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 How frequently do you shop online, and what are your favorite aspects of using shopping apps?
 How do you typically find new products when using a shopping app, and what influences your
decision to explore them further?
 What information do you consider most important when evaluating a product, and how satisfied
are you with quality of product descriptions on shopping apps?
 Can you describe your experience with the checkout process in shopping apps , and what factors
are most crucial to you during this stage?
 How intuitive do you find the navigation within shopping apps, and are there any specific
features you find particularly helpful or frustrating?

Customer -1 Customer -2 Customer -3 Customer -4 Customer -5

Name : Zhang Wei (张伟) U Min Aung Hein Alexande Smit Tan Wei Ling Niran
(นิรันดร์ สุวัฒน์พงษ์

Age : 23 42 51 19 30

Gender : Male Male Male Female Male

Citizen : China Myanmar(Burma) U.S.A Singapore Thai

App : Alibaba Shop Amazon Alibaba Alibaba

Customer 1 {Name: Zhang Wei (张伟)}
 Question 1: I shop online quite frequently, almost daily. Alibaba is my go-to platform for a wide
range of products. I love the convenience of shopping from my phone and the variety of options
available on the app.
 Question 2: On Alibaba, I often discover new products through recommended items based on
my browsing history or through special promotions and deals. I'm also influenced by product
reviews and ratings when deciding whether to explore further.
 Question 3: Product descriptions are crucial for me. I look for detailed specifications, images,
and customer reviews. Generally, I'm satisfied with the quality of descriptions on Alibaba, but
sometimes they could be more detailed.
 Question 4: The checkout process on Alibaba is smooth and straightforward. I appreciate the
multiple payment options available, including Alipay. Speed and security are crucial factors for
me during checkout.
 Question 5: The navigation on Alibaba is intuitive, especially with the search function and
category filters. However, sometimes the sheer volume of options can be overwhelming. I find
features like personalized recommendations helpful in narrowing down choices.
Customer 2 {Name : U Min Aung Hein}
 Question 1: I shop online occasionally, mostly when I need something specific. The Shop app is
convenient for browsing various products and comparing prices.
 Question 2: I typically find new products on the Shop app through featured deals or by
searching for specific items. Recommendations based on my previous searches also influence
my exploration.
 Question 3: Clear product descriptions and images are essential for me. I rely on them to
understand what I'm purchasing. However, sometimes the descriptions on the Shop app feel
insufficient, especially for less-known brands or products.
 Question 4: The checkout process on the Shop app is generally smooth, but I prefer it to be
faster. Security is paramount for me, so I appreciate when there are secure payment options
 Question 5: Navigation on the Shop app is straightforward, but I find the organization of
categories could be improved for better usability. I appreciate features like saved items and
order history for easier access to past purchases.
Customer 3 {Alexande Smit}
 Question 1: I shop online regularly, and Amazon is my primary go-to platform for its extensive
selection and fast shipping options.
 Question 2: I discover new products on Amazon through various channels, including
recommended items, sponsored listings, and browsing specific categories. Deals and promotions
also catch my attention.
 Question 3: Detailed product descriptions, including dimensions, materials, and usage
instructions, are crucial for me. Overall, I'm satisfied with the quality of product descriptions on
Amazon, as they usually provide the information I need to make informed decisions.
 Question 4: The checkout process on Amazon is seamless and quick, especially with features like
one-click ordering and saved payment methods. I prioritize convenience and security during
checkout, and Amazon meets my expectations in this regard.
 Question 5: Navigation on Amazon is highly intuitive, with robust search functionality and easy
access to various product categories. Features like "Frequently Bought Together" and customer
reviews make it easier for me to make purchasing decisions.
Customer 4 {Name: Tan Wei Ling}
 Question 1: I shop online frequently, and Alibaba is my preferred platform due to its wide range
of products and competitive prices. The convenience of browsing through countless options
from the comfort of my home is unmatched.
 Question 2: I discover new products on Alibaba through recommended items, flash sales, and
browsing specific categories. The variety of options keeps me engaged, and I often find myself
exploring products based on discounts and promotions. It's like uncovering hidden treasures
with each click.
 Question 3: Detailed product descriptions with clear images and specifications are essential for
me. I rely on them to ensure I'm making the right purchase decision. Generally, I find Alibaba's
product descriptions satisfactory, but there's always room for improvement, especially in
providing more comprehensive information.
 Question 4: The checkout process on Alibaba is efficient, with multiple payment options
available, including Alipay and credit cards. Security is paramount for me during checkout, and I
appreciate the measures Alibaba takes to protect my personal information. It gives me peace of
mind knowing my transactions are secure.
 Question 5: Navigation on Alibaba is intuitive, with easy access to various product categories
and search filters. However, the sheer volume of options can sometimes be overwhelming. I
often rely on personalized recommendations to narrow down my choices, making the shopping
experience more manageable and enjoyable.
Customer 5{Name: Niran
Suwatphongchai (นิรันดร์ สุวัฒน์พงษ์ชัย)}
 Question 1: I shop online regularly, and Alibaba is my preferred platform for its diverse range of
products and competitive prices.
 Question 2: I discover new products on Alibaba through various channels, including
recommended items, flash sales, and browsing specific categories. Discounts and promotions
often influence my decision to explore further.
 Question 3: Detailed product descriptions with clear images and specifications are crucial for
me. I rely on them to make informed purchasing decisions. Overall, I find Alibaba's product
descriptions satisfactory, but there's room for improvement in terms of consistency and detail.
 Question 4: The checkout process on Alibaba is smooth and secure, with multiple payment
options available. Speed and security are crucial factors for me during checkout, and Alibaba
meets my expectations in this regard.
 Question 5: Navigation on Alibaba is intuitive, with easy access to various product categories
and search filters. However, the sheer volume of options can sometimes be overwhelming, and I
appreciate personalized recommendations to streamline my shopping experience.
Amazon User :

 Product Description Consistency: While generally satisfied, ensuring consistency and detail
across all product descriptions could improve the customer's experience and confidence in their
 Checkout Security: While Amazon generally meets expectations in terms of security, any
perceived lapses or concerns regarding the security of personal information during checkout
could erode trust and deter future purchases.

Alibaba Users :

 Product Description Quality: Across all three Alibaba users, there's a common theme of
desiring more comprehensive and consistent product descriptions. Ensuring clarity and
detail in product information could significantly enhance the shopping experience.
 Overwhelming Options: Both Customer 4 and Customer 5 highlighted the challenge of
navigating through the vast number of options on Alibaba. While personalized
recommendations help, improvements in filtering and recommendation algorithms
could alleviate this issue for all Alibaba users.

Shop app User :

 Product Description Insufficiency: Product descriptions on the Shop app are sometimes
insufficient, particularly for lesser-known brands or products, leading to hesitancy in
making purchases.
 Category Organization: Better organization of categories could improve navigation and
usability, reducing the time it takes for customers to find desired items.
Empathy Map
Customer 1 (Chinese, uses Alibaba app):
 Says: "I shop online quite frequently, almost daily. Alibaba is my go-to platform for a
wide range of products."
 Thinks: "I love the convenience of shopping from my phone and the variety of options
available on the app. I hope I can find the best deals quickly."
 Feels: Excited about exploring new products and getting good deals. May feel
overwhelmed by the abundance of options but satisfied when finding what they need.
 Does: Regularly browses the app, explores recommended items, and checks for special
promotions. Pays attention to product reviews and ratings.

Customer 2 (Myanmar, uses Shop app):

 Says: "I shop online occasionally, mostly when I need something specific. The Shop app
is convenient for browsing various products and comparing prices."
 Thinks: "I want clear information about the products I'm interested in. I hope the
checkout process is secure and quick."
 Feels: Values convenience but expects clarity and security. May feel frustrated if
product descriptions are lacking or if the checkout process is slow.
 Does: Searches for specific items, checks for deals, and compares prices. Pays attention
to product descriptions and security during checkout.

Customer 3 (American, uses Amazon):

 Says: "I shop online regularly, and Amazon is my primary go-to platform for its
extensive selection and fast shipping options."
 Thinks: "I prioritize convenience and quick access to information. I trust Amazon for
reliable product details and a smooth checkout process."
 Feels: Relaxed and confident in using Amazon due to familiarity and trust in the
platform. Expects quick and seamless transactions.
 Does: Utilizes search functionality, explores recommended items, and relies on
customer reviews. Prefers one-click ordering and saved payment methods for faster
Customer 4 (Singaporean, female, uses Alibaba app):
 Says: "I shop online frequently, and Alibaba is my preferred platform due to its wide
range of products and competitive prices."
 Thinks: "I appreciate detailed product descriptions and secure checkout options.
Personalized recommendations help me manage the overwhelming choices."
 Feels: Excited about discovering new products but values security and convenience
during the shopping process. Appreciates personalized assistance in navigating the
 Does: Explores recommended items, checks for discounts, and relies on detailed
product descriptions for informed decisions. Prefers secure payment options and
personalized recommendations.

Customer 5 (Thai, uses Alibaba app):

 Says: "I shop online regularly, and Alibaba is my preferred platform for its diverse range
of products and competitive prices."
 Thinks: "Clear product descriptions and easy navigation are important to me. I want a
smooth and secure checkout process."
 Feels: Interested in exploring new products but expects clarity and efficiency
throughout the shopping journey. Values security and convenience during checkout.
 Does: Explores recommended items and flash sales, pays attention to discounts, and
relies on detailed product descriptions. Prefers a smooth and secure checkout process
with personalized recommendations.
Action Discovery Research Decision- Purchasi Checko Post-
Phase Phase Making ng Phase ut Phase Purchase
Phase Phase
Tasks Hear from Read product Review Check Select Tell friends.
friends. descriptions. options. discount tickets
Purchase Fill in info
Explore Check reviews Add to cart. on web. Review Track delivery.
further. and ratings. order.
Proceed Provide
Search online. to Do feedback.
checkout. transaction
Compare prices
Challenge Limited Information Indecision Security Confusion Uncertainty
product overload. due to concerns about order about delivery
s information. multiple during details time
Uncertainty options. payment. dissatisfaction
Overwhelmi about product Difficulty in with product
ng product quality. Fear of Complicat filling out condition.
options. making the ed forms
Trustworthines wrong choice. checkout
s of reviews. process.
Feelings Excited Determined to Anxious Worries Pressure to Excitement for
about new make an about making about complete product arrival
discoveries. informed the right payment the
decision. choice. security. transaction. Concerns
Curious about delivery
about new Interested in Pressure to Relieved Excited delays.
offerings. finding the best make the after anticipation
product. right choice. successful for the
Overwhelme purchase. purchase
d by the vast Anxious about
selection. selecting the
right product.
Improvem Personalized Verified Simplified Secure Clear order Real-time
recommend customer decision- and summary. order tracking.
ent reviews making streamlin
Opportuni actions process. ed Auto-fill Easy return
Improved Detailed checkout information and refund
ties product product Visual process. . process.
visibility. descriptions. product
comparisons. Multiple
Real-time price reviews,ratin payment
comparison gs. options.

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