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Digital Citizenship Agreement for students

Purpose of the Digital Citizenship Agreement:

DPSI recognises and embraces the benefits and opportunities that are offered by the use of technology for teaching
and learning. The Digital Citizenship Agreement is a part of ICT Policy of DPSI that provides guidelines and reference
point for expected use of student-owned devices in school and for all electronic communication with the members
of the school community. During the academic year, additional rules/guidelines may be added in case students are
found flouting the aforementioned rules.

What is BYOD?
BYOD, which stands for “bring your own device”, is a privilege that school extends to enable educators and
students(MYP 1 to DP 2) to use the personal device of their choice(as per the BYOD Laptop specifications shared
by the school) for all school-related tasks. Personal devices include, but are not limited to, personally-owned cell
phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, storage appliances, wearables, and hard/flash drives. Only one laptop will be
configured to connect to the school domain and access the Wi-Fi. Other devices are allowed on campus only with
special permission from the Secondary School Principal.

Use of devices in school:

DPSI provides the opportunity for students of MYP 1 and above to bring a personal laptop to school to use as an
educational tool. Students should be mindful that:

1. They must obtain the subject teacher's permission before using a personal laptop during classroom
instruction. They must turn off and put away the personal laptop when requested by the teacher;
2. Access to the Internet and other digital tools is permitted only at the discretion of the concerned teacher;
3. They may use their personal laptop before and after school (for scheduled stay backs) in adult supervised
areas only or in the presence of any teacher;
4. Never leave the laptop unattended for ANY period of time. (If a laptop is left unattended and found by staff
members, it will be handed over to the respective Principal);
5. The laptop should be used for educational purposes only and students should refrain from installing any non-
educational apps;
6. DPSI will not be held responsible for any event of theft, damage or confiscation of the student’s laptop;
7. If they are found misusing the laptop during school hours they can be instructed by the
teacher/supervisor/adult to put his/her laptop away or in extreme cases the laptop may be confiscated
immediately. Such cases could be but not limited to playing games and watching videos other than those
suggested by teachers during class / research hours or other non-instructional activities, clicking pictures of
peers in school;
8. Students permitted to bring mobile phones or other digital devices should submit their devices at the
Secondary School Principal’s office and take it for use only for requested purposes. Accessing messaging
apps, social media platforms or clicking pictures without the permission of a teacher is not permitted;
9. Students need to seek approval from the DPSI IT Department for any configuration change; add / amend
any software etc. in personal Laptop / other IT devices;
10. Students will only use the DPSI wireless access points to connect to the Internet from within school grounds.
Connection to third party access points or the establishment of ad-hoc network access via home or other
internet devices or accessing blocked websites using a private VPN is not permitted;
11. Remain within allocated disk space and delete e-mails or other material which take up excessive storage
12. Use of laptop and/or any other digital device is strictly prohibited in the school bus.

General usage for remote learning:

DPSI provides remote learning opportunities for its students of all grades in case of an inclement situation or as
per the school calendar. DPSI uses Microsoft Teams for remote learning and students are required to abide by the
discipline policy at all times.

1. Students are provided with a Microsoft/Office 365 id and they will be required to maintain a password and
keep it confidential;
2. Students are required to keep their microphones on mute during the class and can use chat window to ask
questions unless instructed otherwise;
3. Teacher can request students to turn on the camera and microphone for student responses including sharing
of student’s laptop screen;
4. In case of discipline issues, the student id can be disabled and in that case the student will not be allowed to
attend remote classes. Consequences outlined in DPSI Students’ Code of conduct policy will also apply.

Expected Student Behavior and Responsibilities:

The student must undertake to:

1. Use only the school assigned accounts (Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and tools like
AssessPrep, ManageBac, Cialfo, EduNext);
2. Keep the passwords confidential and should ideally be changed after every three months;
3. Access only instructed / appropriate information, images, data and language;
4. Refrain from:
• Using the school issued ids to create or register accounts on any non-educational platform;
• visiting or downloading material from inappropriate sites; and passing such material to others;
• uploading or sharing inappropriate content or data using Google Drive / OneDrive /SharePoint of
his/her school accounts with or within DPSI domain;
• sending or receiving mails from family members when in school;
5. Ask for permission before accessing the Internet on personal digital devices;
6. Immediately report threatening, discomforting, indecent or inappropriate materials found on the internet
or through shared resources, to the teacher/Principal/Head of School;
7. Always comply with copyright laws.
Use of Social Media sites during and beyond the school hours:

When using Social Media, students are expected to ensure that they:

• Read and agree to the terms and conditions of various social media sites as many of them have age
restrictions for their use. E.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter are all restricted to those 13 years
of age and above;
• Are aware of and are responsible for what they are posting online on social media sites and/or applications;
• Do not access social media sites during the school hours (unless specified by the teacher);
• Respect the rights of privacy and confidentiality of others;
• Do not impersonate or falsely represent others, do not bully, intimidate, abuse, harass, threaten or make
defamatory comments towards others;
• Do not harm the reputation of DPSI or those within or outside its community with negative posts;
• Do not upload videos, audios or photographs of any member of the DPSI community (student, parents or
staff) or the premises and its facilities without permission;
• Do not use the school’s social media platforms for marketing and promotion for personal ventures of any
• Seek supervisor’s and parent’s consent for all Service as Action/Creativity, Activity and Service(CAS)
projects that need to be posted/promoted on social media. Also MYP projects/journals/ portfolios and IB
DP Coursework if unassessed by IB MUST not be uploaded/referenced anywhere on the social media.


I ,_________________________________ , have read and am aware of the guidelines and

responsibilities outlined in the Digital Citizenship Agreement. I understand that any situation
arising due to violation of this agreement will be notified to the school leadership team and that
access to IT services at school may be suspended/withdrawn and appropriate action will be taken
as outlined in the Code of Conduct Policy.

_______________________________ ________________________
Student Signature Date

Student Name

Grade and Section

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