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The Shriram Millennium School, Noida

Grade 11
Sub: Economics

Holiday Homework


• Complete project on the given topic -- ‘Building Blocks for a Sustainable India: How
the Nation is Advancing Towards Sustainable Development Goals

Mark allocation for the Project [10 marks]:

Overall format 2 marks

Content 5 marks
Conclusion 3 marks


1. Students are expected to submit the projects on 10th -July-2024. Any late submissions will
not be entertained.
2. All the pictures and graphs should be stuck only on the left-hand side of the A4 sheets (or
any other paper), and neatly bordered with a description of the picture (if required).
3. The project can be Hand written/Printed in PPT Format on A4 sheets.
4. The pages should be neatly bordered.
5. The project must be submitted in a files.
6. The project should contain the following:

1 Cover Page
2 Acknowledgment
3 Index
4 Introduction
5 Content on the topic
6 Conclusion
7 Bibliography (specify the websites, books names etc)
• Introduce the concept of sustainable development and the United Nations' Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).
• Explain the significance of SDGs in addressing global challenges and promoting a more
sustainable future.
• State the objective of the project to explore India's efforts in advancing a specific SDG.
2. Overview of the Selected SDG:
• Choose one SDG to focus on, such as SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11
(Sustainable Cities and Communities), or SDG 13 (Climate Action).
• Define the selected SDG and explain its importance in the context of sustainable

3. India's Commitment to the Selected SDG:

• Provide an overview of India's commitment to the selected SDG, including its endorsement
of the SDGs and integration into national policies and strategies.
• Highlight relevant government initiatives, programs, and policies aimed at achieving the
selected SDG.
4. Progress and Challenges:
• Assess India's progress towards the selected SDG, including achievements and challenges
• Present statistical data or case studies illustrating the current status of the selected SDG in
6. Innovative Solutions and Best Practices:
• Identify innovative solutions and best practices implemented in India to address the
challenges associated with the selected SDG.
• Showcase successful projects, initiatives, or technologies contributing to sustainable
7. Impact Assessment:
• Evaluate the impact of India's efforts in advancing the selected SDG, considering social,
economic, and environmental dimensions.

8. Conclusion:
• Summarize the key findings of the project, emphasizing India's commitment to sustainable
development and progress towards the selected SDG.
• Reflect on the importance of collective action and continued efforts to achieve sustainable
development goals.
• Prepare a visually appealing presentation using slides, infographics, and multimedia
elements to communicate key findings effectively.
The Shriram Millennium School, Noida


Name : _____________________________________

UID : _________________________________

INDEX NO. : ______________________________________

Topic : _________________________________

Submitted To:____________________

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