Desouza Batista 2017

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CE: D.C.

; SCS-17-0461; Total nos of Pages: 2;



Immediate Dental Implant

Placement After Removal of
Complex Odontoma
Fábio Roberto de Souza Batista, DDS,
Victor Eduardo de Souza Batista, DDS, MSc,y
Aljomar José Vechiato-Filho, DDS, MSc, PhD,z
Victor Tieghi Neto, DDS, MSc,§
Jéssica Araújo Figueira, DDS,jj
and Fellippo Ramos Verri, DDS, PhDy

Abstract: The aim of the authors was to report a clinical case about
immediate implant placement after the removal of complex odon- FIGURE 1. (A) Computed tomographic. (B) Intraoral access. (C) Cavity after the
toma. A 35-year-old female patient presented to private service surgical access. (D–F) Removal of the lesion. (G) Anorganic bovine bone onto
complaining about absence of lower right first premolar. The the surgical cavity. (H) Suture. (I) Periapical radiograph after 7 days. (J) Periapical
radiograph after 8 months. (K) Control of 1 year of the prosthetic rehabilitation.
computed tomographic showed radiopaque attenuation, surrounded (L) Periapical radiograph after 1 year of the prosthetic rehabilitation.
by a narrow radiolucency in the area of dental absence, suggesting a
mineralized lesion. The surgical removal of lesion was performed
by intraoral access with general anesthesia and the implant of A 35-year-old female patient presented to private service com-
3.75  10 mm (Neodent) was placed with the aid of a surgical plaining about absence of lower right first premolar. The intraoral
guide, following the drill sequence established by the manufacturer. examination revealed the absence of the lower right first premolar.
No complications were observed after 1 year with the prosthetic The computed tomographic showed radiopaque attenuation, sur-
rehabilitation. rounded by a narrow radiolucency in the area of dental absence
(Fig. 1A), suggesting a mineralized lesion.
The surgical removal of lesion was performed by intraoral
Key Words: Dental implants, dental prosthesis, implant- access with general anesthesia (Fig. 1B). The lesion was accessed
supported, odontoma by ostectomy of buccal cortical (Fig. 1C); then, it was fully removed
by several sections (Fig. 1D–F). Macroscopically, the clinical
dontoma is one of the most common odontogenic tumors.1 aspect of the lesion showed characteristics of mineralized tissue.
O They are classified into complex and compound.1,2 Basi-
cally, complex odontoma forms amorphous calcification, with
After the surgical removal of lesion, the implant of 3.75  10 mm
(Neodent) was placed with the aid of a surgical guide, following the
dysplastic dentin covered by enamel, whereas the compound drill sequence established by the manufacturer. Then, the anorganic
odontoma forms multiple irregular toothlike structures.1,2 As a bovine bone (Bio-Oss) (Fig. 1G) associated with bovine collagen
complication, this lesion may cause the retention of primary teeth membrane was used to fill the surgical cavity and the suture was
and the noneruption of permanent teeth. In this context, dental performed (Fig. 1H). Tissue collected was sent for histopathologic
implants have been used for the treatment of partial and total analysis, which exhibited compatibility with complex odontoma.
edentulous showing high success rate in different situations.3 – 6 The patient was examined after 7 days, 15 days 1 month and
Although there are studies about immediate implant placement 8 months after the operation (Fig. 1I and J). No significant regrowth
after tooth extraction,7 no report is found after the removal of of the lesion was noted. In this examination it was possible to
complex odontoma. Thus, the aim of the authors was to report a observe the complete osseointegration of the implant and the patient
clinical case about immediate implant placement after the removal was forwarded to prosthetic rehabilitation (Fig. 1K and L). No
of complex odontoma. complications were observed after 1 year with the prosthetic
The authors believe that to place the implant immediately after
removal the lesion is a viable treatment, since the complex odon-
From the Department of Surgery and Integrated Clinic; yDepartment of
toma is an uncontaminated lesion. Furthermore, the patient can be
Dental Materials and Prosthodontics, Araçatuba Dental School—Univ
Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Araçatuba—UNESP Ara- rehabilitated with dental implant in a unique surgical stage decreas-
çatuba; zCancer Institute of Sao Paulo State (ICESP); §Department of ing the time of treatment.
Stomatology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo,
Bauru; and jjDepartment of Pathology and Clinical Propedeutics, Ara- REFERENCES
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Received March 11, 2017. mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2015;120:e11–
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E-mail: victor_edsb@hotmail.com4 implants supporting single crowns and fixed bridges. Clin Oral Implants
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The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 00, Number 00, Month 2017 1
Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: D.C.; SCS-17-0461; Total nos of Pages: 2;

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2 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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