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The individual attempts to overcome life’s

5 EXISTENTIAL / HUMAN NEEDS threatening situations by destroying them.
Existential needs have emerged during the
evolution of human culture, growing out of their AUTOMATON CONFORMITY
attempts to find an answer to their existence and to The individual simply has a blind acceptance of all
avoid becoming insane. of the contradictions of life. If he can’t beat them, he
must join them. He totally lacks any spontaneity
Healthy individuals are better able to find ways of and has no true experience of what is really his
reuniting with the world by productively solving the own life
human needs of relatedness, transcendence,
rootedness, a sense of identity, and a frame of POSITIVE FREEDOM
orientation. People can break this cycle of conformity and
powerlessness only by achieving self-realization or
1. Transcendence - to go above being just an positive freedom.
animal, to improve and learn, to increase in
material things. The capacity for “spontaneous relationship to man
and nature, a relationship that connects the
2. Sense of Identity - the capacity to be aware of individual with the world without eliminating his
ourselves as a separate entity. individuality”.

3. Rootedness - the need to establish roots or to

feel at home again in the world. FROMM’S CONTRIBUTION TO PERSONALITY
4. Frame of orientation - the need for a road map
to make their way through the world. CHARACTER ORIENTATIONS
The need of a person to develop and synthesis
5. Relatedness - the feeling of oneness with fellow their major assumptions and ideas into a coherent
men and with self. Fromm postulated three basic view of the world.
ways in which a person may relate to the world:
(1) submission, (2) power, and (3) love People relate in the world using:
By acquiring and using things (assimilation) and to
BURDEN OF FREEDOM relate self & people (socialization). Either
ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM & POSITIVE nonproductively or productively.
Assimilation - cognitive process of making new
Fromm believes that we are free to be and do information fit in with your existing understanding of
whatever we please. Yet it is very freedom that the world.
creates greatest problem for us. As Fromm said,
we feel an “unbearable state of powerlessness and Socialization - the process whereby an individual
aloneness.” learns to adjust to a group (or society) and behave
in a manner approved by the group (or society).
As we become aware of our individuality, we
become aware of all that we cannot control and NON- PRODUCTIVE ORIENTATIONS
come painfully face-to-face with our insignificance. Receptive characters - feel that the source of all
good lies outside themselves and that the only way
2 Types of Responses to Situations: they can relate to the world is to receive things,
● ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM including love, knowledge, and material
● POSITIVE FREEDOM possessions

MECHANISMS OF ESCAPING FROM FREEDOM Exploitative characters - aggressively take what

The following are the three strategies people they desire rather than passively receive it.
employ in an attempt to overcome the feelings of
powerlessness and anxiety that accompany Hoarding - seeks to save that which they have
freedom. already obtained. People with this orientation hold
everything inside and do not let go of anything.
A type of personality whose attitude towards Marketing character - see themselves as
authority is always important. The authoritarian commodities, with their personal value dependent
individual loves authority and tends to subject on their exchange value, that is, their ability to sell
himself to it. At the same time, he wishes himself to themselves.
be the authority and to subject others. Extreme
version of this is sadism and masochism.
THE PRODUCTIVE ORIENTATIONS Erotic love - usually allied with sexual experience,
The single productive orientation has three a “craving for complete function,” and is what most
dimensions: working, loving, and reasoning. consider the only kind of love. It is exclusive and
inclined toward jealousy.
Healthy people value work not as an end in itself,
but as a means of creative self-expression. Self-love - care, responsibility, respect, and
Productive love is characterized by care, knowledge of self.
responsibility, respect, and knowledge.
Love of God - has the highest value, is the most
Healthy people possess biophilia: that is, a desirable good, and emphasizes care, respect,
passionate love of life and all that is alive. Finally, responsibility, and especially knowledge
productive thinking is motivated by a concerned
interest in another person or object. PSYCHOTHERAPY
Fromm believed that the aim of therapy is for
PERSONALITY DISORDERS patients to come to know themselves. Without
Fromm (1981) held that psychologically disturbed knowledge of ourselves, we cannot know any other
people are incapable of love and have failed to person or thing. He believed that patients come to
establish union with others. therapy seeking satisfaction of their basic human
needs- relatedness, transcendence, rootedness, a
Necrophilia - more generalized sense to denote sense of identity, and a frame of orientation. He
any attraction to death. It is an alternative character asked the patients to reveal their dreams, as well
orientation to biophilia. as fairy tales and myths. Then, Fromm would ask
for the patient’s associations with the dream
Necrophilic personalities hate humanity, they are material.
bullies, they love destruction, terror, and torture,

● The Corps e of Anna Fritz movie (2015)
● Ted Bundy is said to be a necrophiliac

Malignant Narcissism - people with this disorder

are preoccupied with themselves, but this concern
is not limited to admiring themselves in a mirror.
Preoccupation with one’s body often leads to
hypochondriasis, or an obsessive attention to one’s

Example: they may be convinced that something as

simple as a sneeze is the sign they have a horrible

Incestuous Symbiosis - refers to an extreme

dependence on the mother or mother surrogate.

Example: mama’s boy

In the final analysis of man’s troubled existence,
Fromm fervently feels that the answer to the
problem is the capacity of man to love.

LOVE is an art, it requires the effort and knowledge

the other types of art demand. Love is an active
process in which we establish individuality. It is in
genuine love, said Fromm, that we find the paradox
“two beings become one yet remain two”

Brotherly love - the most fundamental, the

strongest, and the most underlying kind of love. It is
a love between equals.

Motherly love - the love and care for the helpless,

the wanting to make them strong and independent.
THEORY An obstacle that often blocks people’s growth
toward self-actualization is the Jonah complex, or
HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY the fear of being one’s best.
- Focus on conscious experiences
- Focus on an individual's own ability to Reason of running away from greatness:
change attitudes and behavior (free will) 1. First, the human body is simply not strong
- Focus on personal responsibility and growth enough to endure the ecstasy of fulfillment .
(internal locus of control) 2. Privavate ambitions that is too much in our
- Have an optimistic perspective on human reality.
nature 3. Almost everyone has timidity in seeking
- Thought psychology should focus on human perfection and greatness
strengths and virtues
MASLOW’S CONTRIBUTION TO PERSONALITY For Maslow (1970), the aim of therapy would be for
THEORY clients to embrace the Being values, that is, to
Said personality comes from the pursuit of meeting value truth, justice, goodness, simplicity, and so
our Hierarchy of Needs. forth.
- The pyramid of physiological (food/water)
and psychological (love/esteem) needs
- Ultimately our goal is to obtain our full

Self-actualization - the pursuit of realizing one’s

potential that defines personality.

Said most people don’t reach their full potential

because they lose focus of the pursuit because
they strive for materialistic, meaningless goals.
Maslow developed his ideas by studying what he
termed “healthy people”.


The self-actualizing person is someone who is
generally strongly focused on problems outside of
himself. He is concerned with the problems of
others and the problems of society and is willing to
work to try to alleviate those difficulties. The quality
for detachment, the need for privacy.

Adler’s term for social interest, community feeling,
or a sense of oneness with all humanity. Related to
Gemeinschaftsgefühl is a special quality of
interpersonal relations that involves deep and
profound feelings for individuals.


Problem centered rather than self-centered.
Focused their energies on a particular task. Few
deep relationships, rather than many superficial
PSYCHOLOGY Condition of Worth - are the expectations, rules,
and standards we must meet to gain acceptance
THE HUMANISTIC APPROACH and love from others.
To understand Carl Rogers’s ideas and approach to
therapy, it is important to understand what he Incongruence - Psychological disequilibrium
valued and believed about human nature. Schunk
asserts that humanistic psychology is constructivist Defensiveness - Protection of the self-concept
and based on two assumptions: against anxiety by the denial or distortion of the
- Studying people must be done from a holistic experiences.
- Human choices, creativity, and self-actualization Disorganization - Excessive or sudden and
are important areas of study dramatic incongruence can lead to the breakdown
and disorganization of the self-structure
Actualizing Tendency - to move toward 3 CORE CONDITIONS
completion. Rogers was clear about what he believed made a
therapy session suitable for the client. To him, three
Formative Tendency - evolve from simple to elements must be present. These have come to be
complex form. known as the core conditions by therapists using
his approach. They are:
Self Actualization - the need to fulfill all of one’s Unconditional Positive Regard
potential. Acceptance and nonjudgmental behavior from the
therapist allows the space the client needs
From Rogers’s perspective, every person strives to throughout the exploration process.
be a creative, fully functioning being who desires to
reach their potential. This striving is ongoing, Empathy
motivational, and innate. This outlook is a way of being with the client. The
therapist need not agree with the client
Positive Regard - the need to receive acceptance, but does need to express
respect, and affection from others genuine understanding.


The basic idea of the actualizing tendency is Authentic interactions between the client and the
straightforward. It is a desire present in all living therapist are a normal part of the process.
things that pushes the organism toward growth
Rogers offered the analogy of a potato when
explaining this tendency. We can see the desire to Incongruence has many harmful effects. One is that
lean toward growth in everyone, and Rogers it prevents self-actualization. You have to know who
believed it true of every organism. you are to fulfill your potential


Self-concept is how we see ourselves. When this Empathic Understanding - The therapist shows
differs from our experience in the world, the emotions like the clients.
resulting feeling is incongruence
Unconditional Positive Regard - The therapist
Incongruence often relates to conditions of worth. shows respect and acceptance regardless of what
These are behaviors a person displays because the client says; e.g., nods, says “Mm-hmm, I see”.
they are expected by others. For example, if you
are a woman, you may feel you are expected to
smile because it makes you look prettier and more

Ideal-self - one’s view of self as one wishes to be.

Awareness - symbolic representation of some

portion of our experiences.

Denied Positive Experiences - difficulty accepting

genuine compliments and positive feedback even
when deserved.

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