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Phase 2 Observational Practice Step 1

Mariana Torres Duran

Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación – ECEDU
Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Ingles – LILEI

Task 2 Observational Practice Step 1 Observation Matrix

Learner 1

Universal features of the L2 learner and the L2 learning process

Analysis Criteria Pros Cons
Age The young woman of 29 years,
student of foreign trade wants to
leave the country, to improve her
quality of life she is studying
English for 5 years I could only
understand and write English so
much that she uses it to work
remotely virtually, but she can
not speak it she has a good
disposition at the time of wanting
to learn to speak the language,
but it is difficult for him.
Critical Periods She was learning the language
since she was studying in
elementary school which helped
her to encourage her learning in
the language. It was through the
different grammatical forms and
vocabulary, then he was
advancing in his studies a little
more in learning the English
language through writing he has
been able to finish his studies
and found remote work virtually
abroad writing, writing reports
and transcribing them from
Spanish to English without the
need to speak English. English
has two forms of representation,
one spoken, one written, both
with their typical features; for
some, they are equivalent to two
languages they have to be
translated from one to the other
(Haas, 1970).
Cross-linguistics influences The mother tongue that is
Spanish predominates in your
social and work environment at
all times more than English,
which does not allow you to have
an environment that encourages
the need to speak all the time in
English making it more difficult to
learn and confident when
speaking English fluently avoiding
all the time to speak it.
Behavioral Learning Theory,
where the learning of a language
Similar to learning another type
of learning, which requires the
formation of habits, these habits
have been formed when students
learned, through repeated
practice, the correct responses to
certain stimuli, Ellis, R. (2003).
Influence of the environment With the use of her first mother
in the acquisition process tongue along with writing and
understanding English as her
second language, she has been
able to unite the two languages
to make herself understood. The
purchasing order for the first
language, where there are some
similarities Krashen, S. (2009).
Weinreich (1953)
suggested a division between
compound bilinguals who link the
two languages and coordinate
bilinguals who keep them apart.

Cognitive Contribution Although he started learning the

English language at an adult age,
his cognitive process tries to
implement everything he learned
during the years of learning
English, but he struggles and
tries to practice speaking with
other people, but he does not yet
have trust and security is
gradually progressing. Howatt
(1984) says that, throughout
human history, the teaching of
other languages has had a long
history due to the human need to
communicate and establish
relationships between different
cultures, traditions and customs.
Interlanguage variability vs. She has a precise hearing that
systematicity and helps her to hear the ups and
developmental stages and downs in the English language
sequences similar to that of a native of the
second language and can quickly
identify the words when listening
to them, agility that was
practiced according to Vygotsky
(1989) the acquisition and
improvement of the child's
mother tongue helps her learn
the English language, that is why
it does not interfere in this
Individual influences related to the differential rate of acquisition and ultimate success in an
Aptitud Aptitude is fundamental for the
development of learning a second
language such as English by
demonstrating the necessary and
rapid skills for the development
of learning. The bilingual person
is one who can understand,
communicate and express
themselves clearly in two
languages at once. Dalnez (1994)
Motivation Motivation is important to Harmer (1989) on the other
encourage learning in an hand, the type of motivation is
organized and committed way to not decisive in the success or
achieve maximum learning failure of learning an L2, since in
voluntarily that it strives for. this process many factors
According to Burt and Krashen intervene such as the person
(1982) from social psychology, around the learner's
these authors consider that environment: family, teachers,
motivation, in learning an L2, the classmates and friends.
subject studies L2 because
knowledge of it helps to achieve
a goal, such as reading scientific
articles, listening to original films
or graduating. This type of
motivation involves the intention
or little desire to integrate
socially into the L2 speaking
Effect The learning of a second
language brings positive changes
in the learner expanding their
knowledge and memorization in
their cognitive process, where it
is demonstrated whether they
have acquired knowledge based
on their knowledge and
experiences singles. (Esguerra
Pérez and Guerrero Ospina,
2010, p. 100).
Attitude The attitude of overcoming is the
same that has led her to want to
learn an L2 in a positive way in
the development of her learning,
according to her attitudes both
positive and negative or neutral.
L2 influences acquisitively,
attitudes are so important
because they do not directly
influence the achievement
positively favoring the
development of communicative
occupations. (Gardner and
Lambert, 1972).

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