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Superb Academy

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1. The force which oppose the applied force producing the displacement in the
spring is called :
(A)Centripetal force (B) Tension (C) Periodic force (D) Restoring Force
2. The mathematical form of Hooks law is :
(A) F=kx (B) F=mg (C) F=-kx (D) F=-kx2
3. The back and forth motion in which instantaneous acceleration is directly
proportional to displacement from the equilibrium position and always
directed to equilibrium position is known as
(A) Translatory motion (B) Spin motion
(C) Simple harmonic motion (D) orbital motion
4. A particle performing the simple harmonic motion then velocity is maximum
(A) Mean position (B) Extreme position
(C) Betweentwo extreme points (D) between mean and extreme
5. A particle performing the simple harmonic motion then acceleration is
maximum at:
(A) Mean position (B) Extreme position
(C) Between two extreme points (D) between mean and extreme
6. Which of the following remains constant, while a body performing the S.H.M.
I. Acceleration II. Velocity III. Amplitude IV. Total Energy
(A) I only (B) I & IV only (C)III&IV only (D) II & III & IV
7. Which of the following is/are correct statement for a body performing S.H.M:
I. Acceleration is maximum where Kinetic energy is maximum
II. Velocity is maximum where the displacement is zero
III. Velocity is maximum where acceleration is zero
IV. Acceleration is maximum where displacement is maximum
(A) I & III only (B) II & IV (C)II, III & IV (D) I & II
8. A body performing a SHM when body moves from mean position to extreme
position its velocity decreases continuously this is because :
A) Acceleration of body increasing
(B) acceleration has same direction as velocity
(C) Acceleration has opposite direction as of velocity
(D) Acceleration of body decreasing
9. A body performing S.H.M, which of the following statements is/are NOT
I. Acceleration is maximum at a point where velocity is zero
II. Kinetic energy is maximum at a point where force on body is zero
III. Potential energy is maximum at a point where acceleration is zero
IV. Velocity is zero at a point where acceleration is zero
(A) I & III only (B) I,II& IV (C)III &IV (D) II,III & IV
10. During the oscillatory motion Between two extreme points , when body passes
through the equilibrium position, total energy is :
(A) Potential energy (B) Kinetic energy


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(C)sum of kinetic and potential energies
(D)Difference of kinetic and potential energies
11. During the oscillatory motion Between two extreme points, which of following
statements is/are correct:
I. when body moves left or right from equilibrium position its K.E increase at cost
of P.E
II. When body at extreme position its total energy is P.E
III. During motion from extreme to equilibrium position K.E increase at cost of P.E
IV. At equilibrium total energy of body is equal to K.E
(A) I & III only (B) II,III (C)II &IV (D) II,III & IV
12. When a simple pendulum at extreme position, then tension in string is equal
(A) mg (B) ma (C)mgcosƟ (D) mgsinƟ
13. If a hole is drilled in the earth passing through its centre and a ball is dropped
in it then :
(A) It will appear at other end (B) it will stop at the centre of earth
(C) It will execute S.H.M at the centre of earth (D) It never goes down
14. Find the force constant of spring when 10 kg is hanged to its one end produce
an extension of 0.4m?
(A) 25 N/m (B) 250 N/m (C) 125 N/m (D) 500 N/m
15. A body performing a SHM with a maximum velocity of 10 m/s , if the
amplitude of motion is 20 cm then the maximum acceleration is :
(A) 5 m/s2 (B) 500 m/s2 (C) 250 m/s2 (D) 50 m/s2
16. A block with mass 0.1 kg is attached to a spring and placed on a horizontal
frictionless table, the spring is stretched 20 cm by applying a force of 5N then
released then the period of oscillation is:
(A) 25 sec (B) 2.52 sec (C) 0.357 sec (D) 3.54 sec
17. 1gram and 9gram masses are vertically hanged with the one end of two
springs respectively produced an extension of 1cm and 9 cm respectively ,
then the ratio period of their oscillation is :
(A) 1:9 (B) 9:1 (C) 1:3 (D) 3:1
18. Total distance travelled by body having amplitude A , in one vibration
executing the S.H.M is:
(A) A (B) 2 A (C) 3 A (D) 4 A
19. A body performing a S.H.M, then the maximum displacement from the mean
position is known as
(A) wave length (B) frequency (C) amplitude (D)wave number
20. The time period of body performing a S.H.M is T, how much time it will take
to move a distance half of the amplitude from the mean position :
(A) T/2 (B) T/4 (C) T/8 (D) T/12
21. A particle performing a S.H.M has a maximum speed of 30 cm/s and a
maximum acceleration of 60 cm/s2, then the period of oscillation is :
(A) 3.14 s (B) 0.314s (C) 1.57 s (D) 2.5 s


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22. A particle performing a S.H.M of amplitude A , at what distance from the
mean position its K.E becomes equal to P.E:
(A) 0.5 A (B) 0.61 A (C) 0.71A (D) 0.31A
23. A particle performing a S.H.M of amplitude A , at what distance from the
mean position its P.E becomes equal to one fourth of total energy
(A) 0.5 A (B) 0.61 A (C) 0.71A (D) 0.31A
24. If the amplitude of bob of simple pendulum is doubled then :
I.Its time period be doubled II. its total energy be quadrupled
III. Its velocity be doubled IV. its frequency be halved
(A)I & II (B) II only (C) II & III only (D) II & IV
25. A body performing a S.H.M, while passing through mean position :
I. K.E is maximum II. Acceleration is maximum
III. Momentum is maximum IV. Velocity is maximum
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I ,III& IV (D) II & III
26. force constant of spring is 100 N/m if it is cut into 5 equal size pieces , force
constant for each piece is:
(A) 100 N/m (B) 500 N/m (C) 4 N/m (D) 8 N/m
27. At the mean position the velocity of particle in SHM is 0.16 m/s and its
acceleration at extreme points is 0.64 m/s2 . the amplitude of motion is :
(A) 40 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 400cm (D) 30cm
28. A particle P rotates along the circumference of circle then the projection of
particle P, performing :
(A) vibratory motion along circumference (B) rotatory motion along diameter
(C) Translatory motion along diameter (D) S.H.M along the diameter
29. The S.H.M can graphically be represented by :
(A) square wave (B) harmonic wave (C) sine wave (D) triangular wave
30. The time period of simple pendulum is given by :
(A) 2π (B) 2π (C) 2π (D) 2π
31. The force responsible for oscillatory motion of bob of simple pendulum is :
(A) F=kx (B) F=mg (C) F=mgsinθ (D) F=mg cosƟ
32. The time period of the simple pendulum depends up on except:
I. Mass of bob II. length of pendulum
III. Acceleration due to gravity IV. Amplitude of motion
(A) I only (B) III only (C) I & III (D) I & IV
33. The length of second pendulum at the surface of earth is :
(A) 50 cm (B) 25 cm (C) 100 cm (D) 200 cm
34. length of second pendulum on the surface of earth is L , what must be it
length at the surface of moon:
(A) 6 L (B) √6L (C) L (D) L

35. A simple pendulum has a period T, it is taken a lift moving up with uniform
acceleration g , then it time period will be:
(A) T (B) √3/2 T (C) 3/√2 T (D) √2 T
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36. A simple pendulum is mounted in a rocket , its period of oscillation is
decreased then rocket:
(A) is ascending with constant speed (B) descending with constant speed
(C) ascending with constant acceleration(D) descending with constant acceleration
37. A simple pendulum has a period 1 sec near the surface of earth , what is the
length of pendulum
(A) 1m (B) ½ m (C) ¼ m (D) 4 m
38. A simple pendulum with length 1m oscillating on a surface of plant x, what is
the surface gravity if the period of oscillation is 4 sec
(A) 1.6m/s2 (B) 3.7 m/s2 (C) 11.2 m/s2 (D) 2.5 m/s2
39. A simple pendulum suspended from the ceiling of lift has time period T when
the lift is at rest. When the lift fall freely , the time period becomes:
(A) greater than T (B) less than T (C) infinite (D) zero
40. Time period of a pendulum at surface of earth is T, what will be the its time
period at the surface of new plant whose density is 8 times the density of earth
and its radius is half the radius of earth :
(A)1/2 T (B) 3T/2 (C) 4/3 T (D) 1/4 T
41. A student made a pendulum of length L meter , and has a time period of ½
second , if he wants to make a pendulum of time period 1 second then he must
(A) increase length by 4L (B) increase Length by 2 L
(C) decrease Length by ½ L (D) decrease Length by ¼ L
42. The time period of a simple pendulum can be decrease by :
(A) decreasing the mass of bob (B) decreasing the amplitude of motion
(C) increasing the length of pendulum (D) Decreasing the length of pendulum
43. A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces suchthat one piece is double
the length of the other. Then thelong piece will have a force constant of:
(A) k (B) k (C) 3k (D) 6k
44. A pendulum with a length L has a period of 2 seconds. In order for the
pendulum to have a period of 4 seconds, we must :
(A) Halve the length (B) Quarter the length
(C) double the length (D) Quadruple the length
45. The necessary and sufficient condition for body performing SHM is :
(A) Amplitude should be maximum
(B) Acceleration depends up on the displacement from mean position
(C) total energy remains conserved (D) A.O.T
46. Total energy of a particle executing S.H.M is proportional to :
(A) Square of amplitude (B) Frequency of oscillation
(C) Square of velocity (D)Displacement from mean position
47. Vibratory or oscillatory motion is always under :
(A) an elastic restoring force and inertia (B)periodic force
(C) gravitational force (D) central force
48. When a body moves such that the magnitude of its acceleration is directly to
the magnitude of displacement and always direction to mean position is called:
(A) uniform circular motion (B)simple harmonic motion
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(C) translatory motion (D) rotator motion
49. The angular speed of mass m attached to a spring having force constant k is
given by
(A) (B)2 (C) (D)
50. The acceleration of projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a
circle is given by :
(A) -w x (B) -w x2 (C)-w2(x0-x) (D) -w2 x
51. The velocity of projection on the diameter for a particle moving along a circle
is given by:
(A) √ − (B) (xo2 – x2) (C) √ − (D) √ −
52. The kinetic energy of mass m attached to a spring having force constant k at
any instant t is given by _______:
(A) √ − (B) (xo2 – x2) (C) √ − (D) √ −
53. If a simple pendulum is shifted from Karachi to mount Everest then its time
period :
(A) Remains same (B)zero (C) increases (D) decreases
54. At what place motion of simple pendulum will slowest :
(A) At Pole (B) at equator
(C) On the surface of earth (D) at the centre of earth
55. The frequency of second pendulum is _________:
(A) 2 Hz (B)0.25 Hz (C) 0.5 Hz (D) 20 Hz
56. Total energy of a particle executing S.H.M a any displacement x is given by
(A) kx0 (B)1/2 kx0 (C) ½ k xo2 (D) k x02
57. Tuning of radio set is an example of _________:
(A) Mechanical resonance (B) musical resonance
(C) Electrical resonance (D) free vibrations
58. When Ɵ is very small then sinƟ is approximate equal to :
(A)2Ɵ (B)Ɵ (C) Ɵ/2 (D) 1
59. If a body oscillate with its nature frequency without the interference of an
external force then it is said to be executing _________-:
(A) Free vibration (B)forced vibration (C) damaged vibration (D) A.O.T
60. When the frequency of the applied force is equal to one of the natural
frequencies of vibration of the forced or driven harmonic oscillator then this
phenomenon is known as
(A) beats (B)interference (C) resonance (D) noise
61. The vibration of a factory floor caused by the running of heavy machinery is:
(A) due to rough surface of floor (B)due to force vibration
(C) due to bad construction (D) due to fault in machinery
62. The oscillation in which the amplitude decreases steadily with time are known
as :
(A) forced oscillation (B)damped oscillation
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(C) un damped oscillation (D) resonance
63. A quantity which indicates the state and direction of motion of vibrating body
is known as:
(A) Frequency (B) amplitude (C) wave number (D) phase
64. The displacement of a vibrating mass attached to a spring at time t is given
k k
a) x = xo Sin t b) x = xo Cos t
m m
c) x = xo Cos kmt d) x = xo Cos ( t)
65. A body moves with simple harmonic motion and makes n compete oscillations
in one second , what is its angular velocity:
(A) n rad/sec (B) rad/s (C)2 rad/sec (D) rad/sec
66. A body performing simple harmonic motion has a displacement x given by the
equation x=30 sin50t, where t is the time in seconds. What is the frequency of
(A) 0.02Hz (B)0.13Hz (C)8 Hz (D) 30 Hz
67. A simple harmonic oscillator has a time period of 10 sec, which equation
relates its acceleration a and displacement x?:
(A) a = -10x (B) a = -20 x (C) a = - 20 x (D) a= - " x
68. A particle performs simple harmonic motion of amplitude 0.02m and
frequency 2.5Hz . what is its maximum speed ?:
(A)0.008 m/s (B)0.05 m/s (C)0.125 m/s (D) 0.314 m/s
69. A body performs simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.063 s .the
maximum speed of the body is 3m/s, what are the values of the amplitude ?:
(A) 0.03 m (B)0.19 m (C)5.3m (D) 33 m
70. A body performs simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.063 s .the
maximum speed of the body is 3m/s, what are the values of the angular
velocity ?
(A) 100 rad/s (B)16 rad/s (C)8 rad/s (D)4 rad/s
71. In damped harmonic oscillation, which one deceases?
(a) Amplitude of vibration (b) Energy of vibration
(c) Both amplitude and energy (d) Neither amplitude nor energy
72. Forced vibration is known as
(a) Simple harmonic vibration (b) Natural vibration
(c) Driven harmonic vibration (d) Free vibration
73. A mass M is attached to a spring and system is oscillating with a period of 4
second if 6kg another mass is added it period becomes 8second themass M is
equal to
a) 3kg b) 5kg c) 8kg d) 2kg
74. The time period of a mass suspended from a spring is 5second. The spring is
cut into four equal Parts and the same mass is now suspended from one of the
parts. The period is now
a) 5s b) 2.5s c)1.25s d) 10s
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75. If the magnitude of displacement is numerically equal to that of acceleration,
then the time period is
a) 1 second b) 3.14sec c) 6.28sec d) 0.314sec
76. The simple harmonic is given by y = 5 sin 20#$. It frequency is
a) 10Hz b) 20 Hz c) 0.1 Hz d) 20Hz
77. A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train has a period T when the
train is at rest. When the train is accelerating with a uniform acceleration, the
period of oscillation will
a) Increase b) decreases c) remains same d) becomes infinite
78. A spring is having spring constant of 200N/m is hanged with rigid support,
when 10kg body is attached to spring its length becomes 250cm the original
length of spring is:
a) 50cm b) 200cm c) 150cm d) 120cm
79. Specific response of a system which is able to oscillate with a certain period, to
an external force acting with the same period is called
a) time period b) resonance c) damping d) free oscillation
80. The process whereby energy is dissipated from the oscillating system is called
a) Resonance b) damping d) oscillation d) friction
81. A pendulum clock set to give correct time in Karachi is taken to Quetta. It
would give correct time if
a) the mass of pendulum is increased b) the mass of pendulum is decreased
c) the length of the pendulum is increased d)the length of pendulum is decreased
82. Two springs of springs constants 1500N/m and 3000N/m respectively are
stretched with the same force. They will have potential energy in the ratio
a) 4:1 b) 1:4 c) 2:1 d) 1:2
83. The resonance occurs when the frequency of the applied periodic forced is
______ one of the natural frequencies of vibration of the forced or driven
harmonic oscillator.
a) Greater than b) Less than c) Equal to d) slightly greater or less than
84. At resonance ______________
a) no transfer of energy occurs b) partially transfer of energy occurs
c) maximum transfer of energy occurs d) energy is dissipated
85. A swing is a good example of
a) damping b) musical noise c) electrical resonance d) mechanicalresonance
86. In damped oscillation the amplitude
a) decrease with time b) increase with time
c) remains same d) zero
87. In simple pendulum the restoring force is ___________
a) mgcosӨ b)mgsinӨ c) – mgcosӨ d) - mgsinӨ
88. ______________determines the state of motion of the vibratingpoint.
a) angular velocity b) Kinetic energy c) phase d) frequency


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1 D 15 B 29 C 43 B 57 C
2 C 16 C 30 C 44 D 58 B
3 C 17 C 31 B 45 B 59 A
4 A 18 D 32 C 46 A 60 C
5 B 19 C 33 C 47 A 61 B
6 C 20 D 34 D 48 B 62 B
7 C 21 A 35 B 49 D 63 D
8 C 22 C 36 A 50 D 64 B
9 C 23 A 37 A 51 D 65 C
10 C 24 C 38 D 52 B 66 C
11 D 25 C 39 C 53 C 67 D
12 D 26 B 40 C 54 B 68 D
13 C 27 A 41 A 55 C 69 A
14 B 28 D 42 D 56 C 70 A
71 C 72 C 73 D 74 B 75 C
76 A 77 B 78 B 79 B 80 B
81 D 82 D 83 C 84 c 85 D
86 A 87 D 88 C


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