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1.How does the lymph differ from blood?

2.Name the largest artery in the body?

3.What happens if platelets are absent in the blood?

4. List out the materials you have used to observe the goat heart in your laboratory?

5. Name the valves present in the human heart?

6. What are components of blood vascular system/

7. Name the blood vessels which collect deoxygenated blood from the head region?

8.What happens if valves in veins abstract blood flow?

9.What will happen if cell sap of root hair cells contains high concentration of ions?

10.The lumen size is bigger in vein when compare with artery why?

11. What are three main types of blood vessels in the body?

12. Which blood vessels carries blood for oxygenation?

13. Artery walls are very strong and elastic why?

14.what will happen if pulmonary vein is tied with a thread?

15.What happens if there are no valves in veins?

16.what would happen if valves of heart do not function properly?

17. What are the uses of platelets?

18. write any two suitable reasons for high blood pressure?

19. What materials do you require to prepare your own pulse indicator?

20.Imagne what will happen if hemoglobin is not present in our blood?

21.What happens if blood circulation not occur in our blood?

22.What happens if the lymphatic system is blocked?

23.Name the apparatus, shown in the figure below


1.Write difference between xylem and phloem?

2.What is your inference about experiment with aphids?

3.Read the table and answer the following questions

SNO Name of the phylum Type of transport system

1 Cnidarians Gastrovascular cavity
2 Platyhelminthes Digestive system
3 Nemathelminths Pseudocoelom
4 Annelida Blood vessels
5 Arthropoda Open circulatory system
Questions: -

1. In which phylum blood vessels are formed?

2. In which phylum organism have hemoglobin in their body?
3. In which phylum digestive system helps in transportation?
4. Why do arthropods have open circulatory system?

4.what is the difference between lymph and serum?

5.What are the valves located in the heart, write their names?

6.Draw a block diagram to explain single and double circulation?

7. Describe the mechanism of how water and minerals are transported in the plants and what is the
phenomenon involved it?


1.Explain cardiac cycle?

2. Write the process involved in coagulation of blood?

3. Write difference between veins and arteries?

4.Explain the internal structure of human heart with help of diagram?

5.Write about external structure of human heart with help of diagram?

6. Explain the mechanism of entry of water into root hair with the help of diagram?


7.Demonstrate root pressure in plants?

8.Write the procedure and observation to external and internal structure of mammalian heart in

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