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Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Review Article

Implantation of retropupillary iris-claw lenses: A

review on surgical management and outcomes
Liv Drolsum1,2 and Olav Kristianslund1,2
Department of Ophthalmology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

ABSTRACT. fixating an IOL to either the sclera or

Iris-claw lenses have gained increasing popularity over the last years and are by the iris. These options also apply to
many surgeons regarded as viable options in eyes with insufficient capsular or secondary IOL implantation or
zonular support. The iris-claw lens has two haptics with fine fissures for folding exchange surgery in eyes with insuffi-
(enclavating) the mid-peripheral part of the iris stroma and can either be placed cient capsular support.
in front of or posterior to the iris. In particular, the retropupillary implantation In choosing one approach over
has been increasingly chosen probably due to having an anatomical position another, the surgeon’s preference and
similar to that of the crystalline lens. The present review is based on a literature experience are major factors. Surgeons
review and also on the authors’ clinical experience with this lens, and it focuses have traditionally used angle-sup-
ported open-loop AC IOLs, not at
on surgical techniques and outcomes especially related to the characteristics of
least for their simplicity and relatively
this lens, having haptics with claws that fixate the lens to the posterior iris.
favourable outcomes (Drolsum 2003;
Implanting retropupillary iris-claw lenses has a relatively short learning curve, Wagoner et al. 2003; Chan et al. 2015).
and there are only few complications reported during surgery. Retropupillary Nevertheless, using those IOLs also
iris-claw lenses have demonstrated generally favourable efficiency and safety. risk compromising the corneal
However, the outcomes are probably more influenced by the reason for surgery endothelium and the AC angle, which
and eye comorbidity than the lens itself. Albeit seldom reported, the postoper- may eventually cause corneal decom-
ative complications have mostly been related to atrophy of the iris at the site of pensation and glaucoma in vulnerable
the haptics, or IOL decentration or disenclavation of one of the haptics. To date, eyes (Dick & Augustin 2001). Further-
however, there are few randomized clinical trials comparing this lens to other more, the AC IOLs are not foldable
lens alternatives in eyes exhibiting insufficient capsular or zonular support for and have the disadvantage of requiring
placing the lens in the ciliary sulcus. In the future, prospective studies with large an incision of approximately 6 mm.
samples should be performed to gain insights into the long-term safety of Considering those drawbacks, surgeons
retropupillary placed iris-claw lenses, and for comparisons with the various other often prefer to place IOLs in the PC,
techniques of lens fixation. with the IOL located away from the
AC angle and corneal endothelium, in
order to respect the eye’s anatomy.
Key words: artisan aphakia – iris fixated lens – iris-claw intraocular lens – iris claw intraocular
lens – retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens – review – verisyse aphakia
However, scleral fixation, with or with-
out suturing, is often challenging and
time-consuming, and requires an expe-
Acta Ophthalmol. rienced surgeon (Kristianslund et al.
ª 2021 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Acta Ophthalmologica
Scandinavica Foundation. 2017c; Yamane & Ito 2021). Another
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs alternative is fixating the IOL to the
License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-
commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
iris. The haptics of the IOL can be
sutured from the posterior side of the
doi: 10.1111/aos.14824 iris (Wagoner et al. 2003; Condon et al.
in the capsular bag. However, if zonu- 2007; Dzhaber et al. 2020), or an IOL
Introduction lar support is compromised or capsular specially designed for sutureless iris
rupture complicates the surgery, then fixation, called an ‘iris-claw lens’, can
In uneventful cataract surgery, the
other options have to be considered. be applied.
standard procedure involves implant-
Viable alternatives include implanting Iris-claw IOLs have been in devel-
ing a foldable, one-piece posterior
an anterior chamber (AC) IOL or opment for nearly half a century,
chamber (PC) intraocular lens (IOL)

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

beginning with Worst et al.’s (1972) likely because the implantation is sim- University of Oslo. The search was
first iris-claw IOL in the early 1970s. In pler and less time-consuming than the restricted to English language with no
the 1980’s, the first procedure for different techniques of scleral fixations time restriction. It was finished in
implanting a retropupillary iris-claw as well as reports on similar efficiency December 2020 and was performed in
lens was described, followed by Rin- and safety compared to other options PubMed (Medline), Embase and
jeveld et al.’s (1994) clinical results of (Jing et al. 2017; Kristianslund et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic
the anterior and posterior fixation of 2017c; Dalby et al. 2019). In our Reviews. In PubMed (Medline), we
iris-claw lenses. However, it was not department, after iris-claw lenses were performed a search using the text
until the publication of Mohr et al. introduced in 2006, implanting the words ‘iris claw’ and ‘iris claws’, which
(2002) that retropupillary iris-claw Verisyse/Artisan lenses has gradually resulted in 282 publications. We also
lenses gained significant popularity for become our procedure of choice in eyes performed a search using the addi-
treating aphakia. From this progressive with insufficient capsular support tional keywords ‘Artisan aphakia’ or
improvement in the design of iris-claw ( secondary IOL implantation, ‘Verisyse aphakia’, which yielded
IOLs, two identical models—the Ver- when IOL exchange is chosen due to another 24 publications, to a total of
isyse IOL for aphakia (VRSA54; IOL dislocation and when cataract 306 articles that were initially viable for
Abbott Laboratories, Inc., Abbott surgery has involved complications). our review. The searches in Embase
Park, IL, USA) and the Artisan Apha- Based on the literature and our and Cochrane Database of Systematic
kia IOL (Ophtec BV, Groningen, The extensive experience with this lens, we Reviews did not reveal any additional
Netherlands)—have often been used. will in this review discuss the use of possibly relevant articles.
Designed for aphakia, the Artisan/ retropupillary iris-claw lenses, particu- The two authors independently
Verisyse iris-claw lenses are rigid, one- larly regarding preparation for surgery, screened the abstracts of all 306 articles
piece IOLs made of polymethyl techniques of implanting these lenses for the ones possibly containing infor-
methacrylate (PMMA) with a 5.4-mm and strategies for managing any com- mation about implanting retropupil-
optic and an 8.5-mm overall length plications during or after surgery with lary iris-claw IOLs. These articles were
(Fig. 1). The haptics of this lens have special focus on factors related to the reviewed in full-text versions and we
fine fissures to capture, by way of design of these lenses with claws fixated evaluated whether retropupillary Arti-
enclavation, folds in the mid-peripheral to the posterior part of the iris. We also san or Verisyse iris-claw surgeries were
part of the iris stroma. For retropupil- discuss the postoperative outcomes, involved and, if so, the proportion of
lary placement, the manufacturer-rec- especially in terms of efficiency and patients.
ommended A-constants using Sanders– safety. After excluding studies on phakic
Retzlaff–Kraff (SRK) T formula are iris-claw IOLs and studies with fewer
116.9 (optical) and 116.8 (ultrasound). than 20 eyes, follow-up times less than
For prepupillary placement, the rec-
Methods and Literature the mean and median of 6 months,
ommended A-constants are 115.7 (op- Search paediatric cases and iris-claw lenses
tical) and 115.0 (ultrasound). A search strategy was developed in other than Verisyse and Artisan, we
In several eye clinics, the advantages collaboration with the Medical Library identified 17 studies either exclusively
of using iris-claw lenses have recently at Oslo University Hospital / or partly addressing the implantation
gained considerable attention, most of retropupillary iris-claw lens
(Tables 1 and 2). Two of them were
randomized clinical trials (RCT)s, of
whom one had several publications
(Helvaci et al. 2016; Kristianslund
et al. 2017a, 2017b, 2017c; Dalby
et al. 2019; Dalby et al. 2020), whereas
one was a prospective case series
(Baykara et al. 2007). Of the 14 retro-
spective studies, seven were compara-
tive (Rufer et al. 2009; Hernandez
Martinez & Almeida Gonzalez 2018;
Mora et al. 2018; Tourino Peralba et al.
2018; Toro et al. 2019; Vounotrypidis
et al. 2019; Woo et al. 2020), whereas
the rest were case series. The compar-
ative studies (two prospective and
seven retrospective) focused on retrop-
upillary iris-claw lenses versus reposi-
tioning of the dislocated IOL–capsule
complex with sutures to the sclera
(Kristianslund et al. 2017c) or versus
prepupillary iris-claw lenses (Helvaci
Fig. 1. Schematic of the iris-claw lens (Artisan Aphakia Model 205 lens, Ophthec BV, The et al. 2016; Hernandez Martinez &
Netherlands) Almeida Gonzalez 2018; Mora et al.

Table 1. Studies of retropupillary iris-claw IOL implantations (Verisyse/Artisan) in terms of refractive and visual outcomes

Outcomes at last follow-up (mean  1SD or %)

mean or Spherical
No of median A-constant BCVA BCVA equivalent Prediction Corneal cylinder
Study eyes1 Design (m2;y3) Incision /Formula (LogMAR) ≥ 20/40 (D) error (D) (D) SIA (D)

Baykara et al., 2007 32 Noncomparative, 9m Scleral tunnel 116.5/SRK-T nr 87.5 -0.70  0.47 -0.13  0.28/ Preop4: nr
interventional case absolute p.e.: 1.08  0.55D/
series 0.26  15 po5 --2.1  0.81
ufer et al. 2009 22 Retrospective 17 m nr/open-sky nr 0.5/0.1 nr nr nr nr nr
Hsing et al. 2012 266 Retrospective >6 m Scleral or 117.0/nr nr 58 +0.23 nr nr nr
opfer at al. 2012 51 Retrospective 2.4 y nr nr 0.25  0.2 nr -0.65  0.2 nr nr nr
Gonnermann et al. 23 Retrospective 18 m Open-sky 117.0/nr 1.0  0.46 nr nr nr nr nr
Schallenberg et al. 31 Retrospective 25 m Scleral tunnel 116.8/SRK-II 0.64  0.62 nr -0.43  1.93 nr nr nr
Forlini et al. 2015 320 Retrospective 5.3 y Corneal 116.5/SRK-T 0.6/0.3/0.6 nr nr -1.42  1.22/ nr nr
1.5  1.15/
2.4  2.1
Choragiewicz et al. 47 Retrospective case 16 m Corneal or ACD-C:4.21, 0.46  0.27 44.7 nr -0.27  1.28 -1.82  1.07 -0.3  1.26
2016 series scleral A0-C:-0.25, (Snellen)
A2-C:0.1 /
Helvaci et al. 2016 20 Prospective RCT 6m Corneal 117.0/nr 0.5  0.23 nr -0.25  1.75 nr nr nr
Faria et al. 2016 66 Retrospective case 23 m Corneal 116.5/SRK-T 0.35  0.40 nr nr 1.75  1.22 nr nr
Kristianslund et al. 50 Prospective RCT 6 m/2 y Scleral tunnel 116.9/SRK-T 0.22  0.30 76 (2 y) -0.06  1.21 +0.29  0.86 1.22  0.83 1.12  0.85 (6 m)
2017a;2017b;2017c; (2 y) (2 y) (6 m) (6 m)
Dalby et al. 2019,
Hernandez Martinez 44 Retrospective 33 m Corneal or 116.8/nr 0.09  0.32 72.7 0.10  1.17 nr nr 2.49  1.36
et al. 2018 comparative scleral (corneal)
0.73  0.62
(scleral) 7
Tourino Peralba 38 Retrospective 12 m Corneal 116.8/nr 65 ETDRS nr nr nr Preop4: 1.3/ Po5: nr
et al. 2018 comparative (median) letters 1.8 (median)
Vounotrypidis et al. 40 Retrospective case 17 m Scleral nr/different 0.42  0.48 nr -0.32  1.32 0.11  1.06/ nr nr
2019 series formulas absolute p.e.:
+0.81  0.68
Mora et al. 2018 32 Retrospective 12 m Corneal 116.5/SRK-T 0.37  0.50 nr -1.02  1.51 nr 1.08  0.43 nr
Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

2018; Tourino Peralba et al. 2018; Toro

et al. 2019). Woo et al (2020) compared
different IOL types including retrop-

absolute p.e. = absolute prediction error, BCVA = best-corrected distance visual acuity, D = dioptres, nr = not reported, RCT = randomized clinical trial, SIA = surgically induced astigmatism.
upillary iris-claw IOL in Descemet
stripping automated endothelial ker-


atoplasty. In the last two studies, this
Corneal cylinder
lens was implanted either with or
without penetrating keratoplasty or
compared with various other types of
IOL fixation (Rufer et al. 2009;
Vounotrypidis et al. 2019). Of the

Only reports with 20 patients or more are included, at least mean/median follow-up of 6 months, and in English language. Studies on paediatric patients are excluded.


reviewed studies, nine included only
the Artisan lens (Baykara et al. 2007;
Schallenberg et al. 2014; Forlini et al.
2015; Helvaci et al. 2016; Hernandez
error (D)

Martinez & Almeida Gonzalez 2018;

Outcomes at last follow-up (mean  1SD or %)

Mora et al. 2018; Tourino Peralba et al.



2018; Toro et al. 2019), four included

only the Verisyse lens (Schopfer et al.

2012; Faria et al. 2016; Kristianslund


et al. 2017c; Vounotrypidis et al. 2019),


while four included both (Rufer et al.



2009; Hsing & Lee 2012; Gonnermann

(3 y, ≥0.6)

et al. 2013; Choragiewicz et al. 2016;

≥ 20/40

Woo et al. 2020).



Indications for Surgery

0.13  0.15

A retropupillary iris-claw IOL is suit-


able when implanting an IOL in the


ciliary sulcus is infeasible due to insuf-

ficient capsular and/or zonular sup-


port. Such cases often result from


severe complicated cataract surgery,

lens surgery in eyes with compromised
zonulae (i.e. ectopia lentis and
advanced pseudoexfoliation syn-
drome), IOL exchange surgery and
secondary IOL implantation. Even so,


the iris and the pupil place some

restrictions upon the procedure.
mean or

Not distinguished between pre and retropupillary position.
3.9 y

For an iris-claw lens to be implanted, the

iris needs sufficient support. Still, the
IOL can be implanted in case of minor
Number of eyes followed for at least 6 months.

iris defects and following iris recon-




struction, as described for both the

prepupillary position (Hu et al. 2016)

and the retropupillary position (Forlini

Preop = preoperative measurement.
Po = Postoperative measurement.

et al. 2015). Although pronounced,

general atrophy of the iris frequently
Number of eyes at inclusion.
No of

prohibits the use of iris-claw IOLs,



localized atrophy does not, provided

that such areas can be avoided. Beyond
Table 1 (Continued)

that, most surgeons resist performing

Toro et al. 2019

Woo et al. 2020

the procedure in eyes with profound

m = months.

iridodonesis due to the postoperative

y = years.

risk of trembling vision. Authors have


reported excluding eyes with rubeosis

iridis as well (Forlini et al. 2015).

Table 2. Studies of retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens (IOL) implantations (Verisyse/Artisan) in terms of safety

IOL IOP Retinal

No of Follow-up Ovalisation Iris atrophy decentration Re-dislocation elevation ECL (%)/ detachment
Study eyes1 (m2y3) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Cells/mm2 CME (%) (%)

Baykara et al., 2007 32 9m 12.5 nr 0 0 19 nr nr 0

ufer et al. 2009 22 17 m nr nr 4.5 9 4.5 nr nr 0
Hsing et al. 2012 266 >6 m 18 24 6 0 0 nr nr 0
opfer at al. 2012 51 2.4 y nr nr nr nr nr nr 2 nr
Gonnermann et al. 2013 23 18 m 13 nr nr 13 0 Preop4 2325  240 /Po5 4.3 0.3
1319  211
Schallenberg et al. 2014 31 25 m 32 13 0 0 3 nr 0 3
Forlini et al. 2015 320 5.3 y 5 nr nr 1.3 2.2 Preop4: 2227  524 /Po5: 0.9 0.3
2170  432
Choragiewicz et al. 2016 47 16 m 17 6.4 2 nr 2 nr nr 2
Helvaci et al. 2016 20 6m 10 nr 0 0 25 nr 0 0
Faria et al. 2016 66 23 m 24 nr 0 1.5 18 Po5: 1768  741 4.5 1.5
Kristianslund et al. 2017a; 50 6 m/2 y nr nr 3 (2 y) 3 (2 y) 21 (6 m) 15.3 (2 y) 10 (6 m) 0 (2 y)
2017b; 2017c; Dalby et al.
2019, 2020
Hernandez Martinez et al. 2018 44 33 m nr nr nr nr Not specified7 4.4% (1 year) Not specified7 Not specified7
Tourino Peralba et al. 2018 38 12 m (median) 7.9 2.6 nr 2.6 Uncertain8 Reduction: 150  406 7.9 2.6
Vounotrypidis8 et al 2018 40 17 m nr nr nr nr nr nr nr nr
Mora et al. 2018 32 12 m nr nr 3 0 22 Preop4: 2047  489 25 3
Po5: 1395  380
Toro et al. 2019 93 5y 2.1 nr 0 2.1 22.5 Reduction: 176  9.5 2.1 1
Woo et al. 2020 25 3.9 y nr nr nr 12 28 19.3 1 0

Only reports with 20 patients or more are included, at least mean/median follow-up of 6 months, and in English language. Studies on paediatric patients are excluded. Study designs are reported in Table 1.
CME = cystoid macular oedema, ECL = endothelial cell loss, IOP = intraocular pressure, nr = not reported
Number of eyes at inclusion
m = months
y = years
Preoperative measurement (mean  SD)
Postoperative measurement (mean  1SD)
Number of eyes with at least 6 months follow-up
Only reported for both the pre and retropupillary iris-claw lens groups
Complications not distinguished between iris-claw lens and other IOL fixation types
Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Pupil same time, surgeons have often acetylcholine, carbachol or pilocarpine)

reported using peribulbar or retrobul- often precedes the iris-claw enclavations
To implant a retropupillary iris-claw
bar anaesthesia and scleral pocket (Baykara et al. 2007; Schallenberg et al.
IOL, the pupil should ideally be of
incision while implanting iris-claw 2014; Forlini et al. 2015; Faria et al.
normal size and shape. Although
IOLs (Baykara et al. 2007; Faria et al. 2016; Fouda et al. 2016; Helvaci et al.
using such lenses is possible with
2016; Kristianslund et al. 2017c; Toro 2016; Toro et al. 2019). However,
dilated pupils—for instance, after
et al. 2019) and would presumably opt because a miotic pupil can be trauma-
traumatic sphincter damage—widely
to discontinue anticoagulants and/or tized when the two haptics are placed
dilated pupils may cause patients to
antiplatelet therapy when such anaes- behind the iris, the pupil size should be
experience optical disturbances from
thesia is needed. Against that expecta- evaluated before the constricting drug is
the edges of the optic and the haptics,
tion, however, a comparative study injected, which should proceed slowly in
and safely enclavating the haptics
with 750 patients in each group using order to control the pupil’s size. We
may be technically demanding. Nev-
oral anticoagulants showed that no prefer a pupil size of 4 to 5 mm, as also
ertheless, combined pupilloplasty and
severe haemorrhaging occurred after suggested by Mohr et al. (2002).
retropupillary iris-claw lens implanta-
peribulbar blocks (Calenda et al. 2014).
tion in eyes with traumatic mydriasis
Although enclavation may also risk
has been reported (Mikropoulos et al.
haemorrhaging, the literature shows no
Surgical Technique
2019). In cases of extreme miosis,
evidence of serious bleeding from this
IOLs should probably be placed ante- Paracentesis
manoeuvre. All risks considered, tem-
rior to the iris in order to prevent
porarily discontinuing those treat- Most surgeons prefer to make stab
sphincter lesions during implantation.
ments, if possible, prior to implanting incisions (one or two) before the main
iris-claw IOLs seems reasonable. Even incision—that is, when the eye remains
Uveitis so, following the advice of the patient’s normotensive (Baykara et al. 2007;
internist or cardiologist, we have per- Forlini et al. 2015; Faria et al. 2016).
Despite the lack of clear recommenda- formed the procedure without discon- For the one stab incision technique, we
tions for using iris-claw IOLs in eyes tinuing those treatments, because prefer to have the side-port in the
with uveitis, one may speculate that risking minor haemorrhaging was temporal position in order to avoid
fixating the haptics to the iris can con- preferable to risking the patient’s car- interference from the nose. However,
tribute to a prolonged inflammatory diovascular condition. others have reported preferring the sur-
response in such eyes, and in most geon’s nondominant side at the 3 or 9
studies, eyes with active uveitis have o’clock position in the left and right
been excluded (Baykara et al. 2007; Anaesthesia
eyes, respectively (Forlini et al. 2015).
Helvaci et al. 2016; Kristianslund et al. Unlike in ordinary cataract surgery, we Two incisions, placed nasally and tem-
2017c). However, in one report includ- do not recommend topical anaesthesia porally, represent another option (Faria
ing a case series of 11 patients with a while implanting iris-claw IOLs, as et al. 2016).
history of uveitis, it was concluded that enclavation may induce pain. Accord-
it was safe to use a prepupillary iris-claw ing to the literature, most surgeons
lens (Negretti et al. 2019). Although our Incision
seem to prefer peribulbar, subtenon or
search did not return any literature retrobulbar anaesthesia (Mohr et al. A disadvantage of iris-claw lenses is the
specifically focused on the retropupil- 2002; Baykara et al. 2007; Forlini et al. rigid PMMA material that requires an
lary placement of iris-claw lenses in eyes 2015; Faria et al. 2016; Fouda et al. incision of 5.4 mm. Although authors
with uveitis, the location—that is, ante- 2016; Helvaci et al. 2016; Kristianslund have reported using a corneal or limbal
rior or posterior to the iris—is presum- et al. 2017c; Mora et al. 2018; Toro incision (Table 1), a scleral pocket
ably irrelevant in such cases. et al. 2019). By contrast, Tourino incision at the 12 o’clock position
Peralba et al. (2018) reported using reduces the possibility of surgically
either peribulbar or topical anaesthesia induced astigmatism (SIA), is less vul-
Preparation for Surgery depending on the surgeon’s preference. nerable to wound leakage (McDonnell
We have not identified any reports et al. 2003) and could be associated
Anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy
using solely topical anaesthesia or that with a lower risk of endophthalmitis
Our search did not return any literature have compared types of anaesthesia (Tab an et al. 2005). Making a scleral
addressing whether anticoagulants while implanting iris-claw IOLs. incision with a long tunnel into the
and/or antiplatelet therapy should be cornea before entering the AC requires
temporarily discontinued prior to some surgical experience, however.
implanting an iris-claw IOL. Regarding Possible complications include prema-
cataract surgery, authors have gener- We recommend neither pupil dilation ture perforation, which can cause the
ally agreed that such treatments can be nor constriction as part of the preoper- uveal tissue to prolapse in the incision
continued when topical anaesthesia, ative preparation of eyes scheduled for and increased risk of bleeding into the
corneal incision and phacoemulsifica- secondary implantation of retropupil- AC (John et al. 1992). Thin scleral
tion are planned and when no compli- lary iris-claw IOLs. Otherwise, in cases flaps, on the other hand, can cause
cations from surgery are expected of IOL exchange or cataract surgery, superficial lesions. However, we prefer
(Bonhomme et al. 2013; Kiire et al. both of which require pupil dilation, to make a limbal corneal incision in
2014; Grzybowski et al. 2015). At the injecting a constrictive medicament (e.g. cases of thin, brittle conjunctiva or

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

pronounced adherence between the

conjunctiva and episclera or sclera.
Such incisions may also be used in
previous filtering surgery in order to
prevent interference from the filtration
bleb (Kristianslund et al. 2017c). In
those cases, it is possible to make the
scleral pocket incision away from the
trabecular area. Even so, it may be
wiser to reserve that area for additional
filtering procedures that may become
necessary in the future.

Implantation of the lens

Fig. 2. A retropupillary iris-claw lens in position. The pupil is dilated and the lens is well centred.
Any capsular remnants should be The arrow to the left point at a clearly visible dimple corresponding to the enclavation in the iris.
removed before IOL implantation due The arrow to the right points to a small iris atrophy at the site of the enclavation
to the risk of IOL instability from
postoperative capsule fibrosis (Forlini
et al. 2015; Choragiewicz et al. 2016; behind the iris. Indeed, in most studies the implantation of the iris-claw lens
Faria et al. 2016), and depending on the addressing retropupillary iris-claw can proceed as described above.
reason for surgery, anterior or posterior lenses, peripheral iridectomies have not
vitrectomy should be performed, if nec- been performed (Baykara et al. 2007;
Retropupillary iris-claw lens implantation
essary. After viscoelastics are injected, Forlini et al. 2015; Helvaci et al. 2016;
in cataract surgery
the IOL, while upside–down (i.e. con- Kristianslund et al. 2017c; Toro et al.
cavity anteriorly oriented), is inserted 2019). In cataract surgery complicated by
into the AC by forceps, turned to the zonular dialysis or capsular rupture
horizontal position and centred on the such that capsular support is insufficient
Retropupillary iris-claw lens implantation
pupil. Many surgeons prefer special for placing the IOL in the ciliary sulcus,
in IOL exchange surgery
forceps for fixating the IOL in the AC. one of the alternative options is implant-
By fixating the middle of the optic, one In totally dislocated IOLs, that is grade ing a retropupillary iris-claw lens. Such
of the haptics can be slipped behind the 4 dislocation (Kristianslund et al. IOLs are also suitable alternatives in
pupil with the IOL maintained in a 2017c), implanting a retropupillary eyes with severe pre-existing zonular
horizontal position. Prior to enclava- iris-claw lens begins with pars plana defects, as in cases of advanced pseu-
tion, the correct position of the IOL, vitrectomy (PPV), after which the vit- doexfoliation syndrome, ectopia lentis
with the optic centred in the pupil, reoretinal surgeon can raise the IOL or (i.e. Marfan syndrome) and lens dislo-
should be ensured while a special IOL–capsule complex with microfor- cation due to trauma. Depending upon
enclavation spatula or a thin bent spat- ceps. Prior to that procedure, we prefer the degree of complication and the
ula/a blunt needle is simultaneously to perform scleral pocket incision at surgeon’s preference, the IOL can be
introduced via the stab incision. Next, the 12 o’clock position. Next, the implanted during the primary surgery or
the IOL should be tilted against the iris second surgeon can grip the IOL once else postponed. Postponing might some-
to visualize the claw configuration, after it appears in the pupillary area, and times be a reasonable decision in chil-
which the enclavations can be made by while the vitreoretinal surgeon releases dren, that is Marfan syndrome or
inserting the iris tissue into the claw. the haptic from the microforceps, the congenital cataract, considering growth
Pressure should be minimized during the second surgeon can extrude the IOL of the globe and correct IOL power. If in
procedure, or else the claw may extrude and, if present, the lens capsule via the primary surgery, a clear corneal tempo-
in front of the iris. Further, the enclava- incision without folding or cutting the ral incision is often preferred, one that
tion of too much iris tissue risks pupil optic inside the AC. can be widened once the lens has been
ovalization. Last, the two dimples (i.e. Some surgeons also prefer to per- removed in order to fit the size of the iris-
enclavations) in the iris should be iden- form PPV while the IOL remains visible claw lens (Choragiewicz et al. 2016). We
tified in order to ensure the sufficient in the pupillary area, that is grade 1–3 rather prefer to use this temporal inci-
fixation of the iris-claw lens (Fig. 2). (Faria et al. 2016). Others apply an sion as a side-port and instead, a scleral
anterior approach by fixating the IOL pocket incision at the 12 o’clock posi-
and, if present, the capsule by using tion can be made, after which the iris-
Peripheral iridectomy
forceps and carefully rotating the lens claw lens may be implanted as described
When the iris-claw lens is placed on the into the AC prior to explantation. Prior above. If iris-claw lens implantation is
anterior surface of the iris, performing a to this manoeuvre, injecting viscoelas- planned from the outset of cataract
peripheral iridectomy has been recom- tics both anterior and posterior to the surgery, then the main incision can be
mended (Mora et al. 2018; Toro et al. IOL can protect the corneal endothe- performed at the 12 o’clock position and
2019). However, that procedure may be lium and push the vitreous posteriorly, widened before implanting the IOL
unnecessary with the lens positioned respectively. Once the IOL is explanted, (Gonnermann et al. 2014).

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

Complications during surgery Surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) 2016) and in one study different formu-
las seem to have been used (Vounotry-
Although several studies have not The surgically induced astigmatism
pidis et al. 2019). In those six studies, the
reported any complications during (SIA) relates mostly to the size of the
mean prediction error varied from 2.4
surgery (Baykara et al. 2007; Helvaci incision. Because the lens material is
to + 0.29 D. The high variation is likely
et al. 2016; Toro et al. 2019), a rigid, an incision of at least 5.4 mm is
due to their analysing SE according to
few particular complications are not necessary. A scleral pocket incision will
either residual error or absolute error.
uncommon. For one, enclavation may induce less astigmatism than a corneal
Further, refractive outcomes may also
cause lesions in the iris (Kristianslund incision and is therefore preferred
depend upon the reason for surgery,
et al. 2017c), thereby requiring the (Hayashi et al. 2010; Kristianslund
especially when combined with kerato-
surgeon to consider a novel area for et al. 2017a; Hernandez Martinez &
plasty (Forlini et al. 2015). When per-
the procedure. For another, if the Almeida Gonzalez 2018). As shown in
forming calculations based on refractive
pupil is miotic (e.g. in pseudoexfolia- Table 1, only three studies have
outcomes after retropupillary iris-claw
tion syndrome), sphincter ruptures reported SIA, whereas two others have
IOL implantation in late in-the-bag IOL
may occur when the haptics are tilted reported both preoperative and postop-
dislocation, an optimized optical A-
underneath the iris. In 50 retropupil- erative corneal cylinders. One study
constant of 117.3 has been suggested
lary iris-claw implantations, 18% (Hernandez Martinez & Almeida Gon-
(Kristianslund et al. 2017a). However,
involved minor sphincter ruptures or zalez 2018) reported SIA of 0.73  0.62
given the dearth of reports with refrac-
small lesions in the iris. However, the dioptres (D) with a scleral tunnel versus
tive outcomes and their mixed results,
sphincter lesions occurred most often 2.49  1.36 D with a corneal incision
additional studies with large samples are
during the explantation of the dislo- but did not distinguish the prepupillary
needed, particularly ones that record
cated IOL–capsule complex, not dur- from the retropupillary iris-claw lens
detailed information about formulas
ing the retropupillary placement of the positions during analysis. In another
and A-constants used, as well as causes
iris-claw lens (Kristianslund et al. study involving scleral pocket incision,
for the surgery, in order to determine a
2017c). SIA was determined with vector analysis
more exact A-constant for aphakic Arti-
by converting corneal cylinders to
san/Verisyse lenses used in the retrop-
Cartesian coordinates and found to be
Postoperative Results 0.65 D @ 171° after 6 months (Kris-
upillary position.
tianslund et al. 2017a).
Visual outcome Pupil ovalization
In otherwise healthy eyes, the visual Although round pupils are desired at
Prediction error
outcomes following retropupillary the end of surgery, pupils sometimes
implantation of iris-claw IOLs have For retropupillary placement, the man- develop horizontal ovalization in the
largely been satisfactory (Table 1). Of ufacturers of Verisyse/Artisan IOLs rec- early postoperative period, at a fre-
course, the reason for surgery, a variety ommend an A-constant for the SRK-T quency as high as 32% (Table 2). Such
of which have been reported in the formula of 116.9 (optical) or 116.8 pupil ovalization is sometimes due to
studies listed in Table 1, will pro- (ultrasound). Because many such surg- early postoperative hypotony, and most
foundly impact the outcome. In a eries involve aphakic eyes or eyes with authors have reported that the phe-
retrospective study of 320 eyes, the dislocated IOLs, newer IOL formulas nomenon is temporary and often does
postoperative mean LogMAR was 0.6 are infeasible, and in most studies, the not affect the diagnostic pupil dilation
in retropupillary iris-claw lens implan- SRK-T formula has therefore been (Baykara et al. 2007; Schallenberg et al.
tation in combination with a dislocated used. In an overview of studies address- 2014; Faria et al. 2016). However,
crystalline lens; 0.3 in secondary iris- ing IOL calculation in iris-claw implan- enclavations not placed in the mid-
claw IOL implantation in aphakia or tation, Huerva et al. (2017) reported that peripheral area but nearer the pupil
combined with the removal of a dislo- in approximately 80% of the studies margin risk permanent ovalization.
cated IOL; and 0.6 in combination with involving retropupillary iris-claw lens,
keratoplasty and vitrectomy (Forlini the SRK-T formula had been used, of
Trembling vision and dull pain
et al. 2015). In another retrospective which 60% had achieved a spherical
study, the prepupillary (n = 87) and equivalent (SE) within  1.0 D using Pronounced iridodonesis can cause
retropupillary (n = 93) iris-claw lens different A-constants (i.e. 116.7–117.5). annoying pseudophacodonesis and
locations were compared after an aver- However, other reports on refractive trembling vision. Forlini et al. (2015)
age of 5 years with no significant dif- outcomes have not mentioned the for- reported severe iridodonesis in five of
ferences in visual outcomes (Toro et al. mula or A-constants used, or whether 320 patients. Three cases complained of
2019). In an RCT comparing retrop- optical or ultrasound measurements blurred vision when leaning forwards,
upillary iris-claw lens implantation were performed, and from Table 1 it and eight cases complained of chronic
with suturing the existing IOL to the can also be seen that the A-constant used dull eye pain. In view of those outcomes,
sclera in late in-the-bag IOL disloca- differs in the various studies. Six of the the authors proposed that the symptoms
tion, Dalby et al. (2019) found no reviewed reports describe analysing the could relate to the weight of the lens,
difference in corrected distance visual prediction error; four using the SRK-T which may have pushed the iris towards
acuity 2 years after surgery, 0.20 and formula with A-constants varying from the cornea. Beyond that, however, liter-
0.22 LogMAR, in the suturing and 116.5 to 116.9, whereas one report using ature reporting symptoms following
exchange groups, respectively. Haigis formula (Choragiewicz et al. iris-claw lens implantation is scarce

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

and more studies focusing on those Gonzalez 2018; Mora et al. 2018; Tour- Disenclavation of the lens and iris atrophy
postoperative aspects are needed. ino Peralba et al. 2018; Toro et al. 2019).
In the two retrospective studies with the
longest follow-up periods—5 years on
Intraocular pressure (IOP) Cystoid macular oedema (CME) average in both—the disenclavation of
the haptics occurred at a rate of 1.3%
No evidence suggests that iris-claw IOLs Cystoid macular oedema (CME) is a
and 2.0% (Fig. 3) (Forlini et al. 2015;
induce permanent changes in intraocu- vision-threatening complication during
Toro et al. 2019). Disenclavation can
lar pressure (IOP) or exacerbate glau- various intraocular surgeries, including
derive from insufficient primary
coma. In fact, most studies have shown cataract surgery with vitreous loss
enclavation, which most often occurs
only a modest rise in IOP, which (Drolsum & Haaskjold 1995). The dif-
with inexperienced surgeons (Kim et al.
responds well to topical therapy and is ferent reasons for combined surgery
2020), as well as from trauma (Kris-
most often temporary (Baykara et al. with the implantation of a retropupil-
tianslund et al. 2017c). The atrophy of
2007; Helvaci et al. 2016; Toro et al. lary iris-claw lens probably influence the
the iris at sites of enclavation, reported
2019). One RCT revealed no clinically frequency of CME. Mora et al. (2018)
in up to 24% of retropupillary iris-claw
significant differences in the frequency reported a cumulative 12-month inci-
implantations (Table 2), can also cause
of glaucoma or IOP in patients who dence of 25% after surgeries of retrop-
disenclavation. Kim et al. (2020) identi-
underwent IOL exchange for retrop- upillary iris-claw implantation in either
fied 22 dislocations in 225 cases of
upillary iris-claw lenses compared with aphakia, dislocated IOL or subluxated
retropupillary iris-claw implantation
having the IOL repositioned in late in- crystalline lenses. The results across
(9.8%) after an average of 90 days
the-bag IOL dislocation (Kristianslund studies may also vary according to time
postoperatively. They noted atrophy in
et al. 2017b; Dalby et al. 2019). of follow-up, sample size and method of
59% of the cases involving dislocation
diagnosing CME. Only a few studies
and after face washing in 23%. They
involved performing macular optical
Corneal endothelial cell loss (ECL) observed no cases of double disenclava-
coherence tomography in every case
tion. Due to the specific aim of their
When the iris-claw lens is fixated poste- and/or recording central macular thick-
study, this report is not part of the 17
rior to the iris, the IOL is in a similar ness (Table 2). In an RCT, we found no
studies included in the present review.
position as the crystalline lens away significant difference in the rate of CME
In disenclavation, the IOL can often
from the corneal endothelium—and the (10% vs. 7%) or change in central
be re-enclavated by an anterior
risk of corneal endothelial cell loss macular thickness (+11  70 µm vs.
approach, and for that purpose, we
(ECL) is lower than with AC IOLs, at +10  36 µm) at 6-month follow-up
prefer retrobulbar or peribulbar anaes-
least in theory. For the same reason, comparing retropupillary iris-claw lens
thesia. In that approach, a small corneal
ECL will likely occur during surgery, implantation to the scleral suturing of
incision is made superiorly and with one
with minimal loss in the postoperative the existing IOL in late in-the-bag IOL
side-port. Lens fixation forceps may be
period. Obviously, cataract surgery dislocation (Kristianslund et al. 2017c).
used to hold and raise the lens (Kim et al.
complicated by loose zonula, extremely Most authors have reported that
2020). However, due to the lack of
hard nucleus and vitreous loss may standard medication following the var-
counteraction, the lens is liable to move
induce a much higher ECL than the ious surgeries involving iris-claw lens
away from the forceps when displaced in
simple implantation of a retropupillary implantation includes topical steroids
the vitreous. Therefore, it may be helpful
iris-claw lens in aphakia. Thus, the high often combined with topical antibiotics
to place a cannula or blunt instrument
variation in ECL in different studies (Kristianslund et al. 2017c; Toro et al.
underneath the optic and raise the dislo-
(Table 2) probably mostly reflects dif- 2019). However, we have not found
cated side of the IOL to the AC. When
ferent causes of surgery. In an RCT any studies reporting the impact of
the iris-claw lens is secured with the
addressing surgery for late in-the-bag prophylactic treatment with topical
forceps, it can be retropupillary encla-
IOL dislocation, the 2-year postopera- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
vated in the usual manner. Last, it is
tive ECLs following IOL exchange with on reducing the risk of CME.
a retropupillary iris-claw lens (15%)
versus repositioning the dislocated
IOL–capsule complex with scleral sutur-
ing (18%) did not significantly differ
(Dalby et al. 2020). Another retrospec-
tive study (Forlini et al. 2015) found no
significant difference between preopera-
tive and postoperative mean endothelial
cell density (n = 320) after 5 years on
average. A few other studies have com-
pared the position of the iris-claw lens
anterior versus posterior to the iris in
terms of postoperative ECL. Although
none of them revealed any significant
difference between the groups, all of
them suffered from small samples of eyes Fig. 3. Disenclavation of one of the haptics of a retropupillary iris-claw lens. In the dilated pupil,
(Hernandez Martinez & Almeida the optic is decentred, with the upper optic edge seen obliquely in the middle of the pupil area

Acta Ophthalmologica 2021

preferable to place the new enclavation in iris-claw implantation, clearly stemming Randomized studies comparing iris-
fresh iris tissue away from the previous from the reason for surgery and the claw lenses with other IOLs and surgical
site, which may have suffered lesions. comorbidity of the eye, have ranged options are also needed.
In cases when PPV has been per- from 0% to 3% (Baykara et al. 2007;
formed, it may be difficult to identify Forlini et al. 2015; Helvaci et al. 2016;
the IOL in the vitreous through the Hsing & Lee 2012; Kristianslund et al. References
pupil in the supine position. In those 2017c; Rufer et al. 2009; Schallenberg
cases, a vitreoretinal approach should et al. 2014; Toro et al. 2019; Tourino Gonnermann J, Torun N, Klamann MKJ,
Maier AKB, Sonnleithner CV, Joussen AM,
be performed, with microforceps via the Peralba et al. 2018; Woo et al. 2020). The
Rieck PW & Bertelmann E (2013): Visual
pars plana, similar to what is described rate of endophthalmitis has also been outcomes and complications following pos-
above for totally dislocated IOLs. quite low; Gonnermann et al. (2012) terior iris-claw aphakic intraocular lens
Therefore, it is advisable to examine reported a frequency of 0.7% in a study implantation combined with penetrating
patients in the supine position prior to with 137 eyes and a mean follow-up keratoplasty. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Oph-
surgery in order to appropriately plan period of 5 months, whereas the com- thalmol 251:1151–1156.
their operations in these situations. plication was not observed in any of the Baykara M, Ozcetin H, Yilmaz S & Timucin
included reviewed studies. Pigment dis- OB (2007): Posterior iris fixation of the iris-
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persion has reportedly occurred at a
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frequency of 0–3 % (Baykara et al. 2007; 144:586–591.
Even if the two enclavations are intact Schallenberg et al. 2014; Forlini et al. Bonhomme F, Hafezi F, Boehlen F & Habre
and the IOL is well-fixated to the iris, the 2015; Choragiewicz et al. 2016; Toro W (2013): Management of antithrombotic
centration of the IOL depends upon et al. 2019). therapies in patients scheduled for eye
how well the IOL is centred during surgery. Eur J Anaesthesiol 30:449–454.
surgery. Decentration has been reported Brockmann T, Gonnermann J, Brockmann C,
in up to 7.7% of cases (Table 2). How-
Conclusion Torun N, Joussen AM & Bertelmann E (2014):
An iris-claw lens placed retropupillary is Morphologic alterations on posterior iris-claw
ever, it may not have clinical implica-
intraocular lenses after traumatic disenclava-
tions as long as the optic covers the a suitable alternative in eyes with insuf-
tion. Br J Ophthalmol 98:1303–1307.
visual axis (Dalby et al. 2019). ficient capsular or zonular support, such Calenda E, Genevois O, Cardon A & Muraine
as in cataract surgery with complica- M (2014): Peribulbar anesthesia in 750
tions, conditions involving compro- patients treated with oral anticoagulants.
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mised zonulae, secondary IOL Int J Ophthalmol 7:110–113.
Although retropupillary iris-claw lenses implantation and exchange surgery. Chan TC, Lok JK, Jhanji V & Wong VW
seldom need to be explanted, this may be The anatomical localization behind the (2015): Intraocular lens explantation in
iris, more biologically correct than the Chinese patients: different patterns and
considered for refractive purposes, out of
different responses. Int Ophthalmol 35:
decentration of clinical importance, or if original prepupillary position, leaves the
one of the haptics has been traumatized IOL away from the AC angle and Choragiewicz T, Rejdak R, Grzybowski A,
and possibly altered (Brockmann et al. corneal endothelium. Compared with Nowomiejska K, Moneta-Wielgos J, Ozi-
2014). For explantation, we prefer to other surgical options, retropupillary mek M & J€ unemann AG (2016): Outcomes
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the lens, incisions may induce higher dall AS & Ahmed II (2007): Small-incision
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iris fixation of foldable intraocular lenses in
the optic has been fixated with the special astigmatism than foldable IOLs, and,
the absence of capsule support. Ophthal-
forceps, the enclavations can be released for that reason, scleral pocket incisions mology 114:1311–1318.
with the thin spatula by applying gentle are preferable. Iris-claw IOLs are suit- Dalby M, Kristianslund O & Drolsum L
pressure on the iris fold (Brockmann able for most eyes, but should be avoided (2019): Long-term outcomes after surgery
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struction has been performed. In terms Dalby M, Kristianslund O, Ostern AE, Falk
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reason for surgery and eye comorbidity a randomized clinical trial. J Cataract
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iris, there is a possible risk of iritis during include pupil ovalization, iris atrophy at selection with absence of capsular support.
the postoperative period. However, in the sites of enclavation and disenclava- Curr Opin Ophthalmol 12:47–57.
tion, although the rate of disenclavation Drolsum L (2003): Long-term follow-up of
most studies, that complication has been
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chamber intraocular lenses. J Cataract
0% (Forlini et al. 2015), 3% (Faria et al. is low. Uncertainty concerning the Refract Surg 29:498–503.
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et al. 2019). The reported rates of investigated, as should postoperative decreased visual acuity after cataract extrac-
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0424 Oslo
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