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Date: ____________

 Identify possible causes to a given effect in situations heard.

Value: Preserving the water resources


Identifying Possible causes to a Given Effect. Writing Possible Causes to Given Effects.

References: PELC 7, Listening, p. 21; Developing Reading Power, p. 160; Fun In English 5,
Reading pp. 119-120
Materials: Flip chart


A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Review:
Answering why questions. Why do we need to chew the food we ate? Why do the
children play?

b. Motivation:
Have you heard about the Dead Sea? Do you know where it is found?

c. Motive Question:
Why is there no life in the Dead sea?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Why the sea is named the Dead sea? Why is the Dead Sea very dense? What will calcium
chloride do to forms of life in the sea?

3. Skill Development:
What do we call the underlined phrases/clauses? What does the underlined phrase/clause

4. Generalization:
How do you identify possible causes to a given effect?

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises:
Listen then write possible causes to a given facts.
1. She is very ill.
2. the Philippines will be a nation of strong, healthy, and vigorous people.

Choose the cause which is most likely to result in the given effect. Write the complete sentence
your paper then underline the selected cause.
1. Cause:
a. Kate since loved the outdoors,
b. Since Kate loved to platy,
c. Since Kate loved to take a bath,
Effect: She was going to take a fishing trip.

2. cause:
a. By the fourth day when she had caught no fish,
b. By the fourth day when she was In the library
c. By the fourth day when she Change the bird cells she was using,
Effect: Kate moved to a different place along the stream

Listen to the news tonight and be able to get the cause why such thing happened.

Date: ____________

 Identify possible effects to given causes in situations heard

Value: Awareness/Energy Conservation


Identifying the Possible Effects to given causes in situations heard. Using Pronouns to give
possible effects to given causes.

References: PELC 7, Listening , Page 20; Gift of Promise Study Book, by T. Clymor and L Ruth,
Page 75;. Fun in English 5, Reading, Page 157.

Materials: Flash Cards; Copies of the Selection and Situations


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Review:
What possible causes can you give to the given effects? The place was overcrowded.
Cyril Is crying.

3. Motivation:
What do you usually do during summer? Why do you do such thing every summer?

4. Motive Question:
What where the effects of the heat wave?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
When was the one of the hottest record? When did offices and homes use large amount of
electrical current? Why did they cut the power?

3. Skill Development:
What were the effects of heat wave during summer? What do we call this outcomes or
results in every cause?

4. Generalization:
How do you identify possib1e effects to given causes?

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Exercises.
Give the possible effects to the given cause. Use pronoun in giving possible effects.
People continuously cut down trees.

b. Independent Exercises:
Listen to the causes that I'm going to read and be able to give the possible effects.
Cause: 1. She will represent our country in Olympics _________.
2. The pupils will laugh_________.
Complete the sentences by giving possible effects. Use the correct pronoun stating possible
1. I wake up early so _________
2. The pupils studied their lessons so ___________
3. Water your plants regularly so _____________
4. You follow the school rules and regulations so _____________
5. Amor Powers slept late last night so ____________

Write five possible effects to the given cause. Use pronouns correctly.
There is a sale in SM San Fernando so _____________________________.

Date: ____________

 Identify cause-effect relationships from statements/situations heard

Value: Be a good Leader


Identifying cause-effect relationships from statements/situations heard. Writing possible causes or
effects in given statement.

References: PELC 7, Listening, p.20; Bible Stories, Vol. 3, pp. 38-39; Fun in English 5, Reading,
p. 136.
Materials: Tape recorder


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of Assignment

2. Review
Identify the following if it states a cause or an effect.
a. Her son is very ill.
b. Due to strong typhoon

3. Motivation:
Brainstorming session:
If there is an order that all baby girls will be killed to stop the rapid growth of population,
what wilt you do?

4. Motive Question:
What happened to the baby boy in the story?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Why did the Pharaoh give the order to kill the baby boys? Why did a Hebrew mother put
her baby boy in a basket and hid him in the Nile River? What did the Pharaoh's daughter do
with the baby boy that she found inside the basket? What became of the baby boy when he
grew up?

3. Skill Development:
Read the sentences from the story.
a. The Pharaoh was alarmed and feared that the Hebrews would fight the Egyptians
someday so he ordered all the baby boys in Egypt to be killed.

4. Generalization:
How do you Identify cause-effect relationship to Statement and situations heard?

5. Practice Exercises:
Guided exercises:
Which Is the cause? Effect? Write It In the correct column on the board?
a. We wear thin clothes during summer because it is hot.

b. Laurence was not able to attend the seminar because she got sick.

Independent Exercises
Group the class into two and let them make a dialogue with the cause-effect relationship.
Let the pupils' dramatize/role play.

Listen to the following sentences. Write yes if the sentence states cause-effect relationship and no
if it doesn't state cause-effect relationship.
1. People could buy their own cars and travel longer distances.
2. Don Luis Yangco of Zambales was not selfish about his wealth.
3. Air pollution developed from too many cars using the highways.

Write a possible cause to the following.
1. I have a sprained ankle _____________________________
2. Mother scolded me _________________________________.

Date: ____________

 Perceive the causes to given effects In the stories/ paragraphs read

Value: Good Study Habits


Perceive causes to given effects.

References: PELC 7, p. 56; English for Living and learning pp. 58-60
Materials: Charts


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Give the cause of the following phrases.
a. feel hungry
b. strong typhoon
c. fail a test

2. Motivation:
What is your favorite subject? Do you always enjoy doing your homework?

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words In the following sentences.
a. There is a crucial game between the two best national basketball teams tonight.
b. Mother requested him to turn off the television set.

4. Stating the Motive Question:

Why did Jimmy have difficulty in solving his mathematics problem?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What was Jimmy doing?
b. Why was he worried and unhappy in doing his assignment?

3. Skill Development:
a. Why did Jimmy had difficulty In solving his mathematics problems?
b. How should Jimmy get enough sleep?

4. Generalization:
How do we perceive causes to given effects?

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Have pupils write paragraphs showing cause-effect relationship by groups.
b. Independent Practices:
Read the paragraphs below. Copy the causes to given effects in the paragraphs.
1. Melba wanted to buy a new umbrella. She didn't tell her parents about it because she
knew they had no money at that time.

Read the following paragraphs. Copy the causes to given effects in the paragraph.
1. Larry and Fernando spent their vacation in their grandfather's farm. One morning, they went to
the river to catch fish. Larry caught a tiny fish which made fernando laugh.
2. Ismael was a very shy boy. In the party he attended, he did not dance nor talk to anybody. In a
while, an attractive entered the dance hall. Upon seeing the girl, Ismael who was very shy, stood
up and hurriedly approached the girl and invited her to dance.

Write a paragraph showing cause-effect relationship.

Date: ____________

 Perceive the effects to given causes In situations read.

Value: Soil Conservation


Cause/Effect in Statements

References: PELC 7 p. 20 Skill Builders for Efficient Reading by Avelina J. Gil et. al. pp.101-104


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pre-reading: What comes into your mind when you hear the words:
a. earthworms b. earthquake

B. Presentation:
1. Reading Activity:
Paragraph no.l
Earthworms are useful because they make tiny holes in the ground. The holes hold air
and water. Plants growing in the ground use air and water for growth.

2. Comprehension Check-up: ( refer to paragraph 1 )

a. What do earthworms make in the ground?
b. What do the holes do?
Valuing: How can we contribute to the fertility of the soil?

3. Skill Development: ( refer to paragraph 1 )

a. Write the first sentence on the board.

4. Generalization:
How do we give possible effects to given causes?

5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Complete the sentences by giving a possible effect.
1. The plants were given fertilizer so, ________________________.
2. Prune and water your plant regularly so ________________________.
b. Independent Practice:
Recognize the cause/effect relationship in these situations?
1. My grandfather has difficulty reading because of his eyesight.

What are the effects are given cause? Write at least three possible effects.
Cause: There was heavy traffic.

Give at least three possible effects to the given cause.
Cause: People continuously out down trees.

Date: ____________

 Identify the demonstrative pronouns in paragraph/ story read

Value: Courtesy and Politeness


References: PELC 7.1, p 141 (Speaking); PELC 7 p.141 (Reading); English for Living and
Learning 5, pp. 115-118.


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Use the correct pronoun for the underlined nouns in the following sentences.
a. The boys added animal manure to the soil.
b. Efren dug the soil.

2. Unlock:
Unlock the underlined words through demonstration.
a. Sitting slumped on the chair
b. Correct posture for sitting and standing.

3. Motivation:
(Show a mirror to the class. Ask what it is).
What do you look at the mirror? What does the mirror tell you?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading Activities:
Have the pupils read the story "The Silent Visitor", ELL Reading 5 pp. 115-118.

2. Comprehension check-up:
a. What did Miss Cruz bring to the class?
b. What did she name it?

3. Skills Development
Study the following sentences taken from the story.
a. That is what a chair is for _________ to support the back.
b. This visitor surely says a lot without speaking a word.

4. Generalization:
What are demonstrative pronouns?

5. Practice Exercise:
a. Guided practice
Give the appropriate demonstrative pronouns to complete the sentences.
1. What is on top of the table?
_________ is a souvenir from Sulu.
I like to collect things like __________.
b. Independent Practice:
Pick out the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence. Then use them in your own
1. This is an interesting story.
2. Is this the one about the mouth pointer?

Complete the sentences with the appropriate demonstrative pronouns.
1. ____________ is the gold medal prize for the most valuable player.
2. Where did they get all ______________?

Answer the question using the correct demonstrative pronoun.
1. What are those plaques on the walls?
2. What do you have in your hand?
3. Who made these cards with nice paintings?
4. Who are those people on the stage?
5. What is on top of the cabinet?

Date: ____________

 Use reflexive pronouns correctly. Identify the reflexive pronouns in the story.

Value: Strong Will and Determination


References: PELC 7.2 p. 141, Fun in English Language 5, PP. 83-85.


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Fill in the blanks with the correct demonstrative pronouns.
a. ______ is the project of the PTCA.
b. ______ were the boy scouts who went camping.

2. Unlock :
Give the meaning of the underlined words.
a. The municipal council is having a session.
b. Height is not a hindrance to success.

3. Motivation
Have you ever heard about Carlos P. Romulo? When you hear his name, what comes up
to your mind?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading Activity
Have the pupils read the story "Carlos P. Romulo", Fun in Reading English 5, p. 83-84.

2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Why did Carlos P. Romulo feel uncomfortable of his height?
b. With whom did he have a discussion?

3. Skill Development:
Read this sentence from the story: "My Most revered colleague may consider himself big
and think of me as little". What is the underlined word? Who does it refer to? Study the
following sentences
a. I find myself getting more interested in it.
b. The dog saw itself in the pond of water.

4. Generalization
What are Reflexive Pronouns?

5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice:
Encircle the Reflexive pronoun in each sentence and underline the noun or pronoun it
refers to.
1. Many people women of today know themselves well.
2. They make something· of themselves
b. Independent Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.
1. Our heroes did not think of saving ______________.
2. Lea Salonga found _______________ an international celebrity.

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentence. Then write the pronoun it refers to.
1. You can do (yourself, itself, himself) a good turn.
2. The Filipino technicians found (himself, themselves, herself) in demand abroad.

Use the following reflexive pronoun in sentences.
1. himself 3. myself 5. themselves
2. herself 4. yourself

Date: ____________

 Ask the answer questions about oneself/ others using a positive rejoinder

Value: Takes Turns in Speaking


Positive Rejoinder

References: PELC 7.3, p. 56; English in Grade 5, pp. 1-4

Materials: Charts, Pictures


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review
Fill in the blanks with do, does or did
a. ______________the girls enjoy their weekends in the farm?
b. _______________the boys go fishing last Sunday?

2. Motivation:
Show a picture of persons conversing. How do we usually start a conservation? Do we
talk at the same time?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading dialog.
2. Comprehension Questions
a. Where did Elaine go last vacation?
b. How did Juliene spend her vacation?

3. Skill Development:
a. What was Elaine's answer when she was asked this question; Did you go somewhere last

4. Generalization:
When do we use positive rejoinder?

5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Have some pupils do the following actions. Let them ask a yes/no question about the
action, then answer using the positive rejoinder and identify the pronouns used.
1. a girl singing (Is the girl singing?)
2. a boy reading (Is the boy reading?)
b. Independent Practice:
Read the following questions then answer using the positive rejoinder and identify
the pronouns used.
1. Do you go to school everyday? Yes, _________.
2. Is Sampaguita our national flower? Yes, ________________.

Read the following questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct rejoinder, then encircle the
pronoun used.

1. Did Edgardo join the parade yesterday? Yes, ____________.

2. Do engineers build buildings? Yes, __________________.

Answer the following questions using the correct positive rejoinder. Then underline the
pronouns used.
1. Do you like to play with your dog?
2. Did your mother bake cake last night?
3. Does your brother love dogs?
4. Are your friends ready?
5. Is fried chicken your favorite?

Date: ____________

 Use correct pronouns to ask and answer questions about oneself/others using a negative rejoinder

Value: Friendliness


Using negative rejoinder

References: PELC 7.3, p. 56 English in Grade V, pp. 1-4

Materials: Charts


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Read the following questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct rejoinder, then encircle
the pronouns used.
a. Did you go to places last vacation? Yes, _____________.
b. Does your sister read stories for you? Yes, _______________.

2. Motivation
Do you have friends in school? How do you treat them?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Questions:
a. Who is Darius?
b. What does Darius like to play?

3. Skill Development:
a. What was the answer to the question of Andy: "Are you a classmate of ours?”
b. What rejoinder was added to No? What pronoun, was used with the rejoinder?

4. Generalization:
When do we use negative rejoinder? What word goes with the rejoinder?

5. Application:
Have pupils ask and answer yes/no questions with the correct negative rejoinder using
the situations below. (oral)
a. Edna was not able to take the test
b. Mr. Sa chez does not know how to drive

6. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Complete the answer for each question using the correct rejoinder, then identify the
pronouns used.
1. Did Jose take the test yesterday? No, _____________.
2. Do you wake up early on weekends? No, _____________.
b. Independent Practice:
Write your answer to the following questions using the negative rejoinder and
underline the pronoun used.
1. Is the sun shining today?
2. Do you like animals?

Answer the following questions using the negative rejoinder. Underline the pronoun used.
1. Is your dress new?
2. Are all movies interested?

Write five yes/no questions. 'Then answer them using the negative rejoinder. Underline the
pronouns used.

Date: ____________

 Write a science report from a writing model.

Value: Care for Aquatic and Marine Resources


Science Report

References: PELC 7, p. 20; PCAMRD Information Bulletin Series NO.2. 1990


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Motivation:
If you hear the words aquatic and marine resources what views/scenes come into your
mind? Why do you associated that view/scene to the words?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What makes up our aquatic and marine resources?
b. What are the problems affecting the well-being of the aquatic and marine resources?

3. Skill Development:
(refer to the. written science report below)
a. What is the science report about? Where is the report based?
b. Which is longer? The writing model or the written science report?

4. Generalization:
How do you write a science report from a writing model?

5. Practice Exercises:
Guided: Cooperative Writing Each group is given the Writing model and from the model,
a science report will be written.
After the writing activity, the science report will be presented to the whole class for

Write a science report based on the writing model.

Rewrite the science report. (output of the critiquing)

Date: ____________

 Write a news report based from a newspaper.

Value: Be abreast of current events.


Writing News Report

References: PELC 7, p. 20; Phil. Daily Inquirer

Materials: News articles


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Motivation:
Do you read the newspaper everyday? What newspaper do you read? Why do you like to
read it?
VALUING - What benefits do you get from reading the newspaper?

B. Presentation:
1. Reading of a news article.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
 What questions are answered in the news report? Name them.
 Where do you find the answers to these questions?

3. Generalization:
How do we write a news report?

4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Teacher divides the class into four groups. Each Group will be given a news article
taken from a newspaper. The group will write the news report on a manila paper to be
presented to the whole class.
b. Independent Practice:
Recall one event in your school and write a news report about it. Supply the
following facts by answering the WH questions below before writing your news report.
 What happened?
 Who are involved?
 When did it happen?

Write a news report on one of the following items. Supply your own details. Do this on a separate
sheet. (Include statements with cause/effect relationship and the use of demonstrative and reflexive
1. The intermediate classes will have an educational trip.
2. A declamation contest was held in your school.

Rewrite the news report. ( output of the evaluation)

Date: ____________

 Give a possible ending to a story heard
Value: Consideration to Others
Giving Possible Ending
References: Lesson Plan English V, pp. 164-171, PELC 8.1 p. 21
Materials: charts, pictures, flashcards or strips
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Drill:
Rearrange the order of the letters of each word at the left to make a word whose meaning
is given in the parenthesis
a. read (beloved)-
b. but (bit basin for washing) -
2. Listen to the following sentences. Write the words with the long g sound.
a. The eve of celebration found the, hero in a cheerful mood.
b. The evil tempted the girls to get the bag.
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Select from the list of words or groups of words the meaning of the underlined words.
a. The child couldn't stand nor run because one of his legs was limp.
b. She is nearsighted for she cannot distinguish the guest on the stage
4. Motive Question:
Why can't Bryan easily make friends?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive question. Why can't Bryan easily make friends?
b. Who is the main character in the story?
3. Skill Development:
What is the possible ending of the story?
4. Generalization:
What do you consider in giving ending to a story heard?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Listen to the story.
1. Do you think Myrna arrived. Why?
2. If Myrna did not arrive, what would Lorena have done. Why?
a. She would go to the party alone because _____________
Listen to the story. Then give a possible ending.
A donkey found the skin of a dead lion. He put it on and frightened all the animals but did not
make a sound. One dog was suspicious. The donkey tried to roar to frighten the dog, but he brayed
instead. When the dog heard the donkey braying, he laughed and laughed.
a. Why do you think the dog laughed and laughed at the donkey?
b. Was the donkey able to frighten the animals? Why?
Select from the given choices the possible ending to the story. Explain your answer.
Rico found a sickly puppy at the side of the street. He took it home. Rico and ·his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Roxas took care of it. They fed it, gave it milk to drink, put it in a clean doghouse and taught
it tricks. Several months passed.
a. The puppy grew into a beautiful, healthy and loving dog.
b. The puppy grew but remained a sickly bone-and-skin dog.

Date: ____________

 Give justification to a possible ending to a story/selection heard

Value: Honestly and Truthfulness


Giving Justification to a Possible Ending to a Story/Selection Heard

References: Lesson Plan in English V, pp. 164-171; 214-216, PELC 8.1 p. 21

Materials: charts, pictures, flashcards or strips


A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review:
Pick out the possible outcomes.
a. When a child is very diligent in his studies.
1. He will lose his eyesight.
2. He will get high grades.
3. His teachers will like him.
2. Motivation:
What does your teacher do when you commit a mistake? What are the instances that you
are punished?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who are the characters of the story?
b. Where did the event take place?
3. What do you think the teacher did with Ted? Why? Listen to this situation. Give the possible
ending. Why?
4. Generalization:
What do you consider in giving endings to stories /selections heard?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Write a possible ending for it.
Carlos wanted to win the spelling contest very much. His trainer told him that if he
would like to win he had to devote much time ff1 his studies.

Listen to the story. Write an ending to the story using is going to + verb. Explain why?
Uncle Ben gave Dondon a young pig as the old man's birthday give to the boy. Aling Rosing
raised her eyebrows when his son Dondon took the pig home. Not later, she heard somebody
shouting. It was Dondon running after the pig over her rose plants and daisies. Dondon ran after the
pig wrecking all what was there in her garden. Aling Rosing waited· till the two couldn't run
anymore. Then she went hurriedly to her son.
1. What do you think Aling Rosing will do to her son? Why?

Here is a situation. Write a possible ending for it.
Rome and his father went to the zoo, Romeo was looking at the giraffes. He wanted his father to
see the giraffes, too. But he could not rind his father. What do you think Romeo will do? Why?

Date: ____________

 Use the simple present form of verb for general truth in sentences

Value: Truthfulness/Appreciation


Simple Present Form of Verbs for General Truth.

References: PELC 8.1 page 21; English for Living and Learning 5, LTX. pp. 4-5; Fun in English
5, L TX, pp. 96-97; Developing Reading Power 5, p.49
Materials: picture of a sun, stars, picture of God's Creation


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of ASSIGNMENT:
2. Review:
Read the paragraph carefully. List the verbs that are in the present tense.
Mt. Mayon attracts many visitors. This mountain rises 8,000 feet into the clouds. Plants
grow on is sides. Many people call it Mayon Volcano. An active volcano its first eruption
occurred in 1616, when many homes were buried in the hot lava.
3. Motivation:
What heavenly body do you see at day time? (Sun) Where does the sun rise?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Reading Activity
2. Comprehension Check-up:
 What is the paragraph about?
 Do stars grow old?
 How is the age of a star shown?

3. Generalization:
What form of verbs is used in sentences telling general truth?

4. Practice Exercises:
Give the correct form of the verb.
(be) 1. A friend in need a friend indeed.
(lack) 2. He who believes in hearsay good judgment.
(trust) 3. Always in the Lord’s wisdom.

Write the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. Mothers (love) ______ their children very much.
2. We (drink) _____ plenty of water to eliminate wastes.
3. An honest boy (return) _____ things he found. .
4. Sick persons (take) _____ .medicine prescribed by doctors.
5. Scientists (make) __ inventions to improve ways of living.

Write 5 sentences using the correct form of the verb for general truth.

Date: ____________

 Use the habitual past form of the verb in sentences

Value: Appreciation/Kindness to Animals


Habitual Past Form of the Verb (Used to)

References: PELC 8.2, p. 21 (Speaking) PELC 8.2, p. 20 (Writing) English in a Dynamic World
5, pp. 141-143
Materials: charts, pictures of different transportation.


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Checking of ASSIGNMENT:
2. Review:
Use the following expressions in sentences giving the correct tense of the verb.
a. find your pen
b. lose your wallet

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
biplanes cabins icy
monoplanes engine

4. Motivation/Motive Question:
What transportation did our grandparents use to ride in visiting certain places?
What are the changes in air travel?

B. Presentation:
1. Present the story “Changes in Air Travel”
2. Comprehension Check-up:
 Answering the motive question
 What were the earliest planes?
 Where do pilots use to sit or lie?
3. Read the sentences:
a. Planes used to have two sets of wings.
b. Pilots used to sit or lie on the wings.
4. Use the following phrases in sentences.
used to play used to drink
used to ride used to give
5. Generalization:
When do we use the habitual past form of the verb? When do we use the expression used
to? What form of the verb is used after the expression used to?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Underline the correct form of the verb inside the parenthesis.
1. He used to (spend, spent) his leisure time wisely.
2. Filipinos used to (show, shows) respect to elders.
Complete the sentences with the following phrase listed in the box. Arrange the sentences in
order to form a paragraph.

_______ Susan has changed a lot.

_______ She _______ beautiful clothes.
_______ She _______ slim.
_______ She _______ playing badminton.
_______ She _______ early every morning.
_______ Susan _______ pretty.

Write 5 things you used to do as a young child but don't do now.

Date: ____________

 Use the future tense of the verb (going to + verb) in sentences

Value: Helpfulness


Future Tense of the Verb.

References: PELC 8.3, p. 21 (Speaking) PELC 7 p. 21 (Listening) English for Living and
Learning 5 (Language)
Materials: pictures of postcards of Statue of Liberty, Pyramids of Egypt, Fort Santiago


A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Spelling
2. Checking the assignment
3. Review:
Fill in the blanks using habitual past of the verb at the left.
Play 1. Elisa _____ the piano
Walk 2. Her sisters _____ to school with her.

4. Motivation:
Look at these pictures. Where can you find these places? Do you to visit these places?
What are you going to do if you reach these places?

5. Motive question:
What are they going to do with the old church?

B. Presentation:
1. Read the dialogue.

2. Comprehension Check-up:
 Who are coming to rebuild the old church?
 Who is going to supervise the work?

3. Let the pupils dramatize the dialogue

4. Study these sentences

 Wood carvers from Laguna are going to make the wood carvings for the doors and windows.
What are you going to do in order to get high grades.
Possible answers:
I am going to read my books.
I am going to review my lessons.

5. Generalization:
What expressions should be used to show that the actions will be done in the future?

6. Practice Exercises:
Fill in the blank with am, is, or + going to
1. I review for tomorrows test.
2. I think it ______ rain today.

Complete each sentence With is going to + verb are going + verb or am going to + verb. Use the
verbs in the parenthesis in your sentences.
1. the townspeople (rebuild) the old fort.
2. A well- known architect (draw) the plan.
3. Engineers from Maf.1i1a (inspect) the site of the park.

Write a paragraph using the expressions am going to + verb; is going to + verb and are going to +

Date: ____________

 Use two-word verbs in sentences

Value: Wise Use of Electricity


Using Two-Word Verbs

References: PELC 8.4 (Speaking) PELC 3 (Listening) PELC 8 (Writing) English for Living and
learning (Language) V pp. 151-153; Fun in English (Language) pp. 119-120
Materials: electric meter (real or picture) chart


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review: "Guessing Game"
Act out any of the following verbs then call on a classmate to guess the action.
2. Drill: Singing "Father Abraham"
 What are the verb used in the song?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words.
1. I can't call Romel because their phone has been disconnected. They failed to pay their
telephone bill.
a. handle tenderly c. account of services rendered with process attached
b. ancient military weapon
4. Motive Question:
What is the use of an electric meter?

1. Read the dialog among Mother, Susie and Nestor.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive question What is the use of an electric meter?
b. What did Susie ask Nestor to do? Why?
3. Discussion:
a. What action words are used in the dialog (teacher writes the answers on the board)
b. What do you call this kind of words?
4. Generalization:
What should you' remember when using two-word verb?
Complete the sentence below using two word verbs.
1. A young kid tries to _______ his clothes himself.
2. Please don't _______ old things. They can be recycled.
3. The chairman _______ the meeting because of the calamity.

Give the meaning of the following two-words verb. And used it in sentence.
1. hurry-up 4. keep off
2. keep back 5. keep on
3. keep up

Date: ____________

 Give possible ending to a fiction story


Possible Endings to a Fiction Story

Reference: PELC 8.1 (Reading) PELC 1 (Writing) New Fontier 5 pp. 245-252


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:
Read the following paragraphs. On the lines after , write what caused the incident. On the
lines after Effect, write what happened as a result.
a. The judges thought that Reys experiment deserved first place in the school science fair
for he had done the experiment carefully.
Cause: ____________________________
Effect: ____________________________

2. Unlocking of Difficulties:
a. Using the given clues, arrange the jumbled letters to form a word.
1. lived in a hut - c h k a s (shack)
2. shining from afar - r me g i m g l i (glimmering)

3. Motive question:
What was Pepe’s special adventure?

B. Reading Proper:
1. Reading Proper.

2. Read "Journey to ,a Blue Planet" taken from New Frontier 5, by Cecilia Santiago.

3. Post Reading:
a. Answering the motive question. What was Pepe's special adventure?

4. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Where did Pepe and his family live?
b. What kind of family did he have?

5. Skills Development:
a. What possible ending can you give the story "Journey to a Blue Planet'?

6. Generalization:
What should one consider in giving possible endings to a fiction story?

7. Practice Exercises:
Read each story and pick the most suitable ending for it. Put a check (...J) before the one
you have chosen.
a. A man got in his carretela and went to a hardware store. He brought some lumber, nails,
metal sheets, iron bars and cans of paint. He put the things in his carretela. The load was
so heavy that the horse could hardly bear the weight. The man, however, put more things
into the carratela. The carratela was filled to the roof. He got into it and urged his horse.
“Hiya-hiya”. Then something happened.
_______ a. The horse ran very fast.
_______ b. The horse doubled up on its knees and fell.
_______ c. The horse stopped running.

1. Read each story silently, then give a Possible ending for each'.
Somewhere to Belong
In a faraway planet, an evil scientist created tiny monster, programmed to destroy everything
it touches. The queen didn't like it so she had the creature jailed. The creature code named 262
managed to escape. Using a spaceship it landed at Subic Bay.
 What do you think it will do on this place?

Give a possible ending to the following story.
It was a school day. It was warm and the pupils made noise. The teacher had a difficult time with
children. Then one boy went the piano and played softly. Soon the room was quiet.

Date: ____________

 Give possible ending to a situation

Value: Conservation of Natural Resources


Giving Possible Endings

References: PELC 8.1 (Reading) PELC 6 (Speaking) PELC 8 (Writing)

Materials: picture of a village, flashcards and chart


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill: cause and Effect
2. Write S if the sentence is simple, Co if it is compound, ex if it is complex.
a. Andrew drinks milk everyday.
b. Ana dances while little Lita sings.

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words through context.
a. White stones and shells are abundant along the seashore.
b. The village is clean and surrounded by mountains.

2. Motive Question:
What advantages and disadvantages were brought up in the lives of the people after the
factory has been built?

3. Reading Proper:

4. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive question:
b. What is the story about?
c. How do the people in the village live?

5. Development of Skills:
a. What possible ending can you give to the situation? Why?
b. Write an ending of the story using variety of sentences.

C. Generalization:
What do you consider in giving possible ending?

D. Practice Exercises:
1. Guided exercises. Read the following situations then select the suitable ending.
a. It flew and flew around the house.
b. It flew around the kitchen and dip its feet in the basin to loosen the flypaper.
c. It stayed there all day.
Give a possible ending to the following situation.
A Narrow Escape
It was Monday morning. Ramon woke up late for he had watched a late, late movie. He walked
as fast as he could. He was already late for school. He could imagine how angry the teacher would
be. He crossed the street hurriedly. Suddenly he heard a car screech.

Write a possible ending of the situation.
Mrs. Santos had just arrived from Baguio. She brought vegetables, fruits and bottles of jam with
her. She told her daughter Consuelo to give their neighbor some vegetables and a bottle of strawberry
jam. Consuelo went to their neighbor's house and entered the gate. Suddenly, a dog leaped.

Date: ____________

 Write an ending to an incomplete story

Value: Thrifty, Industry


Writing an Ending to an Incomplete Story

References: PELC 8 (Writing); Developing Reading Power 5

Materials: charts, strips of manila paper and flashcards


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:
Have the pupils read the following story then answer the questions that follow.
The Weather
The sun was shinning brightly. Under the heat of the surt the children were enjoying their
game of patintero. They didn't seen to mind the heat of the sun. several women were hanging
clothes on the line. They were very glad their clothes would dry fast under the
sun………..see page 155
1. What happed next?
a. there was a thunderstorm.
b. It rained a little
c. The sun shone again.

2. Drill:
Flashcards with verbs in their base form. Have the pupils read them then put each
flashcard in the pocket chart Then call a pupil to pick out one card, red the verb aloud, do its
action, then give its present, past and future forms.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Using semantic webbing, ask. pupils what they understand about the underlined word in
each sentence.
a. My youngest brother is not yet of school age to study at Holy Infant Jesus Study Center.

4. Motivation:
What character trait of Dado led to the lost of his coconut shell bank? Why did you say so?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Reading Activity:
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What character trait of Dado led to the lost of his coconut shell bank? Why did you say so?
b. Who are the characters in the story?

3. Skill Development:
What is the best ending to the incomplete story read? Write your answer: in a sheet of
paper using correct verb forms.

4. Generalization:
How do you write an ending to an incomplete story?
5. Practice Exercises:
Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. Water ________ heat faster than air.
a. conduct
b. conducts
c. conducting
2. Sound waves ________ through the air
a. travel
b. travels
c. traveled

Write an ending to the incomplete story below. Encourage them to evaluate each other using
the checklist above. “The Lucky Puppy” pp. 157

Write an ending to the incomplete story below on a flag let shown. “Amy's Doll” pp. 157

Date: ____________

 Write an ending to an incomplete story


Writing an Ending to an Incomplete Story

References: PELC 8 p.21 (Writing) PELC 7 p.18 (Speaking) Developing Reading Power 5
Materials: Charts


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:
Write S if the sentence is simple, C if it is compound and CX if it is complex.
______ 1. I attended the debut party of Marianne.
______ 2. The Polio victim studied hard and he graduated with honors.

2. Drill:
Pick out the subject and predicate of the following sentences.
a. Plants make their own food.
b. Metals are good conductor of heat.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Give the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
a. The maid does all the household chores for Mrs. Ramos who is very busy everyday.
1. helper 2. queen 3. nun

4. Motivation:
Why did Mrs. Lopez ask Chayong to throw away the cat she received as a birthday gift?

B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity

2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Why did Mrs. Lopez ask Chayong to throwaway the cat she received as a gift?
b. Who are the characters in the story?

3. Skill Development:
Complete the situations read by writing 5 appropriate endings using variety of sentences.

4. Generalization:
How do you write an ending to an incomplete story?

5. Practice Exercises:
Identify whether each sentence is a Simple, compound or complex sentence.
1. The cat silently get near the snake and bite it.
2. Mrs. Lopez was bitten by the snake.
Group the class into three. Have them write an ending to the incomplete story posted on the
board. Group 1 will write an ending using simple sentences, Group 2 compound and Group 3
complex sentences. Then have a representative to write their endings on the board. Encourage them to
evaluate their answers using the following checklist.
1. Is the first word in every sentence used starts with a capital letter?
2. Is the end of every sentence used correctly punctuated?
3. Is the form of the verbs used agrees with the subject in the sentences used?

Write an ending to the incomplete story below using variety of sentences. Write your answer on a
play fan as shown below. “One Hundred Peso Bill” pp. 160

Date: ____________

 Identify descriptive words in sentences/paragraphs heard.

Value: Appreciation of the beauty of nature.


Identify descriptive words

References: English for Living and Learning V pp. 48 and 135 Fun in English 5 (LTX) p. 134
Materials: tape recorder/tapes strips of cartolina concrete objects


A. Pre-Reading Activity
Divide the class into two teams and conduct a name game contest.
1. What C _____ is big and strong; herbivore, useful and helpful to farmers in the field.
2. What V ______ are green and yellow, rich in vitamins and minerals; delicious; makes us
strong and healthy?

B. Presentation:
1. First Paragraph:
I saw a tree. It grew along a brook. It was a nice brook.
2. Which is a better paragraph? Why do you say so? In which paragraph were you able to create
more pictures?
Value Infusion:
Is there beauty in nature? Do you appreciate it?

3. Comprehensive Question:
What words describe the different body parts of the puppy? Have them write the
descriptive words on the board.

4. Analysis and Discussion

What are these words called? What do they do?

5. Generalization
How do we identify them?

6. Practice
a. Choose any object you have in your bag and write 3 or more sentences to describe it in
paragraph form.

(Teacher reads the paragraph. ask the pupils to write the descriptive words heard.)
One nice warm Saturday, Francis went fishing. He put on his old clothes and his fishing hat. Two
other boys joined him. Francis sat under a big tree near the riverbank. He dropped his line with a
warm at the hook into the water. After an hour, he caught eight round fat fish.

Write a paragraph with 5 or more sentences describing an object you have lost or that you know
very well. It maybe a pet, a bicycle, or anything you wish to describe.

Date: ____________

 Identify action words in sentences/paragraphs heard.

Value: Kindness to animals


Identifying Action Words

References: Fun In English 5, Reading pp. 88; Science and Health 5 p. 168
Materials: pictures, chart


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Action song – Brother Emily
2. Review
Give words to describe yourself; your school, etc.

B. Presentation:
1. Unlocking of Difficult Words:
Teacher acts out the words/phrases in column A and give picture clues in column B. A
pupil reads the word.
laid a bunch of hay sleigh
neighed hoofs
galloped bait
put out a fishing rod

2. Reading of the paragraph by the teacher; pupils listen. “A Wonderful Day” pp.162

3. Listening to comprehension questions:

a. What was Fred doing when a tall horse came?
b. What did the horse do?
Value Infusion:
Did Fred drive the horse away? How would you describe Fred?

4. Analysis and Discussion:

a. What do we call the words painting; neighed; galloped? Can they be acted out?

5. Oral Practice:
Shown a picture of action words, a pupil picks out one and talk about what is in the

6. Generalization:
How do we identify an action word?

7. Practice:
Here are some cost-saving tips. Point out the action words.
a. We iron clothes once or twice a week. In the last few minutes of ironing, switch off the
b. When cooking, place a pot that suits the size of the stove. When water boils, switch the
stove to low. Prepare all ingredients needed in cooking.

Have the pupils listen to the following sentences. Ask them to pick out the action word/words in
each sentence.
1. Nowadays, Filipino women wear pants.
2. May Filipinas go abroad and work there.
3. They earn money and send it to their families.

Write a paragraph on what you do on week-ends. Underline the action words.

Date: ____________

 Use words that describes places
Value: Appreciation of the beautiful Philippine Sceneries


Using Adjectives

References: Grammar and Composition pp. 560 Skillbook in English pp.18 Health Grammar and
Composition pp. 321-23


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:Select the correct adjective in the parenthesis.
1. My sister is a _______ dancer. (Playful, graceful. Peaceful)
2. Her answers were _________. (sensible, durable, careful)

2. Vocabulary Development
If you have access to an overhead projector and some good color acetates, project a
beautiful striking Philippine scenery.
Mt. Mayon, Pagsanjan Falls, Boracay, etc.

B. During Writing:
Write a descriptive paragraph about Philippine scene projected showed. Use the adjectives in
the board.

C. Post Writing:
1. Ask the pupils to share their works with classmates in peer-editing groups. Have the pupils
discover ambiguities and imprecise wording in their writing (Pupi1ls can encourage each
other by telling why specific word chores are particularly effective)
2. How do we write descriptive paragraph?

Toy to collect enough good color photographs of places from magazines so that each pupil can
have his or her own scene to write about. Tell them to write a descriptive paragraph using the
photograph given them as the subject.

Ask the pupils to find- and bring to class several examples of well-written descriptive paragraphs
that particularly appeal to them. have pupils read some of these aloud. Lead the pupils in trying to
determine what makes these paragraphs particularly effective.

Date: ____________

 Inferring traits of character from a selection read

Value: Bravery


Inferring Traits of Character

References: PELC 7, Fun in English 5 pp. 14-19 Skills Builders in English 5 p. 115
Materials: Cut-outs, pictures


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
Read how Dona describes her favorite story character.
 Who is Dona's favorite character?
 What are the descriptive words used by Dona?

2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Choose the meaning of the underline words in the following phrases from the groups of
words in the box.
Swore a solemn oath
fell sick of a great malady
lords and gentlemen
a tournament should be held

3. Motivation:
Do you want to be a king/queen? Why?

4. Motive question:
How did Arthur prove that he was the rightful king of England?

B. Reading Proper:
1. Reading “Arthur Wins the Sword” pp.166
2. Comprehension Question:
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Why did Merlin nor proclaim Prince Arthur King when the father died?
3. Who was proclaimed king? How did he prove he deserve it?

C. Developing Skills:
Describe the following characters from the selection. What trait is shown by them?
1. King Uther Pendragon 4. Archbishop
2. Merlin 5. Sir Kay
3. Sir Ecter

D. Generalization:
How do we infer traits of a character
E. Practice Exercises:
What trait is shown in each situation? Choose from the box below. Write your answer on a
separate sheet.
1. A boy lending a hand to an old woman who is crossing the bridge.
2. A man welcoming a stranger to his parlor.

Identify the trait of the character in each selection. select the letter of the correct answer.
1. Robin Garcia, the boy hero of Cabanatuan died saving his classmate and friend after a killer
earthquake brought their school building down to the grounds. Robin Garcia was _______
a. coward
b. brave
c. industrious

Which trait listed in the box is illustrated in each statement below?

Brave hardworking Friendly Loyal intelligent honest

1. Dr. Fox lived with the Tirurays in Cotabato. He learned to speak their dialect. He went as far as
making a blood compact with one of the chiefs.
2. Dr. Fox is credited for the diggings in Palawan and in other parts of the country where he hoped
to uncover hidden treasures. He published all his findings in books and magazines for worldwide

Date: ____________

 Infer the general mood of expression in a selection

Value: Kindness


Inferring General Mood of Expression

References: English for living and learning pp. 124-125 Skill Builders for Efficient Reading V
pp. 36-37 Growing in English 5 Reading pp. 209-212
Materials: Dictionary


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill:
Make new words by changing the beginning consonant with a consonant blend.
Example: Sick - chick, prick, trick
1. hop 2. ring 3. farm 4. tip 5. hand

B. Presentation:
1. Motivation:
Do you have a best friend? For instance he/she gets sick, what will you feel?

2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Have the pupils look for the meaning of the words using the dictionary (Pre-assignment)
1. diety 4. sacrifice
2. bountiful 5. maiden
3. chanting

3. Comprehension check-up:
1. Who was the goddess of harvest.
2. What was the purpose of the people in holding a harvest festival for Ogassi?

C. Generalization:
What are the different moods of expression?

D. Practice Exercises:
What mood is expressed in the following paragraphs/sentences.
1. "It breaks my heart to see you very ill/' said Auring to her sick daughter.
a. Auring was afraid
b. Auring was very sad
c. Auring was angry

Infer the general mood of the following paragraph/situation. Choose the words from the box below.
1. Your younger brother is playing with other children in the park. After a while, you do not see him
anymore. You look for him everywhere but you cannot find him. You think of checking him next
with policeman.
Write a short paragraph on one of the following topics. Use as many adjectives describing your
1. The Town Fiesta of San Marcelino
2. My Unforgettable Experience

Date: ____________

 Use the positive form of adjectives

Value: Taking pride in the contributions of the Filipinos in cultural, technical and scientific fiels


References: Fun In English 5 pp. 140-141

Materials: charts, pictures of Filipino achievers


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill:
Flow flatter food flesh
fluid flash float

2. Review:
Read the sentences and tell what kind of adjectives the underlined words are.
1. There are twenty-three islands in the Hawaiian group.
2. The large islands of Hawaii is famous for its sugar.

3. Motivation:
Show pictures of Filipino achievers. Do you know these people shown on the picture?

4. Presentation:
Have the pupils turn to p. 140 of text Fun in English 5.

5. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What is the speech about?
b. Who are the persons cited by the speaker as the country's pride?

6. Analysis and Discussion:

What are the adjectives in the phrases? How about the noun?
a. Rafael Nepomuceno is the only athlete in the word to win four world cup championship.
b. Leah Salonga, a world class singer and stage actress has put the Philippines on the world

7. Show a Filipino hero. Let the pupils choose one of the pictures and tell something about it
using the positive form of adjective.

8. Generalization:
Positive form of adjective is used to describe one person, place or thing or one group of
persons, places or things.

9. Give an adjective to describe each noun below. Then use the phrases in sentences.
a. island c. athlete e. work
b. country d. employee
1. Think of a Filipino achiever. Write a paragraph describing this person.
2. Write sentences using the adjectives to describe the nouns listed below.
a. Leader
b. Scientist
c. Player
d. Writer
e. Boxer

In your community there are also people whom you can be proud of. Write a short paragraph
describing this person.

Date: ____________

 Use the comparative form of adjectives

Value: Joy of sharing


Comparative Form of Adjective Diary Entry

References: PELC 6 Fun In English 5 TM pp. 123-124 Science and Health 5 pp. 84-85
Materials: cut-outs, charts


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review:
Identify the descriptive words used in the paragraph below.
Fishes are adapted to a life in the water. Their smooth bodies allow them to glide through
the water. Fishes living in deep, cold water are protected by large, thick scales. Fishes living
in shallow water have smaller and thinner scales.
 What are the descriptive words used in the paragraph?

2. Motivation:
Do you have a diary? What do you write in your diary?

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Listening Activity
2. Comprehension Questions
1. Who wrote the diary entries?
2. When did she write the entries?
3. What was the first entry in her diary about?
3. Oral Practice:
Give the comparative form of each adjectives and use it in a sentence.
1. fine 4. skillful
2. new 5. curly
3. exciting

4. Generalization:
How do we use the comparative form of adjective?
How do we form the comparative degree of adjective?

Choose the correct adjective to complete each sentence. Write the letter only.
1. Mongo plants grow (a. fast b. faster c. more faster) than eggplants.
2. Can you stay underwater (a. longer b. long c. more long ) than I?

Write the comparative form of the following adjectives and use them in sentences.
1. vigorously 4. loud
2. hard 5. slow
3. brilliantly

Date: ____________

 Use the superlative form of adjective

Value: Friendliness


Using the Superlative Degree

References: Growing in English 5 (language) pp. 215-220

Materials: pictures of places and people


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Presentation:
Listen as one of your classmates reads the poem. “On Winning Friends” pp.175

2. Speaking:
A. Discussion about the poem listened to.
1. How can you win friends?
2. In your opinion, what is the best way to win friends?

B. Comparison and abstraction:

1. How are the adjectives formed in the superlative degree in a? b? c?
2. What does the superlative degree show?

C. Generalization:
Let pupils discover that adjectives have three degrees of comparison the positive,
comparative and superlative. The superlative degree shows comparison of three or more
persons, places or things.

Write a paragraph describing your best friend. Use adjectives in the superlative form.

Write five adjectives to describe each noun below. Use as many different kinds of adjectives in
the superlative form.
1. artist
2. writer
3. player
4. boxer
5. mother
Choose a noun above and write a short paragraph using the adjectives you have been given.

Date: ____________

 Identify the correct forms of adjectives in sentences

Value: Abiding by the rules of a game


References: PELC 7, Listening, p. 21; Developing Reading Power, p. 160; Fun In English 5,
Reading pp. 119-120
Materials: Flip chart


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Playing the adjective game
Divide the class into 2 groups. The teacher will give a noun. Each number of the group
gives an adjective beginning with letter a to describe the noun. As soon as a member of a
team. Says a. word, teacher changes the letter to b and so on. The group with the most points

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Have you gone to a sari-sari store? What do you see there?

2. Presentation:
Read the paragraphs about sarisari store and supermarket. Aling Tinay's sari-sari store
isn't the biggest store in my barangay, but it is the friendliest. Most store owners don't throw
the names of their customers but Aling Tinay knows the likes and dislikes of some of her
customers. Aling Tinay and her husbands are the friendliest people in town and their store is
the busiest.

3. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Why are there still so many sari-sari stores in a neighborhood despite the size of a big

4. Analysis and Discussion:

1. What words describes Aling Tinay's Store?
2. How many other stores is it compared with?

5. Generalization:
The positive form of an adjective is used to describe one person, place or thing or only
one group of person, places or things.
The comparative form of adjectives expresses the difference between a person, place or
thing. We shout this by adding er to the adjective followed by than, with more adjective and
than or with less and adjective and than.

Use the correct form of adjectives in the parenthesis.
1. If you live in Wyndham in Western Australia, you would get· used to the (hot) __ weather. The
temperature is over 32°C on almost everyday of the year. It is nearly as hot as the (hot) ___
temperature ever recorded in Britain which is 36.8°C.
Pretend that you are a TV commercials model promoting a product. Make your own commercial
to make people eat, drink or use the product. Here are some products to promote. Use the different
forms of adjective.
Bright Smile Toothpaste
Smooth Pens
Around the clock juice
Dream Bed
Get-Well Cough Syrup

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