retak- gression against Ukraine,” and inviting Pacific don’t work have to close off the es-
ing the White House. This is an unforced error allies to be part of this week’s summit. cape routes and rely on captive audi-
that needlessly inflames Mr. Trump’s support- But too many European leaders seem to ences. The teachers unions pay good
ers. For all Mr. Trump’s bluster and regrettable think Mr. Trump is more dangerous than Mr. money to stymie school choice.
remarks, he has said his goal is better socializ- Putin. U.S. voters now have to weigh Mr. JEFFREY R. SMITH
Alameda, Calif.
ing the burdens of defending Europe. Trump’s reckless remarks against Mr. Biden’s
NATO allies can make a good case that they infirmities, and the latter may be more danger-
Letters intended for publication should
are taking Mr. Trump’s charges seriously. Some ous if adversaries try to exploit a weak U.S. be emailed to Please
23 of 32 NATO allies are on track to meet the President in the coming months. include your city, state and telephone
alliance target by spending 2% of their econo- The urgent threat to NATO is the Russia- number. All letters are subject to
mies on defense this year, up from three in China-Iran hydra, not American voters choosing editing, and unpublished letters cannot “Legal says we have to change ‘core
be acknowledged.
2014. Mr. Trump. competencies’ to ‘core stuff we do.’”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | A19


Biden Has 100 Million Reasons to Stay In

By Charlie Spies a presidential campaign may do with possibly illegal unlimited transfer of

“excess campaign funds,” which is funds to Ms. Harris, the courts
emocrats are in a panic. what the money left in the Biden for would likely interpret the plain lan-
President Biden’s disas- President campaign will legally be guage of the statute to prohibit such
trous debate perfor- considered if he is no longer a can- a contribution. Such legal review
mance has members of didate. Those excess funds may be will start at the FEC, but the Su-
his own party debating contributed in an unlimited amount preme Court’s recent decisions in
whether and how to move him off to the Democratic National Commit- Loper Bright Enterprises v. Rai-
the ticket. The more important ques- tee or an independent expenditure mondo and Relentless Inc. v. Depart-
tion might be when. committee. Presidential campaigns ment of Commerce to dispense with
Campaign finance rules create may also contribute such funds to agency deference could mean a


an incentive for Mr. Biden to stay other federal campaigns, subject to quick test of judicial willingness to
in the race through the Democratic contribution limits, which are enforce a federal statute.
National Convention in August. At $2,000 per election. If President Biden is committed to
that point, but not before, Mr. Bi- In short: Before the nomination passing the torch to his vice presi-
den would be able to transfer his officially goes to Mr. Biden, his cam- dent, and wants to be able to seed
campaign’s anticipated $100 mil- paign is limited to donating $2,000 her campaign with the current Biden
lion war chest to Vice President to the Democratic nominee, whether for President campaign war chest,
Kamala Harris, assuming that she, that new standard bearer is Gavin he’ll first have to become his party’s
too, is still on the ticket. Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or Ms. legal nominee. After shuffling
Harris. through the Democratic National
Some Democratic election law- Committee’s planned roll call vote
He can’t legally shift his yers have asserted that if Mr. Biden The July 4 celebration at the White House in Washington. he’d be free to drop out. Ms. Harris
drops out now, all his funds could could seamlessly slip into the
campaign war chest to go to a new Harris campaign. That’s president shall be the campaign de- In August 2023 the Biden for driver’s seat. That’s a risky strategy,
Harris until he’s the official incorrect. In September 2012, the pository for that political party’s President campaign amended its as it requires maintaining an obvi-
Romney for President campaign candidate for the office of Vice FEC Form 1 to assert on Line 5 that ous fiction under intense public
Democratic nominee. added running mate Paul Ryan to its President.” the committee was the principal scrutiny for another six weeks.
FEC Form 1, indicating on Line 5 Importantly, and unlike the Rom- campaign committee for both Mr. Mr. Biden insists he will stay in
that it was the principal campaign ney-Ryan example, Mr. Biden isn’t Biden and Ms. Harris. At the time the race. Does he really mean it?
If Mr. Biden drops out before the committee for the Republican currently the Democratic Party’s nobody had reason to question that Even if he doesn’t, the Democratic
Democratic Party formally makes Party’s nominees for president and candidate for president, and Ms. maneuver, and if at the Democratic Party has a strong financial incen-
him its nominee, then Federal Elec- vice president. If Mr. Romney had Harris isn’t currently her party’s convention Mr. Biden and Ms. Har- tive to play along.
tion Commission rules dictate that dropped out of the race after that candidate for vice president. They ris emerge as their party’s nomi-
no more than $2,000 of any cam- point, then 11 CFR Sec. 103.4 would can fairly be called their party’s pre- nees, then there won’t be a need to Mr. Spies is a former counsel for
paign funds that he raised may be have controlled, providing that the sumptive nominees, but that is a ti- challenge the premature designa- the Republican National Committee
transferred to any other candidate, “campaign depository designated by tle with no legal status in federal tion. If, however, Mr. Biden were to as well as former counsel to the
including Ms. Harris. The Federal the principal campaign committee election law. Standard contribution drop out before being nominated chairman of the Federal Election
Election Campaign Act governs what of a political party’s candidate for limits apply. and attempt an unprecedented and Commission.

What Republicans Can Learn From the British Election

Big Labour majorities come along its past five years of misrule. After The Tories proved not only mana- ain leftward on climate change and
about once every quarter-century in the party had achieved a fairy-tale gerially inept; they failed to resolve other issues. The woke march will
Britain. The party’s victory made Mr. landslide of its own in 2019, as a fundamental ambivalence in their surely continue. But fiscal reality
FREE Starmer the fourth leader in La- those three unwelcome guests did own political message. Their big vic- (and the already big spending and
EXPRESSION bour’s 124-year history to achieve to the birthday celebrations of the tory in 2019 was achieved thanks to tax increases under the Tories) will
By Gerard Baker such a feat—after Clement Attlee in Sleeping Beauty, it was promptly a coalition of working-class former limit what he can do with state lar-
1945, Harold Wilson in 1966 and bewitched by three prime ministers Labour voters who backed Brexit, but gess. On foreign policy, he is solidly

he news that Britain has a new Tony Blair in 1997. Mr. Starmer won bringing indiscipline, ineptitude who still wanted more social protec- pro-NATO, anti-Putin and alert to the
prime minister will have a 174-seat majority in the 650-mem- and incompetence in the respective tion and less elitist wokery, and strategic challenge of China. He will,
landed on anyone still paying ber Parliament, on par with Mr. human forms of Boris Johnson, Liz more traditional and highly educated without countenancing any return to
vague attention to politics in that Blair’s. Truss and Rishi Sunak. conservative voters who favored the EU, seek closer relations with the
country with all the impact of the So after 14 years of Conservative smaller government and more eco- continent. But he will have a solid
publication of the latest changes to rule, have those eccentric Brits nomic liberalism. It failed both, by bloc in his own party that is force-
the commuter railroad schedules. moved decisively leftward when The Conservative coalition allowing illegal immigration to ex- fully anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian
Sir Keir Starmer—the son of a much of the Western world seems to plode, presiding over the continued and that will create tensions.
toolmaker was dubbed a Knight be moving sharply to the right? split because populists and cultural progressive march through There are two lessons from Mr.
Commander of the Order of the Bath In most of Europe, right wing na- traditional Tories couldn’t British institutions and by raising Starmer’s win for the rest of the
in 2014 by the late Queen Elizabeth II tionalist parties are on the rise. In It- taxes and spending to the highest world—especially for the U.S. as we
in recognition of his pre-political ca- aly and the Netherlands they are key find common ground. levels in more than 50 years. prepare to vote in November.
reer as the country’s chief prosecu- parts of the government. In Germany Labour’s mandate is a curious one. First, incumbents are almost uni-
tor—on Friday became the U.K.’s and Scandinavia they have recently Thanks to the vagaries of the elec- versally unpopular. Inflation, rising
sixth prime minister in fewer than scored their highest vote shares. In Last week, the party ended up toral system, the party won just 34% global instability and lingering social
eight years. That’s almost as many France Marine Le Pen’s National with both its lowest share of the of the vote but almost two thirds of dislocations caused by Covid have
leaders as the New York Jets have Rally party may have failed to make vote—24%—and the smallest num- parliamentary seats. Part of the rea- upended politics across the West and
had starting quarterbacks in that the big breakthrough that was ex- ber of seats—121—in its nearly 200- son for that was very efficient “tacti- given voters an urge for change—an
time. pected in Sunday’s elections, but it is year history. It lost voters in every cal voting” by anti-Tories who picked additional message to ponder for
But stay with me, because this is now the single largest party in the direction. It lost seats to Labour, es- whichever candidate—Liberal Demo- those desperately striving to save
different and has potential meaning Parliament with 142 seats, up from pecially in the north. It lost seats to crats and Greens as well as Labour— President Biden right now.
beyond the tea rooms of Westminster. only two a decade ago. In Canada Liberal Democrats, a leftist alterna- seemed best placed to defeat the lo- Second, we are all still in the
Unlike the rapid succession of and the U.S. polling suggests further tive to Labour in the south. It lost cal Conservative. That undoubtedly midst of a deep political realign-
Conservatives who played pass-the- advances for the right. seats to Reform UK, a nationalist depressed Labour’s vote. ment. The Conservatives fractured
parcel with the nation’s highest of- But the reality is more compli- populist party, everywhere. And it But still, this was no vote for a because they were unable to marry
fice for the past decade, Mr. Starmer cated than it looks. lost seats to the lure of the sofa; 1945-style socialist transformation, the modern appeal of populism to
is the leader of the Labour Party, The primary feature of the Brit- turnout dropped sharply to 60%, or even for Mr. Blair’s “Cool Britan- the conventional, economically lib-
which last week won a landslide gen- ish election was a punishment beat- the second lowest since universal nia” progressive aesthetic of 1997. eral conservatism of the past 50
eral election victory. ing for the Conservative Party for suffrage. Mr. Starmer will doubtless push Brit- years. Can Republicans do it better?

Proliferating Recusal Demands Threaten the Judiciary

By Theodore B. Olson tive or contingent effect on a judge’s contracts. The judge holds stock in ited to financial claims. More than a nated recusal attacks, however, I see
financial interests. several publicly traded companies decade ago, when I was representing a much more malicious and danger-

he Consumer Financial Protec- Normally, parties to a lawsuit that aren’t parties to the litigation gay couples seeking marriage equal- ous long-term objective. These un-
tion Bureau, supported by left- have a strong incentive not to pro- but have used noncompete clauses in ity, we defeated an effort to disqual- founded attacks are ultimately
wing interest groups, de- voke judges with baseless recusal their employment contracts. ify a judge based on his sexual orien- aimed at undermining the indepen-
manded that Judge Don Willett of demands. That makes it surprising Recusal tactics have become more tation. More recently, interest dence of the federal judiciary as a
the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Ap- the CFPB would join in such an un- outrageous. Normally, only parties groups have demanded recusal based whole. As the lawmakers put it in
peals recuse himself from a case warranted demand. But the bureau directly involved in the litigation can on the political, personal and profes- their letter regarding Judge Willett’s
challenging the CFPB’s rule on seems to be more an extension of file a motion to recuse a judge for an sional activities of judges’ spouses decision not to recuse himself, poli-
credit-card late fees. One of Judge certain Democratic politicians these alleged conflict of interest. But we and family members. And they have ticians raise these recusal demands
Willett’s child college savings ac- days than a federal agency respect- now see coordinated campaigns to enlisted the media to help magnify to feed into their narrative about
counts held around $2,000 of stock ful of the rule of law. Several mem- their efforts. “ongoing threats to the integrity of
in Citigroup, which wasn’t a party to bers of Congress, led by Sen. Eliza- As a result, we have seen media the judicial system.” This is a well-
the case. beth Warren, responded to the Activist groups are trying stories raising “ethical” questions financed and coordinated effort to
Judge Willett erred on the side of committee’s opinion with a hyper- about a Supreme Court justice’s for- lay the foundation for calls for court
caution and sought the advice of the bolic letter declaring that the opin- to force judges off cases by mer law clerks pitching in for a pizza packing and other reform measures
U.S. Judicial Conference’s Committee ion and Judge Willett’s decision not claiming dubious conflicts party and a justice cohosting a baby that would destroy the judiciary’s
on Codes of Conduct. The committee to recuse himself “represent ongo- shower for a former colleague whose independence.
concluded unanimously that the in- ing threats to the integrity of the ju- of interest. spouse had filed a law professor am- Lawyers and all citizens must see
vestment was too “indirect and con- dicial system.” icus brief in a case—to note only two through this scheme and call out
tingent” to require recusal. It was an In recent months, we have seen an of the many silly examples. Some meritless judicial ethics complaints.
easy call under federal judicial ethics alarming increase in baseless judi- pressure recusals. Left-wing interest lawmakers have fueled these fires We must defend judges against un-
rules and common sense. cial-ethics attacks. Interest groups groups are submitting demands for with irresponsible rhetoric and con- warranted recusal demands. We must
As the committee explained, judi- have demanded that judges and jus- recusal, coupled with press releases spiracy theories. celebrate judges who take their oath
cial codes of conduct require recusal tices recuse themselves based on and press conferences. This practice These tactics are harmful. Unwar- to the U.S. Constitution seriously and
if the judge has “a financial interest similarly attenuated investment con- should stop. There is no formal ranted accusations of judicial bias stand firm against these attacks on
in the subject matter in contro- nections. The latest came when out- mechanism for outsiders to file such or conflicts aim to intimidate judges their independence and impartiality.
versy.” That financial interest must side groups wrote to a federal dis- recusal demands, and for good rea- to recuse themselves unnecessarily If we don’t, we may find ourselves
be direct and substantial, such as trict judge demanding that he recuse son. They clog courts with additional or, worse, to overcompensate in with court “reforms” that transform
when a judge owns stock in a com- himself from considering the lawful- briefings and hearings, causing de- their judicial decisions. These accu- the federal judiciary from an inde-
pany that is a party to the case. Re- ness of the Federal Trade Commis- lays and distorting outcomes. Courts sations seek to undermine the pendent bulwark for liberty and the
cusal is unwarranted when a case sion’s new regulation banning non- should refuse to entertain these ill- courts’ legitimacy and the public’s rule of law into political tribunals
might have only an indirect, specula- compete clauses in employment intended requests, and the lawyers confidence in the impartial adminis- that rule based on partisanship.
and litigants responsible should be tration of justice.
subjected to sanctions. Those are the immediate objec- Mr. Olson served as U.S. solicitor
Recusal attacks haven’t been lim- tives. In this latest trend of coordi- general, 2001-04.
Lachlan Murdoch

Notable & Quotable: Kamala Harris on Gaza

Executive Chairman, News Corp
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Chairman Emeritus, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp
Emma Tucker Almar Latour
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher From “Is Kamala the One?” by myself versus the president, not at what are women in Gaza doing about
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: Joan Walsh in the Nation, July 8: all. From the beginning, I asked sanitary hygiene. . . .”
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, EVP, General Manager, questions. OK, the trucks are taking The young people who have mobi-
Elena Cherney, Senior Editor; David Crow, Leadership; David Cho, Barron’s Editor in Chief;
Executive Editor; Chip Cummins, Newswires; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel, Chief
She has gotten credit for being a flour into Gaza. But here’s the thing, lized against the destruction of Gaza
Taneth Evans, Associate Editor; Brent Jones, Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, Chief People step ahead of the president in her Joan: I like to cook. So I said to my are unlikely to be mollified by these
Culture, Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print Officer; Jared DiPalma, Chief Financial Officer; public statements, criticizing Israel’s team: You can’t make s— with flour answers. What does she say to them?
& Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Artem Fishman, Chief Technology Officer;
relentless bombardment and the re- if you don’t have clean water. So “They are showing exactly what
Weekend; Prabha Natarajan, Professional Products; David Martin, Chief Revenue Officer, Business
Bruce Orwall, Enterprise; Philana Patterson, Intelligence; Dan Shar, EVP, General Manager, sulting humanitarian crisis in Gaza what’s going on with that? I ask the human emotion should be, as a re-
Audio; Amanda Wills, Video Wealth & Investing; Ashok Sinha, SVP, Head of with an eloquent anguish Biden has questions like, What are people actu- sponse to Gaza. There are things some
Communications; Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief not matched. . . . ally eating right now? I’m hearing of the protesters are saying that I ab-
Paul A. Gigot Revenue Officer, WSJ | Barron’s Group;
Editor of the Editorial Page Sherry Weiss, Chief Marketing Officer
“Listen, I strongly believe that our stories about their eating animal solutely reject, so I don’t mean to
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
ability to evaluate a situation is con- feed, grass . . . so that’s how I think wholesale endorse their points. But
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 nected to understanding the details about it. we have to navigate it. I understand
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES of that situation. Not speaking of “Similarly, I was asking early on, the emotion behind it.”
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Beijing Leads U.S. in Fusion Race FBI Probes

Clean energy’s Holy
Grail is attracting
fusion budget. Additionally,
China appears to be following
a program similar to the road
How magnetic-confinement fusion works
Fusion is the process by which two atomic particles combine to form a single, heavier one, releasing
a huge amount of energy. In stars, gravity and heat do the job of getting atomic particles to collide.
Of Rape
new investment
from heavyweights
map that hundreds of U.S. fu-
sion scientists and engineers
first published in 2020 in
On Earth, a common experimental fusion design uses a magnetic field to trap and squeeze atoms.
Magnetic-field direction
hopes of making commercial Vacuum chamber
Neutral particle beams
BY JENNIFER HILLER fusion energy. Toroidal magnets
AND SHA HUA “They’re building our long-
range plan,” Allain said.
A high-tech race is under “That’s very frustrating, as BY EMILY GLAZER
way between the U.S. and you can imagine.” AND KATHERINE CLARKE
China as both countries chase Scientists familiar with Plasma
an elusive energy source: fu- China’s fusion facilities said The Federal Bureau of Inves-
sion. that if the country continues tigation is probing allegations
China is outspending the its current pace of spending of rape and sexual assault by
U.S., completing a massive fu- and development, it will sur- three siblings in one of the
sion-technology campus and pass the U.S.’s and Europe’s Low-pressure gas most famous families in luxury
launching a national fusion magnetic fusion capabilities in Solenoid real estate, according to people
consortium that includes some three or four years. familiar with the matter and a
of its largest industrial compa- Fusion has long been a document reviewed by The
nies. clean-energy dream. The pro- Wall Street Journal.
Crews in China work in cess of combining atoms is the Agents from an FBI task
three shifts, essentially around same process that powers the force on child exploitation and
the clock, to complete fusion sun, and scientists hope to Poloidal magnets sex trafficking have talked in
projects. And the Asian super- harness it to deliver almost- recent weeks to women who
power has 10 times as many limitless energy. The technol- 1 2 3 4 say they experienced or wit-
Ph.D.s in fusion science and ogy faces daunting scientific Magnetic-confinement Toroidal magnets and The solenoid is an Neutral particle beams nessed sexual assault by the
engineering as the U.S. and engineering hurdles, and fusion starts with poloidal magnetic fields electric-current-carrying heat the plasma. three brothers, Oren Alexander,
The result is an increasing some experts consider it a mi- a vacuum chamber. that will help trap and magnet at the center of Fusion requires Alon Alexander and Tal Alexan-
worry among American offi- rage that will remain out of Air and impurities control the plasma are the chamber. As a powerful temperatures over 100 der, the people said.
cials and scientists that an reach. are evacuated. charged up. Gaseous fuel is current is run through million degrees Celsius. The FBI agents and govern-
introduced in the chamber. the vessel, the gas breaks As high-intensity
early U.S. lead is slipping Though a scientific break- ment lawyers are asking about
down electrically. current circulates
away. through on fusion could bene- alleged sexual assaults by the
It becomes ionized, with within the chamber,
JP Allain, who heads the fit all of humanity, some in the electrons stripped from plasma particles can
three brothers as far back as
Energy Department’s Office of U.S. fear it would give China a the nuclei. Plasma forms. become excited enough their high-school years and in
Fusion Energy Sciences, said leg up in a growing competi- Note: Design is a general representation The magnets keep to collide and fuse. the two decades since, as they
China is spending around $1.5 tion over energy resources as of a magnetic-confinement device.
the plasma away from lived and worked in different
Sources: PHD Comics and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
billion a year on fusion, nearly the U.S. and others try to shift (chamber and magnet design); ITER and EUROfusion the chamber walls. parts of the U.S., the people
twice the U.S. government’s Please turn to page B4 (magnetic-confinement process and fusion energy) JEMAL R. BRINSON/WSJ said.
The investigators have also
sought to identify other poten-

‘Nuclear’ Thousands of Samsung Workers Walk Out tial witnesses or alleged vic-
tims, the people said.
The Alexander brothers have

Verdicts been accused of sexual assaults

in civil lawsuits filed this year
by different women, allegations

By Juries that the brothers have denied.

Oren and Tal have stepped
down from their roles at Offi-

Increase cial, a real-estate company

they co-founded, in the wake of
the allegations.
Isabelle A. Kirshner, a law-
BY RICHARD VANDERFORD yer for Oren and Alon Alexan-
der, said she and her clients
Juries are going “nuclear” were unaware of any federal
with greater frequency, impos- probe. “We are unaware of any
ing outsize verdicts on U.S. basis for an FBI inquiry into
companies as they seek to our clients’ conduct,” she said.
stand up for the little guy, ac- Tal Alexander’s attorneys
cording to some studies, a said in a statement that they
trend that is making some in- were unaware of any federal
surance policies more costly investigation. “We have looked
and harder to come by. into Tal’s previous conduct and
The number of cases with a expect that anyone who inves-
corporate defendant that had tigates these matters will de-
a jury award of more than $10 termine what we have—that
million—what businesses and Tal has done nothing wrong,”
insurers call a nuclear ver- said Deanna Paul and Milton
dict—grew more than 27% in Williams of Walden Macht Ha-
2023, continuing a general up- ran & Williams LLP.
ward trend, according to re- An FBI inquiry may not lead
search by Marathon Strate- to criminal charges. A spokes-
gies, a communications and man for the FBI declined to
research firm. comment.
Chubb, one of the world’s Sons of a prominent home
largest insurers, intends to ap- developer in Miami, real-estate

point a full-time executive to agents Tal and Oren have bro-

handle what it sees as a kered the sale of some of the
mounting problem of inflated country’s priciest real estate,
verdicts, Chief Executive Evan including the 2019 sale of a
Greenberg told an audience of roughly $240 million New York
industry insiders at a recent apartment to hedge fund mag-
trade event. Chubb in a recent OFF THE JOB: Members of the National Samsung Electronics Union, which represents 30,000 workers in South Korea, have been nate Ken Griffin. That deal cur-
report also said the number of urged to put down their tools until Wednesday to persuade management in now-stalled bargaining talks to accept their rently holds the record as the
nuclear verdicts is going up. demands for higher wages, bigger bonuses and better working conditions. B4 most expensive home ever sold
Please turn to page B2 Please turn to page B10

Foreign Carmakers INSIDE Japan’s $1.5 Trillion Pension

Face Struggle in China To Make Waves in Stocks, Yen
BY YOKO KUBOTA China business, in April. “Still, BY PETER LANDERS Government Pension Investment Fund’s portfolio, once
AND CLARENCE LEONG we have to protect our brand.” AND MEGUMI FUJIKAWA mostly domestic bonds, now is about half foreign assets.
The foreigners’ setbacks in
New data show foreign car- China have added to the TOKYO—Japan would love
makers’ share of the Chinese global backlash against Chi- to strengthen the yen, with March 2024
Foreign stocks
market is shrinking more nese car exports, with the U.S. the currency’s value at a March 2014
quickly, and foreign execu- and some other governments BUSINESS NEWS nearly 38-year low. And it
tives say any turnaround is figuring they have little to Boeing plea deal owns one of the world’s big-
years away. lose by hitting Beijing with gest dollar stashes. Foreign bonds
In the first six months of tariffs. The U.S. in May set a
falls short Many analysts say Tokyo is
the year, foreign brands such 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, for families. getting ready to redirect
as Tesla and Volkswagen took and the European Union fol- B3 some of those government- Japanese stocks
43% of the passenger-car mar- lowed suit the next month by controlled dollars back into
ket in China, down from 50.5% releasing tariff rates of about yen assets, a decision that
in the same period a year ear- 17% to 38%. could ripple through global fi-
lier, the China Passenger Car More than 70 EVs are ex- nancial markets, given the Japanese bonds
Association said Monday. pected to be introduced this sums involved.
China’s auto market, the year in China, according to The Government Pension 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ¥70 trillion
world’s largest by unit sales, Volkswagen, leading to a price Investment Fund is an invest- Note: ¥100 trillion=$620 billion
is rapidly electrifying with war that hits domestic and ing whale, with ¥246 trillion, Source: GPIF
help from state subsidies, and foreign brands alike. Some equivalent to $1.53 trillion, in
local electric-vehicle makers carmakers are grappling with assets as of March 31. Half of route: It takes a chunk of further to 50% four years ago.
have grabbed significant mar- excess production capacity the total is held in foreign money from working people’s The investments, which in-
ket share. and are trying to export their stocks and bonds, mostly in paychecks beyond the amount vited similar shifts by other
“What’s tough is, the mod- way out of trouble, exacerbat- dollars, and the fund is about spent on current pension large Japanese institutions,
els that have been our ing tensions with Western HEARD ON to start a once-every-five- costs, then converts some of helped push up U.S. and Japa-
strengths, the Accord, the governments. THE STREET years review of its strategy. those yen into dollars to buy nese stock prices.
Civic or the CR-V, are now In the first six months of In an aging world where assets such as American Though the pension fund
seen as old fashioned at this year, car sales rose 3.3%
In France, limbo is pension programs such as So- stocks and bonds. has enjoyed big paper gains
times,” said Masayuki Iga- from a year earlier to 9.84 mil- the best-case cial Security in the U.S. often The fund in 2014 raised the and was up nearly 23% in its
rashi, Honda’s managing exec- lion vehicles, according to the scenario. B10 face long-term challenges, ratio of foreign assets to 40% most recent fiscal year, it is a
utive officer overseeing its Please turn to page B2 Japan has adopted an unusual from 23%, and bumped it up Please turn to page B9
B2 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in

Canada Averts Port Strike Threat

today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Fannie Mae.................................A2 P
Advanced Micro Devices.B9 Freddie Mac................................A2 Paramount Global........A1,B10
Alphabet........................................B4 G S
Arbor Realty Trust...............A2 BY PAUL VIEIRA able for comment about the la-
Geely Automobile..................B2 SAIC Motor.................................B4 bor-board ruling, and the
B H OTTAWA—Canada averted a union’s next steps.
Samsung Electronics..........B4
Baidu.................................................B4 Honda Motor..............................B1 Skydance Media............A1,B10 new labor disruption affecting Last year, a roughly two-
BNP Paribas.............................B10 Horizon Robotics....................B2 Société Générale..................B10 its Pacific Coast ports after the week strike involving more
Boeing..............................................B3 country’s labor-relations board than 7,000 workers at British
Hyundai Motor.........................B2 Stellantis........................................B2
Britvic...............................................B3 deemed as illegal a strike no- Columbia ports disrupted ship-
I Super Micro Computer.....B9
tice issued by a union repre- ping operations across the Pa-
T senting ship and dock fore- cific Northwest.


J Tesla...................................................B1 men. Authorities estimate the
Carlsberg........................................B3 Another strike would have strike affected shipments total-
Toyota Motor.............................B2
Chetrit..............................................A2 JPMorgan Chase....................A2 represented the second consec- ing C$10 billion, and reduced
Chubb................................................B1 M U utive summer of labor disrup- Canada’s economic output by
Corning............................................B9 Matador Resources..............B3 UnitedHealth...............................A1 tion at Canada’s West Coast C$1 billion.
gateways, which handle about The Canadian Chamber of
Meridian Capital.....................A2 V
a quarter of the country’s an- Commerce, the country’s larg-
Devon Energy............................B3 Mitsubishi Motors.................B2 Vanguard........................................A1 nual trade and deal with cargo est business group, said last
E N Vinci................................................B10 totaling roughly 800 million year had the most work days
Engie...............................................B10 Nike....................................................B9 Visa..................................................A13 Canadian dollars, or $586 mil- Another strike would have represented a second consecutive lost to labor disputes since
ENN....................................................B4 Nissan Motor.............................B2 Volkswagen..................................B1 lion, daily. summer of labor disruption at its West Coast ports. 1986. A recent chamber survey
The threat of a walkout of members indicated they ex-
Exxon Mobil................................B2 O X added to business concerns out ship and dock foremen. said the union and the employ- pected supply-chain obstacles
F Official...............................................B1 XPeng...............................................B2 about supply chains, with the On Sunday, Canada’s Indus- ers group had rescinded strike to deteriorate in the near term
possibility of a simultaneous trial Relations Board ruled the and lockout notices, and federal because of the threat of strikes.
strike this summer at the coun- union’s strike notice violates mediators were working with “Government simply can’t
INDEX TO PEOPLE try’s two biggest railroads.
Local 514 of the Interna-
parts of the country’s labor
code. “The union failed to bar-
the two parties to reach an
allow our British Columbia
ports to shut down for a sec-
tional Longshore and Ware- gain in good faith when it con- The British Columbia mari- ond year in a row—they need
A Gates, Bill......................................B4 Ma, Tammy.................................B4 house Union, which represents ducted a strike vote amongst time employers group said it to act as swiftly as possible to
Alexander, Alon.........................B1 Gillston, Seth.............................B2 Malik, Omeed............................A6 730 foremen, had issued a 72- the employees of only one was “disappointed that these prevent a repeat of the impacts
Alexander, Oren........................B1 Greenberg, Evan.......................B1 Miyazono, Masataka...........B9 hour strike notice Friday. In re- member employer of the BC- steps needed to be taken to en- on Canadian families, Canadian
Griffin, Ken....................................B1 Mumgaard, Bob......................B4 sponse, the group representing MEA and issued a strike notice sure the stability of Canada’s businesses, and the Canadian
Alexander, Tal.............................B1
Musk, Elon...................................B2
Angrick, Stefan.........................B9 Grimes, Roger.........................A14 terminal operators and ship- based on that strike vote,” the west coast ports but is pleased economy,” said Pascal Chan,
H N owners, the British Columbia board said. with the outcomes.” the chamber’s senior director
Brandstätter, Ralf..................B2 Hackett, Mark...........................B9 Neumann, Adam..................B10 Maritime Employers Associa- Canadian Labor Minister A representative for Local of transportation and infra-
Buckley, Tim...............................A2 Heller, Martha...........................B4 P tion, said it was ready to lock Seamus O’Regan on Monday 514 wasn’t immediately avail- structure.
Hornbarger, Bill........................B9 Pickett, Larry.............................B4
Hunt, Shaun...............................B4 Prentiss, Ric.............................B10

Chan, Angus...............................B4 Total amount won in nuclear Top 10 states by total number of nuclear verdicts, 2013-2022
Chan, Pascal................................B2 verdicts against corporations
Igarashi, Masayuki.................B1 Ramji, Salim................................A1
Chodorow, Jeffrey...............B10 California
Redstone, Shari.....................B10

Iger, Bob.........................................A6 $20 billion
D Roth, Allan...................................A2
J Florida
David, Alki.....................................B1 S
Joost, Eric.....................................B2
Diller, Barry...............................B10 New York

Shell, Bob......................................A6
E K 15
Sotiroff, Daniel.........................A2
Kaufman, Ivan..........................A2 Texas
Ellison, David....................A1,B10 T
Kiuchi, Takahide.......................B9 Georgia
Ellison, Larry............................B10 Takahashi, Toshiyuki...........B9
Emanuel, Ari..............................A6 L Taneja, Rajat..............................B4 10
Continued from page B1 Illinois
G Long, Patrick............................A14 Z The U.S. Chamber of Com-
Galperin, Eva............................A14 M Zaslav, David..............................A6 merce said in a recent report Pennsylvania
that the number of verdicts 5
above $100 million reached a
Share of foreign brands in Sales of EVs as a share of the record in 2023, up nearly Missouri
China’s auto sales auto market in China* 400% from 2013.
0 Ohio
The nuclear verdict phe-
60% 60% nomenon isn’t new, but Amer- 2015 ’20 ’23 0 50 100 150 200
ican corporations worry that Note: The Covid-19 pandemic affected access to courts.
it is growing. Sources: Marathon Strategies (amounts); U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform (states)
50 50 “Folks vote two ways: in
the ballot box and in the jury yer who secured the $900 mil- cases, which together make up uses focus groups to try to un-
43% box,” said Seth Gillston, the lion verdict in the Alki David nearly three-quarters of these derstand how a real jury might
40 40 head of North America indus- case. “Lawsuits and the right awards. Businesses can buy decide on a case.
try practices for Chubb. “Peo- to hold corporations account- lines of insurance to cover Plaintiffs’ lawyers try to ac-
ple are just desensitized to the able are what make them do those kinds of claims. tivate jurors’ fear, a technique
30 30 numerical value, [and] that’s the right thing. Left to their Observers point to several known as reptile theory, and
coupled with the fact that own devices, they would not.” factors driving the trend. then say the risk can be ad-
people are angry.” The verdicts often come Many Americans are angry at dressed by sending a message
20 20
The U.S. has long been an from tragic circumstances, but big companies and the jury to a defendant, Bloom said.
outlier for its litigiousness, and large awards can drive up the box is perhaps the only place The increasing availability of
damage awards into the hun- cost of goods and services and they can punish them for bad outside funding to sustain cases
10 10
dreds of millions or even north affect the cost and availability behavior. has also played a role in driving
of $1 billion represent a partic- of insurance, the U.S. Chamber “It’s becoming more and nuclear verdicts, said James
ularly American response to of Commerce has said. more like class warfare, where Whittle, chief claims counsel to
0 0
losses or tragedies. Most of the Advocates for victims say the 99% is against the 1% and the American Property Casualty
2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 damages stem from difficult- corporations are whining the corporate defendant is Insurance Association, an in-
*Includes battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids Note: 2024 data for the first half of the year. to-quantify factors, such as the about a relatively small num- seen as the 1% and the juries surance trade group.
Source: China Passenger Car Association value of a life, rather than out- ber of cases involving horrific are using their jury service as Victims’ advocates counter
of-pocket expenses. events. an opportunity to affect that the funding helps level

Foreign Nissan recently halted vehicle

production at its Changzhou
plant in eastern China, while
A Philadelphia jury, for ex-
ample, in May ordered Exxon
Mobil to pay $725 million to a
“The insurance industry’s
use of the phrase ‘nuclear ver-
dicts’ is them throwing a tem-
change in society and to bal-
ance power,” said Jason
Bloom, a Dallas-based jury
the playing field against deep-
pocketed corporations.
Whittle also pointed to the

Carmakers Honda has sought to cut work-

ers at a China joint venture
through voluntary buyouts.
service-station mechanic who
developed acute myeloid leu-
kemia after being exposed to
per tantrum when they don’t
like the results of a case,” said
Linda Lipsen, chief executive
consultant who has worked for
both plaintiffs and defendants.
Bloom, who worked for the
U.S. system of each side pay-
ing its own costs as a possible
driver of litigation. Other ju-

Struggle Companies that retain hope

for China are trying to cater
better to local tastes, espe-
benzene in gasoline. Last
month, a California jury said
entertainment billionaire Alki
of the American Association
for Justice, an association of
trial lawyers.
defense team of former profes-
sional baseball player Roger
Clemens in a 2012 perjury case
risdictions, such as the U.K.
and Canada, force the losers
of a lawsuit to pay the legal
cially in EVs, and speed up de- David should pay $900 million Victims often are forced to and has also worked on a num- expenses of the winner in
Continued from page B1 velopment. to a former employee who pursue cases because corpora- ber of corporate cases, said he most cases.
Chinese car association. Gas- Volkswagen, the bestselling brought sexual-battery claims. tions are reluctant to pay for
car sales continued to tumble, foreign brand in China, has In 2022, a Texas jury hit legitimate claims, Lipsen said.
while growth of EV sales shifted much of its develop- Charter Spectrum with a $7.37 Most cases that land in state

The Marketplace
slowed. Overall, new-energy ment decision-making author- billion verdict after one of its courts are contract cases, of-
vehicles, a category that in- ity to executives in the coun- cable repairmen murdered an ten companies suing other
cludes full EVs and plug-in hy- try. To absorb local elderly woman, though the companies, according to data To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
brid vehicles, accounted for technology, it invested in Chi- amount was later reduced by provided by her association.
about 42% of the market in nese EV-startup Xpeng and a judge. But some insurance indus-
the first half. Tesla fell to auto-industry chip maker Ho- Andrew DuPont and Patrick try players say the growth in BANKRUPTCIES
third place in the new-energy- rizon Robotics among others. Wigle, lawyers for the man large verdicts is limiting busi-
vehicle category in the Janu- VW says it has cut develop- who won the lawsuit against nesses’ ability to buy insur-
ary-May period, according to ment time in China by about Exxon, said his pain and suffer- ance at reasonable rates. UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT Debtors, or their respective property or interests
the latest available data from 30%. ing was immeasurable and the “The raw price of $1 of in- DISTRICT OF DELAWARE
) Chapter 11
unless a Proof of Claim is timely filed by the Rejection
Damages Bar Date, unless otherwise expressly allowed
In re
the association, behind China’s Still, the first of its locally jury verdict was based on com- surance has gone up and less CANO HEALTH, ) Case No. 24-10164 (KBO) by the Court.
BYD and Geely Auto. developed cars won’t reach mon sense. Exxon said it would of it is available,” said Eric INC., et al., ) (Jointly Administered)
Debtors. 1 ) Re: Docket Nos. 1125 & 1148
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all documents filed
with the Bankruptcy Court in connection with the above-
Cars are one of many con- the market until 2026. Ralf ask the court to reduce that Joost, the chief operating offi- NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE OF EFFECTIVE captioned chapter 11 cases, including the Plan, the Plan
sumer products where Chinese Brandstätter, who heads verdict, calling it “irrational.” cer of CAC Specialty, an insur- DATE AND ENTRY OF ORDER CONFIRMING Supplement,and the Confirmation Order,may be viewed free of
charge by visiting the website maintained by Verita at https://
buyers are Volkswagen’s Chris Hamilton, the lead trial ance broker. CHAPTER 11 PLAN OF REORGANIZATION You may also obtain copies of any
pleadings filed in these chapter 11 cases for a fee by accessing
switching to lo- business in lawyer for the plaintiff in the CAC data show that dam- OF CANO HEALTH, INC. AND ITS AFFILIATED
DEBTORS the Bankruptcy Court’s website at http://www.deb.uscourts.
cal brands as China, charac- Charter case, said big verdicts age awards topping $10 mil-
Companies that PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 27, 2024, Cano Health, gov. Note that a PACER password and login are required to
access documents on the Bankruptcy Court’s website. A PACER
homegrown terized the two always happen for a reason. lion mostly come from prod- Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries, as debtors and debtors in
password can be obtained by visiting http://www.pacer.psc.
retain hope for
possession (collectively, the “Debtors”), filed the Modified
companies im- years until then “Lawsuits are good for soci- uct liability claims, auto Fourth Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Plan and the
prove in quality as a “stabiliza- ety,” said Gary Dordick, a law- crashes and medical liability Cano Health, Inc. and Its Affiliated Debtors [Docket No. 1125]
China are trying (together with all exhibits and schedules thereto and as may provisions thereof (including the exhibits and schedules
and some peo- tion phase.” be amended, modified, or supplemented from time to time, thereto and all documents and agreements executed pursuant
thereto or in connection therewith), the Plan Supplement,
ple express “We expect
to cater better
the “Plan”)2 with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the
District of Delaware (the“Bankruptcy Court”). and the Confirmation Order are effective and enforceable
their patriotism in these two PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on June 28, 2024, and shall bind the Reorganized Debtors, the Released Parties,

to local tastes. the Bankruptcy Court entered the Order (I) Confirming Modified the Exculpated Parties, all holders of Claims and Interests
through their years very Fourth Amended Joint Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization of Cano (irrespective of whether such Claims or Interests are impaired
under the Plan or whether the holders of such Claims or
purchases. challenging Health, Inc. and Its Affiliated Debtors and (II) Granting Related
Relief [Docket No.1148] (the“Confirmation Order”). Interests accepted or are deemed to have accepted the Plan),
Last year, moments,” he PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on June 28, 2024, any other person giving, acquiring, or receiving property under
the Plan, any and all non-Debtor Parties to executory contracts
Japan’s Mit- said in April. all conditions precedent to consummation of the Plan were
satisfied or waived in accordance with Article IX of the and unexpired leases with any of the Debtors, any other party
subishi Motors said it was “We don’t worry about that. Plan. Further, no stay of the Confirmation Order is in effect. in interest in these chapter 11 cases, and the respective heirs,
executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, if any, of
ending production in China, For us it’s important to pre- Accordingly, the Plan was substantially consummated and
became effective on June 28, 2024. As of the Effective Date, all any of the foregoing. All settlements, compromises, releases
while two years ago Stellantis pare [for] ’26.” releases, exculpations, discharges, and injunctions set forth in (including the releases set forth in Article X of the Plan),
waivers, discharges, exculpations, and injunctions set forth in
Toyota and Nissan also
the Plan are now effective.
did the same for its Jeep ve- PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, in accordance with the Plan are effective and binding on any Entity that may have
had standing to assert any settled, compromised, released,
hicles. have said they plan to further Section 8.1 of the Plan, all executory contracts and unexpired
waived,discharged,exculpated,or enjoined Causes of Action.
leases to which any of the Debtors are parties shall be deemed
Other foreign makers of localize development of cars assumed, or assumed and assigned, as applicable, unless such Date: June 28, 2024, Wilmington, Delaware, /s/ Michael J.
gasoline-powered cars are re- sold in China. contract or lease (i) was previously assumed or rejected by
the Debtors pursuant to an order of the Bankruptcy Court; (ii)
Merchant, RICHARDS, LAYTON & FINGER, P.A., Mark D. Collins
(No. 2981), Michael J. Merchant (No. 3854), Amanda R. Steele
trenching to adapt to declin- Tesla is an exception previously expired or was terminated pursuant to its own terms (No.5530),920 North King Street,Wilmington,Delaware 19801,
ing sales. Gasoline-car facto- among U.S. carmakers in that or by agreement of the parties thereto; (iii) is the subject of a
motion to assume or reject filed by the Debtors on or before
Telephone:(302) 651-7700,,merchant@, -and- WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP,
ries tend to have more it still relies heavily on China. the Effective Date; (iv) is a Senior Executive Employment Gary T. Holtzer (admitted pro hac vice), Jessica Liou (admitted

pro hac vice), Matthew P. Goren (admitted pro hac vice), Kevin
workers than EV factories be- Its locally produced Model 3 Agreement (which shall be treated as set forth in Section 5.12
of the Plan), (v) is specifically designated as a contract or lease Bostel (admitted pro hac vice),767 Fifth Avenue,New York,New
cause EVs require fewer pro- and Model Y helped spark in- to be included on the Rejection Schedule included in the Plan York 10153, Telephone: (212) 310-8000, E-mail: gary.holtzer@,,,
Supplement, or (vi) is the subject of a pending Cure Dispute.
duction steps and typically are terest in EVs and remain In accordance with Section 8.3 of the Plan, in the event the,, Attorneys for
made with more advanced strong sellers. Still, sales have rejection of an executory contract or unexpired lease, solely Debtors and Debtors in Possession
pursuant to the Plan, results in damages to the other party or
manufacturing automation dropped as those models age. The last four digits of Cano Health,Inc.’s tax identification
parties to such contract or lease, a Proof of Claim on account number are 4224. A complete list of the Debtors in the chapter
technology. To reignite consumer inter- of such rejection damages Claim must be filed no later
than thirty (30) days following service of the notice
11 cases may be obtained on the website of the Debtors’claims
Hyundai, whose China sales est, Chief Executive Elon Musk of occurrence of the Effective Date (the “Rejection
and noticing agent at The
Debtors’ mailing address is 9725 NW 117th Avenue, Miami,
have been dropping, has sold wants to introduce driving as- Damages Bar Date”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any such rejection
Florida 33178.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined have
its plant in Chongqing, west- sistance software that he calls damages Claim will be forever barred and will not be the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Plan.
ern China, to a local company. full self-driving. Billionaire Alki David was hit with a $900 million verdict. enforceable against the Debtors, the Reorganized
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | B3


Boeing Plea Deal Falls Short for Families

Plane maker faces ments. A court still needs to the new-model jet. millions of dollars by persuad-
sign off on the plea agreement. The department announced ing regulators to approve
conviction and a The families of the crash a settlement with Boeing in lighter pilot-training require-
$244 million fine for victims had asked federal pros- January 2021. The company ments for the MAX. Forkner’s
ecutors to seek a fine as high agreed to a deferred-prosecu- lawyers said he wasn’t aware
misleading regulators as about $25 billion, prosecute tion agreement, a form of cor- of the change and didn’t lie to


Boeing at trial without conces- porate probation. Boeing air-safety regulators.
Boeing’s agreement to plead sions and pursue other charges needed to successfully serve a Finally, the company’s set-
guilty to misleading air-safety against the company and exec- three-year probationary period tlement was upended in May
regulators in the run-up to two utives they believe are respon- to have the charge dismissed. 2024 when prosecutors said
deadly 737 MAX crashes falls sible for the crashes. As part of the 2021 deal, Boeing failed to comply with a
short of what families of the Justice Department officials Boeing paid a $243.6 million core requirement of its proba-
crash victims wanted. have told the families they criminal fine and $500 million tionary agreement: maintain-
faced various legal hurdles, in- to compensate the families of ing an effective compliance
By Dave Michaels, cluding a statute of limitations deceased passengers. Boeing program. That allowed prose-
Sharon Terlep and a lack of evidence to prove avoided a corporate monitor at cutors to void the settlement.
and Andrew Tangel alternative charges such as the time, even though some The government last week
manslaughter beyond a reason- Justice Department attorneys told the company to plead
Boeing will formally ac- able doubt. An earlier attempt The aerospace company faces three years of court-supervised argued internally at the time guilty or face a criminal trial.
knowledge guilt and accept to prosecute a Boeing employee probation during which it could face additional penalties. that it should be assigned one. Boeing, which had admitted
fresh punishment over its over the allegations failed at But the case took several to wrongdoing in its 2021 set-
dealings with the Federal Avi- trial. ing received in January 2021, to activate in normal flying volatile turns since then. First, tlement, chose the plea. The
ation Administration before A Justice Department offi- when prosecutors agreed to de- conditions. In the fatal crashes prosecutors failed to notify the families said in their own fil-
two 737 MAX crashes that cial said the deal holds the fer the criminal charge as long in 2018 and 2019, pilots were families of the crash victims ing late Sunday that they
killed 346 people, according to company accountable and pro- as the company stayed out of unable to regain control after about the terms of the original want the judge overseeing the
a late Sunday court filing. The tects the public. trouble. The government and the planes’ noses were forced settlement, violating a law that case, Reed O’Connor, to reject
stunning concession would Boeing confirmed that it Boeing were negotiating terms downward by repeated, errone- protects the rights of crime the plea. Under federal rules,
brand the world’s biggest reached the agreement and of the agreement through Sun- ous activations of the flight- victims. The families chal- O’Connor can only approve or
aerospace company a felon. declined to comment further. day, the deadline for prosecu- control system. lenged Boeing’s settlement, reject the plea.
As part of a plea to one “This sweetheart deal fails tors to impose or dismiss the Prosecutors launched a saying it was too lenient. Pleading guilty creates busi-
count of conspiracy to defraud to recognize that because of charge. Boeing’s board hasn’t criminal investigation shortly Then, a federal jury acquit- ness challenges for Boeing.
the U.S., prosecutors have asked Boeing’s conspiracy, 346 peo- yet approved a written plea after the first accident, a Lion ted the only individual charged Companies with felony convic-
the company to pay a second ple died,” said Paul Cassell, an agreement, which is expected Air flight that crashed into the with the crime, a former Boe- tions can be suspended or
$244 million criminal fine and attorney for the families. to be made public by July 19, Java Sea in October 2018, caus- ing pilot who was accused of barred as defense contractors.
spend $455 million over the “Through crafty lawyering be- the court filing said. ing 189 deaths. Authorities fo- misleading the FAA about the Boeing is expected to seek a
next three years to improve its tween Boeing and DOJ, the Boeing admitted three years cused on how two Boeing em- new flight-control feature’s waiver from that consequence.
compliance and safety pro- deadly consequences of Boe- ago that two former employees ployees communicated with the ability to activate in more rou- The company was awarded De-
grams. Boeing also must hire an ing’s crime are being hidden.” misled the FAA about a new FAA about the cockpit feature tine flying conditions. Prosecu- fense Department contracts
independent monitor for three The plea would wipe out a flight-control feature on the before the regulator decided on tors said Mark Forkner was last year valued at $22.8 bil-
years to oversee those improve- more lenient punishment Boe- 737 MAX that wasn’t supposed pilot-training requirements for trying to save Boeing tens of lion, according to federal data.

Carlsberg Pays $4.23 Billion for Soft-Drink Maker Share-price performance,

year to date

BY IAN WALKER share, a 29.6% premium to its brands such as Carlsberg’s tified accelerating growth be- 40
closing price of 1,015 pence on Pepsi, 7UP and current soft- yond its key beer market as a
Danish brewer Carlsberg June 20, the day before a pre- Mountain Dew. Britvic houses drink portfolio priority.
agreed to buy London-listed vious proposal by Carlsberg It extended the 39 brands and accounts for Carlsberg had previously 30
soft drinks maker Britvic for was made public. long-running 16% of group made two offers for Britvic.
3.3 billion pounds, or about The offer includes cash of partnership by sells in more volume and Both had been rejected.
$4.23 billion, as part of a plan 1,290 pence a share and a 25 20 years in late 27% of volume Carlsberg said on Monday
to expand in the nonalcoholic pence a share special divi- 2020.
than 100 in Western Eu- that the proposed acquisition
beverage market and reduce dend. The Britvic countries. rope. Carls- supports its overall growth 10
reliance on beer sales. Britvic houses 39 brands deal would berg’s “Beyond ambitions and builds on its
Carlsberg, which brews its sold in more than 100 coun- boost Carls- Beer” category, bottling business in the Nordic
namesake lager as well as tries, including Fruit Shoot, berg’s already which includes region, while deepening and 0
making non-beer alcoholic Robinsons, Tango and J2O. significant soft drink volumes Somersby and Garage, repre- strengthening its footprint in
drinks like Somersby cider Britvic also has a deal with at a time when the prospect sents just 2% of total volume. Western Europe. The company Carlsberg
and Garage alcopop brands, PepsiCo in the U.K. for the for long-term beer sales The deal comes about four said it plans to accelerate –10
said Monday that it is offering production, distribution and growth across the industry re- months after a strategy up- commercial and supply-chain Jan. 2024 July
1,315 pence for each Britvic sales of carbonated drink mains uncertain. date in which Carlsberg iden- investments in Britvic. Source: FactSet


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Its patented LED bulb array
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The acquisition of oil-and-gas producer Grayson Mill Energy by Devon is the latest in a wave of delivers exponentially
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In your lamps, the new
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BY DEAN SEAL Devon Energy quarterly financials adjusts from
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ergy, an oil-and-gas producer 5 US PATENTS
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in the Williston Basin, in a 10,378,698
Lamplight projects a massive
cash-and-stock deal valued at 4 10,422,488
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YOU NEED: your reading material. Reader
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to acquire Grayson Mill, which better contrast
operates drilling rigs in the
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ergy said. with the $2.55 billion sale of 67% to $5 billion through mid- Easy assembly. in Satin Brass or
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year 2026.
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popular Permian Basin. That Resources in 2018. 30% of its annual free cash flow © 16776 West Park Circle Dr. | Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023
region has been the locale for Earlier in June, EnCap toward reducing $2.5 billion of
multibillion-dollar acquisitions landed a nearly $2 billion sale debt over the next two years.
B4 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


China Approves Shanghai

For Driverless Robotaxis
Move follows similar


initiatives in three
other major Chinese
cities since late 2022
The union said about 6,500 workers went on strike Monday.
China has added Shanghai
to a list of top-tier cities al-
lowing the use of driverless
robotaxis in which no safety
supervisors are present, part
Samsung Workers
of the country’s efforts to take
a global lead in autonomous In South Korea

driving and commercialize the

Shanghai officials said over
the weekend that in parts of
the city, residents can now
Stage 3-Day Strike
book free rides in robotaxis of
four companies—internet The test area for the robotaxis covers about 127 miles of roads in Shanghai’s Pudong district. BY KWANWOO JUN disrupt production,” a union
search giant Baidu, SAIC Mo- leader said during a televised
tor-owned Saike Technology since late 2022 to allow trial and Chongqing in August players in the U.S. Tesla is Thousands of Samsung Elec- rally of striking workers near
and self-driving startups runs of robotaxis without 2022. planning to launch robotaxi tronics unionized workers in a Samsung plant in Hwaseong, and Auto X. safety operators. Beijing, “It may still take longer to services in August, while Al- South Korea walked off job sites south of Seoul. He warned
The taxis are driverless and Shenzhen and Guangzhou see large-scale commercializa- phabet-backed Waymo re- on Monday as part of a three- that a bigger-scale general
don’t have supervisors physi- have all started charging fees tion of robotaxis in China, but cently expanded services in day strike, pressing for higher strike could come this month
cally present in the car, with for the use of robotaxis in approval [from major cities] is San Francisco. wages and better working con- if management fails to meet
the companies approved to of- some cases, a step further to- an important step in granting “Tesla and Waymo have ditions, union leaders said. their demands.
fer services through Jan. 4. ward commercializing auto- these companies access to test conducted massive trials on Samsung, the world’s larg- The union in June launched
The testing area covers 205 driving in a country where their technology and access the [U.S.] West coast,” Qu est maker of memory chips what it called a first-ever
kilometers, or about 127 miles, dozens of companies are road data,” said Angus Chan, said, adding that “China can’t and smartphones, said there walkout at Samsung, telling
of roads in Shanghai’s Pudong working on refining the tech- an auto analyst at Bocom In- be inactive and wait when U.S. were no immediate disrup- its members to take a day of
district, said in a nology and applying it on Chi- ternational. companies have already made tions to production. paid leave en masse. The pre-
WeChat post. nese roads. CCB International analyst their move.” The National Samsung vious union action, however,
Shanghai’s move follows China’s first tests of robot- Qu Ke said China’s autono- “That’s why we’re seeing Electronics Union, which didn’t affect operations at the
similar initiatives in three axis without safety operators mous-driving industry is rac- more cities [in China] opening claims it has about 30,000 company’s heavily automated
other major Chinese cities started in the cities of Wuhan ing to compete against top up their roads,” he said. members, or nearly a quarter chip-making facilities.
of the company’s workforce, The industrial unrest at
said that about 6,500 workers Samsung followed Friday’s
went on strike across the na- rosy second-quarter earnings
tion on Monday. forecast, boosted by a contin-
Union members have been ued recovery in its chip-mak-
urged to down their tools for ing business. The company ex-
three days until Wednesday, pects operating profit for the
ratcheting up pressure on April-June period to see a
management in now-stalled nearly 16-fold increase com-
bargaining talks to accept pared with the same period a
their demands for higher year earlier.
wages, bigger bonuses and Shares rose less than 1% as
better working conditions. traders largely shrugged off
“Our strike today aims to the union action.

AI Boom Lifts Paychecks

For Technology Leaders
BY BELLE LIN “With technology initiatives
more critical to the business
The artificial intelligence and their boards than ever,
boom is helping boost the sal- companies are also offering
aries and pay packages of chief rich retention packages to tech

information officers to new leaders, which adds to the

heights. overall increase in pay,” said
CIO compensation increased Martha Heller, chief executive
7.48% on average among large of Heller Search Associates.
enterprises and 9% among Boosts in CIO compensation
Tokamaks enable fusion to happen using powerful magnets to hold plasma. A tokamak in Hefei, China. midsize enterprises over the have followed changes in re-
past year—the biggest gains porting structures: Roughly

China, U.S. “They’re going to put a lot

of human capital and a lot of
money and a lot of organiza-
key milestone four times since.
The Biden administration in
2022 set a goal of achieving
Fusion scientists have
swapped and shared informa-
tion since the late 1950s, when
among information-technology
job categories, according to
salary data from consulting
63% of U.S.-based CIOs now re-
port to chief executives rather
than chief financial officers or

Locked In tion around it. And the ques-

tion will be, can they figure
out the technology?” said Bob
commercial fusion energy
within a decade and requested
$1 billion for fusion in its re-
countries began declassifying
fusion energy research. China,
Russia and the U.S. are among
firm Janco Associates.
Overall, CIO and chief tech-
nology officer compensation is
chief operating officers, accord-
ing to Deloitte survey data.
In some instances, CIO eq-

Fusion Race Mumgaard, chief executive of

Commonwealth Fusion Sys-
tems, the largest private fu-
cent budget proposal. Organiz-
ing a U.S. public-private fusion
consortium, similar to a 1980s
the 35 countries involved in
the International Thermonu-
clear Experimental Reactor, or
up more than 20% since 2019,
with boosts to base pay and,
more often, equity packages,
uity packages have increased
by as much as 40%, Heller
said, especially among private-
sion company in the U.S., with and ’90s semiconductor pro- ITER, in France. according to IT executive re- equity firms seeking to buoy
Continued from page B1 investors that include Bill gram, was a suggestion dis- Chinese scientists partici- cruiting firm Heller Search As- technology assets. “CIOs are a
more production and supply Gates. cussed at a recent White pate in international fusion sociates. The gains indicate big part of the value and the
chains within domestic bor- The Chinese Academy of House event. Some recent DOE conferences and seem most growing investment by enter- private-equity firm’s ability to
ders. Sciences’ Institute of Plasma awards were structured simi- comfortable sharing informa- prises in AI strategies and cor-
China already has a rapidly Physics in the eastern Chinese larly to the way NASA has tion through direct conversa- porate tech leaders becoming
growing nuclear-technology city of Hefei in 2018 broke boosted the commercial space tions, other scientists say, more visible as they are in-
industry and is building more ground on a nearly 100-acre industry. though language is an obsta- creasingly tasked with new AI-
conventional nuclear-power magnetic-fusion research and Tammy Ma, lead for the In- cle. related responsibilities.
plants than any other country. technology campus. The facil- ertial Fusion Energy Initiative U.S. Rep. Don Beyer, a Vir- “ChatGPT caught a lot of in-
The country’s nuclear-plant ity is expected to be com- at Lawrence Livermore’s Na- ginia Democrat and co-chair of cumbent technology companies
development will give it an ad- pleted next year but is already tional Ignition Facility, said Congress’s Fusion Energy Cau- by surprise, and no organiza-
vantage when commercial fu- largely operational and fo- the U.S. fusion budget of $790 cus, said that much U.S. fusion tion wants to be left behind,”
sion is reached, according to a cused on industrializing the million for the 2024 fiscal spending goes to legacy pro- said Shaun Hunt, CIO of At-
report released last month by technology. year, a 4% increase from the grams, “not the cutting-edge lanta-based construction ser-
the Information Technology Late last year, China said it year prior, hasn’t been enough stuff.” vices firm McKenney’s. With
and Innovation Foundation, a would form a new national fu- to keep pace with inflation. “In China, from what we only a few tech leaders fluent
Washington, D.C.-based think sion company, and said the The sluggish growth has can tell, most of their billion in the emerging field of genera-
tank with backers that include state-owned Chinese National meant fewer research grants and a half is actually going to tive AI, “this increased demand
big tech companies. Nuclear Corp. would lead a and grant-funded positions build stuff that would compete and limited supply of technol-

Nuclear fusion occurs when consortium of state-owned in- available in U.S. graduate with Helion or Commonwealth ogy leaders is driving up com-
two light atomic nuclei merge dustrial firms and universities schools, Ma said. Fusion,” Beyer said, referring pensation for these critical
to form a single heavier one. pursuing fusion energy. to two of the largest private roles,” Hunt added.
That process releases huge Among the largest efforts by a fusion firms in the U.S. Median base pay for CIOs Syneos’s Larry Pickett
amounts of energy, no carbon private Chinese company are Winner is unclear For decades, China had “al- this year climbed above
emissions and limited radioac- those of ENN, an energy con- The fusion world is full of most nothing” of a fusion pro- $220,000 for large enterprises, have a good sale,” she said.
tivity—if someone can get it to glomerate, which created a fu- frenemies who believe their gram, said Dennis Whyte, a and reached around $210,000 While his cash compensa-
work. sion division from scratch in technology and approach is professor of engineering at for midsize enterprises, ac- tion at Syneos Health has re-
Scientists around the world 2018. the best to meet the world’s MIT, who for several years sat cording to Janco. mained flat, Larry Pickett,
are trying to figure out how to Since then, ENN has built energy needs. Most are colle- on Chinese fusion advisory Compensation packages, chief information and digital
sustain fusion reactions and two tokamaks, the machines gial competitors with partner- committees. It took China with equity included, being of- officer for the biopharmaceuti-
engineer a way to turn that where fusion can happen, us- ships that spiderweb the about 10 years to build a fered to new CIO hires are put- cal services company, said
energy into net power. The ing powerful magnets to hold globe. But cooperation has world-class fusion science pro- ting total compensation above his equity awards have in-
U.S. leads on a technology that plasma. ENN’s fusion work been complicated by the in- gram and national labs. $1.5 million for midsize com- creased.
uses lasers to create fusion re- isn’t well understood outside creasingly adversarial rela- “It was almost like a flash panies and over $1.8 million That is a good incentive, he
actions, though magnetic fu- of China and its pace of devel- tionship between China and that they were able to get for large companies, some tech said, and is based on “helping
sion—using magnetic fields to opment would be difficult to the West, especially the U.S. there,” Whyte said. “Don’t un- chiefs said. drive the company forward
confine plasma—is where replicate in the U.S. or Europe. China for decades has in- derestimate their capabilities Among the largest enter- and the company’s financial
many experts expect commer- Fusion has seen a burst of vested in raw materials and about coming up to speed.” prises, Visa President of Tech- success, as opposed to, ‘Do you
cialization first. interest from governments technologies that are key to The U.S. has advantages nology Rajat Taneja’s total have the system up and run-
and private investors since the low-carbon transition. with an entrepreneurial ap- compensation in 2023 exceeded ning?’ ”
August 2021. Investments in Many of those are also used by proach but needs better coor- $20 million, according to com- Pay increases also reflect
China’s fusion push fusion technology surged in fusion firms and researchers, dination between private com- pany proxy filings. That was up increased duties for CIOs in
China is putting vast re- 2022 after scientists at Law- including powerful magnets to panies, universities and the from about $16.4 million in setting and executing AI ini-
sources into chasing the abun- rence Livermore National Lab- hold plasmas in place and lith- government, similar to what 2022, and includes a $2.8 mil- tiatives. That includes ready-
dant-energy dream. Crews in oratory in California achieved ium, which can be used as a was used in the 1950s to de- lion stock award increase and a ing enterprise data for use
China break only around Lu- “ignition”—a fusion reaction blanket layer around a fusion velop the nuclear submarine $95,775 salary bump. with AI, managing the technol-
nar New Year, according to that produced more energy reactor to absorb neutrons program, Whyte said. Compensation was growing ogy’s cybersecurity and finan-
scientists familiar with the ef- than it consumed. The federal produced in plasmas, among “It’s not clear to me who well before AI’s big moment in cial risks, and preparing em-
forts. research lab has achieved the other technologies. will win,” he said. late 2022. ployees to use AI tools.
B6 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
39344.79 t 31.08, or 0.08% Trailing P/E ratio 27.27 22.65 5572.85 s 5.66, or 0.10% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.15 19.69 18403.74 s 50.98, or 0.28% Trailing P/E ratio *† 32.36 31.25
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 19.15 18.22 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 22.65 20.10 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 29.51 28.92
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.16 2.10 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.30 1.58 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.76 0.72
All-time high 40003.59, 05/17/24 All-time high 5572.85, 07/08/24 All-time high: 18403.74, 07/08/24

Current divisor 0.15221633137872

40100 5500 18000

39600 5400 17500

moving average 39100 5300 17000

38600 5200 16500

Session high 65-day moving average

38100 5100 16000
Session open Close

65-day moving average

Close Open 37600 5000 15500

Bars measure the point change from session's open Session low
37100 4900 15000
Apr. May June July Apr. May June Apr. May June July
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 841,050,368 13,535,677
Industrial Average 39654.96 39278.43 39344.79 -31.08 -0.08 40003.59 32417.59 15.9 4.4 4.6 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 483,447,843 5,686,351
Transportation Avg 15314.47 15093.35 15158.61 -120.55 -0.79 16695.32 13556.07 -3.6 -4.7 1.5 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 347,456,414 6,301,723
Utility Average 908.80 902.73 904.61 -3.26 -0.36 955.01 783.08 0.2 2.6 0.5 Volume After Hours Issues traded 2,896 301
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 54969.48 54777.42 54876.91 71.48 0.13 54876.91 40847.04 24.4 14.8 6.9 Advances 1,502 136
Smurfit WestRock SW 22,795.3 46.22 … unch. 46.30 45.70
Barron's 400 1136.77 1129.24 1132.30 3.07 0.27 1166.53 907.97 15.4 5.6 4.3 Declines 1,300 144
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 8,404.7 555.38 0.10 0.02 555.58 555.14
Unchanged 94 21
Nasdaq Stock Market Zapp EV ZAPP 7,562.7 11.51 2.27 24.57 13.46 9.12 New highs 108 8
Nasdaq Composite 18416.94 18342.60 18403.74 50.98 0.28 18403.74 12595.61 34.5 22.6 8.1 NVIDIA NVDA 5,969.7 128.11 -0.09 -0.07 128.58 127.73 New lows 38 10
Nasdaq-100 20455.38 20363.37 20439.54 47.57 0.23 20439.54 14109.57 35.9 21.5 11.6 Intel INTC 5,383.5 34.40 0.41 1.21 34.59 33.94 Closing Arms† 0.86 0.67
Evolent Health Cl A EVH 5,037.1 19.58 … unch. 19.58 19.58 Block trades* 3,769 127
Comcast Cl A CMCSA 3,983.5 37.51 0.18 0.48 37.53 37.31
500 Index 5583.11 5562.51 5572.85 5.66 5572.85 4117.37 26.4 16.8 8.9 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
iShares MSCI Australia EWA 3,314.3 24.73 … unch. 24.73 24.73
MidCap 400 2921.85 2901.85 2905.65 9.85 0.34 3046.36 2326.82 10.2 4.5 3.1 Total volume*5,286,266,214 206,605,445
SmallCap 600 1297.54 1288.30 1289.85 7.06 0.55 1345.71 1068.80 6.1 -2.2 -0.9 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*3,597,916,800 89,945,170
Zapp EV ZAPP 7,562.7 11.51 2.27 24.57 13.46 9.12 Decl. volume*1,628,077,487 105,624,274
Other Indexes
Revolution Medicines RVMD 242.1 42.40 2.82 7.12 42.50 39.58 Issues traded 4,379 1,964
Russell 2000 2050.16 2036.55 2038.67 11.94 0.59 2124.55 1636.94 7.6 0.6 -3.0
Advances 2,346 1,023
NYSE Composite 18173.47 18061.21 18087.87 -11.03 -0.06 18388.26 14675.78 14.9 7.3 3.4 FIGS FIGS 53.2 5.68 0.29 5.44 5.68 5.20
Declines 1,842 895
Value Line 584.40 580.72 582.32 1.60 0.28 615.81 498.09 1.55 -1.9 -4.0 UL Solutions ULS 110.4 45.00 1.93 4.48 45.00 43.07
Unchanged 191 46
NYSE Arca Biotech 5300.37 5254.72 5283.96 29.23 0.56 5511.46 4544.40 1.7 -2.5 -3.5
Impinj PI 68.4 170.76 6.55 3.99 170.76 161.00
New highs 194 357
NYSE Arca Pharma 1071.88 1063.46 1065.47 0.29 0.03 1078.36 837.32 26.3 17.1 12.2 ...And losers New lows 124 29
KBW Bank 105.57 104.17 104.63 0.33 0.32 107.64 71.71 29.4 9.0 -4.4 Pliant Therapeutics PLRX 109.6 10.35 -0.51 -4.70 10.86 10.35 Closing Arms† 0.58 1.23
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 145.66 143.22 145.59 -0.12 -0.08 151.36 102.94 21.7 15.8 1.8 Dynatrace DT 59.9 43.50 -1.79 -3.95 45.52 43.50 Block trades* 36,147 1,000
PHLX§ Oil Service 84.42 83.81 84.37 0.29 0.35 98.76 76.90 -0.2 0.6 11.7 Constellium Cl A CSTM 97.2 18.41 -0.59 -3.11 19.00 18.41 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 5772.50 5700.91 5765.21 108.90 1.93 5765.21 3185.18 57.9 38.1 21.4 US Steel X 92.7 38.00 -1.20 -3.06 39.25 38.00 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 12.91 12.31 12.37 -0.11 -0.88 21.71 11.86 -17.9 -0.6 -13.3 Telekomun Indonesia ADR TLK 110.5 18.12 -0.57 -3.05 18.69 18.12 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 818.14 0.55 0.07 12.5 Zapp EV ZAPP 9.24 5.17 127.03 49.60 0.70 -80.1 HilleVax HLVX 1.64 -12.42 -88.34 20.22 1.55 -89.6
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 335.80 –0.01 –0.004 6.1 Morphic Holding MORF 55.74 23.90 75.06 62.08 19.35 -6.2 China Liberal Educ Hldgs CLEU 0.57 -1.61 -73.82 40.80 0.56 -97.3
MSCI World 3582.70 1.80 0.05 13.0 Myomo MYO 4.07 1.20 41.81 5.58 0.50 401.0 SYLA Technologies ADR SYT 1.98 -1.06 -34.87 8.74 1.46 -70.4
MSCI Emerging Markets 1107.30 2.42 0.22 8.2 Annovis Bio ANVS 15.46 4.36 39.28 22.49 4.53 13.8 Chijet Motor CJET 6.00 -2.10 -25.93 155.40 5.29 -91.9
Americas MSCI AC Americas 2091.44 2.56 0.12 15.3 Pulse Biosciences PLSE 15.51 3.46 28.71 17.05 3.78 111.0 MicroAlgo MLGO 6.40 -2.03 -24.08 156.00 1.56 -72.4
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 22126.13 67.10 0.30 5.6 Vicarious Surgical RBOT 9.40 2.07 28.24 62.10 5.19 -82.4 Wheels Up Experience UP 3.06 -0.94 -23.50 6.08 1.03 128.4
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2249.88 22.40 1.01 –15.5 Solarmax Technology SMXT 3.58 0.68 23.45 15.88 2.40 ... Wetouch Technology WETH 2.45 -0.71 -22.47 18.78 1.13 -66.9
Brazil Bovespa 126548.34 281.29 0.22 –5.7 MDxHealth MDXH 2.84 0.50 21.37 4.64 2.21 -16.5 Above Food Ingredients ABVE 2.52 -0.70 -21.74 13.50 2.34 -75.8
Chile S&P IPSA 3535.24 20.19 0.57 2.0 Jiuzi Holdings JZXN 3.15 0.55 21.15 73.84 2.33 -91.6 Ryde Group Cl A RYDE 6.42 -1.78 -21.71 11.00 2.02 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 52907.69 574.53 1.10 –7.8 SeaStar Medical Holding ICU 11.54 2.00 20.96 42.92 3.25 -17.5 Koss KOSS 10.49 -2.86 -21.42 18.73 2.27 193.0
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 516.43 –0.17 –0.03 7.8 Antelope Enterprise AEHL 3.76 0.64 20.51 8.70 1.22 -52.7 QXO QXO 49.09 -11.91 -19.52 290.00 23.92 82.1
Eurozone Euro STOXX 510.14 –1.13 –0.22 7.6 Drilling Tools Intl DTI 6.33 1.04 19.66 6.34 2.43 43.5 1847 Holdings EFSH 2.30 -0.55 -19.36 421.07 2.21 -99.2
Belgium Bel-20 3945.04 –14.80 –0.37 6.4 NiSun Intl Ent Devt NISN 5.08 0.83 19.53 8.85 2.16 31.3 Beneficient BENF 3.93 -0.91 -18.80 287.20 1.86 -98.2
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 2862.66 18.00 0.63 25.4 Grifols ADR GRFS 8.41 1.37 19.46 12.15 5.30 -8.3 VSee Health VSEE 7.19 -1.67 -18.80 33.08 6.17 -38.2
France CAC 40 7627.45 –0.63 1.1 Beam Global BEEM 6.49 0.99 18.00 12.57 4.30 -36.1 EzFill Holdings EZFL 1.92 -0.43 -18.30 5.04 1.13 -12.7
Germany DAX 18472.05 –0.02 10.3
Israel Tel Aviv 2046.51
–16.78 –0.81 9.7
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 34046.54 58.87 0.17 12.2 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 932.85 –0.91 –0.10 18.6
Oslo Bors All-Share 1634.38 Maxeon Solar Technologies MAXN 482,576 2530.4 0.27 12.50 28.48 0.17 HilleVax HLVX 25,202 12743 1.64 -88.34 20.22 1.55
Norway –14.69 –0.89 7.6
NVIDIA NVDA 233,027 -44.3 128.20 1.88 140.76 39.23 Morphic Holding MORF 53,239 10280 55.74 75.06 62.08 19.35
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 80783.51 –13.87 –0.02 5.1
Virpax Pharmaceuticals VRPX 159,904 102386.2 1.11 92.04 10.70 0.46 Bayview Acquisition Cl A BAYA 539 4314 10.25 -0.19 10.33 10.01
Spain IBEX 35 11022.10 –1.40 –0.01 9.1
0.23 Tesla TSLA 156,608 69.1 252.94 0.56 299.29 138.80 Invsc EW 0-30 Year Trea GOVI 3,004 3446 27.85 0.18 29.35 25.71
Sweden OMX Stockholm 981.49 2.24 8.7
SRIVARU Holding SVMH 114,213 1710.9 0.19 19.57 2.55 0.11 Invsc Fund HY Cp Bd PHB 4,658 2464 18.09 -0.06 18.24 16.75
Switzerland Swiss Market 12051.66 45.52 0.38 8.2
Turkey BIST 100 10864.08 12.30 0.11 45.4 Zapp EV ZAPP 101,475 2222.9 9.24 127.03 49.60 0.70 Global Lights Acquisition GLAC 446 1875 10.31 ... 10.42 10.04
U.K. FTSE 100 8193.49 –10.44 –0.13 6.0 Ocean Power Technologies OPTT 94,533 286.7 0.40 10.80 0.77 0.12 Target Global I Cl A TGAA 205 1594 11.30 -1.65 12.19 10.62
U.K. FTSE 250 20798.32 0.06 5.6 Shapeways SHPW 91,340 97554.3 0.49 132.19 5.53 0.20 Mountain & Co. I Cl A MCAA 514 1584 11.65 ... 11.66 10.94
Intel INTC 79,633 66.2 33.99 6.15 51.28 29.73 Bowen Acquisition BOWN 250 1547 10.58 ... 10.61 10.10
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 184.07 –0.37 –0.20 8.7
Direxion TSLA Bull 2X TSLL 79,514 128.6 14.74 1.31 21.10 4.94 COPEL ADR ELPC 469 1526 6.34 0.72 8.25 5.74
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7763.20 –59.06 –0.76 2.3
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 2922.45 –27.48 –0.93 –1.8 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 17524.06 –275.55 –1.55 2.8
India BSE Sensex 79960.38 –0.05 10.7
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Japan NIKKEI 225 40780.70 –131.67 –0.32 21.9 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes and CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3404.47 –6.34 –0.19 5.1 track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2857.76 –4.47 –0.16 7.6 new highs/lows, mutual funds and Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 23878.15 321.56 1.37 33.2 ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1322.50 10.51 0.80 –6.6
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Mon YTDchg Mon YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00003934 25420 4.7
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0011917.2755 13.5 Europe
Brazil real .1828 5.4705 12.7 Czech Rep. koruna .04298 23.266 4.0
2.9 .1451 6.8910 1.7
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race
Canada dollar
Chile peso
.7333 1.3637
.001064 940.13 7.4
Denmark krone
Euro area euro 1.0826 .9237 2.0
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000246 4066.50 4.93 Hungary forint .002743 364.56 5.0
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007260 137.74 1.3
A consumer rate against its 30-year mortgage, Rate Mexico peso .0555 18.0101 6.1 Norway krone .0942 10.6112 4.3
benchmark over the past year 6.00% Uruguay peso .02502 39.9631 2.3 Poland zloty .2537 3.9423 0.1 avg†: 7.47% 14% Asia-Pacific Sweden krona .0945 10.5846 4.8
Tradeweb FTSE
Fidelity Bank Trust 6.25% Monday Close 5.00 Switzerland franc 1.1140 .8977 6.7
Australiadollar .6738 1.4841 1.1
8.00% Dubuque, IA 563-557-2300 7 WSJ Dollar Index Turkey lira .0306 32.6937 10.9
t China yuan .1376 7.2685 2.2
Ukraine hryvnia .0245 40.7500 6.8
Hong Kong dollar .1280 7.8099 unch
Community First Bank 6.38% t
UK pound 1.2806 .7809 –0.6
30-year fixed-rate 6.00 0 India rupee .01198 83.453 0.3
Boscobel, WI 608-647-4029 One year ago 3.00 Middle East/Africa
mortgage Indonesia rupiah .0000614 16282 5.8
4.00 Farmers Bank 6.38% 2.00 –7 s
s Japan yen .006218 160.83 14.0 Bahrain dinar 2.6529 .3770 unch
Yen Euro
Buhl, ID 208-734-1500 Kazakhstan tenge .002083 480.03 5.4 Egypt pound .0209 47.9259 55.0
10-year Treasury 2.00 Macau pataca .1242 8.0500 –0.05 Israel shekel .2720 3.6771 2.0
Farmers State Bank 6.38% 1.00 –14
note yield Malaysia ringgit .2123 4.7105 2.5 Kuwait dinar 3.2676 .3060 –0.4
Marion, IA 319-390-2534 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2023 2024
0.00 New Zealand dollar .6126 1.6324 3.2 Oman sul rial 2.5975 .3850 unch
Hills Bank and Trust Company 6.38% month(s) years
A S O N D J F M A M JJ Pakistan rupee .00359 278.550 –0.9 Qatar rial .2747 3.641 –0.1
Hills, IA 800-445-5725 maturity Philippines peso .0171 58.547 5.7 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7512 0.03
2023 2024
Sources: Tradeweb FTSE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7408 1.3499 2.3 South Africa rand .0552 18.1174 –1.0
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0007224 1384.21 6.9
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0032842 304.49 –6.0
WSJ Dollar Index 99.93
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
0.10 0.10 4.27
Federal-funds rate target 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 5.00 l 5.50 5.25 Taiwan dollar .03079 32.483 5.8
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .02745 36.430 6.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
Prime rate* 8.50 8.50 8.25 l 8.50 5.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
SOFR 5.32 5.33 5.05 5.40 5.27
Money market, annual yield 0.49 0.51 0.46 l
0.64 0.41
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2171.830 4.460 4.640 5.120 4.040 3.433 –3.386 Commodities
Monday 52-Week YTD
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.84 2.87 2.77 l 2.88 2.39 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3124.550 4.540 4.730 5.280 3.950 –1.237–11.004 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.47 7.42 7.01 l 8.28 4.36 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2063.700 4.880 5.080 5.740 4.490 4.804 –3.021
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.86 6.81 6.34 l 7.42 4.44
DJ Commodity 1026.49 -12.95 -1.25 1079.94 934.97 6.75 7.17
Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 2035.170 5.110 5.330 6.050 4.620 4.515 –2.750
Jumbo mortgages, $766,550-plus† 7.56 7.51 7.07 l 8.33 4.43 FTSE/CC CRB Index 290.91 -2.52 -0.86 300.23 258.09 10.03 10.26
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3642.447 6.973 7.126 9.101 6.847 11.204 1.926
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.62 6.59 6.20 l 7.16 3.57 Crude oil, $ per barrel 82.33 -0.83 -1.00 93.68 68.61 12.80 14.91
Muni Master, ICE BofA 586.520 3.479 3.555 4.311 3.038 3.375 –0.931
New-car loan, 48-month 7.94 7.94 7.26 l 7.94 3.83 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.366 0.047 2.03 3.575 1.575 -11.35 -5.89 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 871.275 7.840 8.073 8.842 7.205 10.458 –2.070
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Gold, $ per troy oz. 2355.20 -33.30 -1.39 2433.90 1816.60 22.35 14.20
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | B7


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Dec 118-190 119-030 118-090 119-030 6.0 733 Sept .6759 .6774 .6745 .6750 –.0014 214,913
July 386.50 386.50 377.20 379.50 –7.50 2,067 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Contract Open Sept 110-180 110-205 110-100 110-190 –.5 4,467,091 July .05545 .05553 .05527 .05560 .00032 31
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Dec 331.50 332.20 t 320.60 321.40 –11.10 241,065
Dec 110-240 111-000 110-230 110-315 … 1,622 Sept .05462 .05507 .05461 .05506 .00032 183,583
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
July 48.76 48.96 48.68 49.00 –.62 1,257
July 4.6090 4.6675 4.6075 4.6220 –0.0365 3,147 Sept 107-002 107-015 106-272 107-002 –1.0 6,321,609 July 1.0831 1.0849 1.0819 1.0829 –.0012 2,602
Dec 48.61 48.61 47.81 48.26 –.44 231,975 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% Sept 1.0852 1.0881 1.0851 1.0861 –.0012 620,652
Sept 4.6710 4.6710 4.5885 4.6180 –0.0340 161,204
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Sept 102-102 102-105 102-080 102-096 –1.0 4,287,479
July 2381.70 2383.80 2352.80 2355.20 –33.30 495 July 17.01 17.38 16.95 17.07 .13 298 Dec 102-211 102-216 102-210 102-206 –1.0 18 Index Futures
Aug 2396.20 2399.30 2358.30 2363.50 –34.20 354,869 Sept 14.57 14.98 14.56 14.79 .23 7,334 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 94.6725 t 94.6700 94.6700 –.0025 378,770
94.6725 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Sept 2411.20 2411.20 s 2372.30 2376.20 –34.00 183 Sept 39670 40006 39595 39650 –45 85,589
July 552.25 553.00 550.00 553.00 –19.25 167 Aug 94.6900 t 94.6800 94.6850 –.0050 519,183
Oct 2419.00 2422.10 2382.00 2387.00 –34.10 24,289
Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Dec 40003 40382 39986 40037 –40 288
Dec 2443.80 2445.70 2405.70 2411.00 –34.00 106,503 Sept 589.25 590.75 566.00 570.40 –20.00 212,795 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
April 94.6425 94.6450 94.6425 94.6425 –.0025 5,918
Feb'25 2464.80 2467.80 2430.10 2434.10 –34.10 10,789 Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept 5612.00 5637.50 s 5610.75 5625.25 3.75 2,041,590
June 94.6500 94.6525 94.6475 94.6500 –.0025 1,190,998
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. July 590.75 591.00 572.00 573.40 –21.75 96 Dec 5674.75 5700.75 s 5674.00 5688.75 4.00 11,832
July 1019.00 1040.50 s 1011.00 1011.50 –24.30 3 Sept 597.50 597.75 573.00 577.25 –21.75 135,891
Currency Futures Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Sept 1034.00 1038.00 1000.50 1014.70 –24.90 21,932 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Sept 2919.60 2955.60 2916.60 2932.20 10.40 37,372
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Aug 262.000 263.275 258.525 259.175 –2.300 20,219 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ Dec … 2969.70 2939.20 2949.30 10.40 n.a.
Sept 262.675 263.775 259.425 260.625 –1.600 9,157 July .6230 .6246 .6214 .6226 –.0004 3,620 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
July 1039.10 1039.20 1032.30 1003.70 –31.60 17
Sept .6284 .6306 .6273 .6285 –.0004 337,821 Sept 20591.50 20688.00 s 20579.25 20659.75 39.00 265,260
Oct 1044.70 1044.70 1011.10 1013.50 –32.50 76,698 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD Dec 20857.75 20942.25 s 20836.00 20915.50 39.75 995
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Aug 186.500 187.275 183.800 184.350 –2.075 125,632
July .7330 .7341 .7329 .7333 –.0007 986 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
July 31.200 31.200 30.720 30.618 –0.770 536 Oct 187.250 187.600 184.550 185.300 –1.875 89,823 Sept .7344 .7353 .7340 .7345 –.0006 250,647 Sept 2040.80 2072.30 2036.70 2056.70 14.00 460,731
Sept 31.475 31.670 30.710 30.913 –0.776 131,549 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ Dec 2058.70 2092.60 2058.70 2078.00 14.20 220
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. July 89.600 89.900 89.425 89.675 –.200 13,253 July 1.2812 1.2845 1.2801 1.2814 –.0004 1,506 Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
Aug 83.15 83.32 82.08 82.33 –0.83 266,354 Aug 89.500 90.550 89.250 89.525 .350 96,021 Sept 1.2820 1.2853 1.2808 1.2820 –.0004 191,960 Sept 3060.80 3065.30 s 3055.10 3059.90 2.30 5,939
Sept 82.36 82.50 81.29 81.52 –0.74 265,842 Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Oct 81.48 81.61 80.46 80.69 –0.68 149,265 July 448.00 451.50 t 439.50 443.50 –5.50 905 Sept 1.1259 1.1275 1.1233 1.1241 –.0015 94,228 Sept 104.66 104.71 104.48 104.67 .12 43,862
Sept 482.50 483.00 470.00 478.00 –4.00 9,092 Dec 1.1388 1.1393 1.1356 1.1363 –.0016 585 Dec 104.25 104.25 104.23 104.29 .12 362
Dec 80.07 80.07 78.99 79.28 –0.54 207,494
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
June'25 76.68 76.73 75.91 76.24 –0.33 101,171
July .6746 .6762 s .6734 .6739 –.0014 647
July 19.72 19.82 19.59 19.80 .08 3,454 Source: FactSet
Dec 74.26 74.26 73.60 73.94 –0.20 121,555
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Aug 20.14 20.47 19.76 20.43 .30 4,678
Aug 2.6090 2.6175 2.5650 2.5791 –.0233 87,910 Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
Sept 2.6248 2.6260 2.5805 2.5928 –.0238 65,734 July 7,721 7,721 7,720 7,693 –28 1,053 Bonds |
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Sept 7,776 8,143 7,577 7,705 –145 48,892
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
2.5379 –.0212
2.5062 –.0168
101,513 July 236.70 236.70 236.70 236.20 5.90 208 Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Sept 230.55 235.45 229.80 234.40 5.45 102,935 Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Aug 2.270 2.390 2.268 2.366 .047 204,339 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Sept 2.300 2.417 2.300 2.382 .032 272,539 Oct 20.13 20.37 19.83 20.13 –.01 356,034
highs and lows for different types of bonds
Oct 2.425 2.530 2.420 2.492 .025 149,758 March'25 20.63 20.68 20.20 20.47 –.05 186,924
Total Total
return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Nov 2.855 2.958 2.855 2.919 .017 130,392 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Jan'25 3.635 3.706 3.629 3.688 .024 108,984 Sept 38.11 38.11 38.11 38.11 … 1,994
March 3.111 3.175 3.109 3.159 .024 108,454 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
July 67.32 67.32 67.32 67.32 .01 12
Agriculture Futures 2063.70 0.1 U.S. Aggregate 4.880 4.490 5.740 2035.17 -0.1 Mortgage-Backed 5.110 4.620 6.050
Dec 71.00 71.96 70.76 71.05 .07 156,641
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 2007.25 -0.2 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 5.150 4.640 6.020
July 411.75 411.75 394.50 395.60 –15.50 1,235 July 461.00 461.00 461.00 460.05 15.55 15
Sept 431.50 433.45 426.50 428.95 –4.40 7,537 3138.88 0.6 U.S. Corporate 5.340 5.020 6.430 1198.10 -0.1 Fannie mae (FNMA) 5.100 4.620 6.050
Dec 423.00 423.75t 405.75 407.60 –16.25 643,770
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 3046.66 1.7 Intermediate 5.220 4.950 6.350 1849.10 0.2 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 5.030 4.540 6.190
July 313.00 313.00 313.00 312.40 –4.75 11 Interest Rate Futures
Dec 317.60 4141.65 -1.8 Long term 5.580 5.160 6.600 586.52 -0.3 Muni Master 3.479 3.038 4.311
321.25 323.75 313.50 –4.75 3,401 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Sept 125-250 126-090 125-020 126-070 8.0 1,661,515 596.94 -0.6 Double-A-rated 4.970 4.540 5.760 413.45 -1.2 7-12 year 3.227 2.721 4.097
July 1181.75 1181.75 1167.25 1174.25 –14.25 1,596 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Nov 1124.50 1125.25 t 1094.25 1099.40 –30.25 413,535 Sept 118-230 119-010 118-050 119-000 6.0 1,678,822 849.47 1.0 Triple-B-rated 5.530 5.250 6.700 476.22 0.1 12-22 year 3.702 3.388 4.742
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 452.47 0.8 22-plus year 4.244 4.070 5.274
542.07 3.1 High Yield Constrained 7.842 7.620 9.560 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
Dividend Changes 526.07 3.8 Triple-C-rated 13.410 12.616 15.455 537.93 -1.1 Global Government 3.500 2.950 3.810
Amount Payable / Amount Payable / 3642.45 2.8 High Yield 100 6.973 6.847 9.101 801.31 -0.2 Canada 3.480 3.090 4.260
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
473.85 3.8 Global High Yield Constrained 7.620 7.552 9.440 351.85 -1.3 EMU§ 3.221 2.669 3.790
Reduced Foreign
Sabine Royalty Tr UBI SBR 8.9 .379 /.53764 M Jul29 /Jul15 Banco Bradesco Ord ADR BBDO 8.4 .00315 M Sep12 /Aug05 358.66 3.6 Europe High Yield Constrained 6.330 6.207 8.022 643.88 -2.5 France 3.240 2.540 3.630

Stocks Banco Bradesco Pref ADR BBD 7.3 .00347 M Sep12 /Aug05 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 457.55 -2.2 Germany 2.620 2.020 3.030
Calidi Biotherapeutics CLDI 1:10 /Jul15 Euronav EURN 6.3 1.15 Jul18 /Jul10 1804.28 1.2 U.S Agency 4.850 4.380 5.390 269.12 -3.5 Japan 1.480 0.790 1.480
IM Cannabis IMCC 1:6 /Jul12 GFL Environmental GFL 0.1 .014 Q Jul31 /Jul15
1597.06 1.4 10-20 years 4.850 4.360 5.370 496.53 -2.5 Netherlands 2.850 2.260 3.320
KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; Note: Dividend yields as of 3:30 p.m. ET
3430.12 -0.6 20-plus years 4.860 4.500 5.740 795.03 -2.1 U.K. 4.360 3.790 4.880
S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off. Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
2753.59 1.0 Yankee 5.160 4.860 6.110 871.27 2.7 Emerging Markets ** 7.840 7.205 8.842
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds

Cash Prices | Monday, July 8, 2024 ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan

These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—separate
from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future months. Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Monday Monday Monday Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2495.5 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 5.5200
Energy Copper,Comex spot 4.6220 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.0725 selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 74.000 Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s *110.5 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.1500 Country/ Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Yield (%)
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 13.900 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s *n.a.
Battery/EV metals
Food Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 12550 Beef,carcass equiv. index 4.625 U.S. 2 4.616 s l 4.599 4.870 4.931
Gold, per troy oz BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 11525 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 308.08 4.375 10 4.267t l 4.272 4.428 4.047
Engelhard industrial 2377.00 BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,w 3899 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 284.27 4.250 Australia 2 4.218 t 4.248 3.997 4.413 -36.4 -54.4
BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 3933 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.3197
l -40.6
Handy & Harman base 2376.65
Handy & Harman fabricated 2638.08 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 485 Butter,AA Chicago-d 3.1300 3.750 10 4.372 t l 4.413 4.232 4.256 10.1 12.7 18.9
Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 194.00
LBMA Gold Price AM *2365.35 Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 196.00 2.500 France 2 3.067 t l 3.090 3.171 3.463 -155.7 -152.2 -149.4
LBMA Gold Price PM *2379.05
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2451.07 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.8100 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 118.25 3.500 10 3.120 t l 3.167 3.103 3.186 -115.1 -112.0 -88.2
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6349 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 2.3453
Maple Leaf-e 2474.64 2.900 Germany 2 2.915 s l 2.896 3.092 3.266 -171.0 -171.7 -169.0
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *82.75 Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.5120
American Eagle-e 2474.64
Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 2.2850 2.200 10 2.542 s l 2.536 2.618 2.636 -172.9 -175.0 -143.1
Mexican peso-e 2849.59
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Flour,hard winter KC-p 16.95
Austria crown-e 2313.14 3.600 Italy 2 3.444 t 3.458 3.604 3.918 -115.5 -103.8
Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a. l -118.0
Austria phil-e 2474.64 Grains and Feeds Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 86.63
Silver, troy oz. 3.850 10 3.886 t l 3.944 3.959 4.354 -38.5 -34.2 28.6
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w n.a. Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 1.3732
Engelhard industrial 31.2500 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.2989 0.400 Japan 2 0.361 s l 0.343 0.349 -0.042 -426.3 -426.9 -499.9
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.7100
Handy & Harman base 30.6600 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w n.a. Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 190.00
Handy & Harman fabricated 38.3250 1.100 10 1.091 s l 1.070 0.973 0.436 -318.0 -321.6 -363.1
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w n.a. Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 304.25
LBMA spot price *£23.9100 n.a. 2.800 Spain 2 3.096 t 3.102 3.265 3.561 -151.0 -139.5
Cottonseed meal-u,w Fats and Oils l -152.8
(U.S.$ equivalent) *30.5800 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w n.a.
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 23757 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a.
3.250 10 3.262 t l 3.290 3.359 3.631 -100.9 -99.6 -43.7
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w n.a.
Other metals Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 3.9350 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.4850 0.125 U.K. 2 4.127 t l 4.132 4.379 5.380 -49.7 -48.0 42.3
LBMA Platinum Price PM *1023.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w n.a. Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
LBMA Palladium Price PM *1026.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w n.a. 4.250 10 4.118 t l 4.128 4.264 4.651 -15.3 -15.8 58.4
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1012.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.5500 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.5200 Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb FTSE U.S. Treasury Close
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1025.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 8.2250 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.

KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co; Corporate Debt
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 7/5
Source: Dow Jones Market Data expectations
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
Borrowing Benchmarks | Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week

Money Rates July 8, 2024 Vodafone VOD 4.875 5.65 June 19, ’49 118 –14 n.a.
Goldman Sachs GS 6.250 5.40 Feb. 1, ’41 83 –8 103
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. Verizon Communications VZ 4.125 4.89 March 16, ’27 48 –8 60
Morgan Stanley MS 6.375 5.28 July 24, ’42 71 –5 84
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
May index Chg From (%) Sumitomo Mitsui Financial … 5.836 5.53 July 9, ’44 96 –5 n.a.
level April '24 May '23 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Federal funds
Citigroup C 8.125 5.42 July 15, ’39 114 –3 125
Policy Rates Effective rate 5.3300 5.3300 5.3500 5.0800
U.S. consumer price index –3
Euro zone 4.25 4.25 4.50 4.00 High 5.6500 5.6500 5.6500 5.4000 Royal Bank of Canada RY 4.240 5.01 Aug. 3, ’27 60 59
All items 314.069 0.23 3.3 Low 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 5.0500
Switzerland 1.75 1.75 2.25 1.75 –2
Core 318.629 0.20 3.4 Britain 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.00
Bank of America BAC 6.110 5.41 Jan. 29, ’37 114 128
Bid 5.3300 5.3300 5.3300 5.0700
Australia 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.10 Offer 5.3500 5.3500 5.3700 5.0800
International rates …And spreads that widened the most
Overnight repurchase Treasury bill auction
Week 52-Week U.S. 5.39 5.45 5.48 5.04
Latest High Low 4 weeks 5.280 5.270 5.325 5.150 Mattel MAT 6.200 6.32 Oct. 1, ’40 176 9 n.a.
13 weeks 5.230 5.240 5.345 5.210
U.S. government rates 8
Prime rates 26 weeks 5.080 5.115 5.350 4.975 American Honda Finance … 4.900 4.86 March 13, ’29 63 63
U.S. 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.25 Discount
Marathon Oil 6.800 5.29 March 15, ’32 102 8
Canada 6.95 6.95 7.20 6.95 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.25 Other short-term rates MRO n.a.

Week 52-Week KeyCorp KEY 2.550 5.69 Oct. 1, ’29 146 7 n.a.
Latest ago high low
Key Interest Rates Call money
Anglo American Capital … 4.750 5.37 April 10, ’27 94 6 n.a.
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.00 5
John Deere Capital … 4.900 4.85 June 11, ’27 45 49
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve Commercial paper (AA financial) Royal Bank of Canada 5.200 5.11 July 20, ’26 49 5
RY 51
release H.15. 90 days n.a. n.a. 5.54 5.14
Week Ended Toyota Motor Credit … 5.250 4.81 Sept. 11, ’28 57 4 n.a.
52-Week Week Ended 52-Week Secured Overnight Financing Rate
Jul 5 Jun 28 High Low Jul 5 Jun 28 High Low
5.32 5.33 5.40 5.05
6-month 5.36 5.36 5.58 5.19
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 5.05 5.10 5.46 4.76 Value 52-Week
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
5.33 5.33 5.33 5.08 2-year 4.71 4.70 5.14 4.24 Latest Traded High Low Bond Price as % of face value
Commercial paper 3-year 4.50 4.49 4.97 4.01 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
5-year 4.35 4.29 4.86 3.84 DTCC GCF Repo Index
Nonfinancial 7-year 4.35 4.28 4.90 3.86 5.386 28.370 5.504 5.089
Treasury Paramount Global PARA 4.375 7.05 March 15, ’43 72.479 1.45 66.190
1-month 5.31 5.31 5.34 5.11 10-year 4.39 4.29 4.87 3.81
2-month 5.34 5.33 5.37 5.17 MBS 5.401 53.150 5.689 5.121
20-year 4.67 4.53 5.20 4.08 0.86
3-month 5.33 5.34 5.40 5.30 Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.450 5.81 Sept. 15, ’36 105.496 104.014
Financial Treasury yields (secondary market)
Weekly survey
ADT Security … 4.875 6.11 July 15, ’32 92.250 0.63 92.155
1-month 5.32 5.30 5.43 5.12 Latest Week ago Year ago
2-month 5.34 n.a. 5.51 5.22 1-month 5.28 5.25 5.33 5.13
3-month 5.32 5.26 5.53 5.22 3-month 5.24 5.23 5.35 5.21 Genworth Financial GNW 6.500 7.19 June 15, ’34 95.125 0.38 93.953
6-month 5.11 5.13 5.34 5.00 Freddie Mac
Discount window primary credit 30-year fixed 6.95 6.86 6.81
TIPS Rakuten … 9.750 8.38 April 15, ’29 105.250 0.38 103.674
5.50 5.50 5.50 5.25 15-year fixed 6.25 6.16 6.24
5-year 2.10 2.09 2.55 1.71
Treasury yields at constant 7-year 2.09 2.06 2.47 1.66 Notes on data: Macy's Retail Holdings … 6.375 7.32 March 15, ’37 92.250 0.25 n.a.
maturities 10-year 2.10 2.04 2.45 1.53 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
1-month 5.48 5.45 5.60 5.30 20-year 2.18 2.10 2.49 1.54 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
3-month 5.47 5.49 5.62 5.42 Long-term avg 2.26 2.17 2.59 1.69 U.S. banks, and is effective July 27, 2023. Other
prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending
…And with the biggest price decreases
Notes on data: practices vary widely by location; Discount rate
is effective July 27, 2023. Secured Overnight Telecom Italia Capital … 7.721 7.96 June 4, ’38 98.000 –0.30 97.676
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Financing Rate is as of July 5, 2024. DTCC GCF
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing –0.23
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window
Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding … 7.875 6.91 April 15, ’27 102.393 102.290
Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of –0.08
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Rakuten … 9.750 8.45 April 15, ’29 105.003 103.500
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET.
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet; Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
please see, Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Source: MarketAxess
B8 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg Sym Close Chg
How to Read the Stock Tables Stock Stock Stock Stock Stock Stock Stock

The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Ecopetrol EC 11.23 ... HewlettPackard HPE 20.89 0.34 MSA Safety MSA 185.50 1.27 Nutanix NTNX 59.60 -0.50 RalphLauren RL 177.07 8.40 STMicroelec STM 42.41 -0.01 Unilever UL 55.83 0.34
Nasdaq Stock Market listed securities. Prices are consolidated from trades EdisonIntl EIX 71.57 -0.05 Hilton HLT 214.57 0.16 MSCI MSCI 492.26 -2.98 Nutrien NTR 49.08 -0.85 RangeResources RRC 33.96 0.31 Stryker SYK 334.11 -3.14 UnionPacific UNP 223.39 -1.78
reported by various market centers, including securities exchanges, Finra, EdwardsLife EW 91.84 -0.48 Hologic HOLX 74.53 0.43 MagnaIntl MGA 42.56 0.29 nVentElectric NVT 76.72 0.84 RaymondJames RJF 117.47 -2.04 SumitomoMits SMFG 13.79 -0.07 UnitedAirlines UAL 46.82 -0.18
electronic communications networks and other broker-dealers. The list Elastic ESTC 115.72 0.85 HomeDepot HD 339.60 5.02 MakeMyTrip MMYT 86.66 0.71 NVIDIA NVDA 128.20 2.37 RealtyIncome O 53.16 0.07 SunComms SUI 117.46 -1.49 UnitedMicro UMC 8.66 0.28
comprises the 1,000 largest companies based on market capitalization. ElbitSystems ESLT 188.56 1.16 HondaMotor HMC 31.82 -0.63 ManhattanAssoc MANH 246.22 -1.61 Reddit RDDT 72.81 -0.16 SunLifeFinancial SLF 49.16 0.18 UPS B UPS 135.53 -0.82
ElectronicArts EA 139.65 1.39 Honeywell HON 211.63 -0.61 s ManulifeFinl MFC 26.99 0.35 O P Q RegalRexnord RRX 135.97 3.21 SuncorEnergy SU 37.95 0.17 UnitedRentals URI 637.42 3.47
Underlined quotations are those stocks with large changes in volume ElevanceHealth ELV 526.55 -3.76 HormelFoods HRL 30.15 -0.14 Maplebear CART 34.11 -0.37 RegencyCtrs REG 61.74 -0.21 Sunoco SUN 56.20 0.67 US Bancorp USB 39.46 0.42
compared with the issue’s average trading volume. ONEOK OKE 82.00 -0.25
EmersonElec EMR 109.97 0.51 DR Horton DHI 136.18 0.62 MarathonOil MRO 28.19 0.01 RegenPharm REGN 1052.25 18.02 SuperMicroComp SMCI 899.34 52.76 US Steel X 39.20 0.50
ON Semi ON 75.01 1.63
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues whose price changed by 5% or Enbridge ENB 35.38 -0.23 HostHotels HST 17.69 0.21 MarathonPetrol MPC 167.47 -3.27
O'ReillyAuto ORLY 1022.79 -4.03
RegionsFinl RF 19.79 0.28 Suzano SUZ 9.78 -0.24 UnitedTherap UTHR 316.89 2.33
more if their previous closing price was $2 or higher. EncompassHealth EHC 83.97 -1.28 HoulihanLokey HLI 134.22 -2.02 Markel MKL 1550.81 15.12 ReinsGrp RGA 205.72 1.98 SynchronyFinl SYF 47.67 0.75 UnitedHealth UNH 489.34 1.33
Endeavor EDR 27.40 -0.02 OccidentalPetrol OXY 60.95 -0.84
HowmetAerospace HWM 80.47 1.67 MarketAxess MKTX 204.40 -0.25 Reliance RS 280.70 0.19 Synopsys SNPS 615.49 -5.81 s UnivDisplay OLED 222.45 4.13
Footnotes: EnergyTransfer ET 16.09 -0.09 Hubbell HUBB 377.01 4.26 Marriott MAR 239.86 -1.12
Okta OKTA 98.05 1.70
RenaissanceRe RNR 217.71 6.24
s-New 52-week high; t-New 52-week low; dd-Indicates loss in the most OldDomFreight ODFL 181.06 -1.71 Sysco SYY 69.66 -0.09 UniversalHealthB UHS 180.63 -0.30
EnphaseEnergy ENPH 102.81 5.67 HubSpot HUBS 586.16 -1.09 Marsh&McLen MMC 214.26 0.34 RentokilInit RTO 30.40 -0.31 UnumGroup UNM 50.18 0.37
recent four quarters.
EnsignGroup ENSG 125.02 -1.58 Humana HUM 370.43 1.61 MartinMarietta MLM 529.98 -6.76
OldRepublic ORI 30.10 0.21
OmegaHealthcare OHI 33.77 -0.10
RepublicSvcs RSG 195.29 0.40 T U V VICI Prop VICI 27.83 0.08
Stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. ET and Entegris ENTG 141.52 2.41 JBHunt JBHT 158.04 -0.25 MarvellTech MRVL 74.91 2.83 ResMed RMD 192.92 -1.82 Vale VALE 11.48 -0.18
changes in the official closing prices from 4 p.m. ET the previous day. Omnicom OMC 89.61 0.71 TC Energy TRP 37.48 -0.39 ValeroEnergy VLO 147.96 -4.82
Entergy ETR 104.75 -0.62 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.99 0.15 Masco MAS 65.79 1.09 RestaurantBrands QSR 70.03 0.42
OnHolding ONON 37.93 0.74 TD Synnex SNX 112.00 2.31 Vaxcyte
EnterpriseProd EPD 29.13 0.12 HuntingIngalls HII 243.00 -0.07 MasTec MTZ 102.24 1.66 Revvity RVTY 104.64 1.08 PCVX 79.35 1.56
OntoInnovation ONTO 232.42 4.03 TE Connectivity TEL 150.66 1.23 VeevaSystems VEEV 182.89 -0.57
Equifax EFX 241.30 -0.94 HyattHotels H 148.67 -0.20 Mastercard MA 446.24 -3.25 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 45.67 0.15
Monday, July 8, 2024 Net Net OpenText OTEX 31.00 0.04 Telus TU 15.41 0.14 s Ventas
Equinix EQIX 756.92 2.43 ICICI Bank IBN 29.14 -0.09 MatadorRscs MTDR 59.04 0.84 RioTinto RIO 67.17 -0.47 VTR 51.88 -0.57
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Oracle ORCL 145.03 0.20 Ternium TX 37.39 -0.05 Veralto
Equinor EQNR 27.77 -0.78 IdexxLab IDXX 483.73 -2.27 MatchGroup MTCH 30.20 0.78 Rivian RIVN 15.49 0.70 VLTO 95.90 0.30
Stock Sym Close Chg Orange ORAN 10.57 0.02 TFI Intl TFII 146.26 -0.71 VeriSign
BXP BXP 60.75 0.45 Chewy CHWY 24.80 -0.18 Equitable EQH 40.38 -0.04 s ING Groep ING 17.92 0.04 McCormickVtg MKC.V 69.35 0.35 Robinhood HOOD 22.09 -0.59 VRSN 175.84 -0.96
Orix IX 114.00 -1.04 s TJX TJX 112.21 0.57 s VeriskAnalytics VRSK 273.20 -1.25
Baidu BIDU 87.95 -1.02 Chipotle CMG 59.51 -3.24 EquityLife ELS 63.73 -0.27 IQVIA IQV 208.94 0.84 McCormick MKC 69.44 -1.02 Roblox RBLX 39.82 1.14
A B C BakerHughes BKR 34.17 -0.05 ChordEnergy CHRD 169.74 0.24 EquityResdntl EQR 67.99 0.12 ITT ITT 126.89 -0.05 McDonald's MCD 247.85 -3.24
OtisWorldwide OTIS 97.40 0.52
RocketCos. RKT 13.27 -0.66 TKO TKO 112.18 1.40 Verizon VZ 41.53 0.26
Ovintiv OVV 46.72 0.20 T-MobileUS TMUS 179.17 -0.07 VertexPharm VRTX 481.89 7.32
Ball BALL 59.92 0.28 Chubb CB 252.99 0.48 ErieIndemnity ERIE 369.09 2.91 IcahnEnterprises IEP 17.11 0.57 McKesson MCK 589.53 1.77 Rockwell ROK 265.11 1.04
AECOM ACM 83.42 -1.02 OwensCorning OC 167.34 1.70 TPG TPG 40.57 -0.07 Vertiv
BBVA BBVA 10.33 -0.09 ChunghwaTel CHT 36.31 -0.25 EssentialUtil WTRG 37.18 -0.31 Icon ICLR 320.92 0.15 Medpace MEDP 405.64 3.24 RogersComm B RCI 36.79 -0.16 VRT 92.33 0.55
AES AES 17.85 0.14 PDD PDD 134.68 -1.51 T.RowePrice TROW 114.67 -0.12 Viatris
BancoBradesco BBDO 2.09 -0.03 Church&Dwight CHD 105.58 -1.01 EssexProp ESS 273.10 0.86 IDEX IEX 195.64 0.95 Medtronic MDT 76.84 -0.77 RoivantSciences ROIV 10.72 0.07 VTRS 10.61 0.29
Aflac AFL 88.52 -0.53 PG&E PCG 17.18 -0.05 s TaiwanSemi TSM 186.63 2.64
BancodeChile BCH 23.13 0.04 ChurchillDowns CHDN 138.67 -0.90 EsteeLauder EL 106.50 0.15 IllinoisToolWks ITW 233.91 0.77 MercadoLibre MELI 1683.75 24.79 Roku ROKU 61.02 -1.06 Viking VIK 34.12 0.27
AGNC Invt AGNC 9.68 -0.07 s EvercoreA EVR 212.64 -0.13 PNC Finl PNC 158.77 2.26 s TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 152.00 0.26 VinFastAuto VFS 4.28 -0.04
BancSanBrasil BSBR 4.88 -0.09 Cigna CI 323.78 4.66 Illumina ILMN 107.84 -0.68 Merck MRK 125.78 -0.67 Rollins ROL 49.92 -0.48
Ansys ANSS 327.64 -3.61 POSCO PKX 68.29 -0.11 TakedaPharm TAK 13.18 -0.03 Vipshop
BcoSantChile BSAC 18.91 -0.06 CincinnatiFinl CINF 116.68 0.98 Everest EG 373.04 10.19 ImperialOil IMO 68.22 -0.55 s MetaPlatforms META 529.32-10.59 RoperTech ROP 556.80 -5.01 VIPS 13.15 -0.09
APA APA 28.84 0.24 PPG Ind PPG 127.00 1.77 Tapestry TPR 41.91 1.77 Visa
BancoSantander SAN 4.75 -0.03 Cintas CTAS 711.04 -0.69 Evergy EVRG 52.90 0.08 Incyte INCY 58.17 0.84 MetLife MET 69.41 -0.09 RossStores ROST 146.69 1.14 V 266.40 -3.96
ASE Tech ASX 11.78 0.28 PPL PPL 27.40 -0.01 TargaResources TRGP 132.55 0.06 Vistra
BanColombia CIB 33.41 0.32 CiscoSystems CSCO 46.06 -0.59 EversourceEner ES 57.31 0.04 Informatica INFA 30.60 -0.60 Mettler-Toledo MTD 1330.00-16.08 RoyalBkCanada RY 109.19 0.39 VST 92.88 3.52
s ASML ASML 1077.39 2.91 PTC PTC 187.32 0.86 Target TGT 148.72 3.07 Vodafone VOD 9.06 0.08
BankofAmerica BAC 40.62 0.21 Citigroup C 64.74 0.71 ExactSciences EXAS 45.19 0.62 Infosys INFY 19.50 0.07 MicrochipTech MCHP 93.26 1.12 s RoyalCaribbean RCL 160.83 4.05
AT&T T 18.81 0.04 Paccar PCAR 101.28 1.06 TechnipFMC FTI 26.17 0.18 VulcanMatls VMC 241.97 -2.24
BankMontreal BMO 84.25 0.53 CitizensFin CFG 35.55 0.31 Exelon EXC 34.24 -0.07 IngersollRand IR 92.11 0.73 MicronTech MU 130.69 -0.79 RoyalGold RGLD131.14 0.14
AbbottLabs ABT 102.12 -1.90 PackagingCpAm PKG 179.55 1.98 TeckResourcesB TECK 48.78 -1.65
BankNY Mellon BK 59.54 -0.34 CleanHarbors CLH 223.19 0.61 Expedia EXPE 125.50 1.89 Ingredion INGR 112.89 0.51 Microsoft MSFT 466.24 -1.32 s RoyaltyPharma RPRX 25.71 0.04
PalantirTech PLTR 27.70 0.47
AbbVie ABBV 166.52 -0.73
Abercrombie&Fitch ANF 178.53 6.99
BankNovaScotia BNS 45.22 0.01 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 15.47 -0.17 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 119.91 -3.54 s Insmed INSM 70.05 0.05 MicroStrategy MSTR 1290.58 8.86
PaloAltoNtwks PANW 337.64 -4.45
RyanSpecialty RYAN 57.58 -0.40 TeledyneTech TDY 382.84 1.37
Teleflex TFX 211.73 -2.33
s Barclays BCS 11.48 0.11 Clorox CLX 132.85 -0.37 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 154.57 0.21 Insulet PODD 198.67 1.77 MidAmApt MAA 139.14 0.34 Ryanair RYAAY 119.05 0.42
Accenture ACN 299.47 0.33 PanAmerSilver PAAS 21.54 0.04 s Ericsson ERIC 6.40 0.18 WEC Energy WEC 78.05 0.20
BarrickGold GOLD 17.38 -0.06 Cloudflare NET 84.88 -2.08 ExxonMobil XOM 112.18 -1.19 Intel INTC 33.99 1.97 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 11.20 -0.09 SAP SAP 202.79 -3.15
AcuityBrands AYI 238.57 -0.57 ParamountA PARAA 21.02 0.55 TelefonicaBras VIV 8.46 0.02 WEX WEX 178.87 1.34
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 37.47 0.48 Coca-Cola KO 62.96 -0.80 F5 FFIV 173.14 1.51 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 123.47 -0.51 MizuhoFin MFG 4.33 -0.07 S&P Global SPGI 455.89 2.62
Adobe ADBE 575.40 -2.94 FTAI Aviation FTAI 106.47 0.76 ParamountB PARA 11.18 -0.63 Telefonica TEF 4.24 -0.05 W.P.Carey WPC 55.22 0.18
BaxterIntl BAX 33.61 -1.30 CocaColaCon COKE 1089.25 11.72 s ICE ICE 141.17 0.38 Mobileye MBLY 27.82 ... SBA Comm SBAC 193.96 3.13
AdvDrainageSys WMS 153.90 0.66 FTI Consulting FCN 213.71 0.10 ParkerHannifin PH 508.77 3.27 TelekmIndonesia TLK 18.69 0.25 WPP WPP 48.14 0.42
BectonDicknsn BDX 225.54 -2.22 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 73.43 -0.40 InterContinentl IHG 104.40 0.56 Moderna MRNA 116.45 -1.87 SEI Investments SEIC 64.86 -0.16
AdvMicroDevices AMD 178.69 6.79 Fabrinet FN 241.66 2.33 Parsons PSN 78.69 -0.95 TempurSealy TPX 47.45 2.23 Wabtec WAB 156.72 0.22
BeiGene BGNE 144.35 -2.69 Cognex CGNX 47.30 0.02 IBM IBM 177.64 1.62 MolinaHealthcare MOH 292.78 -0.41 SK Telecom SKM 20.71 -0.19
Aegon AEG 6.18 -0.05 FactSet FDS 417.87 -5.54 Paychex PAYX 116.17 -1.37 Tenaris TS 30.62 -0.30 t WalgreensBoots WBA 10.82 -0.44
BellRing BRBR 59.10 -1.51 CognizantTech CTSH 67.55 -0.45 IntlFlavors IFF 97.29 2.00 MolsonCoorsB TAP 50.16 0.18 SS&C Tech SSNC 62.00 -0.21
AerCap AER 93.19 -0.38 FairIsaac FICO 1530.06-21.49 PaycomSoftware PAYC 140.35 -1.61 TencentMusic TME 14.51 -0.02 Walmart WMT 69.68 -0.36
BentleySystems BSY 49.35 -0.13 s Coherent COHR 76.55 1.99 IntlPaper IP 43.17 0.35 s MNDY 244.24 -4.74 Saia SAIA 459.60 -4.63
AffirmA AFRM 28.15 -0.40 Fastenal FAST 62.83 -0.33 Paylocity PCTY 133.30 -1.54 TenetHealthcare THC 129.27 -2.53 WarnerBrosA WBD 7.11 -0.10
Berkley WRB 79.62 0.98 CoinbaseGlbl COIN 220.56 -3.12 Interpublic IPG 28.38 0.04 Mondelez MDLZ 66.16 -0.82 Salesforce CRM 257.37 -5.82
AgilentTechs A 126.07 -0.30 FederalRealty FRT 100.59 -0.21 PayPal PYPL 59.09 -0.67 s Teradyne TER 154.17 2.97 WarnerMusic WMG 30.52 0.19
BerkHathwy A BRK.A 614425-4120.00 ColgatePalm CL 97.58 0.53 Intra-Cellular ITCI 71.56 2.00 MongoDB MDB 260.10 -6.64 Samsara IOT 36.13 -0.60
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 69.93 0.13 FedEx FDX 295.53 1.53 Pearson PSO 12.87 ... Tesla TSLA 252.94 1.42 WasteConnections WCN 177.52 0.27
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 409.08 -2.09 Comcast A CMCSA 37.33 -0.53 Intuit INTU 659.58 -9.17 MonolithicPower MPWR 851.82 10.17 Sanofi SNY 50.24 0.58
AirProducts APD 254.90 2.23 Ferguson FERG 190.66 -0.16 PembinaPipeline PBA 37.23 -0.26 TetraTech TTEK 203.01 0.79 WasteMgt WM 210.62 0.29
BestBuy BBY 85.51 3.06 ComfortSystems FIX 302.12 -0.20 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 444.53 0.77 MonsterBev MNST 50.18 0.43 SareptaTherap SRPT 151.48 -0.25
Airbnb ABNB 151.96 -0.54 Ferrari RACE 427.38 4.99 PenskeAuto PAG 146.04 2.30 TevaPharm TEVA 16.36 -0.04 Waters WAT 285.57 -0.64
Bio-Techne TECH 71.56 0.12 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 55.39 0.37 InvitatHomes INVH 36.13 0.09 s Moody's MCO 432.50 0.24 Schlumberger SLB 46.24 0.10
AkamaiTech AKAM 92.94 2.47 Ferrovial FER 40.65 0.03 Pentair PNR 75.20 0.81 TexasInstruments TXN 201.47 2.68 Watsco WSO 481.82 0.48
Bio-RadLab A BIO 274.94 -2.00 SABESP SBS 15.13 0.18 s IronMountain IRM 92.87 1.27 MorganStanley MS 100.59 1.00 SchwabC SCHW 73.24 0.04
Albemarle ALB 99.15 0.80 FidNatlFinl FNF 48.29 0.19 PepsiCo PEP 162.12 -2.27 TexasPacLand TPL 751.49 3.95 WeatherfordIntl WFRD 121.98 0.20
Biogen BIIB 228.07 2.42 ConagraBrands CAG 28.40 0.16 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.98 -0.05 Morningstar MORN 299.13 -1.82 Sea SE 72.96 1.08
Albertsons ACI 19.61 -0.12 FidNatlInfo FIS 74.85 -0.57 PerformanceFood PFGC 63.40 -0.34 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 171.56 0.88 WebsterFin WBS 42.84 -0.21
BioMarinPharm BMRN 82.68 1.23 Confluent CFLT 29.20 -0.11 Mosaic MOS 27.06 -0.12 Seagate STX 103.43 1.39
Alcoa AA 41.66 -0.78 BioNTech BNTX 80.49 0.40 ConocoPhillips COP 112.23 -0.32 FifthThirdBncp FITB 36.23 0.22 J K L MotorolaSol MSI 390.57 3.70
PermianRscs PR 16.20 0.15
PetroleoBrasil PBR 15.13 0.40
Sempra SRE 75.18 -0.95 Textron TXT 85.85 0.89 WellsFargo WFC 59.01 -0.61
Alcon ALC 89.55 0.10 Birkenstock BIRK 56.76 0.14 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 1685.92 -6.63 MurphyUSA MUSA 459.40 5.89 ServiceIntl SCI 69.88 0.17 ThermoFisher TMO 536.29 -3.81 Welltower WELL 104.42 -2.06
ConEd ED 88.42 -0.85 JD 26.47 -0.29 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 14.07 0.29
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 116.65 -0.15 BlackRock BLK 790.19 -0.41 FirstHorizon FHN 15.11 -0.13 NICE NICE 173.72 2.53 ServiceNow NOW 766.20-40.27 ThomsonReuters TRI 167.87 -1.35 WescoIntl WCC 156.66 2.20
ConstBrands A STZ 253.84 -5.30 JPMorganChase JPM 205.17 0.38 Pfizer PFE 27.93 -0.12
Alibaba BABA 73.50 -1.02 Blackstone BX 120.77 -1.95 FirstSolar FSLR 227.12 5.00 NIO NIO 4.46 -0.16 SharkNinja SN 73.93 ... 3M MMM 101.10 -0.22 WestPharmSvcs WST 319.98 -2.58
ConstellationEner CEG 215.73 4.44 Jabil JBL 110.02 1.46 PhilipMorris PM 102.59 0.47
AlignTech ALGN 248.94 5.34 BlockHR HRB 53.58 -1.16 FirstEnergy FE 38.59 0.01 NNN REIT NNN 42.43 0.09 Shell SHEL 72.72 -0.53 Toast TOST 25.41 -0.25 WesternDigital WDC 78.50 1.33
Cooper COO 85.65 -0.25 JackHenry JKHY 164.34 1.28 Phillips66 PSX 135.95 -2.45
Allegion ALLE 115.04 0.09 Block SQ 64.23 -1.55 Fiserv FI 150.98 0.47 NOV NOV 18.01 -0.01 SherwinWilliams SHW 300.25 4.55 TollBros TOL 110.75 1.59 WesternMidstrm WES 41.44 0.33
Copart CPRT 54.79 0.57 JacobsSolns J 137.66 0.92 Pilgrim'sPride PPC 38.25 0.18
AlliantEnergy LNT 51.39 -0.20 BlueOwlCapital OWL 16.90 -0.79 Flex FLEX 29.64 0.14 NRG Energy NRG 78.57 1.41 ShinhanFin SHG 37.62 -0.69 TopBuild BLD 385.53 8.67 Westlake WLK 142.64 0.64
Core&Main CNM 49.73 1.38 JamesHardie JHX 31.79 -0.43 PinnacleWest PNW 76.41 0.56
Allstate ALL 159.54 1.11 Boeing BA 185.84 1.01 Floor&Decor FND 92.21 -0.98 NVR NVR 7454.06 32.55 Shopify SHOP 67.34 -0.29 Toro TTC 89.82 1.65 Weyerhaeuser WY 27.59 0.14
CorebridgeFin CRBG 29.03 0.28 JefferiesFinl JEF 51.00 0.32 Pinterest PINS 43.44 -0.07
AllyFinancial ALLY 40.50 0.66 Booking BKNG 3984.63 54.48 Fluor FLR 44.21 -0.11 NXP Semicon NXPI 277.22 3.68 SimonProperty SPG 146.87 0.78 TorontoDomBk TD 55.64 0.41 WheatonPrecMtls WPM 56.15 0.34
s Corning GLW 43.05 4.61 J&J JNJ 145.48 -1.00 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 18.53 0.03
s AlnylamPharm ALNY 255.11 4.08 BoozAllen BAH 153.70 0.91 FlutterEnt FLUT 197.45 2.29 Nasdaq NDAQ 60.44 0.06 SiriusXM SIRI 3.25 -0.46 TotalEnergies TTE 69.65 -1.24 Williams WMB 42.35 -0.13
Corpay CPAY 271.56 1.08 JohnsonControls JCI 67.23 0.44 PlainsGP PAGP 19.55 0.10
Alphabet C GOOG 190.48 -1.48 BorgWarner BWA 31.43 0.11 FomentoEconMex FMX 109.89 2.89 Natera NTRA 109.52 -3.22 SkechersUSA SKX 67.74 1.50 ToyotaMotor TM 204.94 -1.51 Williams-Sonoma WSM 285.18 5.26
Corteva CTVA 51.72 -0.72 JonesLang JLL 203.73 1.58 Pool POOL 304.48 4.70
Alphabet A GOOGL 189.03 -1.57 BostonSci BSX 76.11 -0.29 FordMotor F 12.98 0.14 NationalGrid NGG 60.71 0.66 Skyworks SWKS 106.38 0.82 TractorSupply TSCO 260.92 -1.61 WillisTowers WTW 259.74 -1.87
CoStar CSGP 72.63 -0.52 JuniperNetworks JNPR 36.93 0.21 Primerica PRI 233.51 0.50
AltairEngg ALTR 97.77 -1.10 Fortinet FTNT 60.11 -0.98 s NatWest NWG 8.61 0.09 AOS 81.06 0.58 TradeDesk TTD 99.08 -0.82 Wingstop WING 406.51-12.21
Altria MO 46.02 -0.08
BristolMyers BMY 39.99 0.33 s Costco COST 880.84 -4.83 KB Financial KB 62.11 -1.04 PrincipalFinl PFG 78.46 0.09 SmithAO WIT 6.41 0.03
BritishAmTob BTI 31.57 -0.12 CoterraEnergy CTRA 26.57 0.34
Fortis FTS 39.23 0.10 s NetApp NTAP 130.12 1.03 Smith&Nephew SNN 27.16 0.35 Tradeweb TW 105.10 -1.39 Wipro
s AMZN 199.29 -0.71 Fortive FTV 73.54 1.13 KBR KBR 63.48 -0.43 ProcoreTech PCOR 65.05 -3.81 TraneTech TT 333.52 1.84 WIX 155.53 1.32
Broadcom AVGO 1745.86 42.55 Coty COTY 9.96 0.15 NetEase NTES 91.73 -0.23 Smucker SJM 109.85 -0.04
Ambev ABEV 2.06 -0.01 FortuneBrands FBIN 64.43 1.79 KE Holdings BEKE 14.73 -0.61 Procter&Gamble PG 166.52 1.31 TransDigm TDG 1272.18 -2.37 WoodsideEnergy WDS 19.53 -0.25
BroadridgeFinl BR 201.77 -0.35 Coupang CPNG 21.41 -0.26 Netflix NFLX 685.74 -4.91 SmurfitWestRock SW 46.22 1.06
Amcor AMCR 9.63 0.13 FoxA FOXA 34.52 -0.02 KKR KKR 105.07 -1.01 Progressive PGR 209.71 -0.47 TransUnion TRU 76.62 0.37 Woodward WWD 172.84 0.74
BrookfieldAsset BAM 38.14 -0.32 Crane CR 142.44 -0.40 Neurocrine NBIX 142.24 3.16 Snap SNAP 16.50 0.12
Amdocs DOX 78.34 -0.13 FoxB FOX 32.14 -0.02 KLA KLAC 866.55 11.34 Prologis PLD 114.41 -0.05 Travelers TRV 204.23 2.36 WooriFinl WF 32.42 0.12
Brookfield BN 42.72 0.18 Credicorp BAP 162.00 -1.21 NewOrientalEduc EDU 79.10 -0.46 Snap-On SNA 257.41 2.06
Ameren AEE 70.71 0.26 Franco-Nevada FNV 122.70 -1.05 Kanzhun BZ 18.05 0.37 PrudentialFinl PRU 117.04 0.20 Trex TREX 70.96 -0.07 Workday WDAY 226.54 -2.59
BrookfieldInfr BIP 28.29 -0.11 Crocs CROX 144.52 0.98 s NYTimes A NYT 52.02 -0.25 Snowflake SNOW 141.57 -1.45
AmericaMovil AMX 17.62 0.26 FranklinRscs BEN 22.14 0.05 KSPI 131.83 -0.70 Prudential PUK 18.54 0.18 Trimble TRMB 56.29 0.40 WynnResorts WYNN 85.25 -1.58
BrookfieldRenew BEPC 29.09 0.24 s CrowdStrike CRWD 390.71 1.03 Newmont NEM 44.13 -0.38 SOQUIMICH SQM 41.50 0.11
AmerAirlines AAL 10.93 -0.11 FreeportMcM FCX 51.13 -0.39 Kellanova K 56.19 -0.19 PublicServiceEnt PEG 74.59 0.52 XP 17.07
Brown&Brown BRO 90.57 0.05 CrownCastle CCI 96.62 0.55 NewsCorp B NWS 28.10 -0.23 Solventum SOLV 49.64 -0.26 TCOM 49.56 -0.20 XP ...
AEP AEP 87.11 -0.75 FreseniusMedCare FMS 19.40 -0.27 Kenvue KVUE 18.25 -0.06 PublicStorage PSA 290.44 0.77 XPO 103.91 -2.65
Brown-Forman A BF.A 43.12 -0.07 Crown Holdings CCK 72.95 1.43 NewsCorp A NWSA 27.25 -0.23 Sony SONY 86.60 -0.22 TruistFinl TFC 38.25 0.03 XPO
AmerExpress AXP 234.51 -1.12 FullTruck YMM 8.04 -0.07 KeurigDrPepper KDP 32.29 -0.37 PulteGroup PHM 105.26 1.31 XcelEnergy XEL 52.11 -0.58
t Brown-Forman B BF.B 42.06 -0.33 CubeSmart CUBE 44.67 0.10 NextEraEnergy NEE 72.11 0.02 Southern SO 77.80 -0.24 Twilio TWLO 57.40 0.04
AmericanFin AFG 120.90 1.25 KeyCorp KEY 14.03 0.08 PureStorage PSTG 65.17 0.49
Bruker BRKR 62.20 0.55 t Nike NKE 73.05 -2.38 SoCopper SCCO 116.45 -0.30 TylerTech TYL 511.48 -1.94 XPeng XPEV 7.45 -0.47
AmHomes4Rent AMH 37.40 -0.05 BuildersFirst BLDR 134.49 1.89
Cummins CMI 269.62 2.99
Curtiss-Wright CW 272.61 1.37
G H I KeysightTech KEYS 138.10 0.75 NiSource NI 28.57 0.03
Qiagen QGEN 40.24 -0.86
SouthwestAir LUV 27.35 0.41 TysonFoods TSN 56.69 0.67 Xylem XYL 134.06 -0.20
AIG AIG 74.81 0.93 KimberlyClark KMB 139.28 0.99 s Qorvo QRVO 120.82 2.07
BungeGlobal BG 110.39 1.80 CyberArkSoftware CYBR 273.39 -0.93 GE Aerospace GE 163.53 3.03 Nokia NOK 3.89 -0.01 SouthwesternEner SWN 6.77 0.02 UBS Group UBS 30.39 -0.05 YPF YPF 20.55 0.47
AmerTowerREIT AMT 196.17 0.53 KimcoRealty KIM 19.26 -0.02 Qualcomm QCOM 207.89 2.14
BurlingtonStrs BURL 238.54 2.86 GE HealthCare GEHC 76.35 -0.71 Nomura NMR 5.94 -0.05 Spotify SPOT 313.71 -3.14 UDR UDR 40.82 -0.05 Yum!Brands YUM 127.94 -1.18
KinderMorgan KMI 19.91 0.02 QuantaServices PWR 254.66 2.13
AmerWaterWorks AWK 129.92 -0.09
AmericoldRealty COLD 25.99 0.05
CACI Intl CACI 427.31 4.34 D E F GE Vernova GEV 174.37 -1.86 s KinrossGold KGC 8.58 0.11
Nordson NDSN 226.51 -0.10
NorfolkSouthern NSC 214.25 -1.61
QuestDiag DGX 138.92 -0.78
SproutsFarmers SFM 82.54 0.03
StanleyBlackDck SWK 81.29 1.71
U-Haul N
UHAL 61.89 -0.33 YumChina YUMC 30.45 -0.60
UHAL/B 59.12 -0.34 ZTO Express ZTO 20.15 0.14
s CAVA CAVA 94.74 -0.25 GFLEnvironmental GFL 39.35 0.03 KinsaleCapital KNSL 379.62 -2.45
Ameriprise AMP 427.06 -5.09
Ametek AME 164.50 -1.15
CBRE Group CBRE 88.36 1.15 DTE Energy DTE 109.01 -0.76
Danaher DHR 240.65 1.40
GSK GSK 38.71 -0.13 Knight-Swift KNX 49.33 -0.10
NorthernTrust NTRS 82.90 -0.23
NorthropGrum NOC 430.25 -4.48
R S Stantec STN 84.72 -0.11
Starbucks SBUX 74.57 -1.48
UL Solutions ULS 43.07 0.99 ZebraTech ZBRA 314.48 3.97
US Foods USFD 51.62 -0.41 Zillow C Z 46.86 0.63
CDW CDW 216.87 0.57 Gallagher AJG 264.54 -0.13
Amgen AMGN 311.46 0.58 Darden DRI 144.79 -0.43 Philips PHG 26.24 -0.52 NorwegCruise NCLH 18.12 0.64 RBC Bearings RBC 278.02 4.78 StateStreet STT 73.37 -0.35 UWM UWMC 6.62 -0.16 Zillow A ZG 45.31 0.66
t CF Industries CF 69.38 -0.76 GameStop GME 24.45 0.27
AmkorTech AMKR 40.75 0.69 Datadog DDOG 132.40 -2.16 KoreaElecPwr KEP 7.26 0.06 s Novartis NVS 108.06 -0.07 RB Global RBA 76.75 -0.25 SteelDynamics STLD 124.27 -0.15 Uber UBER 71.25 0.19 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 106.39 -1.62
CGI A GIB 101.45 0.04 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 45.03 0.42
Amphenol APH 67.99 -0.02 DaVita DVA 137.38 0.93 KraftHeinz KHC 32.10 0.01 NovoNordisk NVO 143.07 0.70 s RELX RELX 46.08 -0.14 Stellantis STLA 19.48 -0.08 Ubiquiti UI 151.45 4.32 Zoetis ZTS 175.43 0.47
CH Robinson CHRW 86.62 0.13 Gap GPS 23.44 0.17
AnalogDevices ADI 233.34 2.45 t Dayforce DAY 48.46 -2.38 Kroger KR 51.94 0.10 NuHoldings NU 12.84 0.02 RPM RPM 106.43 0.54 Steris STE 219.83 -0.22 UiPath PATH 12.82 -0.42 ZoomVideo ZM 57.40 -0.86
CME Group CME 194.97 -1.43 Garmin GRMN 161.53 -0.40
AngloGoldAsh AU 28.27 -0.56 DeckersOutdoor DECK 952.70 13.38 LKQ LKQ 41.76 0.31 Nucor NUE 152.47 -1.37 RTX RTX 100.10 -0.27 StifelFinancial SF 81.22 -1.19 UltaBeauty ULTA 395.82 5.82 Zscaler ZS 201.63 -0.02
CMS Energy CMS 58.70 -0.23 Gartner IT 449.14 -2.87
AB InBev BUD 59.34 -0.42 Deere DE 355.00 -5.03 LPL Financial LPLA 272.52 -3.49
CNA Fin CNA 44.97 0.22 GenDigital GEN 24.55 -0.09
AnnalyCap NLY 18.99 -0.02 DellTechC DELL 145.97 7.01 L3HarrisTech LHX 226.00 1.93
CNH Indl CNH 9.67 0.02 Generac GNRC 142.19 1.69
AnteroResources AR 32.80 0.19 DeltaAir DAL 46.35 0.33 Labcorp LH 202.96 -1.62
CRH CRH 74.23 0.56
Exchange-Traded Portfolios |
GeneralDynamics GD 280.47 -1.21 s LamResearch LRCX 1101.61 13.81
Aon AON 298.11 2.25 CSX CSX 33.39 0.09 DescartesSystems DSGX 99.92 1.02 GeneralMills GIS 62.50 -0.38
APi Group APG 36.73 -0.16 DeutscheBank DB 16.73 -0.23 LamarAdv LAMR 118.82 0.29
CVS Health CVS 56.89 0.27 GeneralMotors GM 46.55 0.03
ApolloGlblMgmt APO 115.92 -2.82 DevonEnergy DVN 46.52 -0.51 LambWeston LW 80.48 -1.92
CadenceDesign CDNS 317.36 -3.75 Genmab GMAB 25.48 -0.06 t LasVegasSands LVS 41.45 -0.64 Closing Chg YTD
AppFolio APPF 252.55 -0.03 CaesarsEnt CZR 37.66 0.48 DexCom DXCM 110.97 -2.72 Gentex GNTX 33.44 -0.01 Largest 100 exchange-traded funds. Preliminary close data as of 4:30 p.m. ET
s Apple AAPL 227.82 1.48 LatticeSemi LSCC 61.67 0.34 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
CamdenProperty CPT 108.03 0.31 Diageo DEO 128.10 -1.54 GenuineParts GPC 132.88 0.43
AppliedIndlTechs AIT 188.68 -0.76 DiamondbkEner FANG 203.35 -0.18 LegendBiotech LEGN 47.41 1.11
Cameco CCJ 48.73 -1.20 GileadSciences GILD 67.55 0.86 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 104.49 0.11 26.0
ApplMaterials AMAT 246.29 3.70 Leidos LDOS 145.56 0.05 Monday, July 8, 2024 Closing Chg YTD
CampbellSoup CPB 45.02 -0.10 Dick's DKS 201.08 -0.22 GitLab GTLB 53.00 0.42 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 530.92 0.40 4.6
Lennar A LEN 142.63 ... ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
AppLovin APP 85.18 -1.62 CIBC CM 48.26 -0.01 DigitalRealty DLR 153.66 2.22 GlobalPayments GPN 95.52 -0.70 Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&P Div SDY 126.61 0.09 1.3
Aptargroup ATR 141.51 0.61 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 128.86 -0.03 Lennar B LEN.B 133.98 0.60 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.33 –0.06 0.1 TechSelectSector XLK 234.47 0.68 21.8
CanNtlRlwy CNI 116.70 -1.22 GlobalFoundries GFS 53.49 0.35
Aptiv APTV 69.68 -0.50 Disney DIS 97.37 -0.17 LennoxIntl LII 543.18 -1.37 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.64 –0.01 –0.5 VanEckSemicon SMH 274.21 1.66 56.8
CanadianNatRscs CNQ 35.99 -0.04 Globant GLOB 179.99 3.24 CommSvsSPDR XLC 86.97 –0.90 19.7
Aramark ARMK 33.08 0.64 DocuSign DOCU 53.83 -0.63 LeviStrauss LEVI 18.96 -0.17 iShRussMC IWR 80.88 0.25 4.1 VangdSC Val VBR 180.78 0.44 0.5
CdnPacKC CP 79.93 -0.29 GlobeLife GL 80.92 -0.56 CnsmrDiscSel XLY 189.39 0.05 5.9
ArcelorMittal MT 23.00 -0.24 DolbyLab DLB 79.54 -0.29 LiAuto LI 20.19 -0.27 iShRuss1000 IWB 303.30 0.09 15.6 VangdExtMkt VXF 168.55 0.36 2.5
CapitalOne COF 135.81 -0.19 GlobusMedical GMED 68.60 -0.16 DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 32.56 0.22 11.4
ArchCapital ACGL 98.26 0.11 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 52.66 -1.73 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 378.44 0.12 24.8 VangdDivApp VIG 184.11 0.07 8.0
CardinalHealth CAH 96.88 0.99 DollarGeneral DG 130.12 1.92 GoDaddy GDDY 143.65 -0.33 EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 89.55 –0.61 6.8
ADM ADM 63.38 2.02 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 52.40 -1.73 iShRuss1000Val IWD 173.99 0.12 5.3 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 59.74 –0.32 6.4
Carlisle CSL 410.13 3.18 DollarTree DLTR 106.72 0.04 GoldFields GFI 15.53 -0.34 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 41.43 –0.26 10.2
AresMgmt ARES 135.77 -2.49 LibertyLiveC LLYVK 38.08 -0.17 iShRuss2000 IWM 202.28 0.70 0.8 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 50.26 –0.44 4.9
Carlyle CG 40.49 0.20 DominionEner D 49.33 0.22 s GoldmanSachs GS 464.82 0.07 HealthCrSelSect XLV 144.25 –0.11 5.8
argenx ARGX 436.42 0.58 LibertyLiveA LLYVA 37.21 -0.12 iShS&P500Grw IVW 95.97 0.17 27.8 VangdFTSE EM VWO 44.66 ... 8.7
CarMax KMX 73.00 1.42 Domino's DPZ 500.33 6.60 Grab GRAB 3.55 ... IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 121.37 0.12 6.5
s AristaNetworks ANET 371.07 4.93 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 74.23 1.41 iShS&P500Value IVE 181.64 0.03 4.5 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 68.05 –0.50 5.5
Carnival CCL 17.56 0.35 Donaldson DCI 70.42 0.35 Graco GGG 78.50 -0.30 InvscNasd100 QQQM 204.70 0.25 21.5
s Arm ARM 184.70 3.51 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 65.92 1.14 iShSelectDiv DVY 120.23 0.20 2.6 VangdGrowth VUG 387.40 0.01 24.6
Carnival CUK 16.12 0.30 DoorDash DASH 109.04 -1.92 Grainger GWW 917.35 4.80 InvscQQQI QQQ 497.34 0.24 21.4
AscendisPharma ASND 136.46 0.65 LibertySirius A LSXMA 22.51 -0.71 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 94.19 0.03 –2.3 VangdHiDiv VYM 118.80 0.19 6.4
CarrierGlobal CARR 63.13 -0.11 Dover DOV 176.49 -0.19 GraphicPkg GPK 25.48 0.21 InvscS&P500EW RSP 164.00 0.20 3.9
LibertySirius C LSXMK 22.56 -0.64 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.17 0.03 0.0 VangdInfoTech VGT 599.91 0.67 23.9
AspenTech AZPN 198.89 0.73 Carvana CVNA 122.32 -5.73 Dow DOW 52.80 0.57 GpoAeroportuar PAC 155.07 1.34 iShBitcoin IBIT 32.16 –0.12 ...
LibertySirius B LSXMB 23.31 -0.37 iShTIPSBond TIP 106.98 –0.04 –0.5 VangdIntermBd BIV 75.32 0.01 –1.4
Assurant AIZ 161.40 0.12 CaseysGenStores CASY 367.57 -1.79 DrReddy'sLab RDY 77.52 -0.52 GpoAeroportSur ASR 300.70 5.06 iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 57.78 0.03 7.4
Light&Wonder LNW 104.88 1.21 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 92.76 0.22 –6.2 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 80.49 0.01 –1.0
AsteraLabs ALAB 58.91 -0.53 Catalent CTLT 57.11 0.38 DraftKings DKNG 37.59 0.52 Guidewire GWRE 139.91 0.56 iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 73.90 –0.48 5.0
s EliLilly LLY 918.00 3.43 iShUSTech IYW 156.96 0.51 27.9 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.43 –0.02 –1.5
AstraZeneca AZN 77.13 -0.21 Caterpillar CAT 329.06 0.71 Dropbox DBX 22.24 -0.09 HCA Healthcare HCA 316.21 -4.09 iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 54.80 0.02 8.3
LincolnElectric LECO 186.25 1.53 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.65 –0.02 –1.7 VangdLC VV 254.64 –0.05 16.7
Atlassian TEAM 181.80 -5.52 Celanese CE 133.99 1.81 DukeEnergy DUK 100.64 0.08 HDFC Bank HDB 61.92 0.03 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 68.82 –0.26 6.0 MGK
Linde LIN 435.74 0.02 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV 100.41 0.02 0.1 VangdMegaGrwth 326.49 0.03 25.8
AtmosEnergy ATO 114.08 -0.54 CelsiusHldg CELH 56.06 -1.16 Duolingo DUOL 196.71 3.62 HF Sinclair DINO 49.99 -0.67 iShCoreS&P500 IVV 558.41 0.12 16.9 JPM EqPrem JEPI 56.24 –0.25 2.3 VangdMC VO 242.14 0.19 4.1
LiveNationEnt LYV 94.47 -0.87
Autodesk ADSK 247.96 0.09 Cemex CX 6.29 0.11 DuPont DD 79.47 0.48 HP HPQ 35.32 0.69 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 58.08 0.31 4.8 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.35 0.04 0.2 VangdRealEst VNQ 83.78 0.32 –5.2
s LloydsBanking LYG 2.99 0.04
Autoliv ALV 107.98 1.27 Cencora COR 223.69 1.01 Dynatrace DT 45.29 0.60 HSBC HSBC 43.33 -0.08 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 106.22 0.65 –1.9 PacerUSCashCows COWZ 53.72 0.58 3.3 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 97.36 0.08 24.8
LockheedMartin LMT 461.76 -0.40
ADP ADP 233.44 -2.12 CenovusEnergy CVE 19.58 -0.07 elfBeauty ELF 203.08 2.84 H World HTHT 30.85 -1.08 iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 120.94 0.11 14.9 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 82.17 0.66 62.1 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 510.33 0.10 16.8
Loews L 74.41 0.65
AutoZone AZO 2836.40 21.40 Centene CNC 66.19 -0.18 EMCOR EME 363.84 1.30 Haleon HLN 8.49 0.02 iShCoreS&PUSGrw IUSG 132.00 0.16 26.8 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.51 0.02 0.1 VangdST Bond BSV 76.82 ... –0.3
LogitechIntl LOGI 94.94 1.09
Avalonbay AVB 203.12 -0.15 CenterPointEner CNP 30.32 -0.17 ENI E 30.88 -0.38 Halliburton HAL 33.21 0.11 iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 45.43 0.02 –1.4 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 393.46 –0.06 4.4 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 77.45 ... 0.1
Lowe's LOW 217.15 3.26
Avangrid AGR 35.29 -0.05 CentraisElBras EBR 6.94 -0.03 EOG Rscs EOG 125.63 0.69 HartfordFinl HIG 99.15 0.44 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 97.61 0.03 –1.7 SPDR Gold GLD 218.19 –1.24 14.1 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.96 –0.02 –0.6
lululemon LULU 294.03 -4.11
Avantor AVTR 20.94 -0.09 CerevelTherap CERE 40.59 -0.37 EPAM Systems EPAM 186.13 1.99 Hasbro HAS 56.83 0.24 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 84.18 0.07 7.9 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 35.72 –0.42 5.0 VangdSC VB 217.13 0.30 1.8
LyondellBasell LYB 94.45 0.87
AveryDennison AVY 215.10 -0.94 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 202.46 2.80 EQT EQT 36.38 0.06 HealthEquity HQY 81.57 -1.00 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 173.23 –0.10 17.7 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 48.68 0.06 4.4 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.24 –0.02 –1.6
AxaltaCoating AXTA 34.36 0.61
AxonEnterprise AXON 302.48 4.10
CharterComms CHTR 290.56-11.23
CheckPoint CHKP 169.40 -0.05
EagleMaterials EXP 213.42 -1.38
EastWestBncp EWBC 70.74 0.33
HealthpeakProp DOC 19.63
Heico HEI 228.19
M N iShGoldTr
BCE BCE 31.73 0.11 Chemed CHE 534.27 -3.75 EastGroup EGP 174.45 0.84 Heico A HEI.A 179.75 0.73 s Macom Tech MTSI 118.10 3.99 iShMBS MBB 92.20 –0.04 –2.0 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 555.28 0.12 16.8 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 61.45 –0.29 6.0
BHP Group BHP 58.35 -1.14 CheniereEnergy LNG 175.40 1.22 EastmanChem EMN 95.75 1.25 HenrySchein HSIC 64.75 -0.21 M&T Bank MTB 148.20 1.71 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 114.66 ... 12.7 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 39.09 –0.43 5.8 VangdTotalStk VTI 272.49 0.14 14.9
BJ'sWholesale BJ 87.79 -0.18 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 49.40 0.56 Eaton ETN 318.96 1.59 Hershey HSY 184.76 0.61 MGM Resorts MGM 43.69 0.65 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 79.69 –0.50 5.8 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 64.02 0.14 15.0 VangdTotWrldStk VT 114.68 –0.03 11.5
BP BP 36.55 -0.50 ChesapeakeEner CHK 82.60 0.29 eBay EBAY 52.79 -0.08 Hess HES 146.63 -0.25 MKS Instrum MKSI 136.06 1.99 iSh MSCI EM EEM 43.64 0.02 8.5 SchwabUS Div SCHD 77.09 0.09 1.3 VangdValue VTV 160.56 0.14 7.4
BWX Tech BWXT 95.53 0.42 Chevron CVX 154.33 0.02 Ecolab ECL 242.88 4.69 HessMidstream HESM 37.12 0.07 MPLX MPLX 42.33 -0.16 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 107.03 0.06 –1.3 SchwabUS LC SCHX 65.57 0.14 16.3 WT FRTrea USFR 50.37 0.02 0.3

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
ManhattanBridge LOAN 5.51 1.7 PropertyGuru PGRU 5.45 3.3 UniversePharm UPC 3.80 11.7 CF Industries CF 69.16 -1.1 FidelityD&D FDBC 41.10 0.6 LuxUrban LUXH 0.16 -16.0 RockyMtnChoc RMCF 1.85 -9.8
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE ManulifeFinl MFC 27.08 1.3 PulseBiosciences PLSE 17.05 28.7 VeecoInstr VECO 48.99 0.1 CNS Pharm CNSP 1.13 -4.9 FiveBelow FIVE 103.90 -2.0 MGP Ingredients MGPI 70.06 -4.1 RyersonHolding RYI 18.76 -0.8
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low MetaPlatforms META 542.81 -2.0 Qorvo QRVO 121.88 1.7 Ventas CVR Energy CVI 25.18 -0.9 FreshDelMonte FDP 21.30 -0.4 MalibuBoats MBUU 30.95 -4.3 SatellogicWt SATLW 0.04 -28.7
VTR 52.68 -1.1
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session.
MirumPharm MIRM 36.64 4.3 RELX RELX 46.33 -0.3 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 275.92 -0.5 CableOne CABO 330.10 -4.1 Fresh2 FRES 0.27 5.8 MammothEnergy TUSK 2.76 -5.7 SciSparc SPRC 0.71 -4.2
Moelis MC 59.01 -0.5 RedViolet RDVT 25.80 5.5 Wiley B WLYB 44.58 8.9 CalidiBiotherapWt CLDI.WS 0.02 -60.9 FundamentalGlbl FGF 0.87 -3.4 Medifast MED 18.32 -1.0 SeelosTherap SEEL 0.49 -9.9
Monday, July 8, 2024 MNDY 251.48 -1.9 RithmCapPfdA RITMpA 25.39 0.1 Wiley A WLY 44.81 3.2 CambiumNtwks CMBM 2.04 -7.6 GRIID Infr Wt GRDIW 0.02 -14.9 MeiwuTechnology WNW 0.71 -6.9 SerinaTherap SER 6.86 -3.2
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %
MontereyCap MCACU 12.08 -3.0 RithmCapPfdC RITMpC 23.95 ... cbdMD YCBD 0.55 2.5 GeneticTech GENE 1.23 -7.9 MelarAcqnI MACIU 9.99 ... SiloPharma SILO 0.87 -5.2
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
ChefsWarehouse CHEF 42.80 1.8 GoldenArrow GAMCU 11.72 10.3
Moody's MCO 434.14 0.1 Rollins ROL 50.83 -1.0 Lows CERoTherap CERO 0.20 -18.5 GinkgoBioworksWt DNA.WS 0.02 -17.3 MingtengIntl MTEN 1.81 -8.1 SingularGenomics OMIC
SmartforLife SMFL
7.50 -3.7

Highs Napco Security NSSC 54.87 2.1 RoyalCaribbean RCL 162.93 2.6 ChijetMotor CJET 5.29 -25.9 GlobalPtrII GPACU 10.03 -8.8 MingZhuLogistics YGMZ 1.27 -3.5 2.21 -12.1
Cinemark CNK 22.19 0.5 GoldenstoneWt GDSTW 0.13 -30.7 Ayro AYRO 0.70 12.6 SocietyPass SOPA 1.06 -0.5
NatlHealthInv NHI 69.74 -0.3 SableOffshoreA SOC 16.40 2.1 Chimerix CMRX 0.78 -2.1 GlbPtrII A GPAC 8.91 -16.6 MoleculinBiotech MBRX 3.33 -4.2
CirrusLogic CRUS 131.22 0.9 GoldmanSachs GS 474.86 ... AboveFood ABVE 2.34 -21.7 Soligenix SNGX 1.83 -5.2
ACI Worldwide ACIW 39.76 -0.3 NatlHealthcare NHC 116.55 0.7 SapiensIntl SPNS 35.78 0.9 ChinaLiberalEduc CLEU 0.56 -73.8 Goodyear GT 10.78 ... MontereyCapA MCAC 9.49 -15.3
CoeurMining CDE 6.40 1.4 GrafGlobal GRAF.U 10.04 0.2 Adient ADNT 23.95 -0.9 SonnetBio SONN 0.85 -1.1
ADMA Biologics ADMA 11.90 1.6 NatlWesternLife NWLI 499.99 0.1 SelectMedical SEM 36.61 -0.7 ChromocellTherap CHRO 1.06 -13.8 GranitePointMtg GPMT 2.76 -2.8 Nature'sMiracle NMHI 0.41 -9.0
ASML ASML 1087.79 0.3 Coherent COHR 77.28 2.7 Hagerty HGTY 11.14 1.1 AgEagleAerial UAVS 0.43 -2.7 SteakholderFds STKH 3.19 -0.2
NaturalGrocers NGVC 22.96 2.1 SiTime SITM 143.21 6.3 Chuy's CHUY 24.28 -0.6 GrayTelevision GTN 4.57 -6.5 Network1Techs NTIP 1.52 -1.3
AST Space ASTS 13.09 -2.4 CoreScientificWt CORZZ 10.91 0.4 Hawkins HWKN 92.91 0.6 AllegiantTravel ALGT 43.91 0.6 SurgePays SURG 2.78 -4.0
NatWest NWG 8.68 1.1 SixFlags FUN 58.70 -1.8 CleanCore ZONE 2.00 -7.5 GreenTree GHG 2.36 1.2 NewHorizAircraft HOVR 0.46 -3.1
AST Space Wt ASTSW 4.86 -3.1 CoreScientificWt CORZW 5.74 1.2 ING Groep ING 18.07 0.2 AlphaTeknova TKNO 1.16 0.4 SurgePaysWt SURGW 0.14 -11.4
NetApp NTAP 131.05 0.8 SkeenaRscs SKE 6.35 0.5 CoherusBioSci CHRS 1.25 -4.5 GreenwaveTech GWAV 1.52 -1.3 Nike NKE 73.00 -3.2
CoreScientific CORZ 11.00 0.7 IdahoStratRscs IDR 11.27 2.0 AltisourcePortf ASPS 1.15 -9.3 Toyo TOYO 1.45 -8.7
AcadiaRealty AKR 18.55 0.7 NYTimes A NYT 52.82 -0.5 SOHU 15.37 5.2 ConduitPharm CDT 0.47 -5.8 HCW Biologics HCWB 0.58 -6.3 NouveauMonde NMG 1.78 -4.8
Corning GLW 43.58 12.0 iLearningEnginesWt AILEW 1.00 17.5 AmerSports AS 11.33 -5.3 TaboolaWt TBLAW 0.13 -19.3
AdtalemGlbEduc ATGE 69.14 0.2 NewtekNts2024 NEWTL 25.26 0.1 SolunaPfdA SLNHP 6.78 9.5 ContainerStore TCS 0.50 0.6 HawaiianElec HE 7.63 -4.2 NutexHealth NUTX 4.63 -7.4
Costco COST 887.95 -0.5 Innodata INOD 17.55 12.6 AmerVanguard AVD 7.97 1.0 10xGenomics TXG 18.31 -1.4
Agilysys AGYS 105.68 2.5 Nova NVMI 244.97 0.6 SpringValleyII A SVII 11.15 -0.1 CreativeMedia CMCT 2.06 1.8 HeartTestLabs HSCS 3.87 -3.9 OfficePropNts2050 OPINL 9.62 -1.7
CrescentCapBDC CCAP 19.58 0.2 Insmed INSM 70.75 0.1 AmphastarPharm AMPH 37.00 -1.0 TevogenBio TVGN 0.65 -0.3
AlnylamPharm ALNY 255.40 1.6 Novartis NVS 108.79 -0.1 SynovusFinPfdE SNVpE 25.48 -0.1 CueBiopharma CUE 0.93 1.8 HilleVax HLVX 1.55 -88.3 180DegreeCap TURN 3.62 -1.6
Criteo CRTO 40.29 -0.4 ICE ICE 142.19 0.3 AssetEntities ASST 1.25 13.2 36Kr KRKR 0.29 -0.6 AMZN 201.20 -0.4 NuScalePower SMR 13.74 12.0 TJX TJX 112.28 0.5 CullmanBancorp CULL 9.71 1.3 HubCyberSecurityWt HUBCZ 0.02 -25.4 Organovo ONVO 0.72 -4.4
AutonomixMed AMIX 0.51 -16.9 ThunderPower AIEV 1.13 -8.8
AmerHlthcrREIT AHR 15.66 0.8 CrowdStrike CRWD 397.12 0.3 InterDigital IDCC 123.14 0.9 NuScalePowerWt SMR.WS 3.57 17.0 TTM Tech TTMI 20.19 0.5 Cyngn CYN 3.61 -10.4 Hydrofarm HYFM 0.66 -0.7 PeakstoneRealty PKST 9.89 0.4
TivicHealth TIVC 0.34 -6.3
AmerStratInvt NYC 10.40 3.6 D-MarketElec HEPS 3.16 11.2 IrisEnergy IREN 15.75 -2.7 Ollie'sBargain OLLI 100.88 1.3 TaiwanSemi TSM 192.80 1.4 Azitra AZTR 2.11 1.8 DallasNews DALN 3.34 -3.5 IndContractDrill ICD 1.14 -5.7 PetMedExpress PETS 3.82 -0.5
2U TWOU 3.74 -1.0
AmerSupercond AMSC 28.80 9.4 DouYuIntl DOYU 18.40 -0.9 IronMountain IRM 92.96 1.4 1895Bancorp BCOW 8.34 2.2 Ericsson ERIC 6.43 2.9 Beyond BYON 11.95 5.4 Dayforce DAY 48.19 -4.7 InnovizTechWt INVZW 0.14 16.0 PierisPharm PIRS 7.41 -10.6
UrbanOneA UONE 1.69 -2.3
Apple AAPL 227.85 0.7 DutchBros BROS 42.95 1.7 Junee JUNE 4.97 13.7 OnfolioWt ONFOW 0.27 2.1 10XCapIII A VCXB 11.07 -0.1 BigLots BIG 1.32 -4.1 DineBrands DIN 32.16 -2.8 Insperity NSP 88.37 -0.1 PineappleFinl PAPL 0.67 -5.4 VCIGlobal VCIG 0.53 -3.5
AristaNetworks ANET 373.98 1.3 EmergentBiosol EBS 8.44 2.5 KinrossGold KGC 8.60 1.3 Oppenheimer A OPY 50.14 -0.2 Teradyne TER 154.90 2.0 BioVie BIVI 0.40 -2.2 DolphinEnt DLPN 0.78 -2.5 Jiuzi JZXN 2.33 21.2 Pinstripes PNST 2.15 -3.9 Verastem VSTM 2.60 -4.7
Arm ARM 186.38 1.9 Enstar ESGR 336.88 0.1 KrystalBiotech KRYS 192.49 3.8 OxfordLanePfd OXLCN 24.20 -0.1 TeraWulf WULF 6.01 -2.0 BitcoinDepotWt BTMWW 0.04 0.2 DuckhornPtf NAPA 6.73 -2.0 KoreGroup KORE 1.35 -11.6 PodcastOne PODC 1.32 -6.7 VicinityMotor VEV 0.37 -1.8
AtlasNts2027 ATCOL 25.15 0.4 EssentialProp EPRT 28.38 1.0 LamResearch LRCX 1105.86 1.3 OxfordSquareNt26 OXSQZ 24.60 -0.1 TowerSemi TSEM 41.66 1.9 Bloomin'Brands BLMN 17.72 -4.6 DuluthHoldings DLTH 3.52 -0.6 KY FirstFedBncp KFFB 3.05 -0.5 ProAssurance PRA 11.31 -1.0 WalgreensBoots WBA 10.77 -3.9
Balchem BCPC 163.03 1.1 EvercoreA EVR 215.39 -0.1 Life360 LIF 33.16 2.2 PJT Partners PJT 112.95 -1.1 TransMedics TMDX 154.75 -2.1 BluejayDiag BJDX 0.54 -5.3 1847Holdings EFSH 2.21 -19.4 KeyTronic KTCC 3.60 -0.5 Quanterix QTRX 11.82 ... Wendy's WEN 15.80 -2.6
BaldwinInsurance BWIN 37.34 -0.1 FTAI Infra FIP 9.69 -2.5 EliLilly LLY 928.61 0.4 PalantirTech PLTR 27.99 1.7 TriumphFinl TFIN 83.28 0.4 BostonOmaha BOC 12.41 1.7 ElevaiLabs ELAB 0.56 -2.3 LCI Inds LCII 98.49 0.2 QuidelOrtho QDEL 30.07 -2.9 Winnebago WGO 50.94 -1.4
Barclays BCS 11.57 1.0 FormFactor FORM 63.63 -0.1 LloydsBanking LYG 3.02 1.4 PennantPark PNNT 7.93 1.9 TurkcellIletism TKC 8.40 1.9 BridgerAerospace BAER 3.05 -10.8 Eshallgo EHGO 1.80 -15.8 Lakeside LSH 3.50 -5.4 QuiptHomeMed QIPT 2.94 ... XortxTherap XRTX 1.71 0.3
BlueprintMed BPMC 119.30 4.1 Freshpet FRPT 136.35 1.5 LongboardPharm LBPH 36.36 -9.4 PerceptionCapIIIUn PFTAU 12.45 -3.2 TwoHarborsPfdA TWOpA 23.88 1.0 Brown-Forman B BF.B 41.55 -0.8 Etsy ETSY 55.08 -5.3 LasVegasSands LVS 41.40 -1.5 REGENXBIO RGNX 10.49 -2.5 Xerox XRX 11.09 -1.9
CAVA CAVA 98.69 -0.3 GladstoneCap GLAD 24.05 1.3 Macom Tech MTSI 118.45 3.5 PiperSandler PIPR 235.15 -0.1 UFP Tech UFPT 302.34 1.8 BullfrogAI BFRG 1.43 -6.3 EveHoldingWt EVEX.WS 0.26 -18.3 Leslie's LESL 3.12 -12.8 RPC RES 5.81 -1.8 YY Group YYGH 0.75 -4.9
CSW Industrials CSWI 276.64 0.4 Glaukos GKOS 123.17 0.7 MainStreetCap MAIN 52.38 0.1 PitneyBowes PBI 6.51 1.3 UltraClean UCTT 54.24 4.4 Bumble BMBL 9.12 1.7 Expion360 XPON 0.92 -4.0 LiveWireWt LVWR.WS 0.12 -5.6 RelianceGlobal RELI 3.30 -5.5 Zentek ZTEK 0.97 ...
Camtek CAMT 139.40 3.8 GlbPtrII Wt GPACW 0.49 10.6 Mama'sCreations MAMA 7.84 -3.8 ProficientAuto PAL 17.52 0.7 UnivDisplay OLED 223.10 1.9 BurningRockBio BNR 5.41 -1.3 Fanhua FANH 1.51 -5.6 LogicMark LGMK 0.52 -12.7 ReservoirMediaWt RSVRW 0.63 -2.4 ZeviaPBC ZVIA 0.62 -3.3

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret
LgCpGwId InstPre 36.95 +0.04 25.3 SAIUSMinVolIndFd 20.79 +0.01 11.4 CoreBond 10.17 ... 0.7 LgCapGow I 81.97 -0.11 24.6 MuLTAdml 10.87 ... 0.6 TgtRetInc 13.37 ... 4.0
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. MidCpInxInstPrem 31.33 +0.08 4.6 SAIUSQtyIdx 23.65 ... 22.2 EqInc 23.94 +0.02 5.2 MidCap 103.60 +0.26 3.6 MuLtdAdml 10.80 +0.01 0.9 Welltn 45.01 +0.03 10.0
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e and s SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 23.22 +0.03 17.7 SrsBlChGroRetail 20.37 +0.07 30.4 LgCpGwth 77.16 +0.07 28.3 R2030 25.92 ... 8.3 MuShtAdml 15.73 +0.01 1.4 WndsrII 47.17 -0.02 10.9
apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r- SeriesBondFd 8.92 +0.01 0.2 SrsEmrgMkt 19.21 +0.05 10.8 JPMorgan R Class Putnam Funds Class A PrmcpAdml r 182.75 +0.48 16.9 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes SeriesOverseas 14.36 -0.02 10.7 SrsGlobal 14.94 -0.04 7.9 CoreBond 10.19 +0.01 0.9 PutLargCap p 35.01 +0.05 14.0 RealEstatAdml 118.65 +0.24 -3.2 ExtndIstPl 315.61 +1.08 3.2
x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to incomplete SerLTTreBdIdx 5.55 ... -3.6 SrsGroCoRetail 25.37 +0.11 30.3 CorePlusBd 7.18 +0.01 1.3 Putnam Funds Class Y SmCapAdml 104.05 +0.36 2.5 IdxIntl 19.72 -0.07 7.1
price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; data under review. NN-Fund not SmCpIdxInstPrem 25.34 +0.15 1.3 SrsIntlGrw 18.63 -0.03 8.8 Lord Abbett I PutLargCap 35.02 +0.05 14.2 SmGthAdml 87.93 +0.21 3.8 MdCpGrAdml 99.52 +0.07 5.6
tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. TMktIdxInstPrem 152.11 +0.20 15.7 SrsIntlVal 12.97 -0.04 11.1 ShtDurInc p 3.85 ... 2.7 Schwab Funds STBondAdml 10.07 ... 1.4 MdCpVlAdml 77.49 +0.27 4.3
TotalMarketIndex 19.25 +0.03 15.8 TotalBond 9.46 ... 0.9 Metropolitan West 1000 Inv r 119.34 +0.13 16.6 STIGradeAdml 10.24 ... 2.2 SmValAdml 77.68 +0.33 1.5
TtlIntIdxInstPr 14.13 -0.04 7.5 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI NA ... NA S&P Sel 86.02 +0.09 17.7 STIPSIxAdm 24.19 ... 2.6 TotBd2 9.42 ... 0.1
Monday, July 8, 2024 USBdIdxInstPrem 10.26 ... 0.1 TotalBd 8.96 ... 1.1 TRBdPlan NA ... NA TSM Sel r 93.65 +0.12 15.7 TotBdAdml 9.54 ... 0.1 TotIntlInstIdx r 131.94 -0.46 7.2
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD Fidelity Advisor I U.S.TreBdIdx 8.69 ... -0.2 MFS Funds TIAA/CREF Funds TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.52 +0.03 ... TotItlInstPlId r 131.97 -0.46 7.2
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Total Bd 9.45 +0.01 0.9 Fidelity Selects IIE 35.09 -0.06 6.5 EqIdxInst 38.91 +0.04 15.6 TotIntlAdmIdx r 32.99 -0.12 7.2 TotSt 132.59 +0.17 15.6
Fidelity Freedom Semiconductors r 36.88 +0.55 52.1 MFS Funds Class I IntlEqIdxInst 23.52 -0.14 7.6 TotStAdml 132.61 +0.17 15.6 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
AB Funds Artisan Funds US CoreEq2 36.38 +0.09 12.8 FF2030 17.79 +0.01 7.9 Softwr 27.85 -0.19 2.6 GrowthI 219.78 -0.30 27.7 LrgCpGrIdxInst 64.93 +0.06 25.3 BalInst 48.06 +0.05 9.4
MuniIncmShares 11.19 2.8 IntlVal Inst
... 49.74 +0.07 NA US Small 44.66 +0.18 1.2 FF2035 TxMCapAdml 285.53 +0.30 16.2
15.82 +0.01 9.4 Tech 37.03 +0.22 29.9 ValueI 50.35 +0.06 6.7 VANGUARD ADMIRAL
TxMIn r 16.15 -0.08 6.5 DevMktsIndInst 16.17 -0.08 6.4
AB Funds - ADV Baird Funds US SmCpVal 44.70 +0.14 0.2 FF2040 11.62 ... 11.2 First Eagle Funds Natixis Funds 500Adml 514.25 +0.54 17.7 DevMktsInxInst 25.28 -0.12 6.5
LgCpGrAdv 113.60 +0.01 22.4 AggBdInst 9.73 +0.01 0.5 US TgdVal 31.40 +0.13 -0.8 Freedom2030 K 17.77 USGroAdml 180.54 +0.05 23.1
+0.01 7.9 GlbA 68.37 -0.32 8.4 LSGrowthY 28.12 -0.07 21.1 BalAdml 48.05 +0.05 9.4 ExtndInst 127.89 +0.44 3.2
American Century Inv CorBdInst 10.07 +0.01 0.9 USLgVa 47.37 +0.09 7.4 Freedom2035 K 15.80 ValAdml 62.65 +0.11 8.8
+0.01 9.4 Franklin A1 Northern Funds CAITAdml 11.33 +0.01 0.2 GrwthInst 199.46 +0.07 25.0
Ultra 93.08 -0.02 24.9 BlackRock Funds Dodge & Cox StkIdx WdsrllAdml 83.67 -0.03 11.0
Freedom2040 K 11.63 ... 11.3 IncomeA1 2.34 ... 3.8 NA ... NA CapOpAdml r 203.90 +0.52 13.8 InPrSeIn 9.38 -0.01 1.4
American Funds Cl A HiYldBd Inst 7.05 +0.01 3.9 Balanced 103.38 -0.09 4.8 FrankTemp/Frank Adv Old Westbury Fds DivAppIdxAdm 49.95 +0.02 9.0
WellsIAdml 60.91 +0.11 2.7
Idx2030InsPre 20.23 ... 7.2 InstIdx 458.59 +0.47 17.7
AmcpA 43.05 -0.02 15.1 BlackRock Funds III GblStock 15.87 -0.03 6.4 Idx2035InsPre 23.28 ... 8.6 IncomeAdv 2.31 ... 3.5 LrgCpStr 20.09 -0.01 15.7 EMAdmr 37.21 +0.02 9.4 WelltnAdml 77.71 +0.05 10.1
InstPlus 458.58 +0.48 17.7
AMutlA 54.81 +0.01 8.3 iShS&P500IdxK 652.88 +0.68 17.7 Income 12.48 +0.01 1.0 Idx2040InsPre 24.45 -0.01 10.3 FrankTemp/Franklin A Parnassus Fds EqIncAdml 89.04 +0.23 7.2 WndsrAdml 74.38 +0.04 3.8 InstTStPlus 94.43 +0.12 15.7
BalA 35.03 +0.04 10.2 BlackRock Funds Inst Intl Stk 51.80 -0.04 5.4 DynaTech A 168.93 -0.10 26.3 ParnEqFd 62.62 +0.07 13.8 ExplrAdml 106.50 +0.38 3.2 VANGUARD FDS MidCpInst
Idx2045InsPre 25.69 -0.01 11.0 66.26 +0.15 4.9
BondA 11.24 ... ... EqtyDivd 20.45 -0.01 7.2 Stock 256.92 -0.23 8.5 Idx2050InsPre 25.74 -0.01 11.0 Growth A 142.42 -0.27 16.1 PGIM Funds Cl Z ExtndAdml 127.90 +0.44 3.2 DivdGro 38.13 -0.12 4.4 MidCpIstPl 326.77 +0.72 4.9
CapIBA 68.97 +0.02 5.5 StratIncOpptyIns 9.40 ... 2.1 DoubleLine Funds Fidelity Invest RisDv A 93.41 -0.06 5.9 TotalReturnBond NA ... NA GroIncAdml 107.00 +0.03 19.2 IntlVal 42.13 -0.18 4.4 SmCapInst 104.05 +0.36 2.5
CapWGrA 67.01 -0.01 12.4 TotRet 9.85 ... NA TotRetBdI 8.72 +0.01 1.1 Balanc 29.87 +0.01 11.9 Guggenheim Funds Tru PIMCO Fds Instl GrwthAdml 199.45 +0.07 25.0 LifeGro 45.02 -0.02 9.7 SmCapIstPl 300.31 +1.02 2.5
EupacA 58.68 -0.17 9.8 Calamos Funds Edgewood Growth Instituti BluCh 226.75 +0.70 30.9 TotRtnBdFdClInst 23.51 +0.02 1.1 AllAsset 11.08 +0.01 NA HlthCareAdml r 92.98 +0.32 8.5 LifeMod 32.28 ... 7.2 STIGradeInst 10.24 ... 2.2
FdInvA 82.65 +0.06 16.8 MktNeutI 14.63 -0.01 3.7 EdgewoodGrInst 51.29 -0.33 17.3 BluChpGr K6 34.66 +0.10 29.1 Harbor Funds TotRt 8.55 +0.01 NA HYCorAdml r 5.39 +0.01 2.7 PrmcpCor 36.28 +0.09 14.3 STIPSIxins 24.21 ... 2.6
GwthA 75.47 ... 19.5 Columbia Class I Federated Hermes Int Contra 20.71 -0.04 28.8 CapApInst 121.04 +0.07 25.4 PIMCO Funds A InfProAd 23.04 ... 1.5 STAR 28.46 ... 7.0 TotBdInst 9.54 ... 0.1
HI TrA 9.60 +0.01 4.4 DivIncom I 32.51 -0.02 7.9 TtlRtnBdI 9.40 ... 0.4 ContraK 20.78 -0.04 28.8 Harding Loevner IncomeFd 10.54 ... 2.3 InfTechIdx 307.22 +2.13 24.4 TgtRe2020 28.22 ... 5.0 TotBdInst2 9.42 ... 0.1
ICAA 58.18 +0.03 16.6 Dimensional Fds Fidelity CpInc 9.99 +0.02 6.2 IntlEq 26.76 -0.09 3.1 PIMCO Funds I2 IntlGrAdml 112.17 -0.32 10.2 TgtRe2025 19.57 ... 6.5 TotBdInstPl 9.54 ... 0.1
IncoA 24.32 +0.04 5.2 EmgMktVa 32.25 -0.05 10.6 500IdxInstPrem 193.53 +0.20 17.7 GroCo 41.45 +0.18 29.9 Invesco Funds Y Income 10.54 ... 2.5 ITBondAdml 10.20 ... 0.3 TgtRe2030 38.14 -0.01 7.5 TotIntBdIdxInst 29.29 +0.05 0.1
N PerA 63.95 ... 14.4 EmMktCorEq 24.48 -0.02 10.1 Contrafund K6 29.64 -0.04 28.7 InvGrBd 9.95 ... 0.7 DevMktY 40.58 +0.03 5.1 PIMCO Funds Instl ITIGradeAdml 8.59 ... 1.3 TgtRe2035 24.00 ... 8.5 TotStInst 132.63 +0.17 15.6
NEcoA 64.06 ... 18.7 IntlCoreEq 16.02 -0.07 6.2 ExtMktIdxInstPre 80.56 +0.27 3.2 LowP 46.81 +0.08 6.2 JHF III DispVal IncomeFd 10.54 ... 2.5 LarCapAd 128.75 +0.11 17.6 TgtRe2040 42.99 -0.02 9.4 ValueInst 62.64 +0.10 8.8
NwWrldA 81.53 -0.23 8.7 IntSmCo 20.10 -0.08 5.2 FidSerToMarket 18.11 +0.02 15.7 Magin 14.96 +0.02 25.2 DispValMCI 28.38 +0.06 3.7 Price Funds LTGradeAdml 7.77 +0.01 -1.9 TgtRe2045 29.41 -0.01 10.3 WCM Focus Funds
SmCpA 67.08 -0.02 1.3 IntSmVa 22.79 -0.08 8.6 GlexUSIdxInstPre 15.19 -0.05 7.9 NASDAQ 233.98 +0.65 23.1 John Hancock BlChip 192.42 -0.24 28.8 MidCpAdml 299.94 +0.66 4.9 TgtRe2050 49.31 -0.02 11.0 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 25.45 ... 11.8
TxExA 12.39 ... 0.8 LgCo 36.97 +0.04 17.6 GrowthCompanyK6 29.18 +0.11 30.0 OTC 23.73 +0.04 29.7 BondR6 13.44 +0.01 1.0 DivGro 77.97 +0.06 10.7 MuHYAdml 10.70 ... 1.9 TgtRe2060 50.70 -0.02 11.0 Western Asset
WshA 61.06 +0.07 12.4 US CoreEq1 40.86 +0.08 14.0 IntlIdxInstPrem 50.73 -0.28 7.5 Puritn 26.40 +0.03 14.2 JPMorgan I Class Growth 107.96 -0.01 24.7 MuIntAdml 13.58 +0.01 0.3 TgtRet2055 55.02 -0.03 10.9 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Tuesday, July 9, 2024 | B9


Nasdaq, S&P 500 Extend Record Levels

Powell to speak, and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Index performance on Monday lending activity, Wall Street creased its sales guidance.
Powell is set to testify before dealmaking and the financial Nike shares dropped to close
consumer-price Congress, and Wall Street will
health of credit-card holders around $73, a greater-than-
index and bank be closely following his com- 0.6 Nasdaq Composite will be closely watched. four-year low. Investors have
ments for clues on when inter- For now, calm reigns. The punished the apparel maker
earnings are due est-rate cuts could begin. 0.5
S&P 500
S&P 500 hasn’t dropped by since it reported disappointing
Last week, the jobs report Dow Jones Industrial Average more than 1% in a day since quarterly results in late June.
BY JACK PITCHER showed an uptick in the unem- 0.4 April. Overseas, Japan’s Nikkei 225
ployment rate, adding to the 0.3
“The current market is posi- traded at record levels sup-
Stock indexes hung at or case for a September rate cut. tive and steady to a nearly un- ported by technology and ex-
near records as the summer If the consumer-price index on 0.2 precedented degree. It’s ex- port-oriented stocks. At midday
doldrums continued, but a busy Thursday shows inflation con- tremely rare to see these types Tuesday, the Nikkei was at
calendar this week could spark tinued to moderate in June, the 0.1 of consistent gains with almost 41386.80, up 1.5%. S&P 500 fu-
some excite- Fed would have a clearer path no volatility,” said Mark Hack- tures were up 0.2%.
MONDAY’S ment. to cuts. 0 ett, Nationwide’s chief of in-
MARKETS Major in- “Expect him to say progress
vestment research. “Investors
dexes have on inflation has been and is be- should be prepared to see some AUCTION RESULTS
been on a slow and steady ing made, but the Fed remains –0.2 choppiness,” once earnings kick Here are the results of Monday's Treasury auctions.
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
march upward for weeks, and patient in terms of cutting off, he added. clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
Five-minute intervals between that price and the face value.
measures of volatility are near rates to ensure it doesn’t reig- –0.3 On Monday, chip-related
historic lows. In another quiet nite,” Bill Hornbarger, chief in- 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4 stocks led the way, with Super 13-Week 26-Week
session on Monday, the S&P vestment officer at Benjamin F. Micro Computer, Intel and Applications $220,097,948,100 $210,599,920,300

Advanced Micro Devices all $80,281,603,600 $73,943,514,400

Accepted bids
500 added 0.1%, to 5572.85, and Edwards, said of Powell’s testi- Source: FactSet " noncomp $2,366,351,600 $2,060,181,400
the Nasdaq Composite climbed mony. adding at least 4% to finish " foreign noncomp $100,000,000 $100,000,000
0.3%, to 18403.74, both extend- The benchmark 10-year grown more optimistic that Fargo report second-quarter among the S&P 500’s best per- Auction price (rate) 98.677972 97.431778
(5.230%) (5.080%)
ing a run of record closes. The Treasury yield was steady on there will be rate cuts this year. results, kicking off earnings formers. Corning was the in- 5.374% 5.286%
Dow Jones Industrial Average Monday but has dropped Another potential catalyst season in earnest. Big-bank re- dex’s top gainer, jumping 12%. Bids at clearing yield accepted 92.37% 75.38%
slipped 0.1%. roughly 0.2 percentage point for markets comes at the end sults are viewed as a bell- The maker of glass for TV 912797KT3 912797LX3

Traders will have more to since the beginning of the of the week, when JPMorgan wether for the economy, and screens and smartphones is Both issues are dated July 11, 2024. The 13-week bills
mature on Oct. 10, 2024; the 26-week bills mature on
chew on starting on Tuesday. month, a sign that traders have Chase, Citigroup and Wells commentary on commercial- getting a boost from AI and in- Jan. 9, 2025.

Japanese tion for normalizing the situ-

ation” at the pension fund,
said Takahide Kiuchi, an
president. While that helps
make exporters such as Toy-
ota more competitive, the
Moody’s Analytics. The huge
dollar stash could be viewed
as a form of insurance, he
Value of the Government
Pension Investment
Fund’s assets
domestic stocks.
The Nikkei Stock Average
is trading near its record

Pension to economist at Nomura Re-

search Institute.
Kiuchi was a policy board
weak currency has driven up
prices in Japan for imported
goods such as gasoline and
said, “and if you want to use
that money at a point in time
when things get tough, then
¥250 trillion
level after reaching a high in
February for the first time in
34 years.

Stir Markets member at the Bank of Japan food. Support for the cabinet that moment is now, right?” 200 Japanese companies have
a decade ago, when the fund of Prime Minister Fumio If the pension fund moves been raising dividends and
started pouring hundreds of Kishida has fallen to around 10% of its assets from foreign 150 share buybacks, and have
billions of dollars into foreign 25% in polls this year. currencies into yen, that shown more openness to for-
Continued from page B1 assets. The yen has would mean a movement of 100 eign shareholders’ demands.
risky way to invest funds ear- It was part weakened so some $150 billion. Angrick That allows the government
marked for future retirees. It of an effort by much that the and Kiuchi cautioned that fund to argue that bringing
amounts to a vote of no confi- the govern- The yen lately Japanese gov- even such a shift wouldn’t
more money home would ben-
dence by the Japanese gov- ment and cen- hit its weakest ernment has necessarily stem the yen’s de-
efit the bottom line.
ernment in its own currency tral bank to en- been selling preciation, given the large It will need that kind of
and contrasts with the U.S. c o u r a g e level against dollars to prop size and capriciousness of 2012 ’15 ’20 ’24 justification, because the
Social Security Trust Funds, Japanese peo- it up. foreign-exchange markets. fund is supposed to invest
which exclusively own the ple to take big-
the dollar since Meanwhile, At a news conference on
Note: ¥100 trillion=$620 billion. Figures for
purely to maximize its assets
end of March each year.
U.S. government’s own bonds. ger risks with the 1980s. elsewhere in Friday, the fund’s president, Source: GPIF on behalf of future pension-
The U.S., too, has weighed their money the same gov- Masataka Miyazono, declined ers, not to advance govern-
a bigger role for stock invest- and get out of ernment, the to discuss how the portfolio ploit the weak yen to increase ment policy goals.
ments in Social Security, but the funk that pension-invest- might change next year but returns. “Since GPIF makes invest-
an effort nearly two decades had gripped the nation since ment fund continues to press said the fund would analyze The new strategy will offi- ments with a very long-term
ago by then-President George the early 1990s. the dollar accelerator based the expected long-term re- cially take effect next April, view, it is important to diver-
W. Bush to let workers divert “I think there was also an on a policy dating to 2014. turns of each asset class. but analysts observed that sify its investments from a
some Social Security payroll element then of wanting a “Seeing how they shifted “The yen depreciated the fund often front-runs the very long-term perspective
taxes to personal retirement cheaper yen,” Kiuchi said. in one direction 10 years ago, against the dollar and euro in planned weighting changes to rather than getting excited or
accounts fell apart. “Now absolutely no one is I think it makes sense that the previous fiscal year, make the transition smoother. upset about short-term
With Japan’s long-term in- looking for that.” they would be able to do the which had positive effects on Analysts at Morgan Stanley events,” said Toshiyuki Taka-
terest rates rising recently, The yen recently hit its same thing now” in the oppo- our investment performance,” predicted that the Japanese hashi, a former government
“raising the weight of domes- weakest level against the dol- site direction, said Stefan An- Miyazono said, adding that government would raise the pension chief now at Japan
tic bonds is a natural direc- lar since Ronald Reagan was grick, an economist at the fund wasn’t trying to ex- pension fund’s weighting of Research Institute.

Hope is what we do.

At ChildFund, hope is about helping kids everywhere grow up healthy, educated, skilled
and – above all – safe. Hope is about keeping children safe wherever they are: at home,
in school, online. Hope is about all of us – including children – writing our story together.
B10 | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


In France, Limbo Is Best-Case Scenario

Polarization leaves the country’s politics stuck in an unpopular middle ground, but it does serve to lower key financial risks

When it comes to France’s tur- ing banks, energy firms and infra-
bulent politics, the current im- structure operators, is that the
passe is probably the best inves- risk of widespread tax increases,
tors could have hoped for. nationalizations and a prolonged
The second round of French standoff with Brussels seems
legislative elections delivered a smaller now than a few weeks
widely expected hung parliament, ago. Whatever Mélenchon says,
but not its predicted makeup: the left will either have to com-
Rather than coming in first, Ma- promise or else form a minority
rine Le Pen’s far-right and anti- government that might scare in-
immigrant National Rally finished vestors but wouldn’t be able to
third. In a shock twist, the leftist pass laws.
New Popular Front alliance So there isn’t much justification
emerged victorious, with the party for the lower valuation of lenders
of President Emmanuel Macron such as Société Générale and es-
and its allies in second place. pecially BNP Paribas—one of Eu-
This is because leftists and cen- rope’s most interesting banks that
trists ended up coordinating. In now trades at 0.65 times tangible
many local races, candidates book value. The same is likely true
dropped out to avoid dividing the for firms such as energy utility
vote against the far right. Engie and infrastructure-conces-

Still, no party has an outright sions leader Vinci, which have lost
majority, which plunges the coun- 8% of their market value since the
try into political gridlock. This end of May.
was, counterintuitively, the pre- These elections are more a
ferred outcome for financial mar- symptom of Macron’s weakness
kets. than its cause. After a chaotic
The CAC 40 initially tumbled month, French politics is back
when the elections were called in where it has been for years, with a
June, driven by fears of a poten- rising far right forcing the left to
tial National Rally government The French legislative elections delivered a widely expected hung parliament, but not its predicted makeup. back a centrist platform that can
challenging the European Union achieve little because few people
with fiscally expansive plans. Then more public spending, on top of France will handle its budget defi- of France’s bond market. actually like it. Macron himself be-
the French stock benchmark widespread tax increases. cit, which amounted to 5.5% of As for economic growth, it is came president on an anti-Le Pen
perked up, as the first-round re- Indeed, the CAC 40 closed down gross domestic product in 2023 and unclear how much impact Ma- ticket, but in seven years has
sults suggested the far-right 0.6% on Monday, probably reflect- has forced the EU to launch an “ex- cron’s policies have had in the failed to rally broad support for
wouldn’t get a majority. ing investors’ concern about these cessive deficit procedure” against first place, particularly given re- his pro-business vision.
Yet markets remained volatile parties potentially managing to the country. Macron may need to sistance from unions and swaths This could eventually make Le
because the rise of the New Popular form a new government. Mélenchon accept the reversal of reforms such of the public, which resulted in Pen’s victory inevitable, as she
Front raised even greater concerns. has stated that there will be no as a higher retirement age. the famous “yellow vest” protests claimed after initial results came
The policies of this coalition, in deals with the centrists. Still, a fiscal crisis isn’t in the in 2018 and 2020. in. For now, though, it is more or
which leftist firebrand Jean-Luc These worries seem overblown. cards, because the European Cen- What matters for sectors bat- less what markets ordered.
Mélenchon is a key leader, include Yes, there are doubts about how tral Bank is ultimately in control tered in the stock market, includ- —Jon Sindreu

Paramount Will Still

Offer Plenty of Drama
Not that they have much choice Paramount’s Class B share price,
in the matter, but Paramount past two years
Global’s shareholders should give $30
David Ellison a chance.
The troubled media giant finally
wrapped its on-again, off-again 25
merger deal with Skydance Media.
Under the deal unveiled late 20
Sunday, Skydance founder Ellison
will become chief executive officer 15
of Paramount while holders of the

company’s Class B shares can elect

to receive an equal number of Skydance deal price
shares of the newly combined
company, or $15 a share in cash up 5
to a total payout of $4.3 billion.
The $15-a-share price tag is a 56% 0
premium to the record low the Aug. 2022 ’23 ’24
stock hit last month after Para-
mount’s controlling shareholder, Source: FactSet Skydance was Paramount’s production partner on several films, including entries in the Transformers franchise.
Shari Redstone, issued a surprise
thumbs down to Skydance’s last selling point of the deal in a con- easier said than done. Warner Dis- March. Growing subscribers while team build more credibility with
offer. It is about half of the stock’s ference call Monday morning. covery warned investors late last keeping costs under control will Paramount’s shareholders—some-
value from two years ago, when That will be the easy part. Mon- year that it was unlikely to hit its be a huge challenge. thing sorely lacking under the old
the company’s “Top Gun: Maver- day’s call also made clear the own previously stated leverage On the brighter side, the arrangement. There is little place
ick” dominated the summer box magnitude of the challenges that target unless the advertising mar- merger with Skydance is less likely to go but up, as more than three-
office on its way to grossing Paramount’s new management ket improved. Its stock has sunk to run afoul of regulators—at least quarters of Wall Street analysts
nearly $1.5 billion globally. team faces. Ellison wants to make 39% since that warning. Para- compared with the option of com- currently carry neutral or sell rat-
Skydance was Paramount’s key Paramount into a “world-class me- mount’s own shares fell 5.3% Mon- bining Paramount with another ings on Paramount’s shares, ac-
production partner on that film dia and technology enterprise,” day. established Hollywood studio. It cording to FactSet.
and several others, including en- but he has to manage a rapidly de- Ellison will at least be in good puts Paramount under the control It also helps that Ellison comes
tries in the popular Mission Im- clining cable-TV and advertising company. Established media play- of a management team that lately with the backing of his father, Ora-
possible, Star Trek and Transform- business. He promised $2 billion ers are struggling with the shift to amassed a strong track record of cle founder and Chairman Larry El-
ers franchises. Hence, the two in “cost efficiencies” after the deal streaming as Netflix—once a Hol- box-office and television success. lison, whose $178 billion net worth
seemed the most natural fit as closes in the third quarter of next lywood upstart—built a scaled op- The new management will have a will likely scare off competing bid-
Redstone fielded entreaties from year. He also committed to an ag- eration with nearly 270 million lot more skin in the game: Red- ders despite the deal’s 45-day go-
other interested parties that re- gressive reduction of the com- paying subscribers producing stone’s National Amusements con- shop provision. Ric Prentiss of Ray-
portedly included private-equity pany’s debt, targeting a net lever- about $7.9 billion in annual oper- trolled 77% of Paramount’s voting mond James wrote Monday that
giant Apollo, Hollywood rivals age ratio of 2.9 times in 2026 ating income. Paramount last re- stock while holding less than 10% the go-shop period “should dis-
Sony and Warner Bros. Discovery compared with Paramount’s cur- ported about 71 million streaming of the company’s total equity. Sky- abuse notions of a much larger cash
and—most recently—IAC Chair- rent leverage ratio of 4.3 times. subscribers, while its direct-to- dance will own about 70% of the offer waiting for the company.”
man Barry Diller, who once ran Those are the right promises to consumer unit generated an oper- new company’s outstanding equity For Paramount, Skydance is the
the Paramount studio. “Unifying make, given the media industry’s ating loss of about $1.4 billion for once the deal closes. only show in town.
Franchise IP” was touted as a key many struggles. But they are also the 12-month period ended in That should help Ellison and his —Dan Gallagher


FBI Probes dia and the press to propel

their names.
They represented clients
Alon would dispute the claims.
Last month, Tal was accused in
another suit of participating in

Real-Estate such as WeWork founder Adam

Neumann and restaurateur Jef-
frey Chodorow. The pair are
a coordinated sexual assault
along with Alon in 2012, while
Oren watched—allegations they

Star Brokers widely known for trying to live

like their clients, flying around
the world in private jets, host-
denied. Also last month, five
additional women told The
Wall Street Journal they were
ing lavish parties and chasing sexually assaulted or raped by
Continued from page B1 the wealthy around the world Oren.

in the U.S. Tal and Oren to events such as the World The attorney for the two

worked for industry giant Economic Forum in Davos, women in the March lawsuits,
Douglas Elliman for more than Switzerland, the World Cup Evan Torgan of Torgan Cooper
a decade before starting their and the Super Bowl. + Aaron, has said he was ap-
own company in 2022. Alon is an executive at the proached by more than two
In the real-estate industry, family’s private security firm, dozen women in the wake of
the two brothers had a reputa- Kent Security. the filings. Torgan said some of
tion as ambitious, hungry A pair of lawsuits filed by them didn’t report their alleged
young agents who weren’t two women in March alleged assaults to police at the time
afraid to throw elbows to se- sexual assaults by Oren and his because they had willingly
cure a deal or land a big cli- twin Alon dating to 2010 and gone on dates and to parties
ent—and who used social me- 2012. Kirshner said Oren and with the brothers. Left, Oren and Alon Alexander in Miami Beach in 2015; their brother Tal in 2016 in New York.

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