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N AT E T R E M E . C O M


tunnel goons An analog adventure What is this meager tome? Reasons To Enter The Caverns
game for nice people. This book is a collection of random 1. A sugar baron is offering a
tables for generating the strange hefty reward for the return of their
Game Structure: A referee controls and describes the world to players who underground caverns of Urk and small dog that reportedly fell into
then describe how their characters act in the world. their occupants. A six sided (D6) and the caverns.
Action Roll twelve sided (d12) die are required. 2. The Botanist Autarch desires
When an action’s success is uncertain, a player rolls 2d6 and adds points specimens of strange Urkish flora.
from the relevant class and a point for any relevant items. If the total is What’s it for? 3. Allies are desperately needed
equal or greater than the action’s Difficulty Score (DS) it is successful. You can use this book and your to survive the war, perhaps some
Difficulty Scores Guidelines: imagination to explore the Caverns of can be found in Urk.
Easy: 8 Moderate: 10 Hard: 12 Urk. Also, you can use it to develop 4. The Mad Prophets have told
Dangerous Actions adventuring locations for the analog you to travel the caverns until
If an action has a risk of physical danger, the difference between the roll and role playing game of your choice. A you receive a vision from the
Difficulty Score is the amount of damage the endangered participant takes. set of simple rules are included at the First God.
Example: end of this book. 5. A Death Chemist caravan has
As an action, a Player Character fights a Robo Mantis with a DS of 10. The made camp nearby, rendering
player rolls 2d6 and adds 2 from their Brute Score, 1 from their sword, and Thank You the air toxic, the only refuge is a
1 from their shield. The total is 12. The difference between 12 and 10 is 2, For more tabletop roleplaying games tunnel leading below Mount Urk.
so the creature takes 2 damage. A non player character’s DS is also their and adventures, visit 6. Rumor says the Augur Knight
Health Points, so now the Robo Mantis’s Difficulty Score is 8. If the roll was was buried in the caverns, along
8 then the Player Character would have lost 2 health. with all her golden children.
Inventory Advancement
Your Inventory Score is how many Level up at the end of a game
items you can carry comfortably. session. Each level, raise a class
For each item that exceeds your score by 1 and raise either Health
Inventory Score subtract 1 from or Inventory Score by 1.
any Brute or Skulker Rolls. Healing
Beneath the black Death Regain lost Health Points by
mountain Urk, twisting When a character’s Health Points spending the night in a safe spot.
caverns descend to reach zero, they die.
unfathomable depths.
The Mad Prophets say Character Creation Choose 3 items:
they are the veins of Name your character. Melee Weapon Bear Trap
a long-dead star god, Health Points are 10 (specify) Hammer
and stretch to the Inventory Score is 8 Ranged Weapon Mirror
end of time and the Distribute 3 points between these classes. (specify) Rope
beginning of creation. Brute Piece of Armor Manacles
Good at smacking things, feats of strength (specify) Flask
Skulker Cloak (specify Marbles
Good at sneaking, aiming, balancing color) Pitons
Erudite Ration (specify) Scissors
Good at reading, perception, speaking Torch Wire
Net Flint Steel

Texture Color
Use a d6 to determine the physical
features of a cavern.
treasure Use 2d12 to determine treasure that
can be found in this cavern.

1. Porous 1. Purple 1. Stalagmites & Stalactites 2. Blank Self Reading Book 14. 1d6 Silver Marbles
2-3. Smooth 2. Red 2. Boulders 3. Clockwork Heart 15. Torn Journal Page
4. Sharp 3. Rainbow 3. Floating Plateaus 4. Unicorn Horn Powder 16. Gold Eyeball
5. Crystalline 4. Golden 4. Monoliths 5. Gold Wolf Mask 17. 1d6 Flares
6. Chalky 5. Black 5. Spires 6. Solar Powered Calculator 18. Neon Smoke Bomb
6. Yellow 6. Arches 7. Giant Black Pearl 19. Unlimited Fountain Pen
8. Brass Spiked Helmet 20. Clockwork Beetle

Roll at least two types of flora per cavern.
9. Hand Crank Torch
10. 2d6 Titanium Coins
11. Lifelike Marble Statuette
21. 3d6 Vampire Fangs
22. Silver Telescope
23. Werewolf Hair Wig
12. Dimly Glowing Emerald 24. Universe in a Marble
Color Type
13. 2d6 Polished Rocks
1. Purple 1. Cacti
2. Red 2. Tall Grass
3. Rainbow 3. Moss
4. Golden 4. Giant Mushrooms
5. Black 5. Giant Flowers
6. Yellow 6. Geometric Trees
monsters Roll a d12 on each list and combine
to create a wild cavern creature.
Source Color Temperature
1. Pond 1-2. Clear 1-2. Freezing
Feature 1 Feature 2 Form
2. River 3. Black 3-4. Cold
1. Many Eyed 1. Spiked 1. Toad
3. Waterfall 4. Muddy 5. Warm
2. Oozing 2. Smoke 2. Rat
4. Floating Water Orbs 5. Green 6. Hot
3. Glowing 3. Lard 3. Serpent
5. Drips From Ceiling 6. Glowing
4. Screeching 4. Fungal 4. Bear
6. None
5. Whispering 5. Gelatinous 5. Squid
6. Psychic 6. Crystal 6. Mantis
7. Purple
8. Shimmering
9. Whistling
7. Robo
8. Rock
9. Shadow
7. Roach
8. Cow
9. Slug
Temperature Air Quality
10. Lumbering 10. Razor 10. Shark 1. Freezing 1. Humid
11. Phasing 11. Rhino 11. Ferret 2. Cold 2. Dry
12. Slobbering 12. Flower 12. Fly 3-4. Warm 3. Hazy
5. Hot 4. Ozone
6. Sweltering 5. Mildew
6. Fresh
peoples of urk
Use a d12 to Living in 6. Ancient train cars.
determine what 1. Shallow caves high in 7. Giant reptilian skulls.
kind of people the cavern wall. 8. Small pyramids of black stone.
live in a cavern.
Attitude Species 2. Wooden orb houses suspended 9. Colorful patchwork yurts.
1. Sarcastic 1. Four-Armed Red Glass Skeletons from the ceiling. 10. A large galley ship with black sails.
2. Posh 2. Tattooed Hairless Cat Folk 3. Brightly painted adobe mounds. 11. A shanty town built around a
3. Ornery 3. Pink Cyclopean Sasquatches 4. A giant communal turtle shell. large glowing crystal.
4. Obsequious 4. Quadruped Barracudas 5. Plastic domes connected by tubes. 12. Egg-shaped stone houses.
5. Stoic 5. Poisonous Snake People Seeking to
6. Forlorn 6. Giant Floating Eyeballs 1. Recruit voters in a tight local election.
7. Self-absorbed 7. Stone Apes 2. Resurrect a giant ancient robot snake they worship.
8. Timid 8. Humanoid Snails 3. Subject surface dwellers to pseudo-scientific experiments.
9. Jaunty 9. Fungal Gnomes 4. Add fresh meat to the battle pit.
10. Distrustful 10. Mechanical Dogs 5. Form alliances through ostentatious wedding ceremonies.
11. Belligerent 11. Scaled Albino Bats 6. Find prom dates. Loners are sacrificed to a fertility god.
12. Philosophical 12. Rotund Horned Koalas 7. Drill a hole straight to the surface with broken ancient machinery
Arts & Culture: 1. Fungal Topiary 2. Gambling 8. Learn exotic recipes from other dimensions through seances.
3. Baroque Fashion 4. Elaborate Stone Stacking 9. Recite poetry and learn new poems (and be very critical of them).
5. Taxidermy 6. Religious Dance 7. Rock Painting 10. Send one of their children to the surface to fulfill a prophecy.
8. Mud Sculptures 9. Ribald Balladry 10. Baking 11. Conquer all the caverns of Urk!
11. Extreme Make Up 12. Dance Battles 12. Surgically add, remove, or trade body parts.

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