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1.What are the materials required to observe the external and internal structure of kidney?

A. Freshly collected specimen of sheep kidney or 3D model of kidney, sharp blade, scalpel, tray, and
jug of water.

2.What happens if harmful products are not removed from our body? Or What happens if both
kidneys fail completely?

A. Harmful products are accumulated in the body, become toxic leads to the death of the person.

3.What precautions you have to take in the observation of internal structure of mammalian

A. 1. wash the kidney thoroughly with jug of water. 2.Ensure that blood is completely drained off

3. Wash hands with antibacterial lotion.

4. what happens if reabsorption of water does not take place?

A. Water level decreases in the body, malfunctioning of metabolism, useful substances like
hormones, vitamins, salts, are excreted out as result person become unhealthy.

5.What happens if vasopressin is not secreted in the body?

A. if vasopressin not secreted urine become much diluted such condition is called Diabetes insipidus.

6.what happens if diameter of both afferent and efferent arterioles in the kidney is same?

A. Waste materials are not filtered. And urine is not formed.

7. What happens if tubular re absorption is not taken place during mechanism of urine formation?

A. Body will not get useful substances like amino acids, vitamin- c , salts like k ,Ca, Na , chloride and
water as result person become unhealthy .


1.Give two examples for gum yielding trees in your surrounding?

2. What are the differences between primary and secondary metabolites?

3. Write the uses of secondary metabolites of plants in your daily life?

4.write the differences between excretion and secretion?

5. Why do some children pass urine during sleep at night?

6. Name some alkaloid which are harmful to us?

7. Name the secondary metabolites which are use in leather and rubber industry?

8.What is the permeant procedure for kidney failure?

9. Analyse the following information and answer the following questions


1 Quinine Bark Anti-malarial drug
2 Nicotine Leaves Insecticide
3 Morphine Fruits Pain killer, sedative
4 Caffeine Seeds CNS stimulant
5 Pyrethroids Flower Insecticides
6 Scopolamine Fruits and flowers Sedative
7 Reserpine Roots Medicine for snake bite
Questions: -

1. Which parts of the plant are used as alkaloid?

2. What are the alkaloids which are used to control the diseases that occur in plants?
3. Which alkaloid is used as sedative?
4. Which alkaloid is used to prevent malaria?
5. Name the alkaloid used as insecticide?
6. Which System is stimulated by the alkaloid caffeine?
7. Which part of which plant is used as medicine for snake bite?

10. Observe the following table and answer the given questions

SNO Secondary metabolite Plant name uses

1 Gum Neem, acacia Binding agent
2 Latex Rubber plant Rubber
3 Tannins Cassia, acacia Tanning of leather
4 Resin Pinus Varnishes
Questions: -

1. What are the uses of resin and gum?

2. Write secondary metabolites produced in cassia and acacia/ what its uses?
3. Which plant produce resins?
4. What are tannins and how are they useful to us?

11. Study the table and answer the questions

SNO Name of phylum Excretory organ

1 Protozoa Simple diffusion
2 Platyhelminthes Flame cells
3 Nematoda Rennette cells
4 Annelids Nephridia
5 Arthropoda Green glands
6 Mollusca Meta nephridia
7 Porifera Water bathes almost all their cells
8 Echinodermata Water vascular system
9 mammals kidney
Questions: -

1. Which organ is useful for excretion in annelids?

2. Kidneys are useful in which phylum organism/
3. Name one organism excretion by the process of simple diffusion?
4. Which organ is used for excretion in Arthropoda?
5. Write the excretory organs present in earthworm and cockroach?


1.What are the different stage of urine formation?

2. what are the accessory excretory organs in human body?

3. Describe the internal structure of kidney with help of diagram?

4. Explain the external structure of kidney in human being?

5. Describe the structure if nephron with help of diagram?

6. Draw the diagram of excretory system in human beings and label the parts?

7. Describe the process of dialysis in man with help of diagram?

8.Explain the procedure and observations of the experiment conducted to observe internal structure
of kidney?

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