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Python & Pylab Cheat Sheet NumPy & Friends Statistics

Running The following import statement is assumed: sum(l,d) or a.sum(d) sum elements along d
from pylab import * mean(l,d) or a.mean(d) mean along d
python3 standard python shell.
ipython3 improved interactive shell. General Math std(l,d) or a.std(d) standard deviation along d
ipython3 --pylab ipython including pylab min(l,d) or a.min(d) minima along d
f: float, c: complex: max(l,d) or a.max(d) maxima along d
python3 run
abs(c) absolute value of f or c
python3 -i run, stay in interactive mode
sign(c) get sign of f or c Misc functions
To quit use exit() or [ctrl]+[d] fix(f) round towards 0
floor(f) round towards − inf loadtxt(file) read values from file
Getting Help polyval(coeff,xvals) evaluate polynomial at xvals
ceil(f) round towards + inf
help() interactive Help f.round(p) round f to p places roots(coeff) find roots of polynomial
help(object) help for object angle(c) angle of complex number map(func,list) apply func on each element of list
object? ipython: help for object sin(c) sinus of argument
object?? ipython: extended help for object arcsin(c) arcsin of argument Plotting
%magic ipython: help on magic commands cos, tan,... analogous
Import Syntax, e.g. for π Plot Types
Defining Lists, Arrays, Matrices
import numpy use: numpy.pi plot(xvals, yvals, ’g+’) mark 3 points with green +
import numpy as np use: np.pi l: list, a: array:
errorbar() like plot with error bars
from numpy import pi use: pi [[1,2],[3,4,5]] basic list
semilogx(), semilogx() like plot, semi-log axis
from numpy import * use: pi (use sparingly) array([[1,2],[3,4]]) array from ”rectangular” list
loglog() double logarithmic plot
matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]) matrix from 2d-list
Types polar(phi_vals, rvals) plot in polar coordinates
range(min, max, step) integers in [min, max)
i = 1 Integer hist(vals, n_bins) create histogram from values
list(range(...)) list from range()
f = 1. Float bar(low_edge, vals, width) create bar-plot
arange(min, max, step) integer array in [min, max)
c = 1+2j Complex with this: contour(xvals,yvals,zvals) create contour-plot
frange(min, max, step) float array in [min, max]
True/False Boolean c.real 1.0 linspace(min, max, num) num samples in [min, max]
’abc’ String c.imag 2.0 meshgrid(x,y) create coord-matrices Pylab Plotting Equivalences
"abc" String c.conjugate() 1-2j zeros, ones, eye generate special arrays
figure() fig = figure()
Operators ax = axes()
Element Access
mathematics comparison subplot(2,1,1) ax = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
l[row][col] list: basic access plot() ax.plot()
+ addition = assign
l[min:max] list: range access [min,max) errorbar() ax.errorbar()
- subtraction == equal
a[row,col] or a[row][col] array: basic access semilogx, ... analogous
* multiplication != unequal
a[min:max,min:max] array: range access [min,max) polar() axes(polar=True) and ax.plot()
i/i int division < less
a[list] array: select indices in list axis() ax.set_xlim(), ax.set_ylim()
i/f float division <= less-equal
a[np.where(cond)] array: select where cond true grid() ax.grid()
** power >= greater-equal
% modulo > greater title() ax.set_title()
List/Array Properties
xlabel() ax.set_xlabel()
Basic Syntax
len(l) size of first dim legend() ax.legend()
raw_input(’foo’) read string from command-line a.size total number of entries colorbar() fig.colorbar(plot)
class Foo(Object): ... class definition a.ndim number of dimensions
def bar (args): ... function/method definition a.shape size along dimensions Plotting 3D
if c: ... elif c: ... else: branching ravel(l) or a.ravel() convert to 1-dim
try: ... except Error : ... exception handling a.flat iterate all entries from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
while cond: ... while loop
for item in list: ... for loop Matrix Operations ax = fig.add_subplot(...,projection=’3d’)
[item for item in list] for loop, list notation or ax = Axes3D(fig) create 3d-axes object
a: array, M: matrix: ax.plot(xvals, yvals, zvals) normal plot in 3d
Useful tools a*a element-wise product ax.plot_wireframe wire mesh
pylint static code checker dot(a,a) or M*M dot product ax.plot_surface colored surface
pydoc file parse docstring to man-page cross(a,a) cross product
python3 -m doctest run examples in docstring inv(a) or M.I inverted matrix License: CC-by-sa transpose(a) or M.T transposed matrix Copyright: January 15, 2016, Nicola Chiapolini
python3 -m pdb run in debugger det(a) calculate determinate∼nchiapol

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