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Friday, April 26, 2024 (Daily E-booklet on Artificial Intelligence, VR, Tech, Robotics, Coding, Global Info, Health, Science & more)



Apple Unveils OpenELM: On-Device AI Models for Smarter Devices

Apple just dropped OpenELM, a set of small, open source AI models. These little guys are made
to work right on your device, no need to connect to the cloud. Think of it like Apple joining the
AI party that Google, Samsung, and Microsoft have been throwing on your phones and
OpenELM comes in eight models, four are pre-trained and four are tuned up for specific tasks.
They range in size from 270 million to 3 billion parameters, which basically means they vary in
how smart and capable they are.
Pre-training is like giving the models a general idea of things, so they can generate text that
makes sense. But to make them really helpful, they need some instruction tuning. For example,
instead of just saying "in a home oven" when asked to teach baking, they'd give you step-by-step
instructions on how to bake bread. Apple's offering all this code under a special license that lets
you use and tweak it however you like, as long as you keep their notice with it.
But wait, there's a disclaimer! Apple warns that these models might sometimes give wrong,
harmful, or biased answers. So, use them wisely.
This move by Apple is pretty unexpected because they're usually pretty secretive. But they've
been quietly dropping open-source AI stuff lately, like Ferret, another language model.
What's cool about OpenELM is that it's meant for on-device use, just like what Microsoft did
recently with Phi-3 Mini, a similar model. It's all about keeping your AI close.
Apple's got big plans for OpenELM. They've already published a paper about it, giving credit to
the folks who led its development. And they've trained these models on a massive dataset from
the internet, making them pretty smart. They even tested them on different devices to make sure
they run well everywhere.
These models might not be the biggest out there, but they pack a punch. They use a smart
strategy to be accurate while using less computing power. And they've been shown to do pretty
well on various tests, although they're not the most creative when it comes to responses.
Microsoft's Phi-3 Mini still holds the crown for now.

Nooks To Revolutionize Sales Calls With AI

Nooks, a company that uses fancy tech to help salespeople do their job better, just got a bunch of
money to keep doing what they're doing. They got $22 million from some important people,
including a former big shot at Stripe. With this cash, they want to help salespeople in the U.S. do
their job better.
The guy who started Nooks, Dan Lee, came up with the idea during the pandemic. He wanted to
make a cool tool for people working from home to collaborate better. But not many people were
interested because by the time he got it going, most folks were going back to the office. Then he
noticed something: sales teams really liked using his tool. So he changed his plan and focused on
helping salespeople.
Now, Nooks uses artificial intelligence to help sales reps do their job easier. It listens to their
phone calls, takes notes for them, and even flags when they dial the wrong number. This way,
sales reps can spend more time talking to customers and less time doing boring stuff.
Lots of companies are using Nooks now, more than 200 of them! Dan Lee wants Nooks to
become the main tool salespeople use to make calls and be super-efficient. And with this new
funding, they've raised a total of over $26 million to keep growing.

Snowflake Unveils Arctic: A Smart AI Program for Big Business Tasks

Snowflake just introduced Arctic, a new kind of smart computer program designed for big
business jobs like writing computer code and solving complicated problems. What makes Arctic
special is its ability to learn from different experts and do its tasks really well without using too
much computer power.
Snowflake s CEO, Sridhar Ramaswamy, says Arctic is a big deal for the company because it
shows they re at the forefront of smart computer technology. This new program is meant to help
companies do their work better by using artificial intelligence.
Arctic is Snowflake s answer to other similar programs made by companies like Databricks.
Snowflake wants to keep up with the competition in making smart computer programs that
businesses can use to do tasks like talking to customers or analyzing data.
The cool thing about Arctic is how it works inside. It has a special setup where different parts of
it focus on different jobs, kind of like having different experts for different tasks. This makes it
really efficient, using only the parts it needs to get the job done without wasting energy.
Snowflake says Arctic is doing pretty well in tests, scoring almost as high as other top programs
like Llama 3 and Mixtral 8X22B. So, it seems like Snowflake is onto something good with this
new Arctic program. Offers Access to Powerful AI Computing, a platform that helps AI developers work with fancy computer models, is teaming up
with Akash Network, a cloud computing marketplace. They want to make it easier for AI
developers to get access to powerful computer resources without paying a ton of money.
The AI world often struggles to get enough super-fast computers for their projects, and the ones
available are expensive. tries to fix this by giving developers an easy way to use
popular AI models. Now, teaming up with Akash Network means they can offer even more
powerful computers at lower prices.
Akash Network works like Airbnb, but for computer power. They use lots of different providers
all over the world to offer cheaper and more flexible computing. By partnering with,
they want to make it easier for AI developers to get what they need without breaking the bank.
This partnership comes at a time when AI developers really need more powerful computers.
Traditional providers often ask for long contracts and a lot of money upfront, which is tough for
small companies or individuals. Akash Network wants to change this by offering fast GPUs from
companies like NVIDIA whenever developers need them, and at better prices. already works with NVIDIA, a big name in the GPU world, and they train people to
use these powerful computers. Now, with Akash Network, they can offer even more to
developers without locking them into one provider or asking for lots of money upfront.
Both companies believe this partnership will not only help AI developers but also push the use of
decentralized cloud computing forward. They think it will make it easier for anyone to access
powerful computers and contribute to the future of AI. With support from big investors like
Sequoia and being listed on Coinbase, and Akash Network are ready to change how AI
projects are done.

Mabl Introduces New AI-Powered Mobile App Testing Service

Mabl, a company that helps make testing software easier, has launched a new service specifically
for testing mobile apps. They use fancy technology like machine learning and artificial
intelligence to do this, so developers don't have to do as much coding.
According to Mabl's co-founder Dan Belcher, this new service lets big companies test all their
different software in one place, without needing a ton of complicated code. This is a big deal
because usually, testing software can be really complicated and expensive. But with Mabl, it's
supposed to be easier and cheaper.
Mabl says their new service can do things like create tests really quickly, find problems in apps,
and make sure they work well on both iPhones and Android phones. Plus, they say it's not just
for really tech-savvy people - even those who aren't super technical can use it.
Belcher thinks Mabl's new service will solve a lot of problems for people who make mobile
apps. These include things like using expensive and complicated tools for testing, relying too
much on people to do testing by hand, and struggling to get apps onto app stores. He believes
that using AI can make testing faster, cheaper, and more accessible to everyone.
This mobile app testing service is just one part of what Mabl does. They've been around since
2017 and have been adding new features over time. And according to Belcher, they're offering a
pricing plan that fits each company's needs.
Mabl has gotten a lot of money from investors since they started, and they say more and more
people are using their service. Belcher thinks that in today's world, companies that don't make
sure their mobile apps work well will lose customers. He believes that by using Mabl's testing
service, companies can be more competitive and get their apps to market faster.

Alethea AI Launches Expressive AI Agents

Alethea AI has introduced its new expressive AI agents on Coinbase's Base blockchain, aiming
to make AI accessible to creators, users, and businesses.
The CEO of Alethea AI, Arif Khan, said their easy-to-use app lets people tap into the benefits of
creative and economic AI power. They've developed a special engine called the Emote Engine,
which creates lifelike avatars with vivid facial expressions.
This engine gives these AI agents the ability to show a wide range of emotions, from
concentration to happiness, in a really realistic way. Khan explains that whether you need your
AI agents to show agreement, amusement their engine can handle it with impressive realism.
These digital companions can smoothly switch from one emotion to another, blending
seamlessly with reality. Alethea AI keeps updating their technology to expand the range of
emotions these AI agents can express, aiming to make AI experiences not just engaging, but
Creators can also use the platform to design their own anime-style or realistic AI agents, giving
them control over how their characters look and behave.
According to Khan, the company has around 60 to 70 people working on this project, and they've
raised $20 million so far.
One unique feature is that creators can directly make money from their AI agents without any
middlemen taking a big cut. Khan believes that combining AI with blockchain technology can
help creators bypass traditional gatekeepers.
Additionally, by integrating blockchain-based smart contracts, creators can encourage
engagement and build a community around their AI agents. This setup not only enables
economic transactions but also promotes a new model of collaborative creativity driven by the
Because these AI agents are on the BASE blockchain, transactions are cheaper, leading to more
interactions and greater potential for making money for creators. These AI agents can also be
easily used in gaming and virtual reality environments.


Google Unveils Gemini Code Assist

Google introduced a new tool called Gemini Code Assist at the Cloud Next Conference. It's
designed to help businesses create APIs, integrations, and automation flows more easily. This
tool is now available for testing by the public, which means anyone can try it out.
Gemini Code Assist is an upgraded version of a similar tool called Duet AI. It's been improved
to handle more data and perform more complex tasks. For example, it can understand and
analyze code libraries, long documents, and even have longer conversations.
Michael Vakoc and Pramodh Ramesh, who work at Google, explain that Gemini Code Assist is
smart. It understands how businesses work, like their security measures and how they connect
different software. Then, it gives tailored suggestions to help developers create APIs and
integrations faster.
For developers using Apigee, a service for managing APIs on Google Cloud, Gemini Code
Assist makes things easier. If the available APIs don't fit what developers need, Gemini lets them
describe what they want in simple terms, and then it creates a custom API specification for them.
It also helps with understanding and configuring existing settings.
Gemini Code Assist is also useful for creating automation flows. This means developers can
describe tasks they want to automate, like updating customer information when a new issue is
reported. Gemini suggests ways to set up these automations and even generates parts of the code
for them.
This tool is similar to other AI-assisted coding tools like GitHub Copilot Enterprise and
Microsoft Copilot. But Gemini Code Assist is specifically tailored for working with APIs and
integrations in Google Cloud services like Apigee and Application Integration.


The United States is sending urgent military supplies to Ukraine to help them defend against
Russian attacks. President Joe Biden signed a bill to support Ukraine with $61 billion in aid out
of a total of $95 billion. This comes after months of arguing in Congress while Ukrainian forces
faced shortages and setbacks. Biden said the shipments will start right away. The Pentagon
announced a $1 billion package for Ukraine, including weapons, ammunition, and armoured
vehicles. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked the US on social media for the


TikTok's CEO has promised to challenge a new US law in court that could lead to the app being
banned over concerns about its ties to the Chinese government. The law gives TikTok nine
months to cut ties with its Chinese parent company or face being banned in the US. Officials
allege that TikTok allows China to gather data and spy on users, with critics also accusing it of
spreading propaganda. However, TikTok and China deny these claims. The CEO of TikTok,
Shou Zi Chew, called the law a ban and emphasized that it threatens both the app and its users.

Mauritania's President Mohamed Ould Ghazouani announced on Wednesday that he plans to run
for a second term in the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for June. Ghazouani, who has
been leading the country since 2019, aims to continue providing stability in the Sahel region
amidst increasing challenges from jihadist activities.
In a statement addressed to the citizens of Mauritania, Ghazouani expressed his intention to seek
their support for another term in office. As the current chairman of the African Union, he is
considered the frontrunner in the upcoming elections.
Ghazouani's political party, El Insaf, secured a significant victory in the legislative elections last
year, winning a majority of seats in the National Assembly. This solidified his position as a
prominent figure in Mauritanian politics.
Additionally, Biram Dah Ould Abeid, a well-known anti-slavery activist and political opponent
who finished as a runner-up in the previous presidential election, also declared his candidacy for
the upcoming polls.



Bird Flu in Cow Milk Poses Little Risk to Humans

Experts say there's little to worry about regarding bird flu spreading to humans through food,
despite traces being found in cow milk in the US. The virus was discovered during a study, but
it's unlikely to pose a health risk to people.
Although Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has affected dairy cattle herds in the US
and even infected one person with mild symptoms, cows themselves haven't gotten seriously sick
from it.
Even though the virus was found in milk samples, the pasteurization process used to make the
milk safe for consumption kills the virus, so there's almost no risk to consumers.
While the bird flu virus has affected various animal populations, including cows and goats,
there's no evidence of it spreading widely to humans or causing major mutations that could lead
to a pandemic.
Even though there have been isolated cases of bird flu infections in humans, the chances are very
low, especially from drinking pasteurized milk.
So, while it's essential to monitor the situation and remain cautious, there's no need for
consumers to be worried about the safety of their food.

China Plans New Space Station Crew Mission

China's Manned Space Agency has announced an upcoming mission to its Tiangong space
station, scheduled for Thursday. The Shenzhou-18 mission will carry three astronauts, including
Ye Guangfu, Li Cong, and Li Guangsu, with Ye leading the team.
The astronauts shared their excitement, with Ye describing it as a "new beginning" and
expressing confidence in their mission's success. Li Guangsu hopes to see Earth's beauty from
space and even wants to check if stars twinkle for his child.
During their six-month stay, the astronauts will conduct experiments in gravity, physics, and life
sciences. They will also work on a project to detect greenhouse gases globally at high resolution.
China's space program has made significant strides, including landing rovers on Mars and the
Moon, and becoming the third nation to launch astronauts independently. The Tiangong,
completed in 2022, hosts rotating crews and is expected to remain in orbit for at least 10 years.
China has ambitious space goals, including sending astronauts to the Moon by 2030 and
establishing a lunar base. While excluded from the International Space Station, China has
secured partners for its own International Lunar Research Station, aiming for completion by
Yang Liwei, China's first astronaut, expressed hope for cooperation with the United States,
emphasizing mutual benefits and friendship among astronauts from both countries.


Meta Reports Strong Profits, But Concerns Arise Over AI Costs

Meta, the company behind Facebook, recently announced impressive quarterly profits, but
worries about the expenses linked to artificial intelligence (AI) led to a decline in its share price.
During the January to March period, Meta's net profit reached $12.4 billion, with total revenue,
largely generated from advertising, climbing by 27 percent to $36.5 billion. Mark Zuckerberg,
Meta's CEO, highlighted the extensive user base across its apps, estimating over 3.2 billion daily
users and noting growth in the US market.
Analysts credit Meta's growth to its advanced advertising tools and the success of "Reels," short
videos akin to TikTok. Additionally, Meta may soon introduce advertising on Threads, its
messaging platform.
Despite its recent success, Meta's expenditure concerns investors. Investments in AI are expected
to push capital expenditures for 2024 between $35 to $40 billion. Zuckerberg emphasized the
long-term nature of AI development and its potential impact on the company's stock volatility.
Meta's latest AI, powered by LLaMA 3, is being deployed across its apps and rolled out in
several English-speaking countries. However, the high costs of AI development raise concerns,
especially compared to competitors like Microsoft, who benefit from AI's boost to their cloud
computing business.
While Meta remains optimistic about its future, losses in its metaverse division indicate ongoing
challenges. Nevertheless, partnerships like the one with Ray-Ban for VR glasses signal Meta's
commitment to advancing in the sector.
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